vVf,'»*-Vi'.' <: < c 3C i C Cl_ r .v^'- *«xx >V^S^ r S' c f, -^-^. <2co- «c sople can 1);' broughl to hear, truth and justice musl gain ground. j. c. Extract of a letter from James Cropper to . trnol I Buffum. ' I did indeed feel it as a cordial to my heart to see a Society established within the United , advocating the immediate and entire abolition of Shivery. I have for some time deeply Lamented the chilling influence, on the minds even of the real friends of the Ne- gro, of the American Colonization Society. An establishment on the coast of Africa of those blacks who really go there from their own tree choice, is what every friend of hu- manity must approve, and must rejoice in its success. This has served as a lure, and many of the real friends of humanity have thereby been led into the support of a scheme the most diabolical that ever entered into the heart of man to devise; but such delusions have but their day, and I rejoice in believing that its frightful iniquity is becoming evident, and that the friends of humanity will soon has- ten to disavow all connexion with it. Hap- pily, however, the weakness and folly of the shallow pretext, that it is to remove all the African race to the soil of their ancestors, and to give them freedom, cannot long deceive any one. I am of opinion it would cost more than £1.")0,000,000 sterling to purchase and remove the whole black population, (even if •done at once) — and it' delayed while they in- crease, it would cost much more. But even if this were done, let it never be forgotten that if these cultivators of the soil were sent away, the land they cultivate would be en- tin 'lv worthless, and this would not be less loss 'to the country than £100,000,000 more. Was ever such an act of national suicide be- fore proposed? The American people musl iove from their mind - the unchristian preju^ dices against the color of these their fellow men. They must make them freeatonce: let them then b scorn ■ their tenants and the independ- ent cultivator- of the soil, and 1 feel qo quesr tion thai the land rents from th° Blacks will soon be far greater than their revenues from the land and slaves together. Then they may resl assured of the peace of their own homes, resting on the solid foundation of the happi- ness of their emancipated tenantry. In this country, the wickedness and folly of the sys- tem of slavery are becoming more and more known and abhorred, and all seem to be rap- idly coming round to advocate immediate abo- lition; and 1 trust you will not be very long behind us. ' The proposal of gradual abolition, which was but gradually returning to justice, had a chilling influence on our exertions, so that there was qo difference hut in degree between the most inveterate advocate of slavery and the gradual abolitionist, for all condemned slavery in the abstract. But now this delu- sion is gone, tins partnership in crime has ended, and we are pursuing a direct, straight forward course. ' My mind has been turned to writing an ar- ticle against the schemes of the Colonization Society, and I should have done it before this (probably) if my health had permitted — but I rejoice in believing it will not be wanted. My zealous and devoted friend Capt. Stuart has published an excellent pamphlet, entitled ' Remarks on the Colony of Liberia, and the American Colonization Society,' which very ably exposes this scheme.' LETTER TO THOMAS CLARKSON. Boston, (New-England,) 12 mo. 20, 1832. My DEAR FRIEND : A deep sense of duty to the cause in which thou hast been so long, so ardently, and so successfully engaged, prompts me to address thee, in relation to thy letter of Dec. 1, 1831, addressed to Elliott Cresson, on the subject of the American Colonization Society. That letter has been published in a garbled form in the African Repository of last month. Those parts in which thou expressest thy views ^)f the designs of the Society, as represented to thee by one, who, it seems, is a fit Agent for a Society which can succeed only by strata- gem and deception, are omitted, and the place supplied by editorial statements, calculated to produce the impression that thou approvest the wicked devices of that institution; and thus thy name is used in support of a scheme for banishing three hundred thousand of the free citizens of the United States to Africa, who form the connecting link in the chain of human society in this country, between the free white citizens and the slaves, and serve iis conductors to the minds of the slaves of the spirit of freedom and the principles of human rights. In the first paragraph in thy letter, thou hast stated that the object of the society seems to be, 'first, to assist in the emancipation of all the slaves now in the United States.' Taking this view of the design of the Society, it is not surprising that thou shouldest so far ap- prove its objed as thou hast expressed in said letter. Mut if this was really its design, why did not the Secretary of the Colonization So- ciety, when he published this letter, give thy I views of it in thy own words ? Surely he Letter to Thomas Clarkson. Could find no language more appropriate or explicit; but this, it seems, would not answer his purpose — this would have shown what were the principles and measures which thou wouldst approve, which are widely different from the principles and measures of* that So- ciety of slaveholders. The Editor of the Re- pository has, therefore, substituted his own views of the Society's design, and then given such parts only of thy letter as suited his pur- pose, to lead the public mind into a belief that thou didst approve that design. Omitting the first paragraph of thy letter, lie has stated, in an editorial introduction, that thou dost 'consider the object of the Society two-fold ; first, to promote the voluntary emi- gration to Africa of the colored population of the United States.' Why is this deceptive representation of a plan which thou wouldst approve, now published in the African Repos- itory, almost a year after the date of thy let- ter? Is it not because the Editor has recently learned that the persecuting spirit of that in- stitution, and its design and tendency to strengthen and perpetuate the slave system, have been detected by that noble band of Christian philanthropists, who, in your coun- try, are engaged in pleading the cause of the oppressed ? Had thy letter to E. Cresson been judged favorable to the cause of colonization, as understood and practised by the American Colonization Society, is it not reasonable to suppose that it would have been published en- tire in the Repository when it first made its appearance ? It is perfectly evident to any one who un- derstands the true character of that Society, that thy letter gives no support to its princi- ples and measures ; but, on the contrary, that it breathes a spirit of Christian philanthropy in behalf of the suffering slave, which enters not into the designs of that institution. Be- sides, the Editor of the Repository was un- doubtedly well aware that it would not do to publish, in this country, the other representa- tions, which, it seems, had been made to thee, in order to procure thy name for the promotion of the unhallowed designs of the colonization scheme. Thy statement, therefore, of the representation, that for every £7,10, a slave would receive his freedom, and be colonized, is entirely omitted in the Repository — a rep- resentation, which, for unblushing audacity, has rarely been equalled by any man who had any rpo-ard for his own reputation, and which is sufficiently answered by a reference to the Constitution' of the Society, which declares that 'the object to which its attention shall be exclusively directed shall be to promote a plan for colonizing (with their consent) the free people of color residing in this country, on the coast of Africa, or at such other place as Congress shall deem most expedient.' And also by a reference to the fact, that with all their resources up to the last Annual Report, VOL. I. only three hundred and eighty-eight persons, who had ever been slaves, had been emanci- pated and carried to Liberia ; and it is believ- ed that but a very small part of these were emancipated through the influence of the Col- onization Society. It is no part of the plan of the Society to promote emancipations : on the contrary, 'they maintain that individual freedom and individual happiness are properly subordinate to the public good.' And again, 'that no slave ought to receive his freedom, except on condition of being excluded, not merely from the State which sets him loose, but from the country.' Again, ' they regard slavery as a legitimate system, which they have neither inclination, interest, nor ability to disturb.' The object of the Society is most clearly set forth in the speech of the Hon. Mr. Archer, of Virginia, as published in the last Annual Report, which, he says, 'is to pro- vide and keep open a drain for the excess of increase beyond the occasions of profitable employment' — to prevent the depreciation in the value of the slaves, which must otherwise inevitably follow their disproportionate multi- plication, being, in the slave states, double that of the whites. I feel the most perfect confidence that no man in England, and es- pecially that none of those who have so nobly espoused the negro's cause, will give their names in support of such a scheme. When, too, we look at the simple facts in relation to the progress of the colony in Libe- ria, our hearts sicken at the thought that good men have been deceived and led to contribute to the establishment of a colony there for supplying the natives with ardent spirits, and for making war with them on the slightest pretences, murdering the people, and burning their towns. We cannot see, in such meas- ures, any ground for hope that the cause of civilization and Christianity will be thereby promoted. Indeed, judging the future by the past, we see no reason why the colonists them- selves are not as likely as any other people on the face of the earth to engage in the African slave trade. When they see the most prom- inent men in the Society which sent them thither making a business of buying and sell- ing men, women and children in the United States, why should not they follow the exam- ple, and supply the ships which visit that coast for the purpose of obtaining slaves ? Is it ra- tional to suppose that a Society, which de- clares that it has no inclination to disturb a system under which one sixth part of the peo- ple of the American States are regarded as property ; and as articles of commerce, are bought and sold like dumb beasts, and are de- nrived of every risfht and privilege which Heaven in mercy designed for the children of men, can have any desire from other than in- terested motives to suppress the African slave trade ? It is not known that an individual mem- ber of the Colonization Society has ever 10 Census of the Untied States. — Why and Because. emancipated a Bingle slave to go to the colo- ny, although it is somewhat extraordinary that they have not done so lor the sake ol appear- ances. My object, in making this communication, is, to obtain from thy hand a statemenl of thy views of the colonization scheme, not as pre- sented by interested agentej but as exhibited in the authentic publications of the Society. I would particularly refer to the two last Re- ports of the Society, and to an article publish- ed in the North American Review for July, JS-'fJ — a copy of which I semi with this letti r to our dear friend Tames < Iropper- W ,; i th" best v. ! shea for the continuance of thy useful lite, accompanied with the bless- ing of health, ami that happiness w bich is the reward of a life devoted to the cause of jus- tice and humanity, I have the pleasure to sub- scribe myself thy friend, and I hope a humble coadjutor in the cause of emancipation. ARNOLD BUFF CM. CENSUS OF THE COLORED POPULA- TION OF THE U. S. SI '.U- FllEE BJ w KS Vermont, 88] Massachusetts, 7,045 New-Hampshire, 602 Maine, 1,171 Ohio, 9,657 New- York, 00 44,869 Indiana, 4 3,629 Rhode Island, 14 3,564 Michigan Territory, 26] Connecticut, 25 8,047 Illinois, 717 1,637 Pennsylvania, 403 37,930 New-jersey, 2,254 18,303 Delaware, 3,292 J 5,855 Arkansas Territory, 4,576 141 District of Columbia, 6,] 1!) (5, 152 Florida Territory, 15,501 844 Missouri, 25,091 569 Mississippi, 65,659 519 Maryland, 102,994 52,938 Louisiana, 109,588 Hi.7l() Alabama, 117,549 1,57-2 Tennessee, 1 11,603 4,555 Kentucky, 165,213 4,917 Georgia, 217.5:11 2,486 North Carolina, 245,60] 19,543 South Carolina, 315,401 7,! 12 1 Virginia, 469,757 47,348 2,010,(12!) 319,666 ft~p By tlio census of 1830, I slaves arc reported in M husetts, 5 in New Hampshire, 6 in Maine, 6 in Ohio, and 76 in New York. Bui as np slaves were reported in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Ohio, by the census of 1820, ana it is admitted on all hands that slaverj cannot legally exist in any one of these states, we have thought it would be a misrepresentation to report any slaves as existing in them. In New-York it is well known that sin- very was totally abolished since the census of 1820, therefore there ran be no slave there now. The slaves reported in Indiana. Illinois, and Michigan, are held contrary to the laws of the United Slates, and are therefore free. CENSUS OF 1830. FREE Willi r PERSONS. Males«— unde .; years of age, 972,194 ol 5 and under 10, 782,637 of 10 15, 671,688 of 15 " 20, 675,61 I of 20 " 30, 951,902 of 30 40, 592,596 of in " 50, 369,370 of 50 '• 60. 230,500 of 60 70, 134,910 of 70 " 80, 58,136 of 80 90, 15,945 of 90 LOO, 1,993 of 100 f nd upwards, 274 5,358,759 Females — tin ler 5 years of aee 920,104 of 5 and under Id. 751,648 of to " 15; 639,063 of 15 " 20, 597,713 of 20 " 30, 915,662 of 30 " 40, 555,565 of Id " 50, 355,425 of 50 60, 225,928 of 60 " 70, 130,866 of 711 " 80, 58,034 of 80 '■' 90, 17,372 of 90 " 100, 2,484 of 100 and upwards 234 5,167,299 Total number of Free Whites si. w es. Male — under 10 years of age, 353,845 10,52(3,053 of Id and under 2 1, of 24 " 36, of 36 " 55, of 55 " KM), of 100 and itpw arc Is, Females under 10 years, of Id and under 21. of 24 '• 36, of 36 " 55, of 55 " 100, of 100 and upwards, 313,676 185,654 118,996 41,456 718- — 1,014,345 347,566 308,793 186,082 1 1 1 ,753 41,422 668 9962284 Total number of Slaves 2,010,629 FREE COLORED PERSONS. Males— under Id years, 18,737 of 10 and under 24, 43,126 of 24 '• 36, 27,629 of 36 " 55, 22-262 of 55 " 100, 11,375 of 100 and upwards, 266 153,495 Females under Id years. 17..'' 17 of Id and under 24, 8,1 25 of 24 " 36, 32.501 of 36 " 55, 24,266 of 55 " 100, 13,369 of 100 and upwards, 361 [65,962 Total number of Free Colored Persons, Total aggregate of the United States, 319,467 12,856,1 54 WHY AND BECAUSE, Al'IM.Il'.n TO SOUTHERN SLAVERY. The following little article is modified i'rom a trans-atlantic publication : Why is the condition of the Black popula- tion at the South so much brought under the i iew of the public at this time '- Plain Questions to Plaiji Men. — Letter to George Washington. II Because this Black population, 2,000,000 in number, are equal in the eye of the Creator, and in the eye of the law, with the White population ot" our country. Why is the condition of the Black popula- tion in the south worse than that of the labor- ing population in Europe ? Because the Black is a slave. The White is a freeman. The Black works without pay, and is often worked most when he is worst provided for. The more the White is worked, the more he is paid. The Black is driven at his work with the cart-whip. The White can rest his limbs when he likes. The Black at crop or harvest time is made to work not only all the day, but half the night g.lso. The White at harvest tune works harder, and gets better paid. The Black's master may flog him at pleas- ure, for a fault or no fault. The White's master dare not raise his hand against him. The Black may at any tune be sold like an ox or an ass. The White can sell his master as easily as his master can him. The Black's child is the absolute property of his master, and may be torn from home for ever to pay his master's debts. The White man's home can never be in- vaded. Why are planters void of humanity towards their slaves, while towards White people they shew no want of courtesy ? Because \\ir\ consider the Black as a thing, and not ns a. human being. — He came into their hands by violence and robber) : and be- ing stowed on shipboard as goods, the planter still believes lum to be such. Can a slave attend either public or private worship, without the risk of punishment, if his master forbids him ? If so, quote the law. These are plain questions, which every slave-owner knows can only be truly answer- ed in one way. When then any individual gets up to tell you how well the slaves are treated, or how happy under such circumstances slaves may be, tell him that he insults your understand- ing, that he outrages your republican feeling, and that he dishonors God. A Husband and a Father. A FEW PLAIN QUESTIONS TO PLAIN MEN. The following pithy questions, although pro- pounded by the British abolitionists to the people of Great Britain, are worthy of consid- eration by the American people : Can a slave marry without his owner'.- con- sent? If so, quote the law : give chapter and verse. Can a slave prevent the sale of his wit' 1 if the owner pleases? If so, quote the law. Can a slave prevent the sale of his own child, if his owner pleases ? If so, quote the law. Can a slave with impunity refuse to flog his wife, with her person all exposed, if his own- er pleases to command him ? If so, quote the law. Can a slave obtain redress if his master de- prives him of his goods ? If so, quote the law. EXPOSTULATORY LETTER TO GEO. WASHINGTON. ' The errors of great men,' says an eloquent writer, ' are doubly enormous : enormous as they contradict the tenor of their lives — and enormous by the force of example and the species of palliation which they afford to vul- gar criminals, whose vices are unredeemed by one single virtue.' Unhappily, these errors, owing to a crim- inal timidity or fear of plain dealing, are too often suffered to pass without rebuke ; until they become almost sacred as virtues in the estimation of loose moralists, and so are in- cluded among the privileges of human action. He who imitates the prophet Nathan, in his faithful conduct towards the erring David, and tells the great transgressor ofhis crimes, sub- jects himself to the charge of impudence, malice, or slander. Nevertheless, 'fdthful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an en i1 ul.' The following Letter was written in 1796, by an eminent philanthropist in Liverpool. Although it was silently returned, may we not hope that its pungent truths (associated, how- ever, with the most liberal concessions) sunk too deeply into the heart of the 'Father of his Country ' to be eradicated, and induced him, on his decease three years afterwards, to manumit nearly all his slaves ? In July last, the following Letter was trans- mitted to the person to whom it was address- ed, and a f^v weeks ago it was returned un- der cover without a syllable in reply. As children that, are crammed with confectionary, have no relish for plain food ; so men in pow- er, who arc seldom addressed but in the sweet tones of adulation, are apt to be disgusted with the plain and salutary language of truth. To offend was not the intention of the wri- ter ; yet the President has evidently been ir- ritated : this, however, is not a bad symptom — for irritation, causelessly excited, will fre- 12 Letter to George Washington. quently subside into shame : and to use the language of the moralist, 'Where there is yet shame, there may in time be virtue.' Liverpool, February 'iO, 1 ?!>?. l/ETTEB TO GEORGE WASHINGTON. It will generally be admitted, Sir, and per- haps with justice, that the great family oi mankind were never more benefitted by the military abilities of any individual, than by those which you displayed during the memor- able American contest 5four country was injured, your services were called for, you im- mediately arose, and after performing the most conspicuous part in that blood-stained trage- dy, you again became a private citizen, and unambitiously retired to your farm. There was more of true greatness in this procedure than the modern world, at least, had ever be- held ; and while public virtue is venerated by your countrymen, a conduct so exalted will not be forgotten. The effects which your re- volution will have upon the world are incalcu- lable. By the flame which you have kindled, every oppressed nation will be enabled to per- ceive its fetters ; and when man once knows that he is enslaved, the business of emancipa- tion is half performed. France has already burst her shackles, neighboring nations will in time prepare, and another half century may behold the present besotted Europe without a Peer, without a Hierarchy, and without a Despot. If men were enlightened, revolutions would be bloodless ; but how are men to be enlightened, when it is the interest of gover- nors to keep the governed in ignorance ? ' To enlighten men,' says your old correspondent, Arthur Young, 'is to make them bad subjects.' Hurricanes spread devastation ; yet hurricanes are not only transient, but give salubrity to the torrid regions, and are quickly followed by azure skies and calm sunshine. Revolutions, too, for a time, may produce turbulence ; yet revolutions clear the political atmosphere, and contribute greatly to the comfort and happi- ness of the human race. What you yourself have lived to witness in the United States, is sufficient to elucidate my position. In your rides along the banks of your favorite Poto- mac, in your frequent excursions through your own extensive grounds, how gratifying must be your sensations on beholding the animated scenery around you, and how pleasurable must be your feelings, on reflecting that your country is now an asylum for mankind : that her commerce, her agriculture, and her popu- lation, are greater than at any former period : and that this prosperity is the natural result of those rights which you defended against an abandoned cabinet, with all that ability which men, who unsheathe the sword in the cause of human nature, Avill, I trust, ever display. Where Liberty is, there man walks erect, and puts forth all his powers ; while Slavery, like a torpedo, benumbs the finest, energies of the soul. But it is not to the Commander in Chief of the American forces, nor to the Pres- ident of the I ; ut > (I States, that 1 have aught to address ; my business is v. uh George Wash- ington, of Mount Vernon, in Virginia, a man who, notwithstanding ins hatred of oppres- sion and his ardent love of liberty, holds at this moment hundreds of his fellow beings in a state of abject bondage. Yes, you, who conquered under the banners of freedom — you, who are now the first magistrate of a free people, are (strange to relate) a slaveholder. Thai a Liverpool merchant should endeavor to enrich himself by such a business, is not a matter of surprise ; but that you, an enlight- ened character, strongly enamored of your own freedom- — you, who, if the British forces had succeeded in the Eastern States, would have retired, with a feu congenial spirits, to the rude fastnesses of the Western wilder? ness, there to have enjoyed that blessing, with- out which a Paradise would be disgusting, and with which the most savage region is not with- out its charms ; that you, I say, should con- tinue a slaveholder, a proprietor of human flesh and blood, creates in many of your Brit- ish friends both astonishment and regret. You are a republican, an advocate for the dissem- ination of knowledge, and for universal jus- tice : — where then are the arguments by which this shameless dereliction of principle can be supported? Your friend Jefferson has endeav- ored to show that the negroes are an inferior order of beings; but surely you will not have recourse to such a subterfuge. Your slaves, it may be urged, are well treated. That I deny — man can never be well treated who is deprived of his rights. They are well cloth- ed, well lodged, &c. Feed me witli ambro- sia, and wash it down with nectar; yet what are these, if Liberty be wanting? You took up arms in defence of the rights of man. Your negroes are men: — where then are the rights of your negroes? They have been inured to slavery, and are not fit for freedom. Thns it was said of the French ; but where is the man of unbiassed common sense, who will as- sert that the French republicans of the pres- sent day are not fit for freedom ? It has been said too by your apologists, that your feelings are inimical to slavery, that you are induced to acquiesce in it at present, merely from mo- tives of policy. The only true policy is jus- tice ; and he who regards the consequences of an act, rather than (he justice of it, gives no very exalted proof of the greatness of his character. But if your feedings be actually repugnant to slavery, then are you more cul- pable than the callous-hearted planter, who laughs at what he calls the pitiful whining of the abolitionists, because he believes slavery to be justifiable : while you persevere in a system which your conscience tells you to be wrong. If we call the man obdurate, who cannot perceive the atrociousness of slavery, Letter to George Washington. 13 what epithets does he deserve, who, while he does perceive its atrociousness, continues to be a proprietor of slaves ? Nor is it likely that your own unfortunate negroes are the only sufferers by your adhering- to this nefa- rious business ; consider the force of an ex- ample like yours, consider how many of the sable race may now be pining - in bondage, merely, forsooth, because the President of the United States, who has the character of a wise and good man, does not see cause to dis- continue the long established practice. Of all the slaveholders under heaven, those of the United States appear to me the most repre- hensible ; for man is never so truly odious as when he inflicts upon others that which he himself abominates. When the cup of Slavery was presented to your countrymen, they rejected it with dis- dain, and appealed to the world in justifica- tion of their conduct ; yet such is the incon- sistency of man, that thousands upon thous- ands of those very people, with yourself a- mongst the number, are now sedulously em- ployed in holding the self-same bitter draught to the lips of their sable brethren. From men who are strongly attached to their own rights, and who have suffered much in their defence, one might have expected a scrupulous atten- tion to the rights of others ; did not experi- ence show, that when we ourselves are op- pressed, %ve perceive it with a lynx's eye ; but when we become the oppressors, no noon-tide bats are blinder. Prosperity perhaps may make nations as well as individuals forget the distresses of other times ; yet surely the cit- izens of America cannot so soon have forgot- ten the variety and extent of their own suf- ferings. When your country lay bruised by the iron hand of despotism, and you were compelled to retreat through the Jerseys with a handful of half naked followers, — when the bayonet of the mercenary glistened at your back, and Liberty seemed about to expire, — when your farms were laid waste, your towns reduced to ashes, and your plains and woods were strewed with the mangled bodies of your brave defenders ; when these events were taking place, every breast could feel, and every tongue could execrate the sanguinary proceedings of Britain ; yet what the British were at that period, you are in a great degree at this — you are boastful of your own rights — you are violators of the rights of others, and you are stimulated by an insatiable rapacity, to a cruel and relentless oppression. If the wrongs which you now inflict be not so se- vere as those which were inflicted upon you, it is not because you are less inhuman than the British, but because the unhappy objects of your tyranny have not the power of resist- ance. In defending your own liberties, you undoubtedly suffered much ; yet if your ne- groes, emulating the spirited example of their masters, were to throw off the galling yoke, and, retiring peaceably to some uninhabited part of the western region, were to resolve on Liberty or Death, what would be the conduct of southern planters on such an occasion? Nay, what Avould be your conduct ? You who were ' born in a land of liberty,' who ' early learned its value,' you, who ' engaged in a perilous conflict to defend it,' you who, ' in a word, devoted the best years of your life to secure its permanent establishment in your own country, and whose anxious recollections, whose sympathetic feelings, and whose best wishes are irresistibly excited whensoever in any country, you see an oppressed nation un- furl the banners of freedom,'* possessed of these energetic sentiments, what would be your conduct ? Would you have the virtue to applaud so just and animating a movement as a revolt of your southern negroes ? No ! I fear both you and your countrymen would rather imitate the cold blooded British Cabi- net, and to gratify your own sordid views, would scatter among an unoffending people, terror, desolation, and death. Harsh as this conclusion may appear, it is warranted by your present practice ; for the man who can boast of his own rights, yet hold two or three hun- dred of his fellow beings in slavery, would not hesitate, in case of a revolt, to employ the most sanguinary means in his power, rather than forego that which the truly republican laws of his country are pleased to call his property. Shame ! shame ! that man should be deemed the property of man, or that the name of Washington should be found among the list of such proprietors. Should these strictures be deemed severe or unmerited on your part, how comes it, that while in the northern and middle states, the exertions of the virtuous Quakers, and other philanthro- pists, have produced such regulations as must speedily eradicate every trace of slavery in that quarter; how comes it, that from you these humane efforts have never received the least countenance ? If your mind have not sufficient firmness to do away that which is wrong the moment you perceive it to be such, one might have expected that a plan for ame- liorating the evil would have met with your warmest support; but no such thing. The just example of a majority of the States has had no visible effect upon you ; and as to the men of Maryland, of Virginia, of the two Ca- rolinas, of Georgia, and of Kentucky, they smile contemptuously at the idea of" negro emancipation, and, with the State Constitu- tions in one hand, and the cow-skin in the other, exhibit to the world such a spectacle, as every real friend to Liberty must from his soul abominate. ' Then what is man, and what man seeing this, And having human feelings, does not blush And haii"' his head to think himself a man ? ' * See the answer of the President of the United States to the address of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic, on presenting the colors of France to the United States. 14 .1 Negro's Soliloquy on Ihc Ten Commandments. Man does not readily perceive dej what be baa been accustomed to venerate ; hence it is that you have escaped those ani- madversions which your slave proprietorship has so long merited. For sev< bravely foughl the battles of your country, and contributed greatly to the i of her liberties ; yet you are a slaveholder! You have been raised by your fellow-citizens to one of the mosl exalted situations upon earth, the h'rsl magistrate of a free | yet you area slaveholder! A majority of your countrymen have recently discovered that sla- very is injustice, and are gradually abolishing the w ron g : yel yon continue to be a slave- holder! — You are a firm believer, too, and your letters and spee< hes te ti ith pious reflections on the Divine Being, Provi- dence, & c. : yet you are a slaveholder! Oh! Washington, 'ages to come will read with astonishment' that the man who was foremost to wrench the rights of America from the ty- rannical grasp oi Britain, Mas among the last to relinquish his own oppressive hold of poor and unoffending negroes. In the name of justice, what can induce you to tarnish your own well earned celebri- ty, and to impair the fair features of Ameri- can liberty with so foul and indelible a blot? Avarice is said to be the vice of age. Your slaves, old and young, male and female, father, mother and child, might, in the estimation of a Virginia planter, be worth from fifteen to twenty thousand pounds. Now, Sir, are you sure that the unwillingness which you have shewn to liberate your negroes, does not pro- ceed from some lurking pecuniary considera- tions? If this be the case, and there are those who firmly believe it is, then there is no llesh left in your heart; and present reputation, future fame, and all that is estimable among the virtuous, are, for a few thousand pieces of paltry yellow dirt, irremediably renouni 1. EDWARD RUSHTON. SLAVERY A VIOLATION OF ALL THE COMMANDMENTS. A more simple or affecting illustration of the moral turpitude of slavery, by its violation of all the Commandments, than is contained in the following ' Soliloquy,' cannol be drawn. We extract it from Saunder's News-!, Oct. 30, 1832, printed at Dublin. Reader, art thou indeed a Christian, and canst thou apologize for a system like this, or believe that its instant and utter abolition would be injurious to the masters or to the slaves ? If so, listen to a negro's soliloquy on the ten com- mandments. What dis ? good preacher-man gave me dis, — told mc learn it; massa no ever shew it 1 buckra-man say it God's words - , be dese Ten Commandments? who ( rod speak 'em to r perhaps only to white man. Bad white man no mind what God say; per- haps God speak 'em to poor black man; me -,>■■ II 'em — me no aide read well. ■ I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egj pi.' Where Egypt? mc stolen from Africa, — perhaps that ; — oh no! white man do that — nol God. .Me now remember, good preacher one time say, .\t<\\^ slaves in Egypt ; — good God did bring "em out ; — me suppose white man den master in Egypt ; — Jews like poor black man ; — me slave here — me in Egypt Oh, Lord my God, bnii" me out! Me den obey God. I. ' Thou shall have none other gods, but inc.' What that mean? Oh, Lord my God, how glad poor negro be, he had no other God be- fore thee ; but his massa no let him have you ; — his massa make him work all day, den no let teacher come at night to teach him — what can poor negro do? massa no let him go. Where shall poor negro find him's God? — What can it mean? my massa make me too much 'fraid; he tell me negro must 'bey him first; — den he same like first God to me. But God tell me, I must 'bey him first. What sal I do ? God very good: perhaps He forgive poor negro, if him obey his massa first; massa no forgive me, if I 'bey God first Oh, Lord my God, forgive me, I not first obey you : me too much afraid my massa ; my massa no for- give me, like you. Oh, Lord God, how good eat be for poor negro, when he have no oder < rod before dee. II. ' Thou shah not make to thyself any graven im- age, nor the likeness of any ihinir. thai is in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waterunder the earth ; thou shalt not Urn down to them, nor wor- ship them ; for I. the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, and visit the sins of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and shew mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep m\ commandments. 1 Me no understand how dat; — in my own country my priests make many Gods, some stone, some wood, some gold; like men, like beast, Like fish; my king worship all ; he kind to me ; my priest kind to me too, — me happy there; — black man live long there, with old grandfather; — they no beat, me, — they let rk tin myself; — here, white man say, but one God, and he no see him, and he good God; — but white massa no love him; — white massa no love me ; — yel massja merry, massa rich, massa happy; — me sad, — my child sad; —black man always slave, — black child al- ways slave; — why dat? perhaps no God! — Bui good preacher man say, dere is one God in Heaven; — he good man, — he love me, — he speak truth; — me believe him; — God speak, me believe him most III. • Tin hi shalt nol take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless,, that takcth His name in vain.' A Negro's Soliloquy on the Ten Commandments. 15 How can me learn dat? — my massa swear, — my driver swear, — my mississ swear; — all round me swear ; — Suppose I no swear, dey all curse me. — Oil my Lord, tell my massa, not swear so ; — tell my mississ not be so an- gry ; — tell my driver not lick poor negro so much ; — den me can stop swear ; — Oh Lord, forgive poor negro, — how can he stop swear ? dey all swear and curse poor negro so. IV. 'Remember, that thou keep holy the Sabbath day ; six days shah thou labor, ami do all that thou hast to do ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, — in it thou shah do no manner of work ; thou and thy son and thy daughter ; thy man-servant and thy maid-servant ; thy cattle ; and' the stranger, that is within thy gates ; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it.' Oh massa God ! when will dey let me keep holy de Sabbath day ? — But no rest for poor negro, — all six days long him nms work for his massa; — seven day him mus work for him- self, or him's wife and him's pickaninny must starve wid him ; massa no keep Sabbath day holy; — massa go shoot; — massa go sleep, — massa no go worship ; — driver angry, — driver flog ; — oh Lord my God, tell my massa give poor negro time, oder day, work for himself; so him can rest on Sabbath day ; — tell massa, not let driver flog poor negro so, make him work on dy holy day. V. ' Honor thy father and thy mother; thai thy days may be long in the land, which the land thy God giveih thee.' Who dey be ? where negro's fader an mod- er? how can him honor dem? — suppose him see driver flog his fader, what can he do? — suppose him see driver throw down his moder, flog her, lick her ; — she cry — she bleed : — ne- gro say one word, he too be throw down; — driver curse him — driver lick him; — lie go tell massa; — massa lick him 'gain; — he go tell magistrate ; magistrate call him ' black rascal ;' — send him to work-house, — order him be flog; — then sendback to his massa ; — his mas- sa flog him; — send him to driver; — driver flog him; — put him in stocks, — drive him, — lick him, — may be kill him ; — What for ? 'cause negro tell him, not make his poor moder bleed so: — Oh Lord, tell his massa, let poor negro alone, to honor Ids fader and moder; — Oh Lord my God, what land gave thou me ? gave all land to massa ; — he live long, — me die soon. VI. ' Thou shalt do no murder.' De good buckra man tell me, — Angry in heart, tl.it same like murder ; — de bad buckra man, he make me angry all de day ; — Oh u hat sal I do? me believe good buckra man; den me know, great God angry wid me ; — dat very bad ; me no believe him, den me like kill de bad buckra man : — he flog him so, — he so an- gry, — he take him wife — him child; — he no hear, — me say one word, he mad ; den no body can help de poor negro: his massa same like' devil to him ; — nobody can come between 'em ; — his massa do just what he like ; — King forget poor negro — buckra man in England no can help him ; — good misshunary man, no can help him ; — all white men murder him. — Oh Lord God, tell 'em no treat poor negro so bad, — den he not so angry in his heart, — den he no more can do so much murder. — Oh help de good buckra man, come soon help him. VII. ' Thou shalt not commit adultery.' How can me help dat? They no let me marry in church ; — me marry in house ; some- times de wicked buckra massa, more time dri- ver take away my wife ; take away my child ; — den me ready to kill 'em ; — that same like murder; — what good for me to marry? — sup- pose I get preacher marry me ; den I commit more murder, in my heart; den God more an- v tv wid me ; — Oh Lord God, tell him massa not take away negro's wife — not take away negro's child, — no let oders take 'em away, — not sell 'em, — not separate 'em from me ; — not rioi; - 'em — let 'em stay home take care of ne- gro's pickaninny; — den negro can have one wife, — den negro can no commit adultery — Oh den, negro work too much for such kind VIII. -Thou shalt not steal.' Lord my God ! dey steal me, — dey no let me go; — they starve me, — I no get 'nough eat;— my wife cry, — my pickaninny hungry, — I look 'bout ; — no bread — no yam ; — no nothing ; me go out, — me most mad, — me 'fraid : — den my poor little pickaninny cry 'gain; — den me no more tink 'bout any thing; — onlv go get something for my child eat; — how ran me help dat? Me must steal: — tell my massa let me go ; — tell my massa pay me fair ; — tell my massa no steal no more, my time, my sweat, my work, my wages; — den me no more steal his cane ; — den me get cane my own ; — den me sa some my cane, not leave him starve, not come steal it. IX. • Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' () Lord my God, dey bear false witness 'gainst me ; — they say I slave ; — Gqd say, I no slave ; — I man ; — they say I steal from them, — but dey steal great deal more from me, and no shamed ; — they say king must pay them, if king make us free; — but what for king must pay them? King must pay me: — we no owe massa any thing, massa owe us too much; massa no buy us, do us good; massa no buy us, do Kino- good ; massa buy us, same like buy pig, do himself good; — so long v^e work tin- massa,he eat all onrwork; — he drink our sweat ; — he shed our blood ; — he bear too much false witness against us: — how glad we be, if massa at last tell truth about poor ne- gro, and say same about him, as God say, he van ; — and same as good buckra man says, he have right be free, same any oder Englishman. 16 •Song" of the Angels. — ChihPs Evening Hymn. — The Slave's Appeal. X. ' Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house ;— thou shah Dot cove) U13 neighbors wile ; — nor his ser- vant, nor In> maid, nor his OX, nor his ass ; — nor any tiling that is his.' My massa got Bible ; — what make him covet my little hut, — my wife, — my child; — is he no read ; — Oil how much In' covet j t negro 5 — he covet negro's body; — suppose poor negro got soul, he covet 's soul too; — he covet negro's time, — he no give negro rest; — he no give negro no time learn read Bible ; — he not care 'bout read Bible himself; so he tink perhaps in" nol care too: — he covet negro's work; he no lei negro work tor himself, — for his wife, for his little pickaninny ; — he covet negro wages; — he take all negro's money 'way, an call it his own ; — Oh he be great thief, how he steal from poor negro ; — he all covet; then suppose poor negro too hungry ; — suppose him wife, hiin child, too hungry; — he take bit sugar cane, suck, give his child to suck — carry to his wife say, here, see little bit sugar cane, you suck that ; then you not be so hungry no more; massa find out; he call negro thief; that is lie: massa thief; massa great thief; massa covet all negro got; massa steal all ne- gro got; massa no let negro get any thing ; then call poor negro thief; dat too bad ! — Oh Lord, tell de buckra man not covet negro so much, not covet negro's wife ; negro's child ; negro's time ; negro's work; negro's wages; negro's soul; negro's all; — so den negro can learn too, not covet ; den negro can learn love buckra man; negro now love de good buckra man ; some time he see de good buckra man cry for him, 'cause he no can help poor negro. Oh Lord, bless de good buckra man; forgive the bad buckra man ! Oh Lord, turn his heart ; tell him not covet, not steal, not 'buse poor negro so. Oh Lord, help poor negro himself not covet. Amen! amen! so may it be, and soon! oh Lord ! [For the Abolitionist.] THE SONG OF THE ANGELS. Hark ! the glad news the angels bring-, And to the listening shepherds sing : ' Peace on earth to man be given/ And earth repeats the sound to heaven. Scarce had the angels reached the skv. When earth was heard to heave a sigh; O'er Afric's sons a chain is cast, And man now binds his brother fast. The sun for years through heaven has shone, And still poor A trie's left to groan ; While all things else in earth and sea. That feel his warmth, are bright and free. To heaven, poor slave, address thy prayer, And it shall find acceptance there; For thou hast surely said, oh God, That thou wilt break th' oppressor's rod. Welcome the hour when war shall cease, And man with man shall live in peace, Then Ethiop's sons shall be restor'd, And live the freemen of the Lord. Then shall arrive that blessed time, When all who dwell in Afric's clime, Shall hear with joy those happy strains, The angels sunn on Bethlehem's plains. [From the Liberator.] THE CHILD'S EVENING HYMN. Father, while the daj light dies. Hear our grateful \ oices rise ! For the blessings that we share, For thy kindness and thy care, For the joy that tills our breast, And the love that makes u> blest, We thank tiiec, Father ! For an earthly father's arm. Shielding us from wrong and harm; For a mother's watchful cares, .Mingled with her many prayers; For the happy kindred band. Midst whose peaceful links we stand,— We thank thee, Father ! Vet, while 'neatli the evening skies, Thus we bid our thanks arise, Father ! still we think of those, Who are bowed with many woes; Whom no earthly parent's arm Can protect from wrong and harm,— The poor slaves, Father ! Ah I while we arc richly blest, They arc wretched and distrest ! Outcasts in their native land, Crush'd beneath oppression's hand, Scarcely knowing even thee, Mighty Lord of earth and sea ! ( )h save them, Father ! Touch the flinty hearts that long Have remorseless done them wrong ; Ope the eyes that long have been Blinded to each guilty scene; That the slave — a slave no more — Grateful thanks to thee may pour, And bless thee, Father! [From the Genius of Universal Emancipation.] THE SLAVE'S APPEAL. Christian mother, when thy prayer Trembles on the twilight air, And thou askest God to keep, In their waking and their sleep, Those whose love is more to thee Than the wealth of land or sea, Think of those who wildly mourn For the loved ones from them torn ! Christian daughter, sister, wife ! Ye who wear a guarded life — Ye whose bliss hangs not, like mine, On a tyrant's word or sign, Will ye hear, with careless eye, Of the wild despairing cry, Rising up from human hearts, As their latest bliss departs ? Blest ones ! whom no hands on earth, Dare to wrench from home and hearth, Ye whose hearts arc 1 sheltered well By affection's holy spell, < >h forget not those, for whom Life is nought but changeless gloom, O'er whose days of cheerless sorrow, Hope may paint no brighter morrow ! Acnes. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] FEBRUARY, 183 3. [NO. II. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NEW-ENGLAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The Annual Meeting- of this Society was held at Boylston Hall, in Boston, on Wednes- day evening - , January ninth. A numerous au- dience was assembled. The meeting Avas opened with prayer by the Rev. Tyler Thacher. Mr. Buffum, President of the Society, made a few remarks, in which he stated the plans and objects of the Society. Delegates from auxiliary societies having been requested to present their credentials, Mr. David T. Kimball, of the Andover Theo- logical Seminary, produced a certificate of his being a delegate from the Andover Auxiliary Anti-Slavery Society, which was read by the President. Mr. Garrison, the Corresponding Secretary, then read the Annual Report of the Managers. This paper explained at some length the ob- jects of the Society, and vindicated its princi- ples from the unjust reproaches which have been often heaped upon them. It strenuously supported immediate abolition, by showing the true nature of the measure, and its safety and necessity. After exposing the principles of the Colonization Society, and adverting to some other topics, the Report set forth the measures which the Society had adopted, and the gratifying success which had so far at- tended its exertions. We have given but a brief outline of this paper, as it will bo pub- lished in a separate form. Mr. Robert B. Hall then moved the accep- tance of the Report, and supported his motion in a short address, in which he congratulated the Society upon the encouraging prospects before them. The motion was seconded by Mr. Oliver Johnson, and passed. Samuel E. Sewall, Esq. then proposed the following resolution : Resolved, That slavery and the traffic in slaves in the District of Columbia, ought to be abolished by the government of the United States; and that every citi- zen of every State in which slavery is not tolerated, is VOL. I. bound to use the same exertions to put an end to it in that District, which he would be if it existed in his own State. Mr. Sewall spoke for a few minutes in sup- port of his resolution. He adverted to the history of the District of Columbia, the cessipn of its two parts to the United States by Mary- land and Virginia, for a seat of government, by means of which it became subject to the exclusive legislation of Congress. He alluded to the wretched system of slave laws which prevailed in the District, showed how negli- gent Congress had been of the rights of slaves and other persons of color there ; and stated that this District had become one of the great- est slave markets in the country — that slaves were brought into it from the neighboring States, chained in droves, then confined in the public or private jaUs, and finally shipped to the Southern ports. He pointed out some of the cruel injuries to which free people of color were subjected, by being kidnapped and sold for slaves, in consequence of the tolera- tion of the slave trade in the District; and concluded by exhorting the audience to exert themselves to put an end to the atrocious sys- tem, tolerated by the American nation at the seat of its government. The Rev. E. M. P. Wells seconded the mo- tion, and supported it by appropriate remarks. He mentioned the general ignorance which prevailed in this community of the state of things which existed in the District of Colum- bia. Many people, he said, among us were not aware that slavery and the slave trade were thus directly countenanced and support- ed by the American government and people. He afterwards spoke of the criminality of sla- very, and laid doAvnthe following propositions : 1. Slavery is inconsistent with Christianity. — 2. It is inconsistent with humanity. — 3. It is inconsistent with the principles of a republican government : each of which propositions he sustained by arguments. David L. Child, Esq. next addressed the meeting, in support of the resolution. He 18 Annual Meeting of tht JVeio-England Anti-Slavm/ Society. bore testimony to the truth of the statements of the mover of the resolution. He tht n ed oul how completely the slave in this coun- try is unprotected by law from injury and op- pression. He n illustration i The resolution then passed unanimously. W. J. Snelling, Esq. then spoke for a kw minutes, and related an anecdote which illus- strikingly the remark of the last speaker,-that slaves in this i were not in any degree prol icted by I te law. tion had been taken for the Society, the mi I ing adjourned, to meet again on Wednesday evening, Jan. 16th. January 1(j. The Society met, pursuant to the adjournment. The spacious hall was crowded with a highly respectable assemblage, among which Mere a large number of mem- bers of the Legislature, from various parts of the Commonwealth. The meeting was open- ed with prayer, by the Rev. Tyler Thacher. Extracts of Letters from Rev. Samuel ] of Brooklyn, Conn., Gen. Samuel Fessenden, of Portland, Me., Arthur Tappan, Esq. of New York, and Mr. Theodore D. Weld of Hartford, Conn., were then read — as follows : Brooklyn, Dec. 17. My Dear Frit ml : Yours of the 4ih is before me. I rejoice once more to have, under your own hand, an assurance of your health, success, untiring devotion to the cause you have cspotis,. (I, and though las! no! least, your kind regards for myself. Though I have written but Rule on the subject of slavery, I have talked much about it in the Lyceum, In stage coaches, in social circles — and in my public prayers, in the house of God, his oppressed children are never forgotten. Myheartis with you — and I am not afraid an} where to avow that my sentiments are in accordance with those bfthe New-England Anti-Slavery Society. [f possible, 1 shall be with you at the Anniversary — and if I come, 1 shall beg leave to bring forward and advocate this Resolution : ' The principles of the Anti-Slavery Society do not infringe the rights of any of our fellow citizens, nor en- danger the peace and happiness of our country.' But my engagements here are so numerous and pressing, thai I fear I shall nol be allowed to lend you the little assistance in my power on that occasion. The cause of liberty is most dear to my heart — liberty of body and of mind. I would have my fellow beings from the highest to the lowest, fear nothing but to rjo wrong; and J would have them fear this more than death. * * * * Yours, affectionately, „, T SAMUEL J. MAY. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Cor. Sec. Portland, Dec. 1 1. 1832. Dear Sir • Your favor under date of the 30th of Nov. was reg- ularly received, .since which 1 have been casting a- liont to see if it would he practicable for me to be it the Annual Meeting of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, and to contribute my mite in 3 cause which 1 deem one of the holiest and most im- portant in which mortal man i \ 1 l;i11 " are of such a - to preclude me from i ■• n, y 0va II is not necessary to enter on their detail ; ure you the . as you would deem i in this cause. I assure you, however, that 1 am with you in h ami to the full extent of all your' views. What 1 can do, shall be done ■, and 1 have the pleasure of saying to you that the . i which you are i is rapidly gaining converts here ; and I trust before the Spring opens, that we shall do something' that will encoui r heart. * * # # ■ odier day, a papei from Mississippi, containing the newConstitu- tion of that State. The object of the person who sent '■i was to let me see thai document. I find that by the Constitution, the Legislature is prohibited any lav for the emancipation of the slaves um1k.ii! the consent of the owner I ! This must tie Up the hands of that people until there shall be an altera- tion of their Constitution. Thus we seehow theyin- tend to perpetuate this curse. In the same paper arc thirteen advertisements of colored men arrested and committed to gaol on suspicion of being runaway ne- Phese pei ons are minutely described, and in nine of the thirteen cases it is stated thej are deeply marked on various parts of the body, with sears the effect ofthelash!! This is the humanity with which re ov ited in the slave States, of which such boast is made by slaveholders. long, oh Lord! how long shall thy vengeance sleep .' When shall thy soul be avenged on Mich a. nation as this ] Most truly your friend and servant, SAMI T. I , FESSENDEN, \\ m. Lloyd Garrison, Cor. Sec. New-York, Dec. 7. 1832. Dear Sir: 1 have your i f f the I ; >ih tilt, request- ing, in behalf of the New-England Anti-Slaverj Soci- ety, that I would attend the annual meeting of the So- ciety in Boston, on the 2d Wednesday of January, and deliver an address, [f j thought it would promote the cause, I should che null v comply with the invita- tion; but though I /: ,' the subject deeply, and will express my feelings in a different, and perhaps not le •' nphatic waj than the one you suggest, — lam yet obliged to decline public speaking' o;i the subject. With esteem, your friend, ARTHUR TAPPAN. \\ u. Lloyd Garrison, Cor. Sec. Hartford, Jan. 1, 1833. Dear Sir: I have this moment received your letter of the 31st Dec. containing the kind invitation of your Board of Managers, which I am forced by circumstances re* specttully to decline. Though it has been my misfortune never to have come m contacl with the published views, arguments &c. ofthe Anti-Slavery Society, its expressivt name is dear to my soul, from that I infer that the Societ3 is based upon that -real fundamental law of human right, that nothing but crime can forfeit liberty— -that no condition of birth, no shade of color, no mere mis- fortune of circumstances, can annul that birthright charter which God has bequeathed to everj being up- on " i he has stamped his own image, by making moral agent— and that he who roi.s his fef- low man of this, tramples upon right— subverts justice —outrages humanity— unsettles "the foundations of Annual Meeting of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society. l!l human safety — and sacrilegiously assumes the prerog- ative of God: and further, that he who retains by force, and refuses to surrender that which was origin- ally obtained by violence or fraud, is joint partner in the orispnal sin, becomes its apologist, and makes it the business of every moment to perpetrate it afresh — however he may lull his conscience by the vain plea of expediency or necessity. I subscribe myself, yours affectionately, THEODORE D. WELD. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Cor. Sec. David L. Child, Esq. then proposed the fol- lowing resolution : Resolved, That the free People of Color and Slaves in this land of Liberty and Law, have less liberty, and are less protected l>y law, than in any other part of the world. Mr. Child spoke at some length in support of this resolution. He showed how much more favorable the Civil Law was to slaves than the laws of the Southern States ; and stated that in the French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, tire slave codes being based on the Civil Law, the slaves were far more protected in their rights than they are in our Slave States or the British West Indies. He then pointed out the improvements which had been made in the slave laws of the British Island-, t cially in the Crown Colonies within a few years, which rendered the legal condition of the slaves in the "British Colonies far superior to what it is in the Slave States. Mr. Child introduced a great variety of topics into his speech, and enforced his arguments by numer- ous illustrations, which our limits will not per- mit as to introduce in this place. The resolution passed without opposition. The Rev. Mr. Russell, of Watcrtown, offer- ed the following resolution : Resolved, That the plan of colonizing the blacks in Africa, as explaiued by its friends, is preposterous in the extreme, and every attempt to put its principles in- to operation, is an unrighteous persecution, levelled a- gainst the free people of color, to secure and perpetu- ate slaverv in our country ; and. therefore, calls upon us to counteract its operations by an open, free, and fearless exposition 01 its ] effects. Mr. Russell spoke for a few minutes in sup- port of his resolution. He demonstrated that the efforts of the Colonization Society could never diminish slavery ; that while the Society had removed less than 3000 persons from this country, the slaves here had increased more than 500,000 ; and showed that the true effect of the Society was to perpetuate slavery, by removing from the country a portion of the free colored people who it was supposed might sympathise with the slaves, and might assist them in recovering freedom. The resolution was adopted. Amasa Walker, Esq. proposed the following resolution : Resolved, That the objects contemplated by the New-England Anti-Slavery Society are in strict ac- cordance with the plainest dictates of Religion, Phi- lanthropy, and Patriotism. Mr. Walker then addressed the meeting. He adverted to the unfavorable circumstances under which the Society had commenced its operations. Public sentiment was against it. Yet this, he said, did not prove that its princi- ples or objects were wrong, for public senti- ment is sometimes mistaken. He examined the principles of the Society, and showed that they were consistent with religion, philanthro- py, and patriotism. He compared these prin- ciples with those of the Colonization Society, and demonstrated the criminality of the latter. The one Society wishes to banish the people of color, the other seeks to improve them here ; the one declares that slaves are rightful prop- erty, the other that they are men, and have all the rights of men. He concluded nearly a3 follows. Every circumstance but one, is in favor of the Colonization Society, and against the Anti-Slavery Society. The former is sup- ported by a formidable array of great names, of judges, governors, and members of Con- gress, and of course flourishes in wealth under the smiles of public opinion. The latter has nothing to support it, but truth and justice. Yet these are worth all the rest, and must ul- timately crown the labors of the Society with glorious success. The Rev. Moses Thacher offered the fol- lowing resolution : '. Thai the principles of expatriation, pur- rs of the American Colonization exert an influence in opposition to the highest interests oft in this country. The resolution was adopted, after having been sustained by the mover in a brief but highly animated and cogent speech.* The following resolution was submitted by Mr. Garrison without any remarks, in conse- quence of the lateness of the hour: Resolved, That the exertions made by the free peo- ir ; n this country to improve their condition, and to confer the benefits of education upon their children— notwithstanding the obstacles which they have to encounter from the laws and the prejudices of community, — are highly meritori- ous ; thai these exertions have already produced high- ly beneficial results, and will, in our opinion, if perse- vered in, produce others still more desirable. Adopted. very copious account of the Annual Meet- ing, and 1 3 delivered on that occasion, wide ' The Liberator/ Vol. III. Nos. 3. 4, and 5. 20 Annual Meeting of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, The following communication from the Mas- sachusetts Genera] Colored Association was presented by Mr. Joshua Easton, and read : Boston, Jan. 15, To the Board of Managers of the New-England Anti- Slavery Society. The Massachusetts General Colored Association cordially approving the objects and principles of the New-England AnU-Slaverj Society, would respect- fully communicate their desire t.> become auxiliary thereto. They have accordingly chosen one of then members to alien. I the Vnnual Heeling of the Society as their delegate, (Mr Joshua Easton of North Bridge- water,) and solicit his acceptance in that capacity. THOM \s DALTON, President. Willi \m. (I. Nell, Vice President. James lved,\Thai we contemplate, «iil> the highest satisfaction, the untiring christian zeal and activity of the friends of immediate and universal emancipation ni England, and that we will co-operate with them tor the promotion of the -real cause in which they are en- gaged, while God shall bless us with the ability to do so, or until every yoke of bondage and oppression shall be broken. " On motion of Mr. Garrison, it was Resolved, Thai the formation of a National Anti- Slavery Society is essentia] to the complete regenera- «blic sentiment on the subject of slavery . and to the speed) overthrow of that iniquitous system; and that the Board of Managers be authorised to call a nan d meeting of the friends of abolition, for the purpose of organizing such a Society, at such time and place as the} shall deem expedient. Voted, 'flint the thanks of the Society be presented to the President and Secretaries for their services during the last year. Adjourned sine die. Rev. James D. Yates, David L. Child, Michael H. Simpson, Isaac H. Appleton, M.D. Rev. Samuel Snowdon, Benjamin C. Bacon, Ellis G. Loring, Abner Forbes, Frederick Hughes, Isaac Knapp. On motion of Mr. B. C. Bacon, it was Resolved, That this Society contemplates the be- nighted condition of Africa with feelings of christian sympathy ; and although it is forced to protest against tho measures and principles of the American Coloni- zation Society, yet it approves every laudable effort Extracts from the Annual Report. The New-England Anti-Slavery Society maintains that the slaves ought instantly to be emancipated from their fetters. It ac- knowledges no claims upon their persons by their masters. It regards the holders of slaves as guilty of a heinous sin. It reprobates the language of those who say, 'we hold their slaves, as we hold their other property, sacred? It says to every individual — ' Let the principle be clearly and firmly established in your mind that there is, and can be, no such thing as prop- erty in man, and you cannot, as a patriot, a phi- lanthropist, or a disciple of Christ, oppose the immediate liberation of the slaves — you cannot but demand that liberation — you cannot be satisfied with any thing short of an immediate liberation.' It is not for men of christian in- tegrity to calculate how far it is expedient to do wrong. The slaves are either justly or un- justly held in bondage. If justly, let the tratfic in I heir bodies be pursued with fresh activity, and all those laws be repealed which now make the foreign slave trade piracy. If unjustly, there is no alternative but to disobey God, or let them immediately go free. ' But. would it be safe to comply strictly with the requisitions of justice, nowf If they were not made to be obeyed, for what purpose were they made ? Is it safe for a band of robbers to cease from their robberies, at once J Is it safe for the fraudulent to be honest, at once ? Is it safe to abandon the practice of trading in the bodies and souls of men, at once ? Is it safe to obey the Most High, by breaking every yoke, and letting the oppressed go free, at once? — Strange questions from the mouths of a chris- tian people ! A very singular kind of logic prevails at the present day. T concede,' says one, 'that sla- very in the abstract is very wicked; but I am opposed to immediate abolition.' Slavery in Extracts from the Annual Report. 21 the abstract ? What does the objector mean ? Abstract slavery never did, and never can ex- ist He means, perhaps — his language implies nothing else — that it is most atrocious to think of enslaving human being ; but, in fact, to buy, or sell, or hold them in fetters, is by no means sinful ! That is to say — if a man should mere- ly meditate the destruction of the houses of his fellow-citizens by fire, without any doubt he ought to be hung; — but if he should actually set them on fire, and run from street to street with the burning brand in bis band, to destroy others, why then he would not be guilty. It would only be necessary for him to cry aloud to the firemen — 'I am as much opposed to ar- son, in the abstract, as you are ; but see ! the houses are on fire ! — My abstract theory has assumed a practical shape, and therefore I am exonerated from blame. I am opposed to an immediate extinguishment of the fire. Put it out very gradually— a few drops of water may now be thrown upon it — -some buckets full next ■week — and at some future time, I cannot tell when, you may give your engines full play !' # # * * # The cause of slave insurrections at the south is the loss of liberty. If the cause be removed, can the effect follow ? The slaves fight to ob- tain their personal freedom. If they were liberated, it is pretended, they would, destroy their masters ! — in other words, they fight to achieve their liberty, and when it is given to them, they fight because they receive it! — This is singular logic. They are so attached to their drivers, it woidd seem — so pleased with being bought and sold — so contented with their peck of corn per week — so fond of having their wives polluted, and their children driven away to be sold — so hostile to independence — so un- desirous of knowledge — that if they were set free, they would be so angry in being employ- ed as hired laborers, in possessing their own wives and children, in losing their fetters, in being placed beyond the reach «»f slave specu- lators, in being protected in their persons and earnings, in having an opportunity to get re- ligious and secular instruction, that they would cut the throats of their former masters, burn their dwellings, and desolate the land ! The Board of Managers are satisfied that the doctrine of immediate abolition is opposed by many, not because they really mean to jus- tify crime, but simply through ignorance or a misapprehension of its nature. It is associa- ted in their minds witli something undefin- able, yet dreadful — they see, in imagination, cities and villages in flames, and blood flow- ing in torrents, and hear the roll of drums, the shouts of blood-thirsty savages, and the shrieks of the dying — and thus, bringing upon them- selves a strono- delusion, they naturally stand aghast at the proposition. All this ruffling of mind is indeed ridiculous; but as it originates unwittingly in error, it merits a charitable al- lowance rather than satire. What, then, is meant by immediate aboli- tion? It means, in the first place, that all title of property in the slaves shall instantly cease, be- cause their Creator has never relinquished his claim of ownership, and because none have a right to sell their own bodies or buy those of their own species as cattle. Is there any thing terrific in this arrangement ? It means, secondly, that every husband shall have his own wife, and every wife her own hus- band, both being united in wedlock according to its proper forms, and placed under the pro- tection of law. Is this unreasonable ? It means, thirdly, that parents shall have the control and government of their own children, and that the children shall belong to their pa- rents. What is there sanguinary in this con- cession ? It means, fourthly, that all trade in human beings shall be regarded as felony, and enti- titled to the highest punishment. Can this be productive of evil ? It means, fifthly, that the tremendous power which is now vested in every slaveholder to punish his slaves without trial, and to a savage extent, shall be at once taken away. Is this undesirable ? It means, sixthly, that all those laws which now prohibit the instruction of the slaves, shall instantly be repealed, and others enacted, pro- viding schools and instruction for their intel- lectual illumination. Would this prove a ca- lamity ? It means, seventhly, that the planters shall employ their slaves as free laborers, and pay them just wages. Would this recompense in- furiate them ? It means, eighthly, that the slaves, instead of being forced to labor for the exclusive ben- efit of others by cruel drivers, and the applica- tion of the lash upon their bodies, shall be en- couraged to toil for the mutual profit of them- selves and their employers, by the infusion of new motives into their hearts, growing out of their recognition and reward as men. Is this diabolical ? It means, finally, that right shall take the supremacy over wrong, principle over brute force, humanity over cruelty, honesty over theft, purity over lust, honor over baseness, love over hatred, and religion over heathen- ism. Is this wrong ? Tliis is our meaning of Immediate Aboli- tion. Having thus briefly defined the extent of immediate abolition, it may be useful to state some of its probable, nay, certain benefits. It will remove the cause of bloodshed and insurrection. No patrols at night, no standing army, will be longer needed to keep the slaves in nu e. The planters may dismiss their fears, and sleep soundly ; for, by one act, they will have transformed 'their enemies into grateful friends and servants. 22 Extracts from the Jhmual Repdrt. It will cfivo protection to millions who arc now at the mercy of a few irresponsible mas- ters and drivers : every man and every Woman may then find redress at law. It will annihilate a system of licentiousness, incest, blood and cruelty. It will open an immense market to our me- chanics and manufacturers ; for these two mil- lions of free persons will need, and will make every exertion to obtain, hats, bonnets, shoes, clothes, houses, lands, iSjc. -d AMEN ! ' CULTIVATION OF SUGAR BY FREE LABOR. It is often asserted by the apologists of sla- very, that the cultivation of the cane is so la- borious that no free person will undertake it; and therefore it is urged that we must contin- ue to have slaves to make sugar for us, if for no other purpose. We do not perceive this hard necessity. Admitting the fact to be as supposed, we should think the just conclusion would be, not that we ought to continue sla- very that we may have sugar, but that, we ought to give up sugar that we may abolish slavery. But the supposed fact is not true. — The cane is successfully raised by free labor in various quarters of the world. One of the most interesting accounts of this cultivation which we recollect to have seen, is to be found in an Official Report of Mr. Ward, a British Envoy to Mexico, which we publish below, from the Anti-Slavery Reporter for August, 1829. It was also published in the Genius of Universal Emancipation a few years ago. Mexico, March 13, 1826. Sir, — The possibility of introducing a sys- tem of free labor into the West India islands having been so much discussed in England, 1 conceived that it might not be uninteresting to his Majesty's Government to receive some details respecting the result of the experi- ment in this country, where it certainly has had a fair trial. I accordingly took advantage of Mr. Mo- rier's prolonged stay here to visit the Valley of Cuernavaca and Cuantla Amilpas, which supplies a great part of the federation with sugar and coffee, although not a single slave is at present employed in their cultivation. I have the honor to inclose a sketch of the observations which I was enabled to make upon this journey, together with such details as I have thought best calculated to show both the scale upon which these estates are work- ed, and the complete success with which the abolition of slavery has, in this instance, been attended. The valley which extends almost uninter- ruptedly from Cuernavaca to Cuantla Amil- pas, and Jyncar, ( covering a space of about forty miles,) is situated on the road to Aca- pulco, at the foot of the first range of moun- tains by which the descent of the Table Land towards the south-west commences, about fifty miles from the capital. It is about two thousand feet lower than the Table Land of Mexico. The difference of temperature is proportionably great, so that two days are sufficient to transport the trav- eller into the very midst of Tierra Caliente. The vicinity to the capital was probably one of the circumstances which induced the first planters to establish themselves in this dis- trict. The richness of the soil, and the abun- dance of water which they found throughout the plain, convinced them that they could not have made a better choice. It is believed that the sugar-cane was first planted there about one hundred years ago ; from that time the number of sugar-estates has gone on increasing, until there is now hardly an acre of ground on the whole plain which is not turned to account. The cultivation was originally earned on entirely by slaves, who were purchased at Vera Cruz, at from $300 to 8400 each. It was found, however, that this system was attended with considerable inconvenience, it being impossible to secure a sufficient supply of slaves during a war. The losses likewise,, at all times, were great, as many of the slaves were unable to support the fatigue and chan- ges of temperature, to which they were ex- posed on the journey from Vera Cruz to Cu- ernavaca, and perished, either on the road, or soon after their arrival. Several of the great proprietors were in- duced by these circumstances to give liberty to a certain number of their slaves annually, and by encouraging marriages between them and the Indians ot the country, to propagate a race of free laborers, who might be employ- ed when a supply of slaves was no longer to be obtained. The plan proved so eminently successful, that on some of the largest estates there was nut a single slave in the year 1808. The policy of the measure became still more apparent on the breaking out of the revolution in 1810. The planters who had not adopted the sys- tem of gradual emancipation before that pe- riod, saw themselves abandoned, and were forced, in many instances, to give up working their estates, as their slaves took advantage of the approach of the insurgents to join them en masse ; while those who had provid- ed themselves with a mixed caste of free la- borers, retained even during the worst times, a sufficient number of men to enable them to 24 Cultivation of Sugar by Free Labor. continue to cultivate their lamb, although upon a smaller scale. The insurrecti however, proved highly injurious to the proprietors in general. Mos1 of them were Europeans, and as such, partic- ularly obnoxious to the insurgents; and al- though by coalescing amongsl themselves and maintaining a considerable armed force their defence, they prevented the enemy on several occasions from entering the valley, they found it impossible to secure their com- munication with the capital, and were thus often deprived of the only market for their goods. In the year 1814, too, the siege of Cuantla, which Monelos had occupied, and winch he (! against the il army under General Calleja, spread destruction throughout the dis- trict. Several of the Haciendas have not yet even recovered the losses which they then sustained, and some, which were quite ruined, have never been rebuilt in general, however, the last eight years of comparative tranquillity have been sufficient to restore things to their an- cient state, and I could not learn that, the pro- duce of the different estates about Cuernava- ca had ever greatly exceeded that of the last twelve months. The scale upon which these estates are worked is enormous. From a supposition that the ground is exhausted by two successive crops, the Mexican planters run into the con- trary extreme, and divide their sugar-lands into four eqal parts, one only of which is taken annually into cultivation. The remaining three are turned to no account, so that an idea may be formed of the extent of an estate upon which so enormous a quantity of land is al- 'ow ed to remain unemployed. The largest Haciendas in the neighborhood of Cuernavaca are those of Yemisco and San Gabriel, (both of which belong to the family of Don Gabriel Yermo, an old Spaniard, fa- mous for the arrest of the viceroy Sturriga- ray in 1808, with which the .Mexican revolu- tion may be said to have commenced,) Trein- ta Pesos, El Puente, Meacatlan, San Easpar, and San Vicente Chicouquac. Each of these estates produces annually, from 25,000 to 40,000 arrobas of sugar, of 25 lbs. weighl each (about 5,250,000 lbs. taking 30,000 a no- has as the average produce,) and to this at least another million may be added, for a number of other smaller estates not included in this list. The crops are usually most, abundant, the cane being planted much thicker than is cus- tomary in Jamaica, and the machinery, in the opinion of Dr. Wilson, who accompanied me, and who has been much in the West India islands, is fully equal to any used in the Brit- ish colonies. The number of workmen generally em- ployed upon an estate, capable of producing 40,000 arrobas of sugar, amounts to 150, with occasional additions when the season is late, or the work has been retarded by any acci- dental cause. The laborers are mostly paid by the piece, and many of them can earn, if industrious, from six to seven rials per diem, [3s3d. or •'i.s-.'.i 1 -"2/. English money, reckoning the dol- lar at isAd.) Fifty men are employed in watering the canes, twenty in cutting, ten in bringing the cut canes |V,, in the field (each with six mules,) twenty-five (mostly boys) in separating the green tops, which they use for fodder, and binding up the remainder for the muleteers. Twenty men. divided into gangs of four each, ling the engine day and night; fourteen atti ml the boilers ; twelve keep up the fires; four turn the cane in the sun, after the juice has been expressed, and dry it for fuel ; and ten are constantly at work in the warehouse clarifying the sugar, and removing it after- wards to the general store-room, from whence it to the market. The art of refining, though well understood, is seldom or never carried beyond the first de- gree of the process, there being no demand for double-refined sugar in the market; and the consequence is, that though abounding in saccharine matter, the article is for the most, part coarse in appearance, and of bad color. The arroba of 25 lbs. sells in Mexico for about three dollars, or two dollars and a half, if not of the best quality. The great Haci- endas expend in wages to the workmen and other current charges, from sHOO to 81,200 a week. It often happens, however, that in a good year the sale of the molasses alone is suffi- cient to defray the expense, so that the sugar remains a clear profit For every arroba of sugar an equal quan- tity of molasses is produced, which sells, at the door of the Hacienda, for live rials and a half the arroba. It, is bought up by the pro- prietors of the small distilleries, which abound to such a degree, that in the neighborhood of Cuernavaca alone from 25,000 to 30,000 bar- rels of Chingarito (a sort of rum) are made annually. The distance from Cuernavaca to Cuantla is about twenty-live miles ; and with the ex- ception of a ridge of mountains which sepa- rates the two valleys, tin 1 whole intervening space is richly cultivated. After passing through the village of Yan- tepec, which lies at the foot of the mountain, there is a constant succession of Haciendas, most of which appear admirably kept up. The most remarkable in the district of Cu- antla are San Carlos, Pantitlan, Cocoyoc, Cal- cleron, Casasano, Santa Ines, Cohahuistla, Napastlan, and Vonestcpango, none of which produce less than 30,000 arrobas of sugar an- nually, while the annual produce of some Safety of Immediate Emancipation. 25 (Cohahuistla and Yenestepango) may be esti- mated at from 40,000 to 50,000. The Haciendas of Cocoyoc and Pantitlan enjoy the additional advantage of being not only sugar but coffee-estates. Their owner, Don Antonio Velasco, intro- duced, at a great expense, from Cordova, the cultivation of this plant, which has succeeded perfectly. He lias now upon his two estates upwards of 500,000 plants, 50,000 of which are already in full vigor. The produce of the last year amounted to 5,000 arrobas, or 125,000 pounds of coffee, and as a great number of the young plants will begin to bear this year, it is supposed that the amount will be more than doubled. Coffee is now selling at seven dollars the arroba in Mexico. Its cultivation would there- fore prove indefinitely more advantageous than that of the cane, if the demand were equally great. But coffee is by no means in general use in this country, nor is Cuantla the only place from whence this demand can be supplied. There are immense coffee plantations in the vicinity of Cordova, and the whole of the Eastern coast is of course supplied by the nearest market. Were this not the case, the speculation would prove a very lucrative one, as a coffee-estate of 200,000 plants does nol require the constant attendance of above twenty men, (to weed and water,) and conse- quently entails upon the proprietor but little expense. The average produce of each tree may be estimated at two pounds and a half. The young plants require great care and attention, and must be protected from the sun for two whole years. For this purpose a large piece of ground is covered in, which is called the semillero. The third year the young trees are transplanted to the open field, where they begin almost immediately to produce some- thing, and the fourth they may be reckoned in full vigor. They last from five and twenty to thirty years. I saw most of the Haciendas enumerated in the preceding list; but was struck with none so much as with Santa Ines, which is beauti- fully kept up. It is almost the only estate which possesses a large distillery, which pro- duces from 4,000 to 5,000 barrels of Chinga- rito yearly. The barrel in Mexico is worth twenty-four dollars, with duties and carriage deducted ; an idea may be formed by this of the immense annual value of the estate. Cohahuistlan might be still more produc- tive, as it is much more extensive, and com- mands a greater supply of water, but it is not done justice to. The estate belongs to the convent of Dominican friars ; and as the ab- bot is changed by the rules of the order every three years, the overseers of the Hacienda are usually changed with him, and they con- sequently allow every thing to go to ruin. VOL. I. In general, the fertility of an estate depends entirely upon the supply of water: the pro- duce of those which have only enough for ir- rigation, and are forced to work their wheels by mules, will seldom be found, whatever may be the quality of the soil, to amount t3 one third of those which can command a sufficient supply for botli purposes. J n the quality of the soil there is but little difference. The average annual produce of all the es- tates it would hardly be possible to compute. The greatest part of it is sent to the capital, from whence it is distributed to the different provinces ; muleteers, however, often come direct from the interior. It is a curious fact, that an immense quan- tity of sugar is yearly remitted to Vera Cruz, not for exportation, but for the home con- sumption of a province which might produce sugar enough to supply all Europe, if it chose to turn to account the advantages with which nature has so richly endowed it. The most remarkable circumstance, however, is the total abolition of slavery in a district where such a mass of colonial fruits is produc- ed, and the success with which the introduction of free labor has been attended ; it is this which has induced me to lay these observations before his .Majesty's (lorernment, and to hope that they may be esteemed not wholly unworthy of atten- tion. (Signed) H. G. WARD. Right Hon. G. Canning, &c. &c. IMMEDIATE EMANCIPATION. No. II. 'Cayenne and Guadaloupe were the only other French colonies in which the slaves were emancipated. In Cayenne,* the sud- den enfranchisement was attended with no ill consequences; after their emancipation, the negroes in general continued voluntarily upon the plantations of their former masters, and no irregularities whatever were committed by those men who had thus suddenly obtained their freedom. 'In Guadaloupe (where the disproportion of blacks to whites is at least as great as in our colonies) the conduct of the freed negroes was equally satisfactory. The perfect subor- dination which was established and the indus- try which prevailed there, are proved by the official Reports of "Victor Hughes, the Gov- ernor of Guadaloupe, to the French govern- ment. In 1793 liberty was proclaimed univer- sally to the slaves in that island, and during their ten years of freedom, their governors bore testimony to their regular industry and uninterrupted -submission to the laws. The Reports of the Commissioners to the local government also speak of the tranquillity which reio-ned in the agricultural districts and Voyage a la Guiane, '('o\\r,i,i. our sincere thanks and respect lor his j tions in the cause of the op- 1, — hoping that when his labors of be- nevolence shall be finished on earth, — when the oppressor shall cease from his oppression, — he may receive the heavenly reward of Him who holds in bis hands the destinies of Resolved, That an address be prepared to love resolution-', and that the d to Mr. O'Connell with all . Ltch. Resolved, That the above resolutions be published in as many of the papers friendly to the can >e of emancipation as practicable, sign- al by the Chairman and Secretary. On motion, Messrs. Samuel Hardenburgh, Thomas L. Jennings, and Henry Sipkins, were appointed a committee to prepare the Address, attend to the publication of the forego- ing resolutions. In the course ofthe evening, the proclama- tion of General Jackson to the free people of color, on the banks of the Mobile, during the last war, was read ; several extracts from the reports of the Colonization Society ; and the - ofthe free people of color, held in the Boyer Lodge Room, in the city of New York, January 25th, 1831. Throughout the meeting a very general dis- like to tic proceedings ofthe Colonization So- ciety manifested itself. The audience was admonished, that the supportofthe convention was among the means of counteracting the pol- icy of that society. A number became members of the Society by which the meeting was called. Samuel Uardf.nhurgh, Chairman Henry Sipkins, Secretary. In relation to the above proceedings, the New- York Journal of Commerce says : • We publish in another column, a series of resolutions adopted by a meeting of free people of color recently held in this city. It is a tact which we are unable to explain on any satis- factory principle, that the tree people of color in the Northern States are. a- - a body, strong- ly opposed to the objects ofthe American Col- onization Society. Whether it be that thej are afraid their influence will be weakened by any deduction from their numbers, or whether they suppose thai the Liberians are less pros- perous, independent and happy than them selves, we are unable to say.' The people of color ares' opposed to the Colonization Society because it slanders and persecutes them, and perpetuates slavery, and be- nnisr they lore America better than .Africa. Professor Green's Letter to Rev. Simeon S. Jocelyn. 29 LIGHT IN THE WEST ! Extracts from a letter addressed to Rev. S. S. Jocei/y:v, of New-Haven, Connecticut, by Beriah Greex, Professor of Sacred Litera- ture in Western Reserve College, dated — Hudson, {Port. Co. O.) JVov. 5, 1832. Rev. a.\d Dear Sir : A great change has, within a few months, been wrought in the views and movements of some of the gentlemen connected with this College, both as intructors and students, res- pecting the ground occupied by the American Colonization Society, and the tendency of the principles avowed, and the course pursued, by that institution. In a single word, the Presi- dent of the College, Rev. Charles B. Storrs, a gentleman well known and highly esteemed on many accounts in New-England as well as in Ohio, Elizur Wright, Jr. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, whose reputation as a gentleman, a scholar, and a christian, is elevated, if I mistake not, at Yale College; Elizur Wright, Esq- of Tallmadge, a Trustee of this College, and an early grad- uate of Yale, whose reputation as a scholar and a christian I need not describe, and some others, have, upon examining the matter in discussion between the abolitionists and anti- abolitionists, yielded to the conviction that the former occupy the only ground, which the r i\- ble can justly be regarded as approving and sustaining. These gentlemen have been brought to this conviction, not without many struggles and much reluctance. They had been ardent friends and prompt patrons of the American Colonization Society ; had labored to sustain its claims to public patronage by their authority, their eloquence, and their pur- ses. They now feel, and feel very deeply too, that they had been blinded by a strange prejudice, which had the effect of infatuation on their minds. They have opened their eyes upon an object which has taken fast hold of their whole souls. They feel themselves im- pelled by motives which they cannot and would not resist, to give ' arm and soul' to the cause of African emancipation. They are now making the inquiry with unwonted solici- tude — ' Lord, what wilt thou have us to do ? ' A good deal of interest has been awakened in the College among the students, on the subject of African emancipation. The matter has, in different forms and on various occa- sions, been pretty thoroughly discussed. A number of the students take the ground main- tained by the New-England Anti-Slavery So- ciety. We hope the number may increase. Mr. Storrs has been almost universally — per- haps I need not qualify the expression by any such word as almost — regarded as preeminent for soundness of judgment, warmth of piety, force of mind, and general attractiveness of character. The posture which he has taken on the subject of this letter cannot, we think, fail of setting hundreds a-thinking. Professor Wright has written a good many very able columns for the Observer & Telegraph — the religious paper of the Western Reserve ; and would have continued to write, had he not been denied the farther use of this medium of work- ing on the public mind. He is an attractive, powerful writer. His whole soul is engaged ; and I think no human agency can beat him off the ground which he has taken. We need the sympathy and aid of the friends of this good cause in New-England. We want facts —facts — FACTS. One copy of Mr. Garrison's ' Thoughts ' has readied us, and we take a few copies of his admirable paper. Charles Stuart's last pamph- let on Colonial Slavery in the West Indies, we have ; and the African Repository, and the Colonization Society Reports and Speeches, which we find may be made directly and pow- erfully subservient to the cause of African emancipation. Every fact on this subject will be estimated here at its full worth. Will you, as the friend of poor, persecuted, trodden down Africa, help us ? We much wish to know the history of the efforts which you have made in the cause of wretched humanity in New-Haven and elsewhere. Your letter to Mr. Gurley I thank \ T ou for, and wish I had 500 or 1,000 copies of it for circulation. Things in Maine and Massachu- setts, 1 should think, were assuming a brighter aspect. Mr. Garrison's reception in Maine could not but have been highly encouraging. Our British brethren, too, the Lord Jesus bless them. We have here a great struggle to go through with, if the Saviour will help us. The strength of public prejudice, as such openly avowed! is awaking. We have, however, a calm and deep conviction that we are right, and that God ■will help us. This hope we cling to as the anchor of our souls. O, may we not forfeit its high consolations — its sustaining, exhilarating influence ! Wc hope before many days to bring our little forces together in the form of an Anti-Slavery Society. Pray for us, dear brethren, as I hope we do for you — and for all who are consecrated to the great and glorious design, to which, ' after so long a time,' we are beginning to awake. Yours in the Lord Jesus, BERIAH GREEN. [We seize this opportunity to acknowledge the pleasure we have felt, in perusing the mas- terly essays of Professor Wright, published in the Hudson Observer & Telegraph. As that paper has most unfairly refused to insert any more of his articles on African Colonization, we earnestly entreat him to make 'The Abo- eitiomst' the medium of his valuable com- munications to the public : they will have a wide circulation.! 