NKW YORK' mmm^' ■ i:gy;:;^ccQP£acogy^3aop;7£gG^£C)£i; {S SJ EVENTS History of New York City ILLUSTRATIONS SH A KSPEARE NEW YORKER " No day without a deed to ci-p-wti it.''^ I 88 I jg- .37 . fv\S3 /}lc> jLf, o IS The favor which 7uas . 'hown to the Shakspeare Cale?idar fpj- fhc last year, has induced the compiler to prepare 1 second one, luhich he hopes may be found equally a cceptable. /• B. ■ M. December^ i8Si. e 0- JANUARY. New Year's Day. Let our old acquaintance be renewed. I/cnryir. P. 2 ; III, 1752. — Philip Freneau born. But, to return to the verses, Did they please you ? Loves Labour s Lost. V, 2. 1701. — New York Hospital opened. Fur the love of God, your help ! T'djcl/ih Niirht. V, I. 0- JANUARY. 1689. — Gov. Sloughter received his commission. Take thy commission. Measure yor Measure. I, i. 1770. — Act passed for issuing Bills of Credit. If thou wilt lend this monej', Lend it not as to thy friend. Merchant of Venice. I, 3. 6 1779. — Bread ordered to be made into two-pound loaves. 'Tis purchased by the weight. Merchant of Venice. 111,2. 7 1770. — Act to prevent frauds in bar iron. Strike now ! or less the iron cools. Hoiry VI. P. t; V, i. JANUARY. 8 1850. — First ship put in the United States dry-dock in Brooklyn. To preserve this vessel. Othello. IV, 2. 9 1854. — Astor Library opened. You have here a goodly dwelling, and a rich. Henry 11'. P. 2 ; V, 3. 10 1777. — Lights and fires in public houses to be put out at nine o'clock. Strict and most observant watch. Hamlet. I, r. 1 1 1076. — No cursing or swearing to be allowed on the watch. We will rather sleep th.an talk ; we know what be- longs to a watch. Much A do A bout Nothing. 111,3. -0 JANUARY. 12 18*73. — Tweed's trial begun. The welfare of us all Hangs on the cutting short that fraudful man. Henry VI. P. 2 ; III, 1 13 1768. — Act to relieve the city by speedy trial of offenders. Suum cjiique is our Roman justice. Titles Andronicus. 1,2. 14 183-1. — Rev. John Stanford (prison chaplain) died. What is in this world but grief and wee. Henry VL P. 3; II, 5. 15 1815. — Frigate President, Com. De- catur, sailed from New York. Nnw, the next day- Was our sea fight ; and what to this was sequent Thou know'st already. Ha7tilet, V, 2. -IS JANUARY. 16 174:3. — Parker's A)iiericaii Post Boy first issued. I, that do bring the news. Antony and CleoJ>atra. II, 5. 17 1761. — George III, proclaimed in New York. Is't not the King? King Lear. IV, 6. 18 1G5(>. — Houses not allowed to be roofed with straw in future. It is turned out of all towns — for a dangerous thing. Richard in. 1,4. 19 1780. — Gen. Pattison orders the en- rollment of all the inhabi- tants between the ages of seventeen and sixty. I have ta'cn a due and wary note upon't. lit e aster c /or Measure. IV, 1. -a J A N U A R Y. 20 1G61. — Solomon La Chair (first pub- lic notary) appointed. Meet me forthwith at the notary's. Mcrchatit of Venice. I, 3. 21 1676. — Masters of vessels to give an account of all their pas- sengers. Vour names, your ages, of what having and anything that is fitting to be known. Winter'' s Tale. IV, 3. 22 1691. — Each alderman directed to make return of the poor in his ward requiring charity. That is thy charge. Temjycst. V, i. 23 1833. — Public porters to be licensed. I pray you remember the porter. Macl'cth. 11,3. -iS JANUARY. 24 1807. — First number of Salmagundi issued. Of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Hamlet. V, I. 25 1658. — First tariff of fees for lawyers established. So, you shall pay your fees. Winter' s Tale. I, 2. 26 1816.— Auxiliary Bible and Com- mon Prayer Book Society founded. Get him to say his i)raycrs ; get him to pray. T:velfth Night. III. 4. 27 1820. — Ship-Masters Society organ- ized. What think you, sailors? Tivcl/tli Niffhi. I, 2. ^- J ANU ARY. 28 1870. — Lenox Library organized. And show thee all the treasures we have got. Tiuo Genlcmcn of Verona. IV, 29 1G7G. — First Market House estab- lished. Pray, be content ; 1 am going to the market place. Corioiamis. Ill, 2. 30 1880. — Stewart Brown died. A merchant of great traffic through the world. Taming of t!ic Shrciv. I, i. 31 1806. — DeWitt Clinton appointed one of the " Council of Ap- pointment." Thou art a grave and noble counsellor. Most wise in general. ■■ 12 o- FEBRUARY. 1826.— Female Hish School opened. O, what learning is. Romeo and Juliet. Ill, 3. 1722. — Nicholas Eyre (an Anabap- tist preacher) excused from serving as constable. You ha' done me a charitable office. Winter s Talc. IV, 2. 