•1^^ 2 3 ?» J if ^ sfif/ /^ 1 ^3 5")^b ^ \ \ l^ew YOF^K. KL0SS0MS, blossoms, so dainty ami fair, (^ossin^ your beads in t^e morning air, Qool? down and tell me wl^at my you know, (^baf quivers and t^nlls m your petal; Is it for lov of tr)e Qaster day, v^^bat you bend and swing in tbe breeze so ga Is so. (q)ell me, vou blossoms, so pure and wbite, Oind you tbat blusr) in i\)e warm sunliabt, 3s it for tbouobt of tbe iime to be, Wben cbernes sball swinn from tbe brancbes fi CJnd tbe delicate blusb of coral spread Kjn tbe apple s cbeei;^, m deeptnma red ( ee, 1 R IS it lor love of the oowns you wear, ^0 soft and fair; or your perfume rare, d^bat you flutter and siir at lbe lic^htest bree?^e, yp lb !' to beckon tl^e boney b( (^o taste of your nectar. @ell me, y are you all so glad to-day? »ees pray, olnd tbe birds, too, coming "from far n,^'n-' Q)o percb in tbe brancbes, wbat do tbey soy ^i it for love of you tbey sina, kjv IS it to sbow a radiant wing. (j)b<^t tbey flutter, and sway your petals so> rrlakina tbem fall m a sbower of snow? ^' HEY twitter and cl^irp, and softly tnll (^peir full sweet nofes, tl}at toe heart is still ^0 listen, and catcb the melody, (^)be quayer, and tremulous ecstacy, (^bcit tells of loy in eaci} little breast, Deep, and tenderly sweet confest. iDurelv a loye so deep and slrono, (^ellin^ its miabt m sucl^ rapiurous sonn, I rtust be more tban your faces fair Wr frail liabt forms could awaken tbere. v^ell me, blossoms, you con but say, (i)is for t^e loy of the Qaster-day. ^' IS but tbe loy tl^at a wl^ole world tbrills, (^\)o\ all tl}in^3 livinn, witp aladness fii \)e liab^ and love of tl}e Qaster-tide, %\)e praise of a ©aviour glorified, II reioicina tbe self-same way, (^o welcome tl^e blessed Qaster-day. n swinn, you blossoms, boppily swin^; Wnd sina, you birds, from your full bearts, sma ever was time so full of bliss ; viewer was lov so areat as ibis. r tban loy, and all beside, eaven is near at tbe Qaster-tide. 'eor^e Annie C. McQuken. X