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M.DCCO.LIX. -A?^ fO THE MOST HIGH MIGHTIE AND MAGNIFICENT EMPRESSE aENOWNED FOB PIETIE VERTVE AND ALL GRATIOVS GOVERNMENT ELIZABETH BY THE GRACE OF GOD 4^f^ctm ot lEnfilantr JFrnbna mti Irelantr unts of Uirginui DEPENDOVR OP THE FAITH ETC, EEB MOST HUMBLE SERVAUNT EDMVND SPENSEE DOTH IN ALL HUMILITIE DEDICATE PRESENT AND CONSECBATS THESE HIS LABOVRS [TQ UVS WITH THE ETERNITIE OF HER FAMS. MEMOIR OF EDMUND SPENSEB. The reign of Elizabeth, various as may be the opinions held respecting the " virgin queen" herself, was unquestionably most favourable to the cultivation of wit and genius. A court sufficiently lax to allow of a tolerable freedom of language, but yet removed from anything like the broad coarseness which was hereafter to distinguish or disgrace the reign of Charles II. — a sovereign, herself no mean scholar, and a hearty lover of learning and genius in others — finally, a state of national prosperity, consequent on our freedom irom. a foreign enthraldoni; cuch were, indeed, advantages rarely combined in one reign, esjjecially in a reign of such long duration ; and it was not to be wondered at, if the times that developed the abilities of a Burleigh, a Hatton, or a Kaleigh, should have also found fame and renown for a poet like the hero ©f the present narrative. Obscure as are the accounts of his birth and origin, it seems probable, from certain passages in his poems, that he was at least respectably connected. But his early prospects appear to have been but moderate. Born in London, he was sent to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, where he subsequently competed for a fellowship against Andrewes, afterwards Bishop of Winchester. His failure (if indeed to be defeated by such a man as Andrewes can be called a failure), and the narrow state of his finances, compelled him to quit the university. He took up his resi- dence with some friends in the north, and, being just in that state of pocket when love is most imprudent, he very naturally fell in love at once, therein following the example of nine-tenths of humanity. Love, if a man be a poet at heart, is pretty sure to find its vent through that most charming of the liberal arts, and we may be said to owe the " Shepherd's Calendar," and other pastoral poems, to the lady whom Spenser everywhere celebrates, and whose cruelty he deplores, under the name of Rosalind. Spenser's love was, so far, profitable both to himself and to posterity; and when we read this delightful specimen of early English bucolic, we feel that, in the words of Sir Mulberry Hawk, "it is to Rosalind's mamma's obliging marriage that we are indebted for so lAuch happiness." Sir Philip Sidney, to whom this poem was dedicated, under the modest title of *' Immerito," took great notice of our hero, and being himself not merely "a lord among wits, and a wit among lords," but an able writer and judicious thinker, as well as no mean poet, his introduction proved of no small advantage to Spenser. As long as this great man lived, he extended the benefits of his fortune, advice, and influence to his poet-friend, and proved as constant, as he was liberal, a patron. MEMOIR OF EDMUND SPENSES. V Spenser quitted the north, and returned to the " Great Babylon," at the advice of some friends, who wished him to be near tlie court. To this he alludes in his sixth eclogue, where Hobbinol (i. e. his intimate friend Gabriel Harvey) persuades Colin {i. e. Spenser himself) to quit the hill country, and its barren solitudes, and seek a more genial soil. It has, however, been doubted whether his acquaintance with Sidney began so early as has been above stated ; and the following story seems to render it more probable that he had already began^ the *' Faerie Queene." It is said, that on going to Leicester House, with the view of introducing himself to the theij.Mr. Sidney, he sent in a copy of the ninth canto of the first book of this poem. •' Mr. Sidney was much surprised with the description of Despair in that canto, and is said to have shown an unusual kind of transport on the discovery of so new and uncommor a genius. After he had read some stanzas, he turned to his steward and bade him give the person that brought the verses fifty pounds; but upon reading the next stanza, he ordered the sum to be doubled. The steward was no less surprised than his master, and thought it his duty to make some delay in executing so sudden and lavish a bounty; but upon reading one stanza more, Mr. Sidney raised his gratuity to two Jiundred pounds, and commanded the steward to give it immediately, lest, as he read further, he might be tempted to give away his whole estate." Spenser did not, however, reap any immediate substantial benefit from this introduction, and, although chosen pofet-laureat, he for some time " wore a barren laurel, and possessed only the place without the pension" Burlei,c', whatever thougiits might be comprehended in his " shake of the head," appears to have taken no thouglit for our poet, and his neglect was rendered more serious by the constant absence of Sir Philip Sidney, either on diplomatic negotiations, or in tlie Low Country wars. He his plaintively alluded to these disappointments in his poena called the " Ruins of Time," as follows :— •* O grief of griefs ! O gall of all good hearts ! To see that vertue should despised be Of such as first were rais'd for vertue's parts. And now broad spreading like an aged tree. Let none shoot up that nigb. them planted be: O let not those of whom the Muse is scom'd. Alive or dead be by the Muse adorn'd." "With still greater bitterness, he inveighs against the neglect of learn- ing and poetry, in " The Tears of Calliope :" — ** Their great revenues all in sumptuous pride They spend, that nought to learning they may spare ; And the rich fee which Poets wont divide, Now Parasites and Sycophants do share." But it would appear that Spenser, like m^ny others, was, to some extent, the cause of his own misfortune. Tlie following lines, in Mother Hubbard's Tale, are supposed to have been construed by the courtier into a personal alTront, for, as the author* of our poet's life observes, " even the sighs of a miserable man are sometimes resented as an affront by him that is the occasion of them." "Full little knowest thou that hast not try'd, "What hell it is, in misery long to bide, * Hughes, appended to the edition printed by Tonson, I2mo, ITli. Yl MEMOIR OF EDMUND 8PENSEB. To lose good days, that might be better spent. To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To speed to-day, to be put Imck to-morrow ; To feed on Hope, to pine with Fear and Sorrow; To have thy prince's grace, yet want herpeer'Si ,To have thy asking, yet wait many years: To fret thy soul with crosses and with cares ; To eat thy heart thro' comfortless despair ; To fawn, to crouch, to wait, to ride, to nm. To spend, to give, to want, to be undone." At the end of the sixth book of his great poem, the author plainly alludes to this unfortunate ill-will of Burleigh's. Describing Detraction AS a monster, he concludes with the following stanza: *' Ne may this homely verse, of many meanest, Hope to escape his venomous despite. More than my former writs, all were they cleanest From baleful blot, and free from all that wite "With which some wicked tongues did it backbite, • And bring into a mighty peer's displeasure. That never so deserved to endite. Therefore do you, my rimes, keep better measure. And seek to please, that now is counted wise men's treasure. On one occasion, Elizabeth had ordered a gratuity of one liundrcd pounds to be given to our poet ; but my Lord-Treasurer Burleigh objected to it, saying, " What ! all this for a single song!" The que^n replied, *• Then give what is reason," Spenser waited for some time, but finding the queen's intended bounty not forthcoming, he took an opportunity to present the following epigrammatic petition to her majesty: * * I was promis'd on a time To Jiave reason for my rhime ; From that time unto this season, I receiv'd nor rhime nor reason.'*^ This had its efiTect ; my lord-treasurer came in for a rebuke, and the poet got his money. Our poet's fortune began to improve ; his acquaintance with the great and the powerful increased, and in the year 1579 he was sent abroad by the Earl of Leicester, but upon what service does not appear. But when Lord Grey was chosen deputy of Ireland, he received the appoint- ment of secretary. If we may judge by his "Discourse on the State of Ireland," his skill in political science must have been considerable, and. the chang-e from the listlessness of a merely poetical existence to the duties and anxieties of active life, doubtless had a most healthy influ- ence upon his mind and disposition. A fair estate of 3000 acres in tho county of Cork, and a good house in Kilcohnan, his grounds being inter- eected by the beautiful river Mulla, were a sufficient provision to give him freedom from want, if not the importance of a wealthy landowner. About this time, he contracted an intimate friendship with Sir Walter Kaleigh, then a captain under Lord Grey. In the poem entitled " Colia Clout's come home again," Sir Walter is allegorically described under the name of the " Shepherd of the Ocean." We gladly quote, after other writers, the following exquisite lines, so descriptive of the origin of this refined and affectionate friendship. **I saile, as was my trade. Under the foot of Mole, that mountain hore. Keeping my sheep amongst the coolly shade Of the green alders, by the Mulla's shore; MEMOIR OP EDMUND SPENSEB. tS. There a strange shepherd chanc'd to find me out» Whether allured with my pipe's delight. Whose pleasing sound yshriiled far about. Or thither led by chance, I know not right : Whom when I asked from what place he came. And how he hight ; himself he did ycleep The Shepherd of the Ocean by name. And said he came far from the main-sea dee^ He sitting me beside, in that same shade Provoked me to play some pleasant fit; And when he heard the music that I made. He found himself full greatly pleas'd at it. Yet, emuling my pipe, he took in hand My pipe^ before that emuled of many, And plaid thereon, for well that skill he con'd. Himself as skilful in that art as any." Besides many advantages consequent on his introduction to Sir Walte? Ealeigh, our poet was now destined to have Cupid propitious, and we find a new attachment ripen into a marriage, which he himself celebrated iu his •• Epithalamion." The events of a poet's life are seldom very marked or important in their character, and Edmund Spenser's history is no exception to the rule. The progress of the "Faerie Queene" was the main employment of his life, t/ut its tranquillity was soon destined to be disturbed. The unfortunate rebellion of the Earl of Desmond, in which he was plun- dered and robbed of his estate, forced him to return to England. The griefs of one bankrupt in fortune, and in declining health, were aggravated by the death of his best friend, Sir Philip Sidney. Twelve years he survived his noble patron, but they were years of sadness and painful recollections. Death, the great leveller alike of enemies and friends, overtook both the courtly Burleigh and the poet he had slighted, if not injured, in the year 1598. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, near his predecessor, and, we might almost say master, in the art of poetry, Geofirey Chaucer. His obsequies were attended by many poets of his time, who cast copies of verses into his grave ; and his monument was erected at the cost of Kobert Devereux, the imfortunate Earl of Essex, with the following inscription: — ♦' Heare lyes (expecting the second comminge of our Saviour Christ Jesus) the body of Edmund Spenser, the prince of poets in his tyme; whose divine spirit needs noe other witness, then the works whicli he left behind him. He was borne in London in the yeare 1510, and died in theyeare 159 6.** Camden's account of his death presents some important differences. He says that he died in 1598, in the forty- first year of the queen's reign. But the mistake about his birth is still greater. How could he, at tliia rate, have stood for a fellowship in competition with Andrewes, who was not born till 1555? •' Moreover," as Hughes observes, " if this account of his birth were true, he must have been above sixty years old when he first published his " Shepherd's Calendar," an age not the most proper for love-poetry ; and in his seventieth year when he entered into business under the Lord Grey, who was created deputy of Ireland in 1580." It seems, on the whole, probable that the original inscription, said to have been in Latin, and published in the year IGOO, in a small volume on the monument of Westminster, was the correct one, and as this speaks of him as dying " an vntimely death," the date 1510 must be laid to the caf elessness of the grayer, or to some mistake in those who superln* Till MEMOIE OF EDMUND SPENSEB. tended the new inscription. I attempt a translation of the inscription and epigram in question :— "Edmund Spenser, of London, unquestionably prince of the English poets of our age, whicli his poems, written under the favour of the Muses, and of his genius that shall live hereafter, prove. He died an immature death, in the year of grace 1598, and is buried near unto Godfrey Chaucer, who first most happily adorned poesy in the English lan- guage. Upon whom was written these epigrams : — **Kext Chaucer's bones sleeps Edmund Spenser's dust in death ; In genius each, in tomb, the other nign. Here, near great poet Chaucer, poet Spenser, lie. As near in sepulture, as poesy. While thou wert Uving, England's muse lived joyauntly ; Dying, while thou art dead, she fears to die." It may be observed, that the stanzas are distinct epitaphs, of which the first and second couplets are merely the same thoughts differently expressed. Little as is known of the life of our poet, his works are as much a part of our literature as can be well imagined. Of his pastorals, or his prose work, I will not speak on the present occasion, but, briefly to sum up the beauties of the "Faerie Queene," I may observe, that in no poem is the elevation of morality blended with the romance of chivalry with such singular success — in no work, of whatsoever age or clime, do we find the development of that graceful elevation of the female sex from the degradation of their feudal lords, so nobly anTANN£STES AND HEB HAIESTIE3 LIEFIENAtTNT OF THE COUNTY OP COBNEWAYLL. SlE, Knowing how doubtfully all Allegories ipay be construed, and this booke of mine, which I have entituled T/ie Faerie Qtieene, being a continued Allegory, or darke Conceit, I have thought good, as well for avoyding of gealous opinions and misconstructions, as also for your better light in read- ing thereof, (being so by j^ou commanded,) to discover unto you the general intention and meaning, which in the w^hole course i hereof I have fashioned, without expressing of any particular purposes, or by- accidents, therein occasioned. The general end, therefore, of all the booke, is to fashion a gentleman or noble person in vertuous and gentle disci- pline; which for that I conceived shoulde be most plausible and pleasing, being coloured with an historical fiction, the which the most part of men delight to re. d, rather for variety of matter than for profite of the ensample, I ?hose the History e of King Arthure, as most fitte for the excel- lency of his person, being made famous by many mens former workes, and also furthest from the daunger of envy, and suspition of present time. In which I have followed all the antique poets historically first Homere, who in the persons of Agamemnon and Ulysses hath ensampled a good governour and a vertuous man, the one in his Ilias, the other in his Odysseis; then Yirgil, whose like intention waa to doe in the person of .^neas; after him Ariosto com* X SPENSEE TO SIE WALTEE EALEIGH. prised them botli in his Orlando; and lately Tasso disse- vered them again, and formed both parts in two persons, namely, that part which they in philosophy call JEtJiice, or Vertues of a private man, coloured in his Kianaldo; the other named Folitice, in hig Godfredo. By ensample of which excellent e poets, I labour to pourtraict in Arthure, before he was king, the image of a brave knight, perfected in the twelve private Morall Vertues, as Aristotle hath devised; the which is the purpose of these first twelve bookes : which if I finde to be well accepted, I may be per- haps encoraged to frame the other part of Polliticke Vertues in his person, after that hee came to be king. To some I know this methode will seem displeasaunt, which had rather Lave good discipline delivered plainly in way of precepts, or sermoned at large, as they use, then thus clowdily enwrapped in allegorical devises. But such, me seeme, should be satis- fide with the use of these days, seeing all things accounted by their showes, and nothing esteemed of, that is not de- lightfull and pleasing to commune sence. For this cause is Xenophon preferred before Plato, for that the one, in the exquisite depth of his iudgement, formed a communewelth, such as it should be; but the other, in the person of Cyrus, and the Persians, fashioned a government, such as might best be: so much more profitable and gratious is doctrine by ensample then by rule. So have I laboured to do in the person of Arthure: whom I conceive, after his long educa- tion by Timon, to whom he was by Merlin dehvered to be brought up, so soone as he was borne of the Lady Igrayne, to have scene in a dream or vision the Paerie Queene, with whose excellent beauty ravished, he awaking resolved to seeke her out, and so being by Merlin armed, and by Timon throughly instructed, he went to seeke her forth in Faerie Land. In that Faerie Queene I meane Glory in my gene- rail intention, but in my particular I conceive the most excellent and glorious person of our soveraine the Queens, and her kingdom in Faerie Land. And yet, in some places els, I do otherwise shadow her. For considering she beareth two persons, the ©ne of a moist royal Queene or Empresse, the other of a most vertuous and beautifuU lady, this latter part in some places I doe express in Belphcebe, fashioning her name according to your owne excellent con- ceipt of Cynthia: PhcBbe and Cynthia being both names of Diana. So in the person of Prince Arthure I sette forth Magnificence in particular ; which Vertue for that (accord- ing to Aristotle and the rest) it is the perfection of all the rest, and conteineth in it them all, therefore in the whole course I mention the deeds of Arthure applyable to that Vertue, which I write of in that booke. But of the xii. other Vertues, I make xii. other kjiights the patrones, for SPENSEB TO SIR WALTER SALEIGH. XI the more variety of the history : of which these three bookes contayn three. The first, of the Knight of the Eedcrosse, in whom I expresse Holynes: the seconde of Sir Guy on, in whome I sette forth Temperaunce; the third of Britomartis a lady- knight, in whom I picture Chastity. But, because the be- ginning of the whole worke seemeth abrupte and as depend- ing upon other antecedents, it needs that ye know the occasion of these three knights severall adventures. For the methode of a poet historical is not such, as of an histo- riographer. For an historiographer discourseth of affayres orderly as they were donne, accounting as well the times as the actions; but a poet thrusteth into the middest, even where it most concerneth him, and there recoursing to the thinges forepaste, and divining of thinges to come; maketh a pleasing analysis of all. The begmning therefore of my history, if it were to be told hy an historiographer, should be the twelfth booke, which is the last; where I devise that the Faerie Queene kept her annual feaste xh. days; uppon which xii. severall dayes, the occasions of the xii. severall adventures hapned, which, being undertaken by xii. severall knights, are in these xii. books severally handled and discoursed. The first was this. In the beginning of the feast, there presented himselfe a tall clownishe young man, who falling before the Queene of Faeries desired a boone (as the manner then was) which during that feast she might not refuse; which was that hee might have the atchivement of any adventure, which during that feaste should happen. That being graunted, he rested him on the floore, unfitte through his rusticity for a better place. Soone after entred a faire ladye in mourning weedes, riding on a white asse, with a dwarfe behind her leading a warlike steed, that bore the arms of a knight, and his speare in the dwarfes hand. Shee, falling before the Queene of Faeries, complayned that her f\ither and mother, an ancient king and queene, had bene by an huge dragon many years shut up in a brasen castle, who thence suiTred them not to yssew; and therefore besought the Faerie Queene to assygne her some one of her knights to take on him that exployt. Presently that clownish per- son, upstarting, desired that adventure; whereat the Queene much wondering, and the lady much gainesaying, yet he earnestly importuned his desire. In the end the lady told him, that unlesse that armour which she brought, would serve him (that is, the armour of a Christian man specified by St. Paul, v. Ephes.) that he could not succeed in that enterprise: which being forthwith put upon him with dew furnitures thereunto, he seemed the goodliest man in al that company, and was well liked of the lady. And efte* adi 8PENSEB TO SIB WALTER BALEIGH. soones tating on him kniglithood, and mounting on that Btraunge courser, he went forth with her on that adventure; where beginneth the first booke, viz. A gentle knight was pricking on the playne, &c. The second day there came in a palmer bearing an infant with bloody hands, whose parents he complayned to have bene slayn by an enchaantresse called Acrasia; and there- fore craved of the Paerie Queene, to appoint him some knight to performe that adventure; which being assigned to Sir Gruyon, he presently went forth with that same palmer: which is the beginning of the second booke, and the whole subiect thereof. The ih'vd. day there came in a groome, who complained before the Faerie Queene, that a vile enchaunter, called Busirane, had in hand a most faire lady, called Amoretta, whom he kept in most grievous tor- ment, because she would not yield him the pleasure of her body. "Whereupon Sir Scudamour, the lover of that lady, presently tooke on him that adventure. But being unable to performe it^ by reason of the hard enchauntments, after long sorrow, in the end met with Britomartis, who suc- coured him, and reskewed his love. But, by occasion hereof, many other adventures are in- termedled; but rather as accidents than intendments; as the love of Britoraart, the overthrow of Marin ell, the misery of Plorimell, the vertuousnes of Belphoebe, the lasci- viousness of Hellenora; and m.any the like. Thus much. Sir, I have briefly overronne to direct your understanding to the wel-head of the history; that, from thence gathering the whole intention of the conceit, ye may as in a handful gripe al the discourse, which otherwise may happily seem tedious and confused. So, humbly craving the continuance of your honourable favour towards me, and th* eternall establishment of your happines, I humbly take leave. Yours most humbly affectionate, ED. SPJENSES. £3.Iaiiua]7» 1589^ THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAEEIE QUEENE. CONTAYNINO Wje IHecjcntr of ii)t 3KniBT;t of ti^e H^tts CDrosse, or of l^oUucsse* LO ! I, the man wliose Muse wliylome did mas"ke. As time her taught, in lowly shepherds weeds. Am now enforst, a farre unfitter taske, Por trumpets sterne to chaunge mine oaten reeds, And sing of knights and ladies gentle deeds ; Wiiose praises having slept in silence long, Me, all to meane, the sacred Muse areeds To blazon broade emongst her learned throng : Pierce warres and faithful loves shall moralize my song. Help then, O holy virgin ! chiefe of nyne, Thy weaker novice to perform thy will ; Lay forth out of thine everlasting scryne The antique rolles, which there lye hidden still. Of Faerie knights and fayrest Tanaquill, Whom that most noble Briton prince so long Sought through the world, and suffered so much ill. That I must rue his undeserved wrong : O, helpe thou my weake wit, and sharpen my dull tongi And thou, most dreaded impe of highest love, Fairc Venus sonne, that with thy cruell dart At that good knight so cunningly didst rove. That glorious fire it kindled in his hart ; Lay now thy deadly heben bowe apart, And, with thy mother mylde, come to mine ayde ; Come, both ; aiid with you bring triumphant Mart, In loves and gentle iollities arraid. After his murdrous spoyles and bloudie rage allayd. And with them eke, O goddesse heavenly bright, Mirrour of grace and majestic divine, Great Ladie of the greatest Isle, whose light Like Phoabus lampe throughout the world doth shine. Shed thy faire bcames into my feeble eyne. And raise my thoughtes, too humble and too vile. To thinke of that true gbrious type of thine, The argument of mine afflicted stile : Tjiie which to hcare vouciisafe. O dearest dread, awhilo THE PAEEIE QTJEENa CAISTTO I. The patron of true Holinessd Foule Errour doth defeatej Eypocrisie, him to entrappe. Doth to his home entreate. A GENTLE Imiglit was pricMng on the plaine, Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde. Wherein old dints of deepe woundes did remained The cruel markes of many' a bloody fielde ; Yet armes till that time did he never wield : His angr}^ steede did chide his foming bitt, As much disdayning to the curbe to yield : ^ [Full ioUy knight he seemd, and faire did sitfc. As one for knightly giusts and fierce encounters fitU And on his brest a bloodie crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore And dead, as living, ever him ador'd : Upon his shield the like was also scor'd, [For soveraine hope, which in his helpe he had. [Right, faithfull, true he was in deede and word; But of his cheere did seeme too solemne sad ; Yet nothing did he dread, but ever was ydrad. Upon a great adventure he was bond. That greatest Gloriana to him gave, (That greatest glorious Queen e of Faery lond) To winne him worshippe, and her grace to have^ Which of all earthly things he most did crave. And ever as he rode, his hart did earne To prove his puissance in bat tell brave Upon his foe, and his new force to learne ; Upon his foe, a dragon horrible and stearne. A lovely ladie rode him faire beside. Upon a lowly asse more white then snow ; Yet she much whiter ; but the same did hida Under a vele, that wimpled was full low; And over all a blacke stole shee did throw. As one that inly mournd ; so was she sad. And heavie sate upon her palfrey slow; Seemed in heart some hidden care she had ; And by her in a line a milke-white lambe she lad. THE FAERIE QUEENE. So pure and innocent, as that same lambe, She was in life and every vertuous lore. And by descent from royall lynage came Of ancient kinges and queenes, that had of yore Their scepters stretcht from east to westerne shore, A,nd all the world in their subjection held ; Till that infernal feeud with foule uprore Torwasted all their land, and them expeld ; Whom to avenge, she had this knight from far compeld. Behind her farre away a dwarfe did lag, That lasie seemd, in being ever last. Or wearied with bearing of her bag Of needments at his backe. Tims as they past. The day with cloudes was suddeine overcast, And angry love an hideous storme o.f raine Did poure into his lemans lap so fast. That everie wight to shrowd it did constrain ; And this faire couple eke to shroud themselves were fain. Enforst to seeke some covert nigh at hand, A shadie grove not farr away they spide. That promist ayde the tempest to withstand ; Whose loftie trees, yclad with sommers pride Did spred so broad, that heavens light did hide, JSTot perceable with power of any starr ; And all within were pathes and alleies wide. With footing worne and leading inward farr : Faire harbour that them seems ; so in they entred ar* And foorth they passe, with pleasure forward led, loying to heare the birdes sweete harmony. Which therein shrouded from the tempest dred, Seemd in their song to scorne the cruell sky. Much can they praise the trees so straiglit and hy. The say ling pine; the cedar proud and tall ; The vine-propp elme ; the poplar never dry; The builder oake, sole king of forrests all; The aspine good for staves ; the cypresse funerall; The laurell, meed of mightie conquerours And poets sage ; the firre that weepeth still 5 The willow, worne of forlorne paramours ; The eugh, obedient to the benders will ; The birch for shaftes ; the sallow for the mill ; The mirrhc sweete-bleeding in the bitter wound ; The warlike beech ; the ash for nothing ill ; The fruitful olive ; and the platane round ; The carver holme ; the maple, seldom inward souni 4 THE FAERIE QUEENB« Led with dellglit, tliey tlius beguile the way, XJntill the bkistriDg storme is overblowne ; "When, weening to returne, whence they did stray. They cannot finde that path, which first was showne. But wander too and fro in waies nnknowne, Furthest from end then, when they neerest weene. That makes them doubt their wits be not their owne; So many paths, so many turnings seene, That which of them to take in diverse doubt they been. At last resolving forward still to fare, Till that some end they finde, or in or out, That path they take, that beaten seemd most bare. And like to lead the labyrinth about ; Which when by tract they hunted had throughout. At length it brought tbem to a hollo we cave Amid the thickest woods. The champion stout Eftsoones dismounted from his courser brave, And to the dwarfe awhile his needlesse spere he gave. ** Be well aware," quoth then that ladle milde, ** Least suddaine mischiefe ye too rash provoke : The danger Lid, the place unknowne and wilde, Breedes dreadfull doubts : oft fire is without smoke. And perill without show ; therefore your stroke. Sir Knight, with-hold, till further tryall made." ** Ah, Ladie," sayd he, *' shame were to revoke The forward footing for an hidden shade : Vertue gives her selfe light through darknesse for to wade." "Yea, but," quoth she, "the perill of this place I better wot then you : Though nowe too late To wish you backe returne with foule disgrace, Yet wisedome warnes, whiles t foot is in the gate, To stay the steppe, ere forced to retrate. This is the Wandring Wood, this Errours Den, A monster vile, whom God and m*an does hate : Therefore I read beware." " Fly, fly," quoth then The fearefull dwarfe ; " this is no place for living men." But, full of fire and greedy hardiment. The youthfuU knight could not for ought be staide ; But forth unto the darksome hole he went, And looked in: his glistriug armor made A litlc glooming light, much like a shade ; By which he saw the ugly monster plaine, Halfe like a serpent horribly displaide. But th' other halfe did womans shape retaine. Most lothsom, filthie, foule, and full of vile disdaine. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 6 And, as slie lay upon the durtie ground. Her huge long taile her den all overspred, Yet was in knots and many boughtes up wound. Pointed with mortall sting : of her there bred A thousand yong ones, which she dayly fed. Sucking upon her poisnous dugs ; each one Of sundrie shapes, yet all ill-favored : Soone as that uncouth light upon them shone, Into her mouth they crept, and suddain all were gone. Their dam upstart out of her den effraide, And rushed forth, hurling her hideous taile About her cursed head ; whose folds displaid Were stretcht now forth at length without entraile* She lookt about, and seing one in mayle. Armed to point, sought backe to turne againe ; Tor light she hated as the deadly bale. Ay wont in desert darknes to remaine, "Where plain none might her see, nor she see any plaine. Which when the valiant Elfe perceiv*d, he lept As lyon fierce upon the flying pray. And with his trenchand blade her boldly kept From turning backe, and forced her to stay : Therewith enrag'd she loudly gan to hr^y, And turning fierce her speckled taile advaunst, Threatning her angrie sting, him to dismay; Who, nought aghast, his mightie hand enhaunst; The stroke down from her head unto her shoulder glaunst Much daunted with that dint her sence was dazd ;. Yet kindling rage her selfe she gathered round, And all attonce her beastly bodie raizd With doubled forces high above the ground : Tho, wrapping up her vvrethed sterne arownd, Lept fierce upon his shield, and her huge traine All suddenly about his body wound. That hand or foot to stirr he strove in value. God helpe the man so wrapt in Errours endlesse traine ! His lady, sad to see his sore constraint, Cride out, *']N"ow, now. Sir Knight, shew what ye bee; Add faith unto your force, and be not faint ; Strangle her, els she sure will strangle thee." That when he heard, in great pcrplexitie. His gall did grate for griefe and high disdaine ; And, knitting all his force, got one hand free. Wherewith he grypt her gorge with so great paine, That soone to loose her wicked bands did her cons traine. 6 THE FAEETE QUEENE. Tiierewitli slie spewd ont of Iier filtliie maw A fioud of poyson horrible and blacke, Full of great lumps of flesli and gobbets raw, Which stunk so vildly, that it forst him slacke His grasping hold, and from her turne him backe : Her vomit full of bookes and papers was, With loathly frog and toades, which eyes did lacke. And creeping sought way in the weedy gras : Her iilthie parbreake all the place defiled has. As when old father Nilus gins to swell With timely pride above the Aegyptian vale, His fattie waves doe fertile slime outwell. And overflow each plaine and lowly dale : !But, when his later spring gins to avale. Huge heapes of mudd he leaves, wherin there breed Ten thousand kindes of creatures, partly male And partly femall, of his fruitful seed ; Such ugly monstrous shapes elswhere may no man reed. The same so sore annoyed has the knight, That, wel-nigh choked with the deadly stinke. His forces faile, ne can no lenger fight. Whose corage when the feend perceivd to shrinke. She poured forth out of her hellish sinke Her fruitfuU cursed spawne of serpents small, (Deformed monsters, fowle, and blacke as inke,) Which swarming all about his legs did crall, And him encombred sore, but could not hurt at all. As gentle shepheard in sweete eventide. When ruddy Phebus gins to welke in west, High on an hill, his flocke to vewen wide, Markes which doe byte their hasty supper best, A cloud of cumbrous gnattes doe him molest, All striving to infixe their feeble stinges, That from their noyance he no where can rest ; But with his clownish hands their tender wings ^ He brusheth oft, and oft doth mar their murmurings. Thus ill bestedd, and fearefuU more of shame Then of the certeine perill he stood in, Halfe furious unto his foe he came, Hesolvd in miude all suddenly to win, Or soone to lose, before he once would lin ; And stroke at her with more then manly force. That from her body, full of filthie sin, He raft her hateful! heade without remorse : A streame of cole-black blood forth gushed from lier corse. THE FAEllIE QUEENE. » Her scattred brood, soone as their parent deare TJiey saw so rudely falling to the ground, Groning full deadly all with troublous feare Gathred themselves about her body round. Weening their wonted entrance to have found At her wide mouth ; but, being there withstood. They flocked all about her bleeding wound, And sucked up their dying mothers bloud ; Making her death their life, and eke her hurt their good. That detestable sight him much amazde, To see th' unkindly impes, of heaven accurst, Devoure their dam; on whom while so he gazd. Having all satisiide their bloudy thurst. Their bellies swolne he saw with fulnesse burst. And bowels gushing forth : well worthy end Of such, as drunke her life, the which them nurst ! Now needeth him no lenger labour spend, [contetid. His foes have slaine themselves, with whom he should His lady seeing all, that chaunst, from farre, Approcht in hast to greet his victorie ; And saide, " Faire knight, borne under happie starre. Who see your vanquisht foes before you lye ; Well worthie be you of that armory, Wherein ye have great glory wonne this day. And proov'd your strength on a strong enimie ; Your first adventure : many such I pray, And henceforth ever wish that like succeed it may V* Then mounted he upon his steede againe, And with the lady backward sought to wend : That path he kept, which beaten was most plaine, Ne ever would to any by-way bend ; But still did follow one unto the end. The which at last out of the wood them brought. So forward on his way (with God to frend) He passed forth, and new adventure sought : Long way he travelled, before he heard of ought. At length they chaunst to meet upon the way An aged sire, in long blacke weedea yclad. His feete all bare, his beard all hoarie gray. And by his belt his booke he hanging had; ^ Sober he seenide, and very sagely sad ; > . -=«^ And to the ground his eyes were lowly bent. Simple in shew, and voide of malice bad ; And all the way he prayed, as he went. And often knockt his brest, as one that did repent. & THE FAESIE QITEENE. He faire tlie knight saluted, louting low, Who faire him quited, as that courteous was ; And after asked liim, if he did know Of straunge adventures, which abroad did pas. *' Ah! my dear sonne," quoth he, "how should, alas! Silly old man, that lives in hidden cell. Bidding his beades all day for his trespas, Tvdings of warre and worldly trouble tell? "With holy father sits not with such thinges to mell. " But if of daunger, which hereby doth dwell. And homebredd evil ye desire to heare. Of a straunge man I can you tidings tell. That wasteth all this countrie farre and neare." " Of such," saide he, " I chiefly doe inquere ; And shall thee well rewarde to shew the place. In which that wicked wight his dayes doth weare : For to all knighthood it is foule disgrace. That such a cursed creature hves so long a space.*' "Far hence," quoth he, "in wastfuU wildernesse His dwelling is, by which no living wight May ever passe, but thorough great distresse." ** Now," saide the ladie, " draweth toward night ; And well I wote, that of your later fight Ye all forwearied be ; for what so strong. But, wanting rest, will also want of might? The sunne, that measures heaven all day long, At night doth baite his steedes the ocean waves emong« " Then with the sunne take, sir, your timely rest. And with new day new worke at once begin : Untroubled night, they say, gives counsel! best.** *' Eight well, Sir Knight, ye have advised bin," Quoth then that aged man ; " the way to win Is wisely to. advise. jSTow day is spent : Therefore with me ye may take up your in For this same night." The knight was well content: So with that godly father to his home they went. A little lowly hermitage it was, Howne in a dale, hard by a forest's side. Far from resort of people, that did pas In traveiQ to and froe : a little wyde There was an holy chappell edifyde. Wherein the hermite dewly wont to say His holy things each m«rne and eventyde Thereby a christall streame did gently play. Which from a sacred fountaiae welled forth alway. THE PAERIE QUEBNE. \ Arrired there, tlie litle house they fill, Ne looke for entertainement, where none was ; Rest is their feast, and all thinges at their will : The noblest mind the best contentment has. With faire discourse the evening so they pas ; !For that olde man of pleasing wordes had store, And well could file his tongue, as smooth as glas : He told of saintes and popes, and evermore He strowd an Ave-Mary after and before. The drouping night thus creepeth on them fast ; And the sad humor loading their eye-hddes. As messenger of Morpheus, on them cast Sweet slombring deaw, the which to sleep them biddea. Unto their lodgings then his guestes he riddes : Where when all drownd in deadly sleep e he findes. He to his studie goes ; and there amiddes ^ His magick bookes, and artes of sundrie kindes, He seeks out mighty charmes to trouble sleepy minds. Then choosing out few words most horrible, (Let none them read !) thereof did verses frame : With which, and other spelles like terrible. He bad awake blacke Plutoes griesly dame ; And cursed Heven ; and spake reprochful sham© Of highest God, the Lord of life and light. A bold bad man ! that dar'd to call by name ^ Great Gorgon, prince of darknes and dead night ; At which Cocytus quakes, and Styx is put to flight. And forth he cald out of deepe darknes dredd Legions of sprights, the which, like litle flyes, Fluttring about his ever-damned hedd, Awaite whereto their service he applyes. To aide his friendes, or fray his enimies : Of those he chose out two,' the falsest twoo. And fittest for to forge true-seeming lyes r The one of them he gave a message too. The other by himselfe staide other worke to doo. He, making speedy way through spersed ayre, And through the world of waters wide and deepe. To Morpheus house doth hastily repaire, Amid the bowels of the earth full steepe, And low, where dawning day doth never peepe, His dwelling is ; there Tethys his wet bed Doth ever wash, and Cynthia still doth steepe In silver deaw his ever-drouping hed, Whiles sad JS^ight over him her mantle black doth spied; ID TKE PAEEIB QXTEEXB. Wliose double gates he findeth locked fast ; The one faire fram'd of burnisht yvory, The other all with silver overcast ; And wakeful dogges before them farre doe lye, WatcluDg to banish Care their enimy, "Who oft is wont to trouble gentle Sleepe. By them the sprite doth passe in quietly, Aid unto Morpheus comes, whom drowned deepe In drowsie fit he findes ; of nothing he takes keepe. And, m9re, to lulle him in his slumber soft, A trickhng streame from high rock tumbling downe, And ever-drizling raine upon the loft, Mixt with a murmuring winde, much like the sown© Of swarming bees, did cast him in a swowne. ]N"o other noyse, nor peoples troublous cryes, As still are wont t' annoy the walled towne. Might there be heard : but carelesse Quiet lyes Wrapt in eternall silence farre from enimyes. The niessenger approching to him spake ; But his waste wordes retournd to him in yaine : So sound he slept, that nought mought him awake. Then rudely he him thrust, and pusht with paine, "Whereat he gan to stretch : but he againe Shooke him so hard, that forced him to speake. As one then in a dreame, whose dryer braine Is tost with troubled sights and fancies weake. He mumbled soft, but would not all his silence breake. The sprite then gan more boldly him to wake. And threatned unto him the dreaded name Of Hecate : whereat he gan to quake. And, lifting up his lompish head, with blame Halfe angrie asked him, for what he came, " Hether," quoth he, " me Archimago sent, He that the stubborne sprites can wisely tame. He bids thee to him send for his intent A fit false Dreame, that can delude the sleepers sent.** The god obayde ; and, calling forth straight way A diverse dreame out of his prison darke, Dehvered it 16 him, and downe did lay His heavie head, devoide of careful carke ; "Whose sences all were straight benumbd and starke. He, backe returning by the yvorie dore, demounted up as light as chearefull larke ; And on his Htle winges the Dreame he bore In hast urtto his lord, where he him left afore. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 11 Who all this while, with charmes and hidden artes. Had made a lady of that other spright, And fram'd of liquid ayre her tender partes. So lively, and so like in all mens sight, That weaker sence it could have ravisht quight : The makers selfe, for all his wondrous witt. Was nigh*beguiled with so goodly sight. Her all in white he clad, and over it Cast a black stole, most like to seeme for Una fit. Now when that ydle Dreame was to him brought. Unto that elfin knight he bad him fly, Where he slept soundly void of evil thought, And with false shewes abuse his fantasy ; In sort as he him schooled privily. And that new creature, borne without her due, Full of the makers guile, with usage sly He taught to imitate that lady trew, Whose semblance she did carrie imder feigned hew. Thus, well instructed, to their worke they haste ; And, comming where the knight in slomber lay, - The one upon his hardie head him plaste. And made him dreame of loves and lustfull play ; That nigh his manly hart did melt away, Bathed in wanton blis and wicked ioy : Then seemed him his lady by him lay;. And to him playnd, how that false winged boy Her chaste hart had subdewd to learne dame Pleasures toy. And she her selfe, of beautie soveraigne queene, Fayre Venus, seemde unto his bed to bring Her, whom he, waking, evermore did weene To bee the chastest flowre that aye did spring On earthly braunch, the daughter of a king, 3S"ow a loose leman to vile service bound : And eke the Graces seemed all to sing. Hymen Id Hymen, dauncing all around ; Whylst freshest Flora her with yvie girlond crownd. In this great passion of unwonted lust. Or wonted feare of doing ought amis. He starteth up, as seemmg to mistrust Some secret ill, or hidden foe of his : Lo, there before his facchis ladie is, Under blacke stole hyding her bayted hooke; And as halfe blushing offred him to kis. With gentle blandishment and lovely looke. Most like that virgin true, which for her knight him toolt* 12 THE FAEEIB QUEENE. All cleane dismayd to see so lincoutli siglit. And lialfe enraged at her shamelesse guise. He thougHt have slaine her in his fierce despight, • But, hastie heat tempring with suiFerance wise. He stayde his hand ; and gan himselfe advise To prove his sense, and tempt her faigned truth. Wringing her hands, in wemens pitteous wise, Tho can she weepe, to stirre up gentle ruth Both for her noble blood, and for her tender youth. And sayd, " Ah, sir, my liege lord, and my love. Shall I accuse the hidden cruell fate, And mightie causes wrought in heaven above. Or the blind god, that doth me thus amate, For hoped love to winne me certaine hate ? Yet thus perforce he bids me do, or die. Die is my dew ; yet rew my wretched state. You, whom my hard avenging destinie Hath made iudge of my life or death indifferently 5 " Your owne deare sake forst me at first to leave My fathers kingdom" — there she stopt with teares; Her swollen hart her speech seemd to bereave. And then againe begun ; " My weaker yeares, Captiv'd to fortune and frayle worldly feares. My to your fayth for succour and sure ayde : Let me not die in languor and long teares." " Why, dame," quoth he, " what hath ye thus dismay 'd P What frayes ye, that were wont to comfort me affrayd ?'* " Love of yourselfe/* she saide, '' and deare constraint, Lets me not sleepe, but waste the wearie night In secret anguish and unpittied plaint, Whiles you in carelesse sleepe are drowned quight." Her doubtfull words made that redoubted knight Suspect her truth ; yet since no' untruth he knew. Her fawning love with foule disdainefull spight He would not shend ; but said, ** Deare dame, I rew That for my sake unknowne such griefe unto you grew : "Assure your selfe, it fell not all to ground; For all so deare, as life is to my hart, I deeme your love, and hold me to you bound : Ne let vaine fears procure your needlesse smart. Where cause is none ; but to your rest depart." Not all content, yet seemd she to appease Her mournefull plaintes, beguiled of her art, And fed with words, that could not chose but please : So, slyding softly forth, she turnd as to her ease. THE FAEKIE QUEENE. 13 Long after lay lie musing at lier mood," Much griev'd to tliinke that gentle danie so light, Tor whose defence he was to shed his blood. At last dull wearines of former fight Having yrockt asleepe his irkesome spright, That troublous Dreame gan freshly tosse his braine With bowres, and beds, and ladies deare delight : But, when he saw his labour all was vaine, With that misformed spright he backe returnd againe. CANTO 11. The guilefull great enchaunter parts The Redcrosse knight from Truth : Into whose stead faire Falshood steps. And workes him woefull ruth. By this the northerne wagoner had set His sevenfold, teme behind the stedfast starre That was in ocean waves yet never wet. But firme is fixt, and sendeth light from farre To all that in the wide deepe wandring arre ; And chearefull chaunticlere with his note shrill Had warned once, that Phoebus fiery carre In hast was clunbing up the easterne hill, Full envious that Night so long his roome did fill : When those accursed messengers of hell. That feigning Dreame, and that faire-forged spright, Came to their wdcked maister, and gan tell Their bootelesse pain es, and ill-succeeding night : /' Who, all in rage to see his skilfuU might Deluded so, gan threaten hellish paine And sad Proserpines wrath, them to affright. But, when he saw his threatning was but vaine, ^ He cast about, and searcht his baleful bokes againe. Eftsoones he tooke that miscreated Paire, And that false other spright, on whom he spred A seeming body of the subtile aire. Like a young squire, in loves and lustyhed His wanton daies that ever loosely led, Without regard of armes and dreaded fight ; Those two he tooke, and in a secrete bed. Covered with darkenes and misdeeming night, Them both together laid, to ioy in vaine delight. 2 14 THE FAEEIE QITEBNB, Forthwith he runnes with feigned-faithfull hast Unto his guest, who, after troublous sights And dreames, gan now to take more sound repast ; Whom suddenly he wakes with fearful frights. As one aghast with feends or damned sprights, And to him calls ; ** Rise, rise, unhappy swaine. That here wex old in sleepe, whiles wicked wights Have knit themselves in Venus shameful chaine : Come, see where your false lady doth her honor staine. All in a maze he suddenly up start With sword in hand, and with the old man went ; Who soone him brought into a secret part, Where that false couple were full closely ment In wanton lust and lend embracement : Which when he saw, he burnt with gealous fire j The eie of reason was with rage yblent ; And would have slaine them in his furious ire, But hardly was restreined of that aged sire. iRetourning to his bed in torment great. And bitter anguish of his guilty sight. He coidd not rest ; but did his stout heart eat. And wast his inward gall with deepe despight, Yrkesome of life, and too long lingring night. At last faire Hesperus in highest skie Had spent his lampe, and brought forth dawning light; Then up he rose, and clad him hastily ; The dwarfe him brought his steed : so both away do fly. "Now when the rosy-fingered Morning faire. Weary of aged Tithones saffron bed. Had spread her purple robe through deawy aire ; And the high hils Titan discovered ; The royall virgin shooke off drousyhed : And, rising forth out of her baser bowre, Lookt for her knight, who far away was fled. And for her dwarfe, that wont to waite each howre :— Then gan she wail and weepe to see that woeful stowre. And after him zhe rode with so much speede. As her slowe beast could make ; but all in vaine: For him so far had borne his light-foot steede. Pricked with wrath and fiery fierce disdaine, That him to follow was but fruitlesse paine : Yet she her weary hmbes would never rest ; But every hil and dale, each wood and plaine. Did search, sore grieved in her gentle brest. He so .ungently left her, whom she loved best. THE FAERIE QTJEENB. 15 But subtill ArcLimago, when his guests He saw divided into double parts, And Una wandring in woods and forrests, (TK* end of his drift,) he praised his divelish arts. That had such might over true meaning harts : Yet rests not so, but other nieanes doth make. How he may worke unto her further smarts : For her he hated as the hissing snake, And in her many troubles did most pleasure take. He then devisde himselfe how to disguise ; For by his mighty science he could take As many formes and shapes in seeming wise. As ever Proteus to himselfe could make : Sometime a fowle, sometime a fish in lake, I^ow like a foxe, now like a dragon fell ; That of himselfe he ofte for feare would quake, And oft would flie away. O who can tell The hidden powre of herbes, and might of magick spell! But now seemde best the person to put on Of that good knight, his late beguiled guest :— In mighty armes he was yclad anon, And silver shield ; upon his coward brest A bloody crosse, and on his craven crest A bounch of heares discolourd diversly. Full iolly knight he seemde, and wel addrest ; And, when he sate uppon his courser free, Saint George himselfe ye would have deemed him to be. !B:it he, the knight, whose semblaunt he did beare. The true Saint George, was wandred far away, Still flying from his thoughts and gealous feare : Will was his guide, and griefe led him astray. At last him chaunst to meete upon the way A faithlesse Sarazin, all armde to point. In whose great shield was writ with letters gay Sansfoy; full large of limbe and every ioint He was, and cared not for God or man a point. Hee had a faire companion of his way, A goodly lady clad in scarlot red, Purfled with gold and pearle of rich assay ; And like a Persian mitre on her hed Shee wore, with crowns and owches garnished. The which her lavish lovers to her gavet Her wanton palfre^y all was overspred With tinsell trappings, woven like a wave Whose bridle rung with golden bels and bosses brave. 16 THE FAEEIE QXTEENE. With faire disport, and courting daKaunce, She intertainde her lover all the way : But, when she saw the knight his speare adraunce, Shee soone left off her mirth and wanton play. And bad her knight addresse him to the fray ; His foe was nigh at hand. He, prickte with pride. And hope to winne his ladies heart e that day, Forth spurred fast ; adowne his coursers side The red bloud trickling staind the way, as he did ride. The knight of the Redcrosse, when him he spide Spurring so hote with rage dispiteous, Gan fairely couch his speare, and towards ride ; Soone meete they both, both feU. and furious, That, daunted with their forces hideous, Their steeds doe stagger, and amazed stand ; And eke themselves, too rudely rigorous, Astonied with the stroke of their owne hand, Doe backe rebutte, and each to other yealdeth land. As when two ramg, stird with ambitious pride, Pight for the rule of the rich-ileeced flocke. Their horned fronts so fierce on either side Doe meete, that, with the terror of the shocka Astonied, both stand sencelesse as a blocke, Forgetfull of the hanging victory : So stood these twaine, unmoved as a rocke. Both staring fierce, and holding idely The broken rehques of their former cruelty. The Sarazin, sore daunted with the buffe, Snatcheth his sword, and fiercely to him flies ; Who well it wards, and quy teth cuff with c\mt Each others equall puissaunce envies, And through their iron sides with cruell spies Does seeke to perce ; repining courage yields ISTo foote to foe : the flashing fier flies, As from a forge, out of their burning shields ; And streams of purple bloud new die the verdant fields, " Curse on that crosse," quoth then the Sarazin, " That keeps thy body from the bitter fitt ; Dead long ygoe, I wote, thou haddest bin, Had not that charme from thee forwarned itt : But yet I warne thee now assured sitt. And hide thy head." Therewith upon his crest With rigor so outrageous he smitt. That a large share it hewd out of the rest, And glauncing down his shield from blame him fairly blest. THE FAEEIE QUEENS. 17 Wlio, tliereat wondrous wroth, the sleeping spark Of native vertue gan eftsoones revive ; And, at his haughty helmet making mark, So hugely stroke, that it the Steele did rive, And cleft his head: he, tumbling downe alive. With bloudy mouth his mother earth did kis, Greeting his grave : his grudging ghost did strirD With the fraile flesh ; at last it flitted is,^ Whither the soules doe fly of men, that live amis. The lady, when she saw her champion faU, Like the old mines of a broken towre, Staid not to waile his woefull funerall ; But from him fled away with all her powre : Who after her as hastily gan scowre, Bidding the dwarfe with him to bring away The Sarazins shield, signe of the conqueroure : Her soone he overtooke, and bad to stay ; !For present cause was none of dread her to dismay. Shee turning backe, with ruefull countenaunc Cride, ** Mercy, mercy, sir, vouchsafe to show On silly dame, subiect to hard mischaunce. And to your mighty will." Her humblesse low In so ritch weedes, and seeming glorious show, Did much emmove his stout heroicke heart ; And said, " Deare dame, your suddein overthrow Much rueth me ; but now put feare apart. And tel, both who ye be, and who that tooke your part.** Melting in teares, then gan shee thus lament : ** The wretched woman, whom unhappy howre Hath now made thrall to your commandement, Before that angry heavens hsttP lowre. And fortune false betraide me to your powre, Was, (O what now availeth that I was !) Borne the sole daughter of an emperour ; He that the wide west under his rule has, And high hath set his throne where Tiberis doth pas. " He, in the first flowre of my freshest age. Betrothed me unto the onely haire Of a most mighty king, most rich and sage; Was never prince so faithfn.ll and so faire. Was never prince so meeke and debonaire ! But, ere my hoped day of spousall shone, ^ My dearest lord fell from high honors staire Into the hands of hys accursed fone, And cruelly w^s slaine ; that shall I ever mone I 18 THE FAEEIE QUEENS, "His blessed body, spoild of lively breath, Was afterward, I know not how, convaid. And fro me hid ; of whose most innocent death "When tidings came to mee, tmhappy maid, O, how great sorrow my sad soule assaid ! Then forth I went his woefull corse to find. And many yeares throughout the world I straid, A virgin widow ; whose deepe-wounded mind With love long time did languish, as the striken iiini ^* At last it chaunced this proud Sarazin To meete me wandring; who perforce me led With him away ; but yet could never win The fort, that ladies hold in soveraigne dread. There lies he now with foule dishonor dead, Who, whiles he livde, was called proud Sansfoy, The eldest of three brethren ; all three bred Of one bad sire, whose youngest is Sansioy ; And twixt them both was born the bloudy bold Sansioy. *' In. this sad plight, friendlesse, unfortunate, Now miserable I Fidessa dweU, Craving of you, in pitty of my state. To doe none ill, if please ye not doe well." He in great passion all this while did dwell, More busying his quicke eies, her face to 'view. Then his dull eares, to heare what shee did tell ; And said, '* Eaire lady, hart of flint would rew The undeserved woes and sorrowes, which ye shew. " Henceforth in safe assuraunce may ye rest. Having both found a new friend you to aid, And lost an old foe that did you molest : Better new friend then old foe is said.'* With chaunge of chear the seeming-simple maid Let fal her eien, as shamefast, to the earth. And yeelding soft, in that she nought gainsaid. So forth they rode, he feining seemely merth, And shee coy lookes : so dainty, they say, maketh dertlu Long time they thus together travelled ; Tn, weary of their way, they came at last Where grew two goodly trees, that faire did spred Their armea abroad, with gray mosse overcaste ; And their greene leaves, trembUng with every blasts Made a calme shadowe far in compasse round : The fearfuIL shepheard, often there aghast, TJnder them never sat, ne wont there sound His mery oaten pipe j but shund th' unlucky ground. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 19 But tMs good kniglit, soone as he them can spie. For the coole shade him thither hastly got ; For golden Phoebus, now ymounted hie. From fiery wheeles of his faire chariot Hurled his beame so scorching cruell hot. That living creature mote it not abide ; And his new lady it endured not. There they alight, in hope themselves to hide From the fierce heat, and rest their weary limbs a tide, Faire-seemely pleasaunce each to other makes. With goodly purposes, there as they sit ; And in his falsed fancy he her takes To be the fairest wight, that Hved yit ; Which to expresse, he bends his gentle wit ; And, thinking of those braunches greene to frame A girlond for her dainty forehead fit. He pluckt a bough ; out of whose rifte there came Smsd drops of gory bloud, that trickled down the same. Therewith a piteous yelling voice was heard. Crying, " O spare with guilty hands to teare My tender sides in this rough rynd embard; But fly, ah ! fly far hence away, for feare Least to you hap, that happened to me heare. And to this wretched lady, my deare love ; O too deare love, love bought with death too deare !** Astond he stood, and up ms heare did hove : And with that suddein horror could no member move. At last whenas the dreadful! passion Was overpast, and manhood well awake ; Yet musing at the straunge occasion, And doubting much his sence, he thus bespake : " What voice of damned ghost from Limbo lake. Or guilefull spright wandring in empty aire, (Both which fraile men doe oftentimes mistake,) Sends to my doubtful eares these speaches rare. And ruefull plaints, me bidding guiltlesse blood to spare P** Then, groning deep ; " Nor damned ghost," quoth he, ** Nor guilefiu sprite, to thee these words doth speake ; But once a man Fradubio, now a tree ; Wretched man, wretched tree ! whose nature weake A cruell witch, her cursed will to wreake. Hath thus transformd, and plast in open plaines. Where Boreas doth blow full bitter bleake, And scorching sunne does dry my secret vaines ; For though a tree I seeme, yet cold and heat me paines/* 20 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " Say on, Pradubio, then, or man or tree,'* ^ Quoth then the knight ; "by whose mischievous arfcs Art thou misshaped thus, as now I see ? He oft finds med'eine who his. griefe imparts ; But double griefs afflict concealing harts ; As raging flames who striveth to suppressed' " The author then," said he, " of all my smarts, Is one Duessa, a false sorceresse. This many errant knights hath broght to wretchednesse. " In prime of youthly yeares, when corage hott The fire of love and ioy of chevalree First kindled in my brest, it was my lott To love this gentle lady, whome ye see IN'ow not a lady, but a seeming tree ; With whome as once I rode accompanyde. Me chaunced of a knight encountred bee. That had a like faire lady by his syde ; Lyke a faire lady, but did fowle Duessa hyde 5 " Whose forged beauty he did take in hand All other dames to have exceded farre ; I in defence of mine did Hkewise stand, Mine, that did then shine as the morning starre. So both to batteill fierce arraunged arre ; - In which his harder fortune was to fall* Under my speare ; such is the dye of warre. His lady, left as a prise martiall, Did yield her comely person, to be at my call. " So doubly lov'd of ladies unlike faire, Th* one seeming such, the other such indeede. One day in doubt I cast for to compare Whether in beauties glorie did exceede ; A rosy girlond was the victors meede. Both seemde to win, and both seemde won to bee ; So hard the discord was to be agreede. iFrsehssa was as faire, as faire mote bee. And ever false Duessa seemde as faire as shee. " The wicked witch, now seeing all this while The doubtful! ballaunce equally to sway, ^ What not by right, she cast to win by guile; And, by her hellish science, raisd streight way A foggy mist that overcast the day. And a dull blast that breathing on her face Dimmed her former beauties shining ray, And with foule ugly forme did her disgrace : Then was she fayre alone, when none was faire in place. THE FAEEIE QtJEENE. 21 " Then cride slie out, ' Fye, fye, deformed wiglit Whose borrowed beantie now appeareth plaine To have before bewitched all mens sight : leave her soone, or let her soone be slaine!* Her loathly visage viewing with disdaine, Eftsoones I thought her such as she me told, And would have kild her ; but with faigned paine The false witch did my wrathfull hand withhold : So left her, where she now is turned to treen mould.' " Thensforth I tooke Duessa for my dame. And in the witch unweeting ioyd long time ; Ne ever wist, but that she was the same : Till on a day (that day is everie prime, ^ When witches wont do penance for their crime,) 1 chaunst to see her in her proper hew, Bathing her selfe in origane and thyme : A filthy foule old woman I did vew, That ever to have toucht her I did deadly rew. " Her neather partes misshapen monstruous. Were hidd in water, that I could not see ; But they did seeme more foule and hideous. Then womans shape man would beleeve to bee, Thensforth from her most beastly companie I gan refraine, in minde to slipp away, Soone as appeard safe opportunitie : For danger great, if not assurd decay, I saw before mine eyes, if I were knowne to stray. " The divelish hag, by chaunges of my cheare, Perceiv'd my thought ; and, drownd in sleepie night, With wicked herbes and oyntments did besmeare My body, all through charmes and magicke might, That all my senses were bereaved quight : Then brought she me into this desert waste. And by my wretched lovers side me pight ; Where now*enclosd in wooden wals full faste, Banisht from living wights, our wearie dales we waste." " But how long time," said then the Elfin knight, "Are you in this misformed hous to dwell ?" " We may not chaunge," quoth hei "this evill plight. Till we be bathed in a living well ; That is the terme prescribed by the spell." ** O how," sayd he, " mote I that well out find, That may restore you to your wonted well ?" ** Time and sufiised fates to former kynd Shall us restore ; none else from hence may us unbynd." 22 THE FAEEIB QtJEENB. The false Duessa, now Fidessa Liglit, Heard liow in vaine Fradubio did lament, And knew well all was true. But the good knight* Full of sad feare and ghastly dreriment. When all this speech the living tree had spent, The bleeding bough did thrust into the ground, That from the blood he might be innocent. And with fresh clay did close the wooden wound : Then turning to his lady, dead with feare her fownd. Her seeming dead he fownd with feigned feare. As all unweeting of that well she knew ; And paynd himselfe with busie care to reare Her out of carelesse swowne. Her eyehds blew. And dimmed sight with pale and deadly hew. At last she up gan lift ; with trembhng cheare Her up he tooke, (too simple and too trew,) And oft her kist. At length, all passed feare. He set her on her steede, and forward forth did beare. CANTO in. Forsaken Truth long seekes her love^ And makes the lyon mylde ; Marres blind Devotions mart, and fals In hand of leachour vylde. Nought is there under heav'ns wide hollownesse. That moves more deare compassion of mind. Then beautie brought t* unworthie wretchednesse Through envies snares, or fortunes freakes unkind. I, whether lately through her brightnes blynd. Or through alleageance, and fast fealty. Which I do owe imto all womankynd, Feele my hart perst with so great aofony. When such I see, that all for pitty I could dy* And now it is empassioned so deepe,^ For fairest Unaes sake, of whom I sing, That my frayle eies these lines with teares do steepe^ To thinke how she through guyleful handeling, Though true as touch, though daughter of a king. Though faire as ever living wight was fayre. Though nor in word nor deede ill meriting, Is from her knight divorced in despayre, And her dew loves deryv'd to that vile witches shayre. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 23 Yet she, most faitlifuU ladie, all tliis while Forsaken, wofull, solitarie mayd. Far from all peoples preace, as in exile, In wildernesse and wastfull deserts strayd, To seeke her knight ; who, subtily betrayd Through that late vision which th* enchaunter wrought. Had her abandond ; she of nought afrayd, Through woods and wastnes wide him daily sought. Yet wished tydinges none of him unto her brought. One day, nigh wearie qf the yrkesome way. From her unhastie beast she did alight ; And on the grasse her dainty limbs did lay In secrete shadow, far from all mens sight ; From her fayre head her fillet she undight. And layd her stole aside : Her angels face. As the great eye of heaven, shyned bright. And made a sunshine in the shady place ; Did never mortall eye behold such heavenly gra^e. It fortuned, out of the thickest wood | A ramping lyon rushed suddeinly. Hunting lull greedy after salvage blood Soone as the royall virgin he did spy. With gaping mouth at her ran greedily. To have attonce devourd her tender corse; But to the pray when as he drew more ny. His bloody rage aswaged with remorse. And, with the sight amazd, forgat his furious forse* Instead thereof, he kist her wearie feet. And lickt her lilly hands with fawning tong; As he her wronged innocence did weet. , O how can beautie maister the most strong, \ And simple truth subdue avenging wrong ! Whose yielded pryde and proud submission. Still dreading death, when she had marked lon^. Her hart gan melt in great compassion ; And drizling teares did shed for pure affection. **The lyon, lord of everie beast in field," Quoth she, " his princely puissance doth abate, And mightie proud to humble weake does yield, Forgetfull of the hungry rage, which late Him prickt, in pittie of my sad estate : — But he, my lyon, and my noble lord. How does he find in cruell hart to hate Her, that him lov'd, and ever most adord As the god of my life ? why hath he me abhordP* 24. THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. HedoTinding teares did clioke tL* end of her plaint, "Which, softly ecchoed from the neighbour wood; And, sad to see her sorrowfuU constraint, The kingly beast upon her gazing stood ; With pittie calmd, downe fell his angry mood. At last, in close hart shutting up her payne. Arose the virgin, borne of heavenly brood. And to her snowy palfrey got agayne. To seeke her strayed champion if she might attayne. The lyon would not leave her desolate, But with her went along, as a strong' gard Of her chast person, and a faythfull mate Of her sad troubles and misfortunes hard ; Still, when she slept, he kept both watch and ward; And, when she watt, he wayted diligent. With humble service to her will prepard : Prom her fayre eyes he took commandement. And ever by her lookes conceived her intent. Long she thus travelled through deserts wyde. By which she thought her wandring knight shold pas. Yet never shew of hving wight espyde ; Till that at length she found the trodden gras. In which the tract of peoples footing was. Under the steepe foot of a mountaine hore ; The same she followes, till at last she has A damzel spyde slow-footing her before. That on her shoulders sad a pot of water bore. To whom approaching, she to her gan call. To weet, if dwelling-place were nigh at hand : But the rude wench her answerd nought at all ; She could not heare, nor speake, nor understand: Till, seeing by her side the lyon stand, With suddein feare her pitcher downe she threw. And fled away: for never in that land Pace of fayre lady she before did vew, And that dredd lyons looke her cast in deadly hew. Pull fast she fled, ne ever lookt behynd, As if her life upon the wager lay ; And home she came, whereas her mother blynd Sate in eternall night ; nought could she say ; But, suddeine catching hold, did her dismay With quaking hands, and other signes of feare; Who, fuU of ghastly fright and cold afiray, Gan shut the dore. By this arrired there Dame Una, weary dame, and entrance did regxtere: THE FAERIE QUEENE. 