i ^^L 1 ^^^^^^^ \ ^^9 Class_ "2^^^ Rook - /- 6 /fc / STATE OF FLORIDA. U..,M-A,.i OFFICE OF THE State Superintendent a: OF ;:^ Public Insturction^ Laws Relating to Schools Enacted by the Legis-' lature of 1901, with Explanations, TALLAHASSEE, FLA: I. B. HiLSON, State Printer. 1901. % i l3 %bi(] i 1^ LAWS ENACTED IN 1901, No digest of the school laws including the Acts of 1901 will be issued this year, as has been customary after each Legislature. This is in the interest of economy, as there are 2,00(1 co])ies of the digest of 1800 on hand with but few changes made therein by the last Legislature, and as the appropriation for office printing is quite inadequate.lt is advisable then to preserve this ]iublication as by compari- son with the digest of school laws of 1899 the law now in force mav be readilv ascertained. (Jays. CiiAPTEu 4902— (Xo. 108.) AN ACT to Amend Sections 256 and 257, Revised Stat- utes. Relative to School Holidays and Lost Time, and to Prescribe a School Vacation. Be it Enacted lnj the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 256. of the Revised Statutes, be and tlie same is hereby amended to read as follows: school hoU- Thanksgiving Day and Independence Day shall be ob- days served as school holidays. Sec. 2. That Section 257, of tlic Revised Statutes, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: A j^jonthiy re- teacher's monthly report shall in every case, except as port^for2o herein jirovided, be made for twenty days of actual teach ing, and sur-]i report must be filed with the County Super- intendent before Avarrant )r.ay 'te drawn for all or any part of such service; Provided. That a school holiday oc- curing in anv scholastic month may be counted as one of the twenty days taught ; and Provided, That when a Sft"onii' ^"^ school term may embrace a fraf^tional number of months, month. the last monthly rej-.ort shall be made for a fraction of a month, and })ayment shall be made for such fraction of a month. Sec! o. All public schools sliall observe the ])eriod from December 24 to January 1. 'ooth days inclusive, as vacation re- a vacation, and no one of these days shall be counted as Quired, taught in a teacher's monthly re]'ort. Approved :May 22, 1901. 1601. SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. Note. — Sections 1 and 2 of this Act take the place of Sections 81 and 82 of the digest of school laws of 1899; their effect is to repeal all school holidays but two, and to abrogate the old way of making up lost time. Section 3 makes Christmas week a vacation and renders use- less regulation 13 on page 83 of the digest of 1899, ClTAPTER 4993— (Xo. 109.) AN ACT to Amend Section 13 of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Florida, Entitled "An Act to Prescribe Rules and Regulations for Licensing Teachers; to Provide for Uniform Examinations ; to Secure Fairness in Ex- aminations and in Issuing Teachers' Certificates, and for Other Purposes." Be it Enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 13 of Chapter 4192, of the Laws of Florida, entitled "an act to ijrescribe rules and regulations for licensing teachers ; to provide for uniform examinations; to secure fairness in examinations and in issuing teachers' certificates, and for other purposes," be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit : Sec. 13. All examination questions and answers pre- pared b}^ the applicants for certificates shall be filed in wfth coumy" the office of the County Superintendent and properly pre- Superintend- ggrvcd for at least one year, and in case any candidate is dissatisfied with the gradings of his or her papers, he or she may file a notice of appeal therefrom, together with a fee of five dollars, with the County Superintendent, who shall at once forward the papers of such applicant to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Upon the receipt of such papers, the State Superintendent shall at once appoint a committee of three leading teachers of the State of Florida who shall, as soon as practicable, Appeal from regrade such papers and certify their acts to the County kig'commit-'^' Superintendent of the county from which the appeal tee. emanated, and these grades shall be final, and the County Superintendent shall issue certificates based upon them only. Such grading committee of appeals shall be paid by the Board of Public Instruction of the county from SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA, wliicli tlie apfjeal emanated the sum of one dollar and fifty cents each for each set of papers so graded. Approved May 22, 1901. Note. — The above Section 13 takes the place of Section 56, on page 26, of the School Law Digest. Chapter 4994— (No. 110.) AN ACT Making Appropriations for the Purchase by the State Board of Education of the Grounds, Buildings and Property of the Suth Florida Military and Educational Institute, and for the Enlargement of the Barracks and Laboratory, and to Provide for Heating the Buildings when Purchased. Be it Enacted hi/ the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the sum of six thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase of Appiopria- o 1 ^ -r-(i • 1 tion to Fur- the grounds, buildings and property of the South Florida chase plant Military and Educational Institute, and, the sum of fnsutute.^^ 13.500.