.^^^v^Yftv^y^y^^^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -i^&-55- @(m^ @jjpgng|t T$a.. Shelf .«#_!? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE ESSENTIALS OF Medical Chemistry URINALYSIS. is by SAM E. WOODY, A. M., M. D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND PUBLIC HYGIENE, AND CLINICAL LECTURER ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN, IN THE KENTUCKY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. , o / THIRD EDITION, Q REVISED, EXLARGED AND ILLUSTRATED. PHILADELPHIA : P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., 1012 Walnut Street. 1890. Copyright, 1890, by P. Blakiston, Son & Co. PRESS OF WM. F. FELL & CO. 1220-24 SANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE The Third Edition treading so closely on the heels of its prede- cessors, assures the writer that his little book has found use in the hands of many medical students, and that his labor has lessened theirs. As long as the effort is made to crowd the whole science of medicine into a five months' course, the hurried student must have such a book as this to present the essential facts ; so that he need not wade through the more exhaustive text-books, or be compelled to take voluminous notes, which are unavoidably inaccurate and unsatisfactory. The selection of material and the plan of presentation is the outgrowth of the author's experience as a general practitioner and as a teacher of medical chemistry for the past twelve years. The subjects treated are so numerous that the descriptions are necessarily brief, but the principles of the science and the application of the facts to medicine have been stated more fully. 1 506 West Walnut Street, Louisville, Ky. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION, 9 Table of Elementary Bodies, with their Symbols and Atomic Weights, 12 PART I.— INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 15 Classification of the Elements, 15 I. Hydrogen and Oxygen Group, 16 Hydrogen, 16. Oxygen, 17. Compounds of Hydrogen with Oxygen — Water, 20. Table of Valence, 27. II. The Chlorine Group, 28 Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, 28. III. The Sulphur Group, 34 Sulphur, 35. IV. The Nitrogen Group, 40 Nitrogen, 40. The Atmosphere, 41. Phosphorus, 46. Arsenic, 49. Antimony, 53. Bismuth, 55. V. The Carbon Group, ' . 56 Carbon, 56. Silicon, 61. Tin, 62. Lead, 63. VI. Metals of the Alkalies, 65 Lithium, 65. Ammonium, 66. Sodium, 67. Potassium, 68. Gesium and Rubidium, 71. VII. Metals of the Alkaline Earths, 71 Magnesium, 71. Calcium, 73. Strontium, 75. Barium, 75. VIII. Metals of the Earths, 75 Boron, 76. Aluminium, 76. Cerium, 77. IX. The Zinc Group, 77 Zinc, 77. Cadmium, 79. X. The Iron Group, 79 Chromium, 79. Manganese, 80. Iron, 81. Cobalt, 85. Nickel, 85. vii viii CONTENTS. PAGE XL The Copper Group, 85 Copper, 85. Mercury, 87. XII. The Silver Group, 91 Silver, 91. Gold, 92. Platinum, 93. Table to Determine the Metallic Radical of a Salt, 94 Table to Determine the Acidulous Radical of a Salt, 95 Table — The Solubility or Insolubility of Salts in Water, 96 PART II.— ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 97 Hydrocarbons, 98 Alcohols, 101 Ethers, 105 Aldehydes, 108 Organic Acids, 109 The Carbohydrates, 112 Glucosides, 115 Nitrogenous Bodies, 116 Alkaloids, 118 PART III.— THE URINE, 121 Physical Properties, 122 Chemical Constituents, 126 Tests for Albumin, etc., 133 THE ESSENTIALS OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. INTRODUCTION. " Chemistry is that branch of science which treats of the composition of substances, their changes in composition and the laws governing such changes." {Webster.) The distinctive characteristic of chemical action is change in com- position* A bar of iron is the same in composition, whether hot or cold, luminous or non-luminous, magnetized or unmagnetized. But when it undergoes chemical action a new substance is formed which, though it contains iron, is entirely different from it in composition and properties.! Matter is that of which the sensible universe is composed. It is indestructible. Substances may undergo many changes, assume a great variety of forms, and even become invisible gases. Yet in none of these changes and combinations can a particle of matter be created or destroyed. J All matter has weight. By balances in the * Experiment. — Heat pieces of platinum and magnesium wire. Note that while the platinum is unaltered the magnesium burns and is converted into a white powder of magnesium oxide. •f Experiment. — Weigh a small porcelain crucible containing powdered iron. Heat it, and it ignites ; when combustion is complete, weigh again, and note the increase of weight and that a new substance is formed, which, though it con- tains iron, is not iron. J Experiment. — Burn a piece of charcoal (carbon) in a jar of oxygen gas. (Fig. I.) It disappears and, so far as we can judge by the senses of sight and touch, is lost, for it has combined with the oxygen to form an invisible gas. Add lime-water and shake. The gas combines with the lime and forms a white precipitate, which, if gathered and weighed, would exactly represent, besides the lime, the charcoal burned and the oxygen required to burn it. IO ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Fig. open air we get the appare7it weight of a body ; but to obtain the abso- lute weight it must be weighed in a vacuum where there is no air to buoy it up. (For measures of weight, see table at back of book.) But of most importance to the student of chem- istry is the specific weight or specific gravity, by which we mean the weight of a substance as compared to the weight of an equal volume of some other substance specified as a standard. The standard for solids and liquids is water ; for gases, air or hydrogen. * Matter exists in one of three states, solid, liquid, or gaseous. In the solid state the particles are held together * The specific gravity of solids is determined on the principle of Archimedes : A body immersed in a liquid displaces its own volume, and loses weight equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. Therefore, the weight a body loses when weighed in water, is the weight of its own volume of water and the standard with which the weight of that body must be compared, For example, suppose A piece of iron weighs 150 grains. Suspended in water it weighs 130 grains. Loss (or weight of its volume of water) ... 20 grains. Specific gravity of the iron (150 -r- 20) . . . 7.5 In case the body is lighter than water, a sinker is attached and the same method pursued, except that the loss of weight of the sinker is also obtained separately and subtracted from the total loss to ascertain the loss of weight of the lighter body. A body soluble in water may be weighed in some liquid of known specific gravity in which it is insoluble; e.g., suppose a lump of sugar weighs 100 grains, and in turpentine 45.62 grains. Loss == 100 — 45.62 = 54.38 grains. 100 -=- 54.38 = 1.84 as the sp. gr. referred to turpentine. Multiply this by .87, the sp. gr. of the turpentine, and we get 1.6 Fig. 2. as the true sp. gr. of sugar. For liquids we use the specific- gravity fiask (Fig. 2), which is made and marked to contain a certain weight of water. Fill the flask with the liquid to be in- vestigated and weigh it. Deduct the weight of the flask and divide this result by the weight of water the flask will hold. In practice the hydrometer is generally used. This is a hollow glass float with a graduated neck at its upper end, which indicates the specific gravity by the depth to which it sinks in the liquid. The urinometer [the illustration of the urinometer is in Part III, on the urine] is a hydrometer whose scale is constructed to measure the specific gravity of urine. For very accurate measurements of specific gravity the liquids must be at the standard temperature, which in this country is 6o° F. INTRODUCTION. 1 1 so rigidly as to give the body a definite shape ; while in the liquid state the attraction is so slight as to allow the particles to move freely upon each other and the body to take the shape of the vessel that contains it. In the gaseous state the mutual attraction of the parti- cles is entirely overcome, and their distance from each other depends upon the pressure to which the gas is subjected. The term fluid is applied to anything capable of flowing, whether liquid or gaseous. It is highly probable that all substances, which are not decomposed by heat or cold, are capable of existing in all three states. Heat is absorbed and cold produced wherever the particles are to be driven farther apart, as in the passage of a substance from the solid to the liquid or from the liquid to the gaseous state. When the two solids, ice and common salt are mixed, they form a liquid, and great cold is produced.* Perspiration in evaporating assumes the gaseous state, and absorbs in the change so much heat that the body is kept at its normal temperature in spite of the hottest weather.f On the other hand, when a substance passes from a rarer to a denser state it gives out again the heat absorbed in its passage in the opposite direction. If we examine the infinite variety of substances upon our earth we find most of >them are co?nftounds, i. e., they can be decomposed into two or more other substances, distinct in their properties from the sub- stance from which they were derived and from each other. There are some substances which have never been decomposed. These are called elements. Only seventy elements are at present known ; but, as our methods of investigation improve, this number may be increased by the discovery of other elements, or decreased by decomposing some of those now considered elements. Only about one-half of these enter into the materia medica, and will be noticed in this work. * Experiment. — Fold tin- foil into the shape of a little dish; add powdered ice and salt. Spill water on the table and set the dish in it. Note how quickly it is frozen fast to the table. | Experiment. — Put a little water in a similar dish. Against the sides and bottom throw a spray of ether. Note that the evaporation of the ether is so rapid that the water is quickly frozen. 12 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY BODIES, WITH THEIR SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. ( The more important are Printed in capitals?) Name. Symbol Aluminium, .... Antimony (Stibium), Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, ..... Cadmium Caesium, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Chlorine, Chromium, .... Cobalt, Copper (Cuprum), . . Didymium, Erbium, Fluorine, Gallium, Germanium, .... Gold (Aurum), . . . Hydrogen, Indium, ...... Iodine, Iridium, Iron (Ferrum), . , . Lanthanum, .... Lead (Plumbum), . . Lithium, Magnesium, .... Manganese, .... Mercury (Hydrargy- rum), Al Sb As Ba Be Bi B Br Cd Cs Ca C Ce CI Cr Co Cu D E F Ga Ge Au H In I Ir Fe La Pb Li Mg Mn Hg Atomic Weight. 27 I20 75 m 9 208 11 80 112 *33 40 12 141 35-5 52 59 634 145 166 19 70 163 197 1 1134 127 192 56 J 39 207 7 24 54 200 Name. Symbol Molybdenum, .... Nickel, Niobium, Nitrogen, Norvvegium, .... Osmium, Oxygen, Palladium, Phosphorus, .... Platinum, Potassium (Kalium), Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver (Argentum), . Sodium (Natrium), , Strontium, .... Sulphur, Tantalum, ..... Tellurium, ..... Thallium, ..... Thorinum, ..... Tin (Stannum), . . , Titanium, ..... Tungsten, or Wolfram, Uranium, Vanadium, .... Ytterbium, .... Yttrium, Zinc, Zirconium, .... Mo Ni Nb N Ng Os O Pd P Pt K Rh Rb Ru Sm Sc Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Te Tl Th Sn Ti W u V Yb Y Zn Zr Atomic Weight. 58 94 14 214 198 16 106 3i 194.4 39-1 104 85 104 150 44 79 28 108 23 87.5 32 182 128 204 231 118 5o 184 240 51-2 *73 90 65 To explain the laws governing chemical phenomena we adopt the old atomic theory* *Democritus, 460 B. a, said: "The atoms are invisible by reason of their smallness ; indivisible by reason of their solidity; impenetrable and unalterable." INTRODUCTION. 1 3 We will take up the theories and laws, not in the order of their enunciation, but of their natural sequence. It is assumed that matter is composed ultimately of infinitely small particles called atoms ; that each element is composed of atoms, all of a certain size, weight, etc. Atoms do not exist alone, but in groups called molecules. In an element the molecule is composed of pairs of atoms of the same kind ; in compounds they consist of two or more atoms of different kinds. It has been determined that equal volumes of all substances in the gaseous state, and under like conditions, con- tain the same number of molecules. So a gallon of hydrogen gas and one of oxygen gas containing the same number of molecules, and those molecules consisting of pairs of atoms, must contain the same number of atoms. Furthermore, it is found that the gallon of oxygen is sixteen times as heavy as the gallon of hydrogen. So each oxygen atom must also be sixteen times as heavy as the hydrogen atom. Hydrogen being the lightest substance known, its atomic weight \s taken as I, and consequently the atomic weight of oxygen is 1 6. The atomic weights of other elements are determined in a similar way. By "atomic weight" is not meant the absolute weight of atoms (for that is not known), but the weight of the atom as com- pared to the hydrogen atom. The atomic weight of carbon is 12. If carbon combines with oxygen, atom for atom, the new substance (CO) resulting from that action will consist of molecules, in each of which the carbon will weigh 12 and the oxygen 16, and, as the whole mass is composed of these molecules, the same proportion obtains throughout the new compound. So 12 is found to be the combining weight of carbon, and 16 of oxygen. If, however, the combination should occur in the proportion of one atom of carbon to two atoms of oxygen, then each molecule must consist of 12 by weight of carbon to 32 of oxygen, and that must be the proportion throughout the entire substance. Between these two compounds no intermediate one can occur, for the carbon atom must take one or two, or more, oxygen atoms. It cannot take a fraction of one, for atoms are indivisible. Hence, we deduce the following Law : Substances combi7ie in certain fixed pro- portions (atomic weights), or in multiples of these proportions. Symbols are abbreviations of the names of the elements. They consist of the initial letter of the Latin name ; but if the names of several elements begin with the same letter, the single-letter symbol 14 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. is reserved for the most common element, and for the others another letter is added. Thus, we have nine elements whose names begin with C ; the most common is carbon, whose symbol is C ; the others add other letters, as chlorine, CI ; cobalt, Co ; copper (cuprum), Cu, etc. The symbol indicates just one atom. When more than one atom is to be represented, the number is written just after and below the symbol, thus, Q. • Formula are to molecules what symbols are to elements. They indicate the kind and number of atoms composing the molecule. When more than one molecule is to be indicated, the number is placed in front of the formula, thus, 5H 2 0. A parenthesis inclos- ing several symbols or formulae should be treated as a single symbol, thus, 2(NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 = N 4 H 16 C 2 6 . An equation is a combination of formulae and algebraic signs to indicate a chemical reaction and its results. As no matter is ever lost or created in a reaction, the number of each kind of atoms before the equality sign must be the same as after it. PART I.— INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Classification of the Elements. — The elements are usually divided into two great classes : {a) Metals, about fifty-five in number, possessing a peculiar lustre, good conductors of heat and electricity, and whose oxides when combined with water form bases ; (J?) Non- metals, about fifteen in number, possessing little lustre, poor conduct- ors of heat and electricity, and whose oxides combine with water to form acids. A better classification, and the one we shall adopt, is the following, based upon chemical properties : — I. The Hydrogen and Oxygen Group. II. The Chlorine Group : Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine. III. The Sulphur Group: (Oxygen) Sulphur, Selenium, Tellu- rium. IV. The Nitrogen Group : Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, An- timony, Bismuth. V. The Carbon Group : Carbon, Silicon, Tin and Lead. VI. The Alkaline Group : Lithium, Ammonium, Sodium, Potas- sium, Rubidium and Caesium. VII. The Alkaline Earths Group: Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium. VIII. The Earths Group : Boron, Aluminium, Lanthanum, Ce- rium, Didymium, etc. IX. The Zinc Group : Zinc, Cadmium. X. The Iron Group : Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel. XL The Copper Group : Copper, Mercury. XII. The Silver Group: Silver, Gold, Platinum. '5 i6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY, I. Hydrogen and Oxygen Group. In a strict arrangement hydrogen would be placed in Group I of the metals and oxygen in the sulphur group. But we will consider them in a group to themselves, because (a) of all the elements hydrogen is taken as the standard for atomic weights, combining weights, valence, etc. ; (&) oxygen plays a most important role in chemistry, and its deportment with the other elements forms the basis of our classifi- cation ; (c) the chemistry of these two will best serve as an introduc- tion to the studv of the other elements. Fig. 3. HYDROGEN (H — 1) occurs free in volcanoes, gas wells, etc. ; com- bined in water and all organized bodies. All acids are salts of hydrogen. Prepared in various ways from its compounds,* the most convenient being to displace it from sulphuric acid by zinc, thus — H 2 S0 4 + Zn = ZnS0 4 + H 2 . (Fig. 3.) Physical Properties. — Transparent, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas ; the lightest substance known, fourteen and a half times as light as air ; hence used in balloons. Long suspected to be a metal, because it displaces metals in chemical compounds, forms alloys with certain * Experiment. — By means of a wire gauze spoon hold some sodium beneath the water and under a cylinder. The hydrogen gas liberated by the sodium from the water will rise in bubbles, fill the cylinder, and displace the water. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 17 metals, and conducts electricity. This was proved in 1877, when Pictet condensed it under great cold and enormous pressure into a bluish metallic liquid. Chemical Properties. — Hydrogen does not support ordinary com- bustion or animal respiration. It burns in air with a pale but very hot flame.*! With pure oxygen it forms the oxyhydrogen flame. This is the hottest flame known, and a stick of lime held in it glows with dazzling brilliancy, forming the calcium or Drummond light. Mixed with air or oxygen, it explodes violently on contact with a spark. J Fig. 4. OXYGEN (O — 16). — Sources. Most abundant of the elements, com- prising one-fifth of the air, eight-ninths of water, one-half of the crust of the earth, and three-fourths of all organized bodies. Prepared most easily by heating potassium chlorate (Fig. 4) : — KC10 3 = KC1 + 3 . * Experiment. — If an inverted jar of the gas is suddenly turned up, and a flame held a foot or two above, the gas escaping from the jar rises rapidly, and in coming in contact with the flame burns with a slight explosion. f Experiment. — If a jar of the gas be held mouth down and a candle be passed up into it, the gas ignites and burns quietly at the open end, while the candle passed up into the gas is extinguished, but may be relighted again by the burning gas as it is withdrawn. % Experiment. — Fill a bladder or rubber bag with two parts of hydrogen and one of oxygen or five of air. Attach a tube and blow up soap bubbles in a basin. Touched with a flame, they explode. ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. If manganese dioxide (Mn0 2 ) be mixed with the chlorate, the gas is liberated more quietly and at a lower temperature. The manga- nese dioxide is unaltered in the reaction. It seems to act by its mere presence, an influence called catalysis. Physical Properties. — Gas ; liquefied (Pictet, 1877) by great cold and intense pressure; colorless, odorless, tasteless; 1.10 times as heavy as air. Water dissolves only three volumes to the hundred, but enough to sustain aquatic life. Chemical Properties. — Intense affinities ; combines with every element except fluorine. The product of its action is called an oxide, and the process oxidation. Oxidation so rapid as to produce heat and light is called combustion ; if no light, slow combustion. Sub- stances that burn in air burn more brilliantly in oxygen,* and many substances that do not burn in air will burn in this gas.f By this property oxygen is usually recognized and distinguished from most other gases. Oxy- gen, especially in its diluted form (air), is the great supporter of combustion, for which its abundance and universal presence emi- nently fit it. Combustible and supporter of combustion are only relative terms. When a combustible substance burns in a sup- porter of combustion the union is mutual, one being as much a party to the action as the other. A jet of air t or oxygen burns as readily in coal gas as a jet of coal gas burns in air or oxygen. The Fig. 5. * Experiment. — A bit of phosphorus, dried by pressing between folds of blotting paper, is placed in a combustion spoon, ignited, and lowered into a jar of oxygen. The combustion is so intense that the phosphorus volatilizes, and its vapor burns throughout the jar with a brilliancy so dazzling that it is called the " phosphorus sun." I Experiment. — A watch-spring is wound into a spiral, tipped with a bit of tinder or a piece of yarn dipped in sulphur. This is lighted and lowered into a jar of oxygen. (Fig. 5.) The iron catches fire and burns with brilliant scintillations, globules of melted iron falling and melting into the glass, unless the bottom be covered w T ith sand or water. % Experiment. — Secure an ordinary lamp chimney (Fig. 6) and a wide cork to fit its lower end. Pass through the cork a narrow tube [a) connected by rubber hose with the house gas, and a wider one opening into the air. Turn FART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. *9 Fig. 6. one in greatest abundance is usually called the supporter of combus- tion. Oxidizing agents are compounds in which oxygen is held so feebly it is readily given up to substances having greater affinity for it. Uses. — The process of respiration is a species of combustion, and, as oxygen is the best supporter of combustion, it is the best (and only) supporter of animal respiration. Admin- istered in capillary bronchitis, oedema glottidis, etc., when the patient cannot take in a volume of air sufficient to supply the requisite amount of oxygen. Ozone. — If through a portion of air or oxygen electric sparks be passed,* a part of the oxygen will acquire a pungent odor and peculiar properties. The same change may be induced by various chemical pro- cesses, e. g. by mixing permanganate of potassium and sulphuric acid, or when phosphorus partially covered with water is exposed to the air. This modified oxygen is called ozone. It is one and a half times as heavy as ordinary oxygen, for its molecule contains three instead of two atoms. Very energetic, oxidizing substances unaffected by ordinary oxy- gen. Oxidizes potassium iodide with on the coal gas and light it as it issues from the tube. The cork with the flame (not too large) is then inserted into the chimney, where it continues to burn, sufficient air entering through the wide tube (<:). Upon turning on more gas the air is crowded out and the chimney filled with coal gas. The gas flame disappears from the tube (a), and an air flame appears upon the tube (c) as the entering air burns in the atmosphere of coal gas. The excess of coal gas may also be lighted as it escapes, showing a gas flame above and an air flame within the chimney. On lessening the flow of gas the air will again be in excess, and the flame again appear on the narrow tube (#). In the gas flame above the lamp chimney (Fig. 6) heat some potassium chlorate in a combustion spoon until it melts and oxygen begins to bubble up. Then lower it into the atmos- phere of coal gas within the chimney. The escaping oxygen burns brilliantly, the coal gas being the supporter of the combustion. * Siemens' apparatus for ozoning oxygen (Fig. 7) consists of two tubes, the inner surface of the inner and the outer surface of the outer tube being coated ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. liberation of iodine, hence its test: paper dipped in a solution of potassium iodide and starch is colored blue in the presence of ozone* Ozone is found in the air, especially after thunder-storms, and when present in considerable amount (as much as .00005 per cent.) is apt to irritate the respiratory tract ; but by oxidizing infecting germs, etc., it prevents the spread of infectious diseases. Compounds of Hydrogen with Oxygen.— Two are known- hydrogen oxide, or water, H 2 0; hydrogen peroxide, or oxygenated water, H 2 2 . Water (H 2 0) occurs widely distributed in nature ; an important Fig. constituent of all organized tissues ; forms seven-eighths of the human body. Physical Properties.— Transparent, colorless, odorless, tasteless- liquid. Below 32 F. (o° C.) it is a solid (ice), and above 212 F. (100 C.) a vapor (steam or water gas). In solidifying, water expands ; so ice floats. The boiling-point is higher than 212 F. under increased pressure or when it contains solid matter in solution. with tin-foil, and each connected with the poles of an induction coil or Toepler- Holtz machine. A current of oxygen passing between these tubes may be ozonized to the extent of fifteen or twenty per cent. m * Experiment.— Pour a little ether into a beaker, across the top of which is a glass rod supporting a strip of blue litmus paper and one of paper dipped PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 21 Fig. 8. Water is the greatest of all solvents. The watery solution of a fixed substance is called a "liquor" and of a volatile substance an " aqua" One body is said to dissolve in another when they coalesce and their particles intimately mingle. This is possible only in the liquid and gaseous states. When a substance dissolves it takes on the physical state of the solvent, e.g., a solid or gas dissolving in water becomes a liquid and then mixes with the water, the gas elevating the temperature and the solid lowering it. Heat assisting the liquefaction of a solid, and opposing that of a gas, hastens the solution of the one and retards that of the other. Most solid substances when separating from a solution take with them, as a necessary part of the crystal, a certain definite amount of water — water of crystallizatioii . This water does not modify the chemical nature of the substance, but is necessary for maintaining the crystalline form. If the crystal loses its water of crystallization by heat or exposure, it effloresces into an amorphous powder. Some substances when exposed absorb water from the air and deliqitesce (melt down). Chemical Properties. — The chemical composition of water may be proved by {synthesis} combining its constituents (H 2 + O = H 2 0) * or by (analysis) passing the galvanic current through water until it is decomposed into its component gases (H 2 = H 2 + O). f Neutral in reaction ; combines with the oxides of the metals to form hydrates (bases), and with the oxides of the non-metals to form acids. Natural waters are never pure. The nature of the impurities in in potassium iodide and starch- water. Hold a hot glass rod in the jar (Fig. 8) ; the ether will undergo slow combustion, producing acid fumes which redden the litmus, and ozone which blues the other paper. * A mixture of two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen exploded in a eudiometer (Fig. 9), produces only water. f Fill the apparatus shown in Fig. 10 with water acidulated with sulphuric acid. Connect with a battery. The electricity passing through the water decomposes it into two volumes of hydrogen which collects in one tube and one volume of oxygen in the other. 22 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. water depends on the condition of the atmosphere through which it has fallen as rain, and the nature of the geological strata through or over which it has passed, for water dissolves something from almost everything it touches. Good, potable (drinkable) water should be cool, clear and odorless. It should contain just enough dissolved gases and solids to give it an agreeable taste, neither flat, salty, nor sweetish ; and should dissolve soap without forming a curd. Water impregnated Fig. 9. with inorganic matters, especially salts of calcium, is called hard. A much more serious contamination is with organic (animal and vege- table) matters. Such water is a prolific source of diease. It is probable, in fact almost proven, that most infectious diseases are due to microorganisms, many of which find the most favorable conditions for their life and growth in water contaminated with organic, especially animal, matter. Though chemical analysis cannot detect the disease- producing elements, it can detect organic impurity, without which they PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 23 cannot exist. This is easily done thus: (1) Half fill a clean bottle with the water, warm, agitate, and critically smell it. A foul odor indicates organic impurity. (2) Fill a clean pint bottle three-fourths full, add a teaspoonful of the purest white sugar or gelatin ; set aside in a warm place for two days, when, if it becomes cloudy (bacteria), it is unfit to use. These rough-and-ready tests are those best suited to the practitioner, the more exact methods being practicable only to the chemist. To pttrify natural waters, they may be boiled to kill living organ- isms, and filtered to remove suspended matters ; but for chemical Fig. 11. purposes, where great purity is desired, they are distilled* {aqua destillata, U. S. P.). Mineral waters are those possessing special therapeutic value. They may be classed as follows : — 1. Carbonated, those charged with carbonic acid. * When a liquid is rapidly vaporized, and the vapor, passing through a colder vessel, is recondensed, the process is called distillation (Fig. 11). If a solid be similarly treated it is called sublimation. When water containing solid matter in solution is distilled, the solids remain in the vessel, while the water passes over, enabling us to obtain perfectly pure water. When a mixture of two or more liquids is heated, the one having the lowest boiling-point distills first, leaving the others behind. This is called fractional distillation. 24 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. 2. Sulphur, containing H 2 S or some soluble sulphide. 3. Alkaline, containing alkaline salts of potassium, sodium, or lithium. 4. Saline, containing neutral salts. 5. Chalybeate, containing iron. 6. Thermal, or hot waters. Hydrogen Dioxide — Oxygenated Water (H 2 2 ). — Prepared most easily diluted by passing C0 2 through water holding barium dioxide in suspension. Ba0 2 + C0 2 + H 2 = BaC0 3 + H 2 2 . The BaC0 3 may be allowed to subside and the clear solution poured off. Properties. — When concentrated it is a colorless, syrupy liquid, with a pungent odor and taste — prone to decompose into H 2 + O. Used to bleach* the hair and skin, converting brunettes into blondes ; as a disinfectant to ulcers, ozsena, and in diphtheria, espe- cially when the membrane has invaded the nose ; also as a test for pus in urine, with which it causes an effervescence. The so-called " ozonized ether " used in the guaiacum test for blood is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ether. RADICALS. — Every molecule is composed of two parts, called radicals, held together by chemical affinity. Both radicals may be elements, as in H — CI, or one may be elementary and the other compound, as H — N0 3 , or both compound, as NH 4 — N0 3 . Some compound radicals can be isolated, e. g. by heat, Hg — CN = Hg + CN. Others decompose whenever set free. Whenever a gal- vanic current is passed through a compound, the chemical affinity is overcome by the electricity, and the molecule separates into its two radicals, one of which goes to the positive and the other to the negative pole.f Unlike electrical conditions attract, so the radical * Experiment. — Secure an old oil painting darkened with age, or take paper dipped in lead acetate and blackened by hydrogen sulphide : wash it with hydrogen dioxide, and the dark stain will be made white by the lead sul- phide being oxidized into sulphate. f Experiment. — Into a jar put some water ; add solutions of red litmus, potassium iodide, and boiled starch; connect with the galvanic battery. The electric current decomposes the potassium iodide into iodine, which gathers at the positive pole, producing a blue color, with the starch, and potasshim at the negative, where it produces alkali, turning the red litmus blue. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 25 going to the negative pole must be electro-positive, and the one going to the positive pole electro-negative. The metallic radicals are usually electro-positive and the non-metallic electro-negative. Some radicals are more intensely electro -negative or electro-positive than others. In the following list the more common elements are so arranged that each is usually positive to those following it and nega- tive to those preceding : — Positive end : + K, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe, Al, Pb, Sn, Bi, Cu, Ag, Hg, Pt, Au, H, Sb, As, C, P, S, N, T, Br, CI, F, O— Negative end. A radical is electro-positive or electro-negative only in its relation toother radicals ; for, while C is positive to O, it is negative to K. In formulae the electro-positive radical is written first and the electro-negative next. The greater the difference between the electrical condition of two radicals, the greater the energy with which they unite and the more stable the product, and, vice versa ; e. g., O has a strong affinity for K, a weak one for CI, and will not unite with F under any circum- stances. An idea once prevailed that the relations of affinities were fixed and constant between the same substances, and great pains were taken to construct tables similar to the above to show what was called the " precedence of chemical affinities." These tables showed the order of affinities for the circumstances under which the experi- ments were made, and nothing else. The circumstances attending chemical reactions are so complicated that in the greater number of cases it is impossible to predict the pre- cedence of affinities and the result of an untried experiment. Among these modifying causes may be mentioned : — 1. Temperature, changes of which often reverse chemical affinities. Moderately heated, mercury and oxygen will readily combine, but when highly heated their affinity is destroyed, and they will refuse to unite, or, if already combined, will separate. Ordinarily free carbon has no affinity for oxygen, but at high tem- peratures it surpasses all other elements in its greediness for that substance, even taking it from a metal so extremely electro-positive as potassium. 2. Volatility. — Whenever in a mixture of two or more substances it is possible, by a rearrangement of the radicals, to form a compound 3 26 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. volatile at the temperature of the experiment, such rearrangement will occtcr and the volatile compound be f owned. For example : — Fe S + H 2 SO^ = Fe S0 4 + H 2 S ; or, 2 NH 4 CI + Ca C0 3 = (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 + Ca Cl 2 ; or, H 3 B0 3 + 3 Na CI = 3 H CI + Na 3 B0 3 . 3. Insolubility. — Whenever, on mixing two or more substances in solution, it is possible, by rearrangement of the radicals, to form an insoluble compoicnd, that rearrangement will occur and the insoluble compotmd be formed as a precipitate. For example : — Ca Cl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 = Ca C0 3 + 2 NH 4 CI. It is especially important to remember this law, for its application in tests, incompatibilities, and antidotes. 4. Nascent State. — Ordinarily the atoms of an element are grouped in pairs, and hence somewhat indifferent to the attractions of other atoms ; but just as they are being liberated (born) from a compound they are alone. Each atom, having no fellow, readily enters into combination with any atom it meets. This state is called nascent (nasci, to be born). 