• - w n ■ • •-*■ ■ ESBIot - ■r** ■*"*•" ■toil E ■M; ■£59 9 M ■ ► Hit, Bol IHvJ l i^i^HI : n V ■ i ■ ^ ■ 'V* ■ ■ • H I B : • I I »• • IPS W G»d KKSH& ■ I ■ < J* H I Hi Ex ■ ■ H let ■ ■ I * I » . *. ^. **<- V A CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. IW^X^^ Y- >\ u. ^ "3oW t- %€-'. F 1 LONDON: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. Instituted 1799. •EPOSITORIES, 56, PATERNOSTER ROW, 65, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, AND 164, PICCADILLY. JWIS INTRODUCTION, By the Rev. DAVID KING, LL.D. MINISTER OF GREYFRIARS' CHURCH, GLASGOW. The. value of the Scriptures, and the duty of perusing them, appear from many considera- tions. We may estimate the character and tendency of divine revelation, by contrasting the condition of countries where its " true light shineth," with that of other countries to which its beams have not extended. The heathen world is large enough surely for experimental proof. In many of its territories the richest blessings of sun and soil are enjoyed in abun- dance, and there, external nature presents itself in its stateliest and loveliest forms, — but where are the beauties of holiness, where the fruits and flowers of moral culture ? Or, if these are disparaged in comparison with intellectual stature and idolized genius, where are the distinguished philosophers and orators, historians and poets, of pagan communities ? Amid numberless diversities of condition, they seem to have only this in common to ex- plain their wretchedness — that they want those oracles of God which have been committed unto us; and the conclusions appear fairly deducible, that it is in the absence of the Scriptures the people are there destroyed for lack of knowledge, that spiritual ignorance, in addition to its proper maladies has there entailed mental and civil prostration, and that scoffers in our native land owe to the emancipating influence of God's word that very freedom of thinking which, with ungrateful and impious hand, they wield for the over- throw of its doctrines and institutions. The cases of Greece and Rome, so famous in the annals of history for literary attainments and heroic exploits, may be urged as evidence to the contrary. But all their civilization left their religion unimproved. Eminence was restricted to a proficient few, while the millions were hopelessly consigned to " abominable idolatries." Philosophers themselves entertained the most unworthy and confused conceptions of man's relation to God, and the duties it involves, — their precarious conjectures scarcely amounting to a creed, and exer- cising little influence over their own practice. Unnatural crimes abounded, and were com- mitted without shame. The places of public amusement were " habitations of horrid cruelty," soaked with the blood of unpitied captives; and even the temples themselves were consecrated to unnameable pollutions. While, then, the history of these countries shows that the impediments created to the advancement of learning by the want of revelation, may, in Eomo rare cases, be so far surmounted; it also demonstrates most forcibly the utter insuf- ficiency of reason, even in its best estate, to regenerate the depraved heart, and reclaim a world lying in wickedness to the knowledge of God and the observance of his laws. If we confine our attention to those countries which possess the word of God, a com- parison between that portion of the community by whom the Scriptures are perused and that portion, too numerous, alas! by whom they are neglected, will conduct us to a like conclusion. No doubt external propriety may, in many instances, be promoted by the simple circumstance of dwelling among Christians who are " living epistles of Christ Jesus, IV INTRODUCTION. known and read of all men:" and it is not less certain that many may consult the records of truth, and yet hold that truth in uni"ighteousness. But these appai'ent exceptions do not invalidate the general and incontestible fact, that the classes most conversant with God's word are most distinguished for the graces which it inculcates; while they who " consort with thieves and partake with adulterers, who give their mouth to evil, and frame deceit with their tongue," are the " wicked who hate instruction and cast God's word behind them." * In the history of the Church itself, its most prosperous periods will be found to have been those in which most attention was directed to the revealed will of God. "We read of an awakening among tbe Jews in the times of Nehemiah, shortly after the return from the Babylonish captivity: and as copies of the Scriptures were not then so plentiful as now, " all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was. before the water gate ; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel. And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month. And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate, from the morning until mid-day, before the men and the women, and those that could understand : and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law."'| < In connection with this rehearsal of scripture, we read of mourning and weeping for sin, a renewed observance of abandoned and almost forgotten institutions, and all conducing to " very great gladness.":}: It is well known that during the ages of Papal ascendancy, the general population had no access to the oracles of God. The Bible, be- sides being a rare and costly book, was sealed to the European communities who could not understand the original, and were denied a translation into their vernacular tongue. And what was the consequence? These were times of feeble intelligence, and hideous corrup- tion — ages emphatically " dark," in the absence of that rejected Word which is a " light unto the feet and a lamp unto the path." At last a day of amendment dawned : and whence emanated its incipient beams? About the year 1507 Martin Luther found, in the monastery of Erfurt, a Latin copy of the Bible lying in the library. By an eager and diligent perusal of it he soon became familiar with its contents, and his studying of that Bible was the com- mencement of the Reformation. Throughout all its stages, that glorious epoch was dis- tinguished by nothing more than by the reading of Scripture. Dr. M'Crie. in his life of Knox, (vol. I. p. 32,) represents one copy of the Bible as commonly supplying several families, at the beginning of the Scotch Reformation: and adds, "at the dead hour of night, when others were asleep, they assembled in a private house ; the sacred volume was brought from its concealment, and while one read, the rest listened with mute attention. In this way the knowledge of the Scriptures was diffused at a period when it does not appear that there was a single public teacher of the truth in Scotland." If we turn from general history to the annals of individual experience, it is certain that the most eminent saints have been the most distinguished for consulting and revering the word of God. The inspired penmen were " holy men of God," and they evince a familiar acquaintance with the writings of one another to an extent that cannot be appreciated without careful investigation. To notice particular instances — the sweet singer of Israel was a man after God's own heart; and how largely has he embodied the contents of prior revelation in his devotional melodies, and how frequently and emphatically does he extol the diversi- fied treasures of divine truth! The judgments of the Lord were, in his estimation, " true and altogether righteous, more to be desired than gold, yea than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honey comb." § It was the manner of Paul to reason with unbelieving Jews out of the Scriptures, and for this appropriate and effective mode of rea- soning he was qualified from " believing all things which are written in the law and in the * Ps. 1. 17-19. t Nehemiah vili. 1, 2, 3. J Nehemiah viii. 1?. § f salm xix. 9, 10. INTRODUCTION'. V prophets." * That apostle had no man among his fellolv labourers " like minded " as Timothy, to whom a caring for souls had become as a second nature; and if an explanation be asked of his early and signal piety, we have it in the statement that " from a child he knew the holy Scriptures, which are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."f The experience of saints themselves is not indeed uniform; but all its vicissitudes corro- borate the same views. When God's people languish, it is because they " have forgotten the law of the Lord."^T When they are perplexed and incredulous, they are " foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." § When they are unduly fret- ful and impatient under afflictions, they have " forgotten exhortations, speaking unto them as unto children. "|| On the other hand, seasons of spiritual prosperity bespeak a reception of the truth in the love of it. If the languishing soul is quickened, it is u according to God's word." ^[ If the hearts of Christ's disciples " burn within them," it is while w< he talks with them by the way, and opens to them the Scriptures."** If " pure minds are stirred up," it is " by way of remembrance," successive epistles having been written to in- duce such mindfulness " of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of the apostles of the Lord and Saviour."^ Daniel was pondering the writings of Jeremiah when he was stimulated to present that effectual and fervent prayer, in answer to which Gabriel was sent as a ministering spirit, to assure him of being greatly beloved, and to give him skill and understanding. J£ A book of the law of the Lord, found by Hilkiah the priest, was read by Shaphan to king Josiah, and proved the precursor of that godly sorrow which worketh salvation. On hearing the words of the law, the king rent his clothes, and sent to inquire of the Lord, from whom he received this response. " Thus saith the Lord God of Israel concerning the words which thou hast heard, because thy heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself be- fore God, when thou heardest his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbledst thyself before me, and didst rend thy clothes, and weep before me; I have even heard thee also, saith the Lord."§§ John was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and the testimony cf Jesus Christ, and no doubt meditating on the word and testimony for which he was exiled, when he was favoured with his celestial visions. And we too must lend our ears to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, and cheerfully exemplify any measure of self-denial and sacrifice required of us, in defer- ence to those sayings which are faithful and true, if we would inherit the blessedness of those who do his commandments, and have a right to the tree of life, and enter in through the gates into the city. In this course we may still be " companions in tribulation" with the favoured disciple whom Jesus loved; but we shall also be his companions "in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ." The inheritance reserved for us in heaven will not be less secure for being remote: while we are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salva- tion. And even now, amid the depression and gloom of this lower world, we shall enjoy, in advancing to the heavenly city, many a foretaste and earnest of its imperishable dec lights. These remarks on the Scriptures have been offered in the full persuasion that a higher esti- mate of their own value, will form the best recommendation of any reasonable aid which can be afforded to facilitate acquaintance with them. As to the subordinate means by which a knowledge of divine truth may be promoted, there can be no doubt that expositions of the Scriptures have induced many to search them whether these things be so. Still it is un- doubtedly best that Scripture be made its own interpreter; and this is most happily effected * Acts xvii. 2 ; xxiv. 14. § Luke xxiv. 25. ** Lube xxiv. 32. t 2 Tim. iii. 15. || Heb. xii. 5. It 2 Peter iii. 1, 2. X Hosea iv. 3, 6. ^ Psalm cxix. 25. J{ Dan. ix. 5§ 2 Chron. xxxiv. 26, 27. Vi INTRODUCTION. by the use of a Concordance. It directs the inquirer to the words he is seeking, — enables him to examine their connexion, — to find out and compare parallel passages, — and all the while follow the guidance of inspired direction. The manifold importance of such a work has caused many of the kind to be published. Omitting mention of foreign Concordances, I give some notice of those only which have been written in English. The following sum- mary of them is collected mostly from Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica : — The first Concordance of the New Testament was by Thomas Gybson. He represents it as " most necessary to be had in the handes of all suche as desire the communication of anyplace contayned in the New Testament." Lond. 1535. 8vo. John Marbeck, organist of Windsor College, in the reign of Henry VIII., prepared the first English concordance of the Bible, 1550, folio, and entituled it " A Concordance, tbat is to saie, a work wherein by the ordre of the letters A B C, ye maie reddly find any worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there expressed or mentioned." Robert F. Herrey was tbe author of " Two right profitable and fruitfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables Alphabeticall, and will serue as well for the translation of the Bible called Geneua, as for the other authorised to be read in churches." Lond. 1578, 4to. Frequently printed. Christopher Barker published " A Concordance, or Table, containing the principal wordes and matters which are comprehended in the New Testament. By J. W." Lond. 1579. 8vo. It is needless to be particular about the concordances of Thos. Wilson, a puritan divine, Francis Lucas, John Downame, Samuel Newman, Robert Wickens, Vavasor Powell, — the titles of which are given by Watt, with their size and date of publication. Some other Concordances were published which Watt does not appear to take notice of, — such as Mr. Cotton's, the Cambridge Concordance, Mr. Jackson's and Mr. Samuel Clarke's. In 1736, Alexander Cruden published his Complete Concordance to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Lond. and Edin. 1736. 4to. Other Concordances, published since that time, such as Taylor's, Bellamy's, Butterworth's, Brown's, Baxter's, &c, have been mostly abbreviations of Cruden's valuable work, to make it more portable and extend its usefulness. The question may reasonably be proposed, Why add another to the many works of the kind already published ? In reply, the following explanations are subjoined : — A perfectly complete concordance would be one by which any passage of the Bible might be found by any word which the passage sought for contained. But such a concordance, though per- fect in completeness, would be so large and unwieldy, as in a great measure to defeat its own utility. Accordingly, Cruden omits many of the minuter words from his columns of reference, and not unfrequently words of considerable consequence to the passages which contain them. The London edition of 1836 is before me, and selecting a passage at ran- dom, I find that the 17th verse of the 49th Psalm is vainly sought. by any of the words printed in italics. "For when lie dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not de- scend after him." See in like manner, Jobn xxi. 13 "Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise." Many such examples will present themselves in the familiar use of his concordance. No doubt the passages may generally be found without difficulty by means of some other term embodied in them or their immediate context; but that just shows what I am now wishing to establish, that Cruden himself very properly proceeds, to a great extent, on the principle of harmless abbreviation, In the desire, however, to make his concordance what it professes to be, "complete," he has crowded many pages with words of inferior moment, by which, it may be safely averred, the portions of Scripture to which they belong are seldom, if ever, consulted. In all ordinary cases, then, these supernumerary references obstruct instead of promoting a prompt and ready access to the passages desired. Might not an important service, then, be rendered to scriptural knowledge by reducing Cruden's work as much as possible in its dimensions, INTRODUCTION. Y11 so a* to render it less cumbrous and less costly, without materially impairing its actual usefulness \ It did not appear that the design was quite satisfactorily accomplished by any of the minor Concordances already in existence. Brown's Concordance is so small as to be quite inadequate. Bagster's, by referring only to chapters and verses, without introducing any of the words, leaves the inquirer uncertain in which of all the localities referred to he is to find what he is seeking. Butterworth gives the reference, scmotimes with and some- times without quotations, thus occasioning, to a considerable degree, the same sort of per- plexity ; and all the other abridgements which there was an opportunity of examining, appeared liable to some such objections. Hence the present work was undertaken ; and the religious community will judge how far it was required, and how far it is fitted to supply the deficiency. As respects the plan followed, abbreviations have been made, not only by the erasure, as already stated, of superfluous references, but also by omitting explanations of words, as being more appropriate to a dictionary than a concordance— by contracting quotations, while exercising carefulness not to obscure them — and by excluding wholly the Concordance to the Apocrypha. As I suggested the work at first, and held deliberations with the publishers about tho nature and advantages of it, they solicited me to write these introductory observations, though I had little participation in the subsequent labours. The first part was executed by a relative of my own,* and also occasional portions afterwards, amounting in all to about one fifth oi the whole. The rest is the performance exclusively of my esteemed friend, the Rev. John Eadie, of Cambridge-Street Secession Church, Glasgow.f In such a production, it may be easy to find faults or to propose amendments ; but from the care which ha3 been bestowed upon the undertaking, the strongest hopes are entertained that it will give general satisfaction, and as an humble help to the knowledge of God's word, conduce to the freedom of its course, that it may be glorified. It may be specially serviceable to ministers, preachers, and students, in travelling, when they cannot conveniently carry a larger concordance with them — to private families, who have too much regarded such an auxiliary to biblical attainment as a concomitant of some official station — to the teachers, and even the pupils of Sabbath schools, by enabling them to compare scripture with itself, and adduce readily the passages by which its doctrines may be proved. And may he who alone can communicate saving efficacy to any means of doing good, command on this instrumentality the blessing from on high, that ignorance may be dispelled, that enmity may be subdued, and that his own word may grow mightily and prevail. * The late George King, M.D. f Now the Rev. John Eadie, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature to the United Presby- terian Church. ' '""■' NOTE TO THE TWENTY-EIGHTH EDITION. The rapid sale of twenty-seven editions of this Concordance within almost as many years, has afforded sincere gratification to those by whom it was projected, edited, and published. They feel that their effort to reduce a bulky volume to the size of a convenient manual, has not only been successful, but has also been widely appreciated. Their labour has not been in vain. Knowing that a Concordance is an invaluable help for the study of the Bible, the circulation of so many copies of the "Condensed Cruden" promises well, in their opinion, for the advancement Oi sound religious knowledge. The Word of God is its own best interpreter; and a Concor- dance, by its peculiar and characteristic arrangement, has no other object than to assist Christians in the instructive labour of " comparing spiritual things with spiritual." It gives them a simple means of pursuing such research with facility and speed. Hay it not be hoped that this Handbook has been blessed to many in the anxious and prayerful investiga- tion of Scripture, and that the continued demand for it may be regarded as proof of an increasing desire to gather the true meaning of the sacred oracles from a faithful and impar- tial comparison of their own contents? In pursuance of the same object, and uniform with this Concordance, a " Biblical Cyclo- » psedia " * was prepared some years ago, which has also met with an extensive circulation. It is purely what its name implies — a concise but full explanation of Biblical terras, of the names, places, persons, customs, facts, and truths of Scripture. My aim has been to throw the accumulated results of erudition and research into a popular form, without destroying their accuracy or impairing their authority, JOHN EADIE. L.^t>sdowxe Ckescext, Glasgow, 1837. * A Biblical Ctclopjedia; or, Dictionary of Eastern Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, Sacred Annals and Biography, Theology, and Biblical Literature, illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. Edited by Johs Eadie, D.D., LL.D. With Maps and Pictorial Illustrations drawn from the most authentic sources. A New Edition, the twenty-eighth thousand, of this Cyclopaedia is in the Press; and it has been BO thoroughly revise .1 in every way that, in consequence of this revision, an additional number of articles and illustrations, and an enlargement of type and shape, it may be regarded in som« respects as a new Ys T ork, CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, ABH ABASE. Job 40. 11. Behold proud, and a. him ha. 31. 4. linn will not a. himself Ezek. 21. 26. and a. him that is high Dan. 4. 37. walk in pride, is able to a. ABASED. /at. 32. fl9.the city shall be utterly a. Mat. 23. 12. exalt himself shall be a. \Luke 14. 11. | 18. 14. Phil. 4. 12. I know how to be a. ABASING. ' 2 Lor. 11.7. offence in a. myself ABATED. Gen. 8. 3 waters were a. 8. 11. Lei*. 27. 18. be a. from thy estimation D/'i't. 34. 7. nor was Moses' force a. Jung. 8. 3. then their anger was a. ABBA. Mark 14. 36. a. Father, all things Horn. 8. 15. whereby we cry, a. Fath. Gal. 4. 6. crying, a. Father ABHOR. Lev. 26. 11. my soul shall not a. you 15. if your soul a. my judgments 30. and my soul shall a. you 41. nor will I a. them to destroy Deut. 7. 2 5. thou shalt utterly a. it 23. 7. notff. Ed omit e, Egyptian I Sam 27.12. made his people toa.him Job 9. 31. clothes shall a. me 30. 10. they a. me, they flee far 42. 6. I a. myself, and repent in Psal. 5 6. Lord will a. bloody man 119 163. I hate and a. lying Pron. 24 21. nations shall a. him Jer. 14.21. do not a. us for name's sake Amos 5. lO.they a. him, that speaketh (5. 8. I a. the excellency of Jacob Mic. 3. !). hear, ye that a. judgment Rom. 12. 9. a. that which is evil ABHORRED. Exod. 5. 21. made savour to be a. Len. 20. 23. and therefore I a. them 26. 43. their soul a. my statutes Deut. 32. 19. Lord saw it, he a. them 1 Sam. 2. 17. for men a. the offering 2 Sam. 16 21. thou art a. of thy father Job 19. 19. my inward friends a. me Psa!.22.2i. nor «.affliction of afflicted 7S. 59. he greatly a. Israel 89. 38. thou hast cast off and a. 10(5. 40. insomuch that he a. inherit. Pron. 22. 14. a. of the Lord shall fall ham. 2.1. Lord hath a. his sanctuary Ezek. 16. 25. made thy beauty to be a. Zech. 11. 8. their soul also a. me ABI ABHORREST. Isa. 7. 16. land thou a. shall be for3. Horn. 2. 22. thou that a. idols ABHORRETH. Job 33. 20. so life a. bread Psal. 10.3.covetous,whom the Lordrt. 30. 4. mischief on bed, he a. not evil 107. 18. their soul a. meat Isa. 49. 7. to him whom nation a. ABHORRING. Isa. 66. 24. an «. to all flesh ABIDE. Gen. 22. 5. a. you here with the ass E.vod. 16. 29. a. every man in his place Lev. 8. 35. a. at door of tabernacle 1 Sam. 5. 7. ark shall not a. with us 22. 23. a. thou with me, fear not 2 Sam. 16. 18. with him will I a. Job 24. 13. nor a. in paths of light Psal. 15.1. who shall a. in tabernacle? 61. 4. I will a. in thy tabernacle 7. he shall a. before God for ever 91. 1. shall a. under the shadow Pror.l.ll. her feet a. not in her house 19. 23. that hath it shall a. satisfied Eccl. 8. 15. that shall a. of his labour Jer. 10. 10. nations not a. his indigna. 49. 18. no man a. there, 33. | 50. 40. Joel 2. 1 1. day terrible, who can a. it ? Mic. 5. 4. they shall a, for now. Nah. 1. 6. who can a. in his anger? Mai. 3.2. who may a.day of his coming Mat. 1 0. 1 1 . t he re a. Ma rk 6. 1 0. L u. 9. 4. Luke 19. 5. I must a. at thy house 24. 29. a. with us John 12. 46. should not a. in darkness 14. 16. Comforter that he may a. 15. 4. ar.-in me, except ye a. in me, 7. 6. if s; man a. not in me 10. a. in my love, a. in his love Acts2~. 31. except these a. in ship 1 Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. 7. 8. good if they a. even as I 20. let every man a. in same calling 4(1. happier if she so a. Phil. 1. 24. to a. in the flesh is need. 1 John 2. 24. let that a. in you which 27. ye shall a. \\ 28. children a. ABIDETH. 2 Sam. 16. 3. Ziba said, he a. at Jems. Psal. 49. 12. man in honour, a. not 55. 19. even he that a. of old 119. 90. established earth, and it a. 125. 1. mount Zion, which a. ever Prov. 15. 31. a. among the wise Eccl. 1. 4. but the earth a. for ever 1 ABL John 3. 36. wrath of God a. on him 8. 35. servant a. not, son «. for ever 12.34. heard that Christ a. for ever 15. 5. he that a. in me bringeth 1 Cor. 13. 13. now a. faith, hope 2 Tim 2. 13. yet he a. faithful Ht>h. 7. 3. Melchizedek a. a priest 1 Pet. 1. 23 word of God which a. 1 Joh)i2.G. he a. in him ought to walk 10. loveth his brother uAn the light 14. the word of God a, in you 17. doeth will of God a. for ever 27. the anointing <>■ in you 3. 6. whosoever a.inhiui sinnethnot 3. 14. loveth not brother a. in death 24. hereby we know that he a.'m us 2 John 9. whosoM.not in the doctrine ABIDING. 1 Sam. 26. 19. fiom a. in inheritance I Citron. 29. 15. here is norm a. Luke 2. 8. shepherd? a. in the field Johnft. 3S. have not his word a.in you 1 John '3. 15. nomurd. hatheter. life a ABJECTS. Psal. 35. 15. the a. cathered together ABILITY. Ezra 2. 69. they gave after their a. Neh. 5. 8. we after our a. redeemed Dan. 1. 4. as had a. to stand in pal. Mat. 25-15. gave each accord. to his a. Arts 11. 29. according to a, to send 1 Pet. 4 11. do it as of the a. Godgiv. ABLE. E.rod. 18 21. provide a. men Num. 1. 3. «. to go to war, | 26. 2. 13. 30. well a to overcome it Deut- 16. 17. every man give as he is a. Josh. 23. 9. no man been a. to stand 1 Spw.6. 20. who a. to stand bef. God ? 1 Kings 3. 9. who is a. to judge so 2 Chron. 2.6. who is a. to build house? 20. 6. none is a. to withstand thee 25. 9. Lord is a. to give much more Job 41. 10. who a. to stand before me ? Prov. 27.4. who a. to stand bef. envy ? Dan. 3. 17. our God is a. to deliver 6. 20. God is a. to deliver from lions Mat. 3. 9. God is a. of these stones to raise up children, Luke 3. 8. 9. 28. believe ye I am a. to do this ? 19. 12. he that is a. to receive it, let 20. 22. are ye a. to drink of the cup 22. 46. no man was a. to answer Mark 4. 33. as they were a. to hear John 10. 29. no man is a. to pluck Acts 15. 10. yoke fathers ner we a, B ABO Jets20. 32. word of grace, a. to build Rom. 4. 21. lie was a. to perform 11. 23. for God is a. to graff them 14. 4. God is a. to make him stand 15; 14. ye are a. also to admonish 1 Cor. 3. 2. ye were not a. nor yet 10. 13. tempted above that ye are a. 2 Cor. 3. 6. made us a. ministers of 9. 8. God is a. to make all grace ab. Eph. 3. 20. that is a. to do abundantly Phil. 3. 21. he is a. to subdue all 2 Tim. 1. 12. he is a. to keep that I 3. 7. never a. to come to the know. 15. scriptures a. to make wise Heb. 2. 18. he is a. to succour them 5. 7. to him that was a, to save him 7. 25. he is a. to save to uttermost 11. 19. that God was a. to raise him Jam, 1. 21. word which is a. to save 3. 2. is a. to bridle the whole body 4. 12. one lawgiver a. to save and Jude 24. to him that is a. to keep you Rev. 5. 3. no man was a. to open book 13. 4. who is a. to make war with 15. 8. no man was a. to enter temple Be ABLE. Josh. 1. 5. not any man be a. to stand Deui.~. 2l.no man be a. to stand, 11. 25. I Chron. 32. 14. should be a. to deliver ha. 47. 12. thou shalt be a. to profit Ez. 33. 12. nor righteous be a. to live Luke 14. 31. he be a. with 10,000 Rom. 8. 39. be a. to separate us from 1 Cor. 10. 13. that ye may be a. to bear Eph. 3. 18. may be a. to comprehend 6. 11. that ye may be a. to stand 16*. ye shall be a. to quench 2 Tim. 2. 2. who shall be a. to teach Tit. 1 9. may be a. by sound doctrine 2 Pet. 1. 15. be a. after ray decease Rev. 6. 17. and who snail bs a. to stand Not be ABLE. 2 Kin. 1 8. 29. not be a. to del i v er , Is. 36. 1 4 Psal. 36. 12. shall not be a. to rise Eccl. 8. 17. yet not be a. to find it Jsa. 47. 11. shalt n. be. a. to put it off Jer. 11. 11. to escape || 49. 10. to hide Ezek. 7. 19. gold shall not be a. to Lu. 13.24.seek,n.fi.a.|| 21. 15.to gainsav Not ABLE. Num. 13. 31. we be not a. to go up 14. 16.the Lord was not a. Deut.9.28. Ezra 10. 13. we are ?wt a. to stand Neh. 4. 10. we are not a. to build Psal. 18. 38. wounded not a. to rise 21. 1 1. device, are not a. to perform 40. 12. that 1 am not a. to look up Amos 7. 10. the land is not a. to bear Luke 12. 26. not a. to do that is least 14. 29. laid found, and not a. to finish John 21. 6.not a. to draw for the fishes Acts 6. 10. not a. to resist the wisdom ABOARD. Acts 21. 2. we went a. and set forth ABODE, Substantive. 2 Kin. 19. 27. 1 know thy a.Isa. 37.28. Ezra 9. -f-8. to give us a sure a. its John 14. 23. come and make our a. ABODE, Verb. Gen. 29. 14. Jacob a. with him space 49. 24. but his bow a. in strength Exod. 24.16. glory of Lord a. on Sinai Nu. 9.17. clouda. Israel pitched, 18. 20. they a. in their tents, 22. 11. 35. the people a. at Hazeroth 80.1. the p. a. in Kadesh.Jutfg-.ll.n. 22. 8. princes of Moab, a. with Bal. Deal. 1. 46. so ye a. in Kades 1, 3. 29. we a. in the vallev 9. 9. I a. in the mount lonh. 5. 8. they a. in their places 8. 9. they a. between Bethel and Ai JuJg 5. 1'/. Gilead a. beyond Jor. dan, Asher a. in his breaches ABO Judg.\9. 4. Levite a. with him 3 days 20. 47. and a. in the rock Rimmon 1 Sam. 1. 23. the woman a. and gave 7. 2. while the ark a. in Kirjath 13 16. Saul and Jonath. a. in Gibeah 22.6. Saul a. \\ 23. 1 4. Dav. a. 25. | 26.3 23. 18. a. in wood ||2 Srtm.l.l.Ziklag 2 Sam. 11. 12. Uriah a. in Jerusalem 15 8. servant vowed while I a. at G. 1 Kings 17. 19. a loft where he a. Jer. 38. 28. Jeremiah a. in the court Mat. 17. 22. while they a. in Galilee Luke 1. 56. Mary «. with her about 8. 27. nor a. in any house, but ir John I. 32. Spirit, and it a. on hin. 39. they came and a. with him 7. 9. he a. in Galilee 8. 44. murderer and a. not in truth 31. 6. he a. two days still Acts).\3. upper room where a. Peter 14. 3. long time a. they speaking 18.3. Paul a. with them and wrought 21. 7. came and a. with brethren 8. house of Philip and a. with him Gal. 1. 18. I went and a. with Peter ABODE there, or there ABODE. Judg. 21. 2. people a. there till even Ezra 8. 15. there a. we in tents John 4. 40. Jesus a. there two days 10. 40.where John bapt. and there a. Act* 14. 28. tJiere they a. long time 17. 14. Silas and Tim. a. there still A BOD EST. JuJg. 5. 16. why a. among sheepfolds? ABOLISH. Isa. 2. 18. idols he shall utterly a. ABOLISHED. Isa. 51. 6. my right, shall not be a. Ezek. 6. 6. your works may be a. 2 Cor. 3. 13. end of that which is a. Eph. 2. 15. having a. in his flesh the 2 Tim. 1. lO.Christ, who hath a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7. 21. shall touch any a. thing 11. 43. not make yourselves a. with 15. 30. commit not these a. customs 1 9.7. if eaten on the third day ,it is a. 20. 25. not make souls a. by beast Dent. 14. 3. shalt not eat any a. thing 1 Chron. 21. 6. king's word was a. to 2 Chron. 15. 8. Asa put away a. idols Job 15. 16. how much more a. is man Psal. 14. 1. they have done or. works 53. 1. and have done a. iniquity Isa. 14. 19. cast out. like an a. branch 65. 4. and broth of a. things is in Jer. 16. 18. carcases of their a. things 44. 4. O, do not this a. thing I hate Ez. 4. 14. nor came a. flesh into my 8. 10. 1 saw and behold a. beasts 16. 52. thy sins committed more a. Mic. 6. 10. scant measure that is a. Nah. 3. 6. and I will cast a. filth on Tit. 1. 16. in works deny him, beings. 1 Pet. 4. 3. we walked in «. idolatries Rev. 21. 8. unbelieving, and the a. ABOMINABLY. 1 Kings 21. 26. Ahab did very a. ABOMINATION. Gen. 43. 32. that is an a. to Egyptians 46. 34. every shepherd is a. to Egyp. E.cod. S. 26. sacrifice the a. of Egyp. Lev. 7. 18. it shall be an a 11.4!, *2. 11. 10. be an a. to you, 12, 20, 23. 18. 22. womankind it is a. 20. 13. Lieut. 7. 25. it is a. to the Lord, 17. 1. 26. nor bring an a. into thy house 12. 31. every a. they have done 13. 14. that such a. is wrought, 17.4. 18. 12. all that do these are a. 22. 5. 23. 18. both these are an a. to God 24. 4. for that is an a. before the L. 25. 16. all that do unright. are a, 27. 15. cursed that maketh a. to L. ABO 1 Kings 11. 5. Milcom the a. of Am. 7. Cnemosh the a. of Moab 2 Kings 23. 13. Ashtaroth a. of Zid. Psal. 88. 8. thou hast made me an a. Prov. 3. 32. froward is an a. to the L 6. 16. seven things are an a. to him 8. 7. wickedness is an a. to my lips 11. 1. a false balance is a. to Lord 20. they of a forward heart are a. 12. 22. lying lips are a. to the Lord 13. 19. a. to fools to depart from evil 15. 8. sacrifice of wicked is a. 21. 27 9. the way of the wicked is an a. 26. thoughts of wicked are a.to L. 16. 5. every one proud in heart is a. 12. a. to kings to commit wicked. 17. 15. both are an a. to the Lord 20. 10. both of them are alike a. 23. divers weights are an a. to L. 24. 9. the scorner is an a, to men 28. 9. even his prayer shall be a. 29. 27. unjust man is a. to just, up. right in the way a. to the wickea Isa. 1. 13. incense is an a. to me 41. 24. an a. is he thatchooseth you 44. 19. make residue thereof an a? 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and u, Jer. 2. 7. ye made my heritage an a 6. 15. when they committed a. 8. 12 32. 35. that they should do this a. Ez. 16. 50. haughty and committed a. 18. 12. to idols and committed a. 22. 11. a with neighbour's wife 33. 26. and ye work a. Dan. 11. 31. a. that maketh uesolnte 1 2.1 l.a. that maketh desolate set up Mai. 2. 11. an a. is committed in Isr. Mat.24.\5.a of desolation, A/ur.13.14. Luke 16. 15. is a. with God Rev. 21. 27. enter that worketh a. ABOMINATIONS. Dent. 18. 9. not learn to do after a. 32. 16. wither, provoked tl.ey him 1 Kings 14. 24. did all a. of nations 2 Kings 2\. 2. Manasseh did evil after a. of heathen, 2 Chron. 33. 2. 23.24.«. Josiah put away,2 Chr.M.$2 2 Chron. 36. 8. Jehoiakim and his a. 14. people transgressed after all a. Prov. 26. 25. seven a.'in his heart Jer. 44. 22. Lord could not bear for a. Ezek. 6. 11. alas for all the evil a. 8. 6. thou shalt see greater a. 13, 15. 9. wicked a. that they do here 17. light thing to commit a. here ? 9. 4. that sigh and cry for the a. 11. 18. take away all a. thereof 14. 6. turn your faces from your a. 16. 2. cause Jerusa. to know her a. 18. 24. when the righteous doth a. 20. 4. to know the a. of their fathers 7. cast ye away a. of eyes 22. 2. thou shalt show her all her a. 36. 31. shall lothe yourselves for a. 44. 6. O Israel, let it suffice of a. Dan. 9.27.forthe overspreading of a Zfvh. 9. 7. a. from between his teeth Rev. 17. 4. golden cup full of a. 5. mother of harlots and a. of eartli Their ABOMINATIONS. Deut. 20. 18. teach you not after t. a Ezra 9. 11. t. a. which have filled ha. 66. 3. soul deligbteth in their a Jer.l. 30. set t. a. in the house, 32. 3 1 Ezek. 11.21. heart walketh after t. a 12. 16. they may declare all their a. 16. 47. hast not done after their a. 23. 36. yea, declare to them their a 33. 29. land desolate because of I a. 43. 8. defiled my holy name by t. a. 44. 13. bear their shame and their a. Hos. 9. 10. their a. were as they loved These ABOMINATIONS. iet>.18.26.ye shall not com. any of L a. ABR Z)e«M8.12.bec.of t. a. L. doth drivo 2 Kings 21. 1 1. Manas, liath done t.a. EzraX). 14. affinity with people of t.a. Jer. 7. 10. delivered to do all these a. Ez. 18. 13. done t. a. shall surely die Thine or thy ABOMINATIONS. JerA. I. if thou wilt put away thine a. 13. 27. I have seen thine a. on hills Eze/c 5. 9. 1 have not, because of t. a. 1 1. denied my sanctuary with thy a. 7. 3. recompense all thine a. 4, 8, 9. 6. 36. with all the idols of thine a. 43. lewdness above all thine a. 51. hast multiplied thine a. more 58. hast borne thine a. saith the L. ABOVE. Dent. 28. 13. thou shalt be a. only Jom/i. 3. 13. waters that come from a. 1G 5 .S'. 6. 17. God willing more a. to 2 Pet. 1. 1 1. entrance be ministered a. ABUSE, ED. Judg. 19. 25. and a. her all the night 1 Sam. 31. 4. lest uncircumcised a. me 1 Chron. 10. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 18. that I a. not my power ABUSERS, ING. 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor a. of themselves 7. 31. use this world as not a. it ACCEPT. Deut. 33. 11. bless and a. the work 1 Sam. 26. 19. let him a. an offering 2 Sam. 24. 23. the L. thy God a. the« Jolt 13. 8. will ye a. his person ? 10. if ye do secretly a. persons 32. 21. let me not a. any man's per 42. 8. Job shall pray, him will I a. Psal 20. 3. and a. thy burnt-sacrifice 82. 2. a. the persons of the wiekfd 119, 108. a. free-will offerings Prov. 18. 5. not good to a. the person Jer. 14. 10. Lord doth not a. them 12. I will not a. them, Amos 5. 22. Ezek. 20. 40. there will 1 a. them 41. I will a. you with sweet eavoux 43. 27. and I will a. you, saith L. Mai. 1. 8. phased, or a. thy person 10. nor will I a. an offering 13. should I a. this of your hand ? Acts 24. 3. we a. it alwavs and in all ACCEPTABLE. Deut. 33. 24. be a. to his brethren Psal. 19. 14. med. of my heart be a. 69. 13. my prayer is in an a. time Prov. 10.32. righteous know what is a. 21. 3. to do justice is more a. EcclA2.\0. preacher sought a. words Isa. 49. 8. in an a. time have I heard 58. 5. wilt thou call this an a. day 61. 2. to proclaim the a. year of L. Jer. 6. 20. burnt-offerings are not «. Dan. 4. 27. kinglet my counsel be a. Luke 4. 19. to preach the a. year of Pom. 12. 1. sacrifice, holy, a. to God 2 that good and a. will of God 14. 18. is rt. to God and approved of l5.16.offeringupof Gen. might beer. Eph. 5. 10. proving what is a. unto Phil. 4. 18. sacrifice a. well-pleasing 1 Tim. 2. 3. a. in the sight of God 5. 4. that is good and a. before God 1 Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices n. to God by J.C. 20. if patiently, this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Heb. 12. 28. we may serve God a. ACCEPTANCE. Isa. 60. 7. with a on mine altar ACCEPTATION. I Tim. 1. 15. worthy of all a 4.. 9. ACCEPTED. Gen. 4. 7. if well, shalt thou not be a 19.21. I havew. thee concerning th_- Ex. 28. 38. that they may be a. befor Lev. 1. 4. offering shall be a. 22. 27. 7. 18. not be a. 19. 7. | 22. 23. 25. 10. 19. should it have been a. in 22. 21. offering perfect, to be a. 1 Sam. 18. 5. he was a. in the sight 25. 35. see I have a. thv person Esth. 10. 3. a. of his brethren Job 42. 9. the Lord also a. Job Isa. 56. 7. their sacrifice shall be a. Je?\ 37. 20. let supplication be a. 4S. 2. let our supplication be a. ACC Lu. 4. 24 no prophet is a. in his own ^fol0.35.worketh righteousness is a. Rom. 15. 31. my service may bo a. of 2 Cor. 5. 9. or present, we may be a. 6. 2. in a time «. now is a. time 8. 12. a. according to that a man 17. indeed he a. the exhortation 11. 4. gospel which ye have not a. Euh. 1. G. made us a. in the beloved ACCEPTEST. Luke20. 21. neither a. thou the per. ACCEPTETH. Job. 34. 19. a. not persons of princes Eccl. 9. 7. for God now a thy works Has. 8. 13. but the Lord a. them not Gal, 2. 6. God a. no man's person Accepting. See Deliverance. ACCESS. Rom. 5. 2. by whom also we have nr. Eph.2.\S. both have a. to the Father 3. 12. boldness and a. by faith Accompany. See Salvation. ACCOMPANIED. Jets 10. 23. brethren from Joppa «. 11. 12. these six brethren a. me 20. 4. Sopater a. Paul into Asia 38. and they a. him to the ship Accompanying. See Ark of God. ACCOMPLISH. Job 14. 6. till he shall o. as hireling Psal. G4. G. they a. a diligent search Isa. 55. 1 1. it shall a. that I please Jer. 44. 25. will surely a. your vows Et. 6. 12. will I a. my fury on them 7. 8. will I (*. mine anger on thee 13. 15. a. my wrath on the wall 20. 8. fury to a. my anger, 21. Dan. 9. 2. he would a. seventy years Luke 9. 31. should a. at Jerusalem ACCOMPLISHED. tV. 2. 12. days of puri. a. Luke 2. 22. Jr-o«. 16. II. the a. of Asa 20. 34. the a. of Jehoshaphat 32. 32. a. of Hezekiah, 2 A'm. 20. -20. Esth. 10. 2. all the a. of his power •ftvrJ. 103. 7. his a. to the children 100. 2. who ean utter the mighty a. 145. 4. declare thy mighty a. 6. 12. 150. 2. praise him for his mighty a. ACTIONS. 1 Sam. 2. 3. by the L. a. are weighed ACTIVITY. Gen. 47. 6. if knowest any man of a. ADAMANT. Exek. 3. 9. as an a. have I made Zcch. 7. 12. their hearts asan«. stone ADD. G/'ii. 30. 24. L. shall a. to me another i>eat. 4. 2. not a. to the word, 12.32. 29. 19. to a. drunkenness to thirst 2 Kings 20. 6. I a. 15 years, Isa. 38. 5. 1 Chron. 22. 14. mayest a. thereto 2 Chron.28. 13. to a. more to our sins Psal. 69. 27. a iniquity to iniquity 1'ror. 3. 2. long life shall they a. 30. G. « thou not to his words lest Isa. 29. 1. a. ye year to year 30. 1. that they may a. sin to sin Mat. 6. 27. can a. one cubit, La. 12.25. Phi/. I. 16. supposing to a. affliction 2 Petf. 1. 5. «. to your faith virtue Rev. 22. 18. G. shall : 10. 22. he a. no sorrow with it 16. 23. wise a. learning to his lips Gal. 3. 15. disannulled! "or a. thereto A DDc2 It. Gen. 49. 17. Dan shall he an a. Psal. 53. 4. like the deaf a. that stop* 91. 13. thou shalt tread on the a. 140. 3. a. poison is under their lips Prov. 23. 32. wine stin?eth like an a. ADDICTED. I Cor. 10.15. a. themselves to the min. ADJURE, ED. Josh. 6. 26. Joshua a. them at that 1 Sam. 14. 24. Saul had a. the people 1 Kings 22. 16. how many times shall "l a. thee, 2 Chron. IS 15. Mat. 26. 63. I a. thee by the living Mark 5. 7. I a. thee by Cod torment Acts 19. 13. we a. you by Jesus ADMINISTRATION, S. 1 Cor. 12. 5. there are differences of a. 2 Cor. 9. 12. for the a. of this service ADMINISTERED. 8 Cor. 8. 19. a. by us to the glory AjjV 2 Cor. 8.20. this abundance which is a. ADMIRATION. Jude 16. having men's persons in a. Rev. 17. 6. 1 wondered with great a. ADMIRED. 2 Thess. 1. 10. to be a. in all them ADMONISH, ED. Eccl. 4. 13. who will no more be a. 12. 12. by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42. 19. know certainly I have a. Acts 27. 9. Paul a. them Rom. 15 14. able to a. one another Col. 3. J6. a. one another in psalms 1 Thess. 5. 12. over you and a. you 2 Thess. 3. 15. a. him as a brother lleb. 8. 5. as Moscp was a. of God ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10. 11. are written for our a. Eph. 6. 4. bring them up in the a. Tit. 3. 10. after first and second a. ADO. Mark 5. 39. why make ye this a. ADOPTION. Rom. 8. 15. received the spirit of a. 23. waiting for the a. 9: 4. to whom pertaineth the a. Gal. 4. 5. might receive the a. of sons Eph. 1. 5. predestinated us to the a. ADORN, ED, ETH, INC. Isa. 61. 10. as a bride a. herself Jer. 31. 4. again a. with tabrets Lake 21.5, temple a. with goodly sto. 1 Tim. 'i. 9. women a. in mode.-t Tit. 2. 10. a', the doctrine of God 1 Pet. 3. 3. whose a. not outward a. 5. women a. themselves Rev. 21. 2. prepared as a bride a. ADVANTAGE, ED, ETH. Job 35. 3. what a. will it be to thee Juke 9. 25. a man a. if he gain world R,m.3. I. what a. then hath the Jew 1 Co?: 15. 32. what «. if the dead 2 Cor. 2. 1 1. lest Satan get an a. of us Jude 16. in admiration because of a. ADVENTURE, ED. Deut. 28. 56. not a. to set the sole Judg. 9. 17. my father a. his life far Acts 19. 31. not a. into the theatre ADVERSARY. E.vod. 23. 22. I will be an a. to thine Num. 22. 22. angel «. against Balaam 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her a. provoked her 29. 4. lest in battle he be an a. 1 Kings 5. 4. there is neither a. nor 11. 14. an a to Solomon. 23. 25. was a» a. to Israel Esth. 7. 6. the a. is wicked Haman Job 31. 35. my a. had written a book Psal. 71. 10. how long shall a. repro. Isa. 50. 8. who is mine a. let him Lata. 1. 10. the a. hath spread out £. 4. with his right hand as an a. 4. 12. a. have entered the gates Amos 3 II. a. shall be round about Mat. 5. 25. a. quickly lest a. deliver Luke 12. 58. goest with thine a. 18. 3. saying, avenge me of mine a. 1 Tim. 5. 14. give no occasion to a. 1 Peter 5. 8. vour a. the devil ADVERSARIES. Deut. 32. 27. lest a. behave strangely 43. render vengeance to his a. Josh. 5. 13. for us, or for our a ? I Sam. 2. 10. a. of E. shall be broken Ezra 4. 1. when a. of Judah heard Neh. 4. 11. our a. said, they shall not Psctl. 38 20. evil for good, are my a. 69. 19. mine a. are all before thee 71. 13. that are a. to my soul 81. 14. my hand against their a. 8!'. 42. set up the right hand of his or. 109. 4. for my love they are a. 20. be the reward of my a. 29 my a. be clothed with shame ADU Isa. 1. 24. I will ease me of my a, 9. 11. shall set up the a. of Rczin 11. 13. a. of Judah shall be cut off 59. 18. he will repay fury to his.as. 63. 18. our a. have trodden down 64. 2. thy name known to thine a. Jer. 30. 16 a. shall go into captivity 46. 10. may avenge him of his a. 50. 7. their a. said, we offend not Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief 7. a. saw her, and did mock 17. his a. should be round about 2. 17. set up the horn of thine a. Mic. 5. 9. hand lifted up on thy a. Xah. 1. 2. take vengeance on liis a. Luke 13. 17. all his a. were ashamed 21. 15. your a. not able to gainsay 1 Cor. 16. 9. and there are many a. Phil. 1.28. nothing terrified by your a, lleb. 10. 27. which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY, IES. 1 Satn. 10. 19. saved you out of all a. 2 Sam. 4. 9. my soul out of all a. 1 Chron. 15. 6. vex them with ali a. Psal. 10. 6. I shall never be in a. 31. 7. thou hast known my soul in a. 35. 15. but in my a. they rejoiced 91. 13. rest from the days off?, Prov. 17. 17. a brother is born for a. 24. 10. if thou faint in day oft?. Eccl. 7. 14. in the day of a. considei La. 30. 20. tho' L. giye bread of a. lleb. 13. 3. remember them suffer a ADVERTISE. Num. 24. 14. I'll a. thee ADVICE. Judg. 20. 7. Rive your a. and counsel 1 Sam. 25. 33. blessed be thy a. 2 Sam. 19. 43. our a. not be first bad 2 Chron. 10. 14. after a. of young men Prov. 20. IS. with good a. make war 2 Cor. 8. 10. and herein I give my a. ADVISE, ED. 2 Sam. 24. 1 3. a. and see, 1 Chron. 21,12 1 Kings 12. 6. how do ye a. that I Prov. 13. 10. with well a. is Wisdom Acts 27. 12. more part a to depart ADULTERER, S. Lev. 20. 10. a. shall be put to death Job 24. 15. the eye of a. waiteth Psal. 50. 18. partaker with a. Isa. 57. 3. seed of a. and the whore Jer. 9. 2. for they be all a. 23. 10. the land is full of a. Hoi. 7. 4. all a. as an oven heated Mai. 3. 5. swift witness against the a, Luke 18. 11. I am not as others, u. 1 Cor. 6. 9. neither a. shall inherit Heb. 13. 4. a. God will judge Jam. 4. 4. ye a. know ye not that ADULTERESS, ES. Prov. 6. 26. the a. will hunt for the Exek. 23. 45. shall judge them as a. Hns. 3. 1. love a woman, yet an u. Rom. 7 3. no a. though she be mar ADULTEROUS. Prov. 30 20.such the way of a. worn. Mat. 12. 39. an a. generation, 16. 4. Mark 8. 38. whoso ashamed in this//. ADULTERY, IES. Exod. 20. 14. thou shalt not com. a. Deut. 5. 18. Matt. 5. 27. | 19. 18. Horn. 13. 9. Prov. 6. 32. who commits a. lacketh Jer. 3. 8. backsliding Israel com. a. 9. committed a. with stones 5. 7. then they committed a. 7. 9. will ye steal, and commit a !3. 27. 1 have seen thine a. 23. 14. they commit a. and wall: 29. 23. because they committed a. Ezelc. 16. 32. as a wife that com. a. 23. 37. with their idols com. a, 43. said I to her old in a. AFF Bet. 2. 2. hei- a. between lier breasts 4. 2. by committing a. they break 13. your spouses shall commit a. 14. I'll not punish when commit a. Mat. 5. '28. comniilted a. in his heart 32. whoso shall marry her divorced rommitteth a. 19. 9. Luke 1(3. 18. 15. 19. out of heart proceed a. Mark 7. 21. Mark 10.1 1. away his wife and marry another com. a, Luke 16. 18. 19. not commit a. J/.w. 18.20. Ja.2.\\. John 8. 3. woman taken in a. 4. Rom. 2. 22. a man should not com. ./. Gal. 5. 19. works of flesh manifesto. 2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes full of «. Rev. 2. 22. cast them th.it com. a. ADVOCATE. 1 John 2. 1. we have an a. with the AFAR joined until OFF. GeTu 37. 18. brethren saw Jos. a. off Exod. 24. 1. worship ye a. off Ezra 3. 13. the noise was heard a. off Neli. 12. 43. joy of Jem. heard a. off Jot) 36. 3 fetch ray knowledge from a. 25. man mav behold it a. off 39. 2*i. her eyes behold a. off Psal. 65. 5. that are a. off on the sea 138. G. the proud he knoweth a. off 13.0. 2. understand my thoughts a. off Pror. 31. 14. bringeth food from a. Isa. 23. 7. feet shall carry her a. off 66 19. that escape to the isles a. off' Jer. 23. 23. am 1 not a God a. off 30. 10. save thee from a. 4C. 27. Sl.lO.declare it in the isles a. off 51. 5i\ remember the Lord a. off Mic. 4. 3. rebuke strong nations a. off' Mat. 215. 53. P< ter followed a. off Mark 14. 54. Luke 22. 54. 27.55. worn, behold, a. off,Mar.\5A0. Mark 5. 6. when he saw Jesus a. off Luke 1G. 23. sceth Abraham a. off Acts 2 3D. promise is to all a. off Euh. 2. 17. preached peace to you a.off lleb. 11.13. having seen promises tuoff 2 Pet. 1.9. blind, and cannot see a. off See Far, Stand, Stood. AFFAIRS. Psal. 112. 5. guide a, with discretion Eph. G. 21. that ye may know my a. 22. sent that ye might know our a. Phil. I. 27. 1 may hear of your a. 2 Tim. 2. 4. pntangleth with a. ot life AFFECT, ED, ETH. Lam. 3. 51. mine eye a. my heart Acts 14 2. their minds evil a. Cat. 4. 17. zealously a. you that ye 18. good to be zealously a. AFFECTION. 1 Chion. 29. 3. a. to house of God Rom. 1. 31. without natural a.lTim. 3.3 2 Cor. 7. 15. his inward a. is more Col. 3. 2. set your a. on things above 5. mortify inordinate a. AFFECTIONS. /?0W.1.2f>.(tod gave them up to vile a. Gal. 5. 24. crucified flesh with the a. AFFECTIONATELY. 1 Thess. 2. 8. being a. desirous of you AFFFCTIONED. Rom. 12. 10. be kindly a. one to ano. AFFINITY. Ezra 9. 14. join in a. with the people AFFIRM. Rom. 3. 8. and as some a. we say 1 Tim. 1. 7. nor whereof they a. Tit. 3. 8. these thines a. constantly AFFIRMED. Luke 22. 59. an hour after another a. Act* 12. 15. but Rhoda constantly a. 25. 19. Jeaus, whom Paul «. alive AFFLICT Gen. 15, 13. they shall a. them 400 ye. AVF Gen. 31. 50. if thou a. my daughters Exod. 1. 11. taskmasters to a. them 22. 22 ye shall not a. any widow Lev. 10. 29. ye shall a. your souls 31.* | 23. 27, 32. Num. 29. 7. Num. 24. 24. ships shall a. Ashur JudgA6.19. a. him, his strength went 2 5«?«.7.10.children of wickedness a. 1 Kings 11. 39. will a. seed of" David 2 Chron. 6.2G. turn when thou dost a. 1 Kings 8. 35. Job 37. 23. Almighty, he will not (/. Psal. 41. 2. how thou didst a. the peo. 55. 19. God shall hear and a. them 89. 22. nor son of wickedness a. him 94. 5. Lord, they a. thine heritage 143. 12. destroy all that a. my soul Isa. 9. 1. did more grievously a. her 51. 23. into hand of them that a. thee 58. 5. day for a man to a. his soul G4. 12. wilt thou a. us very sore ? Jer 31. 28. as I watched to a. Lam. 3.33. Lord doth not a. willingly Amos. 5. 12. they a. the just, they Nah. 1. 12. I will (/. thee no more Zeph. 3. 19. I will undo all that a. AFFLICTED. Exod. 1. 12. more a. more they grew 2 Sam. 22. 28. a. people thou wilt save 1 Ki?igs 2. 26. a. in all father was a. Job 6 \4.toa. pity should be showed 30. 11. loosed my cord, and a. me 34. 28. he heareth the cry of the a. Psal. 18. 27. wilt save the a. people 22. 24. nor abhorred affliction of a. 25. 16. for I am desolate and a. 82. 3. do justice to the a. and needy 88. 7. hast a. me with thy waves 15. I am a. and ready to die 90. 15. days wherein thou hast a. us 107. 17. fools because of iniq. are a. 116. 10. I was greatly a. 119. G7 before I was a. 71. good that I have been a. 75. in faithfulness hast a. me 107. I am a, very much, quicken 129. 1. have a. me from youth. 2. 140. 12. L. will maintain cause of a. Prov. 15. 15. days of the a. are evil 22. 22. neither oppress a. in gate 2G. 28. lying tongue hateth a. 31. 5. lest pervert judgment of a. Isa. 9. 1. lightly a. the land of Zeb. 49. 13. L. will have mercy on his a. 51. 21. hear now this, thou a. 53. 4. smitten of God and a. 7. and was a. yet he opened not 54. 11. O thou a tossed with tern. 58. 3. wherefore have we «.our souls 10. if thou satisfy the a. soul 60. 14. sons of them that a. thee 03 9. us all their affliction he was a. Lam. 1. 12. sorrow wherewith L. a. Mic. 4. G. gather her that I have a. Nah. 1. 12. a. 1 will afflict no more Zeph. 3. 12 I will leave an a. people Mat. 24. 9. deliver you up to be a. 2 Cor. 1. G. whether we be a. it is 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she relieved the a lleb. 11 37. being destitute, a. Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn and weep 5. 13. is any among you a. ? let AFFLICTION. Gen. 41. 52. fruitful in the land of a. Exod. 3.7. seen a. of my p. Acts'], 34. 17. out of the a, of Egypt Deut- 16. 3. thou shalt eat bread of a. 1 Kings 22. 27. 2 Chroyi. 18. 26. 26. 7. L. heard and looked on our a. 2 Sa?n. 16. 12. L. will look on my a. 2 Kings 14. 20. Lord saw a, of Israe. 2 Chron. 20.9. cry in a, thou wilt hear 33. 12. Manasseh was in a. sought Neh. 1. 3. remnant are in great a. AFR Job 5. 6 a. cometh not forth of dust 10. 15. full of confusion see mine a. 30. 16. days of a. have taken hold 27. the days of a. prevented me 36. 8. if they be holden in cords of a. 15. he delivereth the poor in his a. 21. hast thou chosen rather than a, Psal 25. 18. look on my a. and oain 44. 24. and forgettest our a. G6. 11. thou laidst a. upon our loins 88. 9. eye mourneth by reason of a. 106. 44. he regarded their a, when 107. 10. being bound in a. and iron 39. low through a. and sorrow 41. setteth poor on high from a. 119. 50. comfort in my a. thy word 92.should have perished in mine a. 153. consider mine a. deliver me Isa. 30. 20. tho' L. give water of a. 48. 10. chosen thee in furnace of a. 63. 9. in all their a. he was afflicted Jer. 10. 19. my refuge in the day of a 30. 15. why criest thou for thine a Lam. 1. 7. Jcrusa. remembered in a. 3. 1. that hath seen «. by the rod 19. remembering my a. and misery Hos. 5. 15. in a. will seek me early Amos 6. 6. not grieved for a. of Jos. Nah. 1. 9. a. not rise second time Zech. 1. 15. helped forward the a, 10. 11. pass through the sea with a. Mark 4.17. a. ariseth for word's sake 13. 19. in those days shall be a. such Acts 7.1 1. came a dearth and great a. 2 Cor. 2. 4. out of much a. 1 wrote 4. 17. our light a. which is but for 8. 2. how that in a great trial of a. Phil. 1. 15. supposing to add a. to my 4. M.conununicate with me in my a. 1 Tit ess. 1.6. received word in much a 3. 7. comforted in all our a. lleb. 1 1. 25. choosing rather tosuf. a. Jam. 1. 27. to visit fatherless in a. 5. 10. an example of suffering a AFFLICTIONS. Psal. 34. 19. many the a. of righteous 132. 1. remember David and his a. Acts 7. 10. deli v. him out of all his a. 20. 23. bonds and a. ahide me 2 Cor. 6. 4. approving in a. Col. 1.24. what is behind of a. of Christ 1 Tbrss. 3. 3. be moved by these a. 2 Tim. 1. 8. of the a. of the gospel 3. II. a. which came at Antioch 4. 5. watch in all things, endure a. lleb. 10. 32. endured great fight of «. 33. made a gazing-stock by a. 1 Pet. 5. 9. same a. accomplished in AFFRIGHT, ED. Job 18. 20. that went before were a. 39.22. mocketh at fear, and is not a. Isa. 21. 4. fearfuluess a. me Mark 16. 5. they were a. Luke 24.37. 6. be not a. ye seek Jesus crucified Rev. 11. 13 remnant were^gaveglo. AFOOT. Mark 6. 33. many ran a. thither Acts 20. 13. Paul minding to go *. AFORETIME. Jer. 30. 20. their children as a. Dan. 6. 10. he prayed as he did a. Rom. 15. 4. things were written a. AFRAID. Exod. 34. 30. were a. to come nigh 7,er;.26.6. none make you a. Job 11.19 Num. 12. 8. why not a to speak 1 Sam. 4. 7. the Philistines were a. 18. 29. Saul yet more a. of David 2 Sam. I. 14. how not a. to destroy 2 Sain. 22. 5. ungodly men made me a. Psal. 18. 4 Job 9. 28. 1 am a. of all my sorrows 11. 19 and none shall make thee a 13. 11. his excellency make you o AFR Job 13. 21. not thy dread make me a. 15. 24. anguish shall make him a. 18. 11. terrors shall make him a. on 21. 6. when I remember, I am a. 23. 15. consider, I am a. of him 33. 7. my terror not make thee a. 41. 25. raisetli hims. mighty are a. P.ia/. 56. 3. what time I am a. 1 will 65. 8. that dwell area, at thy tokens 77. 16. waters saw thee and were a. 83. 15. make them a. with thy storm 119. 120. I am a. of thy judgments Isa. 17. 2. none make them a. Ezek. 34. 28. Mic. 4. 4. Zeph. 3. 13. 33. 14. the sinners in Zion are a. 41. 5. ends of the earth were a. Jer. 30. 10. none shall make him a. Ezek.39 26. -mdnone made them a. Nah. 2. 11. Dan. 4. 5. d>am which made me a. Jon. 1. 5 the mariners were a. 10. Mark 5. 15. iu his right mind were a. Luke 8. 35. 9. 32. and were a. to ask him 10. 32. as they followed, were a. 16. 8. said any thing, they were a. I. uke 8. 25. they being a. wondered Acts 9. 26. they were all a. of Saul 22. 9. saw the light and were a. Gal. 4. 11. I am a. of you iest I have 1 Pet. 3. 6. not a. with any amazem, 2 Pet.2A0.a to speak evil of dignities Be AFRAID. Deut 1.29. neither lea. of them. 31.6. 2 Sam. 22. 46. be a. out of close places Pml. 18. 45. Job 5 81. nor be a. of destruction 19. 29. be ye a. of the sword, for Psal. 27. 1. of whom shall I be a. ? Isa. 8. 12. nor fear nor be a. 44. 8. 19. 17. shall be a. in himself 51. 12. shouldest be a. of a man Horn. 13. 4. if thou do evil, be a. Not be AFRAID. Deut. 1. 17. not be a. of face of man 7. 18. sha\t Jiot be a. of them. 18. 22. Psal. 3. 6. not be a. of ten thousands 56. 13. not be a. what man can do 91. 5. not be a. for terror by night 112. 7. shall ?wt be a. of evil tidings 8. established, he shall not be a. Prov. 3. 24. liest down shalt not be a. Isa. 12. 2. I will trust and not be a. 31. 4. will not be a. of their voice Amos 3. 6. blown, and people not be a. Horn. 13. 3. not be a. of the power Be not AFRAID. Deut. 20 i. be not a. of them, Josh. U. 6. Neh. 4. 14. Jer 10. 5. Ezek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4. 1 Sam. 28. 13. be not a. what sawest Psal. 49. 16. be not a. when one is rich Prov. 3. 25 be not a. of sudden fear ha. 40. 9. lift up thy voice be not a. Jer. 1. 8. be not a. of their faces Mat. 14. 27. it is I, be not a. Mark 6. 50. John 6. 20. 17. 7. Jesus said, arise, be not a 28. 10. be not a. go tell my brethren Mark 5. 36. ruler, b.n.a. only believe Acts 18. 9. be not a. but speak and 1 Pet. 3. 14. be not a. of their terror Sore AFRAID. Num. 22. 3. Moab s. a. of the people Josh. 9. 24. we were s. a. of our lives 1 Sam. 17. 24. fled from Goliath s. a. 28. 20. Saul fell along sore a. 31.4.armour bearer was a. lcVt.10.4. Mark 9. 6. for they were sore a. Luke 2. 9. and they were sore a. Was AFRAID. Gen. 3. 10. heard thy voice and «». a. Exod. 3. 6. Moses was a. to look on G. Deut. 9. 19. I was a. of the anger and AGO 1 Scffi.18.12.Saul was a. of David. 15. 28. 5. Saul saw Philistines, he was a. 2 Sam. 6. 9. David was a. of the Lord 1 Chron, 13. 12. Job 3. 25. that I was a. of is come 32. 6. I xvas a. and durst not show Dan. 8. 17. a. and fell on my face Hob. 3. 2. I heard thy speech and a. Mai. 2. 5. he feared me and was a. Mat. 2. 22. Jos. was a. to go thither 14.30. he saw wind boisterous, was a. 25. 25. I was a. and hid thy talent John 19. 8. Pilate was the more a. Acts 10. 4. Cornelius looked, he wasa. AFRESH. Heb. 6. 6. they crucify Son of God a. AFTER. Josh. 10. 11. no day like that a. it. AFTER that. Luke 12. 4. a. t have no more that 1 Cor. 15. 6. a. t. he was seen of 500 AFTERNOON. Judg. 19. 8. they tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Psal. 73. 24. a. receive me to glory Prov. 29. 11. wise keepeth it in till a. John 13. 36. thou shalt follow me a. 1 Cor. 15. 23. a. they that are Christ's Heb. 12. 11. «. yieldeth fruit of righ. AGAINST. Gen. 16. 12. hand will be a. every i>7tfA10.35.mari.:A 26. 73. thou art a, one of them John 5. 19. these a, doth the Son 12. 26. where 1 am, there shall a. 14. 3. where I am, ye may be a. 1 Cor. 15. 8. he was seen of me a. 2 Tim. 1. 5. I am persuaded in thee a ALTAR. Gen. 8. 20. Noah bnilded an a. 12. 7. Abraham built an a. 22. 9 35. 1. Beth-el, make there an a. Exod. 17. 15. Moses built an a. 20. 24. an a. of earth make to me 29. 37. sanctify it, a. most holy 44. I will sanctify the a. 30.27. a. ofincen.||40. 10. A of bt.-ofl. Lev. 6. 9. fire of a. shall be burning Num. 7. 84. the dedication of the a. 18. 3. they shall not come nigh the a. Josh. 22. 34. called the a. Ed. Judg. 6. 25. throw down a. of Bail 2 Sam. 24. 18. rear an a. to the Lord 1 Kings 13. 2. cried against the a.O a. 18. 30. Elijah repaired the a. 35. the water ran about the a. 2 Kings 18. 22. shall worship before this a. Isa, 36. 7. Psal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a. 43. 4. then will I go to a. of God Isa, 19. 19. an a. in midst of Egypt 27. 9. stones of a. as chalk-stones 56. 7. sacrifices accepted on mine a. Lam. 2. 7. Lord hath cast off his a. Ezek. 8. 16. between porch and a. Joel 1. 13. howl, ye ministers of the a, 2. 17. priests weep bet. porch and a. Amos 2. 8. to pledge by every (/. Mai. 1. 7. polluted bread on mine a. 10. fire on mine a for nought 2. 13. covering a. with tears Mat. 5. 23. thou bring gift to the a. 23. 18. swear by the a. it is nothing 35. ye slew between the temple and a. Luke 11. 51 Acts 17. 23. a. with this inscription 1 Cor. 9. 13. partakers with a. 10. 18 Heb. 7. 13. gave attendance at the a. 13. 10. we have an a. whereof they Rev. 6. 9. under the a. souls of slain 8. 3. with prayers on the golden a. 9, 13. voice from horns of golden a. See Built. ALTARS. 1 Kings 19. 10. thrown down a. 1 1. Psal. 84. 3. even thine a, O Lord Isa. 17. 8. he shall not look to the a. Jer. 17. 1. sin graven on horns of n 2. whilst their children remem. i, Ezek, 6. 4. your a. shall be desolate IIos. 8. 11. made a. to sin a. shall be 12. 11. a. as heaps in the furrows AmosS. 14. will visit the a. of Beth->d Rom- 11. 3. have dieted down thine a, ALTER. Ezra 6. 11. whoso, shall a. this word Psal. 89. 34. not a. the thing gone ALTERED. Luke 9. 29. his countenance was a. ALTOGETHER. Psal. 14 3. a, filthy, Psal. 53. 3. 19. 9. judgments are righteous a. 50. 21. a. such an one as thyself 139. 4. lo, thou knowest it a, Cant. 5. 16. yea, he is a. lovely John 9. 34. thou wast a. born in nini Acts 26. 29. almost and a. such as I ALWAY, ALWAYS. Job 7. 16. I would not live a. AME Job27. 10. will he a. call upon God? Psal. 16. 8. I have set L. a, before me 103. 9. he will not a. chide Mat. 28. 20. I am with you a. to tuv' Mark 14.7. me ye have not a. Jn.12.8. John. 8. 29. I do a. those things 11. 42. I knew thou hearest me a. Phil. 1. 4. a. in every prayer ol mine 20. as a, so now also, Christ shall 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. Thess. 2. 16. to fill up their sins a. 1 AM, 1 AM that I AM. F.xoa. 3. 14. I am tluit lam hath sent U)b 9. 32. he is not a man as 7 am Isa. 44. G. I am the first, I am the last, 48. 12. Rev. 1. 11. 47. 8. i « there shall my 17. 24. they be with me where I am Arls2G. 29. altogether such as I am I Cor. 15. 10. of God I am what 7 am Gal. 4. 12. be as I am, for 7 am as AM I. .Vn. 24. 16. the a. stretched out his hand, the a. 1 Citron. 21. 15. 17. when he sawthe a. that smote 1 Kings 13. 18. a. spake by the word 19. 5. an a. touched Elijah 1 Chr. 21. 15. God sent an a. to Jem. 20. Oman turned and saw the a, 27. Lord com. a. and he put up 2 Chron. 32. 21. an a. which cut off Eccl. 5. 6. before a. it. was an error Isa. 63. 9. the a. of his presence Dan. 3. 28. God who hath sent a-. 6. 22. hath sent his a. and shut up Flos. 12. 4. he had power over the a. Zech. 1. 9. a. that talked, said, 4, 5. 3. 3. with filthy garni. stood before a. Mat. 28. 5. a. answered the women Luke 1. 13. a. said, fear not, Zachar. 19. a. answered, I am Gabriel 26. in sixth month the a, Gabriel 30. the a. said, fear not, Mary 35. a. answered, Holy Ghost shall 2. 10. a, said to the shepherds 13. suddenly with a. a multitude 21. so named of the a. 22. 43. an a. strengthening him John 5. 4. a. went down at a certain 12. 29. an a. spake to him [season 10 ANG Acts 6. 15. as the face of an a. 7. 35. a. that appeared in the bush 38. in wilderness with the a. 10 7. a. which spake to Cornelius 22. warned by an holy a. to send 11. 13. how he had seen a. in house 12. 8. the a. said to Peter, bind 9. true which was done by the a. 10. the a. departed from hirr, 11. sent his a. and delivered me 15. then said they, it is his a. 23. 8. Sad. say, neither a. nor spirit 9. if an a. hath spoken to him 2 Cor. 11. 14. transformed into «. ol Gal. 1. 8. though we or an a. [light Rev. 1. 1. signified it by a. to John 2. 1. a. of church 8. 12, la | 3.1,7,11 5. 2. I saw strong a, proclaiming 7. 2. a, ascending from the east 8. 3. a. came and stood at the altar 4. ascended out of the a. hand 5. a. took the censer 7. first a. sounded | 8. second a 10. third a. | 12. fourth a. 9. 1. fifth a. | 13. sixth a. 8. 13. I heard an a, flying through 9. 11. the a. of the bottomless pit 14. sixth a. loose the four angels 10. 1. a. come down, 18. 1 | 20. 1. 5. a. which I saw stand on sea 7. in days of voice of seventh a. 8. take the book in hand of a. 11. 15 seventh a. sounded 14. 6. a. fly in the midst of heavec 8. another a. saying, Babylon is 19. the a. thrust in his sickle 16.2. a.poured out vial.3,4,8,10,12,F 5. a. of the waters 17. 7. a. said, wherefore marvel ? 18. 21. mighty a. took up a stone 19. 17. an a- standing in the sun 21. 17. of a man that is of the a. 22. 16.1 Jesus have sent mine a. ANGEL of God. Exod. 14. 19. a. of God removed Judg. 13. 6. like counten. of a. ofG. 1 Sam. 29. 9. art good as an a. of G. 2 Sam. 14. 17. as an a. of God, lit. 27 20. wise ac. to wisdom of an a. ofG- Acts 27. 23. stood by me the a. ofG. GaL 4. 14. received me as an a. of G. ANGEL of the Lord. Gen. 16. 7. a. of the L. found Hagar 22. 11. a. of the L. called to him. 15 Num. 22. 23. ass saw a. of the 7.-25.27 31. Balaam saw a. ofL. in the way Judg. 5. 23curse Meroz, said a, ofL- 6. 11. a. of the L. sat under an oak 12. a. oj L. appeared to Gideon 21. a. of L. put forth end of staff 13. 3. a. of'L. appeared to woman 16. knew not he was an a. of L. 21. 20. a. of L. ascended in flame 2 Sam. 24. i6. a. of L. was by the thrashing place, 1 Chron. 21. 15. 2 Kings 19 35. a.of L. smote in camp Isa. 37. 36. 1 Chron. 21. 12. a. of L. destroying 18. a. of the L commanded Gad 30. because of sword of a. of L. Psal, 34. 7. a. of L. encampeth 35. 5. let a. nj the L. chase them 6. let a. of the L. persecute them Zech. 1. 12. a. of L. answered, wilt 3. 5. a. of the L. stood by Joshua 6. a. of the L. protested 12. 8. as the a. of L. before them Mat. 1.20. a. of'L. appeared in dream 2. 13, 19. 24. Jos. did as a. of L. had bidden 28. 2. a. of L. descended from heav. Luke 1. 11. to Zacharias an a. of L. 2. 9. a. of L. came upon them Acts 5. 19. a. ofL. opened prison-do. ANG Acts 8. 26. a. of the L. spake to Philip 12. 23. a. of the L. smote Herod ANGELS. Gen. 19 1. came two a. to Sodom at Psal. 8. 5. lower than a. Heb. 2. 7, 9. 68. 17. chariots are thousands of a. 78. 25. man did eat a. food 49. by sending evil a. amorvth' m Mat. 4. 11. a. ministered, Mark 1.13. 13. 39. the reapers are the a. 49. the a. shall sever the wicked 18. 10. their a. behold face of God 24.36. not the a. of heaven, Mar.13.32 25. 31. all the holy a. with him 26.53.more than twelve legions of a. MarkS. 38. when Son of man cometh with the holy a. Luke 9 26. 12. 25. but are as the a. in heaven Luke 2. 15. as the a. were gone away 16*. 22. beggar was carried by the a. 20. 36. nor die, for equal unto the a. 24. 23. had also seen a vision of a. John 20. 12. seeth two a. in white Acts 7 53. the law by disposition of a. Rom. 8. 38. nor a. able to separate 1 Cor. 4. 9. a spectacle to world to a. 6. 3. that we shall judge a 11. 10. pow r er, because of the ft.. 13. 1. with tongues of men and a. Gal. 3. 19. ordained by a. in the hand CV.2.18. beguile you in worship.of a. 2 TIipss. 1.7. revealed with mighty a. 1 Tim. 3.16.seen of ^.preached to Go. 5 21. before God and the elect a. Heb. 1. 4. so much better than the a. 5. to which cf the a. said he, 13. 7. who maketh his a. spirits 2. 2. if word spoken by a. stedfast 5. to the a. not put in subjection 16. took not nature of a. but seed 12. 22. innumerable company of a. 13. 2. entertained a. unawares 1 Pet. 1. 12. a desire to look into 3. 22. a. and powers being subject 2 Pet. 2. 4. if God spared not the a. 11. whereas a. greater in power oude 6. a. who kept not first estate Rev. 1. 20. syven stars a. of churches 5. 11. voice of many a. about throne 7. 1. four a. on the four corners 2. with loud voice to the four a. 11. all the a. stood round the thro. 8. 13. trumpet of a. yet to sound 9. 14. loose the four a. bound 15. the a. were loosed 14. 10. tor. in presence of the holy a. 21. 12. and at the gates twelve a. ANGELS of God. Gen.28.\2.a.ofGod ascend, John 1.51. 32. 1. Jacob went his way, and a. of God met him Mat. 22. 30. hut as a. of God in hea- ven, Mark 12. 25. Luke 12. 8. him shall the Son con. fess before a. of God 9. be denied before* the a. of God 15. 10. joy in presence of a. If God tleb.l.Q. let all the a. of God worship His ANGELS. Job 4. 18. his a. he charged with folly Psal. 91. 11. give his a. charge, Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 10. 103. 20. ye his a. that excel 104. 4. maketh Awa.spirits, Heb. 1.7. 148. 2. praise ye him all his a. Mat. 13.41. Son shall send forth hit a. 16. 27. pr'ory of his Fath. with his a. 24. 31. his a. with sound, Mark 13. 27. 25. 41. fire for devil and his a. Rev.3.5. will confess before his a. 12. 7. Michael and his a. the dragon 0. dragon was cast out, and his a. ANGER, Verb. Sum. 10. 19. a foolish nation I will a. ANG ANGER. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother's a. turn 44. 18. let not thine a. burn against 49. 7. cursed be their a. E.rod. 32. 19. Moses' a. waxed hot Deut. 9. 19. I was afraid of the"«. 13. 17. from the fierceness of his a. 29. 24. the heat of this great a. ? Judg. 8. 3. then their a. was abated Job 9. 13. if God will not withdraw a. Psal. 21. 9. as oven in time of thine a. 30. 5. his a. endureth but a moment 37. 8. cease from a. and forsake 38. 3. no soundness because of a. 69. 24. wrathful a. take hold 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke 78. 21. a. came up against Israel 38. many a time turned he his a. 49. he cast the fierceness of his a. 50. he made a way to his . I will send mine a. upon thee 8. accomplish a. on thee, 20. 8, 21. 35.11. 1 will do according to thine a. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. be turned Hos. 11. 9. will not execute mine a. 14. 4. for mine a. is turned away Amos 1. 1 1 his a. did tear perpetually Jonah 3. 9. if God turn from fierce a. Mic. 7. 18. retained not his a. for ever Nah. 1. 6. who can abide his a. ? Hah. 3. 8. was thine a. ar.2U.l Psal. 78. 58. pr. him to a. with high places, 106. 29. Prov. 20. 2. whoso ju?\ to a. sinneth Isa, 1. 4. pr. Holy One of Isr. to a. 65. 3. a people that pr. me to a. Hos. 12. 14. Ephraim pr. him to a. Col. 3. 21. pr. not your children to a Slow to ANGER. Nch. 9.17. ready to pardon, slow to a Psal. 103. 8. slow to a.plenteous,145.8 Prov. 15. 18. he sl.io a. appeaseth strife 16. 32. he s. to a. better than mighty Joel 2. 13. slow to a. of great kind- ness, Jonah 4. 2. Nah. 1. 3. L. is sl.to a. great in power ANGERED. Psal. 10G.32. a.him at waters of strife AKO ANGLE. Isa. 19. 8. and all they that cast a. Hab. 1. 15. they take up with a. ANGRY. Gen. 18. 30. let aot L be a. 32. 45. 5. be not a. that ye sold me £,eb. 10. 16. Moses a. with Eleazar De?«M.37. L. a. with me for you, 4.21. 9. 20. L. was very a. with Aaron Judg. 18. 25. lest «. fellows run on 1 A'm. 8. 46. thou be a. 2 Ci&r. 6. 36. 11. 9. the L. was a. with Solomon, 2 Kings 17. 18. L. was a. with Israel Ezra 9. 14. w r ouldst be a. with us Pirt?. 2. 12. kiss the Son, lest he be a. 7. 11. God is a. With the wicked 76. 7. who stand when thou art a. ? 79. 5. how long- a. ? 80. 4. j 85. 5. Prov. 14. 17. he soon a. dealeth fool. 21. 19. than with an a. woman 22. 24. no friendship with an a. man 25. 23. so doth an a. countenance 29. 22. a. man stirreth up strife Eccl. 5. 6. God be a. at thy voice ? 7. 9. be not hasty in spirit to be a. Cant. 1. 6. mother's children were a. fcu.\2. 1. tho' thou wast a. with me Ezek. 16. 42. and will be no more a. Jonah 4. 1. Jonah was very a. 4. doest thou well to he a. ? 9. 9. I do well to be a. unto death Mat. 5. 22. whoso, is a. with brother Luke 14. 21. master of house being a. 15. 28. a. and would not g» in John 7. 23. are ye a. at me because Eph. 4. 26. be a. and sin not. Tit. 1. 7. a bishop not soon a. Rev. 11. 18. the nations were a. ANGUISH. Exod.C). 9. hearkened not to M.fora. Deut. 2. 25. tremble, and be in a. 2 Sam. 1. 9. slay me, a. is come Job 7. 11. I will speak in a. of spirit 15. 24. and a. shall make him afraid Psal. 119. 143. and a. have taken hold Prov. 1. 27. when distress and a. Isa. 8. 22. and behold dimness of a. 30. 6. Into land of trouble and a. Jer. 4. 31. the a. as of her that John 16. 21. no more her a. for joy Rom. 2. 9. tribulation and a. upon 2 Cor. 2. 4. out of a. of heart I wrote ANISE. Mat. 23. 23. ye pay tithe of mint, a. ANOINT. E.rod. 28. 41. shalt a. 30. 30. | 40. 15. 29. 7. take oil and a. him, 40. !3. 36. thou shalt a. the altar, 40. 10. 30. 26. shalt a. the tabernacie, 40. 9. Lev. 16. 32. priest whom he shall a. Deut. 28. 40. shalt not a. thyself with Judg. <). R trees went to a. a king 15. if in truth ye a. me king 1 Sam. 9. 16. a. him captain over Is. 15. I. the L. sent me to a. thee king 16. 3. a. him whom I name 12. L. said, arise, a . him, this is he 2 Sam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil I Kings 1. 34. Zadok a. him king 19. 15. a. Hazael king 16. a. Jehu a. Elisha Isa. 21. 5. princes, a. the shield Dan. 0. 24. and a. the most Holy 10. 3. neither did I a. myself at all Amos 6. 6. a. themselves with chief Mir. I). 15. tread the olives,but not a. Mat. 6. 17. when thou fastest a. head Mark 14. 8. she is come to a.my body 16. 1. spices that they might a. him Luke 7. 46. my head tliou didst not a. Rev. 3. IS. a. thine eves with eye-sal. ANOINTED. Lev. 8. 10. a. the tabernacle 11. a. the altar, Num. 7. 1. A1M0 Lev. 8. 12. Aaron's head, and a. him 1 Sam. 10. 1. the Lord a. thee captain 15. 17. a. Saul 16. 13. a. Uavid, 2 Sam. 2. 4, 7. | 5. 3, 17. | 12. 7. 2 A7wgs 9. 3, 6, 12. 1 Chron. II. 3. | 14. 8. 2 5a»i. 2. 7. Judah have a. me king 3. 39. I am weak, though a. king 12. 20. David arose, and a. himself 23. 1. David the a. of God said Psa f . 2. f 6. have I a. my king on Z. Isa. 61. 1. a. me to preach, Lukei. 18. Ezek. 28. 14. a. cherub that covers Luke 7. 38. she kissed his feet and a 46. this woman hath a. my feet John 1. f 41. Messiah, which is the a. 9. 6. he a. the eyes with clay 11. 2. that Mary which a. the Lord 12. 3. Mary a. feet of Jesus Acts 4. 27. holy child J. thou hast a. 10. 38. how God a. Jesus of Nazar. 2 Cor. 1.21. hatha, us is God ANOINTED Ones. Zecli. 4. 14. two a. ones which stand His ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 10. and exalt horn of Ms a. 12. 3. ag. me bef. the L. and his a. 5. the Lord and his a. is witness 2 Sam.22 51. mercy to Msa.Psal.18.bO. Psal 2. 2. and against his a. 20. 6. the Lord saveth his a. 28. 8. the saving strength of Ms a. Isa. 45. I. thus saith L. to Ms a. to C. Lord's ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 16. 6. Lord's a. is before him 24. 6. my master, the Lord's a. 10. put my hand against L. a. 26. 9. against L. a. and be guiltless 16 have not kept the Lord's a. 2 Sam. 1.1 4. not afraid to destroy L.a. 19. 21. to death bee. he cursed L. a. Lam. 4.20. a. of L. taken in their pits Mine ANOINTED. 1 5'«?«.2.35.shall walk before mine a. 1 Ch. id .2*2. touch not mine a.Ps.lOo.lb Psal. 132. 17. a lamp for mine a. ANOINTED with Oil. 2 Sam. 1. 21. as though not a. with o. Psal. 45. 7. oil of gladness, Ileb. 1. 9. 89. 20. with holy oil have I a. him 92. 10. I shall be a, with fresh oil Thine ANOINTED. 2 Chron. 6. 42. turn not away the face of thine a. Psal. 132. 10. Psal. 84. 9. look on face of thine a. S9.38.hast been wroth with thine a. 51. reproached footsteps of thine a. Hab. 3. 13. for salvation with thi. a. ANOINTEST. Psal. 23. 5. a. my head with oil. ANOINTING. Exod.iQ.lo. a.everlasting priesthood Isa. 10. 27. yoke destroyed bee. of a. I John 2. 27. a. teaeheth all things ANOINTING Oil. E.rod. 37. 29. made holy a. oil Lev. 8. 12. a. oil on Aaron's head 10. 7. a. oil of the L is upon you A T ?/,7w.4.16.omeeof E!eaz.pertain. Psal. 42. 2. when shall I come and a 90. 16. work a. to thy servants Cant. 2. 12. flowers a. on earth 4. 1. as a flock of goats that a. 6. 5. Isa, 1. 12. ye come to a. before me Jer. 13. 26. that thy shame may a, Ezek. 21. 21. doings your sins do a. Mat. 6. 16. may a. to men to fast 23. 28. ye outwardly a. righteous 24. 30. a. the sign of the Son of man Luke 11. 44. as graves whiih a, not 19. 11. kingdom of God should a. Acts 26. 16. things in which 1 will a. Rom. 7. 13. sin, that it might a. sin 2 Car. 5. 10. all a. before judg. -seat Col. 3. 4. Christ our life shall a. 1 Tim. 4. 15. profiting may a. to all Heb. 9. 24. now to a. in the presence 28. re. the second time to salvation 11.3. not made of things which do a. I Pit. 4. 18. where shafi ungodly at 5. 4. when chief Shepherd shall a. 1 John 2. 28. when he shall a. we may 3. 2. it doth not yet a. what we sha 1*1 be, when he shall a. we shall Rev. 3. 18. of thy nakedness do not a APPEAR, referred to G od. Lev. 9. 4. to-day L. will a. to you, G 16. 2. I will a. in the cloud 1 Sam. 2. 27. plainly a. to the house 2 Chron. 1. 7. did God a. to Solomon Psal. 102, 16. he shall a. in his glory Isa. 6G. 5. he shall a. to your joy Acts 26. 1G. things in which 1 will a. APPEARANCE. Xitm. 9. 15. as the a. of fire, 16. 1 Sain. 16. 7. looketh on outward a. Dan. 8. 15. as the a. of a man, 10.18 10. 6. his face as a. of lightning John 7. 24. judge not accord, to the a 2 Cor. 5. 12. which glory in a. 10. f 1. who in outward a. am base 7. on things after the outward a. 1 Thess. 5. 22. abstain from all a. of APPEARED. [evil E.rod. 4. 1. Lord hath not a. to thee 6. 3. I a. by name of God Almighty 1 Kings 1 1.9. had a. to Solomon twice Jer. 31. 3. the L. hath a. of old to n.e Mat. 2. 7. what time the star a. 13. 26. then a. the tares also 17. 3. a. Moses and Elias, Mark 9. 4. 27.53. into holy city, and a. to many Mark 16. 9. Jesus a. first to Mary 12. after that he a. in another form 14. alter he a. to the eleven Luke 1. II. there a. to him an ancl 9. 31. who a. in glory, and spake 22. 43. a. an angel, strengthening 24. 34. L. is risen, and a. to Simon Acts 7. 2. God a, to our father Abra. 9. 17. Jesus, that a. to thee in way 26. 16. 1 have a. for this purpose * 27. 20. neither sun nor stars a. Tit. 2. 11. grace of God hath a to all 3. 4. after the love of God a. Heb. 9. 26. hath he re. to put away sin Rev. 12. 1. there a. a great wonder, 3. APPEARETH. Psal 84. 7. in Zion a. before God Pror. 27. 25. the hay a. Jer. 6. 1. for evil a. out of the north Mai 3. 2. who shal 1 stand when he a. Jam. 4. "4 life as a vapour that a. AFP APPEARING. 1 Tan. G. 14. keep com. till a. of'L. 2 Tim. 1. 10. made manliest by the a 4. 1. judge quick and dead at his a. 8. to them also that love his a. Tit. 2. 13. looking for glorious a. 1 Pet.A. 7. to praise at the a of Jesus APPEASE. Gen. 32. 20. I will a. him with pres. APPEASED, ETH. Esth. £. I Ahasuerus a. Prov. lb. 18. slow to anger, «. strife >IM 19. 35. town-clerk had a. APPERTAIN, [that a. Num. 1G. 30. swallow them, with all Jer. 10. 7. for to thee doth it a. See Pertain. APPERTAINED. Kum. 16. 32. that a. to Korah, 33. APPERTAIN ETH, 1NG. Lev. 6. 5. and give it to whom it a. limn. 4. I. Abraham, our father, as a. APPETITE. J h 38.39. wilt thou rill the a. of lions /'ton. 23. 2. thou be a man given to a. Heel. G. 7. yet a. not filled /.W/.29 8.awaketh and his soul hath a. 56. f 11. they are strong of a. APPLE of the eye. Deut.2fl.lQ. he kept him as«. of his e. Psal. 17. 8. ke*m me as the a. of e. I'rov. 7. 2. my law as a. of thine eye I.itm.2.]8. let not a. of thine eye cease '/.cell. 2. 8. you, toucheth u. of his eye APPLE-TREE. Cant. 2. 3. as a -tree among the trees H. 5. I raised thee up under a. -tree Joel 1. 12. and a. -tree are withered APPLES. Prov. 25. 11. like a. of gold in pic. ('ant. 2. 5. comfort me with a. 7. 8. and smell of thy nose like a. APPLY. P.ial. 90. 12. a. our hearts to wisdom t'rav. 2. 2. a. heart to understanding Sf'2. 17. a. thine heart to my know. 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction APPLIED. Keel. 7. 25. I a. my heart to know 8. 9. I a. my heart to every work Ki.when 1 a. heart to know wisdom APPOINT. Lev. 2C. lfi. I will a. over you terror 2 Sam. 6. 21. to a. me ruler 7. 10. will a. a place for my people Job 14. 13. wouldest a. me a set time Isa. 2G. 1. salv. will God a. for walls GI. 3. to a. them that mouru in Zion Jer. 15. 3. a. over them four kinds 49. 19. who is a chosen man, I may a. who will a. me the time? 50.44. Ezck. 21. 19. a. thee two ways|| 20. a. a way that the sword may come Ilos. 1. 11. they shall a. one head Mat 24. 51. a. his portion with hyp. Luke 12. 4G. a. his portion with unbe. 22. 29. 1 a. you a kingdom Acts G. 3. seven men whom we a. APPOINTED. Num. 9. 2. passover in a. season* 3. 7. an offering, of L.inhisa. season I Sam. 13. 11. not within days a. 1 Kin. 1. 35. I have a. him to be rul. 20. 42. let go a man a to destruct. AV/i. G. 7. thou hast a. prophets 9. 17. a. a captain to return, but J<>/' 7. 3. wearisome nights are a. me 14. 5. thou hast a. his bounds 20. 29. and the heritage a. to him 3'). 23. to the house a. for all living Psal. 44. 11. like sheep a. for meat 78. 5. a. a law in Israel, which he 79. 11. preserve those a. to die 102. 20. to loose thogc a. to death AKC Prov. 7. 20. will ooir.e home at day a. 8. 29. when he a. the foundations 31. 8. such as are a. to destruction Isa. 1. 14. and your a. feasts my soul 44. 7. since I a. the ancient people Jer. 5. 24. he reserveth the a. weeks 47. 7. sea-shore, there hath he a it Ezek. 4. G. a. each day for a year Mic. 6. 9. hear rod, and who hath a. Luke 3. 13. exact what is a. you 10. 1. the Lord a. other seventy 22. 29. a kingdom, as Father a. me Acts 1. 23. they a. two, Joseph and 17. 31. he hath a. a day in which 1 Cor. 4. 9. apostles last, a. to death 1 Thess. 3. 3. that we are a. thereto 5. 9. God hath not a. us to wrath 2 Tim. 1. 11. I am a. a preacher Heb. 3. 2. faithful to him that a. him 9. 27. a. to men once to die 1 Pet. 2. 8. whereunto thev were a. APPOINTED time and times. 1 &(/?«. 13. 8. ac. to set tone Samuel a. Job 7. 1. is there not an a. t. to man 14. 14. all the days of my a. time Psul. 81. 3. blow trumpet in time a. Isa. 11. 31. none be alone in his a. t. Jer. 8. 7. stork knoweth her a. times Dun. 8. 19. at time u. the end shall be 10. 1. true, but the time a. was long 11. 27. end shall be at the time a. 29. at the time a. shall return 35. because it is yet for a time a. Hub. 2. 3. vision is yet for an a. time Arts 17.26. determined times before a. Gal. 4. 2. under tutors, until time a. APPOINTETH. Psal. 104. 19. a. moon for seasons Dun. 5. 21. a. whomsoever he will APPOINTMENT. Job 2. 11. made a. together to come APPREHEND. 2 Cor. 11. 32. garrison desirous to a. Phil. 3. 12. I may a. that for which APPREHENDED. Acts 12. 4. when he a, Peter Phil. 3. 12. I am a. of Christ Jesus 13. I count not myself to have a. APPROACH. Dent. 31. Ik thy days a. that thou Job 40. 19. his sword to a. to him Psal. 65. 4. whom thou causest to a. Jer. 30. 21. engaged heart to a. to me 1 Tim. 6. 16. in light no man can a. APPROACHETH, ING. Isa. 58. 2. take delight in a. to God Luke 12. 33. w e no thief a. Heb. 10. 25. more as ye see the day a. APPROVE. Psul. 49. 13. posterity «.thei.i sayings 1 Cor. 16. 3. shall a. by your letters Phil. 1. 10. that ye may a. things APPROVED. Acts 2. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God Rom. 14. 18. accept, to God, a. of men 10. 10. Apelies a. in Christ 1 Cor. 11. 19. they a. be made mani. 2 Cor. 7. 11. in all things you have a. 10. 18. commendeth himself is a. 13. 7. not that we should appear a 2 Tim. 2. 15. show thvself a. unto G. APPROVEST, ETH. Lam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, a. not Rom. 2. 18. a. things more excellent APPROVING. 2 Cor. 6. 4. in all things a. ourselves APRON, S. Gen. 3. 7. sewed fig-leaves, made a Acts 19. 12. brought to the sick a. APT. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a. to teach, 2 Tun. 2. 24 ARCHANGEL. 1 Thess. 4.16. descend with voice of a. Jude 9. Michael the a. contending- A HI AUCilKR, S. Gen. 21. 20. lshmael became an a. 49. 23. the a. sorely grieved him 1 Sum. 31. 3. a. hit him, 1 Chron. 10.a Job 16. 13. his a. cenpass me round Is. 22.3. thy rulers are bound by the a, Jer.bl.'d. thatbendeth leta.bend bow ARCHES. EzeAO.W. narrow windows to the a. ARE. Num. 15. 15. as ye a. so stranger he Jo638.35.may say to thee, here we t. Lam. 5. 7. fathers sinned, and a. not Mat. 2. 18. not comforted, bec.they«. Lu. 13.25.knownot whence you">. 1. sought of them that a. not Pun.2A0.no king that a. such things 7. 16. a. him the truth of all this Hut. 10. 13. he a. his disciples, Mar. 8. 27. Luke 9. IS. 22. 23. Sadducees a. him, 35. Murk 9. 11. | 10. 2. | 12. 18. Luke 18. 40. when near he a. what Jt.hu 4. 10. wouldest have a. of him 10. 24. have ye a. noth. in my name Horn. 10. 20. manifest to them that a. ASKEST. [not Judg. 13. la why a. after my name? Julia 4. 9. u. drink of me, a woman 18. 21. why a. thou me, ask them A^KETH. E.iorl 13. 14. thy son a. Dent. 6. 20. Mir. 7, ;». prince a f., r A rewnrd Mul. 5. 42. give him that a. Lu.6. 30. 7. 8. that a. receiveth, Luke 11. 10. ASS John TO. 5. none a. whither goest 1 Pet. 3. 15. that a. you a reason of ASKING. Psal. 78. 18. tempting God by a. meat Luke 2. 4G. and a. them questions John 8. 7. they continued a. he lifted 1 Cur. 10. 25. «. no question for 27. ASLEEP Judg. 4. 21. Si sera was fast a. Can.. 7. 9. lips of those a. to speak Jonah 1. 5. Jonah was fast a. Mat. 8. 24. but he was a. Mar. 4. 38. 20. 40. disciples a. Mark 14. 40. Acts 7. 00. Stephen fell a 1 Cor. 15. 6. but some are fallen a. 18. they which are fallen a. in C. 1 Thes 4. 13. concerning them a. 15. not prevent them that are a. 2 Pet. 3. 4. since fathers fell a. all ASP, S. Dent. 32.33. their wine is venom of a. Job 20. 14. his meat is the gall of a. 10. he shall suck poison of a. Isa. II. 8. play on the hole of the a. Rom. 3. 13. poison of a. is under lip- ASSAULT, ED. Acts 14. 5. an a. made of the Gentiles 17. 5. they a. the house of Jason ASSAY, ED, ING. Deut. 4. 34. hath G. a. to take nation 1 Safn. 17. 39. David a. to go, for he J ah 4. 2. if we a. to commune with Arts':). 2G. Saul a. to join himself 10. 7. they a. to go to Bithynia Heb. 11. 29. the Egyptians a. to do ASS. Gen. 22. 3. Abraham saddled his a. 5. abide you here with the a. 49. 14. Issachar is a strong a. Evod. 13. 13. firstling of an a. redeem 23. 4. if thou meet enemy's a. astray 12. thine ox and thine a. may rest Num. 10. 15. I have not taken one a. 22. 23. a. saw the angel, 25, 27. 28. Lord opened mouth of the a. Deut. 22. 10. not plow with ox and a. Josh. 15. 18. Aehsah lighted off her a. Judg. 1. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 23. Judg. 15. 10. with jaw-bone of an a. 1 Ki. 13. 28 lion had not torn the a. 2 Ki. 6. 25. a. head sold for 80 pieces Job 24.3. away the a. of the fatherless Proi: 20. 3. a bridle for the a. Isa. 1. 3. and the a. his master's crib 32. 20. send feet of the ox and a. Jer. 22. 19. with the burial of an a. Zech. 9. 9. king cometh lowly riding on a. the foal of an a. Mat. 21. 5. 14. 15. so be the plague of the a. Mat. 21. 2. ye shall find an a. tied Luke 13. 15. each loose his a. on Sab. 14. 5. shall have an a. fallen into pit John 12. 14. had found a young- «. sat 2 Pet. 2. 10. the dumb a. speaking See Saddle. ASS'S COLT. Gen. 49. 11. binding his a. c. to vine Job 11. 12. man born like a wild a c. John 12. 15. king sitting on an a. colt Wild ASS. Job 0. 5. a. bray when he hath grass 39. 5. who hath sent out u: a. free ? Jer. 2. 24. a. used to the wilderness Hos. 8. 9. a wild a. alone by himself ASSES. Judg. 5. 10. ye that ride on white a. 1 Sam. 8. 16. he will take your a. 9. 3. the a, of Kish were lost 2 Sam. 10. 2. a. for king's household 1 Chron. 27. 30. over a. was Jehdeiah 2 Chron. 28. 15. carried feeble on a. Job 42. 12. Job had a thousand sheer. Isa. 21. 7. he saw a chariot of a. Ezek. 23. 20. whose flesh as flesh of a. 17 ASS Wild ASSES. Job 24. 5. as wild a. go they forth Psal. 104. 11. a. quench their thirst Isa. 32. 14. forts shall be a joy of w a Jer. 14. 0. w. a. snuffed up wind Dan. 5. 21. Neb. dwell, was with w.a. Young ASSES. Isa. 30. 0. their riches on young a. 24. y. a. that ear the ground ASSEMBLE. Isa. 11. 12. he shall a. outcasts () f Ts 45. 20. a. and come, draw near 18. 14. all yea. yourselves, and hear Jer. 4. 5. a. and let us go into cities 8. 14. why sit still ? a. let us Ezek. 11. 17. I will a. jou out of 39. 17. a. gather to my sacrifice Hos. 7. 14. they a. for corn and wiiu Joel 2. 10. a. elders, gather the child 3. 11. a. and come, all ye heathen Jvios 3. 9. a. on mount of Samaria Mic. 2. 12. I will surely a. O Jacob 4. 6. I will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to ASSEMBLED 1 Sam. 2. 22. lay with women that cr. Ezra I). 4. a. every one that trembled Neh.9. 1 ch. of Israel a. with fasting Psal. 48. 4. lo the kings were a. Isa. 43. 9. let the people be a. who Jer.b.l.a.hy troops in harlots' houses Mat. 28. 12. when a. gave large mon. John 20. 19. disciples a. for fear of Acts 1. 4. being a. not to departfrom 4. 31. shaken where they were a. II. 20. whole year a. with church 15. 25. it seemed good to us a. ASSEMBLING. Heb. 10. 25. forsake not the a. togeth. ASSEMBLY. Gen. 49. to their a. mine honour E.rod. IS, 3. to kill a. with hunger Lev. 4. 13. hid from the ey»s of the: 8. 21. I am black, a. hath taken 85. 9. I will make them an a. 18. 11. land be a desolation and a. 29. 18. I'll deliver them to be an a. 42. 18. execration and an a. 44 12. 44. 22. therefore is your land an a. 51. 37. Babylon shall become a. Exek. 4. 16. drink water with a. 18. 19 5. 15. an a. to the nations about thee 23. 33. shait he filled with cup of a. Cech. 12.4. I will smite horse with a. AiTKtv; tee Went, Go, Gone. ASTROLOGERS. Im. «7 12. let now a. star.gaiers Dan. 1. 20. ten times better than a. t. 27. the secret cannot the a. show 4. 7. came in magicians and a. 5. 7. king cried to bring in the a. ASUNDKK; ftttCLEAVB, CUT.DlYIDE, Tut. ATE. Pial 106. M. a. sacrifices of the dead Dan. 10. 3. I a. no pleasant bread Her. 10. 10. little book, and a. it up ATHIRST. Mot. 25. 44. when saw we thee a. R*v. 21. 6. I'll give to him that is a. AVS 7fei-.22.17. say, let him that is a. come ATONEMENT. Exod. 30. 16. shalt take a. money Lev A. 20. a. for them and be forgiven 26. 31. 35. | 5. 6. | 6. 7. j 12. 8. | .14. 18. Num. 15. 25. 9. 7. make a. for thyself, 16. 24. 16. 10. the scape-goat to make a. 17. no man there, when maketh a. 34. statute to make a. once a year 23. 28. do no work, it is a day of a. 25. 9. day of a. make trump, sound Nujn. 16. 46. make a. for wrath is 31. 50. ear-rinrrs to make an a. 2 Sum. 21. 3. wherewith make a. Rom. 5. 11. by whom we have rec. a. ATTAIN. Ptnl. 139. 6. high, I cannot a. unto it Prov. I. 5. man of unders. a. wisdom Hot. 8. 5. ere they a. to innocency ? Phil. 3. 1 1. I might a. to res. of dead ATTAINED. Gen. 47. 9. not a. to days of fathers Rom. 9. 30. Gentiles have a. to right. 31. Is. hath not a. to law of right. Phil. 3. 12. as though I had already a. 16. we have already a. let us walk 1 Tim. 4. 6. doctrine whereto thou a. ATTEND. Psal. 17. 1. a. to my cry, 61.1 | 142.6. 55. 2. a. to me, 1 mourn and make 86. 6. a. to the voice of my supplic. Prot\ 4. 1. a. to know understanding 20. my son, a. to my words, 7. 24. 5. 1. my son, a. to my wisdom 1 Cor. 7.35.attend on L. without distr. ATTENDANCE. 1 Tim. 4. 13. give a. to reading lleb. 7. 13. no man gave a. at altar ATTENDED. Job 35. 12. I a. none convinced Job Psal. 66. 19. he hatha, to my prayer Acta 16.14. she a. to things sp. by Faul ATTENDING. Rom. 13. 6. ministers a. continually ATTENT. 2 Chron. 6. 40. let thine ears be a. 7. 15. shall be a. to the prayer ATTENTIVE. Neli 1. 6. let thine ear now be a. 11. Psal. 130. 2. 8. 3. ears of peop were a. Lu. 19.48. ATTENTIVELY. Job 37. 2. hear a. noise of his voice ATTIRE. Prov. 7. 10. woman with a. of harlot Jer. 2. 32. can a bride forget her a. ? Exek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. AVAILETH. Gal, 5. 6. in Christ cir. a not, 6. 15. Jam. 5. 16. praver of right, a. much AUDIENCE. Exod. 24. 7. took book and read in a. 1 Chron. 28. 8. in a. of our God keep Neh. 13. 1. they read in the a. Luke 7. 1. ended his sayings in the a. 20. 45. in a. of the people lie said Acts 13. 16. ye that fear God, give «. 15. 12. multitude gave a. to Barnab. 22. 22. they gave him a. to this word AVENGE. Lev. 19. 18. thou shalt not a. I 26. 25. a. the quarrel of my covenant Num. 31. 2. a. Israel of Midianites, 3. Deut. 32. 43. a. blood of his servants 1 Satn. 24. 12. the Lord a. me of thee Isa.\.2i. 1 will a. me of mine enemies Jer. 46. lO.of vengeance that he maya. Hos. 1. 4. I will a. blood of Jezreel Luke 18. 3. a. me of mine adversary 7. shall not God a. his own elect 8. he will a. them speedily Rom. 12. 19. beloved, a. not yourselves Rev. 6. 10. dost thou riot a. our Wood 18 AW A AVENGED Gen. 4. 24. if Cain be a. seven-fold Jo*/i.]0.13.sun stayefl till peop.had a. Judg. 15. 7. done this, yet 1 will be a. 16. 2ft. a. of Philis. for my two eyes 1 Sam. 14. 24. food, that I may be a. 18. 25. hundred foreskins to be a. 25. 31. or that my L. hath a. himsel 2 Saw. 4.8. L.hath a. my lord the king 18. 19. how the Lord hatha, him Jer. 5. 9. my soul be a. 29. | 9. 9. Acts 7. 24. Moses a. him oppressed Rev. 18. 20. God hath a. you on her 19. 2. hath a. blood of his servants AVENGER. Num. 35. 12. refuge from a. Josh.10.2. Deut. 19. 6. lest a. pursue the slayei 12. the elders deliver him to a. Josh. 20. 5. if the a. pursue after hiia Psal. 8. 2. thou mightest 6till the a. 44.16. by reason of the enemy and a. i Then. 4. 6. Lord is a. of all such AVENGETH. 2 5am. 22. 48. God a. me, Psal. I8.il. AVENGING. Judg. 5. 2. praise L. for a. of Israel AVERSE. Mie. 2. 8. as men a. from war AUGMENT. Num. 32. 14 to a. the fierce anger AUNT. Lev. 18. 14. to his wife, she is thy a. AVOUCHED. Deut.'lQ \l.a. the Lord to be thy God 18. a. thee to be his people AVOID. Prov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it Rom. 16. 17. cause divisions, and a. 2 Tim. 2. 23. unlearned questious a. Tit. 3. 9. a. foolish questions AVOIDING. 2 Cor. 8. 20. a. this, that no man 1 Tim. 6. 20. a. profane babblings AUSTERE. Luke 19. 21. bee. thou art an a. man AUTHOR. 1 Cor. 14. 33. God not a. of confusion Heb. 5. 9. he became a. of salvation 18. 2. Jesus, the a. and finisher AUTHORITY. Prov. 29. 2. when righteous are in a. Mat. 7.29. as one having a. Mar. \. 21. 8. 9. I am a man under a. Lu. 7. 8. 20. 25. great exercise a. Mar. 10. 42. 21. 23. by what a. Mark U. 28. Mar. 1. 27. for with a, com. unclean spirits, Luke 4. 36. 13. 34 gave a. to his servants Luke 9. 1. power and a. over all de. 19. 17. have thou a. over ten citi-s 20. 20. deliver him to a. of gover. 22. 25. exercise a. called benefactor* John 5. 27. a. to execute judgment Acts 8. 27. eunuch of great a. 9. 14. he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12. 1 Cor. 15. 24. have put down all a. 2 Cor. 10. 8. boast somewh more of a 1 Tim. 2. 2. supplication for all in a 12. woman to usurp a. over the Tit. 2. 15. ex. and rebuke with al! . Isa. 3. 4. princes and b. shall rule Mat.ll.25. revea. them to b. Lu.10.21. Rom. 2. 20. a teacher of b. 1 Cor. 3. 1. even as unto b. in Christ I Pet. 2. 2. as new-born b. desire BACK. 1 Ki. 14. 9. me behind thy b. Ez.23.35 Psal. 21. 12. shalt make them turn 129. 3. plowed on my b. [their b. Prop. 10. 13. rod for b. 19. 29. | 26. 3. Isa. 38. 17. cast my sins behind thy b. 50. 6. I gave my b. to the smiters Jer. 2. 27. have turned b. unto me 18. 17. I will show b. not the face 32. 33. turned to me b. and not fare 48.39. Moab turned the b. with shame Rom. 11. 10. bow down their b. alw. BACK-PARTS. Exod. 33. 23. thou shalt see my b.-p. BACKS. Neh.9.26. cast thy law behind their h. Ezek. 8. 16. their 6. towards the tern. 10. 12. whole body, and b. full of See TURNED- BACKBITERS. Rom. 1. 30. b. haters of God BACKBITETH. Psal. 15. 3. that b. not with his ton. BACKBITING, S. Prov. 25. 23. a b. tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20 lest there be debates, b. BACKSLIDER. Pro. 14. 14. b. in heart be filled BACKSLIDING, S. Jer. 2. 19. thy b. shall reprove thee 3. 6. seen what b. Israel hath done 8. whereby b. Israel com. adultery 3. 11. b. Israel hath justified herself 12 return, thou b. Israel, saith L. 14. turn, O b. children, saith L. 22. 5. 6. because their b. increased 8. 5. slidden back by a perpetual b. 14. 7. for our b. are many Jer. 31. 22. O b. daughter, 49. 4. Hos. 4. 16. Is. slideth ba( k as a b. heif. 11. 7. people are bent to b. from me 14. 4. I will heal their b. I will BACKWARD. Gen. 9. 23. went b. their faces were b. 49. 17. so that his rider shall fall b. 2 Ki. 20. 10. shadow return b. 7x38.8. Job 23. 8. b. I cannot perceive him Ps. 40. 14. driven b. that wish me evil 70. 2. turned b. that desire my hurt Isa. I. 4.theyare gone away b. 28. 13. that they might go and fall b. 44. 25. that turneth wise men b. 59. 14. judgment is turned away b. Jer. 7. 24. they went b. not forward 15. 6. thou art gone b. therefore Lam. ]. 8. Jerus. sigheth and turn. t>. John 18. 6. they went b. and fell to BAD. Gen. 24. 50. cannot speak b. or good 31. 24. to Jacob good or b. 29. Lev. 27. 10. a good for a />. or a b. for Num. 13. 19. the land it good or b. 24. 13. to do either good or b. of mi. 2 Sam. 13. 22. Abs. spake good nor b 14. 17. the king to discern good or b 1 Kin. 3. 9. I may discern good and b. Mat. 13. 48. good but cast the 6.away 22. 10. good and b. and the wedding 2 Cor. 5. 10. done, whether good or b. BADNESS. Gen. 41. 19. never saw for b. BADE, EST. Gen. 27. 19. I have done as thou b. Lttke\4.9. he that b. thee and him.lO 16. made a supper, and b. many Acts 11. 12. Spirit b. me go With them 19 BAL Acts 18. 21. hut b. them farewell BADGERS'-SKINS. Exod.26. 14. covering above of b.-skiru 35. 7. rams'-skins dyed red, b.-skiru Ezek. 16. 10. 1 shod thee with b..sk. BAG. Deut. 25. 13. in thy b. divers weights 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones in a 6. Job 14. 17. my trans, is sealed iu a b. Prov. 7. 20. hath taken a b. of money 16. 11. weights of b. are his work. Isa. 46. 6. lavish gold out of the b. Mic. 6 11. /;. of deceitful weights Hag. 1. 6. wages to put in a b. with John 12. 6. was a thief, and had the b. 1.°. 29. because Judas had the 6. BAGS. 2 A7.5.23.bound two talents in two b 12. 10. they put up in b. Luke 12. 33. provide b. that wax not BAKE. Exod. 16.23. b. that you will b. to-day Lev. 24. 5. and b. twelve cakes there. 26. 26. ten women shall /;. 1 Sa?n. 28. 24. woman at Eudor did b Ezek. 4. 12. shalt />. it with man's d, BAKE-MEATS. Gen. 40. 17. b.-meats for Pharaoh BAKEN. I Ki. 19. 6. a cake was b. on the coals BAKER Gen. 40. 1. b. had offended the king 22. hanged b. as - T oseph interpre. 41. 10. put in ward both chief b. Hos. 7. 4. as an oven heated by the b. 6. their b. sleepeth all the night BAKERS. Gen. 40. 2. wroth against chief of b. 1 Sam. 8. 13. your daughters to be b Jer. 37. 21. bread out of b. street IiAKETH. Isa. 44. 15. he b. bread, yea he BALD. Lev. 13. 40. he is b. yet clean, 41. 2 Kings 2. 23. go up thou b. head, go Jer. 16. 6. nor make thenis. b. for 48. 37. every head shall be b. Ez. 27. 31. shall make themselves b. 29. 18. evcrv head was made 6. Mic. 1. 16. make thee b. and poll thee BALD-LOCUST. Lev. 11. 22. ye may eat the b.-locutt BALDNESS. Lev. 21. 5. not make b. on their head Deut. 14. 1. any b. between your eyes Isa. 3. 24. instead of well-set hair, b. 15. 2. on heads b and beard cut 22. 12. the Lord did call. to b. Jer. 47. 5. b. is come upon Gaza Ez. 7. 18. b. on their head-, Am.&. 10. Mic. 1. 16. enlarge thy />. as the eagle BALANCE. Jo/>31.6. let me be weighed in even b. Psal. 62. 9. laid in b. are vanity Prov. 1 1. 1. a false b. is ahom. 20. 23. 16. 1 1. just weight and //. are Lord's Isa. 40 \2 who weiyhed hills in a b.f 15. nations as small dust of the b. 46. 6. and weigh silver in the b. BALANCES. Lev. 19. 36. just b. Ezek. 45. Ill Job 6. 2. my calamity laid in the b. Ezek. 5. I. take b. to weigh, and Dan. 5. 27. in the b. and found want Hos. 12. 7. b. of deceit in his hand Amos 8. 5. falsifying the b. by deceit Mic. 6. 11. pure with wicked b.f Rev. 6. 5. he that sat on him had b. BALANCINGS. Job 37. 16. know the b. of the clouds BALL. Isa. 22. 18. he will toss thee like a b BALM. Gen. 37. Vb. Ishmaelitea bearing b. BAN Gen. 43. 11. take a little b. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead 46. 11. to Gilead, and take b. O vir. 51. 8 howl, take b. for her pain Ezek. 27.17. Judah traded in honey b. BAND, S. Lev. 26. 13. brok. the b. of your yoke Ju.dg. 15. 14. b. loosed off his hands 2 Ki. 23. 33. Phar. put Jehoahaz in b. Job 38. 9. darkness a swaddling b. 31. or loose the b. of Orion.? S ( .i. 5. loosed the b. of the wild ass? 10. bind the unicorn with his b. ? Psal. 2. 3. let us break their b. asun. 73. 4. there are no b. in their death 107. 14. he brake their b. in sunder Eccl. 7. 26. heart snares, hands as b. Isa. 28. 22. lest 6. be made strong 52. 2. loose thys. from b. of thy neck 58. 6. to loose the b. of wickedness Jer. 2. 20. I have burst thy b. Ezek. 3. 25. they shall put , b. on thee 4. 8. I will lay b. upon thee 34. 27. broken the b. of their yoke Dan. 4. 15. even with a b. of iron, 23. Hon. 11. 4 drew them with b. of love Zech. 1 1. 7. two staves, beauty and b. 14. 1 cut mine other staff, even b. Luke 8 29. he brake b. and was driv. Acts 16. 2C. every one's b. were loosed 22. 30. cen. loosed Paul from his b. Col. 2. 19. which all the body by b. See Bonds. BAND, S. Gen. 32. 1ft. now I am become two b. 1 Sam. 10. 26. went with him a b. of 2 Kings 13. 21. bury, a man, spied a b. 24. 2. Lord sent a. <-f Chaldeans, b. 1 Ch. 12. 18. Dav. made them cap. of b. 21. David ag. the b. of the rovers Job 1. 17. Chald. made three b. and Psal. 119. 61. b. of wicked robbed me Prov. 30. 27. the locusts go by b. Ezek. 12. 14. 1 will scatter all his b. 38. 22. I will rain on him and his 6. il/v<.27.27.to him whole b. Mark 15. 16. John 18. 3. Judas having received b. 12. the b. took Jesus Acts 10. 1. b. called the Italian b. 21. 31. tidings came to cap. of the b. 27.1. to Julius cent, of Augustus' b. BANDED. Acts 23. 12. certain of the Jews b. BANK. Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the b. Dent 4. 48. Aroer by the b. of Ar- non, Josh. 12. 2. | 13. 9, 16 2 Sam. 20. 15. cast up a b. ag. the city 2 Kings 2. 13. Elisha stood by the b. 19. 32. not cast a b. Isa. 37. 33. Ezek. 47. 7. at b of river many trees Dan. 12. 5. one on this side, other on that side of the b. Luke 19 23. my monev into the b. ? BANKS. Josh, 3. 15. Jordan overfl. his b. 4. 18 BANNER. Psal. 60. 4. aft. to them that fear thee Cant. 2. 4. his b. over me was love /*«. 13. 2, '.ilt ye up a b. on mountain BANNERS. Psal. 20. 5. name of G. set up our b. Cant. 6. 4. terrible as an army with b. BANISHED. 2 Sam. 14. 13. fetch home his b. 14. that his b. be not expelled BANISHMENT. Ezra 7. 26. whether to death or b. Lam. 2. 14. have seen causes of b. BANQUET. Esth. 5. 4. and Hainan come to b. 5.8. 6 to Esther at b. of wine, 7. 2. Job 41. 6. com pan. make a b. of him <»migs 10. 7. put their heads in ft. Jer. G.9.as grape-gatherer into the ft. 24. 1. two ft. of figs before the temple Mat. 14. 20. twelve 6. full, Mark 6. 43. Luke 9. 17. John (5. 13 15. 37. broken meat 7 ft. Mark 8. 8. 1G. 9, not remember how many ft. f 10. Murk 8. 19, 20. BASIN. 1 Uiron. 28. 17. gold for every ft. John 13. 5. he poureth water into aft. BASINS. 2 Sam. 17. 28. Barzillai brought ft. Jer. 52. 19. ft. captain took away BASTARD, S. Dent, 23. 2. a ft. shall not enter cong. Zech. 9. 6. and a ft. in Ashdod Heb. 12. 8.without chast. then are ft. BATH. Isa. 5. 10. ten acres shall yield one ft. Ezek. 45. 10. a just ephah, a just ft. 11. ephah and ft. of one measure 14. offer the tenth part of a ft. BATHED. Isa. 34.5. my sword shall be ft. in hea. BATHS. 1 Ki.7.26. molten sea contained 2000 ft. 3*. one laver contained 40 ft. 2 Chron, 2. 10. give 20,000 ft. of wine 4. 5. the sea held 3000 ft. Ezra 7. 22. ft. of wine, 100 ft. of oil Ezek. 45. 14. ten ft. are an homer BAT, S. Lev. 11. 19. ft. are unclean, Deut. 14.18. Isa. 2. 20. idols to the moles and ft. BATTLE. Deut. 20. 3. C Israel, you appro, to ft. 5. lest he die in the 6. 6, 7. Judg. 20. 28. shall I yet go to ft. ? 1 Sam. 17. 28. thou art come to see ft. 47. ft. is the Lord's, 2 Chr. 20. 15. 2(5. 10. descend into ft. and perish 28. 1. thou shalt go with me to ft. 2 Sam. 11. 1. when kings go forth to ft. 1 Chron. 20. 1. 15. set Uriah in forefront of ft. 19. 10. Absalom is dead in ft. 1 Kings 8. 44. if thy people go to ft. 20. 39 thy servant into midst of ft. 22. 4 go with me to ft.? 2 Kin. 3. 7. 1 Chron.b. 20. cried to God in the ft. 12. 8. Gadites men tit for the ft. Job 15. 24. as a king ready to the ft. 21 Job 39 25. he smelleth the 6. afar off 41. 8. remember the ft. do no more Psal 18.39. girded with strength toft. 24. 8. the Lord mighty in ft. 55.18. delivered my soul from the ft. 76. 3. he brake the shield, and the ft. 89. 43. not made to stand in the 6. Err.l. 9. 11. nor ft to the strong Isa, 9. 5. every ft. of the war'ior is 13. 4. L. mustereth the host of the b. 22. 2. thy slain are not dead in ft. 27. 4. who set briars ag. m« in ft. 28. fi. that turn the ft. to Hie gate 42. 25. on him the strength of the K Jer. 8. 6. as horse rusheth into the 6 18.21. their young men be slain in ft 50. 22. a sound of 6. is in land Ezek. 7. 14. but none goeth to the 6 13. 5. to stand in the ft. in day of L Hos. 1. 7. I will not save them by ft 2. 18. 1 will break ft. out of the earth 10. 9. ft. in Gibeah not overtake Joel 2. 5. as a strong peo. in ft. nrra Zech. 10. 3. as goodly horse in the ft, 5. tread their enemies in the ft. . 14. 2. all nations ag. Jerusa. to ft. ' 1 Cor. 14. 8. who shall prep, to the ft. Rer.9. 7. locusts like horses prep.to ft. 9. sound of chariots running to ft. 16. 14. to theft.ofthatgreatday,20.8. Day of BATTLE. Job. 38. 23. t reserved against day ft. Psal. 78. 9 Ephraim turned in ft. 140. 7. covered my head in 6. Prov. 21. 31. horse is prep, againstft. Battli -Axe, swAxe. BATTLE-BOW. Zech. 9. 10. the b.-boic shall be cut off 10. 4. out of him came forth the ft.-ft. BATTLES. 1 Sam. 18. 17. and fight the Lord's ft. 25. 28. my lord fighteth ft. of Lord 1 Chr. 26. 27. spoils won in 6. dedicate 2 Chron. 32. 8. is God. to fight our ft. Isa. 30. 32. and in ft. of shaking BATTERING. Ezek. 4. 2. and set ft. rams round 21. 22. to appoint ft. rams ag. gates BATTLEMENT, S. Deut. 22. 8. make a 6. for thy roof ; Jer. 5. 10. take away her ft BAY. Zech. 6.3. in fourth chariot ft. horsea 7. the ft. went forth and sought to BAY- TREE. Psal.37.Sb. wicked like a green b.-tree BDELLIUM. Gen. 2. 12. in Havilah there is ft. Kum. 11. 7. colour of manna as ft. BE. Judg. G. 13. if the Lord be with us 2CAr.3fi.23. L.fte with him,£^ro 1.3. Joint 3. 9. how can these things bet Rom. 4. 17. things which be not as 8. 31. if God fteTor us, who can be Gal. 4. 12. fteas 1 am, for I am as ye Shall BE, or shalt BE. Eccf. 1. 9. been, is that which shall ft. A/a£24.21.nor ever shallbe,Mar. 13. 19 Mark 9. 19. hew long shall I be with you, Luke 9. 41. John 14. 17. with you, and shall ftem I John 3. 2. yet appear what we sh. be Rev. 16. 5. art, and wast, and shalt ft* Shall not, or shalt not BE. PsaL 37. 10. it shall not be, Jer. 4» 30. Dan. 11. 29. Amos 7- 3, 6 Hos. 3. 3. s. n. be for another man M'U. 16. 22. this shall not be to thee 20. 26. shall not be so among you Mark 10. 43. Luke 22. 2. the reproach PI. 12. k thee up, Mat. 4.6. LuA. II. Frov. 9. 12. scornest, thou shalt b. it 18. 14. wounded spirit who can b. ?. .'50.21. and for four which it cannot b. Ifa. 1. 14. feasts, 1 am weary to b. 46. 4. I have made and will b. you 7. they b. him upon the shouUer 52. 11. clean that b. vessels of L. Jer. 10. 19. is a grief, and I must 6. it 17. 21. 6. no burden on sabbath, 27. 31. 19. b. the reproach of my youth 44. 22. so Lord could no longer b. Lam. 3. 27. good he />. yoke in his yo. Ezek. 12. 6. in their sight shalt b. 16. 52. b. own shame for thy sins, 54. Ezek. 34. 29. b. shame of heath. 3G. 15. Mir. 6. 10. b. reproach of my people 7. 9. I will b. indignation of Lord t,ech. 5. 10. whither b. the ephah ? 6. 13. he shall b. glory, and rule Mat. 3. 11. shoes not worthy to b. 27. 32. Simon to b. his cross, Mark 15. 21. Luke 23. 26. Lu. 14.27. whoso, doth not b. his cross 18. 7. avenge his elect, tho' he b. John 16.12.but ye cannot b. them now ActsQ. 15. chosen vessel to b. my name 15. 10. fathers nor we were able to b. 18. i4. reason would I should b. Rom. 15. 1. b. infirmities of the weak 1 Cor. 3. 2. hitherto not able to b. it 10. 13 that ye may be able to b. it 15. 49. b. the image of the heavenly 2 Cor. 11. 1. would to God ye could b. 4. ye might well b. with him Gal. 6. 2. b. one another's burdens 5. man shall b. his own burden 17. b. in my body the marks Jam. 3. 12. fig-tree b. olive-berries? Vev. 2. 2. canst not b. them that are Beau fruit, see Fruit. BEAR iniquity. E.rod. 28.38. Aaron may b. in. of holy 43. Aaron and his sons b. not in. Lev. 5. 1. he shall b. his iniquity, 17. | 7. 18. | 17. 16 | 19.8. | 20. 17. 10. 17 given to b. in. of the cong. IS. 92. the goat shall b. all their in. BEA Zet-.20.I9. they shall b. their m. "Sum. 18. 23. Ezek. 44. 10, 12. Num. 14.31.ye shall b. your in. 40 ye. Isa. 53. 11. my righteous servant shall b. their iniquity Ezek A. 4. of days shalt b. their in. 5,6. 18.20. son shall not b. i. of the father BEAR judgment. Erod. 28. 30. Aaron shall b. j. Gal. 5. 10. troubleth you shall b. his/ Bear record, see Record. BEAR rule. Eslh. 1. 22. every man shall b. rule in his house Prov. 12. 24. hand of diligent b. rule Jer. 5. 31. priests b. r. by their means BEAR sin. Lev.24. 15. whoso, curs, shall b.h\ssin Ezek. 23. 49. b. the sin of your idols Heb. 9.28. C. was once offered to b. sin BEAR wit?iess. Ex.QO. 16.not i.false 7r.aga. thy neigh. Deut. 5. 20 Mat. 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. 1 Kin. 21. 10. sons of Belial to b. wit. il/«r. 10. 19.do not />. false w. Lu.\8.20 Luke 11. 48. ye b. wit that ye allow John 1. 7. came for a witness to b. w 8. sent to b. witness of that light 3. 28. ye yours, b. me w. that I said 5. 31. if I b. wit. of myself my will). 36. works b. witness of me, 10. 25. 8. 18. 1 am one that b. wit. of mys. 15. 27. ye shall also b. nit. because 18. 23. evil, b. tvitness of the evil 37. came I, that I should b. wit. Acts22. 5. high-priest doth b. me w. 23. 11. so must thou b. to. at Rome 1 John 1. 2. we have seen it, and b.vs. 5. 8. three that b. icitness in earth BEAR. Gen. 17. 17. Sarah 90 years old b. f 18. 13.shall I b. a child, which am old Judg. 13. 3. conceive and b. a son 1 Ki. 3. 21. it was not my son I did b. Cant. 4. 2. every one b. twins, 6. 6. Isa. 7. 14. a virgin shall con. and b. a 54. 1. sing, thou that didst not b. Jer. 29. 6. that they may b. sons Luke 1. 13. Elisabeth shall b. a son I 2\'m.5.14.younger marry.&.children B BAREST. Psal. 106.4.favour thou 0. to thy peop John%. 13. thou b. record of thyself Rom. 11. 18. b. not the root, but Gal. 4. 27. reioice barren that b. not BEARETH. Num. 11. 12. as a nursing father 6. Deut. 29. 18. a root that b. gall • 23. it is not sown, nor b. nor 32. 11. as an eagle b. her young Job. 24. 21. evil-entreateth barren Cant. 6. 6. every one b. twins Joel 2. 22. for the tree b. her fruit Mat. 13. 23. which also b. frU t . nd John 15. 2. every branch that I. not Rom. 13. 4. b. not the sword in vain 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity b. all things Heb. 6. 8. which b. thorns is rejected BEARETHn//«. Prov. 29.2. wicked b. /-.people mourn BEARETH witness. Job 16.8. my leanness b. w.to my face Prov. 25. 18. that b. false w. is a maul John 5. 32. another that b. u: of me 8. 18. the Father b. icitnes of me Rom. 8. 16. Spirit b w. with our spirit 1 John 5 6. it is the Spirit that b. w. BEARING. Gen. 1. 29. every herb, b. seed 16. 2. hath restrained me from b. Josh. 3. 3. b. the ark, 14. 2 Sam. 15. 24. Psal 126. 6. forth b. precious seed Mark 14. 13. b a pitcher of water, Luke 22. 10. 22 BEA John 19. 17. he b. his cross, went Rom. 2. 15. their conscience/', witn 9. 1. my conscience also b. me witn. 2 Cor. 4. 10. b. in the body the dying Heb. 2. 4. God also b. them witness 13. 13. forth to him b. his reproac'n 1 Tim. 2.15. be saved in child-bearing BEAR, S. 1 Sam. 17. 34. came a lion and a b. 36. thy servant slew lion and b. 2 Sam. 17. 8. chafed, as a b. robbed 2 Kings 2. 24. came forth two she-ft Prov. 17. 12. a b. robbed of whelps 28. 15. and a ranging b Isa. 11. 7. cow and b. shall feed 59. 11. we roar all like b. Lam. 3. 10. he was to me as a b. Dan. 7. 5. beast, a second like to a b. Hos. 13. 8. meet them as a b. bereaved Amos 5. 19.as if a man did flee from a 5 Rev. 13. 2. his feet were as of a b. BEARD, S. Lev. 13.29. hath a plague on head or b. 14. 9. his hair off his head and b. 19. 27. nor mar corners of b. 21. 5. 1 Sam. 17. 35. 1 caught him by his b. 21. 13. David let his spittle fall on b. 2 Sam. 10. 5. tarry till /). be grown 1 Chron. 19. 5, 19. 24. Mephi. trimmed not his b. 20. 9. Amasa by the b. to kiss him Ezra 9. 3. plucked off hair ol my b. Psal. 133. 2. on the b. even Aaron's b. Isa. 7. 20. it shall also consume b. 15. 2. baldness, and every A. cut off Jer. 41. 5. fourscore men b. shaven 48. 37. every head bald, every b. clip. Ezek. 5.1. cause razor to pass on thy 6. BEAST. Gen. 1.24. let the earth bring forth b. 3. i. serp. more subtil than any b. 37. 20. evil b. hath devoured hi in, 33. E.rod. 13. 12. every firstling of a b. 22. 5. put his b. in another m. field 10. deliver any b. to keep 19. lieth with a.b. put to death, Let?. 18. 23. | 20. 15, 16. Deut 27. 21. 23. 29. the b. multiply against thee Lev. 11. 47. b. that may be eaten Deut. 4. 17. the likeness of any b. Neh. 2. 12. save the b. 1 rode on Psal. 73. 22. I was as a /;. before thee 147. 9. he giveth to the b. his food Prov. 12. 10. regards life ol his b. Eccl. 3. '.9. no pre-eminence above a b. Isa. 43. 20. the 6. shall honour me 63. 14. as a 6. that goeth into the val. DanA. 16. let a/), heart be given him 7. 1 1. I beheld till the b. was slain 19. know the truth of the fouith b. Luke 10. 34. set him on his own b. Acts 28. 5. Paul shook off the b. Heb. 12. 20. if so much as a b. touch Rev. 4. 7. first b. like a lion, second b 6. 3. second b. say, come and see 11. 7. b. that ascendeth out of pit 13. ]. a b. rise up out of the sea 11. b. coming out of the earth 15. 2. got the victory over the b. 16. 13. unclean spirits out of b. 17. 8. the b. that was, and is not, 1J 19. 19. I saw the b. and the kings 20. 10. where the b. and false proph. Evert/ BEAST. Gen. 1. 30. to ev. b. I ha\ e given herb 2. 19. ground God formed every b. 20. Adam gave names to every b 3. 14. thou art cursed above every b 7. 2. of every clean b. by sevens, 8. 14. they and every b. after his kind 8. 19. every b. went out of the ark 20. of every clean b. he offered 9.2. dread of you shall be on eveiij b. 5. your blood at hand of every b\ BEA Gen, 9.10. witli every b. I estab. coven. 34.23 6hall not«. b. of theirs be ours Lev. 11. 2G. every b. which divideth the hoof, Dent. 14. 6. Ps. 50. 10. e. b. of the forest is mine 104. 11. they give drink to every b. Ezek. 34. 8. my flock meat to tray b. 39. 17. son of man, speak to eveiy b. BEAST, joined with Man. Gen.GM. I will destroy both ?w.and b. Exo.\].~.dog move tongue ag.7M.or b. 12. 12. smite lirst.born of m. and b. J 3. 15. Psal. 135. 8. 13. 2. first-born of m. and b. is mine Num. 8. 1 7. 19. 13. ;». or b. it shall not live I'saf. 36. (J. thou preservest in. and b. Jer. 7. 20. fury on m. and b 21. 6. | 3G. 29. Ezek. 14. 13, 17. 19, 21. j 25. 13. | 29. 8. Zeph. 1. 3. 27. 5. I haye made man and b. 31. 27. sow Judahwith seed of m. 32. 43. without m. or />. 33. 10, 12. | 36. 29. | 51 . 62. 50. 3. they shall depart, m. and b. Ezek.36. 11. multiply on you m. and b. Jo«.3.7.1et not j/i.or b. taste any thing Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5. 2. soul touch any u. A. 7. 21. 27. 11. if it be m. b. of which, 27. mid BEAST. 5 A7.I4. 9. w.b.in Lebanon,2 C7i.25.18. . 30. 30. a lion strongest among b. Eccl. 3. 18. see that themselves are b. 19. which befalleth men, bef. b. Isa. 30. 6. burden of b. of the south 40. 16. nor b. thereof a burnt-otter. 46. 1. their idols on the b. and cattle 66. 20. upon swift b. to my holy m. Jer. 9. 10. /;. fled || 12. 4. consumed Ezek. 5. 17. I will send evil b. 14. 15. 32. 4. All b. of whole earth with thee 13. destroy all the b. 34. 25, 28. Dan. 4. 14. b. getaway from under it 15. his portion be with the b. 7. 17. these four great b. are kings 8. 4. no b. might stand before him Joel 1. 18. how do the b. groan Hab. 2. 17. spoil of b. Zeph. 2. 15. become a place for b. Zech. 14. 15. the plague of all the b Acts 7. 42. ottered to me slain b. ? 23. 24. b. that ye may set Paul on Rom. 1. 23. image made like to b 1 Cor. 15. 32. if I have fought with b. Jam 3. 7. b. is tamed, but tongue 2 Pet. 2. 12. a3 natural brute b. speak Jude 10. know naturally as brute b. Rett. 4. 6. four b. full of eyes 8. four b. had each six wings 9. when thoio b. give glory fJEA Re4\b. din midst of 4 b. stood a I.amb 14. the four b. said, Amen 6. 1. b. saying, come and see, 15. 7. 7. 11. angels stood about four b. 14. 3. a new song before b. 19.4.and four ft.fell down to worship BEASTS of the Earth. Deut. 28. 26. carcase meat to all b. 1 Sam. 17. 4G. carcases of Phil, to b Job 5. 22. nor be afraid of fhe b. 35. 11. teacheth us more than b. Pml. 79. 2. flesh of thy saints to b. Isa. 18. 6. they shall be left to b- Jer.l 33.carcases of peop. meat fori. of the earth, 1G. 4. | 19. 7. j 34. 20. 15. 3. I will appoint over them b. Acts 10. 12. of four-footed b. 11.6. Rett. 6. 8. kill with hunger and b. BEASTS of the Field. Exod. 23. 1 1. poor leave, b. may eat Deut 7. 22. lest b. increase upon thee 1 Sam. 17.44. 1 will give thy flesh to b. 2 Sam. 21. 10. nor b. of the f. by night Job 5.23.6. shall be at. peace with thee 40. 20. mountains where b. play Ps. 8. 7. hast put b. under his feet Isa. 56. 9: all ye b. come to devour Jer. 12. 9. assemble all b. of the field 27. 6. b. given him, 2S. 14. Dan.-2..i8. Ezek. 29. 5. I have given thee for meat to the b. 31. 5. | 3.'). 4. 3!. 6. under branches b. bring forth 13. b. shall be on his branches 38.20. b. shall shake at my presence Dan. 4. 12. the b. had shadow 25. thy dwelling with 6. 32. Hot. 2. 18. covenant for them with b. 4. 3. shall land mourn with b. Joel 1.20.6.cry also to thee, for rivers 2. 22. be not afraid, ye b. pastures Wild BEASTS. Lev.26.22. 1 will send w.b. among you 1 Sam. 17.46. carcases of Phil, to w.b. Psal. 50. 11. the w. b are mine Isa. 13. 21. but w. b. shall lie there 22. wild b. of the islands shall cry 34.14. w.b. of desert shall meet with w. b. of the island, Jer. 50. 39. Mark 1. 13. Christ was with the.7r.b. Acts 10. Pi.wherein were all iv.b.ll.G. BEAT. Judg. 9. 45. Abim. h. down the city 19. 22. sons of Belial b. at the door 2 S«;«.22.43. I b. them small, Ps. 18.42 Psal. 89. 23. I will b. down his foes Prov. 23. 14. shalt b. him with the rod Isa. 2. 4. b. their swords into,il/ic.4. 3 3. 15. that ye 6. my people 27. 12. shall b. off from the channel 41. 15. mountains, b- them small Joel 'd. 10. b your plow-shares into sw. Mic. 4. 13. shalt b. in pieces many Mat. 7. 25. b. on house,27.Z.7<.6.48.49. 21. 35. and b. one, Mark 12. 3, Luke 20. 10, 11. Mark 4. 37. waves b. into ship Luke 12. 45. begin to b. the men.ser. Arts 16. 22. commanded to b. them 18. 17. took Sosthenes and b. him 22. 19. b. in every synagogue BEATfiN. 2 Ch. 34. 7. had b. images to powder Prov. 23. 35. they have b. me, 1 felt Isa. 28. 27. fitches are b. with staff' Jer. 46. 5. mighty ones are b. down Mic. 1. 7. images shall be b. to pieces Mark 13. 9. in synag. ye shall be b. Luke 12. 47. and did not shall be b. Acts 5. 40. called apostles and b. them 16. 37. have b. us openly uncond. 2 Or. 11. 25. thrice was I /;. with rods BEATEN Oil. Exod. 27. 20. pure oil b. Lev. 24 2. 29. 40. hin of b. oil, Num. 28. 5 23 BEC BEATEST. Deut. 24. 20. when thou b. thy o/iv* Prov. 23. 13. if thou b. him with rod BEATETH. 1 Cor. 9. 26. not as one that b. the air BEATING. 1 Sam. 14. 16. b. down one another Mark 12. 5. b. some and killing some BEAUTY. Exod 28. 2. garment for glory and b. 2 Sam. 1. 19. the b. of Israel is slain 14. 25. so praised as Absalom for b. 1 Ch. 16.29. in b. of holin. Ps.29.2. [96. 9. 2 Chi: 20. 21. sh. praise b. of holiness Esth. 1. 11. to show the people her b Job 40. 10. array thyself with b. Psal. 27. 4. to behold the b. of the L. 39. II. make his b. to consume away 4\ 11. king greatly desire thy b. 49. 14.their/>.shall consume in grave 50.2.out of Zion the perfection of b 90. 17. let the b. of Lord be on us 96. G. strength and b. in sanctuaiy Prov. 6. 25. lust not after her b. 20. 29. the b of old is gray head 31. 30. favour is deceitful, b. is vain Isa. 3. 24. shall he burn, instead of l>. 13. 19. Babylon the b. of the ChalcL 28. 1. whose b. is a fading flower, 4. 5. a diadem of b. to residue 33. 17. shall see the King in his b. 44. 13. according to the b. of a man 53. 2. no b. that we sh. desire him Gl. 3. them that mourn h. for ashep Lam. 1. 6. Zion all her b. is departed 2. 1. from heaven the b. of Israel 15. city men call perfection of b. V Ezek. 7. 20. as for b. of Lis ornament 16. 14. thy renown s.m. heath, foi b. 15. didst trust in thine ovm b. 25. hast made thy b to be abhor. 27. 3. said, I am of perfect b. 28. 15. 4. thy builders perfected thy b. II. 28. 7. swords ag. the b. of thy wisd. 17. lifted up because of thy b. 31. 8. no tree like Assyrian in b. 32. 19. Egypt, whom dost passing? Has. 14. 6. Israel's b. shall be as Zech. 9. 17. how great is his b. 11. 7. 6taves, one I called b. iO. BEAUTIES. Psal. 110. 3. in the b. of holiness BEAUTIFY. [house Ezra 7. 27. king's heart, to A. Lord's Ps. 149. 4. b. the meek with salva. Isa. 60. 13. to b. place of my sanctu. BEAUTIFUL. Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was b. Deut. 21. 11. seestam. cap. a b. worn. 1 Sam. 16. 12. Dav. was of a b. coun. 25. 3. Abigail was of a b. counted. 2 Sam. 1 1. 2. Bathsheba was very b. Esth. 2. 7. Esther was fair and b. Psal. 48. 2. b. for situation is Zion Eccl. 3. 11. everything b. in his time Cant. 6. 4. thou art b. O my love 7. 1. how b. thy feet with shoes Isa. 4. 2. shall the branch of L. be * 52. 1. O Zion, put on thy b. garni 7. how b. the feet, Rom. 10. 15. 64. 11. and b. house is burnt up Jer. 13. 20. where is thy b. flock ? 48. 17. staff' broken, and the b. ro, Ex. 16. 12. b. crown on thine head 13. thou wast exceeding b. 23. 42. the Sabeans put b. crowns Mat. 23. 27. sepulchres, which ap. b. Acts 3. 2. at the gate called b. 10. BECAME. I Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews I ft. a Jew Heb. 7. 26. such an High.Priast b. us BECAMEST. 1 Chron. 17. 22. thou L. b. their God Ex. 16. 8. 1 swart, and thou b. mino BED BECKONED. Luke I. 22. Zacliarias b. speechless 5. 7. they b. to th-dr partners John 13. 24. Peter 6. lie should ask /fete 19. 33. Alexander b. and would 21. 40. Paul stood on stairs, and. b. BECKONING. Acts 12. 17. Peter b. u.'ito them 13. 16. Paul 6. with his hand, said BECOME. Gen. 3. 22. man is b. as one of us Ex. 15. 2. is 6. my salva. Ps. 118. 14. Isa, 12. 2. 32. 1. as for Moses we wot hot what is b. of him, 23. Acts 7. 40. Dent. 27. 9. art b. the people of God Mat. 21. 42. is b. the head of the cor. Mar. 12. 10. LukeZQ. 17. 4cfo4. 11. ohn 1. 12. power to b. the sons of G. 2 Cor. 5.17. in C. all things are b. new Rev. 11. 15. //. the kingdoms of our L. BE COMETH. Psal. 93. 5 holiness /;. thine house Pxov. 10. 4. he b. poor that dealeth 17. 7. excellent speech 6. not a fool 18 man void of underst. b. surety Eccl. 4. 14. born in his kingd. b. poor Mat. 3. 15 it b. us to fulfil all right. 13. 22. choketh the word, and he b. unfruitful, Murk 4. 19. Rom. 1(5. 2. receive Pheue as b. saints Phi/. 1. 27 conversat. be as b. gospel 1 Tim. 2. 10. as b. women prof, godli. Tit. 2. 3. aged women as b. holiness BEL). Gen. 47. 31. bowed on b. 1 Ki. 1. 47. 49. 4. to thy father's b. 1 Chr. 5. 1. Ex. 21. 18. die not, but keepeth b. 1 Sam. 19. 13. image and laid it in b. 2 Sam. 4. 5. Ish-bosheth who lay on b. 1 1. 2. David arose from his b. 2 Kings 1. 4. down from that b. 6, 16. 4. 10. let us set there for him a b. \)b 7. 13. my b. shall comfort me 17. 13. made my b. in the darkness 33. 15. in slumberings upon the b. - Psal. 4.4. commune with heart on b. 36. 4. he deviseth mischief on his b. 41. 3. make all his b. in his sickness 63. 6. when I rem. thee upon my b. 132. 3. into my b. till I find a place 139. 8. if I make my b. in hell, thou Prov.7.16. decked my b. with tip. 17. 22. 27. why take b. from under thee 26. 14. so doth slothful on his b. Cant. 1. 16. fair, also our b. is green 3.1. by night on my6. I soughthim 7. his b. which is Solomon's ha. 28. 20. b. is shorter than a man 57. 7. on mountain hast set thy b. Amos 3. 12. in the corner of a b. Mat. 9. 6. take up thy b. Mark2. 9, 1 1. John 5. 11, 12. Marki.%1. candle under a b.Lu.S. 16. Luke 11. 7. children with me in b. 17. 34. two men in one b. one taken Rev. 2. 22. I will cast her into a b. BED of live. Exek. 23. 17. Baby, came to her in b. BED of spices. Cant. 5. 13. his cheeks are as a b. 6. 2. my beloved is gone to the 6. BED undefiled. Heb. 13. 4. honourable and the b. BED-CHAMBER. Exod. 8. 3. frogs come into thy b.-c. 2 Sam. 4. 7. Ish-bosheth lay in his/;.-c. i AY. 6. 12. wordsthouspeakestin&.-c. 11. 2. hid him in b.-c. 2 Chr. 22. 11. Eccl. 10. 20. curse not the rich in b.-c. BEDS. Ps. 1 19. 5. saints sing aloud on b. Isa. 57. 2 shall rest in their b. each Hot. 7. 14. when they howled on b. BEG Amos 6. 4. lie on b. of ivory Mic. 2. 1. them that work evil on b. BEDSTEAD. Deut. 3. 11. his b. was a b. of iron BEE, BEES. Deut. 1. 44. chased you as b. in Seir Judg. ]-l. 8. a swarm of b. in the lion Ps. 118. 12. comfy, me about like b. Isa. 7. 18. shall hiss for the b. in As. Hath BEEN. Eccl. 3. 15. that which h. been is now Have BEEN. Job 10. 19. I sh. h. b. as if I had not b. Isa. 66. 2. all those things h. b. saith JVoJBEEN. Obad. 16. be as though they had n.b. BEETLE. Lev. 11. 22. these ye may eat, the b. BEEVES. Lev. 22. 19. offer of the b. of sheep Num. 31. 28. levy a tribute of the b. BEFALL. Gen. 42. 4. lest mischief /). him 38. 'if mischief b. him byway, 44.29. 49. 1. what shall b. you in the last days, Deut. 31. 29. Dan. 10. i4. Deut. 31. 17. many evils shall /;. them Ps. 91. 10. there shall no evil b. thee Acts 20. 22. things that shall b. me BEFALLEN. Lev. 10. 19. such things have b. me Num.20. 14. all travail that hath b. us Deut. 31.21. when troubles are i.them Judg. 6. 13. why is all this b. us ? 1 Sam. 20. 26. something had b. him Mat. 8. 33. what was b. to possessed BEFALLETH. Eccl. 3. 19. which b. men, b. beasts BEFELL. 2 Sam. 19.7. worse than all that b. thee Acts 20. 19. I), me by lying in wait BEFORE. Josh. 10. 14. no day like that b. it, or Psal. 39. 13. spare me b. I go hence 139. 5. hast beset me behind and b. Isa. 43. 13. b. the day was, I am he Mat.24. 25. behold, I have told vou b. John 13. 19. I tell you b it come",14.29 Phil. 3. 13. reach. to things that are b. 1 Thess.SA.wheii with you we told b. Heb. 7. 18. of the command going b. 10. 15. for after that he had said b. ■2 Pet. 3. 17. ye know these things b. Come BEFORE. Psal. 100.2. c. b. presence with sing. Mic. 6. 6. wherewith shall I c. b. L.? BEFORE the people. Exod. 13. 22. nor pillar of fire from b. 17. 5. Lord said to Moses, go on b. 34. 10. b. all thy p. I will do marvels 1 Sam. 18. 13. he went out and in b. Mark 8. 6. disciples did set them b. Luke 20. 26. hold of his words b. Rev. 10. 11. prophesy b. many peoples BEFORE whom. 1 Kings 17. 1. as the Lord God of Is. liveth, b. whom 1 stand, 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. [ 5. 16. Acts 26. 26. king b. w. I speak freely See further, All, Ark, God, Lord, Mount, Stand, Stood, Went. BEFOREHAND. Mark 13. 11. take no thought b. what 2 Cor. 9. 5. make up b. your bounty 1 Tim. 5. 24. men's sins are open b. 25. good works of some mani. b. 1 Pet. 1. 11. testified b. sufferings of BE FORETIME. Josh. 20. 5. beca. he hated him not b. 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor afflict them as b. Isa. 41. 26. b. that we may say Acts 8. 9. Simon which b. used sore. BEGAN. [L. Gen. 4. 26. b. men to call on name of 2-i BEG 2 Ki. 10. 22. L. b. to cut Israel short 2 ChrM.3. Josiah b. to seek after God Mat. 4. 17. Jesus b. to preach and Luke 1. 70. have been since world b 14. 30. this man b. to build and was John 4. 52. hour when he b. to amend 9. 32. since the wld b. Acts 3 21. Rom. 16. 85. 2 Tim. 1. 9. in Christ before the world b. Tit. I. 2. Heb.2.3. salva. at first b. to be spoken BEGAT. Prov.23. 22. hearken to thy fa that ft, Jer. 16. 3. tone, their fa. that ':>. them Dan. 11. 6. and he that b. her Zech. 13. 3. father and m. that o. mm Jam. 1. 18. of his own will b. he us 1 John 5. 1. loveth him that b. loveth BEGET. Gen. 17.20. twelve princes shall he b Deut. 4. 25. when thou shalt b. chil. 28. 41. b. sons, but shalt not enjoy 2 Ki. 20. 18. of thy sons thou shalt />. shall they make eunuchs, Isa.o'J.'i. End. 6. 3. if a man b. 100 children Jer. 29. 6. take wives, and b. sons Ezek. 18. 10. if he b. a son a robber 14. if he b. a son that seeth fa. sins BEG LITEST. Gen. 4S 6. issue which thou b. shall /ia.45.1U. to his father, what b. thou BEGETTETH. Prov. 17. 21. b. a fool, doeth it to his 23. 24. he that b. a wise child [sor. Eccl. 5. 14. he 6. a son, and nothing B E G. Psal. 109. 10. let his children b. Prov. 20.4. the sluggard b. in harvest Luke 15. 3. to b. I am ashamed BEGGED. Mai. 27. 58. b. body of Jesus, T.u. 23 52. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and !>. BEGGAR. 1 S/nn.2.S. he lifted b. from dunghill Luke 16. CO. and a b. named Lazarua 22. the b. died, and was carried BEGGARLY. Gal. 4. 9. again to the b. elements BEGGING. Psal. 37. 25. seen his seed b. bread MarAQAiJ. Bartimeus sat b. -Lu.l8.35. BEGIN. Gen. 11. 6. this they b. to do, and Josh 3 7. will I b. to magnify thee 1 Sam. 3. 12. 1 b. I will make an end 22. 15. did I then b to inquire of G. Neh. 11. 17. Mattaniah to b. thanks. Jer. 25. 29. I b. to bring evil on city Luke 3. 8. b. not to say within your. 13. 26. b. to say, we have eaten 14. 29. behold it, b. to mock him 21. 28. things b. to come to pass 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we b. to commend I Pet. 4. 17. judgment must b. at the house of G.,and if it first &. at us BEGINNING. Gen. 49. 3. Reuben, b. of my streng. Exod. 12. 2. this the b. of months Deut. 21. 17. he is b. of his strength Job 8. 7. tho' thy b. was small, yet 42. 12. bl. end of Job more than b. Psal. 111. 10. b. of wisdom, Prov.\). 10 Prov. 1. 7. fear of Lord b. of knowL 17. 14. b. of strife, as when one Eccl. 7.8. better end of a thing than 6 10. 13. b. of words is foolishness ls<*. 64. 4. since b. of world, men Mic. 1. 13. is b of sin to daughter Mat 24. 8. 6. of sorrows, Mofft 13. S. 2i. tribulation, as was not since b. Mark 1. 1. the b. of the gospel John 2. 11. this b. of miracles Col, 1. IS. who is the b. the first-born He b. 3. 14. the b. of our confidence BEG Iltb. 7. 3. having neither b. ot days 2 Pet. 2. 20. end is worse than the b. Rev. 1. 8. I am the 6. 21. 6. | 22. 13. 3. 14. saith the b. of the creation At the BEGINNING. Ruth'S. 10. more kindness than at b. 1 Chr. 17. 9. . 1 Cor. 1. 4. I thank God on your b. 2Cor. 1. 11. thanks be jrivenon our 6. •i. 12. to glory on our b. Phil. 1. 29. it is given in b. of Christ 1 Pet. 4. 16. glorifv God on this b. BEHAVE. DfK£32.27.lest adversaries b. strnng. 1 Citron. 19. 13. let us b. valiantly Psal. 101. 2. I will /;. wisely in a perf. Isa. 3. 5. child shall b. proudly 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity not b. unseemly I Tim. 3. 15. how thou oughtest to b. in the house of God BEHAVED. I.5«/«.18.5. David //. wisely, 14, 15,30. Psal 35. 14.1 //.as he had been friend 131. 2. I have //. as a child weaned Mic. 3. 4. as they have //. ill 1 Thess. 2. 10. how unblam. we b. 2 Thess. 3. 7. b. not disorderly among BEHAVETH. [you 1 Cor. 7.36. think hei. uncomely to his BEHAVIOUR. 1 Sam. 21. 13. David changed his b. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop, of good b. Tit. 2. 3. aged women in //. as becom. BEHEADED. 2 Sain. 4. 7. Ish-bosheth, and l>. him MatAA 10AJohn,iVtf/\<5. 10,27. Lw.9.9 Rev. 20. 4. I saw the souls of b. BEHELD. Num. 21. 9. b. the serpent of bras3 23. 21. hath not b. iniq. in Jacob 1 Chr. 21. 15. destroying, the L. b. Job 31. 2(5. if I //. the sun when Psal. 119. 158. I b- transgressors 142. 4. I b. but there was no man Prov. 7. 7. and b. among the simple Eccl. 8. 17. 1 b. all the work of God Isa. 41. 28. I b. and there was no man, Jer. 4. 25. Jer. 4. 23. I />. the earth Mark 15. 47. b. where he was laid, Luke 23. 55. Luke 10. 18. Ti. Satan as lightning fall 19. 41. he b.the city and wept over it John 1. 14. we b. his glory Acts 1.9. while they b. J. was taken up 17. 23. and b. your devotions Rev. 5. 6. I b. and lo, a Lamb 11. 12. and their enemies b. them BEHEMOTH. Job 40. 15. behold now b. BEHIND. Isa. 38. 17. all my sins //. thy back 1 Cor. 1. 7. ye iome b. in no gift 2 Cor. 11. 5. whit //. chiefesCl2. 11. Phil. 3. 13. forgetting things b. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is b. of afflict. See further, Before. 25 BEH BEHOLD. Gen. 28. 15. b. lam with thee, and Job 1. 12. 6. all he hath is in thy po 28. 28. b. the fear of the Lord 40. 4. b. I am vile what shall I Psal. 139. 8. bed in hell, b. thou art Isa.8AH.bA and the children, lleb.2. 13 12. 2. i. God is ray salvation 41. 27. say to Zion, b. b. them 65- 1. I Said, b. me, to a nation Lam. 1. 12. /;. and see if any sorrow Zech. 9. 9. b. thy King cometh, Mat 21. 5. John 12. i;\ Mark 16. 6. b. place where they laid Luke 24. 39. b. my hands and feet 49. b. I send promise of my Father John 1. 29. //. the Lamb of God 19. 5. Pilate saith, b. the man Acts 9. 1 1. Saul, for b. he prayeth 1 John 3. 1. b. what manner of love Rev. 3. 20. b. I stand at the door 16. 15. b. I come as a thief 22. 7. b. I come quickly, 12. BEHOLD it is. Isa. 52. 6. know that I speak, b. it is I Ezek. 7. 10. b. the day, b. it is come 39. 8. b. it is come, and it is done Now B E H O L D,or BEHOLD now. Job \6.\9. n.b. my witness is in heaven J r. 40. 4. now b. I loose thee this day Mat.'26. 6b.b.n. ye heard his blasph. Acts 13. 11. n. b. hand of L is on thee 20. 22. now b. I go bound in the sp. 2 Cor. 6. 2. b. n. is the accepted time Biholo it was, Behold there was, see Was. BEHOLD Verb. Num. 12.8. similitude of L. shall he b. 23. 9. from the hills I b. him 24. 17. shall /;. him, but not nigh Deut. 3. 27. b. it with thine eyes Job 19.27. eyes shall b. and not anoth. 20. 9. his place, any more b. him 23. 9. doth work, but I cannot o.hino 34. 29. hideth his face, who can //. ? 3(5. 24. magnify his work men b. Psal. 1 1 4. his eyes /). his eye-lids 7. his counten. doth b. the upright 17. 2. let thine eyes b. things equal 15. I will b. thy face in righteousn. 27. 4. to b. the beauty of the Lord 37. 37. mark perfect, b. the upright 46. 8. come, b. the works of the L. 59. 4. awake to help me, and b. 66. 7 his eyes b. the nations 80. 14. look from heaven, b. and visit 91. 8. eyes shalt thou b. and see 102. 19. from heaven did L. b. eartli 1 13.6. he humbleth hims. to //.things 119. 18. open mine eyes, that I may b Prov. 23. 33. shall //. strange women Eccl. 11. 7. pleasant it is to b. the sun Isa. 26. 10. he will not b. the majesty 38. 1 1. I shall b. man no more with 41. 23. do good or evil, that we b. 63. 15. b. from habita. of thy holine. Jer. 20. 4. thine eyes shall //. thy ter. 29. 32. nor b. the good I will do 32. 4. his eyes shall b. hiseyes,34. 3. 42. 2. a few, as thine eyes do b. us Lam. 1. 18. hear, and /;. my sorrow Lam. 3. 50. till L. b. from heaven 5. 1. consider and b. our reproach Ezek. 8. 9. b. wicked abom. they do 28. 17. before kings that they may b. 18. to ashes in sight of all that b. 40. 4. son of man, b. with eyes, 44. h Dan. 9. 18. and b. our desolations Mic. 7. 9. I shall b. his righteousness 10. enemy, mine eyes shall b. her Hab. 1. 3. why cause me to b. eriev.? 13. purer eves than to 6. evil Mat. 18. 10. their angels b. face Lake 14 29. all that 6. it mock him BEL Lit. 21. 6. as for these ye b. the days John 17.24. that they may 6. my glory Acts 7. 31. as he drew near to ft. it 32. Moses durst not b. 2 Cor. 3. 7. Is. could not 6. face of M. \ Pet. 2. 12. good works they shall b. 8. 2. 6. your chaste conversation Rev. 17. S. when they A. the beast BEHOLDEST. Psal. 10. 14. thon b. all mischief to Mat. 7. 3. why b. mote ? 7.?<£e 6. 41. Luke 6 42. A. not the beam BEHOLDETH, Job 24. 18. he b. not the way of vine. Ps. 33. 13. L. A. all the sons of men Jam. 1. 24. A. himself and goeth his BEHOLDING. [way Ps. 110. 37. mine eyes from b. vanity Prov. 15. 3. L. b. the evil and good Eccl. 5. 11. saving the 6. of them with 3/«£. 27. 55. women b. Luke '23. 49. Mark 10. 21. Jesus A. him, loved Luke 23. 35. people stood b. 48. b. things done, smote breasts Acts 4. 14. and b. man healed 23. 1. and Paul 6. the council 2 Cor. 3. 18. b. as in a glass the glory Cot. 2. 5. joying, and b. your order .A//M. 1. 23. a man 6. his natural face BEHOVED. Luke 24. 46. and thus it b. Christ Heb. 2. 17. b. him to be made like BEING. Psal. 101. 33. while I have b. 146. 2. yJcfo 17. 28. move, and have our A. BELCH. Psal. 59. 7. behold they b. out BELIEF. 2 TZim. 2. 13. of Spirit and b. of truth BELIEVE. E.vod. 4. 5. may 6. L. hath appeared 19. 9. may b. thee ior ever Kten2.14.il. how long ere they b. me? 2 Chr. 20. 20. b. in the L. 6. his prop. Isa. 43. 10. ye may know and b. me A7«<. 9. 28. b. 1 am able to do this ? 18. 6. little ones which b. Mar 9.42. 21. 32. rep. not that ye might ft.him 27. 42. down, and we will ft. him Mark 1. 15. repent and 6. gospel 5. 36. be not afraid, only ft. Lu. 8.50 9 23. if thou canst b. all things pos. 24. Lord 1 b. help unb. JoJ:,i 9. 38. 11. 23. b. things he saith shall come 24. b. ye receive them, and ye 15. 32. descend, that we may b. 16. 17. these signs fol. them which b. Lu. 8. 12. away the word lest they b. 13. no root, which for a while b. 21. 25. and slow of heart to b. John 1. 7. that all thro' him might b. 12. to them that 0. on his name 3.12. shall ye b. if I tell you of heav. 4. 21. woman b. me, the hour com. 42. we b. not bee. of thy saying 5. 44. how can ye A. which re« eive 5. 47. how shall ye b. my words? 6. 29. that ye b. on him he sent 7. 5. did his brethren b. in him 39. Spirit, which they that b. rec. 9. 35. dost thou A. on Son of God ? 36. who is he that I might l. 10. 38. b. the works, that ye may b. 11. 15. to the intent ye may b. 27. 1 A. thou art the Christ, the Son 40. said I not, if wouldst b. thou 42. may b. thou hast sent me 48. if we let him alone, all will b. 12. 36. ye have light, b. in the light 13. 19. to pass, ye may b. 1 am he 14. 1. ye A. in God, b. also in me 11. or b. for the work's sake 29. come to pass, ye might A. 16. 30. we b. thou earnest from God BEL John 16. 31. J. answ. do ye now b.t 17. 20. I pray for them wh. shall b. 21. world may b. thou sent me 19. 35. saith true, that ye might b. 20. 31. written that ye might b. Acts 8. 37. I b. J. C. is the Son of G. 13. 39. by him all that b. are justi. 41. a work you shall in no wise b. 15. 7. Gentiles by me should b. 11. we b. thro' grace we sh. be sav. Hi. 31. b. on Jesus, shalt be saved 19. 4. b. on him that should come 21. 20. seest how many Jews b. 25. touching Gentiles which b. 27. 25. I b. God that it shall be as Rom. 3. 22. righ. of God on all that b. 4. II. he might be fa. of all that b. 24. be imputed, if we b. on him 6. 8 we b. we shall also live with 10. 9. shalt b. that God raised him 14 how shall they b. in him of 1 Cor. 1. 21. by preach, to save that b. 14. 22. tongues a sign, not to them that b. but prophesying 2 Cor. 4. 13. we b. therefore speak Gal. 3. 22. promise to them that A. Eph. 1. 19 of hia power to us who b. Phil. 1. 29. given not only to b. on 1 Thess. 1. 7. ensamples to all that b. 2. 10. we behaved am. you that b. 13. effec. worketh in you that b. 4. 14. if we b. Jesus died and rose 2 Thess. 1. 10. admired in all that A. 2. 1 1, that they should b. a lie 1 Tim. 1. 16. pattern to them that b. 4. 3. with thanksg. of them that b. 10. Saviour, spec, of those that b. Heb. 10. 39. that ft. to saving of sou) 1 1. 6. to God must b. that he is Jam. 2. 19. devils also 6. and tremble I Pet 1. 21. who by him do b. in God 2 7. to you which A. he is precious 1 John 3. 23. command, that we b. 5. 13. writ, to you that ft. ve may b. BELIEVE not, or not BELIEVE. Exod. 4. !. they will not b. me Dent. 1. 32. in this ye did not b. the L. 2 Ki. 17. 14. like fathers did n. h. in L. Job 9. 16. I not b. he had hearkened Prov. 26. 25. speaketh fair, b. him not Isa. 7. 9. if ye will not b. not beesta. Jer. 12. 6. b. n. tho' they speak fair Hah. 1. 5. ye will not b. tho' told you Mat. 21. 25. why n. b. him, Mar. 1 1.31. 24. 23. here is C. A. n. 26 Mar. 13. 21. Luke 22. 67. if I tell, you will not b. John 3. 12. earthly things, and ye b.n. 4. 48. except ye see signs will n. b. 5. 38. he hath sent, him ye b. not 47. how shall ye b. my words ? 6. 36. ye have seen me and b. not 64. some of you which b. not 8. 24. if ye b. n. 1 am he, die in sins 45. I tell the truth, ye A. me not 4f>. if I sny the truth, why n. A. me 10. 26. ye b. n. bee. not of my sheep 37. if 1 do not works of F. A. me n. 38. tho' ye b. not me, be. the works 12. 39. could not b. because Isa. said 47. if any hear words, and b. not 16. 9. of sin, bee. they b. not on me 20.25. thrust into his side, I will n.b. Rom. 3. 3. what if some did not b. 15. 31. deli v. from them that do n.b. ! Cor. 10. 27. that b. not bid to a feast • 14. 22. tongues sicrn to th. that b. not 2 Cor. 4. 4. blinded them that b. not 2 Tim. 2. J 3. if we b. not, he abidetb 1 John 4. \. b. nut every spirit BELIEVED. Gen. 15. 6. he b. counted it for right. Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jain. 2. 23. Erod. 4. 31. Aaron spake, people ft. 14. 31. they b. the Lord aud Mose* 26 BEL Psal. 27. 13. fainted, unless I b. to 106. 12. then b. they his words 1 16. 10. I b. therefore hare 1 spoker 2 Cor. 4. II 119. 66. for I have b. thy command Isa. 53. 1. who hath b. our report f John\2. 38. Rom. 10. 16. Dan. 6. 23. no hurt bee. he 6. in G. Jonah 3. 5. peo. of Nineveh b. God Mat. 8. 13. b. so be it done to thee 21. 32. publicans and harlots b. him Mark 16. 13. told it, neither b. they Luke I. 1. of things most surely A. 45. blessed is she that b. for John 2. 1 1, and his disciples b. on him 22. they b. the scripture 4. 50. the man b. word Jesus spok* 53. the father himself b. 5. 46. had ye b. Moses, ye would 7. 48. have Pharisees A. on him? 8. 31. said Jesiu to Jews that A. 11. 45. seen things Jesus did, b. 12. 1 1, many of the Jews b. on Jesus 16.27. the Fa. loveth you, bec.yeu A. 17. 8. have b. thou didst send me 20. 8. other disciple, saw and b. 29. have not seen, and yet b. Acts 2. 4k all that b. were together 4. 4. many wh. heard the word b. 32. that A. were of one heart 8. 12. b. Philip preaching things 13. then Simon himself b. also 10. 45. circ. who b. were astonished 11. 17. like gift as to us who b. 21. a great number b. turned to L. 13. 12. then deputy ft. 48. ordained to eternal life b. 14. 1. of both Jews and Greeks b. 23. com. to Lord on whom they 6. 17. 4. b. and consorted with Paul 34. certain clave to him and A. 18. 8. Crispus chief ruler of syna. ft. _.. .■... I ■ V V. #•»»■• ■>t*U .... «...-, p'flV 19. 2. received ye H. G. since ye 6.? 22. 19. I beat them that b. 27. 11. centurion b. master of ship 28. 24. some b. and some b. not Rom. 4. 18. who aga. hope b. in hope 13. 11. salv. nearer than when we b. 1 Cor. 3. 5. ministers by whom ye b. 15. 2. unless ye have b. in vain 11. so we preach, and so ye b. Gal. 2. 16. even we have b. in J. C. Eph. 1. 13. after ye ft. ye were sealed 2 Thess. 1. 10. our testimony was b. 1 Tim. 3. 16. A. on in the world 2 Tim. I. 12. 1 know whom I have A. Tit. 3. 8. wh. have b. in God, be care. Heb. 4. 3. we which b. do enter into I John 4. 16. have b. the love of Got 4 Many BELIEVED. John 2. 23. at the passover many b. 4. 39. many of the Samaritans b. 11. 45. m. Jews wh. came to Mary ft. 12. 42. chief rulers also m. b. on him Acts 18. 8. m. Corinthians hearing A. 19. 18. m. that b. confess, their deed* BELIEVED not, or not BELIEVED. Gen. 45. 26. heart fainted, he ft. not Num. 20. 12. because ye b. me not Deut. 9. 23. rebelled, and ft. him not- Job 29. 24. if I laughed, thev ft. it ?t t Psal. 78. 22. bee. they ft. not in God 32. b. not for his wondrous works 106. 24. despised land, b. n. his word Jer. 40. 14. but Gedaliah ft. them not Lam. 4. 12. world would n have ft. Mat. 21. 32. John came, ye ft. him n, Mark 16. 1 1. heard be wa3 alive, b.n. 14. upbraided because tbj>y ft. not Luke 20. 5. will say, why ft. ye nott 24. 41. while they'ft. not for joy John 3. 18. because he hath not BEL John 6. G4. Jesus knew who b. not 10. 25. I told you, and ye b. not 12. 37. many miracles, yet they b.n. Acts 9. 26. b. not he was a disciple 17. 5. Jews \vh. b. n. mov. with envy 19. 9. divers were hardened, b. not Rom. 10. 14. in whom they have n.b. 11. 30. in times past have not b. God 31. so have these also now not b. 2 Thest. 2. 12. be damned who b. not Heb. 3. 18. into his rest, that b. not 11.31.Rahab per. not with them b. n. Jade 5. destroyed them that b. not BELIEVERS. Acts 5. H. b. were the more added 1 Tim. 4. 12. be an"?xample of the b. BELIEVEST. Luke 1. 20. be dumb, bee. thou 5. not John 1. 50. under the fig-tree, b. thou 1 1. 26. never die, b. thou this ? 14. 10. b. thou not I am in the Fa. Acts 8. 37. if b. with all thine heart 26. 27. b. thou the prophets? I kn. Jam. 2. 19. thou A. there is one God BELIEVETH. Job 15. 22. he b. not he shall return Prov. 14. 15. simple b. every word Isa. 28. 16. that b. not make haste Mark9. 23. all possible to him that b. 16. 16. he thai b. shall be saved, he that b. not shall be damned John 3. 15. A in him sh. not per. 1G. 18. b. not is condemned already 36. b. hath everlasting life, 6. 47. 5. 24. b. on him that sent me ev. life 6. 35. b. on me shall never thirst 40. Son, and b. on him, hath life 7. 33. A. on me, nut of his belly 11. 25. b. though dead, yet shall live 26. and b. in me shall never die 12. 44. />. not on me, but on him 46. whoso b. not abide in darkness 14. 12. b. on me the works that 1 do Acts 10. 43. who b. receive remission Rom. 1. 16. power of G. to ev. that 0. 3. 26. justifier of him that b. in J. 4. 5. that worketh not, but b. on 9. 33. whoso b. not be asha. 10. II. 10. 4. end of law to ev. one that b. 10. with the heart man b. to right. 14. 2. one b he may eat all things 1 Cor. 7 12. hath a wife that b. not 13. 7. love 6. all things, hopeth all i Cor. 14. 24. come in one that b. not 2 Cor. 6. 15. hath he that 6. with infi. I Tim. 5. 16. if any that b. have wid. I Pet. 2. 6. b. shall not be confounded I John 5. 1. whoso b. Jesus is the C. 5. overcometh, but he that b. \Q.b-. on the Son; he that A. not God because he b. not record BELIEVING. Mat. 21. 22. ask b. ye shall receive John 20. 27. be not faithless, but b. 31. that b. ye might have life Acts 16. 34. h. in God with his house 24. 14. b. all things written in law Rom. 15. 13. all joy and peace in b. 1 Tim. 6. 2. that have b. masters 1 Pet. 1. 8. yet b. ye rejoice with ioy BELL, S. E.jYyrf.28.34.a golden b. and pom. 39.26 ZecL 14. 20. upon the 6. of horses Bellow, see Bulls. BELLOWS. Jer. 6. 29. the b. are burnt BELLY. Gen. 3. 14. on thy b. shalt thou go Lev. 11. 42. goeth on the b. anabom. Num. 5. 21. rot, and thy b. to swell 25. 8. thrust man and worn, thro' b. Judg. 3. 21. dagger thrust it in his b. I Kings 7. 20. pomegr. over A /•A 3. 11. when I came out of the b. BEL Job 15. 2. b. with east wind 35. their b. prepareth deceit 20. 15. God shall cast out of his b. 20. not feel quietness in his b. 23. when about to fill his b. 32. 19. my b. is as wine which Psa. 17. 14. whose b. fillest with treas. 22. 10. my God from my mother's b. 44. 25. our b. cleaveth to earth Prow 13. 25. b. of wicked shall want 18. 8. innermost parts of A. 26. 22. 20. a man's b. shall be satisfied 20. 27. searching inward parts of b. 30. so stripes inward parts of b. Cant. 5. 14. his b. is as bright ivory 7. 2. thy b. is like wheat set about Isa. 46. 3. born by me from the b. Jer. 1. 5. formed thee in b. 1 knew 51. 34. his b. with my delicates Ezek. 3. 3. cause thy b. to eat Dan. 2. 32. image's b. of brass Jonah 1. 17. in b. of fish, Mai. 12. 40. 2. 2. out of the b. of hell cried I Mia. 6 f~- fruit of my b. for sin Hah. 3. 16. my b. trembled Mat 15. 17. into the b. and is cast out, Mark 7. 19. Luke 15. 16. his b. with the husks Jnhn 7. 33. out of his A. flow rivers Rom. 16. 18. serve their own b. 1 Cor. 6. 13. meats for the b. Phil. 3. 19. whose God is their b. Rev. 10. 9. it shall make thy b. bitter 10. eaten it, my b. was bitter BELLIES. Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians slow b. BELONG. Lev. 27. 24. return to whom it did b. Deut. 29. 29. secret things b. to God Ps. 47. 9. shields of eartb b. to God 68. 20. to our God b. the issues Prov. 24. 23. these b. to the wise Dan. 9. 9. to the Lord b. mercies Mark 9. 41. because ye b. to Christ Luke 19. 42. which b. to thy peace 1 Cor. 7. 32. careth for things b. to L. BELONGED, EST. I Sam. 30. 13. to whom b. thou? Luke23. 7. b. to Herod's iurisdiction BELONGETH. Deut. 32. 35. to me A. vengeance, Ps. 94. 1. Heb. 10. 30. Psal. 3. 8. salvation b. unto the L. C2. 11. power b. unto (Jod 12. unto thee, O L. b. mercy Dan. 9. 7. righteousness b. to thee 8. to us b. confusion of face Heb. 5. 14. strong meat b. BELONGING. Prov. 26. 17. with strife b. not to him BELOVED. Deut. 21. 15. two wives, the one b. Deut. 33. 12. b. of L. dwell in safety Nek, 13. 26. Solomon, b. of his God Psal 60. 5. thy b. may be deliv. 108.6. 127. 2. so he giveth his b. sleep Prov. 4. 3. only b. in sight of moth. Cant 5. 1. drink abundantly, O b. 9. thy b. more than another b. ? 6. 1. whither is thy b. gone 8. 5. cometh leaning on her b. ? Dan. 9. 23. art greatly b. 10. 11, 19. Hob. 3. 1. love a woman b. of her fr. 9. 16. I will slay the b. fruit Acts 15.25. with b. Barnabas and Paul Rom. 1. 7. to all in Rome, b. of God 9. 25. call her b. which was not b. 11. 28. they are b. for Father's sake 16. 12. salute b. Persis who laboured Eph. 1. 6. made us accepted in the b. fi. 21. Tychicus a b. brother, Col. 4.7. Col. 3 12. elect of God, holy and b. 4 9. Onesimus, a b. brother 14. Luke the b. physician 27 BEN 1 Thes. 1.4. knowing b. your election 1 Tim. 6. 2. service, bee. they are b. Pliilem. 16. above aserv. a brother b. Heb. 6. 9. b. we are persuaded 2 Pet. 3. 8. b. be not ignorant of this 15. even as our b. brother Paul I John 3. 2. b. now we are the sons 21. b. if our heart condemn us not 4. 1. b. believe not every spirit 7. b. let us love one another 11. b. if God so loved us, we 3 John 11. b. follow not evil, but good Jude 20. but ye b. building up Rev. 20. 9. they compassed b. city Dearly Beloved, see Dearly. My BELOVED. Cant 1. 14. my b. is to me a cluster ot camphire 16. art fair, my b. yea pleasant 2. 3. as the apple-tree, so is my b. 9. my b. is like a roe or a hart 16. my b. is mine, I am his, 6. 3. 17. turn, my b. and be like a roe 4. 16. let myb. come into his garden 5.2. the voice of my l>. that knock. 2. 8 5. to open to my b. \\ 6. I opened 10. my b. is white |j 16. this is my b. 6. 2. my b. is gone 3. I am my b. and my b. mine, 7. 10. 7 13. laid up for thee, O my A. Isa. 5. 1. a song of my b. touching Jer. 11. 15. my b. to do in my house Mat. 3. 17. this is myb. Son, 17. 5. Mark 1. 1 1 . | 9. 7. Luke 3. 22. | 9. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 12. 18. my b. in whom my soul Luke 20. 13 I will send my b. son Rom. 16. 8. greet Amplias my b. 1 Cor. 4. 14. as my b. sons I warn yon 17. Timoth. myb. son, 2 Tim. 1. i Jam. 1. 16. do not err, myb. brethren BELIED. Jer. 5. 12. thev have A. the Lord BEMOAN, ED, ING. Job 42. II. A. Job, and comfort, him Jer. 15. 5 who shall A. thee, O Jems. 16. 5. neither lament, nor A. them 22. 10. weep ye not for dead, nor A. 31. 18. heard Ephraim b. himself 45. 17. all ye about him A. him Nail. 3. 7. Nineveh, who will b. her ? BENCHES. Ezek. 27. 6. made thy b. of ivory BEND. Psal. 11. 2. the wicked A. their bow 64. 3. who A. their bows to shoot Jer. 9. 3. they A. their tongue like 46. 9. Lvdians, that A. the bow 50. 14. that A. bow shoot at her, 29. 51. 3. bendeth, let the archer A. Ezek. 17. 7. this vine did A. her roots BENDETH, ING. Psal. 5S.7.when he A.his bow to shoot Isa- 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come A. to thee Jer. 51. 3. ag. him that A. let the arch. BENEATH. p>end Ezod. 20. 4. in the earth / Dent 5. a Deut. 4. 39. earth A. there is none 28. 13. above only, and not be A. Isa. 5.1. 6. look on the earth b. Joint 8. 23. ye ate from A. 1 above BENEFACTORS. Lu.22. 25. exercise atith. are called 5. BENEFIT. Jer. 18. 10. good wherewith lb. them BENEFIT, S. 2 Chr. 32. 25. Hezekiah rendereth not according to b. Ps. 68. 19. dailv loadeth us with 6. '03. 2. forget not all his b. 116. 12. what render for all liis b. f 2 Cor. 1. 15. might have a second b. 1 TitnS.2. beloved partaker* of the 6 BES Philem. 14. thy 6. not be of necessity BENEVOLENCE. 1 Cor. 7. 3. render to the wife due b. BENT. /W.7.12. b. his bow, Lam.2A. j 3. 12 37. 1 4./;. their bow to cast down poor Isa. 5. 28. and all their bows b. 21. lb. for they fled from b. bow Hos. 1 1. 7. my people are b. to backsl. Zech, 9. 13. when I haveo.Judahfor me BEREAVE. Eccl. 4. 8. and b. my soul of good Jrr. 15. 7. I will b. them of ehil.18. '-'1. Ezek. 5. 17. send evil beasts, and they shall b. thee 3G. 12. no more b. them of men, 14. llos.9. 12. children, vet will I b. them BEREAVED. #en. 42.36. me ye have b. of mychil. 43. 14. b. of my children, I am k. Ez.3f>. 13 thou land hast b. thy nations Hos. 13.8. 1 will meettln-m asa bear b. BERKAVETH. Lam. 1. 20. abroad the sword b. BERRIES. Isa, 17. 6. two or three b. in the top Jam. 3. 12. fig-tree bear olive o. BERYL. Dan. 10. 6. his body like fhe b Rev. 21. 20. eighth foundation was b. BESEECH. Exod. 33. 18. I b. show me thy glory Num. 12. 13. heal her now, I b. thee Psal. 80. 14. return, we b. O God 116. 4. L. 16. thee, deliver my soul 1 18.25. save, I b. thee, send prospe. 119. 103. accept, I 6. thee, free-will Jer. 38. 20. obey, I b. thee, voice of L. y4wa, 7. 2. O Lord, f,.rgive I b. thee Jonah 1.14.they said, we b. thee, O L. 4. 3. take, I b. thee my life from me Mai. 1. 9. b. God, he be gracious Lu r :e 8. 28. Jesus, I b. torment me not 9. 38. I b. thee look on my son Acts2Q. 3. 1 b. thee to hear me patien. Rom. 12. 1. I b. youbv mercies of G. 1 Cor. 4. 16. I b. be ye followers of me 2 Cor. 2. 8. I b. confirm your love 5. 20. as tho' God did b. you by us 6. 1. we b. you receive not the Grace 10. 1.1 Paul b. you by the meekness Gal. 4. 12. I b. you, be as I am EjiliAA. prisoner of L. b. you to walk Philem. 9. yet for love's sake I h. 10. I b. thee for my son Onesimus Hel: 13. 19. I b. you the rather to do 1 Pet. 2. 11. lb. you as strangers 2 John 5. now I b. thee, lady, not See Brethren. BESEECHING. Mat. 8.5. centurion b. him, Lukel. 3. Mark I. 40. leper to him, b. him BESET. Judg. 10 22. sons of Bel. c.house 20. 5. Ps. 22. 12. bulls of Bashan have b. me 139. 5. b. me behind and before Hos. 7. 2. doings have b. them about Heb. 12. 1. sin which doth so easily b. ■ BESIDE, BESIDES. Gen. 19. 12. hast thou here any b. Luke 16. 26. b. all this, between us 24. 21. b. all this, to-day is the third Philem. 19. ow>'St thine ownself b. BESIDE. Mark 3. 21. said, he is b. himself Arts 26. 24. Paul, thou art b. thyself 2 Cor. 5. 13. whether we be b. oursel. BESIEGE. Dnit. 28. 52. shall b. thee in thv gates 1 Ki. 8. .37. if enemies b. 2 Chr. 6. 28. Isa. 21. 2. go up, O Elam, b. O Media BESIEGED. 2Ki. 19.24. rivers of b. places. 7w.37.25. ice/. 9. 14. a great king and 6. it BET Isa. 1. 8. of Zion is left as a b. city Ezek. 6. 12. 6. shall die by the famine BESOM. Isa. 14. 23. with the b. of destruction BESOUGHT. Gen. 42. 21 . 6. us, we would not hear Exod. 32. 1 1. Moses b. L. Beat. 3 23. 2 Soot. 12. 16. 6. God for the child 1 Ki. 13. 6. man of God b. the Lord 2 Kings 13. 4. Jehoahaz 6. the Lord 2 C/zr. 33. 12. Manasseh in affl. 6. L. 7«r« 8. 23. and b. our God for this Jer. 26. 19. Hezekiah 6. the Lord Mat. 8. 31. so the devils b. him, Mark 5. 10, 12. Luke 9,. 31, 32. 34. J. him to depart, Luke 8. 37. Mark 5. 23. Jairus 6. him, Luke 8.41. Jo/ni 4. 40. Samar. 6. he would tarry 47. noble, of Caper, b. him to come 19. 38. b. he might take the body Acts J 3. 42. Gen. b. that these words 16. 15. Lydia b. us, saying, if ye 39. magistrates b. them, and brou. 21. 12. we b. him not to go to Jerus. 2 Cor. 12. 8. for this I b. the Lord BEST. Ps. 39. 5. man at his b. state is vanity Puke 15. 22. bring forth the b. ro 1 Cor. 12. 31. but covet the b. gifts BESTEAD. Isa. 8. 21. shall Dass thro' it hardly b. BESTIR. 2 Sam. 5. 24. nearest the sound b. BESTOW. Exod. 32. 29. may b. on you a bless. Deut. 14. 26. b. monev for what thy 2 Chr. 24. 7. they did 7;. on Baalim Ezra 7. 20. b. it out of king's trea.s. Luke 12. 17. no room to b. my fruits 1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we b. more 13. 3. though I b. all my goods to BESTOWED. Isa. 63. 7- ac. to all Lord /;. on us John 4. 38. to reap whereon ye b. no Rom. 16. 6. Mary, who b. much lab. 1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace b. not in vain 2 Cor. I. 11. gift b. on us by many 8. 1. the grace b. on the churches Gal. 4. 11. lest I b. labour in vain 1 Johu3. 1. manner of love Father b. BETHINK. 1 Ki. 8. 47. b. themselves, 2 Chr. 6. 37. BETIMES. Gen. 26. 31. rose up b. and sware 2 Chr. 36. 15. byhismessen. rising b. Job 8. 5. wouldest seek unto God b. 24. 5. as wild asses rising b. for prey P^-oy. 13.24. loveth, rhasteneth him b. BETRAY. 1 Chr. 12. 17. come to b. me to ene. Mat, 24. 10. shall b. one another 26. 16. he sought opportunity to b. hitl, Mark 14. 11. Ztwte 22. 6. 21. one of you shall b. me, Mark 14. 18. John 13. 21. 46. he is at hand that doth b. me Mark 13. 12. brother shall b. brother JohnG. 64. who should b. him, 13.11. 13. 2. into heart of Judas to b. him BETRAYED. Mat. 10.4. Judas who6. him. Afar.3.19. 17. 22. Son of man shall be b 20. 18. 26. 2, 45. Mark 14. 41. 26. 24. wo to that man by whom Son ofmaniso. Mar.14.21. Zm.22.22. 48. he that b. gave sign, Mar. 14.44. 27. 4. in that I b. innocent blood Luke 21. 16. be b. both by parents John 18. 2. b. him knew the place 1 Cor. 11. 23. same night he was b. BETRAYERS. Acts". 52. just One, of whom ye the b. BETRAY EST, ETH. Mark 14. 42. he that b. me is at hand 28 BET Luke 22. 21. hand that b. me is with 4S. b. Son of man with a kiss ? John 21. 20. which is he that b. thee ? BETROTH. Deut. 28. 30. shalt b. a wife, another Hos. 2. 19. b. thee to me in righto. 20. b. thee to me in faithfulness BETROTHED. Exod. 22. 16. entice a maid not b. Deut, 22. 23. Lev. 19. 20. lieth with a woman b. Deut. 20 7. who hath b. a wife 22. 23. find a virgin b. and lie with 27. b. damsel cried, none to save BETTER. Gen. 29. 19. b. I give her to thee Exod. 14. 12. b. served the Egyptians yum. 14. 3. were b. to return to E. ? Judg. 8. 2. gleanings b. than vintage 1 1. 25. nor art thou b. than Balak 1 Sain. 1. 8. am not I b. than 10 sons 27. 1. nothing b. than go to Phiiis. 1 Ki. 1.47. God make name of k. Sol. b. 2. 32. two men b. than he 19. 4. I am not b. than my fathers 21. 2. give thee a b. vineyard 2 Kin, 5. 12. rivers of Damascus b. 2 C'i.21.13.slain brethren o.than thys. Psal. 69. 31. shall please b. than ox Eccl. 2. 24. nothing b. than to eat and 3.22.noth.6.than rejoice in his works 4. 3. b. is he than both they 9. two are 6.]|6. 11. what is" man b.f 7. 10. former days were b. 10. 11. and a babbler is no b. Isa. 56. 5. a name b. than of sons Lam. 4. 9. they that be slain are />. Ezek.:i6.\\.l will settle you, and do b Dan. 1. 20. he found them 10 times b. Hos. 2. 7. then was it b. with me Amos 6. 2. be they b. than these kiny. Nah. 3. 8. thou b. than populous No ? Mat. 6. 26. fowls of the air, are ye not b. than they ? Luke 12. 24. 12. 12. a man b. than a sheep ? 18. 6. b. that a millstone, Afa?-/c« 42. Luke 17. 2. Rom. 3. 9. are we b. than they ? No 1 Cor. 7. 38. not in marriage, doth b. 8. 8. neither if we eat are we b. 9. 15. 5. for me to die than make 11. 17. you come together not for b. P/;;7.2.3.esteem other b. than himself Heb. 1. 4. so much 6. than the angels 6. 9 persuaded b. things of you 7. 7. the less is blessed of the b. 19. bringing in of a b. hope did 22. a surety of a 6. testament 8. 6. the Mediator of a 6. covenant, established on b. promises 9. 23. heav. things with b. sacrifices 10. .SI. a b. and enduring substance 11. 16. desire a b. country, an heav. 35. might obtain a b. resurrection 40. provided some b. thine for us 12. 24. o. things than that of Abel 2 Pet.2.2\.b. not to have known way 3ETTER is. Prov.l5.lCx b. is little with fear ot L. 17. o. is dinner of herbs where love 16. 8. b. is a little with righteous. 16. b. is it to get wisdom than gold 17. 1. b. is a dry morsel and quiet. 19. l.b.is poor that walk in integ.28.6. 27. 10. 6. is a neighbour near Eccl. 4. 6. b. is handful with quiet. b. is a poor wise child than b. is the sight of the eyes b. is the end than the begin. 4. 10. b. is thy love thau wine Is BETTER, or is it BETTER. Judg. 9. 2. whether is b. all reign 18. 19. is it b. to be a priest to one Ruth 4. 15. thy daughter is b. to thee 13. 6. 9. 7. 8. Cant. BEW 1 Sam. 15. 22. to obey is b. than sac, 28. neighbour that is b. than thou 2 Sam.11. 14. Counsel of Hushai is b. £sth. 1. 19. to anoth.that is b. than she Ps. 37. 16. a little righteous hath is b. 63. 3. thy loving kind, is b. than life 84. 10. a day in thy courts is b. 119. 72. the'law is b. to me than gold Prov. 3. 14. merchan. of wisdom is b. 8. 11. wisdom is b. than rubies 19. my fruit is b. than gold 12. 9. i\ b. than he that honoureth 16. 32. that is slow to anger is b. 19. 22. poor man is b. than a liar 27. 5. rebuke is b than secret Jove Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely birth is b. 7. 1. a good name is b. than oint. 3. sorrow is b. than laughter, by sadness of coun. heart is made b. 8. the patient in spirit is b. 9. 4. a liv. dog is b. than a dead lion 16. wisdom is b. than strength 18. wisd. is b. than weap. of war Cant. 1. 2. thy love is b. than wine Luke 5. 39. for he saith, the old is b. Phil. 1. 23. with Chri. which is f ar b. It is BETTER, or BETTER it is. Psal. 118. 8. it is b. to trust in L. 9. Prov. 16. 19. b. to be of humble spir. 21. 9. b. to dwell in a corner, 25. 24 19. it is b. to dwell in the wikiern. 25. 7. b. it is it be said, come up Ercl. 5. 5. b. it is thou sh. not vow 7. 2. it is b. to go to house of mourn. 5. b. to hear rebuke of wise men Jonah 4. 3. it is b. for me to die, 8. Mat. 18. 8. it is b. to enter into life halt, 9. Mark 9. 43, 45, 47. 1 Cor. 7. 9. b. to marry than to burn 1 Pet. 3. 17. b ye suffer for well-doing BETTERED. Mark 5. 26 she was nothing b. BETWIXT. Phil 1. 23. I am in a strait b. two BEWAIL. Lev. 10. 6. I. the burning L. kindled D'ut. 21. 1,1 and 6. her father and Judg. 11. 37. and 6. my virginity, 38 Isti. 16. 9. 1 will b. with the weeping 2 Cor. 12.21.6. many who have sinned iter. 18. 9. shall b. her when they see BEWAILED, ETH. Jer. 4. 31. daughter of Zion that b. Luke 8. 52. and all wept and b. her 23. 27. of women which also b. BEWARE. Gen.2i.fi. b. bring not my son thither Exod 23. 21. b. of him, obey his voice Deut. 6. 12. b. thou forget L. 8. 11. 15. 9. b. there be not a thought Judg. 13. 4. b. drink no wine, 13. % Sam. 18. 12./). none touch young man 2 Ki. 6. 9. b. tlnn pas3 not surh place Job 36. 18. b. lest he take thee away Prov. 19. 25. and the simple will b. Isa. 36. IS. b. lest Hezeki. persuade Mat. 7. 15. b. of false prophets 10 17. b. of men [Luke 12. I. 16. 6. b. of the leaven, 11. A/«»\8. 15 Mark 12. 38. 6. of scribes, Lu. 20. 46. Luke 12. 15. and 6. of covetousness Acts 13. 40. 6. lest that come which Phil.3. 2. b. of dogs, 6 of evil workers Cut. 2. 8. b. lest any mar. spoil you 2 Pet. 'i. 17. b. lest being led away BEWITCHED. Ads 8. 9. Simon b. the people, 11. G«/. 3. 1. who hath b. you ? BEWRAY. Ma, 16. 3. b. nut him that wandereth BEWRAYETH. [it-elf Prov. 27. 16. oint. of his righthand b. 29. 21. cursing, and b. it not #;. When he look3 BITTER. Gen. 27. 31. Esau cried with b. cry E.vod. 1. 14 Egyp. made their lives 6. 12. 8. with b. herbs, Num. 9. 11. 15. 23. waters, for they were b. Deut. 32. 24. devoured with b. destru. 32. 32. their clusters are b. •I Kin. 14.26. affliction of Isr. it was b. fob 3.20. why is life given to /unsoul? 13. 26. writest b. things against me 23. 2. to-day is my complaint b. Ptal. 64. 3. arrows, even b. words I'rov. 5. 4. her end is b. 21. 7. to hungry soul /). thing sweet Eccl, 7. 26. 1 find more b. than death the woman Isa. 5. 20. thai, put b. for sweet 24. 9. strong drink shall be b. Jer. 2. 19. it is an evil thing and b. {. 18. this is thy wickedness it is b. d. 26. make most b. lamentation 31. 15. in Etamah, b. weeping 1 Amos 8. 10. the end, as a b. day Hub. 1. 6.. that b. and hasty nation Col. 3. 19. be not b. against them htm. 3. 14. if ye have b. envying llfv. 8. 11. men died of waters b. 10. 9. it shall make thy belly b. BITTER. WATER. Vttin 5. 18. b.-w. that causeth curse lam. 3. 11. send sweet w. and b. ? BITTERLY. ludg. 5. 23. curse ye b. the inhabi. Hath 1. 20. Almighty hath dealt b. I xii. 22. 4. I will weep /;. 33. 7. the amb. of peace shall weep b. Ezek. 27. 30. the pilots shall cry b. ILix 12. 14. Eph. provoked him b. '/.eph. I. 14. the mighty shall cry b. Mat. 26.75. Peter wept b. Luke 22.62 BITTERN. Isa. 14. 23. possession for the b. 34. 11. Ceph. 2. 14. the b. shall lodge BITTERNESS. I Sam. I. 10. Hannah was in b. 15. 32. surely the b. of death is past i Sam. 2. 26. the sword will be b. Job 7 11. I will complain in the b. 9. 18. but filli-th me with /;. 10. 1. I will speak in b. of soul 21. 25. another dieth in b. of soul Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his b. 17. 25. a foolish son is b. to her Isa. 38. 15. go softly in b. of my soul 17. for peace I had great b. Lam. 1. 4. afflicted, and she is in b. 9. 15. he hath tilled mo with 6. BLA Ezek. 3 14. away, and 1 went in b. 21. 6. b. sigh before their eyes 27. 31. shall weep for thee with b. 'Lech. 12. 10. be in b. for him as one that is in b. for Acts 8. 23. thou art in the gall of b Rom. 3. 14. full of cursing and b. Eph. 4. 31. let all b. be put away Ileb. 12. 15. lest any root of b. BLACK. Lev. 13.31. that there is no i.hair in it 1 Kings 18. 45. the heaven was b. Job 30. 30. my skin is b. upon me Prov. 7. 9. in the 6. and dark night Cant. 1. 5. I am b. but comely 6. look not on me, I am b. 5. 11. his locks are b. as a raven Jer. 4. 28. for this heavens shall be b. 8. 21. I am hurt, I am b. 14 2. the gates thereof are b. Lam. 5. 10. our skin was b. Zec/i. 6. 2. in second chariot b. horses 6. b. horses go forth into north Mat. 5. 36. one hair white or b. Rev. 6. 5. and lo a b. horse 12. the sun became b. BLACKER. Lam. 4. 8. their visage is b. than coal BLACKISH. Job 6. 16. b. by reason of the ice BLACKNESS. Job 3. 5. let b. of the day terrify it Isa. 50. 3. I clothe heavens with b. Joel 2.6. faces shall gather b. Nah. 2. 10. Ileb. 12. 18. ye are not come to b. Jude 13. to whom is reserved b. BLADE. Judg. 3. 22. haft went in after the b. Job 31. 22. fall from my shoulder-6. Mat. 13.20.ft. was sprung up,A/«r.4.28 BLAISS. Exod. 9. 9. a boil with b. 10. BLAME. Gen. 43. 9. let me bear the b. 44. 32. 2 Cor. 8. 20. that no man should b. us Eph. 1. 4. holy and without b. BLAMED. 2 Cor. G. 3. that ministry be not b. Gal. 2. 11. because he was to be b. BLAMELESS. Josh.2. 17. we will be b. of thine oath Mat. 12. 5. profane Sab. and are b. Luke 1. 6. in ordinances of the L. b. I Cor. 1. 8. b. in the day of our Lord Phil. 2. 15. may be b. and harmless 3. 6. touching righte. in the law b. 1 Thess 5. 23. body, be preserved b. I Tim. 3. 2. a bishop b. Tit. 1. 7. 10. use office of deacon being b. 5. 7. give in charge, they be b. Tit. 1. 6. if any be 6. the husband 1 Pet. 3. 14. ye may be found b. BLASPHEME. 2 So?».12. 14. occasion to enemies to b. I Kings 21. 10. thou didst b. God, 13. Pial. 74. 10. shall the enemy ft. thy Mark 3. 28. wherewith they shall b. 29. that shall b. ag. Holy Ghost Acts 26. II. I compelled them to b. 1 Tim. 1. 20. may learn not to b. Jam. 2. 7. they b. that worthy name Rev. 13. 6. to ft. his name and taber. BLASPHEMED. Lev.2i.\\. Israelitish woman's son b. 2 Ki. 19.6 with which serv.of king of Assyria b. me, 22. Isa. 37. 6, 23. Psa. 74. 18. foolish have b. thy name Im. 52. 5. my name every day is b. 65. 7. and ft." me on the hills Ezek. 20. 27. your fathers have b. me Acts 18. 6. opposed themselves and b. /?of*.2.24.nameof God is b. thro' you 1 Tim. 6. I. and his doctrine be not b. Tit. 2. 5. feat the word bo not ft. 30 BLE Rev. 16. 9. men were scorched audi 11. b. because of their pains 21. men b. God because of hail BLASPHEMEST, ETH. Lev. 24 16. whoso b. the Lord Psal 44. 16. voice of him that b. Mat. 9. 3. scribes said this man b. John 10. 36. Father sanctified, thou 6. BLASPHEMING. Acts 13. 45. BLASPHEMER, S. Acts 19. 37. are not b. of your goddess 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was before a b. 2 Tim. 3. 2. last days men shall be b. BLASPHEMY. 2 Ki i9. 3. this is a day of b. 7*a.37.3 Mat. 12. 31. all manner of b. shall be forgiven, but b. against Holy G. 26. 65. ye have heard his b. A7ar.14.6i Mark 7. 22. out of heart proceed b. John 10. 33. stone thee not but for 6 Col. 3. 8. now you also put off b. Rev. 2. 9. I know b. of them that 13. 1. and upon his heads b. 6. opened his mouth in b. BLASPHEMIES Ezek. 35. 12. I have heard all thy b. Mat '5. 19. out of the hearth. Mar* 2. 7. this man thti3 speak b. t 3. 28. b. they shall blaspheme Luke 5. 21. who is this speaketh b. f Rev. 13.5. mouth giv. him speaking 6 BLASPHEMOUS. Acts 6. 1 1. hea> d him speak b. words 13. ceaseth not to speak b. words BLASPHEMOUSLY. Lu. 22. 65. other things b. spake they B LA ST. E.vod. 15. 8. with b. of thy nostrils Josh. 6. 5 a long b. with horns 2 Sa?n. 22. 16. at the b. of the breath of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15, 2 Kin. 19. 7 b. on Seunach. Isa. 37. 7. Job 4. 9. by b. of God they perish Isa. 25. 4. when the b. of the terrible BLASTED. Gen. 41. 6. thin ears b. 23. 27. 2 Kings 19. 26. as corn b. Isa. 37. 27 BLASTING. Deut.28.22. L. shall smite thee with b 1 Ki. 8. 37. if there be b. 2 Chr. 6. 28 Amos 4. 9. smitten you with b. Hag. 2. 17. I smote you with b. BLAZE. Mark 1. 45. to b. abroad the matter BLEATING, S. Judg. 5. 16. to hear b. of flocks 1 Sam. 15. 14. nieaneth this b. of shp. BLEMISH Exod. 12. 5. lamb without b. Lev. 9. 3. 14 10. | 23. 12. Num. 6. 14. 29. 1. take two rams without b. Lev. 5. 15, 18. | 6. 6. | 9. 2. Ezek. 46. 4. Lev. 1. 3. male without b. 10. j 4. 23. 22. 19. 21. 17. hath b. not approach, 21. 23. 22.20. hath a b. not offer, Deut. 15.21. 21. free-will olfering no ft. 24. 19 cause a b. in his neighbour Num. 19. 2. a red heifer without b. 29. 2. seven lambs without b. i Sam. 14. 25 no b. in Absalom Dan. 1. 4. children in whom was no & Eph. 5. 27. holy and without b. 1 Pet. 1. 19. as of a lamb without b. BLEMISHES. Lev. 22. 25. b. in them not accepted 2 Pet. 2. 13. spots they are and b. BLESS, God being aeent. Gen. 12. 2. I will b. thee, 2~6. 3, 24. 3. I will b. them that bless thee 17. 16. I will b. her, and give thee Gen. 22. 17. in blessing I will ft. thee, lhb. 6. 14. BLE Gen. 28. 3. b. thee, and multiply thee 32. 26. thee go, except thou 6. me 48. 16. 6. the lads 49. 25. by Aim. who shall b. thee Exod. 20. 24. and I will b. thee 23. 25. he shall b. thy bread Num. 6. 24. Lord b. and keep thee 27. on Israel, and I will b. them 24. 1. pleased the L. to b. Israel Deut. 7. 13. b. the fruit of thy womb 15. 4. no poor, for L. shall 6. thee 18. God shall b. thee in all, 30. 16. 16. 15. bee. Lord shall b. thee in all 26. 15. look down and b. Israel 28. 8. b. thee in the land he giveth 12. to b. all the work of thine hand 33. 11. b. Lord, his substance, accept 2 Sam. 7. 29. to b. the house of thy servant, 1 Chron. 17: 27. Chron.A. 10. wouldest b. me indeed Psal. 5. 12. wilt b. the righteous 28. 9. b. thine inheritance 29. 11. will b. his people with peace 67. 6. our own God shall b. us, 7. 115. 12. L. will b. us, he will 6. the house of Israel, of Aaron 13. he will b. them that fear Lord 128. 5. L. shall 6. thee out ot Ziou 132. 15. abundantly b. her provision 134. 3. the Lord 6. thee out of Zion /.<«. 19. 25. whom L. of hosts shall b. Hag. 2. 19. from this day will I b. Acts 3 26. sent him to b. you BLESS, God being the object. Deut. 8. 10. art full, shall 6. Lord Judg. 5. 9. b. the L. Ps. 103.21. | 134. 1. I Chr. 29. 20. David said, now b. L. Neh. 9. 5. stand up and 6. Lord for Ft. 16. 7. b. L. who hath give coun. 36. 12. in the cong. will 16. the L. 34. 1. I will b. the Lord at all times 63. 4. will I b. thee while I live 66. 8. O b. our God, make his praise fis. 26. b. ye God in congregations 96. 2. sing to the Lord, b. his name 100. 4. b his name, 103. I. [35. 103. 1. b. L. O my soul, 2. 22. | 104. 1, 20. b. ye his angels || 21. b. his hosts 22. b. the Lord all his works 115. 18. we will b. L. from this time 134. 2. lift up your hands, b. the L. 135. 19. 6. the L. O house of Israel 20. O Levi, b. the Lord 145. 1. I will b. thy name for ever 2. every day will I b. thee 10. O L. thy saints shall b. thee 21. let all flesh b. his holy name Jam 3. 9. therewith b. we God BLESS, man agent and object. Gen. 27. 4. b. thee before I die, 25. 34. 6. me, O my father, 38. 48. 9. bring them to me, I will b. 20. in thee shall Israel b. saying Exod. 12. 32. begone, and b. me also Num. 6. 23. on this wise b. Israel 23. 20. I have received com. to b. 25. curse them nor b. them at all Deut. 10. 8. separated Levi to b. 21.5. 27. 12. stand on Gerizim, to b. 29. 19. heareth curse, he b. himself 1 Sam. 9. 13. he doth b. the sacrifice 2 Sam.6.20. then David returned to b. Jais household, 1 Chron. 16. 43. 8. 10. Joram his son to b. David 21. 3. that ye b. inherit, of the Lord 1 Ki. 1. 47. came to b. our L. k. Dav. I Chr. 23. 13. to b. in his name for ev. Paul 62. 4. b. with their mouth 109. 28. let them curse, but b. thou 129. 8. we b. you in the name of L. Prov. 30. 11. doth not b. their mother Jia. G5. 16. b. himself in God of truth Jmr. 4. 2. nations sh. b. them, in him Jf«*. *. 44, *. that curse jrou, Lu. G.28. BLE Rom. 12. 14. b. and curse not 1 Cor. 4. 12. being reviled we b. 14. 16. shalt 6. with the spirit BLESS. 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of bless, we b. BLESSED, man agent and object. Gen. 14. 19. Melchisedek b. Abram 24. 60. they b. Rebekah, and said 27. 23. so Isaac b. Jacob, 27. 29. b. be he that blesseth thee 33. I have b. him, he shall be b. 41. blessing wh. his father b. him 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, b. him 30. 13. daughters will call me b. 31. 55. kissed his sons, and b. them 47. 7. b. Pharaoh, 10. || 48. 15. Joseph 48. 20. Jacob b. Manasseh, Heb. 11.21. 49. 28. Jacob b. his sons Ex. 39. 43. Moses b. them, Deut 33.1 Lei). 9. 22. Aaron b. them 23. Moses and Aaron b. the people Num. 22. 6. whom thou blessest is b. 23. 11. hast b. altogether, 24 10. Deut. 33. 20. b. that enlargeth Gad 24. let Asher be 6. with children Joxh. 22. fl. Josh. b. sent them away, 7 Josh. 24. 10. Balaam 6. you still Judg. 5. 24. I>. above women Jael 1 Sam, 2. 20 Eli b. Eikanah 25. 33. b. be thy advice and thou 26. 25. Saul said b. be thou [him 2 Sam. 13. 25. he would not go but b. 19. 39. kissed Barzillai, and b. him 1 Kings 2. 45. Solomon shall be b. 8. 14. Solomon b. congregation, 55. 66. congreg. b. Solomon, 2 Ch. 6. 3. Job 29. 1 1. ear heard me, it b. me 31. 20. if his loins have not 6. me Psal. 49. 18. lived he b. his soul 72. 17. men be b. in him, nations 118. 26. b. be he that cometh in name of the Lord, we have b. Prov. 31. 28 her children call her b. Eccl. 10. 17. b. art thou, O land Cant. 6. 9. the daughters b. her Isa. 66. 3. as if he b. an idol Jer. 20. 14. let not the day be b. Mai. 3. 12. all nations call you b. Mark 11. 10. b. be king, of our father Luke 1. 48. all gen. shall call me b. 2. 34. Simeon b. them, and said Acts 20. 35. it is more 6. to give Tit. 2. 13. looking for that 6. hope Heb. 7. 1. met Abraham b. him, 6. 7. the less is b. of the better BLESSED, God the agent. Gen. 1. 22. b. be fruitful, 28. | 5. 2. 2. 3. b. seventh day, Exod. W. 1). 12. 3. in thee shall all families be b. 18. 18. | 22.18.' 26.4. | 28.14. Acts 3. 25. Gal. 3. 8. 17. 20. b. Ishmael || 24. 1. b. Abraham 24. 31. come in thou 6. of the Lord 25. 11. God b. Isaac, 26. 12. 26 29. thou art now the b. of L. 27. 27. field which the Lord hath b. 30. 27. L hath 6. me for thy sake 30. L.hath b. thee since my coming 32. 29. b. Jacob there, 35. 9. | 48. 3. 39. 5. Lord b. Egyptian's house Num. 22. 12. for the people are b. 23. 20. b. I cannot reverse it [16.10. Deut. 2. 7 hath b. thee, 12. 7. | 15.14. 7. 14. shalt be b. above all people 28. 3. b. shalt thou be in city, b. in 4. b. be fruit of thy body ||5.basket 33. 13. of Joseph he said, b. of L. Josh. 17. 14. as the Lord hath b. me Judg. 13. 24. Lord b. Samson Iiutft 3. 10. 6. be thou my daughter 1 Sain. 23. 21. b. be ye. 2 Sam. 2. 5. 2 Sa?n. G. J I. 6. Obed-edom, 12. 1 Ch. 13. 14. | 26. 5. 7. 29. thehoiuo of thy servant be b. 31 BLE 1 C7ir. 17. 27. blessest, it shall be b. 2 Chr. 31. 10. hath b. his people Job 1. 10. b. the work of his hands 42. 12. Lord b. latter end of Job Psal. 21. 6. hast made him most b. 33. 12. b. is the nation whose God 37. 22. as be b. of him shall inher 26. lendeth, and his seed is b. 41. 2. keep him, and he shall be b. 45. 2. therefore God hath 6. thee 89. 15. b. is the people that know 112. 2. gen. of upright shall be b. 115. 15. you are b. of the Lord 119. 1. b. are the undefiled 128. 1. 6. is every one that fearc«fc 4. man be b. that feareth the L. 147. 13. he hath b. thy children Prov. 5. 18. let thy fountain be b. 10. 7. the memory of the Just is b. 20. 7. the just man's children are > 21. end thereof shall not be b. 22. 9. bountiful eye shall be b. Tsa. 19. 25. b. be Egypt my people 51. 2. I called him alone and b. 61. 9. seed Lord hath b. 65. 23. Mat. 5. 3. b. poor in spirit || 5. meek 7. merciful || 8. pure in heart 9. peace-makers || 10. persecuted 13. \6. b. are vour eyes, Lu. 10. 23. 14. 19. he b. and brake. 26. 26. Mar. 6.41. | 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 24. 30 16. 17. b. art thou, Simon Bar.jona 24. 46. b. is that servant, Lu. 12. 43. 25. 34. come, ye b. of my Father Mark 10. 16. in his arms and b. them 14. 6!. art thou Christ, son of the b Luke 1. 28. b. among women, 49, 45. b. is she that believed 6. 20. b. be ye poor 11. 27. b. is womb that bare thee 12. 37. 6. are those serv. whom the Lord shall find watching, 38. 14. 14. thou shalt be b. 19. 38. b. be the King that cometh 23. 29. b. are the barren 24. 50. he b. them || 51. while he b. Gal. 3. 9. 6. with faithful Abraham Eph. 1. 3. b. us with spiritual bless. Jam. 1. 25. shall be b. in his deed Rev. 14. 13. b. are the dead that die BLESSED, God the object. Gen. 14. 20. b. be most high God Josh. 22. 33. children of Isr. b. God 2 Sam. 22. 47. b. be my rock, Ps.18.46 1 Chr. 29. 10. David b. the Lord b. 20. all the cong. b. the L. God 2 Chr. 20. 26. for there they b. Lord Neh.9.5 b. be thy glo. name,P*.72.19. Job 1. 21. b. be name of L. Ps. 113. 2. Psal. 66. 20. b. be G. 68. 35. 2 Cor. 1. 3. 119. 12. b. art thou, O Lord, teach Ezek.3. 12.saying,6. be the glory of L. Dan. 2. 19. b. the God of heaven, 20. 4. 34. Nebuch. b. the most High Luke 2. 28. in his arms and b. God John 12. 13. b. is the King of Isr. Bom. 1.25. Creator, who is *• f °r «vet 9. 5. over all, God b. for ever 2 Cor. 11. 31. is b. for evermore, Eph. 1. 3. b. be the Father, 1 Pst. 1. 1 1 Tim. 1. 11. glor.gospel of the i. Ggd 6. 1.^ J. and only Potentate BLESSED are they. Psai. 2. 12. b. a. t. that trust in him 84. 4. b. are t. that dwell in thy house 106. 3 b.are they that keepjudgment 119. 2. b. aret. that keep his testimo. Prov. 8. 32. b. a.t. that keep my ways 7*o. 30. 18. b. are t. that wait for him Mat. 5. 4. b. are they that mourn 6. 6. who hunger || 10. persecuted Luke 11. 28. rather 6. hear the word John 20. 29.6. have not seen, believed £om. 4, 7 b. are th. whose iniquity BLE Rev 19 9. ft. are they who are railed to the marriage supper 2°. 14. ft. a, t. do his commandments BLESSED are ye. Isa. 32. 20. 6. a. ye sow beside waters Mat. 5. 11. ft. when men shall revile LukeQ.2\. b. are ye that hunger now, be filled ; b. are ye that weep now 22. 6. a.ye when men shall hate you BLESSED is he. Num. 24. 9. b. is he that blesseth thee Psal. 32. 1. b.ishe whose transgres. 41. 1. b, is he thatconsidereth poor Da". 12. 12. ft. is he that waiteth Mat 11. 6. and b. is he shall not be offended in me, Luke 7. 23. 2 9. b. is he that oometh in the name of the Lord, 23. 39. MarkU. 9. Luke 13. 35. Luke 14. 15. b. shall eat bread inking. Rev. 1. 3. ft. ?'.« Ae that readeth 1(5. 15. ft. is he that watche.th 'JO. 6. ft. that hath part in first res. 22. 7. ft. ket- petli sayings of the pro. BLESSED is the man. Psal 1. 1. ft. is the in that walketh not 32. 2. ft. is the man to whom the L. impnteth notinquity,/i!o?/i.4.8. Sl.S.ft.trusteth in him, 84.12. Jer.Yl.l. 40. 4. ft. i. m. maketh the L. his trust C5.4.ft. is the in. whom thou choosest 8 1. 5. ft. whose strength is in thee 94. 12. ft. i. in. whom thou chastenest 112. 1. ft. is the man that feareth L. Prov 8. 34. 6. i. t. in. that heareth me Isa. 56. 2. ft. is the man that doth this Jam. 1. 12. ft. that endureth tempta. BLESSEDNESS. Rom. 4. 6. as David describeth theft. 9. cometh this ft on circ. only ? Gal. 4. 15. where the ft. ye spake of? BLESSEST. Num. 22. G. whom thou ft. is blessed 1 Chr. 17. 27. thou ft. O Lord, and it Psal. 65. 10. thou ft. the springing BLESSETH. Gere.27.29.blessedthat ft.tliee .ZVm.24.9 Dent. 15. (5. ft. thee as he promised Psal. 10. 3. 6. covetous whom the L. 107. 38. he ft. they are multiplied Prov. 3. 33. ft. habitation of the just 27. 14. ft. his friend with a loud ha. 65. 16. 6. himself in the earth BLESSING. Gen. 12. 2. thou shall be a ft. 22. 17. in ft. I will bless, Heb. 6. 14. 27. 12. a curse on me, and not a ft. 35. thy brother taken thy ft. 33. but one ft. my father ? 28. 4. give thee b. of Abraham 33. 11. take my ft. that is brought 3-J. 5. ft. was on all he had 40. 28. every one ac. to his ft. he bl. E.rod. 32. 29. may bestow on you a ft. Lev. 25. 21. will I com. my ft. on you Deut. II. 26. before you a ft. 30. 19. 27. a ft. if ye obey the commandm. 29 shalt put the ft. on Oerizim 1 2. 15. ac. to ft of the Lord, )6. 17. 23. 5. L. turned the curse into a ft. 28. 8. command a ft. on store-house 33. 1. the ft. wh. Moses blessed, 7. 16. let the ft. come upon Joseph 23. Naphtali full with the ft. of L. Josh. 15. 19. give me a ft. Judg. 1. 15. 1 Sum. 25. 27. this ft. thy handmaid 2 Sam. 7 29. thy ft. let the house 2 Kings 5. 15. take a ft. of thy serv. Nek. 9. 5. exalted above all 6. 13. 2. God turned curse into a ft. J: ib 29. 13. ft. of him ready to perish Psal. 3. 8. thy ft. 'a on thy people 24. 5. he shall receive ft. from L. 109 17 S3 he delighted not in ft. BLI Psal 129. 8. ft. of the Lord he on you 133. 3. Lord comm. the ft. even life Prov. 10. 22. ft. of L. maketh rich 11. 11. by the. ft. of the upright 26. a ft. on him that selleth it 24. 25. a good ft. on them that rehu. Isa. 19. 24. a ft. in midst of the land 44. 3. ponr my ft. on thy offspring 65. 8. destroy it not, a ft. is in it Ezek. 34. 26. places about my hill a ft. there shall be showers of ft. 44. 30. the ft, to rest in thy house Joel 2. 14. leave a ft. behind him Zech. 8. 13. and ye shall be a ft. Mai. 3. 10. and pour you out a ft. Luke 24. 53. in the temple ft. God Rom 15. 29 fulness of the ft. of gos. 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of ft. we bless Gal. 3. 14. that the ft of Abraham might come on Gentiles thro' J. C. Heb. 6. 7. earth receiveth 6. from G. 12. 17. would have inherited the ft. Jam. 3. 10. of same mouth 6. curs. 1 Pet. 3. 9. but contrariwise ft. that ye should inherit a ft. Rev. 5. 12. worthy to receive ft. 13. ft. to him that sitteth on throne 7. 12. ft. and glory to our God BLESSINGS. Gen. 49. 25. with ft. of the heav. above, ft. of the deep, ft. of the breasts 26. ft. of thy father above ft. of my Deut. 28. 2. all these, ft. shall come Josh. 8. 34. he read the ft. and curs. Psal.2\.3. preventest him with theft. Prov. 10. 6. ft. are upon the just 28. 20. faithful shall abound with ft. Mai. 2. 2. and will curse your ft. £jo/i.l.3.blessed us with all spiritual/;. BLEW, Verb. Josh. 6. 8. priests passed and ft. Judg. 3. 27. Ehud ft. a trumpet 6. 34. Gideon, b. a trumpet 7. 19. they ft. the trumpets, 20, 22. 1 Sam. 13. 3. Saul ft. let Hebrews 2 Sam. 2. 28. Joab ft. 18. 16. | 20. 22. 20. 1. Sheba a Benjamite ft. 1 Ki. 1. 39. ft. people said, God save king Sol. 2 Ki. 9. 13. | 1 J. 14. Mat. 7. 25. 6. on that house, 27. John 6. 18. by a great wind that ft. Acts 27. 13. south-wind ft. 28. 13. BLIND. Exod. 4. 11. who maketh the ft. ? Lev. 19. 14. stumbling-biock before ft. 21. 18. a ft. man shall not approach 22. 22. not offer the ft. Deut. 35. 21. Deut. 27. 18. maketh. ft. to wander 28. 29. as ft gropeth in darkness 2 Sam. 5. 6. exc. thou take away ft. 8. ft. hated of David, the ft. shall not come into house Job 29. 15. I was eyes to the ft. Psal. 146.8. openet.h the eyes of theft. Isa. 29. 18. eyes of ft. shall see, 35. 5. 42. 7. for a light to open the ft. eyes 16. ft. by a way they knew not 18. look, ye ft. that ye may see 42. 19. wlio is ft. but my serv.? who is ft. as he that is perfect, and ft. 43. 8. ft. people that have eyes 56. 10. his watchmen are ft. they 59. 10. we grope for wall like ft. Jer. 31. 8. with them the ft. and lame Lam. 4. 14. wandered as ft. men Zeph. 1. 17. shall walk like ft. men Mai. 1. 8. ft. for sacrifice is it not evil? Mat. 9. 27. two ft. men, 20. 30. li. 5. 6. receive sight, 12.22. Lu.1.22 15. 14. they be ft. leaders of ft. if the ft. lead the ft. Luke 6. 39. 23. 16. wo to you, ye ft. guides 17. ye ft. whether is greater, 19. 2C thou ft. Pharisee/cleanse first 32 BLO Mark 8. 23. took ft. man by the hr.nd 10. 46. ft. Bartimens sat begging Luke 4. 18. recovery of signt to 6. 7. 21 to many ft. he gave sight 14. 13. makest a feast cad the ft. John 5. 3. lay a great multitude of ft. 9. 1. he saw a man that was ft. 39. which see might be made ft. 40. are we ft. also? || 41. if ye were ft. 10. 21. can a devil open eyes of 6. ? Acts 13. II. thou shalt be ft*. Rom. 2. 19. thou art a guide to the ft. 2 Pet. 1. 9. lacketh these things is ft Rev. 3. 17. knowest not thou art ft. BLIND, Verb. Deut. 16. 19. a gift doth ft. the eyes 1 Sam. 12. 3. a bribe to 6. BLINDED, ETH. Exod. 23. 8. for a gift ft. the wise John 12. 40. he hath ft. their eyes Rom. 1 1. 7. obtained, the rest wire 2 Cor. 3. 14. but their minds were ft. 4. 4. god of this world hath ft. 1 John 2. 1 1. darkness hath ft. his eyes BLINDFOLDED. Luke 22. 64. when they had ft. him BLINDNESS. Gen. 19. 11. men at the door with ft. Deut. 28. 28. smite thee with ft. 2 Kings G. IS. Elisha prayed, smite this people, I pray thee, with ft. Zech. 12. 4. every horse with ft. Rom. 11. 25. ft. in part has happened Eph. 4. 18. bee. of ft. of their heart Block. See Stumbling. BLOOD. IVhere marked irith f it is in the Original BLOODS. Gen. 4.f 10. voice of thy brother's ft. 9. 4. life which is the ft. not eat 5. ft. of your lives will I require 37. 31. and dipped the coat in 6. Exod. 4. 9. water shall become ft. 7. 17. waters be turned into ft. 12. 13. ft. a token, when I see ft. 23. IS. the ft. with leaven, 34. 25. Lev. 15. 19. if issue in her flesh be ft. 17. 4. ft. imputed unto that man 11. it is ft. maketh atonement 19. 16. not stand ag. ft. of ncighb. Num 23. 24. and drink ft. of slain 35. 33. but by ft. of him that shed it Deut. 17. 8. betw. ft. and ft. 2 CA.19.10. 21. 8. ft. shall be forgiven them 32. 43. avenge ft. of his servants Jicdg. 9. 24. their ft. on Abimeleeh 1 Sain. 26. 20. my ft. fall to the earth 2 Sam. 1. 16. thy ft. be on thy head 22. from the ft. of the slain 16. f 7. come out, thou man of ft. 8. returned upon thee all the ft. 20. 12. Amasa wallowed in ft. 23. 17. ft. of the men? 1 Chr 11. 1ft 1 Kings 2. 5. ft. of war on his girdle 18. 28. till the ft. gushed out 2 Kin. 3. 22. saw the water red as ft. 23. they said, this is ft. the kings 9.f26. I have seen ft. of Naboth Job 16. 18. O earth, cover not my b 39. 30. eagles' young suck up ft. Psal. 30. 9. what profit in my ft f 50. 13. will 1 drink ft. of goats ? 58. 10. wash his feet in ft. of wicker 68. 23. dipped in ft. of thy enemy 72. 14. precious their ft. in his sight Prov. 28. 17. violence to ft. of any Isa. l.f 15. your hands are full of ft 4. 4. L. shall purge ft. of Jerusalem 9. 5. and garments rolled in ft. 15. 9. waters of Dim on full of ft. 26. f 21. earth shall disclose her ft. 33. f 15. his ear from hearing ft. 34. 3. moun. milted with their b. Jer. 2. 34. ft. of the poor innocents BLO Jer. 18. 21. pour out their 6. by force 48. 10. keepeth his sword from b. 51. 35. my b. be on the inha. of Chal. Lam. 4. 14. polluted thems. with b. Ezek. 5. 17. pestilence and b. pass 9. 9. the laud is full of b. 14. 19. my fury upon it in b. 16. 6. when thou wast in thy b. live ■f-9. I washed away thy b. 38. I will give thee b. in fury 18. 10. son that is a shedder of b. f i3. he shall die, his b. shall be 19. 10. thy mother a vine in thy b. 21. 32. thy b. in midst of land, 22.13. 22. 3. city sheddeth b. in midst of it 23. 37. and b. is in their hands, 45. 21. S. her b. on the top of a rock 2S. 23. I will send b. intu her streets 32. 6. water with thy b. the land 35. 6. to b. thou hast not hated b. even b. shall pursue thee 44. 7. the fat and the b. 15. Hos. 1. 4. avenge the b. of Jezreel 4. +2. and b. toucheth b.[_Acts 2. 19. Joel 2. 30. b. fire, pillars of smoke, 31. moon turned into b. Acts 2. 20. 3. 21. I will cleanse their b. that I Zeph. 1.17. their b. poured out as dust Mat. 9. 20. woman with an issue of b. 12 years, Murk 5.25. ZwA:e8.43 16. 17. b. hath not revealed it 23. 30. not parta. in the b. of proph. 35. from o.of righte. Abel, Lu. 11.51. 26.28. my b. of new test.il/arA; 14.24. 27. 6. berause it is price of b. 8. called the field of b. Acts 1. 19. 24. lam inn. of b. of this just pers. Luke 13. 1. whose b. Pilate mingled 22. 20. new test, in my b. I Cor. 11. 25 44. his sweat as great drops of b. John 1. 13. born not of b. nor flesh 6. 54. and drinketh my b. 56. 55. aud my b. is drink indeed 19. 34 forthwith came thereout b. Acts 5. 28. to bring this man's b. on 15. 20. abstain from b. 29. | 21. 25. 17. 2G. made of one b. all nations 18. 6. b. be on your own heads 20. 26. I am pure from b. of all men 1 Cor. 11. 27. guilty of the body and b. 15. 50. flesh and b. cannot inherit Eph. G. 12. wrestle not ag. flesh and b. Col. 1 20. peace thro. b. of his cross Heb. 2. 14. partakers of flesh and b. 9.7. not without b. which he offered 12. b. of goats, but by his own b. 13. if the b. of bulls sanctifieth 20. this is the b. of the testament 22. without shedding of b. no rem. 10. 19. holiest by the b. of Jesus 11. 28. and sprinkling of b. 12. 4. not yet resisted unto b. 24. b. of sprinkling that speaketh 13. II. whose b. is brought into 1 PetA.2. sprinkling of the b. of J. C. 1 John 1. 7. b. of J. C. cleanseth us 5. 6. he that came by water and b. 8. the Spirit, water, and b. Ren. 5. 9 redeemed us by thy b. 6 10. how long not avenge our L ? 12. and the moon became as b. 7. 14. white in the b. of the Lamb 8. 8. part of sea became b. 16. 3. 11. 6. to turn the waters into b. 12. 11. overcame by b. of the Lamb 14. 20. b. came ontof wine-press 16 G. hast given them b. to drink 18. 24. found the b. of the prophets 19. 2. avenged the b. of his servants 13. with a vesture dipped in b. See Avenger, Revenger. BLOOD be upon. Lev. 20. 9. curseth father, his b. him 1L incest || 13. sodomy BLO Lev. '20. 16. bestiality || 27. wizard, their b. be upon them Ezek. 18. 13. done abom. his b. beu. 33. 5. warning, his b. shall him be it. BLOOD, with bullock. Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in b. of bull. BLOOD of Christ. 1 Cor.10.16. communion of the b. ofC. Eph. 2. 13. are made nigh by b. of C. Heb. 9.14. much more shall b. purge ? 1 Pet. 1. !9. but with precious b. ofC. 1 John 1. 7. the b. of C. cleanseth us BLOOD of the Covenant. Exod. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the b. Zech. 9. 11. as for thee also by b. of c. Heb. 10. 29. b. ofcov. an unholy thing 13. 20. b. of the everlasting covenant BLOOD, with eat. Lev. 3. 17. eat neither fat nor b. 7. 26. ye shall eat no manner'of b. 27. | 17. U.Deut.\-2.\fi, 23. | 15.23. 27. eateth b. soul cut off, 17. 10. 1 Sam. 14. 32. did e^them with the b. Ezek. 33. 25. ye eat with b. and lift For BLOOD. 2 Chr. 24 25. for the b. of sons of Jo. Psal. 9. 12. maketh inquisition for b. Prov. 1. 11. let us'lay wait fork 18. 12. 6. are to lie in wait/or b. Mic. 7. 2. they all lie in wait /or b. His BLOOD. Gen. 37. 26. brother and conceal fiis b 42. 22. behold his b. is required Josh. 2. 19. his b. be upon his head 2 Sam. 4. 11. shall I not require hisb. 1 Kings 2. 32. L. shall return his b. Ezek. 3. 18. but his b. will I require at thy hand, 20. J 33. 4, 6, 8. Hos. 12. 14. shall leave his b. on him Meek 27. 25. his b. be on us and our Acts 20. 28. church purch. with Ms b. Mom. 3. 25. prop, thro' faith in his b. 5. 9. being now justified by his b. Eph. 1.7. redem. thro' Am b. Col. 1. 14. Heb. 9. 12. by his own b. he entered 13. 12. sanctify the people with hisb. Rev. 1. 5. and washed us in his b. Innocent BLOOD. Deut. 19. 10 that in. b. be not shed in 13. put away guilt of in. b. 21. 9. 21. 8. in. b. to thy people's charge 1 Sam. 19.5. wilt thou sin against///, b. 1 Kin.2.3\. take away i?i.b. Joab shed 2 Kin. 21. 16. Manas, shed in. b. 24. 4. Psal. 94. 21. they condemn inno. b. 106. 38. shed in. b. even b. of sons Prov. 6.17. L. hateth hands shed in. b. Isa. 59. 7. they haste to shed iiuio. b. Jer. 7. 6. shed not innocent b. 22 3. 22. 17. thine eyes are to shed inn. b. 26. 15. ye shall surely bring inno. b. Joel 3. 19. because they shed inno. b. Jonah 1. 14. O L. lay not on us in. b. Mat. 27. 4. in that I betrayed inno. b. Shed BLOOD. Gen.9.6. man's 6. by man hiso.besA^ 37. 22. Reuben said, shed no 6. Lev. 17. 4. shed b. shall be cut off Num. 35.33. cleansed of 6. s. but hy J. Deut. 21. 7. our hands not *Aedthis b. I Kin.2.5. and slwd b. of war in peace 1 Chr. 22. 8. hast shed b. much b. 28. 3. Psal. 79. 3. their 6. s. like water 10. revenging b. of thy servants s. Prov. 1.16. haste to shedb. Horn. 3. 15. Lain. 4.13. have shed the b. of the just Ezek. 16.38. as women that*, b.23. 45. 22. 4. guilty in b. thou hast shed 33. 25. ye s. b. and shall ye possess 36. 18. fury on them for the 6. s. Mat. 23. 35. on you the righteous b.s. Mark 14. 21. this is my h. which is shed, Luke 22. 20. Luke 11. 50. o. of a'A the prophets f, 33 BLO Acts 22. 20. when b. of Stephen was «. Rev. 16. 6. have s. the b. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Exod. 29. 20. shalt sprinkle b. on altar, Lev. 1. 5, II. | 3. 2, 8, 13. | 7. 2. | 17. 6. Hum. 18. 17. BLOOD sprinkled. Exod. 24.8. Moses sp. b. on the people Isa. 63. 3. their b. shall be sprinkUd on my garment Heb. 9. 21. he sp.with b. the t^-berna. With BLOOD Ex. 30. 10. Aaron make atone, with b. Lev. 19. 26. not eat any thing with b. 1 Kings 2. 9. his hoar head bring thou down with b. ZW. 106.38. land was polluted with b. Isa. 34. 6. sword of Lord filled with b. 7. their land shall be soaked with b. 49. 26. be drunken with their own b. 59. 3. your hands are defiled with b. Jer. 19. 4. this place u: b. of innocents 46. 10. it shall be drunk with their b. Lam. i. 14. polluted themselves w. b. Ezek. 38. 22. 1 will plead aar. him w. b. Hos. 6. 8. Gilead polluted with b. Mic. 3. 10. they build up Zion with b. Hub. 2. 12. buildeth a town with b. Gal. 1. 16. I conferred not with b. Heb. 9. 22. by the law purged with b. Rev. 8. 7. and fire, mingled with b. 17. 6. saw the woman drunken w\ b. BLOOD-GUILTINESS. Psal. 51. 14. deliver me from b.-g. BLJOD-THIRSTY. Prov. 29. 10. b.-th. hate the upright BLOODY. Exod. 4. 25. a b. husband art thou, 26. 2 Sam. 16. 7. Shimei said, thou b. man 21. 1. famine is for Saul, his b. house Psal. 5. 6. Lord will abhor the b. man 26. 9. gather not my life with b. men 55. 23.6. men not live half their days 59. 2. and save me from 6. men 139. 19. depart ye b. men Ezek. 7. 23. land is full of b. crimes 22. 2. wilt thou judge the b. city r /}. 5. wo to the b. city, 9. Kah. 3. L Acts 28. 8. lay sick of a 6. flux BLOOMED. Nu7ii. 17. 8. Aaron's rod b. blossoms BLOSSOM, S. Gen. 40. 10. her b. shot forth Isa. 5. 24. b. shall go up as dust BLOSSOM, ED. Num. 17. 5. the man's rod shall b. Isa. 27 6. Israel shall 6. and bud 35. 1. desert shall b. as the rose 2. it shall b. abundantly Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath b. Hub. 3. 17. altho' fi^-teee shall not 6. BLOT. Job 31. 7. if any b. hath cleaved Prov. 9. 7. wicked, getteth a 6. BLOT out. Exod. 32. 32. b. me out of thy book 33. hath sinned, him will I b. out Deut. 9. 14. let me alone that I b. out 25. 19. shall b. o. rem em. of Amalek 29. 20. b. o. his name from under h. 2 Ki. 14. 27. said not, would o o. Is. Psal. 51. 1. O God, b. out transgres. 9. and b. out all mine iniquities Jer. 18. 23. nor 6. out their sin Rev. 3. 5. I will not b. his name out BLOTTED. Ne7i. 4. {L let not their sin be b. nut Ps. 69 28. o. out of book of the living 109. 13. let their name be b. out 14. sin of his mother be 6. out Isa. 44. 22 b. out as a thick cloud Acts 3. 19. that vour sins be b. out BLOTTETH, ing. ha. 43. 25. that b. out thy transgre BOA Col. 2. 14. b. out the hand-writing BLOW. Ps. 39. 10. I am consumed by the 6. Jer. 14. 17. broken with grievous b. BLOW, Verb. Ex-od. 15. 10. didst h. with thy wind Jndg. 7. 18. when I b. then b. ye PsaL 78. 26. caused east- wind to b. 147. 18. causeth his wind to b. Cant. 4. 16. come, thou south, b. Is'i. 40. 24. b. upon them, shall wither Ezek 21 31. I will b. ag. thee, 22.21. Hon. 5. 8 /'. cornet in Gibeah Ilag. I. 9. I did A. upon it Luke 12. 55. see the south- wind b. Ilea. ">. 1. that wind should not b. See Trumpkt. BLOWETH. fsa. 40. 7. Spirit of the L. b. on it 54. Hi. created the smith that b. John 3. 8. wind b. where it listeth BLOWN. Job, 20. 26. fire not /;. consume him BLUE. Exod. 25. 4. b. 26. 1, 31, 3G. | 27. 16. 2 Chr. 2. 7. cunning to work in b. 11 .£s£/i. 1. 6. b. hangings 8. 15. Mordecai in apparel of b. Ezek. 23. 6. Assy r. clothed with b. See Pcrple. Cloth, Lace, Loops. BLUENESS. Prov. 20. 30. b. of a wound cleanseth BLUNT. Eccl. 10. 10. if iron be b. and he do BLUSH. Ezra 9. 6. 1 b. to lift up my face Jer. 6. 15. nor could they b. 8. 12. BOAR. Psul. 80. 13. b out of the wood BOARD, S. Cunt. 8. 9. inclose her with b. of ced. Acts 27. 44. some on b. came to land BO AST, Substantive. Psal. 34. 2. my soul shail make her b. Horn. 2. 17. makes t thy />. of God 23. makcst thy b. of the law BOAST, Verb. [it off 1 Ki. 20. 11. not ft. as he that putteth 2 (V/r. 25. 19. lifteth thee up to b. Ps. 44. 8. in God we b. all the day 49. •!. b. in their riches 94. 4. Wnrkers of iniquity b. 97. 7. confounded that b. of idols Prov. 27. 1. b. not of to-morrow fsa. 10. 15. shall the axe b. itself 61. C. in their glory shall yon b. Ram. 11. 18. ft. not against branches 2 Cor. 9. 2. I b. to them of Macedonia 10. 13. not b. without our measure 16. to b. in another man's line 11. 16. receive me that I may b. Eph. 2. 9. not of works, lest anv b. BOASTED. Ezek. 35. 13. with mouth ye have b. 2 Cor. 7. 14. if I have b. any thing- BOASTERS. Rom. 1. 30. A. inventors of evil thing3 i Tint. 3 2. covetous, b. proud BO AST EST, ETK. P*aL 10. 3. wicked 6. of his heart's 52. 1. why /;. thyself in mischief Prov. 20. 14. gone his way, then he b. 25. 14. whoso ft. of a false gift Jam. 3. 5. tonarue b. great things BOASTING, Participle. Arts 5. 36. Theudas b. himself to be 2 Cor. 10. 15 not b. without measure BOASTING, Substantive. Bom 3. 27. where is b. then ? 2 Cor. 7. 14. our b. before fit us 8. 24 show ye the proof of our b. 9. 3. le*t our b. of you be in vain 4 in this same confident b. 11. 10. no man stop me of this b. BOD 2 Cor. 11. 17. in this confidence of b. Jam. 4. 16. now ye rejoice in your b. BOAT, S. John 6. 22. no other b. there, Jesus went not into the b. 23. come other b. from Tiberia3 Acts2~>. 16. work to come by the b. 30. when they had let down the b. 32. cut off the ropes of the b. BODY. Exod. 24. 10. as the b. of heaven 1 Sam. 31. 12 b. of Saul, 1 Chr. 10. 12 Job 19. 17. childreus' sake of my b. 26. after my skin worms destroy b. 20. 25. and cometh out of the b. Prov. 5. 11. flesh and b. are consumed Isa. 10. 18. shall consume soul and b. 51. 23. hast laid thy b. as ground Ezek. 10. 12. whole 6. full of eyes Dan. 7. 15. in spirit in midst of my b. Mat. 5. 29. b. be cast into hell, 30. 6. 22. light of b. is the eye,L?/.l 1.34. b. full of light, Luke 11. 31, 36. 23. b. shall be full of darkness 25. no thought for b. Luke 12. 22. b. more than raim. Lu. 12. 23. 10. 23. that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 14. 12. John's disciples took the b. 23. 12. this ointment on my b. 26. take eat, this is my b. Mar. 14. 22. Luke 22. 19. 1 Cor. 1 1. 24. 27. 58. Joseph begged the b. of Jesus Mark 15. 43. Luke 23. 52. Mark 5. 29. she felt in her b. that she 14. 8. aforehand to anoint my b. 51. a linen cloth cast about his b. >5. 45. Pilate gave the b. Mat. 27. 58. Luke 17. 37. />. is, thither the eagles 24. 3. they found not the b. of Lord John 20. 12. where b. of Jes. had lain Rom. 6. 6. b. of sin may be destroyed 7. 4. dead to the law by the ft. of C. 24. from the b. of this death 8. 10. the b. is dead because of sin 13. thro' Spirit mortify deeds of b. 23. the redemption of our b. 1 Cor. 6. 13. b. is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and L. for b. 18. every sin is without the b. 6. 19. your b. is the temple of H. G. 7. 4. hath no power of her own b. 9. 27. but I keep under my b. and 10. 16. communion of the ft. of Chr. 11. 27. be guilty of the b. and blood 29. not discerning the Lord's b. 12. 14. for the b. is not one member 15. is it therefore not of the b.? 16. 17. if whole b. were an eye, where 19. where were the b.? \\ 20. one b. 27. now ye are the b. of Christ 13. 3. tho' I give my b. to be burned 15. 35. with what b. do dead come ? 37. sowest not that b. that shall be 38. but God giveth a b. as it hath 44. sown a natural b. raised spir. b. 2 Co>\5. 8. rather to be absent from b. Eph. 3. 6. feliow-heirs of the same b. 1. 12. for the edifying of b. of Chr. 16. from whom the whole b. fitly 5. 23. and he is the Saviour of the b. Phil.3 21. who shall change our vile b. Col. 1. 18. head of the b. the church 2. 11. in putting off the b. of sins 17. shadow, the b. is of Christ 19. from which the b. by joints 23. a shew of wisdom in neg. b. 1 T/ies. 5. 23. I pray your soul and b. Ileb. 10. 5. a b. hast thou prepared me 10. thro' offering of the b. of Jesus Jam. 2. 16. not things needful to b. 26. as the b. without the Spirit is 3 2 able also to bridle the whole b. 3. we turn about their whole b. 6, tongue deflleth the whole b, 34 BOD hule 9. disputed about b. of Mose* Dead BODY, [clean, 1* Num. 19. 11. toucheth deadb. be un- 2 Kin. 8. 5. how he had restored d. h. 7.?a.26. 19. with my d. b. sha. they arise Jer. 26. 23. cast his d. b. into graves 36. 30. his dead b. shall be cast out Fruit of the BODY. Dent. 28. 4. blessed shall bef of thy b. 18. cursed shall be the fruit oft/iyb. 53. thou shalt eat the fruit of thy b. Ps. 132. 11./ b. will I set on thy thr Mic. 6. 7. f. of my b. for sin of my soul His BODY. 1 Sam. 31. 10. fastened his ^ to wall Dan. 4. 33. his b. wet with dew, 5.21. 7. 11. till beast was slain, and Jiis b. 10. 6. his b. also was like the beryl Lu. 23. 55. beheld how his b. was laid 24. 23. when they found not his b. John 2. 21. spake of temple of his b. Acts 19. 12. from his b. were brought RomA. 19.heconsid. not h. //.now dead 1 Cor. 6. 18. fornica. sinneth ag. his b. 7. 4. hath not power of his own b. 2 Cor.b.lO. receive things done in h.b. Eph. 1. 23. which is his b. fulness of Phil.3.2\. fashioned like h. glorious b. Col. 1. 24. for his b. sake, the church 1 Pet. 2. 24. who bare our sins in h. b. In BODY. £«>n.4.7.inoreruddy in 6. than rubies Rom. 6. 12. reign in your mortal b. 1 Cor. 5. 3. 1 verily as absent in b. 6. 20. glorify God in your b. and spi. 7. 34. that she may be holy m b. and 12. 18. set members every one i?t b 25. should be no schism »'» the 6. 