85 Whlcli when none yielded, her unruly page With his rude clawes the wicket open rent. And let her in; where, of his cruell rage l^igh dead with feare, and faint astonishment, Shee found them both in darksome corner pent: Where that old woman day and night did pray Upon her beads, devoutly penitent; Nine hundred JPater nosters every day, And thrice nine hundred Aves, she was wont to say. And, to augment her painefull penaunce more, Thrise every weeke in ashes shee did sitt, And next her wrinkled skin, rough sackecloth Wore And thrise-three times did fast from any bitt : But now for feare her beads she did forgett. Whose needlesse dread for to remove away, Paire Una framed words and count'naunce fitt ; Which hardly doen, at length she gan them pray. That in their cotage small that night she rest her may. The day is spent; and commeth drowsie night. When every creature shrouded is in sleepe ; Sad Una downe her laies in weary plight. And at her feete the lyon watch doth keepe ; In stead of rest, she does lament, and weepe, [For the late losse of her deare-loved knight. And sighes, and grones, and evermore does steepe Her tender brest in bitter teares all night ; All night she thinks too long, and often lookes for light. ITow when Aldeboran was mounted hye, Above the shinie Cassiopeias chaire, And all in deadly sleepe did drowned lye. One knocked at the dore, and in would fare ; He knocked fast, and often curst, and sware. That ready entraunce was not at his call ; For on his backe a heavj^ load he bare Of nightly stelths, and pillage severall. Which he had got abroad by purchas criminall. He was, to weete, a stout and sturdy thiefe. Wont to robbe churches of their ornaments. And poore mens boxes of their due reliefe, Which given was to them for good intents : The holy saints of their rich vestiments He did disrobe, when all men carelesse slept; And spoild the priests of their habiliments ; Whiles none the holy things in safety kept. Then he by conning sleights in at the window crept. 26 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE, A And all, tliat lie by riglit or wrong could find. Unto this house he brought, and did bestow Upon the daughter of this woman blind, Abessa, daughter of Corceca slow. With whome he whoredome usd that few did knoWt And fed her fatt with feast of offerings, And plenty, which in all the land did grow ; ]Sre spared he to give her gold and rings : And now he to her brought part of hia stolen things. Thus, long the dore with rage and threats he bett; Yet of those fearfull women none durst rize, (The lyon frayed them,) him in to lett ; He would no lenger stay him to advize. But open breakes the dore in furious wize. And entring is; when that disdainfull beast,^ Encountring fierce, him suddein doth surprize ; And seizing cruell clawes on trembling brest. Under his lordly foot him proudly hath supprest. Him booteth not resist, nor succour call. His bleeding hart is in the vengers hand ; Who streight him rent in thousand peeces small. And quite dismembred hath : the thirsty land Dronke up his life ; his corse left on the strand. His fearefull freends weare out the wofull night, Ne dare to weepe, nor seeme to understand The heavie hap, which on them is alight ; Affraid, least to themselves the like mishapen might. ITow when broad day the world discovered has. Up Una rose, up rose the lyon eke ; And on their former iourney forward pas, In waies unknowne, her wandring knight to seeke. With paines far passing that long-wandring Greeke, That for his love refused deitye : Such were the labours of this lady meeke, Still seeking him, that from her still did flye ; Then furthest from her hope, when most she weened nye» Soone as she parted thence, the fearfull twayne, That blind old woman, and her daughter dear. Came forth; and, finding Kirkrapine there slayne. For anguish great they gan to rend their heare. And beat their brests, and naked flesh to teare : And when they both had wept and wayld their fiill. Then forth they ran, like two amazed deare, Halfe mad through mahce and revenging will. To follow her, that was the causer of their ill : THE FAEEIE QUEENS. 27 Whome overtaking, they gan loudly bray. With hollow houling, and lamenting cryi Shamefully at her rayling all the way, And her accusing of dishonesty. That was the flowre of faith and chastity: And still, amidst her rayling, she did pray- That plagues, and mischiefes, and long misery. Might fall on her, and follow all the way; And that in endlesse error she might ever stray. But, when she saw her prayers nought prevaile, Shee backe retourned with some labour lost ; And in the way, as shee did weepe and waile, A knight her mett in mighty armes'embost. Yet knight was not for all his bragging host ; But subtill Archimag, that Una sought By traynes into new troubles to have teste z Of that old woman tidings he besought, If that of such a lady shee could tellen ought. Therewith she gan her passion to renew, And cry, and curse, and raile, and rend her heare. Saying, that harlott she too lately knew. That causd her shed so many a bitter teare ; And so forth told the story of her feare. Much seemed he to mone her haplesse chaunce. And after for that lady did inquere ; Which being taught, he forward gan advaunce His fair enchaunted steed, and eke his charmed launce. Ere long he came where Una traveild slow. And that wilde champion way ting her besyde ; Whome seeing such, for dread hee durst not show Him selfe too nigh at hand, but turned wyde Unto an hil; from whence when she him spyde, By his like-seeming shield her knight by name Shee weend it was, and towards him gan ride; Approaching nigh she wist it was the same ; And with faire fearefull humblesse towards him shee camet And weeping said, " Ah my long-lacked lord, Where have ye bene thus long out of my sight? Much feared I to have bene quight abhord. Or ougbt have done, that ye displeasen might. That should as death unto my deare heart light; Por since mine eie your ioyous sight did mis, My chearefull day is turnd to chearelesse night, And eke my night of death the shadow is : But welcome now, my light, and shining lampe of blia !" 28 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. He thereto meeting said, '* My dearest dame, Far be it from your thouglit, and fro my wil, To tliinke that kniglitliood I so much should shame. As you to leave that have me loved stil, And chose in Faery court, of meere goodwil, Where noblest knights were to be found on earth. The earth shall sooner leave her kindly skil To bring forth fruit, and make eternal derth, Then I ieve you, my liefe, yborn of hevenly berth. " And sooth to say, why I lefte you so long, Was for to seeke adventure in straunge place 5 Where, Archimago said, a felon strong To many knights did daily worke disgrace ; But knight he now shall never more deface: Good cause of mine excuse that mote ye please Well to accept, and evermore embrace My faithfull Service, that by land and seas Have vowd you to defend: now then your plaint appease.*' His lovely words her seemd due recompence Of all her passed paines : one loving howre For many yeares of sorrow can dispence ; A dram of sweete is worth a pound of sowre. Shee has forgott how many a woeful stowre For him she late endurd; she speakes no more Of past : true is, that true love hath no powre To looken backe ; his eies be fixt befoi;e. Before her stands her knight, for whom she toyld so sore. Much like, as when the beaten marinere, That long hath wandred in the ocean wide, Ofte soust in swelling Tethys saltish teare ; And long time having tand his tawney hide . With blustring breath of heaven, that none can bide. And scorching flames of fierce Orion s hound; Soone as the port from far he has espide, His chearfull whistle merily doth sound. And Nereus crownes with cups ; his mates him pledg around j Such ioy made Una, when her knight she found ; And eke th' enchaunter ioyous seemde no lesse Then the glad marchant, that does vew from ground His ship far come from watrie wildernesse ; He hurles out vowes, and Neptune oft doth blesse. So forth they past; and all the way they spent Discoursing of her dreadful late distresse, In which he askt her, what the lyon ment ; Who told, her all that fell in iourney, as she went. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 29 They had not ridden far, "when they might see One pricking towards them with hastie heat, Full strongly armd, and on a courser free. That through his fiersnesse fomed all with sweat, And the sharpe yron did for anger eat, "When his hot ryder spurd his chauffed side; His looke was sterne, and seemed still to threat Cruell revenge, which he in hart did hyde : And on his shield Sans loy in bloody lines was dyde. When nigh he drew unto this gentle payre, And saw the red crosse, which the knight did beare. He burnt in fire; and gan eftsoones prepare Himselfe to batteill with his couched speare. Loth was that other, and did faint through feare. To taste th* untryed dint of deadly Steele : But yet his lady did so well him cheare. That hope of new good hap he gan to feele ; So bent his speare, and spurd his horse with yron heele. But that proud Paynim forward came so ferce And full of wrath, that, with his sharp-head speare. Through vainly crossed shield he quite did perce ; And, had his staggering steede not shronke for feare, . Through shield and body eke he should him beare: Yet, so great was the puissance of his push. That from his sadle quite he did him beare : He tombling rudely downe to ground did rush, And from his gored wound a well of bloud did gush. Dismounting lightly from his loftie steed. He to him lept, in minde to reave his life, And proudly said ; " Lo, there the worthie meed Of him, that slew Sansfoy with bloody knife ; Henceforth his ghost, freed from repining strife. In peace may passen over Lethe lake ; When mourning altars, purgd with enimies life, The black infernall furies doen aslake : Life from Sansfoy thou tookst, Sansloy shall from thee take/* Therewith in haste his helmet gan unlace, Till Una cride, " O hold that heavie hand. Pear sir, what ever that thou be in place : Enough is, that thy foe doth vanquisht stand ISTow at thy mercy ; mercy not withstand ; Por he is one the truest knight alive, Though conquered now he lye on lowly land; And, whilest him fortune favourd, fayrc did thrive In bloudy field ; therefore of life him not deprive." 30 THE PAEEIE QUEENE. Her piteous wordes miglit not abate his rage; But, rudely rending up his helmet, would Have slayne him streight ; but when he sees his ago. And hoarie head of Archimago ojd. His hasty hand he doth amased hold, And, halfe ashamed, wondred at the sight: For that old man well knew he, though untold. In charmes and magick to have wondrous might 5 Ne ever wont in field, ne in round lists, to fight ; And said, " Why Archimago, lucklesse syre. What doe I see ? what hard mishap is this. That hath thee hether brought to taste mine yre? Or thine the fault, or mine the error is, Instead of foe to wound my friend amis ?" He answered nought, but in a traunce still lay. And on those guilefull dazed eyes of his The cloude of death did sit; which doen away. He left him lying so, ne would no longer stay : But to the virgin comes ; who all this while Amased stands, herselfe so mockt to see By him, who has the guerdon of his guile, Por so misfeigning her true knight to bee : Yet is she now in more perplexitie,^ Left in the hand of that same Paynim bold. From whom her booteth not at all to flie : Who, by her cleanly garment catching hold, Her from her palfrey pluckt, her visage to beholi But her fiers servant, full of kingly aw* And high disdaine, whenas his soveraine dame So rudely handled by her foe he saw. With gaping iawes full greedy at him came. And, ramping on his shield, did weene the same Have reft away with his sharp rending clawes : But he was stout, and lust did now inflame His corage more, that from his griping pawes He hath his shield redeemd; and forth his swerd he drawcs, O then, too weake and feeble was the forse Of salvage beast, his puissance to withstand! For he was strong, and of so mightie corse. As ever wielded speare in warlike hand ; And feates of armes did wisely understand. Eftsoones he perced through his chaufed chest With thrilling point of deadly yron brand. And launcht his lordly hart : with death opprest He ror*d aloud, whiles life forsooke his stubborne brest. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 81 Who now is left to keepe tlie forlome maid From raging spoile of lawlesse victors will?^ Her faithf uU gar d removed ; her hope dismaid 5 Her selfe a yielded pray to save or spill ! He now, lord of the field, his pride to fill, With foule reproches and disdaineful spight Her vildly entertaines; and, will or niU, Beares her away upon his courser light : Her prayers nought prevaile : his rage is more of might. And all the way, with great lamenting paine. And piteous plaintes, she filleth his dull eares, That stony hart could riven have in twaine ; And all the way she wetts with flowing teares ; But he, enrag*d with rancor, nothing heares. Her servile beast yet would not leave her so. But follows her far ofi", ne ought he feares To be partaker of her wandring woe : More mild in beastly kind, then that her beastly fos. CANTO IV. To sinfull hous of Pryde Duess- a guydes the faithful! knight ; Where, brothers death to wreak, Sansiojf Doth chaleng him to fight. YoiTNG knight whatever, that dost armes professe. And through long labours huntest after fame. Beware of fraud, beware of ficklenesse. In choice, and chaunge, of thy deare-loved dame ; Least thou of her believe too lightly blame, And rash misweening doe thy hart remove : For unto knight there is no greater shame. Then lightnesse and inconstancie in love ; That doth this E-edcrosse knights ensample plainly prove. Who, after that he had faire Una lorne. Through light misdeeming of her loialtie ; And false Duessa in her sted had borne. Called Pidess', and so supposd to be ; Long with her traveild; till at last they see A goodly building, bravely garnished; The house of mightie prince it seemd to be ; And towards it a broad high way that led, All bare through peoples feet, which thether traveiled. 33 THE TAEEIE QXTEENE. Great troupes of people traveild thetlierward Both day and night, of each degree and place 5 But few returned, having scaped hard, With balefull beggery, or foule disgrace ; Which ever after in most wretched case. Like loathsome lazars, by the hedges lay. Thether Duessa badd him bend his pace ; Por she is wearie of the toils om way; And also nigh consumed is the lingring day. A stately pallace built of squared bricke, Which cunningly was without morter laid, Whose wals were high, but nothing strong nor thick. And golden foile all over them displaid, That purest skye with brightnesse they dismaid: High lifted up were many loftie towres. And goodly galleries far over laid, "ffixll of faire windowes and delightful bowres; And on the top a diall told the timely howres. It was a goodly keape for to behould, And spake the praises of the workmans witt 5 But full great pittie, that so faire a mould Did on so weake foundation ever sitt : 'For on a sandie hill, that still did flitt And fall away, it mounted was full hie : That every breath of heaven shaked itt ; And all the hinder partes, that few could spie^ Were ruinous and old, but painted cunningly. Arrived there, they passed in forth right ; For still to all the gates stood open wide : Yet charge of them was to a porter hight, Cald Malvenu, who entrance none denide ; Thence to the hall, which was on every sied With rich array and costly arras dight ; Infinite sortes of people did abide There waiting long, to win the wished sight Of her, that was the lady of that pallace bright. By them they passe, all gazing on them round, And to the presence mount ; whose glorious vew Their frayle amazed senses did confound. In living princes court none ever knew Such endlesse richesse, and so sumpteous shew ; ISTe Persia selfe, the nourse of pompous pride. Like ever saw : and there a noble crew Of lords and ladies stood on ever side. Which, with their presence fayre, the place much beautilyda THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 33 Higli above all a cloth of state was spred. And a rich throne, as bright as sunny day; On which there sate, most brave embelHshed With royall robes and gorgeous array, A mayden queene that shone, as Titans ray. In glistring gold and perelesse pretious stone; Yet her bright blazing beaixtie did assay To dim the brightnesse of her glorious throne. As envying her selfe, that too exceeding shone: Exceeding shone, like Phoebus fayrest childe, That did presume his fathers fyrie wayne. And flaming mouthes of steedes unwonted wilde. Through highest heaven with weaker hand to rayne; Proud of such glory and advancement vayne, While flashing beames do daze his feeble eyen, He leaves the welkin way most beaten playne, And, rapt with whirling wheeles, inflames the skyen With fire not made to burne, but fayrely for to shyno. So proud she shyned in her princely state, Looking to heaven; for earth she did disdayne: And sitting high; for lowly she did hate: Lo, underneath her scornefull feete was layne A dreadfull dragon with an hideous trayne ; And in her hand she held a mirrhour bright. Wherein her face she often vewed fayne. And in her selfe-lov'd semblance took delight; For she was wondrous faire, as any living wight. Of griesly Pluto she the daughter was. And sad Proserpina, the queene of hell; Yet did she thinke her pearelesse worth to pas That parentage, with pride so did she swell; And thundring love, that high in heaven doth dwell And wield the world, she claymed for her syre; Or if that any else did love excell; Por to the highest she did still aspyre; ^ Or, if ought higher were then that, did it desyre. And proud Lucifera men did her call. That made her selfe a queene, and crownd to be; Yet rightfull kingdome she had none at all, Ne heritage of native saveraintie; But did usurpe with wrong and tyrannic Upon the scepter, which she now did hold : Ne ruld her realme with lawes, but pollicie. And strong advizement of six wizards old, That with their counsels bad her kingdome did uphold. 34 THE FAEEIE QUEENE, Soone as the elfin knight in presence came, And false Duessa, seeming lady fayre, A gentle Lusher, Yanitie by name, Made rowme, and passage for them did prepaire: So goodly brought them to the lowest stayre Of her high throne ; where they, on humble knee Making obeysaunce, did the cause declare, Why they were come, her roiall state to see. To prove the wide report of her great maiestee. With loftie eyes, halfe loth to Iqoke so lowe, She thancked them in her disdainefull wise; "Ne other grace vouchsafed them to showe Of princesse worthy; scarse them bad arise. Her lordes and ladies all this while devise Themselves to setten forth to straungers sight :^ Some frounce their curled heare in courtly guise ; Some prancke their ruffes ; and others trimly dight Their gay attyre: each others greater pride does spight. Goodly they all that knight doe entertayne. Eight glad with him to have increast their crew; But to Duess' each one himselfe did payne All kindnesse and faire courtesie to shew; For in that court whylome her well they knew: Yet the stout Faery mongst the middest crowd Thought all their glorie vaine in knighthe vew. And that great princesse too exceeding prowd, That to strange knight no better countenance allowd. Suddein upriseth from her stately place The roiall dame, and for her coche did call: All hurtlen forth; and she, with princely pace, As faire Aurora, in her purple pall. Out of the east the dawning day doth call, So forth she comes ; her brightnes brode doth blaze. The heapes of people, thronging in the hall, Doe ride each other, upon her to gaze : Her glorious ghtter and light doth all mens eies amaze. So forth she comes, and to her coche does clyme, Adorned all with gold and girlonds gay, That seemd as fresh as Flora in her prime; And strove to match, in roiall rich array, Great lunoes golden chajrre; the which, they say. The gods stand gazing on, when she does ride To loves high hous through heavens bras-paved way, Drawne of fayre pecocks, that exceU in pride. And full of Aigus eyes their tayles dispredden wide. THE FAEBIE QXTEENE. 3S But this was drawne of six unequall beasts. On which her six sage counsellours did ryde. Taught to obay their bestiall beheasts, With hke conditions to their kindes applyde ; Of which the first, that all the rest did guyde. Was sluggish Idlenesse, the nourse of Sin; y Upon a slouthfull asse he chose to ryde, Arayd in habit blacke, and amis thin ; Like to an holy monck, the service to begin. And in his hand his portesse still he bare. That much was worne, but therein little redd; For of devotion he had little care. Still drownd in sleepe, and most of his daies dedd: Scarse could he once uphold his heavie hedd. To looken whether it were night or day. May seeme the wayne was very evil ledd. When such an one had guiding of the way. That knew not, whether right he went or else astray* From worldly cares himselfe he did esloyne. And greatly shunned manly exercise; From everie worke he chalenged essoyne. For contemplation sake: yet otherwise His life he led in lawlesse riotise; By which he grew to grievous malady : For in his lustlesse limbs, through evill guise, A shaking fever raignd continually: Such one was Idlenesse, first of this company. And by his side rode loathsome Gluttony, Deformed creature, on a filthie swyne; His belly was upblowne with luxury, ^ And eke with fatnesse swollen were his eyne; And like a crane his neck was long and fyne. With which he swallowed up excessive feast. For want whereof poore people oft did pyne : And all the way, most like a brutish beast. He spued up his gorge, that all did him deteast. In greene vine leaves he was right fitly clad; For other clothes he could not wear for heate: And on his head an yvie girland had, From under which fast trickled downe the sweat: Still as he rode, he somewhat still did eat. And in his hande did beare a bouzing can. Of which he supt so oft, that on his seat His dronken corse he scarse upholden can : In shape and life more like a monster then a maiu 86 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Unfit he was for any worldly tHng, And eke unliable once to stirre or go; Not meet to be of counsell to a king, Wbose mind in meate and drinke was drowned so. That from his frend he seeldome knew his fo : Full of diseases was his earcas blew, And a dry dropsie through his flesh did flow, Which by misdiet daily greater grew : Such one was Gluttony, the second of that crew* And next to him rode lustfull Lechery Upon a bearded gote, whose rugged heare. And whally eies, (the signe of gelosy,) Was hke the person selfe, whom he did beare; Who rough, and blacke, and filthy, did appeare; Unseemely man to please fair ladies eye: Yet he of ladies oft was loved deare. When fairer faces were bid standen by: O who does know the bent of womens fantasy ! In a greene gowne he clothed was full faire. Which underneath did hide his filthinesse; i.nd in his hand a burning hart he bare, Pull of vaine foUies and new-fanglenesse: Por he was false, and fraught with ficklenesse; And learned had to love with secret lookes; And well could daunce; and sing with ruefulnesse; And fortunes tell; and read in loving bookes : And thousand other waies, to bait his fleshly hookea. Inconstant man, that loved all he saw. And lusted after all, that he did love; Ne would his looser Hfe be tide to law, But ioyd weake wemens hearts to tempt, and prove If from their loyall loves he might them move: Which lewdnes fild him with reproachfull pain Of that foule evill, which all men reprove, That rotts the marrow, and consumes the braine : Such one was Lechery, the third of all this traine. j\.nd greedy Avarite by him did ride, Upon a camell loaden all with gold: Two iron cofiers hong on either side. With precious metall full as they might hold; And in his lap an heap of coine he told; For of his wicked pelf his god he made. And unto hell himselfe for money sold ; Accursed usury was all his trade; And right and wrong ylike in equall ballaunce waide. THE FAEBIE QUEENE. 37 His life was nigh unto deaths dore yplaste ; And thred-bare cote, and cobled shoes, hee ware; Ne scarse good morsell all his life did taste ; But both from backe and belly still did spare, To fill his bags, and richesse to compare ; Yet childe ne kinsman living had he none To leave them to ; but thorough daily care To get, and nightly feare to lose his owne. He led a wretched Hfe, unto himselfe unlmowne. Most wretched wight, whom nothing might suffise; Whose greedy lust did lacke in greatest store; Whose need had end, but no end covetise; Whose welth was want; whose plenty made him pore; Who had enough, yett wished ever more; A vile disease; and eke in foote and hand A grievous gout tormented him full sore ; That well he could not touch, nor goe, nor stand : Such one was Avarice, the fourth of this faire band ! And next to him malicious Enyy rode Upon a ravenous wolfe, and still did chaw Between his cankred teeth a venemous tode. That all the poison ran about his chaw; But inwardly he chawed his owne maw At neibors welth, that made him ever sad; For death it was, when any good he saw; And wept, that cause of weeping none he had; But, when he heard of harme, he wexed wondrous glad. All in a kirtle of discolourd say He clothed was, ypaynted full of eies ; And in his bosome secretly there lay An hatefuU snake, the which his taile uptyes In many folds, and mortall sting implyes : Still as he rode, he gnasht his teeth to see Those heapes of gold with grille Covetyse ; And grudged at the great felicitee Of proud Lucifera, and his owne companee. He hated all good workes and vertuous deeds, And him no lesse, that any like did use ; And, who with gratious bread the hungry feeds. His almes for want of faith he doth accuse : So every good to bad he doth abuse :^ * And eke the verse of famous poets witt He does backebite, and spightfull poison spues From leprous mouth on all that ever writt : Such one vile Envy was, that fifte in row did sitt. 3 S8 THE PAEEIE QtTEENB. And him beside rides fierce revenging Wrath, Upon a lion, loth for to be led ; •■ And in his hand a burning brond he hath. The which he brandisheth about his hed : His eies did hurle forth sparcles fiery red. And stared sterne on all that him beheld ; As ashes pale of hew, and seeming ded ; And on his dagger still his hand he held, Ti^embling through hasty rage, when choler in him sweld. His ruffin raiment all was staind with blood Which he had spilt, and all to rags yrent; Through unadvized rashnes woxen wood ; For of his hands he had no governement, Ne car*d for blood in his avengement : But, when the furious fitt was overpast. His cruell facts he often would repent ; Yet, wilfull man, he never would forecast. How many mischieves should ensue his heedlesse hast. . Pull many mischiefes follow cruell Wrath ; Abhorred Bloodshed, and tumultuous Strife, Unmanly Murder, and unthrifty Scath, Bitter Despight with Rancours rusty knife ; * And fretting Griefe, the enemy of hfe : All these, and many evils moe haunt Ire, ^ The swelling Splene, and Frenzy raging rife. The shaking Palsey, and St. Fraunces fire : Such one was Wrath, the last of this ungodly tire. And, after all, upon the wagon beame Bode Sathan with a smarting whip in hand. With which he forward lasht the laesy teme. So oft as Slowth still in the mire did stand. Huge routs of people did about them band, Showting for joy ; and still before their way A foggy mist had covered all the land ; And, underneath their feet, all scattered lay Dead sculls and bones of men whose life had gone astray. So forth they marchen in this goodly sort. To take the solace of the open aire. And in fresh flowring fields themselves to sport : Emongst the rest rode that false lady faire. The foul€ Duessa, next unto the chaire Of proud Lucifer', as one of the traine : But that good knight would not so nigh repaire, Him selfe estraunging from their ioyaunce vaine, Whose fellowship seemd far unfitt for wavi^i-« swaine. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 39 So, having solaced themselves a space With pleas aunce of the breathing fields yfed. They backe retourned to the princely place ; Whereas an errant knight in armes ycled, And heathnish shield, wherein with letters red Was writt Sans ioy, they new arrived find : Enflam'd with fury and fiers hardyhed, He seemd in hart to harbour thouglits unkind, And nourish bloody vengeaunce in his bitter mind. Who, when the shamed shield of slaine Sansfoy He spide with that same Fary champions page. Bewraying him that did of late destroy His eldest brother; burning all with rage. He to him lept, and that same envious gage Of victors glory from him snacht away : But th' Elfin knight, which ought that warlike wage, Disdaind to loose the meed he wonne in fray ; And, him rencountring fierce, reskewd the noble pray. Therewith they gan to hurtlen greedily, B-edoubted battaile ready to darrayne, And clash th^r shields, and shake their swords on hy ; That with their sturre they troubled all the traine : Till that great queene, upon eternall paine Of high displeasure that ensewen might, Commaunded them their fury to refraine ; And, if that either to that shield had right, In equall fists they should the morrow next it fight. " Ah, dearest dame," quoth then the Paynim bold, " Pardon the error of enraged wight, Whome great griefe made forgett the raines to hold Of reasons rule, to see this recreaunt knight, (No knight, but treachour full of false dispight And shameful treason,) who through guile hath slayn The prowest knight tliat ever fie^d did fight, Even stout Sansfoy, (O, who can then refrayn !) Whose shield he beares renverst, the more to heap disdayiu *' And, to auigment the glorie of his guile. His dearest love, the faire Fidessa, loe Is there possessed of the tray tour vile ; Who reapes the harvest sowen by his foe, Sowen in bloodie field, and bought with woe : That— brothers hand shall dcarely well requight, So be, O Queene, you equall favour showe." Him litle answerd th' angry Elfin knight ; He never meant with words, but swords, to plead liis right: dO THE FAEEIE QtTEElTE. But tlirew his gauntlet, as a sacred pledg. His cause in combat the next day to try : So been they parted both, with harts on edg To be aveng*d each on his enimy. That night they pas in ioy and iollity, Feasting and coiurting both in bowre and hall; !For steward was excessive Gluttony, That of his plenty poured forth to all : "Which doen, the chamberlain Slowth did to rest them calL iN'ow whenas darksome night had all displayd Her coleblacke curtein over brightest sl^e ; The warlike youthes, on dayntie couches lay d. Did chace away sweet sleepe from sluggish eye. To muse on meanes of hoped victory. But whenas Morpheus had with leaden mace Arrested all that courtly company. Uprose Duessa from her resting place. And to the Paynims lodging comes with silent pace: Whom broad awake she findes, in troublous fitt. Fore-casting, how his foe he might annoy ; And him amoves with speaches seeming fittit " Ah, deare Sansioy, next dearest to Sansfoy, Cause of my new griefe, cause of my new ioy ; loyous, to see his ymage in mine eye. And greevd, to thmke how foe did him destroy. That was the flowre of grace and chevabye ; Lo, his Fidessa, to thy secret faith I flye." With gentle wordes he can her fayrely greet. And bad say on the secrete of her hart : Then, sighing soft ; " I learne that little sweet Oft tempred is," quoth she, " with mucheU smart: For, since my brest was launcht with lovely dart Of deare Sansfoy I never ioyed howre, But in eternall woes my weaker hart Have wasted, loving him with all my powre. And for his sake have felt full many an heavy stowre. "At last, when perils all I weened past, And hop'd to reape the crop of all my care. Into new woes nnweeting I was cast By this false faytor, who unworthie ware BLis worthie shield, whom he with guilefuU snare Entrapped slew, and brought to shamefuU grave : Me siUy maid away with lum he bare. And ever since hath kept in darksom cave ; For that I would not yeeld that to Sansfoy I gave. THE FAERIE QTTEENE. 41 " But since faire smine hatli sperst that lowring clowd, And to my loathed life now shewes some light. Under yom* beames I wiU me safely shrowd From dreaded storme of his disdainfull spight : To you th' inheritance belongs by right Of brothers prays e, to you eke longes his love. Let not his love,, let not his restlesse spright. Be uiireveng*d, that caLles to you above [move." From wandring Stygian shores, where it doth endlesse Thereto said he, " Faire dame, be nought dismaid For sorrowes past ; their griefe is with them gone. Ne yet of present perill be affraid ; For needlesse feare did never vantage none ; And helplesse hap it booteth not to mone. Dead is Sansfoy, his vitall paines are past. Though greeved ghost for vengeance deep do grone : He lives, that shaU. him pay his dewties last. And guiltie Elfin blood shall sacrifice in hast." " O, but I feare the fickle freakes," quoth shee, ** Of Fortune false, and oddes of armes in field." " Why, dame,'* quoth he, " what oddes can ever bee Where both doe fight alike, to win or yield ?" ^* Yea, but," quoth she, ** he beares a charmed shield. And eke enchaunted armes, that none can perce ; Ne none can wound the man, that does them wield." " Charmd or enchaunted," answerd he then ferce, " I no whitt reck ; ne you the like need to reherce. " But, faire Fidessa, sithens Fortunes giule. Or enimies powre, hath now captived you, Returne from whence ye came, and rest a while, Till morrow next, that I the Elfe subdew. And with Sansfoyes dead dowry you endew.'* "Ay me, that is a double death," she said, " With proud foes sight my sorrow to renew: Where ever yet I be, my secret aide Shall follow you." So, passing forth, she him ohsidL THE FAEEIB QtTEENB. CANTO V. The faithfull knight in equall field Subdewes his faithlesse foe ; Whom false Duessa saves, and for His cure to hell does goe. The noble hart tliat harbours vertuous thought. And is with childe of glorious great intent, Can never rest, untill it forth have brought Th' eternall brood of glorie excellent. Such restlesse passion did all night torment The flamiug corage of that Faery knight. Devizing, how that doughtie tumament "With greatest honour be atchieven might: Still did he wake, and still did watch for dawning light. At last, the golden orientall gate Of greatest heaven gan to open fayre. And Phoebus, fresh as brydegrome to his mate. Came dauncing forth, shaking his deawie hay re; And hurld his glistring beams through gloomy ayre. Which when the wakeful Elfe perceiv'd, streightway He started up, and did him selfe prepayre In sunbright armes, and battailous array; Por with that Pagan proud he combatt will that day. And forth he conies into the commune hall ; Where earely waite him many a gazing eye, To weet what end to straunger knights may falL There many minstrales maken melody. To drive away the dull melancholy; And many bardes, that to the trembling chord Can tune their timely voices cunningly; And many chroniclers, that can record Old loves, and warres for ladies doen by many a lord, Soone after comes the cruell Sarazin, In woven maile all armed warily; And steruly lookes at hini, who not a pin • Does care for looke of hving creatures eye. They bring them wines of Greece and Araby, And daintie spices fetch from furthest Ynd, To kindle heat of corage privily; And in the wine a solemne oth they bynd T' observe the sacred lawes of armes, that are assynd. THE FAEEIB QtTEENE. 43 At last forth comes that far renowmed queene; With royall pomp and princely maiestie She is ybrought unto a paled greene. And placed under stately canapee, The warlike feates of both those knights to see. On th* other side in all mens open vew Duessa placed is, and on a tree Sansfoy his shield is hangd with bloody hew: Both those, the lawrell girlonds to the victor dew. A shrilling trompett sownded from on hye, And unto battaill bad themselves addresser Their shining shieldes about their wrestes they tye. And burning blades about their heades doe blesse. The instruments of wrath and heavinesse: With greedy force each other doth assayle. And strike so fiercely, that they do impresse Deepe dinted furrowes in the battred mayle : The yron waUes to ward their blowes are weak and frailo* The Sarazin was stout and wondrous strong. And heaped blowes like yron hammers great; For after blood and vengeance he did long. The knight was fiers, and full of youthly heat. And doubled strokes, like dreaded thunders threat: For all for praise and honour did he fight. Both stricken stryke, and beaten both doe beat; That from their shields forth flyeth firie light. And helmets, hewen deepe, shew marks of eithers mights So th' one for wrong, the other strives for right: As when a gryfon, seized of his pray, A dragon fiers encountreth in his flight. Through widest ayre making his ydle way. That would his rightfull ravine rend away: With hideous horror both together smight. And souce so sore, that they the heavens affray : The wise soothsayer, seeing so sad sight, Th' amazed vulgar telles oi warres and mortal fight. So th* one for wrong, the other strives for right; And each to deadly shame would drive his foe: The cruell Steele so greedily doth bight In tender flesh, that streames of blood down flow ; With which the armes, that earst so bright did shoWi Into a pure vermillion now are dyde. Great ruth in all the gazers harts did grow. Seeing the gored woundes to gape so wyde, That victory they dare not wish to either side. 44 THE FAEBIE QUEENE. At last the Paynim diaunst to cast Ms eye, His suddein eye, flaming with wrathfull fyre. Upon liis brothers shield, which hong thereby: Therewith redoubled was his raging yre, And said; *'Ah! wretched sonne of wofull syre, Doest thou sit wayhng by blacke Stygian lake, Whylest here thy shield is hangd for victors hyreP And, sluggish german, doest thy forces slake To after-send ms foe, that him may overtake ? " Go, caytive Elfe, him quickly overtake. And soone redeeme from his long-wandring woe: Goe, guiltie ghost, to him my message make, That I his smeld have quit from dying foe." Therewith upon his crest he stroke him so. That twise he reeled, readie twise to fall : End of the doubtfull battaile deemed tho The lookers on; and lowd to him gan call The false Duessa, " Thin^the shield, and I, and all!* Soone as the Faerie heard his ladie speake. Out of his swowning dreame he gan awake; And quickning faith, that erst was woxen weake. The creeping deadly cold away did shake; Tho mov'd with wrath, and shame, and ladies sake. Of all attonce he cast aveng'd to be. And with so* exceeding furie at him strake. That forced him to stoupe upon his knee : Had he not stouped so, he should have cloven bee. And to him said ; " Goe now, proud miscreant, Thyselfe thy message do to german deare ; Alone he, wandring, thee too long doth want: Goe say, his foe thy shield with his doth beare/* Therewith his lieavie hand he high gan reare. Him to have slaine; when lo ! a darkesome clowd Upon him fell; he no where doth appeare, But vanisht is. The Elfe him calls alowd. But answer none receives ; the darknes him does slirowd. In haste Duessa from her place arose. And to him running sayd; " O pro west knight. That ever ladie to her love did chose. Let now abate the terrour of your might. And quench the flame of furious despight And bloodie vengeance : lo ! th' infernall powres. Covering your foe with cloud of deadly night. Have borne him hence to Plutoes balef aU bowres : The conquest yours; I yours; the shield and glory yours !** THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. 45 !N"ot all so satisfide, with greedy eye He sought, all round about, his thirsty blade To bathe in blood of faithlesse enimy; "Who all that while lay hid in secrete shade: He standes amazed how he thence should fade. At last the trumpets triumph sound on hie And running heralds humble homage made, Greeting him goodly with new victorie; And to him brought the shield, the cause of enmitie. Wherewith he goeth to that soveraine gueene ; And, falling her before on lowly knee, To her makes present of his service scene ; "Which she accepts with thankes and goodly gree. Greatly advauncing his great chevalree : So marcLeth home, and by her takes the knight. Whom aU the people folio we with great glee. Shouting, and clapping all their hands on hight, That aU the ayre it fils, and flyes to heaven bright. Home is he brought, and layd in sumptuous bed: Where many skilfull leaches him abide To salve his hurts, that yet still freshly bled. In wine and oyle they wash his woundes wide, And softly gan embalme on everie side. And all the while most heavenly melody About the bed sweet musicke did divide. Him to beguile of griefe and agony: And all the while Duessa wept full bitterly. As when a wearie traveiler, that strayes V By muddy shore of broad seven-niouthed Nile, ) TJnweeting of the perillous wandring wayes, ' Doth meete a cruell craftie crocodile. Which, in false griefe hyding liis harmefull guile. Doth weepe full sore, and sheddeth tender teares; / The foolish man, that pities all this while ^ -. His mournefull plight, is swallowed up unwares ;' - / PorgetfuU of his owne that mindes an others cares. So wept Duessa untiU eventyde, ^hat shyning lampes in loves high house were light : Then forth she rose, ne lenger would abide; But comes unto the place, where th* hethen knight. In slombring swownd nigh voyd of vitall spright. Lay cover'd with inchaunted cloud all day: Whom when she found, as she him left in plight. To wayle his wofuU case she would not stay, But to the easterne coast of heaven makes speedy w^» 46 THE PAEEIE QUEENE. Where griesly iNiglit, with visage deadly sad. That Phoebus chearefuU face durst never vew. And in a foule blacke pitchy mantle clad, She findes forth comming from her darksome mew; Where she all day did hide her hated hew. [Before the dore her yron charet stood. Already harnessed for iourney new, And cole-blacke steedes yborne of hellish brood. That on their rusty bits did champ, as they were wood. Who when she saw Duessa, sunny bright, Adornd with gold and iewels shining cleare. She greatly grew amazed at the sight, And th' unacquainted light began to feare ; (For never did such brightnes there appeare;) And would have backe retyred to her cave, Untill the witches speach she gan to heare. Saying; " Yet O thou dreaded dame, I crave Abyde, till I have told the message which I have.** She stayd ; and forth Duessa gan proceede ; *' O thou, most auncient grandmother of all, More old than love, whom thou at first didst breede^ Or that great house of gods cselestiall ; Which wast begot in Dsemogorgons hall, And sawst the secrets of the world unmade ; Why suffredst thou thy nephewes deare to fall With Elfin sword most shamefully betrade ? Lo, where the stout Sansioy doth sleepe in deadly shade ! " And., him before, I saw with bitter eyes The bold Sansfoy shrinck underneath his speare ; And now the pray of fowlea in field he lyes, [Nor way Id of frieudes, nor layd on groning beare. That whylome was to me too dearely deare. O ! what of gods then boots it to be borne, If old Aveugles soDnes so evill heare ? Or who, shall not great Nightes children scorne, When two of three her nephews are so fowle forlorne P " Up, then ; up, dreary dame, of darknes queene ; Go, gayther up the reliques of thy race ; Or else goe, them avenge ; and let be scene That dreaded Night in brightest day hath place, And can the children of fay re Light deface." Her feeling speaches some compassion mov'd In hart, and chaunge in that great mothers face s Yet pitty in her hart was never prov'd Till then -, for evermore she hated, never lov'd : THE FAERIE QTTEENE, 47 And said, " Deare daugliter, rightly may I rew The fall of famous children born of mee, And good successes, which their foes ensew : But who can turne the streame of destinee. Or breake the chayne of strong necessitee, Which fast is tyde to loves eternall seat ? The sonnes of Day he favoureth, I see, And by my mines thinkes to make them great: To make one great by others losse is bad excheat. "Yet shall they not escape so freely all; ^ For some shall pay the price of others guilt : And he, the man that made Sansfoy to fall. Shall with his owne blood price that he has spilt. But what art thou, that telst of nephews kilt ?" " I, that do seeme not I, Duessa ame,'* Quoth she, " how ever now, in garments gilt And gorgeous gold arrayd, I to thee came ; Duessa I, the daughter of Deceipt and Shame.** Then, bowing downe her aged backe, she kist The wicked witch, s^ing, " In that faj^re face The false resemblaunce of Deceipt, I wist. Did closely lurke ; yet so true-seeming grace It carried, that I scarse in darksome place Could it discerne ; though I the mother bee Of Falshood, and roote of Duessaes race. O welcome, child, whom I have longd to see, And now have seene unwares ! Lo, now I goe with thee.** Then to her yron wagon see betakes, And with her beares the fowle welfavourd witch : Through mirkesome aire her ready way she makes. Her twyfold teme (of which two blacke as pitch. And two were browne, yet each to each unlich) Did softly swim away, ne ever stamp Unlesse she chaunst their stubborne mouths to twitch j Then, foaming tarre, their bridles they would champ, And trampling the fine element would fiercely ramp. So well they sped, that they be come at length Unto the place, whereas the Paynim lay Devoid of outward sence and native strength, Coverd with charmed cloud from vew of day And sight of men, since his late lucklesse fray. His cruell woundes with cruddy bloud congeald They binden up so wisely as they may. And handle softly, till they can be heald: So lay him in her charett, close in night conceald. 4B THE PAEEIE QTTEENE. And, all tlie wliile slie stood upon the ground. The wakefull dogs did never cease to bay; As giving warning of th' unwonted sound, "With whicli lier yron wlieeles did tliem affray. And her darke griesly looke them much dismay. The messenger of death, the ghastly owle. With drery shriekes did also her bewray; And hungry wolves continually did howle At her abhorred face, so filthy and so fowle. Thence turning backe in silence soft they stole. And brought the heavy corse with easy pace To yawning gulfe of deep Avernus hole : By that same hole an entraunce, darke and bace, With smoake and sulphur hiding all the place. Descends to hell : there creature never past. That backe retourned without heavenly grace ; !But dreadfull furies, which their chaines have brast, And damned sprights sent forth to make iU men aghast. By that same way the direfull dames doe drive Their moumefull charet, fild with rusty blood, And downe to Plutoes house are come bilive : Which passing through, on every side them stood The trembling ghosts with sad amazed mood, Chattring their iron teeth, and staring wide With stonie eies ; and all the hellish brood Of feends infernall flockt on every side, To gaze on erthly wight, that with the Night durst ride. They pas the bitter waves of Acheron, Where many soules sit wailing woefuUy ; And come to fiery flood of Phlegeton, Whereas the damned ghostes in torments fry, And with sharp shrilling shriekes doe bootlesse cry. Cursing high love, the which them thither sent. The hous of endlesse Paine is built thereby. In which ten thousand sorts of punishment The cursed creatures doe eternally torment. Before the threshold dreadfull Cerberus His three deformed heads did lay along. Curled with thousand adders venomous ; And lilled forth his bloodjr flaming tong: At them he gan to reare his bristles strong, And feUy gnarre, untill Dayes enemy Pid him appease; then downe his taile he hong^ And suflered them to passen quietly: Por she in hell and heaven had power equally. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 49 There was Ixion turned on a wlieele. For daring tempt the queene of heaven to sin> And Sisyphus an huge round stone did reelo Against an hill, ne might from labour hn ; There thirsty Tantalus hong by the chin ; And Tityus fed a vultur on his maw ; Typhoeus ioynts were stretched on a gin '; Theseus condemnd to endlesse slouth by law; And fifty sisters water in leke vessels draw. They, all beholding worldly wights in place, Leave off their worke, unmindfull of their smarts To gaze on them; who forth by them doe pace. Till they be come unto the furthest part; Where was a cave ywrought by wondrous ar4| Deepe, darke, uneasy, dolefull, comfortlesse, In which sad Aesculapius far apart Emprisond was m. chaines remedilesse; For that Hippolytus rent corse he did redresso. Hippolytus a iolly huntsman was, That wont in charett chace the foming bore; He aU his peeres in beauty did surpas : But ladies love, as losse of time, forbore : His wanton stepdame loved him the more ; But, when she saw her offred sweets refusd. Her love she turnd to hate, and him before His father fierce of treason false accusd, And with her gealous termes his open eares abusd; Who, all in rage, his sea-god syre besought Some cursed vengeaunce on his sonne to cast : From surging gulf two monsters streight were brougM ; With dread whereof his chacing steedes aghast Both charett swifte and huntsman overcast. His goodly corps, on ragged cliffs yrent, Was quite dismembred, and his members chast Scattered on every mountaine as he went, That of Hippolytus was lefte no moniment. His cruell stepdame, seeing what was donne. Her wicked daies with wretched knife did en(3» In death avowing th' innocence of her sonne. Which hearing, his rash syre began to rend His heare, and hasty tong that did offend : Tho, gathering up the reliques of his smart. By Dianes meanes who was Hippolyts frend. Them brought to Aesculape, that by his art Did heale them all againe, and ioyned every parfc 50 THE FAERIE QUEENE. Sucli wondrous science in mans witt to rain When love avizd, that could the dead revive And fates expired could renew again, Of endlesse life he might him not deprive ; ^ But unto hell did thrust him him downe alive^ "With jlashing thunderbolt y wounded sore ; Where, long remaining, he did alwaies strive Himselfe with salves to health for to restore, And slake the heavenly fire that raged evermore. There auncient Night arriving, did alight From her nigh- weary wayne, and in her armes To Aesculapius brought the wounded knight : "WTiom having softly disaraid of armes, Tho gan to him discover all his harmes, Beseeching him with prayer, and with praise, If either salves, or oyles, or herbes, or charmes, A fordonne wight from dore of death mote raise, He wo aid at her request prolong her nephews daies. "Ah dame," quoth he, *Hhou temptest me in vaine To dare the thing, which daily yet I rew ; And the old cause of my continued paine With like attempt to hke end to renew. Is not enough, that, thrust from heaven dew. Here endlesse penaunce for one fault I pay; But that redoubled crime with vengeaunce new Thou biddest me to eeke? can Mght defray [Day?** The wrath of thundring love, that rules both Night and " Not so," quoth she ; *' but, sith that heavens king From hope of heaven hath thee excluded quight, Whyvfearest thou, that canst not hope for thing; And fearest not that more thee hurten might. Now in the powre of everlasting Night ? Goe to then, O thou far renowmed sonne Of great Apollo, shew thy famous might In medicine, that els hath to thee wonne Great pains, and greater praise, both never to be donnc." Her words prevaild ; and then the learned leach His cunning hand gan to his wounds to lay. And all things els the which .his art did teach ; Which havhig scene, from thence arose away The mother of dredd Darknesse, and let stay Aveugles sonne there in the leaches cure ; And, backe retourning, took her wonted way To ronne her timely race, whilst Phoebus pure In westerne waves his weary wagon did recure. THE FAEEIE QTJEENB. 61 The false Duessa, leaving noyous M^ht, Eeturnd to stately pallace of Dame JPryde ; Where when she came, she found the Faery knight Departed thence ; albee (his woundes wyde Not throughly heald) unready were to ryde. Good cause he had to hasten thence away ; For on a day his wary dwarfe had spyde Where, in a dungeon deepe, huge nombers lay Of caytive wretched thralls, that wayled night and day; (A ruefull sight as could be scene with eie ;) Of whom he learned had in secret wise The hidden cause of their captivitie ; ^ How mortgaging their lives to Covetise,^ Through wastfull pride and wanton riotise, They were by law of that proud tyrannesse,^ Provokt with Wrath and Envyes false surmise. Condemned to that dongeon mercilesse, ^ Where they should live in wo, and dye in wretchednesse. There was that great proud king of Babylon, That would compell all nations to adore And him, as onely God, to call upon ; Till, through celestiall doome thrown out of dore, Into an oxe he was transformd of yore. There also was king Croesus, that enhaunst His hart too high through his great richesse store ; And proud Antiochus, the which advaunst His cursed hand gainst God, and on his altares daunst. And, them long time before, great Nimrod was, That first the world with sword and fire warrayd ; And after him old Ninus far did pas In princely pomp, of all the world obayd, There also was that mightie monarch layd Low under all, yet above all in pride. That name of native syre did fowle upbrayd, And would as Ammons sonne be magnifide ; Till, scornd of God and man, a shamefull death he dide« All these together in one heape were throwne. Like carkases of beastes m Lsaichers stall. And, in another corner, wide were strowne The antique ruins of the Romanes fall : Great E-omulus, the grandsyre of them all Proud Tarquin ; and too lordly Lentulus 5 Stout Scipio ; aod stubborne Ilanniball; Ambitious Sylla ; and stern e Marius ; High Caesar; great Pompey; and fiers Antoniti(J» 63 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Amongst tliese miglitie men were wemen mijct. Proud wemen,^ vaine, forgetfull of their yoke : The bold Semiramis, whose sides transfixt With sonnes own blade her fowle reproches spoke : Fayre Sthenoboea, that her selfe did choke With wilfull chord, for wanting of her will ; High-minded Cleopatra, that with stroke Of aspes sting her selfe did stoutly kill : And thousands moe the like, that did that dongeon filL Besides the endlesse routes of wretched-thralles. Which thether were assembled, day by day, From all the world,^ after their wofull falles Through wicked pride and wasted welthes decay. But most, of all which in that dongeon lay, Fell from high princes courtes, or ladies bowres ; Where they in ydle pomp, or wanton play. Consumed had their goods and thriftlesse howres, And lastly thrown themselyes into these heavy stowres. Whose case whenas the careful dwarfe had tould. And made ensample of their mournfull sight Unto his maister ; he ne lenger would There dwell in perill of hke painefull plight, But earely rose ; and, ere that dawning light Discovered had the world to heaven wyde. He by a privy posterne tooke his flight, That of no envious eyes he mote be spj^de : For, doubtlesse, death ensewd if any him descryde. Scarse could he footing find in that fowle way. For many corses, like a great lay-stall, Of murdred men, which therein strowed lay Without remorse or decent funerall ; Which, al through that great Princesse Pride did fall. And came to shamefull end : and them besyde. Forth ryding underneath the castell wall, A donghill of dead carcases he spyde ; The dreadfuU spectacle of that sad House of Pryde. HHB FAEBIE QTTEENB. 58 CAIN^TO VI. From lawlesse lust by wondrous grace Fayre Una is releast ; Whome salvage nation does adore, And learnes her wise belieast. As when a sliip, tliat flyes fayre under sayle. An hidden rocke escaped hath unwares, ^ That lay in waite her wrack for to bewailej The mariner yet halfe amazed stares At perill past, and yet in doubt ne dares To ioy at his foolhappie oversight : So doubly is distrest twixt ioy and cares The dreadlesse corage of this Elfin knight. Having escapt so sad ensamples in his sight. Yet sad he was, that his too hastie speede The fayre Duess' had forst him leave behind ; And yet more sad, that Una, his deare dreed. Her truth had staynd with treason so unkind ; Yet cryme in her could never creature find : But for his love, and for her owne selfe sake, She wandred had from one to other Ynd, Him for to seeke, ne ever would forsake : Till her unwares the fiers Sansloy did overtake : Who, after Archimagoes fowle defeat, Led her away into a forest wilde ; And, turning wrathful fyre to lustfull heat, With beastly sin thought her to have defilde. And made the vassall of his pleasures vilde. Yet first he cast by treatie, and by traynes, Her to persuade that stubborn fort to yilde ; For greater conquest of hard love he gaynes, That workes it to his will, then he that it constraines. With fawning wordes he courted her a while ; And, looking lovely and oft sighing sore, Her constant hart did tempt with diverse guile : But wordes, and lookes, and sighes she did abhore ; As rock of diamond stedfast evermore. Yet, for to feed his fyrie lustfull eye, He snatcht the vele that hong her face before : Then gan her beautie shyne as brightest skye. And burnt his beastly hart t'enforce her chastitye. 64 THE FAEBIE QUEENB. So when he saw Iiis flatt'ring arts to fayle. And subtile engines bett from batteree ; With greedy force he gan the fort assayle, "Whereof he weend possessed soone to bee. And win rich spoile of ransackt chastitee. Ah heavens ! that doe this hideous act behold. And heavenly virgin thus outraged see, How can ye veugeance iust so long withhol4, ^ And hurle not flashing flames iipon that Paynim boldP The pitteons mayden, careful!, comfortlesse, Does throw out thrilling shriekes, and shrieking cryeSf (The last vaine helpe of wemens greate distresse,) - And with loud plaintes importuneth the skyes ; That molten starres doe drop like weeping eyes ; And Phoebus, flying so most shameful sight, His blushing face in foggy cloud implyes. And hydes for shame. What witt of mortal wight Can now devise to quitt a thr^ from such a phght P Eternall Providence, exceeding thought, Where none appeares can make her selfe a way! A wondrous way it for this lady wrought. From lyons clawes to plucke the gryped pray. Her shrill outcrj^es and shriekes so loud did bray. That all the woodes and forestes did resownd : A troupe of faunes and satjnres far away Within the wood were dauncing in a rownd, Whiles old Sylvanus slept in shady arber sownd: Who, when they heard that pitteons strained voice. In haste forsooke their ruralf merriment, And ran towardes the far rebownded noyce. To weet what wight so loudly did lament. Unto the place they come incontinent : Whom when the raging Sarazin espyde, A rude, mishapen, monstrous rablement, Whose like he never saw, he durst not byde ; But got his ready steed, and fast away gan ryde. The wyld wood-gods, arrived in the place. There find the virgin, doolfuU, desolate. With ruffled rayments, and fayre blubbred face, As her outrageous foe had left her late ; And trembling yet through feare of former hate: All stand amazed at so uncouth sight. And gin to pittie her unhappie state ; All stand astonied at her beauty bright, J[n their rude eyes unworthy of so wofull plight. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 55 She, more amazd, in double dread doth dwell. And every tender part for feare does shake : As when a greedy wolfe, through honger fell, A seely lamb far from the flock does talie, Of whom he meanes his bloody feast to make, A lyon spyes fast running towards him. The innocent pray in hast he does forsake ; Which, quitt from death, yet quakes in every lim ^ With chaunge of feare, to see the lyon looke so grim- Such fearefull fitt assaid her trembling hart ; Ne worde to speake, ne ioynt to move, she had : The salvage nation feele her secret smart, And read her sorrow in her count'nance sad ; Their frowning forheads, with rough homes yclad And rustick horror, all asyde doe lay ; And, gently grenning, show a semblance glad To comfort her ; and, feare to put away, Their backward-bent knees teach her humbly to obay. The doubtfuU damzell dare not yet committ Her single person to their barbarous truth ; But still twixt feare and hope amazd does sitt, Late learnd what harme to hasty trust ensu'th : They, in compassion of her tender youth, And wonder of her beautie soverayne. Are wonne with pitty and unwonted ruth ; And, all prostrate upon the lowly playne, ^ [fayne. Doe kisse her feete, and fawne on her with count'nance Their harts she ghesseth by their humble guise, And yieldes her to extremitie of time : So from the ground she fearlesse doth arise, And walketh forth without suspect of crime : They, all as glad as birdes of ioyous pryme. Thence led her forth, about her dauncing round. Shouting, and singing all a shepheards ryme ; And with greene braunches strowing all the ground, Do worship her as queene with olive girlond cround. And all the way their merry pipes they sound. That all the woods with double echo ring ; And with their horned feet doe weare the ground, Leaping like wanton kids in pleasant spring. So towards old Sylvanus they her bring ; Who, with the noyse awaked, commeth out To weet the cause, his weake steps governing And aged limbs on cypresse stadle stout ; And with an yvie twyne his waste is girt about. 66 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Far off lie wonders wliat tliem makes so glad. Or Bacclms merry fruit tliey did invent, Or Cybeles franticke rights have made them mad: They, drawing nigh, unto their god present That ilowre of fayth and beautie excellent : The god himselfe, vewing that mirrhour rare. Stood long amaz'd, and burnt in his intent : His owne fayre Dryope now he thinks not faire, And Pholoe fowle, when her to this he doth compaire. The wood-borne people fall before her flat, And worship her as goddesse of the wood; And old Sylvanus selfe bethinkes not, what To thinke of wight so fayre ; but gazing stood In doubt to deeme her borne of earthly brood : Sometimes dame Yenus selfe he seemes to see; But Yenus never had so sober mood : Sometimes Diana he her takes to be ; But misseth bow and shaftes, and buskins to her kneew By vew of her he ginneth to revive His ancient love, and dearest Cyparisse ; And calles to mind his pourtraiture alive, ^ How fayre he was, and yet not fayre to this 5 And how he slew with glauncing dart amisse A gentle hynd, the which the lovely boy Pid love as life, above all worldly blisse : For griefe whereof the lad n'ould after ioy ; But pynd away in anguish and selfe wild annoy. The wooddy nymphes, faire Hamadryades, Her to behold do thether runne apace ; And all the troupe of light-foot JSTaiadea Flocke all about to see her lovely face : But, when they vewed have her heavenly grace^ They envy her in their malitious mind, And fly away for feare of fowle disgrace : But all the Satyres scorne their woody kind, And henceforth nothing faire, but her, on earth they find. Glad of such lucke, the luckelesse lucky mayd Did her content to please their feeble eyes ; And long time with that salvage people stayd. To gather breath in many miseryes : During which time her gentle wit she plyes. To teach them truth, which v/orshipt her in vaine, And made her th' image of idolatryes : But, when their bootlesse zeale she did restrayne From her own worship, they her asse would worship fayn. THE FAEEIE QTTEENB. 67 Tfc fortuned, a noble warlike knight By iust occasion to that forrest came To seeke his kindred, and the lignage right, Prom whence he tooke his wel-deserved name: He had in armes abroad wonne muchell fame. And fild far lands with glorie of his might; Plaine, faithfull, trne, and enimy of shame. And ever lov'd to fight for ladies right : Eut in vaine glorious frayes he litle did delight. A satyres sonne yborne in forrest tvyld, 'By straunge adventure as it did betyde. And there begotten of a lady myld, Payre Thyamis, the daughter of Labryde; That was in sacred bandes of wedlocke tyde To Therion, a loose, unruly swa.yne, Who had more ioy to raunge the forrest wyde. And chase the salvage beast with busie payne. Then serve his ladies love, and waste in pleasures vayno. The forlorne mayd did with loves longing burne. And could not lacke her lovers company ; But to the wood she goes, to serve her turne. And seeke her spouse, that from her still does fly And followes other game and venery : A satyre chaunst her wandring for to finde : And, kindling coles of lust in brutish eye, The loyall linkes of wedlocke did unbinde. And made her person thrall unto his beastly kind. So long in secret cabin there he held Her captive to his sensuall desyre; Till that with timely fruit her belly sweld. And bore a boy unto that salvage syre : Then home he sufFred her for to retyre ; Por ransome leaving him the late-borne childe : Whom, till to ryper years he gan aspyre, He nousled up in life and maners wilde, Emongst wild beastes and woods, from laws of men exild©. For all he taught the tender ymp, was but To banish cowardize and bastard feare : His trembling hand he would him force to put Upon the lyon and the rugged beare; And from the she-beares teats her whelps to teare; And eke wyld roring buls he would him make To tame, and ryde their backes not made to beare ; And the robuckes in flight to overtake : That CTerie beast for feare of him did fly and quake. 58 THE FAEEIE QTJEENB. Thei*eby so fearlesse and so fell lie grew, ^ That his owne syre and maister of his guise Did often tremble at his horrid vew ; And oft, for dread of hurt, would him advise The angry beastes not rashly to despise, ISTor too much to provoke ; for he would learne The lyon stoup to him in lowly wise, (A lesson hard,) and make the libbard sterne ^ Leave roaring, when in rage he for revenge did eame# And, for to make his powre approved more, Wyld beastes in yron yokes he would compell; The spotted panther, and the tusked bore. The pardale swift, and the tigre cruell. The antelope and wolf, both tiers and fell ; And them constrain e in equall teme to draw. Such ioy he had their stubborne harts to quell. And sturdie courage tame with dreadfull aw ; That his beheast they feared, as a tyrans law. His loving mother came upon a day Unto the woodes, to see her little sonne ; And chaunst unwares to meet him in the way. After his sportes and cruell pastime donne ; When after him a lyonesse did runne, That roaring all with rage did lowd requere Her children deare, whom he away had wonne : The lybn whelpes she saw how he did beare, And lull in rugged armes withouten childish feare. The fearefull dame all quaked at the sight, And turning backe gan fast to fly away ; Untill, with love revokt from vaine affright. She hardly yet perswaded was to stay. And then to him these womanish words gan say: " Ah, Satyrane, my dearling and my ioy, For love of me leave off this dreadfull play ; To dally thus with death is no fit toy : Go, find some other play-fellowes, mine own sweet boy.** In these and like delightes of bloody game He trayned was, till ryper years he raught; And there abode, whylst any beast of name Walkt in that forrest, whom he had not taught To feare his force : and then his courage haught Desyrd of forreine foemen to be knowne, And far abroad for straunge adventures sought ; In which his might was never overthrowne ; But through al Faery lond his famous worth wasblowne. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 59 Yet evermore it was Ms manner faire. After long labours and adventures spent. Unto those native woods for to repaire, To see his syre and oftspriDg auncient. And now lie thether came for like intent; Where he unwares the fairest Una found, Straunge lady, in so straunge habiliment, Teaching the Satyres, which her sat around, Trew sacred lore, which from her sweet lips did redound* He wondred at her wisedome hevenly rare, Whose like in womens witt he never knew; And, when her curteous deeds he did compare, Gan her admire, and her sad sorrowes rew. Blaming of Fortune, which such troubles threWf And ioyd to make proofe of her cruelty On gentle dame, so hurtlesse and so trew* Thenceforth he kept her goodly company. And learnd her discipline of faith and verity. But she, all vowd unto the Hedcrosse knight. His wandring perill closely did lament, Ne in this new acquaintaunce could delight; But her deare heart with anguish did torment. And all her witt in secret counsels spent, How to escape. . At last in privy wise To Satyr ane she shewed her intent; Who, glad to gain such favour, gan devise. How with that pensive maid he best might thence arise. So on a day, when satyres all were gone To do their service to Sylvanus old. The gentle virgin, left behinde alone. He led away with corage stout and bold. Too late it was to satyres to be told. Or ever hope recover her againe ; ■ In vaine he seekes that, having, cannot hold.'*^ So fast he carried her with carefull paine, That they the woods are past, and come now to the plain©. The better part now of the lingring day They traveild had, whenas they far espide A weary wight forwandring by the way; And towards him they gan in hast to ride. To weete of newes that did abroad betyde, « .Or tidings of her knight of the E-edcrosse ; But he, them spying gan to turne asyde Por feare, as seemd, or for some feigned losse : More greedy they of newes fast towards him do crosso. 60 THE FAERIE QTTEENB. A silly man, in simple weedes forworne, And solid with dust of the long dried way; His sandales were with toilsome travell torne^ And face all tand with scorching sunny ray. As he had traveild many a sommers day Through boyling sands of Arable and Ynde; And in his hand a lacobs staiFe, to stay His weary Imibs upon; and eke behind His scrip did hang, in which his needments he did bini The knight, approaching nigh, of him inquerd Tidings of warre, and of adventures new ; But warres, nor new adventures, none he herd. Then Una gan to aske, if aught he knew Or heard abroad of that her champion trew. That in his armour bare a croslet red. " Ay me ! dear e dame," quoth he, " we'd, may I rew To tell the sad sight which mine eies have red ; These eies did see^ that knight both living and eke ded.** That cruell word her tender hart so thrild, That suddein cold did ronne through every vaine. And stony horrour all her sences fild "With dying fitt, that downe she fell for paine. The knight her lightly reared up againe. And comforted with curteous kind relief^ Then, wonne from death, she bad him tellen plaine The further processe of her hidden griefe: The lesser pangs can beare, who hath endurd the cMef. Then gan the pilgrim thus ; " I chaunst this day. This fatall day, that shall I ever rew, To see two knights, in travell on my way, (A sory sight,) arraung'd in batteill new. Both breathing vengeaunce, both of wrathfull hew My fearefull flesh did tremble at their strife, To see their'blades so greedily imbrew, That, dronke with blood, yet thristed after life : [knife." What more ? the Eedcrosse knight was slaine with Payni'-a "Ah ! dearest lord," quoth she, "how might that bee. And he the stoutest knight, that ever wonne ?" ** Ah ! dearest dame," quoth he, "how might I see The thing, that might not be, and yet was donne ?** **Wherdis," said Satyrane, "thatPajmims sonne. That him of life, and us of ioy, hath refte ?" •* Not far away," quoth he, " he hence doth wonne, Foreby a fountaine, where I late him left [cleft.** Washing his bloody wounds, that through the Steele were THE PAEEIE QTJEENE. 61 Therewith, the knight then marched forth in hast, "Whiles Una, with huge heavinesse opprest. Could not for sorrow follow him so fast ; And soone he came, as he the place had ghest. Whereas that Pagan proud himselfe did rest In secret shadow by a fountaine side ; Even he it was, that earst would have supprest Faire Una; whom when Satyrane espide, ^ With foule reprochfull words he boldly him defide; And said ; '' Arise, thou cursed miscreaunt, That hast with knightlesse guile, and trecherous train, Paire knighthood fowly shamed, and doest vaunt That good knight of the E-edcrosse to have slain: Arise, and with like treason now maintain Thy guilty wrong, or els thee guilty yield." The Sarazin, this hearing, rose amain, And, catching up in haste his three-square shield And shining helmet, soone him buckled to the field ; And, drawing nigh him, said;^ "Ah! misbornElfe, In evill houre thy foes thee hither sent Anothers wrongs to wreak upon thy selfe: Yet ill thou blamest me, for having blent My name with guile and traiterous intent: That Eedcrosse knight, perdie, I never slew; But had he beene, where erst his arms were lent, Th' enchaujater vaine his errour should not rew: But thou his errour shalt, I hope, now proven trew." Therewith they gan, both furious and feU, To thunder blowes, and fiersly to assaile Each other, bent his ehimy to queU ; That with their force they perst both plate and mail^ And made wide furrowes in their fleshes fraile. That it would pitty any living eie: Large floods of blood adowne their sides did raile ; » But floods of blood could not them satisfie : Both hongred after death; both chose to win, or die. • So long they fight, and full revenge pursue, That, fainting, each themselves to breathen lett; And, ofte refreshed, battell oft renue. ^ As when two bores, with rancling malice mett, Their gory sides fresh bleeding fiercely frett ; « Til breathlesse both themselves aside retire. Where, foming wrath, their crueU tuskes they whott. And trample th' earth, the whiles they may respire ; Then backe to fight againe, new breathed and entire. 