CARRANZA AND PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN MEXICO SIXTY MEXICAN TEACHERS ARE COMMISSIONED TO STUDY IN BOSTON NEW YORK CITY 1915 &. Of J), UN 24 19 5 Public Education and The Revolution Education is one of the most serious and difficult problems that exist at present in our country. We recognize that it is education alone which can save our Republic, and it is in the bosom of education where are kept the secrets of our dearest rights of liberty. The solution of the problem of education is in truth the most delicate one of the many that the Revolutionary Government has on its hands. Many old and obsolete methods must be rooted up com- pletely, all prejudice must be destroyed, and all those hidebound rules that chain our liberty in a prison built of iron must be burned. And the purifying waters of a reorganization will cleanse and preserve an institution. This is the motive that prompts the Sub-secretary in charge of the Ministry of Public Instruction to carry out these far-reaching plans in the pursuance of his duties. Sefior Carranza has entrusted the reformation and reconstruction of the National Education to the by no means, small group of teachers and professors who followed the First Chief on their apostolic journey. With this end in view numer- ous commissions and groups have gone forth: 20 teachers to Yucatan, 44 to Puebla, 2 7 to Queretaro, 4 to Tabasco, 5 to circulate propaganda in General Obregon's army, and 2 7 who will extend in active propa- ganda by word of mouth the revolutionary ideas. Commission in the Tabasco Schools The following teachers, Miss Maria Tellez Escalante, Mies Con- cepcion Chavez Coronel, Miss Tomasa Zufiiga, and Prof. Clemente. L. Beltran. Commissioners with the staff of the Army of General Obregon as propagandists: Mr. Julio S. Hernandez, Mr. Matias Lopez, Mr. Alfonso del Castillo, Mr. Jose Carmen Lopez, Mr. Rafael Vera Cordova. List of Teachers as Commissioners for the State of Puebla to organize the schools: Messrs. Salome Cordova, Jose Maria Alvarado, GENERAL VENUSTIANO CARRANZA First Chief of the Mexican Revolution MR. FELIX F. PALAVICINI Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Jose L. Lozada, Antonio Aguirre; the Misses Maclovia de la Serna, Rita Castro, Concepcion Olvera, Ana Maria Celaya, Esther Garcia, etc. etc. List of Teachers as Commissioners for the State of Queretaro for organizing the Schools: Enrique Garduno, Juan Manuel Diaz, Juan de Mata Rivera, Felix B. Gamboa, Federico Alvarez, Narciso G. Flores, Luis Lujan, Avelina Herrera, Julian L. Bernal, Elvira Farias viuda de Bianchi, Carmen Calderon, Emma Olvera, Leonor Sierra, Luis G. Morel, Ebedina de los Rios, Carlos B. Mendez, Jose Martinez. A mere glance suffices to show the extraordinary importance of the measure which has been resorted to. The "new sap" will infuse new life in organizations which had become old and withered, in be- ings that had lost their energy. These teachers who are inspired by the purest principles of pedagogy will without doubt and positively reflect the purifying cataclysm of the Revolutionary movement. And if the appointment of commissions in the various States in charge of the reforming of the educational branch means a determina- tion worthy of the greatest praise for the head of the Army, the send- ing of teachers abroad in the sensible form in which the same has been planned, calls for the very highest acknowledgment and appreciation on the part of all those who know what the instruction of the masses means to the nations of modern times. Only a few months ago a group of teachers left for the United States seeking improvements in their studies so as to give thereafter the proper impetus to the educational system of their country. Another new commission, still larger than the first one, is now leaving, so numerous that it appears almost like a scientific peregrina- tion, a scientific crusade. They are looking for new horizons; they are endeavoring to secure advantageous conceptions and they are desirous of knowing new customs and new ideas. The new acquisi- tions will then be, so to speak, forged in the heat of their patriotism on the anvil of Mexican teachers and scientific methods and concep- tions and artistic impressions will radiate under the National Sun. Such is our impression and thus we desire it today, where 50 teachers are wending their way to Boston, Massachusetts, spreading in this manner the revolutionary ideas of the Head of the Nation and their most original and purest conceptions. On the steamer Monterrey there will sail from Vera Cruz today this new commission headed by the attic Poet, Alfonso Cravioto, a man of the exquisite culture of whom the Revolution must necessarily be proud. Before the Commission leaves Mr. Carranza will hold a reception for the members of the mission who, while paying their re- spect to the Head of the Nation, will at the same time exprss to Mr. Carranza their deep gratittude. The new commission of teachers is made up as follows: Presi- dent, and in charge of studying the establishments of Fine Art: Alfonso Cravioto. Secretary in charge of studying the organization and classifica- tion of libraries and archives: Prof. Agustin Loera Chavez. Political Economy and Female Labor: Maria de la Luz Alvarez, Paula