2 Cor. 4. 10. in b. the dying of the L. that life be manifest »'» our b. 5. 6. whilst we are at home tn b. 12. 2. whether in b. or out of b. Gal 6. 17. 1 bear in b. the marks Phil. 1. 20. C. be magnified in my b. Col. 1. 22. in b. of his flesh thro' death Heb. 13. 3. as being yours, i'm the 6. Owe BODY. Rom. 12. 4. many members in one b. 6. are one b. in C. 1 Cor. 10. 17. 1 Cor. 6. 16. joined to an harlot is o. b. 12. 12. as the ft. is one, and hath 13. we are baptized into one b. 20. many members, yet but one b. Eph. 2. 16. reconcile both to G. ino. b. 4. 4. there is one b. and one Spirit Col. 3. 15. ye are also called in one b. BODIES. Job 13. 12. your b. like b. of clay Ezek. I. 11. two wings covered b. 23. Dan. 3. 27. on b. fire had no power Mat. 27. 52. many b. of saints arose John 19. 31. b. sh. not remain on cross Rom. 1. 24. to dishonour their own b. 8. 11. shall quicken your mortal b. 12. 1. your b. a living sacrifice 1 Cor. 6. 15. your b. members of C. 15. 40. there are celestial b. and 6. Eph. 5. 28. to love wives as own b. Heb. 10. 22. b. washed with pure \r. 13. 11. b. of beasts, whose blood Dead BODIES. 2 Chr. 20. 24. they were d. b. fallen Psal. 79. 2 d. b. of thy servants meat 110. 6. he shall fill places with d. b. Jer. 31. 40. valley of d. b. be holy 33 5. to fill them with d. b. of men 34. 20. their d. b. shall be for meat 41. 9. Ishmael cast dead b. of men Amos 8. 3. many d. b. in every place Rev. 1 1. 8. their d. b. in the street 9. nations see their dead b. three days and a half, nor sutler d. b. BODILY. Lake 3. 22. H, G. desc. in a b. shag* BON t Cor. 10. 10. his b. presence is weak Col. 2. 9. fulness of the Godhead b. ] Tim. 4. 8. b. exercise profitetli little BOIL. Job 41. 31. the deep to b. like a pot Jsa. 64. 2. fire causeth waters to b. Ezek. 24. 5. and make it b. well BOILED. 1 kings 19. 21. yoke of oxen and b. 2 Kings 6. 29. so we ft. my son Job 30. 27. my bowels b. and rested BOISTEROUS. [not Mat. 14. 30. when he saw the wind b. BOLD. Prov. 23. 1. righteous are 5. as a lion Arts.\3. 46. Paul and Bar. waxed b. Rom. 10. 20. Esaias is very 6. and 2 Cor. 10. 1. but being absent, am b. 2. wherewith I think to be h. 1 1. 21. wherein any is b. I am b. also Phil. 1. 14. are much more b. tospe. I Thess. 2. 2. we were b. in our God Philem. 8. I might be much b. in C. BOLDLY. 3///r. 15. 43 Joseph went in b. to PH. John 7. 26. he speaketh b. and they rflrfa J). 27. preached b. at Damascus 29. he spake b. in name of L. J. 1.4. 3. abode they, speaking b. in L. IS. 26. A poll os began to speak b. 19. 8. spake b. for three months Ram. 15. 15. have written more b. to Eph. 6. 19. I may open my mouth b. 20. I may speak b. as I ought Jlrb. 4. 16. b. to the throne of grace 13. 6. may Vsay, Lord is my helper BOLDNESS. Ere! 8. 1. b. of his face be changed Art* 4. 13. saw b. of Peter and John 29. witli all b. they may speak 31. spake word o f God with b. ? Cor 7. 4. great is my L. of speech. Eph. 3. 12. we tia/v o. and access Phil, 1. 20. with all b. as always I Tim. 3. 13. they purchase great b. Hfb. 10. 19. b. to enter into holiest 1 John 4. 17 may have b. in judg. BOLSTER. 1 Ham. IsJ. 13. goats' hair for his b. 16. 2G. 7. spear at 6. 11. 12. || 16. water BOND. Ezrk. 20. 37. I will bring you into /;. l.nke. 13. 16 from his b. on the sab. Acts 8. 23. art in the b. of iniquity Eph. 4. 3. Spirit, in the b. of peace Col. 3. 14. charity, b. of perfectuess BOND. 1 Cor. 12. 13. one body, b. or free See Fiiee. BONDS. Job 12. 18. he loose th the b. of kings Tsui 116. 16 thnu hast loosed my b. Jer. 5. 5. the yoke, and burst the b. 27. 2. make thee 6. and yokes 30. 8. his yoke, and burst thy b. Xah. 1. 13. and I will burst thy b. Acts 20. 23. that b. abide me 23. 29. worthy of death or b. 26. 3 25. 14. a certain man left in b. 26. 29. as I am, except these b. Eph. 6. 20. I am an ambassa. in b. 1'hil. 1. 7. in b. ye are all partakers 13 so my /;. in Christ are manifest 14. waxing confident by my b. 16. to add affliction to my b. Col. 4. 3. I am in b. || IS. rem. my b. 2 Tim. 2.9. I suffer trouble even to b. Philem. 10. begotten in my b. 13. in the b. of the gospel Hub. 10. 3k compassion of me in b. II. 36. others had trial of b. and 13. 3. remember them in 6. as bound BONDAGE. Exod. 1. 14. lives bitter with hard b. BON Er. 2. 23. Isr. sighed by reason of b. 13 14. Lord brought us out of the house of b. 20. 2. Deut. 5. 6. | 6. 12. | 8. 14. | 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8. Deut. 26. 6. Egyp. laid on us hard b. Neh. 9. 17. a captain to return to b. Isa. 14. 3. give rest from thy hard b. Ilom.3- 15. not received spirit of b. 21. delivered from b. of corruption Gal. 4 24. which gendereth to b. 5. 1. not entangled with yoke of b. Heb. 2. 15. their lifetime subject to b. In, into, or under BONDAGE. Ezra 9. 8. a little reviving in our b. 9. God not forsaken us in b. John 8. 33. never in b. to any man Acts 7. 6. should bring them into b. 7. to whom they shall be in b. 1 Cor. 7. 15. or sister is not under 6. 2 Cor. 1 1 . 20. if a man bring you into b Gal. 2. 4. might bring us into b. 4 3. were in b. under the elements 9. whereunto ye desire to be in b. 25. answereth to Jer.which is in b. 2 Pet. 2. 19. same is he brought'Wo b. BOND-MAN. Deut. 15. 15. wast a b. in Egypt, L. re- deemed thee, 16. 12. | 24. 18, 22. Res. 6. 15. every b. hid themselves BOND-MAID. Gal. 4. 22. one by a b. the other BOND-MEM. Lev. 25. 44. b. shall be of the heathen Deut. 28. 68. there ye shall be sold fork 2 Kings 4. 1 . my two sons to be /;. 2 Chr. 28. 10. children of Judah for b. Ezra 9. 9. we were b. yet God Esth. 7. 4. if we had been sold for b. Jer. 3k 13. out of the house of b. BOND-SERVICE. 21. a tribute of b. BOND-WOMAN. Gen. 21. 10. cast out this b. and her son, Gal. 4. 30. 13. son of b. will I make a nation Gal. 4. 23. son of b. born after flesh 31. we are not children of the b. Bon!)-\Vonf.n, see Bond-Men. BONE. Gen. 2. 23. this is b. of my bones 29. 14. thou art my b. and my flesh Exod. 12. 46. neither shall ye break a b. Nvm. 9. 12. 2 Sam. 5. 1. we are thy b. 1 Chr. 11. 1. Job 2. 5. touch his b. and flesh, and 19. 20. my b. cleaveth to my skin 31. 22. let my arm be bro.from the b. /Von.25. 15.asoft tongue break, the b. Ezek. 37. 7. came together, b. to his b. John 19. 3G. a b. of him shall not be b. BONKS. Exod. '3. 19. Moses took b. of Jos. Josh. 24. 32. the b. of Joseph buried 2 Sam. 21. 12. took b. of Saul, Jonat. 1 Kin. 13. 2. men's b. shall be burnt Kings 13. 21. touched b. of Elisha 23. 20. burnt men's b. on the altars 2 Chr. 31. 5. he burnt b. of the priests Job 10. 11. hast fenced me with b. Psal. 51. 8. b. thou hast broken may 53. 5. God scattereth the b. of him 141. 7. our b. are scat, at grave's m. Prov. 3. 8. fear L. marrow to thy b. 11. 30. envy the rottenness of the b. 15. 30. a good report maketh b. fat 16. 24. pleasant words health to b. 17. 22. a broken spirit drieth the b. Eccl. 11. 5. nor how the b. do grow Isn. 58. 11. L. shall m;ike fat thy b. 66. 14. your b m s hall nourish like Jer. 8. 1. bring the b. of the kin/rs, priests, prophets, inhabitants Ezek. 6.5. scat, your b. about your al. 85 1 Kings 9. BOO Ezek. 24. 4. choice b. || 5. burn L 10, 37. 1. valley full of b. || 3. b. live ? 4. prophesy and say, O ye dry b. 11. these b. are house of Isr. our b. Amos 6. 10. to bring out the b. Zeph. 3. 3. they gnaw not the b. till Mat. 23. 27. full of dead men's b. Luke 24. 39. a spirit hath not b. His BONES. 1 Kings 13. 31 lay my b. beside his 6. 2 Kin. 23. 18. let no man move his b. Job 20. 11. his b. are full of the sin 21. 24. his b. moistened with mair. 33. 19. mul. of his b. with strong pain 21. and his b. stick out 40. 18. his b. as brass, his b. as iron Psal. 34. 20. he keepeth all his b. 109. 18. come like oil into his b. Prov. 12. 4. is as rottenness in his b. Eph. 5. 30. we are members of his b. Heb. II. 22. command concern, his b My BONES. Gen. 50. 25. carry up my b. Ex. 13.19. 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my b. and flesh 1 Kings 13. 31. my I. beside his b. Job 4. 14. made all my b. to shake 30. 17. my b. are pierced in me 30. and my b. burnt with heat Psal. 6. 2. lieal me, my b. are vexed 22. 14. all my b. are but of joint 17. I may tell my b. 31. 10. my b. are consumed 32. 3. my b. waxed old 35. 10. my b. shall say, L. who is 33. 3. neither any rest in my b. 42. 10. as with a sword in my b. 102. 3. my b. are burnt as au hearth 5. my b. cleave to my skin Isa. 38. 13. so will he break all myb. Jer. 20. 9. as a burning fire in my b. 23. 9. all my b. shake Lam. 1.13. hath sent fire into my b. 3. 4. he hath broken my b. Hab. 3. 16. rotten, entered into myb. Their BONES. Num. 24. 8. Israel shall break their b. I Sam.3l. 13. th.b.buried them at Jab. Lam. 4. 8. their skin «leaveth to th.b. Ezek. 32. 27. their iniquity on th. b. Dan. 6. 24. the lions brake all their b. Mic. 3. 2. pluck off flesh from th. b. BONNETS. Isa. 3. 20. L. will take away the b. Ezek. 44. 18. they shall have linen 6. BOOK. Exod. 17. 14. for a memorial in a b. 32 32. if not, blot me out of thy b. 33. sinned, will I blot out of my b. Num. 21. 14. b. of the wars of the L. Deut. 17. 18. a copy of this law in a b. Josh. 10. 13. b. of Jasher, 2 Sam. 1. 18. 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel wrote it in a b. 1 Kings 11. 41. b. of acts of Solomon 2 Ki. 22. 8. Hilkiah gave b. to Shap 23. 24. might perform word3 in b. Ezra 4. 15. search may be made in 6 Neh. 8. 5. Ezra opened the b. Job 19. 23. that they were pri. in a b. 31 35. adversary had written a b. Psal. 40. 7. volume of the b. Heb. 10.7 56. 8. tears, are they not in thy b. t 69. 28. let them be blotted out of b. 139. 16. in thy book all my members Isa. 29. 1 1. as words of a b. sealed 12. b. is deli v. to him not learned 18. deaf shall hear words of the b. 30. 8. now go and note it in a b. 34 16. seek ye out of the b. of L. Jer. 30. 2. write the words in a b. 36. 2. roll of a 3. |l 10. read in the b 45. 1. words in a b. from Jeremiah Ezek. 2. 9. a roll of a 6. was therein Dan. 12. 1. every one writ, in the t. 4. O Daniel, seal the b BOR Hah. 1. 1. b. of vision of Nahum Mai. 3. 16. a b. of remembrance Meet. 1. 1. the b. of the gen. of Jesus Luke 3. 4. written in the b. of Esaias 4. 17. delivered to Jesus the b. of Esaias, when he opened the b. 20. he closed the b. and gave it 20. 42. in b. of Psalms, Acts 1. 20. Acts 7. 42. writ, in b. of the prophets Heb. 9. 19. he sprinkled the b. and lien. 1. 11. what seest, write in a b. 5. 1. a b. written within, on t\\i 2. who is worthy to open the b. 3. no man was able to open the b. 10. 2. in his hand a little b. open 9. give me little b. \\ 10. I took the b. 20. 12. b. was opened, the b. of life 22. 19. if any take fiom words of b. See Covenant. BOOK of the Law. Deut. 31. 26. b. of I. put it in the ark Josh. 1. H. b. of law shall not depart 2 Kings 22. 8. I have found b. of law Neh. 8. 8. so they read in the b. of I. Gal. 3. 10. writ, in b. of I. to do them BOOK of Life. Phi. 4. 3. names writ, in the b. of life Rev. 3. 5. not blot name out of b. of I. 13. 8. not written in b. of life, 17. 8. 20. 12. another b. opened, b. of life 15. not writ, in b. of life was cast 21. 27. written in Lamb's b. of life 22. 19. his part out of the b. of life BOOK of Moses. Neh. 13. 1. they read in the b. of M. Mark 12. 26. have ye not read in b. This BOOK. Deut. 28. 58 writ, in t. b. 2 Chr. 34. 21. 2 Ki. 22. 13. heark. to the words of t. b. 23. 3. to perform the words in t b. Jer. 25. 13. 1 Ml bring all that is in t. b. 51. 63. an end of reading this b. John 20. 30. signs not written in t. b. Rev. 22. 9. which keep the say. oft b. 10. seal not the sayings of this b. 18. if any add, add to him plagues written in this b. Rev. 22. 19. his part from things in b. BOOKS. [end Eccl. 12. 12. of making b. there is no Ban. 7. 10. b were opened, Rev.20. 12 John 21. 25. could not contain the b. Acts 19. 19. their b. and burned them 2 Tim. 4. 13. bring the b. especially Rev. 20. 12. judged out of things in b. BOOTH. Job 27. 18. as a b. the keeper maketh Jonah 4. 5. Jonah made him a b. BOOTHS. Gen. 33. 17. and Jacob made b. Lev. 23. 42. dwell in b. seven days 43. I made Israel dwell in b. *Veh. 8. 14. Israel should dwell in b. BOOTY, 1ES. Jer. 49. 32. their camels shall be a b. Hah. 2. 7. shalt be for b. unto them Zeph. 1. 13. their goods shall bee. a b. BORDER. Exod. 19. 12. or touch b. of mount Deut. 12.20. when L.sha.enlarge thy b. 1 Kings 4. 21. Solomon reigned unto b. of Egypt, 2 Chron. 9. 26. Psa. 78. 51. to the b. of his sanctuary Prov. 15. 25. establish b. of widow ha. 37. ^4. into the height of his b. Jer. 31. 17. thy chil. again to their b. Joel 3. 6. might remove them from b. Amos 1. 13. might enlarge their b. 6. 2. or their b. greater than your b. Obad 7. brought thee even to the b. Zcph. 2. 8. magnified against their b. Mai 1. 4. the b. of wickedness 5. L. will be magni. from b. of Is. Sen E>st, Sounj BOR BORDER. Mark 6. 56. touch, if it were but b. Luke 8. 44. and touched b. of garm. BORDER, Verb Zech. 9. 2. Hamath shall b. thereby BORDERS. Exod. 16. 35 till come to b. of Canaan 34. 24. I will enlarge thy b. 2 Ki. 19. 23. will enter lodg. of his b. Psal. 74. 17. set the b. of the earth 147. 14. he maketh peace in thy b. Isa. 54 12. thy b. of pleasant stones Jer. 15. 13. thy sins in all thy b. Ezek. 45. 1. shall be holy in all the b. Mic. 5. 6. treadeth within our b. Mat. 4. 13. in the b. of Zabulon BORDERS. Cant. 1. 11. will make 6. of gold Mat. 23. 5. enlarge b. of their garm. BORE. Exod. 21. 6. his master shall b. his ear Job 41. 2. canst b. his jaw with thorn? BORN again. John 3. 3. except a man be b. a. 5. 7. ye (oust be b. again 1 Pet. 1. 23. b. a. not of corruptible See First- Born, Witness. BORN, for brought forth. Gen.\7A7.b.toh\m 100 years old, 21,5 21. 7. b. him a son in his old age 29. 34. because I have b. three sons 30. 20. because I have b. six sons Exod. 1. 22. every son b. into river Lev. 19. 34. stranger as one b. among Num 15. 29. one law for him b. and Josh 8. 33. as well the stran. as he b. Judg. 13. 8. to child that shall be b. 1 Sam. 2. 5. the barren hath b. seven 4. 20. fear not, thou hast b. a son 2 Saw*. 12. 14. the child b. shall die 1 Kings 13. 2. a child shall be b. to the house of David. 1 Chr. 22. 9. a son shall be b. to thee Job 3. 3. day perish wherein 1 was b. 5. 7. yet man is /;. to trouble, as 1 1. 12. b. like a wild ass's colt 15. 7. thou first man that was b. ? 38. 21. because thou wast then b. ? Psal. 22. 31. a people that shall he b. 58. 3. astray as soon as they be b. 78. 6. children that should be b. 87. 4. was b. there, 6. ||5. that man b. Prov. 17. 17. a brother is b. for adv. Eccl. 3. 2. a time to be b. 4. 14. b. in his kingdom Isa. 9. 6. for unto us a child is b. 66. 8. shall a nation be b. at once? Jer. 15. 9. hath b. seven languisheth 10. wo is me, that thou hast b. me 16. 3. concerning sons and dau. b. in 20. 14. cursed be the day I was b. 22. 26. where not b. shall ye die Ezek. 16. 4. in the day thou wast b. 5. loath, of thy person in day b. 20. hast taken thy sons b. to me Mat. 2. 2. that is b. king of the Jews 4. where Christ should be b. 19. 12. some eunuchs were so b. 26. 24. good if not b. Mark 14. 21. Luke \. 3d. holy thing that shall be b. 2. 11. to you is b. this day in the city John 3. 4. man be b. when he is old? 5. except a man be b. of water 6. that b. of flesh is flesh, that b. of 8. so is every one b. of the Spirit 8. 41. we be not b. of fornication 9. 2. who did sin, that he was b. blind 34. wast altogether b. in sins, and 16. 21. for joy^that a man is b. 18. 37. to this end was I b. and for Acts 2.8. tongue wherein we were b. 7. 20. in which time Moses was b. 22. 3. b. in Tarsus |[ 28. I was free b. Rom. 9. 1 1, children being not yet b. BOS 1 Cor. 15. 8. one b. out of due timfl Gal. 4. 23. was b. after the flesh, 29 Heb. 11. 23. by faith Moses when b. 1 Pet. 2 2. as new b babes desire 1 John 2. 29. doth righte, is b. of him Rev. 12. 4. devour child as soon as b. li()KNo/Gw/. John 1. 13. b. not of blood, but of G. I John 3. 9. b. of God not commit sin 4.7. every one that loveth is b. ofG. 5 1. that Jesus is Christ is b. of God 1. whatsoever is b. of G. overcom. 18. whosoever is b. of G. sinneth BORN in th e house. [not Gen. 15. 3. one b. in my h. is my heir Eccl. 2. 7 1 had servants b. in my h. BORN in the 'land. Exod. 12. 48. stranger as one b. in I. Num. 9. 14. one ordinance for //. in I. BORN of a woman, or women.. Job 14. 1. man b. of a w. is of few 15. 14. b. of a w. that he sh. bo right 25. 4. how clean that is b. of a w. ? Mat. 11. 11. that are b. of a w. Lu.1.28. BORNE. Isa. 46. 3. b. by me from the belly 66. 12. ye shall lie b. upon her sides Jer. 10. 5. they must be b. because Amos 5. 26. have b. tab. of Moloch Mark 2. 3. one sick of palsy was b. John 20. 15. b. him hence teil me Acts 21. 35. he was b. of the soldiers 1 Cor. 15. 49. b. image of the earthy BORNE. Job 34. 31. I have b. chastisement Psal. 55. 12. then I could have b. 69. 7. thy sake I have b. reproach Isa. 53. 4. surely he hath b. griefs Lam. 3. 28. he hath b it upon him 5. 7. we have b. their iniquities Ezek. 16. 58. thou hast b. thy lewd. 32. 24. b. their shame, 36 6. | 39. 2(5. Mat. 20. 12. b. burden and heat of day 23. 4. grievous to be b. Luke 11. 46. Rev. 2. 3. hast b. and hast patience BORRuW. Exod. 3. 22. every worn, shall '». 11. 2. 22. 14. if a man b. ought, and it Deut. 15. 6. but shalt not b. 28. 12. 2 Ki)igs 4. 3. Elisha said, go, b. ves. Mat. 5. 42. him that would b. turn BORROWED. [not Exod. 12. 3-5. they /;. of Egyptians 2 Ki. 6. 5. alas, master, for it was b BORROWER. Prov. 22. 7. b. is servant to lender Isa. 24. 2. as with lender, so with b. BOR RO WET II. Psa. 37. 21. wicked b. payeth not BOSOM. Gen. 16. 5. my maid into thy b. Exod. 4. 6. put hand in thy b. 7. Nwn. 11. 12. carry them in thy b. Ruth 4. 16. Naomi laid it in her b 2 Sam. 12. 3. and lay in his b. 8. master's wives into thy b. 1 Ki. 1. 2. virgin, let her lie in thy b. 3. 20. laid it in her b. and laid her dead child in my b. 17. 19. Elijah took him out of her b. Job 31. 33. hiding iniquity in my b. Ps. 35. 13. prayer returned to my b. 74. 11. pluck thy right hand out of b. 79. 12. seven-fold into their b. 89. 50. how I do bear in my b. 129. 7. that bindeth sheaves, his b. Prov. 5. 20. embrace b. of stranger ? 6. 27. can a man take fire in his /;. ? 17. 23. taketh a gift out of the b. 19. 24. hideth his hand in b. 26. 15. 21. 14. a reward in the b. pacirieth Eccl. 7. 9. anger resteth in />. of fools Isa. 40. 11. carry the lambs in his b, 65, 6. even recomp. into their $ BOU y »a. 65. 7. formpr work into tlioir b. fer. 32. 18. itiiq. of fathers into b. Lam.2. l - 2. their soul into mother's b. Mic.l. 5. keep from her iieth in thy b. Luke 6. 38. good meas. into your b. 16. 22 by angels into Abraham's b. 23. Abraham and Lazarus in his b. John 1. 18. in the 6. of the Father 13, 23. leaning on Je3. b. a disciple BOSSES. Job 15. 26.thick 6. of his bucklers BOTCH. Deut. 28. 27. will smite with the b. 35 BOTTLE. (?en. 21.14. b. of water gave it Hagar 15. spent in b. || 19. filled b. Judg. 4. 19. she opened a b. of milk 1 Sam. 1. 24. Hannah took b. of wine 10. 3. another carrying b. of wine 16. 20. Jesse took a b. of wine 'sal. 56. 8. put my tears into thy b. 119. 83. I am like a b. in the smoke Jer. 13. 12. every b. filled with wine 19. I. a potter's b. || 10. break b. {tib. 2. 15. puttest thy b. to him and BOTTLES. losh. 9. 4. Gihconites took wine b. 13. these b. of wine were new Tob32. 19. ready to burst like new b. 38. 37. who can stay b. of heaven ? ion. 7. 5. him sick with /;. of wine Mat. 9. 17. new wine into old b. else 6. break, Mark 2.22 Lit. 5.37, 33. BOTTOM. Prod. 15. 5. they sank into the b. Jnh'.lQ. 30. God covereth b. of the sea Cant. 3. 10. he made the b. of gold Dan. 6. 24. or ever they came at b. Amos 9. 3. hid from my sight in the b. Jonah 2. 6. to b. of the mountains Zi'ch. 1. 8. among myrtle- trees in b. Mat. 27. 51. vail rent from top to b, Mark 15. 38 BOTTOMLESS. Rem. 9. 1. to him key of the b. pit 2. he opened b. pit, arosp smoke 11. had a king, angel of ft. pit 11.7. beast that ascend, out of b. pit 17. 8. shall ascend out of the b. pit 20. I. an angel having key of b. pit 3. and cast him into the 6. pit BOUGH. Gen. 49. 22. Joseph is a fruitful b. Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech cut down a b. 49. cut down every man his b. Isa. 10. 33. L. shall lop b. with terror 17. 6. berries in top of uppermost b. 9. strong cities be as a forsaken b. BOUGHS. Lev. 23. 40. b. of goodly trees, b. of Deut. 24. 20. not go over the b. again 2 Sam. 18. 9. mule went under b. Job 14. 9. brought forth b. like a plant Psal. 80. 10. b. like goodly cedars 11. she sent out her b. to the sea Cant. 7. 8. I will take hold of the b. isa. 27. 11. when the b. are withered Exek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth b. 31. 3. his top among thick b. 14. 6. their nests in his b. Dan. 4. 12. BOUGHT. Gen. 33. 19. Jacob b. field, Josh. 24.32. 39. 1. Potipharft Joseph of the Ish. 47. 20. Jos. b. all land of Egypt, 23. 49.30. which Abr. b. 50. 13. Acts 7. 16. Lev. 27. 24). in jubilee return to him of whom it was b. Deut. 32. fi. thy father that b. thee ? 2 Sam. 12. 3. ewe-lamb he had b. 24. 24 David b. threshing-floor 1 Kings 16. 24. Omri b. Samaria Nfih. 5. 16. nor /;. we any land J-r. 32. 9. I b. field of Hanameel Hos, 3, 2. 60 I b, her for Id pieces nov Mai. 13. 4a he sold all b. that field 21. 12. that sold and b. in the tem- ple, Mark II. 15. Luke 19. 45. 27. 7. b. with them potter's field Mark 15. 46. Joseph b. fine linen and 16. I. b. sweet spices to anoint Luke 14. 18. I have b. a piece of gro. 19. I have b. five yoke of oxen 17. 28. drank, they b. and sold 1 Cor. 6.20. ye are b. with a price,7.23. 2 Pet. 2. 1. denying L. that b. them BOUND, actively. Gen. 22. 9. b. Isaac his son, and laid 42. 24. took Simeon and b him Num. 30. 4. she had b. her soul Judg. 15. 13. b. Samson with new 16. 8. withs || 12. ropes || 21. fetters 2 Kings 5. 23. he b. two talents 17. 4. he shut up Hoshea and b. 25. 7. they b. Zedekiah with fetters 2 Chron. 33. 11. b. Manasseh 36. 6. b. Jehoiakim Prov. 30. 4. b. waters in a garment Hos. 7. 15. tho' I have b. their arms Mat. 14.3. Herod b. John,MrrA;6.17. 27 2. b. Jesus, Mark 15.1. John 18. 12 Luke 13. 16. daughter Satan hath b. Acts2\. 11. Agabus b. his hands 22. 25. as they b. Paul he said, 29. 23. 12. b. under a curse, 14. 21. Rev. 20. 2. b. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passively. Gen. 39. 20. where king's pris. are b. 42. 19. let one of your brethren be b. Judg. 16. 6. mightest be b. 10, 13. 1 Sain. 25. 29. soul of my lord be b. 2 Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not b. Job 36. 8. and if they be b. in fetters Psal. 107. 10. being b. in affliction Prov. 22. 15. foolish, is b. in heart Isa. 22. 3. b. by archers, all are b. 61. 1. open, of prison to them b. Lam. 1. 14. yoke ot my transgr. is b. Dan. 3. 21. b. in their coats 24. three men b. into furnace ? Mat. 16. 19. be b. in heaven, 18. 18. Mark 15. 7. Barabbas which lay b. John 1 1. 44. b. hand and foot, face b. 18. 24. Annas had sent him b. Acts 9. 2. bring them b. 21. | 22. 5. 12. 6. Peter b. \\ 24. 27. left Pan.l b. 20. 22. I go b. in the Spirit 21. 13. I am ready not to be b. only Rom. 7. 2. is b. by the law to her husband, 1 Cor. 7. 39. 1 Cor. 7. 27. art thou b. unto a wife 2 7% ren b. di ten 49. 8. father's children shall b. d. Ex. 11. 8. thy serv. shall * d. p m* BOW *r.20.,l sha. not b.d.to them, Deut.5.9 23. 24. 6halt not b. d. to their gods l.ev. 26. 1. any image to b. d. to it Judg. 2. 19 follow, other gods to b. d. 2 Kin, 5. 18. I b. d. in house of Rim. 19. 1G. L. 6. d. thine ear, Psa. 86. 1. Job 31. 10. let others b. d. upon her Ft. 31. 2. 6. rf. thine ear, Prov. 22. 17. 95. 6. let us worship and b. down lsa. 10. 4. without me b. d. under pris. 46. 2. they stoop, they b. d. together 49. 23. kings and queens shall b. d. 51. 23. b. d. that we may go over 58.5. to b. d. his head as a bulrush? CO. 14. that despised thee shall b. d. 65. 12. ye shall all b. d. to slaughter Rom. '*. 10. b. d. their back alway BOW knee. Gen. 41. 43. cried before him b. the k. lsa. 45. 23. every k. shall b. Rom.WA. Eph. 3. IV. I 6. my knee to Father of Phil. 2. 10. at the name of Jes. ev. k. BOWED. [shall b. Gen. 43. 26. Jos. brethren b. to him 49. 15. Issachar b. shoulder to bear Josh 'iZ. 16. served other gods, and b. to them, Judg. 2. 12, 17. Judg. 5. 27. at her feet he b. he fell 2 Sam. ID. 14. David b. the heart of 22. 10. he b. heavens, Ptal. 18, 9. 1 A*. 19. 18. not b. to Baal, Rom. 1 1. 4 2 Ki. 2. 15. prophets b. before Elisha 2 Cliro. 7. 3. />. upon the pavement 29. 29. the king and all present b. Est/i. 3. 5. Mordecai 6. not Afrtf. 27. 29. b. the knee before him Luke 13. 11. a spirit of infir. and b. BOWED down. Gen. 42. 6. Jos. brethren b. d. 43. 28. Judg. 7. 6. rest of the people b. dotrn Psal. 35. 14. 16. d. heavily as one 38. G. I ami. d. greatly, I go mourn. 44. 25. our soul is b. d. to the dust 57. 6. my soul is b. d. they digged 145. 14. raiseth up all b. d. 146. a Jxa. 2. 1 1, haughtiness of men be b. d, 17. loftiness of man shall be b. d. 21. 3. I was b. d. at hearing of it Lute 24. 5. afraid and b. d. their faces BOWED head, Gtin. 43. 28. they b. their h. made Exod. 4. 31. then they 6. their heads and worshipped, 12. 27. Neh. 8.6. 34. 8. Moses made haste and b. h. to Kum. 22. 31. Balaam b. his h. and fell 1 Clir. 29. 20. b. down their h. and 2 Chr. 20. 18. Jehoshnphat £. his head 29. 30. sang praises and b. their & John 19. 30. Jesus 6. his h. and gave BOWED himself. [Lot 6.A. G<»». 18. 2. Abra. 6. /t. 23 7, 12. || 19. 1. 33. 3. Jacob b. himself, 47. 31. ||48. 12. Joseph b. himselj Jndg. 16. 30. Samson b. h. with might 2 Sam. 24.20. Araunah b. h. 1 CA.21.21. 1 Ki. 1. 23. Nathan b. h. ||47. king*. A. 53. Adonijrih b. Ju to king Solomon 2. 19. Solomon 6. h. to his mother BOWETH. Judg. 7. 5. that b. on knees to drink lsa. 2. 9. mean man b. ||46. 1. Bel b. BOWING. [earth Gen. 24. 52. Eliezer b. himsTlf to the t'*a(. 17. 11. set their eyes, b. down 62. 3. as a b. wall shall ye be \laik 15. 19. spit on him, b. knees BOWMEN. Jer. 4. 29. for the noise of the b. BOWELS. Gen. 15. 4. out of own b. thy heir 25. 23. two manner of peo. from b. 4.1 SO. his b. did yearn on brother 2 Sam. 7. 12. seed which pro. out of b 16. 11. son w It ennui f nrth of my b. BRA 2 S«;». 20.10.Joab shed out Arnf.3. b. 1 Kingi 3. 26. £ yearned on her son 2 Chr. 21. 15. sickness by disease of b. 18. Lord smote him in his b. 32. 21. forth of his own b. slew him Job 20. 14. meat in his b. is turned 30. 27. my b. boiled, and rested not PsaL 22. 14. it is melted in my b. 71. 6. took me out of my mother's b. 109. 18. come into his b. like water Cant. 5 4 my b. were moved for him lsa. 16. 11. my b. sound like an harp 48. 19. the offspring of thy b. like 49. |. from b. of my mother he made 63. 15. where is sounding of thy b. Jer. 4. 19. my b. I am pained at heart 31. 20. myo. are troubled for him Lam. 1. 20. my b. are troubled, 2. 11. Ezek. 3. 3. fill thy b. with this roll 7. 19. their souls, nor fill their b. Acts 1. IS. Judas burst, and all his b. 2 Cor. 6. 12. straitened in your own b. Phil. 1. 8. after yon in b. of Christ 2. 1. if there be any b. and mercies CuL 3. 12. put on b. of mercies Philem. 7. b. of saints are refreshed 12. receive him that is my own b. 20. yea, refresh my 6. in the Lord 1 JohnS. 17. shutteth up b. of com p. BOWL. Judg. 6. 38. dew, a b. full of water Ecct. 12. 6. or golden b. be broken Zech. 4. 2. candlestick with a 6. on it BOWLS. Amos 6. 6 that drink wine in b. Zech. 9. 15. shall be filled like b. 14. 20. the pots shall be like b. BOX. 2 Kings 9. 1. take this b. of nil in, 3. Mat. 26. 7. alabaster b. Mark 14. 3. Mark 14. 3. she brake the b. Ln. 7. 37 BOX-TREE. ha. 41. 19. I will set in the desert b. 60. 13. the glory of Lebanon b. BOY, S. Gen. 25. 27. the b. grew, and Esau Joel 3. 3. given a b. for a hnrlot Zech. 8. 5. streets shall be full of b. BOYL, or BOIL, S. Exod. 9. 10, it became a b. with blain3 2 Ki>igs20. 7. figs on b. lsa. 38. 21. fob 2. 7. so Satan smote Job with b. BRACELET, S. Gen. 24. 30. saw b. on sister's hands 38. 18. thy signet b. and staff, 25. Ex. 35. 22. brought b. Num. 31. 50. 2 Sam. 1. 10. the b. on his arm lsa. 3. 19. I will take away the b. Ezek. 16. 11. 1 put b. on thy hands BRAKE. Ex.32. 19. tables and b. them,Dew.9.17 Judg. 7. 19. they b. pitchers, 20. 16. 9. b. withs || 12. b. new ropes 1 Sam. 4. 18. Eli fell his neck b. 1 Kings 19. 11. a' strong wind b. in pieces the rocks 2 Kin. H. IS. Baal's images b. they 18. 4. b. images, b. bra2en serpent 23. 14 Josiah 6. the images, 2 C/ir.34.4. 2 Chron. 21. 17. Arabians came ana b. into Judah Joi 38.8. who shut sea when it J.forth? 10. b. up for it my decreed place Psal. 76. 3. there b. he the arrows 10-3. 16. he I. the whole staff of bread 33. b. trees of their coasts 106. 29. the plague b. in upon them 107. 14. he b. their bands in sunder Jer. 28. 10. yoke from Jerem. b. it 31. 32. my covenant they b. tho' I Ezek. 17. 16. and covenant he b. Dan. 2. 1. and sleep b. from him 6. 24. the lions b. all their bones 7. 7. the fourth beast b. in pieces 38 BRA Dan. 8. 7. ram, and b. his two horns Mat. 14. 19. he blessed and 6. and gave the loaves, 15. 36. | 26. 26. Mark 6. 41. | 8. 6. | 14 22. Luke 9. 16. | 22. 19. | 24. 30. 1 Cor. 11.24 Mark S. 19. when I b. the five loaves 14. 3. she b the box, and poured Luke 5. 6. net b. D 8. 29. b. bands John 19. 32. soldiers b. legs of first 33. was dead, thev b. not his legs BRAKE down. [23. 17. 2 Ki. 10. 27. b. d. image of Baal, 2 C% 11. 18. b. down the house of Baal 14. 13. b. down wall of Jerus. 2 Chr. 25. 23. | 36. 19. Jer. 39. 8. I 52. 14 23. 7. he b. d. houses of Sodomites 2 Chr. 26. 6. Uzziah b. d. wall of Gath 34. 4. they b. d. altars of Baalim B RAREST. Exod 34. 1. first table b. Dent. 10. 2. Psal. 74. 13. 6. heads of dragons, 14 Ezek. 29. 7. leaned on thee, thou b. BRAMBLE, S. Judg. 9. 14. then suid trees to the b. 15. let fire come out of the b. L*a. 34. 13. b. shall come up in fort Luke 6. 44. nor of a b. bush grapes. ; BRANCH. Num. 13. 23. cut a b. with one clust. Job 8. 16. his b. shooteth forth 14. 7. tender 6. thereof not cease 15. 32. and his b. shall not be green 18. 16. above shall his b. be cut off 29. 1 9. dew lay all night on my b. Psal. 30. 15. b. thou madest strong Prov. 11. 2S. right, shall flourish as a b. Lsa. 4 2. shall b. of the L. be beautiful 9. 14*. L. will cut off 6. and rush 11. I. a b. shall grow out of his roots 14. 19. art cast out like abomin. b. 17. 9. cities as an uppermost 6. 19. 15. work 6. or rush may do 25. 5. the b. of terrible ones low 60. 21. the b. of my plantiug Jer. 23. 5. to David a righteous b. 33. 15. cause b. of right, grow Ezek. 8. 17. they put 6. to their nose 15. 2. vine tree more than the 67 17. 3. eagle took the highest 6. 22. Dan. 11. 7. out of a b. of her roots Zech. 3. 8. forth my servant the b. 6. 12. man whose name is the b. Mai 4 1. it shall leave root nor b. Mat. 24 32. b. yet tender, Mark 13. 28. John 15. 2. every b. that beareth not 4. as b. cannot bear fruit itself 6. he is cast forth as a b. BRANCHES. Gen. 40. 12. the three b. are three days , 49. 22. a bough, whose b. run Lev. 23. 40 6. of palm tr. Neh. 8. 15. Job 15. 30. the flame shall dry up hisj. Psal. 80. 1L sent out her b. to river 104. 12. fowls wh. sing among the b lsa. 16. 8. Moab's b. are stretched 17. 6. four or five in outmost b. 15. 5. he shall cut down the b. 27. 10 there lie and consume b. Jer. 11. 16. and b. of it are broken Ezek. 17. 6. a spreading vine whose 6. 19. 10. she was fruitful full of b. 14. fire out of a rod of her 6. 31. 8. not like the Assyrian's b. 36. 8. O moun. ye shall shoot 6. Dan. 4. 14. hew tree, cut off his b. Eos. 11. 6. consume Ephraim's b. 14 6. his b. shall spread, and Joel 1. 7. b. thereof are made white Nah. 2. 2. marred their vine b. Zech. 4 12. what be these two olive b. t Mat. 13. 32. lodge in b. Lu. 13. 19. 21. 8. cut b. Mark 11. 8. John 12. 13. Mark 4 32. than all herbs, shooteth b. John 15. 5. I am the vine, ye the 6. BRE Bom. I*. 16. if root be holy, so b. 17. if soino b. be broken off, 19. 18. boast not against the b. 521. spared not the natural b. BRAND, S. Judg. 15. 5. he had set the b. on fire Zecli. 3. 2. b. plucked out of the fire? BRANDISH. Exek. 32. 10. when I b. my sword BRASS. Erod. ?3. 29. b. of offering 1 70 talents Num.21. 9. made a serpent of b. when he beheld serpent of b. he lived Deut. 8. 9. hills thou mayest dig b. 28. 23. the heaven shall be b. Sam. 17.6. had greaves of b. on legs Sam.8.8. Dav. took much 6.1 CA.18.8. Kings 7. 14. Hiram worker in b. Kin. 25.7. Zedek. with fetters of b 13. b. to Babylon, Jer. 52. 17. 1 Chron. 15. 19. with cymbals of b. 22. 3. David prepared b. 29. 7. 29. 2. prepared b. for things of b. Job 6. 12. or is my flesh b. ? 40. IS. bones as strong pieces of b. 41. 27. Lev. esteemeth b. as rotten Psal 107. 16. broken the gates of 6. Isa. 45. 2. in pieces the gates of b. 60. 17. for wood b. for b. gold Ezek. 24. 11. that the b. may be hot £>. gold, for iron silver Jer. 6. 28. they are b. i. Ezek. 22. 18. Ezek. 22. 20. as they gather ir. and b. Dan. 2. 35. then was ir. b. brok. 45. 4. 15. with band of ir. b. in grass, 23. 5. 4. they praised gods of silver, b. i. Vessels of KR ASS. Josh. 6. 19. all v. of b. are consecrat. 2 Kings 25 16. the b. of all these vet, was without weight, Jer. 52. 20. Ezek. 27.13. traded in r, ofb. Rev.l8A2. BRAZEN. 2 Kings 18. 4. brake the J. serpent 25. 13. b. sea Chal. break, Jer. 52.17. 2 Chron. 6. 13. Sol. made a h. scaffold Jer. 1. 18. made thee this duy b. walls 15. 20. make thee a fenced b. wall &2. 20. b. bulls || Mark 7. 4. b. vessels See Altar. BRAVERY. Isa, 3. 18. L. will take away their b. BRAWLER, S. 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop must be no J. Tit 3. 2. to be no b. BRAWLING. Prov. 25. 24. with b. woman, 2\ 19. BRAY, ED, ETH. Job 6. 5. doth the wild ass b. when 30. 7. among the bushes they b. Prov. 27. 22. tho' b. a fool in a mortar BREACH. Gen. 38. 20. midwife said, this h. Lev. 24. 20. b. for />. eve for ey« BRE Nuni. 14. 34. know my b. of promise Jwtfg-. 21. 15. made a b. in the tribes 2 Sow. 5. 20. forth as b. of waters (i. 8. b. on Uzzah, 1 Chron. 13. 11. 2 Kings 12. 5. wheresoever any b. 1 Chron. 15. 13. L. made a 6. on us Neh. 6. I. and there was no b. Job 16. 14. break, ine with b. upon b. Psal. 106. 23. not Moses stood in b. Prov. 15. 4. perverseness is a b. in /.?«. 7. 6. a A. for us, and set a king 30. 13. this iniquity as a b. 26. in the day L. bindeth up b. 58. 12. called the repairer of the b. Jer. 14. 17. daugh. is brok. with a b. Lam. 2. 13. thy b. is great like sea Ezek. 26. 10. enter city wherein a b. BREACHES. Judg. 5. 17. Asher abode in his b. 1 Kings 1 1. 2*/ lep. b. of city of Dav. 2 Kings 12. 5. let them repair the b. 6. priests had not repaired the b. Psal. 60. 2. heal the b. for it shaketh Isa. 22. 9. ye have seen b. of the city Amos 4. 3. ye shall go out at the b. 6. 11. smite the great house with b. 9. 11. I Will close up the b. thereof BREAD. Gen. 14. 18. k. of Salem brought b. Gen. 18. 5. will fetch a morsel of b. 21. J4. Abraham took b. gave Hagar 25. 34. then Jacob gave Esau b. 27. 17. savoury meat and b. to Jacob . 41. 54. in Egypt there was b. 55 people cried to Pharaoh for b. 43. 31 set on b. || 45. 23. b. for father 47. 15. give us b. || 17. b. for horses 19. buy us and our laud for b. 49. 20. out of Asher his b. be fat Exod. 16. 4. I will rain b. from heav. 8. in the morning b. to the full, 12. 29. sixth day the b. of two days 32. they may see the b. I fed you 23. 25. he shall bless thy b. and wat. 40. 23. he set the b. in order on table Lev. 8. 32. what remaineth of b. burn 21. 6. b. of their God, 8, 17, 21, 22. 26. 26. ten women shall bake b. Num. 4. 7. continual b. be thereon 14 9. people of the land are b. for 21. 5. our soul lotheth this light b. Deut. 8. 3. that man doth not live by b. only, Mat. 4. 4. Luke 4. 4 23. 4. they met you not with b. 29. 6. ye have not eaten b. nor Josh. 9. 5. b. was dry and mouldy 12. this our b. we took hot for our Judg. 7. 13. a cake of b. tumbled 8. 6. should give b. to thy army, 15. 19. 5. comfort thy heart with b- 19. there is b. and wine also for Ruth 1. (>. his peo. in giving them b, 1 Sam. 2. 5. hired out thems. for b. 36. shall crouch for a morsel <>f b. 9. 7. the b. is spent in our vessels 21. 4. hallowed o. ||5. b. is common 6. priest gave him hallowed b. 22. J 3. hast given him b. and 28. 22. let me set a morsel of b. 2 Sam. 3 29. Joab one that lacketh b. 35. if I taste b. till sun be down 6. 19. to every one a cake of b. 1 Kings 13. 22. hack and hast eaten b. 17. 6. ravens brought b. and flesh 11. bring me a morsel of b. 2 Kings 4. 42. brought man of G. b. 18. 32. to a land of b. Isa. 36. 17. Neh. 5. 14. not eaten b. of governor 9. 15. gavest them b. from heaven 13. 2. bee. they met not Isr. with b. Job 15. 23. wandereth abroad for b. 22. 7. withholden b. from hungry 27. 14. offspring not be satis, with b. 28. 5. the earth, out of it coiueth b. 39 BRE Job 33. 20. his life abhor, b. and soul Psal. 37. 25. seen his seed begging b. 78. 20. can he give b. ? 102. 9. eaten ashes like b. 80. 5. feedest them with b or tears 104. 15. b. wh. stren. man's heart 105. 40. satisfi. them with b. of h. 109. 10. seek their b. out of desolate 132. 15.1 will satisfy her poor with A. Prov. 9. 17. />. eaten in secret is plea. 12. 9. he that is despised and hath a servant is better than he that honoureth himself and lack. b. 11. tilleth lard satis, with b. 28. 19 20. 13. thou shalt be satis, with b. 17. b. of deceit is sweet to a man 22. 9. he giveth of his b. to the poor 31. 27. she eateth not h. of idleness Eccl. 9. 11. not to swift, nor b. to wise 11. 1. cast thy 6. upon the waters Isa. 3. 1. away the whole stay of b. 7. for in my house is neither b. nor 21. 14. with their b. him that fled 30. 20. tho' L. give b. of adversity 33. 16. his b. shall be given him 44. 15. baketh b. on the coals, 19. 51. 14. nor that his b. should fail 55. 2. money for that which is not i> 10. that it may give b. to eater 58. 7. not to deal thy b. to hungry ? Jer. 42. 14. nor have hunger of b. Lam. 1. 11. people sigh, they seek b. 4. 4. young children ask b. no man 5. 6. to Egyptians to be sat. with b. 9. we gat our b. with peril of live3 Ezek. 4. 15. prepare thy b. therewith 17. that they may want b. and wa. 16. 49. pride, fulness of b. and 18. 7. his b. to the hungry, 16. 44. 7. strangers when ye offer my A. Hos. 2. 5. my lovers that give me b. 9. 4. sacrifices as b. of mourners Amos 4. 6. given you want of b. 8. 11. not famine of b. but hearing Hag. 2. 12. with his skirt do touch A. Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted b. on altar Mat. 4. 3. stones be made b. Lit. 4.3. 6. 11. day our daily b. Luke 11. 3. 7. 9. if his son ask b. will lie give 15. 26. the children's b. Mark!. 27. 33. whence so much b.? Mark 8. 4. 16. 5. forgot to take b. Marks. 14. 11. spake it not concerning b. 12. not beware of leaven of b. 26. 26. Jesu3 took b. Mark 14. 22. Luke 7. 33. Baptist neither eating b 9. 3. for your journey, neither b. 15. 17. servants have b. enough 22. 19. took b. gave thanks, 24. 30. 24. 35. known of thein in breaking b. John6. 7. two hun. penny-worth of b. 32. Mos. gave you not that b. from heav. my Father giveth true b, 33. the b. of God is he 34. Lord, give us this b. 35. I am the b. of life, 48. 41. b. which came down, 50, 58. eateth of this b. shall live 13. 18. eateth b. hath lift his heel 21. 9. and fish laid thereon and b. 13. Jes. then taketh b. and giveth Acts 2. 42. continued in break, of b. 46. breaking b. from house to hou. 20. 7. disciples came to break b. 1 1. when he had broken b. eaten 27. 35. he took b. and gave thanks 1 Cor. 10. 16. b. we break is it not 17. for we being many are one b. 11. 23. the Lord Jes. the same night in which he was betrayed took b. 2 Cor. 9. 10. minister b. to your food See Affliction. BREAD-CORN. Isa. 28. 28. b.-com is bruised because ore: BREAD, with eat. !»rn 3. 19. in sweat of thy tare e. ft. 28. 20. if Lord will e\w me ft. to e. 31. 54. Jacob called breth. to eat b. 37. 85. Jos.-phV br.th. sat to eotf ft. 39. 6. ought he had, save ft. lie eat 43. 32. Egypt, not eat b. with Hebr. Exod. 2. 20. call him that he may e. b. 16. 3 when we eat. b. to the full 15. this is the b. L. giv. you to eat 18. 12. to e. b. with Moses' f.-in. law 31. 28. he did not eat b. forty days Beat*. 9. 9, 18. Lev. 21. 22. he shall e. the b. of God 26. 5. ye shall eat b. to the full Dent. 8. 9. eat ft without scarceness lluth 2. 14. at meal-time come e. b. 2 Sam. 9. 7. eat b. at my table, 10. 12. 21. didst rise and eat b. 1 Kings 13. 8. nor will I eat b. 16. 15. come home with rre and eat b. 2 Ki. 4. 8. constrained Elisha to e. b. 6. 22. set b. and water, they may e. 25. 29. did e. b. before him, Jer.b'l 33 Job 42. 11. and did eat b. with Job Psal. 14. 4. people as they e. b. 53. 4. 41.9. mi of my b. hath lifted heel ]02. 4. so that I forget to eat my b. 127. 2. to «/£ the b. of sorrows Prov. 4. 17 they e. b. of wickedness 9. 5. come eat of my b. and drink 23. 6. e. not b. of him hath evil eye 25. 21. if thy enemy hunger give 6. Eccl. 9. 7. go eat thy b. with joy l.sa. 4. 1. we will eat our b. wear ./e;'. 5 17. they shall eat up thy b. 41. 1. did eat l>. tog-ether in Mizpah Ezek. 4. 13. thus shall eat defiled b. 16. they shall eat b. by weight 12. 18. e. b. with quaking || 19. care 24. 17. and eat not b. of men, 22. 44. 3. prince sit in it to eat b. Amos 7. 12 flee into Judah, there e. b. Ohad. 7. eat thy b. have laid a wound Nat. 15. 2. wash not when they e. b. Mark'S. 20. could not so much ase. ft. 6 30. buy b. they have notli. to eat 7. 2. disciples eat b. with defiled, 5. Luke 14 l.to Pharisee's house to e. ft. 15. blessed he shall eat b. in kingd. John 6. 5. whence shall we buy b. 23. nigh place where they eat b. 31. he gave them b. from heav. toe. 51. if any e. of this b. he shall live 1 Cor. 11. 26. as often as ye e. this b. 27. whosoever shall eat this b. and 2 Thes. 3. 8. did we e. b. for nought ? 12. that with quietness theye. b. Leavened BREAD. Exod 13. 3. there shall no I. b. eaten 7. no I. b. be seen, Deut. 16. 3, 4. Lev. 7. 13. he shall offer leavened b. Loaf or Loaves of BREAD. Jud. 8. 5. give £ of ft. to peo. that fol. 1 Sam. 10. 3. another car. three £ ofb. 4. they will give thee two 1. ofb. 21. 3. give me five I. ofb. in my hand 1 Ch. 16. 3. he dealt to ev. one I. ofb. No BREAD. Gen 47. IS. was no ft. in all the land Num. 21. 5. no ft and our soul loath. 1 Sam. 21. 4. there is no common 6. 6. no 6. there but shew-bread 28. 20. Saul had eaten no ft. all day 30. 1 2. the Egyp. had eat. no ft. 3 days 1 Kings 13. 9. eat no ft. nor, 17, 22. 2 Kings 25. 3. no ft. for peo. Jer. 52.6. Jer. 38. 9. there is no more ft. in city Dan. 10. 3. I ate no pleasant ft. nor" Afa£ 16. 7. it is because we have taken no ft. 8. Mark 8. 16, 17. Hark 6. 8. take no scrip, no ft. PiVce or Pieces o/BREAD. I Sum. 2. 3(5. that I may c at a piece ofb. Pro?'. 6.26. by means of whor. woman a man is brought to a pi. ofb. 23.21. for ap.o/ft.that man will trans. Jer. 37. 21. Jeremiah daily a pi. ofb. Ezek. 13. 19. will ye pollute mefor/>. ft. Shew Bread; see Shew. Staff of ii READ. Lev. 26 26. when I have broken st. ft. Psal. 105. 16. he brake whole St. ofb. £•^.4.115.1 will breaks, ft.5. 16. | 14.13. Unleavened BREAD. Ex. 12.18.eatpasso. with u.b.Nu.9.U. 15. seven days eat ww. ft. 1.3. 6,7. | 23. 15. | 34. 18. Lev. 23. 6.' Num. 28. 17. Deut. 16. 3. Deut. 16. 8. six davs shalt eat tin. ft. 1 Sam. 28. 24. witch of Eiidor bakew.ft. Ezek 45. 21. passo. of unl. ft. be eaten Mark 14. 12. first day of unl. ft. when Luke 22.7. came day of un. b.Acts\±3 Acts2Q. 6. afterdaysof m?i. ft. we sailed 1 Cor.b. 8. but with un. ft of sincerity See Basket, Feast. BREADTH. Gere.13.17.walk thro'land in theft.efit Deut. 2. 5. so much as a foot ft. Judg. 20. 16. could sling at an hair's ft. Job 37. 10. ft. of waters is straitened 38. 18. perceived ft. of the earth ? Im. 8. 8. his wings shall fill the ft. Hab. 1. 6. sh. march thro' ft. of land ZceA.2.2. to measure Jem. to see theft. 5. 2. I see a flying roll, the ft. Eph. 3. 18. what is the ft. and length Bev. 20. 9. went up on ft. of the earth 21. 16. length of city is as the ft. BREAK. 2 Sam. 2. 32. Joab came at 6. of day Acts 20. 11. he talked till 6. of day BREAK. Gen. 27. 40. ft. his yoke off thy neck Exod. 12. 46. nor ft. a bonc,.Zv'M?ra.9. 12. 34. 13. but ye shall ft. their imnges 7.cc.26. 19. I will ft. pride of your pow. Num. 24. 8. Isr. shall ft. their bones 30. 2. if a man vow, not ft. word Deut. 12. 3. ye shall ft. their pillars I Sam. 25. 10. ft. ev. man from master Ezra. 9. 14. should we again ft. com. Job 13. 25. wilt ft. a leaf driven 39. 15. the wild beast may ft. them Psal. 2. 3. let us ft. their bands 9. shalt ft. then with rod of iron 10. 15. ft. the arm of the wicked 58. 6. ft. their teeth, O God 89. 31. if they ft. my statutes 141. 5. oil wh. shall not ft. my head Cant. 2. 17. until day ft. 4. 6. Isa. 14. 25. I will ft. the Assyrian 28. 24. ft. the clods || 28. nor ft. it 30. 14. 6. it as of a potter's vessel 38. 13. as a lion so will he ft. all 42. 3. a bruised reed will he not ft. Mat. 12. 20. 58. 6. that ye ft. every yoke? Jer. 15. 12. iron 6. the northern iron 19. 10. 6. bottle, so will I ft. H. 28. 4. ft. yoke of k. of Bab. 11. | 30. 8. 49. 35. I will ft. the bow of Elam Ezek. 4. 16. I will ft. the staff of bread, 5. 16. | 14. 13. 16. 38. as women that ft. wedlock 23. 34. shalt ft. the sherds 29. 7. hold of thee thou didst J. 30. 18. when 1 ft. yokes of Egypt 22. will ft. Pharaoh's arms, 24. Hos. 1. 5. I will ft. the bow of Israel 2. 18. I will ft. the bow, the sword 10. 11. and Jacob shall ft. his clods Joel 2. 7. and not ft. their ranks Amos 1. 5. 6. the bar of Damascus Mic. 3. 3. who ft. their bones Nah. 1. 13. will 1 ft. his yoke oft thee Zech. 11, 14. might ft. brotherhood 4.0 ME Mat. 5. 19. ft. one of least command. 9. 17. else the bottles ft. and Acts 20. 7. came tog ether to ft. bread 21.13. what mean ye to ft. my heart? 1 Cor. 10. 16. bread we ft. is it not BREAK covenant. Lev. 26. 44. 1 will not ft. my c. Deut. 31. 16. this peo. will ft. my c. 20 Judg. 2. 1. 1 said, 1 will never ft.myc, Psal 89. 34. my c. will I not ft. Jer. 14. 21. ft. not thy cov. with us 33. 20. if ye can ft. my c. of the day Ezek. 17. 15. ft. c. and be delivered"? Zech. 11. 10. that I might ft. my c. BREAK dou-n. Ex. 23. 24. quite ft. d. im. Deut. 7. 5. Judg. 8. 9. 1 will ft. down tower Neh. 4 3. a fox shall ft. d. stonewall Psal. 74. 6. they ft. d. carved work Eccl. 3. 3. a time to ft. d. and a time Isa. 5. 5. I will ft. d. wall of vineyard Jer. 31. 28. watched over them to ft. d. 45 4. that I have built will I ft. d. Ezek. 13. 14 so will 1 ft. d. wall i6. 4. shall ft. d. towers of Tyni3 Hus. 10. 2. he shall ft. d. their altars BREAK forth. Ex. 19. 22. lest L. ft./ on them, 24. Isd.M.7. they ft./ into singing, 44.23. | 49. 13. | 54. 1. 52 9. ft./ into joy ye waste places 54. 3. shalt ft./ on the right hand 55. 12 hills shall ft./ into singing 58. 8. thy light ft. / as the morning Jer. 1. 14. north an evil shall ft./ Gal. 4. 27. ft. forth that travailest not BREAK off. Gen. 27. 40. ft. his yoke <#thy neck Dan. 4. 27. O king, ft. off thy sins BREAKS. Psal. 58. 6. ft. out the great teeth Isa. 35. 6. in wild, shall waters 6. out Hos. 4. 2. they ft. out and blood Amos 5. 6. lest he ft. out like fire in BREAK in pieces. Job 19. 2. ft. me in pieces with words ? 34. 24. shall ft. in pieces mighty men Psal. 72. 4. he shall ft. in p. the oppres. 94.5.thoy ft in p. thy people, O Lord Isa. 45. 2. I will b.inp. gates of brass Jer.51.20.with thee will I b.p. nations 21. with thee ft. m/?.horse and rider 22. with thee ft. in p. man, woman Dan. 2. 40. shall it ft. in pieces and bruise kingdoms, 44 7. 23. beast shall ft. in p. whole earth BREAK through. Exod. 19. 21. lest they ft th. to gaze 24. let not priests and peo. ft. th. Mat. 6. 19. thieves ft. th. \\ 20. ft. not* BREAK up. Jer. 4. 3. ft. up your fallow ground, Hos. 10. 12. BREAKER. Mic. 2. 13. ft. is come up Bom. 2. 25. if a ft. of law BREAKERS. Bom. 1. 31. covenant ft. BREAKEST. Psal. 48. 7. thou ft. ships of Tarshish BREAKETH. Gen. 32. 26. let me go, for the day i. Job 9. 17. he ft. me with tempest 12. 14. he ft. it cannot be built 16. 14. he ft. me with breaclmponbr. 28. 4. flood ft. out from inhabitant Psal. 29. 5. ft. the cedars || 46. 9. bow 119. 20. my soul ft. for longing Prov. 2 C >. 15. a soft tongue ft. the bona Eccl. 10. 8. ft. an hedge, a serpent Isa. 59. 5. crushed ft. into a viper Jer. 19. 11. as one ft. a potter's vessel 23. 29. like a hammer that ft. ro< k ? Lam. 4. 4. ch.il. ask bread, no man t. BRF, an. 2. 40. forasmuch as iron b. BREAKING. ren. 32. 24. wrestled till b. of day Chron. 14. 11. like b. forth of waters Job 30 14. as a wide b. in of waters 25. by reason of b. they purify "jrt/. 144. 14. that there be no b. in Isa. 22. 5. ft. down walls, of crying 30. 13. whose b. cometh suddenly 14. as b. of the potter's vessel Ezek. 16. 59. oath in b. coven. 17. 18. 21. 6. sigh, with b. of thy loins Hos. 13. Ill place of b. forth of chil. Luke 24. 35. known in b. of bread Acts 2. 42. continued in b. of bread 46. b. bread from house to house Rom. 2. 23. through b. law, dishou.G. BREAST. Job 24. 9. pluck fatherless from b. Isa. 60. 16. shalt suck b. of kings L<:m. 4. 3. sea monsters draw out b. Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his b. Luke IS. 13. publican smote his b. John 13. 25. lying on Jesus' b. 21. 20. BREASTS. Gen. 49. 25. bless with blessings of b. Job 3. 12. or why b. that I sh. suck 21. 24. his b. full of milk, his bones Psal. 22. 9. hope when on mother's b. Prov. ft. 19. let her b. satisfy thee Cant. 1. 13. lie all night betw. my b. 4. 5. thy two b. like roes, 7. 3. 7. 7. thy b. like clusters of grapes 8. thy b. be as clusters of the vine 8. 1. sucked the b. of my mother R a little sister, she hath no b. 10. and my b. like towers Isa. 28. 9. weaned from milk fr. i. 66. 11. with b. of her consolations Ezek. 16. 7. thy b. are fashioned 23. 3. there were their b. pressed 8. bruised the b. of her virginity 34. shalt pluck off thine own b. Hos. 2. 2. adulteries from betw. her b. 9. 14. give them dry b. Joel 2. 16. gather those suck the b. N. his b. believe in him i&. 1. 3. who being 6. of his glory BRIM. Josh. 3. 15. feet dipped in b. of water John 2. 7. they filled them to the b. BRIMSTONE. Gen. 19. 24. on Gomo. b. Lie. 17. 29. Deut. 29. 23. the whole land is b. Job 18. 15. 6. scattered on his habita. Psal. 11. 6. on the wicked snares, fire and b. Ezek. 38. 22. Isa. 30. 33. breath like a stream of b. 34. 9. dust thereof into b. Rev. 9. 17. out of their mouths b. 18. third part killed by the b. It. 10. he shall be torn), with b. 19. 20. lake burn, with b. 20. 10. 21. 8. their part in the lake which burnetii with fire and b. BRING. Gen. 6. '7. 1 do b. a flood on the earth 19. two of every sort b. into ark 9. 14. when 1 b. a cloud over eaith 18. 16 Abraham did b. on their way 19. b. on Abra, what he hath spok. 27. 12. I shall b. a curse on me 42. 20. b. youngest brother, 34. 37. if I 6. him not, 43. 9. | 44. 32. 43. 16. b. these men home, slay and 45. 19. take wagons and b. your fa. 48. 9. b. them, and I will bless them Exod. 13. 5. when L. shall b. thee, 1 1. 18. 19. mayest b. the causes to God 21. 6. his master b. him to judges 23. 19. first of first-fruits 'b. 34. 26. 20. I will send an angel to b. thee 35. 5. of a willing heart, let him b. 36. 5. people b. more than enough PNunt. 14. 8. if L. delight in us, will b. 16. Lord not able to b. Dent. 9. 28 24. Caleb will I b. into the laud 20. 12. ye shall not b. this congreg. Deut. 1. 17. cause too hard, b. to me 7. I. when L. shall b. thee into land 21. 12. shalt b. her to thy house 30. 12. b. it to us that we may do, 13. 33.7. hear L. b. Judah to his people . Sam. 1. 22. weaned, I will b. him 9. 7. said Saul, what b. the man ? 23. b. the portion I gave thee 20. 8. why b. me to thy father 2 Sam. 3. 12. to b. all Israel to thee 13. except thou b. Michal when 14. 10. saith ought, b. him to me 19. 11. why last to b. the king back 1 Ki. 8. 32. to b. his wav on his head 13. 18. b. him back to thy house 17. II. b. me a morsel of bread 20. 33. then he said, go ye, b. him 8 Kings 2. 20. b. me a new cruise 6. 19. 1 will b. you to whom ye seek 1 Chr. 16. 29. b. an offering and come Neh. 13. 18. our G. b. this evil on us Job 6. 22. did I say, b. unto me 10. 9. wilt thou b. me into dust ag. 14. 4. who can b. a clean thing out 18. 14. b. him to king of terrors 30. 23. thou wilt b. me to death 33. 30. to b. back his soul from pit Psal. 43. 3. b. me to thy holy hill CO. 9. b. me into a strong city, 108. 10. 72. 3. mount, shall b. peace to peo. 94. 23. b. on them their own iniqui. Prov. 29. 8. scornful b. a city into a Eccl. 3 22. who shall b. him to see 11. 9. God will b. thee untojudg. 12. 14. b. every work into judgment Cant. 8. 2. b. thee into my mother's ha. 7. 17. Lord shall b. on thee and 14. 2. shall b. them to their place 15. 9. for I will 6. more on Dimon BRI tsa, 25. 12. shall b. to the ground 45. 21. tell ye and b. them near 46. 13. 16. near my righteousness 56. 7. will I b. to my holj mountain 58. 7. b. the poor to thy Louse 60. 17. for brass b. gold, for iron b. 66. 4. b. their fears upon them Jer. 3. 14. I will b. you to Zion 10. 24. lest thou b. me to nothing 11. 8. I will b. words of this coven 17. 18. I will b. on them day of evil 31. 8. I will b. them from the north 32. 42. I will b. on them all the good 33. 6. I will b. it health and cure 11. that shall b. sacrifice of praise 49. 5. I will b. a fear upon thee Ezek. 6. 3. will b. a sword upon you 11. 9. I will b. you out of the midst 20. 15. I would not b. them into land 21. 29. I will b. on necks of them 23. 22. b. them ag. thee on ev. side 34. 13. b. to own land, 36.24. j 37.21. 38. 17. would b. thee against them Hos. 2. 14. and b. her to wilderness Amos 4. 1. b. and let us drink Mic. 1. 15. will I 6. an heir to thee Zech. 8. 8. I will o. them, and they Mat. 2. 13. be there till I b. word 5. 23. if thou b. thy gift to the altar 17. 17. b. him to me, Mark 9. 19. 21. 2. loose and b. them to me, Mar. 11. 2. Luke 19. 30. Mark 7. 32. they b. to him one deaf Luke 2. 10. I b. good tidings of great 8. 14. and b. no fruit to perfection 12. II. b. you into the synagogues John 10. 16. other sheep I must b. 14. 26. b. all things to remembrance 18. 29. what accusation b. you ? Acts 5. 28. to b. this man's blood on 7. 6. should b. them into bondage 9. 2. he might b. them bound, 21. 22. 5. I went to b. them bound 23 10. to b. Paul into the castle 17. b. this young man to captain 1 Cor. 1. 19. I will b. to nothing und. 28. to b. to nought things that are 4. 17. b. you into remembrance 9. 27. my body, I b. into subjection 16. 6. mny /). me on my journey 2 Cor. 1 1. 20. if a man b. you into bon. Gal. 3. 24. school.ma. to b. us to C. 1 Thess. 4. 14. sleep, will G. b. with 1 Pet. 3. 18. that he might b. us to G. 2 John 10. if any b. not this doctrine 3 John 6. whom if thou /). on journ. Rev. 21. 24. ki. do b. their glory to it 26. b. the glory of nations into it See Home, Hither. BRING again. Gen. 24. 6. thou b. not my son a. 8. 28. 15. b. thee a. into this" land, 48.21. 42. 37. deliver him, I'll b. him ag. Exod 23. 4. b. it back to him again Num. 22. 8. this night, I'll b. wurd a. Deut. 1. 22. b. us word ag. what way 28. 08. L. shall b. thee into Egypt a. Judg. 1 1. 9. if ye b. me home ag. to 19. 3. her husband went to b. her a. 2 Sam. 12. 23. can I b. him a. I shall 14. 21. b. the young man Absalom a. 15. 8. if L. b. me ag. to Jerusalem 25. he will b. me a. and show me I Ki.8 34. forgive and b. a. 2 Chr.6.25. 1 Chron. 13. 3. let us b. a. the ark 21. 12. advise what word I shall b. a. 2 Chr. 24. 19. prophets to b. tliem«. Neh. 9. 29. mightest b. a. to thy law Psal. 68. 22. b. a. from Bashan, I will b. my people from depths of sea Prov. 19. 24. as b. it to mouth again 26. 15. grieveth to b. it ag. to mouth Isa. 38. 8. b. a. shadow of the degrees 46. 8. b. it a. to mind, O tiansgrcs. 4a BRI ha. 49. 5. saith L. to b. Jac. a. to him 52. 8. when Lord shall b. again Zion Jer. 12. 15. I'll b. them again, 50. 19. 15. 19. if return, will I b. thee aga. 16. 15. b. a. to their land, 24.6. J 32.37. 23. 3. I will b. again into their folds 28. 4. I will b. again Jeconiah, 6, 30. 3. b. again the captivity, 18. | 31. 23. | Ezek. 39. 25. Amos 9. 14 48. 47. b. again captivity of Moab 49. 6. of Ammon, || 39. of Elam Ezek. 16. 53. when 1 6. a. their cap. 2s). 14. I will b. ag. captivity of Egy. 34. 16. I will b. a. that driven Zeph. 3. 20. at that time b. you again Zech. 10. 6. b. them a, to place them 10. I will b. them a. out of Egypt Mat. 2. 8. b. word a. that 1 may" Vors See Captivity BRING down. Gen. 42. 38. b. d. grey hairs, 44.29,31. 43. 7. would say, b. brother d. 44. 21. 45. 13. haste and b. d. my father Deut. 9. 3. b. them d. before thy face 2 Sam. 22. 28. eyes on haughty to !> d. 1 Kin. 1. 33. Solomon, b. a. to Gihon 2. 9. his hoar head b. thou d. with Psal. 18. 27. 6. down high looks 55. 23. shalt b. d. to pit of destruc. Isa. 25. 5. shalt b. d. the noise of stra. 11. he shall b. d. their pride toge. 12. high fort shall he b. down 63. 6 b. d. their strength to earth Jer.49.16. b.thee d. from thence, 06.4. 51. 40. I'll 6.them d.Wke lambs to sla. Ezek. 26.20. shall b. thee rf.with them 28. 8. they shall b. thee d. to the pit Hos. 7. 12. b. them d. as fowls of hea. Joel 3. 2. b. down to valley of Jehosh. Amos 3. 11. he shall 6. d. thystreugth 9. 2. tho' climb to heaven,6. them d. Obad. 3. saith, who shall b. me doirn Acts 23. 15. that he b. him d. to-mor. 20. thou wouldst b. down Paul Rom. 10. 6. that is to b. Christ down See Evil BRING forth. Gen. 1. 11. earth b.f. 24. ||20. waters 3. 16. in sorrow shalt b. f. children 18. thorns and thistles shall it b.f. 8. 17. b.f. every liv. thing with thee 9. 7. b.f. abundantly in the earth 38. 24. b. her/ let her be burnt Exod. 3. 10. mayst b.f. my people Is. 11. who am I that 1 sh. b. f. Israel 7. 4. that I may b.f. my armies Lev. 26. 10. and b.f old, bee. of new Num. 20. 8. b.f. water out of the rock Josh. 2. 3. b.f. men that are come Judg. 6. 18. till I b.f. my present 19. 22. b.f. man came to thy house 2 A'»«.19.3.no strength to b.f Jsa. 37. 3. Job 14. 9. b.f. boughs like a plant 15. 35. conceive mischief, b. f. vanity 38. 32. canst thou b. f Mazzaroth 39. 1. when the wild goats b.f. 2, 3. 40. 20. the mountains b. him/, food Psal. 37. 6. he shall b.f. thy right, as 92. 14. they shall b.f. fruit in old age 104. 14. may b.f. food out of earth 144. 13. our sheep may b.f. thoii3. Prov. 27. 1. not what a day may b.f. Isa. 5. 2. that it should b.f. grapes, 4. 23. 4. I travail not, nor b.f. children 33. 11. conceive chaff, and b. /stub. 41. 21. b.f. your strong reasons 42. 1. he shall b.f. judg. to Gentiles 3. he shall 6. /judgm. unto truth 43. 8. b. f theblind that have eyes 9. let them b. f. their witnesses 45. 8. and let them b.f salvation 55.10. watereth, and make it b. forth 59. 4. conceive mischief, and b.f. ini. C5. 9. I will b.f. a seed out of Jacob i BRI Ita.65. 23. in vain, nor b. f. for trouble 66. 8. thf earth to b. /'in one day ? 9. to birth, and not cause to b.f.? Jer. 12. 2. they grow, yea b.f. fruit 51. 44. I'll b.f. what he swallowed Ezek. 12,4. shalt b f. thy stuff by day 11. 23. and it shall b. forth boughs 20. 6. o b. them/, o^land of Egypt 38. I ill 6. them/ out of country 47. 12. it shall b.f. new fruit accord. Hos. 9. 13. Ephraim shall b.f. his chil. 16. tho' they b.f. yet will 1 slay Mic. 4. 10. and labour to b.f. O Zion 7. 9. he will b. me/ to the light Zeph. 2. 2. before decree b.f. day pass Zech. 3.8. 6./ my servant the Branch 4. 7. 6./ bead-stone with shoutings 5. 4. b.'f.A curse.it shall enter house Mat. 1.23. a virgin sh:ill b.f a son, 21. 3. 8. b.f. fruit meet for rep. Lu. 3. 8. 7. 18. a good tree cannot b. forth evil fruit, Luke 6. 43 Mar. 4. 20. b.f. fruit, some 30 fold Luke 1. 31. b.f a son shalt call Jesus 8. 15. havingheard word, 6./ fruit 15.22. ft./bestrobe and put it on him John 15.2. that it may b.f more fruit 16. I ord ained you. should b.f fruit 19. 4. I b. him/ that ye may know Acts 12. 4. after Easter to b. him/ Horn. 7. 4. that we sh. b.f fruit unto 5. moti nsof sin to b.f. unto death BRINGS. Exod (1. 8. b. you into land I did sw. 15. 17. shalt b. in and plant them 23. 23. my Angel shall 6. thee in N m. 14. 31. little ones, will I b. in Jer. 17. 24. b. in no burden on sabbath Dan. 2. 24. b. me in before the king 9. 24. to b. in everlasting righteous. Hag. 1. 6. sown much and b. in little Luke 5. 18 sought means to b. him in 14. 21. b. in hither the poor, maimed 2 Pet. 2. 1. b. in damnable heresies BRING out. Gen. 40. 14. b. me out of this house 50. 24. God will b. you out of this land Ex. 6. 6. b. you out from under bur. 13. b. chil. of Israel out of Egypt, 26, 27. | 7. 5. | 12. 51. Jer. 31". 32. Deut, 22. 21. b. o. damsel || 24. b. both o. Josh. 6. 22. b. o. thence Rahab and all Judg. 6. 30. b. o. thy son, that he die Psal. 25. 17. O b. me o. of my distr. 142. 7. b. my soul o. of prison, that 143. 11. b. my soul out of trouble lsa. 42. 7. to b. o. the prisoners from Ezek. U. 7. I will b. you o. of midst 20. 34. b. you o. from peuple, 34. 13. 41. accept you, when I b. you out 24. 6. 6. it out piece by piece Acts 17. 5. sought to b. them o. to BRING to pass. Gen. 41. 32. dream G. will b. it to p. 50. 20. to b.p. as at this day to save Psal. 37. 5. trust in him, he sh. b. it t.p. lsa. 28. 21. b. t. p. his act, his strange 46. 11. spoken, I will also b it top. BRING up. Gen. 46. 4. I will b. thee up again E.vod. 3. 17. I will 6. you up out of 33. 12. sayest, b. up this people Num. 20. 25. 6. up Aaron to m. Hor Jv/ig. 6. 13. did not L. b. us up from 1 Sam. 19. 15. 6. him up in the bed 28. II. he said, b. me up Samuel 2 Sarr. 6. 2. to A. ie/j ark of God, I Ki. 8. 1, 4 1 Chr. 13.6. | 15.3, 12,14, 25. 2 C/;;v,w. 5. 2, 5. 1 C//r. 17. 5. since I 6. up Tsr. to this /#a. 23. 4. nor 6. ty> virgins Jer. 27. 22. then will I b. them t^p Ezek. 16. 40. />. r a company against 23. 46. I will 6. up a company upoa BRI Ezek. 37. 6. I wili b. up flesh on you Hos. 9. !2. though they b. up children Rom. 10. 7. to ft. up C. from the dead Eph. 6. 4. 6. them up in nurture of L. BRINGKRS. 2 In, 10. 5. 6. up of chil. sent to Jehu BR1NGEST. [thee Job 14. 3. b. me into judgment with lsa. 40. 9. O Jerusa. that b. good tid. Acts 17. 20. b. strange things to our BRINGETH. [ears E.vod. 6. 7. b. you from under burd. Leo. 11. 45. L. that b. you out of Eg. Deut. 8. 7. L. b. thee into a good land 1 Sam. 2. 6. he b. down to the grave 7. Lord b. low, and lifteth up 2 Sam. 22. 48. b. the people under me 49. b. me forth from mine enemies Job 12. 6. into whose hand G. b. abu. 22. he b. to light shadow of death 19. 29. wrath b. punis. of the sword 28. 1 1. the thing hid b. he to light Psal. 1. 3. b. forth his fruit in his sea, 14. 7. when L. 6. back capti. 53. 6. 33. 10. b. counsel of hea. to nought 37. 7. who b. wicked devices to pass 68. 6. he b. out them that are bound 107. 28. b. them out of their distr. 30. b. them to their desired haven 135. 7. b. wind, Jer. 10. 13. \ 51. 16. Prov. 10. 31. mouth of just b. wisd. 16. 30. moving- bis lips, he b. evil 18. 16. gift b. him before great men 19. 26. son that b. reproach 20. 26. wise king b. wheel ov. them 29. 15. child left, b. mother to sha. 21 that delicately b. up his servant 25. the fear of man b. a snare 31. 14. she b. her food from afar lsa. 8. 7. Lnrd b. on them the waters 26. 5. b. down them dwell on high 40. 23. that b. the princes to noth. 26. b. out their host by number 43. 17. b. forth chariot and horse 51. 16. the smith that b. forth instr. 61. II. as the earth b. forth her bud Jer. 4. 31. that b. forth her first child Ezek. 29. 16. b. iniquity to rememb. Hos. 10. 1. Isr. b. forth fruit to him. Hag. 1,11. that wh. ground h. forth Mat.S. 10. every tree that b. not forth good fruit, 7. 19. Luke 3. 9. 7. 17. good tree b. forth good fruit 12. 35. a good man b. forth good, evil b. evil things, Luke~6. 45. 13. 23. b. forth some an hundred fo. 52. b. out of treas. things new and 17. 1. Jesus b. them to hiffh moun. Mark 4. 28 the earth b forth fruit Luke 6. 43. good tree b. not corrupt J'lhn 12. 24. if it die, it J. forth, 15.5. Col. 1. 6. gospel b. forth fruit, as it Tit. 2. 11. grace of God that b. salva. Heb. 1. 6. b. first-begotten into world 6. 7. the earth b. forth herbs meet Jam. 1. 15. b. forth sin, and sin b. See Tidings. BRINGING. Ex. 12. 42. observed for b. them out 36. 6. peo. were restrained from b. Num. 14. 36. by b. up a slander on 2 Sam. 19. 10. of b. the king back, 43. 2 Ki. 21. 12. I am b. such evil on Jer. Psal. 126. 6. rejoicing, b. his sheaves Ezek. 20. 9. myself known in b. them Dan. 9. 12. by b. upon us great evil Mat. 21. 43. to a nation b. forth fruit Horn. 7. 23. b. me into capti. to law 2 Cor. 10. 5. b. into capti. ev. thought Heb. 2. 10. in b. many sons untoglo. 7. 19. b. in of a better hope did 2 Pet. 2. 5. b. in the flood on world BRINK. Exod. 2. 3, la ; 1 t'" ark by rivers b. U BRO Josh. 3. 8. when come to h. of Jord. Ezek. 47. 6. caused me return to b. BROAD. Keh. 3. 8. and they fortified Jerusa- lem to the b. wall, 12. 3a Job 36. 16. out of strait into a b. pla. Psal. 1 15. 96. thy com. is exceed, b. Cant. 3.2. in b. ways I will seek him lsa. 33. 21. L. be a place of b. rivers Jer. 5. 1. seek in b. places thereof 51. 58. b. walls of Babylon be brok. Nah. 2. 4. chariots justle in b. ways Mat. 7. 13. b. way to destruction 23. 5. make b. their phylacteries BROADER. Job 11. 9. measure is b. than the sea BROIDERED Ezek. 16. 13. raiment was of b. work 18. thy b. garments and coveredst 27. 7. with b work to be thy sail 16. in thy fairs with b. work 24. thy merchants in b. work 1 Tim. 2. 9. adorn, not with b. hair BROILED. Luke 24. 42. a Dieee of a b. fish BROKEN. Gen. 17. 14. hath b. my cov. Ps. 55 2a lsa. 24. 5. | 33. 8. Jer. 11. 10. Lev. 21. 19. a man b. footed, b. hand. 20. hath his stones b. not offer 22. 22. blind, b. ye shall not offer, 24. 26. 13. b. the bands of your yoke 26. when I have b. staff of bread Judg. 5. 22. the horse-hoofs b. by 1 Sam. 2. 4. bows of mighty are b. 2Sam22.Zb. bow of steel 6. Ps. 18.34. 1 Chr. 14. 11. b. in upon mine ene. 2 Chr. 20. 37. b. thy works, ships b. 32. 5. he built up all the wall b. Job 4. 10. teeth of young lions are b. 7. 5. my skin is b. and loathsome 16. 12. but he hath b. me asunder 22. 9. arms of fatherless been b. 24. 20. wickedness shall be b. as a 31. 22. mine arm be b. from the bone 3S. 15. and the high arm shall be b. Psal. 3. 7. b. teeth of the ungodly 31. 12. I am like a b. vessel 34. 18. nigh them of a b. heart, 51.17 20. bones, not one of them is b. 37. 15. their bows.be b. || 17. arms 35. 8. I am feeble and sore b. 44. 19. b. us in place of dragons 51. 8. bones thou hast b. may rejol. 17. sacrifices of God are a b. spirit GO. 2. earth to tremble, hast b. it 69. 20. reproach hath b. my heart 107. 16. hath b. the gates of brass 109. 16. might slay the b. in heart 124. 7. snare is b. we are escaped 147. 3. he healeth the b. in heart Prov. 6. 15. suddenly shall he be b. 15. 13. by sorrow of heart spirt is 6. 17. 22. a b. spirit drieth the bones 25. 19. is like a b. tooth, and a foot Eccl. 4. 12. a threefold cord is not fu 12. 6. or the golden bowl he b. lsa 5. 27. nor latchet of their shoes b 7. 8 within 65 years shall Eph. be b 8. 15. many among them shall be b 9. 4. hast b. the yoke of his burden 34. 5. b. the staff of the wicked 29. rod of him smote thee is b. 19. 10. shall be b. in purposes there. 21. 9. all the images he hath b. 28. 13. might fall backward and be b. 33. 8. b. the covenant and despised 20. nor shall any of the cords be b. 36. 6. trusteth in staff of b. reed Jer. 2. 13. b. cisterns that hold no 16. chil. b. the crown of thy head 20. of old I have b. thy yoke 5. 5. these have b. the yoke and 10. 20. all my cords are b, my chil, Jer. BRO 1 11. 16 the branches of it are b. 14. 17. the virgin of my people is b. 22. 28. is this man Coniah a b. idol? 23. 9. mine heart is b. bee. of proph. 28. 2. b. yoke of king of Babylon 33. 21. then may also my covenant be b. with David 48. 17. how is the strong staff' b. 38. I have b. Moab like a vessel 60. 17. Nebueh. b. Israel's bones 23. hammer of whole earth b. 51. 58. broad walls of Bab. sh. be b. Lam. 2. 9. he hath b. her bars 3. 4. he hath b. my bones, || 16. teeth Ezek. 6. 9. b. with their whorish he. 17. 19. my covenant that lie hath b. 19. 12. her strong rods were b. 26. 2. Aha, she is b. that was gates 27. 26. east wind b. thee in the seas 34. when shalt be b. by the seas 30. 21. I have b. the arm of Pharaoh 22. break the strong and that b. 31. 12. his boughs are b. by rivers 32. 28. be b. in midst of uncircum. 34. 4. nor have ye bound up b. 16. and I will bind up that b. 27. b. the hands of their yoke 44. 7. and they have b. my covenant Dan. 2. 42. kingdom partly b. 8. 8. the great horn was b. 25. he shall be b. without hand 11. 4. his kingdom shall be b. 22. with arms of a flood he b. flu*. 5. 11. Ephraim is b. in judgment Zech. 11. 11. and it was b. in that day 16. shepherd shall not heal that b. Mat. 15. 37. of the b. meat. Mar. 8. 8. 21. 44. fall on this stone, shall be b. Luke 20. 18. Luke 12. 39. not soft", house to be b. John 5. 18. not only b. the Sabbath 7. 23. law of Moses sho. not be b. 10. 35. the scripture cannot be b. 19. 3i. beso. their leg's might be b. 36. a bone of him shall not be b. 2!. 1 1. yet was not the net b. Acts 20. il. b. bread and talked long 27. 35. had b. it, he began to eat 1 Cor. 11 24. this is my body b. for you Rev. 2. 27. as vessels shall they be b. BROKEN down. 2 Kin. 1 1. 6. watch, that it be not b.d. Neh.2. 13. and 1 viewed the walls b. d. Paul. 80. 12. why b. d. her hedges ? 89. 40. thou hast b. d. all his hedges Prov. 24. 31. stone- wall was b. d. 25. 28. no rule, is like a city b. d. Isa. 16. 8. b. d. principal plants ther. 22. 10. houses b. d. to fortify wall 24. 10. city of confusion is b. down 19. the earth is utterly b. down Jer. 4. 26. cities b. d. ||48. 20. Moab 39. Ezek. 30. 4. her foundation sha.be b.d. Joel. 1. 17. the barns are b. d the corn Eph. 2. 14. C. hath b. d. middle wall BROKEN forth. Gen. 38. 29. how hast thou b. forth 2 Sam.b. 20. L. b. f. on mine enemies BROKEN in. 1 Chr. 14. 1 1. b. in on mine enemies BROKEN off. Job 17. 11. my purposes are b. off Isa. 27. II. boughs withered b. off Rom. 11. 17. and if some be b. off 20. because of unbelief b. off'\9 BROKEN in, or to pieces. 1 Sam. 2. 10. adver. shall be b. to ,/■ 2 Chr. 25. 12. cast from rock, were b. Psal. 89. 10. thou hast b. Rahab in p. lin. 8.9. associate, ye shall be b.i/tp. 3). 14. as a potter's vessel b. in piece* Hon. S. 6. call of Samaria shall be b.p. BROKEN up. tien, 7. 11. fountains of deep b. up BRO 2 Kin.lbA. Jerus. b. up.Jer.39.2 1 527. 2 Chr. 24. 7. bad b. up house of God Proi: 3. 20. by his kno. depths are b. Mat. 24 41 not suff. house to be b. up Mark 2. 4. when they had b. roof up Acts 13. 43. when consr. was b. up BROKES-hearted. Isa. 61. 1. sent me to bind up the b.-7i. Luke 4. IS. to heal the b.-h. to preach BROOD. Luke 13. 34. as a hen doth gather b. BROOK. Gen. 32. 23. and sent them over the b. Lev. 23. 40 take willows of the b. Num. 13. 23. to b. Eshcol. cut branch Deut. 2. 13. over the b. Zered, 14. 9. 21. cast the dust into the b. \Sam. 17. 40. five stones out of the b. 2 Sum. 15. 23. king passed b. Kidron 17. 20. they be gone over the b. 1 Kin. 2. 37. day thou passestover b. 17. 3. hide by the b. Cherith, 5. 6. he drank of the b. 18. 40. Elijah brought to b. Kishon 2 Chron. 20. 16. find them at end of b. 29. 16. carried it to the b. Kidron 32. 4. gathered and stopt the b. Neh. 2. 15. by b. and viewed the wall Jol>6. 15. dealt deceitfully as a b. 40. 22. willows of b. compass him Psal 83. 9. as to Jabin at the b. Kison 110.7. he shall drink of the b. in way Prov. 18. 4. spring of wisdom as a b. Isa. 15. 7. carry to b. of willows Jer. 31. 40. fields to J. Kidron holy John 18. 1. went over b. Cedron BROOKS. Xum. 21. 14. did in the b. of Arnon Deut. 8. 7. a land of b. of water and 2 Sam. 23. 30. b. of Gaash, 1 Chr. 1 1.32. 1 Kin. 18. 5. Ahab said, go unto all b. Job 6. 15. as stream of b. pass away 20. 17. shall not see the b. of honey 22. 24. lay up gold as stones of b. Psal. 42. 1. as hart panteth after b. Isa. 19. 6. b. of defence be emptied 7. the paper-reeds by the b. shall 8. cast angle into b. shall lament BROTH. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon put the b. in a pot Isa. 65. 4. b. of abominable things BROTHER. Gen. 9. 5. of e. man's b. require life Gen. 29. 12. that he was her father's b. 43. 6. as to tell ye had a b. the man asked, have ye ano. b. 44. 19. Deut. 2b. 5. husb. b. shall go in to her Judg. 21. 6. Is. repen. for Ben. their b. Job I. 13. in eldest b. house, 18. 30. 29. I am a b. to dragons Prov. 17. 17. a b. is born for adversi. 18. 9. slothful is b. to him a waster 19. a b. offended is harder to be won 24. that sticketh closer than a b. 27. 10. better a neigh, than b. far off Eccl. 4. 8. hath neither child nor b. Jer. 9. 4. trust not in any b. for ev. b. Ezek. 44. 25. for b. they may defile Mai. 1. 2. was not Esau Jacob's b. ? Mat 10.21. b. deliver up b. Mar. 13.12. Mar. 32.19. if a man's 6. die.Xw.20 28. Jo/mll.l9.Jewseainetocomf.conce. b Acts9.\l. b. Saul, receive sight, 22. 13. 12.2. killed James the b. of John 21. 20. b. hcuv many thous. believe 1 Cor. 5. 11. called a b. be a fornicator 6. 6. b. goeth to law with b. 7. 12. b. hath a wife believeth not 15. a b. is not under bondage in 8. 11. thro' thy know, weak b. perish 2 Cor. 8. 18. have sent with him the b. 2 Thess. 3. 6. withdraw from every b. 15. but admonish him as a b. Philem. 7. saints refreshed by thee, b. 45 BRO Phile. 16. above a serv. a b. beloved His BROTHER. Gen. 25. 26. after that came his b. out 42. 31 his b. is dead, he is left 44. 20. E.rod. 32. 27. slay every man his b. Deu.\9.\9. thought to have done to i. 28 54. his eye be evil toward h. b. Xeh.b. 7. you exact usu.ev one of h.h. PsalA9. 7.l>y any means redeem hisb. Isa. 3. 6. shall take hold of his b. 9. 19. no man shall spare his b. 19. 2. shall tight ev. one ag. his b. 41. 6. to his b. be of good courage Jer. 31. 34. teach no more every man his b. Heb. 8. 11, 34. 9. serve himself of a Jew his b. 17. liberty every one to his b. Ezek. 18.18. spoiled hisb. by violence 33. o0. ev. one to his b. saying come Hos.. 12. 3. b. by the heel in the womb Amos\.\ 1. because he did pursue his b. Mic. 7. 2. they hunt every man his b. Hag.2. 22. ev. one by sword of his b. Zech.1.9. shew mercy ev. man to hisb, 10. none imagine evil ag. his b. Mai. 2. 10. deal treacherously aga. b. Mat. 5. 22. and sayeth Raca to Ms b. 18. 35. if ye forgive not every one his b. their trespasses 22. 24. seedto/>.3/ ( /r.l2.19.iw.20.i8. 25. no issue, left his wife to his b. John 1. 41. he findeth hisb. Simon Rom. 14. 13. to fall in his b. way I T/ies. 4. 6. no man defraud his b. Jam. 4. 1 1, evil of and judg. his b. 1 John2. 9. light, and hateth h. b. 11. 10. loveth his b. abideth in light 3. 10. that loveth not his b. 14. 12. not as Cain, who slew his b. 15. hateth his b. is a murderer, 4 20. 21. man love God, love his b. also 5. 16. if any see his b. sin a sin not My BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, am I my b. keep. 20. 5. he is my b. 13. 1 Kings 20. 32. 27. 41. then will 1 slay my b. Jacob 29. 15. because thou art my b. 2 Sam. 1 26. my b. Jonathan 1 Kings 13. 30. saying, alas my b. Psal. 35. 14. 2S tho' he had been myb. Cant. 8. 1 Wert as myb. that smked Jer. 22. 18. not lam. baying, ah myb. Mat. 12. 50. same is my b. Mar. 3. 35. 18. 21. how oft shall my b. sin Lit. 12. 13. speak to my b. that he John 11. 21. my b. had not died 1 Cor 8. 13. if meat make my b. to 2 Cor. 2. 13. found not Titus my b. Our BROTHER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit if slay our 27. for he is our b. Judg. 9. 3. 42. 21 guilty concerning our b. 2 Cor. 8. 22. sent with them our b. Philem. 1. and Tim. our b. to Philem. Thy BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. L. said, where is Abel t. b. 10. voice of thy b. blood crieth 27. 40. and shait serve thy b. 38. 8. b. wife, raise up seed to thyb. Exod. 4. 14. is not Aaron thy b.f Lev. 19. 17. thou shalt not hate thy b. 25. 36. fear thy G. that t. b. may live Deut. 13. 6. if thy b. entice secretly 15 11. open thy hand wide to thy b. 12. if thyb. an Heb. be sold to thee 22. 3. with all lost thing of thy b. 23. 7. not abhor Edomite, he is t. b. 2 Sam. 2. 22. my face to Joab thy b. 13. 20. hold thy peace, he is thy b. 1 Kings 20. 3::. said, thy b. Benliadad Job2'2.6. pledge from i. b. for nought Psal. 5ft. 20. and speakest ag. thy b. Prov. 27. 10. into t. b. house in eala. Obad. 10. violence against t. b. Jacob BRO Mat. 5. 23. rem. that t. b. hath ought 24. first be reconciled to t/u/ h. 7. 3. mote in t. b. eye, 5. 7,«.'6.41,42. 18. 15. hast gamed t. b. Luke 17. 3. John 11. 23. J saith, t. b. shall rise Rom. 14. 10. why set at nought thub. Your BROTHER. Gen. 42. 34. so shall I deliv. youy. b. 45. 4. I am Joseph, your b. whom Judg. 9. 18. Abiin. bee. he is your b. Rev. 1. 9. I John who also am y. b. BROTHERHOOD. Zech. 11. 14. break b. between Judah 1 Pet. 2. 17. love the b. fear God BROTHERLY. Amrjt 1. 9. remem. not b. covenant Rom. 12. 10. aft'ectioned with b. love 1 Thes. 4. 9. as touching b. love ye Heb. 13. 1. let b. love continue 2 Pet. 1.7. to godliness b. kindness BROUGHT Gen. 20. 9. hast b. on me a great sin 27. 20. Lord thy God b. it to me Exod. 18.26. hard causes they b. to M. 19. 4. how I b. you to myself 32. 1. the man that b. us up out, 23. 21. thou hast b. so g^eat a sin Num. 14. 3. where, b. us to this land 1(5. 1G, hath b. thee near to him 27. 5. Moses b. their cause before L. Dent. 5. 15. b. thee out thence 2(i. 13. b. away the hallowed things Josh. 7. 24. b. them to valley of Ach. 24. 7. Lord b. the sea upon them Judg. 2. 1. b. you unto the land 18. 3. who b. thee hither? and what 1 Sam. 1. 24. she b. Sam. to hou. of L. 10. 27. desp. and b. him no presents 25. 35. David received what she b. 2 Sam. 7. 18. who am I, that thou hast b. me hitherto, 1 Chr. 17. 16. 1 Kin. 9. 9. L. b. this evil, 2 Chr. 7. 22. 17. 20. also b. evil on the widow? 2 Kin. 5. 20. in not receiv. what he b. 17. 4. Hoshea b. no present to king 20. 11. b. the shadow backward 1 Chr. 11. 19. with jeop. of lives b. it 14. 17. L. b. fear of him on all nat. 2 Chr. 13. 18. chiL of Isr. were b. un. 22. 9. b. Ahaziah to Jehu [der 32. 23. many b. gifts to L. to Jeru. Ezra 8. 18. b. us a man of underst, Neh. 4. 15. b. their counsel to nought 9. 33. just in all that is b. upon us 13. 12. Judah b. tithe of corn Job 4. 12. was secretly b. to me 21. 32. yet shall he be b. to grave Psal. 35. 4. be b. to confusion, 26. 45. 15. with gladness shall be b. 71. 24. b. to shame seek my hurt Prov. 6. 26. a man is b. to piece of br. Cant. 2. 4. b. me to banqnet.-house ha. 15. 1. At b. Kir b. to silence 23. 13. b. the land of Chald. to ruin 29. 20. terrible one is b. to nought 43. 23. not b. small cattle to me, 24. 48. 15. called him, 1 have b. him 53. 7. he is b. as a lamb to slaughter 59. 16. his arm b. salvation, 63. 5. 60. 11. that their kings may be b. 62. 9. they that b. it shall drink it Jer 15. 8. I have b. on them a spoiler 32. 42. as I have b. all this evil on 40. 3. now the Lord hath b. it Ez. 14. 22. comforted concer. evil I b. 29. 5. shalt not be b. together 40. 4. show them, art thou b. hither Dan. 7. 13. b. him near ancient of d. 9. 11. L. watched evil and b. it on us 11. 6. given up and they that b. her Hag. 1. 9. ye b. it home I did blow it MatAO. 18. ye shall be b. before kings Mark 13. 9. Luke 21. 12. 12. 25. kiugd. is b. to desol. Lu. 11.17 BRO Mat. 17. 16. b. him to disci, could not 13. 24. one was b. owed 10,000 tal. 19. 13. were b. little chi). Mar. 10. IS Mar. 10. I3.disc. rebuked those i.them Luke 2. 22. b. him to Jerusalem to 10. 34. b. him to an inn took care John 7. 45. why have ye not b. him ? Acts 5. 21. to prison to have them b. 9. 27. b. him to apostles and declar. 15. 3. b. on their way by the church 16. 20. b. them to the magistrates 19. 37. b. these men, no robbers 20. 12. b. the young man alive 21. 5. they all b. us on our way 25. 6. commanded Paul to be b. 27. 24. thou must be b. before C Rom. 15. 24. to be b. thither by you 1 Cor. 6. 12. not be b. under power 2 Cor. 1. 16. be b. on my way to Judea 2 Tim. 1. 10. b. life and immortality 1 Pet. 1. 13. grace that is b. to you 2 Pet. 2. 19. of same is he b. in bond. BROUGHT again. Gen. 14. 16. Abram b. again Lot Exod. 15. 19. Lord b. a. waters of sea Deut. 1. 25. b. us word a. a good land Ruth I. 21. L. b. me home a. empty 1 Sam. 6. 21. Philistines b. ag. ark 2 Chr. 33. 13. L. b. Manas, a. to Jer. Eze. 34. 4. not b. a. what was driven 39. 27. b. them a. from the people Heb. 13. 20. that b. a. from the dead BROUGHT back. 1 Kin. 13. 23. prophet he had b. back 2 Chr. 19. 4. Jehos. b. them. b. to L. Psa. 85. 1. hast b. back the captivity Eze. 38. 8. land b. b. from the sword BROUGHT down. Gen. 39. 1. Jos. was b. d. into Egypt 1 Sam.SO. 1 6. bAritnd. they were spread Psa. 20. 8. they are b. a. and fallen 107. 12. he b. d. their heart with la. Isa. 5. 15. the mean man shall be b. d. 14. 11. thy pomp is b. d to grave 15. shall be b. d. to hell 29. 4. shall be b. d. speak out of gr. 43. 14. I have b. d. all the nobles Lam. 2. 2. b. them d. to the ground Eze. 17. 24. I L. have b. d. high tree 31. 18. be b. d. with trees of Eden Zech. 10. 11. pride of Assyria be b.d. Mat. 1 1. 23. thou Capern. b. d. to hell Acts 9. 30. brethren o. him d. to Cesa. BROUGHT forth. Gen. 1. 12. the earth b. forth grass 21. waters b. forth abundantly 14. 18. king of Salem b. forth bread 15. 5. Lord b. forth Abram abroad 19. 16. angels b. Lot forth and set 41. 47. the earth b. f. by handfuls Ex. 3. 12. when thou hast b. f. peop. 16. 3. ye have b. us / into wildern. 29. 46. shall know I am L. b them/ Lev. 25. 38. | 26. 13, 45. Nu?n. 24. 8. God b. him / out of Eg. Deut. 6. 12. forget L. b. thee/ 8. 14. 9. 12. people b. f. have corrupted 26. 8. L. b. us/ with a mighty hand 33. 14. precious fruits b. f. by sun Jud. 6. 8. I b. you/, out of house of 2 Sam. 22. 20. b. me / into a large place, Psal. 18. 19. 1 Kin. 9. 9. forsook L. who b. f. their fathers, 2 Chron. 7. 22. Job 10. 18. wheref. hast thou b. me/ 21. 30. wick, be b.f to day of wrath Psal. 7. 14. b. forth falsehood 90. 2. before mountains were b.f. 105. 30. their land b. f. frogs in abun 43. b.f. his people witli joy and Pro. 8. 24. when no depths, 1 was b.f 25. before the hills was I b. forth Cant. 8. 5. there thy mother b. thee/ /j«. 5. 2. it b forth wild grapes 46 BRO im. 26. 18. b.f. wind || 45. 10. what6./. 51. 18. among sons she haa b.f. 66. 7. before she travailed she b. f. 8. as soon'as Zion travailed she b.f Jer. 2. 27. stone, thou hast b. me * 1 1. 4. in day I b. them/ 34. 13. 20. 3. Pashur b.f. Jer. out of stocics 32. 21. hast b.f. Israel with signs 50. 25. Lord b.f. weapons of indig. 51. 10. L. hath b.f. our righteousn. Ezek. 12. 7. I b.f. my stuff by day 14. 22. a remnant b.f. sons anu da. Mic. 5. 3. which travaileth hath b.f. Hag. 2. 19. olive-tree hath not b.f. Mat. 1.25. till she had b.f. first-born 13. 8. fell in good grou. b.f Mar.4.8 Luke 1. 57. now Elizabeth b.f. a son 2. 7. she b.f. her first-born son and 12. 16. ground of a rich man b.f. John 19. 13. Pilate b. forth Jesus Acts 5. 19. prison doors and b. them/ 12. 6. Herod would have b. him/ 25. 17. 1 comma, the man to be b.f. Jam. 5. 18. prayed, earth b.f. fruit Rev. 12. 5. she b.f a man-child who 13.dragon persecuted wom.wh. b.f BBOUGHT in. Gen. 39. 14. b. in an Hebrew to mock 47. 7. Joseph b. in Jacob his father Deut. 9. 4. for my right. L. b. me in 11. 29. when L. hath broug. into land Neh. 13. 19. no burden b. in on Sab. Psal. 78. 26. he b. in the south wind Actsl. 45. b. in with Jesus into poss. Gal. 2. 4 false breth. unawares b. in BROUGHT into. Num. 16. 14. not b. us into a land 1 Sam. 20. 8. b. thy servant into a cov. Psal. 22. 15. b. me into dust of death Cant. 1. 4. king b. me into his el in in. Jer. 2. 7. 1 b. you *. a plen. country Lam. 3. 2. hath b. me into darkness Ezek. 41. 7. b. i. my sanctuary Strang. Acts 9. 8. and b. him into Damascus 21. 28. b. Greeks into the temple 1 Tim. 6. 7. we b. nothing into world Heb. 13. 1 1. whose blood is b. i. sane. BROUGHT low. Judg. 1 1. 35. daughter b. me very low 2 Chr. 28. 19. Lord b. Judah low Job 14. 21. they are b. low, he 24. 24. wicked are gone and b. low Psal. 79. 8. for we are b. very low 106. 43. b. low for their iniquity 107. 39. b. low thro' oppression and 116. 6. I was b. low, he helped me 142. 6. for I am b. very low Eccl. 12. 4. daug. of music be b. low Isa. 2. 12. lifted up, shall be b. low 25. 5. branch of terrible ones b. low Luke 3. 5. every mountain and hill b. low, Isa. 40. 4. BROUGHT^. Gen. 15. 7. that b. thee o. of UrorCha. 43. 23. he b. Simeon out unto them Exod. 13. 3. by strength of hand L. b. you out, 9, 14, 16. Deut. 6. 21. 20. 2. 1 am L. b. thee out, Lev. 19. 36. Nitm. 15.41. Deul.o.6. Psal.8\A0. Lev.23.43. when I b. them o. 1 Ki.8.2l. Deut. 5. 15. that L. b. thee out thence 9. 28. b. out to slay them in wilder. Josh. 6. 23. b. out Rahab and all she 24. 5. and afterward I b. you out 2 Sam. 13. 18. b. hero, and bolted door 2 Chr. 23. 11. b. out the king's son Psal. 78. 16. he b. streams o. of rock 80. 8. hast b. a vine out of Egypt 107. 14. he b. them out of darknese I3i. 11. b. out Isr. from among them Jer. 7. 22. in the day I b. them out Dan. 5. 13. whom king b. o. of Jewry. Hon. 12. 13. by a prophet L. b. Isr. o. AcU 7. 40. Mo. which b. us out of E(f. BRU lets 12. 17 liow L. b. him o. of prison 13. J7. with an high arm b. them o. 16. 30. b. o. and said, what must I do 39. besought them and b. them out BROUGHT to pass. 2 Kin. 19.25. have 1 b. it to p. Isa.37.26. Ez. 21. 7. it cometh and sh. be b. top. I Cor. 15. 54. then be b. top. saying BROUGHT up. Ex. 17. 3. wheref. b. us up. Num. 21. 5. 32. 1. as for Moses that b. us up, 23. 4. thy ffod3 b. thee u. 8. 1 Ki.\2.28. Ku. 16. 13. small thing hast />. us u. 20. 4. why have ye b. up the congr. Deut. 20. 1. L. is with thee b. thee u. Josh. 24. 17. he it is that b. us up and Jiulg 6.8. b. you u. fr. Eg. 1 Sam. 10. 18. 15. 13. they b. Sams. u.\\ 16.31. buried 1 Sam. 8. 8. "since the day I b. up them 2 Sam. 7. 6. 1 Chron. 17. 5. 12. 6. L. that 6. your fathers up out 2 town. 6. 12. David b. up the ark, 15. 1 Kin. 8. 4. 1 Chr. 15. 28. 2 CAr. 1. 4. 21. 13. b. up the bones of Saul 2 .Km. 17. 7. sinned ag. L. 5. them up 36. Lord who b. you wp, him fear 25. 6. b. up Zedek. to king, Jer. 39. 5. S C1i.r. 8. 11. Sol. b. up dau. of Phara. 10. 8. young men b. up with him, 10. Neh. 9. 18. this is thy God b. thee up Esth. 2. 7. he b. up Esther 20. like as when b. up with him Job 31 . 18. he was b. up with me Psal. 30. 3. b. tip my soul from grave 40. 2. he b. me up out of horrible pit Prov. 8. 30. as one b. up with him [so. 1. 2. nourished and b. up childr. 49. ?1. who hath b. up these, where 5'. 18. to guide her of sons she b. u. 63.11. where is he b. them u. Jer.2.6. Jer. 1 1. 7. I protes. in day I ft.them up lb. 14. the Lord that b. up Iar. 23. 7. . 15. b. up Isr. from the north, 23.8. Earn. 2. 22. those I b. up my enemy 4. 5. b. up in scarlet, embrace Ezek. 19. 3. b. up one of her whelps 37. 13. b. you up out of your graves Am.2.\0. 1 b you up,3.l. | 9.7.Mt'e.6.4. Jonah 2. 6. />. w/> my life from corrup. Luke A. 16. Naz. where he been 6. w. Acts 13. 1. been 6. up. with Herod 22. 3. b. up at the feet of Gamaliel 1 Tim. 5. 10. widow, if she b up chiL .BROUGHTEST. Ex. 32. 7. people 6. out have corrup. Num. 14. 13. 6. up this peo. in might Deut. 9. 28. lest land whence b. us 29. thy inherit, b. out, 1 Kin. 8. 51. 2 Sam.b. 2. wast he b. in Isr. 1 Chr. 1 1.2. 1 Kin. 8. 53. when ?>. our fathers out Neh. 9. 7. 6. him forth out of Ur. of 15. thou b. forth water out of rock 23. b. them into the land promised Psal. 66. 11. thou b. us into the net 12. b. us out into a wealthy place BROW. ha. 48. 4. thy b. brass Luke 4. 29. led him to b. of the hill BROWN. Gen. 30. 32. all b. cattle, 35. 40. 33. ev one not b. accounted stolen BRUISE, Noun. Jer. 30. 12. saith L. thy b. is incur. Nah. 3. 19. no healing of thy b. BRUISES. ha 1. 6. but wounds and b. BRUISE. Gen. 3. 15. b. thy head, b. hi3 heel Vsa. 28. 28. nor b. it with horsemen 53. 10. phased the Lord to b. him Dan. 2. 40. as iron shall it b. Rom. 16. 20. God of peace shall b. Sat. BRUI El>. lev. 22. 24 not offer what is b, BUI 2 Kin. IS. 21. trustest on the staff of this b. reed Isa. 42. 3. agreed shall he not break Mat. 12. 20. 53. 5. he was b. for our iniquities Ezek. 23 3. in Egypt b. the teats 8. b. the breasts of her virginity Luke 4. 18. to set at liberty them b. BRUISING. Ezek. 23. 21. in b. thy teats by Egy Luke 9. 39. the spirit b. him, hardly BRUIT. Jer. 10. 22. noise of the b. is come Nah. 3. 19. all that hear b. of thee Brute, see Beasts. BRUTISH. Psal. 49. 10. the b. person perisheth 92. 6. a b. man knoweth not 94. 8. understand ye b. am. the peop. Prov. 12. 1. that hateth reproof is b. 30. 2. surely I am more b. than any Isa. 19. 11. the counsel of the coun. seliors of Pharaoh is become b. Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether b. 14. man is b. 51. 17. || 21. pastors Ezek. 21. 31. into the hand of b. BUCKET, S. Num. 24, 7. pour vvater out of his b. Isa. 40. 15. cations are as drop of a b. BUCKLER. 2 Sam. 22. 31. a b. to all that trust in him, Psal. 18. 30. 1 Chron. 5. 18. men able to bear a b. 12. 8. Gadites that could handle b. Psal. 18. 2. Lord is my God, my b. 35. 2. take hold of shield and b. 91. 4. his truth shall be thy b. Prov. 2. 7. b. to them walk uprightly Jer. 46. 3. order ye b. and shield Ezek. 23. 24. shall set against thwe b. 26. 8. he shall lift up b. against thee BUCKLERS. 2 Chron. 23. 9. Jehoiada deliver b. Job 15. 26. runneth on bosses of b. Cant. 4. 4: there hanged 1000 6. Ezek. 38. 4. a great company with b. 39. 9. they shall set on fire b. BUD, Substantive. Job 38. 27. b. of tender herb to spring Isa. 18. 5. when the b. is perfect 61. 1!. as earth bringeth forth b. Ezek. 16. 7. to multiply as b. of field Hos. 8. 7. the b. shall yield no meal BUD, Verb. Job 14. 9. thro' scent of water b. PsaL 132. 17. the horn of David to b. Cant. 7. 12. see if pomegranates b. Isa. 27. 6. Israel shall blossom and b. 55. 10. maketh the earth to b. Ezek. 29. 21. cause horn of Isr. to b. BUDS. Num. 17. 8. Aarou's rod bro. forth b. BUDDED. Gen. 40. 10. vine was as tho' it b. NttmA7.8.Anr. rod for hou.of Levi b. Cant. 6. 11. to see whether pom. b. Ezek. 7. 10. pride hath b. Heb. 9. 4. ark wherein rod that BUFFET. 2 Cor. 12. 7. messen. of Satan to b. me BUFFETTED. Mat. 26. 67. and b. him, Mar, 14. 65. 1 Cor. 4. 11. to present hour b. 1 Pet. 2. 20. when b. for your faults BUILD, referred to God. 1 Sam. 2. 35. b. him a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. 1 Kin. 11. 38. 1 Chr. 17. 10. will b. thee an house 25. told wilr, h. him an house Psal, 28. 5. and not b. them up 51. 18 b. thou the walls of Jerusal. 69. 35. will I), the cities of Judah 89. 4. b. up thy throne to all srencr. 102. 16, when L. shall b. up Zion 47 BUI Psa. 127. 1. except Lord b. the house 147. 2. Lord doth b. up Jerusalem Jer. 18. 9. concerning a nation to b. it 24. 6. I will b. not pull down, 31.28 31. 4. again I will o. thee. O virgin 33. 7. I will b. Judah and Isr. as at 42. 10. if ye abide, I will b. you Ezek. 36. 36. that I b. ruined place AmosQ. 1 1. I will b. it as in days of old Mat. 16. 18. on this rock b. my church 26. 61. b it in three days, Mar. 14.58 Acts 15. 16. b. again tabern. of David BUILD altar. Ex. 20. 25. not b. altar of hewn stone Num. 23. I. b. me here seven alt. 29. Deut. 27. 5. there b. an altar to L. 6. shalt b. the altar of whole stone* Josh. 22. 29. God forbid we sh. b. an a. See Began. __ BUI LD, joined with house. Deut. 25. 9. will not b. brother's h. 28. 30. b. an h. not dwell, Zeph. 1.13 Ruth 4. 11. which two did b. h. of Is. 2 Sam. 7. 5. thou b. me h. to dwell inP 7. why (>. ye not me an h. of cedar 13. thy seed shall b. an h. 1 Ki. 5. 5. 8. 19. 1 Chr. 17. 12. | 22. 1 a 1 Kin. 2. 36. b. thee an A. in Jerusal. 5. 3. David not b. an A. for the wart 5. I purpose to b. h. to L. 2 Ch. 2.1. 8. 16. no city to b. h. 2 Chr. 6. 5. 17. it was in heart of David to 6. an h. 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 6. 7. 1 CAr. 17. 12. he sh. b. an A. 2 CA. 6.9. 22. 8. not b. an A. thou shed blood 11. my son, b. the A. of the Lord 28. 6. Solomon shall b. my A. 2 CAr. 2. 4. behol.i, I />. an A. to L. 5. A. I 6. is great, for great is G. 6. who able to b. him an A. that I 36. 23. charged me to b. an h. Ezr.1.2. Ezra 1. 3. go to Jerusalem b. h. of L. 5. 3. who cominan. you to b. this h. 9. 6. 7. let governor of Jews 6. A P*«. 127. 1. lab. in vain that b. the h. Prov. 24. 27. and afterwards b. thy A. /*«. 65. 21. they shall b. A.and inhabit 66. 1. where is A. ye b. unto me ? Jer. 22. 14. I will b. me a wide A. 29. 5. b. h. and dwell in them, 28. 35. 7. neither shall ye b. h. nor sow Ezek. 1 1. 3. it is not near, let us b. A. 28. 26. dwell safely, and shall b. A. Hag. 1. 8. bring wood, b. the h. Zech. 5. 11. to b. it an A. in Shinar /icf* 7. 49. what A. will ye b. me BUILD. G>». 11. 4. go to, let us b. a city Num. 32. 24. b. ye cities for little ones Deut. 20. 20. shalt b. bulwarks 1 Kin. 9. 24. then did b. Millo 11.7. Solomon did b. an high place 16. 34. did Iliel b. Jericho 1 Chron. 22. 19. b. ye the sanctu ary 29. 19. give Solomon an heart to />. 2 Chron. 14. 7. let us b. these cUies Ezra 4. 2. let us b. with you NeA. 2. 17. let us b. the wall 4. 3. which they b. if a fox go up 10. so we are not able to b. Eccl. 3. 3. a time to b. up Cant. 8. 9. a wall, we will b. on her Isa. 9. 10. are fallen, but we wi 11 b. 45. 13. he shall b. my city 58. 12. b. old waste places, 61. 4. 60. 10. sons of strangers, b. wails 65. 22. not b. and another inhabit Jer. 1. 10. set over nations to b. Ezek. 4. 2. b. a fort against it, 21. 22. Dan. 9. 25. to b. Jerusal. to Messiah Amos 9. 11. I will b. as in days of old 14. Israel shall b. the waste cities Mic. 3. 10. they b. Zion with blood Zech. a 12. he shall /.'. the temple, 13 BUI Zech.6. 15. they far off shall b. in tem. 9. 3. Tyrus did b. a strong' hold MaJ. 1. 4. b. but I will throw down Mat. 23. 29. ye 6. tombs of prophets Luke 11. 47, 48. Luke 12. 18. my barns, b. greater 14. 28. intending- to 6. a tower 30. to b. and not able to finish Acts 20. 32. word of his graee able to b. you up /Jowi. 15. 20. lest I 6. on another's foun. I Cor. 3 12. b. on this founda. gold Gal. 2. 18. if I b. again things I dest. BUILDED. Gen. 4. 17. Cain b. city called Enoch 8. 20. Noah b. an altar to the Lord 10. 11. Asshurfi. Nineveh and 11.5. Lord came to see tower men b. Josh. 22. 16. in that you b. an altar 1 Kin. 8. 27. less, house I have b. 43. 15. 22. the stones wh. Baashahad b. 2 Kin. 23. 13. Solo. b. for Ashtoreth 1 Chron. 22. 5. b. must be magnificat Ezra4. 13. be it known if city be b. 16 5. 8. to the house of great God b. 11. we build house b. years ago 15. let house of God be b. 6. 3. 6. 14. elders of Jews b. and prosp. Job 20. 19. away an house he b. not Ps. 122. 3. Jeru. is b. a city compact Prov.d. 1. wisdom hath b. her house 24. 3. thro' wisdom is an house b. Eccl. 2. 4. I b. me houses, I planted Cant. 4. 4. Uavid b. for an armoury Jer. 30. 18. city be b. on her heap Lam. 3. 5. he hath b. against me EzeJc. 36. 10. the wastes shall be b. 33 Luke 17. 28. they planted, they b. Eph. 2. 22. in whom you are b. tog. Heb. 3. 3. b. house hath more honour 4. every house is b. by some man BUILDEDST. Deul. 6. 10. goodly cities thou b. not BUILDER, S. 1 Ki. 5. 18. Solomons and Hirams b. 2 Kin. 22. 6. give it to b. 2 Chr. 34. 11. Ezra 3. 10. when b. laid foundation Neh. 4. 5. to anger before the b. Psal. 118. 22. stone b. refused, Mat. 21.42. Mar.\2A0.Lu.20M.Acis 4. 1 1. Ezek. 27. 4. tliy b. have perfected thy Heb. 11. 10. city whose b. is God 1 Pet. 2. 7. the stone b. disallowed Master. BUILDER. 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise m.-b. I have laid BUILDEST. Dent. 22. 8. b. a new house Neh. 6. 6. for which cause b. the wall Ezek. 16. 31. b. thine eminent place Mat. 27. 40. that destroyest the tem. and b. it, Mark 15. 29. BUILDETH. Josh. 6. 26. cursed be man b. this city Job 27. 18. he b. his house as a moth Prov. 14. 1. wise woman b. her house Jer. 22. 13. wo to him b. by unrigh. Has 8. 14. forgotten maker, b. tem. Amos 9. 6. b. his stories in heaven Hub. 2. 12. 6. a town with blood 1 Cor. 3. 10. another b. thereon BUILDING. 1 Kin. 3. 1. end of b. his own house 6. 7. no tool of iron heard while b. 38. so was lie seven years in b it Ezra 4. 12. b. the rebellious city Ezek. 17. 17. b. forts to cut off many Jokr* 2. 20. temple was 46 years in b. Jude 20. b. op on most holy faith BUILDING, Subst. 1 Km. 9. 1. when Sol. finished the b. 1 C/iA-. 28. 2. had made ready for b. 2 CAr. 3. 3. instructed for the b. Eccl. 10. 18. by slothful, b. decayeth Evek. 40. 5. measured b. 41. 15. BUI Ezek. 46. 23. a row of b. round about 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's b. 2 Cor. 5. 1. we have a b. of God, an Eph. 2. 21. in whom b. fitly framed Heb. 9. 11. by taber. not of this b. Rev. 21. 18. b. of the wall Jasper BUILDINGS. Mat. 24. 1. to show him b. of temple Mark 13. 1. see what b. are here, 2. BUILT. Deut. 13. 16. it shall not be b. again 1 Kings 22. 39. cities that Ahab b. 2 Chr. 14. 7. so they b. and prospered 20. 8. b. thee a sanctuary therein 26. 9. U/ziah b. towers in Jeru. 10. 27. 4. Jotham b. castles and towers Job 3. 14. who b. desolate places 12. 14. and it can't be b. again 22. 23. if return, shaltbe />. up Psal. 78. 69. b. his sanctuary like high palaces 89. 2. mercy shall be b. up for ever Isa. 5. 2. b. a t >wer in the midst of it 44. 28. to Jeru. thou shalt be b. Jer. 12. 16. then shall they be b. 31. 4. thou shalt be b. O virgin of 32. 31. provoca. from day they b. it 45. 4. which I b. I will break down Ezek. 16 24. hast b. eminent place 26. 14. thou shalt be b. no more Dan. 4. 30. gieat Babylon I have b.t 9. 25. street shall be b. again Zech. 8. 9 strong, that temple be b. Mat. 21. 33. b. a tower, Mark 12. 1. Luke 7. 5. hath b. us a synagogue 1 Cor. 3. 14. abide which he hath b. Eph. 2. 20. b. on founda. of apostles Col. 2. 7. rooted and b. up in him Heb. 3. 4. that b. all things is God BUILT altar. Ex.MAb. Moses b.arHA. || 32.5. Aaron Josh. 8. 30. Joshua b. a.||22.10. half tr. Judg.6.24. Gideon b. a. \\2\A. peopled. 1 Sam.lAl. Samuel b.a.\\ 14.35. Saul b. 2 Su>n.2i. 25. David b. a. to the Lord 1 Kin. 9. 25 Solo, offered on a. he b. 18. 32. with stones Elijah b. a. in 2 Kin. 16. 11. Urijah the priest b. a. BUI LI altars. Num. 23. 14. Balak b. seven a. and 2 Kin. 21. 4. he b. a. in house of L. 5. b. a. for host of hea. 2 Chr. 33. 5. 2 Chr. 33. 15. away a. he had b. in BUILT city. Num. 21. 27. let city of Sihon be b. Josh. 19. 50. Joshua b. c. and dwelt 1 Chr. 11. 8. David b. c. from Millo Isa. 25. 2. to be no city, never be b. Jer. 31. 38. city shall be b. to Lord Luke 4. 29. hiil whereon city was b. BUILT cities. Exod. 1. 11. b. for Pha. treasure-ez7. Josh. 24. 13. ciftev which ye b. not 2 CAy. 14. 6. Asa b. fenced c. in Judah 17. 12. Jehoshaphat b. cities of store 2?. 4. Jotham 6. «'#£« in mountains Isa. 44. 26. c. of Judah ye shall be b. BUI LT house or houses. Deut. 8. 12. when hast 6. goodly A. 20. 5. what man hath b. new A. 1 2K». 3. 2. no A. J. to name of Lord 6. 9. Sol. b. h. 14. j| 8. 13 b. thee an h. 8. 20. have b. an A. for name of L. 44. toward the house I have 6. 48. 2 C'Arow. 6. 34, 38. 1 Chr. 17. 6. why not b. me an A.? 2 C&r. 6. 18. less this h. I have &..? Amos 5. 11. ye 6. h. of hewn stone H"g\ I. 2. time Lord's A. should be b. Zech. 1. 16. my h. shall be b. in it .V/a£. 7. 24. b. h. on a rock, Lu. 6. 48. 26. b. his A. on sand, Luke 6. 49. ^c^" 7. 47. but Solo. b. him an house 1 i'rt. 2. 5. J. up a spiritual houie 4S BUILT high plate*. 1 .£}'«. 14. 23. Judah b. h. p. and ima. 2 A'm. 17. 9. chil. of Isr. b. h. p in ei. Jer. 7. 31. b. h. p. of Tophet, || 19. 5. of Baal, 32. 35. BUILT wall or walls. 2 Chr. 27. 3. on w. of Ophel b. much 32. 5. Hezekiah 5. up uk broken 33. 14. Manasseh b. w. without city Neh. 4. 6. so b. we the in. Ezek. 13. 10. one b. up the u: anoth. Dan. 9. 25. street b. again and the w. Mic. 7. 11. day thv w. are to be b. BULL. Job 21. 10. their b. gendereth Isa. 51. 20. lie as a wild b. in a net BULLS. PsaA 22. 12. many i. have compassed me, strong b. 50. 13. will I eat the flesh of b. 68. 30. rebuke the multitude of b. Isa. 34. 7. with b. shall come down Jer. fiO. 11. because ye bellow as b. 52. 20. brazen b. under the bases Heb. 9. 13 it blood of b. and goats 10. 4. blood of b. take away sins BULLOCK. Exod. 29.11. kill theft. Lev. 1.5. | 9.18. Deut. 33. 17. glory like firstling of b. Judg. 6. 25. take the young b.26, 1 Kin. 18. 23. choose one b. 25. 33. Elijah cut the b. in pieces Psal. 50. 9. no b. out of thine house 69. 31. than a b. that hath horns Isa. 65. 25. Hon eat straw like b. Jer. 31. 18. as a b. unaccus. to yoke BULLOCK with sin offering. Exod. 29. 36. every day a b. for sin-o. Ezek. 45. 22. prepare a b. for a sin-o. See Blood. Young BULLOCK. Lev. 16. 3. into hoi v place with a y. b. Num. 7. 15. one y. b. 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63,69,75, 81. 2 Chr. 13. 9. to consecrate with y. b. Ezek. 45. 18 y. b. and cleanse sanct. 46. 6. in day of new moon &y. b. BULLOCKS. 1 Chr. 29. 21. offered a thousand b. Ezra. 6. 17. at the dedication 100 b. Psal. 51. 19. sh. offer b. on thy altar 66. 15. I will offer unto thee o. Isa. 1. 1 1. 1 delight not in blood of b. 34. 7. the b. shall come down Jer. 46. 21. hired men like fatted b. 50. 27. slay all her b. let them go Ezek. 39. 18. drink the blood of b. Hos. 12. 11. they sacrifice b. in Gilga. See Seven. BULRUSH, ES. Exod. 2. 3. an ark of b. and daubed Isa. 18. 2. send ambass. in vessels nl b, 58. 5. to bow his head like a b.f BULWARKS. Deut. 20. 20. b. against the city 2 Chron. 26. 15. engines on the b. Psal. 48. 13. mark well her b. consid. Eccl. 9. 14. a great king built b. Isa. 26. 1. salvation appoint for b. BUNCH, ES. Exod. 12. 22. take a b. of hyssop 1 Chr. 12. 40. Zebulun brought b. of Isa. 30. 6. treas. upon b. of camels BUNDLE, S. Gen. 42. 35. every man's b. of money 1 Sam. 25. 29. soul bound in b. of life Cant. 1. 13. a b. of myrrh is my belo. Mat. 13. 30. bind the" tares in b. Acts 28. 3. Paul gath. a b. of sticks BURDEN. Exod. 18. 22. b. with thee, Nun.W.M 23. 5. ass lying under b. Num. 4. 19. appoint each to his b. 11. 11. 6. of all this people on cm BUR Deut. 1. 12. how can I boar alone b.? 2 Sam. 15. 33. slialt be a b. to me 19. 35. why sh. thy servant be a b. 2 Kin. 8. 9. forty camels b. to Elisha 2 Chr. 35. 3. not be a b. on your shoul. Neh. 13. 19. no b. on the Sabbath JW) 7. 20. so that I am a b. to myself Psal. 38. 4. as a 6. they are too heavy 55. 22 cast thy b. on the Lord 81. G. I remov. his shoulder from b. Sect. 12. 5. grasshopper shall be a b. Isa. 9. 4. broken the yoke of his b. 10. 27. his b. taken off thy shoulder 14 25. his b. depart off their shoul. 30. 27. the b. thereof is heavy 40*. 1. they are a b. to weary beast Jer. 17. 21. no b on Sabbath, 22,27. Zeph. 3. 18. reproach of it was a b. Mat. 1 1. 30. and my b. is light 20. 1-2. the b. and heat of day Acts 15. 28. good to lay no greater b. 21. 3. ship was to unlade her /). Rev. 2. 24. upon yon none other b. BURDEN". Isa. 13. 1. b. of Babylon 14. 28. yer.r Ahaz died, was this b. 15. 1. b. of Moab||17. 1. Damascus 19. 1. b. of Egypt II 23. 1. b. of Tyre 21. 1. b. of the desert of the sea 11. b. of Dumahy 13. b. on Arabia 22. 1. the b. of the valley of vision 25. b. upon it shall be cut off 30. G. b. of beasts of the south 46. 2. they could not deliver the b. Jer. 23. 33. what is the b. of Lord ? 36. b. of the L. mention no more 38. but since yesay, b. of the Lord Ezek. 12. 10. this b. concern, prince Hos. 8. 10. sorrow for b. of the king Kith. I. 1. the b. of Nineveh Gal. G. 5. ev. man bear his own b. BURDEN, ED. ZerJi. 12. 3. that b. thems. be cut in p. 2 Cur. 5. 4. we groan being b. 8. 13. others be eased, and you b. 12. 16. but be it so, I did not b. you BURDENS. Gen. 49. 14. couching betw. two b. Exud. 2. 11. Moses looked on their b. 5. 4. king said, uet you to your h. 6. G. from under b. of Egyptians, 7. Num. 4. 27. shall appoint all their b. Neh. 4. 17. that bare b. held a weap. Isa. 58. G. fast, to undo the heavy b. Lam. 2. 14. seen for thee false b. Mat. 23. 4. heavy b. Luke 1 1. 46. Gal. 6. 2. bear ve one another's b BURDENSOME. Zech. 12. 3. Jerusalem a b. stone 2 Cor. 11. 9. I have kept fr. being b. 12. 13. that I was not b. to you 14. I will not be b. to you 1 Thess. 2. 6. might been b. as apostles BURIAL. Eccl. 6. 3. also that he have no b. Isa. 14.20. not joined with them in b. Jer. 22. 19. with the b. of an ass Mat. 26. 12. she did it for my b. Acts 8. 2. carried Stephen to his b. BURY. Den.23.1. b. my dead || 6. b. dead,ll,15. 47. 29. b. me not in E.24.2. 2 Chr. 2. 6. save only to b. sacrifice 13. 11. they b. to L. every morning Isa. 1. 31. they shall both b. together 10. 17. b. and devour his thorns 27. 4. I would /;. them together 40. 16. Lebanon is not sufficient to b. 44. 15. then shall it be for man to b. Jer. 7. 20. my fury shall b. and not 34. 5. so sh. they b. odours for thee 36. 25. king would not b. roll Ezek. 24. 5 b. also bones under it 1 1, that the brass of it may b. 39. 9. and 6. the weapons Nah 2. 13. I will b. her chariots in Mai. 4 1. day that shall b. as oven Mat. la 30. in bundles to b. them Luke 3. 17. the chaff he will b. 24. 32. did not our heart b. in us 1 Cor.!. 9. better to marry than to b. 2 Cor. 1 1. 29. is offended and I b. not? BURN, joined with fi re. Deut. 5. 23. mountain did b. with./?. 32. 22. a fire shall b. to the lowest hell, Jer. 17. 4. Josh. 11. 6. b. their chariots with fire Judg. 9. 52. tower, to b. it with fire 12. I. fi.house with./?. || 14. 15. 6. thee/. Psal. 79. 5. sh. thy jealousy b.Wkefi.f 89. 46. shall thy wrath b. like./?;*? Isa. 47. 14. as stubble fi. sha. i.'them Jer. 4. 4. my fury like./?, and b. 21.12 7. 31. to b. sons and (KM. \nfi. 19. 6. 4» 26. 16. 29. 11. 32. 12. Jer. 44. Hos. Hub. 1. Luke 1. BUR J^-.2L10.Nebuch.6. this city with ft. 32.29. | 34.2,22. j 37.8, 10. j 38. 18. Ezek. 5. 2. b. with fire a third part 16. 41. b. thv house with./??*, 23.47. Mat. 3. 12. he" will b. up the chaff with unquenchable./?. Luke 3. 17. Rev. 17. 16. and b. her \\\th fire BURN incense. Exod. 30. 7. Aaron shall b. sweet i. 8 1 Kin. 13. 1. Jeroboam stood to h. i. 2 Kin. IS. 4. chil. of Is. did b. i. to it 1 Chr. 23. 13. his sons for ever to 6. i. 2 Chr. 2. 4. an house to b. sweet i. 13. 11. b. every morning sweet in. Uzziah went to b. in. 19. L. hath chosen you to b. in one altar, and b. in. on it 7. 9. and b. in. to Baal ? 11. 13. 17. will b. i. to queen of heaven 4. 13. b. in. on hills under oaks 16. they b. in. to their drag 9. Zach arias his lot to b. in. BURNED. Ex. 3. 2. bush 6. was not consumed Deut. 9. 15. the mount 6. with fire Josh. 7. 25. b. them with fire 2 Chr. 34. 25. forsaken me b. incense Esth. 1. 12. king's anger b. in him Psal. 39. 3. while musing the fire b. Isa. 24. 6. inhab. of the earth are b. 42. 25. it b. him, laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. b. ag. Jacob like flaming John 15. 6. withered blanches b. Acts 19. 19. their books, and b. them Rom.l. 27. b. in their lust one toward 1 Cor. 13. 3. tho' I give body to be b. Heb. 6. 8. whose end is to be b. 12. 18. not come to mount that b. Rev. 1. 15. his feet as if they b. BURNETH. Psa. 46. 9. lie b. chariot in the fire 83. 14. as the fire b. the wood 97. 3. a fire b. up his enemies Isa. 9. 18. wickedness b. as the fire 44. 16. he b. part thereof in fire 62. 1. salvation as a lamp that b. 64. 2. as when melting fire b. 65. 5. these are a fire b. all the day G6. 3. b. incense as if he blessed idol Jer. 48. 35. cease him that b. incense Joel 2. 3. behind them a flame b. Rev. 21. 8. lake which /;. with fire BURNING. Gera.15.17. a 6. lamp passed between Lex: 26. 16. I will appoint b. a?ue Deut. 28. 22. smite with extreme b. 32. 24. be devoured with b. heat Job 41. 19. out of mouth go b. Iamp9 Ps. 140. 10. let b. coals fall upon them Prov. 16. 27. in his lips as b. fire 26. 21. as coals to b. coal3 23. b. lips and a wicked heart Isa. 30. 27. name of L. cometh far, b. 34. 9. land shall become b. pitch. Jer. 20. 9. his word was as a b. fire Ezek. 1. 13. appearance like b. coals Dan. 3. 6. cast into b. furnace, 11. 7. 9. and his wheels were as b. fire Hab. 3. 5. b. coals forth at his feet Luk. 12. 35. loins be girded, lights b. John 5. 35. John b. and shining light Rev. 4. 5. lamps b. before throne 8. 8. great mount, b. with fire 10. there fell a great star b. 19. 20 cast alive into a lake b. BURNING. Ex. 21. 25. b. for b. wound for wound Lev. 10. 6. bewail b. which L. kind. Deut. 29. 23. land brimstone, salt, b 2 Chr. 16. 14. a very great b. for him 21. 19. people made no /). like b. Isa. 3. 24. be b. instead of beauty 4. 4. purged Jerusa. by spirit of b 9. 5. this shall be with b. and fuel BUR Ian. 10. 16. under Lis glory kindle b. 33 12. people as the b. of lime Amos. 4. 11. asa firebrand out of b. Rev. 18. 9. shall see smoke of her 6. BURNINGS. Isa. 33.11 shall dwell with everla.fl..' Jer. 34. 5. with b. of thy fathers BURNISHED. Extk. 1. 7. like colour of b. brass BURNT. Gen. 38. 24. bring her, let her be b. Exod. 3. 3. why the bush is not b. Deut. 32. 24. shall be b. with hunger 1 Kin. 13.2. men's bones be b. on thee 15. 13. Asa b. her idol, 2 Chr. 15. 16. 2 Kin. 23. 16. out of sepulch. b. them 25.9. b. house of the Lord, 2C7i.36.19. Jer. 52. 13. Job 30. 30. my bones are b. with heat Psal 102. 3 my bones b. as hearth Prov. 6. 27. and his clothes not be b. f 28. and his feet not be b. ? Jer. 2. 15. cities b. || 6. 29. bellows 36. 29. in the roll Jehoiakiin b. 51. 25. make thee a b. mountain Ezek. 20. 47. all faces be b. therein 24. 10. and let the bones be b. Joel. I. 19. the flame b. all the trees Amos 2. 1. because he b. bones of king A'ah. 1. 5. earth is b. at his presence 1 Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be b. Heb. 13. II. b. without the camp BURNT joined vrithjire. Lev. 6. 30. sin-offering b. in the fire 20. 14. if a man take a wife and her mother, shall be b. w\W\ fire 21. 9. if daughter of any priest pro- fane herself, be 6. with fire Num. 11. 1. fi. of L. b. among them, 3. Deut. 4. 11. the mountain 6. with fi. 12. 31. sons and dau. they b. infi. Josh. 7. 15. he taken with accursed thine: he b. with fire. Judg. 15. 6. 6. her and father with fi. 14. cords became ns flax 6. with./?. 2 Sam. 23. 7. they shall be b. with./?. 1 Kin. 16. 18. Zimri b. king's house wither*. 2 Kin. 1. 14. fire b. up two captains 17. 31. Sepharvites b. children in fi. 23. 11. b. chariots of sun with fire 25. 9. every great man's house b. he with fire. 1 Chr. 14. 12. their gods were b. with fi. 2 Chr. 28. 3. Ahaz b. his chil. in fire Ken, 1. 3 the gates thereof are b. with fire, 2. 17. Psal. 80. 16. it is b. with fi. it is cut Isa. 1. 7. your cities are b. with fire 4.'). 2. walkcst thro' fire, not be b. 64. 11. our beaut, house is b. with fi. Jer. 38. 17. this city not be b. withfi. 49.2. her daughters shall be b.with'fi. 51. 32. reeds they have b. with fi. 58. Babylon's high gates shall be b. with fire. Rev. 18. 8. she shall be utterly b. w. fi BURNT incense. Exod. 40. 27. he b. sweet i. thereon i Km. 9. 25. Solom. b. i. upon aitar. 12. 33. Jeroboam offered, and b. i. 22. 43. people yet b. i. 2 Am. 12. 3. 14. 4. | 15. 4, 35. 2 Chr. 29. 7. lamps, and have not b. i. Isa. 65. 7. b. i. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. my people b. i. to vanity 44. 15. that their wives had b. »'. Hos. 2. 13. the days she b. i. to them 11. 2. and b. i. to graven images UVRXT-offering. Gen 22. 7 where is lamb lor a b.-o.f 8. God will provide lamb foi b,.o. Lev. 6. 9. law of the b.-o. 7. 37. 9. 2. ram ior b.-o. 1G. 3, 5. | 23. 18. BUR Num. 7. 15. one lamb for b.-o. 51, 27, 33, 35, 39, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek. 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-o. I will go, 15. 28. 10. the b.-o. of every sabbath Josh. 22. 26. an altar not for a b.-o. Judg. 13. 23. not have reeeied a b.-o. 1 Sum. 7. 10. as Samuel was off. b.-o. 13.12, I forced myself and off. a b.-o. 2 Kin, 3. 27. offered him for a b.-o. 2 Chr. 7. 1. fire consumed the b.-o. 29. 24. the b.-o. sh. be made for all Is. Psal. 40. 6. b.-o. hast thou not requi. 51. 16. thou delightest not in b.-o. 19. pleased with b.-o. whole b.-o. Isa. 40. 16. nor beasts thereof for b.-o. 6!. 8. I the L. hate robbery for b.-o. Eze. 46. 13. shalt daily prepare a b.-o. Continual BURNT -offering. Exod. 29. 42. a con. b.-o. Awn. 28. 3,6, 10, 15. 24, 31. | 29. 11, 16, 19, 22. Ezr. 3. 5. A T eA. 10. &'i Eze. 46. 15. Offer BURNT-offering. Gen. 22. 2. take Isaac, o. him for b.-o. Judg. 11. 31. I will o. it up for b.-o. 13. 16. b.-o. offer it to the Lord 1 Sam. 6. 14. off. kine for b.-o. 7. 9. Sam. off7 sucking lamb for b.-o. ■2 Chr. 29. 27. Hezekiahcom. to o. b.-o. Job 42. 8. offer for yourselves a b.-o. BURNT -offerings. Gen. 8. 20. Noah offered b.-o. on altar Num. 10. 10. with trumpets over b.-o. 1 Sam. 15. 22. as great delight in b.-o. 1 Kin. 3. 15. Solomon offered b.-o. 2 Chr. 2. 4. I build an house for b.-o. 29. 34. could not slay all the b.-o. 35. 14. sons busied in offering b.-o. Ezr. 6. 9. wh. they have need for b.-o. Job 1. 5. offered b.-o. accor. to number Pia. 50. 8. not reprove thee for b.-o. 66. 13. into thy house with b.-o. Isa. 1. 11. I am full of b.-o. of rams 43. 23. small cattle of thy b.-o. 56. 7. their b.-o. shall be accepted Jer.6.20. your b.-o. are not acceptable 7. 21. put your b.-o. to your sacri. 17. 26. from south bringing b.-o. 19. 5. to burn sons for b.-o. to Baal Has. 6. 6. the knowledge of God more than b..o. Mie. 6. 6. before Jiim with b.-o.f Mark 12. 33. to love neighbour is more than b.-o. Heb. 10. 6. in b.-o. for sin no pleasure Offer BURNT. offerings. 2 Sum. 24. 24. nor o. b.-o. of that cost me nothing, 1 Chron. 21. 24. 1 Kin. 3. i. 1000 b.-o. did Solom. off Jer. 33. 18. Levites not want a man to offer b.-o. Amos 5. 22. though ye offer me b.-o. BURNT -sacrifice. Hum. 23. 6. lo, he stood by his b.-s. Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b.-s. on 2 Sain. 24. 22. here be oxen for b.-s. 1 Kin. 18. 3H. fire fell and consu. b.-s. Psal. 20. 3. accept thy flu* BU RNT-sacrifices. 1 CJir. 23. 31. to offer all b.-s. in Sab. 2 Chr. 13. 11. morningandeven.6. .* Psa. &). 15. I will offer 6.-* offal, BURNT up. Judg. 15. 5. foxes b. up the shocks 2 Km, 1. 14. fire b. up two captains Job 1. 16. fire of God hath b. up sheep Psa. 74. 8. they have b. up synagog. 106. 18. flame b. up the wicked /jru. 64. 11. holy and beau, house is b.up Jer. 9. 10. b. up none can pass, 12. Mat. 22. 7. king b. up their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. earth and works be b. up Rev. 8. 7. third part of trees and all green grass was b. up BUY BURST. Job 31 19. I am ready to b. like Prov. 3. 10. thy presses shall b. with new wine Jer. 2. 20. I have b. thy bands, 5. 5. 30. 8. Nah. 1. 13. Mark 2. 22. new wine b. bot. Lu. 5. 37 Acts 1. 18. he b. asunder in midst BURSTING. Isa. 30. 14. in the b. of it a sherd BUSH, ES. Exod. 3. 2. in the b. Act* 7. 30. 4. God called to him out of b. Deut. 33. 16. good- will of him in b. Job 30. 4. cut mallows by the 6. 7. among the b- they brayed Isa. 7. 19. and rest upon all b. Mark 12. 26. ho»v in b. God spake Luke 6. 44. nor of bramble b. grapes 20. 37. dead raised, Mos.showed ati. Acts 7. 3i. angel wh. appeared in b. BUSHEL. Mat. 5. 15. a candle, and put it under a bushel, Mar. 4. 21. Luke 11. 33 BUSHY. Cant. 5. 1 1. his locks are b. and black BUSY-BODY, IES. 2 Thess. 3. 11. some are b. 1 77//2.5.I& 1 Pet. 4. 15. let Done suffer as a b.-b. BUSY, IED. 1 Kin. 20. 40. as thy servant was b. 2 Chr. 35. 14. sons of Aaron b. in off. BUSINESS. Gen. 39. 11. Joseph went to do his b. Deut. 24. 5. nor be charged with b. Josh. 2. 14. if ye utter not this our b. JudgAH. 7. they had no b.w. any, 28. 1 Satn.20. 19.didst hide when b.in hand 21. 2. let no man know of the b. 8. the king's b. required haste 2 Chr. 13. 10. Levites wait on their b. 32. 31. in 6. of the ambassadors Neh. 13. 30. every man in his b. Esth. 3. 9. that have charge of b. Psal. 107. 23. do b. in great waters Prov. 22. 29. a man dihgent in his b. Eccl. 5. 3. a dream thro' multi. of b. Dan. 8. 27. I did the king's b. Luke 2. 49. he about my Father's b Acts 6. 3. may appoint over this b. Rom. 12. 11. not slothful in b. 16. 2. assist in b. she hath need of 1 Thes. 4. 11. study to do your own b. BUTTER Gen. IS. 8. Abraham took b. and milk Deut. 32. 14. b. of kine, milk of sheep Judg. 5. 25. she br. b. in lordly dish 2 Sam. 17. 29. BarziJlai brought 6. Job 20. 17. brooks of honey and b. 29. 6. I washed my steps with b. Psa. 55. 21. words smoother than b. Prov. 30. 33. churning of milk bri. 6. Isa. 7. 15. b. shall he eat, 22. BUTLER, S. Gen. 40. 9. b. told dream to Joseph 21. he restored the chief b. to his 41. 9. b. said, I remember my fault* BUTTOCKS. 2 Sam. 10. 4. cut garm. to b. 1CA.19.4 Isa. 20. 4. b. uneov. to shame of Eg. BUY. Gen. 42. 7. fr. Canaan to b. food,43.20 47. 19. b. us and land for bread Exod. 21. 2. if b. Hebrew servant Lev.25A4. of them sh.&.bond-men, 45. Deut. 2. 5. ye shall b. meat for money 28. G8. and no man shall b. you Ruth 4. 5. must b. it also of Ruth 2 Sam. 24. 21. David said, to b the threshing-floor, 24. 1 Chr. 21. 24. Neh. 10. 31. not b. it on Sabbath Isa. 55. 1 . b. and eat, b. wine and milk Jer. 32. 7. b. my field in Anathoth 44. men &'nali b. fields for money CAL Mat. 14. 15. b. victuals, Mark 6. 3(3. 25. 9. go to them that sell, and 6. 10. went to b. bridegroom came Mark 6. 37. shall we b. 200 p.-worth Luke 9. 13. exc. b. meat for this peo. 22. 3G. let him sell garm. and b. one John 4. 8. disci, were gone to b. meat 6. 5. whence shall we 6. bread 13. 29. b. things we have need of 1 Cor. 7. 30. b. as tho' they pos3. not Jam. 4. 13. b. and sell and get gain Rev. 3. 18. to b. of me gold tried 13. 17. no man might b. or sell save BUY com. Gen. 41. 57. all came to Jos. to b. c. 42. 3 Joseph's brethren to b. c. 5. Neh. 5. 3. raortga. our lands to b. c. BUY poor. Amos 3. 6. may b. poor for silver BUY truth. Prov. 23. 23. b. truth and sell it not BUYER. Prov. 20. 14. it is naught, saith b. Jsa. 24. 2. as with the b. so tho seller Ezek. 7. 12. let not b. rejoice, nor BUYEST. Lev. 25. 14. and if thou 6. ought Ruth 4. 5. day l>. field of Naomi BUYETH. Pror. 31. 10. she consider, field, b. it Mat. 13. 44. he selb'th all, b. field Rev. 18. 11. no man b. her merchan. BY,«>/tf BY. Mat. 13. 21. b. and b. he is offended Mark 6. 25. give me b. and b. head Luke 17. 7. b. and b. sit down to meat 21. 9. the end is not b. and b. BY-WAYS. Judg. 5. 6. travel!, walked thro' b.-w. BY- WORD. Deut.28. 37. a b.-w. among all nations 1 Kin. 9. 7. Is. be b.-w. among all peo. 2 Chr. 7. 20. make this house a b.-w. Job 17. 6. made me a b.-w. of the peo. 30. 9. yea I am their b.-w. Psa. 44. 14. makest us a b. am. heath. c. CABINS. Jer. 37. 16. when Jot. entered into c. CAGE. Jer. 5. 27. as a c. is full of birds [bird Rev. 18. 2. Bab. c. of every unclean CAKE, S. Lev. 24. 5. bake twelve c. thereof Jttrfg-. 7. 13. a c. tumbled into host 2 Sow. 6. 19. David dealt to each a c. 13. 6. Tamar make couple of c. 1 Kin. 17. 12. as L. liv. 1 have not a c. 19. 6. there was a c. baken on coals £re/c. 4. 12. shalt eat it as barley c. Hos. 7. 8. Ephraim is a c. not turned See Figs, Unleavened. CALAMITY, IES. We«£ 32.35.of their c. is at hand [13.18. 2 Sum.22. 19preven.me in day of c. Pt. Job 6 2 my c. laid in balances 30. 13. they set forward my c. Psal. 57. 1. until these c. be overpast 141. 5. my prayer be in their c. Prov. 1. 26. I will laugh at your & 6. 15. his c. shall come suddenly 17. 5. he glad at c. not be unpunish. 19. 13. a foolish son is c. of father 21. 22. their c shall rise suddenly 27. 10. nor go to broth, house in c. Jer. 18. 17. show the back in day of c. 4G. 21. day of their c. was come 48. 16. c. of Moab is near to come 49. 8. bring c. of Esau upon him 32. bring their c from all sides Ezek. 35. 5. ha9t shed blood of Is. by sword in day of their c. CAL Obad. 13. substance in day of their c. CALAMUS. Exod. 30. 23 sweet c. 250 shekels Cant. 4. 14. spikenard, saffron, c. Ezek. 27. 19. c. in market of Tyrus CALDRON. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he struck it into c. Job 41. 20. smoke, as out of a c. Ezek. 11. 3. this city is the c. 7. Mia. 3. 3. chop them as flesh in c. CALDRONS. 2 Chr. 35. 13. holy offer, sod in c. Jer. 52. 18. c. took they away, 19. CALF. Gen. 18. 7. Abraham fetched a a. Exod. 32. 20. Mos. burnt c. straw, it Deut. 9. 16. had made you a molten c. Neh. 9. 18. Psal. 10(5. 19. Job 21. 10. their cow casteth not c. Psal. 29. 6. maketh to skip like a c. Isa. 1 1. 6. c. and young lion together 27. 10. there sh. c. feed and lie down Jer. 34. 18. when cut c. in twain Ezek. 1. 7. their feet like c. foot Hos. 8. 5. thy c. O Sama. cast thee off 6. c. of Samaria shall be broken Luke 15. 23. bring hither fatted c. 27. thy father hath killed f. c. 30. Acts 7. 41. made a c. in those days Rev. 4. 7. second beast like a c. CALKERS. Ezek. 27. 9. ancients of Gebal thy e. 27. thy c. shall fall into seas CALL. Gen. 2. 19. what Adam would c. thorn Num. 22. 20. if the men c. thee, go Deut. 4. 7. as God is in all we c. for 26. 1 c. heaven and earth to witness ag. you this day, 30. 19. | 31. 28. Judg. 21. 13. to c. peacably to them 1 Sam. 3. 6. for thou didst c. me, 8. 1 Kin. 8. 52. hearken in all they c.for IS. 24. c. ye on your gods, 25. Job. 5. 1. c. now if any that will ans. 13. 22. then c. I will answer, 14. 15. Psa. 4. 1. hear when I c. O God 3. the Lord will hear when I c. 14.4 whoeatmy peo and c. not on L. 20. 9. let king hear us when we c. 49. 11. c. lands after their names 77. 6. I c. to rem. my song in night 8G. 5. plen. in mercy to all c. on thee 99. 6. Sam. among them c. on name 102. 2. when Ic. answer me spredily 145. 18. L. is nigh all that c. on him Prov. 8. 4. to you, O men, I c. 9. 15. to c. passengers who eo right 31. 28. her children c. her blessed Isa. 5 20. wo to them that c. evil good 45. 3. I L. wh. c. thee by thy name 48. 2. c. themselves of holy city 13. when I c. they stand up 55. 6. c. on him while he is near 58. 5. wilt thou c. this a fast to L. 13. c. the sabbath a delight, holy 65. 15. c. his serv. by another name 24. before they c. I'll answer Jer. 33. 3. c. to me, I will ans. thee Lam. 2. 15. city, men c. perfection Hos. 1. 4. L. said, c. his name Jezreel 6. c. his name Lo-ruhamah 9. e. his name Lo-amml 7. 11. they c. to Egypt, go to Assy. Joel I. 14. c. a solemn assem. 2. 15. Jonah 1. 6. sleeper c. on thy God. Zech. 3. 10. c. ev. man his neighbour Mai. 3. 15. we c. the proud happy Mat. 9. 13. 1 am not come to c. the righteous, Mar. 2. 17. Luke 5. 32. 22. 3. servants to c. them bidden 43. David in spirit c. him Lord 23. 9. c. no man father on earth Luke 6. 46. why c. me L. and do not 14. 13. makest feast c. the poor 51 CAL John 13. 13. ye c. me Mast, and L. Arts 9. 14. bind all c. on thy nhme 19. 13. to c. over them had evil spir 24. 14. after way they c. heresy Rom. 10. 12. rich to all that c. on him 2 Cor. 1. 23. I c. God for a record 2 Tim. 2. 22. peace with th. c. on L. Heb. 2. 11. not asha. to c. them bre. 10. 32. c. to remem. former days Jam. 5. 14. let him c. the elders 1 Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father CALL on the name of the Lord. Gen. 4. 26. then began men to c. L. 1 Am. 18. 24. I will c. Psal. 11G. 17. 8 Kin 5 11. he will come and c. L. 1 Chr. 16. 8. c noon his name. Psal. 105. 1. Isa. 12. 4. Joel 2. 32. wu.>j>i>ever shall c. on L. Acts. 2. 21. Rom. 10. 13. Zeph. 3. 9. that they may all c. L. 1 Cor. 1. 2. that in every place c. L. AW CALL. [Mara Ruth 1. 20. c. me not Naomi, c. me Psal 14. 4. they c. not upon the L. Isa. 31. 2. will not c. back his words Jer. 10. 25. thy fury upon the families that c. not on thy name Luke 14. 12. c. not thy friends nor John 15. 15. I c. you not servants Acts 10. 15. c. not common, 11. 9. 28. not to c. any man common Shall or shalt CALL. Deut. 30. 1. *. c. them to mind 33. 19. shall c. people to mountain Job 14. 15. shalt c. I will answer Psal. 50. 4. he shall c. to the heavens 72. 17. all nations *. c. him blessed Isa. 7. 14. s. c. Immanuel, Mat. 1. 23. 41. 25. from rising of sun shall he e. 44. 5. s. c. himself by name of Jacob 7. and who, as I, shall c. and 55. 5. shall c. a nation thou kno. not 53. 9. sJiall c. and L. shall answer GO. 14. shall c. thee city of Lord 18. shalt c. thy walls salvation 61. 6. men s. c. you min. of our God 62. 12. shalt c. them holy people Jer. 3. 17. s. c. Jerus. throne of Lord 19. thou shalt c. me, my father 7. 27. shalt c to them, not answer Hos. 2. 16. shall c. me no more Baali. Joel 2. 32. in the remnant L. shall c. Zech. 13. 9. they shall c. I will hear Mai. 1. 4. s. c. them hord. of wicked. 3. 12. all nations shall c. you blessed Mat 1. 21. shaft c. his name Jesus 10. 25. much more *. c. them of hou. Luke 1. 13. shaft c. his name John 48. all generations *. c. me blessed Acts 2. 39. as many as the Lord .«. c. Rom. 10. 14. how s. they c. on him in Will CALL. [whom 1 Sam. 12. 17. I w. c. to L. he sh. send 2 Sam. 22. 4. I iff. c. on L. Psal. 18. 3 Job. 27. 10. tv. hypocrite alw. c. on G. Ps. 55. 16. as for me I w. c. on G. 86 7 80. 18. quicken us, we «?. c. on thy 116. 2. w. I c. on him as long as 1 liv Isa. 22. 20. that I v: c. my ser. ES Jer. 1. 15. I will c. families of uortt Rom. 9. 25. I w. c. them my peo. wh. CALL upon me. Psal. 50. 15. c. u. m. in day of trouble 91. 15. he shall c. u. m. I will answ. Prov. 1. 28. shall c. u. m. but I will Jer. 29. 12. then shall ye c. u. m. and CALLED. Gen. 11. 9. name of it c. Babel 21. 17. c. to Hagar out of heaven 22. 11. c. to Abraham out of heaven 35 10 not be c. any more Jacob 18. his father c. him Benjamin Exod. 8. 8. Pharaoh c. for Moses, 25* 9- 27. { 10. 16, 24. I 12. 3L, CAL Dent. 5. .. Moses c. all Israel, 29. 2. 15. 2. it is c. the Lord's release 28. 10. thou art called by name of L. Judg. 14. 15. Sam. wife, have ye c. us 15. 17. cast aw. jaw-bone, c. place 18. Sam. was athirst, and c. on L. Id 28. Samson c. to the Lord, O L. 2 Sam. 6. 2. name is c. by name of L. 12. 28. city be c. after my name 1 Kin. 1. 9. Adonijah c. breth. 19, 25. 18. 3. Ahab c. Obadiah the gover. 26. they e. on the name of Baal 1 Chr. 4. 10. Jabez c. on God [it 13. 6. ark of God wh. name is c. on 21. 28. David c. on Lord he answ. Esth. 2. 14. except that she were c. 4. 11. I have not been c. to come. Psal. 53. 4. th>>y have not e. on God 79. 6. kingdoms not c. on thy name Jsn. 43. 22. hast note, on me,0 Jacob 48. 1. ye, c. by the name of Israel 12. hearken unto me, O Jac. my c. 61. 3. be c. trees of righteousness Lam. 1. 21. bring day thou hast c. 2. 22. thou haste, my terrors Erek. 20. 29. name ther. is c. Bamah Dan. 5. 12. now let Daniel be c. Mat. 1. 16. born Jesus who is e. Chr. 13. 55. is not his mother c. Mary ? 18. 2. Jesus c. a little child to him 20. 10. many be c few cho. 22. 14. 32. Jesus stood still and e. them 23. 8. be not ye c. Rabbi, 10. 27. 17. shall I release Jesus c. C. 22. Mar. 10. 49. Jesus com. him to be c. 14. 72. Peter c. to mind word J. said Luke 1. fil. none of thy kindred is c. 62. signs how he would have him c. 15. 19. worthy to be e. thy son, 21. 19. 15. he comma, servants to be c. 23. 33 place that is c. Calvary John 1. 48. before Philip e. thee I 4. 25. coineth which is c. Christ 9. 11. a man c. Jesus made clay Acts 9. 11. go into street c. Straight 11. 26. disciples first c. christians 13.7. whoc. for Barnabas and Saul 15. 17. Gent, on wh. my name is c. 19 40. c. in quest, for this diy's up. 23. 6. I am c. in question, 24. 21. 18. Paul the prisoner c. me Rom. 1. 1. Paul c. to be apo. 1 Cor. 1.1. 6. are ye also the c. of Jesus 7. c. to be saints, 1 Cor. 1. 2. 2. 17. thou art c. a Jew, and restest 8. 28. who are the c. ace. to his pur. Cor 1. 9. ye were e. to fellowship 24. to them e. both Jews and Gre. 26. not many noble are c. 5. 11. c. a brother be a fornicator 7. 19. c. being circumcised ? is any c. 21. art thou c. being a servant ? 24. wherein he is c. therein abide Gal. 1. 6. removed from him c. you 6. 13. ye have been c. to liberty Eph. 2. 11. c. uncircumcis. by that c. 4. 1. vocation wherewith ye are e. 4. even as ye are c. in one hope Col. 3. 15. to the which ye are c. 2 Thes. 2. 4. exalteth above all e. G. 1 Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto 20. science falsely so c. [art c Heb. 3. 13. daily while it is c. to-day 9. 15. they c. might receive promise 11. 16. not ashamed to be c. their G. 24. to be c. son of Phar. daughter Jam. 2. 7. bias, name by wh. ye are c. 1 ret. 2. 9. who c. you out of darkn. 21. even hereunto were ye c. 3. 9. that ye are thereunto e. 3 Pet. 1. 3. that hath c. us to glory 1 John 3. 1. bIi. be c. the sons of God Jude 1. preserved in Jesus C. and c. Rev. 8. 11. star is c. wormwood CAL Rev. 11. 8. city spiritually c. Sodom 17. 14. they with him are e. and 19. 9. blessed that arec. to mar. sup. CALLED, ioineu with God or Lord. Gen. 1. 5. God e. the light Day 5. 2. and c. their name Adam Exod. 3. 4. God c. to him out of bush 19. 3 L. c. to him out of mountain 20. L. c. Moses to top of mount Num. 12. 5. L. c. Aaron and Miriam 1 Sam. 3. 4. Lord c. Samuel, 6, 8, 10. Psal. 50. 1. c. earth from the rising Isa. 41. 2. Lord c. him to his foot 42. 6. I have e. thee in righteousn. 49. 1. L. hath c. me from the womb 54. 6. c. thee as a woman forsaken Jer. 11. 16. c. name green olive-tr. 20. 3. not c. thy name Pashur Amos 7. 4. God c. to contend by fire Acts 16. 10. gathering tnat L. c. us 1 Cor. 7. 15. God hath c. us to peace 17. as L. hath c. every one, so let Gal. 1. 15. God, who c. me by grace 1 Thes. 2. 12. c. you to his kingdom 4. 7. hath not c. us to uncleanness 2 Thes. 2. 14. God c. you byourgos. 2 Tim. 1. 9. c. us with a holy calling Heb. 5. 4. e. of God as was Aaron 10. c. of God an high-priest after 1 Pet. 5. 10. G. of all srrace who hath He CALLED. [e. us Gen. 26. 18. c. names as his fath. c. 35. 10. he c. his name Israel Ex. 24. 16. c. to Moses out of cloud 2 Kin. 4. 30 c. to Gehazi, so he c. her Psal. 105. 16. he c. for a famine on Lam. 1. 15. c. an assembly against me Mat. 10. 1. e. twelve || 15. 10. multi. Mark 1. 20. he e. them, and they left Luke 13. 12. Jesus saw her, he c. her John 10. 35. if he c. them gods to wh. Acts 9. 41. had c. saints and widows 10. 23. c. he them in, and lodged 23. 23. he e. unto him two centurions Rom. 8. 30. he also c. whom he c. he 9. 24. even us whom he hath c. 1 Pet. 1. 15. wh. hath c. you is holy See Called the name. /CALLED, or I have CALLED. Num. 24. 10. I c. thee to curse mine 1 Sajn. 3. 5. Eli said, I c. not, 6. 28. 15. therefore I have a thee 2 Sam. 22. 7. in my distress I c. Psa. 18. 0. | 118. 5. Job 9. 10. if I had c. and he answered 19. 16. 1 c. my servant, no answer Psal. 17. 6. 1 have c. on thee, for 31. 17. not be ashamed, I have e. 88. 9. I have c. daily upon thee 116. 4. then c. I on name of Lord Prov. 1. 24. I have e. and ye refused Cant. 5. 6. I c. him, gave me no ans. Isa. 13. 3. I have c. my mighty ones 41. 9. I have c. thee from chief men 43. 1. I c. thee by thy name, 45. 4. 48. 15. yea, I have c. him 50. 2. I c. was there none to answer? 51. 2. for I c. him alone, and blessed 65. 12. I e. ye did not ans. Jer. 1. 13. 60. 4. when I c. none did answer Jer. 35. 17. I have c. to them, but Lam. 1. 19. I c. for my lover3, but 3. 55. I c. out of the low dungeon 57. drewest near in day I c. on Hos. 11. 1. then I c. my son out of Egypt, Maf. 2. 15. Zech. 11.7. one I e. beauty, other Ic. John 15. 15. I have e. you friends . Acts 13. 2. work wh. I have c. them 28. 20. have I c. for you, to see CALLED by my name. 2 Chr. 7. 14. if my people which are c. by my name humble Isa. 43. 7. bring, even everyone c.n. 52 CAL Isa. 65. 1. behold to nation note. n. Jer. 7. 10. this house e. by my n. 11. 14,30. | 32. 34 | 34. 15. 25. 29. to bring e\ il on city c. by n. Amos 9. 12. remnant of heath, c. n. CALLED bi/ thu name. 1 Kin.8A3. house c." by i. n. 2 Ch. 0. 33. Isa. 4. 1. let us be c! by t. n. to take 43. 1. 1 have c. thee by t. n. 45, 4. 63. 19. they were not c. by thy n. Jer. 14. 9. O Lord, we are c. by t. n. 15. 16. I am c. n. O L. God of hosts Dan. 9. 18. behoid the city c. byt. n. 19. defer not, for thy peo. are e. n. CALLED his name. Gen. 35. 10. c. n. Israel || 18. Benonl I Ch.4.9. JabezHT-lCPereshlli-S Beriah Mat. 1 25. and he c. his name Jesus Rev. 19. 13. n. is c. the word of God Sent and CALLED. Acts 20. 17. s. to Ephesus c. elders Shall be CALLED. Gen. 2. 23. she & e. woman, because 17. 5 thy name s. be c. Abraham 21. 12. for in Isaac shall thy seed be c. Rom. 9. 7. Heb. 11. 18. 32. 28. s. be c. no more Jacob, but 48.6. thy issue s. c. after their breth. Pi-ov. 10. 21. wise in heart s. c. pru. 24. 8. deviseth evil s. c. mischiev. Isa. 4. 3. remain, in Jems. s. e. holy 9. 6. and his name s. c. Wonderful 32. 5. vile no more be e. liberal 35. 8. it s. c. the way of holiness 54 5. God i.f whole earth *. he be c. 5S. 7 ft. c. house of prayer, Mat.2). 13 Jer. 23. 6. s. c. L. our righte. 33. 16. Zech. 8. 3. Jerus. s. c. city of truth Mat. 2. 23. he s. be c. a Nazarene 5. 9. peace-makers*, e. chil. of God 19. s. bee. least in kingdom of heav Luke I. 32. s. c. Son of the Highest 35. that holy thing s. be c. the Son 60. not so, but he shall be c. John 2. 23. every male shall be c. holy Rom. 9. 26. they s. be c. chil. of God Shalt be CALLED. Isa. 1. 26. s. c. city of righteousness 47. 1. s. be c. n<> more tender and 5. s. no more be c. a lady of kingd. 58. 12. s. be c. repairer of breach 62. 2. s. be c. by a new name, the L. 4. s. c. Hephzi-bah, thy land Beulah 12. s. be c. Sought out, a city not Luke 1. 76. s. c. prophet of Highest John 1. 42. thou shall be c. Cephas They CALLED. Num. 25. 2. t. c. people to sacrifices Esth. 9. 26. t. c. these days Furim Psal. 99. 0. t. c. upon the Lord, and Jer. 12. 0. t c. a multitude after thee 30. 17. because t. c. thee an outcast Hos. 11. 2. as they c. them, so they 7. though t. c. them to Most High Mat. 10. 25. if t. c. master Beelzebub Luke 1. 59. t. c. him Zacharias after John 9. 18. t. c. parents of him rec. 24. t. c. man that was blind [sight Acts 4. 18. t. c. comman. nor to speak 5. 4C. when t. had e. the apostles 14. 12. they c. Barnabas, Jupiter Was CALLED. Isa, 48. 8. ift c. a transgressor from Luke 2. 21. his name teas c. Jesus John 2. 2. Jesus w. c. and his disciples Acts 24. 2. he u: c. forth, Tertullus 1 Cor. 7. 20. calling wherein he at c. Heb. 11. 8. Abra. wh. hew. c. obeyed Jam. 2. 23. tc. c. the friend of God Rev. 19. 11. sat on him w. c. faithful CALLEDST, CALLEST. Judg. 8. 1. c. us not when wentest 1 Sam. 3. 5. here am I, for thou c. me Psal. 81. 7. thou c. in tro ble, I deii CAM Mat 19. 17. why c. thou me good. Mar. 10. 18. Luke 18. 19. CALLETH. 1 Kin. 8. 43. do accor. to all stranger c. to thee for, 2 Chr. 6. 33. Job 12. 4. c. on God, and he answer. Psal. 42. 7. deep c. unto deep at noise 147. 4. c. them by names, Isa. 40. 26. Prov. 18. 6. his mouth c. for strokes Jsc. 21. 11. he c. to me out of Seir 59. 4. none c. for justice, nor any (54. 7. none that c. on thy name IIos. 7. 7. none that c. to me Amos 5. 8. c. for waters of sea, 9. 6. Mtf. 27. 47. c. for Elias, M«r/c 15. 35. Mark 3 13. c. to him whom he wo. 6. 7. c. to him the twelve, and began 8. 1. Jesus c. his disciples, and saith 10. 4!). comfort, arise, he c. thee 12. 37. David c. him L. Luke'20. 44. Luke 15. 6. he c. together his friends 9. she c. her friends and neighbours 20. 37. when he c. L. the G. of Abr. John 10. 3. c. his sheep by name 11. 28. the Master c. for thee Rom. 4. 17. c. things which be not as 9. 11. elect, might stand of him c. 1 Cor. 12. 3. by Spirit c. Jesus accur. GuJ. 5. 8. persua. not of him that c. 1 The.*. 5. 24. faithful is he c. you Rev. 2. 20. c. herself a prophetess CALLING. Isa. 1. 13. c. of assemblies I cannot E?ek. 23. 19. in c. to rem. her youth Rom. 11. 29. c. of God without rep. 1 Co?: 1. 26. ye see your c. brethren 7. 20. letev. man abide in same c. Eph. 1. !8. what is the hope of his c. 4. 4. railed in one hope of your c. Phil. 3. 14. prize of the high c. of G. 2 Thes. 1. 1 1, count you wor. of this c. 2 77m. 1. 9. called us with an holy c. Heb. 3. I. partakers of heavenly c. 2 Pet. 1. ID. your c. and elect, sure CALLING, Part. Isa, 41. 4. c. genera, from beginning 46. 1 1. c. ravenous bird from east Mat. 11. 16. c. to fellows Luke 7. 32. Mark 11. 21. Peter c. to remembra. Jets 7. 59. stoned Stephen c. on God 22. 16. wash away thy sins, c. on the name of the Lord I Pet. 3. G. Sarah obeyed Abr. c. him CALM. [lord Psal. 107 29. maketh storm a c. Jonah 1. 11. sea may be c. unto us 12. cast me forth, so sea be c. Mat. 8.26. great c. Mar. 4. 39. Lu. 8. 24. CALVE, ED, ETH. Jo/; 21. 10. their cow c. casteth not 39. 1. mark when hinds do c. Ps. 29. y voice of L. mak. hinds to c. Jer. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field CALVES. 1 Sam. 6. 7. bring c. home from them 1 Kin. 12. 28. king made 2 c. of gold 32. sacrificing to c. he had made 2 Kin. 10. 29. dep. not from golden c. 8 CAr. 11. 15. ord. priests for the c. 13. 8. there be with you golden c. Ps. 68. 30. rebuke bulls with the c. Hos. 10. 5. fear because of c. of Beth. 13. 2. that sacrifice kiss the c. 14. 2. render the c. of our lips Amos 6. 4. eat c. out of the stall lie. 6. 6. shall I come with c. of a year old ? J/a?. 4. 2. ye shall grow up as c of He/;. 9. 12. n«>r by the blood of e. 19. blood of c. and sprinkled CAME. Gen. 27. 35. brother c. with subtilty 32. 6. we c. to thy brother Esau Nuot. *2. 9. G. c. to Balaam at, 20 CAM Num.21. 2. spirit of God c. upon him, Judg. 3. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 10. Dew?. 33. 2. L! c. from Sinai and rose Judg. 13 10. man that c. other day 1 Sam. 2. 27. c. a man of God to Eli 4. 1. word of Sam. c. to all Israel 2 Sam. 20. 12. everyone thatc. stood 1 Kin. 1. 42. while he spake Jon. c. 4. 34. c. of all people to hear Solom. 13. 10. returned not by way he c. 2 Kin. 6. 32. ere the messe. c. he said 10. 21. all worshippers of Baal c. 17. 28. one of priests c. to Bethel 19. 33. by the way he c. return 24. 3. at com. of L. c. this on Jud. 1 Chr. 5. 2. of .Tudah c. chief ruler 2 Chr. 11. 14. Levites c. to Judah 14. 14. fear of Lord c upon them 25. 20. Amaz. not hear, for it c. of G. Esth. 1. 17. but Vashti c. not Job 3. 26. not in safety, yet trouble c. 29. 13. bless, of him ready to per. c. 30. 26. I looked for good, evil c. Psal, 18. 6. my cry c. before him 27. 2. when my foes c. upon me 78. 3.1. wrath of God c. upon them 88. 17.they c. about me daily like wa. 105. 19. until the time his word c. Eccl. 5. 15. to go as he c. 16. Isa. 41. 5. ends of earth were afraid c. Jer. 7. 31. nor e. it into my mind, 19. 5. i 32. 35. 8. 15. for peace, but no good c. 44. 21. c. it not into his mind ? Eze. 33 22. afore he that escaped c. 43. 2. glory of God c. from east Dan, 4. 28. all this c. on Nebuchad. A?nos 6. 1. to whom house of Is. c. Hah. 3. 3. God c. from Teman, and Mat. 3. 1. in those days c. John Bap. 9. 1. and c. into his own city 20. 28. c. not to be ministered to 21. 30. he c. to second, said likewise 32. John c. in way of righteousn. 25. 36. I was in prison, ye c. to me 28. 13. disci, c. by night, stole him Mark 9. 21. ago since this c. to him? Luke 9. 35. c. a voice out of the cloud 15. 17. when c. to himself, he said 20. he arose and c. to his father John 1.11. he c. to his own, his own 17. grace and truth c. by Jes. Chr. 3. 2. same c. to Jesus, 7. 50. j 19. 39. 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples 12. 30. voice c. not be.-ause of me 20. 19. at even c. Jesus in the midst Acts'd. 21. c. hither for that intent 19. 13. many that believed c. and Rom. 5. 18. free gift c. on all men 7. 9. when command, c. sin revived 9. 5. of whom concer. the flesh C. c. 1 Cor. 15. 21. since by man c. death Gal. 2. 12. that certain c. from James 1 Thes. 1.5. gospel c. not in word only 1 Tim. 1. 15. that J. C. c. to save sin. 2 Pel. 1. 17. when c. such a voice to 18. this voice c. from heaven [him 21. prophecy c. not by will of man 1 John 5. 6 that c. by water and See Spirit of the Loud. CAME again. Judg. 13. 9. angel c. a. to the woman 15. 19. his spirit c. a, 1 Sam. 30. 12. 1 Kin. 17. 22. soul of the child c. a, 19. 7. ansrel c. a. the second time Luke 8. 55. her spirit c. a. and she Juhn 8. 2. early he c. a. into temple CAMErfown. Gen. 11. 5. Lord c. d. to see tower E.vod, 19. 20. L. c. d. on mount Sinai 34. 29. Mos. c. d- from mount Sinai 2 Sam. 22. 10. bowed the heavens and c. d. Psal. 18. 9. Lam. 1. 9. she c. down wonderfully 50 CAM Ban. 4. 13. holy one c. d. from hear. Mie. 1. 12. evil c. d. from the Lord Mat. \1. 9. nsthey cd.fr. moun.Mar.9.9 John 3. 13. he that c. d. from heaven 6. 38. I c. d. from heaven not to do 41. bread which c.d from h. 51,58 Acts 15. l.wh. c. d. from Judea taught CAME forth. Num. 11. 20. why c. we/ out of Eg.? Judg.M 14outof the eater c.f meat, and out of strong c. f. sweetness 2 Sam. 16. 11. son which c. f. of my bowels seeketh my life 2 Ch. 32. 21. c. f. of hid bow. slew him Prov. 7. 15. c. If to meet thee Eccl. 5. 15. as he c.f. naked, return Jer. 20. 18. wh. c. If out of womb? v .ech. 10. 4. c.f. the corner Mark 1. 38. for therefore c. If. John 16. 28. I c.f from the Father 19. 5. Jesus c. f wearing the crown I CAME. Gen. 30. 30. little thou hadst bef. I c. 1 Kin. 10. 7. 1 believed not till lc. half was not told, 2 Chron. 9. 6". Isa. 50. 2.when I c. was there no man? Ezek. 3. 15. I c. to them of captivity Mat. 10. 34. I c. not to send peace Mar.2. 17.1 c not to call right. Lu.b.32 John 8. 14. I know whence 1 n. 42. I c. from God, nor c. I of myself 12. 27. for this cause c. I to this hour 47. I c. not to judge the world 18. 37. for this cause c. I into world Acts 10. 29. c. I, as soon as sent for 20. 18. from first day I c. into Asia 22 II. being led. I c. into Damascus 1 Cor. 2. 1. I c. not with excellency 2 Cor. 1.23. to spare you I c. not as yet 2. 3. lest when I c. I sh. have sorrow CAME in. Gen. 6. 4. sons of God c. in to daugh. 19. 5. where men c. into thee thisni. 38. 18. Judah c. in unto her, and 1 Sam. 18. 13. David went out and c. in before the people, 16. 2 Sam. 11. 4. she c. in to him, he lay 2 Chron, 15. 5. no peace to him that went out nor him c.in,Zech.8. 10. Esth. 2. 14. she c. in to king no more Jer. 37. 4. Jerem. c. in and went out Mat, 22. 11. king c. in to see guests Luke 1. 28. the angel c. in to Mary 7. 45. since I c. in kissed my feet Gal. 2. 4. who c. in privily to spy out CAME near. Ex. 14. 20. c. not n. other all night Dent, I. 22. ye c. n. to me ev. one, 5.23 Josh. 17. 4. they c. n. bef. Eleazar,21.1 1 Kin. 18. 36. Elijah c. n. and said Jer. 42. 1. least to the greatest c. n. Acts 9. 3. as hec. n. Damascus shined CAME nigh. Mat. 15. 29. Jesus c. n. to sea of GaL Mark 11. 1. when they c.n. to Jeru. Luke 7. 12. when he c. n. to gate of CAME over. [city Josh, 4. 22. Is. c. o. Jord. on dry land Mark 5. I.e. o. to other side of sea CAME out. Gen. 38. 28. midw. said this c. o. first Exod. 13. 3. rememb. day ye c. o. 4. Num. 16. 27. Dathan and Abiram c. o. 2 Sam. 6. 20. Michal c. o. to meet Dav. 18. 4. the people c. out by hundreds Job 1. 21. naked c. I out of womb 3. 11. whydid I notgive up the ghost when I c. out of the belly Jer. 17. 16. wli.c.o. of my lips was right Mat. 8. 34. whole city c. o. to meet J. 12. 44. return to my house whence I c. out Luke II. 24. 27. 32. as they c. out found Simon Mark 1. 2G. unclean spirit is, o. 9. 26. CAM Mar. 9. 7. a voice c. out of the cloud Luke 1. 22. he c. o. could not speak 4. 35. c. o. of him, hurt him not John 16. 27. because ye believed I c. out from God 17. 8. known that I c. o. from thee 19. 34 forthwith c. o. blood and \va. Acts 8. 7. for unci. spir. c. o. of many 16. 18. spirit c. out the same hour 1 Cor. 14. 36. c. word of G. o. from you Heb. a 16. not all that c. o. of Egypt Rev. 7. 14. these c. o. of great tri'jula. CAME to pass. Exoa. 12. 41. it c. to ;->. at en„ of 430 years, selfsame day it c. to p. 51. Deut. 2. 16. so \X, c. to p. I Sam. 13. 22. 2 Kin. 15. 12, Est. 2 8. Acts. 27. 44. Josh. 21. 45. wh. L. had spok. all c. j». 1 Sam. 1 20. it c. p. wh. time was come 10. 9. all those signs c. />. that day 2 Sa;«. 2. I. it c. to />. after this 8. 1. 10. 1. 2 Ki?i. 6. 24. 2 C/i;\ 20. 1. 2 ifo'rt. 8. 15. it c. w. on the morrow, 1 Chr. 10. 8. Je/\ 20. 3. v4cfc 4. 5. isa. 48. 3. suddenly, and they c. rop. 5. before it c. p. 1 showed it thee 1 Thes. 3. 4. as it c. p. and ye know Then CAME. 2 Sam. 5l 1. 1. c. all the tribes to Dav. 2 CAr. 12. 5. £. c. Shemaiah to Reh. Job 30. 26. for good then evil c. Jer. 19. 14. t. c. Jerem. from Tophet 33. 27. t. c. all the princes to Jerem. Mat. 9. 14. t. c. disciples of John 15. 1. then c. to Jesuf scribes and 12. t. c. his disciples and said, 17. 19. 18. 21. t. c. Peter to him and said, Lord how oft John 7. 45. t. c. officers to chief pr. 12. 28. then c. a voice from heaven 20. 26. t. c. Jesus, doors beimr shut They CAME, or CAME they. Gen. 11. 31. t. c. to Haran, and dwelt 12. 5. into land of Canaan tliey c. 22. 9. t. c. to place God told him of Exod. 16. 35. till t. c. to a land inhab. 1 Kin. 2. 7. so t. c to me when 1 fled 2 Kin. 20. 14. men whe. c. t. I.ta. 39. 3. 2 Chr. 20. 4. t. c. to seek the Lord Neh. 13. 21. c. t. no more on Sabbath Job 6. 20. t. c. thither, and were asha. 30. 14. t. c. as a wide breaking in Psal. 88. 17. t. c. round me like wa. Jer. 43. 7. thus c. t. to Tahpanhes F.zek. 23. 40. and lo they c. Mat. 1. 18. before t. c. together she 14. 34. t. c. into land of Gennesaret 26. 73. after a while c. t. stood by Mark 1. 45. t. c from every quarter 3. 13. called whom he would and /. c. lu. 2. 1G. t. c. with haste found Mary John 12. 9. t. c. not for Jes. sake only Acts 12. 20. they c. with one accord 17. 13. t. c thither also and stirred 23. 14. they c. to the chief priests Rev. 7. 13. are these, whence c. t.t Word of the Lord CAME. Gen. 15. 1. the to. L. c. to Abram, 4. 1 Sam. 15. in. w. L. c. Samuel, 16. 1. 2 Sam. 24. 11. Gad. || 1 Kin. 6. 11. Sol. 16. 1. Jehu, 7. || 17. 2. Elijah, 8. | 18. 1. | 19. 9. | 21. 17. 23. 18. 31» to whom word L. c. saying. Israel be thy name 2 Kin. *0. 4. Isaiah, Isa. 38. 4. 1 Chr. 17.3. Nathan. || 22. 8 David 2 Chr. 11.2. Shema. 12. 7. 1 Uwi.12. 22. Jtr. 1. 2. vs. L. c. to Jeremiah, 4. | 2. 1. | 14.1. | 29.30. | 3 i. 1.19. | Dan.9.2. Esek. 1. 3. expressly to Ezekiel, 3. 1G. Ho*. 1. 1. Hosea || Joel I. 1. Joel. J»n. 1. 1. Jonah, 3. 1. j| Mic. I. 1. Mic. £*ph. 1. I. Zeph. || Hig. 1. 1. Hag. Zth. 7.4 c v. L. «f hosts to me, 8. 1. CAM CAMEL. Gen.1L 64. Rehekah lighted off the ;. Lev. 11. 4. not eat the c. Deut. 14. 7. 1 Sam. 15. 3. but slay infant, ox, and c. Zech. 14. 15. so be plague of c. Mat. 19. 24. it is easier for a c. Mark 10. 25. Luke. 18 25. 23. 24. strain at a gnat, swallow c. CAMELION. Lev. 11. 30. these be unclean, the c. CAMELS. Gen. 12. 16. Abram had c. 24. 19. 1 will draw water for thy c. 44. 30. 43. Jacob had much cattle, c. 31. 34. put them in c. furniture 37. 25. lshmaelites came with c. Exod. 9. 3. hand of the L. on the c. Judg. 6. 5. c. without number, 7. 12. 8. 21. took ornam. on c. necks, 26. 1 Sam. 27. 9. David took away c. 30. 17. save 400. which rode on c. 1 Kin. 10.2. to Jerus. with c. 2Chr. 9. 1 . 2 Kin. 8. 9. a present 40 c. burden lC/w.5.21. Reubenitestook ofc. 50000 12. 40. brought bread on c. 27. 30. over the ft" was Obil Ezra 2. 67. their c. 435, Neh. 7. 69. Esth. 8. 10. letters by post on c. 14. Job 1. 3. his substance was 3000 c. 17. Chaldeans fell upon the c. Isa. 21. 7. he saw a chariot of c. 30. 6. treasures on bunches ofc. 60. 6. the mult, of c. shall cover thee Jer. 49. 29. shall take their c. 32. their c. shall he a booty Ezek. 25. 5. Rabbah a stable for c. Mat. 3. 4. raiment of c. hair, Mark 1. 6. CAMEST. Gen. 16. 8. Hagar, whence c. thou 27. 33. eaten of all before thou c. Num. 22. 37. wherefore c. thou not Deut. 16. 3. remember day cout of Eg. 1 Sam. 13. 11. c. not within days app. 17. 28. why c. thou down hither 2 Sam. 15 20. whereas c. but yest. 1 Kin. 13. 9. nor return by way c. 17. 14. man of God that c. from Judah ? 2 Kin. 19. 28. I will turn thee back by way thou c. Isa. 37. 29. Neh. 9. 13. c. down also on mou. Sin. Isa. 64 3. c. down, mountains flowed Jer. 1. 5. before thou c. forth out of the womb I sanctified thee Ezek. 32. 2. c. forth with thy rivers Mat. 22. 12. friend, how c. in hither John 6. 25. Rabbi, when c. hither 16. 30. we believe thou c. from God Acts 9. 17. appeared in the way as CAMP. thou c.j Exod. 14. 19. antrel of L. went befo. c. 32. 17. there is a noise of war in c. 27. go thro' c. slav ev. man broth. 36. 6. to be proclaimed thro' the c. Lev. 24. 10. they strove togeth. in c. Num. 4. 5. when c. setteth forward 11.1. consum in utmost parts ofc. 26. Eldad and Medad prophes. in c. Deut. 23. 14. L. walk in mid. of thy c. Josh. 6. IS. make c. of Israel a curse Judg. 13. 25. spirit of God began to move Samson in the c. 21. 8. none to the c. from Jabesh 1 Sim. 4. 6. noise of shout in the c. 17. 7. run to c. to thy brethren. 2 Kin. G. 8. in such a place be my c. 7. 7. left c. as it was, fled for life 8. when these lepers came to c. 19. 35. angel of Lord smote in c. of Assyrians 1S5,000, Isa. 37. 36. Psal. 78. 28. let it fall in midst of c. 106. 16. envied Moses also in the c. Ezek. 4. 2. set the c. also against it Joel 2. 11. for his c. is very great Rev. 20. 9. compassed c. of saints 54 CAN Into the CAMP. 1 3am. 4. 7. Phili. said, G. is come i. a Out of the CAMP. Ex. 19. 17. Moses brought peo. a. c. Lev. 10. 4. carry your brethren o. c. 24. 23. bring him had cursed out c. Num. 14. 44. and Mo. depart note ft Deut. 23. 10. unclean shall go out c. 1 Sam. 13. 17. spoilers o. c. of Philis 2 Sam. 1.2. a man came o. c. from Sau. Round about the CAMP. Num. 11. 31. spread quails r. c. 32. Without the CAMP. Exod. 29. 14. bullock burn ?r. c. Let. 8. 17. | 9. 11. | 16. 27. 33. 7. sought the Lord, went w. c. Deut. 23. 12. shalthave a place u: e Josh. 6. 23. Rahab left kindred w. c. HebAS.U. bodies of beasts burnt w. « 13. let us go forth to him tr. the c CAMP. Isa. 29. 3. I will c. ag. thpe round abo Jer. 50. 29. bend the bow c. against it NcJi. 3. 17. c. in hedges in cold day CAMPED. Ex. 19. 2. there Isr. c. before mount CAMPS. Num. 10.2. trumpets for journ. ofc. Amos 4. 10. stink of your c. come CAMPHIRE. Cant. 1. 14 my beloved is as c. 4. 13. thy plants an orchard ofc. CAN. Mat. 27. 65. make it as sure as you a, John 15. 4, no more c. ye exc. ye abL Rom. 8. 7. subject to law, nor c. be How CAN. [bet John 3. 9. Nic. said, h. c. these thmgg Acts 8. 31. h c. I exc. some guide me ? CANNOT, [away with IsaA. 13. the calling of assemblies Ie. Jer. 18. 6. c. I do with you as potter Luke 16. 26. pass from hence to youe. CANST. Mat. 8. 2. thou c. make me clean Mark 9. 22. if thou c. do any thing CANDLE. Job 18. 6. his c. be put out with him 21. 17. oft is c. of wicked put out? 29. 3. his c. shined on my head Psal. 18. 28. thou wilt light my c. Prow 20. 27. spirit of man is c. of L 24. 20. c. of wicked be put out 31. 18. her c. goeth not out by nigh} Jer. 25. 10. take from them light of c. Mat. 5. 15. nor put c. under a bushe Mark 4. 21. Luke 8. 16. | 11. 33. Luke 11. 36. bright shining of a c. 15. 8. a c. and sweep the house Rer. 18. 23. c. shine no more in thea 22. 5. need no c. nor light of sun CANDLES. Zeph. 1. 12. 1 will search Jeru. with t CANDLESTICK. Ex. 25. 31. make a c 37. 17. Num.8, i 40. 24. put c. in tent of congrega. Lev. 24. 4. lamps on c. continually Num. 3. 31. their charge shall bee, 2 Kin. 4. 10. let us set for him a u 1 Chr. 23. 15. gold for every c 2 Cftr. 13. 11. set they in order c. Dan. 5. 5. wrote over against the c. Zec/i. 4. 2. behold a c. all of gold 11. olive trees on right side ofc Mat. 5. 15. but on a c. and it givcth light to all, Luke 8. 16. | 1L 33. Mark A. 21. candle not to be set on ct Heb. 9. 2. first wherein was the e. Rev. 2. 5. else I will remove thy c. CANDLESTICKS. 1 Kin. 7. 49. c. of pure gold, 2 CTir. 4.7. Jer. 52. 19. he took away the c. Rev. 11. 4. the two c. before Lord See Sevjut CAP CANE. laa. 43. 24. bought me no sweet c. Jer. 6. 20. sweet c. from far country CANKER, ED. 2 Tim. 2. 17. their word will eat as c. Jam. 5. 3. your gold and silver is c CANKER-WORM. [2. 25. Joel 1. 4. c. eaten, and what c. left, Nah, 3. 15. eat thee like c. make thy. self many as the c. 16. t. upoileth nnd flieth away CAPTAIN. Gen. 37. 36. sold him to Potiphar c. 40. 4. v. charged Joseph with them Nwn. 1 4. 4. let us make a c. Neh. 9. 17. Josh. 5. 14. as c. .of host of the L. 15. the c. of the JL. host said to Jos. Judir. 4. 2. c. of Jabin's host was Sisera, 7. J Sam. 12. 9. 13. 6. said to Jephthah, be our r. 11. the peo. made him c. over them ) Sam. 9. 1(5. anoint him c. 10. 1. 13. 14. Lord command, him to be c. 17. 18. carry these ten cheeses to c. 22. 2. David became a c. over them i Sam. 5. 2. shalt be c. over Israel 8. he shall bee. 1. Chr. 11. 6. 19. 13. if thou be not c. of the host 23. 19. Abishai was therefore c. Kin. 16. 16. Isr. made Omri c. king . Kin. I. 9. king sent a c. with fifty 4. 13. wouldst be spoken for to c.t 5 1. Naamau c. of host of Syria 9. 5. 1 have an errand to thee, O c. 15. 25. Pekah a c. of his conspired 18. 24. turn face of one c. Isa. 36. 9. 20. 5. tell Hezekiah c. of my people 25. 8. Nebuzar-adan, c. Jer. 52. 12. 1 Chr. 11. 21. honourable, he was c. 27. 5. third c. for 3d month Benaiah 2 Chr. 13. 12. God himself is our c. Isa. 3 3. L. doth tnke away c. of fifty Jer. 37. 13. a c. Irijah took Jeremiah 40. 5. c. gave Jer. victu. and a rew. 51. 27. appoint a c. against her John 18. 12. band and c. took Jesus Acts 5. 26. c. with officers brought Ileb. 2. 10. c. of their salva, perfect CAPTAINS. E.rod. 15. 4. chosen c. are drowned Deut. 1. 15. I made wise men c. 20. 9. make c. to lead the people 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him c. 22. 7. son of Jesse make you c? 2 Sam. 18. 5 c. charge con. Absalom. 23. 8. that sat chief among the c. 1 Kin. 2. 5. what Joab did to the c. 20. 24 take kings away, and put c. 22. 33. when c. perceived he was not the king, 2 Chr. 18. 32. \Chr. 11.15. three of 30 c. went to Dav. 2 Chr. 33. 11. L. brought on them c. Job 39. 25. the thunder of the c. and Jer. 13. 21. haat taught them to be c. 51. 23. I will break in pieces e. 57. I will make, drunk her c, Ezek. 21. 22. c. to open the mouth 23. 6. c. all desirable men, 12, 23. Nah.H.H. thy c.as great grasshoppers Mark 6. 21. Herod made asupper to c. Luke 22. 4. Judas communed with c. Rev. 19. 18. may <>at the flesh of c. CAPTIVE. Gen. 14. 14. heard brother was tak. c. 34. 29. their wives took they c. Exod. 12. 29. unto first-born of c. 2 Kin. 5. 2. bro. away c. a little maid 6. 22. smite those thou hast taken c. Isa. 49. 21. 1 am desolate, a c. 24. or shall lawful c. be delivered 51.14. c. exile hasteneth to be loosed 52. 2. loose thyself, O c. dau. of Zion Amos 6. 7. go c. with first that go c. 2 Tim. 2. 26. taken c. by him at will CAP Carry or carried CAPTIVE or CAPTIVES. Gc«. 31. 26. car. my daughter as c. Num. 24. 22. until Ashur car. thee c. 1 Kin. 8. 46. they c. them c. 2 CA. 6. 36. 47. if they bethink themse. in land whither car. c. 2 Chr. 6. 37. t Kin. 15. 29. T.-pileser car. them c. 16. 9, c. peo. of Damascus c. to Kir 1 Chr. 5. 6. whom king of Assy. c. c. 2 Chr. 25.12.other 10,000 did Jud. c. c. 28. 5. they c. a great multitude c. 8. Israel c. c. of brethren 200,000 P.v. 106. 46. pitied of those c. them c. 137. 3. that c. us c. required a song Jer. 13. 17. Lord's flock is carried c. 19. Judah shall be wholly c. away c. 20. 4. he shall c. them c. to Babylon 21. 5. I will acknowledge theme, c. 29. 4. *nith the Lord to all car. c. 14. I will bring you into place whence I caused you to be c. c, 41. 10. Ishmael c. c. all the residue 43. !2. carry the Egyptians c. 52. 29. c. c. from Jems. 832 persons 30. car. c. of the Jews 745 persons Ezek. 6. 9. nations whither be c. c. Dan. 11.8. and shall also c. c. into Eg. Amos. 1. 6. because they c.c. captivity Obad. 11. in day strangers c. c. forces Currying CAPTIVE. Jer. 1. 3. to carrying of Jerusalem c. Lend or led CAPTIVE. Judg. 5. 12. lead thy captivity c. son 1 Kin. 8. 48. return unto thee in land of enemies which led them c. 2 Chron. 30. 9. shall find compassion before them that lead c. Psa. f.8. IS. led captivity c. Eph. 4. 8. Jer. 22. 12. die whither led him c. Ames. 7. 11. Israel shall be led c. Nah. 2. 7. Huzzab shall be led c. Lvle 21. 24. shall be led away c. into 2 Tim. 3. 6. lead c. sillv women laden CAPTIVES. Num. 31. 9. women of Midian c. 19. purify the c. Deut. 21. 11. am. c. a beau, woman 32. 42. arrows drunk wi. blood of c. 1 Sam. 30. 5. David's two wives c. 2 Kin. 24. 14. from Jerusa. 10,000 c. 2 Chr. 28. 11. and deliv. the c. again 13. ye shall not bring in c. hither Isa. 14. 2. shall take them c. whose c. 20. 4. lead away the Ethiopians c. 45 13. If t go my c. not for price 49. 25. c. of mighty be taken away 61. 1. liberty to the c. Luke 4. 18. Jer. 48. 46. thy sons and daugh. are c. 50. 33. took them c. held them fast Eze. 1. 1. as I was among c. by river 16. 53. bring again cap. of thy c. Dan. 2. 25. found a man of c. of Ju. CAPTIVITY. [toe. Nu?n. 21. 29. given his daughters in- .Deu£.21.13.faimentof c. from off her 30. 3. Lord will turn thy c. [Bab. 2 Kin. 24. 15. carried he into c. to 25. 27. in the 37th year of c. Jer.52.3) 1 Chr. 5. 22. dwelt in steads until c. 6. 15. Jehozadak went into c. when 2 Chr. 6. 37. if they pray in land of c. 38. if they return to thee in e. 29. 9. our sons and wives are in c. Ezra 9. 7. have been delivered to c. Neh. I. 2. Jews wh. were left of c. 4. 4. for a prey in land of their c. Eslh. 2. 6. Mordecai carried with c. Job 42. 10. Lord turned the c. of Job Psa. 14. 7. when L. bring, back e. 85. 1 78. 61. he deliv. his strength into c. 126. 1. when L. turned ag. c. of Zion 4. turn again our e.O L. as streams Isa. 5. 13. my people arc gone intoe. CAR Isa. 22. 17. carry thee with mighty a 46. 2. themselves are gone into c. Jer. 15. 2. for the c. to the c. 43. 1 1. 29. 14. I will turn away your c. 30. a | 32. 44, | 33. 7, 11, 26. 20. hear, all of c. || 28. c. is long 22. be taken up a curse by all c. 31. send to all them of c. saying 30. 10. thy seed from land of c. 46.27 48. 11. nor hath Moab gone into c. Lam. 1. 3. Judah is gone into c. for 5. her children are gone into c. 2. 14. not discov. to turr. away thy c. 4. 22. no more carry thee into r. Eze. 1. 2. fifth year of Jehoiachin's c. 3. 11. get to them of c. and speak 11. 25. I spake to them of c. all 12. 7. my stuff, as stuff for e 16. 53. bring again their c. the c. of Sodom and Samaria 25. 3. went into c. thou saidst, Aha 33. 21. in 12th year of c. one escaped 39. 23. house of Israel went into c. 40. I. in the 25th year of our c. Dan. 6. 13. Daniel of the c. of Judah 11. 33. shall fall by c. many days Hot. 6. 11. when I returned the c. of mv people Obad. 20 c. of this host c. of Jeru. Mic. 1. 16. gone into c from thee Nah. 3. 10. No went into c. her chiL Bab. 1. 9. shall gather c. as the sand Zeph. 2. 7. L. shall turn away c. 3. 20 Zech. 6. 10. take of them of the c. Rom. 7. 23. into c. to the law of sin 2 Cor. 10. 5. into c. every thought See Captive. Bring CAPTIVITY. Pm. 53. 6. when God b. back c. of his Jer. 30. 18. b. again c. of Jacob's fents 31. 23. when I shall b. again their c. 48. 47. will I b. again c. of Moab 49. 6. I will b. again c. of Amnion 39. I will bring again e. of Elam Ezek. 29. 14. b. again c. of Egypt 39. 25. now will I b. again c. of Jacob Joel 3. 1. when I b. again c. of Judfih Amos9. 14. 1 will b. again e. of my peo. Children of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 4. 1. heard c. c. bulided temple 10. 7. proclamation to the c. of c. 16. c. of c. did so, all were separa, Dan. 5. 13. Dan. which art c. c. of Ju. Go into CAPTIVITY. Deut. 28. 41. thy sons and daugh. g. c. Jer. 20. 6. thou and house shall g. c. 22. 22. and thy lorers shall g. c. 30. 16. adversaries, ev. one sha. g. e. 46. 19 O daughter, furnish to g. c. 48. 7.Chemosh shall g.c.\\ 49 3. king Eze. 12. 4. shalt go as they that g. c 30. 17. and these cities shall g. e. 18. Egypt, her daugh. shall g. c. Amos 1. 5. people of Syria shall g. c. 15. their king shall g. c. he and 5. 5. for Gilgai shall surely g. c. 27. will 1 cause you to go into c. 7. 17. Israel shall surely go into c. 9. 4. tho' theyg\ c. before enemiet Zech. 14. 2. half of city shall g. c. Rev. 13. 10. leadeth into c. shall g.c. Out of CAPTIVITY. Ezr. 2. 1. these went up o. c. N'/'.7.6. 6. 21. come out ofc. kept the feast 8. 35. come out ofc. ottered CARBUNCLE, S. Exod. 28. 17. first row ac. 39. 19. Isa. 54. 12. make thy gates of e. Ezek. 28. 13. and c. th y covering CARCASE. Lev. 5. 2. touch c. unc. thing is una 11. 8. their c. not touch, Deut. 14. 8 Deut. 23. 26. thy c. be meat to fowls Josh, 8. 29 should take his c. down. CAR Judg. 14. 8. to see c. of lion, honey 1 Kin. 13. 22. thy c. not come to sep- 24. a lion stood by the c. [ulchre 2 Kin 9. 37. c. of Jezebel be as dung Isa. 14. 19. cast out as a c. trodden Mat. 24. 28. c. is there will eagles be CARCASES. Gen. 15. 11. when fowls came on c. Lev. 11. 11. their c. in abomin. 26. 26. 30. cast your c. on e. of idols Num. 14. 29."c. shall fall in wilder. 1 Sam. 17. 46. I will give c. of Phil. Isa. 5. 25. their c. torn in streets 34. 3. stink come up out of their c. 66. 24. look on c. of them transgr. Jer. 7. 33. c. of tbis people be meet for fowls, 16. 4. | 19. 7. 16. IS. filled mine inher. with the c. Ezek. 6. 5. lay c. of Isr. before idols 43. 9. c. of theii kings far from me Nah. 3. 3. there is a great num. of c. Heb. 3. 17. whose c. fell in wilder. CARE. 1 Sam. 10. 2. thy fath. left c. of asses 12 Kin. 4. 13. careful with all this c. Jer. VJ. 31. the nation without c. Ezek. 4. 16. shall eat bread with c. Luke 10. 34. he took c. of him 35. said take c. of him 1 Cor. 9. 9. doth G. take c. for oxen? 12. 25. the same c. one for another 2 Cor. 7. 12. t-. for you might appear 8. 16. put same earnest c. in Titus 11. 28. besides c. of all the churches 1 Tim. 3. 5. how take c. of church of 1 Pet. 5. 7. casting your c. on him CARE, ED. 2 Sam. 18. 3. if we flee, not c. for us Psal. 142. 4. no man c. for my soul Luke 10. 40. dost thou not c. that my sister left John 12. 6. not that he c. for the poor Actx IS. 17. Gallioc. for none of those 1 Cor. 7. 21. a servant ? c. not for it Phil. 2. 20. naturally c. for your state CAREFUL. 2 A7n. 4. 13. thou has been c. for us Jer. 17.8. not be c. in year of drought Dan. 3. 16. we are not c. to answer Luke 10.41. art c. about many things Phil. 4. 6. be c. for nothing, but 10. c. but lacked opportunity Tit. 3. 8. c. to maintain good works CAREFULLY. Deut. 15. 5. if thou c. hearkpn to L. Mic. 1. 12. inha. of Maroth waited c. PA££ 2. 28. I sent him the more c. Heb. 12.17. tho'sought it c.with tears CAREFULNESS. Ezek. 12. 18. drink water with c. 19. shall eat their bread witli c. 1 Cor. 7. 32. 1 wo. have you without c. 2 Cor. 7. 11. c. it wrought in you CARELESS. Judg. 18. 7. saw how they dwelt c. Isa. 32. 9. hear, ye c. daughters 10. ye c. women || 11. ye c. ones Ezek. 30. 9. c. Ethiopians afraid CARELESSLY. /«a. 47. 8. hear thou that dwellest c. Ezek. 39.6. send fire am. them dwell c. Zeph. 2. 15. rejoic. city that dwelt c. CARES. Mark 4. 19. c. of this world choke Luke 8. 14. choked with c. and riches 21. 34. overcharged with c. of life CAREST, ETH, ING. Deut. 11. 12. a land which L. c. for Mat. 22. 16. nor c. thou for any man Mark 4. 38. c. thou not we perish 12. 14. art true, and c. for no man John 10. 13. hireling c. not for sheep 1 Cor. 7. 32. is unmarried c. 34. 33. is marritd, c. for world, 34. CAR 1 Pet. 5. 7. for he c. for you CARNAL. Rom. 7. 14. I am c. sold under sin 8. 7. c. mind is enmity against God 15. 27. to minister in c. things 1 Cor. 3. 1. as unto c. even to babes 3. ye are yet c. || 4. are ye not c? 9. 11. if we reap your c. things 2 Cor. 10. 4. we. of warfare are not c. Heb. 7. 16. the law of a c. command. 9. 10. stood in c. ordinances CARNALLY. Lev. IS. 20. not lie c. with neigh, mfe 19. 20. lieth c. with a bond-maid Num. 5. 13. and a man lie with her c. Rum. 8. 6. to be c. minded is death CARPENTER, S. 2 Sam. 5. 11. c. to David, 1 Ch. 14. 1. 2 Chr. 24. 12. they hired c. Ezra 3. 7. Zsa. 41. 7. c. encouraged goldsmith 44. 13. c. stretcheth out his rule Jer. 24. 1. c. he carried away, 29. 2. Zech. 1. 20. Lord showed me four c. Mat. 13. 55. is not this the c. son ? Mark 6. 3. is not this the c. the son CARRIAGE. S. [keep. 1 Sam 17. 22. David left his c. with Isa. 10. 28. at Michmash laid up c. 46. 1. your c. were heavy laden Acts 21. 15. we took up our c. CARRY. Gen. 50. 25. c. up my bones, i?.i\13.19 E.cud. 33. 15. if thy presence go not, c. us not up hence Lev. 10. 4. c. your breth. out of camp Num. 11. 12. say, c them in bosom Deut. 14. 24. if way too long to c. it Josh. 4. 3. c. the twelve stones over 1 Sam. 20. 40. go, c. them to the city 2 S'/w. 19. 18. to c. king's household 1 Kin, 18. 12. spirit of L. sh. e. thee 2 Kin. 4. 19. c. him to his mother 9. 2. c. Jehu to an inner chamber 17. 27. c. thither one of the priests 1 Clir. 15. 2. none ought to c. ark but 23. 26. Lev. no more c. tabernacle 2 Chr. 36. 6. to c. him to Bab. Jer.39.7 Eccl. 10. 20. a bird shall c. the voice Isa. 23. 7. own feet c. her afar off' 30. 6. will c. riches on young asses 40. 11. he sh. c. lambs in his bosom 46. 4. to hoary hairs will I c. you 7. they c. him, set him in his place Jer. 20. 5. and c. them to Babylon 39. 14. should c. Jeremiah home Ezek. 22. 9. in thee are men c. tales Mark 6. 55. began to c. in beds sick 11. 16. to c. a vessel thro' temple Luke 10. 4. c. neither purse nor scrip John 5. 10. not lawful to c. thy bed 21. 18. c. thee whither wouldst not CARRY away. [Israel 2 Kin. 18. II. king of Assyr. did c. a. 25. 11. fugitives did Nebuzar. c. a. 2 Chr. 20. 25 more than could c. a. Job 15. 12. why thine heart c. thee a.? Psal. 49. 17, dieth he sh. c. noth. a. Eccl. 5. 15. nothing- wh. he may c. a. Isa. 5. 29. they shall c. prey a. "safe 15. 7. laid up, shall they c. a. 22. 17. the Lord will c. thee a. 41. 16. wind shall c. them a.. 57. 13. Lam. 4. 22. no more c. thee a. O Zion Ezek. 38. 13. art come to c. a. silver ? Acts 7. 43. c. you a. beyond Babylon See Captive. CARRY back. 2 Sam. 15. 25. c. b. ark into the city 1 Km. 22. 26. c. Micaiah b.2 Ch.lH.25 CARRY forth. Ex. 12. 46. not c.f. aught of passov. 14. 11. to c. usf out of Egypt Lev. 4. 12. whole bullock c. f. 21. 2 Chr. 29. 5. c. f. the filthineis out of 6t> CAR Jer. 17. 22 nor c. f. a burden on Sab. is-reA-. 12. 6. c. it r in the twilight CARRY out. Gen. 47. 30. shalt c. me o. of Egypt De«f. 28. 38. c. much seed o. little in I A7w.22.34.cme o. of host, 2Chr.\8 33. £>«&. 12. 5. dig wall, c. out thereby Acts 5. 9. feet at door, shall c. thee o. 1 TYiQ. 6. 7. certain we c. nothing o. CARRIED. Gen. 46. 5. sons of Is. c. Jac. 50. 13. Lev. 10. 5. c. them in their coats out Judg. 16. 3. Samson c. them up to the top of an hill 1 Sam. 5. 8. let ark be c. to Gath 2 Sam. 6. 10. c. ark aside. 1 Chr. 13. 13 15. 29. Abiathar c. ark to Jerusalem 1 Kin. 17. 19. he c. him into a loft 2 A7», 20. 17. have laid up in store shall be c. to Babylon, Isa. 39. 24. 13. he c. out all the treasures 25 7. c. Zedekiah to Babylon 2 Chr. 28. 15. c. all the feeble on ass. 33. 11. c. Manasseh to Babylon 36. 4. Necho c. Jehoahaz to Egypt Job 5. 13. counsel of the froward is c. headlong 10. 19. I sho. been c. from womb Psal. 46. 2. tho' moun. be c. into sea Isa. 46. 3. remnant c. from the womb 49. 22. thy daugh. be c. on shoulders 53. 4. he hath c. our sorrows 63. 9. c. them all the days of old Jer. 27. 22. be c. to Babylon, 28. 3. 52 11, 17. Ezek. 17. 4. he c. twigs into a land 37. 1. c. me out in Spirit of Lord Dan. 1. 2. c. into land of Sliinar Hos. 10. 6. be also c. unto Assyria 12. 1. and oil is c. into Egypt Joel 3. 5 have c. into your temples Luke 7. 12. was a dead man c. out 16. 22. beggar was c. by the angels 24. 51. and was c. up into heaven Acts 3. 2. one lame fr. womb was c. 5. 6. young men c. Ananias out 7. 16. our fathers were c. to Sychem 8. 2. c. Stephen to his burial " 21. 34. comman. to be c. into castle Eph. 4. >4. c. with ev. wind of doctri. Heb. 13. 9. be note, with divers doc. 2 Pet- 2. 17. clouds c. with a tempest Jude 12. clouds without water c. See Captive. CARRIED away. Gen. 31. 18. Jacob c. a. all his cattle 26. c. a. my daughters as captives 1 Sam. 30. 2. slew not, c. them a. 18. 2 Kin. 17. 6. c. Isr. a. into Assyr. 23 11. as heathen whom the L. c. a. 28. one of priests they had c. a. 24. 14. c. a. all Jerusalem, princes 15. c. a. Jehoiachin to Babylon 25. 21. so Judah was c. a. out of 1 Chr. 5. 26. c a. the Reubenites 6. 15. when L. c. a. Judah and Jer 9. 1. c. a. for their transgression 2 Chr. 14. 13. Asa c. a. spoil, 21. 17. Ezra 2. 1. these been c. a. Neh. 7. 6. 9 4. transgres. of those c. a. 10. 6. Jer. 29. 4. caused to be c. a. captive Dan. 2. 35. and wind c. them a. Nah. 3. 10. No was c. a. into captiv Mat. 1. 11. about time c. a. to Bab. Mark 15. 1. c. Jesus a. to Pilate 1 Cor. 12. 2. Gen. c. a. to dumb idola Gal. 2. 13. Barnabas c. «. with dissi. Rev. 12. 15. cause her be c. a. of flood 17. 3. c. me a. in spirit, 21. 10. CARR1EST. ETH, ING. Job 21. 18. as chaff storm c. away 27. 21. east wind c. ri< h away Psal. 78. 9. Ephraim c. bows turned 90. 5. c. them away as with flood CAS Mat. 1. 17. til! the c. into Babylon liev. 17. 7. mystery of boast that c. CART. 1 Srt?w. 6. 7. make a new c. and tie 2 Sff/n, 6. 3. set ark on a new e. 1 67;;-. 13. 7. Uzza drave the c. Isa. 28. 28. corn with wheel of c. Amos 2. 13. as a e. is pressed that is CART rope. Isa. 5. 18. that draw sin as with a c. r. CART wheel. Isa. 28. 27. nor is c. w. turned about CARVED, ING, INGS. Exod. 31. 5. Bezaleel in c. 35. 33. Jade. 18. 18. fetched the c. image 1 Kin. 6. 18. ceder within was c. 2 Clir. 33. 7. c. image in house of G. 34. 4. Josiah, cut down c. images Psal. 74. 6. they break c. work Prov. 7. 16. my bed with c. work CASE, ES. Exod. 5. 19. did see were in evil c. twl.HiAb. happy peo. in such a c. Mat. 5. 20. in no c. enter kingdom 19. 10. c. of man be so with wife John 5. 6. now long time in that c. 1 Cor. 7. 15. under bondage in such c. CASEMENT. Prov. 7. 6. I looked through my c. CASSIA. Exod. 31. 24. of c. 500 shekels Ps. 45. 8. thy garments smell of c. Ezek. 27. 19. c. in thy market CAST. Luke 22. 41. about a stones e. CAST. Job 18. 8. he is c. into a net by his P. 18. 24. nat. I c. o. 20. 23. Deut.l. 1. Herd. 9. 17. c. tables o. of my hands 1 Kin. 9. 7. this house will I c. o. of my sight, 2 Chron. 7. 20. 21. 26. Amorites c. o. 2 Kin. 16. 3. 2 A^m. 10. 25. captains c. them out 17. 20. e. them o. of his sight, 24. 20. 2 Cm 13. 9. have ye not c. o. priests 20. 11. to c. us out of thy possession Neh. 1. 9. tho' there were of you c. o. Job 20. 15. c. them out of his belly 39. 3. they c. out their sorrows Psal. 5. 10. c. thorn o. in transgress. 18. 42. did . will c. her om£ and smite Mat. 5. 13. salt unsav. c. o. Lm. 14. 35. 7. 5. first c. ou£ beam, Lu. 6. 42. 22. L. in thy hame c. out devils ? 8. 12. children of kingdom be c. 07<£ 16. he c. out spirits with his word 31. if thou c. us out suffer us to go 9. 33. devil was c. out dumb spake 10. 1. power against spirits to c. o. 8. raise dead, c. out devils 12. 24. c. o. but by Beelz. Lu. 11. 18. 26. if Satan c. out Satan 28. if I by Spirit c. out devil3 15. 17. and is c. out into draught 17 19. not we c. hi ni o.? Mar. 9. 28. 21. 12. Jesus c. o. all that sold, Mar. 11. 15. Luke 19. 45. 39. c. o.of viney.Mar.l2.8.Ln. 20.15. Mark 1. 34. c. o. many dev. 39. | 6. 13. 3. 15. have power to c. out devils 23. how can Satan c. out Satan ? CAT Mark 16. 9. o. of whom c. seven dev. 17. in my name shall c. out devils Luke 6. 22. c. outyoar name as evil 1 1. 20. if I with finger of G. c. o. dev. 13. 32. I c. out devils and do cures 20. 12. wounded him c. him out John 6. 37. I will in no wi3e c. out 9. 34. teach us? they c. him out 12. 31. priuce of this world be c. o. Acts!. 19. c. o. their young children 21. when Moses was c. o. Phara. 58. c. Stephen out and stoned 27. 19. we c. out tackling of ship Gal. 4. 30. c. out the bond-woman Ret. \2. 9. great dragon was c. out 15. serpent c. out water 16. Lord CAST out 1 Kin. 14. 24. L. c. o. bef. chil. of Is. 2 Kin. 16. 3. 2 Chr. 28. 3. | 33. 2. 2 Kin. 17. 8. L. c. o. before Isr. 21. 2. Zech. 9. 4. behold, L. will c. her o. CAST up. 2 Sam. 20. 15. c. w/jbank against city Isa.bl. 14. eye up, prepare way ,62.10. 20. sea whose waters c. up mire Jer. 18. 15. to walk in way not c. up 50. 26. c her up as heaps and destroy Lam.2. lO.e.u.duston heads Eze.21.30 Dan. 11. 15. king shall c. up amount CASTEST, ETH. Job 15. 4. yea thou c. off fear 21. 10. cow c. not her calf Psal. 50. 17. c. my words behind thee 73. 18. c. them into destruction 88. 14. why c. thou off my soul 147. 6. Lord c. the wicked down 17. he c. forth his ice like morsels Prov. 10. 3. c. away subst. of wicked 19. 15. slothfulness c. into deep sleep 21. 22. c. down strength of contid. 26. 18. as a madman c. firebrands Jer. 6. 7. so she c. out wickedness Mat. 9.34. hec. out devils thro' prince of dev. Mark 3. 22. Luke. 11. 15. 1 John 4. 18. perfect love c. out fear 3 John 10. c. them out of church Rev. 6. 13. fig tree c. untimely figs CASTING. Ezra 10. 1. c. himself down before Job 6. 21. ye see my c. down Ps. 74. 7. by c. down dwelling place 89. 39. profaned crown by c. it Mic. 6. 14. thy c. down be in midst Mat. 27. 35. garm. c. lots, Mzr. 15. 24. Mark. 9. 38. one c. out dev. Luk. 9.49. ZyM/rre 21. 2. poor wid. c. in two mites Rom. 11. 15. if c. away be reconcil. 2 Cor. 10. 5. c. down imaginations 1 Pet. 5. 7. c. all your care on him C A STLE. 1 Chr. 11. 5. David took c. of Zion 7. David dwelt in c. city of David Prov. 18. 19. content, like bars of a c. Acts 21. 34. Paul to be carried into the c. 37. | 22. 24. | 23. 10. 23. 16. he entered into c. told Paul CASTLES. Gen. 25. 16. names by their c. Num. 31. 10. burnt their goodly c. 2 Chr. 27. 4. in the forest built c. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat built c. Castor, see Sign. CATCH. 1 Kin. 20. 33. men did hastily c. it 2 Kin. 7. 12. we shall c. them alive Psal. 10. 9. in wait to c. the poor 35. 8. let his net c. himself 109. 11. extortioner c. all he hath Jer. 5. 26. set a trap they c. men Ez. 19. 3. it learned to c. prey, 6. Hab. 1. 15. c. them in their net Mark 12. 13. to c. him in his words Luke 5. 10. from henceforth c. men 11. 54. to c. something 1 of his mouth 68 CAU CATCHETH. Mat. 13. 19. devil c. whit sown John 10. 12. the wolf c. the sheep CATKKPILLEK, S. 1 Kin. 8. 37. if any c. 2 Chr. 6. 28. Psal. 78. 46. their increase to c. 105. 34. he spake, and c. came Isa. 33. 4. spoil like gathering cf c Jer. 51. 14. fill thee with men as c 27. horses come up as rough c. Joel 1. 4. c.-worm left hath c. eaten 2. 25. restore years c. hath cat CATTLE. Gen. 1. 25 God made the c. alter 3. 14. thou art cursed above all e. a. 1. God remembered c. in ark 9. 10. I establish covenant with c. 13. 2. Abram was rich inc. 31. 9. taken away c. of your father 43. these cattle are my c. 34. 5. his sons were with hia e. 46. 32. their trade to feed c. 47. 6. make them rulers over c. 17. Joseph gave bread for c. Ex. 9. 4. sever betw. c. of Isr. and c 20. and c. flee into the houses 12. 29. smote first-born of c. Num. 3. 41. take c. of Lev. instead 20. 19. c. drink, I will pay for it 32. 4. is a land for c. arid thy serv. Josh. 8. 2. only c. take for a prey Job 36. 33. c. concerning vapour Psal. 50. 10. c. on a thousand hills is 104. 14. grass to grow for the c. 148. 10. and ail c. praise the Lord Eccl. 2. 7. poss. of great and 6mall o. Isa. 7. 25. for treading of lesser c. 43. 23. not brought me small c. 46. 1. their idols were upon c. Jer. 9. 10. nor hear voice of the c. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge betw. c. 20, 22. Hag. 1. 11. for a droueht upon c. Zech. 2. 4. for multitude of c. therein 13. 5. man taught me to keep c. Luke 17. 7. having serv. feeding c. John 4. 12. drank thereof, and his e. Much CATTLE. Geti. 30. 43. Jacob had much c. Exod. 12. 38. out of Egypt with m e. Dent. 3. 19. I know ye have much c. Josh. 22. 8. to tents with very mu. c. 2 Chr. 26. 10. Uzziah had much c. Jon. 4. 11. Nineveh, wherein is m. c. Our CATTLE. Exod. 10. 26. our c. shall also go 17. 3. kill our c. with thirst Num. 32. 16. build sheepfolds for o. c. Josh. 21. 2. with suburbs for our c, Neh. 10. 36. to bring first-born of o. c. Their CATTLE. Gen. 34. 23. shall not their c. be ours Num. 35. 3. suburbs for t c. Jos. 14. 4. Judg. 6. 5. Midian. came with th. c. I Sam. 23. 5. Da. brought away t. e. ■Psal. 78. 48. he gave up t. c. to hail 107. 38. suff. not their c. to decrease Jer. 49. 32. cam. a booty, t. c a spoil Thy CATTLE. Gen. 30. 29. how thy c. was with me 31.41. I served thee six years for t. c. Exod. 9.19. send now and gather t. e. 20. 10. t. c. do any work, Deut. 5. 14 34. 19. firstling among t. c. is mine Lev. 25. 7. sabbath be meat for thy c Deut. 1 1. 15. send gra3s for thy c. 28.4. blessed be fruit of t.c. 11. | 30. a 51. he shall eat fruit of thy c. Isa. 30. 23. t. c. feed in- large pastures Your CATTLE. Gen. 47. 16. give you bread for y. c. Deut 3. 19. y. c. in cities, Josh. 1. 14. 7. 14. be barren among your c. CAUGHT. Gen. 22. 13. bolund Mm a ram c. CAU Exod. 4. i. and c. the serpent Num. 31. 32. rest of prey men had c. Judg. 8. 14. c. young man of Succoth 21. 23. danced, whom they c. 1 Sam. 17. 35. I c. him by his beard 2 Sam. 2. 16. c. every one his fellow 18. 9. Absalom's head c. hold of 1 Kin. 1. 50. Adon. c. hold on altar 2. 28. Joab c. hold on horns of altar 11. 30. Ahijah c. new garment 2 Kin. 4. 27. she e. Elisha by feet 2 Chron. 22. 9. they c. Ahaziah and Prov. 7 13. so she c. him kissed him Jer. 50. 24. O Babylon, thou art c. Mat. 14. 81. Jesus c. Peter ai.d said 21. 39. t:i<< busbaud'-ceu c. him M/rA; 12. h. they a the servant Luke 8. 29. oftenti nes it c. him Jo/t?t 21. 3. that night c. nothing .^cfa 6. 12. upon Stephen and c. him 8. 39. the Spirit c. away Philip 16. 19. they c. Paul and Silas 26. 21. the Jews c. me in the temple 27. 15. when ship was c. we let 2 Cor. 12. 2. 1 knew a man c. up to 4. how he was c. up into paradise 16. crafty I c. you with guile 1 Thes. 4. 17. we sh. be c. up togeth. Rev. 12. 5. her child was c. up to God CAUL, S. Exod. 29. 13. c. above tne liver, 22. Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15. | 4. 9. I 7. 4. 1 8. 16, 25. | 9. 10, 19. Isa. 3. 18. will take away their c. Hos. 13. 8. rend c. of their heart cause. Erod. 22. 9. c. of both before judges 23. 2 nor speak in a c. to decline 3. nor counten. a poor man in his c 6. nor wrest judg. of poor in his c. Num. 16. 11. for which c. thou and all thy company are gathered 27. 5. Moses brought c. before L. Deut. 1. 17. the c too hard for you 1 Sam. 17. 29. is there not a c? 25. 39. L. pleaded c. of my reproach 2 Sam. 13. 16. there is no c. 15. 4. hath any c. might come to me 1 Kin. 8. 45. maintain their c. 49. 59. 2 CAron. 6. 35, 39. 11. 27. c. that he lift up his hand 12. 15. c. was from L. 2 Cfo\ 10. 15. 1 Chr. 21. 3. a c. of trespass to Israel? 2 C'Ar. 19. 10. what c. shall come J&6 5. 8. to (iod wo. I commit my c. 13. 18. I have ordered iny c. 23. 4. order my c. before him 29. 16. c. I knew not I searched 31. 13. if I did despise c. of servant Ps'il. 9. 4. hast maintained my c. 35. 23. awake to my c. my God 140. 12. Lord will maintain the c. Prov. 18. 17. he first in his own c 25. 9. debate thy c. with neighbour 29. 7. right, considereth c. of poor 31. 8. for the dumb in the c. Eccl. 7. 10. say not, what is the c. ' Isa. 1. 23. nor c. of widow come 41. 21. produce your c. saith Lord 51. 22. God that pleaded the c. Jer. 5. 28. judge not c. of fatherless 11. 2<) to thee revealed my c. 20. 12. unto thee I opened my c. 22. 16. he judged the c. of poor Lav* 3. 36. to subvert a man in his c. the Lord approveth not S3, teeu my wrong, judge my c. Jon. 1. 7. that we know for whose c. 8. Mat. 5. 32. saving for c. of fornica. 19. 3. to put away his wife foi ev. c. Lu.1A.12. found noc. of death hi him Acts 10. 21. c. wherefore ye are come 13. 28. though found no c. of death 28. 18 waa ue a, «•<" Acath in me CALT 2 Cor. 4. 16. for whi. c. we faint not 5. 13. we be sober, it is for your c. 7. 12. his c. that had done wrong Phil. 2. 18. same c. do ye joy 2 Tim. 1. 12. for which c. I suffer Heb. 2. 1 1. c. he is not ashamed to Plead CAUSE. 1 Sam. 24. 15. the Lord plead my c. Psal. 35. 1. | 43. 1. [ 119. 154. Psal. 74. 22. O God;j/e. thine own c. Prov. 22. 23. Lord w\\\ plead their c. 23. 11. plead their c. with thee 31. 9. plead the c. of poor and needy Jer. 30. 13. none to plead thy c. 50. 34. Lord throughly plead their c. 5L 36. heboid 1 will plead thy c. Mi'c. 7. 9. until he plead my c. For this CAUSE. Exod. 9. 16./ c. raised up Pharaoh John 12. 27. f. c. came I to this hour 18. 37. / c. came I into the world Rom. 15. 9. / c. I will confess to thee 1 Cor. 11. 30./ t. c. many are weak Eph. 3. 14. /' this c. I bow my knees i Thes. 2. 13./ this c. thank we God 1 Tim. 1. 16./ t. c. I obtained mercy Heb 9. 15./ I. c. he is mediator of I Pet. 4. 6. f. c. was gospel preached Without CAUSE. 1 Sam. 19. 5. to slay David w. a c. Job 2. 3. to destroy him without c. 9. 17. he multipl. my wounds w. c. Psal. 7. 4. that n\ c. is my enemy 25. 3. ashamed that transgress w. c. 35. 7. w. c. they digged a pit w. c. 19. hate me w. c. 69. 4. John 15. 25. 109. 3. fought against me w. a c. 119. 78. perversly with me w. a c. 101. princes persecuted me w. c. Prov. 1. 11. lurk for iunocent w. c. 3- 30. strive not witli a man w. c. 23. 29. who hath wounds without c. 24. 28. be not witness ivithout c. Isa. 52. 4. Assy, oppress them w. c. Lam. 3. 52. chased me sore without c. Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all Matt. 5. 22. ancry with brothers, c. CAUSE. Gen. 45. I. c. every man to go out Nu?n. 16.5. holy, L. will c. him to come Deut. 1.38. c. to inherit it,3.28. | 31.7. 12. 11. c. his name to dwell there 2 Sam. 13. 13. c. my shame to go Esth. 3. 13. c. to perish all the Jews, 7 f 4. | 8. 11. Job 6. 24. c. me to understand 34. 1 l.c.ev ery man. to find ac. to ways Psa. 10. 17. wilt c. thine ear to hear 67. 1. c.his face to shine, 80. 3,7, 19. 76. 8. c. judgment to be heard 85. 4. c. thine anger to cease 143. 8. c. me to hear, to know way Prov. 4. 16. unless c. some to fall Eccl. 5. 6. to c. thy flesh to sin Cant. 8. 13. voice, c. me to hear it Isa. 3. 12. lead c. thee to err, 9. 16. 27. 6. c. them of Jacob take root 30. 30. c. his glorious voice be heard 42. 2. nor c. his voice to be heard 58. 14. c. thee to ride on high pi. 61. 11. c. righteousness to spring 66. 9. and not c. to bring forth Jer. 3. 12. not c. mine anger to fall 7. 3. c. you to dwell in this place, 7. 23. 27. to c. peop. forget my name 31. 2. I went to e. him to rest 9 c. to walk by rivers of waters Lam. 3. 32. but though he c. grief Ezek. 20. 37. c. to pass under rod 31. 15. I will c. thorn to lie down 36. 12. c. men to walk upon you Dan. 9. 17. O G. c. thy face to shine Jnrl'iA 1. thitherc. mighty ones come Flab. 1. 3. whv c. me behold griev.? &9 CEA Mat. 10. 21. c. parents to be put t« death, Mark 13. 12. Luke 21. 16. Rom. 16. 17. mark them c. division Col. 4. 16. c. it be read in church Cause to cease, see Cease. CAUSED. Gen. 20. 13. when God c. me wander Deut. 34. 4. the land c. thee to see it 2 Sam. 7. 11. c. thee to rest 2 Chron. 34. 32. c. all to stand to it Ezra 6. 12. that c.his name to dwell Job 31. 16. c. eyes of widow to fail Psa. 66. 12. c. men ride over our 1 19. 49. word on wh. c. me to hope Isa. 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to err 63. 14. Spirit of L. c. him to rest Jer. 12. 14. c. my people to inherit 13. 11. c. to cleavf house of Israel 29. 31. c. you to trust in a lie 32. 23. thou hast c. all this evil 4-8. 4. little ones have c. a cry to Zech.Z. 4. c. thy iniquity to pass from Mai. 2. 8. c. many to stumble at law John 11. 37. c. this man not dird Acts 15. 3. c. great joy to brethren 2 Cor. 2. 5. if any have c. grief CAUSES. Exod. 18. 19. mayest bring c. to God 26. hard c. brought to Moses Deut. 1. 16. hear c. between breth. Jer. 3. 8. c. whereby backsliding Lam. 3. 58. hast pleaded c. of my soul Acts 26. 21. c. the Jews caught me CAUSEST. Job 30. 22. c. me to ride on wind Psal. 65. 4. blessed c. approach thee CAUSETH. Job 20. 3. spirit of under, c. me ans. 37. 13. c. it come for correction Psal. 135. 7. he c. vapours to ascend, Jer. 10.13. | 51.16. Prov. 10. 5. son c. shame, 17. 2. | 19. 17. 2. rule over a son c. shame £26. 19. 27. instruction that c. to err 28. 10. e. righteous to go astray Mat. 5. 32. c. her commit adultery 2 Cor. 2. 14. God, which c. us triumph 9. 11. c. through us thanksgiving CAUSEWAY. 1 Chr. 26. 16. lot came by the c. CAUSING. Cant. 7. 9. c. lips of those asleep Jer. 29. 10. in c. you to return CAUSELESS. I Sam. 25. 31. hast shed blood c. Prov. 26. 2. curse c. not come CAVE, S. Geiu 19. 30. Lot dwelt in a c. he 23. 19. buried Sarah in the c. 49. 29. bury me in the c. Josh. 10. 16. five kings hid in a c. 17, Judg. 6. 2. Israel made c. 1 Sam. 13. 6. Israel did hide in c. 22. 1. David escaped to the c. 24. 10. delivered thee in the c. 1 Km. 18. 4. prophets hid in c. 13. 19. 9. Elijah came to a c. and Isa. 2. 19. go into c. for fear of L. Ezek. 33. 27. die that be in the c. John 1 1. 38. it was a c. a stone lay Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in c. CEASE. Gen. 8. 22. day and night not c. Num. 8. 25. age of 50 years c. wait. 1 1. 25. prophesied, did not c. 17. 5. to c. the murmurings Deut. 15. 11. the poor shall never c. 32. 26. remembrance of them to c. Josh. 22. 25. child, c. from fearing L. Judg. 15. 7. after that I will c. 20. 28. again go up, or shall I c? 1 Sam. 7. 8. c. not to cry to G. for us 2 Chr. 16. 5. Baasha let his work c. Ezra 4. 23. to c- by force and power CEA Nefi 6L 3. why should the work c. Job I 17. wicked c. from troubling 10. 20. my days few? c. then 14. 7. tender branch will not c. Psal. 37. 8. c. from anger 46. 9. he maketh wars to c. 89. 44. hast made his glory to c. Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear instruction 20. 3. an honour to e. from strife 22. 10. and reproach shall c. 23. 4. e. from thy wisdom Eccl. 12. 3. grinders c. because few Isa. 1. 16. c. to do evil 2. 22. c- ye from man whose breath 10. 25. and indignation shall c. 16. 10. vintage shouting to c. 17. 3. fortress c. from Ephraim 21. 2. all the sighing- made to c. 33. 1. shalt c. to spoil be spoiled Jer. 14. 17. let tears not c. 17. 8. nor c. from yielding fruit 31. 36. seed of Israel shall c. I,am. 2. IS. apple of thine eye c. Ezek. 6. 6. that your idols may c. 7. 24. pomp of the strong to c. 12. 23. I will make this proverb c. 23. 27. make thy lewdness to c. 30. 10. multitude of Egypt to c. 18. pomp of her strength c. 33. 23. Amos 7. 5. O Lord c. I beseech thee Acts 13. 10. not e. to pervert right 1 Cor. 13. 8. tongues, they shall c. Eph. 1. 16. I c. not to give thanks Col, 1. 9. not cease to pray for you 2 Pet. 2. 14. cannot c. from sin Cff wse to CE A S E. [34. 25. Ze;\ 26. f6. 1 will c. c. evil beasts, Eze. Ezra 5. 5. they could not c. them c. Neh. 4. 11. and cause the work to c. TV//. 85. 4. cause thine anger to c. Prov. 18. 18. lot c. contentions to c. /sff. 13. 11. c. arrogancy of proud toe. 30. 11. c. holy one of Israel to c. Jer. 7. 34. c. mirth to c. from cities 30. 29. c. c. man and be&.[Hos. 2. 11. 48. 35. c. to c. him that offereth Ezek. 23. 48. thusc. lewdness to c. 26. 13 c. noise of thy songs to c. 30. 13. I will c. their images to e. 34. 10. c. to. c. from feeding flock Dan. 9. 27. he shall c. oblation to e. 11. 18. c. reproach offered to c. H<;s. 1. 4. c. to c. kinerdom of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18. 11. it c. to be with Sarah Judg. 2. 19. c. not from their doings 5.7 inhabitants of villages c. 1 Sa??t. 2. 5. that were hungry c. 25. 9. spake in name of Dav. and c. Ezra 4. 24. then c. work of house Job 32. 1. so three men c. to answer Psal. 35. 15. did tear me and c. not 77. 2. my sore ran and e. not Isa. 14. 4. oppressors, golden cityc. ■Jjam. 5. 14. elders have c. from gate 15. the joy of our heart is c. Jonah 1. 15. sea c. from raffing Mat. 14. 32. windc. Mar. 4.^39. j 6. 51. Luke 7. 45. hath not c. to kiss my feet 11. 1. as he was praying, when he c. Acts 5. 42. c, not to preach Jesus 20. 1. after uproar was c. Paul 31. three years I c. not to warn 21. 14. not be persuaded, we c. Gal. 5 11. then is offence of cross c. Ueb. 4. 10. c. from his own works 10. 2. not have c. to be offered 1 Pet. 4. 1. hath c. from sin CEASETH. Psal. 12. 1. for the godly man c. 49. 8. redemption precious, it c. Prov. 26. 20. no tale-bearer, strife c. Isa. 16. 4. the spoiler c. 24 8, tabrets c. joy of the harp c. CEN Isa. 33. 8. the way-faring man c. Z,(/;re. 3. 49. mine eye trickleth, c. not Acts 6. 13 c. not to speak blasphe. CEASING. 1 Sam. 1 2. 23. sin in c. to pray for you Isa. 6. 9. hear ye without c. but Acts 12. 5. prayer was made wi. c. Rom.\.9. w. c. 1 makement. lT/fes.1.3. 1 T/ie.?. 2. 13. for this we thank G. w. c. 5. 17. pray without c. 2 7Y?». 1. 3. wi. c. I have remembra. CEDAR. 2 Sam, 7. 2. I dwell in house of c. but 7. why build ye not house of c. 1 Kin. 4. 33. he spake from the c. ' 5. 8. I will do thy desire concern, c. 2Kin. 14.9. thistle sent to c.2CA»\25. 18. Job 40. 17. moveth tail like a c. Psal. 92. 12. righteous grow like c. Cant. 1. 17. beams of our house c. 8. 9. inclose her with boards of c. Isa. 41. 19. plant in wilderness thee. Jer. 22. 14. it is ceiled with c. 15. because closest thyself in c. Ezek. 17. 3. eagle took highest br. of c. 23. it shall be a goodly c. 27. 24. chests made of c. among 31. 3. Assyrian was a c. Zeph. 2. 14. shall uncover c. work Zech. 11. 2. howl, for c. is fallen CEDAR-TREES. Num. 24. 6. Israel's tabernac. as c.-t. 2 Sam. 5. 11. Hiram sentc.-i. to Dav. 1 Kin. 5. 6. they hew me c.-t. 10. Hiram gave Solomon c.-t. 9. 11 2 Kin. 19. 23. I will cut down tall ct. 1 Ckr. 22. 4 David prepared c.-t. 2 Ckr. 1. 15. c.-t. as sycamore, 9. 27. 2. 8. send me c.-t. out of Lebanon Ezra 3. 7. gave money to bring c.-t. CEDAR- WOOD. Lev. 14. 4. take c.-w. 6, 49, 51, 52. Num. 19. 6. priest shall take c.-w. 1 Ckr. 22. 4. much c.-w. to David CEDARS. 1 Kin. 10. 27. c. as sycamore-trees 1 Ckr. 17. 1. I dwell in an house of c. 2 Ckr. 2. 3. didst send c. to build Psal. 29. 5. voice of L. breakcth c. 80. 10 the boughs like goodly c. 148. 9. praise him all c. Cant. 5. 15. his countenance as c. Isa. 9. 10. change them into c. 37. 24. 1 will cut down the tall c. 44. 14. he heweth him down c. Jer. 22. 7. cut down thy choice c. 23. makest thy nest in the c. Ezek. 31. 8. c. in garden not hide him Amos 2. 9. Amorite height as c. Zeck. 11. 1. fire may devour thy c. CEDARS of Lebanon. Judg: 9. 15. bramble devour c. of L. Psal. 104. 16. c. ofL. he hath planted Isa 2. 13. day of L. on all c. of L. 14. 8. c. of L. rejoice atthee, saying Ezek. 27. 5. c. from /,. to make masts CELEBRATE. Lev. 23. 32. even to even c. Sabbath Isa. 38. 18. death cannot e. thee CELESTIAL. 1 Cor. 15. 40. are c. bodies, glory CELLARS. 1 Ckr. 27. 28. over the c of oil CENSER, S. Lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took c. 16. 12. take ac. full of burning coals Num. 16. 6. take ye c. 17. 39. Eleazar took the brazen c. 1 Kin. 7. 50. c. of ffold. 2 Chr. 4. 22. 2 Chron. 26. 19. Uzziah had a c. Ezek. 8. 11. with every man his c. Heb. 9. 4. holiest had the golden c. Rev. 8. 3. angel having a golden c. 5. angel took the c. and filled it 60 CHA CENTURION, S. Mat. 8. 5. came unto him a c. 8. c. said, Lord, I am not worthy 27. 54. when c. saw earthquake Luke 7. 2. e. servant was sick 23. 47. when c. saw what was done Acts 10. 1. Cornelius was a c. 22. Cornelius the c. a just man 21. 32. who immediately took c. 22. 26. when the c. heard that 23. 17. Paul called one of the c. 23. he called to him two c. saying 24. 23. command, a c. to keep Paul 27. 1. Julius a c. of Augustus' baud 11. e. bel. master more than Paul 43. c. willing to save Paul kept 28. 16. c. delivered the prisoners CEREMONIES. Num. 9. 3. keeppassover accor. toe A Certain Man; see Man. CERTAIN. Deut. 13. 13. c. men chil. of Belial 25. 2. wicked beaten by c. number Jer. 41. 5. came c. from Shechem 52. 15. captain carried away c poor Dan. 8. 27. I Dan. was sick c. days Mat. 20 20. desiring c. thing of him Mar.li. 57. arose c. bare false witness Luke 5. 12. when he was in a c. city 11. 27. a c. woman lift up voice 18. 9. parable to c. who trusted 24. 22. c. women made us astonished 24. c. with us went to sepulchre John 5. 4. angel went at a c. season Acts 9. 19. Saul c. days with disciples 10. 48. Peter to tarry c. days 12. 1. to vex c. of the church 15. 24. c. wh. went from us troubled 17. 28. as c.of your own poets Bom. 15. 26. to make a c. contrib. Gal. 2. 12. before c. came from James Heb. 2. 6. one in a c. place testified 4. 4. spake in c. place of 7th day 7. he limiteth a c. day, saying 10. 27. c. looking for of judgment Jude 4. c. men crept in unawares CERTAIN. Deut. 13. 14. and the thing c. 17. 4. 1 Kin. 2. 37. know fore. 42. Jer. 26. 15. Dan. 2. 45. the dream is c. Acts 25. 26. no c. thing to write 1 Co?: 4. 11. no c. dwelling-place 1 Tim. 6. 7. it is c. we can carry CERTAINLY. Gen. 18. 10. I will c. return to thee 26. 28. we saw c. L. was with thee 43. 7. c. know he would say E.rod. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee Josh. 9. 24. it was c. told thy serv lSam.20.9. if 1 knewc. evil were dete. 25. 28. e. make mv lord a sure house 1 Kin. 1. 30. so will I c. do this day 2 Kin. 8. 10. thou mayest c. recover 2 Chr. 18. 27. if c. return in peace Jer. 8. 8. lo c. in vain made he it 42. 19. know c. I have admonished 44. 17. e. do what goeth out of mo. Lam. 2. 16. e. this is day looked for Dan. 11. 10. c. come and overflow, 13. Zech. 11. 11. poor c. knew word Luke 23. 47. c. this was a righ. man CERTAINTY. Josh. 23. 13. for c. L. will no more 1 Sam. 23. 23. come to me with the c. Prov. 22. 21. c. of words of truth Dan. 2. 8. c. ye would gain time Luke I. 4. know c. of those things Acts 22. 30. would have known c. CERTIFY, 1ED. Ezra 4. 14. we have c. the king 16. c. king that if city be built Gal. 1. 11. I c. you the gospel CHAFED. 2 Sam. 17. 8. they be e. as a bear CHA CHAFF. Job 21. 18. wicked as c. storm earr. Psal. 1. 4. like the c. which wind 35. 5 let them be as c. before wind Isa. 5. 24. as flame consumeth c. ]7. J 3. nations be chased as c. 29. 5. terrible ones shall be as c. 33. 11. conceive c. and bring forth 41. 15. thou 3halt make the hills asc. Jer. 23. 28. what is c. to the wheat Dan. 2. 35. like c. of threshing - floor IIos. 13. 3. as c. driven with whirlw. Zeph. 2. 2. before day pass as the c. Mat 3. 12. burn up the c. Luk. 3. 17. CHAIN. Gen. 41. 42. put a gold c. about his neck. Dan. 5. 7, 16, 29. Psal. 73. 6. pride compasseth as a c. Cant. 4. 9. ravished me with one c. Lam. 3. 7. he made my c. heavy Ezek. 7. 23. c. land is full of crimes 16. 11. I put a c. on thy neck Acts 28. 20. for hope bound with c. 2 Tim. I. 16. Ones, not ashamed of c. Rev. 20. 1. angel c. in his hand CHAINS. Judg. 8. 26. c. about camels necks 1 Kin. 6. 21. c. of gold before oracle Psal. 149. 8. to bind kings with c. Prov. 1. 9. instruction shall be c. Cant. 1. 10. neck comely with c. Isa. 3. 19. L. will take away thy c. 40. 19. goldsmith casteth silver c. 45. 14. come after thee in c. Jer. 40. 4. loose thee this day from c. Ex. 19. 4. brought him with c. to Eg. 9. they put him in ward in c. Mark 5. 3. bind him, no not with c. Acts 12. 7. Peter's c. fell off 2 Pet. 2. 4. deliv. into c. of darkness Jude 6. reserved in everlasting c. See Bound. CHALCEDONY. 7?ei*. 21. 19. foundation was a c. CHALK-STONES. Isa. 27. 9. stones of altar as c. s. CHAMBER. Gen. 43. 30. Joseph entered into his c. Judg. 15. 1. to my wife into the c. 16. 9. Hers in wait abiding in c. 12. 2 Kin. 4. 11. Elisha turned into c. Neh. 13. 5. prepared for Tobiah c. Psal. 19. 5. as bridegroom out of c. Cant. 3. 4. c. of her conceived me Jer. 36. 10. book in c. of Gemariah 20. laid roll in c. of Elishama Ezek. 40. 45. c. prospect to south Dan. 6. 10. windows open in his c. Joel 2. 16. bridegroom go forth of c. iferi-CHAMBER, see Bed. Guard-Cu amber, see Guard. Guest CHAMBER. Mark 14. 14. where isg. c. Luke22. 11 Inner CHAMBER. 1 Kin. 20. 30. Benh. came into i. c. 22. 25. i. c. to hide, 2 CAr. 18. 24. 2 Kin. 9. 2. carry Jehu into i. c. Little CHAMBER. 1 Kin. 4. 10. a I. c. on the wall Ezek. 40. 7. I. c. was one reed long Side CHAMBER. Ezek. 41. 5. every s. c. four cubits Upper CHAMBER. 2 Kin. 1. 2. thro' a lattice in upper c. 2:5. 12. altars in top of upper c. Acts 9. 37. laid Dorcas in an u. c. 39. Peter when come into up. c. 20. 8. many lights in upper c. CHAMBERS. 1 Kin. 6. 5. against the wall built c. 1 Chr. 9. 26. porters over c. 23. 28. 2 Chr. 3!. 11. command, to prepare c. Job 9. 9. maketh c. of the south Pial. 104. 3. beams of c. in waters CHA Psal 104. 13. watereth hills from c. 105. 30. frogs in the c. of their kings Prov. 7. 27. down to c. of death 24. 4. by knowledge c. be filled Cant. 1. 4. brought me into his c. Isa. 26. 20. c. and shut thy doors Jer. 22. 13. buildeth c. by wrong 14. a wide house and large c. 35. 2. Reehabites into one of e. Ezek. 8. 12. in c. of his imagery 21. 14. sword entereth privy c. 42. 13. holy c. where priests eat Mat. 24. 2(5. he is in secret c. CHAMBERING. Bom. 13. 13. c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2 Kin. 23. 11. Nathan-melech the c. Esth. 1. 10. seven c. that served king 2. 21. king's c. were wroth Acts 12. 20. Blastus the king's c. Horn. 16. 23. Erastus c. saluteth you CHAMOIS. Deut. 14. 5. these ye shall eat c. CHAMPAIGN. Deut. 11. 30. in c. over aga. Gilgal champion: 1 Sam. 17. 4, there went out a c. 51. sa i- t' eir c. was dead CHANCE. I Cor. 15. 37. it may c. of wheat CHANCE. 1 Sam. 6. 9. c. that happened to ns Eccl. 9. 11. time and c. happeneth Luke 10. 31. by c. a priest came CHANCELLOR. Ezra 4. 8. Rehum the c. 9, 17. CHANGE, S. Judg. 14. 12. thirty c. of garments, 13. Job 14. 14. will I wait till my c. come Prov. 24. 21. with them given to c. Heb. 7. 12. of necessity a c. of law CHANGE, 'Verb. Gen. 35. 2. clean and c. your garmen. Lev. 27. 10. he shall not c. it 33. nor c. it, if he c. Job 17. 12. they c. the night into day Psal. 102. 26. as vesture e. them Isa. 9. 10. will c. them into cedars Jer. 2. 36. so much to c. thy way ? 13. 23. can Ethiopian c. his skin Dan. 7. 25. he shall think toe. times Hos. 4. 7. willc. their glory to shame Hab. 1. 11. then his mind c. and pass xT/m/. 3. 6. for I am the Lord I c. not Acts 6. 14. and shall c. the customs Rom. 1. 26. women did c. the use Gal. 4. 20. I desire to c. my voice Phil. 3. 21. C. shall c. our vile body CHANGED, ETH. [41. Gen.31.7. your fa. c. ^agesten times 41. 14. Joseph c. his raiment, and Lev. 13. 16. raw flesh turn and be c. 55. plague have not c. his colour 1 Sa?n. 21. 13. c. behaviour bef. them 2 Sot«. 12. 20. David c. his apparel 2 Kin. 24. 17. c. name to Zedekiah 25. 29. c. prison garmen. Jer. 52. 33. Job 30. 18. by disease is my garm. c. Psal. 15. 4. sweareth to hurt, c. not 102. 26. as a vesture they shall be c. Heb. 1. 12. 106. 20. they c. their glory to an ox Eccl. 8. 1. boldness of face shall be c. Isa. 24. 5. c. the ordinance. Jer. 2. 11. c. their gods, my people 48. 11. and his scent is not c. Lam. 4. 1. how is the tine gold c. Ezek. 5. 6. she hathc. my judgments Dan. 2. 9. to speak till time be c. 21. he c. times and seasons 3. 19. form of his visage was c. 27. coats c. nor smell of fire 4. 16. heart be c. from man's 6. 8. writing that it be not c. 6i CIIA Dan. 6. 15. no decree may be c. Mic. 2. 4. c. portion of my people Acts. 28. 6. barbarians c. their minds Bom. 1. 23. c. glory of uncorru. God 25. c. truth of God into a lie 1 Cor. 15. 51. we shall all be c. 52. 2 Cor. 3. 18. c. into same image Heb. 7. 12. for priesthood being c. CHANGES'!', ED, countenance. Job. 14. 20. c. his c. and sendest him Dan. 5. 6. king's c. was c. in him, 9, 7. 28. my coun. c. in me CHANGERS. Mat. 21. 12. tables of money c. Mark 11. 15. John 2. 14, 15 CHANGES. Gen. 45. 22. to each c. to Ben. five c 2 iftw. 5. 5. took ten e. of raiment 22. give them two c. of garments 23- bound two c. of garments Job 10. 17. c. and war are against me Psal. 55. 19. have no c. they fear not CHANGING. Ruth. 4. 7. the manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S. 2 Sam. 22. 16. c. of the sea appeared Psal. 18. 15. lia. 8. 7. he shall come up over his c. 27. 12. Lord beat < ff from c. of the CHAPITER, S. [rivei Exod, 36. 38. over. c. with gold, 38. 28 38. 17. overlay, of e. were silver. 19. 1 Kin. 7. 16. made two c. of brass, 2 Chr. 4. 12, 13. 2 Km. 25. 17. the c. udoii it was brass, Jer. 52 22. CHAPMEN. 2 CAr. 9. 14. besides whatc. brought CHAPEL. Amos 7. 13. it is the king's c. CHAPT. Jer. 14. 4. because ground is c. CHARGE. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my c. 28. 6. Isaac gave Jacob a c. Exod. 6. 13. Moses and Aaron a c. Num. 9. 19. Isra. kept the c. of L. 23. 27. 23. Joshua a c. Deut. 31. 23. Josh. 22. 3. Reubenites keptc. of L. 2 5«7«. 18. 5. gave c. concerning Abs. 1 Kin. 11. 28. Jeroboam over c. 2 1K». 7. 17. lord c. of the gate 1 Chr. 9. 27. because c. was on them Neh. 7. 2. Hanani c. over Jerusalem Job. 34. 13. given c. over the earth? Ps. 35. 11. my c. things 1 knew not Jer. 39. 11. c. concerning Jeremiah 47. 7. seeing Lord hath given it c. Ezek. 9. 1. cause them that have c over the city 44. 8. not kept c. of holy things 15. kept c. of my sanctuary 48. 1 1, kept my c. went not astray Acts 7. 60. lay not sin to their c. 8. 27. eunuch had c. of treasure 16. 24. received c. thrust into pris. 23. 29. to his c. worthy of death Rom. 8. 33. lay to c. of God's elect ? 1 Cor. 9. 18. make gospel without c. 1 Tim. 1. 18. this c. I commit, to thee 2 Tim. 4. 16. not be laid to their c See Keep. Give CHARGE. Num. 27. 19. give Joshua a c. Deut. 31. 14. call Joshua g. him a c. 2 Smn. 14. 8. I will g. c. concer. thee 1 Chr. 22. 12. L. g. thee wisdom and c Ps. 91. 11. gr.angelsc. Mat. i.6.Lu. 4. 10. 1 Tim. 5. 7. these things give in c. 6. 13. g. thee c. in sight of God CHARGE. Exod. 19. 21. go down c. the people Deut. 3. 28. c. Joshua encourage Neh. 10. 32. to c. ourselves yearly CHA Cant. 2. 7. I c. daugh. 3. 5. | 5. 8. | 8. 4. 5. 9. that thou dost so c. us Mark 9. 25. I c. thee, come out 1 Tim. 1. 3. c. that thev teach no 5. 21. I c. thee bef. God, 2 Tim. 4. 1. 6. 17. c. them that are rich in world CHARGEABLE. 2 5am. 13. 25. not all go, lest be e. AWi. 5. 15. governors were c. t» peo. 2 Cor. 11.9. I was c. to no man 1 Then. 2. 9. we would not be c. 2 Thes. 3. 8. might not be c. to any CHARGED. Gen. 26. 11. Abimelech c. his people 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob and e. him 40. 4. captain c. Joseph with them 49. 29. Jacob c. his sons, and said Exod. 1. 22. Pharoah c. his people Deut. 1. 16. I c. your judges 24. 5. nor be c. with business 27. 11. Moses c. people same day 1 Sam. 14. 27. heard not when Saul c. 2 Sam. 18. 12. in our hearing, king c. 1 Kin. 2. 1. David c. Solomon 13. 9. so c. me by word of Lord 2 Chr. 36. 23. c. me to build, Ezra 1. 2. Job 1. 22. nor c. God foolishly 4. 18. angels he c. witU folly Jer. 32. 13. I c. Baruch saying 35. 8. obeyed Jonadab in all he c. Mat. 9. 30. Jesus c. that no man know it. Mark 5. 43. Luke 9. 21. 12. 16. J. c. not make kno. Mark!. 36. c. n.»t to tell, 8. 30. | 9. 9. Luke 5. 1418. 56. 10. 48. c. him should hold his peace 1 Thes. 2. 11. we c. every one of you 1 Tim. 5. 16. let not church be c. . CHARGEDST. Exod. 19. 23. c. us. saying, set bounds CHARGER, S. Num. 7. 13. offering silver c. 19. 25, 31, 37, 43,49, 61, 67,73,79. 85. each c. of silver 130 shekels Ezra 1. 9. one thousand c. Mat. 14. 8. head in a c. Mark 6. 25. CHARGES. 2 Chr. 8. 14. Levites to their c. 31. 17. from 20 years in their e. 35. 2. set priests in their c. Acts. 21. 24. and be at c. with them 1 Cor. 9. 7. a warfare at his own c? CHARGING. Acts 16. 23. c. ja'nor to keep safely 2 Tim. 2. 14. c. strive not abo. words CHARIOT. Gen. 41. 43. made ride in second c. Exod. 14 25. L. took off c. wheels 1 Kin. 18. 44. prepare thy c. get down 20. 25. number c. for c. 22. 35. the blood ran into c. 2 Kin. 2. 11. appeared a c. of fire 12. cried, c. of Israel, 13. 14. 5. 21. from c. to meet Gehazi 9. 16. Jehu rode in c. || 27. smite 28. carried him in a c. 23. 30. 2 Chr. 35. 24. took him out of c. I'sal. 46. 9. he burnetii the c. 76. 6. c. and horse cast into sleep Cant. 3. 9. c. of wood of Lebanon Isa. 21. 7. saw a c, c. of asses «7e?\ 51. 21. will I break in pieces c. Mic. 1. 13. bind c. to swift beast Zech. 6. 2. first c. red horses 9. 10. cutottc. from Ephraim Acts 8. 29. join thyself to this c. 38. he commanded c. to stand still His CHARIOT. Gen. 46. 29. Joseph made ready his c. Exod. 14. 6. Phar. made ready his c. Judg. 4. 15. Sisera lighted off his c. 5. 28. whv his c. so long in coming I Kin 12. 18. s-peedtoA. c.2Chr. 10. 18. 22. 34. to driver of his c. turn hand CHA 2 Kin. 5. 9. Naaman came with 7iis c. 9. 21. went out each in his c. 24. Jehoram sunk down in his e. 10. 16. made him ride in his c. Psal. 104. 3. maketh clouds his c. Jer. 4. 13. his c. like whirlwind Acts 8. 28. in his c. read Esaias CHARIOT-c?'fo>*. 2 Chr. 1. 14. horsemen placed in e.-c. 8. 6. Solomon built all c. -cities 9. 25. bestowed the c. -cities CU A.RIOT -horses. 2 Sam. 8. 4. houghed c.-h. 1 Chr. 18. 4. 2 Kin. 7. 14. they took two c.-horses CHARIOT-?««rc. 2 Chr. 18. 33. to cm. turn thy hand CHARIOTS. Gen. 50. 9. went with Joseph c. Ex.U. 7. Pharaoh took 600 c. 28. waters covered all the c. 15. 4. Pharaoh's c. cast into sea Josh. 17. )6.e.of iron, 18. Judg. 1.19.||4.3. Judg. 5. 28.why tarry wheels of his c. 1 Sam. 8. 11. king appoint for his c. 13. 5. to fight Israel 30000 c. 2 Sam. 1. 6. the c. followed Saul 1 Kin. 10. 26. Solomon had 1400 c. 22. 32. captainsof c.saw Jehosh. 2 Kin. 13. 7. left but ten c. 18.24. put trust on Eg.for c.Zsa.36.9. Psal. 68. 17. c. of God are 20000 Cant. 6. 12. my soul like c. of Am. Isa. 2. 7. nor any end of their c. 22. 18. c. of thy glory be shame 31. 1. wo to them that trust in c. 37. 