30 Constitution of the Anti-Slavery Society. — Slavery in the British Colonies. CONSTITUTION OF THE NEW-ENGLAND WTI-si.w ERY SOCIETY. PRE \ MBLE. n as, we believe lhal Slavery is contrary to the precepts of Christianity, dangerous lo the liberties oi the country, and ought immediately t<> l>e abolished; and whereas, we believe lhal the citizens of New-Eng- landnotonlj have the righl to protest against it, but are under the highest ig i to seek iu removal by moral influence; and whereas, we believe lhal the free people of color are unrighteous^ oppressed, and stand in need of our sympathy and benevolent co-ope- ration; therefore, recognizing the inspired declaration that God ■ hath made ol one blood all nations of men Cor to dwell on all ihe face of the earth,' and in obe- dience to our Saviour's golden rule,' all things whatso- ever ye would thai men should do to you, do ye even so to them,' we agree to for urselves into a Society, and lo be governed by the following CONSTITl TION. Article I. This Society shall be called the New- England Anti-Slavery Society. Art. 2. The objects of the Society shall be, to en- deavor, by all means sanctioned by law, humanity and religion, to effect the abolition of slavery in the I nited Stales ; to improve the character and condition of the free people of color, to inform and correct public opin- ion in relation to their situation and rights, and obtain for them equal civil and political rights and privileges with the whiles. Art. 3. Any person by signing the Constitution, and paying to the Treasurer fifteen dollars as a life sub- scription, or two dollars annually, -hall be considered a member of the Society, and entitled to a copy of all its official publications. ART. I. The officers of the Society shall be a Presi- dent. Vice Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and ten Counsel- lors, who shall be elected annually, by ballot, on the fourth Wednesday of January, or subsequently by ad- journmenl. and shall hold their respective offices until others are chosen. Art. 5. The foregoing officers shall constitute a Board of Managers, to whom shall be entrusted the disposition of the funds, and the management of the concerns of the Society. They shall have power to make their own by-laws, to till any vacancy which may occur in their Board, and to employ agents to promote the objects of the Society. Art. (i. There shall be a public meeting of the So- ciety annually, on the third Wednesday of January, al which the Board of Managers shall make a Report ol their doings for the past year, and of the income, ex- penditures, and funds ofthe Society. Art. 7. The President shall preside at all meetings ofthe Society and of the Hoard of Managers, or in his absence one ofthe Vice Presidents, Or in their absence a President pro tern. Art. 8. The Corresponding Secretary shall receive and keep all communications or publications directed to the Society, and transmit those issued by them, and shall correspond with the agents, or any other bodies or indi\ iduals, according to ihe directions of the Socie- ty or the Manag< i s. Art. 9. The Recording Secretary shall notify all meetings ofthe Society and of ihe Board of Managers, and keep the records of Ihe same. Art. Id. The Treasurer shall collect the subscrip- tions and donations to the Society, hold all its funds, and make payments according to the directions of the Managers; and he shall keep a true account of the same, and render a Statement, to accompany the An- nual Report of the Society. Art. II. Any Anti-Slavery Society, or any asso- ciation founded' on kindred principles, may become auxiliary to this Society, by contributing to its funds, and may communicate with us by letter or delegation. Art. 12. The Society shall hold meetings on the last Monday of March, June and September, for the transaction of any business which may be presented by the Board of Managers, or for addresses, or tor discus- sion ot any sublet t connected with the objects of the Society. Special meetings ofthe Society may be call- ed by ihe Board of Managers, or by the Recording Secretary, on application from ten members of the So- ciel\ . \i;t. 13. Tins Constitution may be altered at the Annual Meeting for the choice of officers, provided the amendments proposed to be made, have been submit- ted to the Board of Managers, in writing, one month previous. A STATEMENT OF THE FRIGHTFUL DECREASE OF THE SLAVE POPULATION IN THE SUGAR COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. [Drawn up from Official Returns by T. F. Buxton.] Antigua Berbice Demerara Grenada Jamaica Montserrat Nevis St. Christophers St. Lucia St. Vincent's Tobago Tortola Trinidad Decrease in the above thirteen Colonies, the average being 11 1-13 years, 48,097 Mauritius Decrease in 10 3-4 years 10,767 ere as 3 in 11 years 868 do 9 do 1,844 do 12 do 12,037 do 12 do 2,597 do 12 do 18,024 do 11 do 131 do 11 do 192 do 10 do 1000 do 13 do 1,942 do 10 do 1,248 do 10 do 2,803 do 10 do 143 do 13 do 6,168 58,864 Deduct. Increase in the two following Colonics, viz : — Dominica in 9 years Barbadoes in 12 years 11 5.966 5,977 Total decrease in the Slave population in the Sugar Colonies, on an average of eleven years, 52,887 LATEST RETURN OF THE SLAVE POPULATION IN THE BRITISH COLONIES. Colonies. Years. Men. Women. Totals. Antigua 1828 14,066 15,773 29,839 Barbadoes 1829 37,691 44,211 81,902 Berbice 1828 11,284 10,035 21,319 Demerara 1829 37,141 M:Mu 69,467 Dominica 1826 7,362 8,030 15,392 < rrenada 1829 11,711 12,434 24,145 Jamaica 1829 158,254 164,167 322,421 Montserrat 18'28 2,867 .;.. ;>.>:> 6,262 Nevis 1826 4,57 1 4,685 9,259 St. Christopher's 1827 9,198 10.112 19,310 St. Lucia 1828 6,280 7,381 [3,661 St. Vincent's 1827 11,583 12,006 23,589 Tobago 183 5,872 6,684 12,556 Trinidad l:;::; 13,141 10,865 24,006 Tortola 1828 2,510 2,889 5,399 333,534 344,993 678,527 Mauritius 1826 47,657 29,117 76,774 Totals 381,191 374,110 755,301 White and Black Population of the Slave States. 31 [From the Western Luminary.] Pursuant to the request of the Fayette County Colonization Society, I furnish the statistical tables used by me. In the cal- culations there may be some very inconsider- able inaccuracy ; they were made early last- fall, and have not been since revised. If there is any inaccuracy, it is too inconsiderable to make a material difference in the result. DANIEL MAYES. TABLE shewing the relative increase oj Blacks and Whites, from 1820 to 1830. MARYLAND. 1820. 1830. White 200,219 291,093=11 2-3 per cent. Black 147,128 155,820=6 per cent. Slaves decreased from 107,398 to 102,876. Free Black increase from 39,730 to 52,942=33 1-3 per cent. VIRGINIA. White 603,074 694,445=15 per cent. Black 462,042 516,817=12 3-4 per cent. Free Black from 36,889 to 47,103=27 2-3 per cent. GEORGIA. White 189,566 296,614=56 1-2 per cent. Black 151,419 219,890=45 3-4 per cent. NORTH CAROLINA. White 419,200 472,433=10 1-2 Black 219,629 266,037=21 Free Black, 35 per cent. SOUTH CAROLINA. White 237.410 257,875=8 1-2 Black 165,299 323,570=22 White increase 20,435. Black increase 58,571. White Black White Black White Black White Black 85,451 42,446 ALABAMA. 180,171=122 1-2 119,035=140 1-6 MISSISSIPPI. 42,176 70,618=67 1-3 33,272 66,188=99 LOUISIANA. 72,383 89,379=21 3-4— gain 15.996 79,510 126,412=59— gain 46,872 339,295 82,836 TENNESSEE. 537,930=58 1-3 146,898=78 1-3 KENTUCKY. White 4.34,644 518,678=19 1-3 Black 129,451 170,166=39 Increase free Blacks from 2,759 to 4,816=75 per ct. MISSOURI. White 55,988 114,552=104 1-2 Black 10,569 25,532=132 ARKANSAS. Free pop. B. and W. 14,273 30,383=200 Slaves 1,617 4,578=270 2-3 FLORIDA. 1830. Total, 34,723.— Slaves, 15,540. Nearly half Slaves. //. Table exhibiting the relative, average in- crease of the different classes from 1 820 to 1830, in Maryland, Virginia, North Car- olina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, 1840 W. 1850 w. I860 w. 1870 w. 1880 w. 1890 w. 1900 w. !',. 3,011,1.56 B. 1,136,380 B. 6,625,476 rJ. 9,010,647 B. 12,4 .1,151 B. 16,910.853 B. 22,898,700 Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, Missouri. 1820. 1830. Free White 2,741.166 3.533,788=28 1-2 per cent. Black 1,624.069 2,236,365=36 1-2* Free Black 117,178 158,719=35 1-2 III. Table shounng the relative strength of the White and Black population, at the close oj each successive tenyears, to the end of the pres- ent century, supposing the rale of increase, to continue in the same ratio as during the last ten. 4,523,248 5,789,737 7,131,863 9,129,770 11,696,110 1 1,967,4 10 18,158,297 Blacks exceed Whites by 4,741,166. IV. Table exhibiting the relative strength of Black and White population in 1790 and 1830, in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. 1790. 1830. While 1,777,357 2,531,138 1790 2 1-4 W. to IB. Black 582,023 1,552,318 1830 1 1-4 W. to 1 B. V. Table shoiving weight of population per square mile in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alaba- ma, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, Missouri, and what it will be in 19C0, if increase at the same ratio. No. sq. ms. 501,333: pop. 1830. 5,770,153=11 1-2 pr. m. pop. 1900.41,056,997=81 9-10 Black pop. 1900. 22,898,700=45 1-2 pr. m. Exceeding the present rate of population of an}' State in theTJnion but two, and = to that of Kentucky, multiplied by 3 3-4. VI. Table showing the comparative longevity of Whites and Blacks. According to the Census of 1830, there were upwards of one hundred years old in the U. States — White males 297 Females 234 Male slaves 717 Female 662 Male free B. 382 Female 359 Male Blacks 1090 Female 1021 Total— White, 531. Total— Black, 2120. LIBERAL DONATION. John Kenrick, Esq. of Newton, the vete- ran advocate of universal emancipation, has recently paid over to the New-England Anti- Slavery Society the sum of One Hundred Dollars, as a part of the fund about to be raised by the Society for the establishment of a Manual Labor School for the instruction of Colored Youth. This esteemed friend, a few months since, made a donation to the Society of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to promote its benevolent objects. * While this sheet is going through the press, we notice an error in this number, which affects the 3d ta- ble, but have neither time nor space to correct it. 3*2 Letter from an Infant Slave to the Child of its Mistress. — The Sugar- Plums. [From the Liberator.] LETTER FROM AN IEFAKT 51 IVE T'> THE CHILII OF IT? MISTRESS. BOT] ' !HE SAME DAT. B \ • linos coining from me. Addressed to j For babies black of three months old II, as I 've been told. ■ white ones do.* There are some things I hear and see. Which very much do puzzle me. Pray don't 'hey you ! For the same day our lives begun, And all things here beneath die sun. To both are new. Bal>\ - I hear you cry. And manv run to find out why. cure the pain : But when I cry from pi - - I ere s no one round who seems to hear. I cry in vain. Fxeept it be when she is nig Whose gentle love. I know not why. Is all for me ; Her tender care soothes all my pain. Brings to my face those smiles again, She smiles to see. With hunger faint, with grief distre-- I once my wretchedness With urgent power : Some by my eloquence annoyed. To still my grief rough blows employed. — Oh dreadful hour ! When first thy father saw liis child. With hope and love and joy he smiled. Bright schemes he planned ; Mine groaned, and said with sullen brow. Another slave is added now To diis free land. Why am I thought so little worth. You prized so highly from your birth? Tell, if you know : Why are my woes and joys as nought. With careful love yours shunned or sought ? Why is it so ? My own dear mother, it is true. Loves me as well as yours does you ; But when she "s s None else to me a care extends : Oh why have you so many friends, I only one ? Why must that one be sent away. Compelled for long, long hours to stav Apart from me ! I think as much as I she mourns. And is as glad when she returns. Her child so see. One day I saw my mother weep. A tear fell on me when asleep. Anil made me wake ; Not for herself that tear was shed. Her own woes she could bear, she said, But for my sake. She could not bear, she said, to think That I the cup of wo must drink, Which she had drunk ; That from my cradle to my grave, 1 - a wretched slave, i I . >onk. Her words I scarcely understood. to speak of little good, For coming Hut joy with all my musings blends, And infant thought not far extends Its hopes and (i I ponder much to comprehend What sort of beings, gentle friend. We 've got among; Some dungs in my experience, Do much confound my budding sense I I right and wrong. I ' .1 love you ; 't is not right To love you less because you "re white ; Then surely you Will never learn to scorn or hate \\ :i the same Maker did create irker hue. Beneath thy pale uncolored skin. As warm a heart may beat widiin. A- eats in me. Uujusdy I will not for. ire not colored white or jet. In thee or me. Your coming of the tyrant race, I will not think in you disgrace. Since not your choice ; If you "re as just and kind to me. Through all our lives why may not we In love rejoice ? E. T. C. * See in the Juvenile Miscellany, a letter from an infant in Charleston, (S. C.) to her cousin in chusetts. [From the Genius of Universal Emancipation.] THE SUGAR-PLUMS. No. no. pretty sugar-plums ! stay where you are ! Though my grandmother sent you to me from so far ; You look very nice, you would taste very sweet. And I love you right well, yet not one will I eat. For the poor slaves have labored, far down in the south. To make you so sweet, and so nice for my mouth; But I want no slaves toiling for me in the sun. Driven on with the whip, till the long day is done. Perhaps some poor slave-child that hoed up the ground. Round the cane in whose rich juice your sweetness was found. Was flogged till his mother cried sadly to see. And I'm sure I want nobody beaten for me. So grandma. I thank you for being so kind. But your present to-day is not much to my mind ; Tho' I love you so dearly. I choose not to eat Ev'n what you have sent me. by slavery made sweet. Thus said little Fanny, and skipped otTto play, Leaving all her nice sugar-plums just where they lay ;, As mcrrv as if they had gone in her mouth. And she had not cared for die slaves of the south. MARGARET. \ry The Treasurer of the New-England Anti-Sla- verv Societv acknowledges the receipt of Fifteen Dollars from Mr. Prince Farmer of Salem, to constitute him a Life Member of the Society. Also. Thirty Four Dollars from Mr. Ebenezer Dole — Fiftt Dollars from Mrs. Sarah H. Wieslow, and Fifteen Dollars from Mrs. C. W i >- sto W . both of Portland . THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] MARCH, 1833. [NO. III. CONTINUATION OF EXTRACTS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT. The Board of Managers of the New En- gland Anti-Slavery Society, in presenting to the public their First Annual Report, deem it proper to make a full developement of the mo- tives which led to the formation of the Socie- ty, — the principles which govern its actions, — and the purposes which it aims to accomplish. It is right that the people of this country, — and especially of New-England, to whose countenance and patronage the Society more directly appeals, — should understand, fairly and plainly, these motives, and principles, and purposes. Self defence against the misrep- resentations and assaults of ignorance, preju- dice and malice, — the success of the cause of truth and justice, — imperiously require such an exposition at their hands. The Managers, while they feel cheered in view of what has been accomplished during the past year, cannot withhold the expression of their regret that there is, in this wide commu- nity, such a general aversion to a close, candid and zealous investigation of a subject, which involves the temporal and everlasting welfare of millions of the human family, and the per- manency of the institutions of this country. The ignorance which prevails among all clas- ses respecting the nature, extent and wither- ing tendency ofslavery,as it exists in the south- ern states, is as surprising as it is deplorable. Many persons, of good information on other subjects, cannot even guess the number of the slave population ; others are hardly able to designatebetweenthe free and the slave states; others seem not aware of the fact, that, in va- rious portions of territory, slavery is maintain- ed by the people and government of the Uni- ted States ; others know so little of the physi- cal sufferings and spiritual deprivations of the slaves, as to receive with incredulity, if not positive unbelief, the most well-authenticated facts ; others possess merely a general statis- tical knowledge, but have never traced the pernicious effects of slavery upon the prosper- ity and happiness of the slave States, or imag- ined that it is, and must inevitably be, the source of national division. Hence, to this general ignorance may be attributed the success of the colonization scheme, which, having been received upon trust, is still viewed by many benevolent indi- viduals as providing a remedy for slavery. VOL. I. Hence, too, the facility with which false and wicked accusations against the cause of abo- lition, and its advocates, have been circulated throughout the country ; and hence the ne- cessity for the present defence. The motives ivhich actuated the jounders of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society ivere not those of hostility to the interests or persons of slave-owners. From the statements and complaints of the planters themselves — from the visible curse which rested upon the slave-tilled soil — from the natural unproductiveness of slave labor, the slaves being robbed of all motives for long-continued, well-directed exertions — from the debasing and barbarous tendency of the system — from the fears of insurrection, which always harass the repose and embitter the cup of oppressors — from the solemn lessons which all history teaches, that tyranny cannot always be exercised with impunity — and from the many revolts, which, since the introduction of slaves into this country, had taken place, grow- ing more and more formidable, and ending with the terrible massacre at Southampton, in Vir- ginia — they were convinced that the abolition of slavery was the only mode of preserving the lives and increasing the wealth of their south- ern fellow-citizens. They saw that custom and education, as well as a mistaken policy, had blinded the eyes of the planters to their best interests ; and while they felt and ex- pressed, as christians and philanthropists, the strongest moral indignation, in view of the conduct of the transgressors, they likewise cherished the utmost benevolence of feeling toward them. To deduct aught from the sum of their happiness, in order to increase that of their victims — or to depress them in proportion to the elevation of the slaves — was not the design of the founders of the Anti-Slavery Society. It was because their good-will and philanthropy were as broad as the earth, em- bracing all men as members of one family, and estimating the happiness and worth of all by the same standard, that they were impelled, in defiance of persecution and reproach, to put forth every exertion for the overthrow of slavery. Nor ivere their motives those of a sectional character. They associated together to main- tain, not to destroy the Union, by endeavoring to remove the cause of division. They be- lieved, inasmuch as it is impracticable satisfac- »4 Annual Report of the Board of Managers. torily to legislate for a portion of the people as men, and another portion as catth tliere could be no end to collisions until the root of bitterness was taken away; and that nearly all the troubles and excitements in the land sprang from slavery. There wer ao difficulties or heart-burnings between the free States: they did not threaten each other, or talk of a separation one from .mother. The longer slavery was tolerated, the more proba- ble, in their conviction, was a dism of the Union. To s sek its utter annihilation, then, hoc; them as wise men, as patriots, as christians, as lovers of their country. Thejf 3, or vain, that the formation of an anti-slavi such as they contemplated, would e; opposition ; or that they could go into a free discussion of the question of slavery, subjecting themsel - to greal n pn ach as disorganize rs, madmen, and fanatic.-. All the angry ebullitions which their exertion elicited, both at the north and the south, they were prepared to meet. They had n native but to act the part oi - ite, and steel their hearts and close their ears to the cries of two millions of their fellow-cr< or, like the good Samaritan, to compa the bleeding victims, and seek their Ti ance. However high the tempest of p might rise, on the avowal of their sentiments and designs, they were consoled to believe that it woidd serve to purify a foul atmosphere which was generating moral death. However unkindly their expostulations, warnings, re- bukes and efforts might at first be received by the possessors of slaves, they could not doubt their efficacy to produce, ultimately, a radical reform. However cruelly the slaves might be treated by the excited masters, inconsequence of their benevolent interposition, they knew that that aggravated cruelty would only serve to make slavery more odious in the sight of the people, and hasten its downfall. T postulation of Moses with Pharaoh only har- dened the heart of the tyrant, and induced him to increase the burdens of the Israelites; for he 'commanded tJu sameddif, the taskmasters of the people, and their officers, saying, JTe shall no more give the people straw to make brick as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.' Such a result was peculiarly distressing to Moses: even his af- flicted brethren upbraided him sharply for his interference. 'And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood in the way, as they came forth from Pharaoh: and they said unto them, The Lord look upon you, and judge ; because ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us.' History is full of instruction upon this point: there is scarely an instance on re- cord where the exertions of reformers to break the fetters of tyranny were not; immediately succeeded by new and gr^vous disabilities, imposed by the angry oppressors upon their vassals. The guilty Jews were cut to the heart by the faithful preaching of Stephen: ried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon hint with one accord, and cast him out of die city, and stoned him.' All such outrages, however, promote the cause of truth, and defeat the object for which they were perpetra Let abolitionists derive consolation and . Let them meek- ly bear the taunts and r 3 of half-way 1 temporising gradualists, who ac- cuse them of prov holders to treat rigorously than ever. The : doers. Upon the perpe- trators of the ices must punish- ment be executed by Heaven. Abolitionists deeply regret to perceive no disposition, on the part, of! he slaveholding States, to cease from their oppression. Within the last two years, the Legislatures of Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama and Ten- . have pas: specting the free colored and slave population of those States,. which are in the highest degree atrocious. The spirit of persi cution is abroad, with mii.y; but its violence will I lion. The New-England Anti-Slavery Society tolerates no compromise of principle. Its de- mands upon the holders of slaves are as impe- rative as those of the book of inspiration — 'to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free.' To all the palliatives and excuses which they and their apologists present for their op- pressive conduct, it replies in the language of Jehovah, 'Thou shalt not steal' — 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, - nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's' — 'Behold the hire of the laborers, which have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth ; and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.' It regards with dismay and horror the doctrine which is becoming popular in this land, especially in regard to slavery, that 'the end sanctifies the means 1 — that ex- pediency is duty, but duty is not expediency — that the guill of oppression belongs to past generations, and repentance to posterity — that the circumstances of the times, the laws ofthe States, the preservation oi' life and property, justify robbery and oppression, and a violation of all the commandments — and that immediate and universal obedience to the requirements ofthe gospel, on the part of transgressors, will produce worse results than continuance in sin, or a gradual reformation. * * * # # Whatever ignorance or delusion may ad- vance to the contrary, the guilt of slaveholding Address of William J. Snelling, Esq. 35 is national ; the evil is national ; and ' a com- mon evil implies a common right to apply a remedy.' We, of New-England, deeply par- ticipate in the guilt of oppression, having early commenced enslaving the natives of Af- rica, and up to the last hour of the legality of the traffic, actively prosecuted the foreign slave trade. To the south Ave are now pledg- ing our physical force, in case of insurrection, and giving our co-operation, without which they could not long retain their victims in ser- vitude. To the slaves, therefore, we are bound to make reparation ; and no pretext or device can release us from our obligations. ' Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poof, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.' The Board of Managers would solemnly protest against the doctrine, that slavery con- cerns the south alone, and that the people of the free States have no right to demand its removal. They regard it as politically and morally false, calculated to paralyze the con- sciences and efforts of the people, and give perpetuity to the system. It is true, the peo- ple of New-England cannot legislate for the southern States ; that the national compact was so framed as to guarantee the legal pos- session of slaves ; and that physical interfer- ence would be a violation of christian princi- ples. But, so long as slaves are hold in the District of Columbia and in the Territories of the United States ; so long as ours is a repre- sentative government, subject to the will of the people ; so long as no efforts are made to modify or repeal the present compact, by those who have both the right and the power thus to do ; so long as the interests of the non-slave- holding States are jeoparded by the twenty- five slave votes in Congress : so long as mor- al influence, widely and wisely disseminated, is productive of beneficial results ; so long as public opinion is the lever of national reform ; so long as the people of New-England are lia- ble to be called upon to put down slave insur- rections ai, the south; so long as there is nei- ther the liberty of speech nor of the press, on the subject of oppression, in a large portion of our country; so long as southern States deprive the colored citizens of New-England, who may visit them, of their liberty and the rights of cit- izenship guaranteed to them by the Constitu- tion of the United States; so long as slavery mars the harmony, divides the policy, retards the prosperity, and fearfully threatens the ex- istence of the nation ; so lone;' as the commands of Jesus remain binding upon all men, 'What- soever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them' — ' Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ; so long as there remains any flesh in our hearts, any physical or moral affinity between us and our enslaved brethren, any love to God or man in our souls ; it never can be true that the people of New-England are not bound to use their moral and political power to overthrow slavery in the United States. EXTRACTS FROM AN ADDRESS, DELIVERED BEFORE THE N. E. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, BY WM. J. SNELLING, ESns, who com- pose indiscriminately different orders of the community. Therearei m merchants, fanners, doctors, lawyers, priests and officers of different ranks. Every considerable town in the interior has regiments composed of them.' The b nefits arising from them, he adds, have disposed the whites to think of making free the whole negro population. .Mr. Koster, an Englishman living in Brazil, confirms Mr. Walsh's statement.! 'There are black regiments,' he observes, 'composed entirely and exclusively of black Creole sol- diers, commanded by black Creole officers .from the corporal to the colonel. I have seen the several guard-houses of the town occupied by these troops. Far from any apprehension be- ing entertained on this score, it is well known that the quietude of this country, and the feel- ing of safety which every one possesses al- though surrounded by slaves, proceed from the contcntcdness of the free people.' An experiment tried on a small scale in Tor- tola (it must be owned with some peculiar ad- vantages) has been completely successful. .Samuel Nottingham, a quaker who became possessed of a small estate in Tortola, to which were attached twenty-five negroes, determin- ed on manumitting them, and did so by a deed executed on the 30th of June, 1776. 1 E< them a plantation with every thing thereunto belonging, and secured it to them and their offspring. In the year 1822, this plantation was visited several times by two highly respec- table gentlemen, who give the following ac- count of its proprietors. 'Of the original per- sons liberated, nine are still alive ; besides whom there are twenty-five of their children, and nine grand children, making in all forty- five persons. The whole of them reside on the same plantation, which they ha. since cultivated. Half ofit is chiefly in pro- visions, and the rest is used as pasturage for their stock, which consists of twenty-eighl cows, thirteen goats and thirteen hogs. Jef- *Walsh's Notes on Brazil, vol t Amelioration of Slavery, published in No. 16 of the Pamphleteer. I'rey Nottingham, one of those originally 0- mancipated, exclusive ofhis share in the plan- tation ami stock, possesses five acres of land, ■ in Spanish town, and a vessel of twen- ty-three feel keel. Diana and Eve have each a boat of seventeen and fourteen feet keel. For some years, the seasons were so bad that they found it difficult to get water for their stock, and got little return for their labor ; but still l hey had been able to support themselves, and to acquire the property mentioned above, while they increased in number from 25 to 43. Not one of them is now in debt; and their property is free from all incumbrance. During the whole period since their emancipation, i me of them have been sued in court, or brought before a Magistrate to answer to any complaint. They are a line healthy race, ail black, and seem to dwell very happily togeth- er/ The account given in several Jamaica new s- papersofthe condition of a little colony of runaway slaves in Trelawny proves very de- cidedly their fitness for freedom; yet there is not the slightest reason to think that they were better qualified to make a. good use ofit than any other slaves in our colonies. These ac- counts are '.\\ri\ by their enemies, who mix with the description insults and wishes for their destruction. About the year L812, a dozen negroes who had escaped from slavery, settled themselves in the back districts of Tre- lawny, in the interior of Jamaica, where they built a few houses and brought two hundred acres of land into cultivation. The Montego Bay Gazette of October 20th, 1824, gives the following account of the state in which a par- ty who went to seize the settlers as runaways, found their town and lands. 'They had a- abouttwo hundred acres of very fine provisions in full bearing, with abundance of hogs and poultry. The houses appear to be of consid- erable magnitude, are well built, shingled and floored; one of the buildings is seventy feet long, another forty, and i'<^v under twenty-five. We also understand that there are near the town, from thirty to forty acres of beautiful coffee and a. large Held of canes.' The Corn- wall Courier, of November 3rd, gives nearly me account, and adds, 'We understand a runaway, who is taken, mentions there is a track to the town from Windsor Pen, by which the negroes of different estates have been in the practice of going with asses to exchange salt provisions with the runaways for their ground provisions, and with which they have added to the supply of the Sunday Market in n.' The Cornwall Gazette of Novem- ber 2nd, says. ' After our last publication, we irculation to a bulletin briefly relating the particulars of the now famous town, called by its refined and polished inhabitants, 'We en, you no come.' The party of militia and maroons, under the command of Lieuten- ant Colonel Scott, after a march ofeight hours, Letter from James Cropper to Thomas Clarksou. 3U reached the first of their provision-grounds, consisting of a cocoa piece nearly a mile from the town. The party now having full posses- sion of the town, quietly took up their quarters in the houses where the former possessors had been busily employed hi culinary affairs, and the assailants became partakers of that cheer which was intended for themselves.' The wri- ter of the account adds, ' The Jamaica journ- als, before-mentioned, contain no direct charge against the inhabitants of this lilt!' All the circumstances mentioned (and these are given by their enemies) warrant us in con- cluding that they kept themselves peaceably at home, and that they did no injury to their neighbors. Indeed, it appears that they were useful to them, as through the medium of the negroes who came to them with their asses, they contributed to supply with ground provi- sions the markets in one of the neighboring towns. These facts enable us to confute those calumnies which describe the negroes as insen- sible to the blessings of freedom, and convince us that they are able to manage their own concerns, and that they would work, if emanci- pated, willingly, and that they need no impulse from the whip. No one can look back to what these fugitives have done in the way of culti- vation, and believe that negroes would not work when emancipated, if a proper stimulus were given them.' A LETTER FROM JAMES CROPPER TO THOMAS CLARKSON. Liverpool, 10th month, 2d, 1832. My Dear Friend : It has caused me deep regret to see thy name amongst those of many long tried friends of humanity as supporters of the American Colonization Society ; though lam notsurpris- ed that many under the mask of a voluntary and prosperous settlement of free blacks on the coast of Africa — a measure in which every friend of humanity must rejoice — have been led to support a scheme, the nature and effects of which are of a, very different character. In judging of this scheme, we ought never to lose sight of two facts with respect to the enslaved Africans in the United States, in which tlic enormities of that free country have exceeded those of any other. The first is, that slaves are regularly bred tor sale. The second, that in many of the States, the laws affecting free blacks are of so violently perse- cuting a character as to compel those who ob- tain their liberty to leave those States. From the former of these causes, instances must often occur, (from the state of morals in slave countries.) of fathers selling their own chil- dren ! ! From the latter has originated the Colonization Society ; it arose out of these prejudices against color, and is a direct attempt to extend the same principle to transporta- tion. Why are slaveholders so anxious to send away free people of color ? Because their slave institutions would be endangered by the competition of respectable free black laborers ; and they dread still more their education and advancement in science. If they were desir- ous to serve the free blacks, they would in- struct them at home, (not a. few of them, but every one that they send,) and not send them in ignorance to a barbarous country. To this real scheme of transporting the peo- ple of color a professed one is attached, for the ultimate extinction of slavery, by the trans- portation of the whole black population to the coast of Africa ; and we are gravely told that one hundred thousand slaves are ready to be given up, if means can be found of sending them to Africa! A most extraordinary state- ment, and one for which I believe there is no foundation, in either fact or probability. Can it be believed that the slaveholders of the Uni- ted States are ready to give up their property, worth at least five millions sterling'} — a liber- ality unheard of since the foundation of the world. In all the rest of the United States, enough to pay the expense of their emigration cannot be raised, and hence it is sought for in England. If there was any truth in this won- derful statement, we must all of us have been sadly deceived about the debasing effects of slaveholding on the minds of those engaged in it. No other occupation ever produced such extraordinary liberality. It would be interesting to know to what class these men belong. Is it the practice of selling their own children, which has pro- duced this extraordinary effect? Or are these men amongst the slave buyers, who purchase them for no other purpose, than them their freedom as soon as the means of sending them to Liberia can be found ? Is it not. strange indeed, that any man can be bold enough to make assertions; soobviou ly at variance with truth? To what- ever extent this transportation of slaves was carried, the slaveholders know that the price of those slaves which remained would be en- hanced, and their condition embittered, by the removal of all hopes of liberty, so precious to the human soul. The free colored people being kept few and poor, will be prevented from rising, by fair competition, to the equal rank and honor to which that competition nat- urally conducts, whim not marred in its pro- gress by some such scheme as the American Colonization Society. No wonder that, with the exception of some who do not understand the plan, the planters are friendly to the colo- nization scheme. But the free people of color are opposed to this scheme. They have com- mitted no crime, and do not like to be transport- ed and to suffer the highest penalty of the law next to death. To whatever extent the United States ex- patriate their cotton cultivators, they destroy 40 Letter from James Cropper to Thomas Clarkson. one of the chief sinews of their own prosper- ity,and inc iptation to otherstates to renew th slave trade by fresh importations. The of the United State fully thirty years to come, would be required to purchase th and to transport them and th • !'i blacks to Africa. Such an idea as t tion of slavery by me Colonization Society can never have been se- riously ci id. No! — Perpetuation, and not extinction of slavery, is its object! The first command ever given to man was, 'Be fruitful and multiply.' Who can doubt that it is for his interest to obey this and every other command of God ? But in no case is it so manifest as when in a state of slavery. The value of men, as of every other commodity, is governed by their plenty or scarcity ; where they are so abundant that parishes' are will- ing to pay the exp mses of emigration to get rid of them, there must be an end of shivery. Every ii if numbers tends, whilst it is a proof of better treatment, to promote the mitigation and final extinction of slavery; and it musl be admitted that the Americans evince this proof of good treatment. The slaves in the United States have rapidly ed, and this increase has been highly ill to the cause of humanity. It is' es- timated that they have increased since 1808, (the time of both our and their abolition of the slave trade,) from 1,130,000 to 2,010,000, and they have more than trebled the growth of cotton since the peace of 1814, and have reduced its price to one third of what it then was, though the Brazils, with all their slave trading, have only added one fourth part to their growth of cotton in the same time. Hence it is plain, that if there has been any increase in the cotton cultivators of Brazils, few or no slaves can have been imported for its cultiva- tion. May avc not then say that the increase of the slave population of the United States has done more than all our enormous expen- diture for the suppression of the African slave trade ? It cannot but be interesting to thee to know what would have been the effect of a similar increase in the English West Indian slaves. Had they increased in the same proportion as those of the United States (since the aboli- tion of the slave trade) their numbers would have been 728,317 more than they now are, which, if employed in the cultivation of would have been sufficient to have pn duced an increase of 240,000 tons annually, whilst nil the slave trading of the Brazils and Cuba and the French colonies have only added 115,000 tons to their growth. Such an increase of sugar would have greatly reduced its price, and consequently the price of slaves, and thereby have destroyed the slave trade for the growth of sugar, as it has long since extin- guished that for the cultivation of indigo, and more recently for the growth of cotton. The disguise is now removing, and the real tendency of the society is becoming appar- ent. A bill was reported to the House of Delegates of Virginia for sending the free blacks away by force; but though this com- is rejected, it is added that several other motions were made, and deci- ded by majorities which amply proved the determination of the House, to adopt some measure for the removal of the free 1 legislators admit that the free blacks will not leave the hind without some sort of force ; which lute, or by rendering their situation absolutely intolera- ble. Great injury has been done to the cause of negro emancipation by the encouragement which the agent of this most diabolical scheme has received from the sanction of thy name. The term diabolical is not too severe ; for never did Satan, with more success, trans- form himself into an angel of light, than in the gloss which has covered its deform: These persecuted free blacks view the le plan witli the abhorrence which is just- ly du id with which we should view a plan of general transportation from the land of our nativity. The slave-owners are its ad- vocates and supporters. Surely the name of Clarkson will be withdrawn from the ranks of the oppressors, and will be found, as it has ever yet been, amongst the friends of the oppress- ed African race. Let us repair the injury which has been done on both sides of the water by this unholy connection between slaveholders and philan- thropists ; for since this scheme has been on foot, its deadening influence on the energies of the friends of humanity in the United States has been most manifest. Let there no longer be any doubt which side is taken by the philanthropists of Eng- land. Let them declare their deep feeling of sympathy with these sorely persecuted and oppressed people ; and such an example will be followed in the United States, where the friends of humanity will hasten to leave the ranks of the oppressors, and the cause of jus- tice will again flourish. May i particularly request thy attentive pe- rusal of the following twenty pages, written nd Charles Stuart, one of the most devoted Christians I have ever known, and an unwearied advocate of the oppressed Af- ricans. I am, with great regard, Thy sincere friend, JAMES CROPPER. 'Immortal souls'in slavery ! Subjects of the Efrace of God, and the purchase of the pre- cious blood of Christ, in slavery ! Beings ca- pable of all the blessings of civil society, de- prived of them all, to administer to the vices and pleasure of others ! If this be mercy, what is not ? Hail, ye sons of Benevolence ! ' Savage and Barbarous Customs of Different Nations. 41 [For the Abolitionist.] SAVAGE AND BARBAROUS CUSTOMS OF DIFFERENT NATIONS. Henry. Father, what were that gentleman and you talking about ? I thought it must be something very interesting, and I hoped he would come in, that we might hear him. Father. That gentleman has been a great traveller, and was telling of some very shock- ing and cruel customs which he had seen among barbarous nations in different parts of the world.* Henry. Will you tell us something about them, Father? Father. He told me he had once been among a people who had been in the habit of killing a great many of their little children, as soon as they were born. Mary. Oh! Father, how wicked ! Henry. Who killed them, Father ? Father. The fathers and mothers either killed them themselves, or employed others to do it. 'Mr. A. the gentleman who told me about it, once met a man who told him he had killed seven of his own children. These poor ignorant people had sum" notions, which made them think it was right to kill them. But good people, called m 3, have gone there from Christian countries to teach them to be good, and have translated the bible, or part of it, into their . and taught them to read it; and since tint, they have al- most all left off killing their children. Miry. Oh, how glad I am! Henry. What country was it, Father? Father. It was at the Society Islands, in the South Pacific ocean. You can find it on the map of the world, and may shew it to your little sister. Mr. A. afterwards went to anoth- er place, where the people were very savage and cruel ; but the most shocking thing among them was that they sometimes ate human beings, men, women and children. Mary. Oh, Father, how dreadful! I did not know any people did so. Hairy. My geography says that the New Zealanders are cannibals, that is, eaters of human flesh. Was this at New Zealand, Father ? Father. Yes, it was. Mary. Did they kill people on purpose to eat them ? Father. Yes — it was generally those whom they had taken prisoners in war, that they killed and ate. A little boy win* was in a ship that went there, and who thought the New Zealanders were going to kill him, asked his Father if it would hurt him to be eaten after he was killed. Miry. It would not hurt him, would it ? Father. No. But happily the poor child * All tin 1 torts concerning the customs of d countries, related in this dialogue, are believed to be true, though they were probably never all seen by any one traveller. VOL. I. was not killed, nor any of the people in the vessel. Mary. I think these New Zealanders are very wicked. Father. I do not think they know how wicked it is. Henry. Have any missionaries been sent there ? Father. Yes, and I hope they will soon learn better. In another country, Mr. A. saw a woman burned to death with the dead body of her husband. She got on a- pile of wood on which the body was burned, and one of her relations then set it on fire. Widows often did so in that country, because they im- agined that it was a good action, and that they should be happier for it after death. But there have been laws made to forbid the burning of any inure women. Mary. I am very glad of that. Henry. This country was Hindostan, was it not? I have read about it before. Father. You are right. At the next coun- try he went to, he saw many strange things. One day he saw a woman come out of a house, and blow a sort of whistle which she had by her side. At the sound of it, more than thirty children, who had no clothes on, came running up to a great trough, into which she poured a parcel of wash, such as people here feed pigs with. Then all the children stooped their heads down, and ate out of the trough. Mary. What ! without any spoons or plates ? Father. Yes, they sucked it up with their mouths, like so many little pigs. Hairy. You know, Mary, there are many savage nations who do not have such things as spoons or plates ; but I never heard of any who ate in this way before. .Mary. Were the children as big as I ? Father. They were from two to ten years old. Mary. Was the woman their mother ? Father. Oh no, she had bought them. Henry. Bought them ! bought children ! Was she going to cat them ? Father. No, the people in that country are not cannibals. I fairy. What did she want of them, then? Father. She was going to keep them till they grew bigger, and then she expected to sell them again for a good deal more than she had given for them, to people who wanted them to work for them. Miry. Was she kind to them ? Father. She did not seem to care any thing about them, only to give them food that they might grow larg-e enough to sell. Mary. Did their fathers and mothers sell them to the woman ? Father. No. Other people took them from their parents, and sold them. Mary. Did they not cry? Father. I dare say they did, poor little things, and their parents too, who would very likely never see their children again. 42 .FVee People of Color. Mary. Oh, I think these people are almost as bad as those who killed their babies. Henry. Oh no, .Mary, not so had as that Mary. Why only think, Henry, how we should feel to be taken away from our father and mother, and sold to a wicked woman, who would not care anything about us. Henry. I do nut know but they are worse than the New Zealanders, lor the people w bom they kill and eat are those whom they think their enemies, who would perhaps kill them if they did not; but these poor little children could not have' done any harm. Father. .Mr. A. was told a story of a little girl in the same country, who was suspect id oi having set a house on lire. She said she had not done it, but was not believed; ami was shut up in a room, and told that she must stay there without, any food, till she confessed that she had. After she had been a good while without food, she felt quite hungry, and weak, and sick. Mary. Poor little girl ! Father, if I felt so, I am afraid I should be so naughty as to say I had done the thing, even if I had not, so that they might give me something to eat. Father. At last she confessed that she had set the house on fire. Henry. Then I hope they forgave her. Father. My dear children, the rest of the story is almost too horrible to tell you. As soon as she had eaten the food that was given her, she said again that she did not burn the house, and had only said she did because' she was so hungry. But she was not believed, and the people burned her to death as a pun- ishment. Henry. How dreadful ! Are all the people so wicked ? Father. I hope not, but the burning of this poor child was done by the law of the coun- try. They have very strange laws there, Mr. A. said. He heard of some people who had committed murder, and others who had com- mitted other crimes, but were not punished, because those who kneAv about Avhat had been done were forbidden by law to tell what they knew to the judges. So they would not be afraid to do the same thing again. Henry. It is the strangest country I ever heard of. Father. So the traveller thought At last he found out that there were two distinct sets or classes of people in the country. One class were liable to have their children taken away from them and sold, like those I told you about; and indeed the men and women too, as well as the children, wen 1 sold about anion" 1 the other set of people, who made them do all their work. Those who bought and sold the others were the largest number, and the most powerful, and made all the laws. They made laws permitting themselves to do pretty much what they pleased to the other people. One law was that theso last must never give infor- mation to the judges of any crime committed by one of the powerful class. And these poor •and-sold people were punished much mores:\ a the others were, if they did any thinj Henry. 1 think the others treat them very sham fully, and cruelly, and unjustly; but I suppose you will say that they are poor igno- rant heathens, who do not have the bible, and do not know any better. Father. Once Mr. A. saw several of the people, men and women, who had just been sold. They had chains on to prevent their running away, and were driven along by a man with a greal whip, to the person's home who had bought them. Some of them were very unhappy, because th< y had just lefttheir chil- dren, and their husbands or wives, and every body whom they knew and loved behind them, and were never to see them again. .Mart/. Father, I hope some good mission- aries will go then 1 , and carry them the bible, and teach them to be good, and then they will leave off doing such wicked things. Father. I ought to tell you that these peo- ple are not as ignorant as the New Zealanders, andSocietv [slanders. Most of that part who buy and sell the others can read, and, you will be surprised to hear it, they have the bible among them ; but they will not allow the others to have it or to be taught to read. This is one of their strange laws. Henry. Oh, Father, I begin to think that I am afraid I know the name of the country. Father. My dear children, the people who do these tilings are considered a civilized peo- ple, and are called Christians, and the country in which these things are done is the United States of America ! T. E. FREE PEOPLE OF COLOR. It is often made a subject of reproach to the people of color, that many of them are poor and ignorant; and that a greater proportion of them than of the whites are guilty of crimes. Taking these facts for granted, and even ex- aggerating them, a conclusion is drawn by too many persons that their cruel prejudices against the African race are justified, that all attempts to elevate and improve them ought to be aban- doned, and that they ought all to be driven from among us as soon as possible. But this mode of reasoning is as weak as it is unjust. Why is a larger proportion of the blacks than of the whites, to be found amongst the most indigent and depressed classes, — those classes, of course, from which most crimes proceed? The answer is obvious. They have been slaves, or are the immediate descendants American Colonization Society. 43 of slaves. With but a few exceptions, there were no free blacks in the country fifty years ago. Is it strange, then, that they whose pa- rents were so recently slaves, the most degra- ded, despised, poor, and ignorant part of the community, — should not have among them so great a proportion of the great, the wise, the rich and the learned, as they who are descend- ed from more favored classes, especially when we recollect that the prejudice which was al- ways felt against negroes because they were slaves, has descended like a curse upon their free children ? If an observer could for a moment make the tide of time recede fifty years, and should se- lect the one hundred thousand most ignorant, poor, and abandoned white persons in the United States, and should then advance to the present time, and examine the survivors and their descendants, what proportion of them would he find enjoying the honors of wealth or rank, learning or virtue ? Though he would perhaps see that a few of the children had emerged from the unfortunate condition of their parents, and had become wealthy mer- chants, sagacious statesmen, learned judges, and pious ministers of the gospel, he would un- doubtedly find that a very large part of the whole number were still in the same deplora- ble state in which he saw the fathers fifty years ago. Why should we expect people of color to shake off in a moment the load of poverty and ignorance which oppresses them, when no reasonable man would expect white persons to do it in the same situation ? When I consider the difficulties under which the free people of color have all along labored in this country, — that they have always been regarded by the mass of the whites with scorn and contempt, — that in almost all the states they have suffered from unequal and oppres- sive laws directed against them by the preju- dices of the whites, — that they have been de- prived in a great measure of the usual means of education by the operation of these bar- barous prejudices, — and that in many places they have been debarred as far as possible from exercising, not only those employments which lead to Avealth and reputation, but even those which give a moderate competency — when I consider these things, I am far from being surprised that many of the free people of color should be poor, vicious, and ignorant, — but I am surprised to find that many of them have risen up under all these disadvantages — that some have shown ability in writing — that some have displayed talents in the pulpit — that some have acquired wealth by honest in- dustry, and many of them moderate compe- tencies — and that so many of them lead ex- emplary moral and religious lives. The exer- tions which the free people of color have made and are making, to improve themselves, com- mand my highest respect. When I see the associations which they have lately formed for this object, I see in these alone sufficient proof that they are not so degraded as they have been represented. In view of the facts to which I have alluded, what is the duty of every philanthropist and Christian towards these American descendants of Africa ? It is to aid and encourage all the efforts which they are making to elevate them- selves, — to banish from his own mind the un- worthy feelings which would lead him to re- gard any human being with contempt merely on account of his color ; and to teach his neigh- bors to follow his example. To the free people of color I would say, ' As you have been subjected to remarkable persecution, let it render you examples of re- markable virtue. Persevere in all your efforts to improve yourselves and educate your chil- dren ; and doubt not that in time you or your descendants will live down all the bitter pre- judices of your enemies.' P. H. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The elements of discord which this Society contains within itself are, at length, in conflict. We venture to predict that the issue of this collision will be the secession of many mem- bers of the Society. The following account of the annual meeting of the Society is taken partly from the Boston Atlas, and partly from the New- York Moral Advertiser. The cor- respondents of both papers who give these accounts are apparently friends of the Society. •' The last annual meeting- of the Colonization Socie- ty passed off, as usual, in a highly respectable manner, with able speaking, addressed to a large, attentive and dignified audience. Near the close of the meeting, the Secretary presented to the chairman a list of names for a committee to appoint the officers of the Society, telling him at the time that he presented it on his own responsibility. The committee were named according- ly, and the Secretary among the number. They omit- ted one of the old Managers, raised three or four more to the Vice Presidency of the Society, among whom were two or three of the most influential men in the District. The officers were so elected; and a new Constitution was also presented to the Society, which had been drafted by the Secretary without the concur- 44 American Colonization Society. rence of the Board of Managers, and the consideration of this was deferred to an adiourm Society, In the interim, the ejected Manager, assist- ed tt> an unknown extent by the \ ic ■ Presidents elect, who were also dissatisfied, sm i getting up the elements of a tempest. Ji was told that there was a secret combination to let in the .North to overshadow and blast the peace of the South through the channel of the < 'oloni; iti i Soi i •■ ; and that the Sei i and the fi ii i id new < lot lion, were radical abolitionists, ready to seize on the Society for the purpos rphosing it i breaking the fetters of the sis tion. The adjourned meeting was trulj aiul was continued to aboul midnight, a ■ were both the subsequent meetings. Scraping and brow-be and railing to order prevailed throughout tin eve- ning. ' The next, or third meeting of the Soi iety . was \ ery large, and verj stormy. The sofl and meli voices of Messrs. FrelingliU3 sen and Mr. Everett, were occasionally heard, assuasive as oil upon the raging waves, with an evident, but a momentary effect. A lunatic got up in the course of the evening, maintained his footing, and made quite an amusing speech, pari of which very aptly related to throwing coldwater. The new Constitution was brought forward, very little amended by a committee, of whom Mr. Frelinghuysen was one; — and at the close of the meeting the whole business was referre i to a most respectable committee, almost wholly of the two gentlemen alreadj named, and othi r eminent Mem 1 >ers of < !ongress.' At the next meeting, the committee re- ported — ■ The honorable committee entirely exonerated from blame all who had been instrumental in the changes in the officers; but said, "thai suspicions had been exte fsivelj circulated, the effect of which was to throw odium on the Society at the South, by represent- ing the change ol in effort to alt of the Society, and make it an abolitionist Nee/,///, en- tirely contrary to the constitution of the Society, which limits the Society's operations to the removal, with their consent, of the free people of color. The com- mittee were, therefore, una unions In recommending to the members recently elected, to re it .and that the Hoard of Managers continue lies year as last." The Secretary of the Society, who is a talented philan- thropist, made amost touching appeal, shewing the simplicity of his views and the correctness of his con- duct. It must. [ think, have vibrated through every heart. General .Mercer. Right Rev. Bishop V of Virginia, and other gentli men. all deeply inteiested in the cause of African Colonization, spoke feelingly on the importance of persuing such a course a, should continue to secure the confidence ofthe South, which could by no means he done, if the Society had but the least appearance of abolition. On tl othei hand, it was strongly contended, that die founders ofthe So- ciety had in the establishment ol' ii abolition as a re- mote object ; — and that this object ought by no means to be lost sijrht of, &,c. &c. 'lam persuaded that the Colonization Sorietv can never succeed in reconciling these two opposite inter- ests; for it cannot he disguised thai slaveholders, sav- ing a few solitary philanthropic exceptions, regard the Colonization Society as a means of ridding the country of a troublesome class of blacks, and also a, affording an opportunity for individuals so di ) id, to give freedom to iheir sla\<"-. Nortlvern colonizatiomsts, however, look on the Colonization Society as tending indirectly to the utter ov rthrow of slavery in the Uni- ted States. The good of Africa is, indeed, in their estimation, one item in the account, and but one. Northern men will never go far in advocating any So- ciety, which in its tendencies only rivets stronger the chains of slavery.' It appears from the Atlas that the debate at the last, meeting was as 'stormy as ever.' • About midnight th i taken on the Report. in a ion-, ■ ; , ,ai\ manner. Ii wa ; adopted by a bare majority : and some who counted say it was not adopted at all. notwithstanding the immense influ- ence in its favor, aided in no small degree by Bishop .Meade, appealing in hi- solemn manner to the con- i all, and to the go pi I of p< ice. Thus the ,iie, io public discussion, red nil the next annual meeting of the Socie- What the changes proposed in the constitu- tion were do tr. The correspondent of the Atlas states that the present ' constitu- tion admits all the officers of auxiliary societies, amounting in the North to about 1000, to vote at all meetings both of tin' Society and Board of Managers, and also every person paying a dollar annually, amounting in the North to 20 or .'10,000, to vote at all meetings of the So- ciety, embracing (lie change of the Constitu- tion and tlit! id, ction of Officers ;' and that the I Constitution makes some great change in tins arrangem int. Front the foregoing account, it appears very clearly that there tire two classes of members in the Colonization Society, whose views are diametrically opposed to one another. One party supports the Society because they be- lieve its measures tent! to the final abolition of slavery, and another, principally slavehold- ers, because they think that the removal ofthe free blacks will render their property in their slaves more secure. These two parties have alwny.-j existed in the S iciety, and an open rupture between them has only been prevent- ed by very cautious, we had almost, said cun- ning, management on the part of its conduct- ors, by holding up one view of its desirrn and objects at the South, and another at the North. We feel confident that the present crisis in rs of tlic Society will lead conscientious men to consider, not only what are its avowed pretej ions, but the real character and tenden- cy of its measures. To such men we propose the following questions : 1. Would not the removal of a portion of free laborers from any country, tend to raise the price of labor there ? For instance, would not the removal of ten thousand agricultural laborers from Massachusetts, tend to raise the price of agricultural labor in that State ? 2. Would not the removal of slaves from a slave State tend to raise the price or value of the remaining slaves? Thus, would not re- moving ten thousand slaves from Louisiana, increase the value of all who were left there ? Massachusetts Colonization Society. 45 Does not, in fact, the sale and removal of five or six thousand slaves a year from Virginia to other Southern States keep up the price of the remaining slaves there ? 3. Does not raising- the value of slaves tend to check their manumission ? 4. Ought a Society to be encouraged, whose 'operations tend to raise the price of slaves, and thus to diminish manumissions, especially when the more successful the Society is, the stronger will be that tendency ? 5. Is not the African Repository the organ of the Colonization Society? 6. Is not that book full of slanderous abuse of the free people of color? 7. Does not such abuse tend to increase the prejudices against the free people of color, and thus to render their situation here more uncomfortable ? 8. Is there one free person of color in a hundred, in the United States, who does not regard the Colonization Society as the great- est enemy of his race ? 9. Has not the Colonization Society, in one of its Annual Reports, applauded a proposed compulsory deportation of the free people of color. 10. Is it just to expel the free people of color from this country ? 11. Can any conscientious man support a Society, which approves of compelling the free people of color to quit this country by force, either moral or physical ? 12. Is it not one of the fundamental princi- ples of the Colonization Society, thai property in slaves is sacred, like other property ? Is it not reiterated in its annual rep. leech- es of its members an I "lucubra- tions of its periodical ? 13. Does not the expression, that pi is sacred, mean that its own* s ought no1 : deprived of it by legislation, or any other means ? and does it not imply that such prop- erty is rightful ? 14. Does a Society deserve the patronage of Christians, which holds that the legislatures of the states have not a right to declare that men shall cease to be held as property, with- out paying a compensation to their owners ? and which maintains that man may have a rightful properly in man? We wish that fair minded men who are in- clined to favor the Society, would consider these questions deliberately and candidly. Let them take nothing for granted, but examine for themselves the publications of the Society. For ourselves, we feel compelled to declare, that though we have the highest respect for the character and motives of many of its m! rn- hers, yet we hold the principles which it sup- ports, and the measures which it pursues, in utter abhorrence. And we cannot but feel deep regret that such men should be so delu- ded as to support such an institution. MASSACHUSETTS COLONIZATION SOCIE- TY. The second annual meeting of this Society was held in Park-street Church, in Boston, on the 7th ultimo. Resolutions were offered and sustained by the Hon. A. H. Everett, William Ladd, Esq.", Rev. Mr. Stowe, and Rev. Mr. Blagden, — all in support of the objects of the Parent Society. From the speech of Mr. Everett, we make a single extract : 'At first he was not so favorably impressed towards the Colonization Society, as he had since become by inquiring into its objects. Having understood its prin- cipal object to be tiic removal of the blacks to Africa, he had doubted the expediency of it ; and so far as the effort to remove the blacks was concerned, he still en- ti rtained those doubts. He did not see any probabil- n\ ol making any great impression on the mass of the black population, by the annual removals which this Society could ever accomplish, [f we could remove the prejudices which exist against the blacks, and se- cure to them the advantages enjoyed by other classes, there was nothing to prevent their becoming useful citizens. We do not want to remove them from the country because they are not wanted here, or because our population is crowded. There is room and verge enough for all the population we now have, and that will be likely to come to us, from other countries, for ,i c < ntury.' The remarks of the Rev. Mr. Stowe had little to do with the merits of the Colonization Society — they were fanciful and discursive, showing what Africa had been, what she now is, and what she might be, by the influence of the gospel and civilization. He concluded with the strong assertion that 'whoever oppo- sed the Colonization Society, so far opposed Christianity ' ! ! ! The Rev. Mr. Blagden's speech, in many points, was highly reprehensible. He avowed himself the enemy of immediate abolition. The following singular resolution was offer- ed by the Hon. Caleb Gushing. Resolved. That every patriotic and peaceful citizen of the United State , while he seeks by suitable means to better the condition of our colored population, hould mxiously abstain from acts inconsistent with the text or spirit of the Federal Constitution, and which have a tendency therefore to introduce into the al evils of incalculable magnitude, and at the same time defeat all the bi nevolent designs in be- half of the blacks by subverting the union of the states. Comment is unnecessary. 46 Moral Effects of the Slave Si/stem. — Cost of the Jamaica Rebellion. SLAVERY IN THE BRITISH WEST INDIES. From the Anti-Slaver ' London monthly publication, we receive much valua- ble intelligence as to the state of slavery in these Islands, and the progress of public opin- ion in Great Britain on ion of aboli- tion. From this ably conducted work we shall time make such extracts as we think will be im i our readers. VfORAL EFFECTS OF THE SI.A\ E SYSTEM. From the following return of the numbers isms in the Island of Jamaica, it ap- pears thai the uumber of legitimate children baptised in that Island, is little more than one third of the illegitimate. This account, taken from the Registry in the Bishop's office in Spanish town, is, as the Anti-Slavery Report- er informs us, ' confined to the free, there being no slave children that can be called legitimate.' The genera] licentiousness of manners which this table indicates has its origin in slavery. Return of Baptisms in Jamaica, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1830. Illes-itiinale. Legitimate. Total. St. Catharine, St. John, St. Dorothy, St. Thomas in the Vale, < Ilarendon, Vere. Manchester, St. Mary. St. Ann's, Kingston, Port Royal, St. Andrew, Portland. St. Thomas in the East, St. David, St. George, St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, Trelawny, Hano-. i i . St. James, Total 78 7 5 8 23 7 53 15 37 174 25 37 40 33 9 13 116 !!! ::i 21 112 958 34 112 5 12 2 7 6 14 9 .;.' 5 12 7 60 11 36 12 l:> 109 283 24 49 38 75 5 15 9 II 2 11 7 20 28 1 11 12 61 26 IK) 11 .;: 18 130 380 1338 LOSS OCCASIONED BY THE LATE REBEL- LION IN' JAMAH' \. The following extract is from a report of a Committee of the House of Assembly of Ja- maica. No commentary of ours could add to the weight of such an argument for immediate abolition. 'Your Committee further report that the injury sustained by tire late rebellion, by the slaves wilfully setting fire to buildings, grass and cane fields destroyed, robbery and plun- der of every description, damage done to the eding crops, loss of the la- bor of slaves, besides those killed in suppress- ing such rebellion, and executed after trial, as incendiaries, rebels and murderers, has been ascertained by means of Commissioners ap- pointed under an order of the House, and by the detailed returns made to the Committee, in conformity with such order, to amount to I he follow inn- sums of money, viz. — [n the parish of St. James, the sum of £606,260 In the parish of Hanover, the sum of 425,810 15 In the parish of Westmoreland, the sum of 17,092 In the parish ofSt. Elizabeth, the mum of 22,1 H'. 9 7 In the parish ofTrelawny, the 9um of l.'.'UO 7 6 Amount of injury sustained in the ■ county of Cornwall 1,106,259 12 1 In the parish ofManchester, tin sum of l',.J70 Amount of injur v sustained in the county of Middlesex 46,270 In the parish of Portland, the sum of 772 10 In the Parish of St. Thomas in the East _ 1,280 Amount of injury sustained in the county of Surrey 2,053 10 £1,154,583 2 1 'To which is to be added the sum of £161,596. l!».s. 9d.-, being the expense incur- red in suppressing the late rebellion, and a further expense, not yet ascertained, which has accrued since martial law ceased, being the pay and rations of a portion of the Ma- roons, as well as detachments of the island militia employed in the pursuit of such of the rebellious slaves who have not surrendered themselves, but remain out, and are sheltered amongst the almost inaccessible forests and fastnesses in the interior districts of the island.' COLORED LEGISLATORS. Our readers will be gratified to find from the following piece of intelligence the rapid advance which the free colored people of Ja- maica are making. Their success is a sure omen of (lie speedy extinction of slavery in that Island. • One of the first fruits of the recent emancipation of the free Macks and colored inhabitants of Jamaica, from th: :i\il and political disabilities under which they had groaned so long, has been the return, on the occurrence of two vacancies in the House of Assem- bly, of two gentlemen of color, namely, Mr. Price Watkis, a barrister, for the city of Kingston, and .Mr. Manderson, for the populous and wealthy Parish of St. James. The first vote given by Air. Watkis was in support of an unsuccessful motion to adopt a com- pulsory manumission law for that island. He stood in a small minority, it is true; but the battle of freedom has boon ci nenced iii the very strongest hold of sla- very ; ami its final triumph cannot be doubted.' FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN SLAVE COUN- TRIES. There is an act of the legislature of Jamaica which declares that, ' if any person shall ma- Cause of the Rebellion in Jamaica. — The Dying Slave. 47 liciously and advisedly endeavor to excite, or stir up, any free person or slave to commit any act of insurrection or rebellion, lie shall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of felony, and shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy.' Under this act Mr. Jordon, the Editor of the Watchman, was on the 17th of April last tried capitally, for having, in his paper of the 7th of the same month, used the following lan- guage : — 'Now that the member of West- moreland (Mr. Beaumont) is on our side, we shall be happy, with him and the other friends of humanity, to give a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, until we bring down the system by the run, knock off the fetters, and let the oppressed go free.' He seems to have been saved from the mar- tyrdom intended for him, as the enemy of sla- very and the friend of missions and missiona- ries, only by a. failure in the proof of editor- ship on the day laid in the indictment. — Anti- Slavery Reporter. CAUSE OF THE REBELLION IN JAMAICA. The cause of the recent rebellion in Jamaica which the advocates of slavery have charged upon the discussion of the question of abolition in England, is satisfactorily pointed out by the Anti-Slavery Reporter in the following ex- tract from a Kingston (Ja.) paper. ' We have endeavored to ascertain the causes which led to the disturbances in St. James, and find that an attempt to deprive the negroes of" two of their holidays, is the principal, if not the only one. Christmas day was Sunday. This latter is unquestionably the pro- perty of the slave. Theywere therefore entitled to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and it was an at- tempt to deprive them of the two last named, that led to (he disagreeable results which all must lament.' — This view of the jbject is borne out by the circum- stances of Colonel Law son's letter being dated the 28th, (Wednesday,) a circumstance, in itself, sufficient to justify the conclusion, that attempts had been made on the previous dav, (Tuesday,) to compel the negroes to work. If our views l>e correct, it is easy to perceive on whom the blame ousrht to rest.' [From the Genius of Universal Emancipation.] THE DYING SLAVE. ' I was in the right mood for it, and so I gave full scope to my imagination.' He lay on a straw couch, with his face half turned towards the sinking sun. The skin was drawn tightly over his forehead, as though n was parched and shrunken by extreme age ; hut the restless and uneasy wanderings of his eye told that he still claimed some compan- ionship with earthly feelings. He was a slave ; and for more than an hun- dred years he had gone forth to the daily toil of a bondman. It was said that in the ' father land,' from which he had been torn by unprin- cipled violence, he had been a prince among his people. In the first days of his slavery, he had been fierce and ungovernable, nor could his haughty spirit ever be tamed into subjec- tion until it had been subdued by gratitude. Tito lather of his present master had in his childhood, by interfering to save him from punishment, received on his own body the blows intended for the slave; and from that moment he became to his youthful master a devoted servant. The child had grown up to manhood, flourished throughout his term of years, and faded away into the grave, but still the aged Afric lingered upon the earth ; and it was for the son of that man that he now waited, and, to use his own expression, 'held back his breath,' until he should behold him. At length the light of the low cabin door was darkened, as the master stooped his tall form to enter the dwelling of his slave. I have come, said he, as he approached, what would you with me ? The negro raised himself up with a sudden energy, and stretched out his withered hand. Have I not borne you in my arms in your helpless infancy, said he, and should I not once more behold you before I die ? Heed me, master! ere yon sun shall set, the last breath will have passed my lips — its beams are fast growing more aslant and yellower — tell ini\ before I die, if Ihavenot servedyou faith- fully ? Von have ! I have been honest and true — I have never spoken to you a falsehood — I have never de- served the lash ? To my knowledge, never! said his master. Then there is but one more boon that I would crave of you ; — I am going home, — to revisit the scenes of my youth — to mingle with the spirits of my friends ! Suffer me not to return to them a slave! My fathers were proud chieftains among their native wilds — they sought out the lion in the midst of his secret recesses — they subdued the strength of the savage tiger — they were conquerors in battle — they never bowed to man — they would spurn a bondman from their halls! Oh, tell me, exclaimed he, seizing his master's hand in the rising excitement of his feelings ; — oh, tell me, while I may yet hear the sound, that I am once more free ! Your wish is granted, said his master ; you are a freeman. \ freeman ! repeated the negro, slowly sink- ing back upon his couch, and clasping his hands above his head with all his remaining energy — write it for me, master! The gentleman tore a leaf from his pocket book, and pencilling a hasty certificate of his freedom, handed it to the slave. The old man lifted up his head once more as he received it, and the last ray of sunlight streamed across his countenance, as with a strange smile he gazed upon the paper ; then falling suddenly back, he once more repeated the name of" freedom, and expired. ELA. IS The White Infant's Reply. — The Lament. — Christian Love. [From Ihe ' THE WHITE INFANT'S REPLY TO I II !. LITTLE -I \ \ E. With man', a smile and tcai I A smile to think you loved me so, And lbr your gri< Is a tear. My mother read your lelti i fell from hei hi ha\ e ]ki%\ rr to break Sfour chains As I lay thinking on her words, And v, i my eyelids down, And nou *hl around was seen. And as I slept I had a dream, Which I will tell to you ; I dreamed that I had grown a man, \ud you a man were too. 1 thought \\ e he. ed i a< h other then, As v. i II as we do now ; But I thought that you looked very sad. And wore a mournful brow. There came an ugly, cruel man, And put on you a chain. And lashed you with a cruel whip, And made \ oil suffer pain. And then I tried to break that chain, And earnest effi rts le ; But the clean w a-- much too strong' for inc. So 1 called aloud lor aid. I thought because I was a man, .My voice was \ cry loud ; And all the countrj heard my call. And 1 tell glad and proud. Then all good people of tin land To help me e; ■ u ilh speed ; There was nol one of all the good, But to my call gave heed. That cruel whip we soon destroyed, That hea\ \ chain we broke ; The breaking made so loud a noise, I started, and awoke. And then I thought upon my dream. And on that cruel chain. And wondered it' I e'er should see Such frightful things again. And then I fixed it in my mind. It' w hen we both are men, .Such things should really come to pass, 1 'II do a- I did then. My voice, it shall 1>" heard Throughout this mighty land ; For sun- I ,nn that all the good Will help me heart, and hand. Farewell, dear l..i! .\ . love me still As well a- I |,, \ ( > you ; I ever through my life shall be Thy friend sincere and true. C. T. E. [From the Genius of I niversal Emancipation.] LAMENT. Wo for our country's guilt ! The glory has departed Prom her brow, And shame ami infam\ an- round her now: The bipod her hand hath spill, ( i ies out against her from the smoking plain, Yet warm and reeking with the crimson slain, i hame of broken faith, en treaties turn'd to inofcKer-} . And in A friendship made a lit Vie! unreg ird< f her ow a glorj to the w orhl -he tells ! Ah I better would n -ml Her cheek, instead of the proud flush it wears, To be washed pale with penitential tears I GF.RTRUDE, CHRISTIAN LOVE. Oh Father, when the soften'd heart Is lifted up in prayer to Thee. When earthly thoughts awhile depart. And leave the mounting spirit free — Then teach us that our love, like Thine, ( )'er all the realms of earth should flow, A shoreless stream, a flooddivine, To bathe and heal the heart of wo. Then Afric's son shall hear no more The tyrant's, in the christian's name. Nor tear- of wasting anguish pour, I Inpitied o'er Ins life of shame. I'm taught to love Thee, by the love That bids his long-worn tetters break, He too shall lilt his soul above. And serve Thee for thy mercy's sake. [Idem.] AG.XES. Depreciatioh of Property is Jamaica. — Sales have been attempted of the following estates . — Temple Hall, with two hundred and forty slaves. which cost a lew years since filly thousand pounds. was bid in. eight thousand only having been offered tor it ; Pleasant Hill, a coffee estate with two hundred and sixty-nine slaves, which cost a few years since one hundred thousand pounds, was bid in. only leu thousand offered! — So much for ihe labors of aboli- tionists in the mother country ! O'The Treasurer of the New-England Anti-Slave- ry Society acknowledges the receipt of $3,79 as a contribution from die Rev. Philemon R. Russell's So- ciety in Watertown, Mass. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] APRIL, 1833. [NO. IV. PROGRESS OF PRINCIPLE. It is very common to hear people say, 'Sla- very is a great evil, but we can do nothing to remedy it.' If all the world were of the same opinion, the curse would probably be handed down with undiminished strength to the re- motest generations. Slavery exists only be- cause it is tolerated by public opinion. When the great majority of the Christian world shall boldly proclaim that the system is iniquitous, it must cease. The consciences of slavehold- ers are seared, because too many of those who do not hold slaves appear to countenance op- pression either by silence or apologies. The standards of morals in the different parts of a nation like ours which have a con- stant and familiar intercourse with one anoth- er, are constantly assimilating. While the people of the North are content to adopt the feelings and cant of the South upon the sub- ject of slavery, no improvement is to be ex- pected in either quarter. But this ought not to be the case. The inhabitants of the non- slaveholding States are more favorably situated than those of the slave States for forming an unbiassed estimate of the moral qualities of slavery. Those who have formed opinions on the subject, ought to express them openly and boldly. Thousands among us have come to just conclusions on the subject, and yet refrain from avowing them, because they see that the men whom they are accustomed to follow are not ready to take the lead. This state of things cannot continue long. The people are beginning to think on the subject of slavery : and the 'shadows of com- ing events ' which must produce its dissolution are even now visible. It may be encouraging to many who have been accustomed to dwell on the miseries of slavery, to consider for a moment the prognos- tics from which we augur the termination of the system at no distant day. Slavery has already been abolished in Hayti, Mexico, Colombia, and twelve States of this nation. VOL. I. The change of opinion in Great Britain and this country in regard to slavery, within the last fifteen or twenty years, has been won- derful. After the slave trade was abolished, the enemies of slavery gazed on the system almost in despair, as the knight in old roman- ces is represented as gazing on some castle made apparently impregnable by enchant- ment. They knew not how to attack the in- stitution with any prospect of success. Their opinions as to the mode of removing the evil were wavering and unsatisfactory, even to themselves. But a few years ago, many of the most devoted philanthropists thought only of a remote and gradual abolition. Now every thing is changed. The numbers in favor of abolition in England are now over- whelming. Far the greater part of them sup- port immediate abolition. The whole system of slavery has been surveyed, and specific remedies pointed out for every evil. This change in opinion has already produ- ced most beneficial results. In some of the British Colonies, the flogging of females is entirely prohibited, and the flogging of men in some degree regulated ; in some, the free people of color are admitted to equal privi- leges with the whites ; in some, slaves are ad- mitted as witnesses in all cases like whites ; and in some, the separation of near relations in private or judicial sales is prohibited. The most important improvements are in the crown colonies. Besides this, all the slaves belong- ing to the crown, amounting to a considerable number, have been made free. It cannot be doubted by any one who has noted the progress of opinion in Great Britain, that a law for abolishing slavery in the colonies of the empire, will be passed within a feio years. Though the people of the United States have not yet denounced slavery so loudly as those of Great Britain, yet while the mother country has moved forward so rapidly, the daughter has not been stationary. Several publications devoted to the aboli- tion of slavery are already established, in this 7 50 The South Sea Islander. country ; and within a year or two, a large number of others have boldly attacked the system. Several anti-slavery societies have been es- tablished within two years in various parts of the States. The doctrine of gradual emancipation is falling into disrepute. Ahun Ir id persons are now in favor ofirhme tion for every one who supported it three years ago. Slavery ha >re discussed within the hist three years in print and conversation, than it had been during twenty years befi , , Maryland, • ia, and Kentucky have lately exhibited a strong desire to obtain re- lief from the disease under which they are declining. Few of their politicians have come to sound conclusions on the subject. But the subject having been once touched, the people of those States will never rest till no slave is to be found upon their soil. [For the Abolitionist.] THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDER. I was born on one of those remote Islands in the Pacific ocean, which had escaped the observation of the most adventurous voya and though it was endeared to me, by many agreeable associations, yet I could not but perceive that the clouds of ignorance rested upon it, and that it was disgraced by the prac- tice of many vices; for I felt myself to b • one of that small number, of which I believe no spot of the earth is entirely destitute. who aspire to something better, to whom the religion of nature is not totally unknown, and who discov er glimpses of a Deity through the objects of beauty and grandeur which surround them. This, at least, was my case ; for whether I took up and examined the flower which grew at my feet, or surveyed the majestic river or lofty mountain, or above all the wonders of my own frame, each and all proclaimed an in- telligent author. Many hours were spent every day in musing upon this subject, and in endeavoring to give consistency and form to my crude ideas. I was one day roused from an un deep revcry, by being told that the body of a man had been cast upon our coast, whose ap- pearance was altogether different from any ever before seen, I hastened to the spot, hoping by timely aid to restore it? animation ; and after long and continued exertion, my hopes were realized. The pleasure which I experienced on this occasion, can be more easily imagined than described. Never, in- deed, was exertion more amply rewarded : for I found in this fellow being a friend, an in- structor, a guide. We soon bi c tm ■ almost inseparable companions, and spent much of our time in strolling about the surrounding country, he in the hope that from some emi- nence which gave a view of the sea he might espy some vessel by whichhe might return to his native country — and I, over eager to catch the wisdom which fell from his lips, seldom quitted his side. I had lost no time in acquir- ing a knowledge of his language, such was my zeal to learn every thing he could communicate. He scarcely spoke, but some new idea beamed upon my mind. From him ed that one God made and governs all : in addition to thai winch may be tie had made repeated revelations of his cl id will; but more especially by a being of such pre- eminence, that he styled him his beloved Son. One d: '. him to tell me what was the most prominent precept of his reli 'Love, love,' said he, with energy. 'God is love — he sent his Son into the world on an er- rand of love — and he has commanded us to love him with all our hearts, and our neighbor as ourselves.' I was charmed with these sen- timents, and resolved that, should my new friend ever leave our island, I would accom- pany him to his favored home. It was not long before this resolution was put to th" tesl : tor a sort of moving house, or what Philo (which was the stranger's name) called a ship, was discovered by his anxious and ever watchful eye ; by the aid of we succeeded in arresting the attention of those on board. I now mentioned the plan I had formed of leaving my native island. Philo was surprised, but said nothing to discourage me; 'hut I advise you,' said he, 'to go well id with gold, for I can a, you will find it a useful possession where you are going.' With this I readily complied, for it was easily procured, though it had hitherto been useless to me. Philo A\as overjoyed to find that the vessel was bound to the very spot most dear to him of all the earth, his own na- tive city. We were soon in readiness ; and I took an affectionate leave of my friends, not without the fear that I should never again be- hold them. We now hastened on board the vessel, which soon bore us far away on the wide ocean. I was introduced to so new a scene, that it was long before my curiosity was satisfied. After some time, I observed that the sailors did not look upon me with much complacency, and paid little attention to my wants, till my friend, who also observed it, whispered something in their ears, which seemed to i | charm — for ever iect and kindness took the place of coldness and m Philo soon brought me one of those sacred books, called the word of God, from whence he had obtained that religious knowledge which he had communicated to me. With his assistance, 1 was soon enabled to read it with tolerable ease. Oh ! how can I express The South Sea Islander. 51 the pleasure I took in tracing, with my own eyes the words of heavenly wisdom which flowed from him, whom I now delighted to call my Savior ! The precepts, of which my friend had given me a few examples, filled me with fresh admiration — and the parables were pecu- liarly to my taste. How beautifully did that of the good Samaritan illustrate the duty of love to our neighbor— by giving a latitude to the word neighbor which we are too apt to forget belongs to it, and teaching that benevo- lence should be extended to the whole human race, without regard to any peculiarity in their condition. The story of the rich man and Lazarus was likewise strikingly in harmony with the sentiment he expressed, when, lifting up his eyes upon the multitude, he said, ' Bless- ed are ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven.' I did not allow a day to pass, with- out spending several hours in studying this precious volume, so anxious was I to imbibe in some measure the spirit of their religion, before arriving in a land of Christians. After a very prosperous voyage, we reached the home of Philo. lie was hailed with rap- ture by his friends, whom I found good and in- telligent like himself, and no other recommen- dation to their favor was necessary than to be introduced as a stranger who had left his na- tive country in the pursuit of knowledge. But to some others, 1 found my friend was obliged to whisper the talismanic words which had be- fore wrought such a miracle in my behalf. It now produced the sail- ed to be more observing in ,' I 1 might discover what was the nature of this wonder- working spell. It was not long before an op- portunity offered. We happened to fall in company which seemed disposed to t; with neglect, if not with him about to pronounce these my words, , these—- ' ;v rich.' This is strange in- deed, thought I : of what possible < can it be to them, whether i or not? am'. inn it have upon m Log? les e beauty mot do: per- haps they v flatten e that — i whom I acquire so much I y being rich, of wealth ti me. It puzzle ts of their religion. I had even thought, at first, of concealing my wealth ; for judging from the bible, 1 ! posed that riches would be despised, and pov- erty rather sought than spurned — hut, on the contrary, there scarcely was any pos more coveted — so much so, that even those who wore in reality poor, often affected riches, either by a fine house, elegant furniture, or costly dress. I cannot but here mention one custom in use among the females of this coun- try, because it so agreeably reminded me of my own dear country-women: it is that of suspending jewels in the ear by means of a perforation of the fleshy part of its lower ex- tremity. Still, though it pleased me, I confess it no less surprised me ; for I had read in their (1 book that the best ornament to a female was a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God was of great price. But I had still another subject of surprise, when I found the houses devoted to the wor- ship of this same bring, were often a scene of the most brilliant display of finery. Indeed, I tes heard little children of six years ■uting about the comparative beauty or fashion of their church-going dresses. How- ever, these things, though evidently atvariar.ee with the bible, I thought might be pardonable : but as my intercourse with society increased, I saw many things practised which excited my grief and astonishment ; such as fraud, cruelty, falsehood, intemperance, and many other vices. At length, I unburdened my heart to my friend, and entreated him to ex- plain what I saw. ' Oh ! ' said he, 'I am not at all surprised at the feeling you express ; but I know you must soon learn that though Chris- tianity is the religion here professed, which you know to be a system replete with excel- lence, yet many, very many fall lamentably short of its requirements, and there are not a few who, I fear, reject its restraints altogether. But, come,' continued he, 'I want to introduce you to my sister, whoso return you know I have been so imp tiently expecting. Yester- day, I had the p' asufe of again seeing my dear Ellen: she has been absent more than a year on a visit to a friend in a distant part of our country.' I accepted his invitation, and was introduced accordingly. I found her htened, like her*brother. She entertained us with ace climate, and the almost tropical luxu- riance of the pari of the country she had visit- ed ; and we passed many pleasant, and to me instructive hours together. On one oc< I I en- tered the room where his mother and sister were sil i found them looking very melancl me concern, in- quired the cause. ' Oh,' replied his sister, 'I was only telling the story of poor Letty.' uch affected you ? ' 5 3,' said his mother, ' I think no one could hear it unmoved.' • And will you not,' said I to Ellen, 'repeat the tale to us ? ' She made no reply, but looked at he rbrother. oe,' said he,"' now you have excited our curiosity, you will surely not refuse to gratify it.' 52 The South Sea Islander. 