Vela Gonzales, Ernestina Medina Alvarado. Arithmetic, Geometry and their application: Antonio Lopez, Beatriz Cervantes, Rafael Jimenez. Physical Education, Playgrounds: Felisa Anguiano, Soledad V. Sanchez, Concepcion Morfin, Enrique Carrillo. Moral and Civic Education and their relation to school discipline: Eudoxia Torres Preciado, Maria Guadalupe Cisneros, Maria del Refugio Barrueta, Javier Mejia, Braulio Rodriguez. Musical Education: Maria Guadalupe Morales Hesse. Education of backward children and of abnormal children: Ambrosio R. Belmont, Rene Rodriguez, Sara Salinas, Alberto Guevara. Teaching of drawing and manual training; industrial initiation in the primary schools: Saul Rivera, Eva Lopez, Manuel Centeno, Josefina Arredondo, Carlos Barrios. Kindergarten: Luz Serradell, Maria de la Luz Rivera, Maria Luna. Teaching of physicial and natural sciences: Celfina Alcaraz, Fernando Ximello, Otilia Saldana Rebolledo, Vicente Velasco. Methodology of Geography and History: Carmen Reyes, Maria Dolores Mendoza, Alfonso Taboada. Teaching writing and reading: Maria de Jesus Maciel, Martina Gomez, Francisca Garcia, Isabel Rodriguez, Maria Trinidad Rodri- guez. Children's Literature and Children's Library: Dolores Soto- mayer, Holda Novelo, Esther Rodriguez Rebolledo. Organization of industrial schools: Herlinda Gutierrez Esther Gutierrez. The commissioners are provided with the following general in- structions, aside from the special instructions which result for every one from his particular branch: General Instructions for the Teachers Appointed to study at Boston, Mass, U. S. A. The object of the Government when commissioning teachers for making studies abroad is to improve the primary education, selecting the best that exists in the line of education in other countries and that can be successfully adopted to our national conditions. We seek to secure the moral and cultural improvement of the teachers, who living there, in an atmosphere of advanced civiliza- tion, will elevate their intellectual level and will modify their habits and customs in the sense of human progress. The contact of the Mexican school teachers with foreign civili- zation will redound to the immediate benefit of their persons, as units of the great Mexican Family and beyond that to the particular advantage of the people of Mexico, because to the school teachers is entrusted the mission to form the soul of the future generations of citizens. The school teachers thus commissioned should not forget a single moment that they are expected to act as educators in the future and in the same degree as their career gains in dignity, it is expected that their love for the same should likewise increase. Generally speaking, the tasks given to the teachers is to observe carefully the primary education in the United States, the school life of the pupils and teachers. For this object they will visit the elemen- tary schools and will try to get a thorough insight into the methods formed and into the proceedings as regards the different branches to be taught. They will devote special attention to the teaching of writ- ing and reading, noting carefully the innovations introduced in that country so as to hasten and render more easy this branch. They will observe the scope covered by the school program of each branch, the distribution of the studies, the schedule of the studying periods, the recesses, vacations, etc. They will observe what text books are used in the primary schools, their tendencies and the use made by the educators thereof. The subject of particular attention shall be methodology of the elementary instruction in the various branches which constitute the study program. They shall note how the progress of the pupils is ascertained, whether by inspection, or by examinations and how one and the other are brought about. They will observe what opportunity is furnished and what pro- gram is obligatory for the primary instruction teachers. They will study the rules of discipline which are used in the schools, taking good note of the means used by the teachers for im- posing punishment on the pupils, as well as the proceedings to bring about emulation with regard to the rules in the duties and obligations of the pupils. They will study the pedagogical papers, the themes for the lessons, noting those which are freely selected from the program by the teachers. In general, they will pay attention to the outfit of the schools, physical cabinets, chemical laboratories, national history collections, children's and school libraries, as well as everything re- ferring to the moral upbuilding of the pupils. They shall render a monthly report covering the schools which they have visited and the work done during this time. At the expira- tion of their mission and their return to the country they shall submit a general report with their observations concerning such metohds as they think ought to be adopted by our own schools. They shall lecture before the teachers, informing them of the pedagogical innovations which they have observed in the American schools, and in short, they shall fulfill all demands of the tasks for which the executive has designated them. Aside from the general lines layed down above, each teacher 10 shall study one of the branches of the Primary Program, pursuant to his capacity and inclination. For the carrying out of all the fore- going, the Chief of the Constitutionalist Army in charge of the Execu- tive Power of the Union and Chief of the Revolution has decreed that you be commissioned by this Office to study the primary schools of the United States of America, especially in the State of Massachu- setts with the regular residence in the city of Boston, with the under- standing, however, that you shall visit other States of the Union, in case the Government should so decide. CO CO OJ a « u a r o « * x (B -C > t) S-fi .2 «, CO ~ E o >> tu a) .