Ki Ys r 75 >29 Y3 >py 1 ^^l^'^^^r^-^ ^^ / / TV Jj<~'tLj /T^.^4-^ A """"""'/ «^- ^■ /--^ ^ >--^. CATALOGUE OP THK $ CONNECTICUT A»PHA i ©BK, AUGUST, 1838. '^Ui 1^ g|NEW HAVEN: Plin^TED BY B. L. IIAMLEN. 1838. f i INTRODUCTORY NOTE. f The Phi Beta Kappa Society was originally founded at William and Mary's College, in Virginia. The Alpha of Connecticut was organized at Yale College, Nov. 13th, 1780, and that of Massa- chusetts, at Harvard University, about the same time, by charter from the Alpha of Virginia. The original Alpha of Virginia is now extinct. The branches of the Society at the present time, are six in number, viz. Alpha of Connecticut, at Yale College, New Haven. Alpha of Massachusetts, at Harvard University, Cambridge. Alpha of New Hampshire, at Dartmouth College, Hanover. Alpha of New York, at Union College, Schenectady. Alpha of Maine, at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Alpha of Rhode Island, at Brown University, Providence. OFFICERS, (since the last catalogue.) 1835-6. JONATHAN KNIGHT, M.D. President. SAMUEL J. HITCHCOCK, Esq. Vice President. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq. Cor. Secretary. CHARLES HOOKER, M.D. Treasurer. 1836-7. SAMUEL J. HITCHCOCK, Esq. President. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq. Vice President. Prof. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, Cor. Secretary. CHARLES HOOKER, M. D. Treasurer. 1837-8. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq,. President. Prof. DENISON OLMSTED, Vice President. WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, M.D. Cor. Secretary. EDWARD C. HERRICK, Treasurer. Rev. William Watson Andrews, Orator, 1835. James Abraham Hillhouse, Esq. Orator, 1836. Rev. Horace Bushnell, Orator, 1837. MEMBERS. 1767. *Hon. John Trumbull,LL.D.,C. A.S.,A. A.S., Tut. Y. C, Judge Sup. Court Ct., Detroit^ Mich. 1773. *Hon. James Hillhouse, LL.D., C.A.S., Treas. Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. h Sen. U. S. Cong., New Haven j Ct. 1778. *Hon. Joel Barlow, LL.D., U. S. Minister to France, Washington City, Noah Webster, LL.D., C.A.S., A.A.S., New Haven, Ct. *Hon. Oliver Wolcott, LL.D., C.A.S., Fel- low Y. C, Sec. U. S. Treas., Judge U. S. Circ. Court, Gov. Ct., New York City. 1779. *Rev. David Austin, Bozrahf Ct. Hon. Elizur Goodrich, LL.D., C.A.S., Tut. & Prof. Law h Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. — Pres., New Haven, Ct. 1780. Rev. John Barnett, Amenia, N. Y. *Thomas Chester, Esq., Tut. Y. C, Hartford, Ct. *Timothy Phelps, St. Genevieve^ Mo. *WiHiam Joseph Whiting, Esq., New Haven, Ct. 1781. *Rev. Jason Atwater, Branford, Ct. Hon. Simeon Baldwin, C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct. — Pres., New Haven, Ct. *Simeon Breed, Norwich, Ct. Rev. Henry T. Channing, A.A.S., Tut. Y. C. — Pres., JVew London^ Ct, *Elihu Gridley, Hon. James Kent, LL.D.,Prof. Law Columb. Coll., Chief Judge Sup. Court and Chan- cellor N. Y.— Orator, 1831, JVew York City, *Rev. Timothy Langdon, Danbury, Ct. *Sarauel Newell, Bristol, Ct» *Rev. Reuben Parmele, Victor, N, Y. *Enoch Perkins, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Hartford, Ct, *Samuel Dunbar Searle, *Hon. Israel Smith, Rep.&i Sen. U. S. Cong., Chief Judge Sup. Court and Gov. Vt., Rupert, Vt. Rev. Stephen William Stebbins, Orange, Ct, Elizur Wright, C.A.S., Tallmadge, Ohio, 1782. *Obadiah Bowen, JVew York City, Hon. Judson Canfield, Sen. Ct., Canfield, Ohio, *Rev. Daniel Crocker, New Fairfield, Ct, Hon. Daniel Dana, Sen. Vt., Newbury, Vt. *St. John Honey wood, Esq., Troy,JV. Y, *Hon. Stephen Titus Hosmer, LL.D.,C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Chief Judge Sup. Court Ct., Middletown, Ct, *Rev. Walter King — Pres,, Williamstown, JVls, *Hon. John Lovett, Rep. U. S. Cong., Albany, JV. Y, *Miles Merwin, Philadelphia, Pa, Hon. Asher Robbins, Sen. U. S. Cong., JVewport, R. I, *Ephraim Root, Esq., Hartford, Ct, Hon. Lewis Burr Sturges, Rep. U. S. Cong., Detroit, JVlich, *Nathan Williams, Tolland, Ct, 1783. *Rev. Samuel Austin, S.T.D.,Pres. Univ. Vt.,Wrorce5^cr, Ms, *Jehu Brainerd, JVew Haven, Ct, Hon. David Daggett, LL.D., C.A.S., Fellow & Prof. Law Y.C., Sen. Ct., Sen. U. S. Cong., Ch. Judge Sup. Court Ct. — Pres., JVew Haven, Ct, Ebenezer Dimon, Fairfield , Ct. Edward Edwards, Lisle^ JV. Y. *Rev. Samuel Goodrich, Berlin^ Ct. *Rev. Abiel Holmes, S.T.D., A.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Cambridge, Ms. *Robert Charles Johnson, Esq., Stratford, Ct, *Lynde Lord, Litchfield, Ct» *Rev. Jedidiah Morse, S.T.D., A.A.S.,Tut. Y. C. — Pres., JYew Haven, Ct. *Samuel Penfield, Fairfield, Ct. *Theodore Pitkin, Rochester, N, Y. Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL.D., C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Judge Sup. Court. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong., Lieut. Gov. and Gov. Ct., Sharon, Ct. *Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, Longmeadow, Ms. 1784. *Jonathan Barnes, Esq., Tolland, Ct. *Rev. Amos Bassett, S.T.D., C.A.S., Tut. and Fellow Y. C, Monroe, Ct. *Hon. George Bliss, LL.D., Sen. Mass., Springfield, Ms. *Henry Caldwell, *Rev. Jacob Catlin, S.T.D., *Joseph Denison, Tut. Y. C, *Hendrick Dow, *EIihu Chauncey Goodrich, Esq., Hon. Ray Greene, Sen. U. S. Cong., Rev. Chauncey Lee, S.T.D., *Rev. William Lyman, S.T.D., *Silas Marsh, *Samuel Mather, *Dr. Lemuel Mead, *Jabez Peck, *John Puqderson Seward, Rev. John Taylor, *Roswell Wells, Esq., *Rev. Aaron Woolworth, S.T.D., 1785. Rev. Joseph Badger, *Rev. David Lewis Beebe, JSTew York City. JVew Marlboro\ Ms, Stonington, Ct, Ashford, Ct, Claverack, JV. Y, E. Greenwich, R. I, Marlhorovgh, Ct. China, JV. Y. Salisbury, Ct, Westfield, Ms. Chester, JY. Y. JVorwich, Ct. Killingworth, Ct. Pittsburg, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Bridgehampton,JY. Y. Gustavus, Ohio. Cattskill, JV. Y. 8 *Hon. Barnabas Bidwell, LL.D., Tut. Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong.- Enos Cook, -Pres., Kingston J U. C. Hadley, Ms. *Rev. Abel Flint, S.T.D., C.A.S., Tut. Brown Univ., *Rev. William Graves, *Pearley Grosvenor, *Rev. David Hale, Dyer Throop Hinckley, Teacher, Henry Sherburne Langdon, *Hon. Jonathan Leavitt, Sen. Ms., *Phinehas Miller, *Roger Newton, Tut. Y. C, *WiHiam Nicoll, Rev. Matthew Noyes, Fellow Y. C, Samuel Perkins, Esq., Hon. Timothy Pitkin, LL.D., C.A.S., Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong., *Nathaniel Rossiter, Esq., C.A.S., William Taylor, *Decius Wadsworth, C.A.S., 1786. *Hon. John Bird, Rep. U. S. Cong., *Hon. Phinehas Bruce, Rep. U. S. Cong., Machias, Me. *Lynde Catlin, JVeiv York City, Rev. Isaac Clinton, Lowville, JV. F. *Rev. John Elliott, S.T.D., C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Madison, Ct. Rev. Jonathan Ellis, Topsham, Me. *Hon. Thomas Ruggles Gold, Rep. U. S. Cong., fVhitestown^JV. Y. *Hon. Stanley Griswold, Sen. U. S. Cong., Detroit, Mich. *Edward Halsey, Southampton, Ms. Rev. Asa Hillyer, S.T.D., Orange, JS". J. *Rev. Reuben Hitchcock, Cheshire, Ct. John Kingsbury, Esq., Waterbury, Ct. *WiHiam Leffin^well, JS'ew Haven, Ct. *Dr. Abner Moseley, Wethersfield, Ct. Hartford, Ct, Woodstock, Ct. Pomfret, Ct. Coventry, Ct. Lebanon, Ct. Portsmovth, JV. H. Greenfield, Ms. Cumberland Is., Ga. Greenfield, Ms. Bethlehem, JV. Y. JVorih Branford, Ct, Windham, Ct. Farmington, Ct. Albany, JV. Y. JVewMilford, Ct. U. S. Army. Troy, JV. Y. Hon. Ellas Perkins, C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct.j Rep. U. S. Cong., New London^ Ct, *Rev. Edward Porter, JVew Haven, Ct, ^Jonathan Edwards Porter, Esq., JVew Haven, Ct, Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Esq., JVew York City. *Hon. Frederick Wolcott, C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Litchfield, Ct. 1787. *Rev. Azel Backus, S.T.D., Pres. Hannilton Coll., Clinton, JY. Y. ^Augustus Baldwin, Esq., Augusta, Ga. *Dr. Joshua Belden, Weihersfield, Ct. Rev. Publius Virgil Booge, WestBrunswicJc,JV.Y. "^"Eli Bullard, Esq., Framingham, Ms. Joshua Dewey, Esq., , JV. Y. *Ebenezer Dutton, Lebanon, Ct. ■^Hon. William Ely, Rep. U. S. Cong., Springfield, Ms. ■^Nicholas Evertson, Esq., New York City. *Rev. Ebenezer Gay, Tut. Y. C, Suffield, Ct. *Hon. Gideon Granger, Sen. N. Y., U.S.P.M. Gen., Canandaigua, N. Y. *Hon. Gaylord Griswold, Rep. U. S. Cong., Herkimer, JV. Y. *Ebenezer Hunt, Coventry, Ct. *David Moody Jewett, Esq., Lyme, Ct. *Roswell Judson, Esq., Huntington, Ct. *Hon. Chauncey Langdon, Sen. Vt., Rep. U. S. Cong., Castleion, Vt. *Rev. Reuben Morse, Ware, Ms. ^Hon. Abraham Nott, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court, S. C, Columbia, S. C. ■'^Hon. Elisha Sterling, Sen. Ct., Salisbury, Ct. *E\\ Todd, M.D., C.A.S., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc, Physician Conn. Retreat, Hartford, Ct. Roger Whittelsey, Esq., Southington, Ct. 1788. *John Caulkins, JVew London, Ct. Rev. Calvin Chapin, S.T.D., Tut. & Fellow Y. C, Weihersfield, Ct. S5 10 *Davld Chapin, Springfield, Ms. Daniel Benedict Cooke, Esq., Clinton Mills, JV. Y. Rev. Moses Hallock, Plainfield, Ms. *Lucius Hubbard, Esq., Chester, Vt. William Johnson, LL.D., New York City. Hon. James Lanman, Sen. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court. Ct., Norwich, Ct. Daniel Wadsworth Lewis, Esq., Geneva, N. Y. Hon. Jeremiah Mason, LL.D., Sen. U. S. Cong., Boston, Ms. Rev. Isaac Porter, Granhy, Ct. *Dr. Joseph Strong, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Daniel Waldo, Lebanon, Ct. Hon. John Woodworth, LL.D., Judge Sup. Court N. Y., Albany, N. Y. 1789. Rev. Dan Bradley, Marcellus, JV. F. *Rev. Joel Bradley, Ballston, N.Y, Rev. William Brown, Tioga, JV. Y. *Rev. Salmon Cone, Colchester, Ct. Rev. Giles Hooker Cowles, S.T.D., Austinhurg, Ohio, *Jonathan Walter Edwards, Esq., Tut. Y. C, C.A.S., ' Hartford, Ct. *Nathan Elliott, CatsUll, N. Y. William Gay, Esq., Suffield, Ct. *Rev. Asahel Hooker, Norwich, Ct. *Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Gardner, Ms. Hon. Elijah Payne, Sen. Ms., Ashfield, Ms. *Hon. John Thompson Peters, Judge Sup. Court Ct., Hartford, Ct. ^Stephen Pynchon, Esq., Brimfield, Ms. Hon. John Stearns, M. D., Pres. N. Y. Med. Soc, Sen. N. Y., New York City. Hon. Uri Tracy, Rep. U. S. Cong., Oxford, N. Y. *Rev. Israel Beard Woodward, Wolcott, Ct. • 1790. *William Metcalf Bliss, Troy, N. Y. *Rev. Stephen Fenn, Harpersfield, N. Y, 11 *Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, S.T.D., Prof. Sac. Eloq. Andov., Pres. Will. Coll., Williamstowny Ms. Hon. Samuel Jones, Chancellor h Ch. Judge Superior Court N. Y., JVew York City. Hon. Joseph Kirkland, Rep. U. S. Cong., Utica, N. Y. Benjamin Maverick Mumford, Schenectady, N. Y. , Thomas Mumford, Esq., Aurelius, N. Y. Rev. Asahel Strong Norton, S.T.D., Faris, JV. Y. Solomon Stoddard, Esq., Northampton, Ms. 1791. *Amos Cooke, Danhury, Ct. *Hon. Stephen Elliott, LL.D., Prof. Nat. Hist. & Bot. S. C. Med. Coll., Sen. S. C, Charleston, S. C. *Hon. James Gould, LL.D., Tut. Y. C, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct. — Orator 1825, Litchfield, Ct. *Hon. Samuel Miles Hopkins, LL.D., Rep. U. S. Cong., Albany, JY, Y. *Noah Linsley, Esq., Tut. Y. C, Wheeling, Va. *Rev. William Nash, West Boylston, Ms. Rev. John Douglas Perkins, Coatesville, Pa. *Dudley Saltonstall, Canandaigua, JY. Y. Rev. Daniel Smith, Fellow Y. C, Stamford, Ct. *Hon. Josiah Slebbins, Tut. Y. C, Sen. Me., Jlna, Me. *Rev. Elijah Waterman, C.A.S., Bridgeport, Ct. 1792. *De Lucena Backus, Windham, Ct. Hon. William Botsford, Westmoreland, JV. B. *Hon. AsaChapman, C.A.S., Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court. Ct., JVew Haven, Ct. Charles Chauncey, LL.D. — Orator 1797, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Timothy Mather Cooley, S.T.D., Granville, Ms. Hon. James Christie Esten, LL.D., Ch. Judge Isl. Bermuda, Bermuda, W. I. ^Robert Grant, Fredericksburg, N.Y. *Amos Hoyt, Stamford, Ct. Hon. Samuel Lathrop, Sen. Ms., Rep. U. S. Cong., W. Springfield, Ms. 12 Samuel Andrew Law, Esq., Meredith, JV*. T. Hon. Williann Marchant, Sen. R. I., JVewport, R. 1, ^Donald Grant Mitchell, U. S. Army, , *Thomas Savage, Savannah, Ga. Hon. Roger Minot Sherman, LL.D., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Sen. Ci.—Pres. Fairfield, Ct. *Eli Whitney, C.A.S., New Haven, CU 1793. Rev. Jeremiah Atwater, S.T.D.,C.A.S.,Tut. Y. C, Pres. Mid. Coll. & Dick. Coll., New Haven, Ct, Asa Bacon, Esq., C.A.S., Litchfield, Ct. David Sherman Boardman, Esq., C.A.S., New Milford, Ct. *Hezekiah Brainard, Haddam, Ct. Pardon Brown, Glastenlury, Ct. William Pitt Cleaveland, Esq., New London, Ct, Rev. Daniel Dow, Fellow Y. C, Thompson, Ct. Rev. Joseph Russell, New York City. Rev. Samuel Shepard, S.T.D., Lenox, Ms. Rev. Ichabod Lord Skinner, Washington City. *Rev. Joseph Washburn, Farmington, Ct. Rev. Ezra Witter, , Tenn. 1794. Hon. Ezekiel Bacon, Rep. U. S. Cong., Compt. U. S. Treas., Utica, N. Y. ^Timothy Burt, Westchester Co. N.Y. Daniel Dunbar, Esq., Berlin, Ct. *Hon. John Elliott, Sen. U. S. Cong., Midway, Ga. *Benjamin Hayward, Charleston, S. C. Rev. Dan Huntington, Tut. Y. C, Hadley, Ms. Rev. Isaac Lewis, Bristol, R. L Zechariah Lewis, Tut. Y. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hon. Thomas Scott Williams, C.A.S., Rep. U. S. Cong,, Ch. Judge Sup. Court Ct., Hartford, Ct. Rev. Andrew Yates. S.T.D., Prof. Logic & Mor. Philos, Un. Coll., Teacher, Chitieningo, N. Y. 1795. John Adams, Teacher, , N. Y. *Samuel Scudder Brush, Huntington, N. Y. 13 Samuel Cook, Esq., Ballston, JV. Y. Rev. Jeremiah Day, S.T.D., LL.D., C.A.S., Tut. h Prof. Math, h Nat. Phil., Pres. & Fellow Y. C.—V. Pres., Pres., Yale College. Elijah Hubbard, Esq., Middletown, Ci, *Ebenezer Grant Marsh, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C.,W ether sfield, Ct. Rev. Samuel M. Phelps, Ridgcjield, Ct, Rev. Erastus Ripley, Montville, Ct. Rev. David Smith, S.T.D., Fellow Y. C, Durham, Ct. Hon. George Tod, Judge Sup. Court, Ohio, Youngstown, Ohio. *Siephen Twining, Esq., G.A.S., Treas. Y. C, New Haven, Ct. 1796. Rev. Archibald Bassett, Hudson, N. Y. Charles Bostwick, Esq., JYew York City. Rev. Henry Davis, S.T.D., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Greek Lang. Un. Coll., Pres. Mid. Coll. U Hamilt. Coll., Clinton, N. Y. "*Charles Denison, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, New Haven, Ct, Rev. Bancroft Fowler, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C— Orator 1803, Bernardston, Ms, *Edward Herrick, Southampton, N. Y, *John Hooker, Esq., Columbia, S. C. Rev. Salmon King, Warren, Pa, Thomas Miner, M.D., C.A.S., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc, Middletown, Ct, Rev. Thomas Robbins, Mattapoisett, Ms, Benjamin Silliman, M.D., C.A.S., LL.D., Tut. U Prof. Chem., Pharm., Min. h Geol. Y. C.—V. Pres., Pres., Yale College. Gold Selleck Silliman, Esq., New York City. *Asahel Hooker Strong, Esq., Chatham, Ct. John Harvey Tucker, Jamaica, W. 1. *Rev. Samuel Porter Williams, Newhuryport, Ms. 1797. Hon. Henry Baldwin, LL.D., Rep. V. S. Cong., Judge U. S. Sup, Court, Pittsburg, Pa. 14 Rev. Lyman Beecher, S.T.D., Pres. Lane Sem., Cincinnati^ Ohio. *Williann Benedict, Esq., Bridgeport, Ct. Rev. Diodate Brock way, Fellow Y. C, Ellington, Ct. Rev. Sylvester Dana, • Orford,JY. H. Hon. Thomas Day, C.A.S., Tut. Will. Coll., Sec. State Ct., Hartford, Ct. Hon. Warren Dutton, Tut. Will. Coll. h Y. C, Boston, Ms. Rev. Timothy Field, Westminster, Vt. Hon. Samuel Augustus Foot, LL.D., Fellow Y. C, Rep. &: Sen. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ct., Cheshire,^ Ct. George Griffin, Esq., Neiu York City. *Rev. Ira Hart, Sionington, Ct. Rev. Bethel Judd, S.T.D., Ithaca, JV. Y. Rev. James Murdock, S.T.D., C.A.S., Prof. Lang. Univ. Vt., Prof. Eccles. Hist. Andov., New Haven, Ct. *Rev. John Niles, Prattshurg, N. Y. Hon. Horatio Seymour, Sen. U. S. Cong., Middlebury, Vt. Seth Perkins Staples, Esq. ,C. A. S. — V.Pres., Orator 180 J, JYew Haven, Ct. 1798. *John Aikins, Esq., PovghJceepsie, N. Y, *Henry Harramond Bacot, Esq., Charleston, S. C. *Hon. Wilham Bristol, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct., Judge Distr. Court U. S. — Pres., New Haven, Ct. ' *Enos Bronson, Philadelphia, Pa. *Rev. Claudius Herrick, Teacher, New Haven, Ct. Horatio Hickok, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Ebenezer Learned, Esq., New London, Ct. *David Wooster Ogden, New Haven, Ct. Theodore Sedgwick, Esq., Stockbridge, Ms. 1799. Dr. Benjamin Woolsey Dwiglit, C.A.S., Clinton, N. Y. *01iver Ellsworth, Tut. Y. C, C.A.S., Windsor, Ct. 15 Alanson Hamlin, Esq. — Poet 1832, Bridgeport^ Ct. *William Soranzo Hazell, Wilmington, N. C. Eli Ives, M. D., C.A.S., Prof. Mat. Med. h Bot. h Theor. h Prac. Med. Y. C— Or- ator 1803, Yale College. James Luce Kingsley, C.A.S., Tut. h Prof. Lat. Lang. Y. C. — V. Pres., Pres., Yale College. *Jeremiah Osborn, Esq., Troy, N. Y. *Matthew Perkins, Esq., Lisbon, N. Y. Rev. Moses Stuart, Tut. Y. C, Prof. Sacr. Lit. Andov., *John Winn, Esq., Andover, Ms, Midway, Ga. 1800. Kingston, N. Y. Batavia, N. Y, Canaan, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Mnnlius, N. Y. Neiv Haven, Ct. *Thomas Adams, ^Daniel Bishop Brown, Esq., *Rev. Pitkin Cowles, *Asaph Dunbar, Esq., David Ely — Cor. Sec, *Dr. James Gilbert, *Hon. Thomas Peabody Grosvenor, Rep. U. S. Cong., Hudson, N. Y. *Moses Hatch, Esq., C.A.S.— Orator 1814, Danhury, Ct. Giles Crouch Kellogg, Esq., Hadley, Ms. *Hon. John Stevens, Savannah, Ga. Hon. Lemuel Whitman, Rep. U. S. Cong., Farmington, Ct. Rev. Thomas Williams, 180L *Stedman Adams, Ralsa Austin, Esq., Samuel Sackett Baldwin, Esq., Ehjah Clark, Esq., Hon. Noyes Darling, C.A.S., Tut. h Fellow Providence, R. 1. Hartford, Ct. Westchester Co. N. Y. JVew York City. Point Coupee, La. Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rev. Henry Dwight, *Alcis Evelyn Heart, Esq., Hon. Peter Hitchcock, Judge Sup. Court Ohio, Rep. U. S. Cong., JYew Haven, Ct. Geneva, N. Y. Hartford, Ct. t Burton, Ohio. 16 George Hoadly, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C— Orator 1805. Cleveland^ Ohio, Matthew Minor, Esq., Woodbury, Ct. Hon. Thomas Jackson Oakley, Rep. U. S. Cong.j Judge N. Y. Superior Court, New York City. Frederick Scofield, Philadelphia, Pa, *Henry Stanley, Esq., New York City, James Stedman, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Norwich, Ct. John Wales, Esq., Wilmington, Del, Joseph Wood, Esq., New York City, 1802. Hon. Isaac Chapman Bates, Rep. U. S. Cong., — Cor. Sec, Northampton, Ms, William Fowler Brainard, Esq., New London, Ct, *Jeremi^^Evarts, Esq., C.A.S.— Cor. Sec, V. Pres., Boston, Ms. Rev. David Dudley Field, C.A.S., Haddam, Ct. *Eleazar Foster, Esq., New Haven, Ct, ^Hezekiah Frost, Esq., Windham, Me. John Hall, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Teacher, Ellington, Ct. Hon. Samuel Hubbard, LL.D., Sen. Ms., Boston, Ms, Hon. Nathan Johnson, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ci., Hartford, Ct. *Hon. Jonathan Huntington Lyman, Sen. '^Is., Northampton, Ms, William Maxwell, Esq.— Ora/or 182S, Norfolk, Fa. Rev. Samuel Merwin, C.A.S., Wilton, Ct. Hon. Ebenezer Moseley, Sen. Ms., Newburyport, Ms, Pelatiah Perit, New York City. Charles Hobby Pond, Esq.—F: Pres., Milford, Ci. *Aaron Burr Reeve, Esq. Troy, N. Y. Rev. David Austin Sherman, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Pres. Coll. E. Tenn., Svffield, Ct. Junius Smith, London, England. *Rev. Roswell Randall Swan, Norwalk, Ct. Hon. Gideon Tomlinson, LL.D., FellowY.C, Rep. h Sen. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ct.— Cor. Sec, Orator 1804, Fairfield, Ct. 17 1803. ■*Rev. Cornelius Adams, Rev. Elisha Deming Andrews, Rev. Hosea Beckley, *George Bloom, Esq., ^Thomas Philotheus Chlffelle, *Mills Day, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Rev. Aaron Dutton, C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Guilford, Ct. Rev. Sereno Edwards Dwight,S.T.D.,C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Pres. Hamilt. Coll.— Cor. Sec. J V. Pres., New York City. *Rev. Horace Holley, LL.D., A.A.S,, Pres. Windham, Ct, Putney, Vt, Pittsford, N. r. PougKkeepsie, N. F. Charleston, S. C. Neiv Haven, Ct, Lexington, Ky. Salem, Ct. Charleston, S. C. Hartford, Ct^^^ Farmington, Ct. Manlius, N. Y. Hartford, Ct. New Haven, Ct, Albany, N. Y, Lebanon, Ct. New York City. Greenbriar, T^a, New York City, Trans. Univ., Rev. Eli Hyde, Hon. Jacob Bond Ion, Sen. S. C, Jonathan Law, Esq., Rev. Noah Porter, S.T.D., Fellow Y. C, *Nicholas Pike Randall, Esq., ■^Jared Scarborough, Esq., *Rev. Henry Sherman, Solomon Smith, *Daniel Strong, George Washington Strong, Esq., Charles Augustus Stuart, Esq., Rev. Samuel Whittelsey, 1804. *Rev. Parker Adams, Rev. Joab Brace, Hon John Caldwell Calhoun, LL.D., Rep. & Sen. U. S. Cong., Sec. War and V. Pres. U.S., Pendleton C.H.,S.C. *Rev. John Chester, S.T.J).— Orator 18\6, Albany, N. Y. Gerardus Clark, Esq., New York City, ^Matthew Dickinson, Somers, Ct. Hon. John Myers Felder, Sen. S. C, Rep. U. S. Cong., Orangeburgh, S. C. Rev. Christopher Edwards Gadsden, S.T.D., Charleston, S. C, *John Gadsden, Esq., Charleston, S. C. 3 Johnstown, N. Y, Wethersfield, Ct. 18 *Hon. John Preston Hampton, Judge Sup. Court Mpi., Woodville, MpL *Francis King, Vernon, Ct. William Kinne, Plainjield, Ct, Rev. Abel M'Ewen, C. A. S,, Fellow Y.C., jYew London, Ct, *Amos Northrop, Charleston, S. C. *Seth Norton, Tut. Y.C., Prof. Lang. Hamilt. Coll., Clinton, JV. Y. Rev. John Pierpont, Boston, Ms. Hon. David Plant, Fellow Y. C, Lieut. Gov. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong., Stratford, Ct. *William Robinson, Souihington, Ct, Hon. Micah Sterling, Rep. U. S. Cong., Watertown, JV. Y, *WiHiam Stoddard, Watertown, Ct. *Hon. Henry Randolph Storrs, Rep. L^. S. Cong., New York City. Eliphalet Swift, Esq., Westport, Ct. Henry Swift, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Rev. Bennet Tyler, S. T. D., Pres. Dart. Coll.,Pres. E. Wind. Theol. Inst., East Windsor, Ct. Jacob Adrian Van Heuvel, Esq., Ogdensburg, JV. Y, Francis Bayard Wintbrop, Esq., New Haven, Ct, 1805. Samuel Bellamy Beach, Esq., Detroit, Mick. *Sheldon W. Candee, Esq., Hartford, Ct. Leonard Cowles, Esq., Delaware, O. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, C. A. S., Tut. Y.C., Prin. Deaf &i Dumb Inst.— Cor. Sec., Hartford, Ct. *John McKinnie Gilmour, Esq., Halifax, JV. C, Elizur Goodrich, Esq., Hartford, Ct. Edward Hooker, C. A. S., Tut. Y. C, Farmington, Ct, Rev. Heman Humphrey, S. T. D., Pres. Am- herst Coll., Amherst, Ms. Rev. Samuel Farmar Jarvis, S.T.D., A.A.S., Prof. Orient. Lang, h Lit. Wash. Coll., Middletown, Ct, *James McBride, M. D., Charleston, S. C, *Elihu Spencer, Esq., Warren, O. Rev. Gardiner SpringjS.T.D. — Orator \Q\S, New York City. 19 Rev. Salmon Wheaton, *Rev. Joshua Lewis Williams, 1806. *Rev. Jason Allen, *David Bacon, Esq., Hon. Clark Bissell, Judge Sup. Court Ct.. Henry Carlton, Esq., Nathaniel Chauncey, Esq., C.A.S., *Hon. Samuel Shepard Conner, Rep. U. S. Cong., Samuel Huntington Devotion, Charles John Doughty, Esq., Rev. Joseph Edwards, Esq., Isaac Mills Ely, Esq. — Cor. Sec, Orator 1812, Hon. Jabez Williams Huntington, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct., *Edmund Law, Esq., *Louis Mitchell, Esq., *Chai'les Moseley, Esq., *Daniel Mulford, Hezekiah Rudd, Teacher, Henry Strong, Esq., C. A. S., Tut. Y. C, *William Todd, Esq,, William Tully, M. D., C. A. S., Prof. Theor. h Prac. Med. k Pres. Vt. Acad. Med., Prof. Mat. Med. & Therap. Y. C, Rev. Hezekiah Gold Ufford, Rev. William Fowler Vaill, Hon. Thomas Waterman, Sen. N. Y., *lsaac Welton, Esq., Willard Welton, Robert Wilkinson, Esq., JVewpo7't, R. 1. Middleiown, Ct. Utica, JY. Y. JVew York City. JYorwalk, Ct. JVew Orleans, La. Philadelphia, Pa. Albany, N. Y. Windham, Ct. JVew York City. JVew Haven, O. New York City. . JVorwich, Ct. Washington City. Troy, JV. Y. Hartford, Ct. jyiorristown, JV. J. Huntington, Ct. JVorwich, Ct. Guilford, Ct. Yale College. Stratford, Ct. Lyme, Ct. Chenango, JV. Y. Waterhury, Ct. JVladison, JV. Y. Poughkeepsie, JV. Y. Rev. Samuel Rogers Andrew, Fellow Y. C, Woodbury, Ct. *Dr. William Atwater, Westfield, J\Is. John Morse Austin, Esq., Austinburg, Ohio. Henry William Channing, Esq., JVew York City.. 20 Rev. David Raymond Dixon, Mexico^ JV. Y, John Dunwody, Sunhury^ Ga, ''''Hon. Thomas Smith Grimke, LL.D., Sen. S. C.