4 62 THE FAERIE QFEENE. So fiersly, when these knights had breathed once. They gan to fight retourne; increasing more Their puissant force, and cruell rage attonce. With heaped strokes more hugely than before ; That with their drery woundes, and bloody gore. They doth deformed, scarsely could bee known. By this, sad Una fraught with anguish sore, Led with their noise which through the aire was thrown, Arriv'd, wher they in erth their fruitles blood had sown. Whom all so soone as that proud Sarazin Espide, he gan revive the memory Of his lend lusts, and late attempted sin; And lefte the doubtfull battel hastily, To catch her, newly offred to his eie: But Satyrane, with strokes him turning, staid. And sternely bad him other business phe Then hunt the steps of pure unspotted maid: Wherewith he al enrag'd these/bitter speaches said!, *' O foolish faeries sonne, what fury mad Hath thee incenst to hast thy doleful! fate P Were it not better I that lady had Then that thou hadst repented it too late ? Most sencelesse man he, that hinaselfe doth hate To love another: Lo then, for thine ayd, Here take thy lovers token on thy pate." So they to fight; the whiles the royall mayd Fledd farre away, of that proud Paynim sore afrayd. But that false pilgrim, which that leasing told Being in deed old Archimage, did stay In secret shadow all this to behold ; And much reioiced in their bloody fray: But, when he saw the damsell passe away. He left his stond, and her pursewd apace. In hope to bring her to her last decay. But for to tell her lamentable cace, And eke this battels ead, will need another placflu THE FAEBIE QUEENE* CANTO vn- The Redcrosse knight is captive made By gyaunt proud opprest : prince Arthure meets with Una great- ly with those newes distrest. What man so wise, what earthly witt so ware. As to discry the crafty cunning traine. By which Deceit doth maske in visour faire. And cast her colours died deep in graine, To seeme like Truth, whose shape she well can fainc. And fitting gestures to her purpose franae, The guiltlesse man with guHe to entertaine ? Great maistresse of her art was that' false dame. The false Duessa, cloked with Eidessaes name. Who when, returning from the drery Night, She found not in that perilous Hous of Pryde, Where she had left the noble Redcrosse knight, Her hoped pray; she would no lenger byde. But forth she went to seeke him far and wyde. Ere long she fownd, whereas he wearie sate To rest him selfe, foreby a foxmtain syde. Disarmed all of yron-coted plate; And by his side his steed the grassy forage ate. Hee feedes upon the cooling shade, and bayes His sweatie forehead in the breathing wynd, Which through the trembling leaves full gently playe3, Wherein the chearefull birds of sundrjr kynd Doe chaunt sweet musick, to delight his mynd : The witch approching gan him fayrely greet. And with reproch of carelesnes unkynd Upbrayd, for leaving her in place unmeet, With fowle words tempring faire, soure gall with hony sweet, Unkindnesse past, they gan of S9lace treat, And bathe in pleasaunce of the ioyous shade. Which shielded them against the boyling heat, And, with greene boughes decking a gloomy shade. About the fountaine like a girlond made; Whose bubbling wave did ever freshly well, Ne ever would thrcfligh fervent summer fade: The sacred nymph, which therein wont to dwell, Waa out of Dianes favor, as it then befell. 64 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. The cause was tMs: One day, when Plicebe fayre With all her band was following the chace, This nymph, quite tyr'd with heat of scorching ayre. Sat downe to rest in middest of the race : The goddesse wroth gan fowly her disgrace. And badd the waters, which from her did flow. Be such as she her selfe was then in place. Thenceforth her waters wexed dull and slow; And all, that drinke thereof, do faint and feeble grow* Hereof this gentle knight unweeting was; And, lying downe upon the sandie graile, Pronke of the streame, as cleare as christall glas: Eftsoones his manly forces gan to fayle, And mightie strong was turnd to feeble frayle. His chaunged powres at first themselves not feltj Till crudled cold his corage gan assayle, And cheareful blood in fayntnes chill did melt, Which, like a fever fit, tliough all his bodie swelt Yet goodly^ court he made still to his dame, Pourd out in loosnesse on tHe grassy grownd, Both carelesse of his health, and of his fame: Till at the last he heard a dreadfull sownd. Which through the wood loud bellowing did rebownd. That all the earth for terror seemd to shake. And trees did tremble. Th' ELfe, therewith astownd. Upstarted lightly from his looser make. And his unready weapons gan in hand to take. But ere he could his armour on him dight. Or gett his shield, his monstrous enimy With sturdie steps came stalking in his sight. An hideous geaunt, horrible and hye. That with his taUnesse seemd to^ threat the skye^ The ground eke groned under him for dreed : His living like saw never living eye, Ne durst behold ; his stature did exceed The hight of three the tallest sonnes of mortall seed. The greatest Earth his "dncouth mother was. And blustring ^olus his boasted syre; Who with his breath, which through the world doth pas. Her hollow womb did secretly inspyre, And fild her hidden caves with stormie yre. That she conceiv'd; and trebling the dew time. In which the wombes of wemen do ex^yre. Brought forth this monstrous masse of earthly slyme, Puft up with emptie wynd, and fild with sinfull crymo. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 65 So growen great, through arrogant delight. Of th' high descent whereof he was yborne. And through presumption of his matcblesse might, All other powres and knighthood he did scorne. Such now he marcheth to this man forlorne, And left to losse; his stalking steps are stayde Upon a snaggy oke, which he had torne Out of his mothers bowelles, and it made His mortall mace, wherewith his foemen he dismayde. That, when the knight he spyde, he gan advaunce With huge force and insupportable mayne, And towardes him with dreadfull fury praunce; Who haplesse, and eke hopelesse, all in vaine Did to him pace sad battaile to darrayne, Disarmd, disgraste, and inwardly dismayde ; And eke so faint in every ioynt and vayne, Through that fraile fountain, which him feeble made. That scarsely could he weeld his bootlesse single blade. The geaunt strooke so maynly mercilesse. That could have overthrowne a stony towre ; And, were it not hevenly grace that did him blesse, He had beene pouldred all, as thin as ilowre; But he was wary of that deadly stowre, And lightly lept from underneath the blow : Yet so exceeding was the villeins powre That with the winde it did him overthrow, And all his sences stoond, that still he lay full low. As when that divelish yron engin, wrought In deepest hell, and framd by furies skill, With windy nitre and quick sulphur fraught. And ramd with bollet rownd, ordaind to kill, Conceiveth fyre ; the heavens it doth fill With thundring noyse, and all the ayre doth choke. That none can breath, nor see, nor heare at will, Through smouldry cloud of duskish stincking smoke ; That th* only breath him daunts, who hath escapt the stroke^ So daunted when the geaunt saw the knight, His heavie hand he heaVed up on hye, And him to dust thought to have battred quight, Untill Duessa loud to him gan crye ; " O great Orgogho, greatest under skye, Oh ! hold thy mortall hand for ladies sake ; Hold for my sake, and doe him not to dye, But vanquisht thine eternall bondslave make. And me, thy worthy meed, unto thy leman take.** 66 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. He liearkned, and did stay from further liarmeSf To gayne so goodly guerdon as slie spake: So willingly she came into his armes, Who her as willingly to grace did take. And was possessed of his newfound make. Then up he tooke the slombred sencelesse corse ; And, ere he could out of his swowne awake. Him to his castle brought with hastie forse, And in a dongeon deepe him threw without remorse. From that day forth Duessa was his deare. And highly honour d in his haughtie eye. He gave her gold and purple pall to weare. And triple crowne set on her head full hye, And her endowd with royall maiestye: Then, for to make her dreaded more of men, And peoples hartes with awfull terror tye, A monstrous beast ybredd in filthy fen ^ He chose, which he had kept long time in darksom den* Such one it was, as that renowmed snake Which great Alcides in Stremona slew. Long fostred in the filth of Lerna lake : Whose many heades out-budding ever new Did breed him endlesse labor to subdew. But this same monster much more ugly was ; [For seven great heads out of his body grew ! An yron brest, and back of scaly bras, And all embrewd in blood his eyes did shine as glas. His tayle was stretched out in wondrous length. That to the hous of hevenly gods it raught ; And with extorted powre, and borrow'd strength. The ever burning lamps from thence it braught, And prowdly threw to ground, as things of naught And underneath his filthy feet did tread The sacred thiuges, and holy heastes foretaught. Upon this dreadfull beast with sevenfold head He sett the false Duessa, for more aw and dread. The wofull dwarfe, which saw his maisters fall, (Wliiles he had keeping of his grasing steed,) And valiant knight become a caytive thrall; When all was past, tooke up his forlorne weed ; His mightie armour, missing rnost at need; His silver shield, now idle, maisterlesse ; His poynant speare, that many made to bleed; The rueful moniments of heavinesse ; And with them all departes, to tell his great distress®. THE FAERIE QUEENS. 67 He had not travaild long, when on the way- He wofull lady, wofull Una met Past flying from that Paynims greedy pray, Whilest Satyrane him from pursuit did let : Who when her eyes she on the dwarf had set. And saw the signes that deadly tydinges spake. She fell to ground for sorrowfull regret, And lively breath her sad brest did forsake ; Yet might her pitteous hart be seen to pant and quake. The messenger of so unhappie newes Would faine have dyde; dead was his heart within Yet outwardly some httle comfort shewes : At last, recovering hart, he does begin To rub her temples, and to chaufe her chin, And everie tender part does tosse and turne: So hardly he the flitted life does win IJnto her native prison to retourne. Then gms her grieved ghost thus to lament and moumo: *' Ye dreary instruments of dolefull sight. That doe this dreadly spectacle behold, Why doe ye lenger feed on loathed light. Or liking And to gaze on earthly mould, Sith cruell Eates the carefull threds unibuld. The which my life and love together tyde ? Now let the stony dart of sencelesse Cold Perce to my hart, and pas through everie side; And let eternall night so sad sight fro me hyde. *' O, lightsome Day, the lampe of highest love, Pirst made by him mens wandring wayes to guyde. When darknesse he in deepest dongeon drove ; Henceforth thy hated face for ever hyde, And shut up heavens windowes shyning wyde : For earthly sight can nought but sorrow breed. And late repentance, which shall long abyde Mine eyes no more on vanitie shall feed, But, seeled up with death, shall have their deadly meed." Then downe againe she fell unto the ground ; But he her quickly reared up againe : Thrise did she sinke adowne in deadly swownd. And thrise he her reviv'd with busie paine. At last when life recover'd had the raine. And over-wrestled his strong enimy. With foltring tong, and trembling everie vaine, " Tell on," quoth she, *' the wofull tragedy. The which these reliques sad present unto mine eye» 68 THE FAERIE QUEENE. " Tempestuous Fortune hatli spent all her spiglit. And thrilling Sorrow throwne his utmost dart : Thy sad tong cannot tell more heav:v- phght Then that I feele, and harbour in mine hart : *Who hath endur'd the whole, can beare ech part If death it be; it is not the first wound, ^ That launched hath my brest with bleeding smart. Begin, and end the bitter balefull stound ; If lesse then that I feare, more favour I have found.** Then gan the dwarfe the whole discourse declare; The subtile traines of Archimago old ; The wanton loves of false Fidessa fayre, IBought with the blood of vanquisht Paynim bold ; The wretched payre transformed to treen mould; The House of Pryde, and perilles round about; The combat, which he with Sansioy did hould; The lucMesse conflict with the gyaunt stout. Wherein captiv'd, of life or death he stood in doubt. She heard with patience all unto the end; And strove to maister sorrowfull assay. Which greater grew, the more she did contend. And almost rent her tender hart in tway ; And love fresh coles unto her fire did lay: For greater love, the greater is the losse. Was never lady loved dearer day Then she did love the knight of the Eedcrosse; For whose deare sake so many troubles her did tossD. At last when fervent sorrpw slaked was, She up arose, resolving him to find ^ Alive or dead ; and forward forth did pas, All as the dwarfe the way to her assynd: And evermore, in constant carefull mind. She fedd her wound with fresh renewed bale : ^ Long tost with stormes, and bet with bitter wind. High over hills, and lowe adowne the dale, She wandredmany a wood, and measurd many a vale. At last she chaunced by good hap to meet A goodly knight, faire marching by the way. Together with his sguyre, arrayed meet: His glitterand armom' shined far away, Like glauncing fight of Phoebus brightest ray; From top to toe no place appeared bare. That deadly dint of Steele endanger may: Athwart his brest a bauldrick brave he ware, [rare: That shind, like twinkling stars, with stones most pretious THE FAEEIE QUEENE. ( And, in tlie midst thereof, one pretious stone Of wondrous worth, and eke of wondrous mights, Shapt hke a ladies head, exceeding shone. Like Hesperus emongst the lesser lights. And strove for to amaze the weaker sights : Thereby his mortall blade full comely hong In yvory sheath, ycarv'd with curious slights, Whose hilts were burnisht gold; and handle strong Of mother perle ; and buckled with a golden tong. His haughtie helmet, horrid all with gold, Both glorious brightnesse and great terrour bredd: For all the crest a dragon did enfold With greedie pawes, and over all did spredd His golden winges ; his dreadfull hideous hedd Close couched on the bever, seemd to throw From flaming mouth bright sparckles fiery redd, That suddeine horrour to fainte hartes did show. And scaly tayle was stretcht adowne his back full low. Upon the top of all his loftie crest, A bounch of heares discolourd diversly, With sprincled pearle and gold fuU richly drest. Did shake, and seemd to daunce for iollity; Like to an almond tree ymounted hye On top of greene SeKnis all alone, ^ With blossoms brave bedecked daintily; Whose tender locks do tremble every one ; At everie little breath, that under heaven is blown©* His warlike shield all closely cover'd was, Ne might of mortall eye be ever scene ; » Not made of Steele, nor of enduring bras, (Such earthly mettals soon consumed beene,) But all of diamond perfect pure and cleene It framed was, one massy entire mould. Hew n out of adamant rocke with engines keene. That point of speare it never percen could, Ne dint of direfuU sword divide the substance would. The same to wight he never wont disclose. But whenas monsters huge he would dismay. Or daunt unequall armies of his foes. Or when the flying heavens he would affray: For so exceeding shone his glistring ray. That Phoebus golden face it did attaint, • As when a cloud his beames doth over-lay; And silver Cynthia wexed pale and faynt, As when her face is staynd with magicke arts constraint. 70 THE PAEBIE QUEENE. Ko magicke arts hereof had any might, IsTor bloody wordes of bold enchaunters call} But all that was not such as seemd in sight Before that shield did fade, and suddeine fall : And, when him list the raskall routes appall, Men into stones therewith he could transmew. And stones to dust, and dust to nought at all : And, when him hst the prouder lookes subdew, He would them gazing blind, or tume to other heTf, ISTe let it seeme that credence this exceedes ; For he, that made the same, was knowne right well To have done much more admirable deedes : It Merlin was, which whylome did exceU All living wightes in might of magicke spell : Both shield, and sword, and armour all he wrought For this young prbice, when first to armes he fell ; But, when he dyde, the Faery Queene it brought To Faerie lond; where yet it may be seene, if sought. A gentle youth, his dearely loved squire. His speare of heben wood behind him bare, "Whose harmeful head, thrise heated in the fire. Had riven many a brest with pikehead square : A goodly person; and could menage faire His stubborne steed with curbed canon bitt, "Who under him did trample as the aire, And chauft, that any on his backe should sitt; The yron rowels into frothy fome he bitt. Whenas this knight nigh to the lady drew, With lovely court he gan her entertain e ; But, when he heard her aunswers loth, he knew Some secret sorrow did her heart distraine : Which to allay, and calme her storming paine, Faire feeling words he wisely gan display. And, for her humor fitting purpose faine. To tempt the cause it selfe for to bewray ; Wherewith enmovd, these bleeding words she gan to sayj "What worlds dehght, or ioy of living speach. Can hart, so plungd in sea of sorrowes deep. And heaped with so huge misfortunes, reach ? The carefull Cold beginneth for to creep. And in my heart his yron arrow steep, Soone as I thinke upon my bitter bale. Such helplesse harmes yts better hidden keep. Then rip up griefe, w^here it may not availe ; My last left comfort is my woes to weepe and waile.'' THE FAEEIB QUEENE. 71 " All lady deare," quoth, tlien tlie gentle knight, " Well may I ween yonr griefe is wondrous great ; For wondrous great griefe groneth in my spright. Whiles thus I heare you of your sorrowes treat. Eut, woefull lady, let me you intrete 'For to unfold the anguish of your hart : Mishaps are maistred by advice discrete. And counsell mitigates the greatest smart ; Pound never help, who never would his hurts impart." " Oh ! but," quoth she, ^^ great griefe will not be tould, And can more easily be thought then said.** ** Eight so,*' quoth he : " but he, that never would, Could never : will to might gives greatest aid.** " But griefe,** quoth she, " does greater grow displaid. If then it find not helpe, and breeds despaire.'* " Despair breeds not,** quoth he, " where faith is staid." " ISTo faith so fast,** quoth she, **but flesh does paire." " Flesh may empaire," quoth he, " but reason can repaire." His goodly reason, and well-guided speach, So deepe did settle in her gracious thought. That her perswaded to disclose the breach Which love and fortune in her hart had wrought ; And said ; " Faire sir, I hope good hap have brought You to inquere the secrets of my griefe ; Or that your wisdome will direct my thought ; Or that your prowesse can me yield reliefs ; Then heare the story sad, which I shall tell you brief. " The forlome maiden, whom your eies have seene The laughing stocke of Fortunes mockeries. Am th* onely daughter of a king and queene. Whose parents deare (whiles equal destinies Did ronne about, and their felicities The favourable heavens did not envy,) ^ ^ * Did spred their rule through all the territories. Which Phison and Euphrates floweth by. And Gehons golden waves doe wash continually. " Till that their cruell cursed enemy, An huge great dragon, horrible in sight, Bred in the loathly lakes of Tartary, With murdrous ravin e#and devouring might, Their kingdome spoild, and countrey wasted quight, Themselves, for feare into his iawes to fall, He forst to castle strong to take their flight ; Where, fast embard in mighty brasen wall. He has them now fowr years besiegd to make them thraJi, 72 THE FAEEIE QUEENS. " Full many kniglits, adyenturotis and stout. Have enterpriz'd, tliat monster to sub dew : From every coast, tliat lieaven walks about. Have thither come the noble martial crew. That famous harde atehievements still pursew; Yet never any could that girlond win, !But all still shronke ; and still he greater grew ; , All they for want of faith, or guilt of sin, ' The pitteous pray of his fiers cruelty have bin. " At last, yled with far reported praise. Which flying Fame throughout the world had spred. Of doughty knights, whom Fary land did raise. That noble order hight of Maidenhed, Forthwith to court of Gloriane I sped. Of Gloriane, great queen e of glory bright, Whose kingdomes seat Cleopolis is red ; There to obtaine some such redoubted knight That parents deare from tyrants powre deJiver might. *' Yt was my chaunce (my chaunce was faire and good) There for to find a fresh unproved knight; Whose manly hands imbrewd in guilty blood Had never beene, ne ever by his might Had throwne to ground the unregarded right: Yet of his prowesse proofe he since has made (I witnes am) in many a cruell fight; The groning ghosts of many one dismaide Have felt the bitter dint of his avenging blade. " And ye, the forlorne religues of his powre, His biting' Sword, and his devouring Speare, Which have endured many a dreadfull stowre. Can speake his prowesse, that did earst you beare, Ajj^d well could rule; now he hath left you heare To be the record of his ruefull losse. And of my dolefull disaventurous deare: O heavie record of the good Eedcrosse, Where have ye left your lord, that could so well you tosseP ** Well hoped I, and faire beginnings had. That he my captive languor should redeeme: Till aU unweeting an enchaunter bad His sence abusd, and made him to misdeeme My loyalty, not such as it did seeme, That rather death desire then such despight. Be judge, ye heavens, that all things right esteeme. How I him lov'd, and love with all my mighte ! So thought I eke of him, and think I thought aright. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 73 " Thenceforth me desolate he quite forsooke, To wander, where wilde Fortune would me lead. And other bywaies he himselfe betooke. Where never foote of living wight did tread, That brought not backe the balefull body dead; In which him chaunced false Duessa meete, Mine onely foe, mine onely deadly dread; Who with her witchcraft, and misseeming sweete, Inveigled him to follow her desires immeete. "At last, by subtile sleights she him betraid Unto his foe, a gyaunt huge and tall ; Who him disarmed, dissolute, dismaid, Unwares surprised, and with mighty mall The monster mercilesse him made to fall. Whose fall did never foe before behold: And now in darkesome dungeon, wretched thrall, Bemedilesse, for aie he doth him hold: This is my cause of griefe, more great than maybe told." Ere she had ended all, she gan to faint : But he her comforted, and faire bespake ; " Certes, madame, ye have great cause of plaint. That stoutest heart, I weene, could cause to quake. But be of cheare, and comfort to you take ; Por, till I have acquit your captive knight. Assure your selfe, I will you not forsake." His chearefull words reviv'd her chearelesse spright. So fortli they went, the dwarfe them guiding ever right. CANTO vin Faire virgin, to redeeme her deare. Brings Arthure to the fight ; Who slayes the gyaunt, wounds the beast* And strips Duessa quight. Ay me, how many perils doe enfold The righteous man, to make him daily fall, Were not that heavenly grace doth him uphold, And stedfast Truth acquite him out of all ! Her love is firme, her care continuall. So oft as he, through his own foolish pride Or weaknes, is to sinfuU bands made thrall : Els should this Eedcrosse knight in bands have dyde, Tor wiose deliverance she this prince doth thether guyd. 74 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. They sadly traveild thus, tiiitill they came, 'Nigii to a castle builded strong and hye : Then cryde the dwarfe, " Lo ! yonder is the same. In which my lord, my liege, doth liicklesse ly, Thrall to that gyaunts hatefull tyranny: Therefore, deare sir, your mighty powres assay,** The noble knight alighted by and by From loftie steed, and bad the ladie stay, To see what end of fight should him befall that day. So with his squire, th' admirer of his might. He marched forth towardes that castle wall ; Whose gates he fownd fast shutt, ne living wight To warde the same, nor answere commers call. Then tooke that squire an home of bugle small. Which hong adowne his side in twisted gold And tasselles gay : wyde wonders over all Of that same homes great vertues weren told Which had approved bene in uses manifold. Was never wight that heard that shrilling sownd. But trembling feare did feel in every vaine : Three miles it might be easy heard arownd. And ecchoes three answered it selfe agayne : N<9 faulse enchauntment, nor deceitfull traine. Might once abide the terror of that blast. But presently was voide and wholly vaine : ]N^o gate so strong, no locke so firme and fast, But with that piercing noise flew open quite, or brast. The same before the geaunts gate he blew. That all the castle quaked from the grownd. And every dore of free-will open flew. The gyaunt selfe dismaied with that sownd, Where he with his Duessa daUiaunce fownd. In hast came rushing forth from inner bowre. With staring countenance sterne, as one astownd And staggering steps, to weet what suddein stowre [powre. Had wrought that horror strange, and dar'd bis dreaded And after him the proud Duessa came. High mounted on her many-headed beast ; And every head with fyrie tongue did flame. And every head was crowned on his creast. And bloody mouthed with late cruell feast. That when the knight beheld, his mightie shild Upon his manly arme he soone addrest, And at him fiersly flew, with corage fild, And eger greedinesse through every member thrili THE FAEEIB QUEENE 75 Therewith the gyaunt buckled him to fight, Inflamd with scornefull wrath and high disdaine. And hfting up his dreadfull club on bight, All armd with ragged snubbes and knottie graine. Him thought at first encounter to have slaine. But wise and wary was that noble pere ; And, lightly leaping from so monstrous maine. Did fayre avoide the violence him nere ; It booted nought to thinke such thunderbolts to beare ; 'Ne shame he thought to shonne so hideous might : The ydle stroke, enforcing furious way. Missing the marke of his misaymed sight, Did fall to ground, and with his heavie sway So deeply dinted in the driven clay. That three yardes deepe a furrow up did throw : The sad earth, wounded with so sore assay. Did grone full grievous underneath the blow ; [siiow. And, trembhng with strange feare, did like an erthguake As when almightie love, in wrathfull mood, To wreake the guilt of mortall sins is bent, Hurles forth his thundring dart with deadly food, Enrold in flames, and smouldring dreriment. Through riven cloudes and molten firmament ; • The fiers threeforked engin, making way. Both loftie towres and highest trees hath rent, And all that might his angry passage stay ; And, shooting in the earth, castes up a mount of clay. His boystrous club, so buried in the grownd, He could not rearen up againe so light. But that the knight him at advantage fownd ; And, whiles he strove his combred clubbe to quight Out of the earth, with blade all burning bright He smott off his left arme, which like a block Did fall to ground depriv'd of native might ; Large streames of blood out of the truncked stock Forth gushed, like fresh- water streame from riven rocke. Dismayed with so desperate deadly wound, And eke impatient of unwonted payne. He lowdly brayd with beastly yelling sownd. That all the fieldes rebellowed againe : As great a noyse as when in Cymbrian plaine, An herd of bulles, whom kindly rage doth sting, Doe for the milky mothers want complaine. And fill the fieldes with troublous bellowing : The neighbor woodes arownd with hollow murmur ring. 76 THE PAEBIE QTJEENE. TKat wlien Lis deare Duessa heard, and saw TJie evil stownd that daung-erd her estate, Unto his aide she hastily did draw, Her dreadfull beast : who, swolen with blood of late, Came ramping forth with proud presumpteous gate. And threatned all his heades like flaming brandes. - But him the squire made quickly to retrate, Encountring fiers with single sword in hand ; And twixt him and his lord did like a bulwarke stand. The proud Duessa, full of wrathfull spight And fiers disdaine, to be affronted so, Enforst her purple beast with all her might, That stop out of the way to overthroe. Scorning the let of so unequall foe : But nathemore would that corageous swayne To her yeeld passage, gainst his lord to goe ; But with outrageous strokes did him restraine, And with his body bard the way atwixt them twaine. Then tooke the angrie witch her golden cup. Which still she bore, replete with magick artes ; Death and despeyre did many thereof sup, And secret poyson through their inner partes ; TIF eternall bale of heavie wounded harts : Which, after charmes and some enchauntments said. She lightly sprinkled on his weaker partes : Therewith his sturdie corage soon was quayd. And all his sences were with suddein dread dismayd. So downe he fell before the cruell beast, ^ Who on his neck his bloody clawes did sieze. That life nigh crusht out of his panting brest : 'No powre he had to stirre, nor will to rize. That when the carefull knight gan well avise. He lightly left the foe with whom he fought. And to the beast gan turne his enterprise ; Eor wondrous anguish in his hart it wrought, To see his loved squyre into such thraldom brought j And, high advauncing his blood-thirstie blade. Stroke one of those deformed heades so sore. That of his puissance proud ensample made ; His monstrous scalpe down to his teeth it tore, And that misformed shape misshaped more : A sea of blood gusht from the gaping wownd, That her gay garments staynd with tilthy gore, And overilovYed all the field arownd ; That oyer shoes in blood he waded on the grownd. THE FAEItlE QUEENE. 77 Tliereat he rored for exceeding paine. That, to have heard, great horror Would have bred ; And scourging th' emptie ayre with his long trayne. Through great impatience of his grieved hed, His gorgeous ryder from her loftie sted WoiSd have cast downe, and trodd in durty myre. Had not the gyaunt soone her succoured ; Who, al enrag'd with smart and frantick yre, Came hurtling in full fiers, and forst the knight retyre. The force, which wont in two to be disperst, In one alone left hand he now unites, Which is through rage more strong than both were erst ; With which his hideous club aloft he dites. And at his foe with furious rigor smites, That strongest oake might seeme to overthrow : The stroke upon his shield so heavie lites, That to the ground it doubleth him full low : — What mort^ wight could ever beare so monstrous blow? And in his fall his shield, that covered was. Did loose his vele by chaunce, and open flew ; The light whereof, that hevens light did pas, Such blazing brightnesse through the ayer threw, «r That eye mote not the same endure to vew. Which when the gyaunt spyde with staring eye, He downe let fall his arme, and soft withdrew His weapon huge, that heaved was on hye !For to have slain the man, that on the ground did lye. And eke the fruitfull-headed beast, amazd At flashing beanies of that sunshiny shield, Became stark bhnd, and all his sences dazd. That downe he tumbled on the durtie field, And seemd himselfe as conquered to yield. Whom when his maistresse proud perceiv'd to fall. Whiles yet his feeble feet for faintnesse reeld Unto the gyaunt lowdly she gan call ; " O ! helpe, Orgogho ; helpe, or els we perish all." At her so pitteous cry was much amoov'd Her champion stout ; and, for to ayde his frend, Againe his wonted angry weapon proov'd, But all in vaine : for he has redd his end In that bright shield, and all their forces spend Themselves in vaine : for, since that glauncing sight, He hath no powre to hurt, nor to defend. As where th* Almighties lightning brond does light, It dimmes the dazed eyen, and daunta the sences qaight^ 78 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Whom when the prince, to batteill new addrest And threatning high his dreadfiill stroke, did see. His sparkhng blade about his head he blest, And smote olf quite his left leg by the knee, That downe he tombled ; as an aged tree, High growing on the top of rocky clift, Whose hart-strings with keene Steele nigh hewen be ; The mightie trunck halfe rent with ragged rift Doth roil adowne the rocks, and fall with fearefall drift. Or as a castle, reared high and round. By subtile engins and malitious slight Is undermined from the lowest ground, And her foundation forst, and feebled quight, At last downe falles ; and with her heaped hight Her hastie mine does more heavie make. And yields it selfe unto the vie tours might : Such was this gyaunts fall, that seemd to shake The stedfast globe of earth, as it for feare did quake. The knight then, lightly leaping to the pray. With mortall Steele him smot againe so sore. That headless e his unweldy bo die lay. All wallowd in his owne fowle bloody gore, Which flowed from his wounds in wondrous store. But, soone as breath out of his brest did pas. That huge great body, which the gyaunt bore. Was vanisht quite ; and of that monstrous mas Was nothing left, but like an emptie blader was. Whose grievous fall when false Duessa spyde. Her golden cup she cast unto the ground. And crowned mitre rudely threw asyde : Such percing griefe her stubborne hart did wound. That she could not endure that dolefuU stound ; But, leaving all behind her, fled away : The light-foot squyer her quickly turnd around. And, by hard meanes enforcing her to stay, So brought unto his lord, as his deserved pray. The roiall virgin which beheld from farre. In pensive plight and sad perplexitie, The whole atchievement of this doubtfull warre. Came running fast to greet his victorie, ^ With sober giadnesse and myld mbdestie ; And, w^ith sweet ioyous cheare, him thus bespake : " Payre braunch of noblesse, flowre of chevalrie. That with your worth the world amazed make, How shall I quite the paynes, ye sufl'er for my sake ? THE faehib queene. 79 "And you, fresli budd of verttie springing fast, Wliom these sad eyes saw nigh unto Deaths dore^ What hath poore virgin for such perill past Wherewith you to reward ? Accept therefore My simple selfe, and service evermore. And He that high does sit, and all things see With equall eye, their merites to restore, Behold what ye this day have done for mee ; And, what I cannot quite, requite with usuree ! *' But sith the heavens, and your faire handeling. Have made you master of the field this day 5 Your fortune maister eke with governing. And, well begonne, end all so well, I pray I Ne let that wicked woman scape away ; For she it is, that did my lord bethrall. My dearest lord, and deepe in dongeon lay ; Where he his better dayes hath wasted all : O heare, how piteous he to you for ayd does call !" Forthwith he gave in charge unto his squyre, That scarlet whore to keepen carefully ; Whiles he himselfe with g:reedie great desyre Into the castle entred forcibly, ^ » Where hving creature none he did espye : Then gan he loudly through tlie house to call ; But no man car'd to answere to his crye : There raignd a solemne silence over all ; Nor voice was heard nor wight was seene in bowre or hall I % At last, with creeping crooked pace forth came An old old man, with beard as white as snow ; That on a staff'e his feeble steps did frame. And guyde his wearie gate both too and fro ; For his eye -sight him fay led long ygo : And on his arme a bounch of keyes he bore. The which unused rust did overgrow ; Those were the keyes of every inner dore ; But he could not them use, but kept them still in store. But very uncouth sight was to behold, How he did fashion his untoward pace ; For as he forward moov'd his footmg old. So backward still was turnd his wrincled face s Unlike to men, who ever, as they trace, Both feet and face one way are wont to lead. This was the auncient keeper of that place. And foster father of the gyaunt dead ; His name Ignaro did his nature right aread. 80 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. nis reverend lieares and Iioly gravitee The knight much honord, as beseemed well | And gently askt, where all the people bee, Which in that stately building wont to dwell : Who answerd him full soft, Se could not tell, Again he askt, where that same knight was layd^ W^hom great Orgoglio with his piiissaunce fell Had made his caytive thrall : againe he sayde, J2e couM not tell; ne ever other answere made. Then asked he, which way he in might pas : S^e could not tell, againe he answered. Thereat, the courteous knight displeased was, And said'; ** Old syre, it seemes thou hast not red How ill it sits with that same silver hed. In vaine to mocke, or mockt in vaine to bee : But if thou be, as thou art pourtrahed With Natures pen, in ages grave degree, Aread in graver wise what I demaund of thee.** His answere likewise was, Se could not tell. Whose senceless speach, and doted ignorance, Whenas the noble prince had marked well, H^ ghest his nature by his countenance ; And calm'd his wrath with goodly temperance. Then, to him stepping, from his arme did r cache Those keyes, and made himselfe free enterance. Each dore he opened without any breach : There was no barre to stop, nor foe him to empeaclu # There all within full rich arayd he found, With royall arras, and resplendent gold. And did with store of every thing abound. That greatest princes presence might behold. But all the floore (too filthy to be told) With blood of guiltlesse babes, and innocents trow. Which there were slaine, as sheepe out of the fold. Defiled was ; that dreadful! was to vew ; And sacred ashes over it was strewed new. And there beside a marble stone was built An altare, carv'd with cunning ymagery; On which trew Christians blood was often spilt. And holy martyres often doen to dye. With cruell malice and strong tyranny : Whose blessed sprites, from underneath the stone, To God for vengeance cryde continually; And with great griefe were often heard to grone ; That hardest heart would bleede to hear their piteous mone. THE FAEEIB QUEENE. 81 Through every rowme he songlit, and everie bowr. But no where could he find that woful thrall. At last he came unto an yron doore That fast was lockt ; but key found not at all JEmongst that bounch to open it withall ; But in the same a little grate was pight, Through which he sent his voyce, and lowd did call With all his powre, to weet if living wight Were housed therewithin, whom he enlargen might. Therewith an hollow, dreary, murmuring voyce These pitteous plaintes and dolours did resound ; " O ! who is that, which brings me happy choyce Of death, that here lye dying every stound, Yet live perforce in balefull darknesse bound? ^ !For now three moones have changed thrice their hew. And have been thrice hid underneath the ground, Since I the heavens chearefull face did vew: O welcome, thou, that doest of death bring ty dings trew! Which when that champion heard, with percing point Of pitty dea-re his hart was thrilled sore ; And trembling horrour ran through every ioynt For ruth of gentle knight so fowle forlore : • Which shaking ofi*, he rent that yron dore With furious force and indignation fell ; Where entred in, his foot could find no flore. But all a deepe descent, as dark as hell, That breathed ever forth a filthie baneful smell. But neither darkenesse fowle, nor filthy bands, 'Nor noyous smell, his purpose could withhold (Entire affection hateth nicer hands,) But that with constant zele and corage bold. After long paines and labors manifold, He found the meanes that prisoner up to reare ; Whose feeble thighes, unable to uphold His pined corse, him scarse to light could beare ; A rueful! spectacle of death and ghastly drerc. His sad dull eies, deepe sunck in hollow pits. Could not endure th' unwonted sunne to view; His bare thin cheekes for want of better bits, And empty sides deceived of their dew. Could make a stony hart his hap to rew ; His rawbone armes, whose mighty brawned bowrs Were wont to rive Steele plates, and helmets hew, Were clene consum'd ; and all his vitall powres Decayd; and al his flesh shronk up like withered flowres. S2 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. Whome when his lady saw, to him she ran With hasty ioy : to see him made her glad. And sad to view his visage pale and wan ; Who earst in ilowres of freshest youth was clad, Tho, when her well of teares she wasted Lad, She said : "Ah, dearest lord ! what evil starre On you hath frownd, and poured his influence bad, .That of your selfe ye thus berobbed arre. And this misseeming hew your manly lookes doth marre s " But welcome now, my lord, in wele or woe. Whose presence I have lackt too long a day : And fye on Fortune mine avowed foe. Whose wrathful wreakes themselves doe now alay; And for these wronges shall treble penaunce pay Of treble good : good growes of evils priefe." The chearlese man, whom sorrow did dismay. Had no delight to treaten of his griefe ; His long endured famine needed more reliefe. "Paire lady," then said that victorious knight, *' The things, that grievous were to doe, or beare. Them to renew, I wote, breeds no delight ; Best musicke breeds delight in loathing eare : But th' only good, that growes of passed feare. Is to be wise, and ware of like agein. This daies ensample hath this lesson deare Deepe written in my heart with yron pen. That hlisse may not abide in state ofmortall men, *' Henceforth, sir knight, take to you wonted strength, And maister these mishaps with patient might : Loe, where your foe lies stretcht in monstrous length % And lo, that wicked woman in your sight, ^ The roote of all your care and wretched plight, Now in your powre, to let her live, or die.'[ " To doe her die," quoth Una, "were despight. And shame t'avenge so weake an enimy ; But spoile her of her scarlet robe, and let her fly.** So, as she bad, that witch they disaraid, And robd of roiall robes, and purple pall, And ornaments that richly were displaid ; Ne spared they to strip her naked all. Then, when they had despoyled her tire and call, Such, as she was, their eies might her behold, That her misshaped parts did them appall ; A loathy, wrinckled hag, ill-favoured, old. Whose secret filth good manners biddeth not be told. THE FAEEIE QUEENS. 83 Her crafty head was altogether bald. And, as in hate of honorable eld, Was overgrowne with scurfe and filthy scald ; Her teeth out of her rotten gummes were feld. And her sowre breath abhominably smeld ; Her dried dugs, lyke bladders lacking wind, Hong downe, and filthy matter from them weld ; Her wrizled skin, as rough as maple rind, So scabby was, that would have loathd all womankind. Her neather parts, the shame of all her kind, ^ My chaster Muse for shame doth blush to write : But at her rompe she growing had behind A foxes taile, with dong all fpwly dight : ^ jLnd eke her feete most monstrous were in sight ; For one of them was like an eagles claw, With griping talaunts armd to greedy fight ; The other like a beares uneven paw : More ugly shape yet never living creature saw. Which when the knights beheld, amazd they were And wondred at so fowle deformed wight. '' Such then," said Una, " as she seemeth here. Such is the face of Falsehood ; such the sight Of fowle Duessa, when her borrowed light Is laid away, and counterfesaunce knowne." Thus when they had the witch disrobed quight. And all her filthy feature open showne, ^ They let her goe at will, and wander waies unknowne. Shee, flying fast from heavens hated face. And from the world that her discovered wide. Fled to the wastfull wildernesse apace, From living eies her open shame to hide ; And lurkt in rocks and caves, long unespide. But that faire crew of knights, and Una faire. Did in that castle afterwards abide. To rest themselves, and weary powres repaire ; Where store they fownd of al, that dainty was and rai?e* 84 THE FAEEIE QUBENB. CANTO IX. His loves and lignage Arthure tells: The knights knitt friendly bands : Sir Trevisan flies from Despeyre, Whom Kedcros knight withstands. O ! GOODLY golden cliayne, wlierewith yfere The vertues linked are in lovely wize ; And noble mindes of yore allyed were. In brave poursuitt of chevalroas emprize. That none did otliers safety despize, Nor aid envy to him, in need that stands ; But friendly each did others praise devize. How to advannce with favourable hands, ^ [bands. As this good prince redeemd the Eedcrosse knight from Who when their powres, empayrd through labor long, With dew repast they had recured well. And that weake captive wight now wexed strong ; Them hst no lenger there at leasure dwell. But forward fare, as their adventures feU : But, ere they parted, Una faire besought That straunger knight his name and nation tell ; Least so great good, as he for her had wrought. Should die unknown, and buried be in thankles thought. "Faire virgin," said the prince, '^yee me require A thing without the compas of my witt : Por both the lignage, and the certein sire, Prom which I sprong, from mee are hidden yitt. For all so soone as life did me admitt Into this world, and shewed hevens light, Prom mother's pap I taken was unfitt. And streight delivered to a Pary knight. To be upbrought in gentle thewes and martiall might. " Unto old Timon he me brought by live ; Old Timon, who in youthly yeares hath beene In warlike feates th' expertest man alive. And is the wisest now on earth I weene : His dwelling is, low in a valley greene. Under the foot of Eauran mossy hore, Prom whence the river Dee, as silver cleene. His tombling billowes rolls with gentle rore ; There all my dales he traind me up in vertuous lore. THE FAEBIE QTTEENE. 85 " Thether the great magicien Merlin came. As was his use, ofttimes to visitt mee ; For he had charge my discipline to frame. And tutors nouriture to oversee. Him oft and oft I askt in privity, ^ ^ Of what loines and what hgnage I did spring, Whose aunswere bad me still assured bee. That I was sonne and heire unto a king, As time in her iust term the truth to light should bring." " Well, worthy impe," said then the lady gent, " And pupil fitt for such a tutors hand ! But what adventure, or what high intent, , Hath brought you hether into Fary land, Aread, Prince Arthure, crowne of martiall band ?*' " Full hard it is," quoth he, " to read aright The course of heavenly cause, or, understand The secret meaning of th' Eternall Might, [wight. That rules mens waies, and rules the thoughts of living " For whether He, through fatal deepe foresight. Me hither sent, for cause to me unghest ; Or that fresh bleeding wound, which day and night Whilome doth rancle in my riven brest. With forced fury following his behest. Me hether brought by wayes yet never found ; You to have helpt I hold myself yet blest." "Ah I courteous knight," quoth she, "what secret wound Could ever find to grieve the gentlest hart on ground ?" " Deare dame," quoth he, " you sleeping sparkes awake. Which, troubled once, into huge flames will grow; "Ne ever will their fervent fury slake, Till living i^^ioysture into smoke do flow. And wasted life doe lye in ashes low. Yet sithens silence lesseneth not my fire. But, told, it flames ; and, hidden, it does glow; I will revele what ye so much desire : Ah ! Love, lay down thy bow, the whiles I may respyre. " It was in freshest flowre of youthly yeares. When corage first does creepe in manly chest; Then first that cole of kindly heat appeares To kindle love in every living brest : But me had warnd old Timons wise behest, Those creeping flames by reason to subdew, Before their rage grew to so great unrest. As miserable lovers used to rew, Which stiH wex old in woe, whiles woe 3 till wexeth new» 5 86 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. ** Tliat ydle name of love, and lovers life, As losse of time, and vertues enimy, I ever scorn'd, and iojde to stirre up strife, In middest of their mournfull tragedy; Ay Tvont to langh, when them I heard to cry, And blow the fire, which them to ashes brent : Their god himselfe, grievd at my libertie, Shott many a dart at me with fiers intent ; But I them warded all with wary government. *' But all in vaine ; no fort can be so strong, Ke fleshly brest can armed be so sownd. But will at Ij^t be wonne with battrie long, Or unawares at disadvantage fownd : Nothing is sure that growes on earthly grownd. And who most trustes in arme of fleshly might. And boastes in beauties chaine not to be bownd, Doth soonest fall in disaventrous fight, And yeeldes his caytive neck to victours most desi^ight. " Ensample make of him your haplesse ioy. And of my selfe now mated, as ye see ; Whose prouder vaunt that proud avenging boy Did soone pluck downe, and curbd my libertee. For on a day, prickt forth with iollitee Of looser life and heat of hardiment, [Raunging the forest wide on courser free. The fields, the floods, the heavens, with one consent. Did seeme to laugh on me, and favour mine intent. *' Forwearied with my sportes, I did alight From loftie steed, and downe to sleepe me layd : The verdant gras my couch did goodly dight. And pillow was my helmett fayre displayd : Whiles every sence the humour sweet embay3. And slombring soft my hart did steale away. Me seemed, by my side a royall mayd Her daintie limbes full softly down did lay : So fayre a creature yet saw never sunny day. ** Most goodly glee and lovely blandishment She to me made, and badd me love her deare; For dearely sure her love was to me bent, As, when iust time expired, should appeare. But, whether dreames delude, or true it were. Was never hart so ravisht with dehght, iNe living man like wordes did ever heare, As she to me delivered all that night ; And at her parting said, she Queene of Faiics hight. THE rAEBIE Q;TTEENE. 87 " WLeii I awoke, and found her place devoyd. And nought but pressed gras where she had lyen, I sorrowed all so much as earst I ioyd, And washed all her place with watry eyen. Prom that day forth I lov'd that face divyne 5 From that day forth I cast in carefull mynd. To seek her out with labor and long tyne, And never vowd to rest till her I fynd : Nyne monethes I seek in vain, yet ni'll that vow unbynd." Thus as he spake, his visage wexed pale, And chaunge of hew great passion did bewray ; Yett still he strove to cloke his inward bale. And hide the smoke that did his fire display ; Till gentle Una thus to him gan say; " O happy Queene of Faries, that hast fownd, Mongst many, one that with his prowesse may Defend thine honour, and thy foes confownd? True loves are often sown, but seldom grow on grownd." " Thine, O ! then," said the gentle Eedcrosse knight, ** Next to that ladies love, shall be the place, O fayrest virgin, full of heavenly light, Wliose wondrous faith exceeding earthly race, Was firmest fixt in myne extremest case. And you, my lord, the patrone of my hfe. Of that great queene may well gaine worthie grace; For onlie worthie you through prowes priefe, Yf living man mote worthie be, to be her liefe." So diversly discoursing of their loves. The golden sunne his glistring head gan shew. And sad remembraunce now the prince amoves With fresh desire his voyage to pursew: Als Una earnd her traveill to renew. Then those two knights, fast friendship for to bynd. And love estabhsh each to other trew. Gave goodly gifts, the signes of gratefull mynd, And eke, as pledges firme, right hands together ioynd. Prince Arthur gave a boxe of diamond sure, Embowd with gold and gorgeous ornament, Wherein were closd few drops of liquor pure, Of wondrous worth, and vertue excellent. That any wownd could heale incontinent. ^ Which to requite, the Eedcrosse knight him gare A booke, wherein his Saveours Testament Was writt with golden letters rich and brave; A worke of wondrous grace, and hable soules to save. 88 THE FAERIE QXTEENE. Thus beene they parted ; Artlinr on his way To seeke his love, and th* other for to fight With Unaes foe, that all her realme did pray. But she, now weighing the decayed plight, And shrunken synewes of her chosen knight. Would not a while her forward course pursew, "Ne bring him forth in face of dreadfull fight. Till he recovered had his former hew: !For hiqa to be yet weake and wearie well she kne^r. So as they traveild, lo ! they gan espy An armed knight towards them gallop fast. That seemed from some feared foe to fly. Or other griesly thing, that him aghast. , Still, as he fledd, his eye was backward cast. As if his feare still followed him behynd : Als flew his steed, as he his bandes had brast. And with his winged heeles did tread the wynd. As he had been a fole of Pegasus his kynd. Nigh as he drew, he might perceive his head To be unarmd, and curld uncombed heares Upstaring stiflTe, dismaid with uncouth dread: Nor dro]p of blood in all his face appeares, JSTor life in limbe ; and to increase his feares. In fowle reproach of knighthoodes fayre degree. About his neck an hempen rope he weares. That with his ghstring armes does ill agree: But he of rope, or armes, has now no memoree. The Eedcrosse knight toward him crossed fast. To weet what mister wight was so dismay d : There him he findes all senceless and aghast. That of himselfe he seemd to be afrayd ; Whom hardly he from flying forward stayd. Till he these wordes to him deliver might ; " Sir knight, aread who hath ye thus arayd, And eke from whom make ye this hasty flight ? Por never knight I saw in such misseeming phght.** He answerd nought at all ; but adding new Pear to his first amazment, staring wyde With stony eyes and hartlesse hollow hew, Astonisht stood as one that had aspyde Infernall Furies with their chaines untyde. Him yett againe, and yett againe, bespake The gentle knight : who nought to him replyde ; But trembling every ioint did inly quake, And foltring tongue at last these words seemd forth to shake : THE FAEEIE.QTTEENE. 89 " For Gods deare love, sir kni^lit, doe me not stay j For loe ! he comes, he comes fast after mee ! Eft looking back would faine have runne away; But he him forst to stay, and tellen free The secrete cause of his perplexitie : Yet nathemorB by his bold hartie speach Could his blood-frosen heart emboldned bee, But through his boldnes rather feare did reach ; ^ Yett, forst, at last he made through silence suddein breach : ' "And am I now in safetie sure," quoth he, " From him, that would have forced me to dye ? And is the point of death now turnd fro mee. That I may tell this haplesse history ?" " Fear nought," quoth he, " no daunger now is nye,** " Then shall I you recoimt a ruefuU cace,'* Said he, "the which with this unlucky eye I late beheld ; and, had not greater grace Me reft from it, had bene partaker of the place. " I lately chaunst (would I had never chaunst !) With a fayre knight to keepen companee. Sir Terwin hight, that well himselfe advaunst In all affayres, and was both bold and free; But not so happy as mote happy bee : He lov'd, as was his lot, a lady gent. That him againe lov'd in the least degree ; For she was proud, and of too high intent, And ioyd to see her lover languish and lament : " From whom retourning sad and comfortlesse. As on the way together we did fare^ We met that villen, (God from him me blesse !) That cursed wight, from whom I scapt whyleare, A man of hell, that calls himselfe Despayre; Who first us greets, and after fayre areedes Of tydinges straunge, and of adventures rare : So creeping close, as snake in hidden weedes, Inquireth of our states, and of our knightly deedes. " Which when he knew, and felt our feeble harts Embost with bale, and bitter byting griefe. Which Love had launched with his deadly darts ; With wounding words, and termes of foule repricfe. He pluckt from us all hope of dew rcliefe. That erst us held in love of lingring life : Then hopelesse, hartlesse, gan the cunning thiefo Perswade us dye, to stint all further strife 5 To me he lent this rope, to him a rusty knife : 90 THE FAERIE QUEENE. " Witli wMcli sad instrument of hasty deatb, Tiiat wofall lover loathing lenger light, A wyde way made to let forth living breath. But I, more fearfull or more lucky wight. Dismay d with that deformed di small sight, Pledd faste away, half dead with dying fearej ISTe yet assur'd of life by you, sir knight, Whose like infirmity lite chaunce may beare : But Grod you never let his charmed speaches hears !** *' How many a man," said he, ''with idle speach Be wonne to spoyle the castle of his health ?" *' I wote," quoth he, " whom triall late did teach. That like would not for all this worldes wealth. His subtile tong, like dropping honny, mealt'h Into the heart, and searcheth every vaine ; That, ere one be aware, by secret stealth His powre is reft and weaknes doth remaine. O never, sir, desire to try his guilefull traine !" ** Certes," sayd he, " hence shall I never rest. Till I that treachours art have heard and tryde : And you, sir knight, whose name mote I request. Of grace do me unto his cabin guyde." "I, that hight Trevisan," quoth he, "will ryde. Against my Hking, backe to do you grace : But not for gold nor glee will I abyde By you, when ye arrive in that same place : For lever had I die then see his deadly face.** Ere long they come, where that same wicked wight His dwelling has, low in an hollow cave, Far underneath a craggy cliff ypight, Darke, dolefuU, dreary, like a greedy grave, That still for carrion carcases doth crave : On top whereof ay dwelt the ghastly owle. Shrieking his balefull note, which ever drave Far from that haunt all other chearefuU fowle ; And all about it wandring ghostes did wayle and howle t And all about old stockes and stubs of trees. Whereon nor fruit nor leafe was ever seen. Did hang upon tlie ragged rocky knees ; On which had many wretches hanged beene. Whose carcases were scattred on the greene, And throwne about the cliffs. Arrived there, That bare-head knight, for dread and dolefull teene. Would faine have fled, ne durst aprochen neare ; But th' other forst him staye, and comforted in feare. THE FAEEIB QTTEENE. 91 That darksome cave tliey enter, where they find That cursed man, low sitting on the ground. Musing full sadly in his sullein mind : His griesly lockes, long growen and unbound Disordred hong about his shoulders round. And hid his face ; through which his hollow eyne Lookt deadly dull, and stared as astound ; His raw-bone cheekes, through penurie and pine. Were shronke into his iawes, as he hid never dine. His garments, nought but many ragged clouts, With thornes together pind and patched was. The which his naked sides he wrapt abouts : And him beside there lay upon the gras A dreary corse whose life away did pas. All wallowed in his own yet luke-warme blood. That from his wound yet welled fresh, alas ! In which a rusty knife fast fixed stood, ^ And made an open passage for the gushing flood. Which piteous spectacle, approving trew The wofuU tale that Trevisan had told, Whenas the gentle Eedcrosse knight did vew; With fierie zeale he burnt in courage bold Him to avenge, before his blood were cold ; And to the villein sayd ; " Thou damned wight. The authour of this fact we here behold. What iustice can but iudge against thee right. With thine owne blood to price his blood, here shed in sight?" " What franticke fit," quoth he, " hath thus distraught Thee, foolish man, so rash a doome to give? What iustice ever other iudgement taught. But he should dye, who merites not to live? I^one els to death this man despajrring drive But his owne guiltie mind, deserving death. Is then uniust to each his dew to give ? Or let him dye, that loatheth living breath? Or let him die at ease, that liveth here uneath? " Who travailes by the weane wandring way. To come unto his wished home in haste. And meetes a flood, that doth his passage stay; Is not great grace to helpe him over past. Or free his feet that in the myre sticke fast ? Most envious man, that grieves at neighbours good ; And fond, that ioyest in the woe thou hast ; Why wilt not let him passe, that long hath stood Upon the bancke, yet wilt thy selfe not pas the flood P 92 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " He tliere does now enioy eternall rest And happy ease, wliicli thou dost want and crave. And further from it daily wanderest ; What if some little payne the passage have, That makes frayle flesh to feare the bitter wave ; Is not short payne well borne, that bringes long ease, And layes the soule to sleepe in guiet grave ? Sleepe after toyle, port after stormie seas, Ease after warre, death after life, does greatly please.*' The knight much wondred at his suddeine wit, And sayd ; " The terme of life is limited, Ne may a man prolong, nor shorten, it : The souldier may not move from watchfull sted, ]N"or leave his stand untill his captaine bed." "Who life did limit byAlmightie doome." Quoth he, "knowes best the termes established; And he, that points the centonell his roome. Doth license him depart at sound of morning droome* " Is not His deed, what ever thing is donne In heaven and earth ? Did not He all create To die againe ? All ends, that was begomie : Their times in His eternall booke of fate Are written sure, and have their certein date. Who then can strive with strong necessitie, That holds the world in his still chaunging state ; Or shunne the death ordaynd by destinie ? Wlien houre of death is come, let none aske whence, nor why. " The longer life, I wote the greater sin ; The greater sin, the greater punishment : All those great battels, which thou boasts to win Through strife, and blood-shed, and avengement, Now praysd, hereafter deare thou shalt repent : For life must life, and blood must blood, repay* Is not enough thy evill life forespent ? Por he that once hath missed the right way. The further he doth goe, the further he doth stray. " Then doe no further goe, no further stray ; Eut here ly downe, and to thy rest betake, Th' ill to prevent, that life ensewen may. For what hath hfe, that may it loved make. And gives not rather cause it to forsake ? Feare, sicknesse, age, losse, labour, sorrow, strife, Payne, hunger, cold that makes the heart to quake; And ever fickle fortune rageth rife ; All which, and thousands mo, do make a loathsome life. THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. 93 " Thou, wretched man, of death hast greatest need. If in true ballaunce thou wilt wei^h thy state j For never knight, that dared warlike deed. More luckless disadventures did amate : Witnes the dungeon deepe, wherein of late Thy life shutt up for death so oft did call ; And though good lucke prolonged hath thy date, Yet death then would the like mishap forestall, Into the which hereafter thou maist happen faU. "Why then doest thou, O man of sin, desire To draw thy dayes forth to their last degree? Is not the measure of thy sinfull hire High heaped up with huge iniquitee, Against the day of wrath, to burden theeP Is not enough, that to his lady mild Thou falsed hast thy faith with periuree, And sold thyselfe to serve Duessa vild, With whom in all abuse thou hast thyselfe defild ? " Is not he iust, that all this doth behold From highest heven,^ and beares an equall eie P Shall he thy sins up in his knowledge fold, And guilty be of thiae impietie ? Is not his law. Let every sinner die. Die shall all flesh ? What then must needs be donne. Is it not better to doe willinglie, Then linger till the glas be all out ronne ? Death is the end of woes : Die soone, O Faries sonne.** The knight was much enmoved with his speach. That as a swords poynt through his hart did perse. And in his conscience made a secrete breach, Well knowing trew all that he did reherse. And to his fresh remembraunce did reverse The ugly vew of his deformed crimes ; That ail his manly powres it did disperse. As he were charmed with inchaunted rimes ; That oftentimes he quakt, and fainted oftentimes. In which amazement when the miscreaunt Perceived him to waver weake and fraile, Whiles trembling ho'^ror did his conscience daunt. And hellish anguish did his soule assaUe ; ^ To drive him to despaire, and quite to quaile, Ilee shewd him painted in a table plaine The damned ghosts, that doe in torments waile, ^ And thousand fecnds, that doe them' endlesse paino With fire and brimstone, which for ever shall remaiue. 94 THE PAERIE QUEENE. The siglit whereof so tlironghly him dismaid. That nought but death before his eies he saw. And ever burning wrath before him laid, By righteous sentence of th* Almighties law. Then gan the villein him to overcraw. And brought unto him swords, ropes, poison, fire. And all that might him to perdition draw ; And bad him choose what death he would desire : Por death was dew to him, that had provokt Gods ire. But, whenas none of them he saw him take, He to him raught a dagger sharpe and keene, And gave it him in hand : his hand did quake And tremble like a leafe of aspin greene, And troubled blood through his pale face was seene To come and goe, with tidings from the heart. As it a ronning messenger had beene. At last, resolv'd to work his finall smart, He lifted up his Jiand, that backe againe did start. Which whenas Una saw, throuo^h every vaine The crudied cold ran to her well of life. As in a swowne : but, soone relieved againe, Out of his hand she snatcht the cursed knife, And threw it to the grownd, enraged rife. And to him said: "Fie, fie, faint-hearted knight. What meanest thou by this reprochfuU strife, Is this the battaile, which thou vauntst to fight With that fire-mouthed dragon, horrible and bright ? ** Come ; come away, fraile, feeble, fleshly wight, ITe let vaine words bewitch thy manly hart, ISTe divelish thoaghts dismay thy constant spright : In heavenly mercies hast thou not a part ? Why shouldst thouthen despeire, that chosen art? Where iustice growes, there grows eke greater grace. The which doth quench the brond of hellish smart. And that accurst hand- writing doth deface : Arise, sir knight ; arise, and leave this cursed place,** So up he rose, and thence amounted streight. Which when the carle beheld, and saw his guest Would safe depart, for all his subtile sleight ; He chose an halter from among the rest. And with it hong himselfe, unbid, unblest. But death he could not worke himselfe thereby | For thousand times he so himselfe had drest. Yet natheless it could not doe him die. Till he should die his last, that is, eternally. THB FA^BIE QUEEl^i:, 95 CANTO X Her faithful! knight faire Una brin^ To house of Holinesse : Where he is taught repentaunce, and The way to hevenly blesse. What man is Le, tliat boasts of fleshly miglit And vaine assurance of mortality, Wliicli, all so soone as it doth come to fight Against spirituall foes, yields by and by. Or from the fielde most cowardly doth fly ! Ne let the man ascribe it to his skill. That thorough grace hath gained victory : If any strength we have, it is to ill ; But aU the good is Gods, both power and eke wilL By that which lately hapned, Una sarw That this her knight was feeble, and too faint ; And all his sinewes woxen weake and raw, Through long enprisonment, and hard constraint. Which he endured in his late restraint. That yet he was unfitt for bloody fight. Therefore to cherish him with diets daint. She cast to bring him, where he chearen mighfc, TiU he recovered had his late decayed pHght. There was an auncient house not far away, Kenowmd throughout the world for sacred lore And pure unspotted life : so well, they say, It governd was, and guided evermore. Through wisedome of a matrone grave and hore ; Whose onely ioy was to relieve the needes Of wretched soules, and helpe the helpelesse pore: AH night she spent in bidding of her bedes. And all the day in doing good and godly deedes. Dame Cselia, men did her call, as thought From heaven to come, or thether to arise ; The mother of three daughters well upbrought In goodly the we s, and godly exercise : The eldest two, most sober, chast, and wise, Fidelia and Speranza, virgins were ; Though spousd, yet wanting wedlocks solemnize j But faire Charissa to a lovely fere Was lincked, and by liim had many pledges dere. 96 THE PAEEIE QUEENE, Arrived tliere, tlie dore tliey find fast loclct ; [For it -was warely watclied night and day, Por feare of many foes ; but, wlien they knockt. The porter opened unto them streight way. Be was an aged syre, all hory gray, "With lookes full lowly cast, and gate full slow, Wont on a staffe his feeble steps to stay, Hight Humilta. They passe in, stouping low ; Por streight and narrow was the way which he did show. Each goodly thing is hardest to begin ; But, entred in, a spatious court they see, Both plaine and pleasaunt to be walked in ; "Where them does meete a francklin faire and free. And entertaines with comely courteous glee ; His name was Zele, that him right well became : !For in his speaches and behaviour hee Did labour lively to expresse the same. And gladly did them guide, till to the hall they came. There fayrely them receives a gentle squyre. Of mild demeanure and rare courtesee, Hight cleanly clad in comely sad attyre ; In word and deede that shewd great modestee. And knew his good to aU of each degree ; Hight Eeverence : he them with speaches^meet Does faire entreat; no courting nicetee, But simple, trew, and eke unfained sweet, As might become a sguyre so great persons to greet. And afterwardes them to his dame he leades. That aged dame, the lady of the place, "Who all this while was busy at her beades ; "Which doen, she up arose with seemely grace. And toward them full matronely did pace. Where, when that fairest Una she beheld. Whom well she knew to spring from hevenly race. Her heart with ioy imwonted inly sweld, As feehng wondrous comfort in her weaker eld: And, her embracing, said ; " O happy earth. Whereon thy innocent feet doe ever tread ! Most vertuous virgin, borne of hevenly berth, That, to redeeme thy woefull parents head Prom tyrans rage and ever- dying dread. Hast wandred through the world now long a day, Yett ceassest not thy weary soles to lead ; What grace hath thee now hether brought this way? Or doen thy feeble feet unweeting hether stray ? t THE FAERIE QUEEN E. 97 ** Straunge thing it is an errant knight to see Here in this place ; or any other wight, That hether turnes his steps : so few there bee, That chose the narrow path, or seeke the right ! All keepe the broad high way, and take dehght With many rather for to goe astray. And be partakers of their evill phght, Then with a few to walke the rightest way : O ! foolish men, why hast ye to your own decay?