£ ° C co cy -r CO >* o e « '«' -£ ■2 -a z o Q y u :S3C £2 6 3 *"° o u c ^ 20 "Intervention" By School Teachers Objects of the Mexican Commission of Educators, in Boston, to Learn Methods for Uplifting Their People at Home Reprinted from The Boston Transcript By Bernard Gallant. A realization that true democracy cannot exist without genuine, popular education has brought to the United States a commission of fifty-five Mexican school teachers for the purpose of studying our educational institutions. The commission consists of eleven men and forty-four women, From their headquarters in Boston they are to make a long and exhaustive study of American schools, colleges, universities, libraries and vocational training schools with the view of adapting what is best in American methods to the educational needs of Mexico. Every field of educational training will be covered by the commission. It will remain in this country not less than a year, while some of its members are scheduled to stay here as long as three years. Five months ago the first group of Mexican school teachers came to this country. They were the pioneers of the new educational movement of the land beyond the Rio Grande. They represented the modern and came upon the wave of revolution which has cost so much strife and sorrow. They were people from every walk of social life in Mexico, from the poor peon to the rich land owner. But all were imbued with the dream of a freer and better Mexico. They located in Boston, the fame of that city having travelled even to the distant plains of Mexico. They could speak no English, knew little of the customs of the land, but the friendly reception accorded to them by the Bostonians was so gratifying and the results of their 21 work so satisfactory, that Boston was chosen as the home of the present commission. According to Senor Cravioto, president of the commission, the following branches of study are to be pursued by the members: Libraries, their organization, classification and the keeping of archives, political and social economy; moral and civic education; school disci- pline; education of abnormal and backward children; physics and the natural sciences; organization of industrial schools; musical education for children; kindergartens and children's libraries. This, however, is only part of the program. The members of the first commission have in the mean time been investigating the vocational training system of education, domestic sciences, night schools and rural schools. More Than Force of Arms Needed. "Senor Carranza," said Alfonso Cravioto, "realizes that Mexico cannot and will not be pacified by the force of arms alone. While our military forces are victorious upon the battlefields, the leaders of the revolution appreciate that only through popular education will Mexico attain the independence she is seeking. For that very reason we are preparing ourselves for peace in time of war. When the people are educated they will be able to control themselves and govern in a manner truly democratic. "During the days of Diaz the schools were only show places to please and win the favor of the rich foreign friends or Diaz and his ministers. They were attended only by the few rich, while the poor never had the opportunities of gaining an education. That ac- counts for the fact that eighty-five per cent, of all the people in Mexico are totally illiterate. Under the system adopted by Senor Carranza, education in Mexico is to be compulsory, and will be within the reach of all. Not only will instruction be free, but all books, laboratories, libraries and various experimental stations will be free and open to all who desire knowledge. "Senor Felix Palavicini, Minister of Public Instruction, has taken in consideration the geographical conditions of our country. In Mexico only six per cent, of the population live in the cities. The rest of the people are scattered over huge haciendas, vast plains far away from the cities and in some cases even miles away from a railroad. Therefore, part of the commission's work will be to establish rural schools. Travelling schools will be equipped with all the necessary material and be sent broadcast. One train is to follow the other and 22 the children of the poor peon, as well as the rich land owner, will have the same opportunity of acquiring an education." The choice of the members of the commission is characteristic of the various types of the Indians that populate that vast country. They represent nearly every important State in Mexico and comprise many different social stratas. Preference was given to women in the selection of the commission because of the sudden awakening of the woman in that