'I had rather not, indeed — pray, brother, ex- cuse me,' said Ellen. Her brother inquired what could possibly he her objection ? 'Because,' said she, 'I cannot bear the thought that your friend, who has already seen so much of the inconsistency of Christians, should be made acquainted with a system which makes every other deviation from the pure precepts of Christianity shrink into insignifi- cance.' ' Alas ! ' said Philo, ' I now comprehend your motive, and do not wonder at your reluctance : but as our friend cannot long remain among us without hearing of some of its baneful effects, any secrecy on our part would be unavailing. At any rate, he had better know the truth, however mortifying it may be to us.' ' Yes,' said I, ' I have no desire for the hap- piness of ignorance.' ' Well, then,' said Philo, ' it is the dreadful system of Slavery which exists over the greater part of this otherwise free and happy country, of which I have the sorrow to inform you.' ' Oh ! I suppose,' said I, ' you still retain the barbarous custom, practised by uncivilized na- tions, of holding in bondage those of your ene- mies whom the chance of war has thrown into your hands.' ' Alas ! ' said my friend, ' though that is wide- ly opposed to the peaceful spirit of Christian- ity, yet it falls very far short of the cruel in- justice of which we are guilty. Know, then — for why should I attempt to hide our shame ? — that in this nominally free country, a sixth part of the peaceful and unoffending natives wear the insupportable yoke of slavery — are kept in total ignorance of the word of God — driven to their labor by the whip, the fruits of which go to enrich their oppressors, while they are scantily fed, and coarsely clothed.' ' But,' said I, ' under what possible pretence can this be done ? Do not those who practise it offer some excuse for conduct which would make a heathen blush ? ' ' The only excuse,' said he, ' they pretend, I believe, to offer, is, that as the ancestors of these people were either stolen from their na- tive country, or purchased perhaps for a few glass beads, or some intoxicating liquor, of some barbarous chief, and thus converted to slaves, all their descendants must share the same fate.' 1 A strange reason, indeed,' said I ; ' it seems to be saying that a man born in misery mf.y as well remain in it because he is accustomed to it. But is this their only plea ?' ' None other than that of the tyrant's, that might gives right.' 'Ah! and is this the way that Christians obey the commands of Him whom they pre- tend to call their master ? Is this loving their neighbor as themselves ? or doing toothers as they would that others should do to them? ' Philo, now again asked Ellen to tell us the story. 'I suppose,' said he, 'Letty was a slave.' ' Yes,' said she, ' Letty and George, a young married couple, were purchased by Dr. A. at whose house you know I passed most of my time during my absence. The woman was good tempered, obliging and gentle in her manners, and both capable and industrious. Her husband was not vicious, but he was very fond of music, and not very fond of work; of course, he preferred playing a tune upon his fiddle, to performing his allotted task. Mrs. A., however, liked Letty so much that they continued to keep them, though they did not exactly answer their purpose — till Dr. A. hear- ing of a neighboring planter who was in quest of two such slaves, concluded to hire them out to him. This was sad tidings to the young couple — (for slaves always dread changing their masters.) Poor Letty was overwhelmed with sorrow, and entreated Dr. A., even upon her knees, not to send them away ; but the sighs and tears of slaves, avail but little, as was the case on the present occasion ; for though their grief excited some pity, yet, as the agreement had been made, there seemed no help for it, and they were obliged to go. But Dr. A. wishing to soothe their trouble a little, told George, that if either of them should be sick, to send for him. With this poor con- solation, they departed. Several weeks pass- ed away, when I was one day sitting in the parlor, engaged in conversation with a young lady, when she suddenly exclaimed, ' Who are those ? ' I turned my eyes towards the window, and saw Letty approaching the house, followed by a man on horseback. We ran out into the piazza to see what was the mat- ter, when she shot by us like an arrow, and disappeared. It was the overseer of her pres- ent employer, who was with her : he said she had run away several days before — that be had found her in a wood, and wished to take her back — but she had insisted upon coming there. Just as he concluded, I perceived Letty, from behind the door, beckoned me lvith a wild and disordered air. I followed her — and in a hur- ried manner she led the way to my chamber, when she immediately ran and hid herself be- neath the bed, and burst into an agony of grief, entreating me, as soon as her sobs would permit, to conceal her, and save her from re- turning to that dreadful place. ' I cannot, I cannot, go back ! ' she exclaimed : ' they have treated me cruelly when I tried to do every thing to please them. And poor George ! they have had no mercy upon him : not satis- fied with beating him, they have knocked out his front teeth, and ' I begged of her to be more calm — for her agitation was such, that it was impossible to come at the cause of their having been treat- ed with so much violence. However, she at length told me, that on one occasion she being Extracts f ro7ii Mr. Snelling's Address. 53 Yather indisposed, George, in the simplicity of his heart, recollecting the direction of Dr. A. to send for him, if either of them were sick,and not dreaming of its occasioning any expense, (which certainly in this case was not intended by Dr. A.) took the enormous liberty of send- ing for the Dr. to see his wife. This was the unpardonable offence of which poor George had been guilty, and for which they had both suffered such severe consequences. At this sad recital, I mingled my tears with hers — that she should suffer so innocently, was truly affecting ; but what could I say to console her? To offer her any protection, was entirely out of my power. The most I could do was to prevail on Mrs. A. to let her remain with us a few weeks. She readily consented, for she was fond of Letty, and knew that she never required severity. Her gratitude was evinced by her cheerfully per- forming every duty ; and, indeed, if possible, anticipating our wishes. At the end of a fortnight, however, I had the pain of seeing her reclaimed by her re- lentless employer. I watched her slowly fol- lowing him till she was out of sight. 'And this,' thought I, ' is one of my own country- women, possessing the same natural right to freedom that I have, forced to drag out a mis- erable existence, exposed to all the bitter ef- fects of a state of slavery ! ' (To be concluded.) EXTRACTS FROM AN ADDRESS, DELIVERED BEFORE THE N. E. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, BY WM. J. SNELLING, ESQ. (Continued.) The master too is to be pitied. He lives in continual fear. Accustomed to see his humors watched and his frowns feared, he becomes imperious and tyrannical. His children grow up among the abject beings whom their fathers have degraded. They are idle and use&ss on the face'of the earth. The daughters, at least a great many of them, are accustomed to view human suffering with indifference ; even to chastise their female slaves with their own hands. But I will not dwell on such a state of society. Those whose exertions arc directed to the removal of these evils are called visionaries and fanatics. If to wish to relieve our coun- trymen from what they all allow to be an evil of the greatest magnitude, is to be a fanatic ; if to wish to overthrow a system radically crim- inal, oppressive, impolitic and dangerous, is to be a fanatic ; if to wish to elevate those who are now little above brutes to the dignity of freemen and christians, is to be a fanatic ; — then, we are fanatics; and I, for one, glory in the title. If to believe that these things are practicable, is to be visionary, then we are vis- ionaries. In what, even if our opinions be Avrong, are Ave reprehensible ? We wrong no tn — we stir up no one to sedition — we break no law. There is no law that forbids any free man to think, and to express his opinion. The Constitution of the United States, indeed, re- cognizes slavery ; but our fathers, who framed it, never said or thought that it would be crim- inal to wish to amend it. If they had so thought, they would not have inserted a provision for its amendment. It will, perhaps, be asked, how, since we disclaim violence and insurrection, we do pro- pose to act? We answer, by endeavoring to affect public opinion. Prejudice and apathy stand in our way, but we do not nevertheless despair. We may not effect all we propose, but still avc shall do something ; for he, Avhose ambition is great, will never tail utterly. We publish pamphlets, Ave hold debates, Ave deliv- er discourses, and are sure that though Ave may fail to convince an individual, all whom we can bring to examine this subject and think for themselves, will eventually embrace our opinions. We hope in time, to direct the ear- nest attention of the nation to the system of slavery ; and if Ave can do this, Ave are confi- dent that it must go down. In the meanwhile, Ave persuade such" persons of color as are with- in our influence, to live christian lives, to con- tinue or become respectable citizens, as the case may be, to teach their children trades, and to send them to school. We aid them to put these counsels into practice, as far as our means Avill permit. There are many among us Avho hold that we should not take any measures concerning the abolition of slavery, lest Ave should offend and irritate our southern brethren. But admit this principle, and there is an end of all reform and improvement. On the same ground, Ave may suffer a single State to reverse the laAv of the land, and the decision ofthe Supreme Court, without comment. We must not mention the tariff, or express our wishes relative to the choice of the executive officer, on the same principle. I spurn such slavish doctrine. To embrace it, would be to surrender freedom of thought and speech. No subject of national importance can be mentioned, no abuse expo- sed, without offending some one. We shall offend our southern brethren. Our fathers of- fended their English brethren Avhen they threw the tea into the dock, and irritated them still more when, Avithin cannon-shot of this hall, they taught their fellow subjects, that Amer- icans would not submit to Avrong. We shall offend our southern brethren. I cannot ex- cuse them for retaining tAvo millions of their fellow men in galling and ignominious thral- dom. It may be that very many of them are unconscious of wrong doing ; but the wrong is not therefore the less evident, the less palpable. The muscles do not the less quiver, nor does the blood flow the less freely, because he who holds the scourge thinks he is doing a praise- worthy action. The tiger, when he springs Extracts from Mr. Snelling's Address. upon his victim is conscious of no crime ; but his prey ;' retains his fellow man in a wrong,' a grievous wrong- — all the sophistry ofthi . it' he does not know as much, we will tell him so; and if it offends a let him be of- fend. of offending our brethren, inquire who rsons best entitled to that affectionat s appellation. Who ifehern States ? Th i blacks. Who subdued the soil, whose labor furnishes us with cotton and sugar, and ena- bles ; ed tariff,' as it i.- ; emphatically called ? have : . iplain of us, and do u- i id? Who are the real working ire the authors of all the good we thence derive? Above all. who are best entitled to claim our sympathies? — ■ The blacks — the blacks — the blacks. By con- senting to, and approving their bondage, we have injured them, and we owe them repara- tion. By setting them iV their masti rs to the exact amount of their mar- ket value, considering them, as these last do, as mere merchantable cattle. At the same time we should do right, and prevent the mis- ery of unborn millions. Why should Ave be less fearful of offending them than their mas- ters ? They are formed alike in their maker's /e, they constitute almost the v. h and political importance of the slaveholding States, and they respect us, which their op- pressors do not. If justice, humanity, and dictates of common inter* quence to a clear view of this question, the blacks are m itically our brethren. It is advanced it confidence by slaveholde \ sre we to set the s] free, they would turn upon the whites, and massacre them. They are, it is said, ly ignorant and ferocious. Ignoranl but I do not believe that they arc either I cious or vindictive. My observation me that the mild and forgiving. Wasitnol slaves now? [ndeed, [ ha son to think that want of 3 the fault of their character. Those who argue that they cannot be set free with safety, confound cause and effect. Ask any advocate of slave- ry why the slaves revolted in Southampton, and he will t - : ! you that it was in the hope of obtaining freedom. Ask him i ars to 'one, and he will answer that it is because the man is a slave. They would fight, it is known, to obtain their liberty, and th ; would also fight, it, is said, because it was given them. This is strange logic ; and ] n you to observe that I am ueither beggini question, nor setting up a man of straw to knock him down again. You know, every man who hears me knows, that the positions I have assumed are those most frequently in the mouths of slaveholders. The slaves in apton massacred women and children, smarted under the sense of inju- ry, and i ii y knew that had they spar- udd have exercised the con- trol of.... r them some day. Setting them free, will take away the motive of revolt, and, I think, all di svenge. it is not ature of man to i ood with evil. Some th ild return evil for is to the genera] rule — moral monsters, who are not to be taken for specimens of their kind: and, as 1 have not 1 that the blacks are mure \ icious than equally ignorant whites, I do not believe that the black family would furnish more of these -I the white one. I say again, and rs to me as plain as the light of hea- ven, that if you take away the motives to in- surrection, no insurrection will take place. — Suppose that there is danger, that the desire will operate more strongly on the slave than the sense of benefit received, is there not danger now ? Set them free, and ng of revenge will expire w ith the pre- sent, generation. The next will have had no ■ to revenge. Keep them in bondage, and the danger will he perpetuated. We ought certainly to take care of ourselves, but we also owe something to posterity. Again, some say that ignorance makes the blacks ferocious. Others, and among them their masters, judging from the acts of south- ern legislation, think that knowledge is the tliom- that makes them dangerous. Strange that ignorance and knowledge should have one and the same effect! I have often been told that were the slaves set free, they would not know how to take care of themselves, but perish with literal want. If this supposition be true, it infers either some defect in the negro character, or that long years of slavery have withered their ■men nergies. not learn from Benh i lapper- o)ii, or any ol ! I ribe of -'. Our slave ■ml others din the lallowed occupation of hfng all the year round, also. It will be stran motive for exer- tion, to wit, his own benefit, cannot lal he, the profit of whose toil goes and enrich am I owner who holds I i i there are many who do, propose I bonds- man. I think the slave will take his risk at starval hundreds who fear the imagina- above mentioned, and therefore op- o immediate emancipation of the slaves, who are yet willing to encourage n gradual abolition. Gradual abolition, forsooth ! Fine Extracts from Mr. Snetting's Address. words, to quiet guilty consciences. Since I can remember any thing, and I am not a very young man, I have heard of gradual abolition. It is a sop to the Cerberus Conscience. I mar- vel that no uneasy thief has thought of a grad- ual repentance and retribution. What has gradual abolition done, and what will it ever do ? Are the slaves an inch nigher freedom now than they were fifty years ago r On the contrary, they are farther from it. The dan- ger, if there was any, that would have result- ed from it, has increased ; the bonds of iniqui- ty — I mean the restrictive laws — have been gradually drawn closer and closer around them. Are there fewer slaves new in the U- nited States, than there were when gradual abolition was first devised ? On the contrary, their number has doubled, as you all know. Gradual abolition is like intended repentance, it has been put off till the time for it has pass- ed away. When I hear a man speak of grad- ual abolition, I at once conclude that he is a fool, a hypocrite, or that he has not studied the subject. Those two words have done the colored race more harm than all the speeches that ever were made in favor of slavery. We, that is the Society I have the honor to repre- sent, say, tamper not with conscience. Obey the dictates of religion, duty and humanity. Shew mercy — do justice now — this very now, and leave the consequences to God. The worst that can happen cannot be more offen- sive to Him who is all mercy, or more danger- ous to yourselves than the present state of things. I have often been surprised to observe how small is the difference between the opinions of some gradual abolitionists and those of the advocates of immediate emancipation. They admit that slavery is wrong, that it is a nation- al curse. They are willing to have th immediately exempted from tin' hardships pe- culiar to his condition, and from his liability to be bought and sold. Vet the words imme- diate emancipation frighten them. Th agine that we wish to admit the slaves imme- diately to our houses, our tables, to all the privileges of fellowship, and to an equality of political rights. We desire no such things. We wish only for what every man, whose moral sense has not been stifled by interest or prejudice, will admit to he right. When we call for immediate emancipation, we mean that no man ought to hold property in man, that no man ought to have the power to apply the lash to his brother. We say that no man should be sold, like a beast of burthen. We say that the safety and honor of woman should have some better guaranty than the doubtful virtue of an absolute master. We insist that every man should be permitted to learn and to worship the Author of his being in the way most agreeable to his conscience. We say that he who has ploughed and sowed, should reap and keep the harvest. These things are what we understand by the words immediate abolition, and who will say that we ask any thing unreasonable ? Is there any descendant of those who fled from Britain to enjoy liberty of conscience in the wilderness who will forbid the black to participate in that right? Will any inhabitant of industrious New-England rebuke us for affirming that the laborer is worthy of his hire? We ask only that our countrymen should give a practical illustration of their own privileges, as avowed in the first the Declaration of Inde- pendence, viz. ' All men are born free and e- qual.' Where would he the mighty evil of such an imme mcipation as this ? V." hat harm did such an immediate emancipation do the patriarchs of New-England ? Did their freed- men massacre them- for their benevolence ? Was there an individual attempt made at re- venge for past injuries ? Have the free blacks ever, in any degree, injured or retarded the march of our prosperity ? I have often 1: i told that, after hi been emancipated, the southern blacks will acquire property, be- come half owners of the soil, and have an i voice in the government. What then ? ry man has a right to acquire property. Every man, who is properly qualified by edu- cation and the payment of taxes, has a right to share in the management of his own afi The free blacks here'have long been permit- ted to acquire property and to vote at the polls, and what white man considers himself injured thereby? These are rights which prejudice alone disputes — reason cannot. But, say the enemies of emancipation, how are the whites to cultivate their lands, if de- prived of their slaves ? Their climate will not permit them to work. Then let them seek a milder climate, or accept a subsistence from their black brethren as alms, or starve. No pre- cept is more just than this— 'He that will not work, neither shall he eat.' How would the working men here receive a proposal to sup- port alf whom laziness or other causes have rendered incapable of labor ? No, if a coun- try be unfit for a portion of the inhabitants? they have no business there. They should seek another — not depend upon those of a. better physical conformation. However, I do not believe that there is any good cause for tear on this head. Another objection suggested by prejudice against emancipation is, that it would be fol- lowed by an amalgamation of the two parties of our southern brethren. I acknowledge that a very general prejudice acts strongly a- g-ainst the negro. Few of us are without it. Still it is but a prejudice. If a colored person lias the manners, the education and the char- acter of a gentleman and a christian, why should any christian gentleman feel offended at his approach ? Yet I would not unneces- sarily irritate even prejudice. When the 5U Safety of Immediate Emancipation. slaves shall have become free and shall have made themselves respectable, it will be al the option of every white to associate with them or not. A T o man will be compelled to associ- ate or intermarry with them. Let the two ra- ces approximate toward an equality or not, stion has not the least bearing upon a- malgamation. Set the blacks tree, and they will amalgamate with us— keep them in I d- age, and .-till they will amalgamate. Halfthe people of color now in the 1 oited Sta1 of mixed blood. Amalgamation could not have proceeded faster, had the blacks been free since their firsl introduction into the country. (To be continued.) IMMEDIATE EMANCIPATION. No. IV. The actual condition of the hundred thous- and emancipated blacks and persons of color in the West India Colonies, certainly gives no reason to apprehend that if a general eman- cipation should take place, the newly freed slaves would not be able and willing to sup- port themselves. On this point the Returns from fourteen of the Slave Colonies, laid be- fore the House of Commons in 1826, give sat- isfactory information : they include a period of five years from January 1, 1821, to Decem- ber 31, 1825, and give the following account of the state of pauperism in each of these Col- onies. Bahamas. The only establishment in the Colony for the relief of the poor appears to be a hospital or poor-house. The number pass- ing through the hospital annually was, on the average, fifteen free black and colored persons and thirteen whites. The number of free black and colored persons is about double that of the whites; so that the proportion of white to that of colored paupers in the Bahamas, is nearly two to one. Barbadoes. The average annual number of persons supported in the nine parishes, from which Returns have been sent, is 998, all of whom, with a single exception, are white. The probable amount of white persons in the isl- and is 14,500 — of free black and colored per- sons 4,500. Hi rhice. The white population appears to amount to about GOO, the free black and color- ed to 900. In L822, it appears that there were 17 white and 2 colored paupers. Demerara. The free black and colored pop- ulation, it is supposed, are twice the number of the whites. The average number of white pensioners on the poor fund appears to be 51, that of colored pensioners 2, readini • forward for the maintenance of order.' As similar Orders have been issued for Trinidad, Berbic s, and the Cape of Go : be pt I tat the conduct ofthe free blacks and colored persons in those Co) - ■ like- wise given ion to Government. In the S »uth African Commercial Adverti- - rofthe9thof Feb. 1831, we are happy to find recorded one mor • of the numerous proofs which experience affords of the safety and expediency of immediate abolition. A gentleman, (Mr. Chase) friend of slave- ry, asks this question: — 'Have the friends of immediate emancipation marked the com of the prize negroes in this colony, who have suddenly acquired liberty?' The answer to This question is promptly given as foil 'We speak advisedly: — three thousand Prize Negroes have received their freedom, 40 one day ; but not theleasl difficulty or disorder occurred : — servants fouri i — masters hired servants : all gained homes, and at night scarcely an idler was to he seen. In the last month, 150 were liberated under precisely similar circumstances, and with the same re- sult. These facts are within our own obser- vation: and to state that sudden and abrupt emancipation would create disorder and dis- tress to those you mean to serve, is not reason; but the plea of any and all men who are adverse to emancipation.' To this it is added that to these events the writer makes his appeal, and that they musl i>e deemed satisfactory, until Air. Chase 'shall have produced facts to establish the charge against the Prize Negroes, so strongly implied in the above quotation. Mr. Chase is respect- fully challenged to produce such facts.' No reply had appearedin any subsequent journal ; and as the controversy was proceed- ing actively, we conclude that none could be given. As far as it can be ascertained from the vari- ous documents which have been cited, and from others, which, from the fear of making this ac- count too long, are not particularly referred to, it appears that in e< s and time in which emancipation has been tried, not one drop of white blood lias been shed, or even endangered f>ii if : that it has every whet reatly improv- ed the condition of the blacks, and in most places has rem ived them from a state of deg- radation and suffering to one of respectability and happiness. Can it, then, be justifiable on account of any vague fears of we know not what evils, to reject tins just, salutary and hith- erto uninjuri i ire ; and I i system which we know by certain experience is producing crime, misery and death, during every da; :e: [s it possible that any persons can persi es that ion, even u ben perfectly and ut1 (rly unprepared for, ha harmless and beneficial wher iver il has hit h- ii tried ; yet that if it should be legally established throughout the slave countrie . and introduced into them with t! ■•fully considered precautions^ it would be attended with the h I ad the rein of the blacks? Those who do come to ble conclusion may, i self-reproach, speak-, write or vote for meliora- tion, in other Words for perpetual slavery, or at least of slavery which will in all probability continue till its victims are set i'ree either by the frightful mortality which is so rapidly di- minishing their numbers, or by the strength of their own arm. But what rational motive is there for prefer- ring slavery to emancipation ? Slavery we know kills many thousands annually in ourcol- ist grievous sufferings on those whom it di troy, creates and nourish- es every bad passion in those by whom it is administered, Emancipation, as far as we know, has not destroyed any, has not indicted on any, has not nourished bad pas- sions in any ; and no reason has ever been ad- vanced to make it appear probable that it would ever cause any of these evils in futu Why then should we prefer slavery to eman- cipation'' I believemany shut their eyes, and will not see that this is, in reality, all the choice they have. They fear thai at- tend emancipation, and under the influence of this fear, they speak, write or resolve to vote against it, without distinctly bringing the fact to their minds that they are thus supporting slavery. They resolve to vote againsl eman- cipation, but flatter themselves that they ■" ill be voting only for melioration : but the truth is, that they will be voting for slavery. They will be creating slavery for future years, as really as if they were at that moment estab- lishing it for the first time. They will be vot- ing for murder ; only endeavoring to prevent the number annually destroyed from amount- ing to so many thousands as it does now. They will be voting for the cultn ation of pride, rage, hatred, ignorance, irreligion, licentious- ness and misery : only endeavoring to prevent their growth from being so luxuriant as it has hitherto been. There are many who see H of slav> ery, but who either from a panic fear of im- mediate emancipation, or from unwillingness to give too much offence to some friend or conncxion,endcavor to satisfy their consciences Appropriations to the Colonization Society. 59 by declaring for melioration. I wish it were possible to induce such persons honestly to ask themselves, what reason they have for thinking that melioration will ever introduce emancipation. Is there any reason to suppose that the slaveholders will be more willing to set their slaves free at some future period, be- cause they will be a little better fed, a little less worked, and a little less flogged than they are now • ' Will Government or the people be more desirous of procuring the freedom of the slaves when these improvements have ta- ken place ? Evidently the contrary : it is im- possible that they should not be mere indiffer- ent on the subject, when they believe their sufferings to be lessened, than they are now. The majority, it is probable, will be tolerably satisfied with the improvements enacted, will flatter themselves that all is going on well, and that the slaves are gradually but steadily advancing towards freedom, if, which is still more probable, they do not altogether forget them. And even those who are the most deep- ly dissatisfied with such measures will almost inevitably become less anxious on the subject as time passes on: having failed in their ef- forts, and seeing no chance that an early re- petition of them could be of any avail, they will be too ready to rest from their hi labors: and then the case of the poor slaves will indeed be desperate. Let the advocates of this mode of proceed- ing carefully and in real earnest consider, whether ten or fifty years hence, the very same reasons or fears may not bo urged against emancipation, which they now think sufficient to justify its rejection. They wish, no doubt, that the meliorating measures may improve the slaves so much a? to make ihat stop safe and advisable which they now deprecate: but wo are not at liberty to rut. on idle wishes when the most essential interests of our fel- low creatures are concerned. It is our duty to examine the subject, to inquire by what process, and with what degree of probabil- ity, any or all of the suggested improve- ments will ' fit the slave for freedom,' as the phrase is. If, on such a careful examina- tion, we find that there is no reason to believe that they will produce this effect, let us speak out, and either say, 'Then the slaves shall be freed now,' or let us have the courage and sin- cerity to say, ' Then we consent to their be- ing slaves for ever.' It seems too certain that melioration, so far from being the harbinger of emancipation, is the best friend and the most powerful ally of slavery. It is indeed the only hope of slavery, which must inevitably be soon destroyed now that its enormities are brought to light, if the timid, and the indolent, and the unthmking,_ and the lukewarm, and the selfish friends of the slaves, can be prevented from falling into this fatal snare. " Better taughl we may be certain the generality of masters will lake care they shnil not he, if education is to lead to emancipation. A hundred and thirty years ago, a law was enacted in Jamaica, declaring that ev- ery slave ought to 1m- educated and to receive instruc- tion in the. christian religion ; and this very year it is 'I that die \<-t has never been carried into ex- ecution. Can any one. who doe- not willingly blind himselt'.|ielie\ ■ bag to execute it when t! i ition as a orj step to emancipation 1 If ers on this point, let him listen to , .a Mr. Trew, late Rector of St. Tl i ! 1 : i I ca. 'Few masters.' he Says, 'in Jamaica, will consent to have their sla . all. and the instruction given in ninety-nine out of one hundred cases is merely oral ; the simple boon of per- mitting; them to learn to read is withheld by their supe- riors.' He adds that any general attempt to teach the slaves to read would be construed into an act little short •of treason. VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE The Richmond Whig- gives the following- abstract of the law recently enacted by the Legislature of Virgin- ia, making appropriations for the removal of the free people of color. !t appropriates the sum of eighteen thousand dollars annually for five years, to remove persons who are now free, and born and residing within the State, or their descendants, and who are willing to emigrate, to be selected from the different counties and corporations of the commonwealth, in proportion to the amount of rev- enue paid into the public treasury by such county or corporation ; and in case there be not sufficient in such counties willing to emigrate, then the balance of the appropriation unexpended may be equitably applied moval of free persons of color from other coun- ties. &,c. ; appoints the governor, lieutenant governor, and first and second auditors, a board of commission- ers to carrj the act into effect. The appropriation to bi paid to the American Colonization Society, upon the actual transportation to the col. my at Li- beria from this State, of such free persons of color, pro vided not more than thirty dollar- shall be allowed for transporting each person above the age of ten years. and not more than twenty dollars forea< h person under that age. The commis ;rs to make an annual re- their proceedings to the general assembly. We view with great regret this manifestation of the colonization spirit. We tear that it will lead to the on of the free people of color in Virginia. When it is known that the legislature has appropriated funds, it will be in vain for colored men to refuse this From what we have read of voluntary emi- gration from Virginia, it will differ from compulsory only in this respect : if the legislature had authorized compulsory colonization, force would have been em- ployed by authorized officers of the State; as it is, the force will come from private citizens. The Boston Recorder, in reference to the above tion, says — ' In one respect, however, if the above abstract is correct, tiie Vit 'it far enough from doing any honor to the wisdom, or justice, or philanthropy of its trainer-. Its benefits are not to extend to those who hereafter. It contains not one word to encourage emancipation. If any choose to give freedom to their slave-, the State gives them no aid or countenance. Perhaps we ought not to expect it ; bat the omission, we confess, adds greatly to the strength of our fears respecting the general manage- ment of the appropriation.' GO Levying on Slaves. — Change of Sentiment. LEVYING ON SLAVES. The following account is extracted from Bickell'a West Indies as they are. 'The distress and terror among a gang of negroes, when the Marshal's Deputy, i dogs, and other assistants, comes to levy in a large way, cannot be conceived by those who, happily for themselves, have never been spec- tators of such scenes, and can scarcely be de- scribed by those who have witnessed th< m.— I was once on a coffee mountain (staj i days with a brother Clergyman, who had permission to resid a which were about sev< oty or eighty aeg : I proprie- tor was much in debt, and was a ware that one or two of his largest creditors had fur some time wished to make :i l< \\ on his s] . ; pay themselves; — but by keeping his gates locked, and tin,' fences round the dwelling- house and negro-houses in good repair, he had hitherto baffled the argus-eyed deputy and his deputies. The night after I arrived mi the property, how ever, ( was awaked about an hour before day-light, by a great noise, as of arms, with cries of women and children. — I at firsl \ as : hut in a few minutes a private servant came to my win- dow, and informed me that it was the Marshal's deputies making a levy on the negroes, ami that the noise proceeded from the clashing of weapons ; for some of the slaves, lie said, had stoutly resisted. I then alarmed my friend, being nearer the scene of action than he was, and we determined to go out to see that no improper use was made of the tremendous power given to these Cerberuses. By the time we arrived at the negro-houses, tin 1 re- sistance had ceased; for the negroes being divided, had been overcome by the myrmidons of the law, they being eight or ten in number. One poor fellow, however, was boiim- dragged along like a thief, by a fierce and horrid look- ing Irishman, who had been one of M'Gregor's freebooters, and who, when we came near, grasped his victim more tightly, and brandish- ed his broad-sword over the poor creature, with the grin and growl of a demon; as much. as to say, ' You dog, I will annihilate you and them too, if they attempt to interfere.*' Many of the men escaped from the proper- ty, and some few others secreted themselves among the coffee trees, till the party had <_>ono off with their prey. They secured, however, tenor twelve men, and most of the women and children, amounting, in the whole, to be- tween thirty and forty, which were huddled together on the outside of the principal fence, and presented such a heart-rending scene, as I never witnessed before, and should be very sorry ever to witness again. Some of the chil- dren had lost their mothers, and some of the mothers had been torn away from a part of their children; for some of the little urchins also escaped. One woman, in particular, had six or seven children : — two or three of them ized, and the others escaped— but the youngest, an infant, had been caught, and she wepl aloud, and very bitterly for it, saying— 'That she must give herself up, if the child were not gol back: for she could not live sep- in it." There was many a bitter cry and sad lament among the women and chil- dren — for they hived their master, who was kind, and had also exoellenl provision-gr for them. 'Two or three of the poor fellows ounded : and 1 was assured, by a free- born man, who was looking 8 mperty in the master's absence, that had the proprie- tor been there, (here would have been sad work, very likely murder; for it was an illegal levy, and the resistance would have been (U^- perate under their master's eye anil voice. — They were tied together, or hand-cuffed, and driven off the same morning to Spanish Town gaol, a distance of twenty miles. 1 might hen' remark, that the labor is much lighter on a coffee mountain than on a sugar estate, and that the negroes are not required to be up so much a1 night, to pick and cure coffee, as they are to make sugar; where, therefore, they have good provision-grounds, as they had on this mountain T have been speaking of, they are much more comfortable and less harassed than on a sugar estate.' CHANGE OF SENTIMENT. It is with great satisfaction that we insert the following letter from an esteemed clergy- man in an adjacent State. , Feb. 20, 1833. To the Editors of the ^'Ibolitionist. Messrs. Eojtors: — Having recently pe- rused the second No. of 'The Abolitionist,' containing extracts from the Report of the; New-England Anti-Slavery Society ; and also a large pamphlet by Mr. Garrison, entitled ' Thoughts on African Colonization,'' I have been led into an entirely new series of reflec- tions on the subject of slavery. Although, for several years, I have sustain- ed the Colonization Society, by membership, publicly advocating its claims, and taking con- tributions in its support; and although it is yet sustained by so many of our philanthro- pists of the north ; with my present views of the subject, I can stand by it no longer. For a while, I was led to believe that this Society should be encouraged as a kind of senior pastor, with its new colleague, the Abolition or ' Anti-Slavery Society ;' but if not altogeth- er misled, as to the natural results of the Colonization Society, I am constrained to be- lieve, that, although good maybe accomplish- ed by it, in behalf of those who shall enjoy its benefactions in the Colony at Liberia, it has operated, and will continue to operate, if sup- ported, directly against our colored popula- A Canterbury Tale. lion, both free and bond, in rendering- the emancipation of the one more difficult and im- probable ; and the condition of the other, in America, more degraded and deplorable. The matters of fact, now before the public, appear to me amply sufficient to produce con- viction on the mind of every impartial and hu- mane individual, who carefully surveys them, that the above conclusion, concerning African Colonization, is neither preposterous nor ab- surd. As a token of sincerity, in saying what I have, and to evince my sympathies for that long suffering and exceedingly abused peo- ple, to whom the Almighty has given a skin of darker hue than our own, I here enclose $15, for the Treasury of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, hoping thus, at least, in some degree, to expiate the injuries of my former course, and liberate myself from an apparent participation with slave dealers and their abettors, in the unparalleled wickedness of this traffic in the bodies and souls of our brethren of the human race. My name is also offered, if it may be accepted, as a life mem- ber of the Society. Another dollar I send you, for which you will please send me a copy of your paper, ' The Abolitionist? for one year. Wishing you much of that wisdom which is from above, and great success in your righteous undertaking, I am yours, truly, H. J. A CANTERBURY TALE. ■ Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm by erecting a grammar school.' — Jack Cade. We scarcely know how to comment upon the disgraceful proceedings in Canterbury, which are recorded in the following letter of Mr. Benson. It appears incredible that in a Christian country, among a people who re- gard themselves as enlightened, the inhabit- ants of a single town should be found, who are desirous of withholding from any class of their fellow citizens the means of acquiring religion and knowledge. We never, till we read this letter, realized in its full measure and extent the blind and frantic prejudice against the people of color, which guides too many of those who style themselves Chris- tians. The idea entertained by the people of Can- terbury that the establishment of a school for the education of twenty or thirty little girls would bring ruin upon their town, would be merely ludicrous if it had not produced such melancholy results. It is perfectly obvious that a flourishing boarding school must tend to enrich the place in which it is situated. Money must be spent there, for the support of the scholars. The resort of their relations and friends to the place to visit them must a Is; ) bring money to it. Such a school could not be successful without, benefitting the town. We presume that the only serious objection to the proposed institution in Canterbury, was that its pupils were to be of the African race. Is it then to be established as a principle, that every person who has African blood in his veins, is to be denied the common means of education, by the people of New-England ? If not, how is the course of these misguided villagers to be justified ? For no reason can be given why the people of color should not be educated, which will not apply to every other place in New-England as well as to Canterbury. Do we believe that colored men are to be made better by ignorance ? or that the situation of the whites is to be improved by shutting the light of knowledge from their colored brethren ? If we admit that colored people have the same right to be educated as the whites, we must admit that they have a right to be educated in some place. Are the people of Canterbury afraid that their village will be ruined, by twenty or thir- ty young girls coming into it, because they are colored? If these children were to be paupers, we should not think the sensitiveness of the Canterburians so strange. But they will be the daughters of the richest and most intelligent among the colored people. It is absurd to suppose they will impose a burden on the village. We have endeavored, but in vain, to imag- ine what specific evil the townsmen of Can- terbury could anticipate. We can only ascribe their conduct to the workings of a deep and unrelenting prejudice against the colored peo- ple, which views with jealousy every attempt made to improve the African race among us, and wishes to drive the objects of its hatred as far as possible from its sight. If we had found any thing deserving the name of an argument in the report of the pro- ceedings at the Canterbury town meeting, we should have endeavored to answer it. As it is, we are satisfied with copying a scene from Shakspeare, in which the principal person- ages in their dislike for education, appear to have been animated with the same enlighten- ed spirit as the leaders of Canterbury. The judicial dignity of Cade, his patient hearing of the case in hand, the fairness and candor with 62 .1 Canterbury Tale. which he weighed the arguments in favor of his prisoner, and the just s< perity of his tence, were all successfully imitated in the deliberations of the Connecticut patri •' Smith. The clerk of Chatham : he can read, and write, and cast accompt. rous ! opies. ! lere 's a villain. .11 'as a book in his pocket with red loiters in it. C le. N.i \ . then be is a con Dick. Nay, he can make obligations, and write conn band. I am sorry for 't : tlie man is a proper man, on mine honor ; unless I find him guilty, he shall nol die. ' Dosl thou use to write thy i or hast thou a mark to thyself like an hone < Sir. I thank God, I ha\ e bet a so well brought up tii, it i can write my name. All. He hath confessed : away with him; he's a villain ainl a traitor. Cade. Lway with him, I say: hang him with his pen and inkhorn about In- [From the Liberator.] Providence, R. I. March 12th, J 833. Mr. II in. Lloyd Garrison. Df.au Friend — You have, ere this, heard of the excitement that prevailed at Canterbury, when the intention of Miss Crandall to open a school \'<>r the education of colored fem was made known to the inhabitants; and yon doubtless wish to hear the result of the Town Meeting- that was warned to take place on Saturday I I arrived at C. from Providence, just at the hour the freemen were assembling : and when [ entered the meeting-house, found that a moderator had been chosen, and the warrant for the meeting read. On rapidly glancing my eye over the assembled multitude, I was ejoiced to recognise the faces of our friends Messrs. Biift'tim and May, and one or two oth- ers, who 1 knew were the decided friends of our cause. But my attention was soon called to a protest against the establishment of the school, signed by many of the citizens, which showed precisely the senl with which they regardedit. A preamble, with two reso- lutions annexed, was tin mi handed to the Town Clerk by Rnfiis Adams, Esq. and read to people. The preamble stated the intention of Miss Crandall to establish a school in Canter- bury, for the education of young colored fe- males, and the resolutions amounted to this, viz — That the unqualified disapprobation of this meeting be expressed against tie' estab- lishment of tin- above mentioned school — that we will do all in our power to prevent it — and that a committee he appointed to vi i1 Miss Crandall to inform her of the proceed resull of the meeting, to endeavor to con- vince her of the injurious consequence would inevitably result from the introduction of colored children into the town, and to per- suade her to relinquish her plans. Many remarks were offered upon these res- olutions by Andrew T. Judson, Esq. Rufus Ad- ams, and < thers, o holly unworthy of aci\ ilized, mi teh less of an enlightened, christian commu- ijury that would accrue to the town from the introdut tioii of colored children, was rep hi by .Mr. Jud- son. He said that I .mid be, should such a school go into operation, pre- i they now an in v -, where there is scarcely, said he, a happy person — that rlu ir sons and daughters would be forever ruined, and property be no longer safe. For Ins part, he was not willing, for the honor and welfare of the town, that, even one corner of it should be appri | i such a purpose. i • example which New-Haven has set, he continued, shall it be said thai we cannot, We tell thes gentlemen, said he, turning towards Messrs. Buffum and May, that the laws shall be put in force. I, for one, am happy to see the Rev. Gentleman here, who has attempted to impose upon me, and seekmy property, and rouse my feelings — I am happy he is here to hear me. The feeling expressed by the citizen- of New-Haven, in regard to the establishment of a College in that place for colored youth, was represented by him to be a feeling common throughout the State ; that it had been said that there was one town in Connecticut thai was willing that a. school of this kind should be established, and that was Union. He said there were about 75 voters in Union, and a freeman of that town toldhim a few days since that should Miss C. attempt to cross their line for the purpose of establishing a negro school, that ever)' one of these voters would am themselves upon it, and if she gained admit- tance, it would not be until they were no lon- ger able to defend themselves. Mr. Judson farther stated thai they had a law which would prevent that school from going into operation, the law that related to the introduction of foreigners — that it had been threatened that if they made use of that law, the constitutionality of it should be tried in the Supreme Court of the United State-. iw citizens, let it be done. Are we to be frightened because Arthur TappanofNew York and some others are worth a li w mil- lions of dollars, and are going to use it in op- pressingus? No. I know voti will answer. No. Much more was said. Yes,mucb more was said. Shame, sham itle- men who had no more honor. The character, the motives of Miss Crandall, were bas misn ; >■ as there no one to defend her? Yes, there was one, one, who though he did nol ther to approve of the school, had moral courage enoughto defend her character againsl the base insinuations, of those who had so much to say about foreign influence and oppression jVeie Anti- Slavery Societies. 63 That man was Mr. G. S. White, a tanner. He said the gentlemen were excited, and did not rightly consider what they were about to do — that the resolutions in themselves might be well enough, but he thought it going too far to bring up an old blue law to support them — thatthatlaw never was intended, and never could be brought to bear upon the school in question. He did not believe that such a state of things would exist as Mr. Judson had represented, if colored children were admitted into the town ; for, said he, Miss Crandall is a Christian, and tiie evening and the morning prayer will daily ascend to the Father of mer- cies in their behalf, and he will vouchsafe his blessing. Mr. White was continually interrupted by one Solomon Paine, who, whenever he at- tempted to defend the character of Miss C. desired the Moderator, Mr. Asahael Bacon, to call him to order : and this was promptly done. Indeed, sir, during the whole time that Mr. White was speaking, the house was in the utmost confusion : — and notwithstanding every liberty was allowed Mr. Judson and Mr. Ad- ams, none at all was allowed him. Miss Crandall sent in two slips of paper, re- questing that Messrs. Buffum and May might be permitted to speak in her behalf. This seemed at once to arouse the feelings of the whole meeting, and Mr. Judson indignant- ly replied that he would not see the laws thus degraded and insulted; and if the Rev. tieman and his associate attempted to say any thing, the law should be immediately put in force. Whether any vote was taken upon this subject, I cannot say; certain it is, that the gentlemen were not permitted to speak, and defend the cause of her who could not plead fir herself. One thing was allowed — one thing was admitted — that the lady had borne an irreproachable character up to the fie first contemplated a school for color- ed females. Hit unpardonable sin lay all >- gether in her wish to elevate the moral and intellectual condition of the blacks, and at- tempting to carry her plans into operation, without consulting tic i. The votes upon the resolutions were unan- imous. Immediately after the meeting was dissolv- ed, Mr. Judson told Mr. May to go home- that he had no ri^ht to interfere — and he did not want him there. Mr. May imme requested to he heard — the meeting was over, and he was violating no law. A greal hereupon occurred; — some were for hearing him — others declared they would not. In the midst of tins confusion, the voice of Andrew T. Judson, Esq. was heard at the door, order- ing the people to leave the house. But lie found his power was not absolute, Capt. Rich- ard Fenner's assistance and aid notwithstand- ing. Mr. May was at last enabled to proceed, and spoke with great energy ; and, I doubt not, with some effect, to about one third of the number first assembled. He soon gave way to Mr. Buffum, who commenced witli defend- ing .Miss Crandall; but the door soon flew open, and about six men walked up the aisle, (the Committee, 1 conclude, of the house,) headed by Doctor Harris, a life number of the Colonization Society, who requested Messrs. Buffum and .May to leave the house. The request was instantly complied with. In short, such disgraceful proceedings I never witnessed before, and little expected to witness in the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury. The present generation may hail them as just, but the very next will execrate them. The names of those who have been most ac- tive in attempting the suppression of this school, may be honored now, but future ages will consign them to ignominy and shame. I had hoped that, among the enlightened in- habitants of Connecticut, such a school would be hailed with joy. But I was deceived. Let not the voice of remonstrance against South- ern tyranny be raised by the people of that State, for it will 'be a Gloucester at his devo- tions ' — 'it will be the devil chiding sin.' You will doubtless ask — How docs Miss Crandall bear up under such a mighty opposi- tion ? I reply — unmoved. Not a purpose of her heart is shaken — not a fear awakened within her bosom. Confident that she is pur- r the path of duty, she is determined to press on to the end. No persecution that can assail her, will alter the steadfast purpose of her soul. She has received that consolation from above, which the world can neither give nor take away. In view of the great principles for which we an 1 contending, T think every abolitionist will feel pledged to adopt immediate measures, if necessary, for bringing this case before the proper tribunal. Your friend, HENRY E. BENSON. NEW ANTT-SLAYERY SOCIETIES. We notice with pleasure the formation of an Anti- Slavery Society at Bath in Maine, and of another a! Reading in Massachusetts. They are both formed upon kindred principles with the New-England Anti- Slavery Society. The following are the officers of the Bath Society: Nathan Weld, President. John Masters, Via President. Nathaniel Sw isey, Secretary. John Haydek, Treasurer. Davis IF itch, ^ Wm. V. Moses, j- Counsellors.. Freeman H. Morse, ) [£? The Treasurer of the New-England Anti-Slaverj Society acknowledges the receipt of Fifteen Dol- lars from the Rev. Henry Jones of < !abot, Vermont, to constitute him a Life Member of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society. G4 'an of Slavery in the British Colonics. — Poetry. CHEERING NEWS ! Abolition o] Slavery in the British Col- onies. 'I'iir system pf oppression, which has so long been tolerated in the British Colonies, appears to be fast ■ its termination. Ii now scarcely ad- mits of a question lhal the British ministry has deler- mim a of slavery in the < !olo- nies of the Empire. We have no room to express our pi ct. The followingex- tract is from the London Glol f January 29th. The West-India interest were thrown into i able alarm yesten tort that it w, tion of Ministers to introduce a hill into the new Parlia- diate emancipation of thi \\ est Indies. It was stated that Ihe purport of the bill was to limit the existence of slavery in the Colonies to Lhal it was no! the intention of the gov- ernment to offer any compensation to the planters or j>rt >[>!!• Jn con i umors, a deputation of gen- tlemen connected with the West-] I upon Lord Grey, ami I mi e of the noble Karl at the Treasury, yesterday. They requested to be in- formed whether it was true that 'it was tin- intention of rnment to emancipate the slave popul ition ' — The answer, v id, »,i. in the affirmative ;— and that a bill tor that purpose would, on an earl} day, besubmitted to tin- consideration of Parliament. It was also intimated that three years would lie the peri- od fixed for the extini tion of slavery — that emancipa- tion of the negroes would be unconditional, and that no compensation, except under special circum would !"■ allowed. Sir Alexander Grant, who Weaded the deputation. inquired of the noble Premier whether it was the inten- tion of Ministers to announce this important measure in the spe< throne at the opening of the ses- sion. Lord (ire;, replied that tin- measure h formally decided upon, bul that he could not. without departing from the rules of courtesy, give any intima- tion of the sentiments which his Majesty would com- municate in Ins address to both Houses of Parliami at. Upon its being represented to the noble Earl tin- pro- onsi queuce which mighl ensue in the colonies Ihese measures were prematurely announced, iiis Lordship intimated that the government were pre- pared to meet the exigencies, and that an imposing foree. consistingof 15,000 men. would forthwith be senl lo the West-] This is ■ the purport of the con- which took place, after which the deputation withdn « . : ind communicated the result to their friends in the city. it to he understood that we make the i meats upon the rumors which «ere generally circulated in the city yesterday among the West-India circles. This afternoon the business of the Colonial market i i aided by the announcement that his Ma- jesty's m e made slavery a cabinet qu tic .ery will be abolished in thi years, and thai no co will be given. This annoum ement ha; i < ,,„, and the West-India planters have withdrawn their sugars from sale, to await the issue of thi Jam rica.— \ new and general ferment has been oc- casioned in the Island of Jamaica by the publication of a royal Proclamation issued bj the king ofEngland and accompanied by a circular 'from the Earl ofMul- grave, the Govi , .,,,, or ac _ tion of any soci le remo^ al from the Island of the Dissen and Ministers of R ,. His Maj tsty declares his j n t e tain and defend the princip toleration througliout all his dominions, and warns all persons not to transgress the injunctions of his Proclamation at their peril. [ for the Abolitionist.] Ml Wlln IN I'.ONDAGE PINE. I. ^ e who in bondage pine, Shut out from lignl divine, Bereft of hope ; \\ hose limbs are worn with chains, W hose tears hedew our plains, ^\ hose blood OU1 glory stains, In glouni who grope : — II. Shout ! for the hour draws nigh, That gives you liberty ! And from the dust, — tg your \ he embrace, — I rprising, take youi i Among earth's noblest race, Bj right, thefrst! III. '. lon£ niarht The nielli — the Ions Of infamy and slight, Shame and disgrace, a\ erj . worse than e'er Rome's serfs were doomed to bear. Bloody beyond compare — Recedes apace ! IV. See! in the EasI breaks forth. Kindling the \\ esi and North, The glorious dawn Of Freedom's natal daw. That shall your race repay For years of misei v — Ages of scorn. V. For every tear of wo ^ e Ye shed — for every blow By tyrants given : For all your groans and sighs \ our agonizing cries. Piercing the tar off skies, And moving Heaven : — VI. Impartial Providence A splendid recompense Will you insure : For you. wealth, station, fame. A proud and deathless name, And tin- world's loud acclaim, Time shall procure. VII. Lorn Africa once more, As proudly as of J ere. Shall yet be seen Foremost of all the earth, In learning, beauty, worth- ily dignity of birth \ pi erless queen ! \ III. Speed, speed the hour. O Lord ! Speak, anil, at thy dread word, Fetters shall fall Ftom every limb — the strong No more the weak shall w But Liberty's sweet song Be sung by all ! Boston, March 20, 1833. W. L. G. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] MAY, 1833. [NO. V. QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE NEW-ENG- LAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The quarterly meeting' of the Society was held at the Representatives' Hall, in the State House, in Boston, on Monday the 26th ult. The Rev. E. M. P. Wells, one of the Vice Presidents, presided. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Phelps of Boston. The following resolution was then offered by Mr. Oliver Johnson. Resolved, That the principles and measures of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society are consistent with every duty which we owe to our country, and that benevolence to the masters, not less than to the slaves, requires us to advocate the doctrine of imme- diate ABOLITION. Mr. Johnson, Amasa Walker, Esq. and Mr. David T. Kimball, President of the Andover Auxiliary Anti-Slavery Society, spoke with great ability in support of the resolution, which was adopted unanimously. Mr. Garrison offered the following resolu- tion. Resolved, That the American Colonization Society. by its attempts to palliate the guilt of slaveholders, and by representing slavery as an evil justified by ' neces- sity,' hinders the progress of emancipation, and lends to depress the free people of color. The resolution was supported by Mr. Gar- rison in an eloquent address, and passed with- out opposition. The Rev. James D. Yates then offered the following resolution. Resolved, That the American Colonization Society is pledged not to oppose the system of Slavery. 2d. It apologizes for Slavery and Slaveholders, and speaks peace to them in their sins. 3d. It regards Slaves as property. 4th. It increases the value of Slaves as Slaves. 5th. It is an enemy to the immediate substitution of righteous and equal law, for the unrighteous authority of the Slave-Masters. 6th. It is nourished by fear and selfishness. 7th. It pretends to aim at the utter expulsion of the colored people ; that is, of about one sixth of the whole population of the United States from this their native country. 8th. It disparages, traduces and persecutes the free people of color. 9th. It prevents the instruction of colored people. 10th. It deceives and misleads the nation. 11th. It makes a disgraceful and criminal peace be- tween the advocates of the colored people and their oppressors. VOL. I. 12th, and last — though not the least — It originated with Slaveholders ; and as like begets like, it is a le- gitimate child, and carries the mark of its origin on its lbrehead. The hour being late, Mr. Yates was able to make only a few but very appropriate remarks in support of his resolution, which was then adopted. The Rev. Philemon R. Russell of Water- town, offered the following resolution, which was passed after a few animated remarks by the mover. He was, like Mr. Yates, obliged to cut short his address in consequence of the the lateness of the hour. Resolved, That it is highly important that literary and religious instruction be communicated to our col- ored population, in this country ; and that the conduct of the citizens of Canterbury, Ct. towards Miss Cran- dall, in threatening to ' use every means in their pow- er, to prevent her from establishing ' and carrying into successful operation, a Boarding School, in that place, for colored Misses, is a solecism in a civilized community, and merits the stern rebuke of the Chris- tion world. Mr. Horace P. Wakefield appeared as a delegate from the Reading Anti-Slavery So- ciety. The meeting was very crowded, and the addresses were received by the audience with a deep and apparently favorable attention. MISSION TO ENGLAND. At a meeting of the Managers of the New- England Anti-Slavery Society, March 16, 1833, it was voted to send Win. Lloyd Garri- son, Esq. to England, on behalf of the Society, for the purpose of soliciting aid for the propos- ed Manual Labor School for Colored Youth, from the philanthropists of that country, and to present in their true light the schemes of the Colonization Society. In consequence of the low state of the funds of the Society, it became necessary to call for contributions to aid in this object. We are happy to say that the friends of our cause have contributed lib- erally. Mr. Garrison has already left Boston, and will probably have sailed for England be- fore our pages meet the eyes of our readers. There can be no impropriety, since he has left us, in saying, that we consider him emi- GG . inti-Slavery Publications. nently qualified to promote the objects for which Iif is to visit England. I lis faithfulness to the great cause to which he has devoted himself, his anient feelings, his energy, and his eloquence, can hardly fail to excite the warmest sympathy of our British frien AN n-SLAVERY PUBLICATIONS. We are frequently receiving Anti-Slavery publications from England. The activity and perseverance of the abolitionists in Great Britain is worthy of all praise. Among the pamphlets lately received, the following are particularly deserving of notice. The Anti-Slavery Record. — This is a small monthly publication intended to diffuse infor- mation in a cheap form. A Letter to Thomas Clarkson — By James Cropper; and Prejudi Me; — or the practicability of conquering prejudice by better means than by shivery and exile ; in relation to tin . Imerican Colonization Society — Bv C. Stuart. The arguments against the Colonization Society are presented in this pamphlet in a very powerful and convincing manner. .Mr. Cropper's Letter and the greater part of Capt. Stuart's remarks having appeared in the Lib- erator, we do not think it necessary to give any extracts from the valuable tract. Three Lectures on British Colonial Slavery, delivered in the Royal Amphitheatre, Liver- pool, on the evenings of • lugust 'l^lh, 30th, and Sept: iith, 1832.— By George Thompson. In the months of August and Septem- ber last, several public meetings were held at the Royal Amphitheatre, in Liverpool. According to an arrangement which had been previously agreed upon, Mr. Thomp- son delivered a lecture upon Slavery on Tuesday evening, August 28. The next evening Mr. . Borthwick, a champion of the West India interest, delivered; a lecture in answer to Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson replied the next evening. On Friday evening Mr. Borthwick rejoined, and Mr. Thompson delivered a third lecture in answer on Thurs- day, Sept. G. The room in which these lec- tures were delivered, and which we believe will contain three thousand persons, was well filled on every evening. Mr. Thompson's lectures are very animated, and at times elo- quent. Mr. Borthwick, a sketch of whose lec- tures we have seen, appears very feeble, in comparison with such an antagonist. We extract one or two passages from Mr. Thomp - son's lectures. The following extract on the claim of the planters to compensation, is as applicable to America, as it was in great Britain: — • I ana very friendly to compensation, Ladies and Gentlemen] I should like the negro to be compensa- ted. (Applause.) I should like them to show how much we owe the negro for his hitherto uncompensated toil; whi we to Africa, where no wind for gone over her plains, without gathering up the sighs of bleeding, broken hearts; where there is no sand that has not been steeped with tears or the blood of captured victims. I should like to see what compensation we owe to the negro : how much to that aged man, tottering on the brink of the grave, whose limbs are now growing fei ble, after years of unrequit- ed toil; how much to that poor woman torn from her infant, and set to labor in the field, if. indeed, a valua- be put upon the natural feelings of a mother towards the, offspring of her body; andthen I should like to strike a balance between the compensation due to the negro, and the compensation due to the planter. Eloquent speeches and arguments are made on the rights of the planter in the House of Commons, and echoed in the major and minor pro-slavery periodicals of the day. And at this moment, if Parliament were sitting, some West Indian partizan might be making an eloquent speech in favor of himself, and saying— ' Take care of I i nly think of the melancholy condition of the planter's wife if you reduce his income, by not giving him power to raise large crops and dis- pose of them. Give additional bounties to his sugar; lay more prohibitory duties on free-grown produce. — Mind that yon protect the planter.' Next morning, some lady sipping her tea, and reading the Morning Post, might say — ' Dear me, what an amiable speech ! How he pities the planter ! Really. 1 feel inclined to pity the planter, too.' (Lavglvter.) And thus all the lady's sympathy would be on the side of the planter, and she" would think nothing of the slave. But per- haps some friend by her side might just whisper — • This gentleman, whom you arc inclined to pity, is not in the West indies, because he happens to be in London; he is not a planter, because he happens to be a member of the House of Commons ; he is a mortga- gee, and has certain parchments deposited with Messrs. Drummond & Co., giving him a claim on ten or fifteen hundred slaves, and emancipation would be the anni- hilation of the greater part of his sectiritics. This is the source of his eloquence, consider this, and what re- mains, but a piece of empty, heartless, hypocritical de- clamation.' (Applause.) 1 am no enemy to compen- sating the slave owners, provided we do not make it a matter to be quibbled about, whilst 800,000 human be- ings are living and dying in bondage. As Lord How- ick said some twelve months ago- — ' \\ e ought not to be haggling about a question of pounds, shillings, and pence, while the victims of i are languishing in misery. If the rights of the negro are as sacred as those of the white man, we ought to set him at liberty. and settle scores amongsl ourselves afterwards.' 1 have often heard that the moment we settle the ques- tion of compensation there is an end to the danger of emancipation; all the giants that are set up to frighten us. shrink into pigmies, and the phantoms evoked to deter us from proceeding, vanish into thin air. This reminds me ot a gentleman «i ho wrote a pamphlet, and said to a critical friend, who happened to be by—' Just give me your opinion of the title-page of this work V There happened to be one word there that the critic did not like — • immediate' for instance. Says he — ' I hope you will expunge that word, I don't relish it at all.' The author taking a guinea out of his pocket, placed it upon the obnoxious word, thus : said — ' How do you like it now V ' Oh,' said the critic, (pocketing the guinea,) ' I like it very well ;, indeed, it will do un- slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. <>7 commonly well ; nothing can be better.' (Mr. Thomp- son excited repeated peals of laughter by the humor- ous manner in which he ' suited the action to the word ' whilst making th-is illustration.) And thus if we put gold upon the word ' emancipation ' all the danger \ ;in- ishes, and we may emancipate the slaves as soon as we please. " Put money in thy purse, Roderigo — put money in thy purse." ' (Laughter and cheers. ) SLAVERY AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. A small volume with the above title, was published in England, in 1831, by the Rev. Wm. Wright. This work we have never seen. But the Anti-Slavery Record for August, 1832, informs us that the author is ' a clergy- man of the Church of England, and for ten years in the service of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : ' We copy from the Record the following inter- esting account, taken from Mr Wright : 'The first case which presents itself on this occasion, not so much from its peculiar atroci- ty as from the feeling which it created, and the consequences to which it seems to have led, is that of Coenrad Hendrik Laubscher, who was found guilty before the Supreme Court of an assault committed on Lodewyk, the slave of J. A. Truter, on the 3d of Janua- ry, 1830, under the' following circumstances : ' Case of Laubscher and Lodewyk. In the year 1S27 the slave Lodewyk, at that time the property of this same Laubscher, was prosecuted before the Supreme Court at the instance of his master, by the fiscal or attor- nery-general of the colony. The indictment was for a personal assault upon his master, which, by the colonial slave law, was a capi- tal offence. The Protector of Slaves, in his official report of the trial, stal is that the charge was, that 'Lodewyk had struck his master several blows about the face and head, either with his fist or some hard substance en- closed within his hand, by which Laubscher was severely cut and bruised.' 'The prisoner, having heard the charge, stated that his master, having slept the whole night in his wagon, which was outspanned (unyoked, and the horses allowed to graze), at the Drie Ponteinen, on getting up on a Fri- day morning, called him to put on his shoes ; and that, whilst he was so doing, his master said that he hurt his foot, and thereupon kick- ed him violently on his throat, and struck him several blows ; and, on coming down from the wagon, was reaching his gun, when he (pris- oner) being apprehensive that his master in- tended to shoot him, clasped him round the body to prevent him, when he, Laubscher, in consequence of the horses moving on, fell against some of the iron- work of the wagon, by which his face was much cut and bruised. That he (the prisoner) seeing this, ran off to get out of the reach of the gun, saying, at the same time, that he did not intend to desert, but that he knew where he would go, — mean- ing that he would go to Cape Town to com- plain of his master's ill usage ; showing, at the same time, a wound on his head, which he stated to have been inflicted by his master with the thick end of the wagon- whip ; that he accordingly did come to town for that pur- pose, when Mr Servaas de Kock caused him to be apprehended; the said Laubscher hav- ing previously arrived in town and lodged his complaint at the Landdrost's office.' Laubscher, in his deposition, affirmed that Lodewyk had struck him on the head and face ; and alleged that he had struck Lodewyk with the handle of his wagon-whip in self-de- fence. Mentor, a slave boy (to whom Laub- scher had promised his freedom just before the trial) corroborated this statement. And upon this evidence — for there was no other witness present — the Court condemned Lodewyk to death ! From this iniquitous sentence, however, poor Lodewyk was saved by an appeal to the Lieutenant-Governor (the worthy and humane Genera] Bourke) who, as Judge in the Court of Appeals, reversed the sentence and acquit- ted the prisoner. General Bourke, however, it appears, could not protect this unfortunate man from the im- placable vengeance of Laubscher. Mr Wright thus narrates the sequel of the story ; giving, at the same time, in his Appendix, the whole details of the legal evidence on the subse- quent trial of Laubscher, from which his state- ment is abridged : — ' But another mode of punishment was in reserve for the ill-fated Lodewyk, to which I beg the readers particular attention. During the period of his imprisonment, Laubscher had sold Lodewyk to one Bester, his son-in-law, under the express stipulation that he should never be allowed to visit his wife and children, who were still slaves of Laubscher. The chil- dren were three in number, aged two, five, and seven years. Bester subsequently sold Lodewyk to Mr J. A. Truter, under the same stipulation. But, 'so strong was good feeling in the bosom of this faithful slave,' to use the Avords of the attorney-general, that he braved every personal danger to get a sight of his wife and children. With this hope he often wandered up and down near the place of Laubscher, who, it appears, had some suspi- cion of the unfortunate man's intention, and set men privily to watch and seize him. Twice within the three years he had succeeded in communing with his afflicted wife and family. A third time, too, he had almost succeeded, but this attempt was doomed by the heard-hearted Laubscher, to be cruelly interrupted. His wife was then asleep with her little ones, but be- fore Lodewyk had time to awaken her, he was discovered by Laubscher's spies. He attempt- ed to hide himself, but was detected. On be- Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. ing apprehended, lie said that there was no occasion to bind him, but 'that he would go and throw himself at his old master's feet, and speak a good word to him.' One of those who had seized him, Weise, Laubscher's steward, rode forward to acquaint Laubscher that Lodewyk was apprehended. It appears that he had been meditating deep and fearful vengeance. He was at the front door, with his walking cane in his hand; it was between eleven and twelve o'clock on Sunday night. He asked if they had bound Lodewyk care- fully ? The steward said tbat there was no occasion, as he was coming quietly to entreat his pardon. But mercy had no place in this old man's bosom. He called for his gun, and then ordered the steward to take hold of his cane. When Lodewyk arrived, Laubscher first told his steward to break his legs and arms with the cane ; the steward refused ; upon which he ordered the slaves to hold him fast, with extended arms, and commenced the attempt himself. After inflicting numerous heavy blows upon the legs of his timid and unresisting victim, he then commenced break- ing his teeth, saying, ' You once broke my mouth also.' He continued at these opera- tions for half an hour. The cane was sworn to be of the thickness of a good stout walking stick. Wiese in the mean time put away the gun. Laubscher then put him in the stocks, in a sitting posture, and in that position, gave him twenty stripes with his horse whip over the shoulders. He then put him in handcuffs, and beat him again until his whole arm was as blue as his jacket, and all swelled and bruised. Upon this Laubscher, exhausted, re- tired to rest, leaving the unfortunate wretch in torture scarcely conceivable, covered with wounds and contusions, and screaming with agony. ' The holes of the stocks in which his legs were fastened, were narrow, and raised about nine inches above the level of the floor, obliging him to sit in a very uneasy posture, which, added to the soreness of his knee and arm, caused him to scream out; but, in the words of his own affecting narrative, 'nobody came to relieve him.' After about half an hour Laubscher relented a little, or rather as he himself expressed it, recollected himself, and ordered the handcuffs to be taken off. ' 1 did not sleep the whole night,' continued the wretched slave, 'and cried for a long time, but nobody came.' At length the morning sun arose, but it was only to witness fresh deeds of cruelty. Lodewyk was released from his confinement, and, on his getting outside the door of his prison, his pursuer was in wait for him. He then ordered him to strip the upper part of his person, and to place himself flat •on the ground, and in that position he scourg- ed him on the hack with a cat-o'-nine tails. He thus received twenty-eight lashes. As Koon as he was permitted to rise and put on his jacket, Laubscher again resumed the cane, and made Lodewyk walk several times back' wards and forwards between him and the wall, each time repeating his blow with that weap- on. Sometimes he threw the stick at him, when the poor creature was ordered to bring it back, and then he would strike him again with it. During all this time, to use the words of the witness, Weise, who appears to have been a humane man, he refused nothing that he was ordered to do, nor did he use any ill language — an instance of patience and for- bearance almost inconceivable. At length Lo- dewyk was unable to move, when Laubscher ordered Weise to mount a horse, and drive him on foot, handcuffed, to his master's place, but Weise procured a horse for him. Upon his arrival at his master's place, he was sick and stiff, and was disabled for twenty-two days; and it appeared that he had previously suffered so much, that, even if he had not been fastened in the stocks, he would not have been able to have made his escape on the previous night from Laubscher's. Laubscher ordered Weise, if he made any resistance on the way, to beat him with his sjamboc. In consequence of the state of his right arm, he was unable to work at his trade. He could walk a little, but slow- ly, and with extreme pain. The whole partic- ulars of this affecting trial, of which I have given but an outline, will be found in the Ap- pendix, to which I beg to refer my readers- Suffice it here to say that, after an eloquent address by the attorney-general, the prisoner's advocate addressed the jury on behalf of his client, when the chief justice delivered a most impressive charge, and the jury, after retiring for half an hour, returned a verdict of guilty, accompanied with a recommendation to mer- cy, on the ground of the prisoner's 'old age and former feelings.' He was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, and a fine of fif- ty pounds to the king. ' This sentence most men would have con- sidered not too severe ; but those who under- stand the nature of colonial feelings will not be surprised at being informed that the whole case excited a strong interest — not in favor of the ill-fated Lodewyk, but of his cruel perse- cutor. An attempt to purchase the freedom of his wife and children by private subscrip- tions made by a few individuals, of whom I was so imprudent as to be one, together with an anxiety evinced to have some remunera- tion procured by law through the medium of a civil action, for the disabled Lodewyk, call- ed forth the vulgar calumnies of the most scurrilous of newspapers. This same paper which purports to express the sentiments of the slave proprietors, passes the warmest eu- logiums on Laubscher, describing him as 'one of the most respectable, peaceful, and friendly farmers in South Africa ' (which his treatment of Lodewyk no doubt evinced!); and again, ' an able, and, in every respect, a venerable man ' ! while, at the same time, the poor suf- Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. m ferer has epithets bestowed upon him as 'a murderous scoundrel,' ' a villain who once at- tempted to murder his master' (a crime of which even Laubscher never thought of accu- sing him), 'a rebellious slave, formerly his (Laubscher's) property, who was condemned to be hanged by the neck for having made an attempt on the life of his late master,' &c. ; whose cruel vengeance he softens down into the milder name of a 'perhaps justly excited Feeling,' and makes himself very witty on the ' paradox ' of the chief justice, that ' he who strikes another man's slave, strikes a freeman with respect to him ; ' which surely is nothing but the language of reason and common sense. ' The editor of this paper [Zuid Afrikaan) pursues the subject and endeavors to excite hostility against Lodewyk by giving his histo- ry. This article is prefaced by an open and undisguised attack on the writer of the pres- ent pamphlet, [Rev. W. Wright] whom he has singled out for his editorial vengeance. Among other inventions, he broadly states that I had offered my aid to Lodewyk ; and, after much vituperation, which I never thought it necessary to notice, he concludes his attack in these significant and unequivocal words : — 'Such is the wrong-headedness of the JUNTA TO WHICH YOU BELONG, THAT THERE IS NO TREE HIGH ENOUGH WITHIN THE VICIN- ITY of Cape Town to hang your worthy PROTEGE AND HIS BENEVOLENT ADVOCATES.' 'One of this editor's accusations against those persons, is that they had united in an attempt to purchase Lodewyk's freedom. Although I should have been pleased to join in such an act, it was his family, not himself, that it was intended to manumit, and this only with the voluntary consent of Laubscher ; from which object I was diverted by being informed that Laubscher had himself designed to make this atonement to his victim and the public ; but, if he ever intended to do so, he has not adher- ed to his design.' Our readers will perceive, from the above affecting statement, that the Rev. author of this little work, like every other man who in a slave colony ventures to take a decided part on the side of humanity and christian duty, has suffered from calumny and persecution. His book contains other valuable matter, to which we may probably revert on an early occasion.' It is often asked why anti-slavery writers are so fond of harrowing the feelings of their readers by accounts of atrocious cruelties per- petrated by slaveholders, since it cannot be pretended that such enormities are more fre- quent or of a more aggravated character than those which occur in places where slavery is not tolerated. We are not disposed to deny that the acts of greatest inhumanity among slaveholders have their parallels in the most enlightened countries where slavery is pro- hibited. But we totally deny that barbarous cruelty is as common in places in other re- spects of equal civilization where slavery is prohibited, as in those places where it is tol- erated. We publish such instances of cruel- ty, then, because they are more common in slave countries, and because they expose the natural tendency of arbitrary power to abuse. But we have another reason for calling the attention of our readers to cases of this kind — a reason which anti-slavery publications often advert to, but the force of which the apologists of slavery are very reluctant to perceive. It is this. The feelings with which most white persons in slaveholding communities regard such horrible outrages as those committed by Laubscher on Lodewyk — the want of com- mon humanity which they exhibit where a slave is the injured party — demonstrate the thoroughly corrupting influence of slavery. But the advocate of oppression still urges, ' Why do you tell us what happened at the Cape of Good Hope ? What has that to do with the Southern States ? If southern slave- ry is as bad, give us the facts.' We shall give facts enough in due time, and those who feel any doubt of the enormities practised by slave- holders at the south, will find facts enough to overwhelm them already on record, in the Liberator, the Genius of Universal Emancipa- tion, and other anti-slavery publications. Though the extent and enormity of the op- pression practised by slaveholders at the South are studiously concealed from the peo- ple of the North, and can only be visible to the omnipotent eye, enough and more than enough has appeared to make every unbiass- ed mind look with horror on the system. So far from doubting whether similar atrocities to those which Laubscher committed, would have been regarded in the Southern States as they were at the Cape, we know that cruel- ties equally revolting have occurred there, and the offenders have escaped without even an attempt made to bring them to justice. Let us not be misunderstood. Our charge is not that the great body of slaveholders are cruel and bloodthirsty, but that many more of them are guilty of acts of barbarity, than of an equal number of citizens of the Northern States, and that many who do not abuse their own slaves, look with unconcern on acts of brutal inhumanity committed by their neigh- bors. 70 ctsfrom Mr. Snetting's Address. I.Vi u iCTS ! aOM US ADDRESS, DELIVERED BEFOR1 rH] If. B. \ S I I -S I \ \ I ■>■ V BOCIETI . li\" WM. .1. BNELLING, I f Concluded.) I would, briefly, call your attention to the effects of prejudice upon the people of color in the free states. Permit me to say that they are not treated as free men and our po- litical equals, should he treated. If thej are not our equals in wealth and learning, if more of then) in proportion to their number, maj be found in our prisons than of whites, is it not in a very considerable degree, our own fault? No white mechanic takes a colored apprentice ■ — the black has not the advantage of our schools — he gains not a convenient, seat even in God's temple. His opportunities being less, his ignorance, and consequently his vice is more than ours. By treating him like a criminal we make him one, and we also make ourselves responsible, in a great measure at the judgment seat of God, for the crimes of which his compelled ignorance is the occasion. There are many who excuse their prejudice by pretending that the blacks are a ra< e in- tellectually inferior to ourseles. They say that no one has ever arisen to eminence among us. True, plants that are much trodden upon seldom thrive. I would, however, beg leave to refer those who hold this injurious opinion to the pages of Denham, Lang and Clapperton. I think that they will there find no evidence of any natural inferiority on the part of the black man. On the contrary they will find honorable mention of curly haired kings, sable skinned generals and thick-lipped poets, whose strains the proudest bard that ever sang in English might be proud to ac- knowledge. But what need to go so far for argument, to refute this calumny, when we have them almost at our doors. Lookat ITayti ! Thirty years ago, her now free inhabitants were slaves, as miserable and degraded as any that disgrace the soil of the continent. What are they now ? They are not onlv free, but more accomplished and better informed, as a people, than many nations of Europe, Hayti broke the bonds of her thraldom alone ; alone she contended with success against the utmost efforts of the most powerful empire of the earth ; ay, she shared with England the honor of having effectually resisted Napoleon Bona- parte in the zenith of his military and political omnipotence. Now she has her laws, her schools, her orators, her statesmen. I may say with safety that not even our own conn- try has made so greal advances, consi the difference of advantages. If 1 be asked to shew- individual examples of intellectual superiority, I name Boyer, Petion, Chrisl iphe, and last, and greatest, the great, the noble. the magnanimous, the unfortunate Tot L'Ouverture. Whoever has read the life of Toussaint will readily acknowledge, that no revolutionary chief who ever existed, can be compared with him in all that constitutes true greatness, save our own immortal Washing- ton. Ay, had Toussaint L'Ouverture been blessed with a white skin, hundreds would have gone in je to his untimely grave, and watered the sod that covers it with their tears. I think, thai if the people of Ilayti may be esteemed to represent the black race, that race may justly assert a superiority over some of the fairest ofthe Caucasian varieties. Many are willing to emancipate the slaves, provided they can be sent home, to their own country; that is. to Africa. I should be glad to hear it proved, that Africa is the country of blacks born in America. I have always thought that a man's allegiance is due to the country in which he is born, and I am yet to learn the contrary. Do the free blacks con- sider Africa as their home ? Do they joyfully accept the assistance of the American Colo- nization Society to get home ? No, they are almost universally opposed to the scheme. They have lately held many conventions, and passed many resolutions opposing it. This, they hold, is their native land. They are re- solved to remain in it, and to share its fortunes. They are right — here they were born, here their kindred abide, they speak its language, they are governed by its laws, they contribute their mite to its support — they know no other. They love the land that despises and oppress- es them, and would fain cast them forth as aliens and outcasts. All the ill treatment they have received, all the iniquitous laws that have been been passed against them, have not been able to alienate their love from Ame- rica. There may be some among them will- ing to emigrate, there may even be more than the Colonization Society can find means to transport, but, as a body, they are devotedly attached to the soil that gave them birth. We may wonder at their patriotism, but we cannot deny its existence. The secret of it lies in four words — this is their country. If the American blacks are Africans, then we, most of us are Englishmen. All of us are Europeans. It is a bad rule that will not work both ways. Let us suppose that the dreadful and dreaded cholera should fall so heavily and exclusively upon US whites, as to make us the minority of the population. Suppose that the majorit] b uld then insist upon sending us to ok. 1 ' own country — what answer could we make? It would only bi reA r ing the case. Supposing it just arid practicable to expel our coloi iughl we to desire their removal, as a mat ter of policy ? The expulsion of the Mi" ii mots from Prance, is universally considered one ofthe most impolitic acl performed by arbitrary power. Spain drove out the Moors. .More than three centuries have since elapsed, and she has not yet recovered from the consequence of her own suicidal act. Extracts from Mr. Snclling's Address. 