E 528 .R5 Copy 1 013 760 300 7 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 THE MILITIA LAW OF THK STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, ^.>->^ PASSED AT THE SPECLVL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, HELD AT PROVIDENCE, A.TJaUST, 1862 WITH THE LAWS RELATING TO VOLLTJTEERS, BOUNTIES; EXEMPTIONS, PROVISION FOR FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS, ETC., ETC. I'HINTED BY OKDER OF THE GENERAL A.S.SEJIBLV. PROVIDENCE: ALFRED ASTnONT, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1862. t''s> 61503 Ji^^ The Gentntl Assembly convened at Providence, on Monday, llie tweuty- fiftli day of August, 1862, in pursumioe of tlic following Froclamation b}-' the Governor, and adjourned on Saturday, the eighth day of September following, to meet again in Providence, according to law, on the second Monday in Janimry, A. D. 1803. PKOCLAMATION, By His ExcELLE^rcY, WILLIAM SPHAGUE, Governor of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Whereas, tlic \av;:(- bounties given by the several cities and towns in this State for volunteers, for the purpose of obviating :i draft, is produ">• ral Assembly, or b}^ authority of law. may admit mem- bers to a number not exceeding the minimum number of men of which a regunent is composed in the same arm of the service in the army of the United States, — any thing in the respective charters of such companies to the contrar}^ notwithstanding, — and whenever any such company shall be composed of four or more companies of the minimum recrulation standard, it shall beorganiz-^, o . o Of ed as a battalion, and be officerpd accordingly; and battalion.. Avhenever it shall be composed of ten full companies it shall be organized as a regiment, and be officered ac-of cordmgly; but if it shall not be composed of at least "^'°'*'' four companies of the required standard, it shall be or- ganized by company or companies, and be officered ac- cordingly. Sec. 2 The various military offices which such char- Provisions of chiirtnr uot to be impaired tered companies are, under the provisions of tliis chap- ter, entitled to liaA^e, sliall 1)u filled by each chartered company at the times and in the manner provided by chapter fonr of this title. Sec. 3 Nothing in this chapter contained, shall be construed to impair or to atFect the organization of any company under the provisions of its charter ; but all such companies may, notwithstanding tlie organization required of them under the provisions of tliis chapter, have another and separate organization, according to the provisions of their respective cliarters, and the same person may, at one and the same time, hold and exer- cise a commission under the charter organization, and ofcommis- ^ commlsslon under the ora;anization required by this chapter. What duties g£Q 4 ]stq oihcer of a company commissioned in mav be re- ^ I ^ J , ^ offiMM''^ pursuance of an election to an office under the provis- ions of the charter of such company, shall, as such offi- cer, require from his command the performance of any military duty authorized by the charter or Ijy-laws of such chartered company, upon any day, or at any time when any conflicting duty shall be, by the provisions of this title, legally required of the men who compose • such chartered company. CHAPTER 421. OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MILITLV, AKD HOW OFFICERED. Of brigades. Section 1. The whole militia of the State shall be ar- ■ ranged in one division to be composed of five brigades. Arrange- Sec. 2. Tlic govcruor shall, from time to time, ar- Sents°taf-" range each brigade into regiments, battalions and com- comp°aai°s'! paulcs, couformably to the laws of the United States, and may make such alteration in their arrangement as from time to time may become necessary, or may by him — having regard to the convenience of the troops — be deemed expedient ; and each regunent, battalion and company, shall Ije designated by some letter or number, at the formation thereof, and a record thereof made in the office of the adjutant general. Sec. 3. For the purpose of enal)llno; each memljer ''"''7'' ™- of the active miUtia, not enrolled in any chartered com-'^^^^f;:;^','','™- pany, to serve, as far as i)ractii'able, in such arm of the '•''■"■"■"-■^ service as he may prefer, every person may, after lie™"'i""'y' has been for the first time enrolled, aiid within a speci- fied time to be named by the governor, in general or- ders to be promulgated thi'oughout the State, attach himself "to any chartered military company, (subject to the rules and charter of such company in reference to the admission of members,) or may associate himself "with not less than eighty-two other enrolled persons like himself, not belonging to any chartered company, as a company of cavalry, artillery, inliintry-or ritle- liien ; and when such company is formed it shall be or- o;s»>"'»"°" ganized by itself, and every person who shall not, witli-°i<-'s in the time to be prescribed by the governor, avail him- self of the privilege of this section, shall be assigned to such company, and to such arm of the service within the town or district Avhere he resides, in such manner as the governor shall, by general order, or otherwise di- rect. Provided, there shall not be to exceed one batta- lion of five companies of artillery, and one l^attalion of cavalry to each brigade. Avd Provided further, hotvever, that if any number of persons, less than the minimum numl)er required by this section, shall so associate them- selves together for the above declared purposes, the governor may exercise his discretion in organizing them into a separate company, or he may assign them to any other company or companies, whether of the same or of other arms of the service within the same town or district. Sec. 4. Companies of cavalry and foot artillery, of <^^™'''y which now are, or which may be hereafter organize(Ui«"''ry- within this State, and which are inconveniently located for regimental organization, may be attached to such brigade as the governor shall order and direct. Other companies inconveniently situated shall remain under • their respective commanders, subject to the orders of the governor, through the ctMumander of the nearest regiment to whom such commanders sh;dl make their returns. Sec. 5. The certificate of the commander of any Exi-mptions military company, that the ])erson named therein is at-ryTaty,h?w tached to his company, and has done military duty at ''""'""■'''■ The Com- luanier-iu- Uhief. Major-Kcn- I'ml and his uids. Brigadier gi'Deral and his aids. Adjutant general. all times required by law, shall exempt such person from the penalties hereinafter provided for the non-per- formance of military duty, and shall entitle him to vote in accordance with Sec. 2, Art. 2, of the constitution. Sec. 6. The officers and non-commissioned ofHcers of the militia shall be as follows : The governor for the time being shall be commander-in-chiet^ and he shall command, except when the militia are mustered into the service of the United States, and he shall be en- titled to appoint his own aids, who shall have the rank of colonel. Sec. 7. There shall be one major general, who shall command the division; he shall appoint such number of aids, as in the discretion of the commander-in-chiefj the exigencies of the service may require. Sec. 8. There shall be to each brigade one brigadier general, who shall command the brigade for which he is elected ; he shall be entitled to appomt the same Their rank, uumbcr of aids with the rank respectively which they have in the army of the United States. Sec. 9. There shall be an adjutant general, who shall have the rank of a brigadier general ; he shall perform the duties of inspector general, and shall be the chief of the staff department; and all orders to and returns and reports from the other officers of the staff department shall be made through and to him. Sec 10. There shall be a quartermaster general, with the rank of brii^-adier general, who shall have the care and custody of all arms, equipments and military property belonging to the State. Sec 11. There shall be a paymaster general, with the rank of colonel. Sec 12. There shall be a surgeon general, with the rank of colonel. Sec 13. There shall be a judge advocate general, with the rank of colonel. ^ Sec 14. There shall be a commissary general, with the rank of colonel. Sec 15. The officers named in the six sections next preceding shall be attached to the staff of the gover- nor, and shall constitute the staff- department of the State. They shall receive such compensation for their services as shall from time to time be ordered by the General Assembly, and may each, with the approval Quarter- master gen- eral Paymaster general. Surgeon general. Judge-advo- cate general. Commissary general. The staff de- partment of the State. 9 of tlio governor, appDint not oxceeding two assistants, who shall have the rank of cajitain. The adjutant gen- eral and qnartermastor general may also, with the ap- proval of the governor, euii)loy sueh number of elerks in their respective departments as the prompt despatch of the pul)lie hiisiness may require, at a compensation of cifrk» not exceeding one dollar and lifty cents per day for pay- every day of actual employment. iSi'X'. ]G. Whenev*?r the exigencies of the service stair depnrt- shall require, the officers in the six sections above named "rgunized" shall organize their respective departments, in conformi- ty with the system established in the army of the United States, and shall appoint such officers necessary for the purpose as shall l^e approved by the commandei'-in- chief Sec. 17. Each regiment, battalion, or company of troops, in the various ai'ms of the service composing the militia of the State, shall have the same number g,S''o?offl* and grade of commissioned and non-commissioned ofH-"'" cers, and shall in all respects be organized in the same manner as troops in the same arm of the service are, or from time to time may be, officered and organized in the army of the United States. Sec. 18. When serving in the field with troops, in the absence of the Governor, all othcers of the staff de- partment shall l)e subject to the orders of the officer off„"'t'J,J'g„7". the line highest in rank commanding the troops assem- ^iS'™' '" bled. Sec. It). Whenever any office of the line or staflf is vacant, or such officer be sick or aljsent, the duties of°";'"",,"'^ such officer shall be performed by the officer next in '» *'""™J- rank in tlie line, or in the department of the staff, until the vacancy be filled or the disal)ility be removed. Pro- vided, the Governor may appoint some person to fill an}' vacancy mitil the same shall be filled by a regular elec- tion or appointment. Sec. 20. Whenever a company shall have neither c„^p^„ipg commissioned nor non-commissioned officers, the com-"",^';''^;'^^. manding officer of the battalion or regiment to "which ^'^'p'p',.J;°" such compau}' Ijelongs, slijdl ap])oiut suitable persons of said company to be non-commissioned officers of tlu; same; and the seiner non-connnissioneil officer of a com- pany without officex's shall connnand the same, except 10 upon jjarade, and except as provided in the following section. Sec. 21. Whenever any company shall, from any cause be without officers, the commanding officer of the battahon or regiment' to which such company belongs, Power to de-mav detail some officer of the staflT, or of the line of tail officers _". . ,,..,.., to drill such the regnnent, to tram and disiphne said company, untu some officer shall be elected or appomted ; and such of- ficer so detailed, shall have the san>e j^ower and author- ity, and be subject to the same liabilities, as if he were captain in said company ; and he shall keep the records of the com])any. compauy. CHAPTER 422. or THE ELECTION, APPOINTMENT, COMMISSIONS, WARRANTS AND OATHS OF