198 S495 opy 1 ■■-n(i .,1 : .": '^SU' < .mn'- ^ i 4, sl=--sa=z ""■"^- i ? J ;'.| iS»-sss= a>i"i. 1 1 ,i 1 : : : : : «.: l .i«ii. ' J - 1 ..■.-• .„'_^ ■«..";_ ■ ? '" ? 1 1 I'-'"* " ■' f - , : , :ias|T..l.Untter«>r. i. Sl,.|,.. *-. •' AJ,llti™,, Tllinu Ward.— In thii ward Mivrral w»t«r-iD>iu« han' b«oo l«ld. A new Corparatirm Ouard-houia bu h«»ii nivct- ti on Loui«lana BTenue, witb s *t««ple md Ml. It i« oub- opoupivd, luiil thn old ODO it tli« market baa beoii aban- doncd. Tbo Markvt-houan li in bad oondllioii, aud a iiww «>no tiioM be enctrd wiibont M*j, for il oannol im doubted tbat lht> additiuiinl ineume nnuld be iaar««««d ehnnio'a ItiitUutc and many utbcr nulblUona. At all vrcnU Ibe eaat and w««t fmnta. on 71b and Hth atraata, iboidd hr done, and the iiai%bll)' abL-d* whicb are ouw on (he aqu*re •hnuld be furlhwilh r«inoTod. Tba Pniabjtenao Chnn-b forty-lwo ioebea dlar Til Waho.— In tbia ward nry llttin puli I'll! b» been made. The Pnubytarinu Cfat e thirtj-ii I'lK'TT Ward. — In thii ward daring the ymr vnrioui lea of plpM ban been laid. conneat)U|[ with the Untti'd talM mnioa. Thera bave bctin «rvot«d aeTeml aubntan- )l ilwelllnga; alao, a ne«tbrlok uioetiosaod ■ebool-bimie i> be<^ ervctcd near tho boQud»r]r. on 'iOlh alrwt weit, liK lliioh and Ladder bulldiof, wbieb waaburoU bu bi>en bum. Tbe building erected by Mr. Wm. W. Cornomo r au Art Union la a aplendid pieoo of workman ihip, l«ny, ith a brantlful carved entraooe of bght brown atone, win- >wbead( and oolumnt of tbe tame material, tbe whnU- ■ting on a baaemeot atnry of tbirk atttne wall* nud >i. i. rden. Tbe exterior oflbe building U nearly oomptrt..< eoTen a apnoe of 1% by ]«5 feet, and ia now murti •<■< ir»d by eiUwnt end alrangeia, being at the corner <>j>i < irOntev, Tbe Equta m um haa been pl*e«d on iU pedealol, and will a»oii be <'ii . a . l.,-,„ ,wl" the preMntnoe. 1 In III. 1 , H..I. 1 .'■iv ■■""""'""''■ hru been erected Ui atfM'ta. The Prabyterian Chureb on New York ', ai.!.. Ml .. ■ ' l>i tbe I'hi. l*d SfAl- 1 ..!■ ..V I..I.--1 «.-„tj.M„l. «!iteMumH«Iuii1. ■triietun- thmimboul. with a lofty aud ueat iteeple, and i* I.. eoniiwlBUb "'"*__*'" ' Jj ,l,i,.,t t.it- ,.rii.-iiiaUrade.andgniTelledft»ml3thtolltb 1 ,„^., , , .tr.-.(. l,.-„i,i,rit materially all the hoiiaea on both udr. 1 vr-v ,,„■ ,(,r,|,. ,.i Li<.<[ :,^. U-. :uA aSordivg addlUanal light to the bnM- A , ..Mtll.ll .. 1 <'„ Uh- l.ue of latb (treet tfao brick eulvert baa i-.— -- Uru ,'xt.uJrd [ramO to I, M tUi impimmnt «M Iw V F 198 .S495 Copy 1