aass__lJEi^-j^^^- Book ^_A^^ OFFICIATE J30NATI03Sr, SPECIA.L ACTS -OF — D 8 Li L L OF THE STA^TE OF ALABAMA, AND A REVISED LIST OF COUNTY AND CITY SUPERINTENDENTS. JOHN O. TURNER, SUPBBINTBNDENT OF EDT^IlDnnftY OF G0NGRE8S| ^ RECEIVED AUG 12 1901 •IVIStON OF DOCUMENTS. MONTGOMERY, ALA. : THB BROWN FEINTING CO., PBINTERS AND BINDERS. 1897 SPECIAL ACTS -°^- JLOI PUBLIC SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STA_TE OF ^L^BA^Mi^L, ^^ which said district is situated, and who shall administer au oath to said inspectors before they receive any votes, that they will conduct the election fairly. The vote shall be taken by ballot of the qualified electors of said district, said 17 electors inscribiDg on their ballots, "for school district," or "against school district," and also the names o£ fourteen trustees for said district. Said inspectors shall give ten days notice, by posting at Girard, and two other public places in said district, of the time and place of holding said election, and on the day of said election, shall receive and count the ballots and declare the result. Said election shall begin between the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the morning, and close at five in the afternoon, and if two-tiiirds of the voters at said election vote for the school district, and said two- thirds includes one- third of the freeholders of said district, then the said district shall be established, and the fourteen names receiving the highest number of votes for trustees, shall be trustees thereof, and it shall be the dhty of said inspectors conducting said election, to certify, under oath, to the State Superintendent of Education, and also to the county superintendent of education, the result of said election, who shall file and record said certificate in their respective offices. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the trustees elected as prescribed in section two of this act, shall be known and constituted as a body corporate, under the name and title of "The Board of Trustees of the Peabody School District of Alabama." Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said board of trustees, or a majority of them, shall, within ten days after their election, meet and organize, at such place in said dis- trict, as a majority of said board shall decide as most con- venient to the inhabitants of the whole school district, and elect one of their number to serve as president of the board for one year, and until his successor is elected, and a presi- dent of said board of trustees, shall, in like manner, be elected by said trustees, annually thereafter. The term of offiice of said trustees shall be as follows : Two of the trus- 2 18 tees elected as aforesaid, shall serve for one year, two for two years, two for three years, two for five years, two for six years, and two for seven years, and they shall draw lots to determine the time of ofl&ce of each trustee. Upon the expiration of the term of service herein prescribed for any of said original trustees, the vacancy in said board shall be filled by appointment by the State Superintendent, with the advice and assistance of the county superintendent of edu- cation, and the person so appointed, shall hold office for the term of seven yeais, so that the time or term of two trustees of said board shall annually expire, and the vacancies so caused be annually filled. When a vacancy occurs in the board, or in the office of president of said board, by death or resignation, the board of trustees, by a majority thereof, may elect a proper person to fill the unexpired term. No person shall be eligible as, or shall be appointed trustee of said district, who does not reside therein. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That within two days after the election of the president of the board of trustees, he shall, before some justice of the peace of the State, take and subscribe the following oarh: "I, A. B., do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will faithfully and uprightly demean myself as president of the board of trustees of the Peabody school district during my continuance in office; that I will, to the utmost of my skill and ability, promote the interest and prosperity of said district, especially promoting the facilities for giving free education to residents of this dis- trict ; that I will not knowingly and wilfully use, or be the cause of using tyrannical means, towards any portion of the citizens of said district, so help me God." And the president, after being so qualified as aforesaid, shall have full power and authority to administer said oath to each "member" of the board of trustees for "president." And the president of said board, or a president pro tern, elected by a majority of said board, shall also have power to admin- 19 ister such oath or afl&rmation to such person or persons as they may elect to carry out or enforce the purposes of this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the president of said board shall have the same jurisdiction, powers and authority, and be entitled to the same fees, as a justice of the peace of the precinct in which said district is situated, upon giving the same bond and taking the same oath prescribed for justices of the peace by law, and a majority of said board shall elect one or more marshals, who, on taking the oath, and filing the bond prescribed for constables in Alabama, shall have the same power and authority and be entitled to the same fees as constables are entitled to. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the said boara of trustees of the Peabody school district of Alabama, shall have full power and authority to enact such by-laws as they may deem necessary for the proper government of their body, and to pass ordinances for the inauguration of a sys- tem of education in said district, and for the full protection and welfare of the public school interests in the same, not in conflict with the constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the school district established under this act, shall be entitled to its propor- tional share of the State school fund, according to the number of children in said school district of the legal edu- cational age ; and also to the whole amount of poll tax col- lected in said district; Provided, That the poll tax so col- lected from the white population, shall be appropriated to the white schools; and the poll tax collected from the col- ored population, shall be appropriated to the colored schools. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the said board of trustees shall have power to levy a tax for school purposes, not to exceed one half of one per cent, upon all property, both real and personal, within the bounds of said school 20 district, and the tax assessor of the county of Russell shall, by direction of the said board of trustees, assess said tax, which said assessment shall be collected by the tax collector of Russell county, at the same time and in the same man- ner with the annual State and county taxes, and said tax, when collected, shall be paid to the county superintendent of education, less the fees for collecting and assessing, which shall be the same as the legal fees for collecting and assessing the State and county taxes, and the county super- intendent of education shall pay the same to the order of the said board of trustees of the Peabody School District, for educational purposes. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the president of said board of trustees, in addition to the power and author- ity given him in section six, as justice of the peace, shall have full power and authority to enforce such ordinances as shall be made by said board of trustees, not in conflict with the constitution and laws of this State for the protection of the schools, school grounds and school buildings in said school district, against disorderly persons, and for the pre- servation of the peace in said district, and to punish viola- tions of such ordinances by the imposition of fines, not exceeding fifty dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding twenty days, and to enforce and collect said fines by execu- tion against the property of the offenders, and in case any person shall fail to pay the fine so imposed, or confess judg- ment with sufficient sureties for the same, may either im- prison or sentence such persons to hard labor, under the direction of the marshal of said district, on the public roads within said district, as follows: If the fine exceeds twenty but does not exceed fifty dollars, twenty days; if it does not exceed twenty dollars, ten days. And all fines collected under this section shall be appropriated, under the direction of the said board of trustees, to educational purposes in said district. And in order to enforce the provisions of this act, 21 the said board are hereby empowered to provide a house of detention for the reception of persons sentenced to impris- onment by the president of said board as aforesaid. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the s aid board of trustees are hereby empowered to purchase lands for the purpose of building school houses, taking the deeds to themselves and their successors, and to erect, build and rent school houses and employ teachers, and in addition to the powers heretofore granted in this act, shall have all powers, and be subject to the same restrictions and duties as to said district as the Code of Alabima, sections 949, 951, 953, 954, 956 and 957 provides for township trustees of; public schools. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That no license shaM be granted for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within said district, to any person, firm or corporation, with- out the recommendation of such board of trustees as to their moral fitness. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That said board of trustees may require any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of retailing spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within said district, before engaging in said business, to annually pay for and take out a license to be issued by the president of said board of trustees, the amount to be paid for said license not to exceed one hundred dollars, nor to be less than ten dollars; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in said business without first having paid to the president of said board the amount required for said license; and any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than three times the amount of said license, and the president of said board shall have jurisdiction to try and punish viola- tions of this section, as in section ten of this act. And the amounts received from licenses under this section shall be 22 appropriated, under the direction of said board, to educa- tional purposes in said district. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted. That this act may be pleaded in bar of any action or suit that may arise from the proper exercise of the powers herein granted. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That should either of the trustees of said district become obnoxious to the citizens of said district, then upon a petition of a majority of the qualified electors of said district, including one-third of the freeholders residing and owning property therein, and upon showing good cause, the Superintendent of Education of Alabama shall remove said obnoxious trustee from office and fill the vacancy for his unexpired term. Approved February 10, 1883. No. 201] AN ACT [h. b. 435. To establish a separate school district in Marengo county to be known as the Faunsdale School district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Faunsdale School district, be, and the same is hereby estab- lished, to consist of township 17, range 5 east, in Marengo county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Education immediately on the passage of this act, to appoint a district superintendent of education for said district, who shall be required before entering upon the duties of his office to execute a btmd for four thousand dollars, which shall be payable, conditioned and approved in the same manner as the bonds of county superintendents of education are now payable, conditioned and approved. 23 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said district superintendent to lease or rent, and otherwise manage the 16th section located in said school district, and collect the rents for the same, to receive all moneys of every sort, dae and payable to said school district, and to disburse the same for the benefit of the public schools of said school district. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the tax collector of Marengo county to pay over to the said district superintendent, all the poll tax that may be col- lected from the people residing in said district. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all claims for delin- quent poll tax against the tax payers residing in said dis- trict, shall be turned over by the probate judge of Marefcgo county to said district superintendent, whose duty it shall be to collect the same, if possible; and he shall be entitled to receive for his services the same fees or compensation, as are now allowed by law to notaries public or justices of the peace for the collection of such delinquent taxes. Approved February 13, 1883. No. 256.] AN ACT [s. b. 291. To create a separate School District of certain fractional Townships in Dallas County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, Those portions of township 16, range 11 and 12, north and west of the Alabama river, and township 17, range 12, and that part of township 17, range 11, which lies east of Beach creek, Dallas county, be and the same are hereby constituted a separate school district, Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said separate school district be under the jurisdiction of a saperintendent, to be appointed by the superintendent of education of the county, as other towQship superintendents are appointed, with same powers, duties and rights as other township super- intendents have and exercise. Approved February 22, 1883. No. 298.] AN ACT [h. b. 772. To form a separate School District in the territory east of Shoal Creek, embraced in township 2, range 10, west, in the county of Lauderdale, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described territory, to-wit: All that portion of township 2, range 10, west, in the county of Lauderdale, be and the same is hereby constituted a "School District," separate and apart from the remainder of the township from which the same has been taken, and shall be, under the supervision of a district superintendent of public schools as to all matters pertaining thereto. Approved February 23, 1883. No. 329.] AN ACT [s. b. 212. To be entitled an act to form a separate school district out of townships 5 and 6, ranges 21 and 22, embracing the Clintonville school in Coffee county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described district, to-wit: Com- mencing at the southeast corner of section twenty, township 25 five, range twenty-two; thence west across four and a half sections to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two, township five, range twenty-oue; thence north along the half section line to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two, township five, range twenty-one; thence east to the southeast corner of section fifteen, same township and range ; thence north along the section line to Pea river; thence up said river to the Hutchison creek, which is the northern boundary of the Clintonville beat; thence up said creek and along said beat line to a point reaching the east line of the second section from the range line between ranges twenty-one and twenty- two ; thence south along the section lines two miles from and parallel with said range line to the starting point, lying-in the county of Coffee, be, and the same hereby is, constituted a school district, separate and apart from the remainder of the townships from which the same is taken, and shall be under the supervision of a township superintendent of pub- lic schools, as to all matters connected with public schools. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all persons residing outside of the district, as described in the foregoing section of this act, and within one-quarter of a mile of the line, shall have an optional right to be included in the school district — the choice of such persons to be final. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 23, 1883. 26 No. 115.] AN ACT. [s. 89. To amend sections 7, 9 and 10 of an act to establish a sepa- rate school district to be known as the Peabody School District, in Eussell county, Alabama, and for the ap- pointment of a board of trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges, approved February 10th, 1883. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That sections 7, 9 and 10 of an act to establish a separate school district to be known as the Peabody School District, in Eussell county, Alabama, and for the appoint- ment of a board of trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said board of trustees of the Peabody School District of Alabama shall have full power and authority to enact such by-laws as they may deem proper for the government of their body and to pass ordinances for the inauguration of a system of educa- tion in said district, and for the full protection and welfare of the public schools, and school interest in the same, and to make all needful sanitary regulations and ordinances for the preservation of the peace and good order of said district ; and said board shall have general supervision and control of the public roads and streets, and public cemetery grounds in said district, to repair and keep in order the same, and shall have within the limits of said district the power to ap- point, commission and excuse apportioners and overseers upon the public roads and streets of said district in the same manner as is now done under the law by the Commission- ers' Court and probate judge of Russell county, and the terms of service, duties, liabilities and penalties now impos- 27 ed by law upon apportioners and overseers under the gen- eral road laws of this State, shall, so far as the same may be applicable, attach to the said officers so appointed in said district. All persons residing in said district, not exempt from all road duty by the general road law of this State, shall be liable to do road duty in said district, to the same extent and under the same penalties as are now prescribed by said general road laws for persons liable to do road duty thereunder; Provided, however, that any person subject to road duty within said district when summoned to perform said duty may, before default made in lieu of the perform- ance of said duty, pay over to the secretary of said board such sum not less than one nor more than three dollars, as shall be fixed by said board ; and all sums so paid in lieu %i said road duty and all fines imposed and judgments collect- ed for failure to do road duty, in said district, shall be paid over to the secretary of said board of trustees, to be expend- ed under the direction of said board, in the repair and im- provement of the public roads and streets in said district. No person residing in said district shall be liable to do road duty 'Outside of the limits of said district, and no person re- siding outside of said limits shall be liable to do road duty within said district. And from and after the passage of this act, the county authorities of Russell county shall be reliev- ed from the duty and obligation of providing for working the roads and repairing and keeping in order any of the bridges within the limits of said district, except such as have been built by contract with the county commissioners. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees shall have the power to levy a tax for school pur- poses, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, upon all prop- erty,both real and personal, within the bounds o*f said school district ; and the tax assessor of the county of Russell shall, by the direction of the said board of trustees, assess said 28 tax, which said assessment shall be collected by the tax col- lector of Russell county,at the same time and in the same man- ner, which the annual Stale and county taxes and said tax, when collected, shall be paid to the secretary of said board of trustees, less the fees for collecting and assessing, which shall be two and one-half per cent, for assessing, and two and one- half per cent, for collecting the same, and the sec- retary of said board shall hold the same subject to the or- der of said board of trustees for educational purposes, but said secretary, before any moneys shall be paid over to him under this act, shall be required to give bond, with two sureties, payable to said board of trustees in such sum as shall be fixed by said board, conditioned faithfully to dis- charge the duties which are, or may be required of him as such secretary, daring the time he may continue in office, or discharge any of the duties thereof, which bond must be approved by said board, and safely kept by the president thereof. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That the president of said board of trustees, in addition to the power and authori- ty given him in section six, as justice of the peace, shall have power and authority to enforce such ordinances as shall be made by said board of trustees in pursuance of the powers herein granted, for the full protection and welfare of the public schools and school interest in said district, and for the preservation of the peace and health and good order of said district, and to punish violations of such ordinances, by the imposition of fines, not exceeding fifty dollars, and imprisonment or hard labor upon the public streets and roads within said district not exceeding twenty days, and to enforce and collect said fines by execution against the prop- erty of offenders. And in case any person shall fail to pay the fine so imposed, or confess judgment with sufficient sure- ties for the same, may either imprison or sentence such per- 29 son to hard labor under the direction of the marshal of said district on the public roads within said district as follows: If the fine exceeds twenty, but does not exceed fifty dollars, twenty days; if it does not exceed twenty dollars, ten days; and all fines collected under this section shall be paid over to the secretary of said board, to be appropriated under the direction of said board, to such uses and expenses as shall be necessary and proper to effect the purposes and objects of this act. And said board are hereby empowered to pro- vide a house of detention for the reception of persons com- mitted or sentenced to imprisonment or hard labor by the president of said board as aforesaid; Provided, however, that from any judgment of the president of said board un- der this section and section 13 of this act, the defendant may take an appeal to the next term of the Circuit Court of Russell county, upon eutering into bond, to be approved by said president, payable to said board, with two good sure- tie8,in such sum as said president shall require,not greater, however, than twice the fine and costs, when a fine is im- posed, and not greater than one hundred dollars, when im- prisoned, or hard labor is imposed, conditioned to appear and prosecute such appeal to effect, and pay and satisfy the judgment with costs, in case the judgment shall be affirmed by said Circuit Court, or to appear and pay such judgment as said Circuit Court may render in said appeal cause, but, unless such bond be given within five days from the date of the judgment of said president, no appeal shall be allowed. If the defendant fails to appear in said Circuit Court when the case is called for trial, unless good cause is shown to the court for his absence, the judgment of the president of said board shall be affirmed by said Circuit Court, and if a fine was imposed, judgment rendered against the defendant and the sureties on his appeal bond for the amount of the fine and costs; and, if the defendant appears and judgment 30 is rendered against him by the Circuit Court for money, the court must also render judgment against the sureties on his appeal bond, for the amount of said judgment and costs, but if the judgment of said court be, that the defendant be im- prisoned, or put to hard labor, then said court shall render judgment against the defendant and his sureties for the costs of the appeal, and trial before the president of said board, and remand the defendant for punishment. Approved December 5th, 1884. No. 188.] AN ACT [s. 362. To constitute the town of Blountsville and vicinity, in Blount county, a separate school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the town of Blountsville and vicinity, in a square within one mile on the east, within two miles on the north, within two miles on the west, and within two miles on the south, of the court house in said town, shall constitute and are hereby created a school district separate and apart from the other school dis- tricts in said county, and the inhabitants of said town and vicinity within said limits are hereby incorporated by the name of "The Blountsville School District." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Blountsville school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including a pro rata share of the six- teenth section funds of such townships that lie partly within the limits of said school district, and shall receive all poll taxes collected within said limits. The superinten- dent of Blount county shall set apart from the school rev- enue of the county the proportionate and pro rata aforesaid, and shall pay the same over to the treasurer of the board of 31 trustees of said district, who shall also receive the poll taxes aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That John M. Doyle, John W. Moore, James C. McPherson, A. E. Fields, and W. R Dickinson, and their successors in office, are hereby created and incorporated as a board of trustees for said school dis- trict. The said trustees shall have authority to fill any vacancies in the board, and a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum to transact business. The board shall elect one of their number as president, and one as secretary of the board, who shall receive no compensation for their services ; and they shall also elect a treasurer, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his succes- sor is elected and qualified. The treasurer must take the oath of office as required of officers in this State, andTie must, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, give bond, with sufficient sureties, in such sum as the board may prescribe, payable to the board of trustees of the Blounts- ville school district, with conditions as provided by law for official bonds. The treasurer shall receive and keep all moneys belonging to the said school district, and shall pay out the same only on the order of the board, approved by the president thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees and their successors in office, shall have the power to levy an annual tax on all property and subjects of taxa- tion of every name and nature within the limits of said school district, not to exceed one-half of one per centum, for school purposes, and to do all things necessary and proper to establish and maintain an efficient school system, to ac- quire and hold any property real or personal, for school pur- poses, to build and furnish necessary school houses, and generally to promote the cause of education within said limits. The board is authorized and required to determine and locate the number and character of schools, white or colored, to be taught each year. 32 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees of said school district shall make report, as is now required of township trustees or superintendent, to the county super- intendent, and the board shall have authority to receive any scholars not living within the limits of said school district, upon such terms as may be agreed on. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the annual tax levy hereby authorized shall be made by said board of trustees upon the basis of the assessment of the county for the year, subject to such additions and corrections as may be just and proper, with the right of complaint and appeal as au- thorized by law as to State and county taxes. When the levy is completed and corrected, tax lists shall be made out by the secretary of the board of trustees, and delivered to the tax collector of the county, who is authorized and re- quired to collect such taxes, at the same time, in the same manner and with the same power and authority and under the same penalties and liabilities as in case of State and county taxes. When, and as collected, the tax collector, after deducting two per cent, as his commissions for collect- ing, shall pay the same over to the treasurer of the board of trustees, and take his receipts therefor. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, give or deliver, or to aid or assist in the sale, gift or delivery of any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters or beverages, within the limits of said school district ; and any person violating the provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished therefor by a fine of not less than one hun- dred dollars, payable in currency, and when collected all such fines shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of trustees as a part of the school funds of said district. Approved February 5, 1885. 33 No. 199.] AN ACT [h. b. 169. To amend an act approved February 8d, 1883, entitled an act to constitute the town of Anniston a separate school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section five (5) of an act entitled "an act to constitute the town of Anniston a separate school district," approved February 3d, 1883, be amended so as to read as follows : Sec, 5. Be it further enacted, That the town of Annis- ton, as a separate school district, shall receive its propor- tionate share of the school revenues appropriated to the county of Calhoun, including a pro rata share of the six- teenth section fund of each township that lies partly witiiin the corporate limits of said town of Anniston, and it shall also receive all the poll tax paid by the tax payers in the Anniston district, but the poll tax paid by the white tax payers shall be appropriated to the white schools, and the poll tax paid by colored tax payers shall be appropriated to colored schools. Approved February 7, 1885. No. 205.] AN ACT. [h. b. 261. To establish the Haw Ridge Public School District in Dale and Coffee counties and Magnolia School District in Dale county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described district in Dale and Coffee counties, commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 29, township 6, range 23 in Dale county, and thence west with land line to the north- west corner of the southeast quarter of section 26, town- ship 6, range 22 in Coffee county, and thence south with 3 34 land lines to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of section 11, township 5, range 22 in Coffee county, thence east with land lines to the southeast corner of northwest quarter of section 8, township 5, range 23 in Dale county, and thence north with land lines to the point of beginning herein described, be and the same as herein described and bounded, is constituted a public school district and shall be known as the "Haw Eidge School District," and shall be under the supervision of two district superintendents, both of whom must reside in said district, one in Dale county, the other in Coffee county, each of whom must be appointed and their successors in office, as provided by law, by the respective county superintendents of education of Dale and Coffee counties. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district superin- tendents shall have joint supervision of the public schools in said district, locate the same and employ, and contract with the teacher or teachers thereof, and in all things per- taining to said district, do and perform such duties as are required of district or township superintendents of public schools, in this State, as provided by law, but, shall report the pupils within the educational age to the county super- intendant of the county in which the parents or guardians of such pupils reside. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That whenever said dis- trict superintendents shall disagree in any thing or ques- tion wherein their joint consent is required, they shall se- lect any freeholder in said district, to act with them, and the agreement of two of them, shall be the agreement as to the thing or question disagreed between said district superin- tendents. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendents of Dale and Coffee counties shall receive all funds apportioned said district or accruing thereinin their respec- tive counties, and shall disburse the same for the use of the public school of said district in like manner as provided by law for maintaining public schoolsdn this State. 35 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That teachers of a public school in said district, shall make reports, as required by law, to the county superintendent of each county in which the parents or guardians of the children reside attending such school, which reports shall not include any who reside in one county in such report to the county superintendent of the other county. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all of range twenty- five east of Choctawhatchie, and all of range twenty-six west of Bear creek, all of township seven in Dale county, be and the same is hereby created and constituted a public school district and shall be entitled to all the immunities, privi- leges and benefits as provided by law for public schools in Dale county, and shall be known as the Magnolia District. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the county supei^n- tendent of education for Dale county be and is required to appoint in and for Magnolia district in the same manner as are appointed in the townships and districts, a district superintendent who shall be authorized to discharge and perform all and singular duties required by law of township or district superintendents in said county. » Approved S'ebruary 7, 1885. No. 210.] AN ACT [m b. 372. To form a separate school district in bhe territory south- west of Lost Creek, in township 14, range 8 west, and that part of township 14, range 9 west, being within the radius of one and one-half miles of Pleasant Hill church, in the county of Walker. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described territory, to-wit : All that part of township 14, range 8 west, southwest of Lost Creek, and that part of township 14, range 9 west, being within the radius of one and one-half miles of Pleas- ant Hill church, in the county of Walker, be and the same 36 is hereby constituted a school district, separate and apart from the remainder of the townships from which the same has been taken, to be known as Pleasant Hill school dis- trict, and shall be under the supervision of a district super- intendent of public schools appointed by the county super- intendent of education, with power to transact all matters pertaining thereto. Approved February 7, 1885. No. 278.] AN ACT [h. b.969. To establish and define the boundary lines of Spring Hill School District, Pike county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a school district be made and established, embracing that part of the territory of Pike county from the line of Coffee county north, lying and being between White Water Creek from the Coffee county line north to the junction of White Water Creek and Walnut Creek, thence on the line of the channel of Walnut Creek north to the north line of section 35, township 9, range 21, on the east ; and Big Creek from the Coffee county line north to the north line of section 31, township 9, range 21, on the west. Said school district to embrace all the territory be- tween the said creeks from the Coffee county line north to and embracing all that portion of sections 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, township 9, range 21, lying between said creeks, and all that portion of township 8, range 21, lying west of White Water and Walnut creeks, and all that portion of township 8, range 20, lying east of Big Creek. Said school district, as above described, to be known as Spring Hill School Dis- trict, Pike county. Approved February 13th, 1885. 37 No. 287.] AN ACT [k. b. 670. To establish a separate school district, to be known as the Cullman School District, in Cullman county, Alabama, and for the appointment of a board of trustees, for said school district with certain powers and privileges. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district be, and the same is hereby established, as hereinafter provided, in the county of Cullman and State of Alabama, which district shall be composed and consist of all that territory included in sec- tions nine (9,) ten (10,) eleven (11,) fourteen (14,) fifteen (15,) sixteen (16,) twenty-one (21,) twenty-two (22) %nd twenty-three (23) in township ten (10) of range three (3,) west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That to carry out the pur- poses of this act, Adam Dreher, A. B. Hays, Julius Damns, George H. Parker and P. M. Musgrove are hereby constitu- ted and appointed a board of trustees of said "Cullman School District," who shall have power to purchase, receive, hold and convey for and in behalf of said school district, all such real and personal property as may be necessary or prop- er for the purposes of said school district, and who shall control the disposition of all funds which may be received by or for said school district. They shall also have power to build suitable school houses, and buy furniture for the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That, as soon as practi- cable, after the passage of this act, the said persons herein- above named, or a majority thereof, shall proceed to organ- ize said board of trustees by electing one of their number president of the board, and by electing some suitable per- 38 son or persons, whether members of the board or not, as secretary of the board and treasurer of the school district ; Provided; however, the secretary of the board and treasurer of the district may be one and the same person, if the board shall so elect. Seo. 4 . Be it further enacted. That the term of service of the persons hereinabove named as trustees shall be from the approval of this act until the 1st day of October, 1886, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and their successors and all subsequent boards of trustees shall consist of five persons, who shall be appointed by the Super- intendant of Education of Alabama on the 1st day of Octo- ber, 1886, or as soon as practicable thereafter, and every two years thereafter, who shall likewise hold office for the term of two years or until their successors are appointed and qualified. In case of a vacancy in said board of trus- tees from any cause, the remaining members of said board shall have power to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the terms of service of the secretary and treasurer shall be for two years from the date of their election, but they may be removed by said board of trustees at any time. The board shall require of the treasurer so elected a bond in such amount as may be fixed by them ; in no case to be less than double the amount of funds that will be in his custody at any one time payable to said school district, and conditioned to safely keep and to disburse according to law all money which may come into his hands as a treasurer of said school district, and to be ap- proved by the president of said board and filed with him. A copy o£ said bond, certified to by the president of said board, shall be filed in the office of the State Saperintendant of Education of Alabama. The board may require a new or additional bond with other or additional securities, and a different amount, whenever they see proper so to do. The 39 said treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by said board of trustees, but in no case to be more than two per centum of the money disbursed by him. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That no one but a free- holder resident within said district shall be eligible to be appointed as member of said board of trustees or elected secretary or treasurer thereof. Said trustees and treasurer shall take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State before entering upon the duties of their of- fices. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees may meet at such time and places within said district as they may designate, and shall take such measures as i»ay be proper to establish such schools in said district as may be necessary for the accommodation of the youth thereof of each race, to grade such schools, prescribe the text-books to be used therein, employ teachers, and generally to make such rules and regulations for such school district as to them may seem best and not in conflict with the laws of the State. The State Superintendant of Education shall fur- nish said board of trustees such books and blanks as are furnished to the county superintendant of education. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees shall have power to receive any scholar not living with- in said district on such terms as they may designate. Sec. 9. Be it farther enacted. That the trustees of said district shall receive no compeasation as such trusteeSi Sfic. 10. Be it further enacted. That the said school dis- trict shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, and shall also receive its pro rata share of the sixteenth sec- tion interest accruing to the township of which said school district is composed; and it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated to said school district. All 40 funds for said school district shall be paid to the treasurer of the district, who shall receipt for the same, and the superintendent of education of the State,or other proper State officer, shall give the necessary orders and instructions and issue the necessary warrants or certificates to secure the payment of said school district of all funds to which it may be entitled from the State or from poll tax, direct to the treasurer of the said school district. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees shall have power to levy an annual tax for school purposes, not to exceed one-half of one per cent., and for building purposes and furniture, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, for the first and second years, upon all proper- ty, both real and personal, within the bounds of said school district, and the tax assessor of the county of Cullman shall, by direction of said board of trustees, assess said tax, which said assessment shall be collected by the tax collector of Cullman county at the same time, and in the same manner, with the annual State and county taxes, and said tax, when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer of said school dis- trict, who shall receipt for the same, less the fees for assess- ing and collecting, which shall be the same as the legal fees for assessing and collecting the State and county taxes. Said taxes shall become a lien on said property at the time and in the same manner as State and county taxes, as pre- scribed by the laws of the State. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees shall make annual reports to the State superintendent of education the same as required of the county superintend- ents of education. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its approval ; Provided, that any pro rata balance remaining in the hands of the county superin- tendent of education of Cullman county for the scholastic year ending the 30th day of September, 1885, from said 41 township of which said school district is composed, shall be paid to the treasurer of said school district. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Approved February 14, 1885. No. 335.] AN ACT [s. 274. To constitute the town of Warrior a separate school dis- trict. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly %)f Alabama, That the corporate limits of the town of Warrior shall constitute a school district, separate and apart from the remaining school districts of the county of Jefferson. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the intendant and councilmen of the town of Warrior and their successors in office, shall constitute a board of trustees for the district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees shall have power to levy a tax on all property, both real and personal, within the bounds of such school district, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, for school purposes. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said board of trus- tees are authorized to establish and locate the number of public schools to be taught each year within the school dis- trict, and elect teachers for the same, and perform all other duties imposed on township superintendents in the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the town of Warrior as a special school district shall receive its proportionate share of the school revenues apportioned to the county of Jefferson, including the pro rata share of the i6th section funds of such township as lie partly within the corporate limits of the town of Warrior. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees as constituted in the act, shall control, manage and disburse 42 all revenues which may be raised by special tax or other- wise for the maintenance of the public schools within the limits of the town of Warrior, and under such rules and reg- ulations as the board of trustees may prescribe. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the trustees shall have power to buy lands for the purpose of building school houses, which land shall be deeded to themselves and their successors in office as trustees of said school district. They shall also have power to build suitable school houses and buy furniture for the same. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That they shall have power to receive any scholars not being within the limits of the district, on such terms as may be agreed upon. They shall also have power to grade their school. Approved February 17, 1885. No. 359.] AN ACT [h. b. 4S3. To lay off and establish a separate school district of parts of township 12, range 7, and township 12, range 8 in Etowah and Calhoun counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following parts of township 12, range 7, and of township 12, range 8 in Etowah and Calhoun coun- ties, be and the same is hereby established and made a sep- arate school district, to-wit : Beginning where the Jack- sonville road crosses Big Cane creek, thence along said road to Collin's gap on Calvin's mountain, thence along said mountain to Connor's Gap, thence along the big road to Dry Greek mountain, thence west along said mountain to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Newton Ford, Wyley Weaver and Edward Vaughn are hereby appointed trustees of said separate school district until the next regular elec- tion in August, 1886, at which time and thereafter at the 43 regular election of county officers, trustees for said district shall be elected. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said trustees before entering upon the duties of their office shall take the oath of office prescribed by law for all offices in this State, and shall give bond in such sum as may be fixed by the probate judge of Etowah county, but not to be less than double the amount of school funds which may be in their hands at any one time, and conditioned as all other official bonds. Such bond shall be approved by the probate judge of Etowah county and filed in his office, and a certified copy thereof sent to the State superintendent of education, to be ap- proved by him also and filed in his office ; and they shall receive from the county superintendents of education if Etowah and Calhoun counties all school funds due to said district, and they shall be the custodians of all moneys whatever belonging thereto, disbursing and accounting for the same in like manner as is required of county superin- tendents. Sec. 4 Be it further enacted, That said trustees shall require of teachers the same qualifications and examinations as in other school districts. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 17, 1885. No. 398.] AN ACT [h. b. 792. To constitute the town of Auburn, Lee count}-, a separate school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the town of Auburn, county of Lee, shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the remaining districts or townships in Lee county. 4A Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and council of the town of Auburn shall, at a regular meeting of the council, on or before the 15th day of June, of each year, elect seven resident freeholders or householders of the town of Auburn, and the persons so elected shall constitute a board of education for such school district, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The said board shall elect one of their number to be president and one to be secretary and treasurer of said board. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said board shall have power to levy and have collected a tax on all real and per- sonal property within the bounds of such school district, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, for school purposes; and shall have the right to purchase and hold property for the purpose of building school houses thereon, taking deeds to themselves and their successors in office. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the board of edu- cation shall cause all property, both personal and real, belonging to the white and colored persons in said school district, to be assessed by the mirshal of the town of Aubarn in the same manner as State and county taxes are now assessed by the tax assessors in this State; and the said marshal shall keep separate lists of the assessments made against the property of each race, and shall furnish to the secretary and treasurer of the board of education by the first Monday in July, of each year, an assessment list which shall show the race to which the property so assessed be- longs, also each item of taxation assessed, amount and value of each item as valued by the tax payer or ascertained by the marshal ; and the marshal before commencing to list the property of any tax payer, shall administer to such tax payer the oath now required to be administered to tax payers by the tax assessors in this State. The board of education shall have power to correct any errors and to increase or re- 45 duce any assessment when it is made to appear that the same has been assessed at less than its value, or that such assessment is excessive; and the board shall have a meeting on the first Wednesday in August, of each year, to hear and determine all such matters. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the secretary and treasurer of the board of education shall, before the SOfch day of September of each year, make out from the assess- ments furnished him by the marshal of the town of Auburn, a full and complete list of all the taxes due from the tax payers in said school district, said list to show the amount due from the white tax payers and the amount due from the colored tax payers within said district; and the said marshal shall, on the first day of October, of each year, begin the collection of such tax, keeping separate the amount collected from each race; and the amount collected from the white race shall go to the support of the white schools and the amount collected from the colored race shall go to the support of the colored schools established in said school district. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the marshal of the town of Auburn in the collection of the tax provided for in the third section of this act shall have the same powers, pains and penalties as are now allowed by law the tax collec- tors in this State for the collection of State and county taxes, and the said marshal shall, at the end of each month, pay over to the secretary and treasurer of the board of education all amounts collected by him during the month, taking re- ceipts therefor in duplicate, one of which receipts to be kept by himself and one to be given to the president of the board of education. The marshal shall give bond in such sum as the board may fix, not to be less than double the amount likely to be in his hands at any one time — said bond to be approved by the president of the board; and the 4G marshal shall receive such compensation as the board may determine. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said board of education shall have powei to establish, regulate and locate the number of public schools to be taught each year within said school district, and shall elect the teachers for the same and perform all the duties imposed on township superinten- dents in this State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the secretary and treasurer of said board shall receive from the marshal of the town of Auburn all moneys collected by him on account of school tax, giving his receipt therefor in duplicate, and he shall pay all claims against said school district apon the order of the president and with the consent of the board and he shall give bond in such sum as the board may fix, not to be less than double the amount likely to be in his hands at any one time ; and for such service he shall receive such compensation as the board may think reasonable and proper; said bond to be approved by the probate judge of Lee county and a certified copy sent to the State Superin- tendent of Education. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the town of Auburn, as a separate school district, shall receive its proportionate share of the school fund apportioned to Lee county, inclu- ding a jjro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that lies partly within the corporate limits of said town of Auburn, and the county superintendent of education for Lee county shall pay over to the secretary and treasurer of the board of education all funds belonging to said school district; Provided, such secretary and treasurer shall have given bond, and the same shall have been approved as re- quired by section eight of this act. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the secretary and treasurer shall make quarterly reports to the board of educa- 47 tion, showing the amount of money received and paid out during the preceding quarter, the vouchers for the same, the amount of cash in hand; aad the board shall have power at any time to examine the books, accounts and vouchers of the secretary and treasurer, and for good cause may remove him at any time. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the president of the board of education shall make to the State superintendent of education such reports as are now required of county superintendents, and shall perform such other duties as are now or may hereafter be required of county superintendents in this State. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That this act shall become operative, when a majority of the lawful voters resident within said district shall have voted in favor of it, and ror the purpose of asc«-rtaining the will of the people, the mayor of the town of Auburn shall call an election by posting written or printed notices in three public places within said district, stating the time said election will be held; said no- tices to be posted at least ten days before the day for said election. Those voting in favor shall have printed or written on their ballots "for school district," and those opposed shall have printed or written on their ballots, "against school district." The mayor and council of the town of Auburn shall appoint three qualified electors to manage and conduct said election; and the managers so appointed shall make return of said election to the mayor and council of the town of Auburn, who shall count the vote and declare the result. Approved February 17, 1885. 48 No. 404] AN ACT [h. b. 924. To constitute the city of Tuscaloosa a separate school dis- trict, and to provide for the management of the public schools in said school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Tuscaloo- sa, and that portion of Tuscaloosa county within one mile of the corporate limits of said city, south of the Warrior river, shall constitute a school district, separate and apart from the other school districts in the county of Tuscaloosa, and the inhabitants of said city are hereby incorporated by the name of "The School District of the City of Tuscaloosa." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the city of Tusca- loosa, as such separate school district, shall receive the pro- portionate share of the public school fund coming to the county of Tuscaloosa, including a pro rata share of the six- teenth section fund of each township that lies partly within the school district of the citj^, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within such school district, said fund and taxes to be drawn and distributed by such oflScer as may be appointed for that purpose by the board of education of the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa, in the same manner as county superintendents of education draw and disburse the funds for their respective counties; and the amount thus drawn for the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa shall be used exclusively for the maintenance of public schools in said district, and the city of Tuscaloosa is authorized to increase its school fund by receiving dona- tions, but for the disbursement of all donated funds no charge whatever shall be made, and the mayor and alder- men of the city of Tuscaloosa are hereby authorized to in- crease the school fund by levying a tax, not to exceed one- fourth of one per cent, on the taxable property of the said 49 city, which shall be collected as the other taxes of said city. The tax collector of the city of Tuscaloosa shall be author- ized and empowered to collect the State and county poll taxes of all the inhabitants of said school district liable to pay said tax in the same manner as is now by law provided for the collection thereof. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the public schools of the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa, shall be un- der the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of Tuscaloosa, who shall be ex officio president of said board, and four other persons, residents of said district to be elected by the mayor and aldermen of said city at their regular meeting in the month of July, 1885; the two first elected shall hold their office for the term of one vear, and the two last elected shall hold their said office for the term of two years, and at each regular meeting in the mouth of July of each year, they shall elect two suitable persons to succeed those whose offices have expired so that two of such persons shall be elected annually, and the president of said board shall make reports and furnish statistics and informa- tion to the superintendent of education of the State as may be required by the law of county superintendents of educa- tion. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That each member of said board of education, shall upon entering on the duties of his office subscribe an oath to faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon him by law as such officer; such oath may be administered by the mayor of said city. Sec. 5, Be it further enacted, That said board of edu- cation shall have power, with the approval of the board of mayor and aldermen, to build upon the property of the city suitable houses for use and sccommodation of the public schools of said school district, or the said board may rent such houses. Said board shall keep said houses in proper repair and shall furnish the same with appropriate furniture 4 50 and apparatus; Provided, that no contract shall be entered into and no disbursement of any moneys or funds, under the provisions of this act shall be made, except by the con- sent and under the direction and control of the board of mayor and aldermen. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the said board of ed- ucation may open a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the city of Tuscaloosa; and said board shall elect such officers as are in their opinion necessa- ry to the good government of said schools, and when requir- ed such officers shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State, and shall give bond in such sum as may be fixed by said board of education, and condi- tioned as all other official bonds; such bond shall be ap- proved by the president of said board of education, and filed with the other official bonds of the city, and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the funds of said district shall be filed in the office of the superintend- ent of education; and shall elect all teachers, fix their com- pensation and prescribe their duties, control the distribu- tion of teachers and pupils among the several schools, dic- tate the course of instruction, the number and character of text-books, the organization of classes, and the method of teaching, and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools aforesaid. Such board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be nec- essary to give it complete control of the public schools of said school district. Any of such officers or teachers may be removed for cause, to be determined by said board. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily complete the course of study prescibed for the public school of said school district. 51 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa, from seven to nineteen years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the pub- lic schools of said city; Provided, such children shall them- selves be bona fide residents of said city, and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as the board of education may prescribe, but separate schools shall be provided for colored children. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have power to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That all funds ddNroted to public school purposes in the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa, whether derived from State, county or city, shall be paid into the treasury of said city, where they shall be kept and accounted for separate and distinct from all other funds belonging to said city, and shall be disbursed in such manner as the board of education shall direct. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have authority to create a board for the examina- tion of applicants for positions as teachers in the public schools of the school district of the city of Tuscaloosa, and no person shall be elected as a teacher in said schools who shall not have received a license from such board. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That the board of educa- tion may,in its discretion, institute annual competitive exam- inations before such persons as the board may select for all applicants for license to teach in the public schools of the school district, including licensed teachers in said schools who are applicants for re-election as teachers. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 17th, 1885. 52 No. 437.] AJ^ ACT [h. b. 963. To make Tuscumbia a separate school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the district within the corporate limits of the city of Tuscumbia, Alabama, is hereby created a separ- ate school district from the remaining school districts or parts of school districts in the county of Colbert. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said separate school district for the city of Tuscumbia shall have and receive its proportionate share of all the school funds of every de- scription including a pro rata share of the sixteenth sec- tion fund of each township that lies partly within the cor- porate limits of said city, and all the tax collected as poll tax within the corporate limits of said city, and such poll tax or other school funds to which said school district is entitled shall be paid over by the superintendent of educa- tion of the county of Colbert to the trustees of said school district or to the treasurer or other officer appointed or se- lected by trustees to receive and receipt for the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That at the next general election for mayor and councilmen for the city of Tuscum- bia, there shall be elected from the qualified voters of said city by the electors thereof, who are qualified to vote at such election, six trustees, two of whom shall hold office for one year, two for two years, and the other two for three years, and at the first meeting of the trustees, or as soon as practicable, such trustees shall draw lots for the term of years they are to serve, which drawing shall be conducted by the mayor of the city, and two trustees shall thereafter be elected annually, and at the first meeting of said board of trustees they shall elect from their number a president, a secretary and a treasurer of said board of trustees, and said treasurer shall give bond in such manner and for such amounts and on such conditions as may be prescribed by said board of trustees. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That for the benefit of schools in said school district the city government of the 53 city of Tuscumbia shall be and are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect a tax within the limits of said school district, not to exceed one-half of one per cen- tum on all the property of every nature, kind or description lying within the limits of said city government, and such tax so collected shall be paid to the treasurer of said school board, which fund shall be used together with any other funds enuring to the benefit of said school district, whether by gift or otherwise, solely for the use and benefit of the public school or schools established by said board of trus- tees in said school district. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to establish such grades as they deem best for the public interest, allowing separate schools for the two races in said limits, and said board are hireby authorized and empowered to employ teachers and specify and designate the course of studies to be pursued in said school district and to make such rules and regulations as they deem best to the interest of all concerned not incon- sistent with the constitution and laws of the State of Ala- bama, and such board of trustees shall have power to pur- chase or sell real or personal property, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in relation to all matters growing out of their transactions under the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all vacancies that may occur by death or otherwise in said board of trustees shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of said board of trustees until the next regular election. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. Provided, that children who live in the township or townships from which said school district may attend the schools within said school district by transferring to said school district their pro rata share of the public school funds appropriated to said town- ship and paying in addition thereto an amount per capita which shall equal the special tax per capita of each pupil within said district. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said board of trus- tees may elect a superintendent of public schools for Tug- 54 cumbia school district and prescribe tlie duties of such officer. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That such board of trus- tees shall be styled the board of trustees of the city of Tus- cumbia. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That in each school es- tablished and paid for by the funds brought together under this act, every grade shall be entirely and unconditionally free for the race and sex for whom it was established. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 17, 1885. No. 271.] AN ACT [s. 474. To establish a colored normal school in Greene county, Ala- bama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That there shall be established in Greene county, in this State, a normal school for the education of colored teachers. Pupils shall be admitted free of charge for tuition in said school on giving an obligation in writing to teach in the public schools of this State for two years after they have become qualified; said school shall not begin nor be contin- ued with a less number than twenty-five pupils, nor shall said school be taught for a less period than nine months in each year. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That there be and is hereby appropriated out of the general colored school fund the sum of two thousand dollars per annum, payable one- half semi-annually, for the maintenance and support of said school, and that the apportionment of the general fund for the colored race shall be made to the different counties of this State after the deduction of said sum of two thou- 55 sand dollars appropriated for said school in Greene county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said school be under the control, direction and supervision of a board of three commissioners, appointed by the State superintendent of edu- cation, a majority of which commission may fill any va- cancy that may occur in said board of commissioners, who shall elect one of their number chairman, who shall report annually to the State superintendent of education how many pupils have been in attendance at said school, what branches have been taught and all other facts of interest and import- ance appertaining to said school. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the chairman of said board of commissioners shall give bond in double the amount of said appropriation for the safe keeping and faithful %p- plication of the sum appropriated herein; the bond to be approved by the judge of probate of Greene county, State of Alabama, and filed in his office; a certified copy of which shall also be forwarded to the State superintendent of edu- cation, and placed on file in his office. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the chairman of the board of commissioners shall, after the execution, approval and filing of the bond and the certified copy of the same, as provided hereinbefore, present to the State superintendent of education a requisition for the amount herein ap- propriated, and the superintendent of education shall thereupon certify the amount to the State auditor, who shall draw his warrant for said sum on the State treasurer, payable to the chairman of the board of com- missioners, for the support and maintenance of said normal school as hereinbefore provided, and a like requisition shall be presented, and the sums herein appropriated drawn as herein directed as they accrue ; Provided, that said sum shall be drawn out of the fund belonging to the colored race, and be used alone for the purpose of educating teachers of the colored race. Approved February 28, 1887. 56 No. 320.] AN ACT [h. b. 318. To amend an act to establish a separate school district, to be known as the Peabody school district, in Russell coun- ty, Alabama, and for the appointment of a board of trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 13 of an act entitled an act to estab- lish a separate school district, to be known as the Peabody school district, in Russell county, Alabama, and for the ap- pointment of a board of trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges, approved February 10, 1883, be amended so as to read as follows: That said board of trustees may require any person, firm or corpo- ration desiring, to engage in the business of retailing spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within said district, be- fore engaging in said business, to annually pay for and take out a license therefor; said license to be issued by the president of the said board of trustees, the amount to be paid for said license not to exceed one thousand dol- lars nor less than three hundred, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in said busi- ness without first having paid to the president of said board the amount required for said license, and any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than three times the amount of said license, and the presi- dent of said board shall have jurisdiction to try and punish violations of this section, as in section ten of this act; and the amount received from license under this section shall be appropriated under the direction of the board to educa- tional purposes in said district. Approved December 9, 1886. 57 No. 331.] AN ACT [s. 46. To establish a separate school district, to be known as the "Clio district in Barbour county." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as the "Clio district in Barbour county," be and the same is here- by established, and the boundaries of which shall be as fol- lows, to-wit: Selecting ('lio as the central point, extendiog one and a quarter miles north, and one and one-half miles east, and two miles south, and two miles west, which includes the northeast portion of township eight (8), and the south- east portion of township nine (9), in range twenty-four (24), and the southwest portion of township nine (9), and the northwest portion of township eight (8), in range twenty- five (25j, in Barbour county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Clio district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that lies partly within said school district, and shall also receive all of the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory as set forth in the first sec- tion of this act. . Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the superintendent of education of Barbour county shall appoint the superin- tendent of said school district, and said school district shall be subject to the law in every particular, not inconsistent with this act governing the public school system in this State. Approved December 11, 1886. 58 No. 338. ] AN ACT " h. b. 269. To erect a separate school district in Coffee county, and to define the boundaries thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That all that part of township three, range twenty, east of Titi creek, and that part of township three, range twenty-one, on the west side of Double Bridges creek, down south to the line of Geneva and Coffee, to the township line of Geneva and Coffee, to the township line of three and four between said creeks, all in the county of Coffee, be and the same is hereby formed into a separate school district, to be known as the "Titi District," for which a superintendent shall be appointed as provided by law for other school dis- tricts of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said school district shall be in all respects managed and controlled as a school district, as now provided by law for the school districts of this State. Approved December 11, 1886. No. 380.] AN ACT ' [h. b. 76. To establish a separate school district, to be known as Centre Hill district, in Limestone county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as Centre Hill district, be and the same is hereby established at Centre Hill, in township two, range three, west, Lime- stone county, the boundary of which shall be as follows, to-wit: Beginning where Limestone creek enters Limestone county in section 12, township two, range three; thence down and with said creek to the southern boundary of said 59 township, including a part of section twelve, a part of thirteen, fourteen, twenty-three, twenty-six and thirty- five, and all of sections twenty-four, tweoty-five and thirty-six; thence east to the county line between Limestone and Madison counties; thence north to the beginning, con- taining about six square miles. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Centre Hill dis- trict shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including a pi^o rata share of the sixteenth section fund of said township, and shall also receive all the tax col- lected as poll tax within the limits of the territory as set forth in the first section of this act; and the superintendent of education of Limestone county shall set apart from the school revenue of the county, and disburse and use su#h pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools in said Centre Hill district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the county super- intendent of Limestone county shall appoint one superin- tendent for said district, who shall be governed by the regulation of the school law regulating the duties of super- intendents of the township in said county of Limestone. Approved February 14, 1887. No. 387.] AN ACT [s. 252. To establish the George N. Gilmer School District in Lowndes County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That all that part of the county of Lowndes in this State embraced in the bounds of the southwest quarter of section 29, the south half of section 30, all of section 31, and the west half of section 32, all in township 13, m range 13; all of section 6, the west half of section 5, the northwest quarter of section 8, and the north half of sec- tion 7, all in township 12, range 18; the north half of section 12, and all of section 1, in township 12, range 12; and the south half of section 25, all of section 36, in town- ship 13, range 12, be and the same is hereby constituted a separate school district, to be known as the George N. Gil- mer School District. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district shall be under the supervision as to its schools of a district superin- tendent, to be appointed by the county superintendent of education of said county, who shall have the same authority and supervision of said district superintendent as over town- ship superintendents; and the same laws which now or may be enacted as to the powers and duties of township superin- tendents shall apply to said district superintendents. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the portion of public school funds dae to either one of the said four townships, from which the said George N. Gilmer School District is taken and derived from any source whatever, shall be set apart by the county superintendent of Lowndes county to said school district, in proportion to the number of children within the school age in said township severally to the num- ber of children within the limits of said school district lying within the said townships. Approved February 14, 1887. No. 401.] AN ACT [h. b. 386. To establish a separate school district, to be known as the Aimwell school district, in Marengo county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, embracing sec- Gl tioDS seven, eight and nine, west of Hodgins creek, in town- ship thirteen, range two east, and sections four, five, six, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, in township fourteen, range two east, be established and known as the Aimwell school district, in Marengo county, Alabama, subject to the provisions of the public school laws of the State of Alabama. Sec. 2. Provided, This act shall not take effect before October first, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. Approved February 18, 1887. No. 411] AN ACT [h. b. 717. To establish a separate school district, to be known as Lib- erty school district, in Hale county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Liberty school district, be and the same is hereby estab- lished, to consist of land known, described as follows: All of section twelve, thirteen, twenty-four and twenty- five, and the east halves of sections eleven, fourteen, twenty-three and twenty-six, in township twenty-two north, of range five east, and all of sections seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, nine- teen, twenty and thirty, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, in township twenty-two north, of range six east, in the county of Hale, be and the same is hereby con- stituted a school district separate and apart from the remain- der of the townships from which the same has been taken, and shall be under the supervision of a district superintend- ent of public schools, appointed by the county superintend- ent of education, with power to transact all matters pertain- ing thereto. Approved February 21, 1887. 62 No. 427.] AN ACT. [h. b. 513* To constitute the city of Montgomery a separate school dis- trict. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Montgom- ery, Alabama, shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the remaining school districts in Montgomery county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the city council of Montgomery, and their successors in office, shall constitute a board of trustees for said school district, who shall, as soon as practicable, proceed to establish and control said school district under the regulations hereinafter set forth. Sec. 3. ,Be it further enacted. That the said city council shall have the power to buy and lease lands for the purpose of building school houses, taking the deeds and leases to themselves and successors, and also to purchase and erect and furnish school buildings. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said city council are authorized to establish and locate the number of schools to be taught each year within said school district, and elect teachers for the same, whether for males or females, white or colored, and perform all other duties necessary to the proper regulation and maintenance of such schools. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the city of Montgom- ery shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that lies wholly or partly within the corporate limits of said city, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll taxes within the corporate limits of said city for the use and maintenance of the public schools there- in. All funds collected or received by the said city of Mont- 63 gomery pursuant to this act shall be paid over to the treas- urer of said city, and be kept by him separate and apart from all other funds of said city, and shall be paid out only on warrant in favor of the city superintendent of schools drawn by the clerk of said city on a resolution or ordinance of said city council. And said city council is authorized to require of said treasurer a separate bond for the safe keeping of said fund in such sum and with such condition and security as they may prescribe, and payable to said city council and their successors, which bond shall be filed with the city clerk, and shall be renewed from time to time as said city council may direct. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the said city council may appropriate not exceeding ten per cent of the gross rev- enues of said city, exclusive of the funds hereinbefore pro- vided for the use and maintenance of such schools, and for the erection, lease, purchase, repair and furnishing of school houses, and for the purchase or lease of lands on which to erect the same. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said city council shall have power to elect a superintendent of the public schools of said district who shall hold his office for two years. Such superintendent, before entering on the duties of his office, shall take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State, and shall give bond with security in such sum as may be fixed by said city council, payable to said city council and their successors, and conditioned as all other official bonds. Sftid bond shall be approved by said city council and filed in the office of the clerk of said city, and a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the State superin- tendent of education. All funds drawn by the city clerk by direction of said city council as hereinbefore provided shall be received from the city treasurer by such superintendent on such warrants, and disbursed and accounted for by him in like manner as is required of county superintendents. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said superintendent of public schools for the city of Montgomery may be removed at any time, either by said city council or by the State super- intendent of education, and when removed shall be ineligible to re-election during the term for which he was originally elected. All vacancies in the office of superintendent of such schools shall be filled by election by said city council at any regular or any special meeting called for that purpose, and the person so elected shall hold for the unexpired term, and shall qualify and give bond as above required. The said superintendent shall be commissioned by the State superin- tendent of education, and he shall receive such compensa- tion, to be paid out of the fund provided for in this act, as said city council may fix. Said supeHntendent shall make full and complete reports to the said city council and to the State superintendent of education, and perform such other duties as are required by law of county superintendents of education, not inconsistent with this act, and also such other duties as said city council may require, not inconsistent with this act and. the general laws of the State. Approved February 22, 1887. No. 430.] AN ACT [h. b. 652. To provide an office and increased salary for the county su- perintendent of Jefferson county, and to further define his duties. Section 1. Be it enac ted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That it shall be the duty of the commissioners court of Jefferson county to provide an office, and to furnish said office for the county superintendent of Jefferson, suita- ble for holding meetings of the teachers of the public schools 65 of the county, and for performiing his duties as prescribed by law, at the court house or at some convenient point in the city of Birmingham. Sec. 2. The county superintendent of Jefferson shall be paid out of the treasury of the county, out of any funds not otherwise appropriated, sixty-five dollars per month, in addi- tion to what he receives by salary from the State, and com- missions on disbursement of public funds to teachers. Sec. 3. The county superintendent of Jefferson, in addi- tion to his other duties, now provided by the general school law, shall visit each and every public school in said county at least once during the school year, and as often as may be necessary for the instruction of teachers, township superin- tendents, and the encouragement of patrons, in the best method of teaching and the building up and improvement of the public schools in the county ; Provided that none but a practical, experienced teacher and educator shall be eligible to the office of county superintendent of Jefferson county ; And provided further, that said superintendent shall devote his time expressly to the interest of public schools in his county. Approved February 22, 1887. No. 436.] AN ACT [h. b. 784 To constitute township seventeen, range six, east, in Perry county, a separate school district, and to provide for the management of the public schools in said school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the city of Uniontown and that portion of Perry county situated in township seventeen, range six, east, shall constitute a school district, separate and apart from the other school districts in the county of Perry, and the 5 66 inhabitants of said township are hereby incorporated by the name of "the School District of the city of Uniontown." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the city of Union- town, as such separate school district, shall receive the pro- portionate share of the public school fund coming to the county of Perry, includiug the sixteenth section fund of said township, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within such school district ; said fund and taxes to be drawn and distributed by such officer as may be ap- pointed for that purpose by the board of education of the school district of the city of Uniontown in the same manner as county superintendents draw and disburse the funds of their respective counties, aud the amount thus drawn for the school districtof the city of Uniontown, shall be used exclusively for the maintenance of public schools in said district, and the city of Uniontown is authorized to increase its school fund by receiving donations, but for the disbursement of donated funds no charge whatever shall be made, and the mayor and aldermen of the city of Uniontown are hereby authorized to increase the school fund by levying a tax, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, on the taxable property of said district, which shall be collected as the other taxes of said district. The tax collector of the county of Perry shall continue to collect the poll taxes of all the inhabitants of said school district liable to pay said tax in the same manner as is now provided by law for the collec- tion thereof, and shall pay the same over to the treasurer of the board of education of said school district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of the school district of the city of Uniontown, shall be under the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of Uniontown, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and four other persons residents of said district, to be elected by the mayor and aldermen of said city at 67 their regular meeting in July, 1887. The two first elected shall hold office for the term of one year, aiid the two last elected shall hold office for the term of two years, and at each regular meeting in the month of July of each year, they shall elect two suitable persons to succeed those whose terms have expired, so that two of such persons shall be elected annually, and the president of said board shall make reports and furnish statistics and information to the super- intendent of education of the State, as may be required by law of county superintendents of education. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That each member of said board of education shall, upon entering on the duties of his office, subscribe an oath to faithfully diseharge all the duties enjoined upon him by law as such officer. Such oath may be administered by the mayor of said city. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board of edu- cation shall have power, with the approval of the mayor and aldermen, to build upon the property of the city suitable houses for the use and accommodation of the public schools of said district, or the said board may rent such houses. Said board shall keep said houses in repair, and shall furnish the same with appropriate furniture and apparatus; Pro- vided, that no contract shall be entered into, and no dis- bursement of any moneys or funds under the provision of this act shall be made, except by the consent and under the direction of the board of mayor and aldermen.. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the said board of education may open a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of said district ; and said board shall elect such officers as are, in their opinion, necessary to the good government of said schools, and when required such officers shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, taking the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State, and shall give bond in such 68 sum as may be fixed by said board of education, and condi- tioned as all other official bonds; said bdnd shall be ap- proved by the president of said board of education and filed with the other official bonds of the city, and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the funds of said district shall be filed in the office of superintendent of education ; and shall elect all teachers, fix their compensa- tion and prescribe their duties, control the distribution of teachers and pupils among the several schools, dictate the course of instruction, the number and character of text- books, the organization of classes and the method of teach- ing, and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the schools aforesaid. Soch board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be necessary to give it complete control of the public schools of said school district. Any of such officers or teachers may be removed for cause, to be determined by said board. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said board of education may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfacto- rily complete the course of study prescribed for the public schools of said district. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of the school district of the city of TJniontown, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of Uniontown ; Provided, such children shall them- selves be bonv fide residents of said district, and non-resi- dent children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as the board of education may pre- scribe, but separate schools shall be provided for colored children. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the board of educa- tion shall have the power to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. 69 Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all funds devoted to public school purposes in the school district of the city of Uniontown, whether derived from State, county or city, shall be paid over to the treasurer of said board of educa- tion, and shall be disbursed in such manner as the board of education shall direct. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have authority to create a board for the examina- tion of applicants for po3itions as teachers in the public schools of the school district of the city of Uniontown, and no person shall be elected as a teacher in said schools who shall not have receivad a license from such board. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion may, in its discretion, institute annual competitive ex- aminatons before such persons as the board may select for all applicants for license to teach in the public schools of the school district, including licensed teachers in said schools who are applicants for re-election as teachers. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 22,, 1887. No. 442.] AN ACT [s. 208. To constitute the district of Opelika a separate school dis- trict, and to provide a board of education thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the district of Opeli- ka shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the remaining school districts or townships of the county of Lee. 70 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public schools of the district of Opelika shall be under the control and management of a board of education, to consist of seven per- sons, to be appointed by the State superintendent of edu- cation and continue in office two years, or until their succes- sors shall be appointed and qualified ; said term of office be- ginning on the first Tuesday in March, 1887, and every two years thereafter. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That each member of said board of education shall, upon his induction into office, subscribe an oath or affirmation faithfully to discharge all the duties imposed on him as a member of said board. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That for good cause, any member of said board may be removed by the state 'super- intendent of education, and all vacancies in said board arising from removal, death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the State superintendent of education for the unexpired term. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said board of edu- cation shall elect one of their number to be president, and one to be secretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the board ; a majority of said board shall constitute a quorum to tiansact business. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the president shall be chief executive officer of the board, and shall preside at its meetings; he shall be ex officio district superintendent of education, and shall, within the district of Opelika, perform all the duties required of county superintendents, except as hereinafter provided. In case of his absence or inability to act, the board may name a temporary vice-president, who shall during such absence or inability to act, have the powers of the president. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the secretary and treasurer of the board shall keep a true and faithful record of its proceedings ; shall preserve the books of said board 71 and file of its papers and documents, all of which shall be open to public inspection ; and he shall also perform such other duties as may be required of him by said board; he shall receive such compensation as the board of education may allow. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all funds devoted to public school purposes in the district of Opelika, whether derived from State, county or district, shall be paid directly to the secretary and treasurer of said board of education, in the same manner as State and county funds are paid to county superintendents of education, and shall be dispensed in such manner as the board of education may direct, and only upon the warrant of the board, signed by the president thereof. For the faithful performance of all his duties, Baid secretary and treasurer shall give bond, with good and suffi- cient security, in such sum as the board of education may fix, not less than double the amount likely to be in his hands at any one time; said bond to be approved by the judge of probate of Lee county, and filed in his office; a certified copy of which to be sent to the State superintendent of ed- ucation. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the secretary and treasurer shall make monthly reports to the board of educa- tion, showing the amount of money received and paid out during the month, the vouchers for the same, the amount of cash on hand, the liabilities of said board, and such other information as may be required by the board. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the said board of education shall have power to establish such public schools for the white race, and such public schools for the colored race as the means and wants of the population of said school district may justify; may elect a superintendent of said schools, the principal thereof, and all teachers, and remove the same for good cause ; fix their compensation, and pre- n scribe their duties ; control the distribution o£ teachers and pupils among the several schools; dictate the course of in- struction, the number and character of text books, the or- ganization of classes or grades, the method of teaching ; and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools ; said board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be necessary to give it com- plete control of the public schools of said districts and shall perform all the duties imposed on township superintendents in the State. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the plan of instruc- tion, kind of text books and the rules and regulations adopt- ed by said board for the governtnenb of said public schools, shall be adhered to, unless alfcoreJ by a vote of two-thirds of said board. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That said board of edu- cation may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily complete the course of study prescribed for the public high schools of said district. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all bona fide resi- dents within the corporate limits of the district of Opelika, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said district; Provi- ded, non-residents may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as the board of education may prescribe. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted,' That the board of edu- cation shall have authority to create a board for the exami- nation of applicants for positions as teachers in the public schools of the district of Opelika, and no person shall be elected as a teacher in such schools who shall not have re- ceived a license from such board; Provided, said board is authorized to carry out any contract with teachers existing at the time of the approval of thi?s act, if they see proper. , 73 Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the board of edu- cation may, in its discretion, institute, before such persons as the board may select, annual competitive examinations of applicants for positions as teachers in the public schools of said district, including licensed teachers in said school who are applicants for re-election as teachers. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted. That said board of edu- cation shall control, manage, and disburse all rev enues which may be raised by special tax or otherwise for the maintenance of the public schools in the district of Opelika, under such rules and regulations as the board *may prescribe ; Provided, that where donations or contributions are made to the public schools of the district of Opelika, or to any one of them, the board shall apply the donations or contri- butions in the manner indicated by the party or parties con- tributing. Sec. 17. Be it farther enacted. That said board of edu- cation shall have power to buy lands for purpose of erecting school buildings thereon or to provide suitable school build- ings by rent or purchase, and all necessary furniture, equip- ments and apparatus; the title of said property to be vested in said board of education and their successors in office. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted. That said board of edu- cation shall have power to charge in the several grades of the public schools of the district of Opelika such incidental or other fees as may be deemed necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That there is hereby au- thorized the power to levy and collect a tax on all real and personal property taxable by the laws of the State of Ala- bama, and within the bounds of said school district, not to exceed one- half of one per cent, for school purposes; the amount collected from the white race shall go to the sup- port of the white schools, and the amount collected from the colored race shall go to the support of the colored 74 schools established in said school district; but this section of this act shall not become operative until the board afore- said shall cause an election to be held in the district of Ope- lika for the purpose of ascertainicg the will of the qualified voters of said district as to the propriety of levying said tax. To this end, the Opelika police board or their suc- cessors in office, when so requested by said board of educa- tion, shall call an election by posting written or printed no- tices in three public places within said district, and by pub- lication in some newspaper of the district of Opelika, stating the time and place said election will be held ; said notices to be posted and published at least ten days before the day set for said election. Those voting in favor of levying said tax shall have printed or written on their ballots, "For School Tax," and those opposed shall have printed or written on - their ballots, "Against School Tax." The Opelika police board or their successors in office shall appoint three qualified electors to manage and conduct said election, and the man- agers so appointed shall provide two boxes into which the votes shall be deposited; the votes of the white race in one box and the votes of the colored race in the other box, keep- ing the votes of the two races separate and distinct. Said managers shall make return of said election to the Opelika police board, or their successors in office, who shall count the vote of each race separately and declare the result. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That in case the quali- fied electors of either race shall vote in tavor of levying a tax for school purposes as provided in the preceding section of this act, the board of education shall, before the first Wednesday in April in each year, file with the Opelika po- lice board or their successors in office, a si atement of the per cent, of school tax to be levied, and for what race or races and the Opelika police board or their successors in office, shall proceed to levy and collect said tax as other municipal 75 taxes are levied and collected, keeping the taxes of the two races separate and distinct from each other; and the Opelika police board, or their successors in office, by their collecting officers, shall turn over on the last day of each month to the secretary and treasurer of the board of education the amount of said school tax collected for each race during the month, taking duplicate receipts therefor; one to be retained by himself and one to be given to the president of the board of education. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That in case the Opelika police board, or their successors in office, shall fail to collect said school tax, as provided for in the preceding section, then the board of education shall proceed to levy and collect the same with the same powers, pains and penalties as ar% allowed the municipal authorities of the district of Opelika in the collection of municipal taxes. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the district of Ope- lika, as a separate school district, shall receive its propor- tionate share of the school fund apportioned to Lee county, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that lies partly within the corporate limits of said district of Opelika, and all the poll tax collected in cor- porate limits of said district, and all other funds set apart by the State for school purposes; Provided, that not more than four per cent of said fund derived from the State shall be used otherwise than for the payment of teachers employed in the public schools of the district of Opelika. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted. That sections 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, of the Code of Alabama, and an act to amend sections 1206, 1211 of the Code, and all laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 22, 1887. 76 No. 457.] AN ACT [h. b. 647. To establish a separate school district in Dale county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described and bounded district in Dale county be established, to- wit: On the north by the Barbour county line, on the west by Big Judah creek, on the south by the line dividing townships six and seven, and on the east by Little Judah creek, be and the same is hereby created and constituted a public school district, and shall be entitled to all the immunities, benefits and privileges, as provided by law for public schools in Dale county, and shall be known as the "Pippin District." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent o£ education of Dale county be and is required to appoint in and for "Pippin District," in the same manner as are appointed in the townships and districts, a district superintendent, who shall be authorized to discharge all du- ties required by law of township or district superintendents in said county. Approved February 24, 1887. No. 459.] AN ACT [h. b. 761 To establish a separate school district at Union Springs Bullock county, Alabama, and its boundaries. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as the "Union Springs District" is hereby established at Union Springs, in the county of Bullock, the boundary of which shall be two miles each way from the court house, and the 77 general law regulating the public schools of the State shall apply to such school district, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The town of Union Springs, as a separate school, district, shall receive its proportionate share of the school revenues apportioned to the county of Bullock, including a 2oro rata share of the sixteenth section fund, of each town- ship that lies partly within the boundary lines of the sepa- rate school district, and all the poll tax collected within its limits, and the county superintendent of education of Bul- lock county shall keep the moneys separate and apart from the other school revenues of the county of Bullock, to be used exclusively for the payment of teachers in the public schools of the town of Union Springs. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of thi^ act shall take effect on and after October 1, 1887. Sec. 4, Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 24, 1897. 78 No. 462.] AN ACT [h. b. 573. To repeal section 2 of an act entitled an act to provide for the election of the county superintendent of education, and township trustees of public schools, by a vote of the people in the counties of Lamar, Cherokee, Madison, Jack- son, Colbert, Franklin, Blount, Lawrence, Marion, Cull- man, DaKalb, Walker, Crenshaw, Fayette, Winston, Tal- lapoosa, Etowah and Dale, and for the election of super- intendent of education in Dale county, approved February 23, 1883, so far as the same relates to Lamar and Marion counties, and to authorize the county superintendent of education to appoint township trustees. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 2 of an act, approved February 23, 1883, entitled "an act to provide for the election of the county superintendent of education, and township trustees of public schools, by a vote of the people in the counties of Lamar, Cherokee, Midison, Jackson, Colbert, Franklin, Blount, Lawrence, Marion, Cullman, DeKalb, Walker, Crenshaw, Fayette, Winston, Talla()oosa, Etowah and Dale, and for the election of superintendent of education in Dale county," be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the said section 2 relates to Lamar and Marion counties. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. Township trustees who have been elected in Lamar county under section 2 of said act, shall hold their respective offices the term for which they were elected, and that after the first Monday in August, 1887, and every two years thereafter, a township superin- tendent for each township or other school district in Lamar county, shall be appointed by the county superintendent of education, subject to the approval of the superintendent of education, and said township superintendents shall hold their 79 offices for the term of two years, and uutil their successors are appointed and qualified, and none but a freeholder or householder, resident in the township, shall be eligible to said office. The said township superintendents shall have supervision of the public schools in their respective town- ships, and they shall have the same powers, and shall perform the same duties as are conferred upon and required of town- ship superintendents of education under an act approved Feb- ruary 7, 1879, entitled an act to organize and regulate a system of public instruction for the State of Alabama, and they shall do and perform all the duties required by law to be dolie and performed by any officer in relation to public schools in their respective townships. Approved February 25, 1887. % No. 481.] AN ACT [h. b. 899. To create a separate school district in DeKalb county, Alabama, known as the Valley Head school district. Section 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district is hereby created, composed of the east half of section 25, and section 36 of township 5, and sections 1 and 12 of township 6, of range 9, and sctions 29, 30, 31 and 32, township 5, and section 6, township 6, range 10, east, in DeKalb county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the public school laws now in force in this State in reference to conducting schools and distributing the public school funds, shall apply to said school district; Provided, this act shall not take effect until October 1st, 1887. Approved February 26, 1887. 80 No. 489.] AN ACT [h. b. 914. To constitute the city of Talladega as a separate school dis- trict. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Talladega, Talladega county, shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the other school districts in said county, and the inhabitants of said city are hereby incorporated by the name of "The School District of Talladega." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the city of Talladega, as such school district, shall receive its proportionate ghare of the public school revenue, including a jpro rata share of the 16th section funds of such townships that lie partly within the corporate limits of the citj of Talladega, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll tax within the limits of said corporation, and the superintendent of educa- tion of Talladega county shall set apart from the public school revenues of the county, and disburse and use such pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools in the city of Talladega. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of Talladega county shall co-operate with the board of trustees of the school district of Talla- dega in keeping up the schools, both white and colored, in said district. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and alder- men of the city of Talladega shall constitute a board of trustees for the school district, and the board of trustees are authorized to establish and locate the number of schools to be taught each year, either for males or females, white or colored, and perform all other duties imposed on other township trustees or superintendents in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the trustees and their successors in office, shall have the power to levy a tax on all property, both real and personal, within the bounds of such school district, not to exceed one-half of one per centum for school purposes. 81 Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees, as constituted in this act, shall control, manage and disburse all moneys which may be raised by special tax or otherwise, for the maintenance of the public schools within the limits of the city of Talladega, and under such rules and regula- tions as the board of trustees may prescribe; Provided, that when donations or contributions are made to a school in the district or to said school district, the board of trustees shall apply the donations or contributions in the manner in- dicated by the party or parties contributing. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the trustees shall have power to buy lauds for the purpose of building school houses, which lands shall be deeded to themselves and suc- cessors in office, as trustees of said school district. They shall also have the power to build suitable school houses, buy furniture for the same, and employ teachers. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the trustees of said school district shall make their reports as now required of township superintendents, to the county superintendent. They shall have power to receive any scholars not living within the limits of the district, on such terms as may be agreed upon. They shall also have the power to grade their schools. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees shall appoint a treasurer, who shall take charge of the money belonging to the district, and shall give such bond as the board may direct, and shall pay out the same upon the order of the board through the mayor. Approved February 28, 1887. 82 No. 497.] AN ACT [h. b. 957 To create a separate school district in Cullman county, Ala- bama, and define the boundaries of the same. Section 1. Be enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district be and the same is hereby established, as hereinafter provided, in the county of (Jullman, and State of Alabama, which district shall be composed and consist of all that territory included in the following described territory, viz : Beginning at Duck or Donaldson creek, one-half mile south of the township line, between townships eight and nine, thence west on a straight linfe through the middle of sections one and two, to the Brindley or twelve mile creek, near the west side of said section two, T. 9, R. 2, west, thence south down said creek to the section line between sections thirteen and fourteen, thence south along said line to the Middle of section twenty- four, thence east through the middle of said section twenty- four to the range line, between ranges one and two, west, -thence north along said range line to the middle of section .eighteen (18), township nine (9), of range one (1), thence east through the middle of said section to the line between sections seventeen and eighteen, township nine (9), of range one (1), west, thence north along said section line to Duck creek, thence north along said Duck or Donalson creek to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of .Alabama, That W. C. Clayton, who lives on the N. E. ^ of section ten (10), township nine (9), of range two (2), west, iShall be included in the district herein established, and also Harrison Cook, who lives in the northeast quarter of north- west quarter of section eleven (11), T. 9, R. 2, west. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That to carry out the pur- poses of this act, I. C. Oaks, John A. Donalson and David Garret are hereby constituted and appointed a board of 83 ■trustees of said school district, who shall have power to .3)urchase, receive, hold and convey, for and in behalf of said school district, all such real and personal property as may be necessary or proper for the purposes of said school ■district, and who shall control the disposition of all funds which may be received, by or for said school district. They shall also have power to build suitable school houses :and furnish the same . Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, the said persons hereinbefore named, or a majority thereof, shall proceed to organize said board of trustees by electing one of their number president of the board, and by electing some suitable person, whether member of the board or not, as secretary of the board, and treasurer of the school district ; Provided, lioiuever, that tne secretary of the board and treasurer of the district may be one and the same person, if the board shall so elect. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the term of service of the persons hereinbefore named as trustees, shall be from the approval of this act until the expiration of two years or until their successors are elected and qualified, and their successors and all subsequent boards of trustees shall con- sist of three persons, who shall be elected by the qualified voters in said district, at such time and in such manner as said board shall direct ; Provided, said election is held with- out any expense to the county or the fund of said school district. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the term of service of said secretary and treasurer shall be for two years from the date of their election, but they may be removed by said board of trustees at any time. The board shall require of the treasurer a bond in such amount as may be fixed by them, in no case to be less than double the amount of funds that will be in his custody at any one time, payable to the said school district, which shall be known as the Duck Creek School District, and conditioned to safely keep and to dis- 84 burse, according to law, all money which may come into his hands as treasurer ol said school district, and to be approved by the president of said school district and filed with him. The said treasurer shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by said board, not to exceed the sum of two per cent, of all money disbursed by him. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said board shall have power to make such rules and regulations as they deem best for the best interest of education in said district, and not in conflict with the laws of Alabama, and may take such measures as may be proper to establish such schools in said district, as may be necessary for the accommodation of the youth of said district, and make such contracts with teachers as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and provide for the better education of the youth of said district. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the said school dis- trict shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, and shall also receive its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the township of which said school district is composed ; and it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated to said school district. All funds for said school district shall be paid to the treasurer of the district, who shall receipt for the same, and the State superintendent of education of the State or other proper State officer, shall give the necessary orders and instructions, and issue the necessary warrants or certifi- cates to secure the payment to said school district, all funds to which it may be entitled, from the State or from poll tax^ direct to the treasurer of said school district. Approved February 28, 1887. 85 ]S[o. 506.] AN ACT [h. b. 477. To constitute the two fractions of township five, range one and two, west, and a portion of township six, range two, west, in Morgan county, Alabama, a school dis- trict. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the two fractional parts of township five, range one and two, west, and all that portion of township six, range two, west, described as follows, to-wit : All that part of township six, range two, west, lying east of Cotaco <3reek, from the line separating (east and west) townships five and six, to section line dividing sections twelve Sfcid thirteen in township six, in Morgan county, Alabama, be a,nd the same are hereby declared a school district, subject to the general laws of Alabama as to school districts. Approved February 28, 1887. No. 507.] AN ACT • [h. b. 831. To provide suitable compensation for the superintendent of education of the county of Lowndes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That from and after the passage of this act, the superintendent of education of Lowndes county shall re- ceive for his ofl&cial services in discharge of the duties of said office the sum of one hundred dollars a year, and two and one-half per centum on the amount of money disbursed by him as such superintendent, to be paid out of the school fund apportioned to said county. Approved February 28, 1887. 86 No. 509.] AN ACT [h. b. 854.. To provide for the appointment of one township trustee of public schools, for each township in DeKalb and St. Clair counties, by the county superintendent of educa- tion of said counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That one township trustee of public shools for each township in DeKalb and St. Clair counties shall be appointed by the count}^ superintendent of education of said counties, subject, when appointed, to the approval of the State superintendent of education, whose terms of office shall commence at the expiration of the terms of the town- ship superintendents in said county now serving, and shall continue for the term of two years, and until their succes- sors are appointed and qualified, as now provided by law as to township superintendents ; and none but a freeholder or householder resident in the township shall be eligible to said office of township trustee. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said township trus- tees, when appointed, shall perform the same duties in all respects as now required by law of township superinten- dents of education in this State, and shall act under the same provisions and regulations as said township superin- tendents do under the general statutes now in force in this State, and shall be entitled to the same exemptions from jury duty, road duty and poll tax, as said township superin- tendents now are; and that said township trustees shall, in- all respects, be governed, controlled and regulated by tha general statutes now governing, controlling and regulating said township superintendents. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and th& same are hereby repealed. Approved February 28, 1885. 87 No. 527.] AN ACT [s. 303. To constitute the city of Greenville a separate school dis- trict, and to provide for the management of the public schools of said district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Green- ville is hereby incorporated by the na ne of the School District of the city of Greenville. Sec. 2. That the city of Greenville, as such separate school district, shall receive the proportionate share of the public school fund coming to the county of Butler, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each town- ship that lies partly within the school district of the city> and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within such school district, said fund and taxes to be drawn and distributed by such officer as may be appointed for that purpose by the board of education of the school district of the city of Greenville, in the same manner as county super- intendents of education draw and disburse the funds for their respective counties, and the amount thus drawn for the school district of the city of Greenville shall be used ex- clusively for the maintenance of public schools in said district, and the city of Greenville is authorized to increase its school fund by receiving donations; but for the disbursement of all donated funds no charge whatever shall be made; and the mayor and councilmen of the city of Greenville are hereby authorized to increase the school fund by levying a tax, not to exceed one-fourth of one per cent, on the taxable property of the said city, which shall be collected as the other taxes of the said city. The tax collector of the city of Greenville shall be authorized and empowered to collect the State and county poll taxes of all the inhabitants of said school district, liable to pay said tax, in the same man- ner as is now by law provided for the collection thereof. 88 Sec. 3. That the public schools of the school district of the city of Greenville shall be under the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of Greenville, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and four pother persons, residents of said district, to be elected by the mayor and aldermen of said city, at their regular meeting in the month of July, 1888; the two first elected shall hold their office for the term of one year, and the two last elected shall hold their said offices for the term of two years, and at each regular meeting in the month of July of each year they shall elect two suitable persons to succeed those whose offices have expired, so that two of such persons shall be elected annually, and the president of said board shall make reports, and furnish statistics and information to the super- intendent of education of the State, as may be required by law of county superintendent of education. Sec. 4 That each member of said board of education shall, upon entering upon the duties of his office, subscribe an oath to faithfully perform all the duties enjoined upon him bylaw as such officer; such oath may be administered by the mayor of said city. Sec. 5. That said board of education shall have power with the approval of the board of mayor and councilmen, to build upon the property owned or to be hereafter purchased by the city, suitable houses for the use and accommodation of the public schools of said school district, or the said board may rent such houses ; said board shall keep said houses so built in proper repair, and shall furnish the houses used for school purposes with appropriate furniture and apparatus. No contract shall be entered into, and no disbursement of any moneys or funds under the provisions of this act, shall be made except by the consent and under the direction and control of the board of mayor and councilmen. Sec. 6. That the said board of education may open a suffi- cient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the city of Greenville and this school district ; and said board shall elect such officers as are in their opinion neces- 89 sary to the good government of said schools, and when re- quired, such officers shall, befoiQ entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State, and shall give bond, in such sum as may be fixed by said board of education, and conditioned as all other official bonds ; such bond shall be approved by the president of said board of education, and filed with the other official bonds of the city, and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the bonds of said district shall be filed in the office of the superintend- ent of education ; and shall elect all teachers, fix their com- pensation and prescribe their duties, control the distribution of teachers and pupils among the several schools, dictate the course of instruction, the number and character of text books, the organization of classes and the method of teacft- ing; and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the schools aforesaid ; such board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be neces- sary to give it complete control of the public schools of said school district; any of such officers or teachers may be removed for cause, to be determined by said board. Sec. 7. That said board of education may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily complete the course of study prescribed for the public schools of said school dis- trict. Sec. 8. That the children and wards of all actual resi- dents within the limits of the school district of the city of Greenville, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said city; such children shall themselves be bona fide residents of said school districts, and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as the board of education may prescribe, but separate schools shall be provided for colored children. Sec. 9. That the board of education shall have power to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental 90 or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 10. That all funds devoted to public school purposes in the school district of the city of Greenville, whether de- rived from State, county or city, shall be paid into the treasury of said city, where they shall be kept and ac- counted for, separate and distinct from all other funds belonging to said city, and shall be disbursed in such man- ner as the board of education shall direct. Sec. 11. That the board of education shall have author- ity to create a board for the examination of applicants for positions as teachers in the public schools of the school district of the city of Greenville, and no person shall be elected as a teacher in said schools who shall not have re- ceived a license from such board. Sec, 12. That the board of education may, in its discre- tion, institute annual competitive examinations before such persons as the board may select, for all applicants for license to teach in the public schools of the school district, includ- ing licensed teachers in said schools, who are applicants for re-election as teachers. Approved February 28, 1887. No. 538.] • AN ACT [s. 364 To form a new school district embracing parts of township eleven (11) and twelve (12), in Cherokee county, Ala- bama, to be known as the Burnett school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a school district separate and apart from the other school districts and townships of Cherokee county, be and the same is hereby created out of parts of townships eleven (11) and twelve (12), to be embraced in the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning where the Shaver branch empties into Terrapin creek, thence up said branch one- 91 fourth of a mile, thence due west three-fourths of a mile, thence south to a place known as the Jesse Johnson place, thence to Terrapin creek, at the brick mill, including William H. Craig, thence down said creek to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said separate school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenues of said township, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund, and shall also re- ceive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory as set forth in section one of this act^ and the superintendent of education of Cherokee county shall set apart from the school fund of said county, and dis- bursej and use such pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools of said separate school district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That at the next election for superintendent of education and school trustees, there shall be elected three trustees for said district; all persons allowed to vote as in elections now held for the election of other school officers of said county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall take effect on and after the election and qualification of such trustees. Approved February 28, 1887. No. 540.] AN ACT [h. b. 912. To establish the Blocton public school district, in Bibb county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described district in Bibb county, viz: Sections seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), and fractional sections twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30), in township twenty-two (22), range five (5), and sections thirteen (13) and twenty-four (24), and frac- 92 tional section twenty-five (25) in township twenty-two (22), range six (6), be and the same is hereby constituted a sep- arate public school district, and it shall be known as the *'Blocton school district." 8ec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said separate school district shall be under the supervision of a superin- tendent, to be appointed by the county superintendent of education, as other township superintendents are appointed, with the same powers, duties and rights as other township superintendents have and exercise. Approved February 28, 1887. No. 154.) AN ACT. (H. B. 5. An act to form a separate school district to be known as Salit- pa school district in Clarke county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district in Clarke county, be and is hereby created out of parts of townships eight, range one, west; township eight, range one, east; township seven, range one, west; township seven, range one, east; as embraced In the following boundaries: Beginning where Jackson creek emp- ties into the Tomliiglioo ri\er, thence up said creek to Taltilla- ba ci'tiok, thence up Taltillaba creek to centre line of the six- teenth section of township eight, range one, east, thence west along said line to Cantouchee creek, thence down said creek to the Tombigbee river, thence down said river to Jackson creek, the point of starting. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of Clarke county, shaii appoint a super- intendent for said Salitpa school district and that said district shall receive its pro rata of all public school revenueSj and 93 shall be managed and controlled as prescribed by law for other school districts in said county. Sec. 3. That the provisions of this act shall take effect January 1, 1889. Approved December 4, 1888. 'No. 155.) Ai^ ACT . (H. B. 100. To create a separate school district in Blount county, Ala- bama, known as the Blount Springs district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district is hereby created, composed of parts of township twelve (12), range (2) west,, township twelve (12) range three (3) west, township thir- teen (13), range two (2), west, and township thirteen (13),. range three (3) west, within the following lines, viz: Begin- ning at the north east corner of section thirty-two (32),. township twelve (12), range two (2) west, thence south with section line, one and one-half miles to the old Elyton public road, thence in a southwestern direction with said Elyton road, to the range line between range two (2) and range three (3), thence south to the southeast corner of section thirteen (13), township thirteen (13), of range three (3) west, thence west one mile to the soi'thwest corner of section thirteen (13), township thin eon 03), range three (3) west, thence north to the northwest corner of said section thirteen (13), township (13)^ range three (3) west, thence west one-half mile, thence north through the middle of sections eleven and two to the Mulberry river, thence up said river to the northern line of section thirty-one (31), township twelve, range two (2) west^ thence east to the beginning. 94 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the public school laws uow in force in this State, in reference to conducting the schools, and distributing the public school funds, shall apply to said school district; Provided, this act shall not take effect until October the first, 1889. Approved December 4, 1888. NTo. 2P>6) A'K ACT fH. B. 13T. To establish a separate school district to bo known as Union district in Limestone county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district to be known as Union district, in section two, township three, range six, west, in Limestone county, the boundaries of which shall be as fol- lows: Beginning at the southwest corner of section two, township three, range six, west, running east four miles, thence north to Big Creek, west to Elk river, southwest to the west line of section thirty-five, thence south to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Union district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school reve- nue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of said township, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory as set forth in the first section of this act, and the superintendent of education of Limestone county shall set apart from the school revenue of the county, and disburse and use such pro rata exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools in said Union district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of Limestone county shall appoint one superinten- dent for said district who shall be governed by the school law 95 regulating tlie duties of superintendent of the township in said county of Limestone. Approved February 9, 1889. No. 238.) AIS^ ACT. (II. B. 161. To permit and provide for the incorporation of separate school districts in the county of Tuscaloosa. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the inhabitants of any township, settlement or neighborhood in the county of Tuscaloosa, may become ^a body corporate, as a school district, for the purpose of estab- lishing and maintaining public schools, in the manner and with the powers hereinafter expressed, upon a petition in writing, addressed to the judge of probate of the county in which they reside, signed by fifteen or more of the adult male householders, or free holders stating the name and the boun- daries by which it is proposed to incorporate such district. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That upon presentation of such petition such judge must direct an election to be held within thirty days thereafter at a place in such township, set- tlement or neighborhood by him designated, under the dn'ec- tion of three inspectors appointed by him. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all male inhabitants over twenty-one years of age, who have resided in such boun- daries for three mondis next preceding the election, can vote if not otherwise disqualified. Sec. 4. . Be it further enacted. That the polls must not be opened before ten o'clock in the morning; and the inspectors, before receiving any ballots, must take an oath to conduct the election fairly. The voters must write upon their ballots, 96 "school district" or "non school district," and the inspectors must receive and deposit the same in the ballot box. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the inspectors must^ within five days thereafter, certify the result to the judge of probate; and if a majority of the votes cast at the election are for "school district" he must, within three days, make an entry or record, that the inhabitants of such township, settlement or neighborhood, are incorporated as a school district by the name and with the boundaries designated in the petition, whereupon the inhabitants of such tc-wnship, seLtlement or neighborhood are incorporated and vested with the rights in- cident to such corporation. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the business of the school distric'i be managed by three trustees, who are styled the board of school trustees of the district, and hold office for twO' years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec.Y Be it further enacted. That no person can hold the office of school trustee, who has not resided in the district for three months preceding the election. Vacancies may be filled by appointment by the county superintendent of education. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the judge of probate must notify the superintendent of education, within three days after the return of the inspectors, of the entry of record of such incorporation, and the said superintendent must, with- in five days of such notice, appoint three inspectors, a place of voting in such district, and a day not more than ten days from such notification, for the election of trustees. ISTotice of the day and place of election must be, by the superintendent, posted at three public places in the district, at least five days before the election. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the qualification of the electors and the oath of inspectors must be as in the elec- tion for incorporation. If no choice is made, by reason of two or more persons receiAdng the same number of votes, the inspectors must decide between such persons by lot. 97 Sec. iO. Be it further enacted, That all subsequent elec- tions after the first, and the inspectors and voting places are appointed by the trui^tees of the district, and the qiialificatlon of voters must ho the same as at the first election. All lies must be determined by lot. Sec. 11. Be it further oiiactcd, That should the election not take place on the day appointed, the corporation is not for that cause dissolved, bi:t the trustees must appoint some other day as early as practicable, for holding the election. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That two members of the board shall constitute a quorum, but one of them shall have power to adjourn a meeting in case of the absence of the other members. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That such separate school district shall receive the proportionate share of the public school fund coming to the county in which it is situated, in- cluding the pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that may lie wholly or partly within such district; said funds to be drawn and applied by the board of school trustees, for the exclusive benefit of the schools of their dis- trict; and such school district is authorized to increase its school fund by receiving donations; and such board of school trustees are hereby also authorized to further increase the school fund by levying a tax, not to exceed one-half of one per cent on the taxable property, real and personal, of such dis- trict, which shall be collected as the general taxes for the State and county are collected, but the proceeds of said tax shall be applied exclusively to the benefit of the schools of the district within which it shall have been levied and the proceeds thereof shall be paid over to the board of school trustees of such district directly, and no ofiicer through whose hands the proceeds of such tax shall pass, shall be entitled to any com- 98 pensation, charge, fee, or commission for tlie collecting or dis- bursement of such money. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That each member of the board of school trustees shall, upon entering upon the duties of his office, subscribe an oath to faithfully discharge all the du- ties enjoined upon him as such officer. The trustees shall serve without compensation, and shall not be entitled to any charge, commission or fee on any moneys from Avhatever source, which may come into their hands for the use of or benefit of the schools of their district. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the said board of school trustees shall have power to build at convenient and easily accessible places in their district, suitable houses for the schools of said district, and to take possession for the bene- fit of the schools of the district, of such houses as may be in existence therein at the time of its organization, keep them in good repair, and furnish them with suitable furniture and ap- paratus. They shall further have power, with the advice and consent of the county superintendent of education, to elect all teachers, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, dic- tate the course of instructions, the number and character of the text books, the organization of classes, and the method of teaching, control the distribution of the teachers and pupils among the several schools in their district, and prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the school. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education shall perform the same duties, exerciso the same supervision, and report on the condition of the schools in the district created under this act, in the same man- ner as now prescribed by law in regard to the public schools of his county, in so far as the exercise of such functions is not inconsistent with Lhe provisions of this act. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted. That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of such school 99 district, from seven to nineteen years of age, shall be entitled to seats in the public schools of such district; Provided, such children shall themselves be bona fide residents of such dis- trict, and non-resident children may be admitted into such school on such terms and conditions as the board of school trustees may prescribe, but separate schools may be provided for colored children. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the board of school trustees shall have power to charge in said schools such inci- dental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of such schools. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the adult male in- habitants may, by pedtion in writing to the judge of probate, propose an alteration or change of the name, or of the bofln- daries of the school district, stating the alteration or change proposed, and on the filing of such petition, the judge of pro- bate must order an election, to be held and conducted in all respects as the election for the original incorporation; and if at such election a majority vote for the proposed alteration or change, the fact must be certified to such judge by the in- spectors, and on the filing of such certificate he must make and enter an order allowing such alteration or changes. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby re- pealed. Approved February 13, 1889. 100 No. 260.) Al^ ACT (H. B. 230. To amend an act entitled an act to create a separate school dis- trict in Jackson county, to be known as Pleasant Grove, out of a part of township 5, range 6, east. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assenably of Ala- bama, That an act entitled an act to create a separate school district in Jackson county, to be known as Pleasant Grove, out of a part of townsliip 5, range 6, east, be amended so as to read a? follows: That all of township 5, range 6, lying south of the Tennessee river in Jackson county, Alabama be, a?id the same is Ijcreby made a separate school district, to be known as the sclioo] district of I'leasant Grove. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That to carry out the pur- poses of said school district Edward R. Chatton, John W. Towne} and W. A. Tanner, are hereby appointed trustees in and for said school district, until the first Monday in August, 1891, at which time, and every two years thereafter, the county superintendent of education shall appoint three trus- tees, residing in said district, who are well qualified to make good and acceptable trustees, and none but a parent or guar- dian shall be eligible to said office. The said trustees, before entering upon the duties of said office, shall take an oath to faithfully discharge the duties of the same, and shall give bond and security in such sum as shall be prescribed by the county superintendent of education, payable to said township-, which sum shall not be less than double the amount thaL will probably be in the hands of said trustees at any one time, and to be conditioned faithfully to discharge tlie duties of said of- tico and to pay over to the person anthorized by law to receive the same, all moneys coming into their hands as such trustees and belonging to the said school district or to the remaining part of said township 5, range 6j said bonds to be approved by 101 the county superintendent of education, and the judge of pro- bate (and a copy thereof filed in the office of said judge of probate), and a certified copy thereof filed in the oftice of the superintendent of education for the State in Montgomery. In case of a vacancy in said board of trustees the remaining members thereof shall proceed to fill said vacancy by appoint- ment to fill out the unexpired term. Said trustees shall be ex- empt from poll and road duty. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said board of trustees shall have power to sue and be sued, to purchase and receive both real and personal property to themselves and their suc- cessors for school purposes in behalf of said school district. They shall control the disposition of all funds, which may be raised for said district. The said board of trustees, togetner with the township superintendent, are authorized to rent or lease that part of the fifteenth section with its ferr} lyiiig' within the limits of said school district in any way that will be most profitable or beneficial to the district and the fraction- al or remaining portion of said township 5, range 6, but at least thirty days notice of the time and place, with the terms of the leasing or renting of the same, or any part thereof, slr'l be given by posting notices at not less than three pubiic places in the neighborhood. The said board of trustees and town ship .uj^criutendent shall be empowered to dy< iara all con- tracts for lease or rent forfeited when the terms thereof are not complied with according to the contract, and to re-lease or rent the same, and to transact any and all business that trus- tees may of right dc, for the successful management of the sixteenth section and its farm not in conflict with the laws of the State or of the United States. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, the said persons hereinbefore named, or a majority thereof, shall proceed to organize, by electing one of their number president of the board, and some 102 suitable person, either a member of tbe board or not, secre- tary of the board, and a treasurer of the school district; Pro- vided, however, that the secretary and the treasurer may be one and the same person if the board shall so elect. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the term of office of the secretary and treasurer shall be the same as the trustees herein above named, but they may be removed by the board of trustees at any time for cause or incompetency. The board shall require of the treasurer elected by them a bond with security in such amount as may be fixed by them, but in no case less than double the amount of funds that will probably be in his hands at any one time belonging to the school district and fractional township, conditioned to safely keep and dis- burse according to law, all moneys that may come into his hands as treasurer of said school district, which bond must be payable to said school district and approved by the president of the board and filed with him and a certified copy thereof be filed in the office of the State superintendent of education of Alabama. The board may at any time they see proper require a new or additional bond with other or additional sureties and for a different amount. The treasurer may re- ceive such compensation as may be fixed by said board of trustees for services rendered by him. Sec. 6. .Be it further enacted, That whenever the said board shall be organized in accordance with the provisions of this act, the said school district shall be entitled to receive its per capita share of educational funds raised, or appropriated by the State for public schools, and to receive all poll tax paid by the tax payers living within the limits of the district, and also to receive its pro rata share of the rental income accruing from the renting or leasing of the 16th section belonsiug to said township 5, range 6, (said school district being a part thereof), all of which as now provided by law shall be used ex- clusively for the maintenaaice of free public schools within 103 said district. Tlie rental income of tlie part of 16tli section lying within the limits of said school district, and aU other funds for said school district, shall be paid to the treasurer of the district, who shall receipt for the same, and the superin- tendent of education of the State shall give all necessary or- ders and instructions to secure payment to such school district of all funds to which it may be entitled from the State or from poll tax. And it shall be the duty of the tax asse;:^gor "o note each poll assessed by him in that portion of township 5, range 6, lying south of the Tennessee river as belonging t(^ said sehoo] district, and it is hereby made the duty of the tax col- lector to repr-rt all of said polls collected by him to the State superintendent of education, to be bv him appDrtioned and paid to said school district. The treasurer of said school ais- trict shall collect all of the rents and of the part of section 16th, lying in the school district, and all other moneys that may in any way accrue to said school district, and shall re- ceipt for the same. He shall also pay to the teachers em- ployed in said school district the proportionate share of the rental income accruing to said school district, togeth"r witn the poll tax and all other funds that may m any way accrue to said school district, as soon as collected by him, upr.ji the order of the trustees, 'ini take receipt for the same. He .x' all also pay over to the township superintendents of said township 5, range <•, or to the coiutty superintendent of education in case the said township superintendents are not competent to re- ceive and receipt for the same, all the proportionate share of the said remaining part of the township in said rents, income, etc., accuring from the 16th section, and to which said remain- ing portion of township 5, range 6, are entitled and to take recipts for the same. See. 7. Ee it fiirtljer enacted. That the said board of trustees may meet at such time and place within said district as they may designate for the purpose of transacting any busi- 104 ness in and for said district, and it shall be tlieir d\ity at their first regular meeting after the passage of this act, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to designate one of their number who shall, in connection with one of the township trustees of the remaining part of township 5, range 6, to be selected by the township trustees, or in case of neglect or failure ot the said township superintendent to arrange for one of their num- ber to act in connection with the member of the board desig- nated, then the county superintendent of education shall des- ignate one of the township superintendents, whose duty it shall be to proceed in connection with said designated trustee of said school district to take an enumeration of all the children, both white and colored, male and female, between tne ages of seven and twenty-one years, residing in tlie said school dis- trict, and the remaining part of township 5, range 6, and to make a report in triplicate under their official oath ; said report to contain a correct enumeration of the number of children in the school district, and also a correct enumeration of the number within the remaining part of said township who are within the school age, and said enumeration shall, be the basis of pro-rating the funds of the township to the school district, and the remainder of said township, one copy thereof to be filed with the county superintendent of educatiorvr and a copy with the president of the board of trustees, and one with the township superintendents for the remaining portion of town- ship 5, range 6; and every two years from August, 1889, they, or their successors, shall make an enumeration in like manner, of all children within the school age, within the said school district, and fractional township during the month of August, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer of said school d/ strict to pay them one dollar per diem for said services out of any moneys in his hands belonging to the school district an 1 frac- tional part of said township arising from rents of the 16th section. 105 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, Tliat said trustees and treasurer, shall take the oath prescribed by law for otricers in this State, which may be administered by the president of the board, or any member thereof. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That said trurttecs shall have power to admit any pupils not living in the district upon such terms as may be agreed upon, or to transfer pup-'s from the district to other public schools outside of the district, in the same manner, but they shall not be compelled "-o c^^iablish more than one school for each race in said district iin'tss in their judgment the same shall become necessary. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That the said trustees re- quire to be made out and furnished to the superintendent all such reports as may be required by law or demanded by him. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said school district shall receive no compensation for then- services as such trustees. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That all laws and par is of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 15, 1889. No. 310.) AN ACT (H. 598. To form a separate school district in Talladega county to be known as Chinnibee school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a school district separate and apart from the other school districts and townships of Talladega, be and tiie same is hereby created out of parts of townships seventeen (17) and eighteen (18), range six, and seventeen (17) and e.g/.teen (18), range seven, to be embraced in the territory Within a 106 radius of two and one-half miles from a point where Ckinni- bee creek joins Chiaha creek. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said separate school district shall receive its proportionate share of the pub- lic school revenue of said townships, including a pro rata share of the sexteenth section fund, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory as set forth in section one of this act, and the superintendent of edu- cation of Talladega county, shall set apart from tht. school fund of said county, and disburse and use such pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools of said separate school districts. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said separate school district shall be under the supervision of three trustees, namely: S. W. Pace, J. E. Camp, and A. W. Porter, who shall hold office for two years, to date froni the approval of this act, and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and said trustees shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur either by removal, death or otherwise, and appoint their successors; Provided, any two agree on such appointment. cessors; Provided, any two agree on such appointment. Approved February 20, 1889. No. 354.) AN ACT (H.810 To provide for the election of township trustees of public schools, by a vote of the people in the counties of Cull- man, Blount and Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly cf Ala- bama, That on the last Monday in October, 1889, or within seven days thereafter, on the day appointed by the trustees as provided in section 968 of the Code, and every two years 107 thereafter, tliere shall be elected tliree trustees of public schools in each township by the qualified voters thereof, in the counties of Cullman, Blount and Covington, who shall hold their ofiice two years, and until their successors are elect- ed and qualified. They shall have immediate supervision of public schools in their respective townships, and shall do and perform all the duties required by law to be done and per- formed by any officer in relation to public schools in their townships and a majority of them shall be a quorum to transact any business. JSTone but householders or freeholders residing in the town- ship shall be eligible to said office, and the county superintendent shall fill all vacancies by appointment. The trustees of each township shall fix the place of holding saia election in each township, appoint the inspectors and returning officers, give notice and make publication, and shall hold said election in accordance with the general laws of the State, and declare the result, and notify the county superintendent of such election. And the inspectors and returning officers shall receive no compensation for their services under this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That such trustees shall not sell or lease school lands without giving bond as required by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the pro\'isions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 23, 1889. 108 m. 377.^ Al^ ACT (_S. 76 To constitute the City of Tiiseumbia a separate school district and to provide for the management of the public schools in said school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala bama. The corporate limits of the City of Tuscurabia, in Col- bert county, Alabama, shal cons' it .ite a school district separate and apart from the other school districts in the county of Colbert, and the inhabitants of said City of Tuscumbia are hereby incorporated by the name of "The School District of the City of Tuscumbia." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the City of Tuscumbia as such separate school district, shall receive the proportionate share of the public school fund coming to the county of Col- bert, including a. pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of that township that lies partly within the school district of the said city, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within such school district, commencing with the scholas- tic year beginning October 1st, 1888, for the use and main- tenance of the public schools therein; said fund and taxes to be drawn by such officer as may be appointed for that pur- pose by the board of education of the school district of the City of Tuscumbia in the same manner as county superinten- dents of education draw the funds of their respective counties, said officer to give such bond as may be required by the board payable and conditional as bonds of county superintendents. And the amount thus drawn shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of education. See. 3. Be it further enacted, That all funds devoted to public school purposes in the school district of the City of Tuscumbia, whether derived from State, county or city, shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of education and shall 109 be disbursed in such manner as the board of education shall direct; not more than five per cent of all moneys raised or which may be hereafter appropriated for the support of public schools in said city, shall be used or expended otherwise than for the payment of teachers employed in such school. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the public schools of the school district of the City of Tuscumbia shall be under the charge of a board of education to consist of the mayor of the city of Tuscumbia, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and six other persons, residents of said city of Tuscum- bia, to be elected by the board of. mayor and aldermen of the city of Tuscumbia at their regular meeting in the month of March, 1889, or soon thereafter as practicable; the first two elected shall hold their office for a term of two years, and tne second two elected shall hold their office for the term of four years, and the last two elected shall hold their office for the term of six years, and at each regular meeting in January, biennially or as soon thereafter as practicable, they shall elect two suitable persons to succeed those wdiose office have ex- pired, so that two of such persons shall be elected biennially. Vacancies in said board shall be filled by election of the board of mayor and aldermen of the city of Tuscumbia, at the first regular meeting of said board after the occurrence thereof; or as soon thereafter as practicable, the membrs so elected to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. The presi- dent of said board shall make reports and furnish statistics and information to the superintendent of education of the State as may be required by law of county superintendents of educa- tion. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That each member of the board of education except the president shall, on his induction into office, take the following oath: I do solemnly swear that I will use my best endeavor to carry out faithfuly all ihe 110 laws now in force and those hereafter enacted to provide a school fund and to regulate the public schools of the city of Tuscumbia, so help me God. Said oath may be administered by the mayor of said city . Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall have power with the approval of the board of mayor and aldermen of said city to build upon the property of the city suitable houses for use and accommodation of the public schools in said district, or said board m-ay rent such houses. Said board shall keep said houses in proper repair, and shall furnish the same with appropriate furniture and apparatus; Provided, that no contract shall be entered into and no dis- bursement of any moneys or funds under the provisions of this act shall be made except by the consent and under the direction and control of the board of mayor and aldermen. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the said board of edu- cation may open a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the city of Tuscumbia, and said board shall elect such officers as are in their opinion necessary to the good government of said schools, and when required such officials shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers in this State and shall give bond in such sum as may be fixed by said board of education, and condition as all other official bonds. Such bonds shall be approved by the president of said board of education, and file with the other official bonds of the city, and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the funds of said district shall be filed in the office of the State superintendent of education; and shall elect a superintendent and all teachers, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, control distribution of teachers and pupils among the several schaols, dictate the course of instruction, the number and character of text books, Ill tlie organization of classes, and shall prescribe rules and regu- lations for the government of the schools aforesaid. Such board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be necessary to give it complete control of the public schools of said district. Any of such officers or teachers may be removed for cause to be determined by said board. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily com- plete the course of study prescribed for the public high schools of said school district! Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the children and wards of actual residents within the limits of the school dis- trict of the city of Tuscumbia, from seven to twenty-one years of age shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said city; Provided, such children shall themselves be bona fide residents of said city and non-resident children may be aclinittcd ir;tc ' ach schools on such terms and conditions as the board of education may prescribe; but separate schools shal] be provided for the colored children. Sec. 10. Be i' further enacted, That the bojird of educa- tion sJiall have powtr to charge ii the several gra'l.M in said schools such individual or other fees as they may deem neces- sary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That the said board of ed- ucation shall have authority to create a board for the examina- tion of applicants for positions as teachers in the several grades of the public schools of said district of the city of Tuscumbia and no person shall be elected as a teacher in said schools who shall not have received a license from such board. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the said board of ed- shall not have received a liscense from such board, a secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as may be re- ^112 quired to serve for one year or until tlieir successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the board of education before the first day of August of each year to prepare and file with the mayor of Tuscumbia an estimate of the money that will be required for the mainten- ance of the public schools of said district for the succeeding scholastic year and for the erection and repair of necessary school buildings in order that the board of mayor and alder- men of the said city of Tuscumbia may make the necessary provisions to supply the funds required in said estimates. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall have power to enact such by-laws, rules and regula- tions necessary for its goA'ernment. Approved February 26, 1889. 113 Ts^o. 3S1.) AN ACT iS. 401. An act to fix the pay of the superintendent of edncation of the comity of Perry. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That from and after the passage of this act the superin- tendent of education of Perry county shall receive for his ofii- cial services in discharge of the duties of said office, four per centum on the amount of money disbursed by him as such su- perintendent, to be paid out of the school fund apportioned to said county, in lieu of all compensation now allowed him by law. Approved February 26, 1889. , _ 1^0. 408.) AN ACT (S. 38. To establish separate school districts in this State and fix the boundaries of the same, viz: The Ironaton school district in Talladega County, the Aimwell school district in Ma- rengo county, the Tuskegee school district in Macon county, the Hazel Green school district in Madison coun- ty, the Callahan district in Conecuh county, the Central Institute school district in Elmore county, the TV oodland Mills school district and Lawrence Cove school district in Morgan county, the Titi school district in Coffee coun- ty, the Woolf's Beat school district in Morgan county, the Sylvan Grove school district in Dale county, the Baker school district in Henry county, the Moss Grove school district in Marengo county, the Fortner school dis- trict in Conecuh county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district to be known as Ironatoii 114 school district be establislied and Subject to tbe public school laws of the State of Alabama out of part of township 18, range 6 east, in Talladega county, to-wit: All the territory embraced in sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, lying within said township. That the said separate school district shall receive township, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section its proportionate share of the public school revenue of said fund; and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory set forth, and the county su- perintendent of education shall set apart from the county school fund and disburse and use such pro rata share exclusive- ly for the maintenance of the public schools of said separate school district. And to establish a separate school district to be known as the Aimwell school district in Marengo county, embracing all that part of sections four, five, six, seven, eight and nine of township 13, range two, east, lying west of Hod- gins creek, and section thirty-one, thirty-two and thirty-three, township fourteen, range tvv^o, east. And a separate school district to be known as the Tuskegee district, is hereby estab- lished at Tuskegee in the county of Macon, the boundaries of which shall be one and a quarter miles each way from the court house. And a separate school district is hereby <;onsti- tuted to be known as Hazel Green school district, commencing at the school house known as Milton Humes Academy, thence north to Fisk's Mills, south to Gentry's Cross Roads, east to ISTarrow Lane, west to McKay's in township one, range one, east, and township one, range one, west, in Madison county, and embracing an area of four miles square. And a separate school district to be known as Callahan district, embracing that portion of township six, ranges ten and eleven, lying be- tween Cane Creek on the east and Murder Creek on the west in Conecuh county. And a separate school district to bo 115 inown as the Central Institute school district, is hereby consti- tuted, embraced in the bounds of sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, in township 20, range 20, also section one in township 19, range 19, and sections 36, 25 and 24 in town- ship 20, range 19, in Elmore county. And a separate school district, to be known as Woodland Mills school district in Mor- gan county, is hereby '.-reated, beginning at Cataco Creek where the Robinson branch enters into said creek, thence east on the line bounding election precinct number 8, to the top of the mountain, thence in a northerly direction along the top of the mountain to the Kennedy point above J oseph AVilliams', thence west to Cataco Creek at Winston's ferry, thence in a southerly direction up side of said creek to the place of begin- ning. And a separate school district, to be known as LaA^ rence Cove school district in Morgan county, is hereby created embracing a portion of township eight, range two, west, be- ginning at the northeast corner of township eight, range two, west, running south to the center of section thirteen, thence west to the west line of section fifteen, thence north to the northwest corner of section fifteen, thence west to the south- Avest corner of section nine, thence north to the center of sec- tion thirty-three, township seven, range two, Avest, thence east to the township line, thence south to the beginning point. And a separate school district, to be known as Titi district, in Coffee county, is hereby formed, embracing all that part of township three, range twenty, east of Titi creek, and that part of township three, range twenty-one, on the west eide of Double bridges creek, down south to the line of Geneva and Coffee, to the township line of three and four between said creek, also from township line three and four, thence up little Double Bridges creek to Milborne creek, thence up Miiborne creek to south boundary line of sections thirteen and fourteen, 116 tkence west along said line to Titi creek, and tlience down Titf creek to county line. And a separate school district, to be- known as Woolf s Beat School District, in Morgan county, is; hereby established, embracing a portion of township six, range one west,, and a portion of township seven, range one, west, de- scribed as follows: commencing where the south line of sec- tion seven, township seven, range one east, crosses the county line, then running the said county line to where the north line of section nineteen, township six, range one east, crosses the county line, thence west to the top of the mountain, then let, the top of the mountain be the line till it strikes the section line between section scA^en and section eighteen, township seven, range one, w^est; thence east to the commencing corner and known as Woolf's Beat. And a separate school district is. hereby established, to be known as the Sylvan Grove School District, in Dale county, embracing the Sylvan Grove Acad- emy, and the territory surrounding the same, beginning where- the Henry county line crosses Blackwood's creek; thence west down said creek to Choctawhatchie river; thence west down said river to Lee's bridge on the Marianna road; thence south along said road to Mann's ford, where said road crosses Kelly's creek; thence east up left hand fork of said creek to its head (or uppermost spring) near- J. P. Carlisle' plantation; thence due east until it strikes the Henry county line; thence north along said line to starting point. And a separate school dis- trict, to be known as the Baker School District, in Henry county, is hereby created out of parts as follows: Beginning on the south side of township 6, range 27, through center of sections 34, 27, 22, and southeast quarter section fifteen go- ing north; thence east through center of sections 13 and 14,, and through center of sections 18 and 17, and thence south along a portion of sections 17, 20, 29 and 32 of township 6» 117 range 28; thence tlirougli s^ection 5; tlience west tlirougli sec- tion 6, township 5, range 28, and sections 1 and 2, and half thorough section 8; thence north to line to^^mship 5, range 27; And a separate school district, to be known as the Moss Grove School District, in ]\'rfirengo conntj, is hereby establishedj commencing at the point where Watkin's creek empties or flows into Chickasawbogne creek; from thence following the various meanderings of said Chickasawbogne creek in an east- erly direction to the section line between sections thirty-tlircc 4ind thirty-fonr of townsliip 16, range 4 east; thence dn.e south to the township line between townships fifteen and sixteen; thence west one-half mile; thence south one-half miie to the ■center of section 4, township 15, range 4 east; thence west one mile to the center of section 5, township 15, range 4 et^; thence south one and one-half miles; thence due west to Wat- kin's creek; tlience along the bank of said creek to the place •of beginning. And the T'ortner School J)istrict in Conecuh county, is established, embracing all that part of Old Town beat south of Simmons Creek. Approved February 27, 1889; :Ro. 444.) ±\-N ACT (H. 924. To constitute the town of Alco, in Escambia county, Alabama, as a separate school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the corporate limits of the town of Alco, in Es- cambia county, .\liibama, shall bo and is hereby constitnted a school district separate and apart from other school (Hstricts in said county, and the inhabitants of said town are hereby incor- porated by the name of the school district of Alco. 118 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and coun- •cilmen of the town of Alco, and their successors in office shall constitute a board of trustees for the district, which board shall proceed to establish said school district under the regulationsi hereinafter set forth. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the town of Alco, ai> sucii school district, shall receive its proportionate share of the public school tevenne, including a pre rata share of the six- teenth section funds of such f,owuship that lie partly within the corporate limits of the town of Alco; and the superinten- dent of education of Escambia comity shall set apart from the public school revenues of the county, and disburse and use such pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the pub- lic schools in the town of Alco. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said board of trustees are authorized to establish and locate the number of public schools to be taught each year within the school district, and elect teachers for the same, whether for males or females^ white or colored, and perform all other duties imposed on township superintendents in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees, as constituted in this act, shall control, manage and disburse all revenues which may be raised by special tax or othermse, for the maintenance of the public schools within the limits of the town of Alco, and under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe; Provided, that where dona- tions or contributions are made to a school in the district, or to- said school district, the board of trustees shall apply the dona- tions or contributions in the manner indicated by the party or parties contributing. Sec. '-\ Be it further enacted. That tlie trustees shall havt> power to buy lands for the purpose of building school houses,. 119 wliicli lands sliall bo deeded to themselves and snccessors in of- ^ce as trustees of said school district. They shall also have power to hnild suitable school houses, buy furniture for the same, and employ and pay teachers. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said school district shall make their report as is now required of township superintendents to the county superintendent: they shall have power to receive any scholar not living within the limits of the district on such terms as may be agreed upon; they shall also have the power to grade their schools. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees shall appoint a treasurer, who shall take charge of the money belonging to the district, and shall give such bond as the board may direct, and. shall pay out the same upon the order of fftie board through the mayor. Approved February, 27, 1889. 'No. 459.) AN ACT (H. 592. To create a separate school district in Marion and Lamar counties and to define the boundaries thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That all that part of township eleven, range fifteen, of Marion county, that lies west of the Sipsey creek, to township eleven, range sixteen of said coimty, and all that part of La- mar county that lies west of said creek to the same township eleven of range sixteen, be and the same is hereby formed into a separate school district, to be known as the Stuckey District, for which a superintendent shall be appointed, as provided by law for other districts of this State. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, Tlaat said sclaool district sliall be in all respects managed and controlled as a school dis- trict as now provided by law for tbe school districts in this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the township super- intendent shall be appointed by the county superintendent of Marion county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendents of the counties of Marion and Lamar, shall regularly apportion and set aside for the benefit of such school district the respective amounts due pro rata to the school children liv- ing within the said school district in their respective counties, and pay over the same to the superintendent of said school district for the support of public schools in said school district. Approved February 27, 1889. 1^0. 469.) AIsT ACT (H. 792. To create the to^vn of Xew Decatur a separate school district, to incorporat the same and define its powers and duties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the territorial limits of the town of 'New Decatur, as defined in the corporation of said town, be and the same is hereby created a school district separate and distinct from the other school districts of the county of Morgan. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants resid- ing within the territorial limits of said district be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and description of "The school district of the town of New De- catur," and by that-name may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, may have, take, hold, sell, exchange and convey real and personal property, and may acquire such 121 property by purchase or gift; may have perpetual succession, and may exercise all the rights, powers, franchises and privil- eges which are necessary or proper to carry into effect the pur- poses of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the governing body of said corporation shall consist of seven trustees, resident male citizens of said district, above the age of twenty-one years, who shall be elected as herein provided, by the electors residing in said district, who are males above the age of twenty-one years, and who have resided in said district for three months continu- ously immediatly prior to the day of election. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the first election of the trustees of said district shall take place on the first Mond^ in April next, at such place within the said district as may be ap- pointed by the corporate authorities of the town of Xew Deca- tur, and of the place so appointed, the said authorities must give at least ten days notice by posting notice at four or more public places within said district. Thereafter the election of trustees must be be-ennially on the first Monday in April at such place or places as may be designated by the corporate au- thorities aforesaid. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That at least twenty days before an election of trustees, the corporate authorities of the said town of New Decatur must appoint three inspectors for each voting place, resident male citizens of the age of twenty- one years, under whose direction the said election must be con- ducted and held. The inspectors must, before entering on their duties, severally before some officer authorized to take and certify oaths, take and subscribe an oath in writing, fairly and impartially to hold and conduct the election, which oath must be filed in the office of the mayor or intendant of said town of New Decatur. The polls at such election must be opened between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning, 122 and wlien opened, must remain open until 5 o'clock in the af- ternoon. If any of tlie inspectors so appointed fail to attend by half past 8 in the morning, the inspectors or inspector at- tending must appoint another inspector or inspectors in the place of the one or more not attending, who must have the qualifications herein prescribed, and must take the oath herein prescribed. The voting at such election must be by ballot, and the ballot must be a plain piece of white paper, on which must be written or printed the names of the persons voted for as trustees. Immediately on closing the polls, it is the duty of the inspectors to count the votes polled, and to make and cer- tify a statement in writing of the number of votes polled, the number of votes received by each person vo- ted for as trustee, which statement ust be filed with the mayor or intendant of the town of JSTew Decatur, together with the poll list; and with the mayor or intendant must be desposited the ballot boxes, sealed up by the inspectors, containing the ballots cast at the election and the poll lists, and such ballots and poll lists sealed up must be preserved by the mayor or intendant for the space of ten days; when, if there be not a contest of said election, he shall open the box and destroy such poll lists and ballots. The mayor or intendant of said town must, if there be not a contest of said election, on the expiration of ten days from and after the day of election, issue to the person having the largest number of the votes cast as shown by the statements filed with him by the inspectors, a certificate of election. If at such election two or more persons receive an equal number of votes, the in- spectors must decide between them by lot. Within ten days any qualified elector of the district may contest the election of any person as trustee before the judge of probate of the county of Morgan, by filing with the said judge a statement in writing verified by afiidavit, setting forth that at the time of the elec- 123 tion lie was a qualified Toter of tlie district and tlie name or names of tlie person or persons wliose election it is proposed to contest, and tlie particular grounds of sncli contest. The following and none other shall be deemed grounds of contest of the election, viz : Malconduct, fraud or corruption on the part of the inspectors, or on the part of the mayor or intendant aif ecting the result of the election ; because of illegal votes af- fecting the result of the election; because of the ineligibility of the person elected. On the contestant filing the statement aforesaid, and gi^dng bond with two good and sufficient sure- ties, who must by the judge of probate be approved good and sufficient, in a penalty not less than two hundred and fifty dol- lars, payable to the said judge, with condition that the contest- ant will prosecute such contest to effect, or if he fail thel'ein, that he will pay all the cost thereof, and such bond, without re- gard to its penalty, whether such penalty is less than or ex- ceeds the costs, shall be taken and deemed as binding the obligors to pay the costs which may be adjudged against the contestant, and for such costs, when taxed by the judge of pro- bate, execution may issue against any or all of the obligors in said bond. Such statement and bond being filed, the judge of probate must appoint a day, not exceeding ten days thereafter, for the trial of such contest, and must issue a notice with a copy of the said statement, directed to the person whose elec- tion is contested, which must be served on such person at least five days before the day appointed for the trial. The pro- ceedings on such contest must in all other respects be con- ducted as elections are contested under the statute regulating the contest of elections before the judge of probate. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the trustees so elected shall have power to enact by-laws for their own government, and for the management and government of the public schools in said district, all which schools are placed under the control of the said trustees, subject to the supervision and visitation 124 of the State s-u.permtendaiit of education. Tlie saicr trustees sliall locate tlie several public sctoals of the district, and may change such location as often as is deemed advantageous and expedient. They shall receive all funds and moneys accruing to the said school district, and apportion the same to each school. They shall, as may be expedient, grade the several schools, and must, as soon as may be conveient, attach to one or more of the male schools a department in which the pupils will be instructed and employed in the practical use of me- chanical tools or implements, and to one or more of the female schools an industrial department in which the pupils will be in- structed and employed in all that is necessary to housekeep- ing and needlework, and they shall, as is required by the laws of the State, maintain separate schools for the white and for the colored race, apportioning to these separate schools all pub- lic funds as such funds are proportioned by the general laws, and applying to the use of each school all funds or property which may be donated to the said school district for the use of -such school. They shall have the care and management of all property acquired by the said school district, but shall not have power to dispose of any real estate donated to said district for the use of the colored school without the consent of a ma- jority of the colored male inhabitants of the said district, of the age' of twenty-one years, to be ascertained by an election held at that purpose at a time aud place to be appointed by the said trustees, of which ten days notice must be given, ■nor shall said trustees dispose of any real estate donated to said district for the use of a white school without, in like manner, obtaining the consent of a majority of the white male inhabi- tants of the said district of the age of twenty-one years. They shall employ all teachers of the said public schools, fix their compensation, and remove them at pleasure. They shall con- tract for and superintend the erection and construction of all 1241 houses and buildings for the use of the public schools, and the proper furnishing thereof, and shall cause the same to be ke])t in proper repair and properly supplied with necessary fuel. They shall, subject to the supervision and control of the State superintendent of education, prescribe the course of study and the books to be used in said schools, and further to do and perform all acts necessary to the maintenance of public schools in said district. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the said trustees shall elect a clerk and treasurer, who shall serve during the term of the trustees electing them, and shall be removable at the pleasure of a majority of the trustees. The clerk shall be the keeper of the books and records of the trustees, and shall keep a full and accurate luinute of all their proceedings, ^he treasurer shall have the custody and shall receive all moneys accruing to the said school district from any and all sources, and shall pay out the same on the order of the trustees as shown by the warrant of. the clerk directed to him. He shall give bond with at least two good and sufficient sureties, pay- able to the said school district by its corporate name in a pen- alty double the amount which it may be supposed will come to his hands annually for safe keeping and disbursement, mth condition that he will faithfully keep, and fairly and justly ac- . count for all the moneys received by him, and for all defaults committed by him the obligors in said bond shall be liable, though such default may exceed the penalty in the said bond expressed, and the clerk and treasurer nxust conform to and abey all rules, regulations and by-laws provided for their gov- ernment bv the said trustees. 126 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said trustees shall have full power to levy a tax for the maintenance of the public schools in said district on all property,, real and personal, with- in said district subject to taxation by the State, not to exceed one-half of one per centum on the value thereof as assessed for State taxation the preceding year. The said tax must be as- sessed by the clerk of said trustees, he having hrst taken an oath fairly and accurately to make such assessment, and the said tax must be collected by such officer or person as the said trustees may appoint, and for the enforcement of the payment of such tax all the remedies may be employed which the tax collector of the county may employ for the collection of State and county taxes, and real estate may be sold for the non-pay- ment of such tax by like proceedings and in the same manner in which real estate may be sold for the non-payment of State and county taxes. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the said school dis- trict shall receive its full and just proportionate share of the public school revenues, including a just j)ro rata share of the sixteenth section funds of the township in which the said dis- trict is situated, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within the said district, all which revenue and funds- must be collected by the county superintendent of education, and paid to the treasurer of said trustees. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That the said trustees shall make to the county superintendent of education all such re- ports as may be required by law of township superintendents. Approved February 28, 1889. 126 No. 529.) A^ ACT (S. 241. To amend sections 1, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 14, of an act to create a board of education for the town of Decatur, and to pre- scribe the duties and powers of tbe sara To constitute a separate school district, to be known as the Salem School District, in the county of Lee, and State of Alabama, and for the appointment of a board of trus- tees therefor. i Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district be and the same is hereby established, as hereinafter provided, in the county of Lee and State of Alabama, which district shall be com- posed and consist of all that territory in- cluded in sections nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty- four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty- one (31), thirty-two (32, thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34), thirty-five (35), and thirty-six (36), of township nineteen (19), range twenty-eight (28), and all of sections two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) of township eighteen (18), range twenty- eight (28). Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That to carry out the pur- poses of this act, Wm. A. Dunn,, Thadeus W. Scott, Micheal 129 W. Wliitmaii, ^^arner P. Kemion, Jiio. A. Wliite, J. A. Wal- ler, Geo. W. McKennon, Chas. W. Buck and S. T. jSTelms are hereby eonstitnted and appointed a board of trustees of said Salem School District, who shall have power to purchase, re- ceive, hold and convey for and in behalf of said school district all such personal and real property as may be necessary or proper for the purpose of said school district, and who shall control the disposition of all funds which may be received by or for said school district. They shall also have power to build suitable school houses, and buy furniture for the same. • _ Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, the said persons hereinabove named, or a majority thereof, shall proceed to organize said board of trustees, by electing one of their number presidenlJIof the board, and by electing some suitable person or persons, whether members of the board or not, as secretary of the board and treasurer of the school district; Provided, however, the secretary of the board and treasurer of the district may be one and the same person, if the board shall so elect. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the term of service of the persons hereinabove named as trustees, shall be for the term of two years from the time of their election, 1891, or un- til their successors are appointed and qualified, and their suc- cessors and all subsequent boards of trustees shall consist of nine persons, who shall be appointed by the superintendent of education of Alabama, on the first day of October, 1891, or as soon as practicable thereafter, and every two years thereaf- ter, who shall hold office for the term of two years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. In case of a vacancy in said board of trustees from any cause, the remain- ing membersof said board shall have power to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the terms of service of secretary and treasurer shall be for two years from tlie date of ' 9 130 tlieir election, but they may be removed by said board of trustees at any time. The board shall require of the treasurer so elected a bond, in such amount as may be fixed by them, in no case to be less than double the amount of funds that will be in his custody at any one time payable to said school district and conditioned to safely keep and disburse according to law, all money which may come into his hands as treasurer of said school district, and to be approved by the president of said school board, and filed with him. A copy of said bond, certi- fied to by the president of said board, shall be filed in the of- fice of the State superintendent of Alabama. The board may require additional bond, with other or additional securities, and a different amount when they see proper to do so. The said treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by said board of trustees, but in no case to be more than two per centum of the money disbursed by him. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That no one but a freehold- er, or householder resident within said district, shall be eligible to be appointed as a mem- ber of said board of trustees, or be elected secretary or treasurer thereof. Said trustees and treasurer shall take the oath of office prescribed by law for all officers of this State before entering upon the duties of their office. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees may meet at such time and places within said district, as they may designate, and shall take such measures as may be proper to establish such schools in said district as may be necessary for the accommodation of the youth thereof, of each race; to grade such schools, prescribe the text books to be used there- in, employ teachers and generally to make such rules and reg- ulations for said school district as to them may seem best and not in conflict with the laws of this State. The State superin- tendent of education shall furnish said boards of trustees such books and blanks as are furnished the county superintendent of education. 131 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees shall have power to receive any scholars not living within said district on such terms as they may designate. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said district shall receive no compensation as said trustees. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, and shall also receive its pro rata share of the sixteenth section in- terest accruing to the townships or parts of townships of which said school district is composed. And it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school dis- trict, and all funds which may be donated to said school dis- trict. All funds of said school district shall be paid to me treasurer of said school district, who shall receipt for the same, and the superintendent of education of the State, or other proper State officer, shall give the necessary orders and in- structions, and issue the necessary warrants or certificates to secure the payment to said school district of all funds to which it may be entitled from the State, or from poll tax, direct to the treasurer of said school district. See. 11. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees shall have power to levy an annual tax for school pur- poses, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, upon all proper- ty, both real and personal, mthin the bounds of said school district, and the tax assessor of the county of Lee shall, by di- re^-tioT) of said board of trustees, assess said tax, which said as- sessment shall be collected by the tax collector of Lee count}', at the same time, and in the same manner, with the annual St.ite and coiintv taxes, except that the said tax assessor shall, in making said assessment, keep separate lists of the property belonging to white and colored tax payers, and the said tax collector shall keep the taxes paid by each race, so distinct as 132 to be able to designate tbe amount paid by each, and so pay over to and take receipts from said treasurer of said board of trustees for the ajuount paid by each race; said treasurer may keep the same separate and distinct. All taxes collected by the said tax collector within said district, shall be paid to the said treasurer of said school district, vmo shall receipt for the same, less the fees for assessing and collecting, and the said taxes so collected and paid over to the said treasurer, shall, by direction of said board of trustees, be disbursed in the interest of the separate schools for each race, respectively. And all. funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools and the pro rata shai'e of the sixteenth section fund, and all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds donated to the same, shallin like man- ner be kept separate and disbursed in the interest of each race accordingly. Sec. 12, Be it further enacted, Before a special tax pro- vided for by section 11 of this act shall be levied, an election shall be ordered by the probate judge of Lee county, on appli- cation of said trustees, to be held at Salem, Alabama, at such time as said judge of probate shall prescribe, to be held under the general election laws of Alabama, and the qualified elec- tors residing in the proposed school district shall be allowed to vote at said election. If a majority of said electors shall vote against the said tax, it shall not be levied. If a majority of said electors shall vote in favor of the same, the probate judge .shall enter a statement to that effect, upon the minutes of the commissioners court of said county, and the said tax shall be levied and collected; the tax from the white race to go to the white schools, and the tax from the colored race to go to the colored schools. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees shall make annual reports to the State superintendent 133 of education the same as required of county superintendents of education. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take ef- fect from the date of its approval, and that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed. Approved February 28, 1889. isTo. 560.) AN ACT (H. 926 To constitute the city of Gadsden a separate school ! district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly 61 li.'a- bama: That the corporate limits of the city of Gadsden, Ala- bama, as they now or hereafter may exist, shall constitute a public school district separate and apart from the remaining school districts of Etowah county, and shall, be known as the Gadsden Public School District. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the city council of Gads- den and their successors in office shall constitute a board of trustees for said school district, who shall as soon as practicable proceed to establish and control said public school district un- der the regulations hereinafter set forth. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the said city council shall have the power to buy and lease lands for the purpose of building school buildings, or lands with school buildings thereon, to be used for school purposes, taking the deeds to themselves, and their successors, and also to purchase, erect and furnish school buildings. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said city council are authorized to establish and locate the number of public schools to be taught each year within said school district, and elect trustees for the same, whether for males or females, white or 134 colored, and perform all other duties necessary to the proper regulation and maintenance of sucli schools. See. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Gadsden public school district shall receive its proportionate share of the pub- lic school revenue, including its pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll taxes within the limits of said school district for^^the use and maintenance of the public schools therein, in the same manner as county superintendents receive school funds. All moneys collected or received by the city of Gadsden for school pur- poses pursuant to this act, shall be paid over to the treasurer of said city and be kept by him separate and apart from all oth- er funds of the city, and shall be paid out only on warrant in favor of the city superintendent of schools drawn by the clerk of said city on a resolution or ordinance of said city council. And the city council shall require a separate bond from the city treasurer for the safe keeping of said funds in such ^um and with such condition of security as they may prescribe, and payable to the said city council and their successors, which bond shall be filed with the city clerk, and shall be renewed from time to time as said city council may direct. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That a tax of one-fifth of one per cent, in addition to the per cent, of tax levied by the State for State purposes, shall be levied by the tax assessor of Etowah county on all property taxed by the State within rhe limits of said Gadsden school district for public school pur- poses, and shall file such assessment with the treasurer of said city of Gadsden at the same time and manner he files his as- sessments for the State and county taxes with the probate judge of Etowah county. And the tax collector of Etowah county shall collect said taxes in the same manner as he col- lects the taxes lor the State and county, and the same reme- dies shall be used and employed by him for collecting such 135 taxes as are granted under the general law for collecting taxes for the State and county. The same power and jurisdiction as to this matter being granted and conferred on the probate judge and probate court of Etowah county to issue execution and condemn property, as they have in collecting and enforc- ing liens for State taxes. And said tax assessor and collector shall be allowed the same rate of commission for assessing and collecting such taxes as are allowed for assessing and collect- ing State taxes. And said tax collector shall pay over said taxes as he collects them to the city treasurer of Gadsden, taking his receipt therefor, and the tax assessor and tax collector shall be required to make settlements for such taxes with the city authorities of Gadsden, as they are required to make with the commissioners court of Etowah county for State and co%ity taxes. And the same liabilities and remedies shall attach to their bonds for any default and dereliction of duty in this be- half as are given the State and county on their bonds for like default and dereliction. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said city council shall have power to elect a superintendent of the public schools of said district, who shall hold his office for two years. Such superintendent, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath of office prescribed by law, for such offi- cers in this State and shall give bond with security in such sum as may be fixed by said city council and their successors, and conditioned as all other official bonds. Said bond shall be approved by said city council and filed in the office of the clerk of said city, and a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the State superintendent of education. All funds drawn by the city clerk by direction of said city council as heretofore provided, shall be received from the city treasurer by such superintendent on such warrants, and disbursed and accounted for by him in like manner, as is required by county superin- tendents. 136 Sec. 8, Be it further enacted, That said' superintendent of public schools of the Gadsden School District, may be re- moved at any time, either by said city council or by the State superintendent of education, and when removed shall be in- eligible to re-election during the time for which he was elect-, ed. All vacancies for the office of superintendent shall be tilled by election by said city council, at any regular or special meeting calltd for that purpose, and the person so elected shall hold for the unexpired term, and shall qualify as above re- quired. The said superintendent shall be commissioned by the State superintendent of education, and he shall receive such compensation, to be paid out of the fund provided for in this act, as said city council may fix. Said superintendent shall make full and complete reports to the said city council, and to the State superintendent of education, and perform such other duties as are required by law of county superinten- dents of education, not inconsistent with this act, and also such other duties as said city council may require, not inconsistent with this act, and the general laws of the State. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all moneys collected under this act from the white race, shall go to the support of the white schools, and all moneys collected from the colored race, shall be applied to the support of the colored schools, that shall be established in said school district, and to carry out the provisisons of this section, it shall be the duty of the tax assessor in inaking assessments under the provisions of this act, to note on the assesment book the race to which all prop- erty assessed belongs, and duty of the tax collector to report hov/ much of said tax has been collected from each race. Approved February 28, 18S1). 137 :Nro. 581.) AN ACT ' (11.509. To repeal an act entitled an act to authorize and reqnire the county superintendents of education of the counties of Lamar, Fayette and Marion to pay the teachers of public schools monthly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That an act entitled an act to authorize and require the county superintendents of education of the counties of Lamar, Fayette and Marion to pay the teachers of public schools monthly, approved December 11th, 1886, be and the same is hereby repealed. , Approved February 28, 1889. 'k No. 609.) AN ACT (H.512. To amend an act to create a separate school district in Coffee county, Alabama, and define the boundaries thereof, ap- proved December 11, 1886. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That an act entitled an act to create a separate school district in Coffee county, Alabama, approved December 11, 1886, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as fol- lows: Section 1. That all that part of township three, range 20, east of Titi creek, and that part of township three, range twenty-one, on the west side of Double Bridges creek down south to the line of Geneva and Coffee, to the township line of three and four, between said creek, also from township line three and four; thence up little Double Bridges creek to Mil- burn creek; thence up Milburn creek to south boundary line of sections thirteen and fom'teen; thence west along said line 138 to Titi creek; and tlience down Titi creek to the county line, all in the county of Coffee, be and the same is hereby formed into a separate school district, to be known as the Titi district, for which a superintendent shall be appointed as provided by law for other school districts of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be in all respects managed and~ controlled as school dis- tricts as now provided by law for the school districts of the State. Approved February 28, 1889. No. 68) AN ACT (H. 154 To repeal an act entitled "an act to amend section eleven of an act to establish a separate school district, to be known !is the Cullman School Dis-.trict in Cullman county, Ala- bama, and for the appointment of a Board of Trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges," approved February 28, 1887. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That an act entitled "an act to amend section eleven of an act to establish a separate school district, to be known as the Cullman School District, in Cullman county, Alabama, and for the appointement of a board of trustees for said school district with certain powers and privileges," approved Februa- ry 28, 1887, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take ef- fect from its passage. Approved December 10, 1890. 139 109) Alii ACT (S. 66. To constitute the City of Anniston a Separate School District and to provide a Board of Education therefor. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Al.i- bama, that the territory within the corporate limits of the City of Anniston shall be a school district separate and apart from the remaining districts in the county of Calhoun. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public schools of the City of Anniston shall be under the control and manage- ment of a board of education, to consist of nine suitable per- sons to be elected by the mayor and city council of Anniston from the qualified electors of the city at its first regular rae%t ing in JVJarch, 1891; and such board to be divided into three classes, three in each class. The first class shall hold ofiice for a term of two years, the second class for four years, and the third class for six years, and biennially thereafter the city council shall elect the successors of the tliree members of the board whose term of office expires, and they shall hold ofiice for a term of six years. Vacancies in said board caused by death, resignation or removal, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the city council. The board shall elect a chairman from its members who shall hold ofiice for a term of two years. He shall have the right to vote upon all questions before said board, and shall have a casting vote where there shall be a tie. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That each member of said board shall, upon his induction into ofiice, take and subscribe an oath of affirmation faithfully to discharge the duties im- posed upon him as a member of such board. A majority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The members shall receive no compensation. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board may pro- vide all rules, by-laws, or regulations necessary for the con- 140 duct of business tliat may come before it, and may elect a secretary, who shall hold office at its pleasure, who shall re- ceive such compensation as such board may prescribe. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of such board^ annually, before the first day of May, to submit a statement to the mayor and city coun- cil aforesaid, showing the amount of money required for the support and maintenance of the public schools of the city for the next ensuing scholastic year, and for the erection^ rental and repair of the necessary school buildings, together with a statement of the probable amount of money that will be received from the state school fund, or from any other source. ■ When such statement shall have been made, the mayor and city council shall make an appropriation to supply whatever additional amount may be necessary, but it shall not be re- xpired to appropriate more than twenty per cent of the gross revenues of the city for such schools; but it may in its discre- tion appropriate larger sums, or make special appropriations for the erection, repair or rental of school houses; and all moneys whether received from the city or from the State, county or other sources, shall be placed by the city treasurer to the credit of such board of education, separate and apart from other funds in his hands, and it shall be disbursed as described by said board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That such board shall elect a superintendent of the public schools of such separate school district, who shall hold office for a term of two years, unless sooner removed, and he shall perform the duties and receive such salary as the board may prescribe. It shall also elect all teachers, fix their duties and compensation; prescribe the qualifications necessary to become a teacher in said schools, and said board, or a committee thereof, shall examine all ap- plicants to teach in said schools, and from such applicants 141 it shall select sucli as may be considered best qualified to fill the positions of teachers. The board may provide all rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of such schools, and it may require the use of such text books as it may think proper. r^; i Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said board of education shall have power to lease, purchase-, build, furnish or keep in repair school houses; and all property, real or personal, now Used by the mayor and city council of Anniston for school purposes shall vest in and be under the control of said board, and shall be used for the same purpose upon its organization. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall receive its proportionate share of the public school •revenue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township which lies wholly or in part within said school district, and shall re- ceive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within the said district for the use and maintenance of the public schools therein, and for the purpose herein authorized which said moneys shall be paid over to the treasurer of the city of Anniston, and shall be by him kept and disbursed as provided by section five of this act. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the superintendents ^f . said schools shall attend to the taking of the school census .(with such assistance as may be allowed him by said school board) whenever such census is required to be taken, and he shall make a full report of the same to said board and to the Stp^ superintendent of education. ■ Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall have power to charge in the high school (if such be established) such incidental or other fees, as may be necessary ]f or thp proper conduct of such high school, but no fee shall .be charged in any school of lower grade than the high school. 142 Sec. 11. Be it furtlier enacted, Tliat an act to constitute the town of Annistbn a separate school district, approved February 3d, 1883, and any laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved January 28, 1891. 113) AN ACT (H. 445 To constitute the Town of Attalla a Separate School District and to provide for the management of the Public Schools of said District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Attalla, Etowah county, and the inhabitants thereof are hereby in- corporated by the name of the School District of the City of Attalla. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said school district shall receive each year its proportionate share of the school fund coming to Etowah county, from whatever source derived and its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund, and also all the taxes collected as poll taxes in said district, whicli. fund and taxes and all other funds for the use of said school district, are to be controlled, managed and expended as here- inafter named. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That a board of education, to be known as the board of education of said school district, is hereby appointed to consist of the mayor of said town, who shall be ex-officio president thereof, and four other persons, who for one year next preceding their election, shall have been bona fide residents of said town, and who shall be elected by the qualified electors of said district at the time the elec- 143 tion is held for mayor and aldermen of said town, and whose term of office shall be three years from the date of their elec- tion, and the election of said board shall be held by the in- spectors appointed to hold an election for mayor and alder- men of said town, and the returns of said election shall be certified to said mayor and aldermen, who shall declare the result thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the said board of education shall have the management and control of the public schools of said district, and of all moneys and property collected, donated or acquired for said school district, and of the expenditure and investment of said moneys as herein provided by this act, and said board shall also have power to create and appoint a board for the examination of apjjli- cants for positions as teachers in the public schools of said district, and no person shall be elected by said board of educa- tion as a teacher in any of said public schools who shall not have received a license from said board of examination. Said board of examination shall consist of such number of persons as may be deemed expedient by the board of education, and they shall serve as such at the pleasure of said board of educa- tion; Provided, that said board of education may, at its elec- tion, examine applicants for positions as teachers in said public schools and issue license to said teachers upon such examination; and provided further, that no person shall teach any of the public schools of said district who has not been elected by the said board of education. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall elect from their body a secretary and treasurer thereof, and the treasurer, before entering upon his duties, shall make bond in such sum as the board may direct, with sufficient surety to be approved by the president of said board, payable to said school district, with condition faithfully to 144 discharge the duties of his office during his contihuance there- in, which bond shall be entered upon the minutes of i said board, and also transcribed upon the records of the to^ivn of Attalla, and the original then kept by the said board in some safe and convenient place, and a certified transcript of the record. of said bond from, the minutes of said board or from the record of said town of Attalla, shall be presumptive evi- dence of the execution of said bond in all the courts of this State, in the event said bond should be lost. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That a majority of said board of education shall ctmstitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a record shall be kept of all the official meet- ings, and if at any meeting the president of the board should be absent, the members present may elect a president pro- tempore. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the treasurer of said board of education shall receive all moneys belonging to said school district and pay the same out only upon the warrant of the mayor'.of the town, and said mayor shall not draw a warrant for any of said moneys except upon the order of the board of education, and whenever called upon by said board, the treasurer shall make a report in writing of money received and paid out by him for and on account of said school district. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall malce a written report to the state superintendent of education on the first Monday in January and July of each year, of the condition of the schools in said district, the length of time they were open the past scholastic year, the number of pupils in attendance, the number of teachers, the value of school property, the amount paid for school houses or for re- pairing the same, the amount paid teachers, and the amount received from all sources the past scholastic year for the use of said school district, and of any other matter required by 145 law, and a duplicate of said report shall be filed witli tlie mayor and aldermen of said town of Attalla, who shall at the expense of the town, cause the same to be published in some newspaper of said town. Sec. 9.* Be it further enacted. That the mayor of said town of Attalla, and the treasurer of said board of education shall at such time as may be fixed by the board, make report in writing to the board of education of the expenditure of the moneys of the school district, which report shall be sub- mitted to the board for examination and shall be spread upon the minutes of the board. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the tax collector of the county of Etowah is hereby required to pay over to the treasurer of said board of education, all poll taxes collected within said school district, and the receipt of said treasurer under the seal of said school district shall be a valid vouclier in the hands of said tax collector in his settlement with the auditor of the state, and the superintendent of education of said county is required to pay over to the treasurer of said board the pro rata share of said school district in the school fund of said county, and the marshal or person authorized Lo receive and collect taxes for the town of Attalla is required to pay over to said treasurer all such moneys as were collected by said marshal or other person for the use and benefit of said school district. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That said school district, by its corporate name, shall have the power to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, shall have a common seal, to be kept by the secretary of said board of education, shall have the right to buy, sell, lease, receive by gift or devise, real and personal property for the use and benefit of the public schools of said town; shall contract for the erection of school houses in said district, which shall be located in such place or 10 146 places as will best serve tlie convenience of the cliilclren in said district, and change the location of said school houses whenever necessary, and the board of education herein pro- vided for shall be the proper constituted authority for the purpose of executing and carrying out the powers and exercis- ing the rights and privileges herein conferred upon said school district. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That all children resid- ing within said district between the ages of seven and twenty- one shall have the right to enter any of the public schools of said city free of charge, provided always that separate u-:rth-west quarter, and the west half of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter, and the wesr half of tb.t. south-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section twenty-eight, township seventeen, range three, Avest; and the southwest quarter and the south-east quarter of section twenty-one, in township seventeen, range three, west; and the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section twenty, in township seven- teen, range three, west, all in Jefferson county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the poll tax col- lected from persons residing within the above described territorial limits, shall be collected for and applied to the keeping up of the public schools in said separate school district, and that the said school district shall also receive its pro rata share of all other public school funds which are appropriated or otherwise raised for the support of the public schools in the county of Jefferson. Approved Dec. 12, 1892. No. 156) ' A¥ ACT (H. 395 To establish Bowen School District, in Henry county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory situated in the county ol Henry shall constitute a separate school district, to be known as the Bowen School District, to-wit: Com- mencing where Tatty creek empties into the Choctawhatchea river, thence up said creek to where it strikes the south lino of section 2, township T, range 27, thence east along said line to the center of section 5, township 7, range 28, thence north one mile to the township line between township 7 and town- 179 ship 8, thence west along said line one-half mile, thence north along the line between sections 31 and 32, in township 8, range 28, one mile, thence west three-quarters of a mile along the line between sections 30 and 31, in township 8, range 28, thence north to Hayne's branch, thence west along said branch until it intersects Cowpen creek, thence down said creek to the Choctawhatchee river, thence down said river to the starting point. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said separate school district shall be under the supervision of three trustees ap- pointed by the county superintendent of Henry county, with the same powers, duties and rights as other township trustees. Approved Feb. 8, 1893. % :No. 159) A.'N ACT (H. 489 To establish a separate educational school district, to be kno^^m as District 'No. 4, in Coffee county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district to be known as district 'No. 4, in Coffee county, be, and the same is hereby establish- ed. To consist of lands known and described as follows: Bounded north by township line between township (3) three and (4) four, of range (29) twenty-nine, on the east by the section line of section (5) five and (8) eight,on the south by south line of section (7) seven and (8) eight, to^vnship (3) three, range (19) nineteen, east to Pea river,, on west by Pea river, embracing all the territory on the east side of Pea river in township (4) four, range (19) nineteen, in Coffee county, be and the same is hereby constituted a school district separate and apart from the remainder of the township from whieh the sitae lias been takien, and shall te under the supet- vision of a district superintendent of education with power ii> transact all matters pertaining thereto under the law. Approved Feb. 8, 1893. m. 212) AN ACT (S. Z22 To establish a separate school district in Lauderdale coiiiity,. to be known as the "Waterloo School District. Section 1. Be it eniacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory in the county of Lauderdale shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the remaining school districts in said county, namely: Begin on the Tennessee river at the east line of fractional section num.ber live, of fractional township number two, range number fourteen, running north to the north- east corner of section number thirty-three, township number one, range number fourteen, thence west to the north-west corner of section number thirty-five, township one, range fifteen, thence due south to the Tennessee river, thence up said river to the place of beginning, to be known as the- Waterloo School District. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted. That such school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that lies partly within the said school district, and shall also receive all the poll tax collected within the limits of said district, and the superintendent of education of Lauderdale county shall set apart from the public school revenues of the county, and disburse and use such pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public schools in said district of "Waterloo. 181 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the dutj of the county superintendent of education of said county to appoint three district superintendents for said district in the same manner as is provided for the appointment of town- ship superintendents, and said superintendents shall be re- quired to perform such duties in this district as are required by law of other township superintendents, and the district superintendents shall as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, make an enumeration of all the children, white and colored, male and female, between the ages of seven and twenty-one years within the said Waterloo School District, and make a report to the county superintendent as soon as practicable, which report shall also show the number of such children within the fractional portion of each township %f which said Waterloo School District is formed; and subse- quent apportionments of school moneys in and for the ter- ritory composing said Waterloo School District shall be made in accordance with such enumeration, until another enu- meration shall be made under the general laws ol the State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of Lauderdale county, shall co-operate with the said district superintendents in keeping up the schools, both white and colored, in said district. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws conflicting with the provisions of this act,~be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved Feb. 11, 1893. 182 1^0. 222) AN ACT (H. 96 To amend sections 1, 2 and 7, and to repeal sections 3 and 4 of an act to establish a separate school district, to be known as the Cullman School District, in Cullman coun- ty, Alabama, and for the appointment of a board of trustees for said school district, with certain powers and privileges, approved February 14, 1885. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That section 1 of the said act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That the corporate limits of the city of Cullman, in Cullman county, Alabama, shall consti* tute a school district separate and apart from the other school districts in the county of Cullman, and the inhabitants of the said city of Cullman are hereby incorporated by the name of "The Cullman School District." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That section 2 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 2. That the public schools of the said Cullman School District shall be under the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of the city of Cullman, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and six other persons, householders and free- holders, residents of said city of Cullman, to be elected by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Cullman at their regular meeting in May, 1893; the first two elected shall hold their office for the term of two years, and the second two elected shall hold their office for the term of four years, and the last two elected shall hold their office for the term of six years,, and at each regular meeting in May, biennially thereafter,. or as soon thereafter as practicable, they shall elect two per- sons of the qualifications above stated, to succeed those whose offices have expired, so that two of such persons shall be elected biennially. Vacancies in said board shall be filled by 183 election by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Culhnan, at the first regular meeting of the same after the occurrence thereof, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the members so elected to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. The i>resent board of trustees of said Cullman School District shall remain in office until the election of the board of educa- tion under this act. Said board of education shall have power to purchase, receive, hold and convey for and in behalf of said school district all such real and personal property as may be necessary or proper for the purposes of said school district, and shall control the disposition of all funds which may be received by or for said school district. They shall have power to rent or build suitable school houses, and buy furniture for the same. Said board of education shall, as soon as practicable after their election, organize by electing some suitable persons or persons, whether members of the board or not, as secretary of the board and treasurer of tlie school district, and the secretary of the board and treasurer of the school district may be one and the same person, if the board shall so elect. That said board of education shall take the place of and have all the powers of the board of trustees in said original act, and wherever in said original ac; the words "board of trustees," or "trustees," are used,, the words "board of education" are hereby substituted. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That section 7 of said original act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 7. That said board of education may meet at such time and places within said city as they may designate, and shall take such measures^ as may be proper to establish such school in said district as may be necessary for the accommodation of the youths thereof of each race, to grade such schools, pres- cribe text books to be used therein, employ teachers, and generally to make such rules and regulations for such school 184 district as to them may seem best and are not in conflict with the laws of the State. It shall be the duty of said board of education, before the first day of August of each year, to prepare and file with the mayor of Cullman, an estimate of the money required for the maintenance of the public school of said district for the succeeding scholastic year, and for the erection and repair of necessary school buildings, and for furniture for the same, and fuel for the schools, in order that the mayor and councilmeen of the city of Cullman maj> make the necessary provisions to supply the funds required in said estimate. Provided, That no contracts shall be en- tered into, and no disbursements of any money or funds shall be made for buildings, except by the consent and under the direction and control of the mayor and councilmen of the city of Cullman. The said board of education, in connection witii the faculty of the said school, shall have the right to grant diplomas to those who have creditably completed any of the prescribed courses of study, and certificates of scholarship or of proficiency in any of the courses of study. That the State superintendent of educa- tion shall furnish said board of education such books and blanks as are furnished to the county superintendent of education. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That sections 3 and 4 of said act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Approved February 11, 1893. 185 m. 23Y) AE ACT (H. 941 To constitute certain territory in Greene county, Alabama, a separate school district, and to provide for the man- agement of the public schools in said school district, and to direct and provide for the disbursement of the school fund collected under the provisions of this act. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following territory situated in Greene coun- ty, Alabama, to-wit: All of section twenty-nine (29); all of section twenty (28); the south-west quarter of section twenty-seven (27); the south-west quarter of the south-east quarter of section twenty-seven (27); all of section thirly- three (33); all of section thirty-four (34); the east half of section thirty-two (32); the west half of the north-west quar- ter of section thirty-five (35); the west half of the south-west quarter of section thirty-five (35); all in township twenty- two (22); of range two (2) east; the north half of section three (3); the west half of the north-west quarter of section two (2); the north half of the south-west quarter of section three (3); the north half of section four (4); the north half of the south-east quarter of section four (4); the north-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section four (4); the north-east quarter of section five (5); all in township twenty- one (21); of range two (2) east; shall constitute a public school district separate and apart from the remaining school district of Greene county, and shall be known as the Eutaw Public School District. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of said district shall be under the control and management of a board of education, to consist of seven suitable persons, one of whom shall be mayor of the town of Eutaw, the other 186 six shall be elected by tlie mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Eutaw from the qualified electors of said town who are not members of said board of aldermen, at the first regu- lar meeting in March, 1893; the six to be elected by said major and board of aldermen are to be divided into three classes, two in each class. The first class shall hold office for a term of two years, the second class for four years, and the third class for six years, and biennially thereafter the mayor and board of aldermen of said town of Eutaw shall elect the successors of the two members of the board of education whose term of office expires and they shall hold office for a term of six years. Vacancies in said board of education caused by death, resignation or removal, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the mayor and board of aldermen of said town of Eutaw. The mayor of said town of Eutaw shall be ex-officio chairman of said board, and shall have a casting vote where there shall be a tie in any question before said board. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That each member of said board of education shall, upon his introduction into office, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation faithfully to diS^ charge the duties imposed upon him as a member of such board; sucli oath shall be in writing, and shall be subscribed before any officer allowed under the laws of Alabama to ad- minister oaths, and when taken shall be filed with the mayor of said town of Eutaw. A majority of said board shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The mem- bers shall recei\'e no compensation. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall provide all rules, by-laws, or regulations necessai'v for the conduct of business that may come before it, and may elect one of their number as secretarv who shall receive no compensation. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- 187 tion is authorized to establish and locate the number of public schools to be taught each year within said school district, whether for male or female, white or colored, and perform all other duties necessary to the proper regulation and maintenance of such schools, and said board of education shall also elect teachers, fix their duties .and compensation, prescribe the qualifications necessary to become a teacher iu said schools, and said board of education, or a committee thereof, shall examine all applicants to teach in said schools, and from such applicants shall select such as may be com sidered the best qualified for the position of teachers. Any of such ofiicers, or teachers may be removed for cause to be determined by said board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the Eutaw Pilblic School District shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue, including its pro rata share of the six- teenth section fund of each township that lies partly within the school district established by this act, and shall also re- ceive all the tax collected as poll taxes within the limits of said school district, for the use and maintenance of the public schools established by said board of education therein, the said fund and taxes to be drawn and received by the treasurer of said town of Eutaw in the same manner as county superin- tendents of education receive school funds; and that the Eutaw Public School District may receive from said town of Eutaw such sums or amounts arising from property tax not required to pay the interest and principal of bonds issued by said town for school piu'poses, as the mayor and aldermen of the town of Eutaw may annually appropriate for the use and maintenance of the public schools established in said district; and all moneys whether received from said town or from the State, county, poll taxes, or other source, shall be placed by the treasurer of said town of Eutaw to the credit of sucli board of education, separate and apart from the otlier funds in his hands, and it shall be disbursed as directed by said board of education. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion, after thej establish the schools in said district, shall annually apportion to each school so established such an amount of the public school revenue and other funds collected, or placed to their credit under this act, for the current scholas- tic years as said boards of education may deem just and equita- ble, and for the equal benefit of the children thereof between the ages of seven and twenty-one years. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily com- plete the course of study prescribed by said board of educa- tion for the public schools of said school district. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of the said school district, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said school district. Provided, Such children themselves be bona fide residents of said school district, and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and condi- tions as the board of education may prescribe, and said board of education is hereby authorized to provide separate schools for the children of citizens of African descent. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That the said board of education shall have power, and they are hereby authorized to charge in the several grades of the public schools establish- ed in said school district, such tuition, matriculation, inci- dental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said public gchools. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That the cEairraan of the said board of education shall attend to the taking of the 189 school census (with such assistance as may be allowed him 6y said board) whenever such census is required to be taken, and he shall make a full report of the same to the board and to the State superintendent of education. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That all prt^perty, real or personal, now or hereafter owned by the town of Eutaw as school property, or which has been or may hereafter be pur- chased by said town of Eutaw for school purposes, shall be under the control and management of said board of education. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 14, 1893. % ]\'o. 258) Al^ ACT (S. 472 To establish the Hampton school district in Madison county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory, situated in the county of Madison, shall constitute a separate school district, to be known as the Hampton school district, to-wit: Com- mencing at the northwest corner, section 4, township 2, range 1, west, and running on township line due east to north-east corner, section 3, township 2, range 1 east, thence south on section lines to the southeast corner section 10, township 3, range 1, east, and thence west on section lines to the south- west corner of section 9, township 3, range 1, west, and thence north on section lines to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said separate school district shall be under the supervision of three superinten- dents, to be appointed by the county superintendent of educa- 190 tion of Madison county, as otlier township superintendents are appointed, with, the same powers, duties and rights, as other township superintendents have and exercise. Approved Februiiy 15 1893. 'No. 269) AN ACT (H. 795 To establish the Hayne School District in Lowndes county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala-, bama, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be established in Lowndes county the Hayne School District, to be composed of township fourteen (14) and township fif- teen (15), in range fourteen (14), in said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent shall appoint five (5) trustees in and for said school district, who shall be resident eitizens and qualified voters thereof, and vrho shall hold their office from the first day of July next for a term of two years, and until their successors are duly appointed by said superintendent. And these said trustees shall have all the authority and exercise all the powers of township trustees as now, or which may be here- after, provided by law. Approved Feb. 16, 1893. X91 No. 279) AN ACT (H. 973 To establish a special school district, to be known as the Lowndesboro school district in Lowndes county Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That all that part of the county of Lowndes, embraced in township (16) sixteen, range (14) fourteen, township (15) fifteen, range (14) fourteen, township (15) fifteeji. range (15) fifteen, township (16) range (15) fifteen, he and the same is hereby constituted a separate school district, to be known as the Lownsdesboro school district. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Lowndesboro school district, as such separate school district, shall receive its proportionate share of the public school fund coming to the county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of the Lowndesboro school district shall be under the charge of a board of education to consist of five members, residents of said school district, the first five to be appointed by the coun- ty superintendent of education on 1st day of July next, and who shall hold their ofiice for two years, and until their suc- cesors are appointed. Said board to elect one of their menv bers as president, who shall make reports and furnish statistics and information to the superintendent of education of the State, as may be required by law, of county superin- tendents of education. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion may in their discretion, establish such number of schools to meet the wants of the population of said school district and said board shall elect such teachers as are in their opinion necessary to the proper conduct of said schools, to be sub- mitted for ratification to the patrons of said school, and shall also prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the 192 schools aforesaid. Such board shall have and exercise suf h other and additional powers as may be necessary to give it complete control of the public schools of said school district. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of the Lowndes- boro school district, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats as pupils in said public schools and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as said board of education may prescribe. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have power to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental or other fees as they may deem nec- essary for the proper conduct of «aid schools. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, Thai all funds devoted to public school purposes in the Lowndesboro district shall re- main in (lie hands of the county superintendent of education,, to be paid out by him in such manner as said board of educa- tion through its president may direct. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall issue transfers whenever the same may be applied for. Approved Feb. 17, 1893. 'No. 292) AN ACT (H. 621 To establish and define the boundary line of Oak Grove, a separate school district in the county of Pike. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district to be made and estab- lished in Pike county, embracing that portion of territory in township nine, lyiiig east of "Walnut Creek in range 193 tvven(,y-one, and west of Floyd's Mill Creek, or Little White "Water, and White Water Creek in sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 35 and 36, in township nine, range 21, sections, 5, t>, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30 and 31, township 9, range 22, said separate school district, as des- cribed, to be known as Oak Grove School District of Pike county. Approved Feb. 18, 1893. m. 294) AN ACT (H. 745 To establish a separate school district in Bibb county, Ala- bama, and fix the boundaries of same. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district be established to be known as James school district in Bibb county, to be subject to the laws of the State of Alabama, out of the following parts of the following townships: All of township 22, range 8 east, east of Affonee creek; all of township 22, range 9 west of the Cahaba river; all of township 23, range 9 east, west of Haysoppe creek, and sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 of township 23, range 8 east. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said separate school district shall receive its proportionate share of the- public school revenue of said township, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section funds, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the ter- ritory set forth in the first section of this bill. Approved February 18, 1893. 13 19i 1^0. 305) ^ AN ACT (H. 891 To establisli a separate scliool district to be known as the Oneonta School District, in Blount county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That from and after the passage of this act, section thirty-six, in township twelve, range one, east, thirty-one, in township twelve, range two, one, in township thirteen, range one east, and six in township thirteen, range two, east, Blount county, Alabama, be, and the sam^ is hereby created into a separate school district to be known as the Oneonta School District. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, I'hat the school oiScers of the State and county shall apportion to said district, all funds, to which the children residing within said district, shall bo entitled, in the same manner as the funds are now appor- tioned to the various townships in Blount county, or may hereafter be apportioned under the lavv^s then of force. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the poll tax funds, arising from tax payers, who live within said district, shall be and constitute the poll tax fund, to which said district shall be entitled, and the officers, whose duty it is to assess and collect said funds, shall make and keep the said funds separate, and report the same to the proper authority, in the same manner the poll tax funds of the various townships shall be kept. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, Tliat there shall be the same number and character of school officers, for said district, as provided by law for the various townships in Blount coun* ty, and it shall be the duty of the county superintendent of Blount county, Alabama, to appoint all the necessary officers for said district, until the next general election for the same, when the officers for said district, shall be elected or appoint- 195 ed in the same manner tlie various township officers are chosen. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not go into effect until the first day of October, 1893. Approved Feb. 18, 1893. 1^0. 326) AK ACT (H. 683 To establish the Fairfield School District in Geneva county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory, situated in the county of Geneva, shall constitute a separate school distrkt, to be known as the Fairfield School District, to wit: Sec- tions 29, 30, 31 and 32 in township 2, range 22; also, sections 25, 26 and 35 and 36 in tow^nship 2, range 21. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That all persons outside of the district, as described in the foregoing section of this act, and within one mile of the line, shall have an optional right to be included in the school district, the choice of such person to be final. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That, said district shall re- ceive its pro rata of all public school rereuues, and shall be managed and controlled as prescribed by law for other school districts in said county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall take ef- fect immediately after its passage. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repeal- ed. Approved February 21, 1893. 19i6 No. 351.) AN ACT (H. 931 To constitute the town of Pell City a separate school district^ and to provide for the management of the public schools therein. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the corporate limits of tlie town of Pell City in St. Clair county, and the inhabitants thereof, are hereby in- corporated by the name of the Pell City School District. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall receive each year its proportionate share of the school fund coming to St. Clair county, from whatever source de- rived, and its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund and also all the taxes collected as poll taxes in said district, which fund and taxes and all other funds for the use of said school district are to be controlled, managed and expended as provided by this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the board of educa- tion, to be known as the board of education of said district, is hereby appointed to consist of the mayor or intendant of said town, who shall be ex-officio president thereof and four other persons who, for six months next preceding their election, shall have been bona fide residents of said town, and who shall be elected by the qualified electors of said district at the time the election is held for mayor and councilmen of said town, and whose term of ofiice shall be two years from the date of the election of said board, which election shall be held by the inspectors appointed to hold an election for mayor and council- men of said town, and the return of said election shall be cer- tified to the mayor or intendant and councilmen. who shall de- clare the result thereof, that until the holding of such election ihe mayor or intendant and councilmen of said town shalj con- stitute such board of education. 197 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall have the managemeut and control of the free public schools of said district, and of all the moneys, property collect- ed, donated, or acquired for said school district, and of the ex- penditure or investment of said moneys as herein provided by this act, and said board shall also have power to create and appoint a board for the examination of applicants for posi- tions as teachers in the public schools of said district, and no person shall be elected by said board of education as a teacher in any of said public schools who shall not have received a license from said board of examination ; said board of examina- tion shall consist of such number of persons as may be deem- ed expedient by the board of education, and they shall serve as such at the pleasure of said board of education; Provided, that said board of education may, at its election, examine ap- plicants for positions as teachers upon such examination; And provided further, that no person shall teach in any of the public schools of said district who has not been elected by eaid board of education, and said persons shall also have a license from the county board of education as now provided for by law. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall elect from their body a secretary and treasurer there- of, arid the treasurer, before entering upon his duties, shall make bond in such sum as the board may direct, with sufficient surety to be approved by the president of the board, payable to said school district, with condition faithfully to discharge the duties of his office during his continuance therein, which bond shall be entered upon the minutes of said board and al- so transcribed upon the records of the town of Pell City, and the original then kept by the said board in some safe and convenient place, and a certified transcript of the record of said bond from the minutes of said board, or from the record 198 of said town of Pell City, sliall be presumptive evidence of tlie execution of said bond in all tbe courts of tbis State, in tbe event said bond sbould be lost. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That a majority of said board of education shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business, and a record shall be kept of all their official meetings, and if at any meeting the president of the board' should be absent, the members present may elect a president pro-tempore. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the treasurer of said board of education shall receive all moneys belonging to said school district, and pay the same out only upon the war- rant of the mayor of the town, and said mayor shall not draw a warrant for any of said moneys except upon tlie order of the board of education, and whenever called upon by said board, the treasurer shall make a report in writing of money received and paid out by him for and on account of said school dis- trict . Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall make a written report to the State superintendent of education on the first Monday in January and July of each year, of the condition of the schools m said district, the length of time they were open the past scholastic year, the number of pupils in attendance, the numlK'r of teachers, the value of school property, the amount paid for school houses, or for repairing the same, the amount paid teachers, and the amount received from all sources the past scholastic year, for the use of said school district, and of any other matter re- quired by law; and a duplicate of said report shall be filed with the mayor and aldermen of said town of Pell City, Avho shall at the expense of the town cause the same to be published in some newspaper of said town . Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the mayor of the said 199 town of Pell City, and the treasurer of said board of educa- tion, shall at such time as may be fixed by the board, make report in writing to the board of education of the ex- penditure of the moneys of the school district, which reports shall be submitted to the board of examination and shall be spread upon the minutes of the board. Sec, 10. Be it further enacted, That the tax collector of the county of St. Clair is hereby required to pay over to the treasurer of said board of education all poll taxes collected within said school district, and the receipt of said treasurer, tinder the seal of said school district, shall be a valid voucher in the hands of said tax collector in his settlement with the aud- itor of the State; and the superintendent of education of said county is required to pay over to the treasurer of said board the pro rata share of said school district in the school fund of said county, and the marshal, or person authorized to re- ceive and collect taxes for the town of Pell City, is required to pay over to the treasurer all moneys as were collected by said marshal or other person for the use and benefit of said school district. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That said school district, by its corporate name, shall have the power to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, shall have a common seal, to be kept by the secretary of said board of education, shall have the right to buy, sell, lease, receive by gift or devise real and personal property for the use and benefit of the pub- lic schools of said town, shall contract for the erection of school houses in said district, which shall be located in such place or places as will best serve the convenience of the chil- dren in said district, and change the location oi said school houses whenever necessary, and the board of education here- in pro\ided for shall be the proper constituted authority for ^he purpose of executing and carrying out the powers and ex- 200 ercising the rights and privileges herein conferred upon said school district. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That all children residing within said district between the ages of seven and twenty-one shall have the right to enter any of the public schools of said city free of charge; Provided, always, that separate schools shall be established for the white and black races, and there shall not, in any event, be a mixture of the races in any of the public schools; And provided further, that the board of edu- cation, in its discretion, may assess an incidental fee for non- resident children of said district as may be received as pupils in the schools of this district upon such terms as may be pre- scribed by the board of education. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That no school house shall be built in said district without the character and style of said building and the material to be used in the construction there- of shall first be submitted to the mayor and aldermen of said town and the consent of said mayor and aldermen obtained. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted. That nothing in this act shall be construed as in conflict with the constitutional duty- of the State superintendent of education to exercise a super- vision of the public schools of said district. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the members of the board of education, before they enter upon their duties to each take and subscribe an oath to discharge their duties to the best of their ability, which oath shall be entered upon the minutes of said board. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That all vacancies in said board shall be filled by appoiutment by the mavor and alder- men of said town of Pell City, and no person shall be appoint- ed to fill a vacancy on said board who does not possess the qualifie.ntions required by this act, and all appointees to said board shall continue in office until the next ensuing election of a board of odv: cation. 