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the enlargement of the barracks and laboratory, and to pro- vide for heating the buildings when purchased; Provided. That no money shall be paid for said grounds, buildings and property until the title to the same shall be approved by the Attorney-General. Sec. 2. That the State Board of Education is hereby autliorized to purchase, for a sum not to exceed the state Board amount appropriated by this act for that purpose, all the o^ pu'Jchlse"" property, of the South Florida Military and Educational and improve. Institute for the State of Florida and wiien purchased to expend the amount appropriated by Section 1 of this act in enlarging the barracks and laboratory and provid- ing for heating the buildings. Sec. 3. That the Comptroller is hereby authorized to •draw Vv'arrants on the State Treasurer for the amounts ^iQ^ey. how appropriated by Section 1 of this act upon presentation paid, of proper vouchors approved by the State Board of Edu- cation. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 29, 1901. SCHOOL LAWS OF TLOKIDA, Chapter 4995— (No. 111.) AN ACT for the Relief of Aged Teachers Be it Enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Florida - Section 1. That froDi and after the passage of this act. any teacher in the State of Florida who has taught ^ichwtt'hout ^^^^ whole or part of each year for twenty years prior to further exam- Janiiar}^ 1, lOOi), in the public or private schools of the State of Florida, and who presents satisfactory proof of ^^uch fact to the County Superintendent of Public In- struction of the county of which he is a resident, shall be entitled to receive from said County Superintendent a certjlicate of sucli fact, v/hich said certificate shall en- title said teacher to teacJi in any public school in said county in the primary and intermediate grades; Provided, A majority of the patrons of such school shall select said certificate holder as such teacher; and no further exami- nation of such teacher shall be necessary or required hereafter ; Provided, That said teacher shall have secured . at least one certificate under the present uniform examina- tion law of this State and shall not teach in any grade higher than that called for in the certificate. Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved May 30, 1901. Note. — County Superintendents will note carefully and insist that each one of the seven conditions is strictly complied with before allowing anyone to teach who does not hold a regular certificate unimpaired by suspension, revocation or limitation, to-wit: (1) The teacher must have taught the whole or a part of each of the twenty years prior to January 1, 1900; (2) must have taught all this time in the public or private schools of Florida; (3) must make to the County Superintendent of the county of his residence satisfactory proof of the above facts; (4) is limited to teach only in the primary and intermediate grades in the county of his residence; (5) a majority of the patrons must select such person as teacher; (6) must present satisfac- tory proof that he has taken at least one regular certificate in a uniform examination of this State since January, 1894; (7) is prohibited from teaching a higher grade school than the certifi- cate taken in the uniform examination. SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1901. Chapter 4996— (No. 112.) AN ACT Requiring Teachers' Summer Schools and Mak- ing Appropriations. Therefor. Whereas, The value of the public schools is measured by the character of the teachers employed ; and Whereas, Teachers' Summer Schools are recognized in all States as a most potent means of improving the work of teachers, by awakening greater interest and enthusi- Preamble, asm in their work and improving their scholarship and methods of instruction ; and, Whereas, Dr. J. L. M. Curry, agent of the Peabody Fund, has agreed to continue the donation of twelve hun- dred dollars (|1,200.00) per annum for Teachers' Summer Peabody Schools, provided the Legislature will show its appreci- tionai!^°" ation of the gift by supplementing it with a larger sum ; therefore, Be it Enacted hi/ the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the sum of two thousand dollars for the year 1901, and two thousand dollars for the year 1902, be and the same is hereby appropriated for th^ pur- Appropria- pose of holding such Teachers' Summer Schools at such ye^rV"^ *^° times and places as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may designate, and as the fund appropriated and that donated from the Peabody Fund will sustain. Sec. 2. That impartial provision shall be made for the instruction of teachers of both races in these Summer Schools, and the sums appropriated in the foregoing section shall be subject to the order of the State Superin- ^"g^ \^e^^ tendent of Public Instruction, and paid upon the requisi- taught ; tion of said Superintendent upon the Comptroller out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appro- priated. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction to submit a report to the next General Assembly showing the number and location of such schools conducted, the number of teachers attend- stateSuper- ing each by race and sex, the conductors of each school mak" report, with number of days service rendered by each and the amount paid each; and submit vouchers for every dollar paid out from this fund. 1901. SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. Sec. 4. All laws in conflict with this act are hereby re- pealed. Approved May 30, 1901. Chapter 4997— (No. 113.) I AN ACT to Establish Scholarships in the State Normal School at DeFuniak Springs, and to Make Appropria- tions Therefor. Whereas, The greatest educational need of the State is more professionally trainied teachers, and investment therein will yield the greatest possible returns; and the State is sustaining a scholarship in a military school for Preamble. young men from each county at a cost of $200.00 each per annum while no such privilege is extended which is available for young women of the State, though a large majority of the teachers of the State are women, and would gladly improve opportunities of better preparing themselves for this profession if like advantages of free board were offered them; therefore, Be it Enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Florida. Section 1. That the sum of fortj^-five hundred dollars Appropi-ia- fop (..