71 Can we spare two millions and a half of peo- ple ? Let ns suppose that the labor of each individual is worth four-pence half-penny a day over and above the charges of his main- tenance, which is certainly a very moderate calculation. At this rate, their labor is worth a hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per diem, or something ex- ceeding fifty-seven millions annually. Can we afford to lose so vast an amount ? Have we, the people of the free states, especially, any reason to desire the absence of the free blacks ? They are almost all seamen or la- borers. If they contribute more occupants to our prisons than we do, in proportion to their numbers, the same reproach will also apply to the class of poor foreigners, which the Colo- nization Society has not yet thought of re- moving. They can perform as much labor as so many whites. If their presence be a dis- advantage to us, it is daily decreasing, for they do not increase in the same ratio with us, and their moral condition is daily improving. A spirit of inquiry is abroad among them. They have discovered that knowledge is power and riches and honor. They can almost all write and read. Many of them have property, pay taxes arid are united with their white brethren in church fellowship. Many are able writers, as a reference to the journals of their conven- tions will prove. Some of the reports of these bodies are equal to the official papers of any legislative body. I can produce composition written by blacks which the best scholar in the land need not be ashamed of. They are, to my certain knowledge, endeavoring to es- tablish schools, and to give their children trades. Why should we wish to drive such people into exile ? We certainly shall have room for them, for a hundred years to come. They are too few to take away the employ- ment of white laborers. If they continue to improve, their usefulness will increase, and if they do not we shall be none the worse than we are now. It seems to me that it is rather our duty to aid those who are willing to help themselves, than to drive them away from us. It is susceptible of mathematical demonstra- tion, that it is impossible to get rid of our black population. There are two millions and a half of them, and their annual increase is fifty six thousand. Every individual whom the Colonization Society has removed, has, ac- cording to their own account, cost them thirty dollars. At this rate, it will cost more than two millions per annum, to remove the increase alone, and to even diminish the evil, more than the increase must be exported. It would cost, according to the estimate of the Colonization Society, ninety millions of dollars and take thirty years to effect their entire removal. And this supposes that owners would give up their slaves without compensation. I leave you to judge if such liberality can be expect- - ed from them. If it cannot, the weight of | that the civilization of Africa has not advanc- their flesh and bones in coined silver would not suffice for the purpose. This is no dream, no speculation, but the result of arithmetical computation, from the data of these misguided philanthropists. What nation was ever depopulated by grad- ual emigration ? Some countries of the north of Europe, have sent their inhabitants forth en masse, indeed, but we cannot send forth our black population so. All the shipping of the United States, would not suffice to do it. We are ten millions, a mighty branch from the parent trunk, but that trunk is as large and as vigorous as ever. Ireland does not miss the thousands, I might say millions, whom she has given to the new world and the battle field. There is an old proverb, which, though coarse, is expressive and true. The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. The American Colonization Society have been en- gaged in the work of expatriation more than fourteen years, and have exported, in that time, as they say, twenty-five hundred per- sons, some small trifle more than the increase of a single fortnight. Truly this is baling a cask with a wine glass, while another is filling it with a bucket. When I believe that the ocean can be emptied with a scoop, then I will believe that they can effect their purpose. I do not impeach the motives of this socie- ty. On the contrary, I believe them to be good.. They hope to colonize Africa. I hope they will. They believe that the blacks can never be happy here, and propose to place them where they will be more happily situated.. They hold out to the nation the prospect of eventually getting rid of all its blacks, and to the blacks they hold out a perspective para- dise in Africa. I believe, that while they imagine that they are doing good, they are really doing evil to both whites and blacks. I think, that whoever will take the trouble to examine the subject will agree with me y that a gradual abolition is hopeless — impossi- ble. I think that nine of every ten who listen to their reports are content to take what they say on trust, being blinded, on this subject, by prejudice. Many a man would feel alarmed^ for his country, and bestir himself in behalf of the slaves, but for the fallacious hope of a gradual cure of the disease, which they hold out to him. In this way they wrong the whites much — the blacks more. I believe, and I have good reason to be- lieve, that the reports respecting the condition of the colony of Liberia, which are monthly and daily promulgated by the agents of this society, are delusive. I believe, indeed, that the soil of Africa is good, but I am also firmly convinced that the climate is deadly, that half the emigrants who reach Liberia die, that the rest undergo a six months seasoning fever, 72 Extracts from Mr. Snelling's Address. ed a jot for the last five years, that the colo- nists are subjected to an odious oligarchy, th;it there are not so many of them as the agents of the society have stated, and finally, that the majont actually settled there would return to America if they could. It is known to all here, that people from all civilized parts of the globe, seek America as aland of prom- ise, but I have never heard that any have sought Liberia as a refuge from poverty or oppression, beautiful as it lias been represent- ed. Bui 1 rest my b slief on more certain grounds —on letters received by a friend from a Liberian colonist, which certainly do not agree with the statements of the African Re- pository, or the reports of the Colonization Society. I believe, that the Colonization Society en- hances the value of slaves, and thereby en- courages the domestic slave trade, and induces owners to tighten their grasp on their bond- men. For, it is evident, that if a certain num- ber of slaves be exported from any state, Georgia, for example, the loss of their labor is felt, those who remain become more valu- able to their masters, and others are soon brought from other States to fill the vacancy. I know, that the Society, does in its reports, brand all plans for the abolition of slavery, with the opprobrious name of madness. I know, that they do describe the free blacks as the most wretched, degraded race that ever polluted the earth, and insist that their con- dition never can be improved here. Let him who doubts, examine the African Repository and the Society's official reports. These statements and assumptions are echoed and approved by all the enemies of the blacks, all the gradual abolitionists, all the slaveholders, and more than half the public prints in the Union. They destroy the hopes of the free black, who aims at improvement, for can it be matter of wonder, that, hearing hundreds bet- ter informed than himself say these things, he should believe himself an outcast, from whom no good can ever proceed ? They take away his motives to virtuous exertion, and thus use indirect compulsion to induce him to emigrate. They encourage and foster an unholy preju- dice, which crushes the black to the dust, which they tell him that he is unworthy to tread. But I need not dilate farther on this head, since a week has scarcely elapsed, since I heard a prominent member of the American Colonization Society, publicly acknowledge, that the value of slaves was enhanced, and the degradation of all negroes, perpetuated by the means I have mentioned. It is cruel, absurd and unchristian, to tell the negro, that he never can be happy or re- spectable in the land of his birth. Give him, at least, an opportunity of making the experi- ment. If a black mechanic shall work cheap- er and better than his neighbors, will you not employ him ? If a black merchant shall deal on better terms than his white competitor, will you not buy of him ? When a black phy- sician, shall have proved his skill superior to that of others, will you not take his prescrip- tion ? With him who will not, prejudice is stronger than interest or reason, and it is no matter how soon disease shall bring him to his senses. Give the black a fair chance — let him have the means of instruction — let all trades and professions be open to him. The laws do not forbid him to follow any honest calling, and these cases are, therefore, possi- ble. If, two hundred years hence, there shall be no respectable or respected blacks in the country, it will then be time enough, to agree with the Colonization Society, that a dark skin is a natural, and therefore, a just cause of of- fence. I believe that I do not condemn the Colo- nization Society on light grounds, or without a trial. They have tried themselves in the balance, and have proved themselves wanting. Fourteen years are enough to give to any ex- periment. They have been at work that time, and have utterly failed to effect each and eve- ry one of the objects they undertook to accom- plish. Their labors have not even made themselves felt by any class but the free blacks, whose misery they have, slightly, in- creased. It is time to look for the cure of a great national shame and scandal by other means than theirs. If then we cannot get rid of our slaves, shall we do nothing ? Shall we suffer the evil to grow from bad to worse ? Something, the slaveholders themselves admit, must be done. The case is a crying one. Remember South- ampton. Shall we not endeavor to prevent a repetition of the horrors of that massacre ? The peace of the South is gone forever. — Bloody retaliation and restrictive laws only make the matter worse. The ignorance of the slaves is no security, for it cannot last. — They have at last committed to memory a precept which their own masters have taught them, on such days as this. No slaveholder now feels his life safe. Will not our southern brethren permit us to mention the abolition of slavery ? Then they will one day hear free- dom to mankind proclaimed in a voice that will please them less than ours. Will they not give their slaves instruction ? They will get it in spite of them. Millions cannot be kept in ignorance forever. Will they not give them the blessings of religion ? Then some dark Mahomet will one day give them a relig- ion of their own. If they do not join with us in some measures of abolition, their slaves will at least try to set themselves free. Let us try to discover some means to avert the bloody day of reckoning, which, in all human proba- bility, must arrive sooner or later. As we cannot get rid of the blacks, it be- hoves us to make their situation safe and tol- erable to ourselves and them. Here they are. The South Sea Islander. 73 and here they will and must remain, unless we exterminate them, whether we like it or not. It is certainly better to have them our friends than our enemies. If there is danger in im- mediate emancipation, there is yet more in the continuance of slavery. The massacre of San Domingo and the late insurrection of Po- land ought to be warnings to us. If we give them freedom, we shall have a claim on th< ir gratitude ; if we do not, they will have every thing to hate and nothing to love us for. Had we not better give with a good grace, what we cannot safely hold a minul ? I do not believe that there is danger in im- mediate abolition, or that the interests of the slaveholders would materially suffer by it. — By abolition, 1 do not mean that any planter should give up his house and plantation to his slaves. The negroes are laborers now, and it freed would be laborers still. The relations between the two parties would not be much changed. Besides thu whites would only re- linquish what they have no right to keen, and something is due to justice, as well as to in- terest and expediency. Something must be done, or we mus tiently await an evil which is inevitable. — Whatever we do must be brought about by the force of public opinion. Let me say, that what the slaves themselves think will ere long- be no unimportant matter. They may rebel, and they may be put down again. I have lit- tle doubt that they would. But the game will be repeated over and over again, for the march of intellect is ever onward. In the mean while what will be the condition of the south ? It will be more just, more humane, and cheaper to set the slaves free at once. Our southern brethren may be surrounded, if they will, with intelligent, grateful friends. If they will not, thev must be surrounded with brutal and re- vengeful enemies, and we must be called on to protect them. A worm turns when tram- pled on. It is our business. Justice, inte humanity and reason demand our interference. Many there are who decline to take any ac- tive interest in the important question of the abolition of slavery, because they say and think that their individual exertions and influ- ence can avail nothing, and that it is best to watch the course of event- quietly. If all men held this doctrine, no important measure could ever be taken. If our lathers had all thought so, the battle of Bunker's Hill would never have been fought, our independence would never have been achieved. Massachusetts would now be a British colony. In ours, as in all republics, the will, or in other words, the opinion of the majority must rule. and I doubt not that the majority will one day soon be of opinion that the abolition of slave- ry is indispensible. They would be of that opinion now, could they but be prevailed on to think on this subject. Evils seen in perspec- tive are little regarded, but let one draft VOL. I. be made of the able bodied men of the free states, and the attention of the whole commu- nity will be rous Every man lias some influence, and ought to exert it in all matters that concern the wel- fare of his fellows. The mere opinion of any individual, if it do but excite the attention of his neighbor, has some influence on the con- duct of that neighbor. I do not aspire on this occasion to convince, but I hope to induce some to think, and therefore to convince them- (S. So thoroughly am I convinced of the holiness of the cause in which I am at this moment ei and of the soundness of the sentiments I have advanced, that I have none, the smallest doubt, that whosoever will examine, will embrace them, and make con- verts, in his turn, in a similar manner. I do not believe that a word spoken on this sub- ject can be thrown away. I believe that no two sensible men can converse on this topic without coming eventually to a conviction of the utter folly, injustice and impolicy of at- tempting to expatriate our black population, of the necessity of abolition, and of the futility of the reasons which induce so many to op- pose it. There can be no subject of more im- portance to us all, and I do earnestly entreat all who hear me, to think of it and talk of it. will do this, you will also act on it. The good work must and will go on, in spite of all opposition. Let me be called zealot, enthusiast, visionary, fanatic, what you will, still I would sav, were it with my last breath, FORWARD ! [For the Abolitionist.] THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDER. (Concluded.) After Ellen had concluded, I inquired if nothing could be done by the friends of relig- ion and humanity for this oppressed people ? Philo replied that while the laws of the coun- try were opposed to the laws of religion and humanity, little could be done by individuals — especially while a great proportion of the peo- ple, from motives of self-interest, violently op- posed any attempt to make a change in these la 'vs. All they can do, at present, is to excite a spirit of inquiry on the subject of slavery, and endeavor to open the eyes of the comrau- nitv to its true character. From this time we had frequent discussions upon this subject. One day when we were thus engaged, Mr. B., a gentleman I had be- fore seen, came in, and as we continued the conversation, he remarked that people now-a- davs seemed to be slavery mad : for his part, he" saw no great harm in it: the slaves, he thought, were quite as happy as others of the laboring classes. ' If that is the case,' said my friend, ' how happens it that no person was ever found who was willing to exchange conditions with them ?' 10 74 The South Sea Islander. 'Why,' replied he, 'people do not always know when they are well off.' 'Who is to be the judge, then?' said I — 'Surely uot those who are benefited by keep- ing them in slavery ?' '■No,' said Philo, 'the party concerned is never allowed to sit as judge or jury in his own ease. Now I aver,' continued he, 'that shivery is not only a great evil, but a great sin.' ' That it may be an evil, I will admit,' said Mr. B. ; ' but I do not see that it is a sin. It was practised at the time our Saviour was upon earth, and lie did not condemn it, but by his Apostles, gave directions to servants to be obedient to their masters.' • 5 es,' said Philo, ' and the word of inspira- tion has also said, "remember those in bonds ; as bound yourselves." But what I would con- tend tor is, that for one portion of the human family to keep another portion of it in a state slavery, is utterly opposed to the laws of God, as revealed in the New Testament. It is true, it did not appear to be the object of our Sa- viour, while upon earth, to make any violent changes in the existing state of things ; but in laying down the principles of his religion, he furnished rules for the conduct of all his fol- lowers. If you can point out a single precept of our Saviour which does not totally oppose the system slavery, I will yield the point. — No — the whole spirit of Christianity is in per- fect accordance with the words of God, as de- lineated by the prophet Isaiah : — ' Is not this the part that I have chosen ? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke ?' I can truly say I know of no greater sin than that traffic which makes one man the property of another. Indeed, strictly speaking, this cannot be done — for man be- longs alone to his Maker ; — but injustice and oppression are great usurpers.' Mr. B. now thought it, time to say some- thing ; and ho observed that he could not view it in tins light — for to him there appeared a perfect congruity between slavery and the general order of things — tint there seemed to be a gradual descent from the first cause of all things to the lowest animal, and that slaves appeared to compose one step in this scale of gradation — that the Africans were evidently intended for this place, as they were inferior both in their intellectual and moral powers. — ' And you know,' said he, with much sang froid, 'there must be hewers of wood and drawers of water.' 'Really, Mr. B.' said Philo, 'I should not have suspected you of such old fashioned, not to say unphilosophical notions. Why, you would scarcely find among the slaveholders themselves, one hardy enough to express such a sentiment. So you would make Africans the connecting link between men and brutes. No, depend upon it, the line between human beings and the inferior animals is too distinct to be thus confounded. Without, however, contending for the equality of the whole hu- man race, 1 would inquire if, by the same rule, we might not enslave all those who discover any inferiority of intellect, or moral obliquity among ourselves ? Would it not, besides be- ing extremely cruel, be the ready way of per- petuating this inferiority, and lead to the worst of consequences ? No, sir, it is not the nature but the condition of the slave, which gives him this inferiority. Once place before him the incentives to exertion which actuate other id you will see him display the same powers.' ( Hoi happens it, then/ said Mr. B. 'that we rind the free blacks always among the most degraded part of our community ?' 'Why, that,' replied Philo, 'can very easily be accounted for: having but recently emerg- ed from slavery themselves, and marked by the same color as those who remain in that state, they have every prejudice to contend with ; but, relieve the whole race from this deaden- ing influence, and see if they would long re- main the poor despicable wretches which they are now presumed to be.' 'Perhaps,' said Mr. B. 'it would be well enough to try the experiment, if they could be illy emancipated; but to overrun the country suddenly by such a savage horde, would be a most dangerous project.' 'No such thing is thought of,' said Philo, ' by those who contend for immediate aboli- tion : their labor would be as much needed on the plantations after, as before their freedom. It would only be recognizing their rights as men, instead of viewing them as things, to be bought and sold at the caprice of their own- ers. Their very masters would, I have not a doubt, by the exchange, find grateful and at- tached and active servants, instead of slothful, sullen, or revengeful slaves.' 'But,' inquired Mr. B. 'what compensation is the master to have for all this sacrifice of property.' ' Why, after all,' said Philo, 'what great sa- crifice will he make ? He will have, as I ob- served before, attached servants instead of slaves. And suppose the wages he would be obliged give them should amount to a little more than the food and clothing he had before supplied, it would probably be more than com- pensated by the zeal and fidelity with which he would be served. But supposing the case of immediate abolition, how can you prove that such would be the consequences? I can prove it, first, upon the principle of human na- ture, which is always softened by kindness, and stimulated to exertion by the hope of re- ward : and, secondly, by facts which you will find with a little examination, abundantly prove my position. I do not know of a single in- stance of evil consequences arising to the master from having liberated his slave.' The South Sea Islander. 75 Ellen now remarked that her own observa- tion would enable her to confirm both of the above assertions of her brother. 'Yes,' said she, 'during- my absence I be- came well acquainted with a gentleman avIio, though he was a slaveholder, such was his love of justice, and his sense of religious obligation, acting upon a naturally humane and tender heart, that the system of slavery appeared to him in all its native deformity, and he confes- sed to me that not a day passed that his con- science did not reproach him with his guilt in this matter. ' And you,' he would say, ' who are from the north, where this evil does not exist, I know must be continually shocked at witnessing it. But what can I do ? Heaven knows, I would gladly be rid of it. But my family ! — by freeing my slaves, I should leave them in poverty. And this I cannot resolve to do.' You may perceive that his moral sense was still somewhat obscured by the re- lations in which he stood, or he would not thus have hesitated in the performance of his duty. Though he was in health when these conver- sations passed, before I left the place he died, and by his will it was found that he had given freedom to four of his most valuable slaves. — And his widow, who related afterwards the circumstances to me, said it was truly interest- ing to observe the characteristic manner in which they severally received this inestimable boon, but all with expressions of the most heart-felt joy: they were of one family, three sisters and a brother — to the sisters, she was herself the bearer of the glad tidings. One danced and clapped her hands ; another burst into tears, and sobbed out — Oh ! my dear mas- ter, it was just like him; the third received it with a modest dignity, as if she felt that she had only been put in possession of her just rights. They all, however, continued upon the plantation in the regular discharge of their accustomed employments, but with renewed alacrity ; for the iron yoke of slavery no long- er weighed heavily upon them. ' Ah, Miss Ellen,' said Mr. B. ' that is a pleas- ing picture, I allow ; but does it not owe some- thing to your imagination.' ' Nothing, sir, you may depend upon it. It is but a simple statement of facts, without the least embellishment. But I have still another fact to relate, which will no less prove our point. It is customary for the planters to allow their slaves small patches of ground to culti- vate, for their own profit, either to raise vege- tables for their own use, or to sell if they pre- fer it. This small privilege, I believe, is sel- dom neglected, and by their zeal and industry is often made productive of very considerable gain. But the instance which I was going to mention will show to what an extreme this is sometimes carried. A gentleman, who had made the usual allowance to his slaves, per- ceived in the course of time, that a certain slave, who had been one of his most robust and active hands, discovered marks of feeble- ness and exhaustion which surprised him, as there was evidently no unwillingness to work, and he did not seem to be affected by any spe- cific disease. He determined, however, to watch him and discover, if he could, the cause. The mystery was soon unravelled : lie found that he had long been in the habit of depriving himself almost wholly of sleep to work upon this little piece of ground — (ah ! what an effect- ing picture does not this present!) But the worst of it is not yet told: his master thought that in justice to himself, and kindness to his slave, he ought to deprive him of this engross- ing employment ; and accordingly took away from him altogether, his beloved and too much cherished garden. Indeed, I afterwards learnt that this was frequently done, when the slaves overworked themselves in this way, which was often the case.' As Ellen concluded this recital, my blood boiled in my veins ; and such was my indig- nation, I could scarcely help breaking out into some intemperate expressions. Even Mr. B. seemed moved, but said that all these instan- ces related to slaves naturally well disposed, good characters ; but, in case of immediate abolition, what, let me ask, is to be done with the idle and vicious ? ' Why,' replied my friend, ' let the refracto- ry ones become amenable to the laws, and be dealt with in the same way that other crimi- nals are. I see no difficulty in it — it would certainly relieve the master from a great deal of trouble, to say the least.' ' Then there are the children and the in- firm — what is to become of them ? The mas- ter, you know, would no longer be responsi- ble for their maintenance.' ' Certainly not, (though, in fact, they ought to support the latter class at least, who have spent their strength in their service,) but should they, as probably would be the case, become dependant on those to whom nature lias given them a claim, if the laborer received his just recompense, he would have no difficulty in performing this duty. And what man is there, who would not rather work a little harder, sup- posing it were necessary, to support his child or helpless parent, than to see them fed by the miserable portion dealed out by the grudging hand of his oppressor?' ' Why, my dear sir,' said Mr. B. laughing, 'you seem to forget the low and degraded character of the slaves, when you suppose them capable of such honorable sentiments. Now I admit that what you state might be the case, if they should be first educated, and then gradually emancipated.' ' Allow me, Mr. B. to say,' continued my friend, ' that you are in my opinion entirely mistaken. You begin at the wrong end. No —liberate first, and' then educate ; for knowl- edge and slavery cannot exist together, any more than light and darkness— for the first ray 76 2Vie South Sea Islander. that breaks in upon their minds, will reveal to them their rights, and lead them to burst their fetters at ai Igno- rance and shivery are natural allies. A slave is the most unteachable creature upon i arth, and nothing can more plainly show the abomi- nable nature of th a, than its incom- patibility with education, all which can raise aim; ; a brute.' Mr. 13. evidently not wishing to pursue the argument in a din . from the fear of a defeat; for he appear- js loo much judgment not to perceive that he was on the wrong side, turned to Ellen and said, 'Now, Miss Ellen, I appeal to you : did not most of the slaves appear to be very content- ed and happy ? ' ' They, many of them certainly did,' replied she, ' and some of them seemed to think that black people were made to serve white people, and that it was impossible for them, to learn to read and write.' ' There,' said Mr. B. to Philo, ' what do you think of that ? ' ' Think of it ? ' said he, ' why, I think if I were going to depict Slavery in its most ap- palling colors, I should dwell with peculiar emphasis upon this fact ; lor what can more completely show its stupifying and besotting nature, than its having the power to make hu- man beings so insensible to their true inter- ests, and so ignorant of their just rights ?' 'I would not,' said Ellen, 'be understood to say, that all are contented and happy — far from it ; for very many, perhaps the greater part, suffer from feelings too keenly corroded by a sense of their wrongs; and 1 have heard of instances where the desire of liberty was so strong as to occasion a hopeless despon- dency, which death only could relieve. In- deed, I have found, where I have been, that great fear was entertained even of those who appeared the most faithful, should any thing like an insurrection occur ; and there are not a few who betray, either by a sullen discon- tent, or a disdainful indifference^ their perfect readiness for open hostility.' Though I had listened with intense interest to this discussion, and had been successively agitated by various emotions, 1 had not open- ed my lips ; but I now ventured to inquire, what was the labor in which the slave- \ employed ? .My friend replied that the prin- cipal part of it consisted in the cultivation of sugar, cotton, coffee and rice. And are these articles all consumed by the planters them- selves? I inquired. Mr. B. at this, seemed very much diverted, and asked, if I supposed they acquired their princely fortunes in that way ? I felt mortified, though I could not see any thing so very absurd in my question ; and, turning to my friend, I asked, how then the produce of their labor ivas disponed of? — for, continued I, it surely cannot be purchased and consumed by any but those who either approve, or view Slavery with indifference; and I should hope the number of such was very small. At this, 1 observed Philo and his aisl ir exchange glances, and for a i'ew mo- - there was a total silence. At length said Philo, ' Your queries do not at all surprise mo, for they are such as could not fail to be made by every person who viewed the subject in its proper light No, tin.' master would have but little use for his slave, if it were only to fur- , tence for hi id his family ; n tli' contrary, most of tin its of their labor are consumed by these very peo- ple wiin profess to condemn the system, and :t over it, and wish the evil could be re- moved, without even for a moment seemingto have the thought cross their mind, that they are the ones who are the upholders and sup- porters of it. But once let such a just spirit of resistance prevail as to induce each and 'very one to make the generous resolution to forego the use of any of these productions, unless furnished by free labor, and we should find it would possess a power to lift this dead- ly weight, which now broods like an incubus over that fair portion of our country ; for self- interest would soon point out to the slave- holder the only way in which he could make the products of his soil profitable, would be to liberate his slaves.' Mr. B. now changed his mirth into anger, and told my friend, with some warmth, that he should not have expected such a wild pro- position to proceed from him. ' Why, you do not seem to take into account the immense disorder, distress, and confusion, such a com- bination as this would occasion, both in com- merce and manufactories, to say nothing of in- dividual privation and inconvenience.' ' I am perfectly aware,' said Philo, 'that, for a time, it might operate as you suppose; but should any thino- be put in competition with doing right? However, T have nothing to say to any one, who, after having put it fairly to his conscience, can say he sees no harm in taking his portion of the labor of the slave.' I agreed perfectly with my friend, and de- termined thenceforth to use none of these ar- ticles, without first inquiring from what source they came. We now separated, and for my- self, at least, occupied by a new train of thought, my wealth now no longer seemed useless to me; for gigantic schemes for the release and benefit of Slaves filled my imagi- nation. JYote. It ought to be mentioned that the story of George and Letty in the first part of the South Sea Islander, and those of the emancipated slaves, and of the slaves over- working themselves on their own grounds, in this part, are facts. Letter from Arthur Tappan, Esq. — Traffic in Human Flesh. 77 [From the Liberator.] LETTER FROM ARTHUR TAPPAN, ESQ. TheoL Seminary, March 29, 1833. Mr. Garrison: — In the correspondence of the Anti-Slavery Society, in this Seminary, the following communication has been r ed from a distinguished philanthropist, it is presumed, will be read with interest by the christian community. New-York, March 2(3, 1833. Mr. Lewis F. Laine, Secretary of the Anti- Slavery Society, in the Theological Semi- nary, at Andover. Dear Sir — Your communication of the 8th inst., has remained till now unanswered, in consequence of a press of other cares. You ask my opinion of the Colonization Society, and suggest the inquiry, ' Whether, with its present principles and character, it is worthy of the patronage of the christian public ?' My engagements do not admit of my giving an elaborate answer to this inquiry, or explaii at length my views of the Colonization project. When this Society was organized, I was one of its warmest friends, and anticipatad great good from its influence, both in chris- tianizing Africa and abolishing slavery in our country. At one time, I had a plan for estab- lishing a line of Packets, between this city and the colony, and for opening a trade with the interior of Africa. I also offered to pay $1,000 to the Society, if the .100 individ proposed in the plan of G. Smith, could be found within one year. I mention these things to show how heartily I entered into the scheme. The first thing that shook my confidence in the Society, was the fact, that ardent spirits were allowed to be sold at the colony, and, as the Agents wrote me from Liberia, in giving the assortment suitable to make up an im were considered ' indispensable.' I used the little influence I had, with the Society, to ob- tain a prohibition to the admission of ardent spirits into the colony, with what success may be seen in the * fact, that no less than four- teen HUNDREn barrels of the liquid poison, have been sold there within a year. With my feelings somewhat cooled by the knowl- edge that ardent spirits, tobacco, powder and balls, were leading articles of trade at the colony, I read v care the arguments of that distinguished and fearless philanthropist, W. L. Garrison, in the Liberator, and was soon led to ask myself whether this 'splendid scheme of benevolence ' was not a device of _ Satan, to rivet still closer the fetters of the slaves, and to deepen the prejudice against the free colored people. I now believe it is, and that it had its origin in the single motive, to get rid of the free colored people, that the slaves may he held in greater safety.' Good men have been drawn into it, under the delusive idea, that it would break the chains of slavery and evangelize Africa : but the day is not far dis- tant, I believe, when the Society will be re- garded in its true character, and deserted by every one who wishes to see a speedy end put to slavery, in this land of boasted freedom. You are at liberty, to make what use you please, of this expression of my sentiments. I rejoice to witness the effort that is every where making, to ' let the captive go free,' and that the number is daily increasing of those who are resolved not to cease their efforts in every lawful way, to secure to our colored fellow citizens, equal rights with others. That, your Society may be eminently instrumental in dissipating prejudice, and pouringlight upon the intellect of the millions of our countrymen who are held in bondage, is the earnest prayer of your fellow laborer, ARTHUR TAPPAN. "This statement. I am assured is made on unques- tionable authority, and it is not contradicted by the Colonization Society. TRAFFIC IN HUMAN FLESH. The traffic in ' slaves and souls of men ' forms the most extensive branch of American commerce ! — As specimens of the manner in which these unhappy, guiltless beings are of- fered for sale, we copy the following adver- tisements from southern newspapers. Well may abolitionists be excused, in view of this horrible spectacle, if they exhibit great indig- nation and intense ardor. Blush, republicans ! Mourn, christians ! BY HENRY o'HARA. To-morrow r , 28th inst. will be sold, at the north side of the Custom House, at 11 o'clock, CHLOE, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, and her Five Children, the eldest, a Boy 14, Eliza 12, Thomas 10, Anny 8, and Mick 5 years old. BINAH, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, and her 3 children, Cuffee, a boy 12, Hagar 9, and Binah (i years old. PATIENCE,a prime young Mulatto woman 20 years old, a first rate Servant, of warranted character. BY BEE & CARTER. On Friday, 29th inst. will be sold, at the north side of the Custom House, at 11 o'clock, The balance of Negroes unsold, belonging to an assigned Estate,by order of the Assignee. CONSISTING OF Six valuable Fellows, Ship Carpenters and Caulkers, among whom are some of the best workmen in the city. Conditions — Approved endorsed Notes, pay- able in 60 days, with interest from date, and mortgage of property. Purchasers to pay for papers. t2 Feb. 27. BY BEE & CARTER. On Tuesday, 5th March, will be sold, at the north side of the Custom House, at 11 73 of Emancipation. o'clock, belonging to the Estate of Win. McKinsie Parker, deceased. A prime and <>r. -.■/ of 62 Negroes, accustomed to the culture of Sea Island Cot- ton, among whom are '-" l Workers, 3 half Hand<, and 8 Boys and (lirls from 10 to 14 years old. V,\ THOMAS N. GADSDEN. To-morrow, !,-'t!i inst. will be sold at the north of the Exchange, at. 11 o'clock, THREE \ \!.i ilil.!'. \ EGROES. A prim" young Wench, about 1? years old, a complete House Servant, and good Seams- "id a very likely Boy, between 13 and I 1 year-' of age. S'. 1!. These \ogroes are all of warranted characters, and can be treated for at private sale any time before the day of sale. BY S. PHILBRICK. A Negro Woman, about 35 years of age, a good plain cook and washer, accustomed to house-work and sewing. Also, a Negro Fellow and bis wife and a child, about 2 years old — good field hands. BY J. B. HERHKRT & CO. M Private Sale — A Negro Woman, 40 years old, a good field hand, and her daughter 9 years old, a house servant. Also, a Woman, 23 years old — an ahle house servant or field hand, with her 2 children, both Girls, 3 and 5 years old. Aug. 14. BY S. PHILBRICK. Jit Private Sale — A prime Negro Wench, about 10 years of age, of good character. Also, a Negro Woman, about 35 years of age, a first rate cook, washer and ironer. SAFETY OF EMANCIPATION. We read with delight the subjoined article from the Liverpool Times, of February 19. Comment is unnecessary. It is time that the slanderers of Ilayti and the revilers of the free people of color, should make themselves acquainted with the real character of the ob- jects of their abuse. FREE NEGROES AND SLAVES. We subjoin from the report of the Com- mons' Committee on Slavery a few extracts from the important evidence of the Hon. Charles Fleming, the Admiral on the West India station, who has resided in Jamaica, and has frequently visited Cuba, Ilayti, and the Caraccas. These extracts prove that the ne- groes will soon free themselves, if they are not freed by the government, — that free ne- groes are industrious, and will work regularly, even in the cultivation of sugar, — that they are competent to fulfil the duties of governors, generals, and priests, — and that the \'vcc. blacks of Cuba and Ilayti are incomparably better fed, and happier than the slaves of Jamaica: — • 2499. Were you much struck with tbe in- creased knowledge of the slave population when you last saw them, compared with what you observed among them when you saw them on a former occasion ? — Yes very much, and I was confirmed by that in my opinion that they are not inferior to the white people in intellect ' 2500. From what you saw and what you hoard from persons on whose information you ran rely, are you satisfied that reading and listeningto works read is very prevalent among the slaves in Jamaica ? — Yes, I know it of my own knowledge, and I have been informed that it is very prevalent ; I have seen one man reading a Gazette to a gang of slaves.' ' 2503. Are you of opinion that if the power of reading becomes general among them, so stimulated by their condition as slaves, that the knowledge of what passes here upon the subject, and the knowledge of what passes in the Legislature of Jamaica upon the subject, is consistent with the permanent endurance on their part of the state of slavery ? — No, I think it will put an end to slavery ; it will be impossible to keep enlighted people slaves, treated as they now are, as lias been proved by their late insurrection.' The Admiral says — ' I am of opinion that the West Indies could be cultivated by free labor, and I ground that opinion upon my experience of what I have seen in Hayti, in the Caraccas, particularly where all are free, and in the islands of Trini- dad and Cuba, and upon the industry of the free negroes in the islands of the Bahamas.' '2685. Was not one of the generals in the Caraccas a black man ? Yes, General Pey- anga was a perfectly black man, a complete negro ; he was a very well informed man, a very well educated person, and well read in Spanish literature ; he was a very extraordi- nary man. '2686. Hid you happen to know whether English officers served under him?— Many were serving under him ; I knew many other black officers, of very considerable acquire- ments, in the Caraccas and in Cuba also. I have known a black priest, a perfect negro, born in the Cape de Verd Islands, a very well informed person.' Speaking of the black republic of Hayti, Admiral Fleming says— '2725. Are you aware that there is a pro- hibition against all corporal punishment in that country ? — Yes, I know there is. '27"2i>. Did they appear to you to be living comfortably? — Yes; the most happy, the rich- est, the best fed, and the most comfortable ne- groes that I saw in the West Indies were in Hayti, even better than in the Carraccas. '2727. Were they decidedly better than the slaves in Jamaica ? — No comparison. ' 2728. Do you happen to know whether the population of Hayti has increased within the The Logic of Arithmetic. — Canterbury Again. 70 last twenty years ? — Of my own knowledge I cannot know that ; neither are there any very correct returns ; but I have every reason to believe that, since the last time the French retired from the island in 1804, the population has trebled. '2753. What were their victuals, compared with the food of the slaves in Jamaica, — were they superior or much the same ? — They were fed on meat principally ; cattle is very cheap in Hayti. '2754. Is meat much cheaper in Hayti than in Jamaica ? — Yes ; much cheaper ; it is 2d. a pound, whilst the contract price in Jamaica is 12d. ; in both places these are the highest prices.' THE LOGIC OF ARITHMETIC. The whites in the West Indies sometimes threaten to throw off their allegiance to Great Britain, in case of a compulsory enfranchise- ment of the slaves. A correspondent of the Jamaica Watchman, an anti-slavery paper, published at Kingston, (Ja.) gives the follow- ing statement, which in regard to that island is an unanswerable argument to all the bully- ing and vaporing of the slaveholders. Aggregate strength of the free black and brown population 75.000 Deduct those whom it is supposed would be compelled to join the dis- affected from the nature of their employment 1,000 74,000 His Majesty's regular forces with part of the marines 3,400 Maroons 1,400 Disbanded Wost India Regiment 300 Add two thousand loyal whites Less white rebels Deduct the loyal whites 79,100 2,000 25,000 81,100 2,000 23.000 58,100 [Slaves are meant of course] 350,000 408,100 Then add Balance in favor of the King and his govern- ment Say ye rebellious dogs whether ye can transfer your allegiance to any other power or much longer continue to oppose yourselves to the laws and the Executive. CANTERBURY AGAIN. Another act of the Canterbury farce has been performed, and we now hope we have reached the end of the play. A manifesto addressed to the American Colonization So- ciety, and signed by nine persons as the Civil Authority, and three of the same persons, and two others as the Selectmen of Canterbury, has appeared in the newspapers. This rather anomalous document,is intended as a justifica- tion of the proceedings of the Canterbury town meeting. Why it is addressed to the Colonization Society is not stated, but this course, it is evident, was adopted because that body was considered the sure patron of per- secution and prejudice. We trust that this motherly society will yield her protection to the frightened chickens who are endeavoring to shelter themselves under her wings. We do not think it necessary to examine this docu- ment, as it offers no good reason or even plau- sible apology for the conduct of the Canter- burians, and denies no material part of the charge against them. We think it the less necessary to examine the Canterbury proclamation, because the whole proceedings of the town, have already been examined with great ability, in two let- ters to Andrew T. Judson, Esq. by the Rev. Samuel J. May, of Brooklyn, Conn, which have recently appeared in a pamphlet form. Though these letters represent the conduct of the Can- terburians in its true light, they are yet distinguished by Christian charity. This pro- duction we recommend to all who believe that the colored people, have the same right to be educated as the whites. We have room only for a single extract. ■' The question between us is not simply whether thirty or forty colored girls shall bo well educated at a school to be kept in Canterbury ; but whether the peo- ple in any part of oar land will recognize and gener- ously protect the ' inalienable rights of man/ without distinction of color 1 If this be not done, in Connecti- cut, where else in our land can we expect it will be done, at least in our day 1 That it cannot be done even in this State without a struggle is now most shamefully obvious. A year or two since, some be- nevolent individuals proposed to erect an institution, at New-Haven, for the education of colored young men. The design was defeated by violent opposition. If the citizens had opposed merely its location in that City, they might have escaped condemnation, for such a seminary there might have been ver}' prejudicial to Yale College. But it was only too apparent, that their hostility to the institution was peculiarly embit- tered by their prejudices against the color of those, who were to be educated at it. So too in the case at Canterbury; no one pretends there would have been any opposition to Miss Crandall's school, if her pupils were to be white. The tincture of their skin then it is which has called out all the men of influence in array against her; and has even procured from the freemen of the town an expression of their 'unqualified disap- probation' of her plan. ' Here then, in Connecticut, we have had two recent instances of outrage committed upon 'the inalienable rights of man.' Among these rights, to use the lan- guage of the Declaration of Independence 'are life, liberty .and the pursuit of happiness.' Now Education has from the first, been regarded in this State highly conducive to the private happiness, and the public weal. Yet have our colored brethren been twice an- grily denied permission to seek this blessing, to the extent that they have desired. Will the_ people of Connecticut generally, countenance these violations of our civil and religious principles? If they will, let them no longer claim to be a republican, much less a christian people ! ' 80 Dtatk of J. Kenrick, Est]. — Affecting Occurrence. — .1 .Yew Ballad, DEATH OF JOHN KENRICK, ESQ. At a meeting of the Board of M , iv, Vpril I following preamble and resolutions were unanimously The Board of Managers of the New-] Slaver) Society have heard wi,th deep the death oftheir venerable President, Ihe late 5ohb Kenrick, Esq. His ardent and active philan- thropy, which even age could nol cool, and especially iuous ami long-continued i behall <>i of color in this country ,com- al a lime when theii little re- garded, — merit bim oui wai teem. His private virtues had endeared him 10 all who knew him. His loss now seems to us irreparable. S el we trust thai his example will not be lost upon the members of our Society . bul anii renewed exertions in the great cause of human liberty. Deem- ing 11 proper to place upon our records and to commu- amily our feelings u| on this oci R olved, That we sympathize will, the surviving relative- late Johh Kes ri< k, Esq. in their feelings on the loss of a friend so much belov- ed and r.\ ered. '. That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolution be communicated by the Secretary to i |y of Mr. Kenrick. AFFECTING OCCURRENCE. A few days ago, two colored men gave information to some members of the Anti-Slavery Society, that a I ive Horn one of the southern Slates was on board a schooner in the harbor, that he was vers desir- ous of- escaping, and that lie was watched foi fear ol bis running away. 'Ihe name of the vessel, as ward- asci rtained, was die Vienna, her master's Lo- renzo Dow Morgan, and the slave's Burton Spicer. — She is >anl lo be bound to New-York. A writ of ha- beas corpus was. on the petition of one of the members of the Society, immediately' obtained from the Supreme Court, and served upon [he Captain; and Spicer was shortly alter brought up lo die - Helen- the Judges -a mid take cognizance of the case, it became necessary lo -Ih.w dial Spicer was de- tained against his will, lie .-..i ingly interro- gated upon the subject by the counsel, and infoi that he was free in Massachusetts, and that no doubt die Court would 50 pronounce him, if the case was permit- ted to proceed. TIk- poor allow seemed very much agitated, and his whole frame trembled. He said he should like io be free in Ins own country, where his re- lations u " . He was urged i" make In- election, and say whether he wished io be free an i here, i he would be compelled to do, or to return lo Ins rela- tions as n slave, lie concluded, alter a Strong and visible conflict between hi- feelings, to go back — and accordingly returned to the vessel. We are informed, and have no doubt of the fact, that the Captain had threatened in pul him in irons, ii he attempted to i -- The N. lings of the sla r. He was not insensible of ihe charms ol liberty, but he was unwilling to desi rt his r< lations, e\ pn to obtain a bless- ing which he so ardently desired. The case leads us 'lo mention a principl which is not so generally known among us as il to be, viz : — that a slave, coming fi slave States, by the consent of his master, into a frei becomes'free. The only case in which the authorities of a free State are bound lo deliver up a slave to his owner, is the one provided for by Ihe Constitution ol the United States, when- the -lave has n way; from his master. In every other case, every person in die free States, is free.— The Liberator, of Saturday, April \2>th. A NEW BALLAD* I'll tell you a >iory merry. Concerning the peo] ay,' t About their town me< ling and speechifying, To send all the blacks from ihe country llyuig. 1 dared to invite Colored in!- in her school, that she'd teach them to w rite. And. lo die disgrace of the town and the nation, In '.ended to give diem a good edui When this new- reached the ears of the clerk of the town, lie lengthened his visi down, Then swine by ihe shade ol Jai k < nde, no SUchschool The \ ill a while he had the iule. So die townsmen are summ In haste they appear In their hall, all aghast, and all trembling with fear. or rises, ' A vole let me read. To declare to the universe some of our i , ire not given, !, road lo heaven, 'ml thai we will resist leaching any such creatures, As rudely assailing a great law of nature's.' ■ Can any one think.' he cries, • nature intended Byti aching, th uls should everue mended, m meet with us whiles, in debate. Anil aid us in making the laws lor our Stale? Can Connecticut men e'er become such vile asses mit to this mixture of milk and molasses? Oh ! save us, kind heaven, from Ihese foul disgraces, And bless our descendants with unmixed white faces ! ' When this manly r< olve this bold spi ech had sustained Long and loud were ihe plaudits ihe orator gained. Next spri clerk, but how vain is all verse, His wisdom. Ins fancy, Ins wit to rehearse. • I rise, fellow citizi I ! < )ur good town is ruined, our rights are betrayed ! ng us, what then? Black females are ladies, and negroes are men. We must meet diem at dinners, at parties, at prayers, Our houses and lands Inn would soon become theirs. What right have these woolly heads hither to come, Let them go back to Africa — there is their home. In vain did our forefathers cross the rough sea, \ :■ us ihis land a- die home of the free; in vain did oin bleed, in vain toil, If we suffer these negroes to -hare in the soil. Let us swear then together we never will yield To the negro a house, or a school, or a held ; But while Quim Ihrough our town, it shall ii". er Reflect a black face from its bosom forever.' nd Ihe townsmen, with eager acclaim, olve, whi< h saves them Irom the shame. Th" cal ! '"'''■ Oftreatmg I breth a the U'rii an race. Oh! patriot sagi sof < tuinebaug river, Your wisdom shall brighten the world forever. And humanity, weeping o'er error and crime, Shall be cheered by your vole to the last hour of time. For a prose account of the transactions related in this ballad, see the Abolitionist for April, p. 61. t These two lines are borrowed from an old ballad with the alteration of a single word. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] JUNE, 1833. [NO. VI. THE LATE JOHN KENRICK, ESQ. Our last number mentioned the death of John Kenrick, Esq. of Newton, President of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society. We are happy to have it in our power to lay be- fore our readers some few particulars respect- ing the life of this venerable philanthropist. He was born at Newton, Massachusetts, Nov. 6, 1755, and consequently, at the time of his death was in his seventy-ninth year. ' He was,' in the words of one who was well acquainted with him, ' characterised through life, by industry, economy, punctuality, and in- tegrity .' By the exercise of these virtues, he ac- quired a handsome property, which he employ- ed liberally in promoting benevolent objects. Some years ago, he established a fund for assisting and relieving the unfortunate and in- dustrious poor of Newton. The trustees of this fund, at present, distribute $60 a year, from the income of the fund ; and after 1850, will be able to distribute $200 a year. He had for many years before his death taken a deep interest in the abolition of sla- very, and published a considerable number of articles on the subject, in the newspapers at different times. He was an ardent friend of the Republic of Hayti. and published several pieces in relation to it. In the year 1816, he published a small vol- ume compiled by himself, entitled the ' Horrors of Slavery.' This work is in two parts, the first chiefly composed of extracts from the speeches of British statesmen; the second, chiefly of extracts from American writers. It contains also an introduction and concluding remarks by the compiler. He printed 3,000 cop- ies of the work at his own expense, which he distributed chiefly among the members of Con- gress, and of the State Legislatures, and other persons in the Northern and Western States. Mr. Kenrick sent a copy of this work to Boyer, the President of the Haytian Republic. The following is a translation of a letter from President Boyer acknowledging the receipt of the volume. ' Republic of Hayti. Jean Pierre Boyer, President of Hayti. Port-au-Prince, June 9, 1818, the 15th year of Independence. Sir, — I have received the work which you were kind enough to send me, entitled the Horrors of Slavery, and am duly sensible of your civility in presenting it to me. I have read the volume with the liveliest interest, and cannot but applaud the motives which in- duced you to prepare it. I fondly cherish the idea that the exertions of philanthropists, among whom you are so honorably distinguish- ed, will ere long be crowned with the most brilliant success, and that humanity will no longer groan under the barbarous laws which still support in some countries the atrocious system of slavery. It will be your glory and consolation, Sir, and that of those who, like you, consecrate their talents and leisure, in pleading at the tribunal of reason the sacred cause of the oppressed, to see the victims of a detestable avarice, one day restored to the dignity of men, and enjoying their right of re- turned unceasing thanks to Heaven, in grati- tude for what they owe you. Continue, Sir, to execute the honorable de- sign you have engaged in. Your philanthro- pic devotedness, your ardent zeal to promote the cause of justice and public morals, will make you deserving of the esteem and vene- ration of your cotemporaries and posterity. For myself, I feel a real satisfaction i.n offer- ing you the expression of these sentiments, and in assuring you that I will do every thing in my power to co-operate with you in the holy work of regenerating those of our breth- ren who have been robbed of their liberty. I have the honor to salute you, &c. &c. BOYER. Mr. Kenrick took a deep interest in the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, and was from its commencement one of its most liberal patrons and useful friends. He gave several sums to the society, at different times, amount- ing in the whole to six hundred dollars, be- sides one hundred dollars specially devoted to the Manual Labor School. He was chosen President of the Society at its last annual meeting, and continued to hold the office at the time of his death. 11 A Roman Death. — Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 82 His character was held iu high and deser- ved estimation among his neighbors. He served in all the first military and civil offices in Newton, his native place, was for many years a magistrate, and from his 70th year, represented the town for seven years succes- sively, in the General Court of Massachusetts. In regard to religion, we again adopt the language of a friend, 'he believed it to con- sist in " imitating the God who is worshipped" — in doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly, in obedience to the commands of God — in visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction — in avoiding the spots, the vices, and the vain customs of the world — in undo- ing heavy burdens, and letting the oppressed go free.' ' He had a powerful mind in a powerful body. He was distinguished for energy, decision, independence and enterprise. His talents for business, whether public or private, were of the highest order. The most prominent fea- ture of his intellectual character, appears to have been, strong, thorough, practical good sense. His stature, his size, his features, his powerful voice, and his commanding address, all betokened extraordinary physical and in- tellectual force.' A ROMAN DEATH. Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue. Rochefoucauld. The .following story is copied from the Rich- mond Compiler : A servaint of a very respectable gentleman of this city had obtained forged papers for himself, wife and her mother, and look iiis passage on Sunday morning in the Patriik Henry, for Norfolk, intending' to go on to New-York. In the course of the forenoon lie was detected by Capt. Chapman ; and on meeting with the Potomac on jher way up to Richmond, Capt, Chapman put the wholi: party on board the Potomac, to I"- re- turned to thehV masters. The servant was very much depressed in tl ic course of the day, and staled that he had no cause o f complaint against his master, of whom he spoke in a Sectionate terms ; but that he never could return to ,'iim after making an attempt to escape. The Potomac w as late in getting up, and within a very short distance of Itockctts. about half past 11 o'clock, (on Sunday night .) the servant stepped over the side of the steamboat, before the wheel, very close to some of the passengers , who did not suspect his purpose. Wood was immei liately thrown out to him, and the boat lowered — but in vain. The wretched victim of his own passions ha> 1 disappeared and sunk. The act of this poor slave in putting an end to his life, was cer tainly criminal when exam- ined by the light t if Christianity. But had it been done among the Romans, it would have been celebrated as a deed of heroic virtue. Poets and orators \> ould have recorded the name of the man who preferred death to sla- very, among those of their Brutuses and Catos. Yet the Richmond Compiler sees in the au- thor of this rash act nothing but the 'victim of his own passions.'' He might have seen, if he had reflected, the victim of a cruel system of oppression. We wonder he had not reproach- ed the poor slave for bis fraudulent conduct in killing himself, and thus cheating his own- er out of his value. There are several particulars deserving no- tice in the paragraph we have just copied. They serve to show that even slave states are ashamed of slavery. In the first place, neith- er the name of the slave nor of his master are given. Whence does this studied conceal- ment arise, except from a consciousness that there was something wrong in a system which leads to such awful catastrophes? Suppose an apprentice of a mechanic had hung himself in a northern city, how different- ly would the story have been told. ' We un- derstand that James Tompkins, an apprentice of John Smith, a carpenter, who boarded with Mrs Adams at 90 Wendell-street, hung him- self last night in his chamber,' &c. Again. The Compiler thinks it necessary to apologise for the owner of the slave, by calling him a ' very respectable gentleman,' and saying that the slave 'stated he had no cause of complaint against his master, of whom he spoke in affectionate terms.' In the next place, the Compiler is so deli- cate that he cannot use the word slave, but very affectedly always calls him a servant. The Virginians, it seems, are so much ashamed of slavery, that they think it necessary to use some less offensive term in its place. We re- joice to see this affectation. We hope it may prove a symptom of returning virtue, and wc trust as they are now ashamed of the name of slaves, they may soon become more ashamed of the reality. LETTER TO THE ARCIIIJISIIOP OF CAN- TERBURY. The following letter from Captain Charles Stuart to the Archbishop of Canterbury, will, we think, be read with interest by all who ac- knowledge the rights of slaves to freedom. Though written principally in reference to the course pursued by the Society for Propagating the Gospel, it applies with great force to slaveholders in the United States. Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 83 LETTER. Mr Lord: — Will you permit an humble member of the Church of Christ, to address you with affec- tionate boldness, on a subject near his heart? That subject is, Negro Slavery ! Not long ago, I heard with grief the pro- clamation read, which recommended the Soci- ety for Propagating the Gospel, to public aid. I heard it with grief, because that Society is a Slaveholder ; and because the direct occasion, had reference to its Slave estate. Turn not now away, I beseech you ; for, my Lord, ' It is an easy thing to wear a mitre and a cross ; but an awful thing to give account of a bish- opric, before the Judge of quick ' and dead ;' and I find that I cannot be at rest without thus addressing you, while I read the solemn words of God, in Lev. xix. 17 — and again in James ii. 10. The Society has had the said estate with Slaves, for upwards of 100 years. God, no doubt put it into their power, that they might obey Him, and let the ' oppressed go free.' — Col. Codrington put it into their power, that they might educate a certain number of white youths, and give religious instruction to the blacks. I need not tell your Lordship, how poorly both of these objects have been an- swered ; neither need I affirm which the So- ciety ought to have obeyed. But what lias the Society been doing since 1710, when the bequest was made them? It has been preparing to obey God, as soon as might be prudent or convenient, by first preparing the Negroes for liberty. Here are my poor, said God, they have been oppressed — I put them into your hands. ' Let them go, that they may serve me.' We will, replied the Society, as soon as we have fitted them for it. So, thirty years rolled away, a generation passed into eternity, and the next generation was 6till enslaved, and still not fitted. ' Let my people go,' said God, in 1740, ' that they may serve me.' They arc not ready yet, replied the Society. A third generation rose in 1770, and again God said—' Let my people go, that they may serve me.' We are getting them ready, replied the So- ciety, as fast as we can. Do pray give us two generations more, for to tell you the truth, we want them to serve ourselves a little longer, and to make money for us, that we may build a college, and educate the white youths ; and besides it would be running so sadly counter, to the generous and cultivated Barbarians ! Another generation passed into eternity un- redressed; and then another; and still the Society, instead of obeying, is only preparing to obey. My Lord, what brought down upon Algiers the British thunder, but a similar procedure ? What but a similar procedure, iny Lord, awakened the midnight echoes of Egypt, with the howl of the slaughter of the first born ? My Lord, who is it that keeps in His bottle, the tears of the afflicted ; or whose ear is it, that is ever open to the cry of the poor, and who forgets not their blood ? Doth not He speak truly, who says, 1 Sam. xv. 22 — ' Behold, to obey, is better than sacri- fice, and to hearken, than the fat of rams,' &c. Now, my Lord, the question which I wish to place before you with affectionate boldness, is: — What is the real character of measures, which consist in '■preparing to let the oppress- ed go free,' instead of letting them go ; espe- cially when the experience of 120 years calls out shame upon the futility of such prepara- tions ; for your Lordship no doubt is aware, that the great body of Slaves on the estate in question, are still living in open fornication and adultery ? What, then, is the real character of such measures ? Clearly, it is not obeying the letter of God's Word. But does the spirit differ from the letter ? Your Lordship knows that the spirit is al- ivays to be collected from the letter, except where doing so would involve a palpable ab- surdity. Now, would abiding by the letter, in the case before us, involve a palpable absurdity? — Would it be palpably absurd to believe, that infinite wisdom and goodness, commands the oppressed to be immediately delivered ? Or must we conclude, that infinite love, knowing perfectly how very little men can be safely trusted with despotic power, still wills that the oppressed should remain in the hands of their oppressors, until their oppressors at the close of many generations, shall at length per- haps think them fit for liberty ! Let us look at the divine procedure, as re- corded in the Bible. Three thousand years ago, the Jews were in bondage in Egypt. Did God sanction Pharoah's keeping them in bondage, until the Egyptian task masters had prepared them for liberty ? No ! — He commanded Pharoah to let His people go. But perhaps they were prepared for liberty ! Their bones scattered in the wilderness, where they sinned, and the golden calf, mol- ten and graved at the very foot of the Mount, fearfully reply that they were not. Chushan Rishathaim, the Mesopotamian, in the 15th Century before Christ, reduced them to slavery for their crimes. — Judges iii. 7, 8. Did God permit him to keep them in bondage, till he had prepared them for liberty ? No ! God raised up Othniel, and delivered them, though He hieio that they could soon again reduce themselves by their crimes, to bondage. 84 Letter to tha Archbishop of Canterbury. Eglon, the King of Moab, not long after, became their master, and his history supplies a similar evidence : God delivi red them from slavery, most unfit as they proved then for freedom. We have similar evidence, in Judges iv. - Mr. Buxton's Letter. ity, to 6end blacks to Africa, to be educatod and improved. 3Jr. Finley, the founder of the Colonization Society,entertained similar Views. Therefore, because such was the design of Mr. Finley, seventeen years ago, the Coloni- zation Society have no other now ! We have heard of the logic of the schools, and suppose that this is an example of that of the Coloni- zation School. We said that we were 'willing to believe that the emigrants have, at last, overcome the worst difficulties ' of their situation, and this our writer considers an important admission. It seems to us, that it is no admission at all — certainly we did not intend it for one. We did not, and do not believe, that the emigrants have overcome the worst difficulties — we have evidence to the contrary — but we are willing to believe ourself mistaken. We profess some regard for the colonists in Liberia, and shall be willing and glad too, to be convinced that their situation is better than we think it is. We think the authorities our friend brings forward, are not worthy of credit. One of them is a fancy sketch from an English annu- al, Bishop Meade knew nothing about the mat- ter, and the deputation of colored gentlemen, (we are glad, at last, to see a colonizationist admit, that a colored man may be a gentle- man,) who went to Liberia for information, re- mained there but three weeks. They went, too, under the auspices of the Colonization Society, who, no doubt, shewed every thing in as favorable a light as possible. We know that the Liberia press is not free. The fol- lowing document, which was pulled down from a public place in Monrovia, by a respect- able ship-master of this state, shews this fact conclusively, as well as that the colonists have, or think they have, some grievances which they arc not permitted to make public. M M I ; 1 1 1 3 Liberty is the brilliant gift of Heaven — so says the Herald. Truth ; which, like the sun. is too brilliant for any hut the eagle eyes of free men in look upon, will ever be disliked and shunned by Tyrants ami Slaves. Ju- nius would never have been driven to use these means to expose the oppression under which we groan hail dure here existed a free press— but as no such thing exists in our colony ; we have no other way to expose our wrongs — and IF THE DASTARD FINGERS OF THE tools 01 pom ii: persist m destroying these memo- rials of a suffering and injur, g to dif- ferent owners, and sec each other more or less frequently, according to their distance apart, and the time allowed them for that purpose. Their marriages are not recognized or protect- ed by law. The reason no doubt is, that this might interfere with the right of property in the master. If the law protected the marriages, it. might at times prevent sales and transfers of slave property. Some slaves have, indeed, a marriage cere- mony performed. It is, however, usually done by one of their own color, and of course is not a legal transaction. And if done by a person legally authorized to perform marriages, still it would have no authority, because the law does not recognize marriage among slaves, so as to clothe it with the rights and immuni- ties which it .wears among citizens. The owner of either party might, the next day or hour, break up the connection in any way he pleased. In fact, their connections have no protection, and are so often broken up by sales and transfers and removals, that they are by the slaves often called 'taking up togeth- er.' The sense of marriage fidelity must be greatly weakened, if not wholly destroyed, by such a state of things. The effect is most disastrous. But there is another circumstance which de- serves our notice. What effect is likely to be produced on the morals of the whites, from having about them, and under their absolute authority, female slaves who are deprived of the strongest motives to purity, and exposed to peculiar temptations to opposite conduct! The condition of female slaves is such, that promises and threatenings and management can hardly fail to conquer them. They are entirely dependent on their master. They have no way to make a shilling, to procure any article they need. Like all poorpeople they they are fond of finery, and wish to imitate those who are above them. What, now, are not presents and kind treatment, or the reverse, if they are not complying, likely to effect on such persons ? And the fact that their chil- dren, should they have any through such in- tercourse, may expect better treatment from so near relations, may have its influence. That the vice prevails to a most shameful ex- Slavery in South Carolina. '.i: tent is proved from the rapid increase of mu- lattoes. Oh, how many have fallen hefore this temptation : soman}', that it lias almost ceased to be a shame to fall ! Oh, how many parents may trace the impiety and licentious- ness and shame of their prodigal sons, to the temptations found in the female slaves of their own households. Irregular habits are thus formed, which often last through life. And many a lovely and excellent woman, confiding in vows of affection and fidelity, trusting to her power over her devoted lover, has, after uniting her fate with his, and giving him all that a woman has to give, found when too late how incorrigible are those habits of roving de- sire, formed in youth, and kept alive by the temptations and facilities of the slave system. Now when we read the repeated declara- tions that ' fornicators and adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God ;' and call to mind the teaching of our Lord, that all intercourse between the sexes, except what takes place between one man and one woman in marriage faith, amounts to those crimes ; how can we, as believers in Christianity, uphold a system which presents this temptation both to the bond and free, and yet escape a participation in the guilt?'— pp.128, 129. SLAVERY IN SOUTH CAROLINA. The following extracts are from a work called 'Three Years in North America, by James Stuart, Esq.' It is spoken of as a work of great ability and candor. It is but seldom that we have anything published in this country in which the horrors and abominations of sla- very are spoken of in the terms which they ought to be. We trust that Mr. Stuart's work will be soon republished in this country. We have not seen the work itself, but copy from the Anti-Slavery Record. ■ M\ stopping place was on a rice plantation, so un- favorably situated during the unhealthy season of the year thai the planter and his family always leave it. The slaves were numerous, and were. I had reason to believe from whal I afterwards heard, as well treated as they generally are in this country; but it did not seem to me that their wanl of education, and the wan! of ordinary comforts, place them in a situation much removed from the brutes. They had little clothing, all of one drab color, and not one of them had bed- clothes. T had full leisure to talk with them, but of course I was bound to do so with prudence. All of them, however, with whom 1 had an opportunity of conversing, declared themselves unhappy and miser- able in their situation. A certain task is allotted to each of them, and, if this is not done, they are ul ject- ed to one of three punishments, whipping, wearing irons, or putting in the stocks, f was told here, on authority which seemed to be quite unquestionable (thai of a wealury planter who lived in this neighbor- hood,) that a planter, whose estate is at no great dis- tance from the high road which I was travelling, v as in the habit of punishing his slaves, when he thoughl that they required severe discipline, by putting them in cotlins, which were partly nailed down, and that this punishment had again and again resulted in the death of the slaves. The gentleman who communicated this information to me spoke of it with horror; but upon my asking him why such conduct was not punished, since it was known in the neighborhood, by virtue of the law, which declared the killing of a slave lo be murder, he replied that his neighbor took very good care of himself; (he punishment was inflicted only in the presence of slaves, whose evidence was inadmis- sible. He added, however, that the coffins had bee es, who it was said had lost their lives, had disappeared, and that n<> doubl was enter- tained that their deaths had been occasioned by their being shut up in coffins. The same person who has recourse to this savage punishment works his sla Sundays, though contrary to law, taking care that no white man sees them.' — Vol. ii. pp. 118, 119. ' I have seen enough to be satisfied that, generally speaking, the slaves are brought up in sui h ignorance, as well as in a way so repugnant to moral feeling, in the earlier part of their life, that it is surprising to see so many marks of civilization among them. Marriage among "them is generally allowed ; but, where a young- man has a tine family, the planter very often, with a view to the increase of his stock, forces him to have many wives : and in the same way married females are often obliged to receive more husbands than one, as the planter may order. In fact, the slaves are as much obliged to obey the commands of their masters in respect to sexual intercourse as any thing else, the effects of which upon their morals may be' easily con- ceived. Such a system is no doubt discouraged l>;> many of the masters whose dispositions are huirtane ; but that this evil docs exist to a great extent is unques- tionably true.' — Vol. ii. p. 120. The following is Mr. Stuart's account of a conversation which he heard between ' a very wealthy and well known planter' of South Carolina, ' not by any means a young man,' and a physician. 'The planter and the doctor seemed to be on inti- mate terms, which rendered their conversation toler- ably unreserved. The doctor asked the planter what could have induced him to stay at such and such a plantation during the unhealthy season. I shall never forget the sang !'r<>i! ry in South. Carolina. he could no longer Eupport it. He rose uponli i' r. and in his tun ig that it had nearly cost him his life ; ihe cook immediately l< house, ran i ards heard of,— it was supposed thai he had drowned himself, day, however, pas id without im hearing of Mrs. ■ ■. her unfortu On on casion, when one of the female slaves had fie beat her until her own strength was isted, and then insisted on the bar-keeper, Mr. Ferguso i, (a S lolchroa i edin lo i maiudei ol the punishment. Mrs. S time took her place in tl him lo lay on the whip severely in an adjoining room. His nature was repugnant to the exei ution ol fie dut) which was imposed on him. He gave a wink to the girl, who undersl I it and bellowed lustily, while be made the whip .'rack on the walk- of the room. Mrs. Street expressed herself to be quite satisfied with the way in which F ■ < icecuted 'uw • but, unfortunately for him, his lenity to the girl bi known, in the I cl of merriment, and was one of the i I before 1 left the house; — but I did not know of the most atrocious of ail the pi of this cruel woman until the very day that I quitted the house, [had put up my clothes in my portmanteau, when 1 was about to set out-, but, finding it was rather too lull. I had difficult} in getting il c!< ed to allow me to lo •!--. it ; I il, i told o boys to send me one of the stoutest of the men lo assist me. How soon af- terwards appeared, whom 1 found to be the cook, with tears in his eyes ; — I asked him what was He told me that, just at the time when the boy (ailed for him, he harp a Mow on the cheek-bone from this d i oats, as had unmanned h the moment. I pon m] on for him, he said he viewed this as nothing, I ul that he was leading a life of terrible suffering; — that about two years had elap -ed since he and his wife, with his two children, had been exposed in the public market at Charleston lor sale,— thai he had been purcha ed by Mr. Street,— that his wife and children had been pur- chased by a different person, and that, though he was living in the same town with them, he never was al- lowed to see them ; — he would be beaten within an aee of his life if he ventured to go to iho corner of the street. Wherever the least symptom of rebellion or insubordination appears at Charleston on the part of a 4wve. the master sends the slave to the goal, where he is whipped or beaten as the master desires. The Duke ofSaxe Weimar, in his travels, mentions that he fisited this goal in December 1825; that the'black pverseers go about everywhere ar i with cow hid.- ; that in the basement tory there is an apparatus upon which the Negroes, by order of the police, or at the request of the masters, are flogged; thai the machine •consists of a son of crane, on which a cord with two nooses rum ovet pulleys; the nooses are made last to the hands of the slave and drawn up, while the feet are bound tight to a plank ; thai the body is stretched oul as much as possible. — and thns the miserable creature receives the exai I number of lashes as count, d off. — The public sale of slaves in the market place at Charleston, occurs frequently. 1 was present at two sales where, especially at one of them, the mise creatures w i on account of being separated from their relations and friends. At one of them, a young woman of sixteen or seventeen was separated from her lather and mol |] her relations, and every one she hail formerly known. This not quently happens, although I was told and believe thai there is a general wish to keep relatii , where it can be done. ' The follow ing tract i il r itleman at Charleston idofhisal New- York, publish- ed in the New-York newspapers while I w contains oven a more shocking account of the public sale of slaves here: — ' Curiosity sometimes 1 to the miction sales of the .Negroes. Afewdays since I attended one which exhibited the beauties of slavery deformity. The bodies of these e placed upright on a table — . their physical proportions examined — their defects and beauties noted. ' A prime lot, here they go !' There 1 saw the father looking with sullen contempt on the crowd, and e\ indignation in his counte- ; and the mother, press- ing lni intuits closer to her bosom with an involuntary ..: nestness, I down hei cheeks in quick suc- cession — 'I can't leff my children! I won't loll' my !' But on the hammer went, reckless alike whether it united or sundered for ever. On another stand I saw a man apparently as white as myself ex- posed for sale. I turned awaj from the humiliating spectacle. • At another time I saw the concluding scene of this infernal drama. It was on the wharf. A sine ship for \ew-( til, -an- was lying in the -in on', and the poor negroes handcuffed, and pinioned, wore hurried off ill i .i time. Here I witnessed the last fare- well — the heart-rending separation of every earthly tic. The t agonizing embrace of the husband and wife, and lh grasp of the mother and child, who were alike torn asunder — for ever! It was a living death — they never see or hear of each other more. Tears flowed fast, and mine with the rest.' • < 'lia ilest on has long been celebrated for the sever- ity of its laws against the blacks, and the mildness of iis punishments towards the whites for maltreating them. Until the late law. there were about si one crimes for which slaves were capitally punished, and for which the highest punishment for whites was imprisonment in the penitentiary. ' \ dreadful case of murder occurred at Charleston A planter, called John Slater, made an un- ig, unresisting slave, be bound hand and foot, and compelled his companion to chop off his head with an axe, and to cast his body, convulsing with the ago- nies of death, into the water. Judge Wild, who tried him, on awarding a sentence of imprisonment against this wretch, expressed his regret that the punishment provided for the offence was insufficient to make the law respected — that the delinquent too well knew that the arm which he had stretched oul for the destruction of Ins slave was thai to which he alone could look for protection, disarmed as he was of the right of self de- fence. Bui the most horrible butcherj of slaves which has ever taken place in America was the execution of thirty-five of them on the lines near ( Charleston, in the month of July, 1822, on account of an alleged conspir- acy against their masters. The whole proceedings are monstrous. Sixty-seven persons were convicted Court, consisting of a justice of the peace, and freeholders, without a jury. The evidence of slaves not upon oath was admitted against them, and alter all, die proof was extremelj scanty. Perrault, a slave, who had himself been brought from Africa, was the chief witness. He had been lorn from his father, who was \erv wealthy, and a considerable trader in tobac- co and salt on the coast of Africa. I [e was taken pris- oner, and was sold, and his purchaser would not give lain up. although three slaves wore offered in his slead. e's address, on pronouncing sentence of death on this occasion, on persons sol, I to slavery and servi- tude, and who. il' they were guilly, were only endea- voring to get rid of it in the only way in their power, seems monstrous. He told I IS )T\ a it w ho was false to his master would be false to his God — that Ihe precept of St. Paul w as " lo obej their masters in all things." and of St. Peter, "to b.e subject to their 1 i such doctrines, the) would not ha . . : - death.' — \ ol. ii. pp. 1 1 1 — I 17. Note. Since the foregoing article was preparsd,we ■ I that Mr. Stuart's work lias been re- publi bed in this Country. Anti-Slavery Societies.-— National Anti-Slavery Society.— Advantages of 1' a id Labor. 05 society, to which may be added the well known facts that here the first abolition law ever passed in this country originated, and the first society for the express purpose of abolish- ing slavery was formed. But it may be asked, wherein would the il society differ in its principles from the Pennsylvania Abolition Society ? Are not the objects contemplated by the former em- braced by the latter ? In relation to the great question of slavery, they would be one in prin- ciple. The Pennsylvania society has been, and still is very useful in the cause of anti- slavery. Their funds and resources are prin- cipally expended in the support of schools for the education of colored children. I hop i the society will long continue to direct its atten- tion to this important object. But it is local in its character. We want a national Anti- Slavery Society, which would embrace a lar- ger sphere, and enroll among its members, many men of talents and influence, who do not belong to the Pennsylvania Society, and who, perhaps, might not incline to become members. I hope the time is not distant, when such a society will be organized in this city.' NEW ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETIES. It is with great satisfaction that we record the formation of three new Anti-Slavery So- cieties. They afford indisputable evidence of the progress of correct principles. An Anti-Slavery Society has been formed in Portland, Me. with the following officers. Hon. Prentiss Mellen, President; Samuel Fesseh- dcii. Rev. Gershom F. Cox. Vice Presidents; P. II. Greenleaf, Esq. Corresponding Secretary; Daniel C. Colesworthy, Recording Secretary; John Winslow, Treasurer ; Bezaleel Cushman, Jonathan Dow, James B. Gaboon, Henry H. Boody, Seba Smith, Nathan Winslow, Oliver B. Dorrance, Counsellors. On April 10th, an Anti-Slavery Society was formed at Tallmadge in Ohio, called the Tallmadge Anti-Slavery Society. Its princi- ples are the same as those of the New-Eng- land Anti-Slavery Society. The citizens of Fayette, Ross, and High- land Counties, Ohio, have recently formed a a Society called the Abolition Society of Paint Valley Its officers are as follow. Col. Thos. Rogers, President ;, Hon. Hugh Smart, Vice-Pn sident ; "Joseph T. Irwin, Recording S^ creta- ry ; Rev. Jas. H. Dickey, Corresponding Secretary ; Mr Joseph Lawhead, Treasurer; Messrs Hugh Ghorm- ly and Jas. McConnel, members of the executive committee for Fayette county, Messrs Robert Braiden and Geo. Brown for Ross county, and Messrs Samuel Smith and Samuel McConnel for Highland county. NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. We notice with great satisfaction some sug- gestions in the Friend, in reference to a Na- tional Anti-Slavery Society. The progress of opinion in regard to slavery has been so great during the last few years, that an insti- tution of this kind seems to be required, in or- der to give greater effect to individual efforts. A great anxiety to form such a Society has been often expressed by members of the N. England Anti-Slavery Society. If our friends at Philadelphia will call a public meeting in that place at any time during the present sea- son, for the purpose of organizing a National Society, we promise them the attendance of some delegates from this quarter. We hear- tily assent to the remarks of 'The Friend,' which follow: — 'We proposed a question in our last num- ber, whether a national Anti-Slavery Society could not be formed in Philadelphia, for the purpose of calling the attention of our readers to the subject. There are many consider- ations that seem to indicate Philadelphia as the proper location for such a society. Its (■(-ntral position between the east and west — the prevailing tone of the public mind is fitted to impart strength and permanence to such a ADVANTAGES OF PAID LABOR. Reason and experience both teach that paid labor is cheaper than compulsory. This truth is strikingly illustrated in the facts stated in the following letter addressed to the editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation, which appeared in a recent number of that work. TO THE EDITOR. Dear Sir: — Some time since, I sent you an account of a mechanic who, by paying each of the slaves whom he had hired, one dollar per week, ob- tained more work from five, than he had been, able to procure before from eleven of therm To-day a circumstance has come tomyknowl- . hich ought to speak volumes to those who keep slaves. A person who has been in the habit of tra- ding to York River, for oysters, was in the practice of hiring black men from their mas- ters. These poor dispirited creatures work- ed so slow, that it generally took about three weeks to load his vessel. At last he hit upon the experiment of giving them a reAvard of fifty cents a day, (for themselves,) for each good day's work. The consequence is, that he now gets his vessel loaded in about five days, at a much less expense. This shews that voluntary labor is much superior to that which is compulsory. Let those who employ slaves, remember that it would be better to hire even their own slaves, or pay those whom they hire from oth- ers, than undertake to compel them to work. A Subscriber. 16 Mr. Garrison. — To the Hibernia. — Epitaph on John Jack. — Ihnations. MB GARRISON. gentlernan .-ailed from New-.York for id on thi first of May. He j panied by the good wishes and prayers of all the friends of abolition. The following lines were written hy him on board the sailing. SONNET. Unto the winds and waves I new commit My body, subject to the will of Heaven; lay be ibe vi atei v pit — "I' 1 - l!i- alone to take who life has given. But, Oye elements ! the deathless soul, oaring time and space, Irol, Nor meanly dwells in any earthly pi i ai ,; !i I'm nble, woi ms devour, I lej on I identity . its wond'rous frame ; Decay wilts aot the spiritual flower, Nor a me : — Thu> thy dread sting, O Death ! ] dan- to brave — Thus do I take from thee the victory, O Gn \\ i: I On bf Hibernia. ) Mi 3 S TO THE HIBERNIA. O, speed thee! speed tl ! gallant bark, Aeries the bounding wave ; Thou bearest to old Britain's shores, The Champion of the slave. Propitious breezes waft thec on, Safe o'er Atlantic's sea ; For many a heart with fervor sends ... son to thee. And he who fears not to commit J lis Ikm1\ to thy rare, Fears not to brave the winds and waves, Knowing that God is there. . He goes to raise the standard high, And freedom's flag unfurl, \mi to proclaim the rallying cry Of freedom to the world. Then swift and steady be thy flight, \< ross the briny wave ; And safely bear, Oh noble bark, The Champion of the slave. ADA. Philadelphia, May. 1833. EPITAPH ON JOHN JACK. The following epitaph on a slave buried at Concord, in Massachusetts, is, as we are in- formed in Mr Willard's Address to the Wor- cester Bar, ascribed to Daniel Bliss, Esq. an ante-revolutionary lawyer. It may be found in Alden's Collection of Epitaphs. God wills us free ; Man wills us slaves. I will, as God wills ; God's will be done. Here lies ihe body of Johb Ja< k. A native of Africa. Who died March 1773, A.ged about I A years. Though bom in a land of slavery, I te w .i • born free : Though he lived in a land of liberty, He lt\ed a slave ; Till by his honest, though stolen labors, He ai 'iinied the source of slavery, Which gave him his freed rhough not long before death, The grand tyrant. (lave him his final emancipation, Lnd set him on a footing with kings. i,i lave to i ice, 1 le practised those virtues, Without which, kings are but slaves. The Treasurer of the N \nti-Slavery Socii ty acknowledges the receipt of the following do- nations in .March. April and May, viz. FOR I n I MISSION. Ladies' Anti-Slaven Society of Reading 10 00 do. do. 18 00 John T. Hilton, being amount contributed at a meeting of colored persons in Boston, on 19th March, 25 00 A friend, by S. F. Sewall, Esq. 10 00 Nathan Winslow, Esq. Portland, Me. 20 00 W. R. Jones. Baltimore, Md. 5 00 Win. H. Morgan do. 5 00 E. F. I'.. Men 5 00 Colored Male citizens of Albany. N. Y. by Mr W. P.Griffin ' G 00 Michael H. Simpson 20 00 S. E. Sewall. 