D5?C) m-n Deaths From Alabar ^^s^^As Reported in th( ^'^ f^"^ ■ _ January 1 T9j |orcoiro*E,s| (gASHlwgiSfil -^J-V'-AMA STATE DEPARTi\r Dr. Thomas AUTAUGA T.vus, Cart PI- t a » McCuIlough. Matheu- W Jone, Motfn, Corn. Jones ' Rogeig, Jesse, Jones J-ee Johnson, Kalmia wadsworth t.pp i ,, ,, Cooi., McGhee^' Pelce ''"''"•'■^ Golson, Mount E., Prattville Jackson Jim. Prattville K ough Joseph C. Prattville Ho c • t^'^'"' Prattville "ouston. Newel «5 of„» Rawlinson. Rotr't w'.''l^r^ BALDWIN Jla.vlor, John T. .Bay Minette Wnght, Hilliard, Blacksher Durant, Little Eel.. Bromlev Sledge. William. Bromley " f, lf\ -^^^^ «•• Daphne Knight, Leroy, Dvas Arnett, Tobe, Gateswood Broughton. Dan. Hurricane Mitchell, Aubrey. Lillian Weeks, John P.. Magnolia Sp, ings Brown. Boaton. Perdido Station G,ven.'' -l^fP^ W.. Perdido Station w^, • Ju"*"" ^- Robertsdale TI^ .' ^^°™^^ W' Robertsdale T,1rn"'\.^""" ^- Scranage Turner, Marion, Styx Ladd, Madison, Tensaw Williams, Wilson. Tensaw BARBOUR Wetr* T,""'""^'" ^- Bakeihill West, Porter, Bakerhill Ma lard, Marshall, Batesville Calloway, Abraham. Clavton Clayton. Col. Bertram T., Chivtor, Davis. America, Clayton ' " Franklin, Jo.seph W.. aayton Hodges. Lester, Clayton Kennedy. Vernon B.. Clavton Quillen. Jeff, Clavton ''""''■ ""uoj^cii- XJrt-'-n . uojsuiK 'T A"au9H 'uos.weq Clark, Wilton, G Haigier, Marlon Hall. Albert, Gre Hendricks, Rufu« Lewis, Esie, Gre- Payne, Wiley, G Phelps, Joseph R Williams, Will p Ealum, George I Price. Bryant, M Milton, Lee, Oake McCormick, Burie CALHOUN Campbell, Sam J,' Carter, Henry W.. Champion. Willia' Chastine. Lewis Uabbs. Henry L Dismuke, Homer 'l Eichelberger, M Hamlet, George" ( Heath, Frank, Ai Henry. Milton, A Meredith, George Snow, Frank Ham Southers, John A. Steadom, Willie Puggs, Monroe, Ai Williams, James T Allen, James L., Hanna, Eba. Choc Hawkins. Oliver, ( ^Tiiteside, Raymor Green, Dallas. Qn Porter. Rad C, Jr Scott. Ed.. Jacksoi Wingo. Lorenzo. J Luttrell, Hugh H., Sanford, George, 6 Cobb. Richard Bry Savage, Robert S., Waits. Leo, Wellii CHAMBERS Barber, Wiley L., Monagan, John H., Johnson, Allen, Cu Wallace, Hugh M., Borden, Joe, Fairfa Bridges, James F., Bonner, Sam, Fivcj Brown, T., FIvepoi Clem, Johnson, Gla Beaird, Andrew E., Hunter, Luther, La Jackson. George F. Hardy. Richard -O., Moni n'pn Inhn B , Mount Mclgs s S: •^' r; d, Sprague ci: z ;n°° h iks;y fS "k! M 'ord U, Albany RUSSELL PuBh. Shad. I! IJpforJ. Omlo, SHELBY Di 820 933 524 4 ' TUSCALOOSA Flippo. John Deaths From Alabama In the European War \ ^^-^As Reported in the Official U. S. Bulletin p^i^/\'^ January 1, 1918, to March 29, 1919 (The records cover deaths from all causes, and are presented precisely as thev appear in the Ip^^^^^iULLETIN, without change in any particular. Additions and corrections should lie' reported to Dr. Bor COirORets U CompUed by Nir>i«^~~ 8 .^L.^BAM.^ state department of archives and history. fes^UijJgJjM Dr. Thomas M. Owen, Director. Montgomery • BALDWIN CLEBURNE p tterson 'WDllani A. P< >ii City Mullens. Jesse F.. I l»srBoh"'i°A^;'R»S'.h ShefTleid Lonnle L- Bagland England. James Porter, S Jones Ewlng, Sprlngvllle Bfgweil.