5. Catalysis. — This is the name given to the unexplained influence exerted by some substances of inducing chemical reactions between other substances without itself undergoing any change. The valence of a radical is its combining value, or its value in ex- change for other radicals.* Here again hydrogen is taken as the standard. A radical that combines with or takes the place of one atom of hydrogen is said to be ti7uvale?it (one valued) ; of two atoms, bivalent ; three, trivalent ; four, quadrivalent ; five, quinquivalent ; six, sexivalent. The valence is indicated by a Roman numeral just above and after the radical, thus : (NH/), Ca 11 , (P0 4 ) m , Si IV , As v , S VI . The two radicals of every saturated compound must possess an equal number of unsatisfied valences. Hence, In HC1 the radical CI is equivalent to 1 atom of hydrogen; In H 2 the radical O is equivalent to 2 atoms of hydrogen ; In NH 3 the radical N is equivalent to 3 atoms of hydrogen ; In CH 4 the radical C is equivalent to 4 atoms of hydrogen. * The student should bear in mind that valence has nothing to do with the combining weight or the chemical activity of an element. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 27 Therefore CI is univalent, O bivalent, N trivalent, and C quadriva- lent. The same regard for valence is observed when radicals are made to displace each other, thus : H I 2 (S0 4 ) n requires two atoms of K 1 or one of Zn 11 to form K T 2 (S0 4 ) n or Zn u (SO;) n . Some elements exercise more than one valence : e.g., mercury may be univalent, as in Hgl, or bivalent, as in HgL ; or iron may be biva- lent, as in FeCL, or the double atom (Fe 2 ) sexivalent, as in Fe 2 Cl 6 . The termination "ous" is given to those compounds in which the positive element exercises its lower valence, and "ic" to those in which the higher valence is exercised, as, FeCl 2 , ferrous chloride ; and Fe 2 Cl 6 , ferric chloride. In the following table the most commonly occurring simple or ele- mentary radicals are arranged according to their valence : — Table of Valence. I II Ill IV V VI F, CI Ba, Sr Ca, Mg Cd, Zn O Al C, Si Pt N, P ! Bi, Sb, As.. Br, I Au H,A g Bo Pb, Sn N, p"! Bi, Sb, As .. K, Na (NHJ,Li.. Pb,Sn S, Se Fe, Cr Mn, Co Ni S, Se" Fe 2 , Cr 2 Mn 2 , Co 2 Ni 2 Cu,Hg Cu,Hg The next table shows the valences, together with the symbols and formulae, of the most common electro-negative (acidulous) radicals : — CI is the negative radical of all chlorides. Br is the negative radical of all bromides. I is the negative radical of all iodides. CN is the negative radical of all cyanides. HO is the negative radical of all hydrates. N0 3 is the negative radical of all nitrates. CIO3 is the negative radical of all chlorates. C 2 H 3 2 is the negative radical of all acetates (Ac). 28 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. O is the negative radical of all oxides. S is the negative radical of all sulphides. S0 3 is the negative radical of all sulphites. S(\ is the negative radical of all sulphates. C0 3 is the negative radical of all carbonates. C 2 4 is the negative radical of all oxalates (Ox.). C 4 H 4 6 is the negative radical of all tartrates (T.). %m f C 6 H 5 7 is the negative radical of all citrates (Cit.). rt.H -j P0 4 is the negative radical of all phosphates. £ £ I B0 3 is the negative radical of all borates. The student should learn these tables thoroughly, for with them he can easily know the formulae of all the principal inorganic and organic compounds. Fig. i2. II. The Chlorine Group. Name. Derivation of Name. Symbol. At. Wt. Fluorine, Fluor spar, F, 19 Chlorine, X^poq, green, CI, 35-5 Bromine, Bpcbjuog, stink, Br, 80 Iodine, ludrjq, violet, I, 127 The members of this group are all univalent and much alike in their sources and physical and chemical properties. They differ in degree rather than in kind, forming a graded series. Hence we will consider them all together. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 29 Sources. — Never free in nature. The principal source of fluorine is fluor spar (CaF 2 ), while compounds of chlorine, bromine and iodine are abundant in sea and other salt waters. Preparation. — Free fluorine is obtained only with great difficulty ; the others may be prepared by removing the hydrogen from their hydrogen salts (hydracids) by means of oxygen derived from manga- nese dioxide, thus : — 4HCI + Mn0 2 = MnCl 2 + 2H 2 + Cl 2 * 4HBr + Mn0 2 = MnBr 2 + 2H 2 + Br 2 . 4HI + Mn0 2 = Mnl 2 + 2H 2 + I 2 . Physical Properties. — Fluorine is a colorless gas, with properties resembling chlorine, but more intense. Chlorine is a -very irritating yellowish-green gas, two and a half times as heavy as air, slightly soluble in water (three volumes), forming "Aqua chlori y U. S. " Bromine is a red liquid, giving off red vapors of a disagreeable, irritating odor ; very slightly soluble in water. Iodine is a solid, in bluish-gray scales, which, when warmed, give off violet vapors ; insoluble in water except by the intervention of an alkaline iodide; f soluble in alcohol; irritating, even caustic. Chemical Properties. — Intensely electro-negative ; great affinity for the metals, J especially hydrogen. § In negativeness, and conse- quently in affinity for the metals, F is greatest, CI next, Br next, and I least. Therefore, in compounds with the metals, F will displace * Experiment. — Into a flask standing in a cup of sand over a heater (Fig. 12) pour several ounces of hydrochloric acid and half as much black oxide of manganese, and agitate. The gas passes out, and, being heavier than air, collects in the bottle, where its yellowish-green color makes it visible. f Experiment. — To some water in a test-tube add a few scales of iodine ; it does not dissolve. Now add a crystal of potassium iodide; it dissolves easily. % Experiment. — Into a jar of chlorine introduce some copper or bronze foil, or sprinkle some powdered antimony. They inflame spontaneously. \ Experiment. — [a) Into a jar of chlorine lower a lighted candle. The hydrogen of the tallow burns in the chlorine to form hydrochloric acid, and all the carbon is liberated as smoke. (/;) Into a similar jar thrust a piece of paper dipped in warm turpentine. It inflames spontaneously and burns, evolv- ing dense clouds of smoke. 30 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. CI, and CI will displace Br, and either F, CI, or Br will displace I.* These elements destroy coloring matters and noxious effluvia in two ways: (i) by abstracting their hydrogen; (2) by abstracting the hydrogen of water, setting free nascent oxygen, which oxidizes the matters in question. f Medical. — Chlorine gas and bromine vapor are used for disinfec- tion. Inhaled they cause severe coryza and bronchitis. Taken into the stomach, bromine and iodine cause gastro-enteritis. The antidote is boiled starch. Locally bromine is used as an escharotic and iodine as a counter-irritant. Pharmaceutical. — The following preparations are officinal : Tinc- tura Iodi (Sj-Oj) ; and Liquor Iodi Compositus (Lugol's Solution) (Iodine 3yj, potassium iodide §iss, and water Oj.) The so-called colorless tincture of iodine is made by adding ammonia-water to the tincture until it is decolorized by converting the iodine into ammo- nium iodide. Tests. — In the free state chlorine and bromine may be known by their bleaching, color, odor, etc. Iodine is recognized by the blue color it strikes with starch. Note. — Acids. — All acids have, as their (positive) basylous radical, hydrogen, which maybe replaced by metals to form salts. They may generally be recognized by a sour taste and the property of turning vegetable blues (e.g., litmus or purple cabbage) to reds. Acids whose acidulous (negative) radicals contain oxygen are called oxacids; those containing no oxygen, hyd7'acids. The members of the chlo- rine group form both classes of acids., * Experiment. — Take two large test-tubes half full of water. Into one put a grain of potassium bromide, into the other potassium iodide ; add chlorine- water to each. The chlorine will liberate the bromine in one and the iodine in the other. This may be shown (a) by their color ; (7>) by adding a few drops of carbon bisulphide or chloroform, which on agitation will gather all the free bromine and iodine, and be colored brown with the one and violet with the other ; (c) add a few drops of starch-water, which will give brown with bromine and a deep blue with iodine. f Experiment. — (a) Into one bottle of chlorine gas introduce a piece of dry calico, into another a moist piece. The moist calico is rapidly bleached, while the dry is but slowly affected, (b) To a solution of indigo, cochineal, or some aniline color add chlorine- water. It is immediately decolorized. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 3 1 The Hydracids of the chlorine group are as follows : — H -f F = HF — Hydrogen Fluoride* — Hydrofluoric acid. H + CI = HC1 — Hydrogen Chloride — Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid. H -f- Br = HBr — Hydrogen Bromide — Hydrobromic acid. H -f I = HI — Hydrogen Todide — Hydriodic acid. Fig. Prepared 'by treating the appropriate salt with H 2 S0 4 , thus : CaF 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + 2HF. 2NaCl + H 2 S0 4 == Na 2 S0 4 + 2HCl.f 2KBr + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2HBr. 2KI + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2HI. * Binary compounds — i. e., those of only two elements — are named by call- ing first the name of the positive and then that of the negative radical, affixing to the latter the termination " ide" f Experiment.— TTo prepare hydrochloric acid gas, put several ounces of common salt and about twice as much sulphuric acid into a flask, and warm. The gas comes off in abundance and may be collected in a dry bottle (like chlorine, Fig. 12), or over mercury. The solution of the gas (the ordinary form) is obtained by passing the gas through a series of Wolff bottles contain- ing cold water and arranged as shown in Fig. 13. 32 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Physical Properties. — Colorless, irritating gases; sharp, sour taste; very soluble, water dissolving several hundred times its own volume, forming agues known by the simple name of the acid itself, thus : The officinal "hydrochloric acid" is a solution of the hydrochloric acid gas in water. Chemical Properties, — Strong acids ; true acids even without water. Uses. — HF attacks silicon energetically, hence is used to etch glass ; very poisonous, and burns made by it heal with difficulty. HCl is very useful in the arts. Agua regia, or nitro-muriatic acid, is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids. It is the only solvent of gold and platinum. The metals are attacked by the nascent chlorine evolved by the oxidation of the H of the HCl by the O of the HN0 3 . In medicine HCl is often prescribed as a tonic. HBr, like all bromides, is a sedative. HI, like all iodides, is an alternative. Tests. — Fluoride + H 2 S0 4 — etches glass. * Chloride + AgN0 3 — white precipitate, soluble in ammonia. Bromide + AgN0 3 — yellowish-white precipitate, slightly soluble in ammonia. Iodide + AgN0 3 — yellow precipitate, insoluble in ammonia. If to a bromide or iodide some chlorine-water and starch paste be added, the bromine and iodine will be liberated, the bromine striking a brown and the latter a blue color with the starch. Oxacids are formed by oxides of non-metals combining with water. The elements of the chlorine group, being very negative, have but little affinity for oxygen. Iodine has most, bromine less, chlorine still less, and fluorine will not unite with oxygen at all. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine each forms a series of oxides per- fectly analogous, so we will notice only those of one — chlorine. The several oxides are distinguished by prefixes derived from the * Experiment. — On a plate of glass coated with wax or copper-plate var- nish (six parts of mastic, one of asphalt, and one of wax dissolved in turpen- tine) draw a design with a pointed instrument. Invert over a lead dish and warm gently. Hydrofluoric acid gas is evolved and attacks the glass wherever the wax has been scratched off. Upon removing the wax the design is found permanently etched on the glass. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 33 Greek numerals indicating the number of oxygen atoms in the for- mula, thus : — C1 2 — Chlorine Monoxide. C1 2 2 (?) — Chlorine Dioxide. C1 2 3 — Chlorine Trioxide. C1 2 4 — Chlorine Tetroxide. C1 2 5 — Chlorine Pentoxide. C1 2 7 — Chlorine Heptoxide. These oxides combining with water form the corresponding acids, thus : — C1 2 -|- H 2 = 2HCIO — Hydrogen Hypochlorite — Hypochlorous acid. C1 2 3 + H 2 = 2HC10 2 — Hydrogen Chloride — Chlorous acid. C1 2 5 + H 2 = 2HCIO3— Hydrogen Chlorate— Chloric acid. Cl 2 O y -f- H 2 — 2HC10 4 — Hydrogen Perchlorate — Perchloric acid. Note. — The names of oxacids are derived from the negative element other than oxygen, and to this certain affixes and prefixes are added to indicate the degree of oxidation. The one containing more oxygen has the affix "-ic," less oxygen, " -ons" If there is in the same series another acid with more oxygen tha?i the " -ic," it is given the prefix "per-;" if less than the " -ous? 1 the pre- fix "hypo-" {tinder). Acids ending in " ~ic" form salts ending in " -ate;" those ending in "-ous" form salts ending in" -tie" The foregoing chlorine acids illustrate this. All these oxides, as well as their corresponding acids, are easily decomposed, sometimes with explosion ; hence much used as oxidiz- ing agents* and as explosive mixtures.! The most important of these salts is potassium chlorate, used in medicine and in the laboratory for the sake of its oxygen. * Experiment. — Their oxidizing action on combustibles may be shown by : (a) Mix together a drachm each of powdered potassium chlorate and sugar ; place on a brick and touch off with a glass rod dipped in sulphuric acid. A /igorous combustion occurs. (6) Drop some crystals of potassium chlorate ink a conical glass of water ; add several bits of phosphorus ; then by means of a pipette introduce sulphuric acid at the bottom of the glass. The phos- phorus takes fire and burns at the expense of the oxygen of the potassium chlorate. f Experiment. — Mix on a sheet of paper a scruple of powdered potassium chlorate and five grains of some combustible powder, as sulphur, antimony sulphide, or tannin. Wrap it up in the paper, place upon an anvil, and strike with a hammer. It explodes violently. 34 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. III. Sulphur Group. Oxygen (already described), .0 16 Sulphur, S 32 Selenium, Se . 79.4 Tellurium, Te 128 The elements comprising this group are solid at ordinary tempera- tures ; bivalent and sexivalent ; possess electro-negative affinities Fig. 14. which, as in other groups, decrease as the atomic weights increase ; form hydracids as well as oxacids. The analogy between their compounds is shown in the following table :— Hydro-ic Acid. H 2 S H 2 Te Dioxide. . so 2 . . Se0 2 . Te0 9 . Trioxide. .so, . Hypo-ous Acid. . H 2 S0 2 , -ous Acid. . H 2 S0 3 . Se0 3 H 2 Se0 3 . TeO q H 9 TeO, -ic Acid. . H 2 S0 4 . . H 2 SeO,. . H 2 Te0 4 . Selenium and Tellurium are of no medical interest, and will not be further noticed. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 35 SULPHUR occurs free, especially in the neighborhood of volcanoes ; occurs combined as sulphides and sulphates in many valuable ores, and in small quantity in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Preparation. — The native sulphur freed from stones is refined by distillation, as shown in Fig. 14. The crude sulphur is melted in the tank by the hot draft from the fire below, and then runs down through a pipe into the retort, where it is vaporized. This vapor, entering a large brick chamber, is condensed in fine, feathery crystals, called flowers of sulphur or sublimed sulphur. If the chamber be hot, it condenses into a liquid, which is drawn off and moulded into rolls, called roll brimstone. Sublimed sulphur is apt to contain more or less acid, and is washed {sulphur lotuni). Boiled with lime and precipi- tated with HC1, it forms sulphur pre cipitatum, U. S. P. This mixed with water is milk of sulphur {lac sulphuris, U. S. P.). Physical Properties. — A brittle yellow solid ; insoluble in water, hence, tasteless, etc. Chemical Properties. — Inflammable, hence called "brimstone" (burn-stone). Combines with metals,* forming sulphides. f Sulphur forms compounds remarkably analogous to those of oxygen, e.g. .*— H 2 .... KHO .... C0 2 ... . H 2 C0 3 .... HCNO. H 2 S . . . . KHS .... CS 2 ... . H 2 CS 3 .... HCNS. Uses. — In the arts, to make gunpowder, matches, etc. ; in medicine, as a laxative, parasiticide, and alterative. We have only theoretical explanations of the method of its absorption ; but that it is absorbed is certain, for persons taking it excrete enough to blacken silver car- ried on the person. Hydrogen Sulphide — H 2 S — Hydro sulphuric Acid or Sulphureted Hydrogen — occurs in sewer gas and other effluvia from decomposing organic sulphurized matters, and in the water of sulphur springs. Prepared in laboratory by decomposing a sulphide, thus : — FeS + H 2 S0 4 = FeS0 4 + H 2 S. * Experiment. — In a small glass flask, a little sulphur is heated to boiling. If now a bundle of fine copper wire or a piece of sodium, in a combustion spoon, be previously heated and then lowered into the vapor, it burns brilliantly. f Experiment. — Mix in a dish equal parts of iron filings and flowers of sulphur : moisten with water and set aside. Within a half hour it gets hot, vaporizes the water, and isconverted into a black mass of FeS. 36 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Physical Properties. — Colorless gas, having the odor of rotten eggs or intestinal flatus ; slightly soluble in water. Chemical Properties. — Very feeble acid ; burns with pale blue flame : — H 2 S + 3 - S0 2 + H 2 * Forms characteristic precipitates with most metallic salts, hence a valuable test reagent.f Tests. — The presence of H 2 S even in minute quantities may be detected by its odor, and by its blackening paper moistened with a solution of lead acetate. Fig. 15. Preparation of H 2 S. Physiological. — When inhaled H 2 S is an active poison, combining with the hemoglobulin and destroying its oxygen-carrying power. Even when highly diluted, as in the atmosphere of city dwellings, * Experiment. — Burn the gas from a jet : (a) Hold near the flame a glass rod dipped in ammonia ; white crystals of ammonium sulphite are formed. (6) Hold a cold, dry bell glass over the flame ; it is bedewed with water. f Experiment. — To show the action of H 2 S on metallic salts, connect several wash bottles with the generator A, as shown in Fig. 16. A dilute solu- tion of lead acetate is put in B, of tartar emetic (antimony) in C, of arsenic in D, of zinc sulphate in E. The gas in passing precipitates lead sulphide (black) in B, antimonious sulphide (orange) in C, arsenious sulphide (yellow) in D, zinc sulphide (white) in E. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 37 clumsily " fitted with the modern conveniences," it produces a low febrile condition. When concentrated, or even moderately diluted (one per cent, and over), the gas proves rapidly fatal. Treatment. — Fresh air, artificial respiration, and stimulation. Carbon Disulphide — CS 2 . — Obtained by bringing S into contact with heated charcoal. A colorless, volatile liquid of a fetid odor, unless it is very pure. A valuable solvent for S, P, india-rubber, etc. Fig. 16. Sulphur Oxides and Acids. Dioxide — S0 2 -f- H 2 = H 2 S0 3 — Sulphurous acid. Trioxide— S0 3 -f- H 2 = H 2 S0 4 — Sulphuric acid. Sulphur Dioxide, S0 2 , occurs whenever sulphur or any of its compounds are burned in air or oxygen. Prepared in laboratory by decomposing sulphuric acid by copper or charcoal, thus : — 2H 2 S0 4 + Cu = CuS0 4 + 2H 2 + S0 2 . 2H 2 S0 4 + C =2S0 2 -f C0 2 +2H 2 0. Physical Properties. — A colorless gas, with a suffocating odor 38 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. (of burning matches) ; dissolves in water to form sulphurous acid (H0SO3). Chemical Properties. — Neither burns nor supports combustion ; a strong deoxidizer ; by removing O from coloring matters and infecting germs it bleaches * and disinfects. Uses. — Sulphur dioxide, sulphurous acid, and the sulphites possess the property of destroying microorganisms and arresting fermenta- tions. A sulphite digested with sulphur forms a hyposulphite, thus : — Na 2 S0 3 + S = Na 2 S 2 3 - Sodium hyposulphite has the same uses as the sulphites, and is also a valuable solvent of the silver salts in photography. Sulphur Trioxide, S0 3 . — Made by oxidizing S0 2 in the manu- facture of sulphuric acid. This is done upon a large scale by passing S0 2 from burning sulphur into a chamber kept rilled with vapor of nitric acid, steam and air. f The nitric acid gives up a part of its oxygen to oxidize a portion of the S0 2 to S0 3 . 2HNO3 + 3S0 2 = 3SO3 + H 2 + N 2 2 . The S0 3 then combines with the water thus produced (S0 3 + H 2 = H 2 S0 4 ), and more water is supplied by a jet of steam thrown con- stantly into the chamber. The N0O0 has the power of taking up oxygen from the air and be- coming N0O4, N 2 2 + 2 -= N 2 0„ which in turn parts with this oxygen to oxidize a new quantity of S0 2 . N 2 4 + 2S0 2 == N 2 2 + 2SO3. Thus the process is kept up as long as the S0 2 , air, steam, and N 2 2 * Experiment. — Some sulphur is ignited beneath a tripod on which fresh flowers are placed, and the whole covered by a bell-glass. The flowers are bleached. The color may be restored by washing with some dilute alkali or acid that will combine with or displace the S0 2 , or with very dilute nitric acid, which will restore the oxygen removed by the S0 2 . -j- The manufacture of sulphuric acid may be illustrated on the lecture table by the apparatus shown in Fig. 17. The lead chamber is represented by a large flask. Into this are led (a) N 2 2 from the flask on the right ; {b) S0 2 from a mixture of sulphur and manganese dioxide in the flask in the rear; (c) steam from the other flask, and (d) air or oxygen through the open tubes. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 39 are supplied. The acid condenses with the water upon the floor of the chamber, and is drawn off, concentrated, and sold as Sulphuric Acid— H 2 S0 4 — " Oil of Vitriol" Physical Properties. — A dense, colorless, oily-looking liquid, with- out odor. Che?nical Properties. — Strong acid ; very avid of water, not only dissolving in it, but combining with it, the act evolving considerable heat ; chars organic matters by abstracting H and O to form water.* Fig. 17. Uses. — So important in the arts that the commercial prosperity of a country may be measured by the amount of H 2 S0 4 consumed. Prop- erly diluted, it is a refrigerant tonic, but concentrated it is a severe caustic. Tests, — (1) The concentrated acid, if placed on a piece of paper or * Experiment. — Pour strong sulphuric acid on an equal quantity of sugar or strong syrup; the sugar is dehydrated and a mass of carbon left. 4o ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. other organic material, will char it. If dilute, it will char the paper only after being warmed and concentrated by the evaporation of its water. (2) Sulphuric acid, or any other sulphate, will form with a solution of a barium salt a white precipitate (BaS0 4 ) insoluble in nitric or hydrochloric acid. IV. Nitrogen Group. Nitrogen, N 14 Phosphorus, P 31 Arsenic, As 75 Antimony (Stibium), Sb 122 Bismuth, Bi ^ . 210 Trivalent and Quinquivalent. — This group, as shown below, forms a graded series from nitrogen and the negative to bismuth at the positive end : — N P As Sb Bi 14 31 75 122 210 Sp. gr. 1.83. Sp. gr. 5.67. Sp. gr. 6.7. Sp. gr. 9.8. Gas, with full A soft solid. Solid. Hard solid. Very hard solid, negative ten- Non-volatil- dencies. Easily volatiliz- Volatilizable. Difficultly vola- izable. able. tilizable. Full metallic lus- Destitute of me- Some metallic Great metallic tre. tallic lustre. lustre. lustre. Full positive ten- Negative ten- Both negative More positive dencies. dencies. and positive tendencies, tendencies. The following will exhibit the relations of some of the most import- ant compounds : — Hydrides. Chlorides. Oxides. Sulphides. -ous. -ic. -ous. -ic. 'ous. -ic. NH 3 NCI3, . . NA, N 2 5 . . . . PH S PCI3, PC1 5 p 2 o 3 , P 2 5 P 2 S 3 , P 2 S 5 AsH 3 AsCl 3 , AsCl 5 As 2 3 , As 2 O s As 2 S 3 , As 2 S 5 SbH 3 SbCl 3 , SbCl 5 Sb 2 3 , Sb 2 5 Sb 2 S 3 , Sb 2 S 5 . . BiC] 3 , . . Bi 2 3 , Bi 2 5 . . . . NITROGEN occurs uncombined in the atmosphere ; combined in some mineral and in all vegetable and animal bodies, especially in the more highly organized tissues. Prepared most easily by burning phosphorus in a confined space PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 41 until the oxygen is removed from the air.* Prepared in this way it contains small quantities of other gases found in air. To prepare it pure, heat ammonium nitrite (NH 4 N0 2 = 2H 2 + N 2 ). Physical Properties. — A colorless, tasteless, odorless gas, a little lighter than air. Chemical Properties. — Little tendency to combine with other ele- ments, and its compounds, once formed, are very prone to decom- Fig. 18 pose, either with violent decomposition f or gradual putrefaction ; neither combustible nor a supporter of combustion ; negatively poison- ous. The Atmosphere. — Air, J considered by the ancients one of the * Experiment. — A flat piece of cork floating on water supports a capsule containing a bit of phosphorus carefully dried. This is ignited and immedi- ately covered with a bell jar. The jar is filled with a dense white cloud from the combustion, which ceases only when the oxygen is all consumed. At first the air expands and some may be forced out. Upon cooling the water rises to take the place of the oxygen, and the white fumes gradually dissolve in the water, and the nitrogen is left clear and comparatively pure. f Experiment. — To tincture of iodine add excess of ammonia water. Filter to separate the precipitated iodide of nitrogen. Put portions of this on separate bits of paper and set aside. When dry they explode on the slightest touch. % Proofs that air is a mixture: (1) Its constituents are not in atomic pro- portions; (2) air can be made by mechanically mixing the gases; (3) solvents may remove one gas without affecting the others, each dissolving according to its own solubility. 42 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. four elements, is neither an element nor a compound. It is a mixture mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, the function of the former being to dilute the latter. Miller gives the average composition of air as follows : — Volumes. Nitrogen, 77-95 Oxygen, 20.61 Carbon dioxide, 04 Aqueous vapor, 1.40 Also traces of nitric acid, ammonia, sodium chloride, ozone, dust, bacteria, germs, etc. In the neighborhood of large cities various other substances are poured into the air from manufactories. Yet, owing to the rapid diffusion of gases, the composition of the air is almost the same everywhere. Watery Vapor. — The higher the temperature the more water air will hold. A warm, dry air, when cooled, will appear damp, and the temperature at which it begins to deposit its water is its dew-point. A cold, damp air, when heated, becomes capable of holding more water, and appears dry ; hence the necessity of supplying water to the heated air of our rooms in winter, especially in cases of bronchitis or catarrhal croup. Even in health a very dry air irritates the air-passages, pro- duces dryness of the skin and malaise ; while a very moist atmos- phere retards evaporation from the skin and lungs, raises the body temperature, and becomes oppressive. Suspended matters in air are of a great variety of substances. The irritation of dust incident to certain trades may cause chronic bron- chitis, emphysema, and phthisis. * Germs floating in the air are believed to be the cause of many contagious, infectious, and malarial diseases. The best disinfectants * are (a) free ventilation and consequent dilu- tion ; (J?) chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur dioxide. Nitrogen Hydride — Ammonia, NH 3 . — Occurs in the effluvia from decomposing nitrogenized organic bodies ; for nitrogen and hydrogen unite only in the nascent state. (See page 26.) First obtained by distilling camel's dung, near the temple of Jupiter Ammon in Libya ; hence called " ammonia." Obtained by heating clippings of hides, * Disinfectants destroy the power to infect, whether it be due to germs or other agent. Ger??zicides destroy germs. Antiseptics prevent putrefaction. Antizymotics prevent fermentation. Deodorizers destroy offensive odors. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 43 hoofs and horns,* especially of deer, in closed retorts (destructive distillation), it was called spirit of hartshorn. Coal contains about two per cent, of nitrogen, which in the manufacture of coal gas comes off as ammonia. In washing the coal gas the ammonia dissolves in the water. This aqua is its commercial source. Prepared in laboratory by driving the ammonia off from the aqua by means of heat. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Physical Properties. — Transparent, colorless gas, of an irritating odor ; condenses under a pressure of 6 l /2 atmospheres into a colorless liquid ;f very soluble in water, which dissolves from 500 to 1000 times its own volume. % Administered by inhalation as a stimulant * Experiment. — Mix calcium, potassium, or sodium hydrate with some nitrogenous substance, as albumin or clippings of horn, hoofs, flannel or lean meat. Heat in a test-tube. Ammonia gas is evolved, recognized by its odor, alkalinity, or by white fumes forming when a glass rod moistened with HC1 is thrust into the tube. f Experiment. — Make ammonium silver chloride by passing ammonia gas over silver chloride. Enclose this in a bent tube (Fig. 20). The end contain- ing the compound is heated in a water bath, while the other is cooled in an ice mixture. Ammonia gas is driven off from the compound, and condenses into a colorless liquid in the cold end of the tube. % Experiment. — The absorption of ammonia gas by water may be illus- trated by filling a large bottle with the gas by upward displacement and closing the mouth with a rubber cork through which passes a glass tube sealed at the outer end. If this sealed end be plunged under water and then broken off, the water rushes in, forming a fountain (Fig. 19). If the water be colored with red litmus solution it will become blue as it enters the bottle, showing the alkalinity of the solution. 44 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. in fainting fits, etc., but care must be taken, for its too liberal use may cause spasm of the glottis or induce a fatal bronchitis. Tests. — (i) Smell; (2) white fumes with HC1; (3) turns moistened red litmus paper blue. Nitrogen Oxides. Monoxide— N 2 + H 2 — 2HNO = Hyponitrous acid. Dioxide — N 2 2 . No corresponding acid. Trioxide— N 2 Q 3 + H 2 = 2HN0 2 = Nitrous acid. Tetroxide- Pentoxide- No corresponding acid. -N 2 5 + H 2 : Fig. 2 Making N 2 0. Nitrogen Monoxide— N 2 {Nitrous Oxide— Laughing Gas). — Prepared 'by heating ammonium nitrate, as shown in Fig. 21. NH 4 N0 3 = N 2 + 2H 2 0. Physical Properties. — Colorless, odorless gas, of sweetish taste. Dentists keep it liquefied under pressure in iron cylinders. Chemical Properties. — By the ease with which it gives up its O it is a supporter of combustion and life, next to O itself. Medical. — Inhaled, diluted with air, it produces exhilaration of spirits, muscular activity, and then complete anaesthesia. Used in dental and other brief minor operations. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 45 Nitrogen Dioxide — N 2 2 (Nitric Oxide). — Prepared by action of nitric acid on copper : — * 3 Cu + 8HNO3 = 3Cu(N0 3 ) 2 + 4 H 2 + N 2 2 . A colorless gas, which, when coming in contact with free O, forms red vapors of N 2 3 and N 2 4 ; hence a test for free O. Nitrogen Trioxide — N 2 3 (Nitrous Acid— HN0 2 ). — Nitrous acid is known only in its salts, the nitrites. These are produced in nature by the oxidation of nitrogenous organic matter in the presence of cer- tain forms of microscopic life. This nitrification occurs in waters polluted with organic matter, and normally in the soil, where the acid so formed combines with bases. Hence nitrites in water is evidence of previous contamination with nitrogenous matter. Further oxidation forms nitrates. Nitrogen Tetroxide — N 2 4 — occurs in company with N 2 3 in the brown fumes given off whenever nitric acid is decomposed, as in cer- tain laboratory and manufacturing processes. The effect of breathing air thus contaminated is to produce chronic inflammation of the respira- tory tract. If the vapor be more concentrated the effects are more acute and serious. At first there is only a cough, in two or three hours a difficulty of breathing, and in about twelve hours, death. The remedy is ventilation. Nitrogen Pentoxide — N 2 5 — is of no medical interest. Nitric Acid — HN0 3 (Aqua Fortis) — occurs in traces in the atmos- phere and as nitrates in the soil. (See Nitrites.) Prepared by distilling a nitrate with sulphuric acid. 2KNO3 + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2HN0 3 .t * Experiment. — Copper turnings, clippings, or wires are placed in a flask, and nitric acid diluted with half its volume of water is poured in, and the flask set in cold water. Red fumes soon fill the flask, but when these have escaped the gas appears colorless, turning red, however, on reaching the air. The colorless gas is collected over water. I Experiment. — In the laboratory nitric acid may be prepared with the apparatus shown in Fig. 22. Equal parts of sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid are heated in the retort. The nitric acid produced is vaporized by the heat and recondensed in a receiver kept cool by a wet cloth, over which flows a stream of water from an elevated vessel. 4 6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Physical Properties. — Heavy liquid, colorless, but if old and exposed to light it may be yellow or orange from presence of N 2 3 and N 2 4 . Like all other nitrates, it is soluble in water. Chemical Properties. — Energetic oxidizer ; * corrosive ; stains skin indelibly yellow. Medical Uses. — The strong acid is an escharotic,. coagulating the albumin of the tissues ; the dilute, a refrigerant tonic. Tests. — (i) Yellow stain. (2) Add H 2 S0 4 , and then a crystal of FeS0 4 dropped in will be colored brown if nitric acid or any nitrate be present. Fig. 22. Making HN0 3 . PHOSPHORUS (Light-bearer) occurs combined with O in the ancient unstratified rocks. These disintegrate and form soil, from which the P passes into the organisms of plants, and thence into the bodies of animals. First isolated by Brandt (1669) from urine; now obtained from bones. Physical Properties. — A soft, yellowish solid, resembling unbleached * Experiment. — Into a mixture of strong sulphuric and nitric acids pour from a beaker tied to a long stick some warm turpentine. The oxidation is so rapid that the turpentine is inflamed. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 47 wax.* Insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulphide, ether, chloroform, oils, etc. Chemical Properties. — Very inflammable,! so kept under water ; exposed to the air, it undergoes a slow combustion, emits the odor of ozone, and is luminous in the dark. Physiological. — Liable to inflame from careless handling, and burns by it are difficult to heal. In medicinal doses, a nerve tonic and aphrodisiac ; in larger quantities a virulent poison and gastro-irritant. Sometimes given with homicidal intent, but more frequently taken accidentally as rat poison, tips of matches, etc. Workmen in match factories suffer from irritation of stomach and bowels, caries of teeth, necrosis of bones, especially of lower jaw, and from fatty degenera- tion of various organs. This may be prevented by using the red allotropic variety, which is harmless. No good antidote. Evacuate the stomach ; give copper sulphate % as emetic and antidote; give old turpentine, the ozone of which oxidizes the P. Avoid fats, for they dissolve it. Tests. — (i) Shines in the dark; (2) emits garlicky odor. Phosphorus Hydride. — PH 3 {Phosphoretted Hydrogen — Phos- phine) — occurs mixed with other hydrides of P in the gases arising from decomposing animal or vegetable matters, especially under water; hence seen as the ignis fatuus, or "Will-o'-the-wisp," over marshes and graveyards. Prepared 'by boiling phosphorus in a solution of caustic potash. § * * When heated to 500 F. in an atmosphere incapable of acting upon it, phos- phorus is converted into a reddish- brown powder, which, unlike ordinary phos- phorus, is not poisonous, not inflammable, and insoluble in the ordinary solvents. I Experiment. — Dissolve some phosphorus in carbon disulphide. Pour this on a sheet of filter paper hung on a retort stand. Soon the solvent evapo- rates and leaves the phosphorus in such a fine state of division that it inflames spontaneously. X Experiment". — Place a clean bit of phosphorus for a minute in a solution of copper sulphate. Remove, and note the coating of metallic copper. \ Experiment. — Into a retort, whose delivery tube dips under water in a dish, add liquor potassse and a few bits of phosphorus. Expel the air by pass- ing hydrogen or illuminating gas through the retort, or by adding a few drops of ether, the vapor of which does the same thing. On applying heat the hydrogen or illuminating gas or ether vapor first escapes, then come bubbles of PH 3 , each of which, as it bursts into the air, ignites spontaneously, forming beautiful rings of white smoke rotating on their circular axes. These may ascend to the ceiling if the air be still. 48 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Properties. — Colorless gas, of a garlicky odor ; inflames spontane- ously upon coming in contact with the air ; very poisonous. Phosphorus Oxides. These are analogous to the oxides of hydrogen, and form, on the addition of water, analogous acids. Phosphorus Pentoxide (P 2 5 ) is produced whenever P burns in Fig. 23. air* or O ; and forms three different phosphoric acids by combining with one, two or three molecules of water, thus : — PA + 3H 2 = H 6 P 2 8 2H 3 P0 4 = Orthophosphoric acid. Pyrophosphoric acid. 2HPO3 — Metaphosphoric acid. Orthophosphoric Acid.— Never found free, but is widely dis- P 2 5 + 2H 2 = H 4 P 2 7 P 2 5 + H 2 =H 2 P 2 6 : * Experiment. — A little stand in the middle of a dinner-plate supports a capsule, into which is put a bit of phosphorus freed from adhering water. This is ignited and covered with a bell jar. This jar is rilled with clouds of P 2 5 , which, aggregating, fall into the plate like a miniature snow-storm. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 49 seminated in the three kingdoms of nature in its salts, the phos- phates. Being the phosphoric acid most used in medicine (the other two are poisonous), it is usually called simply " phosphoric acid." Transparent, odorless, colorless, syrupy liquid. Being tri- basic, it forms three classes of phosphates by displacement of one, two, or three atoms of the basic hydrogen, thus: — KH 2 P0 4 , K 2 HP0 4 , and K 3 P0 4 . In the diluted form (acidum phosphoricum dilutum) it is prescribed as a tonic, especially in dyspepsia. Tests. — Add a few drops«of the magnesian fluid (MgS0 4 , NH 4 C1, and NH4HO, each one part, water eight parts) ; a white precipitate indicates phosphoric acid or other phosphate. ARSENIC occurs mostly as sulphide, usually associated with other metals. The ore is roasted, and the resulting oxide heated with carbon (charcoal) gives the metal. This is a brittle, steel-gray, crys- talline solid, possessing a metallic lustre. Heated out of contact with air it sublimes ; in air it burns with a bluish-white flame, emitting the odor of garlic and white clouds of As 2 3 . It combines with many elements ; the metallic arsenides resemble alloys. Used in pyrotechny and in the manufacture of shot, pigments and fly-poison. All its compounds are poisonous. Arsenious Hydride — AsH 3 — Arseniuretted Hydrogen — Arsine — is of great practical interest to the toxicologist, as its formation con- stitutes one of the most delicate tests for arsenic. Forms whenever hydrogen is generated in presence of an arsenical compound. Arsenious Iodide — Asl 3 . — Prepared by fusing together atomic proportions of its constituent elements. It enters into Donovan s Solution, liq. arsenii et hydrargyri iodidi, U. S. P. Arsenious Sulphide — As 2 S 3 — occurs native as orpiment. Pre- pared by precipitating an arsenious ■ compound with H 2 S. Bright yellow powder, insoluble in water or acid solutions, but soluble in alkaline. Another sulphide is realgar, AsS 2 . Both are used as pig- ments — the orpiment as a yellow, the realgar as a red. Oxides and Acids. As 2 O s -f- 3H 2 == 2H 3 As0 3 , (ortho) Arsenious acid. As 2 5 + 3H 2 == 2H 3 As0 4 , (ortho) Arsenic acid. 50 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Arsenious Oxide — As 2 3 . Arsenic, White Arsenic, Ratsbane, Arsenious Acid. — This is not only the most important compound of arsenic, but the most important of toxic agents, whether we consider the deadliness of its effects or the fatal frequency of its administration. When recently made it is in glassy lumps, which on exposure become crystalline and opaque. When sublimed it is deposited again in brilliant octahedral crystals. It is odorless, almost tasteless — slightly sweetish. When powdered arsenic is thrown upon water it does not all sink, notwithstanding its heaviness, but floats, showing a repulsion of the water. Very slightly soluble in water, even boiling water dis- solving less than two per cent. If the water be made acid or alkaline, it dissolves more readily. When arsenic dissolves in water it forms arsenious acid, H 3 As0 3 . There are two officinal solutions, each containing one per cent, of arsenic : (i) Liq. acidi arseniosi, in which the water is acidulated with HC1 ; (2) Fowlers Solution, liq. potassii arsenitis, in which the water is made alkaline by K 2 C0 3 . Arsenic Oxide. — Arsenic pentoxide is made when arsenious oxide (As 2 3 ) is treated with an oxidizing agent, as nitric acid. It is quite soluble in water, with which it forms a series of arsenic acids (ortho-, pyro- and meta-) analogous to the phosphoric acids. Toxicology of Arsenic. — The deadly effect of arsenical compounds has been known from remote antiquity, and they have probably been more used for homicidal purposes than all other toxic agents com- bined. Although chemistry has made its detection easy and certain, arsenic is so cheap, so readily administered to the unsuspecting victim, and so deadly, that it is still a favorite with the murderer. Owing to the extensive use of arsenical compounds as insect-powders (Paris green, etc.), and as pigmentsTor wall-paper, toys, confectionery, etc., cases of accidental poisoning are quite common. Few physicians have the training and facilities to undertake an extended analysis, but they should all know the simpler tests, so as to promptly recognize the nature of the poison and combat it intelli- gently and successfully. Besides, the physician, being early in the case, can by wise precautions prevent breaks in the chain of evi- dence ; protecting the prisoner if innocent, and closing loop-holes of escape if guilty. If foul play is suspected, he should commit all his observations to writing, for notes to be admitted as evidence must be the original ones taken at the time. Having collected the urine, PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 5 1 faeces, vomit, and the suspected vehicle of the poison, and having tested some or all of them to verify his suspicion, he should place them under seal or lock and key. He should carefully reserve his opinion, lest he do injustice to the innocent or warn the guilty. In case of death, the coroner should be notified and an autopsy held, in presence of the chemist if possible. The stomach and entire intestinal canal, ligated at both ends, half of the liver, the whole brain, spleen, one kidney, and any urine remaining in the bladder should be saved. These, if possible, should be preserved in separate jars, to which a little pure chloroform may be added to prevent decomposition. These jars must be new and clean, closed with new corks or glass — not zinc caps. They are then to be labeled, and also sealed and stamped, so they cannot be opened without detection, and as soon as possible turned over to the chemist or prosecuting officer. The symptoms of arsenical poisoning are those common to all intense irritants, viz., nausea, vomiting, burning pain in the epigastrium, purging, cramps, thirst, fever, rapid pulse, etc., ending in collapse. Smallest fatal dose is two grains, and death usually occurs in twenty- four hours. Treatment. — Remove any unabsorbed poison from the stomach by emetics or stomach-pump. The best antidote* is freshly precipitated ferric hydrate, made by adding aqua ammoniae to a solution of a ferric salt. " Dialysed iron," being a solution of ferric hydrate, may be used. It should be given at frequent intervals and in tablespoonful doses. Tests for Arsenic. — In the solid state : i. Heated on a knife- blade over a lamp, it volatilizes with a white smoke, and leaves no residue. 2. Heated in a test-tube it sublimes, and is recondensed in the cooler portion of the tube (Fig. 24) as octahedral crystals (Fig. 25). 3. Heated in a small tube with powdered charcoal, the arsenic is reduced as it sublimes, and recondenses on the cooler portion of the tube in the metallic state. In the liquid state : 1. Through the solution, acidulated or rendered neutral, pass H 2 S ; a yellow precipitate (As 2 S 3 ) falls. *An antidote is something harmless and capable of rendering the poison harmless. Since poisons are inert when insoluble, antidotes are usually such substances as are capable of combining with the poison to form an insoluble and therefore inert compound. 52 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. 2. To an aqueous solution add a few drops of nitrate of silver, and then cautiously add ammonia, drop by drop, till a yellow precipitate, silver arsenite (Ag 3 As0 3 ) is obtained, showing the presence of arsenic. 3. Repeat the preceding, adding copper sulphate instead of silver nitrate, and the presence of arsenic is indicated by a green precipitate of copper arsenite (Scheele's green or Paris green). The last two tests may be performed with greater ease and delicacy if the silver nitrate and copper sulphate each be previously treated with ammonia until the precipitate first formed is barely dissolved, forming solutions of ammonio-nitrate of silver and ammonio-sulfthate of copper, which are filtered and set aside as test reagents. Fig. 24. Fig. 25. The Plating (Reinsch's) Test. — Place a thin piece of pure copper in the solution acidulated with HC1, and boil. If arsenic be present, it will be deposited as a metallic film on the copper. If the solution be then poured off, and the piece of copper, carefully dried, be heated in a dry test-tube, the film will sublime and condense on the sides of the tube, and the preceding tests may be applied. The Hydrogen (Marsh's) Test depends on the fact that AsH 3 is always formed whenever hydrogen is generated in the presence of any arsenical compound. Generate hydrogen (Fig. 26) in the usual way (Zn + H 2 S0 4 ), and if the chemicals are pure (free from arsenic), the gas burns with a pale yellowish flame, without odor, and does not stain a porcelain dish held in the flame. Then pour into the generator some of the suspected solution. If arsenic be present, there is an odor of garlic ; the flame becomes bluish-white, and a cold porcelain PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 53 dish held in the jet (Fig. 28) so chills the flame that only the H burns, and the As is deposited on the porcelain as a brilliant metallic film. Fig. 26. Fig. 28. If the delivery tube be heated (Fig. 27), the passing AsH 3 is decomposed, and metallic ar- senic deposits farther out in the tube in a film of the same character as that on the porcelain. This may be distinguished from the film formed by antimony under similar circumstan- ces by (1) its greater metallic lustre, and (2) by its dissolving on the addition of chlorinated soda (Labarraque's solution); (3) moisten the spot with nitric acid ; evaporate the acid ; a white stain is left, which is colored a red by AgN0 3 and yellow by H 2 S. The flame should now be extinguished and the delivery-tube made to dip into a solution of AgN0 3 . This will be black- ened, and, if overlaid with aqua ammoniae, a yellow pre- cipitate will appear at the junction of the two fluids. ANTIMONY (stibium) occurs native, but usually as a sulphide. Prepared by roasting the sulphide, and heating the oxide thus ob- tained with charcoal. Properties. — A bluish-white, brittle, crystalline solid, with a brilliant metallic lustre. Resembles metals and forms alloys. In chemical 54 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. properties it plays the role of positive and negative radical with equal facility. Used in alloys, as type metal, Babbitt's metal, Britannia, etc., to which it gives hardness and causes them to expand and fill the moulds on solidifying. The metal is not used in medicine, most of the com- pounds being obtained from the sulphide. Antimonious Hydride — SbH 3 {Antimoniuretted Hydrogen — Sti- bine), corresponding to AsH 2 . — This gas is formed wherever hydrogen is generated (nascent) in presence of a reducible antimony compound. Antimonious Chloride — SbCl 3 . — At ordinary temperatures a yel- low semi- solid ; hence called butter of antimony. On addition of considerable water it decomposes, precipitating a white powder, the oxychloride (SbO.Cl),* formerly called powder of algaroth. Oxides and Acids of Antimony. Sb 2 3 + H 2 = 2HSb0 2 — (meta) Antimonious acid. Sb 2 5 + H 2 = 2HSb0 3 — (meta) Antimonic acid. Antimonious Oxide — Sb 2 3 .— Prepared by treating the oxychloride with sodium carbonate to remove the chlorine. A whitish, insoluble, volatilizable powder. Antimony and Potassium Tartrate-— (SbO)KTf ( Tartar Emetic). Prepared by treating Sb 2 3 with the bitartrate of potassium, thus : — 2KHT + Sb 2 3 = 2(Sb0)KT + H 2 0. Sweetish, metallic taste ; soluble in water and slightly so in alcohol. Dissolved in Sherry wine it forms vinum antimonii, U. S. P. It enters also into unguentum antimo7iii and syrupus scillce compositus, U. S. P. Antimonious Sulphide — Sb 2 S 3 , the principal ore of antimony ; occurs native in black, lustrous masses. It may be precipitated from any antimonial solution by H 2 S as an orange powder, jwhich is black when thoroughly dried. Poisoning by antimony occurs oftenest with tartar emetic, for that salt is used more than all the other compounds of antimony. The * SbO and BiO, called respectively antimony I and bismuthyl, are univalent radicals, because two valences of the trivalent element being satisfied by the bivalent O, only one free valence is left. f (T) is used to represent the tartaric acidulous radical (C 4 H 4 6 ). PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 55 symptoms are those referable to gastro-enteric irritation. Fortunately the salts of antimony are emetic, and cause spontaneous evacuation of the stomach. Encourage this, and give tannic acid or ferric hydrate, which will form an insoluble compound. The presence of antimony may be detected by (i) orange precipi- tate with H 2 S ; (2) by Marsh's test (see page 52). BISMUTH occurs native and as sulphide. Prepared by roasting the sulphide in air, and reducing the resulting oxide with charcoal. Properties. — A brittle, white metal, with a bronze tint ; volatilizes at a white heat. Forms compounds closely analogous to those of Sb, but is more positive, and plays the negative role with less facility. Used in alloys; e.g., pewter and stereotyping metal; the latter melts in boiling water. Bismuth Nitrate — Bi3N0 3 . — Formed by treating bismuth with nitric acid. Dissolves in a little water, but if much water be added it decomposes, with precipitation of — Bismuth Subnitrate — BiON0 3 {Bismuth Oxy nitrate) — a white, tasteless powder, much used in medicine and as a cosmetic (pearl white). Bismuth Subcarbonate — (BiO) 2 C0 3 . — Similar to the preceding in constitution, properties, and uses. Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate. — Obtained in pearly scales by dissolving the citrate in dilute ammonia-water, evaporating to a syrupy consistence and spreading on glass to dry. Being very soluble it is the preparation used in making the popular elixirs of bismuth. Physiological. — The bismuth salts are tonic, sedative, mildly astrin- gent and antifermentative. Used to allay gastro-intestinal irritation. Occasionally the irritation is increased from presence of arsenic which unscrupulous manufacturers often fail to remove as the Phar- macopoeia directs. When preparations of bismuth are taken, the stools are blackened by the sulphide formed with the H 2 S in the intestines. In severe cases of diarrhoea, with acid fermentation, this blackening does not occur, and its reappearance is a sign of improve- ment. Tests. — (1) H 2 S or NH 4 HS gives brownish-black precipitate; (2) the concentrated solution poured into water forms a white precipitate. 56 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. V. Carbon Group. Carbon (carbo, a coal) , C, 12 Silicon (silex, a flint), Si, ...... 28 Tin (Stannum), Sn, 118 Lead (Plumbum), Pb, 207 Each element is bivalent and quadrivalent. The dioxide of each forms with water a dibasic acid : — C0 2 + H 2 = H 2 C0 3 , Carbonic acid. Si0 2 -f- H 2 = H 2 Si0 3 , Silicic acid. Sn0 2 -|- H 2 = H 2 Sn0 3 , Stannic acid. Pb0 2 -f H 2 == H 2 Pb0 3 , Plumbic acid. CARBON occurs free in its three allotropic forms, diamond, graphite, and coal ; combined in carbonates and in all animal and vegetable substances. All its forms are probably traceable to organized life. Diamond. — Geological history unknown; transparent crystalline body of great brilliancy; hardest substance known. Used as a gem and for cutting glass, etc. Graphite (to write). — Owing to its resemblance to lead it has been called black lead or plumbago ; almost pure carbon. Used for pen- cils, crucibles, stove polish, etc. Coal. — Mineral coal is a black substance, compact in texture, the remains of vegetable life of past ages. Charcoal is obtained by burn- ing heaps of wood with a limited supply of air. The volatile con- stituents pass off, leaving the carbon as a light, porous substance, retaining the form and structure of the wood. Animal charcoal is made by heating animal matters in closed iron retorts. Charcoal, especially animal, is a valuable absorbent of odorous gases * and coloring matters.f Properties. — Free carbon is solid at all temperatures, and insoluble in all menstrua. Ordinarily, free carbon is unaffected by chemical * Experiment. — Fill a test-tube with ammonia gas over mercury (Fig. 29). Introduce a piece of charcoal recently heated. The gas is absorbed as is shown by the rapid rise of the mercury. f Experiment. — To a solution of indigo, cochineal, or potassium perman- ganate or beer in a flask, add some animal charcoal, shake up and filter. The filtrate is colorless, and in case beer is used it has also lost its bitter taste. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 57 Fig, agents, but at high temperatures it surpasses all other elements in its avidity for O. Hence it is used to separate the metals from their oxides.* Carbon Monoxide — CO — occurs whenever carbon is burned with an insufficient supply of air, as in anthra- cite stoves and furnaces, and in coal gas, but never occurs in nature. Prepared in the laboratory by heat- ing oxalic acid, or potassium ferrocya- nide, with sulphuric acid. Properties. — Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas ; burns with a pale blue flame ; very poisonous, combining with the coloring matter of the blood cor- puscles, and destroying their oxygen- carrying power. Artificial respiration is of little use. Transfusion of blood is the most promising treatment. After death the blood remains scarlet. The sources of danger are open charcoal fires, defective draught in stoves and chimneys, and illu- minating gas escaping into bed-rooms. Carbon Dioxide — C0 2 . C0 2 + H 2 = H^C0 3 — Carbonic acid. Occurs sparingly (.0004) in the atmosphere, as a result of animal respiration, vegetable decay, and combustion. Plants absorb it, appropriating the carbon and returning the oxygen to the air. It often accumulates in cellars, beer-vats, wells, etc., where it is called choke-damp. Prepared by burning carbon, but most conveniently in the labora- tory by decomposing a carbonate with an acid. CaC0 3 + 2HCI = CaCl 2 + H 2 + C0 2 . Physical Properties. — Transparent, colorless gas, of a pungent odor * Experiment. — Into a slight depression in a piece of charcoal lay some metallic oxide — e.g., lead oxide — heat with a blow-pipe. The oxide is reduced by the heated charcoal around it, and globules of the metal appear which coalesce into a bright button. 5 58 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. and sour taste. One and a half times as heavy as air.* Water dis- solves its own volume. Soda-water is only a solution of this gas under pressure.! Fig. 30. Making CO. Chemical Properties. — Neither burns nor supports combustion. J In water it exists as carbonic acid — H 2 C0 3 . On attempting to concen- * Experiments. — To show the weight of carbon dioxide : (1) Pour it from one vessel to another. (2) Blow soap bubbles and allow them to fall into a wide vessel containing this gas. As soon as they reach the surface of the gas they stop and float upon it. (3) Pour a large beakerful of the gas into a light pasteboard box that has been balanced on a pair of scales. The box will at once descend. This gas accumulating in wells may be bailed in buckets, and tested by being poured upon a lighted candle. f That water will dissolve a greater quantity of carbon dioxide under pres- sure is shown by the rapid evolution of the gas whenever a bottle of soda or other carbonated water is opened and the pressure thereby removed. % Set a candlestick, holding several lighted tapers at different heights, in a large jar. Carbon dioxide is introduced at the bottom, and extinguishes the tapers one by one as the vessel fills up to their levels. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 59 Fig. 31. trate this dilute solution the acid decomposes again into water and C0 2 ; hence wet litmus reddened by it becomes blue again on dry- ing. Tests. — (1) The gas (15 per cent, and over) extinguishes a flame; (2) precipitates lime-water ;* (3) carbonates effervesce on adding a strong acid. Physiological. — If the gas be undiluted, death is immediate from spasm of the glottis. If somewhat dilute (15 to 30 per cent.) there is loss of muscular power, anaesthesia, and death without a struggle. If quite dilute (5 to 10 per cent.) headache, giddiness, muscular weak- ness, and sometimes vomiting and con- vulsions occur. The effects are more serious if the C0 2 comes from combustion or respiration, because of the removal of oxygen and the admixture of the deadly CO and ani- mal exhalations. Treatment. — Fresh air, artificial respira- tion, and stimulation. The preventive is ventilation. Ventilation. — More than 7 parts of C0 2 in 10,000 of air is oppressive. Taking this as the maximum impurity allow- able, 3000 cubic feet of fresh air per hour is needed by each person, and more in case of disease or when lamps are burn- ing. To secure this in a room containing 1000 cubic feet (10 X 10 X i°) the air must be changed three times an hour. This would give a draught not uncomfortable or injurious. If the draught be properly distributed, a breathing space of 500 cubic feet changing six times an hour would be unobjectionable. Ventilation may be secured in two ways, by diffusion and by draught. * Experiment. — Two Wolff bottles are half filled with lime-water and arranged as in Fig. 31. Placing the rubber tube in his mouth, the operator can inspire through one bottle and expire through the other. The small amount of carbon dioxide in the inspired and the larger amount in the expired air is shown by a white precipitate, slight in the one and dense in the other bottle. 6o ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Fig. Diffusion. — Gases mingle more rapidly, liquids more slowly, to make a mixture of uniform density. When two gases of different densities are sepa- rated by a porous partition, they mingle, the lighter passing through more rapidly than the heavier, the rapidity being in inverse ratio to the square roots of their densities.* This diffusion is more active in winter than in summer, because of the greater difference in den- sity of the warm air within the house and the cold air without. Damp walls are unhealthful mainly because being no longer porous they prevent this diffusion. Cyanogen — CN or Cy. Univalent because N m can satisfy only three valences of C IV . A com- pound negative radical resembling in its chemical behavior the elements of the chlorine group. Prepared by strongly heating mercuric cyanide.f Hg(CN) 2 = Hg + 2CN. A colorless gas, smelling like peach kernels. Burns with a peach -blossom flame ; unites with metals to form cyanides, the most important being — Hydrocyanic Acid — H(CN), or HCy — (Prussic Acid, Hydrogen Cyanide). — Occurs in bitter al- monds, cherry-laurel water, etc. Properties. — Colorless liquid, having an odor like peach kernels. * Experiment. — Cement a porous earthenware battery cup at its open end to the top of a funnel tube, the end of which dips into a bottle of colored water. Support on a stand, as in Fig. 32. Bring down over the cup an inverted bell jar of hydrogen. The light H diffuses so much faster into the cup than the air diffuses out of it, that bubbles of gas escape rapidly through the water. Remove the bell jar and the conditions are reversed. The H now diffuses so rapidly out of the cup that the water is sucked up the tube. f If mercuric cyanide cannot be obtained, a mixture of two parts of thor- oughly dried potassium ferrocyanide and three parts mercuric chloride may be used. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 6 1 For medical purposes only a dilute (2 per cent.) solution is used, and the dose is from two to five drops. * Toxicology. — All the cyanides are very poisonous. One drop of the pure acid produces immediate death, and three grains of potassium cyanide kills in a few minutes. The respiratory centres are paralyzed, and the victim falls and dies in convulsions. Poisoning is liable to occur from handling the acid or the cyanides, which are largely used in the arts, or from eating vegetable products, e. g. peach and cherry seeds containing amygdalin, a substance easily decomposing into prussic acid and other products. Owing to the rapid action of the poison, antidotes are usually impracticable. Use artificial respiration and stimulate. If the patient survive an hour, the prognosis is good. Tests. — (1) Its odor; (2) silver nitrate — white precipitate soluble in boiling HNO3 ; (3) add ammonium sulphydrate, evaporate to dryness, and then add ferric chloride — a blood-red color. Cyanates. — Cyanic acid (HCyO) and ammonium cyanate (NH 4 - CyO) are the most interesting. The latter on being heated forms urea. Sulphocyanates are sulpho-salts corresponding to the cyanates (oxy-salts), and are good illustrations of the facility with which S forms series of compounds analogous to those of O. They, especially the potassium and sodium salts, are used as test reagents. Compound Cyanides. — Cyanogen shows a great tendency to form complex radicals, especially with iron ; as, ferrocyanogen [Fe II (CN) 6 I ] IV or (FeCy 6 ) IV , and ferricyanogen [Fe^CN)^ 1 or (Fe 2 Cy 12 ) vl . These two radicals contain ferrous and ferric iron re- spectively, and with hydrogen form acids known as hydro-ferrocyanic acid, H 4 FeCy 6 (tetrabasic), and hydro-ferricyanic acid, H 6 Fe 2 CNi 2 or H 6 Fe 2 Cy 12 (hexabasic) ; the salts of these acids are termed ferrocyan- ides and ferricyanides. Potassium Ferrocyanide — K 4 FeCy 6 — commonly called yellow prussiate of potash, and potassium ferricyanide — K 6 FeCy 12 — red prussiate of potash, are important test reagents. The carbon compounds will be further considered under the head of Organic Chemistry. SILICON (also called silicium) resembles carbon, and occurs in three allotropic forms corresponding to coal, graphite, and diamond ; most abundant element after oxygen. It exists in only a few com- 62 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. pounds, but they constitute the larger part of the earth's crust. Its principal compound is — Silicic Oxide — Si0 2 — occurring as flint, sand, rock-crystal, etc. ; with water it forms silicic acid. Clay, soapstone, asbestos. Silicates of aluminium and magnesium are very abundant, as clay, soapstone, asbestos, etc. Glass is a mixture of several silicates, usu- ally of sodium, calcium and sometimes lead. It is made by melting sand (Si0 2 ) with the carbonates or oxides of the metals. The addition of certain metallic oxides gives color ; e.g., cobalt gives a blue, manga- nese an amethyst, and copper a ruby. If the glass consist of only an alkaline silicate (e.g., sodium), it is soluble or water-glass, which is largely used in surgical dressings. TIN. — A bluish-white malleable metal,* not corroded by air or water ; hence used to form a protective coating for iron and copper. Tin-ware is usually sheet-iron coated by being dipped into molten tin. Tin alloyed with lead is easily dissolved, and may cause lead- poisoning. Tin-foil (thin laminae of tin) is used in wrapping to exclude air and moisture. Tin enters into the composition of a great many alloys. Powdered tin is sometimes used as an anthelmintic. * The Metals. — Occurrence. — Some, as gold and copper, occur free, but most of them are found combined with non- metallic elements, especially sulphur and oxygen. Preparation. — If combined with sulphur the ore is roasted until the sulphur is burned out, leaving the metal as an oxide, which is then heated with carbon to remove the oxygen, thus : — ZnS + 3 = ZnO + S0 2 ; then, ZnO + C = CO + Zn. Physical Properties. — Very opaque, with a "metallic lustre" (in fine powder, a dull black) ; bluish-gray, varying between the pure white of silver and the dull blue of lead. Yellow gold and red copper are exceptions. In weight, varying between lithium, specific gravity 0.58, and platinum, specific gravity 21.50. Most are solid, except mercury (liquid) and hydrogen (gaseous). All are absolutely insoluble. Chemical Properties. — Electro-positive, possessing great affinity for the non- metals and other electro-negative radicals. When two metals are fused together the product is an alloy. If one of the metals be mercury, it is called an amal- gam. Alloys are not chemical compounds, but mixtures, for the metals do not unite in definite proportions, and the alloy is not a new substance, but one with properties intermediate between those of its constituent metals. Used mostly in the arts. Of the fifty-five metals only about twenty-six, or rather compounds of these, enter the materia medica, and merit our notice. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 63 Tin forms two classes of compounds ; the stannous, in which the atom is bivalent, and stannic, in which the atom is quadrivalent. These are of importance to the chemist, but of little interest to the physician. LEAD. — Its principal ore is its sulphide (PbS), called galena. It is a soft, heavy, blue metal, very slowly acted upon by most sub- stances; hence used to make water-pipes and vessels that are exposed to corrosive liquids. # Water containing nitrates or nitrites (from organic matter) dissolves lead slightly ; but if it contains carbonates or sulphates, the lead is protected by. an insoluble coating of lead carbonate or sulphate. Lead enters into the composition of many alloys : as pewter, solder, shot, type-metal, etc. The quadrivalent compounds of lead are of so little importance that the term plumbic is applied to the bivalent compounds. Lead Oxide — PbO — Litharge. — A yellow substance, found native; made artificially by heating lead in the air. It is by treating this with the appropriate acid that most of the lead salts are prepared. When rubbed with oil it decomposes the glyceryllic ethers and combines with the fatty acids to form lead soaps, one of which, the oleate, is lead plaster, emplastrum plumbi , U. S. P. Lead Dioxide, or ptice lead, is a dark-brown powder, forming one of the constituents of red lead (Pb 3 4 or 2PbO.Pb0 2 ). Preparedly treating red lead with nitric acid to dissolve out the PbO. Lead Nitrate — Pb2N0 3 . Made: PbO + 2HNO3 = Pb2N0 3 + H 2 0. Ledoyeii s disinfectant fluid is a solution of Pb2N0 3 (one drachm to the ounce). It corrects fetid odors by neutralizing H 2 S and NH 4 HS. Lead Acetate — Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 , or PbAc 2 — Sugar of Lead. Made: PbO + 2HAc = PbAc 2 + H 2 0. Used in medicine more than any other lead salt. Its solution will dissolve considerable quantities of PbO, forming the solution of the subacetate of lead, the liquor plumbi subacetaiis, U. S. P., Goulard 's extract. It is astringent, and, like all the lead salts, sedative. Much used as a topical application in erysipelas, acute eczema, and other skin affections; and diluted {lead-water), it is used in conjunctivitis and other mucous inflammations. 64 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. The following insoluble salts may be made by precipitation from solutions of the preceding soluble ones: — Lead Chloride — PbCl 2 . — Made: Soluble lead salt added to a soluble chloride ; e. g, PbAc 2 + 2HCI = PbCl 2 + 2HAc. Slightly soluble in warm water, but in cold it is always precipitated from solu- tions of moderate strength ; hence classed with HgCl and AgCl as one of the three insoluble chlorides. Lead -Sulphate — PbS0 4 .— Forms as a white precipitate whenever a solution of a lead salt is added to a sulphate solution, thus : — PbAc 2 + ZnS0 4 = PbS0 4 + ZnAc 2 . Lead Carbonate — PbC0 3 — White Lead. Made : PbAc 2 + Na 2 C0 3 = PbC0 3 + 2NaAc. Commercially, it is made by some modification of the old Dutch method, which consists in covering bars of lead with the refuse of the wine-press and barn manure. The acetic fumes from the grape husks attack the lead, forming lead acetate, which is decomposed by the carbonic acid from the manure. The acetic acid thus liberated com- bines with another portion of lead, which is again precipitated by the carbonic acid, and thus the process continues until all the lead is consumed. Used for painting, but blackens when air contains H 2 S. Lead Sulphide — PbS — is formed as a black precipitate whenever a lead solution is treated with a soluble sulphide, as H 2 S or NH 4 HS. Lead Iodide — Pbl 2 . — A bright yellow precipitate on adding a soluble iodide to a lead solution ; as, — PbAc 2 + 2KI = 2KAc + Pbl 2 . Lead Chromate — PbCr0 4 . Made : PbAc 2 + K 2 Cr0 4 — PbCr0 4 + 2KAc. Under the name of chrome yellow it is used in painting. Of late it has been used to color food products. Tests for lead consist in forming precipitates of the foregoing in- soluble compounds. Physiological. — All the lead compounds are poisonous. Acute poisoning sometimes occurs from the ingestion of a single large dose of a soluble lead salt. The symptoms are those of gastric irritation. Treatment. Give MgS0 4 to form the insoluble PbS0 4 . PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 65 The chronic form of lead intoxication, painter s colic, is purely poisonous, and is produced by the continued absorption of minute quantities of lead by the skin of those handling it, and by the lungs and stomachs of those living in painted apartments, or using food and drink from leaden vessels. There is impairment of digestion, consti- pation, blue line along the edge of the gums, colic, and paralysis, especially of the extensor muscles. Lead once absorbed is eliminated very slowly, having combined with the albuminoids, a combination which is rendered soluble by the administration of iodide of potas- sium. The treatment for chronic lead-poisoning is to give MgS0 4 , for the double purpose of overcoming the constipation and precipitating any lead remaining unabsorbed in the alimentary canal ; also KI to pro- mote the. elimination of that which is combined with the albuminoids. Alum is a favorite treatment, seeming to perform all accomplished by both the MgS0 4 and KI. The paralyzed muscles must be treated with electricity, so that when the lead is eliminated and the nerve influence returns, it may not find them degenerated past redemption. VI. Metals of the Alkalies. Hydrogen, H 1 Lithium, Li 7 Ammonium, (NHJ 18 Sodium (Natrium), Na 23 Potassium (Kalium), K 39.1 Rubidium, Rb 85 Cesium, Cs 133. Univalent ; very electro-positive (except H), so that when com- bined, unless it be with a strongly electro-negative (acidulous) radical, they form very alkaline compounds (hence the name). The positive affinities, as in the other groups, increase with the atomic weights. All their compounds are soluble. LITHIUM. — Sparingly but widely distributed in nature, especially in the waters of certain springs. Lightest of the solid elements. Its salts closely resemble those of sodium. Physiological. — Lithium urate being by far the most soluble com- pound of uric acid, salts of lithium, especially the carbonate, are given 66 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. to gouty persons to promote the elimination of uric acid, -which ac- cumulates in that disease. Test. — It colors the flame a beautiful carmine red. AMMONIUM. — When ammonia gas (NH 3 ) combines with an acid, it appropriates the basic hydrogen and forms a salt in which NH 4 is the positive radical ; e. g. : — NH 3 + HC1 = NH 4 C1, corresponding to KC1 or NaCl; NH 3 + HHO = NHJIO, corresponding to KHO or NaliO; NH 3 + HN0 3 = NH 4 N0 3 , corresponding to KN0 3 or NaN0 3 ; 2NH 3 + H 2 S0 4 = (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 , corresponding to K 2 S0 4 or N^SO^. This radical plays the 7'dle of a metal, like K and Na, and is called Ammonium. Does not exist uncombined, although Weyl claims to isolate it as a dark-blue liquid metal. * We can obtain it as an amal- gam by the reaction between sodium amalgam and ammonium chloridcf Ammonium Hydrate — NH 4 HO — Caustic Ammonia — is formed in solution whenever ammonia gas (NH 3 ) dissolves in water, thus : NH 3 + H 2 = NH4HO. It has been already stated that the watery solu- tion of a fixed substance is called a liquor ; of a volatile substance, an aqua. In like manner alcoholic solutions of fixed substances are called tinctures, and of volatile, spirits. There are four U. S. P. solu- tions of ammonia : — Aqua ammonia, • 10 per cent. Aqua ammonia fortior, 26 " Spiriius ammonia, 10 " Spii'itus ammonia aromaticus. * Experiment. — The supposed free ammonium. Sodio-ammonium is pre- pared by heating sodium in a sealed tube with ammonia gas. This is in turn heated with ammonium chloride in a sealed tube. A dark blue liquid, with metallic lustre, is obtained, but soon decomposes into ammonia gas and hydro- gen. I Experiment. — To some mercury in a test-tube add sodium, small bits at a time. On this sodium amalgam pour a strong solution of ammonium chlo- ride. Sodium chloride and ammonium amalgam are formed. (Na + Hg) + NH 4 C1 — NaCl + (NH 4 + Hg). The ammonium amalgam swells up and soon decomposes — (NH 4 -f~ H-g) = NH 3 -)- H -f- Hg — the gaseous NH 3 and hydrogen escape, and only the mercury remains. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 6j In all these solutions NH 4 HO exists, but has never been isolated, because, whenever we attempt to evaporate the water or alcohol, the NH4HO decomposes into NH 3 -f- H 2 0. Ammonium hydrate is very alkaline. Ammonium Hydrosulphide — NH 4 HS — occurs in decomposing nitrogenous, sulphurized organic bodies. Made by saturating a solu- tion of NH4HO with H 2 S. A yellowish solution ; used as a test reagent. Ammonium Carbonate — (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 . — Ammenii Carbonas, U. S. P. — Sal volatile — is prepared by heating a mixture of NH 4 C1 and chalk (CaC0 3 ) up to the temperature at which (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 would be vola- tilized, when the following reaction will occur : — 2NH 4 C1 -f CaC0 3 = CaCl 2 + (NH,) 2 C0 3 . (See Volatility, page 25.) Very prone to absorb C0 2 from the atmos- phere and become bicarbonate unless NH 4 HO be added. Other salts may be made by adding the appropriate acid to the carbonate or hydrate of ammonium. If we use the carbonate, we can tell when acid enough has been added by the cessation of effer- vescence. If the hydrate be used there is no effervescence, and our only guide is the point at which the solution becomes neutral in reaction. This is determined by the use of test papers. These are made of white, unsized paper, steeped in a blue vegetable pigment called litmus, which is reddened by acids and restored to its blue by alkalies. Physiological. — The hydrate and carbonate are alkaline irritants, like the corresponding K and Na compounds, though in less degree. They, moreover, give off NH 3 , which, though irritating to the respira- tory tract, is a valuable stimulant in fainting fits, etc. Two drachms of aqua ammoniae have killed. The treatment, as for all alkalies, is to give a dilute acid or some oil. Tests. — (1) An ammonium salt warmed with liq. potassas gives off NH 3 , recognized (a) by its odor, (b) its forming a white cloud of NH 4 C1 when a glass rod dipped in the HC1 is held over the vessel, and (c) its changing moist red litmus to blue. (2) Heat the dry ammonium salt and it volatilizes. SODIUM occurs very abundantly as sodium chloride, or common salt, from which almost all the sodium compounds are now obtained 68 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. instead of from ashes of seaweeds, as formerly. The preparatio)i and properties of sodium and its compounds are so similar to those of potassium that we will omit their separate consideration. So much alike are the salts of the two metals that the choice between them is usually governed by considerations of economy, convenience, solu- bility, fashion, etc. On exposure to the atmosphere the sodium salts usually have a tendency to effloresce, while the potassium salts tend to deliquesce. Tests. — No good precipitant ; for all the compounds of sodium are soluble. However, the strong yellow color it gives a flame is a very delicate test ; in fact, too delicate, for it shows traces of sodium in almost everything. Fig. 33. Fig. 34. POTASSIUM occurs only in compounds. Prepared by heating one of its oxygen compounds with charcoal in an iron retort (K 2 C0 3 + 2C = 3CO + K 2 ). The metallic K distills over and is condensed in a flat receiver. Physical Properties. — Soft as wax ; lighter than water ; silvery lustre when freshly cut, but quickly tarnishes. Chemical Properties. — Intensely electro-positive ; hence it possesses great affinity for the non-metals ;* takes O from H 2 0, even as ice, f setting fire to the escaping H, giving the flame the violet color char- acteristic of K (Fig. 34). * Experiment. — Potassium inflames spontaneously when lowered into a jar of chlorine (Fig. 33). Warmed with iodine or dropped into bromine it explodes violently. This should be done under a tubulated bell jar, because the potassium is scattered in every direction. f Experiment. — Load a strong toy cannon with gunpowder. On the fuse lay a small bit of potassium. Touching it with a piece of ice fires the cannon. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 69 Potassium Carbonate — K 2 C0 3 . — Obtained as an impure solu- tion ("lye") by lixiviating the ashes of plants, especially forest trees. This, evaporated to dryness, forms " concentrated lye." This in turn, when purified, forms "pearl-ash," which is further purified for medicinal use. Sometimes made by burning cream of tartar and lixiviating the residue, hence called salts of tartar. A white semi- crystalline or granular powder. C0 3 being a weakly acidulous radi- cal, K 2 C0 3 is very alkaline, even caustic. Acid Salts. — Salts are formed by a metallic radical displacing the basic H of an acid. If all the H be displaced, the result is a normal salt, as, H 2 S0 4 + K 2 = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 . But if part of the basic H of the acid remains, it is called an acid salt, as H 2 S0 4 + K = KHS0 4 + H. Sometimes acid salts are called "bi " salts, because the proportion of the acidulous radical to the basylous is twice as great as in the normal ; e.g., KHS0 4 is called potassium bisulphate, because the proportion of the acidulous radical S0 4 to the basylous radical K is twice as great as in the normal sulphate, K 2 S0 4 . Potassium Bicarbonate — KHC0 3 . — Although an acid salt in constitution, it is alkaline in reaction, on account of the weakness of its acidulous radical. Made by passing C0 2 into a solution of K 2 C0 3 . The reaction is as follows : — K 2 CO s + H 2 + C0 2 = 2KHCO3. Potassium Bitartrate — KH (C 4 H 4 6 ) or KHT — Cream of Tar- tar. — Prepared similarly to the above, by adding tartaric acid to a solution of the normal tartrate, thus: K 2 T + H 2 T = 2KHT. It exists naturally in grape juice, and, being insoluble in an alcoholic menstruum, is precipitated on the sides of the wine casks whenever vinous fermentation sets in. This is its commercial source. Other Salts. — Most salts of K are made by treating the car- bonate with the appropriate acid, e.g. : — The chloride— K 2 CO s + 2HCI = 2KCI + H 2 + C0 2 . The sulphate— K 2 C0 3 + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 + C0 2 , etc. The decomposition is attended with an effervescence of C0 2 . It is the formation of this volatile compound that determines the reaction. (See Volatility, page 25.) JO ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. But the following salts are not made in this way : — Potassium Hydrate — KHO — Caustic Potash — maybe made ex- perimentally by the reaction of metallic K on water, thus : — H 2 + K = KHO + H. But made in the shops by boiling K 2 C0 3 with slaked lime, thus: — K 2 C0 3 + Ca2HO = CaC0 3 + 2KHO. The insoluble CaC0 3 (chalk) sinks to the bottom, and the KHO dissolves in the supernatant liquid, which when clear is poured off (decanted). This watery solution, if of proper strength (§j-Oj), forms " Liquor potassce, U. S. P." If this solution be evaporated to a syrupy consistence and poured into moulds, it forms the stick caustic potash. KHO is very alkaline, and a powerful cautery. Exposed to the air it absorbs C0 2 and forms carbonate : — 2KHO + C0 2 == K 2 CO s + H 2 0. Potassium Iodide — KI : — 6KHO + 61 = 5KI + KIO3 + 3H 2 0. The color disappears because the I goes to form colorless salts. Prepared thus, the KI is contaminated with KI0 3 (K-Iodate).* But if the mixture be strongly heated the 3 is driven off and the KI alone remains. The addition of charcoal facilitates the removal of the 3 . Potassium Bromide — KBr — may be made similarly to the above. Sodio-Potassium Tartrate — NaKT — Rochelle Salt, — A neutral salt made by boiling acid potassium tartrate with sodium bicarbonate. KHT + NaHC0 3 = NaKT + H 2 + C0 2 . This is the reaction that occurs in baking with cream of tartar baking powders. Potassium Hypochlorite — KCIO. — Made by passing chlorine into a cold solution of KHO. Yields free chlorine. The ordinary bleach- * Experiment. — The presence of KI0 3 in a commercial specimen of KI may be recognized by boiling a little starch in a test-tube, dissolving a crystal of the suspected salt, and then adding a few drops of a strong solution of tar- taric acid; if KI0 3 be present, I will be liberated, and a blue color struck with the starch. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. J I ing solutions (Labarraque's Solution or Javelle water) are solutions of impure sodium or potassium hypochlorite. Tests for Potassium. — (i) If the suspected solution be concentrated, add H 2 T and get a precipitate of KHT * (2) Platinic chloride (PtCl 4 ) gives a yellowish precipitate. But the PtCl 4 is very costly, and all the potassium compounds so soluble that the above tests are but little used. The most convenient is the (3) flame test : dip the end of a clean platinum wire in the suspected solution, and hold in the color- less Bunsen or alcohol flame and notice the violet color. CESIUM AND RUBIDIUM.— Rare metals, occurring in small quantities with potassium. Discovered* in i860 by means of the spec- troscope, and named from the colors of their lines in the spectrum (ccesius, sky blue, and rubidus, dark red). Of no medical interest as yet. Analytical. — To determine whether a salt be a compound of K, Na, NH 4 , or Li, heat samples of each ; the one that volatilizes is the salt of NH 4 . Confirm this by boiling with KHO and getting the odor of ammonia. To the other three salts apply the flame tests, getting the violet for K,f yellow for Na, and carmine for Li. VII. Metals of the Alkaline Earths. Magnesium, Mg 24 Calcium, Ca 40 Strontium, Sr . . . • . 87.5 Barium, Ba 137 Bivalent ; their oxides and hydrates are very alkaline, but of an earthy character. Their positiveness or basicity, as in other groups, is in the order of the atomic weights. Their carbonates are decom- posable by heat and insoluble in water, unless it contains H 2 C0 3 in solution. Their sulphates increase in solubility from the insoluble barium salt to the very soluble magnesium sulphate. MAGNESIUM. — Never free ; abundant in magnesian limestone (CaC0 3 .MgC0 3 ). Asbestos, meerschaum, and soapstone are native *The addition of alcohol renders the test much more delicate. f The delicate violet of K may be masked by the intense yellow of Na, but can be seen if observed through a piece of blue glass, a medium that absorbs the yellow light. 72 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. silicates. Most natural waters contain its salts. Silvery white metal ; burns with a brilliant white light, rich in chemical rays, and used in photographing caves and other dark places. Magnesium Sulphate — MgS0 4 — occurs in the waters of various springs, as those at Epsom ; hence often called Epsom salts. Made artificially from the native carbonate, thus : — MgC0 8 + H 2 S0 4 = MgSO, + (H 2 + CO a ). White, crystalline, soluble salt of a nauseous bitter taste. It is a popular purgative. The nauseous taste and griping may be obviated by adding aromatics, acid, sulphate of iron (as in Crab Orchard salts) or by free dilution. Magnesium Citrate is the most pleasant of the saline purgatives. Usually given as the liquor magnesii citratis, which is prepared by adding a solution of citric acid to MgC0 3 , and bottling immediately to retain the C0 2 , Magnesium Carbonate — MgC0 3 — occurs native. For medicinal purposes it is prepared by precipitation, thus : — MgS0 4 + Na 2 C0 3 = Na 2 SC\ + MgC0 3 . Similar to chalk in its physical and chemical properties. Magnesium Oxide — MgO — Magnesia. Made like CaO, by heat- ing the carbonate. MgCO s = MgO + C0 2 . Insoluble and tasteless (earthy), but its alkalinity is shown by its turning moist red litmus paper blue when the solid MgO is dropped upon it. Magnesium Hydrate — Mg(HO) 2 . — Formed by precipitating a magnesium solution with potassium or sodium hydrate. Insoluble in water, but, like other salts of magnesium, soluble in the presence of ammonium compounds with which they form double salts. Suspended in water, it is called milk of magnesia. Magnesium Phosphates. — These resemble the calcium phosphates and are associated with them in the body, though in small quantity. The ammonio-magnesium phosphate (MgNH 4 P0 4 ) is precipitated whenever a soluble phosphate in neutral or alkaline solution finds itself in presence of an ammonium salt, as occurs in the alkaline fer- mentation of urine. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 73 Physiological. — Magnesium oxide and hydrate being alkaline and tasteless, are popular antidotes for acids. These and the carbonate are given to correct acid conditions of the digestive tract, and com- bining with the acids they form soluble salts that are laxative. CALCIUM. — Never free, but its compounds are very abundant, as limestone, gypsum, etc. Calcium salts are necessary to animal life, the teeth and bones consisting mainly of calcium phosphate. Calcium Chloride — CaCl 2 . Made : CaC0 3 + 2HCI = CaCl 2 + H 2 + C0 2 . A white salt ; very avid of water and deliquescent ; used to dry gases. Calcium Carbonate — CaC0 3 . — Abundant as limestone, marble, corals, chalk, and shells of the Crustacea, mollusks, etc. Chalk con- sists of microscopic shells. Precipitated chalk is made by adding a soluble carbonate to a soluble calcium salt, as : — Na 2 C0 3 + CaCl 2 = 2NaCl + CaC0 3 . The precipitate (CaC0 3 ) may be separated from the CaCl 2 in solu- tion, by — (a) Filtration. — Pouring the mixture into a cone of filter paper placed in a funnel, when the water with the dissolved salt will pass through, leaving the insoluble portion (the precipitate) on the filter, (b) Decan- tation. — Allowing the precipitate to settle to the bottom, and pouring off the clear fluid. In either case the precipitate may be washed from any remaining CaCl 2 by adding pure water and repeating the process. Calcium Oxide — CaO — Lime, quicklime ; calx, U. S. P. — A white solid ; made by heating limestone in rude furnaces called kilns. CaC0 3 = CaO + C0 2 . When water is added to CaO there is a violent chemical union, great heat is evolved, and a hydrate is formed, thus : — CaO -f H 2 = Ca2HO. Calcium Hydrate — Ca2H O— Slaked lime.— A white, odorless powder; very slightly soluble in water, less than one grain to the ounce, but enough to give " lime-water " {liquor calcis, U. S. P.) a 74 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. decidedly alkaline taste and reaction. The presence of sugar greatly increases its solubility (Jig. calcis saccharatus, Br.). Chlorinated Lime — Chloride of time, bleaching powder, calx chlorata, U. S. P. — is a mixture of chloride of calcium (CaCl 2 ) and calcium hypochlorite (Ca2C10). It is made by passing chlorine gas over slaked lime until it ceases to be absorbed. It is white, moistens on exposure to the air, absorbing C0 2 and giving off CI. It is em- ployed as a source from which to get a gradual supply of chlorine for disinfecting and bleaching purposes. Calcium Sulphate — CaS0 4 — occurs negative, as gypsum, which, when heated, loses its water of crystallization and forms a white amor- phous powder called plaster- of- Paris. If this plaster be mixed with water enough to form a creamy liquid, it will recrystallize or "set" into a hard compact mass. Much used in surgery to make casts to hold broken limbs in position. Very slightly soluble in water. Calcium Phosphate — Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 .— It is the most abundant mineral ingredient of the body ; in every tissue and fluid, especially the teeth and bones, to which it gives hardness and rigidity. A white tasteless powder, soluble in dilute acids. Dissolved by lactic acid, it is given as syrupus calcii lactophosphatis, U. S. P., in scrofula, rickets, and other diseases of defective nutrition. Calcium Oxalate — CaC 2 4 , or CaOx — occurs in the juices of some plants and in the urine. Obtained as a fine white crystalline powder when a soluble oxalate is added to a calcium solution. Insoluble in water or acetic acid, but soluble in the mineral acids. Hard Waters are such as contain mineral matters, especially calcium (lime) compounds. Often water, in passing through the soil, becomes highly charged with carbonic acid, and dissolves con- siderable amounts of CaC0 3 , and is hard. This is called temporary hardness, because on exposure or boiling, the carbonic acid is driven off, the CaC0 3 is precipitated, and the water becomes soft. The solu- bility of CaS0 4 does not depend on the presence of carbonic acid, and boiling will not precipitate it. So water impregnated with CaS0 4 is said to be permanently hard. Drinking-water should contain a small quantity of lime ; but very hard water impairs digestion. Hard water is unfit for washing, because the soluble alkali soap reacts with the lime salt to form an insoluble lime-soap. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 75 STRONTIUM. — Of little importance, except that its nitrate is used in pyrotechny to make the red light.* BARIUM. — Of little interest to the medical student, except that its compounds are poisonous. Barium sulphate is very insoluble ; hence (i) the antidote of barium is some soluble sulphate, and (2) barium solutions (nitrate and chloride) are delicate tests for sulphates, and vice versa. (See Insolubility \ page 26.) Barium gives the flame a green color ; hence used (nitrate) in pyrotechny to make the green or Bengal light.f Analytical. — To determine whether a solution be one of barium, calcium or magnesium : Add potassium chromate ; a precipitate indicates barium. If no precipitate, add ammonium chloride and then ammonium carbonate ; a precipitate indicates calcium. If no precipitate, add sodium phosphate ; a precipitate indicates magnesium. VIII. Metals of the Earths. Boron, . B 11 Aluminium, Al 27 Scandium, Sc .... 44 Yttrium, Y 92 Lanthanum, La 139 Cerium, • . . . Ce 141 Didymium, D 145 Samarium, Sm 150 Erbium, E 168 Ytterbium, Yb 173 Trivalent, though in compounds two atoms go together, forming a * Red Fire : Strontium nitrate, 800 grains; sulphur, 225 grains; potassium chlorate, 200 grains, and lampblack, 50 grains. f Green Fire : Barium nitrate, 450 grains ; sulphur, 150 grains; potassium chlorate, 100 grains, and lampblack, 25 grains. For lecture-room experiments the following, without sulphur, are preferable : Green Fire :• Two parts barium nitrate, two parts potassium chlorate, and one part ground shellac. Red Fire : Two parts strontium nitrate, two parts potassium chlorate, and one part ground shellac. The ingredients should be dry, powdered separately, and mixed with as little friction as possible. j6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. • sexivalent radical, as A1 2 C1 6 . Boron is so weakly positive that it is a non-metal. Aluminium is the most important member of this group, the others being rare metals associated with it in various minerals. Their oxides and hydrates are of a neutral or earthy character. BORON occurs as a constituent of boracic acid and borax (sodium borate, U. S. P.). Has two allotropic forms, amorphous and crystal- line, corresponding to coal and diamond. Forms only one oxide (B 2 3 ), which, combining with water, forms an acid : — B 2 3 + 3H 2 = H 6 B 2 6 = 2H 3 B0 3 — Boric acid. Boric or Boracic Acid occurs as pearly scales, soluble in water ; feebly acid ; an unirritating antiseptic. Boiled with glycerine it was sold as boroglyceride, or mixed with borax as rex mag?tus to preserve foods, especially milk and meats. Test. — Compounds of boron, especially when moistened with sul- phuric acid, color the flame green. ALUMINIUM. — Never found free, but in the abundance and dis- tribution of its compounds it ranks next to oxygen and silicon— third among the elements and first' among the metals. Isolated with difficulty, and therefore costly. Bluish-white metal, ductile and very light ; does not tarnish in the air. With copper it forms a golden- yellow alloy, known as aluminium bronze. Aluminium Chloride — A1 2 C1 6 . — Prepared industrially in the manu- facture of aluminium. A soluble, astringent salt. It absorbs and combines with H 2 S, PH 3 , and NH 3 . An impure solution is sold as a disinfectant under the name chloralum. Aluminium Sulphate — AL3SO4. — Made by treating white clay with H 2 S0 4 . It has properties similar to the above. Alum — Alumen. — An alum is a double sulphate of a trivalent and a univalent radical. Its constitution may be expressed thus : — R 2 m 3S0 4 .R 2 r S0 4 , or 2R III R I 2S0 4 . The trivalent radical (R m ) may be Al, Fe, Cr, or Mn. The uni- valent radical (R 1 ) may be K, Na, NH 4 , etc. So, by different com- binations of these radicals a variety of alums may be formed. The old potash alum (A1 2 3S0 4 .K 2 S0 4 ) is giving place in the arts to the cheaper ammo7iiu7n alum (A1 2 3S0 4 .(NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 ). The ammonio -ferric PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. JJ alum (Fe 2 3S04.(NH4)2S0 4 ) is also much used in medicine. Burnt alum, alumen exsiccatum, is a white amorphous powder obtained by heating alum until its water of crystallization is driven off. Alum, like other salts in which the acidulous radical predominates, is astrin- gent ; burnt alum, on account of its avidity for water, is a mild escharotic. Aluminium Silicates. — Very abundant, as granite, clay, sand, etc. Clay is usually of a reddish or brown color from admixture of oxides of Fe, etc. Pure white clay {kaolin) is used in the arts to make porcelain, and in medicine as a vehicle for the external application of acids, etc. CERIUM is a rare metal. One of its salts, the oxalate, is used as a sedative to irritable stomachs, especially in the vomiting of preg- nancy. When pure it is a very efficient remedy ; but the commercial article is liable to contain salts of lanthanum, didymium, and other allied metals. The other members of this group possess little interest for the medical student. IX. The Zinc Group. Zinc, Zn 65.2 Cadmium, Cd 112 Bivalent ; bluish-white metals, closely allied in sources and prop- erties. ZINC. — When heated in air, zinc burns with an intense bluish- white light, forming clouds of oxide. It tarnishes quickly in air or water, but becomes coated with a film of oxide that protects it from further corrosion. Iron coated with zinc ("galvanized iron") will withstand exposure to the weather an indefinite time. Alloyed with copper, zinc forms brass. Pure H 2 S0 4 is unaffected by pure zinc or zinc coated with mercury (amalgamated), unless it form a galvanic circuit.* Commercial zinc is rapidly attacked by most acids. * Experiment. — Into a large test-tube containing bits of zinc pour dilute sulphuric acid; there is a prompt effervescence of hydrogen. Add a little mercury, and agitate; the action ceases. Drop in a piece of copper; it begins a^ain. 78 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Zinc Sulphate — ZnS0 4 — White Vitriol — is made thus : — Zn + H 2 S0 4 = ZnS0 4 + H 2 . White, soluble salt, resembling MgS0 4 in appearance ; astringent and emetic. Zinc Chloride — ZnCl 2 . — Made : Zn + 2HCI = ZnCl 2 + H 2 . A white deliquescent salt ; strongly astringent ; severe caustic. Used as an injection to preserve anatomical subjects. Each of the following mixtures forms a hard, white mass, used for filling teeth : — (a) A strong solution of zinc chloride with zinc oxide. (&) A strong solution of magnesium chloride with magnesium oxide. (c) Zinc oxide with phosphoric acid (zinc phosphate). Zinc Carbonate — ZnC0 3 — is a white, insoluble powder made by precipitation : — ZnS0 4 + Na 2 C0 3 = N^SO^ + ZnC0 3 . Used in the arts (zinc white) in place of lead carbonate, for it is not blackened by H 2 S ; in medicine as a dusting powder for excori- ated surfaces, and in ointment. Zinc Oxide — ZnO — is prepared either by burning metallic zinc* or heating the carbonate, ZnC0 3 = ZnO + C0 2 . It is a yellowish-white powder, used externally in ointment; inter- nally as a tonic and astringent, especially in the night-sweats of phthisis and diarrhoea of children. Zinc Sulphide — ZnS — is precipitated whenever a solution of a zinc salt is added to the solution of a soluble sulphide, unless the solution be acid in reaction. It is the only white sulphide, therefore a test for zinc. Poisoning. — All the salts of zinc that are soluble in the digestive fluids act as irritant poisons. Sodium chloride and organic acids dis- solve metallic zinc, therefore food kept in galvanized iron vessels is more or less poisonous, especially since commercial zinc usually con- * Experiment. — Place bits of zinc in a hessian crucible and heat strongly over a triple burner. The metal is volatilized, and the vapor igniting burns with an intense bluish-white flame, yielding white flakes of zinc oxide, the lana philosophica (philosopher's wool) of the older chemists. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 79 tains traces of arsenic. For this reason articles intended for toxico- logical analysis should never be kept in jars with zinc caps. CADMIUM resembles zinc in its properties and uses, except that its sulphide is yellow and insoluble in acid solutions. X. The Iron Group. Chromium, . . Cr 52.2 Manganese, Mn 55.0 Iron, Fe 56.0 Cobalt, Co 58.8 Nickel, Ni 58.8 These are hard metals and all more or less magnetic. By a variation in valence they form two classes of compounds : One in which the atom is bivalent, as in ferrous chloride (FeCL) ; the other in which the atom is trivalent, as in ferric chloride (Fe 2 Cl 6 ). With oxygen they form acidulous radicals, which form the chromates, man- ganates, and ferrates, with the stronger bases. CHROMIUM. — So named because all its compounds are colored. The metal is of but little use. Its compounds are of great importance to the chemist and of considerable utility in the arts, but few are used in medicine. Chromium Trioxide — Cr0 3 — is made by treating a strong solution of potassium bichromate with sulphuric acid, thus : — K 2 Cr 2 7 + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 Cr0 4 + CrO s . The Cr0 3 separates in crimson prisms. It is a powerful oxidant and a caustic. Sometimes improperly called chromic acid. Chromates. — The principal ones are potassium chromate, K 2 Cr0 4 , a valuable test reagent, and lead chromate, PbCr0 4 , a yellow pig- ment. Bichromates are not regular acid or bi-salts, but compounds of a 80 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. chromate and chromium trioxide. The most important of these is potassium bichromate, K 2 Cr 2 7 , or K 2 Cr0 4 .Cr0 3 . It forms large, red, soluble crystals. It is added to the sulphuric acid in batteries to oxidize* the nascent hydrogen. Chromates may be recognized by their color and by the yellow pre- cipitate on the addition of lead acetate. MANGANESE resembles iron in its properties. Used to alloy iron in the preparation of certain kinds of steel. Its most abundant ore is the Manganese Dioxide — Mn0 2 — Black Oxide of Manganese — an insoluble steel-gray powder that readily gives up its extra atom of O. Used in large quantities in the preparation of chlorine and oxygen gas. Manganous Sulphate — MnS0 4 . Mn0 2 + H 2 S0 4 = MnS0 4 + H 2 + O. A soluble, rose-colored salt. Manganous Sulphide — MnS — is precipitated whenever a solution of a salt of manganese is treated with NH 4 HS. It is the only flesh- colored sulphide, hence its formation is a test of manganese. Manganates. — If a mixture of KHO, KC10 3 , and Mn0 2 be heated together, there results a green mass of potassium manganate, K 2 Mn0 4 . If this be dissolved in distilled water, it forms a green solution, which, on boiling, or even standing awhile, is changed to a purple, due to the formation of potassium permanganate, K 2 Mn 2 8 . The permanganate f gives up its oxygen so readily to organic matter, * Experiments. — The oxidizing action of the chromic salts can be shown - in a number of reactions, (a) Any organic substance, as sugar, oxalic acid, or a chip of wood, boiled in the sulphuric acid and bichromate mixture, is oxid- ized, disappearing completely, with evolution of carbon dioxide, (b) Rinse out a beaker with strong alcohol, and then drop in a few crystals of chromic acid. The thin layer of alcohol is ignited with the odor of aldehyde. (c) Pour a few drops of absolute alcohol on the wick of a spirit lamp, and lay on several crystals of chromic acid. It ignites. f Experiment. — Powdered potassium permanganate treated with sulphuric acid gives off ozone. (See page 19.) So powerful an oxidizer is this mixture that alcohol, ether, benzol, carbon disulphide, flowers of sulphur, tannin, etc., are ignited on contact with it. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 8 1 at the same time losing its purple color, that it is used as a test for organic impurity in water and as a disinfectant. Physiological. — Associated with iron (i to 20), manganese is a normal constituent of the blood corpuscles ; hence its preparations, like those of iron, are blood tonics. Valuable in amenorrhcea. IRON occurs abundantly as oxide, carbonate, and sulphide ; occa- sionally free. Preparation, — The carbonate or sulphide is first roasted until con- Fig. 35. Making Reduced Iron. verted into oxide. The oxide is heated in a blast furnace with coal and fluxes (limestone and silicates). The carbon of the coal removes the oxygen from the iron, which melts and sinks beneath the melted fluxes. The fused metal is then drawn off into furrows in the sand called pigs. This is cast iron, containing 4 or 5 per cent, of carbon. Wrought iron contains little or no carbon, and steel an intermediate amount. Properties. — A bluish-gray metal, sp. gr. 7.5 ; rusts (oxidizes) when exposed to moist air, or water containing air. Reduced Iron — Ferritin Redactuni, iron by hydrogen, Quevenne's 82 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. iron. — It is prepared by heating ferric oxide nearly to redness in a tube through which hydrogen is passed : — Fe 2 3 + H 6 = Fe 2 + 3 H 2 * It is a very fine, dark gray powder, which, if good and fresh, will ignite on contact with a lighted taper and burn with a red glow ; f pre- scribed in pill form. CHLORIDES. Ferrous Chloride — FeCl 2 . — Made by adding iron to hydrochloric acid until effervescence ceases, thus : — Fe + 2HCl=FeCl 2 + H 2 . Like most ferrous salts, it is green and prone to oxidize with the forma- tion of ferric compounds. Ferric Chloride — Fe 2 Cl 6 — is made by first forming the ferrous chloride as above, and then adding nitric and hydrochloric acids. The nascent chlorine evolved by the nitro-hydrochloric acid converts the ferrous into ferric chloride, thus : — 6FeCl 2 + 6HC1 + 2HN0 3 == 3Fe 2 Cl 6 + N 2 2 + 4H 2 0. The liq. ferri chloridi, U. S. P., is the aqueous solution. This, when diluted with alcohol, forms the tinct. ferri chloridi, U. S. P. If citrate of potassium or sodium be added to this tincture, the solution loses its styptic taste, does not affect the teeth, and is not incompatible with solutions containing tannin. sulphates. Ferrous Sulphate — FeS0 4 — Copperas, Green Vitriol. — Prepared : * Experiment. — With the apparatus shown in Fig. 35, hydrogen is gen- erated from sulphuric acid and zinc in the Wolff bottle, and dried by passing through the U-shaped tube containing calcium chloride. It then passes through the porcelain tube containing ferric oxide (sub carbon ate, U. S. P.) and is heated to redness in the furnace. After the reduction is completed, the iron should not be exposed to the air until cool, or it will ignite spontaneously. f Experiment. — Faraday used to show that it is more inflammable than gunpowder, by pouring it mixed with gunpowder upon an alcohol flame burn- ing on a white dinner-plate. The iron burns with bright scintillations, while the gunpowder falls through the flame and is only ignited when the flame dies down and reaches the surface of the plate. One part of sulphur, two of reduced iron, and three of nitre make an iron gunpowder that burns as quickly and more brilliantly than ordinary gunpowder. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 83 Fe + H 2 S0 4 = FeS0 4 + H 2 . Soluble, green crystals efflorescing upon exposure. A cheap and excellent disinfectant, destroying organic matters by abstracting their oxygen. When given in pill form it is first exsiccated. . Ferric Sulphate — Fe 2 3S0 4 . — Tersulphate is made by adding nitro- sulphuric acid (HN0 3 + H 2 S0 4 ) to a solution of the ferrous sulphate, thus : — 6FeSO, + 3 H 2 S0 4 + 2HNO3 = 3Fe 23 S0 4 + N 2 2 + 4 H 2 0. Its officinal solution is the liq. ferri tersulphalis. Liq.ferri sub- sulphatis, U. S. P., Monsel's Solution, is prepared similarly to the above, using only half the quantity of sulphuric acid. Fig. 36. A Dialyser. HYDRATES. Ferrous Hydrate — Fe2HO — is precipitated on mixing solutions of a hydrate and a ferrous salt, as — FeS0 4 + 2NaHO = Na 2 S0 4 + Fe2HO. A green precipitate, which soon oxidizes and becomes brown. Ferric Hydrate — Fe 2 6HO. — A brownish-red, gelatinous mass, precipitated by soluble hydrates from ferric solutions, e.g. ; — Fe 2 Cl 6 + 6NH 4 HO = 6NH 4 C1 + Fe 2 6HO. This is the favorite antidote for arsenic, for which purpose it must be freshly prepared and given in large doses. Ferric hydrate dissolves freely in a solution of ferric chloride, forming a dark red liquid of a styptic taste. If this liquid be put in a dialyser (Fig. 36), a vessel with a bottom of parchment or animal membrane, and suspended in water, the 84 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. chloride passes out through the membrane into the water. When barely enough ferric chloride remains within the dialyser to hold the fer- ric hydrate in solution and the styptic taste has disappeared, the liquid is removed and sold under the name of " Dialysed Iron." Ferric Nitrate — Fe 2 6N0 3 . Made : Fe 2 6HO + 6HN0 3 = 6H 2 + Fe 2 6N0 3 . Liq.ferri nitralis, U. S. P., is a reddish acid liquid. Used as an astringent, especially in dysentery. Ferrous Iodide — Fel 2 . — Prepared: Fe + I 2 = Fel 2 . Sometimes given in pill, but better with syrup, which acts as a pre- servative as well as a vehicle. Ferrous Carbonate — FeC0 3 — is obtained by adding a soluble (alkaline) carbonate to a ferrous salt, thus : — FeS0 4 + K 2 C0 3 = K 2 S0 4 + FeCO,. It is insoluble in pure water, but slightly soluble in water containing carbonic acid, as in chalybeate springs. On exposure to the air it turns red from formation of ferric hydrate ; so it is preserved by mix- ing with sugar and honey, as in the ferri carb onas saccharatus, U. S. P. Ferrous Sulphide — FeS — occurs native, but may be made by heat- ing together iron filings and flowers of sulphur. Used in the prepara- tion of H 2 S. Scale Compounds of Iron. — These are ferric salts, mostly with organic acids. They do not crystallize readily, but are sold as thin scales. Made by evaporating their solutions to a syrupy consistence, poured upon plates, and when dry peeled off in scales. Often other bases, as potassium or ammonium, together with alkaloids, as quinine and strychnine, are incorporated in the compound. The following are officinal : Ferri citras, ferri et ammonii citras, ferri et quinice citras, ferri et strychnia citras, ferri et ammonii tar- tras, ferri et potassii tartras, and ferri pyrophosphas. Physiological. — Iron is a normal constituent of the body, especially the blood corpuscles, where it performs an important function, as is shown by the great increase of blood corpuscles and of bodily vigor attending its administration. Many of its salts, especially the ferric salts of the mineral acids, are astringent and hemostatic. Iron is eliminated by various organs, but is mainly discharged by the bowels as sulphide blackening the fasces. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 85 Tests for Iron. — Ferrous salts are usually green ; with NH 4 HS they give a black precipitate of FeS. Ferric Salts are usually red ; they give a black precipitate with NH 4 HS ; a black precipitate with tannic acid ; and a blood-red with sulphocyanate of potassium. COBALT. — Its chief ore is a compound with arsenic, sold under the name of , cobalt or fly stone, for poisoning flies. Its salts are used in preparing sympathetic ink, for when free from moisture they are deep blue, but almost colorless when moist. Writing done with a dilute solution of chloride of cobalt is invisible until warmed, when it becomes blue, the color disappearing when the paper is cooled or moistened. Test for Cobalt. — It imparts a deep blue color to a bead of glass or borax melted in the blow-pipe flame. NICKEL. — This is a hard, grayish-white metal that does not tarnish in the air. Used to electro-plate instruments made of metals more prone to corrode, and to make cheap coin. Mixed with brass, it forms German silver. XI. The Copper Group. Copper {Cupruni), Cu 63.4 Mercury (Hydrargyrum), . . Hg 200 Each of these elements is univalent and bivalent, forming two classes of compounds, " ous" and "ic" At ordinary temperatures they are acted upon but slowly by the non-oxidizing acids, as H 2 S0 4 and HO; but HNO3 attacks them vigorously. COPPER is usually found combined with sulphur, etc., but often in the metallic state, especially on the southern shores of Lake Superior. Being found free, it was among the first metals wrought by man, so the bronze preceded the iron age. Copper is a red malleable metal; an excellent conductor of electricity. Cupric Sulphate — CuS0 4 — Blue Vitriol, Blue Stone. — Obtained as an incidental product from silver refineries, copper mines, etc. ; made experimentally by heating copper with strong H 2 S0 4 . Forms beautiful blue crystals, soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. If the crystals be heated they lose their water of crystallization and form 86 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. a white powder, which becomes blue again upon the addition of water. Hence, used as a test for water in alcohol. Like other salts in which the acidulous radical predominates, cupric sulphate is astringent and coagulates albumen. A prompt emetic, but not used as much as ZnS0 4 , because if, by chance, it be not all ejected from the stomach, a gastro-enteritis is liable to be set up. Cupric Hydrate — Cu2HO — is formed as a bluish-white precipitate whenever a soluble copper salt is treated with a soluble hydrate, thus : CuS0 4 + 2KHO =rK 2 S0 4 + Cu2H0. When heated, even under water, it decomposes — C112HO = CuO + H 2 0. Cupric Oxide — CuO — Black Oxide. — Prepared by heating copper turnings in air. It gives up its oxygen easily, hence used as an oxid- izer in organic analysis. Cuprous Oxide — Cu 2 — Stiboxide. — Made by boiling the cupric oxide with an oxidizable substance, as glucose (copper tests for glu- cose), which is oxidized at the expense of the oxygen of the cupric oxide. The precipitate is first yellow (hydrate), but soon becomes a bright red (oxide). Cupric Sub acetate or Oxyacetate — sometimes called verdigris (green-gray) — is made industrially by exposing plates of copper to the acetic fumes of grape husks, etc. It is apt to be formed whenever fruits containing acetic acid are placed in copper vessels. Tests. — 1. Plating Test. Dip into the suspected solution a more electro-positive metal, as iron, and a plating of metallic copper will be deposited on the iron, an equivalent proportion of which takes the place of the copper in the solution. 2. Sulphur Test. Add H 2 S or NH 4 HS, and if copper be present a black precipitate (CuS) will be formed. 3. Ammonia Test. Add ammonia, and if copper be present a deep blue ammonio-salt of copper- will be formed. 4. Arsenic Test. To the ammonio-salt, described above, add an aqueous solution of As 2 3 , and a green precipitate of arsenite of cop- per (Paris green) will be thrown down. 5. Glucose Test Add KHO, (CuS0 4 + 2KHO = K 2 S0 4 + C112HOJ and boil (Cu2HO == CuO + H 2 0), with a little glucose, and a yellow- ish-red precipitate (Cu 2 0) indicates copper. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 87 It will be seen from the last two reactions, above described, that a substance acted upon characteristically by a reagent is as good a test for the reagent as the reagent is for it — i. e., arsenic and glucose, being acted upon characteristically by copper, are as good tests for copper as copper is for them. Physiological. — Canned fruits, pickles, etc., that have been colored green with copper, and food, especially if acid, that has been cooked or kept in copper vessels, are apt to produce an acute gastro-enteritis. Chronic copper poisoning, so called, is perhaps always due to other substances, as lead or arsenic, and should be treated accord- ingly. Antidotes for acute copper poisoning : Encourage vomiting and give albumen (white of egg), which combines with the copper salt to form an insoluble albuminate ; or iron filings, which will precipitate the copper in metallic state. MERCURY is the only metal liquid at ordinary temperatures, and resembles silver in appearance, hence the names hydrargyrum (water silver) and quicksilver (fluid silver). It is so heavy (specific gravity 13.56) that iron and % stone float upon it as corks on water. (Fig. 37 represents a marble and a ball of iron floating on mercury.) It does not tar- nish in the air unless contaminated with baser metals ; dissolves all metals, except iron, to form amalgams. Uses. — Metallic mercury is used extensively in the refining of silver and gold, in thermometers and other instruments, with tin in silvering mirrors, and in many other branches of the arts. Metallic mercury,, rubbed up with various excipients until globules cease to be visible, forms several officinal preparations. Rubbed with chalk it forms " gray powder," hydrargyrum cum creta ; with confection of roses and licorice powder it forms ''blue pill," fl Hula hydrargyri ; and with lard and suet it forms " mercurial ointment," unguentum hydrargyri. The therapeutic activity of these preparations is not due to the metallic mercury they contain, but to small quantities of mercurous oxide formed by the oxidation of the finely divided metal. So their strength varies with the thoroughness of the rubbing, the extent of the expo- sure, and the age of the preparation. 55 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Mercurous Iodide — Hgl — Proto-iodide, Green Iodide, Hydrar- gyri Iodidum Viride, U. S. P. — Made by rubbing together chemical equivalents of mercury (200) and iodine (127) until they combine and form a green mass. Mercuric Iodide — Hgl 2 — Biniodide, Red Iodide, Hydrargyri Iodidum Rubrum. — Made like the above, except that two equivalents of iodine (twice 127) are employed. Both the iodides, being insoluble, may be precipitated by adding a solution of KI to a solution of mercurous salt for the one and a mer- curic for the other, thus : — HgN0 3 + KI = Hgl + KN0 3 and Hg2N0 3 + 2KI = Hgl 2 + 2KNO3. The mercuric iodide is dissolved by excess of either the Hg2N0 3 or the KI. In precipitating, mercuric iodide is first yellow, but rapidly becomes red. If some of the dry red powder be placed on a sheet of paper and warmed over a lamp, it changes back to yellow, but on shaking or rubbing the red is restored. These changes in color are due to changes in crystalline structure. Mercurous Nitrate — HgN0 3 — is formed when mercury is treated with cold dilute nitric acid. Mercuric Nitrate — Hg2N0 3 . — Acid nitrate of mercury is formed if the mercury be boiled with strong nitric acid. Like all nitrates, both of the above are soluble. It enters into the liq. hydrargyri nitratis, U. S. P., and "citrine ointment," ung. hydrargyri nitratis, U. S. P. Mercurous Sulphate — Hg 2 S0 4 — is made by digesting sulphuric acid with excess of mercury. Mercuric Sulphate — HgS0 4 — is made by heating mercury with excess of sulphuric acid. A white, crystalline salt, used in some forms of galvanic batteries. When diluted with water it decomposes into an acid salt, which remains in. solution, and a yellow precipitate of oxy sulphate, HgS0 4 .2HgO, called " turpeth mineral," hydrargyri sub sulphas flavus, U. S. P. Mercurous Chloride — HgCl — Calomel, mild chloride, Hydrar- gyri Chloridum Mite, U. S. P. — is made by heating mercurous sul- phate with sodium chloride (Hg 2 S0 4 + 2NaCl = Na 2 S0 4 + 2HgCl),' when the mercurous chloride sublimes and is condensed in a cool receiver. PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 89 Calomel is a white, insoluble powder. Exposed to light it is slowly decomposed (2HgCl = Hg + HgCL). With aqua regia, and more slowly with other soluble chlorides, it is converted into mercuric chlo- ride. Calomel probably passes through the stomach unaltered, but is converted into the mercurous oxide by the alkaline fluids in the small intestine. Mercuric Chloride — HgCL — Bichloride of Mercury, Corrosive Subli?nate — is prepared by sublimation from a mixture of mercuric sulphate and sodium chloride, thus : — HgS0 4 + 2NaCl = Na 2 S0 4 + HgCl 2 . It is crystalline and soluble, with a disagreeable styptic taste, and is very poisonous ; much used in antiseptic surgery. Mercuric Ammonium Chloride — Ammoniated Mercury, White Precipitate, U. S. P. — Formed by adding ammonia to a solution of mercuric chloride ; mostly used in ointment. It is a double salt of mercury and NH 2 , a derivative of ammonium. Its composition is that of NH4CI, in which two atoms of H are displaced by one of Hg, forming NH 2 HgCl. The ammonio- sulphate of copper previously described has an analogous composition. Mercurous Oxide — Hg 2 0— Black Oxide of Mercury — is made by treating a mercurous salt with a soluble hydrate, as — 2HgCl + 2KHO = Hg 2 + 2KCI + H 2 0. It is seldom used in medicine. Mercuric Oxide — HgO — Red or Yellow Oxide. — When prepared by decomposing mercuric nitrate by heat, it is crystalline and of a red color (Jiydrargyri oxidum rubrum, U. S. P.) ; but when made by pre- cipitating a mercuric solution with a hydrate, HgCl 2 + 2KHO = HgO + 2KCI + H 2 0, it is an amorphous yellow powder {Jiydrargyri oxidum flavum, U. S. P.). The yellow variety, being amorphous and more finely divided, is less gritty and has greater therapeutic activity. Oleate of Mercury is made by warming the yellow oxide with oleic acid. A liquid or semi-solid. Applied to the skin it is rapidly absorbed. Mercurous Sulphide — Hg 2 S — is an unstable compound, which 7 9 pq S o W X H g s W H W fi o H I W CQ < PC X •d T3 •a (L) o c > ^ 'I" If no precipi- te, test origi- il solution in ime on loop of t wire. Li, crimson. Na, yellow. K. violet. If neither, st orig. sol. for c « ^.£^ 5§ u <* s& |g . — < * "o c« X CO N . . 1 « S rt '5* *o V u Z2 3 o-- U Q* o c 4 5 - 11 s > U> CO *E •AvojpA" '^p-qq -3 £•3 dd 1) o c §!? o 3 O 4J"5" H-Clh w c n S3 3 *j ^^ 1 <(fi CO CO<(^( £ * ->pm o~ >> 3 U P3 3 'aw -d U^ TD* 3 ^X << U ~ UUffiP- pq o ^1? 'S -Si rt -r: w 3.£5_ ■sag a . M ^ S ^ > t-H a) *^ rt cl:3 p,rt S PART I. — INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 95 fa fa o> 2 ^ H Q ^ ^ Z >* "^ fa J >* £ £ ° rV. ^ S ■"! < S O Pfi i 55 £ ? 3 K fa ^ HH Q jwK : W X p <* << fa fa j < fa < - fa « >7 •-I fa s u «! u H ^ CO w fa fa O O ' fa fa W fa £ fa So.o S*£fa * !Z J Q fa ^ ^ i> S o < ^ fa ^ H co ^ I 00 a P m < fa fa! fa Q Q fa" ^ CJ w < H co H CJ fa fa fa fa El> 2 o ^" ^ (L) ^ ^ OJ « c «T3 a 2 aj o ££ J3 °j£ rt ^ 3 fa MOCJ* ^E -v ^ > Jj O r* *+ r* TJ «i ^O^ >OC0^2C5X!CO rt o *o « U ,^j v L"iS'iS: S.5 S fax: o cocoU 9 6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. & c H H 43 <| > ?*■ a fc £ V HH c ro ^ C H m .V J rt < en TJ ,2 In c c O £ > 3 P5 H a ■y; hJ en 3 n- U pq 4) a J cr 43 U J3 5 2; n a * ■x. i-T n V • * > —. JQ H a i—i 1-1 M >i pq hi) P C X J >» O ft en 1/3 Cm fr T W rt Cfl 3 C u H >> -O 1 X) a W T3 > co < u H a E 5 •31E.H-IBJL -CCo— •— 'C/DC/3<^- »-COCOCOi-— ii— ioqi— 11— 1— ! 1 — 1 1— • 1 — 1 1 — 1 «r— »— 1 f— 1 1— 1 »— c 1— 1 c/3 •— • C/3 1 — • •— ■ CO •— • •s^qdrng en v> -.a •siBqdsoqj HCQHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHcCOMCflHMHH •apixQ en i Me ..h^^^l-ICOt--ic/3(73^^i^^c/2m^C072cn.i-ii-ii-ii-ii-ii-h---iCOCOCOCO # {y}COHHC/}{7}COi-HHHCOC/2COi-'~w^''j)*in<>-'^'*in apuojq^ COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO^COCOCOh-iCOCOCOcOCO , 'aj^uoqj^f) HHC0CN.I-IH-II-II-II-II-II-ICN.I-KN.H-. l-IH-IH-fH-IH-.O.COH-lCOCN. O- HH 1-1 •ajmasay HHCOH-IH-ICN. (N.HH(N.H-.HHH-IHHCN.HHH-l.h- 1 mmmmmhhhmhhmCOh^^mhh- •a^aoy wwwwwtnin'Awtnww^wwwmwu^^-inwwwu^inin Aluminium, Ammonium, Antynony, . Barium, . . Bismuth, . Cadmium, . Calcium, . Chromium, Cobalt, . . Copper, . . Ferric, . . Ferrous, . . Gold, . . . Lead, . . . Magnesium, Manganese, Mercuric, . Mercurous, Nickel, . . Platinum, . Potassium, Silver, . . . Sodium, . . Stannic, . . Stannous, . Strontium, . Zinc, . . . PART II.— ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Formerly organic chemistry was defined as the chemistry of the compounds produced only by organized life. Gradually this defini- tion has been abandoned, for with the increase of chemical knowledge many substances identical with the animal and vegetable products have of late years been made in the laboratory without the aid of the vital force, and probably, if their chemical constitution were fully understood, all animal and vegetable products could be duplicated arti- ficially. However, chemistry has not, and probably never will, produce an organized body, i. e. y one having an anatomical, cellular structure. It is a noticeable fact that every organic compound contains carbon. Hence, organic chemistry is now defined to be "the chemistry of the carbon compounds," and the following pages may be considered a resumption of the study of that element. Though carbon forms compounds of infinite number and extreme complexity, it is with the aid of a very few other elements, viz. : hydro- gen, oxygen, nitrogen, and occasionally sulphur, phosphorus and iron — sometimes others ; but the larger number of even the artificial compounds contain only the above-named elements. This is due to the fact that the carbon atoms possess, in the highest degree, the power of cotnbining with each other and interchanging valences, forming groups or chains around which the other elements are arranged. But for this power carbon could form only one saturated compound with hydrogen, CH 4 . Carbon being quadrivalent, the compounds C 2 H 6 and C 3 H 8 would be unsaturated. Experiment, however, proves that they are saturated compounds. The explanation is that the carbon atoms combine with each other, mutually neutralizing one or more valences, thus: — H H H II H H H— C— H ; H— C— C— H ; H— C— C— C— H. I II III H H H H H H 97 98 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. It will be observed that these formulae have a common difference of CH 2 . They are said to form a homologous series. When the car- bon remains the same but the hydrogen differs by H 2 , the series is said to be isologous. In the following examples each vertical column represents a ho- mologous, each horizontal line an isologous series : — C H 4 C H 2 C C 2 H 6 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2 C 3 H 8 C 3 H 6 C 3 H 4 C 4 H 10 C 4 H 8 C 4 H 6 C 5 H 12 C 5 H 10 C 5 H 8 etc. etc. etc. Without this arrangement in series, it would be impossible to remember the composition of organic substances. In systematic works on organic chemistry, these series form the basis of classification ; but as this necessitates mentioning thousands of bodies of no medical interest, it would be impracticable in a work like this. We shall therefore adopt the following : — Hydrocarbons and their deriva- Organic acids. tives. Carbohydrates (sugars and Alcohols. starches). Ethers (including oils and fats). Glucosides. A Idehydes. A mmonium su bstitu lions. Natural alkaloids. Hydrocarbons are compounds of carbon with hydrogen. Of these CH 4 * is the type from which all the other members of this class may be regarded as derived in isologous or homologous series. Petroleum is a mixture of the homologous derivatives from the first (CH 4 ) to about the sixteenth (C 16 H 34 ). These are separated by dis- tilling the crude oil. Those having the smallest molecules, being * CH 4 , nietkane, ?narsh gas or light carbwetted hydrogen, is a constituent of coal (illuminating) gas, and is also formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter under water, as in marshes. It occurs sometimes in coal mines (fire damp) where, mixed with air, it causes fearful explosions. Made in laboratory by heating a mixture of four parts each of sodium acetate and sodium hydrate with six parts of lime in powder. It is colorless, almost odorless, and not poisonous. PART II.— ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 99 lightest, pass over first, forming naphtha, benzine, etc.* As the heat is increased the medium-weight compounds come over next, forming kerosene. The residuum consists of the heaviest carbohydrides, which can be distilled only by high heat, forming lubricating oil, vaseline, paraffine, etc. All the lighter products are liable to give off vapors which, mixing with air, are explosive. In most States it is illegal to sell kerosene which gives off an inflammable vapor (" flashes ") below 100 F. The Turpene series begins with tritone, C 3 H 2 , but it is the eighth member, Ci H 16 , that is of medical interest, for this represents the composition of most of the volatile or essential oils. These various oils (of lemon, orange, cloves, pepper, lavender, bergamot, etc.), though having differences in chemical and physical properties, all have the same composition, Ci H 16 . Such bodies are said to be isomeric (icog, equal, [ispog, part). Volatile oils are found in plants, especially the flowers, of which they are usually the odorous essences (hence called also essential oils). Obtained by distillation from flowers, etc. Very slightly soluble in water {aquce), but quite soluble in alcohol (spiritus). A cologne is an alcoholic solution of an assortment of volatile oils. Turpentine {oleum terebinthince , U. S. P.) is the most important of the volatile oils, and may be taken as a type of the class. It is a thin, colorless liquid, a valuable solvent of oils and resins ; absorbs oxygen and stores it up as ozone, gaining thereby oxidizing, antiseptic, and disinfectant properties. By the action of concentrated sulphuric acid, turpentine is changed into terebene (C 10 Hi 6 ), a valuable remedy for bronchitis and flatulence. On exposure to air the turpenes oxidize with the production of resins and camphors. Resins are a numerous class, many of which are true acids. Soluble * Rhigoline boils at 3 2° F., used as spray for anaesthesia. Gasoline a 1 19 F., " for making " air gas." Naphtha a 220° F., " " dissolving fats and rubber. Benzene n 300 F., " " varnishes and paints. Kerosene a 350 F., " " ordinary lamps. Mineral sperm oil « 425 F., " " lubricating machinery. Lubricating oil " 575° F., n a a a Petrolatum, U. S. P., semi-solid, " " ointments. Paraffine, solid, " " candles, etc. IOO ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. in alcohol but insoluble in water, except by the intervention of an alkali, with which they will unite to form soluble soaps. The officinal resin (resina, U. S. P.) is formed by the oxidation of turpentine as it exudes from the pine tree. Solutions of shellac, mastic, copal and others are used as varnishes. In the natural state resins are usually mixed with other substances.* Mixed with volatile oils they form oleo-resins and balsams, e.g., benzoin, tolu, and balsam of Peru, and with gums, gum-resins, e.g., ammoniac, myrrh and asafcetida. Camphors. — Common camphor — C 10 H 16 O — obtained from the cam- phor laurel, is a white, crystalline, volatile solid of a peculiar pungent order ; slightly soluble in water (aqua camphors, U. S. P.), and freely soluble in alcohol (tinct. camphorce) and ether. Monobromated camphor — C 10 H 15 BrO — used in medicine as a seda- tive, is formed by substituting one atom of bromine for one of hydrogen in ordinary camphor. Menthol is a camphor-like body found in oil of peppermint, and possesses the odor of that plant. Caoutchouc, or India-rubber, and gutta-percha are inspissated juices of certain tropical trees. Caoutchouc is elastic ; gutta-percha is not. * Proximate and Ultimate Principles. — Most organic bodies in their natural state are mixtures of several different substances. These substances that naturally exist, mixed together to form a body, are called its proximate principles. The separation of these unaltered is called proxi??iate analysis. Different methods must be devised for different substances. For example : Take a piece of vegetable tissue containing woody fibre, starch, sugar, resin, and volatile oil. The oil is removed by a gentle heat ; the resin is dissolved out by alcohol ; the sugar by cold water, and the starch by boiling in water, leaving the woody fibre. The ultimate principles of a body are the elements (carbon, hydrogen, etc.) of which it is composed, and the recognition and measuring of these is iritimate analysis. This, while requiring careful manipulation, is simple in principle. The body is burned with a full supply of oxygen, converting the carbon into C0 2 and the hydrogen into H 2 0. These are collected and weighed, and the quantities of carbon and hydrogen in them are calculated. The amount of oxygen, if any, is determined by subtracting the sum of the carbon and hy- drogen from the weight of the original body. For example : 46 grains of alcohol (C, H and O) burned completely makes : — &> grains of C0 2 equivalent to 24 grains of C. 54 grains of H 2 equivalent to 6 grains of H. 46 grains alcohol, minus 30 grains (24 +6), = 16 grains of O. The less common elements, chlorine, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, etc., are determined by special methods. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Both are hardened (vulcanized) by combining with sulphur. They are unaffected by most chemicals and solvents. Chloroform is their best solvent. Alcohols. — The Alcohol Radicals are a homologous series of uni- valent basylous radicals, so called because they are the bases of the most important alcohols. Their compounds are numerous, and enter largely into the materia medica. In the following table a few of these compounds are given : — Radicals. I Alcohols | (Hydrates). Oxides, Ethers. Examples of Com- pound Ethers. Nitrates. Sulphates. Acids. Methyl Ethyl, Propyl, Butyl, Amyl, Hexyl, CH 3 C 2 H 5 C 3 H 7 C4H9 CoH n CgH 13 etc. CH 3 HO €oH 5 HO C 3 H 7 HO C 4 H 9 HO C 5 H u HO C 6 H 13 HO etc. (CH 3 ) 2 (CoH 5 ) 2 (C 3 H 7 ) 2 (C 4 H 9 ) 2 (C 5 H n ) 2 (C 6 H 13 ) 2 etc. CH 3 N0 3 C0H5NO3 C 3 H 7 N0 3 C 4 H 9 N0 3 C5H11NO, C 6 H 13 N0 3 etc. (CH 3 ) 2 S0 4 (C>H 5 ) 2 S0 4 (C 3 H 7 ) 2 S0 4 (C 4 H 9 ) 2 S0 4 (C 5 H n ) 2 S0 4 (C 6 H 13 ) 2 S0 4 etc. CH 2 G 2 CoH 4 2 QH 6 2 C 4 H 8 2 C5H 10 O 2 C 6 H 12 2 etc. In the formation of these compounds the starting-point is not the radicals, but their hydrates, the alcohols. When an alcohol is oxidized with a limited supply of oxygen, two atoms of hydrogen are removed and no oxygen is added. This forms the aldehyde, thus : — Methyl Aldehyde. CH3HO + O = CH 2 + H 2 0. Methyl Alcohol. If there is a full oxidation, an atom of oxygen takes the place of the two atoms of hydrogen removed, and forms the corresponding acid, as — Methyl Formic Alcohol. Acid. CH3HO + 2 = CH 2 2 + H 2 0. In the formation of aldehydes and acids the radical supplies part of the hydrogen removed and loses its identity. As part of the hydrogen in an acid forms the positive radical, it is written first ; e.g., formic acid is written HCH0 2 , instead of CH 2 2 . The various other compounds of these radicals are called ethers ; the oxides being called simple ethers, the others compound ethers. They are generally formed by treating the appropriate alcohol with the appropriate acid. Methylic Alcohol — CH 3 HO — Wood Naphtha, Wood Spirit, 102 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Wood Alcohol, Pyroligneous Spirit, Methyl Hydrate — does not exist in nature. Made by the destructive distillation of wood. The com- mercial article has a very disagreeable odor and taste from the pres- ence of tarry matters, etc. ; but when pure, methylic alcohol resembles ordinary alcohol in its properties and physiological action. It is not used in medicine, but is extensively employed in the arts as a solvent, as in the preparation of varnishes, etc. Methylated spirit is ordinary alcohol to which has been added one-tenth part of commercial methylic alcohol to render it unfit for drinking, and thus relieve it of the heavy tax imposed upon alcoholic beverages. Ethylic Alcohol — C 2 H 5 HO — Ethyl Hydrate, Spirits of Wine, Vinic Alcohol, Alcohol. — Alcohol does not exist in nature, but is pro- duced in a number of reactions. Liquids containing it (wines, etc.) have been known from the remotest antiquity, and are obtained by allowing liquids containing glucose (grape sugar) to ferment. Glucose. Alcohol. Carbon Dioxide. C 6 H 12 6 = 2C 2 H 5 HO + 2C0 2 . The alcohol is then separated by distillation, for, being more vola- tile than the water, it passes over first. Commercial alcohol always contains water, and when pure or abso- lute alcohol is required, the commercial article is mixed with some substance which is very avid of water, as quicklime, and then again distilled. Alcohol is a light, colorless liquid, of a pleasant, pungent odor and burning taste. Has a great affinity for water, which probably accounts for its preserving animal tissues and coagulating albumin. It is largely used in the arts and in pharmacy, principally as a sol- vent, but also in the manufacture of various substances, as vinegar, chloral, chloroform, iodoform,* ether, etc.; and as a fuel when a hot and smokeless flame is needed ; and as a menstruum in the prepa- ration of tinctures and spirits. Alcoholic solutions of fixed medicinal substances are called tinc- tures ; those of volatile principles, spirits. Alcohol is employed in various forms and degrees of concentration. * Experiment. — To test for alcohol in a solution : Warm; add a few scales of iodine, and then caustic potash until the color is discharged. On cooling, yellow scales of iodoform are deposited. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. I03 Absolute alcohol is rarely employed. Alcohol fortius, U. S. P., stronger alcohol, contains 92 per cent, of alcohol. Alcohol, U. S. P., is the ordinary rectified spirit, and contains 85 per cent, of alcohol. Alcohol dilutwn, U. S. P., diluted alcohol, is made by mixing water and alco- hol, equal parts. Spiritus frumenti, U. S. P., whisky, and spiritus vini gallici, U. S. P., brandy, are obtained by distillation ; the former from fermented grain, and the latter from fermented grape juice. They contain about 50 per cent, of alcohol. They are colored by the addition of caramel (burnt sugar). Their flavor is due to small quantities of other alcohols produced in the fermentation, and to certain ethers formed from these alcohols, especially as the liquor "ages." A large, class of alcoholic beverages are made by fermenting various liquids containing sugar or some substance capable of con- version into sugar. Beer, ale and porter are infusions of malted grain, fermented and flavored with hops. They therefore contain the soluble constituents of the grain. Their alcoholic strength is about 5 per cent. Wines are prepared by allowing grape juice to ferment. The alcoholic strength of the different varieties varies from 10 to 25 per cent. Sherry (vinum Xericwri) and port (vinum rubrum) are the only ones officinal. Cider is the fermented juice of the apple, prepared very much in the same way as wine is from grape juice, and contains about 5 per cent, of alcohol. It is very prone to acetous fermentation and liable to produce colic and diarrhoea. Alcohol, when concentrated, abstracts water from the tissues and coagulates their albuminoid constituents, and is a poison. In full doses (always best with food) it produces a sense of warmth in the stomach, general comfort and exhilaration, followed by incoherence of ideas and impairment of muscular coordination. Taken habitually, in any of its forms, it impairs the mental and moral force of its victim and produces in the various organs, especially the liver and kidneys, the degenerative changes characteristic of chronic alcoholism. It should never be taken in health, but as a medicine it is the most valuable of stimulants. In cases of acute poisoning by alcohol, the stomach and bladder should be evacuated, and the depression (coma) counteracted by strong coffee, the cold douche, and other stimulants. Amylic Alcohol — C 5 H n HO — Amyl Hydrate, Fusel Oil.— This is a heavy liquid, soluble in alcohol but not in water, hence incorrectly 104 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. called an oil. It is produced in the fermentation of grain and pota- toes, and is the most deleterious impurity in common whisky before it has undergone the refining process. It has a penetrating, disagreeable odor, resembling that of mean whisky. Although not fragrant itself, its ethers, when dissolved in ethylic alcohol, have the taste and odor of various fruits, and are used in the preparations of artificial fruit essences.* The other alcohols of this series are of no medical interest. Glycerylic Alcohol — C3H53HO — Glycerine. — Being made from fats in the manufacture of soaps and candles, it has been called (Scheele, 1779) the "sweet principle of fats" ; but it has no chemical analogy to them, being the hydrate of the trivalent radical glyceryl, C3H5, and therefore an alcohol. It is a colorless, odorless, sweet, viscid liquid, avid of water, neutral in reaction ; a solvent of a great many mineral and organic substances (glycerites), ranking in this respect next to alcohol and water. Glycerine is used in medicine mainly as a solvent and as a local application. Nitroglycerine — C 3 H 5 (N0 3 )3 — is formed by treating glycerine with nitric acid. It is an oily liquid and one of the most dangerous of explosives. Mixed with fine silica (sand) it is dynamite. In medicine nitroglycerine is used as a heart stimulant. Phenyl Alcohol — C 6 H 5 HO — Phenol— Carbolic Acid. — This is an alcohol, the hydrate of phenyl, C 6 H 5 , a radical of the aromatic series, but is called an acid because it combines with bases and forms bodies resembling salts (carbolates or phenates). Carbolic acid is formed in a number of reactions, but the commercial article is obtained exclusively from coal tar. It has a strong, dis- agreeable odor ; occurs as white crystals, which melt on the addition of a small quantity of water ; reddens by age ; slightly soluble in water, but very soluble in glycerine, the solution being soluble in water ; stains skin and mucous membranes white by coagulating their albumin ; and is a corrosive poison. Albumin is its best antidote. Carbolic acid is a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant. Applied locally it is astringent, sedative, and even anaesthetic. * Experiment. — To a half drachm of fusel oil in a test-tube add some sodium or potassium acetate and a few drops of sulphuric acid. Wann the mixture, and the acetate of amyl (essence of pear) may be recognized by its odor. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. I05 Carbolic acid and sulphuric acid will combine to form sulpho- carbolic acid (phenyl bisulphate, C 6 H 5 HS0 4 ). Sodium sulphocarbolate, U. S. P., is a soluble salt sometimes used in medicine. Resorcin — (C 6 H 4 2HO). — Closely related to phenol, but a stronger antiseptic and much less poisonous. It occurs in soluble, colorless, odorless crystals of a sweetish taste. It is given as an antizymotic in diseases attended with fermentative changes and in the specific fevers. Creasote is a complex mixture obtained from wood tar ; closely allied to carbolic acid in its properties and uses, but may be readily distinguished from it by being insoluble in glycerine. One of the constituents of creasote is guiacol, of late used as an inhalation in phthisis. Mannityl Alcohol — C 6 H 8 6HO — Mannite. — This is the principal ingredient in manna, a white, gummy substance exuding from certain trees. Mannite is a crystalline substance closely resembling glucose, except that it does not undergo the vinous fermentation, and does not respond to Trommer's or Fehling's tests. Ethers. — The simple ethers (oxides) are the results of dehydrating two molecules of alcohol by means of sulphuric acid ; the compound ethers are made by treating the appropriate alcohol with the appro- ' priate acid. Ethyl Oxide — (C 2 H 5 )oO — Sulphuric Ether, Ether. — Ether is made by distilling a mixture of alcohol and sulphuric acid ; * hence, the misnomer, sulphuric ether. A small quantity of sulphuric acid is capable of converting a large amount of alcohol into ether, for it is unaltered in the reaction ; in fact, the process might go on indefinitely but for the acid being so diluted with the water derived from the alcohol, as to finally stop the reaction. The sulphuric acid is said to act by its mere presence, by catalysis ; or, in other words, it acts because it acts, a ready but femi- nine way of explaining many otherwise inexplicable chemical and physiological phenomena. * Experiment. — Into a large test-tube pour alcohol and half as much sul- phuric acid; warm and note the odor of the ether evolved. Next adapt a cork with delivery tube, and slowly distill the ether into a cool test-tube. By adding more alcohol the operation may be repeated again and again. Io6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. The true rationale is as follows : — C 2 H 5 HO + H 2 SO, = C 2 H 5 HS0 4 + H 2 0. And then C 2 H 5 HS0 4 + C 2 H 5 HO = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 + H 2 SO,. Ether is a colorless, very volatile liquid, of a peculiar odor, called ethereal. It burns easily, and its vapor, mixed with air or oxygen, explodes when ignited ; * so ether should never be used near, espe- cially above, a flame. Ether is a valuable solvent, and, as it evapo- rates very rapidly, it is used to produce cold.f But its chief use in medicine is as an anaesthetic. Being less liable to paralyze the nerve centres, it is safer than chloroform. Ethyl Chloride — C 2 H 5 C1. — Hydrochloric ether must not be con- founded with the so-called chloric ether, which is an alcoholic solution of chloroform. Ethyl Bromide — C 2 H 5 Br — Hydrobromic Ether. — A valuable anaesthetic, but not much used. Ethyl Nitrite — C 2 H 5 N0 2 — Nitrous Ether. — If nitric acid be treated with copper or starch it loses part of its oxygen, being con- verted into nitrous acid (HN0 2 ), which will unite with alcohol, forming nitrous ether and water, thus : — C 2 H 5 HO + HN0 2 = C 2 H 5 N0 2 + H 2 0. Nitrous ether is a yellowish liquid, of an apple-like odor and sweetish taste. It is used only diluted with alcohol, forming the spiritus cetheris nitrosi, U. S. P., commonly called sweet spirits of nitre. Amyl Nitrite — C 5 H n N0 2 . — Made like ethyl nitrite, except that amylic alcohol is used. Nitrite of amyl is a volatile, oily liquid, of a peculiar odor, resembling that of bananas. It is given by inhalation, especially in epilepsy, for which purpose it is put up in glass bulbs holding about two drops. These are crushed and inhaled during the aura. Chloroform — Trie hlorme thane. — Methyl, having only one free * Experiment. — Put a drachm of ether in a dish and apply a flame. The vapor, mixed with air, explodes ; the rest burns rapidly. f Experiment. — Set a test-tube of water in a beaker of ether. Blow air briskly through the ether; the water will freeze. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. I07 valence, must give up two atoms of its hydrogen in order to combine with three atoms of chlorine, making the formula of chloroform CHCI3. This is the most used of all the ethers. Chloroform is made by distilling a mixture of chlorinated lime, water, and ordinary alcohol, but of late is being made by a patented process from acetone, which, being a by-product in certain technical operations, is very cheap. It is a colorless, volatile liquid, of a pleasant ethereal odor and sweet taste. It is heavier than water, and does not dissolve in it, but is soluble in alcohol and ether ; not easily ignited ; a good solvent for phosphorus, iodine, India-rubber, and the alkaloids. Chloroform is sometimes given by the stomach as a sedative, but most frequently administered by inhalation as an anaesthetic, for which purpose it should be of undoubted purity. Pure chloroform is not colored by an equal volume of pure sulphuric acid, nor should its specific gravity be below 1.480. If chloroform be taken by the stomach, it being insoluble, is absorbed very slowly ; and its principal action is the local irrita- tion of the mucous surfaces. Recovery has followed a dose of four ounces, and death has been caused by one drachm taken into the stomach. The vapor acts more energetically, and seems to owe its potency for evil to its paralyzing influence on the nerve centres, especially those of the heart. So chloroform vapor should never be administered except by a capable physician, and well diluted with atmosphere. However, death has occurred from the inhalation of moderate quantities of chloroform properly diluted, and at the hands of careful physicians, and the autopsy revealed no heart lesion. There is no chemical antidote for chloroform. When it has been swallowed, evacuate the stomach ; when inhaled, lower the head, give fresh air, employ artificial respiration, and apply the induced current. The poison is usually recognized by its odor. Iodoform — CHI 3 . — Made by the action of iodine and potash on alcohol ; yellow scales ; insoluble in water, and of a saffron-like odor, which is the chief objection to its use. Light decomposes it, giving it a violet color. Iodoform is used on ulcers, etc., as an anaesthetic, alterative and antiseptic. Fixed Oils and Fats. — These are ethers — combinations of glyceryl (C3H5) with oleic, stearic, butyric, palmitic, and other fat acids. The 108 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. natural fats are mixtures of these. * Those containing mostly oleate of glyceryl (olein) are liquid. Warm-blooded animals yield mostly solid ; cold-blooded, liquid fats. Drying oils are such as absorb oxygen from the air and become resinous, e.g., linseed. Many fats partially decompose on exposure, producing free acid, and become rancid. The fixed oils are insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform. The compounds of the fatty acids with the metals of the alkalies (K, Na, NH 4 , etc.), are soluble and are called soaps. The soaps formed with the other metallic radicals are insoluble and usually called plas- ters. Lead plaster is officinal. Soaps are made by the saponification of a fat with a caustic alkali. For example : — Stearine. Sodium Stearate. Glycerine. (C 3 H 5 )(C 18 H 32 2 ) 3 + 3 NaHO = 3 NaC 18 H 35 2 + C 3 H 5 (HO) 3 . When soap dissolves in cold water, it decomposes into an acid salt which makes the soapsuds and a small quantity of free alkali which does the cleaning. Aldehydes. — An unimportant class. They constitute the first step in the oxidation of alcohols into acids, viz., the removal of hydrogen (hence the name). Since nothing has taken the place of the hydro- gen removed, they are unsaturated and very prone to change, especially to take on oxygen and form the acids. Ethyl Aldehyde, acetic aldehyde, or simply aldehyde f (C 2 H 4 0), is a colorless, volatile, acid liquid of a pungent odor. One of its modifications, called paraldehyde, is used as a hypnotic, which unlike morphine is followed by no unpleasant effects, except a pungent odor to the breath, and, unlike chloral, does not affect the heart. Dose, 3ss-3j. Chloral. — If chlorine displace three atoms of hydrogen in ethyl aldehyde, it forms tri-chlor-aldehyde, or chloral (C 2 HC1 3 0), a colorless, * In "lanolin," the fat obtained from sheeps' wool, the fat acids are com- bined not with glycerine, but with cholesterine, C 26 H 43 HO, an excrementitious principle of animal bodies. It is a very absorbable base for ointments. f Experiment. — To a little bichromate and sulphuric acid mixture in a test-tube add a little alcohol; or hold a hot glass rod in a beaker containing a little ether. The peculiar pungent odor is that of aldehyde. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. I09 heavy liquid. With a molecule of water this forms a white crystalline solid, called chloral hydrate, having a pungent but agreeable odor and taste. Warmed with an alkali it decomposes, thus : — Chloral. Sod. Formate. Chloroform. C 2 HC1 3 + NaHO = NaCH0 2 + CHC1 3 . Liebreich thought this reaction would occur in the warm alkaline blood and the sedative action of chloroform be obtained. Though mistaken in this, he found chloral hydrate a valuable hypnotic. The chloral habit is difficult to cure. In overdoses chloral is a poison, and cases are multiplying as its powers become better known. No chemical antidote. Evacuate the stomach, give stimulants, and main- tain the respiration and bodily warmth. Organic Acids. — These are regarded by chemists as the natural results of the oxidation of alcohols. But as most of them were dis- covered before their relation to the alcohols was known, their names often have no connection with those of the alcohols. We take up only the most important. Acetic Acid. — HC 2 H 3 2 . — This is the acid of vinegar. Formed in a great many reactions, but made mainly by the destructive distilla- tion of wood, or by the oxidation of ordinary alcohol. If wine, cider, or other alcoholic liquors be exposed to the air, a fungus (inycoderma aceti} forms on the surface and acts as an oxygen carrier, and the alcohol is converted into acetic acid, thus : — C 2 H 5 HO + 2 = HC 2 H 3 2 + H 2 0. A more rapid process is to pass the alcohol through barrels filled with beech shavings. Acetic acid is a colorless liquid, of a pungent, sour taste and smell. When free from water (glacial) it crystallizes at temperatures below 6o° F. Acetic acid in dilute solution (vinegar) is much used for domestic purposes. For medicinal use the crude vinegar is purified by distillation, forming acidwn aceticum dilutum, U. S. P. As all the acetates are soluble, their best test is to add a strong acid and recognize the acetic acid set free, by its odor. Benzoic Acid exists in many balsams and gum -resins. When benzoin is heated benzoic acid sublimes in silky needles of a pleasant balsamic odor. Or, if the urine of herbivorous animals be boiled IIO ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. with hydrochloric acid, the hippuric acid is converted into benzoic acid. But the acid obtained from this source may be known by its urinous odor. It is now made by the oxidation of benzene, the prin- cipal constituent of coal-tar. Carbazotic or Picric Acid is a yellow substance, of a bitter taste, made by the action of nitric acid on carbolic acid. Used in the arts as a yellow dye. Carbolic Acid. — Already described among alcohols. Citric Acid exists in the juices of many fruits, especially the lemon. Forms colorless crystals which are very soluble, and possess a sour taste. Many of its salts are used in medicine. Formic Acid — HCH0 2 — is the oxidation product of methylic alco- hol. It was formerly obtained from the red ant {formica rufa), but now made artificially. It exists in stinging nettle, pine needles, etc., and also in the stings of most insects. Gallic Acid. — When galls are moistened and exposed to the action of the atmosphere, the tannic acid they contain is converted into gallic acid. It resembles tannic acid, but may be distinguished by its not precipitating a solution of gelatin. Lactic Acid (lactis, of milk). — This is the acid of sour milk, where it is formed by the fermentation of the sugar of milk through the agency of the casein. It is also formed in the body by the decom- position of glucose, thus : — C 6 H 12 6 — 2H 2 C 3 H 4°3* It is a syrupy liquid, of a very sour taste. Malic Acid (inalum, an apple) exists in many fruits, as apples, cherries, etc., and very abundantly in garden rhubarb. Oxalic Acid — H 2 C 2 4 . — The acid and its salts are found in many plants, especially the sorrel (oxalis) grasses. In certain pathological conditions it is formed in the body and eliminated in the urine as calcium oxalate. It is made in large quantities by the action of nitric acid on sugar, or of alkalies on sawdust. Oxalic acid closely resembles Epsom salts, for which it is sometimes taken by mistake. It is a powerful irritant poison. Being cheap and largely used for removing ink stains, cleaning copper, etc., poisoning by oxalic acid is by no means rare. Its best antidote is chalk, or some other PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ill compound of calcium, with which it forms a very insoluble com- pound. Test. — Calcium chloride gives a white precipitate, insoluble in acetic, but soluble in hydrochloric acid. Pyrogallic Acid sublimes as white, feathery crystals when gallic acid is heated. Used in gas analysis to absorb oxygen, as a deoxi- dizer in photography, and as a hair dye. Test. — A blue color with ferrous, and a red with ferric salts. Salicylic Acid. — Formerly prepared from salicin, but now made by a patented process from carbolic acid. A very pure acid may be obtained from oil of wintergreen, which consists mainly of methyl salicylate. This, treated with potassium hydrate, forms methyl hydrate (methyl alcohol) and potassium salicylate ; and if to this hydrochloric acid be added, potassium chloride will be formed, and salicylic acid will fall in a mass of silky, white crystals. Salicylic acid is scarcely soluble in cold water, hence the salicylate of sodium is usually pre- scribed, which is not only more soluble, but less irritating to mucous membranes. Test. — Intense violet with a ferric salt. Succinic Acid was first obtained from amber (succinum), but is now made by fermenting malic acid. Tannic Acid, or Tannin. — This is the active principle of the vegetable astringents ; usually obtained from oak galls ; a greenish or brownish powder, very soluble in water, of a rough, astringent taste. It precipitates solutions of salts of the alkaloids and most metals. It precipitates gelatin and other albuminoid substances, a fact that explains the process of tanning raw hides. With ferric solu- tions tannin gives a black precipitate (black ink). Tartaric Acid — H 2 C 4 H 4 6 , or H 2 T. — Tartrates exist in the juices of many fruits. Grape juice contains much acid tartrate of potassium (KHT), which, being very insoluble in an alcoholic menstruum, is precipitated on the sides of the cask whenever the wine ferments. This forms argol, the principal source of cream of tartar and tartaric acid. Tartaric acid forms colorless crystals, very soluble, and of a sharp, agreeable, sour taste. Valerianic Acid — HC5H9O0. — This substance was first obtained from valerian root ; but now it is made artificially by oxidizing amylic alcohol by means of sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate. 112 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Valerianic acid is a colorless liquid, possessing the disagreeable odor of valerian. The Carbohydrates. — These substances are closely related to the alcohols, and by some classed as such. They are so named be- cause they contain carbon (six or twelve atoms), and the hydrogen and oxygen they contain are in the exact proportion to form water. They constitute the bulk of plants. They are divided into three groups : — i. Amyloses (QH10O5), which include cellulin, starch, dextrin, gly- cogen, gums, etc. 2. Saccharoses (C^H^On), including cane sugar, milk sugar, etc. 3. Glucoses (C 6 H 12 6 ), such as grape sugar (glucose), fruit sugar, etc. Although the members of each of these groups differ widely in their physical and chemical properties, still they consist of the same ele- ments in exactly the same proportions and have the same formula. Such bodies are said to be isoineric. AMYLOSES — (C 6 H 10 O 5 ). — Cellulin — Cellulose, Lignin — forms the cell-walls and tissues of plants. Woody fibre, cotton, linen, and un- sized paper are almost pure cellulin. Dissolves in a solution of cupric oxide in ammonia. Acids precipitate it as a white mass, which, mixed with camphor and compressed, is celluloid. Unsized paper dipped into moderately strong sulphuric acid, washed and dried, has its fibres agglutinated, loses its porosity, becomes very tough, and is sold as artificial parchment for dialysers, diplomas, etc. Nitro-cellulose, or Gtm Cotton, a powerful explosive, is cotton that has been dipped into a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, and then washed and dried. Its solution in ether is collodion. The flexible collodion contains a little turpentine and castor oil ; the styptic col- lodion contains twenty per cent, tannin. Starch — Amylum — the most important member of the carbo- hydrates, and a valuable food ; found in the roots, stems and seeds of all plants. Starch is a white powder, consisting of granules, formed of concentric layers, like an onion. These granules have all a simi- lar appearance. Yet those from different kinds of plants differ enough to enable one, by microscopic examination, to determine the source of any starch (Fig. 39). When starch is boiled the granules swell and burst, casting the PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. "3 starch into the water, forming mucilage of starch, which is used for laundry ing and for surgical dressings. Starch is a very valuable food. The best test for starch is iodine, with which it forms a blue. Heat discharges the blue, but it returns on cooling. Dextrin — British Gum — is the gum used on postage stamps, etc. It may be made from starch in various ways, one of which is by heat- ing it to 300 F. It is very soluble, and gives no blue with iodine. Fig. 38. Yeast Cells. Glycogen — {Generator of Glucose) — is found in the animal economy, especially in the liver. Like dextrin, it is a derivative of starch, but differs from it in being soluble, and giving only a wine- Fig. 39. Arrowroot. Maize. Potato. color with iodine. It seems to be the form in which the carbohydrates are stored up, to be used by the system as necessity arises. Gums are a class of substances soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. A type of the class is gum Arabic. SACCHAROSES — C^H^Ou. — Cane Sugar — Beet Sugar, Sucrose. Very abundant in the sugar-cane, sugar-maple, beet-root, etc. It is the most soluble, perfectly crystallizable, and sweetest of the sugars, 114 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. and the one most used for domestic purposes. Its aqueous solution is called simple syrup (syrupus simplex}. Milk Sugar, as its name implies, occurs in milk ; harder, less soluble, and less sweet than cane-sugar. Used in the trituration of medicines. GLUCOSES — C 6 Hi 2 6 . — Glucose — Grape Sugar, Diabetic Sugar. ■ — Found associated with other sugars in most plants, especially in the grape ; but the source of most interest to the physician is the animal economy. This is the sugar of diabetic urine, and the ability to detect it with ease and certainty in such conditions is a necessity to*the prac- titioner of the present day. Glucose is not so sweet nor so soluble and crystallizable as cane- sugar. Having great affinity for oxygen it is a valuable reducing agent, and on this property most of its tests depend. Boiled with a dilute mineral acid or allowed to remain under the influence of certain animal and vegetable ferments,* warm and moist, the amyloses and * Ferments. — These are certain nitrogenous bodies, animal and vegetable, which by some means not clearly understood cause many organic compounds to decompose with the production of other and simpler substances, the ferments themselves being unaffected. Ferments are of two classes : — 1. The unorganized, or soluble ferments. Among these are: [a) Diastase, or maltin, formed from the gluten and serving to convert the starch of the seed into glucose. Malt, which is sprouted barley, contains it in abundance, and is used to convert meal (starch) into glucose for fermentation in the manufacture of alcoholic liquors, and in medicine as a digestive agent. The ptyalin of saliva and a pancreatic ferment act like diastase, (b) Pepsin, of the gastric juice, and (c) Trypsin, of the pancreatic fluid, both of which serve to convert the albumi- noids into peptones ; the one in acid, and the other in alkaline solution. 2. Organized Ferments. — When their spores are carried by the atmosphere or otherwise into a suitable, fermentable liquid, and kept warm (68° to 105 F.), these ferments grow and proliferate with great rapidity, inducing fermentative changes in a few hours. The most important of these ferments are : (a) Yeast (torula cerevisice), shown in Fig. 38. This converts glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide (vinous fermentation), (b) Acetic acid ferment (mycode?'ma aceti), commonly called " mother of vinegar," grows on solutions containing alcohol, which it helps to oxidize into acetic acid, (c) Thrush fungus (otdiu7?i albicans) grows within the mouths of ill-kept children. It induces a slight alco- holic fermentation. (aT) Lactic and Buty?'ic ferments go together, the one pre- ceding and the other closely following. These fermentations occur in intestinal indigestion, and the gas evolved produces flatulent colic. Putrefaction (the spontaneous decomposition of nitrogenous organized bodies) is accompanied, if not caused, by microorganisms, usually bacteria. Decay, on the other hand, is the gradual decomposition of organic bodies by the slow action of oxygen, and does not depend on living organisms. PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 115 saccharoses are converted into glucose. The reaction consists in the addition of H 2 to the molecule, thus : — Starch. Water. Glucose. Cane Sugar. Water. Glucose. C 6 H 10 O 5 + H 2 = C 6 H 12 6 . C 12 H 22 O n + H 2 = 2C 6 H 12 6 . When starch and cane-sugar are eaten the digestive ferments (pan- creatin and ptyalin) convert them into glucose. The ferment (dias- tase), developed in a germinating seed, converts the starch into glucose, which is readily assimilated by the sprouting plant. Glucose is so easily made by boiling cellulin, but more especially starches, with sulphuric acid, that it has become a common adulterant or substitute for cane-sugar, especially syrup. This would be harm- less but for the fact that the cheap acid used is apt to be contaminated with lead, arsenic, etc. Glucosides. — This class includes a numerous class of neutral substances, mostly of vegetable origin, which, though differing greatly among themselves, possess one common property, viz. : When acted upon by a ferment or a dilute acid, they decompose, producing among other things, glucose. Their chemical constitution is not thoroughly understood, but probably they are ethers of glucose. They generally have marked physiological action, and are therefore the active prin- ciples of the drugs in which they occur. Their names generally allude to their origin and terminate with "-in" A few of the most important are : — Amygdalin, exists in the bitter almond (amygdala), in the leaves of cherry laurel, and in the seeds of peaches, cherries and plums, asso- ciated with an albuminoid ferment, emulsin or synaptase, which in the presence of heat and moisture decomposes the amygdalin into hydro- cyanic acid, benzaldehyde and glucose. Salicin is the bitter principle in the bark of the willow (sa/ix). It has been employed as a substitute and adulterant of quinine, from which it may be known by the blood red it gives with sulphuric acid. Tannin, or Tannic Acid, is also a glucoside. This explains why certain fruits, e. g., persimmons, on ripening, lose their rough, astrin- gent taste and get sweet. Myronic Acid exists in black mustard, associated with an albumin- ous ferment, capable of converting it into glucose and another sub- stance (allyl sulphocyanate) to which the virtue of mustard is due. Il6 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Hot water, by coagulating this ferment, renders a mustard plaster inert. Indican occurs in various plants, the indigofera ; also in urine, being derived from indol, a weak base produced by the pancreas and taken up from the alimentary canal. It is a brownish, bitter, syrupy liquid, which, when fermented or treated with dilute acid, forms indigo-blue and a kind of glucose. Other important glucosides are: Arbtctin, cathartic acid, colocynthin, digitalin, elaterin, gentianin, glycyrrhizin (licorice), ja lap in, santonin, saponin, solanin, etc. Nitrogenous Bodies. — To the physician these are of extreme interest, for to this class belong most of the tissues and waste products of the body and of our most potent remedies and virulent poisons. Proteids — Albumin, Globulin, Vitellin, Casein, Fibriii, Pepto7ies, Gelatin, Chondrin, etc. — These substances, formed in plants and ap- propriated by animals, constitute the greater part of the solid portion of the fluids and tissues of the body, and play the chief part in physiological processes. Their molecular constitution (rational for- mula) is not definitely known, but their composition seems to be C 72 Hi 12 Ni 8 S. They are amorphous, colloid (not crystalline) and, except peptones, are not osmotic (do not diffuse through animal membranes). When dry, they are easily preserved, but when moist, prone to putrefy. They are rendered insoluble by various substances, by which means they are often recognized. Tests. — (i) They are all precipitated by alcohol in excess and in time coagulated. (2) Heated with strong nitric acid they turn yellow, and on the addition of an alkali (ammonia, soda or potash) become orange. Bodies of the Ammonia Type. — Taking the molecule of ammo- nia, NH 3 , as a basis, and by substituting for one or more atoms of its hydrogen one or more organic radicals, or combinations of radicals, we can obtain a large number of interesting and important substances. Many of these substances have trade names in allusion to some use or property, or in abbreviation of their chemical names. In chemistry they bear the names of the radicals entering into their composition, and end in (( -a?nine" when those radicals are electro-positive, or in if -a7nide" when electro-negative. For example : — PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 117 Antilles — Ammonia. IH N Ethylamine. C 2 H 3 (ethyl) H ; H N Phenylamine. C 6 H 5 (phenyl) H ; H N Trimethylamine. ' CH 3 (methyl) CH 3 CH 3 etc. Like ammonia, these bodies are alkaline and combine with acids to form salts, appropriating instead of displacing their hydrogen, e.g. NH 3 + HC1 = NH4CI, ammonium chloride or ammonia hydrochlo- ride ; in like manner NH 2 (QH 5 ) + HC1 = NH 2 (QH 5 )HC1, ethylamine hydrochloride. Amide s- Ammonia Acetamide. Acetanilide Carbamide (Amine). (Phenyl Acetamide). (Urea). f H r H f H f H 1SNH; N4 IT ; NJC 2 H 3 ; Ni h lH (C 2 H 3 (acetic rad.) (.C.H, (phenyl) I >co Aniline (Phenylamine) is a colorless liquid, but its compounds ( C H - ( me aniline dyes) are coloring matters of great brilliancy.* NJH They are sometimes contaminated with arsenic used in I H their manufacture. Trimethylamine is sometimes confounded with propylamine. It fCH i s a colorless, volatile alkaloid, with an ammoniacal, fishy N \ CH a odor. It is found in many animal and vegetable sub- stances, but obtained from pickled herring. The hydro- CH, N^ H C 6 H o chloride is the salt used. Dose, ten to fifteen grains. Antifebrin (acetanilide). This is a derivative of aniline in which the acetic radical is made to displace an atom of hydrogen. A crystalline, odorless, solid, slightly solu- ble in warm water, very soluble in alcohol. % In doses of five to ten grains, repeated every two or three hours, it is an anti- pyretic and sedative. It is said not to affect the healthy temperature, but to rapidly lower a fever. C 2 H 3 2 * Experiment. — Dissolve a few drops of aniline in water in two test-tubes. To one add solution of chlorinated lime — a purple color is produced; to the other add some sulphuric acid and potassium chromate mixture — a blue color appears. Il8 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Phenacetine. The formula shows that this substance is closely (C 6 H 4 O C 2 H 5 allied to acetanilide. A white crystalline NJH powder, but slightly soluble in water. In (_C 2 H 3 doses of fifteen grains it causes a fall of tem- perature and a profuse sweat. Its effect is more persistent, and per- haps more dangerous than antipyrin, producing symptoms of aniline poisoning with hemoglobinuria and jaundice. Antipyrine, C 1:L H 12 N 2 0, a derivative of the artificial alkaloid, chinoline, is a white crystalline powder, soluble in water and alcohol, of a slight tarry taste and odor. With nitrous acid it forms a poison- ous precipitate, and is therefore incompatible with spirits of nitrous ether. The hydrochloride is the salt used. In doses of ten to fifteen grains it is a valuable antipyretic and anodyne. Alkaloids (alkali-like). — These bodies are mostly of vegetable origin and bear a close analogy to the preceding, for they are ammonia substitution compounds, alkaline in reaction, 'and combine with acids to form salts. Of late years chemists have made substances very similar to, if not identical with, some of the natural alkaloids ; and the time seems not far distant when our most costly alkaloids will be made cheaply by artificial means. In plants alkaloids are not found free, but combined with some vegetable acid forming a salt. Their salts (except tannates) are usually soluble and intensely bitter ; the free alkaloids being much less soluble, are much less bitter. Those alkaloids (as conine and nicotine) that contain no oxygen are liquid ; but the great majority of them are white powders. Alkaloids are so seldom prescribed in the free state that when the simple name of an alkaloid is written in a prescription the druggist puts up its most common salt. The names of alkaloids end in "-zW," and are derived from the names of the plants in which they exist or from some characteristic property. The intense effect alkaloids exert on the animal organism makes them generally the active principles of the drugs in which they are found. But the active principle of a drug is not always an alkaloid. The alkaloids include the majority of our most potent remedies and powerful poisons. Tannin is a common antidote, but most important is the prompt evacuation of the stomach and the intelligent use of physiological antagonists. The alkaloids, even those of medical interest, are so numerous that PART II. — ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. II 9 to give each separate consideration would cover a great portion of the materia medica. We can mention but a few of the most important. Name. Formula. Source. Remarks. Morphine Codeine Narcotine Narceine Apomorphine Quinine Quinidine Quinicine Quinoidine Cinchonine Cinchonidine Cinchonicine Strychnine Brucine Aconitine Colchicine Veratrine Atropine Hyoscyamine Homatropine Caffeine Theine Cocaine Physostigmine (Eserine) Pilocarpine Urea Nicotine Conine C 22 H 23 NO, ^21 22-^2^2 ^23 "26^* 2^4 C.,„H 47 NO, C 17 H 19 N0 5 C n H 2 „N0 3 C 15 H 23 N0 3 C 16 H 22 NO s C 15 H 21 N 3 2 CH 4 N 2 C 5 H,N C 8 H 15 N Opium Morphine Cinchona bark Nux vomica Aconite Colchicum Veratrum Belladonna Hyoscyamus Atropine Coffee Tea Coco leaves Physostigma (Calabar bean) Jaborandi Urine Tobacco Hemlock Crystalline; morphia gives a blue with Fe 2 Cl 6 , and a red with HNO3. These alkaloids and several others exist in opium in combination with meconic acid, which gives with Fe 2 Cl 6 a red color not discharged by HgCl 2 . Made by heating morphine with HC1 ; a systemic emetic. All crystalline except quinoidine, which is a resinous mass. To test for quinine, add chlorine water, shake, and then add aq. ammonia; a green color. Crystals; gives a purple with H 2 S0 4 and K 2 Cr 2 O r Crystals; gives a red with HN0 3 . Crystals ; very poisonous. Crystals; used to dilate the pupils. Crystals ; soluble in water ; weakly basic. Crystals ; soluble in water ; weakly basic; anodyne. Crystals ; soluble in water ; weakly basic ; local anaesthetic. Crystals; contracts the pupils. Crystals ; a powerful diaphoretic. Crystals ; may be made artificially by heating NH 4 CNO. Liquid ; powerful poison. Ptomaines (tttw/zg, a corpse). — This name is given to certain alka- loids or amines formed in animal and some vegetable bodies during putrefaction, and in some pathological conditions during life. These 120 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. are the products of bacteria, each species producing its own peculiar ptomaine. Thus, the typhoid-bacillus produces typhotoxine ; the tetanus-bacillus, tetanine, etc. Many think the symptoms of the spe- cific fevers are only the effects of the ptomaines so produced, for the characteristic symptoms of the disease may be produced by the ad- ministration of its ptomaine. The poisoning that frequently results from eating spoiled meat, fish, etc., is due to ptomaines. The symp- toms resemble those of the vegetable alkaloids, except that there is usu- ally more gastro-intestinal irritation. The fact that certain ptomaines give physiological effects and chemical tests like such alkaloids as strychnine, morphine, conine, nicotine, atropine and veratrine, is apt to, and doubtless has often, caused the condemnation of the innocent. Among the non-poisonous ptomaines may be mentioned putrescine, cadaverine and neuridine. Among the poisonous are : choline, which acts like curarine ; muscarine, from poisonous mushroons (mus- carius) ; tetani?ie, teta,7iotoxine and spasmotoxine, produced by the tetanus-bacillus and causing (?) the symptoms of tetanus ; typhotoxine, produced by the typhoid-bacillus and causing (?) the symptoms of typhoid fever, and tyrotoxine, found by Dr. Vaughan in poisonous cheese and milk and causing the symptoms of cholera infantum. Leucomaines are a class of alkaloidal substances produced in the living body as the result of fermentative changes or of the processes of retrograde metamorphosis, and are closely related to urea and uric acid. They are eliminated in the various excreta, the urine, faeces, perspiration, etc. If retained, as in uraemia, or produced in abnor- mal amounts, as in dyspepsia, they act deleteriously on the nerve centres causing vertigo, lassitude, drowsiness, vomiting, purging and coma. Some elevate while others lower the temperature. Of the more important we may mention creatine, creatinine and xanthine. The chemistry of the ptomaines and leucomaines is new and still incomplete. PART III. THE URINE Fig. 40. The urine is a fluid secreted continuously by the kidneys, and is the chief means by which the nitrogenous waste of the body is dis- charged.* A specimen, to be representative, should be a portion of the whole twenty-fours' urine, for considerable variation in composition and properties may occur during the day. Especially is this true of traces of albumin and sugar. When this is impracticable, that passed before breakfast is generally preferable, because farthest from a meal. When significant variations during the day are suspected, several specimens may be taken at different hours. For microscopical ex- amination a few ounces of the urine in a stop- pered vial, or better still, in a covered conical glass (Fig. 40) are set aside for several hours until the sediment has settled to the bottom and can be examined. l A = 10X grs. of urea to the ounce of urine ; 10^ X 46 = 483 grs. of urea passed in twenty-four hours. Kreatine and Kreatinine, substances closely allied to urea, exist in urine in such small amounts as to be of no practical signifi- cance, and need only to be mentioned in this connection. Uric Acid is found in the urine of carnivora : in that of herbivora it is largely replaced by an analogous substance — hippuric acid (Fig. 55). Gout is characterized by an increased production of uric acid, and the so-called '' chalk-stone " deposit in joints during that disease is sodium urate. Free uric acid is so very insoluble that whenever it exists in urine it is always a precipitate. It appears as minute reddish grains, which under the microscope are seen to be modifications of rhombic crystals, always stained with the coloring matter of the urine. They often deviate widely from the typical rhomb, as shown in Figs. 47 and 48, but an experienced eye will readily recognize them. Nor- mally, uric acid, as soon as formed, unites with the alkaline bases to form urates. They are very soluble in warm water, but more sparingly so in cold. Therefore a urine, though clear when freshly passed and warm, may exhibit a copious precipitate upon becoming cold, as on a winter night. This precipitate is easily recognized by its dissolving upon warming. Urates of sodium and magnesium generally appear under the microscope as amorphous powders in moss-like aggrega- tions, but occasionally as bundles of small needles, as shown in Fig. 49. The urate of ammonium, a result of the alkaline fermentation, occurs as opaque, brown spherules, smooth or with spiculse like a 13° ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. thorn-apple (Fig. 42). The acid urates are less soluble than the normal, and often precipitate when the urine is very acid or when an acid is added, as in the nitric-acid test for albumin. The murexid test for uric acid and the urates is one of great beauty. Place some of the sediment in a porcelain dish, add a drop or two of nitric acid, and carefully evaporate almost to dryness. If a few drops of ammonia be added, it assumes a beautiful purple color. If uric acid be present, a beautiful purple color will appear when- ever a few drops of ammonia are added ; or better still (Earp), if the dish be inverted over another in which a dry ammonium salt is vola- tilized. Fig. 47. Fig. 48. ■>Fl 0>M' Uric Acid. Uric Acid. Coloring Matters. — Our unsatisfactory knowledge of these sub- stances and their clinical significance is to be regretted, since some of them possess an importance next to albumin and sugar. The existence of at least two distinct substances have been demonstrated : — 1. Urobilin (tirohcematiii), a brown resinous substance, derived from the coloring matter of the bile, and hence indirectly from the coloring matter of the blood. It occurs in normal urine, and in larger quantity in the urine of patients suffering from any disease which causes disintegration of the blood corpuscles. 2. Uro-indican (tiroxanthin) a substance closely related to, if not identical with, the glucoside indican, and, like that substance, it is capable of conversion into indigo-blue. PART III. — THE URINE. 131 It seems to be a result of the fermentation of albuminous matters in the alimentary canal. It is therefore increased in obstructive troubles of the bowels, and in certain diseases characterized by impairment of general nutrition. To estimate the coloring matters, put some urine in a beaker and render it strongly acid with nitric or hydrochloric acid. Let it stand six hours for the pigments to be liberated. Then note the depth of color by transmitted light. Phosphates. — The phosphates are derived mainly from the food, but to some extent also from oxidation of phosphorized tissues : — 1. Earthy Phosphates (Ca and Mg). — Being soluble only in acid Fig. 49. Urates. Oxalate of Calcium. solutions, the earthy phosphates are precipitated when the urine is made or becomes alkaline. Furthermore, being less soluble in warm than cold urine, heat often precipitates them, as in the heat test for albumin. Deposits of calcium and magnesium phosphates are gen- erally amorphous, and may be distinguished from the amorphous urates, (a) by absence of color and not gathering in mossy forms ; (J?) by a drop of acetic acid added to the sediment on a glass slide under the microscope — phosphates dissolve, while urates gradually lose their base and assume the characteristic forms of uric acid. In ammoniacal urine (alkaline fermentation) the ammonio-magnesian phosphate (MgNH 4 P0 4 ), the so-called triple phosphate, is formed and deposited in large prismatic, coffin-lid crystals ; sometimes, also, in ragged 132 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. stellate or aborescent crystals, resembling those of snow. (Fig. 50.) In cases of cystitis this may occur within the bladder ; hence other calculi often have one or more white layers of the mixed phosphates. 