1806. — Miranda's expedition to re- volutionize South America sailed. I do know A many fools, that stand in better place. Merchant 0/ Venice. Ill, 5. 13 ■ — — m FEBRUARY. 1787. — Bishop Provoost (first bish- op) consecrated. I know him for a man divine and holy. Measure /or Iilcasure. V, i, 1784. — James Duane installed as Mayor (first after the revo- lution). And, look, how well my garments sit upon me. Tempest. II, I. 6 1806. — Sailors Snug Harbour incor- porated. On this day let seamen fear no wreck. KinsUohn. Ill, I. 1770. — Gen. McDougal arrested for libel. So thou be good, slander doth but approve. Poems. 0- FEBRUARY. 8 1855. — Harlem Gas Light Company chartered. Dark needs no candles now. Loves Labour s Lost. IV, 3. 9 1866. — Land granted to the German Hospital by the City. This being granted in course. Mtasureyor Measurt. Ill, i. 10 1699. — Capt. Kidd sent to England to be tried for piracy. Let him have a'.l the rigour of the law. Henry VI. P. 2 ; I, 3. 1 1 1815. — News of peace with England received. Here arc the articles of contracted peace. Henry VL P. 2; I, i. JS- FEBRUARY. 12 1704. — First Quaker Meeting-house allowed, The napless vesture of humility. Coriola7ius. II, i. 13 1787. — Act passed regulating elec- tions. Let them a5<;emble and on a safe judgment. All revoke your ignorant election. Coriolanus. 11,3- 14 Valentine's Day. Will you mock at an ancient tradition ? Henry V. V, i. 15 1703. — ^9 ids. 3ank opened. Well, well ! we shall thrive now. A ntony and Cleopatra. IV, 4. -13 -m MAY. 12 1780. — Marquis LaFayette arrived from France. The most active gentleman of France. Henry V. Ill, 7. 13 1706. — An attack from a French fleet being feared, the inhabitants are ordered to be in readi- ness. A plague upon this howling. TentJ>est. I, i. 14 1750. — David Smith sentenced to be whipped at the cart's tail for stealing. No more talking on 't ; let it be done. Coriolanus. I, i. 15 1811. — First Medical Commence- ment held. What, dost thou go ? Soft, take thy physic first. Timon 0/ Athens. 111,6. MAY. 16 1699.— Bill passed restraining " py- rats and privateers." I must rid all the sea of pirates. Antony and Cleopatra. II, 6. 17 1824. — Chatham Garden Theatre opened. Then read the names of the actors. Midsummer Night's Dream. I, 2. 18 1816. — Penitentiary opened. ;k'st thou ? ho thou seek's He7iry VI. P. i ; IV, 7. For prisoners ask'st thou ? tell me who thou seek'st. 19 1824. — Meeting to protest against the removal of Uewitt Clinton as Canal Commissioner. We beg your hearing patiently. Hamlet. 11,2. -«* Si MAY. 20 1766. — News of the repeal of the Stamp Act received. I think 'tis no unwelcome news to you. Tivo Gentlemen of I'erona. II, 4. 21 1692. — Gov. Lovelace proposed building a bridge over the " Spiken-devil Ferry." Let it go ; there's few, or none, will entertain it. Richard III. 1,4. 22 1861. — Union Home organized. Here I charge your charity withal. Pericles. Ill, 3. ^KJ> 1762. — Trespassers on Sandy Hook to be amenable to the laws of New York. Unto the rigour of severest law. Romeo and Juliet. V, 3. {&- M A Y. 24 1717. — Act passed restraining the taking of usury. There are other strict observances. Love s Labour s Lost. I, i. 25 1879.— New St. Patrick's Cathedral consecrated. Where I intend holy confession. Two Gentlemen o/" Verona. IV, 3. 26 1828.— The first Bowery Theatre burned. On the catastrophe and heel of pastime. All's IVell that Ends Well. 1 , 2. 27 1717. — Sloop Good-Intent of Rhode Island declared free of ton- nage duty. If ever I thank any man, I'll thank you. As You Like It. II, 5. «- MAY. 28 1860. — The Homoeopathic Dispensa- ry opened. Day by day, Come here for physic. All's Well that Ends Well. Ill, i. 29 1698. — Address to the Governor praying that no person be allowed to bake bread ex- cept in the city. What, in your part, can you say to this ? Othello. I, 3. 30 Decoration day. In celebration of this day with shows Pageants and sights of honour. Henry VIII. IV, 1. 31 1878. — The Board of Aldermen and the Board of Health indicted for malfeasance in office. Stain to thy countrymen ! thou hears't thy doom. Henry VI. P. i .• IV, i. ^ gj JUNE 1 1851. — Express wagons licensed. If you please To trust us in your business, we are ready. Benrj> VIII. Ill, i. 1757. — The Common Council ad- dress Gov. Hardy, praying that he will represent them favourably to the King. Wilt thou hear now how I did proceed ? Hamlet. V, 2. 