24. by mul. of c. am I come up C6. 15. come with c. like whirlwind Jer. 4. 13. Dan. 11. 40. Jer. 47. 3. at rushing of his c. Ezek. 23. 24. against thee with c. 26. 10. walls shake at noise of c. Joel 2. 5. like noise of c. shall leap Mic. 5. 10. 1 will destroy thy c. Nah. 2. 3. c. shall be with torches 4. c. shall rage in the streets 13. I will burn her c. in smoke Hag. 2. 22. 1 will overthrow the c. Rev. 9. 9. sound of wings as of c. CHARIOTS with horses. Deut. 11.4. what he did to h. and c. 20. I. seest horses and c. fear not josh. II. 6. hough their 7i. burn c. 9. Joshua burnt their c. with fire 2 Sam. 15. 1. Absalom pre. h. and c. 1 Kin. 20. 1. ag. Samaria with c. and A. 2 Kin.6. 17. mountain full of c.andA. 7. 6. to hear a noise of horses and c. 10. 2. with you c. and horses Psal. 20. 7. trust in c. some in horses Cant. 1. 9. compared to h. in Phar. c. Isa. 66. 20. bring brethren in c. Jer. 17. 25. enter princes in c. 22. 4. 46. 9. come up, ye h. rage ye c. 50. 37. sword is on their h. and e. ' Ez. 26. 7. upon Tyrus Neb. with c. 39. 20. filled at table with h. and c. Na7i. 3. 2. noise of A. and jumping c. Hub. 3. 8. ride on thy c. of salvation Rev. 18. 13,buys their horses and c. CHARITABLY. 7io?«. 14. 15. now walkest not c. CHARITY. 1 Cor. 8. 1. but c. edifieth 13. I. and have not c. 2, 3. 4. c. suffereth long, c. envieth not 13. faith, hope, c. greatest is c. 14. 1. follow c. desire spiritual gifts 16. 14. let all be done with c. Col. 3. 14. above all put on c. 1 Thes. 3. 6. good tidings of your c. 2 Thes. 1. 3. c. to. each other aboun. 1 Tim. 1. 5. end of command, is c. 2. 15. if continue in faith and c. 4. 12. be an example in c. in spirit 63 CHE 2 Tim. 2. 22. follow righteousness, t. 3. 10. known my life, faith, c. Tit. 2. 2. aged men be sound in e. 1 Pet. 4. 8. fervent c. c. cover sins 5. 14. greet with a kiss of c. 2 Pet. 1. 7. to brotherly kindness, c 3 John 6. borne witness of thy c Jude 12. spots in your feasts of & Rev. 2. 19. I know thy works, c. CHARMED. Jer. 8. 17. serpents wh. will not be c. CHARMER, S. Deut.13. 11. not be found am. you a c. Psal. 58. 5. not kearken to c. charm. CHASE. Lev. 26. 8. five shall c. an hundred. Deut. 32. 30. one c. 1000, Josh 23. 10. Psal. 35. 5. let angel of L. c. them CHASED, ETH, ING. Dent. 1. 44. Amorites c. you as bees Judg. 9. 40. Abimelech c. him Neh. 13. 28. I c. him from me Job. 18. 18. be c. out of the world 20. 8. be c. as a vision of night Prov. 19. 26. that c. away his mother Isa. 13. 14. it shall be as the c. roe 17. 13. they shall he c. as chaff Lam. 3. 52. c. me sore like a bird CHASTE 2 Cor. 11. 2. present you as c. virgin Tit. 2. 5. young women be c. . 1 Pet. 3. 2. behold your c. ronversa. CHASTEN. 2 Sam. 7. 1 4. c. with rod of men Psal. 6. 1. nor c. me in hot displ. 33. 1. Prov. 19. 18. c. son while hope Dan. 10. 12. didst c. thyself bef. G. Rev. 3. 19. as I love I rebuke and c. CHASTENED. Deut. 21. 18. they have c. him, he Job. 33. 19. he is c. also with pain Psal. 69. 10. c. my soul with fasting 73. 14. and c. every morning 118. IS. Lord hath c. me sore 1 Cor. 11. 32. c. that we be not cond. 2 Cor. 6. 9. as c. and not killed Heb. 12. 10. for a few days c. us CHASTENEST, ETH, ING. Deut. 8. 5. c. his son, 60 L. c. thee Job. 5. 17. despise not c. of Almighty Pro?,-. 3. 11. Heb 12. 5. Ps«£ 94. 12. blessed is whom thou c Prov. 13. 24. loveth him, c. betimes Isa. 26. 16. prayer c. was on them Heb. 12. 6. whom L. loveth he c. 7. if ye endure c. what son 11. no c. seemeth to be joyous CHASTISE. Lev. 26. 28. I will c. seven times Deut. 22. 18. elders shall c. him 1 Kin. 12. 11. I will c. you with scor pions 14. 2 Chr. 10. II, 14. Hos. 7. 12. 1 will c. them as congre. 10. 10. my desire, I should c. them Luke 23. 16. c. him and release 22. CHASTISED, ETH. 1 Kin. 12. 11. my father hath c. you 14. 2 Chr. 10. 11, 14. Psal 94. 10 he that c. heathen Jer. 31. 18. hast c. me, and I was e. CHASTISEMENT. Deut. 11. 2. wh. have not seen the c. Job 34. 31. I have borne c. la. 53. 5. c. of our peace was on him Jer. 30. 14. with c.of a cruel one Heb. 12. 8. without c. then bastards CHANT. Amos 6. 5. c. to sound of viol CHATTER. Isa. 38. 14. like a crane so did I c. CHECK. Job 20. 3. heard c. of my reproach CHECKER-WORK. 1. Kin. 7. 17. Hiram made nets of p. CHE I CHEEK. X>«.22.24.Zedek.smote Micaia on c. 2 Chr. 18. 23. Job 16. 10. smitten me on the c. Lam. 3. 30. c. to him that smiteth ilk. 5. 1. smite the judge on the c. Luke 6. 29. to him smiteth one c. Right CHEEK. Mat. 5. 39. on thy r. c. turn other CHEEK-BONE. Psal. 3. 7 smitten enemies on c.-b. CHEEKS. Cant. 1. 10. thy e. comely with jew. 5. 13. his c. are as a bed of spices fra.50.6. myc.to them plucked off hair Lam. 1. 2. her tears are on her c. CHEEK-TEETH. Joel 1. 6. he hath c. of a great lion CHEER. Dent. 21. 5. shall c. up his wife Eccl. 11. 9. thine heart c. thee GOOD CHEER. JVafc 9. 2. son, be of g. c. thy sins be 1 1. 27. it is I, be of g. c. Mark 6. 50. John 16. 33. be of g. c. I have over. Arts 23. 11. beofg-. c. Paul 27. 22. 1 exhort to be of g. c. 25. CHEERETH. Judg. 9. 13. wine wh. c. God and man CHEERFUL. Prov. 15 13 maketh a c. countenance Zcch. 8. 19. be to Judah c. feasts 9 17. corn make young men c. 2 Cor. 9. 7. God loveth a c. giver CHEERFULNESS. Rom. 12. 8. showeth mercy with c. CHEERFULLY. Acts 24. 10. c. answer for myself CHEESE, S. 18. carry ten c. to captain curdled me like c. CHERISH. I Kin. 1. 2. let her c. him, and lie CHERISHED. 1 Kin. 1. 4. damsel c. the king CHERISHE1H. 29. c. flesh, as L. the church 2. 7. even as a nurse c. chil. CHERUB. 19. one c. on one end c. 37. 8. 22. 11. rode on a c. Ps. 18. 10. 6. 25. other c. was ten cubits Ezek. 9.3 g'lory gone up from c. 10. 4. 10. 14. first face was face of a c. destroy thee, O covering c. every c. had two faces CriF.RUBLMS. Gen. 3. 24. placed at the east c. Exud. 37. 7. made two c. of gold 1 Kin. 6. 25. both the c. of one meas. 8. 7. c. cov. ark, 2 C/w. 5. 8. //e&. 9.5. 2 Chr. 3. 10. most holy house two c. Ezek. 10. 16. c. went wheels went 19. and the c. lifted wings, 1 1. 22. Between the CHERUBIMS. E.r. 25. 22. meet thee from b. two c. Num. 7. 89. 6. two c. he spake 1 Sam. 4. 4. L. which dwolleth b. c 2 Sam. 6. 2. 2 Km. 19. 15. Isa. 37. 16. P*. c. to the fire CHESNUT-TREE. Gen. 30. 37. Jacob took rods of c.-t. Ez. 31. 8. c.-t. not like his branches CHEST, S. a c. and bored a hole at king's com. made c. Ez. 27. 24. thy merchants in c. CHEW. Lev. 11. 4. that c. the cud Deut. 14.7. CHEWED. Nutn.ll.33. ere flesh c. wrath kindled 1 Sa?n. 17. Job 10. 10. Eph. 5. 1 Thes. Er. 25. 2 Sam. 1 Kin. 2.1 41. 16. 18. 2 ton. 12. 9. 2 0/\ 24, 8. CHI CHEWETH. Lev. 11. 4. c. cud, 5, 6. Deut. 14. 6. 7. swine c. not cud, Deut. 14. 8. CHICKENS. Mat. 23. 37. as a hen gathereth her c. CHIDE. Ex. 17. 2. the people did c. why c. Judg. 8. 1 Ephraim did c. with Gid. Psal. 103. 9. he will not always c. CHIDING. Ex. 17. 7. Meribah, because of c. CHIEF. Gen. 40. 21 he restored the c. butler 22. but he hanged the c. baker Num. 3. 32. Eleazar c. over the c. 2 Sam. 23. 18. Abishai was c. 1 Chr. 5. 2. of Judah came c. ruler, il. 6. smiteth Jel>us. be c. Joab 18. 17. the sons of David were c. 26. 10. tho' not first-born c. Ezra. 9. 2. rulers c. in this trespass Job 12. 24. taketh away heart of c. 29. 25. I chose out their way, sat c. 40. 19. behemoth is c. of ways Psal. 78. 51. c. of strength, 105. 36. 137. 6. Jerusalem above my c. joy Prov. 1. 21. wisdom crieth in c. pla. 16. 28. a whisperer separ. c. friends Isa. 14. 9. hell stirreth up c. ones Jet: 13. 21. taught them as c. over 31. 7. shout among c. of nations Lam. 1. 5. her adversaries are c. Dan. 1 1. 41. c. of chil. of Am. escape Amos 6. 1. named c. of the nations Mat. 20. 27. whosoever will be c. 23.6.1ove c.seatsin syna.MarA' 12.39. Mark 6. 21. supper to his c. estates Luke 11. 15. cast out devils thro' c. 14. I. house of one of c. Pharisees 7. how they chose c. rooms, 20.46. 22. 26. he c. as he that serveth John 12. 42. c. rulers many believed Acts 14. 12. he was the c. speaker 17. 4. of c. women not a few Eph. 2. 2a c. corner-stone, 1 Pet. 2.6. 1 Tim 1.15.sinners, of whom I am c. 1 Pet. 5. 4. c. shepherd shall appear CHIEF Captain. 2 Sam. 5. 8. he shall be c. and captain 23. 8. Adino sat c. among the c. Acts 21. 31. tidings came to c. c. 32. saw c. c. they left beating 23. 17. bring young man to c. c. 24. 7. e. c. Lysias came upon us 22. c. c. shall come, I will know CHIEF Captains. 2 Chr. 8. 9. Israel e. of Solomon's c. Acts 25.23. Agrippa entered with c. c. Rev. 6. 15. and c. c. hid themselves CHIEF Fathers. Num. 31. 26. c. f. of the congregation 1 Chr. 9. 34. tliese c. / of Levites 24. 31. the c. f. of the priests 26. 32. 2700 c. f. David made rulers 2 Chr. 26. 12. whole number of c. f. Ezra 1. 5. rose up c. f. of Juda'h Neh. 7. 70. c. of/ gave to work, 71. CHIEF house. Josh. 22. 14. c. h. a prince was sent CHIEF man or men. Lev. 21. 4. not defile himself a c. m. 1 Chr. 7. 3. sons of Uzzi c. men 24. 4. more c. men of Eleazar Ezra. 7. 28. I gath. c. m. to go up with Isa. 41. 9. I called thee from c. men Acts 13 50. Jews stirred up c. men 15. 22. Judas and Silas c. men 28. 7. poss. of c. man of island CHIEF priest. 2 Kin. 25. 18. took Seraiah the c. p. 1 Chr.21. 5. Benaiah a c. p. third capt. 29. 22. anointed Zadok to be c. p, 2 Chr. 19. II. Amariah c. p. is over 26. 20. Azariah c. v. looked on him 63 CHI CHIEF priests. Ezra I0.5.C. ja.and all Israel to swear Mat. 16. 21. and suffer of the c. p. 26. 47. a multitude from c. p. 27.12. when accused of cp. Mark\5.S. 41. the c. p. mocking Mark. 15. 31. Mark 14. 1. c. p. sought to take, 55. Mat. 26. 59. Luke 9. 22. | 22. 2. Luke23. 23. voices of c. p. prevailed John 7. 32. c. p. sent officers, 18. 3. Acts 9. 14. authority from c. p. 26. 10. 22. 30. commanded c. p. to appear CHIEF prince or princes. 1 Chr. 7. 40. chil. of Asher, c. of p. Ezek. 38. 2. Gog c. prince, 3. | 39. 1. Dan. 10. 13. Michael one of c. p. CHIEF singer or si?igers. Neh. 12. 46. in days of David e. of j Hub. 3. 19. to c. singer on instrura. CHIEFEST. 1 Sam. 2. 29. yourselves fat with e. 9. 22. Samuel made sit in c. place 2 Chr.. 32. 33. in c. of sepulchres Cant. 5. 10. is the c. among 10000 Mark 10. 44. be c. shall be servant. 2 Cor. 11. 5. behind c. apostles,12.11. CHIE*FLY. Rom. 3. 2. c. be c. to them were com. Phil. 4. 22. c. they of Ct-sars househ. 2 Pet. 2. 10. c. them walk after flesh CHILD. Gen. 21. 16. let me not see death of c. 37. 30. c. is not, and 1 whither 42. 22. do not sin against the c. Exod. 2. 8. maid called c. mother 22. 22. not afflict any fatherless c. Judg. 11. 34. his daughter, only c. 13. 8. teach us what we sh. do to & 1 Sa?n. 1. 25. brought the c. to Eli 3. 8. Eli perceived L. had called c. 2 Sam. 12. 14. the c. born shall die 15. L. struck c. Uriah's wife bare 16. David besought God for c. 1 Kin. 3. 25. divide living c. in two 14. 3. tell what shall become of c. 17. 22. soul of the c. came again 2 Kin. 4. 31. told, c. is not awaked 35. c. neezed, c. opened his eyes Prov. 23. 13. correction from the c. Eccl. 4. 8. he hath neither c. nor bro. 15. second c. that shall stand up Isa. 3. 5. thee, shall behave proudly 7. 16. before c. know to refuse evil 8. 4. before c. know to cry, my fath. 11. 8. c. put hand on cockatrice den 65. 20. the c. shall die 100 years old Jer. 4. 31. bringeth forth her first c. 31. 20. Ephraim, is he a pleasant c? 44. 7. to cut off man, woman, and c. Mat. 10. 21. fath. deliver c. to death 17. 18. c. was cured from that hour 23. 15. twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1. 59. came to circumcise c. 60. what manner of c. this be 76. c. called prophet of Highest 80. c. grew, waxed strong At. 40. 2. 27. parents brought in c. Jesus 9. 38. look on my son, only c. John 4. 49. come down ere c. die 16. 21. as soon as delivered of c. Acts 4. 27. against thy holy c. Jesus 30. done by name of thy c. Jesus 13. 10. Saul said, thouc. of devil Rev. 12. 4. to devour her c. as soon 5. her c. was caught up to God A CHILD. Gen. 18. 13. bear a c. who am old? 44. 20. and a c. of his old age Ex. 2.2. he was a goodly c.Heb.\ 1.23 1 Sam. 2. 18. c. girded with linen enlu 1 Kin. 13. 2. « c. born to house of Da. Job 33. 25. his flesh fresher than a c. Psal. 131. 2. as a c. as a weaned c. Prov. 20. 11. a c. is known by doings « CHI Prov. 22. 6. train up a c in way lie 15. foolishness is in heart of a c. 29. 15. a c. left to himself bringeih 21. bringeth up servant from a c. Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise c. than 10. 16. wo, when thy kingis a c. ha. 9. 6. for unto us a c. is born 10. 19. trees be few a c. may write Jer. 1, 6. not speak, for I am a c. 7. 20. 15. a man c. is born to thee Hos. 11. 1. when Is. a c I loved him Mark 9. 21. how long? he said of a c. 36. took a c. set in midst, Lu. 9.47. 1 Cor. 13. 11. when I was a c. I spake I thought as a c. Gal 4. 1. heir as long as he is a c. 2 Tim. 3. 15. from a c. known scrip. Heb.ll. 1 1. Sarah deliv.of ac. past age Rev. 12. 5. a man c. to rule nations Little CHILD. 1 Kin. 3. 7. I am but a /. c. I know not 11. 17. Hadad fled a little c. 2 Kin. 5. 14. like the flesh of a lit. c. Isa. 11. 6. a lit. c. shall lead them Mat. 18. 2. Jesus called a I. c. to him 5. receive one such I. c. in my na. Mark 10. 15. whoso not receive king- dom of God as I. c. Lu. 18. 17. No CHILD. Gen. 11. 30. Sarai had no c. Lev 22. 13. if priest's dau. have no c. Deut. 25. 5. if brother die, have no c. 2 Sam. 6. 23. Michal had no c. till 2 Kin. 4. 14. verily she hath no c. Luke 1. 7. they had no c. bee. Elizab. Acts 7. 5. promised when he had wo c. Sucking CHILD. Nu?n. 11. 12. as father beareth s. c. ha. 11. 8. s. c. play on hole of asp 49. 15. can a woman forget s. c.f Lam. 4. 4. tongue of s. c. cleaveth This CHILD. Luke 2. 17. told concerning this c. 34. t. c. is set for the fall and rising 9. 48. whoso receive t. c. in my na. With CHILD. Gen. 16. 11. Hagar thou art vitli c. 19. 36. daughters of Lot with c. by 38. 24. Tamar thy daughter is w. c. 25. whose these are, am I with c. Exod. 21. 22. if hurt a woman w. c. -1 Sam. 4. 19. Phinehas wife was w. c. 2 Sam. 11.5. B.-sheba said, I am wi.c. 2 Kin. 8. 12. wilt rip up their worn. w. c. 15. 16. Eccl. 1 1. 5. grow in womb of her w.e. Isa. 26 17. w. c. that dravveth near 18. we have been with c. in pain 54. 1. sing that didst not trav. w. c. Jer. 30. 6. whether a man trarv. w. c. 31. 8. from north the woman w. c, Hos. 13. 16. w. c. shall be ript up Amos 1. 13. bee. they ript up wo. w. c. Mat. 1. 18. w. c. of the Holy Ghost 23. a virgin shall be with c. 24. 19. wo to them that are with c. Mark 13. 17. Luke 21. 23. Luke 2. 5. with Mary, great w. c. 1 Thes. 5. 3. as travail on worn. w. c. Rev. 12. 2. and she being w. c. cried Young CHILD. 1 Sam. 1. 24. and the c. was young Mat. 2. 8. search diligently for y. c. 13. take young c. and his mother CHILD-BEARING. 1 Tim. 2. 15. she shall be saved in c.-b. CHILDHOOD. 1 Sam. 12. 2. walked before you fr. c. Eccl. 11. 10. c. and youth vanity CHILDISH. I Cor. 13. 11. I put away c. things CH1LDLKSS. Gen. 15. 2. give me, seeing I go C. Lev. 20. 20. they shall cjie c. CHI 1 Sam. 15. 33. as thy sword made wo- men c. so thy mother be c. Jer. 22. 30. write ye this man c. Luke 20. 30. second took her, died c. CHILDREN. Gen. 3. 16. in sorrow bring forth c. 16. 2. I may obtain c. by her 25. 22. the c. struggled within her 30. 1. give me c. or I die 33. 5. c. God hath given thy serv. 49. 8. thy father's c. shall bow down Exo. 20. 5. visiting iniquity of fathers on c. 34. 7. Num. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9. 21. 4. c. shall be her masters Num. 13. 28. saw c. of Anak there 26. 11. c. of Korah died not Deut. 9. 2. stand before c. of Anak ? 13. 13. c. of Belial are gone out 14. I. ye are the c. of the Lord 23. 8. c. begotten of them sh. enter 24. 16. fathers not be put to death for c. nor c. for fa. 2 Chr. 25. 4. 32. 20. c. in whom there is no faith 33. 24 let Asher be blessed with c. Judg. 8. 18. each resembled c. of king 20. 13. deliver us the c. of Belial 1 Sam. 2. 5. she that hath many c. is waxed feeble 2 Sam. 7. 10. c. of wickedness afflict any more, 1 Chr. 17. 9. 1 Kin. 21. 13. came in two c. of Belial 2 Kin. 2. 24. she-bears tare 42 c. 10. 13. salute c. of king c. of queen 14. 6. c. of murd. slew not, 2CA.25.4. 17. 34. nor do as L. com. c. of Jacob 19 3. c. are come to birth, Isa. 37.3. 1 Chr. 2. 30. Seled died without c. 32. and Jether died without c. 4. 27. Shimei's breth. not many c. 10. 13. O ye c. of Jacob, Psa. 105. 6. 2 Chr. 13. 7. to Jeroboam c. of Belial 25. 7. L. is not with all c. of Ephr. Ezra 10. 44. wives by whom had c. Neh. 9. 23. c. multipliedst as stars Job 19. 17. I entreated for c. sake 30. 8. c. of fools, yea c. of base men 41. 34. king over all c. of pride Psal. 17. 14. they are full of c. 34. 11. come ye c. hearken to me 69. 8. an alien to my mother's c. 72. 4. he shall save c. of needy 78. 6. c. wh. sh. be born might know 82. 6. all of you c. of Most High 83. 8. holpen c. of Lot, Selah 102. 28. c. of thy servants continue 113. 9. barren to be mother of c. 127. 3. io c. are an heritage of L. 4. as arrows in hand, so are c. 137. 7. remember, c. of Edom 148. 12. old men and c. praise Lord 149. 2. let c. of Zion be joyful Prov. 4. 1. hear, ye c. instruction, 5. 7. | 7. 24. | 8. 32. 17. 6. glory of c. are their fathers 31. 28. her c. call her blessed Eccl. 6. 3. if a man beget 100 c. Cant. 1. 6. my mother's c. angry Isa. 1. 2. brought up c. they rebelled 4. c. that are corrupters 2. 6. please in the c. of strangers 3. 4. give c. to be their princes 12. c. are their oppressors 8. 18. I and c. L. hath giv. Heb 2.13. 13. 18. their eye shall not spare c. 21. 17. mighty of c. be diminished 23. 4. I travail not nor bring forth c. 30. I. wo to rebellious c. saith L. 9. lying c. c. will not hear law 38. 19. father to c. make known 47. 8. neither know loss of c. 9. in one day loss of c. widowhood 49. 20. c. shalt have, shall say 54. I. more are c. of desolate than c. of married wife, Gal. 4. 27- 64 CHI ha. 57. 4. are ye not c. of transgrei. 5. slaying the c. in the valleys 63. 8. c. that will not lie 66. 8. Zion brought forth c. Jer. 3. 14. turn, O backsliding c. 22. 19. how put thee among the c. 4. 22. my people, are sottish c. 6. 11. pour it out on c. abroad 7. 18. c. gather wood, fathers 9. 21. death entered to cut off c. 15. 7. I will bereave them of c. 31. 15. Rachel weep, for c. Mat. 2. 18. Lam. 2. 20 shall the women eat c. 5. 13. c. fell under the wood Ezek. 2.jLare impudent c. 20. 21. tlw c. rebelled against me 33. 30. pr talking against thee 47. 22/to strangers that beget c. Dan. I, 4. c. in whom no blemish 17. four c. God gave knowledge 12. 1^ (Michael shall stand for c. Ho*. I. 2. take c. of whoredoms , 2. 4. not have mercy on her c. 1 1. 10. c. shall tremble from west 13. 13. place of breaking forth of c. Joel 2. 16. gather c. and those suck 23. be glad, then, ye c. of Zion Amos 9. 7. as c. of the Ethiopians ? Mic. 1. 16. poll thee for delicate c. Zeph. 1. 8. I will punish king's c. Mai. 4. 6. heart of fathers to c. of c. to fathers, Luke 1. 17. Mat. 2. 16. Herod slew all the c. 3. 9. stones to raise up c. Lu. 3. 8. 5. 45. be the c. of your Father 8. 12. but the c. shall be cast out 9. 15. can c.of bride-chamber mourn Mark 2. 19. Luke 5. 34. 10. 21. c. against parents, Mar. 13. 12. 11. 19. wisdom is justified of her c. Luke 7. 35. 13. 38. good seed are c. of kingdom 15. 26. to take c. bread, Mark 7.27. 17. 26. then are the c. free 19. 29. forsaken c. Mark 10. 29. 20. 20. mother of Zebedee's c. 21. 15. saw c. crying in temple Mark 7. 27. let the c. first be filled 28. dogs eat of the c. crumbs 9. 37. receive one of such c. Luke 6. 35. ye shall be c. of Highest 16. 8. c. of this world are wiser 20. 29. the first died without c. 34. the c. of this world marry John 8. 39. if ye were Abraham's c. Acts 3. 25. ye are c. of prophets Rom. 8 17. if c. then heirs, heirs 9. 7. seed of A bra. are they all c. 11. the c. being not yet born 1 Cor. 14. 20. not c. in understanding 2 Cor. 12. 14. c. not to lay up for par. Gal. 3. 7. of faith, are c. of Abraham 4. 3. so we, when c. were in bond. 25. Jem. in bondage with her c. 31. we are not c. of bond- woman Eph. 1. 5. to the adoption of c. 2. 2. in c. of disobedience 3. were by nature c. of wrath 4. 14. we be no more c. tossed 5. 1. followers of God as dear c. 6. wrath on c. of disobed. Col. 3. 6 6. 1. c. obey your parents, Col. 3. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 4. if any widow have c. 10. if she brought up c. if she Heb. 2. 14. as c. are partak. of flesh 12. 5. exhort, speaketh to you as c. 1 Pet. 1. 14. as obedient c. 2 Pet. 2. 14. cursed c. 2 John 1. to elect Lady and her c. 13. c. of elect lister greet thee Rev. 2 23. I will kill her c. See Ammon, Captivity. CHILDRENo/ Benjamin. Judg. 20. 13. c. o/B. would not heark. CHI 2&w».2.25.thec. ofB. gath.after Ab. 1 Chr. 12.16.C. of'B. to hold to David Jer. 6. 1. ye c. of B. gather to flee Children'* CHILDREN. Gen. 45. 10. near, thou and thy c. e. Ex. 34. 7. iniquity of fathers on c. c. Deut. 4. 25. when beget c. and c. c. 2 Kin. 17. 41. served images c. c. Psal. 103. 17. and his right, to c. c. 128. 6. shalt see thy c. c. and peace Prov. 13. 22. inheritance to his c. c. 17. 6. c. c. are crown of old men Jer. 2. 9. with your c. c. will I plead 2Jse&. 37. 25. dwell and c. c. for ever Fatherless CHILDREN. Pta. 109.12. nor any to favour his/ c. Jer. 49. 11. leave thy/ c. I will pre. CHILDREN of God. Mat. 5. 9. peace-makers the c. o/G. Cuke 20. 36. c. o/ G. being c. of resur. John 1 1.52. together in one the c.ofG. So/n.8. 16. witness we are the c. o/ G. 21. glorious liberty of the c. of G. 9. 8. c. of the flesh, not c. of God 26. be called c. of the living God ^al. 3. 26. c. ofG. by faith in Christ i John 3. 10. c. G. manifest, c. of devil 5. 2. by this know we love c. of G. His CHILDREN. Gen. 18. 19. Abraham will com. h. c. Deut. 17. 20. prolong days and h. c. 32. 5. their spot is not spot of h. c. 33. 9. nor knew his own c. 2 Sam. 12. 3. ewe-lamb grew with h.c. 2 Kin. 8. 19. give a light, and to h. c. 2 Chr. 28. 3. burnt h. c. after heathen 33. 6. h. c. to pass through fire Job 5. 4. h. c. are far from safety 17. 5. even eyes of h. c. shall fail 20. 10. h. c. sha. seek to please poor 21. 19. layeth up iniquity for h. c. 27. 14. if A. c. be multiplied, it is Psal. 89. 30. if h. c. forsake my law 103. 13. as a father pitieth his c. 109. 9. let hit v. be fatherless 10. let his c. be vagabonds Prov. 14. 26. h. c. shall have refuge 20. 7. his c. are blessed after him Isa. 14. 21 . prepare slaughter for h. c. 29. 23. when seeth his c. in midst Hos. 9. 13. Ephr. sh. bring forth h. c. John 4. 12. his c. drank thereof 1 Thes. 2. 11. charged you as fath.A. c. 1 Tim 3. 4. having A. c. in subjection CHILDREN of Israel. Exod. 1. 7. the c. of I. were fruitful 12. grieved because of the c. of I. 2. 25. God looked on the c. of I. 4. 31. heard Lord had visited c. of I. 6. 13. c. of J. out of Eg. 26,27. \ 12.51. 29. 43. there I will meet with' c.of I. Lev. 25. 55. to me c. of I. are servants Num. 14. lO.glory of L.appear.bef.c./. Josh. 7.12. c. I. not stand bef. enemies 2 Sam. 21. 2. Gibeonites not of c.of I. £ Kin. 17. 24. instead of the c. of I. Psal. 103. 7. his acts to the c. of I. 148. 14. c. of I. a people near to him Isa. 27. 12. gath. one by one, O c. I. Ezek. 44. 15. c. I. went astray, 48.11. Amos 2. 11. is it not thus, O c. of I.? 4. 5. this liketh you, O ye c. of I. Luke 1. 16. many of c. of I. sh. turn Acts 7. 23. to visit breth. the c. of I. 37. Moses which said to c. of I. 9. 15. to bear my name bef. c. of I. 10. 36. the word of God sent to c. I. Rom. 9. 27. tho' c. of I. be as the sand Heb. 1 1. 22. mention of depart.of c. 1. Rev. 7. 4. sealed 144,000 of c. of I. 21. 12. names of 12 tribes of c. of I. CHILDREN of Judah. ' 2 Chron. 13. 18. c. of J. prevailed 28. lo. to keep under the c. of Ju. CHI Jer. 50. 4. they and c. of J. weeping 33. Israel and c.of J. were oppressed Joel 3. 19. for violence against c.of J. CHILDREN of 'light. Luke 16. 8. wiser than the c. of light John 12. 36. that ye may be the c.of I. Eph. 5. 8. walk as c. of light 1 Thes. 5. 5. ye are all the c. of liglit Little CHILDREN. Num. 16. 27. /. c. stood in the door 2 Kin. 2. 23. came I. c. and mocked Esth. 3. 13. in one day to destroyi.c. Ezek. 9. 6. utterly slay maids, I. c. Mat. 18. 3 except become as I. c. 19. 13. were brought to him I. c. 14. suffer I. c. to come to me, Mark 10. 14. Luke 18. 16. John 13. 33. 1. c. yet a little while - Gal. 4. 19. my I. c. of whom I travail 1 John 2. 1. my I. c. I write, 12, 13. 4. 4. ye are of God I. c. and have 5. 21. 1, c. keep from idols CHILDREN of wen. 1 Sam. 26. 19. if c. m. cursed be they 2 Sam. 7. 14. with the stripes of c. m. 1 Kin. 8. 39. knowest hearts of c. of men, 2 Chr. 6. 30. Psal. 11. 4. his eye-lids try c. of men 12. 1. faithful fail from among c. m 14. 2. from heaven upon c. m. 53. 2. 36. 7. c. m. put trust under shadow 45. 2. thou are fairer than the c. m. "90. 3. and sayest, return ye c. ofm. 107. 8. won. works toe. m. 15, 21, 31. 1 15. 16. the earth given to c. of men Prov. 15. 11. more then hearts of c. m. Lam. 3. 33. he doth not grieve c. m. Dan. 2. 38. wherever the c. m. dwell Mew-CHILDREN. Ex. 1. 17. midwives saved m-c. 18. 34. 23. all m.-c. shall appear bef. L. Men, Women, and CHILDREN. Deut. 3. 6. in Bashan we dest. in. w. c. 31. 12. gather m. w. and c. to hear Ezra 10. 1. a great congr. of m. w. c. Jer. 40. 7. com. to Gedaliah m. w. c. Mat. 14 21. eaten, were 5000 men, beside women and c. 15. 38. My CHILDREN. Gen. 30. 26. give me my c. for whom 31. 43. these c. are my c. and 42. 36. me ye bereaved of my c. 43. 14. if bereaved of my c I am Exod. 21. 5. I love my master, myc. 1 Kin. 20. 7. he sent to me for my c. Job 29. 5. when my c. were about me Isa. 49. 21. seeing I have lost my c. Jer. 10. 20. my c. gone forth of me La?n. 1.16. my c. are desolate Ez. 16. 21. that thou hast slain m.c.'t Luke 11. 7. my c. are with me in bed 2 Cor. 6. 13. I speak as to my c. 3 John 4. that mi/ c. walk in truth No CHILDREN. Gen. 16. 1. Sarai bare him no c. 30. 1. Rachel saw she bare no c. 1 Sam. 1. 2. but Hannah had no c. Mat. 22. 24. if a man die having no c. Mar. 12. 19. Luke 20. 31. the seven left no c. Our CHILDREN. ** Gen. 31. 16. riches ours and oui c. for their sin 1 Thes. 2. 5. nor used c. of covetous. 2 7Y?«. 4. 13. c. I left at Troas 1 Pet. 2. 16. liberty for c. of malic. CLOSE. Num. 5. 13. kept c. from husband 2 Saw. 22. 46. be afraid out of c. places Psal. 18.45. 1 Chr. 12. 1. David kept himself c. Job 28. 21. kept c. from fowls Jer. 42. lP.famine follow c. after you .dmo* 9. II. c. up the breaches Luke 9. 36. thoy kept it c. and told CLOSED. Num. 16. 33. earth c. upon them Isa. 1. 6. Ihey have not been c. nor 29. 10. Lord hath c. your eyes Dan. 12. 9. the words are c. up Jonah 2. 5. the depth c. me round Ma£ 13. 15. eyes c. Acts 28. 27. Luke 4. 20. and he c. the book CLOSER. Prov. 18. 24 a friend sticketh c. CLOSEST. J 28. 2. received us, because of a 2 Cor. 11. 27. in c. and nakedness Rev. 2. 15. neither c. nor hot, 16. COLLAR, S. Judg. 8. 26. jewels beside c. Job 30. 18. my disease bindeth as c. COLLECTION. 2 Chron. 24. 6. to bring in the e. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 1. concerning c. for saints COLLEGE. 2 Kin. 22. 14. dwelt in c. 2 Chr. 34. 22. COLLOPS. Job 15. 27. c. of fat on his flanks COLONY. Acts 16. 12. and a c. COLOUR. jVrim. 11.7. the c. as bdellium Prov. 23. 31. giveth his c. in cup Ezek. 1. 4. midst as c. of amber 7. like c. of brass, Dan. 10. 6. 16. wheels like c. of a beryl, 10. 9. 22. firmament as c. of crystal COLOURS. Gen. 37. 3. made a coat of many c. Judg. 5. 30. a prey of divers c. 2 Sam. 13. 18. a garment of divers c. 1 Chro. 29. 2. pre. stones of divers c. i>a. 54. 11. lay stones with fair c. Eze. 16. 16. high places with diverse 17. 3. eagle with divers c. to Leban. COLT, S. Gen. 32. 15. thirty camels with c. 49. 11. binding ass's c. to vine Judg. 10. 4. 30 sons rode on 30 c. 12. 14. Abdon's sons rode on 70 c. Job 11. 12. tho' man be born like c. Zech. 9. 9. riding upon a c. Mat. 21.5. John 12. 15. Mat. 21. 2. ye shall find an ass tied, a c. Mark 11. 2. Luke 19. 30. 7. brought ass and c. Mark 11. 7. Mark 11. 5. loosing b.? L«fc<* 19. 33. Luk. 19. 35. cast their garments on e. COME. Gen. 26. 27. wherefore c. ye to me 42. 7. whence c. ye ? Jo.?/r. 9. 8. 49. 10 sceptre until Shiloh c. Num. 10. 29. c. thou with us, we 24. 19. out of Jacob shall c. he that shall have dominion Deut. 18. 6. if a Lev. c. with desire 1 Sam. 1. 34. c. on thy two sons in 10. 8. thou shalt tarry till I c. 17. 45. I c. to thee in name of L. 20. 21. then c. there is peace 2 Sam. 19. 33. c. thou over with me 2 Kin. 5. 8. let him c. now to me 18. 32. till I c. and take, Isa. 36. 17. 1 Chron. 29. 14. all things c. of thee Job 13. 13. let c. on me what will 14. 14. wait till my change c. 21. his sons c. to honour and he 37. 13. to c. for correction 38. 11. hitherto shalt thou c. Psal. 40. 7. lo, I c. Heb. !0. 7, 9. 42. 2. when shall I c. and appear COM Psal, 50. 3. our God shall e. and not 65. 2. unto thee shall all flesh c. 80. 2. and c. and save us 86.9. all nations shall c. and worship 101. 2. O, when wilt thou c. to me 109. 17. loved cursing-, so let it c. 119. 41. let thy mercies c. 77. Eccl. 9. 2. all things c, alike to all Cant. 2. 10. my love, c. away, 13. Isa. 13. 5. theyc. from a far country 6. day of Lord c. as destruction 21. 12. inquire ye, return and c. 26. 20. c. my people, enter cbamb. 35. 4. your God will c. with veng. 40. 10. L. will c. with strong- hand 41. 25. raised up one, he shall c. 44. 7. things coming-, and shall c. 45. 20. assemble and c. draw near 24. even to him shall men c. 51. 11. redeemed shall c. to Zion 55. 1. c. ye to the waters, c. ye 3. c. unto me, hear and your soul 5!). 20. Redeemer shall c. to Zion ' 0. 3. Gentiles c. to thy light, 5. 6(5. 15 Lord will c. with fire Jer. 2. 31. will c. no more to thee 3. 22. we c. to thee, for thou art 13. 22. wherefore c. these things 17. 15. where word of L.? let it c. 40. 4. if it seem good to c. if ill to c. 46. 18. as Carmel so shall he c. 49. 4. who shall c. unto me ? Lam. 1. 4. none c. to solemn feasts £r«. 21. 27. till he c. whose right it is 33. 31. they c. to thee as the people 33. lo it Will c. then shall know 36. 8. they are at hand to c. Hot. 6. 1. c. let us return to Lord 3. he shall c. to us as the rain 10. 12. time to seek Lord till lie c. Joel 1. 15 as destruction shall it c. 2. 31. before terrible day of Lord c. Hab. 2. 3. it will c. and not tarry Zech. 1. 21. what c. these to do ? 14. 5. God shall c. and all saints Mai. 3. 1. the Lord ye seek shall c. Mat. 2. 6. out of thee c. Governor 6. 10. thy kingdom c. Luke 11. 2. 8. 9. c. and he eometh, Luke 7. 8. 11. many shall c. from the east 11. 3. he that sh. c? Luke 7. 19, 20. 28. c. all ye that labour 16. 24. if any man will c. after me 17. 10. Elias must first c? 11. 24. 14. then shall the end c. 42. know not hour Lord doth c. 25. 34. c. ye blessed of my Fathe ,1 Mark 8. 34. if any will c. after m J Luke 9. 23. j 14. 27. » 10. 14. little chil. to c. Luke 18. 16. Luke 10. 1. place whither he wou. <■ 17. 20. when kingdom should c 19. 13. occupy till I c. 22. 18. till kingdom of God shall c. John 1. 39. he saith, c. and see 3. 26. baptizeth, and all men c. b. 14. lest worse thing c. to thee 40. ye will not c. to me that ye 6. 37. Father giveth shall c. to me 44. no man can c. except Fath. 65. 7. 34. 1 am, thither ye cannot c. 37. if any man thirst, let him c. 8. 14. ye cannot tell whence I c. 13. 19. before it c. that when c. 14. 18. not leave, I will c. unto you 23. and we will c. unto him 17. 11. 1 c. to thee, 13 21. 22. if I will he tarry till I c. 23. Acts 1. II. this Jesus shall so c. as 2. 20. before great day of Lord c. 8. 24 pray none of these things c. 9. 38. that he would not delay to c. 13. 40. est that c. upon you 16. 9. c. over into Macedonia COM Acts 19. 4. believe on him should c. 26. 22. than Moses did say should e. Rom. 3. 8. do evil that good may c. 1 Cor. 4. 5. judge nothing till L. c. 11. 26. show Lord's death till he c. 34. will I set in oider when 1 c. 2 Cor. 1. 15. I was minded to c. 12 20. for I fear, lest when I c. 2 Thes. 1. 10. shall c. to be glorified 2. 3. except c. a falling away 1 Tim. 4. 8. life now is, and to c. 2 Tim. 4. 3. time will c. they will not Heb. 4. 16 let us c. boldly to throne 7. 25. able to save them c. to God 10. 37. he that shall c. will c. Rev 2. 5. repent, else I will c. quick. 25. ye have, hold fast till I c. 3. 11. I c. quickly, 22. 7, 20. 6. 1. saying, c. and see, 3, 5, 7. 22. 17. and let him athirst c. COME again. Gen.. 28. 21. so that I c. a. to fath. Exod. 14. 26. waters c. a. on Egyp. Judg. 8. 9. I c a. in peace, I'll break 13. 8. let man of God c. a. to us 1 Kin. 2. 41. Shimei was c. again 12. 5. depart for 3 days and then c.a. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 17. 21. let this child's soul n. again Psal. 126. 6. he shall c. a. rejoicing Prov. 3. 28. say not, go and c. a. Luke 10. 35. I c. a. I will repay John 14. 3. I will c. a. and receive 28. how I said, I go away, and c. a. 2 Cor. 2. 1. not c. a. in heaviness 12. 21. I c. a. God will humble me 13. 2. if I c. a. I will not spare COME down. Gen. 45. 9. saith Joseph, c. d. tome Exod. 3. 8. I am c. d. to deliver 19. 11. Lord will c. d. on Sinai Num. 1 1. 17. 1 will c. d. and talk there Deut. 28. 24. from heaven it sh. c. d. Judg. 7. 24 c. d. against Midianites 1 Stt7».23.11.will Saul c.d.? he will c.d. 20. c. d. according to desire of soul 2 Kin.lA. not c.d. from that bed, 6, 9. thou man of God c. down Neh. 6. 3. great work. I cannot c. d. Psal. 7. 16. shall c. d. on his own j;;. 17. 10. the other is not yet c. COMELY. I Satn. 16. 18. David a c. person Job 4). 12. conceal his c. proportion Psal. 33. I. praise is c. for, 147. 1. Prim. 30. 29. four are c. in going Eccl. 5. 18. it is c. for one to eat Cant. 1. 5. I am black, but c. 10. thy cheeks are c. with jewels 2. 14. thy countenance is c. 4. 3. thy speech is c. 6. 4. art c. O my love, as Jerusalem Isa, 4. 2. the fruit shall be c. Jer. 6. 2. dau. of Zion to a c. wom;iii 1 Cor. 7. 35. I speak for that c. 12. 24. c. parts have no need COMELINESS. Isa. 53. 2. hath no form nor c. Ezek. 16. 14. perfect thro' my c. 27. 10. thev of Lud set forth thy <• Dan. 10. 8. my c. into corruption 1 Cor. 12. 23. more abundant c. COMEKS. Heb. 10. 1. the c. thereunto perfect COM EST. Deut. 28. 6. blessed when thou c. in 19. cursed when thou c. in Judg. 17. 9. Micha said, whence c. 19. 17. old man said, whence c. thus 1 Sam. 16. 4. c. peaceably ? 1 A7//.2. 13. 17. 45. thou c. to me with a sword 2 Kin. 5. 25. whence c. thou Gehazif Job 1. 7. whence c. thou ? 2. 2. Jonah 1. 8. whence c. thou ? Mat. 3. 14. and c. thou to me ? COM Lu. 23. 42. when c. into thy kingdom COMETH. Deut. 23. 13. cover that c. from thee i Sam. 4. 3. when ark c. may save us 9. 6. all he saith c. surely to pass 20.2y.theref. he c. not to king's table Job 29. 20. whence then c. wisdom ? Psal. 30. 5. hut joy c. in morning 75. 6. promotion c. not from east 96. 13. hef. L. for he c. to judge 1 18. 26. blessed is he c. in name 121. 2. my help c. from the Lord EccL 6. 4. he c. in with vanity Cant. 2. 8. he c. leaping on mount. Isa. 13. 9. day of L. c with wrath 30. 27. name of L. c. from far 62. 11. say to Zion thy salvation c. 63. 1. who is this c. from Edom Jer. 17. 6. not see vhen good c. 43. 11. c. he shall smite Egypt Lam. 3. 37. saith, and it c. to pass ■E«>A:.20.32.wh. c. in your mind not be 21. 7. because it c. behold it c. 24. 24. when this c. know I am L. 33. 31. they come as people c. 33. when this c. to pass, then Dan. 12. 12 blessed c. to 1335 davs Joel 2.1. day of L.c.ZedU4.1.177».'5.2. Mai. 4. 1. day c. that shall burn Mal.3.l\. he that c. after is mightier Mark 1. 7. Z,t*&e 3. 16. 5. 37. more than these c. of evil 8. 9. come, and he c. Luke 7. 8. 21. 5. behold, thy king c. John\2. 15. 9. blessed is he c. in name of L. i¥ar/c 11. 9. Luke 13. 35. | 19. 39. 25. 19. after long time lord c. Mark 8. 38. ash;), when he c. in glory 9. 12. Elias c. first and restoreth 14. 43. while he spake c. Judas Ltoke 6. 47. whoso c. to me, and 12. 37. he c. shall find watching 40. c. at an hour ye think not 43. when he c. shall find so doing 55. there will be heat, and it c. to 17. 20. c. not with observation 18. 8. c. shall he find faith on earth? John 3. 8. canst not tell whence it c. 20. nor c. to the light lest deeds 4. 21. woman, hour c. 23. | 16. 32. 6. 35. c. to me never hunger, 37. 45. learned of Father, c. to me 7. 27. C. c. no man knoweth, 31. 42. Christ c. of seed of David 9. 4. night c. no man can work 14. 6. no man c. to Father but 16. 32. hour c. ye shall be scattered Aets^O. 32. when he c. shall speak 1 Cor. 15. 24. then c. the end 2 Cor. 11.28. beside wh. c. on me daily 1 Thes. 5. 2. day of L. c. as a thief Heb. 11. 6. c. to God, must believe he Jude 14. L. c. with 10000 of his saints Rev. 1. 7. he c. with clouds 17. 10. c. continue a short space COMETH down. I*a. 55. 10. as rain c. d. from heaven John 6. 33. bread of G. is he c. d. 50. Jam. 1. 17. every good gift c. down Rev. 3. 12. new Jerusa. which c. d. COMETH forth. Exod. 4. 14. he c. forth to meet thee Judg. 11.31. whatso. c. forth of doors I Sam. 11. 7. whoso, c. not/ after S. Job 5. 6. affliction c. not fort?/, of dust 14. 2. he c. forth like a flower Z?a. 28. 29. this also c. forth from L. £**/<:. 33. 30. what word c. f. from L. JV/i'c. 1. 3. L. c. /brM out of his place COMETH nigh. Num. 1. 51. stranger that c. n. be put to death. 3. 10, 38. | 18. 7. COMETH out. Deut. 23. 57. «T'l tow. young one c. o. COM Isa. 26. 21. Lord v. o. of his place 42. 5. spread earth, and what c. o. Mat. 15. 11. c. o. of mouth, this de- fileth a man, Mark 7. 20. COMETH up. 1 Sam. 29. 14. said, an old man c up Cant. 8. 5. c. up from wilderness ? Jer. 46. 7. that c. wy? as a flood ? 50. 3. out of north c. up a nation COMFORT. Job 6. 10. then shouid I yet have c. 10. 20. alone that I may take c. Psal. ) 19. 50. this is my c. in afflic. 76. let kindness be for myc. Isa. 57. 6. should I receive c. in these? Ezek. 16. 54. thou artac. to them Mat. 9. 22. be of good c. Lu. 8. 43. Mark 10. 49. be of good c. he calleth Acts 9. 31. walking in c. of Holy G. Rom. 15. 4. thro' c. of the scriptures 1 Cor: 14. 3. speaketh to exhor. andc. 2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed he God of all c. 4. c. wherewith we are comforted 7. 4. I am filled with c. 13. we Were comforted in your c. 13. li. brethren, be of good c. Phil. 2 1. if any c. of love 19. of good c. when I know Col. 4. 11. these on It, been c. to me COMFORT, Verb. Gen. 5. 29. same c. us concer. work 18. 5. c. ye your hearts 27. 42. Esau doth c. himself 37. 35. sons rose up to c. him Judg. 19. 5. c. heart with bread, 8. 5 Sam. 10. 2. David sent to c. him 1 Chron. 7. 22. breth. came to c. him Job 2. 11. friends came to c. hiin 7. 13. say, my bed shall c. me 9. 27. if I say, I will c. myself 21. 34. how then c. ye me in vain Psal. 23. 4. thy staff, they c. me 71. 21. shalt c. me on every side 119. 82. when wilt thou c. me? Cant. 2. 5 c. me with apples Isa. 22. 4. labour not to c. me 40. 1. c. ye, c. ye my people 51.3. Lord shall c. Zion, c. wastes 19. by whom shall 1 c. thee ? 61. 2 sent me to c. all that mourn 66. 13. so will I c. you in Jerusalem Jer. 8. 18. when I would c. myself 16. 7. nor men tear to c. them 31. 13 I will c. and make rejoice Lam. 1. 2. she hath none to c. hcr,17. 21. there is none to c. me 2. 13. equal, that 1 may c. thee ? Ezek. 14. 23. c. when ye see ways Zech. 1. 17. Lord shall yet c. Zion 10. 2. they c. in vain John 11. 19. to c. them concerning 2 Cor. 1. 4. may be able to c. them 2. 7. ye ought rather to c. him £pA. 6. 22. he might c. your hearts Col. 4. 8. estate, and c. your hearts 1 TAej. 3. 2. to c. you concer. faith 4. 18. c. one ano. with these words 5. 1 1, wherefore c. yourselves toge. 14. c. the feeble-minded 2 Thes. 2. 17. L. Jesus c. your hearts COMFORTABLE. 2 Sa?n. 14. 17. word of my L.nowbec. Zech. 1. 13. L. answ. with c. words COMFORTABLY. 2 Sam. 19. 7. speak c. to thy servants 2 C£/\ 30. 22. he spake c. to Levites 32. 6. set captains, and spake c. Isa. 40. 2. speak ye c. to Jerusalem Zfo*. 2. 14. I will speak c. to her COMFORTED. Ge«. 24. 67. Isaac was c. 37. 35. Jacob refused to be c. 38. 12. Judah was c. went to sheep-sh. 50. 21. Joseph c. his brethren 76 COM Ruth 2. 13. find favour for hast c. me 2 S<7/n. 12. 24. David c. Bath-sheba 13. 39. he was c. concerning Aiiiiion Job 42. 11. brethren c. him over evil Psal. 77. 2. my soul refused to be c. 86. 17. because thou L. hast c. me 119. 52. and havec. myself Isa. 49. 13 God c. his people, 52. 9. 54. 11. Oh thou afflicted, not c. 66. 13. ye shall be c. in Jerusalem Jer. 31. 15. Rachel refused to be c. Ezek. 5. 13. fury to rest, 1 will be c. 14. 22. be c. concerning all the evil 31. 16. all that drink water be a. 32. 31. Pharaoh shall bee. Mat. 2. 18. not be c. bee. wers not 5. 4. mourn, for they shall be e. Luke 16. 25. he is c. thou tormented John 11. 51. the Jews which c. her Acts 16. 40. seen brethren c. them 20. 12. brought man alive, werec. Ro?n. 1. 12. I may be c. with you 1 Cor. 14. 31. may learn, and all I e c. 2 Cor. 1.4. comfort wh. we are c. of G. 7. 6. God c. us by coming of Titus 7. consolation wh. he was c. in you 13. we are c. in your comfort Col. 2. 2. hearts be c. being knit 1 Thes. 2. 11. we know how he c. you 3. 7. we were c. in our affliction COMFORTEDST. Isa. 12. 1. and thou c. me COMFORTER, S. 2 Sam. 10. 3. sent c. 1 Chron. 19. 3. Job 16. 2. miserable c. are ye all /W. 69. 20. I looked for c. but Eccl, 4 1. oppressed, had no c. Lam. 1. 9. she had no c. 16. c. that should relieve is far Xah. 3. 7. whence shall I seek c. John 14. 16. give you another C. 26. C. which is the Holy Ghost 15. 26. when the C. is come 16. 7. C. will not come COMFORTETH. Job 29. 25. as one that c. mourners Isa. 51. 12. I am he that c. you 66. 13. as one his mother c. so 2 C r. 1. 4. who c. us in tribulation 7. 6. God that c. those cast down COMFORTLESS. John 14. 18. I will not leave you c. COMFORTS. Psal. 94. 19. thy c. delight my soul Isa. 57. 18. and restore c. to him COMING. Gen. 30. 39 blessed thee since my e. Xion. 22. 16. let nothing hinder c. Judg. b. 28. chariot so long in c? 1 Sn?«. 16. 4. elders trembled at his c 29. 6. thy c. in with me is good 2 Sam. 3. 25. to know thy c. in 2 Kin. 19.27.1 know thy c.\n,Isa. 37.231 .P.. 7. I am c. another steppeth 25. hour is c 28. || 10. 12. wolf c. AcU 7. 52. showed hef. c. of just Ona 9. 28. Saul was with them c. in IS. 24. John preached before his 0. 1 Cor. i. 7. waiting for c. of L. Jes. 15. 23. that are Christ's, at his c. 16. 17. I am glad of c. of Stephanas 2 Cor. 7. 6. God comf. us by c. of Tit. 7. not by his c. only but by consol. Phil. 1. 26. more abundant, by my c. 1 Thes. 2. 19. our rejoicing at his c? 3. 13. uublameable at c. of Lord 4. 15. we which remain to c. of L. b. 23. blameless to c. of our Lord 2 Tlies. 2. 1. we beseech by c. of L. 8. destroy with brightness of c. 9. c. is after working of Satan Jam. 5. 7. be patient to c. of Lord 8. c. of Lord draweth nigh 1 Pet. 2. 4. c. as unto a liviug stone 2 Pet. 1. 16. the power and c. of L. J. 3. 4. where is promise of his ft? 12. hasting to c. of day of God 1 John 2. 28. not be ashamed at his c. Rec. 13. 11. another beast c. up 21. 2. new Jerus. c. down from God COMINGS. Ezek. 43. 11. show them the c. in COMMAND. <7o& 39. 27. eagle mount at thy c? COMMAND. Gen. 18. 19. Abrah. will c. children Exod. 18. 23. and God c. thpe so Num. 9. 8. I will hear what L. c. 36 6. this is the thing- L. doth c. Deut. 28. 8. L. c. blessing on thee 32. 46. c. children to observe Josh. 11. 15. so did Moses c. Joshua Psal. 42. 8. L. c. his loving kindness 44 4. c. deliverance for Jacob Isa. 45. 11. concerning work of my hands, c. ye me Jes. 27. 4. c to say to their masters Linn. 1.10. didst c. should not enter Mat. 19. 7. why did M. c. to give wri. 27. 61. c. sepulchre be made sure Mark 10. 3. what did Moses c. you Luke 8. 31. not c. to go into deep 9. 54. wilt thou we c. fire to come Jets 5. 28. did not we straitly c you 15. 5. to c. to keep law of Moses 2 Thes.3A. ye do, and will do thi.wec 6. we c. you, in name of our Lord 12. such we c. and exhort by L. J. 1 Tim. 4. 1 !. these tilings c. and teach /COMMAND. Ex. 7. 2. speak all I c. Jer. 1. 7, 17. 34. 11. observe what I c. Deut. 12.2S. Lev. 25. 21. /will c. my blessing Deut. 4. 2. not add to word I c. you 7. 11. which I c. this day, 8. 11. | 10. 13. | 11. 8, 27. | 13. 18. | 30. 8. A. 18. / c. thee to do this, 22. 30. 36. I c. thee this day to love L. Jer. 11. 4. do all which I c. you Amos 9.9. /will c. and sift house of Is. John 15. 14. if ye do what / c. you 17. 1 c. you, that ye love one ano. Acts 16. 18. / c. thee in name of J. C. COMMANDED. Gen.bO. 12. Joseph's sons did as he c. Exod. 1. 17. midw. did not as kingc. Deut. 1. 18. I c. you at thattime,3.18. Josh. 4. 8. chil. of Is. did as J.js1i. a. 22. 2. obeyed my voice in all I c. Judg. 13. 14. all I c. let her observe 1 Sam.20. 29. broth, c. me to be there 21. 2. the king c. me a busioess 2 Sam. 21. 14. they perfor. all king c. 2 Kin. 11. 9. accor. to all Jehoiada ft 16. 16. according to all Ahaz c. ^ 2 Chron. 8. 14. so had Da\id c. 14. 4. Asa c. Judah to seek Lord 32. 12. Hezekiah || 33. 16. Manas. Esth. 4. 17. Mordecai did as Esth. c. 8. 9. written, accor. to all Morde. c. Job 38. 12. hast thou c. morning Jer. 35. 6. Jouadab c. us, 10, 14, 10,18. CUM Ezek. 12. 7 I did as I was c. 37. 7. Dan. 3. 4. to you it is c. O people Mat. 14. 19. c. multitude to sit, 15.35. Mark 6. 39. 18. 25. his lord c. him to be sold 21. 6. disciples did as Jesus c. 28 20. teaching to observe all I c. Luke 9. 21. he c. them to tell no man Acts 25. 6. Festus c. Paul to be bro. 1 Cor. 14. 34. c. to be under obedience 1 Thes. 4. 11. work as we c. Heb. 12. 20. could not endure that c. God COMMANDED. Gen. 6. 22. accor. to all G. c. so did he 7. 9. into ark as God had c 16. j 21. 4. Deut. 20. 17. Josh. 10. 40. Deut. 5. 32. observe to do as L. c. you 6. 1. G. c. to teach you, 20. | 13." 5, 20. 16. this dav G. c. thee to keep 1 Chr. 14. 16. David did as God c. Ezra!. 23. whatsoever is c. by Gcd Psal. 68. 28. G. hath c. thy strength Acts 10. S3, to hear all c. thee of G. 2 Cor. 4. 6. God who c. light shine Lord COMMANDED. 2 Saw. 24. 19. David went up as L. c. Psal. 106. 34. cone, whom L. c. them 133. 3. for there, L. c. blessing Lam. 1. 17. L. hath c. coneer. Jacob Acts 13. 47. turn to Gentiles so L. c. Lord or God COMMANDED, implicitly. Ex. 23. 15. as I c. in time appointed Deut 17. 3. which 1 haye not c. 18.20. Jer. 19. 5. | 23. 32. j 29. 23. Josh. 1. 9. have not I c. thee ? be 1 Kin. 11. 10. c. Sol. concerning this 1 Chr. 16. 15. word he c. to 100O gen- erations, Psal. 105. 8. Psal. 7. 6. awake to judgm. hast c. 33. 9. he c. and it stood fast 111. 9. he hath c. his covenant 119. 4. c. us to keep thy precepts 138. testimonies hast c. are right. 148. 5. he c. they were created Isa. 13. 3. c. my sanctified ones 31. 16. for my mouth it hath c. 45. 12. heavens and host have I c. Jer. 7. 31. which I c. not, 19.5. | 32.35. Lam. 2. 17. word he c. in days of old Ezek. 9. 11. I have done as thou c. 24. IS. I did in morn, as c. 37. 10. Zech. 1. 6. words I c. did they not Mul. 4. 4. remem. law* 1 c. in Koreb Luke 14. 22. Lord, it is done as c. Acts 10. 42. he c. us to preach to peo. Moses COMMANDED. Deut. 31. 29. turn from way I c. 33. 4. Moses c. us a law, even Josh. 1. 7. observe to do all M. c. 22. 2. ye have kept all M. c. you Mat. 8. 4. offer the gift Moses c. Mark 1. 44 offer for thy cleansing things Moses c. Luke 5 14. John 8. 5 Moses c. such be stoned COMMANDEDST. Xeh. 9. 14. thou c. them precepts Jer. 32. 23. done nothing thou c. COMMANDED. Isa. 55. 4. and c. to the people COMMANDEST. Jo$7i. 1. 16. all thou c. us we will do 18. not hearken in all thou c. Jer. 32. 23. done nothing of all c. Acts 23. 3. c. me to be smitten COMMANDETH. Yum. 32. 25. will do as my lord c. Job 9. 7. c. sun, and it riseth not 37. 12. they may do whatever he c. Lam. 3. 37. cometh, when L. c. not ? Mark 1. 27. he c. spirits, Luke 4. 36. Act* 17. 30. c. all men to repent COMMANDING. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob an end of c. sons 77 COM Mat. 11. 1. Jesus made end of ft COMMANDMENT. Exod. 34. 32. in c. all L. had spoken Xum. 15. 31. broken c. be cut off 23. 20. I have received c. to blesa 27. 14. ye rebelled against my c. Deut. 30. li. this c. 1 command 1 Kin. 2. 43. why hast not kept ft 1 Chr. 12. 32. breth. were at their ft 28. 21. people will be at thy c. 2 Chr. 19. 10. come between law ande. 30. 12. one heart to do c. of king 31. 5. as soon as c. came abroad Ezra 8. 17. I sent with c. to Iddo 10. 3. of those tremble at c. Xeh, 11. 23. kings c. concern, them Esth. 1. 12. refused to come at c. 3. 3. why trausgressest king's ft? 9. 1. when king's c. drew nigh Job 23. 12. nor gone back from c. Psal. 119. 96. c. exceeding broad 147. 15. forth his c. upon earth Prov. 6. 23. the c. is a lamp 8. 29. waters not pass his c 13. 13. feareth c. be rewarded 19. 16. keepeth c. keepeth soul Eccl. 8. 5. keepeth c. feel no evil Jer. 35. 14. obey their fathers' c Dan. 3. 22. king's c. was urgent 9. 23. the c. came forth, and I am Hvs. 5. 11. he walked after c. Mai. 2 1. O priests, c. is for you 4. 1 have sent this c. to you Mat. 15. 3. transgress c. of God? 6. the c. of God of no effect 22. 36. which is the great c. 38. this is great c. Mark 12. 30. Mark 7. 8. laying aside c. of God 9. full well ye reject c. of God 12. 31. no c. greater than these Luke 15. 29. nor transgressed I c 23. 56. rested Sabbath accord, to c. John 10. 18. this c. I received of 12. 49. a c. what I should say 50. I know his c. is life everlasting 14. 31. Father gave me c. so I do 15. 12. c. that ye love, 1 John 3. 23. Acts 15. 24. we gave no such c. 23. 30. gave c. to his accusers Rom. 7. 8. occasion by the c. 11. 9. c. came, sin revived 10. c. which was ordained to life 12. c. is holy, just, and good 13. 9. if any other c. it is briefly in 16. 26. according to c. of everl. G:>d 1 Cor. 7. 6. I speak this, not of c. 2 Cor. 8. 8. not by c. but by occasion Epli. 6. 2. the first c. with promise 1 Tim. 1. 1. by c. of G. our S. Tit. 1.3. 5. end of the c. is charity out of Heb. 7. 16. after law of a carnal c. 18. disannulling of the c. going bef. 3 1. 23. were not afraid of king's c. 2 Pet. 2. 21. to turn from holy c. 3. 2. mindful of c of us apostles 1 John 2. 7. but an old c. 3. 23. this is his c. we sh. believe 4. 21. this c. have we from him, he 2 John 4. receh ed a c. from Father 6. this is the c. That as ye heard Give or Giberi COM MANDMENT. Exod. 25. 22. things I will give in c. Deut. 1. 3. Lord hadg\ him in c. to Ezra 4. 21. g. c. till another c. be g. Psal. 71. 3. hast g. c. to save me Isa. 23. 11. L. hath g. c. against city Xah. 1. 14. L. hath g. c. coneer. thee John 11. 57. g. c. if any knew where Keep Commandment, See Keep. COMMANDMENIo/ the Lord. Xum. 24. 13. I cannot go bey. c.of L. Josh. 22. 3. kept charge of c. oft. L. 1 Sa?n. 12. 14. not rebel aga. c. oft. L. 15. but rebel against c. oftht Lord COM 1 Sam. 13. 13. hnst not kept ft oft.L. 15. 13. Saul said, I perf. c. oft. L. 24. I have transgressed c. of the L. 2 Sam. 12.9. wheref. despised c. oft.L. 1 Kin. 24. 3. at c.of L. came on Jud. 2 Chr. 29. 25. for so was c. of the L. Psal. 19. 8. the c of the Lord is pure 1 Cor. 7. 25. virgins I have no c. of L. New COMMANDMENT. John 13. 34. a n. c. I give unto you 1 John 2. 7. no neiv c. || 8. a new c. 2 JoAw 5. not as tho' 1 wrote new c. Rebelled against the COMMAND- MENT. Num. 27. 14. ye rebelled aga. my c. Deut. 1. 26. but ye r. a. c. of L. 43. 9. 23. then ye r. a. the c. of Lord Lam. 1. 18. I have rebelled ag. his c COMMANDMENTS. Gen. 26. ft. Abraham kept my c Exod. 15. 2(5. if give ear to his c. 31. 28. wrote ten c. DeutA.13 | 10.4. Lev. 4. 13. somewhat asf. any c. 27. 5. 17. commit sin forbidden by c 27. 34. these are c. L. commanded Num. 15. 39. remember all ft of L. Deut. 8. II. in not keeping his c. 11. 13. if you shall hearken to my c. 28. 13. Judg. 3. 4. 27. if ye will obey the c. of the L. 28. if ye will not obey the c. of L. 1 Sam. 15. 11. Saul not perf. my r. 1 Kin. 11. 34. bee. he hath kept my c. 14. 8. David who kept my c. 18. 18. in that ye have forsaken c. 2 Kin. 17. 16. they left all the c. ' 19. Judah kept not c. of the Lord 18. 6. but kept his c. which he com. 2 Chr. 7. 19. if ye forsake my c. 24. 20. why transgress ye the c. Ezra 9. 10. we have- forsaken thy c. 14. should we again break thy c. Psal. 89. 31. if they keep not my c 111. 7. all his c are sure 112. 1. Messed he delighteth in c. 119. 10. let me me not wander fr. c. 19. hide not thy c. from me 35. to go in path of thy c. 47. 1 will delight in thy c. 6G. for 1 have believed thy c. 73. that I may learn thy c. 86. c are are faithful || 151. truth 98. thro' c. made me wiser 127. I love thy c || 131 I longed 143. c. my delights || 172. right. 160. done thy c. || 176. not forget Prov. 2. 1. wilt hide my c. with thee 7. 1. lay up my c with thee 10. 8. wise in heart will receive c Isa. 48. 18. hadst hearkened to c. Mat. 5. 19. whoso break least c. 15. 9. teaching c. of men, Mark"!. 7. 22. 40. on these two a. hang law Mark 10. 19. knowest c. Luke 18. 20. 12. 29. first of e. is, hear O Israel Luke 1. 6. walking in c. blameless John 14. 21. he that hath my c. and 15. 10. if keep my c. as I kept Fath. 1 Cor. 7. 19. nothing, but keeping c. 14. 37. thing3 I write you are c. Col. 2. 22. after c. and doct. of men 1 Thes. 4. 2. ye know c. we gave you 1 John 2. 4. keepeth not c. is a liar 3. 24. that keepeth ft dwelleth 2 John 6. this is love, walk after ft Do COMMANDMENTS. Nmn. 15. 40. do all my c. Deut. 6. 25. observe to do all c. 15. 5. 1 Chr. 28. 7. if constant to do my c. Psal. 103. 18. that remember his c 111. 10. understanding that do c. Rev. 22. 14. ble^ed are they do c. Not do COMMANDMENTS. Lev. 2G. 14. if ye will not do e. COM Keep Commandments, See Kbkp. COMMEND. Lu. 23. 46. into thy hands I c. spirit Acts 20. 32. brethren I c you to God Rom.3b.ii our unright. c.right.of G. 16. 1. 1 c unto you Phebe 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we begin again to c. 5. 12. for we c. not ourselves 10. 12. compare with some that c. COMMENDATION. 2 Cor. 3. 1. or need we epistles of c. COMMENDED. Gen. 12. 15. princes c. Sarai Prov. 12. 8. man c. accor. to wisdom Eccl. 8. 15. then I c. mirth Luke 16. 8. L. c. unjust steward Acts 14. 23. c. them to L. on whom 2 Cor. 12. 1 1. to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. Rom. 5. 8. God c. his love towards us 1 Cor. 8. 8. meat c. us not to God 2 Cor. 10. 18. c. himself is approved COMMENDING. 2 Cor. 4. 2. c. oursel. to man's consc. COMMISSION, S. Ezra 8. 36. delivered the king's c. Acts 26. 12 as I went with c. COMMIT. Exod. 20. 14. not c. adultery, Deut. 5. 18. Mat. 5. 27. | 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. Lev. 5. 17. c. things forbidden 18. 29. c. any of these abominations Num. 5. 6. c. any sin that men c. Deut. 19. 20. c. no more such evil 2 Chr. 21. 11. Jem. to c. fornication Job 5. 8. to God would I c. my cause Psal. 31. 5. thine hand I c. my spirit 37. 5. c. thy way to the Lord Prov. 16. 3. c. thy works unto Lord 12. to kings to c. wickedness Isa. 22. 21. I will c. thy government Jer. 44. 7. why c. ye this great evil Ezek. 8. 17. c. abomin. they c here 16. 43. shalt not c. this lewdness 22. 9. in midst of thee c. lewdness //<>*. 6. 9. priests c. lewdness 7. 1. for they c. falsehood Luke 12. 48. did c woithy of stripes 16. 11. c. the true riches ? Jo/m 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself Rom. 1. 32. c such worthy of death 2. 2. is against them c such things 22. dost thou c sacrilege ? 1 Cor. 10. 8. neither let us c. fornic. 1 Tim. 1. 18. charge I c to thee 2 Tim. 2. 2. same c. to faithful men Jam. 2. 9. respect to pers. ye c. sin 1 Pel. 4. 19. c. keeping of souls 1 John 3. 9. born of God, not c. sin Rev. 2. 14. taught Israel to c. form. 20. my servants to c. fornication See Adultery. COMMIT iniquity. 2 Sam. 7. 14. c. i. I will chasten him Job 34. 10. Almighty he sh. c. in. Jer. 9. 5. weary thems. to c. iniquity Ezek. 3. 20. from right.and c. i. 33 13. COMMIT trespass. Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. t. thro' ignor. Num. 5. 12. if a man's wife c. tres. 31. 16. caused Israel to c. trespass Josh. 22. 20. Achan c. a trespass COMMIT whoredom or whoredoms. Lev. 20. 5. that c. ?ft with Molech -Zv*w?«. 25. 1. to c. w. with dau.of Moab Ezek. 16. 17. didst c. w. with images 34. none followeth toe. whoredom 20. 30. c. ye w. after their abomin.? 23. 43. will they c. w. with her Hos. 4. 10. c. iff. and not increase 13. your daughters shall c. u\ 14. COMMITTED. Gera. 39. 8. c. all he hath to my hand 22. c. to Joseph the prisoners 7d COM Lev. 20. 23. e. these and I abhorred Judg. 20. 6. c. lewdness in Israel 1 Km. 8. 47. we have ft wickedness 14. 22. prov. him with sins they e. Jer. 2. 13. my people c. two evils 5. 30. an hoirible thing is c 16. 10. what is our sin we c. 44. 3. c. to provoke me, 9. Ezek. 16. 26. hast also c. fornication 51. nor Samaria c. half of thy bins 18. 21. from sins he c. 22, 28. 23. 3. c. whored, in Egypt in youth 7. c. her whoredoms with them 33. 16. none f.f sins he c. be ment. Hos. 1. 2. land hath c. great whored. 4. 18. they have c. whoredom cont Mark 15. 7. who had c. murder Luke 12. 48. have c. much of him John 5. 22. c. all judgment to Son Acts 8. 3. c. them to prison 2.>. 1 1. if I have c. anything worthy 25. found he c. nothing worthy 27. 40. c. themselves to the sea 28. 17. c. nothing againt people Rom. 3. 2. were c. oracles of God 2 Cor. 5. 19. c. to us word of recon. 12. 21. lasciviousness they c. G«/.2.7.gospel of the uncircumcision was c. to me, 1 Tim. 1. II. 1 Tim. 6. 2». keep what is c. to thee 2 Tim. 1. 12. able to keep wh. I c. to Jam. 5. 15. if he c. sins be forgiven 1 Pet, 2. 23. e. himself to him judg. Jude 15. ungodly deeds they c. Rev. 17. 2. kings have c. for. 18. 3,9. See Abominations. C O M M I TTE D iniquity. Psal. 106. 6. we have c. htiquity Ezek. 33. 13. i. ft he shall die Daw. 9. 5. c. i. and done wickedly COM MITTED trespass. Josh. 7. 1. lsr. c. t. in accursed thing 22. 16. what t. is this ye have e. 31. because not c this t. aga. L. Ezek. 15. 8. have c. t. I will make 20. 27. in that they c a t. aga. me COMMITTEST. ETH, INC. Psal. 10. 14. poor c himself to tiiee Ezek. 8. 6. abomina, Israel c. here 33. 15. without c. iniquity 18. Hos. 4. 2. by lying, c. adultery 5. 3. O Ephraim, c. whon doin Joint 8. 34. c. sin, is servant of sin 1 Cor. 6. 18. c. fornication sinneth 1 John 3. 4. c. sin transgresseth law 8. he that c. sin is of the devil COMMODIOUS. Acts 27. 12. the haven was not c. COMMON. 1 Sam. 21. 4. there is no c bread Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, it is c. Jer. 31. 5. eat them as c. things Ezek. 23. 42. with men of c. sort Acts'!. 44. bad all things ft 4. 32. 10. 14. eaten any thing ft 11. 8. 15. cleansed, call not c. II. 9. 28. should not call any man c. 1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation but c. Tit. 1. 4. my son after c. faith Jude 3. to write of c. salvation COMMON people. Jer. 26. 23. into the graves of c. pro Mark 12 37. c. p. heard him gladly COMMON.kwWi. Eph. 2. 12. aliens from the c-wealth Commonly, See Repouted. COMMOTION, S. 2 Chr. 29. f 8 - deliv. them to great c. Jer. 10. 22. a great c. out of north Luke 21. 9. when ye hear of c be COMMUNE. Exod. 85. 22. there c. with thee 1 Satn. 18. 22. ft with Da. secretly 19,3.1 Will cwith my father of thv« COM Job 4. 2. if assay to c. with thee Ptal. 4. 4. c. with your own heart 61. 5. c. of laying- snares privily 77. 6. night I c. with mine heart COMMUNED. Gen. 23. 8. Abra. || 34, 6. Hamor a 42. 24. JoseDh || Judg. 9. 1. Abim. 1 Sam. 9. 25. Samuel || 25. 39. David 1 Kin.\Q.2X\\e queen of Shebac.with Solomon, 2 Chr. 9. 1. I 8 Kin. 22. 14. c. with Huldah Eccl. 1. 15. I c. with mine heart I Dan. 1. 19. king c. with them .Lw&e 6. II. c. what do to Jesus 24. 15. while c. Jesus drew nigh Acts 24. 26. Felix c. the oftener COMMUNICATE. Gal. 6. 6. c. to him that teacheth Phil. 4 14. c. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6. 18. be willing to c. Heb. 13. 16. and to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. Gal. 2. 2. c. to them that gospel Phil. 4. 15. no church c. with me COMMUNICATION, S. 2 Sam. 3. 17. Abner had c. with elders 2 Kin. 9. 11. ye know his c. Mat. 5. 37. let your c. be yea yea Luke 24. 17. what manner of c. 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil c. corrupt good Eph. 4. 29. let no corrupt c. Col. 3. 8. Philem. 6. c. of thy faith effectual COMMUNING. G«t. 18. 33. L. left c. with Abraham Exod. 31. 18. an end of c. on Sinai COMMUNION. 1 Cor. 10. 16. c. of blood, c. of body 2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. light with dark. 13. 14. c. of H. G. be with you all COMPACT. Psal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is a city c. COMPACTED. Eph. 4. 16. the whole body c. COMPANY. Gen. 32. 8. if Esau come to the one c. 35. II. c. of nations be of thee Num. 16. lfi.thoii and all thy c. bef. L. 40. be not as Korah and his c. 22. 4. this c. lick up all roundabout 26. 9. strove in c. of Korah, 27. 3. Judg. 9. 37. another c. by plain 18. 23. comest with such a c.f 1 Sam. 30. 15. bring me to this c. ? 2 Kin. 5. 15. his c. came to Elisha 9. 17. he spied the c. of Jehu 2 Chr. 24. 24. Syrians with small c. Job 16. 7. made desolate all my c. 34. 8. in c. with workers of iniq. Psal. 55. 14. to house of God in c. 68. 30. rebuke the c. of spearmen 106. 17. earth covered c. of Abiram 18. a fire was kindled in their c. Prov. 29. 3. keepeth c. with harlots Cant. 1. 9. to a c. of horses in Phar. 6. 13. as it were c. of two armies Ezek. 16. 40. bring a c. against thee 23. 46. I will bring a c. on them 32. 22. Ashur is there and her c. 38. 7. prepare, thou and thy c. Hot. 6. 9. so c. of priests murder Luke 2.44.but they supposing him to have been in the c. 6. 17. and c. of his disciples 22. separate you from their c. 9. 14. sit by fitties in a c. 38. a man of the c. cried out 24. 22. a woman of our c. made Acts 4. 23. went to their own c. 10. 28. unlawful for a Jew to keep. c. 15. 22. to send chosen men of c. 17. 5. gathered a c. and set city 21. 8. we of Paul's c. departed Rum. 15. 24. filled with your c. 1 Cor. 6. 1L not to keep c. with forn. COM 2 Thes. 3. 14. have no c. with him Heb. 12. 22. to aninnum. c. of angels Reo. 18. 17. c. in ships afar off Great COMPANY. Gen. 50. 9. with Joseph a great c. 2 Chr. 9. 1. queen of Sheba with g. e. 20. 12. no might against this gr. c. Psal. 68. 11. g. was c. of those publi. Jer. 31. 8. a g. c. return thither Ezek. 17. 17. nor Phar. with great c. John 6. 5. saw a g. c. come to him Acts 6. 7. g. c. of priests obedient COMPANY. 1 Cor. 5. 9. not to c. with fornicators COMPANIED. Acts 1. 21. which have c. with us COMPANIES. Judg. 7. 16. 300 into three c. 1 Sam. 11. 11. Saul put in three c 13. 17. spoilers in three c. 2 Kin. 5. 2. Syrians gone by c. Neh. 12. 31. c. gave thanks, 40. Job 6. 19. the c. of Sheba waited Isa. 21. 13 O ye travelling c. of D. 57. 13. let thy c. deliver thee Mark 6. 39. to make all sit by e. COMPANION. Exod. 32. 27. slay every man his c. Judg. 14 20. Samson's wife to c\15. 6. 1 Chr. 27 33. Hushai king's v Job 30. 29. I am a c. to owls Ps. 119. 63. c. to all that fear thee Prov. 13. 20. c. of fools be destroyed 28. 7. c. of riotous shameth father 24. same is c. of a destroyer Mai. 2. 14. yet she is thy c. wife of Phil. 2. 25. Epaphro. rny c. in labour Rev. 1. 9. I John your c. in tribula. COMPANIONS. Judg. 11. 38. went with c. and bewa. 14. 11. 30 c. to be with him Job 35. 4. I will answer thee and c. 41. 6. c. make a banquet of him ? Psal. 45. 14. her e. shall be brought 122. 8. for my c. sake I will say Cant. 1. 7. aside by flocks of thy c. 8. 13. c. hearken to thy voice. Isa. 1. 23. princes c. of thieve? Ez. 37. 16 for Judah and Israel hise. Dan. 2. 17. thing known to his c. Acts 19. 29. caught Paul's c. in trav. Heb. 10. 33. c. of them so used COMPARABLE. Lam. 4. 2. sons of Zion c. to gold COMPARE, ED, ING. Ps. 89. 6. who in heaven c. to L. ? Prov. 3. 15. not be c. to wisdom, 8. 1 1 . Cant. 1. 9. I have -j. thee, O my love Isa. 40. 18. what Jiken. c. to him ? 46. 5. to whom will ye c. me Rom. 8. 18. to be c. with the gl >ry 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual things with 2 Cor. 10. 12. c. oursel. with som • that commend, c. themselves am mgst COMPARISON. Judg. 8. 2. I done in c. of you * 3. Hag. 2. 3. in your eyes in c. of it Mark 4. 30. with what c. shall we COMPASS. 2 Sa?n. 5. 23. but fetch a c. behi id 2 Kin. 3. 9. fetcht a c. of seven days Prov. 8. 27. c. on face of the djep Isa. 44. 13. marketh it with c. Acts 28. 13. fetched a c. to Rh um COMPASS, Verb. Num. 21. 4. to c. the land of Edom Josh. 6. 3. ye shall c. the city 2 Kin. II. 8. c. the king, 2 C/*r.23. 7. Job 16. 13. his archers c. me about 40. 22. willows of brook c. him /**. 5. 12. with favour c. as a shield 7. 7. congregation c. thee about 17. 9. deadiy enemies who c. me 26. 6 so will I c. thine altar, O L. 79 COM .P.v.32.7. e. me with songs of deli vera 10. trusteth in L. mercy c. him 49. 5. iniquity of my heels c. me 140. 9. as for head of those c. m« 142. 7. the righteous shall c. me Isa. 50. 11. c. yourselves with sparks Jer. 31. 22. a woman shall c. a man Hab. 1. 4. wicked c. righteous >/a£. 23. 15. for ye c. sea and land Luk+ '9. 43. thine enemies shall e. COMPASSED. Deut. 2. 1. we c. Seir many day* Josh. fi. 11. so the ark c. the city Judg. 11. 18. c. the land of Edom 16. 2. they e Samson in 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul c. David and 2 Sam. 22. 5. when waves of death c. me, iW 18. 4 | 1 16. 3. 2 A'm. 6. 15. behold an host c. city 2 Chr. 21. 9. smote Edomites wh. c. Job 19. 6. God c. me with his net 26. 10. c. waters with bounds Psal. 17. 11. now c. us in our steps 22. 12. bulls c. me || 16. dogs Lam. 3. 5. c. me with gall and Luke 21. 20. when ye see Jerus. c. Heb. 5. 2. himself c. with infirmity COMPASSED about. 2 £a;». 18. 15. c. Absalom about 22. 6. sor. of hell c. me a. Ps. 18. 5. 2 Kin. 6. 14. Syrians c. city about 2 CA*\ 18. 31. c. about Jehoshaphat P.?/. 11. 13. c. they were strangers 1 John 4. 2. spirit that c. C. is come 3. c. not Jesus Christ is come CONFESSION. JosJi. 7. 19. and make c. to God 2 Chr. 30. 22. offering and making c. Ezra 10. 11. make c to the Lord Dan. 9. 4. I prayed and made c. Rom. 10. 10. with mouth c. is made 1 Tim. 6. 13. witnessed a good c. CONFIDENCE. Judg. 9. 26. of Shech. put c. in Gaal 2 Km. 18. 19. what c. is this wherein thou tr us test ? Isa. 36. 4. Jo6 4. 6. is not this thy fear thy c. 31. 24. fine gold, thou art my c. Psal. 65. 5. art c. of all the earth 118. 8. trust in L. than put c. in man 9. than to put c. in princes Prov. 3. 26. Lord shall be thy c. 14. 26. in fear of Lord is strong c. 21. 22. casteth down strength of c. 25. 19. c. in unfaithful like a tooth Isa. 30. 15. in c. be your strength Jer. 48. 13. asha. of Bethel their c. Ezek. 28. 26. yea shall dwell with c. 29. 16. Egypt be no more c. of Isr. Mic. 7. 5. put ye not c. in a guide Acts 28. 31. preaching with all c. 2 Cor. 1. 15 in c. minded to come 2. 3. c. that my joy is the joy 7. 16. that I have c. in you in all 8. 22. on th » great c. I have in you 10. 2. with the c. I think to be bold 11. 17. as foolishly in this c. of Gal. 5. 10. I have c. in you thro' L. E/ih. 3. 12. access with c. ty faith Phil. 1. 25. having this c. 1 sh. abide 3. 3. we have no c. in the flesh , 4. tho' I might have c. in flesh 2 T/t£f. 3. 4. c. in L. touching yon Philem. 21. having c. in thy obed. Heb. 3. 6. if we hold fast c. to end 14. beginning of our c. stedfast 10. 35. cast not away your c. 1 John 2. 28. appear, we may havec. 3. 21, then have we c. toward God 5. 14. the c. we have in him CONFIDENCES. Jer. 2. 37 Lord rejected thy c. CON CONFIDENT. [I be c. Psal. 27. 3. tho' war rise, in this will Prov. 14. 16. fool rageth, and is c. Rom. 2. 19. art c. thou art a guide 2 Cor. 5. 6. we are always c. know. 8. c. and willing to be absent 9. 4. ashamed in same c. boasting Phil. 1. 6. c. of this very thing 14. waxing c. by my bonds CONFIDENTLY. Luke 22. 59. c. affirmed this fellow CONFIRMATION. Phil. 1. 7. in the c. of the gospel Heb. 6. 16. an oath for c. is an end CONFIRM. Ruth 4. 7. manner to c. all things 1 Kin. 1. 14. I will c. thy words 2 Kin, 15. 19. to c. the kingdom in Esth. 9. 31. to c. these days of Purim Psul. 68. 9. c. thine inheritance Isa. 35. 3. and c. the feeble knees Ezek. 13. 6. they would c. the word Ban. 9. 27. c. coven, for one week 11. 1. I stood to c. him Rom. 15. 8. to c. promises made 1 Cor. 1. 8. also c. you to the end 2 Cor. 2. 8. ye would c. your love CONFIRMED. 2 Sam. 7. 24. c. to thyself Israel 2 A'i'm. 14. 5. as soon as king, was c. 1 Chr. 14. 2. Lord had c. him king 16. 17. c. same to Jacob, Ps. 105. 10. Esth. 9. 32. Esther c. mat. of Purim Dan. 9. 12. c. words he spake ag. us Acts 15. 32. exhorted and c. them 1 Cor. 1. 6. testimony of C. c. in you Gal. 3. 15. if c. no man disannul, it 17. the covenant that was c. bef. Heb. 2. 3. was c. to us by them that 6. 17. he c. it by an oath CONF1RMETH, ING. Num. 30. 14. bonds on her, he c. Deut. 27. 26. cursed be he c. not all Isa. 44. 26. c. word of his servant Mark 16. 20. c. the word with signs Acts 14. 22. c. souls of disciples 15. 41. thro' Syria c the churches CONFISCATION. Ezra 7. 26. judg. be executed to c. CONFLICT. Phil. 1. 30. same c. ye saw in me Col. 2. I. knew what c. I have for you CONFORMABLE. Phil. 3. 10. made c. to his death CONFORMED. Rom. 8. 29. c. to image of his Son 12. 2. be not c. to this world CONFOUND. Gen. 11. 7. c. their language, 9. Jer. 1. 17. lest I c. thee before them 1 Cor. 1. 27. to c. the wise, to c. CONFOUNDED. 2 Kin. 19. 26. inhab. vverec. Isa.S1.27. Job 6. 20. c. because they had hoped Psal. 35. 4. be c. that seek my soul 63. 6. 'et not those seek L. be c. 71. 13. be c. that are adversaries 24. are c. that seek my hurt 83. 17. let them be c. for ever 97. 7. c. be all they serve images 129. 5. let all be c. hate Zion Isa. 1. 29. c. for the gardens ye have 19. 9. that weave net-work be c. 37. 27. inhabitants were c. Jer. 9. 19. c. because we have forsak. 10. 14. founder c. by image, 51. 17. 17. 18. be c. that persecute me 46. 24. dau. of Eg. c || 48. 20. Moab 49. 23. Hamath is c. || 50. 2. Bel 50. 12. your mother be sore c. 51. 47. Babylon whole land be e. 51. c. because we heard reproach Ezek. 16. 52. be thou c. 54, 63. Mic, 7. 16. nations c. at their might 81 CON Zech. 10. 5. riders on horses be & Acts 2. 6. multitude were c. 9. 22. Saul c. Jews at Damascus Ashamed ffr.rfCONFOUNDED. Psal. 40. 14. a. c. seek my soul, 70. 2. Isa. 24. 23. moon be c. sun be a. 41. 11. incensed ag. thee be a. and c. 45. 16. idol-makers be asham. and c. 54. 4. shalt not be a. neither c. Jer. 14. 3. nobles and little ones a. c. 15. 9. hath born seven been a. a. c. 22. 22. then shalt be ashamed and c. 31. 19. a. yea c. because I did bear Ezek. 36. 32. be a. c. for your ways Mic. 3. 7. seers be a. and diviners c. Not CONFOUNDED. Ps. 22. 5. fathers trusted, were note. Isa. 45. 17. nor c. world without end 50. 7. God will help, 1 not be c. 1 Pet. 2. C. believeth shall not be c. CONFUSED. Isa. 9. 5. battle is with c. noise Acts 19. 32. the assembly was c. CONFUSION. Lev. 18. 23. a beast to lie, it is c. 20. 12. they have wrought c. I Sam. 20. 30. chosen David to thyc. Ezra 9. 7. been deliver'd to c. of face Job. 10. 15. I am full of c. see afflict. Psal. 35. 4. to c. that devise my hurt 44. 15. my c. is contin. before me 70. 2. to c. that desire my hurt 71. 1. let me never be put to c. 109. 29. cover with their own c. Isa. 24. 10. the city of c. is broken 30. 3. trust in shadow of Egypt c. 34. 1 1. shall stretch on it line of c. 41. 29. their molten images are c. 45. 16. makers of idols go to c. 61. 7. for c. they shall rejoice in Jer. 3. 25. and our c. covereth us 7. 19. do they not provoke to the a 20.11. their everl.c. never be forgot. Dan. 9. 7. belongeth c. of faces, 8. Acts 19. 29. city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. God not author of c. Jam. 3. 16. where strife is, is c. CONGEALED. Ex. 15. 8. depths were c. in the sea CONGRATULATE. 1 Chr. 18. 10. of his welfare, and e. CONGREGATION. Lev. 10. 17. given it to bear iniq. of c. 16. 33. atonement for all the c. Nutn. 1. 16. the renowned of c. 14. 27. bear with this evil c.f 15. 15. one ordinance be for c. 16. 21. separate yours, from this e. 45. get you up from among this c. 47. Aaron ran into midst of c. 27. 16. let L. set a man over c. 35. 12. till he stand before the c. for judgment, Josh. 20. 6. Judg. 20. 1. c. gathered as one man 21. 5. came not up with c. to L. 1 Kin. 12. 20. called Jeroboam to e. Ezra 10. 8. himself separated from c Neh. 13. 1. Moabite not come into i Job 15. 34. c. of hypocrites desolate 30. 28. and I cried in the c. Psal. 1. 5. nor sinners in c. of right 22. 22. in midst of c. will I praise 26. 5. hated the c. of evil doers 58. 1. do ye indeed speak right. O *.) 74. 2. rem. c. thou hast purchased 19. forget not the c. of thy poor 75. 2. when I receive the c. I will 82. 1. G. standeth in c. of mighty 89. 5. thy faithful, in c. of saints 107. 32. exalt him also in c. of peo. 111. 1. I will praise the Lord in c. Prov. 5. 14. in all evil in midst oft 21. 16. remain in c. of the dead Isa. 14. 13. Will sit on mount of c. Q - CON Jer. 6. 18. O e. what is among them 30. 20. c. be established before me Lain. 1.10. should not enter into c. Hos. 7. 12. chastise them as their c. Joel 2. 16. sanctify the c. Acts 13. 43. when c. was broken up All the CONGREGATION. Lev. 8. 3. gather a. t. c. to the door 16. 17. make atonement for all t. c. Num. 10. 3. seeing nil the c are holy 22. one sin, be wroth with all c. ? 20. 27. up in sight of all the c. 25. 6. Josh. 22. 20. wrath fell on all. the c. 1 Kin. 8. 14. king blessed all t. c. 55. 1 Chr. 29. 20. all the c. blessed L. 2 CAr.23.3.a. t. c. made cov. with king 29. 28. a. t. c. worship, singers sang Neh. 5. 13. all the c. said, amen 8. 17. all c. come again made booths Elder* of the CONGREGATION. Leo. 4. 15 e. of c. shall lay hands Great CONGREGATION. 1 Kin. a 65. Sol. held a feast, and all Isr. ag. c. 2 Chr. 7. 8. | 30. 13. Ezra 10. 1. assembled to him a^. c. Ps. 22. 2fc. praise be of thee in g. c. 35. 18. give thee thanks in great c. 40. 9. preached righteous, in g. c. 10. not concealed truth from g. c. CONGREGATION of Israel. Lev. 4. 13. if c. of I. sin thro' ignor. 2 Chr. 24. 6. according to com. of c.I. CONGREGATION of the Lord. Num. 16. 3. why lift you above c. L. 27. 17. c. of L. not as sheep that Deut. 23. 1. not enter c. of L. 2, 3. 1 C/»r.28.8.in sight of c. L. keep com. Tabernacle of the CONGREGA- TION. E.rod. 29. 44. I will sanctify t. of c. 33. 7. called it the taber. of the c. Lev. 16. 33. atonement for t. of thee. Num. 4. 3. work of t. of the c. 23, 25. 8. 9. bring Levites before t. oft. c. 12. 4. coin. 1 ? out ye three tot. oft. c. 14.10. glory of L. appeared in /. of c. 18. 4. keep charge of tube?: of the c. Deut. 31. 14. present yours, in t. of c. Josh. 18. I. set up t. oft. c. at Shiloh 1 Kin. 8. 4. they brought up the /. of the c. 2 Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chr. 1. 3. for there was t. of the c. See Dcor. Tent of the CONGREGATION. E.rod. 39. 32. tent oft/ie c. finished 40.34.a cloud covered tent of the c. 35. Moses not able to enter t. of c. Whole CONGREGATION. E.rod. 16. 2. w. c. of Isr. murmured Num. 3. 7. keep charge of w/iele c. Josh. 22. IS. will be wroth with u: c. Judg. 21. 13. to. c. sent to Benjamin 2 Chr. 6. 3. ihe kiny blessed whole c. Ezra 2. 64. w. c. 42360, Neh. 7. 66. /Vo».26.26. wick.hu showed bef. 10. c. CONGREGATIONS. Psal. 26. 12. in c. will I bless Lord 68. 26. bhss ye God in the c. 74. 4. thine enemies roar in thy c. CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. conquering and to c. CONQUERORS. Rom. 8. 37. we are more than c. CONSCIENCE. John 8. 9. convicted by their own e. Acts 23. 1. I have lived in good c- 21. 16. a c. void of offence Rom. 2. 15. their c. bearing witness 9. 1. my c. bearing witness in H. G. 13. 5. be subject for c. sake I Cot. 8. 7. with c. of idol eat it 10. weak c. be emboldened to eat? 12. wound weak c. ye sin 1C. 25. no question for c. sake, 27. CON 1 Cor. 10. 28. eat not, for his andc.saka 29. c. 1 say, not thine own, but 2 Cor. 1. 12. the testimony of our c. 4. 2. commending to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1. 5. heart, and of a good c. 19. holding faith and a good c. ■'■ 3. 9. mystery of faith in pure c. 4. 2. c. seared with a hot iron •2 Tim. 1. 3. whom I serve with c. Tit. 1.15. but their c. is defiled Heb. 9. 9. perfect as pertain, to c. 14. purge c. from dead works 10. 2. worship, no more c. of sins 22. hearts sprinkled from an evil 13. 18. trust we have good c. in 1 Pet. 2. 19. fore, endure grief 3. 16. having a good c. 21. but the answer of a good c. CONSCIENCES. 2 Cor. 5. 11. manifest in your c. CONSECRATE. Exod. 29. 9. c. Aaron and sons, 30. 30. 32. 29. c. yourselves this day to L. I Chr. 29. 5. to c. his service to L. Exek. 43. 26. shall c. themselves Mic. 4 13. I will c. their gain to L. CONSECRATED. Judg. 17. 5. Micah c. one of sons, 12. 1 Km. 13. 33. whoso, would, he c. 2 Chr. 29. SI. c. yourselves to Lord 31. 6. tithe of holy things c. Heb. 7. 28. Son, who is c. evermore 10. 20. by a living way c. for us CONSECRATED. 2 Chr. 29. 33. c. thinsrs 600 oxen CONSECRATION, S. Exod. 29. 22. for it is a ram of c. Lev. 7. 37. this is law of the c. 8. 28. c. for sweet savour to L. 31. eat it with bread in basket of c. 33. till days of your c. be at hn end Num. 6. 9. defiled the head of his e CONSENT, ED, ING Gen. 34. 23. only let us c. to them Deut. 13. 8. shalt not c. to him I Kin. 20. 8. hearken not, nor c. Psal. 50. 18. sawest thief, thou c. Prov. 1. 10. entice thee, c. thou net Dan. 1. 14. so he c. in this matter Luke 23. 51. same had not c. to deed Acts 8. 1. Saul c. to his death, 22. 20. 18. 20. to tarry longer, he c. not Rom. 7. 16- I c. to law that it is good 1 Tim.6.3. c. not to wholesome words CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11. 7; came out with one e. Psal. 83. 5. consulted with one c. Hos. 6. 9. of priests murder by c. Zeph. 3. 9. to serve him with one e. Luke 14. 18. one c. to make excuse 1 Cor. 7. 5. except with c. for a time CONSIDER. Deut. 4. 39. c. it in thine heart 32. 29. wise to c. latter end Judg. 18. 14. c. what ye have to do 1 Sam. 12. 24. c. how great things 25. 17. c. what thou wilt do Job 11. 11. will he not then c. it? 23. 15. I c. I am afraid of him 34. 27. would not c. his ways 37. 14. c. wondrous works of God Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation 9. 13. c. my trouble 8. 3. when I c. thy heavens 13. 3. c. and hear, 45. 10. 25. 19. c. my enemies 37. 10. shalt diligently c. his place 48. 13. c. her palaces, that ye 50. 22. c. this, ye that forget God 64. 9. wisely c. of his doing 119. 95. I will c. thy testimonies 153. c. mine affliction, deliver 150. c how I love thy precepts Prov. 6. G. go to ant, c. her waya 82 CON Prov. 23. 1. c. what id before thee 24. 12. that pondereth heart e. it t Eccl. b. 1. c. not that they do evil 7. 13. c. work of God, who can 14. but in day of adversity c Isa. 1. 3. my people doth not c. 5. 12. c. operation of his handi 14. 16. shall narrowly c. thee 18. 4. c. in my dwelling-place 41. 20. that they may see, and e. 43. 18. nor c. the thiugs of old 52. 15. not heard shall they c. Jer. 2. 10. c. if there be such a thing 23. 20. in the latter days ye shall c. it perfectly, 30. 21 Lam. 2. 20. c. to whom done this 5. 1. O Lord, c. our reproach Ezek. 12. 3. it may be they will c Dan. 9. 23. and c. the vision Hos. 7. 2. c. not that I remember Hag. 1. 5. saith L. c. your ways 7. 2. 15. I pray c. from this day, 18. Mat. 6. «8. c. the lilies, Luke 12. 27. Luke 12. 24. c. the ravens John 11. 50 nor c. it is expedient Acts 15. 6. elders came to c. of this 2 Tim.2.1.c. and L. give thee undera. Heb. 3. 1. brethren c. the Apostle 7. 4. c. how great this man was 10. 24. let us c. one auother to prov. 12. 3. c. him endured such contrad. CONSIDERED, EST. 1 Kin. 5. 8. I have c. things sent, for Job 1. 8. hast thou c. Job ? 2 3. Psal. 31. 7. hast c. my trouble Prov. 24. 32. then I c. it well Eccl. 4. 1. I c. all the oppressions 4. again I c. all travel, and 9. 1. all this I c. to declare this Jer. 33. 24. c. not peo. have spoken Acts 12. 12. when Peter had c. Rom. 4. 19. he c. not his body dead CONS1DERETH, ING. Psal. 33. 15. he c. all their works 41. 1. blessed is he c. the poor Pror. 21. 12. c. house of wicked 28. 22. c. not poverty shall come 29. 7. righteous c. cause of poor 31. 16. she c. a field, buyeth it Isa. 44. 19. none c. to say, I burnt 57. 1. none c. right, is taken away Ezek. 18. 14. c. and doth not, 28. Gal. 6. 1. c. lest also be tempted Heb. 13. 7. c. end of their couversa. CONSIST, ETH. Luke 12. 15. life c. not in the abund. Col. 1. 17. and by him all things c. CONSOLATION. Jer. 16. 7. nor give them cup of c. Luke 2. 25. Simeon waiting for c. 6. 24. wo to you rich, recei. your c Acts 4. 36. interpreted, son of c. 15. 31. they rejoiced for the c. Rom. 15. 5. God of c. grant you to b« 2 Cor. 1. 5. our c. aboundeth by C. 6. afHicted for your c. comforted 7. so ye be partakers of the c. 7. 7. c. wherewith he was coraf. Phil. 2. 1. if any c. in Christ, fulfil 2 Thes. 2. 16. given U3 everlasting c Philem. 7. joy aud c. in thy love Heb. 6. 18. might hare strong c. CONSOLATIONS. Job. 15. 11. are c. of God small 21. 2. and let this be your c. Isa. 66. 11. sat. with breasts of her c CONSORTED. Acts 17. 4. c. with Paul and Silas CONSPIRACY. 2 Sam. 15. 12. Absalom's c. strong 2 Kin. 12. 20. a c. and slew J«»ash 14. 19. c. ag. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25 27 15. 15. acts of Shallum and c. 17. 4. found c. in Hoshea CON fer. 11. 9. r. among men of Judah Zxe\. 22. 25. is kit. of her prophets icti 23. 13. 40 which had made c. CONSPIRATORS. Sawi.15.31. Ahithophel isamonge. CONSPIRED. Gen. 37. 18. c. ag. Joseph to slay him 1 Smn.22. 13.whye.thou& son of Jesse 1 Kin. 15. 27. Baasha c. aga. Nadab 16. 9. Zimri c. against Elah, 1G. 2 Kin. 9. 14. Jehu c. against Joram 10. 9. I c. against my master 15. 10. Shallum c. against Zechariah 25. Pekah c. against Pekahiali 21. 23. serv. of Ainon c. aga. him 24. slew all c. ag. him, 2 CAr.33.25. 2 Chr. 24. 21. c. against Jehoiada 25. serv. of Joash c. ag. him, 26. Neh. 4. 8. c. all to come and tight Amos 7. 10 Amos hath c. aga. thee CONSTANT, LY. 1 Chr. 28. 7. if he be c. to do com. Prop. 21. 28. heareth, speaketh c. Acts 12. 15. she c. affirmed it was so Tit. 3. 8. I will thou affirm c. CONSTELLATIONS. Isa. 13. 10. c. thereof not give light CONSTRAIN. Gal. 6. 12. c. you to be circumcised CONSTRAINED, E1H. 2 Kin. 4. 8. woman c. him to eat Job 32. 18. the spirit in me c. me Mat. 14.22 J. c. disciples, MarkQAb. Luke 24. 29. a. him, saying, abide Acts 16. 15. Lydia c. us to co'ne 28. 19. I was c. to appeal to Cesar 2 Cor. 5. 14. love of Christ c. us CONSTRAINT. 1 Pet. 5. 2. the oversight, not by c. CONSULT. Psal. 62. 4. only c. to cast him down CONSULTATION. Mark 15. 1. chief priests held a c. CONSULTED. 1 Kin. 12. 6. Rehob. c. with old, 8. 1 Chr. 13. 1. David c. with captains 2 Chr. 20. 21. Jehosh. c. with people Neh. 5. 7. then I c. with myself Psal. 83. 3. c. against hidden ones 5. they have c. with one consent Ex. 21. 21. king of Bab. c. images Dan. 6. 7. presidents and captains c. Mic. 6. 5. remember what Balak c. Hah. 2. 10. c. shame to thy house Mat. 26. 4. c. might take Jesus Joh?i 1'.'. 10. c. to put Laz. to death CONSULTER. Deut. 18. 11. a c. with spirits CON ULTETH. Luke 14. 31. c. wh. able with 10000 CONSUME. Exod. 33. 3. lest I e. thee in way, 5. Deaf. 5. 25. this fire will c. us 7. 16. thou shalt c. all the people 28. 38. locust shall c it, 42. 32. 22. a tire kin. in anger c. earth Josh. 24. 20. c. after done you good 1 Sam. 2. 33. man be to c. thine eyes 2 Kin. 1. 10. let fire c. thy fifty, 12. Job 15. 34. fire c. tabern. of bribery 20. 26. a fire not blown c. him 24. 19. and heat n. snow waters Psal. 37. 20. c. into smoke shall c. 39. 11. his beauty to c. away 49. 14. their beauty c. in grave 78. 33. their days did he c. in vanity Isa. 7. 20. it shall consume the beard 10. 18. c. glory of his forest 27. 10. shall calf c. branches Jer. 49. 27. fire c. palaces of Ben.h. Ezck. 4. 17. c away for iniquity 13. 13. great hail-stones to c. it 21. 28. sword is furbished to c. N. 15. I will c. thy filthincss out CON Ezek. 24. 10. kindle fire, c. the flesh I 35. 12. they are given us to c. Dan. 2. 44. it shall c. these kingd. Hos. 11. 6. sword c. his branches Zeph. 1. 2. I will c. all oil land 3. I will c. man and beast, fowls Zech. 5. 4. remain in house and c. it 14. 12. eyes, tongue shall c. away 2 Thes. 2. 8. wicked, whom L. shall c Jam. 4. 3. may c. it on vour lusts CONSUME them. Ex.32. 10. wax hot that I may c.t.Va. Num. 16. 21. c. t. in a moment, 45. Deut. 7. 22. inayest not c. t. at once Neh. 9, 31. didst not utterly c. them Esth. 9. 24. Hainan cast lot to c . t Psal. 59. 13. c. t. in wrath, c. them Jer. 8. 13. I will surely c. t. saith L. 14. 12. I will c. them by sword and Ezek.20.\3.pour fury on them to c.t. Luke 9. 54. fire to c. t. as Elias did CONSUMED. Gen. 19. 15. lest be c. in the iniquity 17. escape to mount, lest be c. 31. 40. in day drought c. me Exod. 3. 2. behold, bush was not c. 15. 7. wrath c. them as stubble 22. 6. if corn be c. therewith Num. 11. 1. c. them were in utterm. 12. 12. of whom flesh is half c. 16. 26. lest \e be c. in their sin3 35. fire c. the 250 men 21. 28. fire hath c. Ar of Moab 25. I 1 ., that I c. not children of Isr. 32. 13. generation done evil was c. Deut. 2. 16. men of war were c. Judg. 6. 21. fire out of rock c. flesh 2 Sam. 21.5. the man that c. us 1 Kin. 18. 38. fire of Lord fell and c. sacrifice, 2 Chr. 7. 1. 2 Kin. 1. 10. fire c. his fifty, 12. 2 Chr. 8. 8. whom chil. of Isr. c. not Neh. 2. 3. gates thereof are c. 13. Job 1. 16. fire of God c. sheep 4. 9. by breath of his nostrils c. 6. 17. snow and ice are c. 7. 9. as cloud is c. and vanisheth 19. 27. reins c. || 33. 21. his flesh isa. Psal. 6. 7. mine eye c. 31. 9. 10. my bones c. 102. 3. 39. 10. c. by blow of thine hand 71. 13. let them be c. that are 73. 19. utterly c. with terrors 78. 63. fire c. their young men 90. 7. we are c. by thine anger 104. 35. let sinners be c. out of 119. 87. almost c. me upon earth 139. my zeal hath c. me, because Pror. 5. 11. tlesh and body are c. Isa. 16. 4. oppressors c. out of land 29. 20. the scorner is c. and all 64. 7. c. us because of iniquities 61. 17. eat swine's flesh, be- c. Jer. 5. 3. c. refused correction 6. 29. lead is c. || 12. 4. beasts 20. 18. days sho. be c. with shame 36. 23. till" all the roll was c. 44. 18. we have been c. by sword Lam.2. 22. those I sw.iddled enemy a. 3. 22. of Lord's mercies not c. Ezek. 19. 12. rods fire c. 2-2. 31. 24. 11. scum of it may be c. 43. 8. wherefore I have c. them Mai. 3. ti. sons of Jacob are not c. Gal. 5. 15. ye be not c. one of anoth. Shall be CONSUMED. Num. 14. 35. in wilder, sh. they be c. 17. 13. shall we be c. with dying ? 1 Sam. 12. 25. ye s. be c. ye and king Isa. 1. 28. that forsake L. shall be c. 66. 17. eat swine's flesh, shall be c. Jer. 16. 4. *. be c. by sword, 44.12,27. Ezck. 5. 12. with famine shall bee. 13. 14. it shall fall and ye sluill be c. CON Ez.3i.29.s.be no more a. with hungej 47. 12. nor shall fruit thereof be c. Dan. 11. 16. land which shall be c. CONSUMED with till or until Deut. 2. 15. destroy un. c. Josh. 5. 6. 28. 21. until he have c. thee Josh. 10. 20. slaying them till c. 1 Sam. 15. 18. fight until they be e. 2 Sam. 22. 38. 1 turned not u. I had c. them, Psal. 18. 37. 1 Kin. 22. 11. push Syrians u. c. them 2 Kin. 13. 17, 19. 2 Chr. 18. 10. Ezra 9. 14. angry till haist c. us Jer. 9. 16. send a sword till I have e. them. 24. 10. | 27. 8. | 49. 37. CONSUMETH, ING. Deut A. 24. God is a c. fire, Heb. 12. 29. 9. 3. L. gneth before thee as c. fire Job 13. 28. he c. as a garment that 22. 20. remnant of them fire c. 31. 12. fire that c. to destruction Isa. 5. 24. as the flame c. chaflf CONSUMMATION. Dan. 9. 27. make it desolate until * CONSUMPTION. Lev. 26. 16. appoint over you c. Deut. 28. 22. L. smite thee with a c. Isa. 10. 22. c. decreed shall overflow 23. the Lord shall make a c. 28. 22. I have heard from Lord a c. CONTAIN. 1 Kin. 8. 27. heaven of heav. cannot c. thee, 2 Chr. 2. 6. \ 6. 18. Jchn 21. 25 world not c. the books 1 Cor. 7. 9. if cannot c. marry CONTAINED, ETH, ING. Ezek. 23. 32. thy sister's cup c. much Rom. 2. 14. by nature thi. c. in law Eph. 2. 15. abolished law c. in ordin. 1 Pet. 2. 6. it is c. in scripture CONTEMN, ED, ETH. Psal. 10. 13. wher. wicked c. God? 15. 4. eyes a vile person is c. 107. 11." c. counsel of Most High Cant. 8. 7. his substance would bee. Isa. 16. 14. glory of Moab be c. Ezek. 21. 10. it c. rod of my son CONTEMPT. Esth. 1. 18. thus arise too much c. Job 12. 21. c. on princes, Ps. 107. 40. 31. 34. c. of families terrify me Psal. 1!9. 22. remove from me c. 123. 3. we are exceed, tilled with c. 4. soul filled with c. of proud Pror. 18. 3. wicked cometh, then e. Isa. 23. 9. into c. the honourable Dan. 12. 2. shall awake to everla. a. CONTEMPTIBLE. Mai. 1. 7. say, table of Lord is c. 12. meat c. || 2. 9. I made you c. 2 Cor. 10. 10. his speeeh c. CONTEMPTUOUSLY. Psal. 31. 18. speak r. sff. righteous CONTEND. Deut. 2. 9. neither c. in battle, 24. Job 9. 3. if c. he cannot answer one 13. 8. will ye c. for God? Prov. 28. 4 such as keep the law c. Eccl. 6. 10. nor may he c. with him Isa. 49. 25. I will c. with them c. 50. 8. who will c. with me? 57. 16. I will not c. for ever, nor Jer. 12. 5. how c. with horses ? 18. 19. to voice of them that c. Amos 7. 4. Lord called to c. by fire Mic. 6. 1. c. thou before the moun. Jude 3. earnestly c. for the faith CONTENDED. Neh. 13. 11. c. 1 with rulers, 17. Job 31. 13. servants when they c. Isa. 41. 12. not find them that c. Acts 1 1. 2. they of eireum. c. with hiir CONTENDEST. Job 10. 2. show me wherefore c. CON CONTENDETH. Joi 40. 2. that c. with Almighty Prov. 29. 9. if wise c. with foolish CONTENDING. Jude 9. when c. with the devil CONTKNT. Gen. 37. 27. sell him, brethren c. Lev. 10. 20. heard that, he was c. Josh. 7. 7. would we had been c. 2 Kin. 6 3. one said, be c. and go with Jo6 G. 28. now therefore be c. Prov. 6. 35. nor will he rest c. tho' Mark 15. 15. Pilate willing to e. Luke 3. 14. be c. with your wages Phil. 4. 11. iu every state to be e. 1 Tim. 6. 8. raiment, let us be c. Heb. 13. 5. be c. with such things 3 John 10. not c. with prating CONTENTION. Gen. 26. f "20. called the well, c. Prov. 13 10. by pride Cometh c. 17. 14. leave off c. before it be med. 18. 6. a fool's lips enter into c. 22. 10. cast out scorner, c. shall go Jer. 15. 10. born me a man of c. Hah. 1. 3. there are that raise up c. Acts 15. 39. the c. was so sharp Phil. 1. 16. the one preach Ch. of c. 1 Thes. 2. 2. to speak gospel with c. CONTENTIONS. Prov. 18. 18. lot causeth c. to cease 19. c. like bars of a castle 19. 13. c. of a wife a dropping, 27. 15. 23. 29. who hath wo ? who hath c? 1 Cor. 1. il. there are c. among you Tit. 3. 9. avoid c. and strivings CONTENTIOUS. Prov. 21. 19. than with c. woman 26. 21. so a c. man to kindle strife 27. 15. drop, and c. woman alike Pom. 2. 8. but to them that are e. 1 Cor. 11. 16. if any seem to be c. CONTENTMENT. 1 Tim. 6. 6. godliness with c. is gain CONTINUAL. Exod. 29. 42. be a c. burnt-offering 2 Chr. 2. 4 house for c. show-bread Prov. 15. 15. merry heart a c. feast lsa. 14. 6. smote with a c. stroke Jer. 48. 5. c. weeping shall go up Ezek. 39. 14. men of c. employment Luke 18. 5. lest by here, coming she Pom. 9. 2. c. sorrow in my heart See Burnt-Offerings. CONTINUALLY. Gen. 6. 5. imagination was evil c. Exod. 28.30. on heart before Lordc. 1 Chron. 16. 11. seek his face c. Job 1. 5. thus did Job c. Psal. 34. 1. his praise be c. in, 71. 6. 35. 27. say c. L. be mag. 40.16. j 70.4. 38. 17. sorrow c. before me 40. 1 1. truth c. preserve me 42. 3. c. say where is thy God ? 44. 15. my confusion c. before me 50. 8. burnt-offerings c. before me 52. 1. goodness of God endureth c. 71. 3. whereunto I may c. resort 6. my praise be c. of thee 14. but I will hope c. and yet 73. 23. I am c. with thee, thou 74. 23. the tumult increaseth c. 109. 15. let them be before Lord c. 119. 44. so shall I keep thy law c. 109. my soul is c. in my hand 117. respect to thy statutes c. 140. 2. c. are gathered for war Prov. 6. 14. deviseth mischief c. 21. bind them c. on thy heart lsa. 21. 8. c upon the watch-tower 49. 16. thy walls art c. before me 51. 13. hast feared c. because 52. 5. my name c. is blasphemed S8. 11, Lord shall guide tb.ee c. CON lea. 61. 11. thy gates shall be open c. 65. 3. provoketh me to anger c. Jer. 6. 7. before me c. is grief Dan. 6. 16. God whom servest c. 20. Hos. 12. 6. and wait on thy God c. Obad. 16. so shall heathen drink c. Nah. 3. 19. thy wickedn. passed c. ? Luke 24. 53. c. in temple praising G. Acts 6. 4. ourselves c to prayer Pom. 13. 6. c. on this very thing Heb 7. 3. abidcth a priest c. 10. 1. sacrifices year by year c. 13. 15. the sacrifice of praise c. CO>TINUANCE. Dent. 28. 59. plagues and of long c. Psal. 139. 16. in c. were fashioned lsa. 64. 5. in those is c. Rom. 2. 7. patient c. in well-doing CONTINUE. Exod. 21. 21. if he c. a day or two 1 Sam. 12. 14. c. following the Lord 13. 14. thy kingdom not c. 2 Sam. 7. 29. that it may c. for ever 1 Kin. 2. 4. L. may c. word he spake Job 15. 29. neither substance c 17. 2. eye c. in their provocation ? Psal. 36. 10. O c. thy loving kindn. 49. 11. that their houses shall c. 102. 28. children of thy servants c. IIP. 91. c. accor. to thy ordinances lsa. 5. 11. c. till night, till wine Jer. 32. 14. may c. many days Dan. 11. 8. c. more years than king Mat. 15. 32. c. now three days John 8. 31. if ye c. in my word 15. 9. c. ye in my love Acts 13. 43. to c. in grace of God 14. 22. exhorting to c. in faith 26. 22. I c. unto this day Rom. 6. 1. sh. we c. in sin, that grace 11. 22. if thou c. in his goodness Gal. 2. 5. truth of gospel might c. Phil. 1. 25. I shall c. with you all Col. 1. 23. if ye c. in the faith, and 4. 2. c. in prayer, and watch 1 Tim. 2. 15. if they c. in faith and 4 16. doctrine, c. in them 2 Tim. 3. 14. c. in thi. hast learned Heb. 7. 23. not suff. to c. by reason 13. 1. let brotherly love c. Jam. 4. 13. c. there a year and buy 2 Pet. 3. 4. all things c. as they were 1 John 2. 24. ye shall c. in the Son Rev. 13. 5. power to c. 42 months 17. 10. he must c. a short space CONTINUED. Psal. 72. 17. his name be c. as sun Dan. 1. 21. Dan. c. to year of Cyrus Luke 6. 12. he c. all niffht in prayer 22. 28. ye c. with me in temptation Acts I. 14. these c. in prayer 2. 42. c. stedfast in apostle's doctr. 8. 13. Simon c. with Philip 20. 7. Paul c. speech until midnight Heb. 8. 9. c. not in my covenant 1 John 2. 19. no doubt c. with us CONTINUETH, ING. Job 14. 2. as shadow, and c. not Jer. 30. 23. a c. whirlwind, it Acts2. 46. c. daily with one accord Rom. 12. 12. c. instant in prayer Gal 3. 10. cursed c. not in all things 1 Tim. 5. 5. c. in supplications Heb. 7. 24. because he c. ever 13. 14. we have no c. city, but Jam. 1. 25. perfect law, c. in it CONTRADICTING. ^cfa 13. 45. with envy c. blasphem. CONTRADICTION. Heb. 7. 7. without c. less is blessed 12. 3. endured such c. of sinners CONTRARY. Lev. 26.24. then will I walk c. 28,41, Esth. 9. 1. though turned to c. 84 CON Ezek. 16. 34. c. is in thee, art e. Mat. 14. 24. for the wind was c. Acts 17. 7. these do c. to decrees 18. 13. to worship God c. to law 23. 3. to be smitten c. to the law 26. 9. c. to the name of Jesus Rom. 11. 24. grafted c. to nature 16. 17. c. to doctrine ye learned Gal. 5. 17. c. one to the other Col. 2. 14. hand- writing c. to us 1 Thes. 2. 15. and are c. to all men 1 Tim. 1. 10. c. to sound doctrine Tit. 2. 8. he of c. part be ashamed CONTRARIWISE. 2 Cor. 2. 7. e. rather to forgive him Gal. 2. 7. c. when saw gospel was 1 Pet. 3. 9. railing, but c. blessing CONTRIBUTION. Rom. 15. 26. c. for the poor saints CONTRITE. Psa. 34. 18. saveth such as of c. spirit 51. 17. c heart, wilt not despise lsa. 57. 15. that is of a c. spirit, to revive heart of the c. ones 66. 2. of c. spirit and tremhleth CONTROVERSY. Deut. 17. 8. being matters of c. 19 17. between whom c. is, stand 21. 5. by their word c. be tried 25. 1. if there be a c. between men 2 Sam 15. 2. that had a c. came 2 Chroji. 19. 8. set the Levites for c. lsa. 34. 8. year of recoin. for c. of Zi. Jer. 25. 31. L. hath c. with nations Ezek. 44. 24. in c. they shall stand Hos. 4. 1. L. hath ac. with inhabi. 12. 2. Lord hath a c. with Judah Mic. 6. 2. Lord hath c. with his peo. 1 Tim. 3. 16. wi. c. great is mystery CONVENIENT. Prov. 30. 8. with food c. for me Jer. 40. 4. it seemeth c. to go, 5. Mark 6. 21. a c. day was come Acts 24. 25. a c. season. I will call Rom. 1. 28. to do things not c. I Cm: 16. 12. when have c. time Eph. 5. 4. talking, nor jesting, c. Philem. 8. to enioin thee that t: CONVENIENTLY. Mark 14. 11. misrht c. betray him CONVERSANT. Josh. 8. 35. strangers c. among them 1 Sam. 25. 15. as long as we were c. CONVERSATION. Psal. 37. 14. as be of upright e. 50. 23. ordercth his c. aright 2 Cor. 1. 12. in godly sincerity had c. Gal. 1. 13. ye have heard of my c. Eph. 2. 3. had our e. in times past 4. 22. concerning the former e. Phil. 1. 27. c. as becometh gospel 'J!. 20. for our e. is in heaven 1 Tim. 4. 12. be an example in c. .HeS. 13. 5. e. be without eovetousn. 7. considering end of their c. Jam. 3. 13. show out of a good c. his 1 Pet. 1. 15. holy in all manner of c. 18. not redeemed from vaine. 2. 12. e. honest among Gentiles 3. 1. may be won by c. of wives 2. while they behold chaste c. 16. falsely accuse your good c. 2 Pet. 2. 7. vexed with the filthy c. 3. 11. ought ye to be in all holy c. CONVERSION. Acts 15. 3. declaring e. of Gentiles CONVERT, ED. Psal. 51. 13. sinners be c. unto thee lsa. 6. 10. lest c. and be healed 60. 5. abundance of sea be c. to thee Mat 13. 15. be c. and heal. After. 4.12. 18. 3. c. and become as children Ln. 22. 32. when e. strengthen breth. John 12. 40, be c. and I, ylcfc 28, 27. COR Arts 3. If), repent ye and be e. Jam. 5. ID. do err, and one c. him CONVERTETH, ING. Psal. 19. 7. law is perfect, c soul Jam. 5. 20. lie which c. a sinner CONVERTS. Isa. 1. 27. her c. he redeemed with CONVEY, ED. 1 Kin. 5. 9. I will c. them by sea Neh. 2. 7. c. me over ti.l I come John 5. 13. Jesus c. himself away CONVICTED. John 8. 9. c by their conscience CONVINCE, ED, ETH. Job 32. 12. none of you c. Job JflA?» 8. 46. wh. of you c. me of sin ? Acts 18. 28. mightily c. the Jews 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is c. of all, he is Tit. 1. 9. be able to c. gainsayers Jam. 2. 9. c. of law as transgressors Jude 15. to c. all that are ungodly CONVOCATION. Exod. 12. 16. Kn holy c. Ler. 23. 7, 24, 35. Num. 28. 18. | 29. 1. Num. 28. 26 day of first-fr. a holy c. CONY, IKS. Lev. 11. 5. e. cheweth cud, D£/*. 3. 14. c. of writing for com. 8. 13. COR. £>e/c. 45. 14. offer the tenth of a bath out of the c. CORAL. Job 28. 18. no mention made of c. Ezek. 27. 16. Syria merchant in c. cOrban. Mark 7. 11. it is c. that is, a gift CORD. Josh. 2. 15. let spies down by a c. Job 30. 11. he hath loosed my c. 41, I. draw out tongue with a c? Ercf. 4. 12. threefold c. not quickly 12. 6. or ever silver c. be loosed Lsa. 54. 2. lengthen thy c. strengthen Mic. 2. 5. a c. by lot ill the congre. CORDS.. Judg. 15. 13. Samson with new e. Job 36. 8. if holden in c. of affliction P.?a£. 2. 3. let us cast away their e. 118. 27. bind the sacrifice with c. 129. 4. hath cut c. of the wicked 140. 5. proud have hid c. for me Prov. 5. 22. holden with c. of his sins Isa. 5. 18. draw iniquity with c. 33. 20. nor any of the c. be broken Jer. 10. 20. spoiled, and all my c. 38. 13. drew up Jeremiah with e. Ez. 27. 24. apparel bound with c. Hos. 11.4. 1 drew with c. of a man John 2. 15. a scoursre of small c. CORIANDER. £.v. 16. 31. like e. seed, .Num. 11. 7. COR CORMORANT. ' Lev. 11. 17. owl and c. Deut. 14. 17. Isa. 34. 11. c. possess it, Zeph. 2. 14. CORN Gen. 41. 57. all came to buy c. 42. 2. c. in Egypt, ^c^ 7. 12. 2?.r. 22. 6. stacks of c. be consumed Lev. 2. 16. burn part of beaten c. 23. 14. eat bread nor pari bed c. Num. 18. 27. as c. of threshing-floor Deut. 16. 9. begin, to put sickle to c. 25. 4. not muzzle ox treadcth c. 1 Cor-. 9. 9. 1 7Y7«. 5. 18. ./os/i. 5. 11. did eat of old c. 12. Ruth 3. 7. to lie down at heap of c. 1 Sam. 17. 17. for breth. parched c. 25. 18. Abigail took of pan bed c. 2 6Vi7/i. 17. 28. brought parched c. 2 iiTw. 19. 26. as blast, c. 7*a. 37. 27. Neh. 5. 2. we take up c. for them Job 5. 26. as a shock of c. cometh 24. 6. reap every one c. in field 39. 4. young grow up with c. Psal. 65. 9. thou preparest them c. 13. the valleys covered with c. 72. 16. handful of c. in the earth 78. 24. given of the c. of heaven Prov. 11. 26. withhold, c. peo. curse Isa. 17. 5. when harvest-man gath. c. 62. 8. no more give c. to enemies Ezek. 36. 29. I wil! call for c. and Hos. 2. 9. T will take away my c. in 1U. 11. Ephraim loveth to tread c. 14. 7. shall revive as the c. and Joel 1. 10. for the c. is wasted 17. the c. is withered Amos 8. 5. new moon be gone, that we may sell c. 9. 9. like as c. sifted in sieve Mark 4. 28. after that the full c. John 12. 24. except c. of wheat fall Ears of CORN. Gen. 41. 5. seven ears of c. came up Lev. 2. 14. offer green ears of c. dried Ruth 2. 2. glean ears of c. after him 2 Xi«. 4. 42. brought full ears of c. Job 24. 24. cut off as ears of c. Mat. 12. 1. to pluck ears of c. Mark 2. 23. Luke 6. 1. COB.^ -fields. Mark 2. 23 thro' c.-fte/ds on sabbath- day. Mat. 12. 1. Luke 6. 1. CORN-/?oor. Zttr. 21. 10. anil c. of my floor Hos. 9. 1. loved reward on every c.-fl. Sla7iding-CORN. Exod. 22. 6. so that s.-c. be consumed Deut. 23. 25. into s.-c. of neighbour Judg. 15. 5. let foxes go into s.-c. CORN andicine. Gen. 27. 28. God gave plenty of c. w. 37. with c. and w. I sustained him Deut. 7. 13. bless thy c. and irine 1 !. 14. mayest gather in thy c. a. in. 12. 17. not eat tithe of thy c. w. 14. 23. 18. 4. give him first-fruit of c. a. w. 28. 51. shall not leave thee c, wine 33. 28. Jacob shall be on land of c. w. 2 Kin. 18. 32. to land of c. ic. Isa. 36. 17. 2 Chr. 31.5. brought first fruits ofc.m 32. 28. store-houses for c. and wine Neh. 5. 11. restore 100th part of c. w. 10. 39. bring offer, of c. w. 13. 5, 12. Psal. 4.7. than in time c. w. increased Lam. 2. 12. mothers, where is c. a. xo.f Hos. 2. 8. that I gave her c. and w. 22. the earth shall hearc. wine and 7. 14. they assemble fore, andirine Joel 2. 19. I will send you c. w. and Hag. 1. 11. for drought on c. and w. Zech. 9. 17. c. make men cheerful, w. CORNER. Lev. 21. 5. nor shave of c. of beard 2 Chron. 28. 24. made altars in ev. c. 85 COR j Prov. 7. 8. passing near her e.' 12. she lieth in wait at everv e. 21. 9. better to dwell in e. 25.'24. Isa. 30. 20. thy teachers into a e. Jer. 48. 45. devour c. of Moab 51. 26. nor take a stone for a c: Ezek. 46. 21. in every c. of court Amos 3. 12. in Samaria in c. of a bed Zech. 10. 4. out of him came c. Mat. 21. 42. the same is become head of c. Psal. 118. 22. Mark 12. 10. Luk. 20. 17. Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7. Acts 26. 26. this thing was not done CORNER-£-ate. [in a c. Jer. 31. 38. city built to gate of c. Zech. 14. 10. be inhabited to c.-gate CORNER.rfene, Job 38. 6. who laid c.-stone thereof? Psal. 118. 22. is head sto>/e of c. 144. 12. daughters as c.-stones Isa 28. 16. in Zion a c.-s. 1 Pet. 2. 6. Eph. 2. 20. Christ l/einir chief c.-stone CORNERS. Lev. 19. 9. not reap the c. 23. 25. 27. not round c. of your heads Num. 24. 17. smite c. of Moab Deut. 32. 26. I will scatter into e. Neh. 9. 22. didst divide them into c. Job 1. 19. smote four c. of house Isa. 11. 12. gather dispersed from 4. c. Jer. 9. 26. I will punish all in utter, most c. 25. 23. | 49. 32. Ezek. 7. 2. end is come upon four c. 45. 19. put blood upon fmir c. Mat. 6. 5. they love to pray in c. Acts 10. 11. knit at four c. 11. 5. Rev. 7. 1. four angels on four c. CORNET. 1 Chr. 15. 28. ark with sound of e. Psal. 9S. 6. of c. make a joyful noise Dan. 3. 5 at what time ye hear c. 15. Hos. 5. 8. blow ye the c. in Gibeab. CORNETS. 2 Sam. 6. 5. David played on e. 2 Chr. 15. 14. shouting with c. CORPSE, S. 2 Kin. 19. 3.3. all dead c. Isa. 37. 36. Nah. 3. 3. no end of their c. they Mark 6. 29. took up John's c. and CORRECT. Ps. 39. 11. dost c. man for iniquity 94. 10. chastiseth the heathen, shall not he e.f Prov. 29. 17. c. thy son. and he Jer. 2. 19. own wickedness c. theo 10. 24. O Lord, c. me, but with 30. 11. c. thee in measure 46. 28. CORRECTED, ETH. Job 5. 17. happy is man God c. Prov. 3. 12. whom Lord loveth he c. 29. 19. servatit not be c. by words Heb. 12. 9. had fathers which c. us CORRECTION. Job 37. 13. rain whether for c. Prov. 3. 1 1, neither be weary of his c. 7. 22. goeth as a fool to the c. 15. 10 c. grievous to him forsaketh 22. 15. rod of c. drive it from him 23. 13. withhold not c. from child Jer. 2. 30. your children recei. no 92. 13. flourish in c. of our God 96. 8. bring off. come into his e. 100. 4 enter his c. with praise GOV Psal 116. 19. pay vows in the c. of 135. 2. ye that stand in the c. of Isa. 1. 12. to tread my c? 62. 9. drink it in c. of holiness Ezek. 9. 7. fill e. with the slain Zech. 3. 7. shalt also keep my n. Luke 7. 25. delicately in king's c. COURTEOUS. 1 Pet. 3. 8. love as brethren be c. COURTEOUSLY. Acts 27. 3. Julius c. entreated Paul 28. 7. and Publius lodged us c. COUSIN. Luke 1. 36. thyc Elisabeth COUSINS. Luke 1. 58. here, heard how COVENANT. Gen. 9. 12. token of c. 13, 17. | 17. 11 17. 4. as for me my c. is with thee 13. my e. be in your flesh 14. soul cut off, bath broken my c. Exod. 31. 16. sabbath a perpetual c. 34. 28. wrote upon tables the c. Lev. 26. 15. but that ye break my c. Num. 25. 12. gave him my c. of peace 13. c. of an everlasting priesthood Deut. 4. 13. declared unto you his c. 23. lest ye forget c. of Lord 31. L. not forget c. of thy fathers 9. 11. Lord gave me tables of c. 29. 1. these are the words of c. 12. thou shouldest enter into e. 21. according to all curses of c. 25. because ye have forsaken c. 31. 20. they will break my c. Judg. 2. 1. said, I will never break c. 1 Sam. 20. 8. thy servant in c. of L. 1 Kin. 19. 10. Israel forsaken c. 14. 20. 34. send thee away with this e. 2 Kin. 13. 23. bee. of c. with Abrah. 23. 3. to perform c. all the people stood to c. t Chr. 34. 31. 1 Chron. 16. 15. be mindful of his c. 2 Chron. 15. 12. into c. to seek Lord Neh. 13. 29. defiled c. of priesthood Psal. 25. 14. will show them his c. 44. 17. neith. dealt falsely in thy e. 50. 16. take my c. in thy mouth 55. 20. he hath broken his c. 74. 20. respect to c. for dark places 78. 37. nei. were stedfast in his c. 89. 28. my c. stand fast with him 34. my e. will I not break, nor 39. made void e. of thy servant 111. 5. ever be mindful of his c. 9. commanded his e. for ever Prov. 2. 17. forgetteth c. of her God Isa. 28. 18. c. with death be disannul. 33. 8. broken c. he hath despised 42. 6. give thee for c. of peo. 49. 8. 54. 10. nor c. of my peace be rerao. 56. 4. eunuchs hold of my c. 6. 59. 21. as for me this is my e. Jer. 11. 2. hear ye words of c. 6. 3. cursed obeyeth not words of c. 14. 21. break not thy c. with us 22. 9 because they have forsak. c. 31. 32. which my c. they brake 33. 20. if you can break c. of day 21. may c. be broken with David 25. if my c. be not with day 34. 18. not performed words of e. 50 5. let us join to L. in perpet. c. Ezek. 16. 8. into a e. with thee 59. despised oath in br. c. 17. 18. 61. give them for dau. not by e. 17. 15. or break c. and be deliver.? 16. whose c. he brake 19. my c. he hath broken, it 20. 37. bring you into bond of c. 44. 7. they hav^ broken my c. Dan. 9. 27. confirm c. for one week 11. 22. also the prince of e. 28. his heart be against holy c. 88 cov Da?i. 11.30. have indigna. aga. holy*. 32. such as do wickedly against c. Bos. 10. 4. falsely in making a c. Zech. 11. 10. I might break my c. Mai. 2. 4. my c. be with Levi, 5. 8. ye have corrupted c. of Levi 10. by profaning c. of fathers 14. she is the wife of thy c. 3. 1. messenger of c. ye delight in Acts 3. 25. child, of c. God made 7. 8. he gave him c. of circumcision Rom. 1. 31. c. breakers 11. 27. this is my c. when I take Gal. 3. 15. tho' it be but a man's c. 17. that the c. confirmed bef. of G. Heb. 8. 6. mediator of a better c. 7. if first c. had been faultless 9. they continued not in my e. 9. 1. first c. had also ordinances 4. and the tables of the c. See Ark, Blooo, Break. Book of the COVENANT. Exod,. 24. 7. Moses took the b. of c. 2 Km. 23. 2. Josiah read all the words of b. of c. 2 Chr. 34. 30. Establish COVENANT. Gen 6. 18. with thee esta. my c. 9. 9. 17. 7. e. c. betw me and Abraham 19. e. c. with Isaac, and seed, 21. Ezek. 16. 60. e. to thee an everla. c. Everlasting COVENANT. Gen. 9. 16. that I may remem. e. c. 17. 13. be in your flesh for everla. c. 19. e. with Isaac for an everlast. c. 2 Sa?n. 23. 5. an e. c. ordered in all I Chr. 16. 17. confirmed to Israel for an e. c. Psal. 105. 10. Isa. 24. 5. have broken the everl. c. 55. 3. e. c. with you, 61.8. Jer. 32. 40. Ezek. 37. 26. be ever. c. with them Heb. 13. 20. thro' blood of everlast. c. Keep, keepeth or kept COVENANT. Gen. 17. 9. thou shalt keep my c. Exod. 19. 5. if ye will keep my c. Deut. 7. 9. he is G. which keepeth c 12. 1 Kin.S 23.2Chr.6.U. Neh. 1 5. |9.32. 29. 9. keep words of this c. and do 33. 9. they have kept thy c. 1 Kin. 11. 11. hast not k. c. Ps.18. 10. Psal. 25. 10. to such as k. c. 103. 18. 132. 12. if thy children keep my c. Ez. 17. 14. by k. of c. it might stand Dan. 9. 4. k. e. and mercy to them Made COVENANT. Gew.15.18.same day L.w.c.with Abr. 21. 27. Abr. and Abim. m. c. 32. Deut.b.2.L. m. a c. with us in Horeb 3. in. not c. with fathers, Heb. 8. 9, 29. 1. besides c. he m. in Horeb 31. 16. will break my c. I marie Josh. 24 25. Joshua m. ac. with peo. 1 Sam. 18. 3. Jon. and Dav. m.c.23. 18. 20. 16. Jon. m. c. with house of D. 1 Kin. 8.21. ark wherein is c.of L.he;». 20. 34. Ahab made c. with P.en. 2 Kin. 11. 4. Jehoiada m. c. w. rulers 17. m. c. between L. and king 17. 15. rejected c. m. with fathers 38. c. made with you not forget 23. 3. Josiah m. c.'bef. L.2 C%?\34.31. 1 Chr. 11. 3. David m. c. with elders 16. 16. be ye mindful of e. he m. with A bra. Neh. 9. 8. Psal 105. 9. 2 Chr. 21. 7. of c. he had m. with D. 23. 3 congr. m. ac. with king Joash Job 31. 1. I m. a c. with mine eyes Psal. 50. 5. m. a c. with me by sacri. 89. 3. in. a c. with my chosen Isa. 28. 15. we have tn. a c. w. death 57. 8. enlarged thy bed and in. a c. Jer. 11. 10. broke c. 1 tn. with fath. 31. 32. not ac. to c. I in. with fath. 34. 8. after Zed. m. c. with peo. ISk. 13. I m. a c. with your fathers GOV Jer. 34. 15. ye had made c. before me Ezek. J7. 13. and made a c. with him Make COVENANT. Gen. 17. 2. in. c. between me and thee 26. 28. let us m. c. with thee, 31. 44. Exod. 23. 32. m. no c. Deut. 7. 2. 34. 10. I m. c. before thy people 12. lest m. c. with inhabitants, 15. Deut. 29. 14. nor with you only m. c. 1 Sam. 11. 2. on this condition \m.c. 2 Chr. 29. 10. in my heart to in. a c. Neh. 9. 38. we make a sure c. Job 41. 4. will he in. a c. with thee ? Jer. 31. 33. this is the c. I'll m. Heb. 8. 10. | I0. 16. Ezek. 34. 25. ra. c. of peace, 37. 26. Hos. 2. 18. in. c. for them with beasts K12. 1. they do m. c. with Assyrians New COVENANT. er. 31. 31. n. c. with Israel, Heb.B 8. feb. 8. 13. a new c. the first old 12. 24. mediator of the new c. Remember COVENANT. 'en. 9. 15. I will r. my c. Lev. 26.42. Ezek. 16. 60. Lev. 26. 45. for their sakes remem. c. Psal 105. 8. he hath r. his c. 106. 45. Amos: I. 9. r. n>t the brotherly c. Lnke 1. 72. and to rem. his holy c. COVENANT of Salt. Lew 2. 13. saft of c. to be lacking .Afttwi. 18. 19. it is a c. ofs. for ever 2 Chr. 13. 5. to David by c. of salt Transgressed, ing, COVENANT. Deut. 17. 2 wickedness in t. his c. Josh. 7. U. transgressed my c. 15.bec.he fee. J?«fg-.2.20.2i«:m.l8.12. 23. 16. when ye have t. c. of Lord Jcr. 34. 18. give men that t. my c. Hos. 6. 7. they like men t. the c. 8. 1. because they have t. my c. COVENANTED. 2 CAr. 7. 18. as I have c. with David //«g\ 2. 5. ace. to word I c. with you Mat. 26. 15. c. for thirty pieces Luke 22. 5. c. to give him money • COVENANTS. Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertaineth c. Gal. 4. 24. two c. one from Sinai Eph. 2. 12. strangers from c. of pro. COVER. i?.vorf. 33. 22. I'll c. thee while I pass Num. 22. 5. they c. face of the earth Deut. 23. 13. c. wli. cometh from thee 33. 12. L. shall c. him ali the day 1 Sam. 24. 3. Saul went to e. his feet Neh. 4. 5; c. not their iniquity Job 16. 18. O earth, c. not my blood 21. 26. worms shall c. them 22. 11. the abundance of waters c. thee, 38. 34. 40. 22. the shady trees c. him Ps. 91. 4. c. thee with his feathers 104. 9. that they turn not to c. earth 109. 29. c. with own confusion 139. 11. surely darkness shall e. me 14-0. 9. mischief of lips c. them Isa. 11. 9. as waters c. sea,,Hab.2. 14. 14. 1 1. worms c. thee 22. 37. L. will surely c. thee 26. 21. earth no more c. her slain 30. 1. c. with a covering, but 58. 7. naked, that thou c. him 59. 6. nor c. themselves with works 60. 2. darkness shall c. the earth 6. mult, of camels shall c. thee Jer. 46. 8. I will c. the earth Ezek. 7. 18. horror shall c. them 12. 6. thou shalt c. thy face 12. he shall e. his face, that 24. 7. poured it not on ground, to c. it with dust 17. c. not thy lips, and eat not the it. ye shall uot c. your lips, nor GOV Ezek.2G.]0. horses, their dust c.thee 19. when waters shall c. thee 30. 18. as for her a cloud c. her 32. 7. I will c. the heaven, sun 37. 6. c. you with skin and 33. 9. be like cloud to c. land, 16. Hos. 2. 9. flax given to c. her naked. 10. 8. say to mount, c. us, Lu. 23.30. Obad. 10. shame shall c. thee Mic. 3. 7. shall all c. their lips 7. 10. shame c. her said to me Hub. 2. 17. violence of Leb. c. thee Mark. 14. 65. to spit, and c. his face 1 Cor. 11. 7. a man not to c. head 1 Pet. 4. 8. charity c. mult, of sins COVERED. Gen. 7. 19. mountains were c. 20. 9. 23. c. nakedness of their father 24. 65. Rebekah c. herself 38. 14. Tamar c. her with a veil Exod. 14. 28. the waters c. chariots 15. 5 the depths c. them 10. the sea c. them, Josh. 24. 7. 24. 15. a cloud c. the mount, 16. 37. 9. c. with wings mercy-seat 40. 21. veil c. ark of testimony Num. 4. 20. when holy things c. Deut. 32. 15. art c. with fatness Judg. 4. 18. Jael c. Sisera, 19. 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michal c. the image 28. 14. old man cometh up c. 1 Kin. 1. 1. c. David with ciuthes 8. 7. cherubim c. the ark, 2 Chr.b.S. 2 Kin. 19. 1. Hezekiah c. him with sackcloth, Isa. 37. 1. Job 23. 17. nor c. dark, from my face 31. 33. if I c. my transgressions P s. 44. 15. shame of face c. me 19. c. us with shadow of death 65. 13. valleys c. over with corn 68. 13. wings of dove c. with silver 71. 13. c. with reproach, that seek 89. 45. hast c. him with shame 106. 17. c. company of Abiram 139. 13. c. me in n other's womb Prov. 26. 23. a potsherd c. with 26. whose hatred is c. by deceit Eccl. 6. 4. his namec. with darkness Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face 29. 10. the seers hath he c. 51. 16. I have c. thee in shadow 61. 10. c. me with robe of righteous. Jer. 51. 42. she is c. with waves Lam. 2. 1. c. dau. of Zion with cloud 3. 16. he hath c. me with ashes 43. thou hast c. with anger, and persecuted us 44. c. thyself with a cloud Ez. 1. 11. two wings c. bodies, 23. 16. 8. and c. thy nakedness 10. I c. thee with silk 18. 7. and hath c. the naked, 16. 24. 8. her blood should not be c. 27. 7. blue and purple c. thee 31. 15 I c. the deep for him 37. 8. and skin c. them above Jonah 3. 8. and beast be c. with sack. Hab. 3. 3. his glory c. heavens Mat. 8. 24. ship c. with waves 10. 26. nothing c. that shall not be revealed, Luke 12. 2. 1 Cor. 11. 6. if the woman be note. COVERED/rtce. Gen. 38. 15. Tamar had c. her face 2 Sam. 19. 4. but David c. his /ace Esth. 7. 8. they c. Hainan's face Psal. 69. 7. shame hath c. my face Prov. 24. 31. nettles c. face thereof Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face Jer. 51. 51. shame hath c. out faces Head COVERED. 2 Sam. 15. 30. David had his head c. Etth. 6. 12. Hainan, his head c. Ptal. 140. 7. c. my head in battle 89 GOV Jer. It. 3. and c. their heads, 4. 1 Cor. 11. 4. every man praying, /j. c COVERED sin or tins. Psal. 32. 1. whose sin is c. Rom. 4. 7. 85. 2. thou hast c. all their sin COVEREDST. Psal 104. 6. c. it with deep as garm. Ez.\6. lB.broidered garni, and c.tltem COVEREST. Deut. 22. 12. vesture wherewith c. Psal. 104. 2. who c. thyself with light COVERETH. Num. 22. 11. peo. c. face of the earth Judg. 3. 24. surely he c. his feet Jotd. 24. he c. faces of judges 15. 27. c. his face with fatness 36. 30. he c. bottom of the sea 32. with clouds he c. the light Psal. 73. 6. violence c. as garment 109. 19. be as garment which c. him 147. 8. c. heaven with clouds Prov. 10. 6. violence c. the mouth, 11 12. love c. all sins 12. 16. prudent man c. shame 17. 9. c. transgress, seeketh love 28. 13. c. his sins, shall not prosper Jer. 3. 25. our confusion c. us Ezek. 28. 14. art cherub that c. Mai. 2. 16. for one c. violence Luke 8. 16. candle c. it with vessel COVERING. Gen. 20. 16. to thee a c. of the eyes Exod. 22. 27. it is his c. for his skin Lev. 13. 45. leper put c. on upper lip 2 Sam. 17- 19. c. over well's mouth Job 22. 14. thick clouds c. to him 24. 7. naked have no c. in cold 26. 6. destruction hath no c. 31. 19. seen any poor, without C. Ps. 105. 39. he spread cloud for c. Cant. 3. 10. be made c. of purple Isa. 22. 8. he discovered c. of Judah 25. 7. face of c. cast over all people 28. 20. c. narrower, than can wrap 30. 1. cover with c. not of my spirit 22. ye shall defile c. of images 50. 3! I make sackcloth their c. Ezek. 28. 13. precious stone thy c. 1 Cor. 11. 15. hair is giv^n her for c. See BAiiGKRs.,vA;mj. COVERING. Exod. 25. 20. c. mercy-seat with Num. 4. 5. shall take down c. veil Ezek. 28. 16. O c. cherub Mai. 2. 13. c. the altar with tears COVERINGS. Prov. 7. 16. decked my bed with c. 31. 22. maketh herself c. of tapestry COVERS. Exod. 25. 29. make c. Num. 4. 7. put c. to cover withal COVERT. 2 Kin. 16. 18. c. for the sabbath, Ahaz took down Job 38. 40. when lions abide in c. 40. 21. behemoth lieth in c. of Ps. 61. 4. trust in c. of thy wings Isa. 4. 6. a tabernacle for a c. 16. 4. be thou a c. from spoiler 32. 2. a man be c. from tempest Jer. 25. 38. forsaken c. as a lion COVET. Exod. 20. 17. thou shalt not c. Deut 5. 21. Rom. 7. 7. | 13. 9 Zlft'c. 2. 2. they c. fields and take I Cor. 12. 31. but c. the best gifts 14. 39. c. to prophecy COVETED. Josh. 7. 21. then I c. them, and Acts 20. 33. I c. no man's silver 1 Tim. 6. 10. while some c. after COVETETH. Prov. 21. 26. c. all the day long Hab. 2. 9. wo to him c. evil covet CRE COVETOUS. Psal. 10. 3. wicked blesseth c. Luke 16. 14. Pharisees who were c. 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altoge. with c. 11. c. with such not to eat 6. 10. nor c. inherit kingd. Eph. 5. 5. 1 Tim. 3. 3 bishop must not be c. 2 Tim. 3. 2. in last times men be c. 2 Pet. 2. 14. exercised with c. pract. COVET OUSNESS. Exoa. 18. 21. provide men hating c. Ps. 119. 36. incline not heart to c. Prov. 25. 16. hateth c. shiill prolong Zra.57.17.for iniq.of his c. was I wroth Jer. 6. 13. every one given to c. 8. 10. 22. 17. eyes are not but for thy c. 51. 13 and measure of thy c. Ezek. 33. 31. their heart go. after c. Hub. 2. 9. that coveteth an evil c. Mark 7. 2'2. out heart proceedeth c. Luke 12. 15. he said, beware of c. Rom. 1. 29. being filled with all c. 2 Cor. 9. 5. as a matter not of c. Eph. 5. 3. c. let it not he named Col. 3. 5. mortify c. which is idolatry 1 Thes. 2. 5. nor used cloak of c. lleb. 13. 5. conversa. be without c. 2 Pet. 2. & thro' c. make merchan. COW. Lev. 22. 28. c. orewe, shall not kill it Num. 18. 17. firstl. of c. not redeem Job 21. 10. their c. casteth not Isa. 7. 21. a man nourish a young c. 11. 7. c. a/id the bear shall feed Ezek. 4. 15. given thee c. dung for Amos 4. 3. ev. c. at that before her CRACKLING. Eccl. 7. 6. as c. of thorns under pot CRACKNELS. 1 Kin. 14. 3. take with thee c. CRAFT. Dan. 8. 25. shall cause c. to prosper Mar. 14. 1. take him by c. and put Acts 18. 3. because he 'was of same c. 19. 27. not only our c. is in danger Rev. 18. 22. of whatsoever c. he be CRAFTINESS. Job 5. 13. wise in their c. 1 Cor. 3. 19. Luke 20. 23. he perceived their c. 2 Cor. 4. 2. not walking in c. nor i?»A 4. 14. carried by cunning c. CRAFTY. Job 5. 12. he disappoint, devices of c. 15. 5. thou choosest tongue oft'. Psal. 83. 3. c. counsel agai. thy peo. 2 Cor. 12. 16. bein? c. I caught you CRAFTSMAN. Deut. 27. 15. the work of the c. Rev. 18. 22. no c. be found anv more CRAFTSMEN. 2 .Km. 24. 14. carried away c. 16. 1 Chr. 4. 14. for they were c. Neh. 11. 35. the valley of c. IIos. 13. 2. all of it the work of c. Acts. 19. 24. no small gain to c. 38. c. have matter against any CRaG. Job 39. 28. eagle abMeth on c. CRANE. Isa. 35. 14. like c. so did I chatter Jer. 8. 7. c. observe time of coming CRASHING. " Zrph. \. 10. be great e. from hill3 CRAVED. Mark 15. 43. Joseph c. body of Jesus CRAVETH. Prov. 16. 26. for his mouth c. it CREATE. Psal. 51. 10. c. in me a clean heart Isa. 4. 5. c. on every dwell, a cloud 45. 7. c. darkness, I c. evil 57. 19. I c. the fruit of the lips €5. 17. I c. new heavens and a new 18. rejoice in that which I c. CRE CREATED. Gen. 1. 1. in beginning God c. hea. 21. God c. great whales 27. so God c. man in his own im- age, male and female, 5. 2. 2. 3. in it rested from all he c. 6. 7. I will destroy man I have c. Deut. 4. 32. since day God c. man Ps. 89. 12. north and south hast c. 102. 18. people to be c. shall praise 104. 30. forth spirit they are c. 148. 5. comma, and they were c. Isa. 40. 26. who hath c. these things 41. 20. holy One of Israel hath c. it 42. 5. he that c. the heavens 43. 1. Lord that c. thee. O Jacob 7. 1 have c. him for my glory 45. 8. I the Lord have c. it 12. I have c. man upon it 18. he c. it not in vain 48. 7. c. now, not from beginning 54. 16. I have c. smith, c. waster Jer. 31. 22. L. hath c. a new thing Ezek. 21. 30. judge where wast c 26. 13. in day thou wast c. 15. perfect from day thou wast c. Mai. 2. 10. hath not one God c. us Mark 13. 19. begin, of creation G. c. 1 Co?: 11. 9. man c. for the woman Eph. 2. 10. workmanship c. in Chr. 3. 9. who c. all things by Jesus Ch. 4. 24. after God is c. in righteous. Col. 1. 16. by him were all things c. 3. 10. after image of him c. him 1 Tim. 4. 3. meats G. c. to be receiv. Rev. 4. 11. hast c. all things, for thy pleasure are and were c 10. 6. who c. heaven and the CREATETH. Amos 4. 13. c. wind L. is his name CREATION. Mark 10. 6. from c. male and female 13. 19. as was not from the c. Horn. 1. 20. from c. are clearly seen 8. 22. that whole c. gruaneth 2 Pet. 3. 4. continue as from the c. Rev. 3. 14. beginninff oft*, of God CREATOR. EccK 12. 1. remember c. in youth Isa. 40. 28. c. of ends of the earth 43. 15. I am the Lord, c. of Israel Rom. 1. 25. creature more than c. 1 Pet. 4. 19. as to a faithful c. CREATURE. Gen. 1. 20. bring forth moving c. Lev. 11. 46. this is law of every c. Mar. 16. 15. gospel to ev. c. Col. 1. 23. Rom. 8. 19. expectation of c. vvaiteth 20. c. made subject to vanity 21. c. be delivered from bondage 39. any c. able to separate us 2 Cor. 5. 17. if in Chr. he is a new c. Gal. 6. 15. nor uncircum. hut new c. Col. 1. 15. first-born of every c. 1 Tim. 4. 4. every c. of God is good lleb. 4. 13. nor any c. not manifest Rev. 5. 13. every c. in heav. heard I Living CREATURE. Gen. 1. 21. God created every Hv. c. 24. let earth bring forth living c. 2. 19. Adam called every living c. 9. 10. covenant with every living c. 12. token betw. me and ev. I. c. 15. Lev. 1 1. 46. the law of every living c. Ezek. 1 20. spirit of I. c. 21. | 10. 17. 10. 15. the I. c. I saw by Chebar, 20. CREATURES. Isa. 13. 21. houses full of doleful c. Jam. 1. IS. of first-fruits of his c. Rev. 8. 9. third of c. in sea died Living CREATURES. Ezek. 1. 5. likeness of four living c. 14. I. c. ran, returned as lightning 19. living c. went the wheels went 20 CRO Eze.S. 13. 1 hear d noise of wings of l.t CREDITOR. Deut, 15. 2. c. that lendeth shall 2 Kin. 4. I.e. to take my two sons Luke 7. 41. c. had two debtors CREDITORS. Isa. 50. 1. to which of my c. sold you CREEK. Acts. 27. 39. discovered certain e. CREEP. lev. 11. 31. unclean all that c. Ps. 104. 20. beasts of forest c. forth 2 Tim. 3. 6. of this sort c. into house? CREEPETH. Gen. I. 25. made ev. thing that c. 26. 30. given to every thing c. herb 7. 8. c. went in two and two, 14. 21. all flesh died, of thing that c. 8. 17. bring forth every thing c. 19. whatsoever c. went forth Lev. 11. 41. that c. shall bean abom ination, 43, 44. | 20. 25. Deut. 4. 18. liken, of any thing that c. CREEPING THING, S. Gen. 1. 26. dominion over every r. t. Lev. 5. 2. carcase of unclean c. thing 1 1. 21 . may ye eat, of every c. thing 22. 5. or whoso, touche-th any c. t. Deut. 14. 19. c. t. that flieth unclean 1 Kin. 4. 33. he spake of c. th. fishes Pml. 104. 25. in sear. t. innumerable 148. 10. all c. thin, praise the Lord Ez 8. 10. form of c. th. pourtrayed 35. 20. all c. t. shake at my presence Hos. 2. 18. covenant with c. things Hab. 1. 14. makest men as c. things Acts 10. 12. Peter saw c. thin, 11. 6. Rom. 1. 23. an image like to c. thin, CREPT. Jude 4. certain c. in unawares CREW. Mat. 26. 74. immediately the cock c. Mark 14. 68. Luke 22. 60. Mark 14. 72. second time the cock c. CRIB. [John 18. 27. Job 39. 9. unicorn abide by c.f Prov. 14. 4. no oxen are c. is- clean Isa. 1. 3. ass knoweth his master's c. Cried, See after Cry. CRIME, S. Job 31. 11. this is an heinous c Ezek. 7. 23. land is full of bloody c. Acts 25. 16 cone. c. laid against him 27. not to signify the c. laid CRIMSON. 2 Chr. 2. 7. cunning to work in c. 14 3. 14. he made the vail of c. Isa. 1. 18. tho' your sins be like e. Jer. 4. 30. tho' thou clothest with c. CRIPPLE. Acti 14. 8. being a c. from womb CRISPING-PINS. Isa. 3. 22. Lord will take away c.-p. CROOK-BACKED. Lev. 21. 20. that is c.-b. not approach CROOKED. Deut. 32. 5. they are a c. generation Job 26. 13. formed the c. serpent PsaL 125. 5. aside to their c. ways Prov. 2. 15. whose ways are c. Eccl. 1. 15. c. not be made str. 7. 13. Isa. 27. 1. punish lev. that c. serpent 40. 4. c. be made str. 42. 16. Luk. 3. 5. 45 2. make thee, places straight 59. 8. have made them c. paths Lam. 3. 9. hath made my paths c. Phil. 2. 15. in midst of a c. nation CROP. Lev. 1. 16. he shall pluck away c, CROPPED. Ezek. 17. 4. c. off top of young twigs CROSS. Mat. 10. 38. taketh not his c. is not worthy of me. Luk* 14. 27 CftO Qfa£](S.24.c. and follow me Mar. 8 34. | 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 27. 32. Simon, they compelled to bear c. Mar. 15. 21. Luk. 23. 26. 40. if Son of God come down from c. 42. Mark 15. 30, 32. John 19. 17. he bear. c. went forth 19. wrote title, and put it on c. , 25. stood by the c. his mother 31. not remain on c. on sabbath 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest c. be of none effect 18. preaching of c. foolishness Gal. 5. 11. offence of the c. ceased 6. 12. suffer persecution for c. of C. 14. I should glory, save in the c. Eph. 2. 16. reconcile both by c. Phil. 2. 8. obedient to death of c. 3. 18. they are enemies of c. of Ch. Col. 1. 20. peace thro' blood of c. 2. 14. nailing it to his c. Heb. 12. 2. endured the c. CROSS-WAY. Glad. 14. nor have stood in c.-w. CROUCH. 1 Sam. 2. 36 c. for piece of silver CUOUCHKTH. Psal. 10. 10. he c. and humbleth Crow, Chowing. Set Cock. CROWN. Exod. 25. 25. a golden c. to border 29. 6. holy c. upon the mitre Lev. 8. 9. on his forefront holy c. 21. 12. c. of anointing oil 2 Kin. 1 1. 12. c. on JohsIi, 2 Ch. 23. 11 Esth. 1. 11. Vashti with c. royal .fofi 31 . 36. bind it as a c. to me Psal. 89. 39. hast profaned his c. 132. 18. upon himself c. flourish Prov. 4. 9. c. of glory deliver to thee 12. 4. a virtuous woman is a c. 14. 21. c. of wise is their riches 16. 31. hoary head is c. of glory 17. 6. children's ch. c. of old men 27. 24. c. endure to every genera. ? Cant. 3. 11. behold Sol. with the c. ha. 28. 1. wo to the c. of pride 5. L. shall be for a c of glory 62. 3. shalt also be a c. of glory Jer. 13. 18. c. of glory come down Ezek. 21. 26. take oft" the c. Zech. 9. 16. be as the stones of a c. John 19. 5. J. wearing c. of thorns 1 Cor. 9. 25. to obtain a corrupti. c. Phil. 4. 1. beloved, my joy and c. 1 Thes. 2. 19. what is our c. of rejoi. 2 Tim. 4. 8. laid up for raec. of right Jam. 1. 12. he shall receive c. of life 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye sh. receive c. of glorr Rev. 2. 10. give thee a c. of life 3. 1 1. that no man take thy c. 6. 2. a c. was given to him CROWN of gold. Exod. 25. 11. a c. of g. round about, 24. | 30. 3. | 37. 2, 1 1 , 12. 26. Esth. 8. 15. Mordecai with c. of gold \ Ps. 21. 3. settest c. of g. on his head CROWN with Head. Gen. 49. 26. be on c. of Joseph's head Deu. 33. 20. teareth arm with c. 2 Sam. 1 . 10. I took the c. on his h. 12. 30. kings c. from h. 1 Chr. 20. 2. 14. 25. fron sole to c. of h. Job 2. 7. Esth. 2. 17. king set c. on her head 6. 8. the c. royal set upon his head Job 19. 9. taken c. from my head Isa. 3. 17. smite with a scab c. of h Jer. 2. 16. broken c. of thy head 48. 45. c. of h. of tumultuous onf>s Lam. 5. 16. c. fallen from our hec.4 Ezek. 16. 12. beautiful c. on thine h. Mat. 27. 29. they put a c. of thorns, Mark 15. 17. JoZw 19. £, A<». 12. 1. a c. of twelve stars 14 14. on his head a golden c eitu CROWNED. Piflf?. 8. 5. hast c. him with glory and Prov. 14. 18. prudent c. with know!. C««i. 3. 11. where, his mother c. him Nah. 3. 17. thy c. are as locusts 2 77?m. 2. 5. not c. except he strive Heb. 2. 9. we see Jesus c. with glory CKOWNEDST. Heb. 2. 7. c. him with glory and CROWNEST. Ps. 65. 11. c. year with thy goodness CROWNETH. Psal 103. 4. c. thee with living kin. CROWNING. Isa. 23. 8. against Tyre the c. city CROWNS. Ex. 23. 42. beaut, c. on their heads Zech. 6. 1 1. make c. || 14. c. to Helem Rev. 4. 4. elders had c. of gold 10. cast their c. before throne 9. 7. on locust's heads were c. 12. 3. a red dragon having 7 c. 13. 1. upon his horns ten c. 19. 12. on his head many c. CRUCIFY. Mat. 20. 19. to fientiles, to c. him 23. 34. some of them ye shall c. 27. 31. away to c. him, Mark 15. 20. Mark. 15. 13. cried ag. a. him, 14. Luke 23. 21. c. him, c. Jo/m 19. 6, 15. //e&. 6. 6. c. Son of God afresh CRUCIFIED. Mat. 26. 2. betrayed to be c.Lu. 24.7. 27. 22. said, let him be c. 23. 26. deliv. him to be c. John 19. 16. 35. c. him, John 19. 23. 38. thieves c. 44. Afarfl: 15. 32. Luke 23. 33. JV/m 19. 18. 28. 5. ye seek J. w. was c. Mark 16.6. John. 19. 20. where Jesus was c. 41. Acts. 2. 23. by wicked hands c. and 36. made J. whom ye c. Lord, 4.10. Roin. 6. 6. old man is c. with him 1 Cor. 1. 13. was Paul c. for you? 23. we preach Ch. c. unto Jews a 2. 2. save Jesus Christ and him c. 8. would not have c. L. of glory 2 Cor. 13. 4. tho' c. thro' weakness Gal. 2. 20. I am c. with Christ 3. 1. Ch. set forth, c. among you 5. 24. are Christ's have c. flesh 6. 14. by whom the worM *s c. Rev. 11. 8. Egypt, wh' L. was c. CRUEL.- Gen. 49. 7. wrath, for it was c. Ex. 6. 9. heark. not, for c. bondage Deut. 32. 33. wine c. venom of asps Job 30. 21. art become c. to me Ps. 25. 1!). hate me with c. hatred 71. 4. deliver out of hand of c. Prov. 5. 9. lest thou give years to c. 11. 17. he c. troublethown flesh 12. 10. mercies of wicked are c. 17. 11. c. messenger be sent ag. him 27. 4. wrath is c. Cant. 8. 6. jealousy is c. Isa. 13. 9. day of Lord cometh c. \'j. 4. Egyp. will I give to c. lord >r. 6. 23. they are c. 50. 42. 30. 14. with chastisement of c. one Lam. 4. 3. daughter of my people c. Heb. 11. 36. trial of c niockings CRUELLY. Ezek. 18. 18. because he c. oppressed CRUELTY. Gen 49. 5. instruments of c. in habi. Judg. 9. 24. c. to sons of Jeruhb. Psal. 27. 12. such as breathe out c. 74. 20. are full of habitations of c. Ezek. 34. 4. with c. ye ruled them CRUMBS. Mat. 15. 27. dogs eat of c. fall from master's table, Mark 7. 28. Luke 16. 21. to be fed with the c. 91 CRY CRUSE. I Sam. 26. 11. lake the c of water 12. so David took the c. 16. 1 Kin. 14. 3. take a c. of honey 17. 12. 1 have a little oil in c. 14. nor c. of oil fail, till, 16. 19. 6. Elijah had c. of wat. at head 2 Kin. 2. 20. bring me a new c. CRUSH. Job 39. 15. forgetteth foot may c. Lam. 1. 15. aga. me to c. my young 3. 34. to c. all the prisoners Amos 4. 1. which c. the needy CRUSHED, CRUSHT. Lev. 22. 24. not offer what is c. Num. 22. 25. ass c. Balaam's foot Deut. 28. 33. only oppr. and c. alwa) Job 4. 19. are c. before the moth 5. 4. his children c. in the gate Isa. 59. 5. c. breaketh into a viper Jer. 51. 34. Nebuch. hath c. me CRY. Gen. 18. 21. acco. to c. come up Exod. 2. 23. their c. came up, 3. 9. 3. 7. I have heard their c. I Num. 16. 34. Isr. fled at c. of them 1 Sam. 5. 12. c. of city went up 9. 16. because their c. is come up 2 Sam. 22. 7. my c. did enter his ears 1 Kin. 8.28. hearken toe. and prayer thy serv. prayeth, 2 Chr. 6. 19. Neh. 5. 6. an^ry when I heard c. 9. 9. heardest c. by Red sea Esth. 4. I. Mor. cried wfth bitter c. 9. 31. of fastings and their c. Job 16. 18. let my c have no place 34. 28. c. of poor to come to him, he hearetb c. of anMirtcd Psal. 5. 2. hearken to my c. my king 9. 12. forgetteth not c. of humble t 17. 1. O L. attend unto my c. 18. 6, my c. came before him 34. 15. his ears open to their e. 39. 12. O Lord, give ear to my «. 40. 1. inclined and heard my c. 88. 2. incline thine ear to my c. 102. 1. let my c. come unto thee 106. 44. when he heard their c 119. 169. let my c. come near 142. 6. attend to my c. I am Prov, 21. 13. stop, ears at c. of poor Eccl. 9. 17. more than c. of him Isa. 5. 7. for righteous, behold a c. lb. 5. shall raise up r. of destruc. 8. c. gone al>out borders of Moab 30. 19. will be gracious at thy c. 43. 14. whose c. is in the ships Jer. 7. 16. neither lift up c. 11. 14. 8. 19. voice of c. of my people 14. 2. c. of Jerusalem is gone up 18. 22. c. be heard from houses 25. 36. c. of shepherds be beard 46. 12. thy c. hath filled land 48. 4. little ones caused a c.be heard 5. enemies heard c. of destruction 49. ?l. moved at c. of Edom 50. 4b. c. heard at taking of Babyl. 51. 54. sound of a c. from Babylon Lam. 3. 56 bide not ear at my c. Ezek. 27. 28. shake at r. of pilots Zeph. 1. 10. be a c. from fish-gate Mat. °5. 6. midnight was c. made Great CRY. Gen. /8. 20. c. of Sodom is g. 19. 13. 27. 34. Esau cried with a great c. Exod. 11. 6. be a g. c. thro' Egypt 12. 30. there was great c. in Egypt Neh. 5. 1. was a g. c. of the people I Acts 23. 9. so said, arose a great c. Hear CRY. Exod. 22. 23. I will hear their c. Jot, 27. 9. hearc. when trouble comes Psal. 61. 1. hear my c. O God attend 145. 19. he also will hear their 0. CRY Jer. 20. 16. hear c. in the morning 1 Not hear CRY. Jer. 14. 12. fast, I will n. h. their c, CRIES. Jam. 5. 4. c. of them that reaped CRY, Verb. Exod. 5. 8. idle therefore they c. 22. 23. if thou afflict and they c. 32. 18. voice of them that c. Lev. 13. 45. and c. unclean Judg. 10. 14. go, c. to the gods 2 Sa?«. 19. 28. what right have I to c. to the king 2 Kin. 8. 3. to c. for her house 2 CAr. 20. 9. c. in affliction wilt hear Job 30. 20. 1 c. thou dost not hear 24. tho' they c. in his destruction 35. 9. oppressed to c. they c. out 12. they c. none giveth answer 36. 13. c. not when he hindeth 38. 41. when his young ones c. to G. Psal. 22. 2. I c. in the day-time 27. 7. hear, O Lord, when I c. 28. 2. 28. 1. to thee will I c. my rock, 2. 34. 17. righteous c. L. heareth 56. 9. when I c mine enemies turn 57. 2. I will c. to God most high 61. 2. from end of earth will 1 c. 86. 3. be merciful, for I c. daily 89. 26. shall c. thou art my father 141. 1. Lord 1 c. make haste 147. 9. to young ravens which c. Prov. 8. 1. doth not wisdom c. and 21. 13. he shall c. but not be heard Isa. 8. 4 before child c. my father 13. 22. beasts of islands shall c. 14. 31. c. O city, thou Palestina 15. 4. and Heshbon shall c. and 33 7. their valiant ones shall c. 34. 14. satyr shall c. to fellow 40. 2. c. to Jeru. warfare accompl. 6. voice said, c. what shall I c. ? 42. 2. he shall not c. nor lift voice 13. he shall c. yea, prevail 14. will I c. like travailing woman 46. 7. one shall c. to him, yet can 58. 9. c. he shall say, here I am 65. 14. shall c. for sorrow of heart Jer. 2. 2. go and c. in ears of Jerusa. 3. 4. wilt not from this time c. 4. 5. blow trumpet, c. gather 11. 11. tho' they c. to me, I will 12. c. to gods to whom thpy offer 14. will not hear when c. Ez. 8.18. 22. '20. go up to Lebanon, and c. 25. 31. sheph. and c. 48. 20. Ez. 21. 12. 21. 6. watchmen on Ephraim c. Earn. 3. 8. when J c. he shutteth Ezek. 9. 4. that c. for abominations 24. 17. forhear toe. make no 26. 15. shake, when wounded c. 27. 30. c. bitterly for Tyrus Hos. 8. 2. Israel c. we know thee Joel. 1. 19. O L. to thee will I c. 20. the beasts c. also unto thee Jonah 3. 8. let man and beast c. to G. Mic. 3. 5. bite with teeth, c. peace Nah. 2. 8. c. but none look back Zeph, 1. 14. mighty shall c. bitterly Zech. 1. 14. angel said c. thou Mat. 12. 19. he shall not strive norc. Luke 18. 7. avenge elect, which c. Rnm. 8. 15. whereby wee Abba, Fa. Gal. 4. 27. c. that travailest not CRY against. Dent. 15. 9. he c. to L. a. thee, 24. 15. 2 Chr.\3. 12. priests to c. alarm a. you Job 31. 38. if my land c. against me Jonah 1. 2. go to Nineveh, c. aga. it CRY «?«W. 1 Kin. 18. 27. Elijan said, c. aloud (or Job 19. 7. I c. a. but no judgment P«a/. 55. 17. at noon will I c. aloud Isa. 24. 14 shall c. a. from the sea CRI Isa.54.\. break forth into sing\ng,c.a. 58. 1. c. a. spare not, lift up voice Hos. 5. 8. c. a. at Beth-a. after thee Mic. 4 9. why c. a? is there no king CRY to the Lord. 1 Sam. 7. 8. cease not to c. for us Ps. 107. 19. c. to t. L. in trouble, 28. Isa. 19. 20. c. to L. bee. of oppressors Joel 1. 14. sanctify fast, c. to the L. Mic. 3. 4. c. to L. he will uot hear CRY out. 1 Saw. 8. IS. ye sh. c. o. bee. of king Job 19. 7. I c. out of wrontj, but 35. 9. c. o. by rea. of arm of mighty Isa. 12. 6. c. o. and shout, inhabit. 15. 4. soldiers of Moab, shall c. out 5. my heart shall c. ow£for Moab 29. 9. and wonder, c. out, and cry Jer. 48. 31. I will c. out for Moab Lam. 2. 19. arise c. out in the night Amos 3. 4. young lion c. om£ of den ? Hab. 1. 2. I c. out to thee, but thou 2. 1 1. stone shall c. ow£ of wall Afrt>-£ 10. 47. to c. cw£ have mercy Luke 19. 40. the stones would c. out CRIED. Gen. 27. 34. Esau c. with bitter cry 39. 15. he heard that I c. 41. 55. people c. to Phar. for bread Nu?n, 11.2. c. to Moses, he prayed Deut. 22. 21. damsel, bee. she c. not 27. damsel c. and none to save Judg. 5. 28. mother c. thro' lattice 7. 21. and all the host ran, and c. 10. 12. ye c. and I delivered you 1 Sam.\7.8. Goliath c.to armies of Isr. 20. 37. Jouath. c. after lad, 38. 2 Sa?n. 20. 16. then c. a wise woman 22. 7. T c. to my God, he did hear 1 Kin. 13. 2. c. against altar, 4, 32. 18. 28. c. aloud and cut themselves 2 Kin. 2. 12. Elisha c. my father, my 6. 5. he e. alas, it was borrowed 8. 5. woman c. to king for house 11. 14. Athaliah c. treason, treason 1 Chr. 5. 20. c. to God in the battle 2 Chr. 32. 20. Isaiah c. to heaven Neh. 9. 27. they c. thou heardest, 28. Job 29. 12. I delivered poor that c. 30. 5. they c. as after a thief Psal. 18. 6. in my distress I c. to G. 41. c. but none to save them 22. 5. they c. and were delivered 24. c. unto him, he heard 30. 2. O L. I c. to thee, thou healed 8. I c. to thee O L. and made 31. 22. heardest supplica when Ic. 34. 6. this poor man c. and the L. 66. 17. I c. with my mouth, 77. 1. 88, 1. I c. day and night before thee 13. I c. O Lord, in the morning 119. 145. I c. with whole heart 130. 1. out of the depths have I c. 138. 3. in day I c. thou answeredst Isa. 6. 4. moved at voice of hirr. c. 30. 7. have I c. concerning this Jer. 4. 20. destruction on destr. is c. Ezek. 9. 8. I fell on my face, and c. 10. 13. it was c. to them, O wheel Dan. 6. 20. he c. O Darnel Hos. 7. 14. not c. to me with heart Jon. 1.5. mariners c. ev. man to his G. 2. 2. I c. by reason of affliction to L. out of belly of hell c. I Zech. 7. 13. as he c and they would not hear, so they c. and 1 Mat. 14.30. Peter c. L. save me 20. 31. they c. the more, have mercy on us, Mark 10. 48. Luke 18. 39. Mark 9. 26. spirit c and rent him John 7. 37. Jesus c. if any thirst let Acts 19. 32. some c. one thing, 21.34. 22. 24. wheref. they c. so aga. him Rev. 10. 3. when he c. 7 thunders 1)2 CRY iter. 11 2. and she c. travailing 14. 18. c. to him that had sickle 18. 2. he c. mightily 19. they c. weeping and wailing CRIED to the Lord. Exod. 8. 12. Moses c. to the L. 15. 25. 17. 4. Num. 12. 13.Ex.l4.lO.Israel c. to L. Judg. 3. 9, 15. fl. 3[6. 7.110. 10. Num. 20. 16. we c. to t. L. he heard, Deut. 26. 7. Josh. 24. 7. c. to L. he put darkness 1 Sa?n. 7. 9. Samuel c. to L. 15. 11. 2 Chr. 13. 14. they c. to L. Ps. 107. 6, 13. Jonah 1. 14. 14. II. Asa c. to the Lord Ps. 3. 4. I c. to L. 120. 1. | 142. 1. Lam. 2. 18. heart c. to £. Odau.of Z. CRIED ivith a loud voice. 1 Sam. 28. 12. wo. at En. dor c. w. l.v 2 Sam. 19. 4. David c. ic. I. v O Abs. Neh. 9. 4. Levites || Ez. 11. 13. Ezek. Afa£ 27. 46. ninth hour J. c. w. I. v. 50. Mark ]b.3l,31.Lu.2'3A6.John 1 1. 43 Mark 1. 26. evil spirit c. w. a. I. voice Acts 7. 60. Stephen c. with a loud v. 16. 28. Paul c. with a loud voice Rev. 6. 10 c. w. 1. v. how long, O L. 7. 2. the ange! c. w.l.v. 10. 3. 1 19. 17. 10. that stood bef. Lamb c. w. I. v. CRIED out. 1 Sam. 4. 13 citv c. o. || 5. 10. Ekron. 1 Km. 22. 32. Jehosh. 2 Chr. 18. 31. Jer. 20. 8. I c. out 1 cried violence ' Mat. 8. 29. spirits c. o. Luke 4. 33. 14. 26. disci, c. o. for fear, Mark6A9. 20. 30. blind men c. o. have mercy Mark 1. 23. with unclean spirit c. o. 9. 24. the father c. ou£, Luke 9. 38. 15 13. c. o. again, crucify him, Mat 27. 23. Luke 23. 18. JoAn. 19. 6. yfcfo 19. 28. c. o. great is Diana, 34 22. 23. r. out and threw dust 23 6. Paul c. out I am a Pharisee CRI EST, ETH. Gen. 4. 10. voice of broth, blood c. Ex. 14. 15. wheref. c. thou to me? 22. 27. when hec. I will hear \ Sa?n. 26. 14. that c. to the king? Job 24. 12. sonl of wounded c. Psal. 72. 12. deliv. needy when he e. 84. 2. my flesh c. out for living G. Prov. I. 20. wisdom c. 8. 3. | 9. 3. 2. 3. if thou c. after knowledge Z»a. 26. 17. like as a woman c. out 40. 3. thatc. in the wilderness 57. 13. c. let companies deliver Jer. 12. 8. my heritage c. against me 30. 15. why c. thou for thine afflict. Mic. 6. 9. Lord's voice c. to city Mat. 15. 23. fur she c. after us Luke 9. 39. he c. out, and it teareth Rom. 9. 27. Esains also c. cone. Isr, James 5. 4. hire of labourers & CRYING. 1 Sam. 4. 14. Eli heard noise of c. 2 Sam. 13. 19. Tamar went on c. Job 39. 7. nor regard, he c. of driver Prov. 19. 18. soul spare for his c. 30. 15. horseleech two dan. c. give Isa. 22. 5. day of c. to mountains 24. 11. a c. for wine in streets 65. 19. of c. no more heard in &er Jer. 48. 3. of c. be from Horoaaim Zech. 4. 7. forth head-stone with c. Mai. 2. 13. covering altar with c. Mat. 3. 3. one c. in wilderness, Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. Jd/m 1. 2a 21. 15. children c. in the temple Acts 8. 7. c. spir. came out of many 14. 14. they ran among peo. c. out 21. 28. c. out, men of Israel, help 36. multitude c. away with him Gal. 4. 6. c. Abba, Father Heb. 5. 7. prayers, with strong c CUP Rev. 21 4. no more death, nor c. CRYSTAL. Job 28. 17. and c. cannot equal it Ezek. 1. 22. as colour of terrible c Rev. 4. 6. a sea of glass, like c. 21. 11. light of city clear as e. 22. 1. a pure river, clear as c. CUBIT. Deut. 3. 1 1. after the c. of a man Ezek. 43. 13. the c. is a c. and an Mat. 6. 27. One c. to stature, Iw. 12.25. CUBITS. Gen. b. 16. length of ark 300 c. I Sam. 17. 4. Goliath's height, six c. 1 Kin. 6. 2. length of the house CO c. breadth 20 2 Kin. 14. 13. brake wall of Jerusa- lem, 400 c. 2 Chron, 25. 23. Estt. 5. H. gallows 50 c. high, 7- 9. £*eAr. 40. 23. gate to gate 100 c. 43. 17. the settle fourteen c. Dan. 3. 1. height of image 63 c. John 21. 8. were from land, 200 c. Rev. 21. 17. wall of city 144 c. CUCKOO. Lev. 11. 16. c. abomina. Deut. 14. 15. CUCUMBERS. Num. 11.5. we remember the e. Isa. 1. 8. as lodge in garden of c. Cud, see Chew and Cheweth. CUMBERED. Luke 10. 40. e. about much serving CUMBERETH. Luke 13. 7. why c. it the ground ? CUMBRANCE. Deut. 1. 12. I alone bear your c? CUMMIN. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not scatter c. 27. nor is a cart-wheel turned on c. but c. is beaten Jtfafc 23. 23. ye pay tithe of c. CUNNING. Gen. 25. 27. Esau was a c. hunter Ex. 31. 4. to devise c. works in gold 1 Sam. 16. 18.son of Jesse c. in playing 1 Chr. 25. 7. c. in songs, were 288 2 CA*\ 2. 13. 1 sent a c. man of Huram Psal. 137. 5. right hand forget her c. Cant. 7. 1. thy joints, the work of a c. workman Isa. 3. 3. take away c. artificer 40. 20. he seeketh a c. workman Jer. 9. 17. send for c. women 10. 9. all the work of c. men Dan. 1. 4. children c. in knowledge Eph. 4. 14. tarried by c. craftiness CUNNINGLY. 2 Vet. 1. 16. c. devised fables CUP. Gen. 40. 11. Phara. c. in mine hand 44. 2. silver c. in sack's mouth 2 Sam. 12. 3. it drank of his own c. Psal. II. 6. be portion of their c. 16. 5. Lord is the portion of my c. 23. 5. my c. runneth over 73. 10. waters of a full c. wrung 75. 8. in hand of Lord is a c. 116. 13. I will take c. of salvation Prov. 23. 31. giveth its colour in c. Isa. 51. 17. hast drunk the c. the dregs of the c. of trembling 22. taken out of thy hand c. of Jer. 1(5. 7. nor give c. of consolation 25. 15. take wine c. of this fury.- 17. took I c. at Lord's hand 28. if they refuse c. at thine hand 49. 12. judgment not to drink c. 51. 7. Babylon been a golden c. Lam. 4. 21. c. also pass thro' to thee Ezek. 23. 31. her c. into thine hand 32, drink of thy sister's c. deep Hub. 2. 16. c. of L. right hand shall Zw-h. 12. 2. Jerusal. c. of trembliner -Va*. 10. 42. c. of cold wut. Mar. 0. 41. CUR .M.i*.20.22.able to drink c. Mar. 10. 38. 23. indeed of my c. Mar. 10. 39. 23. 25 make clean outside of p. 2C. cleanse first that within c. 26. 27. he took the c. and gave thanks, Mark 14. 23. Luke 22. 17, 20. 1 Cor. 11. 25.. 39. let this c. pass from me, Mark 14. 36. Luke 22. 42. 42. if c. may not pass from me Luke 22. 20. this c. is new testament in my blood, 1 Cor. 11. 25. John 18. II. c. Father hath given 1 Cor. 10. 16. c. of blessing we bless 21. ye cannot drink c. of L. and c. II. 26. as often as ye drink of c. 27. drink c. of Lord unworthily Rev. 14. 10. without mixture into c. 16. 19. to her, c. of his wrath 17. 4. woman having golden c. 18. 6. in c. fill to her double CUP-BEARER. Neh. 1. 11. I was the king's c. -bearer CUP-BEARERS. 1 Kin. 10. 5. saw the c.-b. 2 Chr. 9. 4. CUPS. I Chr. 28. 17. pure gold for the c. Isa. 22. 24. hang the vessels of c. Jer. 52. 19. Chaldeans took away c. Mark 7. 4. as washing of c. 8. CURDLED. Job 10. 10. c. me like cheese ? CURE. Jer. 33. 6. I will bring it c. CURE, ED. Jer. 33. 6. I will c. them, and 46. 11, O Egypt, shalt not be c. Hos. 5. 13 yet could he not c. you Mat. 17. 16. disciples, not c. him 18. child c. that very hour Lukel. 21. same hour he c. many 9. 1. gave power to c. diseases John 5. 10. Jew^ said to him c. CURES. Luke 13. 32. I do c. to-day CURIOUS. Exod. 28. 8. c. girdle, 27, 28. | 29. 5. 39. 5. Lev. 8. 7. 35. 32. and to devise c. works Acts 19. 19. that used c. arts CURIOUSLY. Psal. 139. 15. c. wrought in lowest CURRENT. Gen. 23. 16. c. money with merch. . CURSE. Gen. 27. 12. I shall bring c. on me 13. his mother said, on me bo c. \':im. 5. 18. the bitter water that causeth thee. 19, 22, 24, 27. 27. woman be c. am. her people Bent. 11. 26. a blessing and c. 30. 1. 28. a c. if ye will not obey com. 29. and put the c. upon Ebal 23. 5. c. into blessing, Neh. 13. 2. 29. 19. heareth words of this c. Josh. 6. 18. the camp of Israel a c. Judg. 9. 57. came c. of Jotham 1 Km. 2. 8. with a grievous c. 2 Kin. 22. 19. should become a c. Neh. 10. 29. they entered into a c. Job 31. 30. by wishing c. to his soul Prov. 3. 33. c. of L. in house of wic. 26. 2. so c. causeless not come 27. 14. be counted a c. to him 28. 27. hideth eyes have many a c. Isa. 24. 6. theref. c. devoured earth 34. 5. down on people of my c. 43. 28. given Jacnb to the c. fii. 15. leave your name for a c. Jer. 24. 9. deliver them to be a c. 25. 18. | 29. 18. | 42. 18. | 44. 8. 26. C. this city a c. to all nations 44. 22. therefore is your land a c. 49.13.Bozrah shall become a c. 03 CUR Lam. 3. 65. give thyc. unto them Dan. 9. 11. the c. is poured upon us Zech. 5. 3. this is c. that goeth 8. 13. as ye were c. am. heathen Mai. 2. 2. if not hear, I will send c. 3. 9. ye are cursed with a c. ye 4. 6. lest I smite earth with a c. Acts 23. 12. bound under a c. 14. Gal. 3. 10. of law, are under c. 13. redeemed us from c. of law Rev. 22. 3. shall be no more c. CURSE, Verb. Gen. 8. 21. I will not c. ground 12. 3. will c. him curseth thee Exod. 22. 28. not c. ruler of thy poo. Lev. 19. 14. shalt not c. the deaf Num. 22. 6. c. me this people. 17. 11. now c. me them, 23. 7, 13. 12. God said, thou shalt not c. 23. 8. how I c. whom G. hath not 11. 1 took thee to c. enem. 24. 10. 25. neither c. at all, nor bless Deut. 23. 4. hired Bal. to c. Neh.\3. 2 27. 13. shall stand on Ebal to c. Josh. 24. 9. Balak called Bal. to c. you Judg. 5. 23. c. Meroz, said angel, e. 2 Sam. 16. 9. this dead dog c. king ? 10. let him c. L. hath said, c. Dav. Job 1. 11. c. thee to thy face, 2. 5. 2. 9. said his wife, c. God and die 3. 8. let them c. it thatc. day Psal. 62. 4. but they c. inwardly 109. 28. let them c. but bless thou Prov. II. 26. people shall c. him 24. 24. him shall the people c. 30.10. accuse not serv. lest hec.thee Eccl. 7. 21. lest hear serv. c. thee 10. 20. c. not king, c. not the rich Isa. 8. 21. c. their king, and God Jer. 15. 10. yet ev. one doth c. me Mai. 2. 2. I will c. your blessings Mat. 5. 44. bless them that c. you, Luke 6. 28. 26. 74. he began to c. Mark 14. 71. Rom. 12. 14. bless, and c. not Jam. 3. 9. therewith c. we men CURSED. Gen. 3. 14. serpent c. \\ 17. ground 4. 11. Cain c. \\ 9. 25. c. be Canaan 5. 29. because of ground L. hath c. 27. 29. c. that curseth, Num. 24. 9. 49. 7. c. be their anger, for Lev. 20. 9. hath c. his father or 24. 11. Israelitish woman's son c. 14. bring forth him hath c. 23. Num. 22. 6. whom thou cursest is c. Deut.21. 15. c. be he, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 28. 16. c. shalt be in city, c. in field 17. c. shall be thy basket and 18. c. be fruit of thy body 19 c. when comest in and goest Josh. 6. 26. c. be man build. Jericho 9. 23. ye Gibeonites are c. Judg. 9. 27. and c. Abimelech 21. 18. c. giveth a wife to Benjamin 1 Sam. 14. 24. c. that eateth till even. 17. 43. Goliath c. Dav. by his gods 26. 19. but if men, c. be they 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c. still, 7» 13. 19. 21. because he c. L. anointed 1 Kin. 2. 8. c. me with grievous c. 2 Kin. 2. 24. c . them in name of L. 9. 34. go see now this c woqaan Neh. 13. 25. I c. them Job 1. 5. it may be my sons c. God 3. 1. then Job c. his day 5. 3. suddenly I c. his habitation 24. 18. portion is c. in the earth Psal, 37. 22. c. of him shall be cut ofl 119. 21. rebuked proud that are c. Eccl. 7. 22. likewise hast c. others Jer. 11. 3. e. obeyeth not covenant 17. 5. e. man that trusteth in man cus rer. 20. 14. c. be the day I was born 15. c. man brought tidings to fath. 48. 10. c. doth Lord's work deeeitf. c. keepeth back sword Mai. 1. 14. but e. be the deceiver 2. 2. c. your blessings already 3. 9. ye are c. with a curse for Mat. 25. 41. depart from me ye c. John. 7. 49. who know not law are e. Gal. 3. 10. e. that continueth not 13. e. every one hangeth on a tree 2 Pet. 2. 14. c. children, who have CURSED thing. Deut. 7. 26. lest thou be a c. thing, for it is a c. thing 13. 17. cleave nought of c. t. to thy CURSEDST. [hand Judg. 17. 2. silver about which c. Mark 11. 21. tier-tree thou c. is CURSES. Num. 5. 23. priest write these e. Deut. 28. 15. these c. shall come, 45. 29. 20. all the c. written in this book, 27, 2 Chr. 34. 24. 21. accor. to all the c. of covenant 30. 7. will put these c. on enemies CURSETH. Exod. 21. 17. lie that c. his father, Lev. 20. 9. Prov. 20. 20. Lot. 24. 15. whoso c. his God shall Prov. 30. 11. genera, c. their father 3/rtfc 15. 4. c. his father or mother, let him die, Mar. 7. 10. CURSING. Num. 5. 21. charge with oath of c. Deut. 28. 20. L. shall send on tbeec. 30. 19. before you blessing and c. 2 Sam. 16. 12. requite good.for bis c. P,. 5. Asaph mad • sound with c. 25. 6. these were for song with c. 2 CAr. 5. 13. lift up voice with c. DAN 2 C/zr. 29. 25. set Lev. in house withe. Ezra 3. 10. sons of Asaph with c. Psal. 150. 5. upon high sounding c. CYPRESS. Isa. 44. 14. he taketh the c. D. DAGGER. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud made him a d. 21. took d. from right thigh 22. he could not draw the d. out of his belly Daily, See after Dais. DAINTY, IES. Gen. 40. 20. Asher yield royal d. Job 33. 20. his soul abhor, d. meat Psal. 141. 4. and let me not eat of d. Prov. 23. 3. be not desirous of d. 6. neither desire his d. meats Rev. 18. 14. rf. are departed DALE. Gen. 14. 17. valley of Shav. king's d. 2 Sam. 18. 18. a pillar in king's d. DAMAOE. Ezra 4. 22. why should d. grow Esth. 7. 4 not countervail king's d. Prov. 2G. 6. and drinketh d. Dan. 6. 2. king should have no d. Acts 27. 10. voyage will be with rf. 2 Cor. 7. 9. d. by us in nothing D A M. Ejt. 22. 30. 7 days with d. Lev. 22. 27. Deut. 22. 6. not take rf. with young DAMNABLE. 2 i'etf. 2. 1. who bring in rf. heresies DAMNATIC h A/>/£. 23. 14. ve shall receive greater d. Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 33. how can ye escape d. ot hell Mark 3. 29. in danger of eternal d. John 5. 29. to the resurrection of (L Rom. 3. 8. whose d. is just 13. 2. receive to themselves d. I Cor. 11. 29. eateth and drinketh d. 1 ZVm. 5. 12. having d. because they 2 Pel. 2. 3. their d. slum.Vereth not DAMNED. Mar. 16. 16. believeth not be d. Rom. 14. 23. douhteth is d. if he eat 2 Hies. 2. 12. be d. who believed not DAMSEL Gen. 24. 55. said, let the rf. abide 34. 3. he loved d. spake kindly Deut. 22. 15. tokens of rf. virginity 21. bring out rf. and stone her Judg. 5. 30. to ev. man a d. or two ? 19. 4. the d. father retained him Ruth 2. 6. it is the Moabitish d. 1 Kin. 1. 4. and the d. cherished him Mat. 14.1 l.head given tod. Mar. 6.28. 26. 69. d. came to Peter, John 18 17. Mark 5. 39. rf. is not dead, but 40. he entereth in where d. was Acts 12. 13. a d. came to hearken 16. 16. d. possessed met us DAMSELS. Gen. 24. 61. Rebekah arose and d. 1 Sam. 25. 42. Abigail rode with d. Psal. 68. 25. among them d. playing DANCE. Psal. 149. 3. praise him in d. 150. 4. Jer. 31. 13. virgin rejoice in the d. Lam. 5. 15. our rf. is turned into DANCE. [tod. Judg. 21. 21. if dan. of Shiloh come Job 21. 11. their children d. Eccf, 3 4. and a time to dance lsa. 13. 21. satyrs shall d there DANCED. Judg. 21. 23. accor. to number that d. 2 Sam, 6. 14. David d. before Lord Mat. 11. 17. ye have not d. Luk.l. 32. 14. G. dau. of Herodias d. Mar. 6. 22. 9b DAR DANCES. Judg. 11. 34. daughter came with d 1 Sam. 21. 11. did they not sing o! him in d. 29. 5 Jer. 31. 4. shalt go forth in the d. DANCING. E.vod. 32. 19. he saw calf and d. 1 Sam. 18. 6. women came out d. 30 16. spread on all the earth d. 2 Sam. 6. 16. saw Da v. d. I Chr. 15. 2? /\v«/. 30. 11. my mourning into d. Luke 15. 25. as he came heard d. DANDLED. lsa. 66. 12. be d. upon her knees DANGER. Mat. 5. 21. be in d. of judgm ent, 22. 22. in d. of council, of hell fire Mark 3. 29. in d. c/ eternal damna. Acts 19. 27. not only craft is in rf. 40. in d. to be called in question DANGEROUS. Acts 27. 9. when sailing was now ••• DARE. Job 41. 10. none d. stir him up Rom. 5. 7. some would even rf. to die 15. 18. d. to speak of any thing 1 Cor. 6. 1. d. any of you go to law 2 Cor. 10.12. rf.not make ours, of num. DARK. Gen. 15. 17. when it was d. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague be d. 21. Num. 12. 8. speak not in d. speeches Josh. 2. 5. when d. men went nut 2 Sam. 22. 12. d. waters, Ps. 18. 11. Seh. 13. 19. gates began to be d. Job 3. 9. let stars of twilight be d. 12. 25. they grope in the d. IS. 6. light be d. in his tabernacle 22. 13. can hejudge thro' d. cloud ? 24. 16. in d. they dig thro' houses Psal. 35. 6. let their way be d. 49. 4. open d. saying on harp 74. 20. rf. places lull of cruelty 78. 2. utter dark sayings of old 88. 12. wonders be known in d. ? 105. 28. sent darkness, made it d. Prov. 1. 6. and their rf. sayings 7. 9. in the black and rf. night lsa. 29. 15. their works are in the d 45. 19. not spoken in a rf. place Jer. 13. 16. feet stumble on d. moun Lam. 3. 6. hath set inn in d. places Ezek. 8. 12. house of \;r. do in d. 32. 7. make stars thereof d. 8. bright lights of heaven d. 31. 12. scatt. in cloudy and d. day Dan. 8. 23. understan. d. sentences Joel 2. 10. sun and moon be d. Amos 5. 8. maketh the day d. 20. Mic. 3. 6. d. to you, day shall be d. Zech. 14. 6. light not clear nor ft. Luke 11. 36. body, having no part d John 6. 17. and it was now d. 20. 1. Mary came when yet dar 2 Pet. 1. 19. shiitetb in a d. place DARKEN. Amos 8. 9. d. earth in clear day DARKLY. 1 Cor. 13. 12. we see thro' a g DARKENED. E.rod. 10. 15. so that land was d. Psal. 69. 23. let eyes be d. Rom. 1 1 <. Eccl. 12. 2. moon or stars be not I. 3. look out of windows be d. lsa. 5. 30. light is d in heavens Q. 19. land || 13. 10. sun, Joel 3. 15. 24. 11. all joy is d. mirth gone E*±k. 30. 18. at Tehaph. day be d. Zech. 11.17. his riirht eve be utterly rf Mat. 24. 29. sun be d.'Mark 13. 24. Luke 23. 45 and the sun was d. Horn. 1. 21. foolish heart was d. Eph. 4. 18. the understanding rf Rev. 8. 12. so as third part was d DAR Rev. 9. 2. sun and the air were d. DARKENEtH. Job 38. 2. who is this d. counsel DARKNESS. Gen. 1. 2. d. was upon the deep 5. the d. he called Night 18. to divide the light from d. 15. 12. horror of d. lell on Abram Exod. 10. 22. d. in all Egypt 3 days 14. 20. d. to them, but light 20. 21. Moses drew near to d. Deut. 4. 11. mount, burnt with d. 5. 22. words L. spake out of d. Josh. 24. 7. d. betw. you and Egypt. 2 Sa?n.22.\0.d. under his feet, Ps.'l8.9. 12. d. his pavilions 29. enli-hten my d, Psal. IS. 28. Job 3. 5. let d. stain it 6. as for that night, let d. seize it 5. 14. meet with d. in day-time 10. 22. a land of d. as d. itself 19. 8. hath set d. in my paths 20. 26. all d. be hid in his secret pi. 22. 11. or d. that canst not see 23. 17. I was not cut off before d. neither hath he covered the d. 28. 3. an end to d. stones of d. 34. 22. no d. where may hide 37. 19. not order speech for d. 38. 9. thick d. a swaddling.band 19. as for d. where is the place Psal. 18. 11. d. his secret place 88. 18. mine acquaintance into d. 97. 2. clouds and d. about him 104. 20. makest d. and it is night 105. 28. sent d, made it dark 139. 11. surely d. shall cover me 12. d. hideth not from thee Prov. 2. 13. to walk in ways of d. 4. 19. way of the wicked is as d. Eccl. 6. 4. name be covered with d. Jsa. 5. 30. look to land, behold d. 8. 22. shall look, and behold d. 45. 3. give thee treasures of d. 47. 5. get thee into d. O daughter 60. 2. d. shall cover the earth, and gross d. the people Jer. 13. 16. before he cause d. and make light gross d. Ezek. 32. 8. set d. upon thy land Joel 2. 2. a day of clouds and d. 31. sun be turned to d. Acts 2. 20. Amos 4. 13. maketh morning d. Nah. 1. 8. d. pursue his enemies Mat. 6. 23. bodv full of d. Lit. 11. 34. 8. 12. outer d,'22. 13 | 25. 30. 31. 45. sixth hour d. Mark. 15. 33. Luke 22. 53. hour, and power of d. 23. 44. was d. over all the earth Acts 13. 1 1. fell on him mist and d. Eph. 5. 11. no fell, with works of d. 6. 12. Hg. rulers of d. of this world Col. 1. 13. deliv. us from power of d. 1 Thes. 5. 5. not of night nor of d. Heb. 12. 18. ye are not come to d. 2 Pet. 2. 4. deliv. into chains of d. 17. to whom mist of d. is reserv. 1 John 2. II. d. hath blinded his eyes Jude 6. in everlast. chains under d. 13. is reserved blackness of d. Rev. 16. 10. kinsrd. was full of d. DARKNESS with Day. ob 3. 4. let that day be d. let not 15. 23. that day of d is at hand Eccl, 11. 8. remember days of d. Jsa. 58. 10. thy d. be as noon-day Joel 2. 2. a day of d. and, Zeph. 1. 15. Amos 5. 20. shall not day of L. be d. '( In DARKNESS. Deut. 28. 29. grope as blind in d. 1 Sam. 2. 9. wicked be silent in d. 1 Kin. 8. 12. L. said he would dwell in thick d. 2 Chr. 6. 1. Job 17. 13. made my bed in d. DAS Psal. 82. 5. they walk on in a. 88. 6. hast laid me in d. in deeps 91. 6. pestilence that walk, in d. 107. 10. such as sit in d. and shadow 143. 3. ene. made me dwell in d. Prov. 20. 20. lamp out in obscure d. Eccl. 2. 14. fool walketh in d. 5. 17. eateth || G. 4. departeth in d. Isa. 42. 7. sit in d. out of prison 49. 9. to them in d. show yourselv. 5D. 9. light, but we walk in d. Jer. 23. 12. as slippery ways in d. Dan. 2. 22. knoweth what is in d. John 8. 12. follow me, not walk ind. 12. 35. walketh in d. knoweth not 46. believeth sh. not abide in d 1 Thes. 5. 4. but ye are not in d. 1 John 1. 6. and walk in d. we lie 2. 9. hateth brother, is in d. 11. Land of DARKNESS. Job 10. 21. before I go to land of d. 22. I. of d. as d, itself, and shadow Jer.2. 31. have 1 been to Israel I. ofd. DARKNESS with Light Gen. 1. 4. God divided light from d. 18. lights, to divide light from d. Job 10. 22. a land where light is as a. 17. 12. the I: is short because of a. 18. 18. he be driven from /. into d. 29. 3. by his I. I walked thro' d, 30. 26. 1 waited for light came d. Ps. 112. 4. to upright ariseth /. in d: 139. 12. d. and I. are both alike Eccl, 2. 13. as far as /. excelleth d, Isa. 5. 20. that put d. for t. I. for d. 9. 2. the people that walked in d. have seen a great /. Mat. 4. 16. 42. 16. make d. light before them 45. 7. I form light and create d. 50. in. walking in d, and hath no I. Jer. 13. 16. ye look for I. he make it d. Lam. 3. 2. brought me into d. not /. Amos 5. 18. day of L. is d. and not /. Mic. 7. 8. when I sit iu d. L. be a I. Mat. 6. 23. I. be d, how great that d, 10. 27. what I tell in d. speak in /. Luke 12. 3. Luke 1.79.?.to them sit in d.Rom.2.19. 11. 35. that /. in thee be not d. John 1. 5. /. shineth in d. d. eompr. 3. 19. men loved d. rather than I. 12. 35. walk while ye have /. lest d. Acts 26. IS. turn them from d. to I. Rom. 13. 12. works of d. put on /. 1 Cor. 4. 5. to I. hidden things of d. 2 Cor. 4. 6. com. I, to shine out of d. 6. 14. what commun. light with d. 1 Pet, 2. 9. out of d. into his mar. /. 1 John 1. 5. in Him is no d. at all 2. 8. d, is past true light shineth Out of DARKNESS. Deut. 5. 23. heard voice out oj the d. Job 12. 22. discov. deep things o. of d. 15. 22. that he shall return out ofd. 30. he shall not depart out oj d. Ps. Iii7. 14. brought them out oj d. Isa. 29. 18. eyes of blind see out ofd. DARLING. Ps. 22. 20. d. from power of dog 35. 17. rescue my d. from lions DART, S. 2 Sam. IS. 14. Joab took three d. 2 Chr. 32. 5. Hezekiah made d. Job 41. 26. nor the d. cannot hold 29. d. are counted as stubble Prov. 7. 23. till d. strike thro' liver Eph. 6. 16. to quench fiery d. of Heb. 12. 20. be thrust thro' with a<7. dash. 2 Rin. 8. 12. wilt d. their children Psal. 2. 9. d. in pieces like a potter's 91. 12. lpst thou d. foot against a stone, Mat, 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. Isa. 13. 18. bows shall d. young men 9Q DAU Jer. 13. 14. I will d. one ag. another DASHED. Ex. 15. 6. thy right hand, O L. d. Isa. 13. 16. their children be d, in piec Hos. 13. 16. Nah. 3. 10. Hot. 10. 14. mother was d. on child. DASH1 TH. Ps. 137. 9. d, little ones ag. stone3 DATES. 2 Chr. 31. f-5- (hit. of Isr. brought d DAUB, ED, 1NG. Exod. 2. 3. she d. ark with slime Ez. 13. 10. d. it with untempered 22. 28. her prophets d. them DAUGHTER. Gen. 20. 12. d. of my father, not d. 24. 23. whose d. art thou, 47. 48. master's brother's d. to son 34. 7. in lying with Jacob's d. 8. my son longeth for your d. Exod. I. 16. if a d. she shall live 21. 31. have gored a son or a d. Lev. 12. 6. days fulfilled for a d. 18. 17. nor take her daughter's d. 21. 9. if d. of priest profane Nuth. 27. 9. if no d. give his inherit 36. 8. d. that possesseth an inherit Deut. 27. 22. cursed be he lieth with d. of father or mother 28. 56. eye be evil toward her d. Jurtg. 11. 40. to lament Jeplithah'sd 1 Sam. 1. 16. handmaid a d. of Belial 18. 19. Saul's d. should been given 2 Sam. 12. 3. lamb unto him as a d. 1 Kin. 3. 1. Solo, took Pharoah's d. 11. 1. loved many with d. of Pharo. 2 Kin. 8. 18. d, Jehoram's wife 9. 34. bury her, she is a king's d. 1 Chr. 2. 49. d. of Caleb Achsa Esth. 2. 7. uncle's d. for his own Psal. 45. 10. O d, and consider, and 13. king's d. glorious within Cant. 7. 1. with shoes, O prince's d. Jer. 31. 22 backsliding d. 49. 4. 46. 19. O d. in Egypt, furnish 48. 18. d. dost inhabit Dibon Ez. 14. 16. deliver son nor d. 18, 20. 16. 44. as mother, so is her d. 45. art mother's d. that loatheth Dan. II. 6. king's d. of south come 17. shall give him d. of women Hos. 1. 6. cone, again, and bare a d. Mic. 5. 1. O d. of troops 7. 6. d. riseth up against mother Mat, 10/35. Luke\2. 53 Zeph. 3. 10. d. of my dispersed Mai. 2. 11. mar. d. of strange god Mat. 9. 22. Jesus said, d. be of good comfort, Mark 5. 34. Luke 8. 48. 10. 37. loveth d. more than me 14. 6. d. of Herodias danced 15. 28. her d. was made whole Mark 7. 26. cast devil out of her d. Luke 8. \-l. he had one only d. 13. 16.this woman being a d of Abr. Acts 7. 21. Pharaoh's d. nourished Heb. 11. 24. to be son of Phar. d. DAUGHTER of Babylon. Ps. 137. 8. O d. of B. to be\iestroy. Isa. 47. 1. O d. of B. sit on ground Jer. 50. 42. to battle ag. thee d. of B 51. 33. d. of B. like threshing floor Zech. 2. 7. Zion dwellest with d.of E. DAUGHTER of the Chaldeans. Isa, 47. 1. is no throne, O d. of C. b. get thee into darkness, d. of C. DAUGHTER of Edom. Lam. 4. 21. rejoice be glad, d. of E. 22. visit thine iniquity, O d. of E. DAUGHTER of Egypt. Jer. 46. 11. go into Oifead, d. of E. 24. d. of E. be confounded DAUGHTER of Gallim. Isa. 10. 30. lift up thy voice d. of G. DAU _ Ex. 21. 7. if sell Aw d. to he servant Num. 27. S. inherit, to pass to Aw d. 39. 16. statutes betvv. fa. and hit d. Deut. 7. 3. nor h. d. take to thy son IS. 10. one that maketh his d. to pass thro' fire, 2 Zm. 23. 10. Judg. 21. 1. not give his d. to Benja. 1 Sam. 17. 2-5. kin? give him his d. DAUGHTER of Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 19. 21. d, of J. hath shaken her head at thee, Isa. 37. 22. Z,am.2.13.what liken to thee, d.ofJ. 15. wag their head at the d. of J. M!C.4.8.kiugdom shall come to d.of J. Zeph. 3. 14. rejoice with heart, rf.o/ J. Zech. 9. 9. d. of J. thy king- cometh • DAUGHTER of Judah. Lam. 1. 15. L. hath trodden d. of J. 2. 2. down strong holds of d. of J. 5. increased in a. of J. mourning DAUGHTER-iH-to. Gen. 38. 16. knew not she wasrf.-i'.-/. 24. Tam?r thy d.-in-l. played har. Lev. 18. 15. nakedness of thy d.-in-l. 20. 12 if a man lie with his d.-in-l Ruth 4.15. thy d.-in-l. which lov.thee 1 Sam. 4. 19. his d.-in-l. Phinehas wife was with child Ez. 22. 11. lewdly defileth his d.-i -I. ilic. 7. 6. d. aeainst mother-in law. Mat. 10. 35. Luke 12. 53. My DAUGHTER. Dent. 22.. 17. tokens of my ^.virginity Josh. 15. 16. to him will I give my d. Judg. 11. 35. my d. hast bro. me low 19. 24. here is my d. a maiden Ruth 2. 2. and she said, go, my d. 3. 10. blessed be thou my d. Mat. 9. 18. my d. is even now dead 15. 22. my d. is vexed with a devil Mark 5. 23. my d. at point of death DAUGHTER of my people. Isa. 22. 4. bee. of spoiling of a. of p. Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind toward d. of p. 6. 14. healed d. of p. slightly, 8. 11. 26. O d. of my p. gird with sackcl. 8. 19. voice of the cry of d. of my p. 21. for hurt of d. ofm.p.am 1 hurt 22. why not health of d. recovered 9. 1. I might weep for slain of do. p. 7. for how shall I do for d. of m. p. 14. 17. the virgin d. of p. is broken Lam. 2. 11. destruc. of* of p. 3.48. 4. 3. the d. of my p. is become cruel 6. iniquity of d. of my p. is greater 10. meat in destruction of d. of p. DA U G HTER of Tarshish. Isa.23. 10. pass thro' as river, d.of T. Thy DAUGHTER. Gen. 29. 18. serve 7 years for thy d. Ex. 20. 10. nor thy d. Deut. 5. 14. Lev. 18. 10. nakedness of thy d. d. 19. 29. do not prostitute thy d. J)eut. 7. 3. thy d. not give to his son 13. 6. if thy d. entice thee 22. 17. I found not l\y d. a maid 2 Kin. 14. 9. give thy a. to my son J/ar.5.35.said,£ d. is dead, LukeSAQ. 7. 29. devil is gone out of thy d. DAUGHTER of Tyre. Ps 45. 12. d. of T. be there with gift DAUGHTER ofZidon. Isa. 23. 12. O oppressed d of Zidon DAUGHTER ofZion. 2 Kin. 19.21. tf.o/Z.despised,/.ror.37.22. Psal. 9. 14. in gates of d. of Zion Isa. 1. 8. d. of Zion left as a cottage 4. 4. washed away filth of d. of Z. 10. 32. ag. mount of d. of Z. 16. I. 52. 2. loose thyself captive d. of Z. 62 11. d. of Z. thy salv;i. cometh Jer. 4. 31. heard voice of d. of Zion ti. 2. d. of Z. to a comoly woman DAU I Jer. 6.23. men of war ag. thee, d. of Z. \Lam. 1. 6. d. of Z. beauty departed 2. 1. L. cover, d. of Z. with cloud 4. slew in taber. of d. of Zion 8. to destroy wall of A. of Zion 10. elders of d. of Z. sit on ground 13. what equal to thee, d. of Zion 18. O wall of d. ofZ. let tears 4. 22. punish, accomplished d. of Z. Mic. 1. 13. begin, of sin to d. of Zion 4. 8. strong hold of d. of Zion 10. labour to brhisj forth, d. of Z. 13. arise and thresh, O d. of Zion Zeph. 3. 14. sing, O d. of Zion Zech. 2. 10. sing andrej. d. of Z. 9.9. Mat. 21. 5. tell d. of Z. King cometh John 12. 15. fear not d. of Z. thy DAUGHTER ofZur. Xum. 25. 15. Cozbi, theined with Sons. Gen. 5. 4. begat*, d 7, 10. | 11. 11. 19. 12. thy sons and d. bring out 31. 28. not suffered to kiss *. and d. 55. kissed his sons and d. blessed 37. 35. *. d. rose to comfort him Exod. 10. 9. vtith *. and d. will we go 21. 4. she have born him si ns or d. 34. 16. take of their d. to thy sons Xum. 21. 29. his s. d. into captivity 26. 33. had no*, but d. Josh. 17. 3. Deut. 12. 12. ye and *. and d. rejoice 31. *. and (7. thev have burnt. 2 Kin. 17. 17. Jer. 7. 31. | 32. 35 28. 32. *. d. given to another people 41. beget *. d. but not enjoy them 53. shalt eat flesh of sons and d. 32. 19. provoking of his sons and d. Josh. 7. 24. brought Achan, *. and d 17. 6. d. of Manasseh inh. among ». Judg. 3. 6. gave their d. to their som 12. 9. Ibzan 30 d. for his sons 1 5'a?n.30.19.nothinff lacking. *. nor d. 1 Chr. 23. 22. Eleazar had no *. but d. 25. 5. God gave Heman 14 *. 3 d. 2 Chr. 11 21. Rehob. had 28 *. 60 d. 13. 21. Abijah beeat 22 *. 16 d. Ezra 9. 12. not rZ. to their *. AVA. 13.25. Xeh. 4. 14. fight for your sons and d. 5. 2. we. our sons and d. are many 10. 28. sons and d. clave to brethren Job 1. 2. born to Job ~ s. 3 d. 42. 13. Psal. 106. 37. sacrificed wih and d. 38. shed blood of their sons and d. Isa. 43. 6. bring my sons from far, d. 49. 22. bring thy sons in arms, d. 56. 5. name better than sons and d. Jer. 3. ii. shame devoured *. and d. 16. 2. nor shalt have sons nor d. 19. 9. cause eat flesh of sons and d. 29. 6. take wives, beget sons and d. 48. 46. sons and d. taken captives Ezek. 14. 16. shail deliver*, hoi d. 16. 20. *. and d. and sacrificed them 23. 4. were mine, bare so?is and d. 47. they shall slay their *. and d. 24. 21. *. d. fall by swovd,Amosl.\ r 7. 25. when I take their sons and d, Joel 2. 28. *.and d. prophesy, Acts 2.17. 3. S. sell sons and d. to Judah 2 Co-'. 6. IS. be my *• and d. saith L. Tuo DAUGHTERS. Gen. 19. 8. I have t. d. let me bring 15. take thv wife and tivo d. 29. 16. Labah had tiro d. Leah 31. 41. 1 served for thy tuo d. Ruth 1. 7. Naomi went out with t. d. 1 Sa?n. 2. 21. Hannah bare two d. 14. 49. Saul's two d. were JMerab Pror: 30. 15. horse-leech hath tiro d. DAUGHTERS of the uncircum- cised. 2 Sam. 1. 20. lest d. of u. triumph DAUGHTERS of Zion. Cant 3. 11. go forth, O ye d. of Zi. Isa. 3. 16. d. of Zion are haughty 4. 4. washed" away filth of d. of Zi. DAWN, ING. Josh. 6. 15. rose about d. of day H DAY Judg. 19. 26. came woman in d. of Job 3. 9. nor let it see d. of day 7. 4. I atr. full of tossings to d. Paid. 119. 147. I prevented the d. Mat 28. 1. as it began to d. 2 Pet. 1. 19. till the day d. and the DAY. Gen. 1. 5. God called the light d. 32. 26. let me go, d. breaketh Lev. 23. 37. every thing- on his d. Num. 14. 34. each d. for a year, bear Deut. 4, 10. d. thou stoodst before L. 9. 24. rebellious fr. d. I knew you 24. 15. at his d. give him his hire Josh. 10. 13. sun not down about a d. 14. wa3 no d. like that Judg. 1G. 2. when it is d. kill Sam. 1 S, I am he 58. 5. a d. to afflict soul ? call this an acceptable d. to Lord ? 61. 2. d. of vengeance of G. 63. 4. Jer. 12. 3. prep, for d. of slaughter 27. 22. there be till d. I visit 32. 31. from the d. they built it 36. 2. from the d. I spake to thee 38. 28. till d. Jerusalem waa taken 47. 4. of d. that cometh to rpoil 50. 27. wo, for their d. is come Ezek. 4. 6. each d. for a year 7. 10. behold the d. it is come 21. 25. prince, whose d. is come 28. 15. from d. t-hou wast created 30. 2. wo worth the d. \\ 3. near 18. at Tehaphne. d. be darkened Dan. 6. 10. petition 3 times a d. Hox. 9. 5. what do in solemn d.? Joel 2. 2. a d. of darkness and Amos 5. 8. seek him maketh d. dark 8. 10. end thereof as a bitter d. fdic. 3. 6. d. be dark over them 7. 4. the d. of thy watchmen Zeph. 2. 2. before d. pass as chaff 3. 8. till d. 1 rise up to the prey echA. 10. despised d. of small things Mai. 3 2. abide d. of his coming ? 4. 1. the d. cometh that shall burn Hat. 24. 38. till the d. Noe entered ark, Luke 17. 27. 50. Lord shall come in a d. when he looketh not, Luke 12. 46. 25. 13. know the d. nor the hour Mark 1. 3-5. a great while before d. "Luke 1. 20. till d. these be performed 80. till d. of his shewing to Israel 17. 4. trespass seven times in a d. 24. so Son of man be in his d. John 6. 39. raise it again at last d. 40. raise him up at last d. 41, 54. 8. 56. Abrah. rejoiced to see my d. V. 4. I must work while it is d. DAY Acts 1. 2. until d. he was taken up 12. 21. on a set d. Herod sat 16. 36. when it was d. 23. 12. | 27. 39. 17. 31. he bath appointed a d. 27. 29. they wished for d. Rom. 2. 5. wrath against d. of wrath 13. 12. d. is at hand, let us 14. 6. regardeth d. to the Lord 1 Cor. 3. 13. the d. shall declare it 2 Cor. 6- 2. now is thed. of salvation Ep/i. 4. 30. sealed to d. of redemp. Phill. 6. perform it until therf. of C. 1 Thes. 5. 5. ye are chil. of the d. 8. who are of the d. be sober Heb. 4. 7. he limiteth a certain d. 8. not have spoken of another d. 10. 25. as ye see d. approaching 2 Pet. 1. 19. till the d. dawn, and 3. 12. hast, to comma of d. of God Rev. 9. 15. were prepared for a d. See Atonement, Battle, Calami- ty, Darkness, Evil, Holy, Last. All the DAY. Psal. 25. 5. on thee do I wait a. t. d. 71. 15. show thy salvation all the d. 89. 16. in thy name rejoice all the d. 102. 8 enemies reproach me a. t. d. 119. 97. law my meditation a. t. d. Isa. 28. 24. doth plowman plow a.t.d. 65. 2. spread out my hands a. t. d. 5. these are a fire burnetii a. t. d. Lam. 1. 13. made me desolate a.t. d. 3. 3 turneth his hand ag. me a. t. rt. 14. a derision to my people a. t. d. 62. heard their device ag. me a.t.d. Mac 20. 6. why stand a. t. a. idle '< All the, DAY long. Deut. 28. 32. fail with longing a.l.d.1. 33. 12. L. shall cover him a. t. d. I. Psal. 32. 3. thro' my roaring a. t.d.l. 35. 28. speak of thy praise a. t. d. I. 38. 6. I go mourning a. I. d. I. 12. they imagine deceits a. I. (t. I. 44. 8. in God we boast a. t. d. I. 22. for thy sake are killed a. t. d. (. 71. 24. talkof thy righteous, a. t.d.l. 73. 14. a. t. d. I. have I been plagued Proi: 21. 26. he eoveteth a. t. d. t. 23. 17. be in the fear of L. a. t. d. I. Rom.\Q.2\ a.t.d. /.stretched my hands DAY of death. Gen. 27. 2. I know not d. of my d. Judg. 13. 7. be a Nazarite to d. of d. 1 Sam. 15. 35. to see Saul till d. of d. 2 Sam. 20. 3. concu. shut up to d. ofd. 2 Kin. 15. 5. Uzziah leper to d. of a. Eccl. 7. 1. d. of death better than b. 8. 8. nor hath he power in d. of d. Jer. 52. 11. in prison, till d. of death 34. every day a portion till d. of d. By DAY. Gen. 39. 10. she spake to Jos. d.by d. Exod. 13. 21. L. went bef. them by d. 40. 38. cloud was upon the taber- nacle by d. Num. 9. 16. Num. 10.34- cloud on them by dl4.14. Deut. 1. 33. Neh. 9. 19. Judg. 6. 27. he could not do it by d. 2 C//r.30.21. priests praised L. d. It/ d. Ezra 6. 9. let it be given d. by d. Neh. 8. 18. d. by d. he read in law Psal. 91. 5. nor arrow flieth by d. 121. 6. sun not smite thee by d. 136. 8. sun to rule bij d. for Isa. 60. 19. sun no more thy light by d. Jer. 31. 35. sun for a light by d. Ezek. 12. 3. remove by d. in' sight Luke 11. 3. give us d.byd. bread 2 Cor. 4. 16. is renewed d. by d. Rev. 21. 25. gates not be shut by d. Every DAY. Psal. 7. 11. angry with wicked e. d. 56. 5. ev. d. they wrest my words \ib. 2. ev. d. will 1 bless thee 93 DAY Isa. 51. 13. hast feared every d. 52. 5. my name ev. d. blasphemed Luke 16. 19. sumptuously every d. Rom. 14. 5. esteemeth ev. d. alike Feast- DAY. Psal. 81. 3. blow trumpet on f.-d. Mat. 26. 5. said, not on f.-d. Mar.W.2. John 2. 23. ia f.-d. many believed First DAY. Gen. 1. 5. evening and morning/ d. Neh. 8. 18. from / unto last erne read Dan, 10. 12. from/ d. thou didst set Mat.26. \~.fd.of unl.bread, Mar. 14.12. Acts 20. 18./ d. 1 came into Asia Phil. 1. 5. your fellowship from f. d. See Week. Third DAY. Hos. 6. 2. t. d. he will raise us up Mat. 16. 21. be raised again the t. d. 17. 23. Luke 9. 22. 20. 19. and the t. d. he shall rise again, Mark 9. 31. | 10. 34. Luke 18. 33. | 24. 7, 46. Luke 13. 32. t. d. 1 sh. be perfected 24. 21. to d. is the third d. since 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he rose again t. d. Seventh DAY. Gen. 2. 3. G. blessed *. d. Ex. 20. 11. Exod.]G. 26. s. d. is the Sahbath,20.10. Lev. 23. 3. Deut. 5. 14. 27. there went out some on s. d. 31. 17. on s. d. God rested Heb. 4. 4. spake of*, d. on this wise Eighth DAY. Lev. 12. 3. on e. d. be circumcised Luke 1. 59. e. d. came to circumcise child, Acts 7. 8. Phil. 3. 5. Good DAY. 1 Sam. 25. 8. we come in a good d. Esth. 8. 17. Jews had a good d. 9. 19. 9. 22. from mourning into a good d. Great D A Y. Jer. 30. 7. alas, that d. is g. none Hos. 1. 11. g. shall be d. of Jezreel Joel 2. 11. a. of L. is/?, and terrible 31. before g. and terrible d. of the Lord come, Acts 2. 00. ZepJu 1. 14. g. d. of the Lord is near Mai. 4. 5. before coming of g. d.of L. John 7. 37. g. d. of feast, Jesus cried Jude 6. reser. unto judgment of g.d. Rev. 6. 17. g. d, of his wrath n come 16. 14. to gather to battle of g. d. In the DAY. Gen. 2. 4. in t d. L. made the earth 17. in the d. thou eatest, shalt die 3. 5. in the d, ye eat, eyes be opened 31. 40. in d, drought consumed me 35. 3. answ. in the d. of my distress Exod. 32. 34. in the d. when I visit Job 20. 28. flow away in d. of wrath Ps. 95. 8. as ind. of tempta. Heb.'S.S. 102. 2. hide not face in d. of trouble, in the d. when I call 110. 3. willing in L d. of thy power 5. thro' kings in I. d. of his wrath 137. 7. Edom, in t. d. of Jerusalem 138. 3. ind. I cried, thou answer. Prov. 6. 34. not spare in d. of venge 11. 4. riches profit not in d. of wra. 24. 10. if faint in the d. of adversity Eccl. 7. 14. in the d. of prosperity be joyful, in d. of adv. consider 8. 8. nor hath power in d. of death 12. 3. in t. d. keepers shall tremble Cant. 3. 11. ind. of his espousals, and of gladness of his heart 8. 8. in t. d. she shall be spoken for Isa. 9. 4. as in the d, of Midian 10. 3. what do in thed. of visitation 11. 16. d. came out of Eg. Hos.2.\b. 13. 13. remove, in d. of his anger 17. 11. inthed. shalt make thy"plant grow, in the d. of grief DAY fsa. 30. 25. in d. of areat slaughter 26. in d. Lord bindeth up breach 58. 3. in d. of your fast find pleasure Jer. 16. 19. refuge in d. of affliction 17. 17. art ray hope in the d. of evil 18. 17. not face in the d. of calamity 36. 30. dead body be cast out in t.d. Lam. I. 12. afflict me in d. of anger 2. 1. rem. not footstool ind. of anger 3 57. drewest near in the d. I called Ez. 7. 19. gold not deliver in t. d. of 116. 4. in Ute d. thou wast born, 5. 56. Sodom not ment. in d. of pride 27. 27. fall tit tlte. d. of thy ruin 30. 9. great pain, as in d. of Egypt 32. 19. for life in the d. of thy fall 33. 1 2. in d. he turneth from wick, not able to live in d. he sinned Has. 2. 3. as in the d. she was born 4. 5. therefore shalt fall in the d. Amos 1. 14. in the d. of whirlwind 8. 9. darken the earth in the clear d. Obad. 11. in d. stoodest on other side 12 nor rejoiced in d. of destruet Mai. 4. 3. in d. that 1 shall do this Luke 17. 30. in the d. Son is revealed John 11. 9. if any walk iu the d. he Horn. 2. 16. in d. G. sh. judge secrets 13. 13. walk honestly as in t/ie d. 1 Cor. 1. 8. blameless in d. of Lord 2 Cor. 6. 2'. in d. of salva. I succoured Phil. 2. 16. may rejoice in d. of Ch. Heb. 8. 9. ta d. I took them by hand 1 Pet. 2. 12. glorify G. ind. of visita. DAY of judgment. Mat 10. 15. more toH for Sod-om in d. ofj. 11. 24. Mark 6. II. 11. 22. for Tyre and Sidon atrf. ofj. 12. 36. give account in the d. ofju. 2 Pet. 2. 9. reserve unjust to d. of j. 3. 7. reserved unto fire aga. d. ofj. I Johni-. 17. boldness in d. ofjudgm. DAY of the Lord.' lsa.2. 12. d. of L. be on ev. one proud 13. 6. is at hand, Joel 1.15. Zeplt.l.l. 9. cometh, Joel 2. !. Zech. 14. 1. 31. 8. it ts d. of Lord's vengeance Jer. 46. 10. this is d. of L. G. of hosts Lam. 2. 22. d. of I,. anger none esca. Ezek. 13. 5. in battle in d. oft. Lord 30. 3. is near, Joel 3. 14. Obad. 15. Amos 5. 18. wo to you desire d. of L. Obad. 15. d. of L. near on all heathen Zeph. 1. 8. in d. of Lord's sacrifice I 18. deliver them in d. of L. wrath 2. 2. before d. of the L. anjjer come 3. be hid in d of the Lord's anger Mai. 4. 5. before coming of d. of L. 1 Cor. 5. 5. spirit saved in d. of Lord t Cor. 1. 14. ye are ours in d. ofL. I Thes. 5. 2. as a thief, 2 Pet. 3. 10 Rev. 1. 10. in the spirit on Lord's d. See Great Dav. One DAY. Gen. 27. 45 deprived of both in o.d.f I Sam. 2. 34. in one d. shall die both 27. 1. one d. perish by hand of Saul ha. 9. 14. branch and rush in one d. 10. 17. devour thorns and br. mod. 47. 9. two things sh. come in one d. 66. 8. earth bring forth in one d. ? Zech. 3. 9. remove iniquity in one d. 14. 7. be o. d. which shall be known Acts 21. 7. abode with brethren o. d. Horn. 14. 5. esteemeth o. d. above an. 1 Cor. 10. 8. fell in one d. 23000 2 Pet. 3. 8. o. d. with L. as 1000 years Rev. 18. 8. her plagues come i notied. DAY joined with Night. Gen. 1. 14. lights to divide d. from n. 18. to rule over the d. and night 8. 22. d. and night shall not cease 31. 39. whether stolen by d. or night txod. 13. 21. light to go by d. and it. DAY Num. 11. 32. stood that d. and all n. Deut. 28. 66. shalt fear d. and night Jnsh.l.S. thou shalt meditate therein d. and night, Psal. I. 2. 1 Sam. 19. 24. lay naked all d. and w. 1 Kin. 8. 29. eyes be opened towards this house n. and d. 2 Chr. 6. 20. Neh. 1. 6. which I pray d. and night Job 17. 12. they change night into d. 26. 10. till d. and n. come to an end Psal. 32. 4. d. and ». thy hand heavy 42. 3. tears my meat d. and night 55. 10. d. and night they go about it 74. 16. d. is thine, n. also is thine 88. 1. O Lord, I have cried d. and n. 139. 12. the ?ijgM shineth as the d. Eccl. 8. 16. d. nor wz'g-/^ seeth sleep Isa. 4. 5. smoke by a. flam, fire by n. 27. 3. I Lord will keep it d. and n. 34.l0.it sh.not be quenched d. nor n. 38. 12. pining sickness from d. to n. 13. d. to ». wilt make an end of me 60. 11. gates not be shut d. nor n. 62. 6. hold their peace d. nor n. Jer. 9. 1. weep d. and n. for slain 14. 17.down tears d. and m. Law. 2. 18. 16. 13. serve other gods d. and n. 33. 20. should not be d. nor night Zech.M.l.d. known to L. not a", nor n. Murk 4. 27. sleep and rise, n. and d. 5. 5. d. and n he was in mountains Luke 2. 37. and prayers ««gA/and d. 18. 7. elect, which cry d. and n. Acts 9. 24. watched gates n. and d. 20. 31. cease not to warn n. and d. 26. 7. instantly serving G. a", and n. 1 77. II. give us t. d. daily bread 11. 23. Sodom remained to this d. 28. 15. reported among Jews to t. d. Luke 2. 11. is born this d. a Saviour 4. 21. this d. scripture fulfilled 19. 9. t. d. salvation to thi3 house 42. known, at least in this thy d. Acts 22. 3. zealous, as ye are all t. d. 23. 1. in good conscience till this d. 24. 2L am called in question this d. 26. 22. I continue to t. d. witnessing 2S. I would all that hear me t. o'. Rom. 11. 8. should not hear to t. d. To DAY. Gen. 21.26. heard I of it, but to d. Exod. 2. 18. come so soon to d. ? 14. 13. salvation show you to d. L'D 9. 4. to d. Lord will appear 1 Sam. 1 1. 13. to d.L. wrought salvation 24. 10. how Lord delivered thee to d. into mine hand, 26. 23. Sam. 13. 4. why lean from d. to d.? 16. 3. to d. house of Isr. restore me 1 Kin. 18. 15. I will show myself to d. •22. 5. enquire at L. to d. 2 Chr. 18. 4. Kin,. 4. 23. why go to him to d. f I Chr. 16. 23. show from day to d. his salvation, Psal. 96. 2. Job 23. 2. to d. my complaint bitter Psal. 95. 7. to d. if ye will hear his voice, Heb. 3. 7, 15. | 4. 7. Zech. 9. 12. to d. do I declare that Mat. 6. 30. which to d. is, and to-mor- row is cast into oven, Luk. 12. 28 21. 23. work to d. in vineyard Luke 5. 26. seen strange things to d. 13. 32. I do cures to d. and to-mor. 33. I must walk to d. and d. follow. 19. 5. to d. I abide at thy house 23. 43. to d. be with me in paradise SJ4. 21. to d. is the thir4 day DAY Heb. 3. 13. while it is called to iL 5. 5. to d. have I begotten thee 13. 8. the same yesterday, to d. Jam. 4. 13. ye that say to d. or 2 Pet. 2. 8. vexed his sou! d. to d. DAY of trouble. 2 Km. 19. 3. this 'is d. of t. Isa. 37. 3. Psal. 20. I. L. hear thee in d. of t. 50. 15. call upon me in d. of trouble 59. 16. been my refuge in d. oftrou. 77. 2. in d. of t. I sought the Lord 86. 7. in d. of t. I will" call on thee Isa. 22. 5. it is a d. of trou. treading Jer. 51. 2. in rl. of t. shall be ag. her Ezek. 7. 7. time is come, d. oft. near Xah. 1. 7. L. strong hold in d. oftr. Hal). 3. 16. I might rest in d. of tr. Zeph. 1. 15. that d. is a rt. of trouble DAY-TIME. " Job 5. 14. meet with dark, in rt. t. 24. 16. houses they marked in a.-t. Psat. 22. 2. I cry in d.-t. hearest not 42. 8. his loving kindness in d.-t. 78. 14. in d.-t. led with a cloud Isa, 4. 6. a tabern. for shadow in d..t. 21. 8. on watch-tower in the d-t. Luke 21. 37. in d.-t. he was teaching 2 Pet. 2. 13. pleasure to riot in d-t. DAYS. Gen. 8. 3. after 150 d. waters abated 27. 41. d. of mourn, for my father 47. 9. d. of my pilgrim. 130 years 50. 4. d. of his mourning past Deut. 4. SS. ask now of the d. past 10. 10. I stayed in mount 40 days 1 Sam. 13. 11. came not within d. 18. 26. the d. were not expired £9. 3. been with me these d. 1 Chr. 23. 1. David was full of d. 29. 15. d. as a shadow, Job 8 9. 28. he died full of d. riches, and 2 Chr. 24. 15. Jehoiada full of d. Ezra 9. 7. since d. of fath. we been Neh. 1. 4. I mourned certain d. Esth. 9. 26. they called these d. Pur. Job 3. 6. not joined to d. of year 7. 1. his d. like d. of an hireling? 12. 12. in length old. understanding 21. 13. spend their d. in wealth 30. 16. d. of afflict, taken hold on me 27. d. of affliction prevented me 32. 7. I said, d. should speak 33. 25. return to d. of his youth 36. 11. spend their d. in prosperity 42. 17. so Job died, full of d. Psal. 21. 4. gavest him length of d. 37. 18. L. knoweth d. of upright 44. 1. work thou didst in their d. 55. 23. not live half their d. 77. 5. considered the d. of old 78. 33. their d. did he consume 89. 29. his throne as d. of heaven 45. d. of his youth shortened 90. 9. all our d. are passed away in 10. d. of our years threescore 12. so teach us to number our d. 14. we may be glad all our d. 91. 13. rest from d. of adversity 119. 84. how many arec?. of thyser. 143. 5. I remember the d. of old Prov. 3. 2. length of d. add to thee 16. lenzth of d. is in her right Eccl.-5. 20. not much remember d. 7. 10. that former d. were better 8. 15. abide with him d. of his life ! 1. 8. remember d. of darkness 12. 1. while the evil d. come not Isa. 23. 7. antiquity of ancient d. 15. according to d. of one king 60. 20. d. of mour. shall be ended 65. 20. be no more infant of d. 22. as d. of a tree d. of my people Jer. 2. 32. forgot, d. without num. 6. 11. ajed with him full of d. 109 DAY Jrr. 31. 33. after those rt.put nay la\T 36. 2. d. of Josiah to this day Lam. 4. 18. our d. arr- fulfilled, our Ezek. 12. 23. d. at hand, effect of vis. 16. 22. not rem. d. of thy youth, 43. Dan. 8. 14. unto 2300 d. sanctuary 12. 11. abom. set up shall be 1290 d. 12. blessed waiteth to 1335 d. Hos. 2. 13. visit on her r thee 22. 2. not slain nor d, in battle 26. 14. are d. they shall not live 19. thy d. men shall live, with 59. 10. in desolate places as d. men Lam. 3. 6. as they that be d. of old Ezek. 44. 25. come it no d. person Mat. 2. 20. are d. sought child's life 8. 22. let the d. bury their d. 9. 24. the maid is not rf.but sleepeth, Mark 5. 39. Luke 8. 52. 10. 8. heal the sick, raise the d. 11. 5. d. are raised up, Luke 7. 22. 22. 31. touching resurrecti -l of d. Mam iS. 26. 32. God is not the God of tne d. Mark 12. 27. Luke 20. 38. 23. 27. full of d. ram's bones 28. A. keepers became as d. men Mark 9 2fi. he was as one d. he is d. 15 44. Pilate murv if he wered DEA Luke 7. 12. a d. man carried out 10. 30. leaving him half* 2-1. 5. why seek living among d.? John 5. 21. as Father raiseth up d. 25. d. shall hear voice of Sou of G. 6. 49. eat manna, and are d. 58. 11. 25. though d. yet shall he live Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is d. 10.42. ordained to be judge of quick and d 2 Tim. 4. 1. 14. 19. supposing he had been d. 20. 9, Eutychus was taken up d. 26. 8. that God should raise the d.? 28. 6. have swollen, or fallen d. Rom. 4. 17. who quickeneth the d. 19. considered not his body d. 5. 15. offence of one, many be d. 6. 2. we that are d. to sin, live any 8. if we be d. with Christ, we 11. reckon ye to be d. to sin 7. 2. if husband be d. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 39. 4. ye also d. to law, Gal. 2. 19. 14. 9. be Lord of the d. and living 1 Cor. 15. 15. if so be d. rise not 35. will say, how are d. raised 52. d. be raised incorruptible 2 Cor. 1. 9. trust in G. who raiseth d. 5. 14. for all, then were all d. Eph. 2. 1. d. in trespasses,5.CV.2. 13. Col. 2. 20. if d. with Chr. 2 Tim.2. 1 1. 3. 3. ye are d. and your life hid 1 Thes. 4. 16. d. in C. shall rise first Heb. 6. 1. repentance from d. works 9. 14. purge ronsc. from d. works 17. is of force after men are d 11. 4. he being d. yet speaketh 12. and him as good as d. 35. women received d. raised to 1 Pel. 2. 24. we being d. to sin 4. 5. ready to judge quick and d. 6. gospel preached t<> them d. Jude !2. twice d. plucked by roots Ren. 1. 5. Jesus, first-begotten of* 17. I fell at his feet as d. 3. I. a name thou livest, and art d. 14. 13. blessed are d. die in Lord 16. 3. sea, as blood of a d. man 20. 5. rest of d, lired not again 12. I saw the d. stand before God; the d. were judged 13. sea gave up d. wh. were in it See Body, Bury, Carcase, Corps, Resurrection. For the DEAD. Lev. 19. 28. not make cuttings/ t. d. Deut. 14. 1. make any baldness/ d, 26. 14. not given ought/or the d. 2 Sam. 14. 2. that had mourned/ d. Jer 16. 7. not tear to comfort/ t. d. 22. 10. weep ye not for the d. Ezek. 24. 17. make no mourn./ t. d. 1 Cor. 15. 29. who are baptized for tlie d. why baptized for d.? From the DEAD. Mat. 14. 2. John is risen from the d. Mark 9. 10. ris. / t. d. should mean Luke 16.31. pcrsua.tho' one ro3e/tf. 24. 46. / t. d. third day, John 20. 9. Acts 10. 41. did drink with him after he rose/row the d, 26. 23. first that should rise/ thed. Rom. 6. 13. as those alive/ the d. 10. 7. that is, to hring up C./ I. d. 11. 15. receiv. of them be life/ t. d. 1 Cor. 15. 12. if C. be prea. be rose/ d. Eph. 5. 14. arise/ d. C. give light Col. 1. 18. who is first-born from t. d. Heb. 11. 19. able to raise him/ t. d. 13. 20. brought ag./ t. d, our L. J. See Raised, Risen. Is DEAD. Gen, 42. 38. his brother ;'* d. 44. 20. Josh. 1. 2. Moses my servant is d, Judg. P^ 5. they forced that she i> d. i02 DEA 2 Sa?n. 8. 7. Saul 4. 10. || 11. 21. Urinh 12. 18. child || 13. 32. Ammnn only 11. 5. my husband m d. 2 Kin. 4. 1. 18. 20. because king's son is d. 19. 10. Absa. ||1 Kin. 21. 14 Naboth Ez. 44. 31. not eat that is d. of itself Mat. 9. 18. my daughter is d, Mark 5. 35. Luke 8. 49. Mark. 9. 26. many said, he is d. John 8. 52. Abraham is d. 53. 1 1. 14. said Jesus, Lazarus is d. Rom. 6. 7. he is d. is freed from sin 8 10. if C. be in you, body is dead Gal. 2. 21. if right, by law, C. is d. I Tim. 5. 6. is d. while she liveth Jam. 2. 17. without works, is d. 20. 26. as body without spirit is d. Was DEAD. Judg. 2. 19. when the judge was d. 9. 55. Israel siw Abimelech was d 1 Sam. 17. 51. saw champion wac d. 31. 5. saw Saul was d. 1 Chr. 10. 5. 2 Sam. 4. 1. heard Abner was d. 11. 26. Bath-sh. heard her hus. w. d. 12. 19. David perceived child wasd. 13. 39. Amnon, seeing he was d. 1 Kin. 3. 21. give child suck, it wasd 2 Kin. 4. 32. behold the child was d. 1 1. 1. Athaliah saw her son was d. Mat. 2. 19. but when Herod was d. Luke 7. 15. he that was d. sat up 8. 53. knowing that she was d. 15. 24. this my son was d. 32. thy brother was d. and is alive John 1 1. 44. he that w of the wicked, 3a 1L 31. 14. are all delivered unto d. Hos. 13. 14. O d. 1 be thy plagues, Jonah 4. 9. well to be angry unto d. Hub. 2. 5. who is as d. not satisfied Mat. 2. 15. there till d. of Herod 10. 21. deliver bro. to d. Mar. 13. 12. 15. 4. curseth father or mother, let him die d. Mark 7. 10. 16. 28. some here shall not taste ol d. till, Mark 9. 1. Luke 9. 27. 20. 18. cond. him to d. Mark 10. 33. 26. 38. sorrowful to d. Mark 14. 34. G6. he is guilty of d. Mark 14. 64. Mark 5. 23. my dau. at point of d. Luke 2. 26. not see d.bef.had seen C 22. 33. go with thee to prison and ti 23. 22. 1 found no cause of d. John 4. 47. he was at point of d. 8. 51 he shall never see d, 52. 11. 4. this sickness not unto d. 13. Jesus sDake of his d. 12. 33. signifying what d. 18. 32. 21. 19. by what d. glorify God Acts 2. 24. loosed the pains of d. 8. 1. Saul cons, to his d. 22. 20. 13. 28. no cause of d. in him 22. 4. 1 persecut. this way to the d, Rom. 5. 10. reconciled to (rod by the d. of his Son, Col. 1. 22. 12. and d. by sin, so d. passed 14. d. reigned from Adam to Mos. 21. as sin hath reigned unto d. 6. 3. as were baptised into Christ, were baptised into his b.m. NicmA. 51. stranger that cometh nigh put to d. 3. 10, 38. | 18. 7. Deut. 13. 5. dreamer be put to d. 17. 6. of one witness not be p. to d. 24. 16. the fathers not be p. to d. for children, nor, 2 Ktn. 14. 6. Josh. 1. 18. rebel ag. thy com. p. tod. Judg. 6. 31. plead, for Baal, p. to d. 20. 13. we may/;, to d. 1 Sam. 11. 12. 1 Sam. 11. 13. not a man be put to d. 2 Sam. 8. 2. with two lines to p. tod. 19. 21. shall not Shimi'i be put to d. 1 Kin. 2. 8. I will not put thee to d. 24. Adonijah shall be put to d. 26. not at this time put thee to d. 2 Chr. 15. 13. not seek L. be p to d. 23. 7. cometh into house, put to d. Esth, 4. 11. one law to put him to d. Jer. 18. 21. their men be put to d. 26. 15. know, if ye put me to d. 19. did Judah put him at all to d. ? 88. 4. let this man be put to d. 16. king sware, not put thee to a. 52. 27. put them to d. in Riblah Mat. 10. 21. cause them to be p. tod. Mark 13. 12. Luke 2). 16. 14. 5. have p. him to d. he feared 26. 59. sought false witn. ag. Jesus top. him to d. 27. 1. Mark, 14. 55. Mark 14. 1. craft, an A put him to rf. Zw/re 18. 33. they shall put him to d. 23. 32. two malefac. to be put to d. John 11. 53. counsel to puthlm to d. 12. 10. might put Lazarus to d. 18. 31. not lawful to put any to d. Acts 12. 19. keepers to be put to d. 26. 10. put to d. I gave my voice 1 Pet. 3. 18. put to d. in the^fleah See Surely. Shadow of DEATH. Job 3. 5. let the shadow ofd stain it 10. 21. to land of dark, and s. of d. 12. 22. bringeth to light shad. ofd. 16. 16. on eye-lids is shadow of d 24. 17. morning is as the shadl ofd. DEC Job 28. 5. he searcheUi outs7iad. ofd. 34. 22. no s. of d. sinners may hide 38. 17. seen doors of the shad, ofd.? Psal. 23. 4. thro' valley of sha. ofd. 44. 19. tho' covered us with s. of d. 107. 10. sit in darkness and in s.ofd. 14. out of darkness and shad, of d. Isa. 9. 2. dwell in land of shad. ofd. Jer. 2. 6. thro' land of the shad. ofd. 13. 16. light, he turn it to sha. ofd. Amos 5. 8. s. of d. into the morning Mat. 4. 16. people that sat in *. ofd. Lw/cel.79.give light to them ins.ofd. With DEATH. Isa. 28. 15. we have made cor. w. d. lS.covenant with d.be disannulled Rev. 2. 23. kill her children with d. 6. 8. power yiren to kill ivith d. Worthy of DEATH. Deut. 17. 6. is w. ofd. put to death 19. 6. whereas he was not w. of d. 21. 22. a man have com. sin w. ofd. 1 Kin. 2. 26. to Abiathar, art?/', ofd. Luke 23. 15. nothing w. ofd. is done Acts 23. 29. laid to his charge w, - . ofd. 25. 11. if I com. anything wor. ofd. 25. committed nothing tvor. ofd. 26. 31. this man doth nothing ?c. ofd. Rom. 1. 32. commit such wor. ofd. DEATHS. Jer. 16. 4. shall die of grievous d. Ez. 28. 8. die d. of them slain in seas 10. shalt die d. of uncircumcised 2 Cor. 11. 23. in d. oft DEBASE. Isa. 57. 9. didst d. thyself unto hell DEBATE, Verb. Prov. 25. 9. d. cause with neighbour Isa. 27. 8. in measure wilt d. DEBATE, S. Isa. 58. 4. ye fast for strife and d. Rom. 1. 29. full of envv, d. 2 Cor. 12. 20. I fear lest there be d. DEBT, S. 1 Sam.22.2 ev.one in r/. went to Dav. 2 Kin. 4. 7. sell oil, pay thy d. Neh. 19. 31. leave exaction of ev. d. Prov. 22. 26. that are sureties for d. Mat. 6. 12. forgive us our d. as 18. 27. forgave him the d. 30. into prison till he pay a. 32. lord said, 1 forgave all that d. Rom. 4. 4. reward reckoned of d. DEBTOR. Ezek. 18. 7. restored to d. pledge Mat. 23. 16. swear by gold, is a d. Rom. 1. 14. I am a. to the Greeks Gal. 5. 3. a d. to the whole law DEBIOKS. Mat. 6. 12. as we forgive our a. Luke 7. 41. a creditor bad two tt. 16. 5. he called his lord's d. Rom. 8. 12. therefore, we are d. 15. 27. and their d. thev are DECAY, ED, ETH. Lev. 25 35. if brother fallen in a. Neh. 4. 10. strength of bearers d. Job 14. 11. and as the flood d. Eccl. 10. 18. by slothfuln. building d. Isa. 44. 26. I will raise up d. places Heb. 8. 13. a. is ready to vanish DECEASE Luke 9. 31. and spake of his d. 2 Let. 1. 15. after my d. in remembr. DECEASED. Isa. 26. 14. d. they shall not rise Mat. 22. 25. when he married, d. DECEIT, S. Job 15. 35. belly prepareth d. 27. 4. nor my tongue utter d. 31. 5. or if my foot hasted to d. Psal. 10. 7. his mouth is full of d 36. 3. words of his mouth are d. 35. 12. imagine d. all the day 104 DEC Psal. 50. 19. thy tongne frameth d. 55. 11. d. and guile depart not 72. 14. redeem their soul from d. 101. 7. worketh d. not dwell 119. 118. their d. is falsehood Prov. 12. 5. counsels of wicked are d 17. false witness showeth d. 20. d. is in them that imagine evil 14. 8. the folly of fools is d. 20. 17. bread of d. is sweet to a man 26. 24. hateth layeth up d. 26. hatred is covered by d. Isa. 30. 10. speak smooth, proph. d. 53. 9. nor any d. in his mouth Jer 5. 27. their houses full of d. 8. 5. they hold fast d. they re/use 9. 6. thro' d. refuse to know me 8. their tongue, it speaketh d. 14. 14. prophesy d. of their heart 23. 26. are prophets of the d. of Ezek. 22. f 29. the peo. have used d Hos. 11. 12. Isr. compasseth me wi. d. 12. 7. balances of d. in his hand Amos 8. 5. falsifying balances by d. Zeph. 1. 9. fill masters' houses wi. d. Mark 7 22. out of heart proceed d. Rom. 1. 29. full of debate, d. 3. 13. with tongues have used d. Col. 2. 8. spoil you thro' vain d. 1 Thes. 2. 3. our exortation not of d. DECEITFUL. Psal. 5. 6. Lord will abhor d. man 35. 20. devise d. matters agai. them 43. 1. deliver rne from d. man 52. 4. O thou d. tongue 55. 23. d. not live half their days 78. 57. turned aside like d. bow 109. 2. mouth of d. opened ag. me 120. 2. deli, my soul from d. tongue Prov. II. 18. worketh a d. work 14. 25. d. witness speaketh lies 23. 3. his dainties are d. meat 27 6. kisses of enemy are d. 29. 13. poor and d. meet together 31. 30, favour is d. beauty vain Jer. 17. 9. heart is d. above all Hos. 7. 16. they are like a d. bow Mic. 6. 11. with bag of d. weights 12. tongue is d. in their mouth Zeph. 3. 13. nor d. tongue be found 2 Cor. 11. 13. smh are d. workers Ep/i. 4 22. corrupt, ace. to d. lusts DECEITFULLY. Gen. 34. 13. answered Hamor d. Exod. 8. 29 let not Phar. deal d. Leo. 6. 4. or the thing d. gotten Job 6. 15 brethren dealt d. as brook 13 7. will you talk d. for God Psal. 24. 4, nor sworn d. 52. 2. like a razor, working d. Jer. 48. 10. cursed doth work of L. d, Dan. 11. 23. after league work d. 2 Cor. 4. 2. nor handling word of G. d. DECEITFULNESS. Mat. 13. 22. and the d. of riches choke the word, Mark. 4. 19. He<: 3. 13. hardened thro' d. of sin DECEIVE. 2 Sam. 3. 25 Abner came to d. thee 2 Kin. 4. 28. say, do not d. me 18. 29. let not Hezekiah d. yon, 2 Chr. 32. 15. Isa. 36. 14. 19. 10. let not G. d. thee, Isa. 37. 10. Prov. 24. 28. d. not with thy lips Jer. 9. 5. d, every one his neighbour 29. 8. diviners in midst d. you 37. 9. saith L. d. not yourselves Zecli. 13. 4. rough garment to d. Mat 24. 4. no man d. you, Mar. 13. 6. 5. 1 am C. d. many, 11. Mar. 13. 6. 24. they shall d. very elect Rom. 16. 18. fair speeches d. simple 1 Cor. 3. 18. let no man d. himself Eph. 4. 14. they lie in wait DEC p/j.5.6.1et no man d.you, 2TIi4!i.%3. 1 John 3. 7. 1 John 1. 8. say we have no sin, we d. Rev. 2u. 3. d. the nations no more 8. go to d. nations in i quarters DECEIVABLENESS. 2 Thes. 2. 10. with all d. of unright DECEIVED. Gen. 31. 7. your father hath d. ra Lev. 6. 2. or if d. his neighbour D«<£ 11. 16. your heart be not d. 1 Sam. 19. 17. why d. me so? 28. 12. 2 Saw*. 19. 26. my servant d. me Job 12. 16. d. and deceiver are his 15. 31. let not d. trust in vanity 31. 9. if been d. by a woman Isa. 19. 13. princes of Noph are d. 44. 20. a d. heart turned him Jer. 4. 10. hast greatly d. this peo. 20. 7. O Lord thou hast d. me 49. 16. thy terribleness d. thee Lam. 1. 19. my lovers, they d. me Ezek. 14. 9. if prophet he d. I d. him Obad. 3. pride of heart d. thee 7. men at peace with thee d. thee Luke 21. 8. take heed ye be not d. John 7. 47. answered, are ye also d. Rom. 7. II. for sin d. me 1 Cor. 6. 9. be not d. 15. 33. Gal. 6. 7. 1 Tim. 2. 14. Adam was not d. but 2 77;/». 3. 13. deceiving and being d. Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, d. Rev. 18. 23. all nations were d. 19. 20. d. them received the mark 20. 10. devil that d. was cast DECEIVER. Gen. 27. 12. to my father as a d. Job 12. 16. deceived and d. are his Mai. 1.14. cursed d. hath a male Mat. 27. 63. we remem. that d. said 2 Jo/jra 7. this is a d. and antichrist DECEIVERS. 2 CAr. 6. 8. as d. and yet true Tit. 1. 10. many d. especially of cir. 2 J hn 7. for many d. are entered DECE1VETH. Prov. 26 1.0. so is man d. neighbour John 7. 12. said, he d. the people Gal. 6. 3. nothing, he d. himself Jam. 1. 26. but d. his own heart Rev. 12. 9. serpent which d. 13. 14. and d. them that dwell DECEIVING, S. 2 Tim. 3. 13. a", and being deceived Jam. 1. 22. not hearers only, d. 2 Pet. 2. 13. sportinar with their d. DECENTLY. 1 Cor. 14. 40. be done d. and in order DECIDED. 1 Kin. 20. 40. thyself hast d. it DECISION. Joel 3. 14. multitudes in valley of d. DECK, ED. Job 40. 10. d. thyself with majesty Prov. 7. 16. I have d. my bed Jer 10. 4. they d. it with silver Ezek. 16. II. I d. thee with ornam. 13. thus was d. with gold Has. 2. 13. she a", with ear-rings Rev. 17. 4. woman was d. with gold 18. 16. alas, city that was d. DECKEDST. Ezek. 16. 16. d. thy high places 23. 40. and d. with ornaments DECKEST, ETH. ha. 61. 10. as a bridegroom cl. Jer. 4. 30. tho' thou d. with gold DECLARE. Josh. 20. 4. d. cause in cars of elders JudfT. 14. 12. if ye d. it in 7 days 1 Km. 22. 13. pro. d. good to king 1 Chr. 16. 24. d. his glory among the heathen, Psal. 96. 3. Job 12. 8. fishes shall d. unto thee DEC Job 21. 31. d. his way to his faca- 28. 27. did he see it and d. it 31. 37. d. to him num. of my steps 38. 4. d. if hast understanding 40. 7. d. thou to me, 42. 4. Psal. 9. 11. a", amo. people his doings 19. 1. the heavens d. glory of God 22. 31. d. his right. 50. 6. j 97. 6. 30. 9. shall dust d. thy truth ? 40. 5. if I wo. d. and speak of them 50. 16. to do to d. my statutes ? 64. 9. all shall d. work of God 73. 28. I may d. all thy works 75. 1. thy wondrous works d. 78. 6. d. them to their children 102. 21. to d. name of Lord in Zion 107. 22. d. works with rejoicing 118. 17. but live and d. works of L. 145. 4. shall d. thy mighty acts Eccl. 9. 1. I considered to d. all this Isa. 3. 9. they d. their sins as Sodom 12. 4. d. his doings among people 21. 6. let him d. what he seeth 41. 22. d. to us things to come 42. 9. new things do Id. before 12. d. his praise in the islands 43. 9. who among them can d. this 26. d. thou mayest be justified 44. 7. and who, as 1, shall d. it 45. 19. I the Lord d. things right 48. 6. and will not ye d. it? 53. 8. who d. his genera. ? Acts 8. 33. 66. 19. d. my glory among Gentiles Jer. 5. 20. d. this in house of Jacob 9. 12. the Lord hath spoken that he may d. it 31. 10. d. it in the isles afar off 38. 15. if I d. it to thee wilt thou 42. 20. what God say d. to us 50. 28. d. in Zion vengeance of L. 51. 10. d. in Zion work of L. Ezek. 12. 16. d. their abomina.23. 36. 40. 4. d. all thou seest to Israel Mic. 3. 8. d. to Jacob his transgress. Zech. 9. 12. I d. that I will render Mat. 13. 36. d. parable of tares 15. 15. said Peter, d. this parable Acts 13. 32. we d. glad tidings 41. tho' a man d. it to you 17. 23. igno. worship, him d. I to you 20. 27. to d. to you counsel of God Rom. 3. 25. to d. his righteous. 26. 1 Cor. 3. 13. the day shall d. it II. 17. that I d. I praise you not 15. Lid. unto you the gospel Col. 4. 7. all my state shall Tychicus d. Heb. 11. 14. d. plainly they seek 1 John 1. 