2. Alkaline Phosphates. — These constitute the greater portion of the phosphates, and are made up mainly of acid sodium phosphate, with traces of potassium phosphate. Being very soluble, they never form a precipitate. Magnesian Test. — The phosphates are best detected and estimated by precipitation with a solution composed of magnesium sulphate, ammonium chloride, and aq. ammonise, each one part, and water eight parts. If the precipitate be thick and creamy, the phosphates Fig. 50. Triple Phosphate. are abnormally increased ; if it be milky, they are normal, and if translucent, diminished. Chlorides. — These consist almost entirely of sodium chloride, the quantity depending mainly on what is taken in with the food. How- ever, the chlorides are diminished or even disappear from the urine in many fevers, especially in pneumonia, much being eliminated by the sputa. Their reappearance in the urine is often the earliest indica- tion of convalescence. Hence their detection and estimation are important. Silver- Nitrate Test. — First add a few drops of nitric acid to prevent the precipitation of the phosphates. Then, on adding silver nitrate solution, only the chlorides will fall as a white precipitate of chloride PART III. — THE URINE. 1 33 of silver. If the precipitate be in curdy masses the chlorides are not diminished ; if only a milkiness be produced, they are greatly dimin- ished ; and, if no cloudiness, they are entirely absent. Sulphates. — These consist mainly of sodium sulphate, with a little of the potassium salt. They are derived principally from the food, and in small amount from oxidation of albuminoid sulphurized tissues, especially in fevers. They are detected and estimated by precipita- tion with barium chloride or nitrate, first adding a little nitric or hydrochloric acid to hold the phosphates in solution. If the precipi- tate be creamy the sulphates are increased ; if milky, normal, and if translucent, diminished. Albumin. — Under this head are included various proteid substances which, not being osmotic, appear in urine only in pathological con- ditions and functional disturbances. Many of the specific fevers, as pneumonia, typhoid, and diphtheria, produce albuminuria. Albumi- nous urine is apt to be of diminished transparency from presence of tube casts, fat granules, epithelial cells, etc., and filtering is often necessary before applying the tests. Heat Test. — A test-tube is one-third filled with the suspected urine and held in the flame of a spirit lamp, or over the chimney of an ordinary lamp, until it boils. If an opacity occurs it must be either albumin or earthy phosphates. If earthy phosphates, it clears up on addition of nitric acid, but if albumin, it is slightly increased. Nitric- Acid Test. — This consists in underlaying the urine with nitric acid. Take a test-tube one-fourth full, and, holding it aslant, gently pour in an equal volume of the acid, allowing it to trickle down the inside of the tube and pass beneath the urine. Or the acid may be put in first and the urine added afterward. An opacity at the junction of the two liquids is either albumin or the urates. If urates, it clears up on heating, but if albumin, it is permanent. Either the heat or nitric-acid test, singly, is unsatisfactory, but both performed together are conclusive. However, the following sources of error should be borne in mind : (a) If the urine be very alkaline and the amount of albumin small, heat will cause no opacity ; (U) if only a drop or two of nitric acid be added, it may hold a small quan- tity of albumin in solution ; (c) urea may be precipitated from a con- centrated urine by nitric acid, but heat dissolves it ; (d) decomposed urates containing ammonium carbonate effervesce on addition of an 134 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. acid; (e) often after taking turpentine, copaiba, etc., nitric acid pre- cipitates resin in yellowish flakes, redissolved on addition of alcohol. Other Tests. — Many other substances, as alcohol and certain acids and mineral salts, coagulate albumin and are used as tests for that substance. But they are less used, less convenient, and no more accurate and conclusive than the two already given. Among them may be mentioned (a) picric acid, (b) potassio-mercuric iodide (KI 50 grs. — HgCl 2 21 grs.), (c) sodium tungstate, (d) potassium ferrocyanide. These added in saturated solution form white clouds with albumin, provided the urine is first acidulated with citric acid. Strips of filter paper steeped in these chemicals and dried, or pellets, are sometimes carried for use at the bedside. Quantitative Esfanation. — During the progress of a disease it is often important to estimate the quantity of albumin. The exact method by drying and weighing the precipitated albumin is too laborious for the busy practitioner. The easiest approximative method is to precipitate the albu- min by heat, set it aside for twelve hours or until next visit, and then note the proportion of volume occupied by the precipi- tate — one-fourth, one-eighth, a trace, etc. EsbacJis Albumino?neter (Fig. 51) is a graduated test-tube. Fill it to U with the urine and to R with the reagent, which is composed of 10 grammes of picric acid, 20 grammes of citric acid, and water sufficient to make a liter. Gently mix the liquids and set aside for twenty-four hours, to allow the precipi- tate to subside, the depth of which by the scale indicates the number of parts per thousand or grammes of albumin in a liter. Sugar (Glucose). — It has been proven (Dr. Pavy, 1879) tnat healthy urine contains traces of glucose, but quantities of clinical significance, and appreciable by the ordinary tests, are present only in glycosuria or diabetes, a pathological condition associated with some disturbance of the glycogenic function of the liver. A temporary glycosuria may occur after the administration of anaesthetics and in certain brain lesions, especially those involving the floor of the fourth ventricle. High specific gravity in a urine pale and copious, suggests sugar. Before testing, albumin, if present, should be removed by boiling and filtration. Fermentation Test. — Two vials — one for comparison, the other for PART III. — THE URINE. 1 35 fermentation — are partly filled with the urine. Into one is put a bit of baker's yeast about the size of a pea. Both vials are loosely plugged with some pervious material, as cotton, and set aside where they will keep warm (6o° or jo° F.) until next day or next visit. If sugar be present, fermentation will occur in the vial treated with yeast, and C0 2 bubbles up and passes off through the cotton plug, and on taking the specific gravity of each, there will be a difference due to the loss of sugar in the vial fermented. - Alkali Test. — Boil the urine with liquor potassae or sodae, and if glucose be present it will be oxidized and form a molasses-like colora- tion, the depth of which indicates the amount of sugar present. On adding nitric acid a molasses-like odor is developed and the coloration discharged. Alkali- Copper Test. — This depends on the power glucose has of reducing the cupric to the cuprous oxide. There are several methods of performing this test : — (i) Trom?ner's. A drop or two of a weak (about i to 30) solution of cupric sulphate is added to an inch of urine in a test-tube, and then an equal bulk of liquor potassae or sodae. Immediately there falls, in addition to the earthy phosphates, a bluish precipitate. If sugar is present, this precipitate dissolves on agitation, forming a blue solu- tion, which, on boiling, deposits a yellow, orange, or red precipitate of cuprous oxide. (See p. 86.) (2) Fehlings. This differs from Trommer's in the addition of tar- taric acid or some tartrate to dissolve the blue precipitate. Further- more, the ingredients are in definite proportion, so as to make the solution available for quantitative analysis. Below are given the two formulae in general use, one in the French and the other in the English measures : — Fehling's Solution. Pavy's Solution. Cupric Sulphate, 34.64 grams. 320 grains. Potassium Tartrate, 173.20 grams. 640 grains. Caustic Potash, 80.00 grams. 1280 grains. Water, 1 liter. 20 ounces. On standing a long time this solution is apt to spoil, the tartaric acid being converted into racemic acid, which, like glucose, will deoxidize the cupric oxide. Hence, it is best to make the solution in two separate parts, the cupric sulphate with one-half the water and the tartrate and caustic potash with the other half. For use, mix equal parts, forming I36 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Fehling's solution fresh. A convenient amount should be put in a test-tube and boiled alone for a few seconds. If it remains clear it is good, and the urine may then be added gradually. Either immedi- ately, or when the heat is reapplied, if sugar be present, the reddish precipitate will appear. Heat should not be applied longer than a minute, for prolonged boiling can cause the reduction of the copper oxide by various other organic substances found in the urine. (3) Haines differs from Fehling's in that glycerine is used instead of the tartrate, and the solution does not spoil. Alkali-Bismuth Test. — (1) To some urine in a test-tube add a pinch of bismuth subnitrate and then an equal volume of liquor potassae. Boil about two minutes. If sugar be present, the bismuth will be reduced and deposited as a black metallic mirror on the sides and bottom of the tube. (2) A bismuth test solution corresponding to Fehling's is made by warming a scruple each of bismuth subnitrate and tartaric acid in two ounces of water, and adding liquor potassae until a clear solution is obtained. This boiled with a urine containing glu- cose gives the black bismuth precipitate. The elements of the foregoing tests put up in pellets and tablets, while more convenient, are less reliable and spoil sooner than the solution. Picric-Acid Test. — This is an extremely delicate test for glucose, and has the practical advantage of being as good a test for albumin. To the suspected urine add an equal volume of a saturated solution of picric acid. A cloudy precipitate indicates albumin. Next add a few drops of liquor potassae and warm gently. A deep red color indi- cates sugar, though a lighter coloration may occur in urine free from glucose. Indigo- Carmine Test. — To the urine add a solution of indigo- carmine rendered alkaline by sodium carbonate. Boil, and if sugar be present the blue mixture changes to violet-red and yellow. On agitation oxygen is absorbed from the air, and the above changes of color are reversed. Qua7ititative. — (1) Fermentation, Each degree of specific gravity lost in fermenting represents one grain of sugar to the ounce of the twenty-four hours' urine. (2) Fehling s. Two hundred minims of the solution is decolorized by one grain of sugar. Two hundred minims (grains) of the test solu- tion are measured off into a small flask, diluted with twice its bulk PART III. — THE URINE. 137 of water, and gently boiled (Fig. 52). A graduated burette (also shown in figure) is then filled to zero with the urine. To the boiling test solution the urine is added drop by drop till the blue color is dis- charged. By the graduations on the burette the quantity of urine added is easily read. As that represents one grain of "sugar, the amount of sugar in the entire urine is easily calculated. (3) Alkali Test. A light yellow indicates one per cent. ; dark amber, two per cent. ; sherry wine, three per cent. ; dark Jamaica rum, five per cent., and dark, almost opaque, ten per cent. Blood gives to urine a smoky hue, or even a dark-brown color. Fig. 52. Hematuria (blood in urine) may occur as the result of (a) some dis- ease or injury in the genito-urinary tract, as acute nephritis, calculus, parasites, cancer, wounds, etc. ; (b) a depraved condition of the blood, as in scurvy, purpura, and eruptive fevers ; (c) a disturbance of the renal circulation, as in mental emotions, malarial paroxysms, and cardiac obstructions. If the urine be acid, the blood corpuscles retain their shape for several days and are easily recognized by the microscope. They ap- pear as amber-colored, biconcave disks, either single or laid in rows, like piles of coin. Owing to the biconcavity of the corpuscles, their centres and peripheries alternate in brightness and shadow, as the 10 138 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. object-glass is made to approach or recede. Their color and smaller size also serve to distinguish them from pus corpuscles. In doubtful cases a minute drop of blood, taken from the finger with a needle, may be used for comparison. After urine containing blood has stood for some time, the corpuscles lose their regular outline and become shriveled and angular. (See a in figure.) If the corpuscles be dis- integrated and dissolved, we must test for blood-coloring matters. The spectroscope offers the best means for their detection, but as physicians are seldom provided with that instrument, the following is the test : Place the urine in a test-tube and shake up with equal volumes of tincture of guaiacum and ozonized ether or old oil of tur- Fig. 53. © §*mm ®i • « V ® © Blood Corpuscles. pentine. If blood-coloring matters are present, the precipitated resin is blue, instead of a dirty greenish yellow. Bile. — Urine containing bile is yellow, froths on shaking, and a rag dipped in it and dried is permanently yellow. 1. Test for Bile-coloring Matters* — (a) Underlay the urine with yellow nitric acid or a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids ; or the urine and acid may be placed adjacent on a white plate. In either * Bilirubin oxidizes so easily that icteric urine often gives only the green coloration, or, if kept long, fails to respond at all. Hence, if fresh icteric urine cannot be obtained and bile urine must be prepared for demonstration, fresh bile from a recently killed animal, and not the inspissated, must be used. PART III. — THE URINE. 139 method there occurs, at the junction of the liquids, a play of colors, green being prominent and characteristic ; (b) overlay the urine with tincture of iodine. At junction of the liquids a green color will appear. 2. Test for Bile Acids. — Add a few grains of cane sugar or glucose to the urine and underlay it with sulphuric acid. At the junction of the liquid a reddish-purple color appears. As other substances than the bile acids may produce this reaction, we must, in cases of doubt, evaporate the urine to dryness, extract with alcohol, precipitate with ether, and redissolve in distilled water, and then apply the test as above. Fig. 54. Leucin Spherules and Tyrosin Needles. Leucin and Tyrosin occur only in bile urine, for they attend destructive liver disease, especially acute, yellow atrophy and phos- phorus-poisoning. They form yellowish crystalline deposits (Fig. 54) — leucin as spherules, with concentric striae, and tyrosin as sheaf-like bundles of fine needles. Cystin is a rare urinary sediment, a yellowish deposit of hexagonal plates (Fig. 55), not dissolved by heat or acetic acid but readily by ammonia. It is a highly sulphurized body whose formation in the system is obscure. It sometimes forms calculi. 140 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. Carbonate of Calcium is a very rare deposit in human, but abundant in the urine of cattle. It occurs in small spherules (Fig. 56) sometimes coalescing ; acetic acid dissolves it with effervescence. Hippuric Acid {Horse-uric Acid) largely replaces uric acid in the urine of herbivorous animals, and to some extent in that of man, especially after a vegetable diet. It occurs in pointed, four-sided prisms and acicular crystals, insoluble in acetic acid but soluble in alcohol. (Fig. 56.) Calcium Oxalate occurs in extremely small amounts in normal urine, but more abundantly in the so-called oxalic diathesis and in certain forms of dyspepsia, or after eating rhubarb or other things Fig. 55- Fig. 56. Cystin. Carbonate of Calcium. Hippuric Acid. containing it. If persistently present it may form a (mulberry) calcu- lus. It occurs in both acid and alkaline urine, and always as a light delicate precipitate, which under high powers is seen to consist of small, brilliant octahedral crystals, but sometimes dumb-bells. (Fig. 49.) In certain aspects the smaller octahedra appear as squares crossed by two bright diagonal lines. Fat in such quantities as to float on the urine generally comes from the introduction of a catheter or from foreign admixture. Fatty degeneration of kidney, or leakage of a lymph vessel, or the opening of an abscess into the urinary tract may cause fat in the urine. It occurs as minute, highly refracting globules of various sizes (see a in Fig. 57). but sometimes, especially in chylous urine, in more intimate PART III. — THE URINE. 141 emulsion (as at b), the globules appearing under the microscope as mere specks. Fat may be recognized by its dissolving on addition of ether. Mucus and Pus. — Mucus is a normal constituent of urine. It is a transparent fluid, and would be invisible but for the mucus corpus- cles, epithelium and other sediments entangled in it. Though closely related to albumin, mucin is coagulated by acetic atcid and not by heat. Mucus is increased by irritation of the urinary tract, but as inflammation supervenes albumin appears and the urine is purulent. The mucus and pus corpuscles present the same appearance under the microscope as other leucocytes, viz. : rounded, colorless, very granu- Fig. 57. Fig. 58. Fat Globules. Pus Corpuscles. lar cells, a little larger than red blood corpuscles. (Fig. 58.) If the urine be greatly diluted, or, better, treated with acetic acid, the cells swell up, lose their granular appearance, become transparent, and show their nuclei {a in Fig. 58). The pus cell oftener than the mucus corpuscle has more than one nucleus. Pus may be distinguished from mucus: (1) It is always attended with albumin; (2) (Donne's test) treated with an alkali it forms a gelatinous mass ; (3) hydrogen per- oxide causes marked effervescence with pus. Epithelium in the urine may come from any part of the genito- urinary tract. The accompanying cut shows the typical forms of cells coming from various situations. It is generally impossible to locate 142 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. the origin of an epithelial cell beyond the vagina and bladder, for their distinctive differences, but slight at best, are rendered still fainter by maceration in the urine. Renal epithelium comes from the urinifer- ous tubules, and are rounded and granular, and, unlike pus cells, they show their nuclei without acetic acid. They are usually associated with albumin and tube casts (Fig. 60), and therefore point to kidney disease. Tube Casts. — In hemorrhage from or inflammation of the kidney ^-/ d (a) Epithelium from the human urethra ; {b) vagina; (c) prostate; (d) Cowper's glands ; (e) Littre's glands; (f) female urethra ; (£-) bladder. the urine usually contains microscopic casts or moulds of the urinifer- ous tubules formed by exudation into the tubule of coagulable material, which afterward contracts, becomes loose, and is washed out with the urine. As they imbed and bring away epithelial cells, granular matter, fat globules, blood disks, etc., they are a valuable index to the condition of the tubules. (1) Epithelial casts (see upper portion of figure) are those bearing renal epithelium. They indicate PART III. — THE URINE. H3 desquamative nephritis, (2) Hyaline casts (shown in left-hand part of figure) are transparent and comparatively free from entangled material. They come from tubules whose epithelium is sound and adherent or from those bereft of epithelium. In the latter case they are more solid in appearance (waxy casts) and indicate serious nephritis. (3) Granular casts are opaque from presence of granular debris. (4) Fatty casts (see larger cast in figure) are such as carry oil globules, either free or contained in epithelial cells. They are proof of fatty degeneration of the kidney. (5) Blood casts contain blood corpuscles, and show that the haematuria is of renal origin. Spermatozoa occur in urine as a result of spermatorrhoea, noctur- Fig. 60. Fig. 61. Epithelial Cells and Tube Casts. Spermatozoa. nal emissions, or coitus. They are liable to escape observation, for they subside slowly, and are very small and transparent. Under a high power they are seen to consist of a small oval cell with a tail-like prolongation. Their tadpole-like appearance is shown in Fig. 61. They are motionless in urine, and remain for days unaltered. Microorganisms. — Urine being a solution of organic matters be- comes as soon as voided a ready medium for the growth of the lower forms of life, the germs of which get in from the air or unclean ves- sels. Besides various others we may mention: (1) Yeast fungus (shown on page 113) is seen during its sporule stage as transparent oval cells, sometimes arranging themselves in branches. It grows only in saccharine urine, though spores closely resembling it are seen 144 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. in acid urine containing neither sugar nor albumin. (2) Sarcina is a fungus seldom found in urine, but more frequently in matters vomited during certain diseases of the stomach. The cells are arranged in cubes, resembling bales bound with cross-bands. The sarcina? shown at a in figure are from the urine, those at b from vomited matters. 3. Bacteria {little rods). This is the general term given to the minute moving organisms invariably present in putrefying animal and vegetable matter. They consist of simple cells filled with a colorless fluid and presenting several varieties of form : (a) Micrococci appear- Fig. 62. d (a) Micrococci in short chains and groups; (&) sarcinse ; (c) fungi from acid fermentation ; (d) yeast cells from diabetic urine ; (e) mycelium of a fungus. ing as trembling points, distinguished from other particles by their progressive motion ; (b) Rods about the length of the diameter of blood disks, sometimes at rest, but usually vibrating across the field; (c) Vibriones, consisting of several rods joined together and moving with greater rapidity ; and (d) Zooglece, aggregations of bacteria held to- gether by gelatinous material and re'sembling masses of amorphous urates or phosphates. These various forms are shown in Fig. 41 and 42. Bacteria not only cause decomposition outside, but may set it up in PART III. — THE URINE. 145 urine while yet within the bladder, provided they be introduced from without. This may be done by dirty catheters and sounds, or they may work their way down the urethra in the pus of a gleet. The ammoniacal fermentation thus set up soon induces cystitis. Extraneous bodies, such as hair, wool, or fragments of feathers, are often found in urinary deposits, and ludicrous mistakes have been made by observers not on their guard for such casual admixtures. Sediments. — The chemical examination of unorganized urinary sediments is generally an easy matter, for they usually consist of urates, phosphates, calcium oxalate, or uric acid. Warm the sediment with the supernatant urine, it dissolves — urates. If not, warm with acetic acid, it dissolves — phosphates. If not, warm with hydrochloric acid, it dissolves — calcium oxalate. If not, it is uric acid, which may be confirmed by the murexid test. Urinary Calguli. — Urinary calculi {calculus, a pebble) are com- posed of urinary sediments which have gathered around some nucleus (usually calcium oxalate or uric-acid crystals, or some foreign body) within the bladder, and being slowly deposited, particle upon particle and layer upon layer, the concretion becomes as hard as stone. The concretion often consists of successive layers of different sediments deposited during varying conditions of the urine. The qualitative analysis of calculi is easy. Saw the stone through the middle and see whether it be composed of the same material throughout or of successive layers of different sediments. If the former, take the sawdust ; if the latter, chip off a specimen from a single layer. But this should be pulverized very fine (for it is dissolved much less readily than fresh sediments), and then test by means of heat, acetic and hydrochloric acids, just as other sediments. The following method is easier in practice : — I. Heat to redness on a piece of platinum foil. If no residue, see II ; if a residue, see III. II. To a fresh portion apply the murexid test. If it responds it is ammonium urate or uric acid ; if it does not respond it is cystin or xanthin, see IV. III. To the residue, when cool, add hydrochloric acid. If it effer- vesces it is an oxalate or tirate, which may be determined by the murexid test ; if it does not effervesce it is a phosphate. IV. Dissolve some of the powder in nitric acid. If the solution is yellow it is xanthin ; if dark brown it is cystin. 146 ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY. TABLE OF METRIC MEASURES. MEASURES OF LENGTH. Millimetre Centimetre Decimetre Metre Decametre Hectometre Kilometre Myriametre 0.001 of a metre. 0.010 of a metre. 0.100 of a metre 1. 000 Metre 10.000 metres. 100.000 metres. 1000.000 metres 10,000.000 metres = about 4 inches. — 39-37 inches. = about % of a mile. = about 63/3 miles. MEASURES OF SURFACE. Centiare = 1 Square metre = about i| square yards. Are = 100 Square metres. Hectare = io,oou Square metres = about 2^ acres. MEASURES OF VOLUME. Cubic centimetre = Litre (cubic decimetre) = Cubic metre = Cubic metre = Cubic metre = 0.001 of a litre. 1000. cubic centimetres. 1000. cubic decimetres. 1000. litres, or 1 kilolitre. 1 stere. 1 Milligramme 1 Centigramme 1 Decigramme 1 Gramme* 1 Decagramme 1 Hectogramme 1 Kilo(gramme) 1 Tonneau MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 0.001 of a gramme 0.010 of a gramme. 0.100 of a gramme. 1. 000 Gramme 10.000 grammes. 100.000 grammes. 1000.000 grammes = 1000. Kilos = about ^5 of a grain. = about 15% grains. = about -z\ lbs. = about 1 ton. INDEX. Absolute weight, 10 Acetanilide, 117 Acetic acid, 109 Acetic aldehyde, 108 Acid acetic, 109 antimonic, 54 antimonious, 54 arsenic, 49, 50 arsenious, 49, 50 benzoic, 109 boric or boracic, 76 chloric, 33 chlorous, 33 chromic, 79 citric, no cyanic, 61 formic, no gallic, no hippuric, 1 40 hydriodic, 31 hydrobromic, 31 hydrochloric, 31, 32 hydrocyanic, 60 hydroferricyanic, 61 hydrofluoric, 31 hydrosulphuric, 35 hypochlorous, 33 hyponitrous, 44 lactic, no lithic (see Uric), 129 malic, no meconic, 119 muriatic, 31 myronic, 115 nitric, 45 nitrohydrochloric, co nitromuriatic, 32 nitrous, 45 oleic, 107 orthophosphoric, 48 osmic, 93 oxalic, no palmitic, 107 perchloric, 33 phosphoric, 49 picric, no plumbic, 56 prussic, 60 pyrogallic, in pyrophosphoric, 48 salicic, 56 salicylic, in Acid, sodium phosphate, 123, 132 stannic, 56 stearic, 107 succinic, in sulphocarbolic, 104 sulphocyanic, 61 sulphuric, 39 sulphurous, 37 tannic, in, 115 tartaric, in uric, 129 valerianic, 1 11 Acid salts, 69 Acids, definition of, 16, 22 fatty, 107 organic, 109 Acidulous radical, 27 Aconitine, 119 Analytical table, 94, 95 Affinity, chemical, 25 Aging of liquors, 103 Air, 41 Albumin, 116, 133 Alcohol, 101, 102 amylic, 103 ethylic, 102 glycerylic, 104 mannityl, 105 methylic, 101 phenylic, 104 radicals, 101 vinic, 102 wood, 101 Aldehydes, 101, 108 Ale, 103 Algaroth, powder of, 54 Alkalies, metals of the, 65 Alkaline earth metals, 71 Alkaline group, 65 Alkaloids, 118 Alloys, 62 Allotropic forms, 56 Allylsulphocyanate, 115 Aluminium, 76 bronze, 76 chloride, 76 silicates, 77 sulphate, 76 Alum, 76 Amalgam, 62 Amides, 117 Amines, 117 147 1 48 INDEX. Ammonia, 42 Ammoniac, 100 Ammoniated mercury, 89 Ammonio-chloride of mercury, 89 Ammonio citrate of iron, 84 ferric alum, 77 magnesium phosphate, 72 nitrate of silver, 52 sulphate of copper, 52 tartrate of iron, 84 Ammonium, 66 alum, 77 amalgam, 66 carbonate, 67 hydrate, 66 hydrosulphide, 67 nitrate, 44 nitrite, 41 Amygdalin, 61, 115 Amyl acetate, 104 hydrate, 103 nitrite, 106 Amylic alcohol, 103 Amy loses, 112 Amylum, 112 Analysis, 21 acidulous radicals, 94 definition of, 21 metallic radicals, 94 Aniline, 117 Animal charcoal, 56 Antidote, definition of, 51 Antidotes to acids, 73 to alkalies, 67 to alkaloids, 118 to antimony, 55 to arsenic, 51 to barium, 75 to carbolic acid, 104 to copper, 87 to cyanides, 61 to lead, 65 to mercury, 90 to oxalic acid, no to silver, 92 to sulphuric acid, 40 Antifebrin, 117 Antimonious chloride, 54 hydride, 54 oxychloride, 54 oxide, 54 sulphide, 54 Antimoniuretted hydrogen, 54 Antimony, 53 Antimony and potassium tartrate, 54 Antimony, butter of, 54 Antimonyl, 54 Antipyrine, 118 Antiseptics, 42 Antizymotics, 42 Apomorphine, 119 Apparent weight, 10 Aqua, 20 ammonia, 66 ammonise fortior, 66 chlori, 29 destillata, 23 fortis, 45 Arbutin, 116 Argenti nitras, 91 Argol, in Arsenic, 49, 50 acid, 49, 50 oxide, 50 pentoxide, 50 toxicology of, 50 white, 50 Arsenious acid, 49, 50 hydride, 49 iodide, 49 sulphide, 49 Arseniuretted hydrogen, 49 Arsine, 49 Artificial parchment, 112 Asafoetida, 100 Asbestos, 62 Atmosphere, 41 Atomic theory, 12 weight, 13 Atoms, 13 Atropine, 119 Auric chloride, 92 Babbitt's metal, 54 Bacteria, 120-144 Baking powders, 70 Balsam of Peru, 100 Balsams, 100 Barium, 75 chromate, 75 Bases, 22 Basylous radicals, 27 Beer, 103 Beet sugar, 113 Bengal light, 75 Benzine, 98 Benzoic acid, 109 Benzoine, 100 .Bichromates, 79 Bile in urine, 138 Bilirubin, 138 Bismuth, 55 ammonio-citrate, 55 nitrate, 55 oxynitrate, 55 subcarbonate, 55 subnitrate, 55 Bismuthyl, 54 Black lead, 56 oxide of manganese, Bleaching, 24, 38, 74 powder, 74 Blood casts, 143 in urine, 137 Blue ointment, 87 pill, 87 vitriol, 85 Bluestone, 85 Boroglyceride, 76 - Borax, 76 Boric acid, 76 Boron, 76 Brandy, 103 Brass, 77 Brimstone, 35 INDEX. 149 Britannia, 54 British gum, 113 Bromides, test for, 30 Bromine, 28 Bromum, 28 Bronze aluminium, 76 Brucine, 119 Butter of antimony, 54 Butyl, 101 Cadavarine, 120 Cadmium, 79 Caesium, 65, 71 Caffeine, 119 Calcium, 73 carbonate, 73, 140 chloride, 73 hydrate, 73 oxalate, 74, 140 oxide, 73 phosphate, 74 sulphate, 74 Calculi, urinary, 145 Calomel, 88-89 Calx, 73 chlorata, 74 Camphor, monobromated, 100 Camphors, 100 Cane sugar, 113 Caoutchouc, 100 Caramel, 103 Carat fine, 92 Carbamide, 117 Carbazotic acid, no Carbolic acid, 104 Carbohydrates, 112 Carbon, 56 dioxide, 57 disulphide, 37 group, 56 monoxide, 57 Carbonic acid, 56, 57 Carburetted hydrogen, 99 Casein, 116 Catalysis, 18, 26, 105 Caustic ammonia, 66 potash, 70 Cellulin, 112 Celluloid, 112 Cellulose, 112 Centimeter, cubic, 147 Cerium, 77 Chalk, 73 Charcoal, 56 animal, 56 Chemical action, 9 affinity, 25 Chemistry, definition of, 9 inorganic, 15 organic, 97 Chinoline, 118 Chloral, 108 hydrate, 109 Chloralum, 76 Chloride of gold, 92 of lime, 74 Chlorides in urine, 132 Chlorides, tests for, 132 Chlorinated lime, 74 Chlorine, 28 group, 28 oxides, 32 Chloroform, 106 Choke damp, 57 Cholesterine, 108 Choline, 120 Chondrin, 116 Chromates, 79 Chrome yellow, 64 Chromic acid, 79 Chromium, 79 trioxide, 79 Cider, 103 Cinchona alkaloids, 119 Cinchonicine, 119 Cinchonidine, 119 Cinchonine, 119 Cinnabar, 90 Citric acid, no Citrine ointment, 88 Classification of elements, 15 Clay, 62 Coal, 56 mineral, 56 Cobalt, 85 Cocaine, 119 Codeine, 119 Coin, 91, 92 Colchicine, 119 Collodion, 112 Colocynthin, 116 Coloring matters, urinary, 130 Combining weight, 13 Combustible, 18 Combustion, 18 supporter of, 18 Compounds, n Concentrated lye, 69 Conine, 119 Copal, 100 Copper, 85 ammonia-sulphate, 52 arsenite, 52 black oxide, 86 group, 85 suboxide, 86 Copperas, 82 Corals, 73 Corrosive sublimate, 89 Cotton, 112 Crab orchard salts, 72 Cream of tartar, 69 Creasote, 105 Creatine, 120 Creatinine, 120 Creta preparata, 73 Crystallization, water of, 21 Cupric hydrate, 86 oxide, 86 subacetate, 86 sulphate, 85 Cuprous oxide, 86 Cyanates, 61 Cyamic acid, 61 Cyanide, mercuric, 60 ISO INDEX. Cyanides, compound, 61 Cyanogen, 60 Cystin, 139 Davy's method for urea, 127 Decantation, 73 Decay, 114 Deliquesce, 21 Deodorizers, 42 Deposits, urinary, 145 Dew point, 42 Dextrin, 113 Diabetic sugar, 114 urine, 134 Dialysis, 83 Dialyzed iron, 83 Dialyzer, 83 Diamond, 56 Diastase, 114 Didymium, 75 Diffusion, 60 gases, 60 liquids, 60 Digitalin, 116 Disinfectants, 42 Distillation. 23 Donne's test for pus, 141 Donovan's solution, 49 Doremus' method for urea, 128 Drummond light, 17 Dynamite, 104 Earths, metals of the, 75 Earthy phosphates, 122, 131, 133 Effloresces, 21 Elaterin, 116 Electrolysis, 25 Electro- positive and negative, 24 Elements, 11 classification of, 15 groups of, 15 Emplastrum plumbi, 63 Emulsin, 115 Epithelial casts, 142 Epithelium, 141 Epsom salts, 72 Equation, 14 Erbium, 75 Esbach's albuminometer, 134 Essential oils, 99 Etching, 32 Ether, 105 chloric, 106 hydrobromic, 106 hydrochloric, 106 nitrous, 106 ozonized, 24 sulphuric, 105 Ethers, compound, 101, 105 simple, 101, 105 Ethyl bromide, 106 aldehyde, 108 chloride, 106 hydrate, 102 nitrite, 106 oxide, 105 Ethylic alcohol, 102 Evaporation, 11 Extraneous bodies in urine, 145 Fat in urine, 140 Fatty casts, 143 Fats, 107 Fehling's test, 135 solution, 136 Fermentation, acid, 123 alkaline, 124 Ferments, 114 Ferri citras, 84 carbonas saccharatus, 84 et ammonii citras, 84 et ammonii tartras, 84 et potassii tartras, 84 et quininae citras, 84 et strychnia citras, 84 pyrophosphas, 84 Ferric chloride, 81 hydrate, 83 nitrate, 84 sulphate, 82 Ferricyanides, 61 Ferricyanogen, 61 Ferrocyanogen, 61 Ferrous chloride, 82 carbonate, 84 hydrate, 83 iodide, 84 sulphate, 82 sulphide, 84 Ferrum redactum, 81 Fibrin, 116 Filtration, 73 Fixed oils, 107 Flint, 62 Flowers of sulphur, 35 Fluorides, tests for, 32 Fluorine, 28 Fluorspar, 28 Fluxes, 81 Flystone, 85 Formic acid, no Formulae, 14 Fowler's method for urea, 128 solution, 50 Fruit essences, artificial, 104 Fungi, 122 Fusel oil, 103 Galena, 63 Gallic acid, no Galls, oak, in Galvanized iron, 77 Gas, definition of, 10 illuminating, 57 laughing, 44 marsh, 99 Gasoline, 98 Gelatine, 116 Gentianin, 116 German silver, 85 Germicides, 42 Glass, 62 INDEX. I5T Globulin, 116 Glucose, 114, 134 Glucosides, 115 Glycerine, 104 Glycerites, 104 Glycyrrhizin, it6 Glycerylic alcohol, 104 Glycogen, 113 Gold, 92 leaf, 92 Goulard's extract, 63 Gramme, 147 Granular casts, 143 Grape sugar, 114 Graphite, 56 Gravity, specific, to Gray powder, 87 Green fire, 75 Green vitriol, 82 Group, alkaline, 65 alkaline earths, 71 carbon, 56 chlorine, 28 copper, 85 hydrogen and oxygen, 15 iron, 79 nitrogen, 40 zinc, 77 Guaiacol, 105 Guaiacum, tincture, 138 Gum resins, 100 Gums, 113 Gun cotton, 112 Gutta percha, 100 Gypsum, 74 Haines' test, 136 Hair dye, 11 1 Hartshorn, 43 spirits of, 43 Homatropine, 119 Homologous series, 98 Hyaline casts, 143 Hydracids, 31 Hydrates, 22 Hydrargyri — chloridum mite, 88 cum creta, 87 iodidum rubrum, 83 viride, 88 oxidum flavum, 89 rubrum, 89 subsulphas flavus, 88 Hydrargyrum, 87 cum creta, 87 Hydrobromic ether, to6 Hydrocarbons, 98 Hydrochloric ether, 106 Hydrocyanic acid, 60 Hydro-ferricyanic acid, 61 Hydro-ferrocyanic acid, 61 Hydrogen, 16 carburetted, 99 cyanide, 60 dioxide, 24 oxide, 20 peroxide, 20 Hydragen sulphide, 35 Hyoscyamine, 119 Hydrometer, 10 " Hypo," 33 Hyponitrous acid, 44 Hyposulphite of sodium, 38 Hyposulphites, 38 " ic," 27 "ide," 33 Ice, 20 Ignis fatuus, 47 Indestructibility, 9 India rubber, 100 Indican, 116, 130 Ink, black, in indelible, 92 sympathetic, 85 Inorganic chemistry, 15 Insolubility, influence of, 26 Insoluble chlorides, 91 Introduction, 9 Iodide of nitrogen, 41 of starch, 1 Iodides, tests for, 32 Iodine, 28 Iodoform, 107 Iridium, 93 Iron, 81 by hydrogen, 81 cast, 81 group, 79 pig, 81 reduced, 81 salts (see Ferrous and Ferric), 81 scale compounds of, 84 wrought, 81 Isologous series, 98 Isomeric bodies, 99 Isomerism, 98 "ite" 33 Jalapin, 116 Javelle water, 71 Kalium, 65 Kaolin, 77 Kerosene, 98 Kreatine, 129 Kreatinine, 129 Labarraque's solution, 71 Lac sulphuris, 35 Lactic acid, no Lana philosophica, 78 Lanolin, 108 Lanthanum, 75 Laughing gas, 44 Lead, 63 acetate, 63 carbonate, 64 chloride, 64 chromate, 64 dioxide, 63 152 INDEX. Lead, iodide, .64 nitrate, 63 oxide, 63 plaster, 63 puce, 63 red, 63 subacetate, 63 sugar of, 63 sulphate, 64 sulphide, 64 water, 63 white, 64 Ledoyen's disinfectant fluid, 63 Leucin, 139 Leucomai'nes, 120 Lignin, 112 Lime (see Calcium), 73 chloride, 73 kilns, 73 quick, 73 slaked, 73 water, 73 Limestone, 73 magnesian, 71 Linen, 112 Linseed oil, 108 Liquid, definition of, 10 Liquor, 20-66 acidi arseniosi, 50 arsenii et hydrargyri iodidi, 49 calcis, 73 saccharatus, 73 definition of, 20, 66 ferri chloridi, 82 nitratis, 84 subsulphatis, 83 tersulphatis, 83 hydrargyri nitratis, 88 iodi compositus, 30 magnesii citratis, 72 plumbi subacetatis, 63 potassse, 70 potassii arsenitis, 50 Liter, 146 Litharge, 63 Lithium, 65 urate, 65 Litmus, 67, 125 Lixiviation, 69 Lubricating oil, 99 Lugol's solution, 30 Lunar caustic, 91 Lustre, metallic, 62 Lye, 69 Magnesia, 72 milk of, 72 Magnesian fluid, 49 limestone, 71 Magnesium, 71 carbonate, 72 citrate, 72 hydrate, 72 oxide, 72 phosphatis, 72 sulphate, 72 Malic acid, no Malt, 114 Maltin, 114 Manganates, 80 Manganese, 80 black oxide of, 80 dioxide, 80 Manganous sulphate, 80 sulphide, 80 Manna, 105 Mannite, 105 Mannityl alcohol, 105 Marble, 73 Marsh gas, 99 Marsh's test, 52 Mastic, 100 Matter, 9 Measures, 146 Meerschaum, 71 Menthol, 100 Mercurial ointment, 87 Mercuric ammonium chloride, chloride, 89 cyanide, 60 iodide, 88 nitrate, 88 oxide, 89 sulphate, 88 sulphide, 90 Mercurous chloride, 88 iodide, 88 nitrate, 88 oxide, 89 sulphate, 88 sulphide, 89 Mercury, 87 acid nitrate, 88 ammoniated, 89 bichloride, 89 biniodide, 88 black oxide, 89 green iodide, 88 mild chloride, 88 oleate, 89 proto-iodide, 88 red iodide, 88 red oxide, 89 yellow oxide, 89 Metallic lustre, 62 Metals, 15, 62 Metaphosphoric acid, 48 Methane, 99 Methyl hydrate, 101 Methylated spirit, 102 Methylic alcohol, 101 Metric measures, 146 Micrococci, 144 Micrococcus urea, 124 Microorganisms, 22, 114, 143 Milk of magnesia, 72 of sulphur, 35 sugar, 114 Millimeter, 146 Mineral coal, 56 Molecules, 13 Molybdenum, 93 Monobromated camphor, 100 Monsel's solution, 83 Morphine, 119 INDEX. 