country and her great work for the cause of the revolution. With the murder of Francisco I. Madero and the usurpation of the presidency by Victoriano Huerta, the women cast aside the traditions of Mexico and for the first time in the history of that country took an active part in the revolt. Almost from the first day of the Carranza revolution the women were his stanchest supporters. They organized Red Cross corps, carried on propaganda among the soldiers, and took care of those who fell into the hands of the enemy. For this work they demanded a hand in the reconstruction of their country. They demanded equal opportunities of life, they de- manded that every field of human endeavor be opened to them. And this was granted to them by the leaders of the revolution. Mexican Women Not Seeking to Vote. "The Mexican women are not seeking the ballot," declared Senorita Maria Martinez, "because at present they are interested in the great rehabilitation of their country. We want the opportunity to study and join every profession open to men. We want all the walks of human society open to us, we believe that by these means we can accomplish as much as by the ballot. However, when the time comes and the women of Mexico feel the need of the franchise we shall demand it, and I am sure we will attain it very easily. At present we are interested in education. "According to the system evolved by our commission we expect to bring the greatest results of democracy. In the same schools chil- dren of the poor and rich will meet on the same plane. The little girls will meet the little boys. They will not grow up with the idea that the women are sacred beings who are not to be soiled by the struggles of life, as are the views of the Latins. The women will learn to share part of the responsibilities and the struggles of life. That will bring about the greatest results which make for true 23 democracy. Men and women will be individuals. That will be at- tained through co-educational training." Every member of the commission has had active school training. Every one of them has taken an active part in the revolution, and a good number of them have served terms in jail while Huerta was in control of the Government. "Senor Carranza." declared Alfonso Cravioto. "'is a civilian at heart. While he is organizing armies and sending them to fight the battles of freedom, he is at the same time thinking of the men arid women who do not shoulder a rifle. They, too, share the great burdens of the political struggle. They. too. suffer and it is they who are to benefit from, the fight as well as the members who are per- forming active military service. "While the most serious problem Mexico is trying to solve is the land question, that is not the most important. Beneath every problem will be found the great lack of education and understanding. No laws can be promulgated if the people are unable to read these laws Nothing can be accompished if the people do not understand the meaning of it. For that very reason Serior Carranza is thinking or education long before the revolution has come to a successful close. In the meantime men of education follow the armies and in every place lectures are delivered to the people and the new order of things is explained to them. This has already borne its fruits. Never was the cry for knowledge and education so great as it is at present." Massachusetts System Adopted. The commission is not going to wait till its mission is complete before its findings and results will be applied to the needs of Mexico They are to make monthly reports and their suggestions will be put immediately into operation. So far the vocational training school system of the States of Wis- consin and Massachusetts has been adopted and is being used in the territory controlled by Carranza. By the practical demonstrations of genuine interest in the people, the members claim, Carranza is winning the multitudes on his side. None of the teachers would discuss the political phase of the revolt. They would not consider any questions regarding the bandit-general Villa. "We have come to study," they said, "but not to discuss politics. We are not politicians; we are teachers." 24 All, however, seemed confident that the Constitutionalists would triumph. All seemed certain that victory is but a short distance a but none would discuss the political campaign. Under the guidance of the seven members of the first commission. the members will begin their work at once. After a few months of work in Boston, half of the members will begin a tour of the principle cities of the country. The object of the tour will be to compare the Western and midAVestern institutions with those of the East. The reports of those members will be forwarded to Boston and from there will go directly to the Carranza government at Vera Cruz. The commission is a part of the reconstructive Mexican policy adopted by the Constitutionalist government for the rehabilitation and reorganization of the country. J.D g o U- C O o- 'XJ V 3 It u U 3 -0 > 1> OS V _c ""o ^c V c w i£ -C u a ** _* V V _:: _5 5 ^ _o 0] V T3 ,FN -C '8 "> u V V en o -0' n c H 26 The Work of Mr. Carranza In The Department of Public Instruction Mr. Felix F. Palavicini, came to the ministry the twenty-fifth of August. Immediately