-^Orator 1830, Charleston, S. C. *Rev. Luther Hart, Fellow Y. C, Plymouth, Ct. *Rev. Arstius Bevil Hull, C. A.S., Tut.Y.C, Worcester, Ms. William Jay, Esq., Bedford, JV. Y. ^Stephen Lockwood, JVew York City. Justus M'Kinstry, Esq., Hudson., N. Y. *Rev. Henry Pierce Strong, Rushville, O. Hon. Jacob Sutherland, Judge Sup. Court N. Y., Albany, JV. Y. Dr. Charles Wiley Taylor, Norwalk, Ct, Rev. Nathaniel William Taylor, S. T. D., C.A.S., Prof. Didact. Theol. Y. C, Yale College. Rev. John Lewis Tomlinson, Adrian, Mich. *Leonard Eugene Wales, Esq. — V. Pres., Orator ISl I, New Haven, Ct. ^Curtis Warner, Esq., Southbury, Ct. Dr. William Avery Whelpley, Morristown, J\*. J. 1808. Timothy Phelps Beers, M.D., C.A.S., Prof. Obstet. Y. C, Yale College. Rev. Jonathan Cone, Durham, JV. Y. *Rev. Matthew Riee Dutton, C.A.S., Prof. Math, h Nat. Phil. Y. C.—Pres., Yale College. *Erastus Edgerton, Tolland, Ct. William Gibson, Esq., Washington, Ga. Rev. Joseph Harvey, Editor, Hartford, Ct. James x\braham Hillhouse — Poet 1812, Ora- tor 1826 h 1836, ' New Haven, Ct. Hon. Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll, Rep. U. S. Cong., JVew Haven, Ct. Jonathan Knight, M.D., C. A. S., Tut. and Prof. Anat. and Physiol. Y. C.— F. Pres., Pres., Yale College. Garrick Mallory, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. *Josiah Hinman Minor, Esq., Fairfield, Ct. 21 *John Bates Murdock, TJ. S. Army, William Seward Pierson, M.D., Windsor , Ct, Rev. Lyman Spencer Rexford, Carlisle, JV. Y, Hon. Silas Robbins, Judge Circ. Court Ky., Mount Sterling, Ky. William Mason Smith, Charleston, S, C. Rev. Timothy Tuttle, Groton, Ct, Charles Wheeler, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa, *Rev. Comfort Williams, Rochester, N. Y, 1809. *Rev. Daniel Banks, Potsdam, JV. Y. Theodore Eames, Esq., Teacher, Brooklyn, JV, Y, Josiah Willard Gibbs, C.A.S., Tut. and Prof. Sacr. Lit. Y. C— F. Pres., Yale College. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, Esq., C. A. S., Tut. Y. C.-^Cor, Sec, V, Pres., Pres., Orator 1814, New Haven, Ct, William Hungerford, Esq., Hartford, Ct, *Rev. John Langdon, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Bethlem, Ct, Rev. Jonathan Lee, Tecumseh, Mich, Rev. Benjamin Clark Meigs, Missionary, Ceylon, India. *Rev. Alfred Mitchell, Norwich, Ct. Charles Goodrich Olmsted, Esq., Franklin, Tenn, *Benjamin F. Shelton, Esq., Newtown, Ct, Ebenezer Smith, Woodstock, Ct, Hon. Henry Matson Wait, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct., Lyme, Ct, Gaylord Wells, M.D., Harwinton, Ct, 1810. Ethan Allen Andrews, Esq., C. A. S., Prof. Lang. Univ. N. C, Boston, Ms, Hon. Edward Avery, Sen. O., , O. *Hezekiah Harvey Baldwin, Woodhridge, Ct, Jonathan Barnes, Esq., Middletown, Ct, Rev. Chauncey Booth, Coventry, Ct. Joseph Bulkley, Esq., New York City, Royal Bullard, Esq., Camden, S, C, Hon. William Wolcott Ellsworth, Prof. Law Wash. Coll., Rep. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ct., Hartford, Ct, 22 Rev. Eleazar Thompson Fitch, S. T. D., C. A. S., Prof. Divin. Y. C, Yale College. Rev. Chauncey Allen Goodrich, C.A.S., Tut. h Prof. Rhet. k, Orat. Y. C— F. Pres., Pres., Yale College. Hon. Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, Rep. U. S. Cong., Kingston, JV. Y. Augustus Lucas Hillhouse, Paris, France. Ebenezer Kellogg, Prof. Lang. Will. Coll., Williamstown, Ms. Samuel Finley Breese Morse, Artist, JYew York City. *David Hillhouse Raymond, Esq., Judge U. S. Territ. Court, Daniel Robert, Esq., *Joseph Pynchon Rossiter, Esq., Rev. Harvey Talcott, Dr. Asahel Thompson, Rev. Joseph Treat, *Ralph Wells, *Othniel Williams, Esq. 1811. Hon. Roger Sherman Baldwin, Sen. Ct., Fel- low Y. C. — Cor. Sec., New Haven, Ct. Moses Chapin, Esq., Rochester, JV. I^. *James Clarke Cooke, Esq., Danhury, Ct. *William Danielson, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Killingly, Ct. Rev. Ralph Emerson, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, St. Francisville, La. New York City. Salina, N. Y. Chatham, Ct. Farmington, Ct. Windham, Ohio. JYew York City. Clinton, N. Y. Andover, Ms. Boston, Ms. N Brunswick, N. J. Waldohorovgh, Me. New York City. East Haddam, Ct. Prof. Eccl. Hist. Andov., Ezra Haskell, Teacher, *Rev. Leverett Israel Foote Huntington, Rev. David Meaubec Mitchell, Sidney Edwards Morse, Editor, . Rev. Isaac Parsons, Hon. Samuel Shethar Phelps, Judge Sup. Court Vt., Middlelury, Vt. Rev. Henry Robinson, Svrffield, Ct. *Hon Joseph Spencer, Sen. N. Y., Rochester, N Y. Nathan Stark, Esq. Goshen, N. Y. Selah Brewster Strong, Esq», Brookhaven, N. Y. 23 William Channlng Woodbridge, Switzerland, Joseph Emerson Worcester, A.A.S., Cambridge, Ms. 1812. Rev. Elihu Whittlesey Baldwin, Pres. Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, la. William Piatt Buffett, Esq., Smithtown, JV. Y. *Platt Hiram Crosby, Esq., Valparaiso^ S. A. *Rev. John Crukshanks, JohrCs Island, S. C. Hon. John Davis, LL.D., Rep. h Sen. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ms., Worcester, Ms. Edward Delafield, M.D. Prof. Obstet. N. Y., JYew York City. Thomas Dunlap, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Charles Augustus Goodrich, Sen. Ct., Berlin, Ct. ^Stephen Farrar Jones, Charleston, S. C. Dennis Kimberly, Esq., C.A.S., JYew Haven, Ct. *Ezra L'Hommedieu, Esq., JVew York City. Samuel Coit Morgan, Esq., Griswold, Ct. Joseph Noble, Abbeville, S. C. Isaac Trimble Preston, Esq., JVew Orleans, ha. Abraham Curtiss Sheldon, Rupert, Vt. Rev. Ward Stafford, J^ew York City. Theodore Strong, LL.D., Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil. Hamilt. Coll. &; Rutgers Coll., JV. Brunswick, N, J* John Witter, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Teacher, Plainfield, Ct. 1813. Rev. John Avery, Edenton, JV. C, Rev. Zedekiah Smith Barstow, Keene, JV. H. ^Dudley Pettibone Bestor, Simsbury, Ct. Rev. Norris Bull, Myoming, JV. Y. Stephen Mitchell Chester, JVew York City. *William Cone, East Haddam, Ci. Sherman Converse, New York City. Re V.Thomas Frederick Davies,C. A.S. — Cor. Sec, Fairfield, Ct. David Bates Douglass, Prof. Math, h Engi- neering U. S. M. A., Brooklyn, JV. Y. Rev. William Theodore Dwight, C.A.S.,Tut. Y. C, Portland, Me. 24 George Augustas Elliot, Esq., Erie, Pa, Rev. William Ely, Mansfield, Ci *Alexander Metcalf Fisher, C.A.S., Tut. & Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil. Y. C.~Cor. Sec, Orator 1820, Yale College. *John Douglass Fowler, Esq., £ New Haven, Ct. Joseph Winborn Hand, Esq., Washington City, Hon. Charles Hawley, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Lieut. Gov. Ct.— Poe^ 1816, Stamford, Ct. James Durham Johnson, Oxford, JV. C» *Gideon John Mills, Esq., Mobile, Ala, Rev. Elisha Mitchell, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math, h Nat. Phil. &c Prof. Chem. Univ. N. C. --Orator 1811, Chapel Hill, JV. C. Frederick Morgan, M.D., C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Colchester, Ct. Milo Linus North, M.D., Hartford, Ct, Denison Olmsted, C.A.S., Tut. k, Prof. Nat. Phil, h Astron. Y. C, Prof. Chem. Univ. N. C— F. Pres., Orator 1821, Yale College, Josiah Spalding, Esq., St. Louis, Mo, George Sumner, M.D., Prof. Bot.Wash.Coll., Hartford, Ct. 1814. *Elisha Averill, Esq., JVew York City, George Belden, JVew York City, Rev. Amzi Benedict, Manlius, N. Y. Donald Chester, Baltimore, Md. Rev. Theodore Clap, Mass, *Hon. James Cooley, Lima, S. A. James Hamilton Couper, Esq., St. Simon's Is., Ga, Rev. Ralph Wells Gridley, Jacksonville, 111. *Lowman Hawes, Esq., Louisville, Ky. Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Editor, JVew York City, Daniel Lord, Esq., New York City. Dr. Anson Moody, North Haven, Ct, Jesse Oakley, Esq., New York City. Rev. David Longworth Ogden, Whiteshoro' , JV. Y» Frederick A. Richards, New London, Ct. Hon. Ebenezer Seeley, C.A.S., Sen. Ct., New York City. 25 *Edward Peter Simmons, Esq., George Evans Spruill, Esq., John Titsworth, M.D., *CorneIius Tuthill, Esq., C.A.S., Re\r. Nathaniel Sheldon Wheaton, S.T.D., Pres. Wash. Coll., Rev. Thomas Scudder Wickes, Rev. Leonard Withington — Poet 1821, 1815. Edwards Clarke, Esq., Windham, Ct, Hon.JohnMiddleton Clayton, Sen. U.S. Cong.,J)fi//brdf, Del. Charleston, S. C. Tarhorongh, N. C. Deckertown, N. J. JVew Haven, Ct. JVew Orleans, La. Albany, N. Y. Newbury, Ms. William Codman, *James Davis, Esq., *Henry Edwin Dwight, John Dick Eccles, Esq. Rev. Orin Fowler, *William Edgar Gallaudet, Horatio Gridley, M.D., Charles Henry Hammond, Jeremiah Hine, Esq., Isaac Edwards Holmes, Esq., Rev. Horace Hooker, C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Ed- itor, Andrew Huntington, Henry Kellogg, Esq., John Berwick Legare, Esq., Hon. Thomas Alexander Marshall, Rep. U.S. Cong., Judge Court of Appeals Ky., Frankfort, Ky. James Gates Percival, M.D., C.A.S. — Ora- JYew Yo?'k City. Smyrna, Del. JVew Haven, Ct. Fayetteville, JV. C Fall River, Ms. New York City. Berlin, Ct. Bennington, Vt. South East, N. Y. Charleston, S. C. Hartford, Ct. Lebanon, Ct. Huhbardton, Vt. Charleston, S. C. tor 1822, Poet 1825, John Pope, Hubbard Rockwell, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, *Ezekiel Sanford, Esq., Truman Smith, Esq., Sims White, Rev. Joseph Dresser Wickhara, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Teacher, New Haven, Ct. Huntsville, Ala. Lyme, Ct. Columbia, S. C. Litchfield, Ct. St. Stephen's, S. C. Manchester, Vt. 26 1816. Rev. Isaac Bird, Missionary, Eli Whitney Blake, C.A.S., Hon. Reuben Booth, Sen. Ct., *John Steinmetz Brinton, Rev. Edward Bull, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, *John A. B. Fisher, Beyroot, Syria, JVew Haven, Ct, D anbury, Ct. Philadelphia, Pa, Cheshire, Ct. Richmond, Va, Romney, Va. Rev. William Henry Foote, Rev. WiUiam Chauncey Fowler, C. A. S., Tut. Y. CProf. Chem. Mid. Coll., Middlehury, Vt. *Rev. James Angel Fox, George Hill, *Uriel Holmes, *Rev. William Nevins, S.T.D., Charles Olcott, Hawley Olmstead, Teacher, Francis Parsons, Esq., Henry B. Pearson, Esq., Charles Perot, Esq., Rev. George Edmund Pierce, Pres. W. Re^ serve Coll., Phinehas Smith, Esq., George Swift, Esq., Henry Wyllys Taylor, Esq., *Rufus Woodward, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C.^Or- New Orleans, La, Washington City, Litchfield, Ct. Baltimore, Md. Warren, Ohio, Wilton, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Philadelphia, Pa, Philadelphia, Pa. Hudson, Ohio. Manchester, Vt. Kinsman, Ohio. Canandaigua, N. Yl Torrington, Ct, Boston, Ms, Windsor, Ct. Oakridge, Va. ator 1821, 1817. Ebenezer Bailey, Teacher, Apollos D. Bates, Rev. William Lawrence Clark, Rev. Lyman Coleman, C. A. S., Tut. Y C, Teacher, Andover, Ms. *Joseph William Edmiston, Esq., Lexington, Ky, *Joseph Fowler, Milford, Ct, *WiHiara Gushing Gay, Esq., Svffield, Ct. *Jared Griswold, Esq., Hartford, Ct. Robert Hartshorne, Portland, N. X *Rev. Samuel Bridge Ingersoll, Shrewsbury, Ms, 27 Joel Jones, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa: David Nevins Lord, New York City. Hon. Charles Johnson McCurdy, Sen. Ct., Lyme, Ct. Thomas Burr Osborne, Esq., , Fairfield, Ct. Benjamin Edmond Payne, Norfolk, Va. Robert Bridges Patton, P. D. Univ. Gotting., Prof. Lang. Midd. Coll. & Nass. H. Coll., Prof. Greek & Lat. N. Y. Univ., New York City. Samuel Huntington Perkins, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Chauncey Ripley, Esq., Coventry, Ct. Rev. Jonathan Silliman, New Kent Co., Va. * William Bostwick Stillson, New Milford, Ct. Hon. Thomas Tucker Whittlesey, Rep. U. S. Cong., Edmund Wilkins, Esq., *Rev. David Botsford, Frank Bugbee, Esq., Rev. Alfred Chester, ^Henry Clary, Hiram Francis Cone, Esq., Caleb Day, Esq., James Keith Duke, Esq., 1818. Danhury, Ct. Greenville, Va. Newtown, Ct. Washington, Jlla. Morristown, N. J. Q^uarlesville, Va. , Ga. Catskill, N. Y. Georgetown, Ky. Henry Dutton, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Bridgeport, Ct. *Rev. Joseph Morgan Gilbert, Beaufort, S. C. Roger Wolcott Griswold, Esq., Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Rev. Ralph Randolph Gurley, Editor, Washington City, Rev. Hector Humphreys, S.T.D., Prof. Lang. Wash. Coll. Ct., Pres. St. John's Coll., Annapolis, Md. Alfred Kellogg, Esq., Hon. Romeo Lowrey, Sen. Ct., Rev. William Mitchell, Sheldon Moore, Esq., Rev. Joel Worthington Newton, Rev. Isaac Orr, Editor, Thomas Clap Perkins, Esq., James Raymond, Esq., Richard Ely Selden, Hebron, Ct. Southington, Ct. Rutland, Vt. Berlin, Ct. Norwich, Ct. Washington City. Hartford, Ct. Fredericktown, Md. Lyme, Ct. 28 Rev. Thomas Leffingwell Shipraan, ^Edward Turner, Prof. Math, h Nat. Phi Mid. Coll., 1819. Noyes Billings, Elijah Bishop, M.D., Jonathan Humphrey Blssell, *Dr. Norman Bull, Gustavus B. Campbell, M.D., Edward Chapin, Esq., Joshua Coit, Esq., Joseph Alston Hill, Esq., Rev. Sylvester Hovey, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math, h Nat. Phil. Will. Coll. &i Amh. Coll., Norwich, Ct. Middlebury, Vt. New London, Ct. Smithsbui'g, Md. Charlotte, N. C, Watertown, Ct. Petersburg, Va. York, Pa. New York City. Wilmington, N. C. Asahel Huntington, Esq., John Hiram Lathrop, C. A. S,, Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil. Hamilt. Coll., Jeremy Parkhurst, Teacher, James Mongin Smith, *Pinckney Spring, Shadrach Terry, Amherst, Ms. Salem, Ms. Clinton, N. Y. , Ms. Beaufort, S. C. Newburyport, Ms. Riverhead, L. 1. Rev. William Wolcott Turner, Teacher Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 1820. Rev. Leonard Bacon, C.A.S., Hon. John Hall Brockway, Sen. Ct., Mason Brown, Esq., *Theodore Chapman Cone, Esq., *Francis Bureau Deshon, Esq., Garnett Duncan, Esq., Walter Edwards, Esq., Horace Foote, Esq., George Calvin Goddard, Esq., C.A.S., Charles Hooker, M.D., C.A.S., William Joseph Hubbard, Esq., *Rev. Chester Isham, James McElhenny, Esq., Hartford, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Ellington, Ct. Frankfort, Ky. Terre Haute, la. Mobile, Ala. Louisville, Ky. New York City. Chatham, Ct. New York City. New Haven, Ct. Boston, Ms. Taunton, Ms. Charleston, S. C. 29 ^Robert Orr, Esq., ^ Brunswick, Me. Rev. Samuel Kirby Sneed, New Albany, la. John Montgomery Sterling, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Solomon Stoddard, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math, h Nat. Phil. Mid. Coll., Middhhury, Vt. Alexander Catlin Twining, C.A.S.jTut.Y.C.jiVeii; Haven, Ct. Daniel Van Matre, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. Theodore Dwight Woolsey, C.A.S., Tut. & Prof. Greek Y. C, 1821. Rev. George Eliashib Adams, Rev. John R. Adams, Charles Atwood, Esq. — Poet 1827, David Walker Benjamin Barton, Esq., Lemuel Whittelsey Belden, M.D., William Williams Billings, Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, John Boyd, Esq., Rev. Josiah Brewer, C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Mis- Yale College. Brunswick, Me. Londonderry, JV. H. Boston, Ms. Winchester, Va. Springfield, Ms. New London, Ct. Concord, N. H. Winchester, Ct. sionary, Asa Child, Esq., Rev. Thomas Winthrop Coit, S.T.D., Pres. Trans. Univ. *Rev. George Cowles, *Rev. Samuel Hooker Cowles, Rev. David Greene, Theodore Hinsdale, * Frederick William Lord, M.D., Rev. John Mitchell, C.A.S., Rev. Isaac Peck, Rev. John Richards, Oliver Abbot Shaw, Teacher, Rev,. Eli Smith, Missionary, Rev. John Smith, Joseph Stansbury, Henry White, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Phinehas Bacon Wilcox, Esq., Smyrna, Asia. Norwich, Ct. Bridgeport, Ct. JDanvers, Ms. Farmington, Ct. Boston, Ms. Winchester, Ct. Sag Harbor, N. Y. Northampton, Ms. New York City. Windsor, Vt. Philadelphia, Pa. Beyroot, Syria. Exeter, N. H. London, Eng. Neio Haven, Ct. Columbus, Ohio. 30 1822. Rev. Edward Beecher, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Pres. 