OFFICERS. Gcneraistnii Section 1. Tlic adjutant general, quarter master how elected. , , i 1-1 ^ general, paymaster general, surgeon general, judge-ad- vocate general and commissary general, shall be elected by the General Assembly in grand committee. Maj general. ,Seo. 2. Thc major gcncral shall be elected hy the General Assembly in grand committee. Brigadier Sec. 3. The brigadier generals of brigades shall be elected by the General Assembly in grand committee. staff officers Sec. 4. Flcld officcrs of regiments and battalions shall be elected by the written votes of the captains and lieutenants of the companies of the respective reg- iments or battalions. amjslibai- ^^''"- ^- Gaptalus and lieutenants of companies shall terns ]-,g elcctcd by the written votes of the non-commissioned officers and ])rivates of the respective companies. Sec. G. The officers and non-commissioned officers stTii^hmv' composing the regimental staff, shall ))e appointed by appointed, ^hc commandino; officer of the regiment or battalion to • which they are attached, who shall forthwith return the names of the same to the commanding officer of the brigade of wdiich svich regiment or battalion forms a part. Non-com- Sec. 7. Nou-commissloned officers of companies shall 11 how ted. 1)0 appointed by the captains of their respective com- miss.onea ])anies, who shall tbrtliwith return the names of thearpoTn' ' same to the eommanding oificer of the regiment or bat- talion. Sec. 8. Elections for the pui'pose of choosing the or elections company officers shall be holden by each company upon offle™""'"'' icera. the second Monday of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-three, and on that day every third year thereafter, one -week's notice, in writing, being given of such election by the clerk of the company to each member thereof Each officer shall be separately voted for, and the person who receives a majority of the writ^ ten votes of the electors 2:)resent at such meeting shall be deemed elected, and the presiding officer shall forth- with notify him of his election, and make return thereof to the connnanding officer of the regiment or battalion to wdiich such company is attached. 8kc. 9. Elections for the purpose of choosing the field officers of the several regiments shall be holden for field 'oSi- by the captains and lieutenants of the several compa-''"' nies comprising each regiment on the 1st Monday of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and on that day every third year thereafter. Notice, in writing, for one week, of such election, shall be given by the adjutant to each qualified elector. Each officer shall be separately voted for, alid the person wdio re- ceives a majority of the written votes of the electors present at such meeting, shall be deemed elected, and the presiding officer shall forthwith notiiy him of his election, and make return thereof to the brigadier gen- eral, or other officer in command of the brigade to which the regiment is attached. Sec. 10. At all meetings for the election of officers, Presiding some person, other than one of the then incumljcnts elections, of the several offices to be fiUed, shall be chosen to pre- side. Sec. 11. Eetxu-ns of all officers elected made to com- or returns manders of regiments or battalions, shall be reported by elected, such commanders to the brigadier general, or person in command of the brigade, who shall forthwith certify the same to the adjutant general. Sec. 12. The commanding officer of each company or.aeierk. shall, under liis warrant, appoint a clerk of the company, who shall keep a record of the proceedings at all busi- 12 ness meetings of the company, and shall certify all cop- ies of the same. Tenure of ggc. 13. All officei's electBcl by the General Assem- bly mider this chapter, shall hold their respective offices for the term of five years from the time of their elec- tion, unless sooner removed, and until others are elec- ted or apjjointed and qualified to act in their places. '^r""'''f°/ii Sec. 14. AUfield officers and commissioned officers onlce of field officers. of compauics, shall hold their respective offices for the term of three years, unless sooner removed, and until others are elected or appointed aud qualified to act in their places. Tenure of ^Ec. 15. Tlic officcrs of chartered compamcs electcd officers elect- ^^iiJer thc chartcr oro-anization, shall hold their offi- ed under ^ . . charters, ges as by the charters of their respective comjianies is provided. commis- gj;c_ ^Q AH commissious shall be signed by the sions ; now , o ./ signed. Governor, and countersigned by the Secretary of State aud shall bear the seal of the State. Each commission shall name the date of the election or appointment of the officer, and shall be dated as of that day. Aids to Gov- Sec. 17. The aids of the Governor, the aids of the ernor; ten- "fflcf '"''' i^fyor general, the aids of the brigadier general, and all other staff' officers or assistants, including officers and non-commissioned officers of the regimental stafl", shall hold theu" respective offices, unless sooner removed, du- ring the tei'm of office of the officer by whom they were appointed. Warrants of Sec. 18. All nou-commissioued officcrs of regimcnts, non-com- it in • ^ i missioned Or Dattalious, shall receive a warrant from the comman- ding officer of the regiment, or battaUon, to which they belong, and all non-commissioned officers of com})anies shall receive a warrant from the commanding officer of such company, which warrants may be revoked by the commanding officer who granted them ; but in such case, the fact of such revocation, and the reason there- for, shall be reported by such commanding officer to the brigadier general, who may approve or disapprove of such revocation ; and if such revocation is not aj^proved, such non-commissioned officer shall be restored to duty. Hank of gjjc_ \t) AH commissioned officers of the same a:rade ed offlcer.s of .shall taKc rauR accordiii"- to tlie respective dates oi same grade. ^ . . . ^ a their commissions ; and when two or more of the same grade bear an even date, their rank shall be determined IS by lot, to he driiwu by them before the commandint!; officer of the division, brigade, chartered company or detachment, or the presick'nt of a court martial, as the case may be; and whenever an otlicer shall be trans-of traasferf. ferred to another corps or station of the same grade, the date of his original conniiission or appointment of the same grade, sliall be the date of his commission, regard being had to continuous service in such grade. 8ko. 20. Whenever anv oiliccr sludl lose his com- 'f <''"?>7*- • ^ Bions IB lost. mission, he shall, on api)lication to the (iovernor, be en- titled to a duplicate commission of the same grade and date, on his affidiivit of the fact of such loss made be- fore a justice of any court in tliis State. Sec. 21. All commissions shall be delivered to the C"""""?; flionn; by adjutant general, and hy him to the persons for whom »^j™;_.^'° i^" they are intended, and every person who shall receive a commission shall, within ten days after its reception, make known, in writinti', to the adintant n'eneral his ac- ceptance of such commission, or shall be deemed to have declined the same. Sec. 22. If any person other than those, elected by 0|^|,™j[;<" the General Assemblv shall be elected to anv military '^e Asscm- office, and such person shall be in the opinion of the Governor, an unsuitable person to fill such office the Governor shall order a new election ; and if the person who has been once disapproved shall be again elected, """■mor i.i • 1 1 1 ""^y "appoint the Govei'nor shall appoint some suitable person to such offl'^ers. office. Sec. 23. Whenever from any cause any military of-, fice shall become vacant ; or whenever there shall ho a ' failure to elect any person to till any office authorized by this title, or any person elected shall decline to serve, the Governor may appoint some suitable person to fill such office, to hold and exercise the same until such person has been, according to law, elected and qualified to act. Sec. 24. Each commissioned officer, before he shall °;t^''„'^y''° enter on the discharge of the duties of his office, shall enfflier™' take and subscrilie the following oath and declarations, before some justice of the peace, or other magistrate, or town clerk ; on the back of each commission the follow- ing form of the oath shall be printed, to Avit : ''I do solemnly swear, (or aftirm), that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance to the State of Rhode Island and _ When va- " cancies oc- , cur. 14 Providence Plantations ; tliat I will support the consti- tution and laws thereof, and the constitution and laws of the United States ; and that I will taithfullv and im- partially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as to the best of my abilities and under- standing," according to the laws of this State and of the United States ; so help me God:" Or, ('' This affirma- tion I make and give upon the peril of the penalty of perjury.") On the back of each commission the follow- ing form of certificate shall be printed, and signed by the person before whom such officer shall be qualified, to wit : " This may certify that counnis- sioned within named, appeared this day of , A. D. and took and subscribed the oath and declaration prescribed b}' the laws of this State, before me." (Signed, &c.) ^ryTppoiDt Sec. 25. After the militia shall have been enrolled enrolimen" and arranged into companies, regiments and Iwigades, the Governor may appoint such officers as may be ne- cessary to organize and command the same, whose offi- ces shall continue until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified to act under the provisions of this title. CHAPTER 423. OF ARMS', EQUIPMENTS, ARMORIES, AND MILITARY PROPERTY, Of uniforms. Section 1. Officcrs of the line and staff of the mili- tia, including all officers of the chartered military com- panies, shall provide themselves with such uniforms com- plete as the Governor shall, from time to time, prescribe ; and every such officer unreasonably neglecting, or refus- ing so to unifornx himself for a period of thirty days af- ter the promidgation of any general order directing a uni- form, or for the same period shall unreasonably neglect or refuse to conform to any change which mav* be di- rected by the Governor, shall be deemed to have va- Dor'rovi?' cated his office, and shall be liable to be degraded to ^Ji'm""'' ^^® ranks, upon the sentence of a court martial. 15 Every officer, non-commissioned officer and private,*"';'""'!, *' ^ ^ ^ i ^ equipments shtill hold his Tiiiiform anus and onuipments furnished *''"*''\^'*"'"'^- 1 I ecution Of ])V Iiiiiisoir, IVee l"rc)iii all suits, distresses, oxei'ution, or '■""»■ sales lor debts or taxes, and the arms, e((ui|)meiits, uni- forms, and otliei- military property belonging to any chartered company, and which may be necessary Tor the military jnu-poses of their organization, shall l)e. in like manner free and exempt. Sec. 2. Theljoard of aldermen of the several cities, •^f!"!""™' Mim deposit and the town councils of the several towns, shall pro- ""■ •"■">"■ vide for the companies of militia within the limits of their respective ]daces. as n^mv suitable armories or places of deposit for the arms, equipments and ef[iiip- age furnished to said companies by the State, as in the opinion of said board of aldermen or town council is necessary. When a company is formed from diflierent places, the location of snch armory or place of deposit, shall be estaldished with regard to the convenience of a majority of the members of the company. Sec. 3. They shall annually, in the month of De-KctTnsof •-', •' ^ armories and cember, transmit to the office of the quartermaster >•''>"' general, a certificate, verified by the oath or affirma- tion of at least two of their respective bodies, showing the number of armories in their respective places ; the names of each company occupying the same ; the amount paid for the rent thereof, and stating that a ma- jority of their respective bodies consider such armory necessary for the use of such company, and that the rent charged therefor is firir and reasonable, according to the value of real estate in their place. Sec. 4. The quartermaster general shall annually '''■'•"•"»."' . 