1747. — The Common Council peti- tion Gov. Clinton to ease the City from a military watch. Men of his way should be most liberal. They are set here for examples. Henry VIII. I, 3. fi- 15 {^ JUNE. 4 1820. — Mariner's Church dedicated. Good : speak to the mariners. Tempest. I, i. 174:7. — Inoculation for small-pox prohibited by Gov. Clinton. Work on, My medecine, work ! Thus credulous fools are [caught. Othello. IV, I. 6 1653. — West India Company granted leave to merchants to send ships to Africa for slaves. Whether this be, Or be not, I'll not swear. Tempest. V, i. 7 1629. — Charters granted to Patroons in New Netherlands. I shall anon advise you Further in the proceeding. Henry VIII. I, 2, ^ » -i^ JUNE. 8 1854. — Mercantile Library in Astor Place opened. A marvellous convenient place. Midsu-tiititer i Night' s Dream. Ill, i. 9 1709. — Paper money first authorized and issued. Do it in notes. Much Ado A bout Nothing. II, 3. 10 1697. — Garden Street laid out for the convenience of the in- habitants. I'll meet you at that place, some hour hence. Comedy 0/ Errors. Ill, i. 1 1 IGlO. — First Dutch emigrants landed at New Netherlands. I'll shew thee every fertile inch o' th' island. Tempest. II, 2. e- JUNE, 12 1878.— William CuUen Bryant died. O good old man, how well in thee appears The constant service of the antique world. As You Like It. 11,3. 13 1703. — Act passed prohibiting the distilling of rum. Take heed o' the foul fiend ! King Lear. 111,4, 14 1698. — A Committee appointed to revise the laws. A goodly matter surely ; comes there any more of it. Taming of the Shrew. I, i. 15 1665.— Title of Mayor's Court first adopted. See'st thou not the air of the court. Winter's Tale. IV, 3. -St JUNE. 16 1707 .—Gov. Van Twiller bought Governor's Island. Now do I see he had some reason for it. Pericles. 1, 3. 17 1788. — Convention met in New York to consider the Federal Constitution. Give us leave, I pray, awhile ; We have some secrets to confer about. Two Gentlemen 0/ Verona. Ill, i. 18 1697. — Earl of Bellomont commis- sioned as Governor. We attend his lordship ; pray signify so much. Timono/ Athens. 111,4. 19 1851. — Ladies Union Aid Society incorporated. Ladies, a general welcome from his grace Salutes ye all. Henry VIII. I, 4. JUNE. 20 1844.— John Pintard died. You'll never meet a more sufficient inan. OtheUe. Ill, 4. 21 1850. — Jacob Hays, high constable, died. The right master constable. Much Ado A bout Nothing. Ill, ». 22 1734. — Act granting to Quakers the same privileges they enjoyed in England. Thou bring'st me happiness and perce. Henry VI. 1. 2; IV, 4. 23 1665. — A collection ordered for repairing the church-yard fenct i sped among I :c collected sh; King "John. IV, 2. How I have sped among the clergymen, The sums I have collected shall express. JUNE. 24 1719. — Gov, Hunter delivered his farewell address to the As- sembly. He bears him like a portly gentleman. AV in CO a?id'ju lid . 1,5. 25 1716. — Act to prevent ye selling or giving of rum to ye Indians. This news is old enough, yet it is every day's news. Measure /or Measure. Ill, 3. 26 1834. — Funeral procession of Gen. Lafayette. He shall have a noble memory. Corioianus. V, 5. 27 1851. — Society for the relief of children of destitute seamen incorporated. They relieved us humanely. Corioianus. I, x. -fii m JUNE. 28 1876.— Samuel J. Tilden nominated for President. There's more in me than thou understand'st. Troilus and Cressida. IV, 5. 29 1776. — Sir Wm. Howe arrived with troops from Halifax. Go tell the lords of the city, I am here. Co>-wlanus, V, 5. 30 1760. — Act to regulate the practice of physic and surgery. Trust not the physician ; His antidotes are poison. Timon 0/ Athens. IV, 3. a- i3- JULY. 1731. — Gov. Montgomerie died. With gray hairs and bruise of many days. Much Ado A tout Noth ing. V, i. 1767. — Parliament takes away the legislative power of New York. Bruised underneath the yoke of tyranny. Richard III. V, 2. 1718. — Pilotage first established. Yet lives our pilot still. Henry Vf. P. 3 ; V, 4. JULY. 4 1856. — Statue of Washington in Union Square inaugurated. He's honorable, And, doubling that, most holy. Cymhclitie. Ill, 4. 1810.— P. T. Barnum born. My revenue is the silly cheat. Winter s Tale. IV, 2. 6 1727. — Constables to warn all keep- ers of dogs to restrain them in the night. Lay hands on him : a dog ! Cymbeline. V, 3. 1691. — A tax of half-penny a pound levied to defray the City debts. Is this proceeding just and honourable ? Hotry IV. P. 2 ; IV, 2. JULY. 8 1771. — Gov. Tryon arrived. nor i Pericles. I, 4. Where's the lord governor/ Here. 9 1776. — Declaration of Independence read to the army. Listen, but speak not. Be lion-hearted, proud. Macbeth. IV, i. 10 1834. — Abolition riots. Our windows are broke down in every street, And we for fear compelled to shut our shops. Henry VI. P. i ; III, i. 1 1 1(S0G. — New York State Emigrant Hospital incorporated. Here is the heart of my purpose. Merry Wives 0/ Windsor. 