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Rev. Henry Benedict, Waterford, N. Y. Rev. Horatio Nelson Brinsmade, Pittsjield, Ms. Rev. Albert Barlow Camp, Bridgewaier, Ct. Rev. George Carrington, Lyme, Ct. Rev. Francis Hiram Case, Avon, Ct. *Rev. Sutherland Douglass, Troy, N. Y. Francis Griffin, Esq., New York City. John Milton Holley, Esq., . Lyons, JV. Y. *Thomas Earl Ives, Esq., G. Barrington, Ms. John Reynolds Knox, M.D., JS''ew York City. William Henry Law, Esq., Norwich, Ct. Rev. John Maltby, _ Bangor, Me. ^Asahel Phelps Mills, Eastport, Me. Arthur Alexander Morson, Esq., Fredericksburg, Va. Harvey Prindle Peet, Principal of the N. Y. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, New York City. Walter Reynolds, Esq., Northeast, N. Y. * William Sheldon, Esq., Litchfield, Ct. Rev. Elizur Goodrich Smith, C. A.S., Editor, New Haven, Ct. Landon A. Thomas, Esq., Frankfort, Ky. Rev. John Todd, Philadelphia, Pa. Isaac Henry Townsend, Esq., C.A.S. — Cor. Sec, New Haven, Ct. Rev. Jared Bell Waterbury, Hudson, N. Y. Rev. Thomas Tileston Waterman, Philadelphia, Pa, Isaac Webb, Esq., C. A. S., Tut. Y. C, Teacher, Middletown, Ct. Frederick Whittlesey, Esq., Elyria, Ohio. William Leeds Wight, M,D., Tuckahoe, Va. Luther Wright, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Teacher, Leicester, Ms. 1823. Rev. Milton Badger, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, New York City. Rev. George Washington Elagden, Boston, Ms. *Anthony W^ayne Butler, Jefferson Co., MpL Rev. Daniel Crosby, Charlestown, Ms. 31 Joshua Beal Ferris, Esq., Edward Goodwin, Simeon Hart, Teacher, Rev. Gurdon Hayes, *Rev. Eleazer Holt, Rev. George Jones, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C., Rev. Handel Gershom Nott, Rev. Edward William Peet, Rev. Stephen Peet, Rev. Dudley Phelps, Rev. Norman Pinney, Adj. Prof. Lang. Wash. Coll., Charles Levin Powell, Esq., Rev. Samuel Hopkins Riddel, *Timothy Rogers, Edmund Luther Reed, Aaron Nichols Skinner, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C,— Cor. Sec, V. Pres., Pres,, Charles Stetson, Esq., William Sterling Sullivant, Rev. Joseph Whiting, Horace Wilder, Esq., Rev. Thomas John Young, 1824. Stamford, Ci. Hartford, Ct. Farmington, Ct, Washington, Ct. Philadelphia, Pa. U. S. Navy. Buffalo, JY. Y. Pr. George's Go. Va. C Green Bay, Wis- \ cousin Territory. Groton, Ms. Mobile, Ala. Loudon Co., Va. Glastenbury, Ct. Middletown, Ct. Salisbury, Ct. Neiv Haven, Ct. Hampden, Me. FranJclinton, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Jefferson, Ash. Co. O. Charleston, S. C. John Turvill Adams, Esq., Rev. Hiram Phelps Arms, James Berdan, Esq., Eliab Brewer, Hon. Eliphalet Adams Bulkley, Sen. Ct., Hon. Linus Child, Sen. Ms., *James Reeve Gould, Esq., Willis Hall, Esq., William Moseley Holland, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Lang. Wash. Coll.— Orator 1829, William. Edward Hulbert, Frederick Joseph Judson, M.D., JVorwich, Ct. JVorwich, Ct. , 111. Tyringham, Ms. East Haddam, Ct. Southbridge, Ms. Augusta, Ga. New York City, New Yorlc City. Middletown, Ct. St. Mary's, Ga. 32 Elias Warner Leavenworth, Esq., Frederick Baldwin Leonard, M.D., *James Lewis, Milton Pardee Orton, M.D., Rev. George William Perkins, Timothy Stone Pinneo, M.D., Rev. Dennis Piatt, Origen Storrs Seymour, Esq., Ashbel Smith, M.D., Rev. Theophilus Smith, C.A.S., Tut. Y. Alvan Talcott, M.D., Rev. Selah Burr Treat, William Patterson Van Rensselaer, Esq. 1825. Josiah Barnes, M.D., William Gelstpn Bates, Esq., William Bliss, Esq., Rev. Ebenezer Boyden, Rev. Eber Carpenter, Abijah Catlin, Esq., Rev. William Rutherford Hayes, Worthington Hooker, M.D., Rev. Joseph Hulbert Nichols, Rev. Simeon North, C.A.S., Tut. Y. Prof. Lang. Hamilt. Coll., *Amos Pettingell, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Rev. William Smith Porter, Editor^ Rev. Samuel Rockwell, Isaac Gurdon Seymour, Esq., Thomas Slidell, Esq., Richard Smith, Esq., Rev. George Jeffrey Tillotson, Rev. William Twining, Rev. Edward Royal Tyler, Rev. Joseph Whittlesey, Stillman King Wightman, Esq.,, Stephen Clay Williams, Esq., Rev. Asher Hubbard Winslow, Syracuse, N. Y. Lansingburgh, N. YL Southington, Ct. Wilkesharre, Fa. Montreal, L. C. Charlotte Hall, Md, Homer, JY. Y, Litchfield, Ct. Texas. C, New Canaan, Ct^ Vernon, Ct. Newark, JV. J, , Albany, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Westfield, Ms. Sjjringjield, Ms. Cleveland, Ohio. Southbridge, Ms.. Winchester, Ct. Barbadoes, W. I.. Norwich, Ct. Greenwich, Ct.. C, Clinton, N. Y. Newburyport, Ms.. Boston, Ms. Plainfield, Ct, Macon, Ga. New Orleans, La.. Sharon, Ct. Brooklyn, Ct. Madison, la. Middletown, Ct. Berlin, Ct. Middletown, Ct. New York City.. Boston, Ms. 33 1826. Rev. Eldad Barber, Milan, Ohio. Rev. Elijah Porter Barrows, Prof. Sac. Lit. Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio. Henry Curtis Beardsley, M.D., Montville, Ct. Rev. Amos Blanchard, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Loivell, Ms. William Peter Buel, M.D., New York City. Rev. Jefferson Cooley, Teacher, Granhy, Ct. Rev. Henry Covvles, Prof. Oberlin Inst., Russia, Ohio. Rev. John Phelps Covvles, Prof. Ober. Inst., Boston, Ms. Sherman Day, Circlemlle, O. Rev. Richard DeCharmes, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. James Taylor Dickinson, Missionary, Singapore, Asia. William White Dwight, M.D., South Hadley, Ms. Charles Bezaleel Fisk, Middletown, Ct. Rev. James Hanmer Francis, Dudley, Ms. *Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Gale, Exeter, N. H, Charles Goddard, Andover, Ms. Rev. Samuel Hazard, Taunton, Ms. Reuben Hitchcock, Burton, Ohio. Rev. Stephen Hubbell, Wolcottville, Ct. Rev. Wm. Aug. Larned, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Troy, N. Y. Rev. Allen Clay Morgan, Cheshire, Ct. Aurelius Dwight Parker, Esq., Boston, Ms. William Parmelee, Esq., Albany, JV. Y. *Hugh Peters, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. Amos Augustus Phelps, Boston, Ms. Rev. Charles Rockwell, Julius Rockwell, Esq., Pittsjield, Ms. David Lowrey Seymour, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Troy, N. Y. Rev. James All wood Smith, Glastenhury, Ct. *John Wright Stanley, Wilmington, N. C. Ephraim Tanner Sturtevant, Teacher, Tallmadge, Ohio. Rev. Julian Monson Sturtevant, Prof. Math. h Nat. Phil. 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Philip Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany, N. Y. Wyllys Warner, C.A.S., Tut. h Treas. Y. C, New Haven, Cl 5 34 *Elizur Timothy Washburn, Farmington, Ct. Ehzur Wright, Prof. Math. W. Res. Coll., JYew York City. 1827. , Rev. William Adams, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Virgil Dryden Bonesleel, Albert Gallatin Bristol, M.D., Rev. Horace Bushnell, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C. New York City. Jacksonville, 111. Redhook, JY. Y. Rochester, JY. Y. Orator 1837, *John Marshall Clasett, *Joseph Piatt Cooke, M.D., Rev. Zebulon Crocker, Joseph Cushing, Rev. Henry Durant, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, *Timothy Edwards Dwight, Stiles French, C.A.S., Teacher, Joseph Henry Gallup, Rev. Charles Payson Grosvenor, Rev. Mason Grosvenor/ Henry Hogeboom, Esq., Richard Hooker, Hartford, Ct. Alexandria, D. C, Boston, Ms. Middletown, Ct. • Baltimore, Md. Byfield, Ms. JS'orthampton, Ms. New Haven, Ct. Preston, Ct. Worcester, Ms. Sharon, Ct. Hudson, N. Y. Springfield, Ms. Bellefonte, Ala. William Wilson Hudson, Sidney Law Johnson, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, New Orleans, La. Rev. William Kirby, Mendon, 111. Rev. Robert M'Ewen, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Middletown, Ct. John Blair McPhail, Esq., Norfolk, Va. Silas Mix, Esq., New Haven, Ct. Charles Cook Parmelee, Esq., Troy, N. Y. Alfred James Perkins, Lisbon, Ct. Ephraim Simonds, Prof.Lang.Transyl. Univ., Lexington, Ky. John Bethune Staples, Esq., New York City. Rev. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, Burlington, N. X 1828. Ebenezer White Arms, Esq., Geneva, N. Y. Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math. U Nat. Phil. Univ. Ala., Tuscaloosa, Ma. 35 Rev. Flavel Bascom, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Pleasant Grove, III. Horace Binney, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. *Walter Carpenter, Port Gibson, Mpi. Rev. William Carter, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Jacksonville, 111 Edward William Casey, Esq., Cleveland, O. Rev. Frederick William Chapman, Stratford, Ct. Rev. Henry Noble Day, C.A.S.,Tut. Y.C., Waterbury, Ct. Sherman Finch, Esq., Gambier, Ohio. Rev. Lemuel Foster, Bloomington, III. Thomas Emlen Franklin, Esq., Lancaster, Pa. Rev. Henry Gleason, BrooJclyn, L. I. Hiram Holcorab, New Haven, Ct. Rev. Piatt Tyler Holley, Sandisjield, Ms. Oliver Payson Hubbard, C. A. S., Prof. Chem., Min. h Geol. Dart. Coll., *Peter Lanman Huntington, Rev. James Davis Lewis, Rev. Thomas Oliver Lincoln, Edward' Henry Carroll Long, *David C. McNeeley, .Rev. Alfred Newton, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, *Francis Porter, *Rev. Edwin Stevens, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C Missionary, *George Washington Strong, William Strong, Esq., Isaac W. Stuart, Prof. Lang. Columb. Coll., S. C, Henry Abraham Tomlinson, M.D., C.A.S., New Haven, Ct. Rev. Henry Aiken Worcester, 1829. Rev. George Henry Apthorp, Missionary, Rev. William Perkins Apthorp, Romeo Austin, Rev. Henry Augustus Boardman, Rev. Ralph Bull, Fairfax Catlett, Hanover, JV. H. Norwich, Ct. North Reading, Ms. Kennebunk, Me. Princess Ann, Md. Rowan Co., N. C. ( Nor walk, Huron \ Co., Ohio. Norwich, Ct. Canton, China. Bolton, Ct. Reading, Penn. Columbia, S. C. Portland, Me. Ceylon, Asia. , 111. Orwell, Vt. Philadelphia, Pa. Orange Co., N. F. Texas. 36 William Frederick Clemson, Asa Drury, Teacher, Warren Backus Dutton, Rev. Joseph Eldridge, Joseph Merrick Ely, Stephen Galatty, Esq., Rev. Edwin Randolph Gilbert, Francis Gillett, Esq., Rev. Leverett Griggs, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C., *Samuel Beal Hindes, John Mills Hubbard, Rev. James Woods McLane, *Elijah Hunt Mills, Samuel Porter, William B. Sherwood, Thomas Adam Spence, Esq., George Champion Tenney, Esq., Joseph Dennie Tyler, *Airred Washington Van Dyke, Henry Augustus Walker, Asa Waters, Esq., Howard Hart White, Esq., ^Orestes Wilcox, 1830. John Whiting Andrews, Esq., James Root Averill, Esq., Rev. John Chester Backus, George Goddard Barclay, Esq., Henry Barnard, Esq., Timothy Green Brainard, Thomas Legare Burden, George Clark, David Close Comstock, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, William Russell Cone, Esq., Rev. James Radcliff Davenport, C.A.S., Tut, Y. C, Samuel Wortbington Dorsey, Richard Griswold Drake, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prince Edward, Va, Norfolk, Ct. New York City. Scio, Greece. Wallingford, Ct. Bloomfield, Ct. North Haven, Ct. Baltimore, Md. Windsor, Ct. Neiv York City. Northampton, Ms. New Haven, Ct. Greenwich, Ct. Snow Hill, Md. Wethersjield, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Neivcastle, Del. Albany, N. Y. Millhury, Ms. New York City. Simsbury, Ct. Columbus, Ohio. New York City. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Hartford, Ct, St. Albans, Vt. Charleston, S. C. Georgetoivn, S. C. A'^ew Canaan, Ct. Hartford, Ct. . Rye, N. Y. Elkridge, Md. Hartford, Ct. 37 John Montgomery Gordon, Esq., , Fredericksburg, Va, Elijah Phelps Grant, Esq., Canton, Ohio. Frederick Augustus Hanford, Esq., JYew York City. Elias Loomis, C. A.S., Tut. Y. C, Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil. West. Res. Coll., Hudson, O. Rev. William Newell, Boston, Ms. Abraham Pratt Nott, M.D., Saybrook, Ct. Rev. Ray Palmer, Bath, Me. Edmund Rhett, Esq., Charleston, S. C Anthony Dumond Stanley, C.A.S., Tut. &i Prof. Math. Y. C, Yale College. William Bouton Weed, New Haven, Ct. Henry Rogers Winthrop, Esq., New York City. Lewis Bartholomew Woodruff, Esq., New York City. 1831. James Hopkins Adams, Columbia, S. C. Rev. William Watson Andrews, Orator 1835, Kent, Ct. John Guest Atterbury, Esq., Detroit, Mich, Rev. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Fairfield, Ct. James McHenry Boyd, Baltimore, Md. John Milton Clapp, Editor, Charleston, S. C, *Samuel Southmayd DeForest, Watertown, Ct. Thomas Douglass, Waterford, Ct. Thomas Lawrence Evans, Natchez, Mpi. Rev. Lewis Foster, Killingworth, Ct. Rev. James Henry Fowles, Charleston, S. C. *William Grant, Dover, N. Y: Ninian Edwards Gray, Esq., Elkton, Ky. Junius Hall, Esq., Alton, El. George Payne Holeman, Fluvanna Co., Va. Rev. ElishaCowlesJones,C.A.S.,Tut.Y.C., Southington, Ct. Rev. Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Andover, Ms. Rev. William Beale Lewis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis Vergnies Pike, Newburyport, Ms. Trustpn Polk, Esq., St. Louis, Mo. 33 Hev. Noah Porter, G.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Albert More Rhett, Esq., Rev. Ephraim Dodd Sanders, Hollin Sanford, Esq., *Thomas Seddon, Newton Deming Strong, Esq., C.A.S., Tut Y. C, Edward Wain, Esq., Rev. Edward Winthrop, Prof. Sac. Lit. Epls Theol. Sera, of Kentucky, 1832. "Sarauel George Baker, M.D., Seth Collins Brace, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Rev. Erastus Colton, John Owen Colton, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, John Jacob Astor Ebbetts, *John Jay Evarts, Alfred Hebard, Henry Lawrence Hitchcock, Esq., George Tijeodore Kingsley, Esq., Abner Neal, Esq., Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, Edward Elbridge Salisbury, Walter Welles Seymour, Esq., John Derby Smith. Rev. Rollin Sidney Stone, W^illiam Tenney, Esq., Charles Tracy, Esq., Edward Wurts, 1833. Michael Baldwin, Esq., John Campbell Beach, Esq., Stanton Beldin, Noah Bishop, Edward Anthony Bradford, Esq., Rev. Samuel Giles Buckingham, Josiah Clark, James Dwight Dana, C.A.S., Ntw Milford, Ct. Beaufort, S. C, , Fa. JVew York City. Fredericksburg, Fix. Alton, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Lexington, Ky. Baltimore. Md. New Haven, Ct. Cheshire, Ct, JVew Haven, Ct. JS\w York City. Boston, Ms. Iowa Ter. Morgan, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Baltimore, Md. St. Louis, Mo. Europe. Troy, JV. Y. Athol, Ms. Danhury, Ct. Lexington, Ky. Rome, JV. Y. Louisville, Ky. JVatchez, Mpi. Auburn, JV. Y. Sandisjield, Ms. Litchfield, Ct. New Orleans, La. Millhury, Ms. Andover, Ms. S. S. Explor. Exped, 39 George Edward Day, Abijah Barnum Dunlap, Rev. Samuel William Southmayd Dutton, C.A.S.,Tut. Y. C, William Woodward Eells, Robert Dixon Gardner, John Calvin Goddard, Esq., *Alfred Kimball Gould, Rev.Abel Knapp Hinsdale, Silas Holmes, John Hustis, Esq., Ebenezer Alfred Johnson, Esq., C. A. S., Tut. Y. C, ^William Hayne M'Call, William Newton Matson, Esq., Heman Mead, Alfred Perkins, Joseph Pettee, Robert Robertson, William Huntington Russell, M.D., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, James Tuttle Sherman, Editor, *Moses Brown Stuart, Alphonso Taft, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Jonathan Baldwin Turner, Prof, of Rhet. & Belles Lettres,IlI. Coll., Cornelius Van Santvoord, Esq., Leonidas Wilson, Samuel Wolcott, George Ingersoll Wood, New Haven, Ct. Ovid,JV. Y. New Haven, Ci. Columbia, S. C. East Haddam, Ct. JYew York City. Andover, Ms. Torrington, Ct. Bristol, R. I. Milwaukie, Wis. Ter. 1834. Lewis St. John Benedict, William Ives Budington, Henry William Ellsworth, Esq., Alfred Emerson, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Reuben Gaylord, James Gilmore, John Newton Kendall, New Haven, Ct. Charleston, S. C. Hartford, Ct. Milledgeville, Ga. Warren, Ohio. Salisbury, Ct. Norfolk, Va. 5 New Haven, Ct. Trenton, N. J. Andover, Ms. New Haven, Ct. Jacksonville, 111. New York City, Montgomery Co.,Md. Boston, Ms. New York City. New York City. New Haven, Ct. Lafayette, Ind. Yale College. Henry Co., Iowa T. Cincinnati, Ohio. Granby, Ct. 40 Henry Coit Klngsley, Esq., John Murdoch, Henry Poraeroy, Elijah Frink Rockwell, Samuel St. John, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. Nathan Perkins Seymour, C. A.S., Tut.Y William Nathaniel Harrell Smith, Esq., George Oilman Spencer, William Henry Starr, Esq., James Bates Thompson, Teacher, John Hubbard Tweedy, Esq., William Henry Washington, Charles Roger Welles, Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey. C.A.S., Y. C, 