he put an end to the administrative per- sonnel, and twenty-four hours later, the parts of the secretaryship were carrying out their normal functions. He changes the faculties of all the superior (higher) schools; he formulates a new estimate; he restores the General Direction of Primary Education with four sections and the service of General Supervision — this last, without spending a single centavo in furnishings and commodities of which there was an excess in several departments — he suppresses Federal intervention in the teaching in the States, granting the rudimentary schools already established to the Governors of the Federative En- tities; he discharges the old personnel and establishes the new ministry of Superior Education. He suppresses the Council of Primary Educa- tion and of Kindergartens and appoints a new personnel for it. He names delegates for the Fifth National Congress of Primary Education, which will meet immediately in Pachuca; he introduces, one by one, all the new directors of the Faculties, making a speech in each one of the establishments; he arranges to have a directory of schools of culture and fine arts made, for the use of the public. He begins the formation of a book on "Monumental Mexico," in which every chapter will be written by an authority, a specialist in each branch; he changes the procedal of inspection in the scholastic zones; he formulates technical circulars, systematizing the instruction in arithmetic, in the Castilian language and in geography in the grammar schools; he pre- pares a bill regulating the promotion of teachers, in due time, accord- ing to the strict army registry and the retirements and pensions on account of accidents or long services. He visits the departments; he arranges a plan of study for the reorganization of the Medical, Patho- logical and Bacteriological Institutes; he changes the name, the form, and the personnel of the editing staff of the old Bulletin of Public Instruction, naming it "Bulletin of Education." 27 Now, in reference to the administrative part, he saves a sum of $150,000 in the Special Estimate, notwithstanding the fact that he has kept up the increase of 25 per cent, in the salaries of teachers of primary schools, a sum which amounts to over $1,000,000, an increase that he obtained as Deputy Counsel at the Congress of the Union, by maintaining all the profits that go to consume the estimate to the detriment of educational interests; he seeks the nullification of the seventy contracts for renting of houses for schools, formulated in the time of the usurpation, just as every financial operation of weight realized by merchants of morbid influence and by enemies crafty and political. He arranges a new system of economy with the revision of the estimate of all the educational institutions, and the exclusive power of the Administrative Department in purchases of furnishings, utensils, and implements for the schools, just as in the sanction of contracts for engineering or architectural works or installa- tions in general. It refuses all unnecessary aids and authorizes in their place those of rigid legitimacy, retaining the pensions of self-denying instructors, who consumed their energies at the altars of national education, just as all those of poor students, who have revealed pro- found love for the study and remarkable talents for it. While this work is developing the pedagog does not abandon the politician, but of this man, in accordance with his liberal principles and constitutionalist ideas, judges the existence of the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, as an offense to the Federation, and in being introduced to the President of the National University, and in the presence of the First Leader who was presiding over the ceremony, declared in a speech, which will be epoch-making in the history of Mexican culture: "That the University must be free, that the Ministry in charge of it must disappear in order that politics may not interfere in instruction;" and a few days later he obtains from the First Leader a decree that abolishes the pedantic faculties product of the old law, and in place of these, designates a body of eminent thinkers who may study and formulate the following plan. Moreover, to the same Secretary are due the following works: Creation of the General Direction of Fine Arts; decree defending the preservation of and respect for our monuments of art; formation of the Museum of Colonial Art; reparation and preservation of the Convent of la Merced, the rarest jewel of ancient architecture; organization of an Exposi- tion of School Work and Fine Arts; Archeologic Exposition of the Aztec ruins of Santa Teresa Street; inspection of the Archeological Monuments of San Juan Teotihuacan; plans for a scientific classifica- tion of the objects in the National Museum of History and Ethnology and- in the National School of Fine Arts; organization of a Congress 28 of Specialists for unification in the teaching of the national language, in view of the fact that some professors are guided by the Spanish Academy and others by the precepts of don Andres Bello; organiza- tion of a Congress for unification in the teaching of stenography; suppression of the usual prizes and creation of the republican prize; reorganization of