11,2. «- JULY. 12 1804. — Alexander Hamilton killed. The man was noble, But with his last attempt, he wip'd it out. Othello. V, 3. 13 1703. — ^1,500 to be raised towards erecting forts at the Narrows. The city being of but small defence. Henry VI. P. 3; V, i. 14 1766. — The Colony decided to issue paper money. I fear me, thou Wilt give away thyself in paper shortly. Timon of Athens. 1,2. 15 1790. — Deputation of Creek Indians visited New York. Welcome shall they be : And all the honour'^, that can fly from us. Shall on them settle. All's Well that Ends Well. Ill, 2. m JULY. 16 1833. — Corner-stone of the Uni- versity laid. A learning-place. All's Well that Ends Well. I, i. 17 1763. — John Jacob Astor born. He was a wise fellow, and had good discretion. Pericles. 1,3. 18 18-19. — Croton Aqueduct Depart- ment organized. A piece of work so bravely done, so rich. That it did strive in workmanship and value. Cymbelitie. II, 4. 19 1656. — No Indian with a gun or other weapon allowed in the city. Sometime Accounted dangerous folly. Macbeth. IV, 2. JULY. 20 1870. — Cotton Exchange inaugu- rated. We must make an exchange. Winter s Tale. IV, 3. 21 1715. — Act to oblige the inhabitants of each ward to make good their quota of taxes. To recover of us, by strong hand. And terms compulsatory, those 'foresaid lands. Hamlet. I, i. 22 1779. — No boats allowed to pass to or from the City after dark. This is old ; what is the success ? Antony a7id Cleopatra. Ill, 5. 23 17§§. — Federal procession in honour of the adoption of the Con- stitution. I'll to the throng. Henry V. IV, 5. fiJ- JULY. 24 1677. — A rate laid upon the houses and lands of the inhabitants to pay the debt of the City. Daily new exactions are devised ; As blanks, benevolences, and I wot not what. Richard II. II, i. 25 1647. — Fence viewers appointed. They shall want no instruction. Love s Labour s Lost. IV, ; 26 1796. — Bedloe's Island ceded to the State for a lazaretto. As you shall use me hereafter. Romeo and Juliet. Ill, i. 27 1721. — Lotteries j^rohibited in New York. I heard the proclamation. Henry IV'. P. i ; I, 3. H- -la JULY. 28 1646. — Peter Stuyvesant appointed Director-General. A man of great authority. Ilcnyy I'l. P. i ; V, i. 29 1853. — Public School Society dis- solved. The very last time we shall speak together. jfulius C(Esar. V, i. 30 1690. — Joseph Hegeman of " Flat- bush in King's County," ar- rested for speaking seditious words. Many a man's tongue shakes out his master's undoing. A n 's Well that Ends Well. 11,4- 31 1632.— De Vries sailed from Ports- mouth for Manhattan. What e'er the course ; the end is the renown; All's Well that Ends Well. IV, 4. -a AUGUST. 1854.^House of Mercy opened. The quality of mercy is not strain'd It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven. Merchant of Venice. IV, i. 1658.— Hogs running at large to have rings in their noses. Abortive, rooting hng. Richard HI. I, 3. 1830.— Col. Marinus Willett died. A good old commander, and a most kind gentleman. Henry V. i. -^ AUGUST 1705. — Law passed, punishing with death, every negro found above Saratoga. Say from whence You owe this strange intelhgence ? Macbeth. I, 3. 1705. — Act for the preservation of deer. Now, for our mountain sport. Cymbcline. Ill, 3. 6 1685. — The Governor proclaims that all informers should apply to him. I fear nothing what can be said against me. . Henry fill. V, i. 1807. — Fulton's steamboat Clermont started on her first trip to Albany. Saw you anything more wonderful ? Julius CrFsar. I, 3. \a- AUGUST 8 ITOO. — Act passed for the encourage- ment of seamen. And here receive we Lines of fair comfort and encouragement. Richard III. V, 2. 9 1814:. — Committee of defence ap- pointed. We will discharge our duty. Cymbeline. Ill, 7. 10 1791. — Cunningham (provost mar- shal in the Revolution) hanged in England for forgery. Goaler, look to him ! tell me not of mercy I Merchant 0/ Venice. IV, i. 1 1 1628. — Rev. Jonas Michaelius (first Dutch minister) arrived. Good sir, you're kindly welcome. Cymbeline. I, 6. -fiJ e- AUGUST, 12 1776. — British army under Lord Howe arrived in New York. I am wrapped in dismal thinkings. AlVs Well that Ends IVell. V, 3. 