3. have seen d. we to you 5. thi3 is message we d. unto you I will DECLARE. Job 15. 17. I have seen I will d. Psal. 2. 7. I will d. the decree [12. 22. 22. I w. d. name to breth. Heb. 2. 38. 18. I will d. mine iniquity 66. 16. Iw, d, what done for my soul 75. 9. but / will d. for ever, I will 145. 6. / will d. thy greatness Isa. 57. 12. I will d. thy righteous. Jer. 42. 4. I will d. it, keep not. back John 17 26. thy name, andt«7/d. it DECLARE ye. Isa. 48. 20. voice of singing d. ye Jer. 4. 5. d. ye in Judah, publish 46. 14. d. ye in Egypt, publish 50. 2. d. ye among the nations Mic. 1. 10. d. ye it not at Gath DECLARATION. Job 13. 17. hear my d. with ears Luke 1. 1. to set forth in order a d, 2 Cor. 8. 19. to d. of readv mind declared! Ex. 9. 16. that my name may be d. Dent. 4. 13. d. to you his covenant Job 26. 3. plentifully d. the thing 105 DEC Ps. 40. 10. I have d. thy faithfulness 71. 17. Id. thy wondrous works 77. 14. d. thy strength among peo. 88. 11. thy loving kin. be d. in grave 119. 13. have I d. all judgments 26. I have d. my ways, and thou Isa. 21. 2. griev. vision is d. to me 10. what I heard of God have I d. 41. 26. d. from beginning 45. 21. 43. 12. I have d., 44. 8. | 48. 5. 48. 3. I have d. former things 14 which d. these things ? Jer. 36. 13. Michaiah d. words 42. 21. I this day d. it to you Luke 8. 47. she d. to him before all John 1. 18. seen G. Son d. him 17. 26. I have d. to them my name Acts 9. 27. he d. how he had seen L. 10. 8. he had d. these things 12. 17. d. how L. brought him out 15. 4. d. all G. had done with them 14. Simeon d. how God at first 25. 14. Festus d. Paul's cause to Rom. 1. 4. d. to be Son with power 9. 17. my name might be d. thro' 1 Cor. 1. 11. been d. to me of you 2 Cor. 3. 3. ye are d. to be the epistle Col. 1. 8. who d. to us your love Rev. 10. 7. mystery finished, as he d. DECLARETH, ING. Isa. 41. 26. yea, there is none that d. 46. 10. d. the end from beginning Jer. 4. 15. a voice d. from Dan Hos. 4. 12. their staff d. unto them Amos 4. 13. d. to man his thought Acts 15. 3. d. conversion of Gentiles 12. d. what miracles God wrought 1 Cor. 2. 1. d. to vou testimo. of God DECLINE. E.vod. 23. 2. to d. after many Deut. 17. 11. nor d from sentence Psal. 119. 157. I not d. from thy test. Prov. 4. 5. not d. from words of my 7. 25. let not heart d. to her ways DECLINED, ETH. 2 Chr. 34. 2. d. neither to right Job 23. 1 1. his way I kept, not d. Psal. 44. 18. nor have our steps d. 102. II. davs as shadow that d. 109. 23. like shadow when it d. 119. 51. yet not d. from thy law DECREASE, ED. Gen,. 8. 5. the waters d. continually Psal. 107. 38. not their cattle to d. John 3. 30. he must increase, I d. DECREE, S. Ezra. 5. 13. Cyrus made a d. 17. 6. 1. Darius 12. ||7. 21. Artaxerxes Esth. 3. 15. d. in Shushan, 9. 14. 9. 32. the d. of Esther confirmed Job 2S. 26. made a d. for the rain Psal. 2. 7. declare d. Lord hath said 148. 6. hath made a d. not pa^-s Prov. 8. 29. gave to the sea his a. Isa. 10. 1. decree unrighteous d. Jer. 5. 22. bound of sea, by per p. d. Dan. 2. 9. there J3 but one d. for you 4. 17. this is by d. of watchers 24. this is d. of the most High 6. 8. now, O king, establish d. 13. Daniel regardeth not the d. 26. I make d. that in every dom. Jonah 3. 7. by d. of king and nobles Mic. 7. 1 1. in that day d. far removed Zi-ph. 2. 2. before the d. bring forth Luke 2. 1. a d. from Ciesar Augustus Acts 16. 4. delivered d. to keep 17. 7. do contrary to d. of Caesar DECREE, ED. Esth. 2. 1. kincr remem. what was \ 31. 14. rf. Sabbath, put to death Mat 15. 11. goi'th into the month d. 20. with utiwashen hands d. not Mark 7. 20. that cometh ont d. man Jam. 3. 6. tongue, it d. whole body Rev. 21. 27. enter any thing rf. DEFRAUD, ED. Lev. 19. 13. shalt not d. neighbour 1 Sam. 12. 3. whom have I d. ? iVarAr 10. 19. d. not • 1 Cor. 6. 7. rather suffer to be rf. 8. you rf. your brethren 7. 5. rf. not, except with consent 8 Cor. 7. 2. we have d. no man 1 77t«. 4. 6. no man d. his brother DEGENERATE. Jer. 2. 21. turned into d. plant DEGREE, S. S Kiw. 20. 9. or back, ten d, Ixa.dS.9. 1 Chr. 1 7. 17. state of a man of high d. Ps. 62. 9. low d. vanity, of high d. Luke I. 52. exalted them of low d. 1 Tim. 3. 13. purchase a good d. Jam. 1. 9. brother of low d. rejoice DELAY, ED, ETH. Ex. 22 29. not d. to offer first-fruits 32. 1. that Moses d. to come down Pxal. I !9. 60. d. not to keep corn. Mat. 24. 48. L. d. coming, Lu. 12.45. Acta 9. 38. not d. to come to them 25. 17. without d. morrow I sat DELECTABLE. Isa. 44. 9. their d. things not profit DELICACIES. Rev. 18. 3. merch. rich thro* her d. DELICATE. DeuL 28. 54. the d. man or woman among you, 56. ha. 47. 1. no more be called d. Jer. 6. 2. likened Zion to d. woman Mic. 1. 16. bald for thy d. children DEL1CATES. Jer. 51. 34. filled bellv with my d. DELICATELY. 1 Sam. 15. 32. A gag earner?, £serv. Prov. 29. 21. he that /. bringeth up Lam. 4. 5. did feed d. are desolate Lu. 7. 25. live d. are in king's courts DE LIC A TEN ESS. Deut. 28. 56. foot on ground for d. DELICIOUSLY. Rev. 18. 7. hhe lived d. 9. DELIGHT. Dent. 10. 15. L. had rf. in thy fath. 1 Sam. 15. 22. as great d. in offering 18. 22. the king hath d. in thee 2 Sam. 15. 26. I have no d. in thee Job 22. 26. have d. in Almighty Pxal 1. 2 his d. is in law of the L. 18. 3. in whom is all my d. 119. 24. thy testimonies are my d. 77. for thy law is my d. 174. Prov. 8. 30. I was daily his d. 11. 1. just weight is Lord's d. 20. snch as upright, are his d. 12. 22. that deal truly are his d, 15. 8. prayer of upright is his d. 16. 13. righteous lips d. of kings 18. 2. a fool no d. in understanding 19. 10. d. not seemly for a fool 24. 25. to them that rebuke sh. bed. 29. 17. he give d. to thy soul Cant. 2. 3. under shadow wi. great d. 1*a. 58. 2. take d. in appro, to God 13. if thou call Sabbath r. d. Jit. 6. 10. have uo d in word of L. DEL DELIGHT, Verb. Num. 14. 8. if L. d. in us, will bring 2 Sam. 21. 3. why should the kingtf. in this thing? Job 27. 10. will he d. in Almighty ? 31. 9. should d. himself with God PxaL 37. 4. d. thyself also in Lord 1 1, meek d. in abundance of peace 40. 8. 1 d. to do thy will, O God 62. 4. d. in lies, || 68. 30. d. in war 94. 19. thy comforts d. my soul 119. 16. d. in thy statutes, 35. 47. d. in thy com. |l 70. I d, in law Prov. 1. 22. how long will scorners d. in scorning? 2. 14. d. in frowardness of wicked Isa. 1. 11. 1 d. not in blood of bul. 18. 17. as for gold, not d. in it 55. 2. let your soul d. in fatness 58. 2. they d. to know my ways 14. shalt d. thyself in the Lord Jer. 9. 24. in these things I d. saith Mat. 3. 1. messenger of cor. ye d. in Rom. 7. 22. 1 d. in law after inw.man DELIGHTED. 1 Sam. 19. 2. Jonathan d. in David 2 Sam. 22. 20. he d. in me, Ps. 18. 19. 1 Kin. 10. 9. L. d. in thee, 2 C/;r. 9.8. Neh. 9. 25. rf. in thy great goodness Exth. 2. 14. except king d. in her Ps. 22. 8. deliv. seeing he d. in him 109. 17. as he d. not in blessing Jxa. 65. 12. did choose that wherein I d. not, 66. 4. 66. 11. be d. with her giory DELIGHTEST, ETH. Exth. 6. 0". d. to honour, 7, 9, 11. Pxal. 37. 23. and he d. in his way 51. Hi. d. not in burnt-offering 112. I. d. greatly in his command. 147. 10. d. not in strength of horse Prov. 3. 12. the son in whom he d. Isa. 42. 1. elect in whom my soul d. 62. 4. for the Lord d. in thee 6 R . 3. their soul d. in abominations Mic. 7. 18. because he d. in mercy Mai, 2. 17. say, G. d. in them do evil DELIGHTS. 2 Sam. 1. 24. clothed you with d. Pxal. 119. 92. unless law been my d. 143. yet thy command, are my d. Prov. 8. 31. my d. with sons of men Eccl. 2. 8. I gat me the d, of men Cant. 7. 6. how pleasant for d. DELIGHTSOME. Mai. 3. 12. ye shall be a d. land DELIVER. Ex. 23. 31. I will d. the inhabitants Nnm. 21. 2. if indied d. this people Deut. 7. 24. d. kings into thy hand 32. 39. neither any that can d. out of my hand, Isa. 43. 13. Joxh. 2. 13. e\ our lives from death Judg. 7. 7. by the 300 will 1 d. .Midi. 1 Score. 12. 21. wh. cannot profit nor d. 24. 4. d. enemy into thine hand 28. 19 Lord will d. Israel to Philis. 1 Kin 20. 13. I will d. this multitude 22. 6. L. 6hall d. it intoTdng's hand, 12, 15, 2 C/ir. 18. 5, 11. 2 Km. a 18. he will d. Moabites 18. 35. L. should d. Jems. Isa. 36. 20. 2 C//r. 25. 15. rould not rf. own peo. 32. 13. gods, able to d. their lands? 14. that your God should d. you Job 10. 7. none can d, out of thy hand 22. 30. shall d. island of innocent 33. 28. d. soul from going into pit Pxal. 6. 4. d. my soul, 17 J3. | 22. 20. 11(> 4. | 120. 2. 7. 2. rending it, none to d. 50. 22. 33. '.7. d. any by his great strength 19. to d. their soul from death b c > '3. d. my feet from falling ? J 07 DEL Psttl. 72. 12. d. needy when he 74. 19. d. not soul of turtle dove 82. 4. d. needy out of the hand 89 48. d. his soul from grave . I'rov. 4. 9. a crown s n she d. to 6. 3. do this now d. thyself 23. 14. shalt d. his soul from hell Eccl. 8. 8. wick. d. those given to it Isa. 5. 29. none shall d. prey 29. 11. men d. V) one learned 31. 5. defending also he will d. it 44. 20. that he cannot d. his soul 46. 2. they could not d. burden 47. 14. not d. themselves from flams 50. 2. have I no power to d.? Jer. 15. 9. residue will I d. to sword 18. 21. d. their children to famine 20. 5. I will d, strength of this city 21. 7. 1 will d, Zedek. from sword 22. 3. d, spoiled out of hand of opp. 43. 11. d. such as are for death, to 51. 6. d. every mau his soul, 45. Ezek. 53. 21. I will d. my people, 23. 14 14. d. but their own souls 16. shall (L sous nor dau. 18. 20. 33. 5. taketh warning d. his soul 3-i. 10. d. flock from their mouth Dan. 3. 29. no god d. after this sort 8. 4. nor any could d. from ram Hot. 2. 10. none d. her out of hand Amos 2. 14. nor mighty d. himself 15. is swift shall not d. himself 6. 8. d. city with all therein Mic. 5. 8. teareth, and none can d. 6. 14. shalt take hold, but not d. Zech. 2. 7. d. thyself, O Zion .i !. 6. d. every one into neighb. hand Mat. 10. 21. brother d. bro. to death Acts. 25. 16. to d. any man to die 1 Cor. 5. 5. to d. such an one to Sat. 2 Cor. 1. 10. from death, and doth d. 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. know, how to d. godly DELIVER him. Gen, 37. 22. to d. him to his father 1 Sam. 23. 20. our part be to d. him 2 Sam. 14. 7. d. him smote his bro. 20. 21. d. him, and I will depart Job 33. 24. d, him from going to pit Psal. 22. 8. d. him, let him d. him 41. 1. L. d. him in time of troublo 2. not d. him to will of enemies 71. 11. for there is none to d. him 91. 14. set his love on me, I d, him 15. I will be with him, I will d. him Prov. 19. 19. if d. him must do it ag. Jer. 21. 12. d. him spoiled from oppr. Ezek. 33. 12. his right, shall notrf. him Mat. 20. 19. d. him\.r> Gentiles, Mar 10. 33. Luke 20. 20. Acts 21. II. 26. 15. what give, and I will d. him 27. 43. let him d. him now, if he DELIVER me. Gen. 32. 11. d. me from Esau 1 Sa?n. 17. 37. will d. me from Gol. 23. 11. men of Keilah d. me up ? 24. 15. Lord be judge, and d. me 26. 24. d. me out of all tribulation Job 6. 23. d. me from enemies, Psal 31. 15. | 59. 1. Psal. 7. 1. save me from them, d, mi 25. 20. keep my soul, and d. rrte 27. 12. i l . me not to will of enemies 31. 2. d'. me speedily 39. 8. d, me from all my transgress 40. 13. be pleased to d, me 43. 1. O d. me from the deceitful 51. 14. (f me from blood-guiltiness 59. 2. d. Me from workers of iuiq. 69. 14. d.,{ is out of the mire 18. draw nigh to my s« >il, d. me 70. 1. make haste to d. h t 71. 2. d. me in thy righ'MHM. 31. 1 4. d. me out of hand of wicked 109. 21. mercy is good, d. thou me DEL Ps. 119. 134. d. me from oppr. of man 153. consider affliction, and d. me 154. plead my cause, and d. me 170. d. me according to thy word 140. 1. d. me from the evil man 142. 6. d. me from my persecutors 143. 9. d. me from mine enemies 144. 7. d. me out of great waters 11. d. me from strange children Isa. 44. 17. d. me, thou art my God Jer. 38. 19. afraid lest Jews d. me Acts 25. 11. no man may d. me Rom. 7. 24. d. ?/iefrom b"dy of death? 2 Tim. 4. 18. d. me from evil work DELIVER thee Deut. 23. 14. walketh in camp to d. t. 1 Sam. 17. 46. L. will d, t. into mine 2 Kin. 20. 6. d. t, and this city, Is. 38. R. Job 5. 19. shall d. t. in six troubles 36. 18. great ransom cannot d. t. Ps. 50. 15. d. t. thou shalt glorify me 91. 3. d. t. from snare of fowler Prov. 2. 12. to d. t. from way of evil 16. to d. t. from strange woman Isa. 57. 13. let thy companies d. t. Jer. 1. S. I am with thee to d. t. 15. 20. 38. 20. Jer. said they shall not d. t. 39. 17. I will d. t. in that day Ezek. 21. 31. d. t. to brutish 23. 28. d. t. to them thou hatcst 25. 4. I will d. I. to men of east 7. I will d. t. for spoil to heathen Dan. 6. Ifi. thy God will d. t. Has. 11. 8. how shall I d. t, Israel Mat. 5. 25. judge d. t. to offi. Lw.f2.5ft DELIVER them. Ex. 3. 8. comedown to d. t, Acts'!. 34. Deut. 7. 2. when Lord shall d. t, 23. Josh. 11. 6. will I d. t. up ail slain Judg. 20. 28. to-morrow I will d. t. 1 Sam. 14. 37. wilt thou d. t,,2 Sam. 5. 19. 1 Chron. 14. 10. 1 Kin. 8. 46. d. t. to the enemy, 2 Kin. 21. 14. 2 Chron, 25. 20. for it came of G.to d. t. Neh. 9. 28. many times didst d. t. Job 5. 4. neither any to d, t. Psal. 22. 4. they trusted, didst d. t. 37. 40. the Lord shall d, t. 106. 43. many times did he d. t. Prov. 11.6. right, of upright shall d.t. 12. 6. the mouth of upright d. t. 24. 1 1. forbear to d. t. drawn to death Isa. 19. 20. send a Saviour and d. t. Ezek. 7. 19. gold not d. t,, Zeph.lAS. 34. 12. seek out my sheep and d. t. Acts 7. 25. God by his hand d. t. Heb. 2. 15. d. t, who through fear of DELIVER us. Judg. 10. 15. d. us only, this day 20. 13. d. us children of Belial 1 Sain. 4. 8. wo to us ! who shall d. us 12. 10. now d. us from enemies 2 Kin. 18. 30. L. will d. us, Isa. 36. 15. 1 Chron. 16. 35. d. us from heathen 2 Chron. 32. 11. saying L. shall d.us Psal. 79. 9. d. us, purge away sins Jer. 43. 3. to d. us to Chaldeans Lam. 5. 8. none that doth d. us Dan. 3. 17. G. is able and will d. us Mat. 6. 13. d. us fr. evil, Luke 11. 4. 2 Cor. 1. 10. we trust he will yet d. us Gal. 1. 4. d. ut from this evil world DELIVER.?/^. Judg. 10. 13. I will d. ijou no more 14. let them d. you in tribulation 2 Chr. 32. 14. to d. you out of hand Isa. 36. 14. Hezek. not be able to d.y. 46. 4. I will carry and d. you Ezek. 11. 9. I will d. y. to strangers Dan. 3. 15. who is that God sh. d. y. Mat. 10. 17. will d y. up, Mar. la 9. DELIVERANCE, S. Gen. 45. 7. to save by a great d. DEL Judg. 15. 18. given this great d. 2 Kin. 5. 1. L. had given d. to Syria 13. 17. arrow of Lord's d. of d. " 1 Chr. 11. 14. L. saved by a great d, 2 Chr. 12. 7. I will grant some d. Ezra 9. 13. hast given such d. as this Est/ier 4. 14. then d. arise to Jews Pial. 18. 50. great d. giveth to king 32. 7. compass with songs of d. 44. 4. command d. for Jacob Isa. 26. 18. not wrought any d. Joel 2. 32. in Zion and in Jem. be d. Obad. 17. but upon Zion shall be d. Luke 4. 18. me to preach d. to capt. Heb. 1 1. 35. not accepting d. DELIVERED. Gen. 9. 2. into your hand are they d. 14. 20. blessed be God who d. 25. 24. her days to be it. fulfilled Ex. 1. 19. d. ere midwives come 5. 23 nor hast d. thy people at all 12. 27. and d. our houses Deut. 2. 36. Lord d. all unto us 1 Sam. 4. 19. Phin. wife near to be d. 17. 35. d. it of his mouth 30. 23. d. company came against us 1 Kin. 3. 17. d, of a child with her 2 Km. 19. 11. and shalt thou be d.? Job 22. 30. d. by puren. of thy hands 23. 7. be d. for ever from my judge 29. 12. I d. the poor that cried Psal. 22. 5. they cried and were d. 33. 16. notrf. by much strength 55. 18. d. my soul in peace [1 16. 8. 56. 13. d. my soul from death, 86. 13. 60. 5. beloved may be d. 108. 6. '9. 14. d. from them hate me 78. 61. d. his strength into captivity Prov. II. 8. right, is d. out of trouble 9. thro' knowledge just be d. 21. seed of righteous shall be d. 28. 26. walketh wisely, shall be d. Eccl. 9. 15. by wisdom he d, city Isa. 36. 19. d. Samaria out of my h.? 38. 17. d. it from pit of corruption 49. 24. or lawful captive be d.f 25. prey of terrible shall be d. 66. 7. she was d. of a man-child Jer. 20. 13. hath d. soul of the poor Ezek. 3. 19. hast d. thy soul, 33. 9. 14. 16. they only shall be d. 17. 15. break covenant, and be d.? 31. 14. they are all d. unto death 32. 20. she is d. to the sword Dan. 3. 28. d. servants that trusted 6. 27. who d. Daniel from lions 12. 1. at that time thy people be d. Joel 2. 32. call on Lord shall be d. Amos 9. I. escapeth, shall not be d. M>c. 4. 10. go to Babylon there be d. Hab. 2. 9. be d. from power of evil Mai. 3. 15. tempt God are even d. Mat. 11. 27. all things are d. tome of my Father, Luke 10. 22. 27. 58. Pilate com. body to be d. Mark 10. 33. be d. to chief priests 15. 15. and d. Jesus, Luke 23. 25. Luke I. 57. she should be d. 2. 6. 4. 6. that is d. to me 17. d. to him book of Esaias 9. 44. Son be d. into hands of men 12. 58. give diligence mayest be d. 18. 32. he shall be d, to Gentiles John 16. 21. but as soon as she is d. 18. 36. I should not be d. to Jews Acts 2. 23. d. by counsel of God 15. 30. Judas and Silas d. epistle 27. 1. they d. Paul to one Julius 28. 17. yet d. prisoner from Jerus. Rom. 4. 25. was d. for our offences 7. 6. now we are d. from the law 8. 21. creature itself shall be d. 15. 31. d. from them not believe 2 Cor, 4. 11. are a! way d. to death 103 * DEL 2 TJtes. 3 2. d. from unreason, men 1 Tim. 1 2G. whom I have d. to Satan 2 Tim. 4. 17. I was d. out of the mouth of the lion Heb. 11. 11. by faith Sarah was d. 2 Pet. 2. 7. and d. just Lot, vexed 21. to turn from the command, d. to them Jude 3. faith once d. to the saints Rev. 12. 2. and pained to be d. See Hand, Hands. DELIVERED him. Gen. 37. 21. Reuben d. him Deut. 2. 33. God d. h. before ns 1 Kin. 13. 26. Lord d. h. to the lion 17. 23. Elijah d. h. to his mother Psal. 1. 4. d. h. that is mine enemy Mat. 18. 34. d. h. to tormentors 27. 2. d. h. to P. Pilate, Mark 15. 1. 18. for envy d. h., Mark 15. 10. 26. he d. him to be crucified, John 19. 16. Luke 7. 15. Jesus d. h. to his mother 24. 20. how our rulers d. h. John 18. 30. we would not have d. h. to thee Acts 7. 10. d. h. out of afflictions 12. 4. d. h. to four quaternions DELIVERED me. Ex. 18. 4. God d. me fr. sword of Pha. Judg. 12. 3. and when 1 saw tl>at ye d. me not 2 Sam. 22.18. he d. me from my strong enemy, Psal. 18. 17. 20 he d. me because he delighted in me, Psal. !8. 19. 49. d. me from violent, Psal. 18. 4a Job 16. 11. G. d. me to the ungodly Psal. 18. 43. d. we from *triv. of peo. 34. 4. L. d. me from all my fears 54. 7. d. me out of all my trouble John 19. 1 1. d. me hath greater sin 2 Tim. 3. 1 1. out of them all L. d. me. DELIVERED thee 1 Sa?n.2i. 10. L. d. t. to-day intomy h. 2 Sam. 12. 7. I d. t. out of the hand Psal. 81. 7. thou calledst and I d. t. Ezek. 16. 27. I d. t. to them that hate Joiui 18. 35. chief priests d. t. to me DELIVERED them. Ex. 18. 8. Moses told how L. d. t. Judg. 3. 9. raised up deliv. who. d. t. 2 Km. 19. 12. gods d. t, Isa. 37. 12. 2 Chron. 29. 8. d. t. to trouble Psal. 78. 42. he d. t. from enemy 107. 6. he d. t. out ot distresses 20. he d. t, from destructions Isa. 34. 2. hath d. t. to slaughter Mat. 25. 14. and d. to t. his goods Luke 1. 2. as they d. t. unto us Acts 16. 4. d. t. decrees for to keep 1 Cor. 11. 2. keep ordin. as I d. t. 2 Pet. 2. 4. d, t. into chains of dark. DELIVERED up. 2 Sam. 18. 28. d. up men that lift Obad. 14. nor d. up those that rem. Acts 3. 13. glorified Son ye d. up Rom. 8. 32. Son, but d. him up for u« l.Cor. 15. 24. have d. up kingdom Rev. 20. 13. and hell d. up dead DELIVERED us. Exod. 2. 19. Eg. d.u. fromshepherd9 2vtt»» 21. athe L. d. u. the Canaanites Acts 6. 14. change customs Mo. d. us 2 Cor. 1. 10. d. us fr. so great death Col. 1. la d, us from power of dark. 1 Thes. 1. 10. Jesus who d. us from wrath to corns DELIVERED vow. Rom. 6. 17. obeved doctrine d. y. 1 Cor. 11. 23. I recei. that I rf.y.,15.1 DELIVEREDST, EST. Psal. 35. 10. d, poor from him spoil. Mic. 6. 14. what d, I give to sword DEN DELIVERER. Judg. 3. 9. L. raised up d. to Isr. 15. 18. 28. there was no d. 2 Sam. 22. 2. L. is my d. Psal. 18. 2. Psal. 40. 17. thou art my d. 7C. 5. 144 2. my fortress and my d. Acts 7. 35. did God send to be a d. Horn. 11. 26. ,'ome out of Sion d. • DEL1VERETH. Job 35. 15. d. poor in his afiiiction Psal. 18. 48. d. me from enemies 34. 7. that fear him, and d. them 17. d. them out of troubles, 19. 97. 10. d. out of hand of wicked 111. 10. who d. David from sword Pror. 10. 2. right, d. fr. death, 11. 4. 1 L 25. a true witness d. souls Isa. 42. 22. are for a prey, none d. Dan. 6. 27. God d. and rescueth DELIVERING. Luke 21. 12. d. you up to synagogues Acts 22. 4. d. men and women 26. 17. d. thee from the Gentile3 DELIVERS. Isa. 26. 17. near the time of her d. DELUSION, S. Isa. 66. 4. I will choose their d. 2 Thes. 2. 11. send them strong d. DEMAND. Dan. 4. 17. d. by word of holy ones DEMAND, ED. Job 38. 3. 1 wiil d. of thee, 40.7. 1 42.4 Mat. 2. 4. he d. where C. sli. be born Luke 3. 14. sold. d. what shall we do 17. 20, when he was d. of Pilaris. Acts 21. 33. captain d. who he was DEMONSTRATION. 1 Cor. 2. 4. but in d. of the Spirit DEN, S. Judg. 6. 2. Israel made them d. Job 37. 8. then the beasts go into d. 38. 40. when they couch in d. Psal. 10. 9. lii'th as a lion in his d 104. 22. lay themselves down in d. Cant. 4. 8. look from the lions d. ha. 11. S. hand on cockatrice d. 32. 11. towers be for d. for ever Jer. 7. 11. this house a d. of robbers 9. 11. Jerusalem a d. of dragons 10. 22. cities of Judah a d. of drag. Dan. G. 16. cast him into d. of lious 24. cast them into d. of lions Amos 3. 4. young lion cry out of d. '? Nah. 2. 12. lion tilled d. with ravin Mat. 21. id. 17. 13. but ye have made it of thieves. Mark 1 1. Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in d. Rev. 6. 15. bond and free hid in d. DENY. Josh. 24. 27. lest ye d. your God 1 Kin. 2. 16. d. me not, Prov. 30. 7. Job 8. 18. then it shall d. him Prov. 30. 9. lest 1 be full and d. thee Mat. 10. 33. shall d. me, him wili : d. 16. 24. let him d. himself, Mark 8. 34. Luke 9. 23. 26.34 before cock crow, d. me thrice 75. Mark 14 30, 72. Luke 20. 27. d. there is any resur. 2 Tim. 2. 12. if d. him, he will d. us 2. 13. he cannot d. himself Tit. 1. 16. but in works they d. him DENIED. 1 Kin. 20. 7. sent and I d. him not Job 31. 28. I sh. have d. God above MaUG 70. Peterr7.bef.all,72.3/a/-& 14. 70. Luke 22. 57. John 18. 25, 27. Luke 8. 45. all d. they touched him 11 9. be d. before angels of God John 1. 20. John d. not, I am not C. Jtcts 3. 13. whom d. in pres.of Pilate 14. bit ye d. the Ilolv One 1 Tim. 5. 8. he hath d. the faith liev. 2, 13. and hast not tf. my faith DEP Rev. 3. 8. and hast not d. my name DENIETH, ING. Luke 12. 9. that (7. me before men 2 Tim. 3. 5. but A the power thereof Tit. 2. 12. that d. ungodliness 2 Pe£ 2. 1. d. L. that bought them 1 John 2. 22 a liar ^7. Jesus is Christ 23. who d, Son, hath not Father Jude 4. and d. the only Lord God DEPART. E.vod. 33. 1. d. thou and the people 1 Sam. 22. 5, abide not in hold, d. 29. 10. as soon as ye be up, d. 2 SV//».15.14. make speed to d. lest he 1 Kin. 12. 5. d. f>>r three days, then Job 20. 28. increase of his house d. Isa. 11. 13. envy of Ephraim shall d. 52.11. d. ye.d. ye, go out, Lam. 4. 15. 54. 10. the mountains shall d. Jer. 50. 3. d. both man and beast Mic. 2. 10. d. this is not your rest Zech. 10. 11. sceptre of Egypt sh. d. Mat. 8. 34. d. out of coasts, Afar. 5. 17. It). 14 when ye d. out of that house, MarkG. 11. Luke 9. 4. Luke 2. 29. thy servant d in peace 13. 31. d. Herod will kill thee 21. 21. let them in midst, d. out John 7. 3. said d. so into Judea 13. 1. Jesus knew he should d. 16. 7. but if I d. I will send him Acts 16. 36. now d. and go in peace 39. desired them to d. out of city 20. 7. Paul preached ready to d. 22. 21. d. I will send thee to Gent. 25. 4. he would d. shortly thither 27. 12. more part advised to d. 1 Cor. 7. 15. if unbeliev. d. let him d. PhU. 1. 23. to d. and to be with Ch. Jam. 2. 16. d. in peace, be clothed DEPART/ro/n. Nwn. 16.26. d. f. tents of these wick. Deut. 4. 9. lest they d. f. thy heart Judg. 7. 3. let fearful d. f Gilead 2 5«/». 12. 10. sword never d. f. hou3e 20. 21. deliver Sheba, and 1 will d. from the citv 2 Chr. 18. 31. God moved to d. f. him Job 21. 14. say to G. d.f us, 22. 17. 28. 28. to d.'from evil is understan. Psal. 6. 8. d. f. me, workers of in- iquity, Mat. 7. 23. Luke 13. 27. 34. 14 d.f evil, do good, 37. 27. 101. 4. a froward heart d. from me 119. 115. d.f me, ye evil doers 139. 19. d. /me, ye bloody men Prov. 3. 7. fear Lord, d. front evil 13. 14. <7. /. snares of death, 14. 27. 19. abomina. to foob to d.f. evil 15. 24. he may d.f. hell beneath 16. 6. by fear of Lord men d.f. evil 17. high. way, is to d. from evil Isa. 14. 25.his burden d.f. shoulders Jer. 6. 8. lest my soul d. from thee 17. 13. d. f me be written in earth 31. 36. if ordinances d. f before me Ezek. 16. 42. my jealously d.f. thee Hos. 9. 12. wo to them when I d. f. Mat. 25. 41. d. from me, ye cursed MarkG. 10. there abide, till ye d.f. Luke 5. 8. d. f. me, I am sinful, O L. 8. 37. Gadar. besought him to d.f. Acts 1. 4. should not d, from Jerusal. IS. 2. command. Jews to d.f. Rome 2 Cor. 12. 8. that it miurht d. from me 1 Tim. 4. 1. some shall d from faith 2 Tim. 2. 19. nameth C. d. f iniquity Not DEPART. Gen. 49. 10. sceptre not d. fr. Judah Josh. 1. 8. book of law shall not d. Judg. 6. 18. d, not hence till I come 2 Sam. 7. 15. mercy not d. from him 22. 23. statutes, l"did.». d. fr. them Job. 7 19. how long not d from me 109 DEP Job 15. 30. he shall n. d. out of dark. Ps. 55. 11. guile d. not from streets Prov. 3. 21. let n. d. from eyes, 4. 21. 5. 7. d. not from words of my mouth 17. 13. evil not d. from his house 22. 6. when old, he will net d. 27. 22. will not his foolishness d. Isa. 51. 10. my kindness shall not d. 59. 21. my spirit and words not d. Jer. 32. 40. they shall n. d. from ine 37. 9. the Chaldeans shall not d. Mat. 14. 16. they need not d. give Luke 4. 42. that he should not d. 12. 59. not d. till thou hast paid DEPARTED. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham d. Num. 12. 9. anger kindled, and he d. Ps. 105. 38. Egypt glad when they J, Isa. 38. 12. mine age is d. Lam. 1. 6L all her beauty is d. Mat. 2. 9. the wise men d. 12 14. Joseph and Mary d. into Eg. 4. 12. Jesus (7.9.27. | 11.1. | 12.9. | 13. 53. | 14. 13. | 15. 21, 29. | 16. 4 li J . 15. Mark I. 3b. | 6.46. | S. I& Luke 4. 42. JohnA. 3, 43. | 6. 15, 12. 36 Luke 5. 25. he d. to his own house 7. 24. messengers of John were <£ 10. 30. thieves wounded him, d Acts 15.39. Paul and Barna tf.asunder Philem. 15. perhaps he therefore d. Rev. 6. 14. heaven d. as a scroll DEPARTED from. Gen. 31. 40. sleep d. from mine eyes Num. 14.9.their defence is d.f.theia 33. 3. they d. from Rameses All their departures set doun to verse 49. Deut. 1. 19. and when we d. from Horeb, we went Judg. 16. 20. wist not L. was d.f.him 1 Sam. 4. 21. glorv is d.f. Israel, 22. 16. 14. Spirit d. from Saul, 18. 12. 23. and the evil spirit d. from him 28. 15. God is d. from me Psal. 18. 21. not wick. d.f. my God Isa. 7. 17. day Ephraim d.f. Judah Dan. 4. 31. kingdom is d.from thee Hos. 10. 5. glory of Samaria d.f. it Mat. 28. 8. they d. quickly/ sepul. Luke 4. 13. devil d.f. him for a season Rev. 18. 14. fruits thy soul lusted after are d.from thee DEPARTED not from. 2 Sam. 22.22. n.d.f my God. Pf.18.21. 2 Kin, 3. 3. he d. not therefrom, 13.2. 10. 29. d. n. f. sins of Jeroboam, 31. 13. 6, 11. | 14. 24. | 15.9, Is. | 17. 22. 18. 6. Hez. d. n. f. following Lord 2 Chron. 34. 33. they d. n.f. follow. L. Ps. 119. 102. n. d.f. thy judgments Luke 2. 37. Anna d. n.f temple DEPARTED out. Judg. 6. 21. angel d. o. of his sight Mat. 2. 8. ye are d. o. of the way Mat. 17. lS.rebuked devil andhe<7.o. DEPARTETH Job 27.21. wind carri. away and ho d. Prov. 14 16. a wise man d. from evil Eccl. G. 4. d. in darkness Isa. 59. 15. that d. from evil, a prey Jer. 3. 20. as a wife treacherously d. J7. 5. whose heart d. from Lord Nah. 3. 1. the prey d. not Luke 9. 39. bruising- him hardly d. DEPARTING. Isa. 59. 13. in d. away from God Dan. 9. 5. by d. from tny precepts Hos. I. 2. whoredom, d. from Lord Mark G. 33. the people saw them d. Acts 20. 29. after my d. shall wolves Ileb, 3. 12. in ft*, from living God DES fleb.l 1.22. mention of the d. of Israel DEPARTURE. Ez. 26. IS. isles be troubled at thy d. 2 TVjb. 4. 6. time of my d. is at hand DEPOSED. Dan. 5. 20. he was d. from thron* DEPRIVED. Ge». 27. 45. (f. of both in one day Job 39. 17. God rf. her of wisdom Isa. 38. 10. d. of residue of years DEPTH. Job 28. 14. d. saith, it is not in me 38. 16. or walked in search of d. ? Psal. 33. 7. the d. in store-houses Prov. 8. 27. a compass on face of d. 25. 3. and the earth for d. hu. 7. 11. ask it either in the d. or Joiuili 2. 5. d. closed me round about Mat. 18.6.better drowned in d. of sea Mark 4. 5. no d. of earth, withered Rom. 8. 39. nor d. separate us fr. love 11. 33. O the d. of the riches both Eph. 3. 18. d. of the l»ve of Christ DEPTHS. Exo£. 15. 5. d. have covered them 8. d. congealed in heart of the sea Dent. 8. 7. d. that spring out of val- leys and hills Psal. 63. 22. bring peo. from d. of sea 71. 20. bring- me up from d. of earth 77. 16. the d. were troubled 78. 15. drink, as out of great d. 106. 9. he led them thro' the d. as 107. 26. they go down again to d. 130. 1. out of the d. have I cried Prov. 3 20. by his knowl. d. broken 8. 24. when no d. I was brou. forth 9. 18. and that her guests are in the d. of hell Isa. 51. 10. made d. of the sea a way Ezek. 27. 34. shalt be broken in d. Mic. 7. 19. cast sins into d. of sea Rev. 2. 24. not known d. of Satan DEPUTED. 2 Sam. 15. 3. no man d. of the king DEPUTY. I Kin. 22. 47. a d. was king Acts 13. 8. to turn d. from the faith 18. 12. Gallio was d. of Achaia DEPUTIES. Acts 19. 38. are d. let them implead DERIDE, ED. Hab. 1. 10. shall d. every strong hold Luke 16. 14. the Pharisees d. him 23. 35. rulers also with peo. d. him DERISION. Job 30. 1. younger, have me in d. Ps. 2. 4. L. shall have them in d. 44. 13. a d. to them about us, 79. 4. 59. 8. shalt have heathen in d. 119. 51. proud have had me in d, Jer. 20. 7. in d. daily || 8. a d. daily 48. 20. Moab shall be in d., 39. 27. was not Israel a d. to thee Lam. 3. 14. a d. to all my people Ezek. 23. 32. shalt be had in a. 36. 4. to cities which became a rf.to Hos. 7. 16. this be their d. in Egypt DESCEND. Ps. 49. 17. glory not d. after him Ezek. 26. 20. that d. into pit, 31. 16. Mark 15. 32. let Chr. d. from cross Acts 1 1. 5. I saw a vision, vessel d. Rom. 10. 7. who d. into the deep ? 1 Z%« 4. 16. L. shall rf. from heaven DESCENDED. Erod. 19. 18. L. d. ou Sinai in fire 34. 5 Lord d. in the cloud Ps. 133. 3. as dew that d. on Zion Prov. 30. 4. ascen. to heaven or d. ? Mat. 7. 25. rain d. floods came, 27. 28 2. angel of L d. from heaven Luke 3. 22. H.G.rf. in a bodily shape Acts 24. 1 Ananias high-priest d. DES Eph. 4. 10. he that d. is the same DESCENDETH, ING. G«j.28.12.the angels of God ascend, ing and d., John I. SI. Mat. 3. 16. saw Spirit d.,Mark 1. 10. John 1. 32. Spirit rf. like a dove 33. on whom shalt see Spirit d. Acts 10. 11. a vessel d. as a sheet Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom d. not Rev. 21. 10. city d. out of heaven DESCENT. • Luke 19. 37. when come to the d. of mount Olives Heb. 7. 3. Melchisedec without d. 6. whose rf. is not counted from them DESCRIBE, ED, El H. Josh. 18. 4. go thro' land and d. it Judg. 8. 14. he d. to him the princes of Succoth Rom. 4. 6. as Dav. d. the blessedness 10. 5. Moses d. righteousness of law . DEoERT. E.rod. H. 3.\et us go 3 days jour.into d. Num. 27. 14. ye rebelled in d. of Zin Job 24. 5. as wild asses in d. go Psal. 78. 40. how oft grieve him iurf. 102. 6. I am like an owl of d. 106. 14. tempted God in the d. ha. 13. 21. wild beasts of d. shall lie there, 34. 14. Jer. 50. 39. 21. 1. so it Cometh from the d. 35. 1. the d. shall rejoice 6. streams in the d. 10. 3. straight in d. a high- way 41. 19. I will set in d. the fir-tree 43. 19. make river* in the d., 20. 51. 3. her d. like garden of Lord Jer. 17. 6. he sh. be like heath in d. 25. 24. peo. dwell in d. shall drink 50. 12. Chaldea shall be a d. Ezek. 47. 8. these waters go into d. Mat. 24. 26. behold, he is in the d. John 6. 31. did eat manna in the d. DESERT land. Deut. 32. 10. he found him in a d. I. DESERT place. Mark 6. 31. come ye into n d. place 32. departed into a d. place, Mat. 14. 13. Luke 4 42. Luke 9. lO.aside privately into a d.p. DESERTS. Isa. 48.21. when he led them thro' d. Jer. 2. 6. led ut thro' a land of d. Ezek. 13. 4. proph. like foxes in d. Luke 1. 80. John was in the d. till Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in d. DESERT, S. Psal 28. 4. render to them their d. Ezek. 7. 27. acco. to d. will I judge DESERVE, ETH, ING. Judg. 9. 16. accor. to d. of his hands EzraQ. 13. less than our iniquit. d. Job 11. 6. less than thy iniquity d. DESIRE. Gen- 3. 16. d. shall be to thy husband 4 7. to thee shall be his d. Deut. 18. 6. with all d. of his mind 1 Sam. 9. 20. on whom d. of Israel 2 Sam. 23. 5. salvation and all my d. 1 A'/x.lO. 13. to queen of She.all herrf. 2 Chr. 15. 15. with their whole d. Job 14. 15. d. to work of thine hands 31. 16. if withheld poor from d. 35. d. is Almi. would answer me 34 36. d. is Job be tried to the end Psal. 10. 3. boasteth of his heart's d. 17. hast heard d. of humble .-•- 21. 2. given him his heart's d. 38. 9. al! my d. is before thee 54. 7. seen d. on enemies, 92. 1). 59. 10. let me see d. on enemies 78. 29. gKve them their own d. !)2. 11. shall hear my d. of wicked 112. 8. till he see d. on enemies 110 DKS rsal.U2.\Q. rf.of wicked shall pensk 1 18. 7. shall I see my rf. on them 115. 16. satistiest d. of every living 19. fulfil d. of them fear him Pror. 10. 24. d. of right, be granted 11. 23. d. of righteous is only good 13. 12. d. cometh, a tree of life 19. d. accomplished is sweet 19. 22. d. of a roan is his kindness 21. 25. d. of slothful killeth him Eccl. 6. 9. than wandering of d. 12. 5. and d. shall fail, because Cunt. 7. 10. his d. is towards me Isa. 26. 8. d. of soul to thy name Jer. 44. 14. ye have a d. to return Ezek. 24. 16. I take d. of tiiine ey«s 21. profane d. of your eyes, 25. Dan. 11. 37. nor regard d. of women Hos. 10. 10. my d. I should chastise Mic. 7. 3. uttereth mischievous d. Hab. 2. 5. enlargeth his d. as hell Hag. 2. 7. d. of all nations shall come Luke 22. 15. with d. 1 desired to eat Rom. 10. 1. my heart's d. for Is. i» 15. 23. having great d. to come 2 Cor. 7. 7. told us your earnest d. 11. what vehement d. yea, what Phil. 1. 23. having a d to depart 1 1'kes. 2. 17. to see your face wi. d. DESIRE, Verb. Ex. 10. II. for that ye did d. 34. 24. nor shall any d. thy laud Deut. 5. 21. nor d. neighbour's wife 7. 25. not d. the silver or gold 1 Kin. 2. 20. I d. one small petition 2 Kin. 4. 28. d. a son of my lord ? Neh. 1. 11. d. to fear thy name J»b 13. 3. I d. to reason with God 21. 14. d. not know, of thy ways 33. 32. for I d. to justify thee 36. 20. d. not the night, when Psal. 40. 6. offering thou didst notrf. 45. 11. king greatly d. thy beauty 70. 2. to confusion d. my hurt 73. 25. none I d. besides thee Pror. 3. 15. canst d. not to be comp. 23. 6. neither d. his dainty meats 24. 1. nor d. to be with them Isa. 53. 2. no beauty we sh. d. him Jer. 22. 27. the land they d. to return Dan. 2. 18. d. mercies of God of hea. Amos 5. 18. wo to you d. day of L. Mark 9. 35. if any man d. to be first 10. 35. do for us what, we shall d. 1 1. 24. what ye d. when ye pray 15. 8. d. to do as he had done Acts 28. 22. d. to hear what thinkest 1 Cor. 14. 1. d. spiritual gifts 2 Cor. 11. 12. from them d. occasion Gal. 4. 9. ye d. ag. to be in bondage 20. I d. to be present with you 21. ye that d. to be under law 6. 12. as d. to make a fair show Eph. 3. 13 I d. that ye faint not Phil. 4. 17. not because I d. a gift 1 Tim. 3. 1. if d. the office of a bishop Heb. 6. 11. we d. ev. one of you do 11. 16. they d. a better country Jam. 4. 2. ye d. to have, not obtain 1 Pet. 1. 12. angels d. to look into 2. 2. as babes, d. the sincere milk Rev. 9. 6. men shall d. to die, aud DESIRABLE EzeP. 23. 6. d. young men, 12, 23. DESIRED. Gen. 6. 6. tree to be d. to make wi 1 Sam. 12. 13. behold king ye d. 1 Kin. 9. 19. desire Sol, d. 2 Chr. 8. 6. Esth. 2. 13. what, she d. wasgir. her Job 20. 20. not save of that he d. Psal. 19. 10. more to be d. than gold 27. 4. one thing I d. of the Lord 107. 30. bringeth to their d. haven 132. 13. d. it for his habitation , DES Ps. 132.14. here dwell, for I have d it Prov. 8. J 1. d. not to be compared 21. 20. there is a treasure to ne d. Eccl. 2. 10. what my eyes d. 1 kept Isa. 26. 9. with my soul 1 d. thee Jer. 17. 16. neither d. wofu! day Hos. 6. 6. I d. mercy, not sacrifice Zeph. 2. 1. O nation not d. Mat. 13. 17. righteous have d. to see i-'ark 15. 6. one pris. whom they d. Lulce 9. 9. and he d. to see him i0. 24. kings have d. to see those '12. 31. Satan hath d. to sift you Acts 12. 20. they d peace 13. 7. Sergius Paulus d. to hear 21. afterward they d. a king 28. rf. Pilate he should be slain 16. 39. d. to depart out of city 25. 3. d. favour against Paul 1 Cor. 16. 12. d. him to come to you 1 John 5. 15. we have petitions we d. DESIREDST, EST. Deut. 18. 16. ace. to all thou d. of G. Psu/. 51. 6. d. truth in inw. parts 16. thou d. not sacrifice, else Mat. 18. 32. I forgave bee. thou d. me DESIRES. sal. 37. 4. give thee d. of thy heart 140. 8. grant not d. of wicked Eplu 2. 3. fulfilling d. of the flesh DESIRETH. 1 Sam. 20. 4. what thy soul d. I will 2 Sam. 3. 21. reign over all heart d. Juh 7. 2. as a servant d. the shadow 23. 13. his soul d. that he doth Psal. 34. 12. what man is he that d. 68. 16. hill God d. to dwell in Prov. 12. 12. wicked d. net of evil 13. 4. sluggard d. and hath not 21. 10. soul of wicked d. evil Eccl. 6. 2. nothing of all that he d. T.uke 5. 39. drunk old wine d. new 14. 32. he d. conditions of peace 1 Tim. 3. 1. bishop, d. a good work DESIRING. Mat. 12. 46. d. to speak with him 20. 20. d. a certain thing of him Luke 8. 20. brethren d. to see thee 2 Cor. 5. 2 d. to be clothed upon 1 TJies. 3. 6. d. greatly to see us 2 Tim. 1. 4. greatly d. to see thee DESIROUS. Prov. 23. 3. be not d. of his dainties Luke 23. 8. Herod was d. to see him 2 Cor. 11. 32. d. to apprehend me Gal 5. 26. not be d. of vain-glory 1 T/tes. 2. 8. affectionately d. of you DESOLATE. 2 5a?». 13. 20. Tamar remained d. Job. 15. 28. he dwelletli in d. cities 16. 7. made rf. all my company 30. 3. wilder, in former times d. 38. 27, to satisfy the d. ground Psal. 25. 16. have mercy, for I am d. 4'). |5. let them be d. for a reward 69. 25. let their habitation be d. 1 13. 4. my heart within me is d. ha. 1. 7. your country is d. 3. 26. she d. shall sit on ground 7. 19. shall rest all in d. valleys 13. 22. beast shall cry in d. houses 24. 6. that dwell therein are d. 49. 8. to inherit d. heritages 21. lost my children, and am d. 54. 1. more are chil. of d., Gal. 4. 27. 3. d. cities to be inhabited Jer. 2 12. be ye very d. saith Lord 6. 8. lest I make thee d. a land 9. 11. 1 will make the cit. of Ju. d. 10. 22. | 33. 10. | 44. 6. 10. 25. made his habitation d. 12. 11. and being d. it mourneth 19 8. this city d. and an hissing S2. 43. it is d. without man, 'J3. 12. DES Jer. 49. 20. their habitations d., 50 45. Lam. 113. made me d. all day, 3 16. my children are d. 4. 5. did feed delicately are d. 5. 18. mount Zion which is d. Ezek. 6. 6. altars may be made d. 19. 7. he knew their d. palaces 20. 26. make them d. to the end 35. 3. Seir, I will make thee d. 15. didat rejoice, bee. it was d. 36. 3. made you d. and swallowed 35. d. cities are fenced and inhab. 36. I the Lord plant that was d. Dart. 9. 17. to shine on sanctuary d. 11. 31. abomi. thatmakethrf.,12. II. Hos. 13. 16. Samaria shall become d. Joel. 1. 17. the garners nre laid d. 18. flocks of sneep arf made d. Mic. 1. 7. idols thereof will I lay d. 6. 13. making thee d. bee. of sins Zeph. 3. 6. their towers are d. Mat. 2a 38. house is left d., Lu. 13.35. Acts I. 20. let his habitation be d. 1 Tim. 5. 6. a widow indeed, and d. Rev. 17. 16. whore, aud make her d. 18. 19. in one hour is she made d. Land DESOLATE. Lev. 26. 34. enjoy sabbaths, as long as it lieth d., 35. 43. 2 Chr. 26. 21. Isa. 6. 11. until the I. be utterly d. 13. 9. day of L. cometh to lay I. d. 62. 4. nor thy I. more be termed d. Jer. 4. 7. gone to make thy /. d. 27. Lord said, wholo /. shall be d. 7. 34. cease mirin for /. ehall be d. 12. 11. the whole /. is made d. 18. 16. their I. d. and an hissing 25. 38. I. is d. because of his anger 32. 43. /. whereof ye say. it is d. 50. 3. nation shall make her /. d. Ezek. 6.14. make the I. d. yea more rf. 12. 19. /. may be d. from all therein 15. 8. and I will make the I. d. 19. 7. /. was d. and fulness thereof 29. 9. /. of Egypt be «?., 30. [7. 32. i5. 33. 29. when I have laid I. most d. 36. 34. d. I. shall be tilled, it lay d. 35 I. that was d. is like Eden Joel 2. 20. drive him to a I d. Zech. 7. 14. laid the pleasant/, a. DE SO L ATE places. Job 3 14. built d. p. for themselves Psal. 109. 10. seek bread out of d. p. ha. 49. 19. thy d. p. be too narrow 59. 10. we are in d. p. as dead men Ezek. 6. 6. the high p. shall be d. 26. 20. shall set thee in p. d. old 38. 12. to turn thine hand on d. p. Amos 7. 9. higli p. of Isaac sh. be d. Mai. 1. 4. return and build the d. p. Shall be or shalt be DESOLATE. Lev. 26. 33. your land s. be d. cities Job 15. 34. cong. of hypocrites s. bed. Psal. 34. 21. hate righteous s. be d. 22. none that trust in him *. be d. Isa. 5. 9. many houses shall be d. 15. 6. waters of Nimrim *. be d. Jer. 26. 9. this city shall be d. with. 33. 10. in this place, which ye say shall be d. 49. 2. Rabbah *. be a d. heap 50. 13. Babylon s. be wholly d. 51. 26. thou shalt be d. for ever Ezek. 6. 4. your altars shall be d. 29. 12. cities of Eg. *. be d. 40 years 33 28. mountains of Isr. s. br d. 35. 4. O mount Seir, thou s. be d. Hos. 5. 9. Ephraim *. be d. in the day DESOLATE wilderness. Jer. 12. 10. pleasant portion a d. w. Joel 2. 3. and behind it is a d. w. 3. 19. and Edom shall be a d. w. DESOLATION. Lev. 26. 32. I will bring land into d. itJ DKS 2 Kin. 22. i9. should become a a. 2 Chr. 30. 7. up to d. as ye see Job 30. 14. in d. they rolled themsel. Psal. 73. 19. how brought into d. Prov. 1. 27. when fear cometh as d. 3. 25. be not afraid of a!, of wicked Isa. 17. 9. in that day shall be d. 24. 12. in the city is left d. 47. 1 1. d. come on thee suddenly 51. 19. two things are eome, d. 64. 10. Jerusalem ad. Jer. 22. 5. this house shall bee. a d. 25. 18. Jerusalem and Judah a d. 44. 2. this day they are a d. 22. therefore is your land a d. 49. 13. Bozra a d. || 17. Edom a d. 50. 23. how is Babylon become a d. 51. 43. her cities are a d. Lam. 3. 47. fear is come on us, d. Ezek. 7. 27. prince clothed with d. 23. 33. be filled with cup of d. Dan. 8. 13. the transgression of d. Hos. 12. 1. F.ph. daily increaseth d. Joel 3. 19. Egypt shall be a d. Mic. 6. 16. that I sh. make thee a d. Zeph. 1. 15. a day of wasteness anddL 2. 4. Ashkelon be a d.\\ 9. Moab 13. he will make Nineveh a d. 14. d. shall be in the thresholds Mat. 12. 25. ev. kingdom divided ag. itself is brought to d„ Lu. 1 1. 17. 24. 15. abomina. old., Mark 13. 14 Luke 21. 20. know rf. thereof is nigh DESOLATIONS. Ezra 9. 9. to repair d. thereof Psal. 46. 8. what d. made in earth 74. 3. lift thy feet to perpet.. d. Isa. 61. 4. they sh. raise up former d, the d. of many generations Jer. 25. 9. these nations perpet. d. 12. Chaldeans' land perpetual d. Ezek. 35. 9. mount Seir perpetual . 26. 43. they d. my judgments Num. 11. 20. that ye have d. the L. 14. 31. shall know land ye have d. 15. 31. because he d. word of Lord 1 Sam. 10. 27. they d. him 2 Sa;«. 6. 16. she rf. him in her heart 2 Ik 19. 21. daughter of Zion hath d. thee, Isa. 37. 22. 2 Chron. 36. 16. mocked, r/. his words A r eA. 4. 4. hear, O God, for we are d. Job 12. 5. he is as a lamp d. of him 19. 18. yea, young children d. me Psal. 22. 6. 1 am d. of peo. Isa. 53. 3. 24. not d. affliction of afflicted 53. 5. because God hath d. them 106. 24. they d. pleasant land 119. 141. I am small and d. yet Prov. 1. 30. they d. all my reproof 5. 12. how hath my heart d. reproof 12. 8. he of perverse heart be d. 9. he that is d. and hath a servant Eccl. 9. 16. poor man's wisdom is d. Cant. 8. 1. yea, I should not be d. Isa. 5. 24. d. word of Holy One of Is. 33. 8. he hath d. the cities 53. 3. he is d. and rejected of men, he was d. 60. 14. that d. thee shall bow Jer. 22. 28. Coniah a d. broken idol? 33. 24. they have d. my people 49. 15. make thee d. among men Lam. 2. 6. he hath d. in indignation Ezek. 16. 59. which hast d. the oath, 17. 16, 18, 19. 20. 13. they d. my judgments, 16. 22. 8. thou hast d. mine holy things Amos 2. 4. because they d. law of L. Obad. 2. thou art greatly d. Zech. 4. 10. d. day of small things Mai. 1. 6. wherein d. we thy name ? Luke 18. 9. righteous, and d. others Acts 19. 27. temple of Diana be d. 1 Cor. 1. 28. things d. God chosen 4. 10. ye honourable, we are. d. Gal. 4. 14. my temptation ye d. not Heb. 10. 28. that d. Moses law, died Jam. 2. 6. but ye have d. the poor DESP1SERS. Jets 13. 41. behold, ye d. wonder 2 Tim. 3. 3. fierce, d. of those good DESPLSEST, ETH, ING. Job 36. 5. behold, God d. not any Ps. 69. 33. L. d. not his prisoners Prov. 11. 12. void of wis. d. neigh. 13. 13. d. word shall be destroyed 14. 2. he perverse in ways, d. him 21. d. his neighbour sinneth 15. 5. fool d. father's instruction 20. foolish man d. his mother 32. refuseth instruction d. soul \9. 16. that d. his ways shall die 30. 17. eye that d. to obey mother Isa. 33. 15. d. gain of oppressions 49. 7. saith L. to him whom man d. Luke 10. 16. d. you d. me ; d. me d. Rom. 2. 4. d. riches of his goodness 1 Thes. 4. 8. thatrf. d. not man but G. Heb. 12. 2. cross, d. the shame DESPITE. Ezek. 25. 6. with thy d. agai. Judah Heb. 10. 29. done d. to Spirit of grace DESPITEFUL, LY. Eze. 25, 15,veug-eance with a d. heart DES Exek 36. 5. with d. minds Mat 5 41. that d. use you, Lulc. 6. 28. Acts 14 5. assault to use them d. Rom. 1. 30. haters of God a. DESTITUTE. Gen. 24. 27. not left d. my master Psal. 102. 17. regard prayer of d. 141. 8. leave not my soul d. [wisd. Prov. 15. 21. folly joy to him d. of Exek. 32. 15. be d. of wh. it was full 1 Tim. 6. 5. men d. of the truth Heb. 11. 37. being d. afflicted, torm. Jam. 2. 15 if a bro. or sister be d. DESIROY. Gen. 18. 23. d. right, with wicked? 28. a. all city for lack of five ? 19. 13. we will a. this place Deut. 6. 15. lest anger of L. d. tnet 7. 24. d. name from under heaven 9. 14. let me alone, 1 may d. them 31. 3. he wih a. tnese nations 32. 25. d. young man and virgin 33. 27. shall say, Destroy them 2 Sam. 14. 7. we will a. heir also 1 1. 16. would d. me and my son 20. 20. far be it from me 1 should d. 22. 41. d. them hate me, Ps. 18. 40. 2 Kin. 10. 19. d. worshippers of Baal 18. 25. go against this land and d. it Ezra 6. 12. d. kings put to hand Job 8. 18. if he d. him from his place 10. 8. yet thou dost d. me 19. 26. after my skin worms tf.body Psal. 5. 6. d. them speak leasing 10. d. thou them, O God 21. 10. their fruit shalt thou d. 28. 5. he shall d. not build up 52. 5. likewise d. thee for ever 55. 9. d. and divide their tongues 69. 4. would d. me are mighty 74. 8. said, let us d. them together 143. 12. d. all afflict my soul 144. 6. shoot arrows, d. them 145. 20. all wicked will he d. Prov. J. 32. prosp. of fools d. them 11. 3. perv. of transgressors d. 15. 25. L. will d. house of proud 21. 7. robberies shall d. them Eccl- 5. 6. d. work of thy hands ? 7. 16. why shouldest d. thyself? Isa. 3. 12. d. way of thy paths 11. 9. nor d. in holy mount. 65. 25. 13. 9. shall d. sinners thereof 25. 7. d. in this mountain the face Jer. 5. 10. go upon walls, and d. 6. 5. by night d. her palaces 12. 17. I will d. that nation 13. 14. I will not spare, but d, them 15. 6. stretch my hand, and d. thee 17. 18. d. with double destruction 23. 1. pastors that d. the sheep 49. 9. if thieves, they will d. Lam. 3. 66. persecute and d. them Exek. 9. 8. d. all residue of Israel ? Dan. 8. 25. by peace shall he d. many 9. 26. shall d. city and sanctuary 11. 26. feed on his meat, d. him Obad. 8. d. wise men out of Edom ? Mic. 2. 10. polluted, it shaJJ d. you Mat. 12. 14. they may d. him, Mark 3. 6. | 11. 18. 21. 41. will d. those wicked men 27. 20. ask Barabbas, and d. Jesus Mar. 12. 9. d, husbandmen, Lu. 20. 16. John 2. 19. Jesus said, d. this temple Acts 6. 14. this Jesus d. this place 1 Cor. 6. 13. G. d. both it and them 2 Thes. 2. 8. shall d. with brightness Heb. 2. 14. d. him had power of death 1 John 3. 8. might d. works of devil Rev. II. 18. d. them wh. d. the earth I will, or will I DESTROY. Gen. 6. 7. I will d. man whom I Exod. 23. 27. I will d. the people M9 DES Psal. 101. 8. I will early d. wicked 118. 10. in name of L. d. them, 11. 12. Isa. 19. 3. I will d. counsel thereof 42. 14. I will d. and devour at once Jer. 15. 7. I will d. my people; since Ezek. 25. 7. 1 will d. thee; shalt know I am the L. 28. 16. Zeph, 2. 5. 30. 13. saith Lord I will d. idols A>nos9. 8. I will d. sinful kingdom Mar. 14. 5^. say, I will d. this temple 1 Cor. 1. 19. I will d. wisdom of wise Not DESTROY. Gen. 18. 31. n. d. it for twenty's sake Dent. 4. 31. he will not forsake thee, nor d. thee 9. 26. d. not thy people 10. 10. Lord would not d. thee 1 Sam. 24. 21. swear not d. my name 2 Km. 8. 19. n. d. Judah for Dav. sake 13. 23. would not d. them, nor 2 Chr. 12 12. would notd. him altog. 21.7. not d. the house of David 35. 21. forbear from God, he d. not Psal. 106. 34. they did not d. nations Isa. 65. 8. d. it not, blessing is in it Dan. 2. 24. d. n. wise men of Babylon Ro?n. 14. 20. for meat d. n. work of G. To DESTROY. Gen. 19. 13. Lord hath sent us to d. it Deut. 9. 19. Lord was wroth to d. you 23. G3. L. will rejoice to d. you 1 Sam. 26. 15. came in one to d. king 2 Sam. 1.14. not afraid to d. anointed 20. 19. to d. city and a mother 24. \6. hand on Jerusalem to d. it I Chr. 21. 15. angel to Jerusal. to d. 2 Chr. 16. determined to d. thee Esth. 3. 6. to d. Jews, 13. | 4. 7, 8 | 9. 24. Job 2. 3. to d. him without cause 6. 9. it would please God to d me Ps. 40. 14. seek soul to d. it, 63. 9. 119. 95. wicked waited to d. me Isa. 10. 7. it is in his heart to d. 13. 5. they come from far to d. 23. 1 1. L. given a command, to d. 32. 7. wicked devices to d. poor 51. 13. as if oppressor ready to d. 54. 16. created the waster to d. Jer. 1. 10. set to d. 18. 7. | 31. 28. 51. 11. device against Baby, to d. it Esse. 22. 27. to d. to get dishonest gain 25. 15. despiteful heart to d. it Dan. 2. 12. to d. wise of Babylon 24. 7. 26. to d. his dominion unto end 11. 44. go forth with fury to d, Hos. 11. 9. not return tod. Ephraini Zech. 12. 9. seek to d. ail nations Mat. 2. 13. Herod seek child toi,/ 5. 17. not come to d. but to fulfil 10. 28. fear him, able to d. both 26. 61. said, I am able to d. temple Mark I. 24. art thou come to d. us ? Luke 6. 9. lawful to save life, or d. it ? 9. 56. not come to d. men's lives 19. 47. chief sought to d. him John 10. 10. thief cometh to d. Jam. 4. 12. one lawgiver able to d. DESTROYED. Gen. 19. 29. d. the cities of the plain Exod. 10.7. knowest not Egypt is d ? Deut. 2. 21. d. them bef. them, 4. 3. | 11. 4. 2 Kin. 21. 9. 2 Chr. 33.9. 9. 8. Lord angry to have d. you 28. 20. until thou be d. 24, 45. Judg. 20. 21. BeDjam. rf. that day, 25. 2 Sam. 21. 5. devised we should be d. 24. 16. to angel that d. 1 Chr. 21. 15, 2 Kin. 10. 28. thus Jehu d. Baal 2 Chr. 14. 13. were d. before Lord 15. 6. nation was d. of nation Ezra 4. 15. for which cause city d. Job 19. 10. hath d. me on every side Psal. 9. 5. thou hast d. the wicked 73. 27, hast d. all go a whorinjj I DES Pi. 117.8.0 dan. of Babylon, to be d. Prov. 13. 23. d. for want of judgment Isa. 14. 20. because d. thy land 26. J 4. therefore hast thou d, them Jer. 12. 10. many pastors have d. 48. 4. Moab||51. 8. Babylon is d. 51. 55. hath d. out of Babylon the great voice Lam. 2. 5. d. his strong holds Ezek. 27. 32. like d. in the sea Hos. 13. 9. O Israel, d. thyself Amos 2. 9. yet d. I the Amorite, I d. his fruit i\/«£. 22. 7. he d. those murderers Luke 17. 27. flood came, and d. all jtfcfc 9. 21. that d. them that called 13. 19. d. seven nations in Chanaan 19. 27. her magnificence be d. Horn. 6. 6. body of sin might be d. 1 Cor. 10. 9. d. of serpents Gn f . 1. 23. prearheth faith he d, 2. 18. If I build again things 1 d. Ho!). 1 1. 28. lest lie d. first-born 2 Pet. 2. 12. as beasts made to be d. Jude 5. d. them that believed not Are DESTROYED. Job 4. 20. are d. from morn, to night 34. 25. overt, them, so they are d. Jsa. 9. 16, they led of them are d. Jer 22. 20. for thy lovers are d. Hos. 4. G. a. d. for lack of knowledge Zeph. 3. 6. their cities are d. Not DESTROYED. 2 Chr. 20. 10. d. them not Ps. 78. 38. Dan. 7. 14. his kingdom not be d. 2 Cor. 4. 9 cast down, but not d. Shall be DESTROYED. Gen. 34. 30. and I shall be d. I and Esth. 4. 14. father's house shall be d. Psal. 37. 38. transgressors shall be d. 92. 7. it is that they be d. for ever Prov. 13. 13. despiseth word sh. be d. 30. companion of fools shall be d. 29. 1. hardeneth his neck shall be d. Jsa. 10. 27. yoke shall be d. because Jer. 48. 8. the plain shall be d. Ezek. 30. 8. when her helpers s. bed. Bun. 2. 44. kingd. s. never be d. 6. 26. 11. 20. within few days he sh. be d. Hos. 10. 8. the sin of Israel sh. be d. Acts 3. 23. will not hear shall be d. 1 Cor. 15. 26. last enemy that sh. be d. Utterly DESTROYED. Deut.' 4. 26. if" corrupt yours, be u. d. Jsa. 34. 2. L. hath u. d. all nations DESTROYER. E.rod. 12. 23. d. to come into houses Judg. 16. 24. the d. of our country Job 15. 21. in prosperity d. come Psal. 17. 4. kept from paths of d. Prov. 28. 24. is companion of a d. Jer. 4. 7. d. of Gentiles is on his waj' 1 Cor. 10. 10. were destroyed of d. DESTROYERS. Job 33. 22. life draweth near to d. Isa. 49. 17. thy d. go forth of thee Jer. 22. 7. prepare d. against thee 50. II. O d. of my heritage DESTROYED, ETH. Deut 8. 20. as the nations which L. d. Job 9. 22. he d. perfect and wicked 12. 23. increaseth nat. and d. them 14. 19. thou d. hope of roan Prov. 6. 32. doth it, d. own soul 11. 9. with mouth d. neighbour 31. 3. thy ways to that d. kings Eccl. 7. 7. and a gift d. the heart 9. 18. one sinner d. much good Jer. 51. 25. O mountain, d. earth Mat. 27. 40. d. temple, Mark 15. 29. DESTROYING. 1 Chr. 21. 15. as he was d. L. repen. lia. 28. 2. strong one, as d. storm Jer. 2. 30. sword like a d. lion DES Jer. 51. 1. a d. wind || 25. O d. mount. Lam. 2. 8. not withdrawn hand fr. d. Ezek. 9. 1. d. weapon in his hand 20. 17. eye spared from d. them See Utterly. DESTRUCTION. Deut. 7. 23. with a mighty d. 32. 24 be devoured with bitter d. 1 Sam. 5. 9. aga. city with great d. 11. was a deadly d. thro' city 1 Kin. 20. 42. appointed to utter d. 2 Chr. 22. 4. his counsellors to his d. 7. d. of Ahaziah was of God 26. 16. heart lifted up to his d. Esth. 8. 6. to see d. of my kindre Job 5. 21. neither be afraid of d. 22. at d. and famine shalt laugh 18. 12. d. shall be ready at his side 21. 17. how oft cometh d. on them 20. his eyes shall see his d. 30. wicked reserved to day of d. 26. 6. before him d. hath no cover. 28. 22. d. and death say, we heard 30. 12. against me ways of their d. 24. tho' they cry in his d. 31. 3. is not d. to the wicked ? 12. a fire that tonsumeth to d. 23. d. from God terror to me 29. if I rejoiced at the d. of him Psal. 35. 8. let d. come unawares, into that very d. let him fall 55. 23. shalt bring to pit of d. 73. 18. castedst them down into d. 88 11. thy faithful, declared in d. 90. 3. thou turnest man to d. 91. 6. d. that wasteth at noon-day 103. 4. redeemeth thy life from d. Prov. 1. 27. your d. as a whirlwind 10. 14. mouth of foolish near d. 15. d. of the poor is poverty 29. d. to work, of iniquity, 21. 15. 13. 3. wide his lips shall have d. 14. 28. want of peo. is d. of prince 15. 11. hell and d. are before Lord 16. 18. pride goeth before d. 17. 19. exalteth gate seeketh d. 18. 7. a fool's mouth is his d. 12. before d. heart is haughty 24. 2. for their heart studieth d. 27. 20. hell and d. are never full 31. 8. such as are appointed to d. Isa. 1.28. d. of transgressors together 10. 25. my anger cease in their d. 13. 6. as d. from the Almighty 14. 23. sweep Bab. with besom of d. 15. 5. shall raise up a cry of d. 19. 18. one shall be called city of d. 24. 12. gate is smitten with d. 49. 19. land of thy d. too narrow 51.19. desol. and d. are come to thee 59. 7. wasting and d. in their paths 60. 18. d. no more be heard in thy Jer. 4. 6. from north a great d. 6. 1. 20. d. upon d. is cried, for 17. IS. destroy them with double d. 46. 20. d. cometh out of the north 48. 3. a voice, spoiling and d. 50. 22. a souud of great d. is in land Lam. 2. 1 1. d. of dau. of my peo. 3. 48. 3. 47. and d. is come upon us 4. 10. in d. of dau. of my people Ezek. 7. 25. d. cometh, seek peace Hos. 7. 13. d. to them, transgressed 9. 6. are gone, because of a. 13. 14. O grave, I will be thy d. Joel 1. 15. as d. from Almighty Ohad. 12. neither rejoiced in their d. Mic. 2. 10. destroy you with sore d. Zech. 14. 11. be no more utter d. Mat. 7. 13. broad is way lead, to d. Horn. 3. 16. d. and misery in ways 9. 22. vessels of wrath fitted to d. 1 Cor. 5. 5. to Satan, for d. of flesh 2 Cor. 10. 8. not for your d. 18. JO. HI DEV Phil. 3. 19. walk, whose end is d. 1 Thes. 5. 3. then sudden d. cometh 2 Thes. 1. 9. punished with everl. d. 1 Tim. 6. 9. lusts, drown men in d. 2 Pet. 2. 1. and bring swift d. 3. 16. unstable wrest to own d. DESTRUCTIONS. Psal 9. 6. d. come to perpetual end 35. 17. rescue my soul from d. 107. 20. delivereth from their d. DETAIN, ED. Judg. 13. 16- tho' d. me I will not eat of thy bread 1 Sam. 'Jl. 7. Doeg was that day d. DETERMINATE. Acts 2. 23. by the d. counsel of God DETER M I NATION. Zeph. 3. 8. d. is to gather nations DETERMINED. 1 Sa?n.20. 7. be sure evil is d. by him 25. 17. evil is d. against our master 2 Sam. 13. 32. by Absalom been d. 2 Chr.2b. 16. G hath d.to destroy thee Esth. 7. 7. evil d. against him Job 14. 5. seeing his days are d. Jsa. 19. 17. counsel he hath d. ag. it Dun. 9. 24. severity weeks are a. 11. 36. that is d. shall be done Luke 22. 22. Son goeth, as it was d. Acts 3. 13. Pilate d. to let him go 4. 28. what thy counsel d. before 11. 29. every man d. to send relief 15. 2. d. Paul and Bar. go to Jerus. 37. Barnabas d. to take John 17. 26. d. times before appointed 19. 39. be d. in a lawful assembly 25. 25. d. to send him to Augustus 1 Cor. 2. 2. I d. not to know save J. 2 Cor. 2. 1. I d. this with myself DETEST. Deut. 7. 26. thou shalt utterly d. it DETESTABLE THINGS. Ezek. 11 18. they sh. take away d.L 21. heart walketh after their d. t. 37. 23 sh. no more defile with d. t. DEVICE. 2 Chr. 2. 14, to find out every d. Esth. 9. 25. his d. return on his head Psal. 21. 11. imagined mischievous d. 140. 8 further not his ivicked d. Eccl. 9. 10. no work nor d. in grave Jer. 18. II. I devise n d. against you 51. 11. his d. is ag. Bab. to destroy Lam. 3. 62. their d. aga. me all day Acts 17. 29. stone graven by man's d. DEVICES. Job 5. 12. disappointeth d. of crafty 21. 27. d. ye wrongfully imagine Psal 10.2. let them be taken in the d. 33. 10. d. of people of none effect 37. 7. bringeth wicked d. to pass Prov. 1. 31. be filled with own d. 12. 2. of wicked d. will he condemn 19. 21. many d. in a man's heart Isa. 32. 7. wicked d. to destroy poor Jer. 11. 19. had devised d. aga. me 18. 12. walk after our own d. 18. let us devise d. ag. Jeremi mI Dan. 11. 24. he shall forecast h is a 2 Cor. 2. 11. not ignorant of his d DEVIL. Mat. 4. 1. Jesus was led to be tempt- ed of the d. 9. 32. dumb man poss. with d. 12.22. J 1. 18. he hath a d. Euke 7. 33. 13. 39. that ?owed them is the d. 15. 22. my uau. is vexed with a d. 17. 18. Jesus rebuked the d. 25. 41. tire, prepared for the d. Mark 5. 15. him poss. with d. 16, 13. 7. 29. d. is gone out of thy dau. Luke 4. 2. forty days tempted of d. 33. when d. had ended temptation 33. huJ a spirit of an unclean d. DEV Luke. 4. 35. d. had thrown him in m 3". 12. d. taketh away the word 2& driven of d. into wildernegs 9. 42. the d. threw him down 11. 14. when the d. was pone out John 6. 70. and one of you is a d. 7. 30. said, thou hast a d. 8. 48. 8. 44. ye are of your father the d. 49. 1 have not a d. || 52. hast a d. 10. '20. many said, he hath a.d. 21. not words of him hath a d. 13 2. d. having put into Judas Act* 10. 38. healing all oppr. with d. 13. 10. thou child of the d, Eph. 4. 27. neither give place to d. 6. 11. able to stand aga. wiles of d. 1 Tim. 3, 6. fall into condemna. of d. 7. lest he fall into snare of the d. 2 Tim.2.26. recover out of snare of d. Heb. 2. 14. had the power of death, that is the d. Jam. 4. 7. resist d. and he will nee 1 Pet. 5. 8. your adversary the d. 1 John, 3. 8. comraitteth sin is of d. might destroy works of d. 10. children of d. are manifest Jude9. Michael, contending with d. Rev. 2. 10. d. cast some into prison 12. 9. old serpent called the d. 12 d. is comedown, having power 20. 2. old serpent which is the d. 10. d. that deceived, was cast out DEVILISH. Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom earthly, d. DEVILS. Lev. 17. 7. no more offer sacri. to d. Deut 32. 17. they sacrificed to d. 2 C/ir.11.15. he ordained him priests for d. Psal. 106. 37. sacrificed sons to d. Mat. 4. 24. those poss. with d. 8. 1G, 28, 33. Mark 1. 32. Luke 8. 36. 8. 31. so the d. besought, Mark 5.12. Mark 9. 38. we saw one casting out d. in thy name, Luke 9. 49. 16. 17. in my name cast out d. Luke 4. 41. a. came out of many 8. 2. out of whom went seven d. 36. by what means he poss. of d. 9.1. gave them authority over all d. 10. 17. even d- are subject to us 13. 32. tell that fox, I cast out d. I Cor. 10. 20. Gentiles sacrifice to d. I would not ye have fell. with d. 21. and the cup of d. of the Lord's table, and of the table of d. 1 Tim. 4. 1. heed to doctrines of d. jam. 2. 19. d. believe and tremble Rev. 9. 20. should not worship d. 16. 14. the spirits of d. working 18. 2. become habitation of d. See Cast. DEVISE. J Sam. 14. 14. d. means that banished I'xal. 35. 4. to confusion, d. my hurt 20. d. deceitful matters aga. them 41. 7. aga. me do they d. my hurt Prov. 3. 29. d. not evil ag. neighbour li. '22. err that d. evil ? but mercy and truth be to th<*m d. good 16. 30. shutteth eyes tod froward Jer. 18. 11. I d. a device aga. you 18. let U3 d. devices ag. Jeremiah Ezek. 11. 2. men that d. mischief Mic. 2. 1. wo to them d. iniquity 3. ag. this family do I d. an evil DEVISED. Sam 21. 5. man that d. ag. us Kin 12. 33. month which he d. Edh. 8. 3. device he had d. ag. Jews Psal, 31. 13. d. to take my life Jer. 11. 19. d. devices against me 51. 12. d. and done, Lam. 2. 17. •2 Pet. 1. 16. cunninirly d. fables DEV DEVISETH. Psal. 36, 4. d. mischief on his bed 52. 2. thy tongue d. mischiefs Prov. 6. 14. d. mischief continually 18. an heart d. wicked imagina. 16. 9. a man's heart d. his way 24. 8. d. evil be called mischievous Isa. 32. 7. he d. wicked devices to 8. the liberal d. liberal things DEVOTED. Lev. 27. 28. ev. d. thing is most holy Num. 18. 14. every thing d. be thine Psal. 119. 38. who is d. to thv fear DEVOTIONS, Acts 17. 23. as I beheld your d. DEVOUR. Gen. 49. 27. in morning d. prey Dent, 32. 42. my sword shall d. hesn 2 Sam. 2. 26. shall sword d. for ever? Job 18. 13. first-born of death d. Psal. 80. 13. wild beast doth d. it Isa. 1. 7. land, strangers d. it 9. 12. d. Israel with open mouth 18. wickedness shall d. briers 31. 8. sword, not of mean man d. 42. 14. destroy and d. at once 56. 9. nil ye beasts of the field, come to d. Jer. 12. 9. | 15. 3. Jer. 2. 3. all d. Isr. shall offend 12. 12. sword of L. sh d. 46. lb, 14. 30. 16. all that d. thee be devoured Ezek. 36. 14. shalt d. men no more Dan. 7. 5. d, much flesh 2.1 d. the whole earth Hos. 5. 7. a month d. with portions 13. 8. will I d. them like a lion Amos 1. 4. fire d. palaces, 7, 10, 12. Obad. 18. kindle in them, and d. Nah. 2. 13. sword d. the young lions Hah. 3. 14. rejoicing to a. the poor Zech. 12. 6. d. all people round about Mat. 23.14. for ye d. widows' houses, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 2 Cor. 11. 20. if a man d. you Gal. 5. 15. if bite and d. one anoth. Heb. 10. 27. shall d. adversaries 8. seeking whom he may d. 4. to d. her child as soon Fire DEVOUR. Judg. 9. 15. \etfire d. the cedars 20. let fire d. the men of Shechem Psal. 21. 9 the fire shall d. them 50. 3. afire shall d. before him Isa. 26. I], fire of enemies d. them 33. 11. your breath as/ d. you Ezek. 15. 7. another/Ye d. them 23. 37. thro' the fire to d. them Amos 5. ti. lest break out like/ d. it Nah. 3. 13. the/ shall d. thy bars Zech. 11. I. fire may d. thy cedars It shall DEVOUR. Job 18. 13. it s. d. strength of skin Isa. 10. 17. it shall d. his thorns Jer. 5. 14. my words fire, its. d. them 17. 27. and it s. d. the palaces of Jer- usalem Ames 2. 5. Hos.S.H. its. d. palaces, Amos DEVOURED. Gen. 37. 20. some evil beast d. him Lev. 10. 2. fire from Lord d. them Num. 26. 10. fire d. 250 men Deut. 31. 17. hide my face, sh. be d. 32. 24. be d. with burning heat 2 Sam. 18. 8. wood d. more than 22. 9. and fire out of his mouth d. Psal. 18 8. Psal. 79. 7. for they have d. Jacob Isa. 1. 20. be d. with the sword 24. 6. therefore curse d. earth Jer. 2. 30. your sword d. prophets 3. 24. shame hath d. the labour ' 8. 16. and have d. the land 10. 25. eaten up Jacob, d. him 30. 16. devour thee shall be d. 1'4 1 Pet. 5. Rev. 12. DIA Jer. 50. 7. all that found d. them 17. first the king of Assy, hath d. 51. 34. Nebuchadnezzar d. me L r im. 4. II. it hath d. found, thereof Ezek. 15. 5. less when fire hath d. it 16. 20. sacrificed sons to be d. 19. 3. to catch prey, it d, men, & 14. fire hath d. her fruit 22. 25. like a roaring lion, d. souls. 2-3. 25. thy residue be d. by fire 33. *7. I will give to be d. 39. 4. Dan. 7. 7. it d. and brake in pieces, 19. Bos. 7. 7. and have d. their judges 9. strangers have d. his strength Joel 1. 19 fire d. pastures, 20. A mos 4. 9. palmer- worm d. trees 7. 4. and it d. the great deep Nah. 1. 10. shall be d. as stubble Zeph. 1. 18. land be d. by jealousy 3. 8. earth shall be d. with fire Zech. 9. 4. and she shall be d. wi. fire Mat. 13. 4. fowls came d. them, Mark 4. 4. Luke 8. 6. Luke. 15. 30. this thy son d. living Rev. 20. 9. fire came and d. them DEVOURER. Mai. 3. 11. I will rebuke the d. DEVOUREST, ETH. Ezek. 36. 1 3. thou land d. up men 2 Sam. 1 1. 25. sword d. one as well Prov. 19. 28. of wicked d. iniquity ■ 20. 25. a snare to man d. that holy Jsa. 5. 24. as fire d. stubble, Joel 2. 5. Lam. 2. 3. a flaming fire, which d. Etek. 15. 4. fire d. both ends of it Joel 2. 3. a fire d. before them, and Bab. 1. 13. wicked d. more righteous i&p. 11. 5. fire d. their enemies DEVOURING. Ezod. 24. 17. his appearance d. fire /'serf. 52. 4. thou lovest all d. words Jsa. 29. 6. be visit, with d. fire, 30. 30. 30. 27. his tongue as a d. fire 33. 14. who dwell with d. fire? DEVOUT. Luke 2. 25. Simeon was just and d. Acts 2. 5. at Jerusa. Jews d. men 8. 2. d. men car. Stephen to burial 10. 2. Cornelius || 7. d. soldier 13. 50. Jews stirred up d. women 17. 4. of d. Greeks a great multi. 17. Paul disputed with d persons 22. 12. Ananias a d. man DEW. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the A Exod. 16. 13. morning the d. lay Num. 11. 9. when d. fell on camp Deut. 32. 2. my speech distil as d. 33. 13. bles. is Joseph's land for d. 28. his heavens sliall drop d. Judg. 6. 37. if d. on fleece only 39. on ground let there be rf. 2 Sam. 1. 21. be no d. upon you 17. 12. light on him as d. falleth 1 Kin. 17 1. there shall not be d. Job 29. 19. d lay on my branch 38. 28. who hath begot drops of d.? Psal. 1 10. 3. hast d. of thy youth 133. 3. as the d. of Hermon Prov. 3. 20. clouds drop down d. 19. 12. but his favour is as d. Cant. 5. 2. my head is filled with d. Isa. 18. 4. like cloud of d. in harvest 26. 19. thy d. as d. of herbs Dan. 4. 33- body wet with d. Bos. 6. 4. as early d. it goeth, 13. 3. 14. 5. 1 will be as the d. to Israel Mic. 5. 7. Jacob shall be as the d. Bag. 1. 10. heaven stayed from d. Zech. 8. 12. heavens give their d. DIADEM. Job. 29. 1*. my judgment as a d. Jsa. 28. 5. and for a d. of beauty to §2, 3, § royal d. in band of Qoi DIE DIAL. 2 .Km. 20. 11. down in the rf. Isa.38.8. DIAMOND. Ex. 28. 18. second row a rf. 39. 11. Jei: 17. 1. sin is written with a rf. DID. Neh. 2. 16. knew not what I d. Mxt. 12. 3. read what David d. ? 21. 15. saw wond. things that he d. Mark 3. 8. heard great things he d. John 4. 29. told me all ever I d. 39. 9. 26. said, what d. he to thee ? 15. 24. works none other man d. Acts 3. 17. ye d. it as d. rulers 26. 10. which thing I d. in Jerusa. 2 Cor. . 5. d. not as we hoped 1 Pet. 2. 22. who d. no sin, nor DID joined with as. Exod. 7. 6. d. as L. command. 10,20. 1'2. 28, 50. | 39. 32. Lev. 8. 4. 16. 34. | 24 23. Num. 1. 54. 2. 34. | 20. 27. | 27. 22. | 31.31. Judg. 15. 11. as they rf. to me, so I 2 Sam. 3. 36. as what king d. pleased 5. 25. David d. as L. commanded 8 Kin. 17. 41. as rf. fathers, so do they 1 Chr. 14. 1G. David rf. as God com. Mat. 21. 6. d. as Jesus com. 26. 19. 28. 15. so watch d. as taught Luke 9. 54. and con. them owElias d. Acts3. 17. thro' ignor. asd. your rul. 7. 51. as your fathers d. so do ye Heb. 4. 10. ceased, as G. d. from his DID joined, with evil. Gen. 50. 15. he requite us evil we d. Judg. 2. 11. d. e. in sight of L. 3. 7, ' 12. | 4. 1. | 6. 1. | 10. 6. | 1.3. 1. I Kin. 14. 22. | 15. 26, 34. | 16. 7,30. 2 Kin, 8. 27. | 13. 2, 11 | 14. 24. | 15. 9. 8, 24, 28. | 17. 2. | 2 Chr on. 22. 4. 1 Kin. 11. 6. Solomon d. e. 2 Km. 21. 2. Manasseh 2 Chr. 33. 2. 23. 32. Jehoahaz, || 37. Jehoiakim 24. 9. Jehoiachin || 19. Zedekiah 2 Chron. 12. 14. Rehohoam Neh. 9. 28. had rest, they d. e. Isa. 65. 12. d. e. bef. mine eyes, 66. 4. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Alex. d. me much e. DID wo£. 2 Kin. 16. 2. AImz rf. n. right Jer. 11. 8. but they d. them n. Mat. 13. 5S. he rf. ;/,. many works 25. 45. rf. it n. to one of these John 8. 40. this d. n. Abraham 2 Cor. 1. 12. I rf. it n. for his cause Thus DiD. «7fl6 1. 5. thus d. Job continually DIDST. 2 Sam. 12. 12. thou d. it secretly P.trt/. 39. 9. dumb, because rf. it 44. 1. work thou d. in their days Isa. 64. 3. d. territole things DIE. See on Dead and Death. Gen. 6. !7. every thing shall d. 44. 22. his f;tther would d. 46. 30. now let me d. 47. 29. that Israel must d. Exod. 9. 4. nothing d. of Israel's 10. 28. seest my face, shalt d. 11. 5. first-born in Egypt shall d. Num. 14. 35. in wilderness they sh.rf. 16. 29. if these rf. common death 20. 26. and Aaron shall d. there 23. 10. let me d. death of righteous Deut. 25. 5. if one d. and have no children, Mark 12. 19. 31. 14. days approach thou must d. 32. 50. and d. in the mount Judg. 16. 30. let me d. with Phil. 1 Sam. 2. 33- increase of house d. 34, sons in one day shall d. DIE 1 Satn. 14. 45. said shall Jonathan d. 2 Sam. 18. 3. nor if half of us d. 1 Kin. 14. 12. feet enter child sh. d. 2 Kin. 20 1. shalt d. and not live 2 Chr. 25. 4. every man shall d. for his own sin, Jer. 31. 30. Job 2. 9. said, curse God and d. 4. 21. they rf. without wisdom 12. 2. wisdom shall d. with you 14. 8. and the stock thereof d. 14. if man rf. shall he live again? 34. 20. in a moment shall they d. 36. 12. sh. d. without knowledge 14. they d. in youth, their life Psal, 49. 10. seeth that wise men d. 104. 29. away their breath, they rf. Prov. 10. 21. tools d. for want of Eccl. 7. 17. why d. before thy time 9. 5. living know they shall d. Isa, 22. 18. large country, there d. 51. 6. that dwell therein shall rf. 12. afraid of a man that shall d. 65. 20. child shall d. 100 years old Jer. 11. 22. young men shall rf. by sword, sons and dan, by famine 16. 4. shall d. of grievous deaths 6. great and the small shall rf. 28. 16. this year thou shalt d. 34. 5. but thou shalt d. in peace Ezek. 18. 4. soul sinneth sh. d. 20. 28. 8. d. deaths of them slain 33. 8. that wicked man shall d. 27. in caves d. of the pestilence Amos 2. 2. Moab sh. d. with tumult 6. 9. if ten in one house, they sh. d. 7. 17. shalt d. in a polluted land 9. 10. sinners of mv peo. d. by sw. Zech. II. 9. that dieth. let it d. 13. 8. two parts be cut off and d. Mat. 15. 4. curseth father or mother let him d. Mark 7. 10. 22. 24. d. hav. no seed, Luke 20. 28. Luke 20. 36. neither can d. any more John 4. 49. come ere my child d. 11. 50. one rf. for the peo. 18. 14. 51. Jesus sh. d. for that nation 12. 24. except a corn of wheat d. Rom.b. 7. for a right, man will one d. 1 Cor. 15. 22. as in Adam all d. so 36. is not quickened except it d. Heb. 7. 8. that d. receive tithes Rev. 14. 13. blessed that d. in Lord //eDIE. Gen. 38. 11. lest he d. a3 breth. did Num. 35. 16. if ho smite him that he d. 20, 21, 23. Deut. 13. 10. I 19. 5, 11. | 21. 21. Deut. 20. 5. lest he d. in battle Judg. 6. 30. bring son, that he d. 2 Sam. 11. 15. that Uriah may d. 1 Kin. 1. 52. if wick, in him he sh. d. 2. I. David, that he should d. 19. 4. Elijah requested he might d. Psal. 41. 5. when shall he d. and Prov. 5. 23. d. without instruction 15. 10. hateth reproof shall d. 19. 16. despiseth his ways shall d. Jer. 22. 12. d. whither led captive 38. 10. take up Jer. before he d. Ezek. 3. 19. //e shall d, in his iniquity, 18. 18. | 33, 9, 13, 18. 12. 13. not see it, tho' he d. there 17. 16. in Babylon he shall d. John 12. 33. what death hesh. d. 18.32. I DIE. Gen. 26. 9. I said, lest I d. for her 27. 4. may bless thee before Id. 30. 1. give me children or Id. 45. 28. see him before I d. 48. 21. Isr. said to Joseph, Id. 50. 5. lo, / d. || 24. Joseph said, I d. Deut. -122. bub /must d. in this land Judg. 15. 18. shall Id. for thirst Ruth 1. 17. where diest will Id, 115 DIE 1 Sam. 14. 43. and lo, I must d. 2 Sam. 19. 37. / rf. in mine city ! Km. 2. 30 nay, / will d. here Job 27. 5. I sh. justify you till I rf. 29. 18. /shall d. in my nest Prov. 30. 7. deny me not bef. Id. Jer. 37. 20. not return, lest / d. Mat. 26. 35. tho' I sh. d. with thee 1 Cor. 15. 31. / d. daily VMark 14. 31 Not DIE. Gen, 42. 20, words be verified n. d. Deut. 18. 16. see fire, that I d. n. 33. 6. let Reuben live and n. d. Judg. 6. 23. shalt n. d. 1 Sam. 20. 2. 2 Sam. 12. 13. | 19. 23. rf>r.3S. 24. 1 Sam. 12. 19. pray that we d. n. 20. 14. kindness of L. that I d. n. 2 Kin, 18. 32. ye may live and n. rf. 2 Chron. 25. 4. fathers n. d. for chil. Psal. 118. 17. I shall n, d. but live Prov. 23. 13. he shall n. rf Ezek. 18. 17, 21, 28. | 33. 15. John 21. 23. Isa. 51. 14. he sh. n. d. in the pit 66. 24. their worm shall n. d. Jer. 11. 21. d. n. by our hand 34. 4. shalt n. d. by the sword Ezek. 13. 19. to slay souls sh. n. d. Hah. 1. 12. we shall n. d. Lord John. 6. 50. eat thereof and n. rf, 21. 23. that disciple should n. r me to rf. 2 Cor. 7. 3. in our hearts to d. Phil. 1. 21. to live is C. to rf. is gain Heb. 9. 27. appoin. to men once to rf. Rev. 3. 2. that are ready to rf. 9. 6. desire to rf. and death flee We DIE. Gen. 47. 15. why rf. in thy pres. 19. Exod. 14. 12. than we sh. rf. in wild. 20. 19,Jet not God speak lest we d\ Deut. 6. 25 Num. 17. 12. we rf. we all perish 20. 4. that we and cattle rf. there 1 Sam. 12. 19. pray that we rf. not 2 Sain. 14. 14. for we must needs rf. 1 Kin. 17. 12. we may eat it and rf. 2 Kin. 7. 3. why sit here till we d? 4. if kill us, we shall but rf. Isa, 22. 13. for to-mt rrow m?c shall rf. 1 Cor 15. 32 DIE John 11. 16. we may d. wit'u nim Rom. 14. 8. we d. we d. unto the L. Ye DIE. Gen. 3. 3. nor touch it lest^/e d />««£ 82. 7. ?/e shall rf. like men Isa. 22. 14. not be purged till ye d. Jer. 22. 26. there sh. ye d. 42. 16. 27. 13. for why will yed. Ezek.\Q.3\. | 33. 11. 42. 22. ye shall <£. by the sword JohnS. 21. ?/e shall d. in your sins, 24. Rom. 8. 13. if live after flesh ye d. DIED. Gen. 7. 21. all flesh d. 22. 23. 2. Sarah d. || 25. 8. Abraham 25. 17. Ishmael || 35. 8. Deborah 35. 18. Rachel, 48. 7. || 35. 29. Isaac 50. 16. Jacob || 26. Joseph, Ex. I. 6. Exod. 2. 23. the king of Egypt d. 16. 3. would to God we had d. in Egypt, Num. 14.2. | 2(13. | 26.10. Lev. 10. 2. Nadab and Abihu d. 16. 1. Num. 3. 4. | 26. 61. 1 Chr. 24. 2. Num. 14. 37. searchers of land c?. 20. 28. Aaron d. 33. 3S, 39. 16. 49. now they that d. besides 20. 1. Miriam || 21. 6. much people 25. 9 d. in the plague were 24000 26. 11. children of K or ah d. not 27. 3. our father d. in the wilderness but d. in his own sin Deut. 34. 5. Moses d. Josh. 5. 4. all the men of war d. 24. 29. Joshua d. Judg. 2. 8. 1 Sam. 25. 1. Sam. || 37. Nabal's heart 31. 5. Saul and his armour-bearer d. 6. 1 Chron. 10. 5, 13. 2 Sam. 3. 33. d. Abner as a fool 6. 7. there Uz/.ah d. 1 Chr. 13. 10. 11. 17. Uriah the Hittite d. 12. 18. on seventh day child d. 18. 33. I had d. for thee, O Absal. 19. 6. and all we had d. this day 24. 15. d. of people even from Dan 1 Kin. 3. 19. this woman's child d. 14. 17. came to threshold, child d. 2 Kin. 4. 20. sat on her knees, d. 13. 14. Elisha, 20. || 24. Hazael 2 Chr. 24. 22. he d. said, L. look on it Job 3. 11. why d. I not from womb? 42. 17. so Job d. being old Isa 6. 1. in the year U/ziah d. 14. 28. in the year Ahaz d Ezek. 24. 18. at even my wife d. Hus. 13. 1. offended in Baal, he d. Mat. 22. 27. last of all woman d. Mark 12. 22. Luke 20. 32. Luke 16. 22. beggar d. rich man d. John 11. 21. my brot. had not d. 32. 37. even this man sh. not have d. Acts 9. 37. Dorcas was sick and d. Rom. 5. 6. in due time Christ d. 8. 7. 9. sin revived and I d. 8. 34. it is Christ that d. 14. 9. to this end Christ both d. 15. destroy not him with thy meat, for whom C. d. 1 Cor. 8. 11. 1 Cor. 15. 3. how C. d. for our sins 2 Cor. a. 14. if one d. for all, then 15. live to him who d. for them 1 Tlies. 4. 14. if we believe Jesus d. 5. 10. who d. for us, that we sh. live Heb. 10. 28. despised Moses' law d. 11. 13. these all d. in faith, not 22. by faith Joseph when he d. Rev. 8. 9. the third part d. 11. many men d. of waters bitter 16, 3. every living soul d. in sea And he, So he, That he DIED. Gen. 5. 5. a. Adam d. Judg. 4. 21. nail into tem. so he d. 1 Sam. A. 18. Eli's neck brake, a.hed. 14. 45. rescued Jonathan th.hed. not 2 Sam. 11. 21. emote Abim. th. he d. DIG 2 Kin. 1. 17. so Aha/.iah d. accord 8. 15. cloth on his face, to that he d. 2 Chr. 13. 20. L. struck him, a. he d. Luk* 20. 29. and he d. without chil. Acts 7. 15. he d. in Egypt, he and Rom. 6. 10. in th. he d. lied, to sin 2 Cor. 5. 15. th. he d. for all, th. they DIEST. Ruth 1. 17. where thou d. I will die DIET. Jer. 52. 34. for his d. continual d. DIETH. Lei\ 22. 8. what d. of itself, not eat 2 Sam. 3. 33. died Abuer as a fool d. 1 Km. 14. 11. him d. in city dogs eat 16. 4. d. in field fowls eat, 21. 24. Job. 14. 10. man d. wasteth away 21. 23. one d. in his full strength 25. anot. d. in bitterness of soul Psal. 49. 17. when he d. car. nothing Prov. 11. 7. wicked d. his expecta. Eccl. 2. 16. how d. the wise man? 3. 19. as one d. so d. the other Isa. 50. 2. their fi-h d. for thirst 59. 5. that eateth of their eggs d. Ezek. 18. 26. iniquity, d. in them 32. no pleasure in death of him d. Zech. 11. 9. that thatd. let it die Mark .'). 44. worm d. not, 46, 48, Rom. 6. 9. Christ d. no more 14. 7. no man d. to himself DYED. Isa. 63. 1. d. garm. from Bozrah Ezek. 23. 15. in d. attire on heads DYING. Num. 17. 13. be consumed with d. ? Mark 12. 20. first d. left no seed Luke 8. 42. Jarus's daughter lay a d. 2 Cor. 4. 10. in body the d. of Jesus 6. 9. as d. and behold we live Heb. 11. 21. by faith Jacob when d. DIFFER. 1 Cor. 4. 7. who maketh thee to d. DIFFERENCE, S. Ex. II. 7. E. put d. betvv. Eg. and Is. Len. 10. 10. d. betw. holy and unholy Ezek. 22. 26. they have put no d. 44. 23. teach my people the d. Acts 15. 9. no d. betw. us and them Rom. 3. 22, that believe, for no d. 10. 12. no d. betw. Jew and Greek 1 Cor. 12. 5. d. of administrations Jude 22. compassion, making a d. DIFFERETH, ING. Rom. 12. 6. gifts d. accor. to grace i Cor. 15.41. one star d. from another Gal. 4. 1. the heir when a child d. DIG. Job 3. 21. d, for it more than for hid 6. 27. ye d. a pit for your friend 11. 18. thou shalt d. about thee 24. 16. in dark d. thro' houses Ezek. 8. 8. d. now in the wall 12. 5. d. thro' wall in their sight Amos 9. 2. tho' they d. into hell Luke 13. 8. let it alone till I d. about 16. 3. I cannot d. DIGGED. Gen. 49. 6. in self-will d. down wall 50. 5. in my grave I have d. for me Num. 21. 18. the princes d. the well Beat. 6. 11. wells d. di«gest not 2 Kin. 19. 24. I have d. and drunk strange waters, Isa. 37. 25. Psal. 7. 15. a pit and d. it, 57. 6. 35. 7. they d. a pit for my soul 94. 13. till pit he d. for wicked 119. 85. proud d. pits for me Isa. 5. 6. not be pruned nor d. 7. 25. on hills d. with mattock 51. 1. hole of pit whence ye are d. Jer. 18. 20. d. a pit for my soul, 22. Mat. 21. 33. d. a wine-press in it 25. 18. d. and hid lord's money US DIM Luke 6. 48. d. and laid foundation Rom. 11. 3. d. down thine altars DIGciETH. Prov. 16. 27. ungodly d. up evil 26. 27. d. a pit sh. fail, Eccl. 10. 8. DIGNITY, 1ES. Gen. 49. 3. Reuben, excellency of d\ Esth. 6. 3. what d. to Mordecai Eccl. 10. 6. folly is set in great d. Hub. 1. 7. d. proceed of themselves 2 Pet. 2. 10. speak evil of d. Jude 8. DILIGENCE. Prov. 4. 23. keep heart with all d. Luke 12. 58. art in way, give d. Rom. 12. 8. that ruleth, with d. 2 Cor. 8. 7. as ye abound in all d. 2 Tim. 4. 9. do thy d. to come, 21. Heb. 6. 11. ev. one do show same d. 2 Pet. 1. 5. giving all d. add to faith 10. give d. to make calling sure Jude 3. when I give all d. to write DILIGENT. Deut. 19. 18. make d. inquisition Josh. 22. 5. take d. heed to do com. Psal. 64. 6. accomplish a d. search 77. 6. and my spirit made d. search Prov. 10. 4. hand of d. maketh rich 12. 24. hand of d. shall bear rule 27. substance of d. is precious 13. 4. soul of d. shall be made fat 21. 5. thoughts of d. tend to plenty 22. 29. seest a man d. in business ? 27. 23. be d. to know state of flocks 2 Cor. 8. 22. whom we have often proved d. now much more d. 2 Pet.3. 14.be d. ye be found in peace DILIGENTLY. Exod. 15.26. if wilt d. hearken, Deut. 11. 13. | 28. 1. Jer. 17. 24. Di-ut. 4. 9 and keep thy soul d. 6. 7. teach them d. to thy children 17. d. keep commandments, 11. 22. 13. 14. ask d. and if it be truth Ezra 7. 23. d. done for house of G. Job 13. 17. hear d. my speech, 21. 2. Psal. 37. 10. d. consider his place 119. 4. to keep thy precepts d. Prov. 7. 15. d. to seek thy face 11. 27. he that d. seeketh good 23. 1. consider d. what is before Isa. 21. 7. he hearkened d. 55. 2. hearken d. to me, and eat Jer. 2. 10. consider d. see if 12. 16. if d. learn ways of my peop. Zech. 6. 151 if d. obey voice of Lord Mat. 2. 8. search d. for young child 16. d. inquired of the wise men Luke 15. 8. seek d. till she find it Acts 18. 25. taught d. things of Lord 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she followed d. every 2 TimA. \l.\n Rome he sought me d. Heb. 1 1. 6. a rew.of them d. seek him 12. 15. looking d. lest any fail 1 Pet. 1. 10. prophets searched d. DIMINISH, ED, ING. Exod. 5. 8. you shall not d ought Lev. 25. 16. accor. to years, shalt d. Deut. 4 2. nor d. ought, 12. 32. Prov. 13. 11. wealth got. by vanity d. Isa. 21. 17. men of Keder shall be d. Jer. 26. 2. speak I com. d. not a word 29. 6. may be increased, and not d. Ezek. 5. 11. therefore also d. thee 16. 27. I have of. thine ordinary food 29. 15. I will d. them Rom. 11. 12. d. of them the riches of DIM. Gen. 27. 1 Isaac was old, his eyesd 48. 10. the eyes of Israel were d. Deut. 34. 7. Moses' eye was not d. 1 Sam. 3. 2. Eli's eyes wax d. 4. 15. Job 17. 7. mine eye is d. by sorrow Isa. 32. 3. that see, shall not be d. Lam. 4, 1. how is gold become (I DIS tarn. 5. 17. these things our eyes d. DIMNESS. Isa. 8. 22. behold, d. of anguish 9. 1. d. not be such as iu her vexa. DINE, D. Gen. 43. 16. d. with me at noon Luke 1). 37. Pha. besought him to d. John 21. 12. Jesus saith, come and d. 15. had d. Jesus saith to Simon DINNER. Prov. 15. 17. better is a d. of herbs Mat. 22. 4. 1 have prepared my d. Luke 1 1. 38. not washed before d. (14. 12. when thou raakest a d. DIP. Deut. 33. 24. let Asber d. foot in oil Ruth 2. 14. d. morsel in vinegar Luke 16. 24. that he may d. finger DIPPED, ETH. Gen. 37. 31. d. coat in the blood Josh. 3. 15. priest's feet d. in brim 2 Kin. 5. 14. Naaman d. in Jordan Ps. 68. 23. thv foot be d. in blood Mat. 2ft 23. d. with me, Mark 14.20. John 13. 26. to whom I give a sop, when I have d. it, when he d.sou DIPT. Lett. 9. 9. and he d. finger in blood 1 Sam. 14. 27. he d. rod in honey-co. Rev. 19. 13. with vesture d. in blood DIRECT. Gen. 46. 28. sent Judah to d. his face to Goshen Psal. 5. 3. morning d. my prayer Prov. 3. 6. he shall d. thy paths 1 1. 5. right, of the perfect shall d. EcclAO. 10. wisdom is profitable to d. Isa. 45 13. I will d. all his ways 61. 8. d. their work in truth Jer. 10. 23. not in man to d. his steps 1 Thes. 3. 11. J. C. d. our way to you 2 Thes. 3. 5. L. rf. hearts into love DIRECTED, ETH. Job 32. 14. not d. his words ag. me 37. 3. d. it under the whole heaven Ps. 119. 5. my ways weretf. to keep Prov. 16. 9. the Lord d. his steps 21. 29. upright, he d. his wav Tsa. 40. 13. who hath d. the Spirit DIRT. Jude, 3. 22. and the d. came out Psal. 18. 42. 1 cast them out as d. Isa. 57. 20. whose waters cast up d. DISALLOW, ED. 1 Pet. 2. 4. d. indeed of men, but 7. stone builders d. is made head DISANNUL. Job 40. 8. wilt thou d. my judgment ? Isa. 14. 27. L. purposed, who d. it-? Gal. 3. 17. this coven, law cannot d. DISANULLED, ETH, ING. Isa. 28. 18. coven, with death be d. Gat. 3. 15. no man d. or addeth lieb. 7. 18. there is a d. of command. DISAPPOINT, ED, ETH Job 5. 12. he d. devices of the crafty Psal. 17. 13. arise, O Lord, d. him Prov. 15. 22. purposes are d. DISCERN. Gen. 31. 32. d. thou what is thine 2 Sam. 14. 17. so is my Lord to d. 19 35 can I d. between good and evil? 1 Kin. 3. 9. I may d. between good 11. hast asked underst. to d. judg. Ezra 3. 13. could not d. noise of joy Job 4. 16. not d. form thereof 6. 30. taste d. perverse things? Ezek 44. 23. cause d. betw. unclpan Jonah 4. 11. not d. bet. right, ardlefl Mai. 3. 18. d. bet. right and wicked Mat. 16. 3. can d. sky, Luke 12. 56. Ueb. 5. !4. senses exerc. to d. good DISCERNED, ETH. 1 Km. 20. 41. king of Israel d. him DIS Prov. 7. 7. I d. among the youths, a" Each 8. 5. wise d. time and jiulgme. 1 Cor. 2. 14. because spiritually d. DISCERNING 1 Cor. 11. 29. not d. the Lord's body 12. 10. to another, d. of spirits DISCERNER. Heb. 4. 12. is a d. of the thoughts DISCHARGE, D. 1 Kin. 5. 9. and will cause bed. there Eccl. 8. 8. there is no d. in that war DISCIPLE. Mat. 10. 24. d. is not above his mas- ter, Luke 6. 40. 42. give cup of cold water to d. 27. 57. Joseph also was Jesus' d. John 9. 28. art his d. we are Moses' 18. 16. then went out that ot^ier d. 19. 26. d. standing by, Jesus .oved 27. then saith he to that d. behold thy mother 38. being a d. but secretly for fear 20. 2. d. Jesus loved, 21. 7, 20. 4. the other d. did outrun Peter 8. went in also that other d. 21. 23. that that d. should not die 24. this is the d. which testifieth Acts 9. 10. a certain d. at Damascus 26. believed not that he was a d. 36. at Joppa a d. named Tabitha 21. 16. old d. with whom lodge Mi) DISCIPLE. Luke 14. 26. hate life, not be my d. 27. bear cross cannot be my d. 33. forsaketh not all, not b^ my d. DISCIPLES. Mat. 9. 14. then came d. of John 11. 1. end of commanding his d. 14. 26. when d. saw him on sea 17. 6. d. heard it, fell on their face 19. 13. d- rebuked them, MarklO.13. 20. 17. twelve d. apart in way 22. 16. Pharisees sent their d. 26. 26. Jes. took bread, gave to d. 35. likewise also said all the d. 56. d. forsook him and fled Mark. 2. 18. why d. of John and of Pharisees fust, Luke 5. 33. 8. 14. d, forgotten to take tread Litke 19. 37. d. began to rejoice John 3. 25. betw. John's d. and Jews 4. 1. Jes. baptised more if. than John 9. 28. but we are Moses' d. 13. 5. began to wash the d. feet 18. 17. aft one of this man's d. ? 20. 18. told d. she had seen Lord Acts 9. 1. breathing slaughter ag. d. 26. Saul assayed to join the d. 11. 26. d. called christians first in 19. 1. Ephesus, finding certain d. 30. the d. suffered him not 20. 7. d. came to break bread 30. to draw away d. after them Hi* DISCIPLES. Mat. 8. 25 h. d. awoke him 9. 19. Jesus followed, so did h. d. 28. 7. tell h. d. he is risen 13. say ye. h. d. came by night Luke 5. 30. Phiri. murmur, ag. h. d. 6. 20. lifted up his eyes on h. d. 11. 1. to pray, as John taught h. d. John 2. II. h. d. believed on him 4. 2. Jesus baptized not but h, d. 27. came h. d. and marvelled 6. 22. h. d. were gone away alone 9. 27. will ye also be h. d. ? 18. 1. with h. d. over Cedron 2. resorted thither with h. d. 20. 26. again h. d. were within Of his DISCIPLES. Mat. 11. 2. John sent two of his d Mark 11. 1. J 14.13. Lu. 19.29. Mark 7. 2. d. eat wi. unwashen hands John 6. 66. many ofh. d. went back ill DIS Jonn r8. 19. high.p. asked Jes. ofh. d 25. art not thou also one ofh. d. ? 21. 12. none ofh. d durst ask him To his DISCIPLES. Mat. 14. 19. gave loaves to his d. Mark 4. 34. expounded all to his d. Luke 10. 23. he turned to his d. John 21. 14. showed himself to his d. My DISCIPLES. Isa. 8. 16. seal law among my d. Mat. 26. 18. keep passover with ?«?/4 Mark 14. 14. Luke 22. "l I. John 8. 31. my d. indeed, 13. 35. 15. 8. so shall ye be my d. Thy DISCIPLES. Mat. 9. 14. t. d. fast not, Mark 2. 18. 12. 2. t d. do what is not lawful 15. 2. t. d. transgress tradition ? 17. 16. d. they could not cure Mark!. 5. walk not t. d. ace. to tradi. 9. 18. t. d. to cast him out. Z.w.9.49. Luke 19. 39. Master rebuke t. d. Jolm 7. 3. t. d see works thou dost DISCIPLINE. Job 36. 10. openeth their ears to d. DISCLOSE. Isa. 26. 21. earth shall d. her blood DISCOMFITED. Josh. 10. 10. L. d. them bef. Israel Judg. 4. 15. the Lord d. Sisera 8. 12. Gideon d. all the host 1 Sam. 7. 10. thundered on Phil. d. 2 Sam. 22. 15. and d, them. Ps. 18. 14 Isa. 31. 8. his young men shall be d. DISCOMFITURE. lSatn. 14.20. there was a very great d, DISCONTENTED. 1 Sa?n. 22. 2. d. gathered to David DISCONTINUE. Jer. 17. 4. d. from thine heritage DISCORD. Prov. 6. 14. he soweth d. 19. soweth d. among brethren DISCOVER. 1 Sam. 14 8. d. ourselves to them Job 41. 13. d. face of his garment? Prov. 18. 2. his heart may d. itself 25. 9 d. not a secret to another Isa. 3. 17. L. willrf. their secret parts Jer. 13. 26. d. thy skirts, Nah. 3. 5. Lam. 4. 22. he will d. thy sins Ezek. 16. 37. I will d. thy nakedness Has. 2. 10. will I d. her lewdness Mic. 1. 6. T il d. the fo dations DISCOVERED. 1 Satn. 14. 11. d. thems. to garrison 22. 6. Saul heard David was d. 2 Sa?n. 22. 16. the foundations of the world were d Psa'. 18. 15. Isa. 22. 8. he d. covering of Judah 57. 8. hast d. thyself to another Jer. 13. 22. foriniq. are thy skirts d. Lam. 2. 14. not d. thine iniquity Ezek. 13. 14. foundation shall be d. 16. 36. nakedness d. thro' whored. 57. before thy wickedness was d. 21. 24 in that your transcr. are d. 22. 10. d. their father's nakedness 23. 10. these d. her nakedness Hos. 7. 1. iniqnitv of Ephr. was d. DISCOVERETH, ING. Job 12. 22. he d. deep things out of Psal. 29. 9. voice of L. d. forests Hab. 3. 13. by d. foundation to neck DISCOURAGE, D. Siitn. 21. 4. soul of people was d. 32. 7. why d. heart of people P 9. d. heart of childrenof Israel Deut. 1. 21. fear not, nor be d. 28. brethren have d. our heart Isa. 42. 4, he sh. not fail nor be d. Col. 3. 21. children, lest they be d. DISCREET Gen. 41. 39. none so rf. and wise tS DIS Til. 2. 5. teach young women to be d. DISCREETLY. Mark 12. 34. Jesus saw he answ. d. DISCRETION. Psal. 112. 5. guide affairs with d. Prov. 1. 4. to the young man d. 2. 11. d. shall preserve thee 3. 21. keep wisdom and d. 5. 2. thou may est regard d. 11. 22. a fair woman without d. 19. II. d. deferreth his anger Isa. 28. 26. his God instruct him to d. Jer. 10. 12. stretched heavens by d. DISDAINED. 1 Sam. 17. 42. Goliath d. David Job 30. 1. fathers I would have d. to DISEASE. 2 Kin. 1. 2. if I sh. recover of this d. 8. R shall I recover of this d. ? 9. 2 Chron. 16. 12. yet in his d. he sought not to the Lord 21. 15. shalt have d. of thy bowels 18. L. smote him with incur, d. Job 30. 18. by d. garment changed Ps. 38. 7. filled with loathsome d 41. 8 an evil d. say they, cleaveth Eccl. 6. 2. this is vanity, an evil d. Mat. 4. 2.1. healing d. 9. 35. | 10. 1. Johnb. 4. made whole of whatev. d. DISEASES. Exod. 1.5. 26. none of these d. on you Deut. 28. 60. bring on thee d. of Eg. 2 Chron. 21. 19. he died of sore d. 24. 25. they left him in great d. Psal. 103. 3. who healeth all thy d. Mat. 4. 24. all sick were taken with divers d. Mar. 1. 34. Luk. 4. 40. Luke 9. 1. gave power to cure d. Acts 19. 12. d. departed from them 28. 9. had d. in island, came DISEASED. 1 Kin. 15. 23. Asa was d. in his feet Ezek. 34. 4. d. not strengthened 21. because ye have pushed d. Mat. 9. 20. woman d. with issue Ik 35. brought all d. Mark 1. 32. John 6. 2. miracles he did on d. DISFIGURE. Mat. 6. 16. hvpocrites d. faces DISGRACE. Jer. 14. 21. do not d. the throne DISGUISE, ED, ETH. 1 Sam. 28. 8. and Saul d. himself 1 Kin. 14. 2. Jerob. said, d. thyself 20. 38. one of prophets d. himself 22. 30. the king'of Israel said, I will d. myself, 2 Chron. 18. 29. 2 Chron. 35. 22. Josiah d. to fight Job 24. 15. adulterer d. his face DISH, ES. Judg: 5. 25. butter in a lordly d. 2 Km. 21. 13. as a man wipeth a d. Mat. 26. 23. dip. in of. Mark 14. 20. Dishonest, see Gain. DISHONESTY. 2 Cor. 4. 2. renounced things of d. DISHONOUR. Ezra 4. 14. not meet to see king's d. Psal. 35. 26. clothed with d. 71. 13. 69. 19. thou hast known my d. Prov. 6. 33. and d. shall he get Rom. 9. 21. another vessel to d. 1 Cor. 15. 43. sown in d. raised in 2 Cor. 6. 8. by honour and d. 2 Tim. 2. 20. are vessels, some to d. DISHONOUR, EST, ETH. Mic. 7. 6. the son d. the father John 8. 49. Father, and ye d. me Rom. 1. 24. to d. their own bodies 2. 23. thro* breaking law, d. God \ Cor. 11. 4. man d. nead||5. woman DISINHERIT. Num. 14. 12. I will d. them, and make of thee a greater nation DISMAYED. Deut. 31. 8. nor be d. Josh. 1. 9. | 8. 1. f 10. 25. 1 Chron, 22. 13. | 28. 20. 2 Chron. 20. 15, 17. | 32. 7. 1 Sam. 17. 11. they were d. 2 Kin. 19. 26. Isa. 37. 27. Isa. 21. 3. I was d. at seeing of it 41. 10. be not d. Jer. 1. 17. | 10. 2. | 23. 4. | 30. 10. | 46. 27. Ez*k. 2. 6. | 3. 9. 23. that we may be d. Jer. 8. 9. the wise men a?„ d. 10. 2. 17. 18. let them be d. let not Hie 46. 5. have I seen them d, and 48. 1. Misgabis d. || 49. 37. Elamberf. 50. 36. mighty of Babylon be d. Obad. 9. thy mighty men shall be d. DISMAYING. Jer. 48. 39. Moali shall be a d. DISMISSED. Acts 15. 30. d. they came to Antioch 19. 41. spoken, he d. assembly DISOBEDIENCE. Rom. 5. 19. by one man's d. many 2 Cor. 10. 6. readiness to reveuge d. Eph. 2. 2. worketh in children of d. 5. 6. wrath on chil. of of. Col. 3. 6. Heb. 2. 2. ev. d. received just recom. DISOBEDIENT. I Kin. 13. 26. man of God who was d. Neh. 9. 26. they were d. rebelled Luke 1. 17. turn d. to wisd. of just Acts 26. 19. not d. to heavenly vision Rom. 1. 30. d. to parents, 2 Tim. 3. 2. 10. 21. forth my hands to d. people 1 Tim. I. 9. law was made for d. Tit. 1. 16. deny him, being d. 3. 3 we also were sometimes d. I Pet. 2. 7. to them d. the stone 8. stumble at word, being d. 3. 20. which sometime were d. DISOBEYED. 1 Kin. 13. 21. as hast d. mouth of L. DISORDERLY. 2 Thes. 3. 6. withdraw fr. brother d. 7. we behaved not ourselves d. 11. some walk among you d, DISPATCH. Ezek. 23. 47- d, them with swords DISPENSATION. 1 Cor. 9. 17. a d. of gospel is com. Eph. 1. 10. d. of fulness of times 3. 2. heard of d. of grace of God Col. 1. 25. minister ace. to d. of God DISPERSE, ED. 2 Chron. 11. 23. Rehob. d. of children Esth. 3. 8. certain people d. among Psal. 112 9. he hath d. 2 Cor. 9. 9. Prov. 5. 16. let thy fountains bed. 15. 7. lips of wise d. knowledge Isa, 11. 12. gather d. of Judah Ezek. 12. 15. d. them in the countries, 20. 23. | 29. 12. | 30. 23, 26. 22. 15. d. thee in the countries 36. 19. were d. thro' countries Zeph. 3. 10. dau. of my d. sh. bring John 7. 35. will he go to the d. Acts 5. 37. as obeyed him, were d. DISPERSIONS. Jer. 25. 34. davs of d. accomplished DISPLAYED. Psal. 60. 4. hast given a banner that it may be d. DISPLEASE. Num. 22. 34. if it d. thee, I will get 1 Sam. 29. 7. thou d. not the lords 2 Sam. 11. 25. to Joab, let not this d. Prov. 24. 18. lest L. see it, it d. him DISPLEASED. Gen. 48. 17. right hand on Eph. it d. Num. 11. 1. complained, it d. Lord 10. Mose« a : ao was d. 1 Sam. 6. & but the thing d. Samuel 18. 8. saying d. Saul, and he .-aid lib DtS 2 Sam. 11. 27. thing Dav. had done, <£ 1 Kin. 1. 6. father had not d. him 20. 43. went to his house d. 21. 4. 1 Chr. 21. 7. God was d. with this Ps. 60. 1. thou hast been d. O turn Isa. 59. 15. it d. him was no judgnu Dun. 6. 14. king of. with himself Jonah 4. 1. but it f£ Jonah exceed. Hab. 3. 8. was L. of. against rivers Zech. 1. 2. L. been d, with fathers 15. sore d. with heathen at ease ;. for I was but a little rf, Mo£. 21. 15. scribes saw, were d. Mark 10. 14. Jesus saw it, was d. 41. d. with James and John Acts 12. 20. Herod highly d. with DISPLEASURE. Deut. 9. 19. I was afraid of hot d. Judg. 15. 3. tho' I do them a d. Psal, 2. 5. vex them in his sore y line 51. 15. I am the L that d. the sea 119 DIV Lam. 4. 16. anger of Lord d. them Ezek. 37. 22. nor be d. into two kingf Dan. 2. 41. kingdom shall be d. 5. 28. kingdom d. given to Medes 1 1. 4. kingdom d. toward four winds Hos. 10. 2. their heart is d. Amos 7. 17. thy land sh. be d. by lirt Mic. 2. 4. he hath d. our fields Zech. 14. 1. thy spoil be d. in midst Mat. 12. 25. kingdom or house d. not stand, Mark 3. 24. Luke II. 17. Luke 12. 52. be five in one house d. 53. father be d. against the son 15. 12. d. unto them his living Acts 14. 4. multitude was d. 23. 7. 1 Cor. I. 13. is Christ d. ? was Paul Rev. 16. 19. city was d. into three DIVIDER. Luke)2. 14.who made me rf.over you D1VIDETH. Job 26. 12. d. sea wirh his power Psal. 29. 7. voice of Lord d. flames Jer. 31. 35. d. sea when waves roai Mat. 25. 32. d. his sheep from goats Luke 11. 22. and d. his spoils DIVIDING. Isa. 63. 12. d. water before them Dan. 7. 25. and a d. of time 1 Cor. 12. 11. d. to every man sever. 2 7V>/j. 2 15. rightly d. the word of //tf6. 4. 12. to d. asunder of joiats DIVINATION.S. Num. 22. 7. rewards of d. in hand 23. 2?. nor any d. against Israel Deut. 18. 10. useth d. 2 Kin. 17. 17. Jer. 14. 14. they prophesy d. Ezek. 12. 24. nor flattering d. in Isr. 13. 7. not spoken a lying d. 23. see no more divine d. 21. 21. the king of Babylon stood to use d. Acts 16. 16. possessed with spirit ot d. DIVINE. Gen. 44. 15. such a man as I can d. t 1 Sam. 28. 8. d. to me by familiar spi. Ezek. 13. 9. on prophets that d. lies 21. 29. whiles they d. a lie Mic. 3. 6. dark, that ye shall not d. 11. prophets d. for money DIVINE. [king Prov. 16. 10. d. sentence in lips ol Heb. 9 1. ordinances of d. service 2 Pet. 1. 3. as his d. power hath gir 4. be partakers of d. nature DIVINER, ERS. Deut. 18. 14. nations hearkened torf. 1 Sam. 6. 2. Philistines called for d. Isa. 44. 25. that maketh d. mad Jer. 27. 9. hearken not to your d. '29. 8. let not your d. deceive yon Mic. 3. 7. and the d. confounded Zech. 10. 2. the d. have seen a lie DIV IN ETH, ING. Gen. 44. 5. this it whereby he d. f Ezek. 22. 28. and d. lies to them DIVISION, S. Ex. 8. 23. put a d. between my p Judg. 5. 15. for d. of Reuben, gr thoughts of heart, Luke 12. 51. nay, but rather d. John 7. 43. there was a d. among tne people, 9. 16. | 10. 19. Rom. 16. 17. mark them who cause d. 1 Cor. 1. 10. be not d. among you 3. 3. whereas there is among you d. 11. 18. 1 hear there be d. among you DIVORCE, ED. Jer. 3. 8. I had given her a bill of d. Mat. 5. 32. whoso shall marry her d. DIVORCEMENT. Deut. 24. I. write her bill of d. & Isa. 50. I. bill of your mother's d. ? Mar. 10. 4. Moses suffered bill of d. See Writ in a. DO DO. Gtm. 18. 25. Judge of all d. right ? 31. IS. what God hath said d. 41. 25. shewed what he is to d. 29. Er 4. 15. teach you what ye shall d. 19. 8. all L. hath spoken we will d. Lev. 18.5. if manrf. he sh. live inthem, Neh. 9. 29. Ezek. 20. 11, 13, 21. Num. 22. 20. word I say shalt d. 24. 14. what this pen. rf.to thy peo. Deut. 7. 11. command, to d. them 19. 19. d. to him as he thought to 27. 26. words of law, to d. them 39. 12. may hear it and d. it? 13. Tn-k. 7. 9. what d. to thy great name? 22. 24. what have ye to d. with L. 23. 6. to d. all written in the law, 1 Chr. 16. 40. 2 Chr. 34. 21. Judg. 7. 17. a-s 1 d. so shall ye d. 8. 3. to d. in comparison of you ? 10. 15. d. to us what seemeth good 18. 18. said the priest, what d. ye ? 1 Sam. 16. 3. shew thee whatrf. 22. 3. what God will d. for me 26. 25. thou shalt d. great things 2 Sam. 3. 18. now then d. it 15. 26. d. to me as seemeth good 1 Kin. 2. 6. d. accord, to thy wisdom 8. 32. d. and judge thy servants 39. forgive, and d. 2 Chr. 6. 23. 11. 33. to d. right, 38 | 14. 8. 2 Kin. 9. 18. to d. with peace ? 19. 17. 34. d. after former manners 20. 9. L. will d. as he hath spoken 1 Chr. 17. 2. said, d. all in thine heart 23. and d. as thou ha?t said 21. 8. d. avvav iniquity of thy serv. 2 Chr. 19. 6. take heed what ye d. 20. 12. nor know we what to d. 25. 8. if thou wilt go, d. it Ezra 4. 2. we seek God a9 ye d. 7. 10. to seek law and to d. it Neh. 2. 12 put in my heart to d. 9. 24. d. with them as they would .7(9.6 7. 20, d. to thee ? O Preserver 11. 8. high as heaven, what d.f 13. 20. d. not two things to me Psal. 40. 8. I delight to d. thy will 50. 16. to d. to declare my statutes ? 109. 21. but d, thou for me 119. 132. to d. to those love thy name 143. 10. teach me to d. thy will Prov. 3. 27. in power of hand to d. it Eccl. 9. 10. d. it with thy might Isa. 10. 3. what d. in day of visita.? 45. 7. I the Lord d. all these things Jer. 5. 31. what d. in end thereof? 11. 4. obey my voice, and d. them 14. 7. d. it for thy name's sake 39. 12. d. to him as he shall say 42. 3. may shew thing we may d. 50. 15. she hath done, d. to her, 29. Lam. 1. 22. d. to them as done to me Ezek. 8. 6. seest thou what they d. ? 24. 22. ye shall d. as I have done 36. 37. be inquired of, to d. it for Dan. 9. 19. O Lord, hearken and d. 11. 3. d. accord, to his will, 16, 36. Hos. 10. 3. what sh. a king d. to us ? Amos 3. 7. L. d. nothing, but reveal. Jonah 4. 9. I d. well to be angry Mic. 6. 8. but to d. justly Zech. 1. 21. what come these to do ? 8. 16. these are things ye shall d. Mat. 5. 19 whoso shall d. and teach 47. what d. ye more than others ? 8. 29. what have we to d. with thee ? Mar. 1. 24. Luke 4. 34. 12. 50. whosoever shall d. the will of my Father, Mar. 3. 35. 20. 15. d what I will with own 32. what will ye I rf. Mark 10. 3P 21. 27. authority 1 d. these things, Mar. 11. 33. Luke 20. 3. DO J Mat. 23. 5. works they d. to be seen 27. 19. to d. with that just man Mar. 7. 8. many such like ye d. 13. Luke 4. 23. d. also in thy country 6. 2. why d. that not lawful 11. what they aright d. to Jesns 31. as ye would that men should d. 8. 21. hear word of God and d. it 16. 4. I am resolved what to d. 17. 10. done what was duty to d. 23. 34. they know not what they d. John 2. 5. whatsoever he saith d. it 4. 34. my meat is to d. will of him 5. 30. I can of myself d. nothing 6. 6. he knew what he would d. 28. what shall we d.f Acts 2. 37 7. 17. if any man will d. his will 8. 29. 1 d. those things please him 9. 33. of God, he could d. nothing 11. 47. Pharisees said, what d. we ? 13. 7. what I d. knowest not now 15. ye sh. d. as 1 have done to you 17. happy are ye if ye d. them 14. 12. works I d. shall he d. also 14. ask in my name, I will d. it 15. 14. if ye d. what I command you 21. will they d. unto you, 16. 3. 17. 4. work thou gavest me to d. 21. 21. what shall this man d. ? Acts 1. 1. of all Jesus began to d. 4. 28. to d. whatsoever thy counsel 9. 6. what wilt thou have mo- to d. ? 10. 6. what thou oughtest to d. 14. 15. why d. ye these things ? Rom. 1. 32. not only d. the same 2. 14. d. by nature things in the I aw 7. 15. for what 1 d. I allow not, but what I hate, that d. I 1 Cor. 7. 36. let him d, what he will 10. 31. ye d. d. all to glory of God 2 Cor. 8. 10. not only to d. but also Gal. 3. 10. written in law to d. them 5. 21. d. such shall not inherit Eph. 6. 21. ye may know and how I d. Phil 2. 13. G d worketh both to d. 4. 9. heard and seen in me, d. Col. 3. 17. whatsoever ye d. in word or deed, d. all in name of L. J. 23. whatsoever ye d. d. it heartily 1 Thes. 4. 10. ye d. it towards breth. 5. 11. edify, even as also ye d. 24. faithful who also will d. it 2 Thes. 3. 4. ye both d. and will d. Philem. 21. wilt d. more than 1 say Heb. 4. 13. with whom we have to d. 10. 7. lo, 1 come to d. thy will, 9. 13. 6. not fear what man shall d. 21. make you perfect to d. his will 2 Pet. 1. 10. if ye d. these, never fall 1 John 3. 22. and d. those things Rev. 2. 5. and d. the first works Can or canst DO. Job 22. 17. what c. Almighty d. for 42. 2. thou canst d. every thing Psal. 11.3. what can the righteous d.? 56. 4, not fear what flesh can d. 11. 118. 6. not fear what man can d. Mar. 9. 22. if canst d. any thing Luke 12. 4. have no more they can d. John 5. 19. the Son c. d. nothing, 30. 15. 5. without me ye can d. nothing Phil. 4. 13. I can d. all thro' Christ See Do Commandments. DO with evil. Ex. 23. 2. not follow a mult, to d. e. Lev. 5. 4. if a soul swear to d. e. or Deut. 31. 29. because ye will d. evil 2 Sam. 12. 9. despised Lord to d. e. 2 Kin. 8. 12. 1 know e. thou wilt d. 17. 17. sold themselves to d. evil 'ih 9. Manas, seduced to d. more e. Psal. 34. 16. face against them d. e, 37. 8. fret not thyself to d. evil JF.'on. 2.14. who rejoice te & evil 120 DO Proi: 24. 8. he that deviseth to d. «. Eccl. 5. 1. consider not they d. eil 8. 11. fully set in them to d. evil 12. tho' a sinner d. evil 100 times Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, cease to d. evil 41. 23. d. good or evil that we Jer. 4. 22. my people are wise to d. e. 10. 5. for they cannot d. evil 13. 23. may ye accustomed to d. e. 18. 10. if it d evil in my sight Ezek. 6. 10. that 1 would d. this evil Mic. 7. 3. may d. e. with both hands Zeph. 1. 12. nor will he d. evil Mar. 3. 4. or to d. evil? Luke 6. 9. Rnm 3. 8 d. evil that good come 13. 4. but if thou d. evil be afraid 2 Cor. 13. 7. I pray that ye d. no e. 1 Pet. 3. 12. face is ag. them that d. e. DO joined with good. Gen.27.4d. what g. shal 1 my life d. me Num. 24. 13. to d. g. or bad of my own Deut. 8. 16. to d. thee g. at latter end 23. 63. as L. rejoiced to d. you g. 30 5. and he will d. thee good Judg. 17. 13. know I L. will d. me g. 1 Sam. 1. 23. d. what seemeth thee good, 14. 36, 40. 2 Sam. 19. 27, 37. 3. 18. let the Lord d. what seemeth him good, 2 Sam. 10. 12. 2 Kin. 10. 5. d. that** in thine eyes I Chr. 19. 13. L. d. what is g. insight Neh. 5. 9. it is not good that ve d. Psal. 34. 14, d. good, 37. 3, 27. | 51. 18. j 125. 4. Mat. 5. 44. Lu. 6. 9, 35. 36. 3. he hath left oft to d. good Prov. 31. 12. she will d. him good Eccl. 3. 12. but for a man to a. good Isa. 41. 23. yea, d. go d, or d. evil Jer. 4. 22. to d. g. no knowledge 10. 5. neither is it in them to d. g. 13. 23. then may ye d. g. that are 26. 14. d. with me as seemeth good 29. 32. nor behold the g. 1 will d. 32. 40. not turn away to d. them g. 41. I will rejoice over them to d. g. 33. 9. hear all the g. I d. to them Mic. 2. 7. my words d. g. to upright Zeph. 1. 12. the Lord will not d.g. Mar. 3. 4. is it lawful to d. good on the sabbath days ? Luke 6. 9. 14. 7. poor, ye may d. them good Luke 6. 33. if ye d. g. to them that d. good to you Rom. 7. 19. g. that I would, I d. not 21. when 1 would d. g. evil is pre. 13. 3. d. g. thou shalt have praise Gal. 6. 10. let us d. g. unto all men 1 Tim. 6. IS. rich, that they d. good Heb. 13. 16. to d. g. and communicate Jam. 4. 17. knoweth to d. g. and doth 1 Pet. 3. 11. eschew evil, and d. good What have I to DO. 2 Sam. 16. 10. w. h. I to d. with von ? 19. 22 I Kin. 17. 18. w. h. J to d. with thee ? 2 Kin. 3. 13. 2 Chr. 35. 21. Mar. 5. 7. Luke 8. 28. John 2. 4. Hos. 14. 8. w. d. any more with idols ? 1 Cor. 5 12. ml d. to judge them I shall, or I iciil DO ; or will I, shall I DO. Gen. 27. 37. «j. s. I d. now to thee Num. 22. 17. Iw. d. what sayest to 33.56.7*. d. to you, as I thought to d. 1 Sam. 3. 11. 7 w. d. a thing in Israel 20. 4. thy soul desireth, Iw. d. it 28. 15. make known what / shall d. 2 Sam. 18. 4. seemeth best I uill d. 19.38. Job 31. 14. what d, when G. riseth up 34. 32. iniquity, I ivill d. no more Prov. 24. 29. I trill d. so to him Isa. 5k 5. I will tell what I trill d. to my vineyard DO Isa. 43. 19. I icill d, a new thing- 46. 10. I will d. all my pleasure ll. I have purposed, Iw. also a", it 48. II. for own sake will I d. it Jer. 29. 32. good / w. d. for ray peo. Ezek. 5. 9. I trill d. in thee what J 7. 27. d. to them after their way 22. 14. I have spoken, and will d. it 24. J 4. | 36. 36. Hos 6. 4. what shall I d. to thee ? /J wo* 4 12. thus wz'/Z / d. to thee >/«£. 19. 16. what good thinsr s. Id. 27. 22. what shall I d. with" Jesus ? Luke 16. 3. what shall Id.? 20. 13. Acts 22. 10. lohn 14. 13. shall ask, that w. I d. 14. ask in my name, / will d it 2 Cor. 11. 12. what I do, I will d. See Judgment. Must DO. Kvm.23. 26. L. speaketh, that I m. d. Acts 16. 30. what m I a", to he saved ? DO, joined with no or ?zo£. Exod. 20. 10. in it thou shalt not d. any work, Z.w. 23. 31. 23. 24. not d. after their works Let: 16. 29. d. no work, 23. 3, 28. Deut. 15. 19. Jer. 17. 24. 18. 3. after their doings, not d. Nu?n. 23.19. said, and shall he n. d. it? Dent. 12. 8. ». a", after all we do here 1 Kin. 11. 12 n. d. it for Dav. sake 2 Kin. 7. 9. said, we d. not well 17. 15. should no£ a", like them 18. 12. not hear nor d. them £«-ra 7. i>6. whoso will not d. law Job 13. 20. only a", not two things 34. 12. God will ?wt d. wickedly 41. 8. remember battle, d. no more 1'sal. 119. 3. they also d. no iniquity Jer. 18. 6. cannot I d. with you as this potter ? Ezek. 5. 9. not d. any more the like 33. 31. hear, hut not d. thy words Mat. 5. 46. d. n. publicans the same ? 6. 1. d. tint your alms before men 12. 2. do that not lawful to d. 20. 13. I d. thee no wrong 23. 3. they say and d. not Mark 6. 5. d. no mighty work Lake 6. 46. d. not the things I say John 6. 38. not to d. mine own will 10. 37. if I d. not works of my Fa. Rom. 7. 15. would, thatrf. I not, 19. 8. 3. what the law could not d. Gal. 5. 17. ye cannot d. the things Rev. 19. 10. see thou d. it not, 22. 9. Observe with DO. Deut. 5. 32. ob. to d. 8. 1. I 11. 32. | 12. 1. | 24. 8. | 2 Kin. 17. 37. 6. 3. o. to d. it, 12. 32. | 28. 13, 15, 58. | 31. 12, | 32. 4'^. 25. if we n. to d. these command. 15. 5. to o. to a", all these command. Josh. 1. 7. mayest o. to a*, all the law Ezek. 37. 24. shall o. and a", them Mat. 23. 3. bid v<>u, that o. and rf. W»'H we DO, we wi'M DO. Ex. 19. 8. all L. said, wew. d. 24. 3,7. Deut. 5. 27. we wtZJ hear it, and d. it Josh. I. 16. commandest us, we w. d. 2 Km. 10. 5. a\ all thou shalt bid us Jer. 42. 20. so declare, and we w. d. it 4k 17. we to. certainly d. whatever Shall ice DO, we shall DO. Judg. 13. 8. what we sh. d. to child 2 Sam. 16. 20. counsel what we sh. d. 17. 6. sh. ice d. after his saying ? 2 Km. 6. 15. alasn, how shall we d.f Esth. 1. 15. what*/?.. w contrary to s.d. DOI 2 Tim. 4. 3. will not endure s. d. Tit. 1. 9. by sound d. to exhort 2 1. speak tilings become sound d. This DOCTRINE. 2 John 10. any, and bring not this d. Rev. 2. 24. as have not this d. DOCTRINES. Mat.15.9. for d. com. of men, Mar. 7. 7. CoZ. 2. 22. after com. and d. of men 1 77?«. 4. 1. giving heed to d. of devils Heb. 13.9. not carried with strange d. DOG. Ex. 11. 7. ag. Israel no„ a d. move Deut 23. 18. price of a d. into house Judg. 7. 5. lappeth, as a d. lappeth 1 Sam. 17. 43. amlarf?2 Kin. 8. 13. 24 14. pursue ? after a d? 2 Sow. 3. 8. am I a dog's head ? 9. 8. upon such a dead d. as I am 16. 9. this dead d. curse my lord ? Ps. 22. 20. darling from power of d. 59. 6. make a noise like a d. 14. Prov. 26. 11. as a d. returneth to his vomit, 2 Pet. 2. 22. 17. taketh a d. by the ears Eccl. 9. 4. a living d. is better than Isa. 66. 3. as if he cut off dog's neck DOGS. Ex. 22. 31. flesh torn, cast it to the d. Mat. 15.26. Mar. 7. 27. 1 Kin. 14. 11. d. eat, 16. 4- | 21. 24. 21. 19. in the place where d. licked the blood of Naboth 23. d. sh. eat Jez. 2 Kin. 9. 10, 36. 22. 38. d. licked up his blood Job 30. 1. disdained to set with d. Psal. 22. 16. d. have compassed me 68. 23. and the tongue of thy d. Isa. 56. 10. dumb d. \\ II. greedy d. Jer. 15. 3. and the d, to tear Mat. 7. 6. which is holy unto d. 15. 27. d. eat of crumbs, Mar. 7. 28. Luke 16. 21. the d. licked his sores Phil. 3. 2. beware af d. Rev. 22. 15. for without are d. DOING. Exod. 15. 11. d. wonders 1 Kin. 22. 43. d. right, 2 Chr. 20. 32. 1 Chron. 22. 16. arise and be d. Job 32. 22. insorf. my Maker would Psal. 64. 9. wisely consider of his d. 66. 5. he is terrible in his d. 118. 23. this is the Lord's d. it is marvellous, Mat.2\. 42. 3/«r. 12. 11. Isa. 50. 2. keep hand from d. evil J/a£ 24. 46. find so d. Luke 12. 43. ^4c<« 10. 38. went about d. good 24. 20. found any evil d. in me Rom. 12. 20. in so d. shalt heap coals 2 Cor. 8. 11. perform the d. of it JEjoA. 6. 6. rf. the will of God 1 Tim. 4. 16. in d. this, save thyself WWJ-DOING. Rom. 2. 7. continuance in vell-d. Gal. 6. 9. weary in to.-d. 2 77iil 12. 24. hew great things he hath d. 20. 32. be slain, what hath he d. 'e 1 Chron. 16. 12. remember his works he hath d.Ps. 78. 4. | 98. 1. | 105. 5. Ps. 66. 16. will declare what he h. d, 115. 3. he hath d. what he pleased Prov. 24. 29. to him as he h. d. to me Isa. 12. 5. he hath l. 9. if laid wait at neighb. d. 34. that 1 went not out of the d.? Psal. 141. 3. keep the d. of my lips Pruv. 26. 14. as d. turneth on hinges Cant. 5 4. put in hand by hole of d. 8. 9. if she be a d we will inclose hei Ezek. 8. 8. digged in wall, behold a d 10. 19. stond at d. of the east-gate 11. 1. at d. of the gate 25 men 41 2. breadth of d. ten cubits 46. 3. people shall worship at the d. Hos. 2. 15. valley of Achor d. of hope Amos 9. 1. smite the lintel of the d. Mat. 27. 60. he rolled great stone to d. of sepulchre, Mark 15. 46. 28. 2. angel rolled stone from the d. Mark 1. 33. city was gathered at d. 2. 2. no room, no not about the d. 16. 3. who roll us stone from d. ? John 10. 1. that entereth not by thed. 2. that entereth in by the d. 7. 1 am the d. 9. 18. 16. but Peter stood at the d. Acts 5. 9. feet at d. to carrvthee out 12. 13. as Peter knocked at the d. 14. 27. opened d. of faith to Gent. 1 Cor. 16. 9. a great d. and effectual 2 Cor. 2. 12. a a. was opened to me Col. 4. 3. open a d. of utterance Jam. 5. 9. judge standeth before d. Rev. 3. 8. set before thee an open d. 20. 1 stand at d. if any man open 4. 1. a d. was open in heaven DOOR with house. Ge?i.19. 1 1. smote them that were at d. 43. 19. they communed at d. of h. Exod. 12.22. none of you go out at d. Judg. 19. 26. fell down at d. 27. 2 Sam 11. 9. Uriah slept at d. of H. 2 Kin, 5. 9. Naaman stood at d. of h. Neh.3,21. Meremoth repaired from d. Prov. 5. 8. come not nigh rf.of her A. 9. 14. for she sitteth at d. of her h, Ezek. 8. 14. to d. of Lord's h. 47. 1. DOOR with shut. Gen. 19. 6. Lot *. d. || 10. angelb *. d. 2 Kin. 4. 4. shn\t shut d. upon thee 6. 32. *. d. and hold him fast at d. Mat. 6. 6. hast shut thy d. pray 25. 10. d. was*. \\Ln. 11.7.rf.isnowj. Luke 13. 25. master hath *. to the d. Rev. 3. 8. set an open d. no man can *-. DOOR with tabernacle. Exod. 29. 4. bring to d. of t. 40. 12. Lev. 4.4. | 8.3,4. | l2.6.Nwm.G.\Q. 11. by d. of t. 32. I 40. 29. Lev. 1. 5. Num. 27. 2. 42. at rf. of f. 33. 9, 10. | 38. >*\ \ 40. 28. Iffl. 1. 3. | 3. 2. | 4. 7, 18. 40. 6. before d. oft. Num. 25. 6. Lev. 8. 31. at d. of t. 35. | 14. 11. | 16. 7. | 17.6.Num.6.18. | 10.3. Jo*A. 19.51. 33. ye shall not go out of d. of t. 10. 7. ye shall not go out from d.of A 14. 23. unto d. oft. 15. 14, 29. I 19.21. Nian. 6. 13. | 16. 19, 50. | 20. 6. 17. 4. bringeth it not to d, of t. 9. Ntim. 12. 5. stood in d. of t. 16, 18. Deut. 31. 15. pillar of cloud over d. DOOR joined with tent. Gen 18. 1. Abraham sat in the t. d. 10. Sarah heard it in the tent d. Exod. 33. 8. ev. man at his t. d. 10. 1. of rf. moved at the voice Ezek. 41. 16. measured the d.-posts DOORS. Jos/*. 2. 19. whosoever go out of d. Judg. 3. 25. he opened not d. of p?r. 11. 31. cometh forth of d. will offer 16. 3. Samson took d. of the city 1 Satn. 3. 15. Samuel opened the d. 21. 13. David scrabbled on rf. of gate Joo 31. 32. opened d. to traveller 38. 10. set bars and d. to the sea 17. seen d. of shadow of death ? 41. 14. who open d. of his face ? Psal. 24. 7. be lift, up, ye everl. d. 9. 78. 23. tho' opened Y of heaven Prov. 8. 3 wisdom crieth at the d. 34. waiting at posts of my d. Isa. 57. 8. behind d. set up rercem. Ezek. 33. 30. talking in the d. Miv. 7. 5. d. of mouth from her Zech. 11. 1. open thyrf. O Lebanon Mat. 24. 33. near, at the d. Markl3.2'X Acts 5. 19. angel opened prison d. . keepers standing before d. 1 26. all the d. were opened 27. keeper seeing prison d. open Shut DOORS. Judg. 3. 23. Ehud s. d. of parlour 2 Chr. 28. 2l> Isa. 5. 11. may follow *. d. 22. wo to men of strength m'mg.s.d. 24. 9. s. d. bitter to them drink it 28. 7. have erred through s. d. they are out of the way thro' s. d. 29. 9. stagger, but not with s. d. 56. 12. will fill ourselves with s. d. Mic. 2. 11. I will prophesy of*, d. Luke 1. 15. John shall not drinks, d. DRINK- Offering. Exod. 29. 40. fourth part of hin or wine for a d.-o. Num. 15. 5. Lev. 23. 13. d.-o. shall be of wine Isa. 57. 6. to them hast poured d.-o. 65. 11. furnish d.-o. to that number Joel 1. 9. d.-o. cut off fr. house of L. 13. the d.-o. is withholden 2. 14. return, and leave a d.-o. DRINK- Offerings. Lev. 23. 18. burnt ottering with d.-c. 37. Num. 6. 15. j 28. 31. | 29. 11, IS, 19,21, 24, 30,33, 37, 39. Num. 28. 14. d.-o. half an hin of wine Deut. 32. 38. drank wine of d.-o. Ezra 7. 17. buv speedily d.-o. Psal. 16. 4. their d-o. of blood Jer. 7. 18. d.-o. to other gods, 19. 13 | 32. 29 44. 17. d.-o. to qneen of heaven, 18, Ezek. 20. 28. there poured out d.-o. 45. 17. princes part to give d.-o. DRINK. Gen. 24. 18. d. my lord, 46. 30. 38. set rods when flocks came d. Exod. 35. 24. what shall we d.? 32. 20. made children of Is. d. of it Lev. 10. 9. do not d. wine nor Num. 6. 3. nor d. liquor of grapes Judg. 7. 5. boweth down to d. Ruui 2. 9. go to the vessels, and d. 2 Sam. 23. 16. he would not d. there- of, 17. 1 Chron. II. 18, 10. Kin. 17. 4. shalt d. of the brook Esth. 3. 15. king and Hamaii to d. Job 21. 20. d. wrath of Almighty Psal, 36. 8. d. of river of thy pleas. DRI Psal. 60. 3. d. wine of as nr*nraent 69. 21. they gave roe<>vinegar to d. 75. 8. wicked of earth s h all d. them 78. 44. rivers into blood that not d. SO ft. givest thein tears to d. 110. 7. d. of the brook in the way Prov. 4. 17. they d. wine of violence 31. 6. lest they d. and forget law 7. d. and forget his poverty Cant. 5. \. d. yea, d. abundantly, O ha. 24. 9. drink bitter to them d. it 51. 22. no more d. it again f>2. 9. d. it in courts of my holiness 65. 13. my servant shaft d. but ye At. 16. 7. cup of consolation to d. 23. 15. make d. water of gall 25. 15. cause nations to d. it 16. they shall d. and be moved 27. d. ye, be drunken, and spue 28. saith L. ye shall certainly d. 35. 14. to this day they d. none 49. 12. whose judgment was not to d. of cup, but thou shalt d. Ezek. 4. 11. time to time shalt d. 23. 32. shalt d. of thy sister's cup 34. 19. d. that ye have fouled Dan. 5. 2. his concubines might d. Amos 4. 1. say to masters, let us d. Obad. 16. so shall all the heathen d. continually, yea, they shall d. Flab. 2. 16. d. and let thy foreskin Hag. 1. 6. ye d. but are not filled Zecfi. 9. 15. shall d. and make a noise Mat. 10. 42. whoso giveth to d. to 20. 22. are ye able to d. of the cup I shall d. of? Mark 10. 38. 23. shall d. indeed, Mark 10. 39. 26. 27. saving, d. ye all of it 29. I will not d. till that day I d. it new, Mark 14. 25. Luke 22. 18. 42. may not pass, except 1 d. it 27. 34. gave him vinegar to d. 48. put it on a reed, and gave him to d. Mark 15. 36. Mark 16. 18. if d. any deadly thiug John 4. 10. who saith, give me to d. 7. 37. let him come to me and d. 18. 11. cup Fa. given, shall I not d? 1 Cor. 10. 4. did all d. the same spirit. 21. not d. cup of L. and of devils 11. 25. this do, as oft as ye d. it 12. 13. all to d. into one Spirit DRINK water, or waters. Gen. 24. 43. w. of thy pitcher to d. Exod.7.21. digg. about riv. for w.to d. 15. 23. could not d. w. of Marah 17. 1. no to. for the people to d. Sum. 5. 24. d. bitter to. 26, 27. 20. 5. neither any to. to d. 33. 14. 17. nor d. w. of wells, 21. 22. Dent. 2. 6. buy to. for money, d. 28. Judg. 4. 19. w. to d. for I am thirsty 7. 6. rest bowed to d. w. 1 Sam. 30. 11. made Egyptian d. w. 2 Sam. 23. 15. give me to d. of w. of Bethlehem, 1 Chron. J 1. 17. I Kin. 13. 8. nor will I d. w. 9 17. 10. a little w. that I may d. ■iATe'ra.3. 17. valley filled with w. may d. 18. 31. d. every one w. of his cistern, Isa. 36. 16. Job 22. 7. not giv. w. to weary to d. Prov. 5. 15. d. w. out of thy cistern 25.21. enemy be thirsty, give«;.to d. Jer. 2. 18. d. w. of Sihor, of river 8. 14. given us w. of gall to d. 9. 15. Ezek. 4. II. d. w. by measure, 16. 12. 18. d. thy w. with trembling 19. d. their w. with astonishment 31. 14. all their trees that d. w. 16. Dan. 1. 12. pulse to eat, w. to d. Amos 4. 8. wandered to d. w. but Jonah 3. 7. let not feed nor d. w. Mark 9. 41. give you cup of u: to d. DRI John 4. 7. Jes. saith, give me u>. to d. 1 Tiw. 5. 23. d. no longer w. DRINK, with trine. Gen. 19. 32. make our father d. w Lev. 10. 9. not d. w. when go into Num. 6. 3. Naz. d. no vinegar of to. 20. after that Nazarite may d. to. Deut. 28. 39. shalt plant vineyards, but not d. of to. Amos 5. 11. Judg. 13. 4. Man. wife d. no w. 7. 14. 2 S/7/m. 16. 2. m>. such as faint may d. Psal. 60. 3. d. w. of astonishment Prov. 4. 17. d. the to. of violence 9. 5. d. of to. I have mingled 31. 4. it is not for kings to d. w. Eccl. 9. 7. d. thy w. with a merry Ca»£. 8. 2. cause theed. of spiced to. Isa. 5. 22. that are mighty to d. to. 24. 9. shall not d. w. with a song 62. 8. sons of stranger not d. thy tv. Jer. 35. 2. give Rechabites to. to d. 6. we will d. no w. ye shall d. now. Ezek. 44. 21. nor any priest d. to. Dan. 1. 16. took w. they should d. Joel 3. 3. have sold a girl for u\ to d. Amos 2. 8. they d. to. of condemned 12. ye gave Nazarites w. to d. 6. 6. that d. w. in bowls 9. 14. plant vineyards and d. w. Mia. 6. 15. not d. to. Zeph. 1. 13. Mark 15. 23. gave to d. to. mingled Luke 1. 15. John shall d. neither w. Horn. 14. 21. it is not good to d. w. Rev. 14. 8. made all nations d. of w. 10. shall d. of w. of wrath of God DRINKERS. Joel 1. 5. and howl, all ye d. of wine DRINKS. Heb. 9. 10. stood only in meats and d. DRINKETH. Gen. 44. 5. it in which my lord d.? Deut. II. 11. land d. water of rain Job 6. 4. poison d. up my spirit 15. 16. d. iniquity like water 34. 7. like Job who d. scorning 40. 23. behold, he d. up a river Prov. 26. 6. d. damage Isa. 29. 8. he d. but he awaketh 44. 12. the smith, he d. no water Murk 2. 16. how d. with publicans? John 4. 13. d. this water shall thirst 14. d. of water I shall give him 6. 54. d. my blood hath eternal life 56. d. my blood, dwelleth in me 1 Cor. 11. 29. d. unworthily, d. dam. Heb. 6. 7. earth which d. in the rain DRINKING. Gen. 24. 22. as the camels had done d. Ruth 3. 3. till Boaz have done d. 1 Sam. 30. 16. were eating and d. I Kin. 4. 20. Judah and Israel d. 10. 21. Solomon's d. vessels of gold 16. 9. Elah was d. || 20. 12. Benhad. 1 Chr. 12. 39. with David 3 days d. Esth. 1. 8. d. was according to law Job 1. 13. sons and daughters d. Isa. 22. 13. eating flesh, and d. wine Matt. 11. 18. John came neither eat ing nor d. Lukel. 33. 19. eating and d. Luke 7. 34. 24 28. and d. till the flood came Luke 10. 7. and d. such as they give DRIVE. Exod. 6. 1. with a strong hand d. out 23. 28. hornets, which shall d. 29. I will not d. out in one year 30. by little and little I will d. 33. 2. I will d. out the Canaanite 34. 11. behold, I d. out Amorite Num. 22. 6. that I may d. them out 11. able to overcome, and d. 33. 55. if ye will not d. out the Deut. 4. 38. to d. out nations from before thee, 9. 4, 5. Josh. 3.10. 126 DRI Deut. 9. 3. so shalt thou d. them oat 11. 23. then will the Lord d. oat 18. 12. Lord doth d. them out Josh. 13. 6. them will I d. out 14. 12. then I shall be able to d. 15. 63. Judali could not d. out 17. 12. Manasseh could not d. out 13. not utterly d. out, Judg. 1. 28. 18. shalt d. out the Canaanites 23. 5. d. them out of your sight 13. no more d. out, Judg. 2. 3, 21. Judg. 1. 19. Judah could not d. out 21. Benjamin not d. out Jebusites 27. Manasseh, || 29. Ephraim 31. Asher, || 33. Naphtali 11. 24. whom Lord shall d. out 2 Kin. 4. 24. d. slack not thy riding 2 Chron. 20. 7. didst d. out inhabit. Job 18. 11. terrors d. him to his feet 24. 3. d. away ass of fatherless Psal. 44. 2. didst d. out heathen 68. 2. as smoke, so d. them away Prov. 22. 15. rod of correction d. it Isa. 22. 19. d. thee from thy station Jer. 24. 9. be a curse whither 1 d. 27. 10. I should d. you out, 15. 46. 15. stood not, Lord did d. them Ezek. 4. 13. whither 1 will d. them Dan. 4. 25. d. thee from men, 32. Hos. 9. 15. d. them out of my house Joel 2. 20. d. the northern army Zeph. 2. 4. d. out Ashdod at n.-day Acts 27 15. ship, we let her d. DRIVEN. Gen. 4. 14. ha3t d. me out this day Exod. 10. 11. d. from Pharoah's prea, 22. 10. the beast be d. away Num. 32. 21. till d. out his enemies Deut. 4. 19. be d. to worship them 30. 1. whither L. hath d. thee 4. if any of thine be d. out Josh. 23. 9. L. d. out great nations 1 Sum. 26. 19. d. me out this day Job 6. 13. wisdom d. from me? 13. 25. break leaf d. to and fro? 18. 18. be d. from light to darkness 30. 5. d. forth from among men Psal. 40. 14. let be d. backward 68. 2. as smoke is d. away, so 114. 3. Jordan was d. back, 5. Prov. 14. 32. wicked is d. away /*«. 8. 22. shall be d. to darkness 19. 7. sown by brooks d. away 4i. 2. as d. stubble to his bow Jer. 8. 3. in places whither d. 23. 3, 8. | 29. 34, 18. | 32. 37 16. 15. from all lands whither d. 23. 2. d. them away not visited 12. be d. on, and fall therein 40. 12. out of places whith. d. 43. 5. 46. 28. end of nations, whither d. 49. 5. ye shall be d. out every man 50. 17. lions have d. him away Ezek. 31. 11. I have d. him out for 34. 4. brought that d. away, 16. Dan. 4. 33. d. from men, 5. 21. 9. 7. through all countries d. Hos. 13. 3. as chaff d. with whirl. Mic. 4. 6. gather her d. Zeph. 3. 19. . Luke 8. 29. d. of devil into wilder. Acts 27. 17. and so were d. 27. d. up and down in Adria Jam. 1. 6. like wave d. with wind 3. 4. ships, tho' d. of fierce winds DRIVER. Job 39. 7. nor regard, crying °* **• DR1VETH. 2 .Km. 9. 20. for he d. furiously FsdL 1. 4. ungodly like chaff wind d. Prov. 25. 23. north wind d. away rain Mark 1. 12. spiiit d. him to wilder, DRIVING. Judg. 2. 23. d. tiiein out hastily I Kin. ). >). I. ii like /. »f Ja.m DRU 1 Chron. 17. 21. by rf. out nations DROMEUARV, IES. ] Kin. 4. 28. brouaiit barley for rf. Esth. 8. 10. sent letters on young d. /w. 60. 6. rf. of Midian cover thee Jtr. 2. 23. thou art a swift d. DROP. Isa, 40. 15. nations are as rf. of *>uc>et DROP. !>«*£ 32. 2. my doctrine rf. as rain 33. 28. heavens d. dew, Prov. 3. 20. 7o6 36. 28. which the clouds do d. Psal. 65. 11. thy paths d. fatness 12. d. on pastures of wilderness Prov. 5. 3. lips of a strange woman d. Cant. 4. 1 1. tiy lips d. as honey-comb Isa. 45. 8. d. down, ye heavens Ezek. 20. 46. d. thy word tow. south 21. 2. d. thy word toward holy places Joel 3. 18. the mountain shall d. down new wine, Amos 9. 13. Amos 7. 16. d. not thy word ag. Isaac DROPPED, ETH. Judg. 5. 4. heavens d. clouds d. 1 Sam. 14. 26. behold, the honey d. 2 Sam. 21. 10. till water d. ou them Job 29. 22. my speech d. on them Ps. 6S. 8. heavens rf. at presence of G. Eccl. 10. 18. thro' idleness house d. Cant. 5. 5. my hands d. with myrrh DROPPING. Prov. 19. 13. the contentions of a wife are a continual d. 27. 15. Cant. 5. 13. his lips d. myrrh DROPS. Job 36. 27. he raaketh small the d. 38. 28. who begotten d. of dew ? Cant. 5. 2. locks with d. of night Iut« 22. 44. as great d. of blood DROPSY. Luke 14. 2. a man which had the d. DROSS. Psal. lift 119. the wicked like d. Prov. 25. 4. take rf. from silver 26. 23. covered with silver d. Isa. 1. 22. thy silver is become d. 25. purely purge away thy d. Ezek. 22. 18. house of Israel d. 19. DROVE. Gen. 32. 16. every d. by themselves 33. 8. what meanest by all this d. DROVE, Verb. Gen. 3 24. so God rf. out the man 15. 11. Abram d. fowls away Exod. 2. 17. shepherds d. them away Num. 21. 32. d. out the Amorites Hub. 3. 6. d. asunder the nations John 2. 15. d. them out of temple DROUGHT. Gen. 31. 40. in day d. consumed me Deut. 8 15. fiery serpents and rf. Job 2 A. 1ft d. consume snow-waters Psal. 32. 4. my moisture into the d. sa. 58. 11. L. satisfy thy soul in d. Jer. 2. 6. through a land of d. 17. 8. not be careful in year of d. 50. 38. a d. is upon her waters Uos. 13. 5. know thee in land of d. Uag. 1. 11. and I called for a d. DROWN. Cant. 8. 7. neither can floods d. it Tim. 6. 9. which rf. men in perdition DROWNED. Exod. 15. 4. are d. in Red Sea Amos 8. 8. d. as by flood of Eg. 9. 5. Mat. 18. 6. better rf. in the sea Ueb. 11. 29. Egyptians were rf. DROWSINESS. ?rov. 23. 21. rf. shall clothe with rags DRUNK. Deut. 29. 6. nor have you rf. wine 32. 42. my arrows rf. with blood r 'tdg. 15. 19 rf. his spirit came again 1 Sam. 1. 15. I have rf. neith.wine nor DRY 2 Sam. 11. 13. David made Uriah rf. 1 Kin. 13. 22. hast eaten and rf. 16. 9. Elah drinking himself rf. 20. 16. Benhadad drinking him. rf. 2 Ki?i. 6. 23. eaten and rf. he sent away 19. 24. rf. strange waters, Isa. 37. 25. Cant. 5. 1. rf. my wine with myinilk Isa. 51. 17. hast rf. cup of his fury 63. 6. make them rf. in my fury Jer. 46. 10. be rf. with their blood 51. 57. I will make rf. her princes Ezek. 34. 18. rf. of the deep waters Dan. 5. 4. rf. praised gods of gold 23. thou and concubines have rf. Obad. 16. rf. on my holy mountain Luke 5. 39. no man having rf. old wine 13. 26. eaten and rf. in thy presence John 2. 10. well rf. then worse Eph. 5. 18. rf. wherein is excess Rev. 17. 2. rf. with wine of fornica. 18. 3. all nations rf. of wine DRUNKARD. Deut. 21. 20. this our son is a rf. Prov. 23. 21. rf. sh. come to poverty 26. 9. as a thorn into hand of rf. Isa. 24. 20. the earth reel like a rf. 1 Cor. 5. 11. with brother a rf. eat not DRUNKARDS. Psal. 69. 12. I was song of the rf. Isa. 28. 1. wo to rf. of Ephraim, 3. Joel 1. 5. awake, ye rf. and weep Nah. 1. 10. while drunken as rf. 1 Cor. 6. 10. nor rf. inherit kingdom DRUNKEN. Gen. 9. 21. Noah was rf. 1 Sa?n. 1, 14. Eli said, how long be rf. ? 25. 36. Nabal was very rf. Job 12. 25. stagger like a rf. man, Psal. 107. 27. ha. 19. 14. as a rf. man staggereth 29. 9. rf. but not with wine, 51. 21. 49. 26. be rf. with their own blood 51. 17. rf. dregs of cup of trembling Jer. 23. 9. I am like a rf. man 25. 27. be rf. and spue, and fall 48. 26. rf. for he magnified nimself 49. 12. they have assuredly rf. 51. 7. golden cup made earth rf. 39. make rf. that they may sleep Lam. 3. 15. rf. with wormwood 4. 21. thou shalt be rf. Nah. 3. 11. 5. 4. rf. our water for money Ezek. 39. 19. drink blood till ye be rf. Nah. 1. 10. while rf. as drunkards Hub. 2. 15. and makest him rf. also Mat. 24. 49. shall begin to eat and drink with the rf. Luke 12. 45. Luke 17. 8. serve me till 1 have rf. Acts 2. 15. not rf. as ye suppose 1 Cor. 11. 21. and another is rf. I Thes. 5. 7. be rf. are rf. in night Rev. 17. 6. woman rf. with blood DRUNKENNESS. Deut. 29. 19. to add rf. to thirst Eccl. 10. 17. eat for strength not rf. Jer. 13. 13. fill inhabitants with rf. Ezek. 23. 33. shalt be filled with rf. Luke2\. 34. overcharged with rf. Rom. 13. 13. not in rioting and rf Gal. 5. 21. works of flesh ate rf. DRY. Lev. 13. 30. it is a rf. scall, a leprosy Josh. 9. 5. bread was rf. 12. Judg. 6. 37. it be rf. on all the earth 39. let it be rf. only on fleece Job 13. 25. pursue the rf. stubble ? Psal. 105. 41. they ran in rf. places Prov. 17. 1. better is a rf. morsel Isa. 25. 5. as the heat in a rf. place 32. 2. be as rivers in a rf. place 44. 27. saith to the deep, be rf. 56. 3. say, I am a rf. tree Jer. 4. 11. a rf. wind, not to fan 51. 36. 1 will make her springs rf. 127 DUE Ezek. 17. 24. made rf. tree flourish 20. 47. devour every rf. tree 30. 12. I will make "the rivers rf. 37. 2. bones rf. ]| 4. O ye rf. bones Uos. 9. 14. give them rf. Iireasts 13. 15. his spring shall become rf Nah. 1. 4. rebuketh sea, maketh it d. 10. be devoured as stubble fully rf, Zeph. 2. 13. make Nineveh rf. like Mat, 12. 43. thro* rf. places, Lu. 11.24. Luke 23. 31. what be done in the rf.? DRY ground. Gen. b. 13. face of ground was rf. Exod, 14. 16. on rf. gr. in sea, 22. Josh. 3. 17. the priests stood firm od rf. ground in Jordan 2 Kin. 2. 8. Elishawent over on rf. g. Psal. 107. 33. water-springs into rf. g 35. turneth rf. gun to water-springs Isa. 44. 3. I will pour floods on rf. g. 53. 2. grow as a root out of a rf. g. Ezek. 19. 13. planted in a rf. ground See Land. DRY, Verb. Job 12. 15. waters, they rf. up 15. 30. flame rf. up his branches Isa. 42. 15. will rf. up herbs, pools 44. 27. rf. up thy rivers || 50. 2. sea Jer. 51. 36. 1 will rf. up her sea Zech. 10. 11. deeps of river sh. rf. up DRIED. Gen. 8. 7. until waters were rf. up Lev. 2. 14. green ears of corn rf. by Num. 6. 3. nor eat moist grapes or rf. 11. 6. our soul is rf. away Josh. 2. 10. how Lord rf. up Red Sea 4. 23. rf. up waters of Jordan 5. 1. heard Lord had rf. up Jordan Judg. 16. 7. with wiihs never rf. 1 Km. 13. 4. Jeroboam's hand rf. 17. 7. the brook rf. because no rain 2 Kin. 19. 24. with sole of feet have I rf. the rivers, Isa. 37. 25. Job 18. 16. his roots be rf. beneath 28. 4. they are rf. up, gone away Psal. 22. 15. my strength is rf. like a 69. 3. my throat is rf. eyes fail 106. 9. Red Sea, it was rf. up Isa. 5. 13. multitu. rf. up with thirst 19. 5. river be wasted and rf. up 6. brooks of defence be rf. up 51. 10. it which hath rf. the sea? Jer. 23. 10. places of wildern. rf. up 50. 38. her waters shall be rf. up Ezek. 17. 24. rf. up the green tree 19 12. east wind rf. up her fruit 37. 11. they say, our bones are rf. Uos. 9. 16. their root is rf. up 13. 15. his fountain be rf. up Joel 1. 10. the new wine is rf. up 12. vine is rf. || 20. rivers are rf. Zech. 11. 17. his arm be clean rf. up Mark 5. 29. foun. of her blood rf. up 11. 20. saw the fig-tree rf. up Rev. 16. 12. Euphrates was rf. up DRIEDST, ETH. Job 14. 11. and as the flood rf. up Psal. 74. 15. rf. up mighty rivers Prov. 17. 22. broken spirit rf. bones Nah. 1. 4. Lord rf. up all the rivers DRY-SHOD. Isa. 11. 15. make men go over d.-s. DUE. Lev. 10. 13. thy rf. and thy sons' rf. 14. Deut. 18. 3. shall be the priest's rf. 1 Chr. 15. 13. sought not af. rf. order 16. 29. the glory rf. to his name, Psal. 29. 2. | 96. & Prov. 3. 27. withhold not to whom rf. Mat. 18. 34. till he pay all that was rf. Luke 23. 41. we receive rf. reward Rom. 13. 7. to whom tribute is rf. DUE benevolence. 1 Cor. 7. 3. render to the wife rf. i DUN DUE season. Lev. 26 4. rain in d. s. Beut. 11. 14. Nut. 28. 2. to offer to me in d. s. P SI. 9. bcttei d. in the corner oiahmse, 25. 24. DWE Pro. 29. 5. bni!d A. and S. in them, 28. DWELL, with Jerusalem. 1 Chr. 23. 25. that ye may d. in Jer. Neh. 11. 2. offered them to d. at Jer. Ji?r. 33. 16. and Jerusalem sh. d. safe Zerh. 8. 3. I will d. in midst of Jer. Acts 2. 14. all ye that d. at Jerusalem 4. 16. manifest to all that d. in Jer, DWELL, with land. Gen. 24. 37.Canaanites in whose I. I d. *6. 2. d. in fowrf which 1 shall tell 34. 21. let them d. in the land 45. 10. shalt d. in /awd of Goshen 46. 34. ye may d. in land of Goshen 47. 6. in land of Goshen let them d. Ex. 8. 22. the /. in whi< h my people d. Leu. 25. 18. ye shall d. in l. in safety 26. 5. and d. in your land safely Num. 35. 34. defile not/, wherein I d. Deut. 30. 20. thou mayest d. in land Josh. 17. 12. but the Canaanites would d. in that land, Judg. 1. 27 2 Kin. 25. 24. fear not to d. iu land, Jer. 25. 5. P*. S7. 3. do good, so thou sh. d. in /. 68. 6. but rebellious d. i.iadry land 85. 9. that glory may d. in our land Ixa. 9. 2. d. in /. of shadow of death Jer. 50. 3. make land desolate none shall d. Ezek. 28. 25. shall they d. in their /. HS. 12. the people that d. in land Hos. 9. 3. shall not d. in Lord's /, DWELL, frith place. Er. 15. 17. iap. thou hast made 1 Satn. 12. 8. made them d. in this 2 A'k 6. I. the p. we d. is strait 2. make a p. where we may d. 1 Chr. 17. 9. they sh. d. in their p. Isa. 57. 15. I d. in high and holy/?. DWELL safely. Prov. 1. 33. whoso hea'i keneth to me shall d. safely. Jer. 23. 6. Israel shall d. safe/'//, Ezek. 28. 26. | 34. 25, '28. | 08. 8. 32. 37. I will ranse them tod. s. Ezek. 38. II. I go to them that d. 3. D WELL in safety. Lev. 25. 18. ye shall d. in the land in safety, 19. Dent. 12. 10. Deut. 33. 12. beloved of the Lord shall d. in safety 28. Israel shall d in safety alone Ps. 4. 8. L. onlv ieake>t me to d. in s. DWELL therein. Num. 14.30. swareto make you d. th. 33. 53. and ye shall d. th. Deut. i 1. 31. Pt. 24. 1. world and they that d. th. 37. 29. the righteous shall d. therein 69. 36. that love bis name sh. d. th. Isa. 33. 24. people that d. therein are 51. 6. they that d. therein shall die Jer. 4. 29. and not a man d. therein 12. 4. wickedness of them that d. th. 48. 9. cities without any to d. th. 50. 39. and the owls shall d. therein Acts 1. 20. hahjta, let no man d. ih. DWELL together. Ps. 133. 1. brethren to d. to. in unity DWELLERS. Isa. 18. 3. ye ct. on earth, see ye Acts 1. 19. it was known to d. at Je. 2. 9. d. in Mesopotamia we do hear DWELLEST. 2 Kin. 19. 15. O L. G. which d. be- tween cherubims, Psal. 80. 1. Isa. 37. 16. Ps. 123. I. O thou that d. in heav. Jer. 49. 16. O thou that d. in the clefts, Obad. 3. 51. 13. O thou that d. upon waters Ezek. 12.2. thou d. in midst of house John 1. S8. MUster, where d. thou ? liev, 2. 13. know works wiie thou d. 120 DWE D WE I, LET H. Lev. 19. 34. stranger that d. with yoo Z.ew. 25. 39. brother that d. poor, 47. ZJeW. 33. 20. God d. as a lion Joi'/i. 6. 25. Rahab d. iu lsra°l 22. 19. the Lord's tabernacle d. 1 Sam. 4. 4. who d. between cheri» bims, 2 S<7?n. 6. 2. 1 Chron. 13 6. 2 Sam. 7. 2. the ark d. within curt. J06 15.28. he d. in desolate cities 33. 19. where is way where light d.f Pv. 9. 11. sing t<> the L. who d. iu Z. 26. 8. place where thine honour d. 91. 1. he that d. in secret place 113. 5. Lord our G. who d. on high 135. 21. blessed Lord who d. at Jer. Isa. 8. i8. Lord, who d. in mount Z- 33. 5. the Lord, for he d. on high Jer. 44. 2. desolation, no man d. there 49. 31. nat'on that d. without care Lam. 1. 3. Judiih d. among heathen £a-eA. 16. 46. sister d. at right hand Dan. 2. 22 and light d. with him Hos. 4. 3. every one that d. therein shall mourn, A/iwsti. 8. JoeZ 3. 21. I cleanse, for L. d. in Z. A/ni. 23. 21. sweareth by him that d. therein John 6. 56. drink, my blood d. in me 14. 10. the Father thatd. in me, he rioeth the works 17. the spirit, for he d. in you Acts 7. 48. d. uot in temples made with hands, 17. *4. Bom. 7. 17. no mere i, but sin. d. in me, 20. 18. In my flesh d. no good thing 8. 11. shall quicken by spirit that d. 1 Cor. 3. 16. the spirit of G. d. in you Cot. 2. 9. in him d. the fulness of G. 2 Tim. 1 14. keep by H. G. d. in 113 Jam. 4. 5. spirit that d. in us lusteth 2 Pefc 3. 13 earth wherein d. righte, 1 John 3. 17. how d. love of G. in hith? 24. that keepeth com. d. in him 4. 12. if we love, God d. in us 15. Jesus: is S. of (1. God d. in hira 16. he that d. in love, d. in God 2 John 2. truth's sake which d. in us Rev. 2. 13. slain among you, Satau d. D V\ E L L 1 N G, Substantive. Gen. 27. 39. thy d. shall be fatnes3 •2 Chr. 6. 2. have built place for thy d Ps. 49. 14. lonsuine in grave from d. 91. 10. no plague come nigh thy d. Prov. 21. 20. oil in the d. ol the wise 24. 15. against d of the righteous Dun. 2. 11. gods d. not with fle.->h 4. -J5. thy d. with beasts, 32. | 5. 21. Nah. 2. 11. where is d. of the linns ? Mark 5. 3. bad his d. among tombs DWELLING. Gen. 25. 27. Ja. plain man, d. intentj Lev. 25. 29. if a man sell a d. house Num. 24. 21. strong is tliy d. place 1 Am. 8. 30. bear in heaven thy d. plHce, 39, 43, 49. 2 CAr. 6. 21, 30, 39. 2 CV/r. 30. 27. prayer up to holy d. S6. 15. L. had compas. on d. place J06 8. 22. the d. place of the wicked 21. 28. the d. places of the wicked ? Ps. 49. 11. d. pi. to all generations 52. 5. G. shall pluck thee out of d. 74. 7. casting d. place of thy name 76. 2. his d. place in Zion 79. 7. have laid waste his d. place 90. 1. L. thou hast been our d. pi. /*«. 4. 5. L. will create on ev. d pL 18. 4. I will consider in my d. pi. Jer. 46. 19. thou daughter d. in Egy. 51. 30. have burnt their d. places 37.' Babylon shall become a d. p. Ez. 38. II. all thtm d. without walii Jod& 17 L. yuui" Godd. in ZJua DWE Hub. 1. 6. possess d. pi. not theirs Zeph. 3. 7. d. should not be cut off Acts 2. 5. were d. at Jerusalem Jews 19. 17. known to Greeks d. at Eph. I Cor. 4. 11. have no certain d. pi. 1 Tim. 6. 16. d. in light no man can approach Heb. 11. 9. d. in tabern. with Isaac 2 Pet. 2. 8. Lot, righteous man d. DWELLINGS. Exod. 10. 23. child, of Isr. light in d. Lev 3. 17. a perpetual statute through all d. 23. 14. Num. 35. 29. 7. 26. eat no blood in any of d. 23. 3. do no work in all your d. 31. Job 18. 21. such are the d. of wicked 39. 6. made barren land his d. Ps. 55. 15. for wicked, is in their d. 87. 2. gates of Z. than all d. of Jac. Isa. 32. 18 people dwell in sure d. Ezek. 25. 4. men of east make d. Zeph. 2. 6. coast shall be d. for shep. DWELT. Gen. 11. 2. and they d. there, 31. | 26. 17. 2 Kin. 16. 6. 1 C/w. 14. 43. 2 C7w. 28. 18. JVwm.31.10.where.they d.2 A'm.17.29. 1 Kin. 13. 1 1. d. old proph. in Beth. 25. Job 29. 25. and I a. as a king in the Psal. 74. 2. Zion wherein thou d. Isa. 29. 1. the city where David d. Jer. 2. 6. a land where no man d. 39. 14. so Jer. d. among the people Ezek. 3. 15. that d. by river Chebar 31. 6. under shadow d. nations, 17. Dan. 4. 21. beasts of field d. Zeph. 2. 15. rejoicing city that d. Luke 1. 65. fear came on all that d. John 1. 14. word made flesh and d. 39. and saw where he d. Acts 13. 17. when they d. as Strang. 23. 30. Paul d. in hired house - Rev. 11. 10. tormented them that d. DWELTaJ. Gen. 22. 19. and Abraham d. at Beer. Judg. 9. 41. and Abimelech d. at A. 1 Km. 15. 18. Benhad. d. at Damasc. 2 Chron. 16. 2. 2 Kin. 19.36. Sen. d. at Nin. Isa. 37.37. 1 Chron. 2. 55. scribes wh. d. at Jab. 9. 34. Levites d. at Jerusalem Acts 9. 22. Saul con. Jews that d. at 32. saints who d. at Lydda DWELT in. Num. 20. 15. we have d. in E. long 21. 31. Israel d. inland of Amorites Deut. 2. 12. d. in their stead, 21, 22, 23. 1 Chron. 5. 22. 33. 16. will of him that d. in bush Judg: 8. 11. way of them d. in tents 2 Sam. 7. 6. have not d. in any house since I brought Is. out of E. 1 Chron. 17. 5. 9. 12. all that d. in house of Ziba 14. 28. Absalom d. 2 years in Jer. 1 Kin. 2. 38. Shimei d. in Jerusalem J2. 2. Jerob. fled from So), d. in E. 2 Kin. 13. 5. Israel d. in their tents 15. 5. Ahaz. d. in house, 2 Chr.26.2]. 22. 14. Huldah the prophetess^, in Jer. in college, 2 Chr. 34. 22. Ezra 2. 70. priests, Levites, Nethi. nims, d.in cities, 2\ T eA.3.26. | 11.21. Neh. 7. 73. all Israel d. in their cities Psal. 94. 17. soul almost d. in silence Isa. 13. 20. shall it be d. in from gen. eration, Jer. 50. 39. Jer. 35. 10. we have d. in tents Ezek. 36. 17. when Is. d. mown land 39. 26. when d. safely in their land Dan. 4. 12. the fowls d. in boughs 'Mat. 2. 23. Joseph d. in city Naza. 4 13. Jesus d. in Capernaum Luke 13. 4. above all that d. in Jer EAR Acts 7. 2. Abraham d. in Charran, 4. 19. 10. they who d. in Asia heard 2 Tim. 1. 5. which d. in grandmother DWELT therei7i. Deut. 2. 10. Emims d. t.\\20. giants d.t. 1 Kin. 11. 24. went to Dam. and d. t. 12. 25. Jerob. built Sche. and d. t. Neh. 13. 16. d. men of Tyre t. Psal. 68. 10. congregation hath d. t DWELT with. Ruth 2. 23. and Ruth d. with her 1 Sa?n. 22. 4. mother d. w. k. of Moab 1 Chron. 4. 23. there they d. w. king Psal. 120. 6. my soul hath long d. w. Jer. 40. 6. Jer. d. w. him among peo. E. EACH. Gen. 15. 10. Abraham laid e. piece 34. 25. Sime. and Levi took e. man 40. 5. e. his dream, || 45. 22. e. changes Exod. 18. 7. asked e. other of welfare Num. 1. 44. e. one was for the house 7. 3. they brought for e. one an ox 16. 17. Aaron e. of you his censer Josh, 22. 14. of e. chief house e. one Judg. 21. 22. reserved not to e. man .ftw e. heavy, lest hear with their e. Mat. 13. 15. Acts 28. 27. Mic. 7. 16. ttetr e. shall be deaf Z«.-/i. 7.11. they stopped t. e. Actil.bl. 2 Tim. 4. 4. turn their e. from truth Thine EARS. Ps. 10. 17. cause thine e. to hear /Vou. 23. 12. apply thine e to words /«*. 30. 21. thine e. shall hear 49. 20. children say in thine e. Kz. a 10. hear with thine e.40.4. | 44.5. 16. 12. 1 put ear-rings in thine e. 23. 25. they shall take away thine e. 24. 26. to hear with thine e. Your EARS. fob 13. 17. hear declara. with your e. Psal. 78. I. incline your e. to words Jer. 26. 11. as heard with your e. 15. Lord sent to speak in your e. Mat. 13. 16. but blessed are your e. Luke 4. 21. scripture fulfilled in y. e. 9. 44. let sayings sink in your e. EARS. Gen. 41.5. seven e. of corn came, 22. Lev. 2? 14. a meat-offering, gTeen e. 23. 14. not eat green e. Deut. 23. 25. mayest pluck the e. Ruth 2. 2. let me go and glean e. 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought full e. of corn Mat. 12. 1. his disciples began to pluck e. Mark 2. 23. Luke 6. 1. See Seven. EARNEST. 2 Cor. 1. 22. e. of the spirit, 5. 5. Eph. 1. 14. e. of our inheritance EARNEST. Rom. 8. 19. e. expectation of creature 2 Cor. 7. 7. when he told e. desire 8. 16. put same e. care into Titus Phil. 1. 20. according to my e. expec. Hek. 2. 1. ought to give more e. heed EARNESTLY. Num. 22. 37. did 1 not e. send I Sam. 20. 6. David e. asked leave,28. Job 7. 2. servant e. desireth shadow Jer. 11. 7. 1 e. protested to fathers 31. 20. 1 do e. remember him still Mic. 7. 3. do evil with both hands e. Luke 22. 44. in an agony he prayed e. 56. a certain maid e. looked on P. Acts 3. 12. why look ye so e. on us ? 23. 1. Paul e. beholding council 1 Cor. 12. 31. covet e. the best gifts 2 Cor. 5. 2. we groan e. desiring Jam. 5. 17. prayed e. that it not rain Jude 3. should e. contend for faith EARNETH. Hag. 1. 6. that e. wages e. to put in EARTH. fa bag Gen. i. 2. the e. was without form 131 EAR Gen. 1. 10. God called the dry land e 11. let e. bring f.irth, 24. 12. e. brought forth grass 28. replenish the e. 9. 1. 6.11. e was corrupt before God 7. 17. the ark was lifted above e. 8. 14. in second month was e. dried < 22. e. remain, seed time not cease 10. 25. in his days was the e. divided, 1 Chron. 1. 19. 18. 18. all nations of e. blessed in him, 22. 18. | 26. 4. | 28. 14. 27. 28. God give thee fatness of e. 41. 47. e. brought forth by handf Exod. 9. 29. e. is the Lord's, Deut 10. 14. Psal. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 26 15. 12. thee, swallowed them 20. 24. altar of e. thou shalt make Num. 16. 30. if the e. open her mouth 32. e. opened mouth and swallowed, 26. 10. Psal. 106. 1/7 34. lest e. swallow us up Deut. 28. 23. e. under thee be iron 32. 1. hear, O e. the words 13. ride on high places of e. 22. a fire shall consume the e. 1 Sam. 2. 8. pillars of the e. are L. 4. 5. so that the e. rang again )4. 15. and the e. quaked 2 Sam. 1.2. man with e. on head. 15.32 22. 8. then the e. shook, Ps. 18. 7. 1 Kin. 1. 40. so that the e. rent 2 kin. 5. 17. two mules' burden of e 1 Chr. 16. 31. let e. rejoice, Ps. 96. R 33. cometh to judge the e. Psa.. 96 13. | 98. 9 Nth, 9. 6. thou made e. Isa. 45. 12. Job 5. 25. offspring as grass of e. 9. 6. shaketh e. out of her place 24. e. given into hand of wicked 11. 9 measure longer than e. 15. 19. to whom e. was given 16. 18. O e. cover not my blood 24. 4. the poor of the e. hide 26. 7. hangeth e. upon nothing 30. 6. to dwell in caves of the e. 8. were viler than the e. 37. 17. when he quieteth the e. 38. 4. I laid foundations of the e. 18. the breadth of the e. ? Psal. 2. 8. uttermost parts of the e. 1U. be instr. ye judges of the e. 12. 6. silver tried in a furnace of e. 25. 13. his seed shall inherit the e. 33. 5. e. is full of goodness of Lord 37. 9. wait on L. inherit e. 11, 22. 46. 2. though the e. be removed 6. he uttered voice, the e. melted 47. 9. the shields of thee. 48. 2. joy of whole e. is mount Zion CO. 2. made the e. to tremble 63. 9. the lower parts of the e. 65. 9. thou visitest the e. 67. 6. e. yield increase, Ezek. 34. C8. 8. the e. shook, heav. drop 32. sing, kingdoms of e. 71. 20. from the depths of the e. 72. 6. showers that water the e. 75. 3. e. and inhabitants, Isa. 24. 19 8. wicked of the e. shall wring 76. 8. e. feared || 77. 18. e. trembled, 82. 8. O God, judge the e. [97. 4 90. 2. or ever thou luidst formed e. 97. 1. let the e. rejoice 99. 1. let the e. be moved 102. 25. laid the foundation of the e. 104. 5. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 48. la 148. 13. bis t^lory is above the e. Prov. 3. 19. Lord hath founded thee 8. 23. or ever e. was [Isa. 24. 1. 26. not made the e. nor fields 25. 3. e. for depth unsearchable 30. 16. the e. not filled with water 21. for three things e. disquieted EAR Eccl. 1. 4. the e. abideth for over 5. 9. the profit of the e. for all Isa. 4. 9. fruit of e. excellent 11. 4. smite the e. with rod 9. ft full of knowledge of Lord A. 4. the e. mourneth, 33. 9. 19. e. broken, a is dissolved 2C. a shall ree' !, 26. 19. ft cast out 26. 21. e. shall disclose blood [dead 40. 22. sitteth on the circle of the e. 28. the Creator of ends of the ft 45. 8. let a open || 12. I made the e. 22. be saved, all ends of the a 51. 6. look on e. e. shall wax old 66. I. the e. is my footstool Jer. 4. 23. I beheld e. without form 28. for this shall the e. mourn f>. ]0, hpar, Oe. I will bring evil 22 2?. O e. e. e. hear the word of the Lord, Mic. 1. 2. 46. 8. saith, I will cover the e. 49. 21. the e. is moved, 50. 46. Ezek. 7. 21. give to wicked of the e. 9. 9. Lord hath forsaken the e. 43. 2. e. sliined with his glory Hos. 2. 22. the a shall hear corn Amos 8. 9. I will darken the e. Jonah 2. G. the e. with her bars Mic. 7. 17. like worms of the a Nah. 1. 5. the e. is burnt up" Hob. 2. 14. e. filled with knowledge 3. 3. e. was full of his praise 9. didst cleave the e. with rivers Zech. 1. 10. to and fro thro' e. 6. 7. 4. 10. eyes which run thro' the a Mai. 4. 6. iest 1 smite e. with curse Mat. 5. 5. meek shall inherit e. 35. swear not by e. it is footstool 13. 5. had not much e. Mark 4. 5. Mark A. 28. e. bringetli forth fruit John 3. 31. of the a is earthly 1 Cor. 15. 47. first man of a earthy 2 Tim. 2. 20. vessels of wood and e. Heb. 12. 26. whose voice shook e. Jam 5. 7. precious fruit of the e. 2 Pet. 3. 10. e. and works therein Rev. 7. 3. hurt not the e. nor sea 1 1 6. have power to smite the e. 12. 16. the e. opened her mouth 13. 12. causeth e. to worship beast 18. 1. and the a was lightened 19. 2. whore which did corrupt a. 20. 11. from whose face the e. fled See Beasts, Dust, Ends, Face, KtNus, Heaven, People, Whole. All the EARTH. Gen. 1. 26. dominion over all the e. 7. 3. keep seed on the face of all t. e. 11. 9. confound language of all thee. 18. 25. Judge of all the e. do right ? 19. 31. after manner of all the e. Erod. 19. 5. for all the e. is mine 34. 10. not been done in all the e. Num. 14. 2!. all e. filled with glory Josh. 3. 11. L. of a. t. e. 13. Zerh. 6. 5. 23. 14. the way of all the e. 1 Kin. 2.2. Chr. 1G. 14. judgments in all the e. Psal. 105. 7. 30. fear all the e. Ps. 33. 8. | 96. 9. Psal ti. 1. excellent in all the e. 9- 47 2. king over a. e. 7. Zech. 14. 9. 57. 5. glory be above e. 11. | 10S. 5. £6. 4. all the e. shall worship 83. 18. high over all the e. 97. 9. Isa. 10. !4. so have 1 gathered all t. e. 12. 5. this is known in all the e. Jer. 26. 6. city a curse to all the e. 51. 7. cup made all the e. drunken Dan. 2. 39 kingdom rule over all t. e. Hab. 2. 20. let all the e. keep silence Zech. 1. 11. all the e. sitteth still Luke 23. 44. darkness over all the e. Rom 10. 18. sound went ml ft all thee. Rev. 5. G. spirits of G. t>e»t into all e, EAR From the EARTH. Gen. 2. 6. went up a mint from (lie e. 7. 23. destroyed from the e. 8. 1 1. waters abated/zwra the e. Ex.9. 15. cut oft/, t. e. Josh. 7. 9. Ps. 109. 15. Prov. 2. 22. Nah. 2. 13. 2 Sam. 12. 20. David arose from thee. Job 18. 17. his remembrance shall perish from the e. Psal. 148. 7. praise Lord//o/« thee. AmosZ. 5. a snare from the e. John 12. 32. if lifted upfront the e. Acts 8. 33. his life is taken from thee. 9. 8. Saul arose from the e. 22. 22. away with fellow//-0?n the e. Rev. 6. 4. power to take peace/ the e. 14. 3. 144,000 redeemed from the e. In the EARTH. Gen. 1. 22. let fowl multiply in thee. 4 12. a vagabond in the e. 14. 6. 5. wickedness great in the e. 10. 8. Nimrod mighty one in thee. 19. 31. not a man in t. e. to come in 45. 7. preserve a posterity in the e. E.r. 20. 4: or that is in the e. beneath 2 Sam. 7. 9. name like great men in thee. 1 Chr on. 17.8. 23. what nation in e. like irsael ? 1 Chron. 17. 21. 14. 20. to know all things in the e. 1 Chron. 29. 11. all in the e. is thine 2 Chron. 6. 14. no God like thee in ft Job 1. 7. going to and Iro in thee. 2. 2. 8. none like Job in the e. 2, 3. 14. 8. though root wax old in thee. 24. 18. portion cursed in the e. 30. 14. ostrich leaveth eggs in thee. Psal. 16. 3. saints that are in the e. 46. 8. desolations made in the e. 10. I will be exalted i?i the e. 58. 11. a God that judgeth in the e. 72 16. a handful of corn in the e. 119. 19. I am a stranger in the e. Isa. 26. 9. thy judgments are in the e. 18. not wrought deliverance in t. e. 40. 24. stock not take root in the e. 42. 4. till he set judgment in the e. 62. 7. Jerusalem a praise in the e. 65. 16. blesseth himself in the e. 8weareth in the e. Jer. 31. 22. a new thing in the e. Joel 2. 30. shew wonders in the e. Mat. 25. 18. went and diurged in thee. 25. hid thy talent in the e. Mark 4. 31. mustard seed sown in thee, less than nii seeds in the e. 1 Johun.S. three that witness in thee. On, or upon, the EARTH. Gen. fi. 12. God looked upon the e. 7. 4. I will cause raiD upon the e. 8. 17. multiply upon thee, and 19 23. sun was risen upon the e. 28. 12. ladder set upon the e. Ex. 10. 6. since they were upon the e. Dent. 4. 10. they live upon the e. 12. 36. u. t. e. shewed great fire [1, 19. 12. 16. pour it upon the e. 24. 2 Sam. 12. 16. David lay upon the e. 1 Kin. 8. 27. will God dwell on thee.'? 2 Chr n. 6. 18. 17. 14. till L. sends rain upon the e. 1 Chr. 29. 15. days on e. a shadow, Job 7. 1. time to (nan on e. ? [Job 8.9. 19. 25. stand at latter day upon t. e. 20. 4. since man was placed on the e. 37. 6. snow, be thou on the e. 41. 33. on e. there is not his like Ps. 7. 5. let enemy tread life on thee. 67. 2. thy way knownupon the e. 73. 25. none upon e. I desire besides Prov. 30. 24. four things little u. thee. Eccl. 7. 20. not a j ust man upon the e. 10. 7. princes as servants upon the e. U. 3, clouds empty th. upon Vie e, las EAR Cant. 2. 12. flowers appear on the ft Isa. 28. 22. consumption upon the e. Jer. 9. 3. not valiant for truth upon e. Lam. 2. 11. liver poured upon the e. Amos 3. 5. bird fall in snare u. thee. Mat. 6. 19. lay not up treasures on e, 9. 6. Son hath power on e. to for. give, Mark 2. 10. Luke 5. 24. 10. 34. come to send peace on e. 16. 19. thou shalt bind on e. 18. 18. 23. 9. call no man father upon the e. Mark 9. 3. no fuller one. can white Luke 2. 14. glory to God on e. peace 12. 49. come to send fire on the e. 51. come to give ppace on e. ? 18. 8. shall he find faith on e. I John 17. 4. glorified thee on the e. Rom. 9. 28. a short work on the e. Col. 3. 2. affection not on things on e. 5. mortify your members on the e. Heb. 8. 4. on e. not be a priest 11. 13. strangers on thee. 12. 25. refused him that spake on e. Jam. 5. 5. lived in pleasure on the e. 17. it rained not on the e. Rev. 3. 10. that dwell upon the e. 5. 10. we shall reign one. 8. 7. hail and fire cast upon the e. 11. 10. dwell on the e. 13. 8. 14 | 14. 14. 16. his sickle on the e. [6. | 17. 8. 1G. 2. poured vial upon the e. Out of the EARTH. 1 Sa7n.2ti 13. gods ascend, out of thee. 2 Sam. 23. 4. grass out of the e. Job 28. 2 iron is taken out of the ft 5. e. out of it cometh bread Ps 85. 11. truth sh. spring out oft. e. 104. :ib. sinners be con. out of the e. Dan. 7. 17. four kings out of the e. Hos. 2. 18. battle out of the e. Mic. 7. 2. good perished out of the ft Rev. 13. 1 1. beast up out of the e. To, or unto, the EARTH. Gen. 24. 52. bowing himself to the e. 42. 6. they b.iwvd to the e. 43. X6. Josh. 5. 14, Jos. fell to the e. 7. 6. 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dag. on bis face to thee. 17. 49. Goliath his face to the e. 25. 41. bowed herself to the e. 1 Kin. 26. 8. smite him to the ft N. 31. 20. let. not my blood fall to the e. 2 Sam. 14. 11. not one hair shall fall to the e. 1 Kin. I. 52. 2 A.7»,10.10. fall to t. e. no word of L. Job 12. 8. or speak to the e. Psal. 17. II. bowing down to the ft 44. 25 belly ceaveth unto the e. 50. 4. he shall call to thee. 146. 4. he returneth to his e. Eccl. 3. 21. spirit of beast grop-th to « 12. 7. dust return to t e. spirit to G. Jer. 15. 10. contention to the whole e, Hos 6. 3. and former rain to the e. Arts 9. 4. and Saul fell to the e. 10. II. great sheet down to the e. Rev,. 6. 13. stars of heav. tell to the e. 13. dragon cast unto the e. EARTHEN. Lev. 6. 28. ft vessel wherein sodden 1!. 83. e. vessel whereinto falleth 14. 5. birds killed in e. vessel, 50. Num. 5. 17. water in e. vessel Jer. 19. 1. a potter's e. bottle 32. 14. evidences in an e. vessel Lam. 4. 2. esteemed as e. pitchers 2 Cor. 4. 7. treasure i'.i e. vessels EARTHLY. John 3. 12. if I told you a things 31. he that is of the earth is e. 2 Cor. 5. 1. our e. house of tabern. Phil. 3. 19. who mind e. things James 3. 15. this wisdom is e. sens. EARTHY. i Cor, 15. 47. first tueiiu of G$.rth t & EAS 1 Cor. 15. 49. have borne image of e. EARTHQUAKE. " J Kin. 19. 1 1. an e. L. was not in e. 12. after the e. a fire Isa. 29. 6. visited of Lord with e. Amos 1. 1. two years before the e. Zech. 14. 5. ye fled before the e. Mat. 27. 54. centurion saw the e. 28. 2. there was a great e. .<4cfo 16. 26. Rev. 6. 12. | 11. 13. Rev. 8.5. thunderings and an e. 11.19. 16. 18. great e. so mighty an e. EARTHQUAKES. Mat. 24. 7. famines and e. Mark 13. 8. Luke2\. 11. EASE. De;r£. 28. 65. slialt thou find no e. Judg. 20. 43. they trod down with e. Job 12. 5. though of him that is ate. 16. 12. 1 was at e. || 21 23. beingate. Fsal. 25. 13. soul shall dwell at e. 123. 4. scorning of those at e. Isa. 32. 9. rise up, ye women at e. 11. tremble, ye women at e. Jer. 48. 11. Moan hath been at e. Ezek. 23. 42. voice of multitude at e. Amos 6. 1. woe to them at e. in Zion Luke 12. 19. take thine e. eat, drink EASE, Verb. Deut. 23. 13. wh. thou wilt e. thyself 2 Clirnn. 10. 4. e. thou somewhat, 9. Iia. 1. 24. I will e. me of adversaries EASED. Job 16. 6. though 1 forbear, what am I e. ? 2 Cor. 8. 13. that other men be e. EASIER. E.rod. 18. 22 shall it be e. for thyself Mat. 9. 5. whether is e. tosav, Mark 2. 9. Luke 5. 23. 19. 24. e. for camel to go through eye, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18 25. Luke 16. 17. e. for heaven to pass EASILY. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity is note, provok. Heb. 12. 1. sin which doth e. beset us EAST. Gen. 3. 24. e. of the garden of Eden 13. 1 1. Lot Journeyed e. 28. 14. abroad to the west and e. 29. 1. land of the people of the e. Num. 23.7. Bal. brought me out of e. Judg. 6. 3. children of the e. 33. ] 7. 12. I 8. 10 I Kin. i. 30. 1 Kin. 7. 25. three toward thee 2 C/ir. 4. 4. ] Chr, 9. 24. the porters toward me into garden and e. Isa. 4. 1. we will e. our own bread 7. 15. butter and honey shall heft 22. butter and honey shall one e. 9. 20. e. on left hand, e. fle>h of arm 11. 7. lion shall e. straw, 65. 25. 30. 24. oxen and asses shall c. 37. 30. plant vineyards, and e. the fruit, 65. 21. Jer. 29. 5, 28. 51. 8. worm shall e. them 55. 1. come ye, buy and e. 2. hearken to me, and e. good 65. 4. people which e. swine's flesh 13. my servants shall e. 22. shall not plant and another e. Jer. 15. 16. words found, and I dide. 19. 9. shall e. the flesh of friend Ezek. 2. 8. open thy mouth and e. 3. i. e. that thou findest, e. roll 4. 10. e. by weight || 5. 10. fath. e. sons 16. 13. thou didst e. fine flour 34. 3. ye e. the fat. clothe with wool Dan. 4. 33. Nebuchad. did e. grass Hos. 4. 10. shall e. and not have enough, Mic. 6. 14. Hag. 1. 6. 9. 3. shall e. unclean things 4 e. thereof shall he polluted Amos 6. 4. that e. the lambs Mic. 3. 3. who also ~e. the flesh Zech. 11. 9. let the rest e. Mat. 12. 4. David did e. shew-hrend 14. 20. did ail e. and filled, 15. 37. Mark 6. 42. j 8. 8 Luke 9. 17. 15. 27. dogs e. of crumbs, Mar. 7. 28. 38. they that did e. were 4000 26. 21. as they did e. he said, Mark 34. 18, 22. 26. take e. this Is my body. Mark 14. 22. 1 Car. II. 24. Mark'2. 16. saw him e. with publi, 6. 44. that did e. were above 5000 II. 14. no man e. fruit of thee 14. 12. thou mayest e. the p.nssover, 14. Luke 22. 8, 11. John 18. 28. Luke 6. 1. did e. rubbing them 10. 8. e. such things at are set EAT Luks 15. 23. let us e. and be merry 24. 43. he took it, and did e. JoAra 4. 31. saying - , Master, e. 6. 2G. because ye did e. of loaves 53. except ye c. flesh of S. of mai! Acts 2. 46. they did e. their meat 11. 3. and didst e. with them 23. 14. e. nothing till slain Paul Horn. 14. 2. believeth he may e. all 23. doubteth is damned if he e. \ Cor. 8. 8. e. are better, if we e. not 13. I will e. no flesh whilr 10. 18. who e. of the sacrifices 25. what sold in shambles, that e. 27. e. asking no question P Thcs. 3. 10. any work not, neither a 2 Tim. 2. 17. word will e. as canker James 5. 3. and shall e. your flesh Rer. 17. 16. shall e. her flesh 19. 18. that e. flesh of kings See Im.ood, Bread, Fat. EAT, with drink. G^h. 24. 51. did e. and drink, 2d. 30. E.rod. 24. 11. Judg. 9. 27. | 19. 4. Ex. 32. (!. sat to e. and d. , 1 Co/-. 10. 7. 34. 29. e. bread nor d. Dent. 9. 9, 18. 2 Sam. II. II. my house to e. and rf.? 12. 3. e. of his meat and d. of cup 19 35. taste what I e. or drink ? 1 Kin. 13. 8. not e. bread nor drink water, 9. 17, 22. 18. 41. Elijah said, e. and drink 1 Kin. 6. 22. that they may e. and tf. 18. 27. e. dung- andf/. piss, /so. 36. 12. Ezra 10. 6. Ezra e. no bread nor d. Keh. 8. 10. e. the fat and d. sweet Eitk. 4. 16. nor e. nor drink 3 days 7 a? \. 4. called sisters to e. and c£ Ewi,2. 24. nothing better thane, and drink. 3. 13. | 5. 18. 1 8. 13. Cuni. 5. 1. tk, ye princes 22. 13. let us e. and rf. 1 Cor. 15. 32. Ezek. 25. 4. shall e. fruit and d. milk 39. 17. e. flesh and drink blood Do;?/. 1. 12. pulse to e. water to d. Mat. 6. 25 what 6 or d. 31. Lu. 12. 23. 21. 49. e. and drink with drunken, Z-wAe 12. 45. Luke 5. 30. why e. and rf. with pub.? 33. thy disciples e. and drink 12. 19. take thine ease, e. drink 17. 27. they did e. they c2ran£, 28. Arts 9. 9. Saul did neither e. nor dL 23. 12. e. nor rf. till killed Paul, 21. Rom. 14. 21. e. flesh, nor o!. wine I Cor. 9. 4. power to e. and to dri?ik 10. 31. whether ye e. or drink 11. 22. houses to e. and drink'm ? 26. ye e. bread and drink cup 27. shall e. and d/vw/V unworthily 28. so let him the e. 8. O Lord, what shall be the e. of 9. words are closed up, till the e. 13. go thy way till the e. be Amos 3. 15. houses shall have an e. 5. 18. to what e is it for you 8. 2. e. is come upon people of Isr. K"h. 2. 9. there is none e. of store 3. 3. there is none e. of corpses Mat. 13. 39. harvest is e. of world 24. 3 what sign of e. of the world ? 14. then shall the e. come 31. gather from one e. of heaven 26. 58. but Peter sat to see the e. 28. 1. iu the e. of the sabbath Luke I. 33. of bis kingdom be no e. 18. 1. a parable to them, to this e. 22. 37. concerning mc have an e. John 18.37. to this e. was I born Rim. 6. 21. e. of these things is death 22. the e. everlasting life 10. 4. Christ is the e. of the law 14. 9. to this e. Christ hath died 2 Cor. II. 15. e. according to works Eph. 3. 21. glory, world without e. Phil. 3. 19 whose e. is destruction 1 Tim. I. 5. e. of command, is charity He!>. 6. 8. whose e. is to be burned 16. an oath is an e. of all strife* 7. 3 neither beginning nore, of life 9. 26. once in the e. hath appeared 13. 7. the e. of their conversation Jam. 5. 11. ye have seen e. of Lord 1 Pet. I. 9. receiving i?. of your faith 4. 17. e. of them that obey not Rev. 21. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the e. 22. 13. At the END. Dent. 15.1. ate. of seventh ye. release Psal. 107. 27. and are at their wits e. Dan. 12. 13. shaft stand in lot at the e. Hab. 2. 3. at the e. it shall speak Mat. 13. 40. so be in e. of world Bat the END. Proi: 14. 12. but the e. thereof are the ways of death, 16. 25. 20. 21. the e. thereof not be lle-sed Mat 21. 6. but the e. is not yet, Mark 13.7. Luke2\. 9. 1 Pet. i. 7. but e. of all is at liuud END La.it END. Num. 23. 10. let my laste. be like his Jer. 12. 4. he shall not see our laste. Lain. 1. 9. she r< memb -reth not /. e. Dan.8.19. make know what be in /. e. La'ler END. Num. 24. 20. his i. e. be that he perish Deut. 8. 16. to do thee good at Int. e. 32. 29. would consider their lat. e. Ruth 3. 10. shewed kindness in I. e. 2 Sa?n. 2. 26. be bitterness in latter e. Job 8. 7. thy I. e. greatly increase 42. 12. Lord blessed latter e. of Job Prov. 19. 20. mayest be wi-e in I. e. Isa. 41. 22. consider them, know;, e. 47. 7. nor didst remember /. e. of it 2 Pet. 2. 20. I. e. worse than begin. Made an END. Gen. 27. 30. as Isaac m. e. of blessing Deut. 32. 45. made an e. of speak- ing, Judg. 15. 17. I Sam. 18. 1. | 24. 16. 2 Sam. 13. 36. 1 Kin. 1. 41. |3. 1. Jer. 26. 8. I 43. 1. | 51. 63. Mat. 11. 1. in an e. of com. disciples Make an EX D. 1 Sam. 3. 12. begin, I will also m. e. Neh. 4. 2. will they mi. ane. in a day ? Job 18. 2. ere you m. ane. of words? I"Uh e. w ENTIRE. Jam. 1. 4. that ve he perfect and e. ENTRANCE. Judg. 1. 24. shew us e. into city Ps. 119. 130. e. of words giveth light 1 Thes. 2. 1. yourselves know our e. 2 Pet. 1. 11. so an e. be ministered ENTRY. Prov. 8. 3. wisdom crieth at e. of city ENVY. Job 5. 2. e. slaveth the silly one Prov. 14. 30. e. is rottenness of bonw 27. 4. who able to stand before e. 'I Eccl. 9. 6. hatred and e. is perished Isa. 11. 13. e. of Ephraim sh. depart 26. 11. be ashamed tor their e. Ezik. 35. 1 1. 1 do accord, to thine e. Mat. 27. 18. for e. they delivered him, Mark 15. 10. Acts 7. 9. patriarchs moved with e. 13. 45. Jews filled with e. spake 17. 5. the Jews moved with e. Rum 1. 29. full of?, murder Phil. 1. 15. pr*CAPE. Psal. 55. 8. hasten my e. from storm ESCAPED. Gen. 14 13. there came one had e. Num. 21. 29, sons that e. into captiv. Deut. 23. 15. not deliver servant e. Judg. 3.29. e. not aman, 1 Sam. 30. 17. 21. 17. inheritance for them that e. 1 Sum. 14. 41. Jon. taken, but pro. e. 19. 10. David fled and e. that night 2 Sam. 1. 3. out of the camp am I e. 4. 6. and Rachab and Baanah e. 1 Kin. 20. 20. Ben-hudad the kin? e. 2 Kin. 19.30. the remnant e. of Judah shall take root, Isa. 37. 31, HI EST 2 Chr. 16. 7. theref. is host of Syria & 30. 6. he will return to you that e. Ezra 9. 15. for we remain vet e. as Job 1. 15. I only am e, 16, 17, 19. 19. 20. le. with the skin of my teeth Psal. 124. 7. our soul is e. as a bird out of the snare Isa. 4. 2. shall be comely for them e. 10. 20. and such as are e. of Jacob 45. 20. draw near, ye I hat are e. Jer. 51. 50. have e. remem. L. afar off Lam. 2. 22. that none e. nor remain Ezek. 24. 27. mouth opened to him e. 33. 21. one that had e. came unto me John 10. 39. he e. out of their hands Acts 27. 44. so theye. all safe to land 28. 4. tho' he e. the sea, yet venge. 2 Cor. 1 1. 33. I was let down and e. Heb. 11. 34. thro' faith e. the edge 12. 25. if e. not who refused him 2 Pet. 1. 4. e. corruption in world 2. 18. allure those that were clean e. 20. after e. the pollutions of world ESCAPETH. I Kin. 19. 17. that e. sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay; thate. Jehu Isa. 15. 9. bring lions upon him e. Jer. 48. 19. ask her e. what is done? hzek. 24. 26. bee. sh. come unto thee Amos 9. 1. he that e. not be delivered ESCAPING. Ezra 9. 14. there should be no e. ESCHEW. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him e. evil, do good ESCHEW liD, ETH. Job 1. 1. feared God, e. evil, 8. | 2. 3. ESPECI A LLYowtf SPECIALLY. Ps. 31. 11. e. among my neighbours Acts 25 26. s. before thee, O king Gul. 6. 10. e. the household of faith 1 Tim. 4. 10. * of those that believe 5. 8. provide, s. for them of his own 17. e. they who labour in word 2 Tim. 4. 13. but e. the parchments PhilemAG. a broiher beloved 4. tome ESPY. Joslu 14. 7. Moses sent me to e. out See Spy, SriFD. ESPOUSALS. Cant. 3. 11. crowned in day of his e. Jer. 2. 2. I remember love of thine e. ESPOUSED. 2 Sam. 3. 14. deliver me Michal I e. Mat. 1. 18. when Mary was e. to Jos Lnhe 1. 27. to a virgin e. to a man 2 Cor. 11. 2. e. yon to one husband ESTABLISH and STABLlfeH. Gen. 6. 18. with thee will I e. coy. U 9. | 17. 7. Lev. 26. 9. Ezek. 16. 62 17. 19. I will e. my covenant, 21. Deut. 8. 18. that he may e. his cov. VQ. 9. L. shall e. thee an holy peo. 29. 13. be may e. thee lor a people 1 Sam. 1. 23. L. e. word, 2 Sam. 7 25 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 will e. his kingdom, 13. 1 Chr. 17. II. | 22. 10. I 28.7 ! Ki?i. 9. 5. e. throne of thy kingdom 15. 4. and to e. Jerusalem 1 Chr. 17. 12. e. his throne for ever 2 Chr. 7. 18. will I s. throne of king. 9. 8. God loved Israel to e. them Job 36. 7. he doth e. them for ever /'*. 7. 9. e. just, || 48. 8. God will e. it 87. 5. and the Highest, shall e. her 89. 2. faithfulness shalt e. in lieav. 4. thy seed will I e. for ever, and 90. 17. e. work of our hands, e. it 99. 4. thou dost e. equity, thou 119. 38. s. thy word to thy servant Prov. 15. 25. e. border of the widow Isa. 9. 7. to e. it with judgment and 49. 8. for a covenant to e. the earth 62. 7. till he e. and make Jerusalem Jer, 33. 2. L, tli*U formed »t> v« t, it EST Ezek. 16. GO. I will e. an everl. cot. Dan. 6. 7. consulted to e. royal stat. 11. 14. exalt themselves toe. vision Amos 5. 15. e. judgment in the gate Rom. 3. 31. yea, Ave e. the law 10. 3. goinjr about to e. own right. 16. 25. to him of power to e. you 1 Thes. 3. 2. sent Timothy to e. you 13. «. your hearts unblameable 2 77ies. 2. 17. s. you in ev. good word 3. 3. Lord shall s. you, and keep Heb. 10. 9. that he may e. second Jam. 5. 8. patient, 5. your hearts 1 Pet. 5. 10. the God of all grace s. ESTABLISHED, STABLISH ED. Gen. 9. 17. token of covenant I e. 41. 32. because thing is e. by God Exod. 6. 4. 1 have also e. my cove. Bent. 32. 6. not made and e. thee ? 1 Sam. 3. 20. Sam. was e. a prophet 13. 13. now would L. e. thy king. 20. 31. thou shalt not be e. nor I Sam. 5. 12. percoiv. L. had e. him 7. 26. let the house of thy servant David be e. 1 Chr. 17. 24. I Kin. 2. 12. kingdom was e. greatly 1 Chr. 17. 23. let thing be e. for ever 2 Chr. 1. 9. L. let thy promise be e. Job 21. 8. seed is e. in their sight Psal. 24. 2. hath e. it on the floods 40. 2. feet on rock, a ray goings 78. 5. e. a testimony in Jacob 69. earth he e. for ever, 119. 90. 93. 1. world e. || 2. throne e. of old 112. 8. his heart is e. not be afraid 140. 11. let not evil speaker be e. 148. 6. e. the waters for ever and Prov. 3. 19. L. hath e. the heavens 4. 26. let all thy ways be e. 8. 28. when he e. the clouds above 12. 3. sh. not be e. by wickedness 15. 22. in multitude of counsell. e. 16. 12. throne is e. by righteous. 20. 18. ev. purpose \se. by counsel 24. 3. by understand, is an house e. 30. 4. who hath e. ends of f>arth Isa. 7. 9. if not believe, not be e. 16. 5. in mercy shall throne be e. 45. 18. made earth, he hath e. it Jer. 10. 12. e. world hy wisd. 51. 15. Ban. 4. 36. 1 was e. in my kingdom llab. 1. 12. e. them for correction Mat. 18.16. of two witness ev. word e. Acts 16. 5. churches e. in the faith Rom. I. 11. to the end you may bee. Col. 2. 7. and *. in the faith Heb. 8. 6. e. upon better promises 13. 9. that heart be e. with grace 2 Pet. 1. 12. tho* e. in present truth Shall be EST A B L I S H E D. , Lev. 25. 30. house be e. 2 Satn. 7. 16. Beut. 19. 15. at mouth of 2 or 3 wit- nesses sh. matter be e. 2 Cor. 13. 1. 1 Sam. 24. 20. kingd. be e. in hand 2 Sam. 7. 16. thine house, kingdom, throne be e. 1 Kin. 2. 45. 1 Chr. 17. 14. his throne shall be e. for evermore, Psal. 89. 37. 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe in G. so *. be e. Job 22. 28. shalt decree, it shall be e. Ps.8U.2l. with whom my hand s. be e. 96. 10. the world sh. be e. that it be 102. 28. their seed sh. be e. bef. thee Prov. 12. 19. the lip of truth sh. be e. 16 3. and thy thoughts shall be e. 25. 5. throne be e. forever, 29. 14. Isa. 2. 2. mountain of L. house bee. 16. 5. and in mercy sh. throne be e. 54. 14. in righteous, shalt thou bee. Jer. 30.20. their congregation sh. be e. Mic. 4. 1. mount, of house of L bee. Zech. 5. 11. an house, and it sh. be e. ESTABL1SHETH. Prov. 29. 4. king by judgm. e. land ETE in. 6. 15. no decree e. be changed Hab. 2. 12. that e. a city by iniquity 2 Cor. 1. 21. e. us with you in Christ ESTATE, STATE. Gen. 43. 7. man asked us of our s. 1 Chr. 17. 17. s. of man of high deg. 2 Chr. 24. 13. set house of G. in hiss. Esth. 1.10. give her royal e. to anoth. 2. 18. gifts according to s. of king Psal. 39. 5. man at best s. is vanity 136.23. remembered us in our low e. Prov. 27. 23. to know s. of flocks 28. 2. by man of knowl. s. prolonged Eccl. 1. 16. 1 am come to great e. 3. 18. concerning s. of sons of men Isa. 22. 19. fr. thy s. pull thee down Ez. 16. 55. Sama. return to former e. Ban. 11. 7. one stand up in his e. 21. 38. in hise. honour God of forces Mat. 12. 45. last s. of that man worse than first, Luke 11. 26. Luke 1. 48. low e. of his handmaiden Acts 22. 5 e. of elders bear witness Rom. 12. 16. cond. to men of low e. Phil. 2. 19. when I know your s. 20. naturally care for your s. 4. 11. what s. I am to be content Col. 4. 7. all my s. shall Tychicus 8. that he might know your e. Jude 6. angels who kept not first e. ESTATES. Ezek. 36. 11. settle you after old e. Mark 6. 21. a supper to his chief e. ESTEEM. Job 36. 19. will hee. thy riches ? Psal. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts Isa. 53. 4. e. him smitten of God Phil. 2. 3 e. other better than them. 1 Thes. 5.13. e. highly for works' sake ESTEEMED. Beut. 32. 15. lightly e. rock of salv. 1 Sam. 2. 30. desp. me, be lightly e. 18. 23. seeing 1 am lightly e. Job 23. 12. I e. words of his mouth Prov. 17. 28. is e. a man of underst. Isa. 29. 16. shall be e. as potter's clay 17. fruitful field be e. as a forest 53. 3. and we e. him not Lam. 4. 2. e. as earthen pitchers Luke 16. 15. e. among men is abom. 1 Cor. 6. 4. set to judire who leaot e. ESTEEMETH. Job 41. 27. he e. iron as straw Rom. 14. 5. e. one day aboveanother 14. that e. any thing unclean ESTEEMING. eb. 11. 26. e. reproach of Christ ESTRANGED. Job 19. 13. acquaintance are e. Psal. 58. 3. wicked e. from womb ~3. 30. they were not e. from lust Jer. 19. 4. they have e. this place Ezek. 14. 5. they are all e. from me ETERNAL. Beut. 33. 27. e. God is thy refuge Isa. 60. 15. make thee e. excellency Mark 3. 29. in danger of e. damna. Rom. 1. 20. e. power and Godhead 2 Cor. 4. 17. an e. weight of glory 18. which are not seen, are e. 5. 1. an house e. in the heavens Eph. 3. 11. accor. to e. purpose in C. 1 Tim. 1.17. to king e. be honour 2 Tim. 2. 10. obtain salv. withe, glory Heb. 5. 9. author of e. salvation 6. 2. the doctrine of e. judgment 9. 12. obtained e. redemption for us 14. thro' e. spirit offered himself 15. rece. promise of e. inheritance 1 Pet. 5. 10. called us to his e. glory Jude 7. suffering 1 vengeance of e. fire ETERNAL life. Mat. 19. 16. that I may havee. life? 25. 46. righteous shall go into&re*. 14* EVE Mark 10. 17. do that I may inherit e life? Luke 10. 25. | 18. 18. 30. receive in world to come e. lift John 3. 15. believeth sh. have e. life 4. 36. gathereth fruit unto life e. 5. 39. in them think ye have e. life 6. 54. drink my blood, hath e. life 68. thou hast the words of e. life 10. 28. I give unto my sheep e. life 12. 25. hateth life, keep it to e. hfe 17. 2. should give e. life to as many 3. this is lifee. might know thee Acts 13. 48. as were ordained to e. I. Rom. 2. 7. who seek for glory, e. life 5. 21. so might grace reiirn to e. life 6. 23. but the gift of God is e. life 1 Tim. 6. 12. lay hold on e. life, 19. Tit. 1. 2. in hope of e. life which G. 3. 7. heirs accord, to hope of e. life 1 John 1. 2. e. life which was with Y. 2. 25. promise he promised, e. life 3. 15. no murderer hath e. I. abid. 5. 11. that God given to us e. life 13. may know ye have e. life 20. this is the true God, and e. life Jude 21. look, for mercy of L. to e. I. ETERNITY. Isa. 57. 15. lofty One that inhabit, e. EVANGELIST, S. Acts 21. 8. house of Philip the e. Eph. 4. 11. he gave some e. 2 Tim. 4. 5. do the work of an e. EVEN. Exod. 18. 14. people stand by thee from morning to e. Lev. 23. 5. at e. is the Lord's pass- over, Num. 9. 3. Beut. 16. 6. Beut. 28. 67. would God it were e. Judg. 20. 23. they wept till e. 26. fasted till e. 2 Sam. 1. 12. 2-1. 2. peo. abode till e. before God 1 Chr. 23. 30. praise the L. every e. Ezek. 12. 7. in e. I digged thro' wall Mat.8. 16. when the e. was come, 20. 8. j 26. 20. | 27. 57. Mark 4. 35. | 6. 47. | 1 1. 19. | 15. 42. Mark 1. 32. ate. brought diseased 13. 35. at e. at midnight, or at John 6. 16. when e. was now come EVEN. 1 Kin. 1. 48. mine eyes e. seeing it Prov. 22. 19. known e. to thee EVEN, Adject. Job 31. 6. be weighed in e. balance Psal. 26. 12. standeth in an e. place Cant. 4. 2. a flock of sheep e. shorn Luke 19. 44. lay thee e. withground EVENING. Exod. 12. 6. Israel shall kill it in e. Judg. 19. 9. day draweth towards a. 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed eateth till e. Psal. 59. 6. they return at e. they 14. at e. let ftera return DO. 6. in the e. it is cut down 104. 23. goeth to labour until e. Prov. 7. 9. went to her house in e. Eccl. 11. 6. in e. withhold not hand Jer. 6. 4. shadows of e. stretched Ezek. 33. 22. hand of L. on me in e. Zeph. 2. 7. shall they lie down in e. Mat. 14. 23. e. he was there alone 16. 2. when it is e. ye say, it will Luke 24.29. abide, for it is towards e, John 20. 19. same day at e. came J EVENING with morning. Gen. 1. 5. e. and m. were first day Ex. 18. 13. stood by Mo. from m. toe. 1 Sam. 17. 16. Philistine drew neai morning and e. Job 4. 20. destroyed from m. to e. Psal. 55. 17. e. m. at noon will I pra> 65. 8. outgoings of m. e. to rejoice" Ban. 8. 26. vision of e. and m. true Acts 28. 23. persuading from m. to e. EVE EVENING, Adject Ezra 9. 4. 1 sat astonied till e. sacri. Ps. 141. 2. prayer be as e. sacrifice Dan. 9. 21. touched me about e. obla. Hub. 1. 8. fierce than e. wolves Zeph. 3. 3. her. judges are e. wolves Zech. 14. 7. at e. time it sh. be light EVENINGS. Jer. 5. 6. wolf of the e. spoil them EVENT. Eccl. 2. 14. one e. to them all, 9. 3. 9 2. one e. to righte. and wicked EVEN-TIDE, or EVENING- TIDE. Gen. 24. f>3. Isaac to meditate at -e. 1 Chr. 13. 2. abroad to brethren e. w. Mark 16. 20. and preached e. where Lit. 9.6. preach gospel e. w. ActsS. 4. Jo's 17.30. command. all e.u'.to repent 28. 22. it is e. where spoken against 1 Cor. 4. 17. as 1 teach e. where in P/h7. 4. 12. e. ?(7. in all things instru. 1 Tim. 2. 8. I will that men pray e.w. EVIDENCE. Jer. 32. 10. I subscribed the e. and Heb. 11. 1. faith e. of things not seen EVIDENCES. Jer. 32. 44. sh. buy fields, subscribe e. EVIDENT. Job 0. 28. for it is e. to you if I lie Gal. 3. 11. justified by the law is e. Phil. 1. 28. an e. token of perdition Heb. 1. 14 e. L. sprang out of Judah 15. it is yet far more e. for that EVIDENTLY. Gal. 3. 1. Jesus C. been e. set forth EVIL. Gen. 19. 19. some e. take me, I die 44. 5. ye have done e. in so doing 34. e. that shall come on my father 50. 20. ye thought evil atrainst me Ex. 5. 23. hath done e. to this people 10. 10. look to it, e. is before you 32. 14. the Lord repented of thee- 2 Sam. 24. 16. 1 Chr. 21. 15. Dent. 19. 20. commit no more such e. 29. 21. Lord sh. separate him unto e. 30. 15. set before thee death and e. 31. 29. e. b fall you in latter days Josh. 24. 15. if seem e. to serve Lord Judg. 2. 15. hand of L. ag. them for e. 9. 57. e. of Shechem did fiod render 20. 34. they knew not e. was near 1 Sam. 20. 7. be sure e. is determined 24. II. e. nor transg. in mine hand 17. whereas I rewarded thee e. 25. 17. e. is determined ag. master 28. e. hath not been found in thee 26. 18. what e. is in my hand ? 29. 6. I have not found e. in thee 2 Sam. 3. 39. Lord reward deer of e. 12. 11. I will raise up e. agai. thee 19. 7. worse than all e. that befell 1 kin. 14. 9. e. above all before thee 16. 25. Omri wrought e. in eyes of 22. 23. the Lord hath spoken e. con- cerning thee, 2 Chron. 18. 22. 2 Kin. 21. 2. bringing such e. on Jer. 22. 20. thine eyes not see all the e. 1 Chr. 21. 17. it is I that have done e. 2 Chr. 20. 9. if when e. cometh on us Esth. 1. 1. he saw e. determined Job I. 1. and eschewed e. 8. | 2. 3. 5. 19. in seven no e. touch thee 31. 29. lift up when e. found him 42. II. comforted him overall thee. Ps. 5 4. nor shall e. dwell with thee 7. 4. if I rewarded e. to him at peace 15. 3. nor doth c. to his neighbour 21. 11. they intended e. against thee 23. 4. I Will fear noe. for thou aft 144 EVI Psal. 34. 21. e. shall slay the wicked 36. 4. he abhorreth not e. 40. 14. be put to shame wish me e. 41. 5. mine enemies speak e. of me. 49. 5. why sho. 1 fear in days of e.? 50. 19. thou givestthy mouth to e. 54. 5. shall reward e. to my enemies 56. 5. their thoughts aga. me for e. 90. 15. the years wherein we seen e. 91. 10. no e. befall thee, Jer. 23. 17. 97. 10. that love the Lord, hate e. 109. 20. that speak e. aga. my soul 140. II. e. shall hunt the violent man Prov. 1. 16. feet run to e. Isa. 59. 7. 33. shall be quiet from fear of e. 3. 29. devise not e. aga. neighbour 5. 14. was almost in all e. in midst 1 1. 19. pursueth e. pursu. it to death 12.20. deceit in them that imagine e. 21. shall no e. happen to the just 13 21. e. pursueth sinners 14.22. do not they err that devise e.? 16 4. even wicked for the day of & 27. an ungodly man diggeth up e. 30. moving lips bringeth e. to pass 19. 23. shall not be visited with e. 20. 8. scatter, away e. with his eyes 22. say not, I wili recompense e. 21. 10. soul of the wicked desireth e. 22.3. prudent man foreseeth e. 27.12. 30. 32. if thought e. lay thine liar... Eccl. 2. 21. is vanity, and a great e. 5. 13. there is a sore e. which I, 16. 6. 1. an e. which I have seen, 10. 5. 9. 3. an e. among things done, heart of the sons of men is full of e. 11. 2. knowest not what e. on earth Isa. 3. 9. rewarded e. to themselves 13. 1 1. I will punish the world for e. 33. 15. shutteth eyes from seeing e. 45. 7. I make peace and create e. 47. 11. therefore sh. e. come on thee 56. 2. keepeth hand from doing e. 57. 1. the righteous is taken from e. Jer. 1. 14. out ot the north an e. 6. 1. 2. 3. e. shall come upon them, saith 4. 4. because of e. of your doings, 23. 2. | 26. 3. | 44. 22. 5. 12. neither shall e. come upon us 7. 30. child, of Judah have done e. II. 15. doest e. then thou rejoice^t 17. protiounctd e. for e. of Israel 15. II. to entreat well in time of e. 17. 17. art my hope in the day of e. 18 bring on thein the day of e. and 18. 8. if turn from e. I will repent of thee. 26. 3, 13, 19. | 42. 10. 11. behold, 1 frame e. against you 19. 15. bring e. 1 have pronounced 21. 10. my face aga. this city for e. 25. 32. e. go from nation to nation 28. 8. the prophets piophesied of e. 29. II. thoughts of peace not of e. 32. 30. child of Judah only done e 35. 17. all the evil that I have pro nounced against them. 36.31. 38. 9. these men have done e. in all 44. 1 1. set my face against you for e. 17. we had plenty, and saw no e. 27. I will natch over them for e. 29. my words stand aga. you for e. 51. 24. render to Babylon all the e. 60. wrote e. sho. come on Babylon Ezek. 7. 5. an e an only e. is come 14. 22. be comforted concern, the e. Dan, 9. 14. Lord watched upon the e. Joel 2. 13. Lord repenteth of the e. Amos 3. 6. e. in city, L. not done it? 9. 10. say e. shall not overtake us Jonah 3. 10. God repented of e. 4. 2. Mic. I. 12. e. came down from Lord 2. 1. that work e. up oil their beds 3. aga. this family no i devise an g, 3. 11. Lord among ub '(iivUa e, cua. EVI Kah, 1. 11. imaginpth e. against L. HaK I. 13. purer eyes than hehold e. 2. 9. be delivered from power of e. Zrph. 3. 15. shalt not see e. any more Zech. 7. 10. let none imay. e. 8. 17. Mai. i. 8. ye offer sick, is it not e.? 2. 17. ev. one that doth e. is good Mat. 5. 11. all manner ofe. aaa. you 37. more than these, cometh of e. 39. I sav, that ye resist not e fi. 31. sufficient to the day is the e. 9.4. why think ye e. in your hearts? 27. 23. said, what e. hath he done ? Mark 15. 14. Luke 23. 22. A/ar/c 9. 39. lightly speak e. of me l.uke 6. 45. bring, forth what is e. John 3. 20. doeth e. hatetli light 6. 29. that have done e. toresurree. 18. 23. if spoken e. bear witness ActsO. 13. how much e. he hath done 23. 9. we find noe. in this man Rom. 2. 9 on every soul that doth e. 7. 19. e. I would not, that I do 12. 9. abhor that which is e. 17. recompense to no man e. for e. 21. be not overcome of e. but 13. 4. execute wrath on him doth e. 54. 20. e. for him who eateth with 16. 19. simple concerning e. , Cor. 13. 5. charity thinketh no e. . Then. 5. 15. none render e. for e. 22. abstain' from all appear, or e. Tim. 6. 10. money root of ail e. Tit. 3. 2. to speak e. cf no man Jam. 3. 8. tongue is an unruly e. ■ Pet. 3. 9. not rendering e. for e. 'tJuhn 11. that doth e. not seen God Bring, brought EVIL. Josh. 23. 15. L. shall 6. on you all e. 2 Sam. 15. 14. lest Ahsal. b. e. on us 17. 14. L. might b. e. upon Absalom 1 Kin. 14. 10. b. e. on house of Jero. 17. 20. hast al-o b. e. on the widow ? 2!. 29. not bring the e. in his Hays 2 Km. 22. lfi. behold, I will bring e. upon this place, 2 Chr. 34. 24 2 Chr. 31. 28. nor eyes see e. 1 will 6. ha. 31. 2. 6. e. not call back his word Jer. 4. 6. I will b. e. from the north 6. 19. I will b. e. upon this people II. II. I will bring e. upon them ID. 3. 1 Will b. e. on this place, 15. 23. 12. b. e. the year of visitation 25. 29. I bev'io to b. e. on the city 3-1. 17. b. on Jmiah all the e. 3(5. 31. 39. lfi. b. words on this city for e. 45. 5. I will bring e. upon all fle..-h See Dm, Dp. EVIL, joined with good. [17. ilrn 2. 9 tree of know, of g. and e. 3 5. as god-; knowing g. and e. 22. 41. 4. wherefore rewarded e. for g.? Dent. 1. 39. no knovvl. Ijetw. g.and e. 1 Sinn. 25. 2l. requited me e. for g. 2 Saw. 19.35. discern betw. g. ande. ? 1 A'/;/ 22. 8. not prophecy g.Uut e. 18 2 ( ///•. 13. 7. never prophe. g. but e. 17. would not prophecy g. but e. Job % 10 receive gjood and not e,? 30. 26. I looked tor good, e. came /'.v. 35. 12. reward, me e. for g. 109. 5. 38. 20. render e. for g-. are adversar. 52. 3. thou love-t e. more than g. Prov. 15. 3. beholding e. and the g. 17. 13. whoso rewardeth e. for g. 31. 12. she will do him good not e. Isa. 5. 20. wo to them call e. g. g. e. 7. 15. to refuse e. and choose g. 16. J' j r. 18. 20. e. be recompensed forg. ? 42. (i. whether g. or g, we will obey 7.rf////. .'!. 38. proeecdeth not e. and g. Amos .'i. 14. seek g. and not e. that 9. 4. mine eye-; on them fore, riot g. ♦'« «. 2. H ho hate jr. and love e. EVI Rom. 7. 21. would do g e. is present 9. 11. neither having done g. or e. i/eo. 5. 14. exercised to disc. g. and e. 3 JyA?j 11. follow not e. but good See Great. From EVIL. Gen. 48. 16. redeemed me from all e. 1 StfWJ. 25. 39. kept his servant/, e. 1 C/^f. 4. 10. wouldest keep me/, e. JobiS. 28. to depart/ e. is underst. Ps«7. 34. 13. keep thy tongue/ e. 14. depart/ e. 37. 27. Prov. 3. 7. 121. 7. L. sh. preserve thee/ all e. Prov. 4. 27. remove thy foot from e. 13. 19. abomination to depart/ e. 14. 16. a Wiseman departeth//w« e. lfi. 6. by fear of L. men depart/ e. 17. highway of upr. to depart/ e. Isa. 59. 15./ e. makes himself aprey Jer. 9. 3. they proceed from e. to e. 23. 22. should have turned from e. way, and e. of their doings 51. 64. Babylon not rhe from the e. Mat. 6. 13. deliver us/ e. Lit. II. 4. Jo/m 17. 15. shouldest keep them/ e. 2 Thes. 3. 3. and keep yon frame. 1 Pet. 3. 10. refrain his tongue/ e. Put away EVIL. Deut. 13. 5. put the e. a. from midst 17 7. put the e. a. from anion? you, 19. 19. | 21. 21. | 22. 21, 24. f24. 7. 12. put e. away from Israel, Judg. 20. 13. Eccl. 11. 10. put a. e. from thy flesh Isa. 1. 16. wash you p. a. e. of doings EVIL in the sight of the Lord. Num. 32. 13. done e. in s. Judg. 3. 12. Judg. 2. 1 1. did e. in (he sight of the Lord, 3. 7, 12. | 4. 1. | 6. 1. | 10. 6. | 13. 1. 1 Kin. II. 6. | 14. 22. | 15. 26, 31. | 16. 7, 30. | 22. 52. 2 Kin. 8. 18,27. I 13. 2, II. | 14. 24. | 15. 9, 18, 24, 28. i 17. 2. | 21. 2, 20. 2 Chr. 22. 4. | 33.2, 22. | 36. 5, 9, ]2. 1 Sam. 15. 19. didst e. in sight of L. 1 Kin. 16. 19. in doing e ins. of L. 21. 20. sold to work e. in sight of L. 2 Kin. 3. 2. he wrought e. in s. of L. 17. 17. sold themselves to do e. ins. 21. 16. in doing what was e. in s. of Lord, 23. 32.37. | 24. 9. 19. 1 Chr. 2. 3. Er was e. in sight of L. 2 Chr. 33. 6. Manasseh wrought e. This EVIL. Ex. 32. 12. repent oft e. aga.thy peo. 1 Sam. 6. 9. hath done us t. great e. 12. 19. added this e. to ask a king 2 S(nn. 13. lfi. t. e. in send, me away 1 Kin. 9. 9. L. brought on them t. e. 2 Kin. 6. 33. behold this e. is of Lord 2 Chr. 7. 22. therefore brought t. e. Ne/i. 13. 18. did not our G. bring?, e. Job 2 1 1. Job's friends heard of /. e. Ps. 51. 4. have donet e. in thy sight Jer. 16. 10. pronounced t. e. aea. us 32. 23. thou hast caused all this e. 42. as I brought this e. on people 40. 2. pronounced this e. on t. place 44. 7. wherefore commit t. great e. 23. therefore /. e. is happen, to you Dan. 9. 13. all this e. is come on us Jonah 1. 7. for whose cause this e. 8. EVIL, Adject. Gen. 6. 5. thoughts only e. 8. 21. 37. 20. e. beast devoured him, 33. E.vod. 5. 19. did see were in e. case 33. 4. when heard these e. tidings Num. 14, 27. how long bear e. cong. 20. 5. to bring us unto this e. place Deut. 1. 35. riot one of this e. gene. 22. 14. an e. name upon her, 19. 1:8. 54. his eye e. toward brother £6. her eye be e. toward husband 145 EVI 1 Sam. 2. 23. hear of your e. dealings 1 Kin. 5. 4. nor e. occurrent Ezra 9. 13. come for our e. deeds Ps. 41. 8. e. disease cleaveth to him 6k 5. encourage in an e. matter 78. 49. by sending e. angels 112. 7. not be afraid of e. tidings 140. II. let not e. speaker be esta. Prov. 6. 24. to keep from e. woman 14. 19. the e. bow before the good Eccl. 5. 14. riches perish bye. travel 6. 2. and it is an e. disease 9. 12. fishes taken in an e. net Isa. 7. 5. taken e. counsel aga. thee 32. 7. instruments of churl are e. Jer. 8. 3. that remain of e. family 12. 14 against mine e. neighbours 13. 10. e. peo. refuse to hear words 23. 10. their course is e. 24. 3. e. figs, very e. 8. | 29. 17. 49. 23. they have heard e. tidirgs Ezek. 5. 16. e. arrows of famine 17. so will 1 send on you e. beasts 6. 11. alas, for all the e. abomina. 34. 25. will cause e. beasts to cease 38. 10 shalt think an e. thought Hub. 2. 9. coveteth an e. covetous. Mat. 5. 45. his sun to rise on the e. 7. 11. if being e. Luke 11. 13. 18. cannot bring forth e. fruit 12. S4. how can ye being e speak 39. an e. generation, Luke 11. 29. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed e thoughts Mark!. 21. 24. 48. if e. servant say in heart Luke 6. 22. shall cast out name as e. 35 kind to unthankful and e. John 3. 19. because deeds were e. Acts 24. 20. if found e. doing in me 1 Cor. 15. 33. e. communications Gal. 1. 4. deliver us from e. world Eph. 4. 31. e. speak, be put away Phil. 3. 2. beware of e. workers Col. 3. 5. mortify e. concupiscence 1 Tim. 6. 4. cometh e. surmisings Tit. I 12. Cretians are e. beasts Heb. 10. 22. sprinkled from e. eons. Jam. 2. 4. judges of e. thoughts 4. 16. all such rejoicing is e. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside e. speakings Rev. 2. 2. < anst not bear them e. EVIL day or days. Gen. 47. 9. few and e. d. of life been Prov. 15. 15. days of afflicted are e. Eccl. 12. 1. while e. days come not Autos 6. 3. ye that put far away e. d. Eph. 5. 16. time, because days are •» 6. 13. able to withstand in e. day Day of Evil. ; See E^ il, SuLsi. EVIL doer or doers. Job 8. 20. neither will he help e. d. Ps. 26. 5. I hated congrega. of e. d. 37. 1. fret not because off. doers 9. e. doers shall be cut off, but 94. 16. who will rise up aga. e. d. ? 119. 115. depart from me ye e. d. Isa. 1. 4. ah sinful na. seed ofe d. 9. 17. every one is an e. doer 14. 20. seed ofja d. never renowned 31. 2. will arise aga. house off. d. Jer. 20. 13. delivered poor frome. d. 23. 14. strengthen hands of e. d. 2 Tim. 2. 9. I suffer trouble as e. d. 1 Pet. 2. 12. speak against you as e. d. 14. sent, for punishmcrt ofe. doi-n 3. 16. speak e. of you as of e. doers 4. 15. let none suffer as an e. doer See DotNf-s, Eye. EVIL 'heart Gen. 8. 21 imagination of h. 5s e. Jer. 3. 17. nor walk after ima. ofe. h. 7. 24. walked in imaging ofe. h. 1 1. 8 every one in imngjna. of e. h. 16. 12, every one after una. of e. h L EVI Jcr. 18. 12. ev. one do ima. of e. li. Jleb. 3. 12 lest beane. h. of unbelief EVIL man or men. JobZb. 12. because of pride of e. m. Psal. 10. 15. break arm of e. man 140. 1. deliver me from e. man Prov. 2. 12. deliver from way of e m. 4. 14. go not in way of e. men • 2. 12. wicked desireth net of e. m. 17. 11. e. ?«a«seeketh only rebellion 24. 1. be not envious against e. men 19. fret not because of e. men 20. shall be no reward to e. man 28. 5. e. m. understand not judgm. 29. 6. in transgres. of e. m. is snare Mat. 12. 35. e. man out of e. treasure, bringeth e. thing-!, Luke 6. 45. 2 Tim. 3. 13. e. men shall wax worse See Report. EVIL spirit or spirits. Judg. 9. 23. e. s. between Abiinelech 1 Sum. 16. 14. e. s. troubled him, 15. 1(1 when e. spirit is upon thee 23. e. spirit departed from him IS. 10. e. s. came on Saul, 19. 9. Luke 7. 21, he cured many of e. s. 5. 2. a woman healed of e. spirits ■irts 19. 12. e. s. went out of them 15. e. s. said, Jesus I know, Paul EVIL thing. Neh. 13. 17. what e. t. is this ye do ? P.t. 141. 4. incline not heart toe. t. Eccl. 8. 3. stand not in an e. thing 5. keepeth com. shall feel no e. t. 12. 14. secret t. whether good or e. Jcr. 2. 19. it is an e. t. and bitter Tit. 2. 8. having- no e. t. to say of you EVIL things. Josh. 23, 15. L. bring on you alle. t. Prov. 15. 28. mouth poureth out e. t. Jer. 3. 5. hast done e. t. as couldest Mat. 12. 35. e. man bring, forth e. t. Mark 7. 23. e t. come from within I. nke 10. 25. likewise Lazarus e. t. Rom. 1. 30. inventors of e. things 1 Cor. 10. 6. should not lust after e. (. EVIL lime. Psal. 37. 19. not be ashamed in e. t. Eccl. 9. 12. so are snared in an e. t. /linos 5. 13. keep silence, it is an e. t. Mia 2. 3 nor g» haughtily, I. is e. EVIL way. 1 Kin. 13. 33. Jer. ret. not from e. w. P.«.119.101. 1 refrained from ev. e. w. Prov. 8. 13. fear of L. to hate e. icay 28. 10. righte. to go astray in e. w. Jer. 18. 11. return ye from e. way, 25. 5. | 26. 3. | 35. 15. | 36. 3,7. 23. 22. turned them from e. w. Jonah 3. 8. turn every one from e. w. 10. saw they turned from e. way EVIL trays, in. 17. 13. turn from youre. watjs, Ezek. 33. II. Ezek. 36. 31. remember your e. w. Zech. 1. 4. turn ye now from e. iv. EVIL work or works. Eccl. 4. 3. who hath not seen e. w. 8. 11. sentence against an e. work John 7. 7. testify w. thereof are e. Rom. 13. 3. terror to good but e. w. 2 Tim. 4. 18. deliver ine from e?. e.w. Jam. 3. 16. confusion, and every e. iv. I John 3. 12. his own works were e. EVIL, Adverb. Ex. 5. 22. so e. entreated this peo. ? eut. 26. 6. Egypt, e. entreated ua I Chr. 7. 23. went e. with his house 'ol> 24. 21. e. entreateth the barren ohn 18. 23. if spoken e. bear witn. cts 7. 6. sho. entreat e. 400 years 19. same e. entreated nur fathers 14. 2. e. affected against brethren 19 ». spake e. of that way before EXA Acts23. 5. not speak e. of ruler of p. Rom. 14. 16. not good bee. spoken of 1 Cor. 10. 30. why am I e. spoken of Jam. 4. 11. speak not e. he that speaks e. of brother, speaks e. 1 Pet. 3. 16. whereas they speak e. 17. than suffer for e. doing 4. 4. speaking e. of you 14. on their part e. spoken of 2 Pet. 2. 2 way of truth e. spoken of 10. speak e. of dignities, Jude 8. 12. speak e. of tilings they under. stand not, Jude 10. EVILS. Deut. 31. 17. many e. shall befall them, will say, are not these e. Ps. 40. 12. innumerable e. comp. me Jer. 2. 13. have committed two e. Ezek. 6. 9. loathe themselves for e. 20. 43. loathe yourselves for all e. Luke 3. 19. for all e. Herod had done EUNUCH, S. 2 Km. 9. 32. there looked out e. 20. 18. thy sons be e. in palace of king of Babylon, Isa. 39. 7. Isa. 56. 3. e. say, I am a dry tree 4. thus saith L. unto the e. Jer. 29. 2. after e. were departed 38. 7. Ebedmelech one of the e. Dan. 1. 9. into fav. with prince of e. Mat. 19. 12. some e. so born, some are made e. made themselves e. Acts. 8. 27. e. had come to worship 39. the e. saw Philip no more EUKOCLYDON. Acts 27. 14. arose a wind, called e. EWE or EWES. Gen. 21. 28. Abraham set seven e. 31. 38- thy e. not cast their young Lev. 14. 10. take one e. lamb 2 Sam. 12. 3. nothing save e. lamb Psal. 78. 71. from following the e. EXACT. Deut. 15. 3 of foreigner may e. again Neh. 5. 10. I likewise might e. of them 1 1, restore hundre. of money ye e. Psal. 89. 22. enemy not e. upon him Isa. 58 3. in fast you e. all labours Luke 3. 13. e. no more than is appo. EXACTED, ETH. 2 Kin. 15. 20. Menahem e. of Israel 23. 35. Jelioiakim e. the gold Job 11. 6. G. e. less than iniquity des. EXACTION, S. Neh. 10. 31. would leave e. of debt Ezek. 45. 9. take away your e. EXACTORS. Isa. 60. 17. will make e. righteous. EXALT. Ex. 15. 2. father's G. I will e him I Sam. 2. 10. sh. e. horn of anointed Job 17. 4. shalt thou not e. them Psal. 34. 3. let us e. his name toge. 37. 34. e. thee to inherit the land 66. 7. let not rebellious e. themsel. 92. 10. my horn e. like the horn 99. 5. e. ye the Lord our God, 9. 107. 32. let e. him in congregation 113. 28. art my God, I will e. thee 140. 8. lest wicked e. themselves Prov. 4. 8. e. her, she shall promote Isa. 13. 2. e. the voice unto them 14. 13. 1 will e. throne above stars 25. 1. art my God, I will e. thee Ezek. 21. 26. e. him that is low 29. 15. nor e. itself above nations 31. 14. to the end none of trees e. Dan. 11. 14. robbers of thy people e. 36. king e. himself above ev. god Hos. II. 7. none would e. him Obad. 4. tho' e. thyself as the eagle Mat. 23. 12. whoso shall e. himself .' Cor. li. 20. if a man. e. himself I Pet. 5. 6. may e. you in due tim 146 EXA EXALTED. Num. 24. 7. his kingdom shall be & 1 Sam 2. 1. she said, mine horn is «. 2 Sam. 5. 12. that he had e. kingdom 22. 47. e. be the God of the rock of my salvation, Psal. 18. 46. 1 Kin. 1. 5. then Adonijah e. himself 14. 7. I e. thee from people, 16. 2. 2 Kin. 19. 22. against whom hast thou e. thy voice? Isa. 37. 2a 1 Chr. 29. 11. thou art e. as head Neh. 9. 5. i3 e. above all blessing Job 5. 1 1, that mourn be e. to safety 24. 24. are e. for a little while 36. 7. doth establish, and they aree. Psal. 12. 8. when the vilest are e 13. 2. how long enemy e. over me ? 21. 13. be e. in thine own strength 46. 10. I will be e. among heathen I will be e. in the earth 47. 9. to God, he is greatly <•>. 57. 5. be c. above heavens, 11. 75. 10. horns of righteous sh. be e 89. 16. in thy righte. sh. they be e. 17. in thy favour our horn be e. 19. e. one chosen out of people 24. in my name his horn bee. 97. 9. art e. far above all gods 108. 5. be thou e. above the heaven. 112. 9. his horn be e. with honour 118. 16. right hand of Lord is e. Prov. 11. 11. by blessing city is e. Isa. 2. 2. mountain of Lord's house be e. above the hills, Mic. 4. 1. 11. L. be e. in that day, 17. | 5. 16. 12. 4. mention that his name is e. 30. 18. be e. that he have mercy 33 5. L. is e. \\ 10. now will 1 be e. 40. 4. every valley shall be e. 49. 11. my high-ways shall be e. 52. 13. my servant shall be e. Ezek. 17. 24. I the Lord e. low tree 19. 31. her stature was e. 31. 5. Hos. 13. 1. Ephraim e. himself in Is. 6. and their h 27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. 30. 43. and Jacob increased e. 17. 27. 2 5am. 13. 15. Amnon hated her e. 2 Kin. 10. 4. elders Samaria e. afraid 1 Chr. 29. 25 L. magnified Solomon e. 2 Chr. 1. 1. EXC 2 Chr. 17. 12. Jehosh. waxed great e. 26. 8. Uzziah strengthen, himself e. Neh. 2.10. heard it, it grieved them e. Esth. 4. 4. the queen was e. grieved Job 3. 22. rejoice e. when they find Ps. 68. 3. let the righteous e. rejoice 106. 14. lusted e. in the wilderness 119. 1G7. testimonies, I love them e. (' 123. 3. are e. filled with contempt, 4. Isa. 24. 19. the earth is moved e. Dan. 7. 7. a fourth beast strong e. Jonah 1. 10. men were e. afraid, 16. the men feared the Lord e. 4. 1. it displeased Jonah e. Mat. 19. S~5 they were e. amazed __ Mark. 4. 41. they feared e. and said 15. 14. cried out the more e. crucify Acts 16. 20. these men do e. trouble 26. 11. being e. mad against them 27. 18. e. tossed with a tempest 2 Cor. 7. 13. and 9. 4, thuu ft j lid jrment in Jacob 03. 6 the Lord e. right, and judtr. 46. 7. Lord ft jndg. for theoppres. Isa. 46 11. man that e. my counsel Jer 5. I if any ft judg. I will pardon Joel 2. 11. he is strong that e. word EXECUTING. 2 Chr. 11. 14. Jerob. cast off from e. 22. 8. Jehu e. judtr. on Ahah's house EXECUTION, Eli. E'th. 9. 1. decree diew to be put in e. M^rk 6. 27. king" sent an e. and com. EXEMPTED. 1 Kin. 1^.22. a proclama. none was e. EXERCISE. 1 Tim. 4. 8. bodilv ft prnfjteth little EXERCISE, Verb. Pi. 131. 1. nor do 1 e. things too high J*r. 9. 24.. L. which e. loving-kindri. Mat. 20. 25. princes of the Gentiles e. dominion, that are ffreat e. authority, Mk. 10. 4& £.«. 2^.25. EXP Acts 24. 16. do I e. mys. to liave cons. 1 Tim. 4. 7. ft thyself to godliness EXERCISED, E'J H. Eccl. 1. 13. sore travail, to he e. 3. 10. Ezek. 22. 29. peo. of land e. robbery Heb. 5. 14 senses e. to discern good 12. 1 1, fruit of right, to them e. 2 Pet. 2. 14. heart e. with covetous Rev. 13. 12. e. power of first beast EXHORT. Acts 2. 40. with many words did bee. 27. 22. 1 p. you to he of good cheer 1 Thes. 4. 1. brethren, and e. you 5 i now we f. you, warn unruly 2 Thes. 3. 12. we comm. and e. by C. 1 Tim. 2. I. I e. that first of all, pray 6 2. these tilings teach ai.d e. 2 Tim. 4. 2. e. with all long-suffering Tit. 1.9.may he able toe.aud convince 2. 6. young- men e. to he sober 9. e. servants to be obedient 15. speak, e. and rebuke Heb. 3. 13. e. one another daily 1 Pet. 5. I. the cdders among you I e. Jude 3. needful for n e to write and e. EXHORTATION. / u. 3. 18. many things in e preached Acts 13. 15. if ye have weird of e. say 20. 2. when Paul had given much e. Rom. 12. 8. exhorti'th, let wait on e. ! Cur. 14. 3. speaketh unto men to e. 2 Cor. 8. 17. indeed he accepted the e. I Tlies. 2. 3. our e. was not of deceit I Tim. 4. 13. give attendance to e. Heb. 12. 5. ye have forgotten the e. 13. 22. suffer the word of e. EXHORTED, 1NG. Acts]]. 23. liar. e. to cleave to Lord 15. 32. e. brethren with many words 14. 22. e. them to continue in faith 18. 27. brethren wrote e. disciples Hel>. i0. 25. but e. one another and I Tet, b. 12. by Silvi I have written e. 1 Thes. 2. II. von know how we e. EXILE. 2 Sam. 15. 19. a stranger and also an e. Isa. 51. 14. cvptive e. hasteueth tube EXORCISTS. Acts 19. 13. certain vagabond Jews, e. EXPECTATION. Ps. 9. 18. e. of poor shall not perish 62. 5. wait on Cod, my e. from him Prov. 10. 28. e. of wicked perish, 11. 7. 11.23. thee, ot the wicked is wrath 23. 18. e. shall not be c ut i.ff, 24. 14. Isa. 20. 5. shall be ashamed ot their e. 0. behold, sueh is our e Zech. 9.5 and Ekron ; for her e. shall be ashamed Lu 3. 15. as peo. were in e. John said Acts 12. 11. L. deliver, fr. e. of Jews Rom. 8 19. e. of creatine waiteth for Phil. 1.20. ac cording t<. my earnest e. EX1 EC! ED, ING. Jer. 29. II. I think to give an e. end Acts. 3. 5. e. to receive something Heb. 10. 13. e. enemies be made foot. EXPEDIENT. John 11.50. e. for us that one man die 16. 7. it is e. for you that I go away 18. 14. e. that one man die for people 1 Cor. 6. 12. all things not e. 10. 23. 2 for- 8. iO. e. for you who begun 12. 1. it is not e. for me to glory EXPEL, LED. Josh. 13. 13. Israel e. not Geshurites 23. 5. God shall e. them before you Judg. 1. 20. he e. three sons of Anak 1 1. 7. did not ye e. me out of house? 2 Sam. 14. 14. his banished be not e. Acts 13. 50. th"V ft them out of coasts EXPENCES. Ezra 6. 4 . e. be given out king's house 8. 1 decree that e. be giveuto 148 EYE EXPERIENCE. Gen. 30. 27. by e. the L. blessed me Eccl. 1.16. my hi art had ft of wisd. Rom. 5. 4. patience workeih e. and e. EXPERIMENT. 2 Cor. 9. 13. bv e. of this ministration EXPERT. [in war 1 Chr. 12. 33. of Zeb. fifty thousand e. 35 Danites e. in war. ||36. As her Card. 3. 8. all hold swords, ft in war Jer. 50. 9. ariows shall be as e. man Acts 26. 3. 1 know thee e. in customs EXPIRED. 1 Sam. 18. 26- the days were not e. 2 Sam. 11.1. year was e. 1. Chr. 20. 1. 1 Chr. 17. 11. come when days be e. 2 Chr. 36. 10. when year ft Neb. sent Esth. 1.5. when days were e. the king Ezek. 43.27. when days are e. it shall Acts 7. 30. when forty years Wi ie e. Rev. 20. 7. 1000 years ft" Satau loosed EXPLOITS. Dan. 11.28. to his land he shall do e. 32. people shall be strong and do e. EXPOUND, ED. Judg. 14. 14. they could not ft riddle 14. 19. garments to them w ho e. rid. Mark 4. 34. when alone e. all things Luke 24. 27. he e. to them all script. Arts 1 1. 4. but Peter e. it by order 18.26. Aq. and Pris. ft to him way G 2S.23. Paul ft the kingdom of God EXPRESS. Heb. 1. 3. being e. image of person EXPRESS, ED. Nutn. 1. 17. took men e. by names 1 C/^y.12.31 Rlanass. 18,000 e. by name 16. 41. who were e. by name 2 Chron. 28. 