1 ■ o ^ «_;' be examined examine all certificates so returned to his office, insti-i-y 'i""-ter- niiisUT. tute any inquiries he deems expedient relative thereto, and allow them in whole or in part, to an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars for one company'. He shall within ten da\s after such examination, file in the office of the auditor his certificate, stating the sums al- lowed, the name of the company for whose use each sum is allowed, and the place to which it belongs, and shall thereupon notity the board of aldermen or town council of the sum allowed to their place, which sum *ii''"»"f«» 1 " by <| natter shall be paid upon the Avarrant of tlie (H)vernor to>"'"""i^- such board of aldermen or town coimcil. Sec. 5. The Governor may at any time detail an of- J,?;^:^';"")^" , 16 ficer to examine any armory, and report the condition thereof, and of the arms, equipments and equipage therein deposited. Amis and §£0. G. The quartermaster general shall, upon the how sup- requisition of the connnanding officer of each regiment, separate battalion, or unattached company of the mili- tia, deliver as a loan from the State, a ratalile proportion of file arms, equijjments and camp equipage -which may be in the possession of the State; and each officer to whom such property is delivered, shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the same, and for their return upon the demand of the quartermaster general; and in case of the discharge or death of such officer, he or his legal representative shall be released from such respon- sibility, upon filing in the office of the quartermaster general a certificate of the officer succeeding him in command, that the articles of property as furnished are at the date of the certificate in good order and condi- tion, reasonable use and wear thereof excepted. Commission- Sec 7. Tlic commissioued officers of each company ed officers in/. i • /. I'l* i'r»ii rifponsibie shall, from the tune of tlien- bemg qualified, be respon- .orarms, - <= g-]_^|g £^^, ^j^^ ^^^^ keopiiig aiid return of all arms, equip- ments and equipage furnished hy the State, and in the possession of the company which they command, and for any loss of or damage thereto, compensation may be oljtained by an action of the case brought by the quartermaster general in behalf of the State against all or any of such officers. Field artii- Sec. 8. Eacli compauv of foot artiller\- shall be pro- lery, how •tit t i • i 'i^ *l l'j. ± * * fadishoj. vided by the quartermaster general — it the btate is in possession of the same — with the battery of manoeuvre prescrilaed for that arm by the war department of the United States, with caissons, harness, implements, battery wagon, laboratory and ordnance stores, which may from time to time be necessary for their complete equipment for the field; and when a state of war or danger thereof, renders target practice expedient in the opinion of the Governor, such quantity of ammunition, annually, as he deems necessary to he expended in ex- .TbleforT'perimental gunnery. The commissioned officers of tiuery.etc. gj^^j-^ compaiiv sliall l)e accountable for the preservation of the pieces, apparatus and ammunition aforesaid, and for the proper expenditure of the ammunition, and for any injury or damage to the same occurring by the 17 negligence or detault ul" said company, compensation may be obtained therefor by the quartermaster general, in an action of the case, to be brought against all or any of said olHccrs. Sec. 9. If any person, whether of the enrolled militia, i""""?"/ <"' or not. shall retani in his possession alter demand »"■■"? an.i » v» '111 equipraouts. therelor, on the part ol any otfacer entitled to the pos- session thereof, any of the arms, equipments, equipage or military stores, or property of the State, and shall neglect or refuse to restore the same to such officer when so demanded, such person shall forfeit not less than five times the value of such property so detained. Sec. 10. All Ijooks of tactics deposited with the State i!""!^* or tac- •- ticf, etc. ; by the government of the United States, all books pur- "n'te"- "hoso ^ <7 T • • 1 charge. chased by this State for the use of the militia of the State, and all other military books belonging to the State, and all necessary blanks, shall be under the charge and control of the adjutant general. He shall issue one copy of all books of tactics to each general and staff ofhcer, except officers of companies. One copy of such book of tactics as may he suitable for the arm of service to which each company belongs, or to the arm with which such company is furnished ; one 'i^j'"? copy of all other military books which may be fur- nished by the State, and all necessary blanks to each commissioned officer. Sec. 11. Such books and blanks shall be rcceiiited for"""""-- , i counted for. by each officer recoi\ing the same, to be held and ac- counted for by him as public property. No resignation shall l)e accepted until such books and all other public property delivered to such officer shall be delivered to his successor, or to the adjutant or quartermaster gen- eral, or satisfactorily accounted for, and in case the same ai-e not accounted for, double the value of such books or other property may be recovered of any such officer, his executors or administrators, in an action of the case, in any court of this State competant to try the same, at the suit of the adjutant general. Sec. 12. The paymaster general and all other officers J'||.^^''"^^»j^f! commissioned under this act, into whose hands shall Ije gi" ''°'"''- placed public moneys or other public property, to the amount of more than five hundred dollars, shall give bond for the faitliful discharge of the dutii's of their respective offices, in such form and in such auiouul as may be reauired bv the Governor. 18 Expenses for Sec. 13. TliG commandiiio- officer of .such companies, transporta- , .,,.. ^ ■ aiioweaTfld ^^^ each occasion when required to do military duty by ''ail'"'™ ^'^*^ provisions of this title, orwhen his company is other- wise legally required to do any military duty, shall be allowed all necessary ex^ienses for transportation of equipage or military stores ; and the commanding officer of each company of foot artilleiy shall, on like occasions, be allowed the necessary expenses for horses to equij) his battery. Such accounts shall be presented to the quartermaster general, who shall examine and audit each of the same, and draw his order upon the State auditor in favor of each commanding officer for the amount allowed by him oh each occasion. The Govern- Sec. 14. Thc .Govcmor may, with the advice and or may sell f>ir< ni n ^ ' orexchange couseut of thc Sciiate, sell or exchano-e from time to stores. time, such military stores belonging to the quartermas- ter general's department, as are found unserviceable or in a state of decay, or which they think it for the inter- est of the State to sell or excjiange. CHAPTER 424. OF DISCIPLINE, INSPECTION, TRAINING AND REVIEW. System of Sectiox 1. Tlic svstem of discipline and field exercise disciplme in' • 'ii andexereise, oixlercd to be obsci'vcd Irom time to time by the army of the United States in the different corps, or such other system as hereafter may be directed for the militia by laws of the United States, shall be observed by the mili- tia of this State. Inspection Sec. 2. Tlie commauder of every regiment, battalion, ami drill of l 11 l 1 ie 1 chartered aud uiiattachecl company, shall order the oracers and non-commissioned officers under his command, to as- semljle at some place by him to be appointed, not less than four times in any one year, for the purpose of re- ceiving instruction in their respective duties ; aud if the j^laces of any such officers in a company are vacant, the commander thereof shall detail from the privates under his command, a sufficient number to make up the de- ficiency. Dutyofcom- Sec. 3. Tlic commaiidiug officer of each company of 19 the luilitlu, or";anized under the provisions of this title, ''!;n«i''8 ~. I , " officer. fhall, at stated nitervals, not less than four times in each year, order his company to asseni):)Ic at their armory, or other convenient place, for the purpose of heing drilled and instructed in the manual of arms, and in the school of the company. Sec. 4. The commandino' officer of each company 1°"?""°°, shall order out Ins company on some day m the month '■'"'rtored ot June, annually, to be apponited by the brigadier general commanding the brigade, at an hour not later than nine o'clock, a. m., for inspection and drill, and shall keep his company under orders at least until ibur o'clock, p. m., and longer if he deems it necessary ; and he shall inspect, examine, and take an exact account of the equipments of his men, note all the delinquencies of appearance and deficiencies of equipments, and cor- rect his roll and report the same to his commanding officer, to be by him transmitted to the adjutant gen- eral, in order that a thorough inspection may be made of all the active militia in this State ; and every com- manding officer of a company shall faithfully train and discipline his company on said day, as well as inspect them. Sec. 5. Unless the Governor shall otherwise prescribe BriKade the time, place and manner of assembling the troops for the purposes declared in this section, each commander of a brigade shall, annually, by a general order to be promulgated throughout his brigade, designate some day in the month of September or October, and some convenient place, for each regunent, battalion, or unat- tached company, to assemble for the purj)ose of being instructed, discij)lined and improved in martial exer- cises. Sec. G. Wlien two or more regiments are conven-Rcgimenfai iently located, the brigadier general may order them to assemble at the same rendezvous, and may instruct them in the evolutions and exercises of a brigade. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of each brio-adicr general uuty^f to be present at each regimental training throughout generals, etc, his brigade, inspect and review the same, and instruct it in military evolutions ; and to enable him so to do he shall, by general order, ai-range the times for the as- sembling of the different regimeiits so as to perform this duty. 20 t Orders for Sec. 8. TliB orJei' (ov the assemblino; of each regi- Mgiments? ment, or battaUoii, ^hall be promulgated throughout each regiment, or battaUon, ten daj^s before the day ap- appoiuted for each regiment or battahoii, to assemble. oftraiaiDgs. ,^£0. c). Tlic trainings alcove mentioned are to be in- cluded in the number of trainings prescril^ed in the charters of the several chartered military companies. Kankot Sec. 10. Each Ijrigade and regiment when in the regTments in field, shall takc rank according to the date of the com- mission of the commanding officer of the same grade; and each company shall form according to the rank of the officers present commanding them, having due re- gard to the arm of the service to which said corps be- longs. Power to fix Sec. 11. Everj commanding officer when on duty is i-ade hereby authorized to ascertain and fix necessary bounds and limits to his parade, not including any road on which people travel, so as to obstruct the same or pre- vent their passing, for more than two consecutive hours, within wliich no person shall have a right to pass or enter, without leave from such commanding officer, and the commading officer of any division, brigade, battalion, regiment, or company may put under guard every person who shall encroach upon the parade ground ; and also any spectator or bystander who shall abuse, molest, or strike any one when on parade or under anns. Arms not to Sec. 12. No non-commissioued officer or private shall on parade, wlthout orders from his superior ofl&cer, come on to any place of parade with his musket, rifle or pistol loaded with l^alls, slugs, shot or other dangerous suljstance, or shall so load the same while on parade. Exemption Sec. 13. No ofificer, non-commissioued officer or pri- r^TutTon' vate, shall be compelled to do military duty on any day days'"" appointed for toAvn, city or ward meetings, or for the election of any civil officer, in the town or city in which he shall reside, unless it be in the case of invasion, insurrection, riot or tumult threatened. whom' to to Sec. 14. All general orders shall be distributed by ''"""' the adjutant general; all brigade orders by the adjutant of the brigade ; all regimental orders by the adjutant, and all company orders by any non-commissioned offi- cer or private, when required by the commanding offi- cer. Provided, however, that if eitlier of these officers shall be sick, absent, or unable to distribute such orders, 21 or cither of such offices- shall be vacant, the ordei's may be distributed b_v auy other officer detniled for that purpose by the officer issuiui;- the orders. Sec. 15. The Governor shall have txjwer to order out P™™'"i'i"- -, . ... . ' in-clui;! Clay the whole or anv i)art ot the nuhtia, as may seeur to <"•.''"■■. ""' hun expedient, lor review, the perioruiance ol escort, and other duties. Sec. Hi. The mavor of any citv. the sheriff and Jen- P"''" "> !.>.>' 1 * 1 prevent uty sherins ot any county, the town serti'cants and theK""''".ne constables ol any town or either oi them, on complaint '»s '"""'i'- made to them under oath, that the complainant has reason to believe and does believe, that any booth, shed, or temporary erection, situated within three miles of any military encampment or training field, is u>'ovi-' ded, that at all voluntary parades of troops, constituting in the whole, less than one regiment, the brigadier gen- eral of the brigade within Avhose limits the parade i& had, shall not take command unless he shall be ordered by the Governor so to do. CHAPTER 426. OF ROLLS AND KETURNS'- ISoIIs and or- derly liooks hy whom Itept. KollB, how Section 1. The adjutant of each brigade, regiment or battalion, and the first sergeant of each comj^any., shall constantly kee]) a lair and correct roll ot the com- mand to which he belongs, and an orderly book in which he shall record orders received and issued, and an account of all fines imposed and for what cause. Sec. 2. Immediately after the arrangement of the militia into brigades, regunents, battalions and compa- nies, and as soon as their organization has been com- pleted by the Governor, and in the month of Septem- ber in each year following, the orderly sergeant of 23 each company shall make out the roll of his company '"'» ""'i"- contiiiuhio- the full names of all otticers, non-commis- sioned officers and privates attached Ihereto — the names of the privates being arranged in ali)habetical order — and shall betbre the first day of October follow- ing, return the same to the adjutant of the regiment of which his company is a part. The adjutant of each P'j^^ "f "''■ regiment shall thereupon record the same, and as soon as the rolls of the several companies have been re- turned to him, complete the roster of his regiment, and Avithiu fifteen days return a co])y of the same to the adjutant of the In'igade to which his regiment is at- tached. The adjutant of each bi'igade shall there- upon record the same, and as soon as he has received the returns from the several regiments, complete the roster of the brigade, and return a copy of the same, on or liefore the first day of No- vember, together with a list of the names of all per- sons appearing upon the list of enrolled militia, who do not appear from the regimental returns to he at- tached to any company, to the adjutant general. Sko. 3. The commander of each company shall with- Return ot , (> 1 1 I'll' • commanjer in ten days after tire day upon which ins company is "f company. required l)y law to perform any field duty, deliver to the adjutant of the regiment or battalion to Avhich his company belongs, a duplicate roll of his company, with the names of those persons who have from any cause failed to perforin the military duty required of them particularly designated : — distinguisliing those who by reason of having rendered satisfactory excuse or other- wise, are not liable to a fine, from those Avho have in- curred the penalties hereinafter provided. Sfx'. 4. The adjutant of each recfiment or battalion "'■'"'•ns to i.e shall withni ten days after receiving such returns, con- hy aojutants solidate the same, b}- preparing a rcjjort stating the number of men in each company who have performed the required duty ; the number of men in each compa- ny wlio have been excused from pei-forming such duty with their excuses brieti}" stated, and the number of men Avith their names and the company to which they belong who are liable to a fine for the non-performance of the required duty, and deliver his report, together with the original rolls returned to him, to the adjutant of 24 the brigade to Avhicli his regiment or battalion is at- tached. Reports by Sec. 5. The brio;ade adiutant of each brigade, shall adjutants of. Til p ^ i brigades, m hke manner consolidate the reports irom the several regiments and battalions, and make return of the same, together with a copy of the rolls, to the adjutant gen- eral, within ten days after the reports from the several regiments shall have been made to liim. Blank rolls Sec. 6. Tlic adjutaut general shall furnish blank by whom ' forms of rolls and reports, and of the various returns that may be required at the expense of the btate, and explain the principles on Avhich they are to be made out, ■which forms and instructions shall be oloserved by all otiicers in making their reports and returns. aupplieil. Order for war ma.de. CHAPTEE 427. OF DRAFTS AND CALLING THE MILITLV INTO SERVICE. Section 1. When an invasion of or insurrection in i'n't?n"or^ the State is made or threatened, or when a requisition for troops is lawfullj' made by the United States upon the Governor to assist in the common defence or to suppress insurrection in any part of the United States the Governor shall have power to order a draft or levy to be made from the enrolled militia of any town or city of such number of men as the exigency of the case re- c^uires, directing his order therefor to the town council of the town, or to the mayor and aldermen of the city in Avhich such draft is to be made. By whom Sec. 2. Wlieuevor such oi'dcr Is luadc aud directed as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the town council or mayor and aldermen, to appoint a time and place of parade for the enrolled militia in each tovni or city, and to order them to appear at the time and place, either leaving a written notice or orally, and then and there proceed to draft as many thereof, or to accept as many volunteers as is required by the Governor ; and the mayor or aldermen, or town council, shall notify the Governor forthwith that they have performed the afore- said duty. LZ:::Lr. Sec. 3. whenever any invasion of the State, or anv and liow to be executed, 25 insurrection, riot, or tumult shall be made in any part '"-^hLf and ot'tlie State, the Governor shall call out the niiHtia, or"''"™.". out militia. any part tiiereof, as he may deem expedient or neces- sary to suppress or repel the same ; and he may order out the division or any Ijrigade, regiment, chartered company or companies, or any portion of the same, or cause any number of men to be detached or drafted from them, and cause officers to be detailed, which with those attached to the troops, shall l)e suihcient to organ- ize the forces ; and if such invasion oi- insurrection, or any imminent d;uiger thereof be so sudden in any part of tiie State, that the Governor cannot be informed, and his order received and executed in season to sup- press or repel the same, the major general may order out the division, or any part thereof, as the CJovernor might do ; and when the troops are in the held forT™p«^^°^ such pin'])ose. the senior officer of said troops, present, '"'"""""isJ- shall command until the Governor or some officer de- tailed by him, shall appear to take the command. Sec. 4. Whenever the military force of this State, ofsuhjec- ^' ^ , , ■ tion to artic- or any part thereof, shall be called into active service, '<^" "f "■"■• it shall be subject to the articles of war prescribed by congress for the government of the trooj^s of the Uni- ted States, or such articles as shall be prescribed by the general assembly ; and when any draft from the mili- tia into the service of the United States shall be or- dered, the non-commissioned officers and privates, ex- cept so many as shall voluntarily offer to serve, shall be p^^^.^^ drafted l)y lot from the company, and the officers de-™""- tailed from the roll. Sec. 5. If any company without officers be ordered rimpanios to march, or any draft or detachment therefrom or-how com-j"" dered, the commanding officer of the regiment to which""" said company belongs shall detail some officer to com- mand them, who shall have the same authority to com- mand them to appear, and to command them in the field, and to make any draft or detachment therefrom, as though he were captain of said company, and shall have the same resjionsibility. Sec. 6. When in any county in this State, there .-.""out mi- -., ,.,, iif J. litiH in time shall be any tumult, not, mob, or any body ot men act-ofriot. ing together, wnth intent to conunit felony, to oiler vio- lence to persons or property, or in any other way to resist the laws of the State by force of arms, or Ijy vio- 4 26 lence, or when any of said acts shall be threatened, and the fact made to appear to the Governor, or to the sher- iff of said county, or to either of the justices of the su- preme court, or to the president of the town council, in any town, or in any city, to the mayor of such city in the first instance, or in his absence, to the board of al- whom'wbe t'ermen, the Governor shall issue his order, or such jus- issQed. -tice, sheriff, president, mayor, or board of aldermen, shall issue his or their precept, properly signed, direct- ing the commandino; officer of the division, brit^ade, regmient, battalion, or chartered company, as the case may be, to order out his command, or any part of the same, to suppress such riot, tumult or mob, and to pre- Ihm'io ap- "^'^^^t tli6 perpetration of any such felony, or act of un- P"""- lawful violence. Sec. 7. The troops so ordered into service shall ap- pear at the time and place appointed, and shall obey and execute such orders as tliey may then and there lawfully receive. CHAPTER 428. OF EXEMPTIONS BY BODILY IXFIRMITY, AND OF RESIGNA- Duty of 6ur- TIONS AND REVOCATION OF COMMISSIONS. geons ia ?ertja'°ates Sectiox 1. No surgeon, assistant surgeon or physi- .»a ""J ■ gjjjj-,^ appointed to grant certificates of disability to per- sons who have been enrolled as a part of the militia of this State, shall grant any certificate of inability to per- form military duty on account of any bodily infirmity without making a personal and critical examination of the applicant, and shall not grant a certificate of bodily infirmity or inability unless such infirmity or inability be beyond all doubt such as to render the ai^plicant un- able to perform military duty. Sec. 2. In all cases when any person applies for a cer- tificate of disability, he shall be examined under oath by the surgeon, assistant surgeon or