the Pedagogical Museum. Study and Editing of a Rule of Esclafon of the faculties, includ- ing the establishment of a Congress of Honoranda Law in regard to pensions. Edition, Publication and Distribution of the work "Ten Great Citizens in our History," with purpose to combat the grave defect in relative instruction, in exalting almost exclusively military men, war- like deeds and prowess of arms, putting in the shade our illustrious plain citizens. Cancellation of onerous contracts and savings in the taxes of school buildings. Organization of the Plan of Studies of the National Preparatory School, distributing the curriculum among specialties. Reorganization of the plans of study in the National Schools of Jurisprudence, Superior of Commerce and Administration, and Normal for Teachers. Organization of the Plan of Studies for mining engineers, cover- ing six years, including in them preparatory studies. Suppression of the Pathological Institute and practical applica- tion of the Bacteriological in the cheap and abundant production of animal vaccine. Study, discussion and editing of the Plan of Law (which will soon be published, to give autonomy to the National University and separate the superior schools from political contingencies. 29 The New Organization Of The Secretary of Public Instruction and Fine Arts In order to give unity of judgment and action to the different branches of instruction that come under the Ministry of Public In- struction, the First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, charged with executive power, has consented to a new organization and distribution of the dependencies of the ministry. All branches of the ministry will be discontinued with the excep- tion of the administrative branch; General Boards will be established which will conform directly with those of the Ministry of State as long as that Ministry lasts. The special organization of the Ministry will consist of a secre- tary, a sub-secretary, a private and an administrative branch. 1 he different sections will be distributed according to the arrangement of the following General Boards: GENERAL BOARD OF PRIMARY, PREPARATORY, AND NORMAL EDUCATION. Will Have Under His Jurisdiction the Following Institutions: Kindergartens. Elementary Primary Schools. Primary Schools of the territories of Fepic and lower California. Schools of Pedagogic Experimentation. National Preparatory Schools. National Boarding Schools. General Storehouce of materials for Public Instruction. Pedagogical Museum. 30 Student Dental Dispensary. Inspection of Hygienic Service. Inspection of Physical Education. Inspection of Harmony and Choral Music. Inspection of Drawing and Manual Training. GENERAL BOARD OF FINE ARTS. With the Following Dependencies: National School of Fine Arts. Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art. Inspection of Arcihtecture. National Museum of Archeology, History and Ethnology. Museum of Colonial Art. General Archives of the Nation. Registry of Copyrights. GENERAL BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION With the Following Dependencies: School of Arts and Crafts for Men. National School of Arts and Crafts for Young Women. High School of Commerce and Business Administration. "Doctor Mora" Commercial School for Men. Miguel Lerdo de Tejada Commercial School, Young Women. Jose Maria Chavez Industrial School for Men. Corregidora de Queretero Industrial School for Young Ladies. Vasco de Quiroga Industrial School. Gertrudis Armendaris de Hidalgo Industrial School. 31 MR. FELIX F. PALAVICINI Secretary of Public Instruction and Fine Arts in the Carranza Government 32 The Life of A Fighter The enforced tranquility which characterizes the long reign of the dictator, Porfirio Diaz, laid a ban not only on all manifestations of public life, but also upon private life, paralyzing any individual initiative on the part of the citizens. Only after the Creelman interview did the men of action again make their appearance at the very time when the dictatorship reached its highst importance and development. But those who witnessed the appearance of these men thought them weaklings and narrow. The false splendor of the tinsel and glitter to which we had become accus- timed during a reign of thirty years sustaind by the adulation of the papers, had, as it were thrown a veil over all our social miseries. It was but natural that under these circumstances those who raised their voices in the beginning were thought to be demented. But four years of fighting has sufficed to change this impression. From the political theatre have disappeared the self complacent fighters of yesterday, but those remain who have withstood indiffer- ence, persecution and threats and they fight and keep on fighting until the democratic ideals proclaimed by them have been victorious. To this small and persistent group belongs Felix F. Palavicini, a civil engineer, who at the present moment is at the head of the educa- tional system of Mexico. His life, full of efforts and devoted to the overcoming of enumerable difficulties is worthy of being imitated. Felix F. Palavicini was born at Teapa, State of Tabasco, in the year 1 88 1 . His parents were Juan Vicente Palavicini and Beatriz Loria Prats. Although his parents belonged to a high social