13 1780. —Treaty with the Creek In- dians ratified by Congress in New York. I desire To reconcile me to his friendly peace. Richard III. I, x. 14 1673. — Gov. Colve ordered two deputies sent from each of the Long Island towns to tender submission to the State's General. He is wise, judicious, and best knows The fits o' th' season. Macbeth. IV, 2. 15 1858. — Corner-stone of the new Cathedral laid. And look you get a prayer-book in. Richard III. 111,7- -15 AUGUST. 16 1750. — Beekman Street laid out. You know all my fortunes do He there. Winter's Tale. IV. 17 1776. — Ship Gideon arrived with a cargo of slaves. I am sorry to see you ta'en from liberty. Henry VIII. I, i. 18 1644. — Brewers refuse to pay an ar- bitrary excise. These exactions are most pestilent to the hearing. Henry VIII. I, 2. 19 1854. — Grisi and Mario arrived in New York. What ! wilt thou hear some music ? Midsutnmer Night's DreaTn. IV, i. -0 -» i35 — AUGUST 20 1764.— Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill born. That ever living man of memory. Henry \-I. IV, 3. 21 1797. — Cooper, the actor, made his first appearance. Was accounted a good actor. Hamlet. Ill, 2. 22 1694. — The Governor decides that the Common Council can lay taxes on the inhabitants. I am afraid to think what I have done. Macbeth. 11, 2. 23 1877. — Total eclipse of the moon. Here's a sight for thee. Winter s Tale. III. 3. ^ IS a SI AUGUST. 24 1678.— H. H. Obe appointed City drummer. I pr'y thee, beat thy drum, and get thee gone. Timon of Athens. IV, 3. 25 1676. — Matthew Hillyer to be con- tinued as schoolmaster, pro- vided he behave better in future. The schoolmaster is exceeding fantastical. Love s Labour s Lost. V, 2. 26 1878. — Metropolitan Elevated Rail- road commenced running. Hear the shrill whistle. Henry V. Ill, chorus. 27 1664. — Articles of capitulation agreed on by Peter Stuy- vesant. Is this certain ? Or I have no observance. Atitony and Cleopatra. 111,3- 15 AUGUST. 28 1673. — Tavern keepers not allowed to tap beer on Sunday. A tapster is a good trade. Merry Wives of Windsor, 1,3. 29 1645. — A general peace ratified with all the Indian tribes at New Amsterdam. Give them friendly welcome every one. TainingoJ' the Shrew. I, i. 30 16*)0. — Governor Fletcher arrived. He has had most favourable and happy speed. Othello. II, I. 31 1846. — Walter Bowne (mayor) died. An honest man, and good. Twelfth Night. IV, 2. -fii {&- SEPTEMBER 1755. — Gov. Sir Charles Hardy ar- rived. Give notice to such men of sort and suit, As arc to meet him. Meastire /or Measure. IV, 4. 181-4. — City militia miLstered inLo actual service. No man's too good to serve. Henry IV. P. 2; 111,2, 1833. — New York Sun commenced. The abstract and brief chronicles of the time. Hatnlct. II, 2. -0 SEPTEMBER. 1714. — Ganet D'Ciraw entitled to the exclusive fishery of por- poises. They say, they are half fish, half flesh ; a plague [on them. Pericles. II, I. 1655. — Gov. Stuyvesant sailed on his expedition against the Swedes on the Delaware. Hif, levied host. Collected for this expedition. Henry 11. P. i ; IV, 4. 6 1714. — Act passed to encourage the Indian trade at Albany. We'll take your offer kindly. A U 's IVeli thai Ends II 'ell. 1 1 1 , 5. 1831.— Dr. Mitchill died. Hearing you prais'd, I say, '"Tisso. 'tis true." Sonnets. 85. W SEPTEMBER, 8 1869. — St. Joseph's Industrial School founded. This was but a deed of charity. 1 itiis Andronicus. V, i. 9 184:6. — Telegraphic communication between New York and Al- bany completed. Ere thou canst report I will be there. KingJoJitt. 1,1. 10 1743. — Freedom of the City voted to Gov. George Clinton. Many dream not to find, And yet arc steep'd in favours. Cynibeline. V, 4. 1 1 1850. — Jenny Lind's first concert in New York. I do protest my ears were never better fed With such dcUghtful, pleasing harmony. Pericles. II, 5 -^ -«f SEPTEMBER. 12 1685. — No Jew allowed lo sell by retail. And yet it is almost against my conscience. Ha)iil,-t. V, 2. 13 1783. — The Commandant orders that all fees or gratuities be returned. He puts transgression to 't Measure for Measure. Ill, 2. 14 1685. — Jews not allowed to worship in the City. What shall we say to this in law. Henry I' I. P. 2 ; I, 3- 15 1 7 76. — British troops took possession of the City. Believe me, I had rather have lost my purse Full of cruzadoes. Othello. 111,4- -0 SEPTEMBER. 16 1833. — Boundary line between New York and New Jersey settled. Of all these bounds, even from this line to this. King Li-ar. I, i. 17 17S7. — Constitution of the United States announced in the City. 'Beseech you, sir, were you present at this relation. ly inter s Talc. V, 2. 