10 00 Moses Kimball 5 oil A Friend 20 00 John N. Harbour 5 00 Daniel Gregg 5 00 .'elm St 3 00 Ellis Grav Loring 5 00 John F. Fuller '" 3 00 5 00 Drurv Fairbanks 5 00 D. L. Child 3 00 F. M. P. Wells 5 00 Young T. a so ill prepared. His views, if we understand (hem right, are based not on what the Colonization Society is and has been, but on what it may be henceforth. It may, he says, rid the coun- try of the blacks, it may extinguish the system of slavery, it may give the slave taade a death blow, and it may convert and civilize Africa. Ay, it may — and the sky may fall, and we may catch larks. The one proposition is as well supported by experience and analogy as the other. SLAVERY IN PENNSYLVANIA. The friends of freedom were somewhat surprised and mortified, at seeing in the Cen- sus of L830, the number of slaves belonging to Pennsylvania set down at 386, when the Cen- sus of 1820, had only shown 21 1 in the State. This unexpected result very properly excited •:he attention of the State; and at the last ses- ~i< .u ofthe legislature a committee was appoint- ed in the Senate, to investigate the cause of this apparent increase. Mr. Breck, from the committee, made a report in which the subject is very fully and satisfactorily examined. His npoil states that a law was passed in L780, enacting 'that all persons, as well ne- groes and mulattoes as others, who shall be born within this state from and after the first day of March, 1 780, shall not be deemed and considered as servants for life, or slaves ; and that all servitude for life, or slavery of children in consequence ofthe slavery of their mothers, in the case of all children born within this state from and after the passing of this act, shall be, and hereby is, utterly taken away, extinguished, and forever abolished ; that eve- ry negro and mulatto child, born within this state after the passing of this act as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be, and shall be, by virtue of this act, the servant of such person, or his or her assigns, who would, in such case, have been entitled to the service of such child, un- til such child shall attain unto the age of twen- ty-eight years.' The report then proceeds. ' In consequence of this provision for their gradual emancipation, we do not find, by the census of lt<20, (forty years after the date of the act,) any person reported to be held in bondage in this commonwealth, under twenty- six, and few under forty-five years of age ; and all those who take an interest in the ex- tinguishment of slavery here, very naturally looked to the census of 1830, as the epoch that was to put a period, or nearly so, to that unhappy state of Things amongst our colored population. What, then, must have been their astonishment, when the tables ofthe marshals of the two districts exhibited an increase, from 211 individuals returned in 1820, to 380 re- turned in 1830 ! scattered, too, over twenty- seven counties, and of ages under twenty-six, and even under ten! By what process was this brought about ? Unless founded in error, it was manifestly a gross violation of the statute of 1780. It is the principal duty of your committee to explain this ; and in endea- voring to do so, it will be necessary to advert to a misconstruction of that law in Washing- ton and other counties, by which the child of a servant, until the age of twenty-eight years, was held to servitude for the same period, and on the same conditions as its mother, who was the daughter of a registered slave. This error was practised upon up to the year 1820, and was the means of wrongfully keeping in bond- age many individuals, for several years beyond the legal period. At length the Supreme court settled the point definitely, at Pittsburg, on the 20th September, 1820, in the case of Miller v. Dwilling, and decided that no child can be held to servitude till the age of twenty- eight years, but one whose mother was a ser- vant for life, or a slave at the time of its birth. There cannot now, then, be any pretence for keeping children, born in this common- wealth, at service beyond the age of twenty- eight, nor would any such have appeared in the columns ofthe census of 1830, had not the two marshals, by their injudicious instructions to their deputies, directed them to enter as slaves, all colored people 1 of both sexes, who were held to service for limited periods. These deputies, as is apparent on the face of their reports, have strictly followed those instruc- tions, and returned as slaves, even children under ten years of age, who could not legally be held to service under 21. As well might Slavery in Pennsylvania. 105 those officers have directed their assistants to register as slaves, all white children appren- ticed to trades. This irregularity on the part of the two of- ficers, has been the cause of reporting in 27 counties : 53 Children under 10 years, 192 Individuals, aged from 10 to 24, 45 do from 24 to 30, 29 do from 36 to 55, 319 Making an aggregate of 319, of whom only a very few of the last class could possibly be legally held as slaves ; because the law of March, 1780, which declares all the children of slaves born in this commonwealth, after that date, free at twenty-eight, could not allow any person under fifty years of age to be held in slavery in 1830. So that very few of the class between thirty-six and fifty-five, which, in that year, contained only twenty-nine indi- viduals, could then be legally held in bondage. The gradual decrease, at the four first pe- riods at which the people of this nation were numbered, shows that no such ill-judged in- structions were then issued by the marshals to their deputies ; for, In 1790 3737 slaves are returned, « 1800 1706 " " " 1810 795 " " 1820 211 " " and had not this palpable mistake been com- mitted in 1830, by which the return is increas- ed one hundred and seventy-five in ten years, we should have had for the true number, sixty- seven, instead of three hundred and eighty- six ; for these sixty-seven constitute the dif- ference between the whole number returned in the census, and the number reported under fifty-years of age. And this we lind confirm- ed by the return made in the septennial state census, in 1828, when the official computation was only seventy-six. Your committee may. therefore, safely say, that, at this day, being nearly three years after the national census was taken, there cannot be more than sixty persons held as slaves in the whole commonwealth. But are there not many colored individuals, not born in Pennsylvania, and not of right classed as slaves, who are held to service for limited periods, even after the age of twenty- eight ? In answer to the question, your com- mittee will state such facts as have been com- municated to them by persons well acquainted with the subject. Negroes of all ages are brought, in consid- erable numbers, into the southwestern coun- ties, bordering on Virginia, and emancipated on condition of serving a certain number of years, seldom exceeding seven, unless they happen to be mere children. About half the usual price of a slave is paid for this limited assignment; at the expiration of which, the individual obtains entire freedom, both for himself, and such of his children as may be born in Pennsylvania. In this manner, many colored people, of both sexes, are sent from the adjoining slave- holding states, particularly from the state of Delaware, and manumitted in this common- wealth. Deprived of this privilege, so advan- tageous, both to the benevolent master, and unhappy bondsman, what alternative remains for the poor slave ? None other than endless servitude, either in the place of his nativity, or among the cotton and sugar plantations of the south. Endless servitude, not only for him- self,, but for his children, from generation to generation. Asa proof that Delaware, and even Mary- land, send their slaves here, it may be stated, that in Delaware, the number of slaves has decreased in the last ten years, 1204, and in Maryland, 4520. Nevertheless, a doubt has arisen, whether it be proper to allow this state of things to continue, or to provide by law against the in- troduction amongst us of that species of popu- lation. On this subject, your committee beg to re- mark, that by the last census, our colored in- habitants amounted to about 36,000 ; of which, 30,000 inhabit the eastern district, and only 6,000 the western ; and this number, so small, compared to the white population, is scattered among fifteen hundred thousand of our own color ; making one colored individual to forty- two white. So few of these, it is believed, by your committee, need not at present be an ob- ject of uneasiness, and would not seem to re- quire the enactment of any restrictive laws ; more especially as they are, for the greater part, industrious, peaceable, and useful people. It is enough for us to take care that the chil- dren born in our own commonwealth be pro- tected against involuntary service, after the age of twenty-one, without preventing the humane or interested owners of slaves, born elsewhere, from manumitting them on our soil ; and thus, after a short service, giving liberty to themselves, and those of their children wha may be born among us ; and who, did not their masters possess this facility, would be held, they and their unhappy offspring in perpetual slavery. Such a course, then, as would shut the door of philanthropic Pennsylvania to those who, from motives of humanity or interest, may wish to grant manumission to their slaves, could not but be repugnant to the feelings of every citizen within our borders. Believing this, your committee cannot recommend, for the adoption of the Senate, any measure that may tend to disturb the present usage, or that shall deprive a negro or mulatto, born a slave out of Pennsylvania, of a chance of obtaining his liberty by a commutation of hie personal 14 JOG British Opinions of the American Colonization Society. services during a brief period in this common- wealth, for those of perpetual bondage else- when . In drawing up this report, our object has be< ii principally directed to tin' means neces- sary for an explanation of the causes which led to tin' erroneous returns of the marshals; and we have, in making the investigation, as- certained them to he, as we think, such as are set forth in the preceding pages, and which we \\ ill, in conclusion, briefly recapitulate. First — The illegal manner in which the grand children of the registered slaves of 1780, were held to service for twenty-eighl year-, in som i parts of Pennsylvania, until the i of th ■ Supreme court put a stop to it in L826. i II y — The practice, along our southern borders, of buying slaves born out of the state, from persons who manumit them in Pennsyl- vania. Thirdly — The mode in which the census was taken, and which classes as slaves, chil- dren and others who are only held to service for a comparatively short period; after which they and their offspring born in this state, be- come free forever. It will be gratifying to your committee, if they shall have been at all instrumental in re- moving the imputation to which Pennsylvania seemed obnoxious, by the official act of the two marshals, and thus exonerate her from the stigma of fostering in her bosom, as it would by the census, a nursery of slaves. It is an opprobrium that nearly affects the char- acter of the state, and is not the less injurious, because it is undeserved. The honor of our citizens, collectively and individually, is con- cerned in having it wiped away; and your committee flatter themselves, that by adopting this their investigation, which they respect- fully, and with great deference, submit to the Senate, an official denial of the imputation may be considered as flowing from that act of approval and adoption. The humane and liberal feeling exhibited in this report is highly creditable to the state of Pennsylvania. It presents a remarkable con- trast to the proceedings of the Connecticut legislature which we have just noticed. It is gratifying to find one State which is not un- willing to afford an asylum to the oppressed, — one State which does not blindly adopt the common cant of southern feeling and southern prejudice. We recommend the statesman- like views of the imagined danger to Penn- sylvania from the/influx of colored people, to the consideration of these Connecticut wise- icres, who forescet.be impending ruin ofthe'ir State in the establishment of a school for col- ored females. BRITISH OPINIONS OF THE AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. A little pamphlet with the above title has just been published by Messrs. Garrison &- Knapp. The character of the publication may be judged of from the following advertisement which is prefixed to it. ' During the past year the character of the American Colonization Society has been a subject of frequent discussion. The interest taken in the question has created a great de- mand for publications in relation to it. As a proof of this, it may be mentioned that a large edition of Garrison's Thoughts on Coloniza- tion.' 2750 copies, was disposed ofin the course of nine months. The interest in the subject has not in any degree abated at the present time. And those who are opposed to the Society have for a long time felt the want of some tract, in which the arguments against the institution should be presented in a form sufficiently cheap to lit it for general circulation. To supply this want is the object of the present publication. A number of pieces have lately appeared in Great Britain in which the pretensions of the Colonization Society are discussed with great, candor and ability. The whole of one pamph- let on this subject and parts of others are cm- braced in the following pages. Much has been recently written in this country as well as Great Britain, in relation to the Colonization Society, and with great ability. We have chosen to confine our re- publication to British articles, for several rea- sons. First, the British pieces have not, and cannot, without re-publication, enjoy so great a circulation among us as the American have already done : and secondly, the Englishmen who write upon this subject, are at a distance from the sources of American prejudices; their opinions, therefore, deserve respect as those of impartial spectators. We do not offer any remarks in favor of the articles contained in this pamphlet. They will recommend themselves to all who will read them. The articles now offered to the American public are as follow : 1. The whole of a pamphlet with the follow- ing title, l A Letter to Thomas Clarkson by .In in is Cropper; and Prejudice Vincible, or the practicability of conquering Prejudice by better means than by Slavery ami il.rile ; in relation to the American Colonization Society. Bv C. Stuart.' 2. Extracts from a pamphlet entitled, 'Facts ili isigm ' d in exhibit tin- real character and ten- dency of the American Colonization Society. By Ciy the choice of the following officers : Mr Abraham I). Shadd, of Pennsylvania, Presi- dent; Richard Johnson, of Massachusetts, 1st Vice do. John G. Stewart, of Albany, 2d Vice do. ; Ransom I*'. Wake, of New- York. Secretary; JJeim Ogden, of Newark, N. Y. Assist. Secretary. From the Liberator. AN APPEAL FOR THE OPPRESSED. Daughters of the Pilgrim Sires, Dwellers by their mouldering graves, Watchers ot' their altar fires, Look upon your country's slaves. Look! 'tis woman's streaming eye, These are woman's Ictter'd hands, Thai to you. so mournfully, Lifl sad glance, and iron hands. Mute, yet strong appeal of wo ! Wiikcs it not your starting tears ? Though your hearts may never know Half the bitter doom of hers. Scars are on her fettered limbs, Where the savage scourge has been; But the grief her eye that dims, Flows for deeper wounds within. For the children of her love, For the brothers of her race, Sisters, like vine-branches wove, In one early dwelling place— For the parent forms that hung Fondly o'er her infant sleep, And for him to whom she clung, With affection true and deep- By her sad forsaken hearth, 'Tis for these she wildly grieves ! Now all scatter'd o'er the earth, Like the wind-strewn autumn leaves! Ev'n her babes so dear, so young, And so treasured in her heart, That the chords which round them clung, Seem'd its life, its dearest part — These, ev'n these were torn away ! These, that when all else was gone, Cheer'd her heart with one bright ray, That still bade its pulse beat on ! Then to still her frantic wo, The inhuman scourge was tried, Till the tears that ceased to flow, Were with redder drops supplied. And can you behold unmoved, All the crushing weight of grief, That her aching heart has proved, Seeking not to yield relief ? Are not woman's pulses warm, Beating in that anguish'd breast 7 Is it not a sister's form, On whose limbs those fetters rest 1 Oh then save her from a doom, Worse then aught that ye may bear ; Let her pass not to the tomb, Midst her bondage and despair. GERTRUDE. [From the Sabbath School Visiter.] VERSIFICATION OF A RECENT ANECDOTE. A tawny slave whom grace had changed, Was asked, with scornful voice, ' In what religion did consist, And why he should rejoice ?' ' Massa,' he cried with simple tone, ' In my poor way I 'II tell, 'T is only ceasing to do wrong, And learning to do well* ' And when poor black man feels his heart Filled with the love of God, He can rejoice, give thanks, and Mng,f Though smarting with the rod. * Isaiah, i. 16, 17. t Acts, xvi. 25. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] AUGUST, 183 3. [NO. VIII. COLONIZATION SOCIETY. We have received from a correspondent the following account of the meeting of a Colo- nization Society in Connecticut. We give it as another proof, if any were wanting, of the tendency of the American Colonization Soci- ety, to which this is an auxiliary, to foster and increase the disgraceful prejudices against the people of color, which already prevail to so melancholy an extent in our country. On Thursday last, I attended the Annual Meeting of the Colonization Society. The address was from Hon. Eben. Young, member of Congress and President of the Society. He drew a contrast between the Anti-Slavery principles and Colonization principles. He then went on to show how easily the Coloni- zation Society, if unopposed, would go on to rid the country in a few years of the curse of slavery. Alterwards the Report was read — in which, among other things, it was stated, ' that the practicability of the removal to Africa of the entire colored population, had been demon- strated.' Its acceptance was moved. The Rev. Samuel J. May, rose and objected to its acceptance on the ground that it contained several very inaccurate statements, and com- mented upon them. It was however accept- ed. Soon after Mr. May brought forward the following resolution. 'Resolved, That the avowed objects of this Society, i. e. the establishment of a Colony in Liberia of suitable persons — and the evangel- ization of Africa, cannot be effected until an improved class of colored people shall have been raised up in our own country. They must be educated here, that they may be pre- pared for Africa. The fountains of knowl- edge and of grace should be open to all per- sons in our own country, especially to those whom we purpose to send out to enlighten the dark places of the earth, and disseminate the blessings of knowledge and of religion.' Mr Judson, who has come out a zealous colon- izationist, immediately proposed the following amendment — 'provided the sentiments of the Abolitionists be considered by us dangerous to the peace of the country, and the preservation of the union.' Mr. May replied that he had no objection to Mr. Judson's bringing forward any resolutions he pleaBcd. If Mr. Judson meant to attack the principles of the Anti-Sla- very Society, Mr. Maysaidhe was then ready for their defence ; but that he could see no propriety in Mr. Judson's appending such an amendment to the resolution. Alter a good deal of debate Mr. May was permitted to speak to his resolution, lie said he should speak as a colonizationist, though his connexion with the Society would cease with that meeting. He would not utter all the thoughts and feel- ings which pressed for utterance whenever he thought of the too long disregarded claims cf our colored brethren to all the blessings of knowledge and religion. He would speak in behalf of the avowed objects of the Coloni- zation Society, and in view of them he insist- ed that they could not be attained, unless a better class of emigrants could be prepared here by education. As soon as Mr. May was seated Mr. Judson rose and declared, that neither he nor any one else, was opposed to the education of the col- ored people ; but he and others were opposed to their being taught the principles of the An- ti-Slavery Society, the first of which was, he said, that the Constitution of the United States was not to bo at all regarded, &c. &c. He went on to say that the resolution was in effect asking the Col. Society to encourage the plan of teaching the colored people sentiments at war with the objects and purposes of the So- ciety, and sentiments too of a treasonable character, &c. Mr. May replied that the gentleman had gone out of his way to misrepresent the Anti- Slavery Society, and to pervert the meaning of the resolution — that he meant by education what we all mean by the word, when we ap- ply it to white children ; that he was willing to specify the branches of science if that would satify Mr. Judson ; and that his simple object in bringing forward the resolution was to ascertain whether the Colonization Society meant to encourage the education and eleva- tion of the colored population of these States. One gentleman rose, and said he objected to the resolution, because it was bringing the Society into collision with a recent Act of the Legislature. Mr. Mav very properly replied that believing as he did the truth set forth in the resolution, as a member of that Society, he should feel called upon to expose the im- propriety of that Law— and of the conduct of those men through whose influence it was 15 114 Dialogue between a Colonizationist and an Abolitionist. enacted: that if the laws of our Legislature were ool whoL some, we Mere bound to op- pose them, and labor to procure their repeal ; and he for one was always ready to do so. Another gentleman rose and said he should oppose the resolution, because he thought it squinted at the Canterbury School, and he did not wish the Colonization Society, to take part in the contest one way or the other. Mr. .May replied that it looked right at the Canterbury School ; and said, Mr. President, ciety cannot help taking some part in the controversy that has been awakened con- cerning it The leaders in the persecution ealed to Ionization Society as having acted in its behalf, and the Society is now called upon to say whether it approves or disapproves the things which have been done avowedly under its ausp The debate lasted more than an hour, and then the resolution was indefinitely postponed. We hi";' our readers to reflect upon the facts which our correspondent has stated, in connex- ion with previous occurrences in Connecticut, randall attempts to establish a school for colored girls at Canterbury. A town meet- ing is held, in which viol mt resoluti< passed in order to deter her from prbci At this meeting Andrew T. Juds a conspicuous part. The authorities of the town, perhaps feeling conscious that th ceedings were not quite creditable to them, address a vindication of their proceedings to the Colonization Society. Mr. Judson's name is appended to this manifesto. By the influ- ence of Mr. Judson a law is soon after passed by the legislature of Connecticut making it a penal offence, to establish a school for colored children who are not inhabitants of the State. Mr. Judson is, in short, without dispute, the prime mover of all these atrocities. Under these circumstances it seems to us that the branches of the American Coloniza- tion Society, but more especially a branch of it e tablished in Connecticut, were loudly called upon to declare publicly and explicitly their opinion of the attempts in Connecticut to deprive people of color of the bles education. ' tiecticut Society whose .proceedings Ave have recorded, we readily ac- knowledge, has returned an explicit, if not a satisfactory answer, to the question which the Canterbury affair and the Connecticut law had presented to them. The Society refuses, in the first place, to entertain a resolution in which the necessity of educating the colored people here is maintained, and that there may be no room for doubt or cavil in regard to the opinions of its members upon this subject,, elects Mr. Judson, the great leader of the Con- necticut crusade against education, — its agent and orator. [For the Abolitionist.] Messrs. Editors : Having been present at an animated con- versation between two intelligent gentlemen of New-Haven, on the subject of Slavery and the Anti-Slavery association, in which some interesting topics were discussed, I wrote down, from memory, the principle part of what 1 heard, and offer the notes of the dialogue to your notice, in the belief that the summary of argument, presented with all the simplicity of unpremeditated talk, may interest your read- ers, as it certainly did more than one bystander beside myself. One of the gentlemen being a member of the Colonization Society, I have prefixed the letter C to his part of the debate, and desig- nated by the letter A the share taken by the other, who is a member of an Anti-Slavery or Abolition Society. Tiie allusions to a local occurrence and the nts expressed by a distinguished pri- vate citizen of New Haven did not, as it seems to me — confine the interest of the matter to this place. The principles are of general and national importance. Respectfully yours, &c. A NEUTER. New Haven, July 13, 1833. DIALOGUE between c, a colonizationist, and a, an abolitionist, ox the subject of the Anti-Slavery Society. C. I do not question the sincerity of your motives, but surely you and the rest of the Anti-Slavery ultras are doing much mischief by the intemperance of your zeal. A. Is the sentiment just expressed by you an individual opinion of your own ? Is it adopted on the view of any actual instance of evil ? Or do you speak a general idea of our proceedings, — and is your particular judgment founded only on the fact that an impression unfavorable to our Society and its principles, is very extensively diffused in the community ? C. The impression is certainly very gene- ral, among sensible men, that you arc wrong, and the universality of that opinion is with me Dialogue between a Colonnationist and an Abolitionist. 115 as strong presumptive proof of its correctness. You allow your feelings to hurry you along without the guidance of your reason ; and only help to rivet the'chains that you profess to be so anxious to remove ; and you are exciting ill-will, prejudice, and jealousy among the Southern people. A. I beg pardon for so boldly differing from you ; but it seems to me that those per- sons may be most justly charged with yield- ing too much to their feelings, and disregard- ing the dictates of 7-eason, who take up an opinion, as you have done, without examining its foundation, and merely because it is fash- ionable. If your judgment of us is correct, it would be equally so though it were peculiar to yourself. An unfounded opinion is a preju- dice ; and gains no valid authority from the number of persons who imbibe it. And, pray, whom do you call particularly sensible men ? C. It is hardly necessary to mention names, ab uno disce omnes — one will suffice, — the learned and experienced Noah Webster publicly avowed himself a disapprover of your doctrines, at the meeting house, when Profes- sor Wright delivered his address. You know too that a majority of the most respected citi- zens of Connecticut agree with Dr. Webster in this opinion ; and that elsewhere, the same class of men are generally on the same side. A. I grant that a majority of the well in- formed do not yet give us their active support, and yet do not see that I am necessarily in error. C. The opinions of such men, surely, are entitled to great weight. A. Not as a matter of course, nor without exception. The opinion of no man is of any authority on a subject that he has not exam- ined. You and I will not differ in respect the character of the excellent and venerable citizen whom you have named, — but you would be as far as I am from allowing his opinion (for example,) or that of any other man bri ing, to guide your conduct or your thoughts in a matter which he knows nothing about — or knows but superficially. If your child is ill, there are many wise and learned men whose advice you -would not take as to the medical treatment of his disease. You would not allow even such men as Dr. Webster to model your opinions on religious or political subjects — nor advise you about the docking an entail or foreclosing a mortgage. C. On subjects in their nature abstruse, or technical, of course I should rely on the judgment of men that are by profession ac- quainted with the particular subject. But slavery is a matter that we all can understand — and all men are competent to judge of the probable effect of your measures. A. All men may, with equal truth, be said to be competent to make shoes or cut down trees ; yet those who never learn how, will re- main ignorant; and the opinion of a learned professor of moral philosophy as to the best mode of cobbling shoes or felling timber, may be as worthless as that of a cobbler upon a question in metaphysics. You ought to seek for a surer footing on which to rest your cen- sure of us, than merely an unthinking clamor. C. But it is more probable that so many sensible men should be right than a few who differ from them. I do not know that the members of the Anti-Slavery Society have any remarkable degree of learning or skill on the subject, to entitle them to be our instructors. A. I will suppose that you agree with me in thinking the mere fact of numbers ought not to govern in a question of opinion ; and that the few may be right, although in a mi- nority. Now as to the probability, you must remember the French proverb, which being rendered, signifies that truth and probability are not always the same. The whole world of sensible and practical men, (except a few,) railed against the project of making steam- boats : but the few persevered, till all acknowl- edged they were right C. The absurdity and impropriety of our meddling with a matter over which we cannot have any lawful control, strikes every mind. The southern States will only be exasperated by such impertinent interference with their domestic concerns. The northern r eople have, manifestly no right to dictate to them, and ought not to touch the subject. . 1. Well, now having got rM of the au- thority of numbers — the infallibility of a ma- jority and the despotism of prejudice — let us use our reason as if the question were entirely open, and every man at liberty to think for himself. Whether he has a right to speak what he thinks is perhaps a necessary prelim- inary question. C. No, I will not allow that there is any such question. We all have a right, both le- gal and moral, to speak our thoughts, but that is no reason for talking of our neighbors' do- mestic concerns. The question of emancipa- 116 Dialogue between a Colonizationist and an Abolitionist. tion is one exclusively belonging to the slave- holding 1 States, and the Constitution prohibits our interference with it. Talking about it, and scolding the slaveholders can do no pos- sible good, and must cause irritation. In fact it has caused irritation. A. The right to speak our thought 3 is, then, granted ; and the possibility of an opinion en- tertained by a large number of sensible men, turning out to be a mere prejudice, is also ad- mitted. We shall come by degrees to the real merits of the question. If you had not tacitly admitted that the many, and the wise, may be blinded by prejudice, or uninformed on a particular subject, I should have reminded you of the history of the temperance reforma- tion, which began with a very few who were called zealots — ultras — fanatics — and so forth. The same objections were urged to their ' quixotic ' efforts, (as they were called) that are now arrayed against the Abolitionists. We were told that a man's diet was a matter we had no right to meddle with — that it ". a impertinent to tell a man what he ought or ought not to drink — and that our zeal, being indiscreet, would do harm. And what is the result? The zealots and ultras persevered against a cry of disapprobation and discour- agement not less loud or general, and proceed- ing from no less respectable individuals, till the force of truth and moral suasion has pre- vailed. The friends of freedom and of human rights ought to persevere in like manner, if their cause is just ; and may look forward to eventual success. C. But intemperance was a matter of uni- versal interest ; and it would have been fatal to the cause of that reformation if those who preached temperance had not also set an ex- ample by practising it too. Now we, at the North, cannot emancipate slaves — all we can do is to claim from others a sacrifice which will cost us nothing — we arc utterly powerless as to all practical measures. The analogy in this respect fails. A. You take a very contracted view of the subject ; and therein consists your error — and the common error ; and I deny the authority of all opinions that are thus made up, without looking more deeply into the matter. I do not say that we, of the Anti-Slavery associa- tion, are very learned, or fully informed — but our imperfect knowledge may be so much bet- ter than the absolute and total neglect to think on the subject, so prevalent in the community, that ice are perhaps better prepared to form a correct judgment, and therefore more likely to be in the right than some of those who op- pose us. The opposition of the Colonization Society, may stand on other foundations. I speak now of the disapprobation expressed by such as are not members of either association. C. Wherein consists the difference ? How do you take a more enlarged or more enlight- ened view of the subject than others? A. In the first place, we contend for inde- pendence of thought, speech, and action ; and feeling ourselves right we go on, without being deterred by a clamor or temporary irritation among well dressed, well educated, and well disposed people. On the contrary, our oppo- nents too often condemn us merely because of the clamor, without exercising their own in- tellect to ascertain whether the clamor is well founded. C. I grant you the merit of boldness and independence, worthy a better, that is, a more practical cause. A. Very well. The merit is not very com- mon. A small proportion only of mankind has intrepidity enough to think, speak and act merely with a view to truth and justice. Grant- ing us, therefore, independence, sincerity, disinterestedness, and some knowledge drawn from closer attention to the subject, we are, at all events, entitled to a respectful hearing. C. I do not admit that you are : because here your doctrines are mere theories, without any possible results in practice ; and in the South you must be considered as merely in* termeddlers. On what ground then do you claim an attentive hearing? A. As men, by your admission, (and unde- niably) disinterested, independent, sincere and well informed by examination and consulta- tion, upon a subject of deep interest to the citizens of Connecticut as well as Maryland — the North as well as the South, and the treat- ment of which has practical results, well de- serving the anxious care of every patriot and every Christian. C. Those are bold positions, and I should guess, not easily sustained. A. Not more bold than true ; which can you doubt ? C. I am entirely at a loss to imagine what practical results can be at stake, or how the Northern States can act on such a subject, or why we need feel any further interest in it Slavery in the United Slates. 117 than such as arises from our sympathy with our Southern neighbors. A. You are not singular, but plainly in error. That the existence of slavery and the internal slave trade in this country, and the actual condition and treatment of the slaves, are a national reproach and a national crime, no man can doubt. That a concomitant of this national shame is a feeling of contempt and ill-will very generally cherished towards the colored population, and in itself scarcely less unchristian, and unjustifiable; if not so ob- vious, is nevertheless true. Now upon both these matters the people of the North can act practically, constitutionally and legally ; and moreover they must act, in one way or anoth- er, and by legislation too. Upon the conduct of the free States, (their conduct within the Constitution) must defend the question wheth- er these stains on our national character, these reproaches to us as a Christian people, shall be extended, aggravated, and perpetuated, or limited, mitigated, and at some future day, abolished. It is a very mistaken view of the case to suppose its consideration belongs ex- clusively to the Southern States. It is our right and our duty to consider and discuss it, freely, fearlessly, and in despite of whatever irritation the slaveholding people may please to indulge or to affect. And this I can demon- strate, and will, if you please to listen. C. I shall be glad to hear it. But at pres- ent I must leave you. ( To be continued.) SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES. We continue our extracts from Stuart's TJiree Years in North America. The following notices in relation to General Hampton's treatment of his slaves, ought to he generally circulated throughout our country. 'Dr. Tidyman mentions that, with kind mas- ters, the condition of slaves is rendered as happy as a state of slavery can admit of. This is unquestionably true. Indeed I myself have seen instances of quite as strong - , if not stron- ger attachment, on the part of a slave, than 1 ever saw on the part of a white man to his master ; but the master may at pleasure be guilty of abuse of power to his slave; and it is quite notorious in the southern parts of America, that the greatest slave proprietors, whose interest ought to lead them to treat their slaves well, treat them worst. I could easily refer to many instances. One, howev- er, is so well known, that there is no impro- priety in mentioning it, viz. that of General H , one of the greatest, if not the very greatest slave proprietor in the United States, a South Carolinian, with, however, the chief part of his property situated in Louisiana. He not only maltreats his slaves, but stints them in food, overworks them, and keeps them almost naked. I have seen more than one of his overseers, whose representations gave a dreadful account of the state of slavery on his plantations, and who left his service because they would no longer assist in the cruel pun- ishments inflicted upon his slaves ; but I do not mention such a fact as this merely on such authority. General H 's conduct towards his slaves is a matter of notoriety.' — Vol. ii. pp. 70, 71. 'General Hampton has great plantations on the banks of the river, about seventy miles froto New Orleans. I could have wished that he had been present, to hear the remarks made by the passengers in the boat generally on the severe and cruel treatment with which his nu- merous bands of slaves are treated; and that here, where people are obliged to speak with great caution, not one individual said a word on the subject, who did not express themselves in terms of commiseration for the unfortunate creatures subjected to his tyranny.' — Vol. ii. p. 164. 'Here, [in Illinois,] I met a person who was lately an overseer on one of General H V plantations, and who left his situation because the treatment of the slaves was so cruel, that he would no longer be concerned in it.' — Vol. ii. p. 24. r .. The remaining extracts compose, we be- lieve, everything important in Mr. Stuart's book in relation to slavery, not already given. ' I, however, [in South Carolina,] found an excellent breakfast prepared for me when I did appear, and was not a little surprised, when I sat down to partake of it, to find one female slave fanning me from the opposite side of the table with a fan of peacock feathers, while another brought me what I required at break- fast. The slaves here, as in other countries, speak a broken language peculiar to them- selves, — the consequence of their total want of education, — but still many of them go to church, and are admitted to church privileges. Although the church is ten miles distant from the plantation where I stopped, many of the slaves go to it.' 'In the journey from Richmond to the neighborhood of Charleston, a very visible change in the appearance and manners of the people has taken place. Slaves become more numerous in proceeding towards the south, and the whites become comparatively languid and inactive-looking.' — Vol. ii. pp. 59, GO. 'One individual here [in Savannah] gave me an account of the treatment of the slaves, very much resembling what I had witnessed in Charleston. I was prepared to expect this from observing, that the city council of Sa- vannah had lately passed a law, imposing a tax of 100 dollars on free persons of color 118 Letter from Hon. William Jay. coming to that city. Can tliere be a more atrocious violation of the principles of lib- erty than is contained in such a regulation aa this, winch may render it impossible for a free man even to visit his father or mother at the point of death ? but the prohibition is posi- tive in Louisiana and South Carolina, which no freed man from another state dare, on any term-, enter.' — Vol. ii. p. 80. 'The laws on the subject of slavery in the State of Georgia are as tyrannical as in any of the St;ii 'In case any slave or free person of color teach any other slave or free person of color, to reail or to \. rite either written or printed characters, the free person of color, or slave, is punished by tine and whipping ; and a u hite person so offending is punished with a fine, not exceeding 500 dollars, and imprisoned in the common jail. 'Any slave, or free person of color, or any other person, circulating papers, or bringing into this state, or aiding in any manner in bringing into the state, papers for the purposes of exciting to insurrection, conspiracy, or re- sistance among the slaves, or free persons of color, against their owners, or the citizens, is to be punished with death. ' All ships coming into any port of this state, having on board any free negroes, or free per- sons of color, whether passengers, or in any other capacity, are subject to quarantine for forty days. This regulation is obviously in- tended as a prohibition of free persons of color from entering the state by sea. ' Cutting off" the ears and the pillory are punishments for slaves sanctioned by the Le- gislature of Georgia ; but the universal pun- ishment is whipping. Its infliction, to the extent of twenty lashes, on the bare back, is deemed in a great variety of cases of insuffi- cient moment to claim the intervention even of a single magistrate. Any white person, a drunken patrol, an absconding felon, or a vaga- bond mendicant are supposed to posses-; dis- cretion enough to interpret the laws, and to wield the cow-skin or cart-whip for their in- fraction ; and should death ensue by accident, while the slave is thus receiving moderate correction, the constitution of Georgia kindly denominates the offence justifiable homicide.' — Vol. ii. pp. 85, 80. ' My driver was a free man of color. He gave a frightful account of the treatment to which he and all the people of color, whether free ,,r slaves, are subject in this State. He had been accustomed formerly to go every season to the State of New York during the period when, owing to the inhabitants the city, business was almost at a stand ; but, by an act passed a few years ago, it is de- clared that a free person of color leaving the State, though merely crossing the boundary, shall not be allowed to return ; and as he has a wife and family, he feels himself really and truly a prisoner in the State of South Caroli- na. The same law declares, that it shall not be lawful for free persons of color to come from another State into this. If they should be brought in a vessel, they are immediately confined in jail till the vessel is ready to pro- ceed to sea, — the captain paying the expenses of their detention. It is now contrary to law that even free persons of color should be edu- cated ; they are incompetent witnesses in any case where the rights of white persons are concerned ; and their trials are conducted by a justice of the peace and freeholders, without the benefit of a jury. So far as respects the slaves, they are even in a worse situation ; for, though their evidence is in no case admissible against the whites, the affirmation of free per- sons of color, or their fellow-slaves, is receiv- ed against them.' — Vol. ii. p. 72. 'The police, considering the great number of strangers in the city and on the levee, did not seem to me to be faulty. There is a corps of mounted gens oTarmes. In this respect, in the appearance of an armed police, Charles- ton and New-Orleans do not resemble the free cities of America ; but the great number of blacks, and the way in which they are treated by the whites, render this precaution, I have no doubt, indispensably necessary.' — ib. p. 130. 'One plantation was pointed out tome, the owner of which, named Mitchell, has been lately apprehended on a charge of having murdered three of his slaves some years ago.' —Vol. ii. p. 165. 'I have no doubt from what I heard, that portions of the Missouri State may be as at- tractive for emigrants in almost all the partic- ulars I have mentioned, but slavery exists in that State, and wherever it does exist in North America, it is obviously a bar to improvement, of which the States of Virginia and Kentucky afford decided proofs. Besides, I have seen enough of the slaveholding States to be very much disposed to agree in opinion with Mr. Birkbeck, " that every class of the white pop- ulation is in those States more or less corrupted by idleness, extravagance, and debauchery.'" — Vol. ii. p. 243. [From the Emancipator.] LETTER PROM HON. WILLIAM JAY. Bedford, Westcht iter Co. May 1, 1833. Sir: — The duty and policy of immediate emancipation, although clear to us, are not so to multitudes of good people who abhor sla- very, and sincerely wish its removal. They take it for granted, no matter why, or where- fore, that if the slaves were now- liberated, they would instantly cut the throats, and fire the dwellings of their benefactors. Hence, khI people look upon the advocates of emancipation, as a set of dangerous fanatics, who are jeoparding the peace of the Southern States, and riveting the fetters of the slaves. The Plea of Justice. 1J!> by the very attempt to break them. In their opinion, the slaves are not yet Jit for freedom, and therefore it is necessary to wait patiently till they are. Now, unless these patient wait- ers can be brought over to our side, emanci- pation is hopeless; for, first — they form an immense majority of all among us, who are hostile to slavery ; and, secondly — they are as conscientious in their opinions as we are in ours, and unless converted, will oppose and defeat all our efforts. But how are they to be converted ? Only by the exhibition of TRUTH. Many a bad cause, but I suspect no good one, has triumphed through the agen- cy of falsehood. The moral, social, and poli- tical evils of slavery are but imperfectly known and considered. These should be portrayed in strong but true colors, and it would not be difficult to prove, that however inconvenient and dangerous emancipation may be, the con- tinuance of slavery must be infinitely more in- convenient and dangerous. On this head, statements of the future number of slaves, of their increasing intelligence and strength, and of the probable influence of abolition in the West Indies and Brazil, combined with the change of opinion on this subject throughout the world, would be useful. An inquiry into the history of emancipation in South America and elsewhere, would tend to show the safety with which it may be ac- complished. Constitutional restrictions, independent of other considerations, forbid all other than moral interference with slavery in the South- ern States. But, we have as good and per- fect a right to exhort slaveholders to liberate their slaves, as we have to exhort them to practice any virtue, or avoid any vice. Nay, we have not only the right, but, under certain circumstances, it, may be our duty to give such advice ; and while we confine ourselves within the boundaries of right and duty, we may and ought to disregard the threats and denunciations by which we may be assailed. The question of slavery in the District of Columbia, is totally distinct, as far as we are concerned, from that of slavery in the South- ern States. As a member of Congress, 1 should think myself no more authorized to legislate for the of Virginia, than for the serfs of Rus- sia. But< have full authority to abol- ish slavery in the District, and I think it their duty to do so. The public need information respecting the abominations committed at Washington, with the sanction of their repre- sentatives — abominations which will cease whenever those respresentatives please. If this subject is fully and ably pressed upon the attention of our electors, they may perhaps be induced to require pledges from candi-! for Congress for their vote for the removal of this foul stain from our National Government. For success in this great cause, we must look to the blessing of Cod ; and to obtain his blessing, we must use only such means as He approves. Of course, every exaggeration — every deviation from truth — all gratuitous and uncharitable crimination, should be scrupu- lously avoided. Without resorting to fiction, we may have J'acts in abundance, which will make the ears of all who hear them to tingle. The Emancipator will, I trust, be edited with such adherence to accuracy, and in such a spirit of Christian candor, as to give no cause of regret to its friends, nor for reproach to its enemies, and I hope its facts and arguments will be such as to disprove the charge that the advocates of emancipation are weak and ignorant fanatics. As to the Colonization Society, it is neither a wicked conspiracy on the one hand, nor a panacea for slavery on the other. Many wise and good men belong to it, and believe in its efficacy. The Society may do good in Afri- ca; and it, will rescue many free negroes from oppression, by removing them from the Slave States. As to the voluntary manumissions which it prompts or facilitates, I much doubt whether they will sensibly lessen the number of slaves ; nor is it clear to me that the extinc- tion of slavery would be hastened by the im- mediate removal to Africa of one half of all the slaves in the country ; as the value of the remaining half would thus be greatly enhan- ced, and their owners would of course be less disposed to part with them than they are now. Your obed't servant, WILLIAM JAY. THE PLEA OF JUSTICE. The following article is taken from the Christian Register, in which paper it appeared a few years ago. As that paper is probably not seen by a large number of our readers, we venture to copy it. The intrinsic merit of the piece renders any commendation of it on our part unnecessary. I remember when quite a child, being a good deal disturbed by the expression in some little book — such a thing was 'not only wick- ed but foolish.' What, said I, is it not a great deal worse to be wicked than foolish ! The wickedness being proved, I thought it perfect- •fluous to inquire further n specting its folly. Besides the but appeared to me de- signed to introduce a sort of climax, and thus folly seen ed to be placed higher in the rank of evil than wickedness, which was quite con- trary to my simple view of the nature of things. No doubt I somewhat misconceived the au- thor's aim, for I certainly do not now perceive the sort of discordancy and absurdity by which 1 was then not only struck but troubled, in the idea of showing an action to be 'not only wicked but foolish.' Yet something of the same feeling remains with me to the present lit) 'jVn- Plea of Justice. day. 1 dislike to hear questions of right and justice argued upon grounds of expediency, even though I nay be well argued, and on the right side; or to have the justice of tii - ightly, while mi and i made the mam groui argun ich hur constitution, so altered as to adapt it to an auxiliary society, was unanimously adopted. Dea. Hurt was chosei Chairman, and Rev. \\ in. ( 'hi' Secretary ; a number of names were given and a Committee appointed to solicit further subscrip- tions to the constitution, and the meeting was adjourn- ed one week to meet for the choice of officers. I saw the Committee the next morning ; they said liiev should have a very respectable Society, and they think they will send a delegate to Philadelphia, to assist at the formation of the National Society.' 'THE HUMMING BIRD.' The following lines form the motto of an English periodical work, with the above title. As the small Bird, that fluttering roves Among Jamaica's tam'rind groves, A feathered busy bee, In note scarce rising to a song, Incessant, hums the whole day long, In slavery's Island, free ! So shall • A still small voice' be heard, Though humble as the Humming Bird, In Britain's groi es of oak ; And to tin; peasant from tin- King, In every ear shall ceaseles sing, ' Free Afric from her yoke!' COLLECTIONS M \ Dl'. |;\ \ KV >LD BUFFUM I'M: THE NEW-ENGLAND INTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. At Maiden 2 50 Baptist meeting in New-Bedford - - 15 50 African do. do. Baptist Meeting in Newport Bristol Taunton - Providence Pawtucket - . - \V< socket - Slaterville Uxbridge Grafton Leicester - Worcester ..... Ware Belchertown - Springfield - Sunderland ..... Greenfield Brattleboro' ....'. Walpole, N. II. .... Kecne Newport, R. I. Taunton - Dorchester Lowell Andover - Newburyport .... Lowell Rev. Mr. Himes' church, Boston Lynn Wobnrn ..... Fall River A liii an Church, New-ISedford Christian do. do. Emerson's do., Boston - \\ est Bridgewater - - - North do. .... West Randolph - Brighton - Congregational Church, New-Bedford Danvers, Sewall's church Lynn - - - - Discussion at Salem ... William Ladd Beverly - Tabernacle, Salem ... 3d African Church, Philadelphia Dea. Dean, New-Haven Total, 11 7:> 4 68 00 91 5 00 5 75 3 70 1 50 - 1 35 17 16 7 80 3 00 1 37 00 71 1 52 00 75 2 50 00 76 2 30 4 00 7 00 1 75 9 00 9 00 15 30 2 69 5 00 4 50 14 00 6 57 7 00 5 75 4 '27 10 25 .'2 15 1 80 - 1 75 3 80 3 90 4 40 7 00 1 25 20 12 5 00 4 70 6 50 22 70 2 00 £308 90 The Treasurer of the N. L\ Anti-Slavery Society acknowledges the receipl of the following in July : From Charles Stuart. Esq. of Liverpool. Eng. 15 00 Annual assessments from members - 9 00 Amount of collections at Masonic Hall and r.ovlston Hall .... 5157 Total ... £78 57 JAMES C. ODIORNE, Treasurer. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] SEPTEMBER, 183 3 . [NO. IX. MRS. CHILD'S APPEAL. An .Appeal in favor of that Class of Ameri- cans called Africans. By Mrs. Child. Bos- ton : Allen fy Ticknor. 1833. 12 mo. pp. 232. We heard a few months since with great satisfaction that Mrs. Child was engaged in preparing a work on slavery. We felt sure that any thing which she should write on the subject, would exert a beneficial and power- ful moral influence on the public mind. It is but justice to say, that the high anticipations which we had formed of the merits of Mrs. Child's book, have been more than realized by its perusal. That it will do great good, we feel entire confidence. The great difficulty with which abolitionists in this country, have hitherto had to contend, has been that very few have been willing to give them a fair hear- ing. The cultivated and refined at the north, having taken for granted the comfortable doc- trine that slavery was an evil with which they had nothing to do, have listened to the argu- ments of its opposers, with the same feelings of impatience and disgust with which theyreatl the soiled andthumbworn petitions and certificates of strolling beggars. But the work of an au- thor of established reputation, one whose writ- ings they have been accustomed to admire, cannot be condemned without examination. She must be heard. The nature of this volume may be judged of by the following table of the contents of the chapters. That we may not seem so un- critical as to see no fault in the volume, we venture to suggest that such a table ought to have preceded the body of the work. Chapter I. Brief history of Slavery. — Its irn vitable effect upon all concerned in it. Chap. II. Comparative view of Slavery in different ages and nations. Chap. III. Free Labor and Slave Labor. — Possibility of safe Emancipation. Chap. IV. Influence of Slavery on the Pol- itics of the United States. VOL. I. Chap. V. Colonization Society and Anti- Slavery Society. Chap. VI. Intellect of JVegroes. Chap. VII. Moral Character of Negroes. Chap. VIII. Prejudices against People of Color, and our Duties in relation to this sub- ject. On every one of these subjects, Mrs. Child has collected useful and interesting informa- tion, much of which will be new to most of her readers. It is not, however, only, or chiefly, as a valuable collection of facts that this volume should be recommended. The conclusion to be drawn from these facts are presented with force and directness. The book too is writ- ten with great terseness and spirit, and warm- ed throughout by a glow of benevolent feel- ing. Yet with all this, upon a subject so ex- citing as slavery, the author though she ex- presses her sentiments fearlessly and distinctly, never indulges in mere abuse and railing, and while she makes no sacrifice of principle, or concealment of truth, to conciliate slavehold- ers and their advocates, she never says any thing merely for the sake of producing irrita- tion. The work throughout is distinguished by kindness and courtesy towards those whose opinions and practices she is compelled to condemn. It is not very easy to make selections from a volume that contains so much which we should be glad to have placed before all our readers. The following passage, however, shows the ability with which the author rea- sons, and also exhibits the sound sense and strong moral feeling which pervade the vol- ume. After having related some instances of atrocious cruelties inflicted on slaves, she con- tinues : ' I shall be told that such examples as these are of rare occurrence ; and 1 have no doubt that instances of excessive severity are far from being common. I believe that a large proportion of masters are as kind to their slaves as they can be, consistently with keep- ing them in bondage ; but it must be allowed that this, to make the best of it, is very stinted 17 i:JO Mrs. Child's Appeal. kindness. And let it never be forgotfa d that the negro's fate depends entirely on the char- acter of his master ; and it is a mere matter of chance un< th r he fall intomerciful or un- merciful hands ; his happiness, nay, his very life, depends on chance. The slave owners are always telling u . the accounts of slave misery are abominably exaggerated; and their plea is supported by individuals, who se< m to think thai char- ity was made to cover sins, not to cure them. But without listening to the zealous op of slavery, we shall find in the judicial reports of the Southern States, and in the ordinary details of their newspapers, more than enough to startle us; besides, we must not forg ■where one instance of cruelly comes to our knowledge, hundreds are kept secret; and the more public attention is awakend to the sub- ject, the more caution will be used in this re- spect. Why should we be deceived by the sophis- try of those whose interest it is to gloss over iniquity, and who from long habit have learn- ed to believe that it is no iniquity ? It is a very simple process to judge rightly in this matter, .lust ask yourself the question, where you could find a set of men, in whose power you would be willing to place yourself, if the laws allowed them to sin against you with im- punity ? But it is urged that it is the interest of plan- ters to treat their slaves well. This argument no doubt has some force ; and it is the poor negro's only security. But it is likewise the interest of men to treat their cattle kindly; yet we see that passion and short-sighted av- arice do overcome the strongest motives of in- terest. Cattle are beat unmercifully, some- times unto death ; they are ruined by being over-worked : weakened by want of sufficient food ; and so forth. Besides, it is sometimes directly for the interest of the planterto work his chives beyond their strength. When there is a sudden rise in the prices of sugar, a cer- tain amount of labor in a given time is of more consequence to the owner of a plantation, than the price of several slaves; he can well afford to \\ aste a few lives. This is no idle hypoth- esis — such calculations are gravely and open- ly made by planters. Hence, it is the slave's prayer that sugars may be cheap. W T hen the negro is old, or feeble from incurable disease, is it his master's interest to feed him well, and clothe him comfortably ? Certainly not : it then becomes desirable to get rid of the hu- man brute as soon as convenient. It is a common remark, that it is not quite safe, in most cases, for even parents to be entirely de- pendent on the generosity of their children; and if human nature he' such, what has the slave to exp< ct, when he becomes a mere bill of expense ? It is a common retort tosa\ that New-Eng- landers, who go to the South, toon learn to patronise the system they have considered so abominable, and often become proverbial for their seventy. I have not the least doubt of the fact; for slavery contaminates all (hat comes within its influence. It would be very absurd to imagine that the inhabitants of one State are worse than the inhabitants of anoth- er, unless some peculiar circumstances, of universal influence, tend to make them so. Human nature is every where the same ; but developed differently, by different excitements and temptations. It is the bu>iness of wise legislation to discovet "hat influences are most productive of good, and the least condu- cive to evil. If we were educated at tin; South, we should no doubt vindicate slavery, and inherit as a birthright all the evils it en- grafts upon the character. If they lived on our rocky soil, and under our inclement skies, their shrewdness would sometimes border upon knavery, and their frugality sometimes degenerate into parsimony. We both have our virtues and our faults, induced by the in- fluences under which we live, and, of course, totally different in their character. Our dc- i : bad enough ; but they cannot, like sla- very, affect the destiny and rights of millions. All this mutual recrimination about horse- jockeys, gamblers,' tin-pedlars, and venders of wooden nutmegs, is quite unworthy of a great nation. Instead of calmly examining this im- portant subject on the plain grounds of jus- tice and humanity, we allow it to degenerate into a mere question of sectional pride and vanity. [Pardon the Americanism, would we had less use for the word !] It is the system, not the me?i, on which we ought to bestow the full measure of abhorrence. If we were wil- ling to forget ourselves, and could, like true republicans, prefer the common good to all other considerations, there would not be a slave in the United States, at the end of half a century. The arguments in support of slavery are all hollow and deceptive, though frequently very specious. No one thinks of finding- a founda- tion for the system in the principles of truth and justice ; and the unavoidable result is, that even in policy it is unsound. The monstrous fabric rests on the mere appearance of present expediency ; while, in fact, all its tendencies individual and national, present and remote, are highly injurious to the true interests of the country. The slave owner will not be- lieve this. The stronger the evidence against his favorite theories, the more strenuously he defendsthem. it has been wisely said, ' Hon- esty is the best policy; but policy without honesty never finds that out.' I hope none will be so literal as to suppose I intend to say that no planter can be honest, in tin' acceptation of that term. I simply mean that all who ground their argu- ments in policy, and not in du ; and plain truth, are really blind to the highest and best interests of man. 1 Dialogue between a Colonizationist and an Abolitionist. V.tt {For the Abolitionist.] DIALOGUE BETWEEN C, A COLONIZATIONIST, AND A, AN ABOLITIONIST, ON THE SUBJECT OF THE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. (Concluded.) C. You undertook to convince rne that the Northern people can act practically in the matter of negro slavery. I presume you hardly venture to say that Congress has power to decree emancipation ; if you do, I refer you to the letter of Daniel Webster, lately pub- lished, on the subject. A. I agree perfectly with Mr, Webster. There can be no doubt that our Legislatures, can make no law whatever to compel a slave- holder, in another State, to emancipate, or even to abstain from murdering, his slaves, and that Congress is equally powerless in this respect. But yet Congress can do much ; and so can the Legislatures, and so can the people. I call it a strictly practical object, to prepare an engine by means of which great effects are to be produced. Now, public sen- timent is all powerful ; and if it can be so ex- cited as to bear with its immense weight upon this question, the effect must be great and practical. The publications which prepared the minds of the colonists for the revolutionary struggle, were not less practical than the ac- tual military effects that were prompted by them. The force of truth and moral suasion, over an intelligent people, can hardly be over- rated, and should never be disdained. C. But if the suasion is to be addressed only to the Southern people, it ought at least, to be more gentle, if it is to be effectual. A. It is not addressed only, or chiefly, to the Southern people. We have no objection to their hearing us, and no wish to exasperate them — but we care not for their anger. To say loss than the truth, would be unworthy of us as freemen ; and if the (ruth plainly spoken gives offence, the fault must be in the hearers, not in the speakers. I am ashamed of my country and amazed at its degeneracy when I hear it said that truths, undeniable truths, ought to.be suppressed or only whispered with closed doors, for fear of giving offence ! Such was not the principle on which our fathers acted, or the revolution could never have oc- curred. C. But is it wise to irritate and alienate the Southern people by needless repetition of reproaches ? A. It is wise always to assert our rights, by words and practice. The rights of speech and of the press are infinitely more valuable than the fame to be gained or preserved, by yielding them up to arrogance and pride. It would reduce us to the condition of slaves, to be prohibited from speaking the truth, when, where, and how we please. When Napoleon complained to the British government, of the abusiveness of the London newspapers, the answer he received was that the press was free, hut if he was libelled, the courts were open to him for redress. Arc we less free than the British ? And are not our courts open to any slaveholder who is injured ? We shrink from no responsibility ; seek no concealment. The northern people owe it to their own dig- nity and independence, to treat with scorn all anger which is produced by the exercise of our just rights. C. But does the irritation that you occa- sion help forward the object at all ? Does it not obviously cause the blacks to be more rigorously treated than ever? A. The irritation neither helps nor hin- ders, or if it does hinder that is no reason for giving up our consciences. The Temperance Society gave offence to many, but that was unavoidable, and has not hindered the immense benefits of its operations. When, a few years since, some of the Middle States passed reso- lutions offering to concur in giving up the whole of the public lands for the purpose of purchasing the slaves from their bondage, was not the proposition generous and kind, and entitled to the thanks of the North ? C. It was silly perhaps, but certainly gen- erous ; and has been revived, in part, by the land-bill which the President lately vetoed. A. Well, what was the conduct of the Southern States ? They treated the project as an impertinence — an offensive intermed- dling in their affairs. Now it is plain that irritability so morbid deserves no considera- tion. There will be scolding ; but are we to be frightened because they make faces at us ? No reformation of conduct, or sentiment, ever was, or will be effected, without offence being given. The truth will, nevertheless, reach some hearts and produce its legitimate effect. The fact is that, already, some slaveholders have been convinced, and have been induced to emancipate their slaves. Emancipation by last wills, is also more frequent. In the pros- pect of death conscience has great power. To J32 Dialogue, between a Colonizationist and an Abolitionist. bring truth home to the conscience is, there- fore, an important and a practical object. C. These are, then, the modes in which the northern people can act practically in these matters. A. This is not all. The whole subject branches out into various considerations. But in discussing any and all of them, it is requi- site to get rid of the bug-bear of southern ir- ritation, and also to shake off the delusions of that timidity which dreads to look at the plain truth and to speak it. C. Suppose, then, I grant that the anger of the South ought not to be regarded, and that truth is at all times to be spoken, (notwith- standing the proverb,) then what follows ? A. Then as freemen, and Americans, and Christians, it is incumbent on us to look at our actual condition, and see in what degree we are accessaries to the crime of holding our fellow men in chains, and subjecting them to a cruel oppression. It is our duty to inquire what we can do lawfully, and not inconsis- tently with our political or moral obligations, to right this grievous wrong, or to mitigate its barbarity. It is our duty to see whether we are not doing more to aid an iniquitous op- pression, than our political relations require of us. These inquiries involve many questions of expediency in local as well as national leg- islation, which, if we are not ourselves in bondage, we have the same right to discuss, to suggest, or to present to the minds of oth- ers, as we have to discuss the tariff, the bank, or the charter of a rail-road company. C. I must say that these views are strange to me. Is not our condition merely that of a bystander ; and does not the Constitution for- bid our active interference ? . /. By no means. When the Constitution was formed, a spirit of compromise prevailed, but whether it was carried too far I need not say. Let it stand, but if the bond gives to the slaveholders unreasonable advantages, (in the slave representation and other matters) let them make the best of their bargain, but not seek to exceed its terms. We have a right to say that Shylock shall have his pound of flesh, 'but not a drop of blood.' The northern people yielded much and enough to the ne- cessity of the crisis ; but they could not be in- duced to admit the word, slave or slavery into the Constitution. They agreed however that ' persons held to labor or service ' escaping into another State should be ' delivered up on claim of the person to whom the service or labor may be due.' Well, this is the Consti- tution — but the southern people are said to de- sire much more than the bond, and shocking abuses, never contemplated as consequences of the concession, are told of, as practiced un- der this provision. Have we not a right to sec whether it be really so ? la many of the States legislative enactments have been add- ed to facilitate the restoration of slaves to their chains. The claim, as a preliminary, is dispensed with. But these statutes were fair subjects of discussion; and being all liable to repeal or amendment, they are still perfectly legitimate subjects of our consideration. Now if the whole matter is exclusively of southern cognizance, we have no right to discuss the enactment or repeal of one of our Own stat- utes ; and our legislature has only, like the old Parliament of France, to register the edicts of a master. C. I admit the propriety of discussing our own statutes. Indeed no one can doubt it. A. But our friends, the slaveholders, are afraid, if we discuss any thing that has the word slave or the word freedom in it. However, this is one only, of several such matters equal- ly within our proper cognizance. The Con- stitution also permitted Congress to prohibit the slave trade after 1808, or in terms, ' the migration or importation of such persons as the states shall think proper to admit.' Con- gress did accordingly prohibit the external slave trade, and the bill was surely a fair sub- ject of remark both during^ its pendency and after its passage, in all parts of the country. But the prohibition of the internal trade or ' migration ' is equally before the whole nation as a question of expediency, — and any man or any Society has a perfect right to propose and recommend it. Shall it be said that we of the north have not the same right with those of the south, to discuss a question of na- tional expediency and constitutional law ? Why certainly our southern fellow citizens are bewildered when they say it. And our own neighbors are strangely misled when they give their assent to the adoption. C. That would, at all events, be a matter for Congress, and may as well be left there. A. But Congress represents the people of the north as well as the south, and the con- stituents have a certain right to discuss the conduct of their representatives, both as to what they have done, and what they have Dialogue between a Colonizationist and an Abolitionist. 133 omitted to do. There is, therefore, perfect propriety in our discussing the subject of sla- very in all its aspects. But further : the Con- stitution also guarantees each state ' against domestic violence.' Now let us consider what was the undertaking at the time. Surely it is fair to argue that it was the tacit agreement that the slaveholding states should do all that humanity dictates, consistent with slave prop- erty, to ameliorate the condition of the ' persons held to labor : ' at least, that they should be treated as persons not as brutes. Well, but if it be true, that the slaves are far worse treat- ed than they were ; — that marriage is not al- lowed, — [the institution that so much distin- guishes man from beasts] — that instruction in religion is withheld — no protection to life af- forded — no restraint on cruelty provided ; — if, in short, the slaveholders do not perform their part of the contract, may we not question whether we are bound to comply with ours ? At all events, these circumstances or any oth- ers may fairly be urged as reasons for amend- ing the Constitution, by striking out those words which now bind us to support the slave- holder, in a more cruel treatment of his slaves than is permitted to slaveholders under the British, French, Spanish or Portuguese gov- ernments. C. It will be difficult to prove the fact. I do not believe it. A. The question is, whether we have a right to inquire into the fact ; the slavehold- ers say we have no right to meddle with the subject, but I contend that our Constitution guarantees our right to amend it, of course to propose and discuss amendments, and there- fore to examine the facts that supply a motive for an amendment. C. An amendment of the Constitution is out of the question, against the will of the slaveholding states. A. Not entirely out of the question ; we ought not to suppose it. The presumption should be in their favor, that they would not all be opposed to it. But there is another con- sideration. Congress have the sole and abso- lute regulation of the District of Columbia. Our members have repeatedly had occasion to vote on resolutions introduced there, having in view the breaking up of the slave market, now kept open under the very shadow of the Capitol. In all questions upon which repre- sentatives vote, Ave, the constituents, have a right to enlighten and inform them. We have also a right to make our wishes known. We have therefore a full right to discuss the sub- ject of slavery as it exists at the seat of our national government. It is no question of ex- clusively southern cognizance. It is of na- tional cognizance ; and we are just as respon- sible for the continuance of slavery at the seat of government, and for the abuses and cruelties that attend it, (which are shocking,) as the southern people are. In what one point of view, therefore, can the subject of slavery and its evils be said to belong exclusively to the south ? C. In respect to immediate emancipation. You grant that we cannot effect it by persua- sion. And also in regard to the treatment of the slaves. A. But in pursuing the object by persua- sion, we have a right to say that if they will not shew any intention to emancipate or to improve the condition of the slaves, we will do our best to eradicate slavery from the District of Columbia — and from Florida — which may be done without persuasion ; and that we will not facilitate the restoration of fugitives be- yond the letter of the Constitution ;— and that we will not hold ourselves bound to assist in quelling domestic violence which they have provoked by needless severity. And we may and we ought to continue the cry of 'shame — shame ' upon them, until they render their slave-code at least equal injustice and mercy to that of despotic Portugal or Spain. But there is still another matter that is, beyond all doubt, within our own domestic notice. The influence of slavery is such that our own peo- ple are infected, and there is danger of our returning to the slave trade again. In Illinois the project has been very seriously entertain- ed of introducing slavery. In Connecticut the legislature has prohibited, under penalties, the giving instruction to colored persons. Whence comes the impetus for this retrograde move- ment ? How is it that Connecticut has been disgraced by a statute making the communi- cation of knowledge a penal offence? How must public sentiment be vitiated when it can bear such an outrage on humanity ! It is a crime in Connecticut to cultivate human intel- lect, and pour moral instruction into an im- mortal soul ! There is no difficulty in saying how this comes. The notion has been broad- ly asserted in the south and has been imbibed here, that colored men are not ' persons held to labor,' but brute animals, creatures below 134 The Plea of Justice. humanity. The quietists of our land — those who exclaim against our Society, and cry ' peace, peace, when there is no peace ' — con- nive at this monstrous doctrine and encourage it by their pass It is time for these Christian and friends of humanity to wake up and C. All ! you are making an oration now ; — I r ll hear no more. [And he went off with- out giving .]. a chance to finish his sentence.] THE PLEA OF JUSTICE. [Concluded from our last.] From the absolute right of the slaves to their liberty, the absolute obligation of mas- ters individually to liberate them has been inferred, and equally absolute is the obliga- tion upon slave-holding states, to render equal justice to all, to restore those rights which have been invaded, and to protect blacks as well as whites in the free exercise of every right. Nor can any view of the interests or supposed rights of the masters be a just cause for continuing to violate the rights of the slaves. Perhaps those governments which have sanctioned slavery may be thought to owe some compensation, when in rendering justice to one class of persons, it takes from another class what its own laws have regard- ed as their property ; but there can be no pretence of justice in satisfying the masters at the expense of the slaves. The claim of the masters against the government, if they have any claim, is such as one partner in a robbery would have against another who, re- covering his sense of honesty, should insist upon restoring their booty. Whatever en- gagements they may have entered into with each other, the whole transaction being found- ed in iniquity, it might be a difficult matter for equity to decide in what way these en- gagements should be fulfilled, or the compen- sation which the repentant partner would owe to the other; but leaving that question to be set- tled between themselves, his obligation not to keep the purloined property from the right own- er, is in the mean time indisputable, and no way connected with the decision of the other point. But the grand objection to restoring the slaves at once to the exercise of their rights, and certainly the most plausible, is the sup- posed danger of such a measure. It would be madness, it. is said, to let loose upon soci- ety such a multitude of ignorant and irriated beings who would be intoxicated by the lib- erty to which they are unaccustomed, and Avould be withheld by no principle from any outrage to which their passions or necessities might incite them. To retain thcin in their present condition is wickedness and madness both. Is there not danger now ? What is it that is the chief source of danger to the whites, but the hostile feeling naturally ex- cited by oppression ? Were they to cease from this oppression, and 'let the oppressed go free,' would not the disposition to commit violence and injury be from that moment di- minished in a far greater degree than the power to do it would b" increased? Could the danger from the freed blacks be greater, than the danger which actually exists, from the oppressed and enslaved blacks? Could any evils resulting from the most uncondition- al emancipation, made without a single pre- caution, be far greater than the actual evils of the present most lamentable state ot things, most lamentable considered in relation to the whites alone, including as it does, constant suspicion, constant fear of insurrection, inju- ry to their own moral and intellectual charac- ter, and the gradual debasement of their mor- al sense — and in prospect, the growth and in- crease of all these evils, until interrupted by some tremendous revolution. Must not a slaveholder tremble at the very sound of the words freedom, right, or justice, lest they fall upon the ear, and kindle a flame in the mind of some one of those who are debarred from freedom, whose rights are violated, and whom justice does not protect? What evils are likely to result from emancipation greater than these ? Though no longer slaves, would not the blacks still continue in the condition of laborers ? What else could they do ? They have no lands, no possessions, and must procure subsistence in some mode. Ig- norant as they may be, they are not ignorant that there are laws for the protection of prop- erty, and against robbery and other crimes, and that there is power to enforce these laws. Nor would the laws have lost their power, nor could there be any hinderance to making new laws, and taking every measure of vigi- lance and precaution adapted to the emergen- cy when this great act of justice was about to be accomplished. But suppose that the danger from emanci- pation is all that it has been represented to lie. Yet the enslaved persons have a right to their freedom. What is to be done ? Does the fear of possible consequences to ourselves render it lawful for us to inflict certain and enormous injuries on others ? Does our fear or our danger destroy their rights? or absolve us from guilt if we violate those rights ? Be- cause a man has inflicted one outrage upon his neighbor, does he acquire a right to re- peat it, that he may deprive him of the power of expressing his resentment? It is only wrong doing that can bring men into such perplexity, that no course of conduct seems open to them which is not fraught with dan- ger. A continuance in crime will only in- volve them deeper, but will never bring them out of it. No, when they awake to a sense of their situation, let them manfully resolve to act right, whatever may be the consequen- ces. The simple rule of right will guide 77ie Pica of Justice. 135 them out of the labyrinth, but no calculation of consequences ever will. A gradual emancipation is thought by some persons to be the just and happy medium, the measure which provides at once for the safe- ty of the community, the rights of the slaves, the interests of the masters, and the final cure of the dreadful evil of slavery. If we might admit for a moment the rectitude of thus de- laying justice, the rectitude of thus making reparation for grievous wrong gradually, yet at least the duty is absolute and undeniable, if not of emancipating immediately, yet of do- ing something immediately, of taking some measures now which shall lead to emancipa- tion. Every moment's needless delay is ad- ding to the amount of crime. But may Ave admit the rectitude of this principle ? To provide for the emancipation of all born after a certain time is making no reparation to the present generation for their wrongs. To re- store him to his natural rights at some future time will be no compensation to any individ- ual for the time during which he has been debarred their exercise. It would be infinite- ly better than doing nothing, but it would not be all which justice requires. ' Personal free- dom,' it was said by Charles Fox, ' was the first right of every human being. It was a right of which he who deprived a fellow crea- ture, was absolutely criminal in so depriving him, and which he who withheld was no less criminal in withholding.' If there is danger, use precaution, but why is it that the only measure of safety thought of is the continu- ance of injustice, continuing to withhold this most sacred right from our fellow creatures. Let every one be vigilant for his own safety, but no longer violate the rights of others through the cowardly fear that by ceasing to do so, he should give them power to injure him. But the present generation of slaves, it is said, doubtless too truly, arc ignorant and de- graded, utterly unfit for freedom, and many of them incapable of taking care of them- selves. It is the danger to themselves as well as to their masters, that would make the emancipation of these poor creatures wrong. With respect to themselves, it is said, that it would be like leaving so many children to their own discretion and guidance. It would be neither just nor humane, it is said, sudden- ly to withdraw protection and support from those who have been too long dependant on it to be able to do without it. All this is ad- mitted. But whence arises this degradation and imbecility ? From the condition of sla- very, in which their lives have been passed. It is this very circumstance which imposes an obligation ot justice as well as of benevolence to take care of them, since it is the wrongs they have received which have incapacitated them from taking care of themselves. They who have done the wrong, or in any way par- ticipated in doing it, are bound to do what they can to repair it. Simply to restore their freedom does not repair it. Surely it would be a very strange conclusion from this, that therefore even freedom may be withheld, and these injured people retained in the very con- dition which has reduced them to such deplor- able imbecility. A more reasonable conclu- sion is, that something more not less than free- dom is their due. What this more is, may briefly be stated to be, whatever will tend to elevate their moral and intellectual char- acter, and render them soonest capable of providing for their own maintenance and com- fort, and, in the mean time, maintenance and comfort provided for the old and helpless, such guidance and assistance to the rest as will not by continuing their habits of depend- ance be injurious rather than beneficial — whatever, in short, will tend soonest and most effectually to counteract the ill effects of their past condition, and repair the injury which has been done them. This includes, ofcourse, and most especially, education for all who are young enough to be capable of it. The principle, that, freedom alone is not all which is owing to the shaves, has been admit- ted and acted upon by some individuals.— Among the Quakers, who Mere among the first in regard to slavery, as on other points, to adopt Christian principles, some persons not only liberated their slaves, although pen- alties were annexed to manumission, but cal- culated and paid them a sum of money as due for wages during the time of their slavery. The rights of the slaves form the main ground and argument for emancipating them. And let it never be forgotten what rights those are, not mere abstract rights to some trifling privileges, scarcely missed, if lost, though even such would be sacred — but the dearest and most valuable which belong to our com- mon nature, rights to the most precious bless- ings of which one human being can deprive another. Can we conceive of any infringe- ment of our rights which would excite in us greater indignation than to have some power- ful tyrant assume to control us in every ac- tion, to say what we shall do, and where we shall go, and compel us to submit in all things to his will and pleasure ? Would not the in- jury he immeasurably greater, and our indig- nation greater than if fraud or violence de- prived us of our property ? Such a wrong as this includes all wrongs. What property is more a man's own than the produce of his own labor? But the slave is compelled to labor, and then the profits of his toil enrich an- other and not himself. There are more pre- cious things than property ? His children are not under his control or protection — another may indict on them the most unreasonable punishment, and the parent must look on in silence — at the will of another, they may be sent from him, where he will neither see nor 136 The Plea of Justice. hear from them more. If he docs not always feel these things with the keenness which more favored parents would suppose they must n( produce, is it not because laved conditio, i has precluded or de- d the affections naturally belon the relation of parent and child, and is not this it a wrong as any? From all moral and intellectual improvement, from all the . moral and intellectual pleasures he is ed. Wear i ss told, of the hap- piness of slaves, but what kind of hap;. 'Nothing,' says Edmund Burke, 'can , happy slave, but a degraded man.' It is his degradation which is t . t wrong of all. What, indeed, is left ve, but to breathe and exist? If more is granted to him, it is granted as a fa- vor, not acknowledge »ht. bare assumption of such an unrighteous dominion over human beings, however lenient- ly exercised, should excite our indignation, as it would do were the case our own. Jus- tice would make it the imperative duty of mas- ters to restore freedom to their the loss of, a slight evil. some consideration of the degree and nature of the wrong, of the misery and degradation produced, may be necessary to excite in oth- ers any sympathy for the wronged, and any apprehension that they have duties in relation to them. One man may injure another to some trifling extent, and his neighbor not feel very loudly called upon to exert himself for his assistance. But when the injury is great- er, when the sufferer is in danger of losing his all, when his happiness begins to be deep- ly affected, then the neighbor is called upon by every principle of humanity to come for- ward in his behalf, to do all he can to obtain him redress. Nor will the kind and sympa- thizing neighbor be hasty in deciding that nothing can be done. If he can do nothing by direct interference, if there is no opening for an appeal to the laws, at least he will raise his voice against injustice, at least he will try all that persuasion, or argument, or influence can do to restrain the injurious party. Can any man see a fellow creature oppressed, and innocently withhold the assistance that he has it in his power to give ? Nor ought the fear of irritating the oppressor to prevent, while at the same time all unnecessary irritation should be most studiously avoided, not from policy, but from a spirit of candor and benevolence, es- pecially if there is reason to believe that he is not aware of the wrong he is doing. Can- dor requires us to remember that they who hold their fellow creatures in slavery may perhaps honestly believe that they have a right to do so. The deed itself is most iniquitous, the only justification for its perpetrators is their unconsciousnes of i criminality. If unavoidable prejudice blinds them, they are guiltless. Not so with those who perc; all its horrors the enormity of the injustice, the magnitude of the evil, and yet make no effort to free their fellow creatures from op- pression, their country from gudt, and them- selves from a passive participation in it ; no effort to arouse the slumbering consciences, and remove the film from the blinded under- standings of the oppressors. The consolatory supposition that the great body of the holders of slaves, or at least very many of them, are not aware of the wrong they are doing, is a ground ot encouragement for those who believe slaveholding to be es- sentially criminal to hope for some good by setting "forth their own views clearly and for- cibly. Good men, who keep slaves because they have never doubted the innocence of so doing, will cease to do so if they can be convinced that it is criminal, and they will not shut their minds against conviction. Of course, argument and remonstrance are of little use when addressed to those who with their eyes open give a preference to what they esteem to be their worldly interest over all considerations of virtue and justice. It has been asserted that no masters are so cruel and oppressive towards their slaves as those persons who remove from places where slav- ery is not allowed, and become slaveholders. If true, the reason for this is obvious, that no person brought up in the belief that to hold men in slavery is contrary to justice could be- come a slaveholder himself, unless he were very little under restraint from moral princi- pled any kind. Such as these are not the persons, on whom the opposers of slavery can hope to make any impression by urging the claims of justice and humanity. But among slaveholders of an opposite character they may hope to find, or soon to make, willing co- operators. It is a somewhat remarkable fact that among the people of the United States when slavery is spoken of, even by those who consider it as an evil, it is the situation of the masters, not of the slaves, which most frequently calls forth the tone of commiseration* It is indeed true, that sin is a greater evil than suffering, and yet in most cases it is the oppressed and not the oppressor who receives sympathy. Slav- ery may be a greater evil to the masters than to the slaves, but it is to be feared that they who express this opinion, do not always do it exactly in the spirit in which Cowper said, ' I would much rather be myself the slave, And wear the chains, than fasten them on him.' Perhaps^the best account of this matter is, that states are influenced by a similar feel- hat which prompts the different raem- a family to pity and excuse the faults of one, and to feel as if their own honor were in some measure ^identified with his. Per- Iso there is the feeling that they are in some degree sharers in the guilt. Three Months in Jamaica. 