class, their son was far from enjoying a cheerful youth, because at the age of 4 years he lost his father and then had to pass through a period of priva- tions and misery. He was sent to school, but the entire lack of re- sources forced him to resort to a livelihood of the very humblest char- acter. He was reduced to the necessity of acting as guide of a blind man and to sell candies and pastries; thus he succeeded in providing a livelihood for himself and his mother. This life of misery did not end until he found a protector in the person of Gregorio Castellanos Ruiz, a lawyer from the State of 33 Campeche, his stepfather, to whom Palavicini owes his first educa- tion. Young Palavicini when still a student soon showed traces of extraordinary energy inherent in him; while still a student, he was made a delegate and secretary of the "Salarios" commission at the Agricultural Congress, held in his State, he was expelled from the commission, because he maintained that the slavery of the peons in Tabasco should not be further protected. (Governor Davila of Yuca- tan has just promulgated a law to that end.) In November, 1901 he secured the degree of topographical en- gineer and in 1 904 settled in the City of Mexico to exercise there his profession. For some time he was an assistant in the general light-house ser- vice and then took charge of the constructions of the firm of Viuda e Hijos de Jose M. del Rio under the management of Civil-engineer Jorge del Rio. Two years afterwards he was appointed professor of manual training in the school connected with the teacher's Normal School and the ability shown there by him caused the Mexican Government to commission him to study the manual training schools and industrial schools of Boston, Mass., U. S. A. and those of France, Belgium and Switzerland. He traveled extensively in those countries and enlarged his scope of knowledge in the courses of Mr. Lucien Magne and Mr. Andree Liesse in the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts at Paris. However, brilliant was his work in Europe, and although his profession pointed to the path of education, the necessity of actual conditions forced him to become a paladine of the press and of the speaker's platform. From 1907 onward his life was one of difficulties and obstacles, but he did not allow himself to become discouraged. He retained the same energy as of yore. In 1909 when the revolutionist movement started Mr. Palavicini resisted energetically the dictatorial Government of General Abraham Bandala as editor of the weekly paper "El Precursor" and in Mexico City he founded in 1907 the Review called "El Centro Tabasqueno" and also the political group bearing the same name. Having thus prepared the soil he started his work as a political leader, opposing in his daily newspaper "El Partido Republicano" the Government of General Porfirio Diaz the re-election of whom he sought to render impossible. 34 In 1 909 when the revolutionist movement started Mr. Palvacini was Secretary of the Anti-Releccionista Centre of Mexico, and accom- panied Mr. Francisco I. Madero on his first political trip through the Country. The consequence was that he was exposed to all sorts of persecu- tions and in his quality as editor of the "Anti-Releccionista" he was prosecuted in the Courts. At the very moment when Mexico displayed the greatest splendor at the time of celebration of the Centenary, Palavicini found him- self in the greatest plight; the doors were closed against him, and finding himself deserted on all sides, he was reduced to the necessity of serving in one of the most sumptuous restaurants of Mexico, but even there he could not stay a long time and was dis- charged. But the triumph of the glorious revolution of 1910 changed the political life of Mexico. New and wider horizons offered them- selves to the spirit of the political fighters, and they were soon joined by Mr. Palavicini He was a delegate at the convention of the Consti- tutional Progressive Party in August, 1911; he founded and edited the Review "Tabasco", and in the electoral fight for the first district of Tabasco he beat decidedly all his opponents. In the Legislature he found an opportunity to expound in fiery speeches the high character of his convictions. There he showed his strict adherence to the platform which he had submitted as a candidate and he started and sustained a number of laws and constitutional amendments of the greatest importance and of extraordinary benefit to the people; all of them were adopted. There he also showed himself as the true friend and defender of the teaching profession. When on the 1 0th of October, 1913, Huerta effected his "Coup d'etat" Mr. Palavicini was one of the deputies locked up in the Peni- tentiary, where he was treated with the greatest vigor. Time and again he was on the point of losing his life, but he never lost his courage and his energy. On the 25th of August, 1913, the General in Chief of the Constitutionalist Army offered him the post as Secretary of Public Instructions and Fine Arts and as such he has brought about a complete reorganization of the educational system. 