15. men e. took captives 31. 19. men e. to give portions Ezra 8. 20. Nethimms e. by name EXPRESSLY. 1 Sam. 20. 21. if I ft say to the lad Ezek. 1. 3. word came e. to Ezekiel 1 Tim. 4 1. Spirit sp. akf th e. tome EXTEND, LI). Ezra 7. 28. e. mercy to me || 9.9. to us Ps. 169. 12. let be none to e. mercy Isa, 66. 12. 1 will e. u< ace like liver EX I ENDETH. Ps. 16. 2. my goodness e. not to thee EXTINCT. Job 17. 1. my days are e. the graves Isa. 43. 17. they are e. the y quenched LX'IOL, LU;. Psal. 30. 1. I will e. thee, O Lord 6'.. 17. he was e. w -it li my tongue 68. 4. God ha. 52. 13. my servant shall be e. Dan. 4. '<7. I Nehiichad. e. King of EXTOK'i ION, ER, .s. Ps. 109. 11 let e, catch all he hath ha 16.4. thee, at an end, tin' spoiler Ezek. 22. 12. rhou hast gained by e. Mat. i3. 25. within the) are full of*. Lu. 18. 11. I am not as other men, & 1 Cor. 5. 1 1. it any be drunkard, an e. n. 10. yet not altogether with e. 6. 10. nor ft inherit kingdom of God EX'IREME. Deut. 28. 22. L. smite with e. burn. EXTREMITY. Job 35. 15. he knoweth not in great ft EYE. Exvd. 21. 24. e. for e. Lev. 24. 20. Deut. 19. 21. Mat. 5. 38. 26. if man smite e of servants Lev. 21. 20 that hath Id. mish in e. Deut. 28. 54. bis e. shall be evil 56. her e. shall be e^l to. husband 32. 10. kept him as apple of his e. Deut. 34. 7. his Mic. 4. 1!. let our e. look on Zion Mat. 6. 22. light of the bodv is thee. Luke 11. 34. 7. 3. mote in brother's e. beam in thine own e. Luke 6. 41, 42. 18. 9 if e. offend thee piuck it out 19.21. camel go through e. of needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 1 Cor. 12. 16. because I am not thee. 17. if the whole body were an e. || 21. e. cannot say 15. 52. in twinkling of an e. Rev. 1. 7. aud every e. shall see him EvU EYE. Prov. 23. fi. bread of him th hath e. e. vs. 22. hasteth to be rich hath e. e Mat. 6. 23. if e be evil, Luke 1 1. 34. 20. 15. i* thine e. e. bee. 1 am good '{ Mark 7. 22. <>f heart proceedeth e. e. Mine EYE. I Sam. 21. 10. but mine e. spared thee Job 7. 7. m. e. sli. no more see good 13. 1. mine e. hath seen all thia lb". 20. inftte e. poureth tears to G. 17. 7. mine e. is dim by sorrow 42. 5. but now mine e. seeth thee Ps. 6. 7. in. e. eon. with grief. 31. 9. 32. 8. I will guide thee with minee. 51. 7. mine e. hath seen his desire 88. 9. minee. rhourneth by reason 92. II. mine e. shall see my desire Lam. I. 16. m. e. m. e. runneth, 3. 48. 3. 49. mine e. trick leth down 51. mine e. aff eteth my heart Ezek. 5. II. neither shall mine e. spare 7. 4, 9. | 8. 18. | 9. 10. Thine EYE. Deut. 7. 16. thine e. shall not pity, 13. 8 | 19. 13, 21. | 25. 12. 15. 9. t. e. be evil against brother Mat. 0. 22. if t. e. be single, Lu 1 1.34. 7. 3. beam in t. own e. Luke ft. 41. 18. 9. t. e. offehd pluck it J/a/-/i:9.47. See Applf. EYE-RHOVVS. Lev. 14. 9. sh. shave hair off e. -brows EYE- LIDS. Job 16. 16. on mine e. is shadow 41. 18. eyes like e. of the morning Pi. 11. 4. his e. try children of men 132. 4. or slumber to mine e. Prov. 4. 25. let thine e. look straight 6. 4. or slumber to thine e. 25. neither let her take with e. 30. 13. their e. are lilted up Jer. 9. 18. e. ma\ gush with water3 Rio- lit EYE. Zech. 11. 17. on his right e. his right e. shall be utterly darkened Mat. 5. 29. if *'. c. offend pluck it out EVK.SAEVE. Rev. 3. Is. anoint eyes with e.-talve EYE EYE-SERVICE. Eph. 6. 6. not with e.-service as men pleasers, Col: 3. 22. EYE-SICHT. 2 Sam. 22.25. according to my clean- ness in his e.-sight, Psal. 18. 24. EYE WITNESSES. Luke 1. 2. from beginn. e. -witnesses 2 Pet. 1. 16. were e -wit. of majesty EYED. 1 Sam. 18. 9. Saul e. David Tender EYED. Gen. 29. 17. Leah was lender-e. EYKS. Gen. 3. 6. and pleasant to the e. 7. e. of them both were opened 16. 4. undress was despised in e. 5. 1 was desvised in here. 20. 16. he is to thee a covering of e. 21. 19. God opened Hagar's e. 39. 7. wife cast her e. on Joseph 48. 10. e. of Israel were dim forage Exod 5. 23. abhorred in e. of Phar. 24. 17. glory of L. like fire ine. of Is. Lev. 4. 13 hid from e. of assembly 26. 16. burning ague sh. consume e. Num. 10. 31. mayest be instead of e. 20. 12. to Sanctify me in e. of Israel 22. 31. Lord opened e. of Balaam 24. 3. man whose e. are open. 15. Deut. 16. 19. gift doth blind e. of wise 28. 65. L. shall give failing of e. Judg. 16. 28. 1 be avenged for two e. 2 Sam. 6. 20. uncovered in e. of hand. 24. 3. that e. of king may see it ! Kin. I. 20. e. of all l»r. upon thee 2 Kin 6. 17. L open. e. of young in. 2(K Lord, open e. of these men 25. 7. out e. of Zed. Jer. 39.7. | 52.11. 1 Chr. 13. 4. rigiit in e. of people Job Id. 4 rfast'thoue: of ffesh I'- ll. 20. e. of the wirked shall fail 17. 5. e. ol his children shall fail 28. 21. hid from the e. of all living 29. 15. I was e. to the bfiiid 31. 16. cause > e. of widow to fail 39. 29. and her e. behold afar off Psal. 15. 4. in whose e. vile person 19. S. commandment enlighten, e. 115. 5. e. ha. they, see not, 135. 16. 123. 2. as e. of servant, e. of maiden 145. 15. e. of all wait upon thee 146. 8. Lord openeth e of the blind Pro. 10.26. aS smoke toe. so sluggard 15. 30. light of e. rejoieeth heart 17. 8. precious stone in e. of him 24. e. of fool in ends of the earth 23. 29. who hath redness of e.? 27. 20. e. of man are never satisfied Eceh 2. 14. wi/'. 4. 19. les'tthoii'Y u. e. to heav. J^OA'A. 5. 13. Joshua lifted vp his e. Jwtf#. 19. 17. old man lift up his ft EYE ] Sam. 6. 13. lift, up e. and saw ark 2 Sam. 13.34. watchman/, up e. 18.24. 1 Chr. 21. 16. Dav. I. up e. saw angel Job 2. 12. they lift up e. and knew not Ps. 121. 1. will lift up mine e. to hills 123. 1. to thee lift I up mine e. Isa. 51. 6. lift up your e. E^-eAr. 33. 25. Jb/m 4. 35. Ezek. 18. 6. nor /(/if up e. to idols, 15. 12. hath lift wp his e. to idols Dam. 4. 34. 1 Nebuchad. /. up mine e. 8. 3. I lifted up mine e. 10. 5. Zec7i. 1. 18. | 2. 1. | 5. 1, 5, 9. | 6. 1 Mat. 17. 8. had /. up e. saw no man. I.uke 6. 20. Jesus lifted up nis ^. John 6. 5. | 11. 41. | 17. 1. 16. 23. in hell he lift up his e. being 18. 13. not I up so much as e. to hea. EYES of the Lord. Gen. 6. 8. N. found grace in e. of L. Deut, 11. 12. e. of the L. always on it 13. 18. do what is right in e. of L. I Sam. 2(1 24. life set'by in e. ofL. 1 Kin, 15. 5. David did right in e. of the L. 11. | 22. 43. 2 Chr. 14. 2. 2 Chr. 16. 9. the e. of the Lord run to and fro, Zech. 4. 10. Psal. 34. 15. tf. o f the Lord are on the righteous, 1 Pet. 3. 12. Prow 15. 3. <■?. o/ L. are in ev. place 22. 12. e. ofthe L. preserve know). Isa. 49. 5. glorious in e. ofthe Lord Amos 9. 8. e. of L. are on sinful king. Mine EVES. Gen. 31. 40. sleep departed fr. in. e. 44. 21. that I may set m. e. on him 1 Sam. 12. 3. rec. bribe to blind m. e. 14. 29. see how mine e. enlightened 26. 24. life much set by in mine e. 1 Kin. 1. 48. one to sit, m. e. see. it 9. 3. mine e. shall be there perpetu- ally, 2 Chron. 7. 16. 10. 7. until m. e. seen it, 2 Chr. 9. 6. 11. 33. to do that which is right in mine e. 14. 8. 2 Km. 10. 30. 2 Chr. 7. 15. now m. e. shall be open Job 4. 16. an image was before m. e. 19. 27. mine e. shall behold 31. 1. I made a covenant with m. e. 7. mine heart walked after m. e. Ps. 13. 3. lighten m. e. lest I sleep 26. 15. m. e. are ever toward the L. 26. 3. loving. kindness is before m.e. 38. 10. as for light of m.e. it is gone 69. 3. m. e. fail, whilst I wait for G. 77. 4. thou boldest mine e. waking 101. 3. set no evil thing before in. e. 6. mine e. shall be on faithful 116. 8. hast delivered m. e. fr. tears 119. 18. open m. e. [| 37. turn in. e. 82. mine e. fail for thy word 123. mine e. fail for thy salvation 136. rivers of waters rundown m.e. 1 18. m. e. prevent night-watches 131. 1. nor mine e. lofty 132. 4. T will not give slt-.p to m. e. 111. 8. mine e. are unto thee, O G. Keel. 2. 10. whatsoever m. e. desired Isa. 1. 15. I will hide m. e. from you 16. put away evil doing from m. e. 6. 5. mine e. have seen the King 38. 14. mine e. fail with looking 65. 12. did evil before m. e. 66. 4. Jer. 9. 1. in. e. were fountain of tears 13. 17. mi'w e. shall weep sore 14. 17. m. e. run down with tears 16. 17. mine e. are on their ways, nor their iniquity hid from in. e. 24. 6. I will set m. e. on th. for good Lam. 2. 11. in. e. do fail with tears Hos. 13. 14. repentance hid from m. e. Amos 9. 4. set m. e. on them for evil Mic. 7. 10. mine e. shall behold her Zech.%.6. sh. it be marvellous in in. e. EYE Zech. 12. 4. open in. e. on ho. of Jud. Luke 2. 30. in. e. have seen thy salv. John 9. 11. Jesus anointed m. e. 15. 30. yet he hath opened mine e. Acts 11. 6. when I had fastened m. e. Our EYES. Num. 11. 6. no. but manna hefo. o. e. Deut. 6. 22. shewed signs before o. e. 21. 7. blood, nor have o. e. seen it 2 Chr. 20. 12. O G. o. e. are upon thee Ezra 9. 8. that our G. lighten o. e. Psal. 118. 23. Lord's doing, marvel- lousin o. e. Mat. 21.42. Mark 12.11. 123. 2. o. e. wait upon L. our God Jer. 9. 18. o. e. may run with tears Lam. 4. 17. our e. as yet failed 5. 17. for these things o. e. are dim Joel 1.16. is not meat cut before o. e.? Mat. 20. 33. L. that o. e. be opened 1 John 1. 1. we have seen with o. e. Oun EYES. Nn?n. 15. 39. seek not after oivn e. Deut. 12. 8. not do every man what right in his o. e. Judg. 17.6. | 21.25. Neh. 6. 16. enemies cast down in o. e. Job 32. 1. because righteous in o. e. Ps. '66. 2. be flattereth him. in o. e. Prov. 3. 7. be not wise in own e. 12. 15. way of fool is right in 07cne. 16. 2. ways of man are clean in o. e. 21. 2. way of man is right in oirne. 30. 12. generation pure in their o. e. Isa. 5. 21. woe to them wise in o. e. Gal, 4. 15. would have plucked o. e. Their EYES. Gen. 42. 24. bound Sim. before t. e. Ex. 8. 26. abom. of Egypt, befo. /. e. Lev. 20. 4. do ways hide /. e. from Num. 20. 8. speak to rock before /. e. 27. 14. sanctify at water before /. e. Ezra 3. 12. fonnda. laid before /. e. Job 21. 8. offspring before their e. Psal 17. II. they have set their e. 69. 23. let their e. be darkened 73. 7. their e. stand out with fatness Prov. 29. 13. L. !i2. 25. 17. 11. looked one another in the/ £.?£/*. 1. 14. 7 princes who *. king's/ Arts 6. 15. s. his/ as/ of an angel 20. 25. yesh. see ray/, no more, 38. Col. 2. 1. as many as ha. not s. my/. Ret. 22. 4. and thev shall lee his/ Seek FACE. 1 (Yz?\ 16. 11. s his/ fW. 105. 4. 2 C/i/\ 7. 14. if tnv people s. my/ Psal. 24. 6. that seek thy/ O Jacob 27. 8. s. ye my/ thy/ L. will 1 *. Prov. 7. 15. 1 came to seek thy/ llos. 5. 15. return, till they *. my f. Set FACE. Gen. 31. 21. Ja. s. f to mount Gilead Lev. 17. 10. s.f against soul, 20. 6. 20. 3. s f ag. that man, 5. Ez. 14. 8. 26. 17. .9. my/ aga. you, Jer. 44. II Isa. 50. 7. 1 have s. my/ like a flint •7c?'. 21. 10. have s. my/ ag. this city Ezek. 4. 3. ste£ thy/ against it 6. 2. set thy / towards mountains 13. 17. sef thy/ against daughters 15. 7. I will w£ my/, against them 20. 46. set thy £ toward the south 21. 2. «>< thy/ toward Jerusalem 16. go whitlie-soever thy/ is set 28.2!. f. ag. Zidon |', 20.2. / ag. Pha. 35.2./ ag: mount S. ||38.2. f. a. Gog Da?!. 9. 3. I set my/ to Lord God JO. 15. 1 set my/ toward ground 11. 17. he shall set his/ to enter Luke9. 51. he s.f. to sroto Jerusalem FACE shine. Num. 6. 25. L. make/ to s. on thee Ps. 31. 16. make thy / to shine on thy servant. 119.135. 67. 1. and cause his f. tn shine on us 80. 3. cause thy/ shine, 7, 19. 104 15. oil to make his/ to shine Eccl 8. 1. wifedoni maketh his f. to*. Darc. 9. 17. cause thy/ to shine Mat. 17. 2. his/, did shine as sun FACE of the sky. Mat. 16. 3. ye can discern the f. of the sky, Luke 12". 56. FACE of the waters. Gen. 1. 2. Sp. of G. moved on/ ofw. 7. 18. ark went upon f of the wat. FACE of the wilderness. Ex. 16. 14. on/ of the w. lay manna FACE of the world. Job 37. 12. eommandeth on/ o/w. Isa. 14. 21. nor fill/ ofw. with cities 27. 6. Israel fill/ o/io. with fruit FACES Gen. 9. 23. their/ were backward Mjnd. 19. 7. Muses laid before their/ FAt Ex. 20. 20. his fear be before your/ 25. 20./ shall look one to another 37. 9. mercy-seat- ward/ of cheru. 2 Sam. 19. 5. hast shamed/ of serv. 1 Km. 2 15. all Israel set/ on n;e 1 Chr. 12. 8./ were like/ of lions 2 Chr. 3. 13. their/ were inward Job 9. 24. he covereth/ of judges 40. 13. and bind their/ in secret Psal. 34. 5. their/ were not asham. Isa. 3. 15. that ye grind/ of poor 13. 8. their/ shall be as flames 25. S. God will wipe tears from all/ 53. 3. hid as it were our/ fin him Jer. 1. 8. be not afraid of their/ 5. 3. their/ harder than a rock 30. 6. all/ turned into paleness 4*. 15. set/ to enter Eg. !7. | 44.12. 50. 5. to Zion, with/ thitherward Lam. 5. 12./ of elders not honoured E*. 1.6. ev. one four/. 10, 11, 15. 7. 18. shame shall be on their/ 8. 16. men with/, toward the east 14. 6. turn/ from aboroi nations 20. 47. all/ shall be burnt therein 41. 18. every cherub had two/ Dan. 9. 7. unto us confusion of/ Joel 2. 6. all/ sh. gather blackness Hab. 1. 9./ sh. sup up as east wind Mai 2. 3. I will spread dung on/ Mat. 6. 16. hypocrites disfigure/ Luke 24. 5. have bowed/ to earth Iter. 7. 11. fell before throne on/ 9. 7./ of locusts as/ of men See Fell on FACP.,or Faces. FADE. 2 Sam. 22. 46 strangers shall / awav, Psal. 18. 45. Isa. 64. 6. and we all/ as a leaf Jer. 8. 13. and the leaf shall / Ezek. 47. 12. whose leaf shall not/ Jam. 1. 11. so rich man sh./ away FADETH. Isa. 1. 30. as an oak, whose leaf/ 24. 4. and/ the world fideth 40. 7. grass withereth, flower/ 8. 1 Pet. 1. 4. inheritance/ not away 5. 4. crown "f glory th'at/ not aw. FADING. Isa. 28. 1. glorious beauty/ flower 4. glorious beauty sh. be/ flower FAIL. Josh. 3. 10. will without/ drive Can. Judg. II. 30. without/ deliver Am. EzraG. 9, dav by dav without/ FAIL, Verb. Gen. 47. 16. your cattle, if money/ D/'Ut. 28. 32 eyes/ with lonaing 31. 6. he will not/ thee, 8. Josh. 1. 5. I Uiron. 28. 20. 1 Sain. 17. 32. no man's heart/ him 20. 5. I sho. not/ to sit with king 1 Kin. 2. 4. shall not f. man on throne of Is 8. 25. | 9 5. 2 Chr. 6. 16. 17. 14. neither sh. cruse of oil/ 16. Esth. 6. 10. let nothing/ of all 9. 27. not/ keep days of Purim, 28. Job II. 20. eves of the wicked sh. / 14. 11. as waters/ from the sea 17.5. eyes of hischildren shall/ 31. 16. or caused eyes of widow to/ Psal. 12. 1. faithful/ fr. among men 69. 3. mine eyes/ while I wait 77. 8. doth his promise/ for ever 119. 82. mine eyes/ for thy word 123. mine eyes/ for thy salvation Prov. 22. 8. rod of his anger shall/ Eccl. 12. 5. desire/ bee. man e'tve.th Isa. 19.5. waters/ ||2I. 16. gl. of K./ 31. 3. they all shall/ together 32. 6. cause drink of thirsty to/ 10. for the vintage shall/ 34. 16. no one of these shall f. 38. 14. mino eyes f. with looking 1 152 FAI Isa, 42. 4. not/ nor be discouraged 57. 16. spirit should/ before ma 58. 11. spring whose waters/ not Jer. 14. 6. eyes did/ bee. no gr?ss 15. 18. unto me as waters that/? 48. 33. wine to / from presses, Has. 9. 2, Lam. 2. 11. mine eyes/ with tear* 3. 22. consumed, bee. com. / not Hab. 3. 17. labour of olive shall/ Luke 16. 9. ye/ they may receive 17. one tittle of the law to f. 22. 32. prayed that thy faith/ not I Cor. 13. 8 prophecies they shall/. Ileb. 1. 12. thy years shall hot/ 11. 3.2. time would/ me to teil 12. 15. anv man f. of grace of God FAILED. Gen. 42. 28. their heart/ them 47. 15. money/ in land of Egypt Jush. 3. 16. waters / and we. cut off 21. 45./ not any good which Lord promised, 23: 14. 1 Kin. S. 56. Job 19. 14. my kinsfolk have/ Psal 142. 4. refuge/ no man cared Cant. 5. 6, my soul/ when he spake Lam. 4. 17. our eyes as yet/ FAILETH. Gen. 47. 15. sho. we die? money/ Job2\. 10. bull gendereth and/not Ps. hi. 10. strength f. me. 38. 10. 40. 12. my heart /'me, 73. 26. 71. 9. forsake not when strength/. 109.24. my flesh/ of fatness 143. 7. hear me, O L. niy spirit/ Eccl. 10. 3. waiketh, wisdom-/ bun Isa. 15. 6. grass/, no green thing 4!. 17 their to giwf for thirst 44 12. hungry and his strength/ Ezek. 12. 22. and every vision /. Luke 12 33. t'ea^ure in heav. f. not 1 Cor. 13. 8 charity never/ but FAILING. Lieut. 28. 65.. ! . sh. eh e/ of eyes Luke 21. 21. men's hearts/ for fear FALV. Job 27. 22./ flee out of his hand Luke 15. 16./ fill, belly with husks FAINT. Gen. 25. 29. Esau, and he was/ 30. Lieut. 25. 18. smote when thou feast/ Judg. 8. 4./ yet pursuing them 1 Sum. 14. iS. people were very/ 31. 30. 10. so/ could not go over, 21. 2 Sain. 16. 2. such as be/ may drink Isa. 1. 5. 1he whole heart is/ 13. 7. therefore sh. all hands be/ 29. 8. awaketh. behold he is/ 40. 29. he giveth power to the/ Jer. 8. 18 my heart is faint Lam. 5. 1". for this our heart is/ FAINT, Verb. Dent. 20. 3. let not your hearts / 8. lest his brethren's heart/ Josh. 2. 9. inhabitants of land/ Prov. 24. 10./ in dav of adversity Isa. 40. 30. youths sli./ Amos 8. 13. 31. walk and not/ Jer. 51. 46. and lest your hearts/ Lam. 2. 19. young children/ Ezek. 21. 7. every spirit shall/ 15. their heart may/ Mat. 15. 32. not fasting, lest they/. Mark 8. 3. away fasting, th. wili/ Luke 18. 1. always to pray, not to/ 2 Cor. 4. 1. received mercy we /not 16. for which cause we/ not Gnl. 6. 9. we shall reap, if we/ not Eph. 3. 13./ not at my tribulations Ileb. 12. 3. and/ in your minds 5. nor/ when relinked of him FAINTED. Gen. 45. 26. Jacob's heart/ Pt. 27. 13./ unless I had believed FAI Psal 107. 5. their soul/, in them /.«*. 51. 30. thy sons/ they lie Jer. 45. 3. 1/ in my sighing 1 Erek. 31. 15. trees of field/ for him Van. 8. '27. I Daniel/ and was sick Jonah 2. 7. sou!/ I remembered L. 4. 8. he/ and wished in him to die Mat. 9. 36. compas. on them, beef. Rev. 2. 3. laboured, and hast not/ FAINTEST, ETH. Job 4. 5 come upon thee, and thou/ P'tak 81. 2. soul/ for courts of L. 119. 81. my soul/ for salvation /*«. 10. 18. wheii a standard bearer jr$ 40. 28. Crea. of ends of earth/ not FAI N'T- HEARTED. Dent. 20. 8. and/ let him return I.ia. 7. 4. nor be/ for the two tails i/t J >\ 49. 23. Hamathand Arpadare/ FA 1ST NESS. IfD. 20. 36. 1 will send/ into hearts FAIR. Gen. 6. 2. daughters of men were/ 12.1 1. Sar./ 14. ||24. 16. Rebek. 26. 7. 2 Sa?n. 13. I. Tauter was/ 14. 27. 1 Kin. 1.4. Abishaea/ damsel Estk. 1. II. Vashti/ || 2. 7. Esther/ 2. ■>. let/ young virgins besought J6b31.22 f. weatb. comethout north 42. 15. so/ as Jib's daughters l'ror. 7. 21. with/ speerh she caused 1 1. 22. / woman without discretion £6. 25. when he speaketh/ bel. not Cant. I. 15. thou art/ 16 | 4. 1, 7. 2. 10 my love, my/ one, 13. 4. 10. bow/ is thy k>ve, my sister 6. 10./ as moon |j 7. 6./ art thou Isct: 5. 9. many houses gi'eat and/ •54. II. lay stories with/ colours Ji«\ II. 16. and olive tree/ 12. 6. though they speak'/ words 46. 20. Eyypt like a very/ heifer Exek 16.17. thou hast taken/ jewel- 39. they shall take/ jewels. *3 26. 31. 3. cedar in Feb. with/ branches 7. thus was he/ in his greatness 9. I have made him/ try multitude />m. 4. 12. leaves were/ 21. y4w."*8. 13. the/ virsrins shall faint Z'Wj 3. 5. let them set a/ mitre flat. 16. 2. it will tie/, weather dA. 1. 15. after 1 heard of your f. Phil 2. 17. offered on service of y.f. Col. 1. 4. since we heard of your f 2. 5. steadfastness of y. f. in Christ I Thes. 1. 8. yourf. to 'God-ward 3.5. I sent to know yourf 7. we v>er* comforted by your t. FAI 1 Thes.ZAO. perf. what is lack, in y.f. 2 Tlies. 1. 3. your f. groweth exceed. Jam. 1. 3. trying of y. f. work. pat. 1 Pet. 1. 7. trial of y.f. more precious 9. the end of your f. even salvation 21. that your f. might be in God 2 Pet. 1. 5. add to your f. virtue FAITHFUL. A r wm.l2.7.Mo./ in house, Heb.32,5. Deut. 7. 9./ God who keepeth cov. 1 Sa?n. 2. 35. I will raise up/ priest 2 Sa?n. 20. 19. them that f. in Israel Neh. 13. 13. counted/ to"distribute Ps. 12. 1. the/, fail from among men 31. 23. the Lord preserveth the/ 89.37. and as a/ witness in heaven 101. 6. mine eyes shall be on the/ 119. 86. all tii y commandments » r zf. 138. keep thy testimonies very/ Prov. 11. 13./ spirit conceal, matter 13. 17. but a f. ambassador is health 14. 5. a/ witness will not lie 20. 6. but a/ man who can find ? 27. 6./ are the wounds of a friend Isa. 1. 21. how is/ city become liar! 26. thou shalt be called the/ city 8. 2. I took unto me/ witnesses Jer. 42. 5. L. be/ witness betw. us Dare. 6. 4. forasmuch as he was/ Hos. 11. 12. Jndah is/ with saints 3/fl£. 24. 45. who then is/ and wise 25. 21. well done, good and/ serv. 23./ in a few Tilings, Luke 19. 17. Jot. 12.42. who is/ and wise steward? 16. 10. is/ in the least is/ in much 12. not/ in what is another man's Acts 16. 15. if ye have judged me/ 1 Cor. 1. 9. God is/ by whom, 10. 13. 4. 2. in stewards^ that a man be/ 17. sent Timothy,/ in the Lord 7. 25. mercy of the Lord to be/ Gal. 3. 9. blessed with/. Abraham Eph. 1. 1. to saints and/ in Ch. Je. 6.21.Tychicusa/ minister in the L. Col, 1. 2. to saints and/ breth. in C. 7. Epaph. for you/ minister, 4. 7. 4. 9. Onesimus, a/ brother 1 Thess. 5. 24./ is he that calleth you 2 T/im. 3. 3. L. is/ who sh. stab'lish 1 Tim. 1. 12. 1 thank C. he counted/ 15. this is a/ saying, 4. 9. Tit. 3. 8. 2 Tim. 2. 2. same commit to/ men 11. a/ saying || 13. yet he abideth/. Tit. 1.6. blameless, having/ children 9. holding fast the/ word Jleb. 2. 17. he might be/ high-priest 3. 2./ to him that appointed him 10.23. he is/ that promised, 11. 11. I Pet. 4. 19. souls as to a/ Creator 1 John 1. 9. he is/ to forgive us Rev. 1. 5. Christ the/ witness, 3. 14. 2. 10.be/ to death, I will give crown 19. 11. that sat on him was called/ 21. 5. words are true and/ 22. 6. faithfully; 2 Kings 12. 15 for they dealt/ 22. 7. 2 Chr. 31. 12. they brought offer./ 2 Chr. 34. 12. men did the work/ Prov. 29. 14. king/ judgeth the poor Jer. 23. 28. let him speak my word/ FAITHFULNESS. 1 Sam. 26. 23. L. render to man his/ Psal. 5. 9. no/ in their mouth 36. 5. thy/ reac-heili unto clouds 40. 10. I have declared thy/ 89. 1. I will make known thy/. 2. thy/ sh. thou establish in heav. 5. thy/ also in the congregation 8. or to thy/ round about thee ? 24. my/ and mercy be with him 02. 2. good to show/ every night 119. 75. thou in/ hast afflicted me 90. thy/ is unto all generations 143. 1. hear in thy/ answer me FAL ha. 11. 5./ shall be girdle of reins ha. 25. 1. thy counsels of old are/ Lam. 3. 23. mercies new, great thy/ Hos. 2. 20. I will betroth thee in/ FAITHLESS. MatA1.V7.Of. genera.M9.19. L.9.41. John 20. 27. he not/ but believing FALL. Sitbstantive. Prov. 16. 18. haughty spirit before/ 29. 16. righteous shall see their/ Jer. 49. 21. earth moved at noise of/ Mat. 7. 27. and great was the/ of it Lu. 2. 34. child set for/, and rising Rom. 1) 11. thro' their/ salvation is come to the Gentiles 1C. if/ of them be riches of world FALL, Verb. Gen. 2. 21. deep sleep to/ on Adam 45. 24. see that ye/ not out by way 49. 17. his rider shall/ backward Lev. 19. 29. lest land/ to whoredom 26.36.they sh./ when none pursueth 37. they shall / one upon another Xu?n.\i. 29. care, sh./ in wilder. 32. J'idg. 15. 12. swear ye will not/ me 18. and/ into hand of uncircum. Ruth 2. 16. let/ some handfuls 1 Sam. 3. 19. noiie of words/ ground 14. 45 not hair of head /ground, 2 Sum. 14. 1 1. 1 £.1.52. Acts 27.34. 22. 17. would not/ on the'priests 18. turn thou and/ on the priests 2 Sam. 1.15. / on him, 1 Kin. 2. 29. 31. 24. 14. let us/ in hand of G. let me not/ into hand man, 1 C7tr.21.13. 2 Kin. 7. 4. let us/ unto host of Syr. 10. 10. sh. / nothing of word of L. 1 Chr. 12. 19. he will/ to master Sa. 2 Chr. 21. 15. sick., till bowels/ out 25. 8. G. make thee/ before enemy Es. 6. 13. before whom thou begun to/ Job 13. 11. sh. not his dread/ on you 31. 22. let arm/ fr. shoulder-blade Ps. 5. 10. let them/, by own counsels 9. 3. mine enemies sh./ and perish 10. 10. that the poor may/ 35. 8. into that destruction let h»./i f. 37. 24. tho* he/ sh. not be utterly 64. 8. make their tongue to f. on 82. 7. ye shall/ like one of princes 91. 7. a thousand sh. / at thy side 118. 13. hast thrust at me I might/ 140. 10. let burn, coals/ on them 141. 10. let wicked/ into own nets 145. 14. Lord upholdelh all that f. Prov. 10. 8. a prating fool sh./ 10. 11. 5. wicked shall/ by his wicked. 14. where no counsel is the peo. / 28. that trusteth in his riches sh./ 22. 14. abhorred of L. sh. /. therein 24. 16. wicked shall/ into mischief 26. 27. whoso digg. pit sh. / therein 23. 14. thathardeneth heart shall/ 18. that is perverse shall/ at once Eccl. 4. 10. if th./ one will lift fellow 1 1. 3. if the tree/ toward the south Isa. 10. 4. they shall/ under slain 34. Lebanon sh. / by mighty one 22. 25. nail fastened sure place sh./ 24. 18. from fear shall/ into the pit 20. the earth shall/ and not rise 30. 13. iniquity as breach ready to/ 40. 30. young men shall utterly/ 47. 11. mischiefs shall/ upon thee Je? - . 6. 15./ among them that/ 8. 12. 21. fatheis and sons sh./ on them 8. 4. L. shall they/ and not arise ? 9. 22. carcases of men sh. / as dung 15. 8. I have caused him to/ 23.19. whirlwind/ on head, 30. 23. 25.27. be drunken, and spue, and/ 37. 14. 1/ not away to Chaldeans 44. 12. they sh. all / in land of Eg. 46. 6. they shall stumble and / 154 FAL Jer. 48. 44. that fleeth shall/ into pit 49.26. young men/ in streets, 50.30. 50. 32. most proud stumble and/ 51. 4. slain/ in land of Chal. 47. 49. 51. 44. the wall of Babylon shall/ T.am. 1. 14. hath made strength to/ Ezek. 6. 7. slain shall / in the niid&t 13. 11. say unto them it shall/ and ye, O great hailstones, shall f. 24. 6. piece by piece, let no lot/ do 29.5. thou sh./ on open fields, 39.5. 6. they that uphold Egypt shall/ 30.22. will cause the sword to/ out 32. 12. will I cause multitude to/ 33. 12. not/, thereby in the day 35. 8. in all thy rivers shall they/ 38. 20. steep places/ every wall/ 39. 3. arrows to/ || 4. shall/ moun, 44. 12. caused Is. to/ into iniquitj Dan. II. 14. robbers of thy peo. sh. / 19. but he shall stumble and/. 34. they shall/ || 35. some/ to try Hos. 4. 5. shalt thou/ in the day, the prophet also shall/ 5. 5. Ephraim shall/ Judah shall/ 10. 8. they shall say' to hills/ on us 14. 9. transgressors shall/ therein Amos 3. 5. can a bird/ in a snare ? 14. horns of altar sh. / to ground 9. 9. shall not least grain/ to earth Mic. 7. 8. O mine enemy, when If Nah. 3. 12. theysh./ into the mouth Mat. 10. 29. not one sparrow/ to gr. 12. 11. if it/ into a pit on sabbath 15. 14. both/ into ditch, Luke 6. 39. 27. crumbs which/ masters' table 21. 44. whoso / on this stone be broken, Luke 20. 18. 24.29. stars sh./ fr. heav. MA:. 1325. Luke 10. .18. I beheld Sat. as lightii./ 23. 30. say to mountains/ on us John 12. 24. except a corn/ into gr. Acts 27. 17. lest they/ into quicks. 32. cut the ropes and let her/ off 34. shall not an hair/ from head Bom. 11. 11. stumbled that they/ 14. 13. occas. to/ in brother's way lCor.10.1'2. stand, take heed lest he/ 1 Tim. 3. 6. he/ into condemnation 7. good report, lest/ into reproach 6. 9. that will be rich/ into tempt. HebA.W. lest any/ after same exam. 10.31. fearful to/ into hand of liv.G. Jam. 1. 2. when ye/ into temptation 5. 12. swear not, lest ye/ intocond. 2 Pet. 1. 10. do these things ye nev./. 3. 17. lest ye/ from steadfastness Rev. 6. 16. mount, and rocks/ on us 9. 1. I saw a star/ from heaven FALL away. Luke 8. 13. in time of teropta./ a. Heb. 6. 6. if they/ a. to renew them FALL down. Deut. 22. 4. see thy brother's ass/ d. Josh. 6. 5. wall of city shall/ d. flat 1 Sam. 21. 13. David let spittal/ d. Ps. 72. 11. all kings shall/ dowii Isa. 31. 3. that is holpen shall/ d. 34.4. their host shall/ d. as the leaf 44. 19. sh. 1 / d. to stock of a tree ? 45. 14. the Sabeans shall/ down 46. 6. they/ d. yea, they worship Ezek.S0.'2b. arms of Pharaoh sh. / d. Dan. 3 5. ye/ d. andw r or. image, 10. 15. if ye/ down and worship imag«» 11. 26. and many shall/ down slain Mat. 4. 9. if thou / d. and worship me, Luke 4. 7. Rev. 4. 10. twenty-four elders/ d. FALL, joined with sword. Erod. 5. 3. lest he/ with pest, or s. Num. 14. 3. to this land to/ by sword 43. and ye shall/ by the stcord 2 KinA9.1. Sennach./ by*. bAL Ps.63. 10. they sh./ by*. Ezek. 6. 11. Isa. 3. 25. thy men shall/, by the *. 13. 15. every one shall/ by the *. 37. 7. I will cause him to / by the s. in his own land, Jer. 19. 7. Jer. 20. 4. Pashur's friends sh. / by 5. Rsre/c 5. 12. third part sh. / by the s. 6. 12. that is near shall/ by the * 11. 10. ye shall/ by the swora 17. 21. his fugitives shall/ by the*. 23. 25. thy remnant shall"/ by the *. 25. 13. they of Dedan sh./ by the*. 30. 5. men in the league sh. / by *. 22. I will cause the sword to/ out Dan. 11. 33. that underst. sh. / by*. Hos. 7. 16. princes shall/ by the *. 13. 16. Samaria shall/ by the *. Joel 2. 8. when they/ on the sword Luke 21. 24. they sh./ by edtie of*. FALLEN. Gen. 4. 6. why is thy countenance/? Lev. 13. 41. hair/, off from his head 25. 35. if thy brother be/ in decay Judg. 3. 25. their lord was/ tie. id 19. 27. the woman was/ at dour 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was / || 26. 12. a deep sleep/ 31. 8. Saul and his sons/1 Chr. 10. 8. 8 Sam. 3. 38. a great man/ this day 2 Kin. 13. 14. Eiisha was/ sick of sick. 2 Chr. 20. 24. dead bodies / to earth 29. 9. our fathers have/ by sword Esth. 7. 8. Hainan was / on the bed Psal. 20. 8. are brought down and/ 36. 12. are the workers of iniquity/ Isa. 14. 12. thou/ fr. heav. O Luci. ! Ezek.32.22. all of them/ by sw.23,24. Hos. 14. 1. thou hast/ by iniquity Luke 14. 5. have an ox/ into a pit ? Acts 8. 16. the H. G. was/ on none 20. 9. Eutychu3 / into deep sleep 26. 14. when we were all / I heard 27. 29. lest they shd. have/ onrock 28.6. looked when Paul slid./ dead Phil. 1. 12./ out to further, of gos. Rev. 2. 5. remem. whence thou art/ Are FALLEN. 2 Sam. 1. 4. many of the people are f. 19. how are the mighty/ ! 25. 27. 22. 39. aref. under feet, Ps. 18. 38. Ps. 16. 6 lines' aref. to me in pleas. 55. 4. terrors of death aref. on me 69. 9. the reproaches of them are f. ha. 9. 10. the bricks aref. down Jer. 38. 19. Jews that aref. to dial. 46. 12. men, they aref both togeth. 50. 15. Babylon's foundations aref. Lam. 2. 21. my virgins are f. by s.v. Ezek. 31. 12. his branches aref. Has. 7. 7. all their kings aref. 1 Cor. 15. 6. some aref. asleep, 18. Gal. 5. 4. law, ye aref from grace Rev. 17. 10. seven kings, five aref. Is FALLEN. Num. :-!•?. 19. lot is f. on this side Jor. Josh. 2. 9. I know your terror is f Job 1. 16. fire of God is f fr. heaven Psal. 7. 15. and is f. into the ditch Ita. 3. 8. Jeru. ruined, and Judah isf 21. 9. Bab.isf.isf. Rev. 14.8. | 18.2. 59. 14. for truth isf. in the streets Jer. 48. 32. spoiler isf. on sum. fruits 51. 8. Babylon is suddenly/ Lam. 5. 16. crown isf. fr. our head? Ezek. 13. 12. lo, when the wall isf. Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel isf. 9.11. I will raise uptabern. that?*/: Acts 15.16. build taber. of I), wh. isf FALLEST, ETH. Exod. 1. 10. when/ outanv war 2 Sam. 3. 29. not fail one that/ on sw. 34. as a man/ before wicked men 17. 12. on him as dew/ on ground J ob 4, 13. when deep sleep/ 33. 15. PAL Prov. 13.17. messeng. / into mischief 17. 20. perverse tongue / into mis. 24. 16. a just man/ seven times 17. rejoice not when thine enemy/ Eccl. 4. 10. woe to him alone when/ 11. 3. where tree/ there shall it be Isa. 34. 4. as the leaf/ off the vine 44.15.image, and/ down thereto, 17. Jer. 37. 13. thou/ away to Chaldeans Dan. 3. 6. whoso/ not down, 11. Mat. 17. 15. oft-times he/ into fire Luke 11. 17. house divid. ag. house/ 15. 12. portion of goods that/ to me Rom. 14. 4. own master he stand, or/ Jam.l.ll. flower thereof/! 1 Pel.\.2\. FALLING. 2Vw7».24.4./into trance,eyes open, 16. Job 4. 4. words upholden him that/ 14. 18. mount./ cometh to nought Ps. 50. 13. deliver feet from/ 1 16. 8. Prov. 25. 26. righte. / before wicked Isa. 31. 4. as a/ fig from the fig-tree Luke 8. 47. came trembling/ down 22. 44. great drops of blood/ down Acts 1. 18. and Judas/ headlong 1 Cor. 14. 25. so/ he will worship G. 2 Thes. 2. 3. except come a/ away Jude 24. that is able to keep from/ FALLOW. Jer. 4. 3. break /ground, Hos. 10. 12. FALSE. E.vod.2'.l l.thoush. notraise/ report 7. keep thee far from a/ matter 2 Kings 9. 12. it is/ tell us now Job 36. 4. my words shall not be/ Ps. 119. 101. I hate every/ way, 128. 120. 3. what sh. done thee,/ tongue Prov. 11. 1./ balance is abomination 17. 4. wicked giveth heed to/ lips 20. 23. atid a/, balance is not good 25. 14. whoso boasteth of a/ gift Jer. 14. 14. they prophesy a/ vision 23. 32. ag. them prophesy/ dreams 37. 14. it is/ I fall not away Lam. 2. 14. seen for thee/ burdens Ezek. 21. 23. it sh. be as a/, divina. Zech. 8. 17. evil, love no/ oath 10. 2 diviners have told/ dreams Mai. 3. 5. swift witness ag. /. swear. Mat. 24. 24. shall arise/ Christs and / prophets, Mark 13. 22. Lu. 19. 8. any thing by/, accusation 2 Cor. 11. 13 for such are/ apostles 26. in perils among/ brethren Gal. 2. 4. because of/, brethren Tit. 2. 3. that they be not/, accusers 2 Pet. 2. I. there shall be/ teachers See Prophet. FALSE prophet*. Mat. 7. \b.fp. in sheep's clothing 24. 11. and many f p. shall rise, 24. Mark \3. 22. / p. sh. rise shew signs Luke G. 26. so did fathers to the/ p. 2 Pet. 2.1. there were f p. among peo. I John 4. 1. / p. gone out into world FALSE witness, es. Exod. 20. 16. thou shalt not bear/ Kit. Deut. 5. 20. Mat. 19. 18. Dent. 19. 16. if a/ witness rise up 18. if the witness be a/ witness Psal. 27. 12./ witnesses are risen up 35. 11./ w. did rise, laid to charge Prov. 6. 19. a/ w. that speaketh lies 12. 17. a/ w. sheweth dpceit, 14. 5. 19. 5. / w. sh. not be unpunished, 9. 21. 28. a/ witness shall perish 25. 18. that beareth/ w. is a maul Mat. 15. 19. out of heart proceed /?f. 26. 59. elders sought/ w. aga. Jes. 60 many/ witnesses came, at last came two/ witnesses Mar. 14. 56. b£Tf» / w. aga. him 57. Acts 6. 13. and Set up/ w. who said 1 Cor. 15. 15. we are found/ w. of G. 155 AM FALSEHOOD. 2 Sam. 18. '.3. should have wrought/ Job 21. 34. in answers reinaineth/ Ps. 7. 14. he hath brought forth/ 119. 118. trodden them for deceitis/ 144. 8. hand is a right hand off. 1*1. Isa. 28. 15. and under/ have we hid 57. 4. seed of/? || 59. 13. words of f. Jer. 10. 14. molten image is/ 51. 17 Hos. 7. 1. for they commit/ Mic. 2. 11. man walk, in opirit and/ FALSELY. Ge«.21.23.swear thou wilt not deal f Lev. 6. 3. found lost, and sweareth/ 19. 11. neither deal/ nor lie 12. ye sh. not swear by my name/ Deut. ]9AS.if witness have testified/ P*.44. 17. nor have we dealt/ in < ov«\ Jer. 5. 2. the L. liveth, they swear/ 31. the prophets prophesy/ 29. 9. 6. 13. every one dealeth/ 8. 10. 7.9. will ye steal, mur. and swear/? 40. 16. for thou speakest/ of Isli. 43. 2. speakest/ L. hath not sent Hos. 10. 4. swear./ in making cove. Zech. 5.4. curse enter houseswear./ Mat. 5. 1 1, say evil against you/ Lu. 3. 14. nor accuse any/ be content I Tim. 6. 20. opp. of science,/ so cal. 1 Pet. 3. 16 / accuse good conversa, FALSIFYING. Amos. 8. 5. and/ balances by deceit FAME. Gen. 45. 16. /. was heard in Phar. bo. Num. 14. 15. have heard/ of thee Josh. 6. 27. Joshua's f was noised 9. 9. we heard the/ of God 1 Kin. 4. 31./ was in all nations 10. 1. queen heard/ of So). 2 Chr.DA 7. wisdom exceedeth/ 2 Chr. 'J. 6. I Chr. 11, 17. / of D. went to all lards Esth. 9. 4. Mordecai's/. thro' prov. Job 28. 22. we have heard/ with ears Isa. 66. 19. isles that ha. not heard/ Jer. 6. 24. we have heard the/ Zeph. 3. 19. and I will get them/ Mat. 4. 24./ of J. abroad, Mar. 1.28. Luke A. 14, 37. | 5. 15 9. 26. the/ thereof went abroad 31. they spread abroad his/ 14. I. Herod heard of/ of Jesus FAMILIAR. Job 19. 14. my/ friends have forgot. P&41.9i my/ friend ha. lift up heel F AMIL1 AR spirit. Lev. 20. 27. man or woman of a/ ft 1 Sam. 28. 7. woman that hath a/ *.|| 8. a/ spirit at Endor 2 Chr. 33. 6. Manas, dealt with/ *. Isa. 29. 4. voice as one that ha. a/ * FAMILIAR spirits. Lev. 19. 31. regard not th. have/ *. 20. G. soul that turneth after/ s. Deut. 18. 11. nor consulter with/ * 1 S«?«.28.3. Sa. put away those/*. 9. 2 Kin. 21.6. with/*. || 23 24. with/ *. Is. 8. 19. seek/ *. || 19.3. th. have/ * FAMILIARS. Jer. 20. 10. my/ watched fr* halting FAMILY Lev. 20. 5. I will set face ag is/ 25. 10. return ev. man to his/ 41. 47. the stock of the stranger's/ Num. 3G. 6. marry to f. of father, 8. 12. Deut. 29. 18. lest a/ turn from Lord Josh. 7. 14. / which the Lord taketh Judg. 1. 25. let go man and al! his/ 6. 15. my/, is poor in Manasseh Jer. 3. 14. one of a city, two of a f. Zech. 12. 12. ev./ sh. mourn 13. ft. Eph.3.\b. f. in heav. and earth nam. FAMILIES. Gen. 10. 5. Gentiles divided after/ 12. 3. all/, of earth be blessed, 28. 14, FAM Exod.\2.f\. take Iamb ae. to your/ Neh. 4 13. I set people after their/ Job 31 .34. did contempt of f. ter. ine? Ps. 68. 6. God setteth solitary inf. 107. 41. maketh him/, like a flock Jer. 1. 15. 1 will call all/, of north 10. 25. furv on/ call not on name 25. 9. 1 will take all the/ of north 31. I. the God of all the/ of Israel 33 24 two/ which L. hath chosen Ezek.20. 32. will be as/ of countries Amos3. 2. Von have 1 known of all f. Nah. 3. 4. selleth/ thro' witchcrafts Zee. 12.14./ that remain, fain, apart 14. 17. whoso will not, come of all/ FAMINE. Gen. 12. 10. f. was grievous in land 26. 1./ in the land, besides first/ 41. 27. seven empty oars 7 years/ 30. the/ shall consume the land 31. plenty not known by rea. of/ 56./ was over all face of earth 47. 13. land fainted by reason of/ Ruth I. 1. judges ruled there was/ •2 Sam. 21. 1./ in the days of David 24.13. shall seven years of/come ? 1 A'm8.37 if be in land/ 2 CAr.20.9. 15. 2. sore/ in Samar. 2 Kin. 6. 25. 2 Kin. 7. 4 then the/ is in the city 8. 1. the Lord hath called for a/ 25. 3. /. prevailed in Jer. no I read 2 Chr 32. 11. Hez. per. you to die/ Job 5. 2). in/ he shall redeem thee 22. at destruc. / thou shalt laugh 30. 3. for want and/ were solitary I'.i. 33. IS), to keep them alive in/ 37. IS), in d.ivs of f thev sh. be sat. 105.16. he called fora/'on the land ha. It. 30. I will kill root with/ 51. 10. destruction,/ and sword Jer. 14. 15. by f. shall prdph. be con. 18. heboid them th. are sick with/ 15. 2. sucli as are for the/ to the/ 18. 21. deliver up children to the/ 21. 7. deliver from the/ to Nehuch. 21.10. I will send/ am them 29.17. 27. 8. nation will' I punish with/ 34. 17. liberty for you to the/ 42. 16. the/ shall follow close after 52. 6. the/ was sore in the city ham. 5. 10. skin black, because of/ Ez.b.\2. third part consumed with/ 16. send on them evil arrows off. 17. so will I send on you/ 14. 13. 7. 15./ within f. and pestilence 12 16. leave a few men from the/ 36. 29. I will lay no/ upon you Amos 8. 11. I will send/ not of hr. Lu. 4. 25. when great/ thro' land 15. 14. a mighty/ in that land lln. 8.35./ separate from love of C? lie. 18.8. pi affiles in one day. death,/ Blithe FAMINE. Jer.\ 1.22.sons and daught. die but.f. 14. 12. I will consume by the f. 15. 16. 4. sh. be con. by f. 44. 12. IS. 27. 21. 9. that ahideth'in city die byt.f 33.2. in city sh. die bif f Ezek. 0.12. 42. 17. they shall Axerbythef. 22. that ye shall die by the f. 44. 13. I have punish. Jer. t»i the f. Ezek.6. 11. they shall fall by 'the f. FAMINES. Mat. 24. 7. there sh. be/ pestilences, Mark 13. 8. Luke 21. 11. FAMISH arid FAMISHED. Gen. 4). 55. when all land of Eg. f. Prdv. 10.3. L. will not suf. right, to/ Isa. 5. 13. their honour, men are/ Zeph. 2. 11. he will f. gods of earth FAMOUS. Nu. 16. 2. princes/ i i emigre. 26. 9. Ruth 4. 1!. be thou / in Bethlehem 14. his name may be/, in Israel FAR 1 Chr.b.ii. these were/ men, 12. 30. Ps.74.5. man was/ as he lifted axes 136. 18. to him who slew/ kings Ezek. 23. 10. she becair j/ am. wo. 32. 18. daughters of the/ nations FAN, Substantive. Isa. 30. 24. proven, winnow, with / Jer. 15. 7. 1 vld fan with/ in gates Mat.3. 12. Wiiose/ is in ha. Lu.3. 17. FAN, Verb. Is. 41. 16. shalt/ them, winds sh. car. Jer. 4. 1 1. a dry wind not to/ 15. 7. I will/ them with a fan 51. 2. send fanners that shall/ her FAR. Gen. 18.25. / from thee to slay right. Ex. 23. 7. keep/ from false matter Deut. 12. 21. too/ from thee, 14. 24. 29. 22. the stranger from a/ land Josh. 9.22. / from you when ye dwell ■Jud. 9. 17. father adventured life/ 19. !1. by Jebus, day was f. spent 1 Sam. 20. 9. Jon. said,/ be it from 2 Chr. 26. 15. na're spread/ abroad Neh. 4. 19. separated one/ from an. Esl/i. 9. 20. Jews both nigh and/ Job 5. 4. his children/ from safety 11. 14. put iniquity/ away, 22 23. 31. 10./ be it from God to do wick. Pfi. 10. 5 juJgm. are/ out of sight 21. 1. why 30/ from helping me ? 73. 27. that are/ from thee sh. per. 97.9. Lord exalted/ above all gods 103. 12. as/ as eastfron, west, so/ hath he removed 109. 17. let blessing he/ from him 119.155. salvation is/ from wicked Pro. 4. 24 and perverse lips put/ 15. 29. Lord is/ from the wicked 22. 15. rod of correct, sh. drive it/ 3!. 10 her price is/ above ruhies Eccl 2. 13. a-;/ as Irght excel, d irk. Is. 19. 6. shall turn rivers / away 46. 12. hear ye that/ from right. 54. 14. thou shalt he/, from opp. 59. 9. is judgment/ from us Jer. 51. 64. thus/ are words of Jer. Lam: 3. 17. my soul/ from peace Ezek. 11. 15. get ye/, from the L. Dan. 11. 2. the fourth king/ richer Amos 6. 3. that put f. away evil day Mat. 16. 22. be it/'from thee, Loid Mark 6. 35. day was now/ spent 12. 34. art not/ from king, of God 13. 34. as a man taking a/jouruey Lukel. 6. he was not/ from house 22. 51. Jesus said, suffer ye thus/ 24. 29. abide, for the day is/ spent 50. them out as/ as to Bethany John 21. H. they were not/ fr. land Acts 17. 27. not/ fr. every one of us 22. 21. send thee/ hence to Gen. 28. 15. meet us as/ as Appii forum Rom. 13. 12. the night is/ spent, 2 Cor A. 17. work. / more ex. weight Eph. 1. 21./ above all principality 4. 10. ascended up/ ahiveall lieav. Phil. 1. 23. with Christ wh. is/ bet. Heb. 7. 15. it is yet/ more evident, See Country, Countries. FAR from me. 1 Sam. 2. 30 Lord saith, be \tf.from me, 22. 15. 2 Sam. 20. 20. | 23. 17. Jo/> 13. 21. thine hand//r67» me 19. 13. he hath put my breth. f.f. m. 21. 16. eoun. of wick.'is// m . 22.18 30. 10. they flee / from me, to spit Ps. 22. 11. O Lord he not/ /row ?/?f all/ on him Acts II. 6. when I ha i/ my eyes 28. 3. a viper/ on his hand Acts 3. 4. Peter/ his eyes on him FA l\ Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought/ of flock Exod. 29.13. take the/ 22. Lev. 3. 3, 4. 9. | 4. « J 7. 3, 4. lev.Z. 16. all the f. is the Lord's 4. 2fi. bum his/T6. 12. | 17. (5. 7. 24./ of beast that dieth. or torn 9. 24. lire from Lord consumed/. Dent. 32. 14. /*. Of lambs, f of kid. Jwrf». 3. 22 / closed on the blade . Sam. 2. 15. before they burnt/ 15. 22. to hearken is better than f. i Sam. I. 22 from/ of mighty, bi \\ Chr. 35. 14. offering/ until fight Job 15. 27. co'lops- of/ cm bis flanks Ps. 17. 10. Inclosed in their own/ ha. 1. II. full of/ of fed beasts 34. 6. made/ with the/ of kidneys 43. 24. nor rilled me with/ of sacri. Ezek. 44. 7. ye offer f. and blood Eat FAT. Gen. 45. 18. ye shall cat f. of land Lev. 3. 17. eat no/ nor blood, 7. 23. 7. 25. whoso eateth f. be cur off Dent. 32. 38. did eatf. of sacrifices Neh. 8. 10. ear/ dririk the sweet Ezek. 34. 3. ye «rf/ and clothe vou 3!). 19. ye shall eatf. till ye be full Zech. 11. 16. he shall eat flesh of/ I 7 AT, Adject. Gen. 41. 2. came up seven kine/ 49. 20. out of Asher his bread be/ frww. 13. 20. what laud is,/ or leun FAT Deut. 31. ?0. when waxen/ then 32. 15. Jeshurun waxed/ kicked Judg. 3. 17. Eglon was very/ man 1 Sam. 2. 29. to make/ with offer. 28. 24. th • woman had a/ calf 1 Chron. 4. 40. they found/ pasture Neh. 9. 25. took a/ land became/ Px. 22. 29. they/ on earth shall eat 37. 20. enemies as the/ of lambs 92. 14. they shall be/ and flourish. 1 19. 70. heart is as/ as grease Pro. 11. 25. liberal soul be made/ 13. 4. soul of diligent be made/ 15. 3:». good report rr.aketh bones/ 28. 25. trusteth in Lord be made/ Isa. 5. 17. off. ones strangers eat 6. 10. make the heart of this peo. / 10. 16. send among/ ones leanness 25. 6. feast off. things full of mar. 2S. I. on head of the/ valleys, 4. 30. 23. bread be/ and plenteous 34. 6. sword of the Lord is made/ 7. their dust sh. be/ with fatness 58. 11. L. shall make/ thy bones Jer. 5. 28. waxen/ they shine 50. 11. ye are grown/ as heifer Ezek. 34. 14. in/ pasture, shall feed 16. I will destroy/ and strong 20. judge betw./ cattle and lean 45. 15. one lamb out of/ pastures Amos 5.22,. nor regard oft. of/ beasts Hab. 1. 16. by them portion is/. FATHER. Gen. 17. 4. be the/ of many nations, 5. Rom. 4. 17, 18. 44. 19. have ye a/? || 20. we have 45. 8. made me a/ to Pharaoh Lev. 24. 10./ was" an Egyptian Num. II. 12. as nursing/ the suck. 30. 16. statutes betw./ and daugh. Judg. 17. 10. be to me a/ and a priest 18. 19. be to us a/ and a priest Esth. 2. 7. Esther bad neither/ nor Jo029. 16. I was a/ to the poor 31. 18. hro. up with me as with a/ 38. 28. hath the rain a/? Psiil. 68. 5. a/ of fatherless is God 103. 13. like as a/ pitieth ch Idren Prov. 3. 12. correcteth, as/, the son 4. 1. hear the instruction of a/ 10. 1. maketh a glad/ 15. i0. 17. 21. the/ ofaf"ol hath no joy 23. 24./ of righteous shall rejoice ha. 9. 6. name called everlasting F. 22. 21. Eliakiin be/ to inhabitants 38. 19./. to child, make known truth Jer. 31. 9. for I am a/ to Israel Ezek. 18. 4. as soul of/ so of son 20. son sh. not bear iniquity of/ 22. 7 in tin e they set light by/ Mir. 7. 6. the son dishonour eth the/ Hal. I. 6. if a/", where mine honour ? 2. 10. have we not all one/? Mat 10.21./. deliv. chi\d,Mark 13.12. 37. that i'lvelh/ more than tne 11. 25. Jesus said, 1 thank thee, F. 26. even so F. Lu. 10.21. JohnUAi. 21. knoweth the Son but the F. 15. 4. he that curseth/ Mark!. 10. 19. 5. leave/ and cleave to his wife 29. that hath forsaken f. for my name's sake, Mark 10. 29. 28. 19. baptizing in name of the F. Mark 9. 24./. of child cried, I believe 13. 32. knoweth no man but the F. \ 14. 36. Abba, F. all things possible J.nle 10. 22. who the F. is, but Son 11. 1 1. if a son ask bread of a/ 12. 53./ be divided against the son and son against the/ 15. 21./ I have sinned aga. heaven 16. 27. 1 pray thee/ send him 22. 42. F. if willing, remove cup 23. 34 F. forgive them, they 157 FAT Lu. 23 46. F. into thy hands I eomm. John 1. 14. as of only begotten of P 18. Son who is in bosom of the F. 3. 35. F. loveth the Son, 5. 20. 4. 21. nor at Jerusalem worship F 23. shall worship F. in the spirit 5. 19. do nothing, but what F. do 21. as F. raiseth up dead, so Sou 22. the F.judgelh no man, but 23. honour the Son even as F. 26. as the F. hath life in himself 36. woiks F. hath given me bear witness F. hath sent me 37 F. which hath sent me, 8. 16. | 12. 49. | 14. 24. 1 John 4. 14. 45. not I will accuse you to the F 6. 37. all the F. giveth me, shall 39. F. will that I lose nothing 42. this Jesus whose/ we know ? 44. except the F. draw him 45. learned of F. cometh to me 46. not any hath seen the F. he 57. sent me, and I live by the F. 8. 16. I am not alone, but I and F. 18. F. beareth witness of me 27. understood not he spake of F 29. the F. hath not left me alone 41. we have one F. even God 44. devil is a liar, and the/ of it 10 15. F. knoweth me, so 1 the F. 36. whom the F. hath sanctified 58. F. is in me, and 1 in him 12. 27. F. save me from this hour 28. F. glorify thy name; then 50 as F. said to me, so I speak 13. 1. should depart unto the F. 3. that /*'. had given all things 14. 6. ( ometh to the F. but by me 8. Lord, show us the F. 9. hath seen me, hath seen the F 11. 1 am in F. and F in me, 17. 21 13. F. may be glorified in the Son 16. prey the F. for you, 16. 26. 31. I love the F as F. gave com. 15. 9. as the F. hath loved me, so 16. whatsoever ye ask F. 16. 23. 26. 1 will send C'omforter from F 16. 3. not known the F. nor me 15. all tilings F. hath, are mine 16. because I go to the F. J7. 25. shew you plainly of the F 27. the F. loveth yu.u, because \e 28. 1 came from F. and go to F. 32. 1 am not alone. F. is with me 17 1. F. h"iir is come, glorify Son 5. O F. glorify thou n e with 11. holy F. keep thot-e given me 24. F. 1 will they be where 1 am 25. O righteous F. world hath not Acts 1. 4. wait for promise of p. 7. seasons, F. put in his own power 2. 33. receivi d of F. the promise Rom. 4. II be/ of them believe 12./ of ciicumci.-iion to them ',6. Abraham, who is/ of us all 6. 4. as Christ was raised by F. 8. 15. when by we cry, Abba, F 11. 28. are beloved for the F. sake 15. 6. F. of our Lord J. C. 2 Cor. 1 3. | II. 31. Eph. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 3. 1 Cor. 8. 6. is but one God, the F. 15. 24. delivered up kingdom to F 2 Cor. \. 3. F. of mercies 6. 18. I will be a F\ unto vou [1.4 Gal J. 3. peace fr. F. 2 Tim. 1. 2. Til 4. accord to will of G. and our F 4. 2. until time appointed of F. 6. Spiiit crying, Abba, F Eph. 1. 17. God of Jes. F. of glory 2. 18. access by one Spirit to F. 3. 14. 1 bow my knees unto the F. 4. 6. one God and F. all, above all 5. 20. fiying thauks to F. Col. 1. 3. 12. ] 13. 17 FAT Eph. 6. 23. love with faith from F. Phil. 2. 11. is Lord, to glory of F. 22. as a sou with the/, he hath Col. 1.19. it pleased F. that all fulness 2. 2. acknowledg. of mystery of F. 1 Thes. 1. 1. to church in God the F. 2. 1 1. charged you, as &f. doth 1 Tim. 5. 1. elder, intreat him as a/. Heb. 1. 5. 1 will be to him a F lie 7. 3. Melchisedec without/ 12. 7. what son/ chastenetli not ? 9. be in subjection to F. of spirits ,am. 1. 17. cometh from F. of lights 3. 9. bless we God, even the F. Pet. 1. 2. foreknowledge cf the F. 17. eall on F. whojudgeth Pet. 1. 17. received from J", honour John 1. 2. life which was with F. 3. our fellowship is with the F. 2. 1. an advocate with the F. Jesus 13. because ye have known F. 15. the love of the F. is not in him 16. pride of life is not of the F. 22. antichrist denieth F. and Son 23. whoso denieth Son, hath not F. 24. continue in the Son and in F. 3. 1. what manner of love the F. 5. 7. three bear record, the F. 2 John 3. mercy and peace from F. 4. as we received a com. from/ 9. that abideth in Christ hath F. Jude 1. are sanctified by God the F. See Abraham. Her FATHER. Gen. 19. 33. first-born lay wHh h.f 29. 12. he was kerf, brother, she Lev. 21. 9. she profaneth her f. Num. 12. 14. if her f. had but spit Dent. 21. 13. bewail her f. a month Judg. 15. 6. Philistines burnt her/ Esth. 2. 7. her f. and mother dead His FATHER. Gen. 2. 24. shall a man leave hisf. Mark 10. 7. Eph. 5. 31. 28. 7. Jacob obeyed hisf. and his 31. 53. Jacob sware by fear of h.f. 37. 1. wherein hisf. was a stranger 22. to deliver him to his f. 44. 22. the lad cannot leave hisf. 46. 1. sacrifices to God of hisf. 29. Joseph went to meet hisf. 47. 12. Joseph nourished hisf. Ex. 21. 15. smiteth/ be put to death 17. curseth hisf. Lev. 20. 9. Lev. 19. 3. fear every man hisf. Deut. 21. 18. which will not obey/ 27. 16. that setteth light by hisf. 33. 9. to hisf. I have not seen him 1 Sam. 14. 1. Jonathan told not hisf. 19. 4. spake good of David to hisf. 20. 34. hisf. had done him shame 2 Sam. 7. 14. will be hisf. he my son 10. t. S» his f. shewed "kindness to me, 1 Chr. 19. 2. 1 Kin. 11. 4. not perfect as David/;./ 6. as did David hisf. 15. 11. 2 Kin. 18. 3. 2 Chr. 28. 1. | 29. 2. 33. not as/ 2 Kin. 14. 3. | 16. 2. 15. 3. walked in all sins of his f 26. wav of/ 22. 43. 2 Kin. 21. 21. 2 Kin. 3." 2. did evil, but not like/. 1 Chron. 17. 13. 1 will be h.f. 28. 6. 2 Chr. 3. 1. L. appeared to Da. h. f. 17. 4. Jehosha. sought God of his f. 34. 2. in ways of David his f. 3. Prov. 13. 1. heareth instruction off. 15. 5. despiseth hisf. instruction 17. 25. a foolish son a grief to hisf 19. 13. is the calamity of hisf. 26. wasteth his f. causeth shame 20. 20. curseth his f. lamp put out 28. 7. com. of riotous sharaeth h.f. 24. whoso robbeth hisf. or mother 29. 3. loveth wisdom rejoiceth hisf. FAT Pro. 30. 17. eye mock./ ravens pick Isa. 45. 10. wo to him saith to hisf. Ezek. 18. 14. beget son seeth/ sins 17. not die for iniquity of his f Amos 2. 7. hisf. go in to same maid Zech. 13. 3. hisf. thrust him through Mai. i. 6. a son honours hisf. Mat. 10. 35. at variance aga. hisf. 15. 5. to h.f it is a gift, Mark 7. 11. 6. and honour not hisf. be free 16. 27. Son come in glory of his F. Mark 8. 38. Luke 9. 26. 21. 31. whether did will of his f? Luke 1. 32. L. give him throne of/ 59. called him after name of hisf. 62. they made signs unto hisf. 9. 42. Jesus delivered him to hisf. 14. 26. if come and hate not his f. 15. 12. younger said to hisf. 20. arose and came to hisf. John 5. 18. said, that God was his P. Acts 16. 1. but hisf. was a Greek Heb. 7. 10. yet in the loins of his f. Rev. 1. 6. kings and priests to his F. 14. 1. his F. name in foreheads See House. FATHER-i?i-law. Exod. 18. 1. Moses f. -in-law, 8, 14, 17. Judg. 1. 16. | 4. 11. 27. Moses \etf.-in-taw depart Judg. 19. \. f. -in-law retained him John 18. 13. f.-in-law to Caiaphas My FATHER. Gen. 19. 34. I lay yester. with my/ 20. 12. she is the daughter of my f. 27. 34. Esau cried, bless me, myf. 31. 5. the God of my f 42. | 32. 9. Exod. 18. 4. 44. 24. thy servant myf. 27. 30. 32. surety for the lad to my f. 45. 3. doth my f. yet live ? 47. 1. my f. and brethren are come Deut. 26. 5. a Syrian was myf. Josh. 2. 13. ye will save alive my f. Judg. 9. 17. myf. fought for you 14. 16. I have not told it myf. 1 Sam. 14. 29. myf. troubled the land 18. 18. and what is myf. family? 20. 2. myf. will do nothing, but he 13. L. be with thee as with myf. 22. 3. let myf. be with you. 2 Sam. 16. 3. restore king, of my f. 1 Kin. 2. 26. barest ark before my f. in all wherein myf. was afflicted 44. wickedness didst to Dav. myf. 3. 6. shewed to David myf. mercy 7. made king instead of my/. 5. 3 myf. could not buildan house 8. 17. in heart of Dav. my/ to build 12. 10. little finger be thicker than myf loins, 2 Chron. 10. 10. 11. my f lade you, 2 Chron. 10. 11. 14. my f chastised, 2 Chron. 10. 14. 15. 19. league betw. myf. 2 ChrA6.3. 19. 20. let me kiss my f. and mother 2 Kin. 2. 12. Elisha cried, my f. myf. 6. 21. mv f shall 1 smite them ? 13. 14. Joash said, myf. myf. 1 Chron. 28. 4. chose me before all house of my f. and among sons 2 Chr. 2. 3. didst deal with myf. so Job. 17. 14. I said to corruption, m.f. Ps. 27. 10./ and mother forsake me 89. 26. thou art my f. my God Prov. 4. 3. for I was my f. son Isa. 8. 4. child knowledge to cry my f. Jer. 2. 27. to a stock, thou art myf. 3. 4. wilt thou not cry, my F.? 19. 20. 15. cursed brought tidings to/ Dan. 5. 13. my f. bro. out of Jewry Mat. 7. 21. doth will of F. 12. 50. 8. 21. to go bury my f. Luke 9. 59. 10. 32. him confess before my F. 33. him will I deny before my F. 158 FAT Mat. 11. 27. deliver, of Ft Lu. 10. 22, 15. 13. plant my F. hath not planted 16. 17. my F. m heaven revealed it 18. 10. angels behold face of my F. 19. it shall be done of my F. 35. so heavenly F. also do to vou 20. 23. it is prepared of my F. 24. 36. that day knoweth but my F. 25. 34. come, ye blessed of my F. 26. 29. drink it new in F. kingdom 39. O my F. let this cup pass 42. my F. thy will be done 53. that I cannot pray to my F.? Luke 2. 49. about my F. business 15. 18. 1 will arise and go to myf. 16. 27. send him to myf. house 22. 29. as my F. hath appointed 24. 49. I send the promise of my F John 5. 17. my F. worketh hitherto 30. I seek but the will of my F. 43. I am come in my F. name 6. 32. my F. giveth you true bread 65. except it be given of my F. 8. 19. neither know me, nor my F. 28. as my F. hath taught me 38. which 1 have seen with my F. 49. I honour my F. ye dishonour 54. it is my F. that honoureth me 10. 17. doth my F. love me, because 18. this com. 1 received of my F. 25. works I do in my F. name 29. my F. is greater than all 30. 1 and my F. are one 32. many good works from my F. 37. if I do not the works of my F. 12. 26. him will my F. honour 14. 7. should have known my F. 12. because 1 go to my F. 16. 10. 20. ye shall know I am in my F. 21. shall be loved of my F. 23. 28. my F. is greater than I 15. 1. my F. is the husbandman 8. herein is my F. glorified, that 10. as 1 kept my F. commandments 15. all that I tieard of my F. 23. hateth me hateth F. also, 24. 18. 11. cup my F. hath given, shall 20. 17. ascend to my F. and your F. 21. as my F. hath sent me, so Rev. 2. 27. as I received of my F. 3. 5. confess his name before my F. Our FATHER. Gen. 19. 31. o.f. old U 32. o. f drink 43. 28. ourf. is in good health 44. 31. ourf. with sorrow to grave Num. 27. 3. ourf. died in wilderness 4. why name of our f done away ? ] Chr. 29. 10. blessed be thou, L. o.f. Isa. 63. 16. doubtless thou art ourf. 64. 8. art ourf. we are the clay Jer. 35. 6. ourf. com. drink no wine Mat. 6. 9. our P. which art, Lu. 11.2. Mark 11. 10. blessed be king, of o.f Luke3. 8. have Abraham to our/ John 4. 12. greater than o.f? 8. 5a Acts 7. 2. God appeared to ourf. Rom. 1. 7. peace from God our F. 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Eph. 1. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Thes. 1. 1. 2 Thes. 1. 2. I Tim. 1. 2. Philem. 3. 9. 10. by one, even oy our f. Isaac Gal. 1. 4. the will of God and our F. PhilA.20. to our F. be glory for ever 1 Thes. 1. 3. in sight of God and I'. 3. 11. our F. direct our way to yoo 13.stablish in holiness before ourF 2 Thes. 1. 1. to church in God our F. 2. 16. our F. comfort your hearts Their FATHER Gen. 9. 23. saw not nakedness of f. 19. 36. with child by their f. Exod. 40. 15. as didst anoint their f. ! Sam. 2. 25. hearkened not to th. f. 1 Sam.\0.\2. one said, who is their/? 1 CAr.242.N. and Abihudied bef.t.f. 2 Chr. 21. 3. their f. gave great gifts Job 42. 15. their f. gave inheritance Prov. 30. 1 1. that curseth their f. Jer. 16. 7. cup of con. to drink for/ 35. 14 Jona. sons obeyed their f. 16. Ezek. 22. 10. discovered £A. / naked. Mat. 4 21. with Zebedee their f. 22. left their f. and followed liiin Thy FATHER. Gen. 12. 1. get from thy f. house 4/ f. and mo. Deut. 5. 16. Mat. 15. 4. | 19. 19. Deut. 6. 3. as God of thy f. promised 32. 6. is not he thy f. bought thee ? 7. ask thy f. and he will show thee, Ruth 2. 1 f. how tliou hast left thy f. 1 Sam. 20. 6. if thy f. miss me, say 2 Sam. 6. 21. chose me before thy f. 10. 3. thinkest thou that Dav. doth honour thy f. 1 Chron. 19. 3. 16. 19. as I served in thy f. presence 1 Kin.U .\2.not doit, for D. t.f. sake 2 Kin. 3. 13. get to prophets of thy f. 20.5. thus saith the God of D. thy J. 2 Chron. 21. 12. Isa. 38. 5. 1 Chr. 28. 9 my son, know G. of t.f. 2 Chr. 7. 17. if walk before me as t.f. Job 15. 10. much elder than thy f. Prov. 1. 8. instruction of t.f 23. 22. 6. 20. keep thy f. commandment 23. 25. thy f. and mother sh. be glad 27. 10. and thy f. friend forsake not inn. 43. 27. thy first/ hath sinned 53. 14. with heritage of Jacob thyf. Jer. 12. (5. house of thy f dealt trea. 22. 15. did not thyf. eat, drink Ezek. 16. 3. tin/ f was an Amoritc Dan. 5, 11. in the days of thy f 18. God pavp thy f a kingdom Mat. 6. 4, thy F. who seeth in secret 6. pray to thy F. who is in secret Mar. 7. 10. Moses said, honour thyf. 10. 19. Luke 18. 20. Eph. 0. 2. Luke 2. 48. thyf. and I sought thee 15. 27. and thyf. hath killed calf JohnH. 19. said they, where is thyf? Your FATHER. Gen. 31. 7. your f. hath deceived me 43. 7. is y. f. alive ? have ye brother 4k 17. get up in peace to your f 45. 19. bring your f and come 49. 2. hearken unto Israel your f Jer. 35. 18. obeyed Jonadab your f Ezek. 16. 45. your f an Amorite Mat. 5. 16. glorify z/. F. in heaven 45. may be children of your F. 48. as your F. in heaven is perfect C. !. otherwise no reward of?/. F. 8. your F. knoweth whatthiiies ye have need of, 32. Luke 12. 30. 14. if ye forgive, y. F. will forgive 15. neither will y. F. forgive your trespasses, Mark 1 1. 25, 26 10. 29. sparrow fall without your F. 18. 14. not will of y. F. one perish 23. 9. call no man y. F. on earth, for one is y. F. in heaven Luke 6. 36. as your F. is merciful 12. 32. y. F. pleasure to give king. John 8. 38. ye do what seen with y.f. 41. ye do the deeds of your f 42. Jesus said, if God were your f 44. ye are of y. f. the devil, and the lust3 of y. f. ye will do 20. 17. I ascend to my F. and y. F. FATHERS Exod. 10. 6 thy/i nor thy f.f. seen FAT Ex. 20. 5. visiting iniquity of/ 34. 1. Num. 14 18. Deut. 5. 9. Deut, 24 16. / not be put to death for children, 2 Kin. 14. 6. Job 30. 1./ I would have disdained Prov. 19. 14. riches inheritance of/ Isa 49. 23. kings be thy nursing/. Jrr. 6. 21. / and sons shall fall 13. 14 7. 18. gath. wood/ kindle the fire 31.29./ eaten sour grapes2?«e/V.18.2. 32. 18. recompensest iniquity of/ 47. 3. / not look back to children Ezek. 5. 10./ shall eat the sons Mai. 4 6. turn/ to child. Lu. 1. 17. John 7. 22. of Moses, but of the f. Acts 7. 2. and/ hearken, 22. 1. 13. 32. promise made to the/ 22. 3. perfect manner of law off. Rom. 9. 5. whose are the/ 1 Cor. 4. 15. yet have ye not many f. Eph. 6. 4. / provoke not Col, 3. 21. Heb. 1. 1. spake in times past to/ 12. 9. we had/ who corrected us 2 Pet. 3. 4. since the/ fell asleep 1 John 2. 13. I write unto you/ 14. See Bitried, Chief. His FATHERS. 2 Kin. 15. 9. did evil as h. f had done 21.22. forsook G.of h. f 2 CAr.21.lQ. 2 Chr. 21. 19. like burning of his f. 28.25. Ahaz provoked L. G. of his f 30. 19. prepar. to seek G. of his f. 33. 12. humbled before God of his f. Ps. 49. 19. go to generation of his f. 109. 14 iniquity of hisf be remem. Dan. 1 1. 24. do what hisf. not done 37. nor regard the God of his f 38. a god whom hisf. knew not Acts 13. 36. David was laid to hisf. My FATHERS. Gen. 47. 9. not attain, years of my f 30. I will lie with my f. carry me 48. 16. name of my f. be named 49. 29. bury me with my f. in cave Exod, 15. 2. he is my f God, I will 1 Kin. 19. 4. no better than my f 21. 3. inherit, of my f. to thee, 4. 1 Kin. 19. 12. them which my f des- troyed 2 Chr. 32. 14 Isa. 37. 12. 2 Chr. 32. 13. what I and my f done Ps. 39. 12. sojourner as my f were Dan. 2.23. praise thee, OG. of my f Acts 24. 14. so worship God of my f. Gal. 1. 14. traditions of my f. Our FATHERS. Gen. 46. 34. we and also our f 47. 3. Num. 20. 15. how our f. went down Deut. 5. 3. not covenant with our f 6. 23. he sware to our f 26. 3, 15. 26. 7. cried to the God of our f. Josh. 24.17. brought our f. out of Eg. Judg.o. 13. miracles ourfto\d us ot ? 1 Kin. 8. 57. as he was with our f. 5S. statutes he commanded our f 2 Kin. 22. 13. our f. not hearkened 1 ChrAI. 17. God of our f rebuke it 29. 15. are sojourners, as our f 18. O L.God of our f keep for ever in the heart, 2 Chr. 20. 6. 2 Chr. 6. 31. gavest our f Neh. 9. 36. 29. 6. for our f. have trespassed 9. our f. have fallen by the sword 34. 21. our f. have not kept word Ezra 5. 12. after our f provoked G. 7. 27. blessed be the God of our f. 9. 7. since our f in great trespass Neh. 9. 9. didst see affliction of our f. 16. our f dealt proudly P.ial, 22. 4 ourf trusted in thee 44. 1. ourf. told what didst, 78. 3. 106. 6. we have sinned with our f. 7. our f. understood not wonders Isa. 64. 11. where ourf. praised thee Jer. 3, 24.devoureu labour of ourf. 159 FAT ./er. 3 25. and ourf not obeyed voic« 16. 19. our f have inherited lies 44. 17. as we have done, ourf Lam. 5. 7. ourf sinned, and are not Dan. 9. 8. confusion of face to ourf. JG. for our sins and iniqui. of our f. Mic. 7. 20. sworn to ourf. from old Mai. 2. 10. profaning cove, of our f. Mat. 23. 30. if been in days of ourf Luke 1. 55. as he spake to our f. 72. mercy promised to our f. John 4. 20. our f worship, in mount. 6. 31. ourf. eat manna in desert Acts 3. 13. God of o. f. hath glorified 25. covenant G. made with our f. 5. 30. God of our f. raised up Jes'tu 7. 11. ourf. found no sustenance 15. Jacob died, he and ourf, 19. and evil intreated ourf. 38. this is he which spake wiih o./ 39. to whom ourf. would not obey 13. 17. God of Israel chose ourf. 15. 10. a} r oke our f not able to bear 2G. 6. hope of promise made to o. f 28. 25. well spake by Esaias to o. f 1 Cor. 10. 1. o.f were under cloud Slept with FATHERS. 1 Kin. 2. 10. David slept w. f. 11. 21. 43. Solomon slept w.f.2 Chr. 9. 31. 2 Kin. 20. 21. Hez. s. ?.<•. / 2 Chr. 32.33. 2 Chr. 26. 23. Uzziah slept with f. Their FATHERS. Ex. 4.5. God of t.f. hath appeared Lev. 26. 39. in iniquity of t.f. pine 40. if confess iniquity of their f. Nwn. 1 1. 12. land swarest to their f. 14 23. Deut. 10. 11. | 31. 20. Josh. 1. 6. | 5. 6. | 21. 43, 44 Jer. 32. 22. Deut. 29. 25. forsaken cove, of t f Josh. 4. 6. when child, ask t.f. 21. 22. 14. each a head of house of t.f Judg. 2. 10. were gathered to t. j. 12. they forsook the God of their f. 17 out of way their f walked in 19. corrupted more than their f. 20. covenant I commanded their f 22. keep way of Lord as their f 1 Kin* 8. 34. land thou gavest to their f 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 38. 9. 9. brought their f out of Egypt 14. 15. which he gave to their f 2 Kin. 21. 8. Jer. 16. 15. | 24 10 22. provoked above all t.f. done 1 Chr. 5. 25. transgressed aga. G. of/ 29. 20. blessed God of t.f [ | 28. 6 2 Chr. 7. 22. forsook G. of t.f. 24. 24, 11. 16. to sacrifice to God of their f. 13. 18. they relied on God of their f. 14. 4 com. to seek G. of t. f. 15. 12. 19. 4 back to the God of their f. 20. 33. not prepa. hearts to G. of t. f. 30. 7. trespassed aga. God of/./ 22. confession to God of their f. 34. 33. following the God of their f 36. 15. God of t. f sent messengers Neh. 9. 2. confessed iniquities of t.f. Job 8. 8. prepare to search of their J. 15. 18. wise men told from their J. Ps-il 78. 8. might not be as their f. 12. marvel, things in sight of /. / 57. dealt unfaithfully like their f Prov. 17. 6. glory of children are t.f. Isa. 14 21. slaughter for iniqui. of/ Jer. 7. 26. did worse than their f 9. 14. Baalim, which t.f. taught 16. nor their f have known, 19. 4. 23 27. as t. f forgotten my name 31. 32. not according to covenant I made with t.f. 11. 10. Heb. 8. 9. 50. 7. sinned aga. L. hope of t.f. Ezek. 2. 3. and t.f have transgress, 5. 10. and sons shall eat their f. 20. 4. cause knew abomina. of t. f FAT 4mos 2. 4. lies after wh. t. f. walked Mai. 4. 6. heart of children to t. f. tikefS. 23. in like manner did t. f. 26. so did t.f. to false prophets Thy FATHERS. Gen. 15.15. shalt go to t. f. in peace Exud. 13. 5. sware to thy /Ml. Dent. 6. 10, 18. 17. 12," 13. | 8. 18. | 9. 5. | 13. 17. | 19. 8. | 23. 11. | 29. 13. | 30. 20. Dent. 4. 31. nor forget cove, of t, f. 37. because he loved ttoffi 10. 15. in. 22. thy f. went with 70 persons 12. 1. laiid"the God of thnf. g-iveth 19. 8. land he promised thy f 27. 3. 30. 5. multiply thee above thy f. 9. as he rejoiced over thy f. 31. 16. sleep with t. f. 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 Kin. 13. 22. not to sepulchre of t.f. 2 Kin, 20. 17. t. f. laid up, be carried 22. 20. gather to t. f. 2 Chr. 31. 28. 1 Chr. 17. 11. must go to be with t. f. Ps. 45. 16. instead of t, f. be children Jer. 34. 5. with the burnings of t. f. Acts 7. 32. I am the God of thy f. Ymr FATHERS. Gen. 48. 21. bring to land of your f. Exud. 3. 13. God of your f sent me, Dent. 1. 11. | 4. 1. Josh. 18. 3. 2 Chron. 28. 9. | 29. 5. Num. 32. 14. risen up in y. f. stead Josh. 24. 2. y.f. dwelt on other side 6. I brought your f. out of Egypt 1 Sam. 12. 7. acts Lord did toy.}'. 8. y.f cried, L. brought forth y.f. 15. hand of L. aga. you as your f. 2 Chr. 13. 12. fight not aga.^ G. off. 30. 7. be not like.?// 8. Zech. 1. 4. Ezra 10. 11. confession to G. of?/, f. Ps. 95. 9. y. / tempted me, Hel>.'3. 9. /«/. 65. 7. your ami iniquities of y.f. Jer. 2. 5. iniquity y f. found in me ? 11.7. I earnestly protested to y. f. 16. 11. your f. have forsaken me 12. done woise than your f 34. 14. y. f. hearkened not unto me 41. 3. knew not, they nor your f 9. forgotten wi< kedness of y. /? Ezek. 20. 18. walk not in statu, off. 27. in this yourf. blasphemed me 30. polluted after manner of y.f? 36. like as 1 pleaded with your f.'i 37. 25. dwell in land yourf. dwelt Hns. 9. 10. I saw your f. as first ripe Joel 1. 2. this been in days of y. fi? Zech 1. 2. Lord displeased with y.f 4. he net as your f. 5. your f. where are they ? 6. my words take hold of your f.? s 14. when yonrf. provoked me I'd. 3. 7. days of y.f. ye are gone !ut. 23. 32. fill up measure of y.f. •ike 11. 47. and v ur f killed thun 18. that ye allow deeds of your f. >'m 6. 49. your f did eat manna ">S. not as y. f. eat, and are dead ■ts 7. 51. ye resist Holy G. as.?/, f 52. have not yourf. persecuted? 'et. 1. 18. by tradition fr»mw./ FATHERLESS. Exod. 22. 22. not afflict any/ child 24. your children shall be/ Deut. 10. 18. he doth execute judg- ment off. Psal. 82. 3. Isa. 1. 17. Job 6. 27. ye overwhelm the/. i. 9. arms off. have been broken t. 3. they drive away ass of the f 9. they pluck/ frotn the breast 29. 12. because I delivered the/ 31. 17. and the/ not eaten thereof 21. if 1 lifted up my hand against/ Psal 10. 14. thou art helpe- off. 18. to jud^e the/ and oppressed 68. 5. a father of the/ a judge of FAV Psal. 109. 9. let his children be/ 12. nor any favour his/ children Prov. 23. 10. enter not fields off. Isa. 1. 21 judge not/ Jer. 5. 28. 9. 17. L. not have mercy on their/ 10. 2. that they may rob the/ Jer. 49. 11. leave thy/ children Lam. 5. 3. we are orphans and/ Ezek. 22. 7. in thee have vexed/ Hos. 14. 3. in thee/ findeth mercy Mai. 3. 5. witness ag. those oppr. /. Jam. I. 27. pure religion to visit/ FATHERLESS with stranger. Deut. 14. 29. str. and / shall eat. 24. 19, 20, 21. | 26. 12, 13. 1G. 11. str. and / rejoice with thee 24. 17. nor pervert judg. of .v. nor/ 27. 19. perverteth judg. of s. and/ Psal. 94. G. slay str. and murder/ 146. 9. Lord preserveth str, and/ Jer. 7. 6. if ye oppress not the sit. and/ 22. 3. Zech. 7. 10. FATHOMS. Actsll. 28. thev found it twenty/ FATLING, S. I Sam. 15. 9. Saul spared best of/ Psal. 66. 15. burnt sacrifices of f. Isa. 11. 6. lion, and the/ together Ezek. 39. 18. all of them / ofBashan Mat. 22. 4. oxen and my/, are killed FATNESS. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the/ 39. thy dwelling be/ of the earth Deut. 32. 15. art covered with/ Judg. 9. 9. should I leave my/ Job 15. 27. covereth face with his f. 36. 16. on thy table sho. be full off. Psal. 36. 8. satisfied with/ of hotise 63. 5. my soul satisfied as with/ 65 II. ail thy paths drop / 73. 7. their eyes stand out with/ 109. 24. my flesh faileth off. Isa. 17. 4/ of his flesh wax lean 34. 6. sword of Lord is fat with/ 7. their dust be made fat with/ 55. 2. let soul delight itself in/ Jer. 31. 14. soul of priests with/ Rom. 11. 17. partakest of / of olive FATS. Juei 2. 24./ shall overflow, 3. 13. FATTED. Jer. 46.21. hired men like/ bullocks See Calf. FATTEST. Psal 78. 31. wrath of God slew/ Dan. 11. 24. enter on the/ places FAULT, S. Gen. 41. 9. I remember/ this day Ex. 5. 16./ is in thine own people Deut. 25. 2. beaten accord, to his/ 1 Sam. 29. 3. I found no/ in him 2 Sam 3. 8. chargest me with a/ Psal. 19. 12. cleanse from secret/ • r i9. 4. they prepare without my/ Dan. 6. 4. could find no f. in him Mat. 18. 15. trespass, trl'l him his/ Mark 7. 2. umy. hands they found/ Luke 23. 4. 1 find no/ in this mail, 14. John 18. 38. | 19. 4, 6. Rom. 9. 19. why doth he yet find/? 1 Cor. 6. 7. utterly a /among yon Gal. 6. 1. if a man be overtaken in/ Heb. 8. 8. for, finding/ with them Jam. 5. 16. confess/ one to another 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when buffeted for/ Rev. 14. 5. without f. before throne FAULTLESS. Ileb. 8.-7. if first cove, had been f. Jude 24. is able to present you/ FAULTS. 2 Sam. 14. 13. king sp ak as one/ Hos. 10. 2. now shall they be found/ FAVOUR. Gen. 3P. 2J. gave Joseph/ ip sighl 160 FEA Exod. 3. 21. give people/ in sigh of Egyptians, II. 3. j 12/36. Deut. 28 50. not show/ to young 33. 23. O Naphtali, satisfied with/ Josh. Jl. 20. they might have no f 1 Sam. 2. 26. Samuel in/ with Lord Job 10. 12. granted tne life and/ Psal. 5. 12. with/ compass him as 30. 5. in his/ is life, weeping may 7. by/ made mountain to stand 44. 3. because hadst a f. to theiu 45. 12. rich shall intreat thy/ 8.9. 17. in thy/ our horn exalted 106. 4. remember me with/ thou 112. 5. a good man showeth/ 119. 58. 1 intreated thy/ with my Prov. 11. 27. seek, good procuretb f. 13. 15. good understand, giveth/." 14. 9. among righteous there is/ 35. king's/, towards wise servant 16. 15. his/ is as a cloud of rain 19. 6. many intreat/ of prince 12. king's/ is as dtw upon grass 21. 10. his neighbour findeth no/ 22. 1. loving/ rather to be chosen 29. 26. many seek the ruler's/ 31. 30./ is deceitful, beauty vain Eccl. 9. 11. nor yet/ to men" of skill Isa. 26. 10./ be showed to wicked 27. II. formed show them no/ 60. 10. but in my/ 1 had ineicy Jer. 16. 13. where 1 will not show/ Dan. 1. 9. brought Daniel into/ Luke 2. 52. Jesus increased in/ Acts 2. 47./ with all the people 7. 10. God gave Joseph/ in sight 25. 3. high priest desired/ aga" him Find or found FAVOUR. Gen, 18. 3. if 'I have found f. 30. 27. Num. 11. 15. 1 Sam. 20. 29. Neh. 2. 5. Esth. 5. 8. | 7. 3. | S. 5, Nuni. 11. 11. why have I not f.f.t Dt-ut. 24. 1. that ahejind no/ 1 Sam. 16. 22. David hath found f. 25. 8. let the young men find f. 2 Sam. 35. 25. if 1/./ in eyes of L. Pruv. 3. 4. so find f in sight of God 28. 23. find more/ than he flatter. Cant. 8. 10. 1 was a- one found f. Luke 1. 30. fear not, hast// with G. Acts'! 46. who fuuiid.fi before God Obtain or obtained FAVOUR. Esth. 2. !5. E^iher ob.fi 17. | 5. 2. Prov. 8. 35. findeth ine shall ob.fi 12. 2. good man obtain, f of Lord 18. 22.- findeth a wife, obtainethf. FAVOUH, Verb. 1 Sam. 29. 6. the lords/ thee not Psal. 35. 27. f. my righteous cause 102. 13. set time to/ her is mine 14. thy servants/dust thereof 109. 12." to f. fatherless children FAVOUR ABLE. Judg. 21. 22. be/ for our sakes Job 33. 26. God "will be/ unto him Psal, 77. 7. will Lord be/ no mure" 85. 1. hast been/ to thy land FAVOURED, EST, ETH. Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was well./ 39. 6. Jos. well-/ || 41. 2. Syne, 13. 41. 3. ill-/ kine, 4, 19,21, 27. 2 Sam. 20. 11./ Joab, go alter Joab Ps. 41. 11. by this I know thou/ I. am. 4. 16. they/ not the elders Dan. 1. 4. children well-/ skilful Nah. 3.4. whoredoms of well-/ harlot Luke 1. 28. hail, thou highly/ FEAR. Gen. 9. 2. / of you be on ev. beast 31. 42. f. of Isaac had been with me 53. Jacob sware by/ of Isaac Exod, 15. 16./ shall fall upon them 23. 27. will send my/ before thee Vcut, 2, 25. put/ ol tueeou uatioua Devi. 11.25. lay/ of vou on land 1 Chr. 14. 17. f. of him on nations Ezra 3. 3. / was on them because Ki'h. 6. 14. that put me in / 19 Rsth. 8. 17./. of Jews fell on them 9. 3./ of iVJordeeai fell on them Job 4. 6. is nut this thy/, thy eonfid. 14./ fame on me and trembling fi. 14. forsaketh/ of Almighty 9. 34. 1 -t not his/ terrify me 15. 4. yea, thou fastest off/ and 21. 9. their houses are safe from/. 22. 10. sudden/ trouhleth thee 25 2. dominion and/ with him 39. 22. he mocketh at/ Psal. 5. 7. in thy/ will I worship 9. 20. put them in/ O Lord 14. 5. there were they in great/ 31. 11. 1 was a/ to acquaintance 13. /. was on every side, they took 48. 6. / took hold upon them there 53. 5. were in/ where no/ was 61 1. pres. my life from/ of enemy 90. 11. to thy/ so is thy wrath 105. 38./ of them fell upon thorn 119. 38. thy serv. devoted to thy/ Prov. 1. 26. mock when/ cometh 27. when your/ cometh as deso. 33. be quiet from/ of evil 3. 25. be not afraid of sudden/ 10. 24./. of wicked come on him 20. 2. / of king as roaring of lion 29. 25./ of man hringeth a snare Cant. 3. 8. sword bee. of/ in night fsa. 7. 25. not come the/ of briers 8. 12. neither fear ye their f. 13. the Lord, let him be your/ 14. 3. L. shall give thee rest from/ 21. 4. night of pleasure into/ 24. 17./ and the pit are upon thee 18. fleeth from/ Jer. 48. 44. 29. 13. their/ is taught by men 63. 17. hardened heart from thy/ Jer. 2. 19. that my/ is not in thee 6. 25./ U on eve'ry side, ^0. 10. 30. 5. we have heard a voice of/ 32. 40. put mv/ in their hearts 48. 43./ shall be on thee, O Moab 49. 5. I will bring a/ upon thee 24./ hath seized on Damascus 29. shall cry,/ is on every side Lam. 3. 47./ and a snare is come Ezek. 30. 13. put a/ in land of Egypt Mai. 1. 6. if master, where is my/? Luke 1. 12. Zach. saw him,/ fell on 65./ came on all, 7. 16. Acts 2. 43. | 5. 5, 11. | 19. 17. Rev. 11. 11. Rom. 13. 7./ to whom/ is due 1 Cor. 2. 3. with you in weak, and/ 2 Car. 7. 11. what/ ! what vehement 2 Tim. 1. 7. not given us spirit of/ Heb. 2. 15. who through/ of death 12. 28. with revereme and godly/ 1 Pet. 1.17. pass time of sojourn, in/ 3. J5. answer with meekness and/ 1 John 4. 18. no/ in love, cast, out/ For FEAR. Dent. 28. 67. for the/ thou sh. fear Josh. 22. 24. done it for f. of thing 1 Sam. 21. 10. fled// of Saul 23.26. Job 22. 4 reprnve/o/-/ of thee ? Isa. 31. 9. to his strong hold/*?-/ Jer. 46. b.fbrf. was round about 50. 16. toff, of oppressing sword Mai. 2.5. j '/ wherevv. he feared me Vat. 14. 26. disciples cried out// 28. 4. //of him keepers did shake Luke 21. 26. hearts failing for f John 7. 13. no man spake openly// 19. 38. but secret I \ fir f. of Jews 20. 19. assembled for f. of the Jews Rev. 18. 10. for f. of her torment, 15. PEAR of God. Gtn. 20. 11 / of G. not in this place 1 Sam. 23. 3. just, ruling in/ of God 2 Chr. 20. 29./ of.ti. an all kin^d. Neh. 5. 9. to walk in the/ of God? 15. so did not 1, because off. of G. Ps. 36. 1. no/ of G. before his eyes Ho7n.3.\S.in> fof G. before their eyes 2 Cor. 7. !. p'T. holiness in/ of God Eph. 5. 21. submitting in/ of God FKAR of the Lord. 1 Sa?n. 11.7./ ofL. fell 2 Chr. 17. 10. 2 CYt/\ 14. 14./ of L. came on them 19. 7. let the/ of L. be upon you 9. thus do in/ of Lord faithfully Job 28. 28. said,/ o/2>. is wisdom Ps. 19. 9. the/ o/Me Z,rW is clean 34. 11 I will teach you/ of Lord 111. 10./ o//-. beginning of wisd. Prov. 1.7./ o/7,. beg. of know. 9.10. 5:9. did not choose the/ of Lord 2. 5. shalt understand/ oj the Lord 8. 13./ of the Lord is to hate evil 10. 27./ oft. Lord prolnngeth days 14. 26. in/ of L. is strong eonfid. 27./ of Lord is a fountain of life 15. 16. better is little with / of Lord 33./ of L. is instruction o'f wisdom ]C. 6. by/ r/L. men dep. from evil 19. 23./ of the Lord tendeth to life 22. 4. by/ o/Z/. are riches and lion. 23. 17. be in/ of Lord all day long Is. 2. 10. hide in dust, for/ of Lord 19. shall go into caves for/ of L. 21. to go into clefts, f"r/ of Lt rd 11. 2. spirit of know, and/ if Lord 3. quick understanding \\\ f. of L. 33. 6. the/ of Lord is his treasure ^c^9. 31. walking in/ o/. 26. were all filled with f. 8 37. Gadarenes taken w. great/ 2 Co/\ 7. 15. how is. f. received him Evlt.db.be obedient w. f and tremb. Phil. 2. 12. work out salvation w. f Heb. 11. 7. Noah w. f prepared ark 1 Pet.2AS.bc subject to masters w.f 3. 2. chaste conversa. coupled w.f. Jude *.'i. and others save withf. Without FEAR. Job 39. 16. her labour in vain wit. f. 41. 33. is pot bis like, made nit. f. Luke 1. 71. might serve him wit. f. 1 Cor. 16. 10. may be with you wit.f Phil. i. 14. bold to speak word w.f Jude J2. feeding" themselves wit. f. FEARS. Psal. 34. 4. delivered me fr. all my/ Eccl. 12. ft. when/ be in the way Is. 66. 4. brine their/ upon them 2 Cor. 7. 5. fightings, within were/ FEAR Verb. Lev. 19. 3./ every man his mother \u?n. 14. 9. neither/ people of land Deut. 4. 10. they may learn to/ me 5. 29. O that they would/ me 28. 58./ glorious name, the Lord 66. and thou shalt/ day and night 67. fear wherewith thou shalt/ Judg. 7. 10. if thou/ to go down 1 Kin. 8. 40. may/ thee, 2 Chr. 6.31. 43. name to/ thee, 2 Chr. 6. 33. 2 Kin. 17. 38. neither/ other gods 39. the Lord your God ye shall/ 1 Chr. 16. 30. / before him all the earth, Psal. 96. 9. Neh. 1. 1 1. who desire to/ thy name Job 31.34. did 1/a great multitude ? Psal. 23. 4. 1 will/ no evil, for thou 27. 1. my salva. whom shall I/? 31. 19. goodness for them/ thee 40. 3. many shall see it, and/ 49. 5. why sho. 1/ in days of evil ? 52. 6. right, aiso bhall see and/ m FEA Psal. 60. 4. a banner to them that/ 61. 5. heiitage of those / xhy name 64. 9. all sh./ and declare work 72. 5. / thee as long as sun enduretli 86. 11". unite my heart to/ name 102. 15. so heathen ohall/ thy name 119. 39. my reproach which 1/ 63. companion of them that/ thee 74. they that/ thee will be glad 79. let those/ thee turn to me Eccl. 3. 14. that men/ before him Isa. 8. 12. neither/ ye their fear 19. 16. Egypt shall be afraid and/ 25. 3. city of terrible nations/, thee 44. 11. the workmen shall/ and be 59. 19. so shall they/ name of Lord 60. 5. thy heart/ and be emarged Jer. 10. 7. who would not/ thee O 23. 4. and they shall/ no more 32. 39. one heart that they/ me 33. 9. they shall/ lor the goodness 51. 46. anil lest ye/ for rumour Dan. 6. 26./ before God of Daniel Hos. 10. 5. in hah. of Samaria shall/ Mic. 7. 17. and/ because of thee Zeph. 3. 7. 1 said, surely wilt/ me Hag. 1. 12. people did/ before Lord Zech 9.5. Ashkelon shall see it, and/ Mai. 4. 2. to you / my name, sh. Sua Mat. VI. 26. if We say of men, we/ Luke 12. 5. forewarn whom ye sh. / Rom. 8. 15. the spirit of bondage to/ 11. 20. be not high-minded, but/ 2 Cor. 12. 20. 1 /. lest not find you I Tim. 5. 20. that others also may/ Heb.i.l. let us/ lest a promise being 12. 21. Mo. said, 1 exceedingly/ Rev. 2. 10./ none of those things 11. 18. reward to them/ thy name FEAR God. Gew.42.18.this do and live, for 1/ G. E.rod. 18. 21. provide such as/ God Lev. 19. 14. but shalt/ thy God, 32. 25. 17. thou sha't/ thy God, 36. 4:1 Job 1. 9. doth Job/ G. for nought ? Psal. 66. 16. hear, all ye that/ God Eccl. 5. 7. vanities, rut f. tho'u God 8. 12. be well with them that/ G. 12. 13. f. God, and keep his com. Tsa. 29.23. they sh./ God of Israel LukeVS. 40. dost not thou/ God? Acts 13. 16. that/ God, give audience I Pet. 2. 17. f. G. honour the king Rev. 14. 7./ God, and give glory Hear and FEAR. Deut. 13. 11. Israel shall h. a.f.21. 21. 17. 13. all the people shall he. an.f. 19. 20. who remain shall hear and' f. FEAR him. Deut. IS. 4. walk after God, and//*. 2Kin. 17.36. /n;w shall ye/, him shall Jcj6 37. 24. men therefore/ him Psal. 22. 23./ him, seed of Israel 25. pay vows before them that/ h. 25. 14. secret of L. Willi them/ h. 33. 18. eye of Lord on them/'/iiw* 34. 7. angel encamp, ab. them/ /». 9. no want to them that/ linn _ 67. 7. ends of the earth shall/ htm 85. 9. his salva. is nigh them/ him 103. 11. great is his mercy to them/ h. 13. so L. pitieth them that/ Irian 17. mercy of L. is on them/ /«>« 111. 5. meat to them that/ him Mb. 19. fulfil desire of them/ him 147. 11. pleas, in them that/ &»/« Mat.10.28. f h. who is able, 7,m.I2. 5 Luke 1. 50. his mercy on them/ />. Titer. 19. 5. praise God, ye that/ hin FEAR to LorflC J>nA 6. 2. mig litest/ £ /.cwd thy G 13. shalt/ L. 10. HO. 2 A'hi. 17. 39. 24. to/ //. for our pood always 10. 12./ Lord, walk in his way* FEA Deul. 14.23. to/ L. 17.19. | 31. 12,13. Josh. 4. 24. might/ Lord your God 24. 14. now therefore/ the Lord 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye will/ the Lord 24. only/ L. serve him in truth 1 Kin. 18. 12. but 1/ L. 2 Kingi. 1. 2 Kin. 17. 28. taught them how/ L. /'.?«/. 15. 4. honoureth them/ Lord 22. 23. ye that/ J^onZ, praise him 33. 8. let all the earth/ the Lord 34. 9. Of. the Lord, ye hi3 saiuts 115. 11. ye that/ L. trust in the L. 13. he will bless them that/ Lord 118. 4. / L. say, his mercy endureth 135. 20. ye that/ L. bless the Lord Prov. 3. 7./ Lord, depart from evil 24. 21./ the Lord, and the king Jer. 5. 24. nor say they, let us/. L. 26. 19. did he not/ the Lord, and Hoi. 3. 5. afterwards sh. Israel/ L. Jonah I. 9. 1/ L. the God of heaven FEARnoi Gen. 15. 1./ ». Ah. I am thy shield 26. 24. f. not, I ain with thee 35. 17. "midwife said to Rachel,/ n. 43. 23. said, peace be to you/ not 4(5. 3. / no< to go down to Egypt 50. 19. / not, for am I in place of G.? Ex. 14. 13./ n. stand, see salvation 20. 20/ n. G. is come to prove Num. 14. 9. Lord with us,/ them n. 21. 31. L. saith to Moses/ him not Deut 20. 3. f. not your enemies 31. 8. Lord doth go before thee, f. not, Josh. 8. 1. 1 Chr. 28. 20. Judg. 6. 10./ not gods of Amorites 23. peace, / not, thou shalt not die 1 Sam. 4. 20. women said to her,/ n. 12. 20. Samuel said to people/ not 22. 23. abide thou with me/ not 23. 17. Jonathan said to David/ n. 2 Sam. 13. 28. said, kill Amnon, / n. 1 Kin. 17. 13. said to widow,/ not 2 Kin. 6. 1(5./ not, more with us 17. 34. to this day they / not Lord 25. 24./ not to serve Chaldees 2 Chr. 20. 17. L. will be wi. you/ n. Ps. 55. 19. therefore they f.'not God 64. 4. they shoot at him, and/ not Isa. 7. 4. / not tails of firebrands 35.4. to them of fearful heart,/ not 41. 10./ n. I am with thee, 43. 5. 13. I the Lord wilt hold thy right hand, saying,/ not 14./ not, thou worm Jacob, and 43. 1. / not, I have redeemed thee 44. 2. / not, O Jacob my servant, Jer. 30. 10. | 4(5. 27, 2S. S. f. ye not, have not I told thee ? 51. 1. f. not the reproach of men 54. 4./ ri. thou shalt not be ashamed Jer. 5. 22./. ye n. me ? saith the L. Lam. 3. 57. thou saidst,/ not Dan. 10. 12. to me,f.not, Daniel, 19. Joel 2. 21./ not, O land, be glad and Zcpk. 3. 16. be said to Jerusal. / not Hag. 2. 5. spirit remain, am. you,/». Zech. 8. 13. shall be a blessing/ not 15. do well to Judah,/ ye not Mai. 3. 5. witness ag. them/ n. me Mat. 1. 20. / n. to take to thee Mary 10.26./. them not, nothing covered 28./ not them who kill the body 28. 5. angel said to women/ not Luke 1. 13. f. n. Zach. || 30. Mary 2. 10. shepherds,/ n. || 5. 10. Simon 8. 50. Jairus/ not, believe n nly 12. 32./ not, little flock 18. 4. tho' I f. n. God, nor regard John 12. 15. f. n. daughter of Sion Acts 27. 24./ not, Paul, thou must Rev. 1. 17./ not, I am the first Net FEAR. Erod. 9 30. ye will n, yet / the L. FEA 2 £?n, 17. 3-5. «./ other gods, 37. Job 9. 35. wo. I speak, and n.f. him 11. 15. steadfast, thou shalt not f. Psal. 27. 3. tho' host encamp, not f. 46. 2. notf tho' earth be removed 56. 4. n. f. what flesh can do, 118. 6. Isa. 54. 14. far from oppression, n.f. Jer. 10. 7. who would notf. thee, O Amos 3.8. lion roared, who will n./? i?^e 23. 40. dost not thou / God ? /M>. 13. 6. n.f. what man do to me Rev. 15. 4. who shall n. f thee, O L. FEARED. [wife Gen. 26. 7. Isaac/ to say, she is my Exod. 9. 20. he that/ word of Lord Deut. 25. 18. Amalek/ not God 32. 17. to new gods fathers/ not 27. were it not 1/ the wrath of Josh. 4. 14./ Joshua as they did Mo. 1 Sam. 14. 26. the people/ the oath 15. 24. because 1/ the people 1 Kin. 3. 28. and all Israel/ king 2 Kin. 17. 25. they/ not the Lord 1 Chron. 16. 25. to be / above all gods, Psal. 96. 4. Ps. 76. 7. art to be/ || 8. earth/ 11. presents to him ought to be/ 78. 53. led them safely, so/ not 130. 4. forgiveness, mayest be/ Isa. 41. 5. the isles saw it, and/ 51. 13. hast/ continually ev. day 57. 11 whom hast thou/ that thou Jer. 3. 8. treacherous sis. Jud. / not 42. 16. sword ye/ overtake you 44. 10. nor have they/ Ezek. II. 8. ye have/ the sword Da)i. 5. 19. nations/ before him Mai. 2. 5. wherewith he/ me Mat. 14. 5. Herod/ multitude, 21.46. Mark 4. 41. they/ exceedingly 6. 20. Herod/ John, knowing 11. 18. and chief priests/ Jesus 32. they/ the people, 12. 12. Luke 20. 19. | 22. 2. Acts 5. 26. Luke 9. 34. / as they entered cloud 45 / to ask him of that saying 18 2. was a judge which/ not God 19. 21. 1/ thee, art austere man John 9. 22. because they / the Jews Acts 16. 38. magistrates/ when Heb. 5. 7. C. was heard, in that he/ FEARED God. Exod. 1. 17. but midwives/ God Neh. 7. 2. he/ God above many Job 1. 1. Job was one that/ God Acts 10. 2. Cornelius was one/ God FEARED greatly. Josh. 10. 2. the C&iiAamtes'f. greatly 1 Sam. 12. 18. all the people g. f. L. 1 Kin. 18. 3. now Obadiah/ Lord g. Job 3. 25. thing \ g. f. come on me Ps. 89. 7. God is g. to be/, in assem. Mat. 27. 54. centurion / greatly FEARED the Lord. Exod. 14. 31./ L. believed Moses 2 Kin. 17. 32. so they/, the L. 33. 41. Hos. 10. 3. no king, because not/ L. Jonah 1. 16. men/ L. exceedingly Mai. 3. 16. that/ spake oft, a book of remembrance for them/. L. FEAREST. Gen. 22. 12. now 1 know thou/ God Isa. 57. 11. 1 held peace thou/ not ? Jer. 22. 25. into hand of them thou/ FEARETH. Job 1. 8. Job one that/. God, 2. 3. Psal. 25. 12. what man is hef. Lord? 112. 1. blessed is the man/ Lord 128. 1. blessed is every one/ Lord 4. thus man be blessed f. Lord Prov. 13. 13./ command." be reward. 14. 2. walk, in uprightness/ Lord 16. a wise m?n/ and departeth 28. 14. happy is the man/ always 16? FEA Pra31. 30. woman/ Lord, be praised Eccl. 7. 18./ God come forth of all 8. 13. because he/ not before God 9. 2. as he that f. an oath Isa. 50. 10. who is among you/ L. t Acts 10. 22. Cornelius one/ God 35. he that/ him is accepted 13. 26. whoso, among you/ God 1 John 4. 18./ is not perfect in lova FEARING. Josh. 22. 25. children cease/ Lord Mark 5. 33. the woman/ came Acts 23. 10. the captain/ lest Paul Gal. 2. 12./ them of circumcision Col. 3. 22. in singleness of heart/! G. Heb. 11. 27. not/ wrath of king FEARFUL. Exod. 15. 11. like thee,/ i.. praises Deut. 20. R./ let return, Judg. 7. 3. 28. 53. mayest fear this/ name Isa. 35. 4. say to them of/ heart Mat. 8. 26./ O ye of little faith ? Mark 4. 40. why are ye so/? Luke 21. 11./ sights in divers pla, //fi. 10. 27./ looking for of judgm. 31./ to fall into hands of God Rev. 21. 8. f. have part in the lake FEARFULNFSS. Ps. 55. 5./ and trembling are come Isa. 21. 4./ affrighted me 33. 14./ surprised the hypocrites FEARFULLY. Ps. 139. 14./ and wonderfully made FEAST. Gen. 19. 3. Lot made/ || 21.8. Abra- 26. 30. Isaac || 29. 22. Laban 40. 20. Pharaoh made a/ to all Exod. 5. 1. may hold a/ tome, 10 9. 12. 14. keep it a/ Lev. 23. 39, 41. 13. 6. the seventh day shall be a/ 23. 14. three times keep/ in year 32. 5. Aaron said, to-morrow is a/ Num. 29. 12. ye shall keep a/ to L. Deut. 16. 14. shalt rejoice in thy/ Judg. 14. 10. Samson made a/ l.SrtWi. 25. 36. Nabal held/ like king 1 iCin. 8. 2. all assembled at the/ 12. 32. Jeroboam ordained a/ like . the/ that is in Judih 3 Chr. 7. 8. Solomon kept/ 7 days, 9 | 30. 22. Neh. 8. IS. Ezek. 45. 25. Esth. 1. 3. Ahasuerus made/ 2. la 9. Vashti made/ || 8. 17. Jews Prov. 15. 15. merry heart continu./ Eccl. 10. 19. a/ is made for laughter Isa. 25. 6. L. make to all people a/ Ezek. 45. 23. seven days of/ prepare Dan. 5. 1. Belshazzar made a/ A/af. 27. 15. at that/ wont to release a prisoner, Mark 15. 6. Luke 2.42. went up after custom off. 5. 29. Levi made him a great/ 14. 13. makest a/ cull the poor 23. 17. must release one at the/ John 2. 8. bear to governor of/ 4. 45. Galileans having seen all he did at/ for they went to/ 5. 1. after this was a/ of the Jews 6. 4. the passover a/ of the Jews 7. 8. go up to this/ I go not up 10. then w r ent he also up to the/ 11. the Jews sought him at the f 14. midst of the/ Jesus taught 37. that great day of the/ 10. 22. it was at the/ of dedication 11. 56. he will not come to the f.? 12.12. next day muchpeo. come'to/ 20. Greeks that came to the/ 13. 29. buy what we need against/ Acts 18. 21. I must keep this/ 1 Cor. 5. 8./ not with old leaver 10. 27. that believe not hid to/ FEAST day, days. Hos. 2, 11. cause her/ days to cegs* FED Bos. 9. 5. what will ye »o in day off. Amos 5. 21. I despise your/ days Mat. 26. 5. not on/ day, Mark I A. 2. John 2. 2Z- in/ day many believed FEAST ofilie Passover. Mat. 26. 2. is the/ of pas. MarkUA. Luke 2. 41. every year at/ of pas. John 13. 1. before/ of p. Jean* knew Sofe»m FEAST. Heut. 16. 15. seven days keep a -jr. Ps. 81. 3. blow trumpet on so. f day Lam. 2. 7. made noise as in so. f day Hos. 12. 9. dwell as in days of so. f. FEAST of tabernacle. Lev. 23. 34. shall be the/ of taber. Deut 16. 16. in/ -31. 10. 2CVir.8.13. ZfoA. 14. 16. even go tip to keep/- 18. heathen that come not to/ - John 7. 2. the Jews/ - was at hand FEAST of unleavened bread. Ex. 12.17. observe./ - 23. 15. | 34.18. Lev. 23. 6. and on the 15th day is/- Deut. 16. 16. in/ . 2 CAron. 8. 13. 2 CAr. 30. 13. assembled to keep/ - Mat. 26. 17./ of nn. disciples came Mar. U. 1. was the f. - LwAre 22. 1. FEAST of weeks. Ex. 34. 22. observe/ - Deut. 16. 10. FEAST, ED. Job 1. 4. his sons/ in their houses 2 Pet. 2. 13. sporting-, while they/ Jnde 12. spots, when they/ wi. you FEASTING. Esth. 9. 17. made it a day of/ 18. Job 1. 5. when days of/ were gone #ciy Ghost/ on all, 11. 15. 12. 7. chains/ oft' Peter's hands 13. II. there/ on him a mist 36. David/ on sleep, sawcorrnp. 19. 17. fear/ on Jews at Ephesus 20. 10. Paul/ on Eutychus 37. they all/ on Paul's neck 22. 7. 1/ unto the ground, and Rom. 1 1. 22. on them wh./ severity 15. 3. reproached thee,/ on mo 1 Cor. 10. 8./ in one day 23,000 Heb. 3. 17. whose carcases/ in wil. 2 Pet. 3. 4. since the fathers/ aslee r Rev I. 17. 1/ at his feet as dead 6. 13. and the stars of heaven/ 8. 10./ great star from heaven 11. 11. fear/ on them which saw 13. tenth of city/ by earthquake 16. 2. there/ a grievous sore 19. and the cities of nations/ 21. there/ on men a great hail 19. 10, 1/ at his feet to worship See Face, Faces. FELL down. Deut. 9. IS 1/ down before L. 25 Josh. 6. 20. shouted, the wall/ d. Judg. 5. 27. where he bowed, he/ d. 19. 26. concubine/ dorvn at door 1 Sum. 31.1./ tf.in Gilboa, I Chr. lfl.l. 2 Sa?n. 2. 16. so they/ d. together 23. Asahel/ d. there and died 19. 18. Shimei/ down 2 Kin. 1 . 2. Ahaziah/ d. thro' lattice 2 Chr. 13. 17/ d. of Is. 500,000 men Job 1. 20. Job/ d. on the ground Psal. 107. 12. they/ d. none to help Dan. 3. 7. all nations/ d. and wor. 23. these three/ d. in furnace Mat. 2. 11. wise men/ d. and wor*. PEL Mat. IS. 2(5. servant/ d. sayinsr, 29. MarkS. II. unclean spirits/! down Luke 5. 3. Peter/ d. at Jesus knees 8. ?8. man wh : ch had devils/ down 41. Jairus/ rf. || 17. 16. Samaritan Acts 5. 5. Ananias/ fZ || 10. Sapphira 10. 25. Cornelius || Hi. 29. jailer 19 35. the iina^«.' which / doicn 20. 9. Eutyenus/ d. fr. third loft tfei. ,1 I. 30. by faith the walls/, d. Rev. 5. 8. elders f. d. before, 14, | 19. 4. 22. 8. John/ d. before the angel FELL, EVr, ING. 2 Srtwii. 3. 31. K eft)Te wicked, so/, thou 2 A7«. 3 19. shall/ every good tree 6. 5. as one was/ a beam FELLER, /sir. It. 8. no/ is come up aga. us FELLOW. Gen. 19. 9. this /". came in to sojourn Exod. 2. 13. whysmitest thou thy /I ? Judg. 7.2-2. the Lord set every man's sword against his/ 1 S«?«. 14. 20. 1 Sam. 21. 15. ye brought this/ to play the madman, shall this/ 25. 21. in vain kept all this/ hath 29. 4. make this/ return, he may 2 Sam. 2. 16*. caught everyone his f. 1 Kin. 22.. 27. f. in prison, 2 CAr. 18.26. 2 Am. 9. 11. why came this mad/ Eccl. 4. 10. if fall, one will lift his/. J.ia. 34. 14. satyr shall cry to his/ Zee/*. 13. 7. awake, O sword, aga. my shepherd, and man th. is my/ Mat.26.~\.f. also with Jes. Zw.22.59. Luke 23. 2. this/ perverting nation Jo/m 9. 29. for this/ we know not 11. 16. Didymus said to/ disciples Acts 18. 13./ persuad. to worship G. 22. 22. away with such a/ from 24. 5. found this man a pestilent/ FELLOW.citizens. Eph. 2. 19. f.-citizens with saints FELLOW. /;«>.?. Eph. 3. 6. Gentiles should be /- heirs FELLOW. helper, or helpers. 2 Cor. 8. 23. Titus, my /-helper 3 JoA?? 8. might be/.-h. to the truth FELLO W. labourer, or labourers. 1 "TAes. 3. 2. sent Timoth. our /.-lab. Phil. 4. 3. with other /..labourers. Ph'lem. 1. Paul to Philemon our/.. I. 24. Marcus, Demas, Lucas, /..la. FELLO W -prisoner, or prisoners. Rum. 16. 7. Andron. and Junia/ p. CW. 4. 10. Aristarchus/ p. saluteth Pliilcm. 23. Epaphras my / -p. in C. FELLOVV.sctoj»<, or servants. Mat. 18. 28. /.-serv. who owed him 29. his/.-*, fell down at his feet 24. 49. shall begin to smite b\s/..s. Col. 1. 7. Epaphras our dear /.-.ram 4. 7. Tychicus, who is a/. -servant Rev. 6. II. till/-*, should be fulfilled 19. 10. do it not, I am thv/.-j. 22.9. FELLO W. soldier. Phil. 2. 25. Epaphroditus my /.-sol. Philem. 2. Paul to Archippus/-*. FELLO W-u-orkers. Col. 4. 11. these only are my /.-work. FELLOWS. Judg. 18.25. lest angry/ run on thee 2 Sam. 6. 20. as one of vain/ uncov. Psal. 45. 7. with the oil of gladness above thy/ Heb. 1. 9. Jsa. 44. 11. all his/ shall be ashamed Ezek. 37. 19. tribes of Israel his/ XttlR. 2. 13. Dan. and his /to be slain 7. 20 look more stout than his/ Zec/i. 3. 8. thou and thy/ that sit Mat. 11. 16. child, calling to their/ Acts 17. 5. l-wd/ of the baser sort FELLOWSHIP. Lev. 6. 2, Ueliveied to keep, or in f. FET P.v 94. 20. iniquity have/ wi. thre ? A'ts 2. 42. continued in apostles' f. 1 Cor. 1. 9. flailed to/, of his Son 10. 20. should have'/; with devils 2 Cor. 6. 14. what/ hath righteous. 8. 4./ of ministering to saints Gal. 2. 9 gave the right hand of/ Eph. 3. 9. what is/ of the mystery 5. 1 1, no/ with works of darkness Phil. 1. 5. for your/ in the gospel 2. I. if there be any/ of the Spirit 3. 10. know/ of his sufferings 1 Johti 1. 3. have/ with us, our/, is with the Father 6. if we say we have/ with him 7. if we walk in Eight, we have/ FELT. Gen. 27. 22. and Isaac/ Jacob Ex. 10. 21. darkness that may be/ Prov. 23. 35. beaten me, 1/ it not Mark 5. 29. she/ she was healed Acts 28. 5. off beast and/ no harm FEMALE. Ge«. 1. 27. male and/ created, 5. 2. 6. 19. two of every sort, male and/ 7. 16. went in male and/ Z.«a 4. 28. offering, a/. 32. | 5. 6. Num. 5. 3. male and/ sh. ye put out Deut. 4. 16. likeness of male or/ 7. 14. not be male nor/ barren Aft/*. 19. 4. made them male and f. Mark 10. 6. Gal. 3. 28. in Christ male nor/ FENCE. Ps. G2. 3. ye shall be as a tottering/ FENCED. Job 10. 11./ me with bones and 19. 8. he bath/, up my way that I ha. 5. 2. a vineyard, and he/ it FENCED Deut. 28. 52. till/ walls come down 2 Sam. 23. 7. touch them must be/ 2 Am. 3. 19. shall smite every/ city 17. 9. from tower to/ city, 18. 8. ' Isa. 2. 15. day of L. on every/ wall Jer. 15. 20. will make thee a/ wall Ezek. 3*3. 35. ruined cities become / FENCED cites. Num. 32. 17. little ones dwell in/ c. Deut. 9. 1. possess c. f. up to heaven Josh. 10. 20. rest entered into/ <\ 14. 12. and that the cities were/ 2 6«;w. 20. 6. pursue, lest he get/ c. 2 Am. 19. 25. should lay waste/ c. 2 CAr. 8. 5. Solomon built/ cities 12. 4. Shishak took/ r. of Judah Jer. 5. 17. shall impoverish th\ f. r. D«M. 11. 15 king sh. take most/ c. Hos. 8. 14. Judah hath multipli. /. c. Zeph. 1. 16. a day of alarm aga./ c. FENS. Jo6 40. 21. Behemoth in covert of/ FERRET. Lev. 11. 30. the/ unclean FERRY-ooa*. 2 Satn. 19. 18./-?)oa£for king's house FERVENT, LY. Acts 18. 25. Apollos,/ in spirit Rom. 12. 11./ in spirit, serving L. 2 Cor. 7. 7. your/ mind towards me Col. A. 12. labouring/ in prayers J«?«. 5. 16./ prayer of a righteous 1 Pet. 1. 22. ye love one another/ 4. 8. above all th. have/ charity 2 Pet. 3. 10. melt with/ heat, 12. FETCH. Gen. \8. 5. I will/ morsel of bread 27. 45. I will/ thee from thence Num. 20. 10./ water out of rock ? DeM<.30.4. from thence will L. / thee Judg. 11 5. went to/ Jephthah 1 Sam. 4. 3. let us/ ark of covenant 6. 21. tomte and /. ark up to you 16. 11. stud and'/ Saul, 20. 31. 1(35 FEW 2 Sam. 5.23. / n compass behind 14. 13. king doth not/ banished 20. to/ about this form of speech 1 Kin. 17. 10./ me a little water 2 Kin. 6. 13. where, that I may f. him 2 Chr. 18. 8./ quickly Mitaiali son Job 36. 3./ my knowledge from far Isa. 56. 12. say they, I will/ wine Acts 16. 37. let come, and/ us out FETCHED. 1 Satn. 7. 1./ up ark of the Lord 10. 23. they/ Saul thence 2 Sam. 9. 5. and/ Mephibosheth 11. 27./ Bath-sheba to his house 1 Kings 9. 28. they f. from Ophir gold 2 Kings II. 4. Jehoiada/ rulers Jer. 26 23./ Urijah out of Egypt Acts 2tf 13. thence we/ a compass FETTERS. Judg. 16. 21. bound Samson with/ 2 Sam. 3. 34. nor thy feet put in/ 2 Kin. 25. 7. bound Zedekiah with f 2 Chr. 33. 11. Manas, bound with/ 36. 6. Jehoiakim was bound with/ Ps 105. 18. feet they hurt with/. 149. 8. to bind nobles with/ of iron Mai: 5. 4. often with/ Luke 8. -29. FEVER. Deut. 28. 22. smite thee with a / Mat. 8.14. Peter's wife's mother sick of/ Mar. 1. 30. Lit. 4. 38 John 4. 52. at 7th hour/ left him A'te28. 8. father of Pub. sick of/ FEW. Gen. 34. 30. I being/ they will slay 47. 9./ and evil have the days of 7.rt. 19. lb'.slain with aword in o. f 166 FIG 2 Sam. 11. 11. serv. encamped in o.fi Ezek. 29. 5. shalt fall upon the o.f. FIERCE. Gen. 49. 7. their anger, for it was/. Deut. 28. 50. nation of a/ counien. Job 4. 10. voice of/ lion and teetli 10. 16. thou huntest me as a/, lion 28. 8. nor hath /. lion passed by it 41. 10. none so / that dare stir him Isa. 19. 4. a / king shall rule over 33. 19. thou shalt not see a / people Dan. 8. 23. a king of/, countenance Hub. 1. 8. horses more /. than wolves Mat. 8. 28. with devils, exceeding /. Luke 23. 5. they were more /. saying 1 Tim. 3. 3. incontinent,/, despisers Jam. 3. 4. ships driven of/, winds FIERCENESS. Job 39. 24. swalloweth ground with/ Jer. 25. 38. land desolate/ of oppries. See Anger, Wrath. FIERCER. 2 Sam. 19. 43. words of Judah were/ FIERY. Num. 21. 6. the L. sent/ serpents 8. make the a/ serpent Deut. 8. 15. wherein were/ serpents 33. 2. from right hand went/ law Ps. 21. 9. make them as a/ oven Isa. 14. 29. fruit be/ flying serpent Dan. 3. 6. into midst of / furnace, 11, 15, 17,21,23,26. 7. 9. his throne was like/ flame 10. a/, stream issued and came Eph. 6. 16. able to quench/ darts Ileb. 10. 27. judgment and/ indigna. 1 Pet. 4. 12. not strange con./, trial FIFTH. 2 Sam. 2. 23. smote Asa. under/, rib 3. 27. Ab. under/ || 4. 6. Ish-bosheth 20. 10. Joab smote Amasa und./. rib Rev. 6. 9. when he opened/, seal 9. 1. the/ angel sounded 16. 10./ angel poured out his vial FIFTEEN. John 11.18. Bethany/ furl, off Jer. Acts 27. 28. and found it/ fathoms Gal. 1. 18. I abode with Peter / days FIFTY. Num. 4. 3. from 30 years old and up- wards, even to / 23, 30, 35, 39. 8. 25. from age of/, serve no more 1 Kin. IS. 4. hid them by/ in cave 2 Kin. 1. 9. cap. of/ with his/. 11, 13. 10. fire consume thee and/ 12. Esth. 5. 14. gallows/ cubits high, 7. 9. Luke 7. 41. one 500 pence, other/. 16. 6. sit down quickly, and write /. John S. 57. art not yet / years old FIFTY-su;. Ezra 2. 22. men of Netophah/ and *. FIFTY thousand. Acts 19. 19. price booksburnt/ t. pice. FIFTIES. Mark 6. 40. sat down by/ Luke 9. 14. FIFTIETH. Lev. £5. 10. ye shall hallow/ year 11. a jubilee shall that/, year be FIG, S. Gen. 3. 7. sewed/ leaves for aprons 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abi. took 200 cakes/. 30. 12. gave Egyptian cake of/. 2 Kin. 20. 7. take lump /. Isa. 38. 21. Neh. 13. 15. sabbath some brought/ Cant. 2. 13. fig-tree put. forth green/. Isa. 34. 4. falling/ from fig-tree Jer. 8. 13. shall be no / on fig-tree 24. 1. two baskets/, one good, 2, 3. 8. evil/ that cannot be eaten 29. 17. 1 will make them like vile/. Nah. 3. 12. fig-trees with first ripe / Mat. 1. 16. do men gather f. "f thistles? Luke i>. 44. Jam. 3. 12. fig bear berries, or viney. f FIG Re®. 6. 13. fig-tree casteth untime.A FIG-TREE. Judg. 9. 10. trees said to/ reign, 11. 1 Kin. 4. 25. dwelt under f. Mic. 4.4. 2 Kings\Q.3\ *at ev. one f. Is. 36.16. Prow. 27. IS. keepeth/ sh. eat fruit Hos. 9. 10. first-ripe in the/ thereof Joel 1. 7. he hath barked my / and 12. vine dried, the/ languisheth Hub. 3. 17. although/ sh. not bloss. Zech. 3. 10. sh. call ev. man under/ Mat.21.19. saw/ in way, Mar.ll 13. 20. is/ withered? Mar. 11. 20, 21. 24. 32. parable of the/ Mar. 13. 28. Luke 13. 6. a man had a/ planted 7. I come, seeking fruit on this/ 21. 29. behold the/ and all trees John 1. 48. under f. I saw thee, 50. FIG-TREES. Dent. 8. 8. a laud of vines, and/ Psal. 105. 33. he smote vines and/ Je>\ 5. 17. eat thy vines and/ Hos. 2. 12. I will destroy her/ ^;mo.?4. 9 when gur. and/ increased Afa/t. 3. 12. strong holds sh. belike/ FIGHT, Substantive. I Sain. 17. 20 as host was going to f. 1 Tim. 6. 12. fight the good/ of faith 2 T»m. 4. 7 I have fought a good f. Heb. 10. 32. endured great/ of affi. 11. 34. waxed valiant in/ FIGHT, Verb. Dent. 1. 41. we will go up and/ 42. go not up, nor/ for I am not 1 Satn. 4. 9. quit like iw;a, and/ 17. 10. give me man that we may/ 2 Saw*. 11.20. so nigh when ye did/? 1 Kin.22.Z\.f. not great 2 C/tr. 18.30. 2 Chr. 20. 17. ye shall not need to/ P$. 144. 1. teacheth my fingers to/. Jer. 51. 30. mighty men forbornto/ ZecA. 10. 5./ be. Lord is with thein 14. 14. Judah shall/ at Jerusalem John 18. 36. then would my serv. f. 1 Cor. 9. 26. so/ I not as beateth air Jam. 4. 2. ve kill, ye/ and war FIGHT, against. Ex. 1.10. join our enemies and/ ag. Deut. 20. 10. nigh to a city to/ ag. Jos-^.19.47. Danites went/ «g\ Lesh. Judg. 1.1. who sh. go up' first/ ag.'t 11.8. Jephth. to/ «g\ Ammon, 9. 25. ag. Israel, or/ ag - . them? ] Sam. 15. 18. f. ag. Amal. comsumed 23. 1. Philistines/ against Keilah 29. 8. that I may not/ tig. enemies 1 Kin. 12. 24. not f. ag. 2 Chr. 11. 4. 20.23. let us/ ag. them in plain, 25. 22. 32. turned to f.ag. Jehoshaphat 2 Kin.3. 21. kings were come to f.ag. 2 Chr. 13. 12./ ye not ag. the Lord 32. 2. Senn. purposed to/ ag. Jeru. 35. 20. Necho come to/ ag - . Carch. Neh. 4. 8. to come and/ ag. Jerusa. Ps. 35. 1./ ag. them that/ ag. me 56. 2. they be many that/ ag. me /so. 19. 2. sh. / every one ag. broth. 29. 7. all nations that/ ag. Ariel 8. nations that/ ag. mount Zion Jer. 1. 19. shall/ ag. thee, 15. 20. 21.5. myself will/ ag. you with 32. 24. Chal./ ag. 29. 1 34.22. | 37.S Zech. 14. 3. L. / ag. those nations <4cAs. 5. 39. ye be found/ ag. God 23. 9. let us not/ against God >r?eu. 2. 16./ ag. them with sword FIGHT, for. Ex. 1 4. 1 4. L.//: Dew. 1.30. | 3.22. I 20.4 2 Kin. 10. 3. //«/" master's house Neh. 4. 14. /". f. your brethren, Eons 20. our God shall f. for us /j«. 31. 4. L. sh. come to// Zion FIGHT, 10/M. Ju. 9. 38 out now aud f. ic. Abiin. r L «. 11. 6. we may/?c.children of Am. 1 Sa?«. 13. 5. Phil./ w. Israel, 28. 1. 17. 9. if he be able to/ uwtf/i me 32. thy serv. will go and/ w. Phil. 2 CAr. 35. 22. Josi. disguised to/ ?^. /5a. 30. 32. shakiu? will he/ to, it Jer. 32. 5. tho' ye/ m>. Chafdeaus .Dare. 10.20. will return to/tc.prince 11. II. king of south come/ w. him FIGHTETH, ING. Ex. 14. 25. L. / for them ag. Eeryp. Josh. 23. 10. L. God that/ for you 1 Sa;«. 25. 28. my lord/ battles of L. Ps. 56. 1.0 God he/ oppresseth me FIGHTINGS. 2 Cor. 7. 5. without/ within fears Jam. 4. 1. whence come wars and/? FIGURE. DeuLi. 16. the similitude of any/ Isa. 44. 13. he maketh after/ of man Rom. 5. 14. / of him that was to come 1 Cor. 4. 6. these I have in / transf. Heb. 9. 9. which was a/ of time II. 19. whence he receiv. him in a/. 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like/ even baptism FIGURES. 1 Kin 6. 29 with carved/ of cheru. Acts 7. 43. / wh. ye made to worship Heb. 9. 24. wh. are the/ of the true FILE. 1 Sam. 13. 21. had a/ for mattocks FILL, Substantive. Lev. 25. 19. and ye shall eat your / Deut. 23.24. mayesteat grapes thy/ Prov.l. 18. let us take our f. of love FILL, Verb. Gen. 1. 22. and/ waters in the seas 42. 25. Jos. com. to/ sacks, 44. 1. is.r.10. 6. locusts shall/ thy houses 16. 32. Mo. said,/ an homer of it 1 Sam. 16. \.f. thine horn with oil 1 Kings 18. 33./. four barrels water. Job 8. 21. he/ mouth with laughing 15. 2. should wise man f. his belly ? 20. 23. when about to/ his belly 23. 4. would/ mouth with argum. 38. 39. or/ appetite of young i..»ns 41.7.canst/ skin wi. barbed irons ? Ps. 81. 10. mouth wide and I will/ 83. 16./ their faces with shame 1 10.6. sh. / places with dead bodies Prov. 1. 13. we shall/ our houses 8. 21. I will /*. their treasures Isa. 8. 8. shall/ breadth of thy land 14. 21. nor/ the face of the world 27. 6. Isr. shall/ face of the world 56. 12. will/ with strong drink Jer.\3.\3. I will/ inhab. wi. drunk. 23.24. do not 1/ heaven and earth ? 51. 14. I will /'thee with men, as Ezek. 3. 3./ thy bowels with this roll 9. 7./ the courts with the slain 10.2./ thine hand with coals of fire 24. 4./ it with the choice bones 30. 11. they sh. / land with slain 32. 4. I will / beasts of whole earth 5. I will/ valleys with thy height 35. 8. I will/ mountains wi. slain Zeph. 1. 9. who/ master's house Hag. 2. 7. I will/ house with fflory Mat. 9. 16. which is put in to/ It up J5. 33. whence bread to/ multi.? 23. 32./ ye up then the measure John 2. 7. f. water-pots with water Rom. 15. 13. G. of nope/ you with Eph. 4. 10. that he might/ all things Col. 1. 24./ up what is behind of 1 Thes. 2. 16. to/ up their sins al way Rev. 18. 6. cap she filled,/ double FILLED. Gen. 6. 13. earth La/ with violence 21. 19. and/ bottle with water 24. 16. Kel.ekah f. her pitcher and 26. 15. Phil, had/ wells with earih 367 FfL Ex. 2. 16. they/ troughs to water 28. 3. I have/ with wisdom, 35. 35. 31. 3. I have/ with Spi. of G. 35.31 40. 34. glory of L./ tabernacle, 35. Josh. 9 13. bottles we/, were new 1 Kin. 8. 10. cloud/, house of Lord 11. glory/house, 2Chr. 5.14 | 7.1,2. 18. 35. he/ trench also with water 20. 27. the Syrians/ the country 2 Kin. 21. 16./ Jer. with blood, 24.4. 23. 14. Josi./ their places wi. bones Job 3. 15. princes/ house wi. silver 16.8. thou hast/ me with wrinkles 22. 18. yet he/, houses with good Ps. 38. 7. loins are/ with loath, di.s. 71. 8. my mouth be/ with praise 72. 19. let earth be/ with glory 80. 9. take deep root, it/ the land 104. 28. thine hand, are/ with good 123. 3. we are/ with contempt 4. our soul is exceedingly/, with Prov. 6. 10. strangers/ with wealth 25. 16. lest thou be/ with honey 30. 16. the earth not/ with water 22. a fool when he is/ with meat Eccl. 1. 8. nor is ear/ with hearing 6. 3. his soul be not/, with good 7. and yet the appetite is not/ Cant. 5. 2. my head is/ with dew Isa. 6. 1. and his train/ the temple 21. 3. are my loins/ with pain 33. 5. L. hath/ Zion with jndgm. 34. 6. sword of L. is/ with blood 43. 24. / me with fat of sacrifices Jer. 15. 17. thou hast/ me wi. indig 46. 12. and thy cry hath/ the land 51. 34. he hath/ belly with my deli. Lam. 3. 15. he hath/ with bitterness 30. he is/ full with reproach Ezek.8. 17. have/ land with violence 10. 3. and cloud/ the inner court 11. 6. ye have/ streets with slain 28. 16. they/ midst with violence 36. 38. waste cities/ flocks of men 43. 5. glory of L.f. house, 44, 4. Dan. 2. 35. stone cut/ whole earth Xah. 2. 12. lion/ holes with prey Hub. 2. 16. thou art/, with shame Hag. 1. 6. ye are not/ with drink Zech. 9. 13. I have/ bow with Eph. Mat. 27. 48. and f. spunge with vine- gar, Mark 15. 36. John IS. 29. Mar. 2. 21. new piece that/ it up 7. 27. let the children first be/ Luke 1. 53. he hath/ the hungry 2. 40. Jesus/ with wisdom 5. 7. came and/ both the ships 14. 23. compel that my house be j. 15. 16. would fain have/ his belly Johnl. 7. they/ them up to brim 6. 13./ twelve baskets with fragm. 16. 6. sorrow hath/ your heart Acts 2. 2. mighty wind/ the house 4. 8. Peter/ with the Holy Ghost. 5. 3. why hath Satan/ thine heart 28. ye have f. Jerusal. with doctr. 9. 17. be/ with the Holy Ghost 13. 9. Paul/ with Holy Ghost, set Rom. 1. 29. being/ with all unright. 15. 14. ye are/ with all knowledge 24. if first I be somewhat/ with 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am/ with comfort Eph. 3. 19. might be/ wi. allfulnesa 5. 18. with wine, biit/ with Spirit Phil. ). 11./ with fruits of right. Col. 1. 9. might be/ with knowledge 2 Tim. 1. 4. that 1 may be/, wi. joy Jam. 2. 16. be ye warmed and/ Rev.8. 5. angel/ censer with fire 15. 1. is/ up the wrath of God 18. 6. cup which she f. till double Shall be FILLED. Ex. 16. 12. in morning ye shall U f. Num. 14. 21. earth s.bef.^ith^lovy FIL 2 Kin. 3. 17. vlley hef. with watpr Pi'on. 1. 31. s. hef. with own devices o. 10. so shall thy burns /*?/ with 12. "21. wicked s. 6e f with mischief 14. 14. backslider aW/ /V/ with 20 17. m.oath slia/t be f. with gravel 24. 4. by knowl. 6-/*. chambers he f. Jer 13. 12. bottle sh. be,/, with wine Ezek. 23. 33. sh. he f. with drunken. 39. 0. ye shall hef. at my table Huh. 2. 14. earth s. hef. with knowl. Ze."A. 9. !5. they *7i. 6e/ like bowls Mat. 5. 6 that hunger, theysA. hef. Luke 1. 15. Johnsh. 6e/ with H. It. 3. 5. every > alley shall be f. 6. 21. blessed hunger, ve shall hef. Was- FILLED. Gew. 6. II. earth teas f. with violence 1 Kin. 7. 14. Hiram wasf. with wis. 2 A>t«. 3. 20. country w. J. with water 2 C'Ar, 5. 13. house w. fl with cloud l»i. 1 4. bed cm/ with sweet odours /#. 126. 2. mouth w./ with laughter Isa. 6. 4. bouse wasf. with smoke pr.51.5. land wasf. with sin ag. Ho. Ezek. 10. 4. house ?rasf with cloud £?/£e I. 41. Elisab. ?c./ with H. G. 67. Zacharias ?#. / with Holy G. John 12. 3. house wasf. with odour yicf* 19. 29. city?/;./ with confusion ifey. 15.8. temple u\ f. with smoke /fere FILLED. [Ins. !3. 6. they «\ f and their heart Zw£e 4. 28. they veers f. with wrath 5. 2('. and weref. with fear, saying 6. 1 1. they were f. with madness 8. 23. they rveref. with water John 6. 12. when they w. f. he said 26. eat of the loaves, and weref. Acts 2. 4. w. all/ with Holy (J. 4. 31. 3. 10. they weref. with wonder 5. 17. and weref. with indignation 13. 45 the Jews weref with envy 52. disciples weref. with joy Rev. 19.21. all fowls' n: f. with* flesh See Eat. FILLEDST. Dent. 6. 11. houses full, thou/, not FILL EST. Ps. 17. 14. whose bellv thou/ with FJLLETH Joh 9. 18. he/ me with bitterness Psal. 84. 6. rain also/ the pools 107. 9. he/ the hungry soul with 129. 7. wherewith mower/ not hand 147. 14. f. thee with finest of wheat Eph. 1. 2*3. fulness of him that/ all FILLET, S. Exod. 27. 10. their/ shall be of sil- ver. 11. | 3S. 10, II, 12, 17, 19. 36. 38. he overlaid chapiters and/ Jer. 52. 21. a/ of twelve cubits FILLETED. Exod. 27. 17. all be/ wi. silver, 38. 17. 38. 28. he overlaid chapiters and f. FILLING. Acts 14. 17. f. our hearts with food FILTH. Jsa. 4. 4. when L. washed/ of Zion Nah. 3. 6. I will cast abominable/ 1 Cor. 4. 13. as the/ of the world J Pet. 3. 21. not put. away/ of flesh I1LTHY. Job 15. 16. how much mo./ is man? Ps. 14. 3. altogether become/ 53. 3. Jsa. 64. 6. all our righte. as/ rags Zeph. 3. I. woe to her that is/ Zech. 3.3. Joshua clothed wi. /f garm. 4. take away the/ garments Col. 3. 8. you put off/ communica. 1 77?«. 3. 3. not greedy of/ lucre, 8. Tit. I. 7. not given to/ lucre 11. teaching for/ lucre 1 Pe£ 5. 2. 2 i'etf. 2. 7. Lot vexed wi./ conver. FIN Jude 8. / dreamers defile the flesh Rev.22. 11./ let linn be/ still FILTH I NESS. 2 CVir. 29. 5. carry/ out of holy pla. £2/7/ 6. 21. separated fr./ of heathen 9. 11. unclean with/ of people Prov. 30. 12. yet not washed from/ 7a«. 28. 8. tables full of vomit, and/ Lam. 1. 9. her /". is in her skirts Ezek. 22. 15. I will consume thy/ 24. 11. that/ of it may be molten 13. in thy/ is lewdness, because 36. 25. from all/ will I cleanse you 2 Cor. 7. 1. cleanse oursel. from all/ Eph 5. 4. nor let/ be once named . 18. 14. thou s.f. them no more F1NDETH. Gen. 4. 14. that/ me shall slay me Job'SX lu. he/ occasions aga. me Is. 119. 162. 1 rejoice as one/ spoil Prov. 3. 13. happy man/ wisdom 8. 35. whoso/ me/, life, obtain fa v. 14. 6. scorner seeketh wis./ it not 18. 22. whoso/ wife/ good thing 21. 10. his neighbour/ no favour 21. that followeth mercy/ life Eccl. 9. 10. what, thy hand/ to do Lam. 1. 3. among heathen,/ no rest Hos. 14. 3. in thee fatherless/ mercy Mat. 7. 8. that seeketh /Z.wA:e 11.10 10. 39. that/ his life shall lose it 12. 43. seeking rest,/ none 44. f. it empty, swept Luke 11. 25. John 1. 41. he first/ own brother 43. Jesus/ Philip || 45. Phi./ Nat FINDING. Gen. 4. 15. lest any/ Cain sh. kill Job9. 10. doeth things past/ out Isa. 5S. 33./ thine own pleasure Luke 1 1. 21-. seeking rest and/ none Rom. 11. 33. and his ways pastf. Heb. 8. 8. for/ fault with them FINE. Job 28. 1. place for gold where/ it FINE. Ezra 8. 27. vessels off. cop. as gold Isa. 19. 9. that work iuf. flax .shall. FIN flea 1. 15. feet like to/ brass, 2. 18. F I N E four, «*£ 19. 10. desired than much/ g. 119. 127. I love com. above/ gold Proi: 3. 14. gain of wisdom than/ g. 8. 19. better than gold, than/, gold 85. 12. asoruiment off. g. sort-pro. Cant. 5. 1 1. his head is as most / g. 15. as pillars set on sockets off. g. Jsa. 13. 12. man more preci. than/ g. LamA 1. how is most f. g. changed ? 2. sons of Zion comparable tof.g. Dan. 2. 32. this image's head/g-c/W 10. 5. girded with/ g\ of Uphaz Zech. 9. 3. Tvrus heaped/ g. as mire FINE Linen. Exod. 25. 4. ye shall take/ ft«d>7» 26. 1. curtains off. twined linen 31. vail off. li. 36. 35. 2 CAr. 3. 14. 36. hanging of / twined linen, 27. 9, 16, 18. | 36. 37. | 38. 9, 16. 18. 28. 5. they sh. take gold and/ linen 6. the ephod off. linen, 39. 2. 8 girdle/ linen, 39. 5, 29. 39. 8, 35. 35. all manner of work and f. linen, 38. 23. 2 Chron. 2. 14. 36. 8. curtains of/ linen and blue 39. 27. coats of/ linen for Aaron 28. mitre off. I. bonnets off. linen 1 C/i>-.15.27. l)av. clothed wi. robe//. Eslh. 8. 15 Mord. wi. garment off. I. Prov. 7. 16. ha. decked bed with/ I. 31. 24. maketh/ lin. and selleth it Ezek. 27. 7./ linen from Egypt Nark 15. 46. Joseph bought/ linen Luke 16. 19. rich man in pur. and/ /. Rem. 18. 12. merchandise off /ine?i 19. 8. granted to he arrayed in/ /. 14. armies in heaven clothed inf. I FINEU. Proi. 25. 4. come forth vessel for f. FINEST. Psal. 81. 16. ha. fed with/ of wheat 147. 14. filleth thee with/ of wheat FINING. Prov. 17. 3./. pot is for silver, 27. 21. FINGER. Ex. 8. 19. roagici. said, this/ of G. 29. 12. blood on altar with thy/ 3L 18. tables written with the/ of God, Deut. 9. 10. Lev. 4. 6. priest sh. dip / in blood. 17, 25, 30, 34. | 8. 15. I 9. 9. 116, 14, 19. 14. 16. priest dip right/ in oil, 27. 1 Kin. 12. 10. my little / thicker 2 Chron, 10. 10. Jsa. 5S. 9 putting forth of the/ Luke II. 20. I with/ of G. cast out 16. 24. he may dip tip off. in water John 8. 6. with/ wrote on ground 20. 25. and put my f. into the print 27. reach hither thy/ and behold FINGERS. t Sam. 21. 20. on every hand six/ 1 Chron. 20. 6. Ps. 8. 3. thy heaven*, work of thy/ 144. 1. whoteacheth my/ to right Prov. <» 13. wicked teacheth with f. FIR Pr. 7.3. hind them on thy/ write th. Can?. 5. 5. my/, with sweet myrrh ha. 2. 8. which own/ ha. made, 17.8. Jer.b'i. 21. thickness of pi.Uir four/ Dan. 5.5. came forth/ of man's hand Mat 23. 4. they will not mm e with one of their/ Luke 11. 46. Mark 7. 33. he put his/, into ears FIN.SH. Gen. 6. 16. in cubit shall/ it above Dan. 9. 24./ transgression, make Luke 14. 28! whether sufficient to f. *9. and is not able to/ it John 4. 34. to do his wiil,/ work 5. 36. works F,.ther g vm me to/ Acts 20. 24. I might/ my course Rom. 9. 28. for he will/ the work 2 Cor. 8. 6. he would also/ in you FINISHED. Gen. 2. 1. heavens and earth were/ Ear. 39. 32. thus all work/ 40. 33. 1 Kin. 6. 9. Solomon built house and / it, 14, 22, 38. 2 Chr. 5. 1. | 7. 11. 7. 1. Solomon/ all his house, 9. 1, 25. 2 Chron. 8. 16. 1 Chr. 28. 20. not fail tiil thuu hast/ Ezra. 5. 16. building, and yet not/ 6. U.elders of Jews built and/it 15. Xeh. 6. 15. wall finished in 52 days Dan.b. 26. numbered kingdom and/ Mat. 13. 53. when Jesus/ parables 19. I. wh. Jesus had/ sayings, 26. 1. John 17. 4. have/, work thou gavest 19. 30. he s-aid it is/ bowed head 2 Tim. 4. 7. 1 have/ my course Heb. 4. 3. works/ from foundation Jam. 1. 15. sin, when/ bring, death Rev. 10. 7. mystery ol G. should be/ 11. 7. witnesses have/ testimony 20. 5. till thousand vears were/ FINISHER. Heb. 12. 2. Jes. author and/ of faith FINS. Lev, 11. 9. hath/, eat. Dent. 14. 9. 10. hath not/ be abomination, 12. FIRE. Gen. 22. 6. Abraham took/ in hand 7. my father, behold/ and wood Exod. 3. 2. the bush burned with/ 9. 23. Ford sent hail and f. ran 12.8. flesh that i.ight roast with/ 9. 19. 18. Lord on mount Sinai in/. 22. 6. if/ break out, and catch 40. 38./ was on tabernacle by night Kwn. 9. 16. Deut. 1. 33. Lev. 1.7. sons of priest put/ on altar 8. upon wood in/, 12, 17. | 3. 5. 2. 14. green ears of corn dried by/ 9. 24. came/ out from before Lord 10. 1. sons of Aaron put/ in censers 2. out/ from L. and devoured 18. 21. not let any seed pass thro'/ Deut. 18. 19. 2 Kin. 17. 17. | 23. 10 Num. 6. 18. hair, and put it in the/ 11. 8. Mo. prayed,/, was quenched 16. 46. tk. censer, and put/ therein 21. 28./ gone out from Heshbon 31. 23. every thing th. may abide/ Deut. 4. 11 mountain burnt with/ 36. he shewed thee his great/ 5. 5. ye were afraid by reason off. Josh. 7. 25. Isr. burned Achan wi. / Judg. 6. 21. rose up/ out of rock 9. 15. let/ come out of bramble 16. 9. thread of tow when touch./ 1 Kin. 18. 23. lay wood, put no/ 25. 24. God that answereth by/ 38. / of Lord fell, 2 Chr. 7. 1, 3. 19. 12. after earthquake / but L. not in/ after/ still small voice 2 Kin. 1. 10. then let/ come down 2. 11. a chariot and horses of/ 6. 17. mountain full of chariots of/ 16. 3. Ahaa made sou pass thro'/ m FIR 2 Kin 19. 18. have cast gods into /. 21. 6. MutKisst 11 11 ade son pass thro' / 2 Chron. 33. 6 I Chr.2\ 26. answered fr. he>.'\ en by /. Job I. 16. the/ ol U«d is fallen 18. 5. spark of his/ shall not shin« 41. 19. and sparks of f. leap out Ps. i9. 3. 1 was musing/ burned 46. 9. he burnetii chariot in the/ 66. 12. we went thro'/ and water 68. 2. as wax melteth helore/ so 74. 7. they have cast/ into sanctn. 78. 14. night with light off. 105. 3y. 83. 14. as the/ burnetii the wood 97. 3./ goeth before him, and burn, 118. 12. quenched as/, of thorns 140. 10. let them be cast into the/ 148. 8./ and hail, stormy wind Prov. 6.27. can man take/ in boiom ? 16. 27. in bis lips is as a burning/ 26. 20. w h. no wood is,/ goeth out) 30. 1'!. grave and/, saith not enough Jsa. 9. 5. with burning and fuel off. 18. wickedness burneth as/ 19. people shall lie as fuel of/. 10. 16 burning like, burning of a/. 30. 14. sherd to take/ from hearth 33. the pile is/ and much wood 31. 9. saith Lord, whose/ is in Zion 37. 19. kings of Asy. cast gods to/ 43. 2. walkest thro'/ not be burnt 44. 16. he burneth part in the/ aha, 1 have seen the/ 50. 11. walk in the light of your/ 64. 2. when melting / burnetii, / causeth waters to boil 65. 5. a/ that burneth all the day 66. 24. neither their f. be quenched Jet: 4. 4. lest fury come forth like/ 5. 14. my words in thy mouth/ 20. 9. word as/ shut up in bonr3 21. 12. lest my fury go out like/. 22. 7. cast choice cedars in the/ 29. 22. king of Baby, roasted in/ 32. 35. sons to pass thro' / to Mol. Ezek. 16. 21. | 20. 26, 31. 36. 22. there was/ on hearth burn, 23. roll, and cast it into the/. Lam. 2. 3. he burned like flaming/. 4. he poured out his fury like/ Ezek. I. 4. a/ infolding itself 13./ bright out of/ lightning 10.6. take/ from between wheels 21. 31. 1 will blow thee in/ 22. 21 22. 20. to blow/ upon it, to melt 24. 9. 1 will even make pile for/ 12. 36. 5. in the f. of my jealousy, 38. 19 Dan. 3. 27. upon bodies/, had no pow. 7. 9. flames, wheels like burning/. 10. 6. and his eyes as lamps of f. Hos. 7. 6. it burneth as a flaming f. Joel 2. 30. blood/ pillars, Acts 2. 19. Amos 5. 6. lest he break like/ in 7. 4. L. G. called to contend by/. Obad. 18. house of Jacob shall be a / Mic 1. 4. molten as wax before/. Nah. 1. 6. fury poured out like/. Bab. 2. 13. people sh. labour in very/'. Zech. 2. 5. unto her a wall of/, round 3. 2. a brand plucked out of the/. ? 12. 6. hearth off. and like torch of/. 13. 9. I will bring; third part thro'/. Mai. 3. 2. he is like a refiner's/ Mat. 3. 10. every tree that bring, not good fruit is cast into / 7. 19. Luke 3. 9. John 15. 6. 11. baptize wiih H.G.and/X.w.3.16 13. 42. sh. cast into furnace of/ 50 17.15. oft he falleth into f. il/u.9.22. 18.8.be cast into ever./ 'J/a.£. 43,46. 25. 41. ye cursed, into everlasting/ Mar.9 44. where/ is not quench. 4S. 14. 54. Peter warmed himself at/ Lu. 9, 54. wilt thuu that wo com. f.I FtR Lu. 17. 23 the same day it rained/ 22.56. maid beh. him as lie sat by/- Acts 2.3. cloven tongues, like as of/ 28. 3. when Paul laid sticks on/7 5. be shook off' the bea3t into/ » Co; - . 3.13. it sh. be revealed by/ 15. Thes. 1. 8. in flaming/ taking veng. ffeo. 1. 7. his ministers a flame of/ 11.34.thro' faith quench, violence/ 12. 18. to mount that burned with/ 7a. 3. 5. great matter little/ kind. 6. tongue is a/ a world of iniquity 5. 3. shall eat your flesh as it were/ 1 Pet. 1. 7. gold, tho' tried with/ 2 Pet. 3. 7. reserved unto/ aga. day 12. heav. being on /sh be dissolv. Jude 7. the vengeance of eternal/ 23. save pulling them out of the/ Rev. 3. 18. buy of me gold tried in / 4. 5. seven lamps of/ burning 8. 5. angel filled the censer with/ 7. there followed hail and/ 8. great mountain burning with/ 9. 17. out of mouths issued/ 11. 5. 13.13.raa.keth/ come down fr. heav. 11. 18. angel wh. had power over/ 15. 2. a sea of glass mingled with/ 1(5. 8. power to scorch men with/ 20. 9. and/ came down from fJod 10. devil was cast into lake off. 14. death and hell cast lake off. 21. 8. in lake which burnetii with/ See Brimstone, Burn, or Burnt, Coai.s, Consume, Consuming, De- vour, Devoured, Devourinq, Flame, Hell, Midst. Kindle, or kindled FIRE. r. 22. 6. that k. f make restitution 35. 3. ye sh. k. no/ on the sabbath Deut. 32.22. for a/ is k. in my an^er, Jer. 15. 14. | 17. 4. 2 Sam. 22. 13. were coals of/ k. Ps. 78. 21. f. was k. against Jacob Isa. 50. 11. behold all ye that k. a /. Jer. 7. 18. gathered wood fath. k.'f. 11. 16. he hath k. f. on green olive 21. 14. | 43. 12. | 49. 27. | 50.32. Lam. 4. 11. L. hath k. a/ in Zion Ezek. 20. 47. I will k. f. in forest 24. 10. kindle f. consume the flesh Mai. 1.10. nor do ye k. f. on altar for Lukel2A9.f. and what if already &.? 22. 55. when had k. a/ in the hall jids 28. 2. the barbarians kindled/. Made with FIRE. tixod. 29. 18 an offering made by/ 25. 41. Lev. 1.9, 13, 17. | 2. 2, 9, 16. | 3. 3,5,9, 11, 14, 16. | 7. 5, 25. | 8. 21,28. | 21. 6. | 22. '•'7. | 23. 8, 13, 18, 25,27,36,37. | 24. 7. Num. 15. 3. 10, 13, 14. 18. 17. | 28. 3. Lev. 3. 3. offerings of Lord m. by/. 9. | 4. 35. | 5. 12. | 6. 17, 18. I 7. 30, 35. | 10. 12, 15. | 21. 21. | 24. 9. Deut. 18. 1. 1. Sam. 2. 28. Pillar of FIRE. Ex. 14. 24. L. looked thro' pil. o/.f. Rev. 10. 1. and his feet as pillars off. Send, or sent FIRE. Lam 1.13. from above be sent f. Ezek. 39. 6. and I will s. f. on Magog Amos. 1. 4. I will s.f. into ho. of Haz. 7. I will s.f. on the wall of Gaza 10. 1 will s.f. on wall of Ty. || 12. 2. 2. I will s. a/, on Moab || 5. Lu. 12. 49. 1 am come to s.f. on earth Set FIRE. Dent. 32. 22. set on /. foundations of Josh. 8. 8. set city of Ai on/. 19. Judg. ]. 8. Judah had s. Jerusal. en/. 9. 49. the people set the hold on/. 15. 5. had set the brands on/ and 2 £«//». 14. 30. *. Joab's field on/. 31. 2 Kin. 8. 12 Haz. will s. holds on/ Ps.bl. 4. among them that are 5. on/ isa. 27. 11. women set them on/ 42. 25. he hath s. him on/ round Je>\ 6. 1. s. up a sign of/ in Beth. 32. 29. dial, shall*, on/ this city Ezek. 30. 8. s/ 22.29./ of thy sons shalt then u'l^e 3L20/sons slit. redeem,2v>«M.lrt. !5. Num. 3. 12. instead of tkef, 11 *"> FIS Wu.3. 13. because all /of Isr. are mine Deut. 21. 17. for the right of/, is his Josh. 6. 26. shall lay foundation in /. 1 Kin. 16. 34. laid found, in Abir./. Job 18. 13. the/, of death sh. devour Psal. 78. 51. he smote all /. in Egypt 105.36. |135.8. | 130. 10. 89. 27. him my/, higher than kings Isa. 14. 30. the /. of poor shall feed Jer. 31. 9. and Ephraim is my/. Mic. 6. 7. sh. give/ for transgression ? £ecA 12. 10. as one in bitterness for /. Mat. 1. 25. brought forth /. Lu. 2. 7. Rom. 8. 29. /. among many brethren Col. 1. 15. who is/, of every creature 18. beginning /. from the dead Heb. 1 1. 28. lest he that destroyed /. 12. 23. ye are come to church of/. FIRST-FRUIT, or fruits. Ex. 22. 29. to offer the/, ripe fruits 23. 16./.-/. of thy labour thou hast 19. /.-/. of land, 34. 26. Deut. 26. 2. Lev. 2. 12. oblation of/./, ye sh. offer 2. 14. meat-offer, off.-/, green ears 23. 10. bring a sheaf of/.-/. 17. 20. Num.. 18. 12. /.-/. of oil, wine, wheat Deut. 18. 4. the f. -fruit of thy corn 26. 10. I have brought/.-/ of land 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought man of G.f.-f. 2 Chr. 31. 5. in abundance the/.-/. Neh. 10. 35. / -fruits of our ground 37. the f.-fruits of our dough 12. 44. over chambers for/-/. 13. 31. Prov. 3. 9. honour L. with f.-fruits Jer. 2. 3. Israel/.-/, of his increase Mic. 7. 1. my soul desired/, ripe/. Horn. 8. 23. which have /. /. of Spirit 11. 16. if/.-/, be holy, lump is holy 16. 5. who is the f.-fruits of Achaia, 1 Cor. 16. 15. 1 (7or.15.20.Ch /-/.of them th.slepr,23. Jcun. 1. 18. kind of/.-/, of creatures Rev. 14. 4. being the /.-/. unto God FIRSTLING, S. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought/, of flock Ex. 13. 12. sht. set apart every/. 34.19. 13./. of ass thou sht. redeem, 34 20. Lev. 27.26. L.'s/. no man sh. sanctify Ku. 18. 15./. of unclean beasts red, 17. Deut. \2. 6. ye shall bring /. of herds 15. 19. /. males sanctify to the Lcrd 33.17. Joseph's glory like/, of bullock FISH. Gen. 1. 26. dominion over /. of sea, 28. Ex. 7. 18./. in river shall die, 21. Num.11. 22. all/, of sea be gathered Deut. 4. 18. likeness of any f. in water Ps. 8. 8. put the/, under his feet 105. 29. waters into blood, slew/. Isa. 19. 10. sluices and ponds for/. 50. 2. their /. stinketh bee. no water Ezek. 2.9. 4. /. to stick to thy scales 5. and all the/, of thy rivers 47. 10./ shall be as/, of great sea Jonah 1. 17. Lord prepared great/. 2. 1. Jo. prayed to L. out of /.'a- belly 10. L. spoke to/, and it vomited Jo. Mat.7A0.if he ask f.will he giveserp. ? 17.27. take up the/, th. first cometh Lu. 21. 42. gave him piece broiled/. John 21. 9. they saw f. laid, 10. 13. FISH. Jer. 16.16. fishers,and they sh./.them FISH-GATE. 2C7ir.33.14. Manas, built to enter./.-gr. Xeh. 3. Z.f.-g. did sons of Hass. build 12. 39. from above the f.-gate Zeph. 1. 10. noise of cry from f.-g. FISH-HOOKS. Amos 1. 2. 1 will take posterity v?lf.-h. FISH-POOLS. Cant. 7. 4. thine eyes like f.-p. of Ilesh. FISH-SPEARS. JobAl. 7. canst thou fill head with/.-*. FLA. FISHERMEN. Lu. 5. 2 /. were gone out of them FISHERS. Isa. 19. 8./. also shall mourn and Jer. 16. 16. send for many/, saith L. Ezek. 47. 10. that/, sh. stand upon it Mat. 4. 18. for they were/. Mar. 1. 16. 19. make you/ of men, Mm. l. 17. John 21. 7. Peter girt f. coat to him FISHES. Gen. 9. 2. fear of you sh. be on all/. 1 Kin. 4. 33. of creeping things and/. Job 12. 8./. of sea shall declare Eccl. 9. 12./. that are taken in evil Hub. 1. 14. makest men as/, of sea Mat. 14. 17. but five loaves and two/ J/(«r. 6. 08. Z;«. 9. 13. John 6. 9. 15. 34. seven loaves little/. Mar.8. 7. Lu. 5. 6. great multitude of/. Jo. 21.6. 9. astonished at draught of/. John 21. II. Pet. drew net full great/. 1 Cor. 15. 39. flesh of beasts, an. of/. FISHING. John 21. 3. Sim. Pet. saith I go a/. FIST, S. Ex. 21. 18. one smite another with/ Pro. 30. 4. who hath gather, wind in/.? Isa. 58. 4. smite with/, of wickedness FIT. Lev. 16. 21. away by hand of a/, man 1 Chr. 7. 11./ to go out to war, 12. 8. Job 34. 1 8. is it/. to say king, thou wic? Ezek. 15. 5. vine made/, for no work Lu. 9. 62. is/, for kingdom of God 14. 35. not/, for the land nor dung Acts 2}. 22. it is not/ that he sh. live Col. 3. 18. wives, submit as/, in L. FITCHES. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not cast the/.? 27. /. not threshed, /. are beaten Ezek. 4. 9. wheat, barley, millet,/. FITTED, ETH. 1 Kin. 6. 35. gold/, upon carved work Isa. 44. 13. carpenter/ it Avith planes Rom. 9. 22. vessels of wrath/, to destr. FITLY. Pro. 25. 1 1. word/, spok. apples of gold Eph. 2. 21. all the building/, framed. 4. 16. form wh. whole body/, joined FIVE. Gen. 14. 9. rale of Sid. four kings wi./. 18. 28. destroy all for lack of/.? Josh. 13. 3./ lords of Philis. Judg. 3. 3. Isa. 19. 18./. cities speak lang. of Can. 30. 17. at rebuke/, of shall ye flee Mat. 14. 17. we have here but/ loaves Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. 25. 2 /. of them wise, and/ foolish Luke 12. 6. are not/, sparrows sold? lfi. 28. father's house, I have/, bre. John 4. 18. thou hast had/, husbands 5. 2. a pool having/ porches 1 Cor, 14. 19. I rather speak/, words 2 Cor. 1 1. 24. /. times receiv. 40 stripes Rev. 17. 10. seven kings/, are fallen FIXED. Ps. 57. 7. heart is/. I will sing, 108. 1. 112. 7. heart/ trusting in the Lord Luke 16. 26. between us is a gulf/. FLAG, S. Ex. 2. 3. she laid the ark in the/. 5. when she saw ark among the/ Job 8. 11. can/, grow without water? Isa. 19. 6. reeds and /. shall wither FLAG O NT, S. 2 Sam. 6. 19. each /.of wine, 1 Ch. 16. 3. Cant. 2. 5. stay me wi./. comfort me Isa. 22. 24. even to all vessels of/. Zfcw. 3. 1. other gods, love/ of winei FLAKES. Job. 41. 23./. of his flesh are joined FLAME, S. Ex. 3. 2. anfrel in /. of fire, Acts 7. 30. Num. 21. 28./. fr. city of Sih. «/e>\ 48.45. 171 FLE 7wtfg\ 13. 20./ went up, angel in/ ./oft 15. 30./. shall dry up branches 41. 21. a/ goeth out of his mouth Ps. 29. 7. voice of L. divid. /. of fire 106. 18./. burnt up the wicked Cant. 8. 6. coals wh. hath a vehem./ La. 5. 24./. consumeth the chaff 10. 17. Holy One shall be for a/. 13. 8. their faces shall be as/ 29. 6. visited with/, of devour, fire 43. 2. neither sh./. kindle upon thee 66. 15. render rebuke with/ of fire Ezek. 20. 47./. sh. not be quenched Dan. 7. 9. his throne was like fiery/. 11. till body given to burning f. Joel 1. 19./. hath burnt trees of field 2. 3. behind them a/, burneth Obad. 18. house of Joseph shall be a/ Luke 16. 24. 1 am tormented in this/. Heb. 1. 7. who mak. ministers f. of fin> Rev. 1. 14. eyes as/, of fire, 2. IS. 1 19.12. FLAMING. Gen. 3. 24. at garden of Ed. /. sword Ezek. 20.47./. flame sh. not be quench. Nah. 2, 3. chariots sh. be wi./ torches FLANKS. Lev. 3. 4. the fat which is by the f. 10. 15. I 4. 9. I 7. 4. Job 15. 27. maketh collops of fat on/. FLASH. Ezek. 1. 14. appearance of/ of lightn. FLAT. Lev. 21. 18. that hath/, nose sh. not Num. 22. 31. Balaam fell/, on hisfaca Josh. 6. 5. wall of city sh. fall/. 20. FLATTER, ETH. Psal. 5. 9. they/, with their tongue 36. 2. he/, himself in his own eyes 78. 36. they did/ him with mouth Prov. 2. 16. from stranger who/ 7. 5. 20. 19. meddle not with him that/. 28. 23. more favour than he that/ 29. 5. man that f. spreadeth a net. FLATTERING. Job 32.21. neith. letmegive/ titles 22. Psal. 12. 2. wi./ lips and doub. heart Prov. 7. 21. with the/ of her lips 26. 28. a f. mouth worketh ruin Ezek. 12. 24. sh. be no more/ divina. 1 TJies. 2. 5. neither used we/, words FLATTERY, IES. Job 17. 5. that speaketh/ to friends Prov. 6. 24. from/ of strange woman Dan. 11. 21. he sh. obtain king. by/. 32. do wicked, sh. he corrupt by/ 31 but many shall cleave with/. FLAX. Ex. 9. 31./ was smitten/, was bollec Josh. 2. 6. she hid with stalks of/. Judg. 15. 14. cords became as f. Prov. 31. 13. she seeks wool and/. Isa. 19. 9. work in fine/, confound. 42. 3. the smoking /. he shall not quench, Mat. 12. 20. Eos. 2. 5. my lovers that give me/ FLAY, ED. Mic. 3. 3. / their skins from off them 2 Chr. 35. 11. blood, the Levites/. FLEA. 1 Sam. 24.14. king come after/? 26.20. FLED. Gen. 14. 10. kings of Sod. and Gom./. 16.6. Hag./. || 31. 22. Jac./ Hos.Vl. 12. Ex. 2.15. Mo./, fr. Phar. 4. 3. Acts7.29- 14. 5. told king of Egypt people/. Psal. 31. 11. that did see me / fr. me 114. 3. the sea saw it and/. Jordan. Isa. 22. 3. all thy rulers are f. toge. Jer. 4. 25. all birds of the heavens/ 9. 10. the fowl and beast are/ Jonah 4. 2. therefore 1/ to Tarshish Zcch. 14. 5. as ye /. before earthqu. Mat. 8. 33. they that kept them f. 26.56. disci, forsook and/ Mar. 11.50. FLE Mar. 16. 8. and/ from the sepulchre Arts 16. 27 supposing prisoners/ Ileh. ('.. 13./ for ref. to lav hold on Xe.U6. woman, /||16.2fheT. island/ 20. II. from face earth and heaven/ He FLED. Grrc. 35.7. when he f from brother 3<>. .2 he left garm. and/ 13. 15, IS. Josh. 20.6 fr. whence kef.Num.S5.2b. Jonah 1. 10. ho f. fr. presence of L. Alar. 14. 52. Ae left linen cloth and/ Js FLED. Num.3Q.32. no satisfae. for him th./. Zia. 10. 29. Gibeah of Saul is f They FLED, fi???. 14.10. f. th. remained/to monn. Josh. 10. II. ast.f. L. cast great stones lSam.4. 10/ev.man to tent, 2 K i. 14.12. Ps. 104. 7. at thy rebuke they f. Isa. 21. IS. for t. f from thp sWordfe /,«?«. 4. 15. when A/ away and wan. D«m. 10. 7. t. f to save themselves Hos. 7. 13. wo for t. have/ from me Lm. 8. 3*. when taw what done t. f. Acts 19. 16. so that t. f. out of house FLED D EST. Got. So. l.when/ from face of Esau Ps.l 14.5. what ailedO sea, th.thou/? FLEECE. Dent. 18. 4. first of/ give Levitps Judg.6.31. put/of wool in floor,38.39. Job 31. '20. warmed with/ of sheep FLEE. Gen. 16.8/ fr. face of mistress Sarai 19. 20. this citv is near to/ unto Ex. 21. 13. a place whither he sh. / 7,e».26.17.sh./ when none pursue. 36. Nu. 10.35. hate tliee/bef.thee,P*.(!8.1. 35. 6. cities, that man-slaver may/ 11. 15. Dent. 4. 42. | 19. 3, 4, 5, Josh 20. 3, 4, 9. Deut. 28. 7. and/ seven ways, 25. Josh. 8. 5. as at first we will/ 6. 20. had no power to/ this way Judg. 20. 32. l.-t us/ and draw them 2 Sam.-\. 4. nurse haste to/ she fell 24. 13. wilt thou/ three months? 2Kin.9 3. open door, and/ tarry not Neh. 6. 11. sh. such a man as I/.? J;//"/ 20. 24. he sh. / from iron weapon 27. 22. would fain/ out of his hand 41. 28. arrow cannot make him/ Ps. 11.1. how say ye to my soul/ as 68. 12. kings of armies/ apace 139 7. whither sh. 1/ fr. presence ? 143. 9. O L. 1/ to thee to hide me Pr>r. 28. 1. wick./ no man pursue. Isa. 10. 3. whom will ye/ for help ? 15. 5. fugitives shall/ unto Zoar 30. 16. for we will/ on horses 17. at rebuke of five shall ye/ Jer.4.29. eitysh./. for noise of horse. 48. 6./ save lives, and be like heath Amus 5. 19. as if man did/ from lion Jon. 1. 3. Jon. rose up to/ toTarsh. Mat. 2. 13. take young child and /. 3.7. you to/ from wrath ? Lu. 3.7. 10. 23. when persecu. in one city/ 24. 16. let them in Judea f. to moun- tains, Alar. 13. 14. ' Lu. 21. 21. John 10. 5. stranger not fol. but f. 1 Cor.6 18./ fornica.||10.14/fr.idola. 1 Tim. 6.1 1. man of G. / these things 2 Tim. 2. 22./. also youthful lusts Jam. 4. 7. resist the devil, he will/ /tetf. 9. 6. death shall/ from them FLEE awazf. Gen. 31. 27. didst thou/ a. secretly ? Jo& 9.25. my days/a. they see no good 20. 8. he shall/ away as a dream Ps. 64. 8. all that see them shall/ a. Cant 2. 17. and shadows/ a. 4. 6. Isa 35. 10 and sighing sh. f. a. 51. 11. Jer, 46 6. let not the 'swift/ away FLE j4moj 7.1 2. th Bin seer, go fa. into land 9. !. that ftVetli shall not f. a. Sail. 2. 8. Nineveh shall/ a way 3. 17. as grasshoppers they/ away FLEEING, ETH. Lei: 26.36 shall flee as/ from sword Deut. 4. 42./ to one of these cities 19. 11. mortally/ into one of cities Job 14. 2. he/ also as a shadow 30. 3. want and famine f. to wildern. Jer. 48. 19. ask him that/ and her Amos 9.1. that/ of them sh. not fjee John\0.12.he that is an hireling/ 13. FLESH. Gen. 2. 21. God closed up/ instead 24. and they shall be one/ 6. 3. not strive wi. man, for he is/. 17.1 1. circumcise/ of foreskin, 14.23. E.v. 4. 7. hand turned as other/ 29. 14. burn/ Lev. 9. 11. | 10. 27. Num. 19. 5. £er.6.27.what sh. touch/ sh. be holy 8. 31. boil/ at door of tabernacle 13. 10. if quick raw/ 14. 15, 16, 24. 38. if in skin off. bright spots, 39. 15. 19. if issue in her/ be blood 21. 5. nor shall make cuttings in / Num. 11 33. while/ was betw. teeth Deut. 32. 42. my sword sh. devour/. Judg. 6. 20. take/ and unleav. cakes 21. fire out of rock, and consum./ 1 Sam. 2. 13. while/ was in seething 15. give/ to roast for the priest 1 Kin. 17. 6. ravens brought bread/ 2 Kin. 4. 34./ of child waxed warm 2 Chr. 32. 8. with him is an arm off. Neh. 5. 5. our/ is as/ of brethren Job 10.4.hast thou eyes of/? or seest 11. clothed me with skin and/. Ps. 56. 4. will not fear what/ can do 78. 20. can he provide/ for people? 27. he rained/ upon them as du^t 39.he remembered they were but/ 79. 2./ of saints given to beasts Prov. 4. 22. my sayings health to/ 23.20. be not am. riotous eaters of/ Isa. 31. 3. horses are/ and not spirit 49. 26. I will feed them with own/ Jer. 11. 15. holy/ is passed from thee 17. 5. cursed be man th. mak. / his Ezek. 4. 14. nor came abominable/ II. 3. city is caldron, and we the/ 19. and "I will give heart of/.36.26. 23. 20. whose/ is as/ of asses 24. 10. consume the/ spice it well Dan. 2. 11. god<, whose dwell, not/ 7. 5. said to it arise, devour much/ 10. 3. neither/ nor wine in mouth Hos. 8. 13. sacrifice/ for sacrifices Alia. 3. 2. who pluck/ fr. off bones Zeph. 1. 17. their/ shall be poured Hag. 2. 12. one bear holy/ in skirt Zech. 14. 12. their/ shall consume Mat. 16. 17. / and blood not revealed 19. 5. they twain shall be one / 6. Alar. 10. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 16. Eph. 5. 31. 24 22. sh. no/ be saved, Mar.13.20. 26.41. sp. willing/weak, Alar. 14.38. Luke 24. 39. sp. hath not/ and bones John 1. 14. the word was made/ 6. 63. the/ profitcth nothing Acts 2. 30. seed of Dav. accord, to/ Rom. 1. 3. Rom. 3. 20. shall no/ he justified 4. 1. Abraham as pertaining to/ 7. 25. with/ I serve law of sin 8. 3. that law was weak thro'/ God sent Son in likeness of sinful/ 9. 3 and kinsmen according to/ 5. of wh. concerning /Christ came 13. 14. make not provision for the/ 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no/ should gh>ry 15.39 one/ of men anoth. of beasts 50./ and blood cannot inherit king 1 172 FLE 2 Cor. 4. .i. life of J p. he manifest/ 7. 5. / had no rest but troubled 10. 2 as it we wa ked accord, to f. Gal.\.\6. confer, not wi./ and hlo'od 2. 16. of law si tall no/ be justified 3. 3. are ye made perfect by the f.2 5. 13. liberty for an occasion to f. 17./ lusteth ag. Spirit, Sp. ag / 24. that are C.'s have crucified/ Eph. 2. 3. conversa. in lusts of our f. 6.5. masters according to/ Col.~3.i2, 12. we wrestle not ag. / and bloo Heb. 2. 14. children are partak. of/ 12. 9. fathers of/ who corrected Jude 7. and going after strange/ 8. filthy dreamers defile the/ 23. hating even garm. spotted by/ Ren. 19.18./ of captains,/ of mighty 21. all fowls were filled with/ See Eat, Eai kih. After the FLESH. John 8. 15. ye judge a. the f. Rom. 8. 1. who walk not a. the f 4. 5. that are a. t. f. mind things of/ 12. not debtors ko live a. thef 13. if ye live a. thef. ye shall die 1 Cor. 1.26. not many wise men a.t. f 10. 18. behold Israel after thef. 2 Cor. 5. 16. we know no man a. t.f. have known Christ a. the J, 10. 3. we do not war a. thef. 11. 18. that many glory a. thef. Gal. 4. 23. Ishmael horn a, thef 29. 2 Pet. 2. 10. them that walk a. thef. All FLESH. Gen. 6. 12. allf. had corrupted way 13. end of all f is come before me 6. 19. of allf two of every sort, 7. 15. 7. 21. a.f died that moved, 8. 17. | 9. 11. | 15.16, 17. Lev. 17. 14. life of all f. is the blood Nui/i. 8. 7. let them shave all f. 16. 22. God of spirits of allf. 27. 16. Job 34. 15. allf shall perish together Ps. 65. 2. to thee shall allf. come 136. 25. who giveth food to allf. 145. 21. let allf bless holy name Isa 40. 5. allf. shall see it together 6. allfis grass as flower, IPetA.H. 49.26. allf. know I am Sa v. 27*. 2 1.5. 66. 16. by fire will L. plead w. allf 23. allf shall come to worship 24. they sh. be abhorring to all f. Jer. 25. 31. he will plead with allf. 32. 27. I am the Lord Gt. 14.8. Dav./ to. with all heart Mat. 19. 28. that/ m. in regenera. FOLLOWEDST. 2?nrVi 3. 10. thou/ not young men FOLLOWERS. [3. 17. 1 Cor. 4. 16. be /. of me, 11. 1 Phil. Eph. 5. 1. be ye/ of G. as dear chil. 1 Thes. 1. 6. / of us and of the Lord 2. 14. ye became/ of churches of G. Heb. 6. 12. / of them who thro' faith 1 Pet. 3. 13. if ye be/ of that is good FOLLOWETH. Ps. 63. 8. my soul/ hard after thee Prov. 12. 11./ vain persons, 28. 19. 15. 9. loveth him/ righte. 21. 21. Hon. 12. 1. Ephraim/ after east wind Mat.10 38. taketh not up cross and/. Mark 9. 38. he/ not us, Luke 9. 49. John 8. 12. / me not walk in dark. FOLLOWING. Dent. 12. 30. not snared by/ them Josh. 22. 16. from/ Lord, 18. 23, 29. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 2 Kin. 17. 21. 2 Chron. 25. 27. | 34. 33. Judg. 2. 19. corrup. in/ other gods 2 Saw. 2. 19. Asahel turned notfrom / Abner, 30. 7. 8. I took thee from / sheep, 1 Chron. 17. 7. PsaJ. 78. 71. 1 A7w, 21. 2G. abominably in/ idols Ps. 48. 13. may tell to generation/ 109. 13. genera. / let name be blot. Mark 16. 20. word with signs/ Luke 13. 33. to-morrow and day/ John 1. 43. the dav/ || 6. 22. the day Acts 23. 11. night/ Lord stood by 2 Pe£ 2. 15. astray f. way of Balaam FOLLY. Gen. 34. 7. Shech. wrought/ in Isr. Deut. 22. 21./ by playing whore Josh. 7. 15. Achan wrought/ in Is. Judg. 19.23. I pray you, do not this/ 20. 6. have committed / in Israel 1 Sam. 25. 25. Nahal,/. is with him 2 Sam. 13. 12. do not thou this/ Job 4. 18. his angels he charged wi./ 24. 12. God layeth not/ to them 42. 8. lest I deal with you after/ Ps. 49. 13. this their way is their/ 85. 8. let them not turn again to/ Prov. 5. 23. in his/ he sh. go astray 13. 16. but a fool layeth open his/ 14. 8. but the/ of fools is deceitful 18. the simple inherit/ 24. the foolishness of fools is/ 29. he hasty of spirit exalteth/ 15. 21./ joy to him destitute of wis. 1G. 22. the instruction of fools is/ 17. 12. a bear than a fool in his/ 18. 13. it is/ and shame unto him 26. 4. answer not fool accord, to/ 5. answer fool according to his/ 11. so a fool returneth to his/ Eccl. J. 17. to know wisdom and/ 2. 3. I sought to lay hold on f. 12. to behold/ || 13. excelleth/ 7. 25. to know wickedness of/ 10. 1. so a little/ him in reputation 6./ is set in dignity, the rich sit Isa. 9. 17. every mouth speaketh/ Jer. 23. 13. seen/ in the prophets 2 Cor. 11. 1. bear with me in my/ 2 Tim. 3.9. their/, be made manifest FOOD. Gen. 2. 9. every tree good for/ 3. 6. saw the tree was good for/ 6. 21. take unto thee of all/ 41, 35. gather/ of those good years 42. 7. came to buy/ 43. 2. | 44. 25. 33. take/ for famine of households 44. 1. Cfinmanded to fill sacks wi./ 47. 2i. for/ for your little ones Ex. 21. 10. her/ not be diminished Lev. SI 11 the/ of the offering 175 FOO Lev. 19. 23. have planted trees for/ 22. 7. eat of holy things, it is his/. Deut. 10. 18. in giving stranger/ 1 Sam. 14. 24. that eatet'a/ till even 2 Sam. 9. 10. master's son have/ 1 Kin. 5. 9. in giving/ for my house Job 23. 12. thy words more than/ 24. 5. wildern. yieldeth/ for them 38. 41. who provideth for raven/? 40. 20. mount, bring him forth/ Psat. 78. 25. man did eat angels'/ 104. 14. forth/ out of the earth 136. 25. who giveth/. to all flesh 146. 7. who giveth/ to hungry 147. 9. he giveth to the beast his/. Prov. 6. 8. ant gathereth/ in harv. 13. 23. much /. in tillage of poor 27. 27. goats' milk enough for thy/ 28. 3. like rain wh. leaveth no/ 30. 8. feed me with/ convenient 31. 14. bringeth her/ from afar Ezek. 16. 27. I diminished ordinal y/ 48. 18. increase thereof be for/ Acts. 4. 17. filling our hearts with/ 2 Cor 9. 10. minister bread for/ 1 Tun. 6. 8. having/ and raiment Jam. 2. 15. be destitute of dailv/ FOOL. I Sam. 26. 21. I have played the/ Ps. 14. 1./ said in his heart, 53. 1. 49. 10./ and brutish person perish 92. 6. neither doth/ underst. this Prov. 10. 8. prating/ shall fall, 10. 23. sport to a/ to do mischief 11. 29. / be servant to the wise 12. 15. way of/ is right in own eyes 16. a/ wrath is presently known 13. 16. a/ layeth open his folly 14. 16./ rageth and is confident 15. 5./ despiseth father's instruc. 17.7. excellent speech beeom. not/ 7 . 10. than 100 stripes into a/ 12. a bear meet rather than a/ 16. why is a price in hand of/ 21. he that begetteth a fool doth it 28./ when he holdeth his peace 18. 2. a/ no delight in understand. 6. a/, lips enter into contention 7. a/ mouth is his destruction 20. 3. every/ will be meddling 9^. 4. answer not/ || 5. answer a/ 8. so is he giveth honour to a/ 10. G. rewardeth/ and transgres. 1 1. so a/ returneth to his folly 27. 3. / wrath heavier than both 22. though bray nf. in a mortar 29. 1 1. a/ uttereth all his mind Eccl. 2. 14./. walketh in darkness 15. happeneth to/ so even to me 16. no rememb. of wise more th./ 19. whether he be wise or a/? 4. 5./ foldeth his hands together 5. 3. / voice known by multitude 6. 8. what hath wise more than/? 10. 2. a/ heart is at his left hand 14. a/ also is full of words Jer. 17.' 1 1. and at his end be a/ Mat. 5. 22. whoso, shall say, thou/ Luke 12., 20./ this night thy soul 1 Cor. 3. 18./ that he may be wise 15. 36. thou/ that thou sowest 2 Cor. 11. 16. no man think me a/ 12. 6. to glory, I shall not be a/ 11. I am become a/ in glorying Asa FOOL. 2 Sam. 3. 33. died Abner as a/? Prov. 7. 22. as a f. to correction of Eccl. 2. 16. dieth wise man ? as the/ 2 Cor. 11. 16. yet as a f. receive rae 23. ministers ? I speak as a/ For a FOOL. Prw. 19. 10. delight not seemly// 24. 7. wisdom is too high for af. 20. 1. honour not seemly for a f- FOO rror. 26. 3. and a rod for the/ back 30. 22. for a /. when lie is filled Isa FOOL. Prnv. 10. 18 uttereth slander isaf. 19 1. perverse in jips, and is tt f 28. 26. irusteth in own heart is a f Eccl. 10. 3. that is a f w.ilketh, he saith to every one that he is af Hos. 9. 7. the prophet isaf. Of a FOOL. Prov. 12. 15. way of a f. is right IT. 21. father of af. hath no joy 24. eyes of a f are in the ends of 2',. P. speak not in the ears of a f 26. 6. a message by hand of a f. 12. more hope of a f 29. 20. Tied. 7. (!. so is laughter of the f. 10. 12. lips of a f. will swallow up FOOLS. 2 Sam. 13. 13. be as one of the/ Job 12. 17. inaketh the judges f. 3 \ 8. thi'y were children of/ JFtari. 75. 4. to/, deal not foolishly 94. 8. ye/ when will ye be wise ? 107. 17./ because of transgression Prov. 1.7./ despise wisdom and ins. 22. how long, ye/ will ye hate 32. prosperity off. destroy them 3. 35. shame sh. be promotion of/ 8. 5. / be ye of understand, heart 10. 21./ die for want of wisdom 12. 23. heart off. proclaimed! fool. 13. 19. abom. to f. to depart fr. evil 20. companion of f. be destroyed 14. 8. folly of/ is deceit 9./ make a mock at sin 24. the foolishness of/ is folly 33. in midst of/ is made known 15. 2. mouth of/ pour, out foolish. 14 mouth off. feed, on foolishn. 16. 22. in-truction off. is folly 19. 29. stripes prrpar. for back off. 26". 7. parable in mouth of/ 9. Eccl. 5. 1. than give sacrifice of/ 4. he hath no pleasure in/ 7. 4. heart of/ in house of mirth 5. than to hear the song of f. 9. anger resteth in the bosom of/ 9. 17. cry of him ruleth among/ Isa. 19. 11. princes of Zoan/ 13. 35. 8. tho'/ shall not err therein Mat. 23. !7./ and blind 19.7-w. 11.40. J.ukeiA. 25. Of. and slow to believe P'iJH. 1. 22. to be wise, became/ 1 Cor. 4. 10. are/ for Christ's sake 2 Cor. 11. 19. for ye softer/ gladly Eph. 5. 15. see ye walk not as/ FOOLISH. Dent. 32. 6. thus requite L. / pen.? 21. provoke fheiu to anger with a / nation, Horn. 10. 19. Job 2. 10. as one of/ women speak. 5. 2. for wrath kilfeth the/ man 3. I have seen the/ taking root Psal. 5. 5./ not stand in thy sight 39. 8. make me not reproach of/ 73. 3. for I was envious at the/ 22. so/ was 1 and ignorant 74. 18./ people have blasphemed 22. how/ reproacheth thee daily Prov. 9. G. forsake the/ and live 13. a/, woman is clamorous 10. 1. f. son heaviness of his mother 14. mouth of/ near destruction 14. 1. the/ plucketh house down 3. in mouth of/ is a rod of pride 7. go from presence of a/ man 15. 7. heart of the/ doeth not so 20. a/ man despiseth his mother 17. 25./ son is grief to his father 19. 13./ son calamity of his father 21. 20. a/ man spendeth a treasure 2'J. 9. if wise contendeth with/ Eccl, 4. 13. wise child than/ king FOO Eccl. 7. 17. be not wicked, neither/ 10. 15. labour of the/ wearieth /vor. 4k 25. inaketh knowledge/ Jer.i. 22. for my people is/ 5. 4. these are poor, they are/ 21. hear now this, Of. people 10. 8. they are brutish and/ Lam. 2. 14. prophe ts se u n f. things Ezek. 13. 3. wo to the/ prophets Zcch. II. 15. instru. off shepherd Mat. 7. 2G. be likened to a/ man 25. 2. five were wise and five/ Rom. 1. 21./ heart was darkened 2. 20. an instructor of the/ 1 Cor. 1. 20./ wisdom of this world Gal. 3. 1. Of. Galatians, who hath 3. are ye so/? having begun Eph. 5. 4. filthmess. nor/ talking 1 Tim. 6. 9. rich, fall into f. lusts 2 Tim. 2. 23 / questions, Tit. 3. 9. Tit 3. 3. we were sometimes/ 1 Pet. 2. 15. to silence ignorance of/ FOOLISHLY. Gen. 31. 28. thou hast now done f. 1 Sam. 13. 13. 2 Chr. IG. i). Num. 12. 11. sin wherein done f. 2 Sam. 24. 10. 1 have done very/ Job 1. 22. nor charged God/ Psal 75. 4. to the fools, deal not/ Prov. 14. 17. soon angry dealeth/ 30. 32. if/ in lifting up thyself 2 Cor. 11. 17. I speak as it were/ 21. I speak/ I am bold also FOOLISHNESS. 2 Sam. 15. 31. counsel of Ahi. into/ Psal. 38. 5. stink, because of my/. G9. 5. O God, thou knowest my/ Prov. 12. 23. heart of fools prod./ 14. 24. but the/ of fools is folly 15. 2. mouth of fools pourethout/ 14. mouth of fools feedeth on/ 19. 3./ of man perverteth his way 22. 15./ bound in heart of child 24. 9. the thought of/ is sin 27. 22. yet will not his/ depart Eccl. 7. 25. to know wicked, of/ !0. 13. the beginning of words is/ Mark!. 22./ come from within 1 Cor. 1. 18. to them that perish/ 21. by/ of preaching to save 23. we preach C. to Greeks/ 25./ of God is wiser than men 2. 14. things of spirit/ unto him 3. 19. wisdom of this world is/ FOOT. Gen. 41. 44. without thee no man shall lift up his/ Exod. 21. 24. give/for/D^.19.21. Nam. 22. 25. ass crushed Balaam's/ Deut. 8. 4. nor did thy/ swell these 11. 10. wateredst it with thy/ as a 29. 5. shoe is not waxen old "on/ 32. 35. / shall slide in due time 33. 24. let Asher dip his/ in oil Josh. 1. 3. ev. place/ sh. tread on 5. 15. loo«e shoe from off thy/ Judg. 5. 15. Barak was sent on/ 2 Sain. 2.18. Asahel was as light off. 21. 20. on/ six toes, 1 C7tr.~20. 6. 2 Kin. 9. 33. trod Jezebel under/ 2 Chr. 33. 8. nor remove/ of Israel Job 23. 11. my/ hath held his steps 28. 4. even waters forgotten of/ 31. 5. if my/ hasted to deceit 39. 15. forgetteth/ may crush them Psal. 9. 15. in net they hid/ taken 26. 12./ standeth in an even place 36. II. let not the/ of pride come 38. 16 / slippeth, they magnify 66. 6 went tliro' the flood on/ 68. 23./ may tie dipped in blood 91. 12. lest thou dash/ aga. a stone Mat. 4. 6. Luke\. 11. 94. 18. when 1 said, my/ slippeth 17a ' f'OR Ps. 121. 3. not snff r/ to be moT«d Prov. 1. 15 thy/ from their path 3. 23. and thy/ shall not stumble 215. keep thy/ fiom being taken 4. 27. remove thy/ from evil 25. 17./ from neighbour's house 19. confid. is like a/ out of joint Eccl. 5. I. keep thy/ when goest Isa. 14. 25. on mount, tread under/. 18. 7. a nation trodden under/ i0. 2. put off shoe from oft thy/ 26. 6. the/ shall tread it down 41. 2. called righteous to his /'. 58. 13. if turn/ from my sabbath Jer. 2. 25. thy/ from being unshod 12. 10. trodden my portion under/ Lam. 1. 15. Lord trodden under / Ezek. G. 11. stamp with thy/ and say 29. 1 1. no/ of man, of beast sh. pass 82. 13. nor/ of man trouble them Dan. 8.13. host to be trodden und. f. Amos 2. Ift.swift of/not deliver him. Mat. 5. 13. salt trodden under/ 14. 13. people followed him on/ 18. 8. if thy/ offend, Mark 9. 45. 22. 13. bind him hand and/ and Mark 6 33. many ran a/ thither John 11. 44. dead bound hand and/ Acts 7. 5. so much as to set his/ on V0. 13. minding himself to go a/ 1 Cor. 12. 15. if the/ sav, because I Heb. 10. 29. trodden under/ the Son Rev. 1. 13. clothed with gartn. to/ 11. 2. holy city sh. tread under/ Sole of FOOT. Gen. 8. 9. dove no rest for sole off Deut 28.56 not set *. off. on ground 65. nor shall s. of thy / have rest Josh. I. 3. ev. place *. off tread on 2 S(/;«.14.25.like Absalom from s. off. Isa. 1. 6. *. off. to head no soundness Ezek. 1. 7. sole off. like calf's, his FOOT- breadth. Deut. 2. 5. not so much as f. -breadth Right FOOT, left FOOT. Rev. 10. 2. and he >et his r. f upon the sea and his /. / on the earth See Toe. FOOTED. Lev. 11. 3. cloven / that ye shall eat 7. swine, though cloven/ unclean 21. 19. man broken/ not approach stcls 10. 12. of four/ beasts, 1 1. 6. Rom. 1. 23. image like four/ beasts FOOTMEN. 1 Sam.12. 17. to the/ slay the priest Jer. 12. 5. if thou hast run with/. FOOTSTEPS. Psal. 17. 5. that my/ slip not 77. 19. thy/ are not known 89. 51. reproached/ of anointed Cant. 1. 8. go bv/ of the flock FOOTSTOOL. 1 Chr. 28. 2. build bouse for/ of G. Psal. 99. 5. worship at his/ 132. 7. 110 1. make enemies Xh\ f.Mat. 22.44. Mark 12. 3G. Luke 20. 43. Acts 2. 35. Heb. I. 13. Isa. 66. 1. earth is my/ Acts 7. 49. Lam. 2. I. remembt red not his/ Mat 5. 35. by the earth it is his/ Heb. 10. 13. expec. tiil enemies be / Jam. 2. 3. sit here under my/ FORBADE. Dent. 2. 37. nor to whatsoever L. / Mat. 3. 14. John/ him saying, 1 Mar. 9. 38. we/ him, Luke 9. 49. 2 Pet. 2. 16. ass f. madness of proph. FORBARE. I Sam. 23. 13. Saul/ to go forth Jer 41. 8. Isbmael/ und slew not FORBEARANCE. Iiom.2.4. or despisest riches of his f. ? 3. 25. remiBbion of sins thro' f, FOR FORBEAR, ING. Herd. 23. 22. f. tn vow it sh. be no sin 1 Kin. 22. 6. sh. go or/? 2 Chr. 18.5. 2 C'fr. 25. 16./ why be smitten ? 35.21./ thee from meddling with G. JVWt. 9. 30. yet many years didst/. Job.lG. 6. tho' 1/ what am I eased? Prov. 24. II. if/ to deliver them 25. 1"). by long/ prince persuaded Jer. 20. 9. I was' weary with/ 40. 4. but if it seem ill unto 'thee f. Ezek. 2. 5. will hear, or/ 7. | 3. 11. 3. 2~. that forbeareth, let him/ 2k 17./ to cry, make no mourning 1 Zech. if. 12. give my price, if not/ 1 Cor. 9. 6. power to/ woiking? 2 C»r.l2. B. I / lest any think of me Kph. 1. 2/ one an. in love, Col. 3. 13. 6. 9. masters/ threatening 1 Thes. 3. 1. we could no longer/ 5. FORBID. Num. II. 28. my lord Moses/ them Mark 9. 3;)./ him not, Luke 9. 50. 10. 14. suffi-r little children and / them not, Luke 18. 16. Luke 6. 29 / not to take coat also Acts 10. 47. can any man/ wafer 21. 23. f. none of his acquaintance 1 Cor. 14.39. f. not speak wi. tongues God FORBID. 41. 7. God f 17. Josh. 22. 29 , 21. lb'. 1 Sam. 12. 23. Gen. >.,. 5. Lvt, 14. 45. 20. i a 15. I 7. 1 Cor. I G. 14. | 20. 2. Joh Rom. 3. 4, G, 31. | 6. 2, 7, 1:3. | 9. 14. | II. 1. 11. fi. 15. Gat. 2. 17 | 3. 21. , FORBIDDEN, Ei'H, ING. Let\ 5 17. commit any of things/ Dent. 4. 23. the likeness of what/ Lit. 2:1 2. f. to give tribute to Cae-ar Acts 16. 6. were/ to preach in Asia 2^. 31. preaching no man/ him 1 Thes. 2 16./ us "to speak ro Gent. 1 Thn. 1. 3./ to marry and comma. 3 John 10/ them that would receive . FORBORNE. Jer. 51. 30. mitrhtv men/ to fight FORCE. De«£ 31. 7. nor his natural/ abated 1 Sum. 2. in.ifn.it, I will take it by/ Ezra 4. 2:1. made them cease by/. J.ili 30. IS. bv great/ of my disease 40. |f>. his/ in navel of his belly Jer. 18. 21. out Blood by/ of sword 23. 10. is evil, their/ is not right 4S. 45. under shadow because of/ Ezek. 31. 4. with/ ye ruled them 35. 5. shed blood by/ of the sword Amos 2. 14. strong not strengthen/ Mat. II. 12. the violent take it by/ John 0. 15 they would take him by"/ Acts 23. ID. to Like Paul by/ from He!/. 'J. 17. testament is off. after FORCE, Ei). Deut. 22. 25. if the man/ her, and 1 Stun. 13. 12. 1/ myself and offered 2 Sam. 13. 12. my broth, do not f. me 13. It. Amnon/ Tamar, and lay Jndg. 20. 5. concubine have they/ A\7.//. ~. 8. will he f. the queen also ? ZVwfl. 7. 21. with flitter, she/ him FORCES. ■/fli 3f». 19. he will not esteem the/ A/, (id. 5./ of Gentiles shall come II. may oring/ of the Gentiles Jer. 40. 7. captains of /: 13. | 41. 11, 13, 16. | 42. 'I, 8. | 43. 4, 5. Don. 11. 10. assemble a multi. off. 3-*. shall he honour the God off. O'jud. 11. strangers carried away/ FORCIBLE. Joh f>. 25. how f. are riirht words FORCIN'O. Dent 20.19. by/ an ax against them FOR Prov. 30. 33. / of wrath bringeth FORDS. Isa. 1G. 2. daughter* at/ of Anun FORECAST. Dan. 11. 24. shall/ his devices, 25. FOREFATHERS. Jer. 11. 10. turned to iniquities of/ 2 77w». 1. 3. whom I served from/ FOREFRONT. 2 Sam. 11. 15. Uriah in/ of battle 2 C/i/\ 20. 27. Jehnshaphat in the/ FOREHEAD. 1 Sam. 17. 49. stone sunk in his/ 2 Chr. 2G. 20. Uzziah leprous in/ Jer. 3. 3. thou hast a whore's/! Ezek. 3. !). as adamant I made thy/ 16. 12. and I put jewel on thy/ Re& 14 9. mark of beast in his/ 17. 5. on her/ a name written FOREHEADS. Ezek. 3. 8. strong against their / 9. 4. on the/ of them that sigh Rev. 7. 3. sealed servants of G. in/ 9. 4. have not seal of God in their/ 13. 16. all to receive a mark in/ 14. 1. his Father's name in their/ 20. 4 nor received his mark on/ 22. 4. his name shall be in their f. FOREIGNER, S. E.rod. 12 45. a/ not eat thereof Dent. 15. 3. of a/ exact it again Obad. 1 1. In the day/ entered gates Eph. 2. 19. yt are no more f. FOREKNEW, KNOW. Rom. 8. 29. whom lie did/ he also 11. 2. not cast away people he / FOREKNOWLEDGE. Acts 2. 23. delivered by/ of God 1 Pet. 1. 2. elect accord, to f. of God FOREORDAINED. 1 Pet. 1. 20. who verilv was/ FOREPART. Acts 27. 41. the/ of ship stuck fast FORERUNNER. lleb. 6. 20. whither/ is for us enter. FORESAW. Acts 2. 25./ Lord always before me FORESEETH.ING. Pror. 22. 3 man/ the evil, 27. 12. Gal. 3. 8. the scripture f. that God FORE-SKIN, S. Gen. 17. II. circumcise flesh off 23. E.rod. 4. 25. Zippor. cut off/ of son Lev. 12. 3. flesh of his/ sh. he circu. Deut. 10. 1G. circumcise/ of heart Josh. 5. 3. circumcised at hill of/ ! Sam. 13. 25. 100/ of Philistines 27. Dav. brought/ and gave them 2 Sam. 3. 14. I espoused for 100/ Jer. 4. 4. take away the/ of heart Hub. 2. 16. let thv/ be uncovered FOREST, S. 1 Sum. 22. 5. D. came to/ of Hareth 1 Kin 7. 2. Solo, built house of f. 2 Kin. 19. 23. I will enter into/ of his Carmel, Isa. 37. 24. 2 CTir. 27. 4. Joth. built castles in/ Pffa£ 29. 9. voice of L. discovereth f. 50. 10. every bea>t of the/ is mine 104. 20. beast of/ do creep forth Isa. 9. 18. sh. kindle in thickets of/ 10. 18. sh. consume glory of his / 19. rest of trees of his/ be few 34. cut down the thickets of the/ 21. 13. in/, of Arabia sh. ye lodge 22. 8. didst look to armour of/ 29. 17. field esteemed as a/ 32. 15. 32. 19. hail coming down on/ 44. 14. cypress from among trees of / 23. break forth into singing, Of 56. 9. ve»» si" ye beasts in the/. Jer. 5. 6. lion ,>ut of/ sh. slay them 10. 3. one cutteth a tree out of/ 12. 8. my heritage, as a lion in/ 177 FOR Jer. 21. 14. will kindle a fire in the/ 26. IS. as high places of/ Mic. 3. 12. 46. 23. they shall cut down her / Ezek. 15. 6. vine-tree am. trees off. 20. 46. prophecy against/ of south 39. 10. neither cut any out of the/ Hos. 2. 12. and I will make them a/ Amos 6. 4. will a lion roar in the/ Mic. 5. S. as a lion am. beasts off. Zech.11.2. f. of vintage is comedown FORETELL. 2 Cor. 13. 2. 1/ you as if present FORETOLD. Mar. 13. 23. I have/ yon all things Acts 3. 24. prophets f. of these days FOREWARN, ED. Luke 12. 5. will/ whom ye sh. fear 1 Thes. 4. G. as we also have/ you FORFEITED. Ezra 10. 8. substance should be/ FOR GAT. Gen. 40. 23. Joseph, but/ him Juftg.Z.l. children of Israel/ Lord 1 Sam. 12. 9. when they/ the Lord Ps. 78. II. and they/ his works 106. 13. soon/ || 21. /G. their Sav. Lam. 3. 17. peace, 1/ prosperity Hos. 2. 13. after her lovers and/ me FORGAVE, EST. Ps. 32. 5. / iniquity of my sin 78. 3S. he/ their iniquity, and 99. 8. was a God that/ them Mai. 18. 27. and/ him the debt 32. O wicked servant, 1/ all Luke 7. 42. he frankly/ them 43. that he to whom lie/ most 2 Cor. 2. 10. if I / any thiinr, for your sakes/ I it Col. 3. 13. as Christ/ you, so do ye FORGED. Psal. 119. 69. the proud h;;ve/ a lie FOROERS. Job 13. 4. ye are/ of lies, physicians FORGET. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother/ that 41. 51. God made nie/ all my toil Deut. 4. 9./ things eyes have seen 23. lest ye/ covenant of Lord 31. Lord will not f. the covenant G. 12. beware lest/ L. 8. II. 14, 19. 9. 7./ not how provokedst Lord 25 19. blot out Amalek, no* f it ! Sam. 1. 11. if not/ handmaid 2 A7«. 17. 38. covenant ye shall not/ Job 8. 13. so paths of all that/ God 9. 27. I will/ my complaint 11. 16. thou shaft/ thy misery 24. 20. the womb shall f. him Psal. 9. 17. all nations that f. God 10. 12. O Lord/ not the humble 13. 1. how long wilt thou f. me ? 45. 10./ thine own people, and 50. 22. consider this, ye that/ G. 59 11. slay not, lest my people/ 74. 19./. not rongrega. of thy poor 23./ not voice of" thine enemies 78. 7. might not/ works of God 102. 4. so that I / to eat my bread 103. 2 / not all his benefits 119. 16. I will not/ thv word 83. do I not/ statutes, 109, 141. 93. I will never/ thy precepts 153. deliver for ! do not/ thy law I7(i. for I not/ thy eominandm. 137. 5. if If. thee, O Jerusalem, ]. t right hand/ cunning Prov. 3. 1. my son/ not my law 4. 5. get wisdom./ it not 31. 5. lest they drink, and/ law 7. let him drink and/ his pover'y Ism 49. 15. can a woman/ child ? 54. 4. shalt/ shame of thy youth 65. 11. that"/ my holy mounrain Jer. 2. 32. maid/ her ornaments ? FOR Jer. 23. 27. my people to f. my name 39. even I, will utte / you Lam. 5. 20. why dost f. us for ever ? Hos. 4. 6. I will also/ thy children Amos 8.7. I will nev. /. any of works llch. G. 10. God not unright. to/ J3. lb", and to communicate /. not FORGETFUL, NESS. Psal. 8S. 12. known in the land of f.? llch. 13. 2. not/ to entertain Strang i7«/w. 1. 25. a f. hearer, but a doer FORGETTEST, ETH, ING. Job 39. 15./ foot may crush them Psal. 9. 12./ not cry of the humble 44. 24. why f. thou our affliction ? Prow 2. 17./ covenant of her God Isa. 51. 13. and f. Lord thy maker P/»£ 3. 13./ tliose things behind James 1. 24. he f. what manner of FORGIVE. Gen. 50. 17 / trespass of thy breth. E.vod. 10. 17./. my sin this once 32. 32. yet now if wilt f. their sin Num. 30. 5. Lord shall/ her, 8, 12. Josh. 24. 19. he will not/ your sins 1 Sam. 25. 28. 1 pray f. the trespass 1 A'im.8.30. hearest f. 39. 2 CAn 6.21. 34. hear and f. the sin of Israel 36. / sin of thy serv. 2 Chr. 6. 25. 50./ thy people that have sinned •2 CAr. 7. 14. then will I hear and/ Ps. 25. 18. pain, and f. all my sins 86. 5. L. art good and ready to/ Jjwi. 2. 9. mean boweth, therefore/ let. 18. 23./ not their iniquity 31. 34. for I will f. their iniquity 36. 3. I may/, their iniquity and Dan. 9. 19. O Lord, hear, O Lord/ Amos 7. 2. I said,/ I beseech thee Mat. G. 12./ us as we/ Lwfce 11. 4. 14. if ye/ men their trespasses 15. if ye/ not, neither will your 9. 6. hath power on earth to/ sins, Mark 2. 10. Luke a. 24. 18 21. how oft sin, and If. him ? 35. if ye from your hearts/ not Mark 2.7. who can/ sins, Luk.5.21. 11. 25. stand praying,/ that your 26. if not/ your Father will not/ L«A:e 6. 37./. ye shall be forgiven 17. 3. thy brother repent,/ him, 4. 23. 34. Father/ them, they know fi Cor. 2. 7. ye ought rather to f. and 10. to whom ye/ any, 1/ also 12. 13. to you,/ me this wrong 1 John 1. 9. faithful to/ us our sins FORGIVEN. Lev. 4. 20. it shall be f. them, 26. 31, 35. | 5. 10, 13, 16, IS. I G. 7. | 19. 22. Num. 15.25,26,28. Deut. 21. S. Num. 14. 19. pardon, as/ from Eg. Ps. 32. 1. whose trans, is/ Rom. 4.7. 85 2. hast/ iniquity of thy people ha. 33. 24. "people be f. their iniquity Mai. 9.2. sins be f. thee, 5. Mark 2. 5, 9. Luke 5. 20, 23. | 7. 48. /2. 31. all sin be/ but against H.G. 32. Mark 3. 28. Zw/te 12. 10. Mark. 4. 12. sin should be/ them L?t/c(? 6. 37. forgive and ye sh. be/ 7.47. her sins which are many are/ to whom little is/ Aet% 8. 22. thought of heart may be/ Eph. 4, 32. for Christ's sake/ you Col. 2. 13. having/ all trespasses Jam. 5. 15. if coin, sins they sh. be/ 1 John 2. 12. because your sins are f. FORGIVETH, ING. Exod. 34. 7./ iuiquitv, Nzctn. 14. 18. /W. 103. 3./ all thine iniquities /.«Ae 7. 49. who is this/ sins also ? £>A. 4. 32. f. one another, CW. 3. 13. FORGIVENESS, ES. Ptal 130. 4 there is/ with thee FOR Dan. 9. 9. to the L. our G. belong/. A/'/r.3.'29. nev./ but in dang, of hell Acts 5. 31. him G. exalted to give/ 13. 38. thro' him is preached/ sins 'i<>. 18. they may receive/ of sins Eph. 1. 7. we have/ of siris, Co£. 1.14. FORGOTTEN. Gen. 41. 30. all the plenty shall be/ £>«*£. 24. 19. and hast/ a sheaf in 26. 13. neither have 1/ them 31. 21. this sonar shall not be/ 32. IS./ God that formed thee Job 19. 14. my familiar friends/ IL6 28. 4. even waters/ of the foot Psal. 9. 18. needy not alvvay be/ 10. 11. said in heart, God bath/ 31. 12. I am/ as a dead man out of 42. 9. say my rock, why hast/ me? 44. 17. yet have we not/ thee 20. if we have/ name of our God 77. 9. hath God/ to be gracious ? 1 19. 61. but I have not f. thy law 139. mine enemies/ thy words Eccl. 2. 16. in days to come all be/ 8. 10. wicked were/ in the city 9. 5. for the memory of them is/ Isa. 17. 10./ God of thy salvation 23. 15. Tyre shall be/ 70 years 16. take an harp, thou harlot/ 44.21. Israel, thou shalt not be/ 49. 14. Zion said, Lord hath/ me 65. l(i. the former troubles are / Jer. 2.32. people/ me, 13.25. | 18.15 3. 21. have/ the Lord their God 20. 11. confusion never be/ 23. 40. 23. 27. to forget as fathers have/ 30. 14. all thy lovers have/ thee 44. 9./ wickedness of your fathers 50. 5. join in covenant sh. not be/ 6. have/ their resting-place Lam. 2. 6. sabbaths to be/ in Zion Ezek. 22. 12. hast/ me, saith Lord 23. 35. because thou hast/ me Hos. 4. 6. seeing thou hast f. law 8. 14. Israel hath/ his Maker 13. 6. therefore have they/ me Mat. 1G. 5. had/ bread, Mark 8. 14. Luke 12. 6. not one of them is/ Heb. 12. 5. ye have/ exhortation 2 Pet. 1. 9./ that he was purged FORKS. 1 Sam. 13. 21. they had a file for/ FORM. '.Gen. 1. 2. the earth was without/ ' 1 Sam. 28. 14. what form is he of? 2 Sam. 14. 20. this/ of speech Job 4. 16. I could not discern the/ Isa. 52. 14. 1113/ more than sons 53. 2. he hath no/ nor comeliness Jer. 4. "23. lo, it was without/ Ezek. 10. 8. appeared/ of a hand 43. II. shew them/ of the house Dan. 3. 19. / of visage was changed 25. / of fourth like Son of God Mark 1G. 12. he appeared inano. / Rom. 2. 20. hast/ of knowledge 6. 17. obeyed that/ of doctrine Phil. 2. G. who being in/ of God 7. took upon him f. of a servant 2 Tim. 1 13. fast/ of sound words 3. 5. having a/ of godliness, but FORM. I»a. 15. 7. 1 f. the light, and create FORMED. Gen. 2. 7. God/ man of the dust 19. out of ground G. / every beast Dent. 32. 18. "forgot. G. that/ thee 2 Kin. 19. 25. that 1/ it ? Isa. 37.26 Job 26. 5. dead things/ under wat. 13. his hand/ crooked serpent 33. G. I also am/ out of the clay Psa>. 90. 2. or ever hadst/ earth 94. 9 f. the eye, shall he not see P 95. 5. "his hands f- the dry land 178 rote Prov. 26. 10. great God that/ all Isa. 27. 11. / them shew no favour 43. 1. saith he that/ thee, O Israel 7. I have/ him, yea, made him 10. before me was no god/ 21. this people have 1/ for mysel. 44. 2. and/ thee from the womb 10. who hath/ a god or image 21. art my servants, I have/ the* 24. thus saith he that / thee 45. 18. God that/ earth, he/ it i£. 5. that/ me to be his servant 54. 17. no weapon/ against thee Jer. 1. 5. before 1/ thee in belly 33. 2. the Lord that/ it to estab. Amos 7. 1. behold, he/ grasshoppers Rom. 9. 20. thing/ say to him/ it Gal. 4. 19. till Christ be/ in you 1 Tim. 2. 13. Adam first/ then Eve FORMER. 1 Sam. 17. 30. answ. after/ manner 2 Kin. 17. 34. do after/ manner, 40. Job 8.3. inquire, I pray, of the/, age 30. 3. wilderness in/ time waste Ps. 79. 8. O remem. not/ iniquities 89. 49. where/ loving kindnesses? Eccl. 1. 11. no rememb. of/ things 7. 10. that/ days were better ha. 41. 22. shew/ things, 43. 9. 42. 9./ things are come to pass 43. 18. remember ye not/ things 46. 9. remember f. things of old 48. 3. I have declared/things GI. 4. shall raise up/ desolation 65. 7. measure/ work into bosom 1G. because/ troubles are forgot. 17. the/ shall not be remembered Jer. 5. 24. giveth/ and latter rain in his season, Hos. 6. 3. Joel 2. 23. 10. 16. he is/ of all things, 51. 19. 34. 5. the/ kings before thee 3G. 28. write in it all the/ words Ezek. 16. 55. sisters retu. to/ estate Dan. 11. 29. shall not be as the/ Hag. 2. 9. greater than of/ house Zech. 1. 4. the/ prophets, 7. 7, 12. 8. 11. I will not be as in/ days 14. 8. waters, half toward/ sea Mai. 3. 4. pleasant as in/ years Acts 1. 1./ treatise have I made Eph. 4. 22. concerning/ converse. 1 Pet. 1. 14. not according to/ lusts Rev. 21. 4. /things are passed away FORMETH. Amos 4. 13. that/ the mountains Zech. 12. 1. and/ spirit of man FORNICATION. Ezek. 16. 29. multiplied/ in Canaat Mat. 5. 32. saving for/ 19. 9. T ohn 8. 41. we be not born of/ Acts 15. 20. abstain fr./ 29. | 2!. 25. Rom. 1. 29. being filled with all/ 1 Cor. 5. 1./ among you, such/ 6, 13. the body is not for/ but IS. flee/ || 7. 2. to avoid/ 2 Cor. 12."21. not repented of/ Ga/. 5. 19. works of the flesh,/ Eph. 5. 3. / let it not be named Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore/ 1 Thes. 4. 3. should abstain from/ Jude 7. giving themselves over to/ Rev. 2. 21. space to repent of her/ 9. 21. nor repented they of their/. 14. 8. wine of wrath of her/ 18. 3. 17. 2. drunk with wine of her/ 4. cup full of filthiness of her/ 19. 2. corrupt earth with her/ FORNICATIONS. /v^eAr. 16. 15. pouredst out thy/ Mat. 15. 19. proceed/ Mark!. 21. •See Commit, Committed. FORNICATOR, S. 1 Cur. 5. 9. not to company with / 10. not altogether wi. /. of world FOR 1 Cor. 5. 11. called a brother be a/ 6. 9. nor shall/ inherit kingdom H«b. 12. 16. lest there be anv f. or FORSAKE. Deut. 31. 16. this people will f. me 17. in that day 1 will/ them JosL 24. 16. God forbid wesh./ L. 20. if yef. the Lord, and serve Judg. 9 11. should If. my sweetness 2 Kin. 21. 14. I will f. remnant 1 Chr. 28.9. if thouV him, he will 2 Chron. 7. 19. if yef. my statutes 15. 2. if yef. him he will/ you Ezra 8. 22. "wrath aga. them/ him Pawf. 27. 10. father and mother/ 37. 8. cease from anger,/ wrath 89. 30. if his children/ my law 94. 14. nor will he/ his inheritance 119. 53. because wicked/ thy law Prov. 3. 3. let not mercy and truth/ 9. 6. / the foolish, and live 28. 4. that/ law, praise wicked Isa. 1. 28. that/. L. sh. be consumed 55. 7. let the wicked/, his way 65. 1 1. ye are they that/ the Lord Jer. 17. 13. f. Lord shall be ashamed 23. 33. 1 will even/ you, 39. 51. 9./ Babylon, and let us fro Lam. 5. 20. why dost/ us so long Dan. 11. 30. that/ holy covenant Jonah 2. 8. f. their own mercy Acts 21. 21. teachest to/ Moses FORSAKE not Deut. 12. 19. take heed/ n. Levite Job 20. 13. tho' spare it, and/ it n. Ps. 38. 21./ me not, O L. 71. 9, 18. 119. 8. Of. me not utterly 138. 8./ n. works of thinehands Prov. 1. 8./ n. law of mother, 6. 20. 4. 2. doctrine,/, you not my law 6./ her not, she sh. preserve thee 27. 10. and father's friend/ not Not FORSAKE. [28.20. Deut. 4. 31. n. f. thee, 31. 6, 8. 1 Chr. 14. 27. thou shalt notf. Levite Josh. 1. 5. nor/ thee, Heb. 13. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 22. n. f. his peo. 1 .Kjrt.6.13 1 Kin. 8. 57. let him notf. us Neh. 9. 31. thou didst notf. them 10. 3Q.notf. the house of our God Ps. 27. 9. neither/ me, O God Isa. 41. 17. I will notf. them 42. 16. will 1 do, and notf. them Ezek. 20. 8. nor did f. idols of Egypt FORSAKEN. 2 Chr. 21. 10. he had/ L.24.24. | 28.6. Neh. 13. 11. why is house of God/? Job 18. 4 shall earth be/ for thee? Psal, 37. 25. not seen the righteous/ Isa. 7. 16. iand be/ of botli kings ' 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are/ 9. shall be as a/ bough 27. 10. the habitation shall be/ 32. 14. because palaces shall be/ 51. 6. called thee as a woman/ 62. 4. shalt no more be termed/ Jer. 4. 29. every city shall be/ 18. 14. waters from another pi. be/? Ezek. 36. 4. saith Lord to cities/ Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/ Zeph. 2. 4. Gaza be £ and Ashkelon Have, hast, hath FORSAKEN. Deut. 28. 20. doings, whereby/ me, 29. 25. because/ Lord, Judg. 10. 10. Judg. 6. 13. now Lord hathf us 10. 13. yet ye have f. me, and 1 Sam. 8. 8. works wherewith/ me 12 10. sinned, because we h.f. L. 1 Kin. 11. 33. because they /*. / me 18 18. ye h.f. commandments of L. 19. 10. Israel h.f. thy covenant, 14. S Kin. 22. 17. because they h.f. me, 2 Chr. 34.25. Jer. 16. 11. | 19. 4. 2 CAr. 12. 5. ye have f. me, ami 1 FOR 2 CAr. 13 li. but ye have f. him 24. 20. ye Aawe/ L. he hathf. you 29. 6. our fathers have f. him Ezra9. 10. we A./ thy command. Job 20. 19. because he hathf poor Pia/. 22. 1. my God, why hast thou f me? Mat. 27. 46. Aftrrfc 15. 34. 71. 11. saying, God hathf. him Isa. 4. they have f the Lord 54.'.. for a moment have I / thee Jer. 1. 16. who have f me [Is. 49. 14. 2. 13. /*. / me, fountain of waters, 17. in that thou hast f. Lord, 19. 5. 7. thy children havef. me 19. answer, like as ye havef. me 9. 13. because they havef. my law 19. confounded, beca. we h.f land 12. 7 I have)', my house, I have 15. 6. thou hastf. me, saith Lord I 7 . 13. h.f. fountain of living waters 22. 9. they h. f. covenant of God 25. 38. hathf. his covert as the lion Ezek. 8. 12. Lord hathf. earth, 9. 9. Mat. 19. 27. we have f all 29. every one that hathf. houses 2 Tim. 4. 10. Demas hathf. me 2 Pet. 2. 15. which h. f. right way AW FORSAKEN. 2 Chr. 13. 10, the Lord is our God, we have notf. him Ezra 9. 9. notf. us in our bondage Psal. 9. 10. hast n. f them seek thee Isa. 62. 12. be called a city notf. Jer. 51. 5. tor Israel hath n. been/ 2 Cor. 4. 9. persecuted, but notf. FORSAKETH, ING. Job 6. 14. he/, fear of Almighty Psal. 37. 28. Lord/ not his saints Prov. 2. 17./ guide of her youth 15. 10. grievous to him that/ way 28. 13. whoso confesseth and/ Isa. 6. 12. until there be a great/ Luke 14. 33. whoso/ not all hath Heb. 10. 25. not f. the assembling FORSOOK, EST. Dent. 32. 15. f. God that made him Judg. 2. 12. thev f. Lord, 13. | 10. 6. 1 Sam. 31. 7. / cities, 1 Chr. 10. 7. 1 Kin. 9. 9. because/ Lord their G. 12. 8. hut Rehoboam/ the counsel of old men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8. 13. 2 Kin. 21. 22. Amon /: G. of fathers 2 Chr. 7. 22. they/ God of fathers 12. 1. Rehoboam/ law of Lord Nek. 9. 17. slow to anger,/ them not 19./ them not in the wilderness Psal. 78. CO. he/ tabernacle of Shiloh 119. 87. hut 1/ not thy precepts Isa. 58. 2./ not ordinance of God Jer. 14. 5. hind calved, and f. it Mat. 26. 56. disc. / him, Mark 14. 50 Mark 1. 18. they"/ their nets Luke 5. 11. £ all, and followed him 2 Tim. 4. 16". all men/ me Heb. 11. 27. bv faith Moses/ Egyr. FORSWEAR. Mat. 5. 33. thou shalt not f. thyselt FO RT, S. 2 Sam. 5. 9. so David dwelt in the/ 2 Kin. 25. 1. build/ aga. Jer. Je?\52.4. Zs«. 25. 12./ of walls sh. bring down 29. 3. Twill raise/ against thee 32. 14. the/ be for dens for ever Ezek. 4. 2. a/ against it, 21.22. | 26.8 17. 17. building/ to cut off many 21. 22. was divination to build a/ 26. 8. he shall make a/, aga. thee 33. 27. and thoy in the/, shall die Dan. 11. 19. toward f. of own land FORTH. Psal. 113- 2. biessed be Lord, from this time/ 115. 18. | 121. 8 Jer. 49. 5. be driven out right/ Mai, 16, 21. that time/ began Jesii 179 FOU Mat. 22. 46. fr. that day/ ask quM. 7oA» 11. 53. that day/ took counsel FORTHWITH. Minfc 13. 5. and/ they sprung up Mark 1. 43. and/ sent him away JoAra 19. 34./ came out blood and Acts 12. 10. and/ the angul depart FORTY. -4efr 23. 13. more than ro« % ty made this conspiracy, 2L FORTY sfrVpes. Deut. 25. 3. / *. he may give him 2 Cor. 11. 24. of the Jews I rece. /. «. FORTY years. Exod. 16. 35. manna/ y. Neh. 9. 21. Num. 14. 33. wander/ y 32. 13. 34. ye sh. bear your iniquities/ y Deut. 2. 7. thy walking these/ y. 8. 2. way God led thee/ y. 29. 5. Jo.v/i. 5. 6. Is. walked/ y. fn wilder 14. 7./ y. old was I when Moses Judg. 3. 11. had rest/ y. 5.31. | 8.2a 13. 1. Israel into hand of Phil./ y. 2 Sam. IT). 7. after/ y. Absalom said Ps. 95. 10./ y. long "was I grieved Ezek. 29. 11. nor be inhabited/ y. 13. end off. y. will gather Egypt jfwo.? 2. 10. I led you/ y. in wilder. 5. 25. sacrifices/ years, Acts 7. 42. Acts 4. 22. man was above/, y. old 7. 23. Moses/ y. old visited breth. 36. wonders in wilderness/ y. 13. 18./ y. suffered he their mann. 21. gave Saul by space of/ yeart Heb. 3. 9. fathers saw my works/y. 17. with whom grieved/ years r FORTY-frro. 2 Kin. 2. 24. bears tare f.-ttvo child. Rev. 11. 2. tread f.-two months 13. 5. to continue f.-tiro months FO RTY.^e years. Josh. 14. 10. kept me alive f.-fivey. F O RT Y-M.r years. John 2. 20. /..six y. temple building FORTY.w/«e Lev 25. 8. space he f -nine years FORTIFY, IED. Judg. 9. 31. thev/ citv against thee Neh. 4. 2. feeble Jews/ themselves ? Isa. 22. 10. houses broken to/ wall Jer. 51. 53. tho' she f. her strength Mir. 7. 12. he sh. come from/ cities Nah. 2. 1. /: thy power mightily 3. 14./ thy strong holds FORTRESS, Erf. 2 Sa?n. 22. 2. L. is my/ Ps. IS. 2. I 31. 3. | 71. 3. | 91. 2, | 144. 2. Isa. 17. 3./ sh. cease from Epliraiu? 25. 12./ shall he bring down 34. 13. nettles come up in the/ Jer. 6. 27. 1 have set thee for a/ 10. 17. O inhabitant of the/ 16. 19. O Lord, my/, in affliction Dan. 11. 7. / of king of the north 10. be stirred up even to his/ Hos. 10. 14. all thy/ shall he spoiled Amos 5. 9. spoiled shall come aga-/ Mic. 7. 12. he sh. come to thee fr./ FORWARD, NESS. Jer. 7. 24. and thev went not/ Zech. 1. 15. helped/, the affliction 2 Cor. 8. 8. by occasion of/ of others 10. also to be/ a year ago 17. more/, of his own accord 9. 2. I know the/ of your mind Gal. 2. 10. same I also was/ to do 3 John 6. if bring/ on journey See That Day, (Jo, Set, Went. FOUGHT. Jo.?/*. 10. 14. Lord f. for Is. 42. | 23.S. Jw/g. 1. 5./ against Adoni-bezek 8. Judah had/ against Jerusalem ! 5. 19. kings/ kings of Canaan [ 20. they/ from heaven, stars i. FOU J'ldg.D. 17. my father/ for you, and 39. Gaal /. with AM me lech 12. 4. Gi'.ead f. with Ephraim 1 Sam. 4. 10. IMiilis./ I Ckron. 10. 1. 14. 47. Saul/ aga. all his enemies 19. 8. so David/ Philistines, 23. 5. 2 Sam. 2. 28. nor/ they anv more 10. 17. Syrians/ as. I). 1 Chr. 1.9.17. 2 C/ir. 20. 29. L. f. ag. enemies of Isr. Psal. 109. 3. /. us'. me without a cause /*«. 20. I. Tartan/ against Ashdod 63. 10. he turned enemy/ ag. them Jer. 34. 1. people f. ag. Jerusalem, 7 Zech. 14. 3. 'As/, in the day of battle 12. L. smite them/ aga. Jerusal. 1 Cor. 15. 32. 1 have/ with beasrs 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have/ a good fi^ht .Bev. 12. 7. Michael/ against dragon FOUL. Job 16. 16. my face is/ wi. weeping Mat. 16. 3 it will be/ weather Mark 9. 25. he rebuked the /.' spirit Jiev. 18. 2. Bab. hold ot ev. / spirit FOUL, ED, EDST. Exek. 34. IS. ye must/ the residue 32. 2. waters, and/ their rivers 34, 19. they drink what ye have/ See Fours. Fowls. FOUND. Gen. 8. 9. the rio\e/ no rest for 26. 19. Isaac's servants f a well 27. 20. how hast/ it so'quickly ? 31. 33. Laban /. not images 37. 32. said, this coat have we/. 38. 23. I sent kid, hast not/, her 44. 16: God hath/ out the iniquity Lev. 6. 3. if he have/ that was lost Num. 15. 32./ a man gather, sticks Dent. 22. 3. with what f. do likewise 14. 1/ her not a maid, 17. 27. he/ her in field, damsel cried 24. 1./ some uncleanness in her 32. 10. he/ him in a desert land Josh. 2. 22. pursuers/ them not Judg. 14. 18. ye had not/ out riddle 21. 12. they/ four hundred virgins 1 Sam. 9. 4. hut they/ not the asses 11. they/ maidens" going to draw 12. 5. not f. ought in my hand 13. 22. no sword f. in hand of people 25. 28. evil not been/ with thee 29. 3. I have/, no fault in him 30. 11./. an Egyptian in the field 31. 8./ Saul and three sons fallen 2 Sam. 7. 27./ in his heart to pray this prayer, 1 Chr. 17. 25. 1 Kin. 7. 47. nor weight of brass/ 11. 29. Ahijah/ Jeroboam in way 13. 28. he/ his carcase c^st in way 18. 10. took an oath/ thee not 20. 36. a lion/ him and slew him 21. 20./ me mine enemy? I have 2 Kin. 2. 17. Elijah, but/ him not 9. 35./ no more of her than skull 22 8. If. law in house of the Lord 25. 19. took sixty men/ in city 1 Chr. 4. 40. they/ fat pasture and 2 Chr. 19. 3. good things / in thee Neh. 5. 8. they/ nothing to answer Job 28. 13. nor wisdom/ in land of 31. 29. when evil/ mine enemy 32. 3. because they had/ no answ. 13. lest say, we have/ wisdom 33. 24. the pit, I have/ a ransom 42. 15./ so fair as daughters of Job Ps. 69. 20. comforters, but/ none 76. 5. and none have ?! their hands 84. 3. sparrow hath/ an house 89. 20. 1 have/ David my servant 107. 4. and/ no city to dwell in 116. 3. I / trouble and sorrow 132. 6. we/ it in the fields of wood Prov. 7. 15. and I have/ thee 24. 11. so wisdom be when/ it FOU iV.25.lfi. hast/ honey ? ent so much Eccl. 7. 28. one man among a thou- sand ha^e 1/ a woman not/ 29. 1/ God made man upright Cant. 3. 1. but 1/ him not, 2. 3. the watchmen/ me, I said, 5. 7. 4. but I f. him my soul loveth Isa. 10 10./ kingdoms of idols 14. my hand/ riches of people 22. 3. a!!/ in thee are bound toge. 57. 10. hast/ the life of thine hand 65. 1./ of them sought me not Jer. 2. 5. whatiniqu. rath'./ in me ? 34. in thy skirts is/ the blood of 5. 26. am. my people are/ wicked 15. 16. words/ and 1 did eat them 23. 11. in my house/ wickedness 41. 8. ten/ that said, slay us not 50. 7. all that/ them devour, them Lam. 2. 16. this is day we have/ Exek. 22. 30. for a man, 1/ none Dan. 5. 12. excel, spirit/in Daniel 27. art weighed and/ wanting 6. 4. nor any fault/ in Daniel 11. these men/ Daniel praying Hos. 9. 10. 1/ Israel like grapes in 12. 4. he/ him in Beth-el, and 8. I have/ me out substance 14. 8. tree, from me is thy fruit/ Mic. 1. 13. transg. of Israel/ in thee Mat. 2. 8. have/ him bring me word 8. 10 not/ so great faith, Lu. 7. 9. 13. 44. when a man/ he hideth it 46. had/ one pearl of great price 18. 28./ one of his fellow-servants who owed 20. 6. / others standing idle 21. 19. he/ nothing thereon, Mark 11. 13. Luke 13. 6. 22. 10. gathered as many as they/ 26. 43. he / them aske'p. Mark 14. 4 0. Luke 2?. 45. 60. sought witn./ none, Mar. 14.55. 27. 32. tli'ey f. a man of Cyrene Mark 1. 37. when they had/ him 7. 2. eat with defiled hands,/ fault 30. she/ the devil gone out 1 1. 4./ colt tied by door without Luke 2. 16./ babe lying in a manger 46. after 3 days/ him in temple 4. 17. / place where it was written 7. 10. they/, the servant whole 8. 35. f. the man clothed, and in his 15. C). rej. for I have/ my sheep 9. when she bath/ the piece 17.18. none/ that ret. to give glory 19. 32. / even as he had said, 22. 13. 23. 2. we/ perverting the nation 14. 1 have/ no fault in this man 24. 2. f. the stone rolled away 3./ not body of the L< rd Jesus 23. when they/ not his body 33./ the eleven gathered together John 1. 41. we have/ Messias, 45. 2. 14. Jesus/, in the temple those Acts 5. 10. came in, and/ her dead 22. officers/ them not in prison 7. 11. our fathers/ no sustenance 9. 2. that if he/ any of this way 10. 27. Peter/ many come together 12. 19. when Herod/ not Peter 13. 6. they/ a certain sorcerer 22. I have/ David, a man after 17. 23. 1/ altar with inscription 24. 5./ this man a pestilent fellow 20. if they/ any evil doing in me 25. 25. 1/ nothing worthy of death 28. 14. Puteoli, where we/ breth. Bom. 4. 1. what Abraham hath/ 7. 10. to life 1/ to be unto death 1 Cor. 15. 15. we are/ false witness. 2 Cor. 2. 13. because 1/ not Titus Gal. 2. 17. we also are/ sinners Phil. 2. 8./ in fashion as a man 180 FOU 1 Tim. 3. 10 being/ blamele3g ' 2 Tim. 1. 17. One.siph'irus/ me Heh. 12. 17. he/ no place of repent, 1 Pet. 1. 7. your faith be/ to praise 2 JoJui\. \.f. of thy children walk. Rev. 2. 2. and has found them liara 3. 2. not/ thy works perfect 12. 8. nor their place/ in heaven 16. 20. mountains were not/ Be FOUND. Gen. 18. 29. peradventiire be forty/ E.rod.2\.\tx stealeth a man, if he bef. 22. 2. if thief he f. breaking up 7. 4. if the theft be < ertainly/ in his 1 Sam. 10. 21. Saul could not bef. 2 Sum. 17. 12. come on him where he shall be f. 1 Kin. 1. 52. if wickedn. bef. in him 1 Chr. 28. 9. seek him, he will be f. of thee, 2 Chr. 15. 2; Job 20. 8. sh. fly away and not bef. 28. J2. where shall wisdom bef? Psal. 32. 6. pray when mayest bef. 36. 2. till his iniquity bef. hateful 37. 36. but he could not bef. Prov. 6. 31. if he bef. he sh. restore 16. 31. if it bef. in "way of riyhteo. 30 6. and thou bef. a liar 10. and thou bef guilty Isa. 30. 14. shall not bef. a sherd 35. 9. lion, nor any beast bef. there 51. 3. joy and gladness bef. therein 55. 6. seek Lord while he may bef. Jer. 29.14.1 will bef of you, sa'ith L. 50. 20. sins of Judah shall not bef. Ezek. 26. 21. shall never be f. again l Dan. 11. 19 he shall fall and not bef. 12. !. every one that bef. written Hos. 10 2. shall they bef. faulty Zeph. 3. 13. nor deceitful tongue bef Zech. 10. 10. place not bef. fnrthrin Acts 5. 39. lest bef. to fight ag. God 1 Cor. 4. 2. a steward bef. faithful 2 Cor. 5. 3. we shall not be f. naked 11. 12. they may bef even as we 12. 20. bef. such as ye Mould not Phil. 3. 9. bef. in him not having 2 Pet. 3. 14. bef. of tiini in peace Rev. 18. 21. Babylon bef no more 22. no. craftsman bef. in thee tee Favour. FOB WD grate. Gen. 6. 8. Noah/ g. in eyes of the L. 19. 19. thy servant/ g. in thy sight 33. 10. if have/ g. 47. 29. | 50. 4. 3.9. 4. Joseph /.' g. in his sight Exod. 33. 12. thou hast also/ g. 17. 13. if I have/ g. 34. 9. Judg. 6.17, 1 Sum. 27. 5. 16. how known that I have/ g.9 Nii7/i. 32. 5. if we have f. grace 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father know. \ f g. Jer. 31. 2. people f. g. in wilderness Is FO"UND. Gen. 44. 10. he with whom cup isf. 1 Kin. 14. 13. isf some good thing 2 Kin. 22. 13. this book that isf Ezra 4. 19. it is f. city been rebel Job 19. 28. root of the matter isf. Prov. 10. 13. in the lips wisdom isf. Isa. 13. 15. that isf. be thrust thro' 65. 8. as new wine isf. in cluster Jer. 2. 2fi. as the thief when be isf. 34. isf. the blood of innocents 11.9. a conspiracy isf. among Judah Dan. 5. 14. excellent wisdom isf. 12. Hos. 14. 8. from me is thy frtiit/ Luke 15. 24. son was lost and is'f. 32. 2 Cor.l. 14. our boasting^/ a iruth Was FOUND. Gen. 44. 12. cup u\f. in Benj. sack 1 ."v77tt.13.22. with Saul and Jon. u-.f 2 Chr. 15. 4. he was f. of them, 15. Ezra 6. 2. there was f. at Ach. a rojl Fotr Eccl 9. 15. w. /. in it poor wise man Jer. 48. 27. was he f. among thieves? Ezek. 28. 15. till iniquity ?c. / in thee Dan. 1. It), none wasf. like Daniel 2. 35. no place wasf. for them 5. 11. wisdom of gods «'./ in him fi. '22. innoeency wasf. in me il/«f. 1. IS. eo./ with child of H. G. Luke 9. 30. Jesus was f. alone Acts 8 40. Philip wasf. at Azntus itom. 10. 20. 1 wasf. of them that 1 Pet. 2. 22. nor v. guile/ in mouth Rev. 5. 4. was f. worthy to open 14. 5. in their mouth wasf. no guile 18. 24, in her m:./ blood of prophets 20. 11. wasf. no place for them Was not FO U N D. Mai. 2. 6. iniquity w. n. f. in his lips Ffe&. 11.5. Enoch was not f. because Uev. z0. 15. whoso w. n.f. written FOUNDATION, Ex. 9. 18. not been in Egypt since/! Josh. 6. 2(1 lay/ in his first-born 1 Kin. 5. 17. hewn stones to lay/ C. 37. in fourth year was/ laid 7. 9. of costly stones from the/ 1G. 34. laid/ of Jericho in first-born 2 C//c. 8. 10. work pn par. to day of/ 31. 7. began to lay/ of the heaps Ezra3. 10. when builders laid/ 12. 5. 16. Sheshbazzar laid the/ Jo!/ 4. 19. whose f. is in the dust 22. j(\ f. overflown with a flood Pscl.8~.\. his/ is in holy mountains 102. 25. of old thou hast laid/ 137. 7. rase it, rase it, even to/ Prov. 10. 25. righteous is everlast./ Isa. 23. 16. I lay in Zion for a/ a 44. 28. thy/ shall be laid 45. 13. my hand laid/ of the earth Ezek. 13. 14./ thereof be discovered Hub. 3. 13. by discovering/ to neck Hag. 2. 18. from day the/ was laid Zec/i. 4. 9. Zeruhhabel hath laid/ 8. 9. prophets when the/ was laid 12. 1. which layeth/. of the earth I.iikc- C). 48. laid the/ on a rock 49. without a f. built an house 14. 29. lest after he hath laid the/ /ivjm. 15.20. lest buiid on auo. man's/ 1 Cor. 3. 10. wise master- build, laid/ 11. for other/ can no man lay 12. if any build on this/ gold E]ih. 2. 20. on/ of the prophets J Tim. (5 19. laying up a good/ 2 77/m. 2. 19. /: of G. standeth sure IJeb. 1. 10. hast laid/ of the earth 6.1. not laving f. of repentance Iter. 21. 19. the first/ jasper FO U N D A T I O N of the world. Mat. 13. 35. kept secret from/ ofw. 2b. 31. kingdom prepared tr.f. ofw. Luke II. 5'"*. blood shed from/ ofw. John 17. 24. lovedst mehefo. /. of. w. Y.ph. 1. 4. chosen us before/ ofw. ]feb. 4. 3. works finished fr./ r/?c. 9. 26. have oft suffer, since/ ofw. 1 Pet. 1. 20. foreordained beto.f. of?*;. Jfeo. 13. 8. Lamb slain from f. ofw. 17. 8. Harm's not written fr./ o/itv. FOUNDATIONS. Vent. 32. 22. set on fire/ of mount. 2 Sam. 22. 8 / of heaven moved 16./ were discovered. Pa 18.7,15. Ezra 4. 12. and joined the/ 6. 3. let the/ be strongly laid Job3ii. 4. when I laid/ of'earth ? 6. whereupon are the f. fastened Psal. 11. 3. if/ be destroyed, what 82. 5. all the f. are out of course 104. 5. who laid f. of the earth Prov. 8. 29. appointed f. of earth Isa. 1G. 7. for f. of K ir- ha reset h 24. lb. the /. of the earth do snake FOU Isa. 10. 21 . not understood fr. tlie/ 51. 13. Lord that laid/ of'earth 16. that 1 may lay./ uf" the earth 54. 11. lay thy/ with sapphires 58. 12. raise ui/ of many genera, Jer. 31. 37. if/ can he searched 50. 15. her/" are fallen 51. 26. not take of thee stone for/ Lain. 4. II. it hath devoured the/ Ez,k. 30. 4. Egypt's/ broken down 41. 8. the/ of the side chambers Mic. 1. 6. 1 will discover/ thereof 6. 2. hear, ye strong/ of the earth Acts 1G. 26. f. of prison wete shaken Heb. 11. 10. for a city that hr.th/ Rev. 21. 14. walls of city had 12/ 19./ garnished with prcci. stones FO U N D E D. Psal. 24. 2. he hath f. it on the seas 89. 11. fulness thereof thou/ them 104 8. to place thou/ for them 119. 152. testimonies, hast/ them Prov. 3. 19. by wisdom hath f. earth Isa. 14. 32. that the L. hath/ Zion 23.13. peo. was not till Assyrian/ it Amos 9. G / his troop in the earth Mat. 7. 25 it fell not,/ on a rotk Luke 6. 48. it was/ on a rock FOUNDER. Judg. 17. 4. gave them to the f. Jer. 6. 29. the/ melteth in vain 10. 9„work of the hands of the/ 14./ confound, by graven im. 51.17. IT T ' NT A IN. Gen. 1G. 7. found Hagar by a/ Lev. 1 1. 36. a/ wherein is water 20. 18. he discovered her/ the/ Dent. 33. 28. / of Jacob be on a land Ps. 3G. 9. with thee is the/ of life 68. 26. bless Lord from/ of Israel 74. 15. thou didst cleave the/ 114. 8. flint into a f. of water Prov. 5. 18. let thy"/ be blessed 13. 14. law of wise is a/ .if life 14. 27. fear of Lord is a/ of life 25.26. is as a troubled/ J- eel. 12. G. pitcher be broken at/ Cant. 4. 12. / scaled || lf>./of gardens Jer. 2. 13. foi taken/ of living' wa- ters. 17. 13. G. 7. as/ castetn out waters 9. 1. oh that mine eves were a/ Joel. 3. 18. a/ come forth of ho. of L. Zeeh. 13. 1. that day a/ be opened Mark 5. 29./ of her b d dried up Jam. 3. 1 1./ send forth sweet waters 12. no f. Can yield salt water Rev. 21.6. I wi I give of/ of life FOUNTAINS. Gen. 7. 11./ of deep broken up 8. 2. f. of the deep wete stopped Deut.S. 7. bring. th< e into land of/ 1 Kin. 18. 5. go to all/ of water 2 Chr. '3-'. 4. much peo. who stopt/ Prov. 5. 16. let thy/ be disperted 8. 24. no/ abounding with water 28. when he strength./ of deep Isa. 41. 18. I will open/ in valleys Hos. 13 15. his/ shall be dried up Rev. 7. 17. lead them to living/ 8. 10. star fell on the/ of waters 14. 7. worship him made the/ 16. 4. angel poured his vial on/ FOUR. Gen. 2. 10. river became/ heads 14. 9. four kingsjoined bat. with five 47. 24./ parts lie own, for seed Exod 22. 1. shall restore/ sheep Lev. II. 20. fowls going on all/ 27. go on all/ unclean, 42. JohA'l. 1G. son's sons, even /.' genera. Prov. 30. In. f. say not, i' is enough 18. he/ things which I know not 24. be/ things little on eaith \6i FOW Prov. 30. 29./ things are onrmrly Isa. 17. 6./ or five in out. branches Jer. 15. 3. appoint over them/ kinds Ezek. 1. 5. / living creatures 14. 2i./ sore judgments on Jerusa* 37. 9. from/ winds, O breath Dan. 3. 25. lo, I see/ men loose 7. 2./ winds strove on the sea 17. these/ beasts are/ kings 8. 8. came/ notable horns 22./ kingdoms shall stand 11. 4. kingdom towards/ winds Amos 1. 3. for/ will not turn away punishment, G, 9, 1 1, 13 | 2. 1,4, & Zeeh. 1. 18. and b< hold/ horns Mat. 24. 31. gather his elect from the / winds, Mark 13. 27, John 4. 35. yet/ months, harvest II. 17. Lazarus in grave/ days HI. 23. madey. parts of his garment Acts 10. 30./ flays ago was fasting 21. 9. Philip bad/ daughters *3. we have/ men have a vow Rev. 4. 6. round throne/ !>• asts 5. 14. the/ beasts said. Amen 9. 14. loose/ angels who are bound 14. 3. a new song before/ beasts 19. 4. and the/ beasts fell down See Cor m i- as, Days FOUR times. Neh. 6. 4. sent f times alter this sort FOUR-FOLD. 2 Sam. 12. 6. restore the lamb/ Luke 19. 8. any thing, I restore/ See Footed, Twenty, Hundred Thousand. FOU K. square. Rev. 21. 16. the city \iexh f-square FOURSCORE Exod. 7. 7. Mo^es was / years old, when spake to l'haraoli Judg. 3. 30. land had rest/ years 2 Sam. 19. 32. Barzillai was/ years 2 Kin. 6. "io. ass's head for f. pieces Psal. 90. 10. and if they be/ years Cant G. 8. and/ concubines Luke 2. 37. widow/ and four years 16. 7. take thy bill and \\ rite/ FOU li^COliE and fire. Josh. 14. 10. I am this dav/ and jive FOUR'i EEN". Gen. 31. 41. served/ years for dan. Mat. 1. 17. from David to carrying away/ to Christ/ generations 2 Cor. 12. 2. man above/ years ago Gal. 2. 1. £ years after I went up FOURTEENTH. Acts 27. 27. when f. night was come Spp Day. FOURTH. Gen. 15. 16. in t. gen. come hither Exod. fcO. 5. iniquity to/ generation, 34. 7. Kum.'U. IS. /J™r\ 5. a Lev. 19. 24. in/ year fruit holy 2 Kin. 10. 30. child, of/ gene. 15.12. Dan. 2. 40./ kingd. strong as iron 3. 25. / is like the Son of God 7. 23./ beast be the/ kingdom 1 1. 2 the/ shall be far richer Mat. 14. 25. Jesus came in/ watch Rev. 4. 7./ beast like flying eagle G. 7. when opened the/, seal 8. 12. the/ angel sounded 16. 8./ angel poured vial on sun See Day, Month, Part FOWL. Gen. J. 26. dominion over the/ 23. 2. 19. God formed every/ of air 7. 23./ of heaven was destroyed 8. 17. bring forth of/ of cattle 9. 2. the fear of you t'e on every/. 10. 1 e-*ab i-h miv< nm t " lib/ D/i t 1. IT. liki i < v - < f wii gcd / ,/(./. 28. 7. a pat), no/ knoufth FRA Psal 8. 8. to have dominion over/. 148. 10. flying/ praise the Lord Jer. 9. 10./ of heavens are fled Ezek. 17. "23. under it sh. dweii all/ 39. 17. speak to every feathered/ 44. 31. not eat torn/ or beast Dan. 7. 0. on back four wings of a/ FOWLS. Gen. 7. 3. take of/, also by sevens 15. 11. when/ rame on carcases Lev. 1. 14. if burnt sacrifice be of/ 11. 13. these f. have in abomination Deut. 14. 20. bat of clean/ may eat 28. 26. thy carcase be meat to all f. I Sum. 17. 44. thy flesh to the/ 46. 1 Kin. 4. 33. Solomon spake off. 14. 11. dieth,/ eat, 16. 4. | 21.24. Neh. 5. 18./ were prepared for me Job 12. 7. ask f. and theysh. tell thee Psal. 50. 11. I know all the/ of the 78. 27. rained f. as sand of "the sea Isa. 18. 6. be left to/ of mountains, / shall summer upon them Dan. 4. 14. let/ get from his branch. Mat. 6. 26. the/ they sow not 13.4. / dev. seed, Mark Li. Luke 8.5. Mark 4.32./ may lodge, Luke 13.19. Luke 12. 24. are ye better than/ Acts 10.12. sheet wherein were/ 1 1.6. Her. 19. 17. an angel cried to all / 21. f. were filled with their flesh FOWLS of the heaven. Job 35. 11. wiser than/, of heaven Psal. 79. 2. thy servants meat to/ 104. 12 / o//i. have their habitation J er 7 33. carcases of people meat for/ o/A. 16. 4. ! 19. 7. | 34.20. 15. 3. appoint/ ofh. to destroy Ezek. 29. 5. Phar. for meat to/ ofh, 31. 6./ o/A. made nests in Assyria 13. on his ruin sh. / of. h. remain 32. 4./ ofh. to remain on thee 38. 20. / of h. shake at my presence Dan. 2. 38. / ofh. to Nebuchadnez. Hos. 2. 18. a covenant with/ ofh. 4. 3. shall languish with/ ofh. 7. 12. bring them down as/ of h. Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume/ of h. Luke 13. 19./ ofh. lodged i'n branch. FOWLER, S. Psal. 91. 3. from the snare of the/. 124. 7. soul out of the snare off. Prov. 6. 5. as a bird from the/ Hos. 9. 8. prophet is a snare of a/ FOX, ES. Judg. 15. 4. Samson caught 300/ Neh. L 3./ shall break stone. wall Ps. 03. 10 shall be a portion for/ Cant. 2. 15. take the/ the little'/ Lum. 5. 18. the/ walk upon Zion Ezek. 13. 4. thy prophets are like/ Mat. 8. 20./ have holes, Luke 9. 5S. Luke 13. 32. go tell that/ I cast out FRAGMENTS. Mat 14. 20. took up the/ 3/w& 6. 43. Luke 9. 17. John 6. 13. Mark. 8. 19. how many baskets of/ JoAn 6. 12. gather up the/ remain FRAIL. Psal. 39. 4. may know how/ I am FRAME. Ps. 103. 14. he knoweth our/ he .E;jre&. up higher John 3. 29./ of bridegroom rejoiceth 11. 11. our/ Lazarus sleepeth 19. 12. thou art nut Cesai'e/ FRO Aets 12. 20. made Blastus their/ Jam. 2. 23. Abrah. culled/ of God 4. 4 /. of world, is enemy of God FRIENDLY. Jrtdg. 19. 3. went to speak/ to her nth 2. 13. spoken/ to handmaid Prov. 18. 24. must 'show himself/ FRIENDS. 1 Sam. 30. 26. David sent spoil +.->/. 2 Sam. 3. 8. kindness to Saul's/ 19. 6. Invest enemies hatest thy/ 1 Kings 16. 1 1, left not one of his/ Esth. 5. 10. Haman called for his / 14. then said his wife and/ to him 6 13. Haman told/ every thing Job 2. 11. when Job's three/ heard 16. 20. my/, scorn me, but mine eye 17. 5. speaketh flattery to his/ 19. 14. my/ have forgotten me 19. my inward/ abhorred me 21. have pity on me, O ye f. 32. 3. Elilm's wrath kindled aga. / 42. 7. kindled against Kliphaz and/ 10. when he prayed for his/ Psal. 38. 11. f. aloof from my sore Prov. 14. 20." the rich hath many/ 16.28. whisperer separateth chief/ 17. 9. repeateth a matter, separ. / 18. 24. hath/ shew hims. friendly 19. 4. wealth maketh many/ 7. more do/ go far from him Cant. 5. 1 eat, Of. drink, yea, Jer. 20. 4. thee a terror to thy/ 6. buried there, thou and thy/ 38. 22. thy/ have set thee on Lam. 1. 2. her/ have dealt treach. Zrch. 13. 6. wounded in house of/ Mark^. 21. when his/ heard of it 5. 19. Jesus saith, go home to thy/ Luke 7. 6. centurion sent/ to him 12. 4. my/ be not afraid of them 14. 12. a dinner, call not thy/ 15. (?. hecalleth together his/ 9. 6he calleth her/ saying 29. might make merry with my/ 16. 9. make/ of the mammon 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by/ 23. 12. Pilate and Herod made/ John 15. 13. down his life for his/ 14. ye are my/ if ye do what I 15. but I have called yon/ Acts 10. 24. Cornelius called his/ 19. 31. who were his/ sent to him 27. 3. liberty to go to his/ 3 John 14. f. salute thee, greet/ FRIENDSHIP. Prov. 22. 24. no/ with angry man Jam. 4. 4./ of world is enmity FROGS. Exod. 8. 2. all thy borders with/. 7. the magicians brought up/ Pml. 78. 45. he sent/ wli. destrov/d 105. 30. the land brought forth/ Rev.\6. 13. saw unclean spirits iike/ To and FRO. Gen. 8. 7. a raven, went to and f. 2 Kin. 4. 35. Elisha walked to andf Job 1.7. Sat. said, fr. going to a.f. 2 2. 7. 1. I am full of tossings to and f. 13. 25. break a leaf driven to andf.? Pml. 107. 27. they reel to andf. Prov. 21. 6. vanity tossed to and f. Jsa. 24. 20. earth shall reel to andf. 33. 4. as running rV> andf of locusts 49. 21. and removing to and f Ezek. 11. 19. Dan going to andf. Zech. 1. 10. L. sent to walk to and f. 11. we have walked to and f. 6. 7. might walk to and f ho they walked to andf. through earth Eph. 4. 11. be no more tossed to a.f. See Ri/n. FRONT. Ham. 10. 9./ of battle against him FRU FRONTLETS. Exod. 13. <6. be for/ between eyes Dent. 6. 8. shall be as/ 11. 18. FROST. Gen. 31. 40. / consumed by night Exod. 16. 14. as small as the hoar/ Jrt/>37. 10. by breath of G./ given 38. 29./ of heaven, who hath Ps. 78. 47. destroy syca. trees wi. / 147. 10. he scattereth the hoar/ Jer. 3(5. 30. Jeho. body cast out to/ FROWARD. Dent. 32. 20. are a very/ generation 2 Sa;/j. 22. 27. with /. wilt shew thy. self/ Psal. 18. 26. Job 5. 13. counsel of/, carried head. PW. 101. 4. a/ heart shall depart Prop. 2. 12. man speaketh/ things 15. ways crooked,/ in paths 3. 32./ is abomination to Lord 4. 21. put away fr. thee a/ mouth 6. 12. walketh with a/ mouth 8. 8. there is nothing/ in them 13. and the/ mouth do 1 hate 10. 31./ tongue shall be cut out 11. 20. of a/ heart, are abomination 16. 28. a/ man soweth strife 30. snutteth eyes to devise/ things 17. 20. / heart, findeth no good 21. 8. the way of a man is f 22. 5. thorns are in way of" the f. 1 Pet. 2. 18. servants, be subject to/ FROWARDLY. Isa. 57. 17. he went on f in way FRO WARD NESS. Prov. 2. 14. delight in/ of wicked 6. 14./ is in his heart 10. 32. mouth of wicked speak, f. FROZEN. Job 33. 30. and face of the deep is f. FRUIT. Gen. 1. 29. every tree wherein is/ 4. 3. Cain brought of th^/ 30. 2. hath withheld/ of womb Exod. 21. 22. so that her/, depart Lev. 19. 23. count/ uncircumeised 24. fourth year/ shall be holy 25. 3. six years 3h alt gather in/ 27. 30. the tithe of/ is the Lord's Num. 13. 26. shewed them/ of land Deut. 1. 25. of the/ in their hands 7. 13. he will bless/ of thy land 22. 9. lest/, of vine'yard be defiled 26. 2. take of first of all the/ 28. 4. blessed be/ of thy body 11. plent. in/ of thy body, 30. 9. 18. cursed be the/ of thy body 40. for thine olive shall cast his/ 42. all thy/, shall locust consume Judg. 9. 11. should I forsake my/? 2 Sam. 16. 2. summer/ for young Psal. 21. 10. their/ shalt destroy 72. 16./ thereof shake like Leban. 104. 13. earth is satisfied with/ 105. 35. the locusts devoured the/ 127. 3. / of womb is his reward 132. II. of/ of thy body will I set Prov. 8. 19. my/ is better than gold 10. 16./ of wicked tendeth to sin 11. 30./ of righteous is a tree of life 12. 14. satisfied by/ of his mouth 18. 20. be satisfied with/ of mouth 31. 10. with / of her hand she 31. give her of/ of her hands Cant. 2. 3. his/ sweet to my taste 8. 12. that keep/ two hundred Isa. 3. 10. shall eat/ of their doings 4. 2./ of earth shall be excellent 10. 12. punish/ of the stout heart 13. 18. no pity on/ of the womb 14.29. his/ be a fiery serpent 27. 6. till face of the world with/ 9. the /: to take siway his sin 28. I last*// before the summer icia FRU Isa. 57. 19. 1 create/ of lips, peace 65.- 21. and eat the/ of them Jer. 6. 19. will bring/ of thoughts 7. 20. my fury be on/ of ground 11. 16. olive tree of goodly/ 19. let us destroy tree with/ I7.10.ac. to/ofdoings,21.14. | 32.1ft Ezek. 17. 9. cut off the/ thereof 19. 12. east wind dried up her/ 14. fire is gone, hath devoured/ 25. 4. they shall eat thy/ and 36. 30. I will multiply/ of tree 47. 12. nor/ thereof be consumed Dan. 4. 12. and/ thereof much, 21. 14. and said thus, scatter his/ Hos. 10. 13. ye have eaten/ of lies 14. 8. from me is thy/ found Amos 2. 9. destroyed /. from above 6. 12./ of righteous, into hemlock 7. 14. a gatherer of sycamore/ 8. 1. a basket of summer/ 2. Mia. 6. 7. / of body for sin of soul ? 7. 13. land desolate for/ of doings Bab. 3. 17. neither/ be in the vines Bag. 1. 10. earth stayed from her/ Zech. 8. 12. vine shall give her/ Mai. 1. 12. table is polluted, and/ 3. II. nor your vine cast her/ Mat. 12. 33. and his/ good, for the tree is known by his/ 21. 19. let no/ grow on thee 34. when the time off. drew near 26. 29. I will not drink of / of the vine, Mark 14. 25. Mark 12. 2. might receive/ of vine. Luke 1. 42. blessed is f. of thy womb 15. 6 he sought/ and found none 7. I come seeking/ on fig-tree 20. 10. should give him of the/ John 4. 36. gathereth/ to life eternal Acts 2. 30. of/ of his loins raise Rom. I. 13. I might have some/ 6. 21. what/ had ye in those things 22. ye have your/ unto holiness 15 28. have sealed to them this/ Gal. 5. 22. fruit of Spirit is love, joy Eph. 5. 9. / of Spi. is in all goodness Phil. 1. 22. this is/ of my labour 4. 17. I desire/ that may abound Heb. 13. 15. let us offer/ of our lios Jam. 3. 