18 1708. — Act passed for suppressing immorality. I have no exquisite reason for't, but I have reason [good enough. Twelfth Night. II, 3. 19 1650. — Treaty concluded at Hart- ford, settling the boundary between the Dutch and En- glish authorities. We here deliver what we have compounded on. Coriolainis. V, 5. -« SEPTEMBER, 20 1720. — Gov. Wm. Burnett arrived. Full of careful business are his looks. Richard 11. II.-. 21 1854. — Bishop Wainwright died. All his mind is bent on holiness. His weapons holy saws of sacred writ. Henry VI. P. 2 ; I, 3. 22 1743. — Admiral Clinton arrived as Governor. And art the governor of this place. Pericles. IV, 6. 23 1822. — Tread-mill put in operation at Bellevue. I'll show you the manner of it. Two Gentlemen of Verona. II, 3. 12 O a— SEPTEMBER. 24 18'^ 7. —Deaf and Dumb Asylum re- ceived a grant of land on Fourth Avenue. Think of this But as a thins of custom ; tis no other. Macbeth. Ill, 4- 25 1647. — (iov. Stuyvesant granted a charter to the City. I have made a bold charter. All's Well that Ends Well. IV, 5. 26 1812. — Geo. Frederick Cooke (the actor) died. A well-graced actor leaves the stage. Richard II. V, 2. 27 1706'. — Crov. Cornbury recommends that Her Majesty's forts be strengthened. I like thy counsel ; well hast thou advised. Tivo Gentlemen oj" Verona. 1,3. -la SEPTEMBER. 28 1839.— Wm. Dunlap (the artist) died. O, he hath drawn my picture. Loves Labour s Lost. V, 2. 29 1689. — The Mayor and Aldermen, elected by the people, held their first meeting. I would fain see this meeting. ,4.r You Like It. 111,3. 30 1682. — Thomas Dongan appointed Governor. I will then address me to my appointment. Ulerry IVivcs 0/ IVindsor. 111,5. OCTOBER. 1853. — Clearing House commenced business. All debts are cleared between you and me. Merchant o^ Venice. Ill, 2. 1854. — Academy of Music inaugu- rated. I'll bring you where you shall hear music. Two Gentlemen 0/ Verona. IV, 2. 1711. — Apprentices to serve ten years and then to be set free. A long apprenticchood. Richard 11. 1,3. -n OCTOBER 1658. — A " ratel wacht " ordered for the City. Stay not to question, for the watch is coming. Romeo and Juliet. V, 3. 1733. — Zenger's Weekly Jotirrial commenced. Look, here comes more news. He>iry W. P. 2 ; I, i. 6 1669.— A seal and silver mace pre- sented by the Duke of York. This is a gift very grateful. Taininsof the Shrew. 11, i. 1765. — First Congress of American Colonies met in New York. I humbly beseech you, proceed to the affairs of state. Othello. I, 3. 4 ■ ^ OCTOBER. 1691. — The Mayor to receive six shillings for every seal. Yet that were but light payment. Henry IV. P. 2 ; Epilogue. 9 1658. — Citizens petition for a " hoist " to unload vessels. We will consider of this further. Henry V. 3. 10 1760. — Freedom of the City voted to Gen. Amherst for the con- quest of Canada. A soldier firm, and sound of heart. Henry V. Ill, 6. 1 1 1614. — The term "New Nether- lands," first used in the colonial annals. Terms ! names ! the devil himself hath not such [a name. Merry Wives 0/ Windsor. II, 2. {3 OCTOBER, 12 1672. — Gov. Lovelace elected a Mayor and Alderman. Have thou the ordering of this. Kingjolin. V, i. 13 1669. — Gov. Lovelace proclaimed that Lutherans be tolerated. A spleeny Lutheran. Henry VIII. Ill, 2. 14 1754. — First books ordered for the City Library arrived. Poetry And other books —good ones, I warrant you. Tamingof the Shrew. I, 2. 15 1713. — Excise law passed. I will make it felony to drink small beer. Henry I 'I. P. 2; IV, 2. Cf- O CI' O B E R . 16 1695. — Bill passed for regulating attorneys-at-law. Let them be men of good repute. Love' s Labour s Lost. I, 2. 17 1G75. — Ordered that four aldermen be a court of sessions. I'll warrant you, we'll play our part. Taming 0/ the Shrew. Induction, i. 18 1780. — Cartmen driving their horses at a faster gait than a walk to be imprisoned. Do your best wills. And make me bless'd to obey. Cymbeline. V, i. 19 1775. — Ciov. Tryon took refuge on board the sloop of war Hali- fax. Stand not upon the order of your going. But go at once. Macbeth. Ill, 4. -13 OCTOBER, 20 1776.— The " Whitby," first prison- ship anchored at the Walla- bout. It doth presage some ill event. He7iry TI. P. i; IV, i. 21 1868. — Corner-stone of National Academy building laid. Dost thou love pictures. Taming of the Shre^v. Induction. 22 1869. — Foundling Asylum opened. Here I charge you charity withal. Pericles. Ill, 3. 23 1826. — First performance in the Bowery Theatre. There are the players. Hamlet. II. 2. -0 -^ 13- OCTOBER 24 1816. — First exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts. Show the glory of an art. Macbeth. Ill, 5. 