153 Mother of vinegar, 114 Mucilage of starch, 113 Mucus, 122, 141 Mulberry calculus, 140 Murexid test, 130 Muscarine, 120 Mustard, 115 Mycoderma aceti, 109, 114 Myronic acid, 115 Myrrh, 100 Naphtha, 98 Narceine, 119 Narcotine, 119 Nascent state, 26 Natrium, 65 Negative radicals, 27, 28 Neuridine, 120 Nitre, sweet spirits of, 106 Nickel, 85 Nicotine, 119 Nitrates, tests for, 46 Nitric acid, 45 Nitric oxide, 45 Nitrification, 45 Nitrite of amyl, 106 Nitrites, 45 Nitro-cellulose, 112 Nitrogen, 40 dioxide, 45 group, 40 hydride, 42 iodide of, 41 monoxide, 44 oxides, 44 pentoxide, 45 tetroxide, 45 trioxide, 45 Nitrogenous bodies, 116 Nitro-glycerine, 104 Nitrous acid, 45 ether, 106 oxide, 44 Non-metals, 15 Nux vomica alkaloids, 119 Oi'dium albicans, 114 Oil, fusel, 103 linseed, 108 of vitriol, 39 Oils, essential, 99 fixed, 107 volatile, 99 Oleic, 107 Oleo-resins, 100 Oleum terebinthinse, 99 Opium alkaloids, 119 Organic acids, X09 Organic chemistry, 97 Organized bodies, 97 Orpiment, 49 Orthophosphoric acid, 48 Osmic acid, 93 Osmium, 93 " Ous/' 27 Oxacids, 32 11 Oxalate of lime, 74 Oxalic acid, no Oxidation, 18 Oxide, definition of, 18 Oxidizing agents, 19 Oxychloride of antimony, 54 Oxygen, 17 Oxygenated water, 20 Oxyhydrogen flame, 17 Ozone, 19 test for, 20 Ozonized ether, 24 Painters' colic, 65 Pancreatin, 114 Paper, 112 Paraffine, 98 Paraldehyde, 108 Parchment, artificial, 1x2 Paris green, 52 Pavy's solution, 135 Pearl ash, 69 white, 55 Pepsin, 114 " Per," 33 Perspiration, n Peru, balsam of, 100 Petrolatum, 98 Petroleum, 98 Pewter, 55, 63 Phenates, 104 Phenacetine, 118 Phenol, 104 Phenyl alcohol, 104 bisulphate, 105 Phenylamine, 117 Phosphates in urine, 131 Phosphine, 47 Phosphoretted hydrogen, 47 Phosphoric acid, 49 Phosphorus, 45 hydride, 47 oxides, 48 pentoxide, 48 Picric acid, no test for glucose, 136 Physostigmine, 119 Pilocarpine, 119 Pilula hydrargyri, 87 Plaster-of-Paris, 74 Plasters, 108 Platinic chloride, 71, 93 Platinum, 92 Plumbago, 56 Plumbic acid, 56 Plumbum, 63 Poisoning by chloroform, 107 Porcelain, 77 Porter, 103 Port wine, 103 Potassium, 68 acid carbonate, 69 bromide, 70 bicarbonate, 69 bichromate, 79 bitartrate, 69 carbonate, 69 154 INDEX. Potassium chlorate, 17 chromate, 79 ferricyanide, 61 ferrocyanide, 61 hydrate, 70 hypochlorite, 70 iodate, 70 iodide, 70 manganate, 80 permanganate, 80 red chromate, 79 sodium tartrate, 70 sulpho-cyanate, 61 Potato starch, 112 Powder of Algaroth, 54 Precedence of affinities, 25 Precipitated chalk, 73 Principles, proximate and ultimate, 100 Propylamine, 117 Propyl, 101 Proteids, 116 Proximate analysis, 100 principles, 100 Prussiate of potash, red, 61 yellow, 61 Prussic acid, 60 Ptomaines, 119 Ptyalin, 114 Ptyalism, 90 Purification of water, 23 Pus in urine, 141 Putrefaction, 114 Putrescine, 120 Pyroligneous, 101 Pyrogallic acid, iit* 1 Pyrophosphoric acid, 48 Quantivalence, 26 Quevenne's iron, 8 Quicklime, 73 Quicksilver, 87 Quinicine, 119 Quinidine, 119 Quinine, 119 Quinoidine, 119 Radicals, definition of, 24 basylous, 27 negative, 24 positive, 27 the alcohol, 101 Rancidity of fats, ic8 Ratsbane, 50 Realgar, 49 Red fire, 75 Red prussiate of potash, 61 Reduced iron, 81 Reinsch's test, 52 Resina, 99 Resins, 99 Resorcin, 105 Respiration, 19 Rex magnus, 76 Rhigoline, 99 Rochelle salt, 70 Rock crystal, 62 Roll sulphur, 00 Rosin (see Resin), 99 Rubidium, 65, 71 Saccharoses, 113 Salicylic acid, 11 1 Salicin, 115 Salivation, 90 Salt, common, 31 Salts, acid, 69 " bi," 69 crab orchard, 72 Epsom, 72 normal, 69 of tartar, 69 Sal volatile, 67 Samarium, 75 Sand, 62 Santonin, 116 Saponification, 108 Saponin, 116 Sarcina, 144 Scale compounds of iron, Scandium, 75 Scheele's green, 52 Secretion of urine, 121 Sediments, urinary, 145 Selenium, 34 Sewer gas, 35 Shellac, 100 Sherry wine, 103 Silicates, 62 Silicic acid, 56, 62 Silicic oxide, 62 Silicon, 61 Silver, 91 action of light on, 92 ammonio-nitrate, 52 arsenite, 52 bromide, 92 chloride, 91 cyanide, 91 german, 85 group, 91 iodide, 92 nitrate, 91 oxide, 91 Slaked lime, 73 Soaps, 108 Soapstone, 62 Soda water, 58 Sodio-ammonium, 66 Sodio-potassium tartrate, 70 Sodium, 67 amalgam, 66 borate, 76 chloride, 67 hypochlorite, 71 hyposulphite, 38 salicylate, 11 1 sulphocarbolate, 105 Solder, 63 Solid, definition of, 10 Solanin, 116 Soluble glass, 62 Solution, Donovan's, 49 INDEX. 155 Solution, Labarraque's, 71 rationale of, 21 Spasmotoxinc, 120 Specific gravity, 10 flask, 10 weight, 10 Spectroscope, 138 Spermatozoa, 143 Spirit, methylated, 102 pyroligneous, 101 Spirits, 66 of hartshorn, 43 of wine, 102 Spiritus setheris nitrosi, 106 ammonise, 66 ammonise aromaticus, 66 frumenti, 103 vini gallici, 103 Stannic acid, 56 salts, 63 Stannous salts, 63 Stannum, 56 Starch, 112 Steam, 20 Steel, 81 Stereotyping metal, 55 Stibine, 54 Stibium, 53 Strontium, 75 Strychnine, 119 Styptic collodion, 112 Sublimation, 23 Sublimed sulphur, 35 Succinic acid, 111 Sugar, beet, 113 cane, 113 diabetic, 114 grape, 114 in urine, 134 milk, 114 of lead, 63 Sulphates, tests for, 133 Sulphites, 38 Sulpho-cyanates, 61 Sulphur, 35 dioxide, 37 lotum, 35 precipitatum, 35 sublimatum, 35 peroxide, 38 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 35 Sulphuric acid, 39 ether, 105 Supporter of combustion, 18 Symbols, 13 Sympathetic ink, 85 Synaptase, 115 Synthesis, 21 Syrupus calcii lacto-phosphatis, 74 scillae comp., 54 simplex, 114 Table, analytical, for metals, 94 analytical, for negative radicals, 95 of elements, 12 of metric measure, 146 of solubilities, 96 Table of valences,»27 Tannic acid, in Tannin, in, 115 Tartar, cream of, 69 emetic, 54 Tartaric acid, in Tellurium, 34 Temperature, influence of, 25 Terebene, 99 Terminations, 27 Tersulphate of iron, 82 Tests, acidity, 67 acidulous radicals, 95 alcohol, 102 alkali metals, 71 alkaline earth metals, 75 alkalinity, 67 ammonia, 44 ammonium salts, 67 antimony, 55 arsenic, 51 barium, 75 bile, 138 bile acids, 139 bismuth, 55 blood, 137 boron, 76 bromide, 32 bromine, 32 brucine, 119 cadmium, 79 calcium, 75 carbonates, 59 carbon dioxide, 59 carbonic acid, 59 chlorides, 32 chlorine, 32 chloroform, 107 chromates, 80 cobalt, 85 coloring matters, urinary, 130 copper, 86 cyanides, 61 fats, 140 fluorides, 32 fluorine, 32 gallic acid, no glucose in urine, 134 hard water, 22 heat, for albumen, 133 hydrocyanic acid, 61 hydrogen sulphide, 36 iodides, 32 iodoform, 107 iodine, 32 iron, 84 lead, 64 lithium, 66 magnesian, 75 manganese, 80 Marsh's, 52-55 mercury, 90 metallic radical, 94 morphine, 119 murexid, 130 nickel, 85 nitrates, 46 nitric acid, 46 1 5 6 INDEX. Tests, nitrogenous bodies, 116 organic matter in water, 23 oxalic acid, 111 oxygen, 18, 45 ozone, 19 phosphates, 133 phosphoric acid, 49 phosphorus, 47 potassium, 71 pus, 141 pyrogallic acid, 11 1 quinine, 119 Reinsch's, 52 salicylic acid, 111 silver, 92 sodium, 68 starch, 113 strychnine, 119 strontium, 75 sugar, 134 sulphates, 40, 133 sulphuric acid, 39 tannic acid, in urates, 129 urea, 127 uric acid, 130 urinary calculi, 145 urinary sediments, 145 water in alcohol, 85 zinc, 78 Tetanine, 120 Tetanotoxine, 120 Theine, 119 Theory, atomic, 12 Thrush, 114 Tin, 62 Tinct. ferri chloridi, 85 iodi, 30 Tinctures, 66 Tin foil, 62 Tolu, 100 Torula cerevisiae, 114 Toxicology of arsenic, 50 Trichloraldehyde, 108 Trichlormethane, 106 Trimethylamine, 117 Triple phosphate, 131 Trommer's test, 135 Trypsin, 114 Tube casts, 142 Turpene, 99 Turpentine, 99 Turpeth mineral, 88 Type metal, 63 Typhotoxine, 120 Tyrotoxine, 120 Ty rosin, 139 Ultimate analysis, 100 principals, 100 Unguentum antimonii, 54 hydrargyri, 87 nitratis, 88 Urates, 122, 130, 133 Urea, 117, 119, 126 estimation of, 127 nitrate, 127 Urea, quantitative analysis, 127 tests for, 127 Uric acid, 129 Urinary calculi, 145 sediments, 145 Urine, T21 acid fermentation, 123 alkaline fermentation, 124 chemical constituents, 126 color, 123 coloring matters, 130 fluidity, 122 normal, 122 odor, 123 opacity, 122 physical properties, 122 quantity, 122 reaction, 123 specific gravity, 125 transparency, 122 Urinometer, 125 Urobilin, 130 Urohsematin, 130 Uroindican, 130 Uroxanthin, 130 Valence, 26 Valerian, in Valerianic acid, in Vaseline, 99 Veratrine, 119 Ventilation, 59 Verdigris, 86 Vermilion, 90 Vibriones, 145 Vinegar, 109 Vinum antimonii, 54 rubrum, 103 xericum, 103 Vitellin, 116 Vitriol, blue, 85 green, 82 oil of, 39 white, 78 Volatile oils, 99 Volatility, influence of, 25 Vulcanized rubber, 100 Water, 20 alkaline, 24 chalybeate, 24 carbonated, 23 distilled, 23 drinkable, 22 gas, 20 hard, 22, 74 impure, test for, 23 mineral, 23 natural, 22 of crystallization, 21 oxygenated, 20 potable, 22 purification of, 23 saline, 24 sulphur, 24 thermal, 24 Water-glass, 62 Waxy casts, 143 Weight, o absolute, 10 apparent, 10 Weights, atomic, 13 combining, 13 specific, 10 White arsenic, 50 lead, 64 precipitate, 89 vitriol, 78 Whisky, 103 " Will-o'-the-wisp," Wines, 103 Wood alcohol, 101 naphtha, 101 spirit, 101 Woody fibre, 112 47 INDEX. Xanthin, 120, 145 Yeast, 114 fungus, 143 Yellow chrome, 64 prussiate of potash, 61 Ytterbium, 75 Yttrium, 75 Zinc, 77 carbonate, 78 chloride, 78 oxide, 78 sulphate, 78 sulphide, 78 white, 78 Zooglese, 144 157 CATALOGUE No. 7. JULY, 1890. A CATALOGUE OF Books for Students. INCLUDING THE PQUIZ-COMPENDS? CONTENTS. New Series of Manuals, 2, Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, . Children's Diseases Dentistry, Dictionaries, Eye Diseases, Electricity, . Gynaecology, Hygiene, Materia Medica_ Medical Jurisprudence, 3,4,5 6 PAGK Obstetrics. . Pathology, Histology Pharmacy, . Physiology, . Practice of" Medicine, Prescription Books, PQuiz-Compends ? Skin Diseases, Surgery, Therapeutics, Urine and Urinary Organs Venereal Diseases, . . 13, *4 T -5 PUBLISHED BY P. 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Presents the introductory facts in Surgery in clear, precise language, and contains all the latest advances in Pathology, Antiseptics, etc. " It aims to occupy a position midway between the pretentious manual and the cumbersome System of Surgery, and its general character may be summed up in one word — practical." — The Medi- cal Bulletin. "Walsham, besides being an excellent surgeon, is a teacker in its best sense, and having had very great experience in the preparation of candidates for examination, and their subsequent professional career, may be relied upon to have carried out his work successfully. Without following out in detail his arrange- ment, which is excellent, we can at once say that his book is an embodiment of modern ideas neatly strung together, with an amount of careful organization well suited to the candidate, and, indeed, to the practitioner." — British Medical Journal. Price of each Book, Cloth, $3.00 ; Leather, $3.50. THE NEW SERIES OF MANUALS. No. 2. DISEASES OF -WOMEN. 150 Illus. NEW EDITION. The Diseases of Women. Including Diseases of the Bladder and Urethra. By Dr. F. Winckel, Professor of Gynaecology and Director of the Royal University Clinic for Women, in Munich. Second Edition. Re- vised and Edited by Theophilus Parvin, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in Jefferson Medical College. 150 Engrav- ings, most of which are original. '* The book will be a valuable one to physicians, and a safe and satisfactory one to put into the hands of students. It is issued in a neat and attractive form, and at a very reasonable price." — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. No. 3. OBSTETRICS. 227 Illustrations. A Manual of Midwifery. By Alfred Lewis Galabin, M.A., M.D., Obstetric Physician and Lecturer on Mid- wifery and the Diseases of Women at Guy's Hospital, London; Examiner in Midwifery to the Conjoint Examining Board of England, etc. With 227 Illus. " This manual is one we can strongly recommend to all who desire to study the science as well as the practice of midwifery. Students at the present time not only are expected to know the principles of diagnosis, and the treatment of the various emergen- cies and complications that occur in the practice of midwifery, but find that the tendency is for examiners to ask more questions relating to the science of the subject than was the custom a few years ago. * * * The general standard of the manual is high ; and wherever the science and practice of midwifery are well taught it will be regarded as one of the most important text-books on the subj ect.' ' — London Practitioner. No. 4. PHYSIOLOGY. Fourth Edition. 321 ILLUSTRATIONS AND A GLOSSARY. A Manual of Physiology. By Gerald F. Yeo, m.d., F.R.C.S., Professor of Physiology in King's College, London. 321 Illustrations and a Glossary of Terms. Fourth American from second English Edition, revised and improved. 758 pages. This volume was specially prepared to furnish students with a new text-book of Physiology, elementary so far as to avoid theories which have not borne the test of time and such details of methods as are unnecessary for students in our medical colleges. " The brief examination I have given it was so favorable that I placed it in the list of text-books recommended in the circular of the University Medical College." — Prof. Lewis A. Stimson, m.d., 37 East 33d Street, New York. Price of each Book, Cloth, $3.00; Leather, $3.50. THE NEW SERIES OF MANUALS. * No. 5. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Or the Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. By Prof. Victor von Richter, University of Breslau. Au- thorized translation, from the Fourth German Edition. By Edgar F. Smith, m.a., ph.d. ; Prof, of Chemistry in University of Pennsylvania; Member of the Chem. Socs. of Berlin and Paris. " I must say that this standard treatise is here presented in a remarkably compendious shape."— y. W. Holland, m.d., Professor of Chemistry , Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. ** This work brings the whole matter, in simple, plain language, to the student in a clear, comprehensive manner. The whole method of the work is one that is more readily grasped than that of older and more famed text-books, and we look forward to the time when, to a great extent, this work will supersede others, on the score of its better adaptation to the wants of both teacher and student/' — Pharmaceutical Record. 11 Prof, von Richter's work has the merit of being singularly- clear, well arranged, and for its bulk, comprehensive. Hence, it will, as we find it intimated in the preface, prove useful not merely as a text-book, but as a manual of reference." — The Chemical News, London. No. 6. DISEASES OP CHILDREN. SECOND EDITION. A Manual. By J. F. Goodhart, m.d., Phys. to the Evelina Hospital for Children ; Asst. Phys. to Guy's Hospital, London. Second American Edition. Edited and Rearranged by Louis Starr, m.d., Clinical Prof, of Dis. of Children in the Hospital of the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and Physician to the Children's Hos- pital, Phila. Containing many new Prescriptions, a list of over 50 Formulae, conforming to the U. S. Pharma- copoeia, and Directions for making Artificial Human Milk, for the Artificial Digestion of Milk, etc. Illus. " The author has avoided the not uncommon error of writing a book on general medicine and labeling it ' Diseases of Children/ but has steadily kept in view the diseases which seemed to be incidental to childhood, or such points in disease as appear to be so peculiar to or pronounced in children as to justify insistence upon them. * * * A safe and reliable guide, and in many ways admirably adapted to the wants of the student and practitioner." — American Journal of Medical Science. Price of each Book, Cloth, $3.00 ; Leather, $3.50. THE NEW SERIES OF MANUALS. No. 6. Goodhart and Starr : — Continued. 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Practical Therapeutics, considered with reference to Articles of the Materia Medica. Containing, also, an Index of Diseases, with a list of the Medicines applicable as Remedies. By Edward John Waring, m.d., f.r.c.p. Fourth Edition. Rewritten and Re- vised by Dudley W. Buxton, m.d., Asst. to the Prof, of Medicine at University College Hospital. " We wish a copy could be put in the hands of every Student or Practitioner in the country. In our estimation, it is the best book of the kind ever written."— N. Y. Medical Journal. No. 3. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY. NEW, REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. By John J. Reese, m.d., Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence and Toxicology in the University of Pennsyl- vania ; President of the Medical Jurisprudence Society of Phila. ; 2d Edition, Revised and Enlarged. " This admirable text-book." — Amer.Jour. of Med. 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Cloth, 1. 00 ; Interleaved for notes, 1.25 Holden's Anatomy. A manual of Dissection of the Human Body. Fifth Edition. Enlarged, with Marginal References and over 200 Illustrations. Octavo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Bound in Oilcloth, for the Dissecting Room, $4.50. " No student of Anatomy can take up this book without being pleased and instructed. Its Diagrams are original, striking and suggestive, giving more at a glance than pages of text description. * * * Xhe text matches the illustrations in directness of prac- tical application and clearness of detail." — Nezv York Medical Record. Holden's Human Osteology. Comprising a Description of the Bones, with Colored Delineations of the Attachments of the Muscles. The General and Microscopical Structure of Bone and its Development. With Lithographic Plates and Numerous Illus- trations. Seventh Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 6.00 Holden's Landmarks, Medical and Surgical. 4th ed. Clo., 1.25 Heath's Practical Anatomy. Sixth London Edition. 24 Col- ored Plates, and nearly 300 other Illustrations. Cloth, 5.00 Potter's Compend of Anatomy. Fourth Edition. 117 Illus- trations. Cloth, 1. 00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 CHEMISTRY. Bartley's Medical Chemistry. Second Edition. A text-book prepared specially for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Dental Stu- dents. With 50 Illustrations, Plate of Absorption Spectra and Glossary of Chemical Terms. Revised and Enlarged. Cloth, 2.50 Trimble. Practical and Analytical Chemistry. A Course in Chemical Analysis, by Henry Trimble, Prof, of Analytical Chem- istry in the Phila. College of Pharmacy. Illustrated. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 1.50 J$S" See pages 2 to 5 for list of Students' Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 7 Chemistry : — Continued. Bloxam's Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments. Seventh Edition. Enlarged and Rewritten. 330 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Richter's Inorganic Chemistry. A text-book for Students. Third American, from Fifth German Edition. Translated by Prof. Edgar F. Smith, ph.d. 89 Wood Engravings and Colored Plate of Spectra. Cloth, 2.00 Richter's Organic Chemistry, or Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. Illustrated. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Symonds. Manual of Chemistry, for the special use of Medi- cal Students. By Brandreth Symonds, a.m., m.d., Asst. Physician Roosevelt Hospital, Out-Patient Department; Attend- ing Physician Northwestern Dispensary, New York. i2mo. Cloth, 2.00; Interleaved for Notes, 2.40 Tidy. Modern Chemistry. 2d Ed. Cloth, 5.50 Leffmann's Compend of Chemistry. Inorganic and Organic. Including Urinary Analysis and the Sanitary Examination of Water. New Edition. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Muter. Practical and Analytical Chemistry. Second Edi- tion. Revised and Illustrated. Cloth, 2.00 Holland. The Urine, Common Poisons, and Milk Analysis, Chemical and Microscopical. For Laboratory Use. 3d Edition, Enlarged. Illustrated. Cloth, 1.00 Van Niiys. Urine Analysis. Ulus. Cloth, 2.00 Wolff's Applied Medical Chemistry. By Lawrence Wolff, M.D.,Dem. of Chemistry in Jefferson Medical College. Clo.,1.00 CHILDREN. Goodhart and Starr. The Diseases of Children. Second Edition. By J. F. Goodhart, m.d., Physician to the Evelina Hospital for Children ; Assistant Physician to Guy's Hospital, London. Revised and Edited by Louis Starr, m.d., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Hospital of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania; Physician to the Children's Hospital, Philadelphia. Containing many Prescriptions and Formulae, conforming to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, Directions for making Artificial Human Milk, for the Artificial Digestion of Milk, etc. Illustrated. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Hatfield. Diseases of Children. By M. P. Hatfield, m.d., Professor of Diseases of Children, Chicago Medical College. i2mo. . Cloth, 1. 00; Interleaved, 1.25 Day. On Children. A Practical and Systematic Treatise. Second Edition. 8vo. 752 pages. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 4.00 j&SP 5 - See pages 14 and 13 for list of ? Quiz- Compends ? 8 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. Children: — Continued. Meigs and Pepper. The Diseases of Children. Seventh Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Starr. Diseases of the Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood. With chapters on the Investigation of Disease, and on the General Management of Children. By Louis Starr, m.d., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania; with a section on Feeding, including special Diet Lists, etc. Illus. Cloth, 2.50 DENTISTRY. Fillebrown. Operative Dentistry. 330 Illus. Cloth, 2.50 Flagg's Plastics and Plastic Filling. 3d Ed. Preparing. Gorgas. Dental Medicine. A Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Third Edition. Cloth, 3.50 Harris. Principles and Practice of Dentistry. Including Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Dental Surgery and Mechanism. Twelfth Edition. Revised and enlarged by Professor Gorgas. 1028 Illustrations. Cloth, 7.00 ; Leather, 8.00 Richardson's Mechanical Dentistry. Fifth Edition. 569 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Stocken's Dental Materia Medica. Third Edition. Cloth, 2.50 Taft's Operative Dentistry. Dental Students and Practitioners. Fourth Edition. 100 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.25 ; Leather, 5.00 Talbot. Irregularities of the Teeth, and their Treatment. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, 1.50 Tomes' Dental Anatomy. Third Ed. 191 Illus. Cloth, 4.00 Tomes' Dental Surgery. 3d Edition. Revised. 292 Illus. 772 Pages. Cloth, 5.00 DICTIONARIES. Gould's New Medical Dictionary. Containing the Definition and Pronunciation of all words in Medicine, with many useful Tables etc. y 2 Dark Leather, 3.25 ; ^ Mor., Thumb Index 4.25 See last page. Cleaveland's Pocket Medical Lexicon. 31st Edition. Giving correct Pronunciation and Definition. Very small pocket size. Cloth, red edges .75 ; pocket-book style, 1.00 LrOngley's Pocket Dictionary. The Student's Medical Lexicon, giving Definition and Pronunciation of all Terms used in Medi- cine, with an Appendix giving Poisons and Their Antidotes, Abbreviations used in Prescriptions, Metric Scale of Doses, etc. 24mo. Cloth, 1. 00; pocket-book style, 1.25 J£g^ See pages 2 to $ for list 0/ Students' Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 9 EYE. Arlt. Diseases of the Eye. Including those of the Conjunc- tiva, Cornea, Sclerotic, Iris and Ciliary Body. By Prof. Von Arlt. Translated by Dr. Lyman Ware. Illus. 8vo. Cloth, 2.50 Hartridge on Refraction. 4th Ed. Cloth, 2.00 Meyer. Diseases of the Eye. A complete Manual for Stu- dents and Physicians. 270 Illustrations and two Colored Plates. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Fox and Gould. Compend of Diseases of the Eye and Refraction. 2d Ed. Enlarged. 71 Illus. 39 Formulae. Cloth, 1. 00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 ELECTRICITY. Mason's Compend of Medical and Surgical Electricity. With numerous Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 1.00 HYGIENE. Parkes' (Ed. A.) Practical Hygiene. Seventh Edition, en- larged. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50 Parkes' (L. C.) Manual of Hygiene and Public Health. i2mo. Cloth, 2.50 Wilson's Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. Sixth Edition. Revised and Illustrated. Cloth, 2.75 MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. Potter's Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Prescription Writing. Fifth Edition, revised and improved. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Biddle's Materia Medica. Eleventh Edition. By the late John B. Biddle, m.d., Professor of Materia Medica in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Revised, and rewritten, by Clement Biddle, m.d., Assist. Surgeon, U. S. N., assisted by Henry Morris, m.d. 8vo., illustrated. Cloth, 4.25; Leather, 5.00 Headland's Action of Medicines. 9th Ed. 8vo. Cloth, 3.00 Potter. Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics. Including Action of Medicines, Special Therapeutics, Pharma- cology, etc. Second Edition. Cloth, 4.00; Leather, 5,00 Starr, Walker and Powell. Synopsis of Physiological Action of Medicines, based upon Prof. H. C. Wood's " Materia Medica and Therapeutics." 3d Ed. Enlarged. Cloth, .75 Waring. Therapeutics. With an Index of Diseases and Remedies. 4th Edition. Revised. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 /£&=" See pages 14 and 13 for list of ? Quiz- Compends ? 10 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Reese. A Text-book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. By John J. Reese, m.d., Professor of Medical Juris- prudence and Toxicology in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania; President of the Medical Juris- prudence Society of Philadelphia ; Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital ; Corresponding Member of The New York Medico- legal Society. 2d Edition. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Woodman and Tidy's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. Chromo-Lithographic Plates and 116 Wood engravings. Cloth, 7.50; Leather, 8.50 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. Byford. Diseases of Women, The Practice of Medicine and Surgery, as applied to the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Women. By W. H. Byford, a.m., m.d., Professor of Gynaecology in Rush Medical College and of Obstetrics in the Woman's Med- ical College, etc., and Henry T. Byford, m.d., Surgeon to the Woman's Hospital of Chicago ; Gynaecologist to St. Luke's Hospital, etc. Fourth Edition. Revised, Rewritten and En- larged. With 306 Illustrations, over 100 of which are original. Octavo. 832 pages. Cloth, 5.00 ; Leather, 6.00 Cazeaux and Tarnier's Midwifery. With Appendix, by Munde. The Theory and Practice of Obstetrics-; including the Diseases of Pregnancy and Parturition, Obstetrical Operations, etc. By P. Cazeaux. Remodeled and rearranged, with revi- sions and additions, by S. Tarnier, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Eighth American, from the Eighth French and First Italian Edition. Edited by Robert J. Hess, m.d., Physician to the Northern Dispensary, Philadelphia, with an appendix by Paul F. Munde, m.d., Professor of Gynaecology at the N. Y. Polyclinic. Illustrated by Chromo-Lithographs, Lithographs, and other Full-page Plates, seven of which are beautifully colored, and numerous Wood Engravings. Students' Edition. One Vol., 8vo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Lewers' Diseases of Women. A Practical Text-Book. 139 Illustrations. Second Edition. Cloth, 2.50 Parvin's Winckel's Diseases of Women. Second Edition. Including a Section on Diseases of the Bladder and Urethra. 150 Illustrations. Revised. See page 3. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Morris. Compend of Gynaecology. Illustrated. In Press. WinckePs Obstetrics. A Text-book on Midwifery, includ- ing the Diseases of Childbed. By Dr. F. Winckel, Professor of Gynaecology, and Director of the Royal University Clinic for Women, in Munich. Authorized Translation, by J. Clifton Edgar, m.d., Lecturer on Obstetrics, University Medical Col- lege, New York, with nearly 200 handsome illustrations, the majority of which are original with this work. Octavo. Cloth, 6.00; Leather, 7.00 Landis' Compend of Obstetrics. Illustrated. 4th edition, enlarged. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 jS^" See pages 2 to 5 for list of New Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 11 Obstetrics and Gynecology : — Continued. Galabin's Midwifery. By A. Lewis Galabin, m.d., f.k.c.p. 227 Illustrations. See page 3. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Glisan's Modern Midwifery. 2d Edition. Cloth, 3.00 Rigby's Obstetric Memoranda. 4th Edition. Cloth, .50 Meadows' Manual of Midwifery. Including the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, Obstetric Operations, Diseases of the Puerperal State, etc. 145 Illustrations. 494 pages. Cloth, 2.00 Swayne's Obstetric Aphorisms. For the use of Students commencing Midwifery Practice. 8th Ed. i2mo. Cloth, 1.25 PATHOLOGY. HISTOLOGY. BIOLOGY. Bowlby. Surgical Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, for Students. 135 Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.00 Davis' Elementary Biology. Illustrated. Cloth, 4.00 Gilliam's Essentials of Pathology. A Handbook for Students. 47 Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.00 *^.*The object of this book is to unfold to the beginner the funda- mentals of pathology in a plain, practical way, and by bringing them within easy comprehension to increase his interest in the study of the subject. Gibbes' Practical Histology and Pathology. Third Edition. Enlarged. i2mo. Cloth, 1.75 Virchow's Post-Mortem Examinations. 2d Ed. Cloth, 1.00 PHYSIOLOGY. Yeo's Physiology. Fourth Edition. The most Popular Stu- dents' Book. By Gerald F. Yeo, m.d., f.r.c.s., Professor of Physiology in King's College, London. Small Octavo. 758 pages. 321 carefully printed Illustrations. With a Full Glossary and. Index. See Page 3. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Brubaker's Compend of Physiology. Illustrated. Fifth Edition. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Stirling. Practical Physiology, including Chemical and Ex- perimental Physiology. 142 Illustrations. Cloth, 2.25 Kirke's Physiology. New 12th Ed. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. 502 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.00; Leather, 5.00 Landois' Human Physiology. Including Histology and Micro- scopical Anatomy, and with special reference to Practical Medi- cine. Third Edition. Translated and Edited by Prof. Stirling. 692 Illustrations. Cloth, 6.50; Leather, 7.50 " With this Text-book at his command, no student could fail in his examination." — Lancet* Sanderson's Physiological Laboratory. Being Practical Ex- ercises for the Student. 350 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, 5.00 Tyson's Cell Doctrine. Its History and Present State. Illus- trated. Second Edition. Cloth, 2.00 4^=* See pages 14 and 15 for list of ? Quiz- Commends f 12 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. PRACTICE. Taylor. Practice of Medicine. A Manual. By Frederick Taylor, m.d., Physician to, and Lecturer on Medicine at, Guy's Hospital, London ; Physician to Evelina Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, and Examiner in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of London. Cloth, 4.00 Roberts' Practice. New Revised Edition. A Handbook of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Frederick T. Roberts, m.d. ; m.r.c.p., Professor of Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics in University College Hospital, London. Seventh Edition. Octavo. Cloth, 5.50 ; Sheep, 6.50 Hughes. Compend of the Practice of Medicine. 4th Edi- tion. Two parts, each, Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Part i. — Continued, Eruptive and Periodical Fevers, Diseases of the Stomach, Intestines, Peritoneum, Biliary Passages, Liver, Kidneys, etc., and General Diseases, etc. Part ii. — Diseases of the Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Nervous System ; Diseases of the Blood, etc. Physician's Edition. Fourth Edition. Including a Section on Skin Diseases. With Index. 1 vol. Full Morocco, Gilt, 2.50 Tanner's Index of Diseases, and Their Treatment. Cloth, 3.00 PRESCRIPTION BOOKS. Wythe's Dose and Symptom Book. Containing the Doses and Uses of all the principal Articles of the Materia Medica, etc. Seventeenth Edition. Completely Revised and Rewritten. Just Ready. 32mo. Cloth, 1. 00; Pocket-book style, 1.25 Pereira's Physician's Prescription Book. Containing Lists of Terms, Phrases, Contractions and Abbreviations used in Prescriptions Explanatory Notes, Grammatical Construction of Prescriptions, etc., etc. By Professor Jonathan Pereira, m.d. Sixteenth Edition. 32010. Cloth, 1. 00; Pocket-book style, 1.25 PHARMACY. Stewart's Compend of Pharmacy. Based upon Remington's Text-Book of Pharmacy. Second Edition, Revised. Cloth., 1. 00 ; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 SKIN DISEASES. Anderson, (McCall) Skin Diseases. A complete Text-Book, with Colored Plates and numerous Wood Engravings. 8vo. Just Ready. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Van Harlingen on Skin Diseases. A Handbook of the Dis- eases of the Skin, their Diagnosis and Treatment (arranged alpha- betically). By Arthur Van Harlingen, m.d., Clinical Lecturer on Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College; Prof, of Diseases of the Skin in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. 2d Edition. Enlarged. With colored and other plates and illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.50 Bulkley. The Skin in Health and Disease. By L. Duncan Bulkley, Physician to the N. Y. Hospital. Illus. Cloth, .50 MBf See pages 2 to 5 for list of New Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 13 SURGERY. Caird and Cathcart. Surgical Handbook for the use of Practitioners and Students. By F. Mitchell Caird, m b., f.r.c.s., and C. Walker Cathcart, m.b., f.r.c.s., Asst. Sur- geons Royal Infirmary. With over 200 Illustrations. 400 pages. Pocket size. Leather covers, 2.50 Jacobson. Operations in Surgery. A Systematic Handbook for Physicians, Students and Hospital Surgeons. By W. H. A. Jacobson, b.a., Oxon. f.r.c.s. Eng. ; Ass't Surgeon Guy's Hos- pital ; Surgeon at Royal Hospital for Children and Women, etc. 199 Illustrations. 1006 pages. 8vo. Cloth. 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Heath's Minor Surgery, and Bandaging. Ninth Edition. 142 Illustrations. 60 Formulae and Diet Lists. 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