18./ of right?, sown in peace 5. 7. waiteth for the precious f. Jude 12./ withereth, without/ See Eat. Bear or beareth FRUIT. 2 Kin. 19.30. b. f upward, Isa.3 31. Ezek. 17. 8. that it might bearf. 23. in height of Israel it shall '>. f. Bos. 9. 16. they shall bear no/ Joel 2. 22. the tree beareth her/ Mat. 13. 23. is he who beareth f. Luke 8. 8. on good ground, and b f. 13. 9. if it bear f. well, if not, cut it John 15. 2. every branch in me that beareth not/ that beareth J. 4. branch cannot bearf. of itse .f 8. bear much/ so be my disci plea Bring, bringeth. or brought forth FRUIT. Lev. 25. 21. bring forth/, three years Num. 13. 20. and bring of th / Neh. 10. 35. bring/, of all trees, 37. Psal. 1. 3. bringeth forth f in season 92. 14. still bring forth fin old age Cant. 8. 11. for the/ was to ft. silver Jer. 12. 2. wicked bring /orth f Ezek. 36. 11. they shall bring ff. 47. 12. shall b.f new/ for meat Bos. 10. 1. Israel b. ff. to himself Mat. 3. 10 bringeth not forth good f. 7. 19. Luke 3. a 7. 17. every good tree b.f goo / 18. a good tree cannot f>. f. evil /• 13. 26. when blade brought furl/if FRU Mar. 4. 20. as hear word and b.f.f. 28. earth bringeth f. f. of herself Luke 8. 14. bring no/ to perfection 15. bring forth f. with patience JbAn 12. 24. if it die, it b. f. ranch/ 15. 2. that it may bring f. more/ 5. abideth in me. bring f. much/ 10. 1 ordained that you should b.ff. Rom. 7. 4. we should b.f.f. to God 5. did work to bring ff unto death CW. 1. 6. the gospel bring, f f in you Jam. 5. 18. Elij. prayed earth b.f.f. See First fruit. ¥ll\J\T -trees. Neh. 9. 25. possessed f. t. in ahund. Yield, yieldeth, yielding, FRUIT. Gen. I. 11. fruit-tree yielding fruit Lev. 25. 19. land shall y. her fruit 2(5. 4. trees of field shall y. their/ Dent. 11. 17. land yield not her/ / J /w> 12. 12. root of righteous y. f. Jer. 17. 8. nor shall cease from //. /. JE^Ar. .'14. 27. tree of field sh. y. her/ 36. 8. yield your/ to my people Mar. 4. 7. thorns choked it, w.no/ 8 on good ground, and did;/./ 7/e6. 12. 11. y. peaceable/ of righte. lieu. 22. 2. w. her/ every month FRUITFUL. Gen. I. 22. te/ and multiply. 28. | 8. 17. | 9. 7. | 35. 11. 17 6. I will make thee exceeding/ 20. Ishmael/ || 48. 4. Jacob/ 20. 22. made room, we shall be/ 28. 3. God Almighty make thee f. 41. 52. for God caused me to be/ 49. 22 Joseph is a/ bough, even Exod. 1. 7. children of Isr. were f. I ev. 26. 9. 1 will make ymi fruit f. P*. 107. .'J4. / land into barrenness 128. 3. thy wife shall be a/ vine 148. 9. f trees, praise the Lord Isa. 5. 1. hath vineyard in a/ hill 17. (5. in the outmost/ branches 32. 12. shall lament for the/ vine Jer. 4. 20./ place was a wilderness 23. 3. thev shall be/ and increase Ezek. 19. 10. she was/ full of bran. Hos. 13. 15. tho' he he/ an east-wind Art'! 14. 17. gave rain and/ seasons Col 1. 10./ in every good work See Fiklu. FRUITS. Gen. 43. 11. take of the best f riots Ex. 22. 29 to offer first of ripe/ 23. 10. six years gather in the f. I,en. 25. 15. accor. to years of/ 16. 22. till her/ come in, eat old 20. 20. nor shall trees yield their/ De.ut. 33. 14. precious/ by sun 2 Sam. 9. 10. thy sons bring in/ 2 Kin. 8. 6. restore to her all the/ 19. 29. plant \ineyards, and eat/ Job 31. 39 if eaten f. without monev Ps. 107. 37. fields which may yield/ Eccl. 2. 5. trees of all kind of fruits Cant. 4. 13. orchard with pleasant/ 16. let my beloved eat pleasant/ 6. 11. I went to see/ of valley 7. 13. at gates all manner of fruits Isa. 33. 9. R». and Carmel shake off/ Lam. 4. 9. pine away for want of/ Mai. 3. 1 1. he shall not destroy/ Mat. 3.8. / meet for repent. Luk.3.8. 7. 16 ye shall know them by/ 20. 21. 34. they might rereive the/ 41. render him/ in their seasons 43. be giv»n to nation bring. / Luke 12. 17. m here to bestow my/ 2 Cor. 9. 10. increase/ of rjghteous. Phil. I. 11. tilled with /of righteous. 2. Tim. 2. G. first partaker of the/ Jam. 3. 17. wisdom full of good/ Rec. 18. 14./. thy soul lusted after FTIL Rev. 22. 2. tree bare 12 manner of/ ^PP iV i n^ r Swnmer-FIIUITS. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba with 100 of s. f. Isa. 16. 9. thy summer f are fallen Jer. 40. 10. gather wine and s. / 43. 32. the spoiler is fallen on s. f Mic. 7. 1. as when leathered s. f. FRUSTRATE, ETH Ezra 4. 5. hired to/ their purpose Isa. 44. 25./ the tokens of the liars Gal. 2. 21. I do not/ the grace of G. FRYING-PAN. Lev. 2. 7. meat-off baken in a/ 7 9. all dressed in f. be the priest's FUEL. Isa. 9. 5. be with burn, and/ of fire 19. people be as the/ of the fire Ezek. 15.4. vine-tree into fiTefor/ 6. 21. 32. shalt he for/ to fire FUGITIVE. Gen. 4 12. a/ shalt thou he 14. I shall be a /.' and a vagabond FUGITIVES. Judg. 12. 4. ye Gileadites are/ 2 Kin. 25. ! 1./ that fell to king Isa. 15. 5. Moab, his/ flee to Zoar Ezek. 17. 21. all his/ fall by sword FULFIL. Gen. 29. 27./ her week, and we Exod. 5. 13."/ your daily tasks 23. 2(5. number of thy days 1 will/ 1 Kin. 2. 27. he might/ word of L. 1 Chr. 22.13. if thou ta'kest heed t»f. the statutes 2 Chr. 35. 21. to/ threescore and ten Job 39. 2. number months they/? Ps. 20. 4. Lord/ all thy counsel 5. the Lord f. all thy petitions 145. 19./ desire of them fear him Mat. 3. 15. to/ all righteousness 5. 17. not come to destroy but to/ Acts 13. 22. who shall / ail my will Rom. 2. 27. nncireum. if it/ law 13. 14. to/ the iusts thereof Gal. 5. 16. yesh. not/ lusts of flesh 6. 2. and so/ the law of Christ Phil. 2. 2./ ve my joy, that ye be Col. 1. 25. to/ the word of God 4. 17. take heed thou/ ministry 2 Thes. 1. 11./ good plea, of his will Jam. 2. 8. if ye/, the royal law Rev. 17. 17. in hearts to/ his will FULFILLED. Gen. 25. 24. when her days were/ 29. 21. give me wife, for days are/ 50. 3 forty days were/ for so Exod. 5. 14. why not/ your task ? 3L,e». 12. 4.till days of purifiea. be/6. Num. 6. 13. days of separation/ 2 Sam. 7. 12. when thy days be/ 1 Kin. 8. 15. with his hand/ it 24./ it with thy hand, 2 Chr. 6.15. 2 Chr. 6. 4. hath/ that he spake Ezra 1. 1. word of L. might be/ Job 36. 17. hast/ judg. of wicked Lam. 2. 17./ his word he had com. 4. 18. our days are/ end come Ezek. 5. 2. when days of siege are/ Dan. 4. 33. same hour was thing/ 10. 3. till three whole weeks/' Mat. 1.22. that it mi. be/ 2. 15, 23. | 8. 17. | 12. 17. | 13.35. | 21. 4. | 27. 35. Jn. 12. 38. | 15. 25. | 17. 12. | 13. 9, 32. | 19. 24. 28, 2. 17. then was/ that spoken 27. 9. 5. 18 in no wise pass till all be/. 13. 14. is/ prophecy of Esaias 24. 34. shall not pass, till all be/ Mcrr. 115. the time is/ 13.4- what sign when all shall be/? Luke 1. 20. my words wn. shall be/ 2. 43. wben they had f. the days 21, 22. that all written may be/ 184 Fit, Lufo21.24.until times of Gent.be f 22. 16. not eat till/ in king, of G~. 24. 44. all must be/ spoken by M. John 3. 29. my joy therefore is/ 17. 13. my joy/ in themselves Acts 3. 18. showed, he hath s ■ >/ 9. 23. many days/ the Jews took 12. 25. PaHl and J3arn./ ministry 13. 25. and as John/ his course 27./ them in condemning him 29. when had/ all written of him 33. God hath/ the same to us 14. 26. to grace for work they/ Rom. 8. 4 righte. of law he/ in us 13. 8. lovetli another hath/ law 2 Cor. 10. 6. when obedience is/ Gal. 5. 1 L law is f. in one ward Rev. 6. 1 1. till killing of breth. be/ 15. 8. till seven playues were f. 17. 17. till the words of God be/. 20. 3. no more till 1000 years be/ See ScniPTi.RR. FULFILLING. Ps. 148. 8. storm j' win 1/ his word Rum. 13. 10. love is the/ of the law Eph. 2.3. / desires of flesh and mind FULL. Gen. 15. 16. iniq. of Amor, not yet/ 25. 8. Abraham old, and/ of years 35. 29. Isaac being old and/ days 41.7. thin ears devour, sev. /ears Exod. 22. 3. sh. mahe/ restitution Num. 22.18. give house/ of sil. 24. 13. Judg. 6.38. uringed bowl/of water Ruth I. 21. I went out/ and Lord 2. 12. a f. reward be g.ven thee 1 Sam. 1*8. 27. gave in/ tale to king 2 Kin. 3. 16. make val./ of ditches 6. 17. the mountain/ of horse 7. 15. all the way/ of garments 10. 21. house of Baal/ fr. one end 1 Chr. 21.22. sh. gram' for/ price 24. Job. 5. 26. sh. come to grave in/ ai>e 7. 4. I am full of tossings to and fro 10. 15. I am f. of confusion, see 11. 2. sh. man/ of talk hej'isti.? 14. 1. man of few days / or'troub. 20. 11. bones f of sins of youth 2). 23. one dieth in his/ strength 24. his breasts/ of milk, his bones 32. 18. I am/ of matter, the spirit Ps. 17. 14. / of child, and leave rot 69. 20. brok. heatt, 1 am/ of heav. 73. 10. waters of a/, cup wrung 74. 20. dark pla. / of hah. of cruelty 78. 25. ht sent them meat to the/ 104 16. trees of Lord are/ of sap 127. 5. happy hath quiver/ of them 144. 13. that our trarners may be/ Prov. 17. 1. than house/ of sacrific. 2f. 7./ soul loatheth honey-comb 20. hell and destruction never/ 30. 9. lest I be/ ana deny thee Eccl. 1. 7. run into sea, yet sea not/ 11. a if clouds/ of rain, th. empty Isa. i. U. I am/ of burnt oft'eriu«3 15. vour hands are/ of blood 1 1. 9." earth sh. be/ of know, of I* 25. 6. fatthings, a feast /of marrow 28. 8. for all tables are/ of vomit Jer. 6. U. I am/ of fury of the L. [.am. 1.1. city sol. that was/of peo. Ezek. 1. 18. rings were/ o! eyes 10.12. wheels w«*re/ of eyes round 37. 1. valley which "was/ of bones Joel 2. 24. floors shall be/, of wheat Mic. 3. 8. I am/ of power by spirit Hub. 3. 3. earth was / of his praise Zech. 8.5. streets/ of boys and fir. Mat. 6.22. body/ of light, /.u.11.36. 14 20.of frag.12 baskets/. V«/-.6.43L 15. 37. that was left 7 basket*/ 23. 25 within are/! of extortion 27. within/ of dead meu's boa 28 PUR Luke 1. 57. now Eliz. / time came 4. 1. Jesus being f. of Holy Ghost C. 25. woe unto you/ ye sh. hunger 16. 20. Laz. laid at gate/, of gores John I. 14. among us/ of grace and 7. 8. for my time is not yet/ come 15. 11. your joy might be/ 10. 24. Acts2. 13. these men/ of new wine C. 3 look out men/ of Holy G. 5. 9. 36. Dorcas/, of good works 13. 10. and said. Of. of all subilty Horn. 1. 29. being/ of envy, murder 1 Cor. 4. 8. now ye are/ now rich Phil. 4. 12. I am instructed to be/ 18. I have, all, and abound, I am/ ? Thn.X.b. make/ proof of ministry Ileb. 5. 14. meat to them of/ aire /. ye g. me meat, g. me drink JoAw 1. 12. g. he power to bee. sons 3. 16. G. so loved w. he g. only Son 10.29. Path. who g. them me is great. 14. 31. as Fath. g. me command, so Arts 2. 4. to speak as Sp. g. utterance 1 Cor.3.6. Apullos watered, but G. g. the incre.se 2 Cor. 8. 5. hut first g. selves to L. Gal 1. 4. g. hims. for sins, Tit.2. 14. 2. 20. loved me, g. himself forme Ep/i. 1. 22. g. him to be head over 4. 8. captive andg. gifts to men II. and he g. some apostles, some 5. 25. Ch. loved ch. andg. hims. for 1 Tim. 2. 6. who g. himself ransom Rev. 13. 2. dragon g. him his power GAVE up. Gen. 25. 8. Abraham g. up the ghost 17. Ishmael || 35. 29. Isaacg. up gh. Lam. 1. 19. my elders g. up ghost Mark 15. 37. J. g. tip ghost, 39. Luke 23. 46. Jbfera 19. 30. Acts 5. 5. An. g. up gh. || 12. 23. Her. Rev. 20. 13. the sea g. wo the dead GAVE. ST. Gen. 3. 12. worn, whr n thou g. to be 1 Kin. 8. 34. land which thou g. to fathers. 40, 48. 2. Chron. 6. 25, 31, 38. Nek. 9. 35. ^A. 9.mg.Spirit, g. water for thirst 22. g. kingdoms 27. \\g. saviours r*. 21. I. he asltec life; thou g. it GEN Luke 7. 44. thou g. me no water, 45. John 17. 4. 1 have fin. work thou g. 12. those thou g. me I have kept 22. the glory thou g.me I have g. 18. 9. wh. thou g\ me ha. I lost none GAV. Jam. 2. 3. him th. weareth g. cloth. GAZE. Ex. 19.21. lest break thro' to L tog. GAZING. Xah. 3. 6. I will set thee as g. stock Arts 1.1 1. why stand ye g. up toheav.? Heb. 10. 33. ye were made g. stock GENDER. I.rv. 19. 19. sh. not let cat. g. wi. div. 2 Tim. 2. 23. knowing that til. g. str. GENDERED, ETH. Job 21. 10. bull g. and faileth not 38. 29. hoary frost, who hathg. it ? Gal. 4. 24. mount Sin. wh. g. to bond. GENEALOGY. I Chron. 5. 1. g. not to be reckoned after birthright Ezra 2.62. these sout; lit g. Neh. 7. 64. 8. 1. this g. of them that went up Neh. 7. 5. 1 found register of g. GENEALOGIES. 1 Ch. 9. 1. all Israel reckoned by g. 2 Ch.\2. 15. book ofShem. concern, g. 31.19. give portions to all ieck.byg. 1 Tim. 1.4. give no heed to endless g. Tit. 3. 9. avoid foolish quest., g. GENERAL. 1 Ch. 27. 34. g. of king's army Joab Heb. 12. 23. to g. assemblv and ih. GENERALLY. 2 5a;» 17. 11. that Is. beg. gathered Jer. 48. 38. lamenta g. on house tops GENERATION. Gen. 7. I. thee ha. I seen right, in g. E.rod. 17. 16. war with Ainal.fr. g.to Dent. 23.2. bast. sh. not enter to 10 g. 3. Amnion, to 10 g. shall not enter 8. Ed. and Eg. in 3 g. shall enter 32. 5. perverse and crooked g. 20. Judg. 2. 10. that g. gath. to fathers Ps. 1 2.7. thou sh. presei ve them fr. g. 14. 5. God is in g. of the righteous 22. 30. accounted to Lord tor a g. 24. 6. this g. of them th. seek him 49. 19. he shall go to g. of fathers 7:1 15. I should offend ag. theg. 78. 4.shew. tog. to come prais. of L. 6. that g. to come might know 8. a stubborn and rebellious g. 95. 10. grieved with lh\s g.Heb.3A0. 109.13. g.following- name be blotted 1 12. 2. g. of upright sh. be blessed 145. 4. one g. sh. praise thy works Proi\ 27.24. crown endure to ev. g. ? 30 II. a g. that curseth their father 12. there is g. pure in own eyes 13. g. lofty || 14. g. whose teeth sw. Eccl. 1. 4. one g. pass anoth. g. com. Isa. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 39. 34. 10.fr. g. to g. itsh. lie waste. 17. 51.8. my sal v. sh. be from g. to g. 53.8. who sh. declare his g.? Ac.8.33. Lam. 5. 19. throne remains fr. g.to g. Dan. 4. 3. his dom. fr. g. tog. 34. Mat. 1. 1. book of g. of Jes. Christ 3. 7. O g. of vipers, 12. 34 | 23. 33. Luke 3. 7. 11.16. wheretosh. Ilikeng. Lu.1.31. 12. 39. adulterous g. seeketh sign, 16. 4. Mark 8. 12. Luke 11. 29. 41. in judgm. with thisg. Lw. 11.32. 42. queen of S. rise wi. g. Lu. 11.31. 17. 17. O perverse g. Mark 9. 19. Luke9.il. 23. 36. things sh. come on tuis q. 24. 34. thisg. not pass, Mm* 13. 30. Luke 21. oX IS8 GEN Marks. 33.ash.am. of me in this sin.g. Luke 1. 50. mercy on them fr. g. tog. 11. 30. so sh. S. of man be to this g 50. blood of proph. requir. ofg. 51. 16. 8. child, of world in g. wiser iu Acts 2. 40. save from untoward g. 13. 36. David, after served own g 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. See Foi'kth. GENERATIONS. Gen. 2.4. these are g. of the heavens 5. I. g. of Ad. |l 6. 9. g. of Ni\ 10. 1 6. 9. Noah was perfect in his g. 9. 12. of coven, for perpetual g. 11. 10. g. of Shem ||27. g. of lerah 17.12. ev. man-eh. ing. circumcised 25. 12. g. of Lhmael, 13. 1 Ch. 1. 29. 19. g. of Isaac || 36. 1. g. of Esau, 9 37. 2. these are the g. of Jacob Ezod. 3. 15. my memorial to all g. 12. 14. feast to L. throughout g 42. a night to be observed iu g. 16.32. fill homer to be kept for g.33. 27. 21. a statute for ever to their g. 30. 21. Lev. 3. 17. | G. 18. | 7. 36. | 10. 9. | 17. 7. I 23. 14, 21, 31, 41. 30. 8. incense || 31. oil through, g. 31. 13. sabbaths a sign thro. g. 16. 40. 15. everlast. priesth. thro. g. Deut. 7. 9. L. keepeth cov. to lUUO g. 32. 7. consider years of many g. Judg. 3. 2. g. of Is. might teach war Ruth 4. 18. these are g. of Pharez 1 Chron. 16. 15. word which he com- manded to a ICOOg Ps. 105. 8. Job 42. 16. Job saw sons sons, 4g. Ps. 33. 11. thoughts of heart to alig. 45. 17. name to be lemem. in ah g. 61. 6. the king's years as many g. 72. 5. shall fear tiiee thro, all g. 79. 13. we will shew praise to all g. 85. 5. wilt th. draw antrer to all g.? 89. 4. I will build throne to all g 90. 1. our dwelling place in all g. 100. 5 his truth endureth to all g. 102. 12. thy remembrance to all g. 24. thy years are through, all g. 106- 31. counted for righte. to all g 119. 90. thy faithfulness is to all g. 135. 13. thy memorial thro, all g. 145. 13. thy dominion thro, all g. 146. 10 thy G. O Z. reian to all g. Isa. 41. 4. calling g. from beginning 51. 9. awake, O arm of L. as in g. 60.15.1 w. make thee joy of many g. 61. 4. repair desola. of manv g. Mat. 1. 17. g. fr. Ab. to Dav'. 14g. Luke 1. 48. all g. sh. call me blessed Col. 1. 26. mystery hid fr. ages andg. GENTILE. Rom. 2. 9. of J. first, also ofg. 10. GENTILES. Gen. 10. 5. isles ofg. were divided Isa. 11.10. root of Jes. toit sh. g. s-pek 42. 1. bring judg. tog. Mat. 12. ia 6.light to g.49.6. Lu. 2.32. Ac. 13.47. 49. 22. I will lift mine hand to g. 54. 3. thy seed sh. inherit the g. 60. 3. the g. sh. come to thy light 5. forces ofg. sh. come to thee, 11 16. thou sh. siu k the milk ofg. 61. 6. ye sh. eat the riches ofg. 9. seed sh. be known am. the g. 62. 2. g sh. see thy righteousness 66. 12. glory of g. like flow, stream 19. declare my glory among g. Jer. 4. 7. destroyer of g. is on way 14. 22. can vanities of p cause ram? lain. 2. 9. kin? and princes am. g. F.zek. 4. 13. eat defiled hread am.'g. Jni'l'X 9. proclaim ye this am. g. Mir. 5. 8. remnant of Jaeoh am. g. £ 16. 4. but all the churches of the g. \Cor.b. 1. not named among g. 10. 20. things g. sacrifice to devils 32. offence neither to Jews nor g. 12. 2. ye know ye were g. carried 13. whether we be Jews or g. Cut 2. 12. before, he did eat with g. 14 aft.r man. ofg. why compel g.'t 15. Jews, and not sinners of the g. 3. 14. blessing of Abraham on g. Eph. 2. 11. in time past g. in fle^h 3. 1. prisoner of Jesus Christ for g. C. that g. should be fellow-heirs 8 preach am. g. unsearch. riches 4. 17. that ye walk not as other g. CJ. I. 27. glory of mystery am. g. Thes. 2. 16. forbid to speak tog. 4. 5. in lust of eoncupis., as the g. 1 Tun. 2. 7. ordained teacher of g. 3. 'fi. preached to the g., believed on 2 Tiin. I. 11. apostle and teacher ofg 1 Pet. 2. 12. rou versa, honest arn.g. 4. 3. to have wrought will of g. 3 John 7. taking nothing of the g. liev. 1 1. 2. the court is given to g. ©ENTLE. 1 Then. 2. 7. we were g. among you 2. Tim. 2.24. servant of L. must beg. Tit. 3. 2. g*. shewing all meekness Jam. 3. 17. wisdom fr. above pureg. X Pet. 2. 18. subject not only to g. GIA GENTLENESS. 2 Sam. 22. 36. thy g. made me great Psa. 18. 35. 2 Cor. 10 1. I beseech you hyg. of C. Gal. 5. 22. fruit of the Spirit is g. GENTLY. 2 Sarm.lS.5. deal g. with Absalom Isa. 40. 11. g. lead those with young GET. Gen. 34. 4. g. me damsel to wife Exod. 14. 17.1 will g. honour up. Ph. Lev. 14. 21. poor and cannot g. 22. Deut. 8. 18. power to g. wealth Judg. 14. 2. g. her for me to wife, 3. 1 Km. 1. 2. that king may g. heat Ps. 119. 104. thro' precepts Ig. unders. Prov. 4.5. g. wisdom, g. understand. 16. 16. better g. wisdom than gold 17. 16. price in hand of fool tog. wis. Eccl. 3. 6. there is a time to g. Lam.3.1. hedged me, I cannot g. out Ezek. 22. 27. to g. dishonest gain Dan. 4. 14. let beasts g. fr. under Zeph. 3. 19. I will g. them praise Luke 9. 12. lodge and g. victuals 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan g. advantage Jam. 4. 13. buy, sell, and g. gain GET tliee. Gen.Y2.\.g.to\\t of country, Acts 7. 3. Exod. 10. 28. g. th. fr. me, take heed 11. 8. g. th. out, and all people 19. 24. Lord said to Moses, g. ihee down, 32. 7 Bent. 9. 12. 1 Kin.M. 3. g. Whence || O.toZarepha 15. 41. Elij. said, g. th. up, eat 2 A.'j'/i.3.13.g. t. to prophets of father Isa. i0.9. O Zion g. t. to high mount. 47. 5. and g. th. into darkness Jer. 13. 1. g.thee a linen girdle Mat *. 10. Jes. saith,g. Whence, Satan 16. 23. said to Peter, g. thee behind me, Satan, Mark 8. 33. Luke 4. 8. Acts 10. 20. arise, g. thee down 22 IS.g.t. quickly out of Jerusalem G E T ye. Gen. 19. 14. Lot said, up, g. ye out Jsa. 30. II. g. ye out of way, turn Jer. 49. 31. g. ye to wealthy nation J'H'l 3. 13. g. ye down, press is full Zech. 6. 7. g. ye hence, walk to GUI' you. Gen. 34. 10. g. you possessions there 42. 2. g. you down thither and buy Exod. 5. 4. g. you to your burdens ! 1. g. y. straw where you can find Num. 16.24. g. y. up fr. tab. of Korah Josh. 2. 16. g. y. to the mountain 1 Sam. 25. 5. g. x). up to Carmel Jer. 49. 30. flee," g. you far off GETTETH. 2 Sam. 5. 8. whoso g. to gutter, chief Prov. 3. I3.happy man th. g. underst. 9. 7. that reprov. scorner g. shame, th. rebuk. wicked man g. blot 15. 32. th. hear, reproof g. underst. 18. 15. heart of prudent g. know. 19. 8. th. g. wisdom loveth own soul Jer. 17. 11. th. g. riches not by right 48. 44. th. g. out of pit sh. be taken GETTING. Gen. 31.18. Jacob carried cattle of g. Prov. 4. 7. wi. all thy g. get underst. 21.6.. Num. 8. 19. given Levitesasg. 18.6. Ps. 45. 12. daughter of Tyre with g. Prov. 17. 8. g. as precious stone 23 wicked takcth g. out bosom 18. 16. a man's g. maketii room 21. 14. g. in secret pacifieth anger 25. 14. whoso boasteth of false g Eccl. 3. 13. it is the g. of God, 5. 19. 7. 7. g. destroyeth the heart Mot. 5. 23. if th. bring g. to the altar 24. leave g. before altar and go 8. 4. offer g. that Mos. commanded 15. 5. ag. by whatso. thou mightest be profited, Markl. 11. 23. 18. whoso swear, byg. guilty, 19. Jiihn 4. 10. if th. knewestg. of God Acts 2.38. ye shall receive g. of H.G 8.20. thoughtg. of G. may be purch. 10. 45. on Gent, poured out the g. 11. 17. God gave them likeg-. Rom. 1.11. I may impart spiritual g. 5. 15. not as offence, so is free g. 16. so is g. free g. of many offences 17. which receive g. of righteous. 18. the freeg. came on all men 6. 23. the g. of God is eternal life 1 Cor. 1. 7. ye come behind in no g. 77. every man hath proper g. of G. 13. 2. tho' I have g. of prophecy 2 Cor. 8. 4. that we would receive 2". 9. 15. thanks to G. lor unspeak.g. Eph. 2. 8. faith is the g. of God 4. 7. accord to me.isure of g. of Ch. PliilA.M. not because I desire a grrft 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect notg. in thee 2 Tim. 1. 6. stir up the g. in thee He!>. 6. 4. ha. tasted of heavenly sr. Jam. 1. 17. every good g. and per. feet g. is from above G 1 FTS. Gen. 25. C. Abrah. gave g. to sons Lev. 23. 33. feasts, besides yourg-. Num. 18. 29. of ail yourg. offer best 2CAr.l9.7. with L. is no taking ofg. Esth. 2. 18. Ahasuerus gave g. 9. 22. days of sending g. to the poor Ps. 68. 18. hast received g. for men 72. 10. kings of Sheba shall offer g. Prov. 6. 35. tho' thou givest many g 15. 27. he that hateth g. shall live' 19.6. ev. man friend to him th. giv.g. 2U. 4. g. overthroweth judgment Isa. 1.23. every one loveth g. Ezek.16.33. g. to whores, g. to lovers 20 26. I polluted them in own g. 31. when ye offer g. ye pollute 39. pollute name no more with g 22. 12. in thee have they taken g. Dan. 2. 48. king gave Dan. many g. 5. 17. let thyg-. be to thyself Mat. 2. 11. they presented to him g. 7. 11. how to give good g. Lw 11.13. Luke 21. 1. the rich casting their g. 5. temple was adorned withg-. Rom. 1 1. 29. g. of (.•>'. without repent 12. C. g. differing according to grace GIR 1 Cor. 12. 1. concerning' spiritual g. 4. there are diversities of g. 9. to another g. of heal. 12. 28, 30. 31, covet earnestly the bestg. 14 1. and desire spiritual g. Eph. 4. 8. and gave g. to men Heb. 2. 4. God bearing witness \vi. g. 5. 1. he may offer g. and sacrifices 8. 3. high-priest ordained to offer g. 4. there are priests that offer g. " 9. 9. offered, both g. and sacrifices 11. 4. God testifying of Abel's g. Rev. 11.10. th. dwpll on earth send g. GIN. Isa. 8. 14. g. to inhabitants of Jerus. Amos 3.5. bird fall in snare wh.no g 1 .? GIRD. E r. 29.5. g. him \vi. curious girdle, 9. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud did g. his dagger 1 Sum. 25. 13. g. on ev. man sword Psal. 45. 3. g. sword on thy thigh Isa. 8. 9. g. yours, ye sh. be broken Ezek. 44. 18. g. what causeth sweat Joel 1. 13. g. yourselves and lament Luke 12. 37. sh. g. himself and make 17. 8. g. thyself, and serve me JtJtn 21. 18. old, another sh. g. thee Acts 12. 8. g. and bind on sandals See Loins, Sackcloth. (J1RDED. Lev. 8. 7. he g. him with the girdle Judg. 18. 11. six hundred men g. 1 Sam. 2. 18. Sam. g. wi. linen ephod 2 Sam. 6. 14. David g. with ephod 20. 8. Joab's garment was g. to him 22. 40. g. me wi. strength, Ps. 18.39. I Km. 20. 32. g. sackcloth on loins Psal. 30. 11. hast g. me wi. gladness lir>. 6. being g. with power 93.1. strength wherewith he hath g. 109. 19. girdle wherewith he is g. Isa. 45. 5. 1 g. thee, tho' thou hast Lam. 2. 10. elders of Zi. g. wi. sack. Ezek. 16. 10. I g. thee with fine linen 23. 15. images of dial. g. wi. girdles Joel 1. 8. lament like a virgin g. John 13. 4. took towel andg. himself 5. towel wherewith lie was g. Rev. 15, C. breasts g. wi. golden gir. See Loins, Sword. GIRDEDST. John 21. 18. when young g. thyself GIRDETH. 1 Kin. 20. 11. him that g. his harness Job 12. 18. and he g. their loins J'/tal. 18. 32. it is God thatg-. me I'rov. 31. 17. she g. her loins GIRDING. Isa. 3.2k inst. of stomacher g. of sac. 22. 12. L. did call to g. wi. sackcloth GIRDLE. Exod. 28. 4. they shall make a g. 8. curious g. of ephod, 27. 28. | 29. 5. | 39. 5, 20. Lev. 8. 7. 39. thou make g. of needle work 39. 29. g. of tine twined linen 1 Sam. 18. 4. gave Dav. bow and g. 1 Kin. 2. 5. blood of war on his g. 2 Kin. 1.8. Elij. giit wi. g. of leather Job 12. 18. loins of kings with a g. Ps. 109. 19. g. wherewi. he is girded Isa. 3 24. instead of a g. a rent 5. 27. nor shall g. of loins be loosed 11. 5. righteousness beg. of loins, faithfulness g. of reins 22.21. strengthen Eliakimwi. thyg. Jer. 13. 1. get thee a linen g. 10. a3 this g. good for nothing Mat. 3. 4 John had a leathern g. Mark 1. 6. Acts 21. 11. took Paul's g. ownethg. Rev. 1. 13. girt about paps golden g. GIRDLES. Exod, 28. 40. make for Aaro sonstf. GIV Ex. 29. 9. gird Aar. and sons with g. Prov. 31. 24. deliver, g. to merchant Ezek. 23. 15. images of Chald. wi. g. Rev. 15.6. angels girded wi. golden g. 'GIRL, S. Joel 3. 3. they have sold g. for wine Zecfi. 8. 5. streets full of boys andg. GIRT. 1 Sam. 2. 4. that stumbled are g. 2 Kin. 1. 8. g. with girdle of leather JoJin 21. 7. Sim. Pet. g. fisher's coat Eph. 6. 14. having loins g. wi. truth Rev. 1. 13. g. about paps gold, girdle GIVE. Gen. 15. 2. what wilt g. me ? seeing 23. 11. the field I g. thee and cave 28. 22. all thou g. me I will g. tenth Ex. 10. 25. thou must g. us sacrifices 30. 12. they shall g. ev. man ransom 13. shall g. every one half a shekel Nam. 1 1.4. who sh. g. flesh to eat ? 18. 22. 18. if Balak g. me house, 24. 13. V>. 2. ye shall g. to Levites suburbs L>s>'t 16. 17. every man g. as he is able, Ezek. 46. 5, 11. 25. 3 forty stripes he may g. 1 Sa?n. 22. 7. son of Jesse g. fields ? 2 Sa?n. 23. 15. oh thatoneg. me drink of well of Bethlehem, 1 Chr. 11.17. 1 Kin. 13. 8. if thou wilt g. me half ■I C/i/-.30.12. hand of G.tog. one heart Ezra 9. 8. and to g. us a nail 9. tog-, us a reviving in Judah Job 2. 4. all man hath he g. for life Psal. 2. 8. I shall g. thee heathen 37. 4. he sh. g. thee desires of heart 49. 7. none can g. to God a ransom 51. 16. not sacrifice, else wo. Ig. it 78. 20. can he g. bread also ? 91. 11. sh.g. angels charge, Mat.4.6. 109. 4. but I g. myself unto prayer Piov. 29. 15. rod and reproof g. wis. 17. he shall g. rest, sh. g. delight EccL 2. 26. he may g. to him good Cant. 8. 7. if man would g. substance Isa. 30. 23. then he shall g. rain 55. 10. that it may g. seed to sower 61. 3. tog-, to th. beauty for ashes Jer. 3. 19. how shall I g. pleas, land ? 17.10. g. man accord, to ways, 32. 19. 29. 1 1. to g. you an expected end Ezek. 2. 8. eat that I g. thee 3. 3. fill bowels with roll 1 g. thee 46. 16. if princeg. gift to sons, 17. Ban. 9. 22. am come to g. thee skill Mic. 6. 7. I g. first-born for transg.? Zech. 8. 12. vinesh. g. fruit, ground shall g. increase, heavens g. dew Mat. 7. 9. ask bread will heg. stone ? 10. fish, will heg serpent ? Lu.ll.U. 11. how tog. tofts to children, so Father tog-, that ask, Lu. 1). 13. 14. 7. to g. her what she would ask 16. 26. g. in exchange for his soul ? Mark 8. 37. 19. 7. to g. writing of divorcement ? 26. 15. what will ye g. me Mark 6. 25. thou g. me head of John 12. 9. he will g. vineyard to others Luke 4. 6. to whomso. 1 will, I g. it 6. 38. good measure shall men g. 11. 8. g. him as many as he needeth JoJin 4. 14. the water I shall g. him 6. 27. meat which Son of man sh. g. 52. how can this man g. his flesh ? 10. 28. I g. to them eternal life 11. 22. what thou ask G. will g. it 13. 29. that he should g. to poor 14. 16. he shall g. you Comforter 27. my peace I g. to you; not as world giveth, g. I to you 15. 16. what, ye shall ask he mnyg. 16. 23. whatsoever ye ask he will g. 17. 2. he should g. eternal life to 190 GIV Acts 3. 6. such as 1 have g. I thee 6. 4. will g. ourselves to prayer HO. 35. more blessed to g. than rece Rom. 8. 32. with him also freely g. Eph. 1. 17. God may g. you spirit 4. 23. have to g. to him needeth 2 Tim. 4. 8. righteous Judge sh. g. Heb. 2. 1. to g. more earnest heed 1 John 5. 16. g. life for them that sin Rev. 13. 15. power tog. life tonnage 16. 19. to g. her cup of the wine " 22. 12. g. every man accord, to work See Account, Glory, Swark. GIVE, Imperatively. &trn. 14. 21. g. me the persons 27. 28. God g. thee dew of heaven 29. 21. g. me wife || 30. 1. g. children Nuin 6. 26. Lord g. thee peace JosJi. 2. 12. andg. me true token 15 19. g. bless, g. springs, Judg.l. 15. 1 Sa?n. 8. 6. g. us a king to judge us 17. 10. g. me man that we may fight 1 Kin. 3. 9. g. servant understanding 26. g. her the living child, 27. 2 Kin. 6. 29. I said.g. thy son that 1 Chr. 16. 28. g. to Lord glory and strength, 29. Ps. 29. 1. | 96. 7, 8. 22. 12. the Lord g. thee wisdom 2 C/ir. 1. 10. g. me now wisdom Job 32. 21. nor let meg. flatter, titles Psal. 28. 4. g. according to deeds 60. 11. g. help from trouble, 108.12. 86. 16. g. strength to thy servant 119. 34. g. me understanding, 73, 125, 144, 169. Prov. 9. 9. g. instruct, to wise man 23. 26. my son.g. me thine heart 25. 21. if enemy hunger, g. him bread, Rom. 12. 20. 30. 8. g. me nei. poverty nor riches 15. two daughters, crying, g. g. Eccl. 11. 2. g. a portion to seven Isa. 62. 7. g. no rest till estab. Jeru. Jer. 18. 19. g. heed to me, O Lord Lam. 2. 18. g. thyself no rest 3. 65. g. them sorrow of heart Ezek. 3. 17. g. them warning fr. me Dan. 5. 17. g. rewards to another Hos. 4. 18. her rulers do love, g. ye 9. 14. g. O Lord, what wilt thoug.? 3. 10. g. me a king and princes Zech. 11. 12. g. me my price Mat. 5. 42. g. to him that asketh 6.11. g. us our daily bread, Lu. 11.3. 9. 24. g. place || 10. 8. freely g. 14. 16. g. them to eat, Mark 6. 37. Luke 9. 13. 17. 27. and g. to them for me and 19 21. and g. to poor, Mark 10. 21. 20. 8. and g. them their hire 25. 8. g. us of your oil, lamps out Luke 6. 38. g. and it shall be given II. 41. g. alms of such things, 12.33, 1 9. say, g. this man place 15. 12. g. me the portion of goods John 1.1. Jes. saith.g. me to drink, 10. 6. 34. L. evermore g. us this bread 9. 24. g. God the praise, man is sin. Acts 8. 19. Simeon said, g. me power Rom. 12. 19. rather g. place to wrath 1 Cor. 10. 32. g. none offence 2 Cor. 9. 7. let him g. not grudging. Col. 4. 1. g. to servants that isjust 1 Tim. 4. 13. g. attend, to reading 15. g. thyself wholly to them Rev. 10. 9. g. me the little book 18. 7. torment and sorrow g. her See Charge, Ear, (iLORV, Light. I uill GIVE. Gen. 17. 8. 7 mil g. to thee land wherein thou art a stranger, 48. 4. Dad. 34. 4. 16. I uillg. son || 28. 22. tenth to Ex. 3. 21. Jw. g. favour || 33. 14. rest GIV Lev. 26. 4. I willg. rain, Deut, 11.14 6. 7 will g. peace in the land 1 Smn. 1. 11. I w. g. him to the L. 2 .Stw. 12. II. Iw. g. wives to neigh, 1 Kin. 11. 13. I willg. one tribe 31. I will g. ten tribes to thee 13. 7. / w. g. reward ||21.2.vineyard 7. I will g. vineyard of Nahoth 1 Ch'< 22. 9. Iw. g. rest, I w. g. peace 2 Chr. 1. 12. Iwillg. thee riches /'*. 30. 12. O Lord, I will g. thanks 57. 7. / w. sing and g. praise, 108.1. Prov. 3. 28. to-morrow I will g. ha. 3. 4. 7 «•. g. child, to be princes 41. 27. 7 will g. to Jerusalem one that bringeth good tidings 42. 6. I w. g. thee for covenant,49.8. 45. 3. Iw. g. treas. ]] 49. 6. for a light Jer. 3. 15. I will g. you pastors 9. 15. 7 w. g. water of gall to drink 14. 13. 7 irillg. you peace in land 17. 3. I will g. substance to spoil 24. 7. 7 w. g. heart to know me 32. 39. Iw.g. one heart, Ez. 11. 19. Ezek. 7. 21. I w. g. it to strangers II. 17. 7 will g. you laud of Israel 16. 38. 1 will g. thee blood in fury 39. I will g. thee into their hand 61. I icill g. them for daughters 21. 27. whose right it is, 7 w g. it 29. 21. Iw. g. thee opening of mouth 36. 26. 7 will g. you heart of Mesh Mat. 11. 28. and I icill g. you rest 16. 19. 7 willg. to thee the keys 20.4. whatsoever is right 7 w. g. you 14. 7 w. g. to last even as to thee Mark 6. 22. ask, I will g. it thee Luke 21. 15. 7 will g. you a mouth Jo/m 6. 51. bread 7 «?. g. is my flesh Acts 13. 34. 7 ?r. g. mercies of David Reft. 2. 10. 7 will g. thee a crown 17. 7 willg. him a white stone 23. 7 ir. g. ev. one accord, to works 28. I will g. him the morning star 11.3. 7 w g. power to my 2 witnes. 21.6. 7 w. g. himathirstwateroflife mm GIVE. Gen. 12. 7. to thy seed will I g. this land, 13. 15. | 24. 7. | 28. 13. | 35. 12. Exod. 32. 13. | 33. 1. Deut. 1. 36. Caleb, to him tc. I g. land 1 Sum. 18. 17. Merab, her w. I g. thee Psal. 18. 49. will I g. thanks to thee Cant. 7. 12. will I g. thee ray loves ha. 43. 4. will I g. men for thee Ezek. 36 26. new heart will I g. you flag. 2. 9. in this place ip. 7g. peace Mat 4. 9. devil said, th. things w. Ig. Lu. 4. 6. all this power w. I g. thee Rev. 2. 7. him that overcometh w. I Lord GIVE. [g. 17.26. Exod. 12. 25. to land which L. will g. you, Lev. 14. 34. 1 23. 10. | 25. 2. Nwn, 15. 2. 16. 8. when Lord shall g. flesh to eat Num. 22. 13. L. refuseth to g. leave 36. 2. L. command, to g. land by lot Deut. 1. 25. good land the L. dothg. 28. 65. 7. shall g. trembling heart J".*7/. 17. 4. L. com. to g. inheritance 1 Kin. 15. 4. 7,. his God did g. lamp 2 C'Ar. 25. 9. L. is able to g. mach /•*«. 29. II. 7,. g. strength to his peo. 8k 11. L. will g. grace and glory 85. 12. L shall g. which ia good ha. 7. 14. L. himself shall g. a sign 14. 3. the Lord shall g. thee rest 30. 20. L. g. you bread of adversity 7jcc.Ii. 10. 1. L. sh. g. showers of rain 7>? 7o/) 3. 11. whvdid not Ig. up ghost ? 13. 19. I shall g. up the ghost Isa. 43. 6. I will say to north, g. up Hos. 11. 8. howsh. Ig. up Ephraim ? GIVEX. Lev. 20. 3. he hathg. seed toMolech Ku?n. IS. 6. g. as a gift for the Lord Ruth 2. 12. reward be g. thee of L. 2 &«;». 12. 8. have g. such things 18. 11. I would haveg. ten shekel-* 19. 42. or hath kingg. us any gift ? 1 Kin. 13. 5. sign man of God hadg. 1 Chr. 29. 14. thine own have we g. Esth. 3. 11. the silver is g. to thee 7. 3. let my life be g. at my petition Job 3.20. why light g. him in misery ? Psal. 79. 2. dead bodiesg. to be meat 1 12. 9. hath g. to poor, 2 Cor. 9. 9. 115.16. earth hath heg. child, of men Prov. 19. 17. hathg. will he pay him Eccl. 8. 8. wicked, deliver those g. it 12. 1 1. which are g. fr. one shepherd ha. 9. 6. Child born, to us Son is g. Jer. 6. 13. every oneg. to covet. 8. TO. Ezek. 11. 15. to us is land g. 33. 21. 35. 12. they are g. to consume Dan. 2 38. fowls hath he g. into ham! 7. 4. lion, man's heart was g. to it Mat. 13.1 l.g. you to know mysteries of kingdom, Marki.il. LukeSAO. 19. 1 1, save they to whom it is g. m GIV Mat. 21. 43. g. to nation bring, fruits . 22. 30. are given in marriage, Mark 12. 25. Luke 2a 35. 26. 9. sold and g. to poor, Mark 14.5. 28. 18. all power g. to me in heaven Mark 4. 24. th. hear more shall be g. Luke 12. 48. much g. much required John 3. 27. nothing, except it be g. 5. 26. g. to the Son to have lif« 6. '39. of all he hath g. me 65. no man come except g. him 19. 11. except it were g. fr. above Acts 4. 12. none other name g. me:: Rom. 5. 5. H. Ghost which isg. to u 1 1. 35. or who hath first g. to hirn 15. 15. the grace that is g. me of G. 1 Cor. 2 12. things freely g. us ofG. Gal. 3. 21. law g. could have g. life Eph. 3.2. which is g. me to you ward 8. to me who am least is g. given 5. 2. C. loved and g. himself for u9 Phil. 1. 29. to you g. in behalf of Ch. 2. 9. g. him a name above ev. name Hcb. L 8. if Jesus had g. them rest 1 John 3. 24. Spi. which he hathg. us 4. 13. because he hath g. us of Spi. Rev. 6. 11. white robes g. to every 13. 5. power to continue 42 months 7. it was g. to him to make war God or Lord hath, had GIVEN. Gen. 24. 35. L. h. g. Abrah. flocks 30. 0. said, God hath g. me a son 18. God hath g. me mine hire 43. 23. God hath g. you treasure Ex. 16. 15. bread which L. h. g. you 29. Lord hath g. you the sabbath Num. 32. 7. going over to land which Lord hath g. them, 9. Deut. 3. 18. | 28. 52. Josh. 2. 9, 14. | 23. 13, 15. Jer. 25. 5. Josh. 6. 16. shout, for L. h. g. city 1 Sam. 1. 27. L. h. g. me my petition 15. 28. L. h. g. it to neighbour,28.17. 2 Chron. 36.23. all kingdoms of earth hath God g. me, Ezra 1. 2. 7icc/.5.19. man to who. G. h.g. riches Isa. 8. 18. 1 and the children Lora hath g. Heb. 2. 13. 50. 4. L. h. g. me tongue of learned Jer 11. 18. L. h. g. me knowledge 47. 7. seeing L, hath g. it a charge John 6. 23. after L. had g. thanks Acts 27. 24. G. //. g. thee all that sail Rom. 11. 8. G. h. g. spirit of slumber 2 Cor. 10. 8. the Lord hath g. us for edification, 13. 10. 1 Thes. 4. 8. G. who h. g. H. Spirit 1 John 5. 11. record God hath g. us See Rest. I have, or have I GIVEN. Ge?i. 27. 37. brethren //. 7 g. for serv. 1 Kin. 3. 13. 7 h. g. th. hast not asked Isa. 55. 4. I h. g. him for witness Ezek. 4. 15. Ih. g. thee cow's dung Amos 4. 6. 7 h. g. cleanness of teeth 9. 15. no more out of land 7 haveg. John 13. 15. I h. g. you an example 17.8. Ih. g. them words th. gave, 14 22. glory gavest me, 7 h. g. them 1 Cor. 16. 1. Ih. g. order to churches Not GIVEN. Deut. 26. 14. I have not g. thereof L<). 4. L. hath not g. you an heart 1 Chr . 22. 18. hath lie n. g. you rest Job 22. 7. hast not g. water to weary Ps. 78. 63. maidens n. g. to marriage Ezek. 3. 20. thou hast n. g. warning Mat. 13. 1 1. to them it is not g. John 7. 39. Holy Ghost was n. yetg. 1 Tim. 3. 3. bislmp not g. to .viue, no striker, Tit. 1. 7 8. deacons not g. to ranch wine 2 Tim. 1.7. G. n. g. us spirit of fear Tit. 2. 2. aged worn in n, g. to wine G1V Shall be GIVEN. ' lT*/7i.5.3.it *. be g. to half of kingdom Ps. 72. 15. s. be g. of gold of Sheba 120. 3. what s.be g. thee, false tongue? Isa. 3.11. reward of hands s. i.g. him 33. 16. hread s. beg. him, water sure 35. 2. glory of Leban. sh. be. g. to it Ezek. 47. 1 1, marishes, sh.be g.to salt Dan, 7.25. saints sh. be g. to his hand 27. kingdom sh. be g. to the saints Mat. 1.1. ask, and its't. be g.LiikeW.d. 10.1!).*. b.g. insamc hour ;l/«/'.13.11. 12. 39. no sign sh. be g. Mark 8. 12. LukeU. 29. 13. 12. wlioso. hath, toliim sh. beg. 25. 29. Mark 4. 25. Luke 8. 18. 20. 23. it sh. be g. for whom prepared 2I.43.kingd. of G. sh. 6c g.to nation Luke 6. 38. give, and it sh. be g. you Phil, 22. thro' prayers I sh. be g. Jam. I. 5. ask or God. and itsh. be g. Thou hast, or hast thou GIVEN. Gen. 15. 3. to me th. hast g. no seed J,'ih.\5.19.t.h.g. south land, JudAAb. 3 Sam. 22. 13. th. hast g. him bread 2 Sa?n. 12. 14. thou hast g. occasion 22 'Mthou hast also g. me, P.?. 18.35. 4\.t.h.g.me necks of enem. Ps. 18.40. Ezra, 9. 13. th. h. g. us deliverance Ps. 21. 2. th. h. g. his heart's desire 44. 11. thou hast g. us like sheep CO. 4. th. h. g. a banner to them 61. 5. thou hast g. me the heritage 71.3. thou hast g. command, to save John 17. 2. thou hast g. him power 7. all things thou hast g. me 9. I pray for them thou hast g. me 1 1. keep those thou hast g. me Jiev. 16. 6. th. hast g. blood to drink G 1 V E R. Jsa. 24. 2. taker of usury, so with g. 2 Cor. 9. 7. God bweth a cheerful g. G I VEST. Deut. 15. 9. thou g. him nought, 10. Job 35. 7. if righteous what g. him ? P.«. 50. 19. thou g. thy mouth to evil 80. 5 thou g. them tears to drink 104. 28. thatg. them, they gather 145. 15. thou g. them their meat Pror. 6. 35. tho' thou g. many «iffs Ezek. 16. 33. thoug. to all thy lovers 34. thou g. reward, none is given 1 Cor. 14. 17. thou g. thanks well GIVETH. Exod 16. 29. beg. on sixth day bread 20. 12. days long in land which L. g. thee, DeutAAQ. | 5. 16. J 25. 15. 25. 2. every mata thatgv it willingly Deut. 2. 29. into land which L. G. g. th.e, 4. 1, 21. | 11.17, 31. 12. 1, 10. | 15. 4,7. | 16. 20. 17. 14. | 18.9. | 19. 1,2,10,14. 21. 1, 23. | 24. 4. ! 26. 1, 2. 27. 2, 2 | 28. 8. Josh. 1. 11, 15. 8. 18. he g. i nver to get wealth 9. 6. g. not fetni for thy righteous. 13. 1. if a pr pnet g. thee a sign 16.5. gates wl . L. g. thee, 18. | 17.2. Job 5. 10. who g. rain upon earth 33. 13. he g. no account of his ways 31. 29. he g. quiet. || 35. 10. g. songs 36. 6. g. right to poor || 31. g. meat Ps. 18. 50. deliverance g. be to king G8. 35; God of Israel that g.strength 119. 130. entrance of words g. light 127. 2. so he g. his beloved sleep Prov.2.C\ L. g. wisdom out of mouth 3. 34. g. grace to lowlv, Jam. 4. 6 1 Peter 5. 5. 13. 15. good understand, g. favour 21.26. right, g. and spareth not, 22.9. 28. ->7. that g. to poor shall not lack Ecci. 2. 26. God g. to good man wis. dom, to siauer g. travel GLA Eec?.6.2.0nd g. him not power to eat Isa. 40.29. he g. power to the faint 42. &. he thatg breath to people Jer. 5. 24. g. rain || 31. 35. g. 9un I. am. 3. 30 g. cheek to him smit th Hab.2Ab. wo to him. g. neighb. drink Mat. 5. 15. \t g. light to all in house John 3 31. G. g-.not Spirit by measure G. 32. my Father g. you true bread 33. who g. life to the world 37. all the Father g. me shall come 10. 11. the good shepherd g. his life 14. 27. not as the world g. give I Jets 17. 25. he g. to all life, breath Rom. 12. 8. that g. let him do it with simplicity 1 Cor. 3. 7 God that g. the increase 7 38. that g. in marriage doth well 15. 38. God g. body as pleased him 57. thanks to God whog. victory 2 Cor. 3.6. letter killeth, spirit g. life 1 Tim. 6. 17. who g. richly all things Jam. 1. 5. ask of God thatg. to all 4. 6. g. more grace, God g. grace 1 Pet. 4. 11. as of ability that" God g. Rev. 22. 5. Lord God g. them light GIVING. Deut. 10. 18. stranger in g. him food 21. 17. by g. him a double portion Ruth l.o.L. visited people in g. bread Job 1 1. 20 hope as g. up of the ghost Mot. 24.38. uarry. and g. in marriage Arts 8. 9. g. out himself great one 15. 8. g. them the Holy Ghost Rom. 4.20. strong in faith, g. G. glory 9. 4. g. of law, service of God 1 Cor. 14. 7. g. sound || 16. g. thanks 2. Cor. 6.3. g. no offence in any thing Phil. 4. 15. concern, g. and receiving 1.7V?».4.1. g.heed to seducing spirits 1 Pet. 3. 7. g. honour to the wife 2 Pet. 1. 5. g. all diligence to make Jucle 7. g. themselves to fornication See Thanks. GLAD. Exod. 4. 14. he will be g. in heart 1 Kin. 8. 66. Israel went to tents g. 2 Chr. 7. 10. Esfh. 5.9. LTamang. ||8.l5.Shushan g. Job 3 22. g. when they find the grave 22. I9.ri«hte. see, are g. Psa. 64.10. Ps. 16. 9. my heart g. glory rejoieeth 2l.6.made him g. with thy counten. 34. 2. humble hear and beg. 69. 32. 45. 8. whereby have made thee g. 46. 4. streams make g. city of God 67. 4. let the nations be g. and sing 90. 15. make us g. || 92. 4. L. made g. 97. 1. let isles be g. || 8. Zion was g. 104. !5. wine that maketh g. heart 34. beg', in Lord || 105. 38. Egypt g. 107. 30. are they g. because quiet 122. 1. g. when they said, Wt us go 126. 3. gnat things, whereof are g. Prov. 10. 1. wise son maketh a g. fa- ther, 15. 20. 12. 25. a good word maketh it g. 17. 5. that is g. at calamities 23. 25. father and mother shall beg-. 24.17.heart not he g.when stumble. 27. 11. be wise, make my heart g. Isa. 35. 1. wilderness be g. for them Jer. 20.15. child born, making himg'. Dan. 6. 23. was king exceeding g. Jonah 4. 6. Jonah g. because of gourd Zeeh. 10. 1. children see it and be g. Mark 14.1 l.g.and promised, Lu.22.5. Luke 1. 19. to shew these g. tidings 8. 1. g. tidings of the kingdom 15. 32. meet we make meiry, be g. JohnS. 5C). Abra.saw my day was glad Acts 1 1. 23. seen grace of God, wasg. 13. 48. Gent, heard, they were g. Rom. 16. 19. I am g. on your behalf GLE 1 Cor. 16. 17. g. of coming of Steph. 2 Cor. 2. 2. who that maketh meg-.? 13. 9. we are g. w hen we are wea 1 Pet. 4. 13. ye may be g. also GLAD idned with njoice. 1 Chr. 16. 31. >t heavens beg. and let ear:.h rejoice, Lord reign, eth, Tsatth 36. 11. Ps. 9. 2. 1 will be g. and rejoice 14. 7. Jacob r. Israel be g.*53. 6. 31. 7. I will beg. and r. in mercy 32. 11. beg. and ?:, yerighte. C'8. 3. 40. 16. seek thee, beg. and r. 70. 4 48. II Zion r. daugh. of Jud. beg. 90. 14. that we may be g. and r. 1 18.24.day, we will r. and be g.in it Cant. 1. 4. we will be g. and rejoice Isa. 25. 9. we will rejoice and be g. 65. 18. be youg. and r. for ever 66. 10. r. ye with Jerusa. and beg. Lam. 4. 21. r. and beg. O daughter Joel 2. 21. O land, be g. and r. 23. beg. ye child, of Zion, r. in L. Hab. 1. 15. they rejoice and are g. Zeph. 3. 14. beg. and r. O daughter Mat. 5. 12. r. and be g. great reward Acts' 2. 26. heart did r. tongue was g. Rev. 19.7. be g. and r. marriage come GLAD LY. Mark 12. 37. people heard Christ g. Acts 2.41 g. receiv. word were hapfi. 21. 17. the brethren received us g. 2 Cor. 11. 19. ye suffer fords g. 12. 9. mostg. will 1 rather glory 15. I will g. spend and be spent GLADNESS. Aw/2.10. lO.in day of g. ye shall blow 2 Sam. 6.12. Dav. brought ark with g. 1 Ch. 16. 27. strength and g. in place 2 Ch. 29. 30. sang praises with g. 30. 21. Israel kept (Vast with g. 23. they kept other 7 days with g. Neh. 8. !7. there was very great g. Eslh. 8. 16. Jews had light, and g. 17. 9. 17. day of feasting and g. 18. 19. Ps. 4. 7. thou hast put g. in my heart 30. II. thou hast girded me with g. 45.7. anointrd with oil of g. HebA.9. 15. with g. shall they be brought 51. 8. make me to hear joy and g. 97. II. g. is sown for the uptight 100. 2. serve the Lord with g. 105. 43. he Brought chosen with g. 106. 5. that I may rejoice in the g Cant. 3. 11. in day of g. of his heait Isa, 22. 13. joy andg. slaying oxen 30. ?&. sh. have song andg. of heart 35. 10. shall obtain joy and g. 51.1 1. 51. 3. joy and g. found therein Jer. 7. 34. voice of mirth and g. 16, 9. I 25. 10. 31. 7. sing withg. for Jacob 33. 11. heard a voice of joy andg. 48. 33. joy and g. taken fioni field Joel 1.16. joy and g-.from house of G Zech. 8. 19. to house of Jud. joy andg. Mark 4. 16. who receive it with g. Luke 1. 14. shalt have joy and g Acts 2. 46. eat meat with g. of heart 12. 14. she opened not irate for g. 14.17. filling hearts with food andg. Phil. 2. 29. receive him with all g GLASS. 1 Cor. 13. 12. we see through ag. 2 Cor. 3. 18. beholding as in ag. Jam. 1. 2M. man behold, face in a g. Rev. 4. 6. sea of g. like unto crystal 15. 2. sea ofg. mingled with fire 21.lS.citv pure gold, like clear g.2I GLASSES. Isa. 3. 23. Lord will take awayg. Spp. Looking. GLEAN, ED. Zer.19. lO.notg; viue-y. Deut. 24. 21 GLO Ruth 2. 2. let me go to field and g. 3. she came and g. after reapers Jer. 6. 9. they shall g. the remnant GLEANING, S. Lev. 19. 9. not gath. g. of harv.23.22. Judg. 8. 2. is not g. of grapes of Eph. Jsa. 17. 6. yetg. grapes shall he left 24. 13. as g. grapes when vint. done Jer. 49. i. they not leave some g.? Mic. 7. 1. as grape g. of the vintage GLEDE. I)eut. 14. 13. ve shall not eat the g. GLISTERING. 1 Chr. 29. 2. I ha. prepared g. stones Job 20. 25. the g. sword cometh out Luke 9. 29. his raiment white andg GLITTER, ING. Deut. 32. 41. if I whet my g. sword Job 39. 23. the g. spear rattleth Ezek. 21. 10. furbished that it mayg. 28. furbished to consume, bee. ofg. Nah. 3. 3. horseman lifteth g. spear Hub. 3. 11. shining of thy g. spear (GLOOMINESS. [1. 15, Joel 2. 2. day of darkn. and g. Zeph. GLORIFY. Psal. 22. 23. all seed of Jacob g. him 50. 15. and thou shaltg. me 86. 9. all nations shall come and g. 12. and I will g. thy name tea. 24. 15. g. ye Lord in the fires 25. 3. the strong people g. thee 60. 7. I will g. house of my glory Jer. 30. 19. I will also g. them Mat. 5. 16. g. your Fath. in heaven John 12. 28. Father, g. thy name 13. 32. God sh.illg. him in himself 16. 14. he shall g. me ; for he shall 17. 1. g. thy Son, that thy Song. 5. g. me with thine own self 21. 19. by what death he sh. g. God Horn. 15. 6. one mind and mouth g. G. 9. that Gentiles might g. God 1 Cor. 6. 20. g. G. in body and spirit 2 Cor. 9. 13. g. G. for your subject. 1 Pet. 2. 12. g. G. in day of visitation 4. 16. let him g. God on this behalf Rev. 15. 4. fear thee, and g. thy name GLORIFIED. Lev. 10. 3. before all peo. I will be g. tea. 26. 15. increased nation, artg. 44. 23. L. hathg. himself in Israel 49. 3. O Israel, in whom I will bo g. 55. 5. Holy One of Isr. hath g. 60.9. 60. 21, work of hands th. I may beg. 61. 3. planting of L. that he be g. 66. 5. said, let the Lord be g. Ezek. 28. 22. I will be g. in midst of 39. 13. in the day that I shall beg. Dan. 5. 23. God hast thou not g. Mat. 9. 8. marvelled, and g. God, Mark 2. 12. Luke 5. 26. IS. 31. they g. the God of Israel Luke 4. 15. in synagogues, being g. 7. 16. fear on all, and theyg. God 13 13. she made straight, andg. G. 17. 15 leper g. G. ||23. 47. centurion John 7. 39. Holy Ghost not given, because Jesus not g. 11. 4. that Son of God might be g. 12. 16. but when Jesus wasg. then 23. the Son of man should beg. 28. I have g it, and will glorify it 13. 31. S. of man g. G. is g. in him 32. if G. be g. in him G. sh. glorify 14. 13. that Father may be g. in Son 15. 8. is my Fat. g. th. ye bear fruit 17. 4. I have g. thee on earth 10. and I am g, in them dels 3. 13. G. of fathers hath g. Son 4. 21. men g G. for what was done 11. 18 they held peace, and g. God 13. 48. Gentiles g. word of JLord 81. £0. they of Jerusalem g. Lprd GLO Ron. 1, 21, they g. him not as God 8. 17. sutler that we may be alsog. 30. whom he, justified, them heg. Gal. 1. 24. and they g. God in me 2 Thes. 1. 10. when he come to be g 12. that name of Jesus may be g. 3. 1. that word of Lora may be g. Heb. 5. 5. so Christ g. not himself 1 Pet. 4. 11. G. in all things may beg. 14. but on your part he is g. Rev. 18. 7. how much ahe g. herself GLORIFIETH, ING. Ps. 50 23. whoso offer, praise g. me Luke 2. 20. shepherds returned, g. G. 5. 25. lie departed to own ho. g. G. 18. 43. blind man followed, g. God GLORY. Gen. 31. 1. of fathers gotten this g. Ex. 28. 2. garm. for Aaron for g. 40. 1 Sajn. 2. 8. make inherit throne ofg. 4. 21. g. is departed from Israel, 22. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for L. must he g. 29. 11. thine is greatness, power, andg. Mat. 6. 13. Esth. 5. 11. Haitian told g. of riches Job 39. 20. g. of nostrils is terrible 40. 10. and array thyself with g. Ps 24. 7. King ofg. shall come in, 9. 10. who is this King ofg ? 29. 3. the God ofg. thundereth 49. 16. wheng. of house is increased 73. 24. afterward receive me to g. 79. 9. help us, O G. for g. of name 85. 9. that g. may dwell in our land 89. 17. thou art g. of their strength 10G. 20. changed g. into similitude 1-15. II. speak ofg. of thy kingdom 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall inherit g. 17. 6. g. of children are fathers 20. 29. g. of young men is strength 25. 27. men to search own g. isnotg. 28. 12. righteous rejoice, there isg. tea. 2.10. bide forg. of majesty, 19.2 1. 4. 5. on all the g. shall be a defence 5. 14. g. and pomp descend unto it 10. 3. where will ye leave your g. ? 12. I will punish g. of high looks 18. shall consume g. of his forest 13. 19. Babylon g. of king as Sodom 14. 18. all lie in g. each in his house 16. 14. g. of Moabsh. be contemned 17. 3. be asg. of children of Israel 4. g. of Jacob shall be made thin 20. 5. be ashamed of Egypt their g. 21. 16. all theg. of Kedar shall fail 22. 24. hang on himg. of father's ho. 23. 9. purposed to stain pride ofg. 24. 16. songs, even g. to righteous 35. 2. g. of Lebanon be given to it 61. 6. their g. ye boast yourselves 66.11. delighted wi. abundance ofg. 12. g. of Gentiles as flowing stream Jer. 2. II. people have changed g. 13. 11. they might be to me for a g. 18. come down, crown of yourg. Ezek. 20. 6. is the g. of all lands, 15. 24.25. take from them joy of their g. 25. 9. I will open g. of the country 26. 20. set g. in land of the living 31.18. whom art thou thus like in g. Dan. 2. 37. given power and g. 7. 14. 4. 36. g. of kingdom returned tome 11. 39. acknowledge, increase wi. g. Hos. 4. 7. change their g. into shame 9. 11. Ephraim, their g. fly away 10. 5. priests rejoiced forg. thereof Mic. 1. 15. Adullam theg. of Israel Nah. 2. 9. none end of store and g. Jlab. 2. 36. filled with shame for g. Hag. 2. 3. saw house in her first g. ? 7. fill house with g. 6aith Lord 9. g. of latter house greater Zevh. 2, 5, 1 will be g. in midst of her 193 GLO Zech. 2. 8. after g. sent me to nation! 6. 13. build temple, he bear g. 11. 3. their g. is spoiled 12. 7. g. of house of Dav. g. of Jer. Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms and g. of them 6. 2. sound trumpet, haveg. of men 16. 27. come in g. of Fa Hark 8. 3& 24. 30. Son coming with power and g. Mark 13. 26. Euke 21. 27. Lu. 2. 14. g. to God ia highest,19.38. 32. and the g. of thy people Israel 4. 6. power wiJl I give thee, andg-. 9. 31. in g. and spake of his decease John 17. 5. g. which I had with thee 22. g. thou gavest me given them Acts 7. 2. G. of g. appeared to father 12. 23. because he gave not God g 22. 1 !. I could not see g. of light Rom. 4. 20. strong, giving g. to G. 6. 4. raised by theg. of the Father 5. 18. not worthy to be comp. xv\.g. 9. 4. pertaineth g. and covenants 23. he had afore prepared unto g. 11. 36 be g. for e\ er, Gal. I. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet. 5. 11. 16. 27. to God beg. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 1 Co?: 2. 7. God ordained to our g. 8. not crucified the Lord ofg-. 1 1. 7. woman is the g. of the man 15. woman ha. longhair, isg. to her 15. 40. g. of celestiai, g. of terrest. 41. one g. of sun. ano. g. of moon 43. sown in dishonour, raised ing. 2 Cor. 3. 7. g. of his countenance 9. if condemnation be g. righteous. ness exceed in g. 10. no g. by reason ofg. th. excel. 18. all are changed from g. to g. 4. 17. worketh eternal weight ofg. 8. 19. administered tog. of same L. 23. messengers, and g. of Christ Eph. 1. 6. praise ofg. of his grace 17. Father ofg. give you Spirit 18. know what is riches of the g. 3. 13. tribulations, which is yourg. 21. g. in the church by Christ Jes. Phil. 1. 11. fruits, by Christ tog. of 3. 19. whose g. is in their shame 4. 19. according to his riches in g. 20. G. and our Fath. beg. forevel Col. 1. 27. Christ the hope ofg. 3. 4. ye shall appear with him in g. 1 Thes. 2. 6. nor of men sought weg 12. who called you to king, and g 20. for ye are our g. and joy 2 Thes. 1. 9. punished f r. g. of pawn 2. 14. obtaining of the g. of our L. 1 Tim. 3. 16. received up intog. 2 Tim. 2. 10. Christ, with eternal g. Heb. 2. 10. bringing sons untog. 3. 3. man counted worthy more g. 9. 5. cherubims ofg. shadowing Jam. 2. 1. faith of Jesus Lord ofg. 1 Pet. 1. 8. rejoice with joy full ofg. 11. testified g. that should follow 21. God raised him, gave him g. 24. all g. of man as flower of erasa 2. 20. what g. is it, when buff'eUd ? 4. 14. spirit ofg. resteth on you 5. 1. the g. that shall be revealed 10. called us to eternal g. by Christ 2 Pet. 1. 3. that hath called us to g. 17. voice to him fr. excellent g. 3. 18. to him beg-, ever, Rev. 1. 6. Jude 25. only God our Saviour, be q. Rev. 4. 11. worthy to receive g. 5. 12. 7. 12. blessing and g. to our God 11. 13. remnant affrighted, gave g. See Crown, Honour, Vain. Give GLORY. Josh. 7. 19. my son g. g. to God 1 Sam. 6. 5. ye shall g. g. to God 1 Citron. 16. 28. g. to the Lord g. 2% 1'i.W, I. & | 86. 7,8. Jer. J Li. 16. GLO Pi. 84, 11. Lord will g. grace and g. 115. 1. not to us, to thy name jf. g. Isa. 42. 12. let them g. g. unto Lord Mai. 2. 2. not lay it to heart, tog. g. Luke 17. 18. returned to g. g. to God llcv. 4. 9. those beasts g. g. and hon. 14. 7. fear God, and g. g. to him 16. 9. scorched, repented not to g.g. GLORY of God. Ps. 19.1. heavens declare theg-. ofG. Prov. 25. 2. theg\ of G . to conceal Ezek. 8.4. the g. ofG. of Israel there 9. 3. g. of G. gone up from cherub 10. 19. g. ofG. over them, 11. 22. 43. 2. g. ofG. came from the east John 1 1.4. this sickness is forg\ of G. 40. if believe, shouldst see g. of G. Acts 7.55. Steph. looked, saw g.of G. Rom. 3.23. all sinned, short of g.of G. 5. 2. rejoice in hope of the g. of G. 15.7. as Chr. received us, to g. of G. 1 Cor. 10.31. eat or drink, all to g.of G. 1 1. 7. man is image and g. of G. 2 Cor. 4.(i. light of know, of g. ofG. 15. thanksgiv. redound to g. ofG. Phil. 1. 11. by Christ to the g. ofG. 2. 11. Jesus is Lord to the g. ofG. Rev.\b.%.h\W& with smoke fr. g. ofG. 21. 11. Jerusalem havingg. ofG. 23. the g. ofG. did lighten it His GLORY. Deut. 5. 24. Lord hath shewed h. g. 33. 17. h. g. like firstling of bullock 1 Chr. 16. 24. declare h. g. among the heathen, Psalm 96. 3. Ps. 21. 5. h. g. is great in salvation 29. 9. every one speak of h. g. 49. 17. h. g. shall not descend after 72. 19. let earth be filled with h. g. 78. 61. delivered h. g. to enemies 89. 44. thou hast made h. g. to cease 97. 6. and all the people see h. g. 102. 16. build Zion, appear in h. g. 113. 4. h. g. above heavens, 148. 13. Isa. 3. 8. to provoke the eyes of h. g. <>. 3. cried, whole earth full of h. g. 10. 16. under h. g. kindle a burning 59. 19. fear h. g. from rising of sun 60. 2. h. g. shall be seen upon thee Jer. 22. 18. saying, ah L. or ah A. g. Ezek. 43. 2. earth shined with //. g. Dan. 5. 20. they took h. g. from him Jlii/>. 3. 3. h. g. covered the heavens Mat. 6.29. Solomon in h.g. Luk.\2.21. 19.28 Son of man sit inli.g. Lu.9.26. Luke 9. 32. when awake, saw h. g. 24. 26. suffered, to enter into h. g. •" An 1. 14. beheld h.g.,g. of the only 2- 11. Jesus manifested forth h g. 4^* .41. said Esaias, when saw h. g. ftow: . 3. 7. thro' my lie unto h. g. ° 2 . make known riches of n. g. Eph. 1. 12. to the praise of h. g. 14. 3. 16. according to riches of n. g. Heh. 1 3. the brightness of A. g. I Pel. 4. 13. when h. g. be revealed Jude 4. before the presence of h. g. Rev. 1 8. 1. earth lightened with h. g. Mu GLORY. Gen. 45.13. tefl my father uf all m. g. F.rod. 29. 43. tab. sanctified by in. g. 33. 22. while m. g. passeth by, I will Sum. 14. 22 men wh.have seen m.g. J>o 19. 9. he hath stript me of in. g. *y. 20. m. g. was fresh in me ">'• 3. 3 thou art m. g. and lifter up '<• 2. how long turn in. g. to shame? I6.9.m. g.rejoiceth || 30. 12.wi.g-. sing 57. 8. awake, m.g. \\ 62. 7. in O. m.g. 08.1. sing and give praise with m.g. *'/. 42. 8. in. g. will 1 not give, 48.11. 43. 7. I have created him for m. g. 16. 13. salvation for Israel m. g. : ". 7 I will glorify house of m. g. GLO Isa. 66. 18. shall come and see m. g. 19. not seen m. g. sh. declare in. g. Ezek.39.2l. set m. g. among heathen Mic. 2. 9. from children taken m. g. John 8. 50. I seek not mine own g. 17. 24 that they may behold m. g. GLORY of Hie Lord. Exod. 16. 7. ye shall see g. of the L. 10. g. of L. appeared, Lev. 9. 23. Num. 14. 10. | 16. 19, 42. | 20. 6. 24. 16. g. of the L. abode on Sinai 17. g. of the L. like devouring fire 40.34.g.ofthe L.filled tabernacle,35. Lev. 9. 6. g. of the L. shall appear Num. 14.21. earth filled with g.of L. 1 Kin. 8.11. the g. of the L. filled the house, 2 Chr. 5. 14. | 7. 1, 2, 3. Ezek. 43. 5. | 44. 4. Ps. 104. 31. g. of the L. shall endure 138. 5. for great is the g. of the L. Isa. 35. 2. they shall see g. of the L. 40. 5. g. of the L. shall be revealed 58. 8. g. of the L. shall be rereward 60. 1. g. of the L. is risen upon thee Ezeh.\.2&. the likeness of g. of the L. 3. 12. blessed be the g. of the L. 23.behold, g. of the L. stood there 10. 4. g. of the L. went fr. cherub 18. g. ofL. departed fr. threshold 11. 23. g. of the L. went from city 43. 4. g. of the L. came into house Hab.2. H.hlled with know.ofg. of L. Luke 2. 9. g. of the L. shone round 2 Cor. 3. 18. as in a glass g. of the L. Thy GLORY. Exod. 33. 18. he said, shew me t. g. Ps. 8. 1. set /. g. above the heavens 45. 3. sword on thigh, with t. g. 57. 5. t. g. above earth, U. | 108. 5. 63. 2. see t. power and g. as I have 90. 16. let t. g. appear unto children 102. 15, all kinss of the earth t. g. Isa. 22. 18. chariots of t. g. be shame 60.19. God t. g. || 62.2. kings see t.g. 63.15. behold from habitation of t.g. JerAA. 21. not disgrace throne of t.g. 43. 18. come down from t. g. Hub. 2. 16. spewing shall be on t. g. GLORIOUS. Exod. 15. 6. right hand, O Lord, g. II. who like Lord, g. in holiness Deut. 28. 58. mayst fear thisg. name 2 Sam. G. 20. g. was the king of Israel 1 Chr. 29. 13. we praise thyg. name Neh. 9. 5. blessed be thy g. name Ps. 45. 13. king's daughter g. within 66. 2. sing forth, make his praise g. 72. 19. blessed be g. name for ever 76. 4. more g. than mount, of prey 87. 3. g. things spok. of thee, O city III. 3. his work honourable and g. 145.5. speak of g. honour of majesty 12.make known g.majesty of king: Isa. 4. 2. branch of the Lord be g. 11. 10.be a root of Jesse, his rest g. 22. 23. for a g. throne to his house 28. 1. g. beauty is a fading flower 4. g. beauty on head of the valley 33. 21. g. L. be a place of streams 49. 5. I shall be g. in eyes of Lord 60. 13. make the place of my feet g. 63- 1. who is this, g. in apparel ? 12. that led them with his g. arm ll.lead thy people to makeg.name Jer 17. 12. a g. high throne from Ezek. 27. 25. g. in midst of the seas Dan. 11. 16. he shall stand ing. land 41. he shall enter into the g. land 45. between seas, in g.holy mount, Luke 13. 17. rejoiced for the g. things Horn. 8. 21. into g. liberty of children 2 Cor. 3. 7. ministration engraven g. 3. 8. ministration of Spirit rather g. i. 4. lest light of g. gospel shine 194 GO Eph. 5. 27. present it a g. church Phil. 3. 21. fashioned like hisg. body Col. 1. 11. according to his g. power 1 Tim. 1. 11. according to g. gospel Tit. 2. 13. looking for g. appearing GLORIOUSLY. Exod. 15.1. for he hath triumphed^. Isa. 24. 23. reign before ancients g GLORY, Verb. Exod. 8. 9. Moses said, g. over me 2 Kin. 14. 10. g. of this, and tarry 1 Chr. 16. 10. g. ye in his holy name Ps. 105. 3 35. we may g. in thy praise Ps. 63. 11. sweareth by him shall g. 64. 10. the upright in heart shalfg 106. 5. I roayg. with thy inherita. Isa. 41. 16. shalt g. in the Holy On 45. 25. in L. shall seed of Israel g. Jer. 4. 2. and in him shall they g. 9. 23. let not the wise, rich man g. 24. g. in this, that he knoweth me Rom. 4. 2. he hath whereof to g. 5. 3. we g. in tribulations also 15. 17. I have whereof 1 mayg. 1 Cor. 1. 29. no flesh g. in his pres. 31. glorieth, g. in L. 2 Cor. 10. 17. 3. 21. let no man g. in men 4.7.why g.as if hadst not received? 9. 16. I have nothing to g. of 2 Cor. 5. 12. give occasion tog-, on our behalf, who g. in appear. 1 1. 12. wherein g. be found as we 15. g. after the flesh, I will g. also 30. if g. I will g. of my infirmities 12. Litis not expedient for me to g. 5. will I g., of myself 1 will not g. 6. tho' I desire to g. not be a fool 9. will rather g. in my infirmities Gal. 6. 13. they may g. in your fiYsh 14. I should g. save in the cross 2. Thes. 1. 4. so that we g. in you Jam. 3. 14. if ye have envying, g.not GLO RI EST, EfH. Jer. 9.24. let him that g. I Cor. 1.31. 2 Cor. 10. 17. 49. 4. why g. thou in the valleys ? GLORYING. 1 Cor. 5. 6. your g. is not good 9. 15. than any sh. make ruyg-. void 2 Cor. 7. 4. great is my g. of you 12. 11. I am become a lool in g. GLUTTON. Deut. 21. 20. this our son is a g. Prov. 23. 21. g. sh. come to poverty GLUTTONOUS. Matt. II. 19. a man g. Luke 7. 34. GNASH, ED, ETH, I NO. Job 16. 9. he g. on me, Psalm 37. 12. 35. 16. they g. or. me with teeth Ps. 112. 10. he shall g. with his teeth Lam. 2. 16. they hiss andg. the teeth Mat. 8. 12. be g. of teeth 13. 42, 50. | 22.13. | 24.51. | 25.30. Lk.13.28. Mark 9. 18. he foameth and g. Acts 7. 54. they g. on him with teeth GNAT. Mat 23. 24. strain at a g. svval. camel GNAW, ED. Zeph. 3. 3. they g. not the bones till Rev. 16. 10. they g. tongues for pair GO. Gen. 3. 14. on thy belly shalt thou g. 16. 8. whither wilt thou g. ? 24. 42. prosper my way which I g. 58. wilt thou g. with this man ? 26. 16. Abi. said to Isaac, g. from us 25. 20. if God keep me in way I g. 32. 26. let meg.; I will not let thee g. except thou bless me 37. 30. and 1, whither shall I jro ? 43. 8. send the lad, and we wiilg-. Exod, 3. 19. will not let you g. 4. 21. 21. when ye g.ye shall not g. empty GO Exod 4. §3. let my son g. if tnou refuse, 8. 2, 21. | 9. 2. | 10. 4. 5. 1. let my peoples'. 7. 16. | 8. 1, 20. | 9. 1, 13. | 10.3. 2. nor will I let Israel g. 8. 8. I will let people g. 28. | 9. 28. 32. nor would lie let people g. 7. 14. | 9. 35. | 10.26, 27. 10. 9. g. with our young and old 13. 21. light to g. Neh. 9. 12, 19. 14. 5. that we have let Israel g. 17. 5. g. on before the people 23. 23. angel g. before thee, 32. 34. 32. 23. gods tog. before us, Acts 7 A0. 33. 14. my presence sh. g. with thee 34. 9. if found grace, g. amongst us Num. 22. 13. L. refuseth leave to g. 20. if the men call thee, g. 24. 14. and now I p. unto my peo. 31. 23. make \t g. through fire and 32. G. g. to war, and ye sit here ? 17. but we will g. ready armed Beat. 1. 33. shew way ye" should g. 4. 5. win. yog. 6.1. | 11.8,11. | 30.18. 40. that it g. well, 5. 1G. | 19. 13. 11. 28. if ye g. after gods, 28. 14. 31. 6. thy God, he it is that doth g. 7. thou musts', with this people 8. he it is that doth g. before thee 16. land whither they g. amongst 21. know imagina. they g-. about Josh. 1. 16. whither sendest will g. 3. 4. may know way ye must g. Judg. 1. 25. let g. man and family I. 8. if thou wilts 1 , then I will g. 6. 14. said, g. in this thy might 7. 4. this shall g. the same shall g. 15. 6. before L. is way wherein yeg. 9. be not slothful to g. to possess 19. 25. day began, they let her g. Ruth 1. IW. stedfastly minded to g. 1 Sam. 5. 11. let it g. to its place 6. 6. did they not let the people g.? 12. 21. should yeg. after vain things 16. 2. how can" I go ? if Saul hear 17. 33. not able to g. aga. Philistine 18. 2. let him y, no more home 23. 13. David went whither could g. 2 Sum. 12. 23. I shall g. to him, he 13. 13. whither cause shame to g.? 15. 20. seeing I g. whither I may 17. 11. g. to battle in thy person 20. 11. David, let him g. after J.>ab 1 Kin. 2. 2. I g. way of all the earth II. 22. let me g. in any wise 13. 17. nor g. by way thou earnest 20. 42. hast let g. a man appointed 22. 4. g. wi. me to battle, 2 ChrAH.S. 2 Kin. 3. 7. g. with me against Moat? 4. 23. wilt thou g. to him to-day? 6. 22. set bread that they may g. 10. 24. he that lettcth him g. 18. 21. will g. into hand, Isa. 3G. 6. 2 Chron. 14. 11. in thy name we g. 25. 7. let not the army of Israel g. 8. if thou wilt g. do it, be strong Job 6. 18. they g. to nothing 10. 21. before I g. whence I shall not return, 16. 22. 80. 26. it g. ill with him that is left 21. 29. not asked them g. by way ? 27. 6. righteousness I will not let g. Ps. 32. 8. teach thee in way shalt g. 39. 13. before I g. hence, and be 42. 9. why g. I mourning, 43. 2. 49. 19. g. to generation of fathers 84. 7. g. from strength to strength 85. 13. righteous, sh. g. before him 89. 14. mercy and truth g. before 107. 7. might g. to a city of habita. 132. 7. we will g. into his tabernacle 139. 7. whither g. fr. thy presence Prov. 2. 19. none that g. return 8. 28. g. and come again, to-morrow G© Prov. 6. 28. can ones - , on hot eoals 9. 15. passengers who g. right on 14. 7. g. from presence of foolish 15. 12. neither scorner g. to wise 19. 7. more do his friends g. far 22. 6. train child in way he sho. g. 30. 29. three things which g. well Eccl. 3. 20. all g. unto one place, all 5. 15. naked to g. as he came, 16. 6. 6. do not all g. to one place ? 7. 2. to g. to house of mourning 9. 3. after that, they g. to the dead 10. 15. know, not how to g. to city 12. 5. mourners g. about streets Cant. 3. 4. I would not let him g. Isa. 3. 16. and mincing as they g. 6. 8. and who will g. for us ? 9. g. tell this people, Acts 28. 2G. 27. 4. I would g. through thpm 28. 13. that they might g. and fall 45. 13. he shall lets, my captives 48. 17. leadeth by way shouidest g. 5S. 8. righteousness g. before thee 62. 10. g. through, g. thro' the gates Jer. 1. 7. shalt g. to all I send thee 9. 2. I might g. from my people 31. 22. how long g. about, O daugh. 34. .3 g. to Babylon, Mic. 4. 10. 40. 4. seemeth good to g. there g. 5. 42. 22. die, whither ye desire tog'. 46". 22. voice shall g. like serpent SO. 33. they refused to let them g. Ezek.8.6. should g. far fr. sanctuary? 14. 17. swords-, through the land 21. 16. g. thee one way or other Hos. 5. 6. g. with flocks to seek Lord 7. 11. they g. to Assyria 12. when they g. I will spread net 11. 3. I taught Ephraim also to g. Mic. 5. 8. if he g. through treadeth Zech. 6. 7. the bay sought to g 8. these g. towards the north 8. 21. inhabit, of one city g. to ano. 23. will g. with you, we have heard 9. 14. g. with whirlwinds of south Mat. 2. 22. Joseph was afraid to g. 5. 41. g. mile, g. twain, Luke 7. 8. 8. 9. and I say g. and he goeth 10. 6. g. rather to lost sheep of Isr. 21. 30. I g. sir, and went not 25. 9. g. rather to them that sell 2S. 19. g. ye and teach all nations Mark 6. 38. g. see || 1 1. 6. let them g. Luke 1. 17. he shall g. before him 9. 51. set face to g. to Jerusalem GO. g. and preach kingdom of God 10. 37. g. thou and do likewise 22. 33. I am ready to g. to prison 68. not answer me, nor let me g. 23. 22. chastise him, and let him g. John 6. 68. Lord, to whom sh. we g. 7. 33. then I g. unto him sent me 8 14. but I know whither I g. 21. I g. my way, whither I g. 13. 36. whither I g. not follow 14. 2. I g. to prepare place for you 4. whither I g. ye know, the way 12. because I g. to Father, 1G . 10. 28. I g. to the Father, 1G. 17, 28. 19. 12. if thou let this man g. Acts 1. 25. might g. to his own place 3. 13. when determined to let him g. 4. 21. threatened, they let them g. 23. being let g. went to company 5. 40. should not speak, let them g. 16. 35. saying, let those men g. 20. 22. g. bound in spirit to Jerusa. 25. 12. to Cesar shalt thou g. 28. 18. examined me, would let me g. Rom. 15. 25. now I g. to Jerusalem 1 Cor. 6. 1. g. to law before unjust 10. 27. and ye be disposed to g. 16. 4. if meet I g. also, they shall g. 2 Cor. 9. 5. exhort brethren g. before 195 GO Phil. 2. 23. see how it will g, wi. ma Jam. 4. 13. will g. unto such a city ' See Free. GO aside.. Num. 5. 12. if any man's wife g. aside Dent. 28. 14. shalt not g. a. fr. words Jer. 15. 5. g. aside to ask how dost Acts 4. 15. commanded them to £'. «. GO astray. Deut. 22. 1. not see brother'3 ox g. a. Ps. 58. 3. g. astray as soon as boru Prov. 5. 23. in greatness of folly g. a. 7. 25. g. not astray into her paths 28. 10. causeth righteous tog. astray Jer. 50. 6. shepherds caused g. astratf Ezek. 14. 11. Israels', no more astray GO away. Exod. 8. 28. not g. very far away Deut. 15. 36. if he say, I will not s\ a. 1 Sam. 24. 19. will he let enemy g. «.? Jobi. 21. doth not excellency g. a.? 15. 30. by breath of mouths', away Jer. 51. 50. escaped sword g. aicay Hos. 5. 14. I will tear and g. away Mat. 25. 4G. g. a. to everlast. punish. John 6. 67. will ye also g. away ? 14. 28. how I said, I g. away, 16. 7. GO their way. John 18. 8. let these g. their way G O thy way. Dan. 12. 13. g. t. way till the end be icts 24. 25. g. thy way for this time GO your way. Mark 1 1. 2. g. your way into village Luke 10. 10. receive you not, g. y. w. G O back. E.rod. 14. 21. caused sea to g. back Josh. 23. 12. if ye in anywise g. back Judg. 11. 35. mouth, I cannot g. b. 2 Km. 20. 9. shall the shadow g. back Ps. 80. 18. will not g. back fr. thee Jer. 40. 5. g. back to Gedaliah, sou Ezek. 24. 14. I will not g. back GO down. Gen. 46. 3. fear not to g. d. to Egypt Num. 16. 30. g. d. quick into the pit Deut. 24. 15. nor sun g. d. on hire Josh. 10. 13. sun hasted not to?, d. Judg. 7. 10. fear to g. d., g. with Phur. 2 Sam, 11. 8. g. down to thy house 15. 20. should make thee g. up and d. 2 Kin. 1. 15. g. down with him 20. 10. shadow tog. d. ten degrees Job 21. i3. in moments - , d. to grave Psal. 22. 29. all that g. down to dust 28. 1. like them g. d. to pit. 143. 7. I 55. 15. lets', doivn quick into hell , 107. 23. that g. down to sea in ships 115. 17. any that g. d. into silence Prov. 5. 5. her feet g. d. to death Is>i. 14. 19. cast out, as those g. d. 30. 2. wo to them g. d. to Eg. 31. 1. 38. 18. g. d into pit cannot hope GO. 20. sun shall not g. d. nor moon Jer 50. 27. let g. d. to slaughter Ezek. 26. 20. them that g. d. to the pit, 31. 14. | 32. 18, 24, 25, 29, 3a 47. 8. these waters g. d. into desert .1 mos 8. 9. cause sun to g. d. at nooa Mic. 3. a. sun g. d. over prophets Mark 13. 15. him on house not g. d. Acts 25. 5. are able to g. d. with me Eph. 4. 26. let not sun g. d. on wrath GO forth. Oii. 8. 16. g. forth of the ark, thou 42. 15. not g. forth hence, except 2 Sam. 11. 1. at time kings g. forth R 2. I will g.f. with you myself 19. 7. if thou g. not/, will not tarrj 1 Kin. 2. 36. g. not/: any whither 22. Tl. he said, I will g. forth 2 JCin. 9. 15. let none g. forth 19. 31. out of Jerusalem shall g+ forth a remnant, Ita. 37. 32. GO Job 21. 5. as wild asses g. they/ Ps. 78. 52. he made his people to g.f. 108. II. wilt uotg. f. with hosts ? Prov. 25. 8. g. not/ hastily to strive 30. 27. no king, yet g. / b"y bands Cant. 3. 11. g.f. O daughters of Zion 7. 11. let us g. f. into the villages Isa. 2. 3. out of Zion shall g.f. the law, Mic. 4. 2. 42. 13. L. shall g.f. as a mighty man 48. '20. g. f of Babylon, Jer. 50. 8. 49. 9. mayest say to prisoners, g.f 17. that made thee waste shall g.f 62. 1. till righteousness thereof g./ Jer. 6*. 25. g. not/ into the held It. 18. if 1 g*f into the fi.-Id, then 15. 2. whither shall we g.f? 25. 32. evilg. / fr. nation to nation 31. 4. thou shalt g.f. in the dances 39. the measuring line shall g.f. 35. 17. wilt g.f. to king of Babylon 43. 12. he shall g.f. thence in peace Ezek. 12. 4. as they that g. f to capt. 30. 9. in that day messengers sh. g.f. Dan. 1). 44. he shall g.f with fury Joel 2. 16. let bridegroom g.f. chain. Hab. 1. 4. judgment doth never g.f. Zec/t. 6. 5. these four spirits \vh. g.f. 6. black horses g. f. to north count. 14. 3. then shall Lord g.f. and fight Mai. 4. 2. ye shall g.f and grow up Mat. 24. 2(5. he is in desert, g. not/ Arts 16.3. him would Paul haveg./' Heb. 13. 13. let us g.f to him A'eo. 16. 14. spirits of devils wh. g.f. GO forward. E.r. 14. 15. speak to Israel they g.f. 2 Kin. 20. 9. shall shadow g. f. 10 deg. Job 23. 8. I g. /, but he is not there GO in, or into, or not GO *'«. A'tim. 4. 19. Aaron and sons sh. g. in 8. 15. after that shall Levites g. in 27. 17. g. out, andg. in before them 32. 9. should, not g. into the land Deut. 1. 38. Joshua shall g. in thither 4. I. and g. in and possess, 8. 1. Ps. 2(5. 4. not g. in with dissemblers 1 18. 19. open'the gates, I will g. in 1 19. 35. g. in path of thy command. 132. 7. we will g. into his tabernacle Prov. 27.10. norg. i. brother's house Isa. 2. 19. shall g. into holes of rox;ks ./<.'/*. 4. 5. let usg. i. defenced cities 36. 5. I cannot g. into house of Lord 42. 14. we will g. into land of Egypt 19. L. hath said, g. ye not i. Egypt ErekAGAO.when theyg. i. prince Nah. 3. 14. g. into clay, and tread 'Lech. G. 10 g. into house of Josiah Mat. 2. 20. take child, g. into Israel 7. 13. and many there be that g. in 20. 4. g. into the. vineyard, 7. 21. 2. g. into village, Luke 19. 30. 31. harlots g into kingdom of God 22. 9. g. i. high-ways, bid to mar. 23. 13. ye neither g. in, nor suffer 26.18. g. into the city, Mark 14. 13. Mark G. 36. may g. into the country 8. 26. nor g. into town, nor tell any 16. 15. g. into all the world, preach Lukel5.28. angry, and would uotg.j. John 10. 9. he shall g. in and out Acts 1. 11. as ye see him g. i. heaven Rev. 17. 8. beast shall g. i. perdition See Captiviiv. GO in. Gen. 16. 2. g. in unto my maid 19. 31. make drink wine, and g. i. 30. 3. my maid Bilhah, g. in to her 38. 8. g. in unto thy brother's wife Deut. 21. 13. after thoug. in to her 22. 13. take a wife, g. m to her 85. 5. husband's brother g. in to her . arise andg. to father Ads 18. G. henceforth Iw. g. to Gen. GO near. Deut. 5. 27. g. n. hear all the L. says 2 Sam. 1. 15. g. «., fall upon him Job 31. 37. as a prince would I g. n. Acts 8. 29. g. n., join to this chariot GO *<.ct, or not GO. Mxq$< 33, 15 if thy presence g, n, 198 GO Kian. 10. 30. Hobab said, I will n. g. 20. 20. and he said, thou shalt n. g 22. 12. said to Balaam, shalt w. g. 18. n. g. beyond word of L. 24.13. Deut. 3. 27. shait n. g. over Jordan G. 14. ye shall n. g. after other god-*, 1 Kings 11. 10. 24. 19. thou shalt n. g. to fetch it 32. 52. thou shalt n. g. thither JoJi. 8. 4. g. n. far from the city Judg. 20. 8. we will n. anyg. to tent Ruth 3.17. g. n. empty to thy mother. 1 Sam. 17. 39. David said I cannot g 29. 8. I may n. g. to fight enemies 2 Sam. 13. 25. ». allg., he would n.g. 2 Kin.2A8. did I not say to you, g.ri.? 1 Chr. 21. 30. David could n. g. before 2 Chr. 25. 13. soldiers that sh. n. g. Prov. 4. 13. take instruction, let n.g. 14. g. n. into the way of evil men 22. 24. with furious man shalt n. g Isa. 52. 12. ye shall n. g. with haste Jer. 10. 5. be borne, they cannot g. 1(5.8. shalt n. g. to house of feasting 25. 6. g. n. after other gods, 35. 15. 27. 18. vessels left g. n. to Babvloii 43. 2. g. n. into Egypt, 42. 19. •19. 12. thou shalt n. g. unpunished Lam. 4, IS. we cannot g. in streets Ezek. 42. 14. priests shall n. g.our Mat. 10. 5. g. n. into way of Gentiles Luke 10. 7. g. n. from house to house 17.23. here or there, g. n. after, 21.8. GO over. Deut. 3. 25. let me g. o. and see land 28. Joshua shall g. o. before, 31. 3. 4. 14. laud whither ye g. over, 2(1 | 31. 13. | 32. 47. 22. I must not g. o. Jordan, yesli. 24.2').thou shalt not g. o. the boughs 30. 13. who shall g. o. the sea for 113 31. 3. the Lord will g.o. before thee 34. 4. thou shalt uot g. o. thither Josh. 1. 2. arise, g. 0. this Jordan Judg. 12. 5. Ephraim said, let me g.o. 1 Sam. 14. 1. let us g. 0. to Philist. 6. 30. 10. so faint, they could not g. o 2 Sam. 16. 9. let meg. 0. and take oil 19. 37. Chimham, let him g. over Isa. 8. 7. come and g. 0. his banks 11. 15. sh. make men g. o. dry-shod 51. 23. bow down, that we inayg-. o. 54. 9. waters of Noah no inoreg. o. Jer. 41. 10. Ishmael departed to sr. o. GO out. Gen. 9. 10. from all thatg. 0. of ark 24. 11. women g. o. to draw water 45.1. cause every man g. o. from me E.rod, 6. II. let children of Isr. g. o. 8. 29. behold, I g. o. from thee 11.8. after that I will g. out 10. not let children of Israel g. o. 12. 22. none shall g. 0. at the door 16. 4. people g. 0. and gather a rate 29. no man g. o. place on 7th day 21. 2. in 7th year he shall g. o. free S.came by himself, g.o. by himself; if married, wife g. 0. with him 4. and he shall g. 0. by himself 5. if servant say, I will notg. 0. 1. maid. servant not g. 0. as men 11. then shall she g. o. free without Lev. 6. 13. fire on altar sh. never g.o. 8. 33. not g. o. of taberna. in 7 days 10. 7. not g. 0. at door, lest ye die 14. 38. the priest sh. g. 0. of house 15. 16. if man's seed of copulat. g.o. 16. 18. sh. g. 0. to altar before Lord 21. 12. norg. 0. of the sanctuary 25. 28: in juhilee it sh. g. 0. 31. 33. 30. notg. o. in jubilee |! 54. sh. g.o Deut. 24. 5. taken wife, nutg. to war 28. 25. thou shalt g. 0. one way Josh, g. 18. wlio g, «?. Wqo4 Q9 GO Judg. 9 39. g. o. and fight with them 10. 20. I will g. o. as at other times 20. '28. shall I again g: out to battle 1 Sam. 19. 3. g. o. stand beside fatli. 20. 11. let nsg-. out into the field 28. 1. Aehish said, g. out with me 1 Sam. 5. 24. the L. shall g. o. before 21. 17. thou sh. g. no more o. to bat. 1 Kin. IS. 17. not suffer any to g. o. or come into Asa, 2 Chr. 10.1. 20. 31. ropes on our heads, and g. o. 1 Chr. 20. 1. time kings g. o. to bat. 2CZir.18.21.g-. o. andbe a lyingspiric 20. 17. to morrow g. out against 26. 18. g. o. of sanctuary, hast tresp. 20. yea, himself hasted also to g. o. Job 15. 13. such words g. o. of mouth Ps. 00. 10. didst notg. o. with armies Pro. 22. 10. scorner, contention g. o. Ec.cl. 8. 3. not hasty to g. o. of sight Isa. 52. 11. depart, g. o. from thence 12. ye shall notg-. o. with haste 55. 12. ye shall g. out with joy Jer. 21. 12. lest fury g. out like fire 51. 45. g. ye o. of the midst of her Ezek. 15. 7. shall g. o. from one fire 44. 3. prince shall g. o. same way 4(1 9. enter, by north, g.o. by south Amos 4. 3. ye shall g. o. at breaches Zech. 14. 8. living waters g. o. fr. Jer. Mat. 25. 6. brideg. Cometh, g. o. to Luke 9. 5. when yeg\ o. of the city 14. 21. g.o. into streets and lanes 23. g. o. into high- ways and hedges 1 Cor. 5. 10. then mustg-. o. of world Jleb. U.S. A bra. when he called tog. o. Rev. 3. 12. overcometh,g. no ranreo. 20. 8. shall g. n. to deceive nations GO to. Ccn. II. 3. g. to, let us make brick 4. g. to, let us build || 7. confound Ecct.2A.g-. to now, 1 will prove thee Isa. 5. 5. g. to, I tell what I will do Jam. 4. 13. g. to, ye that say to-day 5. 1. g. to now, ye rich men GO up. Gen 35. 1. arise, g. up to Beth-el 3. 44. 33. let lad g. up with brethren 34. how sh. I g. up to father ? 45.9. 50. G. Phar. said, g. up, bury father Ex. 8. 3. frogs g. up come into house 19. 12. heed ye g. not t«/)into mount 20.2G.nor sh. g. up by steps to altar 24. 2. neith. sh. peo. g. up with him 32.30.sinned a great siu, 1 willg. up 33. 1. g. up, thou and the people 3. I wiil not g. up in midst of thee 34. 24. not desire land, when g. up Lev. 19. 16. thou shalt not g. tip and down as a tale bearer Num. 13. 30. letg. u. and possess it 31. not able to g. up against peo. l4.-2.g.notup |[ 44. presume tog. u. Det.it. 25. 7. let brother's wife g. up 30. 12. who shall g. up to heaven Josh. 7. 3. not all g. up, 3000 g. up 22. 33. not intend to g. up against Judg. 1. 1. who g. up for us to fight 2. L. said, Judah sh. g. up, 20. 18. 2. 1. I made youg. up out of Egypt 11. 37. g. up and down on mount. 18. 9. we mayg. up against them 20. 9. g. up by lot against Gibeali 18. which shall g. up first to battle 23. shall I g. up || 28. g. up against 1 Sam.1.22. not g. up till child wean. 6.20. whom shall he g. up from us? 9. 13. find him before he g. up to 14. Sam. tog. up to high place 19. 14.9. they say, tarry, will not g. up 10. come up unto us, ve willg. up 2 Sum. 2. 1. I g. up to any cities of Judah ? L. said g. up to Hebron b. 19. shall I g. upaga. Philistines? GOE 2Sam.\5.20. 1 make theeg\up with us 19. 34. how long have I to live, that I should g. u.? 24. 18. g. up, rear altar, 1 C7;r.2!.18. 1 Kin. 12. 24. not g. up, 2 Chr. 11. 4. 27. this people g. up to do sacrifice 28. too much tog. up to Jerusalem 18. 43. g. up, look towards sea 22. 6. g. up for the L. shall deliver it, 12. 2 Chr. 18. 11, 14. 20. g.up fall at Ramoth, 2 Ch. 18. 19. 2 Kin. 1. 3. g. up meet messengers 2. 23 g. up, thou bald head 3. 7. wilt thou g. up against Moab ? 8. he said, which way will weg\ u. 12. 17-Hazael set face to g.up to Jer. 18. 25. g. up against land, Jsa.'SG. 10. 20. 5. on third day sh. g. up to house 8. what sign that 1 g.up ? /.?<7.38.22. 22. 4. g. up to Hiikiah, high priest 1 Chr. 14. 10. sh.Ig. up?tt 14. g. not 2 Chr. 18. 5. sh. we g. up t > Ramoth 36. 23. let him g. up, Ezra 1. 3. Ezra 7. 9. to g. up from Babylon 13. minded to g. up, go with me Nch. 4. 3. fox g. up he break down Ps. 104. 8. they g. up by mountains 132. 3. 1 will not g. up into my bed Cant. 6. 6. sheep g. up from washing 7. 8. I will g. up to the palm-tree Isa. 2. 3. let us g. up to mountain of Lord, Mic. 4. 2. 7. 6. let us g. up against Judah 15. 5. with weeping sh. they g. up 22. 2. g. up, Elam|| 34.10.smokeg-.it. 35. 9. nor ravenous beast g. u. there 36. 10. g. up against this land Jer. 5. 10. g. ye up upon her walls 6. 4. arise and let us g. up at noon 21. 2. Nebuchadnezzar mayg-. up 22. 20. g. up to Lebanon, and cry 31. 6. let us g. up to Zion to the L. 46. 8. 1 will g. up and cover earth 11. g. up into Gilead, take balm 48. 5. continual weeping shall g. up 49. 28. g. up to Kedar, spoil 50. 21. g. up aga. land of .Merathaim Ezek. 3S. 1 1. g. up to unwalled villa. 40. 26. seven steps to g. up to it Hos. 4. 15. neither g. up to Beth-aven Hag.X.S. g. up to mount, bring wood Zech. 14. 16. g. up from year to year Mat. 20. 18. we g. up to Jerusalem, Mark 10. 33. Luke 18. 31. Luke 14. 10. say friend, g. u. higher John 7. 8. g. ye up to feast, I g. not Acts 15. 2. g. up to Jer. about quest. 21. 4. Paul not g. up to Jerusa. 12. 25. 9. wilt thou g. up to Jerusalem ? GO a u-horing. Ex. 34. 15. g. a whoring after gods 16. sons, daughters g. a ichor, after Lev. 20. 5. cut off all that g. a irhor. Num. 15. 39. ye use to g. a ivJ/ori'ng Deut. 3i. 16. people will g. a ivhoring 2 C/if.21.13. Jehor. made Jud. g. a w. Ps. 73. 27. destroyed all g. a trfwr. Ezek. 6. 9. g. a whoring after idols GO EST. Gen. 28. 15. keep thee whi. thou g. 32.17. whither g. thou ? Judg. 19. 17. Zech. 2. 2. John 13. 36. | 16. 5. Ex. 33. 16. not that thou g. with us 34. 12. no covenant whither thou g. Num. 14. 14. g. before them by day Deut. 11. 10. thou g. is not as Egypt 12. 29. cut off nations whi. thou g. 20. \. g. to battle, and seest, 21. 10. 23. 20. God bless thee whither thou g. Josh. 1 . 7. 28. 6. blessed when thou g. out 19. cursed when thong out 21. pestilence whither thou g I 63. plucked land whither thou g. 197 GOE Deut. 32.50. die in mount whither g. Josh. 1. 9. L. with thee whi. thou g. Judg. 14. 3. g. take a wife of Philis. Ruth 1. 16. whither thou g. I will go 2 Sam. 15. 19. wherefore g. with us ? 1 Kin. 2. 37. day g. over brook, 42. Ps. 44. 9. g. not forth with armies Prov. 4. 12. when g. steps not strait. 6. 22. when thou g. it sh. lead thee Eccl. 5. 1. keep thy foot, g. to house 9. 10. nor wisdom in grave whi. g. Jer. 45. 5. give for prey whi. thou g. Mat. 8. 19. I will follow whither g. Luke 9. 57. Luke 12. 58. thou g. with adversary John] 1.8 and g. thou thither again ? 14. 5. we know not whither thoug-. GOETH. Exodl. 15. heg. out into the water 22. 26. deliver by that sung-, down 28. 29. Aaron bear when he g. in 30. on Aaron's heart when he g. in 35. sound heard when he g. in Lev. 11. 21. eat that g. on all four 14. 46. that g. into house unclean 15. 32. law of him whose seed g. from him, 22. 4. 16. 17. none in taber. when he g. in 22. 3. whog. to holy things unclean 27. 2). when it g. in jubilee, be ho'y Num. 5. 29. law when wife g. aside Deut. 1. 30. L. which g. before fight 9. 3. God is he that g. before you 20. 4. Lord your God g. with you 23. 9. when hostg-. against enemies 24. 13. deliver pledge when sung-. Judg. 5. 31. sun when g. in might 1 Sam. 22. 14. David, whog. at bid. 30. 24. his part is that g. to battle 2 Kin. 5. 18. g. to house of Rimmon 11. 8. with king as he g. 2 Ch. 23.7. Job 7. 9. g. to grave, come no more 9.11. lo, he g. by me, I see him not 31. 8. g. with workers of iniquity 37. 2. sound that g. out of mouth 39. 21. he g. onto meet armed men Ps. 17. 1. g. not out of feigned lips 41. 6. when he g. abroad, he telleth 68. 21. such as g. on in trespasses 88. 16. thy fierce wrath g. over me 97. 3. a fire g. before him, burnetii 104. 23. man g. forth to his work 126. 6. heg. forth and weepeth 146. 4. breath g. forth, hereturneth Prov. 6. 29. g. in to neighbour's wife 11.10. when g. well with righteous 16. 18. pride g. before destruction 20. 19. that g. about as tale-bearer 26. 9. thorn g. into hand of drunk. 20. where no wood is, fire g. out 31. 18. candle g. not out by night Eccl. 1. 5. sun g. down, and hasteth 3. 21. the spirit of man g. up, the spirit of beast g. down 12. 5. because man g. to long home Isa. 28. 19. from the time it g. forth 30. 29. as when one g. with a pipe 55.1 l.so sh.my word be thatg. forth 59. 8. g. therein sh. not know peace 63. 14. as a beast g. down into val. Jer. 5. 6. that g. out thence be torn 6. 4. wo unto us, for dayg. away 21. 9. g. out to Chald. sh. live, 38.2. 22. 10. weep for him that g. away 30. 23. whirlwind of Lord g. forth 44. 17. do what g. out of mouth 49. 17. g. by it be astonished, 50. 13. Ezek. 7. 14. but none g. to battle 33. 31. heart g. after covetousness 44. 27. in day he g. into sanctuary Hos. 6. 4. goodness as dewg. away 5. judgments as light thatg-. forth Zech. 5. 3. this the curse thatg. forth G. this is au ephah that g. forth GOA Mat. 8. 9. I say go, and heg. Lu. 7. 8. 13. 41. for joy g. and selleth all ).*). 11. not what g. into mouth defil. 17. 21. g. not out but by prayer 26.24. Son of man g. as it is written, Mark 14. 21. Luke 22. 22. 28. 1.g. before to Galilee, Mar. 16.7. John 3. 8. canst not tell whither it g. 7. 20. devil; g. about to kill thee ? 10. 4. he g. before, the sheep follow 11. 31. she g. unto the grave 12. 35. knoweth no* whither he g. 1 John 2. 11. I Cor. 6. 6. brother g. to law wi. bro. 9. 7. g. a warfare at own charges ? Jam. I. 24. beholdeth himself andg. Wm 14. 4-follow Lamb whither h^g. 17.11. of the saven.g. into perdition 19. 15. out of mouth g. sharp sword GOING. Exod. 17. 12. hands to g. down of sun 23. 4. if thine enemy's oxg. astray Num. 34. 4. g. forth be from south Dent. 16. 6. passo. at g. down of sun 33. 18. rejoice, Zebulun, in g. out Josh. 7. 5. smote them in g. down 10. 11. in theg\ down to Beth-horon 27. g. down of sun carcases taken 23. 14. g. the way of all the earth Judg. 19. 18. I am g. to house of L. 1 Sam. 10. 3. meet 3 men ^. up to G. 2 Sam. 2. 19. ing. he turned not 5.24. soundofg. in trees, 1 C7ir.14.15. 1 Kin. 17. 1 1. as she wasg. to fetch it 22. 36. proclama. at g. down of sun 2 Kin, 2.23. g. by way, child, mocked 9. 27. smote Ahaziah atg. to Gur 2 Chron. 18. 34. sun g. down, he died Job 1. 7. from g. to and fro, 2. 2. 33. 24. deliver from g. down to pit 28. deliver soul fromg. into pit Psal. 19. 6. g. forth fr. end of heaven 50. 1. from rising of sun tog-, down, 113. 3. Mai. 1. 11. 104. 19. sun knoweth his g. down Prov. 7. 27. g. to chambers of death 14. 15. prudent looketh well to g. 30. 29. yea four are comely in g. Isa. 13. 10. sun darkened in g. forth Jer. 50. 4. g. and weeping seek Lord Ezek. 40. 31. g. up had 8 steps, 34,37. 44. 5. every g. forth of sanctuary 46. 12. after g. forth, one shutgate Dan. 6. 14. labour. tillg-. down of sun 9. 25. g.»forth of the commandment Hos. 6. 3. his g. forth is prepared Mat. 26. 46. let us be g. he is at hand Luke 14. 31. what kingg-. to war John 8. 59. g. thro' midst of them Acts 20. 5. g. before, tarried at Troas Horn. 10. 3. g. to establish own right. 1 Tim. 5. 24. sins g. before to judgm. lleb. 7. 18. a disannulling of com. g. Jude 7. g. after strange flesh, are See Coming. GOINGS. Num. 33. 2. Moses wrote their g. out 34. 5. the g. out of their borders, 8,9, 12. Josh. 15. 4.7, 11. I 13. 3, 8. | 18. 12, 14. Job 34. 21. his eyes seeth .ill his g. Ps. 17. 5. hold up myg. in thy paths 40. 2. and established my g. 68. 24. seen thy g. even g. of God 140. 4. purposed to overthrow g. Pro*. 5. 21. he pondereth all hisg\ 20. 24. man's g. are of the Lord Isa. 69. 8. no judgment in their g. Ezek. 42.11. g. out accord, to fashions 43. 11 thew them g. out thereof Mic. 6. 2. whose g. forth from of old GOAD, S. Judg. 3. 31. slew 600 with an ox g. 1 Sam. 13. 21. had file to sharpen g GOA Eccl. 12. 11. words of wise are as g. GOAT. Gen. 15. 9. heifer, a she g. of 3 years Lev. 3. 12. if his offering be a g. 4. 24. lay his hand on head of g. 7. 23. eat no fat of ox, sheep, or g. 9. 15. theg. which was sin-offering *0. 16. Moses sought g. sin-offering 16. 9. Aaron shall bring the g. 22. let go the g. in wilderness 17. 3. whoso, killeth ag. in camp 22. 27. g. is brought forth 7 days Num. 15. 27. sin thro'ignor. bringg. 18. !7. firstling of g. sh. notredeein 28. .22. one g. for a sin-offering, 29. 22, 28, 31, 34, 38. Dent. 14. 4. eat the ox, sheep, andg. Ezek. 43. 25. prepare every day a g. Dan. d 5k the g. had a notable horn 21. the rough g. is king of Grecia He- GO AT. Prov. 30.31. comely in going, an he-g. Jer. 51. 40. bring like rams with he-g. Dan. 8. 5. behold, an he-g. fr. west 8. the he-g. waxed very great Live- GO AT. Lev. 16. 20. bring l.-g. \\ 21. lay both hands on l.-g. Scape-GOAT. Lev. 16. 8. the other lot for scape-g. 10. let him go for s.-g. to wilder. 26. that let go scape-g. shall wash Wild- GO AT. Dent. 14. 5. ye shall eat the irild-g. "GOATS. Gen. 27. 9. fetch me two kids of g. 16. put skins of g. on his hands 30. 32. spotted and speckled amo. g. 33. not speckled g. \\ 35. remov. g. 31. 38. she g. not cast their young 32. 14. 200she-g. and twentv he-g. 37. 31. killed a kid of the g.' Exod. 12. 5. take it from sheep or g. Lev. 1. 10. his offering be sheep org. 4. 23. if sin come to knowledge sh. bring a kid of the g. 28. | 5. 6. 9. 3. a kid of g. for a sin-offering 16.5.two kids of g. \\ 7.twog. present 22. 19. a male of the sheep or g. 23. 19. kid of g. for a sin offering. Num. 7. 16. | 15. 24. Num. 7. 17. five rams, five he-g. 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83. 87. kids of g. for a sin-offering 88. heg\ sixty, the lambs sixty Deut. 32. 14. he g. of breed of Bashan 1 Sam. 25.2. Nabal had a thousandg-. 2 Chr. 17. 1 1. Arab, brought 7700 g. 29. 21. seven he g. for sin-offering Ezra 6. 17. at dedication twelve he g. 8. 35. children offered twelve he g. Psal. 50. 9. I will take no he-g. out 13. or will I drink the blood of g. 66. 15. I will offer bullocks with g. Prov. 27. 26. g. are price of thy field 27. thoushalt haveg\ milk enough Cant. 4. 1. hair as a flock of g. 6. 5. Isa. 1. 11. not in the blood of he g. 34. 6. sword fat with the blood of g. Jer. 50. 8. as the he-g-. before flocks Ezek. 27. 21. Arabia occupied in g. 34. 17. judge between rams and he-g. 39. 18. drinK blood of iambs andg 43. 22. second day offer a kid of g. 45. 23. kid of g. daily for sin-offer. Zech. 10. 3. I punished the g. Mat. 25. 32. divideth sheep from g. 33. set the g. on his left hand Heb. 9. 12. nor entered by blood ofg. 13. if the blood ofg-. sanctifieth 19. took blood ofg. and sprinkled 10. 4. not pos. blood ofg. take sins GOATS hair. Ex. 25. 4. offering ye shall take, g. h. 138 GOD Ex. 26. 7. make curtains ofg-. hmr 35. 6. let him bringg-. hair 23. with whom was found g. hair 26. and all the women spun g. hair 36. 14. curtains ofg. hair for tent Num. 31. 20. purify all work ofg. h, I Sam 19. 13. pillow ofg-. hair, 16. GOATS.»Wat Heb. U. 37. wandering in g.-tkins Wild GOATS. 1 Sam. 24. 2. David on rocks of tp. g Job 39. 1. when wild g. bring forth Ps. 104. 18. high hills refuge for v. g GOBLET. Cant. 7. 2. thy navel like a round g GOD referred to man. Ex. 4. 16. be to Aaron instead ofg 7. 1. made thee ag\ to Pharaoh GOD for idol. Judg. 6. 31. if a g. let him plead 8. 33. made Baal-berith their g. 9. 27. went into the house of their g. 1 1. 24. which Chemosh thyg. giveth 16. 23. Philistinesg. was Dagon 24 1 Sam. 5. 7. his hand is sore on ourg 1 Kin, 11. 33. worshipped g. of Moab. 18. 27. he is a g. either talking, or 2 Kin. 1. 2. Baal-zebub the g. of Ekron, 3, 6, 16. 19. 37. worshipping in the house of Nisroch hisg. 2CAr.32.21./*«.37.38. Psal. 16. 4. hasten after another g. Isa. 44. 10. formed g. or molten ima,? 15. maketh g. worshippeth it, 17. 45. 20. pray to a g. cannot save 46. 6. maketh itag. they worship Da?i. 1. 2. vessels to house of his g. 4. 8. according to name of my g. 11. 36. magnify him. above every g. Amos 5. 26. star of your g. Actsl. 43. 8. 14. say, thyg-. O Dan, liveth Jonah 1. 5. cried, every man to hisg. Mic. 4. 5. walk in the name of hisg. Hab. 1.11. imputing power to hisg-. Acts 12.22. voice of ag. not of a man Any GOD. Exod. 22. 20. sacr. to any g. save L. 2 Sam. 7. 22. is there a. G. besides, 1 Chron. 17. 20. Dan. 3. 28. not worship any g. except G.7. ask petition of a. g. or man, 12. 11. 37. neither sh. he regard any g. Other GOD. Exod. 34. 14. shalt worship no oth. g Dan. 3. 29. no other g. can deliver 1 Cor. 8. 4. is none other g. but one Strange GOD. Deut. 32. 12. no strange g. with then* Psal. 44. 20. out hands to strange g 81. 9. no strange g. be in thee Isa. 43. 12. no strange g. am. them Dan. 11. 39. thus shall do with st. g. GOD. Gen. 16. 13. Lord, thou G. seest me 17. 7. be a G. to thee and thy seed 31. 13. I am the G. of Bethel 42. 28. what is this G. done to us ? 45. 8. not you sent me hither, but G. 48. 21. I die, but G. be with you Exod. 6. 7. you to me, be to you G 18. 19. and G. shall be with thee Num. 23. 23. what hath G. wrought ? 24. 23. who live when G. doth this? Deut.i.l.wh. nation hathG. so nigh i 29. 13. that he may be to thee a G. 1 Sam. 3. 17. G. do so and more also, 14. 44. | 25. 22. 2 Sam. 3. 9, 35 | 19.13. 1 Kin, 2.23. 2 A'm.6.31. 17. 46. know there is a G. in Israel 22. 3. know what G. will do for me 2 Sa?n. 22. 32. who is G. save the Lord ? Psal 18. 31. 1 Kin. 38. 21. if the L. be G. follow 39. the Lord, he is the G. the L GOD 8 Kin. 19 15. thou art G. even thou 2 Chr. 20. 6. O Lord G. art thou not G. in heaven ? Ezra 1. 3. his G. be with him Neh. 9. 17. art a G. ready to pardon Job 22.13. doth G. know ? Ps. 73. 11. I'«. 5 4. not a G. hast pleasure in 52. 7. man made not G, his strength 86. 10. thou art G. alone, Isa. 37.16. Tsa. 12. 2. behold, G. is my salvation 44. 8. is there a G. besides me ? no 45. 22. 1 am G. there is none else 46. 9. I am G. there is none like me Jer. 31. 33. I will be their G. 32. 38 ,B«eA:.28.2.hast said, I sit in seat of G 9. thou shalt be a man, and no G Hos. 8. 6. workman made it, no G. 11. 9. I am G. not man, Holy One Mic. 7. 18. who is a G. like to thee ? Mat.l. 23. name Immanuel, wh. is G 6. 24. ye cannot serve G. and mam mon, Luke 16. 13 19. 17. there is none good but one that is G. Mar. 10. 18. Lu.18. 19. Mark 12. 32. there is one G. no othei John 1. 1. the Word was with G. 3.2.do miracles, except G. with him 8. 41. we have one Father, even G. 42. I proceeded, and came from G. 17. 3. know thee, the only true G. Acts 2. 22. wonders which G. did 5. 29. obey G. rather than men 7. 9. sold Joseph, but G. with him 10. 34. G. no respecter of persons Rom. 3. 4. let G. be true, man a liar 8. 31. if G. for us, who against us :* 15.5. G. of patience and consolation 1 Cor. R 6. but one G. the Father 15. 28. that G. may be all in all 2 Cor. 1. 21. he wis. anointed us is G. 4. 4. G. of this world hath blinded 13.11. G. of love and peace with you 2 Thes. 2. 4. above all called G. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. manifest in the flesh Tit. 1. 16. prof-ss thatthey know G. Heb. 3.4. he tli.it built all things is G. 4. 10. ceased from works, as G. did 8. 10. to them a G., they a people 1 John 1. 5. G. light, in him no dark. 4. 12. no man seen G. at any time Rev. 21. 3. G. himself be with them 4. G. shall wipe away all tears 7. I will be his G. he be my Son Against GOD. Gen. 39.9. this wickedn. and sin a. G Num. 21.5. the people spake ag. G. Psalm IS. 19. 1 Chr. 5. 25. they transgressed a. G 2 Chr. 32. 19. spake a. G. of Jerusa, Job 15. 13. turnest thy spirit ag. G. 25. stretcheth out his hand ag. G. 34. 37. multiplieth his words ag. G. Dan. 3. 29. speak amiss a. G. of Shad. 11.36. marvel, things org-. G. of gods Hos. 13. 16. she hath rebelled a. G. Acts 5. 39. lest be found to tight a.G. (J. 11. spoken hlasphem. words a. G 23. 9. let us not fight against G. Rom. 8. 7. carnal mind enmity a. G. 9. 20. who art that repliest ag. G.? Rev. 13. 6. opened his mouth ag. G. See Almighty. Before GOD. Gen. 6. 11. earth was corrupt b. G. Exod. 18. 12. eatwi.Moses'fath.&.G. JVwA.24.1. presented themselves b. G. Judg. 21. 2. people abode before G. 1 Chr. 13. 8. Dav. and Isr. played &.G. 10. and there Uzza died before G. 16. 1. offered burnt-sacrifices b. G. 2 Chr. 33. 12. Manasseh humbled b.G. 34. 27. Josiah's heart humbled b. G. Ezra 7. 19. deliver 6. G. of Jerusa. Jobl5. 4.tho , '"' , "trftine8t prayer b. G. GOD Ps. 42. 2. when sh. I appear bef. G.? 56. 13. walk b. G. in light of living 61. 7. he shall abide bef. G. for ever 68. 3. let righteous rejoice b. G. 84.7. every one in Zion appear. b.G. Eccl. 2. 26. give to him good b. G. 5. 2. heart hasty to utter before G. 8. 13. because he feareth not bef. G. Daw. 6. 10. gave thanks b. G. as afore. 11. found making supplication b. G. 26. men tremble b. G. of Daniel Luke 1. 6. were both righteous b. G. 12. 6. not one is forgotten before G. 24. 19. a prophet mighty before G. Acts 7. 46. who found favour bef. G. 10.4. alms come for a memorial b.G. 33. all here present b. G. to hear 23. 1. lived in good conscience b. G Rom. 2. 13. not hearers just bef. G. 3.19. world may become guilty b. G. 4. 2. whereof to glory, but not b. G. 14. 22. have faith to thyself bef. G. 2 Cor. 12 19. we speak b. G. in Chr. Gal 1. 20. behold, bef. G. I lie not 1 Thes. 3. 13. establish hearts b. G. 1 Tim. 5. 4. good and accepta. b. G. 21. 1 charge thee b. G. 2 Tim. 4. 1. Jam. 1. 27. pure religion before G. Rev. 3. 2. works not perfect bef. G. 9.13. voice from horns of altar b. G. 12. 10. accused b. G. day and night 16.19.Babylon in remembrance b.G. 20. 12. 1 saw dead stand before G. See Called, Chosen, Commanded. Eternal GOD. Dent. 33. 27. the et. G. is thy refuge Everlastmg GOD. Gen. 21. 33. Abr. called name of e.G. Isa. 40. 28. the e. G. fainteth not Rom. 16. 26. commandment of e. G. See Father, Fear, Forbid, Gave, Glorify. High GOD. Gen. 14. 18. priest of the most h. G. Heb. 7. 1. 19. blessed be Abrah. of most A. G. 20. blessed be the most high G. 22. lift up my hand to most h. G. Ps. 57. 2. I will cry unto G. most h. 78. 35. the h. G. their Redeemer 56. they tempted the most h. G. Dan. 3. 26. servants of the most h. G. 4. 2. show wonders h. G. wrought 5. 18. h. G. gave Nebuch. kingdom 21. till he knew most A. G. ruled Mic. 6. 6. bow myself bef. most h. G. Mark 5. 7. son of most h. G. Lu.8.28. Acts 16. 17. these serv. of most h. G. Holy GOD. Josh. 24. 19. he is an h, G. jealous 1 Sam. 6. 20. who stand before h. G.? Ps. 99. 9. the Lord our G. is holy Isa. 5. 16. G. that is h. be sanctified GOD of heaven. 2 Chr. 36. 23. all kingdoms jf earth hath G. ofh. given me, Ezra 1. 2. Ezra 5. 11. servants of the G. ofh. 12. our fathers provoked G. of h. 6. 9. burnt-offerings of G. ofh. 10. 7. 12. scribe of law of G. ofh. 21. 23. commanded by G. of heaven Neh. 1. 4. prayed before G. ofh. 2. 4. Ps. 136. 26. Ogive thanks to G. ofh. Dan. 2. 18. desire mercies of G. ofh. 19. Daniel blessed the G. ofh. 44. G. ofh. shall set up kingdom Jonah 1. 9. I fear the Lord, Or. ofh. Rev. 11. 13. gave glorv to G. ofh. 16. 11. they blasphemed the G. ofh. GOD of hosts. Ps. 80. 7. turn us, O G. of hosts, 19. 14. return, we beseech, O G. ofh. Amos 5. 27. whose name is G. ofh. See Lord God. 199 GOD GODm. Gen. 21. 22. G. is with thee in all 31. 50. see, G. is witness betwixt Exod. 20.20. fear not, for G. is come Num. 23. 19. G. is not a man, that lie Deut. 3. 24. what G. m in heaven 33. 27. the eternal G. is thy refuge Josh.24. 19.our hoi v G. is a jealous G. .No/i. 1. 2. 1 Saw?. 4. 7. G. is come into She camp 10. 7. G. m with thee, 1 Chr.ll. 2. 28. 15 G. as departed from me 2 Saw, 22. 33. G. is my strength 1 Chr. 14. 15. G. is gone forth before 2 C/w. 13. 12. G. himself j's with us Job 33. 12. G. w greater than man 36. 5. G. is mighty, despiseth not 26. G. is great, we know him not Ps.7.1]. G. is angry with the wicked 10. 4. G. is not in all his thoughts 14. 5. G. is in generation of righte. 33. 12, blessed, whose G. is L. 144. 15. 46. 1. G. is our refuge and str. 62. 8. 5. G. e> in midst of her, not moved 47. 5. G. is gone up || 7. G. is king 48. 3. G. is known in her palaces 50. 6. G. is judge hims. Selah, 75. 7- 54. 4. behold, G. is my helper 56. 9. this 1 know, for G. is for ine 59. 9. I wait, G. is my defence, 17. 62. 7. in G. is my salvation, Isa. 12.2. 68. 5. father of the fatherless is G. 73 1. truly G. is good to Israel 26. G. is the strength of my heart 74.12. G. t'smy king of old, working 89. 7. G. is greatly to be feared in 116. 5. the Lord, our G. is merciful 118. 27. G. is L. that shewed light Eccl.b.2. G. is in heav. thou on earth Isa. 5.16. G. that is holy be sanctified 8. 10. G. is with us ||45.14.G.in thee Zech. 8. 23. heard that G. is with you Mat. 3. 9. G. is able of these stones to raise, Luke 3. 8. 22. 32. G. is not of dead, but living John 3. 33. set to seal that G. is true 4. 24. G. is a. spirit || 13. 31. glorified Acts 10. 34. G. is no respecter of per. Rom. 1. 9. G. is witness, wh. I serve 11. 23. G. is able to graff them in 14. 4. G. is able to make him stand 1 Cor. 1. 9. G. is faithf. by wh. called 30. 13. G. is faithful, will not suffer 14. 25. and report that G. is in you 33. G. is not author of confusion 2 Cor. 1. 18. as G. is true, our word 9. 8. G. is able make grace abound Gal. 3. 20. G. one || 6. 7. not mocked Eph. 2. 4. G. who is rich in mercy Phil. 1.8. G. is record, how I long 3. 19. many walk, G. is their belly 1 Thes. 2. 5. nor cloak, G. is witness Heb. 6. 10. G. is not unrighteous 11. 16. G. is not ashamed to he called 12. 29. our G. is a consuming fire 13. 16. with such sacrifi. G. is pleased 1 John 1.5. G. is light || 4.8. is love,16. 3. 20. G. is greater than our heart GOD of Israel. Exod. 24. 10. went, and saw G. of I, Num. 16. 9. G. of I. separated you Josh. 7. 19. to give glory to G. of Is. 1 Sam. 6. 5. 13. 33. G. of Isr. their inheritance 22. 16. what trespass ag. G. of I .? 24. what ye to do with G. of Isr.? 24. 23. incline your heart to G. of 1 Judg. 11. 23. G. of I. dispossessed Rutti2. 12. reward given of G. of Is. 1 Sam. 1. 17. G. of I. grant petition 5. 11. send away the ark of G.ofl. 1 Kin. 8. 23. Lord G. of Is. no G. is like thee, 2 Chr. 6. 14. 14. 13. good thing toward G. of Is. GOD 1 Ch. 4. 10. Jabez called on G. of It. 17. 24. Lord of hosts is the G. of Is. 2 Ch. 15. 13. who not seek G. of Is.? Ezra 7. 15. freely offered to G. of I. 9. 4. trembled at words of G. of I. Ps. 41. 1:3. blessed be the Lord G. of Is. from everlasting to everlast- ing, 72. 18. | 106. 48. Luke 1. 68. Isa. 41. 17. G. of I. will not forsake 45. 3. I which call thee am G. of I. 48.2. they stay themselves on G.ofl. Ezek 8. 4. the glory of G. of I. there .Mtf£.15.31. multitude irloritied G.ofl. Living GOD. Deut. 5. 26. heanl the voice of?. G. Jnsh. 3. 10. hereby know the I. G. 1 Sam. 17. 26. defy armies of I. G.36. 2 Kin. 19. 4. king of Assyria sent to reproach I G. 16. Isa. 37. 4, 17. Vs. 42. 2. my soul thirsteth for /. G. 84. 2. my heart crieth out for I. G. Jer. 10.lu.tlie I. <;., everlasting king 23. 36. perverted the words of I. G. Dun. 6. 26. I. G. stedfast for ever Has. 1. 10. ye are sons of living G. Mat. 16. 16. art Christ, son of 7. G. John G. 69. 26. 63. I adjure thee by I. G. tell us Acts 14. 15. turn fr. vanities to /. G. Rom. 9. 26. be called children of l.G. 2 Cor. 3. 3. with the Spirit of I. G. 6. 16. ye are the temple of the I. G. 1 Thes. 1. 9. from idols to serve I. G. 1 Tim. 3. 15. the church of the I. G. 4. 10. we trust in the /. G. 6. 17. lleb. 3. 12. evil heart depart, fr. l.G. 9. 14. purge conscience to serve /. G. 10. 31. to fall into hands of the I. G. 12. 22. come to Zion, city of I. G. Rev. 7. 2. aneel having seal oil. G. Lord GOD, Lord his GOD, Lord our, their, your GOD. See these in the divisions of the word Lord. Merciful GOD. E.vod. 34.6. the Lord G. m. gracious Deut. 4. 31. Lord thy God is a m. G. 2 Chr. 30. 9. Lord your G. is mer. Neh. 9.31. thou art agracious, m. G. Ps. 116. 5. gracious is L.,G. is m. Jonah 4. 2. 1 knew thou art a G. m. Mighty GOD. Gen. 49. 24. by hands of m. G. of Jac. Deut. 7. 21. Lord is among yon, a mighty G. 10. 17. Neh. 9. 32. therefore our G. the m. Job 38. 5. G. is m. and despiseth not Ps. 50. 1. the m. G. hath spoken 132. 2. he vowed to wi. G. of Jacob 5. till I find an habitation for m. G. Isa. 9. 6. name sh. be called the m. G. 10. 21. remnant sh. return to m. G. J. is able to deliver Zech. 9. 7. remaineth be for our G. 1 Cor. 6. II. sanct. by spirit of o. G. Heb. 12. 29. o. G. is a consuming fire Rev. 5. 10. made us to our G. kings 7. 10. salvation to o. G. who sitteth 12. ble3sing and honour be to o. G. See Peace, Said, Saith, Serve, Sent, Spfak, Speed, Spokes. Their GOD. Gen. 17. 8. 1 will be their G. E.vod. 29. 45. Jer. 24. 7. | 31. 33. | 32.38. Ezek. 1 1 . 20. I 34. 24. | 37. 23, 27. Zech. 8. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 16. Rev. 21.3. Lev. 21. 6. shall be holy to their G. for offerings, and bread 26. 45. might be t. G. Ezek. 14. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 24. thou art become t. G. 1 Chr. 17. 22. Erra 5. 5. eye of t. G. on the elders Ps.79.10. where t. G.?l 15.2. Joel 2.17. Isa. 8. 19 sh. not people seek t. G.t 21. curse their king and their G. 58. 2. forsook not ordinance of t. G Jer. 5. 4. know not judgment of t. G Dan. 11. 32. people that know £ G. Hos. 4. 12. gone a whoring fr. th. G. 5.4. not frame doings to turn tot. G. Zech. 12. 5. strength in Lord th. G. ife6.ll. 16. not asham. to be call. t. G. See Lord their God. Thy GOD. [36,43. Lev. 19. 14. shalt fear thy G. 25. 17, Deut. 10. 21. he is thy praise, th. G. 26. 17. this day the L. to be thy G. Ruth 1.16. thy peo.my peo.i*. G. my G. 2 Kin. 19. 10. let not thy G. deceive thee, Isa. 37. 10. 1 Chr. 12. IS. thy G. helpeth thee 2 Chr. 9. 8. because t. G. loved Israe/ Ezra 7. 14. according to law of t. G 25. after the wisdom of thu G. Neh. 9. 18. t. G. that brought {bee uf Ps. 42. 3. say, where is thy G ? 10. 45. 7. t. G. hath anointed, Heb. 1.9. 50. 7. O Isr. I am God, even thy G. 63. 28. t. G. command thy strength 147. 12. praise thy G., O Zion /id. 41. 10. be not dismayed, I am t. G 51. 20. full of the rebuke of thy G. 52. 7. saith to Zion, thy G. reigneth 60. 19. thy G. shall be thy glory 62. 5. soshalU. G. rejoice over thee Dan. 6. 16. t. G. whom thou servest 20. is thy G. able to deliver ? 10. 12. chasten thyself before t. G. Hos. 4. 6. hast forgotten law of t, G. GOD Hos 9. 1. gonfc a whoring from t. G. 12 6. turn to t. G. and wait on t. G. Amos 4. 12. prepare to meet thy G. Jon.X.S. sleeper, arise, call upon t. G. Mic. 6. 8. to walk humbly with t. G. See Lord thn Goo. To, or jmto'GOD. G>?r. 40. 8. interpreta. belong Jo G.? Ex. 2. 23. and their cry came to G. /,er. 21. 7. for he is holy unto his G. Dcu. 32.17. sac. not to G. 1 Cor. 10.20. 33. 26. none like to the G. of Jeshu. Judg. 13. 5. a Naz. «. G. 7. | 16. 17. 1 Sam. 10. 3. three men go. up to G. 1 Chr. 26. 32. matter pertaining to G. Job 22. 2. can a man be profi. to G. ? 34. 31. it is meet to be said unto G. Ps. 62. 11. power belongeth to G. 68. 20. to G. be. issues from death 31. Ethio. stretch her hnnds to G. 73. 28. good to draw near to G. 77. 1. I cried to G. even to G. Eccl. 12. 7. S] irit shall return unto G. Ian. 58. 2. delight in approach, to G. I. inn. 3. 41. lift hearts wi. hands to G. Mat. 22. 21. render u.G. things which are G.'s Mar. 12. 17. Lu. 20. 25. JftA. 13. 3. come from G., went to G. Acts A. 19. hearken more than u. G. 5. 4. not lied unto men, but u. G. 26. 18. from power of Satan u. G. 20. turn to G. and do works meet Rom. 6. 10. liveth u. G. || 11. alive 13. yield yourselves u. G. as alive 7. 4. bring forth fruit unto G. 12. I. your bodies a living sac. u.G. 14. 12. account of himself to G. 1 Cor. 14. 2. speaketh unto G. 15. 24. delivered up kingdom to G. Phil. 4. 20. now u.G. and our Father Heh. 7. 25. to save them come u. G. 1 1. 6. that coineth to G. must believe 12. 23. ye are come to G. the Judge Jam. 4. 7. submit vourselves to G.~ 1 Pe. 3. 18. Christ'suf. bring us to G. 4. C. live according to G. in Spirit Her. 5. 9. redeemed us to G. by blood 12. 5. child caught up unto G. 14. 4. first-fruits it. G. and Lamb See True. With GOD. Gen. 5. 22. Enoch walked to G. 24. 6. 9. Noah walked u:G. \\ 32. 28. Jac. Ex. 19. 17. brought peo. to meet w. G. 1 Sa. 14. 45. wrought *ft G. this day 2 S<7. 23. 5. my house be not so w. G. 2 Chr. 35. 21. "forbear meddling to. G. Job 9. 2. should man be just w. G. 13. 3. I desire to reason w. G. 16. 21. might plead for a man fe G. 25. 4. how can a man be just. w. G. ? 27. 13. portion of wicked man iv. G. 34. 9. should delight himself in. G. 23. he enter into judgment w. G. 37. 22. iv. G. is terrible majesty Ps. 73. 8. spirit not stedfast u\ G. Hos. 11. 12. Judah yet ruleth u: G. 12. 3. Jacob had power with G. Mat. 19. 26. with men this is impos- sible, u: G. all things possible, Mar. 10. 27. Lu. 1. 37. | 18. 27. Luke 1. 30. hast found favour v. G. 2. 52. increased in favour w. G. John 1. 1. the Word was with G. 5. 18. himself equal iv. G. Phil. 2. 6. Rom. 2. 11. no respect of pers. w. G. 5. 1. by faith, we have peace w. G. 9. 14. is there unrighteousn. w.G. ? 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are labourers to. G. 19. wisdom of world foolishn. w. G. 7. 24. every man therein abide w. G. 2 Thcss. 1. 6. a righteous thing v. G. Jam. 4. 4. friendship enmity iv. G. 1 Pet. 2. 20. this is acceptable w. G. GOt) Would God, «>. but GOLDEN. £.rorf. 25. 25. a g. crown to border 28. 34. ag. bell || 30.4. 2 rings, 39.20. 32.2. Aar. said, break offg. ear-rings Lev. 8. 9. on forefront put g. plate Num. 7. 26. 1 g spoon of 10 shekels Judg. 8. 24. had g. e^r-rings 26. the weight of g. ear-rings 1 Sam. 6.4. g.emerods, g. mice, 17. IE. 2Kin. 10.29.departed not fr. g. calves 1 Chr. 28. 17. forg. basins gave erold 2 Chr. 13. 8 are with you g. calves Ezra 6. 5. let g. vessels be restored Est. 4. 11. the king shall hold out a g. sceptre, 5. 2. | 8. 4. Eccl. 12. 6. the g. bowl be broken Isa. 13. 12. moreprec. thang. wedge 14. 4. how hath the g. city ceased Jer. 51. 7. Babylon hath been g. cup Dan. 3. 5. worship theg. image, 12. 5. 2. Bel. commanded bring g. ves* 3. they brought the g. vessels Zech 4. 12 thro'g. pipes empty g. oil Heb. 9. 4. g. censer and ark, g. pot Rev. 1. 12. I saw 7 g. candlesticks 13. girt about paps with g. girdle 20. mystery of 7 g. candlesticks 2. I. in midst of the g. candlesticks 5. 8. g. vials, 15. 7. || 8. 3. g. censer 14. 14.on head g.crown|| 17.4. g. cup 21. 15. a g. reed to measure city See ALTAR. GOLDSMITH, S. Neh. 3. 8. Uzziel of the g. repaired 31. the g. son || 32.g. and merchants Isa. 40. 19. g. spreadeth it with gold 41. 7. carpenter encouraged the g. 46. 6. hire a g. and maketh it a god GONE. Gen. 34. 17. take daughter, we beg. 42. 33. take food, and beg. E.rod. 12. 32. take flocks, and beg. Deut. 32. 36. seeth their power is g. 1 Sam. 14.3. knew not Jona. was g. 17. see who is g. from us 15. 20. g. the way the Lord sen me 20. 41. as soon as the lad was g. 2 Sam. 3. 7. g. in to father's concub. 24. quite g. || 13. 15. arise, be g. 1 Kin. 2. 41. Shiraei g. fr. Jerusalem 13. 24. when g. a lion met him by 18. 12. as soon asg. Spirit sh. carry 20. 40. as I was busy, he was g. Chr. 17.5. have g. from tent to tent b 7. 4. sh. 1 rise, and night be g.l 9. 10. destroyed me, and I am g. 24.24.exalted for a while, but are g. 23. 4. they are dried up andg. away Pt. 38. 10. light of mine eyes, itisf GON Ps. 42. 4. 1 hadg\ with multitude 73. 2. for me, my feet were aim. g. 77. 8. is his mercy clean g. for ever? 103. 16. wind passeth over, it id g. 109. 23. I am g. like the shadow Proix 20. 14. when g. his way, boast Eccl. 8. 10. who had come and g. Cant. 2. 1 1. the rain is over and g. 5. 6. beloved had withdrawn andg. 6. 1. whither is thy beloved g.f Isa. 5. 13 my peo. g. into captivity 24. 11. the mirth of the land is g. 41. 3. by the way he had not g. Jer.l.b. what iniquity that th. areg.? 23. how say, 1 have not g. after B.? 5. 23. people are revolted and g. 9. 10. beasts g. || 15. 6. thou artg. 44. 14. noneg. into Egypt sh. escape 28. remnant that are g. sh. know 50. 6. haveg. from mountain to hill Lam. 1. 3. Judah g. ||5. Zion'sch. g. 6. g. withoutstrengthll 18. virg. g. Ezek.37. 21. from heathen whither g. Dan. 2. 5. the thing is g. from me, 8. Hos. 9. 6. g. because of destruction Amos 8.5. when will new moon be g. Luke 2. 15. angels wereg. from them 24. 28. made as would g. further John 4. 8. disciples were g. to buy 12. 19. the world is g. after him ■, Acts 16. 19. saw hope of gains was g. 20. 25. g. preaching the king, of (i. '■ Peter 3. 22. who is g. into heaven Jude 11. have g. in the way of Cain HONE about. 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul isg. a. and passed Job 1. 5. days of feastings wereg. a. Isa. 15. 8. g. a. the borders of Moab Acts 4. 6. g. a. to profane temple GONEaA Num. 19. not g. a. to uncleanness 20. if thou hast g. aside to another Ps. 14. 3. they are allg. aside, filthy Acts 26. 31. when thev were g. aside GONE astray. Ps. 119. 176. I haveg. a. like sheep Isa. 53. all we like sheep haveg. a. Mat. 18 12. if a man have 100 sheep, one be g. a. he seeketh that g. a. 2 Pet. 2. 15. forsaken way, and g.a GONEauw/. 1 2Sa?n. 3.22. Abnerg. a. in peace, 23. 9. the men of Israel were g. Job 28. 4. waters were g. a. fr. m Isa. 1. 4. they are g. a. backward Ezek. 44. 10. Levitesg. a. from me Mai. 3. 7. g. a. from my ordinances John 6. 22. his disciples g. a. alone GONE back. Ruth 1. 15. thy sister-in-law is g. Job 23. 12. nor have I g. lack Ps. 53. 3. every one is g. 6.none gooo. Jer. 40. 5. while he was not yet if. b. GONEoWrt. I Sam. 15. 12. Saul is g. d. to Gilgal 1 Kin. 1. 25. Adonijah is g. down 21. 18. Ahabg. d. to possess viney. 2 Kin. 20. 11. the shadow had g. d. in dial of Ahaz, Isa. 38. 8. Cant. 6. 2. my beloved is g. down Jer. 15. 9. her sun is g. d. while day 48. 15. his young men are g. down Ezek. 31. 12. people g. d. fr. shadow 32. 21. strong g. d. slain by sword 24.EIamg\rf. || 27. Tubal || 30.Zidon Jonah J. 5. Jonah g. d. to sides of ship G OH E forth. Exod. 19. 1. when Israel was g. f. 2 Kin. 6. 15. when servant was g. / 1 Chr. 14. 15. God is g. forth before Isa. 51. 5. my salvation is g. forth Jer. 4. 7. g.f. to make land desolate 10. 20. my children are g. f of me 23. 15 profaneness g. f. into land 203 GOO Jer. 23. 19. whirlwind of Lord is g.f. 29. 16. brethren that are not g. f Ezek. 7. 10. day come, morning g.f 36. 20. these people of L. are g. f. Dan. 2. 14. g.f. to slay wise men 10. 20. when I am g. f prince come Mark 10. 17. when he g. f. one came GONE out. Exod. 9. 29. as soon as 1 am g. out Num. 16. 46. wrath g. o. from Lord Deut. 13. 13. certain men g. out 23. 23. that which i.8 g. o. of thy lips Judg. 4. 14. is not the Lord g. out Rutti 1. 13. hand of the Lord isg. o. 1 Sa?n. 25. 37. wine g. out of Nabal 2 Kin. 5.2. Syrians g. o. by companies 7. 12. we hungry, theref. they g. o. 20. 4. afore Isaiah wasg. o. to court Ps. 19. 4. line g. o. thro' the earth 89. 31. alter the thing that is g. out Isa. 45. 23. word g. o. of my mouth Ezek. 24. 6. pot, whose scum notg.o. Mat. 12. 43. Avhen unclean Spirit i> g. out, Luke 11. 24. 25.8. give us oil, our lamps areg. o. Mark 5. 30. virtue had g. o. Lu. 8.46 7. 29. devil is g. o. of daughter, 3n. Luke II. 14 John 13. 31. when g. out Jesus said Rom. 3. 12. they are all g. o. of way 1 John 4. 1. many false prophets g. o. GONE over. 2 Sa?n. 17. 20. they be g. o. the brook Ps. 38. 4. mine iniquities g. o. head 42. 7. waves and billows areg. o. me 124. 4. stream had g. over our soul 5. proud waters had g. o. our soul Isa. 10. 29. they are g. o. the passage 16. 8. are g. o. the sea, Jer. 48. 32 Mat. 10. 23. g. o. the cities of Israe GONE up. Gen. 49. 9. my son, thou artg. up 2 Kin. 1. 4. not come off bed on which g. up, 6. 16. Ps. 47. 5. God is g. up with a shout Isa. 15. 2. he is g. up to Bajith and 57.8. discovered to another, Aitg.up Jer. 3. 6. she is g. up on high mount 14. 2. the cry of Jerusalem is g. up 34. 21. king's army, which areg. up 48. 15. Moab is g. u. out of her cities Ezek. 9. 3. glory of G. of Israel g. u. 13. 5. ye have riotg. up into gaps Hos. 8. 9.they are g. up to Assyria John 7. 10. his brethren were g. up Acts 18.22. g. up and saluted church GONE a whoring. Lev. 17. 7. after whom have g. a w. £2-eA:.23.30.because thou hast g. a w. Hos. 4. 12. g. a w. from under th. G. 9. 1. thou hast g. a w. from thy G. GOOD, Substantive. Gen. 32. 12. I will surely do thee g 45. 18. theg. of the land of Egypt 20. g. of land of Egypt is yours 50.20. God meant it untog. to bring Num. 10. 29. Lord hath spoken g. Josh. 24. 20. consume you, after he hath done you g. 1 Sam. 20.12. if there beg. tow. Dav 24. 17. hast rewarded me g. for evil 19. wherefore L. reward thee g. 25. 30. according to g. spoken 2 Sam. 14. 32. g. for me to been there 16. 12. L. will requite g. for cursing 1 Kin. 22. 13. words of prophets de- clare g. to king, 2 Chr. 13. 12. 1 Chr. 29. 3. I prepared of my own g. 2 Chr. 24. 16. had done g. in Israel Ezra 9. 12. eat the g. of the land Est. 7. 9. had spoken g. for the king Job 2. 10. receive g. at hand of GodP 5. 27. know thou it for thy g. 7. 7. mine eye sh. no more tee g GOO Jol9. 25. 'my days flee, they'see no g. 15. 3. with speeches he can do nog-. 21 10. their g. is not in their hand 22. 21. peace, g. shall come to thee 24. 21. he doeth not g. to the widow Ps. 4. 6. who will shew us any g. ? J4.1. none dc. g. 3. | 53. 1. Ro. 3. 12. 34. 12. lovetK days, he may see g. 39. 2. I held my peace, even from g. 104. 28. they are rilled with g. 106. 5. may see the g. of thy chosen 122. 9. Lord I will seek thy g. 128. 5. shall see the g. of Jerusalem Pro. 3. 27. withhold not g. from them 11. 17. doth g. to his own soul 27. he that diligently seekethg. 12. 14. a man satisfied with g. 13. 2. eatg. by fruit of his mouth 21. to righteous g. shall he repaid 14. 22. truth to them that devise g. .16.20. handleth matter wisely find g. 17. 20. afroward heart, findeth nog. 22. a merry heart doeth good 19. 8. that keep understand, find g. Eccl. 2. 24. soul enjoy g. 3. 13 | 5. 18. 3. 12. T know there is no g. in them 4. 8. do I labour, bereave soul of g. ? 5. 1 1. what g. is there to owners ? 6. 3. his soul be not filled with g. 6. seen no g. all go to one place 7. 20. that doeth g. and sinneth not 9. 18. one sinner destroyeth much g. Isa. 1. 19. ye shall eat the g. of land 52. 7. bringeth good tidings of g. Jer. 8. 15. nog. came, 14. 19. 17. 6. shall not see when g. cometh 18. 10. if do evil, 1 will repent org. 20. I stood before thee to speak g. 29. 32. neither shall behold g. I do 32. 42. 1 will bring theg. I p;.>mised 33. 9. hear all the g. that 1 do them Ezek.16. 50. I took them as I sawg. Zee. 11. 12. if g. give me my price Mat. 26.24. been g. had not been born John 5.29. doneg. to the resurrection Ac. 10. 38. who went about doing g. 14. 17. he did g. and gave us rain Bo. 2. 10. honour ev. man workethg. 1 Thes. 3. 1. g. to be left at Athens I JohnZ.M. who hath this world's g. For GOOD. Deu. 6. 24. fear the Lord/or ourg. 10. 13. com. thee this day/orthy g. 30. 9. Lord will rejo. over thee/, g. Ezra 8. 22. God on all of them f. g. Keh. 5. 19. O my God,/*rg. 13. 31. Job 5. 27. know thou it for thy g. Ps. 86. 17. shew me a token for g. 119. 122. be surety for thy ser. /. g. Jer. 14. 11. pray not for their g. 24.5. sent out of this place/ their g. 6. I will set mine eyes on them f. g 32. 39. fear me, for the g. of them Mic. 1. 12. Maroth waited care./ g Ro. 8. 28. all things work toget. f. g 13. 4. he is the minister of God/.' g. 15. 2. let ev. one please neigh./ g. See Bad, Evil. GOOD, Adjective. Ge. 24. 12. send me g. speed this day 2G. 29. we have done nothing butg. 27. 46. what g. shall my life do me ? 41.5. g. ears || 26. g. kine|| 35. g. years 43. 28. our father is in g. health 46. 29. Joseph wept a good while Dent. 33. 16. for g. will of him 1 Sam. 2. 24. it is no g. report I hear 12. 23. I will teach you the g. way 25. 15. men were very good to us 29.9. 1 know thou art g. in my sight £ Sam. 15. 3. see thy matters are g. 19. IS. do what the King t hough tg. 1 Kin. 8. 36. teach them the g. way & 56. no woi d of g. promise failed GOO \Kin. 12.7. speak g. words, 2i7cr.l0.7. 2 Ki. 20. 19. g. is word of L. Is. 39. 8. 2 Ch. 19. 11. L. shall be with the g. 30. 18. the g. L. pardon every one Eze7<.x.\8.g. hand of our G. upon us Ne. 9 13. thou gave, themg. statutes 20. thou gavestg. Spirit to them Job 10. 3. is it g. that thou oppress ? 13.9. is it g. that he search you out ? 39. 4. their young are in g. liking Ps. 25. 8. g. and upright is the Lord 37. 23. steps of g. man order, by L. 45. 1. my heart is inditing g. matter 86. 5. thou, Lord, art g. 119. 63. 112. 5. a g. man sheweth favour 1 19. 39. thy judgments are g. 66. teach g. judgment and know. Pro. 2. 9. shalt ui^ler. every g. path 20. mayest walk in way of g. men 12. 25. ag. word maketh heart glad 14. 19. the evil bow before the g. 15. 23. word in season, how g. is it? 30. g. report maketh the bones fat 20. 18. and with g. advice make war 22. 1. a g. name rather than riches Ecc. 4. 9. g. reward for their labour 5. 11. what g. to owners thereof ? 9. 2. one event to the g. and clean 11. 6. whether they both alike beg'. Je. 6.16. theg. way, and walk therein 24.2. g. figs || 3. veryg. || S.likeg.figs 29. 10. I will perform myg\ word Ez. 17.8. planted in g. soil by waters 24. 4. gather every g. piece, thigh Daii 4.2. I thought g. to shew signs Zee. 1. 13. L. answered wi. g. words Mai. 2. 13. received it with g. will Mat. 7. 11. give g. gifts, Lu. 11. 13. 17. g. tree bringeth g. fruit, 18. 9. 22. Ik* of g. comfort, Luke 8. 48. 13. 8. ing. ground, 23. Mar. 4. 8, 20. Luke 8. 8, 15. 24. g. seed || 19. 16. g. Mas. g. thing 19. 17. call, me g. ? noneg. but one 20. 15. is thy eye evil beca. I amg. ? 25. 21. well done, thou g. servant Lu. 2. 14. earth, g. will towards men 6. 38. g. measure, pressed down 10. 42. Mary hath chosen g. part 12. 32. your Fa.'sg. pleasure to give John 2. 10. thou hast kept g. wine 10.11. I g. Shep. theg. Shep. giveth Ac. 15. 7. ye know that ag. while ago Ro. 7. 12. com. is holy, just, andg. 12. 2. that g. and perfect will of G. 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil communications corrupt g. manners 1 Thess. 3. 6. haveg. rememhr. of us 2 Tim. 3. 3. despisers of those are g. Tit. 1. 8. must be a lover of g. men Heb. 6. 5. tasted the g. word of God Ja. 1.17. g. gift || 2. 3. sit in a g. place 1 Pet. 2. 18. not only to g. and gentle 3. 10. will love life, and see g. days See B a n, Cheer, Conscience, Couk- age, Do, Day, Old age. GOOD heed. Deu. 2. 4. take ye g. heed Jos. 23. 11. Eccl. 12. 9. preacher gave g. heed Is GOOD. Gen. 2. 12. the gold of that land isg. Deu. 1. 14. thing thou hastspok. isg. 6. 18. do that Which isg. in sight L. 1 Sit. 29. 6. coming in with host is g. 1 Ki. 2. 38. Shimei said, the say. isg. 42. the word I have heard is g. 22. 13. and speak that which is g. 2 KI. 20. 3. done which is g. Is. 38. 3. 1 C/*.16.34.L. wg.2C7/.5.13. | 7. 3. £>. 3. 11. P.UOO. 5. | 106.1. | 107.1. | 118. 1,29. | 135.3. | 136.1. | \lb.9.Je. 33. 11. La. 3.-25. Na. 1.7. 19. 13. L. do which is g. in his sight Job 34.4. among ourselves what isg 204 GOO Ps. 31. 8. O taste and see the L. isg G9. 16. thy loving kindness u «• 73. 1. truly God is g. to Israel 85. 12. L. sh. give that which isg. 109. 21. because thy mercy is g. 143. 10. Spirit isg. lead into the land Pro. 11. 23. desire of right, is oniy g 25.25. Sd isg. news from far country 31. 18. perce. her merchandise is g. Ec. 2. 26. giveth to a man that is g. to him that is g. before God 6.12. who know, what isg. for man ? 7. II. wisdom isg. with an inheri. 9. 2. as is the g. so is the sinner tsa. 55. 2. eat ye that which isg. Jer. 13 10. thisgirdle isg. for nothing Hos. 4. 13. the shadow thereof is g. Mic. 6. 8. he shewed thee, what isg. Mai. 2. 17. every one doth evil is g. Mark 9. 50. salt'wg. Luke 14. 34. Lu. 6. 45. bringcth that which is g. 18. 19. nonfisg. save one, thatis G. Ro.l. 13. that which is g. made death 18. how to perf. that is g. I find not 12. 9. cleave to that which is g. 16. 19. have you Wise to what is g. 1 Cor. 7. 26. this is g. for the present Eph. 4. 29. no com muni, but that is g. I Thes. 5. 15. foil, what is g.3Joh.\l. 21. hold fast that which is g. 1 Tim. 1. 8. we know the law is g. 2. 3. this is g. in the sight of God 4. 4. for every creature of Cod is g. 5. 4. for that ts g. before Cod 1 Pet.3.\3. followers of that whi. isg. It is GOOD. Ps. 52. 9. thy name, for it is g. 54. 6. 73. 28. it is g. to draw near to God 92. I. it is a g. thing to give thanks 119. 71. it is g. I have been afflicted 147. 1. it is good to sing praises Pro. 24. 13. eat honey, because it is g. Ec. 5, 18. it is g. to eat and drink 7. IS. it is g. that thou take hold Lam.3.21. it is g. bear yoke in youth Mat. 5. 13. it is g. for no. but cast out 17. 4. it is g. for us to be here, Mar. 9. 5. Lu. 9. 33. Ro. 7- 16. I consent to law, it is good 14.21. it is g. neither to eat flesh nor 1 Cor. 7. 1. it is g. for a man not to touch a woman, 8. 26. I say it is g. for a man so to be Gal. 4. 18. it is g. zealously affected GOOD la?id. Ex. 3 8. come to g. land, Deut. 8. 7. Nu. 14. 7. the land is a good land Deut. 1. 25. ag. I. the Lord doth give 35. none of that genera, see g. I. 3. 25. let me go and see the g. land 4. 21. should not go unto that g. /. 22. ye shall possess that g. land 6. 18. go in and possess the g. land 8. 7. G. bringeth thee into ag. land 10. bless the Lord for the g. land 9. 6. giveth not g. I. for thy righte. 11. 17. lest ye perish from off g. /. Jos. 23. 13. until perish fromg. /., 15. 16. perish quickly from off g. land Jurlg. 18. 9. seen the I. and veryg 1 Ki. 14. 15 root Israel out of g.lanii 2 Ki. 3. 19. mar ev. g. piece of/., 25 1 Ch. 28. 8. may possess this g. land GOOD with make. E.r. 21. 34. shall make it g. 22. 14. 22. II. shall not make it g. 13. 15. Le. 24. 18. that killeth a beast m. g. Nu. 23. 19. shall he not make it g. ? Jer. 18. 11 vi. ways and doing g GOOD man. 2 Sam. 18. 27. Ahimaaz is a g. man Ps. 37. 23. steps of ag. m. ord. by I* 112. 5. a good man sheweth favour Pro. 7. 19. the g. mani% not at homa GOO Pro. 12.2. a g. man obtainoth favour 13. 22. g. m. leaveth an inheritance J4. 14. a g. m. is satisfied, 12. 14. Mic. 7. 2. the good man is perished Mat. 12.35. 8 g. in. out of good trea- sure, Lu. 6.45. 20. 11. murmured against the g. m. 24. 43. g. man had known Lu. 12.39. Lu. 23. 50. Joseph was a good man John 7. 12. some said, he is a g. man Acts 11.24. Barnabas was n good man Rom. 5.7. for a g. m. some would die Not GOOD. Gen. 2. 18. it is not g. man be alone 2 Sa. 17. 7. counsel n. g. at this time Ps. 36. 4. himself in way that is ?j. g. Pro. 16. 29. leadeth into way not g. 17. 26. to punish the just is not g. 18. 5. is not g. to accept the wicked 19. 2. soul without knowledge n. g. 20. 23. a false balance is not good 24.23. n. g. respect of persons, 28.21. 25. 27. it is not g. to eat much honey fsu. 65.2. which walketh in way n.g. Exek. 18. IS. did that which is n. g. 20. 25. I gave them statutes not g. 30.31. remem.your doings were n.g. Mat. 19. 10. it is not good to marry Ac. 15.33. P. thought n.g. to take him 1 Cor. 5. 6. your glorying is not good Seem, seemed, seemeth GOOD. Jos. 9 25. as it seem, g. to do unto us Jndg. 10.15. IS&. 14. 36,40. £#*-# 7. 18. JSW&.3. 11. Jer. 26. 14. | 40. 4. •Tw^g - . 19. 24. do to them what s. g. 1 Sq. 1.2.3. what.y.^.3.18. | 11.10. | 24,4. 2 .S'«/«. 3. 19. all that s. g. to Israel 10. 12. do that seemeth himg. 15. 26. 19.37. do to Chim. what seeing. 38. 24. 22. take and offer up what s. g. 1 Ki. 21. 2. if it s. g. to thee, Je. 40. 4, 1 CAr, 13. 2. if it «?e?« gooe? to you Ezra 5.17. .?. g. to the kirur, .Es. 5. 4. Jgr, 18. 4. as seemed g. to the potter Mat. 11. 26. j. g\ in sight, Lu. 10. 2). Lit. 1. 3. it seemed g. to me, having >4c/.? 15. 25. it seemed good unto us, 28. it seemed g. to the Holy Ghost GOOD with i/a'wg. Exod. 18.17. tf/n'rag-thnu dost is notg\ Deu. 26. 11. rejoice in every g. thing Jos. 21. 45. there failed not any g. t. 1 Sa>n. 26. 16. this thing is not good 1 A"*. 14.13. in him is found some g.t. 2 Ki. 8.9. took of ev. g. t. of Dam as. Ps. 34. 10. that seek L. not want g\ rf. 38. 20. I follow the thing that g. is St. 11. nog'. //«'/;g will he withhold 92. 1. it is g. t. to give thanks to L. Pro. 18. 22. whoso tindeth a wife, findcth a good thing Jtf.33.14.will perform g. t.l promised litis. 8. 3. cast ait' thing that is good Mat. 19. 16. what g. thing shall I do John 1.46. any g.t. out of Nazareth ? #o. 7. 18 in my flesh dwell, no g. t. Gal. 4. 18. zealously affected in g. t. E/jh. 4.28. working thing which is g. 0. 8. knowing g. t. any man doeth 2 Tim 1. 14. that g. I. com. to thee Phil. 6. acknow. every g. t. in you lleb. 13.9. a g\ t. heart be established GOOD things. Deu. 6. II. give houses full of g. t. Jos. 23. 14. not one failed of the g. t. 15. that as all g. things are come Jub 22.18. filled their houses wi. g. t. Ps. 103.5. satisfieth thy mouth wi.g. t. Pro. 28.10. upright shall haveg - . t. Je. 5.25. your sins have withhol. g. t. Mat. 7. 1 1. give good things to them 12.31. can ye, being evil, speak g. t. 35. a good man bringeth g. things lu, l,f>3, He filled th? hungry wi. g. t. GOO Luke 16. 25. in life-time reeeir. g. t. Ro. 10.15. glad tidings of good things Gal. 6. 6. communicate in all g. t. Tit.2.3. aged women teachers of g.t. 3. 8. these t. are g. and profitable Heb. 9.11. Christ high-priest of g. t. 10. 1. a shadow of g. things to come GOOD tidings. 2 Sa. 4.10. to have broughtg. tidings 18. 27. and cometh with g. tidings 1 Kin. I. 42. and bringestg - . tidings 2 Kin. 7. 9. this is a day of g. tidings Is. 40. 9. O Zion that bringest g. t. 41. 27. give Jeru. one bringeth g. t. 52. 7. feet of him that bringeth g. t. 61. 1. anointed me to preach g. tid. Nalt. 1. 15. behold him bringeth g. Lu. 2. 10. I bring you g. t. of great 1 Thes. 3.6. brought g. t. of your faith Was GOOD. Gen. 1. 4. God saw that it was good, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25. 31. G. saw ev. thing, it w. very g. 3. 6. the woman saw the tree w. g. 40. 16. baker saw interpreta. w. g. 41.37. thing iv.g. in eyes of Pharaoh 49. 15. Issachar saw that rest w. g. 1 Sa. 15. 9. Saul spared all that w. g. 2 C/t. 14. 2. Asa did that which w. g. 31.20. Hezekiah wrouyht what?c. g. Ec. 2. 3. I might see what to. that g. GOOD understanding. 1 Sa. 25.3. Abigail was a wo. of g. u. Ps. 111. 10. g. u. have all that do his Pro. 3. 4. so find favour and g. un. 13. 15. g. understand, giveth favour GOODwwt Neh. 2. 18. strengthen for this g. w. Mat. 26. 10. wrought g. to. Mar.U.6. John 10.33. for g.w. we stone thee not 2 Cor.9.S. ye may abound to ev. g.w. Phi. 1. 6. which hath begun g. work Col. I. 10. being fruitful in ev. g. w. 2 Thes. 2. 17. stablish you inev. g.w. 1 Tim. 3. 1. a bishop, desireth g. w. 5.10. if she diligently followed g. to. 2 Tim. 2. 21. prepared to every g. w. Tit. 1.16. and to ev. g. to. reprobate 3. 1. in mind to be ready to ev. g.w. He.l3.2l. G. make perfect in. ev. g.w. GOOD works. 1 5«.19.4. his w. to thee have been g. Mat.b. 16. that they may see your g.w. John 10.32. many g.w. have I shewed Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of good works Ro. 13. 3. rulers not a terror to g.w. Eph. 2. 10. created in Christ to g. to. 1 Tim.2. 10. worn, be adorned wi. g.w. 5. 10. a widow well reported for g.w. 25. the g. tv. of some are manifest 6. 18. that they he rich in g. works 2 Tim. 3. 17. furnished to all g. w. Tit. 2. 7. thyself a pattern in g. tv. 14. a people, zealous of g. works 3. 8. careful to maintain g. tv. 14. Heb. 10.24. provoke to love and g. w. 1 Vet. 2. 12. by your g. w. glorify G. GOODLY. Gen 39. 6. Joseph was a g. person 49. 21.Naphtaliahind, giv. g. words Ex. 2. 2. she saw he was a g. child 39. 28. made g. bonnets of fine linen Num. 24. 5. g. are thy tents, O Jacob Deu. 3. 25, let me see thatgv mount. 6.10. g. cities which thou build, not 8.12. when thou hast builtg. houses Jo*. 7.21. sawag-. Babylon, garment 1 Sa. 9.2. Saul, a young man, andg. 16. 12. David was goodly to look to 2 Sam. 23. 21. Benaiah slew a g. man 1 Kin. 1. 6. Adonijah was ag. man Job 39 13. gav. g. wings to peacocks Ps. 16. 6. yea, I have a g. heritage 80t 10 boughs were like£', cedars 803 GOO Jer. 3.19. how sh. I give thee g herl.? 11. 16. a green olive-tree of g. fruit Exek. 17.8. that it might be a g. vine 23. bear fruit, and be ag\ cedar Hos. 10. 1. they have made g. images Joel 3.5. into your tern, my g. thing3 Zech. 10. 3. made them as g. horse 11. 13. a g. price I was prized at Mat. 13.45. merchant seek. g. pearls Lu. 21.5. it was adorned wi. g.stones Jam. 2.2. if come a man ing-. apparel Rev. 18.1k all things daimy and g. GOODLIER, EST. 1 Sa. 8. 16. take yourg-. young men 9. 2. not in Israel a goodlier person 1 Ki. 20. 3. children, evcng. are mine GOODNESS. Exo. 18.9. rejoiced for g. L.had done 33. 19. I will makeg. pass bef. thee 34. 6. the Lord God abundant in g. Nu. 10.32. whatg. Lord sh. do to us 2 Sa. 7. 28. thou prom. g. 1 Ch. 17. 20. 1 Kin. 8. 66. joyful for g. 2 Ch. 7. 10. 2 Ch. 6.41. let thy saints rejoice ing-. 32. 32. Hezekiah g. \\ 35.26. Josiah g. Ne. 9. 25. delighted themselves in g. 35. they have not served thee ing. Ps. 10. 2. my g. extendeth not to thee 21. 3. preventest wi. blessings of g. 23. 6. surely good, shall follow me 25. 7. remember me, for thyg. sake 27. 13. 1 believed to see g. of the L. 31. 19. O how great is thy goodness 33. 5. eaith is full of g. of the Lord 52. 1. g. of God endureth continu. 65. 4. satisfied with g. of thy house 11. thou crownestthe year withg-. 08. 10. prepared of thy g. for poor 307. 8. praise L. for his g. 15. 21, 31. 9. filleth the hungry soul with g. 144. 2. my goodness and my fortress 145. 7. sh, utter memory of thy g. Pro. 20. 6. proclaim every one his g /*.G3.7. g. toward the house of Israel Je. 2. 7. brought you to eat g. thereof 31. 12. flow together tog-, of the L. 14. people satisfied with my g. 33. 9. they sh. tremble for all the g. Hos. 3.5. sh. fear the Lord and hisg\ 0. 4. your g. is as a morning cloud 10. 1. according tog. of his land Zee. 9. 17. great is his g. and beauty Ro. 2. 4. g. of G. lead, to repentance 11.22. behold, theg\ of God, toward thee g. if thou continue in g. 15. 14. that you are full of goodness Gal.b.22. fruit of Spirit is g. Eph.b.D. 2 ThesAAl. fulfil g. pleas, of his g. GOODS. Gen. 14.16. Abram brought back g 21. take the goods to thyself 24.10. g. of master were in his hand 31.18. Jacob carried aw. his g, 46. 0. EV.22.8. not put hand to neigh. g.\) Nu. 16. 32. earth swallowed their g. 31. 9. spoil of Midian and their g. 35. 3. be for Levites' cattle and g. Den.2%.\\. make thee plenteous ing- 2 67j.2I.14. L. smite thy wives, thy g. Exra 1.4. let the men help him wi. g 6. strengthened their hands wi. g. 6. 8. king's g. expenses be given 7.26. banishment or to confisca. of g. Ne. 9. 25. possessed houses full of g. Job 20. 10. his hands shall restore g. 21. therefore no man look for hisg-. 28. his g. shall flow away in day Eccl. 5. 11. when g. increase, they Exek. 38. 12. have got. cattle and g. 13. art come to take cattle and g.? Zeph. I. 13. g. sha'l become a booty Mat- 12. 29. how enter strong man's house, and take g.? Mark 3. 27, Hi, 47,_nia!ie hjj# rn,|er 9/er Uief.. GOS Mat. 15. 14. delivered him to hls^. Luke 6. 30. that taketh away thy g. 11. 21. his g. are in peace 12. 18. there will I bestow my g. 19. thou hast much g. laid up 15. 12. give me the portion of g. 16. 1. accused that he wasted his g. 19. 8. half of my g. I give to poor Acts 2. 45. sold g. and parted them 1 Cor. 13. 3. tho' I bestow all my g. Heb. 10. 34. the spoiling of your g. Rev. 3. 17. rich, and increased wi. g. GOPHER wood. Gen. 6. 14. make thee an ark of g. w. GORE, ED. Exod. 21. 28. if ox g. man or woman 31. whether g. a son or daughter GORGEOUS, LY. Ezek. 23. 12. Assyrians clothed g. Luke 7. 25. g. apparelled in king's 23. 1 1. Her. arrayed Jesus in g. robe GOSPEL. Mark 1. 1. beginning of g. of J. Ch. 15. Jes. said, repent, and believe g. 8. 35. lose life for my sake and g. 10. '29. left house for my sake and g. 13. 10. the g. must be published Luke 20. l. he taught and preached g. Acts 15. 7. Gent, by my muuth heargr. 20. 24. the g. of the grace of God Rom. 1. 1. separated to the g. of God 9. I serve with my spirit in the g. 16. 1 am not ashamed oft/, of Chr. 2. 16. judge secrets accord, to my g. 10.1G. have not all obeyed the g. 11. 28 concerning g. they are enem. 15. 16. ministering the g. of God 29. the blessing of the g. of Christ 16. 25. establish you according to g. 1 Cor. 4. 15. begotten you thro' g. 9. 12. lest we hinder g. of Christ 17. a dispensation of g. is commit. 18. when I preach g. I may make g. of Chr. without charge; that I abuse not my power in the g. 23. this I do for the g. sake 2 Cor. 4. 3. if g. hid, hid to them lost 4. light of glorious g. should shine 8. 18. brother, whose praise is in g. 9. 13. professed subjection to the g. 11. 4. if ye receive another Spirit or g. Gal. 1. 6. Gal. 1. 7. would pervert g. of Christ 2. 2. communicated g. I preach 5. that truth of g. might continue 7. g. of uncircum. committed to me 14. according to the truth of thegf. Eph. 1. 13. the g. of your salvation o. 6. partake promise in Chr. by g. 6. 15. preparation of the g. of peace 19. make known the mystery of g. Phil. 1. 5. your fellowship in the g. 7. defence and confirmat. of g. 17. 12. fallen out to furtherance of g. 27. let your conversation be as be- cometh g. striving for faith of g. 2. 22. he hath served with me in g. 4. 3. help-women with me in the g. 15. in the beginning of the g. Col. 1. 5. heard before of truth of g. 23. be not moved from hope of g. 1 Thes. 1. 5. the g. came not in word 2. 2. bold to speak the g. of God 4. allowed to be put in trust with g, 8. willing to impart not g. only 3. 2. Tim. our fellow-labourer in g. 2 Thes. 1. 8. on them that obey not the g. 1 Pet. 4. 17. 2. 14. whereunto called you by g. 1 Tim. 1. 11. according to g. of God 2 Tim. 1 . 8. partaker of afflict, of g. 10. immortality to light thro' g. 2. 8. J. C. raised according to g. Phil. 13. ministered in bonds of ff. GOV GOSPEL joined with preach,ed,ing. Mat. 4. 23. Jesus went pre. g. 9. 35. Mark 1. 14. 11. 5. poor have g. pre. Luke 7. 22. 24. 14. g. sli. be p. 26. 13. Mar. 14.9. Mark 16. 15. go, p. g. to every crea. Luke 4. 18. anointed me to p. theg. 9. 6. departed, p. theg. and healing Acts 8. 25. pre. g. to the Samaritans 16. 10. L. had called us to p. the g. Rom. 1. 15. I am ready to p. g. at R. 10. 15. beautiful feet that p. the g. 15. 19. I have fully p. g. of Christ 20. so have I strived to pre. the g. 1 Cor. 1. 17. not to baptize, but/), g. 9. 14. that jo. g. should live of theg. 16. tho' I p. g. nothing to glory of, wo to me if 1 p. not the g. 18. when I p. g. 1 may make g. 15. 1. I declare theg-. which I pre. 2 Cor. 2. 12. I came to Troas top. g. 10. 14. come as far as to you in p. g. 11. 7. I preach, to you freely the g. Gal. 1. 8. tho' we pre. any other g. 11. g. pre. of me is not after man 3. 8. prea. before the g. to Abraham 4. 13. thro infirmity of flesh 1 p. g. 1 Thes. 2. 9. we p. to you g. of God Heb. 4. 2. to its was g. p. as well as 1 Pet. 1. 12. by them that pr. the g. 25. word which by g. is p. to you 4. 6. for this cause was the g. pre. Rev. 14.6. having everlasting g. top. GOT. Gen. 39. 12. Joseph g. him out, 15. Ps. 44. 3. g. not land by own sword Eccl. 2. 7. 1 g. servants and maidens GOTTEN. Gen. 4. 1. I have g. a man from L. Exod. 14. 18. when 1 have g. honour Lev. 6. 4. thing he hath deceitfully g. Deut. 8. 17. my hand hath g. wealth 2 Sam. 17. 13 if he beg-, into a city Job 28. 15. wisdom not g. for gold 3!. 25. rejoiced because handg.inuch Ps 98. 1. holy arm hath g. victory Prov. 13. 11. wealth g. by vanity 20.21. inheritance g.bastily at begin. Eccl. 1. 16. g. more wisdom than all ha. 15. 7. abundance g. they carry Ezek. 28.4. with wisdom hastg. rich. Dan. 9. 15. thou hastg. renown Rev. 15. 2. saw them thatg. victory GOVERN. 1 Kin. 21. 7. dost g. kingdom of Isr.? Job 34. 17. shall he that hateth g.? Ps. 67. 4. thou shaltg. the nations GOVERNMENT, S. Isa. 9. 6. g. sh. be upon his shoulder 7.of increase of his g. sh. be no end 22. 21. I commit thy g. to his hand 1 Cor. 12. 28. g., diversities of tong. 2 Pet. 2. 10. them that despise g. GOVERNOR. Gen. 42. 6. Jos. g. over land, 45. 26. 1 Kin. 18. 3. Obad. g. over Ahab's h. 1 Chr. 29. 22. anointed Solo, chief g. Ezra 5. 14. Cyrus deliv. vessels tog. Neh. 5. 14. not eaten the bread of g. 18. I required not the bread of g. Ps. 22. 28. he is g. among the nations Jer. 30. 21. g. sh. proceed from them 40. 5. go back to Gedaliah the g. 41. 2. Ishm. smote Gedaliah theg. Hag. 1. 14. L. stirred up Zerub. g. 2. 2. speak to Zerubbabeltheg. 21. 7."ch. 9. 7. he sh. be as a g. in Judah Mai. 1. 8. offer it now to thy g. Mat. 2. 6. out of thee shall come g. 28. 14. if this come to the g.'s ears John 2. 8. bear to the g. of th* feast Acts 24. 1. informed g. againsrPaul 2 Cor 11. 32. the g. under Aretas Jam. 3.4. ships turned whi. g. listeth 206 GRA GOVERNORS. Judg. 5. 9. my heart tow. g. of Isr. 14. out of Machir came down y. Ezra 8. 36. delivered commiss. to g Neh. 2 7. let letters be given to g. 5. 15. theg. chargeable to people Dan.2.48. king made Dan. chief of g. Zech. 12. 5. the g. of Judah shall say 6.1 will make g. of Jud. like hearth Mat. 10. 18. sh. be brought before g. Gal. 4.2. the heir under tutors and g. 1 Pet. 2. 14. submit yourselves to g. GOURD, S. 2 Kin. 4. 39. one gathered wild g. Jonah 4.6. God prepared g. Jon. glad 7. a worm smote g., it withered 10. thou hast had pity on the g. GRACE. Ezra 9. 8. for a little space g. shewed Esth. 2. 17. Est. obtained g. in sight PsAh.2.g. poured into lips G. anoint 84. 1 1. Lord is a sun, will give g. Pr/2.43.29. God be g. to thee, my son Exo. 22. 27. I will hear, for I am g. 33. 19. I will be g. to whom I be g. 31. 6. the Lord, the Lord God, g. 2 Chr. 30. 9. Pi. 103. 8. I 116. 5. | 145. 8. Joel 2. 13. Num. 6.25. L. make his face shine g. 2 Sam.\2.22. tell whether G.will beg. Neh. 9. 17. a Godg. merciful, 31. Jnli 33. 24. then he is g racious to him /'*. 77.9. hath G. forgotten to beg.? 86. 15. thou art God g. 111.4. | 112.4. Pro 11. 16. a g. wo. retaineth honour Ec. 10. 12. words of a wise man areg. It. 30.18. L. willwait th. he mav be g. 19. be g. to thee || 33. 2. be g". to us Jer. 22.23. how g. when pang3 come Amos 5. !5. may be the L. will be g. Jin/ah 4-. •>. I knew thou art a g. G. Mai. 1.9. beseech G. he will beg. to ur Luke A. 22. wondered atg. words iPet. 2. 3. if ye tasted, the Lord is g. GRACIOUSLY. Gen. 33. 5. children G. g. given me 11. God hath dealt g. with me Pt. 119. 29. and grant me thy Inwg. ^^.R^take away iniq.receive usg. GRA GRAFT, E Rom. 1 1. 17. a wild olive-tree wertg - . J*9. that I might be grafted in 23. they sh. beg: G.is able tog.theio 24. cut out and g. these be g. GRAIN, S. Am. 9.9. not the least g. fall on earth Mat. 13.31. kingdom of heaven is like a g. of mustard. seed, Mar. 4. 31. Luke 13. 19. 17. 20. faith as a g. of mustard seed, ye sh. say to this mount, remove Luke 17. 6. 1 Cor. 15. 37. bareg. wheat, or other g. GRANDMOTHER. 2 Tim. 1. 5. faith dwelt in thyg. Lois GRANT. Ezra 3. 7. accord, to the g. of Cyrus GRANT. Lev. 25. 24. g. a redemption for land 1 Sam. 1. 17. God g. thee thy petition 1 Ch. 21. 22. g. this threshing-floor ; thou shalt g. it me for the full 2 Ch. 12.7. I willg. them deliverance Ne l.ll.g mercy in sight of this man tsth.b.8. please the kingg. mypeti. ■ 'ob 6. 8. God g. the thing I long for 's. 20. 4. g. thee to thine own heart 85. 7. O Lord, grant us salvation 119. 29. g. me thy law graciously 140.8. g. not OL. desires of wicked Mat. 20. 21. g. my two sons may sit, Mark 10. 37. Luke 1. 74. g. to us, that we being .4c.4.29.g. wi. boldness we may speak Ro. 15.5. G.g. you to belike-minded Eph. 3.16. g. you to be strengthened 2 Tim. 1. 18. L. g. he may find mercy A'«>. 3.21. will I g. to sit in my throne GRANTED. 1 Ch. 4. 10. G. g. what he requested 2 Ch. 1. 12. wis. and know. isg. thee Ezra!. 6. the kingg. all his requests Neh. 2. 8. g. accord, to the hand of G. Est. 5.6. petition, sh. beg. 7.2. | 9.12. 9.13. let it beg. to Jews in Shushan Job 10.12. thou hastg. lifeand favour Pro. 10. 24. desire of righte. sh. beg. ic. 11. 18. G.g. Gentiles repentance 14. 3. g. signs to be done by hands Rev. 19. 8. was g. shesho. be arrayed GRAPE. Lev. 10.10. nor gather g. of vineyard Deu. 32. 14. didst drink blocd of g. Job 15 33. shake off unripe g. as vine Can. 2. 13. tender g. give good smell 7. 12. see whe. the tender g. appear Is. 18. 5. sourg. is ripening in flower Je.31.29. fathers have eaten a sourg. 30. ev. man that eateth the sourg. Mic.l.l. I am as ^-.-gleanings of vint. GRAPE-gatherer. Je. 6.9. turnback thy hand as ag.-g. 49. 9. if g.-g. come, Obadiahb. GRAPES. Gen. 40. 10. clusters brought ripeg. 49. 11. washed clothes in blood ofg. Le. 25.5. nor gather the g.undressed 11. in jubi., nor ga. g of thy vine Num. 6. 3. nor shall he eat moist g. 13. 20. the time of the first ripe g. 23. cut a branch wi.one cluster ofg. Dew.23.24. thou mayesteatg. thy rill 24. 21. when thou gatherest the g. 28.30. plant a vineyard notga. g.39. 32. 32. their g. are g. of gall Judg. 8. 2. gleaning of g. of Ephraim Neh. 13.15. bring, wine and g.on sab. Cant. 2. 15. our vines have tender g. 7. 7. thy breasts are like clus. of g. Is. 5. 2. it should bring forth g. 4. bring forth g. brought wild g. ? 17. 6. gieaning g. shall be left in it £4- 13. glean, g. when Tint, is done 307 GRA Je. 8. 13. there sh. be nog. on thf viii* 5 25.30. a shout, as they that tread g. 49. 9. not leave gleaning g. Oba. 5. Ex. 18. 2. fathers have eaten sour g. Hos. 9. 10. like g. in the wilderness Am. 9. 13. treader of g. overt, sower Mat. 7. 16. do men ga. g. of thorns *> Lu. 6.44. nor of bramble ga. they g. Rev. 14. 18. her g. are fully ripe GRASS. Gen. 1.11. let the earth bring forth g. 12. and the earth brought forth g. Nu. 22. 4. licketh up g. of the field Deu. 11.15. will send g: for thy cattle 29. 23. nor any g. groweth therein 32. 2. distil as showers upon the g. 2 Sa. 23. 4. as the g. springing out 1 Kings 18. 5. find g. to save horses 2 Kin. 19. 26. as g. of the field, &sg. on the house tops, Js. 37. 27. Job 5. 25. offspring is g. of the earth 6. 5. wild ass bray when he hath g. 40. 15. behemoth eateth g. as an ox Ps 37.2. theysh. be cut down like g 72. 6. come like rain upon mown g 16. they of city shall flourish likeg 90. 5. they aie like g. wh. groweth 92. 7. when the wicked spring as g 102. 4. my heart is withered like g 11. like a shadow, withered like g 103.15. as for man, his days are asg. 104.14. causethg. to grow for catt?« 106.20. simili.of an ox thateateth g 129.6. as the g. upon the house-tops 147. 8. g. to grow upon the moun. Pro. 19. 12. king's fav. as dew. nn g. 27. 25. the tender g. sheweth itself /»•. 15. 6. the g. faileth, there is no 35. 7. in habita. of dragons sh. be g. 40. 6. cry, all flesh isg. 1 Pet. 1. 24. 7. g. wither, surely the peo. is g.H. 41. 4. sh. spring up as among the g. Jer. 14. 5. forsook it because nog. 50. 11. grown fat as the heifer at g. Dan. 4. 15. leave the stump in g. 23. 25. eat g. as oxen, 32. 33. | 5. 21. Mic. 5. 7. as showers upon the grasn Zech. 10. 1. Lord sh. give ev. one g. Mat. 6. 30. G. so clothe g. Lu. 12.28. 14. 19. to sit down on g. Mark 6. 39. John 6. 10. now there was much g. Jam. I. 10. asg. he shall pass away 11. the sun risen, withereth the g. Rev. 8. 7. all green g. was burnt up 9. 4. should not hurtg. of the eart;« GRASSHOPPER, S. Lev. 11. 22. eat, the g. after his kind Num. 13. 33. were in our sight as g. Jiidg. 6. 5. as g. for multitude, 7. 12. Job 39. 20. make him afraid as a g. . Eccl. 12. 5. the g. shall be a burden Isa. 40 22. the inhabitants are as g. Je. 46. 23. they are more than the g Am. 7. 1. he formed g. in the begin. yah. 3. 17. thy captains are as g. Grate, see Brasen. GRAVE, Substantive. Gen. 35.20. Jacob set a pil. on her^. pillar of Rachel's g. to this da. 37.35. will go down to g. to my son 42. 38. hairs with sor. to g. 44. 31. 50. 5. bury me in myg. Ilia, digged Nji. 19 16. who touch, g. is unclean 1 Sa. 2. 6. L. bring, down to the g. 2 .5a. 3. 32. king arid peo. wept at g 19. 37. buried by the g. of my father 1 Ki. 2.6. not his head goto g. in pe 9. head bring to the g. with blood 14. 13. Jeroboam sh. come to the^ 1 . 2 Ki.22.2Q. gath. to thy g. 2 CA.34.28. Job 3. 22. glad when they find the g 5.26. thou sh. come to g. in full age 7. 9. goeth to g. come up no more 10.19. been carried from womb to 4?. GRA Jal 14. 13. O that thou hide me ing. 17. 13. if I wait, the g. is my house 21. 13. they go down to the g. 32. yet sh. he be brought to the g. 30. 24. not stretch his hand to the g. 33. 22. his soul draweth near to g. Ps. 6. 5 in g. who give thee thanks? 30. 3. brought my soul from theg-. 31. 17. let wicked be silent in the g. 49. 14. laid in g. consume in the g. 15. redeem soul from power of g. 88. 3. my life draweth nigh tog. 11. loving-kindness declared in g. 89. 48. deliver soul from hand of g. 141.7. bones scattered at g. 's mouth Prov. 1. 12. let us swallow them asg. 30. 16. g. and barren womb say not Eccl. 9. 10. no wisdom in g. whi. goest Cant. 8. 6. jealousy is cruel as the g. Isa. 14. 11. pomp is brought to g. 19. cast out of thy g. like a branch 38. 10. I shall go to the gates of g. 18. the g. cannot praise thee 53. 9. he made his g. with wicked Jer. 20. 17. my mother might beeng\ Ezek. 32. 23. company round her g. Hos. 13. 14. ransom fr. powerof the g. O g. I will be destruction Nc/h. 1. 14. make thy g., thou art vile Jo/in II. 17. he had lain in g. 4 day? 31. she goeth to g. to weep there 12. 17. he called Lazarus out of g. 1 CorA 5. 55. g. where is thy victor v? GR AVE-clothes. John 11. 44. Lazarus came forth bound with g. -clothes GRAVE, Adjective. 1 77»i.3.8. deacons be g. \\ 11. wives g. Tit. 2. 2. that aged men be sober, g. GRAVE. Evod. 28. 9. slialt g. on onyx-stones 3fi.a plate of pure gold, and g. on it 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man that can g. 14. have sent a cunning man to g. GRAVED. 1 Kin. 7. 3fi. on borders g. cherubim 2 C/tr. 3. 7.*he g. cherubtins on walls GRAVEL. Prov. 20. 17. mouth sh. be filled wi. g. Isa. 48. 19. offspring of bowels likeg. Lam. 3. 16. broken my teeth with g. GRAVEN, Verb. Isa. 49. 16. g. thee on palms of hands Hub. 2. 18. the maker hath g. it GRAVEN. E.ro. 32. 16. writing of G. g. on tabl. 39. 6. signets g. with names of Isr. Job 19. 24. were g. with an iron pen Jer. 17. 1. is g. upon table of henrt Acts 17. 29. Godhead is like gold g. GRAVEN image. Exod. 20. 4. thou shalt not make un- to thee any g.i.Lev. 26. l.Deu.5.8. Deut. 4. 16. lest ye corrupt and make a g. image, 25. 27. 15. cursed man th. makethg. i. Judg. 17. 3. silv. for son to makeg i. 18. 30. Dan set up the g. image, 31, 2 Kin. 21. 7. Manasseh set g. image Isa. 40. 19. the workman meltethg. i. 20. a workman to prepare a g. i. 44. 9. they th. makeg. i. are vanity 10. who hath molten a g. image 17. with residue he maketh g. i. 45. 20. set up wood of their g. ima. 48.5.my g. i. hath commanded them Jer. 10. 14. confounded byg. i. 51.17. Kah. 1. 14. I will cut off the g. im. Hab. 2. 18. what profiteth the g. i.'i GRAVEN images. Deut. 7. 5. ye shall burn their g. i. '2. 3. ye shall hew down the g. i. 2 Kin. 17. 41. feared L., served g. i. H Chr. 3*. 7, wheal he hud beaten g. i. CRE Ps. 78. 58. moved to jealousy wi. g. i. 97. 7. confounded all that serve g. i. Isa. 21. 9. Babylon fallen, andg\ im. 30. 22. defile the covering of g. im. 42. 8. neither give my praise tog. i. 17. be ashamed that trust in g. i. Jer. 8. 19. provoked to anger wi. g. i. 50. 38. it is the land of g. images 51. 47. I will dojudgmentong-. i. 52. Hos. 11. 2. they burnt incense to g. i. Mic. 1. 7. all g. i. be beaten to pieces 5. 13. thy g. im. also will I cut off GRAVES. Exod. 14. 11. were nog. in Egypt 2 Kin. 23. 6. cast the powder on g. 2 Chr. 34. 4. strewed it on the g. of Job 17. 1. the g. are ready for me Isa. 65. 4. which remain among g. Jer. 8. 1. bring priests' bones out g. Ezek.32.22.g. are about him, 23,25, 26. 37. 12. open g. and cause to come up 13. when 1 have brought out of g. 39. 11. give Gog place of g. in Isr. Mat. 27. 52. the g. were opened 53. bodies of saints came out ofg. Luke 11. 44. as g. which appear not John 5. 28. all in g. sh. hear his voice Rev. 1 1. 9. not suffer bodies put in g. GR AVETH. Isa. 22. 16. he thatg. an habitation GRAVING. Exod.32.4. fashioned g.calf wi. "-.tool GRAVING, S. 1 Kin. 7. 31. upon mouth of laver g. 2 Chr. 2. 14. grave any manner of g. Zecli. 3. 9, I wi;l engrave g. thereof GRAVITY. 1 Tim. 3.4. children in subject, wi. g. Tit. 2. 7. in doctrine shewing g. Gray, see Hairs and Head. GRAY -headed, 1 Sam. 12. 2. I am old and g. -Jieaded Job 15. 10. with us are the g. -headed Ps. 71. 18. when I am old andg.-/j">. 5. he became there a n. g. Ps. 135. 10. smote g.n. and slew kings Jer. 6. 22. a g. nation shall be raised Ezek. 31.6. under his shad. dweltg-.w. GREAT people. Deut. 2. 10. Emiins dwelt a p. g. 21. 21. Zamzummims, a people great Josh. 17. 14. seeing 1 I am a g. people l.">. be a g. p. || 17. thou art a g. p. 1 Kiii 3. 9. who is able to judge this great people? 2 Ch. 1. 10. 5. 7. given wise son over this g. p. Isd.\3.i. noise in mountains as of g.p. GREAT power. Exo. 32. 11. out of Egypt with g. p. 2 Kin. 17. 3G. Nek. 1. 10. Num. 54. 17. the p. of my lord beg". Job 23. 6. plead against me w.ith g.p. Ps. 147. 5. great is our L. and of g.p. Jer. 27. 5- have made the earth, man, and beast by my g. p. 32. 17. Kali. 1. 3. L. slow to auger, g. in p. Mar. 13.26. coining in clouds wi. g.p. Acts 4.33. wi. g.p. gave apostles witn. 8. 10. this man is the g. p. of God liev. 11. 17. thou hast taken thy g.p. GREATS. Num. 34. 6. have g.s. for a border Jos. I. 4 from wilderness t'~» the g. s. 15. 12. west border to g. s.and coast Ezek. 47. 10. as fish of the g. sea 15. border of land from the g. sea Dan. 7. 2. four winds upon the g. s. See Sin. GREAT slaughter. Josh. 10. 10. slew them with a g. s. Judg. II. 33. Jephthah smote wi. g.s. . 15. 8. Samson smote with g. s. 1 Sam. 4. 10. Philis. smote wi. g. t. 17. 6. 19. L. had smitten peo. with g. s. 19. 8. David slew with a g. s. 23. 5. 2 Sam. 18. 7. a g. slau. of 20,000 men IKiu. 20.21. Israel slew Assyr.wi.g.s. 2Chr. 28.5. Israel smote Ahaz wi'.g.s. /.sY/.:>0.25.d:iy of g.s. when towers fall 31. 6. L. hath g.s. in land of Iduinea So GREAT. Erod. 32. 21. bro. sog. sin on them Deut. 4. 7. what nat. so g. hath G.? 8. 1 Kin. 3.9. judge so g peo. 2 ChAAO. Ps 77.13. who sog. a God as our G.? 103 11. so g. is his mercy to them Mat. 8. 10. lmt.sog.faitli in Is. LuJ.9. 2 Cor. 1. 10. delivered from sog. d&ttth IIeb.2.3. if we neglect sog. salvation 12. 1. so g. a cloud of witnesses Jam. 3.4. to g. yet turned wi. a helm Small and GREAT. Gew.19.11. smote wi. blind, s. and g. Deut. 1.17.ye sh. hear s. as well a.s g. 25. 13. divers weights, g. and tm. 1 Sam. 5. 9. smote the men s. and g. 20. 2. my father will do noth. g. or*. 30. 2 slew not any either g. or s. 2 Kin. 23. 2. s. and g. went to house, •2 Chr. 34. 30. 25. 26. peo. s and g. came to Egypt ) Chr. 2G. 13. ca>t lots as well s. nag, I Clir, 15. lli. put to death, s, org-. GRE 2 Chr. 31.15. give to brethren, g. a. s. EstA.b. Abas, made a feast to g.a. s. 20. to husband's honour g. a. s. Job 3. 19. small and great are there 37. fi. to the s. rain and to g. rain Ps. 104. 25. things creeping, s. andg. 115. 13. fear the Lord, small and g. Eccl. 2. 7. posses, of g. and s. cattle JerAG. 6. g. ands. sh. die in this land Amos 5. 5. the ephah s. the shekel g. Acts 26. 22. witnessing to s. and g. 7ieu.ll.I8. rew. that fear him,*, u. g. 13. 16. s. and g. to receive a mark 19. 5. praise our God, sm. and g. 20. 12. dead, s. a. g. Stffrld before G. GREAT stone and stones. Gen. 29. 2. g. s. was on well's mouth Deu.21.2. set up g.s aiid plaster them Jos. 10. 11. L. castg. s. from heaven 24.26. Joshua took g. s. and set it up 1 Sam. 6. 18. to the g. stone of Abel 14. 33. roll a great stone unto me 2S«;».20.8. were at g. slonein Gibeon 1 Kin. 5. 17. brought g. s. to lay foun. 7. 10. founda. was of g. s. Ezra 5. 8. 2 Chr. 26. 15. engines to shoot g. stones Ezra 6. 4. 3 rows of g.s. row timber Jer. 43. 9. take g. s. and hide them Mat. 27. 6!) rolled a g. s. to door of GREAT thing and things. £3&t. 10. 21. thy God hath done 5-. t. 1 Sam. 12.10. see this g. t. L. will do 2Sainl 21. word's sake thou done g.t. 23. and to do for you g. things 2 Kin. 5. 13. if prophet bid thee g. t. 8. 4. tell the g. t. Elisha hath done 1 Chr AT. 19. making known these g.t. Job 5. 9. to G. doeth g. £.9.10. | 37. 5. Ps. 71.19. done g\ t. who is like thee 106.21. forgat G. who had done g.t. 12G. 2. L. hid done g. t. for them 3. Jer. 33. 3. shew theeg. and mighty t. 45. 5. seekest thou g. t. for thyself ? Dan. 7. 8. a mouth speaking g. t. 20. Rev. 13. 5. Hos. 8. 12. I have written the g. t. Joel 2. 20. because he hath done g. t Mar. 3.8. heard what g. things he did 5.19. tell g.t. la. hath done, Lfe.8.39. Luke 1. 49. mighty hath done g. t. 8. 39. published g. t. Jesus had done Acts 9. 16. shew g. t. be must suffer lCor.9.11. is it gj. if we reap carnal? 2 Cor. ll.15.no g. t. if minis, be trans. Jam. 3. 5. tongue hoasteih g. things Very GREAT. Erod. 11. 3. ftloses was 7'. g. in land Num. 13.28. cities are walled and v.g. 2 Sam. 19.32. Barzillai was a v.g. man 1 A'j'«.10.2.Sheba came with V.g. train {Chr. 21. 13. for 1: g. are his mercies 2 Chr. \6. 14. a v. g. burning for Asa Job 2.13. they saw his grief was v. g. Ps. 104. 1. O my God, thou art v. g. Mar. 8. 1. the multitude re nj great 1G. 4. stone was away, for it was v. g. Was GREAT. Gen.6.5. the wickedness of man il'.g. 13. G. their substance w. g. so that Job 31.25. I rejoiced my wealth ?/;. g. Eccl. 2.9. I w. g. and increased more Lam. 1. 1. she u\ g. among nations Dan. 4. 10. the tree's height n\ g. Mat.-i.21. g. u>. the fall of it, iu.6.49. GREAT waters. Ps. 32. 2. in floods of g. w. shall not 77.. 19. in tile sea, thy path in g. w. 107.23. they that do business in g.w. 144. 7. deliver me out of g. waters Jer. 51.55. waves do roar Tike g. w. Ezek. 1. 24. noise of wings like g.w. 17. 5. he placed the seed by g. w. 8. was planted in good sod by g.w. 26. 19. when g. w. shall coyer thee 209 GRE Ezek. 27. 26. rowers br. thee to g. uk 31.7. fair, for his root was by g. w. 15. the g. waters were stayed Hab. 3. 15. didst walk through g. w. GREAT while. 2 Sam. 7. 19. thou spoke of thy ser- vant's house forg\ w. 1 Ch. 17.17. Ma?: 1.35. rising a g. w. before day Lu. 10. 13. had a g. u: ago repented Acts 28. 6. barbarians looked a g. w. GREAT work and works. E.rod. 14.31. saw that g.w. the Ii. did Judg. 2.7. seen the g. w. of the Lord I Chr. 29.1. son Is young, and ir. isg". Neh. 4. 19. w. is g. and W e separated 6. 3. doing a g. w. 1 cannot come Ps. 111. 2. w. of L. areg. Rei: 15. 3. GRKATEli. GenA.16. the g. light to rule the day 4.13. punishment g. than 1 can bear 41. 40. only in throne will I be g. E.rod. 18.11. Lord is g. than all Gods Num. 14.12. make of thee, g. nation, Deut. 9. 14. Deut. 1.28. peo. g. and taller than we 4. 38. drive nations gr. than thou, 7. 1. I 9. 1. I 11. 23. 1 KinA. 37. throneg. than David, 47. 1 Chr. 11.9. I)a\icl waxed g. and g. 2 Chr.3.5. g. house ceiled Wi. fir-tree Job 33. 12. that God is g. than man Hag.2.9. latter house g. than former Mat. 11. 11. riot risen a g. than John Bap. least g.than he, Lu. 7.28. 12. 6. is orleg. than the temple 41. ag-. than Jonas here, Lu. 11.32. 42 ag. than Solo, here, Lu. 11.31. 23.14. receiving g. damnation, Mar. 12. 40. Luks 20. 47. 17. is g. the gold, or the temple ? 19. is g. the gift, or the altar ? Luke 22.27. g. he that sit. or server h? John 1. 50. thou shalt see g. things, 5. 20. I 14. 12. 4.12. attg. than our father Jacob ? 5.36. a g. witness than that of John 8. 53. artg\ than father Abraham ? 10. 29 my Father g. thart all, 14.28. 13. 16. serv. not g. than lord, 15. 20. 15.13. g. love hath no man than this 19. 11. be that deliv. me hath g. sin Acts 15.28. lay upon you nog. burden Heb. 6. 13. he could swear by no g. 16. for men verily swear by the g. 9.11. g. and more perfect tabernacle 1 1. 2G. the reproach of C. g. riches Jam. 3. 1. receive g. condemnation 2 Pet. 2. 11. angels are g. iii power I John 3. 20. God is g. than our heart 4. 4. g. is he that is in you, than in 5. 9. witness of G. is g. this is wit. 3 John 4. no g. joy than to hear that GREATEST. Job Is 3. this man was the g. of all Jer. 31.34. all know me from least t > the g. Ileb. 8. 1 ! . 42.1. peo. from least tog", came near 44 !2. they sh. die, from least to .". Jonah 3. 5. on sack., from g. to lci-f Mat. 13. 32. it is the g. among herd 18.1. who 13 g. in kingd. of heaven 4. humble as this child, same is g 23. 11. he that is g. sh. be your set Mdr. 9. 34. who should beg. Lu.9.4i IjU. 22. 24. a strife who should beg. 26. he that is g. be as the younge. 1 Cor. 13.13. the g. of these is charit GREATLY. Gen. 3.16. I will g. multiply thy son Exod. 19. 18. whole mount quaked g. DeutA'SA. the Lord sh. g. bless thee \Sam. 12. 18. tliB peo. g. feared the L, 1 Kin: 18. 8. Obfrdiah feared L. g. 1 ^.4.38. house of fattu iucreasodtf. GllE 1 Chron. lfi 25. the Lord is g. to be praised, Ps. 48. I. | 96. 4. | 145. S. 2 Chr. 25. 10. their anger g. kindled 33. 12. Manasseh humbled hims. g. Job 8. 7. latter end sh. g. increase Ps. 21. 1. in thy salvation #. rejoice 28. 7. hearty, rejoiceth, will praise 45. 11. king sh. g. desire thy beauty 47.9. belong to God. heisg-. exalted $2. 2. I shall not be g. moved 65. 9. thou g. enrichest it with the 71. 23. lips g. rejoice when I sing 78. 59. wroth, and g. abhorred Isr. 105. 24 increased people g. 107. 38. 109. 30. I will g. praise the Lord 112. 1. delightedly, in his command 116. 10. I was g. afflicted, I said Prov. 23.24. father of right, g. rejoice Isa. 42. 17. g. ashamed th. trust ima. 61. 10. 1 will g. rejoice in the Lord Jer. 4. 10. hast g. deceived people Ezek.20. 13.sabbaths they g. polluted Dan. 5. 9. Belshazzar g. troubled 9. 23. thou art g. beloved, 10. 11, 19. Obad. 2. thou art g. despised Zeph. 1. 14. day of Lord hasteth g. Zi'vh. 9. 9. rejoice g., daughter of Z. Mat. 27. 14. governor marvelled g. Mark 5. 38. that wept and wailed g. 9. 15. beheld, they wert amazed g. 12. 27. ye therefore do g. err John 3. 29. rejoiceth g. because or Acts 6. 7. the number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem g. I Car. 16. 12. I g. desired Apollos Phil. 1. 8. g. I long after you all 1 Thes. 3. 6. desirinir g. to see us 2 Tim. 1. 4. g. desiring to see thee 4. 15. bath g. withstood our words I I'et. 1. 6. g. rejoice tho' in heavin. •J John 4. I rejoiced g. that I found '4 John 3. I rejoiced g. when breth. See Feared. GREATNESS. E.vod. 15. 7. in g. of thy exellency Sum. 14. 19.according to g. of mercies Dent. 3. 24. begun to shew serv. g. 5. 24. the Lord hath shewed his g. 9. 2G. hast redeemed through thy g. II. 'J. children who have not seen g. 32. 3. a5cribe ye g. unto our God 1 Chr. 17. 21. make thee a name of g. 29. 11. thine, O Lord, is the g. 2 Chi: 9.0. one half of g. not shewed S'i'h. 13. 22. spare me according to g. Ps. 66. 3. by g. of thy power enemies 71. 21. thou shalt increase my g. 79. 1 1. according to g. of thy power 145.3. #•. unsearchable || 6. declare g. 150. 2. according to bis excellent^. Prov. 5. 23. in g. of folly go astray Isa. 40. 26. calleth by g. of his might . 10. wearied in the g. of thy way 63. 1. travelling in g. of strength Ji-r. 13. 22. ,g. of iniquity discovered Ezek. 31 2. whom art thou likeing-.? Dan. 4. 22. thyg\ reacheth heaven 7. 27. g of kingd. given to saints Eph. 1. l'J. exceeding g. of his power G KEAVKS. '. Sam. 17.6. Goliath had g. of brass GREEDY. Ps. 17. 12. a lion that is g. of prey Prov.l.Xi). so is every one g. of gain i5. 27. he thatis#. troubleth house /•*«. 56. 11. g. dogs never ha. enough 1 Tim. 3. 3. not g. of filthy lucre, 8. GREEDILY. I'rov. 21. 26. he coveteth g. all day Ezek. 22. 12. hastg'. gained o neigh. JudeW.mn g. after error of Balaam GREEDINE.'S. Eph. 4. 19. given over to work all uncle nness with g GRE GREEK. Luke 23. 38. superscription written in G. Jotin 19. 20. Acts 21. 37. canst thou speak G.? Rev. 9. 11. in G. tongue name Apol. GREEN. Gen. 1. 30. to beast g. herb for meat 9. 3. as g. herb I have given you all Lev. 2. 14. otfer for first-fruits g\ ears 23. 14. eat no g. ears, till ye have Judg. 16. 7. bind me with 1 g. withs 8. they brought to her 7 g. withs 2 Kin. 19. 26. inhabitants were as g. herbs, Isa. 37. 27. Job 8 16. he is g. befon 1 the sun 15. 32. his branch shall not be g. 39. 8. the wild ass searcheth after g. Ps. 23. 2. lie down in g. pastures 37. 2. shall wither as the g. herb 35. wicked spread likeg-. hay-tree Cant. 1. 16. thou art fair, our bedg". 2. 13. fig-tree putteth forth g. figs Isa. 15. 6. there is no g. thing Jer. 11. 16. Lord called nameg'. olive 17. 8. as tree spreadeth, leaf beg. Hos. 14. 8. 1 am like a g. fir-tree Mark 6.39. by companies on g. grass Rev. 8. 7. all g. grass was burnt up 9. 4. commanded not to hurt any g. GREEN tree. Deiit. 12. 2. served gods under g. tr. 1 Kin. 14. 23. images under every g. tree, 2 Kin. 17. 10. 2 Kin. 16. 4. Asa sacrificed under every g. tree 2 Chr. 28. 4. Ps. 52. 8. a g. olive I. in house of G. Isa. 57 5. inflaming yours, under g.t. Jer. 2. 20. under g. t. thou wanderest 3. 6. under g. t. played the harlot Ezek. 17. 24. I have dried up tlie^s. t. 'li). 47. it shall devour every g. tree Luke 23. 31. do these things in g. t. GKEEN' trees. Jer.l7.2.child. remem. proves by g.t. GREENISH. Lev. 13. 49. if plague g. on garment i4. 37. if plague he with strakes g. GREENNESS. Job S. 12. whilst it is yet in his g. G R E ET. I Sum. 25. 5. goto Nabal and g. him Rom. 16. 3. g. Priscilla and Aquila 5 g. the church jj 6. g. Mary 8. g. Amplias|| 11. g. household 1 Cor. 16. 20. breth.g-. you,P/^7.4. 21. 20. g. one another, 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Peter 5. 14. Col. 4. 14. Luke and Demasg\you 1 TItes. S.SR.g - . brethren wi. holv kiss Fit. 3. 15. g. themth. love us in faith ■> John 13. children of sister, g. thee 3 John 14. g. the friends by name GREKTETH. 2 Tim. 4. 21. Eubulusg-. thee, Pud. GREETING, S. Mat. 23. 7. g. in the markets, Luke 11.43.|20.46. Arts 15. 23. apostles, elders send g. 23. 26. Lysias to Felix sendeth g. Jam. 1. 1. to the 12 tribes abroad, g. GREW. Gen. 2. 5. L. made herb before it g. 21. 8. Isaac #. 26.13. || 21. 20. Ishmael 25. 27. boys g. \\ 47. 27. Israel g. Erod. 1. 12. more afflicted, more g. 2. 10. Moses g\ || Jud.ll.2. wife's sons 1 Sam. 2. 21. the child Samuel g. 26. 2 Sam. 5. 10. Dav. went on,g. great 12. 3. it g. up together with him Ezek. 17. 6. g. and became spreading Dun. 4. 11. tree g. and was strong Mark 4. 7. and the thorns g. up Luke I. 80. child i". and waxed. 2.40 Vi. 19. it g. arif* p xed &n.ut tree 210 GR1 Acts 7. 17. people g. and multiplied 12. 24. the word of God g. and 19. 20. mightily g. the word of God GHEY-kound. Prov. 30.31. comely in going, « g.-A. GRIEF, S. Gen. 26. 35. a.g. unto Isaac and Reb. 1 Sa?n. 1. 16. out of abundance of g. 2 Chr. 6. 29. every one know own g. Job 6.2. oh that my g. were weighed 16. 5. moving of lips sh. assuage g. 6. tho' 1 speak, g. is not assuaged Ps. 6. 7. mv eye is consumed be- cause of g. 31. 9. 31. 10. my life is spent with g. 69. 26. talk to g. of those wounded Prov. 17. 25. foolish son g. to father Eccl. 1. 18. in much wisdom much g. 2. 23. days are sorrows, travail g ha. 17.11. harvest a heap in day of £ 53. 3. a man acquainted with g. 4. borne our g., carried sorrows 10. pleased Lord to put him to g Jer. 10. 19. I said, truly this is a g. 45. 3. Lord hath added g. to sorrow Lam. 3. 32. tho' he cause g. he will Jonah 4. 6. a gourd to deliver fir. g 2 Cor. 2. 5. if caused #. notgriev. int Heb. 13. 17. do it with joy, not g. l/'^.2.19.conscience to. G. endures. GRIEVANCE, ING. Hab.1.3 why cause meto behold g\? Ezek. 28. 24. be no more a g. thorn GRIEVE. I Satn. 2. 33. the man to g. thy heart I Chr. 4. io. keep fr. evil, notg\ me Ps. 78. 40. how oft did they g. him Lam. 3. 33. doth not willinglvg-.meii Eph. 4. 30.g. not Holy Spirit of God GRIEVED. Gen. 6. 6. it repented the L. that he had made man, and it g. him 45. 5. be not g. that ye sold me 19.23 the archers have sorely £\him Dent. 15. 10. not %. when thougivest htdg.10.16. sou! g. for misery of Is. 1 Sa?n. 1. 8. why is thy heart g.? 20. 34. Jonathan was'g. for David 30. 0. soul of all the people was g. > Sam. 19. 2. king was g. for his son Nek. 13. 8. it g. me sore, and I cast Esth. 4. 4. the queen exceedingly g. Job 4. 2. if we commune, wilt be g.l 30. 25. my soul g. for the poor ? Ps. 73. 21. hearty., 1 was prickee" 95. 10. 40 years was I g. with this 112. 10. wicked sh. see it, and be g 119. 158. 1 beheld transgressors, #. 139. 21. am not 1 g. with those that Isa. 54. 6. L. called as a woman g. Jer. 5. 3 hast stricken, they not g. Dan. 7. 15. I Daniel was g. in spirit II. 30. he shall be g. and return Amos 6. (i. not g. for affliction of Jos. Mark 3. 5. g. for hardness of hearts 10. 22. he went away g. for he had John 21. 17. Pett-r was g. because Acts 4. 2. g. that they taught pecp'e 16. 18. Paul being g. said" to spirit Rom. 14. 15. if brotherg. with meat 2 Cor. 2. 4. wrote not that ye be g. 5. he hath not g. me, but in part lleb. 3. 10. 1 was g. with generation 17. with whom Grieved 40 years ? GR1EVETH. Ruth 1. i3. it g. me for your saues Prov. 26.15. g. him to bring to mouq it grots darkness GRO Mat. 13. 15. waxed g. Acts 28. 27. GROVE. Gen. 2i. 33. planted g. in Beer-sheba Dent. 10.21. not plant g. near the altar lAm.16.33. Ahab madeg-. to prov. G. 2 Kin. 13. 6. remained g. in Samaria 21.3. reared up altars, and made ag. 23. 6. brought g. from house of L. 15. Josiah burnt high place and g. GROVES. Exod. 34. 13. cut downg. Deut.l. 5. Deut. 12. 3. burn their g. with fire Judg. 3. 7. served g. 2 Chro. 24. 18. 1 Kin. 14. 23. built g. on every high hill, 2 Kings 17. 10. 18. 19. the prophets of the g. 400 2 Kin. 18. 4. Hezekiah cut down g. 23. 14. Josiah cut g. 2 Chr. 34. 3, 4. 2 Chr. 14.3. brake images, and cutg". 17. 6. Jehoshaphat took away, the g. 33. 3. Manas, made g. \\ 19. set up g. 34. 3. purge Judah from the groves Isa. 17. 8. neither shall he respect g\ Jer. 17. 2. remember altars and g. Mic. 5.14. I will pluck up thy groves GROUND, Verb. Exod.32.20. g. to powder, Deut.9.21. Num.M.8. the peo. g. manna in mills GROUND com. 2Sa.17.I9. spread g.c. on well's mouth GROUND. Gew.2.5. there was not a man to tillg-. 7. God formed man of dust of the g. 19. ofg. the L. formed every beast 3. 17. cursed is theg. for thy sake 4. 2. but Cain was a tiller of the g. 10. blood crieth to me from the g. 5. 29. the g. the Lord hath cursed 8. 21. I will not again curse the g. Exod. 3.5. standest is holy g.^c. 7.33. Num. 16. 31. the g. clave asunder Judg. 4. 21. fastened nail into the g. 1 Smn. 8. 12. set them to ear his g. •2 Sum. 23.11. piece g. full of lentiles 2 Kin. 2.19. water naught, g. barren 9. 26. cast hiin into the plat of g. ir/ir.11.13. parcel of g. full of barley '2Chr. 4. 17. king cast them in clay g. Neh.\0.35. bring first-fruits of our g. Job 5.6. nor trouble spring out of g. 14.8. though stock thereof die in g. 18. 10. the snare is laid tor him in g. 38. 27. satisfy desolate and waste g. 39.24. swallows the g. wi. fierceness Ps. 105.35. devoured fruit of their g. 107. 33. turneth springs into dry g. 35. turneth dry g. to water-springs ha. 28. 24. and break clods of hisg. 29. 4. thou shalt break out of the g. 30.23. thou shalt sow theg\ withall 24. asses that ear the g. shall eat 35. 7. parched g. sh. become a pool 51. 23. hast laid thy body as the g. Jer.4.3. break your fal. g. Ho*. 10. 12. 14. 4. because g. is chapt, no rain Lam. 2. 2. her gates are sunk into g. Ezek. 12. 6. thou see not the g. 12. Dan. 8.5. goat came, touched not g. Hos. 2.18. make cove, for things ofg. Zech. 8.12. g. shall give her increase Mai. 3. 11. not destroy fruit of g. Mat. 13. 8. fell into goodg. Luke 8.8. 23. seed into good g. Luke 8. 15. MarA.26. should cast seed into g. Luke 12. 16. theg. of a certain man 13. 7. why cumbereth it the g. ? 14. 18. I have bought a piece of g. 19. 44. they shall lay thee wi. theg. John 4.5. the parcel ofg-. Jacob gave !'•>•. 24. a corn of wheat fall into g. See Dry, Face. On or upon the GROUND. Gen. 38. 9. Onan spilled it on the g. Exod. 4. 3. cast rod o. g. ne ca8 t . g. Jill GRO Exod. 9. 23. tke fire ran along u. t. p. 14.16. go on dry g. through sea, 22. Deut. 22. 6. if a bird's nest be on g. Judg. 6.39. u. all t.g. let there bedew 40. there was dew upon all the g. 1 Sam. 14.25. there was honey u. t.g. 2 Sam. 14.14. as water spilt on the g 17.12. light him as dew tallethow t.g 2 Kin. 13.18.smite7pitality without g. GtJARD. Gen. 37. 36. Jos. sold to cap. ofg.39. 1. II. 12. servant to captain of the g. 1 Kin. 14. 27. committed shields to chief of g. 2 Chr. 12. 10. 28. g. brought them. 2 Chr. 12. 11. 2 A'm. 25. 8. cap. of g. came, Jer. 52 12. lO.cap. ofg. brake walls. Jer. 52.14 11. peop. capt. ofg. carried away 12. capt. ofg. left of poor of land Neh. 4. 22. in the night may be ag-. 23. nor men of g. put olF clothes Jer. 40. 5. cap. ofg. gave him victu. 52. 30. cap. of $. took captive 4G00 Ezek. 38. 7. be thou a g. to them Dan. 2. 14. Dan. answerd cap. ofg-. Acts 28. 16. delivered pris. to cap. g. GUARD chamber. 1 Kin. 14. 28. guard bare them to g. chamber, 2 Chr 12. 11. GUEST. Luke 19. 7. gone to beg. with sinner GUI GUEST chamber. Mark 14. 14. where is g. c.'i Lu.22.\\. GUESTS. 1 Kin. 1. 41. Adonijah and g. heard Prov. 9. 18. herg-. in depths of hell Zeph. 1.7. L. hath prepared and bid g. Mat. 22.10. wedding furnished vvi. g. 11. the king came in to see the g. GUIDE, S. /'*. 48. 14. be our g. even to death 55. 13. it was thou a man, my g. Prov. 2. 17. forsaketh g. of her youth 6. 7. having nog., overseer, ruler Jer. 3. 4. thou artg. of my youth Mic. 7. 5. put not confidence in g. Mat. 23. 16. wo to you, ye blind g.24. Acta 1. 16. g. to thein that took Jes. Ro7ii. 2. 19. thou art g. of the blind G U I DE. Job 38. 32. canst thou g. Arcturns ? Ps. 25. 9. meek will be g. in judgm. 31. 3. for thy name's sake g. me 32. 8. 1 will teach and g. thee with 73 24. thou shalt g. me wi. counsel 112. 5. g. his affairs with discretion Prov. 11. 3. integrity of upright g. ha. 49. 10. by springs he sh. g. them 51. 18. there is none to g. her 58. 11. Lord sh. g. thee continually Luke 1. 79. g. feet into way of peace John 16. 13. he will g. you into truth Acts 8. 31. can 1, except someg. me? 1 Tmj.5. 14. younger women g. house GUIDED, 1NG. Gen. 48. 14. Israel g. hands wittingly Exod. 15.13. hastg. them in strength 2 Chr. 32. 22. Lord g. on every side Job 31. 18. g. her fr. mother's womb Ps. 78. 52. g. them in the wilderness 72. g. them b v skilfulness of hands GUIEE. E.rod. 2i. 14. if a man slay with g. Ps. 32. 2. in whose spirit is nog-. 34. 13. keep lips fromg. 1 Pet. 3. 10. 55. 11. deceit and g. depart not str. John 1.47. an Israelite in who. no g. 2 Cor. 12. 16. 1 caught you with g. I Tlies. 2.3. our exhortation not ing. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside malice andg. 22. nor was g. found in his mouth Rev. 14. 5. in mouth was found nog. GUILT, [blood, 21.9. Deut. 19. 13. put awavg. of innocent GUILTY. Gen. 42. 21. we are verily g. Exod. 34. 7. not clear g. Num. 14. 18. Lev. 5. 2. he shall be Unclean and g. 3. when he knoweth not, be g. 4. 5. when g. he shall confess his sin 17. tho* he wist it not, yet is he g. 6. 4. he sinned and is g. sh. restore Nujn. 35. 27. tho' kill slayer not beg. 31. for a murderer g. of death Judg. 21. 22. not give, that sh. beg-. Prov. 30. 10. lest he curse, thou beg. Ex'ek. 22. 4. art become g. in hood Mat. 23. 18. swear by the g. on it 2G. 66. he is g. of death, Mark 14. 64. Rom. 3 19. all the world may bee. g. 1 Cor. 1 1. 27. g. of body and blood Jam. 2. 10. offend in one, g*. of all GUILTINESS. G>w.26.10.shouldesthave brought g\ Is. 51. 14. deliver me from blood-g-. GUILTLESS. Exod. 20. 7. the Lord will not hold him g. Deut. 5. 1 1. lfum.32.22. return and be ^.before L. Josh. 2. 19. blood on him, we be g. 1 Sam. 26. 9. against L.'s anointed g 2 Sam. 3. 28. I andkingd. g. of blood 14. 9. king and his throne be g. I Kin. 2. 9. bold linn Hot g. lor thou Mat. 12. 7. not have condemned £. 212 HAB GULF. Luke 16. 26. between us and you a q. GUSH, ED. 1 A'm. 18. 28. till the blood g. out Ps. 78. 20. smote rock, waters g. out 105. 41. opened rock, waters g. ouii Isa. 48. 21. clave rock, waters g. out Jer. 9.18- eye-lids g. out with waters Acts 1.18. burst asunder, bowels g. o. GUTTER, S. Gen. 20. 38. Jacob set rods in the g. 41. laid rods before cattle in theg. 2 Sam. 5. 8. who gettethup to theg. H HA. Job39. 25. saith among trump. haJia. HABERGEON. Exod. 28. 32. the hole of an h. 39. 23. Job 41. 26. spear, dart, h. cannot hold HABERGEONS. 2 Chr. 26. 14. h. Uzziah prepared Neh. 4. 16. half of sei vants held h. HABITABLE. Prov. 8. 31. in the h. part of earth HABITATION Exod. 15.2. I will prepare him an h. Lev 13. 46. without the camp his A. 1 Sam. 2. 29. offering command, in A. 32. shalt see an enemy in my h. 2 Sam. 15. 25. shew me it and his h. 2 Chr. 6. 2. an house of h. for thee 29. 6. turned from the h. of Lord Ezra 7. 15. G. of Is. whose//, in Jer Job 5. 3. but suddenly I cursed h. 24. shalt visit h. and shalt not sin 8. 6. h. of righteousness prosperous 18. 15. brimstone scattered upon h. Ps. 26. 8. I ha. loved h. of thy house 33. 14. from place of h. he looketh 69. 25. let their h. be desolate 71. 3. be thou my strong h where. 89. 14. the h. of thy throne, 97. 2. 91. 9. made the most High thy h. 104. 12. fowls of heaven have th. h. 107. 7. might go to a city of h. 36. 132. 5. find an h. for God of Jacob 13. Lord hath desired it for his A. Prov. 3. 33. blesseth the h. of the just Isa. 22. 16. graveth aii h. for himself 32. 18. people dwell in peaeeahle h. 33. 20. sh. see Jerusalem a quiet h. 34. 13. it shall he an h. of dragons 35. 7. h. of dragons shall be grass 63. 15. from the h. of thy holiness Jer. 9. 6. thine h. in midst of deceit 10. 25. have made his h. desolate 25. 30. Lord sh. mightily roar on h. 31. 23. L. bless, O A of just. 50. 7. 41. 17. dwelt in the h. of Chimham 49.19. not come ag.A. of strong, 50. 44. 50. 19. bring- Israel again to his h. 45. he shall make their h. desolate Ezek.'29AA. cause Egypt return to A. Obad. 3. whose A. high, saith in heart Hub. 3. 1 1. sun and moon stood in h. Acts 1 20. let his h. be desolate 17.26. hath determined bounds of h Eph. 2. 22. an h. of God thro' Spirit Jude 6. angels wh. left their own A. Rev. 18. 2. Babylon become h. of deT Holy HABITATION. Exod. 15. 13.hast guided them to h. h Deut. 26. 15. look down from h. h. 7 J .r.68.5. Judge of widows is G. mh.h Jer. 25. 30. L. sh. utter voice fr. h. A. Zech. 2. 13. he is raised out of A. A. HABITAT IONS. Gc«.49.5.instrumentsof cruelty in A. L.rocl. 12. 20. in h. eat unleav. bread 35. 3. kin Up no fire thru' your A. /'.v.74.20.dark places full of A.of cruel Isa. o4. 2. fcUeuu lorth curtains of A, HAT Jer. 10. ft. of wilder. lamentation 2!. fk. who shall enter into our ft.? 25. 37. peaceable A. are cut down 4.'). '20. shall make their ft. desolate I, /nn. 2. 2. L. swallowed ft. of Jacob Ezek. 6. 14. ft. make land desolate Amos 1. 2. ft. of shepherds mourn uke 16. 9. receive into everhist. A. H 4 D - Job 31. 31. oh that we ft. of his flesh ! 42. 10. L. pave twice as much as he ft. Ps. 8 4. 10. I ft. rather be a door-keep. 89. 7. to be ft. in reverence of all Hint, 13. 46. he sold all that he ft. 22. 28. wife of 7, for they all h. her Mark 12. 44. did cast in all she ft. John 4. i8. th. hast ft. five husbands J2. 6. Judas ft. the bag, and bare 15. 22. A. not come they A. not ft. sin 17. 5. the glory I ft. with thee Actsl. 44. believed A. all common Heb. 7. 6. blessed him A. promises 1 John 2. 7. command, h. fr. beginn. 1 John 5. we h. from the beginning See All, Compassion. HADST. Gen. 30. 30. little h. before I came lieu. 10. 8. offering" for sin h. no pleas. HAFT. Judg. 3. 22. the h. also went in HAIL. Ex. 9. 18. cause to rain grievous h. 23. the Lord sent thunder and A. 26. children of Israel were, no A. 29. nor any more h. \\ 33. ft. teased Job .38. 22. hast seen treasures of A.? iV??. 78. 47. destroyed vines with A. 48. gave their catt..ea.so to the h. 105. 32. he gave them ft. for rain 148. 8. fire, ft. snow, and vapour Isa. 28. 17. the h. shall sweep away Hag. 2. 17. I smote you with ft. Rev. 8. 7. there followi d h. and fire Jl. 19. temple opened, was great h. l'j. 21. there fell on men a great h. HAIL. Verb. Isa. 32. 19. people dwell, it shall ft. HAIL. "Mat. 26. 49. Judas said, h. master 27. 29. h. king of the Jews, Mark J 5 18. John 19. 3. Luke 1.28.angel came to Marv.said h. HAILSTONES. " J< sJ>. 10. 11. more which died with ft. Psal. 18. 12. ft. and coals of fire, 13. tsa. 30.30. L. shew indignation wi. ft. Ezek. 13 11. ye, O great h. shall fall 13. shall be great h. in my fury 38. 22. rain great h. fire, brimstone HAIR. Lev. 13. 3. ft. In plague turned white 30. p ague yellow A. || 31. black A. 37. there is black h. grown 14. 8. and shave oft all his h. 9. Num. 6. 19. h. of separation shaven Jud. 20. 16. sling stones at A. bread. 2 Sam. 14. 20. because h. was heavy 1 Kin. 1. 52. not an h. fall to earth Ne.h. 13. 25. I plucked off their h. Job 4. 15. h. of my flesh stood up Cant. 4. 1. h. is as a flock of goats, 6. 5. Isa 3. 24. instead of well-set ft. bald. 7. 20. L. shave head, and A. off feet 50. 6. cheeks to them plucked oft'//. Jer. 7.29. cut off thy h. O Jerusalem -E;j-e/c. 5. 1. divide A. || 16. 7. ft. grown il/«^. 3. 4. John had raiment of ca- mel's hair, Mark 1. 6. 5.36. not make one h. white or black John 11. 2. wiped feet with h. 12. 3. 1 Cor. II. 14. if a man have long ft. 15. woman have long A. glory to her 1 7W. 2 9. not with broidered h. 1 Pef. 3. 3. plaiting A. wearing gold HAL Rev. 6. 12. sun black as saolccl. of ft. 9. 8. they had A. as the A. of women See Goats, Head. HAIRS. Gen. 42. 38. bring down h. 44. 29, 31. Dent. 32. 25. suckling, man of gray A. TV. 40. 12. more than ft. of he ad ,69. 4. Isa. 46. 4. to hoar h. will I carry you Dan. 4. 33. A. like eagle's feathers Hos. 7. 9. gray h. are here and there Mat. 10. 30. the A. of our head are numbered, Luke 12. 7. 7,7«». 12.7. be lor time, times, and an A. Rev. 12. 14. ZecA. 14. 2. ft. of city into captivity 4. A toward south || 8.A. toward sea Luke 10. 30. leaving him ft. dead 19 8. ft. of goods I give to the poor Iiev.8.\. was silence about A. an hour 1). 9. dead bodies 3 days and A. 11. See Shekel. Hin, Tribe. HALL. Mat. 27. 27. soldiers took Jes. into7t. Mark 15. 16. soldiers led him to A. Luke 22. 55. kindled a fire in the A. See Judgment. HALLOW. Exod. 29.1. ft. them to minister to me Lev. 22. 32. I am the L. who ft. you 25. 10. shall ft. the fiftieth year Num. 6. 1 1, shall ft. his head that day 1 Ki», 8. 64. king A. court, 2 Chr. 7. 7. Jer. 17. 22. A. ye Sabbath-day, 24. 27. Ezek. 20. 20. and A. my sabbaths. 44. 24. keep laws and A. my sabbaths HALLOWED. Exod. 20.11. blessed sabliath and ft. it 29.21. Aaron be ft. and his garments Lev. 12. 4. shall touch no A thing 22. 32. be A. among children of lsr. Num. 3. 13. ft. to me first-born in Is. 5. 10. every man's A. things be his 16. 37. take censers, they are h. 38. Dent. 26. 13. brought away A. things 1 Sam. 21. 4. but there is A. bread, 6. 1 Kin. 9. 3. I have A. this house, 7. 2 Chr. 36. 14. polluted ho. L. had A. Mat. 6. 9. /j. be thy name, Luke 11. 2. H A LT. A/a A. 18. 8. it is better to enter into life A. Mark 9. 45. Luke 14. 21. bring hither A. and blind Jo/in 5. 3. A. waiting for moving of HALT.ING. [water 1 Kin. 18. 21. how long A. ye be. tween two opinions ? rs. 38. 17. for I am ready to ft. Je/\ 20. 10. familiars watched my ft. HALTED, KTH. Gen. 32. 31. Jacob passed, ft. on thigh 2/3 HAS 3f«?. 4. 6. I will assemble her that A. 7. make her that ft. a remnant Zeph. 3. 19. I will save her that A. HAMMER, S. Judg. 4. 21. Jael took A. in her hand 5 26. with A. she smote Sisera 1 Kin. 6. 7. neither ft. nor axe heard Ps. 74. 6. break carved work with A. /«$. 41. 7. thatsmootheth with theft. 44. 1.2, smith fashioneth it with A. Jer. 10. 4. fasten it with nails and ft, 23. 29. like ft. that breaketh rock 50. 23. ft. of whole earth cut asundei HAND. Gen. .0. 2. into ft. are they delivered 44. 17. man in whose ft. cup found Exod. 6. 1. strong ft. drive them out 13. 3. strength of A. Lord brought 14 8. Israel went out with an high ft. Num. 33. 3. 16. stretch otit ft. over the sea 19. 13. there shall not a ft. touch it 21. 24. ft. for A. Deut, 19. 21. 34. 29. tables of testimony in Mos. ft. 38. 15. on this ft. and that ft. were Deut. 13. 9. the A. of all the people 25. 12. cut off her A. pity her not Josh. 2. 19. blood on head A. on him Judg. 1. 35. ft. of house of Joseph 4. 9. sell Sisera into A. of a woman 15. 18. fall into ft. of uncircumcised 1 Sam.Vi. 3 of who. ft.receiv. bribe? 13. 22. nor spear found in A. of lsr. 17. 50. no swoid in the ft. of David 20. 19. hide when business was in ft. 22. 17. their ft. also is with David 2 Sa?n. 13. 5. and eat it at her ft. 6. '.4. 19. the ft. of Joab in all this 21. 20. every ft. 6 fingers, I Cft/\20.fi. 24. 14. fall into ft. of man, 1 Cft/\21.13. 1 Kin. 2 46. established in ft. of Solo. 13. 6. king's ft. was restored sgaiu 18. 44. ariseth cloud like man's A. 22. 6. go up, Lord shall deliver it into king's A. 12, 15. 2 Chr.lU. 5. 2 Kin. 7.2. on who. ft. king leaned, 17 Ezra 7. 9. good A. of God on him 9. 2. A. of princes chief in trespass Job 9. 24. given into A. of wicked 12.6. into whose A God bringeth 10. in A. is soul of ev. living thing 20. 22. ft. of wicked come on him 21. 16. their good is not in their ft. 34.20.mighty taken away without #.- 37 7. sealeth up ft. of every man Ps. 31. 8. not shut into ft. of enemy 36. 11. let not ft. of wicked remove 71.4. deliver me out of ft. of wicked, 82. 4. [97. 10 1 23. 2. servants look to ft. of masters 127. 4. arrows in ft. of mighty man 149. 6. two-edged sword be in A. " Prov. 6. 3. come into ft. of friend 10. 4. becometh poor dealeth slack ft. but ft. of diligent rnaketh rich 11.21. ft. join ft. not unpuiiished.16.5. 12. 24. ft. of diligent shall bear rule 17. 16. price in ft. of fool get wisd.? 26.9.thorn goeth into ft. of drunkard Isa. 10. 5. staff in ft. my indignation 13. 2. shake ft. may go into gates 19. 4. give over into ft. of cruel lord 28. 2. L. cast down to earth with ft Jer. 12. 7. beloved into ft. of enemies 18. 4. vessel marred in ft. of potter 6. as clay in the potter's ft. so ye 2!. 5. outstretched ft. against you 26. 24. ft. of Ahikam with Jeremiah not to give him into ft. of peopio Lam. 5. 6. given ft. to the Egyptinns 12. princes are hanged by their k. Ezek. 2. 9. an ft. was sent me, a roll 8 3. put forth form of ft. 10. tit 16. 49. nor ♦-eugthen ft. of u HAN h'zek. 28. 9. no god in A that slayeth 34. 10. require my flock at their A. 37. IS), take stick in A. of Ephraim 40. 5. in man's A. a measuring reed Dan. 5. 5. came fingers of man's A. 23. God, in whose A. thy breath is 8. 25. he shall be broken without A. 10. 10. behold, an A. touched me Joel 3.8. sons and daugh. to A. Judah Mat. 8. 15. touched A. \\ 22.13. bind It. Mark 3.1. a withered A. 3. Luke 6. 8. 14. 41. is betrayed into A. of sinners Luke 1. 1. taken in A. to set forth 74. delivered out of A. of enemies 11. 21. h. that betrayeth is with me fo/inlO. 39. he escaped out of their A. 1 1. 44. came forth, bound A. and foot cts 12. 17. beckoning to them wi. A. Cor. 12. 15. because I am not the A. 21. eye cannot .say to A. no need al. 3.19. by angels in A. of mediator ev. 10. 8. take book in A. of angel 17. 4. having a golden cup in her A. 19.2. avenged blood of servants at It. /H HAND, or at the HAND. Sen. 9. 5. at A. of every beast, at A. of man, at h. of man's brother 33. 19. Jacob bought at A. of child. T)eut. 15. 9. the year of release is ath. 1 Sam. 20. 16. ath. of David's enemies 2 Kin. 9. 7. blood at h. of Jezebel Jsa.V.>,f>. day of h.at A. Joel \.\h.Zep Jer.TA.23. am 1 a God at hand ? [1.7. Kzek. 12. 23. the days are at hand 33.fi. blood require at watchman's h. Juel 2. 1. day of Lord is nigh at h. Mat. 3. 2. heaven is ath, 4.17. | 10. 7. 26.18. time \sat h. || 45. hour is at h. 46. ath. that betray me, Mar. 14.42. Mark 1.15. king, of G. at h, Lu.21.31. Luke.1\. 30. summer is nigh at h. Joint 2. 13. p;issover was at h. 11. 55. 7. 2. feast of tabernacles was at h. 19. 42. the sepulchre was nigh at h. Rom. 13.12. night far spent, day ath. Phil. 4. 5. known, the Lord is at h. 2 Tltes. 2. 2. the day of Christ is a? h. 2 Tim. 4.6. time of departure is at It. 1 Pet. 4. 7. end of all things is at h. Rev. 1. 3. for the time is at h. 22. 10. By the HAND. Erod. 4. 13. send by hand of him Lev. 8. 36. Lord commanded byh, of Moses, 10. 11. | 26.46. NnriL 4.37, 45, 49. | 9. 23. 1 10. 13. | 15. 23. | 16. 40. | 27.23. | 36.13. Josh. \i. 2. | 20. 2. | 21. 2, 8. | 22. 9. Judg. 3. 4. 1 Kings 8. 53, 56. 2 Chron. 33. 8. | 35. 6. Kelt. 9. 1 i. Psal. 77. 20. 16. 21 send him by A. of a fit man Josh. 20. 9. not die Ini It. of avenger Judg. 16. 26. to lad that held byh. Sam. 18. 25. fall by It. of Philistines 27. 1. one day perish by h. of Saul 2 Sam. 3. 18. by h. of my serv. David 11. 14. a letter, sent by A. of Uriah 12. 25. sent In/ A. of Nathan the pro. 21.22. fell byh. of David, I CAr.20.8. '. Kin. 2. 25. sent by theh. of Kenaiah 14 18. he spake by h. of his servant 8 Kin. 14. 25. he spake by It. of Jonah . 27. saved them by h. of Jeroboam 3 Chr. 10. 15. spake by h. of Ahijah 12. 7. pour wrath by h of Shishak Prov. 26. 6. a message by A. of a fool Isa. 51. 18. nor that taketh by the h. Jer. 27. 3. yokes by h. of messengers 31. 32. I took them by A. Heb. 8 9. Ezek.2h. 14. vengeance by h. of Israel 30. 12. land waste by It. of strangers Mat. 9. 25. went and took her by h. Mark. 1. 31. | 5. 41. Luke 8. 54. Mark S. 23. took the blind man byh. 9. 27. Jesus took him by the hand HAM Acts 7. 35. a deliverer by h. of angel 9. 8. but they led him'6y the hand 13.11. seeking some to lead him byh. Col 4. 18. salutation by the h. of me See Chaldeans Enemy. HAND joined with enemies. 1 Sam. 4.3. ark of the covenant save out h. of e. 12. 10. 2 Sam. 3. 18. 12.11. deliver out of h. e. 2 Am. 17.39. 2 Sam. 19. 9. out of A. of our enemies 2 Kin. 21. 14. will deliver them to A. of e. 2 Chr. 25. 20. Neh. 9. 27. AW*. 9. 28. left them in h. of their e. Ps. 31. 15. deliver from h. of mine e. Jer.20.5. give this city into h. of their en. 21. 7. | 34. 20, 21. Ezek. 39. 23. 44. 30. give Pharaoh to h. of his e. Mic. 4. 10. redeem thee from A. of e. Luke 1. 74. deli v. out of h. of our e. From the HAND. Gen. 32. 11. deliver/. It,, of brother Deut. 7.8. redeemed/ h. of Pharaoh Judg. 8. 22. delivered/ h. of Midian 1 Sam. 25. 39. pleaded / h. of Nabal Job 5. 15. saveth poor/ h. of mighty 6. 23. redeem me/ A of the mighty Ps. K9. 48. deliver soul/ A. of grave 106. 10. saved/ h. of him that hated, and redeemed/ h. of the enemy 144. 7. deliver/ A. of children, 11." Prov. 6.5. deliver as roe/ It. of nun. Jer. 20. 13. delivered poor/ h. of evil 31. 11 / h. of him that was stronger Luke 1. 71. saved f. It. of all that hate HAND of God, 1 Sam. 5. 11. It. ofG. heavy on them 2 Chr. 30. 12. h. of G. give one heart Ezra 7.9. according to h.ofG.Neh.2.8. 8. 18. by good A. of God upon us 22. A o/ G. is upon them for good Keh.2. 18. told them of It. ofG. on me Job2.\0. receive good at the A. ofG.? 19. 21. h. ofG. hath touched me 27. 11. I will teach you by h. ofG. Eccl. 2 24. it was from the A. ofG. 9. 1. the wise are in the It. of God Isa. 62. 3. a royal diadem in It. ofG. Mark 16.19. and sat on right h. ofG. Rom. 8. 34. Col. 3. 1. Heb. 10. 12. 1 Peter 3. 22. Acts 2. 3.3. by right h. ofG. exalted 7. 55. standing on right It. ofG. r6. 1 Pet. 5.6. humble under the A. ofG. His HAND. Gen. 3.22. forth h. h. take tree of life 16. 12. his h. be against every man 41. 42. Pharaoh took ring off his h, Exnd. 4.4. forth A. h. bee. rod in h. h. 6. his h. was as leprous as snow 20. Moses took rod of God in h. It. 8. 6. stretched It. It. over waters, 17. 10. 22. stretched his h. to heaven 17. 11 held up his It. let down his h. 16. found in It. It, \\ 20.die under h.h. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his It. 8. hath put his h. to goods, 1 1. 24. 11. on nobles he laid not his h. 32. 15. tab. of testimony in his h. 34.4. Lev.lA. his It, on head of burnt-offer. Num. 5.18. have in his h. bitter water 22. 23. sword in h. h. 31. 1 Chr:2\.K\ 25.7. Phinehas took a, javelin in A.A. Deut. 19. 5. his It. fetcheth a stroke Josh. 5.13. a man wi. sword in his h. 8. 26. drew not h. h. till destroyed Judg. 6. 21. put end of staff in his h. 7. 14. to h. It. God delivered Midian 1 Sam.6.3. his It. not'remov. from you 9. it is not his It. that smote us 14.26. no man put It. It. to his mouth 27. Jonathan put h. h. to his mouth 16. 16. that he shall play with hist 23. harp and played with h. A. 18.1 17. 40. his staff and his sling in h. 214 HAN 15am.17.57. head of Philistine in h.h. 19.5. life in It, It. and slew Philistine 23. 16. strengthened A. hand'm God 2 Sam.&.Q. put h.h. to ark, 1 Chr. 13. 10. 1 Kin. 11. 34. kingdom out of his A. 13. 4. his h. he put forth against him 2 Kin. 5.11. call on L. and strike h.h, 10. 15. and he gave him his hand 11.8. weapons in h.h. 11. 2 Chr. 23.7. 14.5. kingdom was confirmed in h.h 15. 19. his h. might be with him 18. 21. if a man lean go into h. h. 1 Chr. 28. 19. understand by his h. 2 Chr. 26. 19. had a censer in his h. Neh. 6.5. servant-with letter in h. h Job b. 9. let loose h.h. and cut me «>| 15. 23. day of darkness ready at A. h 25. stretcheth out h. h. against G. 26. 13. h.h. formed crooked serpent 27. 22. would fain flee out of his It. 28. 9. putteth forth h. A. on the rock Ps. 37.24. L. upholdeth him wi. h. h. 33. Lord will not leave him in A.A. 78. 42. they remembered not A. h. 89. 25. 1 will set It. It. also in the sea 95.4. in h.h. are rYep places of earth 7. sheep of Ai\ h to-day if ye will 106. 26. he lifted up It. h. aga. them 129. 7. the mower tilleth not Am A. Prov,. 19. 24. a slothful man hideth his hand, 26. 15. 2sccZ.5.14. a son, and nothing in h. A. 15. nothing he may carry in h. h. Cant. 5.4. put in A. A. by hole of door Isa 5. 25. his h. is stretched out still, 9. 12, 17,21. | 10. 4. | 14. 27. 10. .cs, shake h. It. aga. mount Zion 11.11. set h.h. again the second time 15. shall shake h. It. over the river 22. 21. thy government into his h. 28.4. while yet in his h. he eateth it 31. 3. Lord shall stretch out his h. 37. 20. O Lord, save us from his h. 40. 12. waters in hollow of his- It. 44. 5. subscribe with It. h. to the L. 49. 2. in shadow of h. h. he hid me 53. 10. pleasure of L. prosper in h.h. 56. 2. keepeth It. h. from doing evil Jer. 27. 8. consumed them by his It. Lam. 1. 14. my transgression by A. A 2. 8. he hath not withdrawn fits It. 3. 3. he turneth A. A. against me Ezek.8.1l. ev. man wi. censer in A. A 9. 1. ev. man destroying weapon A.A. 17. 18. when lo, he had given his h, 30.24. 1 wi" put my sword in Am A. 46. 7. acc.-rding as A. A. shall attain Dan. 4. 35. none can stay his hand 8.4. that could deliver out of A. A. 7. 25. cause craft to prosper in his A. 11. 41. these shall escape out A. h. Hos. 7. 5. he stretched out Am hand 12. 7. balances of deceit are in Am A. Hah. 3. 4. horns coining out of hit A. Zeph.2.\b. pass, her hiss and wag A.A. Zech. 8.4. every man wi. staff in A. A. 14. 13. A. h. rise aga. hand of neigh. Mat. 3. 12. fan is in A. A. Luke 3. 17. 26.23. he that dippeth A. A. with me Mark 3. 5. A. A. restored Luke, 6. 10. 7. 32. beseech to put A. A. upon him John 3. 35. given all things into A.A 18. 22. struck with the palm of A. A Arts 7. 25. God by A. //. deliver them 28. 3. a viper fastened on his A. 4. saw the beast hang on his h. Ryv. 6. 5. a pair of balances in Am A 10. 2. had in A. A. a little book open 14. 9. in his forehead, or in his A. 14. crown, and in A.A. sharp sickle 20. 1. angel came wi. chain in A. A. HAND of the Lord, or Lord's HAND. I F.xod. 9. 3. A. of the L is upon cattle ■I HAN ErodAQ 3. would had died by h.ofL. Num. 1 1. 23. is L.'s A. waxed short ? ,AwA.4.24.peop. know A. ofL. mighty Judg. 2. 15. A. of Lord against them RitiJi 1. 13. A. oj the Lord is gone out . .S«wi. 5. 6. A. of L. heavy on them 7. 13. A. of t L. against Philistines 12. 15. then sh. A. ofL.be against vou 2 Sa«j.24.l4.fall into h.ofL. 1 CA.2I.ia 1 Kin. 18. 46. A. of L. was on Elijah 2 Kin. 3. 15. A. of L. came on Elisha £*r« 7. 6. granted accord, to A. of L. Jobl2.9Ji.ofL. wrought this,7*.4i.20. Ps. 7-'). 8. in //. of the Lord is a cup I'roix. 21. I. king's heart in A. of L. Isa. 19. 16. shaking of the h. oft. L. 25. 10. in mount, shall A. of L. rest 40. 2. received of the L 's A. double 51. 17. hast drunk at A. of the Lord 59. 1. Lard's A. is not shortened 6*2. 3. crown of glory in A. of the L. 66. 14. A. of L. known toward serv. Jer. 25. 17. took cup at the L.'s h. 51. 7. Babylon golden cup in L.'s h. Ezek. 1. 3. n. of the L. was upon him 3.14.A.o/7v.upon me,22. | 8.1. | 37.1. 33. 22. A. of L. on me in the evening 40. 1. the h. of the L. was with him Luke 1. 6fi. A. of the L. was with him Acts 11.21. A. of the L. was with them 13. 11. the A. of the L. is upon thee See Lay, or Laid. Left HAND. Gen. 13. 9. if thou wilt take left h. 24. 49. turn to the right A. or the /. 48. 13. Joseph took Ephraim in his right A. and Manasseh in his /. 14. Israel laid I. A. on Manasseh's Exod. 14. 22. a wall on right h. aid /. Lev. 14. 15, pour oil into own L A.27. A't*;/». 20. 17. will not turn to right A. nor to 1. Dent. 2. 27. | 5. 32. | 17. 11, 20. | 28. 14. 22. 26. no way to turn, right h. or 1. Josh. I. 7. turn not to right A. or I. 23. 6. 1 Sam. 0. 12. Prov A. 27. Judg. 3. 21. Ehud put forth his /. h. 7. 20. coinp. heid lamps in their/. A. 2 Sum. 2. 19. he turned not to I. h. 14. 19.none can turn to right A. or I. 1 Kin. 22. 19. host of heaven on his left h. 2 Chr. 18. 18. 2Kin.22.2. Jos. turned not to rt./i.or /. 1 Chr. 12. 2. use both right A. and /. 3 CAr.3. 17. name of that on /. A. Boaz 4. 7. five candlesticks on rt. 5 on I. h. Neh. 8. 4. on his /. h. stood Pedaiah Job 23. 9. on left A. he doth work Prov. 3. 16. in her /. h. riches, honour Eccl. 10. 2. a fool's heart at His /. A Cant. 2. 6. I. A. is under my head 8. 3. his /. h. under my head Isa. 9. 20. he shall eat on left h. and 30. 21. when ye turn to the left h. 54. 3. break forth on right A. and /. Ezek. 16. 46. daughters dwell at I. h. 39. 3. 1 will smite bow out of /. A. Dan. 12. 7. when he held up his /. A Jonah 4. 11. between right A. and / Z«vh. 12. 6. all peo. on right A. and /. Mat. 6. 3. let not left h. know what 2U.21. one right A.other/.3/«/vfcl0.37. 23. sit on right A and /. Mar. 10.40. 85 33. sheep on right A. goats on /. 41. sh. say to them on /. A. depart 87. 38. two thieves, one on right//. other on/. Mark 15.27. Z.m.23.33. Actt 21. 3. left Cyprus on the left h. 2 Cor. 6. 7. armour on right//, and /. See Lift hand or hands. Mighty HAND. Exod. 3. 19. let go, no not with m. h. Ueut 3. 24. shew servant thy m. h. 4. 34. take him a nation by a in. h. HAN Deut. 5. 15. God brought out of Egypt by a m. A. 6. '21. | 7. 8, 19. | 9. 26. | 11. 2. | 26. 8. j 34. 12. 2 Chr. 6. 32. is come for thy m. h. Ezek. 20. 33. with a m. A. will I rule Ban. 9. 15. out of Egypt with m A. I Pet. 5. 6. humble under m. A. of G. Mine and my HAND. Gen. 14. 22. I have lifted ?». A. to L. 3i. 39. of in. h. didst thou require it 33. 10. receive my present at m. h. 42. 37. deliver him into my h. I will 43. 9. of my. A shalt thou require Exod. 7. 17. smite with rod in in. h. 15.9.7/1. A destroy|| 17.9. rod in in. h. 33. 22. I will cover thee with m. A Num. 22. 29. I would a sword in m. h. Deit/.8.17.mightof in. A. got. wealth 10. 3. having the 2 tables in in. h. 32. 39. deliver out of m. A. is. 43. 13. 40. I lift up my A. to heaven, and 41. if in. A. take hold on judgment Judg. 6. 36. save Israel by in. A. 37. 7. 2. saying, in. own A. saved me 9. 29 would peo. were under in. h. 17. 3. dedicated silv. to L. from m.'h. 1 Sam. 12. 5. not found ought in m. h. 17. 46. Lord will deliver into m. h. 21. 4. no common bread under m h. 24. 6. stretch m. A. ag. L.'s anointed 11. see no transgression in m. 12. m. h. sh. not be upon thee, 13. 26. 18. what evil is in mine A.? 23. L. delivered into in A. 24. 10. 28. 21. 1 have put my life in my h. 2 Sam. 5. 19. wilt deliver Philistines into my A.? 1 CAr. 14. 10. 1 Kin. 13. 6. that in. A. may be rest. 2 Kin. 5. 18. he leaneth on my in 2CA/-.32.15.sh.G.deliv.out of ?«'./*.? 17. Job 13.14. wherefore put life in m.h.? 29. 20. bow was renewed in my h. 31.25. because m.h. had gotten much 27. or my mouth hath kissed m. A. 33. 7. neither shall my It. be heavy Ps. 81. 14. turned in. h. agst. er.emie-> 89. 21. my k. shall be established 1 19. 109. soul is continually in in. lu Prov. 1. 24. I have stretched my h. Isa. 1. 25. I will turn my h. upon me 10. 10. my A. hath fouiid kingdoms 13. by strength of in. A. I ha. done 14. my h. found riches of people 48. 13. my A. hath laid foundation 50.2. m.h. shortened || 11. thisofw*. A. 51. 16. covered in shadow of m. h. 66. 2. all hath in. h. made, Acts 7. 50. Jer. <>. 12. I will stretch out my A. 15. 6. | 51". 25. 16. 21. cause them to know mine h. 25. 15. take wine-cup of fury at in. A. Ezek. 6. 14. so will I stretch out m. A. 12. 7. digged thro' wall with my A. 13. 9. m. A. shall be upon prophets 20. 5. I lifted up in. A. saying, I am the Lord your God, 6. 23, 28, 42. | 36. 7. | 44. 12. | 47. 14. 22. 1 withdrew in. A. and wrought 22.13. smitten m. A. at thy dishonest Uos. 2. 10. none deliver out of in. h. Amos 9. 2. thence sh m. A. take them Zech. 2.9. I will shake m. h. on them 13. 7. turn m. h. upon little ones John 10. 28. nor pluck out of my h. 29. none pluck outofwi. father's A. 20. 25. and thrust m. h. into his side 1 Cor. 16. 21. salutation ol me, Paul with m. own A 2 Thes.3. 17. Gal.6.U. written with m. A. Phil.19. Our HAND. Gen. 37. 27. let not o. h. be on him Deut. 32.27.1estadvers. say, oAhigh Judg. 16. 23. delivered Sam. into o. A. 1 Sim. 14. 10. deliv. into o. A. 30. 23. 215 HAN Jer. 11. 21. that thou die not by o. h. 2 Cor. 10. 16. made ready to titw A. Out of H A N D, or out of the HAND. Gen. 48. 22. took o. of the A. of Am. A r w/re.5.25.take offering o. of worn. A. 11. 15. kill me, I pray thee, o. of It.. 35. 25. deliver o. of lu of avengpr ! Sam. 4. 8. who sh. deliv. us o. ofh.? 2 Sam. 12. 7. out of h. of Saul, 22. 1. 23. 21. spear out of Egyptian's A. 1 Kin. 11. 12. rend kingdom out of h. Ps. 71. 4. deliver out ofh. of wicked 82. 4. rid them out ofh. of wicked 97. 10. delivereth o. of h. of wicked Jer. 15. 21. deliver thee o. ofh. ofw. 21. 12 out 'oft A. of oppressor, 22.3 32. 4. o. ofh. of Chaldeans, 38. 1K.-J3 Lam. 5. 8. none deliver o. of their h Zech. 11. 6. o. of their A. not delivo John 10. 39. escaped out of their A. Acts 12. 11. deliver o. ofh. of Herw' Rev. 8. 4. out o/angel's A. 10. 10. Right HAND. Gen. 48. 14. put r. h. on Ephraim's Exod. 15. 6.thy r. h. O L. is glorious 29. 20. put blood on thumb of r. A. Lev 8. 23, 24. | 14. 14, 17, 25, 28. Deut. 33. 2. from r. A. went fiery law Judg. 5. 26. r. A. to workman's ham 2 Sam.20.9. Joab took Amasa wi. r. A. 2 Kin. 23. 13. on r. h. of mount of Job 23. 9. hideth himself on right A. 30. 12. upon my' r. A. rise the youth 40. 14. that thine ownr. A. can save Ps. 16. 8. he is at my r. A. not moved 11. at thy ?-. A. are pleasures ever. 17. 7. savest by r. A. them that trust 18. 