25 1825. — American Seamen's Fund Society organized. Seafaring men provide for storms. Cotnedy 0/ Errors. I , i . 26 1761. — Gov. Monckton arrived. I am governor of this place you li^before. Pericles. V, i. 27 1878. — Manhattan Savings Bank robbed. Vv'hat makes robbers bold but too much lenity. Henry VI. P. 3 ; II, 6. -0 OCTOBER. 28 1684. -Bill fixing an annual salary for the judges. Needs must I like it well. Richard II. 2. 29 1860. — Land granted by the City to the Hebrew Benevolent So- ciety. Most dearly welcome. Winter s Tale. V, i. 30 1675. — All persons ordered to take the oath of allegiance to His Majesty's Government. Thus hath he sworn, and I with him. Kingyohn. V, a. 31 1756. — Excise laid on tea of foreign growth. 'Tis going to the king's exchequer. Henry n'. P. i ; 11,2. -13 -0 NOVEMBER 1765. — Meeting held to protest against the Stamp Act. I dare say This quarrel will drink blood another day. Henry I'l. 1'. I ; 11,4. 2 17*]0. — Twenty pounds reward of- fered for a horse-thief named Solomon Jennings. Let's seek him ; we may iirullc meet. Thuon I'J Athens. V, i. 1772.-^37 paid Mr. Pratt for C'.ov. Colden's portrait. In my gallery tliy picture hangs. Henry / '/. P. i ; 11, 3. NOVEMBER 1825.- — First boat down the Erie Canal arrived at New York. Wondrous things That highly may advantage thee. Titus AndrotiicHs. V, i. 1816. — Gouverneur Morris died. An absolute gentleman, full of most excellent dif- [ferences. Hamlet. V. 2. 6 1778. — Col. Beverly Robinson noti- fies refugees wanting assist- •ance to call upon him. What I can help thee to, thou shalt not miss. A n 's n 'ell that Ends Well. I, 3. 1878. — A. T. Stewart's remains stolen from St. Mark's Church-yard. Foul whisperings are abroad. Macbeth. V. I. SI NOVEMBER 8 Q- 174:1. — Act for tlie "more equal keeping" of a sufficient night- watch. We find a slothful watch but weal:. //c-nry }V. 1\ i; 111,2. 9 1851:. — ^Irs. Alexander Hamilton died. The last hour Of my long weary life is come upon me. //earj' VI 11. II, i. 10 1843.— Col. John Trumbull died. I have heard of your paintings, too. I lam I ft. Ill, I. 1 1 1804:. — Maturin Livingston appoint- ed Recorder. One that knows the law, go to. Ji luch Ado About Nothing: IV, 2. -tk NOVEMBER, 2 1726. — Act to prevent desertion from His Majesty's troops in the province. An' it shall please you to break up this, it shall seem to signify. Merchant of I'enicc. II, 4. 1607. — The City liail being con- sidered unsafe, the Council are directed to meet next door to it. Where you shall hold your session. King Lear, V, 3. 1783. — Superintendent of the Port's Office closed. •* Othello's occupation's gone. Othello. Ill, 3. 15 1869. — Grand Central Depot com- menced. Take you to your tools. Titiis AndronicKS. IV, 3, NOVEMBER. 16 1778. — Chimneys of all houses or- dered to be swept once in every four weeks. We'll execute your purpose. Troilus and Cressida. Ill, 3. 17 1870. — Seventh Regiment fair opened. Now, my spruce companion?;, is all ready, and all things neat ? TcDiiin^ of the Shre^v. IV, i. 18 1738. — Law passed regulating the duties of firemen. Now do your duty thoroughly. Taming; 0/ the Shrew. IV, 4. 19 1720. — A duty of two per cent, laid on European goods. You knew how much they do import. Henry n\ P. i ; IV, 4. ■» N O V E M B E R . 20 1702. — Act passed for the better support of the poor. Take mercy on the pimr souls. llcnry]'. 11,4- 21 1757» — Entertainment given to "worthy Col. Peter Schuyler," on his happy return to New York. Let it serve for table talk ; 'mong other things I shall digest it. merchant of Venice. 111,5. 22 17'i:l. — Act to revise and i)rint the laws of the Colony from the happy revolution. Let the laws go whistle. Winter s Tale. IV, 3. 23 1779. — No person allowed to sell gunpowder without a license. Most dangerous is that temptation. ^ Measure /or Meastirc. 11, 2. -12 NOVEMBER 24 1750. — Act passed for the relief of in- solvent debtors. Fur this relief, much thanks. llavtht. I, I. 25 187D. — Testimonial to Bishop Potter on tlie twenty-liflh anniver- sary of his election as Bishop. With all the lionours. TctnJ>cst. 1 , 2. 26 1G53. — Convention of the towns called to assemble at New Amsterdam. Assemble we immediate council. Antony and Clcopatru. I, 4' 27 1741. — Act restraining disorderly and gaming houses. Thou hast disturbed our sport. Alidsummcr' s Night's Dream. II, 2. 5i- -tk NOVEMBER. 