physician, who are here- by authorized to administer such oath, and all persons receiving certificates shall be liable to re-examination by the surgeon general, if the Governor shall direct. M?tifl»te of S^*^- 3. Whenever any regiment or chartered com- 27 panv is without a suro;eoli, or wlieii any i)er8on mnv'""''','''^ claim to 1)0 exempt from military (lut\' bv reason ofm^v i.i. «- bodily inlirmit}' or disabilit}', and shall not reside Avith- in ten miles of the surgeon or assistant siu'geon of the regiment, any respectable physician within said distance, may grant him a certificate, subject to tlie restrictions contained in the two preceding sections, and the com- manding officer of any company is authorized to ex- empt any 2>erson of his company from mililar}' duty on the presentation of such certificate from the surgeon or assistant surgeon, or a physician as aforesaid, either for a longer or shorter period, not exceeding one year, as in the judgment of the commanding officer, the case may demand. Sec. 4. All resio-nations shall bo in writino- and l"'''''»'e""'- o ^ ^ o/^ tions; how shall be approved and certified as follows : the resigna- ""'''''• tion of the major general and of any officer attached to the Goyernor's stafij shall be made to and approA'ed by the Governor ; the resignation of a In-igadier general or any officer attached to the staff of the major tj-ener-_ . „ al, sliall be approved by the major general; the resig-^yj'''™^^^" nation of a field officer and of i\ny officer attached to the staff of the brigadier general, shall l)e ajiproved by the brigadier general of the brigade to whicli such field or staff officer belongs; and the resignation of a cap- tain or lieutenant shall be approved by the counnand- ing officer of the regiment to which such captain or lieutenant shall belong or be attached, and by the brig- adier general of his brigade. Sec. 5. The major general, brigadier general or com-Ti>;;j™;>;.n- manding officer of a chartered company or regiment j„^j°--pj who shall approve of any resignation aforesaid, shall cer- tify the same to the Governor, who shall have the power to allow or disallow thereof at his discretion. And no officer shall be considered as having resigned his com- mission unless the same shall have been approved and certified as aforesaid and allowed by the (iovornor. Sec. 6. The Governor may revoke and cancel the t;';;^;^"..™- commi.ssion of any officer and discharge him from the-^--'-,, service, in his discretion. """""'• Sec. 7. Such revocation, cancellation and discharge ^,'|';;;';»,°'»y shall not be effectual if within ton days after receiving ;:;7' """- notice thereof, such officer shall demand ol' his innnedi- ate superior to be informed of the cause thereof and to be tried bv a court martial. 28 Preferring ggc, 8. If sucli demand be made, it shall be the duty charges. ^ ^ ' ^ J of the officer on whom it is made to transmit the same to the Governor, who shall give such officer the required information and see that charges are duly preferred, and that a court martial be convened to try the same. CHAPTER 429. OF FINES AND PENALTIES. offHi-M-of Section 1. All offences committed by general, field commission- , , ^ »/ O "' ed officers; commissioucd and staff' officers, and surgeons, whether penalties for ., , ^ o ? consistnig ni disoliedience of orders, or unofficerlike conduct while on duty, or during any day appropriated to military exercise, inspection or review, or in neglect or violation of any duty imposed upon them Ijy law as officers of the militia ; or in neglecting or refusing to make any return required by this title, and Avhether com- mitted in times of quiet, or of invasion, insurrection, riot or tumult, sliall be punished Ijy courts martial, according to the usage and practice of war, by a fine not exceeding five hundred, nor less than twenty dollars ; by imprison- ment not exceeding six months ; cashiering, with or with- out disability of ever after holding any military office in the State ; or reprimand ; either or all with costs at the Fines; how dlscretiou of tlic court said fines and costs to be collected collected. pi ,r nT 1 for the use of the State, by warrant of distress, under the hand and seal of the president of the court martial imposing the same, directed to tbe sheriff" of the county in which the convicted officer shall reside, who shall pay over the fine so collected to the paymaster gen- eral. Imprison- Sec. 2. The president of the court martial which shall ment; how . t». i i -* * • j. executed, impose upon any officer the penalty ot imprisonment, shall by a mittimus in common Ibrm, under his hand and seal, have power to commit the convicted officer to the jail of the county in which he shall reside, for the term of his sentence ; and all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and jiiilers are directed to govern themselves accord- ingly. Offences of Sec. 3. Ally iioii-commissioiied officer or private who missToMd shall, while under arms or on any required or voluntary 29 duty, behave himself with contempt of iuiv officer ""'"■i-" ^ud disobey miy order, or avIio sIkuI conduct ui a disorderly manner, join in or excite any riot or tunuilt, or ap])ear n\ any fantastical dress, or witli other ai'ius and iiccou- trements than what tlie law requires, or who sliall be guilty of any other unsoldierly conduct, shall l)e put under ji,'uard by the officer connuanding the field, or by his order, for a time not exceeding the time the troops shall be under arms, and shall in addition thereto, be liable to a line not exceeding twenty dollars, to be re- Pi^'^ment covered by complaint and warrant before any justice of the peace, one half thereof to and for the use of the complainant, and the other half to and lor the use of the State, or to be imprisoned, at the discretion of the court trying such ofl'ender, not exceeding ten days. Sec. 4. Every nou-conimissioned officer who shall f^"" fo'' ™» 1 , p ' • 1 (^ 1 • ""iking re- neglect or retiise to make any return requu'ed oi hnn '""■"s. by law. or who shall neglect to keep a complete roll of the company- to which he belongs, if it is his duty so to do, shall have his warrant revoked, and shall be fined a sum not exceedinf;: twentv dollars. Sec. 5. Every non-commissioned officer or private fi'"' for non- , . ,, ' ^ appearance who shall neglect or refuse to appear at any company »' traiuings. or regimental training, or to perform any other parade, escort or field duty wlien legally required so to do, shall be fined not less tlian two nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 6. For all fines incurred under the provisions of the two sections next preceding, the commanding offi-oi'-vfoa- cer of each company, shall within five days after the fl^jj'""' not penalty has l)een incurred, notify the delinquent of the amount of the fine to which he has made himself liable, and if such delinquent shall fail to excuse himself to the satisfaction of the commanding officer within five daysafter such notice is given, then the commanding offi- cer shall issue his warrant and deliver it into the hands of the slieriflF, his deputy, or any town sergeant or con- stable in the town or county in which such delinquent resides who are hereby required to execute the same. Said warrant may be levied on the goods and chattels of Levy may be -,. 'i*i ,j1 (* I'll' iiKtde on the delinquent, and for want tliereot, upon Ins body, lUcoods orde- which case the officer shall commit him to jail, there torVinmuted i)e kept until such fine with lawful fees for warrant and'°^""' service and jail fees be paid, not exceeding, however, a period of ten days. 30 wtom'tobe ^■^*-'* '''• "^^^^ commanding officer of each company paid oTer. ghall ])ay over to the paymaster general all fines col- lected or received by him, and account for the non-col- lection of any fine due from any member of his com- pany at such times and in such manner as that officer shall direct. Returns of ,Sec. 8. Thc adiutant general shall certify to the persons who ^ o ^ ^ »/ red fiLTs""^" paymaster general, from time to time, a list from the returns in his office of all persons who have incurred an}' fine, and the paymaster general shall require the commanding officer of each company at such times and in such manner as he may by general nde or other- wise prescribe, to account to him for all fines which by such retiu^n appear to be due from such company. Jffl^l'i-'s'in^ Sec. 9. If any commanding officer of a comjjany, wi°s "^"or person in whose hands is any money due to the State for fines or foi'feitures provided by this title, shall re- fuse or neglect for ten days after any demand made upon him to jiay over the money in his hands to the paymaster general, he shall forfeit double the sum of money so retained, and be imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than six months. Said punish- ment to be enforced by complaint and warrant before any justice of the peace in the town in wdiich such of- fender lives. Neglect of jSf;c. 10. In casc of war, invasion, insurrection, mobs, non-com- , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mi.sioned not or tumult, or in case a draft shall be ordered from officer to appear when tlie uiilitia of this State, under Section 1 of this Chap- ordered out ... . . . -*■ or drafted, (er, auy militia soldier below the rank of a commission- ed officer, ordered out, volunteered, detached or drafted, who shall neglect to appear at the time and place des- ignated by his commanding officer, or at the time and place designated by the town council, or mayor and al- dermen, or to place himself imder tlie command of the officer of the company into wliich he may have been drafted or have volunteered, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned three months, either or both at the discretion of the court who shall try such ofltender; said punishment to be enforced by indictment in any coiu't of comj^etent jurisdiction in the county in which the oftender may reside ; or in time of actual war may be otliei-wise dealt with, as the articles of war then established may direct. for"" '°™' Sec. 11. Every town or city whose town council or 31 l)oard of aldermen shall neglect or refuse in due time''™'"**'" to cause to be prepared a list or roll of all T)ersons lia-"i'""-ai,i.,r- 1 111* • T • • 1 • 1 • • 1 men rofuBo ble to be enrolled ni tlie inditia within the limits of the '".prepa™ town or city, for winch such town councU or board of aldermen is elected, or shall neglect to place the same in due time in the hands of the town or city clerk for record and return, shall l)e liahle for every such offence, to a fine of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by in- dictment in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the Pemuy. county in which each town and city is located. Sec. 12. Any town or city clerk who shall refuse or p™,^"/ f"' *i • 1 T 11 ^ nej^Iect to n(?o-lect to record said list or roll of names, or to make ""f"* '^'"' 1 /■ 1 1 1 • 1 T " °'"""'- due return of tlie same to the brigade adjutant, or to post up the same as required by chapter 1, section 2, shall for every such refusal or neglect, be liable to a fine of fifty dollars, to be recovered by indictment in any court of competent jurisdiction in the county where such oftender lives. Skc. 13. Everv town or city receivino; anv sum from *'•■''■"' f"^- the treasury of the btate by reason of a false return or;iityforinak. certificate, under the third section of chapter 5, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding four times the amount so received, to be recovered by an action of debt in the name of the State, in any court of competent jurisdic- tion in the county in which such town or city is located. Sec. 14. Any person who shall, without authority so to do, take down, deface or destroy anv such roll so P""*!''' "" posted up, shall be fined three hundred dollars, or be ^''^ p°«'«* imprisoned three calender months. Sec. 15. When information is required by persons p=^°"J^y J°'' lawfullv ordered or authorized to make enrollment of?";'.'"'"'