** " Thy selfe to see, and tyred limbes to rest, O matrone sage," quoth she, " I hether came ; And tliis good knight his way with me addrest, Ledd with thy prayses, and broad-blazed fame, That up to heven is blowne." The auncient damo Him. goodly greeted in her modest guyse. And enterteynd them both, as best became. With all the court' sies that she could devyse, ^ Ne wanted ought to shew her bounteous or wise. Thus as they gan of sondrie thinges. devise, Tioe ! two most goodly virgins came in place, Ylinked arme in arme in lovely wise ; With countenance demure, and modest grace, They numbred even steps and equall pace : Of which the eldest, that Fidelia hight. Like sunny beames threw from her christall face That could have dazd the rash beholders sight. And round about her head did shine like hevens light. She was araied all in lily white, And in her right hand bore a cup of gold, With wine and water fild up to the hight. In which a serpent did himselfe enfold. That horrour made to all that did behold ; But she no whitt did chaunge her constant mood : And in her other hand she fast did hold A booke, that was both signd and seald with blood : Wherein darke things were writt, hard to bo understood. Her younger sister, that Speranza hight, Was clad in blew, that her beseemed well; Not all so chearefull seemed she of sight, As was her sister ; whether dread did dwell Or anguish in her hart, is hard to tell : Upon her arme a silver anchor lay. Whereon she leaned ever, as befell ; And ever up to heven, as she did pray, Her stedfast eyes were bent, ue swarved oilier way» 98 THE FAEKIE QUEENE. Tliey, seeing Una, towardes her gan wend, Who them encounters with like courtesee; Many kind speeches they betweene them spend. And greatly ioy each other for to see : Then to the knight with shamefast modestie They turne themselves, at Unaes meeke request, And him salute with well beseeming glee ; Who faire them quites, as him beseemed best. And goodly gan discourse of many a noble gest. Then Una thus ; " But she, your sister deare. The deare Charissa, where is she become ? Or wants she health, or busie is elswhere ?" *' Ah ! no," said they, ** but forth she may not come ; Por she of late is lightned of her wombe. And hath encreast the world with one sonne more. That her to see should be but troublesome." *' Indeed," quoth she, " that should her trouble sore 5 But thankt be God, and her encrease so evermore !" Then said the aged Cselia: '* Deare dame. And you, good sir, I wote that of youre toyle And labors long, through which ye hether came. Ye both forwearied be : therefore a whyle I read you rest, and to your bowres recoyle." Then called she a groome, that forth him ledd Into a goodly lodge, and gan despoile Of puissant armes, and laid in easie bedd : His name was meeke Obedience rightfully aredd. Kow when their wearie limbes with kindly rest. And bodies were refresht with dew repast, Fayre Una gan Fidelia fayre request. To have her knight into her schoolehous plaste. That of her heavenly learning he might taste. And heare the wisedom of her wordes divine. She graunted: and that knight so much agraste That she him taught celestiall discipline. And opened his dull eyes, that light mote in them shine. And that her sacred booke, with blood ywritt, That none could reade except she did them teach. She unto him disclosed every whitt ; And heavenly documents thereout did preach. That weaker witt of man could never reach ; Of God; of Grace; of lustice; of Free-will; That wonder was to heare her goodly speach: For she was hable with her wordes to kill, And rayse againe to life the hart that she did thi'ilL THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. P/9 And, when she list poure out her larger spright. She would coramaund the hasty sunne to stay, Or backward turne his course irom hevens hight : Sometimes great hostes of men she could dismay; Pry-shod to passe she parts the flouds in tway; And eke huge mountaines from their native seat She would commaund themselves to beare away. And throw in raging sea with roaring threat: Almightie God her gave such powre and puissaunce great. The faithfull knight now grew in little space. By hearing her, and by her sisters lore. To such perfection of all hevenly grace, That wretched world he gan for to abhore. And mortall life gan loath as thing forlore, Greevd with remembrance of his wicked wayes. And prickt with anguish of his sinnes so sore. That he desirde to end his wretched dayes : So much the dart of sinfull guilt the soule dismayes* But wise Speranza gave him comfort sweet. And taught him how to take assured hold Upon her silver anchor, as was meet; Els had his sinnes so great and manifold Made him forget all that Fidelia told. In this distressed doubtfull agony. When him his dearest Una did behold Disdeining life, desiring leave to dye. She found her selfe assayld with great perplexity; And came to Cajliato declare her smart; "Who well acquainted with that commune plight. Which sinfull horror workes in wounded hart. Her wisely comforted all that she might, With goodly counsell and advisement right; And streightway sent with carefull diligence. To fetch a leach, the which had great insight In that disease of grieved conscience. And well could cure the same; his name was Patient A Who, comming to that sowle-diseased knight. Could hardly him intreat to tell his grief: Which knowne, and all, that noyd his heavie spright> Well searcht, eftsoones he gan apply relief Of salves and med'cines, which had passing prief ; And thereto added wordes of wondrous might : By which to ease he him recured brief, And much aswag'd the passion of his plight. That he his paine endur'd, as seeming now more Lghi, 100 THE FAEEIE QUEENS, But yet tlie cause and root of all liis ill, Inward corruption and infected sin, Not purg'd nor heald, behind remained still. And festring sore did ranckle yett witliin, Close creeping twixt tlie marow and the skin: "Which to extirpe, he laid him privily ^ Downe in a darksome lowly place far in, Whereas he meant his corrosives to apply. And with streight diet tame his stubborn^ malady. In ashes and sackcloth he did array His daintie corse, proud humors to abate ; And dieted with fasting every day, ^ ^ The swelling of his woundes to mitigate ; And made him pray both earely and eke late s And ever, as superfluous flesh did rott, Amendment readie still at hand did wayt To pluck it out with pincers fyrie whott That soone in him was lefte no one corrupted iott. And bitter Penaunce, with an yron whip, Was wont him once to disple every day: And sharp Hemorse his hart did prick and nip. That drops of blood thence hke a well did plays And sad Hepentance used to embay His body in salt water smarting sore. The filthy blottes of sin to wash away. So in short space they did to health restore The man that would not live, but erst lay at deathes dore. In which his torment often was so great, That, like a lyon, he would cry and rore ; And rend his .flesh; and his own synewes eat. His owne deare Una, hearing evermore His ruefull shriekes and gronings, often tore Her guiltlesse garments and her golden heare, Tor pitty of his payne and anguish sore: Yet all with patience wisely she did beare ; !For well she wist his cryme could els be never cleare. Whom, thus recovered by wise Patience And trew Bepentaunce, they to Una brought; Who, ioyous of his cured conscience, Him dearely kist, and fayrely eke besought, Himselfe to chearish, and consuming thought To put away out of his carefuU brest. By this Charissa, late in child-bed brought, "Was woxen strong, and left her fruitful! nest : To her fayre Una brought this unacquainted guest. THE FA^EIE QUEENB. 101 She was a woman in her freshest age. Of wondrous beauty, and of bounty rare. With goodly grace and comely personage. That was on earth not easie to compare; Full of great love; but Cupids wanton snare As hell she hated ; chaste in worke and will; Her necke and brests were ever open bare,^ That ay thereof her babes might sucke their fill; The rest was all in yellow robes arayed still. A multitude of babes about her hong, Playing their sportes, that ioyed her to behold; Whom still she fed, whiles they were weake and young. But thrust them forth still as they wexed old: And on her head she wore a tyre of gold, Adornd with gemmes and owches wondrous fayre. Whose passing price uneath was to be told : And by her syde there sate a gentle payre Of turtle doves, she sitting in an yvory chayre. The knight and Una entring fayre her greet. And bid her ioy of that her happy brood ; Who them requites with court'sies seeming meet. And entertaynes vdth friendly chearefuU mood. Then Una her besought, to be so good As in her vertuous rules to schoole, her knight, Now after all his torment well withstood In that sad house of Penaunce, where his spright Had past the paines of hell and long-enduring night. She was right ioyous of her iust request ; And, taking by the hand that faeries sonne, Gan him instruct in everie good behest. Of love ; and righteousness ; and well to donne. And wrath and hatred warely to shonne, That drew on men Gods hatred and his wrath, And many soules in dolours had fordonne : In which when him she well instructed hath, From thence to heaven she teacheth him the ready path. , Wherein his weaker wandring steps to guyde, An auncient matrone she to her does call. Whose sober lookes her wisedom well descryde; Her name was Mercy; well knowne over all To be both gratious and eke liberall : To whom the carefull charge of him she gave. To leade aright, that he should never fall In all his Wales through this wide worldes wave ; That mercy in the end his righteous soule might save. 102 THE T-AEBIE QtTEENE. Tlie godly matrone by the liand Mm beares Forth, from her presence, by a narrow way, Scattred with bushy thornes and ragged breares. Which still before him she remov'd away, That nothing might his ready passage stay; And ever when his feet encombred were, Or gan to shrinke, or from the right to stray. She held him fast, and firmely did upbeare ; As carefull nourse her child from falling oft does reara Estsoones unto an holy hospitaU, That was foreby the way, she did him bring ; In which seven bead-men, that had vowed all Their life to service of high heavens king. Did spend their dales in doing godly thing: Their gates to aU were open evermore. That by the wearie way were travelling ; And one sate wayting ever them before. To call in commers-by, that needy were and pore. The first of them, that eldest was and best. Of all the house had charge and governement. As guardian and steward of the rest : His office was to give entertainement ! And lodging unto aU that came and went ; Not unto such as could him feast againe. And double quite for that he on them spent ; But such, as want of harbour did constraine ; ^ Those for Gods sake his dewty was to entertaine. The second was an almner of the place : His office was the hungry for to feed. And thirsty give to drinke; a worke of grace: He feard not once himselfe to be in need, "Ne car'd to hoord for those whom he did breede: The grace of God he layd up still in store, Which as a stocke he left unto his seede: He had enough; what need him care for more? And had he lesse, yet some he would give to the pora. The third had of their wardrobe custody, In which were not rich tyres, nor garnients gay, The plumes of pride and winges of vanity, But clothes meet to keep keene cold away. And naked nature seemely to aray; With which bare wretched wights he dayly clad. The images of God in earthly clay; And if that no spare clothes to give he had. His owne cote he would cut, and it distribute glad. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 103 The fourtli appointed by his office was Poore prisoners to relieve with gratious ayd. And captives to redeeme with price of bras From Turkes and Sarazins, which them had sfcayd; And though they faulty were, yet well he wayd, That God to us forgiveth every howre Much more then that why they in bands were layd; And he, that harrowd hell with heavie stowre, The faulty soules from thence brought to his heavenly bowre. The fift had charge sick persons to attend, And comfort those in point of death which lay; For them most needeth comfort in the end, When Sin, and Hell, and Death, doe most dismay The feeble soule departing hence away. All is but lost, that living we bestow. If not well ended at our dying day. O man ! have mind of that last bitter throw; For as the tree does fall, so lyes it ever low. The sixt had charge of them now being dead, In seemely sort their corses to engrave. And deck with dainty flowres their brydall bed, That to their heavenly Spouse both sweet and brave They might ax)peare, when he their soules shall save. The wondrous workmanship of Gods owne mould, -Whose face he made all beastes to feare, and gave All in his hand, even dead we honour should. Ah, dearest God, me graunt, I dead be not defould ! The seventh, now after death and buriall done. Had charge the tender orphans of the dead And wydowes ayd, least they should be undone : In face of iudgement he their right would plead, Ne ought the powre of mighty men did dread In their defence ; nor would for gold or fee Be wonne their rightfull causes downe to tread : And, when they stood in most necessitee. He did supply their want, and gave them ever free. There when the elfin knight arrived was. The first and chiefest of the seven, whose care Was guests to welcome, towardes him did pas : Where seeing Mercie, that his steps upbare And alwaies led, to her with reverence rare He humbly louted in meeke lowlinesse. And seemely welcome for her did prepare : For of their order she was patronesse, Albe Charissa were their chiefest founderesso. 104 THE PAEEIE QTTEENE, There slie awliile him stayes, liimselfe to rest. That to the rest more hable he might bee: During which time, in every good behest. And godly worke of almes and charitee, Shee him instructed with great industree. Shortly therein so perfect he became. That, from the first imto the last degree, His mortall life he learned had to frame In holy righteousnesse, without rebuke or blame. Thence forward by that painfull way they pas Porth to an hill, that was both steepe and hys On- top whereof a sacred chapel was. And eke a httle hermitage thereby. Wherein an aged holy man did he. That day and night said his devotion, JSTe other worldly busines did apply : His name was Hevenly Contemplation ; Of God and goodness, was his meditation. Great grace that old man to him given had; For God he often saw from heavens hight : All were his earthly eien both blunt and bad, _ And through great age had lost their kindly sight, Yet wondrous quick and persaunt was his spright, As eagles eie, that can behold the sunne. That hill they scale with all their powre and might. That his fraile tlnghes, nigh weary and fordonne, Gan faile; but, by her helpe, the top at last he wonneb Tliere they doe finde that godly aged sire. With snowy lockes adowne his shoulders shed ; As hoary frost with spangles doth attire The mossy braunches of an oake halfe ded. Each bone might through his body weU be red. And every sinew scene, through his long fast : Por nought he car'd his carcas long unfed ; His mind was full of spirituall repast, And pyn'd his flesh to keep his body low and chast* Who, when these two approaching he aspide. At their first presence grew agrieved sore, ^ That forst him lay his hevenly thoughts aside ; And had he not that dame respected more, AVhom highly he did reverence and adore, He would not once have moved for the knight. They him saluted, standing far afore ; Who, well them greeting, humbly did requight. And asked, to wlmt end they clomb that tecUoTis hight? THE FAEEIB QTTEENE. 105 " What end," quoth she, " should cause us take such pame, But that same end, which every living wight Should make his marke, high heaven to attaine ? Is not from hence the way, that leadeth right To that most glorious house, that glistreth bright With burning starres and overliving fire. Whereof the keies are to thy hand behight By wise Pidelia ? She doth thee require. To shew it to this knight, according his desire.** ** Thrise happy man," said then the father grave, ** Whose staggering steps thy steady hand doth lead. And shewes the way his sinfuU soule to save ! Who better can the way to heaven aread Then thou thy self e, that was both borne, and bred In hevenly throne, where thousand angels shine ? Thou doest the praiers of the righteous sead Present before the Majesty Divine, And his avenging wrath to clemency incline. *' Yet, since thou bidst, thy pleasure shal be donno. Then come, thou man of earth, and see the way, That never yet was scene of Faries sonne; That never leads the traveiler astray. But, after labors long and sad delay, Brings them to ioyous rest and endless e blis. But first thou must a season fast and pray, Till from her bands the spright assoiled is, And have her strength recur'd from fraile infirmitis.** That done, he leads him to the highest mount; Such one, as that same mighty man of God, That blood- red billowes hke a walled front On either side disparted with his rod, Till that his army dry-foot through them yod, Dwelt forty dales upon ; where, writt in stone With bloody letters by the hand of God, The bitter doome of death and balefull mone He did receive, whiles flashing fire about him shone t Or like that sacred hill, whose head full hie, Adornd with fruitfull olives all arownd. Is, as it were for endlesse memory Of that deare Lord who oft thereon was fownd. For ever with a flo wring girlond crownd: Or like that pleasaunt mount, that is for ay Through famous poets verse each where renownd. On which the thrise three learned ladies play Their hevenly notes, and make fidl many a lovely lay. 106 THE FAERIE QUEENE. From tlience, far off he unto him did shew A little path, that was both steepe and long, Which to a goodly citty led his vew; Whose wals and towres were builded high and strong Of perle and precious stone, that earthly tong Cannot describe, nor wit of man can tell; Too high a ditty for my simple song ! The citty of the Greate King hight it well, W^herein eternall peace and happinesse doth dwell. As he thereon stood gazing, he might see The blessed Angels to and fro descend !From highest heven in gladsome companee. And with great ioy into that citty wend, As commonly as frend does with his frend. Whereat he wondred much, and gan enquere. What stately building durst so high extend Her lofty towres unto the starry sphere. And what unknowen nation there empeopled were. " Eaire knight,'* quoth he, " Hierusalem that is. The New Hierusalem, that God has built For those to dvrell in, that are chosen his, His chosen people purg'd from sinful guilt With pretious blood, which cruelly was spilt On cursed tree, of that unspotted Lam, That for the sinnes of al the world was kilt : Now are they saints all in that citty sam, More dear unto their God than younglings to their dam.** " Till now," said then the knight, *' I weened well. That great Cleopolis where I have beene. In which that fairest Fary Queene doth dwell, The fairest citty was that might be scene ; And that bright towre, all built of christall clene, Panthea, seemd the brightest thing that was : But now by proofe all otherwise I weene ; For this great citty that does far surpas, [g1as.*' And this bright Angels towre quite dims that towre of " Most trew," then said the holy aged man; " Yet is Cleopolis, for earthly frame. The fairest i)eece that eie beholden can ; And well beseemos all knights of noble name. That covett in th' immortall booke of fame To be eternized, that same to haunt, And doen their service to that soveraigne dame, That glory does to them for guerdon graunt : For she is hevenly borne, and heaven may iustly vaunt. THE PAEEIE QTJEENE. 107 ••And tliou, faire ymp, sprong out from English race, How ever now accompted ElHns sonne, Well worthy doest thy service for her grace, To aide a virgin desolate fordonne. But when thou famous victory hast wonne, And high emongst all knights hast hong thy shield. Thenceforth the suitt of earthly conquest slioune,; And wash thy hands from guilt of bloody field : For blood can nought but sin, and wars but sorrows yield. ** Then seek this path that I to thee presage, "WTiich after all to heaven shall thee send ; Then peaceably thy painefull pilgrimage To yonder same Hierusalem doe bend. Where is for thee ordaind a blessed end : For thou emongst those saints, whom thou doest sea Shall be a saint, and thine owne nations freud And patrone : thou Saint George shalt called bee, Saint George of mery JSngland, the signe of victorce.'* " Unworthy wretch," quoth he, " of so great grace. How dare I thinke such glory to attain e !" ** These, that have it attaynd, were in like cace," Quoth he, " as wretched, and liv'd in like paine." " But deeds of armes must I at last be faine And ladies love to leave, so dearely bought ?" " What need of armes, where peace doth ay remaine. Said he, **and battailes none are to be fought? As for loose loves, they'are vaine, and vanish into nought." " O let me not,'* quoth he, "then turne againe Backe to the world, whose ioyes so fruitlesse are; But let me here for aie in peace remaine. Or streightway on that last long voiage fare, That nothing may my present hope empare." " That may not be," said he, "ne maist thou yitt Forgoe that royal maides bequeathed care. Who did her cause into thy hand committ, Till from her cursed foe thou have her freely quitt." " Then shall I soone," quoth he, " so God me grace, Abett that virgins cause disconsolate, And shortly back returne unto this place. To walke this way in pilgrims poore estate. But now aread, old father, why of late Didst thou behight me borne of English blood. Whom all a Faeries sonne doen nominate ?'* " That word shaU I," said he, " avounchen good, Sith to thee is unknowne the cradle of thy brood. lOS THE PAERIE QUEENE. " Por well I wote tliou springst from ancient race Of Saxon kinges, that have with mightie hand, And many bloody battailes fought in place, High reard their royall throne in Britano land, And vanguisht them, unable to withstand : From thence a Faery thee unweeting reft. There as thou slepst in tender swadling band, And her base Elfin brood there for thee left : Such, men do chaungelings call, so cbaung'd by Faeries theft. " Thence she thee brought into this Faery lond. And in an heaped furrow did thee hyde ; Where thee a ploughman all unweeting fond. As he is to^desome teme that way did guyde. And brought thee up in ploughmans state to byde, AYliereof G-eorgos he thee gave to name; Till prickt with courage, and thy forces pryde. To Fary court thou cam'st to seek for fame. And prove thy puissant armes, as seemes thee best became.** " O holy sire," quoth he, " how shall I quight The many favours I with thee have fownd, That hast my name and nation redd aright. And taught the way that does to heaven bownd 1" This saide, adowne he looked to the grownd To have returnd, but dazed were his eyne Through passing brightnes, w^hich did quite confound His feeble sence, and too exceeding shyne. ^ So darke are earthly thinges compard to things divine ! At last, whenas himselfe he gan to fynd, To Una back he cast him to retyre; Who him awaited still with pensive mynd. Great thankes, and goodly meed, to that good syre He thens departing gave for his pajnies hyre. So came to Una, who him ioyd to see ; And, after httle rest, gan him desjnre Of her adventure myndfull for to bee. So leave they take of Cseha and lier daughters three* THE FAEBIS QTTEEinB. CANTO XL The knight with that old dragon fights Two dayes incessantly : The third, him overthrowes ; and gayns Most glorious victory. High time now gan it wex for Una fayre To tliinke of those her captive parents deare. And their forwasted kingdom to repayre: Whereto whenas they now approched neare, With hartie wordes her knight she gan to cheare. And in her modest manner thus bespake ; " Deare knight, as deare as ever knight was dearc. That all these sorrows suffer for my sake, High heven behold the tedious toyle, ye for me take ! " JN'ow are we come unto my native soyle. And to the place where all our perilles dwell; Here hauntes that feend, and does his daily spoyle; Therefore henceforth bee at your keeping well. And ever ready for your foeman fell : The spark of noble corage now awake, And strive your excellent selfe to excell : That shall ye evermore renowmed make Above all knights on earth, that batteill undertake." And pointing forth, " Lo ! yonder is," said she, ** The brasen towre, in which my parents deare For dread of that huge feend emprisond be; Whom I from far see on the walls appeare. Whose sight my feeble soule doth greatly cheare ; And on the top of all I do espye The watchman wayting tydings glad to Leare, That, O my parents, might I happily Unto you bring, to ease you of your misery !*" With that they heard a roaring hideous sownd. That all the ayre with terror filled wyde. And seemd uneath to shake the stedfast ground. Eftsoones that dreadful dragon they espyde. Where stretcht he lay upon the sunny side Of a great hill, himselfe like a great hill : But, all so soone as he from far descryde Those glistring amies that heven with light did fill. He rousd liimselfe full blyth, and hastned them un till. 6 110 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. Then badd the knight his lady yede aloof. And to an hill herselfe withdraw asyde : From whence she might behold that battailles proof. And eke be safe from daunger far descry de; She him obayd, and turnd a little wyde. — Now, O thou sacred Muse, most learned dame, Fayre ympe of Phoebus and his aged bryde, The nourse of time and everlasting fame, That warlike handes ennoblest with immortall namej O, gently come into my feeble brest, Come gently; but not with that mightie rage, "Wherewith the martiall troupes thou doest infest. And hartes of great heroes doest enrage. That nought their kindled corage may aswage: Soone as thy dreadfull trompe begins to sownd. The god of warre with his fiers equipage Thou doest awake, sleepe never he so sownd; And scared nations doest with horror sterne astowncL Fayre goddesse, lay that farious fitt asyde. Till I of warres and bloody Mars doe sing, And Bryton fieldes with Sarazin blood bedyde, Twixt that great Faery Queene, and Paynim king. That with their horror heven and earth did ring j A worke of labour long and endlesse prayse : But now a while lett downe that haughtie string And to my tunes thy second tenor rayse. That I this man of Grod his godly armes may blaze. By this, the dreadful beast drew nigh to hand, Halfe flying and halfe footing in his haste. That with his largenesse measured much land. And made wide shadow under his huge waste; As mountaine doth the valley overcaste. Approching nigh, he reared high afore His body monstrous, horrible, and vaste; Which, to increase his wondrous greatnes more. Was swoln with wrath and poyson, and with bloody gore; And over all with brazen scales was armd. Like plated cote of Steele, so couched neare That nought mote perce; ne might his corse be harmd With dint of swerd, nor push of pointed speare: WTiich, as an eagle, seeing pray appeare, His aery plumes doth rouze full rudely dight; So shaked he, that horror was to heare : For, as the clashing of an armor bright, Such noyse his rouzed scales did send unto the knighfc THE PAEEIE QTTEENE. Ill His flaggy winges, when fortli he did display, Were like two sayles, in which the hollow wynd Is gathered full, and worketh speedy wny: And eke the pennes, that did his pineons bynd, Were like mayne-yardes with flying canvas Ij^nd; With which whenas him hst the ayre to beat, And there by force unwonted passage fynd, The cloudes before him fledd for terror great, And all the hevens stood still amazed with his threat. His huge long tayle, wownd up in hundred foldes, Does overspred his long bras-scaly back. Whose wreathed boughtes when ever he un foldes. And thick-entangled knots adown does slack, Bespotted as with shieldes of red and blacke, It sweepeth all the land behind him farre. And of three furlongs does but litle lacke ; And at the point two stinges infixed arre. Both deadly sharp, that sharpest Steele exceeden farre. But stinges and sharpest Steele did far exceed The sharpnesse of his cruell rending clawes : Dead was it sure, as sure as death indeed, What ever thing does touch his ravenous pawes. Or what within his reach he ever drawes. But his most hideous head my tongue to tell Does tremble ; for his deepe devouring iawes Wyde gaped, like the griesly mouth of hell, Tliough which into his darke abysse all ravin fell. And, that more wondrous was, in either iaw Three ranckes of yron teeth enraunged were. In which yett trickhng blood, and gobbets raw. Of late devoured bodies did appeare; That sight thereof bredd cold congealed feare: Which to increase, and all at once to kill, A cloud of smoothering smoke, and sulphure scare, Ont of his stinking gorge forth s teemed still. That all the ayre about with smoke and stench did fill. His blazing eyes, like two bright shining shieldes. Did burne with wrath, and sparkled living fyre: As two broad beacons, sett in open fieldes. Send forth their flames far ofl'to every shy re, And warning give, that enemies conspyre With fire and sword the region to invade ; So flam'd his eyne with rage and rancorous >Te: But far within, as in a hollow glade, Those glaring lampes were sett, that made a dread full shades 112 THE FAEEIE QTTEENB^ So dreadfully lie towardes Mm did pas, Porelifting up aloft his speckled brest, And often bounding on the brused gras. As for great ioyance of his new come guest. Efcsoones he gan advance his haughty crest; As chauffed bore his bristles doth upreare ; And shoke his scales to battaile ready drest, (That made the Redcrosse knight nigh quake for feare,) As bidding bold defyaunce to his foeman neare. The knight gan fa^Tely couch his steady speare. And fiersly ran at him with rigorous might : The pointed Steele, arriving rudely theare,_ His harder hyde would nether perce nor bight. But, glauncing by, foorth passed forward right: Yet, sore amoved with so puissaunt push, The wrathfull beast about him turned lifeht,' And him so rudely, passing by, did brush With his long tayle, that horse and man to ground did rusli. Both horse and man up lightly rose againe. And fresh encounter towardes him addrest; But th* ydle stroke yet backe recoyld in vaine. And found no place his deadly point to rest. Exceeding rage enflam'd the ifurious beast. To be avenged of so great despight ; Eor never felt his imperceable brest So wondrous force from hand of living wight: Yet had he prov'd the powre of many a puissant knight. Then, with his waving wings displayed wyde, Himselfe up high he lifted from the ground. And with strong flight did forcibly divyde The yielding ajTe, which nigh too feeble found Her flitting parts, and element unsound. To beare so great a weight: He, cutting way With his broad sayles, about him soared round ; At last, low stouping with unweldy sway, Snatcht up both horse and man, to beare them quite awny. Long he them bore above the subject plaine. So far as ewghen bow a shaft may send ; Till struggling strong did him at last constraino To let them downe before his flightes end : As hagard hauke, presuming to contend With hardy fowle above his hable might. His wearie pounces all in vaine doth spend To trusse the pray too heavy for his flight; Which comming down to ground, does free itsclfe by G.g]it THE FAEEIE QTJEENE, 113 lie SO disseized of his grypinp^ grosse. The knight his thrillant speare again assay d In his bras-plated body to embosse. And three mens strength unto the stroaTce ho laydj Wherewith the stiffe beame quaked, as affrayd. And glauncing from his scaly necke did glyde Close under his left wing, then broad displayd : The percing Steele there wrought a wownd full wyde, That with the uncouth smart the monster lowdly cryde. He cryde, as raging seas are wont to rore. When wintry storme his wrathful wreck does threat; The rolling billowes beate the ragged shore, As they the earth would shoulder from her seat; And greedy gulfe does gape, as he would eat His neighbour elenient in his revenge : Then gin the blustring brethren boldly threat To move the world from off his stedfast henge. And boystrous battaile make, each other to avcngo. The steely head stuck fast still in his flesh Till with his cruell clawes he snatcht the wood, And quite asunder broke: forth flowed fresh A gushing river of blacke gory blood, That drowned all the land, whereon he stood ; The streame thereof would drive a water-mill: Trebly augmented was his furious mood With bitter sence of his deepe-rooted iU, That flames of fire he threw forth from his large nosethrilL His hideous tayle then hurled he about, And therewith aH enwrapt the nimble thyes Of his froth-fomy steed, whose courage stout Striving to loose the knot that fast him tyes, Himselfe in streighter bandes too rash implyes. That to the ground he is perforce constraynd To throw his ryder; who can quickly ryse Prom off the earth, with durty blood distaynd, For that reprochfull fall right fowly he disdaynd? And fercely tooke his trenehard blade in hand, With which he stroke so furious and so fell, That nothing seemd the puissaunco could withstand Upon his crest the hardned yron feU ; But his more hardned crest was armd so well, That deeper dint therein it would not make; Yet so extremely did the buffe him qiiiell. That from thenceforth he shund the like to take But, when he saw them come, he did them still forsake. 114 THE FAERIE QUEENE. The kniglit was wroth to see his stroke beguyld. And smot againe with more outrageous might j But backe againe the sparcling Steele recoyld. And left not any marke where it did light. As if in adamant rocke it had beene pight. The beast, impatient of his smarting wound. And of so fierce and forcible despight, Thought with his winges to stye alcove the ground j But his late wounded wing unserviceable found. Then, full of grief and anguish vehement, He lowdly brayd, that like was never heard; And from his wide devouring oven sent A flake of fire, that, flashing in his beard. Him all amazd, and almost made afeard : The scorching flame sore swinged all his face. And through his armour all his body seard. That he could not endure so cruell cace, But thought his armes to leave, and hehnet to unlace, ISTot that great champion of the antique world. Whom famous poetes verse so much doth vaunt. And hath for twelve huge labours high extold, So many furies and sharpe fits did haunt. When him the poysond garment did enchaunt. With Centaures blood and bloody verses charmd ; As did this knight twelve thousand dolours daunt, Whom fyrie Steele now burnt, that erst him armd ; That erst him goodly armd, now most of all him harmd. Faynt, wearie, sore, emboyled, grieved, brent. With heat, toyle, wounds, armes, smart, and inward fire, That never man such mischiefes did torment ; Death better were; death did he oft desire; But death will never come, when needes require. Whom so dismayd when that his foe beheld. He cast to suffer him no more respire. But gan his sturdy sterne about to weld. And him so strongly stroke, that to the ground him fold. It fortuned, (as fayre it then befell,) Behynd his backe, unweeting where he stood. Of auncient time there was a springing well, From which fast trickled forth a silver flood. Full of great vertues, and for med'cine good : Whylome, before that cursed dragon got That happy land, and*ll with innocent blood Defyld those sacred waves, it rightly hot The Well of Life; ne yet his vertues had forgot: THE FAEBIB QTTEENE. 115 Por unto life the dead it could restore. And guilt of sinfull crimes cleane wash away; Those, that with sicknesse were infected sore. It could recure ; and aged long decay Renew, as one were born that very day. Both Silo this, and lordan, did excell, And th* English Bath, and eke the German Spau; ITe can Cephise, nor Hebrus, match this well : Into the same tlae knight back overthrowen fell,- Now gan the golden Phoebus for to steep© His fierie face in billowes of the west. And his faint steedes watred in ocean deepe, "Whiles froni their iournall labours they did resti When that infernall monster, having kest His wearie foe into that living well, Can high advaunce his broad discoloured brest Above his wonted pitch, with countenance fell. And clapt his yron wings, as victor he did dwell. Which when his pensive lady saw from farre. Great woe and sorrow did her soule assay. As weening that the sad end^ of the warre; And gan to highest God entirely pray That feared chaunce from her to turne away: With folded hands, and knees full lowly bent. All night she watcht; ne once adowne woidd lay Her dainty limbs in her sad dreriment, But praying still did wake, and waki*ig did lament. The morrow next gan early to appeare. That Titan rose to runne his daily race; But earely, ere the morrow next gan rear© Out of the sea faire Titans deawy face. Up rose the gentle virgin from her place. And looked all about, if she might spy Her loved knight to move his manly pacet Por she had great doubt of his safety. Since late she saw him fall before his enimy. At last she saw, where he upstarted brave Out of the well wherein he drenched lay: As eagle, fresh out of the ocean wave. Where he hath lefte his plumes all hory gray^^ And deckt himselfe with fethers youthljr gay. Like eyas hauke up mounts unto the skies, His newly-budded pineons to assay. And marveiles at himselfe, stil as he flies: So new this new-borne knight to battell new did ria0# 11(5 THE FAERIE QUEENE. Wliom vtien tlie damned feend so fresh did spy, No wonder if he wondred at the sight, And doubted whether his late enimy It were, or other new supplied knight. He now, to prove his late-renewed might, High brandishing his bright deaw-burning blades Upon his crested scalp so sore did smite. That to the scull a yawning wound it made: The deadly dint his dulled sences all dismaid. I wote not, whether the revenging Steele Were hardned with thB,t holy water dew Wherein he fell ; or sharper edge did feele; Or his baptized hands now greater grew; Or other secret vertue did ensew ; Els never could the force of fleshly arme, Ne molten mettall, in his blood embrew : Por, till that stownd, could never wight him harme By subtilty, nor slight, nor might, nor mighty charme. The cruell wound enraged him so sore. That loud he yelled for exceeding paine; As hundred ramping Hons seemd to rore. Whom ravenous hunger did thereto constraine. Then gan he tosse aloft his stretched traine, And therewith scourge the buxome aire so sore. That to his force to yielden it was faine; l^e ought his sturdy strokes might stand afore. That high trees overthrew, and rocks in peeces tore: The same advauncing high above his head. With sharpe intended sting so rude him smott. That to the earth him drove, as stricken dead ; "Ne living wight would have him life behott : The mortall sting his angry needle shott Quite through his shield, and in liis shoulder seasd. Where fast it stucke, ne would thereout be gott : The griefe thereof him wondrous sore diseasd, Ne might his rancling paine with patience be appeasd. But yet, more mindfull of his honour deare Then of the grievous smart which him did wring, Prom loathed soile he can him hghtly reare, And strove to loose the far infixed sting: Which when in vaine he tryde with struggeling, Inflam'd with wrath, his raging blade he hefte. And strooke so strongly, that the knotty string Of his huge taile he quite asonder clefte; Pive ioints thereof he hcwd, and but the stump him lefte. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 117 ITart cannot tliinlce, wliat outrage and what cries, Witli fowle enfouldred smoake and flashing Are, The hell-bred beast threw forth unto the skies. That all was covered with darknesse dire ; Then fraught with rancour, and engorged yre. Ho cast at once him to avenge for all ; And, gathering up himselfe out of the mire With his uneven wings, did fiercely fall: Upon his sunne-bright shield, and grypt it fast withal]. Much was the man encombred with his hold, ^ In feare to lose his weapon in his paw, Ne wist yett, how his talaunts to unfold ; Nor harder was from Cerberus greedy iaw To plucke a bone, then from his cruell claw To reave by strength the griped gage away : Thrise he assayd it from his foote to draw, And thrise in vaine to draw it did assay ; It booted nought to tliinke to robbe hun of his pray, Tho, when he saw no power niight prevaile, His trusty sword he cald to his last aid. Wherewith he fiersly did his foe assaile, And double blowes about him stoutly laid, That glauncing fire out of the yron plaid; As sparckles from the andvile use to fly, When heavy hammers on the wedg are swaid ; Therewith at last he forst him to unty One of his grasping feete, him to defend thereby. The other foote, fast fixed on his shield, Whenas no strengtli nor stroks mote him constraino To loose, ne yet the warlike pledg to yield ; lie smott thereat with all his might and maine. That nought so wondrous puissaunce might sustaine; Upon the ioint the lucky Steele did light. And made such way, that hewd it quite in twaine ; The paw yett missed not his minisht might, But hong still on the shield, as it at first was pight. For griefe thereof and divelish despight, From his infernall fournace fourth he threw, Huge flames, that dimmed all tho hcvcns light, Enrold in duskish smoke and brimstone blew : As burning Aetna from his boyling stevv^ Doth belch out flames, and rockes in peaces broke, -And ragged ribs of mountaines molten new, Enwrapt in coleblackc clowds and filthy smoke, That al the land with stench, and hcycu with horror clioko. 118 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. The lieate whereof, and harmefuU pestilence. So sore him noyd, that forst him to retire A little backeward for his best defence, To save his body from the scorching fire, Which he from helhsh entraiies did expire. It chaunst, (Eternall God that chaunce did guide,) As he recoiled backeward, in the mire His nigh forwearied feeble feet did slide, And downe he fell, with dread of shame sore terriflde. There grew a goodly tree him faire beside, Loaden with fruit and apples rosy redd. As they in pure vermilion had been dide, "Whereof gTeat vertues over all were redd : For happy life to all which thereon fedd, And life eke everlasting did befall : Great God it planted in that blessed stedd With his. Almighty hand, and did it caU. The Tree of Life, the crime of our first fathers fall. In all the world like was not to be fownd. Save in that soile, where all good things did grow. And freely sprong out of the fruitfull grownd. As incorrupted Nature did them sow. Till that dredd dragon all did overthrow. Another like faire tree eke grew thereby. Whereof whoso did eat, eftsoones did know Both good and ill : O mournfuU memory ! That tree through one mans fault hath do en us all to dy I Prom that first tree forth flowd, as from a well, A trickling streame of balme, most soveraine And dainty deare, which on the ground still fell, And overflowed all the fertile plaine. As it had deawed bene with timely raine ; Life and long health that gracious ointment gave ; And deadly wounds could heale ; and reare againe The sencelesse corse appointed for the grave : Into that same he fell, which did from death him save, Por nigh thereto the ever-damned beast Durst not approch, for he was deadly made, And al that life preserved did detest ; Yet he it oft adventm*'d to invade. 3y this the drouping Daj^-light gan to fade. And yield his rowme to sad succeeding Night, Who with her sable mantle gan to shade The face of earth and w ayes of living wight. And high her burning torch set up in heaven bright. THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. 119 When gentle Una saw tlie second fall Of her deare Irnight, who, weary of long fight, And faint through losse of blood, moov'd not at aU, • But lay, as in a dreame of deepe delight, Besmeard with pretious balme, whose vertuous might Did heale his woundes, and scorching heat alay ; Againe she stricken was with sore anright. And for his safetie gan devoutly pray. And watch the noyous night, and wait for ioyous day. The ioyous day gan early to appeare ; And fayre Aurora from the deawy bed Of aged Tithone gan herselfe to reare With rosy cheekes, for shame as blushing red : Her golden locks, for hast, were loosely shed About her eares, when Una her did marke Clymbe to her charet, all with flowers spred. From heven high to chace the chearelesse darke ; With mery note her lowd salutes the mountain larke. Then freshly up arose the doughty knigbt, AU healed of Jiis hurts and woundes wide^ And did himselfe to battaile ready dight ; Whose early foe awaiting him beside To have devourd, so soone as day he spyde. When now he saw himselfe so freshly reare. As if late fight had nought Mm damnify de, He woxe dismaid, and gan bis fate to feare ; Nathlesse with wonted rage he him adyaunced neare ; And in his first encounter, gaping wyde. He thought attonce him to have swaUowd quight, And rusht upon him with outragious pryde ; Who him rencounting fierce as hauke in flight. Perforce rebutted back : the weapon bright. Taking advantage of his open iaw, Han through his mouth with so importune might. That deepe emperst his darksome hollow maw, And, back retyrd, his life blood forth withall did draw. So downe he fell, and forth his life did breath, That vanisht into smoke and cloudes swift ; So downe he fell, that th' earth him underneath Did grone, as feeble so great load to lift ; So downe he fell, as an huge rocky clift, Whose false foundacion waves have was lit away. With dreadfull poyse is from the mayneland rift, And, rolHng downe, great Neptune doth dismay : So downe he fell, and lilce an heaped mouutaine lay. 120 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. The kniglit liimselfe even trembled at his fall. So huge and horrible a masse it seemd ; And l2s deare lady, that beheld it all, Durst not approch for dread which she misdeemd ; [But yet at last, whenas the direfull feend She saw not stirre, off-shaking vaine affright She nigher drew, and saw that ioyous end : Then God she praysd, and thankt her faithfuU knight, That had atcliievde so great a conquest by his might. CANTO xn. Fayre Una to the Eedcrosse kniglit Betrouthed is with ioy : Though false Duessa, it to barre. Her false sleightes doe imploy. Eehoid I see the haven nigh at hand. To which I meane my wearie course t9 bend ; Vere the maine shete, and beare up with the land. The which afore is fayrly to be kend. And seemeth safe from storms that may offend : There this fayre virgin wearie of her way Must landed bee, now at her iourneyes end ; There eke my feeble barke a while may stay. Till mery wynd and weather call her thence away. Scarsely had PhcBbus in the glooming east Yett harnessed his fyrie-footed teeme, 'Ne reard above the earth his flaming creast ; When the last deadly smoke aloft did steenu) That signe of last outbreathed life did seeme Unto the watchman on the castle-wall. Who thereby dead that balefull beast did deeme And to his lord and lady lowd gan call. To tell how he had seene the dragons fatall fall. Uprose with hasty ioy, and feeble speed, That aged syre, the lord of all that land. And looked forth, to weet if trew indeed Those tydinges were, as he did understand : Which whenas trew by tryall he out-fond. He badd to open wyde his brasen gate. Which long time had beene shut, and out of hond Proclaymed ioy and peace through all his state ; For dead now was their foe, which them forrayed late. THE FAERIE QTJEENE. 121 ITien gan triuinpliant trompets sownd on hye, Tliat sent to heven the ecchoed report Of their new ioy, and happie victory Gainst him, that had them long opprest with torfc. And fast imprisoned in sieged fort. Then all the people, as in solemne feast, To him assembled with one full consort, Beioycing at the fall of that great beast, From whose eternall bondage now they were releast. Forth came that auncient lord, and aged qneene, Arayd in antique robes downe to the grownd, And sad habiliments right well beseene : A noble crew about them waited rownd Of sage and sober peres, all gravely gownd; Whom far before did march a goodly band Of tall young men, all hable armes to sownd. But now they laurell braunches bore in hand ; Glad signe of victory and peace in all their land. Unto that doughtie conguerour they came. And, him before themselves prostrating low. Their lord and patrone loud did him proclame. And at his feet their lawrell boughes did throw. Soone after them, all dauncing on a row, ^ The comely virgins came, with girlands dight. As fresh as ilowres in medow greene doe grow, When morning deaw upon their leaves doth light ; And in their handes sweet timbrells all uphheld on hight. And, them before, the fry of children yong Their wanton sportes and childish mirth did play. And to the maydens sownding tymbrels song In well attuned notes a ioyous lay. And made delightful musiclc all the way, Untill they came, where that faire Virgin stood : As fayre Diana in fresh sommers day Beholdes her nymphes enraung'd in shady wood, Some wrestle, some do run, some bathe in christall flood : So she beheld those maydens meriment With chearefull vew ; who, when to her they came. Themselves to ground with gracious humblesse bent, And her ador'd by honorable name, Lifting to heven her everlasting fame : Then on her head they sett a girlond greene. And crowned her twixt earnest and twixt game: Who, in her self- resemblance well beseene, Did seeme, such as she was, a goodly maiden qucene. 122 THE FAERIE QUEENE. And after all the raskall many ran. Heaped together in rude rablement. To see the face of that victorious man. Whom all admired as from heaven sent. And gaz'd upon with gaping wonderment. But when they came where that dead dragon lay, Stretcht on the ground in monstrous large extent, The sight with ydle feare did them dismay, Ke durst approch him nigh, to touch, or once assay. Some feard, and iledd ; some feard, and weU it faynd ; One, that would wiser seeme then aU the rest, AYarnd him not touch, for yet perhaps remaynd Some lingring life within his hollow brest. Or in his wombe might lurke some hidden nest Of many dragonettes, his fruitfull seede ; Another saide, that in his eyes did rest Yet sparckling fyre, and badd thereof take heed ; Another said, he saw him move his eyes indeed. One mother, whenas her foolehardy chyld Did come too neare, and with his talants play, Halfe dead through feare, her little babe revyld, And to her gossips gan in counsell say ; ** How can I teU, but that his talants may Yet scratch my sonne, or rend his tender hand ?" So diversly themselves in vaine they fray ; TMiiles some more bold to measure him nigh stand, To prove how many acres he did spred of land. Thus flocked all the folke him rownd about ; The whiles that hoarie king, with all his traine, Being arrived where that champion stout After his foes defeasaunce did remaine. Him goodly greetes, and fayre does entertayne AYitli princely gifts of yvory and gold. And thousand thankes him yeeldes for all his paine. Then when his daughter deare he does behold. Her dearely doth imbrace, and kisseth manifold. And after to his pallace he them bringes. With shaumes, and trompets, and with clarions sweet ; And all the way the ioyous people singes. And with their garments strowes the paved street ; Whence mounting up, they fynd purveyaunce meet Of all, that royali princes court became ; And all the floore was underneath their feet Bespredd with costly scarlott of great name. On which they lowly sitt, and httLng purpose frame. "But when they came vherc that dead dragon lay, Stretcht on the ground in monstrous large extent, The sight with idle fear did them dismay." Book 1. Canto XII. Ver. 9. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 123 \Vliat needes me tell their feast and goodly guize. In which was nothing riotous nor vaine ? What needes of dainty dishes to devize, Of comely services, or courtly trayne. My narrow leaves cannot in them contayne The large discourse of roiall princes state. Yet was their manner then but bare and playne ; For th' antique world excesse and pryde did hate Such proud luxurious pompe is swollen up but late. Then, vdien with meates and drinkes of every kinde Their fervent appetite they quenched had, That auncient lord gan fit occasion finde, Of straunge adventures, and of perils sad Which in his travell him befallen had. For to demaund of his renowmed guest : Who then with utt 'ranee grave, and count 'nance sad. From poynt to poynt, as is before exprest, Discourst his voyage long, according his request. Great pleasure, mixt with pittiful regard. That godly king and queene did passionate, Whyles they his pittilull adventures heard ; That oft they did lament his lucklesse state, And often blame the too importune fate That heaped on him so many wrathfull wreakes ; (For never gentle knight, as he of late. So tossed was in fortunes cruell freakes ;) And all the while salt teares bedeawd the hearers clicaka. Then sayd that royall pere in sober wise ; " Deare sonne, great beene the evils which ye boro From first to last in your late enterprise. That I no'te whether praise or pitty more : For never living man, I weene, so sore In sea of deadly daungers was distrest : But since now safe ye seised have the shore. And well arrived are (high God be blest !) Let us devize of ease and everlasting rest." " All, dearest lord," said then that doughty knight, " Of ease or rest I may not yet devize ; For by the faith, .which I to armes have phght, I bownden am streight after this emprize, As that your daughter can je well advize, Backe to retourne to that great Faery Queene, And her to serve sixe yearos in warhke wize, Gainst that proud Paynim king that works her teene ; Therefore I ought crave pardon, till I there have beene/' 124i THE FAERIE QUEENE. " Unliappy falls that hard necessity," Quoth he, "the troubler of my happy peace. And vowed foe of my felicity ; Ne I against the same can justly preace. But since that band ye cannot now release, IS'or doen undo, (for vowes may not be vayne,) Soone as the terme of those six yeares shall cease, Ye then shall hether back retourne agayne. The marriage to accomplish vowd betwixt you twayn : " Which, for my part, I covet to performe. In sort as through the world I did proclame. That whoso kild that monster most deforme. And him in hardy battayle overcame, Should have mine oncly daughter to his dame. And o'f my kingdome heyre apparaunt bee : Therefore since now to thee perteynes the same. By dew desert of noble chevalree, Both daughter and eke kingdome lo ! I yield to thee." Then forth he called that his daughter fayre. The fairest Un', his oncly daughter deare, His onely daughter and his oncly hayre ; Who forth proceeding with sad sober cheare. As bright as doth the morning starre appeare Out of the east, with flaming lockes bedight. To tell that dawning day is drawing neare. And to the world does bring long-wished light : So faire and fresh that lady shewd herselfe in sighfc : So faire and fresh, as freshest flowre in May; 'For she had layd her mournefuU stole aside. And widow-like sad wimple throwne away,^ Wherewith her heavenly beautie she did hide. Whiles on her weary iourney she did ride ; And on her now a garment she did weare All lilly white, withoutten spot or pride. That seemd like silke and silver woven neare ; But neither silke nor silver therein did appearo. The blazing brightnesse of her beauties beame. And glorious light of her sunshyny face. To tell, were as to strive against the streame : My ragged rimes are all too rude and baco Her heavenly lineaments for to enchace. ISTe wonder ; for her own deare loved knight, All were she daily with himselfe in place. Did wonder much at her celestial sight : Oft had he seene her faire, but never so faii-o dight. THE FAERIE QTJEENE. 125 So fairely diglit when slie in presence came. She to lier syre made humble reverence, And bowed low, that her right well became. And added grace nnto her excellence : Who with great wisedome and grave eloquence Thus gan to say — But, eare he thus had sayd, With flying speede, and seeming great pretence. Came running in, much hke a man dismay d, A messenger with letters, which his message sayd. All in the open hall amazed stood At suddeinnesse of that unwary sight. And wondred at his breathlesse hasty mood : But he for nought would stay his passage right, Till fast before the king he did alight ; Where falling flat great humblesse he did make, And kist the ground whereon his foot was pight ; Then to his handes that writt he did betake, Which he disclosing, read thus as the paper spake ; " To thee, most mighty king of Eden fayre. Her greeting sends in these sad hues addrest The wofull daughter and forsaken heyre Of that great emperour of all the west ; And bids thee be advized for the best, Ere thou thy daughter linck in holy band Of wedlocke, to that new unknowen guest : Eor he already plighted his right hand Unto another love, and to another land. " To me sad mayd, or rather widow sad, He was affyaunced long time before. And sacred pledges he both gave, and had, Ealse erraunt knight, infamous, and forswore ! Witnesse the burning altars, which he swore. And guilty heavens of his bold periury ; Which though he hath polluted oft of yore. Yet I to them for iudgment iust doe fly, And them coniure t' avenge this shameful! iniury ! " Therefore since mine he is, or free or bond. Or false or trew, or living or else dead. Withhold, O soverayne prince, your hasty hond Erom knitting league with him, I you aread ; Ne weene my right with strength adowne to tread. Through >veaknesse of my widowhed or woe ; For Truth is strong her rightfull cause to plead. And shall finde friends, if need requireth soe. [dcssa." So bids thee well to fare, thy neither friend nor foe, j^^ 126 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. When he these bitter byting wordes had red. The tydinf^s straunge did him abashed make. That still he sate long time astonished, As in great muse, ne word to creature spake. At last his solemn silence thus he brake, With doubt full eyes fast fixed on his guest; '* Ee doubted knight, that for myne only sake Thy life and honor late adventurest ; Let nought be hid from me, that ought to be expresfc, " What meane these bloody vowes and idle threats, Throwne out from womanish impatient mynd ? What hevens ? what altars ? what enraged heates. Here heaped up with termes of love iinkynd. My conscience cleare with guilty bands would bynd? High God be witnesse, that I guiltlesse ame I But if yours elf e, sir knight, ye faulty fynd, Or wrapped be in loves of former dame. With cryme doe not it cover, but disclose the same.** To whom the Bedcrosse knight this answere sent; " My lord, my king; be nought hereat dismay d. Till well ye wote by grave intendiment. What woman, and wherefore, doth me upbrayd With breach of love and loialty betrayed. It was in my mishaps, as hitherward I lately traveild, that unawares I strayd Out of my way, through perils straunge and hard ; That day should faile me ere I had them all declard. " There did I find, or rather I was fownd Of this false woman that Fidessa hight, Fidessa hight the falsest dame on grownd. Most false Duessa, royall richly dight. That easy was t' inveigle weaker sight : Who by her wicked arts and wiely skill. Too false and strong for earthly skill or might. Unawares me wrought unto her wicked will, And to my foe betrayd, when least I feared ill.** Then steppeth forth the goodly royall mayd. And, on the ground herselfe prostrating low. With sober countenaunce thus to him saj^d ; ** O pardon me, my soveraine lord, to show The secret treasons, which of late I know To have bene ^vrought by that false sorceresse : Shee, onely she, it is, that erst did throw This gentle knight into so great distresse. That death him did awaite in daily wretchednessa. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 127 " And now it seemes, that slie suborned hath This crafty messenger with letters vaine. To worke new woe and unprovided scath. By breaking of the band betwixt us twaine ; "Wherein she used hath the practickc paine Of this false footman, clokt with simplenesse, Whome if ye please for to discover plaine. Ye shall him Archimago find, I ghesse, The falsest man alive ; who tries, shall find no lesse," The king was greatly moved at her speach ; And, all with suddein indignation fraight. Bad on that messenger rude hands to reach. Eftsoones the gard, which on his state did wait, Attacht that faytor false, and bound him strait : Who seeming sorely chaufFed at his band, As chained beare whom cruell dogs doe bait. With ydle force did faine them to withstand ; And often semblaunce made to scape out of their hand. But they him layd full low in dungeon deepe, ^ And bound him hand and foote with yron chains: And with continual watch did warely keepe. Who then would thinke, that by his subtile trains He could escape fowle death or deadly pains ? Thus, when that princes wrath was pacifide. He gan renew the late forbidden bains, And to the knight his daughter dear he tyde With sacred rites and vowes for ever to abyde. His owne two hands the holy knotts did knitt. That none but death for ever can divide ; His owne two hands, for such a turne most fitt, The housling fire did kindle and provide, And holy water thereon sprinckled wide ; At which the bushy teade a groome did light. And sacred lamp in secret chamber hide, Where it should not be quenched day nor night, Por feare of evil fates, but burnen ever bright. Then gan they sprinckle all the posts with wine, And made great feast to solemnize that day: They all perfumde with frankincense divine, And precious odours fetcht from far away. That all the house did sweat with great aray And all the wliile sweete musicke did apply Her curious skill the warbling notes to play. To drive away tho dull melancholy; The whiles one sung a song of love and ioUity. 128 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. During the wliicli tliere was an Iieavenly noise Heard sownd through all the pallace pleasantly. Like as it had bene many an angels voice Singing before th' Eternall Maiesty, In their trinall triplicities on hye : Yett wist no creature whence that hevenly sweet Proceeded, yet each one felt secretly Hiinselfe thereby refte of his sences meet. And ravished with rare impression in his sprite. Great ioy was made that day of yonng and old. And solemne feast proclaymd throughout the land. That their exceeding merth may not be told : Suffice it heare by signes to understand The nsuall ioyes at knitting of loves band. Thrise happy man the knight himselfe did hold. Possessed of his ladies hart and hand ; And ever, when his eie did her behold. His heart did seeme to melt in pleasures manifold. Her ioyous presence, and sweet company, In full content he there did long enioy; ISTe wicked envy, ne vile geolosy, His deare delights were hable to annoy: Yet, swimming in that sea of blissfull ioy. He nought forgott how he whilome had swomc. In case he could that monstrous beast destroy. Unto his Faery Queene backe to retourne ; The which he shortly did; and Una left to mourne, ITow, strike your sailes, yee iolly mariners, Por we be come unto a quiet rode, Where we must land some of our passengers. And light this weary vessell of her lode. Here she a while may make her safe abode, Till she repaired have her tackles spent. And wants supphde ; and then againe abroad On the long voiage whereto she is bent : Well may she speede, and fairely finish her intent 1 THE SECOND BOOK OP THE FAERIE QUEENE, CONTAYNING ^^t %tQtVLts of Sir €rUBoit, or of ^emperaunce. RIGHT well I wote, most mighty soveraine. That all this famous antique histoiy Of some th' aboundance of an ydle braine Will iudged be, and painted forgery, Hather then matter of iust memory; Sith none that breatheth living aire doth know Where is that happy land of Faery, Which I so much doe vaunt, yet no where show; But vouch antiquities, which no body can know* But let that man with better sence advize. That of the world least part to us is red; And daily how through hardy enterprize Many great regions are discovered, ^ Which to late age were never mentioned. Who ever heard of th' Indian Peru? Or who in venturous vessell measured The Amazon huge river, now found trew? Or fruitfullest Virginia who did ever vew? Yet all these were, when no man did them know. Yet have from wisest ages hidden beene ; And later times thinges more unknowne shall show Why then should witlesse man so much misweene, That nothing is, but that which he hath scene ? What, if within the moones fayre shining spheare, What, if in every other starre unseene Of other worldes he happily should heare ? He wonder would much more ; yet such to some appeare. Of Paery lond yet if he more inquyre, By certain signes, here sett in sondrie place. He may it fynd ; ne let him then admyre. But yield his sence to bee too blunt and bace. That no'te without an hound fine footing trace. And thou, O fayrest princesse under sky. In this fayre mirrhour maist behold thy face. And thine owne realmes in lond of Paery, And in this antique ymage thy great auncestry. 130 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. The wliicli, O ! pardon me tlius to enfold In covert vele, and wrapt in shadowes light. That feeble eyes your glory may behold, Wliich ells could not endure those beames bright But would bee dazled with exceeding light. O ! pardon, and vouchsafe with patient eare The brave adventures of this Faery knight. The good Sir Guyon, gratiously to heare ; In whom great rule of Temp'raunce goodly doth appeare. CANTO I. Guyon, by Archimage abusd, The Reclcrosse knight awaytes ; Fyndes Mordant and Araavia slaine With ricasures poisoned baytes. That conning architect of cancred guyle. Whom princes late displeasure left in bands, Por falsed letters, and suborned wyle ; Soone as the Hedcrosse knight he understands To beene departed out of Eden landes, To serve againe his soveraine Elfm queene ; His artes he moves, and out of caytives handes Himselfe he frees by secret meanes unseene ; . His shackles emptie lefte, himselfe escaped eleene ; And forth he fares, full of malicious mynd, To worken mischiefe, and avenging woe, Whereever he that godly knight may fynd. His onely hart-sore and his onely foe ; Sith Una now he algates must foregoe, Whom his victorious handes did earst restore To native crowne and kingdom late ygoe ; Where she enioyes sure peace for evermore, As wetherbeaten ship arryv'd on happie shore. Him therefore now the obiect of his spight And deadly food he makes : him to offend By forged treason, or by open fight. He seekes, of all his drifte the aymed end : Thereto his subtile engins he does bend, His practick witt and his fayre fyled tonge, With thousand other sleightes ; for well he kend His credit now in doubtful! ballaunce hong : For hardly could bee hurt, who was already stong. THE FAEBIE QUEENE. 131 Still, as he went, lie craftie stales did lay. With, cunning traynes him to entrap unwares. And privy spyals plast in all his way, To weete what course he takes, and how he fares 5 To ketch him at a vauntage in his snares. But now so wise and wary was the knight By tryall of his former harmes and cares. That he descryde, and shonned still, his slight : The fish, that once was caught, new bayt wil hardly byte. Nath'lesse th' enchaunter would not spare his payne. In hope to win occasion to his will ; Which when he long awaited had in vayne. He chaungd his mynd from one to other ill: For to all good he enimy was still. Upon the way him fortuned to meete, ^ Fayre marching underneath a shady hill, A goodly knight, all armd in harnesse meete, That from his head no place appeared to his feete. His carriage was full comely and upright ; His countenance demure and temperate ; But yett so sterne and terrible in sight, . That cheard his friendes, and did his foes amatc : He was an Elfin borne, of noble state And mickle worship in his native land ; Well could he tourney, and in lists debate, And knighthood tooke of good Sir Huons hand, When with king Oberon he came to Fary land. Him als accompanyd upon the way A comely palmer, clad in black attyre. Of rypest yeares, and heares all hoarie gray. That wdth a staffe his feeble steps did stire, Least his long way his aged limbes should tire: And, if by lookes one may the mind aread. He seemd to be a sage and sober syre ; And ever with slow pace the knight did lead. Who taught his trampling steed with equaU steps to tread. Such whenas Archimago them did view, He weened well to worke some uncouth wylo: Eftsoones, untwisting his deceiptfull clew. He gan to weave a web of wicked guyle ; And, with faire countenance and ilattring stylo To them approching, thus the knight bespake ; ** Fayre sonne of Mars,«that seeke with warlike spoyle. And great atchiev'ments, great yourselfe to make. Vouchsafe to stay your steed for humble misers sake." 132 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. He stayd his steed for Iiumble misers sake, And badd tell on the tenor of his playnt : "Who feigning then in every hmb to quake Through inward feare, and seeming pale and faynt. With piteous mone his percing speach gan paynt : " Deare lady ! how shall I declare thy cace, Whom late I left in languorous constraynt ? Would God ! thyselfe now present were in place To tell this ruefull tale : thy sight could win thee grace : " Or rather would, O ! would it so had chaunst. That you, most noble sir, had present beene When that lewd fybauld, with vyle lust advaunst, Laid first his filthie hands on virgin cleene, To spoyle her dainty corps, so faire and sheene As on the earth, great mother of us all, With living eye more fayre was never scene Of chastity and honour virginall : Witnes, ye heavens, whom she in vaine to help did call ! *' How may it be," sayd then the knight halfe wroth. That knight should knighthood ever so have shent?" '^JN'one but that saw," quoth he, "would weene for troth, How shamefully that mayd he did torment : Her looser golden lockes he rudely rent. And drew her on the ground ; and his sharpe sword Against her snowy brest he fiercely bent, And threatned death with many a bloodie word ; Tounge hates to tell the rest that eye to see abhord." Therewith amoved from his sober mood, "And lives he yet," said he, " that wrought this act? And doen the heavens afford him vitall food?" ** He lives," quoth he, ** and boasteth of the fact, Ne yet hath any knight his courage crackt." " Where may that treachour then," sayd he, " be found, Or by what meanes may I his footing tract ?" ** That shall I shew," said he, " as sure as hound The stricken deare doth chaleng by the bleeding wound," He stayd not lenger talke, but with fierce yre And zealous haste away is quickly gone To seeke that knight, where him that crafty squyre Supposd to be. They do arrive anone Where- sate a gentle lady all alone. With garments rent, and heare discheveled. Wringing her handes, and making.piteous mone : Her swollen eyes were much disfigured. And her faire face with teares was lowly blubbered. THE FAEBIE QTJEENE. 133 The knight, approcliin£c nigh, thus to her said ; " Faire lady, through fowle sorrow ill bedight. Great pitty is to see you thus dismayd, And marre the blossom of your beauty bright : Forthy appease your griefe and heavy plight. And tell the cause of your conceived payne ; For, if he live that hath you doen despight. He shall you doe dew recompence agayne. Or els his wrong with greater puissance maintaine." Which when she heard, as in despightfull wise She wilfully her sorrow did augment, • And offred hope of comfort did despise : Her golden lockes most cruelly she rent, And scratcht her face with ghastly dreriment ; Ne would she speake, ne see, ne yet be scene. But hid her visage, and her head downe bent. Either for grievous shame, or for great teene. As if her hart with sorrow had transfixed beene: Till her that squyre bespake ; " Madame, my liefe. For Gods deare love be not so wilfull bent, But doe vouchsafe now to receive reliefe, The which good fortune doth to you present. For what bootes it to weepe and to wayment When ill is chaunst, but doth the ill increase, And the weake minde with double woe torment?" When she her squyro heard speake, she gan appease Her voluntarie paine, and feele some secret ease. Eftsoone she said ; "Ah! gentle trustie squyre, What comfort can I, wofull wretch, conceave ! Or why should ever I henceforth desyre To see faire heavens face, and life not leave, Sith that false traytour did my honour reave?" " False traytour certes," saide the Faerie knight, ** I read the man, that ever would deceave A gentle lady, or her wrong through might ! Death were too litle paine for such a fowle despight. " But now, fayre ladye, comfort to you make. And read who hath ye wrought this shamefull plight. That short revenge the man may overtake, Whereso he be, and soon upon him hght.'' " Certes," said she, *' I wote not how he hight. But under him a gray steede he did wield. Whose sides with dapled circles weren dight : Upright he rode, and in his silver shield He bore a bloodie crosse, that quartred all the field.