137 In seeking excuses for the slaveholder, let us beware of obscuring the truth to our own minds, let us not dwell upon the arguments by which he justifies slavery, till we suffer them to influence us, and begin to imagine that they are of some real weight. Let us not look at the subject from the position from which he looks at it, so habitually as to forget that this is not the only position, nor the one most fa- vorable for a correct view. And, again, let us beware that Ave do not so express ourselves in speaking of the extenuations which there certainly are for his conduct, as to convey the impression that we consider the conduct itself to be almost, if not quite, justifiable. There are but two excuses for wrong doing, into which all others must resolve themselves, namely ignorance and the strength of temp- tation. The charitable excuser may set these forth in such a manner as to become to all in- tents and purposes the advocate of crime, as if either of these circumstances altered the intrinsic nature of right and wrong. If we cannot do any positive good in this great cause, let us at least take care to do no harm, let us not lend the weight of our influence, be it much, or be it little, to strengthen those erro- neous views by which slavery is upheld. Let us not, even by a casual expression, assist in lowering the standard of morality which is applied to this subject. Finally, let us beware lest there mingle with a desire to be candid to the slaveholders a willingness to excuse our own apathy and inaction, our own want of moral courage to adopt the obnoxious part of opposition to a long established abuse which is upheld by the prejudices and the interests of numbers. C. J. T. THREE MONTHS IN JAMAICA. We add some further extracts from this tract, which we had not room for in our last number. 'On reaching the estate, [called New Ground,] I was received in the most friendly manner by the overseer, and entertained with West Indian hospitality. This gentleman, after some inquiries as to the state of things in England, began to enlarge on the comfort- able condition of the slaves; and, pointing to some negro coopers who were working in the yard, asked if I could perceive any difference between the condition of these slaves and that of English laborers. I owned I could not : they seemed to work with great regularity and apparent good humor. Immediately afterwards the overseer called out, in a very authoritative tone, ' Blow shell.' A large conch shell was then blown by one of the domestic slaves, and in a few minutes four negro drivers made their appearance in front of the house, accompanied by six com- mon negroes. The drivers had each a long staff in his hand, and a large cart-whip coiled VOL. I. round his shoulders. They appeared to be very stout athletic men. They stood before the hall door, and the overseer put on his hat and went out to them, while I sat at the open window and observed the scene which follow- ed, — having been informed that the other six negroes were to be punished. When the overseer went out, the four dri- vers gave him an account, on notched tallies, of their half day's work, and received fresh orders. The overseer then asked a few ques- tions of the drivers respecting the offences of the six slaves brought up for punishment. No question was asked of the culprits themselves, nor was any explanation waited for. Sentence was instantly pronounced, and instantly car- ried into execution. The first was a man of about thirty-five years of age. He was what is called a pen- keeper, or cattle herd ; and his offence was having suffered a mule to go astray. At the command of the overseer he proceeded to strip off part of his clothes, and laid himself flat on his belly, his back and buttocks being uncov- ered. One of the drivers then commenced flogging him with the cart-whip. This whip is about ten feet long, with a short stout han- dle, and is an instrument of terrible power. It is whirled by the operator round his head, and then brought down with a rapid motion of the arm upon the recumbent victim, causing the blood to spring at every stroke. When I saw this spectacle, now for the first time exhibited before my eyes, with all its revolting accom- paniments, and saw the degraded and mangled victim writhing and groaning under the inflic- tion, I felt horror-struck. I trembled, and turned sick: but being determined to see the whole to an end, I kept my station at the win- dow. The sufferer, writhing like a wounded worm, every time the lash cut across his body, cried out, ' Lord ! Lord ! Lord ! ' When he had received about twenty lashes, the driver stopped to pull up the poor man's shirt (or rather smock frock,) which had worked down upon his galled posteriors. The sufferer then cried, 'Thipk me no man ? think me no man ? ' By that exclamation I understood him to say ' Think you I have not the feelings of a man ? ' The flogging was instantly recommenced and continued ; the negro continuing to cry ' Lord ! Lord ! Lord ! ' till thirty-nine lashes had been inflicted. When the man rose up from the ground, I perceived the blood oozing out from the lacerated and tumefied parts where he had been flogjred ; and he appeared greatly exhausted. But he was instantly ordered off to his usual occupation. The next was a young man apparently about eighteen or nineteen years of age. He was forced to uncover himself and lie down in the same mode as the former, and was held down by the hands and feet by four slaves, one of whom was a young man who was himself to be floareed next. This latter was a mulatto 136 Three Months in Jamaica. — the offspring, as I understood, of some Eu- ropean formerly on the esl il i by a negro woman, and consequently burn i Tiiese two youths h d exactly in the mode already described, and writhed and groaned under the lash, as if enduring great agony. The mulatto bled most, and appeared to suffer must acutely. Tiny received each thirty-nine lashes. Their offence was some deficiency in the performance of the task pre- scribed to them. They wore both ordered to join their gang as usual in the afternoon at cane-cutting. Two young women of about the sari were, one after the other, then laid down am! held by four men, their back parts most inde- cently uncovered, and thirty-nine lashes of the blood-stained whip inflicted upon each poor creature's posteriors. Their exclamation likewise was 'Lord! Lord! Lord!' They seemed also to suffer acutely, and were ap- parently a good deal lacerated. Another woman (the sixth offender) was also laid down and uncovered for the lash ; but at the inter- cession of one of the drivers she was repriev- ed. The offence of these three worn similar to that of the two young men — some defalcation in the amount of labor. The overseer stood by and witnessed the whole of this cruel operation, with as much seeming indifference as if he had been paying them their wages. I !iile perfect- ly unmanned by mingled horror and p I I have no reason to believe that the natural feelings of this young man (whose age did not exceed twenty-four years) were less b or sensitive than my own. But such is the callousness which coi liliarity with scenes of civ It; . ■ had been a book-keeper, for another estate belongii prbprie- tors, and had been appoi I .. r on this estate only a few month s b ore. His recep- tion of me when I arrived was so kind, frank, and cordial, that I could not have believed him, had I not seen it with my own eyes, to bo capable of inflicting such cruelty on a fel- low-creature. As soon as this scene was over, the over- seer came into the hall, and asked me to drink some rum and water with him. I told him I was sick, and could taste nothing : that I was in fact overwhelmed with horror at the scene I had just witnessed. He said it was not a pleasant duty certainly, but it was an indis- pensable one ; and that I would soon get used, as others did, to such spectacles. I asked if he found it necessary to inflict such punish- ments frequently. He replied it was uncer- tain ; ' 1 may not,' he said, 'have to doit again this month, or T may have to do it to-morrow.' 'Tn week-days the negroes always went to their work before daylight in the morning ; on an average about five o'clock or a quarter past five. They left off after dusk, or from a quarter to half past six in the evening. They had half an hour for breakfast, and sometimes an hour for dinner, but generally not a full noiir. During crop, which was proceeding while I was there, they worked in spells the whole of every alternate night; that IS to say. the spell that commenced on Monday morning got no sleep till Tuesday night, working all day in the field and all night in the boilmg- house. The sufferings of the slaves from this hard and continuous labor, and from the continual s of the drivers to exact it, are seyere beyond description. When they are digging generally work all in a row ; and it frequently happens that the strong ne- groes outstrip the weaker ones. Then it is that the drivers ( who stand ;'/( front of the ■, but behind in cane-cutting,) i up to those who have fallen back in work, and flog them on to further exer- tion ; the drivers being themselves liable to be flogged, if the prescribed work is not duly ex- ecuted by their gang. I have seen the driver- put down slaves in the held and inflict at their own discretion, from six to twelve lashes with the cart-whip. I have seen them order fe- males to stand at a convenient distance, and flog them as long as they saw fit. I have fre- quently seen the boatswain (as the driver at the boiling house is called) flog old and young, male and female, in this manner. One night I saw this driver flog a female slave very se- verely, and one blow which struck her in the face caused her to scream out violently, in enquiry I found that this woman had a child in the hot-house (or hospital), and she had ventured to leave 1; 3r work a Uttle earlier than usual to see her child. For this she re- ceived the punishment. On anotberoccasion.. I saw this boatswain put down a very hand- some brown girl, and give her ten lashes. The overseer was with me at the time, and looked on, without making any remark. Anoth- er time I saw the head driver, a very powerful man, give a tremendous cut with the cart- whip to a female about fifty years of age, who was cuttting canes with the great gang. The overseer and one of the book-keepers were standing by with me, but neither took the least notice. In fact these floggings were ta- king place incessantly upon the working ne- groes ; insomuch that I came to this conclu- sion, after some observation, — that the slaves suffered more in the aggregate from the dri- ving in the field than from the severer regular punishments inflicted by order of the overseer and book-keepers. The drivers invariably flog negroes severely who happen to be too late in coming out in the morning ; and it fre- quently happens, that when they oversleep their time, the negroes, for fear of punishment, run away for days or weeks from the estate. When they do return, as they generally do after a short space, it is with the certainty of Slavery in the District of Columbia. 139 encountering a tremendous flogging from the overseer and being condemned to sleep every night in the stocks for weeks running. I have frequently seen six or seven of these runa- ways turned out of the stocks in a morning, ta- ken to the field to cut canes, and then brought back at night to be again locked in the stocks. The fear of punishment, I was was told, was the ordinary cause of their becoming runa- ways.' ' On conversing with Mr. M'Lean, (as I fre- quently did when I first went to New Ground) respecting the extreme severity of the system pursued on that estate, he assured me that he was far from being a harder task-master than other overseers on sugar plantations ; and to convince me of this he told me of 'severities' (or rather atrocities) exercised on other es- tates in the same parish, far beyond any which I witnessed on New Ground. I also heard of extraordinary instances of cruelty from oth- ers ; and I was told, by a resident in St. An- drew's parish, that the floggings there were more severe than in St. Ann's ; switches of the prickly ebony being frequently used after the cart- whip. But I shall not attempt to de- tail what I learned only by hearsay, all on the evidence of persons implicated in sup- porting the system. I can only vouch, of course, for what I myself witnessed ; and that most assuredly I have rather softened than exaggerated. The open and avowed licentiousness of the plantation whites disgusted me almost as much as the cruelty i .em. At New Ground, i : lepers, and head carpenter, all li itual practi gro- cy. The men- ", and un- que d in the uncon- trolled ind g vice, is as obvious as it is tg. One of the book-keepers voluntarilj that he had had twelve 'negro wives ' within six months. I saw another of the whil this :oncubine,) a cruel beating with a supplejack while was in a '•)', and for a trifling fault. by complying with ' 1 1 of the coun- try.' as if lint, I perceived, with mingled contempt and suspicion by the tation whites generally.' SL 4. VERY IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The abolition of the slave-trade and slavery in this District ought to be constantly kept in mind by nil I ids of the colored race. In this I lousands will unite who'are opposed to A ry Societies. Fewmen, we believe can be found at the north, who do not reo-ard the toleration of slavery at the seat of our national government as disgraceful to the country ; and, even at the South, many persons who are not prepared to exert them- selves to put down this system in their own States, will readily admit that no just cause exists for perpetuating it in the District of Columbia. Nothing, we are confident, is ne- cessary, in order to abolish the national sin and shame, but resolution and activity in the friends of the measure. If all who really have this cause at heart would but put their names to petitions to Congress in favor of the object, they would be astonished at their own num- bers, and Congress would not dare refuse to perform a great work of justice and humanity, which was demanded by the great mass of the people. The following is a petition which is now circulating in this vicinity. It has already received numerous and respectable signa- tures. To the Honorable Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, the petition of the undersigned, citizens of the United States, respectfully represents — That your petitioners are deeply impressed with the evils arising from the existence of ery in the District of Columbia. The Constitution of the United States provides that Congress shall have power, 'to exercise ex- i in ail cases whatsoever, over such district, (not exceeding ten miles square,) as may, i. sion of particular and the act i ' Congress, be- come the scat of government of the United States.' In pursuance of this provision, the of Maryland and Virginia respectively ceded portions of their 1 rritor . which being Congress, now compose the Dis- trict of Columbia. By the plain words of the ition Congress has '.he power to abolish in this District, and no other body can ;i the subject. While our Declaration of Independence boldly p s self-evident truths, 'that all men are created equal, that they are en- by their Creator with certain inalien- ; hat among these are life, liberty, ■ pursuit of happiness ; ' at the very tent human beings are born almost daily, whom the laws pronounce to be from their birth not equal to other men, and who are fur life, deprived of liberty and the free pursuit of happiness. In addition to the other evils flowing from lavei I ical, which it is cifj circui istances have ren- dered this District a great market for traders in human flesh. The unhappy victims of this 140 The Black Law of Connecticut. traffic, arc brought into this District in chains, and then lodged in private jails and other places of confinement, from whence they are carried to the markets of the soutli and west. The toleration of slavery and the slave trade at the seat of Government, not only pro- duces tlie most cruel sufferings to those who are legally slaves, but also frequently leads to the enslaving of free people of color, citizens of the United States, some of whom are kid- napped by violence, and others of whom are reduced to hopeless bondage under the forms of law. From the small number of slaves in the District of Columbia, and the moderate pro- portion which they bear to the free population there, the difficulties which in most of the slaveholding States, oppose the restoration of this degraded class of men to their natural rights, do not exist in this place. Your .pe- titioners, therefore, pray that Congress will, without delay, enact laws for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and for preventing the bringing of slaves into that District for the purpose of traffic, in such mode as may be thought advisable, and, whatever measures may be adopted, will also make suitable provision for the education of all free black and colored children in the District, thus to preserve them from continuing even as free men, an unenlightened and degraded caste.' We earnestly entreat all persons who wish slavery in the District to be abolished, to ex- ert themselves in preparing petitions for this object to be presented at the next session of Congress. Even if the measure should then fail, they will have the satisfaction of having done their duty, and having assisted, in some degree, to effect a great moral reform which must sooner or later be accomplished. THE BLACK LAW OF CONNECTICUT. We neglected in our last to mention that Miss Crandall for a violation of this nefarious statute, in continuing to instruct colored chil- dren, had been arrested, and carried before a justice of the peace, by whom she was com- mitted to jail to take her trial at the ensuing court. We are informed that she was confined in the same room which was occupied by the murderer Watkins during the last days of his life. In this ' opprobrious den of shame,' how- ever, she only remained one day, her friends finding bail for her on the day after she was committed. We are glad to perceive that the persecu- tion of this high minded and devoted philan- thropist, has excited a burst of indignation from many of the northern editors, And we acknowledge with pleasure, that even some thorough colonizationists have exhibited the manly and honorable feeling which the brntal persecution of this benevolent lady was well calculated to rouse. Deeply as we regret the indignities to which Miss Crandall has been exposed, we doubt not that they will advance the great cause of hu- man rights. If we are not mistaken, the violent measures of her unchristian persecu- tors will open the eyes of many men to their own prejudices against people of color ; — make them ashamed of their past injustice, — and anxious to make amends for it by kindness to the victims of their former dislike. Since the above was written Miss Crandall has been tried, for the offence of instructing colored children, inhabitants of places out of Connecticut. Miss Crandall was defended by Messrs. Ellsworth and Strong, distinguish- ed members of the Connecticut Bar. The ground of defence was that the color- ed children in Miss CrandalPs school were citizens of other States, and were, therefore, entitled to the protection of the provision of the Constitution of the United States, which provides that 'the citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immuni- ties of citizens in the several States ;' — that in order to their protection it was necessary that the law should be considered unconstitu- tional in its application to Miss Crandall, as long as she instructed none but citizens of the United States. These positions were sup- ported in speeches of great ability. On be- half of the government Messrs. Judson (the Canterbury agitator) and Welsh argued that colored persons were not citizens within the meaning of the Constitution. The counsel for the defendant informed the jury that they were judges of the law as well as of the facts in the case, and were not bound by the instructions of the court in regard to the law. This position was not disputed on the other side, but the danger of juries setting up their own views of law in opposition to those of the judges was strongly urged. The court instructed the jury that the law was constitutional. The jury could not agree in a verdict, and, after having been twice sent out, without agreeing, were discharged. It was understood that five of the jury were for acquitting, and seven for convicting, the defendant. Gunpowder. — A bid for a Freeman of Massachusetts. 141 The trial produced an intense interest in Brooklyn where it was tried and the vicinity. The arguments of the defendant's counsel pro- duced a deep and powerful impression. It cannot be doubted that this trial will do much in promoting a correct state of public senti- ment. We have reason to believe that a full and correct report of the trial will speedily be published. The firmness of the five jurymen who dared to oppose an unconstitutional law, though supported by the weight of the bench, is high- ly honorable to them. It shows that there is a large proportion of the people in Connecti- cut who still retain a respect for the rights of the colored people, and have courage to op- pose arbitrary power. GUNPOWDER. In the town of Europolis lived a gentleman of the name Orgilus. He was in many respects a good citizen. But he caused great alarm and anxiety to his fellow townsmen by keep- ing a dozen barrels of gunpowder very care- lessly stowed in his cellar. His neighbors of- ten expostulated with him upon the folly and criminality of endangering his and their lives by leaving so explosive an article, in such an exposed situation. Their remonstrances ev- ery day increased in loudness and frequency. At first he had listened to them with patient civility. But at last, he usually grew sulky and indignant, if any remarks were made in his hearing upon the delicate subject of his powder. The following is a conversation that took place between him and the occupant of a house adjoining his, when he was in one of his most sullen fits. Eumenes. Friend Orgilus, why will you persist in keeping such a quantity of gunpow- der in your cellar. You cannot imagine how much uneasiness it causes in my family. Org. Your family forsooth. It is no busi- ness to you or your family. Have I not a right to do what I please in my own house. Sup- pose the powder should blow up, my house be destroyed, and I killed, whose business is it? Whosesoever it may be, it is none of yours. Eum. But, my friend, if your powder should take fire, I and my wife, and children, and others of your neighbors might be kill- ed or maimed. The peril to which your negligence exposes us, gives us a right to ex- postulate. Org. I cannot prevent your talking, but you surely ought to consider that I am fully aware of my danger, — and that the- powder is a constant source of uneasiness to me. I am living every day over a mine, and yet you choose to increase the horrors of my situation by descanting upon them. Eu. You do not mean surely to say that your real danger is increased by my mention- ing it. My object in speaking is not to give you pain, but, by calling your attention to your danger, to induce you to provide a remedy. Org. These are fine words. But I wish you to understand that henceforth I shall con- sider no man my friend, who vexes me with advice. Were not my father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather all in the. habit of keeping powder in their cellars, and they all died in their beds. Have not I a right to ex- pect the same end. Eu. I do not think it necessary to reply to your exquisite logic. But you surely have not forgotten that several terrible explosions have taken place in your house, in which some of your relations have perished. Org. What would you have me do ? I want powder to shoot with. I use it in blow- ing rocks, and at trainings of the militia. You surely cannot reflect how much more it would cost me, if I did not keep my powder on hand. Eu. Is a little saving of expense to be compared with constant danger of human life. . Org. Let me tell you, Eumenes, I never wish to hear another word from you on this subject. You shall not interfere with my pri- vate affairs. And if ever you darken my door again, I'll blow your brains out. Exeunt. According to the fashion of fables, ours re- quires a moral. But we prefer to leave it to our readers' ingenuity to discover the appli- cation of the tale. A BID FOR A FREEMAN OF MASSACHU- SETTS. The following spirited article is from the Liberator, of August 3. It is well worthy the attention of all persons who wish to under- stand the disposition which slavery creates in its supporters. The copy of the following resolutions pass- ed by the State of Georgia, was sent to us for one of the series of notes of Mr. Child's speech. But as the act has never appeared entire in the Liberator, and as many persons in this 142 *4 bid for a Freeman of Massachusetts. quarter of the country are known to be scep- tical as to its having an existence, and as oth- ers arc known ■ that it was merely offered arid rejected, or at worst was adopted by one branch only of the Legislature of Georgia, — we have thought proper to give a more conspicuous type and place, than it could have had among a mass of notes. In Senate, November 30, 1831. Resolved by the Senate (mil House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, That the sum of FIVE THOU- SAND DOLLARS, be, and the same is here- by appropriated, to be paid to any person or persons who shall arrest, bring to trial, and prosecute to conviction under the laws of this State ; the editor or publisher of a certain pa- per called the Liberator, published in the town of Boston, and State of Massachusetts ; or who shall arrest, bring to trial and prosecute to conviction under the laws of this State, any other person or persons, who shall utter, pub- lish or circulate within the limits of this State, said paper, called the Liberator, or any other paper, circular, pamphlet, letter or address of a seditious character. And that his Excellency the Governor is hereby authorized and requested, to issue his warrant, upon the Treasurer, for said sum of five thousand dollars, in favor of any person or persons who shall have arrested and brought to trial and prosecuted to conviction, under the laws of this State, the editor or publisher of the Liberator, or who shall have arrested and brought to trial or prosecute to conviction, under the laws of this State; any other per- son or persons, who shall utter, publish or cir- culate within the limits of this State, said pa- per called the Liberator, or any other paper, circular, pamphlet, letter, or address of a se- ditious character. And that these resolutions be inserted in the appropriation act. And resolved further, That his Excellency the Governor cause the foregoing resoluti to be published m the public journals of this State, and such other papers as lie may think proper, and pay for the publication thereof, out of the contingent fund. Read and THOMAS STOCKS, President. Attest, I. L. Harris, In the House q ntatives. Concurred in, \)rc 'U, 1831. AS BURY HULL, Speaker. Attest, W. C. Dawson, Clirh; Approved. Dec. 26, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. For the murderers of Joseph Governor la reward of $1000. Upon the head of Mr. Garrison, or of us his substitute, or of any editor or printer of this little paper, the great State of Georgia, has set five times as much ! What is the design of this extraordinary offer? It cannot be to procure directly the punish- ment of tin' editors and mechanics connected with this press, b cause either of us being within the jurisdiction of Georgia, the pre- viously existing laws of that State might and doubtless would be applied without any ne- cessity for this subsidiary act. But there is no probability, that any person connected inti- mately with this paper, would ever go to the State of ( :d 'the collective wisdom' of t.'iat State did not, in our opinion, take into view such a contingency. The act then was intended to operate out of the State of Georgia ; in other words, it designed to procure the abduction of one or more of the persons therein described. Now it matters not that it would be contra- ry to well settled and known principles of law, to try and punish a man in Georgia, for publishing his sentiments in Massachusetts ; it matters not that those principles are in force in Georgia itself, (as far as any principles which clash with their convenience, ar.d their passions can be in force there,) because when a legislature has offered in such a manner, such a sum to accomplish the preliminary ob- ject of getting the persons described into their power, there can be no doubt that they have resolved to accomplish the ulterior ob- ject ! And to that end, it is more than prob- able, that they would ride over all legal obstructions, which even their own laws and usages might oppose thereto. The offer then of the sum of $5000, is to procure the abduction and judicial murder of any person or persons employed, now or here- tofore, (even before the passage of the law, thus making it clearly ex post facto,) in the editing or printing of this paper! The last resolution makes the intent of this act manifest without the help of much reasoning. The Legislature of Georgia were not content with providing for the promulgation of this act in their own newspapers in the usual way; hut they also provide for disseminat- ing it through the whole country, and the world. This shows that it was intended as a i to kidnappers. This shows that the rjc riON and murder, and noth- tse. What think you., citizens of Massachusetts ? Have we committed any offence? Have we violated any law which it was our duty to obey ? Have wc not a right to your protec- tion ? Is it no part of the duty of society to protect its me ml; Ifthe'Ge rd ' were to march into A - issachi itts, i r th purpose of arresting a n of this State, it would be a violation of as of nations, and of the feder.il com- ivhich i;i respect to these States, super- to the obligations of the laws of nations. But such a measure Avould not be half as dan- gerous to an individual, nor more insulting to this State, than is the above act of legislation. Boston Young Men's Anti-Slavery Association. — Boston Mutual Lyceum. L43 The Georgia Guard, or a Georgia army, so far as they survived, would soon be in the custody of constables and executioners. But agains lurking kidnappers, against those who may abuse our own laws, and the process of our own courts, to gi t possession of their victim, who can guard ? Lord Chanceller Brougham, or Mr. Buxton, has done and is doing more for the emancipa- tion of the Georgia slaves, than forty newspa- pers can effect. Suppose Georgia, graduat- ing her price according to the size of her vic- tim, should offer two hundred thousand dollars for the kidnapping and bringing within her jurisdiction, either of those writers and mem- bers of the London Anti-Slavery Society ? What would England do ? Would she blink it? She might possibly do so from contempt. Can our government, who owe us protection, allege as honorable a motive for silence and inaction? Ten years ago, the Greeks were slaves, but not near as much slaves, not half as unhappy or numerous as the people whose rights we advocate. At that time Daniel Webster and Henry Clay denounced Turkish tyranny in terms as severe and indignant as any that we have used in respect to American tyranny, which is much more inexcusable than Turk- ish. Did any body blame them ? Every body applauded them except Mahmoud and his Pa- chas. Suppose then out of the boundless and brilliant treasures of the seraglio, the Sultan had offered a million of gold ducats to any person or association of persons, who would kidnap and drag before the court of the grand Mufti Daniel Webster or Henry Clay. Would this State have been quiet under it? Would this nation have been quiet ? Every one will answer, that if they had been, they would de- serve every one of them to be brought ac- quainted with the famous bowstring by sen- tence of that same Mufti. Suppose again that a price were set by South Carolina upon the head of Gov. Lincoln for his free remarks upon nullification, which is merely another name for slavery, the perpetuation of slavery, and the continued and confirmed dominion of slave owners and traders ; — would this gov- ernment, would this people have set down quietly under such a felonious and bloodly act, and left open a door for it to be consum- mated ? Certainly not. Where is the differ- ence between such a case and our own ? — We will tell you our opinion, and we hope that if it be true, you will not be offended at it. It is that we are poor and powerless, un- able by money or force to protect ourselves ! if we were courted and surrounded by troops of politicians, whose hopes of loaves and fish- es were wrapped up in our personal safety, if we or the printer were so conspicuous that a ruffian hand could not violate us without send- ing an electric shock through the community ; in short, if we had that which is worshipped here, under the names of power and wealth : then we should not remain exposed as we are; then we should not have to complain of a total disregard for our lives and welfare on the part of that government which is supported for the verypurpose of protecting individuals ;then would adequate protection have been provided for us long ago, and without asking it ! But time will set all these things right. If the offering up of many lives can accelerate the great work which cannot now be stopped, nor the gates of hell prevail against it, these lives will be cheerfully given. The human mind rises as it resists oppress- ion. The persecution of southerners and the servile acquiescence, thus Car, of northerners, do but confirm us the more in our course. We say, in the language of an illustrious English- man, 'neither friends nor foes, nor life nor death, nor thunder nor lightning shall make us give way the breadth of one hair.' •' Cry wo, destruction, ruin, loss, dismay; The wi will have his day.' Before closing these remarks, wo take the liberty to recommend the above act of Geor- gia to the attention of the legislature of Con- necticut. Good precedents are a great matter in the law. BOSTON YOUNG MEN'S ANTI-SLAVERY ASSOCIATION. A society called the Boston Young Men's Anti-Slavery Association for the Diffusion oj Truth, has been recently formed. It will, we trust, afford valuable aid to the great cause of justice and humanity. It is delightful to find young men engaging with zeal, in the pros- ecution of such objects. It is honorable to themselves, and must be useful to their coun- try. The officers of the society are — Rev. AMOS A. PHELPS, President. .lOHN N. BARBOUR, Vice President. JOHN STIMPSON, Cor. Secretary. ALFRED NORTON, Rec. Secretary. JOHN FORD, Treasurer. George Loring, "] J. H.Tennev, [Trustees. John Cutts Smith, ■ N. Southard. J BOSTON MUTUAL LYCEUM. A society with this name has been recent- ly formed in Boston, by the colored people. They have been assisted in establishing this institution by Mr. Josiah Holbrook and other friends. The following are the names of the- officers. DUDLEY TIDD, President. JOEL W. LEWIS, 1st Vice President. SARAH H. ANNIBLE, 2nd Vice President. GEORGE GALL, Recording Secretary. NATH. CUTLER, Cor. Seeretary. THOMAS DALTON, Treasurer. Joseph H. Gover, 1 John B. Cutler, Henry Carroll, 5> Managers. Lucy V. Liu . j Mary Williams, j Ill I Anti-Slavery Society at New-Haven. — Death of Mr. WUberforce. — Poetry. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY AT NEW-HAVEN. A Society was formed in New-Haven, on on the 4th of June last, of great respectability and influence, called the New-Haven Anti- Slavery Society. The Constitution recognises the same principles as those held by the New- England Anti-Slavery Society. ELI 1\ IIS. M. D. President. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, \st Vice President. N \ III. JOCEL1 .\ .:,i,i Vie,- President. ROBERT B. HALL, Secretary. AMOS TOWNSEND, Jr. Treasurer. S. S. JocatYN, ") E. A. 'I'm NSEND. ( ,, ,. „ Siiiniv llvii tixecuttve Committee. Henri A. Homes, J We mentioned in a former number the for- mation of this Society, but had not received the names of the officers at that time. [From the London Times of July 29.] DEATH OF WM. WILBERFORCE, ESQ. It is this day our melancholy duty to an- nounce the death of William Wilberforce, a name with which there is probably associated more of love and veneration than ever fell to the lot of any single individual throughout the civilized globe. At one period the sad event would have been felt as a grievous national calamity, and even now the tidings of his departure will be heard with the deepest sorrow through every part of the empire. But he worked while it was called day, remembering that the night was coming wherein no man may work. And he was not permitted to leave the scene of his labors till he beheld the great cause to which he had dedicated all the energies of his soul triumphant, and the fetters of the negro about to be struck off for ever. [From the Weekly Recorder.] THE COLORED MOTHER OF NEW-ENG- ENGLAND TO HER INFANT. Smile on, my babe, thy infant mirth Beguiles my heart awhile ; Thou hast not learned enough of earth To kuow thou should not smile. Thy sparkling eye is full of light, Thy heart heats high with joy, And wo or care, from morn till night, Disturbs not thee, my boy. Smile now — for, o'er thy coming years, A cloud of misery bends ; Disgrace am! shame, regret and tears, Till earthly being curls. Yes, yes — my child— that soul of thine, Pure from its Maker's hand, Destined, they tell us, yet to shine In heaven, its native land ; That soul, by God's all-wise decree.. Is shrined within a form Of human shape and symmetry, With life-blood read and warm ; Whose skin reflects a darker hue Than that the white man wears, And for this cause, thy early dew Of joy must change for tears! For thee from childhood's gleesome hour. Through all thy onward track, Are hard and bitter things in store, Because thy skin is black ! Oh ! 1 have borne this shame about, Jn bitterness and grief, And till sweet peace a Saviour brought, I never found relief. A little girl, to school I went, Willi heart as light as air, And as my steps 1 thither bent, I breathed my morning prayer. Into a corner, all alone, My place was there assigned, .My losons, books, were all my own, A mate I could not find. At play, upon my lonely state, No lay of kindness came ; They spurned me as a thing to hate, And negro was my name. At night I reached my mother's cot, With heart oppressed with wo, And from my mother's lips I sought The cause of all to know. She said 't was cruel prejudice, That dwelt their breasts within, Which caused the treatment such as this, Of those of colored skin. My hopes were crushed, my heart appalled, With this most foul disgrace ; And then my teacher, stupid called All creatures of my race ! Whene'er upon the Sabbath morn, I've sought the house of prayer, My soul has sunk beneath the scorn The white man carries there. Must thou, my child — my only one — Must thou, too, feel the smart Of this unjust and cruel scorn, That withers all the heart ? For cause beyond thy weak control, Has God for thee designed This degradation of the soul, This slavery of the mind ? No : scriptures say, that of one blood, Has God created all The nations He has spread abroad, Upon this earthly ball. 'T is man, proud man, makes this decree Of him of colored skin ; Who says ' he must a negro be,' And cries, ' unclean, unclean !' Great Father ! who created all, The colored and the fair ; Oh ! listen to a mother's call, Hear Thou, the negro's prayer. Yet once again, thy people teach With lessons from above, That they may practice what they preach,- And all their neighbors love. Again, the gospel precepts give, Teach them this rule to know, Such treatment as ye would receive, Be willing to bestow. That this, my child, my only one- May never feel the smart Of this unjust and cruel scorn, That withers all the heart. THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] OCTOBER, 1833. [NO. X. SLAVERY AND THE SLAVE TRADE IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.* The existence of slavery in any part of the United States, is probably a subject of frequent and bitter reflection to every patriot and phi- lanthropist. The citizens of the northern sec- tion of the country, however, though they see and lament the extent of the evil in the south- ern state*, have their feelings perpetually chilled, by the consciousness that all their efforts to remove or alleviate the disease which oppresses that quarter of our land, must be in- direct and operate slowly. Many too of our most respectable citizens think that any dis- cussion in the northern states, of the subject of slavery as it exists in the southern states, is an improper interference with their institu- tions. Though we consider this opinion as false and absurd, yet as a matter of fact we are compelled to admit its existence. Its effects are most pernicious. By denying the liberty of the press, of speech, and almost of thought, in regard to a subject upon which our remon- strances should be loud and unceasing, it prevents to a great extent the moral influence of the north from acting upon the south. But there is one part of the country where slavery is allowed, in regard to which the citi- zens of the north have not only a right to in- dicate and complain of the evil, but a great duty to perform of active exertion for its sup- pression. We refer to the District of Colum- bia. This District now is, and probably long will remain, under the exclusive jurisdiction of the general government. We dispute the assertion that slavery in this district, is the business of the southern states more than of the northern. It is the common concern of * This piece contains the substance of an article upon ' An Extract from a Speech delivered by Ohaktes Miner, in the House of tiepresi ntatives of the United States, in 1829, or. the subject of Slavery and th Slave Trade in the District of Columbia : fill- Notes;' —which appeared in the American Quarterly Review, in September last, with some alterations and additions by the writer of the article. the whole nation. Slavery exists in this Dis- trict by the permission of the government of the United States. The sin and disgrace of tolerating the institution there is national, and shared by the inhabitants of the northern states, equally with those of the southern. If a citizen of New-York or Pennsylvania felt himself under a moral obligation to exert himself to put an end to slavery in his own State, why should he not feel the same obli- gation to abolish it in the District of Columbia? Is there any difference in the cases ? A little attention to the history and present condition of this district, will, we believe, con- vince any candid mind that slavery ought to be abolished there. This conclusion does not rest solely upon arguments which will ap- ply to slavery in the southern states, but upon others also which apply specially to the Dis- trict. By the Constitution of the United Statea, Congress had power 'to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatever over such district, not exceeding ten miles square, as might by cession of particular states and the acceptance of congress, become the seat of government o£the United States.' Under this provision, Maryland and Virginia, shortly after the adoption of the constitution, ceded to the United States those portions of their territory which now form the District of Columbia. After congress had assumed the jurisdiction of the District, a law was passed dated February 27, 1800, which provided that the laws of Virginia and Maryland, as they then existed, should continue in force in the parts of the District by those states respective- ly ceded to the United States. Those laws therefore are still the laws of the District of Columbia, except in those particulars in which they have been altered by acts of congress. Under this exclusive jurisdiction, granted by the constitution, congress has power to abolish slavery and the slave trade in the Dis- trict. It would hardly be necessary to state this as a distinct preposition, had it not been 19 I4S Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. occasionally questioned. The truth of the assertion, however, is too obvious to admit of argument, and, we believe, has never been disputed by pe ■ are familiar with the constitution. The situation c<\" the District in regard to slavery, is peculiarly unfortunate. Congr< has done scarcely any thing on the subject : so that one part of the District is governed by the old slave code of Virginia, as it was thirty years ago, with no material improvement, and the other by that of Maryland as it was at the same period. The number of slaves in the District of Co- lumbia, was in 1830 only 6050, being Utile more than one seventh part of the whole pop- ulation, which was 39,834. This class, there- fore, in the District, is absolutely very small. It is also small when compared with the whole population of the District ; and when compared with the whole population of the country, it sinks into insignificance. We advert to the small number of slaves, not as a reason for neglecting them, but as one of the strongest arguments for enfranchisement. Where, in a population of one hundred thousand, ninety thousand are slaves, or of five hundred thous- and, two hundred and fifty thousand are slaves, there is plausibility in the plea that immediate abolition would be attended with danger. But it is idle to talk of danger from the en- franchisement of the six thousand slaves in the District, when there are thirty-four thou- sand freemen to protect themselves, to say nothing of the support of a nation comprising eleven millions of freemen. In considering the propriety of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia, we scarce- ly need advert to the general arguments against the system. These are familiar to every general reader. We shall merely al- lude to some of them. The system has its foundation in injustice. This we shall not attempt to prove, since even the advocates of slavery often admit theoreti- cally that the slave has a perfect and inalien- able right to his personal liberty. The system being thus founded in injustice the law3 which regulate the relation of master and slave, are to the latter cruel and oppressive. The master of a slave has the legal right to sell him, and in so doing may separate him from his wife and children, and send him to a distant region where he may never see these dear objects of his affection till he meets them again in a better world. This is not merely the law, but it is law not unfrequently put in practice in the district. The slave is compelled to labor for his mas- ter, but is entitled to no wages for his services, and only receives such food, clothing, and lodging as his master pleases to bestow upon him. These it is scarcely necessary to add, are often shamefully insufficient. The slave can be beaten and otherwise abused at the arbitrary will of his master or his deputy, and the law gives him no redress. A slave cannot be a party to a suit. How- ever grievously his person or property may be injured, he can bring no action for redress. If he sells any Ihing, he can bring no action for the price. If he works for wages, as he may by his master's consent, he can maintain no suit, if they are not paid. In addition to these and other intolerable burdens which the law imposes on the slave, his offences are in many cases more severely punished than the same acts when committed by a white man. The moral effects of the institution ought also to be borne in mind, in judging of the ne- cessity of abolishing it in the District of Co- lumbia. Slavery deprives the slave almost entirely of intellectual, moral, and religious instruc- tion ; and thus brutalizes and degrades all his faculties. It encourages prostitution and promiscuous intercourse among the negroes, and discour- ages lawful marriage. While it produces these evils among the slaves, by a severe and necessary retribution, slavery corruptsthe morals of the whites, ren- dering them indolent, licentious, intemperate, violent, revengeful, and unfeeling. Of the political and economical evils of sla- very we refrain from speaking, not because they are not great, but because they are ob- vious nnd admitted. Every one who knows any thing of the comparative situation of the northern and southern sections of our country, or even of Ohio and Kentucky, must acknowl- edge them. There arc many considerations in a great measure peculiar to the District of Columbia, which render the abolition of slavery there an imperative duty upon the nation. Mr. Miner, in a preamble to resolutions offered by him to the house of representatives, January 9, 1829, Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia, 147 presents in a condensed form some of the im- portant facts which lead to this conclusion. 'Whereas the laws in respect to slavery within the District have been almost entirely neglected ; from which neglect, for nearly 3i) years, have grown numerous and gross cor- ruptions. 'Slave dealers, gaining confidence from im- punity, have made the seat of federal govern- ment their head quarters for carrying on the domestic slave trade. 'The public prisons have been extensively used, (perverted from the purposes for which they were erected,) for currying on the do- mestic slave trade. 'Officers of the federal government have been employed, and derive emoluments from carrying on the domestic slave trade. ' Private and secret prisons exist in the dis- trict for carrying on the traffic in human beings. 'The trade is not confined to those who are slaves for life ; but persons having a limited time to serve, are bought by the slave-dealers, and sent where redress is hopeless. 'Others are kidnapped and hurried away before they can be rescued. ' Instances of death, from the anguish of de- spair, exhibited in the District, mark the cruelty of this traffic. ' Instances of maiming and suicide, executed or attempted, have been exhibited, growing out of this traffic within the District. ' Free persons of color coming into the District, are liable to arrest, imprisonment, aud sold into slavery for life, for jail fees, if unable, from ignorance, misfortune, or fraud, to prove their freedom. ' Advertisements beginning, 'We will give cash for one hundred likely young negroes of both sexes, from eight to twenty-five years old,' contained in the public prints of the city, under the notice of congress, indicate the openness and extent of the traffic. 'Scenes of human beings exposed at public vendue are exhibited here, permitted by the laws of the general government. 'A grand jury of the district has presented the slave trade as a grievance. 'A writer in a public print in the District has set forth ' that to those who have never seen a spectacle of the kind (exhibited by the slave trade) no description can give an ade- quate idea of its horrors.' 'To such an extent had this trade been car- ried in 1816, that a member of congress from Virginia introduced a resolution in the House, 'That a committee be appointed to inquire into the existence of an inhuman and illegal traffic in slaves carried on in and through the District of Columbia, and report whether any, and what measures are necessary for putting a stop to the same.' 'The House of Representatives of Penn- sylvania, at their last session, by an almost. unanimous vote, expressed the opinion, ' that slavery within the District of Columbia ought to be abolished.' 'Numerous petitions from various parts oi the Union have been presented to congress, praying for the revision of the laws in respect to slavery, and the gradual abolition of slavery within the District. 'A petition was presented at the last ses- sion of congress, signed by more than one thousand inhabitants of the District, praying for the gradual abolition of slavery therein.' The statements made by Mr. Miner in this preamble, we believe, are abundantly proved by facts. Most of them are fully substantiated in his speech. As, probably, the greater part of the citizens of our country, though favorable to the aboli- tion of slavery in the District of Columbia, are ignorant of the extent and enormity of the traffic in slaves carried on there, the subject deserves a more particular notice. The States of Virginia and Maryland having for some time found the cultivation of the soil by slaves less profitable than it was formerly, now raise slaves for sale and exportation to the southern markets. Six thousand slaves are computed to be sold every year to go out of Virginia alone. The District of Columbia, probably in consequence of the neglect of congress, has been found a very convenient place for collecting together and shipping cargoes of living bodies to the south. The manner in which this business is car- ried on, is inhuman and disgraceful to the country which endures it. Regular slave traders reside at the very seat of government. We copy one of their advertisements from Mr. Miner's speech. 'WE WILL GIVE CASH For one hundred likely young negroes of both sexes, between the ages of eight and twenty-five years. Persons who wish to sell would* do well to give us a call, as the negroes are wanted immediately. We will give more than any other purchasers that are in market, or may hereafter come into market. Any letters addressed to the subscribers, through the post office at Alexandria, will he promptly attended to. For information, in- quire at the subscribers', Avest end of Duke Street, Alexandria, D. C. Fraxklin & Armfield.' Besides Franklin & Armfield, whose names are signed to this advertisement, several other regular slave-traders reside in the District. Among these may be named Washington Rob}', one Simpson, and Gilson Dove of Wash- 148 Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. ington. One M'Candlass, tee aro informed, keeps a tavern for negro traders at George- town ; and many negro dealers from the south, are in the habit of resorting to the District. We have thought it a duty to mention the names of these cannibals, in the same manner that we should those of a gang of thieves or counterfeiters. The slaves are brought into the district in droves, handcuffed and chained together, and driven like beasts. These wretched victims are then cast into public and private jails, where they are kept till they are sent to the {South. Mr. Miner, in his speech, read the following extract of a letter from Alexandria. ' Almost every week droves are brought into town often or twelve, all chained togeth- er. Some time since a person observed twen- ty-two or three come out of a cellar of a small house, where they had been stowed for some time. He thought it must surely be contrary to the law, that so many should be placed in so small an apartment, and inquired of one of the civil officer.-!, how many slaves it was law- ful to place in a damp cellar. The officer re- plied 'as many as it will hold.' The same thing exists with regard to shipping them : they may place as many in a vessel as it will hold.' Mr. Miner makes the following statement in regard to the jail in Washington. 'By papers furnished me by the keeper, it appears that there were sent to prison for safe keeping, that is, as is well understood, for sale, and imprisoned as runaways. Safe keeping. Taken vp as runaways. In 1824, 81 52 1825, 124 58 1826 & 1827, 156 101 1828, 91 79 452 290 'Debtors and persons charged with crimin- al offences, of course, are not included in the statement, so that it would appear, in the last five years, more than four hundred and fifty persons had been confined in the public pris- on of the city — a prison under the control of congress, and regulated by its laws — for sale in the process of the slave trade. Such, said Mr M., is not the intention for which the pris- on was erected. Pennsylvania, so far as she is concerned, and her moans are appropriated to repair and keep up the prison, I am confi- dent in saying, does not and neverhas intend- ed that it should be used for this purpose.' We have information from other sources confirming the representations made by Mr Miner, as to the extent and atrocity of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. A gentleman well acquainted in Washing- ton, recently told us, that he should think from fifty to a hundred persons were sold yearly in that place to pay jail fees. A private jail used solely in the slave busi- ness, is kept by Washington Roby, in Wash- ington. Franklin and Armfield have a simi- lar establishment in Alexandria. These pla- ces arc well provided with cells, dungeons, irons, and other conveniences for the trade. Besides these jails, there are other places of confinement in houses which are often used for the same purposes. Franklin and Armfield, the principal deal- ers in this District, have vessels constantly running to New Orleans with cargoes of hu- man beings. Slave-drivers reside at Washington who make it a business to drive droves of slaves further south by land. The children are car- ried in wagons, but the rest arc forced to walk. The wretches who conduct this branch of the business, are provided with thumb- screws, as instruments of torture to be ap- plied to refractory slaves. These droves, as we may well imagine, pre- sent melancholy spectacles. The blacks move in pairs, the right hand of one handcuffed to the left hand of his neighbor. A chain pass- ing through the whole length of the drove, connects the pairs together. The citizens of Washington were so shocked by the sight of these sad processions, and the hearing of their cries and groans, that it is now the practice for them to leave the city late on Saturday nights. It is not easy to ascertain the precise ex- tent to which the slave trade is carried on in the District of Columbia, though it may be in some degree judged of from the facts which we have stated. A branch of business in which so large an amount of capital is invest- ed, in ships, jails, and bodies, and in which so many principal and subordinate agents are regularly employed, is obviously extensive. The enormity of the slave-trade of which the District of Columbia has been made the seat, has not only excited the attention of strangers, but has roused the indignation of the inhabitants of the District themselves. Mr. Miner, in the course of his remarks, read a presentment made by a grand jury at Alex- andria, in 1802. 'January Term, 1802. ' We, the grand jury for the body of the county of Alexandria, in the District of Col. Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. 149 umbia, present as a grievance the practice of persons coming from distant parts of the Uni- ted States into this District, for the purpose of purchasing slaves, where they exhibit to our view a scene of wretchedness and human degradation, disgraceful to our characters as citizens of a free government. ' True it is, that those dealers in the per- sons of our fellow men, collect within this .District, from various parts, numbers of those victims of slavery, and lodge them in some place of confinement until they have complet- ed their numbers. They are then turned out in our streets, and exposed to view, loaded with chains, as though they had committed some heinous offence against our laws. We consider it a. grievance, that citizens from dis- tant parts of the United States, should be per- mitted to come within the District, and pur- sue a traffic fraught with so much misery to a class of beings entitled to our protection by the laws of justice and humanity ; and that the interposition of civil authority cannot be had to prevent parents from being wrested from their offspring, and children from their parents, without respect to the ties of nature. We consider those grievances demanding legislative redress ; especially the practice of making sale of black people, who are, by the will of their masters, designed to be free at the expiration of a term of years, who are sold and frequently taken to distant parts, where they have not the power to avail them- selves of that portion of liberty which was designed for their enjoyment.' Judge Morrel, in his charge to the grand jury of Washington, at the session of the Circuit Court of the United States, January, 1816, urged upon their attention the slave trade carried on in the District. He said, that 'the frequency with which the streets of the city had been crowded with manacled cap- tives, sometimes even on the Sabbath, could not fail to shock the feelings of all humane persons ; that it was repugnant to the spirit of our political institutions, and the rights of man, and he believed was calculated to impair the public morals, by familiarizing scenes of cru- elty to the minds of youth.' One of the worst features in the slave trade carried on in the District of Columbia, is that it leads to enslaving free people of color. One mode in which this effect is produced is set forth in the presentment of the grand jury. Another, is by selling free colored persons who have been arrested as runaways, and fail to prove their freedom. Mr. Miner mentions some cases of this kind. 'I have another case of hardship to bring to your notice. A man was taken up as a runa- way, and advertised for sale. lie protested that he was a freeman. No proof to the con- trary appeared. As the time of sale approach- ed, a good deal of interest was excited for him, and two respectable citizens interposed in his behalf. They asked the delay of a short time, that the rights of the man might be ascertained. They went so far as to offer security for the payment of the fees, if the sale could be delayed. But I will read tiie evidence of what 1 state.' Here Mr. M. read the following: ' District of Columbia, ? ' Washington County, $ 'Appear before me, a justice of the peace in and for this county, Ezekiel Young and Josiah Bosworth, two respectable witnesses, and make oath, in due form of lav/, that, in the last summer, they were at the jail of the county of Washington, in the said District, in behalf of a black man called James Green, who stated that he was free, and could prove his freedom, and had written on for that pur- pose. That they did importune with the de- puty marshal of this district, to postpone the sale, and offered security for the fees, yet the said deputy marshal said he could not postpone the sale. He was then sold to a man who ac- knowledged himself a slave dealer, but said he would continue the slave here a few days, but did not. He was sold without any limita- tion of time of service, and no security was re- quired of the slave dealer to retain him in the District. ' Given under my hand and seal, this 28th Jan. 1828. John Chalmers, J. P. [L.S.] 'So the roan was sold, and sent off by the slave dealers into hopeless bondage, though probably having as much right to freedom as any one. Will any one doubt but our laws need revision ? Can any one who hears me, question but that this whole matter needs to be looked into with a searching eye ? If this event had happened in a distant country, how strongly would it have affected us ? There is, in the public prints, an advertisement of a woman as a runaway, and that she will be sold for her jail fees. She is a yellow woman of about nineteen. She seems intelligent, and to have been well brought up. Her story is, that she is entitled to her freedom at twenty- five, but that her present master, who is a slave dealer, is trying to make her% slave for life. In this case I do not think the confine- ment is intended to aid him. But it will be seen in a moment, that when the subject pas- ses by unheeded, a dealer, owning a servant who has two or three years to serve, may cause him to be arrested as a runaway, let him be sold for jail fees, have a trusty friend to buy him in, and thus convert a servant for a term of years, into a slave for life. A more expeditious mode of proceeding-, by which persons having a limited time to serve are de- 150 Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. prived entirely of their rights, is this: They are purchased up at cheap rates hy the slave traders. They remove them to n distance. It will be easily seen how small the chance that stieii persons would have to preserve the proofs of their freedom, and how little would their protestations be heeded without proof. They are carried where re- dress is hopeless. Thus the slave trade, as it exists, and is carried on here, is marked by instances of injustice and cruelty, scarcely exceeded on the coast of Africa. It is a mis- take to suppose it is a mere purchase and sale of acknowledged slaves. The District is full of complaints upon the subject, and the evil is increasing.' How atrocious is the system, which is here revealed; how disgraceful to a christian com- munity! A poor man is arrested on suspi- cion of beinir a slave. No owner appears to claim him. He is refused time to establish his freedom by evidence ; and finally is sold as a slave to pay jail fees. Every part of the proceeding is inhuman and brutal. In a coun- try where liberty is prized, the presumption should be, that every man is free till he is prov- ed to be a slave. In the District of Colum- bia, every colored person is presumed to be a slave, unless he can prove his freedom. — When an owner does not appear after a reas- onable time, to claim the person arrested on suspicion of being a slave, the prisoner ought to be discharged, and a compensation made to him for the injury which he has suffered. But in the District of Columbia, at the seat of gov- ernment of a nation claiming to be one of the most enlightened on the face of the earth, the free man, thus wronged by a causeless im- prisonment, is sold into hopeless bondage, to pay jail fees ! Some circumstances which have come to our knowledge justify the suspicion that offi- cers of the United States government are de- riving improper benefits from the system of selling for jail fees. We arc informed that jailors in the District take considerable pains to prevent colored people confined on suspi- cion of b(*ng runaways, from sending to their friends to get papers to prove their freedom. They also exhibit an obvious reluctance to permit white persons who are desirous of as- sisting these poor prisoners, to see them. The circumstances mentioned in the affida- vit of Young and Bosworth lead to the same suspicion. We have also been assured by a person whose veracity we have no reason to doubt, that a certain justice of the peace and some constables in Washington have been known to take away from free people of color the pa- pers which proved their freedom, and to pre- vent their using them. But whether there is any official misconduct or not, — if the law be never transgressed in regard to the sale of runaways, — still, so long as the public jails and public officers of the United States are made instruments in the transfer of slaves, so long is the government of the country a slave trading government, and the people a slave trading people. They not only tolerate the transgression, but become parties in it. Dr. Torrcy, in his Portraiture of Domestic Slavery, mentions another mode in which free persons are robbed of their liberty by perjury. He says, ' having selected a suitable free co- lored person to make a pitch upon, the conjur- ing kidnapper employs a confederate to as- certain the distinguishing marks of his body, and then claims and obtains him as a slave, before a magistrate, by describing those marks, and proving the truth of his assertions by his well instructed accomplice.' Not only does the toleration of the slave trade in the District of Columbia, lead to the kidnapping of freemen- under color of law, but it is often the cause of their being kidnapped by violence. Dr. Torrey makes mention of several kidnapped persons whom he found confined in a house in Washington, and whose freedom he succeeded in obtaining. The fol- lowing is his account of one of these cases. 'The others whom I found in the same gar- ret, and at the same time, were a young black widow woman, with an infant at the breast, both of whom were born free. Her husband had died a few days previous to her seizure, and she was in a state of pregnancy at the time. She stated that the man in whose house she resided, together with his brother, and three other persons, (two of whom, she said, then stood indicted for having seized and car- ried her oft' at a former time,) came into the rpom (a kitchen) where she was in bed, seized and dragged her out, fastened a noose round her neck to prevent her from screaming, and attempted to blindfold her, which she resisted with such violence that she prevented them from succeeding. She said, while one of them was endeavoring to fix the bandage over her eves, that she seized his cheek with her teeth* and tore a piece of it entirely off". She said one of them struck her head several times with a stick of wood, from the wounds of whicli she was almost entirely covered with blood. Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. 151 She showed me a large scar upon her fore- head, occasioned by one of the blows, which a gentleman who saw her the day previous to seizure, has since informed me was not there before. She said, while she was strujrcrlinff against them, and screaming, the man in whose house she lived bawled out, ' Choak the ; don't let her halloo; she'll scare my wife !' Having conquered her by superior force, she said, they placed her with the child in a chaise, (her description of which, with the horse and the driver, who was one of the vic- tors, corresponds precisely with that given by the mulatto man, of the carrirge, &c. by which he also was conveyed,) and refus- ing to dress herself, three of them, leaving the two who belonged to the house, carried her off in the condition that she was dragged from the bed, to a certain tavern in Maryland, and sold them both to the man-dealer who brought them to the city of Washington. She stated, that one of her captors drove the carriage, and held the rope which was fixed to her neck, and that one rode each side, on horseback: that while one of them was nego- ciating a bargain with her purchaser, he ask- ed her who her master was, and replying that she had none, her seller beckoned to him to go into another room, where the business was adjusted without troubling her with any-fur- ther inquiries. She stated, that her purchaser confessed, while on the way to Annapolis, that he believed she might have had some claim to freedom, and intimated that he would have taken her back, if the man of whom he bought her had not run away ; but requested her, notwithstanding, to say nothing to any body about her being free, which she refused to comply with. She affirmed, that he offered her for sale to several persons, who refused to purchase, on account of her asserting that she ivasfree. She stated, that her purchaser, had left her in Washington for a few weeks, and gone to the Eastern Shore, in search of more black people, in order to make up a drove for Georgia.' We might easily adduce accounts of many more atrocities, to which the toleration of the slave trade has given occasion. But it is not necessary. Enough, and more than enough, has already been presented to our readers, to show the disgraceful inconsistency of the laws of the United States, which, while they denounce the slave trade as piracy if carried on in Africa or any foreign country, yet per- mit a thriving branch of the same traffic to be pursued within sight and hearing of the na- tional legislature. Scarcely an evil attends the African slave trade, which docs not find its parallel in that carried on at the seat of government of the United States, by the license of the American people. The victims of the African slave trade are taken by force, against their will — • they are carried to a foreign country — they are torn from their friends, their wives, their children — they are chained — some of them were born free, and have been kidnapped by force or fraud. In which of these particulars is the Columbian slave trade less atrocious? The black taken from the District goes reluc- tantly — he is forced from the home of his love, to the unhealthy borders of the Mississippi — as much removed from the hope of revisiting it, as if he was going to another continent ; he is torn by violence, amid shrieks, and tears, and groans, and muttered imprecations, from the embraces of his wife and children ; he goes handcuffed and chained ; he was perhaps born free, and was stolen from Delaware or Maryland. Ought not such a traffic to be abolished, ' absolutely, totally, and immediate- ly ?' We have been so long accustomed to the existence of slavery in the District of Colum- bia, that the enormity of tolerating it does not strike us as it would under other circumstances. Intelligent foreigners are almost uniformly surprised and shocked to find slavery and the slave trade flourishing at the seat of our gov- ernment. The following extract from the work of a recent traveller in this country, does but express the common sentiment of almost all who have preceded him. We admit that Col. Hamilton is often flippant, ignorant, cyn- ical, and prejudiced. But it is in vain to deny- that, in the present case, it is their substantial truth which gives the sharp edge to his ob- servations. ' Washington, the seat of government of a free people, is disgraced by slavery. The waiters in the hotels, the servants in private- families, and many of the lower class of arti- sans, are slaves. While the orators in Con- gress are rounding periods about liberty in one part of the city, proclaiming, alto voce, that all men are equal, and that 'resistance to tyrants is obedience to God,' the auctioneer is exposing human flesh to sale in another! I remember a gifted gentleman in the Repre- sentatives, who, in speaking of the Senate, pronounced it to be 'the most enlightened; the most august, and most imposing body in the world! ' In regard to the extent of impo- sition, I shall not speak ; but it so happened that the day was one of rain, and the effect of the eulogium was a good deal injured by rec- ollecting that,' an hour or two before, the members of this enlightened and august body were driven to the Capitol by slave coachmen, 159 Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia, who were at that very moment waiting" to con- vey them back, when the rights oj man bad been sufficiently disserted on for the day. I trust I do not write on this painful subject in an insulting spirit. * * But, that sla- very should exist in the district of Columbia, that even the foot-print of a slave should be suffered to contaminate the soil peculiarly consecrated to Freedom, that the very shrine of the goddess should be polluted by the presence of chains and fetters, is perhaps the most extraordinary and monstrous anomaly to which human inconsistency — a prolific mother — has given birth. The man who would study the contradic- tions of individual and national character, and learn by how wide an interval, profession may be divided from performance, should come to Washington. He will there read a new page, in the "volume of human nature; he will ob- serve how compatible is the extreme of physi- cal liberty, with bondage of the understanding. lie will hear the words of freedom, and he will see the practice of slavery. Men who sell their fellow-creatures will discourse to him of indefeasible rights ; * * * he will be taught the affinity between the democrat and the tyrant ; he will look for charters, and find manacles ; expect liberality, and be met by bigotry and prejudice.' — Men and Manners in .America, pp. 279, 280. We have seen it stated that a majority of the inhabitants of the District of Columbia is favorable to the abolition "of slavery there. Whether this statement be numerically correct we know not, but there can be no doubt that the friends of the measure there, are numer- ous and respectable. The wishes of the citi- zens of the District deserve the respectful consideration of Congress, even if no oth- er arguments were to be found for enfran- chisement. In another point of view this state of feeling in the District is important. Any statute which Congress may pass to put an end to slavery there, will meet with an ac- tive and cordial support in the very sphere of its operations. It can hardly be questioned that its effects will be far more beneficial un- der such circumstances, than if it were gener- ally and strenuously opposed in the District. It may perhaps excite surprise that Con- gress should not long since have proclaimed freedom to every bondman over whom it has jurisdiction, and declared that the seat of a free government should not continue a market for human bodies. The great, reason that this result has not taken place, undoubtedly is, that the public generally are not at all aware of the nature and extent of the evil. All that" is now necessary, in order to put an end to the system, is to make the body of the people un derstand it. If this were done, a single ses- sion of congress would not perhaps be suffer- ed to pass before a reform was commenced. It must, however, be admitted, that argu- ments are not waiting from the friends of slavery, to prevent the interposition of con- gress. They urge, that for congress to act on this delicate subject, would offend the feelings of the southern members ; and that to abolish slavery in the District would seem like a re- proach on those states where it is not abolish- ed. The sum of the argument is, that a great nation is to tolerate slavery and the slave trade, — to refuse the performance of a great act of justice and humanity, — because an op- posite course would be a reproach upon that portion of the nation which is not troubled with conscientious scruples on the subject. The bare statement of the argument, in plain terms, carries with it its own confutation. Whether slavery ought to be abolished in the District is not a mere question of political expediency, it involves principles of moral duty. Therefore while we admit that no act should be done for the mere purpose of irrita- ting the whites of the south, we most earnest- ly contend that the claim which the blacks in the District have upon the nation for their freedom, is a claim of right, to neglect which, from the fear of giving offence to any part of the country, would be a base abandonment of principle. • We acknowledge the whites of the south as our friends and brethren. We are bound to them by a thousand ties of interest and feeling. But we ought not to sacrifice our principles as an offering to their prejudices. But it is still further urged, that the slaves in the southern states will become uneasy if their brethren in the District be emancipated. We think there is little danger to be appre- hended from this source. We have never heard that the abolition of slavery in New- Jersey and Pennsylvania, produced any bad consequences in Maryland and Virginia. We admit, however, that the southern states con- tain a large population among them, which is a constant and increasing source of danger, and which must continue to be so, as long as their present system remains. Conspiracies, murders, and insurrections are the natural fruits of slavery. It will no doubt produce them in future as it has in time past. The explosions which take place ought to be as- Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. 153 cribed to the system itself, rather than to any extraneous circumstances. We are, however, far from denying 1 that the measure which we advocate, if it should be carried, is to be without influence in the southern states. On the contrary, we believe that it will have visible and important effects, not, in stimulating the blacks to violence, but in directing the attention of their masters to the subject of abolition. The mode in which Congress puts an end to the system in the District will be naturally regarded as a prece- dent in the southern states. If the measure should prove as beneficial, as we trust it will, it will add another argument to the many which now exist in favor of emancipation. The southern states may at first feel offended at the course adopted by Congress, but when they themselves are beginning a course of le- gislative enfranchisement, as some of them probably will before many years are past, all eyes will at once turn to the abolition law of Congress to guide them in their great experi- ment. Many questions naturally occur to the mind, in considering the particular measures which Congress ought to adopt, in effecting any plan of abolition. "Some of these questions are im- portant. In examining them, however, we do not purpose to enter much into detail, but rather to present the general principles which we think ought to guide all legislation upon this subject. An inquiry more frequently made than any other, is, whether abolition ought to be imme- diate or gradual. In our opinion the law to be passed ought to abolish slavery and the slave trade forthwith. Every colored person resident in the District, and every one here- after coming into it, except the personal at- tendants upon members of Congress and the officers of government who belong to slave states, and runaway slaves, ought to be de- clared free immediately on the passage of the act. This course is recommended by obvious reasons. It should never be forgotten in any discus- sion of this topic, that to give freedom to the slaves, is an act demanded by strict justice. They have a right to be made free. It is an act of injustice to them to detain them in bond- age one moment longer than the safety of so- ciety requires. The number of slaves in the District of Co- lumbia, as we have already remarked, is small, VOL. I. both absolutely, and comparatively with the total number ol inhabitants in the District. Under these circumstances freedom may be safely given them at once and without any qualification. Where slaves are as numerous as they are in Virginia and South Carolina, in case they should be freed, new and peculiar laws would no doubt be required for their government. While we contend that justice requires that the enfranchised slaves should be permitted to enjoy at once all civil rights, we are far from urging that they should be instantly ad- mitted to all political privileges. They should be allowed to maintain suits, to be witnesses in courts of justice, and to acquire and trans- mit property, on the same terms as white men. Their crimes too ought to be visited with no higher penalties than those of whites. But the right of suffrage and eligibility to offi- ces might, with propriety, for some years, he restricted to such of the blacks as can read and write. Another consideration which renders imme- diate emancipation peculiarly necessary in the District of Columbia, is the slave trade carried on there. As long as slavery is suffered to linger in the District, so long will this branch of commerce be prosecuted, in spite of all the laws which may be made to regulate it. But, when no person in the District can be a slave, the traffic must necessarily cease. To these reasons might be added, that if abolition is not prompt and expeditious, un- principled persons will take advantage of the delay, to sell their slaves and transport them out of the District into the southern States, before the law goes into effect, and thus evade its operation. Ought the owners of slaves who may be de- prived of them by an abolition law, to receive any compensation? We reply, yes. For though the property of man in man is not rightful, yet as the whole nation in its corpor- ate capacity has made this property legal, the whole nation ought to bear the loss, whatever it may be, arising from an adoption of correct principles. This, however, is a question be- tween slaveholders and the nation, and the adjustment of it ought not to interfere for one moment with the right of the slaves to their freedom, which is clear and absolute. As the funds of the nation are abundant, the compen- sation ought to be liberal. Whether it ought to be the full market value of the slaves in 20 154 Slavery and the SUeoe Trade in the District of Columbia. all cases, we shall not pretend to decide. It is probable that the liberation of plantation slaves will increase the value of plantations. Such an effect a9 this ought certainly to be taken into consideration in estimating the amount of compensation to be given. In re- gard to some other classes of slaves, the loss of their owners will probably be without any direct corresponding benefit In such cases we do not see why the owners should not re- ceive the full value of their slaves from the national treasury. The adjustment of the compensation must depend upon a greater sta- tistical knowledge of the District of Columbia than we pretend to enjoy. But, as we have already remarked, the settlement of this point ought not to delay the passage of an abolition law for a moment. Ought the liberated slaves to be colonized, that is, should any compulsory process be adopted to drive them from the country ? We answer unhesitatingly, no. They are attach- ed to the United States as their native land ; and as long as they are guilty of no offence against society, have the same right to remain here as the whites. We should regard any abolition law as im- perfect, which did not make provision for the education of all the colored children in the District. Without education, though free, they must continue a degraded caste. Let them be educated, and they would become useful citizens, and an enduring monument to the awakened justice of our country, more de- lightful to the contemplation of the philanthro- pist than any structure of brass or marble. It may perhaps be not amiss to say a few words as to the means by which the power of the national government may be called into action to suppress slavery in the District of Columbia. It should be recollected that Con- gress is never in advance of, but usually be- hind public opinion. It follows slowly but surely in the path taken by the people. The legislation of this body is but the echo of the people's voice. If the people really desire slavery to be driven from the seat of govern- mcnt,Congress will pass the statutes necessary to carry the object into effect. But it is in vain to expect the national legislature to adopt an important measure of this kind, which is sure to offend the prejudices of a large body in the community, unless the members fee] confident that they are acting in conformity with the Writhes of their constituent ■>. Aloud and. decided expression of public sentiment jf necessary to stimulate the sluggish force of Congress, and to overcome the vis inertia with which an established evil resists every attempt to remove it. The modes of acting upon Congress are so obvious and familiar, that it is needless to en- large upon them. Those who are desirous of abolishing slavery in the District must unite themselves together, and use the common means for diffusing information upon the sub- ject throughout the country. Newspapers and other periodical journals and tracts can be made to exert a widely extended influence. Public meetings should be held, and as many petitions as possible sent to Congress, praying for the desired object. An expression of opinion on the subject might probably, by ac- tive exertions, be obtained from some of the state legislatures. It is not very difficult to rouse the nation, or rather the non-slaveholding part of it, to powerful exertion, in order to remove the pol- lution of slavery from the capital of our coun- try. The principles of the people on this subject are sound, and their feelings warm. To induce them to act, nothing more is ne- cessary, as we have already intimated, than to make them familiar with the facts of the case. Let this be done, and the abolition of slavery in the District will be so easily effected, that men will hereafter wonder that it should have been endured there so long. Since the foregoing remarks were prepared for the press, the news of the abolition of sla- very in the British Colonies has been received in this country. This glorious act of the British nation, presents a mortifying contrast to the conduct of our own. They have given freedom to eight hundred thousand slaves, separated from them by a vast extent of ocean ; we refuse it to six thousand at the seat of our government, in the very heart of our country. Burdened as they are with an enormous debt, they cheerfully pay twenty millions of pounds sterling for the sake of liberty and justice ; while we, free from debt, with flourishing finances, are not willing to pay a hundredth part of the sum in the same cause. All class- es of the British people have for many years been exerting powerful efforts to effect the rrreat object which they have at last accom- plished ; while the Americans during the same period, have remained deaf to the cries of their oppressed fellow men, and insensible to the dishonor of their country. Letter of Patrick Henry. — Abolition of Slavery in the British Colonies. 155 LETTER OF PATRICK HENRY. The following copy of a letter from Patrick Henry, is published from the Unionist. It was addressed to Robert Pleasants, a Friend in Virginia. We are informed that it after- wards fell into the hands of Anthony Benezet, who gave it to the venerable Moses Brown, by whose means it has been preserved to the present time. The letter is strongly marked by the frank- ness and fearlessness of Henry's character. But it exhibits a melancholy inconsistency between his principles and his practice. We hope we shall not be charged with an improper interference with the Soutii in pub- lishing in Massachusetts a letter written sixty years since in Virginia. It seems to us that we have either seen this letter before, or some production of Henry's pen in which similar sentiments were avowed. It deserves, however, frequent republication. 'Dear Sir, — I take this opportunity to ac- knowledge the receipt of Anthony Benezet's book against the Slave Trade. 1 thank you for it. It is not a little surprising that Chris- tianity, whose chief excellency consists in softening the human heart, in cherishing and improving its finer feelings, should encourage a practice so totally repugnant to the first im- pressions of right and wrong; what adds to the wonder is, that this abominable practice has been introduced in the most enlightened ages, times that seem to have pretensions to boast of high improvements in arts, sciences and refined morality, have brought into gene- ral use and guarded by many laws, a species of violence and tyranny, which our more rude and barbarous, but more honest ancestors, de- tested. Is it not amazing, that at a time when the rights of humanity are defined and under- stood with precision, in a country above all others fond of liberty, that in such an age and such a country we find men professing a re- ligion the most humane, mild, meek, gentle and generous, adopting a principle as repug- nant to humanity, as it is inconsistent with the Bible and destructive to liberty? Every thinking honest man rejects it in speculation, how few in practice, from con- scientious motives. The world in general has denied your people a share of its honors, but the wise will ascribe to you a just tribute of virtuous praise for the practice of a train of virtues among which your disagreement to Slavery will be principally ranked. I cannot but wish well to a people whose system imi- tates the example of Him whose life was per- fect, and believe me I shall honor the Quakers for their noble effort to abolish Slavery. It is equally calculated to promote moral and po- litical good. Would any one believe that I am master of slaves of my own purchase ? I am drawn along by the general inconvenience of living with- out them. I will not, I cannot justify it. However culpable my conduct, I will so far pay my devoir to virtue as to own the excel- lence and rectitude of her precepts, and to la- ment my want of conformity to them. i believe a time will come, when an oppor- tunity will be offered to abolish this lamenta- ble evil ; every thing we can do is to improve it if it happens in our day, if not, let us trans- mit to our descendants together with our slave a pity for their unhappy lot and an abhorrence for silvery. If we cannot reduce this wished for reformation to practice let us treat the un- happy victims with lenity ; it is the farthest advance we can make towards justice ; it is a debt we owe to the purity of our religion to show that it is at variance with that law which warrants slavery. Here is an instance of si- lent Meetings, (the scoff of Reverend Doctors,) have done that which learned and elaborate preaching could not effect, so much preferable are the genuine dictates of conscience and a steady attention to its feelings, above the teaching's of those men who pretend to have found a better guide. I exhort you to persevere in so worthy a resolution. Some of your people disagree or at least and hike-warm in the abolition of Slave- ry. Many treat the resolution of your meet- ing with ridicule, and among those who throw contempt on it are Clergyman, whose surest guard against both ridicule and contempt is a certain Act of Assembly. I know not where to stop. I could say many things on this subject, a serious review of which gives a gloomy perspective to future times. Excuse this scrawl, and believe me withes- teem, Your Ob't Serv't. PATRICK HENRY, Jr. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY IN THE BRITISH COLONIES. The act putting an end to Slavery in the British Colonics was passed in August last. We have not yet seen the statute ; and with the details of the measure as far as we under- stand them, we are far from being satisfied. But still the great object is accomplished. Eight hundred thousand men are freed from bondage. A nation of slaves is made a nation of freemen. This event is an era in the history of the British nation, to which its past records afford no parallel. When the memory of the bloody victories of Cressy and Agincourt, Blenheim and Waterloo, shall become dim in the lapse ages, future generations of Britons will look back to the abolition of slavery as the bright- 156 Abolition of Slavery in the British Colonies. — Facts. est and most godlike act in the annals of their country. It is a triumph of the higher princi- ples of our nature,— of justice and humanity, — over selfishness, prejudice, and avarice. The apparent apathy with which the news of an event so striking and momentous has been received in this country, would be sur- prising, if it were not that we had been pre- pared for the measure by slow and successive stages of information, so that long before the passage of the act was known, the result was considered as certain. The abolition of slavery in the British colo- nies, however, cannot be looked upon with un- concern in the United States. Though the restoration of their natural rights to eight hun- dred thousand men, however distant from us, is an event interesting on its own account, yet the effects which it is to produce in this and other slaveholding countries, are even more important. When the British king put his name to the statute for abolishing slavery in the colonies, he signed the death warrant of slavery throughout the civilized world. In vain will slaveholders and their adherents attempt to resist the moral influence of Great Britain. The moral courage of the benevo- lent will^be strengthened, the moral sensibility of the lukewarm will be roused, and the moral force of the great body of the people will be called into action, to exterminate at once and forever the system which has so long disgraced manhood and Christianity. FACTS. The reasons which induce abolitionists to collect and publish cases of cruelty perpetra- ted by slaveholders, are frequently misrepre- sented. It is often said, that we charge the whole body of whites at the South, with ha- bitually committing those barbarous outrages on the negroes, which, though they occasion- ally occur, are, in fact, exceptions to the gen- eral mode of treatment. Our argument is very much perverted. When we give an account of any atrocity committed by a white, at the South, upon a negro, we do not wish it to be inferred that all the whites practise, or even approve of such atrocities. Many slaveholders, we readily admit, treat their slaves with kindness and consideration. If it were not so, the frame of society at the south could not endure for a moment- Our argument, though of course we cannot preface every incident we relate by a formal statement of it, is substantially this. The slaves are subjected to greater cruelty and oppression than the whites in our country, therefore, for this, in addition to many other reasons, slavery should be abolished. How do wc establish this argument ? We show that the slaves are less protected by law from oppression than the whites ; that public opinion has little respect for their rights ; and that if they are injured they usually seek in vain for sympathy or assistance in the reign- ing caste. These general facts, indeed, can- not be disputed. But to represent the horrors of the system, and to awake public sensibili- ty on the subject, it is necessary to exhibit in their true colors, the aggravated outrages which are daily occurring. We do not contend then that all slavehol- ders are brutal and barbarous, but Ave do say, that the laws and institutions of the southern States encourage brutal cruelty, and that pub- lic sentiment there tolerates, if it does not sanction it. We shall now proceed without further in- troduction to mention two horrible transac- tions which have lately been related to us. We regret that we did not ascertain the names of the parties. The following circumstance occurred near Elkton in Maryland. A man, for some trifling cause or other had taken offence at a negro. In order to wreak his vengeance upon the poor slave without molestation, he purchased him of his owner, and had him whipped to death. The wife of a clergyman, who resided in the State of Virginia, not far from Alexandria in the District of Columbia, became jealous of a female slave who resided in the family and was owned by her husband. During a short absence of the husband, the wife had the feet of this unfortunate woman chopped off, and in this mutilated condition had her carried to some distance from the house and there ex- posed in the open air. The weather was cold, and it was supposed she would perish. It happened, however, that some humane person passing by, had her taken to his house, where her wounds were cured. When the husband returned home, his wife reported that his slave had died during his ab- sence. A considerable time afterwards the husband happened to visit the house of the person who Meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society. — 2 > rotcst against the Colonization Society. 157 had relieved the wretched slave, and was made acquainted with the whole transaction. In order to place the woman as far as possible beyond the reach of his wife, he made a bill of sale of her to the person who found her. When the husband went home he told his wife what he had seen and heard. She, in- stead of being - overwhelmed by learning- that her barbarity had become known, expressed a wish to have the woman again. The precau- tion of the husband, in making a conveyance of the slave, fortunately preserved her from becoming again the victim of her mistress' diabolical passions. If we are not mistaken, the person who narrated these cases to us, stated that neitbcr of the guilty parties in these two atrocious transactions were ever punished or even in- dicted. Little or no attention, indeed, is paid to such occurrences at the South. Crimes which at the North would send their perpe- trators to the gallows or the state prison, at the South are not visited with the slightest punishment. What must be the state of mor- als and feeling in a community in which such criminals are tolerated ! QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE NEW- ENGLAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. This meeting was held in Boylston Hall, September 30. A numerous audience was collected. After a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Phelps, and singing by a choir of colored chil- dren from Miss Paul's school, an address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. May. We shall not pretend to give even an out- line of Mr. May's discourse. It was, as it seemed to us., admirably adapted for the occa- sion, and was well calculated to interest and persuade his audience. Mr. May spoke with great earnestness, feeling, and eloquence, tempered throughout,however, with great kind- ness and Christian benevolence. A vote of thanks was returned to Mr. May, and a copy of his discourse requested for the press. A vote of thanks was also given to Miss Paul for the services of her pupils in singing. The following resolutions.-were then propo- sed, and adopted without opposition. Resolved, That llie act of the British nation by which slavery is abolished in their colonies, merits the gratitude "and admiration of the civilized world. Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be pre- sented to those British philanthropists who have for so many years devoted themselves to the accomplish- ment of this glorious result. BRITISH PROTEST AGAINST THE COLO- NIZATION SOCIETY. We publish below a protest against the American Colonization Society, which has lately appeared in England, The names ap- pended to it are among the most distinguished in the Anti-Slavery cause. The bitterness of the prejudices in this country against the color- ed people, has prevented too many really be- nevolent persons from viewing the persecuting and oppressive spirit of this association in its true light. In Great Britain, where the preju- dice against the colored races of men is much milder, the true friends of the blacks have, al- most to a man, shrunk back with abhorrence from schemes of banishment, disguised under the specious name of Colonization. PROTEST. We the undersigned, having observed with regret that the ' American Colonization Socie- ty ' appears to be gaining some adherents in this country, are desirous to express our opin- ions respecting it. Our motive and excuse forrthus coming for- ward are the claims which the Society has put forth to Anti-Slavery support. These opinions are, in our opinion, wholly ground- less ; and we feel bound to affirm that our de- liberate judgment and conviction are, that the professions made by the Colonization Society of promoting the abolition of Slavery, arc al- together delusive. As far as the mere Colony of Liberia is con- cerned, it has no doubt the advantages of other trading establishments. In this sense,, it is beneficial both to America and to Africa,, and we cordially wish it well. We cannot,, however, refrain from expressing our strong opinion that it is a settlement of which the- United States ought to bear the whole cost- We never required of that country to assist us in Sierra Leone ; we are enormously bur- dened by our own connection with Slavery j and we do maintain that we ought not to be called on to contribute to the expenses of a Colony, which, though no doubt comprising some advantages, was formed chiefly to in- dulge the prejudices of American Slaveholders,, and which is regarded with aversion by the colored population of the United States. With regard to the extinction of the Slave Trade, we apprehend that Liberia, however good the intentions of its supporters, will be able to do little or nothing towards it, except on the limited extent of its own territories. The only effectual death blow to that accursed traffic will be thedestruction of slavery through- out the world. To the destruction of slavery throughout the world, we are compelled to say that we believe the Colonization Society to be an obstruction. I Our objections to it are, therefore, briefly 158 A Slave-holding Nation. these: — While we believe its pretexts to be delusive, we are convinced that it real effects are of the most dangerous nature. It takes its root from a cruel prejudice and alienation in the whites of America against the colored people, slave or free. This being- its source, the effects are what might be expeete*d; that it fosters and increase, the spirit of caste, al- ready so unhappily predominant. ; that it widens the breach between the two races — exposes the colored people to great practical persecu- tion, in order to force them to emigrate ; and finally, is calculated to swallow up and divert that feeling which America, as a Christian and a free country, cannot but entertain, that sla- very is alike incompatible with the law of God, and with the well being of man, whether the enslaver or the enslaved. On these grounds, therefore, and while we acknowledge the Colony of Liberia, or any other co]ony on the coast of Africa, to be in itself a good thing, we must be understood utterly to repudiate the principles of the Ame- rican Colonization Society. That Society is, in our estimation, not deserving of the coun- tenance of the British public. YVM. WH.P.F.RFORCE, WM. SMITH, ZACHARY MACAULAY, WILLIAM EVANS, M. P. SAMUEL GURNEY, •GEORGE STEPHEN, SUFFIELD. S. LUSHINGTON, M. P. TIIOS. FOWELL BUXTON, M. P. JAMES CROPPER, ^ WILLIAM ALLEN. DANIEL O'CONNELL, M. P. London, July, 1833. A SLAVEHOLDING NATION. We often hear it asserted that the United States, as a nation, have no concern with sla- very ; that, though it is tolerated in the south- ern States, the nation is not responsible for it, since Congress has no power to legislate on the subject. It is thus that men talk who have never reflected. But, on the other hand, we declare and are prepared to establish by proof, that the American nation, both directly and indirectly, both by legislating and neglecting to legislate, approves and encourages slavery, and its twin-born sin, the hatred against the colored race. 1. The constitution of the United States binds, as far as it can, the people of the north- ern States, to restore runaway slaves to their owners. 2. Congress has admitted slave States into the Union without any restriction on the sub- ject of slavery. 3. Congress has not abolished slavery in the District of Columbia. 4. Congress has not abolished slavery in the territories of Florida and Arkansas. The slaves in these territories are now few in numbers, but they are every day increasing. Slavery might now be abolished in them, with little inconvenience or expense. Every hour's delay renders the task of abolition more diffi- cult. 5. Congress has not abolished the domestic slave-trade, carried on between the States. It is well known that many thousand slaves are every year torn from their homes in the more northerly of the southern States, and sold into those farther south. A large part of them are raised for the very purpose of being thus sold. The sale of slaves is one of the largest traffics carried on in the United States. This slave-trade as abominable in principle and nearly as atrocious in practice, as the Af- rican slave-trade, it is within the power of Congress to abolish, as far as it is carried on between the States. The Constitution ex- pressly gives that body the power to ' regnlate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States.' * G. The laws of the federal government pro- hibit colored foreigners from being naturalized. 7. The same laws allow only free white persons to be enrolled in the militia. It may not at first view appear any hardship upon colored persons to be exempted from serving in the militia. But when we recollect that this exemption is a mark of the contempt and scorn with which the whites too often re- gard their race, it must be complained of as unjust. 8. The same laws prohibit colored persons from carrying the mail. 9. Congress in the act incorporating the city of Washington gives the municipal au- thorities power, ' to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which free negroes and mu- lattoes may reside in the city.' This power has been most oppressively and abusively ex- ercised by the city. We have not searched the statute book of the United States to show all the cases in which the laws of the federal government have been unjust to the people of color, but have merely referred to such statutes as occur to our recollection. A careful examination of the published laws would, no doubt, bring to light many more. But the particulars which * This subject has been treated of bv an able wri- ter in the Liberator, of Oct. 5, 1833. New Anti-Slavery Soc 159 we have specified abundantly support our as- sertion that the Americans, as a nation, ap- prove and encourage slavery, and foster the prejudices against the colored race. As a na- tion, then, until we do something to amend our constitution and laws, we are responsible for the shame and guilt of slavery, and are the aiders and abettors of a criminal proscription and persecution of our colored brethren. NEW ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETIES. We have received accounts of the formation of several newAnti-Slavery Societies. All of them seem likely to be carried on with spirit, and to be useful auxiliaries in the good cause. WESTERN RESERVE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. On the day succeeding the late commence- ment of the Western Reserve College, at Hudson, Ohio, a meeting was held, at which an Anti-Slavery Society was formed on the principle of total and immediate emancipation. The friends of colonization having been ap- prised of the movement beforehand, attended the meeting, and proposed the formation of an association to be called ' The Western Reserve Anti-Slavery and Colonization Society.' After an animated discussion of three hours contin- uance, the colonizationists, failing to accom- plish their object, withdrew. The real friends of abolition then adopted a constitution, and elected the following officers : EL1ZUR WRIGHT, Esq. President. Dr. O. K. HAWLEY, Vice President. Rev. HENRY COWLES, Cor. Sue. R. M. WALKER, Ree. Sec. OWEN BROWN, Esq. Treasurer. Rev. Jacob Baily, Woolsey Wells, Esq. Rev. Daniel Miller, Rev. Nath. Cobb, Dr. Wm. N. Hudson, ). Counsellors. John M. Sterling, Esq. Lucretius Bissell, Rev. John Montieth, R. BlDWELL, Esq. j The following resolutions, among others, were then adopted : Resolved, That notwithstanding the differ- ence of opinion with respect to the Coloniza- tion Society, we cordially invite the friends of that Society to unite with us, in the prosecu- tion of all matters which meet their approba- tion ; and we pledge ourselves to co-operate with them in all their plans which we con- ceive, all things considered, will tend to bene- fit the colored people. Resolved, That in the opinion of this socie- ty, the cause of the oppressed and the rights of man, require every citizen to petition to Congress immediately to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and in all the terri- tories under their control, and that it is -also tiie duty of the citizens of this State to petition the General Assembly at the next session to repeal all laws now existing in this state, which make a distinction between white and colored men in the enjoymentof rights and privileges. NEW : YORK CITY ANTI-SLAVERY SO- CIETY. At a meeting of the friends of immediate emancipation of Slaves in the United States, held at Chatham-street Chapel, Wednesday evening, October 2, after the adoption of a Constitution, the Society went into the choice of officers, when the following persons were chosen, — ARTHUR TAPPAN. President WM. GREEN, Jr.. Vice President. JOHN RANKIN, Treasurer. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Jr., Cor. Secretary. C. W. DENISON, Rec. Secretary. Joshua Leavitt, 1 Isaac T. Hooper, | Abra. L. Con, M. D. V Managers. Lew is Tappan, Wm. Goodell. J ABOLITION SOCIETY OF PAINT VALLEY. Agreeably to adjournment, the Abolition Society of Paint Valley, Ohio, held its annual meeting, on Wednesday, the 28th of August, 1833, and the following officers were chosen. GEORGE BROWN, Esq. President. WILLIAM WILSON, Esq. V. President ADAM B. WILSON, Esq. Rec. Sec'ry. Rev. JAMES H. DICKEY, Cor. Sec'ry. Mr. JOSEPH LAWHEAD, Treasurer. Mc7nbers of the Executive Committee for Highland County. Rev. SAMUEL CROTHER3, Hon. HUGH SMART. For Fayette Couniy. Mr. HUGH GIIORMLY, Mr. JAMES McCONNEL. For Ross County. WILLIAM SMITH, Esq. Mr. JAMES C. STEELE. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY OF PLAINFIELD* AND ITS VICINITY. The Unionist of August 29, gives an ac- count oi* a meeting in Plainfield, Ct. at which the ' Anil-Slavery Society of Plainfield, and ils vicinity,'' was organized. An address was delivered by Mr. Andrew Rockwell, and a constitution adopted. Forty three persons- then became members of the Society. The- following persons were then chosen officers. Dea. RINALDO BURLEIGH, President. SAMUEL L. HOUGH, I y Presidents GEORGE SHARPE, S Presidents. EDWIN TUCKER, Rec. Secretary. Rev. S. J. MAY, Cor. Secretary. 160 Truth. — The JYcgro Mother's Appeal. TRUTH. True it is, that an ill-timed zeal is always indiscreet, and calculated to irritate, rather than to convert. But to avow with frankness and modesty what we regard as an important truth, — to do it, even when we have reason to conclude it will not be palatable, and to meet willingly any ridicule or sarcasm which may be launched against it ; this 1 maintain to be an actual duty. A noble avowal of this kind, moreover, may always be made, without pre- tending to assume, uncalled for, anything of the missionary character. It is, I repeat, a duty, not to keep back an important truth at any period ; for though there may be little hope of its being immediately ac- knowledged ; it may tend to prepare the mind of others, and in due time, doubtless, produce a better and more impartial judgment, and a consequent triumph of truth. Silvio Pellico. [From an English Tract.] THE NEGRO MOTHER'S APPEAL. Wliilc Lady, happy, proud and free ! Lend, awhile, thine ear to me ; Lot the Negro Mother's wail Turn thy pale cheek yet more pale. Yes, thy varying cheek can show Feelings none save mothers know; My sable bosom does but hide Strong affection's rushing tide. Joy. fair Lady, with the name Of Mother, for thy first born came, Joy unmingled with the fear Which dwells, alas ! for ever here. Can the Negro Mother joy- Over this, her captive boy, Which, in bondage, and in tears, For a life of woe she rears ? Though she bears a mother's name, A mother's rights she may not claim, For the white man's will can part Jler darling from her bursting heart. Safe within thy circling anus. Thou mayst watch the opening charms ( )f the babe who sinks to rest Cradled on thy snowy breast ; Confiding in thy right divine, Press his rosy lips to thine ; By no force, nor fraud can he Snatched from thy embraces be. Gently nurtured shall he grow ; Bitter toil shall never know ; Never feel the gnawing pain Of the captive's hopeless chain. And thou wilt bid him fix his eye On a bright home in the sky ; And teach him how to lift his prayer To a gracious Father there. I hear, too, of that God above, Some tell me that his name is Love ; That all hi* children, dark or fair, Alike his pitying favor share. They tell me that our Father bade All love the creatures he has made ; That none should ever dare oppress, But seek each other's haopiness. Vet I see the white man gain Hi- riches by the Negro's pain ; Sec him close his eyes and cars To his brother's cries and tears. But, Lady, when thy look, so mild, Rests upon thine own fair child, Think, then, of one less fair, indeed, Cut one for whom thy heart should bleed. Born to his parents' wretched fate, Him no smiling hours await ; Toil, and scourge, and chain, his doom, From the cradle to the tomb. When bow'd beneath his earthly woes, His fainting heart would seek repose, And listen to the holy call. Which bids him trust the Lord of all ; When he in lowly prayer would bend Before an everlasting Friend ; Learn how to reach those mansions blest, Where even he at length may rest ; B}- a stern master's jealous pride, This blessing, too, may be denied ; He may forbid his care-worn slave To look for hope beyond the grave. Oh ! if that blessed law be true, They tell mc Jesus preached to you, 'Tis well, perhaps, to veil its light, From the poor bondsman's aching sight. Lest too clearly he might trace The records of a Father's grace ; Read his own wrongs in words of flame, And his lost birthright proudly claim. Yet, white men, fear not ; even we, Despised, degraded, though we be, Have hearts to feel, to understand, And keep your Master's great command. That faith, your kinder brethren bring, Like Angels on their healing wing, To cheer us in the hour of gloom, With glimpses of a brighter home ; That faith, beneath whoso hallow'd name, Ye work the deeds of sin and shame ; Which bids the sinner turn and live, Can teach the Negro to forgive. For all the gems of Afric's coast, And fruits her palmy forests boast, I would not harm that boy of thine, Nor bid him groan and toil for mine. I would but, on my bended knee, Beseech that mine might be as free ; Child of the same indulgent Heaven. Might share the common blessings given. I would but, when the lisping tone Of thy sweet infant mocks thine own, That thou shouldst teach his earliest thought To spurn the wealth by slavery bought. I would but, when thy babe is prest With transports to a father's breast, Thy gentle voice should plead the cause Of nature and her outraged laws ; Should bid that father break the chain In which he holds our wretched train, And by the love to thee he bears, Dispel the Negro Mother's fears. By thy pure, maternal joy, Bid him spare my helpless boy ; And thus a blessing on his own Seek from his Maker's righteous throne. * *# THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] NOVEMBER, 1833. [NO. XI. MISS CRANDALL'S SECOND TRIAL. The Unionist of Oct. 10, gives an account of this interesting trial. 'Last Thursday Miss Crandall was brought before the Superior Court sitting in this place, (Judge Daggett on the bench,) upon an infor- mation similar to that on which she was tried at the last session of the County Court. She had been bound over to answer to two com- plaints, one for teaching, and the other for boarding colored persons from other states, but was tried on the former only. A. T. Judson, Esq. and C. F. Cleaveland the State's Attor- ney conducted the prosecution; Henry Strong Esq. and Hon. Calvin Goddard, the defence. The plea as on the former trial wasNoTGum- ty. Several witnesses were examined, the facts necessary to conviction were proved, and nothing remained but to establish the consti- tutionality of the law. Mr. Judson opened the case for the prosecu- tion, and pursued much the same train of argu- ment as on the former trial, except that in ad- dition to the points then made, he contended that the clause in the constitution which was made the ground of the defence, was intended as a rule of action to the general government only, and not to the state Legislatures. He was followed by Mr. Strong, who, in a pow- erful, logical and conclusive argument, clearly exhibited the unconstitutionality of the law, showing that the Constitution was made to control the action of the state Legislatures ; that it was intended to secure to all citizens of the United States, the enjoyment of such privileges and immunities as are fundamental ; that the privilege of obtaining an education is fundamental ; and that free blacks are citizens, and of course entitled, though citizens of oth- er states, to the same privileges as our own colored population, and among others to that of acquiring knowledge here. Mr. Goddard closed for the defence, briefly but eloquently, and the State's Attorney havingconcluded on the part of the prosecution, the judge rose and saying a few words respecting the impor- tance of the question, and his inability to do it justice, declined giving his charge till the next morning. On Friday morning, as soon as the court was opened, every seat was occupied, and many persons stood, unable to obtain seat?, all listening with profound attention to the charge. VOL. I. It occupied, as nearly as we could estimate, about an hour, and, as will be seen by the out- line given below, was decidedly in favor of the constitutionality of the law.' The Unionist then gives a sketch of Judge Daggett's charge. But as the Windham Coun- ty Advertiser presents a more full account of it, apparently revised by the Judge, we copy the report of it from that paper, or rather from another paper in which it is credited to the Advertiser. ' This is an information filed by the Attor- ney for the State, for the alleged violation of a statute law, passed by the General Assem- bly, at their last session, relating to inhabitants ; the preamble to the act, embracing the rea- sons for the law. It reads thus : ' Whereas attempts have been made to es- tablish literary institutions in this State, for the instruction of colored persons belonging to other States and countries, which would tend to the great increase of the colored pop- ulation of the State, and thereby totha injury of the people ; Therefore it is enacted that no person shall set up or establish, in this State, any school, academy, or literary institution, for the instruction or education of colored persons who are not inhabitants of this State, nor in- struct or teach in any school, academy, or lit- erary institution, or harbor or board, for the purpose of attending or being taught or in- structed in any such school, any colored per- son not an inhabitant of any town in this State, without the consent, in writing, first obtained of a majority of the civil authority and select men of the town where such school is situated, on penalty,' &c. It is alleged in this information, that since the 22d day "of August last, to wit, on the 24th day of September, 1833, the defendant has wilfully and knowingly, harbored and boarded colored persons not inhabitants of the State for the purpose mentioned in said act, without having obtained in writing, the consent of ths civil authority and select men of the town of Canterbury, where the school has been set up. As to the facts in this case, there seems to be but little controversy. It has scarcely been denied, that colored persons have been harbor- ed and boarded by the defendant for the ob- jects alleged, within the time set forth in this information. You, Gentlemen of the Jury, 21 162 Miss CrandaWs Saond Tri have heard the evidence, and as it is your ex- clusive business to nass upon these facts, you will say whether or not they are true It' these facts are not proved to your satis- faction, then you may dismiss the cas< , For in that evenl you have no further duty to perform. If, however, you find the facts true, then anoth- er duty, equally important, devolves upon tin ■ jury. It is an undeniable proposition, that the jury are judges of both law and fact, in all cases of this nature. It is, however, equally true, that the court is to state its opinion to the jury, upon all questions of law, arising in the trial of a criminal cause, and to submit to their consideration, both law and fact, without any direction how to find their verdict. The counsel for the defendant have rested her defence upon a provision of the constitu- tion of the United States, claiming that the statute law of this State, upon which this in- formation is founded, is inconsistent with that provision, and therefore void. This is the great question involved in this case, and it is about to be submitted to your consideration. It is admitted that there are no provisions in the constitution of this State which conflict with this act. It may be remarked here that the constitution of the United States is above all other law, — it is emphatically the supreme law of the land, and the Judges are so to de- clare it. From the highest court to the low- est, even that of a justice of the peace, all laws, whether made by Congress or State Legislatures, are subject to examination, and when brought to the test of the constitution, may be declared utterly void. But in order to do this, the court should first find the lav/ contrary, and plainly contrary to the constitu- tion. Although this may be done, and done too by the humblest court, yet it never should be done but upon a full conviction that the law in question is unconstitutional. Many things said upon this trial, may be laid out of the case. The consideration of Slavery, with all its evils and degrading con- sequences, may be dismissed, with the consid- eration that it is a degrading evil. The bene- fits, blessings and advantages of instruction and education, may also cease to claim your attention, except you may well consider that education is a 'fundamental privilege,' for ihN is the basis of all free governments. Having read this law, the question comes to us with peculiarjbrce, does it clearly violate the'Gonstitution of the United States ?— The section claimed to have been violated, reads as follows, to wit: ' Art. 4— Sec. 2. — The citi- zens of each State, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States.' It has been urged that this section was made to direct, exclusively, the action of the General Government, and there- fore can never be applied to State laws. This is not the opinion of the court. The plain and obvious meaning of this provision, is, to secure to the citizens of all the States, the same privi- leges as are secured to our own, by our own State laws. Should a citizen of Connecticut purchase a farm in Massachusetts, and the Legislature of Massachusetts tax the owner of i hat farm, four times as much as they would tax a citizen of Massachusetts, because the one resided in Connecticut and the other in Massachusetts ; or should a law be passed by either of those States, that no citizen of the other, should reside or trade in that other,this would undoubtedly be an unconstitutional law, and should be so declared. The 2d section was provided as a substitute for the 4th article of the Confederation. That article has also been read, and by comparing them, you can perceive the object intended by the substitute. The act in question, provides that colored persons who are not inhabitants of this State, shall not be harbored and boarded, for the pur- poses therein mentioned, within this State, without the consent of the civil authority and selectmen of the town. We are then brought to the great question, are they citizens within the provisions of this section of the Constitu- tion ? The law extends to all persons of color not inhabitants of this State, Avhether theyjive in the State of New-York, or in the West Indies, or any other foreign country. In deciding this question, I am very happy that my opinion can be revised by the Supreme Court of this State, and of the United States, should you return a verdict against the de- fendant. The persons contemplated in this act are not citizens within the obvious meaning of that section of the Constitution of the United States, which I have just read. Let me begin by putting this plain question: Are slaves citizens ? At the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, every State was a slave state. Massachusetts had begun the work of emancipation Avithin her own borders. And Connecticut, as early as 1784, had also enact- ed laws making all those free at the age of 25, who might be born within the state, after that time. We all know that slavery is re- cognized in the Constitution, and it is the duty of this court to take that Constitution as it is, for we have sworn to support it. Although the term ' slavery ' cannot be found written out in the Constitution, yet no one can mistake the object of the 3d sec. of the 4th article : — 'No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, hut shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.' The 2d section of the 1st article, reads as follows: — 'Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included in this Union, accord- JUiss Cnirftbtll's Second 7 Via/- 163 mg to their respective numbers, which ahall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to ser- vice for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other /icrsons.' The ' other persons ' are slaves, and they be- came the basis of representation, by adding them to the white population in that propor- tion. Then slaves were not considered citi- zens by the framers of the Constitution. A citizen means a freeman. By referring to Dr. Webster, one of the most learned men of this or any other country, we have the fol- lowing definition of the term — ' Citizen : 1st, a native of a city, or an inhabitant who enjoys the freedom and privileges of tiie city in which he resides. 2. A townsman, a man of trade, not a gentleman. 3. An inhabitant; a dweller in any city, town or country. 4. In the United States, it means a person native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elec- tive franchise, and of purchasing and holding real estate. 5 Are Indians citizens ? It is admitted in the argument that they arc not, but it is said they belong to distinct tribes. This cannot be true, because all Indians do not belong to a tribe. It may be now added, that by the de- clared law of New- York, Indians are not citi- zens, and the learned Chancellor Kent says, ' they never can be made citizens.' Indians were literally natives of our soil, — they were born here, and yet they are not citizens. The Mohegans were once a mighty tribe, powerful and valiant ; and who among us ever saw one of them performing military duty, or exercising, with the white men, the privilege of the elective franchise, or holding an office ? And what is the reason ? I answer, they are not citizens, according to the acceptation of the term in the United States. Are free blacks, citizens? It has been in- geniously said, that vessels may be owned and navigated by free blacks, and the Ameri- can flag will protect them ; but you will re- member that the statute which makes that provision, is an act of Congress, and not the Constitution. Admit, if you please, that Mr. Cuffee, a respectable merchant, has owned vessels, and sailed them under the American flag, yet this does not prove him to be such a citizen as the Constitution contemplates. But that question stands undecided by any legal tribunal within my knowlege. For the pur- poses of this case, it may not be necessary to determine that question. It has been also urged, that as colored per- sons may commit treason, they must be con- sidered citizens. Every person born in the United States, as well as every person who may reside here, owes allegiance of some sort to the government, because the government affords him protection. Treason against this government, consists in levying war against the government of the United States, or aid- ing its enemy in time of war. Treason may be committed by persons who are not entitled to the elective franchise. For if they reside under the protection of the government, it would be treason to levy war against that gov- ernment, as much as it' they Were citizens. I think Chancellor Kent, whose authority it gives ine pleasure to quote, determines this question by fair implication. Had this author considered free blacks citizens, he had an am- ple opportunity to say so. But what he has said, excludes that idea. Kent's Commentaries, vol. 2d, p. 258 — 'In most of the United States, there is a distinc- tion in respect to political privileges, between free white persons and free colored persons of African blood ; and in no part of the coun- try do the latter, in point of fact, participate equally with the whites, in the exercise of civil and political rights. The African race are essentially a degraded caste, of inferior rank and condition in society. Marriages are forbidden between them and whites in some of the States, and when not absolutely con- trary to law, they are revolting, and regarded as an offence against public decorum. By the revised Statutes of Illinois, published in 1829, marriages between whites and negroes or mulattoes, are declared void, and the persons so married are liable to be whipped, fined and imprisoned. By an old Statute of Massachu- setts, of 1705, such marriages were declared void, and are so still. A similar statute pro- vision exists in Virginia and North Carolina. Such connexions in France and Germany constitute the degraded state of concubinage, which is known in the civil law. But they are not legal marriages, because the parties want that equality of state or condition, which is essential to the contract.' I go further back still. When the Consti- tution of the United States was adopted, every State (Massachusetts excepted) tolerated sla- very. And in some of the States, down to a late period, severe laws have been kept in force regarding slaves. With respect to N. York, at that time her laws and penalties were severe indeed, and it was not until July 4th, 1827, that this great state was ranked among the free states. To my mind, it would be a perversion of terms, and the well known rule of construc- tion, to say that slaves, free blacks, or Indi- ans, were citizens, within the meaning of that term, as used in the Constitution. Cod for- bid that I should add to the degradation of this race of men, but I am bound by my duty to say, they are not citizens. I have thus shown you that this law is not contrary to the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the U. States, for that embraces only citizens. But there is still another consideration : if they were citizens, I am not sure this law would then be unconstitutional. The Legis- lfti Miss CrandalVs Secon d Trial lature may regulate schools. I am free to gay, that education is a fundamental privilege ; but this law does not prohibit schools. It pla- ces them under the care of the civil authority and selectmen, and why is not this a very suitable regulation ? I am not sure but the Legislature might make a law like this, ex- tending to the white inhabitants of other states, who are unquestionably citizens, pla- cing all schools for them under suitable boards of examination, for the public good, and I can see no objection to the board created by this act. What can the Legislature of this State do ? It can make any law, which any legislature can make, unless it shall violate the Constitu- tion of theUnitcd States or the Constitution of its own State, and in my opinion this law is not inconsistent with either. The jury have nothing to do with the popu- larity or unpopularity of this or any other law, which may come before them for adjudication. They have nothing to do with its policy or impolicy. Your only inquiry is, whether it is constitutional. I may say with truth, that there is no dispo- sition in the judicial tribunals of this State, nor among the people, to nullify the laws of the State ; but if constitutional, to submit to them, and carry them into full effect, as good citizens. If individuals do not like the laws enacted by one legislature, their remedy is at the ballot boxes. It often occurs, on sub- jects of taxation, that laws are supposed by ■ome to be unjust and oppressive. Nearly every session of the Assembly, attempts have been made to alter and change such laws, but as long as they exist, they must have effect You will now take this case i.ito your con- sideration, and notwithstanding my opinion of the law, you will return your verdict accord- ing to law and evidence. I have done my duty, and you will do yours.' The Jury, after an absence of twenty or thirty minutes returned a verdict of guilty. A bill of exceptions, as the Unionist informs us, was filed by the defendant's counsel, and the case will be brought before the Supreme Court of Errors, which sits in Brooklyn next July. We have presented the charge of Judge Daggett at length, on account of the great importance of the questions which it discuss- es. If he be right, more than three hundred thousand native Americans are by this decis- ion disfranchised, deprived of rights which have hitherto never been disputed in courts of justice, and made strangers and aliens in the land of their birth. strange, perhaps, that prejudice should blind ignorant and thoughtless men to the rights of their fellow-citizens, or should obtain access to the halls of legislation. But it is strange and alarming when prejudice enters our courts, boldly usurps the judicial seat, and throws the sword into the scales of justice. We would not be understood as making the slightest imputation upon the purity of the motives of the learned judge. But it is mel- ancholy to find a person of his distinguished legal science and ability, so misled by popular feeling as to lose sight of the great land- marks of law and justice. In commenting upon his opinion, we shall not attempt to follow the course of his argu- ment, but consider the questions which it pre- sents in what seems to us the most convenient order, answering, as occasion offers, such of his reasonings as seem to require remark. We shall consider 1. What persons are na- tive citizens of the United States and of a State : 2. Whether free colored persons born in any one of the States are citizens, within the meaning of the clause of the constitution which gives to the citizens of each State, the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States : and 3. Whether the law of Connecticut violates the constitution of the United States.* 1. What persons are native citizens of the United States, and of a State ? The meaning of the word citizen in this connexion is a pure question of law, to be de- cided by an appeal to legal authority, not to the loose definitions of lexicographers. It seems, therefore, strange that Judge Daggett should have cited Dr. Webster, since his first three definitions, exhibiting three senses in which the word is used, have obviously no bearing on the question, and his last is mani- festly incorrect. Dr. Webster makes holding the elective franchise, and purchasing and holding real estate, the criterion of citizenship in this country. But far more than half of the persons who are unquestionably citizens, in- cluding all women and minors, have not the elective franchise. These two classes are ex- cluded in all the States ; and in some of them citizens who do not pay taxes, to mention no We have read this extraordinary opinion * We shall in our observations make free use of some able remarks upon the charge which appeared in two articles in the Unionist of October 10; and of a communication from the Hon. Wm. Jay to Rev. S. ith astonishment and horror. It is not I J. May, in the same paper. Miss CrandaWs Second 'lV'ud. \m other circumstances which exclude, do not enjoy the right of suffrage. The other criterion of citizenship introdu- ced by Dr. Webster, viz. the privilege, &c. is equally unsound, since in several of the States, for instance Louisiana and Ohio, aliens can purchase, hold, and inherit real estate as well as citizens. A citizen is a member of apolitical Commu- nity, to which he owes fidelity or allegiance, and from which he is entitled to protection. Every political body which is formed has of course the right of saying what persons shall be members of the body. The criterion of citizenship of course varies in different ages and countries. Thus, at first none but inhab- itants of Rome and a small territory around it, were Roman citizens. Afterwards the privileges of citizenship were gradually ex- tended to various cities and nations, till at last they were granted to the inhabitants of the whole Roman world. In order to decide who are now citizens of the United States, we must go back to our revolution. When that convulsion separated these States from the mother country, the question, who were citizens, depended upon the common law of England, which was the law of all the States : and now the question, who are citizens, must be decided by the prin- ciples of the same law, except where it has been altered by our constitutions or laws. ' The first and most obvious division of the people,' we borrow the words of Blackstone, 'is into aliens and natural born subjects. Nat- ural born subjects are such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England; that is, within the ligeance, or, as it is generally called, the allegiance of the king: and aliens, such as are born out of it. Allegiance is the tie or ligamen, which binds the subject to the king, in return for that protection which the king affords the subject.' 1 Bl. Comm. 366. The common law divides all persons into two classes, aliens and subjects. It recognizes no third class. Every man who is not a sub- ject is an alien. ' Every man is either alieni- gence, an alien horn, or a subditus, a subject born.' Calvin's case, 7 Co. 17 a. We might readily multiply authorities upon this subject, but the principles of the common law are so well settled, that it seems to us unnecessary. At the time of the revolution, all the inhab- itants of the United States who were subjects of the king of England, whp adhered to the United States, and continued to reside in this country, became citizens of the new States. This result of the separation of the two coun- tries is so obvious, that it needs no authority to support it. If there could be any doubt upon this point it was settled, in some cases at least, by ex- press legislation. One of the earliest statutes passed by Massachusetts declares ' That all persons abiding within this State, and deriving protection from the laws of the same, owe allegiance to this State, and are members thereof,' that is, citizens, for the very next clause goes on to speak of the allegiance due from persons visiting and making a temporary stay in the Stat' 1 . St. 1777, s. 1. 2 Mass. Law Ed. 1801, p. 1046. A resolution of a eommittee of the State of New- York, passed July 16, 1776, contains a similar declaration in almost precisely the same words. A similar statute was passed in New-Jersey, Oct. 4, 1776. According to the law of Massachusetts, it does not seem to be necessary that a person, in order to become a member of the State, should have been a subject of the British crown. From the close of the revolutionary war to the time of the adoption of the constitution of the U. S. all persons born in this country be- came citizens of the respective States within whose jurisdiction they were born, by the rule of the common lav/, unless where they were prevented from becoming citizens by the con-. stitution or statutes of the place of their birth. We are not aware of any law having ever been enacted, to deprive any native citizens of their birthright. When the constitution of the United States was formed, all persons then citizens of the several States became citizens of the United States. Since that period, all persons born within the territorial limits and under the ju- risdiction of the United States, became citizens of the United States, unless some law or con- stitution prevented them from becoming so. Persons born in the States became also, from their birth, citizens of their respective native States, with a similar exception. This is the clear result of the common law principle. The double citizenship which the citizens of each State thus acquire, arises from our peculiar in- stitutions, which place the inhabitants of the country under two governments. 105 .Miss CrandaW's Second Tr'ad. This is ttie view taken of the subject by Mr. Rawle, a distinguished commentator on the constitution. He says, 'The citizens of each State constituted the citizens of the United States, when the constitution was adopted. The rights which appertained to them as citi- zens of those respective commonwealths, ac- companied them in the formation of the great compound commonwealth which ensued. They became citizens of the latter, without ceasing to be citizens of the former, and he who was subsequently born a citizen of a State, became at the moment of his birth a citizen of the Uni- ted States. Therefore every person born with- in the United States, its territories, or districts, whether the parents are citizens or aliens, is a natural born citizen in the sense of the con- stitution, and entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining to that capacity.' — Rawle on the Constitution, 86. It is observable that Mr. Rawle makes no exception to his statement, that every person born within the United States is a citizen. Many questions indeed have been discussed on the subject of allegiance, citizenship, and naturalization, both in this country and in England, such as whether a person born in Scotland, after the descent of the English crown to the King of Scotland, was an alien, and thus incapable of inheriting land in Eng- land ; and whether a subject can expatriate himself, that is, throw off" his allegiance to his native country. But in all these questions it is assumed as a settled, indisputable principle, that a man is a subject or citizen in the coun- try of his birth. This is uniformly taken for granted, and never discussed, because never disputed. One of our most distinguished judges says, ' Nothing is better settled at the common law than the doctrine that the children even of aliens born in a country, while the parents are resident there under the protection of the government, and owing a temporary allegiance thereto, are subjects by birth.' Inglis v. Trustees of Sailors Snug Harbor, 3 Pet. J 64, by Story. It possibly may be contended that the com- mon law principles in regard to subjects, do not apply to citizens. But this position is un- tenable, as will be obvious from the following considerations. The word citizen expresses precisely the same relation to the State which subject does to the king. Indeed for a considerable period after the revolution, the word subject was used as synonimous with citizen. Thus in the de- claration of rights in the constitution of Mas- sachusetts, the word subject is several times introduced, where we should now use citizen. So in Mass. St. 1784, c. 72, s. 10, a punish- ment is enacted for kidnapping ' any subject of this Commonwealth, or other person lawfully residing and inhabiting therein.' In this pas- sage the word subject can have no other mean- ing than that of citizen. Neither the constitution nor statutes of the United States, nor, as far as we are aware, do the constitution or laws of any State define what persons born within the country are na- tive citizens. If therefore we cannot resort to the common law, we are left without any guide on the subject. The right of the great mass of white persons born in this country to be considered citizens, rests on the common law principles in regard to subjects. The common law principles are evidently considered the foundation of our law of citi- zenship, in our constitutions and statutes, in the discussions of counsel, the decisions of our courts, and the treatises of jurists. Our conclusion is, that all persons born with- in the jurisdiction of the United States are na- tive citizens, excepting those persons, if there be any such, as the constitution or laws de- prive of that privilege ; and that all persons born within the jurisdiction of any one of the States, are citizens thereof, with a similar ex- ception. We have perhaps taken up too much time in proving this plain and familiar position. But where elementary principles are doubted, where violent attempts arc made to uproot the foundations and land marks of law, — a little effort to establish them is pardonable. 2. We next come to the question, whether free persons of color bom in one of the States are citizens of that State, within the meaning of the constitution. Having already shown that, according to the principles of the common law, all persons born within the jurisdiction of any State are citi- zens of it, and further, that distinguished jurists and judges lay down fhe rule without making an exception of colored persons, we have already established the position, that free colored persons born in any of the States, are citizens in the States of their birth. Those who deny it then, are bound to show that the free colored persons, born in this country, Miss CrandaWs Second Tiial. 107 come within some known exception to the general rule. We shall, therefore, consider some of the arguments of those who deny that colored persons are citizens, before ad- ducing any further evidence in support of the affirmative of the proposition. We understand Judge Daggett's argument to be as follows, namely, that when the Con- stitution provided that the citizens of each State should be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States, it did not contemplate as citizens those de- graded castes of men, who were not regarded in the States, on an equal footing with other native inhabitants. Thus slaves and Indians are not citizens within the meaning of the constitution, neither are free people of color. The construction which Judge Daggett at- tempts to give to the clause of the constitu- tion, is harsh and strained. The word citizens has a precise, definite, and technical meaning in the place in which it stands, instead of which Judge Daggett would giveit aloose, indefinite, and uncertain one. The clause evidently was intended to prevent those persons who enjoy- ed the rights of citizenship in one State, from being considered aliens in another. Judge Daggett, instead of giving the benefit of this liberal provision to all who come within its meaning, would contend that a certain class, whom he seems to admit are really citizens, ought to be deprived of its benefit, because they are sometimes not called citizens. Noth- ing, however, can be more obvious, than that the inaccurate use of a word in common con- versation or popular declamation, is no test of its legal signification. This can only be de- termined by the strict rules of law. Judge Daggett appears to view degraded castes as not citizens. But whence does he derive this opinion ? Not from the common law. For in England, all classes of persons, from the nobility down to the villeins or slaves, were subjects. Co. Lit, 127 a. Our con- stitutions and statutes contain no enactments on the subject. Judge Daggett says, that the Indians are not citizens. This may be admitted. This, however, is not because they are a degraded caste, but because they have not become a part of our political communities, having con- tinued, though within our territorial limits, as distinct tribes, governed by their own laws. 3 Kent's Comm. 185. If any Indians should voluntarily become a part of our political com- munities, should settle among the whites, and submit to our laws, we know of no principle on which the right of citizenship could be de- nied to their children. But Judge Daggett says, that slaves are not citizens. Unfortunate as their condition cer- tainly is, we feel some doubt whether this proposition be correct. According to the principles of the common law, a villein or slave was a subject. By the same principle, a ne- gro slave here would be a citizen. In Great Britain, the slaves in the West Indies are frequently spoken of as British subjects. Their right to the title, we have never seen ques- tioned. Do not slaves owe allegiance or fidel- ity to the government under which they are born ? Are they not in return entitled to its protection ? Suppose a native slave from South Carolina should go to a foreign country, and there join an invading army, could he not be punished for treason, if taken in arms against the United States ? A stranger who had mere- ly had a temporary residence here, would be guilty of no crime under such circumstances. The correlative of slave is not citizen, but free- man. The correlative of citizen is not slave, but alien. It is not necessary for us to pro- nounce whether a slave be a citizen or not. It is certainly a point which admits of debate. It seems from the constitutions of some of the Southern States, that they consider it questionable whether slaves are not citizens. Thus, several of these constitutions give the right of suffrage to the 'free white male citi- zens,' of the age of twenty-one years. This distinctly implies, that there may be citizens who are not free. If the word citizen implied freedom, to say '•free citizens ' would be a mere: tautology. But perhaps we have given the point more attention than it merits, for the condition of the slaves would be little improved by deco- rating them with the name of citizens. To= the free people of color, however, citizenship is of real value. Let it be admitted then, that slaves are not citizens. Why are they not? Because they are not free, because they are slaves. Their disability arises from their servile condition. According to Judge Daggett's own statement, a citizen means a freeman. Then why are not the blacks and their descendants, who have ceased to be slaves and become freemen, citi- zens ? The servitude which created their dis- 168 Miss VrandalVs Seco/id Trial. ability having ended, why should they not enjoy the privileges of freemen? As we have already said, no class of men is excluded by the common law from citizen- ship. The mere circumstance then, of the free people of color being regarded as a de- graded caste, does not, according to that law, deprive them of this privilege. How then are they to be deprived of their birthright, — of that citizenship which the com- mon law confers on them, with the first breath they draw ? Not by implication surely — not by strained construction, — but by express enactment. Statutes may provide that they shall not carry the mail, that they shall not exercise the privilege of voting, that they shall not serve in the militia, that they shall not in- termarry with the whites. These laws are direct and express, and must be submitted to. But these laws do not deprive them of citizen- ship. Cruel as their country has been to them, she has not yet spurned them from her bosom, she has not yet declared them aliens on their native soil. If the free native colored man cannot be deprived of any one of the smallest privileges of citizenship, except by express enactment, surely he cannot be robbed of the whole of these privileges without some direct provision of law. But Judge Daggett cites one authority, Chancellor Kent, to show that free colored people cannot be citizens. The passage cited, however, is very far from proving such to be Chancellor Kent's opinion. It merely states indisputable facts, in regard to the severity of our laws and opinions against the free blacks. If, however, any one might be led to conjec- ture, from the passage in question, that Chan- cellor Kent did not consider the free blacks as citizens, the impression would be correct- ed by referring to another passage in his com- mentaries, where his opinion is declared in a manner too clear to admit of doubt. 'The article in the Constitution of the U. States, de- claring that citizens of each State were enti- tled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States, applies only to natural born or duly naturalized citizens, and if they remove from one State to another, they are entitled to the privileges that persons of the same description are entitled to in the State to which the removal is made, and to none other. If, therefore, for instance, free persons of color are not entitled to vote in Carolina; free persons of color emigrating there from a northern State, would not be en- titled to vote.' 2 Kent's Comm. 71. If the decision of the question whether free people of color are citizens, is to be made on the authority of Chancellor Kent, it is distinctly settled in this passage in the affirmative. The passage is much stronger, than if he had an- nounced their citizenship as a separate propo- sition. But he takes it for granted, in illus- trating the proposition laid down in the last clause of his first sentence. He assumes it as a principle which did not admit of any dis- pute. If he had regarded their citizenship as in any degree a matter of doubt or contro- versy, he would of course have selected a dif- ferent illustration. But direct and conclusive authorities are not wanting to show the citizenship of free co- lored persons. We have them in such abun- dance that our only difficulty is how to select from them. Although Dr. Webster's position is false, that no persons are citizens but those who ex- ercise the elective franchise, still this privi- lege is one which is usually considered as appertaining to citizens only. Now, in point of fact, it is not disputed that free blacks in some of the States have the right to vote, and exercise it without question. This is the case in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Maine. In some of the other States also the people of color seem to be included in the general terms of their constitutions. In New- York the con- stitution expressly speaks of the people of co- lor as citizens, and requires them to possess a freehold estate of the value of two hundred and fifty dollars, in order to entitle them to vote. The provision of the constitution of New- York is important. It is not simply the ex- pression of an opinion by the convention which prepared the constitution, highly respectable as it was, but it is an enactment of the people of the State of New- York in the most solemn manner, upon a point where they were com- petent to decide, that free people of color are citizens. It of course puts the question at rest in regard to native colored persons inhab- iting New-York. They are citizens of that State, and of course entitled to the privileges of citizens in all the States. The debates in the New- York convention show that the right of suffrage was not con- ceded to the people of color without debate. Miss CrandaWs Second Trial. 169 The subject was discussed. The speech's of Peter A. Jay, Chancellor Kent, Rufus King, and Abraham Van Vechten in the con- vention, declare distinctly and explicitly that they considered free colored people citizens. In many of the States, and we presume in all, free colored persons purchase and inherit real property without question. This is the case in some of the States, Massachusetts for instance, where the old rule of the com- mon law disability of aliens in regard to real property still continues. It is evident, there- fore, that, in those parts of the country at least, free people of color are not regarded as aliens ; for there can be no question, considering the prejudices which exist against this class of persons, that efforts would have been made to deprive them of their lands, if it had been supposed there was any pretence for it. If native free colored persons are not aliens, we contend that they are citizens, for the law re- cognizes no third class of persons. Suppose we should admit Dr. Webster's last definition of citizen to be correct ; it clearly appears that many colored persons in the United States are citizens, for many of them exercise the elective franchise, and pur- chase, hold, and inherit real property. Judge Daggett seems to admit that a vessel owned and commanded by a native colored person is entitled to the privileges of an Amer- ican ship, under the statute of the United States which requires it in order to be so considered to be wholly owned and com- manded 'by a citizen or citizens' of the United States. Yet he says that though free blacks might be citizens within the meaning of the act of Congress, they are not citizens with- in the meaning of the Constitution. It strikes us, however, that by this concession he leaves himself no ground to stand upon. It is obvi- ous upon reading the statute and the Consti- tution, that the word citizens is used in both cases in a precise, legal, technical sense, for the very purpose of defining a certain class of persons who were to be entitled to certain privileges in this country. If Judge Daggett concedes that the word is used in this sense in the statute, can he give any reason for sup- posing it used in a different sense in the Con- stitution ? But the question, whether free people of color are citizens within the meaning of the Constitution, has received a direct decision on an occasion of great interest. A statute of VOL. I. the United States, passed March 6, 1820, au- thorized the inhabitants of the territory now embraced within the State of Missouri, to form a constitution and State government, and pro- vided that the State when formed should be admitted into the Union, upon an equal foot- ing with the original States. The statute also provided that an attested copy of the constitution formed by Missouri should be transmitted to Congress, as soon as might be after its formation. A State constitu- tion was accordingly adopted by a conven- tion in Missouri, in July, 1820. The fourth clause of the twenty-sixth section of the third article of this constitution, makes it the duty of the General Assembly, among other things, 'to pass such laws as may be necessary to prevent free negroes and mulattoea from earn- ing to and settling in this State, us.der any pretext Avhatcver.' This constitution was brought before Congress at its next session. The clause in question gave rise to consider- able debate, which resulted in the passage of a resolution on .March 2, 182J, that Missouri should be admitted into the Union, * upon the fundamental condition, that the fourth clause of the twenty-sixth section of the third article of the constitution submitted on the part of said State to Congress, shall never be con- strued to authorize the passage of any law, and that no law shall be passed in conformity thereto, by which any citizen, of either of the States in this Union, shall be excluded from the enjoyment of any of the privileges and immunities to which such citizen is entitled under the constitution of the United States: Provided that the legislature of the said State, by a solemn public act, shall declare the assent of the said State to the said fundamental con- dition, and shall transmit to the President of the United States, on or before the fourth Mon- day in November next, an authentic copy of the said act ; upon the receipt whereof, the President, by proclamation, shall announce the fact; whereupon, and without any further proceeding on the part of Congress, the ad- mission of the said State into this Union shall be considered as complete.' This resolution of Congress is a deliberate and solemn declaration of that body, which then embraced distinguished lawyers and statesmen from all parts of our country, that there were free negroes and mulattoes in the United States who were citizens, and as such entitled to the protection of the Constitution. 22 170 Riot in >\\u- York. Our conclusion is, that all free people of color bom in any State, are citizens of tint State. 3L We come now to the third question, whether flic statute of Connrcti'-nt be a violation of the clause of the G&nstilutioh', t»hich gttofes the citizens ofedtk Stu't the privileges anil im- munities of citizens of the several Stdtfesl We contend that it was a violation of the Constitution in its application to the colon:! citizens of other States. The object of the clause in question is ob- vious. 'It was,' in the words of Judge Story, 'to confer on them, [the citizens of each State] if one may so say, a general citizen- ship ; and to communicate all the privileges and immunities, which the citizens of the same State would be entitled to under the like circumstances.' 3 Story's Comm. G75. A colored citizen of New- York or Massa- chusetts, therefore, going into Connecticut, becomes entitled to all the privileges and im- munities of citizens of Connecticut. Un- doubtedly the State of Connecticut might, in its wisdom, make it a penal offence, to set up any school or academy in the State. But a law making it a penal offence to set up a school for the instruction of citizens of other States, while it is no offence to set up a similar es- tablishment for citizens of the State, is mani- festly unconstitutional. It is depriving citizens of other States of privileges enjoyed by the citizens of Connecticut. We might have added many authorities, arguments and illustrations to those we have adduced. But we have not thought it neces- sary, as what we have said, seems to us en- tirely sufficient to establish our conclusions. Some of our readers, on the other hand, may think we have devoted too much space to discussing a question of law. But we again beg them to recollect that tire rights o£ throe hundred thousand of their countrymen are di- rectly involved in the decision of this question ; and indirectly those of more than two millions. The law is the only power to which the weak and helpless can appeal from the decrees ot prejudice and oppression. All good men of every party should cry out against the statute of Connecticut, not merely as a violation of the Constiution of our coun- try, but as a violation of the spirit of our ftee| institutions, and the common rights of human- ity. The people of a free and enlightened Stute have solemnly enacted, that a few chil- dren, whose complexion is different from their own, shall not come within their territory to be educated, and that persons who shall har- bor these youii'_ r offenders; thus guilty of the enormous crime of endeavoring to be instruct- ed, shall themselves be punished as criminals. This is the statute. We can offer no com- ment upon it, that could excite deeper indig- nation in every freeman,— in every Christian — in every man who owns the soul or spirit of a man — than the bare statement of its abomi- nable provisions. RIOT IN NEW-YORK. We noticed in our last, the formation of a City Anti-Slavery Society in New- York, but had not room to mention the riotous proceed- ings to which the call of the meeting for form- ing the Society gave occasion. The New- York Evangelist of Oct. 5, gives the follow- ing account of these proceedings. 'The public are aware of a notice in the papers, inviting ' those friendly to the imme- diate abolition of slavery in the United States, to meet at Clinton Hall, on Wednesday Oct. 2, at half past 7 P. M. to form a New- York City Anti-Slavery Society.' The Hall had been previously engaged with the written con- sent of the committee of the trustees. It was the reasonable expectation of the calling com- mittee that those who were embraced in the terms of the call would assemble and deliber- ate upon the several points requisite to the formation of the proposed Society : and that if any others should attend, they would appear as spectators, and conduct themselves accord- ingly. But from the time the notice was given, some of the daily papers were publish- ing violent denunciations of those engaged. On the morning of the day appointed for the meeting, the trustees of Clinton Hall, against the earnest remonstrance of the committee to what they deemed an arbitrary proceeding, peremptorily prohibited the meeting from being held at the Hall. The Courier and Enquirer, and the Gazette, of the morning, eal!< d ear- nestly upon the citizens who were opposed to the object of the meeting, to give a general attendance and put it down, once for all. The Commercial Advertiser of the afternoon, al- though editorially disapproving of all interfer- ence with those who called the meeting, yet published a communication, calling loudly upon the citizens not to remain quiet. The streets also were in the afternoon adorned with the following placard, printed in large and llaring capitals: Notice. — To all persons from the South. — All persons interested in the subject of a meeting called by J. Leavitt, W. Creen, jV. W. Coodell, J. Rankin, and Lewis Tappau, at Riot in New- York. l?j Clinton Hall, this evening, at 7 o'clock^ are requested to attend at tlie same hour and place. MANY SOUTH ERNE US. New-York, Oct. 2d, 1833. N. B. All citizens who may feel disposed to manifest the true feeling- of the State on this subject, are requested to attend. Under these circumstances, the calling- committee met in the afternoon, and agreed that it was best to proceed in the formation of the Society at this time, as it was manifest they never could call another public meeting without encountering the same opposition. They therefore resolved to hold the meeting in Chatham-street Chapel, and invite as many friends of the cause as they could notify in so short a time. The meeting called by the Courier & En- quirer was notified for seven o'clock. Long- before the time appointed, the streets around Clinton Hall were crowded with people, and finding they could not have entrance into the Hall, they proceeded to Tammany Hall, where they listened to a couple of addresses, one by a gentleman of this city, Mr. F. A. Tallmadge, and another by a Mr. Neal of Portland, Me. and then adopted a series of resolutions.' The resolutions arc given in the Journal of Commerce, of Oct. 3. Resolved, That our duty to the country, and our Southern brethren in particular, renders it improper and inexpedient to agitate a ques- tion pregnant with peril and difficulty to the common weal. Resolved, That it is our duty as citizens and Christians to mitigate, not to increase, the evils of slavery by an unjustifiable interference in a matter which requires the will and cor- dial concurrence of all to modify or remove. Resolved, That we take this opportunity to express to our Southern brethren our fixed and unalterable determination to resist every attempt that may be made to interfere with the relation in which master and slave now stand, as guaranteed to them by the Constitu- tion of the United States. Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be presented to Messrs Howard & Lovejoy,for the gratuitous use of their room on this occasion. Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by the Chairman and Secretaries, and publish- ed in all the daily papers. The Evangelist proceeds. 'In the mean time, punctually at the hour appointed, a very respectable meeting, both for numbers and character, was opened at Chatham Chapel, and the whole business trans- acted deliberately and without molestation, and the meeting quietly adjourned ; and the members had just begun to disperse, when a wild shout rent the air, and it was found that a furious mob had broken in and filled the avenue, and were rushing into the chapel, crying, ' (lurri.sun, Harrison, Tappun, Tappan, where are Hie;/, find them, find them,'' &c. Mr. Garrison however, had not been at the meet- ing, nor was it ever contemplated that any but citizens would take a part in the proceedings ; and of those who had been, some had already left the house, others quietly passed through the crowd, and the rest found refuge with a meeting of Sunday school teachers, of both sexes, who were holding their usual weekly meeting in the upper room adjoining the chapel. These were kept in not a very agreeable state of siege for the best part of an hour, until a strong nartv from the police arrived and dis- persed the besiegers, and left the besieged at liberty to go home. We learn from the report of the Tammany Hall meeting, in the Journal of Commerce, that in the opening of the meeting, a gentle- man was about to address the meeting, when a person approached the chair and stated that the meeting which was to have been held at Clinton Hall, was at that moment being held at Chatham-street chapel. Several voices cried out, ' Let us go there and rout them.' ' The Chairman. Gentlemen, that is not the way for us to act. We have met here to give expression of public opinion, and the only proper way to do so is by passing resolutions. Were we to go from this to the meeting at Chatham-street chapel, we should be stigma- tized as disorganizes. Let us first pass the resolutions, and then every gentleman may act as he thinks proper.' They did pass the resolutions, and 'Then every gentleman' did act, we presume, as he thought ' proper.' The result we have seen above. The Courier fy Enquirer says express- ly, that the crowd at the chapel were those who had just gone to the hall. Who could have thought that the disgrace- ful scenes of Columbia, S. C. would so soon be attempted in New-York ? In New-York, where not a slave is to be found, and where, if a man brings his slave, he becomes instant- ly free ! Spirit of Slavery ! hast thou in- deed so poisoned the heart's blood of the ivholc American nation, that even in New-York, a few, confessedly a handful of free citizens, cannot quietly meet to deliberate on means for exhibiting thy features to the world, but at the peril of their lives ? Look at it, my countrymen ! What a chapter have I written in the history of republican America ! What a tribute to the memory of our fathers, who poured out their blood like water to establish the principle, that ' All men are created equal.' In all the circumstances, the overruling hand of a kind Providence is remarkably visible, ordering so that all the objects of the proposed meeting were fully gained, while not a hair has been struck from the head of one of those engaged. May the same infallible Guide now take the direction of the Society, that 172 Riot in .Yew-York. — Emancipation of Hottentots. all its proceedings may be marked with the meekness of wisdom, giving no just offence in any thing.' The resolutions adopted at the pro-slavery meeting deserve a passing remark. These resolutions express a most slavish and unmanly doctrine, worthy only of believ- ers in the divine right of kings, namely, that a question ought not to be discussed, because a large part of the community will be agitated and excited by the discussion. In whatever point of view we regard the questions, 'Ought slavery to be abolished, and in what manner,' whether as subjects of morals, religion, policy, or economy, they have a deep and pressing importance to every citizen of this republic. Why then should they not be discussed ? Be- cause it will offend southern slaveholders. Where then is the liberty of the press, which is guarantied to us by the Constitution ? How is light ever to be shed upon any dark subject, if to discuss it be wrong? But it may be said, to discuss these ques- tions tends to promote insurrection among the slaves. The abolitionists deny the fact, and say that slavery itself is the cause of the un- easiness of the slaves, and that their plans are the only ones which can ever bring quiet to the South. These are our honest opinions. May we not speak and publish them without molestation by an illegal mob ? What says the Constitution of New- York. ' Every citi- zen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the a.buse of that right.' If any abolition- ist abuses this right, let him be punished by the law which he has transgressed. But not only the letter ot our Constitutions, but the spirit of the government, and the character of our people, demand that every man should have a right to utter his opinions without fear. The third resolution is not a little remark- able. It expresses a ' determination to resist every attempt to interfere with the relation in which master and slave now stand, as guar- antied to them by the Constitution of the United States.' It is evident from the preceding resolutions, that the attempts which those who passed this strange vote, mean to resist, are all discussions of the subiect of slavery which express opin- ions different from theirs. It is also evident, that this is a threat of force, to suppress the publication of opinions, and that it is illegal force, the force of a mob. In one point of view we are gratified by these resolutions. The party which threatens a resort to force, usually has the worst of the argument. We, therefore, cannot but think that the New-York mob which met at Tam- many Hall, were satisfied that they had not reason on their side, and therefore chose to threaten force. But we will not condescend to make any further remarks upon these resolutions. Every man who values his own right to express his opinions, ought to respect the right in others. It is a right which in a free country ought to be regarded as most sacred, for it lies at the foundation of every other. When this is gone, no other is safe. EMANCIPATION OF HOTTENTOTS. We extract from the Anti-Slavery Record of December last, the following account of the emancipation oflhiriy thousand Hottentot bonds- men at the Cape of Good Hope. ' In the year 1828, there existed within the colony of the Cape of Good Hope a degraded population of 30,000 souls,* distinct from the free colonists on the one hand, and from the Negro slaves on the other. They were not slaves, in the ordinary or colonial acceptation of the term ; but they were actually held in a state of abject bondage, analogous to that of the Israelites in Egypt, or the Helots in Greece,— being in fact cruelly oppressed, and deprived of almost every civil and social privi- lege which distinguishes the state of freedom from that of slavery. These 30,000 bondmen were the Hottentots, the original inhabitants of the country. In 1032, when the Dutch took possession of the Cape, and began to colonize it, the Hotten- tots are described by creditable writers as a numerous people, divided into small communi- ties, and possessed of large herds of cattle, which supplied their principal means of sub- sistence. In the progress of the European colonization, however, a groat change gradu- ally took place in their condition. The Euro- peans (who, as is usual in such cases, had entered the country as friends, and had pur- chased with a few beads and trinkets the ground where the fort at Cape Town now stands, as f In the population tables published in Mr. George Thompson's work on South Africa, and derived from authentic sources, the Hottentot population of 1325 is rated at 30,546 persons, and that of the free blacks and apprenticed Negroes at 37.tO. In ihe official census for 1830, published in the ' South African A hnanar!. .' these two classes are stated lo amount toeetbf r31 ( 9J}8, This latter estimate, however, is considered to he somewhat below the truth ; and the Hottentot popula- tion of 1828 may therefore be fairly stated at 30.000 in round numbers." Emancipation of Hottentots. 17S a trading station, and a place of refreshment for their Indian fleets,) had gradually acquired possession of the extensive region now em- braced by the Cape colony, including the entire country inhabited by the Hottentot race, with the exception of the arid deserts which afford a refuge to the wandering Namacqua and Bush- man hordes, and which are too sterile and desolate to excite the cupidity of any class of civilized men. But it was not the soil of their country mere- ly of which the Hottentots were deprived in the course of these encroachments. In losing- the property of the soil, they also gradually lost the privilege of occupying even the least valuable tracts of it for pasturing their flocks and herds. Their flocks and herds also pass- ed, by degrees, entirely into the possession of the colonists. Nothing then remained of which to plunder them, save the property of their own persons ; and of that, the most sacred and una- lienable of all property, they were also at length virtually deprived. The laws enacted by the Dutch legislature for their protection, it is true, did not permit of their being publicly sold, from owner to owner, as Negro slaves are still sold (like other live stock) in the sams colony ; but they were collectively, as a class of men, re- duced to a state of degrading, grinding, and hopeless thraldom, scarcely less intolerable than colonial slavery of the ordinary descrip- tion. Their actual condition, so late as the begin- ning of the year 1828, may be in some measure estimated from the following passage of the Rev. Dr. Philip's able and eloquent appeal in behalf of this long-oppressed race : — ' The Hottentots, despairing of help from every other quarter, now look to the justice and humanity of England for deliverance. And they now justly and humbly ask why they may not, like the colonists, be allowed to bring their labor to the best market ? — why they should be compelled to labor for two or for four rix-dollars (equivalent to three and six shillings sterling money) per month, when they might be receiving (at least many of them) twenty and twenty-five rix-dollars per month, if permitted to dispose of themselves as a free people ? — why they may not be exempted from the cruelties exercised upon them without any form of law ? — why they should be arbitrarily flogged in the public prison, upon the mere ipse dixit of their masters ? — why, on com- plaining of bad usage to a magistrate, they should be put in prison till their master appear to answer the accusation brought against him ? — and why they should be flogged if their com- plaints are hold to be frivolous? — why they should be liable to punishment at the mere ca- price of a magistrate, and without any trial ?— why they should be made responsible for the loss of their masters' property, and thereby kept in perpetual bondage, without ever re- ceiving any wages ? — why they should be treated as vagabonds, and their persons be liable to be disposed of at the pleasure of any local functionary in whose district they may reside, if they do not hire themselves to a mas- ter ? — why they should be given to any master, by such an authority, without ever having been consulted on the subject? — why they should be liable to have their homes violated, their children torn from them, and from the arms of their distracted mothers, without hav- ing the smallest chance of redress ? — why they should be denied, by the justice and humanity of Britain, the boon prepared for them by the Batavian government, when the Cape of Good Hope fell into the hands of the English ? — and why these intolerable oppressions should continue to be imposed upon them, in direct violation of the proclamation of the colonial government, declaring that the original na- tives of the country, the Hottentots, must be considered and treated as a free people, who have a lawful abode in the colony ; and whose persons, property, and possessions, ought for that reason to be protected, the same as other free people ? '* In April, 1828, Dr. Philip published his work entitled ' Researches in South Africa,' of which the sole object was to disclose to the British oovernment and nation the iniquitous oppres- sion of the Hottentot people, and the persecu- tions suffered by the missionaries for endeav- oring to instruct and elevate them in the scale of humanity. This appeal, we rejoice to say, was as successful as it was able. In July of the same year, an Ordinance was issued by Lieutenant-General Bourke, who then admin- istered the government of the Cape colony, by the provisions of which the whole Hottentot race within the boundaries of the colony were placed, by law, in respect to every civil and political privilege, on a footing of perfect equal- it if with the white colonists. And, to render this Ordinance more secure, an Order in Coun- cil was issued by Sir George Murray, in Janu- ary, 1829, confirming in every point the said colonial Ordinance, and prohibiting any gov- ernor or colonial authority whatever to alter or abrogate any of its provisions. This important measure, accordingly, Mas carried into effect without any opposition in Parliament; for the masters of the Cape He- lots fortunately had no representatives there. And it was moreover carried into execution, immediately and at once, without any precau- tionary or preparatory regulations as regards the emancipated Hottentots. We now come to the important practical point of the case, namely, to consider the re- sult of this sudden and total change in the * See Philip's Researches in South Africa, vol. i. p. 400, ct seq. See also Report of Commissioners of Inquiry on llie Hottentot Population, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, July 1, 1830. (No. 28-1.) 174 Eaumtipation of Uotteniols. civil/and political condition of these thirty thousand bondmen. Let us see, then, what has been the effect of this bold and important measure, 1 it, as regards the colon] generally ; 2dly, as regards the Hottentots particularly. On the promulgation of the emancipating Ordinance, a prodigious clamor was instantly raised throughout the Cape Colony, in which all ranks and classes of the while population joined, English and Dutch, including judges and other persons high in office, the great majority of the local magistracy and public functionaries, and the possessors of landed properly almost to a man. The absolute and utter ruin of the colony from this measure was loudly and confidently predicted. It was as- serted that the fields would be untilled, rind the flocks. go" untendad. for want of laborers and herdsmen ; and that the white inhabitants generally would be reduced to ruin from this cause, and by being plundered by marauding hordes of Hottentot banditti. For it was as- sumed, as a result not to be questioned, that no Hottentot would work unless compelled bv coercion, and that the whole race would be- take themselves to a life of idleness, vagrancy and robber)', when no longer held in servitude by compulsory laws. The retrogression of the race into barbarism (from which by the bye they had never been elevated, with the excep- tion of those instructed at the missionary in- stitutions) was deplored in terms of eloquent declamation ; and the whole of these calami- tous consequences were ascribed, in terms of no measured vituperation, by the ' patriotic ' pamphleteers and journalists of the colony,- to Dr. Philip and the missionaries at the Cape, to Mr. Buxton and the saints at home, and to that ' silly man,' Sir George Murray, who had heen 'led to act upon their false and hypocrit- ical representations ' ! Such were the predictions and assertions of the South African 'patriots? And how have these assertions been borne out by the con- duct of the emancipated Hottentot Helots ? Four years and a half have now elapsed, so that there has been sufficient time to observe the effects of the measure. The poor Hot- tentots do not deal in pamphlets, or declaim much in newspapers ; but the facts will speak for them ; and facts in matters of this sort are rather more worthy of attention than figures of speech. The great body of the Hottentot people still remain, just as they were formerly, servants to the white colonists ; but with some essen- tial differences in their condition. They can no longer be flogged at the mere caprice of the master, if they happen to offend him. They must now he tried and condemned on competent evidence by a magi -late, and for a legal offence, before they ran be punished. *,In their journals, ' De Zuid A/rikaan,' ' De l.r- zaamelfr.' ' Tl>e Colonist,' &c. &c, now before us. Their children can no longer be forcibly taken from them; and they can no longer be com pciled lo serve for inadequate wages, or for Done. They form now, in short, a body of free peasantry, instead of being a degraded caste of miserable and oppressed serfs. It is indeed true that, on the first promulga- tion of the Ordinance, a considerable number of families, finding themselves, for the first time, free men in reality, repaired to the sev- eral missionary institutions throughout the colony, generally from the natural and praise- worthy desire to obtain religious instruction for themselves or for their offspring, — <>r, it may be, in some cases, from the idle hope of living there in indolence lor a season. But as no encouragement was given to the vicious at these Christian asylums, and as no means of subsistence exist there for the idle, the su- pernumerary refugees speedily discovered that their only resource from starvation was to hire themselves again (though now as free labor- ers) to the farmers. As for the apprehensions, real or pretended, of the colonists, that the Hottentots would be- take themselves generally to a life of theft and vagrancy, on being left free to follow their own course, they have proved perfectly groundless. For a few months at first, per- haps, individual cases of sheep-stealing and petty larceny may have been somewhat more frequent in some of the remote districts ; though that is an allegation far from being satisfactorily made out by their eager detrac- tors. But, if there actually was any tendency to an increase of these crimes, it is at least certain that it was speedily and effectually re- pressed by the ordinary courts of law, with no other aid than the ordinary police of the country. In short, the execution of this great meas- ure of national justice and redress, while it has opened the door for the progression of the Hot- tentot race, and has been of great immediate advantage to them in the important points above specified, has in no other respect inter- fered with the existing arrangements of soci- ety ; nor have the colonists suffered any loss, or even inconvenience, from its operation. They have merely become, as regards the Hottentots, responsible toasters, instead of be- ing irrespojisible despots — a change not less beneficial to themselves than to their depend- ants. And, in fact, the case of the Hotten- tots clearly demontratrs how greatly it would be for the benefit of the white inhabitants of the Cape, if the emancipation from unrequited and coercive labor, which has been conferred on the the 30,000 Hottentots, were forthwith extended to the 35,000 slaves of that colony. No one who knows the circumstances of the settlement can entertain the slightest doubt of the entire safety of such a measure. A res- idence of many years there enables the writer of this article to speak on this point with some confidence. The Reign oj Prejudice. 