- matioa to those lialjle to do military duty, or by those acting un- "•«""'•» ^ *^ ■ ^ ^ ,0 making en - der them, any person refusing to give information of™""*'"'- his name or age, or giving flxlse information concerning the same ; and, also, any keeper of a tavern, inn or boarding house, and any parent, master or mistress of a family refusing to give the required information, shall forfeit and pay not exceeding twenty dollars, to be re- covered by complaint and warrant, before any justice of the peace in the county in which such offence may be committed. Sec. 16. Every spectator or bystander who shall in- trude upon the bounds and limits of parades, shall pay ^t",i'][„^'"' upon the 32 ''arato"' "'^^ exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered ujion com- plaint of the officer in conniiand at the time of such in- trusion, hy complaint and warrant before any justice of the peace. Penalty for ^^c. 17. Anj surgcon appointed to grant certifi- fenmcatef cates of disaljilitj to persons who have been enrolled to iTmlliL- ^^ ^ Y>art of the militia of the State, and who are incapar ry duty, jj^g gf performing military duty, who shall for an}' cor- rupt consideration, or from favor or hope of reward, grant any false certificate of disability, shall be punish- ed by indictment before any court competent to t<"y the same in the county in which the oftence was com- mitted, and on conviction, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned not ex- Fin..; to ceeding one year. paw" '° ''^ S^^- 18- ^"y person who shall, upon any false state- ment under oath, obtain a false certificate of disability to 2:)erform military duty, shall be indicted for perjury in an}' court of competent jurisdiction, and after con- Annuai re- ^^'ictiou sliall bc iuiprisoued, not exceeding two years. fines to be Sec. 19. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures collected made. {j^ pursuaucc of this chapter, under any of its provisions, shall be paid to the paymaster general, who shall ac- count for the same to the general treasurer, and shall make an annual report to the General Assembly of all Chartered ^uuis by liiui rcccivcd and accounted for. mr'"im'ose '^^*^- "*^'- Chartered companies may impose upon their fines. members such other fines for a violation of their rules and by-laws as by their respective charters, it is compe- tent for them to do, and the commanders of such com- jjanies shall have power to collect the same in the same manner as is provided in the sixth section of this chapter, and the money so collected may be re- tained by such companies for their own use. CHAPTER 430. OF COURTS MARTIAL. Offlcpra to be tried by court mar- Section. 1. General, field, commission and staif officers ecMjrtmar- ^^j^^jj ^^^ subjcct to trial by court martial, according to the usage and practice of war, for disobedience of or- 33 ders, imoffieerlike conduct while on duty, or during any day appropriated to military exercise, inspection or re- view, and tor neglect and violation of any duty imposed upon them by law as officers of the militia ; which court martial shall consist of not less than five nor more than"™,™"- posed . seven members ; and the senior officer, who shall always be of a rank superior to that of the officer on trial, shall preside. 8kc. 2. The court martial for the trial of an officer"?*"','" poiutc'u. under the grade of a field officer, shall be appointed by the commanding: otficer of the ]>rio;ade to which he belongs; and for the trial of an olticer of the grade of a field officer, or for the trial of a general officer, by the Governor. Sec. 3. In everj' court martial, there shall be a judge J_j"^^se anyo advocate, who shall discharge the duties of that office according to the usage and ]3i"actice of courts martial ; and no other person shall be admitted to prosecute an arrested officer. Sec. 4. Whenever a court mai'tial shall be ordered, 0'-'J'''-f">'» court umr-. the order shall designate the time and place of holdmg"'»i- the same, the name of the officer to preside, and the names and ranks of the other officers of which the court is to be composed. Sec. 5. If the court shall be ordered by the com-Jo^ofo"- mander-in-chief, the order shall be as follows, to Avit: State of Rhode Island, sc. GENERAL ORDERS. "A general court martial is ordered to assemble at on the day of A. D. for the trial of such persons as may be brought before them, to con^ sist of mem1)ers to be taken from the division, to wit: the major general brigadier general or gen- erals, colonel or colonels lieutenant colonel or colonels. Major General will preside. The ad^ jutant of the regiment will furnish an orderly ser- geant to attend and execute the orders of the court." (To be signed by the commander-in-cliief or bv the ad- jutant general by his order.) Sec. 6. If the court be ordered by a brigadier gener- ^;;™ jh'" al, the order shall be as follows: ^3ai" 34 State of Rhode Island, sc. BRIGADE ORDERS FOR THE BRIGADE OF RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. A general court martial for the brigade, will as- semble at on the clay of A. D. for the trial of such persons as shall be brought Ijefore them, to consist of members, to wit : colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, (and if any,) captains, lieutenants. Colonel will preside. The adjutant of company or regiment will furnish an orderly ser- geant to attend and execute the orders of the court. ( To be signed by the brigadier general, or by the brig- ade major, by liis order.) Fora Kener- Sec. 7. For a u'eueral court martial, the adjutant gen- al court . o -- . •' . ~ _ martial. eral sliall notify all general officers, and give notice of the other officers detailed, to the brigade majors, who shall notify said ofhcers, and make return thereof to the adjutant general. For a brig- ,Sec. 8. For a brio-ado coui't martial, tlic brigade major ade court , "^ , . '-^ ^ . ^ martial. shall uotify the field officers required to serve on said court martial, and notify the respective adjutants of the other officers detailed ; and the adjutant of each char- tered company or regiment shall notify them and make return thereof to the brigade ma,jor. When a gen- ggc. 9. If tlic officcr to be tried be a general officer, 6rfil oincer ^ is to be tried he shall be furnished with a copy of the order for said court, and a copy of the charges against him, by the adjutant general, or by a brigade inspector, as the Gov- ernor shall direct, thirty days before the sitting of said court, who shall make return thereof, with the names of the officers of said court. th'""'aT''" Sec. 10. If the officer to be tried, be under the rank a^fleid offi- of a field officer, he shall be furnished wdth like copies, twenty days before the sitting of the said court, by a brigade major, or by the adjutant of the chartered company or regiment to which he belongs, as the officer ordering the court martial shall direct ; Avho shall return the same, and the names of the officers compo- sing the court, to the judge advocate general. Of witnesses ,Sec. H. Jt sliall bc tlic dutv of the judge advocate whom' sum- o-eneral, or the officer appointed to act in that caijacity, mooed. ~ ' 1 i ^ A »' ^ to summon or cause to be summoned, such witnesses on the part of the State as may be necessary, by subpoena 35 signed by the officer ordering the court, oi- hy the president thereof, or by said judge advocate ; and the accused shall be entitled to like process to procure the attendance of his witnesses; which ])i-ocess shall be served by the judge advocate, or by any disinterested person deputed by him. Sec. 12. All charges shall be made out in due form, liv p-ii-t'es; , 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 ' *' how iiiiiUe way ot complamt, and signecl by the party complam-""f j'""""i- ing, and addressed to the officer whose duty it is to order the court, specitying the act or neglect of which the accused is supposed to be guilty, and praying due ]n"0ccss, l)efore said othcer shidl order a court martial for the trial of said officer accused. Sec. 13. The members of the court shall appear in '*'™'"'" "f /. Tl .1 ^ ^ r* i i- courts toap- lull imitorm, and before tliev enter upon the trial of r™"-."' fun any person accused, shall take the lollowuig oath, to wit: "You swear (or affirm) that you will tridy try and determine, according to the evidence given in court, the matter depending Ijetween this State and the officer (or officers) now to be tried ; and that you will not divulge the sentence of the court until the same has been approved or disapproved pursuant to law ; and that you will not, at any time, disclose the vote or opin- ion of any member of this court, unless required to do so in due course of law. So help you God." Or this affirmation you make and give upon the peril of the penalty of perjury. And the foregoing oath shall be administered by the judge advocate ; but all other oaths which it may l^e necessary to administer, during the continuance of the court, may l)e administered either by him, or any general or field officer. Sec. 14. The iudge advocate general shall attend to J"''R'^ "'I'"- all prosecutions; and ni his absence there shall be ap-'™'"'". pointed by the officer ordering the court martial, a judge advocate for each court martial, who shall per- form all the duties of that office, and who shall take the following oath, to wit : "You swear (or aflirni) that you will not, at any time whatever, disclose the vote or opinion of any member of this court martial, unless re- quired to do so in the due course of law, nor divulge the sentence of the court until the same has been ap- proved or disapproved according to law; and that you will faithfully- and impartially discluirge the duty of 36 judge advocate, according to the best of your abilities, so help you God." Or this affirmation you make and give ujjon the peril of the penalty of perjury. And o^tTand ^^^^ oath may be administered by a judge of any |'°J^^»''°''°- court, or any justice of the peace in the State; and a certificate thereof shall be made on the warrant of the judge advocate, by the person administering the oath. whenobjec- Sec. 15. If, ou trial, the accused shall object to any tioiifj are ir»7 ilil i made to one or more members ot the court, he shall state the members of ir'T'l*' 1 • f> • 1 the court, ground 01 his objection, and if it appear to the court sufficient, tlie member or members objected to shall leave their seats, and if the number remaining be less than five, the court shall be adjourned for a reasonable time, that the officer ordering the court may detail oth- ers to supply the place or j^laces vacated by such mem- ber or members. Sentence, of ,Sec. 16. No senteuce of a court martial shall be car-- how en- . -, . ^Y^ , 111 forced. I'led iiito etiect, unless passed by the concurrent vote of two-thirds of the court, and approved by the Gov- ernor. renaitvif ,Sec. 17. Ill casc ail officer under arrest shall refuse or doe.