** 7 134 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. '•'Now by my head," saide Guyon, "mncli I muse How tliat same kniglit should doe so fowle amis, Or ever gentle damzell so abuse : For may I boldly say, he sm^ely is A right good knight, and trew of word ywis : I present was, and can it witnesse well. When armes he swore, and streight did enterprls Th* adventure of the errant damozeU ; In which he hath great glory wonne, as I heare tel. " JSTathlesse he shortly shall againe be tryde, And fairely quit kim of th' imputed blame ; Els, be ye sure, he dearely shall abyde, Or make you good amendment for the same : All wrongs have mendes,but no amendes of shame* JS'ow therefore, lady, rise out of your paine, And see the salving of your blotted name." Pull loth she seemd thereto, but yet did faine ; Por she was inly glad her purpose so to gaine. Her purpose was not such as she did faine, ISTe yet her person such as it was scene ; But under simple shew, and semblant plaine, Lurkt false Duessa secretly imseene, As a chaste virgin that had wronged beene ; So had false Archimago her disguysd. To cloke her guile with sorrow and sad teene ; And eke himselfe had craftily devisd To be her squire, and do her service well aguisd. Her, late forlome and naked, he had found Where she did wander in waste wildernesse. Lurking in rockes and caves far under ground. And with greene mosse cov'riag her nakednesse To hide her shame and loathly filthinesse, Sith her Prince Arthur of proud ornaments And borrowd beauty spoyld : her nathelesse Th' enchaunter finding fit for his intents Did thus revest, and deckt with dew habiliments. For all he did was to deceive good knights,^ And draw them from pursuit of praise and famo To slug in slouth and sensuall delights, And end their daies with irrenowned shame. And now exceeding griefe him overcame. To see the Eedcrosse thus advaunced hye 5 Therefore this craftie engine he did frame. Against his praise to stirre up enmity e Of such, as vertues like mote unto hun allye. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 135 So now lie Guyon gnydes an uncouth way Tlirougli woods and mountaines, till they came at last . Into a pleasant dale that lowly lay Betwixt two hils, whose high heads, overplast, The valley did with coole shade overcast ; Through midst thereof a little river rold, "By which there sate a knight with helme unlaste, Himselfe refreshing with the liquid cold, After his travell long and labours manifold. ** Lo ! yonder he," cryde Archimage alowd, "That wrought the shamefull fact which I did shew; And now he doth himselfe in secret shrowd, To fly the vengeaunce for his outrage dew; But vaine ; for ye shall dearely do him rew: (So God ye speed and send you good successe !) Which we far off will here abide to vew." So they him left inflam'd with wrathfulnesse, That streight against that knight his speare he did addresse. Who, seeing him from far so fierce to pricke. His warlike armes about him gan embrace. And in the rest his ready speare did sticke; Tho, whenas still he saw him towards pace. He gan rencounter him in eguall race. They bene ymett, both ready to affrap. When suddeinly that warriour gan abace His threatned speare, as if some new mishap Had him betide, or hidden danger did entrap ; And cryde, " Mercie, sir knight ! and mercie, lord. For mine offence and heedelesse hardiment. That had almost committed crime abhord. And with reprochfull shame mine honour shent. Whiles cursed Steele against that badge I bent. The sacred badge of my Redeemers death, Wliich on your shield is set for ornament !'* But his fierce foe his steed could stay uneath. Who, prickt with courage kene, did cruell battell breath. But, when he heard him speake, streight way he knew His errour ; and, himselfe inclyning, sayd ; " Ah ! deare Sir Guyon, well becommeth you. But me behoveth rather to upbrayd. Whose hastie hand so far from reason strayd, That almost it did naynous violence On that fayre ymage of that hevenly mayd. That decks and armes your shield witli faire defence : Your court'sie takes on you anothcrs dew offence.'* 136 THE PAIEIE QUEENE. So beene they both, atone, and doen upreare Their bevers bright each other for to greet ; Goodly comportaunce each to other beare, And entertaine themselves with conrt'sies meet. Then said the Eedcrosse knight ; " jN'ow mote I weet, Sir Guyon, why with so fierce saliannce, And fell intent ye did at earst me meet ; Por, sith I know your goodly gouvernaunce. Great cause^I weene, you guided, or some lincouUi c^Acr-aj^cc/* *' Certes,'* said he, " weM mote I shame to tell The fond encheason that me hether led. A false infamous faitour late befell Me for to meet, that seemed ill bested, And playnd of grievous outrage, which he red A knight had wrought against a lady gent ; Which to avenge, he to this place me led. Where you he made the marke of hia intent, And now is fled : foule shame liim foltow wher he went !" So can he turne his earnest unto game, Through goodly handling and wise temperaunce. By this his aged guide in presence came ; Who, soone as on that knight his eye did glaunce, Eftsoones of him had perfect cognizaunce, Sith him in Faery court he late avizd ; And said ; "Eayre sonne, God give you happy chaunco. And that deare Crosse uppon your shield devizd, Wherewith above all knights ye goodly seeme aguizd ! " loy may you have, and everlasting fame. Of late most hard atchiev'ment by you donne. For which enrolled is your glorious name In heavenly registers above the sunne, W^here you a saint with saints your seat have wonnc i But wretched we, where ye have left your marke. Must now anew begin like race to ronne. God guide thee, Guyon, well to end thy warke. And to the wished haven bring thy weary barke !** " Palmer,*' him answered the Hedcrosse knight, ** His be the praise, that this atchiev'ment TNTought, Who made my hand the organ of His might ! More then goodwill to me attribute nought ; For all I did, I did but as I ought. 33ut you, faire sir, whose pageant next ensewes. Well mote yee thee, as well can wish your thought. That home ye may report thrise happj^ newes ! For well ye worthy bene for worth and gentle thewea." THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 137 So courteous conge both did give and take, With right hands plighted, pledges of good will. Then Guj^on forward gan his voyage make With his blacke palmer, that him guided still : Still he him guided over dale and hill, And with his steedy staffe did point his wa;y; His race with reason, and with words his will. From fowle intemperaunce he ofte did stay, And suffred not in wrath his hasty steps to stray* In this faire wize they traveild long yfere. Through many hard assayes which did betide ; Of which he honour still away did beare, And spred his glory through all countryes wide. At last, as chaunst them by a forest side To passe, for succour from the scorching ray. They heard a ruefull voice, that dearnly cride With percing shriekes and many a dolefull lay ; Which to attend, awhile their forward steps they stay. "But if that carelesse hevens," quoth she, "despise The doome of iust revenge, and take dehght To see sad pageaunts of mens miseries. As bownd by them to live in lives despight ; Yet can they not wame Death from wretched wight. Come, then ; come soone ; come, sweetest Death, to me. And take away this long lent loathed light : Sharpe be thy wounds, but sweete the medicines be. That long captived soules from weary thraldrome free. ** But thou, sweete babe, whom frowning fro ward fate Hath made sad witnesse of thy fathers fall, Sith heven thee deignes to hold in living state. Long maist thou live, and better thrive withaU Then to thy lucklesse parents did befall ! Live thou ! and to thy mother dead attest. That cleare she dide from blemish criminall : Thy httle hands embrewd in bleeding brest Loe ! I for pledges leave ! So give me leave to rest V* With that, a deadly ehrieke she forth did throw That through the wood re-echoed againe ; And after gave a grone so deepe and low That seemd her tender hart was rent in twaine. Or thrild with point of thorough-piercing paine : As gentle hynd, whose sides with cruell Steele Through launched, forth her bleeding life does raine, "VVTiiies the sad pang approching sheo does feele, Braies out her latest breath, and up her eics doth scolc. 188 TflE PAEEIB QTTEENE. WJiicli wlien tliat warriour heard, dismounting straicj From his tall steed, he rusht into the thick, And soone arrived where that sad ponrtraict Of death and dolour lay, halfe dead, halfe quick ; In whose white alabaster brest did stick A cruell knife, that made a griesly wownd, From which forth gusht a stream of gore-blood thick. That all her goodly garments" staind arownd, And into a deep sanguine dide the grassy grownd. Pitifull spectacle of deadly smart, IBeside a bubling fountaine low she lay, Which shee increased with her bleeding hart. And the cleane waves with purple gore did ray : Als in her lap a lovely babe did play His cruell sport, in stead of sorrow dew; !For in her streaming blood he did embay His little hands, and tender ioints embrew : Pitifull spectacle, as ever eie did vew! Besides them both, upon the soiled gras The dead corse of an armed knight was spred. Whose armour all with blood besprincled was ; His ruddy lips did smyle, and rosy red Did paint his chearefuU cheekes, yett being ded ; Seemd to have beene a goodly personage, Now in his freshest flowre of lustyhed, Mtt to inflame faire lady with loves rage, But that fiers fate did crop the blossome of his age. Whom when the good Sir Guyon did behold. His hart gan wexe as starke as marble stone, And his fresh blood did frieze with fearefull cold, That all his sences seemd berefte attone : At last his mighty ghost gan deepe to grone, As lion, grudging in his great disdaine, Mournes inwardly, and makes to himselfe mono ; Til ruth and frail e affection did constraine ^ His stout courage to stoupe, and shew his inward palne. Out of her gored wound the cruell steel He lightly snatcht, and did the floodgate stop With his faire garment : then gan softly feel Her feeble pulse, to prove if any drop Of living blood yet in her veynes did hop :^ Which when he felt to move, he hoped faire To call backe life to her forsaken shop : So well he did her deadly wounds repaire. That at the last shee gan to breath out living aire. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 139 \Yhich he perceiving, greatly gan rejoice, And goodly counsell, that for wounded hart Is meetest med'cine, tempred with sweete voice ; " Ay me ! deare lady, which the ymage art Of ruefuU pitty and impatient smart, What direfull chaunce armd with avenging fate, Or cursed hand, hath plaid this cruell part. Thus fowle to hasten your untimely date ? Speake, Oh, dear lady, speake ; help never comes too late.** Therewith, her dim eie-lids she up gan reare. On which the drery death did sitt as sad As lump of lead, and made darke clouds appeare : But when as him, all in bright armour clad. Before her standing she espied had, . As one out of a deadly dreame affright. She weakely started, yet she nothing drad : Streight downe againe herselfe in great despight : She groveling threw to ground, as hating life and light. The gentle knight her soone with carefull paine Uplifted hght, and softly did uphold : Thrise he her reard, and thrise she sunck againe, Till he his armes about her sides gan fold. And to her said ; " Yet, if the stony cold Have not all seized on your frozen hart. Let one word fall that may your grief unfold, And tell the secrete of your mortall smart : He oft finds present helpe, who does his griefe impart.** Then, casting up a deadly looke, full low She sigh't from bottome of her wounded brest ; And, after many bitter throbs did throw. With lips full pale, and foltring tong opprest, These words she breathed forth from riven chest; " Leave, ah! leave off, whatever wight thou bee. To lett a weary wretch from her dew rest. And trouble dying soules tranquHitee ; Take not away now got, which none would give to me." " Ah ! far be it," said he, " dear dame, fro mee. To hinder soule from her desired rest, Or hold sad life in long captivitee : For, all I seeke, is but to have redrest The bitter pangs that doth your heart infest. Tell then, O lady, tell what fatall priefe Hath with so huge misfortune you opprest ; That I may cast to compas your reliefe, Or die with you in sorrow, and partake your griefe." 140 THE FAEEIE QUEENB. With feeble hands then stretched forth on hye. As heven accusing guilty of her death, And with dry drops congealed in her eye, In these sad wordes she spent her utmost breath ; " Heare then, O man, the sorrowes that uneath My tong can tell, so far all sence they pas ! Loe ! this dead corpse, that lies here underneath, The gentlest knight, that ever on greene gras Gay steed with spurs did pricke, the good Sir Mordant was: " Was, (ay the while, that he is not so now !) My lord, my love, my deare lord, my deare love, So long as hevens iust with eguall brow Vouchsafed to behold us from above. One day, when him high corage did emmove, (As wont ye knightes to seeke adventures wilde,) He pricked forth his puissant force to prove, Me then he left enwombed of this childe. This lucklesse childe, whom thus ye see with blood delild. " Him fortuned (hard fortune ye may ghesse !) To copae, where vile Acrasia does wonne : Acrasia, a false enchaunteresse. That many errant knightes have fowle fordonno ; Within a wandring island, that doth ronne And stray in perilous gulfe, her dwelling is : !Fayre sir, if ever there ye travell, shonne The cursed land where many wend amis. And know it hy the name ; it hight the JBoiure of BUs, ** Her blis is all in pleasure, and delight. Wherewith she makes her lovers dronken mad ; And then with words, and weedes, of wondrous might, On them she workes her will to uses bad : My liefest lord she thus beguiled had ; Por he was flesh : (all flesh doth frayltie breed !) Whom when I heard to beene so ill bestad, (Weake wretch,) I wrapt myselfe in palmers weed. And cast to seek him forth through danger and great drccd, " Now had fay re Cynthia by even tournes Pull measured three-quarters of her yeare. And thrice three tymes had fild her crooked homes, Whenas my wombe her burdein would forbeare. And bad me call Lucina to me neare. Lucina came : a manchild forth I brought : The woods, the nymphes, my bowres, my midwives, wearo Hard help at need ! so deare thee, babe, I bought ; Yet nought too dear I deemd, while so my deare I sought. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 141 " Him so I souglit ; and so at last I fownd. Where him that witch had thralled to her will, - Id chaines of lust and lewde desyres ybownd, And so transformed from his former skill, That me he knew not, nether his owne ill ; Till, through wise handling and faire governaunce, I him recured to a better will. Purged from drugs of fowle intemperaunce : Then meanes I gan devise for his deliverance. " "Which when the vile enchauntresse perceiv'd. How that my lord from her I would reprive, With cup thus charmd him parting she deceivd ; * Sad verse, give death to him that death does give. And losse of love to her that loves to live, So soone as Bacchus with the ]N"ymphe does lincke !* So parted we, and on our iourney drive : Till, coming to this well, he stoupt to drincke : The charme fulfild, dead suddeinly he downe did sincke. " Which, when I, wretch" — Not one word more slie sayd, !But breaking off the end for want of breath. And sly ding soft, as downe to sleep e her layd, And ended all her woe in quiet death. That seeing, good Sir Guy on could uneath From teares abstayne ; for griefe his hart did grate, And from so heavie sight his head did wreath, Accusing fortune, and too cruell fate, Which plonged had faire lady in so wretched state. Then, turning to his palmer, said ; '* Old syre, Behold the ymage of mortalitie. And feeble nature cloth'd with fleshly tyre ! When raging Passion with fierce tyranny Pobs Keason of her dew regalitie. And makes it servaunt to her basest part ; The strong it weakens with infirmitie. And with bold furie amies the weakest hart ! [smart." The strong through pleasure soonest faUes, the weakc through "But Temperaunce," said he, "with golden squire Betwixt them both can measure out a meane ; Nether to melt in pleasures whott desyre. Nor frye in hartlesse griefe and dolefull tene : Thrise happy man, who fares them both atweeno ! , But sith this Avretched woman overcome Of anguish, rather then of crime, hath bene, Eeserye her cause to her eternall doome ; And, in the meane, vouchsafe her honorable toombe.'* 142 THE FAERIE QUEENE. " Palmer," quotli lie, " deatli is an equall dooino To good and bad, the common in of rest ; But after death the tryall is to come, When best shall bee to them that Hved best : ]3ut both alike, when death hath both supprest, [Religious reverence doth burial teene ; Which who^o wants, wants so much of his rest s For all so greet shame after death I weene. As selfe to dyen bad, nnburied bad to beene. So both agree their bodies to engrave : The great earthes wombe they open to the sty. And with sad cypresse seemely it embrave ; Then, covering with a clod their closed eye. They lay therein their corses tenderly. And bid them sleepe in everlasting peace. But, ere they did their utmost obsequy. Sir Guyon more affection to increace, Bynempt a sacred vow, which none should ay releace. The dead knights sword out of his sheath he drew. With which he cutt a lock of all their heare, Which medling with their blood and earth he threw Into the grave, and gan devoutly sweare ; ** Such and such evil God on Guyon reare. And worse and worse, young orphane, be thy payne. If I, or thou, dew vengeaunce doe forbeare, Till guiltie blood her guerdon doe obtayne !" — So, shedding many teares, they closd the earth agayne. CANTO 11. Babes bloody handes may not be clensd. The face of Golden Meane : Her sisters, Two Extremities, Strive her to banish cleane. Thus when Sir Guyon with his faithful guydc Had with dew rites and dolorous lament The end of their sad tragedie uptyde. The little babe up in his armes he hent ; Who with sweet pleasaunce, and bold blandishment, Gan smyle on them, that rather ought to weepe, As carelesse of his woe, or innocent Of that was doen ; that ruth emperced deepe [steepen In that knightes hart, and wordes with bitter teares did THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 143 "All ! luctlesse babe, borne under cruell starre. And in dead parents baleful! ashes bred. Full little weenest thou what sorrowes are Left thee for porcion of thy livelyhed ; Poore orphane I in the wide world scattered. As budding braunch rent from the native tree. And throwen forth, till it be withered ! Such is the state of men ! Thus enter we Into this life with woe, and end with miseree l" Then, soft himselfe inclyning on his knee Downe to that well, did in the water weene (So love does loath disdainefull nicitee) His guiltie handes from bloody gore to cleene : He washt them oft and oft,' yet nought they beene For all his washing cleaner : still he strove ; Yet still the litle hands were bloody scene ; The which him into great amazement drove. And into diverse doubt his wavering wonder clove. He wist not whether blott of fowle offence Might not be purgd with water nor with bath ; Or that High God, in lieu of innocence. Imprinted had that token of His wrath, To shew how sore bloodguiltinesse He hat'th ; Or that the charme and veneme, which they dronck, Their blood with secret filth infected hath. Being diffused through the senceless tronck That, through the great contagion, direful deadly stonck. Whom thus at gaze the palmer gan to bord With goodly reason, and thus fayre bespake ; " Ye bene right hard amated, gratious lord. And of your ignorance great marveill make Whiles cause not well conceived ye mistake. Eut know, that secret vertues are infusd In every fountaine, and in everie lake. Which, who hath skill them rightly to have chusd. To proofe of passing wonders hath full often usd : " Of those, some were so from their sourse indewd By great dame JN'ature, from whose fruitfuU pap Their welheads spring, and are with moisture deawd ; Which feeds each living plant with liquid sap, And fills with flowres fayre Floraes painted lap : But other some, by guifte of later grace Or by good prayers, or by other hap, Had vertue pourd into their waters bace, [place* And thenceforth were renowmd, and sought from place to 144 THE FAERIE QUEENE. *' Sucli is this well, vrronglit by occasion strauni^e, Whicli to tier nympK befell. Upon a dav, As she the woodes ^ith bow andshaftes did ran age. The heartlcssc h^^nd and roebucke to dismaj', Dan Fannus chaunsfc to meet her by the way, And, kindling fire at her faire-bnming eye, Inflamed was- to follow beauties chace, And chased her, that fast from him did fly; As hynd from her, so she fled from her enimy. ** At last, when fayling breath began to faint. And saw no meanes to scape ; of shame affrayd. She set her downe to weepe for sore constraint ; And, to Diana calling lowd for ayde. Her deare besought to let her die a mayd. The goddesse heard; and suddeine, where she sate Welling out stream es of teares, and quite dismayd With stony feare of that rude rustick mate, Transformd her to a stone from stedfast virgins state. " Lo ! now she is that stone ; from whose two heads. As from two weeping eyes, fresh streames do flow. Yet colde through feare and old conceived dreads ; And yet the stone her semblance seemes to show, Shapt like a maide, that such ye may her know ; And yet her vertues in her water byde : For it is chaste and pure as purest snow, "Ne lets her waves with any filth be dyde ; But ever, hke herselfe, imstayned hath beene tryde. " From thence it comes, that this babes bloody hand May not be clensd with water of this well: "Ne certes, sir, strive you it to withstand. But let them still be bloody, as befell, That they his mothers innocence may tell, As she bequeathd in her last testament ; That as a sacred s^mbole, it may dwell In her sonnes flesh, to mind revengement. And be for all chaste dames an endlesse moniment.** He hearkned to his reason •**'and the childe Ilptaking, to the palmer gave to beare; But his sad fathers armes with blood defilde. An heavie load, himselfe did hghtly reare ; And turning to that place, in which whylearo He left his loftie steed with golden sell And goodly gorgeous barbes, him found not theare s By other accident, that earst befell. He is convaide ; but how, or where, here fits not tell. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 145 Whicli when Sir Guyon saw, all were lie wroth. Yet a] gates mote lie soft himselfe appease. And fairely fare on foot, however loth : His double burden did him sore disease. So, long they travelled with little ease. Till that at last they to a castle came. Built on a rocke adioyning to the seas : It was an auncient worke of antique fame, ^ And wondrous strong by nature and by skilfull frame. Therein three sisters dwelt of sundry sort. The children of one syre by mothers three 5 Who, dying whylome, did divide this fort To them by equall shares in equall fee : But stryfull mind and diverse qualitee Drew them in partes, and each made others foe : Still did they strive and daily disagree ; The eldest ctid against the youngest goe. And both against the middest meant to worken woe. Where when the knight arrived, he was right well Heceiv'd, as knight of so much worth became. Of second sister, who did far excell The other two ; Medina was her name, A sober, sad, and comely courteous dame : Who rich arayd, and yet in modest guize. In goodly garments that her well became, Fayre marching forth in honorable wize, Him at the threshold mett and well did enterprize. She led him up into a goodly bowre. And comely courted with meete modestic 5 No in her speach, ne in her haviour,^ Was lightnesse scene or looser vanitie. But gratious womanhood, and gravitie. Above the reason of her youthly yeares : Her golden lockes she roundly did uptye In breaded tramels, that no looser lieares Did out of order stray about her daintie eareg# Whilst she her selfe thus busily did frame Seemely to entertaine her new-come guest, Newes hereof to her other sisters came. Who all this while were at their wanton rest, Accourtin^each her frend with lavish fest : They w^ere two knights of perelesse puissaunce. And famous far abroad for warlike gest. Which to these ladies love did countenaunce, And to his mistresse each himselfo strove to advaunco. 146 THE FAEBIE QUEENE. He, that inaAe love unto the eldest dame, AYas hight Sir Huddibras, an hardy man; Yet not so good of deedes as great of name, Which he by many rash adventures Tran, Since errant armes to sew he first began. jMore huge in strength than wise in workes he was And reason with fool-hardize over-ran ; Sterne melancholy did his courage pas ; And was, for terrour more, all armd in shyning bras. But he, that ioy'd the youngest, was Sansloy; He, that faire Una late fowle outraged, The most unruly and the boldest boy That ever warlike weapons menaged, And all to lawlesse lust encouraged Through strong opinion of his matchlesse might 5 JNTe ought he car'd whom he endamaged By. tortious wrong, or whom bereav'd of right ; He, now this ladies champion, chose for love to fight. These two gay knights vowd to so diverse loves. Each other does envy with deadly hate, And daily warre against his foeman moves, In hoiDC to win more favour with his mate, And th' others pleasing service to abate, To magnifie his owne. But when they heard How in that place straunge knight arrived late, Both knights and ladies forth right angry far'd. And fercely unto battell sterne themselves prepar'd. But, ere they could proceede unto the place "Where he abode, themselves at discord fell, And cruell combat ioynd in middle space : With horrible assault, and fury fell. They heapt huge strokes the scorned life to quell, That all on uprore from her settled seat The house was raysd, and all that in did dwell; Seemd that lowd thunder with amazement great Did rend the ratling skyes with fiames of fouldring heat. The noyse thereof cald forth that straunger knight, To weet what dreadfull thing was there in hond ; Where whenas two brave knightes in bloody fight With deadly rancour he enraunged fond, His sunbroad shield about his wrest he bond. And shyning blade imsheathd, with which he ran Unto that stead, then* strife to understond ; And, at his first arrivall, them began Witk goodly meanes to pacific, well as he can. THE FAERIE QUEEN E. 147 But they, him spying, both with greedy forse Attonce upon him ran, and him beset With strokes of mortall Steele without remorse, And on his shield like yron sledges bet. As when a beare and tygre, being met In cruell fight on Lybicke ocean wide, Espye a traveiler with feet surbet. Whom they in equall pray hope to divide. They stint their strife and him assay le on everie side. But he, not like a wearie traveilere. Their sharp assault right boldly did rebut, And sufFred not their blowes to byte him nere, But with redoubled buffes them backe did put : Whose grieved mindes, which choler did englut, Against themselves turning their wrathfull spight, Gan with new rage their shieldes to hew and cut. But still, when Guyon came to part their fight. With heavie load on him they freshly gan to smight. As a tall ship tossed in troublous seas, Whom raging windes, threatning to make the pray Of the rough rockes, doe diversly disease, Meetes two contrarie billowes by the way. That her on either side doe sore assay, And boast to swallow her in greedy grave ; Shee, scorning both their spights, does make wide way. And with her brest breaking the fomy wave. Does ride on both thek backs, and faire herself doth save : So boldly he him beares, and rusheth forth Betweene them both, by conduct of his blade. Wondrous great prowesse and heroick worth He shewd that day, and rare ensample made, When two so mightie warriours ho dismade : Attonce he wards and strikes ; he takes and paies ; Now forst to yield, now forcing to invade ; Before, behind, and round about him laies : So double was his paines, so double be his praise. Straunge sort of fight, three valiaunt knights to sec Three combates ioine in one, and to darraino A triple warre with triple enmitee, All for their ladies froward love to gaine. Which, gotten, was but hate. So Love does raino In stoutest minds, and maketh monstrous warre; He maketh warre, he maketh peace againe, And yett his peace is but continual iarre : O miserable men, that to him subject axre ! 148 THE PAERIE QTJEENE. Wliilst tlius tliey mingled were in furious armes. The faire Medina with her tresses torne And naked brest, in pitty of tkeir harmes, Emongst them ran; and, falling them beforne. Besought them by the womb which, them had born And by the loves which were to them most deare. And by the knighthood which they sure had suorn Their deadly cruell discord to forbeare. And to her lust conditions of faire peace to heare. But her two other sisters, standing by, Her lowd gainsaid ; and both their claampions bad Pursew the end of their strong enmity, As ever of their loves they would be glad : Yet she with pitthy words, and counsell sad. Still strove their stubborne rages to revoke ; That at the last, suppressing fury mad, They gan abstaine from dint of direfull stroke^ Ajid harken to the sober speaches which she spoke. " Ah ! puissant lords, what cursed evill spright, Or fell Erinnys, in your noble harts Her hellish brond hath kindled with despight. And stird you up to worke your wilfull smarts ? Is this the ioy of armes ? be these the parts Of glorious knighthood, after blood to thrust, And not regard dew right and iust desarts ? Yaine is the vaunt, and victory uniust. That more to mighty hands then rightfull cause doth trust. " And were there rightfull cause of dilTerence, Yet were not better fayre it to accord. Then with blood-guiltinesse to heape offence And mortal vengeaunce ioj^ne to crime abhord? O ! fly from wrath; fly, O my liefest lord! Sad. be the sights, and bitter fmits of warre. And thousand furies wait on wrathfull sword : "Ne ought the praise of prowesse more doth marre Then fowle revenging rage, and base contentious iarre. " But lovely concord, and most sacred peace, Doth nourish vertue, and fast friendship breeds ; ^ Weake she makes strong, and strong thing does increace. Till it the pitch of highest praise exceeds : Brave be her warres, and honorable deeds. By which she triumphs over yre and pride. And winnes an olive girlond jfor her meeds. Be therefore, O my deare lords, pacifide. And this misseeming discord meekely lay aside.** THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 140 Her gracious words their rancour did appall. And suncke so deepe into their boyling brests. That downe they lett their cruell weapons fall, And lowly did abase their lofty crests To her faire presence and discrete behests. Then she began a treaty to procure, ^ And stablish terms betwixt both their requests, That as a law for ever should endure; Which to observe, in word of knights they did assure. Which to confirme and fast to bind their league. After their weary sweat and bloodjr toile, She then besought, during their quiet treague. Into her lodging to repair a while. To rest themselves, and grace to reconcile. They soone consent : so forth with her they fare; Where they are well receivd and made to spoile Themselves of soiled armes, and to prepare Their minds to pleasure, and their mouths to dainty fare. And those two froward sisters, their faire loves. Came with them eke, all were they wondrous loth, • And fained cheare, as for the time behoves ; But could not colour yet so well the troth, But that their natures bad appeard in both: !For both did at their second sister grutch And inly grieve, as doth an hidden moth The inner garment frett, not th' utter touch; One thought her cheare too litle, th' other thought too in u lulu Ehssa (so the eldest hight) did deeme Such entertainment base, ne ought would eat, Ne ought would speake, but evermore did seeme As discontent for want of merth or meat; No solace could her paramour intreat Her once to show, ne court, nor dalhaunce; But with bent lowring browes, as she would threat, She scould, and frownd with froward countenaunce; Unworthy of faire ladies comely governaunce. But young Perissa was of other mynd, Pull of disport, still laughing, loosely light. And quite contrary to her sisters kynd; No measure in her mood, no rule of right, But poured out in pleasure and dehght: In wine and meats she flowd above the banck, And in excesse exceeded her owne might; In sumptuous tire she ioyd her self to i)ranck, But of her love too lavish : httlo have she thanck t 150 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Fast by lier side did sitt tlie bold Sansloy, Fitt mate for such a mincing mineon, VYIlo in her loosenesse tooke exceeding ioy; Might not be found a francker franion, Of her leawd parts to make companion. But Huddibras, more hke a male content, Pid see and grieve at his bold fashion; Hardly could he endure his hardiment; i'ett still he satt, and inly did himselfe torment. Betwixt them both the faire Medina sate With sober grace and goodly carriage: With equall measure she did moderate The strong extremities of their outrage; That forward paire she ever would ass wage. When they would strive dew reason to exceed; But that same froward twaine would accorage. And of her plenty adde unto their need: So kept she them in order, and herselfe in heed. Thus fairely shee attempered her feast. And pleasd them all with meete satiety: At last, when lust of meat and drinke was ceast. She Guyon deare besought of courtesie To tell from whence he came through ieopardy. And whether now on new adventure bownd: W^ho with bold grace, and comely gravity, Drawing to him the eies of all arownd, iFrom lofty siege began these words alowd to sownd. " This thy demaund, O lady, doth revive Fresh memory in me of that great queene. Great and most glorious virgin queene alive. That with her soveraine power, and scepter shene. All Faery lend does peaceably sustene. In widest ocean she her throne does reare. That over all the earth it may be scene; As morning sunne her beams dispredden cleare; And in her face faire peace and mercy doth appeare. " In her the richesse of all heavenly grace In chiefe degree are heaped up on hye: And all, that els this worlds enclosure baco Hath great or glorious in mortall eye, Adorues the person of her maiestye ; That men, beholding so great excellence And rare perfection in mortality e. Doe her adore with sacred reverence, As th' idole of her Makers great magnificence. THE FAEEIB QTTEENE. 151 " To her I liomage and my service owe, In number of the noblest knightes on ground, Mongst whom on me she deigned to bestowe Order of maydenhead, the most renownd. That may this day in all the world be found. An yearely solemn feast she wontes to make, The day that first doth lead the yeare around, To which all knights of worth and courage bold Eesort, to heare of straunge adventures to be told. " There this old palmer shewd himselfe that day. And to that mighty princess e did complaine Of grievous mischiefes, which a wicked Fay Had wrought, and many whelmd in deadly paine. Whereof he crav'd redresse. My soveraine, Whose glory is in gracious deeds, and ioyes Throughout the world her mercy to maintaine, Eftsoones devisd redresse for such annoyes : Me, all unfitt for so great purpose, she employes. " JN'ow hath faire Phebe with her silver face Thrise scene the shade wes of the neather world, Sith last I left that honorable place, In which her roiall presence is entrold; 'Ne ever shall I rest in house nor hold. Till I that false Acrasia have wonne; Of whose fowle deedes, too hideous to bee told, I witnesse am, and this their wretched sonne Whose wofull parents she hath wickedly fordonne." " Tell on, fayre sir," said she, " that dolefull tale, From which sad ruth does seeme you to restraine. That we may pitty such unhappie bale, And learne from Pleasures poyson to abstaine: 111, by ensample, good doth often gayne." Then forward he his purpose gan pursew, And told the story of the mortall payne. Which Mordant and Amavia did row; As, with lamenting eyes, himselfe did lately vew, IN'ight was far spent; and now in ocean deep Orion, flying fast from hissing snake. His flaming head did hasten for to steep, When of his pitteous tale he end did make : Whilst with delight of that he wisely spake Those guestes beguyled did beguyle their eyes Of kindly sleepe, that did them overtake. At last, when they had markt the chaunged skyes, They wist their howre was spent; then each to rest him hyes. 152 THE FAEEIE QUEEKE. CANTO ni. Vainc Braggadocchio, getting Guy- ons horse, is made the scorne Of knighthood trew ; and is of fayre Belphoebe fowle forlorne. SooNE as tlie morrow fayre witK purple beamcs Disperst tlie shadowes of the misty niglit. And. Titan, playing on the eastern streames, Gan cleare the deawy ayre with springing light 5 Sir Guyon, mindfuU of his vow yplight, Uprose from drowsie couch, and him addrest Unto the iourney which he had behight : His puissant armes about his noble brest, ^ And many folded shield he bound about his wrest. Then, taking conge of that virgin pure, The bloody-handed babe unto her truth Did earnestly committ, and her coniure In vertuous lore to traine his tender youth. And all that gentle noriture ensu'th; And that, so soone as ryper yeares he raught, Ae might, for memory of that daj^es ruth, [Be called Euddymane; and thereby taught T' avenge his parents death on them that had it wi-ougTitt So forth he fard, as now befell, on foot, Sith his good steed is lately from him gone; Patience perforce: helplesse what may it boot To frett for anger, or for griefe to mone ? His palmer now shall foot no more alone. So fortune wrought, as under greene woodes sydo He lately heard that dying lady grone. He left his steed without, and speare besyde. And rushed in on foot to ayd her ere she dyde. The whyles a losell wandring by the way, One that to bountie never cast his mynd, INTc thought of honour ever did assay His baser brest, but in his kestrell kynd A pleasing vaine of glory he did fynd, To which his flowing toung and troublous sprlght Gave him great ayd, and made him more inclynd; He, that brave steed there finding ready dight, Purloynd both steed and speare, and ran away full light. THE FAEEIE QUEEl^TE, 153 Now gan liis tarfc all swell in ioUity, And of liimselfe great hope and help conceiv'd. That puffed up with smoke of vanity, And with selfe-loved personage deceived. He gan to hope of men to be received For such, as he him thought, or faine would bee: But for in court gay portaunce he perceiv'd, And gallant shew to be in greatest gree, Eftsoones to court he cast t' advaunce his first degree. And by the way he channced to espy One sitting ydle on a sunny bancke. To whom avaunting in great bravery, As peacocke that his painted plumes doth pranck. He smote his courser in the trembling flanck. And to him threatned his hart-thrilling speare The seely man, seeing him ryde so ranck And ayme at him, fell flat to ground for feare, And crying, " Mercy,'* loud, his pitious handes gan reareu Thereat the scarcrow wexed wondrous prowd, Through fortune of his first adventure fayre, And with big thundring voice revyld him lowd ; "Vile caytive, vassal of dread and despayre? Unworthie of the commune breathed ayre. Why livest thou, dead dog, a lenger day, And doest not unto death thyselfe prepayre ? Dy, or thyselfe my captive yield for ay: Great favour I thee graunt for aunswere thus to stay.** " Hold, O deare lord, hold your dead-doing hand,'* Then loud he cryde, " I am your humble thrall.'* ** Ah wretch," quoth he, " thy destinies withstand My wrathfuU will, and doe for mercy call. I give thee life : therefore prostrated fall. And kisse my stirrup ; that thy homage bee." The miser threw himselfe, as an offall, Streight at his foot in base humilitee, And cleeped him his liege, to hold of him in fee. So happy peace they made and faire accord* Eftsoones this liegeman gan to wexe more bold. And, when he felt the folly of his lord, In his owne kind he gan himselfe unfold: For he was wylie witted, and gro^^no old In cunning sleightes and practick knavery. From that day forth he cast for to uphold His ydle humour with fine flattery, And'blow the bellowes to his swelling vanity. 154 , THE FAEEIE QXTEENE. Trompart, fitt man for Braggadoccliio To serve at court in yiew of vaunting eye: Vaine-glorious man, when fluttring wind does blow In his light winges, is lifted n-g to skye ; The scorne of knighthood and trew chevalrye. To thinke, without desert of gentle deed And noble worth, to be advaunced hye ; Such prayse is shame; but honour, vertues meed, Doth beare the fayrest flowre in honourable seed. So forth they pas, a well consorted payre, Till that at length with Archimage they meet: \ Who seeing one, that shone in armour fayre, On goodly courser thondring with his feet, Eftsoones supposed him a person meet Of his revenge to make the instrument : [For since the E-edcrosse knight he erst did weet To been with Guyon knitt in one consent, The ill, which earst to him, he now to Guyon ment. And comming close to Trompart gan inquere Of him, what mightie warriour that mote bee. That rode in golden sell with single spere, But wanted sword to wreake his enmitee. ** He is a great adventurer," said he, *' Tliat hath his sword through hard assay forgone. And now hath vowd, till he avenged bee Of that despight, never to wearen none; That speare is him enough to doen a thousand grone.** Th* enchaunter greatly ioyed in the vaunt. And weened well ere long his will to win. And both his foen with eguall foyle to daunt : Tho to him louting lowly did begin To plaine of wronges, which had committed bin 33y Guyo3i, and by that false Bedcrosse knight ; Which two, through treason and deceiptfull gin, Had slayne Sir Modant and his lady bright: That mote him honour win, to wreak so foule despight. Therewith all suddeinlj^ he seemd enrag'd, And threatned death with dreadfull countenaunce; As if their lives had in his hand beene gag'd; And with stiffe force shaking his mortaU launce. To let him weet his doughtie valiaunce, Thus said ; " Old man, great sure shal be thy meed, If, where those knights for feare of dew vengeaiince Doe lurke, thou certeinly to mee areed, That I may wreake on them their hainous hateful deed,* ^ THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 155 " Certes, my lord," said he, " that shall I soone, And give you eke good helpe to their decay, Eut mote I wisely you advise to doon; Give no ods to your foes, but doe purvay Yours elfe of sword before that bloody day; (For they be two the pro west knights on grownd. And oft approv'd in many hard assay;) And eke of surest Steele, that may be fownd. Do arme yourselfe against that day, them to confownd." "Dotard," saide he, "let be thy deepe advise ; Seemes that through many yeares thy wits thee faile^ And that weake eld hath left thee nothing wise. Els never should thy iudgement be so frayle To measure manhood by the sword or mayle. Is not enough fowre quarters of a man. Without en sword or shield, an hoste to quayle? Thou Htle wotest what this right-hand can : Speake they, which have beheld the battailes which it wan.'* The man was much abashed at his boast ; Yet well he wist that whoso would contend With either of those knightes on even coast. Should neede of all his armes him to defend ; Yet feared least his boldnesse should offend : When Braggadocchio saide ; " Once I did sweare. When with one sword seven knightes 1 brought to end. Thenceforth in battaile never sword to beare. But it were that which noblest knight on earth doth weare." "Perdy, sir knight," saide then th' enchaunter bhve, " That shall I shortly purchase to your hond : For now the best and noblest knight alive Prince Arthur is, that wonnes in 'Faerie lond ; He hath a sword, that flames like burning brond : The same, by my device, I undertake Shall by to-morrow by thy side be fond." At which bold word that boaster gan to quake, And wondred in his minde what mote that monster make. He stayd not for more bidding, but away Was suddein vanished out of his sight : The northerne winde his wings did broad display At his commaund, and reared him up light From off the earth to take his aerie flight. They lookt about, but no where could espye Tract of his foot : then dead through great afiright They both nigh were, and each bad other flye: Both fled attoncc, ne ever backe rctourned'eye ; 153 THE FAEEIE QUEENB, Till tliat they come unto a forrest greene, In wliicli they sh.ro wd themselves from causeles feare; Yet feare them followes still, where so they beene : Each trembling leafe and whistling wind they heare, As ghastly bug, does greatly them affeare : Yet both doe strive their fearefulnesse to faine. At last they heard a home that shrilled cleare Throughout the wood that ecchoed againe, And made the forrest ring, as it would rive in twaine. Eft through the thiclre they heard one rudely rush ; With noyse whereof he from his loftie steed Downe fell to ground, and crept into a bush, To hide his coward head from dying dreed. But Trompart stoutly stayd to taken heed Of what might hap. ^ Eftsoone there stepped foorth A goodly ladie clad in hunters weed, That seemd to be a woman of great worth, And by her stately portance borne of heavenly birth. Her face so faire, as flesh it seemed not, But hevenly pourtraict of bright angels hew, Cleare as the skye, withouten blame or blot. Through goodly mixture of complexions dew; And in her cheekes the vermeill red did shew Like roses in a bed of lillies shed, The which ambrosiall odours from them threw. And gazers sence with double pleasure fed, Hable to heale the sicke and to revive the ded. In her faire eyes two living lamps did flame. Kindled above at th' hevenly Makers lights And darted fyrie beames out of the same, So passing persant and so wondrous bright, That quite bereav'd the rash beholders sight : In them the blinded god his lustfull fyre To kindle oft assayd, but had no might ; For, with dredd maiestie and awfull yre, She broke his wanton darts, and quenched baco dcsyre. Her yvorie forhead full of bountie brave. Like a broad table did itselfe dispred. For Love, his loftie triumphes to engrave. And write the battailes of his great godhed: All good and honour might therein be red ; Eor there their dwelling was. And, when she spake, Sweete wordes, like dropping honny, she did shed ; And twixt the perles and rutins softly brake A silver sound, that heavenly musicke seemd to make. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 157 • Upon lier eyelids many graces sate, Under the sliadow of her even browes, Working belgardes and amorous retrate; And everie one her with a grace endowes, And everie one with meekenesse to her bowes : So glorious mirrhour of celestiall grace, And soveraine moniment of mortall vowes. How shall frayle pen descrive her heavenly face, For feare, through want of skill, her beauty to disgrace ! So faire, and thousand thousand times more fair©. She seemd, when she presented was to sight ; And was yclad, for heat of scorching aire. All in a silken Camus lilly whight, Purfled upon with many a folded plight, "Which all above besprinckled was throughout With golden aygulets, that glistred bright, Like twinckling starres ; and all the skirt about Was hemd with golden fringe. Below her ham her weed did somewhat trayne. And her streight legs most bravely were embayld In gilden buskins of costly cordwayne, All i3ard with golden bendes, which were entayld With curious antickes, and full fayre aumayld. Before, th5y fastned were under her knee In a rich iewell, and therein entrayld ^ The ends of all the knots, that none might see How they within their fouldings close enwrapped bee 51 Like two faire marble pillours they were scene, Which doe the temple of the gods support, Whom all the people decke with girlands greene. And honour in their festivall resort ; Those same with stately grace and princely port She taught to tread, when she herselfe would grace, But with the woody nymphes when she did play, Or when the flying libbard she did chace, She could them nimbly move, and after fly apace. And in her hand a sharp bore-speare she held, And at. her backe a bow and quiver gay, Stuft with steel-headed dartes wherewith she queld The salvage beastes in her victorious play. Knit with a golden bauldricke which forelay Athwart her snowy brest, and did divide Her daintie paps ; which, like young fruit in May, Now little gan to swell, and being tide Through her thin weed their places only signifide. 8 158 THE FAERIE QT7EENE. • Her yeUow lockes, crisped like golden wyre, About her slioulders weren loosely shed. And, when the wind emongst them did inspyre. They waved like a penon wyde dispred, And low behinde her backe were scattered : And, whether art it were or heedlesse hap, As through the flouring forrest rash she fled, In her rude heares sweet flowres themselves did lap, And flourishing fresh leaves and blossoms did enwrap. Such as Diana by the sandy shore Of swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus greene, Where all the nymphes have her unwares forlore, Wandreth alone with bow and arrowes keene, To seeke her game : or as that famous queene. Of Amazons, whom Pyrrhus did destroy. The day the first of Priame she was scene, Did shew herselfe in great triumphant ioy. To succour the weake state of sad afflicted Troy. Such when as hartlesse Trompart her did vew. He was dismayed in his coward minde. And doubted whether he himselfe should shew. Or fly away, or bide alone behinde ; Both feare and hope he in her face did finde : When she at last him spying thus bespake ; • " Hayle, groome ; didst not thou see a bleeding hynds Whose right haunch earst my stedfast arrow strake ? If thou didst, tell me, that I may her overtake." Wherewith revived, this answere forth he threw; " O goddesse, (for such I thee take to bee,) ' For nether doth thy face terrestriall shew, Nor voyce sound mortall ; I avow to thee, Such wounded beast, as that, I did not see, Sith earst into this forrest wild I came. IBut mote thy goodlyhed forgive it mee. To weete which of the gods I shall thee name. That unto thee dew worship I may rightly frame.*' To whom she thus—But ere her words ensewd, Unto the bush her eye did suddein glaunce, In which yaine Braggadocchio-was mewd. And saw it stirre : she lefte her percing launce. And towards gan a deadly shafte advaunce. In mind to marke the beast. At which sad stowre, Trompart forth stept, to stay the mortall chaunce, Out crying ; " O ! whatever hevenly powre, Or earthly wight thou be, withhold this deadly hoi^ re ! THE FAEEIE QUEEN E. 159 *' O ! stay thy hand ; for yonder is no game For thy ners arrowes, them to exercize ; But loe ! my lord, my hege, whose warlike name Is far renowmd through many bold emprize ; And now in shade he shrowded yonder lies." She staid : with that he crauld out of his nest, Forth creeping on his caitive hands and thies ; And standing stoutly up his lofty crest Did fiercely shake, and rowze as comming late from rest. As fearfull fowle, that long in secret cave For dread of soring hauke herselfe hath hid, Not caring how, her silly life to save. She her gay painted plumes disorderid ; Seeing at last herselfe from daunger rid, Peeps forth, and soone renews her native pride; She gins her feathers fowle disfigured Prowdly to prune, and sett on every side ; So shakes off shame, ne thinks how erst she did her hide. So when her goodly visage he beheld. He gan himselfe to vaunt : but, when he vewd Those deadly tooles which in her hand she held Soone into other fitts he was trans mewd. Till she to him her gracious speach renewd ; " All haile, sir knight, and well may thee befall. As all the like, which honor have pursewd Through deeds of armes and prowesse martiall ! All vertue merits praise, but such the most of all.** To whom he thus ; " O fairest imder skie, Trew be thy words, and worthy of thy praise. That warlike feats doest highest glorifie. Therein I have spent all my youthly daies. And many battades fought and many fraies Throughout the world, wherso they might be found, Endevoring my dreaded name to raise Above the moone, that Fame may it resound In her eternall trompe with laurell girlond cround. *' But what art thou, O lady, which doest raunge In this wilde forest, where no pleasure is, And doest not it for ioyous court exchaunge, Emongst thine equall peres, where happy blis And all delight does raigne much more then this P There thou maist love, and dearly loved be, And swim in pleasure, which thou here doest mis ; Tiiere maist thou best be scene, and best maist sec : Tiie wood ia fit for beasts, the court is fitt for thee." 160 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. *' Whoso in pompe of prowd estate," quoth she, " Does swim, and bathes himselfe in courtly bhs. Does waste his daies in darke obscuritee, And in obUvion ever buried is : Where ease abownds, yt's eath to doe amis : But who his Hmbs with labours, and his mynd Behaves with cares, cannot so easy mis. Abroad in armes, at home in studious kjmd, Who seekes with painfull toile, shall Honor soonest fynd : " In woods, in waves, in warres, she wonts to dwell, And wil be found with perill and with paine ; JN'e can the man, that moulds in ydle cell, Unto her happy mansion attaine : Before her gate High God did Sweate ordaine. And wakefuLl Watches ever to abide : But easy is the way and passage plaine To Pleasures pallace ; it may soone be spide, And day and night her dores to all stand open wide. " In Princes Court" — The rest she would have sayd. But that the fooHsh man, (fild T\ith delight Of her sweete words that all his sence dismayd. And with her wondrous beauty ravisht quight,) Gan burne in filthy lust ; and, leaping hght, Thought in his bastard armes her to embrace.^ With that she, swarving backe, her iavelin bright Against him bent, and fiercely did menace : So turned her about, and fled away apace. Which when the pesaunt saw, amazd he stood, And grieved at her flight ; yet durst he not Pursew her steps through wild unknowen wood ; Besides he feard her wrath, and threatned shott, Whiles in the bush he lay, not yet forgott : ISTe car'd he greatly for her presence vaj^ne, But turning said to Trompart ; " What fowle blott Is this to knight, that lady should agayne Depart to woods untoucht, and leave so proud disdayne !" " Perdy," said Trompart, " lett her pas at will. Least by her presence daunger mote befall. Por who can tell (and sure I feare it ill) But that shee is some powre celestiall ? For, whiles she spake, her great words did appall My feeble corage, and my heart oppresse. That yet I quake and tremble over all." " And I," said Braggadocchio, " thought no lesse, When first I heard her horn sound with such ghastlinessa THE FAESIE QUEENE. IGl " For from my motliers wombe this grace I have Me given by eternall destiny, Tbat earthly thing may not my corage brave Dismay with feare, or cause one foote to flye. But either helhsh feends, or powres on hye : Which was the cause, when earst that horn I heard. Weening it had been thunder in the skye, I hid my selfe from it as one affeard ; But^ when I other knew, my self I boldly reard. " But now, for feare of worse that may betide. Let us soone hence depart." They soone agree : So to his steed he gott, and gan to ride As one unfitt therefore, that all might see He had not trayned bene in chevalree. Which well that valiaunt courser did discerne 5 Por he despisd to tread in dew degree. But chaufd and fom'd with corage fiers and steme. And to be easd of that base burden still did erne, • CANTO IV. Guyon does Furor bind in chaines^ And stops Occasion : Delivers Phedon, and tlierefore By Strife is rayld uppon. In brave poursuitt of honorable deed. There is I know not what great dijQferenco Betweene the vulgar and the noble seed. Which unto things of valorous pretence Seemes to be borne by native influence ; As feates of armes ; and love to entertaine : But chiefly skill to ride seemes a science Proper to gentle blood : some others faine To menage steeds, as did this vaunter ; but in vaine. But he, the rightfull owner of that steede. Who well could menage and subdew his pride, The whiles on foot was forced for to yecd With that blacke palmer, his most trusty guide, Who suffred not his wandring feete to slide ; But when strong passion, or weake fleshlinesse, ^ Would from the right way sceke to draw him wide, He would, through temperaunce and stedfastnesse, Teach him the weak to strengthen, and the strong suppresso. 162 THE FAEEIE QUEENB» It fortuned, forth faring on his way, He saw from far, or seemed for to see. Some troublous uprore or contentious fray, "Wliereto he drew in hast it to agree. A mad man, or that feigned mad to bee, Drew by the heare along upon the grownd A handsom stripling with great crueltee, Whom sore he bett, and gor'd with many^ a wownd, That cheekes with teares, and sydes with blood, did all abownd. And him behynd a wicked hag did stalke In ragged robes and filthy disaray; Her other leg was lame, that she no'te walke, But on a staffe her feeble steps did stay: Her lockes, that loathly were and hoarie gray. Grew all afore, and loosly hong unrold ; But all behinde was bald, and worne away. That none thereof could ever taken hold ; And eke her face ill-fayour'd, full of wrinckles old. And, ever as she went, her toung did walke In fowle reproch and termes of vile despight, Provoking him, by her outrageous talke, To heape more vengeance on that wretched wight ; Sometimes she raught him stones, wherewith to smit, Sometimes her staffe, though it her one leg were, Withouten which she could not goe upright ; ISe any evil meanes she did forbeare, That might him move to wrath, and indignation reare. The noble Guyon, mov'd with great remorse Appro chin g, first the hag did thrust away ; And after, adding more impetuous forse, His mighty hands did on the madman lay, And pluckt him backe ; who, all on fire streightway Asrainst him turning all his fell intent, "VYith beastly brutish rage gan him assay. And smott, and bitt, and kickt, and scratcht, and rent, And did he wist not what in his avengement. And sure he was a man of mickle might, Had he had governaunce it well to guyde : But, when the frantick fittinflamd his spright, His force was vaine, and strooke more often wyde Then at the ajTned marke which he had eyde : And oft himselfe he chaunst to hurt un wares, Whylest reason, blent through passion, nought de?cryde ; But, as a bhndfold bull, at random fares, [nought cares. And where lie hits nought knowes, and whom he hurts THE FAEBIE QUEENE. 163 His rude assault and rugged liandeling Straunge seemed to tlie knight, that aye with foe In fsLjre defence and goodly menaging Of armes was wont to fight ; yet nathemoe Was he abashed now, not fighting so ; But, more enfierced through his currish play. Him sternly grypt, and, hailing to and fro. To overthrow him strongly did assay. But overthrew himselfe unawares, and lower lay; And being downe the villein sore^ did beate And bruze with clownish fistes his manly facoi And eke the hag, with many a bitter threat, Stni cald upon to kill him in the place. With whose reproch, and odious menace. The knight emboyling in his haughtie hart Knitt all his forces, and^ gan soone unbrace His grasping hold : so lightly did upstart. And drew his deadly weapon to maintaine his part. Which when the palmer saw, he loudly cryde, '* IN'ot so, O Guyon, never thinke that so That monster can be maistred or destroyd: He is not, ah ! he is not such a foe, As Steele can wounde, or strength can overthroe. That same is Furor, cursed cruel wight, That unto knighthood workes much shame and woes And that same Hag, his aged mother, hight. Occasion; the roote of all wrath and despight. ** With her, whoso will raging Euror tame. Must first begin, and well her amenage : First her restraine from her reprochfull blame And evill meanes, with which she doth enrage Her frantick sonne, and kindles his corage; Then, when she is withdrawne or strong withstood. It's eath his ydle fury to aswage. And calme the tempest of his passion wood : The bankes are overflowne when stopped is the flood." Therewith Sir Guyon left his first emprise, And, turning to that woman, fast her hent By the hoare lockes that hong before her eyes, And to the ground her threw : yet n'ould she stent Her bitter rayling and foule revilement; But stni provokt her sonne to wreake her wrong ; But nathelesse he did her still torment, And, catching hold of her ungratious tong. Thereon an yron lock did jfasten firmo and strong. 164 THE FAEETE QUEENE. Tlien, wtenag use of speacli was from lier reft, With her two crooked handes she sigaes did make, And beckned him ; the last help she had left : But he that last left helpe away did take, And both her handes fast bound unto a stake, That she no'te stirre. Then gan her sonne to flye Full fast away, and did her quite forsake : But Guyon after him in hast did hye. And soone him overfcooke in sad perplexitye. In his strong armes he stifly him embraste, Who him gain-striving nought at all prevaild j Tor all his power was utterly defaste, And furious fitts at earst quite weren quaild: Oft he re'nforst, and oft his forces fayld, Yet yield he would not, nor his rancor slacke. Then him to ground he cast, and rudely hay Id, And both his hands fast bound behind his backe, And both his feet in fetters to an yron racke. "With hundred yron chaines he did him bind, ^ And hundred knots, that did him SQre constraine : Yet his great yron teeth he still did grind And grimly gnash, threatning revenge in vaine : His burning eyen, whom bloody strakes did staine, Stared full wide, and threw forth sparkes of fyre ; And, more for rank despight then for great paine, Shakt his long locks colourd like copper- wyre. And bitt his tawny beard to shew his raging yre. Thus whenas Guyon Furor had captivd, Turning about he saw that wretched squyre. Whom that mad man of life nigh late deprivd, Lying on ground, all soild with blood and myre : Whom whenas he perceived to respyre, He gan to comfort, and his woundes to dresse. Being at last recured, he gan inquyre What hard mishap him brought to such distresse. And made that caytives thrall, the thrall of wretchednesse With hart then throbbing, and with watry eyes, " Fayre sir," quoth he, " what man can shun the hap That hidden lyes unwares him to surpryse ? Misfortune waites advantage to entrap The man most wary in her whelming lap. So me, weake "^Tetch, of many weakest one, Unweeting and unware of such mishap. She brought to mischiefe through occasion. Where this same wicked villein did me light upon. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 165 " It was a faithelesse squire, that was the sourso Of all my sorrow and of these sad teares, With whom from tender dug of commune noiirso Attonce I was upbrought ; and eft, when yeares More rype us reason lent to chose our peares, Ourselves in league of vowed love we knitt; In which we long time, without gcalous feares Or faultie thoughts, contynewd as was litt ; And, for my part I vow, dissembled not a whitt. " It was my fortune, commune to that age. To love a lady fayre of great degree, The which was borne of noble parentage. And set in highest seat of dignitee. Yet secmd no lesse to love then lovd to bee : Long I her scrv'd, and found her laiLhfidl still, JN'e ever thing could cause us disagree : Love, that two hartcs makes one, makes eke one avIII: Each strove to please, and others pleasures to luliill. ** My friend, liight Philemon, I did partako Of all my love and all my privitie; Who gently ioyous seemed for my sake. And gratious to that lady, as to mee ; Ne ever wight, that mote so welcome bee As he to her, withouten blott or blame; !Ne ever thing, that she could think or see, But unto him she would impart the same : O wretched man, that would abuse so gentle dame ! " At last such grace I found, and meanes I wrought, That I that lady to my spouse had wonne ; Accord of friondes, consent of parents sought, Aliyaunce made, my happincsse bcgoiuie. There wanted nought but few rites to be donno, Which mariage make : that day too farre did seemo I Most ioyous man, on whome the shining sunne Did shew his face, myself I did esteeme. And that my falser friend did no lesse ioyous deeme, ** But, ere that wished day his beamo disclosd. He, either envying my toward good. Or of himsclfe to treason ill disposd, One day imto me came in iViendly mood. And told, for secret, how he understood That lady, whom I had to me assynd, Had both dislaind her honorable blood, And eke the faith which she to me did bynd; And thercforo wisht mo slay, till I my truth should fyncL 166 THE FAERIE QTJEENB, " Tlie gnawing* anguisli, and sliarp gelosy, Wliicli liis sad speacli infixed in my brest, Kanckled so sore, and festred inwardly, That my engreeved mind could find no rest. Till that the truth thereof I did out wrest; And him besought, by that same sacred band Betwixt us both, to counsell me the best : He then with, solemne oath and plighted hand Assurd, ere long the truth to let me understand. " Ere long with like againe he boorded mee, Saying, he now liad boulted all the floure. And that it was a groome of base degree, Which of my love was i^artner paramoure: Who used in a darksome inner bowre Her oft to meete : which better to approve, He promised to bring me at that howre, AYhen I should see that would me nearer move, And drive me to withdraw my blind abused love. " This gracelesse man, for furtherance of kis guile, Did court the handmayd of my lady deare, WHio, glad t' embosome his affection vile. Did all she might more pleasing to appeare.' One day, to worke her to his will more neare, He woo'd her thus ; ' Pryene,' (so she hight,) * Wbat great despight does fortune to thee beare. Thus lowly to abase thy beautie bright. That it should not deface all others lesser light ? ** ' Eut if she had her least helpe to thee lent, T' adorne thy forme according thy desart, Their blazing pride thou wouldest soone have blent. And staynd their prayses with thy least good part j Ne should faire Claribell with all her art, Tho' she thy lady be, approch thee neare : Por proofe thereof, this evening, as thou art, Aray thyselfe in her most gorgeous geare, That I may more dehght in thy embracement deare. " The mayden proud through praise and mad through love Him hearkned to, and soone herselfe arayd ; The whiles to me the treachour did remove His craftie engin: and, as he had sayd. Me leading, in a secret corner layd, The sad spectatour of my tragedie : Wliere left, he went, and his owne false part playd. Disguised like that groome of base degree. Whom he had feignd th' abuser of my love to bee. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 167 "Eftsoones he came nnto th' appointed place. And with, him brought Pryene, rich arayd; In Claribellaes clothes : her proper face I not discerned in that darkesome shade, But weend it was my love with whom he playd. Ah God ! what horrour and tormenting griefe My hart, my handes, mine eies, and all assayd ! Me liefer were ten thousand deathes priefe Then wounde of gealous worme, and shame of such repriefe> " I home retourning, fraught with fowle despight, And chawing vengeaunce all the way I went Soone as my loathed love appear d in sight. With wrathfull hand I slew her innocent; That after soone I dearely did lament: Por, when the cause of that outrageous deede Demaunded I made plaine and evident. Her faultie handmayd, which that bale did breede, Confest how Philemon her wrought to chaunge her weede. " Which when I heard, with horrible affright And helhsh fury all enragd, I sought Upon myselfe that vengeable despight To punish : yet it better first I thought To wreake my wrath on him, that first it wrought; To Philemon, .false fatour Philemon, I cast to pay that I so dearely bought : Of deadly drugs I gave him drinke anon, And washt away his guilt with guilty potion. " Thus heaping crime on crime, and griefe on griefe. To losse of love adioyning losse of frend, I meant to purge both with a third mischiefe, And in my woes beginner it to end: That was Pryene ; she did first offend, She last should smart: with which cruell intent. When I at her my murdrous blade did bend. She fled away with ghastly dreriment, And I, poursewing my fell purpose, after went, "Feare gave her winges, and Eage enforst my flight; Through woods and plaines so long I did her chace. Till this mad man, whom your victorious might Hath now fast bound, me met in middle space : As I her, so he me pours ewd apace. And shortly overtooke : I, breathing yre. Sore chauiied at my stay in such a cace. And with my heat kindled his cruell fyro ; Which kindled once, his mother did more rage inspyre. J 68 TnE PAEEIE QXJEENE. " Betwixt tliem both tkey have me goen to dye, Through wounds, and strokes, and stubborne haiidcling, That death were better then such agony, As griefe and fury unto me did brmg ; Of which in me yet stickes the mortall sting, That during life will never be appeasd !'* When he thus ended had his sorrowing, Said Guyon; " Squyre, sore have ye beene diseasd; But all your hurts may soone through temperance be easd." Then gan the palmer thus ; " Most wretched man, That to Affections does the bridle lend ! In their beginning they are weake and wan. But soone through suff'rance growe to fearefull end; Whiles they are weake, betimes with them contend ; [For, w^hen they once to perfect strength do grow, Strong warres they make, and cruell battry bend Gainst fort of Reason, it to overthrow: Wrath, Gelosy, Griefe, Love, this squyre have laido tlius low. " Wrath, Gealosie, Griefe, Love, do thus expeU : Wrath is a fire'; and Gealosie a weede; Griefe is a flood; and Love a monster fell; The fire of sparkes, the weede of little seede, The flood of drops, the monster filth did breede: But sparks, seed, drops, and filth, do thus delay; The sparks soone quench, the springing seed outwced. The drops dry up, and filth wipe cleane away : So shall Wrath, Gealosy, Griefe, Love, die and decay." "Unlucky squire," saide Guyon, "sith thou hast Falne into mischiefe through intemperaunce, Henceforth take heede of that thou now hast past. And guyde thy waies with warie governaunce, Least worse betide thee by some later chaunce. But read how art thou nam'd, and of what kin." "Phedon I hight," quoth he, "and do advaunce Mine auncestry from famous Coradin, Who first to rayse our house to honour did begin.*' Thus as he spake, lo ! far away they spyde A varlet ronning towardes hastily. Whose fljdng feet so fast their way applyde, That round about a cloud of dust did fly. Which, mingled all with sweate, did dim his eye. He soone approched, panting, breathlesse, whot, And aU. so soyld, that none could him descry; His countenaunce was bold, and bashed not For Guyons lookes, but scornefuU ey-glaunce at him shot. THE FAEBIE QTJEENE. 1G9 Beliinde his backe lie bore a brasen shield, On which was drawen faire, in colours fit, A flaming fire in midst of bloody field. And round about the wreath this word was writ, Burnt 'I doe hurne : Eight well beseemed it To be the shield of some redoubted knight: And in his hand two.dartes exceeding fiit And deadly sharp he held, whose heads were dight In poyson and in blood of malice and despight. When he in presence came, to Guyon first He boldly spake; " Sir knight, if knight thou bee. Abandon this forestalled place at erst, For feare of further harme, I counsell thee; Or bide the chaimce at thine owne ieopardee." The knight at his great boldnesse wondered; And, though he scorn'd his ydle vanitee. Yet mildly him to purpose answered; For not to grow of nought he it coniecturedi " Varlet, this place most dew to me I deeme, Yielded by him that held it forcibly: But whence shold come that harme, which thou dost secme To threat to him that mindes his chaunce t'abye P" " Perdy," sayd he, " here comes, and is hard by, A knight of wondrous powre and great assay, That never yet encountred enemy, But did him deadly daunt, or fowle dismay; ISTe thou for better hope, if thou his presence stay," " How hight he,'* then sayd Guyon, "and from whence ?'