1835. Ebenezer Banks Adams, Edwin Alexander Anderson, M.D., Jared Augustus Ayres, John Brocklesby, Tut. Y. C, Nehemiah Busbnell, Amos Sheffield Chesebrough, John Davis, Esq., Samuel Ware Fisher, Charles Alonzo Gager, C.A.S., Tut. Y. Rev. Orrin Reed Howard, James Hervey Howe, Tut.Y. C, Alexander Smith Johnson, Esq.. Osbert Burr Loomis, AVilliam McLellan, Charles Lewis Mills, Ethelbert Smith Mills, Esq., Abraham Hazen Robinson, Hugh White Sheffey, Edward William Smith, Esq^ Henry Smith, *John Cotton Smith. Caleb Strongj Cleveland^ O. Europe. Natchez, MpL Lebanon, Ct. C, JVew York City. . C, Yale College. Texas. Hartford, Ct. Alton, 111 Nantucket, Ms. Milwaukie, Wis. Ter. JVewbern, N. C. Peorittf 111. Tut. New Haven, Ct. Fairfield, Ct. Philadelphia, Pa. Hartford, Ct. Yale College. Saybrook, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Northborough, Ms. Ramapo, N. Y, C, Yale College. Boston, Ms. Yale College. Utica, N. Y. Charleston, S. C Franklin, Co., Pa. Morristown, N. J. JVew York City. Concord, N. H. Staunton, Va. Montgomery, Ala. Hartford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Northampton^ Ms. 41 John Lord Taylor, C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Thomas Anthony Thacher, William Wallace Wilcox, Charles Wright, 1836. Edward Elias Atwater, Franklin Thomas Backus, John Wood Black, George Morgan Brown, Josiah Mason Carter, Josiah Gardiner Davis, Henry Hatch Dent, Edgar Jared Doolittle, Frederick Lewis Durand, William Davis Ely, Oscar Fisher, Edward Lucas Hart, Teacher, Sylvester Judd, John Griffith Martin, Esq., George Lockwood Marvin, Charles Backus McLean, George Mixter, Thomas Clapp Pitkin, Giles Meigs Porter, Wilham S. Rowland, Joseph Sabine, Theodore Stanley, John Morton Swift, Albert Todd, Nelson Wheeler, Richard Hooker Wilmer, James McAlpin Wray, William Metcalf Birchard, Joab Brace, Aaron Lucius Chapin, David Benton Coe, Horace Benjamin Colton, 1837. Yale College. Hartford, Ct. Madison, Ct. Wethersfield, Ct, New Haven, Ct. Ithaca, N. Y. New Yorlc City. Norwich, Ct. New Canaan, Ct. Concord, Ms. Washington City. New Haven, Ct, Berlin, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Woodstock, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Cambridge, Ms. Paris, Ky. Clinton, N. Y, Simsbury, Ct. Hardwick, Ms. ' Utica,N. Y. Putnam, O. Windsor, Ct. Manlius, N. Y. Savannah, Ga. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Little Falls, N. Y. Royalston, Ms. Fairfax Co., Va. New Orleans, La, • Lebanon, Ct. Wethersfield, Ct. Hartford, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Elba, N. Y. 42 Thomas Mills Day, Thomas Rice Dutton, William Pierce Eaton, William Maxwell Evarts, Chaimcey Goodrich, Walter Tilden Hatch, Orlo Daniel Hine, Addison Lyman Hunt, Robert Coit Learned, Chester Smith Lyman, Myron Newton Morris, Robert Hamilton Paddock, Munson Edwards Pierpont, Silas Fisher Plimpton, Daniel Powers, John Phelps Putnam, William Randolph Randall, William Russell, *Luther Scarborough, William Smith Scarborough, George Schenck, John Whitman Seymour, Azariah Smith, Andrew Stone, John Owen Street, Edmund Terry, Morrison Remich Waite, Seth Tryon Wilbur, Stephen Yerkes, Perkins Kirkland Clark, Robert Bethell Claxton, Edmund Lovell Dana, Joel Lewis Dudley, Chester Dutton, Edward Strong Dwight, Elisha Fitch, Seth Fuller, 1838. New Haven, Ct. Savannah, Ga. Plainjield, Ct. Windsor, Vt. JVew Haven, Ct, JVew Haven, Ct, New Haven, Ct, Columbia, Ct. New London, Ct. Ellington, Ct. Colchester, Ct. New Haven, Ct. New Haven, Ct, Foxborough, Ms. Warren, Ms, Hartford, Ct. Cortland, N. Y, Stratford, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Brooklyn, Ct. Matteawan, N. Y. Hartford, Ct. Geneva, N. Y. Oxford, Ct. East Haven, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Lyme, Ct. Genoa, N. Y. Montgomery Co., Pa, Westfield, Ms. Philadelphia, Pa. Luzerne Co., Pa. Guilford, Ct. Watertown, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Montville, Ct. Newton, Ms, 43 *Ebenezer Hawley, James McChain, James Nooney, Prof. Math., U.S,N.. Whitman Peck, Carlos Fernando Ribeiro, Charles Rich, George Washington Sill, David Tappan Stoddard, Edward Strong, Thomas Grosvenor Talcott, Joseph Parrish Thompson, James Tufts, Israel Perkins Warren, Thomas Scott Williams, William Walter Woodworth, 1839. Theodore Hutson Benedict, Charles Bristed, Philander Button, William Bestor Corbin, Henry Laurens Dawes, Charles St. John Eldredge, Endress Faulkner, Abraham Evan Gwynne, Willard Preble Hall, Henry Rootes Jackson, Isaac Pendleton Langworthy, Joseph Gay Eaton Earned, Augustus Rodney Macdonough, Ebenezer Porter Mason, Henry Terry Mason, John Francis Mason, Justus Smith Masters, Samuel John Mills Merwin, Charles Huntington Morse, William Herbert Norris, Frederic Trenck Perkins, Richard Elisha Rice, Ridgefield, Ct. New York City. U. S. Navy. Greenwich, Ct. Alcantara, Brazil. Boston, Ms. Andover, Ms. Northampton, Ms. Vienna, N. Y. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Wardsboro', Vt. Bethany, Ct. Wethersfield, Ct. New Haven, Ct. New York City. New York City. Greemvich, Ct. Henrietta, N. Y. Alton, 111. New York City. Dansville, N Y. Cincinnati, Ohio. Harper'' s Ferry, Va. Athens, Ga. North Stonington, Ct. Thompson, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Marshall, Mich. Enfield, Ct. Enfield, Ct. New York City. Wilton, Ct. Montgomery, Ala. Alexandria, D. C. Sandbornton, N. H. Saybrookf Ct. 44 Daniel Lewis Rumsey, Julius E. Sanford, George Sherman, John D. Sherwood, Charles Taintor, Increase Niles Tarbox, Josiah Dwight Whitney, William Perkins Williams, John Beach Woodford, William Sturges Wright, Silver Creek, JV. T, North Haven, Ct. New Haven, Ct. New York City. Colchester, Ct. East Windsor, Ct. Northampton, Ms. New London, Ct. Avon, Ct. Glastenbury, Ct. OMISSIONS. 1806. Rev. Royal Robbins,' Berlin, Ct. 1814. Samuel Henry Dickson, M.D., Pro- fessor of Theory h Prac. of Med. in Med. Coll. of State of S. Carolina, Charleston, S. C. 45 MEMBERS NOT EDUCATED AT YALE COLLEGE. ^7716 number before eacK name denotes the year of admission.) 1816. *Rev. William Andrews, A. B. Mid. Coll., Cornwall, Ct. 1835. Rev. Albert Barnes, AMMdim.CoW., Philadelphia, Pa. 1790. *Mo3es Brown, A.B. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. 1835. William McKee Dunn, Prof. Chem. South Hanover Coll., South Hanover, Ind. 1830. Hon. Theodore Dwight, C.A.S.,Rep. U. S. Cong., Editor, Hartford, Ct. 1835. Hon. William Gaston, Rep. U. S. Cong, and Judge Sup. Court of N. C, JVeivbern, N. C, 1828. Fitz Green Halleck, Neiv York City. 1836. Rev. Joel Hawes, A.B. h S.T.D. Brown Univ., Hartford, Ct. 1829. *Lewis Heerman, M.D., U. S. Navy. 1834. Edward Claudius Herrick, C.A.S., New Haven, Ct. 1827. Rev. Edward Hitchcock, Prof. Chem. U Nat. Hist. Amh. Coll., Amherst, Ms. 1825. *Hon. Thos. Hubbard, M.D., C.A.S., Prof. Surg. Y. C, Pres. Ct. Med. Soc, Sen. Ct., Yale College. 1833. Washington Irving, LL.D., New York City. 1790. *John Clarke Nightingale, A.B. Brown Univ., Providence, R. 1. 1836. Isaac Nordheimer, Phil. Doct. Univ. Munich, Professor Orient. Lang. Univ. of New York, New York City. 1834. Gregory A. Perdicaris, A.M. Amh. C.A.S., U. S. Consul, Athens, Greece. 1830. Edward Robinson, A. B. Hamilton Coll., S.T.D., Prof. Sacr. Lit., New York City. 46' 1831. Hon. John Sergeant, A.B. New Jer- sey Coll. J Rep. U. S. Cong.j Philadelphia, Pa. 1829. Charles Uphara Shepard, A.B. Amh. Coll., M.D., C.A.S., Prof. Chem. Med. Coll. State of S. C.,Lect. on Nat. Hist. Y. C, JYew Haven, Ct. 1824. *Nathan Smith, M.D., Prof. Theor. h Pract. Phys. h Surg. Dart. Coll. & Y. Coll., JVew Haven, Ct. 1834. *Hon. Nathan Smith, Sen. Ct., Sen. U. S. Cong., New Haven, Ct. 1837. Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles, C.A.S., JVew Haven, Ct. 1780. *Ezra Stiles, Esq., A.B. Harv.Univ.— Pres., Edenton, N. C. 1833. Hon. Gulian C. Verplanck, Rep. U. S. Cong., New York City, 1822. *Rev. Carlos Wiloox, A.B. Mid. Coll. ^Poet 1824. Hartford, Ct. i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 150 911 7 •