35 Apart from all this comprehensive work Mr. Palavicini has shown himself to be an author of the first rank on pedagogical mat- ters as is clearly shown by the comprehensive writings that he has published. Such has been the inspiring life of this champion of Mexican ideals who with an inflexible strength of character succeeded in rising from the drags of misery to his present elevated position, and his country once freed will expect great things of Mr. Palavicini. (From the "Boletin de Education" Mexico. ) 36 The Revolutionary Work Done by Mr. Cravioto The prominent features of the life of the Head of the Commis- sion are worthy of being known. We submit them herewith: Alfonso Cravioto was born in Pachuca on the 24th of January, 1 884. He began his literary and political career by editing the Anti- clerical Weekly, "El Desfanatizador," in which he fought against the reactionary disposition of the Governor of Hidalgo, Pedro L. Rodri- guez. He entered the law school at Mexico in 1902 and took an active part in the alumni societies, laying great stress on efforts to direct their tendencies towards an efficient participation in the affairs of the State, and using all efforts to combat the Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. He contributed to all the oppositional papers of the time, particularly to the "Vesper" and "El Hijo del Ahuizote." In 1903 jointly with Santiago de la Hoz, Juan Sarabia and the brothers Flores Magon, he founded the Anti-Releccionista Club "Rendencion," whose Vice-President he was, and also the weekly paper "Excelsior,' a forceful opponent of Porfirio Diaz. Owing to this he was arrested and imprisoned with all his companions in the prison of Belen, where he was locked up for more than 6 months. When recovering his free- dom he became an active collaborator in the only opposition weekly which existed at the time and which was called "El Colmillo Publico," a matter which exposed him to an unpleasant persecution which finally forced him to leave for Europe. In 1 9 1 he took part in the anti-re-electionist movement, together with the brothers Gonzales Garza, then because of Madera's triumph he was appointed a delegate to the National Convention, and Secretary of the Mexico Board of Aldermen, when the election took place, and he was also elected a delegate to the Congress of the Union, by his native city. In the Chamber he formed a part of the most insistent group of the so-called "renovadores," having delivered some speeches which are worthy of rememberance, such as the funeral sermon at the time of the assassina- tion of President Madero, in which he protests against the crime and praises the martyr. Cravioto remained in Mexico during the reign of General Huerta, risking, like his companions, his life from day to day, because of his dignified conduct in the Chamber; he organized various revolutionist expeditions in the States of Hidalgo and Puebla. 37 MR. ALFONSO CRAVIOTO Acting Subsecretary of Public Instruction and Fine Arts and Director General of the Fine Arts Department 38 When the coup d'Etat was effected, he was locked up in the peni- tentiary for three months, and he was on the point of being fusillated in April, 1914, with Messrs. Urueta, Novelo, Curiel and others, be- cause he had protested against the conduct of Huerta in relation with the occupation of Vera Cruz. When the Constitutionalists triumphed, Cravioto was appointed by Palavicini a member of his staff, and since then he has occupied in the Department of Public Instruction and Fine Arts the post of Chief of the University Section, editor of the Bulletin of Education, Member of the Superior Council of Education, Director General of Fine Arts, Head Clerk and Assistant Secretary pro tempore, a post which he still occupies at the present moment and to which he was recently promoted. When the Villa reaction set in, Cravioto took without hesitation, sides with the General in Chief and he is one of his most loyal and enthusiastic partisans The literaiy career of Cravioto is also distinguished and his name has already gained renown in the country and abroad, through writers, such as Justo Sierra and Ruben Dario, amongst many others He has obtained prizes in literary contents, in Puebla, San Luis, and Oaxaca. He has contributed most efficiently to the "Revista Moderna de Mexico" in recent times. He was editor of the "Savia Nueva" and he has founded and been President of the Antheneum of Mexico, a body of such extraordinary intellectual importance, that already numerous ministers, assistant secretaries, delegates, diplomats and professors have been appointed from amongst its members. As critic and lecturer on art he has written various books which have found universal approval in Spain and France. The people of Vera Cruz have of late had frequent opportunities to become acquainted with the prominent oratorical skill of Cravioto. Such is in a few words the life of the most active collaborator of Felix F. Palavicini in the prominent work of revolutionary re- organization of public instruction. All the teachers appointed are full of enthusiasm and depart with well defined intentions. It is too be hoped confidently that the large number of teachers now going forth will to the fullest extent merit the confidence which the constitutionalist Government is re- posing in them. ("El Pueblo", Vera Cruz, May 13, 1915.) 39 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 115 807 6