*. ** Pyrochlcs is his name, renowmed farre For his bold feates and hardy confidence. Full oft approvd in many a cruell warre; The brother of Cymochles; both which arre The sonnes of old Aerates and Despight; Aerates, sonne of Phlegeton and larre; But Phlegeton is sonne of Herebus and Night But Herebus sonne of Aeternitie is hight. " So from immortall race he does proceede. That mortall hands may not withstand his mighty Drad for his derring doe and bloody deed; For all in blood and spoile is his delight. His am I Atio, his in wrong and right. That matter make for him to worke upon. And stirre him up to strife and cruell fight. Fly therefore, fly this fcarefull stead anon. Least thy foolhardize worke thy sad confusion," iro THE FAERIE QUEENE. " His be that care, wliom most it dotli concerne,* Sayd lie : " but whether with such hasty llii^ht Art thou now bownd ? for well mote I discerrie Great cause, that carries thee so swifte and light." " My lord," quoth he, ''me sent, and streight bchight To seeke Occasion, where so she bee : For he is all disposd to bloody fight. And breathes out wrath and hainous crueltee ; Hard is his hap, that first fals in his ieopardee." "Mad man," said then the palmer, "that does seeke Occasion to wrath, and cause of strife ; Shee comes unsought, and shonned followes eke. Happy ! who can abstaine, when Kancor rife Kindles 'Revenge, and threats his rusty knife : Woe never wants, where every cause is caught ; And rash Occasion makes unquiet life !" " Then loe ! wher bound she sits, whom thou hast sought,*' Said Guyon; "let that message to thy lord be brought." That when the varlett heard and saw, streightway He wexed wondrous wroth, and said; " Yile knight, That knights and knighthood doest with shame upbray, And shewst th' ensample of thy childishe might. With silly weake old woman thus to fight ! Great glory and gay spoile sure hast thou gott, And stoutly prov'd thy puissaunce here in sight ! That shall Pyrochles well requite, I wott. And with thy blood abohsh so reprochfull blott." * With that, one of his thrillant darts he threw. Headed with yre and vengeable despight: The quivering Steele his aymed end wel knew, And to his brest itselfe intended rights But he was wary, and, ere it empight In the meant marke, advaunst his shield atween, On which it seizing no way enter might, But backe rebownding eft the forckhead keene : Eftsoones he fled awayt aud might no where be geene* IHE TAEKIE QXTEENB. 171 CANTO V. Pyrochles does with Guyon fight. And Furors chayne untyes. Who him sore wounds ; whiles Atin tO Cymochles for ayd flyes. Whoever dotli to Temperaunce apply His stedfast life, and all his actions frame, Trust me, shal find no greater enimy, Then stubborne Perturbation, to the same ; To which right wel the wise doe give that name^ For it the goodly peace of staied mindes Does overthrow, and troublous warre proclame: His owne woes author, who so bound it findes. As did Pyrochles, and it wilfully unbindes. After that varlets flight, it was not long Ere on the plaine fast pricking Guyon spide One in bright armes embatteiled full strong, ^ That, as the sunny beames do glaunce and glide Upon the trembling wave, so shined bright. And round about him threw forth sparkling fire. That seemd him to enflame on every side : His steed was bloody red, and fomed yre, When with the maistring spur he did him roughly stire. Approching nigh, he never staid to grecte, Ne chaffar words, prowd corage to provoke, But prickt so fiers, that underneath his feete The smouldring dust did rownd about him smoke, Both horse and man nigh able for to choke ; And, fayrly couching his steeleheaded speare. Him first saluted with a sturdy stroke : It booted not sir Guyon, comming neare, To thincke such hideous puissaunce on foot to beare; But lightly shunned it; and passing by. With his ioright blade did smite at him so fell. That the sharpe Steele, arriving forcibly ^ On his broad shield, bitt not, but glauncing fell On his horse necke before the quilted sell. And froni the head the body sundred quight: So him dismounted low he did compell On foot with him to matchcn equall fight; The truncked beast fast bleeding did liim fowly dight. 172 THE FAEBIB QTJES58. Sore bmzed \rith the fall he slow uprose. And all enraged thus him loudly shent ; " Disleall knight, whose coward corage chose To wreake itselfe on beast all innocent, And shund the marke at which it should be ment : Therby thine armes seem strong, but manhood frayl: So hast thou oft with guile thine honor blent. But htle may such guile thee now avayl, If wonted force and fortune doe me not much fayL'* With that he drew his flaming sword, and strooke At him so fiercely, that the upper marge Of his sevenfolded shield away it tooke. And, glauncing on his hehnet, made a large And open gash therein : were not his targe That broke the violence of his intent. The weary sowle from thence it would discharge 5 IS'athelesse so sore a buff to him it lent. That made him reele, and to his brest his bever bent^ Exceeding wroth was Guyon at that blow. And much ashamd that stroke of living arme Should him dismay, and make him stoup so low. Though otherwise it did him Htle harme: Tho, hurling high his yron-braced arme, He smote so manly on his shoulder plate. That all his left side it did quite disarme; Yet there the steel stayd not, but inly bate Deepe in his flesh, and opened wide a red floodgate. Peadly dismayd with horror of that dint Pyrochles was, and grieved eke entyre ; Tet nathemore did it his fury stint, [But added flame unto his former fire. That wel-nigh molt his hart in raging yre : Is'e thenceforth his approved skill, to ward. Or strike, or hurtle rownd in warlike gyre, IRemembred he, ne car'd for his saufgard. But rudely rag'd, and like a cruell tygre far'A He hewd, and lasht, and foynd, and thondred blowes. And every way did seeke into his life ; Ke plate, ne male, could ward so mighty throwes, But yielded passage to his cruell knife. But Guyon, in the heat of all his strife, TVas wary wise, and closely did awayt Avauntage, whilest his foe did rage most rife ; Sometimes athwart, sometimes he strook him strajrt^ And faked oft his blowes t'illude him with such bajt» THE FAERIE QUEENE. 173 Like as a lyon whose imperiall powre A prowd rebellious unicorn defyes, X' avoide tlie rash assault and wrathful stowre Of his fiers foe, him to a tree applyes, And when him ronning in full course he spyes, He slips aside; the whiles that furious beast His precious home, sought of his enimyes, Strikes in the stocke, ne thence can be releast, But to the mighty victor yields a bounteous feast. With such faire sleight him Guyon often fayld Till at the last all breathlesse, weary, faint, Him spying, with fresh onsett he assayld, ^ And, kindling new his corage seeming queint, Strooke him so hugely, that through great constraint He made him stoup perforce unto his knee. And doe unwilling worship to the saint, That on his shield depainted he did see ; Such homage till that instant never learned hee. Whom Guyon seeing stoup, poursewed fast The present offer of faire victory. And soone his dreadfuU blade about he cast, Wherewith he smote his haughty crest so hye. That streight on grownd made him full low to lye; Then on his brest his victor foOte he thrust : With that he cryde; " Mercy, doe me not dye, Ne deeme thy force by fortunes doome uniust, That hath (maugre her spight) thus low me laid in dust.** Eftsoones his cruel hand Sir Guyon stayd, Tempring the passion with advizement slow And maistring might on enimy dismayd; For th' equall die of warre he well did know: Then to him said: " Live, and alleagaunce owe To him, that gives thee life and liberty ; And henceforth by this dales ensample trow. That hasty wroth, and heedlesse hazardry, Doe breede repentaunce late, and lasting infamy,*' So up he let him rise; who, with grim looke And count'naunce sterne upstanding, gan to grind His grated teeth for great disdeigne, and shooko His sandy lockes, long hanging downe behind, Knotted in blood and dust, for grief of mind That he in ods of armes was conquered; Yet in himselfe some comfort he did find, That him so noble knight had maystercd ; Whose bounty more then might, yet both, he wondered. 174 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. WMcIl Guyon marking said; " Be noiiglit agnev'd^ Sir knight, that thus ye now subdewed arre : Was never man, who most conquestes atchiev'd, But sometimes had the worse, and lost by warrej Yet shortly gaynd, that losse exceeded farre; Losse is no shame, nor to bee lesse then foe; But to bee lesser then himselfe doth marre Both loosers lott, and victour's prayse alsoe : Yaine others overthrowes who selfe doth overthrow. " Fly, O Pyrocliles, fly the dreadful warre That in thyselfe thy lesser partes do move; Outrageous Anger, and woe-working larre, Direfull Impatience, and hart-murdring Love: Those, those thy foes, those warriours, far remove. Which thee to endlesse bale captived lead. But, sith in might thou didst my mercy prove. Of courtesie to mee the cause aread That thee against me drew with so impetuous dread.** " Dreadlesse," said he, '* that shall I soone declare: It was complaind that thou hadst done great tort Unto an aged woman, poore and bare. And thralled her in chaines with strong effort, Yoide of all succour and needfull comfort: That ill beseemes thee, such as I thee see. To worke such shame: therefore I thee exhort To chaunge thy will, and set Occasion free. And to her captive sonne yield his first libertee.*' Thereat Sir Guyon smylde ; " And is that all/* Said he, "that thee so sore displeased hath? Great mercy sure, for to enlarge a thrall. Whose freedom shall thee turne to greatest scath! Nathlesse now quench thy whott emboyling wrath: Loe ! there they bee; to thee I yield them free.'* Thereat he, wondrous glad, out of the path Did hghtly leape, where he them bound did see,; And gan to breake the bands of their captivitee. Soone as Occasion felt her selfe iintyde. Before her sonne could well assqyled bee. She to her use returnd, and streight defyde Both Guyon and Pyrochles ; th' one (said shee) By cause he wonne ; the other, because hee Was wonne : so matter did she make of nought. To stirre up strife, and garre them disagree : But, soone as Furor was enlargd, she sought To kindle bis quencht fyre, and thousand causes wrought, THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 175 It was not long ere she inflam'd him so. That he would algates with Pyrochles fight. And his redeemer chalengd for his foe, Because he had not well mainteind his right, But yielded had to that same straunger knight, JSTow gan Pyrochles wex as wood as hee, And him affronted with impatient might : So both together fiers engrasped bee, Whyles Guy on standing by their uncouth strife does see. Him all that while Occasion did provoke Against Pyrochles, and new matter fram'd Upon the old, him stirring to bee wroke Of his late wronges, in which she oft him blam'd Por suffering such abuse as knighthood sham'd. And him dishabled quyte : but he was wise, l^e would with vaine occasions be inflam'd; Yet others she more urgent did devise : Yet nothing could him to impatience entise. Their fell contention still increased more. And more thereby increased Purors might. That he his foe has hurt and wounded sore And him in blood and durt deformed quight. His mother eke, more to augment his spight, Now brought to him a flaming fyer-brond. Which she in Stygian lake, ay burning bright. Had kindled : that she gave into his hond. That armd with fire more hardly he mote him wi lb si end. Tho gan that viUein wex so fiers and strong, That nothing might sustaine his furious forse: He cast him downe to ground, and all along Drew him through durt and myre without remorse. And fowly battered his comely corse, That Guyon much disdeignd so loathly sight. At last he was compeld to cry perforse, " Help, O Sir Guyon ! helpe, most noble knight, To ridd a wretched man from handes of hellish ^vigllt P The knight was greatly moved at his playnt, And gan him dight to succour his distresse, Till that the palmer, by his grave restraynt, Him stayd from yielding pittifull redresse. And said ; " Deare sonne, thy causelesse ruth rcpresst^ Ne let thy stout hart melt in pitty vayne: He that his sorrow sought through wilfulnesse, And his foe fettred would release agayne. Deserves to taste his foUies fruit, repented payno." 176 THE FAERIE QUEENB. Guyon obayd: so liim away lie drew JFrom needlesse trouble of renewing fight Already fought, his voyage to poursew. IBut rash Pyrochles varlett, Atin higlit. When late he saw his lord in heavie plight. Under SirGuyons puissaunt stroke to fall, Him deeming dead, as then he seemd in sight, Medd fast away to tell his funerall Unto his brother, whom Cymochles men did call. He was a man of rare redoubted might, Famous throughout the world for warlike praj^s^ And glorious spoiles, purchast in perilous fight: Pull many doughtie knightes he in his dayes Had doen to death, subdewde in equall frayes; Whose carkases, for terrour of his name, Of fowles and beastes he made the piteous prayes. And hong their conquerd armes for more defame On gallow trees, in honour of his dearest dame. His dearest dame is that enchaunteresse. The vyle Acrasia, that with vaine delicrhtes. And ydle pleasures, in her Bowre of Biisse, Does charme her lorers, and the feeble sprightes Can call out of the bodies of fraile wightes; Whom then she does transforme to monstrous hewes And horribly misshapes with ugly sightes, Captiv'd eternally in yron mewes And darksom dens, where Titan his face never shcwcs. There Atin fownd Cymochles soiourning. To serve his lemans love ; for he by kynd Was given all to lust and loose living. Whenever his fiers handes he free mote fynd: And now he has pourd out his ydle mynd In daintie dehces and lavish ioyes, Having his warlike weapons cast behynd. And flowes in pleasures and vaine pleasing toyes, Mingled emongst loose ladies and lascivious boyca. And over him Art, stryving to compajrre With Nature, did an arber greene dispred, Pramed of Avanton yvie, flouring fayre, Through which the fragrant eglantine did sprcd His priclding armes, entrayld with roses red. Which daintie odours round about them threw : And all within with flowres was garnished, That, when my Id Zephyrus emongst them blew. Did breath out bounteous smels, and painted colors shev7. THE TAEEIE QTTEENE. 17? And fast beside tliere trickled softly down© ^ A gentle streame, whose murmuring wave did play Emongst the pumy stones, and made a sowne. To luU him soft asleep e that by it lay: The wearie traveiler, wandring that way. Therein did often quench his thirsty heat, And then by it his wearie limbes display, (Whiles creeping slomber made him to forget His former payne,) and wypt away his toilsom sweat. And on the other syde a pleasaunt grove Was shott up high, full of the stately treo That dedicated is t' Olympick love. And to his sonne Alcides, whenas heo In Nemea gayned goodly victoree : Therein the mery birdes of every sorte Chaunted alowd their chearefull harmonee, And made emongst themselves a sweete consort. That quickned the dull spright with musicall comfort. There he him found all carelesly displaid. In secrete shadow from the sunny ray. On a sweet bed of lillies softly laid. Amidst a flock of damzelles fresh and gay. That rownd about him dissolute did play Their wanton follies and light meriment j Every of which did loosely disaray Her upper partes of meet habiliments. And shewd them naked, deckt with many ornaments. And every of them strove with most delights Him to aggrate, and greatest pleasures shew : Some framd faire lookes, glancing like evening lights ; Others sweet wordes, dropping like honny dew; Some bathed kisses, and did soft embrew The sugred'licour through his melting lips. One boastes her beautie, and does yield to vew Her daintie Hmbes above her tender hips : Another her out boastes, and all for tryall strips. He, like an adder lurking in the weedes, His wandring thought in deepe desire does steepe. And his frayle eye with spoyle of beauty feedes : Sometimes he falsely faines himselfe to sleepe, Whiles through their lids his wanton eies do pecpe To steale a snatch of amorous conceipt. Whereby close fire into his hart does creepe : So' he them deceives, deceivd in his deceipt. Made dronke with drugs of deare voluptuous receipt. 178 THE FAEEIE QTTEENB. Atin, arrivin<]j there, when Mm he spyde Thus in still waves of deepe delight to wade, [Fiercely approching to him lowdly cryde, " Cymochles ^ oh ! no, but Cymochles shade, In which that manly person late did fade ! What is become of great Aerates sonne ? Or where hath he hong up his mortall blade. That hath so many haughty conquests wonne ? Is all his force forlorne, and all his glory donne ?" Then, pricking him with his sharp-pointed dart. He said: "Up, up, thou womanish weake knight. That here in ladies lap entombed art, Unmindfull of thy praise and prowest might, And weetlesse eke of lately- wrought despight ; "Whiles sad Pyrocles lies on sencelesse ground. And groneth out his utmost grudging spright Through many a stroke and many a streaming wound. Calling thy help in vaine, that here in ioyes art dround." Suddeinly out of his delightfull dreame The man awoke, and would have questiond more; But he would not endure that wofull theame !For to dilate at large, but urged sore, "With percing wordes and pittifull implore. Him hasty to arise : as one affright "With hellish feends, or furies mad uprore, He then uprose, inflamd with fell despight, And called for his armes; for he would algates fight. They bene ybrought ; he quickly does him dight. And hghtly mounted passeth on his way; J^Te ladies loves, ne sweete entreaties, might ^Appease his heat, or hastie passage stay; 'For he has vowd to beene avengd that day (That day itselfe him seemed all too long) On him, that did Pyrochles deare dismay: So proudly pricketh on his courser strong, And Atin ay him pricks with spurs of shame and wrong. IHB FAEEIE Q0EENB. 179 CANTO VL Guyon is of immodest Merth Led into loose desyre ; Fights with Cymochles, whiles his bro^ ther hurnes in furious fyre. A HARDER lesson to learne continence ^ In ioyous pleasure then in grievous paine : For sweetnesse doth, allure the weaker sence So strongly, that uneathes it can refraine Prom that which feeble nature covets faine : But griefe and wrath, that be her enemies And foes of life, she better can restraine : Yet Yertue vauntes in both her victories ; And Guyon in them all shewes goodly maysterics. Whom bold Cymochles traveiling to finde. With cruell purpose bent to wreake on him The wrath which Atin kindled in his mind. Came to a river, by whose utmost brim Wayting to passe he saw whereas did swim Along the shore, as swift as glaunce of eye, A litle gondelay, bedecked trim With boughes and arbours woven cunningly. That like a litle forrest seemed outwardly. And therein sate a lady fresh and fayre. Making sweete solace to herselfe alone : Sometimes she song as lowd as larke in ayre, Sometimes she laught, that nigh her breath was gone ; Yet was there not with her else any one. That to her jright move cause of meriment: Matter of merth enough, though there were none. She could devize ; and thousand waies invent To feede her foohsh humour and vaine ioUiment. Which when far off Cymochles heard and saw. He lowdly cald to such as were abord The little barke unto the shore to draw. And him to'ferry over that deepe ford. The merry mariner unto his word • Soone hearkned, and her painted bote straightway Turnd to the shore, where that same warhke lord She in receiv'd, but Atin by no way She would admit, albe the knight her much did pray. 180 THE FAEBIE QtTEENB. Eftsoones Iier shallow sliip away did slide, More swift than swallow skeres the liquid skye, AYithouten oare or pilot it to guide, Or winged canvas with the wind to fly: Onely she turnd a pin, and by and by It cut away upon the yielding wave, (Ne cared she her course for to apply,) For it was taught the way which she would have, And both from rocks and flats itselfe could wisely sava And all the way the wanton dams ell found ISTew merth her passenger to entertaine ; For she in pleasaunt purpose did aboulid. And greatly ioyed merry tales to fayne. Of which a store-house did with her remaine ; Yet seemed, nothing well they her became : For all her wordes she drownd with laughter vaine^ And wanted grace in utt'ring of the same. That turned all her pleasaunce to a scoffing game. And other whiles vaine toyes she would devize. As her fantasticke wit did most delight : Sometimes her head she fondly would agnize "With gaudy girlonds, or fresh flowrets dight About her necke, or rings of rushes plight : Sometimes, to do him laugh, she would assay To laugh at shaking of the leaves light. Or to behold the water worke and play About her little frigot, therein making way. Her light behaviour and loose dalliaunce Grave wondrous great contentment to the knight. That of his way he had no sovenaunce, Nor care of vow'd revenge and cruell fight. But to weake wench did yield his martiall might. So easie was to quench his flamed minde "With one sweet e drop of sensuall delight ! So easie is t' appease the stormy winde Of malice in the calme of pleasaunt womankind! Diverse discourses in their way they spent ; Mongst which Cymochles of her questioned Both what she was, and what that usage ment. Which in her cott she daily practized : " Vaine man," saide she, " that wouldest be reckoned A straunger in thy home, and ignoraunt Of Phsedria, (for so my name is red,) Of Phaidria, thine owne fellow servaunt ; For thou to serve Acrasia thy selfe doest vaunt. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 181 •* In this wide inland sea, that liiglit by name The Idle Lake, my wandring ship I row, That knowes her port, and thether sayles by aymej, Ne care ne feare I how the wind do blow, Or whether swift I wend or whether slow : Both slow and swift alike do serve my tourne ; Ne swelling JNTeptune ne lowd:thundring love Can chaunge my cheare, or make me ever monrne : My litle boat can safely passe this perilous bourne/* Whiles thus she talked, and whiles thus she toyd. They were far past the passage which he spake. And come unto an island waste and voyd. That floted in the midst of that great lake ; There her small gondelay her port did make. And that gay payre issewing on the shore Disburdned her : their way they forward take Into the land that lay them faire before, Whose pleasaunce she him shewd, andplentifull groat store. It was a chosen plott of fertile land, Emongst wide waves sett, like a litle nest, As if it had by JN'atures cunning hand Bene choycely picked out from all the rest. And laid forth for ensample of the best : ISTo daintie flowre or herbe that growes on grownd, "No arborett with painted blossomes drest And smelling s we ete, but there it might be fownd To bud out faire, and her sweete smels throwe al arowTid, "No tree, whose braunches did not bravely spring ; No braunch, whereon a fine bird did not sitt : No bird, but did her shrill notes sweetely sing ; No song, but did containe a lovely ditt. Trees, braunches, birds, and songs, were framed filt For to allure fraile mind to carelesse ease. Carelesse the man soone woxe, and his weake witt Was overcome of thing that did him please : So pleased did his wrathfull purpose faire appease. Thus when shee had his eyes and sences fed With false delights, and fild with pleasures vayn, Into a shady dale she soft him led, And layd him downe upon a grassy playn ; And her sweete selfe without dread or disdayn She sett beside, laying his head disarmd In her loose lap, it softly to sustayn, Where soone he slumbred, fearing not be harmd: Tlie whiles with a love lay she ihu^ him sweetly charmd: 9 182 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " Eeliold, O man, tliat toilesome paines doest talre, The flowrs, the fields, and all that pleasaunt gropes, How they themselves doe thine ensample make, Whiles nothing envious JSTature them forth throwea Out of her fruitfiill lap : how, no man Imowes, They spring, they bud, they blossome fresh and f aire, And decke the world with their rich pompous SjlOv^-e3 ; Yet no man for them taketh paines or care. Yet no man to them can his carefull paines compare. " The lilly, lady of the flowring field, The flowre-deluce, her lovely paramoure. Bid thee to them thy fruitlesse labors yield, And soone leave off this toylsome weary stoure: Loe ! loe, how brave she decks her bounteous boure, With silken curtens and gold coverletts. Therein to shrowd her sumptuous belamoure ! Yet nether spinnes nor cards, ne cares nor fretts. But to her mother Nature all her care she letts. " Why then doest thou, O man, that of them all Art lord, and eke of nature soveraine, Wilfully make thyselfe a wretched thrall. And waste thy ioyous howres in needelesse paine, Seeking for daunger and adventures vaine ? What bootes it al to have and nothing use ? Who shall him rew that swimming in the main© Will die for thirst, and water doth refuse ? Befuse such fruitlesse toile, and present pleasures chuse.** By this she had him lulled fast asleepe. That of no worldly thing he care did take : Then she with liquors strong his eies did steepe. That nothing should him hastily awake. So she him lefte, and did herselfe betake Unto her boat again, with which she clefte The slouthfuU wave of that great griesy lake : Soone shee that island far behind her lefte. And now is come to that same place where first she wefte. By this time was the worthy Guyon brought Unto the other side of that wide strond Where she was rowing, and for passage sought : Him needed not long call; shee soone to hond Her ferry brought, where him she byding fond With his sad guide : himselfe shee tooke aboord. But his black palmer suffred still to stond, "Ne would for price or prayers once affoord To ferry that old man over the perlous foord. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 183 Guyon was loath to leave his guide behind, Yet beino: entred might not backe retyre ; "For the flitt barke, obaying to her mind, Forth launched quickly as she did desire, Ne gave him leave to bid that aged sire Adieu, but nimbly ran her wonted course Through the dull billowes thicke as troubled mire. Whom nether wind out of their seat could forse, "Nov timely tides did drive out of their sluggish sourse. And by the way, as was her wonted guize. Her mery fitt she freshly gan to reare. And did of ioy and ioUity devize Herselfe to cherish, and her guest to cheare. The knight was courteous, and did not forbeare Her honest merth and pleasaunce to partake : But when he saw her toy, and gibe, and geare. And passe the bonds of modest merimake. Her dalliaunce he despis'd and follies did forsake. Yet she stiU followed her former style. And said, and did, all that mote him delight, Till they arrived in that pleasaunt ile, Where sleeping late she lefte her other knight. But, whenas Guyon of that land had sight, He wist himselfe amisse, and angry said ; " Ah ! dame, perdy ye have not doen me right. Thus to mislead mee, whiles I you obaid : Mee litle needed from my right way to have straid.** " Faire sir," quoth she, " be not displeasd at all ; Who fares on sea may not commaund his way, Ne wind and weather at his pleasure call : The sea is wide, and easy for to stray; The wind unstable, and doth never stay. But here a while ye may in safety rest, Till season serve new passage to assay: Better safe port then be in seas distrest/* Therewith she laught, and did her earnest end in iest. But he, halfe discontent, mote nathelesse Himselfe appease, and issewd forth on shore: The ioyes whereof and happy fruitfulnesse, Such as he saw, she gan him lay before, And all, though pleasaunt, yet she made much more. The fields did laugh, the fiowres did freshly spring. The trees did bud, and early blossomes bore ; And all the quire of birds did sweetly sing, And told that gardins pleasures in their caroling. 184 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. And she, more sweete than any bird on bough. Would oftentimes emongst them beare a part. And strive to passe (as she could well enough) Their native musicke by her skilful art : So did she all, that might his constant hart^ Withdraw from thought of warlike enterprize. And drowne in dissolute dehghts apart, Where noise of armes, or vew of martiall guize. Might not revive desire of knightly exercize : But he was wise, and wary of her will. And ever held his hand upon his hart ; Yet would not seeme so rude, and thewed ill, As to despise so curteous seeming part That gentle lady did to him impart ; But, fairly tempring, fond desire subdewd, And ever her desired to depart. She list not heare, but her disports poursewd. And ever bad him stay till time the tide renewd. And now by this Cymochles howre was spent. That he awoke out of his ydle dreme ; And, shaking off his drowsy dreriment, Gan him avize, howe ill did him beseme. In slouthfull sleepe his molten hart to steme, And quench the brond of his conceived yre. Tho up he started, stird with shame extreme, Ne staled for his damsell to inquire. But marched to the strond, there passage to require. And in the way he with Sir Guyon mett, Accompanyde with Phsedria the faire : Eftsoones he gan to rage, and inly frett. Crying ; " Let be that lady debonaire, Thou recreaunt knight, and soone thyselfe prepaire To batteile, if thou meane her love to gayn. Loe ! loe already how the fowles in aire Doe flocke, awaiting shortly to obtayn Thy carcas for their pray, the guerdon of thy payn.'* And there-withall he fiersly at him flew, And with importune outrage him assayld ; Who, soone prepard to field, his sword forth drew. And him with equall valew countervayld: Their mightie strokes their haberieons dismayld. And naked made each others manly spalles ; The mortall Steele despiteously entayld Deepe in their flesh, quite through the yron walles, That a large purple streame adown their giambeux fallea. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 185 Cymocliles, that had never mett before So puissant foe, with envious despight His prowd presumed force increased more, Disdeigning to bee held so long in fight. Sir Guy on, grudging not so much his might As those unknightly raylinges which he spoke. With wrathfuU fire his corage kindled bright, Thereof devising shortly to be wrokc, And doubling all his powres redoubled every stroke. 33oth of them high attonce their hands enhaunst. And both attonce their huge blowes down did sway: Cymochles sword on Guyons shield yglaunst. And thereof nigh one quarter sheard away: But Guyons angry blade so fiers did play On th' others helmett, which as Titan shone. That quite it clove his plumed crest in tway, And bared all his head unto the bone; Where-with astonisht still he stood as sencelesse stone. Still as he stood, fayre Phsedria, that beheld That deadly daunger, soone atweene them ran ; And at their feet herselfe most humbly feld. Crying with pitteous voyce, and count'nance wan, ** Ah, well away! most noble lords, how can Your cruell eyes endure so pitteous sight, To shed your lives on ground ? Wo worth the man. That first did teach the cursed Steele to bight In his owne flesh, and make way to the living spright ! " If ever love of lady did empierce Your yron brestes, or pittie could find place. Withhold your bloody handes from battaiU fierce 5 And, sith for me ye fight, to me this grace Both yield, to stay your deadly stryfe a space." They stayd a while : and forth she gan proceede: " Most wretched woman and of wicked race. That am the authour of this hainous deed, ^ [breed ! And cause of death betweene two doughtie knights do " But if for me ye fight, or me will serve, Not this rude kynd of battaill, nor these armes Are meet, the which doe men in bale to sterve. And doolefull sorrowe heape with deadly harmcs : Such cruell game my scarmoges disarmes. Another warre, and other weapons, I Doe love, where Love does give his sweete alarmcs Without bloodshed, and where the enimy Does yield unto his foe a pleasaunt victory. 186 THE FAEEIE QUEENB, *' Debatefull strife, and cruell enmity, The famous name of kniglitliood fowly sliend ; But lovely peace, and gentle amity. And in amours the passing Lowres to spend, Tlie mightie martiall handes doe most commend; Of love they ever greater glory bore Then of their armes : Mars is Cupidoes frend, And is for Venus loves renowmed more Then all his wars and spoiles, the which he did of yore.* Therewith she sweetly smyld. They, though full bent To prove extremities of bloody fight. Yet at her speach their rages gan relent, And calme the sea of their tempestuous spight: Such powre have pleasing wordes ! Such is the might Of courteous clemency in gentle hart !^ iNow after all was ceast, the Faery knight Besought that damsell suffer him depart, And yield him ready passage to that other part. She no lesse glad then he desirous was Of his departure thence ; for of her ioy And vaine delight she saw he light did pas, A foe of folly and immodest toy, Still solemne sad, or still disdainfull coy; Delighting all in armes and cruell warre. That her sweete peace and pleasures did annoy. Troubled with terrour and unquiet iarre, That she weU pleased was thence to amove him farre. Tho him she brought abord, and her swift bote Forthwith directed to that further strand; The which on the duU waves did lightly flote. And soone arrived on the shallow sand. Where gladsome Guyon salied forth to land, And to that damsell thankes gave for reward. Upon that shore he spyed Atin stand. There by his maister left, when late he far*d In Phadrias flitt barck over that perlous shard. Well could he him remember, sith of late He with Pyrocles sharp debatement made : Streight gan he him revyle, and bitter rate. As shepheardes curre, that in darke eveninges shade Hath tracted forth some salvage beastes trade : *' Vile miscreaunt," said he, "whether dost thou flye The shame and death, which wiU thee soon invade ? What coward hand shall doe thee next to dye, That art thus fowly lledd from famous enimy ?" THE FAERIE QUEENE. 187 With that he stifly shooke his steelhead dart : But sober Guyon hearing him so rayle. Though somewhat moved in his mightie hart. Yet with strong reason maistred passion fraile, And passed fayrely forth : he, turning taile, Backe to the strond retyrd, and there still stayd. Awaiting passage, which him late did faile ; The while^s Cymochles with that wanton mayd The hasty heat of his avowd revenge delayd. Whylest there the varlet stood, he saw from farre An armed knight that towardes him fast ran ; He ran on foot, as if in lucklesse warre His forlorne steed from him the victour wan : He seemed breathlesse, hartlesse, faint, and wan j And all his armour sprinckled was with blood, And soyld with durtie gore, that no man can Discerne the hew thereof; he never stood, But bent his hastie coiu^se towardes the Ydle flood. The varlet saw, when to the flood he came How without stop or stay he fiersly lept. And deepe himselfe beducked in the same. That in the lake his loftie crest w^as stept, Ne of his safetie seemed care he kept ; But with his raging armes he rudely flasht The waves about, and all his armour swept, That all the blood and filth away was washt ; Yet still he bet the water, and the billowes dasht. Atin drew nigh to weet what it mote bee ; For much he wondered at that uncouth sight : Whom should he but his own deare lord there see. His owne deare lord Pyrochles in sad plight, Beady to drowne himselfe for fell despight : ** Harrow now, out and well away !" he cryde, ** What dismall day hath lent this cursed light. To see my lord so deadly damnifyde ? Pyrochles, O Pyrochles, what is thee betyde?" ** I bume, I bume, I burne,** then lowd he cryde, " O how I burne with implacable fyre ! Yet nought can quench mine inly flaming syde, Nor sea of licour cold, nor lake of myre ; Nothing but death can doe me to respyre." " Ah ! be it,"^ said he, " from Pyrochles farre After pursewing death once to requyre. Or think, that ought those puissant hands may marre : Death is for wretches borne imder unhappy starre." 188 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " Perdye, tlien is it fitt for me," said lie, " That am, I weene, most wretched man alive 5 iBurning in flames, yet no flames can I see, And, dying dayly, dayly yet revive : O AtiQ, helpe to me last death to give !'* The varlet at his plaint was grievd so sore, That his deepe-wounded hart in two did rive ; And, his owne health remembring now no more, Did follow that ensample which he blam'd afore. Into the lake he lept his lord to ayd, (So love the dread of dannger doth despise,) And, of him catching hold, him stronglj^ stayd From drowning; but more happy, he then wise, Of that seas nature did him not avise : The waves thereof so slow and sluggish were, Engrost with mud which did them fowle agrise. That every weighty thing they did upbeare, ISTe ought mote ever sinck downe to the bottom there. "Whyles thus they strugled in that Ydle wave. And strove in vaine, the one himselfe to drowne. The other both from drowning for to save ; Lo ! to that shore one in an auncient gowne. Whose hoary locks great gravitie did crowne. Holding in hand a goodly arming sword, By fortune came, ledd with the troublous sowne : Where drenched deepe he fownd in that dull ford The carefull servaunt stryving with his raging lord. Him Atin spying knew right well of yore. And lowdly cald ; " Help! helpe, O Archimage, To save my lord in wretched plight forlore ; Helpe with thy hand, or with thy counsell sage : Weake handes, but counsell is most strong in age. Him when the old man saw, he woundred sore To see Pyrochles there so rudely rage : Yet sithens helpe, he saw, he needed more Then pitty, he in hast approched to the shore. And cald ; " Pyrochles, what is this I see ? What hellish fury hath at earst thee hent ? Purious ever I thee knew to bee. Yet never in this straunge astonishment." " These flames, these flames !" he cryde,'*doe me tonnent!'' ** What flames," quoth he, "when I thee present see In daunger rather to be drent then brent ?" " Harrow ! the flames which me consume," said he, " ]N"e can be quencht, within my secret bowelles bee. THE rAERIE QUEENE. 189 " That cursed man, that cruel feend of hell. Furor, oh! Furor hath me thus bedight : His deadly woundes within my liver swell. And his whott fyre burnes in mine entralles bright, Kindled through his infernall brond of spight, Sith late with him I batteill vaine would boste ; That now I weene loves dreaded thunder light Does scorch not halfe so sore, nor damned ghoste In flaming Phlegeton does not so felly roste." Which whenas Archimago heard, his griefe He knew right well, and him attonce disarm'd : Then searclit his secret woundes, and made a priefe Of eYery place that was with bruzing harmd, Or with the hidden fier inly warmd. "Which doen, he balmes and herbes thereto apply ^^e. And evermore with mightie spels them charmd ; That in short space he has them qualifyde. And him restord to helth, that would have algates dyde. CANTO vn. Guyon findes Mammon in a delve Sunning his threasure hore ; Is by him tempted, and led downe To see his secrete store. As pilot well expert in perilous wave, That to a stedfast starre his course hath bent. When foggy mistes or cloudy tempests have The faithfull light of that faire lampe yblent, And cover d heaven with hideous dreriment ; Upon his card and compas firmes his eye. The maysters of his long experiment, And to them does the steddy helme apply, Bidding his winged vessell iairely forward fly: So Guyon having lost his trustie guyde, Late left beyond that Ydle Lake, proceedes Yet on his way, of none accompanyde ; And evermore himselfe with comfort feedes Of his owne vertues and praise-worthie deedes. So, long he yofle, yet no adventure found, Which Fame of her shrill trompct worthy reedcs : For still he traveild through wide wastfull ground, That nought but desert wildernessc shewd all around. I DO THE FAEEIE QUEENB. At last lie came unto a gloomy glade, Cover'd with boughes and skrubs from lieavens light, "Whereas he sitting found in secret shade An uncouth, salvage, and un civile wight, Of griesly hew and fowle ill-favour'd sight ; • His face with smoke was tand, and eies were bleard, His head and beard with sout were ill bedight. His cole-blacke hands did seeme to have ben seard [peard. In smythes fire-spitting forge, and nayles like clawes ap- His yron cote, all overgrowne with rust, Was underneath enveloped with gold ; Whose glistring glosse, darkned with filthy dust. Well yet appered to have beene of old A worke of rich entayle and curious mould. Woven with antickes and wyld ymagery : And in his lap a masse of coyne he told. And turned upside Jowne, to feede his eye And covetous desire with his huge threasury. And round about him lay on every side Great heapes of gold that never could be spent ; Of which some were rude owre, not purifide Of Mulcibers devouring element ; Some others were new driven, and distent Into great ingowes and to wedges square ; Some in round plates withouten moniment : But most were stampt, and in there metal bare The antique shapes of kings and Kesars straung nvA rare, Soone as he Guyon saw, in great affright And haste he rose for to remove aside Those pretious hils from straungers envious sight, And downe them poured through an hole full wide Into the hollow earth, them there to hide : But Guy on, lightly to him leaping, stayd His hand that trembled as one terrify de ; And though himselfe were at the sight dismayd, Yet him perforce restraynd, and to him doubtfull sayd ; " What art thou, man, (if man at all thou art,) That here in desert hast thine habitaunce. And these rich hils of welth doest hide apart Prom the worldes eye, and from her right usauncc F'*^ Thereat, with staring eyes fixed askaunce, In great disdaine he answerd : " Hardy Elfe, That darest view my direful countenaunce ! I read thee rash and heedlesse of thyselfe. To trouble my still seate and heapes of pretious pcife. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 191 " God of tlie world and worldlings I me call. Great Mammon, greatest god below the skye, That of my plenty poure out unto all^ And unto none my graces do envye : Eiches, renowme, and principality, Honour,., estate, and all this worldes good, For which men swinck and sweat incessantly. Fro me do flow into an ample flood. And in the hollow earth have their eternall brood. "Wlierefore if me thou deigne to serve and sew. At thy commaund lo ! all these mountaines bee: Or if to thy great mind, or greedy vew. All these may not suffise, there shall to thee Ten times so much be nombred francke and free." " Mammon," said he " thy godheads vaunt is vame. And idle offers of thy golden fee ; ^ To them that covet such eye-glutting gaine Proffer thy giftes, and fitter servaunts entertaine. " Me ill befits, that in derdoing armes And honours suit my vowed dales do spend, Unto thy bounteous baytes and pleasing charmes. With which weake men thou witchest, to attend; Eegard of worldly mucke doth fowly blend And low abase the high heroicke spright. That ioyes for crownes and kingdomes to contend : Faire shields, gay steedes, bright armes, be my delight j Those be the riches fit for an advent 'rous knight.'* *'Yaine glorious Elfe," saide he, "doest not thou weet. That money can thy wantes at will supplj'^? Shields, steeds, and armes, and all things for thee meet. It can purvay in twinckling of an eye ; And crownes and kingdomes to thee multiply. Do not I kings create, and throw the crowne Sometimes to him that low in dust doth ly. And him that raignd into his rowme thrust downe ; And, whom I lust, do heape with glory and renowne i^" " All otherwise," saide he, " I riches read. And deeme them roote of all disquietnesse ; First got with guile, and then preserv'd with dread* And after spent with pride and lavishnesse. Leaving behind them griefe and heavinesse : Infinite mischiefes of them doe arize ; Strife and debate, bloodshed and bitternesse, Outrageous wrong and hellish covetize ; That noble heart, as great dishonour, doth despize. 192 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " "Ne tMne be kingdomes, ne tlie scepters tKine ; But realmes and rulers thou doest both confound. And loyall truth to treason doest incline : Witnesse the guiltlesse blood pourd oft on ground; The crowned often slaine ; the slayer cround ; The sacred diademe in peeces rent ; And purple robe gored with many a wound ; Castles surprizd ; great cities sackt and brent : So mak'st thou kings, and gaynest wrongf ull government ! "Long were to tell the troublous stormes that tosse The private state, and make the life unsweet : Who swelling sayles m Caspian sea doth crosse, And in frayle wood on Adrian gulf doth fleet. Doth not, I weene, so many evils meet." Then Mammon wexing wroth, "And why then," sayd, ** Are mortall men so fond and undiscreet So evill thing to seeke unto their ayd ; And, having not, complaine ; and, having it upbrayd ?** " Indeed,*' quoth he, " through fowle intemperaunce, Frayle men are oft captiv'd to covetise : But would they thinke with how small allowaunce Untroubled nature doth herselfe suffice. Such superfluities they would despise. Which with sad cares empeach our native ioyes. At the well-head the purest streames arise ; But mucky filth his braunching armes annoyes, And with uncomely weedes the gentle wave accloycs. " The antique world, in his first flowring youth, Fownd no defect in his Creators grace ; But with glad thankes, and unreproved truth, The guiftes of soveraine bounty did embrace : Like angels life was then mens happy cace : But later ages pride, like corn-fed steed, Abusd her plenty and fat-swolne encreace To all licentious lust, and gan exceed The measure of her meane and naturall first need. " Then gan a cursed hand the quiet wombe Of his great grandmother with Steele to wound. And the hid treasures in her sacred tombe With sacriledge to dig : therein he fownd Pountaines of gold and silver to abownd. Of which the matter of his huge desire And pompous pride eftsoones he did compownd ; Then Avarice gan through his veines inspire His greedy flames, and kindled life-devouring fii*e.** THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. 103 " Sonne," said lie then, "lett be tliy bitter scorns. And leave the rudenesse of that antique age To them, that liv'd therin in state forlorne. Thou, that doest hve in later times must wage Thy workes for wealth, and life for gold engage. If then thee hst my ofired grace to use, Take what thou please of all this surplusage ; If thee list not, leave have thou to refuse : But thing refused doe not afterward accuse." " Me list not," said the Elfin knight, ''receave Thing offred, till I know it well be gott ; Ne wote I but thou didst these goods bereave From rightfuU owner by unrighteous lott. Or that blood-guiltinesse or guile them blott." " Perdy," quoth he, " yet never eie did vew, Ne tong did teU, ne hand these handled not ; But safe I have them kept in secret mew Prom hevens sight and powre of al which them poursow.** " What secret place," quoth he, " can safely hold So huge a masse, and hide from heavens eie ? Or where hast thou thy wonne, that so much gold Thou canst preserve from wrong and robbery?" *' Come thou," quoth he, " and see." So by and by Through that thick covert he him led, and fownd A darksome way, which no man could descry. That deepe descended through the hollow grownd, And was with dread and horror compassed arownd. At length they came into a larger space. That stretcht itselfe into an ample playne ; Through which a beaten broad high way did trace. That streight did lead to Plutoes griesly rayne : By that wayes side there sate infernaU Payne, And fast beside him sate tumultuous Strife; The one in hand an yron whip did strayne, The other brandished a bloody knife ; And both did gnash their teeth, and both did threaten life. On th' other side in one consort there sate CrueU Eevenge, and rancorous Despight, PisloyaU Treason, and hart-burning If ate ; But gnawing Gealosy, out of their sight Sitting alone, his bitter lips did bight ; And trembling Peare still to and fro did fly, And found no place wher safe he shroud him might : Lamenting Sorrow did in darknes lye ; Aiid Shame his ugly face did hide from living eye. 194 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. And over tliem sad Horror with grim hew Did alwaies sore, beating his jron wings ; And after him owles and night-ravens flew^ The hateful! messengers of heavy things. Of death and dolor telUng sad tidings ; Whiles sad Celeno, sitting on a chfte, A song of bale and bitter sorrow sings. That hart of flint asonder could have rifte ; Which having ended after him she flyeth swifte. All these before the gates of Pluto lay; [By whom they passing spake unto them nought. But th* Elfin knight with wonder all the way Did feed his eyes, and fild his inner thought. At last him to a httle dore he brought, ^ That to the gate of hell, which gaped wide, Was next adioyning, ne them parted ought : [Betwixt them both was but a Httle stride, That did the [House of Eichesse from [Hell-mouth divide, [Before the dore sat selfe-consuming Care, Day and night keeping wary watch and ward, [For feare least Force or Fraud should unaware [Break in, and spoile the treasure there in gard: [ISTe would he suffer Sleepe once thether-ward Approch, albe his drowsy den were next ; For next to Death is Sleepe to be compard ; Therefore his house is unto his annext : [Here Sleep, there Eichesse, and Hel-gate them both be L\>-ext. So soon as Mammon there arrivd, the dore To him did open and affoorded way: [Him followed eke Sir Guyon evermore, [Ne darknesse him ne daunger might dismay. Soone as he entred was, the dore streightway Did shutt, and from behind it forth there lept An ugly feend, more fowle then dismall day; The which with monstrous stalke behind him stepfc. And ever as he went dew watch upon him kept. Well hoped hee, ere long that hardy guest. If ever covetous hand, or lustfull eye. Or Hps he layd on thing that likt him best. Or ever sleepe his eie-strings did untye. Should be his pray: and therefore still on hyo [He over him did hold his craell clawes, Threatning with greedy gri])e to doe him dye. And rend in peeces with his ravenous pawes, J£ ever he transgrest the fataU Stygian lawes. THE FAEEIB QUEENE.* 195 Tliat houses forme within was rude and strong, Lyke an huge cave hewne out of rocky clifte, From whose rough vaut the ragged breaches hong Embost with massy gold of glorious guifte, And with rich metall loaded every rifte, That heavy mine they did seeme to threatt : And over them Arachne high did hfte Her cunning web, and spred her subtile nett, Enwrapped in fowle smoke and clouds more black than iett. Both roofe, and floore, and walls, were all of gold. But overgrowne with dust and old decay, And hid in darknes, that none could behold The hew thereof; for vew of cherefuU day Did never in that house itselfe display. But a faint shadow of uncertein light ; Such as a lamp, whose life does fade away; Or as the moone, cloathed with clowdy night, Does shew to him that walkes in feare and sad affright. In all that rowme was nothing to be scene But huge great yron chests, and coffers strong. All bard with double bends, that none could weene Them to enforce by violence or wrong ; On every side they placed were along. Bat all the grownd with sculs was scattered And dead mens bones, which round about were flong ; "Whose lives, it seemed, whilome there were shed. And their vile carcases now left unburied. They forward passe ; ne Guyon yet spoke word. Till that they came unto an yron dore, Which to them opened of his owne accord. And shewd of richesse such exceeding stora- As eie of man did never see before, Ne ever could within one place be fownd, Though all the wealth, which is or was of yore. Could gatherd be through all the world arownd. And that above were added to that under grownd. The charge thereof unto a covetous spright Commaunded was, who thereby did attend. And warily awaited day and night, Erora other covetous feends it to defend. Who it to rob and ransacke did intend. Then Mammon, turning to that warriour, said ; ** Loe, here the worldes bUs ! loe, here th^ end To which al men do ayme, rich to be made ! Such grace now to be happy is before thee laid.** 196 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. " Certes," sayd lie, " I n'ill thine offred grace, JSTe to be made so liappy doe intend ! Auotlier blis before mine eyes I place. Another happines, another end. To them, that hst, these base regardes I lend : But I in amies, and in atchieyements brave. Do rather choose my flitting houres to spend. And to be lord of those that riches have, Then them to have my selfe, and be their servile sclave.** Thereat the feend his gnashing teeth did grate. And griev'd, so long to lacke his greedie pray; For well he weened that so glorious bayte Would tempt his guest to take thereof assay: Had he so doen, he had him snatcht away, More light than culver in the faulcons fist : Eternall God thee save from such decay ! But, whenas Mammon saw his purpose mist. Him to entrap unwares another way he wist. Thence, forward he him ledd, and shortly brought Unto another rowme, whose dore forthright To him did open as it had beene taught : Therein an hundred rauuges weren pight, And hundred fournaces allburning bright: By every fournace many feends did hjde, Deformed creatures, horrible in sight ; And every feend his busie paines applyde To melt the golden metall, ready to be tr^^de. One with great bellowes gathered filling ayre. And with forst wind the fewell did inflame ; Another did the dying brqnds repayre With yron tongs, and sprinckled ofte the same With liquid waves, fiers Yulcans rage to tame, Who, maystring them, renewd his former heat: Some scnmd the drosse that from the metall came ; Some stird the molten owre with ladles great : And every one did swincke, and every one did sweat. But, when an earthly wight they present saw, Ghstring in armes and battailous aray, From their whot work they did themselves withdraw To wonder at the sight ; for, till that day, They never creature saw that cam that way : Their staring eyes sparckling with fervent fyre And ugly shapes did nigh the man dismay. That, v,eve it not for shame, he would retyre ; Till that him thus bespake their soveraine lord and syre: THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 197 '' Behold, tliou Faeries sonne, with, mortall eye. That living eye before did never see ! Tiie thing, that thou didst crave so earnestly, To weet whence all the wealth late shewd by meo Proceeded, lo ! now is reveald to thee. Here is the fountaine of the worldes good ! Now therefore, if thou wilt enriched bee, Avise thee well, and chaunge thy wilful mood ; Least thou perhaps hereafter wish, and be withstood.'* ** Suffise it then, thou money-god," quoth hee, " That all thine ydle offers I refuse. All that I need I have ; what needeth mee To covet more then I have cause to use ? With such vaine shewes thy worldlinges vyle abuse : But give me leave to follow mine emprise." Mammon was much displeasd, yet no'te he chuse But beare the rigour of his bold mesprise : And thence him forward ledd, him farther to entise. He brought him, through a darksom narrow stray i^ To a broad gate all built of beaten gold : The gate was open ; but therein did wayt A sturdie villein, stryding stiffe and bold. As if the Highest God defy he would : In his right hand an yron club he held, But he himselfe was all of golden mould, Yet had both life and sence, and well could weld That cursed weapon, when his cruell foes he queld. Disdayne he called was, and did disdayne To be so cald, and who so did him call : Sterne was his looke, and full of stomacke vayne ; His portaunce terrible, and stature tall, Far passing th' hight of men terrestriall ; Like an huge gyant of the Titans race ; That made him scorne all creatures great and small, And with his pride all others powre deface : More fitt emonst black fiendes then men to have his placo. Soone as those glitterand armes he did espye, That with their brightness e made that darknes light, His harmefull club he gan to hurtle hye. And threaten batteill to the Faery knight ; Who likewise gan himselfe to batteill dight. Till Mammon did his hasty hand withhold. And counseld him abstaine from perilous fight; For nothing might abash the villein bold, Ne mortall Steele emperce his miscreated mould. 198 THE FAERIE QUEENS. So havinpf liim witli reason pacifyde, And tliat fiers carle commaunding to forbeare, He brought liim in. The rowme was large and "wyde. As it some gy eld or solenine temple weare ; Many great golden pillours did upbeare The massy roofe, and riches huge sustayne ; And every pillour decked was full deare With crownes, and diademes, and titles vaine, Which mortall princes wore whiles they on earth did rayne. A route of people there assembled were. Of every sort and nation under skye, Which with great uprore preaced to draw nere To th' upper part, where was advaunced hye A stately siege of soveraine maiestye ; And thereon satt a woman gorgeous gay. And richly cladd in robes of roj^altye. That never earthly prince in such aray His glory did enhaunce, and pompous pryde display. Her face right wondrous faire did seeme to bee, That her broad beauties beam great brightnes threw Through the dim shade, that all men might it see ; Yet was not that same her owne native hew, But wrought by art and counterfetted shew. Thereby more lovers unto her to call ; Nath'lesse most hevenly faire in deed and vew She by creation was, till she did fall ; Thenceforth she sought for helps to cloke her crime withalL There, as in glistring glory she did sitt. She held a great gold chaine ylincked well. Whose upper end to highest heven was knitt. And lower part did rea*ch to lowest hell ; And all that preace did rownd about her swell To catchen hold of that long chaine, thereby To climbe aloft, and others to exceE. : That was Ambition, rash desire to sty. And every linck thereof a step of dignity. Some thought to raise themselves to high degreo By riches and unrighteous reward ; Some by close shouldring ; some by flatteree ; Others through friendes ; others for base regard ; And all, by wrong waies, for themselves prepard : Those, that were up themselves, kept others low ; Those, that were low themselves, held others hard, Ne suffred them to ryse or greater grow ; But every one did strive his fellow downe to throw# THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 199 Wliioli whenas Guyon saw, lie gan inquire, What meant that preace about that ladies throne, And what she was that did so high aspyre ? Him Mammon answered ; " That goodly one. Whom all that folke with such contention Doe flock about, my deare, my daughter is » Honour and dignitie from her alone Derived are, and all this worldes blis, For which ye men doe strive ; few gett, but many mis : " And fayre Philotime she rightly hight, ^ The fairest wight that wonneth under skie, But that this darksom neather world her light Doth dim with horror and deformity, Worthie of heven and hye felicitie, From whence the gods have her for envy thrust ; But, sith thou hast found favour in mine eye. Thy spouse I will her make, if that thou lust ; That she may theq advance for works and merits iust/* •*Gramercy, Mammon,'* said the gentle knight, " For so great grace and offred high estate ; But I, that am fraile flesh and earthly wight. Unworthy match for such immor tall mate Myselfe well wote, and mine unequall fate ; And were I not, yet is my trouth yplight. And love avowd to other lady late. That to remove the same I have no might : To chaunge love causelesse is reproch to warlike knii^ht." Mammon emmoved was with inward wrath ; Yet, forcing it to fayne, him forth thence ledd, Through griesly shadowes by a beaten path, Into a gardin goodly garnished With hearbs and fruits, whose kinds mote not be redd: Not such as earth out of her fruitfull woomb, Throwes forth to men, sweet and well savored, But direfaU deadly black, both leafe and bloom, Fitt to adorne the dead and deck the drery toonibo. There moumfuU cypresse grew in greatest store ; And trees of bitter gall ; and heben sad ; Dead sleeping poppy ; and black hellebore ; Cold coloquintida ; and tetra mad ; Mortall samnitis ; and cicuta bad, With which th' uniust Atheniens made to dy Wise Socrates, who, thereof qualEng glad, Pourd out his life and last philosophy To the fayre Critias, his dearest belamy 1 200 THE FAEEIE QUEENS. Tlie gar din of Proserpina this liiglit : And in the midst thereof a silver seat, "With a thick arber goodly oyer dight, In Tvhich she often usd from open heat Herselfe to shroud, and pleasures to entreat : ISText thereunto did grow a goodlj^ tree, With braunches broad dispredd and body great, Clothed with leaves, that none the wood mote sco. And loaden all with fruit as thick as it might bee. Their fruit were golden apples glistring bright, That goodly was their glory to behold ; On earth like never grew, ne living wight Like ever saw, but they from hence were sold ; "For those, which Hercules with conquest bold Got from great Atlas daughters, hence began, And planted there did bring forth fruit of gold ; And those, with which th' Euboean young man wan Swift Atalanta, when through craft he her out-ran. Here also sprong that goodly golden fruit, With which Acontius got his lover trew. Whom he had long time sought with fruitlesse suit : Here eke that famous golden apple grew. The which emongst the gods false Ate threw; Por which th' Ida^an ladies disagreed, T^ partiall Paris dempt it Yenus dew, And had of her fayre Helen for his meed. That many noble Greekes and Troians made to bleed. The warlike Elfe much wondred at this tree. So fayre and great, that shadowed all the ground ; And his broad braunches laden with rich fee, Did stretch themselves without the utmost bound Of this great gardin, compast with a mound : Which over 'hanging, they themselves did steepe In a blacke flood, which flow'd about it round; That is the river of Cocytus deepe. In which full many soules do endlesse wayle and weepe, WTiich to behold he clomb up to the bancke ; And, looking downe, saw many damned wightes In those sad waves, which dire full deadly stancke, Plonged continually of cruell sprightes. That with their x)iteous crj^es, and yelling shrightes. They made the further shore resounden wide : Emongst the rest of those same ruefuU sightes. One cursed creature he by chaunce espide. That drenched lay fuU deepe under the garden side. THE FAEEIB QUEENB. 201 Deepe was lie drenclied to the upmost cLin, Yet gaped still as coveting to drinke Of the cold liquor wliicli lie waded in ; And, stretching forth his hand, did often thinke To reach the fruit which grew upon the brincke ; But both the fruit from hand, and flood from mouth. Did fly abacke, and made him vainely swincke ; The whiles he sterv'd with hunger, and with drouth He daily dyde, yet never throughly dyen couth. The knight, him seeing labour so in vaine, Askt who he was, and what he meant thereby ? Who, groning deepe, thus answerd him againe ; " Most cursed of ^11 creatures under skye, Lo Tantalus, I here tormented lye ! Of whom high love wont whylgme feasted bee ; Lo, here I now for want of food doe dye ! But, if that thou be such as I thee see, ^ Of grace I pray thee give to eat and drinke to mee !" ** Kay, nay, thou greedy Tantalus," quoth he, " Abide the fortune of thy present fate ; And, unto all that live in high degree, Ensample be of mind intemperate. To teach them how to use their present state/* Then gan the cursed wretch alowd to cry. Accusing highest love and gods ingrate ; And eke blaspheming heaven bitterly, As author of uniustice, there to let him dye. He lookt a litle further, and espyde Another wretch, whose carcas deepe was drent Within the river which the same did hyde : But both his handes most filthy feculent. Above the water were on high extent. And faynd to wash themselves incessantly. Yet nothing cleaner were for such intent. But rather fowler seemed to the eye ; So lost his labour vaine and ydle industry. The knight, him calling, asked who ho was ? Who, lifting up his head, him answerd thus ; " I Pilate am, the falsest iudge, alas ! And most uniust ; that, by unrightcoua And wicked doome, to lewes despiteous Delivered up the Lord of Life to dye, And did acquite a murdrer felon ous ; ^ The whiles my handes I washt in ])urity, The whiles my soule was soyld with fowle iniquity." 202 THE FAERIE QUEEKB. Infinite moe tormented in like paine He there beheld, too long here to be told : Ne Mammon would there let him long remayne, For terrour of the tortures manifold, In which the damned soules he did behold, But roughly him bespake : " Thou fearefull foole. Why takest not of that same fruite of gold ? Ne sittest downe on that same silver stoole. To rest thy weary person in the shadow coole?** All which he did to do him deadly fall In frayle intemperaunce through sinfull bayt ; To which if he inclyned had at all, That dreadfuU feend, which did behinde Jiim wayt. Would him have rent in thousand peeces strayt : But he was wary wise in all his way, A-nd wel perceived his deceitfuU sleight, Ne sufFred lust his safety to betray : Bo goodly did beguile the guyler of his pray. And now he has so long remained theare. That vitall powres gan wexe both weake and wan For want of food and sleepe, which two upbeare. Like mightie pillours, this frayle life of man. That none without the same enduren can : For now three dayes of men were full outwrought. Since he this hardy enterprize began : Forthy great Mammon fayrely he besought Into the world to guyde him backe, as he him brought. The god, though loth, yet was constra3aid t* obay ; For lenger time, then that, no living wight Below the earth might suffred be to stay i So backe againe him brought to living light. But all so soone as his enfeebled spright Gan sucke this vitall ayre into his brest, As overcome with too exceeding might, The life did flit away out of her nest, And all his sences were with deadly fit oppresi; THE FAEEIB QTTEENB. 203 CANTO vm. Sir Guyon, layd in swowne, is by Aerates sonnes despoyld ; Whom Arthure soone hath reskewed. And Faynim brethren foyld. And is there care in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures bace, That may compassion of their evils move ? There is : — else much more wretched were the cace Of men then beasts : but O !^ th' exceeding grace Of highest God, that loves his creatures so, And all his workes with mercy doth embrace, That blessed angels he sends to and fro. To serve to wicked man, to serve his wicked foe I How oft do they their silver bowers leave To come to succour us that succour want ! How oft do they with golden pineons cleave The flitting skyes, like flying pursuivant, Against fowle feendes to ayd us militant ! They for us fight, they watch and dewly ward, And their bright squadrons round about us plant; And all for love and nothing for reward : O, why should Hevenly God to men have such regard! During the while that Guyon did abide In Mammons house, the palmer, whom whyleare That wanton mayd of passage had denide. By further search had passage found elsewhere 5 And, being on his way, approached neare Where Guyon lay in traunce ; when suddeioly He heard a voyce that called lowd and cleare, " Come hether, come hether, O ! come hastily 1" That all the fields resounded with the ruefull cry. The pahner lent his eare unto the noyce, To weet who called so importunely : Againe he heard a more efibrced voyce. That bad him come in haste : he by and by His feeble feet directed to the cry; Which to that shady delve him brought at last, Where Mammon earst did sunne his threasury: There the good Guyon he found slumbring fast In senceles dreame ; which sight at first him sore aghast. 204 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Beside Ms Iiead tliere satt a faire young man, Of wondrous beauty and of fresliest yeares, Whose tender bud to blossome new began, And florisli faire above his equall peares : His snowy front, curled with golden heares, Like Phoebus face adornd with sunny rayes, Divinely shone ; and two sharp e winged sheares. Decked with'diverse plumes, like painted jayes, Were fixed at his backe to cut his ayery wayes. Like as Cupido on Idsean hill, When having laid his cruell bow away And mortall arrowes, wherewith he doth fill The world with murdrous spoiles and bloody pray. With his faire mother he him dights to play. And with his goodly sisters, Graces three ; The goddesse, pleased with his wanton play, Suffers herselfe through sleepe beguild to bee. The whiles the other ladies mind theyr mery glee. Whom when the palmer saw, abasht he was Through fear and wonder, that he nought could say. Till him the childe bespoke ; " Long lackt, alas, Hath bene thy faithfull aide in hard assay I Whiles deadly fitt thy pupill doth dismay. Behold this heavy sight, thou reverend sire ! But dread of death and dolor doe away ; For life ere long shall to her home retire. And he that breathlesse seems shal corage bold respira " The charge, which God doth unto me arrett. Of his deare safety I to thee commend ; Yet wiR I not forgoe, ne yet forgett The care thereof myselfe unto the end. But evermore him succour, and defend Against his foe and mine : watch thou, I pray; For evill is at hand him to offend." So having said, eftsoones he gan display His painted nimble wings, and vanisht quite away. The palmer seeing his lefte empty place. And his slow eies beguiled of their sight, Woxe sore afraid, and standing still a space Gaz'd after him, as fowle escapt by flight : At last, him turning to his charge behight. With trembhng hand his troubled pulse gan try; Where finding life not yet dislodged quight. He much reioyst, and courd it tenderly, As chicken newly hacht, from dreaded destiny. THE PAEBIE QUEENE. 205 At last he spide where towards him did pace^ Two Paynim knights al armd as bright as skie. And them beside an aged sire did trace, And far before a light-foote page did flie,^ That breathed strife and troublous enmitie. Those were the two sonnes of Aerates old. Who, meeting earst with Archimago slie Toreby that Idle Strond, of him were told That he, which earst them combatted, was Guyon bold. Which to avenge on him they dearly vowd, Whereever that on ground they mote him findt [False Archimage provokt their corage prowd. And stryful Atin in their stubborne mind Coles of contention and whot vengeaunce tind. "Now bene they come whereas the palmer sate, Keeping that slombred corse to him assind: Well knew they both his person, sith of lato With him in bloody armes they rashly did debate. Whom when Pyrochles saw, inflam'd with rage That sire he fowl bespake; " Thou dotard vile. That with thy brutenesse shendst thy comely age, Abandon soone, I read, the caytive spoile Of that same outcast carcas, that erewhile Made itselfe famous through false trechery, And crownd his coward creat with knightly stile; Loe I where he now inglorious doth lye. To proove he lived il, that did thus fowly dye.*' To whom the palmer fearlesse answered; ** Certes, sir knight, ye bene too much to blame, Thus for to blott the honor of the dead. And with fowle cowardize his carcas shame Whose living handes immortalizd his name. Yile is the vengeaunce on the ashes cold; And envy base to barke at sleeping fame : Was never wight that treason of him told ; Yourselfe his prowesse prov'd, and found him Hers and bold.