175 We leave this case of speedy emancipation for the consideration of those who apprehend that the Negro slaves of the West Indies, if speedily emancipated, will be necessarily thrown into a state of entire social disorgan- ization. The Hottentots of the Cape, with the exception of the few who had been in- structed at the missionary institutions, were assuredly not more civilized in 1828, than the Negroes of Jamaica. In the remote districts, the former were in fact immersed in the thick darkness of heathen barbarism and servile de- gradation. Yet the change in their civil con- dition neither released them from the neces- sity of labor nor roused them to deeds of plun- der and violence. Why should we anticipate a different result in the case of the West India Negroes? Those who know them best, the persecuted missionaries, fear no such result. Let us do justice, and show mercy ; and with a few simple and judicious regulations, such as the circumstances of the case will suggest to the Legislature, this great problem may soon be (with the blessing of God's good prov- idence) solved with a celerity and a facility that will probably astonish those not a little who have permitted their apprehensions to be excited by the absurd clamors and fallacious representations of the planters and their ad- vocates. Another great step has been recently taken in the case of the Hottentots. A considera- ble number have been raised to the rank of landholders, by having lands allotted to them by Government ; and the success of this ex- periment has been such that a short statement of the facts will, we feel assured, not a little gratify the friends of the African race. THE REIGN OF PREJUDICE. We copy from the Unionist a communica- tion with the foregoing title, dated Middle- town, Conn., Oct. 5, 1833. It requires no commentary of ours. Is this my country ! The wonder and die envy of die world ? Oil for a mantle ! to conceal her shame ! But why conceal it — if Patriotism cannot hide The ruin which her guilt will surely bring If unreported 1 Wilcox. The following facts may serve to illustrate the degree of importance to be attached to the boastful declaration, that the ' academies, high-schools, and colleges,' are accessible to the colored man. Less than a year since a colored student, of the name of Ray, was driven, (with his own consent.) from the halls of the Wesley ari Uni- versity, by the management of the sons of southern menstealers, and a few northern 'dough-faces,' to use an appropriate simile. This was done, let it be remembered, in pun- ishment of no blacker crime than a dark skin. His moral character is believed to be irre- proachable. He was, and is, a regularly ap- proved preacher of the Methodist order. At a later period, a son of J. C. Beman, pastor of the African Church in this city, ev- ery other avenue of instruction being closed against him, and he being, withal, deeply de- sirous of intellectual cultivation, availed him- self of the assistance of a student at the Uni- versity, for which purpose he unobtrusively visited his room, once or twice a day. The 'chivalrous' and high-minded southerners, be- ing offended, (as we suppose,) by the presence of even one drop of black blood, though, in this instance, coupled with a skin white as their own ; and finding that personal insults and in- dignities were insufficient to arrest the ' even tenor of his way,' resorted to the high-handed measure, not obscurely hinted at, in the fol- lowing letter. The letter was taken from the office by the father of the young man. It was written in a feigned hand, and addressed to ' Beman junior (The Post Master will please forward this as soon as possible.) ' Young Beman, A no. of the students of this University deeming it derogatory to themselves as well as the University, to have you and other co- lored people recite here, do hereby warn you to desist from such a course, and if vou fail to comply with this peaceable request, we swear by the ETERNAL GODS! that we will resort to forcible means to put a stop to it. TWELVE OF US.' 'Wesleyan University.' The President being absent, the letter was laid before two of the Professors. One with a significant toss of the head, 'passed by on the other side.' The other stated, that bating the profanity, it expressed the sense of a by- law enacted by the board of trustees, at their last meeting. By subsequent inquiry, we have learned it to be even so! The resolu- tion was moved and supported by Coloniza- tionists. That ardent Colonizationists should act thus, excites no wonder: it is in exact ac- cordance with the policy of the society. But that men in their sober senses should act thus, is surprising. They must sadly underrate the moral sense of New-England to suppose that such records of their narrow-mindedness can exist with impunity to the college. It must eventually if not immediately recoil upon its own head. We trust the project for the colored man's College will soon be matured, although it would not in the least astonish the writer, should it meet the determined opposition of those colleges which exclude them from their own walls. It is now 'amalgamation,' 'twill then be ' separation.' ■• VERITAS. The Providence Anti-Slavery Society held its first annual meeting on the 8th inst., in a spirited and an effective manner. 176 H'hat is meant by Immediate Emancipation. — Poetry. — Donations. WHAT IS .MEANT BY IMMEDIATE EMAN- CIPATION I The answer to this question given below, is one published by the Anti-Slavery party in England. ' The right of property in man must be en- tirely and for ever extinguished. No third party must be allowed to interfere between man and his .Maker. Freedom of conscience, and personal liberty, without which freedom of conscience cannot exist, must be secured upon solid foundations. That accountable- ncss to himself which the Creator has imposed upon every created being' must not be control- led by any human power. Tins, in our view, implies the removal of every restraint upon liberty, not essentia! to the iveU-being of society : but it is not inconsistent with the rigorous en- forcement of every obligation which members of society owe to each other. We therefore insist upon the necessity of substituting for the present authority of the master, a system of legal constraint, of equal, if not superior vigor ; and of maintaining that system by regulations of police as severe as the case may require. In a word, we would abolish slavery, hut we ■would establish law. We -would supersede the private cart-whip, and replace it by the magisterial tread-mill. The magistrate, and not the irresponsible owner, must be the judge of what shall constitute offence ; and a jury, not an overseer, must pronounce whether such offence has been committed. The pro- tection, as well as the punishment of law, must also be administered by authority equal- ly removed from suspicion. Any man who can object to immediate abolition, thus ex- plained, is unconscious and grossly ignorant of the privileges which he himself, as an Eng- lishman, enjoys.' NEW ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The Liberator of Nov. 2, mentions the for- mation of a new Anti-Slavery Society, at Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. We have not yet been informed of the names of its officers. SPIRIT OF LIBERTY. ' Hail to thec, Albion ! who meet'st the commotion Of Europe, as calm as thy cliffs meet the foam ; With no bond hut the law, and no slave but the ocean Hail, temple of liberty — thou art my home ! ' Moore. Spirit of Liberty ! where dost thou dwell ? ' Here, where the children of liberty smile, High on the mountain, and low in the dell, Wide on the billows that circle your isle. Ages on ages, the nations have known, Wave-girdled Britain is Liberty's throne." Spirit of Liberty ! deep in my soul Kindles a rapture, inspired by thy breath ; Luminous birthright that none may control. Glowing in life, it will glimmer in death ; ■ Poverty, sickness, and sorrow, in vain Smite on my bosom, so thou but remain. Spirit of Liberty I dost thou not ride Joyous and light, on the breezes at morn- Over my footpath invisibly glide — Langn, from my cot, the oppressor to scorn? Borne on inv charger, so buoyant and free, Liberty ! swells not my bosom with thee ? Spirit of Liberty '. lain would I pay Homage bc&Uing the lip of the brave, Gem of Creation ! — ' Bold freeman, away ! Rend off the rivets that fetter thy slave ! Gallant and grateful, go, build me a shrine, Westward alar, iii the Mrs (hat are thine.' Spirit of Liberty ! — ' Boaster, refrain ! Give me the homage that speaks by a deed- Hands so ensanguined with cruelty's stain, Lips for the captive declining to plead,— These are my scorn, my abhorrence, and shame — A blast and a blight on fair Liberty's name ! ' Charlotte Elizabeth. BRITAIN. THE LIBERTY SHE LOVES SHE WILL BESTOW.' Shall Britain, wheie the soul of Freedom reigns, Forge chains for others, which herself disdains ? Forbid it, Heaven ! — O let the nations know, The liberty she loves, she will bestow ; Not to herself the glorious gift confined, She spreads the blessing wide as human kind, And, scorning narrow views of time and place, Bids all be free in earth's extended space. What page of human annals can record A deed so bright as human rights restored ! O may that God-like deed, that shining page, Redeem out fame, and consecrate our age ! Hannah More. The Treasurer of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society acknowledges the receipt of the following do- nations, viz. Win. Oakes, Ipswich 15 00 Friend from England 15 00 Legacy in part by the late John Kenrick 150 00 Ladies in Boston to constitute Miss Prudence Crandall a life member Y'oung men in Boston to constitute Miss Susan Paul a life member Mr Campbell of Charleslown Daniel Gregg. Esq. of Boston Collection in Rev. Mr Lee's Society, Shelburne 14 00 do. in Boylston Hall 9 12 do. in Vermont, by Osborn S. Murray, 15 37 15 00 2 00 15 00 agent, viz. Amzi Jones 5 00 Caleb Hill 5 00 Matthew W. Birchard 5 00 A Friend 5 00 Ichabod HigginS 5 00 Moses Munger 50 Augusta Munger 1 00 Joseph Simonds 2 00 Selah Murray 1 00 Charles E. Tiffany 1 00 Wm. H. French 2 00 Otis Whitney 50 Sally Whitney 50 Hannah Green 50 Diana Ray 26 Emery Hills 1 00 David A. Murray . 50 Myron Jewell. 25 Friends, 75 1 00 Isaac Sweat, 75 Rosetta Ray, 25 1 00 Collection in Hinesbury 4 25 do. in Montpclier 4 95 do. in Bridport 2 00 Total Ja.me? C. Odiorne, Treasurer. #299 44 THE ABOLITIONIST. VOL. I.] DECEMBER, 18 33. [NO. XII. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. A convention for the formation of a Nation- al Anti-Slavery Society was held at Phila- delphia on the 4th of December. BERIAH GREEN, of New- York, was cho- sen President, and Lewis Tappan, of New- York, and John G. Whittier, of Massachu- setts, Secretaries. More than sixty persons, from ten States, were present at the Convention. The Convention continued for three days. The following persons were chosen officers of the Society. PRESIDENT. * ARTHUR TAPPAN, New- York city. TREASURER. WILLIAM GREEN, Jr. .Yew-York city. SECRETARY OF DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Jr. New- York city. SECRETARY OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. WM. LLOYD GARRISON, Boston, Mass. RECORDING SECRETARY. ABRAHAM L. COX, New- York city. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Rhode- Island. Samuel J. May, Moses Brown. Gustavus F. Davis. Maine. New York. Samuel Fessenden, Beriah Green, Joseph Southwick, Ebenezer Dole, Samuel F. Hussey. Neiv- Ha mpshire. Nathan Lord, Calvin Cutler. Vermont. D. C. Lansing-, John Rankin. Ohio. Elizur Wright, Samuel Crothers. Pennsylvania. Robert Bruce, Matthew W. Birchard, Jonas Preston, Edwin A. Atlee, Evan Lewis, William Jackson. Delaware. Benjamin Ferris. Detroit, Mich. Ter. Erastus P. Hastings. Massachusetts. Asa Rand, E. M. P. Wells, E. L. Capron. Connecticut. Eleazer T. Fitch, Eli Ives, MANAGERS. Isaac Whitman, Portland, Maine. Calvin Newton, Waterville College, " * It is proper to remark, in this place, that a vote was passed during the session of the Convention, to omit all title* of honor from the names of officers. VOL. I. George Shepard, Daniel Thuryton, Richard H. Vose, Patrick H. Grcenleaf, Amos A. Phelps, Ellis Gray Loring, David L. Child, Samuel E. Sewall, James G. Barbadoes, Isaac Knapp, Moses Thacher, John G. Whittier, Jacob Ide, Daniel S. Southmayd, John M. S. Perry, Le Roy Sunderland, Philemon R. Russell, David T. Kimball, George W. Ward, James Wilson, Amos Cambell, Nathan Lord, William Arthur, Elisha Bascom, Augustine Clark, J. Butler, Ray Potter, Josiah Cady, Henry dishing, George W. Benson, John Prentice, Thomas Williams, George Benson, Simeon S. Jocelyn, Alpheus Kingsley, James T. Dickinson, S. P. Dole, William Allen, Stephen P. Hines, Samuel N. Sweet, Jonathan Parkhurst, James White, Joshua Leavitt, William Goodell, Lewis Tappan, George Bourne, Charles W. Denison, Isaac M. Diamond, Peter Williams, Arnold Buffum, Edwin P. Atlee, Robert Purvis, S3 Hallowell, Maine. )f inthrop, " Augusta, " Portland, " Bowdoin College, " Boston, Massachusetts. North Wrentham, u Haverhill, Medway, Mass. LoiveU, " Mcndon, " Andover, " West Boylston, " Ipswich, " Amherst, " Plymouth, N. H. Keene, " Ackicorth, " Hanover, " Hinesburgh, Vermont. Shoreham, " Danville, u Walerbury, " Pawtucket, R. Island. Providence^ " Brooklyn, Connecticut. New- Haven, " Norivich, " « << Middletown, " Buffalo, New York. Sandy Hill, " Adams, , New Jersey. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. \ 178 American Anti- Slavery Society. Thomas Shipley, Philadelphia, Pa. B snj limn Lundy, .i mi fa McOrura i Samuel Williams, Pittsburgh, John B. Vashon, Bartholomew Fussell, Rennelt, Job F. ih / Town * Enoch Mack, Wilkesbarre, " The laa Whitson, Chester County, " \ iraham D. Shadd, " " Lindley Coates, Lancaster Co. _ " Theodore I). Wold, Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren, Q. K. Hawley, Austinburgh, " Henry Co ■ John M. Sterling, Cleaveland, " II. c. Ho* Zom iville, " Wools v Wells, Akron, " John M. Morfteitb, Elyria, A Declaration was adopted by the Conven- tion, and signed by the members of the Con- vention. We publish this important paper at 1 ingth. It manifests great power and d ;ep feeling, and that manly resolution and confi- dence which ought to animate men devoting themselves to a holy, but unpopular cause. DECLARATION OF THE NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION. The Convention, assembled in the City of Philadelphia to organize a National Anti-Sla- very Society, promptly seize the opportunity to promulgate the following Declaration of Sentimejsts, as cherished by them in relation to the enslavement of one-sixth portion of the American people. More than fifty-seven years have elapsed since a band of patriots convened in this place, to d ivise measures for the deliverance of this country from a foreign yoke. The corner- stone upon which they founded the Temple of Freedom was broadly this — -'that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights : that among these are life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit, of happiness.' At the sound of their trumpet-call, three millions of people rose up as from the sleep of death, and rushed to the strife of blood ; dooming it more glo- rious to die instantly as freemen, than desir- able to live one hour as slaves. They were few in number — poor in resources; but the honest conviction that Truth, Justice and Right were on their side, made them invin- cible. We have met together for the achievement of an enterprise, without, which, that of our fathers is incomplete, and which, for' its mag- nitude, solemnity, and probable results upon the destiny of the world, as far transcends theirs, as moral truth does physical force. In purity of motive, in earnestness of zeai, in decision of purpose, in intrepidity of action, in steadfastness ol faith, in sincerity of spirit, we would not be inferior to them. Their principh s led them to wage war against their oppressors, and to spill human blood like water, in order to be free. Ours forbid tii" doing of evil that good may come, and lead us to reject, and to entreat the op- presse I to r j ct, the use of all carnal \vi a- pous for deliverance from bondage — relying y upon those which are spiritual, and mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. • Their measures were physical resistance — the marshalling in arms— the hostile array — the mortal encounter. Ours shall be such only as the opp isition of moral purity to moral corruption — the destruction of error by the p il in v of truth — the overthrow of prejudice by the power of love — and the abolition of slavery by the spirit of repentance. Their grievances, great as they were, were trifling in comparison with the wrongs and sufferings of those for whom wo plead. Our fillers were never slaves — never bought and sold like cattle — never shut out from the light i iwledge and religion — never subjected to the lash of brutal taskmasters. - But those, for whose emancipation we are striving, — constituting at the present time at least, one-sixth part of our countrymen, — are recognized by the laws, and treated by their fellow beings, as marketable commodities — as Efood and chattels — as brute beast- ; — are plun- dered daily of the fruits of their toil without redress ; — really enjoy no constitutional nor legal protection from licentious and murder- ous outrages upon their persons ; — are ruth- lessly torn asunder — the tender babe from the arms of its frantic mother — the heart-broken wife from her weeping husband — at the ca- price or pleasure of irresponsible tyrants ; — and, for the crime of having a dark complex- ion, suffer the pangs of hunger, the infliction of stripes, and the Ignominy of brutal servi- tude. They are kept in heathenish darkness by laws expressly enacted to make their in- struction a criminal offence. These are the prominent circumstances in the condition of more than TWO MILLIONS of our people, the proof of which may be found in thousands of indisputable facts, and in the laws of the slaveholding States. Hence we maintain — That, in view of the civil and religious priv- ileges of this nation, the guilt of its oppression is unequalled by any other on the face of the earth ; — and, therefore. That it is bound to repent instantly, to undo the heavy, burden, to break every yoke, and to let the oppressed go free. We further maintain — That no man has a right to enslave or im- brute his brother — to hold or acknowledge American Anti-Slavery Society. 170 him, Tot one moment, as a piece of merchan- dise — to keep back his hire by fraud — or to brutalize his mind by denying him the means of intellectual, social and moral improvement. The right to enjoy liberty is inalienable. To invade it, is to usurp the prerogative of Jehovah. Every man has a right to his own body — to the products of iiis own labor— to the protection of law — and to the common ad- vantages of society. It is piracy to buy or steal a native African, and subject him to ser- vitude. Surely the sin is as great to enslave an American as an African. Therefore we believe and affirm — - That there is no difference, in principle, between the African slave trade and American slavery ; That every American citizen, who retains a human being in involuntary bondage, as his property, is [according to Scripture] a MAN-STEALER. That the slaves ought instantly to be set free, and brought under the protection of law ; That if they had lived from the time of Pharaoh down to the present period, and had been entailed through successive generations, their right to be free could never have been alienated, but their claims would have con- stantly risen in solemnity ; That all those laws which arc now in force. admitting the right of slavery, are therefore before God utterly null and void ; being an audacious usurpation of the Divine preroga- tive, a daring infringement on the law of na- ture, a base overthrow of the very foundations of the social compact, a complete extinction oi all the relations, endearments and obligations of mankind, and a presumptuous transgression of all the holy commandments — and that there- fore they ought to be instantly abrogated. We further believe and affirm — That all persons of color who possess the qualifications which are demanded of others, ought to be admitted forthwith to the enjoy- ment of the same privileges, and the exercise of the same prerogatives, as others ; and that the paths of preferment, of wealth, and of in- telligence, should be opened as widely to them as to persons of a white complexion. We maintain that no compensation should be given to the planters emancipating their slaves — Because it would be a surrender ofthe great, fundamental principle, that man cannot hold property in man ; Because Slavery is a crime, and there- fore IT IS NOT AN ARTICLE TO BE SOLD ; Because the holders of slaves are not the just proprietors of what they claim ; — freeing the slaves is not depriving them of property, but restoring it to the right owner; — it is not wronging the master, but righting the slave — restoring him to himself; Because immediate and general emancipa- tion would only destroy nominal, not real property : it would not amputate a limb of break a bone of the slaves, but by infusing motives into their breasts, would make them doubly valuable to the masters as free labor- ers ; and Because if compensation is to be given at all, it should be given to the outraged and guiltless slaves, and not to those who have plundered and abused them. We regard, as delusive, cruel and danger- ous, any scheme of expatriation which pre- tends to aid, either directly or indirectly, in the emancipation ofthe slaves, or to be a sub- stitute for tiie immediate and total abolition of slavery. We fully and unanimously recognise the sovereignty of each State, to legislate exclu- sively on the subject of the slavery which is tolerated within its limits. We concede that Congress, under tlye present national compact*, has no right to interfere with any ofthe slave States, in relation to this momentous subject. But we maintain that Congress has a right, and is solemnly bound, to suppress the domes- tic slave trade between the several States, and to abolish slavery in those portions of our territory which the Constitution has placed under its exclusive jurisdiction. We also maintain that there are, at the present time, the highest obligations resting upon the people of the free States to remove slavery by moral and political action, as pre- scribed in the Constitution of the United States. They are now living under a pledge of their tremendous physical force to fasten the galling fetters of tyranny upon the limbs of millions in the southern States ; — they are liable to be called at any moment to suppress a genera] insurrection ofthe slaves; — they authorise the slave owner to vote for three- fifths of his slaves as property, and thus enable him to perpetuate his oppression ; — they sup- port a standing army at the south for its pro- tection ; — and they seize the slave who has escaped into their territories, and send him back to be tortured by an enraged master or a brutal driver. This relation to slavery is criminal and full of danger: it must be broken up. These are our views and principles — these, our designs and measures. With entire con- fidence in the overruling justice of God, we plant ourselves upon the Declaration of our Independence, i'nd upon the truths of Divine Revelation, as upon the everlasting rock. We shall organize Anti-Slavery Societies, if possible, in every city, town and village in our land. We shall send forth Agents to lift up the voice of remonstrance, of warning, of entreaty and rebuke. We shall circulate, unsparingly and exten- sively, anti-slavery tracts and periodicals. We shall enlist the pulpit and the press in the cause ofthe suffering and the dumb. 180 American Anti-Slavery Society. We shall aim at a purification of the church- es from all participation in the guilt of slavery. We shall encourage the labor of freemen over that of the slaves, by giving a preference to their productions ; — and We shall spare no exertions nor means to bring the whole nation to speedy repentance. Our trust for victory is solely in GOD. We may be personally defeated, but our principles never. Truth, Justice, Reason, Human- its', must and will gloriously triumph. Al- ready a host is coming up to the help of the Lord against the mighty, and the prospect be- fore us is full of encouragement. Submitting this DECLARATION to the candid examination of the people of this coun- try, and of the friends of liberty all over the world, we hereby affix our signatures to it; — pledging ourselves that, under the guidance and by the help of Almighty God, we will do all that in us lies, consistently with this De- claration of our principles, to overthrow the most execrable system of slavery that has ever been witnessed upon earth — to deliver our land from its deadliest curse — to wipe out the foulest stain which rests upon our na- tional escutcheon — and to secure to the color- ed population of the United States, all the rights and privileges which belong to them as men and as Americans — come what may to our persons, our interests, or our reputations — whether we live to witness the triumph of Justice, Liberty and Humanity, or perish untimely as martyrs in this great, benevolent and holy cause. Simeon S. Jocelyn, Robert Bernard Hall. Ohio. John M. Sterling, Milton Sutliff, Levi Sutliff, Vermont. Orson S. Murray. JVetv-Jersey. Jonathan Parkhurst, Chalkley Gillingham, James White. Maine. David Thurston, Nathan Winslow, Joseph Southwick, James F. Otis, Isaac Winslow. Pennsylvania. Evan Lewis, Edwin A. Atlee, Robert Purvis, James McCrummell, Thomas Shipley, Bartholomew Fussell, Enoch Mack, John McCulIough, James M. McKim, Aaron Vickers, James Loughhead, John R. Sleeper, Thomas Whitson, Edwin P. Atlee, John Sharp, Jun. t David Jones, Lucas Gillingham, James Mott, Sumner Stebbins. N ew- York. Beriah Green, Lewis Tappan, John Rankin, William Green, Jun. Abraham L. Cox, William Goodell, Elizur Wright, Jun. Charles W. Denison, John Frost. JVe w - Hampshire. David Cambell. Massachusetts. Daniel S. Southmayd, Effingham L. Capron, Joshua Coffin, Amos A. Phelps, John G. Whittier, Horace P. Wakefield, James G. Barbadoes, David T. Kimball, Jr. Daniel E. Jewett, John Reid Cambell, Nathaniel Southard, Arnold Buffum, Wm. Lloyd Garrison. Rhode- Island. John Prentice, Geonro W. Benson, Ray Potter. Connecticut. Samuel Joseph May, Alpheus Kingsley, Edwin A. Stillman, Among other resolutions, the following were adopted : On motion of Charles W. Denison, seconded by John G. Whiltier, it was Resolved, That measures be taken to ascertain how many preachers in the United States are slave- holders. On motion of John Rankin, seconded by Abraham L. Cox, it was Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, those Editors who have embarked in the cause of im- mediate emancipation, and plead for the rights of the colored race, are deserving of our hearty thanks ; and that we will use our individual and collective influ- ence to sustain and aid them in this good work, by extending the circulation and increasing the subscrip- tions of their respective papers, and by snch other means as may be proper. On this resolution, the Convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole — James McCrummell, of Philadelphia, in the chair. Several members ad- vocated its passage. President Green said, that ike press is one of the most powerful engines we can bring to bear on pub- lic sentiment. Yet the press, and the pulpit too, have to a great extent lost sight of the great design for which they were established. They have been over- awed and corrupted by an erroneous and dangerous public sentiment. And now, forsooth, the pulpit and the press are both waiting for public sentiment to re- form. They seem to suppose that they must fall into the current, and float along with the mass, or be over- whelmed. They do not bring their immense moral force to bear on a given point, and that point in dia- metrical opposition to the vices and follies of the times. The custom of succumbing to the powers that be, be- cause there are such powers, is as prevalent as it is dangerous. What is public sentiment? What is its origin? It is the combined views and feelings of the mass of community. There are currents of feeling running through communities, like our rivers as they run to tile ocean. Suppose they flow in a wrong direction. How are they to be corrected ? Can we look to the bottom, and see the springs which move there ? Are the obscure channels to influence the mighty river? Are we to depend on those who do not reach the pub- lic eye, to correct public sentiment 1 No, Mr President. We are to depend on the men who tower above the surface, and who have looked abroad over the whole scope of the waters of life. And are such men to wait until the whole deep is in motion 1 No, Sir. They are they who must mark out the channels, and lead the tide. The influence of the press and pulpit on this wise has been strangely forgotten. Rut a few individuals there are who dare step forward to direct the current, when there is so much and imminent danger of being borne away by the wild surges of wicked passion Jtmericdn Anti- Slavery Convention. 181 Bui a few indeed who dare face public odium, in any or all its forms — have dared to stand erect, like rocks amid the seething waters, and beat back the billows which would overwhelm them. How few there are who dare expose their naked hearts to the eye of this nation ! How few who are ready to receive iu their bare bosoms the shafts which calumny may throw! Yet the men, contem- plated in the resolution before us, have thus stood erect, and have been thus exposed. They have pleaded the cause of equal rights, in its best and broadest sig- nification. They have stood out, amid falling missiles, and jarring notes of opposition; and like trumpets, lifted up their voices for the poor and needy, the ' suf- fering and the dumb.' Look at their situation. Those who have been wont to sympathise with them in other great causes of moral reform, forsake them now. Tliey are men. They feel the neglect of those whom they love, and whose opinions they have been accus- tomed to prize. They feel as if they had stood alone, abiding ' the peltings of the pitiless storm,' and are drenched through their exposure. They need the re- viving and refreshing influences of our sympathy. They have a claim on our gratitude, which cannot and must not be set aside. When we look around even among the professed followers of the immaculate Pattern of Reformers, how few do we find who are ready to pledge them- selves to sustain the public advocates of justice and equal rights I What then is our duty 1 Each one of us is hound, even at the expense of other objects, to make special efforts on this wise, because there are so few whe will stand firm in the work. A mere tacit avowal of the extent and value of the labors of those alluded to in this resolution, will not suffice. Pledges must be entered into, and sacrifices must be made. — I cannot but lament the existence of the feelings which I often see exhibited toward the conductors of the abolition press, by those who profess to be friendly to the cause. ' We are heartily hostile to slavery,' say they, ' but, after all, William Lloyd Garrison, and his coadjutors, have taken too high ground! He is < so imprudent ; and says so many things calculated to weaken his attacks on the system of bondage.' For my part, I am heartily disgusted with this hail- ing and temporizing. The devoted men who are thus repressed in their career, should receive our warmest, our most cordial God speed. For one, I am ready to present my bare bosom to the foe, and receive the shafts intended for them who have perilled so much for the object which has called us together in Conven- tion this day. I take this occasion to present the warm gratitude of my whole heart to those men who have pledged themselves and their presses to advance this blessed cause. Dr. A. L. ('<>x. of New-York, made a few remarks in favor of the resolution. Lewis Tappan rose, ancTasked permission to intro- duce the name of William Lloyd Garrison, and pro- ceeded to say : Some men, Mr. President, are frightened at a name. There is good evidence to believe that many profess- ed friends of abolition would have been here, had they not been afraid that the name of William Lloyd Garrison would be inserted prominently in our pro- ceedings. Sir, I am ashamed of such friends. We ought to place that honored name in the forefront of our ranks. The cause is under obligations to him, which such an evidence of respect will but poorly repay. The first time I ever heard of him was when he was in jail in Baltimore, where he was incarcerated like a felon, for pleading the cause of the oppressed/ and rebuking iniquity. When I saw him, appearing so mild and meek as he does, shortly after he was lib- erated by a gentleman in New-York, I was astonished. Is this the renegade Garrison ? thought I, as I grasp- ed his open hand. Is this the enemy of our country 1 I shall never forget the impression which his noble countenance made on me at that time, as long as I live. An anecdote is related of a gentleman — a Coloni- zationist — which is worth repealing in this Convention. That gentleman had purchased, without knowing V ho it represented, a portrait of Mr. Garrison, and after having it encased in a splendid gilt frame, suspended it in his parlor. A friend calling in observed it, and asked the purchaser if he knew who 'he had honored so much ? He was answered ' No — but it is one of the most godlike looking countenances I ever beheld.' < That, sir,' resumed the visiter, ' is a portrait of the fanatic, the incendiary William Lloyd Garrison!' ' Indeed !' concluded the gentleman, evidently much disconcerted. ' But, sir, it shall remain in its place. I will never take it down.' Who that is familiar with the history of Mr. Garri- son does not remember the determination expressed in the first number of his paper — the Liberator — to sustain it as long as could live on bread and water ? And, sir, I am informed that he has really practised what he so nobly resolved on the beginning. Look at his course during his recent mission to Eng- land. He has been accused of slandering his country. Sir, he has vindicated the American name. He has not slandered it. He has told the whole truth, and put hypocrites and dough faces to open shame. He has won the confidence of the people of England. They saw him attached to his country by the dearest lies; but loathing her follies and abhorring her crimes. He has put the Anti-Slavery movement forward a quarter of a century. A fellow passenger with Mr. Garrison from Europe —a clergyman of much intelligence— on arriving in this country heard that he was called a fanatic and a madman. ' What,' said he, ' do you call such a man a fanatic ? Do you deem such a man insane ? For six weeks have I been with him, and a more discreet, humble and faithful christian I never saw.' Sir, we should throw the shield of our protection and esteem around Mr. Garrison. His life is exposed at this moment. At the door of this saloon, a young man from the South said to-day that if he had opportunity, he would dip his hands in his heart's blood. And, sir, there must be martyrs in this cause. We ought to feel this moment that we are liable to be sacrificed. But when I say this, I know that we are not bellige- rants. We would die in such a cause, only as martyrs to the truth. In this, our blessed Saviour has set th« example. 183 .liiierican Anti-Slavery Couvcntwn. I did not contemplate delivering- a eulogy on Mr. Garrison, when I rose i<> speak to this resolution. I wish simplj to express my heartfelt sympathy with an injured and persei uted man. Be it the honorable ob- ject of the members of this Convention to show to our countrymen that they have misunderstood the charac- ter, and misconceived the plans, of William Lloyd Garrison. He is said to be imprudent. What is pru- dence J Is it succumbing to a majority of our frail fellow mortals ? Is it holding back a faithful expres- sion of the whole truth, until the people an- ready lo say amen? Was that the prudence of the Apostle Piul, when he stood before the Roman Governor? Was that die prudence of William Penn, when he poured contempt on the regalia of Kings, by wear- ing before the king vl' England his broad beav- er? Imprudence is moral timidity. That man is imprudent who is afraid to speak as Hod commands him to speak, when the hour of danger is near. If this reasoning be correct, Mr. Garrison is one of the most prudent men in the nation ! He is not perfect. He is frail, like the rest of human flesh. But if God had not endowed him as He has. and smiled propitiously on bis imprudencies, we should not now be engaged in the deliberation of this most inter- esting and important Convention. God has raised up just such a man as William Lloyd Garrison, to be a pioneer in this cause. Let each member present feel solemnly bound to vindicate the character of Mr. Gar- rison. Let us not be afraid to go forward with him even into the ' imminent breach,' although there may be professed friends who stand back because of him. I coincide witli the views of another gentleman, and hope that the name of Benjamin Lundy will not be forgotten. It is a name dear to every one engaged in this cause. In a recent conversation which I had with a distin- guished civilian of New-York — he informed me that be was a subscriber to Lundy's paper, the ' Genius of Universal Emancipation,' and that he had the highest opinion of his talents and devotedness to the cause of the slave. He said that he had been roused by Lun- dy's appeals, and induced to examine the bearing the Constitution had on Slavery. The result is a convic- tion that a slave should not be given vp who has tied from the South to the North, and dared to assert his claim to his own body. He now contends that the Constitution docs not recognize slavery : that the Cra- mers of that Instrument had in view the final destruc- tion of our greatest national sin. And he argues that the laws which grow out of the construction of the Constitution to uphold slavery, are contrary to the highest of all laws, and die genius of our republican government. Benjamin Lundy, sir, is the man, under God, who has thus affected the heart of that celebrat- ed individual. Posterity should know, that their fathers held such men as are contemplated in the resolution now before this body, as men to be highly esteemed. Although they are held accursed by those who know them not. and who seek to impeach their motives and to destroy their lives, yet the coming generation shall hallow their memories, and rise up to call them blessed. Amos A. Phelps, of Massachusetts, said he wished to give his testimony to the general subject now be- fore this Convention. He felt it to be one of the "real' est importance — one closely identified with the pro- gress of our oause. Names had been mentioned. He would allude to one worthy of remembrance, although not specially mentioned in this resolution. It was that of Cn vrxes I'.. S i orrs, late President of the West- ern Reserve College, lie presumed it was known to all present, that President Slorrs died at liraintrce, Mass. A short lime before he died, he said he wish- ed to sign his name to a paper containing a declara- tion of principles, about to be issued in Boston. \\ bile tying on his bed, he requested to have a pen placed in his hand, and the paper in question laid be- fore him. It was done. He commenced tracing his name, and had written the first word 'Charles' — when he discovered that two of the letters had been transposed. Letting the pen fall, and turning to his brother standing by, he exclaimed with the energy pe- culiar to him: — ' 1 can write no more. Brother, do you finish my name. Those principles are eternal truths. They cannot be shaken. 1 wish to give to them my dying testimony.' It is supposed that his departure from this world to a better was hastened by his exertions in delivering an Address of great energy in behalf of the poor slave, more than two hours long. We have been talking, sir, about the prospect of our being martyrs in this cause. One has already fallen. And here I cannot forbear alluding to a remark made at his fu- neral. The individual who preached on that occasion, I am informed, said that he ' had fallen a martyr to an error ! ' Sir, the assertion is without foundation. President Storrs has fallen a martyr, not to error, but to truth — in his own words, to ' eternal truths.' He looked over this whole subject with a keen and im- partial glance. His whole soul was enwrapt in its in- vestigation. All the powers of his giant mind were brought to bear in anaigning and deciding on the tes- timony of the case. Yet an individual who did not appreciate his righteous abhorrence of this nation's guilt and hypocrisy before God, dared to say, in the very temple of the Holy One, that he had fallen a martyr to error ! Sir, I almost wonder that the coffin beneath him did not burst its covering at that moment ! I should think that the preacher would have been afraid of a reproof from the voiceless dead ! To the conductors of the press, contemplated in this resolution, we are, as has been said, under great obli- gations. The press is indeed a mighty engine to con- trol and remodel public opinion. Just so certain as the pulpit and the press temporize and waive, in the work of reform, the pulpit and the press have gone over to the service of Satan. They have become time servants of a corrupt and wicked public sentiment. Ifsuchastate of things continues much longer, our [nstituti ins will have perished forever ! We shall be .is dead men. The pulpil must be brought to bear on the pulpit. The press must be brought to bear on the press. The power and application of what are term- ed 'abstract' principles must be seen and felt. Sir, the government of God is what some people call ab- stract. They say that there are certain things in that government, which will do in the abstract, but winch cannot, and must not, be carried into practice. Yet God declares unequivocally that His moral govern- Ainerican Anti- Slavery Convtntion. 183 went is founded on the principles of the plainest equity, as well as strictest justice. It is a kingdom that ruleth over all. Let any government adopt n course of procedure opposed to the despised abstract principles for which we contend, and they oppose the government of the mighty God. All the collisions in our nation grow out of the neglected fact that the power-loving, money-getting government of man, is contrary to the government of God. And such collis- ions will increase more and more. It would seem as if we were bent on destruction. Peradventure God has determined to crush us, and erect a new govern- ment in our stead. He has said that lie will over- turn, and overturn, until he has introduced the king- dom of universal justice, purity and peace. Let us then rally around those presses which are budded on the abstract principles which God has es- tablished. They should be well sustained. If we suffer them to expire for want of our support, all is lost. Posterity will write on our tomb-stones, as they look back on our past history, ' Perished by their own vices.' Robert Purvis.* of Pennsylvania, said he was grateful lo God for the day. He felt to pour out the speaking gratitude of his soul 1o the Convention, for the spirit the-}' had manifested during the session, and especially during the pending of this resolution. He most heartily concurred in such a vote, and had no doubt but that it would pass unanimously. The name of William Lloyd Garrison sounded sweet lo his car. It produced a vibration of feeling in his bosom, which words could but loo feebly .sound forth. It was a feel- ing of love and hearty confidence, which none but a conscientious abolitionist could know. Three y ears ago, he had watched the progress of Mr. Garrison with extreme solicitude. The nation was then sound asleep on this subject. The coloniza- tion scheme — that scheme of darkness and delusion — was then making its wide havoc among the persecut- ed people of color. It was the cholera to our ranks. But Garrison arose. His voice went up with a trum- pet tone. The walls of Baltimore prison could not confine its thunders. The dampness of his cell did not repress the en< rgy of his spirit. Free and unfet- lered'^as the air, his denunciations of tyranny rolled over the laud. The Liberator speedily followed. Its pages flashed light and truth far and wide. Darkness and gloom fled before it. The deep, unbroken, tomb- like silence of the church gave way. The tocsin ol righteous alarm was sounded. The voice of God-like liberty was heard above the clamor of the oppressors. The effect of these efforts is seen and felt this mo- ment, in this interesting Convention. It is, indeed, a good thing to be here. My heart, Mr. President, is too full for my tongue. But whether I speak to them my feelings as the}' exist in my inmost soul or not, the friends of the colored American will be remembered. Yes, Sir. their exet lions and memories will be cherish- ed, when pyramids and monuments shall crumble. * A colored gentleman of Philadephia, whose tal- ents and gentlemanly deportment, have won the esteem of all who know him. We wish that many who we know have unwittingly circulated colonization slan- ders, against the free people of color, could become acquainted with Mr. P. The flood of time, which is rapidly sweeping to de- struction that refuge of lies, the American Coloniza- tion Society, is bearing on the advocates of our cause lo a glorious and blessed immortality. The following resolutions also were among; those passed by the Convention: On motion of Charles VV. Denison, seconded by R. B. Hall, it was Resolved, That this Convention recommend the youth of our country, male and female, to form auxil- iary Anti-Slavery .Societies, as they may deem proper. On motion, llic following Resolution passed by an unanimous vote : Whereas, the self denying and untiring exertions of William Lloyd Garrison, in the holy cause of aboli- tion, justly entitle him to the grateful respect and affec- tionate esteem of all the friends of immediate and unconditional emancipation, and particularly of this Convention. — the re lore Resolved, That Messrs. Hall, Denison and May be a committee to present lo William Lloyd Garrison tire respect and esteem of the members of this Convention for his devotedness to the cause of immediate and un- conditional emancipation of the slaves in this country. On motion of William Goodell, seconded by Tho- mas Shipley, it was Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, the early, disinterested and persevering labors of Benjamin Lundy. in the cause of emancipation, de- serve the lively gratitude of this Convention, and of the friends of human rights throughout the world. On motion of R. B. Hall, seconded by S. S. Joce- l\ n, it was Resolved. That (his Convention, acting under a sense of dependence on Almighty God, for the ac- complishment of the object they have assembled to promote, do affectionately recommend to the Chris- tian Church throughout the land, to observe the LAST MONDAY EVENING OF EACH MONTH in a religious manner, to seek and implore the Divine aid in behalf of the enslaved, and the free people of color. On motion of Samuel J. May, seconded by Amos A. Phelps, it was Resolved, That the members exert themselves to procure from the several denominations to which ihey belong, solemn and earnest addresses to the members of their several denominations in the slaveholding states, to awaken them to a sense of their duty, in view of the sufferings and degradation of our colored brethren. On motion of Charles \V. Denison, seconded by William Lloyd Garrison, it was Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to prepare a synopsis of Wesley's ' Thoughts on Sla- very,' and of the anti-slavery items in a note formerly existing in the Catechism of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States, and of such other like testimony as they can obtain, to be addressed to Methodists, Presbvterians and all professed Christians in this coun- try, and published under the sanction of this Conven- tion. On motion of Wm. Lloyd Garrison, seconded by Abraham L. Cox, it was Resolved, That the cause of Abolition eminently de- serves the countenance and support of American wo- men, inasmuch as one million of their colored sisters are pining in abject servitude, — as their example and influence operate measurably as laws to society — and as the exertions of the females of Great Britain have 184 American Anti-Slavery Convention. been signally instrumental in liberating eight hundred thousand slaves in the Colonies. On motion of William Goodell, seconded by Charles W. Denison, it was Resolved, That this Convention recommend to the Executive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society, the adoption of suitable measures to collect information from all parts of the commercial world. respecting the best means of obtaining supplies for the consumption of our citizens of the products of free labor in substitution for those of slaves. On motion of Abraham L. Cox, seconded by Arnold Buffum, it was Resolved, That every citizen, and especially the benevolent and affluent of our land, be called upon to contribute of their means, as God has given them abili- ty, to the Treasury of our Society, and that it be ear- nestly recommended to the members of this Conven- tion, and to all others with whom they may have influ- ence, to devote a certain portion of their income every month, to the purpose of meliorating the condition of the colored race. On motion of Samuel J. May, seconded by Simeon S. Jocelyn, it was Resolved, That the members of this Convention ex- ert themselves to urge forward, without delay, the pe- tition of Congress for the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia; and that the petition be com- mitted to the hands of Hon. William Ellsworth of Connecticut, and Hon. William Wilkins, of Pennsyl- vania, to be presented by them to Congress, during its present session. And that the President of this Convention be requested to address a letter to the gen- tlemen just named, and to such other members of Con- gress as he may deem expedient, beseeching them not only to present, but fearlessly to advocate its passage. On motion of Nathaniel Southard, seconded hy Horace P. Wakefield, it was Resolved, That we hail the establishment of Ladies' Anti-Slavery Societies as the harbinger of a brighter day, and that we feel great confidence in the efficiency of their exertions, and that those ladies who have promptly come forward in this great work are deserv- ing the thanks of those who are ready to perish. On motion of Simeon S. Jocelyn, seconded by Amos A. Phelps, it was Resolved, That the fountains of knowledge, like those of salvation, should be open to every creature, and that we regard those laws and prejudices which prevent or restrict the education of the people of color, bond or free, as pre-eminently cruel and impious, and disgraceful to a christian state or nation ; and that we will seek their abolishment, both in the \'r^c and slave Slates, if possible more earnestly than corporeal slave- ry itself, inasmuch as ignorance enslaves the mind, and tends to the ruin of the immortal soul. On motion of John Prentice, seconded by William Goodell, it was Resolved, That this Convention highly approve of the philanthropic efforts of Miss Prudence Crandall,of Canterbury, Conn, in her labors to instruct our colored sisters ; and while we deeply sympathize with her in view of the persecutions she has endured in the prose- cution of her pious purposes, we pledge ourselves to afford her our continued countenance and assistance. On motion of Amos A. Phelps, seconded by David Thurston, of Maine, it was Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention, those teachers of religion who fail to lift a warning voice against the oppressions thai arc done in this land, in the enslaving of one-sixth part of its popula- tion, do not declare the whole counsel of God, and fail in one important branch of their appropriate duties. On motion of William Goodell, seconded by Elizur Wright, Jr., it was Resolved, That the laws and customs which with- hold the bible from a large portion of the native popu- lation of this country, are inconsistent with the first principles of religious liberty ; and that any plan of re- ligious instruction for the slaves, which pretends to be adequate while it withholds the hiblc, is undeserving the confidence and patronage of the christian public, and furnishes a dangerous precedent, tending to render in- secure the religious liberties of the American people. On motion of William Lloyd Garrison, seconded by James Loughhead, it was Resolved, That we view with approbation the reso- lution of the Pittsburg Anti-Slavery Society, to estab- lish a Manual Labor Institute for the education of colored and white youth, and that we commend this project to the friends of the colored population in this country. On motion of John G. Whiltier, seconded by Joshua Coffin, it was Resolved, That those literary institutions which have offered their privileges and benefits to our color- ed brethren, deserve the thanks and the patronage of the friends of abolition throughout the country. On motion of Amos A. Phelps, seconded by several members, it was Resolved, That this body regard the annual Con- ventions of the free people of color in the U. Stales with decided approbation, as eminently calculated to advance their interests, and rentier them respected in the eyes of all their intelligent fellow citizens. On motion of Simeon S. Jocelyn, seconded by sev- eral members, it was Resolved, That the ' Phoenix Associations ' of the citv of New-York — the various literary associations, both male and female, in the cities of Philadelphia, New-York, P>oston, and many other places, and the numerous Temperance and other societies among the colored people, for their improvement, — are highly creditable to them, and deserving of our warmest ap- probation.* We congratulate our friends, we congratu- late our country, and philanthropists through- out the world, upon the formation of the AMERICAN A NTI SLAVERY SOCIETY. The meeting of this Convention will, we doubt not, in coming years, be regarded as a olorious era in American history. The mem- bers of the Convention, and their associates throughout the country, are now pledged to the cause of abolition. They will never cease from their labors till their cause is triumphant. However strong the power and interest which are enlisted against them, they have a migh- tier power on their side, against which all hu- man force is impotent. The God of Truth and Justice is with them. As surely as there is a God above us and among us, so surely will the Truth and Justice which he supports finally prevail. ' We ought to mention that we are indebted to the Emancipator for the foregoing account of the pro- ceedings of the Convention. The laic James Stephen, Esq. 185 THE LATE JAMES STEPHEN, ESQ. We have for a long- time been intending to give our readers some notices of the life oi Mr. Stephen. He was for many years one of the most active and useful leaders in the anti- slavery cause, in England, and, as many oi our readers probably know, the author of an able and unanswerable work on West Indian Slavery. The following biographical notice is taken from the London Law Magazine. ' The late James Stephen, Esq. Master in Chancery, was descended from a respectable fainily in the .North of Scotland. His father (who was the third of seven sons) had no pat- rimony except a liberal education, and left his native country in early youth in pursuit of for- tune. He engaged in commerce (but not, as lias been erroneously stated, in the West India trade,) and married Miss Milner, a lady of good family in the West of England, distin- guished for her talents and virtues. Being early encumbered with a large faini- ly, and engaged too deeply in mercantile and other speculations, he fell into pecuniary diffi- culties, in which he continued to be involved till ins death. The late Master in Chancery was the sec- ond son of this marriage. Being left at the death of his father utterly without provision at a very early period of life, he was obliged (though then in tiie progress of his studies for the bar) to seek tiie means of maintenance as a reporter of Parliamentary debates — an em- ployment always requiring considerable talent sand information, and at that time possibly re- quiring even more than it now does, no notes being allowed to be taken. Having completed his legal education, and being called to the bar, he made his appearance on the Home Circuit, but almost immediately afterwards -went out to St. Kitt's, where his prospects ■were rather more inviting than at home, owing to the circumstance of some members of his father's family being already settled there. Previously to his departure from this country, he married a lady of the name of Stent, who .shortly afterwards followed him to St. Kitt's, and by her he had a numerous family. His professional career at St. Kitt's was successful and brilliant to a degree unprece- dented (it is believed) at any colonial bar; he was called the Erskine of the West Indies, ami rronerally recognised as a man of first rate talent, fitted by nature for a higher sphere of action than fortune had then assigned to him. His health having been shattered by succes- sive illnesses, the effect of severe exertion in an unfavorable climate, he returned to Eng- land to settle permanently there in the year 1794. During the whole of his residence in the West Indies, he had never been the own- \ oi-. i. cr of a single slave. He had early determin- ed never to connect himself with such prop- erty, owing to the abhorrence he entertained for the system of slavery there established — a sentiment he always publicly avowed, with- out losing the esteem or good will of the com- munity. Soon after his arrival in England, he began to obtain a share oi' business m prize appeals at. the Cockpit (a field of practice that had till then belonged ulmost exclusively to the civilians,) and at length attained to such eminence there as to be sure of a retainer in every cause. His reputation gradually ex- tended to the Courts of Westminster Hall. In the latter courts, however, his opportunities of appearing were not very numerous, but he distinguished himself in the King's Bench on several occasions, more particularly in the well-known case of Genera] Picton, for whom he was engaged as counsel.* Not long after his return to this country, he was introduced to Mr. Wilberforce, with whom he gradually formed an intimate friendship, cemented by their sympathy on the subject of the slave trade and West India slavery ; and about four years after the death of Mrs. Ste- phen (which occurred in 1790,) he married his second wife, the sister of this gentleman. Of this marriage there was no issue. In ISO. - ), he published his pamphlet called 'War in Disguise ; ' the object of which was to point out, the insidious invasion of our mari- time rights by the neutral powers, in carrying on the colonial trade of the enemy under shel- ter of their flags. This pamphlet obtained an almost unprecedented celebrity, and is said^ to have attracted the notice and abuse of Bonaparte. Mr. Stephen's talents having attracted the attention of Mr. Perceval, that gentleman offered him in 1808 a seat in Par- liament. He sat in the House of Commons, first for Tralee, afterwards for East Grin- stead, for a period of about seven years in the wh.de. After the death of Mr. Perceval, he continued to support the administration winch succeeded him ; but, in consequence of their refusing to promote a measure which he had anxiously pressed npon them, for the general registration of slaves in the West Indies, he * V singular storv, illustrative of the stength of Pic- ton's nerves, is currently told in connection with tins trial on the authority of the highly respectable solicitor who'conducted the defence. A consultation between nnal gentlemen engaged, was one ni the professional gcuuemc. v.. b »s— , „~"'~ ~,i:„» prolonged to a very late hour, and the result was that the (i-Mieral would certainlv be found guilty il be waited to lake his trial. The solicitor was commis- sioned to make known the result of their deliberations, and finding-, on his arrival at the General s, that the General was in bed, required to be shown to his room, and began explaining the object of his visit with as Utile abruptness as lie could. ' I suppose you mean, said Picton. breaking through the ambiguous circum- locution of the solicitor, 'that I am sure to be hanged. Very well I suppose thev won't hang me to-night . and with that he turned round on his piliow, and was asleep again in half a minute. 18(i The lute James Stephen Esq. felt it inconsistent with his duty to the cause of abolition to maintain any longer his politi- cal connection with them, and he resij m d Ins seat. The following anecdote places Ins par] a- m mtary character in a very favorable light. It was related to us some time since by a friend pretty nearly as follows: — 'I remember one evening alter dinner, at Mr. Wilberforce's, Lis talking to me about the present C G , and his qualifications as a debati rand::.- a man of business. In the course of the convi i ition he rn< ntioned a re- mark made by Canning while (.' C was delivering one of his ornate field-day speeches. 'I wish,' said Canning, slapping his thigh, 'I wish that young man would risk himself.'' As he was telling me thisani c Master Stephen left the room. 'Nov/ that? continued Mr. W., 'was precisely what our excellent good friend, who has just left us, always did while he was in the House,- to a fault, but with a noble disregard of self he was ready to go out in all weath er prepared or not.' " In 1811 he was appointed a Master in Chan- cery, a situation that he held for a period ol twenty years, during which he not only dis- charged with exemplary diligence his official duties, but was the means of introducing into the course of business in the Master's offices in general, some reforms of a very salutary and important description.! Amongst other specimens of extraordinary disinterestedness, he forbad his clerk to take the ordinary gra- tuities, and compensated him out of his own pocket for the loss, to the amount, we have heard, of nearly £800 a year. Though he occasionally took great interest in subji cts of general policy, such as that discussed in ' War in Disguise,' it was to the extermination of the slave trade and West India slavery, that his energies, as a public man, were always mainly devoted. His literary productions in this cause were numerous, his correspondence (more particularly with persons in high or in- fluential stations) most assiduous and unre- mitting, — his conversation in g-eneral society, copious and impressive. Of what he wrote, and said, and did in this matter, much is known to the public, but, very much more was of a private description, for which he gained no applause, and courted none. These best ac- quainted with the rase, consider him as of nil the abolitionists (Mr. Wilberforce, perhaps, excepted) the greatest benefactor of the Af- * The same remark used to be made on Flood; and Sroti said something very like ii of Itinm in poetry: ' Byron let his fame take care of itself, his Coot was alwa3's in the arena, his shield hung always in the lists.' t In die Chancery Report, p. 522, or Mr. Spenre's pamphlet on the Evils of the Court of Chancery, p. 48, ample evidence of the enlargement of his views on Die subject of Chancery Reform may be seen. rican race, though there may be others nho have borne a more conspicuous part in that generous labor. His chief and last publica- tn i. in ti.is cause was the 'Slavery of the British West India Col< nil s delineated.' In April 1831, he resigned his mastership, beginning about that period to be sensible of the!':. e, though his constitution was still apparently unbroken. Alter a year of retirement, his health began to fail rapidly, and he expired on the JOth ut' October, Jb&J, in the ?5th year of his age. It is quite unnecessary to finish a sketch like this with a character; for almost every incident portrays the goodness and greatness by which that of the late .Master Stephen was marked. We will merely add that he united teness and comprehensiveness with considerable powers of imagination, which both in writing and speaking gave a pi culiar force and richness to his style. He possessed an extraordinary ardor of temperamt nt, in- tensi ', (I towards useful and benevo- lent objects. He was in a very singular de- gree ex rnpt 'rem nil mean and selfish alloys, and his \ rtues shone still more brightly in the domestic circle than abroad. He left four sons, — The Rev. W. Stephen, Vicar of Bedlow, Rucks; .Mr. Serjt. Stephen; James Stephen, Esq., Council to the Colonial Office and Board of Trade; and George Ste- phen. Esq., Solicitor: and two daughters, one of whom is married to W. A. Gamut, Esq. of the Chancery Bar, and the other to T. E. Dicey, Esq. of Claybrook Hal!, Leicestershire.' In his prefaces to the' two volumes on West Indian slavery, Mr. Stephen has given some very interesting biographical notices of him- self. Our copy of the work being lent, we extract the passages to which we refer from the Christian Examiner, of September, 1831, with some of the accompanying remarks in the article. 'All who have attended to the controversy which has been going on for many years, re- specting colonial slavery, have heard of the name of James Stephen. But the nature and extent of his long-continued, conscientious, and devoted exertions for the benefit of the African race,arc probably not generally known in this country. In his Preface to the Second Volume, he narrates the circumstances that prevented him from experiencing the corruptino- effects which familiarity with slavery is too apt to produce. In the year 1783, "he sailed from England to St. Christopher, in a vessel which touched on the voyajre at Barbadoes. At this latter place he attended the trial of four plantation slaves for the murder of a physi- cian. We give the story in his own words. 'The court, consisting of a bench of justi- ces of the peace, five I think in number, with- out a jury, was no sooner constituted, than laie James Stephen, Esq. J 87 Ike four black prisoners were placed at the bar; and, as they were the first common field negroes I had seen, their filthy and scanty garbs would have moved my pity, if it had not been more strongly excited by the pain they were visible suffering from tight ligatures ol cord round their crossed wrists, which suppli- ed the place of hand-cuffs. I noticed it to my companion, and said, "Surely they will be put at bodily ease during their trial ;" but he replied it was not customary. As there was no indictment, or other express charge, and consequently no arraignment, they had not to hold up their hands ; and remained bound in the same painful way while I remained a spectator. 'But the first proceeding of the bench changed the sensation of pity in my breast into honest indignation. It was the production and reading by the chairman of a letter re- ceived by him from a gentleman, who was owner of two of the prisoners, and who had been written to with an inquiry, whether he Would choose to employ a lawyer in the de- fence of his slaves ; and the answer was, that he declined to do so, adding as his reason — " God forbid that he should loish in such a, case lo screen the guilty from punishment." To the best of my recollection, these were the very words : I am sure such was the exact import of the letter. 'I turned with a look of astonishment to my conductor; but before I could whisper my feelings, they were diverted from the master to the bench ; For to my astonishment the chairman applauded the letter, as honorable to the writer; and the other magistrates con- curred in his eulogy. 'Strangely misplaced though T felt it to be, and shocked though I was at such a cruel prejudication of the unfortunate prisoners by their natural protector, I supposed that the commendation rested on his disinterestedness, in being willing to sacrifice his property in their bodies, without opposition to the de- mands of public justice ; for I did not then know of the laws noticed in my first volume, pp. 322 to 328, which entitle a master, on the conviction and execution of his slave, to be paid for his loss of property out of the public purse. The lawyers' fees in consequence would have been a profitless expense. 'Not only was there no written charge, but no opening of the case, on the part of the pro- secution. The prisoners had to learn it, as I did, only from the evidence adduced ; the un- controverted part of which was briefly as follows. 'The defeased had been visiting a certain estate in his usual routine as its medical at- tendant; and after seeing- the patients, mount- ed his horse to return to his residence in town. A negro of the estate the same morning brought in the horse with the saddle and bri- idle on, saying that he h«d found it grazing in one of the cane pieces ; and the manager thereupon ordered it to be put into the stable ; but did not send till the next day to give in- formation of the occurrence at the doctor's house ; supposing, as he alleged, that the horse by some accident had got away from him, and would be sent for. The deceased, however, never returned to his home ; and, an alarm naturally arising, he was inquired for at the estates he had visited; and alter consequent searches, tiie body was found in a cane piece not far from the house he had last visited, with contusions on the head, such as a fall from his horse could not have occasioned, and which were the apparent cause of his death. ' So far there was nothing to affect either of the prisoners ; except that one of them, a very old negro, was the man who brought in the horse ; and though this was regarded as a leading circumstance of suspicion against him, it seemed to me of a directly opposite ten- dency. 'But a negro girl, or wench, as she was cal- led in the ordinary style of the slave colonies, a deformed creature, apparently about fifteen years old, was next called, as the only wit- ness who could bring the offence home, by positive testimony, to the prisoners. 'Before she was examined, she was ad- dressed by the chairman in a way that carried my surprise and indignation to the utmost pitch. She was admonished, in the most alarming terms, to beware not to conceal any thing that made against the prisoners; and told that if she did, she would involve herself in their crime, and its punishment. No cau- tion whatever was given as to any sin or dan- ger on the opposite side. Every word impli- ed a premature conviction in the mind of the court, that the prisoners were certainly guilty, and that she would be probably disbelieved and punished if she said any thing tending to acquit them. Terror was strongly depicted in her countenance during this address ; and I felt at the moment that irad I been a jury- man to try the prisoners on her evidence, af- ter such an exhortation, nothing she might testify against them would weigh a feather in my verdict. ' As the negro dialect was new to me, I should not have been able clearly to under- stand her testimony in many parts of it, with- out the assistance of my companion, who kindly whispered the interpretations that I asked for; but her story in substance was, that the deceased rode up to the negro hous- es of a plantation she belonged to, for shelter against a shower of rain ; that he alighted, and ijave his horse to one of the prisoners to hold ; and that, thereupon, he and the other three, the only persons present except herself, fell upon him with sticks, knocked him down, and beat him to death; and afterwards carried his body to the cane piece in which it was found. ' No provocation, or other motive, was as- !<-- Tue late Jamm Stephen^ signed by her, and her evidence, indepen- dently of the terror that had boon impressed upon her, would hive appeared to me, from its matter, and the manner in which it n, wholly unworthy of credit. Thecoun- tenances : culationa of all the unfor- tunate men during her examinal on. imp ed mo with a strong persuasion of their inno- cence. Never were the workings of nature more clearly imitated by the most expert ac- tor on any stage, if her whole narrative did not fill them with astonishment; ami excite in them all the indignation that belongs to in- jured innocence. I expressed that feeling strongly to my conductor; and Ik 1 dissented only by observing that negroes in general •were masters of dissimulation; or something to that effect. ***** 'Here I must cease to narrate the case from my own direct knowledge. Bui the se- qual was well supplied to me by evidence be- yond suspicion. The same day I heard of what further passed on the trial, from persons I who had staid in court to the end of it. No further evidence had fortified that of the negro wench in material point On the strength of her testimony alone, the magistrates had con- victed all the prisoners of murder..'— Pre/ace, vol. ii. pp. 19—24. 'I left Barbadoes immediately after the trial, but heard soon after the sequel of the trag- edy,from several gentlemen who came from that island to St. Christopher. The court applied to the Governor,a planter of the Island, and one who afterwards gave a very favorable account of the general humanity of his brethren, be- fore the privy council, for an exemplary tlcritli ; and he ordered that the four convicts should he burnt alive. ' But what perhaps will be thought the most singular part of the cases, remains to be told. 'The owner of two of the slaves, the same I believe who so laudably refused to employ a lawyer for them, on hearing of the evidence on which they had been convicted, in respect of time and place, was able to establish a clear alibi in their favor, to the satisfaction of the magistrates who had tried thorn: in con- sequence of which they were pardoned. Hut however incredible it may appear, the two other unfortunate men, convicted on the vi ry same evidence, nevertheless underwent the cruei fate to which they were sentenced. They were literally burnt alive at Bridge- town.' — pp. '2.1, 2ii. 'Such was the case which gave me my first right views of negro slavery in the ■su- gar colonies, almost as soon as I reached their shores. -p. «/. 'The case I have mentioned was every wav calculated to rescue me at the outset from delusion. As a lawyer, I could not but be deeply impressed with the shocking con- trast it ["resented to the impartial and humane administration of British justice.and its revers- al of every principle that 1 had been taught to reverence, by writers on general jurispru- , rice. And how much were my indignant feelings augmented, when I learned from an ry which it suggested, that white men in ime island were not only exempt from n :i barbarous departures from the laws ol Mi, eland, but for the v. ilftil murder of a slave, were liable only to a fine of fifteen pounds.' — p. 28. In consequence of the impression produced by this trial, Mr. Stephen formed a resolution never to own a slave ; and during a residence of eleven years at St. Christopher, he, with some inconvenience to himself, strictly adher- ed to this resolution. During his continuance there, he practised law. In answer to a charge which had been brought against him, by the advocates of slavery, of having been himself the owner of slaves, he says: 'I will be obliged to any reader, ignorant of my history and character, who will take the trouble to inquire of some of the respectable merchants or proprietors now in England, con- nected with the Leeward Islands, whether I ever held such property; and whether 1 was not, on the contrary, remarkable for the singularity of carrying my dislike to slavery so far as to have no domestics but hired servants,during the I whole of my long residence in St. Christo- pher. Such was the well known fact. Dur- ing the chief part of the time T had a family there, which required a pretty numerous do- mestic establishment, and it was a great breach of economy not to buy my servants; but I was served only by free persons of color, or, when I could not find such of a suitable character, by slaves let out to hire by their owners. 'Nor did I expose the latter to the disad- vantages mentioned in this work as belonging to their situation in general, from the first it was my resolution, that such of them as serv- ed rue long and faithfully, should not remain in slavery; and I acted up to that purpose. I obtained their manumissions, either by pay- ing the whole value, or adding to what they had themselves saved for the purpose, or vin- dicating by law a right to freedom, which had, in one instance, been unjustly withheld. Not one of them who had served me for any con- siderable time without misbehaviour was left in slavery; except in one instance, which may serve to show the hardships of that state in i;-cneral. I repeatedly offered to purchase his freedom at his full value : but the owner would not consent. At length he came from a distant island, at which he resided, to take the man away. To save the poor fellow, not only from slavery, but exile. I entreated the owner to accept his value, to be ascertained by any person of his own nomination, and' when" this was refused, to name his own nrice ; but lie was inexorable ; and for no juster reason, but that he knew the man's in- Mr. ChilcPs Speech. JeJ tegrity, and other valuable qualities, and therefore wanted him for his own domestic use. Tiie slave's merits, there 'ore, and his fitness to make a right us;; of his freedom, formed, as too frequently happens, the bar to his attainment of it; and his reward was a perpetual exile from the connexions and the island winch long settlement in it had endear- ed to him. In a Spanish or Portuguese colo- ny, he might have compelled the master to enfranchise him by a judicial appraisement.' — Preface, vol. i. p. liv, lv. Alter his return to England, it appears that his zeal for the abolition first of the slave- trade, and afterwards of slavery, was in some degree prejudicial to his private interest. 'Let me not be understood, however, as disclaiming all obligations to my West Indian clients and friends. To such of them as are living, and to many more, alas! whom i shall see no more tdl all human contentions are ended, 1 owe what is better than wealth,— great personal kindness, and long continued attachment. Their obliging preference fol- lowed me into practice here; and gave me, as a chamber counsel, and a practitioner at the Cockpit, advantages which, in my then circumstances, were of great importance, and were rapidly increasing, till, by taking a pub- lic part in the abolition controversy, I willing- ly renounced them. The greatest of the sa- crifices that I have made to the cause I still feebly support, though they have been neither few iior small, was to encounter their dis- pleasure; or rather, as I do many of them the justice to believe, an estrangement from me, which the irresistible impulse of an esprit dc corps compelled thorn to. against their real feelino's. They knew my sincerity ; and could not in their hearts condemn me for maintain- ing in England, views and principles which I had always avowed and acted upon, often at no -mall personal risk, while resident among them.' — Preface, vol. i. pp. hi, lvii. In 180*2, he published a work, which we have never seen, entitled the 'Crisis of the Sugar Colonies,' intended to promote the abo- lition of the slave-trade. Since that lime, ho has always be< n forward and active in all the efforts which have been made by the oppo- nents of the slave-trade and of slavery. In 1807, he published the 'Dangers of the Coun- try,' and in 1815, 'Reasons for establishing a Registry of Slaves,' in relation to a measure which was then proposed. His speeches de- livered at two general meetings of the Afri- can Institution, on the 26th of March, 1HI7. and Kith of .May. 1823, have also been pub- lished. The publications to which we have referred are all mentioned in the work before w^. lie has, we believe, also written and published other pieces in behalf of the slaves, which are not particularly referred to, and of which we have no means of preparing a list. He was for some time a member of Parlia- ment, and in that sit nation faithfully persever- ed in his efforts in the cause to which he has devoted himself. In 1824, he published the First Volume of his work on 'The Slavery of the British West India Colonies,' in which he gives an accurate and methodical account if the law upon the subject, with much infor- mation in regard to the practical operation of the system. The author was engaged upon the work for many years, having begun it, as he in- forms us, before the abolition of the slave- trade. As this volume has already been spo- ken of in a former number our Journal.* as well as in other periodical publications, with well-merited commendation, it is not our in- tention to take any further notice of it at this time.' MR. CHILD'S SPEECH. Abolitionist's Library, JVo. I. The Despotism of Freedom, a speech delivered (d the first anniversary of the JVeiv-England Anti-Sla- very Society. By David Lee Child. Boston: published by the Young Men's Anti-Slavery Association for the Diffusion of Truth. 12 mo. pp. 72. We think the Young Men's Anti-Slavery Association have shown sound judgment in making this speech the first publication of their series. The speech of Mr. Child was delivered be- fore the New England Anti-Slavery Society, in support of the following resolution which he had introduced. ' Resolved, That the free People of Color and Slaves, in this land of Liberty and Law, have less liberty, and are less protected by law, than in any other part of the world.' The speech fully demonstrates the atrocious cruelty of the laws of the Southern States and the still more atrocious cruelty and depravity of slaveholders. It exhibits deep study and research, is rich in facts and illustrations, and is animated with lire and eloquence. It seems scarcely possible, for any one, not benumbed with prejudice, to read it, without feeling thrilled with the resolution to exert himselfto abolish the abominable system which it expo- ses — we had almost said, to devote his life to the accomplishment of this object. This pro- duction of Mr. Child is worthy, and this we think is great praise, of a place by the side of the Appeal of his accomplished wife. We are afraid that our praises will seem too enthusiastic. We therefore wish to say that we are far from intimating that this speed), * See Christian Examiner, Vol. iv. No. 3. 190 New Anti-Slavery Societies. highly as we value it, has no faults. But we have no time to point them out. We extract a few remarks in regard to the ■tic slave trade. 'Tiie internal slave trade of the United States lias all the characteristic - of the foreign, except alone 'the middle passage.' But lam yel to learn that a voyage from i peake Bay to Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas,Mi ri, or the Texas, is likely to be much more pleasant, while it lasts, than any other slave voyage. I am informed by credible persons, that the slave traders take just so much care of their merchandize, in its passage from mar- ket to market, as is nei essary for its preserva- tion, and no more. Whatever they can econ- omize in this respect, is clear gain, added to the difference of value in different markets. If African slave traders afford for daily allow- ance a decayed yam, and a pint of water, it is highly probable to my mind that American slave traders will not do much better. No law with us proportions the number they shall carry, to the reasonable and comfortable ca- pacity of the vessel, as the English laws did, in respect to the African slave trade, lonor bo- fore it was abolished. No law obliges the American captain or owner to provide a suffi- cient stock of wholesome provisions 'for each and every passenger,' during the voyage. Congress have found it necessary to tie up. by stronor statutes, the avarice of captains, who bring white emigrants into our ports, or carry White passengers from them. They have been obliged, by known instances of cruelty to Irish and other passengers, to prescribe the ship room and the provisions, which each passen- ger shall be entitled to have, and they have '.aid captains and owners under no less a pen- alty than the forfeiture of the vessel, if they fail to comply with the law. This we do for those who have some power to assert their own rights, and are not cut off by inhuman custom and prejudice from the common offices of humanity. But as to poor slaves, who have no protection but what legislators may deign to throw around them, they are magnanimous- ly abandoned to the. tender mercies of the slave trader, (a character held infamous even among slavites,) and to the voluntary kindness of those captains and owners of vessels, who have cupidity enough to engage in this cruel business. In the year of 1*27, the internal slave trade in the empire of Great Britain ceased for ever. Now, it, \sdeath to carry on n domestic, as much as to carry on the foreign slave trade. Yet. doioe still permit tin- wicked traffic to o-o on in this country. Tt is the most brisk of all under the verv droppings of the republican sanctuary. The District of Columbia is the grand mart for the sale of men. Kofle after kofle are collected in that wretched space, and driven, under the flourish of whips and the the very doors of Coil- i i heir chains makes fine harmonj of pretty orators, who arc up, praising liberty.'' NEW ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETIES. It is most gratifying to find these societies lly increasing. It is a sure proof that the c nunity is becoming alive to the great evil which oppresses our country. Besides the American Anti-Slavery Society, of which we already spoken, several other societies of kindred principles, have been formed, of which we have received intelligence, since our last publication. The names of these so- cieties and their officers, as far as they have fallen under our notice, follow below. Hallowdl Anti-Slavery Society. This Society was formed on Nov. 26. EBENEZER DOLE, President. PAUL STICKNEY, Vice President. ROBERT GARDINER, Treasurer. GEORGE SHEPARD, Cor. Secret dry. RICHARD D. RICE, Rec. Secretary. Anti-Slavery Society of Oneida Institute. HIRAM FOOTE, President. AMOS M. STONE, Vice President. ISAAC B. HEADLY, Cor. Secretary. AMMON GASTON, Rec Secretary. BENJ. WEBER, Treasurer. Chauncey T. Gastqn, ") P in LANDER BAR?! OCR, Wm. Smith, } Directors. Henry II. Loomis, Amos D. Hollister, J Rochester Anti-Slavery Society. Dr. J. W. SMITH, President. BENJ. FISH, 1st Vice President. ABRAM L\GERSOLL,2d V. President. BILL COLBY, Treasurer. Dr. W. W. REID, Cor. Secretary. EDWIN SCRANTOM, Rec. Secretary. Dr. J. W. Smith, ^ Wm. C. Bioss, Peter Cherry, )■ Managers. Dr. W. W. Rf.id, J.\o. A. Spragie, J Amesbury Anti-Slavery Society. JONATHAN A. SARGEANT, President; ROBERT STORY, Vice-President; RORERT SCOTT. Treasurer BENJAMIN BRIERLY, Secretary. 3 imf.s Taylor, } John McGarvey, C Prudential Committee. Samuel Fielder, ) ManualLabor School. — Wesley* Opinions on Slavery. 101 MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL. We publish below an extract from a !< tter of that devoted and noble minded philanthro- pist, Charles Stuart to Mr. Garrison. Our readers will be gratified to learn that Mr. Garrison's mission to England, which did so much to put down the Colonization S.-ciety, is also likely to do much toward establishing the Manual Labor School for Colored Youth. 'My dear Garrison — 'You will have been surprised at my delay. The reason is, that after leaving London in order to proceed according to my purpose, to the United States, I was so strenuously ad- vised to remain for the winter in England, that I was prevailed upon ; and you will not regret it, when I tell you, that it is for the purpose of forwarding the chief object of your journey, in the collection of aid for the edu- cation of the colored people of the United States on the manual labor system, and for their moral and religious elevation in then- native country. 'About five hundred dollars have been al- ready subscribed. The following is an ex- tract from a note accompanying one of the subscriptions. ''I shall feel much obliged by thy receiving the enclosed for the American fund thou wast speakingof last evening. Soon after E. Cresson's arrival in this country, I ig- norantly contributed three pound to the Libe- rian scheme, and am therefore glad to have an opportunity of giving a similar sum to a So- ciety more decided in its objects. My dear children have had much pleasure in subscrib- ing £1. The remaining £1 I shall be glad to continue as an annual subscription, if desir- able." 'You may expect I think at least one thou- sand dollars through me, for the above dear and sacred purposes. ' My purpose is to leave this place late in March or early in April, that I may be pres- ent, if possible, at the formation of your Na- tional Anti-Slavery Society. But if the period of its formation, should he thrown back, I should then probably, prefer leaving this coun- try, a month or two later. But let me have as express information on this subject as may be in your power to give. ' Many letters, &c. &c. have come for you. I have opened them all and are making use of them. The writers are Buffum, Phelps, Cox, Forten, &c. &e. Give my love to them ail, especially to those dear brethren amongst them, who have so kindly written to myself. 'Many hearts are beating here for the glo- rious Prudence Crandall. Some of my young friends are working little parcels of presents, for me to take to her dear pupiis in the Spring. 'God is with thee brother — and with the noble host which is rising and growing around thee. Yet be not highminded, but fear — His peace and His energy, combined with His spirit, and His loving kindness, be thine, through the Holy Ghost. Watch and pray— go on and conquer — and then — oh then, when the tear or the sigh of a slave, shall no longer pollute your at length really free and glorious country ; and when the demon-day of preju- dice shall have been swept away tor ever. Oh how joyouslv, whether in the body or out of the body, shall we sing the praises of Him who condescended to use even us in His most sweet and gracious service. 'Farewell a little. If you meet with my Theodore Weld, tell him my heart is doubly his — and believe me, Your faithful and affectionate, C. STUART. Liverpool, 16th Oct. 1833.' [From Zion's Herald] WESLEY'S OPINIONS ON SLAVERY. Mr. Editor, — The existence of Slavery in a country whose institutions are professedly based on the principles of universal liberty, is an inconsistency which has attracted the re- prehension of all writers on our country, from Jefferson to Mrs. Trollope. But it is an in- consistency even more reprehensible and deeply to be deplored, that Christians in pro- fession can so far violate the first principles of Christianity, as to hold their fellows in bondage; and that others who would not, ' For all the wealdi That sinews bought and sold have ever earned,' be guilty of following their example, can yet be found to plead excuses for their sin. That such was nut the practice of the venerated man whose name stands at the head of this article, the following extracts from his works will show. It may be found, with more on the subject, in the sixth volume of the edition recently published by the Book Agents, p.292. Yours, in willing bonds, A FREEMAN. 'This equally concerns all slaveholders, of whatever rank and degree ; seeing men buy- ers are exactly on a level with men stealers. 'Indeed,' you say, 'I pay honestly for my goods ; and I am not concerned to know how 199 . :/\i Opinions on Slavery. — Donations. they are come by. 1 Nay, but you are; you are deeply concerni d to know they are hon- • by. < >ther« ise you are a parta- ker w ith a thief, and arc not a jot honesti r than him. But you know they are not hon- estly come by; you know they arc procured by means nothing near so innocent as picking of pockets, house breaking, or robbery upon u ay. You know th< 3 are procured by .1 deliberate seri< 3 of more complicated villany, (of fraud, robbery, and murder,) than was ever practised either by Mohammedans or Pagans ; in particular by murders, of all kinds; by the blood of the innocent poured upon the ground like water. Now, it is your money that pays the merchant, and through him the captain and the African butchers. Ymi therefore are guilty, yeaj principally guil- ty, of all these frauds, robberies,and muni' rs. You are t!u spring that puts all the rest in motion; they would not stir a step without von : therefore, the blood of all these wretch- es who die before their time, whether in their country or elsewhere, lies upon your head. 'The blood of thy brother,' (for, whether thou wilt believe it or no, such he is in the sight of Him that made him,) 'crieth against thee from the earth,' from the ship, and from the waters. Oh, whatever it costs, put a stop to its cry before it be too late : instantly, at any price, were it the half of your goods, deliver thyself from blood guiltiness ! Thy hands, thy bed, thy furniture, thy house, thy lands. are at present stained with blood. Surely it is enough; accumulate no more pjuilt; spill no more blood of innocence! Do not hire another to shed blood ; do not pay him for doing it! Whether you are a Christian or no, show yourself a man! Be not more savage than a lion or a bean ' Perhaps you will say, '/ do not buy an;/ negroes ; I only use those lift me by my Jallu r.' So far is well ; but is it enough to satisfy your own conscience ? Had your father, have you, lias any man living, a right to use another as a slave? Tt cannot be, even setting Reve- lation aside. It cannot be, that either var, or contract, can give any man such a property in another as he has in his sheep ami oxen. Much less is it possible that any child of man should ever be bom a slave Liberty is the right of every human creature, as soon as he breathes the vital air; and no human law can deprive him of that right which he derives from the law of nature.* 'If, therefore, von have any regard to jus- tice, (to say nothing of mercy, nor the reveal- ed will of God,) render unto all their due. Give liberty to whom liberty is due, that is, to "' Many may be struck with the coincidence between this sentence and the celebrated Declaration, — ' AYc hold these 1 mi lis to be self-evident — that all men arc created fri <■ and equal, endowed by their < Jreator with certain unalienable rights,' Cvc. Ii may therefore be proper to remark, thai thi~ was published in 1774. t'\r\-\ child of man, to every partaker of human nature. Let none serve you but by his own act and deed, by his own voluntary choice. Away with all whips, all chains, all compul- sion ! Be gentle toward all men; and see that you invariably do unto every one as you would lie should do unto yen.' NEW-ENGLAND ANTI-SI ,AVERY SOCIETY. The Tieasurcr of il e New England Anti-Slavery Society acknovt ledges the receipt of the follow ing do- nations in November and December : John Taylor, Bath, Mc ll on .1. D. Jfaies 2 00 Dr. fug-alls Killridge, i'everh 15 nil .1. T. Hilton 2 en James Carpenter 1 (in II. K. Stockton 1 no Friend in Amesbury, b y II. K mbali, 3 00 Geo. W, Ward, 1 l\ mouth, N If. 2 00 P. A. Bell, for sale ol )ublicalions, 15 00 ( rai 1 ison (Colored) So iety, to constitute Messrs Garrison and Knap'] lite members, 30 00 Daniel 1'.. Jewitt 2 00 Thomas Cole 2 00 Samuel E. Sewall jo 00 James C. < >diorne 10 00 1 lilts < rray Loring 15 00 Member ol' the Socielj 5 oo .1. CullS Smith 5 oo Robcil Cogswell, Salem, 2 00 A. G. Cornelius do 2 00 Andrew Harraden do 2 00 John 11. Pero 2 00 E. P. B. Mundrucu 2 00 John Rcmond, Salen , 15 oo Ati'm. Williams do. 2 00 J. L. Shearman do. 2 00 Petei Johnson do. 2 00 S. Lawrence do. 1 00 Win. Coleman do. 3 oo Ward Litchfield 1 00 Nam. Budd 1 00 Friends 1!) 00 Natrcy Tucker 25 Samuel F. Hussey, Portland. Mc. 5 00 John Winslow do. 2 00 If. .Manning do. 1 00 Maine Anti-Slavery So< iety 100 00 P. F. Varnum 1 00 William Slickney, Ha lowell, Me. 5 00 Ivoli't Gardner do. 5 00 R. G. Lincoln .1... 5 00 Rev. Geo. Sheppard do. 5 00 Ebenezer Dole do. 5 00 .Lime-. Caw do. 1 00 Mark Means do. 2 oo Benjamin G. Childs 2 00 Henry Safibrd '.' 00 John Rogers 2 oe John P.. Cutler 2 oo John E. Scarlett 2 CO Total .I\mv:« C. OdIORHK, Treasurer. ,f?350 25 Y :> 1g> « ">'1^> *J2> PL >W^ 2fcS ^•-3^ ^ > ,> 3 '■? ■'5 2 -? ■■-> '- ^^> ct ::> v j>> ■-■■>:> ;r > t> ■>'> ^ > ■-> ":>;>• <> • >23^">."^? ■""} > X£> :t&>. -^ -<• §'3 >> , -». ^7 ^ s ^.- —-,"'-) 5* -^ ' -7 .' " 3> ^ ss> ;.'3fe > : ^> 3g— > ^> - > ; >' tz> - t>> D "' >•> ">^ •j> '^> ^> S v> 3:> "!s> Jv> ' i ^3^K» '"n> ^> ^>'>-> ? t35^^> _l>^- ^:>^i> ; ' :» :p >.^^^^.-^ r ^ 3*.3>-'? ^5T* v > ;: ^ - ^ -2" ^^P5»^'> :> :.-> i>3 ~? iJ* :- •>>*". ■•>.■»■•■> .-> si * i .■> tz» r "5> :^^ . }£> T>»T2>"^>5> ... >^D^j"a-3C8 >"5t>^^a ■;!Si>.> ►> 5 •Op>j>iU _ "~J>^ ■ . 1> "Ol^> D-2>I3> ■o# > .^, • ^ 5sp"S i .-^>- t>2P> ^5>- ^£^SIP* 2g § mESM "*fS35 "X> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 932 628 A