^eh of the years beginning Julv 1, 1901, and 1902, tions ' Ode'. ' be and the same is hereby appropriated from any funds ?hiDfor*each ^^^ ^^'<^ treasury not otherwise appropriated, to establish county and uiaintain one scholarship for each county in the State Normal School at DeFuniak Springs. Sec. 2. That the County Superintendent and School how'dwarded -Board of each county be required to select by competitive examination before the first day of August, 1901, and within one month of any time thereafter that the principal shall give notice of a vacancy, a young man or a young Dulles of wonum between the ages of eis:hteen and twenty-five, of of Educa'tFon. good moral character and competent to meet the entrance requirements prescribed for said Normal School by the State Board of Education, and who proposes to make teaching a profession, and such person shall receive the sum of twelve and one-half dollars (|12.50) for board and other expenses for each of the eight months he or she SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. .1901. may attend said school, this amount to be paid upon the certificate and requisition of the principal of the school under such regulations as may be required by the State Board of Education. Sec. 3. That this scholarship shall be valid for two years, and shall be given to such persons as manifest Teach four VG3rS or FG" adaptability for teaching and sign an agreement to each fund. for at least four years in this State or to refund the money received from such scholarship. Sec. 4. That in case the scholarship of any county S'hall not be filled by the first day of September, the prin- Scholarships cipal of the school shall notify the State Superintendent, Td by state who shall hold a competitive examination open to the Supermtend- State at large, and award the vacant scholarships for all counties not availing thems*^^^-es of the benefits of this act. Sec. 5. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved May 28, 1901. Note. — The following regulations in accordance with Sec. 2 of this Act were adopted by the State Board of Education July 5, 1901. Regulation 1. The Principal of the State Normal School shall give ample notice to all County Superintendents of the State of a uniform date for holding competitive examinations for scholarships in said school. Each Superintendent in turn shall advertise the time, place and purpose of said examination in a newspaper having the largest circulation in the county, or by posting at five conspicuous places in different parts of the county, for at least two weeks prior to said examination. Reg. 2. Questions for said competitive examinations shall be uniform for all counties, shall be prepared by the Principal of the Normal School and by him sent to County Superintend- ents under seal, and shall not be opened except in the presence of the examinees at the time and place advertised for the ex- amination. All instructions for the conduct of the examination sent by the Principal with the questions must be rigidly com- plied with. Reg. 3. The said examination questions shall embrace all the subjects, omitting pedagogy, required for a teacher's third grade certificate in this State, and the answers shall be graded by the County Superintendent and School Board, or by persons appointed by them. Reg. 4. The scholarship shall be awarded to that applicant 10 SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1901, between 18 and 25 years of age whose examination grades, moral character, habits, physical condition and manifest adaptability for teaching indicate the greatest probability of success as a teacher. Persons may be excluded from the competition whose known habits, physical or moral defects will incapacitate them as successful teachers or seriously interfere with their becoming such. Reg. 5. No person is entitled to enter thp State Normal School on scholarship appointment or otherwise, whose scholar- ship qualifications fall below the requirements for a teacher's third grade certificate in this State. In case there shall be only one applicant in a county for scholarship appointment, and he should hold a teacher's legal certificate (other than a temporary) Issued in this State, the scholarship may be awarded without an examination. Reg. 6. Before the first payment of scholarship money shall be made to any appointee he shall sign and file with the Prin- cipal of the State Normal School, to be by him filed in the ofiice of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a written agreement binding himself or herself to teach in the public schools of this State, health permitting, for at least four years of the six years next succeeding the expiration of the scholarship, or to refund to the State the money received from said scholar- ship. Reg. 7. Any scholarship student entering after the begin- ning, or leaving before the close of a school month, or being irregular in attendance without sufiicient excuse, shall be paid scholarship allowance only for the portion of such month he or she attended the school. Reg. 8. Scholarship appointees shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the State Normal School as other students, and scholarships may be cancelled by the State Board of Edu- cation for irregular attendance, deficiency in school work, or tor other sufiicient reason. Reg. 9. That in case there shall be no applicant for scholarship appointment in any county at the time advertised for the competitive examination, or if for any cause the scholarship shall not be awarded as prescribed by law and the regulations of this Board, there shall be held another examination in said counties before September 1st at the time designated by the principal of the State Normal School. Said examination shall be advertised as widely as possible ana be conducted in accordance with the regulations prescribed for the first examination. Adopted Aug. 14, 1901. Reg. 10. That any person to whom a scholarship has been awarded must enter the Normal School at the opening of the term unless providentially hindered, or forfeit the scholarship. Adopted Aug. 14, 1901. SCHOOL LAWS OF FLORIDA. 