^S' O^kr Bufringlon. Hugh G.. Stei iU F'erison!'"Le3 te^r^"!! Bobinson. Burton, (Burlor B^ir"Geo^ge'w.°T SUMTER^ ^ ^^^^^^^ Pomby. McCager Bi Rushing. Samuel. Coatopa WASHINGTON w'll'"e Mauhew. Cuba Foy Will, Emelle s'^Vli SMney j' H Mu''chell"''rrpe. ' Emelle 1 Anderson. Lemon, A Thomas. Joe!'''Epe3 Woodyard. Frank, i rnb"ri "Edwanl ^.v^" ele( ■r WILCOX I d', Dt CHAMBERS TALLAPOOSA ., Union Springs Union Springs ston, Union Sprlr BUTLER L.. Equality Arthur, Andalusl bright, Joseph M.. Geori May. Willie J.. Salltpa na In the European War I Official U. S. Bulletin 8, to March 29, 1919 es, and are presented precisely as they appear in the •. Additions and corrections should Ijt reported to Dr. mpiled by SNT of' ARCHIVES AND HISTORY. M. Owen, Director. Dntgomery reenville L., Greenville enville P., Greenville nville eenville , Greenville ank, Greenville McKenzie cKenzie y Streak G., Pigeon Creek ., Anniston Anniston ' ri, Anniston Anniston Anniston J., Anniston L.., Anniston )., Anniston miston nniston Newton, AnnistoK ilton, Anniston , Anniston Anniston iniston ., Bluemountain Choccolocco !0lOCC0 ■^hoccolocco d F., Choccolocco ly cksonville iville IcFall Oxford cford int, Piedmont Piedmont igton Buffalo Buffalo sseta Cusseta X Fairfax, 'Olnts nts ss Lafayette fayette ^afayette Atchison, William F., Thomasville Autry, John E., Thomasville Coats, Gus, Thomasville Friddle, Alver, Thomasville Brewei', Frank B., Walker Springs Rudder, Bryant Carr, Walker Springs Gilyard, Leonard, Whatley CLAY Brown, Mallard P.. Ashland Green, Northen C. , Ashland McVey, Cecil, Ashland Wicker, John J., Ashland Dawkins, Benjamin O. , Cragford McEli-ath, John, Hollins Smith, Adam L., Hollins Floyd. Matthews, Lineville Mitchell, Thomas, Lineville Smith. Carl C, Lineville Upchurch, Buren, Lineville Vinson, Dock, Lineville CLEBURNE McCoy, Charles W., Bell Mills Ray, Fred, Bell Mills Wheeler, Thomas M., Bell Mills Ayers, Joseph I., Heflin Buchanan, Benjamin, Heflin Dennis. Joe, Heflin Harper, Adair, Heflin Jairrels, McKinley, Heflin Butler, Rubin J., Hightower Roberts, Ivie, Hopewell COFFEE Andrews, Bud, Elba Cole, Walter, Elba Cooper, James A., Elba Culver, Clarence L., Elba Durant, Ed Little, Elba Dye, Tramble, Elba Goolsby, Joseph W., Elba Harris. Homer, Elba Heath, Thurston, Elba Batchelor, Harry H., Enterprise Clements, Homer T., Enterprise Commander, Henry H., Enterprise Cook, Melvln O., Enterprise Ellis. Barney, Enterprise Fldyd, Adam G., Enterprise Martin, James F., Enterprise Miller, Guy, Enterprise Murdock, Charlie, Enteiprlse Mynard, Monroe T., Enterprise Odom, Leonard R., Enterprise Kiley, Lonnle O.. Enterprise Thoma.«i. O.soar E.. Enterprise CRENSHAW Null, CIttiJd NalliniH CULLMAN Mowt, Y. C, Tylor DEKALB "tii.ka t. Jr., McCullough ■r. Nokomis Cornelius, TVallace osGph B,, Alabama CJly Oray, Julius B., , MIddleton, Hugh Bast Gadsden wJilto, Tom, Ofldsden Shom'mcy ^lir" ^'" ^^°^^^ ^^"" nalna, Wtlllam, Walnut Orove FAYETTE Ko"mn° OhSlo'T "*"""'"' ^«'"'^*<"' Win." Julian, Bor?" ' ^"^'^ Caaoy, Robert S Covin Forsyth, Edward M,, Covin Ciimpijoll, Durti' FiMvu,'" l1lll-'''Tmn^''''i.1«^" S"""*^ SprlDffS ,. . , II n^' '^'^''^e Springs r.'.i^irt'n T^i^'^u "^A- ^°^^^ Springs