35. thy r. h. hath holden me up 20. 6. with saving strength of r. A 21. 8. thy r. //. find those that hate 26. 10. their right A. is full of bribes 44. 3. thy /•. A. and arm saved them 45. 4. thy r. A. sh. teach terrible th. 9. on thy r. h. the queen in gold 48. 10. thy r. h. full of righteousn. 60. 5. save with thy r. h. and hear 63. 8 thy right A. upholdeth me 73. 23. hast holden me by my r. A. 74. 11. why withdrawest thy r. A? 77. 10. remember years of the r. A. 78.54. mount, which?'. A. purchaset 80. 15. vineyard which r. h. planted 17. thy hand be upon man of r. A. 89. 25. I will set his r. A. in rivers 42. hast set up r. A. of adversaries 91. 7. ten thousand shall fall at r. A. 98. 1. his r. A. hath gotten victory 108. 6. save me with thy right A. 109. 6. let Satan stand at his r. A. 31. he shall stand at r. A. of poor 110. 1. sit thou at my right. A. Luke 20. 42. Acts 2. 34. Heb. 1. 13. 5. L. at r. A. sh. strike thro' kings 118. 15. r. h. of L. doeth valiantly 16. right h. of the Lord is exalted 121. 5. L. is shade on thy right A. 137. 5. let right h. forget cunning 138. 7. thy right A. shall save me 139. 10. thy right h. shall hold me 142. 4. looked on my right h. none 144. 8. r. h. is r. A (if falsehood, II. Prov. 3. 16. length of daysinrjgA/A. 27. 16. oi.itment of?-. A bewrayeth Eccl. 10. 2. wise man's heart at r. //. Cant. 2. 6. right h. doth embrace me 8. 3. right It. ehonld embrace me Isa. 41. 10. uphold thee with right h, 13. thy God will hold thy right h. 44. 20. is there not a lie in my r. A.? 45. 1 . whose r A. I have holden 48. 13. r. h. hath spanned heavens 62. 8. Lord hath sworn by his r. h. 63. 12. led them by r. A. of Moses Jer. 22. 24. were signet on my r. A. HAN Lam. 2. 3. drawn hack Iris right h. Ezek 21. 22. r. A. divination for Jer. Nab. 2.16. cup of Lord's r. h. turned Zech. 3 1. Satan standing- at right h. Mat 5. 30. if thy rigid A. offend thee 6. 3. let not left know r. h. doeth Mark 14. 62. shall see Son of man sitting- on r. A. of power, Lu.22.G\). 10. 19. sat on r. A. of God. Heb. I. 3. | 8 1. | 10. 12. | 12. 2. 1 Pet.3.22. Luke 6. 6. inan whose r h. withered Acts 2. 25. he is on my Ws/i£ A. 33. by'V. It. of God exalted, 5. 31. 3. 7. he took him by the right h. 7. 55. Jesus standing- on right h. 56. Rom. 8. 34. is even at ?■. h. of God £";/A. I. 20. set him at his right h. Col. 3. 1. Christ sitteth on r. h. of G. Rev. 1. 16. in r. h. 7 stars, 20. | 2 1. 5. 1. I saw in Iris r. h. a book, 7. 13. 16. receive mark in their r. h. See Left Hand. Right \i. ANDS. Gal..2.9. gave Barnab. r. h. of fellow. To stretch forth or o?<< HAND. Gmj. 22. 10. "Abraham it. f. h. to slay Exod. 3. 20. 1 will stretch out' my h. on F^gypt, 7. 5. | 9. 15. 14. 16. .?. outh. over sea, 26. 7, 19. 21. Moses stretch, o. h. oyer sea, 27. 1 Sam. 26. 9. who s. f. h. aga. Lord's Prov. 31. 20. she 5. o. h. to the poor Ezek. 14. 9. *. r>. h. on that prophet 25. 13. s. o- mine A. upon Edonj, 16. Dan. 11. 42. s. f h. on the countries Zeph.lA. on .Tudah || 2.13. aga. Assy. See Strong. Thine or ttw HAND. (7e«. 4. 11. brother's blood from t. h. 16. 6. thy maid is in thy h. do to her 22. 12. lay not thine A. "upon the lad 24. 2. thy'h. under my thigh, 47. 29. 49. 8. thy A. be in neck of enemies Exod. 4. 2. what is that in thine h ? 17. take rod in t. h. 7. 15. | 17. 5. 8. 5. stretch forth t. h. over rivers, 9. 22. | 10.\2,2\.Mat.\-2.]3.Ma rk 3.5. Dent. 2.7. blessed thee in works of£ h. 14.29. | 1510. | 23.20 ] 28 8,12,20 24. have given into thy h. Sihon 3. 2. deliver Og and people into t. h. 13. 9 thy h. shall be first on him 17. cleave nought cursed th. to t. h. J 4. 25. bind up money in thine h. 15. 7. shut t. h. from poor brother 8. open thine h. wide to brother 23. 25 pluck the ears with thine h. 33. 3. all his saints are in thy h. Josh. 6. 2. given into thine A. Jericho 9. 25. we are in thine A. to do to us 10. 6. slack not t. h. from servants Judg. 4. 7. deliver Sisera into t. h. 8. \u. Zeba and Zalmunna in t. h. 18. 19. lay thine h. on thy mouth 1 Sam. 14.19. to priest, withdraw t. h. 2 Sam. 13. 10. that I may eat of t. h. 24. 16. stay thine h. 1 Chron. 21. 15. 17. t. h. be against me, 1 CAr.21.17. 1 Kin. 17. 1 1. morsel of bread in t. h. 20. 42. hast let out of th.u A. a man 2 Kin. 4. 29. take my staff in t. A. 8. 8. take a present in thine h. 9. 1. take this box of oil in thine h. 13. 1.6. put thine h. upon the how 1 Chr. 4. 10. t. h. might be with me 29. 12. in t. h. power ; make great 16. store for house cometh of t. h. 2 Chr. 20. 6. in t. h. is th. not power ? Ezra 7. 14. law of God is in thine h. 25. wisdom of God, that is in t. h. Job 1. 11. but put forth thine h. 2. 5. 12. upon himself put not forth t. h. f. 6. he is in thine h. save his life 10. 7. none ran deliver out of t. h. HAN Job 11. 14. iniquity in t. h. put away 13. 21. withdraw t. h. far from me 35. 7. what receiveth he of t. h.? Psal. 10. 12. O God, lift up thine h. J 1. spite to requite it with thine h. 17. 14. from men which are thy h. 21. 8. t. h. sh. find out all enemies 31.5. into t. h. I commit my spirit 15. my times are in thy h. deliver 3i. 4. day and night thy h. heavy 33. 2. t. h. presjcth || 39. 10. blow of 74. 11. why withdiavve.-t thou t. h.'i 80. 17. thy h. on man of thy right h. 104. 28. thou openest thy A. 115. 16. 1 10. 173. t. h. help || V&'.h.t. h. en me 139. 10. there shall thy h. lead me 144. 7. send thi* 23.39. one of thieves who we. A. Acts 5. 30. slew and A. on tree, 10. 39. HANGETH. /r>o26. 7. he A. earth upon nothing Gal. 3.13. cursed every one A. on tree HANGING. Josh. 10. 26. A. on trees till evening HANOINfi. /?.>wf. 26. 36. make It. for door of tent 37. make for the A. live pillars 27. 16. A. for court, gate, 38. 18. | 39. 40. 1 40. 8, 33. 3. r ). 15. A. for door entering taber- nacle, 36. 37. | 39. 38. | 40. 5, 28. HANGINGS. Ex. 27. 9. A. 100 cubits, 11. | 38. 9, 11. 12. shall be ft. of fifty cubits, 38. 12. 35. 17. the A. of court, 38. 9, 16, 18. | 39. 40. Num. 3. 26. | 4. £6. 2 Kin. 23. 7. women wove A. for gro. HAPLY. Mark 11. 13. if A. he might find fruit Luke 14. 29. lest A. after laid founds. Acts 5. 39. lest A. found fight aga. G. 17. 27. if A. they might feel after him HAPPEN. Prov. 12. 21. no evil A. to theju«t . lsa. 41. 22. shew us what shall A. HAPPENED. 2 Sam.. 1. 6. as I A. by chance on Jer. 44. 23. therefore evil is A. to you Horn. 11. 25. blindness is h. to Israel 1 Cor. 10. II. things ft. for ensamples Phil. 1. 12. things A. me have fallen 1 Pet. 4. 12. strange thing A. to you 2 Pet. 2. 22. A. according to proverb HAPPENETH. Eccl. 2. 14. one event A. to them all 15. as it ft. to fool, so it A. to me 9. 11. time and chance A. to th. all HAPPY. Dent. 33. 29. A. art thou, O Israel 1 Kin. 10. 8. A. thy men, A. thy ser. vants, 2 Chron. 9. 7. «7oJ 5. 17. A. is man wh. G. correcteth Psal. 127. 5. A. man hath quiver full 137. 8. A. he who rewardeth thee, 9; 144. 15. happy people in such a case, A. people whose God is the Lord Mfi. 5. A. is he that hath G. of Jacob Pro. 3. 13. A. man th. findeth wisdom 14. 21. A. is he hath mercy on poor 16. 20. whoso trusteth in L. A. is he 28. 14. A is man that feareth alway 29. 18. that keepeth law, A. is he Jer. 12. 1. why A. deal treacherous.? Mai. 3. 15. now we call the proud A John 13.17. know things, A. if do them Horn. 14. 22. A. is he that condemn. Jam. 5. 11. count th. A. who endure 1 Pet. 3. 14. suffer for righteous, h. ye 4. 14. reproached for Christ, h. ye HAPPIER. 1 Cor. 7. 40. she is A. if she so abide HARD. Gen. 18. 14. any thing too h. for L.? 35. 16. Rachel "had A. labour, 17. Exod. 1. 14. lives bitter with A. bond. Veut. 1. 17. cauM too A. bring to me 17. 8. arise matter too A. in judgm MAR Deut. 26. 6. Egypt laid on A. bondage 2 Sam. 3. 39. sous of Zeruiah too A. 1 JCm. 10. 1. to prove with ft, ques- tions, 2 Chron. 9. 1. 2 A'm. 2. 10. thou hast asked A. thing Job 41. 24. as A. as piece of millstone Psal. 60. 3. shewed people A. things 94.4. how long wick, speak A. things Prov. 13. 15. way of transgres. is//. Jer. 32. 17. nothing too A. tor thee, 27. Ezek. 3. 5. to peo. of A. language, (i. Mat. 25. 24. I knew thou art A. man Mark 10. 24. h. forth, trust in riches John 6. 60. this is an A. saying Acts 9. 5. A. to kick ag. pricks, 26. 14. Heb. 5. 11. and A. to be uttered 2 Pet. 3. 16. things h. to be underst. Jude\b. convince all of A. speeches HARD. Lev. 3. 9. rump oft A. by back-botie 1 Chr. 19. 4. cut garments A. by but. Ps. 63, 8. soul follovveth h. after thee Jonah 1.13. rowed A. to bring to land Acts 18. 7. house joined A. to synago. HARDEN. Exod. 4. 21. 1 will h. Pharaoh's heart, 7. 3. | 14. 4. 14. 17. A. hearts of the Egyptians Deut. 15. 7. shalt not h. thy heart Josh. 1 1. i.U. of L. to A. their hearts ./«& 6. 10. would A. myself in sorrow Psal. 95. 8. A. not your hearts, Heb. 3. 8, 15. | 4. 7. HARDENED. Exod. 7. 13. L. A Pharaoh's heart, 9. 12. | 10. 1, 20,27. I 11. 10. | 14.8. 14. heart h. || 22.was A. 8. 19. | 9.7,,' J 5. 8. 15. he A. his heart, 32. | 9. 34. Deut. 2. 30. G. ft. his spirit and heart 2 Kin. 17. 14. they A. their necks Neh. 9. 16. fath. h. their necks, 17. 29. Job 9. 4. who hath h. himselfag. him? 39. 16. A. against her voung ones lsa. 63. 17. why hast thou A. heart ? Jer. 7 26. but A. their neck Dan. 5. 20. his mind was A. in pride Mark 6. 52. for their heart was h. 8. 17. have ye your heart yet A.? John 12. 40. blinded eyes, It. heart Acts 19. 9. but when divers were h. Heb. 3. 13. lest anv of you be A. HaRDENETH. Prov. 21. 29. wicked man h. his face 28. 14. h. heart fall into mischief 29. \ being reproved h. his neck Rom. 9. 18. whom he will he A. HARD-Acr/W. Ezek. 3. 7. house of Israel are A. -A. HARDER. Prov. 18. 19. h. to be won than city Jer. 5. 3. made faces h. than a rock Ezek. 3.9. h. than flint made forehead HARDLY. lsa. 8. 21. shall pass through it h. Mat. 19. 23. rich man A. enter king- dom of G. Mark 10. 23. I.u. 18. 24. Luke 9. 39. h. departeth from him HARDNESS. Job 38. 38. when dust groweth into h. Mat. 19. 8. A. of hearts, Mark 10 5. Mark 3. 5. grieved for A. of heart 16. 14. upbraided with A. of heart Rom. 2. 5. A. and impenitent heart 2 7V?«. 2. 3. A. as soldier of J. Christ HARE. Ler. 11. 6. A. is unclean, Deut. 14. 7. HARLOT. Gen. 34. 31. deal with sister as wi. A.? 38. 15. he thought her to be an A. Lev. 21. 14. high-priest not take A. Josh. 2. 1. spies came to an A.'s house 6. 17. only Rahab the A. shall live Judg. 16. 1. Samson saw there an A. Prov. 7. 10. woman with attire of A. 218 HAR lsa. 1. 21. faithful city become A. 23. 15. after 70 years Tyre sing as A. Jer. 2. 20. wanderest, playing the A. 3. 1. thou hast played the A. 6, 8. Ezek. 16. 1ft. playedst the h. because 16. playedst A. || 28. played A. with 41. cause to cease from playing A. 23. 5. Aholah played the A. Hosr2. 5. mother hath played the A. 4. 15. though Israel play the A. Joel 3. 3. have given a boy for an h. Mic. I. 7. return to the hire of an A. A T «A. 3. 4. whoredoms of well fav. A. 1 Cor. 6.15. make them membeisof A. 16. is joined to an A. is one body Heb. II. 31. A. Rahab perished not Jam. 2.25. Ka. the A. justiti. by n orks HARLOTS. Prov. 29. 3. keepeth company wi. A. Jer. 5. 7. assemble troops in A. houses Hos. 4 14. sacrifice with h. Mat. 21. 31. A. go intokincdom of G. 32. publicans and A. believed him Luke 15. 30. devoured living with A. Rev. 17. 5. Babylon, mother of A. HARM. 7.«r.4.7.what //. thou that didst not James 2. 18. thou//, faith and I works Rev. 2. 6. but this thou hast, that thou 3. 8. thou hast a little strength 1 1, hold that fast which thou host HASTE, Substantive. E.rod. 12. 11. ye shall eat in haste 33. send out of land in h.Deut. 10.3. i Sam. 21. 8. king's busi. required A. u sal. 31. 22. 1 said in A. I am cut off <16. 11. I said in A. all men are lia» Isa. 52. 12. ye shall not go out wi. n Dan. 3. 24. king rose in A. and spake 6. 19. went in A. to the den of lions Mark 6. 25. came in h. to the king Luke 1.39. went to bill-country wi. A. HASTE. Gen, 19. 22. A. thee, escape thithpr 1 Sam, 23. 27. A. thee, for Philistines Psal. 22. 19. strength, A. to help r;e See Make Haste. HASTED. Gen. 18. 7. and he hasted to dress it Josh. 4. 10. people h. over Jordan 10. 13. the sun A. not to go down 1 Sam. 17. 48. David A. and ran to 25.23. wh. Abigail saw Dav. she A. 42. 28. 24. the witch at Endor hasted 1 Kin. 20. 41. prophet A. and took 2 Chron. 26. 2" himself A. to go out Esth, 6. 12. Haman A. to his house 14. they hasted to bring Haman Job 8l. 5. if my foot hath A. to deceit HAT Ps. 48. 5. troub. and A. away, 104. 7. Acts 20. 16. Paul A. to Jerusalem HASTEN. Psal. 16. 4. hasten after another god 55. 8. I would hasten my escape Eccl. 2. 25. who can h. more than I ? Isa. 60. 22. the L. will A. in his time Jer. 1. 12. 1 will hasten my word HASTENED, ETH i?^A. 3. 15. being A. by king, 8. 14. Isa. 51. 14. the exile A. to be loosed Jer. 17. 16. not A. from being a pastor HA ST ETH. Job 9. 26. as eagle that A. to the prey Prov. 7. 23. as a bird A. to snare 19. 2. he that A. wi. his feet sinneth 28. 22. A. to be rich, hath an evil eye Eccl. I. 5. sun A. to where he arose Hob. I 8. fly as eagle that A. to eat Zeph. I. 14. day of Lord A. greatly HASTILY. Judg. 2. 23. without driving them A. Prov. 20. 21. inheritance gotten A. 25. 8. go not forth hastily to strive John 1 1. 31. saw Mary she rose A. HASTING. Isa. 16. 5 and hasting righteousness 2 2W. 3. 12. A. to the day of the L. HASTY. Pro?'. 14.29. 7j of spirit exalteth folly 2y. 20. seest thou a man A. in words? Eccl. 5. 2.- let not thy heart be hasty 7. 9. be not hastu in thy spirit 8. 3. be not too A. to go out of sight Isa. 28. 4. as A. fruit before summer Dan. 2. 15. why is the decree so A.? Hab. 1. 6. that bitter and A. nation HATCH, ETH. Isa. 34. 15. owl shall h. and gather 59. 5. they hatch cockatice-eggs Jer. 17.11. as partridge on eggs A. not HATE. Gen. 24. 60. possess of those that h. Lev. 19. 17. shalt not A. thy brother 26. 17. th. A. you sh. reign over you Num. 10. 35. let them that A. thee flee Deut. 22. 13. go unto her and A. her 24. 3. if the latter husband A. her 2 CAr. 19. 2. love them that. A. Lordr Job 8. 22. A. thee clothed wi. shame Ps. 21. 8. hand find those that A. thee 34.21. th. A. righteous sh.be desolate 68. 1. that A. him fife before him 83. 2. A. thee have lifted up the head 89. 23. will plague them that A. him 97. 10. ye that love the Lord A. evil 105. 25. turned their heart to A. peo. 129. 5. let them be turned that A. Z. ProvAMI. fools, will ye h. knowledge 6. 16. these six doth the Lord hate 8. 13. fear of the Lord is to A. evil 9. 8. repro. not scorner, lest A. thee 19. 7. all brethren of poor do A. him 29. 10. blood-thirsty /;. the upright Eccl. 3. 8. time to love and time to A. Amos 5.10. they A. him that rebuketli 15. A. the evil, and love the good Mic. 3. 2. who A. good, and love evii Mat. 5. 43. love thy neigh. A. enemy 44. good to them h. you, Lu. 6. 27. 6. 24. he will h. the one, Lu. 16. 13. 24. 10. betray and h. one another Luke 1. 71. saved from hand th. A. us 6. 22. blessed are ye when men A. 14. 26. A. not his father, and mother John 7. 7. the world cannot A. you 15. 18. marvel not if world A. you, 1 John 3. 13. Rev. 17. 16. these shall A. the whore / HATE. 1 Kin. 22. 8. 1 h. him, 2 Chr. 18. 7. Ps. 101. 3. Ih. work of them that turn )I9. 104. 1 h. every false way. 128. 113. ih. vain thoug., thy law I love 219 HAT Ps. 119. 163. / hate and abhor lying 139. 21. / A. them, that hate thee ? 22. Ih. them with perfect hatred Prov. 8. 13. froward mouth do / A. Isa. 61. 8. / h. robbery for burnt-off Jer. 44. 4. do not this thing that / h. A7nos 5. 21. I hate your feast-days '/.ech. 8. 17. these are things / hate Rom. 7. 15. but what I A. that do I Rev. 2. 6. deeds of Nicolait. I. h. la H AT E me. Gen. 26. 27. why come, seeing A. me? Exod. 20. 5. iniq to third and fourth gen. of then; that A. me, Deut. 5.9. Deut. 32. 41. rev. ard them that A. me. 2 Sam. 22. 41. de troy them that //. me, Psalm 18. HI Ps. 9. 13. I suffer of them that A. mt 25. 19. they A. mt with cruel hatred 35. 19. let them w nk that hate me 38. 19. A. ?«e wrong are many, 69. 4. 41. 7. all th. h. me whisper togel In r 69. 14. deli v. from them that A. me 118.7. see my desireonth. th. h. me Prov. 8. 36. they that A. me love death HATED. Gen, 27. 41. Esau hated Jacob 37. 4. A. Joseph yet the more, 5, 8. 49. 23. arch, shot at him and h. him Deut. 1. 27. because L. A. us, 9, 28. 4. 42. A. him not, 19. 4,6. Josh. 20. 5. 21. 17. shall acknowledge son of A. Judg. 15. 2. I thought thou A. her •2 Sam. 5. 8. lame and blind that are A Esth. 9. 1. rule them that A. them Ps. 26. 5. A. congrega. of evil doers 31. 6. 1 A. them that regard lying 44. 7. put them to shame that A. us 106.41. they that A. them ruled ovei Prov. 1. 29. they A. knowledge 5. 12. how have I A. instruction ? 14. 17. man of wicked devices is A. 20. poor is A. even of neighbour Eccl. 2. 17. I A. life || 18. I h. labour Isa. 60. 15. hast been forsaken and A. Jer. 12. 8. have I A. mine heritage Ezek. 16. 37. will gather them thou A. 25. 6. sith thou hast not A. blood Has. 9. 15. A. them for wicked, doings Mai. 1. 3. I hated Esau, Rom. 9. 13. Mat. 10. 22. ye shall be A. Mark 13. 13. LnkelX. 17. 24. 9. ye shall be A. of all nations Luke 19. 14. his citizens hated him Joint 15. 18. it A. me before it A. you 24. seen and A. both me and Father 25. they h. me without a cause 17. 14. and the world hath A. them Eph. 5. 29. no man A. his own flesh Heb, !. 9 thou hast hated iniquity HATEFUL, LY. Ps. 36. Q. iniquity be found to be A. Ezek. 23. '19. shall deal with thee A. Tit. 3. 3. were A. hating one another Rev. 18. 2. cage unclean and /;. bird HATERS. Psal. 81. 15. A. of Lord should submi Rom. 1. 30. backbiters, A. of God HATEST. 2 Sam. 19. 6. and hatest thy frienrts Psal. 5. 5. A. all workers of iniquity 45. 7. lovest righteo. A. wickedness 50. J7. thou hatt/st instruction Rev. 2. 6. A. the deeds of Nicolaitane HATETH. Deut. 7. 10. not slack to him A. him 16. 22. nor set up image the Lord A. Job 34.17. sh. he who A. right govern? Ps. 11. 5. loveth violence, his soul A. 120. 6. soul dwelt him that A. peace Prov. 11. 15. A. suretyship is sure 12. 1. he that A. reproof is brutish 13. 5. a righteous man hateth lying 24. he that spareth his rod A, son HAV Prov. 15. 10. that A. reproof sh. dip 27. but he that A. gifts shall live 26. 24. that h. clissembleth wi. lips 28. lying tongue A. those afflicted 28. 16. A. covetous, sh. prolong days 29. 21. partner with thief A. soul Isa. 1. 1-1. appointed feasts my soul A. Mai. 2. 16. that he A. putting away JohnS. 20. ev. one doeth evil A. light 7. 7. me world A. because 1 testify 12. 25. A. life in world shall keep it 15. 19. not of world, world A. you 23. that A. me A. my Father also I John 2. 9. h. brother is In dark. 11. 3. 15. A. his brother is a murderer 4, 20. 1 love G. //.brother, is a liar HATING. Exod. 18. 21. of truth, A. covetous. Tit. 3. 3. hateful, and A. one another Jude 23. A. garment spotted by flesh HATH. Prov. 23. 29. who A. woe ? who A. sorrow? who A. wounds? Isa. 45 9. A. no hands || 50. 10. no light 55. 1. A. no money, come buy and eat Jer. 49. 1. h. Is. no sons ? h. he no heir ? Mat. 8. 20. A. not where to lay his head, Luke 9. 58. 11. 15. he that h. ears to hear, let him hear, 13. 9, 43. Mark 4. 9. Luke 8. 8. I 14. 35. Rev. 2. 7. 13. 12. whosoever A. to him shall he given, who A. not, shall be taken that he A. 25. 29. Mai '<. 4 25. LukeS. 18. J 19. 20". 41. selleth all he h. buyeth fit Id 1 JohilbJ 12'. he that h. the Son A. life, A. not Son, A. not life 2 John 9. abidetl) not in Christ h. not God, abidetl) h. Father and Son HATRED. Num. 35. 20. if he thrust him of h. Psal. 25. 19. hate me with cruel h. 109. 3. compassed me about with h. 5. they rewarded me h. for my love 139. 22. hate them with perfect A. Prov. 10. 12. h. stirs up strifes 18. that hideth h. with iyinghps 15. 17. better than stalled ox and/;. Ecc.l. 9. 1. knoweth either love or A. 6. their A. and envy now perished Ezek. 25. 15. destroy it for the old h. 35. 5. thou hast had a perpetual h. IIos. 9. 8. prophet is A. in house of G. Gal. 5. 20. witchcraft, A. variance HATS. Dan. 3. 21. hound in hnsen and A. HAUGHTY. 2 Sam. 22. 28. thine eyes are upon A. Psal. 131. 1. Lord, my heart is not A. Prov. IG. 18. A. spirit before a fall 18. 12. before destruction heart A. 21. 24. A. scorner is his name Isa. 3. 16*. daughters of Zion are A. 24. 4. the A. people of the earth Zeph. 3. 11. no more A. bee. of holy HAUGHTINESS. Isa. 2. 11. A. of men be bowed down 17. h. of men shall be made low |3. 11. lay low the A. of the terrible 16. 6. heard A. of Moab, Jer. 48. 29. HAUNT, i Sain. 23. 22. s, r o see where his A. is HAUNT. 1 Sam. 30. 31. whe. David wont to A. Ezek. 26. 17. terror be on all th. A. it HAVE. See Compassion, Dominion, &c. HAVEN. Gen 49. 13. Zebuhin dwell at the /;. P*al. 107. 30. bringeth to desired A. Acts 27. 12. h. not commodious HAVOCK. A ts 8. 3. Saul, made A. of the church HEA HAWK. Lev.MAQ. h. abomination, Deut. 14. 15. Job 39. 26. doth A. fly by wisdom ? HAY. Prov. 27. 25. A. appeareth and grass Isa. 15. 6. the A. is withered aWay I Cor. 3. 12. buildeth on founda. A. HAZEL. Gen. 30. 37. Jacob took rods of A. HE. Gen. 3. 16. lie shall rule over thee 49. 8. he whom brethren sh. praise Deut. 32. 39. I, even I am he, and there is no God with me, Isa, 41.4. | 43. 10,13. | 46.4. | 48.12. Mat. 24. 26. he is in desert, in chain b. Mark 12. 32. is none other but he Luke 24. 6. they said, he is not here John 1. 15. lie of whom I spake, 30. 7.11. where is Ae ?|| 25. is not this he? 8. 28. then shall ye know th. I am he 9. 9. some said, this is he, but he said, I am he 36. and said, who is he Lord ? 37. I Cor. 10. 22. we stronger than he ? See Blessed, Did, Saith. HEAD. Gen. 3. 15. it shall bruise thy A. 40. 13. Pharaoh sh. lift up thy h. 19. 49. 26. blessings on A. of Joseph, and on top of A. of him, Deut. 33.16. Exod. 29. 10. Aaron and sons put hands on A. of bull. Lev. 4. 4. ] 8. 14. 15. Aaron and sons put hands fin A. of ram, 19. Lev. 8. 18, 22. Lev. 1. 4. hand on A. of burnt-offer. 3. 2. lay hand on It. of his offering 4. 29. hand on A. of sin-offering, 33. 13. 45. clothes rent, and his A. bare 21. 5. not make baldness on their A. Num. 5. 18. priest uncover worn. A. 6. 5. no razor come on Nazarite's A. 7. consecration of God on his A. 9. shall shave A. 18. Deut. 21. 12. Jrt'l. 13. 5. son, no razor come on It. 1 Sam. 17. 57- Goliath's h. in hand 31. 9. and they cut off Saul's A. 28. 2. make thee keeper of my A. 2 Stun. I. 2. earth upon his A. 15. 32. 3. 8. and said, am 1 a dog's A. ? 16. 9. let me go over, take off his A. 2 Kin. 2. 3. master from A. to-day, 5. 4. 19. said to his father, my/2. myA. 6. 31. A. of Elislsa sh. stand on bini 19 21. daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her A. at thee, Isa. 37. 22. 2 Chr. 6. 23. recompensing way on A. Ezra9.(x iniquities increased over A. Nek. 4. 4. turn reproach on own A. Esih. 9. 25. device return on own A. Job 1. 20. shaved A. and fell down 10. 15. yet will I not lift up my A. 16. 4. I could shake my h. at you Psal. 3. 3. the lifter up of mine A. 7. 16. mischief return on own A. 22. 7. f.hoot out lip, shake the A. 23. 5. thou anointest my A. with oil 27. 6. now shall my h. be lifted up 38. 4. iniquities gone over mine A. 60. 7. Ephraim strength of A. 108. 8. 68. 21. G. sh. wound A. of enemies 110. 7. therefore shall he lift lip A. 140. 9. A of those that compass me 141. 5. oil, which shall not break A. Prov. 10 6. blessings on h. of just 11. 26. blessing on A. wh. sell corn 25. 22. coals of fire on A. P>o?n. 12. 20. Ecrl. 2. 14. wise man's eyes are in A. Cant. 2. 6. left hand under my A. 8. 3. 5. 2. my A. is filled with dew 1). A. as fine gold H 7.5. A. as Carmel ha. I. 5. the whole A. is sick M. II. everlasting joy on their A. 58. 5. bow dowii A as a bulrush ? 220 HEA Isa.59. 17. helmet of salvation on K Jer. 2. 37. and thine hands on thy h. 9. 1. O that my A. were waters Ezek. 9. 10. recompense way on h. 29. 18. every A. was made bald Dan. 2. 38. thou art this A. of gold Joel 3. 4. recompense on your h. 7. Amos 2: 7. dust on the A. of the poor 8. 10. bring baldness on every A. P. 1. he said, cut them in the h. Zech. 1. 21. no man did lift up his h. 6. 11. set crowns on A. of Joshua Mat. 5. 36. neither swear by thy A. 27. 30. smote him on A. Mar. 15. 19. Mark 6. 24. A. of John the Baptist LukelAG. A. with oil didst not anoint John 13. 9. but also my bands and A. 1 Cor. 11. 4. A. covered, dishonour. A 10. ought to have power on her A. 12. 21. the A. to the feet, no need Eph. 1. 22. things under feet, gare him as A. to church, 4. 15. Col. 1. 13. Col. 2. 19. holding the A. from body liev. 19. 12. on his h. many crowns See Beard, Bald, Bow, Bowed, Cover, Covered, Crown. Axe-HEAD. Deut. 19. 5. axe-h. slippeth fr. helve 2 Jiin. 6. 5. axe-h. fell into water Bed's-HEAD. GenAl. 31. bowed himself on bed's-A. Spear's-HEAD. 1 Sam. 17. 7. spear's-h. weighed 600 shekels, 2 Sam. 21. 16. HEAD-srowe. Ps. 118. 22. become h.-s. of corner Zech. 4. 7. bring h.-s. wi. shoutings HEAD of the corner Mat. 21. 42. is become the A. of the corner, Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Actsi. 11. 1 Pet 2. 7. HE AD, for Ruler, Governor. Num. 17. 3. one rod for A. of house Deut. 28. 13. L. will make thee the A. 44. shall be A. and thou the tail Judg. 11. 9. I your A.? || 11. him A. 2 Sam. 22. 44. thou hast kept me to be A: Psal. IS. 43. Isa. 7. 8. h. of Damascus is Rezin,9 9. 14. cut off from Israel A. and tail 15. ancient and honourable is A." Jer. 22. 6. Gilead to me, A. of Leban. Hos. 1. 11. appoint themselves one A. Hab. 3. 13. A. out of house of wicked 14. strike through A. of villages 1 Cor. 1 1. 3. A. of man is Christ, A. of woman man, A. of Christ is God Eph. b. 23. husband is A. of the wife, even as Christ is A. of church Col. 2. 10. who is A. of principality HEAD, for Top, Chief. Isa. 28. 1. on the A. of fat valleys, 4. 51. 20. lie at the A. of all the streets Ezek. 16. 25. built places at h. of way 21. 21. king stood at A. of two ways HEAD, with hair or hairs. Lev: 13. 40. A. is fallen off his A. 41. 14. 9. leper shave hair off his A. Num. 6. 5, let locks (if h. of A. grow 18. take A. of A. of his separation Judg. 16. 22. A. of A. began to grow 1 Sam. 14. 45. not A. of A. fall ground 2 Sam. 14. 26. A. of A. at 200 shekels Ezra 9. 3. plucked off hair of my A. Psal 40. 12. more than A. of A. 69. 4. Cant. 7. 5. A. of thine h. like purple Dan. 3. 27. nor an hair of A. singed 7. 9. A. of his A. like the pure wool Mat. 10. 30. A. of your A. numbered, Luke 12. 7 Luke 7. 33 wipp with hair of h. 44. 21. 18. shall not an A. of A, perish A> ts 27. 34. not an hair fall from A. Rev. 1. 14. his A. and A, were white HEA Roarv HEAD. Lev. 19. 32. thou shalt rise before A. h. HEADBANDS. Isa. 3. 20. take away A. and tablets HEADY. 2 Tim. 3. 4. men be A. high-minded HEADLONG. Job 5. 13. counsel of froward car. h. Luke 4. 29. might cast him down A. Acts 1. IS. falling h. he burst asunder HEADS. Gen. 43. 28. bowed their A. Ex. 4.31. Leu. 10. (5. uncover not your heads 1 Kin. 20. 31. let us put 'ropes on A. 32. put ropes on their A. and came Kin. 10. 6. A. of your master's sons 8. brought the A. of the king's sons Psal. 24.7. lift your A. O ye gates. 9. 156. 12. caused men to ride over our A. 74. 13. brakest the h. of the dragon 14. thou brakest the A of leviathan 109. 25. look, on me, shaked their h. Isa. 15. 2. on their A. sh. be baldness 35. 10. everlasting joy on their A. Jer. 14. 3. they covered their heads Ezek. 7. 18. baldtiesssh.be on their h. 11. 21. recompense way on h. 22.31. 32. 27. laid swords under their h. 44. 18. ha. linen bonnets on their h. 20. thev shall poll their heads Mat. 27. 39. wagging h. Mark 15. 29. Luke 21. 28. look up, and lift your h. Acts 18. 6 your blood he on your h. Rev. 9. 7. their h. as it were crowns 13. I. I saw a beast having seven h. 3. 1 saw one of his h. wounded 17. 9. seven h. are seven mountains Is. 19. they castduston their heads HEADS, for Governors. Exod. 18. 25. made them h. over peo. Num. 25. 4. take all the h. of the peo. Ps. 110. 6. wound h. over countries Mic. 3. 1 hear, O /tends of Jacob, 9. 11. h. thereof judare for reward See Fathers. HEAL. Dent. 32. 39. I kill, I wound, I heal 2 Kin. 20. 5. h. thee, add to thy days 2 Chr. 7. 14. forgive sin, and h. land Vs. 6. 2. k. me, for my bones are vex. 41. 4. h. my soul, for I have sinned (iO. 2. heal the breaches thereof Eccl. 3. 3. time to kill, and time to A. Isa. 57. 18. seen ways, and A. him 19. Jer. 3. 22. I will h. vour backslidings 17. 14. h. me, O L. and I shall be 30. 17. I will h. thee of thy wounds Lam. 2. 13. breach grcat.who can A.? Hos. 6. 1. hath torn, and will A. us 14.4. I will h. their backslidings Mat. 8. 7. I will come and A. him 10. 8. h. the sick, Luke 9. 2. | 10. 9. 12. 10. h. on sabbath-day ? Lu. 14. 3. 13. 15. be converted and 1 should h. them, John 12.40. Acts 28. 27. Mark 3. 2. h. on sabbath, Luke 6. 7. Luke 4. 18. sent to h. broken-hearted 23. will say, physician, h. thyself John 4. 47. come down and h. his son Acts 4. 30. stretching thine hand to h. HEALED. Erod. 21. 19. shall cause him to be h. Lev. 13. 18. bile h. ||37. the scall is h. 14. 3. the plague of leprosy be h. 48. 2 Kin. 2. 21. h. waters ||. 22. waters h. 2 Chr. 30. 20. L. hearken, and h. peo. Ps. 30. 2. I cried to thee, thou h. me 107. 20. sent his word and h. them Isa. 6. 10. and convert, and be h. 53. 5. and with his stripes we are h. Jer. G. 14. theyhave h. the hurt, 8. 1 1. 17. 14. heal me, O. L. and I sh. be A. SI. 9. we would have h. Babylon Exck. 34. 1, neither have A. sick HEA Ezek. 47. 8. the waters shall be li. 9. 1 1. and the marishes shall not be lu Hos. 7. 1. when 1 would have h. Isr. 1 1. 3. they knew not that I h. them Mat. 4. 24. had palsy, and he A. them 8. 8. speak, and my servant shall be healed, Luke 7. 7. 12. 15. followed, he h. them, 14. 14. Luke 8. 43. nor could be h. of any 13. 14. therefore come and be h. 17. 15. saw he was h. turned back 22. 51. touched his ear, and h. him. John 5. 13. was h. wist not who it was Acts 4.14. beholding man who was h. 14. 9. that, he had faith to be healed Heb. 12. 13. but let it rather be h. Jam. 5. 16. pray that ye may be h. 1 Pet 2. 24. by wh. stripes ye were h. Rev. 13. 3. deadly wound was h. 12. HEALER. Isa. 3. 7. saying, I will not be an h. HEALETH. Exod. 15. 2G. I am the L. that h. thee Ps. 103. 3. bless Lord who h. diseases 147. 3. he h. the broken in heart Isa. 30. 26. h. stroke of their wound HEALING, Substantive. Jer. 14. 19. there is no healing for us Nah. 3. 19. there is no h. thy bruise Mai. 4. 2. arise with h. in his wings Luke 9. 11. healed them that need A. Acts 4. 22. this miracle of h. shewed J Cor. 12. 9. another the eitt of h. 28. 30. have all the gifts of healing? Rev. 22. 2. leaves for h. of nations HEALING. Jer. 30. 13. thou hast no h. medicines Mat. 4. 23. h. all manner of sickness Lu. 9. 6. preach, gos h. every where Acts 10. 38. h. all oppressed of devil HEALTH. Gen. 43. 28. our father is in good h. 2 Sam. 20. 9. art in h. my brother ? Psal. 42. 11. h. of my counten. 43. 5. 67. 2. thy saving A. may be known Prov. 3. 8. it shall be h. to thy navel 4. 22. for they are h. to their flesh 12. 18. the tongue of the wise is h. 13. 17. a faithful ambassador is h. 16. 24. sweet to soul, h. to the bones Isa. 58. 8. thy A. shall spring forth Jer. 8. 15. looked for a tiriie of health 22. not h. of my people recovered? 30. 17. I will restore h. unto thee Acts 27. 31. take meat, for this is h. 3 John 2. mayest be in h. as thy soul HEA P, Substantive. Gen. 31. 46. made a h. eat on the h. 52. this h. be witness, and this pil. Exod. 15. 8. the floods stood as an A. Josh. 3. 13, 16. Ps. 33. 7. | 78. 13. Deut. 13. 16. shall be an h. for ever Josh. 7. 26. over him a h. of stones Ruth 3. 7. lie down at the h. of corn 2 Sam. 18. 17. great h. on Absalom Cant. 7. 2. thy belly like h. of wheat Isa. 17. 11. harvest shall be an heap 25. 2. thou hast made of a city an A. Jer. 30. 18. city builded on own //. Mic. 1. 6. Samaria an h. of the field Hub. 3. 15. walk thro' h. of waters Hag. 2. 16. came to h. of 20 measures HE; p Deut. 32. 23. h. miscniefs upon them Job 16. 4. h. up words against you 27. 16. he h. up silver as the dust 36. 13. hypocrites in heart A. wrath Prov. 25. 22. h. coals of fire, Ro. 12.20. Eccl. 2. 26 to gather and to A. up Ezek. 21. 10. h. on wood, kindle tire Hah. 1. 10. shall A. dust and take it 2 Tim. 4. 3. A. to themselves teachers HEAPED, ETH. PsaL 30. (i he heapeth up riches 221 HEA Hah. 2. 5. A. unto him all people Jam. 5. 3. have A. treasure togetho? HEAPS. Judg. 15. 16. jaw of an ass, A. on A 2 Kin. 10. 8. lay ye them in two A. 2 Chr. 31. 6. and laid them by heaps Job 15. 28. in houses ready to bee. A Psal. 79. 1. they laid Jerusalem on h. Jer. 9. 11. make Jerusalem h. 26 IS 31. 21. set thee up, make high It. Hos. 12. 11. their altars are as hcti].^ Mic. 3. 12. Jerusalem sh. become h. HEAR. Gen. 21. 6. all that A. lauah with me Exod. 32. 18. them that sing do I h. Num. 23. 18. rise up, Balak, and h. 30. 4. and h. her vow and her bond Deut. 1. 16. A. causes betw. brethren 4. 10. will make them A. my words 5. 1. A. Israel the statutes 6. 3. | 9. 1 | 20. 3. Isa. 48. 1. Mark 12. 29 27. h. all the Lord our G. doth siiy 12. 28. ft. these words I command 13. 12. sh. A. say in one of thy cities 30. 12. bring it that we may h- 31. 12. h. and tear L. 13. Jer. 6. 10. Josh. 3. 9. h. the words of the Lord Judg. 5. 3. A. O ye kings, give ear 1 Sam. 2. 23. I A. your evil dealings 15. 14. lowing of oxen which I h. IG. 2. if Saul A. it, he will kill me 2 Sam. 20. 16. cried out "f city, A. A. 22. 45. soon as they A. Psal. 18. 44. 1 Kings 4. 34. A, wisdom of Solomon, 10. 8, 24. 2 Chr 07i. 9. 7, 23. Mat. 12. 42. Luke 11. 31. 8. 30. A. in heaven and forgive, 32. 34, 36, 39, 43, 45, 49. 2 Chr. 6. 21. 18. 26. saying, O Baal, hear us 2 Kin. 7. 6. A a noise of chariots 18. 28. A. the word of the great kin*, Isa. 36. 13. | 37. 17. 1 Chr. 14. 15. when thou //. a sound Neh. 1. 6. A. the prayer of servant 4. 4. h. O God, for we are despised 8. 2. could h. with understanding Job 5. 'il. A. it, and know thou it 13. 17. h. diligently my speech, 21.2. 27. 9 A. his cry? || 34. 2. A. my words 42. 4. A. I beseech thee, and I will Psal 4. 1. A. my prayer, O God, 39. 12. | 51. 2. | 84. 8. ! 102.1. | 143. I. 20. 1. Lord A. thee in day of trouble 9. let the king h. us when we call 27. 7. A. O Lord, when I cry 30. 10. A. O Lord, and have mercy 49. 1. A. this all ye people, give ear 50. 7- A. peo. and I will speak, 81. 8. 51. 8. make me A. joy and gladness 59. 7. for who, say they, doth A. ? 61. I. A. my cry, O God, attend to 66. 16. come h. all ye that fear God 102. 20. A. groaning of the prisoner 138. 4. h. the words of thy mouth 1 13. 8. to h. thy loving-kindness Prov. 1.8. h. instruction of thy father 4. 1. A. ye children, instruction of a 10. A and receive sayings, 19. 20. 8. 6. h. I speak of excellent things 33. h. instruction, and be wise 19. 27. cease to h. instruction that 22. 17. A. the words of the wise 23. 19. h. thou, my son, and be wise Eccl. 5. 1. more ready to A. than give 7. 5. better to A. the rebuke of wise 12. 13. h. conclusion of the matter Cant. 8. 13. thy voice, cause me to h. Isa. 1. 2. h. O heavens, and uive ear 6 9. A. ye indeed, Mark 4. 12. 18. 3. he bloweth a trumpet, A ye 33. 13. A. ve that are afar off 34. 1. earth h. and all that is therein 42. 18. A. ye deaf|| 23. who will lu 43. 9. let them It, and say truth HE A J.vcj. 48. M. assemble yourselves and A. 55. 3 h and soul sh. live, Johnb. 25. J»r, 6. 18. A. nations || 19. A. O earth 11. 2. A. ye words of covenant, 6. 10. forefathers refus 'd to h. 13. 10. 13. 15. A. ye, give ear, L. spoken 18. 2. cause thee to A. my words 23. 22. caused my peop e to A. words 38. '25. princes A. that I have talked 49. 20. A. counsel of Lord, 50. 45. Lam. 1. 18. A. 1 pray you, all people Ezek. 2. 8. A. what I say unto thee 3. 17. A. word at my mouth, 33. 7. 27. he that heareth, let him A. 33. 31. A. words, not do them, 32. Dan. 9. 17. A. prayer of thy servant 19. A. () Lord, forgive, hearken llos. 5. I. A. ye this, O priests Joel 1. 2. A. this, old men, give car Amo* 3. 1. A. this word Lord hath spoken, 4. 1. | 5. 1. | 8. 4. Mic. t 2. A. all ye people, hearken 3. I. A. I pray you heads of Jac. 9. 6. 2. A. O mountains || A. ye the rod Salt. 3. 19. all that h. bruit shall clap Mat. II. 4. shew John things ye h. 5. deaf A. Mark 7. 37. Luke 7. 32. 13. 17. A. things ye A. Luke 10. 24. 15. 10. he said to- the multitude A. 17. 5. beloved Son, h. him, Mar. 9. 7. 18. 17. if he neglect to ft. them Mark 4. 18. are such as A. the word, 20. Ltt/i-e 8. 12, 13. 24. take heed what ye A. you tliat/t. Luke 5. 1. pressed on him to A. word 15. multitudes came together to h. 6. 17. came to A. him and be heaied 8. 18. take heed therefore how ye A. 21. which h. word and do it, 1 1. 28. 9. 9. but who is this of whom I A.? 16. 2. how is it 1 A. this of thee ? 29. Moses and prophets, h. them 19. 48. people very attentive to A. U\. 38. came to temple to h. him Julnth. 30. I A. Ijudge||G.6U. whoA.? 7. 51. lawjudge man beforeit A. him 9. 27. wherefore \vA. ye A. it again? 10. 3. sheep A. voice, call, byname 12. 47. if man A. words, believe not 14. 24. word wh. ye A. is not mine Acts 2. 8. A. every man in owntong. S3, this, which ye now see and h. 10. 22. and to li. words of thee 33. h. all things commanded thee 13. 7. desired to h. word of God 44. whole city came to ft. word 15. 7. Gentiles by my mouth h. word 17. 21. to teil or h. some newthing 22. 1. h. ye my defence wh. I make 24. 4. wouldst A. us of thy clemency 25. 22. I would ft. the man myself 28. 22. to h. what thou thinkest 1 Cor. 11. 18. I A. there be divisions l J hil. 1. 27. I may A. of your affairs 2 Thes. 3. 1 1. we /;. that some walk 1 Tim. 4. 16. and them that A. thee 2 Tim. 4. 17. all Gentiles might A. Jam. I. 19. every one be swift to h. I John 5. 15. we know that he A. us 3 Jo/in 4. h. children walk in truth Iter. 1. 3. blessed h. words of proph. 9. 20. neither see, nor h. nor walk See Eak, Ears, Voice. HEAR me. F.rod. 6. 12. then sh. Pharaoh h. me ? 1 Kin. 18. 37. h. me, O Lord h. me ! Chron. 28. 2. h. me, my brethren 2 Chron. 13. 4. h. we, thou Jeroboam !5. 2. h. me Asa || 20. 20. A. me Jud. 29. 5. h. me, ye Levites, sanctify ./<;/< 31. 35. O that one would h. me Tsui. 4. 1. h. one when 1 call, () God 13. 3. consider, and It. me, O Lord 17. & called on thee, thou WiltA. ?«e HEA Ps. 38. 16. for I said, A. me, lest they 55. 2. atte d unto me, and h. me GO. 5. save with right hand, h. me 69. 13. multitude of mercy h. me 17. h. me speedily, 143. 7. Mic. 7. 7. wait for G. God will h. me Acts 26. 3. I beseech thee to h. me 29. A. me, were such as 1 am I Cor. 14. 21. will they not h. me HEAR not, or not HEAR. 1 Sam. 8. 18. Lord will not h. you Job 30. 20. cry to thee, dost not h. ine 35. 13. 6urely God will not h. vanity Ps. 66. 18. regard iniquity, L. not h. 91.9 planted ear, shall he not h ? Isa. .. 15. make many prayers 1 will not h. Jer. 7. 16. | 11. 14. | 14. 12. Ezek. 8. 18. Amos 5. 23. 30. 9. will noth. the law of the i.oid 59. 1. cur heavy that it cannot h. 2. will not h. || 65. 12. ye did not h. 66. 4. they did not h. Zech. 1. 4. Jer. 5. 21. have ears and h. not, Ezek. 12. 2. Mark 8.118. 13. 17. will not ft, 22. 5. Mai. 2. 2. 17. 23. n)ieht«of!A. 19. 15. Zech.l.l 22. 21. thou saidst, 1 will not h. Dan. 5. 23. praised gods of silver, which see nut nor h. Rev. 9. 20. Mic. 3. 4. cry to L. he will not h. theui Ilah. 1. 2. how long cry, wilt not ft.? Mat. 10. 14. receive you, nor h. words 18. 16. if he will not h thee, then Lake 10. 31. if h. not Mos. and proph. John 8. 43. because ye cannot h. word 47. ye therefore h. them not 9. 27. I told you, and ye did not A. 10. 8. but the sheep did not h. them Acts li. 23. soul will noth. destroyed 1 Cor. 14. 21. will they noth. me Gal. 4. 21. do ye not h. the law 't Would not HEAR. Exod. 7. 10. hitherto, thou w. noth. Deut. 1. 43. Israel icould not h. 3. 26. 2 Kin. 17. 14. 2 Kin. 14. 11. Amaziah icould noth. 2 Chron. 25. 20. 18. 12. Israel would not h. Nell. 9. 29. Zech. 7. 13. Jer. 13 11. praise, they w. n. h. 29. 19. 36.25. he v\ n. ft. || Zech.l. 13. I w. n. h. HEAR now, or now HEAR. 'Sum. 12. 6. h. now my words, 20. 10. I Sam. 22. 7. said, h. n. Benjamites Job 13. 6. h. now my reasoning I'rov. 5. 7. h. in e hot/', therefore Isa. 7. 13. h. 7WIV, O house of David 44. 1. noiv h. O Jacob, my servant 47. 8. ft. noiv thou given to pleasure 51. 21. A. now this, thou afflicted Jer. 5. 21. h. now, O foolish people 28. 15. h. now Hauaniah 37. 20. ft. now, I pray thee, O king Mic. 6. 1. h. ye now what L. saith 'Zech. 3. 8. h. n. Joshua high-priest Arts 2. 33. this which ye ?i. see and A. Phil. 1. 30. saw in me, and now ft. Shall HE AH. Exod 15. 14. people s. ft. be afraid, Deut. 13.11. | 17.13. | 19.20. | 21.21. Sum. 14. 13. Egyptians shall ft. it Deut. 4. 6. shall ft. all these statutes 1 Kin. 8. 42. s. ft. of thy great name 2 Kin. 19. 7. s. ft. rumour, Isa. 37. 7. Job 22. 27. prayer to him, he shall h. Psal. 34. 2. humble shall A. thereof 55. 17. cry, and he s. ft. mv voice 19. God shall ft and afflict them 92. 11. ears shall h. desire of wicked 141. 6. they shall ft. my words Isa. 29. 18. in that day shall deaf ft. 30. ii). shall ft. he will answer thee 21. thine ears shall ft. a word Jer. 33. 9. *. ft. all the. good that I do •J->"J HEA Hos. i. 21. heaven s. A. the earth 22. earth s. h. the corn and wine Mat. 13. 14. hearing, ye*. A. Acts 28. 2d 18. 15. s. h. thee thou hast gained 24. 6. ye shall ft. of wars and ru- mours, Mark 13. 7. /.wAe 2). 9. John 5. 25. the dead shall, ft. voice 16. 13. whatsoever he shall h. Acts 3. 22. him shall ye A. 7. 37. 25. 22. to-morrow thou shaft h. him Rom. 10. 14. how s. they A. without 1^ HEAR. -E.rorf. 20. 19. we will h. Deut. 5. 2 22. 23. they cry, I will surely A 27 Sum. 9. 8. will h. what L. command 2 Kin, 19. 4. God uwtf A. the words 2 CAr. 7. 14. 7t>. A fr. heaveu. Ps. 20. 6. 20. 9. thou 7i'. A. and help, /'*. 38. 15. Ps. 4. 3. Lord w. A || 17. 6. w. A. me 85. 8. to. ft. what God will speak 145. 19. he also will h. their cry Prov. 1. 5. to. ft. and increase learn. Isa. 41. 17. the Lord will A. them 65. 24. are yet speaking, I will A. Jer. 36. 3. may be ho. of Judah w. ft. Ezek. 2. 5. whether w. h. 7. | 3. 1 1. Hos. 2. 21. I will h. the heavens Mic. 7. 7. wait tor God, God willh. Zech. 10. 6. God 7/-. ft. them, 13. 9. Acts 17. 32. we willh. thee again 21. 22. will ft. that thou art come 23. 35 w. h. theewh. accusers come 28 28. salva. sent Gentiles, will A. HEAR the word of the Lord. 1 Kin. 22. 19. ft. the word of the Lord 2 Chron. 18 18 Jer. 29. 20. | 42. 15. Amos 7. 16. 2 Kin. 7. 1. Elisha said, A. w. of L. Jer. 17. 20. | 21. 11 20. 16. Isaiah said to Hezekiab, h the word of the Lord, ha. ii9. 5. Isa. 1. 10. A iv. of L. rulers of Sodom 28. 24. A. xv. of Lord, scornful men 66. 5. ft. w. of L. ye that tremble Jer. 2. 4. A. w.ofL. bo. of Jacoh.10. 1. 7. 2. A. w. of Lord, all ye of Judah 9. 20. vet A. w. of L. O ye women 19. 3. h. w. ofL. king of Jud. 22. 2. 22. 29. O earth, h. the w. of the L. 31. 10. h. w. of Lord, O ye nations 34. 4. It. word of Lord, 6 Zedekiah 44. 24. h. word of L. all Judah, 26. Ezek. 6. 3. mountains of Israel ft. 7/>. of the Lord, 36. 1, 4. 13. 2. say to prophets, A w. of Lord 16. 35. O harlot, ft. word of Lord 20. 47. forest of south, h. w. of L. 34. 7. shepherds, A. word of Lord, 9. Hos. 4. 1. h. w. of L. children of Isr. Amos 7. 16. Amaziah. A. w. of Lord HEARD. Gen. 16. 11. Lord A. thy affliction 21. 26. neither yet A. I of it Exod. 2. 24. God A. their groaning 28. 35. sound h. when lie goeth in Lev. 24. 14. that A him lay hands Num. 11. 1. complained, Lord A. it 12. 2. spoke against Moses, L. A it 14. 15. nations have ft. fame of thee 1 Sam. 7. 9. cried, the Lord ft. him Kin. 1. 11. A. Adouijah doth reign 6. 7. any tool of iron ft. in house 2 A'm.19.25. not A. long ago,i.v«.37.26. 2 CAr. 5. 13. make one ft. in prais«ug 33. 13. and A. his supplications Ezra 3. 13. the noise was ft. afar ivVA. 12. 43. joy of Jerusalem A. afar Job 15. 8. hast A. the secret of God ? 19. 7. cry out of wrong, but not h. 26. 14. but how little a portion is A? 29. 1 1 . when the ear A. me, it bless Ps. 6. 9. L. hath ft my supplication 10. 17. h. the desire of the humble 22. 21. sav me for thou hast A. m» BEA tsal. 22. 24. but when he cried he h. 34.6. | 40. I | 120. I. 34. 4. 1 sought the L. and he A. me 38. 13. but I as a deaf man A. not 6i. 5. thou, O God, hast A. my vows 60. 19. verily God hath h. me 70. 8. cause judgment to be A. 78. 21. therefore the Lord h. this 59. when God A. this, was wroth 81. 5. where 1 A. a language that I VI. 8. Zion h. and was glad 118. 21. for thou hast A. me and art 132, 6. !o, we A, of it at Ephratah ?rov. 21. 13. cry himself, but not A. .ta. 10. 30 cause it to be A. to Laish 40. 21. have ye not A.? hath it not 28. not A. everlast. G. faint, not? 48. G. thou hast A. see all this S2. 15. had not A. shall they consider 60. 18. violence no more A. in land fit. 4. not A. what he hath prepared 65 !9. weeping shall be no more A. 66. 8. who hath A. such a thing ? Jer. 4. 19. hast It. sound of trumpet 6. 7. wickedness, spoil is A. in her 7. 13. rising early, but ye A. not 8. 6. 1 hearkened and A. but they 18. 13. heathen, who hath It. such 22. let cry be A. from houses 25. 36. bowling of flock shall be h. 26. 11. hath prophesied as ye have A. 34. 10. A. man servant shall go free 35. 17. spoken, but they have not A. Hi. 12. nations have It. of thy shame 5 ) 46. the cry is A. among nations 51. 46. rumour shall be It. in land Lam. 3. 01. hast A. their reproach Xrt'lc. 26. 13. harps sh. be no more A. Han. 12. 8. I A. but understood not 1 >nah 2. 2. I cried to L. and he A. Mir. 5. 15. such as they have not A. Mul. 3. 10. the L. hearkened and It. Mat. 5. 21. ye A. it said, 27, 33, 38, 43. 6 7. shall be It. for much speaking 13. 17. have not A. them. Lu. 10. 24. 22. 7. when the king It. thereof 26. 05. have A. his bias. Mark 14.64. Mark 4. 15. they have A. Satan com. 14. II. they h. it they were glad Luke 1. 13. prayer is A. Acts 10. 31. 12. 3. have spoken, sh. be A. in light 20. 10. when they h. it, they said John 3. 32. he hath h. he testifieth 6.45.every man that hath h. of Fath. 8. 6. wrote on ground as he h. not II. 41. I thank thee thou hast A. me (8. 21. ask them which h. me 2i. 7. Simon Peter h. it was the L. Acts 1. 4. the promise ye h. of me 2. 37. when A. this they were prick. 4. 4. many which h. the word believ. 5. 5. fear came on all that h. these 13. 48. when Gent. h. this were glad 14. 9. the same h. Pajl speak 10. 14 woman worshipped G. h. us 25. and the prisoners h. them 22, 15. shalt wit. what seen and h. 24. 24. h. him concerning faith in C. Horn. 10. 14. whom they have not A. 58. have they not h.? yes, verily 15. 21. they that have not h. shall I Cor. 2. 9. eye not seen, nor ear h. (nil. 1. 13. ye have h. of my conver. Eph. 1. 13. after ye h. word of truth 15. after I h. of your faith in L.J. 4 21. if so be ye have h. him I'ltii 4. 9. things ye have A. and seen Col. 1. 4. we It. of your faith in Christ 6. ye It. of it, knew grace of God 9. we A. it. do not cease to pray 1 Tim. 2. 2. things thou hast A. of me Hel- 2.3. confirmed by them th. A. him 2. 16. wlien they had A. did provoke 42 mixed with faith in them that A. HE A Heb. 5. 7. offer, prayers, and was A. Jam. 5. 11. have A. of patience of Job 1 John 2. 18. ve A. that antichrist, 4.3. 24. A. from the begin. 3. 1 1. 2 John 6. Rev. 3. 3. remember how th. hast A. 7. 4. 1 A. the number of them sealed 9. 16. I A. thenumher of horsemen 16. 5. 1 A. the angel of waters say 18. 22. trumpet, shall he h. no more 23. voice of bride sh. be A. no more 22. 8. saw these things, and A. them I have HEARD. Gen. 17. 20. for Ishmael I A. A. thee 42. 2. I have A. there is corn in Eg. E.vod.3.~.I A. A. cry || 6.5.7 A.A.groan. 10. 12. I A. A. murmur. Num. 14. 27. 1 Kin. 9. 3. 7 A. A. thy prayer, 2 Kin. 20. 5. 2 Chr. 7. 12. Isa. 38. 5. 2 Kin. 19. 20. hast prayed I have h. 21. 19. I A. A. saith L. 2 Chr. 34. 27. Job 16. 2. I have h. many such things 20. 3. I have A. check of reproach 42. 5. / A. A. by the hearing of ear Psal 31. 13. for I h. h. the slander 62. 1 1. twice / have A. this, power Isa 49. 8. accep. time A./ A. 2 Cor. 6. 2. Jer. 23. 25. I A. A. what the prophets 31. 18. I have A. Ephraim bemoan. 49. 14. I have A. a rumour from L. /7*e/r. 35. 12. /A. A. all thy blasphem. /7os, 14. 8. /A. A. and observed him Hab. 3. 2. O L. / A. A. thy speech, John 8. 20. those things / A A. of him 40. told truth, which I A. A. of God 15. 15. that I h. A. of my Father Acts 7. 34. / A. A. their groaning 9. 13. L. /A. A. by many of this man H E A RD, joined with voice. Gen. 3. 8. they A. voice of the Lord 10. I A. thy voice, and was afraid 21. 17. God h. the voice of the lad 30. 6. God hath A. my v. and given 39. 15. when he A. I lifted up my v. Num. 7. 89. then he A. the v. of one 20. 16. we cried, he A. our voice Dent. 1. 34. Lord A. the t>. of words 4. 12. no similitude, only he A. a v. 33. hear v. of G. thou hast A. 5. 26. 5. 23. ye It. the v. out of darkness 24. have A. his w. out of the tire 28. the L. A. the v. of your words 26. 7. the L. A. our ?;. and looked Jud. IS. 25. let not v. be A. among us I Sam. 1. 13. lips moved, v. was not A. 1 Kin. 17. 22. L. A. the v. of Elijah 2 CAr. 30. 27. v. was A. prayer came Job 4. 16. there was silence, I A. a v. 33. 8. I have A. the v. of thy words 37. 4. not stay them when his v. is A. ■P.vf/^. 3. 4. L. with ray v. he A. me 6. 8. L. hath A. the v. of my weeping 18. 6. he A. my v. out of his temple 19. 3. no speech where their v. not A. 28. 6. hath A. v. of my supplication 00. 8. make the v. of praise to be A. 1 10. 1. I love L. he hath A. my v. Cant. 2. 12. the v. of the turtle is A. Zs«. 0. 8. also I A. the «. of the Lord 30. 30. L. cause his glo. v. to be A. 42. 2. nor cause v. to be A. in street ;"8. 4. to make your v. to be A. 65. 19. 71. of weep, no more It. in her Jer. 3. 21. a v. was A. upon the high 4. 31. I have A. a v. as of a woman 9. 19. v. of wailing is A. out of Zion 30. 5. we have A. a v. of trembling 31. 15. v. was A. in Ram. Ma/. 2. 18. 1. am. 3. 56. thou hast A. my twice Ezek. 1. 28. 1 A. a«. of one th. spake 3. 12. I A. behind men. of gr^at rush. 27. 30. shnll cause their v. to be A. Dan, 8. 16. I A a man's v. between 10. 9. yet A I the v. of his words Nah. 2. 13. v. of messen. no more A. JoA?i 5. 37. neither A. his t>. at any .<4c& 9. 4. and A. a v. sayitg, Saul, Saul, 22. 7. | 26. 14. 11.7. 1 A. a v. saying to me, arise 22. 9. they h. not the v. of him Heb. 12. 19. which v. they that h. 2 Pet. 1. 18. v. came from heav. we A. Rev. I. 10. I A. a u. 16. 1. | 19. 1. | 21. 3. 4. I. first v. I h. was as of trumpet 5. 11. and 1 A. the v. of many angels 6. 6. I A. a v. in the midstof beasts 7. I A. a v. of the fourth beast say 9. 13. I A. a v. from the four horns 10. 4. 1 A. a v. fr. heav. 8. | 14. 2, 13. 12. 10. and I A. a loud voice [18. 4. 14. 2. 1 A. the v. of harpers harping 19. 6. I A. as it were v. of multitude We have HEARD. Josh. 9. 9. ice have A. the fame or him 2 Sam. 7. 22. there is none like the© ace. to all we have A. 1 Chr. 17. 20. Psal. 44. 1. we have h. with our ears 48. 8. as we have A. so have we seen 78. 3. dark sayings which we h. h. Isa. 10. 6. we have h. of M Jer. 48. 29. 24. 16. we have A. songs, glory to Jer. 30. 5. we A. A. a voice of tremb. 51. 51. confound, we h, A. reproach Obad. 1. we A. A. riunour from Lord Zech. 8. 23. for we have A. that God Mar. 14. 58. we have It. him say Luke 4. 23. whatever we have A. done 22. 71. ice ourselves have A. of his John 4. 42. believe, we have A. him 12. 34. we have A. out of the law Acts 4. 20. cannot but speak we A. A. 6. 11. toe have A. him speak bias. 14. we have A. him say, this Jesus 15. 24. we have A. that certain Heb. 2. 1. heed to things we have It. I John 1. I. which we have A. 3. 5. message which we have A. HE ARD, joined with word or word*. Num. 24. 4. which A. w\ of God, 16. Josh. 24. 27. it hath A. all the w. of L. 1 Saw. 17. 23. sameic. David A. them .31. when w. were A. David spake 1 Kin. 2. 42. the w. that I A. is good 2 /tm. 0. 30. king A. ?/'. of woman 19. 6. afraid of w. hast A. /sot. 37. 6. Job 33. 8. I have A. voice of wo?ds, Eccl. 9. 16. poor man's w. are not A. 17. w. of wise men are A. in quiet /■va. 37. 4. the w\ which God hath A, Jer. 23. 18. marked, and A. his tc. 25. 8. because ye have not A. my w. 26. 21. king and princes A. his w. 30. 13. declared all the w. he had A. 24. were not afraid that A. these w 38. 1. Pashur A. the w. Jeremiah Mat. 22. 22. when they A. these w. Mark 5. 36. as Jes. A. the w. spoken Luke 10. 39. sat at Jes. feet, A. histo. Acts 10. 44. H. G. fell on them A. w. 2 Cor. 12. 4. and A. unspeakable w. Eph. 1. 13. after ye A. the w>. of truth Col. 1. 5. ye A. the w. of the gospel 1 T/tess. 2. 13. the w. which ye A. of us 2 Tim. 1. 13. form of sound w. hast A. Heb. 12. 19. that A. entreated that w, 1 John2. 7. w. ye ha. A. from hegin. HEARDEST. Beut. 4. 36. thou A. his wo. out of file 2 A'?«. 22. 19. thou A. what I spake against this place, 2 Chr. 34. 27. A*/v. A 9. thou A. their cry by R. Sea ^. they cried, thou A. them, 28. Psal. 31. 22. thou A. voice of suppli. 119. 26. 1 declared my ways, thou A. Isa. 48. 7. the day wfcen thou A. not 8. thou A. not, yea thou knew, not Jo)i. 2.2. out belly of hell I cried, th.A. HEARER, S. Rom. 2. 13. no tt he It. of lawarejust HEA EpJi. 4. 29. minister grace unto the ft. 2 Tim. 2. 14. to subverting of the ft. Jam. 1 . 22. doers of word, and not ft. 23. if any be a A. of the word 25. he being not a forgetful h HEAREST. 1 Sam. 24. 9. ft. thou men's words ? 2 Sam. 5. 24. A. sound in mnlb.-trees 1 Kin. 8. 30. ft. forgive, 2 Chr. 6. 21. Ps. 22. 2. cry in day-time, but ft. not 65. 2. thou that hearest prayer Mat. 21. 16. ft. thou what these say ? 27. 13. ft. thou not how many things John 3. 8. and thou ft. the sound 11. 42. and that thou A. me always HEARETH. Deut. 29. 19. ft. words of this curse 1 Sa??i. 3. 9. Lord, thy servant ft. 10. Job 34. 28. ft. the cry of the afflicted Ps. 34. 17. righteous cry, the Lord ft. 38. 14. I was as a man that ft. not 69. 33. L ft. poor, despis. notpriso. Prov. 8. 34. blessed is man th. ft. me 13. 1. ft. his father instruction 8. but poor heareth not rebuke 15. 29. HJ»A, prayer of the righteous 31. ear that ft. reproof of life, 32. 18. 13. answer, a matter before ft. it 21. 28. but the man that h. speaketh 25. 10. that ft. it put thee to shame 29. 24. h. cursing, and bewray, not Isa. 42. 20. opening ears, but h. not Ezek. 3. 27. he that h. let him hear Mat. 7. 24. A. sayings, 26. Lu. 6.47,49. 13. 19. h. the word of the kingdom 20. same that ft. the word, 22. 23. Luke 10. 16. he that ft. you h. me John 3. 29. who standeth and h. him 5. 24. ft. my word, and believeth 8. 47. he that is of G. ft. G.'s words 9. 31. God heareth not sinners 18. 37. that is of truth, h. my voice 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that he h. of me 1 John 4. 5. and the world h. them 6. he that knoweth God h. us 5. 14. ask according to Will, he ft. us Rev. 22. 17. let him that h. say, come 18. to every man that ft. the Words HEARING. Dent. 31. 11. read this law in their//. 2 Sam. 18. 12. in our ft. king charged 2 Kin. 4. 31. was neither voice nor A. Job 33. 8. thou hast spoken in my ft. 42. 5. I have heard (if thee by A. Isa. 11.3. nor reprove after h. of ears 21. 3. bowed down at the h. of it 33: 1"). stoppcfh ears from h. blood Ezek.9. 5. said in my h. go after him 10. 13. cried unto them in my h. Amos X. 1 1. h. the word of the Lord Arts 25.21. reserved to h. of Augustus 23. was entered into the place of ft. Kom. 10. 17. faith cometh by k. 1 Cor. 12. 17. where were the ft. ? ('•id. 3. 2. or by the h. of faith, 5. Ueb. 5. II. seeing ye are dull of ft. HEARING, Verb. Prov. 20. 12. h. ear, the L. hath made 28. 9. away the ear from ft. the law Eecl. 1. 8. nor is the ear filled with ft. Mat. \3. 13. and ft. they hear not 14. by h. ye sh. hear and not under. 15. their ears dull cf h. Acts 28. 27. Hcb. 5. 11. Mark 6. 2. many ft. were astonished Luke 2. 46. ft. them and asking ques. Acts 5. 5. Ananias ft. these words 8. 6. h. and seeing miracles he did tl. 7. ft. a voice, but Seeing Jio man 18. 8. Corinthians h. believed Phil. 5. ft. of thy love and faith 2 Eet.2. 8. Lot i n seei ng and ft. vexed HEARKEN. Bx-od. 6, 30. shall Pharaoh/*, tome? UK A Dent. 7. 12. ft. to these judgments 11.13. ft. diligently to my commands 15. 5. A. to voice of Lord, Jer. 17.24. 18. 15. a prophet, to him ye shall h. 28. 13. if thou ft. to commandments, 1 Kings 11. 38. Josft. 1. 17. so will we ft. unto thee 1 Sam. 15. 22 to h. than fat of rams 30. 24. who will ft. to you in this ? 1 Kin. 8. 28. have thou respect to ft. 29. h. to prayer, 52. 2 Chr. 6. 19, 20. Neh. 13. '/7. h. then 10 you to do this? Psal. 81. 8. if thou wilt h. unto me Prov. 29. 12. if a ruler ft. to lies Isti. 32. 3. ears of them that hear ft. 42. 23. who will h. for time to come? Jer. 26. 3. will ft. and turn from evil 5. ft. to the prophets whom I sent 29. 12. pray to me, and I will ft. 35. 13. not receive instruction to Ji. Zech. 7. 11. but they refused to ft. Arts 4. 19. ft. to you more than to G. 12. 13. a damsel came to hearken H E A R K E N, Imperatively. Gen. 23. 15. ft. to me j| 49. 2. ft. "to Is. Num. 23. 18. h. to me, son of Zippor Dent. 4. I. h. O Israel, to statutes 27. 9. take heed, and ft. O Israel Judg 9. 7. ft. to me, men of Sheehem 1 Kin. 8. 30. ft. to the supplications, 2 Chron. 6. 21. 22. 28. ft. O people, ev. one of you 2 Cftrun. 18. 27. he said, h. all people 20. 15. h. ye, all Judah, and Jerusa. Job 13 6. ft. to pleadings of my lips 32. 10. I said A. to me, 33. 31. 33. 1. I pray thee, ft. to my words 34. 10. h. unto me. men of unders. 34. wise man A. || 37. 14. ft. to this Psal 34. 11. h. I will teach you 45. 10. ft. O daughter, and consider Prov. 7. 24. ft. to me, O child. 8. 32. Isa. 28. 23. h. and hear my speech 34. 1. ye nations, h. ye people, 49.1. 4G. 3. ft. unto me, O house of Jacob, 48. 12. Hos. 5. 1. 12. ft. to me, stout-hearted 51. 1. h. to me, th. follow righteous. 4. h. unto me, my people, give ear 7. ft. to me, ye th. know righteous. 55. 2. A. diligently unto me, eat that Dan. 9. 19. O Lord, A. and do Mic. 1. 2. h. O earth, and all therein Mar. 7. 14. ft. to me, ev. one of you Acts 2. II. men of Ju. h. to my words 7. 2. men, brethren, and fathers, h. 15. 13. men and brethren, h. to me Jam. 2. 5. ft. my beloved brethren See Voice. HEARKEN, with not. Gen 34. 17. n. ft. to be circumcised Ex-od. 7. 4. n. h. to you, 22. | 11. 9. Dfvt. 13. 3. sh. 71. h. to that dreamer 17. 12. that will n. ft. to the priest 18. 19. who. will n. ft. to my words 21. 18. he will not h. to them 23. 5. ft. k. to Balaam, Josft. 24. 10. Josft. 1. 18. will not h. to thy words Jndg. 2. 17. would 7i. h. tojudges 1 Ki7i. 20. 8. elders said, h. n. to him 2 Kin. 17. 40. n. h. but after manner 15. 31. ft. n. to Hczekiah, Isa. 36. IG. 2 Chr. 10. 16. Rehoboam would n.ft. 33. 10. L. spake, but they wo. n. ft. Job 33. 33. if not h. hold thy peace Ps. 58. 5. n. h. to voice of charmers SI. II. peo. would n. h. to my voice Jer. 6. 10. uncircumcised c'armot ft. 17. they said, we will n. ft. 44. 16. 7. 27. they will hot ft. unto thee 11. II. though they cry, I Mil mo? h. 16. 12. that they may not h. to me 17. 27, if ye will not ft to me, 26. 4. Exek. 20. 39. HEA Jer. 23. 16. ft. not to prophets, 27. 9, 14, 16, 17. | 29. a 38 15. wilt thou not ft. to me? Ezek. 3. 7. n. ft. to thee, n. ft. to me 20. 8. and would not ft. unto me Ilos. 9. 17. did n. h. to him, Zedi. 1.1 HEARKENED. Gen. 30. 17. God h. unto Leah 22. God A. to Rachel and opened 34. 24. to Hamor ft. all that went 39. 10. that Joseph ft. not to her Exr.d. 6. 12. child, of Is. not ft. to me 7. 13. Phar. h. not, 8. 15, 19. | 9. 12. Deut. 9. 19. Lord h. to me. 10. 10. 18. 14. nations h. to obser. of times 34.9. Israel ft. to Joshua, Josft. 1. 17. 1 Sum. 28 21. worn, of Endor h. to Sa. 1 Kin. 12. 15. king ft. not to people, 16. 2 Chr. 10. 15. 24. they ft. to word of the Lord 15. 20. ft. to king Asa, 2 Chr. 16. 4. 2 A'z'n. 13. 4. the Lord ft. to Jehoahaz 16. 9. the king of Assyria ft. to Asa 20. 13. Hezekiah ft. to messengers 21. 9. Judah ft. not to the law 22. 13. our fathers ft. not to words 2 Chr. 24. 17. Joash ft. to the princes 25. 16. Ama/.iah A. not to the pro. 35. 22. Josiah ft. not to Pharaoh Neh. 9. 16. ft. not to thy command- ments, 29. 34. Jer. 34. 14. Esth. 3. 4. Mordecai ft not to them Ps. 81. 13. O that my people had ft. Isa. 21. 7. and he ft. diligently 48. 18. O that thou hadst ft. to my Jer. 6. 19. have not A. to my word, 7. 24, 26. | 25. 3, 4, 7. | 26. 5. | 29. 19. | 32. 33. | 34. 17. | 35. 14, 15, 16. | 36. 31. | 44. 5. 37. 14. Irijah A. not to Jeremiah Ezek. 3. 6. would have ft. not thee Dan. 9. 6. neither A. to Thy servant Mai. 3. 16. the Lord A. Jer. S. 6. Acts 27. 21. ye should have A. to me See Voice. HEAHKENEDST. Deut. 28. 45. thou A. not to the Lord HEaRKENETH. Prov. 1. 33. ft. to me sh. dwell safely 12. 15. he that A. to counsel is Wise HEARKENING. Ps. 103. 20. angels A. to the voice II E A RT. Gen. 45. 26. and Jacob's A. fainted E.vod. 2.3. 9. know A. of a stranger 28. 30. they shall be on Aaron's A. 35.35. hath he filled vvi. Wisdom of A. lev. 26. 16. and (ause sorrow of A. Xian. 32. 7. discourage A. of Israel ? 9. they discouraged the A. of Israel Deut. 5 29. were such an A. in them 28. 28. smite wi. astonishment of A. 47. serv. not L. wi. gladness of A. 65. L. shall give thee trembling A. ' 29.4. L. ha. notgiveh A. to perceive Josh. 14. 8. made A. of the p. o. melt Judg. 5. 15. were great thoughts of A. 16. were great searchings of A. 18. 20. the priest's A. was glad 1 Sinn. 1. 13. Hanrtah spake in lier A. 10. 9. God gave him another A. . 16. 7. the Lord looketh on the ft. 17. 32. Da. said, let no man's A. fail 24. 5. and David's A. smote him 25. 31. nor offence of A. to my lord 36. and Nabal's ft. was merry 2 Sain. 6. 16. she despised him in A. 1 Chron. lb. 29. 14.1. king's ft. was toward Absalom 18. 14. darts through ft. of Absalom. 19. 14. bow. A. of the men of Judah 1 Kill. 3.9. givean understanding ft, 12. I given thee understanding A. 8, €& tents glad of h. 2 Chr. 1 10, HEA 1 Km. 10. 2. com. of all in h. 2 Ch, 9. 1. 11. 4. perfect, as the A. of David 12 21. then shall the h. of this peo. t Kin. 6. 11. It. of king of As troub. 12. 1. come, into man's It. 2CA/-.29.31. 1 Chr. 12. 33. were not of double It. 16. 10. let the A. rejoice, Ps. 103. 3. 29. 17. thou triest A. 18. Jer. 11. 20. 2 Chr. 7. 1 1. came into Solomon's h. Ezra 6. 22. turned A. of king of As. 7.27. put such as this in the king's A. Kelt. 2. 2. nothing else but sor. of A. Esth. 1. 10. when A. of king merry 5. 9. Ham. went forth with a glad It. Job 9. 4. he is wise in It. and mighty 12. 24. he taketh away h. of chief 29. 13. 1 caused widow's A. to sing 37. 24. respecteth not that wise of A. 38. 36. given understand, to the It. Psal. 12. 2. wi. double A. they speak 19. 8, stat. of L. right, rejoicing A. 34. 18. L. is nigh them of broken A. 44. 21. he khoweth secrets of the A. 45. 5. arrows are sharp in A. of ene. 58. 2. in It. ye work || 64. 6. A. is deep 7.X 7. have more than A. could wish 10!. 4. froward It. sh. depart fr. me 5. a proud A. will not 1 suffer 104. 15. wine maketh glad the It. bread, strengthened man's It. Prov. 6. 18. an li. that devis. wicked 7. 10. met him a woman subtle of A 8. 5. fools, be of an understanding A. 10. 8. wise in h. will receive com. 12. 8. he of perverse A. shall be des. 20. deceit is in the A. of them 25. heaviness in It. of man maketh 13. 12. hope deferred maketh A. sick 14. 10. the A. kuoweth own bitter. 13. in laughter the A. is sorrowful 14. backslider in A. be rilled with 30. a sound A. is life of the flesh 33. wisdom resteth in h. of him 15. 7. the A. of foolish doeth not so 13. a merry A. mak. cheer, count. by sorrow of h. spirit is broken 15. 14. A. of him that understandeth 15. a merry A. haih continual feast S&.A. of righteous studieth to answ. .'D. light of eyes rejoicetfi the A. 16. 1. preparations of A. from Lord 5 proud A. is abomination to Ld. 9. a man's It. deviseth his way 23. A. of wise teacheth his mouth 17. Hi. price in hand, hath no A. to it 20. a froward A. findeth no good 22. merry A. doeth good like medi. 18. 12. before destruc A. is haughty 15. A. of prudent getteth know). 19. 21. many devices in a man's A. 20. 5. counsel in A. like deep water 21. 1. king's A. is in hand of the L. 4. a high look and a proud A. is sin 22. II. pureness of A. king his friend 15. foolishness bound in A. of child 21. 12 pondereth the A consider it? 25. 3. the A. of kings is unsearchable 20. so he that singeth to heavy A. 26. 23. wicked A. is like a potsherd 27. 9. ointment and perfume rejo. A. 19. the A. of man answereth man 28. 25. a proud A. stirreth up strife 31. II. A. of her husband doth trust Eccl 7. 3. sadness of count. A. is bet. 4. It. of wise in house of mourning, A. of fools in house of mirtn 8. 5. a wise man's A. discerneth 11. the A. of men is set to do evil !>. 3. the A. of men is full of evil 7. drink thy wine with a merry A. 10, 2. a Wise'man's A. at right hand, but a fool's A. is at bis left ha. 6. li. make their A. fat, Mat. 13. IS. Acts 28. 27. HEA ha. 10. 12. I will punish the stout A. 13. 7. every man's A. shall melt 30. 29. ye shall have gladness of A. 32. 4. the A. of rash shall understand 35. 4. say to them of fearful A. 44. 20. deceived A. turned him aside 57. 1. man layethtoA. Jer. 12. 11. 15. revive the A. of contrite ones 59. 13. uttering from /i.words offals. 65. 14. my servants sing for joy of A. but ye cry for sorrow of A. Jer. 4. 9. the A. of king shall perish 5. 23. people hath a rebellious A. 9. 26. Israel are uncircumcised in It. 11. 20. O L. that triest reins and A. 17. 9. A. is deceitful above all things 10. I the Lord search A. 1 try reins 20. 12. O L. that seest reins and A. 24. 7. I will give a It. to know me Lam. 3. 65. give them sorrow of A. Ezeh. 11. 19. stony h. out of flesh 13. 22. ye made A. of righteous sad 18. 31. make a new A. and new spirit 21. 7. every A. sh. melt, all be feeble 25. 15. vengeance with despiteful A. 36. 26. I will give you an A. of flesh 44. 7. uncircum. in A. 9. Acts 7. 51. Dan. 4. 16. let a beast's A. be giv.him 7. 4. and a man's A. was given it Hos. 4. 11. new wine take away A. 7. 11. Ephr. is like dove without A. Nah. 2. 10. the A. melt, knees smite Zeph. 2. 15. this city said in her A. Mai. 2. 2. bee. ye do not Jay it to A. 4. 6. the A. of fathers the A. of chil. Mat. 1 1. 29. I meek and lowly in A. 12. 34. of the abun. of A. Lu. 6. 45. 35. out of treasure of A. J.u. G. 45. 15. 18. from the A. and defile man 19. out of A. evil thoug. Mar. 7. 21. Mark 16. 14. upbraided with hard. A. Luke 2. 19. Mary pondered in her A. 51. mother kept sayings in her A. 24. 25. O fools, slow of A. to believe John 13. 2. devil put into A. of Judas Acts 2. 46. eat meat with single, of A. 5. 33. heard that, were cut to h. 7.54. 11. 23. purpose of A. they cleave toL. Rom. 2. 5. thy impen. A. treasur. up 29. circumcision of A. in the spirit 6. 17. ye obeyed from h. that doetr. 10. 10. with the A. man believeth 1 Cor. 2. 9. neither enter, in A. of man 7. 37. and hath so decreed in his A. 2 Cor. 2. 4. of anguish of A. I wrote 3. 3. written in fleshly tables of A. 8. 16. earnest care into A. of Titus Eph. 6. 6. doing will of God from It. Col. 3 22. in singleness of A. fear. G. I Thes. 2. 17. in presence, not in A. lleb. 4. 12. is a discerner of the A. 10. 22. draw near with a true A. 13. 9. it is good the A. be established 1 Pet. 3. 4. let be hidden man of A. 2 Pet. 2. 14. an A. exer. with covetous Rev. 18. 7. she saith in her A. I sit H E A RT. Erod. 15. 8. congealed in A. of sea Isa. 19. I. the h. of Egypt shall melt Mat 12. 40. Son of man in A. earth HEART, with aft. Deut. 11. 13. serve him with aftyour A. Josh. 22. 5. 1 Sain. 12. 20, 24, 13. 3. love L. wi. alt h. 30. Q.Mat.22. 37. Mar. 12. 30, 3.1 Lu. 10. 'A7. Deut. 26. 16. do them with aft thy A. 30. 2. turn to L. aft A. 10. Joel 2. 12. Jurlg. 16. 17. Sam. told all his h. 18. J Kin. 2. 4. walk bef. me wi. aft A. 8.23. 8. 48. return to thee with all their h. 2 Kings 23. 25. 2 Chron. 6. 3H. 11, 8. David, fol. me with ail his A. 2 Kin. 23. 3. a covenant to walk with all their A. 2 Citron. 34. 31. 225 HEA 2 Chr. 15. 12. seek G. of fa. with ntth. 15. had sworn with all their A. 22. 9. Jehos. sought L. wi. afthisA. 31. 21. did it with aft his A. and pros. Psal. 86. 12. I'll praise, O L. wi. aft A. Prov. 3. 5. trust the L. with aft thy A, Jer. 29. 13. search me with aft your A. Ezek. 36. 5. joy of aft their A. to cast it Zeph. 3. 14. rejoice with all the A. ActsQ. 37. if thou believest wi. aft A. See Apply, Broken, Clean, Evil Harden, Hardened. His HEART. Gen. 6. 5. imagina. of his A. only evil 6. it grieved him at his h. [in his A. 8. 21. Ld. said in his h.\\ 17. 17. Abra. 27. 41. Esau said in his h. the days E.vod. 4. 14. he will be glad in his It. 7. 23. neither did he set his A. to this 28. 29. breast-plate of judg. 011 Aw A, 35. 34. he hath put in his A. that he Deut. 2. 30. Lord made his h. obstin. 17. 17. wives, his h. turn not away 20. his A. be not lifted up above 19. 6. avenger pursue, his h. is hot 20. 8. brethren's A. faint as his A. 24. 15. poor, and setteth his A. on it 29. 19. lie blesseth himself 111 his A. Ruth 3. 7. his. A. was merry 1 Ham. 4. 13. his h. trem. tor ark of G 25. 37. it came that his h. died 27. 1. Dav. in his h. [| 28. 5. Aw A. trem. 2 Sum. 7. 27. thy servant tound in his A. to pray to thee, 1 Chr. 17. 25. 13. 33. let not my lord take to his h. 1 Kin. 10. 24. which God had put in his A. 2 Chron. 9. 23. 11. 3. wives turned away his A. 4. 9. 12. 26. Jeroboam said in his It. 2 Kin. 9. 24. arrow went out at his It. 2 Chr. 12. 14. he prepared not his A. 17. 6. At* A. was lift up in ways of L. 26. 16. his It. was lift up to destruc. 30. 19. prepaieth his It. to seek God 32. 25. tor his It. was lifted up 26. humbled him. for pride of his A. 31. that he might know ail in Aw A. Ezra 7. 10. Ezra prepared his A. Neh. 9. 8. fouiidesf his h. faitli/ul Esth. 6. 6. Hainan thought in his A. 7. 5, durst presume in his A. todoso Job 34. 14. it he set Aw A. upon man 41. 24. his It. is as firm as a stone Psal. 10. 3. Doasteth of his h. desire 6. he said in Aw A. II. 1 3. | 14. 1. | 53.1. 15. 2. that speaketh truth in his It. 21. 2. hast given him Aw A. desire 33. 1 1, thoughts of Aw A. to all gen. 37. 31. law of his God in Aw It. 41. 6. his It. gathereth iniquity 55. 21. words smooth, wai in his h. 78. 72. fed accor. to integrity of It. A. 112. 7. Aw A. is fixed, trusting in L. 8. A. A. is established, not be afraid Prou. 6. 14. frowardne^s is in Aw A. 18. 2. but Aw It. may discover itself 1!/. 3. Aw A, fretieth against the L. 23. 7. as thinketh in his A. so is he: but hit A. is not with thea 28. 14. thathardeneth h. A. shall fall EccL 2. 23. yea, his h. taketh no rest 5. 20. God answereth in joy of his h Cant. 3. II. day of gladness of his It. Isa. 7. 2. Aw a. moved, and A. of peo. 10. 7. neither doth his A. think so 32. C. his A. will work iniquity 41-. 19. none ronsidereth in Aw A. 57. 17. frowardly in the way of A. A. Jer. 9. 8. in A. It. he layeth his wait 30. 21. his It. to approach to me 24. performed the intents of his h. 48. 29. heard haughtiness of Aw A. Ezek. 14. 4. setteth up idols in It. A. 7. 31. 10. hit It. lifted up, Dan. 5. 20. HE A Dan. 4. 16. let h. h. be changpd, 5. 21. 1 11. 12. Irish, shall be lifted up 28. his h. be against the covenant Mat. 5. 28. commit, adultery in h. h. 13.19. catcheth th. was sown in h.h. 24. 48. shall say in h. h. Luke 12. 45. Mark 7. 19. it entereth not into A. h. 11. 23. not doubt in h. a. butbelieve Luke 6. 45. of good treasure of h. h. Acts 7. 23. came into his h. to visit 1 Cor. 7.37. standeth steadfast in h.h. 14. 25. secrets of li. h. mode manifest 2 Cor. 9. 7. purposetli in h. h. let him Mine or my H E ART. Deut. 29. 19. in imagination of m. h. Josh. 14. 7. as it was in mine h. Judg. 5. 9. my. h. toward governors 1 Sam. 2. 1. my h. rejoiceth in the L. 1 Kin. 9. 3. m.h. be there, 2 C/w.7.16. 2 Kin. 5. 26. went not m. h. with thee 10. 15. is thine h. right as my h. 1 Chr. 12. 17. m. h. sh. be knit to you 28. 2. had in m. h. to build an house 2 Chr. 29. 10. in m. h. to make a cove. Neh. 2. 12. G. put in m. h. to do, 7. 5. Job 17.11. thoughts of m. h. arebrok. 23. 16. God maketh my h. soft 27. 6. my h. shall not reproach me 31. 7. if ' m. h. walk, after mine eyes 9. m. h. been deceived by a woman 27. m. h. nath been secretly enticed 33. 3. words of uprightness of my h. 37. 1. at this also my h. trembleth Ps. 4. 7. thou put gladness in my h. 13. 2. having sorrow in my h. daily 5. myh. sh. rejoice in thysalvation 16. ft m. h glad || 17. 3. proved m. h. 19. 14. m°dita. of m.h. be acceptable 22. 14. my h. is like wax, it is melted 26. 2. try my reins, and myh. 25. 17. troubles of my h. are enlarged 27. 3. myh. sh. not fear, though war 8. my h. said to thee, thy face, L. 28. 7. my h. trusted, my h. greatly 38.8. by reason of disquiet, of my h. 10. my h. panteth, Isa. 21. 4. 39. 3. my h was hot within me 40. 8. yea, thy law is within my h. 10. not hid righteousness in myh. 12. therefore my h. faileth me 45. 1. my h. is inditing good matter Psal. 49. 3. the meditation of my h. 55. 4. myh. is sore pained within me 57. 7. my h. is fixed, O God, 108. 1. 61. 2. when my h. is overwhelmed 66. 18. if I regard iniquity in my h. 69. 20. reproach hath broken my h 73. 13. I have cleanse d my h. in vain 21. thus mil h. was grieved 26. myh. faileth, but G. is strength 84. 2. my h. crieth out for living G. 86. II. unite myh. to fear thy name 102. 4. my h. is smit. and withered 109. 22. my h. is wounded within 119.11. thy word have I hid in m. h. 32. when thou shalt enlarge my h. 36. incline myh. to thy testimonies 80. my h. be sound in thy statutes 111. thy testim. the rejoie. of m. h. 112. inclined my h. to thy statutes 1 31. I. Lord, my h. is not haughty '39. 23. search me, and know my h. 141. 4. incline not myh. to any evil 143. 4. my h. within me is desolate Pror. 5. 12. my h. despised reproof 20. 9. who can say, my h. is clean 23. 15. be wise, my h. shall rejoice Ercl. I. 13. I gave my h. to seek 16. my h. had great experience 17. I gave my h. to know wisdom 2. 1. I said in m>/ h. I will prove thee, 15. ! 3. 17, 18. 3 in my h. to give myself to wine 10. 1 withheld not my h. from joy HEA Eccl. 2. 20. to cause m. h. to despair 7. 25. applied m. h. to know, 8.9, 16. Cant. 4. 9. thou ravished m. h. 9. 5. 2. I sleep, but m. h. waketh Isa. 63. 4. day of vengeance in m. h. Jer. 3. 15. pastors according to m. h. 4 19. pained at A. h. maketh noise 7. 31. neither came it into m. h. 8. 18. comfort myself, m.h. is faint 12. 3. hast seen me and tried m. h. 15. 16. the joy and rejoicing of m. h. 20. 9. his word was in m. h. as fire 23.9. m. h. broken || 48.31. sh. mourn 48. 36. m. h. shall sound for Moab Lam. 1.20. m. h. is turned within me 22. sighs many, and my h. is faint 3. 51. mine eye affeeteth mine h. Has. 11.8. m. h. is turned within me Acts 2.26. therefore did my h. rejoice 21. 13. to weep, and break mine h.? Rom. 9.2. continual sorrow in myh. 10. 1. my h. desire to G. for Israel is Phil. 1.7. because I have yo\i\n.myh. See Applied. One HEART. 2 Chr. 30. 12. hand of G. to erive o. h. Jer. 32. 39. will giveo. h. Ez. 11. 19. Acts 4. 32. multitude were of one h. Own HEART. Num. 15. 39. that seek not after o. h. 1 Sam. 13.14. man after o.h. Acts 13.22. 2 Sum. 7. 21. according to thine o. h. hast thou done, 1 Chron. 17. 19. 1 Kin. 8. 3S. the plague of his o. h. Neh. 6. 8. feigvest them out of o. h. Psal. 4. 4. commune wi. o. h. on bed 20. 4. grant according to own h. 37. 15. sword sh. enter their ownh. 11. 6. I commune with mine o. h. Prov. 28. 26. that trnsteth his own h. Eccl. 1. 16. I com. with own h. saying 7. 22. thy own h. hast cursed others Jer. 9. 14. imagina. of own h. 23. 17. 23. 16. speak a vision of their ownh. 26. proph. deceit of o. h. Ez. 13.17. Jam. 1. 26. hut deceiveth his own h. Our HEART. Deut. 1. 28. breth. have discour. o.h. Psal. 33. 21. for our h. shall rejoice 44. 18. our h. is not turned back Lam. 3. 41. let us lift up our h. 5. 15. joy of o. h. j| 17. o. h. is faint Luke 24. 32. did not o. h. burn within 2 Cor. 6. 11. open, our h. is enlarged 1 JohnS. 20. if our h. condemn us, 21. Perfect HEART. 1 Kin. 8. 61. h. hep. with the Lord 11.4. h. not p. with the Lord, 15. 3. 15. 14. nevertheless Asa's h. was;;. with the Lord, 2 Chron. 15. 17. 2 Kin. 20. 3. walked before thee with a perfect h. Isa. 38. 3. 1 Chr. 12. 38. p. h. to make Da. king 28. 9. my son serve God with a p. h. 29.9. wi. p. h. they offered willingly 19. give to Solomon my son a p. h. 2 Chr. 16. 9. them whose h. is perfect 25. 2. did right, but not with a p. h. Ps. 101. 2 walk in my house wi. p. h. Pure HEART Ps. 24. 4. who ascend? that hath p. h. Mat. 5. 8. blessed are the pure in h. 1 Tim. 1. 5. end is charity out of p. h. 2 Tim. 2. 22. call on L. out of a p. h. 1 Pet. 1. 22. love one ano. wi. a p. h. Their HEART. Gen. 42. 28. their h. failed them 1 Chr. 29. 18. prepare t. h. unto thee Job 8. lu. utter words out of t. h. ? 17. 4. hid t. h. from understandine' Psal. 10. 17. Lord wilt prepare t. li. 78. 8. ffenera. th. set not t h. aright 18. they tempted God in their fu 78. 37. t. h. was not right with him 226 HEA Ps. 95. 10. a people that do err in /. h, 105. 25. turned t. h. to hate hispeo. 107. 12. he brought down their h. 1 19. 70. t. h. is as fat as grea-e 140. 2. imagine mischiefs in t. fu Pron. 24. 2. t. /i. studieth destruction Eccl. 3. 11. he hath set world in f. fu 9. 3. madness is in their h. while Isa. 6. 10. and understand with t. fu Mat. 13. 15. Acts 28. 27. 29. 13. /. h. is far from me, Mat. 15. 8. Mark 1. 6. Jer. 13. 10 walk in imagina. of t. h. 14. 14. prophesy the deceit of t. h. 17. 1. sin of Judah is graven on t. h. Lam. 2. 18. t. h. cried to the Lord Ez^k. 14. 3. set up their idols in t. h. 20. 16. their h. went after their idols 21. 15. that their h. may faint, ruins 33. 31. t. h. goeth after covetousness Has. 4. 8. they set t. h. on iniquity 7. 6. made ready t. h. like an oven 10. 2. t. h. divided || 13.6. t. h. exalted 13. 8. will rend the caul of their h. Zech. 10. 7. t. h. rejoice in the Lord Mark 6. 52. t. h. was hard. RomA. 21. Luke 9. 47. perceiv. thought of t. h. John 12. 40. he hath hardened t. h. Acts 2. 37. were pricked in their h. 2 Cor. 3. 15. Moses read, vail on t. h. Eph. 4. 18. of the blindness of t. h. Thine, thy HEART. Gen. 20. 6. in the integrity of thy h Lev. 19. 17. not hate brother in It. h. Deut. 4. 29. if thou seek him wi. /. h. 6. 5. love the Lord with all thine h, 7. 17. if thou shalt say in t. h. these nations are more than I, 8.17. | 18. 21. Jer. 13. 22. 8. 14. t. h. he lifted, thou forget L. 9. 5. not for uprightness of thine fu 10. 12. serve the L. thy G. wi. all t. h. 15 9. not a thought in t. wicked h. 10. t. h. shall not be grieved when 28. 67. for the fear of thine h. 30. 6 circumcise t. h. and h. of seed 14. word is very nigh to thy h. 17. if t. h. turn, so that th. not hear Judg. 19. 6. let thine h. be merry, 9 1 Kings 21. 7 1 Sam. 2. 33. man be to grieved h. 14. 7. do all that is in t. h. 2 Sam- 7. 3. 1 Chron. 17. 2. 17- 28. pride and naugliti. of thy h. 2 Sam. 3. 21. over all that t. h. desir. i Kin 2. 44. wickedn. t. h. is privy 8.18.in£fe.tobuild,2C%r.l.U. | 6.8. 2 Kin. 10 15. Jehu said, is I. h. right 14. 10. t. h. lifted thee, 2 Chr. 25. 19 22. !9. t. h. was tender, 2 Chr. 34. 27. 2 Chr. 19. 3. prepared t. h. to seek G. Job 10. 13. these things hid in t. h. 11. 13. prepare t. h. and stretch out 22. 22. and lay up his words in t. h. Psal. 27. 14. he shall strengthen t. fu 37. 4. give thee the desires of t. h. Prov.2.2. apply t. h. to understanding 10. when wisdom entereth into t. lu 3. 1. let l.h. keep my commandments 3. write them on table of t. h. 7. 3. 4. 4. let t. h. retain my words, 21. 23. keep thy h. with all diligence 6. 21. bind continually upon t. h. 1. 25. let not t. h. decline to ways 23. 15. my son, if thine h. be wise 17. let not thine h. envy sinners 19. hear, my son. guide t. h. in way 26. give me thine It. let eyes observe 33. t. h. shall utter perverse things Ercl. 5. 2. not t. h. he hasty to utter 11.9. let t, h. cheer, in way of th. h. 10. remove sorrow from II. u h. Isa. 14. 13. thou hast said in thine lu 33. 18. (. h. shall meditate terrur r a 4 y* 7 ' " 0t ,av things to*. 57.11. 5. thatlayest in thine h. I am, 10. Jer. 4. 14. O Jerusalem, wash t. h. 18. bitter, Y>eca it reacheth to t. h. ?'. 21. set thine h. toward highway . 16. pride of t. h. deceived" Oh. 3. [.am. 2. 19. pour nut/. A. before L. Ezek. 3. 10. my words receive ia t. lu 16. 30. how weak is t. h. saith L.G. 22. 14. can thine h. endure in days 28. 2. because thine h. is lifted up 6. hast set thine h. as heart of God 17. thine h. was lifted up because Dan. 2. 30. know the thoughts of t. h. 5. 22. thou hast not hum hied t. h. Acts 5. 3. why hath Satan filled t. h.? 4. why conceived this in thine h.Y 8. 21. for t. h. not right in sight of G. 22. thought of t. h. forgiven thee It-m. 10. 6. say not in t. A. who shall believe in t. h. that God raised Upright in HEART. 2 Chr. 29. 34. Levites were up. in h. Psal. 7. 10. which saveth the u. in h. 11.2. that they may shoot at u. in h. 32. 1 1. shout for joy ye upright in It. 36. 10. contin. thy righte. to up. inh. M. 10. all upright in h. shall glory 94. 15. all the up. in h. sh. follow if 97. 11. gladness is sown for up. inh. Uprightness of HE A RT. 1 Kin. 3. 6. he walketh in up. nfh. 9.4. Psal. 1 19. 7. I will praise thee with up rieh t ness of It . Whole HEART. 9. 1. I praise thee, O L.,with my whole h. 111. 1. | 138. I. 2. that seek him with the w. h. with my w. h. I sought thee I shall observe it with my w. h. entreated favour with my w;. /* keep thy precepts with w. A. 1 15. I cried with my w. h. O Lor. I I-ia. 1. 5. head is sick, the w. h. faint Jer. 3. 10. not turned with whole h. 24. 7. return to me with their >r. h. 32. 41. I will plant in land wi. w. h. Whose HEART. Exod. 35. 26. women w. h. stirred up Deut. 29. 18. w. h. turneth from Lord 2 Sam. 17. 10. w. h. is as A. of lion 1 Kin. 8. 39. w. h. know. 2 Chr. 6. 30. 2 Chr. 16. 9. them w. h. is perfect Psal. 84. 5. in w h. are ways of them Eccl. 7. 26. woman w. h. ia snares Isrt. 51. 7. in whose h. is my law Ezek. 11. 21. w. h. walketh after Acts 16. 14. whose h. the Lord opened Your HEART. Dent. 10. 16. foreskin of?/, h. Jer. 4. 4. li. 16. that your h. be hot deceived 18. shall lay up my words in y. h. I Kin. 1 !. 2. they will turn away w. h. 1 Chr. 22. 19. sety. h. soul to seek L. Psal. 22. 26. y. h. shall live for ever 31. 24. he shall strengthen your A. 62. 8. pour out your A. before him 10. riches, set not y. h. upon them 69. 32. y. h. shall live that seek God JSw. 66. 14. see this.?/. S. shall rejoi'e fer. 51. 46. and lest your h. faint Joel 2. 13. rend?/. A. not garments '/.(■eh. 7. 10. none imagine evil in y. h. Mat. G. 21. there will yourh. be also, Luke 12. 31. Mark 8. 17 have ye y. h. hardened ? 10. 5. for hardness of y. h. he wrote John 14. 1. let not ?/. A. he troubl. 27. 16. G. said this, sorrow ha filled y. h. 22. I will see you, y. h. sh. rejoice Kph. 6. 5. singleness of y. h. astoC. HEARTED. Exod. 35. 22. many as were willing-/*. Ptxil. 79. 5. the stuut-A, are spoiled Psal. 119. 10 34. 58. 69. HEA lsa. 24. 7. all the merry-A. do sigh 61. 1. sent me to hind up broken. A. Ezek. 3. 7. house of Israel hard-/*. /•Vm./.HEARTED. Deut. 20. 8. what man is there/-/*.? r«nrfer.HEARTED. ■2 Chr. 13. 7 Rehob. young and t.-h. Eph. 4. 32. kind one to another, t.-h. W ise- HEARTED. Exod. 28. 3. speak to all th. are 7/-.-A. 31. 6. hearts of all that are wise-h. 35. 10. wise-h. among you sh. mine 25. women th.were wise-h. did spin 36. 1. wrought every w.-h man, 2, 8. HEARTH. Gen. 18. 6. make cakes upon the A. Psal. 102. 3. bones are burnt as an h. I so. 30. 14. sherd to take fire from A. Jer. 36. 22. a fire on the h. burning 23. cast roll into fire that was on A. Zech. 12.6. governors of Judah like/*. HEARTY, 1LY. Proii. 27. 9. friend by /*. counsel Col. 3. 23. do it /*. as to the Lord HEARTS. Jn.th. 7. 5. h. of the people melted 1 Sam. 10. 26. whose/*. G. had touch. 2 Sa?n. 15. 6. Absalom stole /*. of Is. 1 Kin. 8. 39. thou only knowest the /*. 2 Chron. 6. 30. 1 Chr. 28. 9. Lord searcheth all h. Psal. 7. 9. God trieth /*. Prov. 17. 3. Prov. 15. 11. more then /*. of men 21. 2. but the Lord pondereth the /*. 31. 6. give wine to those of heavy /*. Ezek. 32. 9. also vex /*. of people Dan. 11. 27. king's /*. to do mischief Luke 1. 17. turn the/*, of the fathers 2. 35. thoughts of h. be revealed 21. 26. signs, men's A. failing them Arts 1. 24. knowest h. of men, 15. 8. Rom. 8. 27. he that searcheth the h. 16. 18. deceive the A. of the simple 1 Cor. 4. 5. manifest counsels of h. Rev. 2. 23. I am he searcheth the A. Our HEARTS. Josh 2. 11. we heard, our A. did melt 1 Kin. 8. 58. incline our h. to him Acts 14. 17. filling our A. with food Rom. 5. 5. love of G. abroad in o. A. 2 Cor. 1. 22. earnest of Spirit in o. A. 3. 2. our epistle written in our A. 4. 6. God hath shined in our h. 7. 3. in econd man is L. / A 2 Cor. 5- 2. clothed with house/ A. Gal. 1. 8. angel/ A. prea. other gos. 1 fhes. I. 10. wait for his Son f.'h. 4. Ib\ the Lord shall descend/ A. 2 Thes. 1. 7. L. Jesus be revealed/ A Heb. 12. 25. fr. him that speak. / A. 1 Pet. 1. 12. that preached gospel to you with H. G. sent/ h. Rev. 8. 10. there fell a great star/ h. 9. I. I saw a star fall/ A. to earth 10. 4. I heard a voice/ A. saying seal things and write them not, 8. | 11. 12. | 14. 2, 13. | 18.4. 13. 13. maketh fire come down/ A. See Goo of heaven. Host or hosts of HEAVEN". Dent. 4. 19. the A. of h. worship him 17. 3. hath worshipped the A. ofh. 1 Kin, 22. 19. I saw L. sit. on throne, and h. ofh. stand, by, 2 Ch r. 1 8. 1 8. 2 Kin. 17. 16. Israel vy.orshp. h. re A. with sleep HEAVIER. I Job 6. 3. be h. than sand of the sea 23. 2. my stroke is A. than groaning Prov. 27. 3. a fool's wrath is A. HEAVILY. E.rod. 14. 25. so that drave them A. Ps. .35. 14. bowed h. as one mourneth Isa. 47.6. on ancient A. laid thy voke? HEAVINESS. Ezra 9. 5. at sacrifice I rose from A. Job. 9. 27. 1 will leave off my A. Psal. 69. 20. broken heart, full of A. 119. 28. my soul melteth for A. Prov. 10. I. foolish son A. of mother 12. 25. A. in heart maketh it stoop 14. 13. the end of that mirth is A. Isa. 61. 3. garment of praise for h. Rom. 9. 2. have great h. and sorrow 2 Cor. 2. 1. wo. not come again in h. Phil. 2. 26. my brother was full of A. Jam. 4.9. let your joy be turned to A. 1 Pet. 1. 6. if need be, ye are in A. HEDGE, S. Jot 1. 10. not made an A. about him ? Psal. 80. 12. broken her A. ? 89. 40. Prov. 15.19. way of sloth. A. of thorns Eccl. 10. 8. breaketh A. serpent bite Isa. 5. 5. take away the A. thereof Jer. 49. 3. run to and fro by the A. EzekAS.b. nor made up the A. 22. 30. Mic. 7. 4. sharper than a thorn A. Nah. 3. 17. as grasshopers in the h. Mark 12. 1. he set a A. about it Luke 14. 23. go to highways and A. HEDGE, D. Job 3. 23. way is hid, whom G. A. in Lam. 3. 7. he hath A. me about Hos. 2. 6. A. up thy way with thorns Mat. 21. 33. a vineyard, A. it round HEED. 2 Kings 10. 31. Jehu took no A. Ps. 119. 9. taking A. to thy word Pro?). 17.4. wicked giv. h. to false lips Eccl. 12. 9. preacher gave good h. Jer. 18. 18. not give h. to any words 19. give A. to me, O Lord Acts 3. 5. he gave A. unto them 8. 6. peo. of Sam. gave A, to Philip 10. gave A. to Simon least to great. ' 1 Tim. 1. 4. neither give A. to fables, Tit. 1. 14. 1 4. 1. giving A. to seducing spirits Heb. 2. 1. we ought to give more A. See Take. HEEL, S. Gen. 3. 15. thou shalt hruhe his h. 25. 26. hold on Esau's h. Hos. 12. 3. 49. 17. Dan an adder biteth horse A. Job 13. 27. a print on h. of my feet 18. 9. gin shall take him by the A. Ps. 41. 9. hath lift up his A. against me, John 13. 18. 49. 5. iniquity of my A. compass me Jer. 13. 22. for iniq. thy A. mad:- bare HEIFER. Num. 19. 2. red h. || 5. burn the A, Dent, 21. 3. the elders shall take an h. 200 HEL Deut. 21. 4. strike off the A. neck 6. shall wash hands over the A. Judg. 14. 18. not plowed with my h. Isa. 15. 5. cry out for Moab as an 4, Jer. 46. 20. Egypt is like a fair A. 48. 34. uttered their voice as an h. 50. 11. grown fat as A. at grass hos. 4. 16. Israel as a backsliding A. 10. 1 1. Ephraim is as an A taught Heb. 9. 13. ashes of A. sprink. unclean HEIGHT, S. Gen. 6. 15. A. of ark sh. be 30 cubits Exod. 25. 10. ark of shittim-wood, a cu. and half A. of it, 23. | 37. I, 10. 27. 1. A. of altar, three cubits, 38. 1. 18. A. of court, five cubits, 38. 18. 30. 2. A. of altar of incense, 37. 25. 1 Sam. 16.7. look not on A. of stature 17. 4. Goliath's A. 6 cub. and a span 1 Kin. 6. 2. A. of house of G. 30 cub. 20. oracle twenty cubits in the h. 26. A. of the cherub was ten cubits 7.2.A. of house of Lebanon 30 cubits 16. A. of one chapter was 5 cubits 23. A. of molten sea was five cubits 27. A. of oue base was three cubits Ezra 6. 3. A. of G.'s house 60 cubits Job 22. 12, is not G. in A. of heaven? Ps. 102. 19. L. looked fr. A. of sanct 148. 1. praise the Lord in the A. Prov. 25. 3. the heaven for A. Isa. 7. 11. ask it in the h. above 14. 14. I will ascend above the A. Jer. 49. 16. O thou that boldest the A. 51. 53. fortify the A. of her strength Ezek. 17. 23. in A. of Israel, 20. 40. 19. 11. she appeared in her A. 31. 5. therefore his A. was exalted 14. none of the trees exalt for A. 32.5. I will fill the valleys wi. thy A. Dan.3. 1. image who. A. was 60 cubits 4. II. the A. reached unto heaven, 20. Amos 2. 9. A. was like A. of cedars Rom. 8. 39. nor A. nor depth be able Eph. 3. 18. the A. of the b.ve of Ch.? Rev. 21. 16. breadth and A. are equal HEINOUS. Job 31. 11. for this is an A. crime HEIR, S. Gen. 15. 3. one born in my house is A. 4. saying, this shall not be thine A. 21. 10. Ishmael shall not be A. 2 Sam. 14. 7. we will destroy the A. Prov. 30. 23. handmaid A. to mistress Jer. 49. 1. hath Is. no sons ? no A. ? 2. Israel A. to them that were his A. Mic. 1. 15. I will bring an A. to thee Mat. 21. 38. this is the A. Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. Rom. 4. 13. snould be heir of world 14. if they wh. are of the law be A. 8. 17. A. A. of God, joint A. wi. Chr. Gal. 3. 29. A. according to promise 4. 1. the A. as long as he is a child 7. an A. of God through Christ 30 son of bond- woman sh. not be A Eph. 3. 6. Gentiles sho. be fellow-A Tit. 3. 7. h. according to the hope Heb. 1. 2. whom he appointed A. 14. who shall be A. of salvation 6. 17. God wil. to shewto/f. of pro. 11. 7. became A. of righteousness Jam. 2. 5. A. of the kingdom he pro. 1 Pet. 3. 7. as h. together of grace HELD. Ezod. 17. 11. when Moses A. up hand Judg. 7. 20. A. lamps inth. left hands 2 Chr. 4. 5. sea A. three thous. baths Neh. 4. 16. half h. hot'j spears, 21. 17. wi. otlj,cr hand he A. a weapon Esth. 5.2. kin? h. out ro'den scepire Job 23. 11. my loot A. his steps Psal. 32. 9. whose mouth must be & 94. 18. thv mercv, O L. A. me i.p HEL Cant. 3. 4. I A. him, and would not 7. n. the king is A. in the galleries Jer.50.S3. took captives, A. them fast Daft. 12. 7. he A. up his right hand Mat. 12. 14. A. a counsel, Mar. 15. 1. Lt^Vo 22. 63. men that A. Jesus Acts 3. 11. man was healed A. Peter 14. 4. part A. wi. Jews, part apostles Rom. 7. 6. dead that wh. we were A. Rev. 6. 9. slain for testimony they A. HELD peace. Gen. 24. 21. man wondering h. nisp. Lev. 10. 3. glorified, Aaron A. his p. Num. 30. 7. her husband A. p. II. 14. A 7 eA. 5. 8. A. their jo. found nothing Job 29. 10. nobles A. their peace Psal. 39. 2. 1 A. m y peace from good ha. 3b". 21. ft, their p. Mar. 3. 4. | 9.34. 57. 11. have not 1 A. my p. of old ? Mat. 26. 63. but Jesus h. his peace Ln. 14. 4. they ft. p. 20. 26. Acts 1 1. 18. Acts 15. 13. A. their p. James answer. HELL. Dent. 2-2. 22. fire burn unto lowest ft. 2 Sam. 22. 6. sorrows of h. compas- sed me, P sal. 18. 5. Job 11. 8. deeper than A. what canst thou know ? 26. 6. A. is naked before him Psal. 9. 17. wicked be turned into A. 16. 10. not leave soul in A. Acts 2. 27. 55. 15. let them go down quick to A. 116. 3. pains of A. gat hold on me 139. 8. make bed in A. thou art there Prov. 5. 5. her steps take hold on It. 7. 27. house way to A. going down 9. 18. her guests are in depths of A. 15. 11. A. and destruction before L. 24. he may depart from A. beneath 23. 14. shalt deliver his soul from A. 27. 20. A. and destruction never full lsa. 5. 14. A. hath enlarged herself 14 9. ft. from beneath is moved 15. shalt be brought down to A. 28. 15. with It. are we at agreement 18. agreement with It. not stand 57. 9. didst debase thyself even to A. Ezek. 31. 16. 1 cast him down to A. 17. also went down to It. with him 32. 21. shall speak to him out of A. 27. gone down to It. with weapons Amos 9. 2. though they dig into A. Jonah 2. 2. out of belly of A. cried I Hub. 2 5. enlargeth his desire as A. Mat. 5. 22. sh. be in danger of A. fire 29. whole body be cast into A. 30. 10. 28. to destroy soul and body in A. Luke 12. 5. 11. 23. Capernaum brought down to A. Luke 10. 15. 16. 18. gates of A. shall not prevail 18. 9. having two eyes to be cast into hell, Mark 9. 47. 23. 15. twofold more the child of A. 33. can ye escape damnation of/;.? T.uke 16. 23. in It. he lifted up his eyes Acts2. 31. his soul was not left in A. Jam. 3. 6. tongue is set on fire of A. 2 Pet. 2. 4. cast angels down to A. Rev. 1. 18. have keys of A. and death 6. 8. name Death, A. followed him 20. 13. death and A. deliver, up dead 14. death and A cast in lake of fire HELM. Jam. 3. 4. turned about with small A. HELMET, S. 2 Chron. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared A. l*a. 59. 17. A. of salvation on head Jer. 46. 4. stand forth with your A. Ezek. 23. 24. aga. thee shield and A. 27. 10. hanged shield and It. in thee 38. 5. all of them with shield and It. L/jl). 6. 17. take the A. of salvation t Thcs. 5. 8. for A. hope of salvation HEL HELP, Subst. Gen. 2. 18. make an-A. meet for him 20. not found an It. meet for him E.vod. 18.4. God, said he, was my A. Dent. 33. 7. A. to him from enemies 26. who rideth on heavens in thy h. 29. saved by Lord, shield of thy A. Judg. 5. 23. came not to A. of Lord Job 6. 13. is not my A. in me ? 31. 21. when I saw It. in the gate Ps. 3. 2. say of soul no A. for him 20. 2. Lord send A. frum sanctuary 27. 9. been my It. leave not, O God 33. 20. soul waits for L. he is our A. 35. 2. stand up for my It. 44. 26. 40. 17. my A and my deliverer, 70. 5. 42. 5. praise for It. of countenance 46. 1. God very present A. in trouble 60. 11. give A. vain A. of man, 108.12. 63. 7. because thou hast been my A. 71 12. God, make haste for my A. 89. 19. laid It. on one that is mighty 94. 17. unless Lord had been my A. 1 15. 9. is their A. and shield, 10, 1 1. 121. 1. from whence cometh my A. 2. my It. cometh from Lord 124. 8. our A. is in name of the Ld. 146. 3. trust not man, in whom no A 5. happy hath God of Jacob for It. lsa. 10. 3. to whom will ye flee fur It.? 30. 5. nor be an A. nor profit 31. 1. wo to them th. go to Eg. for//. 2. ag. A. of them that work iniquity Lam. 4. 17. eyes failed foi our vain A. Dan. 11. 34. be holpen with a little A. Hos. 13. 9. in me is thine A. Acts 26. 22. having obtained A. of G. HELP, Verb. Gen. 49. 25. God of father, who sh. A. Deut. 32. 38. let them rise and A. you 2 Sam. 10. 11. then A. me, I will h. thee, 1 Chron 19. 12. 14. 4. said, h. O king, 2 Kin. 6. 26. 2 Chron. 14. 11. it is nothing with thee to A. A. us, O Lord our God 19. 2. shouldest thou >t. the ungodly 20. 9. we cry, thou wilt hear and A. 25. 8. for God hath power to A. 26. 13. mishtv power to /:. the king 28. 23. h. them that they may A. me 32. 8. but with us is the L. to It. us Job 8. 20. neither will he A. evil doers Ps. 12. 1. A. Lord || 22. 1 1. none to It. 22. 19. haste thee to A. me, 38. 22. | 40. 13. | 70. 1. 37. 40. Lord A. them || 46. 5i G. h. her 59. 4. awake to A. || 79. 9. A.Vis, O G. 107. 12. was none to A. Jsai63. 5. 109. 26. A. me, O Lord ray jGod 118. 7. my part with th. that A. me 1 19. 86. A." me || 173. thine hand A. me 175. and let thy judgments h. me Eccl. 4. 10. hath not another to A. him lsa. 30. 7. Egyptians shall A; in vain 41. 10. I will//, thee, 13, 14; | 44. 2. 50. 7. the Lord God will It. me. 9. Lam. 1. 7. people fell, none did A. Ezek. 32.21. speak out of hell with them that h. him Dan. 11. *5. come to end, none It. him Mat. 15. 25. saying, Lord //. me Mark 9. 22. have compassion, h. us 24. L. I helieve, h. mine unbelief Luke 5. 7. they should come and A. 10. 40. bid her therefore A. me Acts 16. 9. come to Macedonia, A. us 21. 28. crying out, men of Israel, A. T'hil. 4. 3. A. women which laboured Ihb. 4. 16. grace to A. in time of need HELPED. E.rod. 2. 17. Moses stocd up and A. ! i Sam. 7. 12. hitherto the Lord A. us j 1 Kin. 1. 7. follow. AdonijuhA. him j 1 Chron. 15. 26. God A. ttie Levites 231 HER 2 Chr. 20. 23. every one h. to destroy 26. 15. was marvellously A. Job 26. 2. how hast thou A. him that Ps. 28. 7. 1 am A. || J 18. 13. Lord A. me 116 6, was brought low, he A, mo lsa. 41. 6. A. every one his neighbo. 49. 8. in day of salvation A. thee Zech. 1. 15. A. forward the affliction Acts 18. 27. he A. them much Rev. 12. 16. the earth A. the woman HELPER. 2 Kin. 14. 26. nor any A. for Israel Job 30. 13. mar my path, have no h Psal. 10. 14. thou art It. of fatherless 30. 10. L oe my A. || 54. 4. G. is lnyA. 72. 12. deliver him that hath no A. Jer. 47. 4. fr. Tyrus and Zidon ev. A. Rom. 16. 9. Urbane our A. in Christ Heb. 13. 6. L. is my A. I will not fear HELPERS. 1 Chr. 12. 18. peace be to thine A. Job 9. 13. proud ft. do stoop under Ezek. 30. 8. her A. shall be destroyed Nah. 3. 9. Put and Lubim were A. Rom. 16. 3. Prise, and Aquila my A. 2 Cor. 1. 24. but are A. of your joy 3 John 8. be fellow-A. to the truth HELPS. Acts21. 17. used A. undergirdingshfp 1 Cor. 12. 28. healing, A. government HELPETH. 1 Chron. 12. 18. for thy God A. thee lsa. 31. 3. both he that A. shall fall Rom. 8. 26. Spirit also A. infirmities 1 Cor. 16. 16. submit to ev. one It. us HELPING. Ezra 5. 2. were prophets of G. A. th. Psal. 22. 1. why art so far fr. A. me 2 Cor. 1. 11. A. together by prayer HELVE. Deut. 19. 5. head slippeth from A. HEMLOCK. Hos. 10. 4. judgment spring, up as A, Amos 6. 12. fruit of righteous, to A. HEM, S. E.vod. 28. 33. on A. thou shalt make pomegranates, 34. | 39. 24, 25, 26. Mat. 9. 20. touched A. of garm. 14. 36 HEN. Mat. 23. 37. as A. gathereth chickens, HENCE. ILuke 13.34. E.rod. 33. 15. carry us not up A. Ps. 39. 13. before I go It. be no more Mat. 17. 20. remove It. to yonder pi. Luke 4. 9. cast thyself down from A 16. 26. pass from A. to you cannot John 2. 16. take these things A. 14.31. let us go A.|| 18.36.kingd.not A. Acts 22. 21. send thee A. to Gentiles HENCEEORTH. Ps. 125. 2. L. about people, from A. 131. 3. hope in the Lord from A. lsa. 9. 7. establish with justice fr. A. 52. 1. A. there shall no more come 59. 21. thy seed's seed A. and forev Mic. 4. 7. Lord reign in Zion fr. A. Mat. 23. 39. ye shall not see me A. Luke 5. 10. fear not from A. thou 12. 52. A. shall be five in one house Acts 18. 6, A. I will go to the Gentiles 2 Cor. 5. 15. not A. live to themselves Eph. 4. 17. ye A. walk not as other 2 Tim. 4. 8. A. laid up for me a crow r Rev. 14. 13. blessed die in L. from A HENCEFORWARD. Ntan. 15. 23. A. among generations Mat. 21. 19. no fruit grow on thee A. HERALD. Dan. 3. 4. then an A. cried aloud HERB. Gen. 1. 11. bring forth the A. 19. 29. given you every A. bear. se*. pf mountains gathered Isa. 18. 4. consider like a heat on 7*. 26. 19. thy dew is as the dew of A. 42. 15. and I will dry up all their It. Jer. 12. 4. A. of every field wither Mat. 13. 32. is greatest among all h. Mark 4. 32. Luke 1 1. 42. ye tithe all manner of h. Horn. 14. 2. who is weak, eateth It. Heb. 6. 7. and bringeth forth A. HERD, S. Exod 10. 9. with flocks and //. we go Lev. 27. 32. concerning the tithe of h. Deut. 12. 21. thou shalt kill of thy h. 2 Sam. 12. 4. spared to take of bis It. 1 Chr. 27. 29. over the A. in Sharon Z?«. 65. 10. a place for h. to lie down Jer. 31. 12. together for young of It. Joel 1. 18. A. ot cattle are perplexed Jonah 3. 7. let not A. taste any thing Hah. 3. 17. sjY. he no /;. in the stalls Mat. 8. 30. a A. of swine feeding Mark 5. II. Z,!<£e 8. 32. See Flocks. HERDMAN, MEN. Gen. 13. 7. strife betw. h. of Abram 1 5a;». 21. 7. Uoeg chiefest of A. Amos 1.1. who was am. i. of Tekoa 7. 14. I was no prophet, but an h. HERE. Deut. 5. 3, who are all of us h. alive /»& 132. 14. this my rest, h. I dwell Jsa. 28. 10. A. a little, there a little, 13. Hns. 7. 9. gray hairs are h. and M»pre il/«£. 12. 41. a greater than Jonas is A. 42. Luke 11.31,32. 16. 28. some standing A. Luke 9. 27. 17. 4. Lord it is good for us to be h. 24. 23. 1.0, h. is Christ, Mark 13. 21. 28. 6. he is not h. he is risen, Mark 16. 6. Luke 24. 6. JJftfrAl.l. 1. see what buildings are h. John 11.21. L. if thou had been A. 32. >4c£s 9. 10. behold, I am h. Lord 10. 33. we are all h. before God Heb. 13. 14. for h. have we no city See Stand. HEREAFTER. Tsa. 41. 23. shew things that come A. Dan. 2. 29. what come t<> pass h. 45. itorV/A 26. 64. h. sh. ye see Son of man Mark II. 14. no man eat of thee A. Luke 22. 69. h. shall Son of man sit John 1. 51. />. ye sh. see heaven open 13. 7. not now, thou shalt know h. 14. 30. h. I will not talk with you 1 Tim. 1. 16. to them wh. h. believe Ren. 1. 19. write things wh. sh. be h. 4.i. shew thee things wh. must be It. 9. 12. there conie two woes more A. HEREBY. Josh. 3. 10. h. know G. is among you 1 John 2. 3. h. we do know him 5. h. know that we are in him 3. 16. A. perceive we love of God 19. h. know we are of the truth 91 h. we know he abideth in us HEW 1 John 4. 2. A. know ye Spirit of 0. 6. h. know we the Spirit of truth 13. A. know that we dwell in him HEREIN. 1 John 4. 10. h. is love, not that we HERESi', 1ES. Acts24. 14. afier the way they call h. 1 Cor. 11. 19. there be h. among you Gal. 5. 20. works of flesh wrath, h. 2 Pet. 2. 1. who liring in damnable h. HERETIC. Tit. 3. 10. h. after second admonition HERETOFORE. 1 Sn?n. 4. 7. riot been such a thing A. 2 Cor. 13. 2. to them which A. sinned HERE UNI O. 1 Pet. 2. 21. even A. were ye called HEREWITH. Mai. 3. 10. and prove me now h. HERITAGE, S. Exod. 6. 8. I will give it you for A. Job 20. 29. h. appointed by G. for him 27. 13. A. of oppressors they receive Psal. 16. 6. yea, I have a goodly A. 61. 5. h. of those thatfear thy name 94.5. break thy people, afjiict thy A. 111. 6. give them A. of the heathen 119. 111. testimonies laken as an A. 127. 3. children are an A. of the L. 135. 12. gave their land for an A. 136. 21, 22. Isa. 49. 8. to inherit the desolate h. 54. 17. A. of servants of the Lord 58. 14. feed thee with A. of Jacob Jer. 2. 7. made mine h. an abomina. 3. 19. how sh. I give thee goodly A.? 12.7. I left A. || 8. my A. is as a Ron 9. my A. is to me as speckled bird 15. bring again every man to his h. 17. 4. thou sh. discontinue from h. 50. 11. O destroyers of my h. Joel 2. 17. give not th. A. to reproach 3. 2. I will plead wi. them for my//. Mic. 2. 2. they oppress a man and h. 7. 14. feed the flock of thiue h. 18. passeth transgression of his A. Mat 1.3.1 laid Esau's A. waste 1 Pet. 5. 3. being lords over God's A. HERODIANS. Mat. 22. 16. they sent their disciples with the A. Mark 12. 13. Mark 3.6. Phari. took counsel wi. A. HERON. Lev. 11. 19. the stork, the A. unclean, Deut. 14. 18. Herself, see Self. HEW,' ED. Exod. 34. 1. A. two tables of stone, Deut. 10. 1. 4. A. two tab. like first, Deut. 10.3. Deut. 12. 3. A. down graven images 19. 5. goeth wi. his neighbour to A. 1 Sam. II. 7. Saul A. oxen in pieces 15. 33. Samuel A. A^ag in pieces 2 Chr. 2. 2. Solo, told 80,000 to A. Jer. 2. 13. my peo. A. them cisterns Dan. 4. 14. h. uown the tree, 23. Hos. 6. 5. I A. them by the prophets HEWER, S. Deut. 29. II. from A. of wood Josh. 9.21. let them be A. of wood, 23. 27. Joshua made them A. of wood lKi?i.b.\b. and 80,000 A.in mountains, 2 Chron. 2. 18 Jer. 46.22. aga. E23. 9. h. himself on right hand 34. 29. when he h. his face, who can 42. 3. who is he that h. counsel? Ps. 10.11. he h. face, he will never see 139. 12. darkness A. not from thee Frov. 10. 18. h. hatred wi. lying lips 19. 24. slothful h. his hand, 26. 15. 22. 3. prudent man A. himself, 27.12. HIG Frov. 27. 16. whoso, h. her, A. wind 28.27. that h. eyes, sh. have a curse Isa. 8. 17. h. face fr. house of Jacob Mat. 13. 44. man hath found, he h. HIDING. Job 31. 33. h. iniquity in my bosom Ps. 32.7. thou art myA. place, 119.114. Isa. 28. 17. waters overflow h. place 32. 2. as an A. place from the wind Hab. 3. 4. there was A. of his power HIGH. Gen. 29. 7. he said, lo, it is yet A. day Dent. 12.2. served gods on A. mount. 28. 43 tret up above thee very A. 1 Chr. 17. 17. state of man A. degree Job 1 1.8. A. as heaven, what canst do? 22.12. beholdstars, how A. they are! 38. 15. and the A. arm sh. be broken 41. 34. he beholdeth all A. things Ps. 18. 27. thou bring down A. looks 49. 2. give ear, both low and A. 62. 9. men of A. decree are a lie 71. 19. thy righteousness, O G. is A. 8.9. 13. and A. l's thy right hand 97.91 thou Lord, art A.above earth, $9. 2. I 113. 4 lOi. 5. him thai, hath an A. look 1D3. 11. as heaven is A. above earth 131. 1. nor do I things too A. forme 138. 6. tho' L. be A. he hath respect 139. 6. it is A. 1 cannot attain to it 149. 6. let A. praises of G. be in their 150. 5. praise him on A. soundiug Prov. 18.11. as A. wall in own conceit 21. 4. A. look, and proud heart is sin 24. 7. wisdom is too A. for a fool Eccl. 12. 5. afraid of that which is A. Isa. 2. 13. day of L. on cedars that A. 6. 1. L. on a throne, A. and lifted up 10. 12. I will punish his A. looks 24. 21. punish A. ones that are on A. 30. 13. as a breach in a A. wall 52. 13. my servant shall be very A. 57.15. thus saith the A. and loftyOne Jer. 17. 12. a glorious A. throne 49. 16. tho' thou make thy nest A. Ezek.2\.26. exalt low,abase him is A. Obad. 3. habitation is A. that saith John 19. 31. sabbath was au A. day Aets 13.17. with an A. arm brought he Rom. 12. 16. mind not A. things 13. 11. it is A. time to awake 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down ev. A. tiling PA»7.3.14. prize of the//, calling G. Rev. 21. 12. Jerusalem had A. See Gate, God, Hill, Most HIGH Num. 24. 16. the knowledge of m. H. 2 Sam. 22.14. m. II. uttered his voice Ft. 17. 7. sing praise to the name of the Lord the m. H. 9. 2. | 92. 1. 46. 4. the tabernacles of the m. H. 47. 2. the Lord m. H. is terrible 50. 14. pay thy vows to the m. H. 56.2. that fight against thee, Qm.H. 57. 2. I will cry unto God m. H. 73. 11. is there knowledge in pi. H. 77. 10. years of right hand of m. H. 78. 17. by provoking the m. H. 56. 82. 6. you are the children of m. II. 83. 18. thou art m. A. over all earth 91. 1. dwelleth in place of the m. H. 9. thou made m. H. thy habitation 92. 8. but thou, Lord, art m. H. 107. 11. contemned counsel of m. II. Isa. 14. 14. I will be like the m. H. Lam. 3. 35. turn before face of m. II. 38. out of 7n.H. proceedeth not evil Dan. 4. 17. m. 11. ruleth in kingdom 24. this is the decree of the in. H. 25. m. H. rules kingdom of men,32. 4. 34. and I blessed" the m. H. 7. 18. saints pf m, H. take kingdom 22. judgm. given to saints of m. H, 230 HIL Dan. 7. 25. speak words against m. TT. 27. to people of saints of the in. II. Hos. 7. 16. they return, not to m. H. 11. 7. they called them to them. H. Acts 7. 48. m. II. dwell, not in temp. See Mountain. On HIGH. Dent. 28. 1. God will set thee on A. Job 5. 1 1. set on h. those that be low 16. 19. and mv record is on A. 39. 18. she lifteth up her self on h. 27. the eagle make her nest on A. Ps. 7. 7. for their sakes return on h, C8. 18. thou hast ascended on A. 69. 29. O God, set me up on A. 91. 14. I will set him on A. because 93.4. L. on A. is mightier than noise 107. 41. yet setteth he the poor on A. I*a. 26. 5. bringeth down them o?i A. 32. 15. spirit poured on us fr. on A. 40. 26. lift up your eyes on A. 58. 4. make your voice heard on h. Luke 1.78. the day-spring from on A. Eph. 4. 8. wh. he ascended up on h. See Place, Places, Priest, Tower. HIGH nay or vans. Judg. 5. 6. in days of Jael A. rr. unoc. ProvA6. 17. A. «;: of upright to depart Isa. 1 1.16. an h. w. for his people 19. 23. a A. xv. out of Egypt to Assy. 33. 8. A. to. lie waste, way-faring 35. 8. and an A. w. shall be there 40. 3. make in desert a A. w. for G. 49. 11. my A. w. shall be exalted 62. 10. cast up the A. iv. gather stones Jer. 31. 21. set thine heart tow. A. w. Amos 5. 16. shall say in all A. u: alas Mai 22. 9. go into A. w. Luke 14. 23. Mark 10. 46. Bartimeus sat by A. w. HIGHER. 1 Sam. 9.2. Saul A. than any of people Job 35.5.clouds, wh. are A. than thou Ps. 61. 2. lead me to Rock that is A. 89. 27. I'll make him A. than kings Eccl. 5. 8. and there be A. than they Isa. 55.9. as heavens are A. th. earth, so my ways A. than your ways Jer. 36. 10. Baruch read in A. court Dan. 8. 3. one horn A. than the other Luke 14. 10. he may say, go up h. Rom. 13. 1. be subject to A- powerB Heb 7.26.high pri.madv.' A. than he.av. HIGHEST. Ps. 18. 13. the H. gave his voice 87. 5. //. himself shall establish her Prov. 8. 26. nor A. part of the dust 9. 3. crieth on A. places of the city Eccl. 5. 8. higher than A. regardeth Ezek. 17. 3. took A. branch of cedar Mat. 21.9. hosanna in A. Mar. 11.10. Luke 1. 32. be called Son of the 11. 35. power of U. overshadow thee 76. be called the prophet of the //. 2. 14. glory to God in the A. 19. 38. 6. 35. ye shall be children of the H. 14. 8. sit not down in the A. room 20. 46. love A. seats in synagogues HIGHLY. Luke 1. 28. said, thou art A. favoured 16. 15. is A. esteemed among men Rom. 12. 3. think of himself more lu Phil. 2. 9. God hath h. exalted him 1 Thes. 5. 13. to esteem them verv h. HIGH-MINDED. [17. Rom. 1 1. 20. not A. but fear, 1 Tim. 6. 2 Tim. 3. 4. traitors, heady, h. Joveri HIGHNESS. Job 31. 23. his A. I could not endure Isa. 13. 3. them that rejoice in my h. HILL. Josh. 24. 33. Eleazar buried in a A. 1 Sam. 10. 5. shall come to A. of G. 10t Ps. 24. 3. who sh. ascend to A. of L, 42, 6. remember thee from h. Mizax Hlfb P 6 : RS. 15. A. of G. is as A. of Bashan 16. this is A. G. desireth to dwell in Cant. 4. 6. get to A. of frankincense Isa. 5. 1. vineyard in very fruitful/*. 10. 32. shake handaga. A. of Jerus. 30. 17. be left as an ensign on an A. 31. 4. Lord shall fight for A. thereof 40. 4. mountain.and A. he made low Jer. 16. 16. hunt them from every A. 31. 39. measuring line on A. Gareb 49. 16. that boldest height of the A. 50. 6. have gone fr. mountain to A. Mat. 5. 14. city that is set on an A. Luke 3. 5. every A. be brought low 4. 29. led him to the brow of the A. 9. 37. when were come down fr. A. Acts 17. 22. Paul stood in Mars A. HlLL-conntry. Josh. i3. 6 inhab. of h.-c. drive out Luke 1. 39. Mary went to h.-country 63. noised thro* all h..c. of Judea High HILL. HILLS. Gen. 7. 19. A. A. under heav. co? d i Kin. 14. 23. groves on every h A. 2 Kin. 17. Psal. 68. 15. A. A. as hill of Ba-iian 16. leap ye, ye high h.? this i the A. Jsa. 30. 25. on h. h. rivers of waters Jer. 2. 20. on h. h. thou wander. 23. 17. 2. remember groves on high h. Ezek. 6. 13. slain among idols on h. h. 34. 6. sheep wandered on ev. A. h. Holy HILL. Ps. 2. 6 set my king on A. h. of Zion 3. 4. cried to L. heard me out of h. h. 15. 1. who shall dwell in thy holy h.? 43. 3. lead me, bring me to thy' A. h. 99. 9. worship at hisA. A. L. is holy HILL, with top. F.vod. 17. 9. I will stand on top of A. Num. 14. 44. presumed to go to A. t. Judg. 16. 3. Samson carried to t. of A. 2 Kin. I. 9. Elijah sat on top of an A. HILLS. Gen. 49.26. utmost bound of everla. A. Num. 23. 9. from the A. I behold him Deut. 8. 7. spring out valleys and A. 11. 11. it is a land of A. and valleys 33. 15. precious things of lasting A. 1 Kin. 20. 23. gods are gods oi A. 28. 22. 17. saw all Israel scattered on A. 2 Kin. 16. 4. burnt incense on the A. 2 Chron. 28. 4. Job 15. 7. wast thou made before A.? Psal. 18. 7. foundations of A. moved 50. 10. cattle on thousand A. are mine 65. 12. little A. rejoice on h. lnhoarers HIRED. Gen, 30. 16. h. with son's mandrakes Lev. 19. 13. wages of hirp that is A. Deut. 23. 4. they /*. against tli>e Balaam, Neh. 13. 2, Judg. 18. 4, Micah A. me, I his priest 2 Km. 7. 6. king of Isr. A. against us 2 Chr. 24. 12. A. masons and carpent. Ezra 4. 5. A. counsellors aga. them /«*. 7. 20. shave with razor th. is h. Jer. 46. 21. A. men like fatted bullocks Hos. 8. 9. Ephraim hath A. lovers 10. they have A. among nations 3/a2. 20. 7. because no man hath A. us 9. were A. about eleventh hour Acts 28. 30. Paul 2 years in h. hous»> HIRED servant, s. Exod. 12. 45. an A. servant shall not eat thereof, Lee 22. 10 Le?». 25. 6. sabbath be meat for A. s. 40. as an A. s. shall he be with thee 53. yearly A. s. shall he be with him Deut. 15. 18. been worth double A. «. 24. 14. thou shalt not oppress A. *. Mark 1. 20. Zebedee in ship wi. h. s. Luke 15. 17. A. wrr. have bread, 19. HIRELING. Job 7. 1. days are like days of an A.? 2. an A. lookel h for reward of work 14. 6. accomplish as an A. his day Isa. 16. 14. 3 years years of A. 21. 16. Mai. 3. 5. against those oppress A. John 10. 12. an A. not the shepherd 13. the A. fleeth, because he is an A. HIS. Cant. 2. 16. beloved is mine, lam A. Arts 16. 33. baptised, he and all A. 2 Tim. 2. 19 L. knoweth them are A. HISS. 1 Kin. 9. 8. at house every one sh. A, Job 27. 23. shall A. him out of place Isa. 5. 26. A. to them fr. end of earth 7. IS. Lord shall A. for fly in Egypt Jer. 19. 8. passeth thereby shall h. 49 17. | 50. 13. Lam. 2. 15. A. at daughter of Jerusa. 16. thy enemies A. and gnash teeth Ezek. 27. 36. merchants h. at thee Zeph. 2 15 every one passeth sh. A. Zech. 10. 8. I will A. for them HISSING. 2 Chron. 29. 8. delivered them to A. Jer. 18. 16. make land perpetual A. 19. 8. make city desolate and an h. 25. 9. and I will make them an A. 18. | 29. 18. 51. 37. Babylon shall be an A. Mic. 6. 16. make inhabitants an A. HIT. [10.3. 1 Sam. 31. 3. archers A. him, 1 Chr. HITHER. Gen. 45. 8. not you that sent me A. Exod. 3. 5. draw not nigh A. off.-hoes 2 Kin. 2. 8. Jordan divided A 14. Prop. 9. 4. simple, let turn in A. 16. Mat. 14. 18. bring them A. to me !7. 17. bring A, tome, Luke 9. 41. 22. 12. friend, how earnest thou A. Luke 14. 21. bring in A. the poor and 15. 23. bring A. the fatted calf 19. 27. bring A. and slay them John 20. 27. reach ft. thy finger See Come. HITHERTO. Exod. 7. 16. A. th. wouldest not hear Jos7i 17. 14. L. hath blessed me A. Judg. 16. 13. A. thou hast mocked me 1 Sam. 7. 12. A. hath L. helped us 1 Chr. 9. 18. A. waited in king's gate 12. 29. A. greatest part kept ward Job 38. 11. A. shalt thou come, but no John 5. 17. my Father worketh A. 16. 24. A. have ye asked nothing HOL I Cm. 3.2. A. ye were not able to bear HO. Ruth 4. 1, ho such a one, sit down Isa. 55. I. ho every one that thirsteth Zech. 2. 6. ho, ho, come forth HOAR, HOARY, See Frost, Hairs, Head. HOARY. Job 41. 32. one vi ould think deep A, HOiSED. Acts 27. 40. they A. up the main.aail HOLD, S, Substantive. Judg. 9. 40'. entered h. of ?od Beritii 49. put them to h. and set h. on fire 1 Sam. 22.4. David in h. 24. 22. 2 Sam. 5. 17. | 23. 14. Jer. 51. 30. they remained in their A. EVeA. 19. 9. they brought him into A /4cfa 4. 3. put them in h. to next day Rev. 18. 2. the A. of every foul spirit See Strong. HOLD. Gen. 21. 18. lad, h. him in thine hand Exod. 5. 1. that they may h. a feast 9. 2. and wilt A. them still? 10. 9. we must h. a feast unto Lord 20. 7. L. not A. guiltless, Deut. 5.11. 2 57»». 2. 22. A. up my face to Joab 6". 6. Uz7ah put hand to ark of God, and took A. of it, 1 Chr. 13. 9. 1 Kin. 2. 9. now A. him not guiltless Esth. 4. 11. king A. out golden seep. Job 6. 24. and I will A. my tongue 9. 28. thou wilt not A. me innocent 13. 19. if 1A. my tongue, I sh. give 17. 9. righteous shall A. on his way Ps. 17. 5. A. my goings in thy paths 119. 53. horror hath taken A. on me 1 17. A. thou me up, I shall be safe 139. 10. thy right hand shall A. me Prov. 31. 19. her hands A. the distaff Cant. 3. 8. they all A. swords Isa. 41. 13. L. will A. thy right hand 42. 6. and I will A. thine hand Jer. 2.13. broken cisterns A. no water . i>.43.anguish took A. of him Amos 6. 10. he say, h. thy tongue Zech. 11. 5. A. themselves not guilty Mat. 6. 24. h. to the one, Lu. 16. 13. 21. 26. for all A. John as a prophet Mark 7. 4. things they received to A. Rom. 1. \fl. A. truth in unrighteous. Phil. 2.29. and A. such in reputation 2 Thess. 2. 15. A. traditions ye have Ileb. 3. 14. if we A. our confidence Rev. 2.14. that A. doctrine of Balaam 15. that A. doctrine of Nicolaitanes See Caught. HOLD fast. JcbS. 15. hesh. h. it/ bntnot endure 27. 6. my righteousness I h.fast Jer. 8. 5." they h. f. ileceit, th. refuse 1 Thess. b. 21 h. fast that is good 2 Tim. 1.13. A./, form of sound words Hei. 3. 6. if we A /. the confidence 4. 14. h. f. our profession, 10. 23. Rev. 2. 25. already h. f. till I come 3. 3. and A. fast and repent 11. and h. that/, which thou hast HOLD peace. Exod. 14. 14. ye shall h. your peace Hum. 30. 4. if her father h. his peace 14. if her husband A. his p. at her Judg. 18. 19. A. p. lay hand on mouth 2 .SV/;w. 13. 20. A. thy/;, my sister 2 Kin. 2. 3. A you your peace, 5. AfaA 8. II. A. your p. the day is holy Jo// II. 3. sho. lies make men h. p. ? 13. 13. A your peace let me alone 33. 31. It. thy peace and I will ppi-ak 33. A. thv p. and 1 will tea< li thee Ps. 83. 1. 6 Cod A. not thy p. 109. 1. I/a.62.1. for Zion's sake not A. my;). & never A. their p. day nor night HOL Isa. 64. 12. wilt A. p. and afflict ne ? Jer A. 19. pained at heart, cannot A. p. Z 8 it shall be called the wav of /;. 235 HOL Isa. 62. 9. drink it in courts of m7^ 6.<. 15. from habitation of thy lu 18. peo. of thy A. have possessed i Jer. 2. 3. Israel was A. to the Lord 31. 23. L. bless thee, O mount, of A. Amos 4. 2. L. G. hath sworn by his h. Obad. 17. on mount Zion shall be h. Mai. 2. 1 1. Ju. hath profaned A. of L. Luke I. 75. we might serve him in A. Acts 3. 12. by A. made this man walk Rom. 1. 4. according to Spirit of A. 6. 19. servants to righteou. unto A. 22. ye have our fruit unto A. 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting A. in fear of G. £pA. 4. 24. new man created in/;. ' Thes. 3.13 stablish your hearts in A 4. 7. no. to uncleanness, but to A. 1 Tim. 2. 15. continue in faith and A Tit. 2. 3. in behaviour as becometh //. Heb. 12. 10. be partakers of his /;. 14. follow peace with men, and h HOLLOW. Gen. 32. 25. touched /;. of tnign, 32. Exod. 27. 8. altar A. wi. boards, 38.7 Judg. 15. 19. God clave an A. place Isa. 40.12. mcas. waters in A.of hand HOLPEN. Ps. 83. 8. have A the children of Lot 8'!. 17. because thou, L. hast A. m? Isa. 31. 3. he that is A. sh. fall down Dan. 11. 34. be h. with a little help 1. uke 1. 54. hath/;, his servant Israel HOLY. is.rotf. 3. 5. pi ace th. standest/; gr<>nii<' 16. 23. to-morrow is the /;. sabbaih 19. 6. to me a A. nation, 1 Pet. 2. 9 20. 8. rememember sabbath keep /;. 28. 38. hallow in all their A gifts 29.33. they are /;. || 34. beca. it is A 30. 25. make it an oil of /;. ointment 32. it is /;. and shall be/;, unto you 31. 14. keep sabbath, for it is h. 15. Lev. 8. 9. put on Aaron the A. crown 10. 10. difference betw. A. and unh. 16. 4. shall put on the h. linen coat 33. make atonement for A. sanctu. 19. 2. I the L. your G. am A. 21. 8. 20. 7. be ye A. || 21. 7. he is A. to G. 27. 14. his house to be A to the L. a'O. tithe of the land is/;, to the L. Num. 5 17. the priest take A. water 1.5. 40. remember and be h. to God 16 3. all the congregation are h. 5. L. shew who are his, who is A. 18. 17. nut redeem them, they are /;. ]Sam. 2. 2. there is none A. as the L. 21. 5. vessels of young men are h. 2 Kin. 4. 9. this is an A. man of God 1 Chr. 22. 19. A. vessels to house of G. 2C/;r. 23.6. they go in, for they are A 35. 3. said to Levites wh. were /;. 13. A. offerings sod the}' in pots Ezra 8. 28. ye are A. to the Lord 9. 2. the A. seed mingled themselves Neh. 9 14. madest known A. sabbath Ps. 20. 6. hear him fr. his /;. heaven 22. 3. but thou art A. O thou that 28.2. lift hands towards thy A. r.racle 86. 2. preserve my soul, for I am/;. 98.1. his /;. arm hath gotten victory 99. 5. wors. at footstool, for he is /; 9. exalt L. worship at hi? .'< hill 105.42. he remembered h. promise 145. 17. Lord is A. in all his works Prov. U. 1U. knowledge of A. is under 30.3. nor have I the knowl. of the A Isa. 4. 3. Jerusalem sh. be called A 6. 3. A. A. A. is the Lord of Hosts 13. the h. seed substance thereof 27. in shall worship in A. mountain 52. 10. Lord made bare his A. arm 58. 13. call sabbath, A. of the Lord 64. 10. thy A. cities are a wildernee , 11. A. and beautiful house is burnt HOL Jpr, 11. 15. ft. flesh passed from thee Ezek. 22. 2o. no difference between A and profane 36. 33. increase them as the ft. flock 42. 13. A. chambers whe. priests eat 14. lay their garments, they are A. 41. 19. lay them in the ft. chamhers 23. difference betw. n. and profane 45. 1. sh. offer ft. portion of land, 4. 4(>. IS), into A. chambers of priests 48. 10. for priests be this A oblation 20. shall offer the ft. oblation, 21. Dan. 4.8. Daniel before me, in whom is spirit of h. gods, 9. 18. | 5. 1 1. 11. 28. heart against A', covenant 30. iiidi/natiim aga. h. covenant. intellig. \vi. forsakers of A. cov. Hag. 2. 12. if one bear A flesh, skirt touch bread, shall it be A.? Zech. 2. 13. L. raised up A. habitation Mat. 7. 6. give not that is h. to dogs 25. 31. come and A. angels with him Mark 6. 20. know, he was just and A. 8. 38. cometh in glory wi. A. angels, Luke 9. 26. Luke 1. 70. by the mouth of A. pro- phets, Acts 3. 21, 72. to remember his A. covenant 2. 23. every male called A. to Lord John 17. 11. A. Father keep those Acts 4. 27. against thy A. child Jesus 30. wond. done by name of A. child 7. 33. the place thou standest is A. 10. 22. warned from G. by ft. angel Horn. 1. 2. promised in A. scriptures 7. 12. the commandment is A. just 11. 16. first fruit be A. if root be A. 12.1. present bodies h. sacrifice to G. 16. 16. salute with A. kiss, 1 Cor. 16. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Thes. 5. 26. 1 Pet. 5. 14. 1 Cor. 3. 17. the temple of God is h 7. 14. now are A. || 34. she may be A. Eph. 1. 4. be A. without blame, 5. 27. Col. 1.22. present A. and unblameable 3. 12. as elect of G. A. and beloved 1 Thes. 5. 27. read to all A. brethren 1 Tun. 2.8. up A hands without wrath 2 Tim. 1. 9. called us with A. calling 3. 15. thou hast known A. scriptures Tit. I. 8. bishop be sober, A. tempera. Heb. 3. !. A. brethren, partakers of 7. 26. high priest became us who is A. 1 Pet. I. 15 be A. in conversation, 16. 2. 5. h. priesthood offer up sacrifices 3 5. h. women who trusted in God 2 Pet. 1. IS. we with him in A. mount 21. A. men spake moved by H. G. 2. 21. turn from A. commandment 3. 2. spoken before by A. prophets 1 1. persons to be in all A. conversa. Itev. 3. 7. things, saith he that is A. 4. 8. saying, A. A. A. L. G. Almighty 6. 10. how long, O Lord, A. and true 14 10. in presence or ft. angels 15 4. not fear thee ? for thou art A. 18 20. ye A. apostles and prophets 20 6. A who hath part in 1st resur. 21 10. shewed me theft! Jerusalem 22 6. Lord God of the A. prophets 11. he that is h. let him be A. still See Convocation. HOLY Day. E.rod. 3-5. 2. seventh sliall be an ft. d. Neh. 8. 9. a. is A. unto the L. 10, 11. 10. 31. not buy it on sabbath or A. d. Psal. 42. 4. multitude that kept h. d. Isa. 58. 13. doing pleasure on my A. d. Col. 2. 16. no man judce of an A. d. See Gakml:nts. HOLY Ghost. Mat. 1. 18. with child of 77. G. 20. 8. 11. baptise with 77. G. Mark 1. 8. Luke 3. 16. John 1. 33. Acts 1. 5. HOL Mat. 12. 31 blasphemy aga. 77. G. not forgiven, Mark 3. 29. L7ike 12. 10. 32, whoso, speaketh against II. G. 23. 19. baptise in name of 77. G. Mark 12. 36. David said by the 77. Ghost, Acts 1. 16. 13. 11. not ve that speak, but 77. G. Luke 1. 15 John filled with 77 G. 35. 77 G. shall come upon thee 41. Elisabeth was filled with II. G. 67. Zaeharias was tilled with 77. G. 2. 25. name Simeon, H.G. upon him 26. revealed unto him by the II. G. 3. 22. H.G. descend, in bodily shape 4. 1. JesiT- being full of the 77. G. 12. 12. 77. Ghost shall teach you Johnl. 39. 77. G. was not yet given 14. 26. Comforter, who is the 77. G. 20. 22. receive ye the 77 Ghost, Acts 2. 38. Acts 1. 2. he through 77.G. had given 8. after the H. G. is come on you 2. 4. were all filled with H.G. 4. 31. 33. received promise of the H. G. 4. 8. Feter, filled with the 77 G. 5.3. Satan filled heart to lie to 77. G.? 32. we are witnesses, so is 77. G. 6. 3. look out men full of the 77. G. 5. chose Stephen, man full of 77. G. 7.51. stiff-necked, always resist 77. G. 55. Step, full of 77. G. looked to hea. 8. 15. prayed th. might receive H.G. 17. hands on them, received 77.G. 18. when Sim. saw 77. G. was given 19. 1 lay hands, they receive 77.G. 9 17. mightest be filled with 77. G. 31. walking- in comfort of 77. G. 10. 38. God anointed Jes. with 77 G. 44. 77. G. fell on all who heard word 45. on Gentiles was poured 77. G. 47. have receiv. 77. G. as well as we 11. 15. 77. G. fell on them as on us 16. ye shall he baptised with 77. G. 24. Barnabas, full of the 77. G. 13. 4. being sent forth by the 77 G. 9. filled with 77.G. set eyes on Iiiin 52. disciples filled with the 77. G. 15. 8. giving 77. G. as he did to us 28. it seemed good to the 77. G. 16. 6. forbidden of 77. G to preach 19. 2. ye received 77. G.? we have not heard there be 77. G. 6. laid hands on them, 77. G came 20. 23. save that the 77 G. witness. 28. H.G. hath made you overseers 21. II. thus saith the 77. Ghost 28. 25. well spake 77. G. by Ksaias Rom. 5. 5. shed in hearts by 77. G. 9.1. conscience hearing wit. in 77.G. 14. 17. kingdom of G. joy in 77. G. 15. 13. hope through power of 77. G. 16. being sanctified by the 77. G. 1 Cor. 2. 13. words which 77. G. teach. 6. 19. your bodv is temple of 77. G. 12. 3. Jesus is Lord, but by 77. G. 2 Cor. 6. 6. by the 77. G. by love 33 14. communion of 77. G. wi. you 1 Thes. 1. 5. gospel came in 77. G. 6. received word with joy of 77. G. 2 Tim. 1. 14. good thing keep by 77. G. Tit. 3. 5. saved by renewing of 77. G. Heb. 2. 4. witness with gifts of 77. G. 3. 7. 77. G. saith, to-day if ye bear 6. 4. were made partakers of 77. G. 9. 8. the 77. Ghost this signifying 10. 15. whereof 77. G. is a witness 1 Pet. 1. 12. 77. G. sent from heaven 2 Pit. 1. 21. spake asmovedby 77. G. 1 John 5. 7. Fath. Word, and 77 G. Jude 20. beloved, praying in 77. G. See God, Habitation, Hill. Jtf^HOLY. Ex. 26. S3, between holy and m. h. 29. 37. eh. be an altar most A. 40. 10. 2at> HOL Lev. 2. 3. remnant be Aaron's, it Is mosth. 10. | 6. 17. | 10. 1£. 6. 25. sin offering m. h. 29. | 10. 17. 7. 1. trespass offerings*. A G. | 14.13. 21. 22. bread, both of m. h. and holy 21. 9. cakes of flour in. h. to him Num. 4. 4. service about m. h. things 19. when approach in. A. things 18. 9. offering to me shall be in. A. 10. in in. h. place shalt thou eat it 1 Kin. 6. 1G. built them form. h. phu 7. 50. made vessels for in. h. place 8. G. brought the ark unto most h, place, 2 Chron. 5. 7. 1 Chr. 23. 13. Aaron to sanctify m. h. 2 Chr. 3. 8. Solomon made m. ft. hou. 10. in in. h. house made" cherubim's 4. 22. inner doors for m. ft. place Ezra 2. 63. not eat of in. h. things, Neh. 7. G5 Ezek. 43. 12. whole limit be mosth. 44. 13. not come near in. h. place 45. 3. be sanctuary and m. A. place Dan. 9. 24. 70 weeks to anoint m. h. Jude 20. building on your m. A. faith HOLY mountain. Psal S7. 1. his foundation is in h. m. Isa. 11.9. nor destroy my h. in. 6"i. 25. 56. 7. them will I bring to my //. m. 57. 13. and he shall inherit my ft. m. Gi. 11. ye are they forget my ft. in. Ezek. 20. 40. in A in. they serve me 28. 14. thou wast upon //. m. of God Dan. 9. 16. anger be turned fr. A in. 20. present, supplication for A lit. II. 45. plant tabernacles in h. m. Joel 2. 1. sound an alarm inmy/i. in. 3. 17 L. dwelling in Zion my /; m. Chad. 16. ye have drunk on my h. in. Zech. 8. 3. mountain of L. called h. th. HOLY name. Lev. 20. 3. Moleeh, profane my h. n. 22. 2. they profane not my A. n. 32. 1 Chron. 16. 10. glory ye in his A. name, Psal. 105. 3. 35. give thanks to h. n. Ps. 10G. 47. 29. 16. build an house for I by A. n. Psal. 33. 21. we trusted in his h. n. 99. 3. praise terrible n. for it is A. 103. 1. Lord, bless his A. n. 145. 21. II I. 9. A. and rev. is his n. Lu. 1. 49. Isa. 57. 15. lofty One, whose n. is A. Ezek. 20. 39. pollute you my A. n. 36. 20. they profaned my A name 22. your sakes, but for A re.'* sake 39. 7. will make known A n. in Isr. 25. I will be jealous for my A. h. 43. 7. my A n. Israel no more defile 8. defiled my/?, n. by abominations Amos 2. 7. maid, to profane my A. re. HOLY One. Deift. 33. 8. Thummim and Urim bo with thy A. One Job6 10. not concealed words of A. Psal. 16. 10. nor suffer A One to see corruption, Acts 2. 27. | 13. 35. 89. 19. spakest in vision to thy//. 0. Jsa. 10. 17. ft. 0. shall be for a flame 29. 23. sanctifv the A. 0. < f Jacob 40. 25. shall I be equal ? saith A 0. 43. 15. I am the Lord, your A. One 49. 7. saith Redeemer of Isr. his A. Q. Dan. 4. 13. A. 0. down from heaven 77o.v. 11. 9. am A. 0. in midst of thee Hab. 1. 12. from everlasting my A. O. 3. 3. A. 0. came from mount Paran Mark 1. 24. I know thee who thou art, the A. 0. of G. Luke 4. 34. Acts 3. 14. but ye denied the A. 0. 1 John 2 20. an unction from ft. O. HOLY One of Israel. 2 Kin. 19. 22. lifted thv eves against the ft. 0. of Is.' Isa. 37. 23. Fs. 71. 22. I sine, O thou A. 0. of It, HOL ft 78 41. thy limited the A. O. of I. 59. IS. mid the A. 0. of I. is our king ltd. 1.4. tiiey provckedthe A. 0. of I. 5. 19. oouusel of A 0. of I. draw nigh '21. despised the word of A. 0. of 1. }>. 6. great is the A.O. of I. in midst 17. 7. eyes have respect to A. 0. of I. 29. 19. poor sh. rejoice in A. 0. of J. 30. 1 1. cause h.G. of I. to cease fr. us 12. thus .saith the A. 0. if I. 15. 31. 1. they look not to the A. Q. of 1. 41.11. saith thy Redeemer, A. 0. t,/ I J6. thou shalt glory in h. 0. of 1. 20. the A. 0. of I. hath created it 4 !. 3. I am the Lord, the A. 0. of 1. H 11. the Lord, the A. 0. of I. 47. 4. L. h his name, the h. 0. of I. 43. 17. Redeemer A. 0. of I. 54. 5 19. 7. Redeemer of I. and his A. 0. 55. 5. nations run to thee. It. 0. of I. 60. 9. hriii!,' their gold to A. 0. of I. 14. the Zion of the A. 0. of I. Jer. 50. 29. proud aga. the A. 0. of I. 51. 5. fi led with sin agt. A. 0. of 2. Ezek. 3J. 7. I am the L. A. 0. in I. HOLY ones. Dan. 4.17. demanded by word of h. o. HOLYoii. E.rod.30.3'x A. anointing o.3l. | 37,29. Ps. 89. 20. with A. o. I anointed him HOLY people. DrHt. 7. 6. A. ;;. to the L. 14. 2, 21. 2(5. 19. thou may he A. p. to the L. 28. 9. I,, sh. establish thee an h. p. Isa. 02. 12. shall call them, the A. p Dun, 8. 24. prosper, and destroy A. ». HOLY place. E.vod. 28. 29. goeth in unto h. p. 35. 43. to minister in the A. ;j. 29. 30. 89. 31. seethe his flesh in the A. p. 31. 11. make sweet incense for A. />. 35. 19. do service in A. p. 39. 1, 41. 33. 24. gold in all the work of A. ;;. hen. 0. 1(5. unleavened bread shall lie eaten in Aj;.26. j 7.(1. | 10.13. | 24.9. 27. shalt wash that in the A. ;;. 10. 17. eaten sin offering in A p. ? H. blood not brought within h. p. 14. 13. slay burnt offering in A. p. 16,2. he come not at all times to A./;. 16. atonement for the h. p. 17, 27. £0. an end of reconciling the A. p. i-l. shall wash his flesh in the A. p. Josh. 5. 15. p. where thou stand is A. 1 Kin. 8. 8 staves were seen in A. p. 2 Clu: 29. 5. carry filth, out of A. p. 30.27. their prayer came to his A. p. Ezra'd 8. to give us a nail in his A. p. Ps. 24. 3. who sh. stand in his h. p. '{ 46. 4. streams make glad th ■> A. p. 08. 17. Lord is among them in A. p Eccl. 8. 10. who had gone fr p. of A. Tsa. 57. 15. I dwell in High and A. p. Ezek. 41 4. this is the most A. p. 42. 13. ;;. is A. || 14. not go out of A. ;;. Mat. 24. 15. see abomination in A. ^. Acts 6.13. blasph. words against A. p. 21. 28. this man polluted this A. /;. //eft. 9. 12. Christ entered the A. ;; 25. priest entered every year A. p. HOLY places. 2 ChroH. 8. 11. because the j9. are A. Pfc 68. 35. art terrible out of thy h.p. Fzek. 21. 2. drop thy word tow. A. p. lleb. 9. 24. Christ is not entered A. «. Shall be HOLY. E.rod. 22.31. ye j. 6e A. men unto me 29 37. what.su. toucheth altar .r. beh. 30. 32. and it s. be A. unto you, 37. 40. 9. anoint tabern. and it*, beh. Lev. 11. 41. ye s. be A. for I am holy, 45. | 19. 2. | 20. 26. 19. 24. fruit *. be h. to praise Lord 21. 6. priests s. beh. uuto their God HOM Lev. 23. 20. they s. be A. to the Lord 25. 12. jubilee, it s. be A. to you 27. 9. any man giveth to L. *. be h. JO. exchange thereof*, be h. 33. tl. the jubilee it s. be A. to the L. 32. the tenths, be A. unto the Lord Nu?n. 6. 5. Nazarite s. be A. to the L. Deut. 23. 14. therefore s. camp be A. EzekA5J. portion s. beh. wi. borders JoelS. 17. then s. Jerusalem 6e A. HOLY Spirit. Ps. 51. fl. take not thy A. S. fr. me Isa. 63. 10. rebelled and vexed A. 5. 1 1, that put his h.-S. within him ? Luke 11. 13 heavenly Fa. give A S. Eph. 1. 13. sealed wi. A. S. of promise 4. 30. grieve not the A. S. of God I Thess. 4. S. hath eiven us his A. S. HOLY to//;jfc. Ps. 5. 7. worship toward A. £ 138. 2. 1 1. 4. the Lord is in his A. temple 65. 4. satisfied wi. goodness of A. t. 79. 1. thy A. £ have they defiled Jonah 2. 4. look again tow. thy A. £. 7. my prayer came to thy A. t. Mia. I. 2. L. from his A. £ be witness Hub. 2. 20. but the L. is in his A. t. Eph. 2. 21. groweth to A. t. in the L. HOLY thing. Lev. 22. 10. no stranger eat of A. t. Num. 4. 15. sh. not touch any A. t. Ezek. 48. 12. oblation to them a t. h. Luke 1. 35. that h.t. born of thee HOLY things: Exod. 28. 38. Aaron beariuiq. of A. t. Lev. 5.15. sin thro' ignorance in h. t. 22. 2. separate from the A. L of Isr. 4. not eat of A. t. till clean, 6. 12. 7. and shall afterward eat of A. t, 15. shall not profane A. t of Israel 16. to bear iniquity when eat A. t. Num. 4. 20. not see, A. t. are covered 18.32. neither sh. ye pollute theA. t. Deut. 12. 26. thy A. t. take and go 1 Chr. 23. 28. office was purifv. A. t. 2 Chr. 31. G. brought intithe of A. t. Xeh. 10. 33. made ordinances for A. t. 12. 47. sanctified A. £ to the Levitt s Ezek. 22. 8. thou despised mine A. t. 26. her priests have profaned A. t. 44. 8. not kept thecharge of my A. t 1 Cor. 9. 13. who minister about A. £ HOME. Gen. 43. 16. bring these men A. E.rod. 9. 19. not brought A. shall die Deut. 21. 12. bring her A. to thy hou. 24. 5. he sh. be free at A. one year fif^A 1. 21. L. hath brought me A. 1 Sain. 6. 7. bring their calves A. 10. men shut up their calves at A. 18 2. go no more A. to fa.'s house 2 Sam. 14. 13. not fetch h. banished 17. 23. Ahithophel gat him A. \Kih.b. 14. a month in Leba. two at A. 13.7 come A. wi. merefesh thy. 15. 1 Chr. 13. 12. brine ark of G. A. 13. 2 Chr. 25. 10. to go A. th returni d A. Esth. 5. 10. when Hainan came A. Job 39. 12. he will brine A. thy seed Ps. 68. 12. she that tarried at A. Prov. 7. 19. the good man is not at A. 20. will come A. at day appointed Eccl. 12. 5. man goeth to his long A. Lam. 1. 20. at A. there is as death Hab. 2. 5. neither keepeth at A. Hag. 1. 9. when ye brought it A. A/«<. 8. 6. my servant lieth at A. sick Mark 5. 19. go A. to thy friends Luke 9. 61. hid them farewell at A. JoA« 19. 27. took her to his own A. 20. 10. disciples went to th. own A. 1 Cor.11.34. if man hunger, eat at A. 14. 35. let them ask husbands at A. 2 Cor, 5. 6. whil. we are at A. in body 2i>7 HON 1 Tim. 5. 4. learn to shew piety at A. Tit. 2. 5. be discr.-ct, keepers at h- HO ML J,orn. Exod. 12. 49. be to him that is h..b. Lev. 18. 9. whether b. at A. or abroad Jer. 2. 14. is I.-rael a h.-born slave ? HOMER. Z.e». 27. 16. an A. of barley-seed Isa. 5. 10. seed of an A. yield tphah Ezek. 45. 14. for ten baths are an It. Hos. 3. 2. I bought for A. and half A. HONEST. Luke 8. 15. in an A. and good heart Acts 6. 3. look out seven of h. report Rom. 12. 17. A. in sight of all men 2 Cor. 8. 21. A. things in sight of L. 13. 7. ye should do that which is A. Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are A. 1 Pet. 2. 12. having conversation A. HONESTLY. Rom. 13. 13. walk h. as in the day I Thess. 4. 12. walk A. toward them Hub. 13. 18. in all things to live A. HONESTY. 1 Tun. 2. 2. lead life in godli. and A. HONOUR, S. Gen. 49. 6. my A. be not thou united Exod. 14. 17. get me A. on Phar. 18. Num. 22. 17. promote thee to A. 37. 24. 11. L. hath kept thee from A. Deut.'26. 19. high above nations in A. Judg. 4.9. journey not be for thine A. 13. 17. to pass, we may do thee A. 2 Sam. 6. 22. shall I be had in A. 1 Kin. 3. 13. given thee riches arid h. 1 Chr. 16. 27. glory and A. are in his 29. 12. riches and A. come of thee 28. Oav. died, full of riches and A. 2 Chr. 1. 11. notasked riches or A. 12. give thee riches, wealth, and lu 26. 18. nor shall it be for thy A. 32. 33. inhabit. of Jerus. didhim A. Esth. 1.4. A. of his excellent majesty 20. wives sh. give to husbands A. 6.3. what A. hath been done for this? 8. 16. the Jews had joy and A. Job 14. 21. his sons come to A. Ps. 7. 5. enemy lay mine A. in dust 8. 5. thou hast crowned him with A. Heb. 2. 7. 9. 21.5.A. and majesty thou laid on him 20. 8. place where thine A. dwelleth 49. 12. man being in A. abideth not 20. in A. and understandrth not 66. 2. sing forth the A. of his name 71. 8. my mouth filled with thy A. 96. 6. A. and majesty are before him 104. 1. thou e.it'clothed with A. 112. 9. horn sh: be exalted with A. 145. 5. speak of the A. of thy majesty 149. 9. this A. have all his saints Prov. 3. 16. in left hand riches and A. 4. 8. and she shall bring thee to A. 5.9. lest thou give thine A. to otheia 8. 18. riches and A. are with me 11.16. gracious woman retaineth A. 14. 28. the people is the king's A. 15. 33. before A. is humility, 18. 12. 20.3. it is an A. to cease from strife 21. 21. followeth mercy, findeth A. 22. 4. fear of L. are riches and A. 25. 2. A. of kings to search a matter 26. I. so A. is not seemly for a fool 8. so is he that giveth A. to a foot 29. 23. A. shall uphold the humble 31. 25. and A. are her clothing Eccl. 6. 2. to whom G. hath given A. 10. 1. that is in reputation for A. Jer. 33. 9. an A. before all nations Dan. 2. 6. receive rewards and A. 4. 30. built for the h. of rny m'jesty 36. A. and brightness return, to me 5. 18. G. eave thy father glory and h. 11. 21. they sh. not give A. of kingdL iTON MM 1. ft where is mine A.? l/al.13.57. prophet not witho. A. save in own country, Mar. 6. 4. Jn.4.44. John 5. 41. I receive no 1 ; A. from men 44. who receive A. one of another 8. 54. honour myself, A. is nothing Acts 28. 10. honoured us \vi. many A. Rom.l.l. well doing seek glory and It. 10. A. to every man worketh good 9.21. of same lump make vessel to A. 12. 10. in A. preferring one another 13. 7. render A. to whom A. is due 1 Cor. 12. 23. bestow abundant A. 24. 2 Cor. 6. 8. by ft. and dishonour Col. 2. 23. not in ft. to satisfy, of flesh 1 Thex. 4. 4. to possess vessel in A. 1 2Y>». 1. 17. to God be h. and glory 5. 17. elders worthy of double A. o. 1. count masters worthy of all A. 1(5. to whom be A. and power 2 7V;«. 2. 20. some to A. some die. 21. Heb. 3. 3. hath more A. than house 5. 4. no man taketh ft. to himself 1 Pet. 1. 7. found to praise, ft glory 3. 7. ft. to wife as weaker vessel 2 Pet. 1. 17. from G. the Father A. Rev. 4. 9. beasts give glory and ft. 1 1, to receive glory and A. 5. 12, 5. 13. A. power, and might be to him, 7. 12. | 19. 1. 19. 7. let us rejoice, give ft. to him 21. 24. bring glory and A. to it, 26. HONOUR, Verb. Exod. 20. 12. A. thy father and thy mother, Dent. 5. 16. Mat. 15. 4. | 19. 19. Mark 7. 10. | 10. 19. Luke 18. 20. Eph. 6. 2. Lev. 19. 15. not A. person of mighty 32. shalt ft. the face of the old man Judg. 9. 9. by me they ft. G. and man 1 Sam. 2. 30. them that A. me I will A. 15. 30. yet A. me now before elders Esth.6. 6. kingdelighteth to A. 7,9,1 1. /'*. 91.15. will deliver him and A. him Prov. 3. 9. A. L. with thy substance ha. 29. 13. people with lips do ft. me 43. 20. beast of the field shall A. me 58. 13. A. him, not doing own ways Dan. 4. 37. extol and ft. King of heav. 11. 38. in estate A. G. of forces, a pod whom fath. knew notsh. he A. Mat. 15. 6. and A. not fath. or mother John 5. 23. all men A. Son as A. Fath. 8. 49. 1 h. Father, ye dishonour me 54. if I ft. myself, my ft. is nothing 12. 26. serve me, him will Fath. A. l Tim. 5. 3. A. widows th. are widows 1 Pel. 2. 17. A. all men, A. the king HONOURABLE. Num. 22. 15. sent princes more A. 1 Sam. 9. 6. there is in the city a man of God, and he is an A. man 2 Sam. 23. 19. was he not most A. of three ? 1 Chron. 1 1 21. 23. was more A. than the thirty 2 Kin. 5. 1. Naaman A. with master 1 Chi. 4. 9. more A. than brethren Job 22. 8. and the A. man dwelt in it Ps. 45.9. daughters among A. women 111. 3. his work is h. and glorious tea. 3. 3. L. doth take away h. man 5. base behave proudly against A. 5. 13. their A. men are famished 9 15. ancient and h. he is the head 23. 8. traffickers are A. of the earth 9. into contempt all A. of the earth 42. 21. maffnify law, and make it A. 43.4. hast been A. ||58.13. holy of L.A. Nah. 3. 10. cast lots for her A. men Mark 15. 43. Joseph an A. counsellor Luke 14. 8 lest more ft man be bid. di'ts 13. 50. Jews stirred up A. women 17. 12. A. women not a few believed I Cor. 4. 10. ye are strong, ye are A. H00 1 Cor. 12. 23. memb. we think less A. Heb. 13. 4. marriage h. bed undented HONOURED. Exod. 14. 4. I will be It. on Pharaoh Prov. 13. 18. regardeth reproof be A. 27. 18. waiteth on master shall be A. Isa. 43. 23. nor A. me with sacrifices Lam. 1. 8. all that A. her despise her 5. 12. faces of elders were not A. Dan. 4. 34. I praised and A. him 1 Cor. 12. 2G. or one member be A. HONOUREST, ETH. 1 Sam. 2.29. ft. thy sons above me Psul. 15. 4. A. them that fear Lord Prov. 12. 9. than he that A. himself 14. 31. he that A. him hath mercy Mai. 1.6. son A. fath. where my lion.? Mat. 15. 8. and A. me with their lips, Mark 7. 6. John 5. 23. A. not Son h. not Father 8. 54. it is my Father that A. me HONEY. Gen. 43. 11. carry a little A. spices Exod. 16. 31. like wafers made wi. A. Lev. 2. 11. burn no leaven, nor A. Deut. 8. 8. a land of oil-olive and A. 2 Kings 18. 32. 32. 13. he made him to suck A. Judg. 14. 8. A. in carcase of lion, 9. 18. what is sweeter than A.? 1 Sain 14. 25. was A. upon ground 26. ft dropped || 29. I tasted A. 43. 2 Sam. 17. 29. brought A. and butter 1 Kin. 14. 3. take a cruse of A. and Job 20. 17. shall not see brooks of A. Pal. 19. 10. judgment sweeter than A. 119. 103. 81. 16. A. out of rock satisfied thee Prov. 24. 13. eat A. it is good, 25 16. 25. 27. it is not good to eat much A. Cunt. 4. 11. A. and milk under tongue 5. 1. eaten honey-comb with my A tea. 7. 15 butter and A. shall he eat 22. butter and A. shall ev. one eat Jer. 41. 8. treasures of A. in the field Ezek. 3. 3. it was in my mouth as A. 27. 17. Judah traded in A. and balm Mat. 3. 4. John Baptist's meat lo- custs and wild A. Mark 1. 6. Rev. 10. 9. in thy mouth sweet as A. 10. was in my mouth sweet as A. SeeFLowETH, Flowing, HONEY-cowi. 1 kk,;« 14. 27. rod and dipt it in A.-c. Psal. 19. 10. sweeter than h.-comb Pr. 5.3. lips of strange woman as A.-c. 16. 24. pleasant words are as A.-c. 24. 13. eat A.-c. sweet to thy taste 27. 7. full 3onl loatheth an h.-comb Cant. 4. 11. th lips drop as an A.-c. 5. 1. eaten in A.-c. with my honey Licke 24. 42. gave him piece of A.-c. HOODS. tea. 3. 23. I wi take away the A, HOOF, S. Exoa. 10. 26. shall not an A. be left Lev. 11. 3. whatever parteth A. 4. of them that divide the h. 5. butdirideth not A. 6. Detit- 14. 7 7. swine, tho" divide A. Deut. 14. 8. Judg. 5. 22. were horse A. broken Psul. 69. 31. better than an ox wi. A. Isa. 5. 28. hor9e3' A. shal. be counted Jer. 47. 3. noise of stamping of A. Mic. 4. 13. I will make thy A. brass HOOK, S. Exod, 26. 32. A. be of gold, 37. | 36. 36. 2 Kin. 19.28. pu A. in nose, tea. 37 29 Job 41. 1. draw leviathan with A.? 2. Isa. 2. 4. their spears into pruning It. Mic. 4. 3. 18. 5. cut off s [trigs with pruning A. Ezek. 29. 4. put It. in thy jaw, 38. 4. 40. 43. within were A. an hand bruail HOP Joel 3. 10. beat pruning A, into spears Mat. 17. 27. cast an A. take up fish HOPE. Ezra 10. 2. there is A. in Israel Job 4. 6. is not this thy fear, thy ft.? 5. 16. poor hath ft. iniquity stoppeth 7. ft my clays are spent without A 8. 13. hypocrite's A. shall perish, 14 11. 18. be secure, because there is A. 20. A. shall be as giving up of ghost 14. 7. A. if tree if it be cut down 19. thou destroyest the A. of matt 27. 8. what is A. of hypocrite ? Psal. 78. 7. might set their A. In G. 146. 5. happy he whose A. is in L. Prov. 10. 28. A. of righteous gladness 1 1. 7. the A. of unjust men perisheth 13. 12.A. deferred maketh heartsick 14. 32. the righteous hath A. in death 19. 18. chasten son while there is A. 26. 12. more A. of fool thanhim,29.20. Eccl. 9. 4. joined to living, there is ft, tea. 57. 10. there is no A. Jer. 2. 25. I 18. 12. Jer. 14. 8. O the A. of Israel, 17. la 17. 7 blessed man whose A. Lord it 31. 17. there is A. in end. saith L. 50. 7. the Lord, A. of their fathers Lam. 3. 21. therefore have I A. Ezek. 37. 11. our bones dried, A. lost Has. 2. 15. valley of Achor door of A. Joel 3. 16. L. will be A. of his people Zech. 9. 12. turn to the strong hold ye prisoners of A. Acts 16. 19. saw A. of gains was gone 23. 6. A. and resurrection of dead 24. 15. h. toward G. which th. allow 26. 6. judged for A. of the promise 27. 20. all A. we should be saved 28. 20. for A. of Israel I am bound Rom. 5. 4. patience, experience, A, 5. A. maketh not ashamed 8. 24. saved by A. but A. seen is not A. 15. 4. through patience might ha. A. 13. that ye may abound in A. 1 Cor. 9. 10. be partaker of his A. 13. 13. faith, A. charity, these three 15. 19. if in this life only we have A. 2 Cor. 1. 7. our A. of you is stedfast 3. 12. seeing that we have such A. 10. 15. A. when faith is increased Ga b. 5. thro' the Spirit wait for A. Ep 1. 18. what is A. of his calling 2. 12. no A. without G. in the world 4. 4. even as ye are called in one ft Col. 1. 5. A. laid up for you in heaven 23. be not moved from A. of gospel 27. Christ in you, the A. of glory 1 Thes. 1. 3. patience of A. in Jesus 2. 19. for what is our A. or joy ? 4. 1 3. even as others who have no A. 5. 8. for helmet the A. of salvation 2 Thes. 2. 16. hath given us good A. 1 Tim. 1. 1. Lord Jesus, is our A. Tit. 2. 13. looking for that blessed A. 3.7. heirs accord, to A of eternal life Heb. 3. 6. rejoicing of ft firm to end 6. 1 1. full assurance of A. to the end 18. fled to lay hold on A. before us 19. which A. we have as an anchor 7. 19. the bringing in of a better A. I Pet. 1. 3. begotten us to a lively A. 21. faith and A. might be in God 3.15. asketh reason of A. th. is in you 1 John 3. 3. ev. man thathath this A. In HOPE. Psal. 16. 9. flesh rest in h. Actsl. 26. Hum. 4. 18. whoag. hope believ. in A. 5. 2. rejoice in ft. of glory of God 8. 20. liath subjectedthe same in A. 12. 12. rejoic. ink. patient in tribu. 15. 13. that ye may abound in A. I Cor. 9. 10. ploweth in A thresheth J4. 1. 2- in h. of etjruul life HOR My HOPE. Jnb 17. 15. and where is now my li ? 19. 10. and triyh. hath he removed 31. 24. if I have made gold my It. Ps. 39. 7. wait I for ? my A. is in thee 71.5. thou art m. h. O L. Jer. 17. 17. 11!*. 1 16. me net be ashamed of my h. Lam. ?. 18. my A. perished fr. the L. HOPP;, Verb. Job fi. 11. strength, that 1 should A.? Psal 22. 29. thou uidst make me h. 31. 24. courage, all that A. in the L. 3:1. 1H. that A. in his mercy, 147. 11. 22, mercy on us, as we A. in thee 38. 15. Lord, do 1 h. thou wilt hear 42. 5. It. thou in God, 11. | 43. 5. 71. 14. hut I will h. continually 1 19. 49. thou hast caused me to A. 81. I h. in thy word, 114. | 130. 5. 130. 7. let Israel It. in Lord, 131. 3. Lam. 3. 24. therefore will I A. in him 26. good that man both A. and wait Luke 6. 34. lend them of whom ye A. Acts 26. 7. our tribes A. to come Rom. 8. 24. seeth, why doth he A. for ? 25. if we A for that we see not Phil. 2. 23. him I h. to send present. I Vet. 1. 13. be sober, and A. to end HOPED. Job 6. 20. confounded bee. they had It. Ps 119. 43. I have A. in thy judgm. 74. 1 have h. in thy word, 147. 166. L. 1 have It. for thy salvation Jer. 3. 23. in vain is salvation A. for Luke 23. 8. A. to have seen miracle Acts 24. 26. A. money should be given Heb. 11. 1. substance of thingsA. for HOPING, ETH. Luke 6. 35. lend, A. for nothing again 1 Cor. 13. 7. charitv h. all things HORN. Exod. 21. 29. if ox push with his A. 1 Sam. 2. 1. mine A. is exalted in L. 10. shall exalt A. of his anointed 16. 1. fill thine h. with oil, 13. 2 Sam. 22. 3. the A. of my salvation. Psal. 18. 2. 1 Kin. 1. 39. Zadok took an A. of oil Job 16. 15. defiled my h. in the dust Psal 75. 4. wicked, lift not up It. 5. 89. 17. in favour our h. sh. t>e ex alted 24. in my name shall A. be exalted 92. 10. my h. shalt thou exalt like 112. 9. his h. shall be exalted 132. 17. make h. of David to hud ,am. 2. 3. cut off all the It. of Israel 17. set up -A of thine adversaries Ezek. 29. 21. cause A. of Isra. to bud Dau. 7. 8 among them a little h. 20. 11. great words which ft. spake 21. same It. made war with saints 8. 5. the goat had a notable h. 8. was strong great It. was broken 9. out of them came forth little A. 21. great h. that is between eyes Mir. 4. 13. I will make thy A. iron Y.ech. 1. 21. lift up h. over the land Luke 1. 69. raised up it. of salvation HORNS. Gen. 22. 13. caught in thicket by It. Exod. 27. 2. make A. of it on four corners, his It. be of the same, 30. 2. | 37. 25. | 38. 2. 29. 12. put oft the blood on the A. of the altar, Lev. 4. 7, 18, 25, 30, 3-1. | 8. 15. | 9. 9. | 16. 18. 30. 3. wi. pure gold overlay It. 37. 26. Dcut. 33. 17. It. like h. of unicorns I Am. 22. 11. Zedekiah made ft. of iron, 2 Chron. 18. 10. Psal. 22. 21. heard from h. of unicorns 69. 31. bullock that hath It. and hoofs 75. 10. It. of wicked will I cut off. but A. of righteous sji. be exalted HOR Psal. 118. 27. bindsacri. to A. of altar Ezek. 27. 15. for a present A. of ivory 34. 21. pushed all diseased with A. Dan. 7. 7. fourth beast had ten A. 20. 8. I considered A. 3 It. plucked up 24. ten It. ten kings that sh. arise 8. 3. ram two A. two It. were high fi. he-goat came to ram had two A. 7. smote ram, brake his two It. 20. two h. kings of Media and Per. AmosQ. 13. not taken A. by strength? Hah. 3. 4. A. coming out of hand Zech. 1. 18. saw, and behold, four A. 19. A. have scattered Judah, 21. Rev. 5. 6. in midst Lamb having 7 A. 12. 3. a red dragon, having ten A. 13. 1. beast ten A. on it ten crowns 11. beast had two A. like a lamb 17. 3. scarlet-coloured beast, ten A. 7. beast seven heads and ten A. 12. ten A. thou sawest 10 kings, 16. See Rams. HORNET, S. Exod. 23. 28. 1 will send A. bet. thee Deut. 7. 20. L. send h. among them Josh. 24. 12. I sent the A. before you HORRIBLE. Ps. 11. 6. on wicked rain h. tempest 40. 2. brought me up out of h. pit Jer. 5. 30. h. thing committed in land 18. 13. virgin of Israel done A. thing 23. 14. seen in prophets a It. thing Hos. 6. 10. seen a It. thing in Israel HORRIBLY. Jer. 2. 12. be A. afraid, O ye heavens Ezek. 32. 10. kings sh. be h. afraid HORROR. Gen. 15. 12. a h. of great darkness Ps. 55. 5. h. hath overwhelmed me 119. 53. A. hath taken hold on me HORSE. Gen. 49. 17. adder th. biteth A. heels Ex. 15. 21. A. and rider thrown in sea Judg.b.22. then were h. hoofs broken 1 Ki?i. 10. 29. a A. for 150 shekels, 2 Citron. 1. 17. Esth. fi. 8. It. kingrideth on, 9, 10. Job 39. 18. she scorneth h. and rider 19. hast thou given ft. strength ? Ps. 32. 9. be not as the It. or mule 33. 17. a It. is vain thing for safety 76. 6. chariot and A. cast into sleep 147. 10. delight, not in strength of A. Prov. 21. 31. It. prepared aga. battle 26. 3. a whip for It. a rod for fool Isa. 63. 13. led through deep, as a A. Jer. 8. 6. A. rnsheth into the battle Amos 2. 15. nor he th. rideth It. deliv. ZecA. 1. 8. man riding upon a red It. 9. 10. cut off the h. from Jerusalem 10. 3. made them as goodly It. in bat. 12. 4. smite every A. with blindness 14. 15. shall be the plague of the h. Rev. fi. 2. saw, behold white A. 19. 11. 4. red h. ||5. black It. \\ 8. a pale It. 14. 20. blood came to the It. bridles 19. 19. war against him th. sat on A. 21. slain with sword of hiiu saton A. HORSEBACK. 2 Kin. 9. 18. on A. to meet Jehu, 19. Esth. 6. 9. on It. through city, 11. 8. 10. sent letters by posts on A. HORSE.GATE. 2 Cltr. 23.15. come to entering of It.-g. Kelt. 3. 28. from above the It. -gate Jer. 31. 40. to corner of the lu-gate HORSES. Gen. 47. 17. bread in exchange for A. Exod. 9. 3. hand of Lord is upon A. Deut. 17. 16. not multiply It. to him. self, to end he should multiply It. 1 Kin. 10. 28. Solomon had It. out of Eirypt. 2 Chr. 1. 16, 17. | 9. 28. 18. 5. grass to save A. and mules 239 hOR 1 Kin. 22. 4. and my A. are as thy A. 2 Kin. a 7. 2 Kin. 2. 11. there appeared A. nf fire 5. 9. Naaman came wi. h. ami chari 7. 10. but A. tied || 13. take five of A. 9. 33. Jezebei's biood sprinkl. on A. 18. 23. deliver thee 2000 A. Isa. 36. 8. 23. 11. took away A. given to sun Eccl. 10. 7. 1 have seen servants on A. Isa. 2. 7. their land is also full of It. 5. 28. their It. hoofs shall be counted 30. 16. no, for we will flee upon A. 31. 1. stay on A. trust in chariots 3- their h. are flesh, and not spirit Jer. 4. 13. A. are swifter than eagles 5. 8. were as fed A. in the morning 8. 16. snorting of his It. was heard 12. 5. canst thou contend with A.? 46. 4. harness the A. and get up 47. 3. stamping of hoofs of his A. 51. 27. cause A. come up as caterpil. Ezek. 17. 15. give him A. and people 23. 6. horsemen riding on A. 12. 20. whose issue is like issue of h. 23. all of them riding on A. 38. 15. 27. 14. traded in thy fairs with It. Hos. 1. 7. not save th. by battle nor A 14. 3. we will not ride on A. Joel 2. 4. appear, of It. and horsemen Amos fi. 12. shall A. run upon rock ? Hab. 1. 8. their A. also are swifter 3. 8. that thou didst ride on thy A. 15. didst walk through sea with It. Hag. 2. 22. overthrow A. and riders Zech. 1. 8. behind him were red It. 6. 2. first chariot red h. second black 3. third white A. in fourth bay A. 10. 5. riders on h. be confounded 14. 20. that day upon bells of the A. Holiness to t Jam. 3. 3. we put bits in A. Rev. 9. 7. the locusts were like A. 17. I saw the It. the heads of h. 18.13. noman buy. merchandise of A. 19. 14. armies followed on white A. 18. may eat flesh of kings and It. See Chariots. HORSELEECH. Prov. 30. 15. //. hath two daughters HORSEMAN, MEN. Gen. 50. 9. with Joseph chariots, h. Exod. 14. 9. h. of Pharaoh pursued 17. honour on Pharaoh and his A. 15. 19. Pharaoh and A. went into sea, Josh. 24. 6. 1 Sam. 8. 1 1. take your sons to be //. 2 Satn. 1. 6. It. followed hard af. him 1 Km. 4. 26. Sol. had 12,000 h. 10. 26. 9. 19. Solomon had cities for h. 22. 2 Chron. 8. f, 9. 2 Kin. 2. 12. chariots of Is. h. thereof 13. 14. O my father, the A. of Israel 18. 24. put thy trust in Egypt for A. 2 Chr. 16. 8. huge host with many A. Ezra 8. 22. ashamed to ask A. to help Ncli. 2. 9. sent captains and A. wi: me Isa. 21. 7. saw a chariot with A. 9. 22.7. A. shall set themselves in array 31. 1. trust in h. beca. they strong 36. 9. put thy trust on Egypt for/* Jer. 4. 29. city sh. flee for noise of A. 46. 4. get up, ye h. and stand Ezek. 23. 6. It. riding on horses, 12. 26. 10. walls shake at noise of the A, 38. 4. will bring forth horses and h. Dan. 11. 40. the king of the nortK shall come with A. Hos. 1. 7. not save by horses, nor A Joel 2. 4. as h. so shall they run Nah. 3. 3. A. lifteth up bright sword Hab. 1 8. \. shall spread themselves, and thsir h. shall come from far Acts 23. 23 ready A. threescore and Rev. 9. 16. number of army of A. HOT HOSANNA. Mai. 21. 9. A. to the son of David, 15. Har. 1 1.9. A. blessed is he that cometh in name of L. A. in the highest, 10. HOSEN. Dan. 3. 21. men bound in their A. HOSPITALITY. Rom. 12. 13. given to h. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Tit. 1. 8. but a lover of A. good men I Pet. 4. 9. use A. one to auother HOST. Luke 10. 35. and gave them to A. Horn. 16. 23. Ga'ui3 mine A. and of ch. HOST. Gen. 2. 1. earth finish, all A. of them 32. 2. he said, this is God's A. E.rod. 14 4. 1 honoured on his h. 17. 24. L. looked to A. of Egyptians 28. waters covered h. of Pharaoh 16. 13 the dew lay round about A. Num. 31. 14. wroth wi. officers of h. 48. officers of A. came to Moses Deut. 2. 14. men of war wasted fr. A. 23. 9. when tin- A. goeth forth aga. JoshA.W. pass thro'//, and command 3. 2. the officers went thro' the A. b. li. as captain of the A. of the L. Judg. 4. 2. captain of A. was Sisera 7. 8. the h. of Midian was beneath 9. get thee down unto the A. 10. 13. cake of bread tumbled into h. 8. 1 1. Gideon smote the A. 12. 1 Sam. II. 11. Saul came into the h. 14. 15. there was trembling in A. 19. the noise of the A. went on 17. 20. Dav. came as A. was going 28. 5. Saul saw the A. of Philistines '29. 6. coming with me in A. is good 2 Sam. 20. 23. Joab was over all A. 1 Chron. 18. 15. 23. 16. brake thro' A. 1 Chr. 11. 18. 1 Kin. 2. 32. Abner captain of the A. 22. 34. carry me out of the A. 2 Kin. 3. 9. was no water for the h. 4. 13. be spoken to captain of A. ? 6. 14. sent horses and A. to Dothan 7. 4. let us fall to A. of the Syrians 6. L. made A. to hear noise of a A. 9. 5. the captains of A. were sitting 25.19. principal scribe of A. Jer. 52. 25. 1 Chr. 9. 19. fathers over A. of the L. 12. 22. a great A. like the A. of God 2 Chr. 18. 33. carry me out of the A. 24. 24. the L delivered a great h. Ps. 27. 3. though an A. sho. encamp 33. 6. all A. made by thy mouth 10. no king saved bymulti. of A. Isu. 13. 4. L. musterethA. of battle 24. 21. L. sh. punish A. of high ones 40. 26. bringeth out A. by number Jer. 51. 3. destroy utterlyall her A. Ezek. 1. 24. speech, as noise of an A. Dan. 8. 10. cast down some of the A. 11. magnified hims. to prince of A. 12. A. given him aga. daily sacrifi. 13. A. to he trodden under foot Ohud. 20. the captivity of this A. Luke 2. 13. heavenly A. praising G. See Heaven. HOSTAGES. 2 Kin. 14. 14. Jehoash took A. and returned to Samaria, 2 CAr.25.24. HOSTS. Exod. 12.41. h. of L. wentoutof Eg. Ps. 103. 21. bless the L. all ve his A. 103. 11. O G. go forth with our A. ? 148. 2. praise ye him, all his h. Jer. 3. 19. heritage of A. of nations See Goo, Lord. HOT. E.rod. 16. 21. when the sun vvaxed/i. Lev. 13. 24. there is a A. burning Deut. 9. 19. anger and A. displeasure 1ft 0. puraue, while his heart is A. KOU Josh. 9. 12. our bread we took A. Judg. 2. 14. L. was A. against Israel 20. | 3. 8. | 10. 7. 6. 39. let not thine anger be A. 1 Sam. 11. 9. by the time sun be A. 21. 6. put A. bread when taken away Neh. 7. 3. not opened til! sun be A. Job 6.17. when A. they are consumed Psal. 6. 1. neither chasten in thy A. displeasure, 38. 1. 39. 3. my hpart was A. within me 78.48. gave flocks toh. thunderbolts Prov. 6.28. can one go upon A. coals ': Ezek. 24. 11. brass of it may be h. Dan. 3. 22. furnace was exceeding A. Hos. 7. 7. they are all A. as an oven 1 Tim. 4. 2. consc. seared wi. A. iron Rev. 3. 15. art neither cold nor A. I would thou wert cold or A. 16. See Wax, Verb. HOTLY. Gen. 31. 36. thou hast so A. pursued HOTTEST. 2 Sam. 11. 15. front of the A. battle HOUGH, ED. Josh. 11. 6. thou sh. h. their hordes 9. A. horses, burnt chariots wi. fire 2 Son. 8. 4. David A. chariot horses HOUR. Dan. 4. 19. Dan. astonied for one A. Mpfe 9. 22. made whole from that A. 15. 28. daughter whole fr. that A. 17. 18. child was cured from that A. 20. 3. went out about the third A. 5. sixth and ninth A. || 6. 11th A. 12. these have wrought but one A. 24. 36. that A. knoWeth no man, 42. Mark 13. 32. 44. such an A. as ye think not, 50. Luke 12. 40, 46. 25. 13. ye know neither day nor A. 26. 40. watch one A. ? Mark 14. 37. 45. the A. is at hand, Son of man 27. 45. from the sixth h. was dark- ness over the land to the ninth A. Mark 15. 33. Luke 23. 44. 46. ninth A. Jes. cried, Mark 15. 34. Mark 13. 11. be given you in that A. 14. 35. if possible the A. misrht pass 15.25. the third A. they crucified him Luke 10. 21. in that A. Jes. rejoiced 12. 39. what h. the thief wo. come 22. 53. your A. and power of dark. 59. about the space of one A. John 2. 4. mine A. is not yet come 4. 6. it was about the 6th A. 19. 14. 21. believe me, the A. cometh, 23. 52. then inquired he the A. he be- gan to amend, at 7th A. fever left 5. 25. the A. is coming, 28. | 16. 32. 7. 30. his A. was not yet come, 8. 20. 12. 23. A. is come, Son be glor. 17.1. 27. Father, save me fr. this A. for this cause came I to this A. 13. 1. Jesus knew his A. was come 16. 21. sorrow, beca. her A. is come 19. 27. fr. that A. disciple took her Acts 2. 15. seeing it is third A. of day 3. 1. A. of prayer being the ninth A. 10. 3. about ninth A. angel coming 9. Pet. went to pray about 6th A. 23. 23. make ready at the third A. 1 Co?: 4. 11. to this present A. 15. 30. stand we in jeopardy ev. A.? Gal. 2. 5. gave place, not for an h. Rev. 3. 3. not know what A. I will 10. keep thee fr. A. of temptation 8. 1. silence was ahout half an A. 9. 15. prepared for an A. and a day 14. 7. the h. of his judgm. is come 17. 12. receive power as kings one A. 18. 10. in one A. is thy judg. come 17. in one A. great riches is coma 19. city in one A. made desolate 240 HO' T Same HOUR. Dan. 3. 6. s. A. ca>t into furnace, 15. 4. 33. sa. A. was the thing fulfilled 5. 5. in the s. A. came forth fingers Mat. 8. 13. servant was healed *. A. 10. 19. given you s. h. Luke 12. 12. Lu. 7. 21. s. A cured many of plague* 20. lfl.s.A. sought to lay hands on him John 4. 53 knew it was at the s. h. Acts 16. 18. he came out the same A. 33. took them same A. of the night Rev. 11. 13. s. A. vr&s earthquake HOURS. John 11.9. are not 12 A. in day ? Acts 5. 7. came in about 3 A. after 19. 34. all cried about two A. HOUSE. Gen. 19. 4. men compassed the A. 24. 31. I have prepared A. room 39. 5. Lord blessed Egyptian's A. 45. 2. and the A. of Pharaoh heard E.rod. 8. 3. frogs sh. come into the A. 12. 3. a lamb according to the A. 30. not A. where was not one dead 46. not carry flesh out of the A. 13. 3. out of the A. of bondage, 14. Deut. 5. 6. | 6. 12. 20. 17. sh. not covet neighbour's A. Deut. 5. 21. Lev. 14. 36. priest sh. empty the A. 14. 38. priest shall go out of the A. and shut up, 45, 46, 49. 25. 30. h. sold in walled city Deut.l.S. redeemed out of h. of bond. 8. 14. brought you out of the land of Egypt, from A. of bondage, 13. 5," 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 07 8. Jer. 34. 13. Mir. 6. 4. 25. 10. A. of him that ha. shoe loosed Josh. 2. 15. her A. was on town wall Judg. 16.26. pillars wher. A. standeth 27. A. was full of men and women 30. and the A. fell upon the lords 17. 5. Micab had an A. of gods 19. 18. no man receiveth ine to h.. 21. sons of Belial beset the A. 20. 5. 1 S«?>2.3.14. I have sworn to A. of Eli 5. 2. brought ark into A. of Dagon 7. 1. brought ark to A. of Abinadab 9. 18. tell me where seer's A. is 25. 28. L. will make my lord sure A. 2 Sam. 3. 1. war betw. A. of Saul and 8. shew kindness to the A. of Saul 5. 8. lame and blind not come to A. 6. 11. L. blessed A. of Obed-edom, David hrdflght ark from his A. 12. 1 Chro)i.~]3. 14. 7. 6. not dwelt in any A. 1 Chr. 17. 5. 11. he will make thee an A. 29. bless A. of thy serv. lCAr.17.27. 12. 8. I gave thee'thy master's lu 1 Kin. 2. 24. who made me an A. 6. 22. whole h. overlaid with gold 9. 25. so Solomon finished the A. 12. 31. and Jeroboam made an A. 17. 15. and her A. did eat many days 21. 22. thy 7i. like h. of Jeroboam 2 Kin. 8. 3. cry to the king for her A. 18. as did the A. of Ahab, 27. 2 Chr. 21. 6. | 22. 4. 9. 8. whole A. of Ahab shall perish 10. 3. fight for your master's A. 21. and the A. of Baal was full 27. the A. of Baal a draught A. 20. 13. Hezekiah shewed A. of pre- cious things, A. of arm. Ja«.39.2. 23. 27. A. of which my name sh. be 25. 9. ev. great man's A. he burnt 2 Chr. 7. 1. glory of the Lord filled the h. Ezek. 43. 4, 5. 12. chosen this place for A. of sac. Ezra 5. 8. went to A. of great God 6. 3. at Jerusa. let the A. be builded Esth. 2. 8. gather all virgins to the A. EOU Esth. 8. 1. give A. of Ham. to Esth. 7. Job I. 13. drinking in brother'sA. 18. 19. wind came smote corners of A. 20. 19. away k. which he builded not 21. 28. where is the A. of the prince r 30. 23. to A. appointed for ail living 88. 20. know paths to the h. thereof 39. 6. whose A. I made wilderness Psal. 31. 2. my rock be h. of defence 84-. 3. the sparrow hath found a!) A. 10k 17. stork, fir-trees are her A. Frov. 2. 18. her A. inclineth to death 7. 8. young man went way to her A. 1). her feet abide th not in her A. 11. her A. is the way to hell S*. 1. wisdom hath builded her A. 12. 7. A. of righteous shall stand 14. 11. //. of wicked be overthrown 15. 2b. Lord will destroy A. of proud 17. 1. h. full of sacrifices with strife 19. 14. A. and riches are inheritance 21. 9. better dwell in A.. top, 25. 2-1. 12. righteous consider, A of wicked 24. 3. through wisdom is h. built 25. 17. withdraw fr. neighbour's h. 11. 10. brother's A. day of calamity Eccl. 7. 2. to go to A. of mourning, than A. of feasting 10. 18. through idleness A. droppeth 12. 3. keepers of A. shall tremble Cunt. 1. 17. beams of our A. cedar 2. 4. brought me to banqueting A. 3. 4. brought him to my mother's A. .8. 9. bring thee into my mother's A. Ha. 5. 8. woe to them th join A. to A. 6. 4. the A. was filled with smoke 14. 17. opened not A. of prisoners 23. 1. there is no A. || 24. 10. A. shut 31. 2. arise against A. of evil doers CO. 7. 1 will glorify h. of my glory 04. 11. holy and beautiful h. burnt Jer. 10. 5. enter not A. of mourning 8. Shalt not go into A. of feasting 87.20. not return to A. of Jona. 38.20. Ezek. 2. 5. they are a rebellious A. 8. 9, 26, 27. | 12. 3. 8. be not rebellious like that. A. 12. 2. dwellest in midst of rebel. A. 17. 12. say now to the rebellious //. 24. 3. utter parable to rebellious A. 43. 11. shew them the form of A. 12. law of A. on top of mountain Amos 1. 5. sceptre from h. of Eden 3. 15. smite winter //. wi. summer A. ,\ 19. or went into A. and leaned fi. II. smite great A and little A. 7. 10. not word against h. of Isaac Obad. 18. A. of Esau be for stubble Mic. 3. 12. mountain of the A. shall be as high places <>f the forest 4. 2. let us go up to the A. of God Nah. I. 14. out of the A. of thy gods Zech. 5. 4. enter into //. of the thief, into A. of him sweareth falsely Mat. 7. 25. and beat upon that h. 27. Luke 6. 48. 10. 12. when come into A. salute it 13. if A. be worthy, let your peace come, Luke 10. 5. 12.25. every A. divided against itself 29. enter strong man's A. Mar.3.21. 20. 11. murmured against man of A. 23. 38. your A. is left to you deso- late, Luke 13. 25. 2 k 43. good man of A. known what watch thief would come, Lu. 12.39. Murk 3. 25. A. divided against itself 10. 29. that hath left ft. or brethren 11. 14. to good man of A. Lu. 22. 11. Luke 10. 7. in that A. remain 15. 8. light candle and sweep h. ftihn 12. 3. A. was filled with odour Acts 2. 2. sound fr. heaven filled A. 2. 46. breaking bread from A. to h. HOU ActsW 6. Simon, tanner, A.by seaside 17. 5 Jews assaulted A. of Jason 18. 7. A. joined hard to synagogue 19. 10. tied out of that h. naked 20. 20. taught publicly, from A. to A. Rom. 16. 5. greet church in their h. 1 Cor. 1. 11. are of the A. of Chloe 16. 15. knowthe A. of Stephanas, 19. 2 Cor. 5. 1. if earthly A. be dissolved 2. be clothed with A. from heaven 1 Tim. 5. 13. wandering from A. to A. 14. that younger women guide h. 2 Tim. 1. 16. mercy to A. of Onesiph. 2. 20. in a great A. vessels of gold Heb. 3. 3. built A. more lion, thaii A. 4. every h. is built by some man 6. whose //. are we, if we hold fast 2 John 10. receive him not into A. See Aaron, Born, Build or Built, Chief, David, Door, Dwell. HOUSE joined with father. Gen. 12. 1. get thee from father's A. 24. 7. God took me frum father's h. 38. thou shalt go to my father's h. 40. take wife for my son of/. 's A. 31. 14. any portion for us in/'* A. 38. 11. remain widow at thy/'* A. 41. 51. God made me forget/'* A. 46. 31. brethren and/'* h. are come 50. 22. in Egypt, he and his/.'* A. Exod. 12. 3. accord, to h. of fathers Num. 1. 2. sum of Israel by A. of their fathers, 18, 28, 22, 24. 4. every one head of h. of his f. 44. JoM. 12. 14. 2. 2. pitch with ensign of father's h. 3. 15. number of children of Levi after A. of their/«#/e/-*,20. | 4.46. 17. 2. according to //. of their/'*, 3. 18. 1. thou and/'* h. bear iniquity 30. 3 a vow, being in her/'* A. 16. Dent. 22. 21. play whore in her f.'sh. Josh. 2. 12. 6hovv kindness to/'* A. Judg. 6. 15. I am least in my/'* A. 9. 18. ye are risen against my/'* A. 11. 2. sli. not inherit in our/'* A. 14. 15. lest we burn thee and/'* A. 16. 31. all the A. of his/, buried him 1 Sum. 2. 27. appear to A. of thy/ 30. I said A. of thy/ should walk 17. 25. king will make his/'* A. free 18. 2. go no more home to his/'* A. 22. 16. thou and all thy/'* h. sh. die 24.21. notdestr. my name out/'* A. 2Sam.3.29. rest on Joab and his/'* A. 14. 9. iniq. be on me, and my/'* A. 19. 28. all of/'* h. were dead men 1 Kin. 2. 31. innocent blood fr./'* h. 18. 18. thou and/'* h. troubled Isr. 1 Chr. 28. 4. G. chose me bef. A. of/ Ezra 2. 59. could not show their/'* A. Neh. 1. 6. 10.16. chief of the A. of/ examined Neh. 1.6. I and my/'* A. have sinned Esth. 4. 14. th. and/'* A. be destroy. Ps. 45. 10. forget thy peo. and/'* A Isa. 3. 6. hold of brother of A. of his/ 7. 17. bring on thy/'* A. days that 22. 23. be glorious throne to/'* A. 24. hang on him glory of his/'* A. Jer. 12.6 A. of/ dealt treacherously Luke 16. 27. send him to my/.'* h. John 2. 16. make not my Father's h. an house of merchandise 14. 2. in my F.'sh. are many mans. Acts 1. 20. Mos. nourished iu/'* A. HOUSE of God. Gen. 28. 17. none other but h. of G. 12. this stone I set sh. be God's h. Josh. 9.23. drawers water for h. ofG. Judg. 18. 31. A. ofG. Was in Shiloh 20. 26. peo. came unto A. ofG. 21. 2. 31. high-way goeth up to A. ofG. 2 Chr. 5. 14. glory of L. filled A. ofG. 241 HOU 2 Chron. 22. 12. he was hid in A. nfO, 24.13. they set h. ofG. in his state 33. ftfcmasseh set image in A. ofG. 36. 19. they burnt the A. of God Ezra 5. 8. we went to A. of great G 15. let the A. ofG. be builded. 6. 7 7. 23. let it done for the A. of God Neh. G. 10. let us meet in A. o/ G. 13. 11. why is the//. o/G. forsaken? Psal 42. 4. I went to h. ofG. 55. 14. 52. 8. like an olive-tree in A. of G. 84. 10. be door-keeper in A. ofG. Eccl.b. 1. when thou goestto A. o/G. /*a. 2. 3. come, let us go up to the A. o/G. Mic. 4. 2. i7o*. 9. 8. prophet is bated in A. ofG. Joel 1. 13. drink-offering withhohien from A. of God 16. gladness cut off fr. the h. of G. Zech. 7.2. sent to A of G. men to pray Mat. 12. 4. entered n. of G. and did eat sh. -bread, Mark 2. 26. Lu. 0.4. I Tim. 3. 15. behave thyself in h. ofG. Heb. 10.21. High-Priest over A. ofG. 1 ZVJ. 4. 17. judgm. begin at A. ofG. His HOUSE. Gen. 12.17. L. plagued Phar. and h. A. 17.27. men of A. A. were circumcised 39.4. made him overseer over h.h.h. 15. 8. made me lord of A. h.ActslJO. Lev. 16. 6. an atonement for A. A. 11. 27. 14. a man shall sanctify A. A. Nu?n. 22. 18. if Balak give me h. h. full of silver and gold, 24. 13. Deut. 20. 5. go return to h. h. 6, 7, 8. 24. 10. tliba sitiili not go into A. //. Judg. 8. 27. became a snare to h. L 1 Sum. 3. 12. have spoken cone. A. A. 13. I will judge h. h. for ever 7. 17. to Kaninh, for there was A. A 25. 1. Israel buried Samuel in A. A 2 Scan. G. 21. before thy fa. and A li. 11. 9. Uriah went not to A. h. 10,13. 27. David fetched her to h. A. 19. 11. bring the king back to h. h. 21. 1. it is for Saul and A. bloody //. 1 A'»';/.2.33. on hh. there sh. be peace 7. 1. Sol. building, rind finished A. h. 12. 24. return every man to h. h. 22. 17. 1 Chr. 16. 43. 2 Chron. 11. 4. | 18. 16. 13. 19. did eat bread in his h. 20. 43. went to h. A. heavy, 21. 4. 2 Kin. 6. 32. Elisha sat in his h. 20. 13. nothing in A. h. Hezekiah 1 Chr. 10. 6. all A. A. died together 13. 14. the ark remained in A. A. 2 C7/r. 24. 16. good tow. G. and A. A. Ezra 0. 1!. A. A. be made a dunghill Neh 3. 28. repaired over-aga. A. h. 5. 13. G. shake every man fr. A. A. Job 1. 10. made an hedge about A. A.? 8. 15. he shall lean on A. h. it sh. not 20. 28. increase of A. A. sh. depart 21. 21. what pleasure hath he in //.A. 27. 18. he buildeth h. h. as a moth Ps. 49. 10. glorv of h. h. is increased 105. 21. he made him Lord of A. h. 112. 3. wealth and riches be in h. h. Prov. 6. 31. give the substance of li. A. Cant. 8. 7. 17. 13. evil sh. not depart from A. A Mic. 2. 2. oppress a man and A. A. Hub. 2. 9. an evil covetousn. to A. A. Mai. ;2. 29. then he will spoil A. A. Mark 3. 27. I Mark 13. 15. 24. 17. to take anything ouU>f A. h. 43. not suffered A. A. to be*roken Luke 8. 41. that he wo. come to A. A. 18. 14. this man went down to A. A. John 4. 53. himself believed and//. A. ^ic<* 10. 2. feared God, with all his h. 22. warned to send for thee to Am A. 11. 13. he had seen auuiigeliu.At«/i. & HOU Acts Id 34. jailer brought into h. A. believing in G. with all his h. 18. 8. Col. 4. 15. salute church in My h. Heb. 3. 2. Moses faithful in his h. 5. 11. 7. prepared ark for saving his h. HOUSE of Jacob. Gen. 46. 27. souls of h. of J. seventy Psel. 114. 1. h. of J. from people of lsa. 2. 5; h. of J. walk in light of L. 6. hast forsaken thy people, h. of J. 8. 17. L. hideth face from h. of Jac. 14. 1. they shall cleave to h. of Jac. 58. 1. shew h. of Jacob their sins Jer. 2. 4. hear word of L. h. of Jac. 5. 20. declare this in the h. of Jac. Ezek. 20. 5. lifted up hand to h. of J. //;«o.?9.8 not utterly destroy h. of J. Obad. 17. h. of J. possess possessions 18. h. of Jacob shall be a fire Mic. 2. 7. that art named the //. of J. 3. 9. hea r , ye heads of the h. of Jac. Luke 1. 33. reign over the h. of Jac. HOUSE of Joseph. Gen. 43. 17. brought men into J.'* A. Josh. 18. 5. h. of Jos. abide in coast Judg. 1. 22. h. oj J. went ag. Bethel 35. hand of h. of Joseph prevailed Amosb.6. break out like fire in h. of J. Obad. 18. h. of J. shall be a flame Zech. 10. 6. I will save the h. of J. HOUSE of Israel. Lev. 10. (5. let A. of Is. bewail burning 17. 3. what man there be of A. of I. killeth ox or lamb, 8. 10. | 22. 18. I Sam. 7. 2. the h. of Isra. lamented 6 5. h. of Israel played before L. 15. ft. of Israel brought up the ark 12. 8. I gave thee the A. of Israel 1 Kin. 20. 31. kings of A. of I. merciful I'ofjl PS. 3. his truth toward A. of 1. 115. 12. he will bless A. of Israel 135. 19. O A. of Israel bless Lord ha. 5. 7. vineyard of L. is h. oflsr. 14. 2. h. of hr. possess them in land 46. 3. remnant of A. oflsr. hearken 63. 7. goodness toward the A. of Is. Jer. 2. 26. so is the A. of I. ashamed 3.18. house of Judah walk wi. A. of I. 20. dealt treacherous. O h. of 2.5.11. 9. 26. all A. of I. are uncircumcised 11.10. h. of I. have broken covenant 17. evil for evil, of the A. of Israel 13. 11. caused cleave to me A of Is. 31. 27. sow A. of I. with seed of man 31. make covenant wi. A. of I. 33. 33. 14. that I promised to A. of Isr. 48. 13. h. of I. ashamed of Bethel Ezek. 3. 1. go, speak to A. of 1. 17. 2. 1 20. 27, 30. | 24. 21. | 33. 10. | 36. 22. 7. A. of I. not hearken to me, A. of I. impudent and hard-hearted 17. thee watchman to A. of I. 33.7. 4. 4. lay iniquity of A. of I. upon it 5. bear iniquity of the A of Israel 5. 4. fire come forth into A. of Isra. 8.10. idols of A. of 1. are pourtrayed 9. 9. iniquity of A. of Israel is great 12.24. nor more divination in A. of I. 13. 5. nor made hedge for A. of Is. 9. in the writing of the//, of Israel 14.11. th. //. of I. go no more astray 18. 6. lift eye3 to idols of A. of I. 15. 25. O A. o/7. is not my way equnl? 31. will ye die, O A. of Is. ? 33. 11. 20. 13. A of I. rebelled against me 39. for you, O A. cf I. go ye, serve 40. there shall h. of I. serve me 22. 18. A. of I. is to me become dross 28. 24. no more a pricking briar to the A. of Israel 89. 6 a staff cf reed to h. of Israel 16. no more confidence of A. of Is. 21. cause horn of A. of I. to bud 3§. JO. 1 will multiply all the A. of I. HOU Ezek.ZK. 17. 7i. 'fl. d-ve.t in o,vn land 21. my name' v. h. A. cf I. profaned 32. be ashamed, O A.' of Israel 37. 1 will be inquired of by A. of 1. 37.11 these bones are whole A. of I. 16. for the A. of I. his companions 39. 12. 7 months A. of. I. be burying 22. A. o/Z. sh. know 1 am the Lord 23. the A of I went into captivity 29. poured out my Spirit on A. of I. 44. 12. caused A. of I. fall into iuiq. 22. maidens of the seed of h. of I. 45. 6. possession for whole h. of I. 8. rest of the land give to A. of I. 17. make reconciliation for A. o/Z. i/o.?. 1. 4. cease kingdom of A. of I. 6. no more have mercy on A. of I. 6. 10. an horrible thing in A. of Isr. 11. 12. 7z. o/7. compasseth me about Amos 5. 3. city sh. leave ten to A. of I. 25. ye offered sacrifices, O A. o/ 1. 7. 10. conspired aga. thee in A. o/J. 9. 9. sift A. o/Z. among all nations Mic. 1. 5 for sins of A o//. is this Zech. 8. 13. were a curse, O A of I. Mat. 10. 6. lost sheep of A. of 1. 15.24. Acts 2. 36. let all the A o/ /. know 7. 42. O A. of I. ha. offered beasts ? Heb. 8. 8. new covenant wi. A. ofl.10. HOUSE of Judah. 2 S/zm. 2.4. anointed David king over h. of J. 7, 11. 1 CArore. 28. 4. 12. 8. 1 gave thee the A. of Judah 2Kin. 19. 30. remnant escaped of the A. o/J. sh. take root, lsa. 37. 31. /*«. 22. 21. sh. be a father to A. of J. Jer. 3. 18. A. o/J. walk wi. house Is. 5. 11. A of J. dealt treacherously 11. 10. A. of J. broken my covenant 12. 14. pluck A. of J. fr. among them 13. 11. caused cleave to me A. of J. 31. 27. sow the A. of J. with seed 31. make a new cove. wi. A. of J. 33. 14. good 1 promised to A of J. 36. 3. A. of J. will hear all the evil Ezek. 4. 6. bear iniquity of A. of J. 8. 17. is it a light thing to A. of J. ? 25.3. Ammon.said, aha, aga. A. of J. 8. A. o/J. like to all the heathen 12. Edom hath dealt aga. A. of J. Hos. 1. 7. have mercy upon A. o/J. 5. 12. be to the A. of J. as rottenness i4. be as a young lion to A. of J. Zeph. 2. 7. be for remnant of A of J Zech. 8. 13. were a curse, O h. if J. 15. thought to do well to A. of J. 19. be to A. o/J. joy and gladness 10. 3. the Lord hath visited A. o/J. 6. I will strengthen the A. of J. 12. 4. open mine eyes unto h. of J. Heb. 8. 8. a new covenant wi. A. of J. King's HOUSE. 2 Sain. 11. 2. walked on roof of A:.'* A. 1 Kin. 9. 1. Solo, had finished k.'s h. 14. 26. he took away the treasure of the k.'s h. 15. 18 2 Kings 16. 8.2 Chr. 12.9. | 25. 24. 2 «7». 7. 11. thev told it to the k. 's A 2 CAr. 23. 5. a third part be at *.'* A. 28. 21. took a portion out of A. of k. Ezra 6. 4. expenses given out k.'s h Esth 2. 9. seven maidens out k.'s A. 4. 13, think not escape in the h.'* A. 9. 4. Mordecai was great in k.'s h. Hos. 5. 1. give ve ear, O A. of the k. HOUSE of Levi. Num. 17. 8. rod of Aaron for A. ofL. Ps. 135. 20. bless the L. O A. of'L. Zech. 12. 13. laini y of A. of L. apart 7n*A. HOUSE. Gen. 34. 29. spoiled even all int. ft. 39. 5. blessing of L. on all in the ft. 8. wotteth not what is wi.me in t.h. 45. lo. fame was heard in Phar. A. 24^ huu Erod. 12. 46. »'w one A. passover b# fc«j. 14 34. put the plague of leprosy i'm a A. 35. 43, 44, 47, 48. Josh. 2. 19. whoso with tliee in theh. Ruth 1. 9. each in h. of her husband 2. 7. that she tarried a \\t\\eintheh. i Sam. 28. 24. had a fat calf in the h. 31. 9. publish it tn t. A. of their idols 10. put armour in t. A. of Ashtar. 1 Kin. 3. 57. I and this woman dwell in one h. deliv. of a child in t. h, j 6. 7. not any tool heard in the A. 14.13. found good in t. A. of Jerobo. 2 Kin. 4. 2. what hast thou m Me A.? 35. and walked in the A. to and fro 5. 18. I bow in the A. of Rimmon 19.37. as he was worshipping in A.of Nisrocb, lsa. 37. 38. 2 Chr. 36. 17. slew young men int. h. Ezra 1.7. put them in t.h. of his gods 6. 1. search was made in t.h. of rolls Esth. 7. 8. he force queen in theh. ? 9. gallows standethm A. of Haman Ps. 1 19. 54. songs in t. h. of my pilgr. Prop. 3. 33. curse of L. inh. of wick. 5. 10. labours be in h. of a stranger 7. 1 1. her feet abide not in lier It. 15. 6. in the A. of the righteous Eccl. 7. 4. heartof the wise is ?«A. of mourning,heart of fools in A.mirth lsa. 44. 13. maketh idol remain in h. Jer. 7.30. set abominations in A.32.34. 34. 15. a covenant before me in t.h. Amos 6. 9. remain ten men in one ft. Mic. 6. 10. wickedness inh. of wic'ced Zech. 13. 6. wounded in h. of friends Mat. 5. 15. light to all that are in t. A. Mark 9. 33. being in the A. he asked 14. 3. being in t. A. Simon the leper Luke 8. 27. in any A. but the tombs John 8. 35. serv. abideth not im t. h. 11. 20. Mary sat still in the It. Acts 9. 1 1, inquire in the It. of Judas 10.32. Peter is lodged in h. of Simon HOUSE, joined with Lord. Exod. 23. 19. the first-fruits thou bring into the A. of the L. 34. 26. Neh. 10. 35. Deut. 23. 18. price of n dog to A. of I,. Josh. fi. 24. put in treasury of A. of L. 1 Sam. 1. 7. she went to A. of the L. 24. Hannah brought him unto the A. of the L. 2 Kings 12. 4, 9, 13. | 22. 4. 2 Citron. 34. 14. 1 Kin. 3. 1. end of building A. of L. 6. 37. the foundation of the A of the L. laid, 2 CArora. 8. 16. Ezra 3. 11. Zech. 8. 9. 7. 40. work he made for A. of L. 45. 51. 2 Chr. 4. 16. | 5. 1. | 24. 14. 8. 10. cloud filled A. of L. 11. 2 Chr. 5. 13. | 7. 2 Ezek. 44. 4. 63. so Israel dedicated the A. of L. 2 Kin. 11.3. hid m A of L. six years 4. took an oath in the A. of the L. 15. let her not be slain in A. of L. 2 Chron. 23 14. 12. 10. told money found in A. of the L. 14. 14. | 16. 8. | 18. 15. 1 1. oversight of the A. of the L. 16. tresspass-money not in A. of L. 20 5. third day shalt go to It. of L. 8 Lord will heal me, that I shall go up to the A. of L. lsa. 38. 22. 23. 2. words found in A. of the L. 24. 2 CA?-o». 34. 17, 30. 7. Sodomites were by h. of the L. 25. 9. he burnt A. of L. Jer. 52. 13. 1 Chr. 6. 31. service in the A. of L. 22. 1. David said, this is the A. of /,. 11. and build the A of L. thy God 14. I have prepared for A. of Lord 23. 4. set forward work of A of L. 26. 12. to minister i« A. of the J.ord HOU X Chr. 8. 16. A. of L. was perfected '29. 5. Levites, sanctify A. of the L. 15. came to cleanse A. of the Lord 33. 15, Manas, took idol out A. of L. 34. 15. found book of law in A. of /,. 30. 14. priests polluted A. of the L. (Ezra 7. 27. to beautify h. of the L. /»*. 23. 6. dwell in A. of L. for ever •27. 4. dwell in A. of L. all my life S2. 13. that be planted in A. of L. 116. 19. will pay my vows in L.'s A. 1 18. 26. blessed you out of A. of L. 122. 1. let us go into the A. of Lord 9. because of A. of L. seek thy good 134. 1. ye that stand in A. of L. 135.2. fca. 2. 2. L.'s h. be established in the top of mouutains, Mic. 4. 1. Jer. 17. 26. praise to the h. of the L. 26. 2. come to worship in the L.'s A. 36. 5. I cannot go into A. of the L. 6. read in L.'s h. upon fasting-day 51. 51. come to sanctuaries of L.'s A. lAim. 2. 7. made a noise in A. of L. iHag. 1. 2. time L.'s h. sho. be built See Court, Door,Gate,Treasures, Vessels. Mine, or my HOUSE. >Gen. 15. 2. steward of m.h. is Eliezer 3. one born in tn. h. is mine heir Nutn.V2. 7. who is faithful in all tn. h. Jnsh.2b.\b meand/n. h. will serve L. Judg. 11. 31. forth of doors of m. h. I.S'«?«.21.15. thi3 fellow cometom./i.? 2 Sam. 7. 18. O L. G. what is m. A? 1 Chr. 17. 16. 11.11. sh. I then go into m.h. to eat? 23. 5. tho' tn. h. be not so with God 1 Kin. 21.2. because it is near tow. A. 2 Kin. 20. 15. all things that are in tn. h. have they seen, Isa. 39. 4. 1 Chr. 17. 14. will settle him in tn. h. Job 17. 13. I wait, the grave is m. h. l J s. 101. 2. in in. h. wi. perfect heart 132 3. not come to tabern. of tn. h. Prov.7.6. at window of m. h. 1 looked Isa. 3. 7. in tn. h. is neither bread nor 56.5. them will I give in m.h. a name 7. I will make them joyful in tn. h. of prayer, m. h. shall be called an h. of prayer for all people, Mat. 21 13. Mark 11. 17. Luke 19. 46. Jer. II. 15. what belov. do in m. h. ? 12. 7. I have forsaken mine h. 23. 11. in tn. h. I fuiind wickedness Ezek. 8. 1. as I sat in tn. h. and elders 44. 7. sanct. to pollute it, even m.h. Dan. 4. 4. Nebu. was at rest in m.h. Hag. 1. 9. bee. of m. h. that is waste Zech. 3. 7. thou sh. also judge tn. h. 9. 8. I will encamp about in. h. Mai. 3.10. there may be meat in m.h. Mat. 12. 44. I will return into in. A. Luke 11. 24. Luke 9. 61. bid them farewell at ?«./*. 14. 23. that tn. h. may be rilled Acts 10.30. ninth hour I pray, in m.h. 16. 15. come into tn. h. and abide Own HOUSE. Gen. 14. 14. servants born in nis o. n. Sam. 4. 11. slain person in his o. h. 12. II. evil aga. thee out of thy o. h. 19. 30. king come in peace to o. h. VKin. 2. 34. Joab buried in hiso. h. 3. 1. made an end of buildingo. h. 7. 1. Solo, building hiso. A. 13 years 12. 16 now see to thine o. h. David, 2 Chron. 10. 16. 14. 12. get t.iee into thine own h. 2 Kin. 21. 18. Manasseh was buried in garden of o. h. 2 Chr. 33. 20. 23. slew the king in his own h. 2 Chron. 33. 24. 2 Chr. 7. 1 1. came in his heart in o. h. Esth. 1. 22 ev man rule in his o. h. HOU rov.ll. 29. he that troableth o. h. rov.lo.27. greedy trnubleth his o. h. Isa. 14 18. lie in glory, ev. one o. h. Mir. 1. 6. man's enemies are of o. h. Hag. 1. 9. run ev. man unto his o. h. Mat. 13. 57. a prophet is not without honour, save in o. h. Mark 6. 4. Luke 1. 23. he departed to o. h. 5. 25. 56. and Mary returned to her o. A. 5.29. Levi madeagreat feast in o. h. 8. 39. return to thy o. h. and shew John 7. 53. ev. man went to his o. h. Acts 28.30. Paul dwelt 2 years in o. h. 1 Tim. 3.4. one th. ruleth well his o. h. 5. know not how to rule his o. h. 5. 8. especially for those of his o. h. Heb. 3. 6. Christ as a Son over o. h. This HOUSE. Gen. 39. 9. none greater in t. A. than 1 1 Kin. 6. 12. t. h. thou art building 8. 27. how much less t. h. I builded? 29. eyes be opened toward t h. 31. before thine altar in t. h. 33. supplication to thee in t. h. 42. 38. spread his hands towards t. h. 9. 3. I have hallowed this h. 8. at t. h. every one shall hiss 2 Chr. 6. 20. eyes may be open on t.h. 22. oath come before altar in t. h. 24. make supplication in this h. 32. if they come and pray in t. h. 1. 16. now have I sanctified t. A. 20. 21. and t. h. which is high, shall be Ezra 3. 12. the foundation of t. A. Jer. 7. 10. stand before me in t. h. 11. is t. h. beco. a den of robbers ? 22. 5. t. h. sh. become a desolation 26. 6. will I make t. h. like Shiloh 9. saying, t. h. shall be like Shiloh Hag. 1. 4. in houses, t. h. lie waste ? 2. 3. who is left that saw t. h. first? 7. lwill fill t. h. wi. glory, saith L. 9. glory of t.h. greater than former Luke 10. 5. first say, peace be to t. h. 19. 9. this day is salva. come to t. h. Thine, or thy HOUSE. Gen. 7.1. come thou and t. h. to ark Num. 18. 11. that is clean in t. h. 13. Deut. 6. 7. talk of them in t. h. 11.19. 9. sh. write on posts of t. h. 11. 20. 7. 26. bring an abomination to t. h. 21. 12. shalt bring her home to t. h. 22. 8. bring- not blood upon t. h. 25. 14. have in t. h. divers measures 26. 11. God given to thee and t. h. Josh. 2. 3. men are entered into t. h. Judg. 12. I. will burn t. h. on thee Ruth 4. 11. woman come into t. h. 12. let t. h. be like house of Pharez 1 Sam. 2. 30. t. h. sh. walk before me 31 . shall not be an old man in t. h. 33. t. h. shall die in flower of age 36. ev. one in t. h. crouch to him 25. 6. peace to t A. and all thou hast 2 Sam. 7. 16. t. h. established for ever 11. S. go to t. h. and wash thy feet 12. 10. sword never depart fr. t. h. 1 Kin. 13. 8. if thou give half t. h. 2 Kin. 20. 1. t. h. in order, Isa. 38. 1. 15. what seen in t. h. ? Isa. 39. 4. 17. t. h. shall be carried, Isa. 39. 6. Psal. 5. 7. I will come into t. h. 26. 8. I ha. loved habitation of t. h. 3G. 8. satisfied with fatness of t. A. 50. 9. 1 will take no bullock of t. h. 65. 4. satisfied with goodness of t. h. 6fi. 13. go to t. n. with burnt-offer. 69. 9. zeal of t. A. hath eaten me up, John 2. 17. 9* 5. holiness heeometh t. h. O L. iCS. 3. wife as fruitful vine by t. h. Jsa. 58. 7 poor that are cast to t. h. Jer. 38. 17. thou shaft live, and t. A. Ezck. 3. 24. shut thyself within t. h. 240 HOU Ezek. 44. 30. blessing to rest int. h. Hab. 2. 10. consulted shame to t. h. Mat. 9. 6. arise, go to t. h. Murk 2 11. Lukeb. 24 26. 18. I will keep passover at t. h. Lu.1A4. entered t. h. gave no watei 19. 5 to-dav 1 must abide at /. h. Acts 11. 14. all t. h. be saved, 16. 31. Phil. 2. to the church in t. A. grace See Tops. HOUSES. Exod. 1. 2). he made midwives' h 12. 7. upper door-posts of the h. 13. blood be for a token on the h. 15. put away leaven out of your h. Lev. 25. 31. h. of villages be counted Num. 16. 32. earth swallowed their h. 32. 18. we will not return to our h. Deut.6.\\. give thee h. of good things 8. 12. built goodly h. dwelt therein 19. 1. dwellest in their cities and h Neh. 9. 25 Josh. 9. 12. hot provision out of h. JudgAS.H. know there is in these A. 1 Kin. 13. 32. he cried against the A. 20. 6. search the h. of thy servants 2 Kin. 17. 29. in the A. of high places 23. 7. brake down A. of Sodomites 19. A. of high-places Josiah took 25. 9. burnt h. of Jerus. Jer. 52. 13. ICAr. 15. 1. David made A. in the city 28. 11. gave to Solom. pattern of A. 2 Chr. 34. 11. buy timber to floor h. 35. 4. and prepare yourselves by A. Neh. 4.14. fightfor your wives and h. 5.3. we mortgaged our lands and A. 7. 4. people few, and A. not buildec" Job 1. 4. went and feasted in their A 3. 15. who filled their h. with silve» 4. 19. them that dwell in A. of clay 15. 28. dwell, in A. no man inhabit 21. 9. their h. are safe from fear 22. 18. he filled their h. with good 24. 36. in dark they dig through A. Ps. 49. 11. A. shall continue for evei 83. 12. let us take the h. of God Prov. 1. 13. sh. fill our A. with spoil 30. 26. make they their A. in rocks Eccl. 2. 4. I builded me h. I planted Isa. 3. 14. spoil of poor is in your A. 5. 9. many h. sh. be desolate, 6. 11 8.14. rock of offence to both A. of Is. 13. 16 h. spoiled, wives ravished 21. their h. full of doleful creatures 15. 3. on tops of h. ev. onesh. bowl 22. 10. h. have ye broken to fortify 32. 13. yea, upon all the A. of joy Jer. 5. 7. by troops in harlot's)). 27. so are their h. full of deceit 29. 5. build h. and dwell in them, 28. 32. 15. A. and fields sh. be possessed 29. h. on whose roofs they ottered 33. 4. A. of this city, and //. of kings 43. 12. fire in h. of gods of Egy. 13 Lam. 5. 2. our A. are turned to aliens Ezek. 7. 24. heathen possess their A. Hi. 41. they sh. burn thine A. 23.47. 26. 12. shall destroy thy pleasant h. 28. 26. build h. and plant vineyards 33. 30. aga. thee in doors of the A. Dan. 2. 5. your A. made a dunghill 3.29. their A. sh. be made a dunghill Joel 2. 9. shall climb up upon the h. Amos 3. 15. h. of ivory shall perish, jreat A. shall have an end Mic.}. 14. a. of Achzib be lie to kings 2. 2. covet A and take them away 9. the women ye cast from their "A. Zeph.].9. fill master's h. wi. violence 13. their A. become a desolation Hag. 1. 4. dwell in your ceiled It. ? Zech. 14. 2. and the h. shall be rifled Mat 11. 8. wear soft cloth, kings' h. 19. 29. that hath forsaken A. or wi»/;«. c Amos 5. 3. went out by a 1000, shall leave an A. that which went forth by an A. shall leave teu HUN Mat. 18. 12. If a man have h. sheep, Luke 15. 4. Luke 16. C. an A. measures of oil 7. how much owest thou? A. meas. Jn. 19.39. myrrh and aloes A. weight One HUNDRED and twenty} Gen. 6. 3. his days be A. and t. years Deut.'i\.2. 1 am an A. and t. years old 34.7. Moses A. t. years when he died One HUNDRED twenty-seven. Esth. 1. 1. Ahasuerus reigned over A. a. t.-s. provinces, 8.9. | 9. 30. One HUNDRED thirty. Gen. 47. 9. years of my pilgrimage are an A. and thirty One HUNDRED^. Gen. 7. 24. waters prev. h.f. days,8.3. One HUNl)RED_jf/^-ttTO. John2\.\\. net full of fishes an h.f.-t. One HUNDRED eighty. Esth. 1. 4 Alias, feast for h. e. days ^«HUNDRE D forty-four thousand. Rev. 7. 4. sealed 144,000 tribes of Is. 14. 1. 144,000, having Father's name 3. no man learn song but 144, 00y AnH UN DRE D eighty-five thousand. 2 Kin. 19. 35. that night the angel of the Lord smote of the Assyrians, 18-5,000. Isa. 37. 36. Two HUNDRED. John 6. 7. t. h. pennyworth not suffi. Three HUNDRED. Judg. 7. 6. number lapped t. h. men 15. 4. Samson caught t. h. foxes 2 Sam. 21. 16. spear weig. t. h. shek. IKin. 11.3. Solo, had t.h. concubines John 12. 5. ointment for t. h. pence Four HUNDRED. Gen. 15. 13. afflict/A years,^cf.?7.6. 30. 17./ h. young men on camels j Kin. 18.19. prophets of groves,/, h. Acts 5. 36./ h. joined themselves - Four HUNDRED thirty. Exod. 1-2. 40. in E?ypt430 y^ars, 41. Gal. 3. 17. law which was 430 years Four HUNDRED fifty. 1 Kin. 18. 19. proph. of Baal' 450, 22. Acts 13. 20. judges about 450 years Four HUNDRED eighty. 1 Kin. 6. 1. in 480 vear6 Solomon Four HUNDRED thousand. Judg. 20. 2. Benjamin 400,000, 17. 2 Chr. 13. 3. array with 400,000 men Four HUNDRED seventy thousand. 1 Chr. 21. 5. 470,000 drew the sword Five HUNDRED. Num. 31. 28. one soul of/ h. for L. Luke 7.41. the one owned/ h. pence Cor 15. 6. above f. h. breth. at once Six HUNDRED. [11. 6en.7.6.Noah s. h. years flood came, Judg. 3. 31. Shamgar slew six h. 1 Sam. 17. 7. spear weigh, s.h. shek. 1 Kin. 10. 16. *. A. shekels of gold to one target, 2 Chron. 9. 15. St x HUNDRED sixty-six. Eev. 13. 18. number is s. h. and s.-s. Six HUNDRED thousand. iv~&wi.l.46.all numbered were 600,000 Seven HUNDRED. IKin. 11. 3. Solo, had seven h. wives Nine HUNDRED thirty. Gen. 5. 5. Adam lived 930 years Nine HUNDRED sixt>/-nine. Gen. 5. 27. Methuselah 969 years HUNDREDS. Exod.\8. 21. rulersof h. 2b.Deut.lA5. JV:hen A. they shall fret themselves 9. 20. snatch on right hand, be A. 29. 8. as when a A. man dreameth 32. 6. to make empty soul of the A. 44. 12. he is h. and strenath faileth 53. 7. is it not deal thy bread to A. ? 10. draw out thy soul to the A. 65. 13. servants eat, but ye sh. be A. Ezek. 18. 7. given his bread to A. 16. Mark 1 1. 12. from Bethany he was A. Luke 1. 53. filled h. with good things Acts 10. 10. Peter became very A, \Cor. 11.21. one A. another drunken Phil. 4. 12. how to be full and be A. HUNT. Gen. 27. 5. Esau went to A. venison I Sam. 26. 20. as when one doth A. Job 38. 39. wilt A. prey for the lion ? Ps. 140. 11. evil shall A. violent man Prov. 6. 26. adultres3 will A. for life Jer. 16. 16. h. them fr. ev. mountain Lam. 4. 18. they h. our steps that we Ezek. 13. 18. will ye A. souls of peo.? 20. wherewith ye there A. souls Mic. 7. 2. they A. every man his brother with a not 245 HUS HUNTED. Ezek. 13. 21. no more in your hand A. HUNTER, S. Gen. 10. 9. he was a mighty A. before L. even as Nimrod the mighty lu 25. 27. Esau was a cunning A. Prov. 6. 5. as a roe from band of A. Jer. 16. 16. and after I send for A. HUNTEST, ETH. Lev. 17. 13. A. andcatcheth any beast 1 Sa?n. 24. II. yet thou A. my soul Job 10. 16. thou A. me as fierce lion HUNTING. Gen. 27. 30. Esau brother rame fr. 4. Prov. 12. '27. roasteth not took in A. HURL, ETH, I KG. Num. 35. i0. A. at him by lying wait 1 Chr. 12. 2. right hand and left in A, Job 27. 21. as a stone A. him out HURT, Substantive. Gen. 4. 23. slain young man to my A. ■26. 29. that thou wilt do us no A. 31. 29. in power of my hand to do A. ISa?« .2,0.21. peace to thee, and no A. 24. 9. behold, David seeketh thy A. 2 Sam. 18. 32. all that rise to do A. 2 Kin. 14. 10. for wbvshouldst thou meddle to thy A..? 2 Chr. 25. 19. Ezra 4. ^2. damage to A- of kings ? Psal. 15. 4. that sweareth to his A. 35. 4. that devise my A. 70. 2. 26. ashamed that rejoice at my A. 38. 12. seek my A. speak mischiev. 41. 7. aga. me do they devise my A. 71.13. covered wi. reproach seek A. 24. brouaht to shame seek my A. Eccl. 5. 13. ri< lies for owners to A. 8. 9. ruleth over another to his A. Jer. 6. 14. have healed A. of peo.8.1 1. 7. 6. neither walk after gods to A: 8. 21. for A. of my people am I A. 10. 19. woe is rae for my A. 25. 6. and I will do you no A. 7. ye provoke me to your own h. 38. 4. not welfare of peo. but the A. Ban. 3. 25. ha. no h. \\ 6.22. done no A. 6. 23. no manner of h. found on him Acts 27. 10. this voyaae be with A. HURT, participle. Exod. 22. 10. if a beast be A. 14. \ Sam.'ibAb. men good and we' not 7u Eccl. 10. 9. removeth stones sh. be A. Jer. 8.21. for A. of my people am I A. Rev. 2. 11. not he h. of second death HURT, Verb. '' Gera.31.7. G. suffer. Firm not to A. me Exod. 21. 22. arid A. woman wi. child 35. if one man's ox A. another's 1 Sam. ?5. 7. thy shepherds we A. not Jo b 35. 8. wickedness may A. a man Ps. R>5. 18. whose feet A. wi. fetters Isa. 11. 9. they shall not A. nor de. stroy in my holy mount 65. 25. 27. 3. lest any A. it, I will keep it Dan. 6. 22. the lions have not A. me Mark 16. 18. it shall not A. them LukeL3b. out of him, and A. him not Acts 18. 10. no man set on thee to A. Rev. 6. 6. see thou A. not the oil 7. 2. wjts given to A. earth and sea 3. saying, A. not earth, neither sea 9. 4. should not A. grass of earth 10. l,heir power was to A. men 19. heads, and with them they A. 11.5. if any A. them, fire proceedeth HURTFUL. ' P.?. 144. 10. deliver. David fr. A. sword 1 Tim. 6. 9. rich fall into h. lusts HURTING. 1 Sam. 25. 34 L. kept me fr. A. theo HUSBAND. F.xnd. 4. 25. a Moody 7». art thou, 26. Lev. 19. 20. /ieth wiili woman be- trothed to a A. Deut. 22. 27X HHS Lev. 21. 3. may be defiled for sister who had no h. Ezek. 44. 25. Num. 30. 6. if she had at all an h Dent. 22.22. vvi. woman married to h. 24. 3. if the latter h. hate her or die 4. former h. may not take heraga. 25. 5. duty of a h. brother to her 28. 56. eye shall be evil toward h. Ruth 1. 12. 1 am too old to have h. Jer. 6. 11. h. with wife sha. be taken 31. 32. although I was an h. to them Joel. !. 8. girded wi. sackcloth for h. Luke 2. 36. lived with h. seven years John 4. 17. have no h. hast well said Rom. 7. 2. h. dead she is loosed, 3. 1 Cor. 7. 3. h. render to wife due be- nevolence, likewise wife to h. 4. h. hath not power of own body 11. let not h. put away his wife 14. unbelieving h. is sanctified by wife, and wife sanctified by h. 2 Cor. 11. 2. espoused you to one h. Gal. 4.27. more child, than she hath h. Eph. 5. 23. the h. is head of wife 1 Tim. 3. 2. h. of one wife, Tit. 1. 6. Her HUSBAND. Gen. 3. 6. Eve eat fruit, gave to h. h. Lev. 21. 7. woman put away fr. h. h. Num. 5. 29. to another instead of A. h. 30. 7. h. h. heard it, and held peace, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Deut. 25. o. h. h. bro. go in unto her huth 1. 9. rest you in house of h. h. y. 1. Naomi had kinsman of her h. 1 Sam. 1. 22. said to h. h. I will not jjo 2. 19. when she came up with h. h. 2 Sa?n. 1 1. 26. wife of Uriah heard h. h. was dead, she mourned for h. h. 2 Kin. 4. 14. hath no child, h. h. old Fro. 12.4. virtuous wife crown to h.h. 31. 11. heartof h. h. doth trustin her 23. her h. is known in the gates 28. h. h. riseth up andpraiseth her Jer. 3 20. as wife departeth fr. h. h. Ezek. 16.32. strangers instead of h. h. 45. loatheth her h. and children Hos. 2. 2. not my wife, neither I h. h. Mat. 1. 19. Joseph her h. being just Luke 16. 18. marr. her away fr. h. h. Acts 5. 1C. buried her by her h. Rom. 7. 2. is bound by law to herh. 3. h. h. dead, she is free from law 1 Cor. 7. 2. ev. woman have h. own h. 10. let not wife depart from h. h. 1 1, unmar. or be reconciled to h. h. 34. rareth how she may please h. h. 39. bound as long as herh. liveth Eph. 5. 33. that wife reverence h. h. Rm. 21. 2. as bride adorned for h. h. My HUSBAND. Gen. 29. 32. now my h. will love me 34. now will myh. be joined to me 3'i. 18. 1 have given maiden to m. h. 20. now will my h. dwell with me Deut. 25. 7. my A. brother refuseth 2 Sam. 14. 5. I am a widow, my h. is dead, 2 Kin. 4. 1. Hot. 2. 7. go and return to my first A. Thy HUSBAND. Gen.. 3. 16. thy desire shall be to t. h. Num. 5. 19. anot. instead of t. h. 20. Judg. 14. 15. said to wife, entice t. h. 8 Kin. 4. 26. is it well with thy h.? Isa. 54. 6. thy Maker is thy h. Acts 6. 9. them that have buried t. h. 1 Cor. 7. 16. thou shalt save thy h. HUSBANDMAN. Gen. fe. 20. Noah began to be an h. Jer. 51. 23. will break in pieces the h. A mot 5. 16. sh. call h. to mourning Zeoh. 13. 5. lam no prophet, am a A. John 15. I. 1 true vine, Father is h. 8 Tim. 2. 6. the h. that laboureth Jnm. 6. 7. h. waiteth for fruit of earth YS HUSBANDMEN. 2 Kin. 25. 12. he left of the poor to be h, Jer. 52. 16. Jer. 31. 24. shall dwell in Judah h. Joel 1. 11. be ashamed ye h. howl Mat. 21. 33. he let it out to h. Mark 12. 2. Luke 20. 9. 34. sent his servants to h. Mark 12. 2. Luke 20. 10. 38. when h. saw the son, Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. 40. what, will he do to those h.? 41. let out vineyard to other h. Mark 12. 2. he might receive fr. h. 9. HUSBANDRY. 2 Chr. 26. 10. Uzziali loved h. 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's h. ye are HUSBANDS. Ruth 1. 11. they may be your 7i.? 13. stay for them from having h.? Esth. 1. 17. despise h. in their eyes 20. wives give to their h. honour Ezek. 16. 45. loathed h. and children John 4. 18. thou hast had five h. 1 Cor. 14. 35. ask their h. at home Eph. 5. 22. wives submit to h. 24. 25. h. love your wives, Col. 3. 19. Col. 3. 18. wives, submit to own h. I Tim. 3. 12 deacons h. of one wife Tit. 2. 4. teach women to love h. 5. be obedient to their own h. 1 Pet. 3. 1. be in subjection to own h. 7. ye/i. dwell with them according HUSK, S. Num. 6. 4. kernels even to the h. 2 Kin. 4. 42. full ears of corn in h. Luke 15. 16. fain filled belly with h. HYMN, S. Mat. 26. 30. when they had sung an h. Mark 14. 26. Eph. 5. 19. speaking in psalms and h. Col. 3. 16. admonish, in psalms and h, HYPOCRISY, IES. Isa. 32. 6. iniquity, to practise h. Mat. 23 28. within ye are full of A. ark 12. 15. he knowing their h. Luke 12. 1. leaven of Pharisees, is 7*. 1 Tim. 4. 2. speaking lies in h. 1 Pet. 2. 1. aside all malice and h. Jam. 3. 17. wisdom pure without h. HYPOCRITE. Joh 8. 13. the h. hope shall perish 13. 16. h. shall not come before him 17. 8. innocent stir up against h. 20. 5. joy of h. is but for a moment 27. 8. what is the hope of the h. 34. 30. that the h. reign not, lest Prov. II. 9. h. with mouth destroy Isa. 9. 17. for every one is an h. Mat. 5. 7. thou h. first cast out beam Luke 6. 42. thou h. cast beam out of 13. 15. h. doth not each loose ox? HYPOCRITES. Job 15. 34. congregation of h. desol. 36. 13. h. in heart heap up wrath Isa. 33. 13. fearfulness surprised h. Mat. 6. 2. not sound trumpet, as A. do 5. prayest, thou shalt not be as h. 16. when ye fast, be not as the h. 15. 7. ye h. well did Esaias pro- phesy, Mark 7. 6. 16.3. O h. ye discern face of sky, but not signs of times ? Luke 12. 56. 22. 18. said, why tempt ye me, ye h. 23. 13. Pharisees, h. ye shut kingd. against men, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29. 24. 51. appoint him portion with A. LukeW. 44. scribes and Pharisees, A. HYPOCRITICAL. Ps, 35. 16. with h. mockers in feasts Isa. 10. 6. send him against A. nation HYSSOP. Exod. 12. 22. bunch of h. and dip it XcW. 14. 4. scarlet and h. 6, 49, 51,52. 24ti IDO Num. 19. 6. cast A. into midst of 18. person take h. dip it in watel 1 Kin. 4. 33. cedar-tree, even unto/t, Ps. 51. 7. purge with h. I sh. be clean John 19. 29. filled sponge put it on A. Heb. 9. 19. blood with A. sprinkled I Exod. 3. 14. I AM, THAT I AM. Deut. 32. 39. I, even I, am he Isa. 41. 4. / the Lord, the first, I am he, 43. 11, 25. [God, 43. 5^ 10. 7 am with thee, for I am thy Mat. 26. 22. began to say, L. is it 1 1 ICE. Job 6. 16. blackish by reason oft. 38. 29. out of whose womb camej'.f' Psal. 147. 17. he casteth forth his f IDLE. Exod. 5. 8. be i. therefore they cry 17. but he said, ye are i. ye are i. Prov. 19. 15. i. soul sh. suffer hunger Mat. 12. 36. every*, word men speak 20. 3. standing i. in market-place, 6- Luke 24. 11. words seemed as i. tales 1 Tim. 5. 13. withal they learn to bet. IDLENESS. Prov. 31. 27. eateth not bread of i. Eccl. 10. 18. through »'. ho. dioppetb Ezek. 16. 49. abundance of i. in her IDOLATER, S. 1 Cor. 5. 10. with the covetous or t. 11. any called a brother be an i. 6. 9. i. not inherit kingdom of God 10. 7. neither be i. as some were Eph. 5. 5. who is i. hath any inherit. Rev. 21. 8. i. have part in the lake 22. 15. murderers and i. and liars IDOLATRY, IES. 1 Sam. 15. 23. is as iniquity and i. Acts 17. 16. city wholly given to L 1 Cor. 10. 14 beloved, flee from i. Gal. 5. 20. the works of the flesh u Col. 3. 5. covetousness, which is t. 1 Pel. 4. 3. walked in abominable i; IDOLATROUS. IKin. 23.5. Josiah put down »*. priests IDOL, Adjective. Zech. 11. 17. woe to the i. shepherd IDOL. \Kin. 15. 13. she made an i. in grove„ 2 Chron. 15. 16. 2 Chr. 33. 7. he set i. in house of G. Isa. 48. 5. lest say, my i. hath done 66. 3. incense as if he blessed an i. Jer. 22.28. is this Coniah a broken i. ? Acts 7. 41. offered sacrifice to the i. 1 Cor. 8. 4. i. nothing in world, 10.19, 7. some with conscience of the i. IDOLS. iey.19.4. turn not to t.(| 26. make no i. 26. 30. cast your carcases on your u. Deut. 29. 17. ye have seen their i. 1 Sam. 31. 9. publish it in house of i. 1 Kin. 15. 12. Asa removed the !. 21.26. Ahab did abomin. in follow. *. 2 Kings 17. 12. for thev served L. 2 Chron. 24. 18. 21. 11. made Judah to sin wi. his i.. 23. 24. the i. that were spied in land 1 Chr. 10. 9. carry tidings to their t. 16. 26. all gods of the people are i. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Asa put i. out of Judak 34. 7. Josiah cut down afl i. in Isra Psal. 96. 5. all gods of nations are L 97. 7. they that boast themsel. of i. 106. 36. and they served their »'. 115. 4. i. are silver and gold, 135.15* Isa. 2. 8. land is full of i. worship 18. i. he shall utterly abolish 20. shall cast away his i. 31. 7. 10. 11. as I done to Samaria and her i. so do to Jerus. and her 1SL Isa. 19. 1. i. of Egypt shall be moved 3. seek to i. and to the charmers 45. 16. makers of i. go to confusion 4'>. 1. their t. were on the beasts 57. 5. inflaming yourselves with *■ Jer. 50. 2. her ?'. are confounded 38. and they are mad upon their ?'. Ezek. 6. 6. your i. may be broken 9. which go a whoring after their i. 13. theydii! offer savour to their i. 8. 10 I saw all the i. of Israel 14. 3. set up their i. in heart, 4. 7. 6. turn yourselves from your i. 16. 36. with i. of thy abomination 18. 6. nor lift eyes to i. of Isr. 12,15. 20. 7. defile not yourselves wi. t. 18. 