^notat- neo;lect to attend a court martial according to orders tend court. *^ . . .. . ini -i > i and notice given liim, lie shall, by said court, be sen- tenced to pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dol- lars, and be cashiered, with disability of ever after hold- ing any military office in the State ; unless he be prevented from attending such court martial by reason of sickness, or some other reasonable cause ; in which case the court shall have power to adjourn ; and notice thereof shall be given to the arrested officer, by the judge advocate, at least ten days before the day to which the court shall have been adjourned. Sentence; ,Sec. 18. Ill all cascs lu wliicli a fine and costs or im- ced mease prisoiiment shall be awarded by a court martial, and iiig officer the sentence of such court shall be approved by the Governor, and the president of such court shall die, be discharged or promoted without having issued a war- rant of distress or mittimus for such fine and costs or imprisonment, it shall he the duty of the member of said court next in rank to said president to issue said warrant or mittimus. Penalty if Sec. lU. If ally witucss duly summoned, shall refuse fuse to'testi- to obcy sucli summons, he shall be committed to the jail in the county in Avhich he resides, by a warrant 37 from the president of tlie coiu't, directed to the sheriff) or a deputy sheriff of said county, there to be held at his own expense, until he will conform and give evi- dence in the case, or until discharged by due course of law. Sec. 20. All witnesses summoned on the part of the ""'''"'"''■'=''- . I [JI'IIJJCH of fetate, and the judge advocate summonuig them, shall, "''"^•"•^»:, '•'~ O ' ' how allowod. for travel and attendance, have the same fees that are allowed in civil causes, to be taxed hy the president of the court ; wliich expenses shall be paid to the judge advocate by the State, and when received by him, to be jiaiJ over to the persons to whom they are due. Sec. 21. If the sentence of the court be against the Ji"™ ™"''j'- c e(i if the de- accused, and the same shall be approved bv the Gov-'"l"™''^ 11 1- under sen- ernor, the said expenses shall, by warrant under the *«"'■''• hand and seal of the president of the court, directed in the manner aforesaid, be collected of the delinquent, and paid to the pa}' master general. Sec. 22. The members and officers of said court shall *'""'' "■"*,«"■ penses of be allowed eight cents per mile travel to and from the ""'■"'"^'•s- place of holding said court, and one dollar lor eacli day during its sitting ; and there shall be allowed to the person in whose house said court shall be held, not ex- ceeding two dollars per day, in full of all expenses for room rent, fuel and lights ; and which shall be paid from^^^^ p^.j the iSta'e treasury. Sec. 2.3. The judge advocate shall be allowed twenty- J_^"J8<=j»dvo- five cents for each legal page of the copy of the pro- f;^^ ■^'™"^'i- ceedings and records of the court martial, to be taxed and paid in the same manner. Sec. 25. The Governor shall have power to approve J'°_^«''^°f^^^ or disapprove all sentences passed by courts mai'tialj^^^-^/^jf/j^J and mitigate or remit any punishment awarded by '^°;j'-'^ """^• them, or any part thereof; and the record of all pro- ceedings and sentences of courts martial, and of the approval, mitigation or remission by the commander- in-chief, shall be deposited by the respective judge ad- vocates, hi the office of the adjutant general. 38 CHAPTER 431. OF BOAKDS OF OFFICERS AND COURTS OF INQUIRV, Board of offl- Section 1. The Governor .shall appomt annually a cers how ap- t^. Tni i i pointed. board of oftcers, to be composed of not less than three members, for the purpose of exammmg into the man- ner in which the business of the various military offices is conducted, and for the purpose of examining into the qualifications of any military officer, or for the purjjose of advising the Governor upon any military question. Power of Sec. 2. Said board shall have power to summons be- courts of en- « , ,,-,.. iiuiries. fore them any officer of the militia, for the purpose of ascertaining his capacity and qualifications to discharge the duties of his office, and shall report their conclu- sions to the Governor, who may, if the report of such board is adverse to such officer, suspend him from his office, and if within ten days after such suspension he shall demand the same, shall order him to be tried by a court martial. Tncompe- Sec. 3. If the court shall pronounce such officer to tent officers • , t-i it* pi* howremoT- be Unfit or incompetent to discharge the duties of his office, the Governor may vacate his commission and ap- point some suitable person in his stead. Organization Sec. 4. Gciieral aud brigade courts of inquiry, shall of boards. . & . ii.i consist of three officers, to be appointed by the com- mander-in-chief; and they may be ordered and organ- ized in the like manner as courts martial, and under the same regulations, may examine into the nature of any transaction, or any imputation or accusation against any officer, made by an inferior. Vacancies. Sec 5. All vacaiicies shall be filled as in courts mar- tial. Sec. 6. The judge advocate shall administer to each Oath of of the officers comiiosing- a court of inquiry, the follow- members . m • a • and how ad mg oaths or affirmation: You, A. B., do swear, or affirm, that you will well and truly examine and inquire into the matter now be- fore you, without fear, favor, partiality, prejudice or hope of reward. So help you God. Or, this aflfirma- • tion you make and give upon the penalty of perjury. 39 After which, the president shall administer to the judge advocate the following oath : You, A. B., do swear that vou will impartially record O"',*"" , the ]:\^'oceedings of the court, and the evidence to be"=''"^- given in the case now in hearing. So heljj you God. Or, this affirmation you make and give upon the peril of the penalty of perjury. Sec. 7. Witnesses shall be summoned in the sameJ^i'DS's"': manner, take the same oath, and be examuied and ">"°'';i "n* ... exammea. cross-examuied by the parties in the same way, as on trials before courts martial ; but the court shall not give their opinions on the merits of the case unless specially requested so to do. All the proceedings therein shall be recorded, and with the papers and the documents used therein, authenticated, and transmitted by the judge advocate, to the officer who ordered the court. Sec. 8. The pay and fees of l)oards of officers and p»y'i°4f<-'-' courts of inquiry shall be the same as m courts martial, board CHAPTER 432. GENEKAL PROVISIONS. Sectiox 1. No person, except an officer acting by au- persons thority of the United States to enlist recruits for thecmu/for army or navy of the United States, shall enlist any in-°' " habitants of this State, to serve in any military force organized or to be organized by the authority of any other State, without a warrant from the Governor per- mitting him so to do ; and any person who without such authority first had and obtained, shall attempt to induce any inhalntant of this State to enlist in such military organization, shall be hned twenty dollars for Fine for en- each offence, to be prosecuted for by complaint and „'ut"althori- warrant before any justice of the peace. Sec. 2. For the purpose of enal^ling the system es-spcdaien- tablished by this Title to be more successfully carried to"i^-''maae. into effect, the enrollment now being made in this State, under the orders of the War Department of the United State.s, is hereby adopted as the enrollment of the niili- 40 taCrmi- ^i^ of this state, until the first enrollment provided for litia act. \yy ^ijjg jjp^ gj-,^ji ijave been made. Sec. 3. Title XXXIV of the Eevisod Statutes, and all acts and part of acts inconsistent herewith, are hgreby repealed ; j^i'O'cided, however, that the charters and cor- porate rights of the existing and organized chartered companies of this State shall remain in full force, except in particulars in conflict with the provisions of this Title. Seo. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 433. [Passed Sept. 6, 1862.| AN ACT TO PRO^aDE FOR AN UNIFOKM BOUNTY TO BE PAID BY THE STATE TO VOLUNTEERS, AND FOR OTHER PURPO- SES. It is enacted by the Genercd Assembly as follows : taburll""" Section 1. The State Avill reimburse the several towns towns. Qf ^}-,g State, in the manner hereinaftei- ]")rovided, for the expenses incurred b}' them in furnishing their re- spective quotas of men in response to the call of the President of the United States, dated July 2d, 18G2, for 300,000 additional troops to serve for three years or the war, to the extent of three hundred dollars for each man to whom a town Ijounty has been paid, or agreed to be paid, and who has been mustered into the service ^^^t of the United States, Provided, however, that no town mar^ re ^^^^^^^ reccivc a greater sum from the State for any man imbursed. fui-nished under said call than by such town has been actually paid or agreed to be paid, to such man, as bounty. townsare""' Sec. 2. As sooii as tile number of men furnished by entitled to. ^y ^j^^ towns of the State, and the sum to which each town may be entitled under the j^rovisions of the jjre- ceding section to receive, shall have been ascertained to the satisfaction of Benjamin Finch, of Newport, and commis- William M. Bailey, of North Providence, who are here- by appointed Conunissioners for that purpose, and who, when they shall have ascertained thg ijujiibgr of men sioners. towns t<) n and the sum to which cat'h town is entitled as aforesaid, shall report the same to the General Treasurer, and said Treasurer shall pay, in the lionds of the State or other- wise, to eaeh town the smn to which it is entitled; and to enable him so to do, he is hereby authorized and di- rected to issue the bonds of the State to an amount suf- ':""""'' . ^ . IreiiHiiroi- to hcient to cover the appropriation hereby made, payable ',„",",„';""'" in twenty years from the date of the same, with inter- p'"'"'"''""" est not exceeding six per cent. ])er annum, payable semi-annually on the presentation and surrender of the interest warrants attached to the same. Sec. 3. So much of the act of August, A. D. 18Gl.R<■p'■l!l"r"<^t being Chapter 38U of the Revised Statutes, as allows" """"" towns to raise money and make appropriations as boun- ties to volunteers, is hereby repealed, and no town shall make payment to any volunteer enlisting after the pas- * sage of this act, of any bounty heretofore offered by • such town under the authority of the provisions of the / act above referred to. ; Sec. 4. Hereafter there shall be paid by the State to A^nnnt nr each person who shall volunteer under the call of the mi- ' President of the United States, dated July 2d, 1862, to ^ serve for three years or the war, and to each person who shall enlist to recruit any regiment or battery (;; from this State heretofore raised in response to the call > V of the President of the United States for 500,000 addi- tional troops, dated August 3d, 180 1, the sum of three hundred dollars, which sum shall be paid to each man so enlisting after he shall have been mustered into the ^ service of the United States, and when he shall have been ordered to leave the State by competent military authority. Sec. 5. So much of Section 1, Chapter 387, of the Re-AotproTW- T f, T ' . , ^ . . , ing Mr »15 Vised statutes, passed at a special session in August, h^^^inv r"- 1861, as provides for the payment by the State of a bounty of fifteen dollars to every non-commissioned officer, private and musician who should enlist after the 16th day. of June, 1861, is hereby repealed. Sec. 6. After the quota of this State shall have been n^nty^j'i^^ supplied under the call of the President of the United f"r '■'""pe- States, dated July 2d, 1862, for 300,000 additional ^v. troops for three years or the war, the bounty of the.JV State to be paid to any volunteer for a service of three N years or the war, in response to any future call of the K s « 42 President of the United States which may be made up- on this State, shall be the sum of one hundred dollars, to be pai9 after such volunteer shall have been mus- tered into the service of the United States, and when he shall have been ordered to leave the State by com- petent military authority. Bounty for gj;(. 