** Then sayd Cymochles; "Palmer, thou doest dote, Ne canst of prowesse ne of knighthood deeme, Save as thou seest or hearst: but well I wote, That of ks puissaunce tryall made extreme: Yet gold nil is not that doth golden seeme; Ne al good knights that shake well speare and shield : The worth of all men by their end esteeme; And then dew praise or dew reproch them yield: Bad therefore I liim deeme that thus lies dead on field.'* 10 206 THE FAEEIE QUEENB. " G-ood OP bad," gan his brother fiers reply, " "\V]iat do I recke-, sitli tliat lie dide entire ? Or what doth his bad death now satisfy The greedy hnnger of revenging yre, Sith wrathful! hand wrought not her owne desire? Yet, since no way is lefte to wreake my spight, I will him reave of armes, the victors hire, And of that shield, more worthy of good knight; For -why should a dead dog be deckt in armour bright ?" " Fayr sir," said then the palmer supphaunt, " For knighthoods love doe not so fowle a deed, IN'e blame your honor with so shamefull vaunt Of vile revenge: to spoile the dead of weed Is sacrilege, and doth all sinnes exceed: Eut leave these rehcks of his living might To decke his herce, and trap his tomb-blacke steed." ** What herce or steed," said he, " should he have dight, But be entombed in the raven or the kight?" With that, rude hand upon his shield he laid. And th' other brother gan his helme unlace; Both fiercely bent to have him disaraid : Till that they spyde where towards them did pace An armed knight, of bold and bounteous grace. Whose squire bore after him an heben launce And coverd shield: well kend.him so far space Th' enchaunter by his armes and amenaunce, When under him he saw his Lybian steed to prauAce j And to those brethren sayd; "Eise, rise bylive, A4id unto batteiL doe yourselves addresse; For yonder comes the prowest knight alive. Prince Arthur, flowre of grace and nobiiesse, ^ That hath to Paynim knights -^vrought gret distresse. And thousand Sar zins fowly donne to dye." That word so deepe did in their harts impresse. That both eftsoones upstarted furiously, And gan themselves prepare to batteill greedily. But fiers Pyrochles, lacking his owne sword. The want thereof now greatly gan to plaine. And Archimage besought, him that afford Which he had brought for Braggadochio vaine. " So would I," said th' enchaunter, " glad and faine Beteeme to you this sword, you to defend. Or ought that els your honour might maintainej But that this weapons powre I well have kend To be contrary to the w^orke which ye intend: THE PAEBIB QXTEENE. 20? "For tliat same knigMs owne sword this is, of yore Which Merlin made by his almightie art For that his noursling, when he knighthood swore. Therewith to doen his foes eternall smart. The metall first he mixt with medsDwart, That no enchauntment from his dint might save; Then it in flames of Aetna wrought apart. And seven times dipped in the bitter wave Of heUish Styx, which hidden vertue to it gave. '* The vertue is, that nether Steele nor stone The stroke thereof from entraunce may defend; ]N"e ever may be used by his fone ; INTe forst his rightfull owner to offend; Ne ever will it breake, ne ever bend; Wherefore Morddure it rightfully is hight. In vaine, therefore, Pyrochles, should I lend The same to thee, against his lord to fight; For sure yt would deceive thy labor and thy might." ** Foolish old man," said then the Pagan wroth, '* That weenest words or charms may force withstond. Soone shalt thou see, and then beleeve for troth, That I can carve with this inchaunted brond His lords owne flesh.'* Therewith out of his hond That vertuous Steele he rudely snatcht away; And Guyons shield about his wrest he bond: So ready diglit, fierce battaile to assay, And match his brother proud in. battailous aray. By this, that straunger knight in presence came, And goodly salved them; who nought againe Him answered, as courtesie became; But with sterne lookes, and stomachous disdaine. Gave signes of grudge and discontentment vaine: Then, turning to the palmer, he gan spy Where at his feet, with sorrowful! demayne And deadly hew, an armed corse did lye. In whose dead face he redd great magnanimity. Said he then to the palmer; "Eeverend syre, What great misfortune hath betidd this knight? Or did his life her fatall date expyre, Or did he fall by treason, or by fight? However, sure I rew his pitteous plight." ** JSTot one, nor other," sayd the palmer grave, *' Hath him befalne; but cloudes of deadly night Awliile his heavy eyelids cover'd have, hxA all his sences drowned in deep sencelesse wave: 208 THE FAERIE QUEENE. " Wliicli tliose Ills cruell foes, that stand hereby. Making advantage, to revenge tlieir spight, AYoTild him disarme and treaten shamefully; Unworthie usage of redoubted knight! But you, faire sir, whose honourable sight Doth promise hope of helpe and timely grace. Mote I beseech to succour his sad plight, And by your powre protect his feeble cace ! First prayse of knighthood is, fowle outrage to deface.' " Palmer," said he, " no knight so rude, I weene, As to doen outrage to a sleeping ghost: Ne was there ever noble cor age scene, That in advauntage would his puissaunce host : Honour is least, where oddes appeareth most. May bee, that better reason will aswage The rash revengers heat. Words, well dispost, Have secrete powre t' appease inflamxcd rage: If not, leave unto me thy knights last patronage.** Tho, turning to those brethren, thus bespoke ; . " Ye warlike payre, whose valorous great might. It seemes, iust wronges to vengeaunce doe provoke. To wreake your wrath on this dead-seeming knight. Mote ought allay the storme of your despight. And settle patience in so furious heat ? "Not to debate the chalenge of your right, But for his carkas pardon I entreat. Whom fortune hath already laid in lowest seat.** To whom Cymochles said; "For what art thou. That mak'st thyselfe his dayes-man, to prolong The vengeaunce prest ? Or who shall let me now On this vile body from to wreak my wrong, And make his carkas as the outcast dong P Why should not" that dead carrion satisfye The guilt, which, if he lived had thus long, His life for dew revenge should deare abye ? The trespass still doth live, albee the person dye.** " Indeed," then said the prince, " the evill donno Dyes not, when breath the body first doth leave ; But from the grandsyre to the nephewes sonne And all his seede the curse doth often cleave. Till vengeaunce utterly the guilt bereave: So streightly God doth iudge. But gentle knight. That doth against the dead his hand upreare. His honour staines with rancour and despight. And great disparagment makes to his former might,'* THE FAEEIE QtTEENE. 209 P.rrocliles gan reply tlie second tyme, And to him said; "Now, felon, sure I read, How that thou arfc partaker of his cryme : Therefore by Termagaunt thou shalt be dead." With that, his hand, more sad than lomp of lead. Uplifting high, he weened with Morddure, His owne good sword Morddure, to cleave his head. The faithful! Steele such treason no'uld endure,^ But, swarving from the marke, his lordes life did assure. Yet was the force so furious and so fell, That horse and man it made to reele asyde: Nath'lesse the prince would not forsake his sell, (For well of yore he learned had to ryde,) But full of anger fiersly to him cryde; " False traitour, miscreaunt, thou broken hast The law of armes, to strike foe undefide : But thou th3^ treasons fruit I hope shall taste Bight sowre, and feele the law, the which thou hast defast,** With that his balefull speare he fiercely bent Against the Pagans brest, and therewith thought His cursed life out of her lodg have rent : But, ere the point arrived where it ought, That seven-fold shield, which he from Guy on brought, He cast between to ward the bitter stownd: Through all those foldes the steelehead passage wrought, And through his shoulder perst ; wherwith to ground He groveling fell, all gored in his gushing wound. Which when his brother saw, fraught with great griefo And wrath, he to him leaped furiously, And fowly saide ; " By Mahoune, cursed thiefe, That direfull stroke thou dearely shalt aby." TJien, hurling up his harmefull blade on hy, Smote him so hugely on his haughtie crest, That from his saddle forced him to fly : Els mote it needes downe to his manly brest Have cleft his head in twaine, and life thence dispossest. Now was the prince in daungerous distresse. Wanting his sword, when he on foot should fight s }Iis single speare could doe him small redresso Against two foes of so exceeding might, The least of which was match for any knight. And now the other, whom he earst did daunt, Had reard himselfe againe to cruel fight. Three times more furious and more puissaunt, Unmindfuil of his wound, of his fate iguorauat. 210 THE FAEBIE QUEENB. So both attonce liim cliarge on eitlicr sydo With hideous strokes and importable powre, That forced him his ground to traverse wyde. And wisely watch to ward that deadly stowre : Por on his shield, as thicke as stormie showa^e, Their strokes did raine ; yet did he never quailc, Ne backward shrinke ; but as a stedfast towre, Whom foe with double battry doth assaile, Them on her bulwarke beares, and bids them nought availe. So stoutly he withstood their strong assay; Till tliat at last, when he advantage spyde, His poynant speare he thrust wdth puissant sway At proud Cymochles, whiles his shield was wyde, That through his thigh the mortall Steele did gryde; He, swarving with the force, within his flesh Did breake the launce, and let the head abyde : Out of the wound the red blood flowed fresh, That underneath his feet soone made a purple plesli. Horribly then he gan to rage and rayle, Cursing his gods, and himselfe damning deepe: Als when his brother saw the red blood rayle Adowne so fast, and all his armour steepe, For very felnesse lowd he gan to weepe. And said; " Caytive, curse on thy cruell bond, That twise hath spedd; yet shall it not thee keepe l^rom the third brunt of this my fatall brond : Lo, where the dreadfull Death behynd thybacke doth stoud!" With that he strooke, and th* other strooke with all, That nothing sccmd mote beare so monstrous might: The one upon his covered shield did fall, And glauncing downe w^ould not his owner byte: But til' other did upon his troncheon smyte; Which hewing quite asunder, further way It made, and on his hacqueton did ly te, The which dividing with importune sway, It seizd in his right side, and there the dint did stay. Wyde was the wound, and a large lukewarmc flood, Eed as the rose, thence gushed grievously ; That ^^'llen the Paynym spyde the streaming blood, Gave him great hart and hope of victory. On th' other side, in huge perplexity The prince now stood, having his w^eapon broke; Nought could he hurt, but still at warde did ly : Yet with his troncheon he so rudely stroke Cymochles twise, that twise him forst his foot revuke. THE FAERIE QTJEENE. 211 Wliom when the palmer saw in such distresse. Sir Guyons sword he lightly to him rauglit, And said ; " Payre sonne, great God thy right hand blesse. To use that sword so well as he it ought !" Glad was the knight, and with fresh courage fraught, When as againe he armed felt his hond : Then like a lyon, which had long time saught His robbed whelpes, and at the last them fond [yond : Emongst the shepheard swaynes, then wexeth wood and So fierce he laid about him, and dealt blowes On either side, that neither mayle could hold, Ne shield defend the thunder of his throwes : Now to Pyrochles many strokes he told ; Eft to Cymochles twise so many fold; Then, backe againe turning his busie hond, Them both attonce compeld with courage bold To yield wide way to his hart-thrilling brond ; [stond. And though they both stood stiffe, yet could not both with- As salvage bull, whom two fierce mastives bayt, When rancour doth with rage him once engorge, Forgets with wary warde them to awayt. But with his dreadfuU homes them drives afore. Or flings aloft, or treades downe in the flore, Breathing out v/rath, and bellowing disdaine. That all the forest quakes to hear him rore : So rag'd Prince Arthur tw^ixt his foemen twaine, That neither could his mightie puissaunce sustaine. But ever at Pyrochles when he smitt, (Who Guyons shield cast ever him before. Whereon the Faery Queenes pourtract was writt,) His hand relented and the stroke forbore, And his deare hart the picture gan adore ; Which oft the Paynim sav'd from deadly stowre: But him henceforth the same can save no more ; For now arrived is his fatall howre, ^ That no'te avoyded be by earthly skill or powre. For when Cymochles saw the fowle reproch, . Which them appeached ; prickt with guiltie shame And inward griefe, he fiercely gan approch, Eesolv'd to put away that loathly blame. Or dye with honour and desert of fame; And on the haubergh stroke the prince so sore, That quite disparted all the linked frame. And pierced to the skin, but bit no more ; Yet made him twise to reele, that never moov*d afore. 212 THE FAERIE QTTEENE. ^^^ereat renfierst with wratli and sliarp regret. He stroke so hugely with his borrowcl blade, That it empierst the Pagans burganet ; And, cleaving the hard Steele, did deepe invade Into his head, and cruell passage made Quite through his brayne : he, tombling downe on ground, Ereath'd out his ghost, which, to th' infernall shade Fast ilyiug, there eternall torment found For all the sinnes wherewith his lewd hfe did abound. Which when his german saw, the stony feare [Ran to his hart, and all his sence dismayd ; Ne thenceforth life ne corage did ax)peare t But, as a man whom hellish feendes have frayd, Long trembling still he stoode ; at last thus sayd ; " Tray tour, what hast thou doen ! How ever may Thy cursed hand so cruelly have swayd Against that knight ! Harrow and well away ! After so wicked deede why liv'st thou lenger day!" With that all desperate, as loathing light, And with revenge desyring soone to dye, Assembling all his force and utmost might, "With his owne swerd he fierce at him did ilye. And strooke, and foynd, and lasht outrageously, Withouten reason or regard. Well knew The prince, with pacience and sufferaunce sly, So hasty heat soone cooled to subdew : Tho, when this breathlesse woxe, that battcil gan renew. As when a windy tempest bloweth hye, That nothing may withstand his stormy stowre. The clovrdes, as thinges affrayd, before him flye; [But, all so soone as his outrageous powre Is layd, they fiercely then begin to showre : . And; as in scorne of his spent stormy spight, ISTow all attonce their malice forth do poure : So did Prince Arthur beare himselfe in fight, And sufired rash Pyrochles waste his ydle might. At last whenas the Sarazin perceiv'd How that straunge sword refusd to serve his neede, But, when he stroke most strong, the dint deceiv'dj He flong it from him ; and, devoyd of dreed, Upon him lightly leaping without heed, Twixt his two mighty armes en grasped fast, Thinking to overthrowe and downe him tred : But him in strength and skill the prince surpast, And through his nimble sleight did under him down casi THE FAEKIE QTJEENE. 213 Nouglifc booted it the Paynim tlien to strive ; For as a bittur in the eagles clawe,. That may not hope by flight to scape alive, Still waytes for 'death with dread and trembling aw; So he, now subject to the vie tours law,^ Did not once move, nor upward cast his eye, For vile disdaine and rancour, which did gnaw His hart in twaine with sad melancholy ; As one that loathed life, and yet despysed to dye. Bat, full of princely bounty and great mind. The conqueror nought cared him to slay;^ But, casting wronges and all revenge behind, More glory thought to give life then decay. And sayd; " Paynim, this is thy dismall day; Yet if thou wilt renounce thy miscreaunce. And my true liegeman yield thyselfe for ay, Life will I graunt thee for thy valiaunce, And all thy wronges will wipe out of my sovenaunce.** " Foole," said the pagan, " I thy gift defye; But use thy fortune, as it doth befall; And say, that I not overcome doe dye. But in despight of life for death doe call." Wroth was the prince, and sory yet withall. That he so wilfully refused grace ; Yet, sith his fate so cruelly did fall, His shining helmet he gan soone unlace, And lefte his headlesse body bleeding all the place. By tliis. Sir Guyon from his traunce awakt. Life having maystered her senceless foe ; And looking up, whenas his shield he lakt And sword saw not, he wexed wondrous woe u But when the palmer, whom he long ygoe Had lost, he by him spyde, right glad he grew. And saide ; " Deare sir, whom wandring to and fro I long have lackt, I ioy thy face to vew I Firme is thy faith, whom daunger never fro me drew. " But read what wicked hand hath robbed mee Of my good sword and shield ?'* The palmer, glad With so fresh hew uprysing him to see. Him answered : " Fayre sonne, be no whit sad For want of weapons ; they shall soone be had." So gan he to discourse the whole debate. Which that straunge knight for him sustained had. And those two Sarazins confounded late. Whose carcases on ground were horribly prostrate. 214 THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. Wliicli wlien he lieard, and saw tlie tokens trow. His hart with great arfection was embayd, And to the prince, with bowing reverence dew. As to the patrone of his life, thus sayd; ** My lord, my liege, by whose most gratious ayd I live this day, and see my foes subdewd, What may suffice to be for meede repayd Of so great graces as ye have me shewd, But to be ever bound" — To whom tlie infant thus : "Fayre sir, what need Good turnes bo counted, as a servile bond, To bind their dooers to receive their meed ? Are not all knightes by oath bound to withstond Oppressours powre by armes and puissant bond ? Suffise, that I have done my dew in place." So goodly purpose they together fond Of kindnesse and of courteous aggrace; The whiles false Archimage and Atin fled apaca. CAJSTTO IX. The ITouse of Temperaunce, in which . Doth sober Alma dwell, Besiegd of many foes, whom straunge- er knightes to flight compell. Of all Gods workes, which, doe this worlde adoma, There is no one more faire and excelient^ Then is mans body, both for powre and forme. Whiles it is kept in sober government ; Eut none then it more fowle and indecent, Distempred through misrule and passions bace; It grows a monster, and incontinent Doth lose his dignity and native grace: Behold, who list, both one and other in this place. After the Paynim brethren conquer'd were, The Briton prince recov'ring his stolne ST^ord, And Guyon his lost shield, they both yfere Forth passed on their way in fayre accord, Till him the prince with gentle court did bord; " Sir knight, mote I of you this court'sy read, To weet why on your shield, so goodly scord, Beare ye the picture of that ladies head? Full lively is the semblaunt, though the substance dead.' THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 215 "Fayre sir,** sayd he, "if in that picture dead Such Hfe ye read, and yertue in vaine shew; What mote ye weene, if the trew lively-head Of that most glorious visage ye did vew ! But yf the beauty of her mind ye knevr. That is, her bounty, and imperiall powre, Thousand times fairer then her mortall hew, O ! how great wonder would your thoughts devoure. And infinite desire into your spirite poure ! " She is the mighty Queene of Faery, Whose faire retraitt I in my shield doe beare; Shee is the ilowre of grace and chastity, Throuo'hout the world renowmed far and neare. My life, my liege, my soveraine, my deare. Whose glorj^ shineth as the morning starre, And with her light the earth enlumines cleare; Far reach her mercies, and her praises farre, As well in state of peace, as puissaunce in warre." " Thrise happy man," said then the Briton knight, " Whom gracious lott and thy great valiaunce Have made thee soldier of that princesse bright, Which with her bounty and glad countenaunce Doth blesse her servaunts, and them high advaunce ! How may straunge knight hope ever to aspire. By faithfull service and meete amenaunce Unto such blisse ? sufficient were that liire For losse of thousand hves, to die at her desire/* Said Guyon, " Noble lord, what meed so great. Or grace of earthly prince so soveraine, But by your wondrous worth and warlike feat Ye well may hope, and easely attaine ? But were your will her sold to entertaine. And numbred be niongst Knights of Maydenhed, Great guerdon, well I wote, should you remaine. And in her favor high bee reckoned. As Arthegall and Sophy now beene honored.*' " Certes,** then said the prince, " I God avow, That sith I armes and knighthood first did plight, My whole desire hath beene, and yet is now, To serve that queene with al my powre and might. Now hath the sunne with his lamp-burning ligiit Walkt round about the world, and I no Icsse, Sith of that goddessc I have sought the sight, Yet no where can her find: such happinesse Hcven doth to me envy and fortune lavoui-lesse.** 216 THE FAEBIE QTTEEJTB. " Fortune, tlie foe of famqxis chevisaiiiice, Seldom," said Guy on, " yields to vertue aide. But in her way tlirowes miscliiefe and miscliaiince, THiereby lier course is stopt and passage staid. But you, faire sir, be not herewith dismaid. But constant keepe the way in which ye stand ; TVTiich were it not that I am els delaid "With hard adventure, which I have in hand, I labour would to guide you through al Fary land.** " Gramercy Bir," said he ; **but mote I weete "What straunge adventure doe ye now pursew ? Perhaps my succour or advizement meete Mote stead yon much your purpose tc subdew.** Then gan Sir Guyon all the story shew Of false Acrasia, and her wicked wiles ; "Which to avenge, the palmer him forth drew From Faery court. So talked they, the whiles They wasted had much way, and measurd many miles. And now faire Phoebus gan decline in haste His weary wagon to the westeme vale, "Whenas they spide a goodly castle, plaste Foreby a river in a pleas aunt dale: "Which choosing for that evenings hospitale,^ They thether marcht : but when they came in sight. And from their sweaty coursers did avale, They found the gates fast barred long ere night. And every loup fast lockt, as fearing foes despight. WTiich when they saw, they weened fowle reproch Was to them doen, their entraunce to forstaU; Till that the squire gan nigher to approch. And wind his horne under the castle wall. That with the noise it shooke as it would fall. Eftsoones forth looked from the highest spire The watch, and lowd unto the knights did call. To weete what they so rudely did require : Who gently answered, they entraunce did desire. " Fly, fly, good knights," said he, " fly fast awa^-. If that your Hves ye love, as meete ye should ; Fly fast, and save yourselves from neare decay ; Here may ye not have entraunce, though we would : We would and would againe, if that we could ; But thousand enemies about us rave. And with long siege ns in this castle hould : Seven yeares this wize they us besieged have. And many good knights slaine that have us sought to save. ' THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. 217 Tlins as he spoke, loe ! with outragious cry A thousand villeins roTvnd about them swannd Out of the rockes and caves adioyning nye ; Vile caitive wretches, ragged, rude, deformd, All threatning death, all in straunge manner armd ; Some with unweldy clubs, some with long speares. Some rusty knives, some staves in fier warmd : Sterne was their looke ; like wild amazed steares. Staring with hollow eies, and stiff upstanding heares. Piersly at first those knights they did assayle, And drove them to recoile : but, when againe They gave fresh charge, their forces gan to fayle, TJnhable their encounter to sustaine ; For with such puissaunce and impetuous maine Those champions broke on them, that forst them fly, Like scattered sheepe, whenas the shepherds swaine A lion and a tigre doth espye With greedy pace forth rushing from the forest nye. A while they fled, but soone retoumd againe "With greater fury then before was found ; And evermore their crueK capitaine Sought with his raskall routs t'enclose them rownd. And overronne to tread them to the grownd:^ , But soone the knights with their bright-burning blades Broke their rude troupes, and orders did confownd, Hewing and slashing at their idle shades ; [fades. For though they bodies seem, yet substaiince from them As when a swarme of gnats at eventide Out of the fennes of Allan doe arise, Tlieir murmuring small trompetts sownden wide. Whiles in the aire their clustring army flies, That as a cloud doth seeme to dim the skies; Ne man nor beast may rest or take repast For their sharpe wounds and noyous. iniuries. Till the fierce northerne wind with blustring blast Doth blow them quite away, and in the ocean cast. Thus when they had that troublous rout disperst. Unto the castle gat« they come againe, - And entraunce crav'd, which was denied erst. Now when report of that their perlous paine. And combrous conflict wliich they did susfaine, Came to the ladies eare Avhich there did dwell, Shee forth issewed with a goodly traine Of squires and ladies equipagcd well, And entertained them right iaii'cly, as bcfcU. 218 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Alma she called was; a virgin bright, That had not yet felt Cupides waoton rage; Yet was shee woo'd of many a gentle knight. And man.y a lord of noble parentage. That sought with her to lincke in marriage: Tor shee was faire, as faire mote ever bee. And in the flowre now of her freshest age; Yet full of grace and goodly modestee. That even heven reioyced her sweete face to see. In robe of lilly white she was arayd. That from her shoulder to her heele downe raught; The traine whereof loose far behind her strayd, BrauDchedwith gold and perle miost richly wrouglit, -And borne of two faire damsels which were taught That service well : her yellow golden heare Was trimly woven, and in tresses wrought, Ne other tire she on her head did weare, But crowned with a garland of sweete rosiere. Goodly shee entertaind those noble knights, And brought them up into her castle hall; AYhere gentle court and gracious delight Shee to them made, with mildnesse virginall, Shewing herselfe both wise and liberall. There when they rested had a season dew. They her besought of favour speciall Of that faire castle to affoord them vew: Shee graunted; and, them leading forth, the same did shew. First she them led up to the castle wall, That was so high as foe might not it chme, And all so faire and fensible withall; Kot built of bricke, ne yet of stone and lime, But of thing Lke to that j3Egyptian slime, "Whereof king Nine whilome built Babell towre But O ^reat pitty, that no lenger time So goodly workmanship should not endure ! Soone it must turne to earth: no earthly thing is sure. The frame thereof seemd partly circulare. And part triangulare: O worke divine ! Those two the first and last proportions are; The one imperfect, mortall, foeminine; Th' other immortall, perfect, masculine; And twixt them both a quadrate was the base, Proportiond equally by seven and nine; J^me was the circle sett in heavens place: All which compacted, made a goodly diapase. THE FAEBIB QTJEENE. 219 Therein two gates were placed seemly well: The oiiQ before, by which all in did pas. Did th'other far in workmanship excell; For not of Tvood, nor of enduring bras, Bat of more worthy substance fram'd it was: Doubly disparted, it did locke and close, That, when it locked, none might thorough pas. And, when it opened, no man might it close ; Still opened to their friendes, and closed to their foea. Of hewen stone the porch was fayrely wrought, Stone more of valew, and more smooth and line. Then ictt or marble far from Ireland brought; Over the which was cast a wandring vine, Enchaced with a wanton yvie twine : And over it a fayre portcullis hong, Which to the gate directly did incline With comely compasse and compacture strong, Nether unseemly short, nor yet exceeding long. Within the barbican a porter sate, ^ Day and night duely keeping watch and ward; Nor wight nor word mote passe out of the gate, But in good order, and with dew regard; Utterers of secrets he from thence debard, Bablers of folly, and blazers of cryme: His larumbell might lowd and wyde be hard When cause requyrd, but never out of time ; Early and late it rong, at evening and at prime. And rownd about the porch on every syde Twise sixteene warders satt, all armed bright In glistring Steele, and strongly fortifyde : Tali yeomen seemed they and of great might. And were enraunged ready still for fight. By them as Alma iDassed with her guestes. They did obeysaunce, as beseemed right. And then againe retourned to their restes: The porter eke to her did lout with humble gestesu Thence she them brought into a stately hall. Wherein were many tables fayre dispred. And ready dight with drapets festivall, Against the viaundes should be ministred. At th' upper end there sate, yclad in red Downe to the ground, a comely personage, That in his hand a white rod mcnaged ; He steward was, hight Diet ; rypc of age, And in demcanure sober, and in counsel! sage. 220 THE FAEEIE QITEENE. And througli the liall tliere walked to and fro- A ioUy yeoman, marshall of the same, Whose name was Appetite ; he did bestow Both guestes and meate, whenever in they came. And knew them how to order without blame. As him the steward badd. They both attone Did dewty to their lady, as became; Who, passing by, forth ledd her guestes anone Into the kitciiin rowme, ne spard for nicenesse none^ It was a vaut ybuilt for great dispence, With many raunges reard along the wall, And one great chimney, whose long tonuell thence The smoke forth threw: and in the midst of all There placed was a caudron wide and tall Upon a mightie fornace, burning whott, More whott then Aetn', or flaming Mongiball: For day and night it brent, ne ceased not, So long as any thing it in the caudron gott. Buivto delay the heat, least by mischaunce It might breake out and set the whole on fyre, There added was by goodly ordinaunce An huge great payre of bellowes, which did styre Continually, and cooling breath inspyre. About the caudron many cookes accoyld With hookes and ladles, as need did requ3Te; The whyles the viaundes in the vessell boy Id, They did about their businesse sweat, and sorely toy Id,. The maister cooke was cald Concoction; A carefullman, and full of comely guyse; The kitchin clerke, thathight Digestion, Did order all th' achates in seemely wise. And set them forth, as well he could devise. The rest had severall offices assynd; Some to remove the scum as it did rise ; Others to beare the same away did mynd; And others it to use according to his kynd. But all the liqueur, which was fowle and waste, ISTot good nor serviceable elles for ought, Tliey in another great rownd vessell plaste. Till by a conduit pipe it thence were brought ; And all the rest, that noyous was and nought. By secret wayes, that none might it espy, Was close convaid, and to the backgate brought. That cleped was Port Esquiline, whereby It was avoided quite, and throwne out privily. THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. 221 Wliicli goodly order and great workmans still Wlienas those knights beheld, with rare delight And gazing wonder they their mindes did fill; For never had they seene so straunge a sight. Thence backe againe faire Alma led them right. And soone into a goodly parlour brought, That was with royall arras richly dight. In which was nothing poiirtrahed nor wrought; IN'ot wrought nor poiirtrahed, but easie to be thought: And in the midst thereof upon the floure A lovely bevy of faire ladies sate, Courted of many a iolly paramoure, The which them did in modest wise amate, And each one sought his lady to aggrate: And eke emongst them little Cupid playd His wanton sportes, being retourned late From his fierce warres, and having from him layd His cruell bow, wherewith he thousands hath dismayd. Diverse delights they fownd themselves to please; Some song in sweet consort; some laught for ioy; Some plaid with strawes; some ydly satt at ease; I3at others some could not abide to toy, All pleasaunce was to them griefe and annoy: This fround; that faund; the third for shame did blush; Another seemd envious, or coy ; Another in' her teeth did gnaw a rush: Eut at these straungers presence every one did hush, Soone as the gracious Alma came in place, They all attonce out of their seates arose, And to her homage niade with humble grace: Whom w^hen the knights beheld, they gan dispose Tliem selves to court, and each a damzell chose: The princeby chaunce did on a lady light, That was right faire and fresh as morning rose, But somewhat sad and solemne eke in sight. As if some pensive thought constraind her gentle spriglit. In a long purple pall, whose skirt with gold Was fretted all about, she was arayd; And in lier hand a "poplar braunch did hold: To whom the prince in courteous manersaj^d; " Gentle Madame, why beenc ye thus dismayd, And your faire beautie doe with sadnes spill? Lives any that you hath this ill apayd? Or doen you love, or doen you lack your will? Whatever bee the cause^ it sure besbemcs you ill." 222 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. ** Payre sir,*' said slie, lialfe in disdaineful wise, "^' How is it that this word in me ye blame. And in yourselfe doe not the same advise? Him ill beseemes aiiothers fault to name, That may unwares be blotted with the same: Pensive I yeeld I am, and sad in mind, Through great desire of glory and of fame; Ne ought I weene are ye therein behynd, [Ir.id." That have twelve months sought one, yet no where can her The prince was inly moved at her speach, Well weeting trew what she had rashly told; Yet with faire semblaunt sought to hyde the breach Which channge of colour did perforce unfold, Now seeming flaming whott, now stony cold: Tho, turning soft aside, he didinquyre What wight she was that poplar braunch did hold s It answered was, her name was Prays-desire, That by well doing sought to honour to aspyre. The whiles the Faery knight did entertaine Another damsell of that gentle crew. That was right fayre and modest of demayne. Put that too oft she chaung'd her native hew : Strauuge was her tyre, and all her garment blew. Close rownd about her tuckt with many a plight: Upon her fist the bird which shonneth vew. And keeps in coverts close from living wight, Did sitt, as yet ashamd how rude Pan did her dight. So long as Guyon with her communed, Unto the grownd she cast her modest eye. And ever and anone with rosy red The bashfull blood her snowy cheekes did dye. That her became as polisht yvory Which cunning craftesman hand hath averlayd With fayre vermilion or pure castory. Great wonder had the knight to see the mayd So strauugely passioned, and to her gently said; " Payre damzell, seemeth by your troubled cheare. That either me too bold ye weene, this wise You to molest, or other ill to feare That in the secret of your hart close lye^, Prom whence it doth, as cloud from sea, aryso: If it be I, of pardon I you pray; Put, if ought else that I mote not devyse, I wiD, if please you it discure, assay To ease you of that ill, so wisely as I may." THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 223 Slie answerd nought, but more abaslit for shame Held downe her head, the whiles her lovely f aco The flashing blood with blushing did inflanie, And the strong passion mard her modest grace, That Guyon mervayld at her uncouth cace ;' Till Alma him bespake; " Why wonder yee, Faire sir, at that which ye so much embrace ? She is the fountaine of your modestee; You shamefast are, but Shamefastnes itselfe is shoe.*' Thereat the Elfe did blush in privitee. And turnd his face away ; but she the sam© Dissembled faire, and faynd to oversee. Thus they awhile with court and goodly game Themselves did solace each one with his dame. Till that great lady thence away them sought To vew her castles other wondrous frame: Up to a stately turret she them brought, Ascending by' ten steps of alabaster wrought. That turrets frame most admirable was. Like highest heaven compassed around, And lifted high above this earthly masse, "Which it survewd, as hils doen lower ground: But not on ground mote like to this be found; ^ Not that, which antique Cadmus whylome builfc In Thebes, which Alexander did confound; Nor that proud towre of Troy, though richly guilt, [sj)iU. From which young Hectors blood by cruell Greckcs waa The roofe hereof was arched over head, And deckc with flowres and herbars daintily j Two goodly beacons, set in watches stead, Therein gave light, and flamd continually: For they of living fire most subtilly Were made, and set in silver sockets bright, Cover'd with lids deviz'd of substance sly, That readily they shut and open might. O, who can tell the prayses of that makers might ! Ne can I tell, ne can I stay to tell, This parts great workemanship and wondrous powro. That all this other worldes worke doth excell. And likest is unto that heavenly towre That God hath built for his owne blessed bowro. Therein were divers rowmes, and divers stages ; But three the chiefest and of greatest powre. In which there dwelt three honorable sages, The wisest men, I weeno, that lived in their ages. 224 THE TAEEIE QUEEKE. 'Not lie, wliom Greece, tlie nourse of all good arts, Ey Phoebus doome the wisest thougjit alive, Might be compar'd to these by many parts : NoY that sage Pylian syre, vrhich did survive Three ages, such as uiortall men contrive. By whose advise old Priam s cittie fell, ^Yith tliese in praise of poliicies mote strive. Tliese three in these three rowmes did sondry dwell, And counselled faire Alma how to governe welL The first of them could things to come foresee ; The next could of thinges present best advize ; The third things past could keep in memoree : So that no time nor reason could arize, But that the same could one of these comprize. Forthy the first did in the forepart sit, That nought mote hinder his quicke preiudize; He had a sharpe foresight and working wit That never idle was, ne once would rest a whit. His chamber was dispainted all within With sondry colours, in the which were writ Infinite shapes of thinges dispersed thin ; Some such as in the world were never yit, N e can devized be of mortall wit ; Some daily seene and knowen by their names, Such as in idle fantasies do flit ; Infernall hags, centaurs, feendes, hippodames. Apes, lyons, aegies, owles, fooles, lovers, children, dames. And all the chamber filled was with flyes "Which buzzed all about, and made such sound That they enconibred all mens eares and eyes; Like many swarmes of bees assembled round. After their hives with honny do abound. All those were idle thoughtes and fantasies, Devices, dreames, opinions unsound, Shewes, visions, sooth-sayes, and prophesies , And all that fained is, as leasings, tales, and lies. Emongst them all sate he which wonned there, That hight Phantastes by his nature trew; A man of j^eares yet fresh, as mote appere. Of swarth complexion, and of crabbed hew, That him full of melancholy did shew; Bent hollow beetle browes, sharpe staring eyes That mad or foolish seemd : one by his vew Mote deeme him borne with ill-disposed skyes, When oblique Saturne sate in th' house of agcnycs. ^HE FAERIE QUEENE. 225 Wliom Alma having shewed to her guestes, Thence brought them to the second rowme, whose wals Were painted faire with niemorable gestes Of famous wisards; and with picturals Of magistrates, of courts, of tribunals. Of commen wealthes, of states, of pollicy, Of lawes, of iudgementes, and of decretals. All artes, all science, all philosophy, And all that in the world was ay thought wittily. Of those that rowme was full ; and them among There sate a man of ripe and perfect age, Who did them meditate all his life long, That through continuall practise and usage He now was growne right wise and wondrous sage : Great plesure had those straunger knightes to see His goodly reason and grave personage, That his disciples both desyrd to bee : But Alma thence them led to th' hindmost rowme of throe. That chamber seemed ruinous and old, And therefore was removed far behind, Yet were the wals, that did the same uphold, Bight firme and strong, though somwhat they declind; And therein sat an old old man, halfe blind. And all decrepit in his feeble corse. Yet lively vigour rested in his mind, And recompenst them with a better scorse : Weake body well is chang'd for minds redoubled forse. This man of infinite remembraunce was. And things foregone through many ages held. Which he recorded still as they did pas, Ne sufFred them to perish through long eld, As all things els the which this world doth weld; But laid them up in his immortall serine. Where they for ever incorrupted dweld : The warres he well remembred of king Nine, Of old Assaracus, andlnachus divine. The yeares of !N"estor nothing were to his, Ne yet Mathusalem, though longest liv'd ; For he remembred both their infancis : Ne wonder then if that he were deprived Of native strength now that he them surviv'd. His chamber all was hangd about with rolls And old records from auncient times derivd. Some made in books, some in long parchment scrolls. That were all worm-eaten and full of canker holes. 226 THE FAERIE QUEENE. Amidst tliem all lie in a cliaire was sett, Tossing and turning them withouten end; 33ut for he was unhable them to fett, A Httle boy did on him still attend To reach, whenever he for ought did send ; And oft when thinges were lost, or laid amis, That boy tbem sought and unto him did lends Therefore he Anamnestes cleped is ; _ And that old man Eumnestes, by their propertis. The knightes there entring did him reverence dew. And wondred at his endlesse exercise. Then as they gan his library to vew. And antique regesters for to avise, There chaunced to the princes hand to rize An auncient booke, hight Briton Mojiiments, That of this lands first conquest did devize. And old division into regiments, Till it reduced was to one mans governements. Sir Guyon chaunst eke on another booke. That hight Antiquitee of Faery Lond: In which whenas he greedily did looke, Th' ofspring of Elves and Faryes there he fond, As it delivered was from hond to hond : Whereat they, burning both with fervent fire Their countreys auncestry to understond, Crav'd leave of Alma and that aged sire To read those bookes ; who gladly graunted their desire. CANTO X. A chronicle of Briton kings, From Brute to Uthers rayne ; And rolls of Elfin emperours. Till time of Gloriane. Who now shall give unto me words and sound Equall unto this haughty enterprise ? ^ Or who shall lend me wings, with which from ground My lowly verse may loftily arise, And lift itselfe unto the highest skyes ? More ample spirit than hetherto was wount Here needes me, whiles the famous auncestrjTS Of my most dreaded soveraigne I recount, I3y which all earthly princes she doth far surmount. THE FAEKIE QTJEENE. 227 Ne under sunne that shines so wide and faire, Wheace all that lives does borrow life and light. Lives ought that to her linage may compaire ; Which though from earth it be derived right, Yet doth itselfe stretch forth to hevens hight. And all the world with wonder overspred ; A labor huge, exceeding far my might ! How shall fraile pen, with fear disparaged, Conceive such soveraine glory aad great bountyhed ! Argument worthy of Mseohian quill; Or rather worthy of great Phoebus rote. Whereon the mines of great Ossa hill, And triumphes of Phlegraean love, he wrot0. That all the gods admird his lofty note. But, if some relish of that hevenly lay His learned daughters would to me report To decke my song withall, I would assay Thy name, O soveraine Queene, to blazon far away. Thy name, O soveraine Queene, thy realm, and race. From this renowmed prince derived arre. Who mightily upheld that royall mace Which now thou b ear's t, to thee descended farro From mighty kings and conquerours in warre, Thy fathers and great grandfathers of old, Whose noble deeds above the northern starre Immortall Fame for ever hath enrold ; As in that old mans booke they were in order told. The land which warlike Britons now possesse. And therein have their mighty empire raysd. In antique times was salvage wildernesse. Unpeopled, unmannurd, unprovd, unpraysd ; Ne was it island then, ne was it paysd Amid the ocean waves, ne was it sought Of merchants farre for profits therein praysd ; But was all desolate, and of s6me thought By sea to have bene from the Celticke mayn-land brought. !N"e did it then deserve a name to have, Till that the venturous mariner that way Learning his ship from those white rocks to save. Which all along the southerne sea-coast lay Threatning unheedy wrecke and rash decay. For saftety that same his sea-marke made, And nam'd it Albion : but later day, Finding in it fit ports for fishers trade, (ran more the same frequent and further to invade. 228 THE FAESIE QUEENE. But far in land a salvapre nation dwelt Of hideous giaunts, and halfe-beastly men, That never tasted grace, nor goodnes felt ; But wild like beastes lurking in loathsome den. And flying fast as roebucke through the fen. All naked without shame or care of cold, By hunting and by spoiling liveden ; Of stature huge, and eke of corage bold, That sonnes of men amazd their sternesse to behola. But wlience they sprong, or how they were begott, Uneath. is to assure ; uneath to wene That monstrous error which doth some assott, That Dioclesians fifty daughters shene Into this land by chaunce have driven bene ; Where, companing with feends and filthy sprights Through vaine illusion of their lust unclene,. They brought forth geaunts, and such dreadful wights As far exceeded men in their immeasurd mights. They held this land, and with, their filthinesse Polluted this same gentle soyle long time ; That their owne mother loathd their beasthnesse, And gan abhorre her broods unkindly crime. All were they borne of her owne native shme : Until that Brutus, anciently deriv'd Prom roiall stocke of old Assaracs line, Driven by fatall error here arriv'd. And them of their unjust possession deprived. But ere he had established his throne, And spred his empire to the utmost shore, . He fought great batteils with his salvage fone j In which he them defeated evermore. And many giaunts left on groning flore : That well can witness yet unto this day The westerne Hogh, besprincled with the gore Of mighty Goemot, whome* in stout fray Corineus conquered, and cruelly did slay. And eke that ample pitt, yet far renownd For the large leape which Debon did compell Coulin to make, being eight lugs of grownd, Into the which retoiirning backe he fell: But those three monstrous stones doe most exceil Which that huge sonne of hideous Albion, Whose father Hercules in Praunce did quell, Great Godmer threw, in fierce contention, At bold Canutus ; but of him was slaine anon. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 229 In meed of these great conquests by them gotfe, Coriueus had that province utmost west # To him assigned for his worthy lott. Which of his name and memorable gest He called Cornwaile, yet so called best : And Debons shayre was, that is Devonshyre s But Canute had his portion from the' rest. The which he cald Canutium, for his hyre ; Now Cantium, which Kent we comenly inquyre. Thus Brute tMs realme unto Ms rule subdewd. And raigned long in great felicity, Lov'd of his freends, and of his foes escbewd : He left three sonnes, his famous progeny, Borne of fayre Inogene of Italy ; Mongst whom he parted his imperiall state. And Locrine left chiefe lord of Britany. At last ripe age bad him surrender late His hfe, and long good fortune, unto finall fate. Locrine was left the soveraine lord of all ; But Albanact had all the northerne part. Which of himselfe Albania he did call ; And Camber did possesse the westerne quart, Which Severne now from Logris doth depart : And each his portion peaceably enioyd, Ne was there outward breach, nor grudge in hart. That once their quiet government annoyd ; But each his paynes to others profit still employd. Untill a nation straung, with visage swart And corage fierce that all men did affray, Which through the world then swarmd in every part, And overflowd all countries far away, Like Noyes great flood, with their importune sway. This land invaded with like violence. And did themselves through all the north displa3' : Untill that Locrine for his realmes defence, Did head against them make and strong munificence. He them encountrfA% n confused rout, Foreby the river that wliylome was hight Tlie ancient Abus, where with courage stout He them defeated in victorious fight, And chaste so fiercely after fearefull flight. That forst their chiefetain, for his safeties sake, {Their chiefetain Humber named was aright,) Into the mighty streame him to betake, Where lie an end of batteill and of life did mako. 11 230 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. The king retonmed proud of victorr. And insol«^t wox tlirouffh unwonted ease,. That sliortTy lie forgot tlie ieopardy, Wliicii in Lis land lie lately did appease, And fell to vaine voluptuous disease : He lov'd faire Ladie Estrild, leudly lov'd, AYhose wanton pleasures liim too niucli did please. That quite his hart from Guendolene remoy'd, Prom Guendolene his wife, though alwaies faithful provVL The noble daughter of Corineus Would not endure to bee so vile disdaind. But, gathering force and corage valorous, Encountred him in batteill well ordaind, In which him vanquisht she to fly constraind : But she so fast pursewd, that him she tooke And thi'cw in bands, where he till death remaind : Als his faire leman flying through a brooke She overhent, nought moved with her piteous looke. But both herselfe, and eke her daughter deare Begotten by her kingly paramoure, The faire Sabrina, almost dead with feare. She there attached, far from all succoure : The one she slew in that impatient stoure; But the sad virsrin innocent of all, Adowne the rolling river she did poure, ^Yhich of her name now Seveme men do call : Such was the end that to disloyaU love did fall. Then for her sonne, which she to Locrin bore, (Madan was young, unmeet the rule to sway,) In her owne hand the crowne she kept in store. Till ry-per years he raught and stronger stay : During which time her powre she did display Through all this realm e, the glory of her sex. And first taught men a woman to obay : But, when her sonne to mans estate did wex. She it surrendred, ne her selfe would lenger vex. Tho Madan raignd, unworthie of his race ; For with all shame that sacred throne he fild. Kext Memprise, as unworthy of that place, In which being consorted with Manild, For tliirst of single kingdom him he kild. But Ebranck salved both their infamies "With noble deedes, and warreyd on Brimchild In Henault, where yet of his victories Brave moniments remaine, which yet that land enriea. THE FAERIE QUEENB. 231 An happy man in his first dayes lie was. And liap'py father of faire progeny : For all so many weekes, as the yeare has, So many children he did multiply ; Of which were twentie sonnes, which did apply Their mindes to prayse and chevalrous desyre : Ttiose gar mans did sub dew all Grerminy, Of whom it hight ; but in the end their syre With foule repulse from Fraunce was forced to retyra. Which blott his sonne succeeding in his seat. The second Brute, the second both in name And eke in semblaunce of his puissaunce great, Right well recur'd, and did away that blame With recompence of everlasting fame : He with his victour sword first opened The bowels of wide Fraunce, a forlorne dame. And taught her first how to l3e conquered ; Since which, with sondrie spoiles she hath been ransacked. Let Scaldis teU, and let tell Hania, And let the marsh of Esthambruges tell, What colour were their waters that same day. And all the moore twixt Elversham and Dell, With blood of Henalois which therein feU. How oft that day did sad Brunchildis see The greene sJiield dyde in dolorous yermell ? That not scuith guiridh it mote seeme to bee. Bat rather y scuith gogh, signe of sad crueltee. His Sonne king Leill, by fathers labour long, Enioyd an heritage of lasting peace, And built Cairleill, and built Cairleon strong. Nexc Huddibras his realme did not encrease. But taught the land from wearie wars to cease. Whose footsteps Bladud following, in artes Exceld at Athens all the learned preace. From whence he brought them to these salvage parts, And with sweet science mollifide their stub borne harts. Ensample of his wondrous faculty. Behold the boyhng baths at Cairdabon, Which seeth with secret fire eternally, And in their entrailles, full of quick brimston, Nourish the flames which they are warmd upon. That to their people wealth they forth do well. And health to every forreyne nation ; Yot he at last, contending to excell The reach of men, through flight into fond mischief fell. 232 THE FAESIE QUEENB. JSText Mm long Leyr in Lappie peace long raynd. But had no issue male liim to succeed, But three faire daughters, which were well uptraind In all that seemed fitt for kingly seed ; Mongst whom his realme he equally decreed To have divided : tho, when feeble age Nigh to his utmost date he saw x^roceed, He cald his daughters, and with speeches sage Inquyrd, which of them most did love her parentage. The eldest Gonorill gan to protest, That she much more than her owne life him lov'd; And E-egan greater love to him profest Then all the world, whenever it were proov'd ; But Cordeill said she loved him as behoov'd : Whose simple answere, wanting colours fayre To paint it forth, him to displeasaunce moov'd, That in his crown he counted her no hayre. But twixt the other twain his kingdom w^hole did shayre. So wedded th' one to Maglan king of Scottes, And th' other to the king of Cambria, And twixt them shayrd his realme by equall lottes 5 But, without dowre, the wise Cordelia Was sent to Aganip of Celtica : ^ Their aged syre, thus eased of his crowne, A private life ledd in Albania With Gonorill, long had in great renowne. That nought him griev'd to beene from rule deposed downe. But true it is that, when the oyle is spent. The light goes out, and weeke is throwne away j So, when he had resignd his regiment, His daughter gan despise his drouping day. And wearie wax of his continuall stay; Tho to his daughter E^egan he repayrd, Who him at first well used every way ; But, when of his departure she despayrd. Her bountie she abated, and his cheare empayrd, Tlie wretched man gan then aviso too late, That love is not where most it is profest ; Too truely tryde in his extremest state ! At last, resolv'd likewise to prove the rest. He to Cordelia himselfe addrest, Who with entyre affection him receav'd. As for her syre and king her seemed best ; And after all an army strong she leav'd. To war on those which him had of his realme bereav'd. THE TAEEIE QUEENE. 233 So to his crowne she him restord againe ; Tu which he dyde, made ripe for death by eld. And after wild it should to her remaine : Who peaceably the same long time did weld. And all mens harts in dew obedience held; Till that her sisters children, woxen strong, Through proud ambition against her rebeld. And overcommen kept in prison long, Till weary of that wretched life herselfe she hong. Then gan the bloody brethren both to raine: But fierce Cundah gan shortly to envy His brother Morgan, prickt with proud disdaine To have a pere in part of soverainty; And, kindling coles of cruell enmity, E-aisd warre, and him in batteill overthrew: Whence as he to those woody hilles did fly, Which hight of him Glamorgan, there him slew: Then, did he raigne alone, when he none equal knew. His Sonne Hivall' his dead rowme did supply; In whose sad time blood did from heaven rayne. Next great Gurgustus, then faire Csecily, In constant peace their kingdomes did contayne. After whom Lago and Kinmarke did rayne, And Gorbogud, till far in years he grew: Then his ambitious sonnes unto them twayne Arraught the rule, and from their father drew; Stout Ferrex and sterna Porrex him in prison threw. But O ! the greedy thirst of royall crowne. That knowes no kinred, nor regardes no right, Stird Porrex up to put his brother downe ; Who, unto him assembling forreigne might, Made warre on him, and fell himselfe in fight : Whose death t' avenge, his mother mercilesse. Most mercilesse of women, Wyden hight. Her other sonne last sleeping did oppresse, And with most cruell hand Inm murdred pittilesse. Here ended Brutus sacred progeny. Which had seven hundred years this sceptre borne With hif?li renowme and great felicity : The noble braunch from th' antique stocke was torn© Through discord, and the roiall throne forlorne. Thenceforth this realm e was into factions rent, Whilest each of Brutus boasted to be borne. That in the end was left no moniment Of Brutus, nor of Britons gloric auncicnt. 284 THE FAEEIE QXTEENE. Then up arose a man of matcUesse might. And wondrous wit to menage high affayres, "Who, stird with pitty of the stressed phght Of this sad realme, cat into sondry shayres By such as claymd themselves Brutes rightfidl hc^Tes, Gathered the i3rinces of the people loose To taken counsell of their common cares ; Who, with his wisedom won, him streight did choose Their king, and swore him fealty to win or loose. Then made he head against his enimies, And Ymner slew of Logris miscreate; Then Euddoc and proud Stater, both allyes. This of Albany newly nominate, And that of Cambry king confirmed late. He overthrew through his owne valiaunce ; Whose countries he redus'd to quiet state, And shortly brought to civile governaunce, Now one, which earst were many made through variaunce. Then made he sacred lawes, which some men say "Were unto him reveald in vision ; By which he freed the travellers high-way. The churches part, and ploughmans portion, [Restraining stealth and strong extortion; The gratious JSTuma of great Britany: For, till his dayes, the chiefe dominion By strength was wielded without polli cy: Therefore he first wore cro wne of gold for dignity. Donwallo dyde, (for what may live for ay ?) And left two sonnes, of pearelesse prowesse bothj That sacked Borne too dearely did assay. The recompence of their periured oth; And ransackt Greece vrel tryde, when they were wrotli, Besides subiected France and Germany, Which yet their praises speake, all be they loth, And inly tremble at the memory Of Brennus and Belinus, kinges of Britany. Next them did Gurgunt, great Belinus sonne. In rule succeede, and eke in fathers praise; He Easterland subdewd, and Denmarke wonne. And of them both did foy and tribute raise, The which was dew in his dead fathers dales : He also gave to fugitives of Spayne, Whom he at sea found wandring from their waiea, A seate in Ireland safely to remayne. Which they should hold of him as subiect to Britayne. THE FAEEIE QTTEENE. 233 After him raigned Guitlieline Lis hayre. The ills test man and trewest in his daies. Who had to wife Dame Mertia the fayre, A woman worthy of immortall praise, Which for this realme found many goodly layes, And wholesome statutes to her husband brougSt i Her many deemd to have beene of the Payes, As was Aegerie that Nuiha tought : Those yet of her be Mertian lawes both nam*d and thought. Her Sonne Sifillus after her did rajoie ; And then Kimarus ; and then Danius : Next whom Morindus did the crowne sustaynej Who, had he not with wrath outrageous And cruell rancour dim'd his valorous And mightie deedes, should matched have the best As well in that same field victorious Against the forreine Morands he exprest; Yet lives his memorie, though carcase sleepe in rest. Five sonnes he left begotten of one wife. All which successively by turnes did rayne: First Gorboman, a man of virtuous life ; JSText Archigald, who for his proud disdayne Deposed was from princedome soverayne. And pitteous Elidure put in his sted ; Who shgrtly it to him restord agayne. Till by his death he it recovered ; But Peridure and Vigent him disthronized : In wretched prison long he did remaine. Till they out-raigned had their utmost date. And then therein reseized was againe, And ruled long with honorable state. Till he surrendred realme and life to fate. Then all the sonnes of these five brethren raynd By dew successe, and all their nephewes late ; Even thrise eleven descents the crowne retaynd, Till aged Hely by dew heritage it gaynd. He had two sonnes, whoae eldest, called Lud, Left of his hfe most famous memory. And endlesse moniments of his great good : The ruin'd wals he did rea^difye Of Troynovant, gainst force of enimy. And built that gate which of his name is hight, By which he lyes entombed solemnly: He left two sonnes, too young to rule aright, Androgens and Tenantius, pictures of his might. 236 THE FAERIE QTTEENB. Whilst tliey were young, Cassibalane their erne Was by tlic people chosen in their sted. Who on him tooke the roiall diademe, And goodly Avell long time it governed; Till the prowde Homanes him disquieted, And warlike'Ceesar, tempted with the name Of this sweet island never conquered. And envying the Britons blazed fame, (O hideous hunger of dominion !) hether came. Yet twise they were repulsed backe againe, And twise renforst backe to their ships to fly; The whiles with blood they all the shore did staine, And the gray ocean into purple dy: J^e had they footing found at last perdie, Had not Androgens, false to native soyle. And envious of uncles soveraintie, Betrayd his country unto forreine spoyle. Nought els but treason from the first this land did foyle! So by him Caesar got the victory, Through great bloodshed and many a sad assay. In which himselfe was charged heavily Of hardy Nennius, whom he yet did slay, But lost his sword, yet to be scene this day. Thenceforth this land was tributarie made T' ambitious E-ome, and did their rule obay. Till Arthur all that reckoning defrayd : Yet oft the Briton kings against them strongly swayd. ISText him Tenantius raignd ; then Kimbeline, What time th' Eternall Lord in fleshly slime Enwombed was, from wretched Adams line To purge away the guilt of sinful crime. O ioy ous memorie of happy time. That heavenly grace so plenteously displayd ! O too high ditty for my simple rime ! — Soone after this the Eomanes him warrayd ; Eor that their tribute he refusd to let be payd. Good Claudius, that next was emperour. An array brought, and with him batteile fought. In which the king was by a treaohetour Pisguised slaine, ere any thereof thought : Yet ceased not the bloody fight for ought : Eor Arvirage his brothers place supply de Both in his armes and crowne, and by that draught I)id drive the Eomanes to the weaker syde. That they to peace agreed. So all was pacifyde. THE FAEETE QtJEENE. 237 Was never king more liigUy magnifide, Nor dredd of Eomanes, tlien was Arvirages For whicli the emperour to him allide His dau^^iter Genuiss' in marriage : Yet shortly he renouast the vasaallage Of Eome againe, who hether hastly sent Vespasian, that with great spoile and rage Forwasted all, till Grenuissa gent Persuaded hi5n to ceasse, and her lord to relent. He dide ; and him succeded Marius, Who ioyd his dayes in great tranquillity. Then Coy 11 ; and after him good LuciuSs That first received Christianity, The sacred pledge of Christes Evangely, Yet true it is, that long before that day Hither came loseph of Arimathy, Who brought with him the Holy Grayle, (they s:iy,) And preacht the truth ; but since it greatly did decay. This good king shortly without issew dide. Whereof great trouble in the kingdome grew. That did herselfe in sondry parts divide, And with her powre her owne selfe overthrew, Whilest liomanes daily did the weake subdew: Which seeing, stout Bunduca up arose, And taking amies the Britons to her drew; With whom she marched straight against her foes, And them unwares besides the Severne did enclose. There she with them a cruell batteill tryde, Not with so good successe as shee deserv'd ; By reason that the captaines on her sydo. Corrupted hy Paulinus, from her swerv'd : Yet such, as were through former flight preservVl, Gathering againe, her host she did renew, And with fresh corage on the victor servd : But being all defeated, save a few, llather than fly, or be captiv'd, herselfe she slew, O famous moniment of womens prayse ! Matchable either to Semiramis, Whom antique history so higli doth rayse. Or to Hypsiphir, or to Thomiris : Her host two hundred thousand numbred is. Who, whiles good fortune favoured her might. Triumphed oft against her enemis ; And yet, though overcome in haplesse fight, Shee triumphed on death, in enemies despight. 238 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. Her reliques Fulgent having gathered, Fought with Severus, and him overthrew ; Yet in tlie chace was slaine of them that fled : So made them victors whome he did subdew. Then gan Carausius tirannize anew, And g;ainst the Eomanes bent their proper powro ; But him Allectus treacherously slew. And tooke on him the robe of emperoure ; Nath'lesse the same enioyed but short happy howre. For Asclepiodate him overcame. And left inglorious on the vanquisht playne. Without or robe or rag to hide his shame : Then afterwards he in his stead did raigne ; But shortly was by Coj-ll in batteill slaine : Who after long debate, since Lucies tyme. Was of the Britons first crownd soveraine : Then gan this realme renew her passed prime : He of his name Coylchester built of stone and hme. Which when the Homanes heard, they hether ser»t Constantius, a man of miclde might, With whome king Coy 11 made an agreement, And to him gave for wife his daughter bright, Faire Helena, the fairest living wight. Who in all godly thewes and goodly praise Did far excell, but was most famous hight For skil in musicke of all in her daies, As well in curious instruments as cunning laiea : Of whome he did great Constantino "begett. Who afterward was emperour of Eome ; To which whiles absent he his mind did sett, Octavius here lept into his roome, And it usurped by unrighteous doome : But he his title iustifide by might, Slaying Traherne, and having overcome The Homane legion in dreadfuU fight : So settled he his kingdome, and confirmd his right* But, wanting yssew male, his daughter deare He gave in wedlocke to Maximian, And him with her made of his kingdome heyre. Who soone by meanes thereof the empire wan. Till murdred by the freends of Gratian. Then gan the Hunnes and Picts invade this land. During the raigne of Maximinian ; Who dying left none heire them to withstand : But that they overran all parts with easy hand. THE FAEEIE QUEENE, 233 The weary Britons, whose war-liable youth Was by Maximian lately ledd away, With wretched miseryes and woeful! ruth Were to those pagans made an open pray. And daily spectacle of sad decay : Whome Eomane warres, which now fowr hundred yeares And more had wasted could no whit dismay ; Til, by consent of Commons and of Peares, ^ They crownd the second Constantine with ioyous teares. Who having oft in batteill vanquished Those spoylefull Picts, and swarming Easterlings, Long time in peace his realme established. Yet oft annoy d with sondry bordragings Of neighbour Scots, and forrein scatterlings With which the world did in those dayes abound. Which to outbarre, with painefuU pyonings From sea to sea he heapt a mighty mound. Which from Alcluid to Panwelt did that border bownd. Three sonnes he dying left, all under age ; By meanes whereof their uncle Vortigere Usurpt the crowne during tlieir pupillage ; Which th* infants tutors gathering to feare. Them closely into Armorick did beare : For dread of whom, and for those Picts annoyes, He sent to Germany straunge aid to reare ; From whence eftsoones arrived here three hoyes Of Saxons, whom he for his safety imployes. Two brethren were their capitayns, which hight Hengist and Horsus, well approv'd in warre. And both of them men of renowmed might ; Who making vantage of their civile iarre. And of those forreyDers which came from farre. Grew great, and got large portions of land, That in the realme ere long they stronger arre Then they which sought at first their helping hand, And Yortiger enforst the kingdome to aband. But, by the helpe of Vortimere his sonne. He is againe unto his rule restord ; Alid Hengist, seeming sad for that was donne, [Received is to ^race and new accord, Through his faire daughters face and flattring word: Soone after which, three hundred lords he slew Of British blood, all sitting at his bord ; ^ Whose dolefull moniments who list to rew, Th* eternall mai'ks of treason may at Stonheng vew^ 240 THE FAEBIB QUEENE. By tMs tlie sonnes of Constantine, wliicli fled, Ambrose and Utlier, did ripe yeares attayne, And, here arriving, strongly cliallenged The crowne which Vortiger did long detayne : Who, flying from his guilt, by them was slayne ; And Hengist eke soone brought to shamefull death. Thenceforth Aurelius peaceably did rayne, Till that through poyson stopped was his breath ; So now entombed lies at Stoneheng by the heath. After him Uther, which Pendragon hight. Succeeding — There abruptly it did end, Without full point, or other cesure right ; As if the rest some wicked hand did rend. Or th' author selfe could not at least attend To finish it : tiiat so untimely breach The prince himselfe halfe seemed to offend ; Yet secret pleasure did offence empeach. And wonder of antiquity long stopt his speach. At last, quite ravisht with delight to heare The royall ofspring of his native land, Cryde out; "Deare countrey ! O how dearely deare Ought thy remembraunce and perpetuall band Be to thy foster child, that from thy hand Did commun breath and nouriture receave ! How brutish is it not to understand How much to her we owe, that all us gave ; That gave unto us all whatever good we have !" But Guy on all this while his booke did read, Ne yet has ended : for it was a great And ample volume, that doth far excead My leasure so long leaves here to repeat: It told how first Prometheus did create A man, of many parts from beasts deryr'd. And then stole fire from heven to animate His worke, for which he was by love depryv*d Of life himselfe, and hart-strings of an aegle ryv*d. That man so made he called Elfe, to weet Quick, the first author of all Elfin kynd ; Who, wandring through the world with wearie feet^ Did in the gardins of Adonis fynd A goodly creature, whom he deemd in mynd To be no earthly wight, but either spright. Or angell, tli' authour of all woman kynd; Therefore a Pky he her according hight, Of whom all Faryes spring, and fetch their lignage right. THE FAEEIB QUEENE. 241 Of these a mighty people shortly grew. And puissant kinges, which all the world warrayd. And to themselves all nations did subdew : The first and eldest, which that scepter swayd. Was Elfin ; him all India obayd, And all that now America men call : Next him was noble Elfinan, who laid Cleopolis foundation first of all : But Elfiline enclosd it with a golden wall. His Sonne was Elfinell, who overcame ThQ wicked Gobbelines in bloody field : But Elfant was of most renowmed fame. Who all of christall did Panthea build : Then Elfar, who two brethren gyauntes kild, The one of which had two heades, th' other three: Then Elfinor, who was in magick skild ; He built by art upon the glassy see A bridge of bras, whose sound hevens j;hunder seem'd to be. He left three sonnes, the which in order raynd. And all their ofspring, in their dew descents ; Even seven hundred princes, which maintaynd With mightie deedes their sondry governments ; That were too long their infinite contents Here to record, ne much materiall : Yet should they be most famous moniments. And brave ensample, both of martiall And civil rule, to kinges and states imperiall. After all these Elficleos did rayne. The wise Elficleos in great maiestie. Who niightily that scepter did sustayne, And with rich spoyles and famous victorio Did high advaunce the crowne of Eaery : He left two sonnes, of which faire Elferon, The eldest brother did untimely dy ; Whose emptie place the mightie Oberon Doubly supplide, in spousall and dominion. Great was his power alid glorie over all Which, him before, that sacred seate did fill That yet remaines his wide memoriall : He dying left the fairest Tanaquill, Him to succeede therein, by his last will : Fairer and nobler liveth none this howre, "Ne like in grace, ne like in learned skill ; Therefore they Glorian call that glorious flowre : liong mayst thou, Glorian, live in glory and great powro! 