16. heart after i. || 24. eyes after *'. 31. ye pollute yourselves with your I. to this day, 22. 4. | 23. 7, 30, 37. 39. pollute my name no more wi.?. 22. 3. the city maketh i. aga herself 23. 39. slain their children to their i. 4.0. ye shall bear the sins of your i. 30. 13. I will destroy ?'. and cause 36. 25. from t. cleanse you, 37. 23. 44. 10. went astray from me after *. 12. they ministered before their i. Hos. 4. 17. Ephraim is joined to i. 8. 4. of silver and gold they made t. 14. 8. what have I to do with i. Hie. 1. 7. the i. will I lay desolate Hab. 2. 18. trusteth to roakedumbt. Zech. 10. 2. for t. have spoken vanity 13. 2. I will cut off names of the i. Acts 15. 20. abstain fr. pollutions of?. 29. abstain fr. meats offered t.21. 25. Rom. 2. 22. thou that abhorrest i. 1 Cor. 8.1. as touching things offered toe. 4, 10. | 10.19,28.^ey.2.14,20. 12. 2. Gentiles carried to dumb ?'. 2Cor. 16. 6. agreementof G. with j.? 1 Thess. 1. 9. ye turned to God fr. i. 1 John 5. 21. keep yourselves from i. Rev. 9. 20. not worship devils and ?. IGNOMINY. Prov. 18. 3. and with i. reproach IGNORANCE. Lev. 4. 2. if a soul shall sin through »'. 5. 15. Num. 15. 24, 27, 28, 29. 13. congregat. sin thro'?. || 22.ruler 27. if the people sin through »'. Num. 15.25. forgiven them, for it is i. Acts'i.M. I wot that thro' t. ye did it 17. 30. times of i. God winked at Eph. 4. )8. alienated thro'?', in them 1 Pet. 1. 14. according to lusts in t. 2.15. put to silence i. of foolish men IGNORANT. Psal. 73. 22. and i. I was as a beast Isa. 56. 10. all i. they are all dumb 63. 16. though Abraham be i. of us Acts4?.\3. perceived they were?', men Horn. 1. 13. now I would not have you i. brethren, \Cor. 10. 1. I 12 1. 2 Cor. 1. 8. 1 Thess. 4. 13. 10. 3. beintr i. of G.'s righteousness 11. 25. slinuld be i. of this mystery I Cor. 14. 38. any man t. let him be »'. 2 Cor. 2. 11. not i. of Satan's devices Heb. 5. 2. have compassion on the* Pet. 3. 5. this they willingly are i. 8. but be not ?'. of this one thing' 1GNORANTLY. ' Num. 15. 28. atone soul sinneth t. Deut. 19. 4. whoso killeth neighb. •'. Acts 17. 23. ye ?'. worship I declare 1 Tim. 1. 13. because I did it ISLAND. Job 22. 30. deliver the i. of innocent Isa. 34. 14. meet wild beasts of the ?'. Acts 27. 16. running under certain ?'. 26. we must be east on a certain i. 28. 1. knew the?', was called Melita 7. possessions of chief man of the i. IMA Acts28. 9. WftO nad diseases in ?'. heal. /lev. 6. 14. every ?'. was moved out 16. 20. every i. fled away, inounta. ISLANDS. Isa. 11. 11. receive peop. fr. f. of sea 13. 22. wild beasts of the ?'. sh. cry 41. 1. keep silence before me, O i. 42. 12. declare Lord's praise in i. 15. make rivers i. and dry up pools 59. 18. the i. he wi'.! payrecompen. Jer. 50. 39. wild beasts of t. dwell ISLE. Isa. 20. 6. the inhabitants of the t. 23. 2 be still, inhabitants of the i. 6. howl, ye inhabitants of the »'. Acts 13. 6. gone through t. to Paphos 28. 11. ship which wintered in the?. Rev,. 1. 9. I was in ?'. called Patmos ISLES. Gen. 10. 5. these were i. of Gentiles Esth. 10. 1. Ahas. laid a tribute on i. Ps. 72. 10. kings of i. bring presents 97. 1. let multitudes of *'. be glad Isa. 24. 15. glorify the Lord in the i. 40. 15. taketh up ?'. as a little thing 41. 5. the t. saw it and feared 42. 4. the t. shall wait for his law 49. 1. listen, O t*. unto me [60. 9. 51. 5. t. sh. wait upon me and trust, 66. 19. t. afar off not heard my fam*> Jer. 2. 10. pass over the?, of Chittim 25. 22. kings oft. drink after them Ezek.26. 15. sh. not?', shake at sound? 26. 18. i. tremble, i. sh. be troubled 27. 3. merchant of peo. for many i. 6. brought out of ?'. of Chittim 7. blue and purple fr. i. of Elisha 15. many i. were merchandise 35. inhabitants of t. be astonished 39. 6. that dwell carelessly in the ?'. Dan. 11. 18. he sh. turn his face to i. Zeph. 2. 11. i. of heathen sh. worship ILL. Gew.41.3. kine came ?.-fav.4,19,20,2). 43. 6. why dealt you sot. with me ? Deut. 15. 21. hath any i. blemish Psal 106. 32 it went i. with Moses Isa. 3. 1 1. woe to wicked, it sh. be t. Joel 2. 20. his i. savour sh. come up Rom. 13. 10. love worketh no i. ILL, or evil favouredness. Deut.MA. notsacririce sheep where- in is tilemish or i.-f. ILLUMINATED. Heb. 10. 32. after ye ?. endured fight IMAGE. Gen. 1. 26. let us make man in our t. after our likeness, 27. | 9. 6. 5. 3. a son in his own i. after his i. Lev. 26. 1. nor rear up a standing »'. Deut. 16. 22. 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michael took an i. 2 Chr. 33. 7. set carved i. in house G. Job 4. 16. t. was before mine eyes Psal. 73. 20. shalt despise their i. Ezek. 8. 3. there was the seat oft. 5. Dan. 2. 31. great i. stood before thee 35. stone smote i. became mount. 3.1. Nebuchadnezzar made?', of gold 5. worship the golden i. 10. 15. Hos. 3. 4. Isr. sh. abide without an i. Mat. 22. 20. said to them, whose is this i. ? Mark 12. 16. Luke 20. 24. Acts 19. 35. i. which fell fr. Jupiter Rom. 1. 23. changed glory of G. tot. 8. 29. be conformed to ». of his Son 11. 4. bowed the knee to t. of Baal 1 Cor. 1 1. 7. he is i. and glory of G. 15. 49. we have borne i. of earthy 2 Cor. 3. 18. changed into the same »'. 4. 4. Christ, is ». of Cod, Col. 1. 1ft. Col. 3.10. after t. of him that created Heb. 1. 3. express i. of his person 10. 1. not the very t of things _T 4 I MM Rev. 13. 14. make an i. to the opasl 15. give life to the i. of beast 14. 9. if any man worship i. of beast 11. have no rest, who worship ?'. 15. 2. victory over beast and his i, 16. 2. sore fell on them that wors. t. 19. 20. he deceived them th. wors. t. 20. 4. not worship, beast nor his *. See Graven. IMAGE-ww/fc. 2 Chr. 3. 10. made 2 cherubims ».-«*. Molten IMAGE. Deut. 9. 12. they made them a m. i. Psal. 106. 19. and worshipped m. t. Jer. 10. 14. his m. i. is falseh. 51. 17. Hab. 2. 18. what profiteth the m. t. IMAGES. Gen. 31. 19. stolen her fa.'s I 34. 35 Exod. 23.24. thou shalt break their 34. 13. Dmt. 7. 5. Num. 33. 52. Lev. 26. 30. I will cut down your t. 1 Sam.H.b. i. of emerods and mice, 1 1. 1 Kin. 14.9. hast made t. to prov. m« 23. built high places, i. and groves 2 Kin. 10. 26. they brought i. out 11.18. »'. brake in pieces, 18.4. | 23.14. 17. 10. set up i. || 16. they made t. 23. 24. Josiah put away i. in land Isa. 17. 8. sh. not look to groves or », 27. 9. groves and ?'. sh. not stand up 30. 22. ye sh. defile ornament oft. Al. 29. their molten *. are wind Jer. 43. 13. break i. of Beth-shemesh 50. 2. her i. are broken in pieces Ezek. 6. 4. and your «. sh. be broken 6. that your i. may be cut down 7. 20. they made i. of abominations 16. 17. madest to thyself t. of men 21. 21. king of Babylon consulted t. 23. 14. ?'. of Chaldeans pourtrayed 3C. 13. I will cause their t. to ce^ao Hos. 10. 1. they have made goodly i. 2. break their altars, spoil their *'. 13 2. they have made i. of silver Amos 5. 26. borne tabern. of your t. Mic. 5. 13. standing i. will leut off IMAGERY. Ezek. 8. 12. ev. man in chamber of i. IMAGINE. Job 6. 26. do ye i. to reprove words? 21. 27. devices ye wrong, i. aga. me Ps. 2. 1. why do peo» i. vain thing '{ 38. 12. and?', deceits all day long 62. 3. how long will ye ?'. mischief 140. 2. i. mischiefs in their heart Prov. 12. 20. deceit in them th. j. evil Hos. "i. 15. yet do thoy j. mischief Nah. 1. 9. what do ye i. aga. the L.? Zech. 7. 10. let none i. evil, 8. 17. Acts 4.25. why do peo. i. vain things? IMAGINATION, S. Gen. 6. 5. ev. i. of his heart was evil 8. 22. the i. of man's heart is evil Deut. 29. 19. tho' 1 walk in i. of heart 31. 21. for 1 know their t. wh. they 1 Chr. 28. 9. L. understands all the » 29. 18. keep this in t. of heart Prov.fi. 18. heart th. deviseth wick, i Jer. 23. 17. ev. one walketh after ». Lam. 3. 60. hast seen t. against me fil. hast heard their i. against me Luke 1. 51. scattered the proud in t Rom. 1. 21. became vain in their t. 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down i. See Heart. IMAGINED, ETH. Gen. 11. 6. nothing restrain, they i. Psal. 10. 2. taken in devices they »'. 21. 11. they i. mischievous device Nah. 1. 11. one t. evil aga. the Lor.l IMMEDIATELY. Mat. 26. 74. t. the cock crew, Luks 22. 60. John 18. 27. Mark 1. 31. and i. the fever left her IMP Mnrli 4.15. Sat. cometh i. and taVeth J.n. 6. 49. i. it fell || 8. 44. i. staunched 10. 11. kingdom of God i. appear John 5. 9. and i. man was whole Acts 12. 23. i. angel of L. smote him 16. 26. ?'. all the doors were opened Gal. 1. 16. J. conferred not \vi. flesh Rev. 4. 2. and it. 1 was in the Spirit IMMORTAL. 1 Tim. 1. 17. King" eternal, t. invisi. IMMORTALITY. Rom. 2. 7 to them who seek for i. 1 Car. 15. 53. mortal must put on t. 54. this mortal shall have put on i. \ Tim. 6. 1G. hath i. dwelling in light Tim. 1. 10. who brought i. to light IMMUTABLE. Heb. 6. 19. that by t\v»t. things IMMUTABILITY. Ileb. 6. 17. the »'. of his counsel IMPART, EO. Job 39. 17. nor »'. to her understand. Luke 3. II. him i. to him hath none Hum. I. 11. may a. some spiritual gift 1 T/te?. 2. 8 willing to have i. souls IMPEDIMENT. Mark 7. 32. one had i. in his speech IMPENITENT. £02/1. 2. 5. Thou, after thy i. heart IMPERIOUS. Ezek. 16. 30. work of an ». woman IMPLACABLE. /?n«. 1. 31. without affection, »*. IMPLEAD. Acts 19. 38. let them i. one another IMPORTUNITY. Luke 11. 8. because of his i. he will IMPOSE, ED. Ezra". 24. not be lawful to i. toll lle'n. 9. 10. carnal ordinances i. on IMPOSSIBLE. ' Mat. 17. 20. nothing be i. unto you 19. 26. with men is i. Mark 10. 27. Luke 18. 27. Luke 1. 37. with G. nothing?'. 18. 27. 17. 1. it is i. but offences will come Heb. 6. 4. i. for those enlightened IS. in which it was i. for G. to lie 11. 6. without faith i. to please God IMPOTENT. John 5. 3. lay a multitude of i. folk Acts 4. 9. good deed done to i. man 14. 8. man at Lvstra, i. in his feet IMPOVERISH, ED. ,'v.dg. 6. 6. Israel was greatly i. /../. 40 . 20. he that is so ». chooseth Jfi: 5. 17. they shall i. fenced cities \!tii. 1. 4. Edom saith, we are *. but IMPRISONED. .iris 22. 19. that I «'. and beat them I MPRISONMENT, S. Ezra 7. 26. death, banishment or »'. > Cm: G. 5. approving in stripes, in i. lid. 11. 36. of moekings, bonds, t. IMPUDENT. Prop. 7. 13. wi. t. face she said to him '-ize/c. 2. 4. for they are i. children 3. 7. house of Is. i. and hard-hearted IMPUTE, ED. Lev. 7. 18. nor shall it be i. to him 17. 4. blood shall be i. to that man 1 Sam. 22. 15. let not king a. any thing 2 Sai/i- 19 19. not my lord t. iniquity Rom. 4. 8. to whom L. will note, sin 11. righteousness maybe i. to them 21. therefore it was i. to him for righteousness, 23. Jam. 2. 23. 24. to whom itsh. be i if we believe 5. 13. sin not i. when there is no law IMPUTEI'H, ING. Psal. 32. 2. whom L. t. not iniquity llali. 1. 1 1, i. his power to his god hem. 4. 6. to wnom G. t. righteous. 2 Cor. 5. 19. not i. trespasses to them INC INASMUCH. Mat. 25. 40. :'. as hav. done it to one 45. i. as ve did it not to one ' INCENSE. Exod. 30. 8. shall burn perpetual i. 9. ye shall offer no strange i. 37. 29. made pure i. of sweet spices 40. 5. altar of gold for i. before ark T,er. 10. 1. took censer, putt, thereon 16. 13. put i. on fire before the Lord Niim. 7. 14. one spoon full of i. &G. 16.35. fire consumed 250 men offer, t. 46. Moses said to Aaron, put on i. 47. he put on i. and made atonem. Dent. 33. 10. shall putt, before thee 2 Chr. 30. 14. altars oft. took away 34. 25. and burned i. to other gods Psal. 66. 15. offer to thee i. of rams 141. 2. prayer set before thee as i. Isa. 1. 13 i. is an abomination tome 43. 23. have not wearied thee with t. 60. 6. shall bring gold and t. 65. 3. burnetii i. on altars of brick 66. 3. burnetii i. as if he blessed idol Jer. 6. 20. why cometh i. fr. Sheba? ! 1. 17. provoke to anger, offering »'. 41. 5. offerings and i. in their hand 48.35. him that bur neth i. to his gods Ez INH It-am. 32. 17. in cities be ea. of i. of I. Josh, 2. 9. all the i. of the land faint 7. 9. all the i. of I. shall hear of it 9. 24. to destroy all i. of I. fr. before Jer. 1. 14. an evil sh. break on t. of I, 10. 18. I will fling out i. of I. at once 47. 2. and all the i. of I. shall howl Has. 4. 1. L. hath contro. wi. i. of I. Joel 2. 1. let the *. of the I. tremble Zeeh. 1 1. 6. I will no more pity i. of I. INHABITED. Exod. 16. 35. till they came to land i. Lev. 16. 22. iniquities to a land not i. Tsa. 13. 20. it shall never be i. 44. 20. saith to Jeru. thou shalt be **. 45. 18. he formed earth to be i. 54. 3. make desolate cities to be i. Jer. 6. 8. lest 1 make thee land not i. 17. 0. inhabit in a salt land and not i. 22. 6. I will make thee cities not i. 46 26. it shall be i. as in days of old 50. 13. sh. not be i. ||39. no more i. Ezek. 12.20. cities i. sh. be laid waste 29. 11. nor shall it be t. forty years 3(5. 10. cities i. and wastes builded 38. 12. upon desolate places now i. Zeeh. 2. 4. Jerusalem be i. as towns 12. 6. Jerusalem shall be i. again 14. 10. lifted up, and i. in her place 1 1. but Jerusalem shall be safely i. INHABITERS. Rev. 8. 13. woe, woe, to i. of earth i2. 12. woe to i. of earth and of sea INHABITEST, ETH. Job 15. 28. dwell, in houses no man *. Ps. 22. 3. O, thou th. i. praises of Is. Isa. 57. 15. lofty One that i. eternity INHABITING. Ps. 74. 14. meat to peo. i. wilderness INHERIT. Gen. 15. 8. sh. 1 know thatlsh. i. it? K.rod. 32. 13. they shall i. it for ever Num. 18. 24. given it to Levitesto i. 32. 19. not ?'. on yonder side Jordan Dent. 1. 38. he sh. cause Isr. to i. it 21. 1G. maketh his sons to ?'. what Judg. 11. 2. sh. nott. in fa.'s house 1 Sam. 2. 8. i. the throne of glory Ps. 25. 13. his seed shall i. the earth 37.9. that wait on L. sh. i. the earth 1 1. meek sh. i. the earth, Mat. 5. 5. 22. blessed of him shall*', the earth 69. 36. seed of his servants sh. i. it 82. 8. O G. thou shalt i. all nations Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall i. glory 8.21. those who love me i. substance 11. 29. troubleth own house, i. wind 14. 18. the simple i. folly Isa. 49. 8. to i. the desolate h a r jt ages 54. 3. and thy seed sh. i. Gentiles 65. 9. and mine elect shall t. it /rr.49.1. why doth their king*. Gad? lech. 2. 12. the Lord shall i. Judah 'Mat. 19. 29. and sh. t. everlasting life 25.34. come i. the kingdom prepared Mark 10. 17. that 1 may i. eternal life, Luke 10. 25. | 18. 18. 1 Cor. 6. 9. unrighte. nott'. kingd. G. 10. neither extortion, i. Gal. 5. 21. 5. 50. flesh and blood cannot i. the kingd. of G.nor corruption i. incor. Heb.fi.V2. who thro' faith i. promises 3 Pet. 3. 9. that ye should i. blessing Rev. 21. 7. he that overcom. i. things INHERIT land. Gen. 28. 4. that thou mayest i. land Sum. .'14. 13. this is the land yesh. i. l)ent. 2. 3i. that thou mayest »'. bis /. 16. -M. i. I. the L. giveth thee, 19.3. I's. 37. 29. the righteous sh. *'. the /. 34. and be sh. exalt thee to?', the /. '«*. 60. 21 thev sh. i. the /. for ever INHi-.'Rt I'ANCE. n. -1 i» ilii if any i. for as? Exod. 15. 17. plant them in thine i. Lev. 25. 46. take them as i for ever Num. 18. 20. have no ». I am thine i. 27. 8. cause his i. to pass to daught. ° »'. to brethren || 10. father's breth. ?n. 19. our i. is fallen on this side, 32. | 34. 15. 34. 18. to oivide the land by i. 36. 3. put to the i. of the tribe, 4. 9. nor i. remove fr. one tribe to Deut. 4. 20. a people of i. as ve are 9. 26. destroy not i. || 29. are thy »'. 32. 9. Jacob is the lot of his »'. Josh. 13.14. sacrifi. of L. their i. 18.7 33. the L. G. of Israel was their »'. 24. 28. people depart, every man to his i. Judg. 2. 6." | 21. 24. Ruth 4. 6. not redeem i. mar mine i 1 Sam. 10.1. anointed thee over bis i. 26. 19. fr. abiding in i. of the Lord 2 Sam. 20. 1. neither have we i. in son of Jesse, 1 Kings 12. 16. 21. 3. ye may bless *'. of the Lord 1 Kin. 8. 51. be thy peo. and thy i. 53. Neh. 11. 20. in cities, ev. one in his?'. Job 31. 2. what i. of the Almighty ? Ps. 16. 5. L. is the portion of mine i. 28. 9. bless thine i. || 33. 12. cho. for i. 37. 18. and their i. shall be forever 47. 4. he shall choose our i. for us 68. 9. thou didst confirm thine i. 71. 2. thine ;'. thou hast redeemed 78. 62. and was wroth with his i. 71. brought him to feed Isr. his i. 79.1. heathen are come into thine i. 94. 14. neither will he forsake his i. 105. II. Canaan, the lot of your i. 106. 5. that I may glory wi. thine i. 40. that he abhorred his own i. Prov. 13. 22. a good man leaveth i. 17. 2. part oft. among the brethren 19.14. houses and riches i. of fathers 20. 21. an i. may be gotten hastily Eccl. 7. 1 1. wisdom is good with an i. Isa. 19. 25. blessed be Israel mine i. 47. 6. I have polluted mine i. 63.17. for servants' sake, tribes i. Jer. 10. 16. Isr. rod of his i. 51. 19. 32. 8. for right of i. is thine Lain. 5. 2. our »". turned to strangers Ezek. 44. 28. to them for i. I am th. i. 46. 16. the i. shall be his son's, 17. 18. not take people's i. by oppres. Mat. 21. 38. and let us seize on his?'. Mark 12. 7. ». sh. be ours, Lu. 20.14. Luke 12. 13. he divide the *'. with me Acts 20.31. give you i. amo. sanctified 26.18. i. amo. them sanctifi. by faith Gal. 3. 18. if the i. be of the law Eph. 1. 1 1. in whom we obtained i. 14, which is the earnest of our i. 18. the riches of the glory of bis i. 5. 5. hath any i. in kingdom of Ch. CoL 1.12. partakers of the *'. of saints 3. 24. ye sh. receive the reward of i. Ueb. 1.4. he hath by i. obtained name 9. 15. receive promise of eternal i. 1 Pet. 1. 4. begotten i. incorruptible For INHERITANCE. Exod. 34. 9. and take us for thine i. Num. 18. 21. teath in Is./ an i. 26. Hi. 25. the land shall be divided for an I 33. 54. | 34. 2. j 36. 2. Deut. 4. 21, 38. | 15. 4 | 19. 10. Josh. 13. 6, 7, 32. | 14. 1. | 19. 49, 51. Ezek. 45. 1. | 47. 22. | 48. 29. Deut. 20. 16. the Lord doth give thee for an i. 21. 23. | 24. 4. | 25. 19. | 26. I. Josh. II. 23. | 13. 6. | 14. 13. 1 Kin. 8.36. 2Chr. 6.27. Jer. 3.18. Psal. 2. 8. give thee the heathen/, i. Ezek. S3. 24. land is given us/, an i. 47. 14. land sh. fall to you/ an i. Heb. 1 1.8. a place hesho. receive/ i. 250 INI No or none 1NHERITA SCH. Num. 18. 20. thou shalt have i... i 23.24. | 26.62. Deut. 10.9. ( K:7. 29. | 18.1,2. Josh. 13.14,33. | li * 2 Chr. 10. 16. we have no t. in son Acts 7. 5. he cave him nvne i. in it INHERITANCES. Josh. 19. 51. the i. Joshua divided INHERITED, ETH. Num. 32. 18 not return till Israel 35. 8. to his inheriting svhich hei Psal. 105. 44. i. labour of the people Jer. 16. 19. surely our fathers i. lbs Ezek. 33. 24. Abraham i. the land Heb. 12. 17. would have i. blessing INHERITOR. Isa. 65. s. out of Judah t. of mount. See Enjoy, Enjoin. INIQUITY. Gen. 15. 16. the i. of the Amontes 19. 15. lest thou be consumed in ». 44. 16. G. hath found out i. of serv Exod. 20. 5. visiting the i. of father' upon the children, 34.7 Num. 14 18. Deut. 5. 9. [_Nu?n. 14. 18 34.7. forgiving i. and transgression Lev. 18. 25. therefore do I visit the »' Num. 5. 10. bringing*, to remembr. 31. the man be guiltless from ». 23. 21. not beheld i. in Jacob Deut- 32. 4 a G. of truth without i. Josh. 22. 17. is i. of Peor too little ? 1 Sam. 3. 14. *. of Eli's not purged 15. 23. and stubbornness is as i. 20. 8. if there be in me i. slay me 25. 24. on me let t. be, 2 Sam. 14. 9. 2 Sam. 14. 32. if there be i. in me 19. 19. let not L. impute i. to me 24. 10. to take away »'. of thy ser- vant, 1 Chron. 21.8. 2 Chr. 19. 7. there is no i. with Lord Job 4. 8. they that plow t. reap same 5. 16. and »'. stoppeth her mouth 6. 29. I pray you, let it not be i. 30. is there ?'. in my tongue ? 11.6. G. exact, less than i. deserv. 14. if i. be in thy hand, put it away 15. 5. thy mouth uttereth thine i. 16. filthy is man which drinketb /'. 22. 23. put away i. from thy tabci. 31.11. i. to be punish, byjudges, iM. 33. 9. innocent, nor is there j. in t:ie 34.32. if 1 have done i. I will do i.c 36. 21. take heed, regard not i. 23. who can say, thou wrought ».? Ps. 7. 3. O L. if be i. in my hands 14. behold, he travaileth with i. 32. 2. to whom L. imputeth not i 5. thou forgavest *. of my sin 30. 3. the words of hi3 mouth are i. 39. 11. thou dost correct man foi i. 41. 6. his heart gathereth i. to itself 49. 5. when i. of my heels compass 51. 5. behold 1 was sbapen in *'. 53. 1. and have done abominable {. 55. 3. for they cast i. upon me 56. 7. shall they escape by ». ? G6. 18. if I regard i. in my heari 85. 2. hast forgiven ». of thy people 94. 20. throne of i. have fellowship 107. 42. all ». shall stop her mouth 109. 14. let t. of his fa.'s be remera. 119.3. they do no i. walk in his ways 133. let not*', havedomin. over me 125. 3. lest put forth hands to i. Prov. 16. 6. by truth i. is purged 19. 28. mouth of wicked devour. I. 22. 8. that soweth i. sh. reap vanity Eccl. 3. 16. place of righte. i. there ha. 1. 4. a people laden with i. 13. t. even the solemn meeting 5. 18. woe to them that draw ». 6. 7. thine*, is taken away 14. 21. prepare for t. of their father INI tin, 22, 14. tliia i. not purged fr. you 20. 20. watch for t. are cut off 30. 13. t. shall be to you as a breach 4U. 2. cry to her, her t. is pardoned 53. 6. Lord laid on him »'. of us all 57. 17. for i. of covetous, was I wroth 59. 3. your fingers are defiled wi. i. 4. bring forth i. || 6. works of i. 7. 64. 9. nor remember i. for ever Jer. 2. 5. what t. have fa. found in me 22. thine i. is marked before me 3. 13. only acknowledge thine i. 13. 22. greatness oft. are thy skirts 14. 20. acknowledge i. of our fathers 16. 10. what our i, ]| 17. t. hid f> e ye* 30. 14. multitude oft. 15. Hos 9 7. 32. 18. recompensest i. of fathers Lam. 2. 14. not discovered thine *. 4.22. punishment of i. accomplished, will visit i. O daughter of Edom Ezek. 4. 4. lay i. of house of Is. on it 7. 13. nor strengthen himself in ». 18. 17. not die for *. of his father 30. so *'. shall not be your ruin 21. 23. call to remembrance i. 24. 25. t. shall have an end, 29. | 35. 5. 28. 15. perfect, till i. found in thee 18. defiled sanctuaries by i. of traffic 44. 12. caused house of Is. fall into i. Dan. 9. 24. make reconciliation for i. Hos. 7. 1. i. of Ephraim discovered 10. 9. children oft. || 13. reaped t. 12. 8. they shall find no t. in me 1 1. is there t. in Gilead ? 13. 12. the t. of Ephraim bound up 14. 1. for thou hastfallen by thine i. 2. take away t. rece. us graciously Mic. 2. 1. woe to th. devise i. on bed"- 3. 10. build up Jerusalem with i. 7. 18. God like thee, pardonethi.? Hab. 1. 13. thou canst not look on t. 2. 12. woe to him establish, city by i Zeph. 3. 5. just Lord, will not do i. 13. remnant of Israel not do t. Xech. 3. 4. caused t. pass from thee 9. remove t. of that land in one day Mai. 2. 6. i. was not found in his lip's Mat. 13. 41. gather them which dot. 23. 28. are full of hypocrisy and t. 24. 12. because t. shall abound Acts 1. 18. field with the reward oft. 8. 23. perceive thou art in bond oft. Rom. 6. 19. servants to t. unto t. 1 Cor. 13. 6. rejoiceth not in i. but 2 Thes. 2. 7. mystery of ». doth work 2 Tim. 2. 19. nameth C, depart fr. t. Tit. 2. 14. might redeem us from i. Heb. 1. 9. and thou hast hated i. Jam. 3. 6. tongue is fire, world of i. See Bear, Commit, Committed. His INIQUITY. Num. 15. 31. his i. shall be upon him Job 20. 27. the heavens reveal his i. 21. 19. G. layeth upA. t. for children Ps. 36. 2. until h. i. be found hateful Jer. 31. 30. die for his i. Ezek. 3. 18, 19. | 7. 16. | 18. 26. Ezek.W.1. stumbling block of h. i. ]+. 18. 18. he shall die in his i. 33. 8, 9. 33. 6. he is taken away in his i. 2 Pet. 2. 16. Balaam rebuked for h. i. Mine INIQUITY. 1 Sam. 20. 1. what is mine i.7 t Sam. 22. 24. I kept myself from mine i. Psal. 18. 23. Joo 7. 2i. why not take away m. i.? 10. 6. that thou inquirest after m. i, 14. wilt not acquit me from minei. 14. 17. in bag, thou sewest up m. i. 31. 33. hiding m. i. in my bosom Ft. fc5. 1 1. pardon m. i. for it is great SI. 10. strength faileth beca. of m. t. 33. ft. and mine i. have I not hid &. 18. fox 1 will declare mine i. INI Joft 51.2. wash me thorough! yfr. *n. t. Their INIQUITY. Lev. 26. 39. shall pine away in t. i. 26. 40. if they confess their t. Neh. 4. 5. and cover not their i. Ps. 69. 27. add iniquity unto their i. 78. 38 forgave t. i. ||89. 32. visits i. 94. 23. shall bring upon them t. i. 106. 43. were brought low for t. i. Isa. 13. 11. punish the wicked for t. i. 26. 21. punish inhabitants for t. i. 33. 24. people shall be forgiven t. i. Jer. 14. 10. will now remember t. i. 16. 18. he will recompense their i. 18. 23. forg. not t. i. nor blot out sin "/ft. 12. I will punish nation for t. i. 31. 34. for I will forgive their i. 33. 8. cleanse them from all their i. 36. 3. that I may forgive their i. 31. punish his servants for their i. Ezek. 4. 5. laid on thee years of r. t. 17. may consume away for t. i. 7. 19. stumbling block oft. i. 14. 3. 14. 10. they bear punishment of t. i. 29. 16. bringeth t. i. to remember. 39. 23. Israel into captivity for t.i. Hos. 4. 8. set their heart on their i. 5. 5. shall Isra. and Eph. fall io. t. i. 9. 9. he will remember their i. Work INIQUITY. Ps. 141. 4. works with men thattr. i. Isa. 31. 2. against help of them w. i. 3?. 6. will w. i. to practise hypocrisy Mat. 7. 23. depart fr. me, ye that w.t. Workers of INIQUITY. Job 31. 3. punishment to ivork. ofi. 34. 8. go. in company with ?r. ofi. 22. 7i\ ofi. may hide themselves Psal. 5. 5.- thou Latest all work. ofi. 6. 8. depart, all ye v. ofi. Lu. 13. 27. 14. 4. w. ofi. no knowledge? 53. 4. *8. 3. draw me not away with in. of i. 36. 12. there are the ic. ofi. fallen 37. 1. nor be envious again, in of i. 59. 2. deliver me from the ic. ofi. 64. 2. insurrection of the u\ ofi. 92. 7. all the work, of i. do flourish 9. all the to, ofi. sh. be scattered 94. 4. all w. of i. boast themselvps 16. stand up for me against re. ofi. 125. 5. lead them forth with w. of i. 141. 9. keep me from gins of w. ofi. Prov. 10. 29. destruc. to to. ofi. 21. 15. INIQUITIES. Lev. 16. 21. confess over goat all i. 26. 39. in t. of fathers sh. they pine Ezra 9. 6. i. are increased over head 13. punished less than »'. deserved Neh. 9. 2. Isr. confessed i. of fathers Job 13. 23. how many are mine i. 26. makest me to possess i. of youth 22. 5. wickedness great, t. infinite Ps. 38. 4. mine i. gone over my head 40. 12. mine i. ha. taken hold on me 51. D. hide face fr. sins, blot out i. 64. 6. search out t. || 65. 3. i. prevail 79. 8. remember not against us t. 90. 8. hast set our i. before thee 103. 3. bless L. who forgiveth all t. 10. nor rewarded us according to i. 130. 3. shouldestmark t. who stand ? 8. he redeem Israel from a!) his i. Prov. 5. 22. his own t. take wicked Isa, 43. 24. wearied me wi. thine t. 53. 5. but he was bruised for our t. 59. 12. as for our t. we know them 64. 6. t. like wind taken us away 7. consumed us because of our i. Jer. 11. 10. back to t. of forefathers 14. 7. though our t. testify aga. us Lam. 4, 13. for t. of her priests Ezek 28. 18. by multitude of thine i. Dan. 4. 27. break off thine t. 9. 13. that we mignt turn fr. our »'. 261 INN Mic. 7. 19. he will subdue our £ Acts 3. 36. turning ever y onefr. his£ Bom. 4. 7. blessed they whose »". fore. Rev. 18. 5. God hath remembered t. Their INIQUITIES Lev. 16. 22. goat bear on him their i Psal. 107. 17. fools because of their i. Isa. 53. 11. for he shall bear their i. Jer. 33. 8. 1 will pardon all their i. Lam. 5. 7. sinned, we have borne t. i. Ezek. 32. 27. t. i. be on their bones Heb. 8. 12. t. i. remem. no more, 10.17. Your INIQUITIES. Num. 14. 34. forty years ye bear y. i, Isa. 50. 1. for y. i. you sold yonrseL 59. 2. y. i. separated you and God 65. 7. your i. I will recompense Jer. 5. 25. y. i. turned away things Ezek. 24. 23. ye pine away for y. i. 36. 31, loathe yourselves for y. i. s.mos 3. 2. 1 will punish you for y. i. INJURED. Gal. 4. 12. ve have not i. me at all "INJURIOUS. 1 Tim. 1. 13. befo. a persecutor and i. INJUSTICE. Job 16. 17. not for i. in my hands INK. Jer. 36. 18. wrote them wi. t. in book 2 Cor. 3. 3. not with i. but the Spirit 2 John 12. 1 would not write with t. INK-HORN. [_3 John 13. Ezek. 9. 2. writer's t. by side, 3, II. INN. Gen. 42. 27. ass provender in the t. 43. 21. came to i. we opened sacks E.vod. 4. 24. in the t. the L. inethira Luke 2. 7. no room for them in i. 10. 34. brought him to an i. INNER. 1 Kin. 6. 27. set cherubims int. hous? 1 Chr. 28. 11. patterns oft. parlours Esth. 4. 11. come to kingintot. court 5. 1. Esther stood in the t. court Ezek. 10. 3. cloud filled the i. court 42. 15. an end of measuring t. house 46. 1. gate oft. court shut six days Acts 16. 24. thrust th. into t. prison Ep'i. 3. 16. strengthened in t. man See Chamber. INNERMOST. Pro. 18. 8. i. parts of the belly, 26. 22. INNOCENCY. Gen. 20. 5. in the t*. of my hands Ps. 26. 6. I will wash my hands in t, 73. 13. in vain I washed hands in ». Dan. 6. 22. t. was found in me Hos. 8. 5. how long ere attain to »'.? INNOCENT, S. Exod. 23. 7. i. and righteo. slay not Dent. 27. 25. taketh reward to slay i. Job 4. 7. whoever perished being i.J 9. 23. laugh at the trial of the i. 28. I know thou will not hold me t. 17. 8. t. stir up against hypocrite 22. 19. the i. laugh them to scorn 30. shall deliver the island of the t 27. 17. the t. shall divide the silver 33. 9. I am t. nor is iniquity in me Ps. 10. 8. in secret places murder i. 15. 5. taketh reward against the ». 19. 13. i. from great transgression Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk privily for i 28. 20. haste to be rich sh. not be *. Jer. 2. 34. found blood of the poor I, 35. thou sayest, because I am i. 19. 4. filled this place wi. blood of*. Mat 27. 24. I am i. of the blood of See Blood INNUMERABLE. Job 21. 33. there are i. before him Ps. 40. 12. t. evils compassed about 104. 25. wherein things creeping i Jer. 46. 23. grasshoppers, and are i. INS Litke 12. 1. an i. multitude gathered Heb. 11. 12. sand by the sea shore i. 12. 22. come to ». company of angels INORDINATE. Ezek. 23. 11. more corrupt in i. love Col. 3. 5. fornication, i. affection INQUISITION. Deut 19. 18. judges sh. make dilig. j. Esth. 2. 23. i. was made of the matter Ps. 9. 12. when niaketh »'. for blood INSCRIPTION. Acts 17.23. 1 found an altar wi. this i. INSIDE. 1 Kin. 6.15. covered walls i. wi. wood INSPIRATION. Job 32. 8. »". Aim. giv. understanding 2 Tim. 3. 16. scripture is by i. of G. INSTANT, LY. Isa. 29. 5. it sh. be at as i. suddenly 30. 13. whose breaking cometh at i. Jtr. 18. 7. at what » 1 speak, 9. Luke 2. 38. coming th. »'. gave thanks 7. 4. they besought him i. Acts 26. 7. our i2 tribes i. serving G. Rom. 12. 12. continuing ». in prayer 2 Tim. 4. 2. be »'. in season, out of INSTRUCT. Deut. 4. 36. hear, th. he might i. thee Neh. 9. 20. gavest thy Sp. to t. them Job 40. 2. sh. he that contend, t. him? i\r#£ 16. 7. my reins also f. me 32. 8. I will i. thee ami teach thee Cant. 8. 2. in house, who will i. me /.v«. 28. 26. G. doth *'. him to discre. Dan. 11. 33. that uuders. sh. »'. many 1 Cor. 2. 10. that he may i. him INSTRUCTED. D. 15. a reproach, a taunt, an ft. Zip/i. 3. 7. surely thou wilt receive ft. 2 Tim. 3. 16. scripture is profitable «'. INSTRUMENT. Num. 35. 16. smite him wi. i. of iron Ps. 33.2. sing wi. i.of 10strings,92.3. 144. 9. sing new song, O G. on an i. Isa. 28. 27. not threshed wi. thresh, i. 41. 15. make thee sharp threshing/. 54.16. bringeth forth i. for his work Exek. 33. 32. song of one play on »'. INSTRUMENTS. GenAd.b. i. of cruelty in habitations E.rod. 25. 9. the pattern "fall the i. Ni(?n. 3. 8. keep all i. of tabernacle 7. 1. and sanctified all i. thereof 1 Sa?n.8.\2. i. of war, »'. of chariots 18. 6. meet Saul with t. of music 1 Kin. 19. 21. boiled their flesh wi. i. 1 Chr. 9. 29. oversee t. of sanctuary 16. 42. make sound with musical *'. Ps. 7. 13. prepared the ». of death 68. 25. players on i. followed alter 87. 7. players on «'. shall be there 150. 4. praise him with stringed i. Eccl. 2. 8. musical ». and of all sorts Isa. 32. 7. i. also of the churl are evil 38. 20. sing my songs to stringed i. Dan. 6. IS. nor i. of music brought Amos 1.3. threshed Gile. wi. i. of iron 6. 5. invent to thems. i. of music Hab. 3. 19 fhief singer on stringed i. Zech. \\. 15. take i. of foolish shep. Rom. 6. 13. nor yield mem. i. of un- righte., members as i. of righte. INSURRECTION. Ezra 4. 19. this city hath made i. Ps. 64. 2. i. of workers of iniquity Mark 15. 7. bound them that made i. who had committed murder in i. Acts IS. 12. Jews made i. one accord I NT ANGLE. Mat. 22. 15. how they might i. him INTANGLED, ETH. Exod. 14. 3. they are t. in the land Gal. 5. 1. be not »'. wi. yoke bondage 2Tim. 2.4. ft. himself wi. affairs of life 2Pet. 2. 20. they are aeain ». therein INTEGRITY. Gen. 20. 5. i. of my heart done this,6. Job 2. 3. still he holdeth fast his i. 9. dost thou still retain thine i. ? 27. 5 I will not remove my t. fr. me 31. 6. that God may know my i. Psal. 7. 8. according to my i. in me 25. 21. let t". anduprightn. preserve 26. 1. for I have walked in mine «'. 11. as for me, I will walk in i. 41. 12. thou upholdest me in my »'. 78. 72. fed according to i. of heart Prov. 11.3. ft. of upright guide them 19.1. better is poor th. walketh in ». 20. 7. just man walketh in his i. INTELLIGENCE. Dan. 11. 30. »'. wi. them that forsake INTEND. 2 Chr. 28. 13. «'. to add more to sins Acts 5. 28. ye i. to bring man's blood 35. what ye i. to do these men INTENDED, EST. E.rod. 2. 14. i. thou to kill me Ps. 21. 11. thev i. evil against thee INTENDING. Luke 14. 28. which of you i. to luild Acts 12.4. i. after Easter to bring him INTENT, S. 2 Chr. 16. 1. i. he might let none go Jer. 30. 24. till performed »'. of heart John II. 15. not there to the i. 13. 28. for what *'. he spake to him Acts 9. 21. came hither for that i. 10. £9. what i. ye have senf for me 1 Cor. 10. (i. the i. we should not lust EpL 3, 10, i, that now to principals 252 INT Heb. 4. 12. di^cemer of i. "of heart INTERCESSION, S. Isa. 53. 12. made?, for transgressors Jer.7.16. neither lift cry, nor make t. 27. 18. let them now make »'. to L. Rom.8.26. Sp. maketh i. for us, 27.34. 11. 2. he maketh t. to G. aga. Israel Heb. 7. 25. liveth to make i. for them 1 Tim. 2. 1. prayers and i. be made INTERCESSOR Isa. 59. 16. wondered there was no i INTERMEDDLE, ETH. Prov. 14. 10. stranger not »'. wi. joy IS. I. seeketh and i. with wisdom INTERMISSION. Lam.3A9. eye ceaseth not without INTERPRET. Gen. 41. 8. none could t. to Pharaoh 12. according to his dream he did i 1 Cor.12.30. do all i.?\\ 14.5. except i. 14. 13. pray he may i. \\ 21. let one i. INTERPRETATION. [41.11. Gen. 40. 5. according to i. of dream, 12. Joseph said, this is the t. of it 18. Dan. 4. 24. | 5. 26. Prov. 1. 6. understand proverb and i Da?i. 2. 4. we sh. show the i. 7, 36. 45. dream is certain, and t. sure 4. 19. ft. thereof be to thy enemies John 1. 42. Cephas, is by j. a stone 9. 7. pool of Siloam, is by ». sent //crs 9. 36. Tabitha, hyj'.called Dorcas 13. 8. Ely mas sorcerer, name by »'. 1 Cor, 12. 10. another i. of tongues 14. i6. every one of you hath an ». Heb. 7. 2. by t. king of righteousness 2 Pet. 1. 20. no prophecy of private». INTERPRETATIONS. Gen 40. 8. do not »'. belong to God ? Dan.b. 16. I heard thou canst make i. INTERPRETED. Ezra 4. 7. and t. in Syrian tongue Mat. 1. 23. being ». is, God with us Mark 5. 41. which is, being i. damsel 15. 22. being i. the place of a skull 34. »'. my God, my God, why hast John 1. 38. t. master j|41. t. Christ Acts 4. 36. being t. son of consolation INTERPRETER, S. Gen. 40. 8. and there is no ». of it 42. 23. Joseph spake to them by t. Job 33. 23. an «'. one aino. thousand 1 Cor. 14. 28. if there be no »'. keep INTERPRETING. Dan. 5.12. »'. of dreams found in Dan. INTREAT. Exod. 8. 8. Pharaoh called for Moses, and said, »'. L. 28. | 9. 28. | 10. 17 9. when shall I If. for thee 29. and I will i. L. that swarms Ruth 1. 16. »'. me not to leave thee 1 Sam. 2. 25. if a man sin, whosh. i.t 1 Kin. 13. 6. »'. the face of L. thy G Ps. 45. 12. among people, i. favour Prov. 19. 6. many will «'. lavbur of Jer. 15. 11. cause enemy »'. thee well Acts 7. 6. sho. i. them evil 400 years 1 Cor. 4. 13. being defamed, we i. Phil. 4/3. I ft. thee also, yoke-fellow 1 Tim. 5. 1. but »'. him as a father INTREaTED. Gen. 12. 16. he i. Abraham well 25.21. Isaac *'. for his wife, L. was i. Exod. 5. 22. why hast evil i. people? 8. 30. Moses went and •'. L. 10. 18. Deut 26. 6. the Egyptians evil i. us 2 Sam. 24. 25. L. was i. for the land Ezra 8. 23. sought G.and was »'. o* us Job 19. 16. I t. him with my mouth 17. tho' I t. for children's sake Psal. 119. 58. «. thy favour wi. heart Isa. 19. 22. he shal'l be i. of them Mat. 22.6. and i. spitefully, Lu. 18.32 Luke 15. 28. came his father, i. hire IRO Luke 20 11. t. him shamefully Acts 7. 19. same evil t. our fatheM 1 Thes. 2. 2. we were sliamefulljr »', Ileh. 12. 19. i. word not bespoken Jam. 3. 17. wisdom is easy to be *. INTREATETH. Job 24 21. he evil i. the barren 1NTREATIES. Prov. IS. 23. poor useth *. but rich 2 Cor. 8. 4. praving us with much ». INTRUDING. Col. 2. 18. ?'. into things hath not seen INVADE, ED. 1 Sam. 23. 7. Philistines t. the land 2 Kin. 13. 20. band of Moabites t. land 2 Chr. 20. 10. wouldest not Let Isr. i. 28. 18. Philistines had i. the cities Hab. 3. 16. will i. them with troops INVASION. 1 Sam. 30. 14. made »'. on the south INVENT, ED. 2 C/ir. 26. 15. engines i. by cunni. men Amos 6. 5. t. instruments of music INVENTIONS. Ps. 99.8. tookest vengeance of their i. 106.29. provoked him to anger wi. i. 39. went whoring with their own i. Prov. 8. 12. knowledge of witty ». Eccl. 7. 29. have sought out many i. INVENTORS. Rom. 1. 30. i. of evil things INVISIBLE. Rom. 1. 20. i. things are clearlyseen Col. 1. 15. is the image of the i. God 16. heaven and earth, visible and t. 1 Tim. 1. 17. to King immortal, i. Heb. 11. 27. as seeing him who is t. INVITED. 1 Sam. 9. 21. I have i. the people 2 Sam. 13. 23. Absalom /.king's sons Esth. 5. 12. to-morrow am 1 t. to her INWARD. Lev. 13. 55. burn in tire, it is fret i. 1 Kin. 7. 25. all hinder parts were?. 2 Chr. 3. 13. and their faces were i. Job 19. 19. my i. friends abhorred me 38. 36. hath put wisdom in i. parts Pud. 5. 9. i. part is very wickedness 19. 11. t. thought is, that houses 51. 6. desirest truth in the i. parts 64. G. i. thought of them is deep Prov. 20. 27. all »'. parts of the belly 30. stripes the i. parts of the belly Isa. Hi. 1 1. i. parts sound for Kir-har. Jer. 31. 33. put my law in i. parts Luke 11 39. i. part full of ravening Rom. 7. 22. in law of God after i. mau 2 Cor. A. 16. the i. man is renewed 7. 15. his *'. affection more abundant INWARDLY. Ps. 62. 4. bless with mouths, curse t. Mat. 7. 15, but i. they are wolves Rom. 2. 29. he is a Jew who is ouet. INWARDS Exod. 29. 13. fat that covereth i. 22. Let). 3. 3. 9, 14. | 4. 8. I 7.3. | 9. 19. 17. thou shaft wash the i. Lev. 1. 9, 13. [ 9. 14. l.ei). A. 11. t. and dung burn in place 8. 16. fat on i. Moses burnt on altar 21. he washed i. and let's wi. water IRON, Substantive. Num. 35.16. smite wi. instrumentof i. Deut. 3. 11. Og's bedstead was of i. A. 20. Lord brought you out of the t. furnace, 1 Kin. 8. 51. Jer. 11. 4. 8. 9. a land whose stones are ». 28. 23. earth under thee shall be i. 48. put yoke of?, on neck, Jer.28 14. Josh. 8. 31. over which no man lift?. 17. 16. have chariots of i. Judg. I. 19. Judg. 4. 3. had 900 chariots oft. 13. tl Sam, 17. 7. his spear's head weighed COO shekel* of ». 1VO 2 Sam. 12. 31. under harrows oft. 1 Chron. 20. 3. cut with harrows oft. 23. 7. man must be fenced with i. 1 Kin. 6. 7. nor any tool of i. heard 22. 1 1. made horns of i. 2 Chr. 18. 10. 2 Kin. 6. 6. and the t. did swim 1 Chr. 22. 3. prepared i. in abui. dance 29 2. prepared i. for things of i. 7. Job 28. 2. i. is taken out of the earth 40. 18. behemoth's bones are like i. 41. 27. he esteemeth i. as straw Psal. 2. 9. break them with rod of «. 105. 18. they hurt, he was laid in i. 107. 10. bound in i. || 16. bars off. 149. 8. bind nobles with fetters of i. Prov. 27. 17. t. sharpeneth i. Eccl. 10. 10. if the i. be blunt Isa. 10. 34. cut thickets of forest wi. i. 45. 2. I will cut asunder bars of f. 60. 17. fori. I will bring silVer Jer. 15. 12. shall i. break northern i. 17. 1. sin of Jud. written wi. pen off. 28. 13. make for them yokes of i. Ez. 4. 3. takei. pan, set for wall oft. 27. 12. Tarshish was merchant wi. t. Dan. 2. 33. his legs of i. feet part i. 34, 41,42. 35. then was the i. and clay broken 40. the fourth kingdom strong as i. 7. 19. beast, whose teeth were of i. Amos 1. 3. Gilead with instrum. oft. Mic. 4. 13. I will make thy horn i. 1 Tim. A:. 2. conscience seared with i. Rev. 2. 27. rule them with a rod oft. 12. 5. 1 19. 15. 9. 9. as it were breast-plates of i. See Brass. IRON. Dent. 27. 5. not lift up any i. tool Josh. 17. 18. tho' they ha. t. chariots Job 19. 24. were graven with i. pen 20. 24. shall flee from i. weapon Isa. 48. 4. thy neck is an t. sinew Jer. 1. 18. thee this day an t. pillar Ezek. A. 3. take unto thee an i. pan Dan. 7. 7. it had gieat i. teeth Acts 12. 10. thev came to the ». gate IRONS. Job 41. 7. canst till skin wi. barbed t. ? IS. [come, 8. | 4. 8. Rev. 1. 4. which is, was, and is to 17. 8. beast that was, is not, yet is 10. one is and the other is not come IS not Gen. 37. 30 and said, the child is not 42. 13. youngest wi. fath. one isn. 32. 42. 36. Joseph is not, Simeon is not Rev. 17. 8. beast was, and is not, 11. ISSUE, Substantive. Gen. 48. 6. t. which thou begettest Lev. 12. 7. »'. of hei blood, 15. 25. Mat. 9.20. Mark 5.25. LukeS. 43.44. 15. 2. man hath running i. 3. | 22. 4. 8. he that hath the t. spit upon, 28. Isa. 22. 24. on him the offspring and t. Ezek. 23. 20. t. like thet. of horses Mat. '2.2. 25. having not. left his wife ISSUE. llsa. 39. 7. 2 Kin. 20. 18. sons that t. from thee, Ezek. 47. 8. waters i. toward east ISSUED. Job 38. 8. break forth as if it i. out Ezek. 47. 1. waters i. from under 12. waters i. out of the sanctuary Dan. 7. 10. fiery stream t. came forth Rev. 9. 17. out of mouths i. fire, 18. ISSUES. Psal. 68. 20. to God belong the t. Prov. 4. 23. out of heart are t. of life ITCH. ING. Deut. 28. 27. Lord smite thee with «. 2 Tim. 4. 3. heap teachers hav. i. ears IVORY. [2 Chr. 9. 17. 1 Kin. 10. 18. king made throne of i. 2£>3 JEO 1 Kin. 10.29. silver and t. 2 Chr. 9. 21 52. 39. ?. house which A hab made Psal. 45. 8. out of the i. palaces Cant. 5. 14. his belly is as bright!. 7. 4. thy neck is as a tower of i. Ezek. 21. 6. made thy benches of*. 15. brought for present horns oft. Amos3. 15. houses of i. shall perish 6. 4. that lie upon beds of i. Rev. 18. 12. no man buy. vessels of i. JACINTH. Rev. 9. 17. breast-plates of fire,/ 21. 20. eleventh foundation was a/. JAILER. Acts 16. 23. charging/, to keep them JANGLING. 1 Tim. 1. 6. turned aside to vain.;. JASPER. Ex. 28. 20. 4th row onyx and/ 39. 13. Ezek. 28. 13. diamond and/, covering Rev. 4. 3. was to look upon like a/ 21. 11. her light was like to/, stone 18. building of wall of city was/. 19. the first foundation was/. JAVELIN. Num. 25. 7. took a ;". in bis hand 1 Sam. IS. 10. / in*Saul*shand, 19. 9. 19. 10. he smote the/, into the wall JAW, S. Judg. 15. 19. God clave place in/. Job\9. 17. I brake/, of the wicked 41. 2. bore/ thro' with a thorn ? Psal. 22. 15. tongue cleaveth to my/. Isa. 30. 28. a bridle in/, of people Hos. 11. 4. take off yoke on their/. JAW-BONE. Judg. 15. 15. Saras. found/-6. of as9 15. 16. with/-6. of ass have I slain 17. cast away/.-J. out of his hand JAW-TEETH. Prov. 30. 14. their f.. teeth as knive3 JEALOUS. Exod. 20. 5. for I the Lord thy God, am a/. God, 34. 14. Deut. A,. 24. | 5. 9. | 6. 15 Josh. 24. 19. Num. 5. 14. and he be/ of his wife 1 Kin. 19.10. I have been/ forL.lt. Ezek. 39. 25. be/, for my holy name Joel 2. 18. then will the Lord be/ Nah. 1.2. God is/, and L. revengcth Zech.lAA.J. for Jeru. ||8.2. / forZiou 2 Cor. 11. 2. for I am/ over you JEALOUSY. Nuth. 5. 14. spirit of/ come On him 15. for it is an offering of/ 18, 25. 29. this is the law of/ when wife 25. 11. I consumed not Isr. in my/. Deut. 29. 20. his.;', smoke aga. man 32.16. provoked him to/ 1 A't'n. 14.22. 21. moved me to/ I mo. them to/ Ps. 78. 58. moved to/ with images 79. 5. how long, L. sh. thy/ burn? Prov. 6. 34. for/ is the rage of mau Cant. 8. 6./ is cruel as the grave Isa. 42. 13. stir up/ like man of wat Ezek. 8. 3. where seat image of/? a. 16.38. give thee blood in fury and/ 42. my/, shall depart from thee 23. 25. I will set my/, against thee 36. 5. in/, have I spoken, 6. | 38. 19. Zeph. I. 18. land devoured by/ 3. 8. Zech. 1.14. jealous for Zion wi. /8.2. Rom. 10. 19. will provoke you to/. 11. II. Genti. to provoke thtin to/ 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we provo. L. to/ ? 2 Cor. 11. 2. I am jealous wi. godly/ JEOPARDED. Judg. 5. 18. people that/ their lives JEOPARDY. 2 Sam. 23. 17. the men that went in / of their lives, 1 Chr. 11. 19. JOI \Ckr. 12.19. to fall, to/ of our heads Luke 8. 23. wi. water, they were in/ 1 Co/\ 15. 30. whv stand we in/ ? JESTING £wA. 5. 4. nor/ not convenient JEWEL. Prov. 11 '^2. as a / of gold in a swine's snout 20. 15. lips of knowledge precious/ Ezek. 16. 12. I put a/ on forehead JEWELS. Ge». 24. 53. brought forth / of silver Exod. 3. 22. shall borrow / of gold, 11. 2. | 12. 35. [Num. 31. 50. 35. 22. they brought all / of gold, Num. 81. 51. took gold, even the/ 1 Sam.6.8. put./, of gold in coffer, 15. ? Chr. 20. 25. riches and precious/ 32. 27. treasuries for all pleasant/ Job 28. 17. exchange of it not he for/ Cant. 1. 10. cheeks comely with/ 7. 1. the joints of thy thighs like/ Isa. 61. 10. adorneth herself with/ Ezek. 16. 17. taken thy/ of my gold ?9. they sh. take thy fair / 23. 2G. Hos. 2. 13. decked wi. ear-rings and/ Mai. 3. 17. when I make up my/ JOIN. E.vod. 1. 10. lest they/ our enemies Ezra 9. 14./ in affinity with people Prov. II. 21. hand/ in hand, 16. 5. Isa. 5. 8. woe to them/ house to ho. 9. 11. Lord/ his enemies together 56. 6. sons of stranger/ themselv. Jer. 50. 5. let us/ ourselves to Ld. Ezek. 37. 17./ them one to another Acts 5. 13. durst no man/ himself 8. 29. go,/ thyself to this chariot 9. 26. Saul assayed to join himself JOINED. Gen. 14. 3. all these kings were/ 29. 34. this time husband be/ to me 2 C/w. 20. 36. he/ with Ahaziah, 37. Ezra 4. 12. up walls,/ foundations Job 3. 6. not be/ to days of year 41. 17. leviathan's scales are/ 23. flakes of his flesh/ together Ps. 83. 8 Assur also is/ with them Eccl. 9. 4./ to all the living is hope /.?«. 13. 15. every one/ them sh. fall 14. 1. strangers be/ with them 20. not be/ with them in burial 50. 3. nor him hath / to L. speak Ezek. 1. 9. wings/ one to another Hos. 4. 17. Ephraim is/ to idols Zech. 2. 11. manv nations/ to Lord Mat. 19.6. what God hath/ together, Mark 10. 9. Luke 15. 15./ himself to a citizen Acts 5. 36. four hundred/ themselves 18. 7. house/ hard to synagogue 1 Cor. 1. 10. perfectly/ in same mind 6. 16./ to an harlot is one body 17. is/ to the Lord is one spirit Eph. 4. 16. the whole body fitly/ 5. 31. and shall be/ to his wife See Baal-Peor. JOINING, S. 1 Chr. 22. 3. prepared iron for the/ 2 Chr. 3. 12. / to wing of cherub JOINT. Gen. 32. 25. Jacob's thigh out of/ Psal. 22. 14. all mv bones are out of/ Prov. 25. 19. conn, like foot out of/ £'pA. 4. 16. which every/ supplieth JOINTS. 1 Kin. 22. 34. smote king of Israel between/ of harness, 2 Chr. 18. 33. Cant. 7. 1./ of thighs are like jewels Dan. 5. 6./ of his loins were loosed (V. 2. 19. body by/ knit together lleb. 4. 12. di vidi ^g of /. and marrow J OIK T-heirs. Horn. 8. 17. and/, heirs with Christ JOY JOT. Mat. 5. 18. one/ or tittle shall in no JOURNEY. Gen. 24. 21. L. made/ prosperous 31. 23. Laban pursued him 7 days'/ Exod. 13. 20. took/ from Succoth 16. 1. Israelites took/ from Elim Num. 9. 10. be in/ yet keep passover 13. not in/ forbeareth keep pass. Dfut. 1.2. eleven days'/ fr. Horeb 10. 11. take thy/ before people Josh. 9. 11. take victuals for your j. Judg. 4. 9./ thou takestnot for hon. I Sam. 15. 18. Lord sent thee on a/ 1 Kin. 18. 27. or he is in a/ 19. 7. the/ is too great for thee 2 A7n. 3. 9. compass of seven days'/ Neh. 2. 6. how long shall thy/, be ? /Vou. 7. 19. goodman gone a long/ A/afc 10. 10. nor scrip for your/ Mark 6. 8. nothing for/ L7^Ar 9. 3. Luke 11. 6. a friend of mine in his/ 15. 13. took his/ into a far country John 4.6. Jesus wearied wi./ sat thus Rom. 1. 10. might have prosperous/ 15. 24. I trust to see yon in my/ 1 Cor. 16. 6. may bring me »n ray/ 7V£. 3. 13. Zenas and Apollos on/ 3 Jo^ra 6. whom bring forward n / Days' JOURNEY. N?xm. 11. 31 quail's fall a day's j. 1 Kin. 19. 4. went d. 'sj. to wildern. Jonah 3. 4. beeran to enter city d.'sj. Luke 2. 44. a d.'sj. among acquaint. Acts 1. 12. from Jerusalem a day's J. See three Days. JOURNEYED. Gen.12.9. Abram/ goinff south, 20.1. 13. 11. Lot/ east || 33. 17. Jacob/ 35. 5. Israel/ toward Beth-el Exod. 40. 37. they/ not, Num. 9. 21. Num. 9. 17. children of Israel./ 18. 19. kept charge of the L. and/ not .-Jcte 9. 3. as Saul/ he came near Da. 7. men/ with him stood, 26. 13. JOURNEYING, S. Num. 10. 29. we are/ to the place 28. thus were/ of Israel's armies Luke 13. 22. as he was/ tow. Jeru. 2 Cor. 11. 26. in/ often, in perils JOURNEYS. Gen. 13. 3. Abram weot on his/. E.rod. 17. 1. / according to command. 40.36. they went on in/ Nutn.10.12. 38. cloud on tahern. thro' their/ Num. 10. 6. blow an alarm for their/ 33. 1. these are the ;". of Israel, 2. JOY Substantive 1 Chr. 12. 40. there was.;, in Israel 15. 16. lifting up the voice with/ •^5. went to bruit; the ark with/ 29. 17. seen with/ the people offer Ezra3. 13. not discern the shoutof/ 6. 16. dedication oi house of G. wi./ Neh. 8. 10/ of L. is your strength 12. 43./ of Jeru. was heard afar off' Eslh. 8. 16. had light,/ and honour 9.22. month turned from sorrow to/ make them days of feasting and/ Job 8. 19. this is the/ of his way 20. 5./ of hypocrite but for moment 29. 13. caused widow's heart sing/ 33. 26. he will see his face with/. 41. 22. sorrow turned to / bef. him Ps. 16. 11. in presence fulness of/ 27. 6. offer in tabern. sacrifices of/ 30. 5. but/ cometh in the morning 42. 4. I went with the voice of/ 43. 4. I go to God my exceeding'/ 48. 2./ of the earth is mount Zion 51. 12. restore to me/ of salvation 67. 4 nations be glad and sing for/ 105. 43. brought forth people with/ 126.5. that sow in tears sh. reap in/ 254 JOY Ps. 137. 6. prefer not Jeru. to chief/ Prov. 12 20. counsellors of peace is/ 14. 10. stranger not intermeddle/ 15. 21. folly is/, destitute of wisdom 23. man hath/ by answer of mouth 17. 21. the father of a fool hath no/ 21. 15./ to the just to do judgment 23. 24. begetteth wi6e child have/ Eccl. 2. 10. withheld not heart ft./ 26. God giveth knowledge and/ 5. 20. G. answered him in/ of heart 9. 7. go thy way, eat thy bread wi./ Isa. 9. 3. increased/ according to/ 17. L. sh. have no/ in young men 12. 3. with/ shall ye draw water 16. 10./ is taken out plentiful field 24. 8./ harp ceaseth || 11./ is dark. 29. 19. meeksh. increase th. / in L. 32. 13. houses of/ || 14./. wild asses 35. 2. rejoice even wi./ andsingin^- 10. everlast. /on their heads,51.1l. 52. 9. break into/ || 55.12. go with/ 60. 15. thee a/ of many generations 61. 3. give them oil of/ for mourn. 7. everlasting/ shall be to them 65. 14. servants sh. sing for/ heart 18. behold, I create her people a/ G6. 5. but he shall appear to your/ 10. rejoice for/ with her, all ye Jer. 15. 16. word was/ of my heart 31. 13. turn their mourning into/ 33. 9. it shall he to me a name of j. 1 1. there shall he heard voice of/ 48. 27. spakest, thou skippedstfor/ 33./ is taken fr. the plentiful field 49. 25. city of praise, city of my/ Lam. 2. 15. the/ of the whole eartb 5. 15. the/ of our heart is ceased Ezek. 24. 25. take fr. them/, of glory 36. 5. with the/ of all their heart Hos. 9. 1. rejoice not, O Israel, for/ Joel I. 12. i. is withered from men Zepn. 3. 17. rejoice over thee with/ Mat. 13. 20. anon with/ receiveth it, Luke 8. 13. 44. for/ thereof goeth andselletb 25. 21. enter into the/ of thy L. 23. Lu. 1. 44. babe leaped in womb for/ 6. 23. rojoicein that day, leap for/ 10. 17. the seventy returned wi./ 15. 7./ in heaven over one sinnei 10. there is/ in presence of angels 24. 41. they yet believed not for/ John 3. 29. my/ therefore is fulfilled 15. 11. that my/ might remain in you, that your/ might be full 16. 20. your sorrow be turned to/ 21. for/ that a man is born 22. your/ vo man takethfr. you 24. receive, that your/ be full 17. 13. my/ fulfilled in themselves Acts 2.28. make me full of/ with thy 13. 52. disciples were filled with /. 20. 24. finish my course with / Rom. 14. 17. kingdom ol God is/ 15. 13. G. filled you wi./ in believ 32. come to you wi./ by will of G. 2 Cor. 1. 24. we are helpers of your/ 2. 3. that my/ is the/ of you all 7. 13. more joyed we for/ of Titus S. 2. their/ abounded to riches Gal. 5 22. the spirit is love,/ peace Phil. 1. 4. making request with/ 25. your furtherance and/ of faith 2. 2. fulfil my/ || 4. 1./ and crown 1 Thes. 1. 6. received the word wi./ 2. 19. what is our hope or/ 20. for ye are our glory and.;. 5. 9./ wherewith we/ before God 2 Tim. 1. 4. that I may be tilled wi./ Philem. 20. let mo have/ of thee Beb. 12. 2. for/ that whs before hi to 13. 17. do it with/ not with grief Jam. 1. 2. count it/ when ye f«!i JUD Jat%. 4. 9./ be turned into heaviness 1 Pet. 1. 8. rejoice wi.j. unspeakable 4. 13. glad also *v itli exceeding/ 1 John 1. 4.,/. may be full, 2 John 12. 3 John 4. no greater.;', than to hear Jude2\. you faultless with exceed./ See Gladnf.ss. Great JOY. i Ki?t. i. 40. people rejoiced wi.g.j. 2 Chr. 30. 26. was g. / in Jerusalem N•. 5. 11. those put trust in thee re- joice; let them shout for j. 35. 27. 32. 11. s.forj. all that are upright 65. 13. the valleys shout for j. 132. 9. let thy saints shout for j. 16. JOY, Verb. I's. 21. 1. king sh./ in thy strength Isa. 9. 3./ before thee accord, to joy 65. 19. 1 rejoice and/ in my people /lab. 3. 18. 1 will/ in G. of salvation Zf7>/i. 3. 17..;". over thee with singing Rom. 5. 11. but we also/, in God PhiL 2. 17./ and rejoice wi. you all 1 Thes. 3. 9. joy wherewith we/, for JOYED. 2 Cor. 7. 13. more/, for joy of Titus JOYFUL. 1 Kin. 8. 66. went to their tents/. Ezra 6. 22. Lord hath made them/ Job 3. 7. let no/, voice come therein Ps. 5. 11. them love thy name be/. 35. 9. my soul be/ in the Lord 63. 5. mouth praise thee with/ lips 66. 1. make a/ noise to G. ye lands 81. 1. make/ noise to G. of Jacob 89. 15. blessed people know/, sound 95. 1. make/ noise to rock of salva. 2./ noise wi. psalms, 93. 4. | '00. 1. 98. 6. make a/ noise before Lord 8. hills be/, together before Lord 113. 9. barren be/, mother of child. 119. 2. children of Zion/ in king 5. let the saints be/, in glory Eccl. 7. 14. in day of prosperity be/ /*•«. 49. 13. sing heavens, be/ earth 56. 7. mak.' them/ in ho. of prayer 61. 10. soul shall be/, in my God 2 Cor. 7. 4./. in all our tribulation JOYFULLY. Eccl. 9. 9. live/ wi. wife thou lovest Luke 19. 6. Zaccheus received him/. lleb. 10. 34. took/ spoiling of poods JOYFULNESS. Deut. 28. 47. servedst not L. with/. Col. 1. 11. to lon. he drave them from thej.-seat 17. beat Sosthenes bi'lotej.-seat 25. 10. said, I stand at Caesar's j.-s. 17. on morrow 1 sat on j,-seat Rom. 14. 10. stand before J,. seat of Christ, 2 Cor. 5. 10. ju before j.. seats JUDGMENTS. E.eod. 6. 6. redeem you with/. 7. 4. 21. 1./ thou shalt set before them Xum. 33. 4. on cods Ld. executed/ 33. 21. judge according to these ;". Drut. 33. 10. shall teach Jacob thy/. 2 Sam. 22. 23. his/, were before me, P*a£ 18. 22. 1 Chr. 16. 12./. of mouth, Ps. 105 5. 14. his/, in all earth, ft«i 105. 7. \'fh !). 29. but sinned against thy/ <"xal. 10. 5. thy/, are out of sight 19. 9. the/ of the Lord are true 3ii. 6. thy/, are a great deep IS. II. let Judah be glad of thy/. 72. 1. give the king thy/. O God 97. 8. because of thy/. O Lord lift 7. I learned thy righteous/. 13. my lips declared/, of thy mouth 20. longing it hath unto thy/ 30. thy/, have I laid before me 39. reproach, for thy/, are good 4:1. for 1 have hoped in thy/. 52. I remembered thy/, of old fii. because of thy righteous/. 164. 75. 1 know that thy/ are right JUS P$.U9. 102. have not departed from/ 106. sworn I will keep righteous/ 108. teach me/. || 120. afraid of/. 137. righteous, upright are thy/. 156, quicken me accord, to thy/. 160. every one of thy righteous/. 175. live, and let thy/ help me 147. 20. his/, they have not known Prov. 19. 29./. prepared for scorners Isa. 26. 8. in way of thy/, we waited 9. when thy,;, are in the earth Jer. 12. 1. me talk wi. thee of thy/ Ezek. 5. 7. according to/ of nations 8. execute/ in the rnidst of thee, 10. 15. I 11. 9. 16. 41. execute/, in sight of women 23. 24. judge thee according to/ 28. 26. executed j. on ail those that 34. 16. I will feed them with/. Ban. 9. 5. sinned departingfr. thy/ Hos. 6. 5 thy/, are as the light Zeph. 3. 15. Lord taken away thy/ Rom. 11. 33. howunsearch. are his/ 1 Cor. 6. 4. have/ of things of life Iiev. 15. 4. thy/ are made manifest 16. 7. righteous are thv ;'• 19. 2. % JUDGMENTS. Lev. 18. 4." ye shall do myj. 5. ye shall keep my/. 25. 18. 26. 15. if your soul abhor myj. 43. even because they despis. myj. 1 Chr. 28. 7. be constant to do myj. Ps. 89. 30. children walk not in myj. Jer. 1. 16. utter myj. against them Exek. 5. 6. changed myj. to wicked. 5. 7. neither have kept my j. 14. 21. send?ny four sore/ on Jeru. 44. 24. judge it according- to my j. Statutes and JUDGMENTS. Lev. 18. 5. keep my statutes and my / 26. I 20. 22. Deut. 7. 11. | if. 1. I 26. 16, 17. I 30. 16. 1 Kin. 2. 3. |S. - r >3. I 9. 4. I 11. 33. 19. 37. ye shall observe all my sta- tutes and j. Bent. 11. 32. j 12. 1. 2 Chron. 7. 17. Bent. 4. 1. hearken to s. andj. 5. I. 5. I have taught you statutes andj. 8. hath statutes and j. so righteous 14. teach st. andj. 6. 1. Ezra!. 10. 5. 31. speak s. andj. thou sh. teach 6. 20. what mean the statutes and j. 8. 1 1. keeping his s. andj. Neh. 1. 7. 1 Kin. 6. 12. walk in s. execute/ 2 CAr. 19. 10. come between s. andj. Neh. 9. 13. gavest them rights, a./. 10. 29. to do all his statutes andj. Ps. 147. 19. he showeth his s. andj. Ezek. 5. 6. refused my/, and my st. " II. 12. for ye have not walked in my s. nor executed my/. 20. 13, 16, 21. 18. 9. walked in mv statutes andj. 17. j 20. 19. I 37. 24. 20. 11. gave them s. and shewed/ 18. not in s. of fathers, nor their/. 25. gave them s. not good, andj. Mai. 4. 4. law of Moses with s. andj. JUICE. Cant. 8. 2. wine of/, of pomegranate JUMPING, Nah. 3. 2. noise of the ;'. chariots JUNIPER. 1 Kin. 19. 4. Elijah sat under/ 5. Job 30. 4. cut up/, roots for meat Psat. 120. 4. sharp arrows, coals of/ JURISDICTION. Luke 23 7. belonged to Herod's/ JUST. Gen. 6. 9. Noah was a/ man, and Lev. 19. 36./. balances,/ weights, a/ ephah, and n/. bin shall ye have, Deut. 25. 15. Ezek. 45. 10. Det<£ 16. 18. judge with/, judgment 32. 4. a God,/, and right is he 267 JUS 2 &wtt. 23. 3. ruleth men must be/ Neh. 9. 33./. in all brought on us Job 4. 17. sh. man be more/, than G.? 9. 2. should man be/ with God ? 12. 4./. man is laughed to scorn 27. 17. but the/, shall put it on Ps. 7. 9. wickedn. end, establish/ 37. 12. wicked plotteth against/. Prov. 3. 33. blesseth habitation of/ 4. 18. path of/, is as shining light 9. 9. teach a/ man, he will increase 10. G. blessing upon head of the/. 7. the memory of the/, is blessea 20. tongue of/ is as choice silver 31. mouth of/ bringeth wisdom 11. 1. but a/, weight is his delight 9. through knowledge/ delivered 12. 13./ shall come out of trouble 21. rsliAll no evil happen to the/ 13. 22. wealth of sinner laid up for/ 16. 11./ weight and balance L.'s 17. 15. condemneth/ is abomina. 26. to punish the/ is not good 18. 17. first in own cause seemeth/. 20. I.j. man walketh in integrity 21. 15. joy to the/ to do judgment 24. 16. a/ man falleth seven times 29. 10. hate upright,/ seek soul Eccl. 7. 15. a/ man that perisheth 20. not a/ man on earth sin. not 8. 14./ men to whom ithappeneth Isa. '26. 7. way of/ is uprightness, thou dost weigh the path of the/. 29. 21. aside/, for thing of nought 45. 21. a/ God, and a Saviour Lam. 4. 13. shed blood of/, in her Ezek. 18. 5. man be/ and* do right 9. he is /. he shall surely live Bos. 14. 9./ shall walk in them Amos 5. 12. they afflict the/ they Hub. 2. 4./ shall live by faith, Bom. 1. 17. Gal. 3. 11. Heb. 10. 3a. Zeph. 3. 5. the/. r .ord is in midst Zech. 9. 9. he is/, and hav. salvation Mat. 1. 19. Joseph, being a/ man 5. 45. sendeth rain on/ and unjust 13. 49. sever wicked from among/. 27. 19. nothing to do with th./ man 24. innocent of blood of/ person Mark 6. 20. knowing he was,;', man Luke I. 17. disobedient to wisd. of/ 2. 25. Simeon was/ and devout 14. 14. at the resurrection of the/ 15. 7. over ninety and nine/ perso. 20. 20. spies feign themselves/ 23. 50. Joseph was good man and ;. Johnh. 30. and my judgment is/ Aets 10. 22. Cornelius, a/, man 24. 15. resurrection of/ and unjust Rom. 2. 13. not hearers of law are/. 3. 8. damnation/ |l 26. might be/ 7. 12. the commandment holy,/ Pliil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are/ Col. 4. 1. give servants which is/, Tit. 1. 8. bishop must be/, holy Heb. 2. 2. received a/, recompense 12. 23. spirits of/, men made perfect Jam. 5. 6. condemned and killed/. 1 Pet. 3. 18. the ;'. for the unjust 2 Pet. 2. 7. delivered/. Lot 1 John 1. 9. he is/ to forgive sin9 Rev. 15. 3./. and true are thy ways MorfJUST. .Too 31. 17. condemu him is mostj.? JUST One. Acts 3. 14. ye denied the .7. Owe 7. 52. shewed before coming of J. O 22. 14. his will, and see that J. One JUSTICE. Gen. 18. 19. keep way of L. to do/ Drut. 33. 21. executeth the/ of L. 2 Sam. 8. 15. David executed / I Chron. 18. 14 15. 4. made judge, I would do/. S JUS Job 8. 3. doth Almighty pervert/ ? 38. 17. and/ take hold on thee 37. 23. he is excellent in plenty ofj. Ps. 82. 3. do/, to afflicted and needy 89. 14./and j udgraent are habitation 119. 121. have done judgment and/. Prov. 1.3. to receive instruction of/. 8. 15. kings reign, princes decree/ Feci. 5. 8. if th, seest perverting of/. ha. 9. 7. to establish his throne wi. j. 56. 1. and do/, for my salvation 58. 2. they ask of me ordinances of/ 59.4. none calleth for/ norpleadeth 9. nor doth/ overtake us 14./ fetandeth afar off, truth fallen Jer. 23. 5. execute judgment and/ 31. 23. L. bless thee, habitation of/ Ezek. 49. 5. O princes, execute/ See Do Judgment, before. JUSTIFICATION. Rom. 4. 25. Ch. raised again for our/ 5. 16. free gift of many offences to/ IS. free gift came on all men to/ JUSTIFY. Exnd. 23. 7. I will not/ the wicked Dent. 25. 1. they sh./ the righteous Job 9. 20. if 1/ myself, own mouth 27. 5. God forbid I should/ you 33. 32. speak, for I desire to/ thee Isa. 5. 23./ the wicked for reward 53. 11. my righteous servant/ many Luke 10. 29. he, willing to/, himself 16. 15. ye/ yourselves before men Rom. 3. 30. God shall/, circumcision Gal. 3. 8. foreseeing God/ heathen JUSTIFIED. •7aZ> 1 1. 2. sho. man full of talk be /.? 13. 18. behold, I know I sh. be/'? 25. 4. how can man be/ by God ? 32. 2. he/ himself rather than God Ps. 51. 4. that thou mightest be/ 143. 2. in thy sight no man liv. be/ /«*. 43. 9. they may be/ || 26. thou be 45. 25. in L. all the seed of Isr. be/ Jer. 3. 11. backsliding Isr./ herself AVe/c. 16. 51./ sisters in abom. 52. Mat. 11. 19. wisdom is/ of her chil- dren, Luke 7. 35. 12. 37. by thy words thou sh. be/ Lukel. 29. pes. and publicans/ G. 18. 14. this man went down/. Acts 13. 39. all that believe are/ fr. which ye could not be/ by law Rom. 2. 13. the doors of law sh. be/. 3. 4. mightest be/ in thy sayings 20. shall no flesh be/ in his sight 24./ freely by his grace, Tit. 3. 7. 28. a man is/ by faith, 5. 1. Gal. 2. 16. | 3. 24. 4. 2. if Abraham were/ by works 5. 1 . / hy faith we have peace wi. G. 9./ by his blood, we sh. be saved 8. 30. whom he/ he also glorified I Cor. 4. 4. yet am I not hereby / 6. 11. ye are/ in name of the L. J. Gal. 2. 16. man is not/ by law, 3. 11. 5. 4. whoever is/ by law, are fallen 1 Tim. 3. 16. / in Spirit, seen of angels Jam. 2. 21. was not Abraham/ ? 24. ye see how by works man is/ 25. was not Rahab ;". by works ? JUSTIFIER. Rom. 3. vfi./ of him who believeth JUSTIFYING, ETH. 1 Kin. 8. 32. and/ the righteous, 2 Chron. 6. 23. Prov. 17. 15. he that,;', the wicked Isa. 50. 8. he is near that/ Rom. 4. 5. believ. him that /.ungodly 8. 33. God's elect ? it is God that/. JUSTLE. Nah. 2. 4. the chariuts shall/ JUSTLY. Mic. 6. 8. the L. require but to do/, ? KEE Luke 23. 41. indeed/, for we receive I 77/e«. 2. 10. holily and/, behaved I K KAB, 2 A'm. 6. 25. k. of doves' dung sold KEEP. Gen. 2. 15. L. put him in Eden to k. 18. 19. they sh. keep the way of L. 28. 15. I am with thee to k. thee, 20. 41. 35. let them k. food in the cities Exod. 12. 6. k. it till fourteenth day 14. ye shall k. it a feast to the L 23. 15. | 34. 18. Lev. 23. 41. 47. congregation of Israel sh. k. it 20. 8. remember the sabbath-day to k. it, 31. 13, 14, 16. Deut. 5. 12.15. 22. 7. if a man deliver money to k. 23. 7. k. thee fr. a false matter [10. 14. three times k. a feast to me 20. I send an angel to k. thee Lev. 18. 4. ye sh. A. my ordinances, 30. [22. 9. Ezek. 11. 20. 19. 3. ye shall k. mv sabbaths, 30. | "26. 2. ha. 56. 4. 23. 39. shall k. a feast seven days, 2 Chron. 30. 13. 25.18. k. my judgments and do them Num. 6. 24. L. bless thee a; id k. thee 9. 3. in fourteenth day ye sh. k. it 29. 12. k. feast to the L. seven days 36. 7. k. himself to inheritance, 9." Deut. 7. 8. L. loved you, k. the oath 12. the L. shall k. the covenant 16. 10. k. feast of weeks to the L. 17. 19. learn to k. words of this law 29. 9. k. the words of this covenant Josh. 6. 18. k. fr. the accursed thing Judg. 2. 22. whether th. k. way of L 1 Sam. 2. 9. will A", feet of his saints 18. 18. I have no son to k. my name 1 Kin. 8. 25. A:, with thv servant David, 2 C/iro?i. 6. 16. 1 Chr. 4. 10. wouldst k. me from evil 12. 33. 50,000, which could A. rank, 29. 18. A. this for ever in heart [3S. 2 Chr. 22. 9. had no power to A. still 30. 23. counsel to k. other 7 days Ezra. S. 29. watch and k. them Neh. 12. 27. k. dedica. with gladness Esth. 3. 8. nor k. they king's laws Job 14. 13. O that thou wouldst A", me 20. 13. though he k. it still within Ps. 12. 7. shalt A', them, O L. 31. 20. 17. 8. k. me as the apple of the eye 19. 13. k. from presumptuous sins 25. 20 O k. my soul, and deliver me 34. 13. k. thy tongue, from evil 37.34. k. his way |] 39.1. k. my mouth 89. 28. my T mercy will I k. for him 91. 11. his angels charge, to A. thee 103. 9. nor will he k. angerfor ever 106. 3. blessed are they k. judgment 113. 9. barren woman to A. house 119. 2. blessed they th. k. his testim. 4. thou com. us to k. thy precepts 17. may live and A. thy word, 101. 33. teach me, I sh. k. it to the end 63. companion of them A. thy prec. 69. A. thy precepts wi. heart, 134. 88. will A. testimony of thymouth 100. because I k. thy precep 106. will A. thy righteous judgm. 146. and I shall k. thy testimonies 127. 1. except L. A. city, watchman 140. 4. A. me from hands of wicked 141. 3. O L. A. the door of my lips Prov. 2. 11. understan. shall A. thee 20. mayest k. paths of righteous 3. 21. my son, k. sound wisdom 26. L. shall A. thy foot from being 4. 6. love wisdom, she sh. k. thee 13. k. instruction, let her not go S58 KEE Prov. 4.21. k. my sayings in Ihyhpart 23. k. thy heart with all diligence 5. 2. thy lips may A - , knowledge 6. 22. when sleepest it shall k. thee 7. 1. my son, k. my words, lay up 5. way k. thee fr. strange woman 8. 32. blessed they that k. my ways 22. 5. he that doth A. his soul 28. 4. such as k. the law contena Eccl. 3. 6. a time to k. and cast away 5. 1. k. thy foot when goest to house Isa. 26. 3. will A. him in perfect peace 27. 3. the L. do k. it, k. it night and 42. 6. L. called thee, I will k. thee 43. 6. k. not back || 56. 1. k. judgment Jer. 3. 5. will he A. anger to end? 12. 31. 10. A. him as shepherd doth flock 42. 4. I will A. nothing back fr. you Ezek. 20. 19. A. my judgments, 36.27. 43. 11. they may A. the whole form Hos. 12. 6. A. mercy aud judgment Mic. 7 5. k. the doors of thy mouth A''/A.1.15.A. thy feasts||2. l.A.munition ZcrA. 13. 5. taught me to k. cattle Mai. 2. 7. priests' lipssha. A. know!. Mark 7. 9. k. your own tradition Luke 4. 10. angels charge to A. thee 1 1. 28. blessed that hear word, k. it 19. 43. thy enemies shall A. thee John 8.51. A. my say. never see death, 55. know him, A. his saying £52. 12. 25. huteth life in this world A. it 14. 23. if man love me A. my words 15.20. sayintr, they will A. yoursalso 17. 11. A. thy name || 15. A. from evil Acts 5. 3 to A. back part of the price iO. 28. that is a Jew to A. company 15. 5. com. them to A. law of Moses 29. from which if ye A. yourselves 16. 4. delivered them decrees to A. Rom. 2. 25. proiiteth, if thou A. law 26. k. the righteousness of law 1 Cor. 5. 8. therefore let us k. feast 11. written to you not A. company 7. 37. decreed he will k. his virgin 9. 27. I k. under my body and bring 15. 2. A. in memory wh. I preached 2 Cor. II. 9. and so will I k. myself Gal. 6. 13. neither do circum. A. law Eph. 4. 3. to A. the unity of Spirit Phil. 4. 7. peace of G. A. your hearts 2 Thes. 3. 3. establish and k. fr. evil 1 Tim. 5. 22. A. thyself pure 6. 20. A. that committed to thy trust 2 Tim. 1. 12. A. that I comm. to him 14. committed to thee A. by H. G. Jam. 1. 27. to A. himself unspotted 1 John 5. 21. A. yourselves from idols Jude 21. A. yourselves in love of G. 24. to him that is able to A. you Rev. 1. 3. blessed they that A. things 3. 10. A. thee from hour of tempta 22. 9. who A. sayings of this book KEEPtfftre. Gen. 6. 19. into ark to k'. them a. 20. Num. 31. 18. children k.a. for yours. 2 Sam. 8. 2. wi. one full line to k. a. Ps. 22. 29. none can A. a. own soul 33. 19. and A. them alive in famine 41. 2. L. preserve and A. him alivt KEEP charge. Num. 1. 53. Levites k. c. of taberu. 18. 4. | 31. 30. 1 Chron. 23. 32. 3. 8. they k. c. of the children of Is. 32. k. c. of the sanctuary, 18. 5. 1 Chron. 23. 32. Ezek. 44. 16. minister to me, k. my c 'Lech. 3. 7. if thou wilt A. my charge KEEP commandments. Exod. 16. 28. refuse ye to A. my e. 20. 6. mercv to them that A. my c. Deut. 5. 10. I 7. 9. Dan. 9. 4. Lev. 22. 31. shall ye A. my c. and do them, Deut. 4.40. | 6. 17. | 7. II KEE Lee. 26. 3 If ye Ar. my c. Deut. 1 1. 22. | 19. 9. | 28.9. | 30. 10. 1 Xiii. 3. 14. Deut. 5. 29. fear me and A:, my com. 8. 2. know whether th. wouldst Ar. c. 26. 17. avouched the Ld. to k. his c. 18. thee, that thou shouldest Ar. c. Josh. 22. 5. take heed to k. command. 1 Kin. 2. 3. charge of Lord to k. c. 6. 12. k. my c. 2 Kin. 17. 13. Prov. 4. 4. | 7. 2. 8. 58. incline our hearts to k. his c. 61. let heart be perfect to k. his c. 9. 6. not k. c. I will cut off Israel Chr. 29.19. Sol. perfect heart to k. c. Pn. 78. 7. works of God, butAr. his c. 1 19. 60. and delayed not to k. thy e. 115. depart evil doers, I will k. c. Prov. 3 I. let thy heart k. my c. 6. 20. my son. k. thy father's c. Eccl. 8. 2. counsel thee to Ar. king's c. 12. 13. fear God and k. his com. Mat. 19. 17. wilt enter life, k. the c. John 14. 15. if ye love me, k. my c. I Tim. 6. 14. k. this c. without spot 1 John 2. 3. we know him if we k. c. 3. 22. ask we receive, beca. we k. c. 5. 2. we love God and k. his com. 3. this is love of G. that we k. his c. Ren. 12. 17. war with seed which k. c. 14. 12. they which k. the c. 'if God See Covenant KEEP passover. E.rod. 12. 49. stranger k. p. to Lord Num. 9. 2. children of Israel k. p. in itsseason, 4. Dew*. 16.1. 2 A'm.23.21. 2 C/«\ 30. 1 come to k. the p. to God 35. 18 nor did all kings k. such a;;. A/«*. 26. 18. I will k.p. at thy house KEEP silence. Judg. 3. 19. said, A. * all went out Psal. 35. 22. Ar. not silence, S3. 1. 50. 3. shall come, and shall not Jr. *. Eccl. 3. 7. time to k. s. time to speak Isa. 41. 1. k. s. before me, O islands Lam. 2. 10. elders of da. of Zion k. s. Amos 5. 13. the prudent shall k. sil. Hub. 2. 20. L. in temple, earth k. s. 1 Cor. 14. 28. let him k. s. in church 34. let women k. s. in churches KEEP statutes. Exod. 15. 26. if thou wilt k. all his *. Deut. 30. 10. I Kin. 9. 4. | 11. 33. Lev. 18. 5. k. my s. and judgments, 26. | 19. 19. | 20. 8, 22. Ezek. 44. 24. Deut. 6. 2. fear Lord to A:, his statu. 26. 17. avouched Lord to A. his .via. I Kin. 11. 33. in my ways to/c. my*. P*a£. 119. 5. ways directed to k. sta. 8. I will k. thy s. forsake not, 145. Ezek. 18. 21. wicked turn and k. s. KEEPER. Gen. 4. 2. and Abel was a k. of 6heep 9. am I my brother's k.? 39. 22 k. committed to Joseph 23. the k. looked not to any thing 1 Sam. 17. 'i0. David left sheep wi. k. 28. 2. make the k. of mine head 2 Kin. 22. 14. k. of the wardrobe, 2 Chron. 34. 22. Esth. 2. 3. Hege Ar. of women, 8. 15. Job 27. 18. as booth that k. maketh Ps. 121. 5. Lord thy k. L. thy shade Cant. 1. 6. made me k. of vineyards Jcte 16. 27. k. of the prison pwaking KEEPERS. Eccl. 12. 3. when k. of hou. tremble Canf. 5. 7. the Ic. took away my vail 8. 11. Solomon letout vineyard to Ar. Jer. 4. 17. as k. of the field are they Mat. 28. 4. fear of him k. did shake Acts 5. 23. k. standing before doors 12. 6. k. kept pris. || 19. examined k. Ttt. 2. 5 chaste, k. at home, good See Doom. KEP KEEPEST. 1 Kin. 8. 23. who k. covenant with servants, 2 Chr. 6. 14. Neh. 9. 32. Acts 21. 24. orderly and k. the law KEEPETH. Exod. 21. 18. die not, but k. his bed Z)ew£ 7. 9. faithful God which k. co- venant, Neh. 1. 5. ! Sa?n. 16. 11. behold he k. the sheep Job 33. 18. k. back soul from the pit Psal. 34. 20. he k. all his bones 121. 3. that k. thee not slumber, 4. 146. 6. Lord, which A:, truth for ever Prop. 2. 8. he k. paths of judgment 10. 17. in way of life A:, instruction 13. 3. k. his mouth k. his life, 21. 23. 6. righteousness A*, him upright 16.17. k. way presenreth soul, 19. 16. 19. 8. k. understanding find good 24. 12. k. soul, doth not he know ? 27. 18. who A;, fig-tree shall eat fruit 28. 7. whoso k. the law is a wise son 29. 11. wise man A:, it till afterwards 18. that k. the law, happy is he Eccl. 8. 5. k. command, feel no evil Isa. 26. 2. nation k. truth may enter 56 2. A\ sabbath from polluting it Jer. 48. 10. cursed be he k. back sword Lam. 3. 28. sitteth alone k. silence Hub. 2. 5. proud, neither A:, at home Luke 11. 21. strong man A:, palace John 7. 19. yet none of you k. law 9. 16. because he k. not the sabbath 14. 21. hath command. andAr. them 24. loveth not, k. not my sayings 1 John 2. 4. I know him, and k. not 5. Ar. his word, in him is love, 3. 24. 5. 18. is begotten of GndAr. himself Rev. 2. 26. overcoraeth and k. works 16. 15. blessed he that Ar. garments 22. 7. blessed is he that k. sayings KEEPING. Exod. 34. 7- L. Ar. mercy for thousa. Deut. 8. 11. in not k. his commands 1 Sam. 25. 16. with them k. sheep Ps. 19. 11. k. of them great, reward Ezek. 17. 14. by k. of his covenant Dan. 9. 4. the great God A:, covenant Luke 2. 8. were shepherds Ar. watch 1 Cor. r i. 19. k. commandments of G. 1 Pet. 4. 19. commit, k. of souls to him KEPT. Gen. 2C. 5. Abraham k. my charge 29. 9. came with sheep, she k. them Exod. 3. 1. Moses k. flock of Jethro 16. 23. to be k. till the morning 32. manna k. for generat. 33, 34. 21. 29. the owner not k. him in, 35. Num. 17. 10. Aaron's rod k. for token 19. 9. water k. for congregation 24. 11. Lord hath k. thee back Deut. 32. 10. k. them as apple of eye 33. 9. observed word, k. covenant Josh. 14. 10. k. me alive 45 years Ruth 2. 23. *. by maidens of Boaz 1 Sam. 17. 34. servant k. fath. sheep 21. 4. Ar. themselves from women 25. 33. blessed th. who k. me this dav 26. 15. why not k. thy lord the king? 16. ye have not k. your master 2 Sam. 13. 34. young man k. watch 22. 22. 1 have k. the ways of the L. Psal. 18. 21. [Psal. 18. 23. 24. have k. myself from iniquity, 44 k. me to be head of heathen 1 Kin. 2. 13. not, k. the oath of Lord 8. 24. hast A:, with David what thou promisedst him, 2 Chr. 6. 15. 11. 11. th. hast not A:, my covenant 13. 21. man of God not A;, command. 1 Chr. 10. 13. word of L. Saul k. not 12. 1. while David k. himself close 2 Chr. 7. 8. and Solomon k. the feast seven days 9. 259 KIC 2 Chr. 30. 21. k feast of utileavenad bread, Ezra 6. 22. 35. 18. no passover like that k. in la. Ezra 3. 4. k. feast of tabernacles 6. 19. child, of captivity A:, passover Neh. 1. 7. have not k. commandm. 8. 18. they k. the feast seven days Job 23. 11. his ways have I k. 28. 21. k. close from fowls of the air Ps. 17. 4. k. from paths of destroyer 30. 3. k. me alive || 42. 4 k. holy day 78. 10. Ar. not the covenant of God 99. 7. they Ar. his testimonies 119. 22. for I A;, thy testimonies, 167. 55. k. thy law || 56. k. precepts, 168. 67. k. thy word|| 158. k. not word Eccl. 2. 10. eyes desired k. not from 5. 13. riches k. for owners thereof Cant. 1. 6. own vineyard ha. I not *. Isa. 30. 29. as when solemnity is k. Jer. 16. 11. k. laws ||35. 18. k. precepts Ezek. 5. 7. nor k. my judgm. 20. 21. 44. 8. not k. charge of holy things 15. A:, charge of sanctuary, 48. II. Dan. 5. 19. he k. alive, he set up 7. 28. I k. the matter in my heart IIos. 12. 12. served for wife, Ar, shet 1 p Amos 1. 11. Edom k. wrath for ever Mai. 2. 9. have not k. my ways, 3. 7. 3. 14. profit have k. his ordinance Mat. 13. 35. things been k. secret 19. 20. these have I k. fr. my youth, Luke 18 21. Mark 4. 22. nor anything k. secret 9. 10. they Ar. that saying, Lu. 9. 38. Luke 2. 19. k. things in heart, 51. 8. 29. he was k. bound with chains John 2. 10. th. hast k. the good wine 15. 10. 1 Ar. father's commandments 20. if they have k. my Baying 17. 6. and have k. thy word 12. those thou gavest me I haTefc Acts 5. 2. Ar. back part of the price 7. 53. received law, and not k. it 12. 5. Peter Ar. in pris. || 6. Ar. prison 20. 20. I Ar. back nothing profitable 22. 20. and Ar. the raiment of them 29. 16. dwelt with soldier th. k. him Rom. 16. 25. mystery Ar. secret 2 Cor. 11. 9. Ik. from being burden. Gal. 3. 23. we were Ar. under law 2 Tim. 4. 7. my course, I Ar. the faith Heb. 11. 28. Moses Ar. the passover Jam. 5. 4. hire is k. back by fraud 1 Pet. 1. 5. are Ar. by power of God 2 Pet. 3. 7. by same word Ar. in store Jude 6. the angels Ar. not first estate Rev. 3. 8. Ar. word, not denied name 10. hast Ar. word of my patience KEPT silence. Job29. 21. men give ear, and Ar. ». 31. 34. fear multitude, that I A". *.? Ps. 32. 3. 1 Ar. s. my bones waxed otf 50. 21. things thou done, and I k. 4 Acts 15. 12. all the multitude k. *. 22. 2. spake Hebrew, Ar. the more 4 KERCHIEFS. Ezek. 13. 18. Ar. on head of stature 21. your Ar. also will I tear KERNELS. Num. 6. 4. eat nothing from the k KETTLE. 1 Sam. 2. 14. struck into Ar. or pot KEY, S. Judg. 2. 25. took a Ar. and opened Isa. 22. 22. the k. of house of David Mat. 16.19. give k. of king, of heaveu Luke 11. 52. taken Ar. of knowledge Rev. 1. 18. Ar. of hell and of death 3. 7. he that hath the Ar. of David 9. 1. given Ar. of bottomless pit, 20. L KICK, ED. Deut. 32. 15. Jeshu. waxed fat and k. 1 Sam. 2. 29. Ar. ye at my sacrifice ? KIL AeUO. 5. hard to A. aga. pricks,26.14. KID. Sen. 37. 31. Joseph's bre. killed a k. Erod. 23. 19. sh. not seethe the k. in mother's milk, 34. 26. Deut. 14.21. lev. 4. 23. his offering, a k. of goats, 28. | 9. 3. Ezek. 43. 22. | 45. 23. j3. 19. then ye shall sacrifice one k. of the goats, Num. 7.16, 22, 28. | 15. 24. | 28. 15, 30. | 29. 5, 11, 16, 19, 25. ~*«dg. 6. 19. Gideon made ready a k. 4. 6. Samson rent the lion as a A. c. 11. 6. leopard lie down with k. uke 15. 29. thou never gavest a A. KIDS. J n. 27. 9. fetch me from thence 2 k. 16. put skins of the k. on his hands T *ei\ 16. 5. take two k. of the goats I Kin, 20.27. like two little flocks ol k. Cant. 1. 8. feed thy k. bes. shepherds KIDNEYS. Exod. 29. 13. thou shalt take two k. and burn, 22. Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15. | 4. 9. | 7. 4. | 8. 1C, 25. Lev. 9. 10. k. burn on the altar, 19. Deut. 32. 14 with fat of k. of wheat Isa. 34. G. with the fat of A', of rams KILL. Gen. 4. 15. lest any find Cain, A. liim 12. 12. they will k. me, but save thee 57. 42. purposing to A. thee 37. 21. and said, let us not k. him Erod. 1. 10. if it be a son, ye A:, him 2. 14. intendest to k. me ? Acts 7.28. \f>. 3. k. this assembly with hunger 17. 3. k. us and children with thirst 20. 13. thou shalt not k. Deut, 5. 17. Mat. 5. 21. Rom. 13. 9. 22. 1. if a man steal an ox, and it. it 29. 11. k. bullock before the Lord. l.ev. I. 5. | 4. 4. [16. 15. Lett. 1. 11. shall k. it on side of altar, 3. 2. k. it at door of the tabernacle 4.24. k. it in the place where they A. 14. 50. he shall k. one of the birds 20. 4. seed to Moloch, k. him not 16. thou sh. k. woman and beast Num. 11. 15. if thou deal thus, k. me 14. 15. if thou k. all this people 16. 13. brought us to A. us in wilder. 22. 29. for now would I k. thee 31. 17. k. eve. woman known man Deut. 4. 42. who k. his neighbour 12. 15. thou may est k. and eat flesh 13. 9. but thou shalt surely k. him 32. 39. I k. and I make alive Judg. 13. 23. L. were pleased to k. us 16. 2. when it is day, we sh. k. him 20. 31. began to k. as at other times, 1 Sam. 17.9. if he be able to fcme [39. 19. 2. Saul seeketh to k. thee 30.15. swear thou wilt neither k. me Sam. 14. 7. that we may k. him 32. if iniq. be in me, let him k. me 21. 4. nor for ussh. thou A:, any man 2 Kin. 5. 7. am I a God, to k. ? 7. 4. if they k. us, we shall but die 11. 15. followeth her k. with sword 2 Chron. 35. 6. k. the passover Esth, 3. 13. letters by posts to k. Jews Ere/. 3. 3. time to A:, and time to heal Isa, 14. 30. k. thy root with famine 29. 1. to year, let them A. sacrifices Ezek. 34. 3. ye. k. them that are fed Mat. 5.21. who sh. k. sh. he in danger 10. 28. fear not them which A. the body, Luke 12. 4. 21. 38. this is heir, come let us k. him, Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. 23. 34. and some of them ye shall k. 26. 4. take Jes. by subtlety to A. him Mark 3. 4. to save life, or to k ? [1 1. 10. 10. do not k. Luke 18. 20. Jam. 2. KIL Luke 13. 31. for Herod will k. thee f 15. 23. bring the fatted calf and k. it John 5. 18. Jews sought to A. him, 7.1. 7. 19. why go ye about to A. me ? 20. who goeth about to k. thee ? 25. is this he whom th. seek to A. ? 8. 22. k. himself? ||37. seek to A. 40. 10. 10. thief cometh to steal and k. Acts 9. 23. counsel to k. Paul, 26. 21. 10. 13. rise, Peter, A. and eat 23. 15. ere near, we ready to A. him 25. 3. laying wait in way to k. him 27. 42. soldiers' counsel to k. priso. Jam. 2. 11. no adultery, yet if thou A. 4. 2. ye A\ and desire to have Rev. 2. 23. I will A. her children 6. 4. that they sho. A. one another 8. power was given them to A. 9.5. given that they sho. not A. them 11. 7. beast overcome and A. them KILLED. Gen. 37. 31. Joseph's coat, k. a kid Exod. 20. 29. the beast hath A. a man Lev. 6. 25. place where burnt-off. is A. sh. sin-off. be A. before the L. 8. 19. ram he A. || 14. 5. bird be A. 14. 6. dip them iu blood of bird A. Num. 16. 41. ye A. people of the L. 31.19. whosoever hath A. any person 1 Sam. 24. 11. cut skirt, A", thee not 25. 11. take my flesh 1 have A. 2 Sam. 12. 9. thou hast A. Uriah 1 Kin.Hl.l9. A. and taken possession? 2 Chr. 25. 3. slew those that A. king 30. 15. A. the passover, 35. J, 11. Ezra 6. 20. Psal. 44. 22. for thy sake are we A. Prai\ 9. 2. she hath A. her beasts Lam. 2. 21. thou hast A. not pitied Mat. 16. 21. be A. and raised again, Mark 8. 31. | 9. 31. [Afrt>-Al2. 5. 21. 35. beat one, and A. another, 22. 4. my oxen and fatlings are A. 23. 31. children of them A. prophets Mark 12. 8. A. him and cast him out 14. 12. when they A. the passover Luke 11. 47. your fathers A. them, 48. 12. 5. after he hath k. hath power 15. 27. father hath A. fatted calf, 30. 22. 7. day when passover must be A. Acts 3. 15. and A. the Prince of life 12. 2. he A. James, brother of John 16. 27. and would have A. himself 23. 12. nor drink till they k. Paul Rom. 8. 36. for thy sake we are k. 11.3. L. they have A. thy prophets 2 Cor. G. 9. as chastened and not A - . ! Thes. 2. 15. who 7c. the Lord Jesus Jam. 5. 6. ye condemned and A. just Rev. 6. 11. should be A. as they were 9. 18. was the third part of man A. 20. the rest which were not A. 11.5. if any hurt him he must be A - . 13. 10. must be A. with sword 15. imasre of beast, should be k. KILL ED ST, EST. Exod. 2. 14. as thou A. the Egyptian Mat. 23. 37. that A. the prophets, Luke 13. 34. KII.LETH. Lev. 24. 17. he that A. anyman shall be put to death, 2], Num. 35. 30. 18. that A. a beast, make good, 21. Nutn. 35. 1!. who A. any unawares, 15. Deut. 19. 4. Josh. 20. 3, 9. 1 Sam. 2. 6. L. A. and maketh alive Job 5. 2. wrath k. the foolish man 24. 14. the murderer A. the poor Prov. 21. 25. desire of slothful A. him Isa, t:G. 3. he that A. an ox John 16. 2. who A. you, doeth G.serv. 2 Cor. 3. 6. letter A., Spi. givethlife Rev. 13. 10. he that A. with sword must be killed 260 KIN KILLING. 2 Chr. 30. 17. had charge of k. passo. Isa. 22. 13. slaying oxen, k. sheep Hos. 4. 2. swearing-, lying, and k. Mark 12. 5. beating some, k. some KIN. Lev. 18. 6. none approach to near &. 20. 19. for heuncovereth his near A. 25. 25. his k. come to redeem it, 49. Ruth 2. 20. the man is near k. to us 2 Sam. 19. 42. king near of A. to ua KIND. Substantive. Gen, 1. 11. yielding fruit after A. 12. 21. waters brought forth after k. 25. G. made the beast after his k. 6. 20. fowls after their A. cattle after k. every creeping thing after A. L.ev. 11. 14. in abomin. hawk after • his A. 15, 16, 19. Deut. 14. 14. 19. 19. not let cattle with diverse A. Neh. 13. 20. sellers of all k. of ware Eccl. 2. 5. I planted trees of all k. Mat. 13. 47. ar.d gathered of every A. 17. 21. A. goeth not out, Marks). 29. 1 Cor. 15. 39. there is one A. of flesh Jam. 1. 18. be a A. of first-fruit unto 3. 7. every k. of beasts and birds KIND. 2 Chr. 10. 7. if thou be A. to people Luke 6. 35. G. is A. to unthankful 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity suffereth and k. Eph. 4. 32. be A. one to another KINDS. Gen. 8. 19. creepeth after their k. 2 Chr. 16. 14. with divers A. spices Jer. 15. 3. appoint over them four A. 1 Cor. 12. 10. divers A. of tongues 14. 10. are so many A. of voices KINDLE. Prov. 26. 21. conten. man to k. strife Isa. 9. 18. it shall A. in the thickets 10. 16. A. a burning like a fire 30. 33. breath c.f the Lord doth A. it 43. 2. nor sh. the flame k. upoH thee Jer. 33. 18. want man to A. ineat-off. Obad. 18. fire and flame A. in them KINDLED. Lev. 10. 6. bewaii burning L. hath A. Num. 11. 33. wrath of the L. was A. Deut. 11. 17. 2 Kin. 22. 13. 17. Psal. 106. 40. [Psal. 18. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 9. coals were A. by it, Job 19. 11. he hath also A. his wrath 32. 2. then was A. wrath of Elihu 42, 7. my wrath is A\ against thee Ps. 2. 12. his wrath is A. but a little 124. 3. their wrath is A. against us Isa, 50. 11. in sparks that ye have A Jer. 44. 6. wrath A. in cities of Judah Ezek. 20. 48. I the Lord have A. it Hos. 11.8. my rcpentings are A. Luke 12. 49. what will I, if it be A.? See Anger, Fire. KINDLETH. Job 41. 21. his breath A\ coals Isa. 44. 15. A. it, and baketh bread Jam. 3. 5. how great a matter little KINDLY. [fire A. Gen, 24. 49. if you deal A. me, 47. 29. 34. 3. Shechem spake A. to damsel 50. 21. Joseph spake A. to brethren Josh. 2. 14. deal A. and truly wi. thee Ruth 1. 8. the Lord deal A. with you 1 Sam. 20. 8. deal A. wi. thy servant Rom. 12. 10. be A. one to another KINDNESS. Gen. 20. 13. A. thou sh. shew to me 21. 23. to the A. I have done to thee 24. 12. O L. shew A. to my master 40. 14. and shew k. I prav thee Josh. 2. 12. shew A. to my fa.'s house Judg. 8. 35. nor shewed k. to Jerub. Ruth 2. 20. not left off A. to living 3. 10. shewed more k. in latter end KIN 1 Sam. 15. 6. ye shewed k. to Tsrael 20. 14. shew me the Ar. of the Lord 2 Sum. 2 5. shewed k. to your lord 6. I also will requite you this k. 9. 3. any, that 1 may shew k. to him 16. 17. is this thy k. to thy friend ? 1 Kin. 2. 7. k. to sons of Barzillai 3. 6, kept for David this great k. 2 Chr. 24. 22. Joash remember, not Ar. Nc7i. 9. 17. God gracious, of great k. Esth. 2. 9. maiden obtained A;, of him Ps. 31. 21. shewed me marvellous k. ] 17. 2. for his merciful k. is great 119. 76. merciful k. be my comfort 141. R. righteous smite, it sh. bea/c. /Vo?\ 19. 22. desire of man is his k. 31. 26. in her tongue is the law of k. Isa. 54. 8. with k. will 1 have mercy 10. /.-. shall not depart from thee Jer. 2. 2. I remember k. of thy youth Joel 2. 13. he is of great k. Jonah 1. 2. Acts 28. 2. shewed us no little k. 2 Cor. 6. 6. by long-suffering, by k. Eph. 2. 7. in his k. toward us Col. 3. 12. on k. humbleness of mind Tit. 3. 4. after the k. of God our 2 Pet. 1. 7. brotherly k. to Ar. charity Z.ow'«g--KINDNESS. Psal. 17. 7. shew thy lovihg-k. 92. 2. 26. 3. thy l.-k. is before mine eyes 36. 7. how excellent is thy lor.-k. 10. O continue thy l.-k. to them 40. 10. lhave not concealed thy l.-k. 11. let thy loving-k. preserve me 42. 8. the Lord will command l.-k. 48. 9. we thought of thy l..k. O God 5h 1. have mercy according to l.-k. 63. 3. thy l.k. is better than life 69. 16. hear me, for thy l.-k. is good 88. 1 1, sh. l.-k. be declared in grave? 89. 33. l.-k. will I not take fr. him 92. 2. to shew forth l.-k. in morning 103. 4. whocrowneth thee withZ.-Ar. 107. 43. understand l.-k. of the Ld. 1 19. 88. quicken me after l.-k. 159. 138. 2. praise thy name for thy l.-k. 143. 8. cause me to hear thy l.-k. Jer. 9. 24. Lord which exercise l.-k. 16. 5. taken away peace, even l.-k. 31. 3. with l.-k. have I drawn thee 32. 18. shewest l.-k. unto thousands Hos. 2. 19. betroth thee to me in l.k. Loving- K 1 N 1) N E SS E S. Ps. 25. 0. remember mercies and l.-k 89. 49. where are thy former l.-k. ? Isa. 63. 7. mention l.-k. of the Lord KINDRKD. Gen. 12. 1. get thee fr. k. Acts 7. 3. 24. 4. go to k. and take wife, 38.40. 31. 3. return to thy k. 13. | 32. 9. 43. 7. man asked us straitly of imrk. Nwn. 10.30. depart to own land and Ar. Josh. 6. 23. brought out all her k. Ruth 2. 3. of k. of Elimelech, 3. 2. Esth. 2. 10. shewed not peo. or k. 20. 8. 6. endure to see destruction of k. Ez. 11. 15. men of thy k. said, O get Luke 1. 61. none of k. called by name Acts 4. 6. were of k. of high priest 7. 13. Joseph's k. known to Phara. 19. dealt subtilly with our k. Per. 5. 9. redeemed us out of every k. 14. 6. gospel to preach to every k. KINDREDS. 1 Chron. 16. 28. give to the Lord, ye k. Psal. 96. 7. Ps. 22. 27. al! k. of nations worship Acts 3. 25. all k. of the earth blessed Ileii. 1. 7. all k. of earth shall wail 7. 9. multitude of k. before throne il. 9. k. see dead bodies three days 13. 7. power given him overall k. K1NE. Gen, 35. 12. forty fr. ten bulls to Esau KIN Gen. 41. 2. seven well-favoured k. 18. 3. seven k. out of river, 4, 19, 20. 26. the seven good k. are 7 year3 27. seven ill-favoured k. are 7 years Deut. 7. 13. bless increase of thy k. 28. 4. blessed be increase of thy k. 18. cursed be the increase of thy k. 32. 14. butter of k. milk of sheep 1 Sam. 6. 7. take two milch k. tie k. 10. took 2 k. || 12. k. took the way 2 Sam. 17. 29. butter, and cheese of k. Amos 4. 1. hear this, ye k. of Iiashan KING. Gen. 14. 18. Melchizedeck k. of Sa- lem, Heb. 7. I. Exod. 1. 8. arose new k. over Egypt Num. 23.21. shout of a A:, among them 24. 7. his k. be higher than A gag Deut. 17. 14. I will set a k. over me 33. 5. and he was k. in Jcshurun Juclg. 8. 18. resembled child, of a k. 9. 8. the trees went to anoint a k. 17. 6. in those days no k. in Israel, 18. 1. | 19. I. | 21. 25. 1 Sam. 2. 10. L. give strength to k. 8. 5. go make us a k. to judge us 6. give a k. || 9. shew man. of A-. 1 1 . 19. will have a k. || 22. make th. a A-. 20. that our k. may judge us 10. 19. nay, but set a k. over us 24. peo. said, G. save the k. 2 Sam. 1G. 2 Kin. 11. 12. 2 Chr. 23. 11. 12. 1. I have made a k. over you 2. the k. walketh before you 12. ye said nay, a k. shall reign over us, when God was your k. 17. wickedness great in asking a A - . 19. to our sins this evil, to ask a k. 25. consumed, both you and your k. 15. 1. sent me to anoint thee to be A\ 23. rejected thee from being k. 26. 16. 1. 1 have provided me a k. 20. 5. not fail to sit with k. at meat 22. 15. let not k. impute anything 24. 20. I know that thou shalt be A:. 25. 36. Nabal held feast like a A:. 2 Sam. 5. 12. estab. him k. over Isr. 11. 8. followed a mess of meat fr. k. 12. 7. 1 anointed thee A:, over Israel 14. 9. k. and his throne be guiltless 17. as an angel of God, so is mv lord the k. 19. 27. 15. 2. had controversy, came to k. 3. none deputed of A:, to hear thee 16.9. should this dead dog curse k.? 17. 2. I will smite the k. only 18. 13. is no matter hid from the k. 19. 9. k. saved us out of hand of 11. speech of Israel come to the A*. 22. 1 know that I am k. over Isr. 28. what right to cry more to Ar.? 43. we have ten parts in the k. 22. 51. tower of salvation for his k. 1 Kin. 1. 35. Solomon k. in my stead 3. 7. servant A:, instead of David 28. heard judgment the A. judced 8. 62. A\ and all Isr. offered sacrifice 10. 3. not any thing hid from the k. 11. 37. thou shalt be Ar. over Israel 14. 2. who told me I should ba k. 14. Lord raise up a k. over Israel 21. 10. didst blaspheme G. and the A". 22. 13. prophets declare good to the Ar. 2 Chron. 18. 12. 47. no A;, in Edom, a deputy was A\ 2 Kin. 1. 11. k. said, come down, 9. 4. 13. wouldest be spoken for to k. 7. 2. lord on whose hand k. leaned 8. 3. to cry to the Ar. for her house 13. Lord shewed thou shalt be Ar. 20. Edom made Ar. over themselves 11. 8. be with Ar. as he goeth out 1 Chr. 4. 23. they dwelt with the k. 29. 20. worshipped Lord and the/fc. 2G1 KIN 2 Chr. 2. 11. he made thee A. 9. R 10. 15. Ar. hearkened not to people 1». 22. he thought to make him k. 24. 21. stoned him at command of k, 25. 16. thou made of the Ar. counsel! EzraL\2. be itknown toAr. 13. | 5. H 6. 10. pray for life of Ar. and sons 7. 27. put in Ar. heart to beautify 8. 22. require of k. band of soldiers Neh. 1. II. I was the Ar. cup-bearer 0. 7. saying, there is a Ar. in Judah Esth. 4. 16. 1 will go in unto the k. 6. 6. the Ar. delighteth to honour, 7. 7. 8. word went out of A:, mouth Job 15. 24. as a Ar. ready to battle 18. 14. bring him to the Ar. of terrors 29. 25. dwelt as a Ar. in the army 34. 18. say to k. thou art wicked ? 41. 34. he is a Ar. over child, of pride Ps. 2. 6. I set my k. upon holy hill 5. 2. my A\ and my God, 84. 3. 10. 16. Lord is Ar. for ever, 29. 10. 18. 50. deliverance giveth he to Ar. 20. 9. let Ar. hear us when we call 21. 1. Ar. shall joy in thy strength 7. the Ar. trusteth in the Lord 24. 7. Ar. of glory shall come in, 9. 8. who is Ar. of glory ? the Lord 10. Lord of hosts, he is Ar. of glory 33 16. no Ar. saved by the multitude 45. 1. things I made touching the Ar» 11. so shall the A\ greatly desire 14. brought to the k. in raiment 47. 6. sing praises to Ar. || 7. G. is k. 61. 6. prolong the Ar. life and years 63. 11. the Ar. shail rejoice in God 72. 1. give the Ar. thy judgments 74. 12. God is my k. of old 89. 18. holy One of Israel is our Ar. 98. 6. make a noise before L. the Ar. 99. 4. the Ar. also loveth judgment 149. 2. children of Zion joyful in k. Prov. 14. 28. people is the A", honour 35. k. favour toward wise servant 20. 28. mercy and truth preserve A. 22. 11. the k. shall be his friend 24. 21. fear the Lord and the Ar. 25. 5. take wicked from before k. 30. 27. the locusts have no Ar. 31. Ar. against whom no risincr up Eccl. 2. 12. man do cometh after Ar. 5. 9. A\ himself served by the held 8. 4. where word of a Ar. is, power 10. 16. woe to thee, when k. is child 17. blessed when Ar. is son of nobles 20. curse not the Ar. in thought Cant. 1. 4. Ar. brought me to chamber 12. while the Ar. sitteth at table 3. 11. Ar. Solomon with the crown Isa. 6. 5. mine eyes have seen theAr. 8. 21. curse their k. and their God 23. 15. according to days of one Ar. 30. 33. for the k. it is prepared 32. 1. Ar shall reign in righteousn. 33. 17. thine eyes shall t-ee the k. 22. the L. is our Ar. be will save us 43. 15. the Creator of Israel yourfc 57. 9. wentest to Ar. with ointment Jer. 4. 9. heart of Ar. shail perish 8. U. is not her Ar. in her ? 10. 10. true God, an everlasting A;. 23. 5. a Ar. shall reign and prosper 38. 25. what said to k. the A", to thee 46. 18. A. whose name is the Lord of hosts, 48. 15. | 51. 57. 49. 38. I will destroy Ar. and princes Lam. 2. 6. L. despised Ar. and priest Ezek. 17. 13. hath taken of Ar. seed 16. Ar. dvvelleth that made him Ar. 26. 7. I will bring a Ar. of ki 5. 24. k. thy tabernacle in peace 25. k. that thy seed shall be great 27. and k. thou it for thy good 1. 10. nor shall his place k. him 8. 9. but of yesterday, k. nothing 11. 6. k. that God exacteth less 8. deeper th. hell, what canst th.Ar.? 13. 23. make me k. my transgression 19. 6. k. that G. ha. overthrown me 21.19. G. rewardeth him, he sh. 7c. it 22. 13. thou sayest, how doth G./c.r 24. 1. do they that k. him not see? 17. if one k. them, they are in ter. 34. 4. A*, among oursel. what is good 37. 15. dost k. wh. G. disposed them 38. 20. k. the paths to the house Psal. 4. 3. A:. L. hath set apart godly 9. 10. that A:, thy name trust in thee 39. 4. L. make me to k. mine end 46. 10. be still, and k. that I am G. KNO Ps. 51. 6. in hid. p:\rt make me to k. 59. 13. let them k. that God ruleth 73. II. doth G. k. \\ 16. thought to k. 89. 15. blessed are they that k. 103. 16. the place sh. k. it no more 139. 23. k. my heart, k. my thoughts 142. 4. there was no man wo. k. me 143. 8. k. way wherein I sho. walk Prov. 1. 2. k. wisdom and instruction 4. 1. and attend to k. understanding 10.32. righteous A:, wh. is acceptable 27. 23. diligent to k. state of flocks Eccl. 1. 17. gave my heart to k. wis. 7. 25. applied my heart to k. wisdom 8. 17. tho' a wise man think to k. 9. 5. the living A:, they shall die 11. 9. k. that G. will bring to judg. Isa. 7. 16. before the child shall k. 19. 21. Egyptians shall k. the Lord 41. 20. that they may see and A:. 49. 26. all flesh shall k. I am Saviour 50. 4. k. how to speak in season 52. 6. my people shall k. my name 58. 2. and delight to A - , my ways 60. 16. k. that I the L. am thy Sav. Jer. 2. 19. k. that it is evil to forsake 9. 6. thro' deceit refuse to A:, me 15. 15. k. thatfor thy sake I suffered 16. 21. cau^e them to k. my hand, and they sh. k. my name is theL. 17. 9. heart deceitful, who can Ar.it? 24. 7. give them an heart to A", me 31. 34. k. the Lord, for they shall all k. me, Heb. 8. 11. 36. 19. let no mm k. where ye be Ezek. 2. 5. A", that there hath been a prophet, 33. 33. 5. 13. k. I the Lord hath spoken 25. 14. they shall k. my vengeance 28. 19. all that k. thee be astonished 34.30. thus sh. they k. I am wi. them 37. 28. the heathen shall k. 39. 23. Dan. 2. 21. knowl. to them who A*. 4. 25. k. that Most High ruleth, 32. 7. 16. made me k. the interpretation 11. 32. people that k. G. be strong Hos. 2. 20. thou shalt A", the Lord 9. 7. Israel shall k. it, the prophet 13. 4. thou shalt k. no God but me 14.9. prudent, and he sh. k. them Mic. 3. I. is it not for you to k. judg. ? Zech. 2. 11. k. the L. sent me, 4. 9. Mai. 2. 4. ve shall A - . I have sent this Mat 6. 3. "let not thy left hand k. what thy right doeth [Lu. 1 1.13. 7. 1 1. if ye Ar. how to give good gifts, 9. 30. see no man k. it, Mark 5. 43. | 7. 24. | 9.30. [4. II. LitkeS. 10. 13. 11. it is given to you to A*. Mark 24. 33. A", desolation is near, Murk 13. 29. Luke 21. 20. John 4. 42. we k. that this is Christ 7. 17. lie shall A - , of the doctrine 10. 4. sheep follow, they k. his voice 14. am good She p. and k. my sheep 13. 7. thou shalt A. hereafter 35. all men k. ye are my disciples 18. 21. behold, they A", what I said Acts 1. 7. not for you to A', the times 22. 14. k. his will and see Just Oi:i> 26. 4. from my youth k. all Jews Horn. 7. 1. speak to them that A. law 10. 19. but I say, did not Israel A.? 1 Cor. 2. 14. neither can he k. them 8.2. knoweth nothingas ought to A". Eph. 3. 19. to k. the love of Christ 1 Thess. 3. 5. 1 sent to A*, your faith 4. 4. eve. one sho. k. how to possess 5. 12. k. them who labour amo. you 1 Tim. 4. 3. whi. believe and k. truth 2 Tim. 3. 1. k. also that in last days Tit. 1. 16. they profess th. they A;. G. Jam. 2. 20. wilt thou k. O vain man Jude 10. but what they k. naturally 2G5 KNO Rev. 2. 23. churches shall A. I am h? 3.9. make them k. I have loved thee SeeCERTAiN, Certainly, Certainty /KNOW. Gen. 12. 11. Ik. thou art fair woman 15. 8. Ik. that I shall inherit it ? 18. 19. Ik. he will com. his children 22. 12. I k. that thou fear est God 48. 19. said, Ik. it, my son, Ik- it Exod. 3. 7. L. said, Ik. their sorrow 4. 14. thy brother? I. k. he can speak 18. 11. / k. L. greater than all goda 33. 12. Ik. thee by thy name, 17. Dent. 31. 21. Ik. their imagination 29. Ik. that after my death ye will Josh. 2. 9. Ik. L. hath given you land Judg. 17. 13. k. I L. will do me good \Sam. 20.30. Ik. chosen son of Jesse? 24. 20. / k. thou sh. surely be king 29. 9. Ik. thou art good in my sight 2 Kin. 2. 3. Ik. it, hold your peace, 5. 5. 15. Ik. there is no G. in earth 19. 27. Ik. thy abode, Isa. 37. 28. 1 Chr. 29. 17. I. k. thou triest heart 2 Chr. 25. 16. /. A'. G. ha. determined Job 9. 23. Ik. not hold me innocent 13. 2. ye know, the same do Ik. also 18. I. k. that I shall be justified i9. 25. Ik. my Redeemer liveth 21. 27. Ik. your thoughts anddevic. 30. 23. /. k. thou bring me to death 42. 2. 1. k. thou canst do eve. thing Pi. 20. 6. /. A. L. savethhis anointed 4L 11. by this I k. thou favour, me 50. 11. Ik. all fowls of the mount. 119 75. Ik. O L. thy judg. right 135. 5. Ik. the L. is great above all 140. 12. Ik. L. will maintain cause Eccl. 3. 12. I k. there no good in them 8. 12. /. k. it sh. be well with them Isa. 47. 8. nor sh. I k. loss of child. 66. 18. I. k. th. works and thoughts Jer. 10. 23. i". k. the way of man 11. 18. L. given me knowle. Ik. it 29. 11. Ik. the thoughts I think 23. / k. and am witness, saith L. 48. 30. Ik. his wrath, saith the L. Ezek. 11. 5. Ik. things that come IIos. 13. 5. /did A", thee in wilderness Jonah 1. 12. Ik. for mysake tempest Mat. 28. 5. I k. that ye seek Jesus Mark 1. 24. Ik. thee who thou art, Luke 4. 34. Luke 1. 18. whereby shall Ik. this John 4. 25. I k. that Messias comcth 8. 37. Ik. ye are Abraham's seed 55. I k. him ||9. 25. one thing Ik. 10. 15. knoweth me, I k. the Father 27. Ik. my sheep, they follow me 11. 22. Ik. that what thou ask G 24. Ik. that he shall rise again 13. 18. Ik. whom I have chosen Acts 12. 11. Ik. of a surety L. sent 19. 15. Jesus I k. and Paul / k. 20. 25. Ik. ye see my face no more Rom. 7. 18. Ik. in me dwell, no good 1 Cor. 4. 4. Ik. nothing by myself 13. 12. Ik. in part, then shall I k. Phil. 1. 19. Ik. this sh. turn to salv 25. Ik. I shall abide with, you all 4. 12. Ik. how to be abased, Ik. 2 Tim. 1. 12. 7 A", whom I believed 1 John 2. 4. he that saith, Ik. him Rev. 2. 2. I. k. thy works, 9. 13, 19 I 3. 1.8. 15. KNOW not, or not KNOW. Gen. 4. 9. where is Abel ? I A', not 27. 2. I A;, not the. day of my death Exod. 5. 2. I k. n. L. nor will I let Is. 1 Sam. 3. 7. Samuel did n. yet k. L, 1 Kin. 18. 12. Sp. carry thee I k. n. 2 Kin. 17. 26. they k. n. manner of G Ezra 7. 25. teach ye them that k. n. Job 9, 21. yet would I n. k. my soul KNO Job 15. 9. knowest thou that we k. n.? 21. 29. do ye not k. their tokens ? 24. 13. they k. not the ways thereof 16. dig in dark, they k. not light 32. 22. A:. ». to give flattering titles 36. 26. God great, we k. him not PsaL 71. 15. I A;, w. numbers thereo. 82. 5. they k. n. neither understand 94. 10. teacheth man, shall n. he k.? 101. 4. I will n. k. a wicked person Prov. 4. 19. k. n. at what th. stumble 24. 12. doth not he k. it, and shall 30. IS. are four things which 1 k. n. Eccl. 9. 5. but dead k. n. any thing Isa. 1. 3. but Israel doth not k. 43. 19. ye n. k. it ? || 44. 8. I k. n. «. he said, k. ye Laban ? Exod. 16. C. at even ye shall k. 23. 9. ye k. the heart of a stranger Num. 14. 34. ye k. breach o f promise Josh. 3. 10. ye shall k. the living God 2 Kin. 9. II. yek. man and hiscomm. Job 13. 2. what ye k. same do I know Ps. 100. 3. k. ye that Lord he is God Isa. 51. 7. ye that k. righteousness Jer. 48. 17. all ye that k. his name Ezek. 17. 21. ye k. I ha. spoken, 37. 14. Joel 2. 27. ye shall fe I am in midst Zech. 2. 9. yeshall k. L. sent me, 6. 15. Mat. 7. 16.' ye shall k. by fruits, 20. 20. 25. ye k. princes of the Gen- tiles, Mark 10. 42. 24. 32. ye k. the summer is ni^h, Mark 13. 28. Lute 21. 30. 25. 13. for ye k. neither day nor hour Mark. 4. 13. k. ye not this parable ? Luke2\. 31. k. yekingd. of G. is nigh JoJin 7. 28. ye both A', me, and know 8. 28. then shall ye k. that I am he 32. and ye shall k. the truth 11. 49. Caip. said, A", ve nothing at all 13. 12. k. ye what 1 have dune ? 13. 17. if ye k. these things, happy 14. 4 wh'tii. I go ye k. and way ye k. 7. from henceforth rye k. him, 17. 20 i/e shall A". 1 am in my P'ather 15. 18. ye k. that it hated me Arts 2. 22. as ye. yourselves also k. 19. 25. ye k. that by this craft we 1 Cor. 15. 58. ye k. labo. is not in vain 2 Cor. 8. 9. ye k. grace of our Lord Gal. 3. 7. A", ye they which are of faith Phil. 2. 22. ye k. the proof of him 1 77ie.v. 1. 5. ye k. wh. manner of men 2. 2. shamefully entreated, as ye k. 1 1. ye k. how we exhorted 2 Thes. 2. C\ ye k. what withholdeth Heb. 12. 17. yek. he would ha. inher. 1 Pet. 1. 18. ye k. ye not redeemed 2 J'et. 3. 17. yek. these things before 1 John 2. 20. and ye k. all things 21. truth, but because ye k. it 29. ye k. he is righte. ye k. ev. one 3. 5. ye k. he manifested to take 4. 2. hereby A:, ye the Spirit of God 3 John 12. ye A", our record is true Ye KNOW not, or KNOW ye not. 2 Sam. 3. 38. A". ye not there is a prince Job 21. 29. do ye not k. their tokens Mat. 20. 22. ye A-. not what ye ask 24. 42. ye. k. n. what hour L. come Mark 4. 13. k. ye not this parable ? 12. 24. because ye k. not scriptures 13. 33. ye k. not when time is, 35. Luke 9. 55. ye k. not what manner John 1. 26. one whom ye k. not 4. 22. ye worship ye k. not what 32. meat to eaty? k. not of 7. 28. sent me is true, whom yek. n. 8. 19. ye neither k. me nor Father 9. 30. ye k. r.ot from whence he is 2 Cor. 13. 5. k. ye not yourselves Jam.4.14. ye k. n. what be on morrow 1 John 2. 21. ye k. not the truth Knowest. Gen. 30. 26. thou k. service I done 47. 6. k. any man of activity among Exod. 32. 22. k. peo. set on mischief Num. 20. 14. A:, travel hath befallen Deut. 28. 33. a nation thou k. not Josh. 14. 6. A\ thing the Lord sa:d 2 Sam. 2. 26. k. thou not that it will 7. 20. L. k. thy se:vant, 1 Chr. 17. 18. 17. 8. said Hushai, thou k. father KNO 1 Kin. 1. 5. Ar. also what Joah did 9. Ar. what thou oughtest to do 44. thou k. all thou didst to David 8. 39. whose heart thou A;, thou only Ar. 2 Chron, 6. 30. Kin. 2. 3. k. thou L. will take, 5. 4. 1. k. thy servant did fear the L. Job 10. 7. thou k. I am not wicked 15 9. what k. thou that we k. not ? 20. 4. k. thou not this of old 34. 33. therefore speak what thou k. 38. 5. who laid measures, if thou k.? 21. k. thou it, bee. wast then born? 39. 1. k. when goats bring forth, 2. Ps. 40. 9 O L. thou k. Jer. 15. 15. 69. 5. O G. thou k. my foolishness 139. 2. thou k. my down-sitting 4. lo, O L. thou k. it altogether Prov. 27. 1. k. not what a day bring Eccl. 11. 2. Ar. not what evil shall be 5. k. not what is way of the Spirit 6. thou k. not whether ah. prosper ha. 55. 5. call a nation thou k. not Jer. 5. 15. nation whose langu. k. not 12. 3. but thou, O Lord, Ar. me 17. 16. nor desired woeful day, th. k. 18. 23. thou k. their counsel to slay 33. 3. will shew things thou k. not /Jrm.10.20. k. thou wherefore 1 come Zech. 4. 5. k. not what these be, 13. Mark 10. 19. thou k. commandments, Luke 18. 20. Luke 22. 34. sh. thrice deny th. k. me John 1.48. Nath. said, whence k. me? 3. 10. a master, k. not these things? 13. 7. what I do, thou k. not now l(i. 30. sure thou k. all things, 21.17. 21. 15. yea, L. thou k. I love thee, 1(5. Act* I. 24. k. the heart3 of all men Horn. 2. 18. k. his will, andapprovest 1 Cor. 7. 10. what /<-. thou, O wife 3 Tim. I. 15. thou/;, all they in Asia Rev. 3. 17. k. not thou art wretched 7. 14. 1 said unto him, sir, thou k. KNOWETH. Gen. S3. 13. A:, children are tender Deut. 2. 7. A:, thy walking thro' wild. 34. 6. no man Ar. Moses' sepulchre Josh. 22. 22. G. of gods, he A:. Israel 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father certainly k. 2 Sam. 14. 22. serv. k. I found grace 17. 10. Isr. k. thy father is mighty Job 11. 11. he k. vain men, he seeth 15. 23. k. day of darkness is ready 23. 10. but he k. the way I take 28. 7. there is a path no fowl k. 23. God understamleth and k. 34. 25. therefore he k. their works Pn. 1. 6. L. k. way of the righteous 37. 18. the L. k. days of the upright 41. 21. he k. the secrets of the heart 74. 9. nor is there any among us k. '.tt. 11. L. k. thoughts of man vanity 103. 14. he A:, our frame, we are dust 104. 19. the sun k. his going down 138. 6. but the proud he k. afar off 139. 14. thy works, my soul k. well Eccl. 6. 8. k. to walk before living 7. 22. thine heart k. th. hast cursed 9. 1. no man k. either love or hatred ha. 1. 3. the ox k. his owner Jer. 9. 24. he understand, and k. me Dan. 2. 22. heAr. what is in darkness KafiA. 7. L. At. them that trust in him Y.eph. 3. 5. the unjust k. no shame Mat. 6. 8. Fa. k. what things ye need 32. k. ye have need of all these things, Luke 12. 30. 11. 27. no man k. the Son but the Father, nor any k. the Father save the Son, Luke 10. 22. 24. 3G. of that day k. no man, Mark Luke 16. 15. G. k. your hearts [13.32. John 7. 15. how k. this man letters? KNO John!. 27. no man k. whence he Is 10. 15. Fa. A:, me || 14. 17. nor A:, him 19. 35. and he k. that he saith true Acts 15. 8. G. which k. the hearts Rom. 8. 27. k. what is mind of Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 11. what man k. things of a man, ev,en things of G. k. no man 8.2. if any man think he A", anything 2 Cor. 11 11. I love you not ? G. k. 31. G. Father of our L. k. I lie not 12. 2. I cannot tell, God k. 3. 2 Tim. 2. 19. L. k. them that are his Jam. 4. 17. to him that Ar. to do good 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. k. how to deliv. godly 1 John 3. 20. G. is greater and k. all 4. 6. he that k. God heareth us 7. that loveth is born of G. A:. G. Rev. 2. 17. name written, no man k. 12. 12. he k. he hath but short time Who KNOWETH, or not KNOWETH. Esth. 4. 14. IB. Ar. wheth. tl . art come Job 12. 9. who k. not in all these 14. 21. come to honour, he k. it v. 18. 21. is place of him, that A:, n. G. 28. 18. man k. n. the price thereof Ps. 39. 6. k. n. who sh. gather them 90. 11. w. k. power of thine anger ? 92. 6. a brutish man k. n, nor a fool Prov. 7. 23 k. n. it is for his life 9. 18. he k. n. the dead are there 24. 22. v. k. the ruin of them both Eccl. 2. 19. w. k. whether he be wise 3. 21. trho k. the spirit of man 6. 12. v\ k. what is good for man 8. 7. he k. not that which shall be 9. 12. for man also Ar. not his time 10. 15. he Ar. n. how to go to the city Ista. 29. 15. who seeth u«, w. k. us ? Hos. 7. 9. gray hairs, yet he k. not Joel 2. 14. w. k. if he will return Mark 4. 27. grow up, he A', n. how John 7. 49. people, w. k. n. the law 12. 35. in darkness, Ar. n. whither 15. 15. serv. Ar. n. what lord clocth \Jolm 2.1 1. walketh in darkness, Ar. n. 3. 1. therefore the world Ar. us not 4. 8. k. n. God, for God is love KNOWING. Gen. 3. 5. as gods Ar. good and evil I Kin, 2. 32. my father David not Ar. Mat. 9. 4. Jesus k. their thoughts, Luke 11. 17. 22. 29. ye err, not k. the scriptures Mark 5.30. Jesus Ar. in himself virtue 33. woman Ar. what was done in her 6. 20. k. that he was a just man Luke 9. 33. Elias, not Ar. wh. he said John 13 3. Jesus Ar. Fa. had given all 18. 4. Jesus Ar. all that should come 19. 28. Jes. k. all things were accom. 21. 12. none ask him, k. it was L. Acts 2. 30. A\ that God had sworn 5. 7. his wife not A\ what was done 20. 22. not A-. the things shall befall Rom. J. 32. k. thejudgment of God 2. 4. not Ar. goodness of G. leadeth 13. 11. Ar. time, now it is high time 4. 14. Ar. he which raised L. Jesus 5. 6. Ar. that whilst we are at home Fph.6.8. k. wh. pood any man doeth Col. 3. 24. k. of L. ye receive reward 1 Tim. 1. 9. Ar. this, law is for lawless 2Tim. 3. 14. Ar. of whom thou learned Heb. 10. 31. Ar. ye have in heaven 11.8. not A\ whither he went Ja?n. 1.3. Ar. this, trying of your faith \Pet.3. 9. Ar. ye are thereunto called 2 Pet. 1. 14. A", shortly I mustputoff KNOWLEDGE. Gen. 2. 9. tree of Ar. good and evil, 17. E.cod. 31. 3. filled Beza. in Ar. 35.31. Lev. 4. 23. if sin come to his A". 28. Num. 24. 16. Ar. of the Most High 267 KNO Ruth 2. 10. 6houldst take Ar. of me 1 Sam. 2. 3. the Lord is a God of k. 1 Kin. 9. 27. shipmen that had a k. of sea, 2 Chron. 8. 18 2 Chr. 1. 11. but thou hast asked k. 12. wisdom and k. is granted the* Neh. 10. 28. every one having Ar. Job 15. 2. wise man utter vain Ar. ? 21. 14. we desire not A\ of *hy ways 22. shall any teach God k. r 33. 3. my lips shall utter Ar. clearly 36. 3. I will fetch my ft. from afar 4. perfect in k. is wi. thee, 37. 16 Ps. 19. 2. night to night sheweth Ar. 73. 11. is there Ar. in Most High ? 94. 10. he that teacheth man Ar. 1 19. C6. teach me judgment and A; 139. 6. such k. too wonderful for me 144. 3. what is man tho. takest Ar. of? Prov. 1. 7. fear of L. beginning of k, 22. fools hate k. fl 2.3. criest alter A". 29. they hated Ar. did not choose 2. 6. out ol his month cometh k. 10. whjen Ar. is pleasant to thy soul 3. 20. by k. depths are broken up 5. 2. and that thy lips may keep A". 8. 10. and A', rather than choice gold 12. and find out k. of inventions 9. 10. Ar. of Holy is understanding 10. 14. wise men lay up A'. 11. 9. thro' Ar. sh. just be delivered 12. 23. a prudent man concealeth Ar. 13. 16. ev. prudent man deal. wi. k. 14. 6. k. is oasy to him that unders. 7. perceivest not in him lips of Ar. 18. prudent are crowned with Ar. 15. 2. tongue of wise useth Ar. aright 7. the lips of the wise disperse k. 14. hath under.-tanding seeketh Ar. 17. 27. hath A - , spareth his words 18. 15. heart of prudent getteth Ar. and ear of wise seeketh Ar. 19. 25. and he will understand Ar. 27. cease to err from words of k. 20. 15. lips of Ar. are precious jewe 21. 11. wise instructed, he receiv. Ar. 22. 12. eyes of the Lord preserve Ar. 23.12. apply thine ear to words of Ar. 24. 4. by Ar. shall chambers be filled 5. a man of Ar. increaseth strength 28. 2. by man of /<-. state be prolon. 30. 3. nor have the k. of Holy Eccl. 1.16. heart had experience of Ar. 18. increaseth A\ increase. 6orrow 2. 21. a man whose labour is in k. 26. God giveth a man k. andjoy 7. 12. excellency of Ar. is wisdom 9. 10. nor Ar. in grave, whi. goest Isa. 11. 2. Ar. and the fear of the L. 28. 9. whom shall he teach Ar. ? 32. 4. heart oi rash sh. understa. Ar. 33. 6. wisdom and A. sh. be stability 40. 14. in judgment, and taught k. 44. 19. neither is there A-. nor under. 44. 25. and maketh their Ar. foolish 47. 10. thy Ar. hath perverted thee 53. 11. by Ar. righteous serv. justify Jer. 3. 15. which shall feed you wi. A- 10. 14. every man brutish in his k. Dan. 12. 4. and k. shall be increased Hos. 4. 6. peo. destroyed for lack of A", thou rejected k. I reject thee Hab. 2. 14. earth filled with k. of L Mai. 2. 7. priest's lips shou. keep * Luke 1. 77. to give Ar. of salvation 1 1. 52. to have taken away key of A. Acts 4. 13. they marvelled and took k. 24. 22. more perfect'Ar. of that way Ro7n. 1. 28. not like to retainG. in k. 2. 20. which hast the form of Ar. 3. 20. for by law is the Ar. of sin 10. 2. a zeal, not according to Ar. 15. 14. ye also are filled with all ft 1 Cor. 1 5 are enriched in all Ar. KNO 1 Cor 8. L we all ha. Ar. k. pnffeth up 10. see tliee which hast Ar. at meat 11. thro' thy Ar. sh. brother perish 12. 8. word of A', by same Spirit 13. 2. understand mysteries and Ar. 8. there be A*, it shall vanish away 14. 6. speak by revelation or Ar. 2 Cor. 2. 14 manifest savour of his A:. 4. 6. light of k. of the glory of God 6. 6. by k. by long-suffering 8. 7. as ye abound in faith and A\ 11. 6. rude in speech, yet not in k. Eph. 1. 17. you wisdom in k. of him 3. 19. love of Christ wh. passeth A:. 4. 13. in unity of faith, and k. of Son Phil. 1.9. love may abound more in A - . 3. 8. all things loss for k. of Christ Col 1. 9. filled with the k. of his will 2. 3. hid treasures of wisdom and A\ 3. 10. put on new man renewed in At. 1 Tim. 2. 4. men come to k. of truth 2 Tim. 3. 7. to come to k. of truth fleb. 10.26. if we sin after received k. Jam. 3. 13. wise man, endued wi. k.? 1 Pet, 3. 7. husb. dwell accord, to A\ 2 Pet. 1. 5. virtue A - , k. temperance 8. nor unfruitful in k. of our Lord 3. 18. grow in k. of our Lord Jesus KNOWLEDGE of God. Prov. 2. 5. thou shaltfind" the A", of G. Hos. 4. 1. nor k. ofGod'm the land 6. 6. A:, of G. more than burnt-offer. Horn. 11. 33. of wisdom, and k. of G. 1 Cor. 15. 34. some have not A - , of G 2 Cor. 10. 5. exalteth against A\ o/G. Col. 1. 10. increasing in the k. of G. 2 Pet. 1. 2. peace, thro' the k. of G. KNOWLEDGE of the Lord, 2 Chr. 30. 22. taught good k. of Lord Isa. 11. 9. earth full of k. of the Ld. 2 Pet. 2. 20. escaped thro' A:, of Ld. No KNOWLEDGE. Dent. 1. 39. child, that day had no k. Ps. 14-. 4. work, of iniquity no k. 53. 4. Isa. 5. 1.1. because they have no k. 15. 20. ha. no k. that set up images 53. 3. we afflicted soul, takest ?io k. Jar. 4 22. to do good, they ha. no k. Without KNOW LE D G E. Num. 15. 24. w. k. of congregation Job 35. lfi. multiplieth words w. k. 36. 12. shall perish, and die w. k. S3. 2. counsel by words rr. k. 42. 3. Prov. 19.2. not good that soul be w. k. KNOWN. Gen. 24. 16. nor had any man k. her E.rod. 2. 14. surely this thing is k. Lev. 4. 14. sin they have sinned is A". Num. 31. 17. kill ev. woman k. man Dent. 1. 13. and A:, among tribes, 15. Tosh. 24. 31. had A:, works of the L. 1 Kin. 18. 36. let it be k. thou art G. Ps. 9. 16. the L. is k. by judgment 31. 7. hast A:, my soul in adversities 48. 3. God is k. in her palaces 67. 2. thy way may be A', on earth 76. ]. in Judah is God A'., his name 77. 19. thy footsteps are not A:. 79. 10. let him be A:, among heathen 88 12. shall wonders be ft. in dark '< 91. 14. because he hath A', my name 139. 1. hast searched me, and A', me Prov. 12. 16. fool's wrath present. A:. 20. 1 1. a child is k. by his doings 31. 23. her husband is A", in gates Eccl. 5. 3. fool's voice k. by multitu. Isa. 61. 9. seed A - , among Gentiles 56. 14. Lord be k. to his servants Jer. 5. 5. have k. the way of the L. Ezek. 36. 32. saith Lord God, be it Ar. to you, Acts 4. 10. | 13. 33. | 28. 28. 38. 23. At in eyes of many nations Dan, 4 26. shalt ha. k. heavens rule Amot 3. 2. you only have I k, of all KNO lech. 14. 7. a day shall be k. to Ld. Mat. 12. 33. tree A:, by fruit, Lu. 6. 44. 24. 43. if the good man of house had A-. Luke 12. 39. 19. 42. thouhadstAr. in this thy day 24. 35. was A", in breaking of bread John 7. 4. himself seeketh to be Ar. 8. 19. if ye had A:, me ye should have Ar. my Father also, 14. 7. 10. 14. I know sheep, am k. of mine 17. 25. these have Ar. thou sent me Acts 2. 14. be this Ar. unto you 1-5. 18. A', unto (rod are all his works 22. 30. have Ar. the certainty, 23. 28. Horn. 1. 19. which may be A", of God 11. 34. who hath Ar. the mind of L. 1 Cor. 2. 16. 1 Cor. 13. 12. even as I also am Ar. 14. 7. howAr. what is piped or harped 2 Cor. 3. 2. ye are epistle Ar. and read 5. 16. have Ar. Christ after the flesh 6. 9. as unknown, and yet well Ar. Gal. 4. 9. have A\ God or are Ar. of G. Eph. 3. 10. might be Ar. by church Phil. 4. 5. moderation k. to all men 2 Tim. 3 10. fully A', my doctrine 15. from a child Ar. holy scriptures 1 John 2. 13. beea. ye have A. him, 14. 2 John 1. 1. them that have Ar. truth Made or madest KNOWN. Gen. 45. 1. Joseph m. himself Ar. to Neh. 9. 14. m. k. thy holy sabbath Psal. 98. 2. Lord m. k. his salvation 103. 7. he m. /. his ways to Moses Dan. 2. 23. m. k. to us kind's matter Hos. 5. 9. in. k. that which shall be Luke 2. 17. in. Ar. abroad the saying John 15. 15. all I heard, I in. k. to you Acts 2. 28. m. k. to me ways of life 7. 13. Joseph was m. Ar. to brethren Rom. 16. 26. m. k. to all nations Eph. 1. 9. m. k. to us mystery of will 3. 3. he 7ti. k. to me the mystery Phil. 4. 6. let requests be in. k. to G. 2 Pet. 1. 16. m. k. coming of our Ld. Make KNOWN. Num. 12. 6. 1 will in. myself Ar. to him 1 Chr. 16. 8. m. k. his deeds among people, Psal. 105. 1. Ps. 89. 1. will I m. k. thy faithfuln. 10G. 8. might m. k. his mighty power 145. 12. to make k. to sons of men Pi'ov. 1. 23. m. k. my words to you Isa. 38. 19. father shall in. k. truth 64. 2. in. thy nameAr. to adversaries Ezek. 35. 11. in. myself Ar. among th. 39. 7. in. my holy name A", in Israel Da?). 2. 25. man will m. k. to king 28. the Lord m. k. to the king, 29. JIab. 3. 2. in midst of years in. k. Rom. 9. 22. G. willing to in. power A - . 23. in. k. the riches of his glory Eph. 6. 19. m. Ar. mystery of gospel Col. 1. 27. to whom God will m.k. AW KNOWN. Gen. 19. 8. two daughters have not k. man, Num. 31. 18", 35. Judg. 21.12. 41. 21. n. be k. they had eaten them 31. plenty shall n. be A', in the land Ex. 6. 3. bv name Jehovah was I n. k. Deut. 11. 2. children have n. k. 31. 13. 28. after pods ye k. n. 13. 6, 13. Judg. 3. 1. had n. k. wars of Canaan 16. 9. so his strength was n. k. Ruth 3. 14. n. be A', woman came in 1 Kin. 14. 2. n. k. to be wife of Jero. Psal. 18. 43. people whom I have n. k. 77. 19. and thy footsteps are not k. 79. 6. wrath on heathen ha. n. k. thee 95. 10. and they have not k. my ways, Heb. 3. 10. 147. 20. judgm. they have ». Ar. them Eccl. 6. 5. not seen sun n, k. anything Isa. 42. 16. in paths they have not k. 268 LAB Isa. 44. 18. have n. k. nor understood 45. 4. though thou hast n. k. me, 5. Jer. 4. 22. they have not k. me Ezek. 32. 9. countries thou hast n. k Dan. 2. 5. will n. make Ar. dream, 9 4. 7. n. make Ar. interpretation, 5. 8. Hos. 5. 4. they have n. Ar. the Lord Nan. 3. 17. place n. k. where they are Mat. 10. 26. there is nothing hid that shall n. be Ar. Luke 8. 17. | 12. 2, John 8. 55. yet ye have not k. him 14. 9. and yet hast thou not k. me 16. 3. have n. k. the Father nor me 17. 25. Father, world hath n. k. thee Rom. 3. 17. way of peace they n. k. 7. 7. I had n. k. sin but by the law 2 Pet. 2. 21. n. Ar. way of righteous. 1 John 3 6. sinner not seen n. Ar. him Rev. 2. 24. n. k. the depths of Satan LABOUR, Substantive. Gen. 31. 42. G. seen/, of my hands 35. 16. Rachel had hard I. 17. Dent. 26. 7. L. heard, looked on ourt Neh. 5. 13. G. shake every man fr. /, Job 39. 11. wilt thou leave I. to him Ps. 90. 10. their strength /. sorrow 104. 23. man goeth to /. till evening 105. 44. inherited I. of the people 107. 12. brought down heart with L 109. 11. let the stranger spoil his I. 128. 2. shalt eat the /. of thy hands Prov. 10. 16. /. tendeth to life 13. II. gathereth by I. shall increase 14. 23. in all /. there is profit Eccl. 1. 3. what profit hath man of L 8. all things are fu'l of /. man 2. 10. rejoiced in mv portion of my/. 18. I hated all I. which I had taken 19. yet shall he rule over all my /. 21. is a man whose I. is in wisdom 22. what hath man of all his /.? 24. make his soul enjoy good in I. 3. 13. | 5. IS. 4. 8. yet is there no end of all his /. 9. they have a good reward for /. 5. 15. nothing of I. he may carry 19. rejoice in /. this is gift of God 6. 7. all 1. of man is for his mouth 9. 9. portion in thy /. urnier the sun 10. 15. I. of foolish wearieth ev. one Isa. 45. 14. I. of Egypt come to thee 55. 2. why spend your I. for that Jer. 3. 24. devoured I. of our fathers 20. 13. came I out of womb to see /. Ezek. 29. 20. given land of Egy. for /. Hab. 3. 17. though I. of olive fail Hag. 1. 11. drought on I. of hands John 4. 38. reap where bestowed no /. Rom. 16. 6. bestowed much I. on us 1 Cor. 3. 8. man receive accord, to L 15. 58. know your I. is not in vain Gal. 4. 11. lest I bestowed I. in vain Phil. 1. 22. this is fruit of my I. 1 Thes. 1. 3. remembering /. of love 2. 9. remember our I. and travail 3. 5. and our /. be in vain 2 Thes. 3. 8. but wrought with I. Heb. 6. 10. not forget your I. of love Rev. 2. 2. 1 know thy I. and patience LABOUR, Verb. Excd. 20. 9. six days shalt thou I. Deut. 5. 13. Josh. 24. 13. for which he did not L Neh. 4. 22. guard us, and I. on day Job 9. 29. why then I, I in vain ? Ps. 127. 1. except L. build/, in vain 144. 14. oxen may be strong to /. Prov. 21. 25. his hands refuse to /. 23. 4. /. not to be rich, cease from Eccl. 4. 8. saith he, for whom do I /.? 8. 17 though a man I. to seek it ool LAC Isa 22. 4. I will weep, /. not to comf. 65. 23. they shall not /. in vain Jer. 51. 58. the people sh. /. in vain Lam. 5. 5. under persecution we /. Mic. 4. 10. /. to bring forth, O Zion Hub. 2. 13. people should /. in tire Mat. 11. 28. come to me all ye that /. John 6. 27. /. not for meat th. perish. Rom. 16. 12. Tryphosa, who /. in L. 1 Cor. 4. 12. /. with our own hands 2 Cor. 5. 9. we /. to be accepted Eph. 4. 28. butrather /. wi. his hands Co/. 1. 29. wherennto I /. striving' 1 T/iess. 5. 12. to know them which /. 1 71m. 4. 10. /. and softer reproach 5. 17. that /. in word and doctrine Ileb. 4- 11. I. to enter into that rest LABOURED. Neh. 4. 21. so we /. in the work Job 20.18. \vh. he /. for, s-h. he restore Ercl. 2. 11. looked on labour 1 /. to do 19. rule over my labour I have /. 5. 16. wh. profit hath he th. /. wind? Isa. 47. 15. with whom thou hast /. 49. 4. I said, I have /. in vain 62. 8. not drink, for which thou I. Dan. 6. 14. king /. to deliver Daniel John 4. 38. men /. and ye are entered Horn. 16. 12. salute Per. who /. in L. 1 Cor. 15. 10. I /. more abundantly Phil. 2. 16. that 1 have not /. in vain 4. 3. help those that /. with me Rev. 2. 3. and for my name's sake /. LABOURER, S. Mat. 9. 37. harvest plenteous, but /. few, 38. Luke 10. 2. 20. 1. went out early to hire I. Luke 10. 7. I. is worthy of his hire 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are I. together wi. G. 1 Tim. 5. 18. I. is worthy of reward Jam. 5. 4. behold the hire of the /. LABOURETH. Prov. 16. 2G. he that /. I. for himself Eccl. 3. 9. what profit in that he /.? 1 Cor. 16. 16. submit to eve. one th. /. 2 Tim. 2. 6. the husbandman that /. LABOURING. Ercl. 5. 12. sleep of a /. man is sweet Acts 20. 35. /. ye ought to sup. weak Col 4 12. always I. for you in prayer 1 Thess. 2. 9. /. night and day LABOURS. Lxod. 23. 16. the first-fruits of thy I. Deut. '28. 33. thy /. shall a nation eat Prov. 5. 10. I. be in house of stranger lm. 58. 3. in dav of fast ye exact all /. Jer. 20. 5. I will deliver all their /. Hos. 12.8. in my/, sh. find no iniquity Hag. 2. 17. I smote you in all the /." John 4. 38. ye are entered in their /. 2 Cor. C). 5. in /. in watehings 10. 15. boasting of other men's I. 1 1. 23. in I. more abund. in stripes Jlev. 14. 13. they may rest fr. their/. LACE. Excd. 28.28. sh. bind the breast-plate with /. of biin-, 37. | 39. 31. LACK, Suhstantire. Gen. 18. 28. wilt destroy all for /. 5? Exod. 16. J8. thatgathered little had no /. 2 Cor. 8. 15. Job 4. 11. lion perish, for /. of prey 38. 41 young wander for /. of meat Ilnx. 4.6. peo. destroyed for /. know). Phil. 2. 30. life to supply /. of service 1 Thes. 4. 12. that ye /. of nothing LACK, Verb. Gen. 18.98. if there sh. /. five of fifty Deut. 8. 9. sh. not I. anything in it Ps. 31. 10. the young lions do /. Prov. 5>8. 27. giveth to poor sh. not/. Ercl. 9.8. let thv head /. no ointment Mat. 19. 20. have I kept, wh. /. I yet? Jam 1. 5. any /, wisdom, ask of G. LAM LACKED. Deut. 1. 7. thou hast /. nothing 1 Kin. 4.27. provided victual, /. noth. Neh. 9. 21. sustain them, th. /. noth. Luke 22. 35. purse, /. ye any thing ? Acts 4. 34. nor any amo. them th. /. 1 Cir. 12. 21. more honour to wh. /. Phil. 4. 10. careful, /. opportunity LACKEST. Mark 10. 21. but one thing thou /. LACKETH. [Luke 18. 22. Num. 31. 49. there /. not one man 2 Sam. 3. 29. not fail one th. /. bread Prov. 6. 32. adultery, /. understand. 12. 9. honour, himself, and /. bread 2 Pet. 1. 9. th. /. these things is blind LACKING. Let: 22. 23. lamb th. hath any thing /. Judg. 21. 3. there sho. be one tribe /. Jer. '28. 4. fear no more, norsh. be/. 1 Cor. 16. 17. wh. was/, they supplied 2 Cor. 1 1. 9. /. to me breth. supplied 1 Thes. 3. 10. might perfect what is /. LAD, S. Gen. 21. 17. G. heard voice of the /. 18. lift up /. II 19, she gave /. drink 20. G. was wi. the /. and he grew 22. 5. I and the /. will go yonder 12. lay not thine hand upon the /. 44. 22. the /. cannot leave father, 30. 33. abide instead of /. let the /. go 34. his life is hound up in the /. 48. 16. Angel redeemed me, bless /. I Sam. 20. 36. Jonathan said to /. run John 6. 9. a /. hath 5 barley loaves LADDER. Gen. 28. 12. and behold a /. set up LADE, ED. Gen. 42. 26. /. asses wi. corn, 44. 13. 45. 17. /. your beasts, go to Canaan 1 Kin. 12. 11. father did /. wi. yoke Neh. 4. 17. that /. wrought n wuik Luke II. 46. ye /. men wi. buidens Acts 28. 10. /. us wi. things necessary LADEN. Gen. 45. 23. asses /. wi. good things Isa. 1. 4. a people /. with iniquity Mat. II. 28. come, all th. are heavy /. 2 Tim. 3. 6. sill v women, /. wi. sins LADETH, 1NG. NeJu 13. 15. saw some on sab. /. asses Hab. 2. 6. woe to him th. /. himself Acts 27. 10. damage not only of /. LADY. Isa. 47. 5. sh. no more be called a /. 7. saidst, I shall be a /. lor ever 2 John 1. the elder to the elect /. 5. /. that we love one another LADIES. Judg. 5. 29. wise /. answered her Esth. 1. 18. likewise shall /. of Persia LAID, see after Lav. LAKE. Luke 5. 1. Jesus stood by /. of Genn. 2. saw two ships standing by the/. 8. 23. a storm of wind on the /. 33. herd ran violently into the /. Rev. 19. 20. both were cast in /. fire 20. 10. devil was cast into /. of fire 14. death and hell cast in /. of fire 15. not in book of life, cast into /. 21. 8. murderers have part in the /. LAMB. Gen. 22. 7. is /. for a burnt-offering? 8. God will provide himself a /. Exod. 12. 3. they shall take a /. 21. 5. your /. shall be without blemish 13. 13. asssh. redeem with a/. 34.20. 29. 39. one /. thoush. offer in morn. other/, at oveiiiiisr, 41. Num. 28.4. 40. with a /. a tenth deal of flour, Num. -2H. 'J\, 29. | 29. 1, 10, 15. Lev. 0. 3. take a /. of the first year, 14. 10. Num. 6. 12. | 7. 15,21. 269 LAM Lev. 14. 2 the priest shall take I. 23. 12. sh. offer a /. without blemish Num. 6.14. ewe-/, of first year for off, 15. 5. with the sacrifice for one /. 1 Sa?n. 7. 9. Sam. offered sucking /. 2 Sat?t. 12. 4. took the poor man's /. Isa. 11.6. wolf shall dwell wi. the/. 16. 1. send ye /. to ruler of the land 53. 7. he T :vas brought as a /. to the slaughter, Jer. 11. 19. 65. 25. wolf and /. sh. feed together 66. 3. thatsacrificeth a /. as if he cut Ezek. 45. 15. one /. out of a flock Hos. 4. 16. Lord will feed them as I John 1. £9. behold the /. of God, 36. Acts 8. 32. like a/, dumb bef. shearer 1 Pet. 1. 19. as a /. without blemish Rev. 5. 6. midst of elders stood a /. 8. four beasts fell down bef. the L 12. worthy is the /. that was slain 6. 16. hide us from wrath of the /. 7. 10. salvation to our G. and the/. 14. made white in blood of the /. 17. /. sli. feed and lead to fount. 12. 11. overcame him by blood of I. 13. 8. /. slain from founda. of world 11. he had two horns like a /. 14. I. a / stood on the mount Sion 4. these are they that follow the/. 10. tormented in piesence of the /. 15. 3. song of Moses and song of /. 17. 14. war wi. /. and /. overcome 19. 7. for marriage of the /. is come 21. 9. I will shew thee bride, /. wife 14. names of twelve apostles of /. 22. G. Aim. and /. are the temple 23. and the /. is the light thereof 27. written in the /. book of life 22. 1. out of throne of G. and /. 3. LAMBS. Gen. 30. 40. Jacob did separate the /. Num. 7. 87. /. of first year twelve Deut. 32. 14. with fat of /. and rams 1 Sam. 15. 9. Saul spared the best /. 2 Kin. 3. 4. Moab rendered 100,000 /. 1 Chr. £9. 21. offered to L. 1000 /. 2 Chr. £9. 22. priests killed /. Ezra 7. 17. that thou mayest buv /. Ps. 37. 20. wicked sh. be as fat of /. 114. 4. little hills skipped like /. Prov. 27. 26. /. are for thy clothing Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in blood of I 5. 17. /. feed after their manner 34. 6. the sword of L. wi. blood of/ 40. 11. gather the /. with his arm Jer. 51. 40. them like /. to slauehter Fzek. 39. 18. ye sh. drink blood ol /. 46. 4. in sab. 6. /. || G. new moons 6. /. Amos 6. 4. and eat /. out of the flock Luke 10. 3. forth as /. amo. wolves John 21. 15. Jesus saith, feed my /. Seven LAMBS. Gen. 21. 28. Abraham set.?, ewe-/. Lev. 23. 18. offer with the bread f. I Num. 28. 1 1, ye shall offers. /. of the first year, 19. 27. | 29. 2, 8, 36. 2 Chr. 29. '21. brought s. I. for otter. Tiro I. A MBS. Exod. 29. 38. tuo I. of the first year offer, Num. 28. 3. Lev. 14. 10. on eighth day take /. /. Num. 28. 9. and on sabbath tuo I. LAME. Lev. 21. 18. /. man sh. not approach Deut. 15. 21. if/, sh. not sacrifice it 2 Sam. 4. 4. Jonath. hadi-on 2. 9,3,13. 5. 6. except take away blind and /. 19. 26. because thy servant is /. Job 29. 15. eyes to blind, feet to /. Prov. 26. 7. legs of /. are not equal Isa. 33. 23. the /. take the prey 35. 6. /. man leap as an hart Jer. 31. 8. bring with them the I. Mai. 1. 8. ye otter the /. forswriflceP LAM Mat. 11 5. the I walk, 15. 31. | 21. 14. Luke'!. 22 Lulce 14. 13. call poor, 7. and blind Acts 3. 2. a man, I. f r. womb, carried 8. 7. many that wore /. were healed Beb. 12. 13. lest/, be turn, out of way LAMENT. Judg. 11. 40. daught. of Isr. went to 7. Isa. 19. 8. fisher3 also mourn and 7. 32. 12. they shall 7. for the teats Jer. 1G. ft. neither go to /. them, 6. 22. 18. they shall not /. for him 3*. 5. they will 7. thee, saying, ah, L. Ezek. 32. 16. daugh. of nations /. her Joel 1. 8. 7. ljke virgin wi. sackcloth 13. gird yourselves, 7. ye priests Mic. 2. 4. /. witli doleful lamentation John 16. 20. I say, ye sh. weep and /. Rev. 18. 9. kings of the earth shall 7. LAMENTED. 1 Sam. 6. 19. people 7. because Lord 25. 1. all Israelites 7. Samuel, 28. & 2 Sam. 1. 17. David /. over Saul 3. 33. the king /. over Abner 2 Chr. 35. 25. Jeremiah 7. for Josiah Jer. 16. 4. 6h. die and not be /. 25. 33. Mat. 11. 17. but ye have not /. Luke 23. 27. a great company/. Jesus LAMENTABLE. Dan. 6. 20. king cried with a/, voice LAMENTATION. Gen. 50. 10. mourned with a sore 7. 2 Sam. 1. 17. D. lamented with this 7. Ps. 78. 64. their widows made no /. Jer. 7. 29. take up J. on high places 9. 10. habitations of wilderness a 7. 31. 15. in 11am ah 7. Mat. 2. 18. 48. 38. there shall he 7. generally Lam 2. 5. Lord hath increased /. Ezetc. 19. 1. take up a 7. for princes 14. this is a /. and shall be for a /. 28. 12. take up /. on king of Tyrus 32. 2. take up a I. for Pharaoh, 16. Amos 5. 16. such as are skilful of /. 8. 10. turn all your songs into 7. Acts 8. 2. made great I. over Stephen LAMENTATIONS. 2 Chr. 35. 25. the singers spake of Josiah in their I. Ezek. 2. 10. was written therein I. LAMP. Gen. 15. 17. burning 7. that passed Exod. 27. 20 cause the 7 to burn 1 Sam. 3. 3. ere 7. went out 2 Sam. 22. 29. thou art my /. O Lord 1 Kin. 15. 4. G. gave him a /. in Jer. Job 12. 5. is as a /. despised in him Ps. 119. 105. thy word is a I. to feet 132. 17. ordained/, for mine anoint. Prov. 6. 23. for commandment is a /. 13. 9. lamp of wicked sh. be put out 20. 20. curseth father, /. be put out Isa. 62. 1. salvation as /. that burnetii Hev. 8. 10. star burning as it were /. LAMPS. Exod. 25. 37. light /. thereof, 40. 4. 30. 7. dresseth /. burn incense on it 35. 14. his 7. with oil for the light 40. 25. lighted the /. before the Ld. Num. 8. 2, 3. [2 Chr. 13. 11. Lei'. 24. 2. the /. to burn continually, Judg. 7. 16. he put /. within pitchers 20. held the /. in their left hand 1 Kin. 7. 49. he made /. of gold, 2 Chr on. 4. 20, 21. Job 41. 19. out ot mouth go burn. /. Ezetc. 1. 13. like the appearance of /. Dan. 10. 6. and his eyes as /. of fire Mat. 25. 1. ten virgins took /. 3. 4 7. virgins arose, trimmed their /. 8. give us oil, our /. are gone out Seven LAMPS. Exod. 37. 23. made *. /. of pure gold Zech. 4. 2. a candlestick and seven /. LAN Rev. 4. 5. were *. 7. of fire burning LANCE. Jer. 50 42. they th at hold 7. are cruel LANCETS. 1 Kin. 18. 28. cut themselves with 7. LAND. Gen. 2. 12. the gold of that /. is good 10 11. out of that 7. went Ashur 12. 1. into 7. I she w thee, Actsl. 3. 13. 6. 7. was not able to bear them 17. 8. I will give unto thee arid thy seed t e 7. 28. 13. | 35. 12. 20. 15. behold, ray/, is before thee 24.37. Canaanite, in whose 7. I dwell 47. 20. bought 7. so 7. became Phar. 22. only /. of pr jests he bought not Exod. 10. 15. the 7. was darkened 20. 12. days may be long upon the 7. Lev. 16. 22. goat hear iniquities to 7. 18. 28. /. spue not you out, 20. 22. 25. 2. then 7. keep a sabbath, 26. 34. 23. 7. not be sold, the 7. is mine 26. 4. 7. sh. yield he»* increase, 25. 19. 38. 7. of your enemies eat you up Num. 13. 32. 7. is a /. eateth inhabit. 14. 24 servant Cal. I will bring to 7. 15. 2. when come into 7. of habita- tion, 18. Deut. 17.14. | 18.9. | 26.1. 32. 4. country L. smote 7. for cattle 35 33. for blood defileth the 7. Deut. 2. 20. counted 7. of giants, 3. 13. 8. 9. 7. whose stones are iron 11. 12. a 7. which the L. careth for 29. 23. whole 7. brimstone and salt 32. 10. he found him in a desert /. 43. he will he merciful to his 7. 33. 13. blessed of the Lord be his 7. 34. 1. the Lord shewed him all the 7. Jush. 2. 1. sent men, saying, view 7. 11. 16. Joshua took all that 7. 23. 14. 15. and the 7. had rest from war 24. 13. a 7. for which ye did not lab. Judg. 3. 11. /. had rest 40 years, 5. 31. 30. 7. had rest fourscore years 18. 10. ye shall come to a large 7. 1 Sam. 14. 29. my father troubled 7. 2 Sam. 3. 12. saying, whose is the /.? 9. 7. 1 restore thee all the /. of Saul 21. 14. God entreated for /. 24. 25. 2 Kin. 8. 3. to cry to king for her 7. 17. 26. manner of God of the 7. 27. 18.33. gods delivered his 7. Isa. 35.18. 21. 8. move any more out of the /. 2 Chron. 33. 8. 25. 12. left poor of /. Jer. 52. 16. 1 Chr. 4. 40. and the 7. was wide 2 Chr. 7. 20. pluck them out of my 7. 34. 8. when he had purged the 7. Ezra 9. 12. that ye may eat the good of 7. Isa. I. 19. Neh. 5. 16. nor bought we any 7. Job 31. 33. if my /. cry against me 37. 13. correction, or his. /. or mercy 39. 6. the barren /. his dwellings PsaL 10. 16. heathen perish, out of/. 42. 6. remember thee fr. 7. of Jord. 44. 3. they got not 7. in possession 52. 5. root thee out of 7. of living 80. 9. take deep root, and it filled 7. 101 6. mine eyes on faithful of 7. 8. I will destroy wieked of the 7. 105. 16. he called for famine on 7. 106. 24. they despised pleasant 7. 38. the /. was polluted with blood 107. 34. turn, fruitful /. into barren. 143. 6. thirsts after thee a3 thirsty/. 10. lead me into 7. of uprightness Frov. 12. 11. tilleth 7. be satis. 28. 19. 28. 2. for transgression of 7. princes EcclAO. 16. woe, O /. wh. king is child 17. blessed, O /. when king is son Isa. 5. 30. look unto /. behold sorrow 7. 16. 7. thou abhorrest be forsaken 9. 19. thro' wrath of L. 7. darkened 270 LAN Isa. 18. 1. woe to the /. shadowing 19. 24. be a blessing in midst of t 21. 1. cometh from desert, terrible/. 24. 3. the 7. shall be uttei ly emptied 11. the mirth of the 7. is gone 30. 6. into/, of trouble and anguish 32. 2. as shadow of rock in weary /. 13. on 7. of people sh. come thorns 33. 17. behold 7. that is very far oS 35. 7. thirsty 7. springs of water 49. 19. 7. of destruction too narrow 53. 8. cut off out of 7. of the living Jer. 2. 2. in a 7. that was not sowq 6. led us through a 7. of deserts 7. entered, ye defiled my 7. 3. 9. 15. the young lions made 7. waste 3. 19. shall I give thee pleasant 7.? 4. 20. the whole 7. is spoiled 5. 19. serve in a 7. that is not yours 6. 8. lest make thee 7. not inhabited 8. 16. whole /. trembled at sound 9. 12. the /. perisheth and is burnt 11. 19. cut him off from /. of living 12. 4. how long shall the 7. mourn f 15. I will bring every man to his 7. 16. 15. brought fr. 7. ofnorth,31. 16. 18. because they have defiled my L 22. 27. to 7. whereunto they desire 23. 15. profaneness gone forth to 7. 46. 12. and thy cry hath filled the 7. 50. 18. punish king of Babylon and 7. 38. for it is the 7. of graven images 51. 43. /. wherein no man dwelleth Ezek. 7. 23. 7. full of bloody crimes 8. 17. have filled 7. with violence 9. 9. and the 7. is full of blood 14. 17. sword on 7. || 19. pestilence 17. 5. he took also of seed of the 7. 13. hath taken mighty of the 7. 22. 24. the 7. is not cleansed 30. stand in gap before me for 7. 32. 4. then I leave thee upon the /. 33. 2. when I bring sword upon 7. 24. the 7. given U3 for inheritance 36. 5. appointed 7. into possession 13. thou 7. devour est up men 38. 9. like a cloud to cover the 7. 16 11. go up to /. of unwalled villages 39. 12. that they may cleanse the 7. Dan. 11. 16. stand in glorious 7. 41. Hos. 4. 3. therefore shall 7. mourn Joel 1. 6. a nation come up upon 7. 2. 3. the 7. is as the garden of Edeu 18. then will L. be jealous for I. 21. O 7. be glad || 3. 2. parted my 7. Amos 5. 2. she is forsaken upon her 7. 7. 10. the 7. not able to bear words 8. 4. make poor of the 7. to fail 8. shall not 7. tremble for this ? Zeph. 3. 19. praise and fame in ev. 7 'Lech. 3. 9. remove iniquity of that 7. 12. 12. the 7. shall mourn, ev. family 13. 2. unclean spirit pass out of 7. Mai. 3. 12. shall be a delightsome /. Mat. 9. 26. fame went abroad intoi» 10. 15. tolerable for 7. of Sod. 11. 24, 27. 45. was darkness over all the 7. Mark 15. 31 Mark 6. 47. and he alone on the 7. Luke 14. 35. neither fit for the 7. John 6. 21. immediately ship was at 7. Acts 4. 37. Barna. having 7. sold it 5. 8. tell me whether ye sold the 7. 27. 39. was day, they knew not 7. 43. into the sea, and get to 7. See Benjamin, Chaldeans, Ca- naan, Darkness, Desoi ate, Di. vide, Divided. Dry LAND. Gen. 1. 9. and let the dry 7. appear 10. and God called the dry 1. eart! 7. 22. of all that was in dry 7. died Exod. 4. 9. pour water on the dry I 14. 21. Lord made the sea drg L LAN Exod. 14. 29. Israel walked on dry I. 15.19. on d.l. midst of sea, Neh.9.11. Josh. 4. 18. priests' feet lifted oi\d. I. 22. Isr. came over Jordan on d. I. Ps. 63. 1. longeth for thee in a d. I Go*. 6. he turned the sea into d. I. 68. 6. the rebellious dwell in d. I. 95. 5. and his hands formed the d. I. Isa. 41. 18. I will make d. I. springs Jer. 50. 12. hindermost sh. be a d. I. 51. 43. cities are d. I. and wilderness Hos. 2. 3. lest I set her as a dry I. Jonah 1. 9. G. who made sea and d. I. Hag. 2. 6. I will shake sea and d. I. Heo. 11. 29. passed Red sea as by d. I. See Dwell, Egypt, Good. In the LAND. Gen. 13.7. Canaanite dwelt in t. I. 41. 31. plenty not be known in t. I. 47. 4. to sojourn int. I. we are come Exod. 8. 25. go, sacrifice to G. in 1. 1. 9. 5. the L. sh. do this thing in t. I. Lev. 2(5. 6. 1 will give peace in t. I. Deut. 5. 16. go well with thee in t. I. II. 9. that you may prolong your days in the I. 21. | 25. 15. 25. 19. G. hath given thee rest in 1. 1. 31. 13. fear L. as long as live in t. I. Judg. 18. 7. was no magistr. in t. I. 2 Sam. 15. 4. O th. I were judge in I. 2 Chr. 6. 31. fear tliee so long as in I. 32. 31. wonder that was done in 1. 1. Job 28. 13. nor is it found in the I. Ps. 27. 13. goodness of the L. in t. I. 1 1G. 9. walk before the L. in t. I. 142. 5. thou art my portion in t. I. Isa. 7. 22. honey sh. ev. one oat in 1. 1. 26. 10. in t. I. of uprightness he deal 38. 11. not see L. in t. I. of living Ezek. 2G. 20. I shall set glory in t. I. 32. 23. caused terror in t. I. 24. 32. 37. 22. make them one nation in t. I. 45. 8. in I. I. shall be his possession IIo.i. 4. 1. there is no truth in the I. Luke 21. 23. be great distress in t. I. lleb. 11. 9. by faith he sojour. in t. I. See Inhabitants, Inherit, ISRAEL, JUDAH. Our LAND. Gen. 47. 19. buy us ando. I. for bread Ps. 85. 12. ando. I. sh. yield increase Mic. 5. 5. Assyrian sh. come to o. I. OtoLAND. Exod. 18. 27. Jethro went into his o. I. Num. 10. 30. [2 Chr. 9. 5. \Kin. 10. 6. report I heard in my o. I. 2 Kin. 18. 32. take you to a laud like your o. I. Isa. 36. 17. 2 Chr. 32. 21. return, wi. shame to o. I. Isa. 13. 14. flee every one to his o. I. 14. 1. and set them in their own I. 37. 7. fall by the sword in his oivnl. Jer. 23. 8. dwell their in o. I 27. 11. 37. 7. Egypt, into their o. I. 42. 12. Ezek. 34. 13. will bring them to their o. I. 36. 24. | 37. 14, 21. | 39. 28. Amos 7. 1 1, led captive out their o. /. See People, Possess, Possession, Strange. Their LAND, S. Gen. 47. 22. the priests sold not t. I. Num. 18. 20. A a. had noinher. in 1. 1, Deut. 2. 5. will not give you of t. I. 9. 29. 28. L. rooted them out of t. I. 1 Kin. 8. 48. pray to thee toward t. I. 2 Chr. 7. 14. forgive sin and heal /. I. Ps. 105. 32. gave flaming fire in t. I. 135. 12. gave t. I. for an heritage, Isa. 2. 7. t. I. is full of silver [136.21. 8. their I. also is full of idols Jer. 12. 14. will pluck them out t. I. 16. 15. 1 will bring them again to 1. 1. 51. 5. tho' t. I. was filled with sin B*tk. 34. 27. they shall be safe in t. L LAN Ezek. 39. 26. they dwelt safely in 1. 1. Amos 9. 15. I will plant them on t. I. This LAND. . Gen. 12. 7. the Lord said, unto thy seed will I give 1. 1. 15. 18 | 24. 7. | 48. 4. Exod. 32. 13. 31. 13. get thee out from 1. 1, return 50. 24. G. will bring you out of t. I. Num. 14. 3. L. brought us unto 1. 1. 32. 5. let t. I. be given to thy serv. 22. t. I. shall be your possession Deut. 4. 22. but I must die in t. I. 29. 24. the L. done thus to t. I. ? 27 1 Kin. 9. 8. 2 Chr. 7. 21. Judg. 2.2. no league wi. inhab. of 1. 1. 2 Chr. 30. 9. they shall come into 1. 1, Jer. 14. 15. sword sh. not be in t. I. 16. 3. fathers th. begat them in t. I. 6. great and small sh. die in t. I. 22. 12. he shall see t. I. no more 24. 6. I will bring them again to 1. 1. 25. 9. I will bring them against t. I. 11. t. whole /. sh. be a desolation 32. 41. and I will plaut them in t. I. 36. 29. king of Babylon destroy t. I. 42. 10. if ye will abide in this 1. 45. 4. I will pluck up t. whole I. Ezek. 11. 15. to us is this I. given 47. 14. t. I. sh. fall to you for iuhei Acts 7. 4. he removed him into t. I. Thy LAND. Exod. 23. 10. six years sh. sow t. I. 2G. nothing sh. cast young in t. I. 34. 24. nor shall any man desire t. I Deut. 7. 13. he will bless fruit of 1. 1. 21. 23. that thy I. be not defiled 28. 12. to give the rain to thy I. 18. cursed be the fruit of t. I. 42. 2 Sam. 24. 13. sh. famine come to/./.? Ps. 85.1. hast been favourable to 1. 1. Isa. 8. 8. wings fill breadth of t. I. 60.18. violence no more heard in 1. 1. 62.4. nor sh. 1. 1, be termed desolate, L. delighteth in thee, and t. I. Ezek. 32. 8. 1 will set dark, on t. I. Amos 7. 17. t. I. sh. be divided by line Nuh. 3. 13. gates of t. I. sh. be wide Your LAND. Gen. 47. 23. 1 bought ycu and y. I. Lev. 19. 9. reap harvest of y. I. 23.22. 26. 5. and dwell in y. I. safely 6. nor sh. sword go through y. I. 20. y. I. sh. not yield her increase Deut. 11. 14. give you rain of u. I. 1 Sam. 6. 5. lighten hand fr. oft y. I. Jer. 5. 19. served strange gods in y. I. 27. 10. remove you far from y. I. 44. 22. therefore is y. I. a desolation LANDED, ING. Acts 18. 22. when we I. at Cesarea 21. 3. sailed to Syria, and/, at Tyre 28. 12. /. at Syracuse three days LANU-wuri, s. Deut. 19. 14. not remove thy neigh- bour's l.m. Prov.22. 28. | 23. 10. 27. 17. cursed that removetti l.-tn. Job 24. 2. some remove the {..marks LANDS. Gen. 41. 54. dearth was in all/. 57. 47. 18. not left but our bodies and /. Judg. II. 13. restore those I. again 1 Chr. 14. 17. fameof Dav. went all / 2 Chr. 17. 10. fear fell on all the /. 32. 17. as gods of other I. have not Ezra 9. 1. not separated fr. peo. of I. Neh. 5. 3. we have mortgaged our I. 5. for other men have our I. 11. restore 1 pray you, their I. Ps. 49. II. their I. after own names 66. 1. make a noise all ye I. 100. 1. 105. 44. give them I. of the heathen 106. 27. hand, to scatter them in I. 107. 3. gathered them out of the /. Jer. 27.6. these I. to Nebuchadnezzar 37; LAS Ezek. 20. 6. which is glory of afl 1. 15. 30. 27. gather out of enemies* L Mat. 19. 29. hath forsaken houses, L Mark 10. 29. Mark 10. 30. receive hundred fold, I. Acts 4. 34. many were possessors of I. LANES. Luke 14. 21. go quickly into the J. LANGUAGE, S Gen. 11. 1. whole earth was of one I. G. peo. is one, they have all one /. 7. and there confound their /. 9. 2 Kin. 18. 26. speak in the Syrian /. Isa. 36. II. [Isa. 36. 13 Neh. 13.24. children not speak Jews' '. but according to /. of people Ps. 19. 3. no I. where voice is heard 81. 5. heard a I. I understood not 114. 1. from a people of strange /. Isa. 19. 18. five cities speak /. Can<>an Jer. 5. 15. whose /. thou knowest not Ezek. 3. 5. to a people of hard /. 6. Dan. 3. 4. O people, nations, and I. 3. 29. every /. that speaketh amiss 7. all /. fell down and worshipped 4. 1. Nebu. all /. || 6.25. Dari. to all I. 5. 19. all /. trembled and feared 7. 14. nations, and /. sho. serve him Zeph. 3 9. will turn to peo. a pure I Zech. 8. 23. ten men out of all /. Acts 2. 6. heard them speak in own I LANGUISH Isa. 16. 8. for the fields of Heshbon I. 19. 8. spread nets on waters sh. /. 24. 4. haughty people of theearth/ Jer. 14. 2. the gates of Judah /. Hos. 4. 3. every one therein shall /. LANGUISHED, ETH. Isa. 24. 4. world /. and fadeth away 7. the vine /. || 33. 9. the earth /. Jer. 15. 9. that hath born seven /. Lam. 2. 8. wall lament, /. together Joel. 1. 10. the oil /. || 12. fig-tree I. Nah. 1. 4. Bashan /. and Carmel I. LANGUISHING. Ps. 41. 3. L. strengthen on bed of / LANTERNS. John 8. 13. Judas cometh with /. LAP. 2 Km. 4. 39. gathered gourds, I. full Neh. 5. 13. I shook my /. and said Prov. 16. 33. lot is cast into the /. LAPPED, ETH. Judg. 7. 5. that /. water as a dog 6. number I. were three hundred 7. by them that I. I will save you LAPWING. See Bat. LARGE. Exod. 3. 8. into a good and I. land 2 Sam. 22. 20. he brought me Into a /. place, Psal. 18. 19. Neh. 4. 19. the work is great and /. 9. 35. not served thee iu the /. land Ps. 31. 8. hast set my feet in a/, room 118. 5. Lord set me in a I. place Isa. 22. 18. toss thee into /. country 30. 23. thy cattle feed in /. pastures Jer. 22. 14. I will build /. chambers Ezek. 23. 32. sister's cup deep and /. Hos. 4. 16. L. feed them in a /. place Mat. 28. 12. gave /. money to soldiers Mark 14. 15. and he will shew you a /. upper-room, Luke. 22. 12. al. 6. II. how /. letter I have writ v. 21. 16. length as /. as breadth LARGENESS. 1 Kin. 4. 29. G. gave Solo. I. of heart LASCIVIOUSNESS. Markl. 22. out of heart pi .need L 2 Cor. 12. 21. not repented of the /. Gal. 5. 19. works of flesh manifest, I Eph. 4. 19. given themselves to '. 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in I Jude 4. turning* gi\.cc of G. into L LAV LAST. Gen. 49. 19. Gad shall overcome at /. Hum. 23. 10. let ray I. end he like his 2 Sam. 23. 1. these /. words of David 1 C/ir. 23. 27. by /. words of David Neh. 8. 18. from first day to the /. Fi'ov. 5. 1 1. and thou mourn at the I. Psa. 41. 4. I Ld. the first and I 44. 6. | 48. 12. Rev. 1. 11, 17. | 2.8. | 22.13. Lam. 1. 9. remembereth not /. end Dun. 8. 3. and the higher came up /. Amos 9. 1. I will slay the I. of them Id'-it. 12. 45. I. state of that man is worse than the first, Luke 11. 2G. l'J. 30. first shall be /. and I. first, 20. 16. Mark 10. 31. Luke 13. 3U. 20. !2. I. have wrought one hour 14. give to I. even as unto thee 27. G4. £ error worse than the first Mark 9. 35. first, the same shall be /. Luke 12. 59. till thou hast paid /. mite 1 Cor. 4. 9. set forth us apostles /. 15. 8. /. of all he was seen of me 26. /. enemy is death |[45. /. Adam Rev 2. 19. /. works be more th. first LAST day, days. Gen. 49. 1. befall you in the I. days John 6. 39. should raise it up again at the?, day, 4), 44. 64. 7. 37. in /. day, great d;iy of feast II. 24. he shall rise again at I. day Tim. 3. 1. I. d. perilous times come llcb. 1. 2. spoken in J. d. by his Son Jam. 5. 3. heaped treasure for /. d. 2 Pet. 3. 3. come in /. days scoffers LAST time, times. 1 Pet. 1. 5. to be revealed in /. time 20. was manifest in these I. times 1 Jc.'m 2. 18. children, it is the /. t. Jade 18. should he mockers in I. t. LASTED, ING. Dent. 33. 15. precious things of/, hills Judg. 14. 17. she wept while feast /. LATCH ET. Jia. 5. 27. /. of their shoes be broken Mark 1. 7. /. of whose shoes, Lu. 3. 16. LATE, LY. Ps. 127. 2. is vain for you to sit up I. Mie. 2. 8. of I. my people risen up Acts 18. 2. Aquila /. come from Italy LATIN. Luke 23. 38. written in I. John 19. 20. LATTER. Deut. 11. 14. give you first and /. rain Job 19 25. Redeemer stand at I. day 29. 23. opened mouth, as for I. rain Prov. 16. 15. favour as cloud of I. rain 19. 20. thou mayest he wise in I. end Jer. 3. 3. there hath been no I. rain 5. 24. former and I. rain in season Dan. 8. 23. /. time of their kingdom Hos. 6. 3. come as I. and former rain Joel 2. 23. I. rain in the first month Amosl. 1. in beginning of I. growth flag. 2. 9. glory of/, house greater '/./■■■k. 10. 1. ask rain in time of /. rain 1 Tim. 4. 1. in I. times some depart See Days, End. LATTICE. Judg. 5. 28. cried through the I. 2 Kin. 1. 2. Ahaziah fell through /. Cant. 2. 9. 3he\v. himself through I. LAUD. Rom. 15. 11. praise Lord and /. him LAVER, S. E.vod. 30. 18. also make a I. of brass 28. /.and foot, 31. 9. | 35. 1G. | 39. 39. 38. 8. he made the /. of brass 40. 7. thou shalt set the /. 30. Leu. S 11. anointed both /. and foot Kin. 7. 30. under /. we. undersetters S3, made ten I. of brass ; one /. 40 baths ; and every /. 4 cubits 40 and Hiram made the L LAW 1 Km. 7. 43. and the ten I. on the bases, 2 Chron. 4. 6, 14. 2 Kin. 16. 17. king Ahaz removed /. LAUGH. Gen. IS. 13. wherefore did Sarah /.? 21. 6. God made me to /. all will /. Job 5. 22. at famine thou shalt /. 9. 23. he will /. at trial of innocent 22. 19. the innocent/, them to scorn Ps. 2. 4. that sitteth in heaven sh. /. 22. 7. that see me /. me to scorn 37. 13. the Lord shall /. at him 52. 6. righteous also shall /. at him 59. 8. thou, O Lord, shalt/. at them 80. 6. enemies /. among themselves Prov. 1. 26. I will /. at your calamity 29. 9 rage or /. there is no rest Eccl. 3. 4. time to weep, a time to /. Luke 6. 21. ye that weep, ye shall /. 25. woe unto vou that /. now LAUGHED. Gen. 17. 17. Abraham Z.|| 18. 12. Sarah IS. 15. Sarah denied, saying, I /. not 2 Km. 19. 21. daughter of Zion hath /. Isa. 37. 22. ■> Chr. 30. 10. they /. them to scorn Neh. 2. 19. they /. us to scorn Job 12. 4. the upright man/, to scorn 29. 24. /. on them, they believed not Ezek. 23. 32. shalt be /. to scorn Mat 9 24. and they /. him to scorn, Mark 5. 40. Luke 8. 53. LAUGHETH, ING. ■Job 8. 21. he fill thy mouth with /. 41. 29. he /• at shaking of a spear LAUGHTER. Psal. 126. 2. our mouth filled with /. Prov. 14. 13. in /. heart sorrowful Eccl. 2. 2. I said of /. it is mad 7. 3. sorrow is better than /. 6. thorns, so is the /. of the fool Jam. 4. 9. /. be turned to mourning LAVISH. Isa. 4G. 6. thev /. gold out of bag LAUNCH, ED. Luke 5. 4. Simon, /. out into deep S. 22. us go over, and thev /. forth Acts 21. 1. after we had /. 27. 2, 4. LAW. Gen. 47. 26. made it a /. over land Exnd. 12. 49. one /. to him is home- born, Lev. 21. 22. Xum. 15. 16,29. Deut. 17. 11. to sentence of the /. 33. 2. from right hand went fiery /. 4. Moses commanded us a /. Josh. 8. 32. wrote copy of /. of Moses 22. 5. take heed to the /. 2 Kin. 17. 13,37. | 21. 8. 2 Kin. 17. 34. nor do after the /. 1 Chr. 22. 12. mayest keep /. of God 2 Chr. 19. 10. between /. and comma. 30. 16. place according to/, of Moses Ezra 7. 6. ready scribe in /. 12. 21. 14. according to the /. of thy God 26. not do /. of God and /. of king Xeh. 8. 7 caused people understand /. 9. when they heard the words of/. 10. 29. made oath to walk in God's /. 12. 4t. gather them portions of/. Eslh. 1. 8. drinking according to /. 4. 11. /. of his to put him todeath 18. which is not according to the /. Job 22. 22. receive /. from his mouth Psal. 1. 2. in his /. he meditates 37. 31. /. of his God is in his heart 78. 5. for he appointed a /. in Israel 10. they refused to walk in his /. 81.4. was a /. of the God of Jacob 105. 10. confirmed same to Jac. for/. 119. 72. /. of mouth better than gold Prov. 1. 8. forsake not the /. of thy mother, 6. 20. 6.23. commandment lamp, /. is light 13, 14. /. of wise is fountain of life 272 LAW Prov. 28. 4. forsake /. praise wicked, such as keep /. contend with them 7. keepeth the /. is a wise son 29. 18. that keepeth /. happy is he 31. 5. lest drink and forget the /. 26. in her tongue is /. of kindness Isa. 2. 3. out of Zion shall go forth the /. Mic. 4. 2. 8. 16. seal /. || 20. to/, and testimony 42. 4. the isles shall wait for his /. 21. the Lord will magnify the /. 51. 4. a /. shall proceed from me Jer. 2. 8. they that handle the /. 18. 18. the /. not perish from priest 44. 23. not obeyed, nor walked in I Lam. 2. 9. the /. is no more Ezek. 7. 26. /. perish from priests Dan. 6. 5. concerning /. of his God 12. accordingto laws of Mtdes, 15 Hos. 4. 6. hast forgotten /. of God Hab. 1. 4. therefore the /. is slacked Zeph. 3. 4. priests done violence to /. Mai. 2. 6. /. of truth was in mouth 7. should seek the /. at his mouth 9. but have been partial in the /. Mat. 5. 17. think not that I am come to destroy the i. la shall in no wise pass from the I 40. if any man sue thee at the /. 11. 13. the /. prophesied till John, Luke 16. 16. 22. 3G. great commandment in /. 40. on two commandments hang J. 23.23. omitted weisjhter matters of/. Luke 2. 27. do after custom of the /. 5. 17. were doctors of/, sitting by 16. 17. for one tittle of the /. to fail John 1. 17. the /. was given by Moses 7. 19. did not Moses give you I 23. /. of Moses should not be broken 49. people who knowethnot the /. 51. doth /. judge before it hear ? 10. 34. written in /. ye are gnds? 12. 34. heard out of/, that Christ 18. 31. judire him according to I. 19. 7. and by our /. he ought to die Acts 6. 13. blasphemous words aga. i 7. 53. have received /. by angels 13. 15. reading of /. and prophets 39. not be justified by /. of Moses 15. 5. command to keep /. of Moses 24. be circumcised and keep the /. 18. 15. be a question of /. look to it 19. 38. /.is open || 21. 20. zealous of £ 21. 28. this man teacheth against /. 22. 12. devout man according to/. 23. 3. sittest thou to judge after /. 25. 8. nor against the /. of the Jews 28. 23. persuading them out of the /. Rom. 2. 12. sinned in /. judged by /. 13. not hearers of the /. are just 14. Gentiles have not/, do things contained in /. these having not /. are a /. unto themselves 17. called a Jew, and restest in /. 20. hast the form of truth in the /. 23. that makest thy boast of the /. through breaking the /. 3. 20. bv deeds of/, no flesh be jus. titled, for by the /. is know- ledge of sin, 28. Gal. 2. 16. 21. righteous, of G. witnessed by L 27. by what /. excluded? by /. of 31. do we make void the /.? 4. 14. they which are of/, be heir9 15. /. worketh wrath, where no/, is 5. 13. until /. sin was in world, but sin not imputed where is no /. 20. /. entered, offence might abound 7. 1. speak to them which know L 2. woman bound by /. to husband 4. ye also become dead to the L 7, is /. sin, 1 had not known sia but by I nor lust, except /. and LAW Horn. 7. 8. without I. sin wa9 dead 12. the I. is holy, and command. 14. we know th. the /. is spiritual 16. to the I. that is good, 1TY/«.1.8. 22. I delight in the I. of God 23. 1 see another I. warring against the /. of my mind, to I. of sin 25. with mind I serve I. of God H. 2. the I. of life made me free 3. for what the I. could not do 4. righteousness of the /. fulfilled 7. carnal mind not subject to /. G. 9. 31. Isr. followed I. of righteous. 10. 4. Christ is the end of the /. 13. 8. that loveth another, fulfilled I. 10. love is the fulfilling of the I. 1 Cor. 6. I. dare any of you go to /.? 6. brother gooth to /. wi. brother 7. 39. wife is bound by the /. as long 15. 56. and strength of sin is the /. Gal. 2. 16. not justified by works of /. 19. 1 thro' the /. am dead to the /. 21. if righteousness come by the /. 3. 2. received ye Spirit by the I. ? 5. mirarles, d'>eth he it by the I. ? 11. no man is justified by the /. 12. and the I. is not of the faith 13. Ch. redeemed us fr. curse of/. 19. wherefore then serveththe I. ? 21. is the /. against the promises 'i righteousness had been by the /. 21. tlie /. was our schoolmaster 5. 3. is a debtor to do the whole /. 4. whosoever are justified by the /. 14. all the /. is fulfilled in one word 23. temperance, aga. such is no /. 6. 2. and so fulfil the /. of Christ Ejih. 2. 15. abolished in his flesh /. Phil. 3. 6. touching righte. in the I. 9. mine own righteous, of the I. Tim. 1. 7. to be teachers of the I. 9.7. is not made for righteous man Tit. 3. 9. avoid contentions about I. Hub. 7. 5. take tithes according to I. 12. made of necessity achange of I. 16. not after the /. of a carnal 19. for the /. made nothing perfect VS. the /. maketh men high-priests S. 4. offer gifts according to the I. 9. 22. all things are by the I. 10. 1. I. hav. shadow of good things 28. he that despised Moses' I. died Jam. 1. 25. who looketh into perfect I. 2. 8. fulfil the royal I. ye do well 9. convinced of/, as transgressors 12. they that be judged by the J. 4. 1 1, that speaketh evil of the /. . John 3. 4. whosoever coinmitteth sin transgresseth also the /. See Hook. LAW of the Lord. Exnd. 13. 9. L.'s'l. be in thy mouth Kin. 10. 31. no heed to walk in /. L. Chr. 12. I. Rehoh. forsook /. of L. 31. 4. encouraged in the the /. of I.. Ezra 7. 10. his heart to seek /. of L. Vs. I. 2. delight is in the /. of the L. 19. 7. the /. of the L. is perfect 1 19. 1. blessed they walk in /. of L. ha. 5. 21. they cast away the /. of L. 3D. 9. children not hear the 1. of L. Jer. 8. 8. how say, /. of L. is wi! us Amos 2. 4. they have despised /. of L. My LAW. Exod. 1G. 4. whether walk in my I. 2 Chr. C. 16. children walk in my I. Ps. 78. I. my peo. to my I. incline Piov. 3. 1. my son, forget not my I. 4. 2. forsake not my l.\\ 7. 2.keep my I Jsa. S\. 7. peo. in whose heart is my I. Jer, 0. 19. n >t hearkened unto my I. 16. 11. forsaken me, not kept my I. 31. 33. I will put my I. in their parts 44. 10. nor fctu-eel aw walked my l, LAW Ezek. 22. 26. priests have viol, my I. Hos. 8. 1. they trespassed aga. my I. 12. written to him things of my I. This LAW. Num. 5. 30. priest shall execute t. 1. Deut. 1. 5. Moses to declare t. I. 17. 18. sh. write him a copy of & I. 28. 58. if thou wilt not observe t. I. 31.9. Moses wrote t.l.\\\\. read t. I. 24. wiitinar words oft, I. in a book This iethe LAW. Ezek. 13. 12. this is the I. of the house Mat. 7. 12. this is the I. and prophets Thy LAW. Deut. 33. 10. shall teach Israel t. I Neh. 9. 26. cast t. I. behind th. backs 34. nor our princes kept thy I. Ps. 40. 8. yea, 1. 1, is within my heart 94. 12. teachest him out of thy I. 119. 18. wondrous things art oft. I. 29. and grant me t. I. graciously 34. and I shall keep thy I. 44. so shall I keep /. /. continually 51. yet have 1 not declined fr. t. I. 55. I remembered, and kept thy I. 61. but I have not forgotten thy I. 70. heart fat, but I delight in t. I. 77. for t. I. is my delight, 92. 174. 85. pits, which are not after t. I. 97. 1 love t. I. || 109. not forget /. /. 113././. I love, 163. || 1 26. made void 136. because thev keep not thy I. 142. /. /. is truth j| 150. far from £ /. 165. peace have they who love i. I. Jer. 32. 23. obeyed not, nor walk. / /. Dan. 9. 11. Isr. have transgressed /. /. Under the LAW. Rom. 6. 14. for ye aie not under t. 1. !5. sh. we sin bee. we are not u. I.? 1 Cor. 9. 20. as u. t. I. that I might gain them that are u. t. I. 21. not without law to G. u. I. Ch. Gal 3. 23. kept u. I. || 4. 4. made n. I. 4. 5. sent Son to redeem them u. I 5. 18. led bv -Spirit, are not u. t. I. Without LAW. 2 Chr. 15. 3. Israel hath neen u: I. Rom. 2. 12. as many as sinned w. I. 3. 21. the righteousness of G. u\ I. 7.8. w. I. sin was dead || 9. I was alive I Cot. 9. 21. in. I. being not u: I. to G. Written in the LAW. 1 Kin. 2. 3. its it is u-rittenin the I. of Moses, 2 Chr. 23. 18. | 25. 4. | SI. 3. Ezra 3. 2. Neh, 10. 34, 36. Dan. 9. 13. Luke 2. 23. Dan. 9. 1 1. oath is w. in I. of Moses Luke 10. 26. what is trrittenin the I.? 2k 44. all must be fulfilled w. in t.l Acts 24. 14. believing things w. in I. LAWS. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my /. E.vod. 16. 28. how long refuse my /.? 18. 16. make them know /. of God 20. teach them ordinances and /. Neh. 9. 13. thou gavest them true /. Eilh. 1. 19. among /. of the Persians 3. 8. their /. are diverse fr. all peo. neither keep they the king's/. Tsa. 24. 5. they have transgressed /. Dan. 7. 25. to change times and /. 9. 10. nor obeyed to walk in his /. Heh. 8. 10. put my /. into their mind 10. 16. will put mv I in their hearts LAWFUL. Lst. 49. 24. sir. I captive be delivered? Ezek. 18. 5. do that which is I 21. 27. | 33. 14,19. [33.16. 19. son hath done that which is /. Mat. 12. 2. do what is not /. Mark 2. '24. Luke 6. 4. [2. 26. Luke 6. 4. 4 was not /. for him to eat, Mark 10. is it I. to heal on sabbath ? 12. Mark 3. 4. Luke 6, 9. | 14. 3. 373 LAY Mat. 14.4. not lawful for thee to hav« her, Mark 6. 18. [A/ur* 10. 2. 19. 3. is it /. man to put away wife? John 5. 10. not /. to carry thy bed 18. 31. not /. to put man to death Acts 19. 39. determined in /. assembly 22. 25. is it /. to scourge a Roman 1 Cor. 6. 12. all things /. tome, 10.23. 2 Cor. 12. 4. not /. for man to utter LAWFULLY. 1 Tim. 1. 8. good, if a man use it L 2 Tim. 2. 5. not crowned, except L LAWGIVER. Gen. 49. 10. /. from between his feet Num. 21. 18. digged by direct, of /. Deut. 33 21. in a portion of the /. Psal. 60. 7. Judah is my /. 108. 8. Isa. 33. 22. L. is our /. and our king Jam. 4. 12. one /. who is able to save LAWLESS. 1 Tim. 1. 9. law is for /. disobedient LAWYER, S. Mat. 22. 35. a /. a>ked him, LuA0.25. Luke 7. 30. /. rejected counsel of G. 11. 46. woe to you /. 52. || 14.3. Jesus LAY, as with a woman. Gen. 19. 3a /. wi. her father, 34. 35. 30. 16. Jacob /. wi. Leah that night 34. 2. Shechem /. with Dinah 35. 52. Reuben /. with Bilhah Deut. 22. 22. man that /. wi. women 25. roan that /. with her shall die. 29. man th. /. wi. her give5)shek. 1 Sam. 2. 22. Eli's sons/, wi. women 2S«mj.13.14. Amnon forced Ta. and /. Ezek. 23. 8. in her youth /. with her LAY. Exod. 5. 8. tale of bricks ye shall /. 16. 13. /. round about the host, 14. 22. 25. neither shalt thou /. on him Lev. 1. 7. /. the wood on the fire 8. priests sh. /. parts in order, 12. Num. 12. 11. L. /. not sin upon us Deut. 7. 16. /. on them that hate thee 11. 25. /. fear of you upon all land 21. 8. /. not innocent blood to peo. Judg, 16. 3. Samson /. till midnight Ruth 3. 8. a woman /. at his feet 1 Sam. 3. 15. Samuel /. till morning '^(5. 5. Saul /. in the trench, 7. 2 Sam, 4. 5. who /. on bed at noon 12. 3. ewe-lamb /. in his bosom 16. Dav. /. all night on earth, 13.31. 1 Kin. 13. 31. /. my bones beside his IS. 23. /. it on wood and put no fire 2 Kin. 4. 31. went and /. on the child 2 Chr. 36. 21. long as. she /. desolate Esth. 4. 3. /. in sackcloth and ashes J»b 29. 19. dew /. all night on branch 34. 23. not /. on man more th. right /V. 7. 5. /. mine honour in the dust 35. 12. seek my life, /. snares for me 84. 3. a nest, where she /.young EccL 7. 2. the living will /. it to heart Lsa. 5. 8. woe to them that /. field 13. 9. /. laud desolate, Ezek. 33. 28. 11. will /. low haughti. of terrible 22. 22. house of Dav. /. on shoulder 25. 12. the fortress shall he /. low 28. 16. 1 will /. in Ziona tried stono 17. judgment will 1 /. to the line 29. 21. /. a snare for him th. reprov. 34. 15. there shall the great owl l. 33. 21. and J. it for a plaister 5t. 11. will /. thy stones wi. colours Jer. 6. 21. I will /. stumbling-blocks before this people, Ezek. 3. 30. Ezek. 4. 1. take a tile and /. it before 4. /. iniquity of the house of Israel 25. 14. /. vengeance on Edotn, 17. ' 32. 5. will /. thy flesh on mouiuaina 36. 29. I will I. no famine upon you 34. land sh. be tilled, it /. desolate 37. 6. 1 wUU sinews upon ye^ LAY Jenah 1. 14. I. not on us inno. blood Mic. 1. 7. the idols will I /. desolate Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not /. it to heart Mat, 8. 20. hath not where to I. his head, Luke 9. 58. 28. 6. see the piace where the L. /. Mark 2. 4. bed whore sick of palsy I. Luke 19. 44. sh. I. thee with ground Acts 7. 60. L. /. not this sin to their 15. 28. J. on you no greater burden /torn. 8. 33. /. any thing to G.'a elect 9. 33. I I. in Ziou a stumbling-stone Cor. 16. 2. ev. one /. by him in store Heb. 12. 1. let us /. aside ev. weight Jam. 1. 21. /. apart all filthiness IPet. 2. 6. I /. iu Zion a chief corner See Foundation. LAY down. 7en. 19. 33. Lot perceived not when she I. d. 35. 2a. 11. Jacob l.d. inth. place to sleep Num. 24. 9. couched, he /. d. as a lion Judg. ft. 27. he L d. at her feet Hulk 3. 4. uncover his feet, /. thee d. Sam. 19. 24 Saul I. down naked Job 17. 3. /. d. now, put me in surety Pi. 4. 8. I will /. me d. in peace 104. 22. youug lions /. d. in dens Ezek. 19. 2. mother /. d. amo. lions //woj 2. 8. Z. themselves rf. on clothes John 10.. 15. /. d. my life for sheep, 17 18. I /. it down of myself, I have 13. 37. L d. my life for thy sake, 38. 15. 13. 1 d. hi3 life for his friends 1 John 3. 16. /. d. our lives forbrcth. LAY hand. Gen. 22. 12. I. not thy h. on the lad 37. 22. no blood, /. no h. on Joseph Rxod. 7. 4. 1 may /. my h. on Egypt Lev. 3. 2. /. h. on head of his offer. 8. 4. 4. sh. /. A. on bullock's head, 15. 29. sb. I A. on the sin-offering, 33. Num. 27. 18. L. said, /. h. on Joshua Judg. 18. 19. I. thy h. on thy mouth Job 9. 33. any days-man to /. h. on us 21. 5. mark me, and /. h. on mouth 40. 4. I will /. my h. o\\ my mouth 41. 8. I. h. on him, remember battle Prov. 30.32. thought evil, 1. h. mouth Liu. 11. 14. shall /. their ft. on Edom Mic. 7. 16. sh. /. h. on their mouth Hat. 9. 18. come, /. thy h. on her LAY hands Lev. 16. 21. A». sh. /. both h. on goat Num. 8. 12. Levitea /. h. on bullocks Neh. 13. 21. do so again, /. h. on you Mat. 21. 46. they sought to I. h. on him, Luke 20. 19. Mark b. 23 come /. thy h. on her 1(5. 18. 1: h. on sick, and they recover Luke 21. 12. th«y shall /. A. on you • Tim. 5. 22. /. A. suddenly on no man LAY hold. Prov. 3. 18. tree of life to them /. h. Keel. 2. 3. I sought to I. h. on folly Isa. 5. 29. roar, and /. h. on the prey Jer. 6. 23. sh. /. h. on bow and spear Zech 14.13. ev. one l.h. on neighbour Mark 3. 21. his friends went to /. h. 12. 12. they sought to if. A. on him I Tim. 6. 12. /. h. on eternal life, 19. llcb. 6. 18. /. h. on hope set before us LAY up. Gen. 41. 35. /. up corn under Phara Exod. 16. 23. /. up manna till morn 33. L up a pot of manna to be kept Num. 17. 4. sh. them up in taberna. Deut. 11. 18. /. up my words in heart Job 22. 22. /. up his word9 in heart 24. then shalt /. up gold as dust Prov. 7. 1. I. up my commandments 10. 4. wise men I. up knowledge Mat. 6. 19. 1, not up for you treasures SO. I up treasures in heaven LAI 2 Cor. 12. 14. children not to I. up LAY wait. Ezra 8. 31. deliv. fr. such as /. in w. Ps. 71. 10. that /. iv. for my soul Prov. 1. 11. let us I. w. for blood 18. they I. w. for their own blood 24. 15. /. notiy. against righteous Jer. 6. 26. 1, w. as he th. setteth snare LAY waste. Isa. 5. 6. I Will /. it w. it sh. not be Ezek. 35. 4. I will I thy cities w. LAID. Gen. 22. 6. wood, and /. it on Isaac 30. 41. Jacob /. rods before cattle 43. 14. and /. it on Ephraim's head Exod. 2. 3. she /. it on Hags by river Deut. 26. 6. Kgyp. I. on us bondage Josh. 7. 23. they /. them before the L. Ruth 4. 16. and I. it in her bosom 2 Satn. 18.17. /. heap of stones on Abs. 1 Kin. 3. 20. /. it in her bosom, and /. her dead child in my bosom 13. 29. prophet I. the carcase on ass 17. 19. and /. him on his own bed •l Kin. 9. 25. L. I. this burden on him 20. 7. they took and /. it on the boil Job 0. 2. my calamity /. in balances 18. 10. snare is I. for him in ground 38. 6. or who I. the corner-stone Ps. 21. 5. and majesty has /. on him 31. 4. out of the net they /. for me 49. 14. they are A in the grave 62. 9. to be /. in the balance, vanity 79. 1. they have I. Jerus. on heaps 8S. 6. hast I. me in the lowest pit 8.0. 19. I have I. help on one mighty 105. 18. wi. fetters., he was I. in iron 119. 30. thy judg. have I I. bef. me 110. have I. a snare for me, 141. 9. 142. 3. have privily/, a snare for me Isa. 42.25. yet/, it not to heart, 57.11. 47. 6. thou hast heavily /. thy yoke 53. 6. L. /. on him iniquity of us all Jer. 50. 24. I have /. a snare for thee Ezek. 32.19 /. wi. the uncircumeised 35. 12. saying, they are /. desolate Hos. 11. 4. and I /. meat unto them Ohad. 7. they /. a wound under thee Mic. 5. 1. he hath /. siege against us Hub. 2. 19. it is /. over with gold Hag. 2. 15. fr. before a stone was I. Zech. 3. 9. behold the stone I have/. Mat. 3. 10. axe is /. to root, Lu. 3.9. 27. 60. he /. it in his own new tomb Mark 7. 30. her daughter /. on bed 15. 47. Mary beheld where he was /. 16. 6. behold where they /. him Luke 2. 7. first-born/, in a manger 16. 20. Lazarus was /. at his gate 23. 53. wherein never man before was /. John 19. 41. John 11. 34. where have ye /. him ? 20. 2. know not where th. /. him, 13. Acts 3. 2. they /. at gate of temple 4. 37. /. money at apostles' feet, 5.2. 9. 37. /. her in an upper chamber 13. 36. David was /. to his fathers 25. 7. /. complaints could not prove 1 Cor. 9. 16. necessity is /. upon me 2 Tim. 4. 16. be not /. to their charge See Foundation. LAID down. Josh. 2. 8. before they were /. down 1 Sam. 3. 2. Eli was /. d. in his place 3. and Samuel was /. d. to sleep 2 Sam. 13. 8. Amnon was /. down 1 Kin. 19. 6. and /. him down again 21. 4. Ahab came and /. him down Ps. 3. 5. 1 /. me d. and slept, I awak. Luke 19. 22. taking up th. I /. not d. Acts 4. 35. /. them d. at apostles' feet 7. 58. /. d. their clothes at a young Rom. 16. 4. for my life/, d. th. necks 1 John 3. 16. he /. d. his life for us 274 LAY LAID hand. E.iod. 24. 31. on the nobles I. not h. •> Sam. 13. 19. Tamar /. h. on head Estfi. 9. 10. /. not h. on spoil, 15. 16. Job 29. 9. princes /. h. on their mouth Ps. 139. 5. hast /. thine h. upon me Rev. 1. 17. he /. his right b- opon me LAID hands. [18. 22. Lev. 8. 14. Aa. and his sons L h. on, Num. 27. 23. and Moses /. his A. on Joshua, Deut. 34. 9. Obad. 13. nor /. A. on their substance Mat 18. 28. /. A. took him by throat Mark 6. 5. he /. h. on a few sick folk Luke 4. 40. L h. on ev. one of them 13. 13 he /. his A. on her. she was John 7. 30. but no man /. A. on him, 44. | 8. 20. [5. 18. Acts A. 3. they /. A. on the apostles, 6. G. they /. hands on the deacons 13. 3. /. A. on Paul and Barnabas 19. 6. when Paul /. his A. on them LAID hold. Gen. 19. 16. men /. h. on Lot's hand 1 Sam. 15. 27. Saul /. A. on Sam. skirt 2 Chr. 7. 22. /. A. on other gods and Mat. 14. 3. Herod had /. A. on John, Mark 6. 17. Luke 23. 20. they /. A. on one Simon Rev. 20. 2. he /. hold on the dragon L A 1 D up. Gen. 41.48. Joseph /. up food in cities Exod. 16. 34. Aa, /. up pot of manna Num. 17. 7. Moses /. up rods bef. L 1 Sam. 10. 25. Sam. /. it up before L. 21. 12. Dav. /. up words in heart Ezra 6. 1. treasures /. up in Babylon Ps. 31. 19. thou hast /. up for them Prov. 13. 22. wealth of sinners /. up Cant. 7. 13. fruits I ha. /. up for thee Isa. 15. 7. that /. up shall they carry 23. 18. hire not treasured or /. up 39. 6. which fathers /. up be carried Luke 1. 66. all /. them up in hearts 12. 19. thou hast much goods /. up Col. 1. 5. hope which is /. up for you i Tim. 4. 8. is /. up for me a crown LAID wait. Job 31. 9. /. u\ at neighbour's door Lam. 4. 19. /. w. for us in the wilder. Acts 20. 3. Jews /. w. for him, 23. 30. LAID iraste. Ps. 79. 7. th. I. w. his dwelling-place /«*.15. 1. Kir /. w. || 23. 1. Tyre is /. w. 23. 14. ye ship3, your strength /. u>. 37. 18. kings of Assy. /. w. nations 64. 11. all pleasant things are /. w. Jer. 4. 7. thy cities shall be/.t«. with, out an inhabitant, Ezek. 6. 6. | 12. 20. | 19. 7. | 29. 12. Ezek. 26. 2. sh. be repleii. now /. w. Amos 7. 9. sanctuaries of lsr. be/.m Xah. 3. 7. and say, Nineveh is I u\ LA1DEST. !'s 66. 11. /. affliction on our loin« Luke 19 21. thou takest up th. thou /. LAIN. 'olin 20 12. where body of Jesus 7. LAYEST, ETH. Num. 11. 11. /. burden of peo. on mc l Sam. 28. 9. /. a snare for my life ? Ji,b 21. 19. G. /. up his iniquity 21. 12. yet God /. not folly to them 41. 26. sword of him that /. at him Ps. 104. 3. /. beams of his chambers Prov. 2. 7. /. up wisdom for righteoui 26. 24. and /. up deceit within him Isa. 26. 5. the lofty city he /. low 56. 2. blessed is the man that /. hold 57. 1. and no man /. it to heart Jer. 9. 8. he /. wait|| 12.11. /. to heaf Zech. 12. 1. L. /. foundation of earth Luke 12. 21. so is that /. up treasure 15. 5. he /. it on his shoulders LEA LAYING. Num. 35. 20. by I. wait, th. lie die, 22. /'*. 61. 5. they commune of I. snares Mark 7. 8. I. aside commandment Lulce 11. 54. /. wait for liim, to catch Acts 8. i8. /. on of apostles' hands 9. 24. /. wait was known of Saul 23 16. kinsmen heard of their I. wait 25. 3. /. wait in the way to kill him Tim. 4. 14. witli /. on of the hands G. 19. /. up in store good foundation Heb. 6. 1. not /. again foundation 2. baptisms, and of /. on of hands 1 Pec. 2. I.J. aside all malice, guile LEAD. Exod. 15. 10. sank as /. in the waters Vum. 31. 22. /. that may abide fire Job 19. 24. graven with iron and /. Jer. 6. 29. I. is consumed of the fire Ezek. 22. 18. /. in midst of furnace 20. as they gather I. I gather you 27. 12. tin, and /. Tarshish traded Zech. 5. 7. was lifted up a talent of /. 8. east weight of / on mouth thereof LEAD. Gen. 33. 14. will /. on softly as cattle Ex. 13. 21. pillar of cloud to I. them 32. 34. /. the people to the place Deut. 32. 12. the L. alone did I. him Judg. 5. 12. /. thy captivity captive Neh. 9. 19. pillar of cloud to I. them I' sal. 5. 8. /. me in thy righteousness 25.5. /. in truth |i 27. 11./. in plain path 31. 3. for thy name's sake /. me 43. 3. send light and truth, let th. /. CO. 9. who /. me into Edom ? 108. 10. 61. 2. /. me to rock is higher than I 125. 5. I. them wi. workers of iniqui. 139. 10. there shall thine hand/, me 24. /. me in the way everlasting 143. 10. /. me to land of uprightness Prov. 8. 20. I in way of righteousn. Cunt. 8. 2. /. thee to mother's house ha. 3. 12. that I. thee cause to err 11. 6. and a little child shall /. them 40. 11. gently /. those with young 42. 16. /. them in paths not known 19. 10. hath mercy on them, /. them 57. 18. I will I. him, and restore 63. 14. so didst thou /. thy people Jer. 31. 9. wi. supplications 17. them Nah. 2. 7. her maids /. her, as with Mat. 6. 13. /. us not into temptation, Luke 11. 4. 15. 14. if blind 7. blind, Luke 6. 39. Luke 13. 15. and I. him to watering Acts 13. 11. seeking some to /. him i Cor. 9. 5. not power to I. sister ? I Tim. 2. 2. we may I. a quiet life Heb. 8. 9. /. them out of Egypt Rev. 7. 17. Lamb feed and /. them LEADER, S. 1 Chr. 12. 27. Jehoiada /. of Aaronites 13. 1. David consulted with every /. 2 Chr. 32. 21. angel which cut off /. tsa. 9. 16. I. of people cause to err 55. 4. given him a I. to the people Mid. 15. 14. be blind I. of the blind LEAD EST. l '*al. 80. 1. I. Joseph like a flock LEADETH. Jo i li 17. j^e /. counsellors away he /. princes away spoiled P • 23. 2. he I. me beside still waters 3. he /. me in paths of righteousn. Prov. 16. 29. 1, him into way not good ha. 48. 17. am thy G. which /. thee Mat. 7. 13. wide is way I. to destrue. 14. narrow is the way that /. to life John 10. 3. calleth sheep and I. them Rom. 2. 4. good, of G. 7. to repentance Rev. 13. 10. I. shall go into captivity LEAF. Qen. 4 11 in her mouth was olive/. LEA Lev. 20. 36. sound of a shaken J. Job 13. 25. break /. driven to and fro ? Psul. 1. 3. his I. also shall not wither Jsa. 1. 30. be as oak whose /. fadeth 34. 4. host fall as I. || 64. 6. fade as /. Jer. 17. 8. but her /. shall be green Ezek. 47. 12. the /. shall not fade LEAVES. Gen. 3. 7. sewed fig /. made aprons Jer. 36. 23. when Jeh ndi read 3 or 4 I. Ezek. 17. 9. shall wither in all the J. Mat. 21. 19. nothing thereon but /. Mark \ I. 13. [ Mark 13. 28. 24. 32. his branch putteth forth /. Rev. 22. 2. /. for healing of nations LEAVES for doors. 1 Kin. 6. 34. two /. of the one door Ezek. 41. 24. doors had two /. apiece LEAGUE. Josh. 9. 15. made/, wi. Gibeonites, 16. Judg. 2. 2. make no/, wi. inhabitants 1 Sam. 22. 8. son made /. with David 2 Sam. 5. 3. David made /. wi. them 1 Kin. 5. 12. Hiram and Solo. made/. 15. 19. is a /. between me and thee 2 Chr. 1G. 3. break /. with Baasha Job 5. 23. in /. with stones of field Ezek. 30. 5. men that is in I. shall fall Dan. 11. 23. after /. he work deceit. LEAN, NESS. Gen. 41. 3. out of river /-fleshed, 19. 4. /.-fleshed eat up seven fat, 20. 2 Sam. 13. 4. thou being king's son /. Psal. 106. 15. sent /. into their soul Isa. 10. 16. L. send among fat ones /. 17. 4. fatness of flesh shall wax /. 24. 16. I said, my /. my /. woe to me Ezek. 34. 20. judge between fat and /. LEAN, ED. Judg. 16. 26. 1 may /. on the pillars 2 Kiti. 18. 21. on wlfrch if a man /. go into hand, Isa. 36. 6. Job 8. 15. /. on house, it not stand Prov. 3. 5. /. not to own understand. Amos 5. 19. /. his hand on the wall Mic. 3. 11. yet they /. on the Lord John 21. 20. /. on his breast at supper LEANETH, 1NG. 2 Sam. 3. 29. not fail one /. on a staff 2 Kin. 5. 18. /. on my hand in house Cant. 8. 5. cometh up /. on beloved John 13. 23. was /. on Jesus' bosom Heb. 11. 21. Jacob /. on top of staff LEAP. Gen. 31. 12. rams which /. on cattle Lev. 11. 21. have legs to /. withal Dent. 33. 22. Dan shall /. fr. Bashan Job 41. 19. sparks of fire /. out Psal. 68. 16. why /. ye, ye high hills Isa. 35. 6. then shall the lame man /. Joel 2. 5. like chariots shall they /. Luke 6. 23. rejoice ve, and /. for joy LEAPED. Gen. 31. 10. rams which /. upon cattle 2 Sam. 22. 30. by ray God, I /. over a wail, Psal. 18. 29. T.uke I. 41. babe /. in her womb, 44. Acts 14. 10. and he /. and walked 19. 16. evil spirit was, /. on them LEAPING. 2 Sam. 6. 16. Michal saw David /. Cant 2. 8. behold he cometh /. Acts 3. 8. and he /. up and walked LEARN. Dent. 4. 10. may /. to fear me, 14. 23. 5. 1. may /. and keep, and do them 17. 19. read that he may /. to fear 31. 12. hear, and /. and fear the L. 13. children may /. to fear the L. Psal, 1 19. 71. might /. statutes, 73. Prov. 22. 25. lest thou /. his ways Isa. 1. 17. /. to do well, seek judgm. 2. 4. neither shall they /. war any more, Mic. 4. 3. 276 LEA Isa. 2G. 9. inhabitants /. righteoiifin. 10. will not wicked I. righteousn. 29. 24. that murmured /. doctrine Jer. 10. 2. /. not way of the heathen 12. 16. diligently /. ways of people Mat. 9. 13. go /. what that meaneth 11. 29. /. of me, for 1 am meek and 1 Cor. 14. 35. /. any thing let them ask 1 Tim. 2. 11. let woman /. in silence 5. 4. /. first to show piety at home Tit. 3. 14. /. to maintain good work Rev. 14. 3. no man could /. that souf LEARNED. Gen. 30. 27. I have /. by experience Psal. 106. 35. heathen, and /. works 119. 7. I have /. righteous judgment Prov. 30. 3. I neither /. wisdom nor Isa. 29. 11. deliver to one that is /. 50. 4. God given me tongue of /. h. wakeneth ear to hear as * John 6. 45. man that hath /. of Father 7. 15. man letters, having never /. Acts 7. 22. Moses /. wisdom of Egypt Eph. 4. 20. ye have not so /. Christ Phil. 4. 11. /. inev. state to be content 2 Tim. 3. 14. continue in things tho i /. knowing of whom thou /. them Heb. 5. 8. yet /. he obedience LEARNING. Prov. 1. 5. wise man will increase / 9. 9. just man he will increase in /. 16. 21. sweetness of lips increaseth/ 23. heart of wise addeth /. to lips Dan. 1. 17. God gave them skill in /. Arts 26. 24. /. doth make thee mad Rom. 15. 4. things written for our /. 2 Tim. 3. 7. ever /. and never able LEASING. Psal. 4. 2. how long seek after /.? 5. 6. shalt destroy them speak /. LEAST. Gen. 32. 10. not worthy /. of mercies Judg. G. 15. /. in my father's house Mat. 2. 6. not /. among the princes 11. 11. that is /. in kingdom of hea- ven is greater than he, Luke 7. 28. 1 Cor. 15. 9. I am /. of the apostles Eph. 3. 8. less than /. of all saints See Gar: at est. At the LEAST. 1 Sam. 21. 4. kept at 1. 1, from women Luke 19. 42. known at I. in thy day LEATHER. 2 Kin. 1. 8. girt with a girdle of /. LEATHERN. [loins Mat. 3. 4. John had /. girdle about LEAVE, Substantive. Num. 22. 13. Lord refuseth to give/ 1 Sam. 20. 6. David asked /. of me, 28. Neh, 13 6. obtained I /. of the king Murk 5. 13. and Jesus gave them /. John 19. 38. gave /. to take away body Acts 18. 18. Panl took /. of brethren 21. 6. taken our /. one of another 2 Cor. 2. 13. taking/. I went to Mace. LEAVE. Gen. 2. 24. /. father and moth, cleave to wife, Mat. 19. 5. Mart: 1J. 7. Eph, 5. 31. 33. 15. /. with thee some oftne folk 4k 22. the lad cannot /. his father Exod, 16. 19. let no man /. manna 23. 11. /. beasts of the field shall eat Lev. 7. 15. not I. peace, ottering, 22. 3D. 16. 23. off garments find /. them thers 19. 10. /. them for the poor, 23. 22. Num. 9. 12. /. none of the passover 32. 15. again/, them in wilderness Deut. 28.51. shall not /. thee corn 54. remnant of children he shall i Judg. 9. 9. should 1 /. my fatness 13. vine said, should I /. my wine Ruth 1. 16. entreat me not to /. thee 1 Sam. 9. 5. father /. caring for assei LEA 2 Sum. 14 7. not 7. husband a name 2 Kin. 4. 43. shall eat and I. thereof 13. 7. nor did he 7. of the people Ezra 9. 8. 7. us a remant to escape 12. 7. it for inheritance to children Neh. 6. 3. work cease whilst I 7. it ? 10. 31. we would 7, the seventh year Job 39. 11. wilt 7. labour to him ? Psal. 16. 10. thou wilt not 7. my soul in hell. Acts 2. 27. 17. 14. I. substance to the-ir babes 27. 9. my help, 7. me not, 119. 121. 49. 10. they 7. their wealth to others 41. 8. O G. 7. not my soul destitute Prov. 2. 13. 7. patlis of uprightness Eccl. 2. IS. 7. it to the man after me 10. 4. ru.er against thee, 7. not place Isa. 10. 3. where will ye 7. glory ? 65. 15. I. your name for a curse Jer. 9. 2. 1 might 7. my people 14. 9. called by thy name, 7. us not 17. 11. I. them in midst of his days 4S. 28. 7. cities and dwell in rocks 49. 9. not 7. some gleaning grapes ? 11. I. children, I will preserve them Ezek. 16. 39. 7. thee naked, £3. 29. Hos. 12. 14. he 7. his blood upon him Joel 2. 14. and/, blessing behind him Amos 5. 3. shall 7. ten to Israel 7. who 7. off righteousness inearth Mai. 4. 1. 7. neither root nor branch Mat. 5. 24. 7. thy gift before the altar 18. 12. doth he not 7. the ninety and nine, Luke 15. 4. 23. 23. and not to 7. other undone Luke 19. 44. not 7. in thee one stone Jo/in 14. 'il. my peace 1 7. with you 16. 28. I 7. world and go to Father 32. 7. me alone, yet 1 am not alone Acts 6. 2. we should 7. the word 1 Cor. 7. 13. let her not 7. him Hub. 13. 5. I will never 7. thee I will, or will I LEAVE Job 9. 27. I will I. oft my heaviness 10. 1. I will I. complaint on myself Ezek. 6. 8. yet 1 will I. a remnant 12. 16. but / will I. a few men 29. 5. I will I. thee into wilderness Zeph. 3. 12. / will I. in midst of thee I will not LEAVE. 2 Kin. 2. 22. I will not I. thee. 4. SO. John 14. 18. I to. n. I. you comfortless LEAVED. Isa. 45. 1. open him the two-/, gates LEAVETH. Prov. 13. 22. good man 7. inheritance 28. 3. sweeping rain wh. I. no food Mat. 4. 11. then the devil I. him LEAVEN 1 . Exod. 12. 15. away I. seven days, 19. 13. 7. neither I. seen in thy quarters 34. 25. not offer the blood" with I. Lev. 2. 11. no meat offer, made wi. I. 10. 12. eat meatoffering without 7. Amos 4. 5. offer a sacrifice with I. Mat. 13. 33. kingdom of heaven is like I. Luke 13. 21. 16. 6. beware of 7. of Pharisees and Sadducees, 11. Marks 15. Lu. 1-2.1 12. them not beware of I. of bread 1 Cor. 5. 6. little I. leaveneth the whole lump, Gal, 5. 9. 7. purge out therefore the old I. 8. keep the feast, not with old I. LEAVENED. Exod. 12. 15. who. eatelh I. bread, 19. 20. eat nothing 7. in habitations Mat. 13. 33. till whole was I. Lu. 13.21. See Bread. LEAVENETH. [Gtf/,5.29. 1 Cor. 5. 6. little leaven I. the lump, LEAVING. Rom. 1. 27. I. natural use of woman Heb. 6, 1. L tlie principles of Clirist LEF 1 Pet. 2. 21. suffered, I. an example LED. Gen. 24. 27. being in way, Lord I. me 48. who hath 7. me in right way Exod. 3. 1. Moses I. flock to back of 13. 17. 1, not thro' land of Philistines 18. God I. them thro' wilderness 15. 13. in mercy I. forth the people Deut. 8. 2. Lord I. thee forty years 29. 5. I. you 40 years in wilderness 1 Kin. 8. -IS. I. them away captive Psal. 78. 14. he I. them with a cloud 53. he I. them safelv,they feared not 106. 9. 7. them thro"' depths as thro' wilderness, 13G. 16- Isa. 63. 13 107. 7. he I. them by the right way Prov. 4. 11. have I. thee in right paths Isa. 9. 16. are I. of them are destroyed 48.21. thirsted not when they I. them 55. 12. shall be 7, forth with peace 63. 12. I. them by the right hand Jer. 2. 6. Lord I. ns thro' wilderness 17. when he I. thee by the way 22. 12. die in place whither th. I, him 23. 8. Lord which I. house of Israel Lam. 3. 2. hath I, me into darkness Ezek. 39. 28. to be 7. into captivity Amos 2. 10. I. 40 years thro' wildern. Mat. 4. 1. Jesus 7. of Spirit, Luke 4. 1. Luke 4. 29. 7. Jesus to brow of hill 21. 24. shall be I. away captive 24. 50. 7. them out as far as Bethany Acta 8. 32. 7. as a sht-ep to slaughter Rom. 8. 14. as are I. by Spirit of God 1 Cor. 12. 2. idols, even as ye were I. Gal 5. 18. if ye be I. by the Spirit 2 Tim. 3. 6. 7. away wi. divers lusts LEDDEST. [1 Chr. 11.2. 2 Sam. 5. 2. he that I. out Israel, Neh. 9. 12. I them by a cloudy pillar Psal. 77. 20. i. thy people likeaflock LEDGES. 1 Kin. 7. 28. borders between the I. 35. I. and borders were the ^ame 36. plates of I. graved cherubiins LEEKS. Num. 11. 5. remember I. and onions LEES. Isa. 25. 6. feast of wine on the I. Jer. 4S. 1 1. Moab hath settled on his I. Zeph. 1. 12. punish men settled ou I. LEFT. Gen. 29. 35. Judah, 7. bearing, 30. 9. 39. 12. I. garment in hand, 13, 15, IS. 41. 49. gathered till he 7. numbering 47. IS. not enough 7. but our bodies 50. 8. little ones 7. they in Goshen Exod, 2. 20. wh v have ye 7. t he man F 10. 12. herb, all that the hail 7. 15. 16. 20. some 7. of it till morning 34. 25. nor sacrifice be 7. till morning Lev. 2. 10. which is 7. of meat offer. 26. 39. are 7. of you shall pine away 43. the land also shall be 7. of them Num. 26. 65. not 7. a man of them. Josh. 8. 17. Judg. 4. 16. Hos. 9. \2. Deut. 2. 34. I. none to remain, Josh. 10. 33, 37. 39, 40. | II. 8, 11, 14. 4. 27. ye shall be 7. few in number, 28. 62. Isa. 24. 6. Jer. 42. 2. 32. 36. there is none shut up or I. Josh, 8. 17. they 7. the city open 11. 15. he 7. nothing undone of all 22. 3. ye have not 7. your brethren Judg. 2. 23. L. 7. those nations, 3. 1. Ruth 1. 3. was 7. and hertwosons, 5. 18. then she 7. speaking to her 2. 11. hast 7. thy father and mother 4. 14. Lord not 7. thee this day 1 Sam. 2. 36. every one 7. in house 9. 24. which is I. set it before thee 10. 2. thy father 7. care of the asses 17. 20. 7. the sheep with a keeper 2 Sa?n. 5. 21. there they I. iaaage3 276 LEF 2 Sam, 9. 1. is any I. of hou. of Saul? 13. 30. there is not one of them I. 15. 16. king 7. ten concubines, 16. 21. 17. 12. not be I. so much as one 1 Kin. 9. 21. children that were 7, 2 Chr. a 8. [2 Kin. 9. 8. 14. 10. cut off him is shut up and 7. 19. 3. 7. servant there || 10. I only /. 18. have 7. me 7000 || 20. he 7. oxen 2 Kin. 4. 44. did eat and 7. thereof 7. 7. they 7. tents || 13. all that are /. 8. 6. since the day she I. the land 10. II. till he 7. him none remaining 14. 26. not any 7. nor any helper 17. 16. 7. commandments of Lord 19. 4. remnant that are 7. It,a. 37. t 20. 17. nothing I. saith the Lord 25. 12. I. of the poor of the land, Jer. 39. 10. \ 52. 16. 2 Chr. 11. 14. the Levitt* 7. suburbs 21. 17. there was never a son 7. him 24. IS. they 7. the house of the Lord 31. 10. hadenough, have I. plenty 32. 31. God 7. him to try him 34. 21. inquire for them 7. in Israel Neh. 1. 2. concerning Jews wh. had L 3. remnant 7. in great affliction Job 20. 21. none of his meat be 7. 26. ill with him 7. in his tabernacle Psal. 106. 11. was not one of them I. Prov. 29. 15. a child 7. to himself Isa. 1. 9. L. 7. us remnant, Rom. 9. 29. 4. 3. 7. in Zion shall be called holy 11. 16. the remnant that shall be I. 24. 12. in the city is I. deflation 39. 6. nothing be 7. saith the Lord Jer. 12. 7. 7. heritage || 31. 2. 7. sword 49. 25. city of praise not 7. city of joy 50. 26. let nothing of her be 7. Ezek. 14. 22. shall be 7. a remnant 31. 12. cut him off and have 7. him Dan. 2. 44. not be 7. to other people Hag. 2. 3. who is 7. saw hou. in glory t Zech. 13. 8. third part be 7. therein Mat. 4. 20. 7. nets |] 22. 7. their ships 15. 37. took up of meat that was I. MarkS. 8. [Mark 12. 20. 22. 25. he 7. his wife to his brother, 23. 38. your house is I. desolate 24. 2. there shall not be 7. one stone upon another, Murk 13.2. Lu. 21.6. 40. one shall be taken, the other 7. 41. Luke 17. 34,35, 3G. 26. 44. Jesus 7. them, and praved Mark 10. 28. 7. all and followed thee 29. no man that hath 7. house, Luke 18. 28, 29. 12. 22. seven had her, and 7. no seed Luke 5. 28. 7. all and followed him in. 40. sister 7. me to serve alone John 4. 52. seventh hour fever 7. him Acts 2. 31. his soul was not 7. in hell 14. 17. he 7. not without witness 21. 32. they 7. beating of Paul 2 Tim. 4. 20. I 7. sick at Miletum Tit. 1. 5. for this cause I 7. thee Heb. 2. 8. he 7. nothing th. is not put Jude 6. angels 7. th. own habitation Rev. 2. 4. thou hast 7. thy first love See Alone. LEFT off. Gen. 17. 22. 7. off talking with him Ruth 2. 20. hath not 7. cjfkindness Job 32. 15. no more, thev 7. off speak Ps. 36. 3. he hath 7. off to be wise Jer. 3S. 27. 7. cjf speaking with him 44.18. since we 7. offto burn incense Hos. 4. 10. they 7. offto take heed LEFT corner. 2 Kin. 11. 11. euard stood to the I.e. See Hand. LEFT-HANDED. Jialg. 3. 15. Benjamite, a man l-h. %Q. 16. were 700 chosen ineo A«4» LEP LEFT pillar. 1 Kin. 7. 21. he set up the I pillar LEFTsidte. 2 Chr. 23. 10. weapon fr. right to 7. s. Ezek. 1. 10. face of an ox on the I. s. 4. 4. lie also on thy I. s. Jay iniquity Zech. 4. 3. olive tree upon /. s. 11. LEG, S. Exod. 12. 9. roast \vi. fire head and I. 29. 17. wash inwards and I. Lev.9. 14. Lev. 4. 11. his head, and his I. burn 8. 21. lie washed the inwards and I. 1 i. 21. which have I. above th. feet Deut. 28. 35. sh. smite thee in the I. 1 Sam. 17. 6. greaves of brass on I. Ps. 147. 10. taketh no pleasure in I. Prov. 26. 7. I. of lame are not equal Cant. 5. 15. his /. are aspil. of marble Isa. 3. 20. ii. take ornaments of I. 47. 2. make bare the I. uncov. thigh Dan. 2. 33. his I. of iron, feet part of Amos 3. 12. out mouth of lion two I. JoA«19.31. besought /.might be brok. 32. soldiers came and brake the /. 33. was dead, they brake not his I. LEISURE. Mark 6. 31. they had no I. to eat LEND. Exod. 22. 25. if thou I money to any Lev. 25. 37. not I. him thy victuals Deut. 15. (3. sh. I. to many nations 8. thou shalt I. him sum. for need 23. 19. sh. not?, on usury to brother 20. to a stranger may /. on usury 28.12. /to many nations, not borrow 44. I. to thee, thoush. not I. to him Lu. 6. 34. Ml. them of whom ye hope to receive, sinners also/, sinners 35. love enemies, do good and I. 11. 5. say friend,/ me three loaves LENDER. Prov. 22. 7. borrower servant to /. Isa. 21.2. as with /. so vvi. borrower LENDETH. Pn. 37. 2G. merciful, /. seed blessed 112. 5. good man sheweth fav. and /. Prov. 19. 17. pitv on the poor, /. toL. LENGTH. Dent. 30. 20. and the /. of thy days Jn. 23. 28. she also /. in w. as for a prey Mia 7. 2. they all /. in w. for blood Acts 23. 21. there /. in wait for him Eph. 4. 14. they /. in w. to deceive me LIE, ETH waste. Neh. 2. 3. father's sepulchres /. w. 17. see how Jerusalem /. w. Isa. 33. 8. the high-ways /. waste 34. 10. it shall /. w. none shall pass Hag. 1. 4. and this house /. waste LIEN, or LAIN. Gen. 26. 10. have /. with thy wife Judg. 21. 11. destroy woman that I. Job 3. 13. now should I have /. still Ps. G8. 13. ye have/, among the pots L I E R S in wait. Josh. 8. 14. wist not there were/. u>. Judg. 9. 25. men of Shech. set/, in w, 16.12. /. in w. abiding in chamber LIF Judg. 20. 33. tha I. in te. came forth 37. the I. in w. hasted and rushed LIEST. Gen. 28. 13. the land whereon thou I. Deut. 6. 7. when thou /. down, 11.19. Josh. 7. 10. wherefore /. on thy face? Prov. 3 24. /. down sh. not be afraid L1ETH. Gen. 4. 7. not well, sin I. at the door 49. 25. blessings of deepth. /. under Lev. 14. 47. that /. in house sh. wasli 15. 4. bed whereon he /. is unclean 20. thing she /. on is unclean, 20. 24. bed whereon he /. be unci. 33. Judg. 16. 5. see where his strength /. Job 40. 21. he /. under the shady tree /'*. 41. 8. he /. he shall rise no more 88. 7. thy wrath /. hard on me Mark 5.23. daugh. /. at point of death Rom. 12. 18. as much as /. in you I John 5. 19. world /. in wickedness LIETH, as with a woman. Exod. 22. 19. whoso /. with beast Lev. 19. 20. /. carnally wi. bond-maid 20. 11. man /. with his father's wife 13. with mankind as /. wi. woman Deut. 27. 20. that /. with father's wife 21. /. beast || 22. sister || 23. mother Mic. 7. 5. thy mouth from her th. /. LIEUTENANT, S. Ezra 8. 36. king's commissions to I. Esth. 3. 12. Ha. commanded king's /. 8. 9. Mordecai had commanded to/. 9. 3. rulers and I. helped the Jews LIFE. Gen. 1. 20. moving creature hath /. 2. 7. God breathed the breath of /. 9. tree of /. in the garden, 3. 22. 3. 21. keep the way of the tree of /. 6. 17. destroy all wherein is 1. 7. 22. 9. 4. flesh with the /. shall ye not eat, Lev. 17. 14. 5. of man will I require /. of man 18. 10. return accord, to time of /. 42. 15. by the /. of Pharaoh, 16. [14. 45. 5 G. did send me to preserve /. 47. 9. not attained to the years of /. Exod. 21. 23. give /. for I. Deut. 19.21. Lev. 17. 11. /. of flesh is in th. blood 18. 18. besides the other in /. time Deut. 12. 23. blood is the /. not eat /. 20. 19. tree of the field is man's /. 24. 6. taketh a man's /. to pledge 30. 15. see, I have set before thee, this day, /. 19. Jer. 21. 8. 32. 47. not vain thing, bee. your /. Josh. 2.14. answered, our I. for yours 1 Sam. 25.29. bound up in bundle of/. 2 Sam. 15. 21. whether in death or /. 1 Kin. 3. 11. not asked for thyself long I. 2 Chron. 1. 11. 2 Kin. 4, 16. time of I. embrace. 17. Ezra 6. 10. may pray for /. of king Esth. 8. 11. the Jews to stand for /. Job 3. 20. why I. given to bitter soul? 10. 12. thou hast granted me I. 24. 22. he riseth, no man sure of I. 33. 4. breath of Almig. given me /. 36. 6. he preserveth not I. of wicked 14. their /. is among the unclean Psal. 16. 11. wilt shew me path of /. 21. 4. asked I. of thee, thou gavest 30. 5. in his favour is I. 34. 12. wh. man is he th. desirecn I. ? 36. 9. with thee is the fountain of /. 61. 6. thou wilt prolong the king's /. 63. 3. loving-kindness is better th. /. 66. 9. bless G. who holdeth soul in /. 78.50. gave their Lover to pestilence 91. 18. wi. long J. will I satisfy him 133. 3. blessing, even /. for ever Prov. I. 19. which taketh away /. 2. 19. take they hold of paths of I. 3. 2. long I. and peace sh. they add LIP Prov. 3. 18. she is a tree of I. to them 22. so shall they be I. to thy soul 4. 22. are I. to those that find them 23. out of heart are the issues of /. 5. 6. lest thou ponder the path of /. 6. 23. reproofs are the way of /. 8. 35. whoso findeth me findeth /." 10. 11. mouth of righte. i3 well of I. 11. 30. fruit of righte. is a tree of I. 12. 10. righteous regard. /. of beast 28. in way of righteousness is /. 13. 8. ransom of man's /. are riches 12. desire cometh, it is a tree of /. 14. law of wise is a fountain of /. 14. 27. fear of L. is a fountain of I. 30. a sound heart is the /. of flesh 15. 4. wholesome tongue is tree of I. 24. way of I. is above to the wise 31. heareth reproof of I. abideth 16. 15. in king's countenance is /. 18. 21. death /. in power of tongue 21. 21. followeth mercy, findeth /. 22. 4. by humility are riches and /. Eccl. 7. 12. wisdom giveth I. tothera Isa. 38. 16. in all these things is the /. 20. sing songs all the days of our /. 57. 10. hast found the /. of thy hand Jer.8. 3. death be chosen rather th. I. 21. 8. I set before you the way of /. Lam. 2. 19. lift up thy hands for /. Ezek. 13. 22. not return by promis. /. 33. 15. wicked walk in statutes of I. Jonah \. 14. not perish for man's I. Mai. 2. 5. covenant with him of I. Mat. 2. 20. dead wh. sought child's/. 6. 25. take no thought for your /. Luke 12. 22. [Mark 9. 43. 18. 8. enter into /. halt or maimed, 9. better to enter into /. with one eye, Mark 9. 45. 19. 17. if wilt enter into/, keep com. Mark 3. 4. is it lawful to save /. or to kill ? Luke 6. 9. Luke 1. 75. holiness ah days of our /. 12. !5. /. consisteth not in abund. 23. /. more than meat," the body Jn. 1. 4. in him was /. and /. was light 3. 36. bclieveth not Son, not see /. 5. 26. as Father hath /. in himself, so hath he given to the Son /. 29. done good, to resurrection of /. 40. will not come tome that might have /. 10. 10. [bread of/. 48. 6. 33. giveth /. unto world || 35. I am 51. which I will give for the /. 53. his blood, ye have no /. in yon 63. the words I speak to you, are /. 8. 12. but 6hall have the light of /. 11. 25. I am the resurrection and /. 20.31. believ. yemighthave /. [14.6. Acts 2. 28. known to me ways of /. 17. 25. seeing he giveth to all /. 27. 22. sh. be no loss of any man's /. Rom. 5. 17. shall reign in /. by onei 18. on all men to justification of/. 6. 4. we sho. walk in newness of /. 8. 2. the Spirit of /. in Christ Jesus 6. to be spiritually minded is /. 10. Spirit is /. bee. of righteousness 11. 15. what be, but/, from the dead 1 Cor. 3. 22. or /. or death, all yours 14. 7. things without /. giving sound 2 Cor. 1. 8. we despaired even of /. 2. 16. to the other the ?avour of/. 3. 6 letter killeth, Spirit giveth /. 4. 10. /. of Jesus be manifested 12. death worketh in us, /. in you 5. 4. mortality swallowed up of /. Gal 2. 20. /. wh. I now live in the fl. 3. 21. which could have given /.' Eph. 4. 18. alienated fr. the /. of G. Phil. 1. 20. whether by /. or death 2. 16. holding forth word of L ' Col. 3. 3. y?ur /. is hid wi. Ch. inG. 279 LIP Col. 3. 4. when Ch. our I sh. appeal 1 Tim. 2. 2. may lead a peaceable I 4. 8. having the promise of the /. 2 Tim. 1. 1. according to promise of L 10. brought I to light by gospel 3. 10. hast known my manner of I Heb. 7. 3. neither days 1 , nor end of I 16. made after power of endless i Jam. 1. 12. shall receive crown of /. 4. 14. for what is your /.fa vapour 1 Pet. 3. 7. heirs of the grace of L 10. will love i. and see good days 2 Pet. 1. 3. all things pertaining to i I John 1. 1. handled of word of L 2. for the /. was manifested 2. 16. pride of /. is not of the Father 5. 12. he that hath the Son hath /. he that hath not Son of G. not /. 16. he shall give him /. for them Rev. 2. 7. I give to eat of tree of 10. I will give thee a crown of I. a 11. 11. Spirit of /. from G. entered,/?. 13 15. had power to give /. to beast ■ 21. 6. I will give to the thirsty /. 22. 1. a pure river of water of /. 2. tree of/, bare 12 manner of fru. 14. may have right to the tree of Z. 17. let him take the water of I See Book, Eternal, Eterlastino. Hit LIFE. Gen. 44 30. seeing A. /. is bound up Exod. 21. 30. give for ransom of A. /. Judg. 9. 17. my father adventnr. A. L 16. 30. more than wh. he slew in A. I I Sam. 19. 5. put h. I. in his hand 1 Kin. 20. 39. thy life be for hit I. 42. 2 Kin. 10. 24. Am /. be for life of him Job 2.4. man hath will he give for h.l. 6. he is in thy hand, but save A. /. 33. 18. and his I. from perishing 20. A./.abhorreth ||22. h.l. to destro. 28. and his I. shall «ee the light Prov. 7. 23. knoweth not for it is A. /. 13. 3. keopeth mouth, keepeth h. I. Eccl. 7. 15. wicked man prolong, h. I. Isa. 15. 4. A. /. sh. be grievous to him Jer. 21. 9. h. I. to him for prey, 38.2. Ezek. 3. 18. to warn, to snve his L 7. 13. nor strengthen in iniq. of h. I. 32. 10. tremble, every man for his I. Mat. 10. 39. he that findeth A. /. shall lose it ; he that loseth A. /. sh. find it, 16. 25. Mark 8. 35. Luke 9.24. | 17. 33. John 12. 25. 20. 28. to give his I. a ransom for many, Mark 10. 45. Luke 14. 26. and hate not A. own /. John 10. 11. good Shepherd gir. A. /. 15. 13. man lay down A. /. for friends Acts 8. 33. A. /.is taken fr. the earth 20. 10. yourselves, his I. is in him Rom. 5. 10. we sh. be saved by his 1 Phil. 2. 30. not regarding his I. Uoh?i3. 16. love G. he laid down See Days. My LIFE. Gen. 19. 19. mercy in saving my I 27. 46. I am weary of my I. 32.30. seen G. and my I. is preserve 48. 15. God which fed me all my I. Judg. 12. 3. I put my I. in my hands 1 Sam. 18. 18. what is my I. or fa.'s? 20. I. that he seeketh my I. T 22. 23. th. seeketh my I. seeketh thy 2S. 9. layest thou a snare for my /.? 21. I put my I. in my hand 2 Sam. 1. 9. my I. is yet whole ill ms 16. 11. my son seeketh my I. 1 Kin. 19. 4. now, take away my I. 2 Kin. 1. 13. \etfny I. be precioas, 14. Esth. 7. 3. let my I. be given me Job 6. 11. that I sho. prolong my ». 7. 7. O remember my I. is but win4 15. soul choose th death than my k Joh 21. yet I would despise my I. 10. 1. my soul is weary of my I. 11 U. do 1 put m I. in my hand ? J'.i. 7. 5. tread down my I. on earth 23. G. mercy sh. follow me all my I. 26. 9. not my I. with bloody men 27. 1. the Lord is strength of my I. 4. in house of L. all days of my I. 31. 10. my I. is spent with grief 38. 12. seek after my 1. lay snares 42. 8. prayer to the God of my I. 64. 1. preserve my I. from enemy 88. 3. my I. draweth nigh to grave 143. 3. smitten my I. to the ground Lam. 3. 53. cut off my I. in dungeon 58. Lord, thou hast redeemed my I. Jonah 2. 6. brought my 1. fr. corrup. 4. 3. O Lord, take my I. from me John 10. 15. lay down my I. for sheep 17. loveth me, bee. I lay down my I. 13. 37. lay down my I. for thy sake Acts 20. 24. nor count 1 my I. dear This LIFE. Ps. 17. 14 men have portion in t. I. Ercl. 6. 12. is good for man in t. I. Acts 5. 20. speak all words of this I. 1 Cor. 6. 3. things that pertain tnt. I. 4. of things pertaining to this I. 15. Is) if in t. I. only we have hope 1 John 5. 11. and t. I. is in his Son Thy LIFE. Gen. 19. 17. escupe for thy I. , look not Exod. 4. 19. men dead wh. sought t. I. Daut. 28. 66. t. I. shall hang in doubt Judg. 18. 25. and thou lose thy I. Jluth 4. 15. hesh. he a restorer of t. I. 1 Sam. 19. 11. save not t. I. to- night 26. 24. as thy I. was much set by 2 Sam. 4 8. head of enemy sought t. I. 1 Kin. 1. 12. thou mayest save thy I. 20. 31. peradventurehe willsave/. I. 39. he missing, t. I. for his life, 42. I'.i. 103. 4. redeemeth t. I. fr. destrnc. l'rov. 4. 10. years of t. I. many, 9. 11. 13. keep her, for she is thy I. 9. 1 1. years of thy I. be increased Isa. 43. 4. will I give people for t. I. J