11 1901. Chapter 4998— (No. 114.) AN ACT to Assist in Maintaining an Industrial and a Normal Department in the St. Petersburg Normal and Industiial School, to Create Scholarships Therein, and to Make Appropriations Therefor. Be it Enacted hy the Legiskiture of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the sum of five thousand dollars for each of the school years beginning July 1, 1901, and July Appropria- 1, 1902, be and the same is hereby appropriated to assist oft\vo°ye1frs. in maintaining an Industrial and a Normal Department in the St. Petersburg Normal and Industrial School. Sec. 2. That an Industrial and a Normal Department Free scholar- be maintained for not less than eight months in said payments "^^ school for each year, in all the departments of which one person for each member of the State Legislature shall be entitled to free instruction. Each Senator and each member of the House of Representatives shall be entitled to select one such person under such regulations and re- strictions as shall be prescribed by the State Board of Ed- ucation ; Provided, That each such appointee shall be be- tween the ages of sixteen and twenty-five years ; Provided, Normal De- That free instruction shall be furnished in the Normal fo^Xteach-'^ Department to all students of thi^ State who are pre- ers, paring for teaching. Sec. 3. That said Normal and Industrial Departments Subject to shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may be state Board. approved by the State Board of Education. By whom se ] lected. Age, Sec. 4. That the Comptroller shall issue his warrants for the amounts herein appropriated upon such requisi- tions as shall be made by the Board of Local Trustees of said school and approved by the State Board of Educa- tion ; said warrants to be payable out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 5. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this are hereby repealed. Money, how paid. Approved May 31, y meifr Note. — Appointments by mefnbers of the Legislature must con- form to such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed SCHOOL LAWS OF FLOKIDA. by the State Board of Education; the appointees must be be- tween 16 and 25 years of age, and are entitled to free instruc- tion in the Industrial and all other Departments. Any student of the State preparing to teach is entitled to free instruction in the Normal Department. The regulations of the State Board of Education relative to appointments and as approved for the conduct of the Normal and Industrial Departments may be obtained by addressing the Principal of the School. State school lands, how deeded, Prior convey- ances made valid. Chapter 4999— (No. 115.) AN ACT Prescribing ithe Mode of Conveying Lands Granted to or Held by the State for Educational Purposes and Confirming and Validating Conveyances of such Lands Heretofore Made. Be it Enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. The title to all lands granted to or held by the State for educational purposes shall be conveyed by deed executed by the members of the State Board of Ed- ucation of Florida, with an impression of the seal of the "Department of Agriculture of the State of Florida" thereon, attested by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and no other witnesses to the execution thereof shall be required to entitle the same to record and to be received in evidence in all courts and judicial proceedings. Sec. 2. All deeds conveying lands granted to or held by the State for educational purposes heretofore executed by the members of the State Board of Education of Florida are hereby confirmed and declared to be valid and binding as conveyances of the title to such lands. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 22, 1901. Chapter 5000— (No. IIG.) AN ACT to Repeal Sections 244 and 245 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida; Chapters 4194 and 4197, Session Laws of 1893; Chapters 4336 and 4337, Session Laws of 1895, Relating to School Sub-districts and the Levving of School District Tax. SCHOOL LAWS OF FLOEIDA. 13 -'\' 190 1. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Sections 244 and 245 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida ; Chapters 4194 and 4197, Session Laws of 1893; Chapters 4336 and 4337, Session Laws of 1895, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved May 31, 1901. Note. — The effect of this Act is to repeal all Sub-District Laws except Chapter 4678, approved June 5, 1899, found on page 79, or as codified in Sections 83-98, in the digest of the school laws of 1899. This being now the only law relative to Special Tax Schools and made operative by amendments to the General Revenue Law, no bonds are required of Trustees. The Trustees should im- mediately turn over all funds to the County Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. The County Treasurer is made responsible on his official bond for all such funds and should open a special account with each Special Tax School District in his county, ,and pay out said funds only upon warrant of the County Board of Public Instruction drawn upon the fund of a specific opecial Tax School District. Respectfully submitted, Wm n. sheats, state Superintendent Public Instruct;ion. Tallahassee, Fla., July 1, 1901. LEAg'09