2'i3 THE FAERIE QTTEENB. Beguyld thus with delight of novelties. And naturall desire of country es state, So long they redd in those antiquities, That how the time was fled they quite forgate ; Till gentle Alma, seeing it so late, Perforce their studies broke, and them besought To thinke how supper did them long awaite : So halfe unwilling from their bookes them brought. And fayrely feasted, as so noble knightes she ought. CANTO XL The eniraies of Temperaunce Besiege her dwelling place ; Prince Arthure them repelles, and fowle Maleger doth deface. What warre so cruel, or what siege so soro. As that which strong Affections doe apply Against the forte of Reason evermore, To bring the sowle into captivity ! Their force is fiercer through infirmity Of the fraile flesh, relenting to their rage; And exercise most bitter tyranny Upon the partes, brought into their bondage: No wretchednesse is like to sinfull vellenage. 33ut in a body which doth freely yeeld His partes to Reasons rule obedient, And letteth her that ought the scepter weeld. All happy peace and goodly government Is settled there in sure establishment. There Alma, like a Virgin Queene most bright, Doth florish in all beautie excellent ; And to her guestes doth bounteous banket dight, Attebipred goodly well for health and for delighi, Early, before the morne with cremosih ray The windowes of bright heaven opened had, Through which into the world the dawning day Might looke, that maketh every creature glad. Uprose Sir Guyon in bright armour clad, And to his purposd iourney him prepar'd: With him the palmer eke in habit sad Himselfe addrest to that adventure hard : So to the rivers syde they both together far*d: THE FAEBIE QUEENE. 243 WTiere tliem awaited ready at tlie ford The Ferriman, as Alma had behight, With his well-rigged bote : they goe abord, And he eftsoones gan launch his barke forthright. Ere long they rowed were quite out of sight, And fast the land behynd them fled away. But let them pas, whiles winde and wether right Doe serve their turnes : here I a while must stay. To see a cruell fight doen by the Prince this day. For, all so soone as Guyon thence was gon Upon his voyage with his trustie guyde, That wicked band of villeins fresh begon That castle to assaile on every side. And lay strong siege about it far and wyde. So huge and infinite their numbers were. That all the land they under them did hyde ; So fowle and ugly, that exceeding feare Their visages imprest, when they approched neare. Them in twelve troupes their captein did dispart. And round about in fittest steades did place. Where each might best offend his propei part, And his contrary obiect most deface. As every one seem'd meetest in that cace. Seven of the name against the castle-gate In strong entrenchments he did closely place, Which with incessaunt force and endlesse hate They battred day and night, and entraunce did awate. The other five, five sondry wayes he sett Against the five great bulwarkes of that pyle. And unto each a bulwarke did arrett, T' assayle with open force or hidden guyle. In hope thereof to win victorious spoile. They all that charge did fervently apply With greedie malice and importune toyle, And planted there their huge artillery. With which they dayly made most dreadful! battery. The first troupe was a monstrous rablement Of fowle misshapen wightes, of which some were Headed like owles, with beckes uncomely bent ; Others like dogs ; others like gryphons dreare ; And some had wings, and some had clawes to tearei And every one of them had lynces eyes ; And every one did bow and arrowes beare : All those were lawless Lustes, and corrupt Envyes, And covetous Aspects, all cruel enimyes. MA THE FAEBIE QUEENE. Those same against tlie bulwarke of tlie Sight Did lay strong siege and battailous assault, IsTe once did yield it respitt day nor niio^lit ; But soone as Titan gan his head exault, And soone againe as he his light withhaulfc, Their wicked engins they against; it bent; That is, each thing by whi jh the eyes may fault : But two then all more huge and violent, Beautie and Money, they that bulwarke sorely rent* The second bulwarke was the Hearing Sence, Gainst which the second troupe dessignment makes, Deformed creatures, in straunge difference : Some having heads like harts, some like to snakes, Some like wild bores late rouzd out of the brakes : Slaunderous Keproches, and fowle Infamies, Leasinges, Backbytinges, and vain-^iorious Crakes, Bad Counsels, Prayses, and false Flatteries : All those against that fort did bend their batteries. Likewise that same third fort, that is the Smell, Of that third troupe was cruelly assayd ; Whose hideous shapes w^ere like to feendes of hell. Some like to lioundes, some like to apes, dismay dj Some like to puttockes, all in plumes arayd; All shap't according their conditions : For, by those ugly formes, weren pourtrayd Foolish Delights and fond Abusions, Which doe that sence besiege with fond illusions. And that fourth band which cruell battry bent Against the fourth bulwarke, that is the Taste, Was as the rest, a grysie rablement ; Some mouth'd like greedy oystriges ; some faste Like loathly toades ; some fashioned in the waste Like swine: for so deformd is" Luxury, Surfeat, Misdiet, and unthriftie Waste, Yaine Feastes, and ydle Superfluity : All those this sences fort assay le incessantly. But the fift troupe, most horrible of hew And ferce of force, is dreadfull to report ; For some like snailes, some did like spyders shew. And some like ugly urchins thick and short : Cruelly they assay led that fift fort. Armed with dartes of sensuall Delight, With stinges of carnall Lust, and strong effort Of feeling Pleasures, with which day and night Against that same fift Bulwarke they continued ughu THE FAERIE QUEENE. 245 Thus tliese twelve troupes with dreadfull puissaunce Against that ca-stle restlesse siege did la3'', And evermore their hideous ordinaunce Upon the bulwarkes cruelly did pla^r, That now it gan to threaten neare decay : And evermore their wicked capitayn Provoked them the breaches to assay, Sometimes with threats, sometimes with hope of gay, Whiclx by the ransack of that peece they should attayn. On th* other syde, th' assieged castles ward Their steadfast stonds did mightily maintaine, And many bold repulse, and many hard Atchievement wrought, with perill and with paynody dide ; Such as the Indians in their quivers hide : Those could he well direct and streight as line, And bid them strike the marke which he had eyde | Ne was there salve, ne was there medicine. That mote recure their woundesj so inly they did tino. As pale and wan as ashes was his looke ; His body leane and meagre as a rake ; And skin all withered like a dryed rooke | - Thereto as cold and drery as a snake ; That seemd to tremble evermore and quake: All in a canvas thin he was bedight. And girded with a belt of twisted brake : Upon his head he wore an helmet light. Made of a dead mans skull, that seemd a ghastly sight. Maleger was his name : and after him " There follow'd fast at hand two wicked hags, With hoary lockes all loose, and visage grim ; Their feet unshod, their bodies wrapt in rags. And both as swift on foot as chased stags ; And yet the one her other legge had lame, Which with a stafie all full of litle snags She did support, and Impotence her name : But th* other was Impatience, armd with raging flame. THE FAERIE QTrEENE. 247 8'X)ne as the carle from far the prince espyde Glistring in armes and warlike ornament, His beast he felly prickt on either syde. And his mischievous bow full readie bent, With which at him a cruell shaft he sent : But he was warie, and it warded well Upon his shield, that it no further went, But to the ground the idle quarrell fell : Then he another and another did expell. Which to prevent, the prince his mortall speare Soone to him raught, and fierce at him did ride. To be avenged of that shot whyleare ; But he was not so hardy to abide That bitter stownd, but, turning qui eke aside His light-foot beast, fled fast away for feare : Whom to poursue, the Infant after hide So fast as his good courser could him beare : But labour lost it was to weene approch him neare. Far as the winged wind his tigre fled, That vew of eye could scarse him overtake, "Ne scarse his feet on ground were scene to tred ; Through hils and dales he speedy way did make, Ne hedge ne ditch his readie passage brake, And in his flight the villeine turn'd his face, (As wonts the Tartar by the Caspian lake, Whenas the Russian him in fight does chace,) Unto his tygres taile, and shot at him apace. Apace he shot, and yet he fled apace, Still as the greedy knight nigh to him drew; And oftentimes he would relent his pace. That him his foe more fiercely should poursew: But, when his uncouth manner he did vew. He gan avize to follow him no more. But keepe his standing, and his shaftes eschew. Until he quite had spent his perlous store, And then assayle him fresh, ere he could shift for more. But that lame hag, still as abroad he strew His wicked arrowes, gathered them againe. And to him brought, fresh batteill to renew; Which he espying cast her to restraine From yielding succour to that cursed swaine. And her attaching thought her hands to tye ; But, soone as him dismounted on the plaine That other hag did far away espye Binding her sister, she to him ran hastily ; 248 THE FAERIE QUEENE. And catcliing liold of liim, as do-^rae he lent, Him backewarde overthrew, and downe him stayd With their rude handes and gryesl}' graplement ; Till that the villein, comming to their ayd. Upon him fell, and lode upon him layd : Full litle wanted, but he had him slaine, And of the battell balefull end had made, Had not his gentle squire beheld his paine, And commen to his reskew ere his bitter bane. So gTeatest and most glorious thing on ground May often need the helpe of weaker hand; So feeble is mans state, and hfe unsound. That m assuraunce it may never stand. Till it dissolved be from earthly band ! Proofe be thou, prince, the pro west man alyye. And noblest borne of all in Briton land ; Yet thee fierce Fortune did so nearely drive, That had not Grace thee blest, thou shouldest not suiTiveu The squyi*e arriving, fiercely in his armes Snatcht first the one, and then the other jade. His chiefest letts and authors of his harmes. And them perforce withheld with threatned blade. Least that his lord they should behinde invade ; The whiles the prince, prickt with reprochful shame As one awakte out of long slombring shade, . Hevivyng thought of glory and of fame. United all his powres to pui-ge himselfe from blame. Like as a fire, the which in hollow cave Hath long bene underkept and down supprest. With murmurous disdayne doth inly rave, And grudge, in so streight prison to be prest. At last breakes foi:th with furious unrest, And strives to mount unto his native seat ; All that did earst it hinder and molest, Yt now devoures with flames and scorching heat. And carries into smoake with rage and horror great. So mightely the Briton prince him rouzd Out of his holde, and broke liis eaytive bands ; And as a beare, whom angry curres have touzd. Having off-shakt them and escapt their hands, Becomes more fell, and all that him withstands Treads down and overthrowes. IS'ow had the carle Alighted from his tigre, and his hands Discharged of his bow and deadly quar'le. To seize upon his foe flatt lying on the marie. THE FAEBIE QUEENE. 24d Wliicli now him turnd to disavantage deare ; For neither can he fly, nor other harme, Bat trust unto his strength and manhood meare, Sith now he is far from his monstrous swarme, And of his weapons did himselfe disarme. The knight yet wrothfull for his late disgrace, Fiercely advaunst his valorous right arme, And him so sore smott with his yron mace. That groveling to the ground he fell, and fild his place. Wei weened hee that field was then his owne, And all his labor brought to happy end ; When suddein up the villeine overthrowne Out of his swowne arose, fresh to contend. And gan himselfe to second battaill bend, As hurt he had not beene. Thereby there lay An huge great stone, which stood upon one end, And had not bene removed many a day : Some land>marke seemd to be, or signe of sundry way: The same he snatcht, and with exceeding sway Threw at his foe, who was right well aware To shonne the engine of his meant decay; It booted not to thinke that throw to beare. But grownd he gave, and lightly lept areare j Eft fierce retourning, as a foulcon fay re, That once hath failed of her souse full neare. Remounts againe into the open ayre, And unto better fortune doth herselfe prepayre : So brave retourning, with his brandisht blade, He to the carle himselfe agayn addrest. And strooke at him so sternely, that he made An open passage through his riven brest. That halfe the Steele behind his backe did rest; Wiiich drawing backe, he looked evermore When the hart blood should gush out of his cl^egt. Or his dead corse should fall upon the flore ; But his dead corse upon the flore fell nathemore : Ke drop of blood appeared shed to bee, All were the wownd so wide and wonderous That through his carcas one might playnly see. Halfe in amaze with horror hideous. And halfe in rage to be deluded thus, Again through both the sides he strooke him quight> That made his spright to grone full piteous ; Yet nathemore forth fled his groning spright, But freshly, as at first; prepard himselfe to fight. 250 THE FAEEIE QUEENB. Thereat lie smitten was witli ^eat affrip^lit, And trembling terror did his hart appall ; Ne wist he what to thinke of that same sight, 'Ne what to say, ne what to doe at all : He doubted least it were some magicall Illusion that did beguile his sense, Or wandriDg ghost that wanted funerall. Or aery spirite under false pretence, Or hellish feend raysd up through divelish science^ His wonder far exceeded reasons reach, That he began to doubt his dazeled sight. And oft of error did himselfe appeach : Flesh without blood, a person without spright. Wounds without hurt, a body without might, That could doe harme, yet could not harmed bee. That could not die, yet seemd a mortall wight. That was most strong in most infirmitee ; Like did he never heare, like did he never see. Awhile he stood in this astonishment, Yet would he not for all his great dismay Give over to eiFect his first intent, And th' utmost meanes of victory assay. Or th' utmost yssew of his owne decay. His owne good sword Mordure, that never fayld At need till now, he lightly threw away. And his bright shield that nought him now avayld; And with his naked hands him forcibly assayld. Twixt his two mighty armes him up he snatcht. And crusht his carcas so against his brest. That the disdainfull sowle he thence dispatcht. And th' ydle breath all utterly exprest : Tho, when he felt him dead, adowne he kest The lumpish corse imto the sencelesse grownd ; Adowne he kest it with so puissant wrest. That backe againe it did alofte rebownd, And gave against his mother Earth a gronefull sownd« As when loves hamesse-bearing bird from hye Stoupes at a flying heron with proud disdayne. The stone-dead quarrey falls so forciblye. That yt rebownds against the lowly playne, A second fall redoubhng backe agayne. Then thought the prince all peril sure was past. And that he victor onely did remayne ; JSTo sooner thought, then that the carle as fast Gan heap huge strokes on him, as ere he down was cast* THB FAEBIE QUEENE. 251 Nigh his wits end tlien woxe tk* amazed knight, And thought his labor lost, and travell vayne. Against this lifelesse shadow so to fight : Yet life he saw, and felt his mighty mayne, That, whiles hemarveild still, did still him payne; Forthy he gan some other wayes advize, How to take life from that dead-livipg swayne. Whom still he marked freshly to arize Prom th* earth, and from her womb new spirits to reprize. He then remembred well, that had bene sayd, How th' Earth his mother was, and first him borej She eke, so often as his life decayd, Did life with usury to him restore, And reysd him up much stronger than before. So soone as he unto her wombe did fall : Therefore to grownd he would him cast no more, Ne him committ to grave terrestriall. But beare him farre from hope of succour usuall. Tho up he caught him twixt his puissant hands. And having scruzd out of his carrion corse The lothfuU life, now loosd from sinfuU bands. Upon his shoulders carried him perforse Above three furlongs, taking his full course. Until he came unto a standing lake : Him thereinto he threw without remorse, Ne stird, till hope of life did him forsake : So end of that carles dayes and his ownapaynes did make. Which when those wicked hags from far did spye. Like two mad dogs they ran about the lands ; And th' one of them with dreadfull yelling crye. Throwing awaye her broken chaines and bands. And having quencht her burning fier-brands, Hedlong herselfe did cast into that lake ; But Impotence with her owne wilfull hands One of Malegers cursed dartes did take, So ryv'd her trembling hart, and wicked end did make. Thus now alone he conqueror remaines : Tho, cumming to his squyre that kept his steed, Thought to have mounted; but his feeble vaines Him faild thereto and served not his need, Through losse of blood which from his wounds did bleed, That he began to faint, and life decay: But his good squyre, him helping up with speed, "With stedfast hand upon his horse did stay, And led him to the castle by the beaten way. 252 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Where many groom es and squiers ready were To take him from his steed full tenderly ; And eke the fayrest Alma mett him there With balme, and wine, and costly spicery. To comfort him in his infirmity: Eftsoones she causd him up to be convayd. And of his armes despoyled easily ; In sumptuous bed shee made him to be layd ; And, al the while his wounds were dressing, by him stayd. CANTO xn. Guyon by palmers governanncew Passing through perilles great. Doth overthrow the Bovvre oi" Blis, And Acrasy defeat. ITow ginnes that goodly frame of Temperaunce Fayrely to rise, and her adorned hed To pricke of highest prayse forth to advaunce, Formerly fcrounded and fast setteled On firme foundation of true bountyhed : And this brave knight, that for this vertue fightes, Now comes to point of that same perilous sted, Where Pleasure dwelles in sensuall delights, Mongst thousand dangers and ten thousand magick mights. Two dayes now in that sea he sayled has, Ne ever land beheld, ne living wight, Ne ought save perill, still as he did pas : Tho, when appeared the third morrow bright Upon the waves to spred her trembling light, An hideous roaring far away they heard, That all their sences filled mth affright; And streight they saw the raging surges reard Up to the skyes, that them of drowning made affeard. Said then the boteman, " Palmer, stere aright And keepe an even course ; for yonder way We needes must pas (G-od doe us well acquight !) That is the Gulfe of G-reedinesse, they say. That deepe engorgeth all this worldes pray; Which having swallowd up excessively, He soone in vomit up againe doth lay. And belcheth forth his superfluity, That all the seas for feare doe seeme away to jBy. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 253 " On til* otlier sjde an hideous rock is piglit Of mighty magnes stone, whose craggie cliffc Depending from on high, dreadfull to sight, Owr the waves his rugged amies doth Hft, And threatneth downe to throw his ragged riflb On whoso Cometh nigh: yet nigh it drawes All passengers, that none from it can shift : For, whiles they fly that gulfe's devouring iawcs, They on the rock are rent, and sunck in helples wawes/*. Forward tliey passe, and strongly he them rowes, Untill they nigh unto that gulf'e arryve. Where streame more violent and greedy growes : Then he with all his puisaunce doth stryve To strike his oares, and mightily doth dr^^ve The hollow vessell through the threatfull wave ; TVhich, gaping wide to swallow them alyve In th' huge abysse of his engulfing grave, Doth rore at them in vaine, and with great terrour rare* They, passing by, that grisely mouth did see Sucking the seas into his entralles derpe, That seemd more horrible than hell to bee. Or that darke dreadfull hole of Tartare steepe, Tlirough which the damned ghosts doen often creep Backe to the world, bad livers to torment: But nought that falles into this direfull deepe, Ne that approcheth nigh the wyde descent. May backe retourne, but is condemned to be drent. On th' other side they saw that perilous rocke, Threatning itselfe on them to ruinate, On whose sharp cliftes the ribs of vessels broke ; And shivered ships, which had beene wrecked late. Yet stuck with carcases exanimate Of such, as having all their substance spent In wanton ioyes and lustes intemperate, Did afterwardes make shipwrack violent Both of their life and fame for ever fowly blent. Forthy this hight the Eock of vile Eeproch, A daungerous and detestable place, To which nor fish nor fowle did once approch. But yelling meawes, with seagulles, hoars, and bace, And cormoyraunts, with birds of ravenous race, "Which still sat wayting on that wastfull chft For spoile of wretches, whose unhappy cace. After lost credit and consumed thrift. At last them driven Lath to this despairefuU drift. 12 254 THE TAEEIE QUEENE. TKe palmer, seeing tliem in safetie past, Thus saide : " Behold th' ensamples in our sightes Of lustfull luxurie and tKi'iftlesse wast ! What now is left of miserable wightes, Which spent their looser daies in lend delightes, But shame and sad reproch, here to be red By these rent rehques speaking their ill-ijlightes ! Let all that live hereby be counselled To shunne Eock of Eeproch, and it as death to dread !* So forth they rowed; and that ferryman With his stiife oares did brush the sea so strong. That the hoare waters from his frigot ran, And the light bubles daunced all along, Whiles the salt brine out of the biUowes sprong. At last, far off, they many islandes spy On every side floting the floodes emong : Then said the knight ; " Lo ! I the land descry ; Therefore, old syre, thy course doe thereunto apply. '' " That may not bee," said then the ferryman, " Least wee unweeting hap to be fordonne : Por those same islands, seeming now and than, Are not firme land, nor any certein wonne, But stragling plots, which to and fro doe ronne In the wide waters : therefore are they hight The Wandring Islands : therefore doe them shonne ; For they have oft drawne many a wandring wight Into most deadly daunger and distressed i^hght. " Yet well they seeme to him, that farre doth vew. Both faire and fruitfull, and the grownd dispred With grassy greene of delectable hew ; And the tall trees with leaves appareled Are deckt with blossoms dyde in white and red. That mote the passengers thereto allure ; But whosoever once hath fastened His foot thereon, may never it recure, But wandreth evermore uncertein and unsure, "As th' isle of Delos whylome, men report. Amid th' Aegsean sea long time did stray, ISTe made for shipping any certeine port, Tin that Latona travelling that way. Flying from lunoes wrath and hard assay, Of her fayre twins was there delivered, Which afterwards did rule the night and day; Thenceforth it firmely was established. And for ApoUoes temple highly berried." THE FA^EEIB QUEENE. 255 They to him hearken, as beseemeth meete ; And passe on forward: so their way does ly, That one of those same islands, which doe fleet In the wide sea, they needes must passen by, Which seemd so sweet and pleasaiint to the eye. That it would tempt a man to touciien there : Upon the banck they sitting did espy A daintie damsell dressing- of her heare, By whom a little skippet iloting did appeare. She them espying, loud to them gan call, Bidding them nigher draw unto the shore. For she had cause to busie them withall; And therewith lowdly laught; but nathemore Would they once turne, but kept on as afore : Which when she saw, she left her lockes undight, And running to her boat withouten ore, From the departing land it launched light, And after them did drive with all her power and might. Whom overtaking, she in merry sort Then gan to bord, and purpose diversly; [Now faiuing dalliaunce and wanton sport, Now throwing forth lewd wordes immodestly; Till that the palmer gan full bitterly Her to rebuke, for being loose and light : Which not abiding, but more scornfully Scoffing at him that did her iustly wite, She turnd her bote about, and from them rowed quite. That was the wanton Phsedria, which late Pid ferry him over the Idle Lake : Whom nought regarding they kept on their gate. And all her vaine allurements did forsake; When them the wary boteman thus bespake; *' Here now behoveth us well to avyse, And of our safety good heedc to take; For here before a perlous passage lyes, Where many mermayds haunt, making false melodies. " But by the way there is a great quicksand, And a whirlepoole of hidden ieopardy; Therefore, Sir Palmer, keepe an even hand; For twixt them both the narrow way doth ly." Scarse had he saide, when hard at hand they spy, That quicksand nigh with water covered; But by the checked wave they did descry It plaine, and by the sea discoloured : It called was the Quickesand of Unthrifty bed. 256 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. They, passing by, a goodly ship did see ^ Laden from far with precious merchandize, And bravely furnished as ship mip^ht bee, "Which through great disaventure, or mesx)rize, Hersclfe had ronne into that hazardize; ' Whose mariners and merchants with much toylo Labour'd in vaine to have recur'd their prize, And the rich wares to save from pitteous spo^'le; But neither toyle nor traveill might her backe recoylo. On th' other side they see that perilous poole. That called was the Whirlepoole of Decay ; In which full many had with haplesse doole Beene suncke, of whom no memorie did stay: Whose circled waters rapt with whirling sway, Like to a restlesse wheele, still ronning round. Did covet, as they passed by that way, To draw their bote within the utmost bound Of his wide labyrinth, and then to have them dround. But th' heedful boteman strongly forth did stretch His brawnie amies, and all his bodie straine. That th' utmost sandy breach they shortly fetch, W^hiles the dredd daunger does behind remaine. Suddeme they see from midst of all the maine The surging waters like a mountaine rise. And the great sea, puft up with proud disdaine. To swell above the measure of his guise. As threatning to devoure all that his powre despisa. The waves come rolling, and the billowes rore Outragiously, as" they enraged were. Or wrathfuU jSTeptune did them drive before His whirling charet for exceeding feare ; For not one pufFe of winde there did appeare; That all the three thereat woxe much airayd^ Unweeting what such horrour straunge did reare. Eftsoones they saw an hideous hoast array d ^ Of huge sea-monsters, such as living sence dismayd: Most ugly shapes and horrible aspects. Such as dame JN^ature selfe mote feare to see. Or shame, that ever should so fowle defects From her most cunning hand escaped bee : All dreadfull pourtraicts of deformitee : Spring-headed hydres; and sea-shouldring whales; Great whirlpooles, wliich all fishes make to flee; Bright scolopendraes arm'd with silver scales ; Mighty monoceros with immeasured tayles ; THE FAERIE QUEENE, 267 Tlie dreadful fish, tliat liatli deserv'd the name Of Death, and like him lookes in dreadfull hew 5 The griesly wasserman, that makes his game The flying ships with swiftnes to pursew; Tlie horrible sea-satyre, that doth shew His fearefiill face in time of greatest storme; Huge ziffias, whom mariners eschew No lesse than rockes, as travellers informe ; And greedy rosmarines with visages deforme: All these, and thousand thousands many more. And more deformed monsters thousand fold. With dreadfull noise and hollow rombling rore Came rushing, in the fomy waves enrold. Which seem'd to fly for feare them to behold: ISTe wonder, if these did the knight appall; For all that here on earth we dreadfull hold, Be but' as bugs to fearen babes withall, Compared to the creatures in the seas entrall. " Feare nought,*' then aside the palmer well aviz'd^ ** For these same monsters are not these in deed, 33ut are into these fearefull shapes disguiz'd By that same wicked witch, to worke us dreed. And draw from on this iourney to proceed." Tho, lifting up his vertuous staffe on hye, He smote the sea, which calmed was with speed, And all that dreadfull armie fast gan flye Into great Tethys bosome, where they hidden lye. Quit from that danger forth their course they kept ; And as they went they heard a ruefull cry Of one that way Id and pittifully wept, That through the sea th' resounding plaints did fly : At last they in an island did espy A seemely maiden, sitting by the shore. That with great sorrow and sad agony Seemed some great misfortune to deplore. And lowd to them for succour called evermore. Which Guyon hearing, streight his palmer bad To stere the bote towards that dolefull mayd, That he might know and ease her sorrow sad: Who, him avizing better, to him sayd ; **Faire sir, be not displeasd if disobayd: For ill it were to hear den to her cry; For she is inly nothing ill apayd; But onely womanish fine forgery, Your Btiibborne barb t'aflect with fraile infirmity: 258 THE FAEEIE QTJEENE. *' To wliicli wlien slie your courage hath inclind Through foolish pitty, then her guilefull bayt She will embosome deeper in your mind, And for your mine at the last awaj^t." The knight was ruled, and the boteman strayt Held on his course with stayed stedfastnesse, Ke ever shroncke, ne ever sought to bayt His tyred armes for toylesome wearinesse ; But with his cares did sweeps the watry wildernesse. And now they nigh approched to the sted Whereas those mermayds dwelt: it was a still And calmy bay, on th' one side sheltered With the'broae shadow of an hoarie hill ; On th' other side an high rocke toured still, That twixt them both a pleasaunt port they made. And did like an halfe theatre fulfill : There those five sisters had continuall trade, And usd to bath themselves in that deceiptfull shade. They were faire ladies, till they fondly striv*d With th' Heliconian Maides for maystery; Of whom they over-comen were depriv'd Of their proud beautie, and th' one moyity» Transform'd to fish for their bold surquedry; But th' upper halfe their hew retayned still. And their sweet skill in wonted melody Which ever after they abusd to ill, T' allure weake traveillers, whom gotten they did kill. So now to Guyon, as he passed by. Their pleasaunt tunes they sweetly thus applyde; *' O thou fayre sonne of gentle Faery, That art in mightie armes most magnifyde Above all knights that ever batteil tryde, O turne thy rudder hetherward awhile : Here may thy storme-bett vessell safel3'' ryde; This is the port of rest from troublous toyle. The worlds sweet in from paine and wearisome turmoyle." With that the rolling sea, resounding soft, In his big base them fitly answered; And on the rocke the waves breaking aloft A solemne meane unto them measured; The whiles sweet Zephyrus lowd whisteled His treble, a straunge kinde of harmony; Which Guyons senses softly tickeled, That he the boteman bad row easily, And let him heare some part of their rare melody. THE FAEEIB QUEENE. 259 But him the palmer from that vanity With temperate advice dis counselled. That they it past, and shortly gan descry Tlie land to which their course they levelled; When suddeinly a grosse fog over spred With his dull vapour all that desert has. And heavens chearefuU face enveloped, Tiiat all things one, and one as nothing was. And this great imiverse seemd one confused mas. Thereat they greatly were dismayd, ne wist How to direct theyr way in darkenes wide, V \t feard to wander in that wasteful! mist, 1: or tombling into mischiefe unespyde : Worse is the daunger hidden then descrida. Suddeinly an innumerable flight Of harmefull fowles about them fluttering cride, And with their wicked wings them ofte did smight. And sore annoyed, groping in that griesly night. Even all the nation of unfortunate And fatall birds about them flocked were. Such as by nature men abhorre and hate; The ill-faste owle, deaths dreadfull messengere; The hoars night-raven, trump of dolefull drere; The lether-winged batt, dayes enimy; The ruefull strich, still waiting on the here; The whistler shrill, that whoso heares doth dy ; The hellish harpyes, prophets of sad destiny : All those, and all that els does horror breed, About them flew, and fild their sayles with feare : Yet stayd they not, but forward did proceed. Whiles th' one did row, and th' other stifly stearc ; Till that at last the weather gan to cleare. And the faire land itselfe did playnly show. Said then the palmer ; "Lo! where does appeare The sacred soile where all our perills grow ! Therefore, Sir Knight, your ready arms about you throw." He hearkned, and his armes about him tooke. The whiles the nimble bote so well her sped, That with her crooked keele the land she strooke: Then forth the noble Guy on sallied. And his sage palmer that him governed; Bat th' other by his bote behind did stay. They marched fayrly forth, of nought ydred, Both firmely armd for every hard assay, With constancy and care, gainst daunger and dismay. 260 THE TAEEIE QITEENE. Ere long tliey Iieard an hideous bellowing Of many beasts, that roard outrageously. As if that hungers «poynt or Yenus sting Had them enraged with fell surquedry ; Yet nought they feard, but past on hardily, Untill they came in vew of those wilde beasts. Who all attonce, gaping full greedily- And rearing fercely their upstaring crests, !Ran towards to devour those unexpected guesta. But, soone as they approcht with deadly threat. The palmer over them his staffe upheld. His mightie staffe, that could all charmes defeat: Eftsoones their stubborne corages were queld, And high advaunced crests downe meekely feld; Instead of fraying they themselves did feare, And trembled, as them passing they beheld: Such wondrous powre did in that staffe appeare. All monsters to sub dew to him that did it beare. Of that same wood it fram*d was cunningly. Of which Caduceus whilome was made, Caduceus, the rod of Mercury, ^ With which he wonts the Stygian realmes invade Through ghastly horror and eternall shade; Th' inf ernall feends with it he can asswage. And Orcus tame, whome nothing can persuade, And rule the Furyes when they most doe rage ; Such vertue in his staffe had eke this palmer sagew Thence passing forth, they shortly doe arryvo AVhereas the Bowre of Bliss was situate; A place pickt out by choyce of best alyYe, That natures worke by art can imitate : In which whatever in this worldly state Is sweete and pleasing unto living sense. Or that may dayntest fantasy aggrate, Was poured forth with plentifuli dispence. And made there to abound with lavish affluence. Goodly it was enclosed rownd about. As well their entred guestes to keep within. As those unruly beasts to hold without ; Yet was the fence thereof but weake and thin ; Noughli feard their force, that fortilage to win. But Wisedomes powre, and Temperaunces might. By which the mightiest things efibrccd bin : And eke the gate was wrought of substaunce lighi^ Kather for pleasui'o then for battery or fight. THE FAEBIE QTJEENB. 201 Yt framed was of precious yvovy, That seemd a worke of admirable witt ; Arid therein all the famous history Of lason and Medseawas ywritt; Her mighty charmes, her furious loving fitt ; His goodly conquest of the golden fleece, His falsed fayth, and love too lightly flitt ; The wondred Argo, which in venturous peece First through the Euxine seas bore all the flowr of Greece. Ye might have seen the frothy billowes fry Under the ship as thorough them she went, That seemd the waves were into yvory, Or yvory into the waves were sent ; And otherwhere the snowy substaunce sprenfc With vermeil, like tlie boyes blood therein shed, A piteous spectacle did represent ; And otherwhiles with gold besprinkeled Yt seemed th' enchaunted flame, which did Crciisa wed. All this and more might in that goodly gate Be red, that ever open stood to all Which thether came : but in the porch there sate A comely personage of stature tall. And semblaunce pleasing, more than natural], That traveilers to him seemd to entize ; His looser garment to the ground did fall, And flew about his heeles in wanton wize, Kot fitt for speedy pace or manly exercize. They in that place him Genius did call : ]N^ot that celestiall Powre, to whom the care Of life, and generation of all Tlmt lives, perteines in charge particulare, Who wondrous things concerning our welfare, And straunge phantomes, doth lett us ofte foresee, And ofte of secret ills bids us beware : That is our Selfe, whom though we do not see, Yet each doth in himselfe it well perceive to bee : Therefore a god him sage Antiquity Did wisely make, and good Agdistes call; But this same was to that quite contrary. The foe of life, that good envyes to all,. That secretly doth us procure to fall Through guilefull semblauts, which he makes us see; He of this gardin had the govern all, And Pleasures porter was devizd to bee, Holding a stafle in hand for more formalitee. 263 THE FAERIE QUEENB. With diverse floTrres lie daintily was deckt. And strowed rownd about ; and by his side A mighty mazer bowle of wine was sett, As if it liad to him bene sacrifide ; "Wherewith all new-come guests he gratyfide: . So did he eke Sir Guy on passing by; But he his ydle curtesie defide,_ And overthrew his bowle disdainfully, And broke his stalTe, with which he charmed sembUiuts sly. Thus being entred they behold arownd ^ A large and spacious plaine, on every side Strowed with pleasauns ; whose fayre grassy grownd Mantled with greene, and goodly beautifide W^itli all the ornaments of Floraes pride. Wlierewith her mother Art, as halfe in scorno Of ni^rgard ISTature, like a pompous bride Did clecke her, and too lavishly adorne, When forth from virgin bowre she comes in th' carl \' ir^onie* Thereto the hevens alwayes joviall Lookte on them lovel^^ still in stedfaste state, Ne suifred storme nor frost on them to fall, Their tender buds or leaves to violate : IN^or scorching heat, nor cold intemperate, T' afflict the creatures which therein did dwell; But the milde ayre with season moderate Gently attempred, and disposd so well, That still it breathed forth sweet spirit andhole^om smell 2 More sweet and holesome then the pleasaunt hill Of Ehodope, on which the nymphe, that bore A gyaunt babe, herselfe for griefe did kill ; Or the Thessalian Tempo, where of yore Fayre Daphne Phoebus hart with love did gore 5 Or Ida, where the gods lov'd to repayre. Whenever they their hevenly bowres forlore ; Or sweet Parnasse the haunt of muses fayre : Or Eden selfe, if ought with Eden mote compayre. Much wondred Guyon at the fayre aspect Of that sweet place, yet suffred no delight To sincke into his sence nor mind affect ; But passed forth, and lookt still forward right, Brydling his will and maystering his might: Till that he came unto another gate ; No gate, but like one, beicg goodly dight With bowes and braunches, which did broad dilate Their clasping armcs in wanton wreathings intricate. " In her left hand a cup of gold she held, And with her right the riper frait did reach " Book II. Canto XII. Ver. i THE FAERIE QUEENE. 203 So fasliioned a porcli with rare device, Arclit ovQr liead with an embracing vine, Wiiose bounches hanfring downe seemd to entice All passers-by to taste their lushious wine. And did themselves into their hands incline, As freely offering to be gathered ; ^ . Some deepe empurpled as the hyacine, Some as the rubine laughing sweetely red. Some like faire emeraudes, not yet well ripenea : And them amongst some were of burnisht gold. So made by art to beautify the rest, Which did themselves emongst the leaves enfold, As lurking from the vew of covetous guest, That the vv eake boughes with so rich load opprest Did bow adowne as overburdened. Under that porch a comely dame did rest Clad in fayre weedes but fowle disordered. And garments loose that seemd unmeet for womanhed: In her left hand a cup of gold she held, And with her right the riper fruit did reach, Whose sappy liquor, that with fulnesse sweld, Into her cup she scruzd with daintie breach Of her fine fingers, without fowle empeach, That so faire winepresse made the wine more sweet : Thereof she usd to give to drinke to eaeh. Whom passing by she happened to meet : It was her guise all straungers goodly so to greet. So she to Guyon offred it to tast ; Who, taking it out of her tender bond. The cup to ground did violently cast, That all in pceces it was broken fond, And with the lio[uor stained all the loud: Whereat Excesse exceedingly was wroth, Yet no'te the same amend, ne yet withstond, But suffered him to passe, all were she loth ; Who, nought regarding her displeasure, forward goth. There the most daintie paradise on ground Itselfe doth offer to his sober eye, In which all pleasures plenteously abownd, And none does others happinesse envye ; The painted fiowres ; the trees upshooting hye; The dales for shade; the hilles for breathing space; The trembling groves ; the christall running by ; And, that which all faire workes dolh most aggraco, The art, which all that wrought, nppcared in no place. 264 THE FAEEIE QITEENE. One would Lave tliouglit, (so cunniDgly the riido And scorned partes were mingled with the fine,) ^ That Nature had for wantonesse ensude Art, and that Art at !N'ature did repine ; So striving each th' other to undermine, Each did the others worke more beautify; So diflfring both in willes agreed in fine : So all agreed, through sweete diversity. This gardin to adorne with aU variety. And in the midst of all a fountaine stood. Of richest substance that on earth might bee. So pure and shiny that the silver flood ^ Through every channell nmning one might see ; Most goodly it vrith curious yma^ceree Was over-wrought, and shapes of naked boyes, Of which some seemd with Kvely iollitee To fly about, playing their wanton toyes, Whylest others did themselves embay in liquid ioyes. And over aU of purest gold was spred A trayle of yvie in his native hew; For the rich metall was so coloured, ^ That wight, who did not well avis'd it vew, "Would surely deeme it to bee jwie trew: Low his lascivious armes adown did creepe, That themselves dipping in the silver dew Their fleecy flowres they fearfully did steepe, "WTiich drops of christall seemd for wantones to weep. Infinit streames continually did well Out of this fountaine, sweete and fairs to see. The which into an ample laver fell, And shortly gTew to so great quantitie. That like a litle lake it seemd to bee ; Whose depth exceeded not three cubits hight, That through the waves one might the bottom see, All pav'd beneath with jaspar shining bright. That seemd the fountaine in that sea did sayle upright. And all the margent round about was sett With shady laureU trees, thence to defend The sunny beames which on the billowes bett. And those which therein bathed mote oflend. As Guyo hapned by the same to wend. Two naked damzelles he therein espyde, Which therein bathing seemed to contend And wrestle wantonly, ne car'd to hyde Tlieir dainty paries from vew of any which them eyi THE FAERIE QXTEENE. 265 Sometimes tLe one would lift the otiier quiglit Above the waters, and then downe againe Her plong, as over-mays tered by might, ^ Where both awhile would covered remaine, And each the other from to rise restraine : The whiles their snowy limbes, as through a vele. So through the christall waves appeared plaine : Then suddeinly both would themselves unhele, And th' amorous sweet spoiles to greedy eyes reveio. As that faire starre, the messenger of morno, His deawy face out of the sea doth reare : Or as the Cyprian goddesse, newly borne Of th' ocean's fruitfull froth, did first appearej Such seemed they, and so their yellow heare Oiristalline humor dropped downe apace. Whom such when Guyon saw, him drew hnn iienvo. And somewhat gan relent his earnest pace ; His stubborne brcst gan secret pleasaunce to embrace. The wanton maidens him espying, stood Gazing awhile at his unwonted guise ; Then th* one herselfe low ducked in the flood, Abasht that her a straunger did avise : But th' other rather higher did arise, And her two lilly paps aloft displayd, And all, that might his melting hart entyso To her delights, she unto him bewrayd ; The rest, hidd underneath, him more desirous made. With that the other likewise up arose. And her faire lockes, which formerly were bownd Up in one knott, she low adowne dicl lose, Which flowing long and thick her cloth'd arownd, And th' yvorie in golden mantle gownd : So that faire spectacle from him was reft. Yet that which reft it no lesse faire was fownd: So hidd in lockes and waves from lookers theft, Nought but her lovely face she for his looking left. Withall she laughed, and she blusht withall. That blushing to her laughter gave more grace. And laughter to her blushing, as did fall. Now when they spyde the knight to slacke his pace Them to behold, and in his sparkling face The secrete signes of kindled lust appeare. Their wanton merriments they did encreace. And to him beckncd to approch more neare, . . v And rghewd him many isights that corago cold could vei-ro : 26(3 THE FAERIE QTJEENE. On wliicli wlien gazing him tlie palmer sa^, He mucli rebukt those wandring e^^es of hi?. And counseld well him forward thence did draw, ISTow are they come nigh to the Bqwre of Blis, Of her fond favorites so nam*d amis ; When thns the palmer; "Now, sir, well avise; For here the end of all onr traveill is : Here wonnes Acrasia, whom we must surprise, Els she will slip away, and all our drift despise." Eftsoones they heard a most melodious sound. Of all that mote delight a daintie eare, Such as attonce might not on Hving ground. Save in this paradise, be heard elsewhere : Hight hard it was for wight which did it heare. To read what manner musicke that mote bee ; For all that pleasing is to living eare Was there consorted in one harmonee ; Birdes, voices, instruments, windes, waters, all agree t The loyous birdes, shrouded in chearefull shade. Their notes unto the voice attempred sweet ; Th' angelicall soft trembling voyces made To th' instruments divine respondence meet ; The silver-sounding instruments did meet With the base murmure of the waters fall ; The waters fall vrith difierence discreet, iN'ow soft, now loud, unto the wind did call ; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all. There, whence that musick seemed heard to bee. Was the faire witch herselfe now solacing With a new lover, whom, through sorceree And witchcraft, she from farre did thether bring : There she had him now laid a slombering In secret shade after long wanton ioyes ; Whilst round about them pleasauntly did sing Many faire ladies and lascivious boyes, That ever mixt their song with light licentious toyes. And all that while right over him she hong With her false eyes fast fixed in his sight. As seeking medicine whence she was stong. Or greedily depasturing delight; And oft inclining downe with kisses light, Eor feare of waking him, his lips bedewd. And through his humid eyes did sucke his spright. Quite molten into lust and pleasure lewd; Wherewith she sighed soft, as if his case she rewd. THE FaEEIE qtjeene. 267 Tlie wliiles some one did cliaunfc tliis lovely lay; Ak ! see, whoso fayre thing doestfaine to see. In springing floiore the image of thy day ! Ah 1 see the virgin rose, hoio sioeetly shee Dothjlrst jpeepefoorth with bashfull modes tee^ That fairer seemes the lesse ye see her may ! Lo ! see, soone after hoto more hold and free Her bared hosome she doth broad display; < Lo ! see soone after how she fades and falls aioay I So passeth, in the passing of a day, Ofmortall life the leafe, the bud, the floiore; Ne more dothjlorish after first decay. That earst was sought to declc both bed and boiore Of many a lady, andmanyaparamoiore! Gather therefore the rose whitest yet is prime. For soone comes age that tvill her pride deflowre : Gather the rose of lope whitest yet is time. Whitest loving thou mayst loved be with eqiiall crime. He ceast; and tlien gan all tlie quire of birdes 'J heir diverse notes t'attime unto his lay. As in approvaunce of his pleasing wordes. The constant payre heard all that he did say, Yet swarved not, but kept their forward way Through many covert groves and thickets close, In which they creeping did at last display That wanton lady, with her lover lose. Whose sleepie head she in her lap did soft dispose. Upon a bed of roses she was layd, As faint through heat, or diglit to pleasant sin; And was arayd, or rather disarayd, All in a vcle of silke and silver thin. That liid no whit her alablaster skin, }3at rather shewd more white, if more might bee: More subtile web Arachne cannot spin ; jNTor the fine nets, which oft we woven see Of scorched deaw, do not in th' ayre more lightly lico. Her snowy brest was bare to ready spoyle Of hungry eies, which n'ote therewith be lild ; And yet, through languour of her late sweet toyle, Few drops, more cleare then nectar, forth distild, That like pure orient perles adowne it trild; And lier faire eyes, sweet smyling in delight, Moystened their lierie beames, with which she thrild Fraile harts, yet quenched not; like starry light, [!)right. Which, sparckhng on the silent waves, does seeme more 268 ' THE FAEEIE QUEENE. Tlie young man, sleeping by Iier, seemd to bo Some goodly swayne of honorable place; Til at certes it great pitty was to see Him bis nobility so fowle deface : A sweet regard and amiable grace. Mixed with manly sternesse, did appeare. Yet sleeping, in bis well-proportiond face; And on bis tender lips tbe downy beare Did not but freshly spring, and silken blossoms bcaro. His warlike armes, the ydle instruments Of sleeping praise, were hong upon a tree : And his brave shield, fvfil of old moniments, Was fowly ras't, tbat none the signes might see; Ise for them ne for honour cared bee, Ne ought that did to his advauncement tend; But in lewd loves, and wastfull luxuree, His dayes, his goods, his bodie he did^pend: O horrible enchantment, that him so did blend ! The noble elfe and carefull palmer drew So nigh them, minding nought but lustfull game. That suddein forth they on them rusht, and threw A subtile net, which only for that same The skilfull palmer formally did frame: So held them under fast ; the whiles the rest Pled all away for feare of fowler shame. Tlie faire enchauntresse, so unwares opprest, Tr3-de all her arts and ail her sleights thence out to wrest ; And eke her lover strove ; but all in vaine : For tiiat same net so cunningly was wound, That neither guile nor force might it distraine. They tooke them both, and both them strongly bound In captive bandes, T^hich there they readie found: I3ut her in chaines of adamant he tyde; . For nothing else might keepe her safe and sound: ]3ut Verdant (so he bight) he soone untyde. And counsell sage in steed thereof to him apply de. But all those pleasaunt bowres, and pallace brave, Guyorubroke downe with rigour pittilesse : "Ne ought their goodly workmanship might save Them from the tempest of his wrathful n esse. But that their blisse he turn'd to balefulnesse, Their groves he feld; their gardins did deface; Their arbors spoyle; their cabinets suppresse: Their banket- houses burne; their buildings race; And, of the fayrest late, now made the fowlest place. THE FAEEIE QUEENB. 269 Then led they her away, and eke that knight They with them led, both sorrowfull and sad: The way they came, the. same retourn'd they right. Till they arrived where they lately had Charm'd those wild beasts that rag'd with farie mad ; Which, now awaking, fierce at them gan fly, As in their mistresse reskew, whom they lad ; But them the palmer soone did pacify. [didly. Then Gayon askt, what meant those beastes which tiiera Sayd he; " These seeming beasts are men in deed. Whom this enchauntresse hath transformed thus, Whylome her lovers, which her lustes did feed, Now turned into figures hideous. According to their mindes like monstruous." ** Sad end,'* quoth he, " of life intemperate. And mourneful meed of ioyes delicious ! But, palmer, if it mote thee so aggrate, Let them returned be unto their former state.** Streightway he with his virtuous staffe them strooke. And streight of beastes they comely men became ; Yet being men they did unmanly looke. And stared ghastly; some for inward shame. And some for wrath to see their captive dame: But one above the rest in speciall, That had an hog beene late, hight Grylle by name, Repyned greatly, and did him miscall That had from hoggish forme him brought to naturall. Saide Guyon ; " See the mind of beastly man. That hath so soone forgot the excellence Of his creation, when he life began, That now he chooseth with vile difference To be a beast, and lacke intellij2:ence !'* To whom the palmer thus ; " The donghill kinde Delightes in filth and fowle incontinence : Let Gryll be Gryll, and have his hoggish minde : But let ua henco depart wliilest wether serves and winde." THE THIRDE BOOKE OP THE PAEEIE QUEE^nE, CONTAYXING ^;t ITcgciiXy of ^ritoKtartis, or of 0>istiii>. IT falls me here to write of Cliastity That fajTest vertue, far above the rest : For which what needes me fetch from Faery Forreine ensamples it to hare exprest ? Sith it is shrined in my soveraines brest, And formd so hvely in each perfect part. That to all ladies, which have it profest, Need but behold the pourtraict of her hart; If pourtrayd it might bee by any living art : But living art may not least part expresse, Nor life -resembling pencill it can paynt: All were it Zeuxis or Praxiteles, His dsedale hand would faile and greatly fajoit. And her perfections with his error taynt : Ne poets witt, that passeth painter farre In picturing the parts of beauty daynt, So hard a workemanship adventure darre, For feare through want of words her excellence to marre. How then shall I, apprentice of the skill That whilome in divinest wits did rayne, Presume so high to stretch mine humble quill P Yet now my lucklesse lott doth me constrayne Hereto x^erforce : but, O dredd soverayne. Thus far forth pardon, sith that choicest witt Cannot your glorious pourtraict figure playne. That I in colourd showes may shadow itt. And antique praises unto present persons fitt. But if in living colours, and right hew, Tbyselfe thou covet to see pictured, "Who can it doe more hvely, or more trew, Then that sweete verse, with nectar sprinckeled. In which a gracious servaunt pictured His Qmthia, his heavens fajTest light? That vritli his melting sweetnes ravished, And with the wonder of her beames bright, My Ecnces lulled are in slomber of dehght. THE FAERIE QUEENB. 271 But let tliat same delitious poet lend A little leave unto a rusticke muse To sing kis mistresse prayse ; and let him mend, If ought amis her liking may abuse : Ke let his fayrest Cynthia refuse In mirrours more then one herselfe to see ; "But either Gloriana let her chuse, Or in Belphoebe fashioned to bee ; In th' one her rule, in th' other her rare chastitce. CANTO I. Guyon encountreth J^ritomart : Fayre Florimell is chaced : Duessaes traiiies and IMalecas- taes champions are defaced. The famous Briton prince and Faery knight. After long ways and perilous paines endur'd. Having their weary limbes to perfect plight Restord, and sory wounds right well recur'd, <)f the faire Alma greatly were procur d To make there lenger soiourne and abode; But, when thereto they might not be allur'd From seeking praise and deedes of armes abrode, They courteous conge tooke, and forth together ycde. But the captiv'd Acrasia he sent, Because of traveill long, a nigher way, With a strong gard, all reskew to prevent, And her to Faery court safe to convay ; That her for witnes of his hard assay Unto his Faery Queene he might present: But he himselfe betooke another way, To make more triall of his hardiment, And seek adventures, as he with Prince Arthure went. Long so they traveiled through wastefull waye5. Where daungers dwelt, and perils most did wonne, To hunt for glory and renowmed prayse : Full many countrcyes they did overrone. From the uprising to the setting sunne, And many hard adventures did atchieve ; Of all the which they honour ever wonne. Seeking the weake oppressed to reHcve, And to recover right for such as wrong did grieve. 272 THE FAEEIE QUEENE. At last, as tlirougli an open plaine they yode, They spide a knight that towards pricked fayre; And him beside an aged squire there rode, That seemd to couch under his shield three-square. As if that age badd him that burden spare, And yield it those that stouter could it wield ! He, them espying, gan himselfe prepare, * And on his arme addresse his goodly shield That bore a lion passant in a golden field. Which seeing good Sir Guyon deare besought The Prince, of grace, to let him ronne that turne. He graunted : then the Faery quickly raught His poj^nant speare, and sharply gan to spurne His fomy steed, whos fiery feete did burne The verdant gras as he thereon did tread ; ]Ne did the other backe his foote returne, But fiercely forward came withouten dread, And bent his dreadful speare against the others heai They beene ymett, and both theyr points arriv'd ; Uut Guyon drove so furious and fell. That seemd both shield and plate it would have riv'd; Nathelesse it bore his foe not from his sell, IBut made him stagger, as he were not weU: But Guyon selfe, ere well he was aware, Nigh a speares length behind his crouper fell; Yet in his fall so well himselfe he bare. That mischievous mischaunce his life and limbs did spare. Great shame and sorrow of that fall he tooke ; Tor never yet, sith warlike armes he bore. And shivering speare in bloody field first shooke, He fownd himselfe dishonoured so sore. Ah ! gentlest knight, that ever armor bore, Let not thee grieve dismounted to have beene, And brought to grownd, that never wast before ; For not thy fault, but secret powre unseene ; That speare enchaunted was which layd thee on the greene I But weenedst thou what wight thee overthrew. Much greater griefe and shamefuller rcgrett For thy hard fortune then thou wouldst renew. That of a single damzell thou wert mett On equall plaine, and there so hard besett : Fven the famous Britomart it was. Whom straunge adventure did from Britayne fett To seeke her lover (love far sought alas !) Whose image shee had scene in Vcaus looking-glas. THE FAEEIE QXTEENE. 273 Full of disciainefull wrath, lie fierce uprose For to revenge that fowle reprochefull shame, And, snatching his bright sword, began to clos3 With her on foot, and stoutly forward came ; Dye rather would he then endure that same. Which when his palmer saw, he gan to feare His toward perill, and untoward blame, Which by that new rencoimter he should reare ; For Death sate on the point of that enchaunted speare : And hasting towards him gan fayre perswade Not to provoke misfortune, nor to weene His speares default to mend with cruell blade; For by his mightie science he had scene The secrete vertue of that weapon keene. That mortall puissaunce mote not withstond : Nothing on earth mote alwaies happy beene ! Great hazard were it, and adventure fond. To loose long-gotten honour with one evill honi By such good meanes he him discounselled From prosecuting his revenging rage : And eke the prince like treaty handeled. His wrathfull will with reason to aswage ; And laid the blame, not to his carriage, But to his starting steed that swarv'd asydfl^ And to the ill purveyaunce of his page. That had his furnitures not firmely tyde : So is his angry corage fayrly pacifyde. Thus reconcilement was betweene them knitt, Through goodly temper aunce and affection chaste; And either vowd with all their power and witt To let not others honour be defaste Of friend or foe, whoever it embaste, Ne armes to bear against the others syde : In which accord the prince was also plaste, And with that golden chaine of concord tyde : So goodly all agreed, they forth yfere did ryde. O, goodly usage of those antique tymes, ^ In which the sword was servaunt unto right ; When not for malice and contentious crymes. But all for prayse and proofe of manly might. The martiall brood accustomed to fight : Then honour was the meed of victory. And yet the vanquished had no despight :' Let later age that noble use envy, Vy le rancor to avoid and cruell surqucdry I 274 THE FAEBIE QUEEKE. Jjbng: tliey tlius travelled in friendly wise, Tlirougli countreyes waste, and eke well edifyde. Seeking adv^entures liard, to exercise Their pnissaunce, wliylome full dernly tryde ; At length they came into a forest wyde, Whose hideous horror and sad trembling sownd Full griesly seemed : therein they long did ryde, Yet tract of living creature none they fownd. Save beares, lyons, and buls, which romed them arownd All suddenly ont of the thickest brush, Upon a milk-white palfrey all alone, A goodly lady did foreby them rush, Whose face did seeme as cleare as christall stone. And eke, through feare, as white as whales bone : Her garments all were wrought of beaten gold. And all her steed with tinsel! trappings shone, Which lledd so fast that nothing mote him hold, And scarse them leasure gave her passing to behold. Still as she fledd her eye she backward threw. As fearing evill that poursewed her fast ; And her faire yellow locks behind her flew. Loosely disperst with puff of every blast : All as a blazing starre doth farre outcast His hearie beames, and flaming locks dispredd, At sight whereof the people stand aghast; But the sage wisard telles as he has redd. That it importunes death and doleful! dreryhedd. So as they gazed after her awhyle, Lo ! where a griesly foster forth did rush. Breathing out beastly lust her to defyle : His tyreling jade he fiersly forth did push Through thicke and thin, botli over banck and bush. In hope her to attaine by hooke or crooke. That from his gory sydes the blood did gush: Large were his limbes, and terrible his looke, And in his clownish hand a sharp bore-speare he shooke,' TVliich outrage when those gentle knights did see, Full of great envy and fell gealosy, They stayd not to aviso who first should bee. But all s'purd after, fast as they mote fly. To reskew her from shameful! villany. Tlie prince and Guyon equally bylive Herselfe pursewd, in hope to win thereby Most goodly rneede, the farest dame alive: But after the foule foster Timias did strive. THE FAERIE QUEENE. 275 The whiles faire Britomart, whose constant mind Would not so lightly follow beauties chace, Ne reckt of ladies love, did stay behynd; And them awaited there a certaine space, To weete if they would turne backe to that place: But when she saw them gone, she forward went. As lay her iourne^^ through that perlous pace. With stedfast corage and stout hardiment ; Ne evil thing she feard, ne evill thing she ment. At last, as nigh out of the wood she came, A stately castle far away she spyde, To which her steps directly she did frame. That castle was most goodly edifyde, Arid plaste for pleasure nigh that forrest syde s But faire before the gate a spatious playne, Mantled with greene, itselfe did spredden wyde, On which she saw six koights, that did darrayne Fiers battaill against one with cruell might and mayne. Mainely they all attonce upon him laid, And sore besett on every side arownd. That nigh he breatldesse grew, yet nought dismaid, Ne ever to them yielded foot of grownd, All had he lost much blood through many a wowndj But stoutly dealt his blowes, and every way, To which he turned in his wrathfidl stownd. Made them recoile, and fly from dredd decay. That none of all the six before him durst assay : Like dastard curres, that, having at a bay The salvage beast embost in wearie chace. Pare not adventure on the stubborne pray, Ne byte before, but rome from place to places To get a snatch when turned is his face. In such distresse and doubtfull ieopardy When Britomart him saw, she ran apaco Unto his reskew, and with earnest cry Badd those same six forbeare that single enimy. But to her cry they list not lenden eare, "Ne ought the more their mightie strokes surceasse j But, gathering him rownd about more neare, Their direfull rancour rather did encreasse ; Till that she, rushing through the thickest prcasse. Perforce disparted their compacted gyre, And soone compeld to hearken unto peace : Tho gan she myldly of them to inquyre The cause of their dissention and outrageous yre. iro THE FAEEIE QUEEN E. T^Tiereto that single knight did answere frame ; *' These six would me enforce, by oddes of might, To chaunge my liefe, and love another dame ; That death me hefer were then such despight, So unto TTTong to yield my wrested right : For I love one, the truest one on grownd, Ke list me chaunge ; she th' errant damzell hight ; For whose deare sake full many a bitter stownd I have endurd, and tasted many a bloody wownd." " Certes," said she, " then beene ye sixe to blame, To weene your wrong by force to iustify: For knight to leare his lady were great shame That faithfull is ; and better were to dy. All losse is lesse, and lesse the infamy. Then losse of love to him that loves but one : JS^e may love be compeld by maistery; For, soone as maistery comes, sweet love anone Taketh his nimble winges, and soone away is gone." Then spake one of those six ; " There dwelleth. here Within this castle-wall a lady fayre, Whose soveraine beautie hath no Hving pere ; Thereto so bounteous and so debonayre. That never any mote with her compayre : She hath ordaind this law, which we approve. That every knight which doth this way repayre. In case he have no lady nor no love. Shall doe unto her service, never to remove : " But if he have a lady or a love, Then must he her forgoe with fowle defame^ Or els with us by dint of swoi d approve. That she is fairer than our fairest dame ; As did this knight, before ye hether came." *' Perdy," said Britomart, **the choise is^hard! But what reward had he that overcame?" " He should advaunced bee to high regard," Said they, " and have our ladies love for his reward. " Therefore aread, sir, if thou have a love." **Love have I sure," quoth she, "but lady none; Yet will I not fro miue owne love remove, Ke to your lady will I service done. But wreake your wronges wrought to this knight alone. And prove his cause." AYith that, her mortall speare She mightily aventred towards one. And downe him smot ere well aware he weare ; Then to the next she rode» and downe the next did beare. THE PAEEIB QUEENS. 277 Ne did slie stay till three on ground slie layd, That none of them himselfe could reare againe : The fourth was by that other knight dismayd, All were he wearie of his former paine ; Tliat now there do but two of six remaine ; Which two did yield before she did them smight. ^ Ah !" said she then, ** now may ye all see plaine, That truth is strong, and trew love most of might, That for his trusty servaunts doth so strongly fight*' *•' Too well we see," saide they, '^ and prove too well Our faulty weakness, and your matchlesse might : Forthy, faire sir, yours be the damozell. Which by her owne law to your lot doth light, And we your liegemen faith unto you plight." So underneath her feet their swords they mard, And, after, her besought, well as they might, To enter in and reape the dew reward : She graunted; and then in they aU together far*d,'* Long were it to describe the goodly frame And stately port of Castle loyeous, (For so that castle hight by common name,) Where they were entertaynd with courteous And comely glee of many gratious Faire ladies, and of many a gentle knight ; Who, through a chamber long and spacious; Eftsoones them brought unto their ladies sight. That of them cleeped was the lady of dehght. But, for to teU the sumptuous aray Of that great chamber, should be labour lost; For living wit, I weene, cannot display The roiaU riches and exceeding cost Of every pillour and of every post, Which all of purest bullion framed were, And with great perles and pretious stones embost ; That the bright glister o.f their beames cleare Did sparckle forth great light, and glorious did appearo. These stranger knights, through passing, forth were led Into an inner rowme, whose royaltee And rich purveyance might uneath be red ; Mote Princes place beseeme so deckt to bee. Which stately manner whenas they did see, • The image of superfluous riotize. Exceeding much the state of meane degree, They greatly wondred whence so sumptuous guize Might be maintaynd, and each gan diversely devize. 13 278 THE FAERIE QUEENE. Tlie wals were round about apparelled With costly clothes of Arras and of Toure ; In which with cunning hand was pourtrahed Tlie love of Venus and her paramoure. The fayre Adonis, turned to a flowre ; A work of rare device and wondrous wit. First did it shew the bitter baleful! stowre. Which her essayd with many a fervent fit, When first her tender hart was with his beautie smifc. Then with what sleights and sweet allurements she Entyst the boy, as well that art she knew, And wooed him her paramoure to bee ; InTow making girlonds of each flowre that grew* To crown e his golden lockes with honour dew ; "Now leading him into a secret shade From his beauperes, and from bright heavens vew. Where hini to sleepe she gently would perswade. Or bathe him in a fountaine by some covert glade : And, whilst he slept, she over him would spred Her mantle colour'd Hke the starry skyes, And her soft arme lay undern-eath his hed. And with ambrosiall kisses bathe his eyes ; And, whilst he bath'd, with her two crafty speys She secretly would search each daintie hm, And throw into.the well sweet rosemaryes, And fragrant violets, and paunces trim ; And ever with, sweet nectar she did sprinkle him. So did she steale his heedelesse hart away, And ioyd his love in secret unespyde : But for she saw him bent to cruell play, To hunt the salvage beast in forrest wyde, Dreadfull of daunger that mote him betyde, She oft and oft adviz'd him to refraine From chase of greater beastes, whose brutish pryde Mote breede him scath unwares : but all in vaine ; For who can shun the chance that dest'ny doth ordaineP Lo ! where beyond he lyeth languishing. Deadly engored of a great wilde bore ; And by liis side the goddesse groveling Makes for him endlesse mone, and evermore" With her soft garment wipes away the gore Which staynes his snowy skin with hatefull hews But, when she saw no helpe might him restore. Him to a dainty flowre she did transmew, Whioh in that cloth was wrought, as if it lively j;rew. THE FAEEIE QUEENE. 279 So was that chamber clad in goodly wize : And rownd about it many beds were dight. As whylome was the antique worldes guize. Some for untimely ease, some for delight. As pleased thein to use that use it ifiight : And all was full of damzels and of squyres, Dauncing and reveling both day and night. And swimming: deepe in sensuall desyres ; And Cupid still emongest them kindled lustfull fyres. And all the while sweet musicke did divide Her looser notes with Lydian harmony; And all the while sweete birdes thereto applido Their daintie layes and dulcet melody, Ay caroling of love and iollity, That wonder was to heare their trim consort. Which when those knights beheld, with scomefull eye They sdeigned such lascivious disport. And loath'd the loose demeanure of that wanton sort. Thence they were brought to that great ladies vew. Whom they found sitting on a sumptuous bed, That glistred all with gold and glorious shew. As the proud Persian queenes accustomed : She seemd a woman of great bountihed And of rare beautie, saving that askaunce Her wanton eyes (ill signes of womanhed) Did roll too lightly, and too often glaunce, Without regard of grace or comely amenaunce. Long worke it were, and needlesse, to devize ' Their goodly entertainement and great glee : She caused them be led in courteous wize Into a bowre, disarmed for to be. And cheared well with wine and spiceree : The E