7 "phc Govemor is authorized and directed to nme moDtiis . . , """■ pay to each person who shall enlist m the service of the United States as a volunteer, for a period of nine months, under the call of the President of the United States, for 300,000 men, dated August 9, 1862, or who may be accepted as a substitute for any man who may be drafted to serve under the call the sum of one hun- ^oTpaiS' dred and fifty dollars; fifty dollars of which shall be paid to such volunteer, or substitute, when and as soon as he shall have been mustered into the service of the United States, and the remainder when he shall have been ordered to leave the State by competent military authority ; and to each man who may be drafted, and shall serve as a drafted man under said call, the sum of one hundred dollars; twenty-five of wliich shall be paid when he shall have been mustered into the service of the United States, and the remainder when he shall have been ordered to leave the State by competent mil- itary authority. Sec. 8. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 434. [Passed Sept. 2, 1862.] AN ACT TN ADDITION TO TITLE VII., CHAPTER 30, OF THE REVISED STATUTES— "OF THE POWERS OF AND OF SUITS BY AND AGAINST TOWNS." It is enacted hy the General Assembly as follows: Ipp'ropS Section 1. Hereafter the several towns are. author- monies to aid families of soldiers. ized to appropriate and raise money for the purpose of rendering assistance to the families and dependents of those who may be mustered into the army of the United States from this State, to serve under any of the calls which have been heretofore made, or which may here- after be made upon this State, by the President of the 43 United States, to an amount not exceeding foui* dollars per week to the family of any one man. Sec. 2. Nothing in the preceding section contained, shall be construed to affect any contract to render aid to his family, which has heretofore been made by any town with any person who, before the passage of this act, has enlisted in the service of the United States. Sec. 3. The act passed at the August session, A. D. 1861, being chapter 389, of the Eevised Statutes, is hereby repealed. CHAPTER 435. [Passed Sept. 2, 1802.] AN ACT TO MEET THE APPROPRIATIONS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A UNIFORM BOUNTY TO BE PAID BY THE STATE TO VOLUNTEERS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, PASSED AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1862. It is enacted hy the General Assembly as follows : Section 1. The General Treasurer is hereby author- S""™' ized, by and with the advice of the Governor, to issue g'i"i^*';;j the bonds of the State, for an amount not exceeding '■» '><""J^- twelve hundred thousand dollars, in such sums as the Governor shall direct, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable in twenty years from the first day of September, 1862, which said bonds shall not be issued or sold by the General Treasurer at less than their par. Interest on said bonds paya]>le semi- annually, and coupons, for the payment of the same, signed by the General Treasurer , shall be attached to said bonds. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the General Treasurer and countersigned and registered by the Secretary of State. 44 CHAPTER 436. [Passed Sept. 4, 1862.] AN ACT TO PREVENT FALSE CERTIFICATES OF DISABILITY TO PERFORM MILITARY SERVICE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : gmtin""" Section 1. Any surgeon appointed to grant certifi- 'ates''Df'dis. cfites of disability to persons who have been enrolled ability. as a part of the militia of the State, and who are inca- pable of performing military dut}', who shall for any corrupt consideration, or from favor or hope of reward, grant any fiilse certificate of disability, shall be pun- ished by indictment before any court comj^etent to try the same, in the county where the offence was commit/ ted, and on conviction shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned not exceed- ing one year. Sec. 2. In all cases where any person applies for a certificate of his disability, when he claims exemption on account of any bodily defect or inability which can be ascertained by personal examination, no certificate shall be given without such personal examination by the physician or surgeon, and in all cases the apjalicant shall be examined under oath, and all persons receiv- ing certificates from any surgeon or physician shall be Re-examin- jjable to re-examiiiatioii, if the Commissioner think ation may _ ^ be made, proper, by the Surgeon General ot the State. Sec. 3. All persons who have heretofore received certificates of disability or exemption shall be open to examination by the Surgeon General on the order of the Commissioner. Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect immediately. 45 CHAPTER 437. [PasscHi Sopt. G, 18G2.] AN ACT EXEMPTING FROM AKREST ON ClVir. PROCESS CER- TAIN PERSONS IN THE SERVICK OF THE UNITED STATES. It is enacted by the General Assemhiy asfoUoios: Section 1. The body of every officer, non-commis-J''™p"»°« , *' , •', ^ from arrest sioned officer, private, and musician, who has been or™^'"'?™ who shall hereafter be mustered into the service of the United States, as a part of the quota of his State, vmder any call of the President of the United States, which has been or which may hereafter be made for volun- teers; and the body of every officer, non-commissioned officer, private, and musician, who shall he mustered in- to the service of the United States, as a part of the quota of this State, under any call of the President of the United States, which has been or which may here- after be made upon this State for militia, shall be ex- empted from arrest on any civil process, and his prop- erty shall not be liable to be attached, or taken in exe- cution, or on warrant of distress, for and during the pe- riod of his service and for thirty days thereafter. Sec. 2. All suits or remedies against any person who s-j^^'^' »^°<| has become bail, or entered into recognizance for the pendod. appearance of any person, who has been or who shall hereafter be mustered into the service of the United States, as a part of the quota of volunteers or militia required of this State, shall be suspended for and dur- ing such time as the principal shall remain in the ser- vice of the United States and for the period of thirty days thereafter. Sec. 3. Nothing in the preceding section contained shall be construed to affi:!ct the right of any creditor ^ to enforce his writ of execution in case he has obtain- ed final judgment on scire facias before the passage of this act. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. 46 CHAPTER 438. [Passed Sept. 6, 1862.] AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE GOVERNOR TO PURCHASE ARMS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR THE MILITIA. It is enacted by the General Assembly asfolloios: Governor SECTIONS 1. His Excellencv the Governor is hereby may pur- , ^^ , •' and'e T- •T-uthorlzetl to purchase such number of serviceable arms ments. ag niaj be necessary, with their proper equipments, for the purpose of arming and equipping the mihtia of the State ; and the General Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the expense of the same upon the order of the Governor. I^ESOLUTION^S. [Passed Sept. 6.] Resolution requirmg the commanding officers of the 9th and lOtli regiments to report to the Adjutant General of the State. Whereas, There is now pending before this General Assembly a petition from the commanding officers of the companies in the 10th Regiment of Rhode Island volunteers, asking for an appropriation for the pay- ment of the men who volunteered in said regiment, and were discharged at Washington, by reason of their be- ing under age ; therefore, it is Mesolved, That the late commanding officers of the 9th and 10th regiments be and are hereby directed to report the names of said men, and the time they served in said regiments, and the reasons for their discharge to the Adjutant General of this State, on or before the first Monday of December, 1862. i7 [Passed Sept 6, 1862.] Resolutions authorizing the Governor to appoint a State Commissioner to receive allotment money. Whereas, The President of the United States has ap- pointed two Allotment Commissioners for the State of Rhode Island, to receive and collect the money trans- mitted by the different regiments and batteries for the benefit of the families of the soldiers of such regiments and batteries, as they are disposed to send home ; there- fore, it is Jiesoloed, By this General Assembly, that the Gov- ernor be and is hereby authorized to appoint some suit- able person a State Commissioner, whose duty it shall be to arrange with the Allotment Commissioners, for their services for collecting the said allotment money, and to receive and disburse the same to the families of said soldiers, as they may direct, and to take proper and sufficient vouchers for the same, and to make re- turns of his doings to the Quartermaster General of the State of Rhode Island, on the first Mondays of January and July in each year ; and the Quartermaster General is hereby authorized to draw upon the General Treas- urer for such compensation as the said State Commis- sioner shall, with the concurrence of the Governor, al- low for the services of said Allotment Commissioners, to be fairly adjusted with reference to, and to be made dependant upon, the amount of money collected by such Allotment Commissioner. And, ichereas. Also, it is expedient for the purpose of preventing delay to soldiers and their families who may become entitled to pensions from the government of the United States, in procuring their just claims, the State Commissioner above appointed is hereby author- ized, at the expense of the State, to prosecute all claims of soldiers or then- families against the United States for pensions or for bounties. And, whereas. Also, it is expedient that some means should be adopted for the prompt settlement of all ques- tions in relation to assistance furnished to the families of volunteer soldiers who enlisted in Massachusetts regi- ments, and from towns formerly belonging to Massachu- setts, which towns now forna a part of the State of 48 Ehode Island, and also in relation to assistance furnish- ed to the families of volunteer soldiers who enlisted in Ehode Island regiments, and from to^vns formerly be- longing to Rhode Island, which last mentioned towns now form a part of the State of Massachusetts, there- fore, Resolved, That i\\e State Commissioner above ap- pointed be directed to report to the General Assembly, at its next session, all the fiicts and documents in rela- tion to the case, and thereupon this General Assemlaly will make such provision therefor as the justice of the case requires. [Passed Sept. 1.] Resolution authorizing the Governor to procure enlist- ments and to defray the expenses thereof Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized, in case he thinks the exigen- cy requires it, to procure such aid or assistance as he may think advisable to obtain enlistments; and that he be authorized to draw on the General Treasurer for such expense, provided that the sum paid shall not ex- ceed ten dollars for each man so procured and enlisted. [Passed Sept. 6,] Resolution authorizing the Governor to order a re-ex- amination of persons claiming to be exempt from military duty from physical disabihty. Resolved, That the Governor be authorized to order a re-examination in any town of those claiming exempts ion for physical disability, whenever he deems proper, and to appoint a surgeon to make such examination. [Passed Sept. 2.] Resolution providing for the subsistence of substitutes for drafted men. Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor is here- by authorized to make all necessary provision for the subsistence of all substitutes for drafted men until they shall haye been mustered intp the service of the United States. LIBRflRY OF CONGRESS llllllliJlil;:;III.SiJlllllll:lllllli!ill.:ILlllllll 013 760 300 7 I / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I! illl IPI 013 760 300 7 ^