28 1797. — First prisoners received in the State Prison. The afflicted spirits Here in the prison. Measure for Mcastire. II, 3. 29 1872. — Horace Greely died. I know the gentleman To be of worth and worthy estimation, And not without desert so well reputed. T-MO Gentlemen 0/ Verona. II, 3. 30 1756. — St. Andrew's Society insti- tuted. As if it felt with Scotland. Macbeth. IV, 3- tk' DECEMBER 1756. — Stamp office opened. Indeed^ ■lirs. but this troubles me, hamlet. 1784. — Freedom of the City pre- sented to Gen. Washington. Consider you what services he has done for his [country. Coriolanus I, i. 1678. — Thomas Delaval appointed judge of the admiralty. Then judrje of my merit. Merry \Vi7trs of Windsor. Ill, $. -D -0 DECEMBER. 1758. — An inn-keeper fined £s ^^^ buying his shirt from a soldier. I beg the law, the law, upon his head. l^Iidsuwmcr s Night' s Dream. II, i. 1671. — ^100 arrears of salary or- dered to be paid to Dominie Drisius. Give him this money, and these notes. Hamlet. II, I. 6 1777. — Ordered that a charity ser- mon be preached at St. George's Chapel for the charity school. Of this discourse we more will hear anon. Midsummer s Nt'g/it's Dream. IV, i. 1754. — Justices empowered to try causes from forty shillings to five pounds. I knew when seven justices could not take up a {quarrel. As You Like It. V, 4. -Sf a rj DECEMBER. 8 1691. — Congregation of the Dutch Church granted land to build a church. It is a deed m fashion. Julius Ccesar. V, 5. 9 1640. — VVilhelin Hendricks made the first ardent spirits in America at Staten Island. 0, abhorcd spirits. Jimott of Athens. V, 1. 10 1853. — Harpers printing office burned. To bring the roof to the foundation In heaps and piles of ruin. Coriolanus. Ill, i. 1 1 1762. a — Act passed for quartering and billeting His Majesty's troops within the Colony. Yonder comes the troop. Troilus and Crcssida. IV, 5. rj DECEMBER. 12 1753. — Act passed to raise money by lottery towards founding a college. Shall we go draw our numbers. Henry IV. P. 2 ; 1,3. 13 1678. — City Provost ordered to levy fines on all persons refusing to serve on the watch. Is that the law ? Thyself shalt see the act. Merchant 0/ Venice. IV, i. 14 1763. — Foremen of grand juries to administer the oath to wit- nesses. Propose the oath, my lord. Hamlet. I. 5. 15 1870. — City granted land to the Foundling Hospital of Sis- ters of Mercy. Was't not to this end that thou began '^t To twist so fine a story. Much Ado About Noth ing . I , i . 0- DECEMBER 16 1737. — Rate of interest reduced to seven per cent. You have rated me About my monies, and my usancci. Merchant o/ Venhe. 1,3. 17 1773. — Sons of Liberty met in New York. Mercy o' me, what a multitude are here. Henry VI 11. V. 3. 18 1766.— Boundary line between New York and Canada fixed. What, are you both agreed ? Yes, please your majesty. Pericles. 11,5- 19 1645.— Gov. Kieft granted a patent for Gravcsend. Take the paper, sc: it be return'd. T'dio Gentlemen 0/ Verona. I, 2. DECEMBER, 20 1763. — Tonnage dues to be paid to build a lighthouse at Sandy- Hook. Patience, good sir, Even for this change. Pericles. Ill, i. 21 17t>7. — Society for the promotion of arts meet. O had I but followed the arts ! Twelfth Night. I, 3. 22 1831. — The Corporation authorized the first City railroad. Say you do 't by our permission. Julius Cirsar. Ill, i. 23 1807. — Embargo laid on all vessels. Let the ports be guarded. Coriolanus. I, 7 «3- {5 DECE MBER. 24 1763. — Jacob Arden, a butcher, or- dered to leave the market for violating the Assize law. I'll answer him by law . I 11 not budge an inch. Tamin-^ of the Shrew. Induction, i. 25 Christmas Day. This day shall change all griefs and quarrels Into bve. Jlenry V. V, 2. 26 1870.— Recorder Hackett died. ;ood name, iriches him Othello. Ill, 3. He that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him. 27 1853. — Ship Great Republic burned at her dock. The extremity of dire mishap. C.^:>tedy of Errors. I, i. JS- DEC EMBER. 28 1697. — Four barrels of powder or- dered for saluting Gov. Bello- mont on his arrival. Most military sir, salutation. Love's Labotirs Lost. V, i. 29 1797. — Ladies' Society for the relief of poor widows and chil- dren organized. This is good news ; I will go meet the ladies. Coriolanus. V, 4 30 1813. — American Society for evan- gelizing the Jews instituted. Sure, there is no converting of them. Henry VJJI. I, ^. 31 1799. — Washington's funeral pro- cession. A woeful pageant have we here beheld. Richard II. IV, i. S5 4^ , . ERAS, _Fl -■N'.-P'E. 014 lOo ~1C 2 <• ' i"'/ y • » /y- j^ ■%, -^ *' >' ,y , ' , ' « 'f,< ''/