201 Sec. 17. Be it furtlier enacted, That the bond of the treasarev of Siild l)oard may be increased or strengthened or said treasurer required to make a new bond whenever in tho judgment of said board it is necessary, and the treasurer, when required to make a new bond or to give additional se- curity upon his bond, shall do so within ten days after notice of such requirement, and failing to do so, his ofl&ce as treas- urer and as a member of said board thereby becomes vacant. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted. That any member of said board removing from said district thereby vacates his of- fice, and the fact of such removal being ascertained by the board, they shall declare said vacancy and notify the mayor and aldermen of said town thereof, and all other vacancies on said board shall also be certified to said mayor and alder- men. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That all laws inconsis- tent with the provisions of this act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved February 21, 1893. No. 859.) AN ACT (H. 466. i To establish a separate school district, to be known as the Mellville School District, in Winston county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district, to be known as the Mellville School District, in Winston county, Alabama, be, and the same is, hereby established, to consist of the following territory, to-wit: Sections 32, 33 and 34, and the south half of each of sections 27, 28 and 29, and the southeast quarter of section 31, all in township 11, range 6, west; also sections 3, 4 and 5, and the north half of each of sections 8, 9 and 10, 202 and all of section 6 that lies east of the west prong of Dismal creek, all in township 11, range 6, west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational af- fairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State, and shall be man- aged by three trustees, who shall be elected by the qualified electors of said school district, in the same manner and under the same provisions- as is by law established for Winston county, xllabama, Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superinten- dent of education of Winston county shall appoint three trus- tees, residents of said school district, to hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Approved February 21, 1893. ^o. 360.) AN ACT (II. lOSY. To establish the Magnolia School District in Lowndes county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the Magnolia School District in Lowndes county, is hereby established ; that the territory embraced therein shall consist of township thirteen (13) of range fourteen (14) and the east half of township thirteen (13) of range thirteen (13), and section one (1) of township twelve (12), range thirteen (13), and section six (6) of township twelve (12), range four- teen (14), all in Lowndes county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That all public school funds to which said township and sections, or portions of townships or sections embraced therein are entitled to re- ceive under the existing or future laws of t.his State, shall be, and the same are, hereby made the school fund of said district. 203 Sec. 3, Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of said county shall, on the first day of July, 1893, and every two years thereafter, appoint five trustees of said school district, who shall be resident voters within the same, and who shall have all the authority, duties and privileges of trustees of township schools in this State, which are now or which may be hereafter provided by law, and who shall hold their office till their successors are appointed. Approved February 21, 1893. IsTo. 366.) AH ACT (H. 243. To provide for the better support and maintenance of the j%b- lic schools of Blount county Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the commissioners court of Blount county, Ala- bama, be and they are hereby directed and required to levy and have collected under the laws of this State for the year 1893, and each year thereafter, a tax of ten cents on the one hundred dollars worth of the value of all taxable property in said county, as assessed for revenue for the State, for the sup- port and maintenance of the public schools in said county as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the tax collector of said county to pay over to the county treasurer, as herein pro\"ided, all moneys collected by him and on hand under the provisions of this act, on the first day of January of each year, and on the first day of each month thereafter, until the same shall have all been paid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the county treasurer of said county to keep a separate account of all funds paid to him to the credit of the public schools. 204 and it shall be unlawful for any of said public scbools funds to be used for, applied, or appropriated to any otber use whatsoever. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, 'That it shall be the dHity of the county superintendent of education}, to furnish, by the fiist day of October of each y6ar,'to the county commissioners the census of the school children taken under the law of Ala- bama showing the number of children within the school age of the several townships and separate school districts within said county. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the county commis- sioners shall as soon as practicable after the assessment of taxes and receipts of the census provided for in section 4 of this act, in every year determine what amount of such Bchool fund shall be appropriated to the several townships and sep- arate school districts in said county, and the amount so de- termined, shall be in exact proportions to the number of children in such township or separate school district as shown by the last census taken of school children under the laws of this State next before such action of the county com- missioners, and they shall furnish the county superintendent of education and the treasurers of incorporated towns and cities having and maintaining public schools under special school laws, the amount of such school fund apportioned by them to the several townships, separate school districts and incorporated towns and cities, and upon such determination it shall be the duty of the county treasurer to pay the county superintendent of education the amounts allowed by the com- missioners court for the several townships in said county, and to the treasurers of incorporated towns or cities within said county having a separate school district or schools managed or controlled by such town or city authorities, the money allowed by the commissioners court for such incor- 205 porated tdwha or cities; such payments to be made upon the warrant of the probate judge of said county, and money, thus paid shall be used exclusively for the support and mainten- ance of the public schools within the respective townships and separate school districts and for no other purpose; and under the laws of the State governing the disbursement of other school funds. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the county superin. intendent of education shall be paid in addition to the com- pensation now fixed by law, such amount as the court of county commissioners may deem to be just and fair, but in no case to exceed one per cent, of all the funds disbursed by him under this act. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the tax assessor^nd tax collector of said county shall respectively assess and col- lect said tax without additional compensation. Approved February 21, 1893. No. 367.] AN ACT [h. b. 470. To create a separate school district at East Lake in township 17, range 2, W. in Jefferson county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That sections 10, 11, 14 and 15, in T. 17, R 2, W., in Jefferson county, Alabama, shall constitute a separate school district, to be known as the East Lake school district. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said school dis- trict shall have three trustees, who shall be householders and freeholders, residents in said district, and who shall be appointed by the county superintendent of education, and hold office for a term of two years and until their successors shall qualify; Provided, that the first appointment of said 206 trustees shall be made within sixty days after the passage of this act who shall continue in office until the Ist day of October, 1895. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State or county, for public schools; also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the township of which said school district is a part, and it shall receive all poll tax which may be col- lected from residents of said school district and all funds may be donated thereto. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees are authorized to establish and locate one school for each race, and but one to be taught each year within said district, and elect officers and teachers for the same, and shall per- form all other duties necessary to the proper organization, regulation and maintenance of such schools, making con- tracts with teachers, and approving reports iu the manner provided by the general school law for trustees of townships. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees shall take such steps as they may deem advisable to have built a suitable school building on the public school property in said district for the white childreD, and shall do what they may deem best to help and encourage the patrons of the colored sohool to have built a suitable buildiog for the colored children in said district, on a lot selected by said trustees. Approved February 21, 1893. 207 No. 368. j AN ACT. [h. b. 353. To permit and provide for the incorporation of separate school districts in the county of Lauderdale. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the inhabitants of any township, settlement or neighborhood in the county of Lauderdale, may become a body corporate as a school district, for the purpose of es- tablishing and maintaining public schools in the manner and with the powers hereinafter expressed, upon a petition in writing, addressed to the judge of probate of the county in which they reside, signed by fifteen or more of the adult male householders or free holders, stating the name and^he boundaries by which it is proposed to incorporate such dis- trict. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That upon presentation of such petition, such judge mast direct an election to be held within thirty days thereafter, at a place in such township, settlement or neighborhood, by him designated, under the direction of three inspectors appointed by him. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all male inhabitants over twenty-one years of age, who have resided within such boundaries for three months next preceding the election, . can vote, if not otherwise disqualified. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the polls must not be opened before ten o'clock in the morning, and the in- spectors, before receiving any ballots, must take an oath to conduct the election fairly. The voters must write upon their ballots "School District," or "Non-School District," and the inspectors must receive and deposit the same in the ballot box. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the inspectors must, within five days thereafter, certify the result to the judge of probate; and if a majority of the votes cast at the election are for "school district," he must within three days make an 208 entry of record, that the inhabitants of such township, settle- ment or neighborhood are incorporated as a school district, by the name and with the boundaries designated in the peti- tion, whereupon the inhabitants of such township, settle- ment or neighborhood are incorporated and invested with the rights incident to such incorporations. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the business of the school district be managed by the trustees, who are styled the board of school trustees of the district, and hold office for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That no person can hold the office of school trustee who has not resided in the dis- trict for three months preceding the election. Yacancies may be filled by appointment by the county superintendent of education. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the judge of probate must notify the superintendent of education within three days after the returns of the inspectors, of the entry of rec- ord of such incorporation, and the said superintendent must, within five days of such notice, appoint three inspectors, a place of voting in such district, and a day not more than ten days from such notification, for the election of trustees; no- tice of the day and place of election must be by the super- intendent posted at three conspicuous places in the district at least five days before the election. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the qualification of the electors and the oath of the inspectors must be as in the election of incorporation. If no choice is made, |by reason of two or more persons receiving the same number of votes, the inspectors must decide between such persons by lot. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That all subsequent elec- tions after the first, and the inspectors and the voting places, are appointed by trustees of the district, and the qualifica- tion of voters must be the same as at the first election ; all ties must be determined by lot. 209 Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That should the election not take place on the day appointed, the corporation is not for that cause dissolved, but the trustees must appoint an- other as early as practicable for holding the election. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That two members of the board shall constitute a quorum, but one of them shall have power to adjourn a meeting in case of the absence of other members. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That such separate school district shall receive the proportionate share of the public school fund coming to the county in which it is situated, including the pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township that may lie wholly or partly within such dis- trict, said funds to be drawn and applied by the. board of trustees, for the benefit of the schools of their district ; and such incorporated school district is authorized to increase its school funds by receiving donations ; also, the trustees of such incorporate school district are hereby authorized to further increase their school fund by levying a tax of ten cents on each one hundred dollars worth of the taxable prop- erty, both real and personal, of such district, which shall be collected as the general taxes for the State and county are collected, but the proceeds of such tax shall be applied ex- clusively to the benefit of the school of the district within which it shall have been levied, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid over to the board of trustees of such school district, directly, and no officer through whose hands the proceeds of such tax shall pass, shall be entitled to any compensation, charge, fee or commission for collecting or disbursement of such money. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted. That each member of the board of school trustees shall, upon entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath to faithfully discharge all the 14 210 duties enjoined upon him as such officer. The trustees shall serve without compensation, and shall not be allowed to charge commission on any moneys, from whatever source^ which may come into their hands, for the use or benefit of the schools of their district. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the said board of school trustees shall have the power to build at convenient and accessible places in their district suitable houses for the schools of their district, and to take possession, tor the ben- efit of the schools in their district, all public school houses that may be in existence therein at the organization, keed them in repair and furnish them as they think best. They shall have power, with the consent and advice of the county superintendent of education, to elect all teachers, fix their salaries, and prescribe their duties, dictate the course of in- struction, the number and character of the text books, the method of teaching, the number of schools, and prescribe the rules and regulations for the government of said school. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted. That the counjiy super- intendent of education shall perform the same duties, exer- cise the same supervision and report on the conditi&n of all schools in the district created under this act, in the same manner as now prescribed by law in regard to public schools of this county, in so far as the exercise of such functions is not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That all children who are residents within the limits of such school district, from seven to twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to seats in the public schools of such district ; Provided, such chil- dren shall themselves be bona fide residents of such dis- tricts, and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms and conditions as the board of such school trustees may prescribe, but separate schools shall be provided for colored children. 211 Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the adult male in- habitants may by petition in writing to the probate judge of Lauderdale county, propose an alteration or change of the name, or the boundaries of said school district, stating the alteration or change proposed, and on the filing of such pe- tition the judge of probate must order an election, to be held and conducted in all respects as the election for the original incorporation, and if at such election a majority vote for the proposed alteration or change, the fact must be certified to such judge by the inspectors, and on the filing of such certificate he must make and enter an order allowing such alteration or change. Sec. 19, Be it further enacted. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 21, 1893. , No. 412.] AN ACT [h. b. 413. To establish a separate school district in Winston county, to be known as Union Grove School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as Union Grove School District, in Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established, which district shall be composed and consist of all that territory, within the fol- lowing named boundaries, and including the following ter- ritory, to- wit : All of sections seven (7), eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), and the northwest quarter (N. W. ^) of section thirty (30), township eleven (11), range six (6), west; sections twelve (12), thirteen (13) and twenty-four (24), and all that part of sections twenty-three (23) and 212 fourteen (14), that lies east of Brushy Creek, in township eleven (11), range seven (7) west, in Winston county, Ala- bama, making Brushy Creek the line on the west of said district. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational affairs of the said district, shall be under the control of a board of trustees, consisting of five persons, who shall be elected as now provided by law, for the election of township trustees; and said board shall have the same authority and power, and be governed by the same rules of law, as made and prescribed for township trustees of public schools in this State and they shall have the same privileges and ex- emptions as by law given township trustees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That P. G. May, C. E. Bennett, Robert A. Tucker, J. W. Walker, and Jesse Dar- den, be, and they are hereby appointed trustees of said school district, to serve until the next regular election of township trustees in Winston county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall go into effect from its approval, but the trustees herein appointed shall not have the right to interfere with any existing con- tract, made by the township trustees of said territory, or any part thereof. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 21, 1893. 213 No. 445.] AN ACT [s. 5. To create and establish an industrial school in the State of Alabama for white girls. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That an industrial school for the education of •white girls in Alabama is hereby established and shall be located and organized as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the governor of the State shall nominate and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, one person from each of the con- gressional districts of the State and two from the State at large, together with the governor, superintendent of educa- tion and auditor of the State, shall be trustees, and to serve as such for six years, except the governor, superintendent of education and auditor of the State, who shall serve for the terms of their election by the people of Alabama. Imme- diately' after they shall be assembled, in consequence of their first appointment they shall be divided equally into three classes. The term of the first class shall expire two years from the date of their appointment; the second class four years from the date of theii appointment, and the third class at the expiration of the date of their appointment, so that one-third may be chosen every second year. If vacancy happen by resignation or otherwise, the governor may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly, The governor shall be ex-officio a member of said board of trustees, and shall act as president thereof in all of their meetings, when present, but in his absence they may choose a president pro tem. Five of the board of trustees shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the secretary of state shall furnish a certificate to each trustee within ten 214 days of his appointment, notifying him that he has been so appointed and elected; and if any trustee fail for the space of thirty days to inform the governor of his acceptance, then his appointment shall be void and his place shall be filled as heretofore provided in cases of vacancy. Sec. 4, Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees of said institute, and their successors in office be, and the same are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, and shall have a common seal, shall sue and be sued, con- tract and be contracted with, and may own, purchase, sell and convey property, both real and personal. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the governor shall, as ex- officio president, convene the board of trustees of said industrial school to consider any business connected with the same, whenever he shall deem it expedient to do so; that the said trustees shall elect a secretary of the board, whose duty it shall be to record in a well bound book all of the proceedings had by said board, and shall be allowed such compensation for his or her services as the board may deem proper; that the State treasurer shall be ex-officio treasurer of said board of trustees, whose duty it shall be to secure and safely keep all moneys belonging to the Alabama Girls' Industrial School for the education of white girls in indus- trial branches, and to disburse the same under the order of the board of trustees. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees shall possess all the power necessary and proper for the accomplishment of the trust reposed in them, viz: The establishment and maintenance of a first class industrial school for the education of white girls in the State of Ala- bama in industrial and scientific branches, at which said girls may acquire a thorough normal school education, to- gether with a knowledge of kindergarten instruction and music; also a knowledge of telegraphy, stenography, pho- 215 tography and phonography, type-writing, printing, book- keeping, indoor carpentry, electrical construction, clay- modeling, architectural and mechanical drawing, sewing, dress-making, millinery, cooking, laundry, house, sign and fresco painting, home nursing, plumbing, and such other practical industries as, from time to time, to them may be suggested by experience or tend to promote the general ob- ject of said girls' industrial school, to- wit: fitting and pre- paring such girls for the practical industries of the age. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees shall appoint a president and professors of said school, and such other officers as they may think proper to put the same in successful operation, and shall make such laws, rules and regulations for the government of said officers as they i^ay deem advisable. They shall regulate the rates of tuition, together with the course of discipline necessary to enforce the faithful discharge of the duties of all officers, professors and students. They shall divide the course of instruction into departments, so as to secure a thorough education, and the best possible instruction in all of said industrial studies, selecting careful and efficient professors in each department and shall adopt all such by-laws and" regulations as they may deem necessary to carry on all the purposes and objects of said institution. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees, as hereinbefore provided, shall receive as compensation for their services, their actual expenses in attending any of the meetings of the board of trustees, payable out of any funds belonging to said school. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That as it is the object of this act to establish said industrial school for white girls, with as small an outlay annually as is consistent with the object to be attained, the said trustees shall prepare a gen- eral plan of said school, together with all the necessary de- 216 partments, dormitories and out houses; also an estimate of the cost of necessary school furniture, including cost of buildings and department appliances, and shall build and establish in any one year, unless said building shall be se- cured by donation to the State, only such_^ houses, dormito- ries and departments as they may deem for the best inter- est of said institution and of greatest practical importance. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the said board of trustees shall organize under the provisions of this act as soon as practicable after their appointment, and they shall immediately after their organization proceed to procure, by purchase or donation, a site for the location of the Alabama Girls' Industrial School for the education of the white girls of Alabama in industrial and scientific studies. In selecting the site the trustees shall look to the convenience of the people of the State, the advantages and disadvantages of the different sites proposed, and shall locate the same at the place where most advantages are offered; Provided, that the location shall be at a place known to be free from annual epidemics; And provided fnrthtr, that if the trustees to be appointed shall deem it best or the most practicable way of attaining the desired object, then it may be established as a branch of an already existing school. Sec. il. Be it further enacted, That as soon as said in- stitution is prepared to seceive pupils or students in three or more of the industrial studies hereinbefore enumerated, the said trustees shall apportion to each county its quota of scholars oa the basis of the educable white girls between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, in the State and several counties, and one pupil from each congressional district, whose tuition and board shall be absolutely free, and thia number shall be increased from time to time as in the judg- ment of the trustees the finances of said institution shall warrant. Said free scholarship shall be awarded at the an- 217 nual meeting of the girls' industrial school upon the recom- mendation of the trustee from the congressional district from which said pupil is appointed, and the several superin- tendents of education in the counties shall advertise it in some newspaper published in said county, and after the ex- piration of two weeks from said advertisement, shall, by and with the approval of the county commissioners or court of county revenues, commission such number of white girls to said institution as such county is entitled to. The presenta- tion of such certificate, over the signature of the probate judge of such county, shall entitle the person so commis- sioned to admission into said school, with all its privileges for the course of study selected ; Provided, that the appoint- ing board shall give the preference to the applicants least able to educate themselves if they have the requisite qualifi- cations; Provided, however, that nothing in the provisions of this act shall be held to prevent any white girl in this State from attending said school upon the payment of her board and tuition. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five thousand dollars for the year eighteen hundred and ninety- five, and ten thousand dollars for the year eighteen hundred and ninety- six, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. The same shall be drawn from the State treasury by the board of trus- tees on vouchers audited by the board and approved by the governor and filed in the auditor's oflBce. Such vouchers shall contain a clear and full statement of the purpose for which they are given. Upon the filing of such vouchers the auditor of the State shall draw his warrant on the State treas- urer for the same, from time to time, as funds may be needed to pay the ofl&cers and professors of said school, or for any 218 other necessary and proper object connected with building, buying site and properly equipping said institution with everything needed in each department. Sec, 13. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees shall determine and fix the salaries of each officer, em- ployee and professor in said institute ; provided said salaries in any one department shall not exceed those now allowed to professors in the agricultural and mechanical college. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted. That this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after the first day of January, 1895. No. 447.] AN ACT ' [s. 389. To constitute the city of Wetumpka a separate school dis- trict, and to provide a board of education therefor. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the territory within the corporate limits of the city of Wetumpka shall be a separate school district separate and apart from the remaining districts in the county of Elmore. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public schools of the city of Wetumpka shall be under the control and man- agement of seven suitable persons to be elected by the board of mayor and aldermen of the city of Wetumpka, from the resident citizens of said city, at its regular meeting in the month of Marchj 1893; such board of education to be divided into two classes, four in the first class and three in the sec- ond class. The first class shall hold office for the term of two years, the second class for the term of four years, and biennially thereafter the board of mayor and aldermen of said city shall elect the successors of the members of the 219 board of education whose term of office expires, and they shall hold office for a term of four years. Vacancies in the board of education caused by death, resignation or removal, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the board of mayor and aldermen of said city. The board of education shall elect a chairman from its number, who shall hold office for a term of two years, and shall have the right to vote on all questions before the board of education, and shall have the casting vote when there is a tie. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, that each member of the board of education, before entering on the discharge of the duties of such office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to faithfully discharge the duties of the same. A majority of the board of education shall constitute ^ quorum for the transaction of business, and its members shall receive no compensation. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the board of educa- tion shall adopt rules, by-laws and regulations for the con- duct of the business that may come before it, and may elect a secretary from its number, who shall hold office at its pleas- ure, and receive such compensation as it may prescribe. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the board of education, annually, before the first Monday in July, to submit a statement to the board of mayor and aldermen of said city, showing the amount of money neces- sary for the support and maintenance of the public schools of the city for the next ensuing scholastic year, and for the erection, rental or repair of the necessary school buildings, together with the probable amount of money that will be received from the State school fund, or from any other source; when such statement shall have been made, the board of mayor and aldermen of said city shall make an ap- propriation to supply whatever additional amount that may be necessary, but shall not be required to appropriate more 220 than twenty-five per cent, of the gross revenues of said city for such schools, but may in its discretion appropriate larger sums, or make special appropriations for the erection, repair or rental of school houses. All moneys, whether received from the city or from the State or county, or other source, shall be placed by the city treasurer to the board of educa- tion, and shall be kept separate and apart from other funds in his hands, and such funds shall be disbursed as prescribed by the board of education. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have general supervision of the public schools of the city, and shall elect all teachers, prescribe their duties and the qualifications necessary to become a teacher in the schools, and the compensation they shall receive. The board of education, or a committee thereof, shall examine all ap- plicants to teach in the schools, and shall elect such only as are qualified to teach. The board of education shall provide all rules and regulations for the conduct of the schools, and may require the use of such text books as it may deem best. Sec. 7. Be it furher enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have the power to lease, purchase, build, furnish and keep in repair school houses, and all property, real and personal, now used by the board of mayor and aldermen of said city for school purposes shall vest in and be under the control of the board of education, and it may sell any of the property now used by the board of mayor and aldermen of said city for school purposes, and the proceeds of such sales shall be invested by it in the purchase of other property, and the title to the property so purchased shall vest in and be held by the board of education for school purposes only. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion shall receive a proportionate share of the public school reuenue, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township which lies wholly or in part within 221 such school district, and shall receive all taxes collected as poll taxes within said district, for the use and maintenance of the public schools therein, and for the purposes herein authorized, which said money shall be paid over to the treas- urer of said city, and shall be by him kept and disbursed as provided in section five of this act. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the board of educa- tion shall appoint one or more of its members to take the school census of such school district whenever the census is required to be taken, and the person or persons so appointed shall make a full report to the board of education, and to the superintendent of education for the State, and for such service such compensation shall be paid as the board of edu- cation may prescribe. Approved February 21, 1893. No. 489.] AN ACT [s. 527. To constitute the town of Oxanna a separate school district and to provide for the maintenance of schools therein. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district be, and the same is hereby established in the town of Oxanna, the boundaries of which shall be the corporate limits ot the town of Oxanna. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and coun- cilmen of the town of Oxanna are hereby authorized to elect three trustees and prescribe their duties, powers and terms of office; to authorize them to receive, hold, transmit and convey the title to real and personal property, and to do 222 and perform such other duties as may be deemed advisable for the purpose of establishing and maintaining in said limits a school or schools, or a system of graded schools. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said mayor and councilmen of the town of Oxanna are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and enforce such ordinance or ordinances as may be deemed advisable for the full establishment and maintenance of such school or schools, or a system of schools, also to erect, equip and maintain such buildings and premises as may be advisable for the same; provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to limit or abridge the powers already conferred by law upon the corporate authorities of said town of Oxanna. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said school dis- trict shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools ; also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the township of which said school district is a part, and it shall receive all poll tax which may be col- lected from all residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That until the said corporate authorities of said town shall provide some other bonded officer for the purpose, the treasurer of said town shall receive and disburse all funds of said district, shall keep said funds and the accounts thereof separate from the general funds of the said town, and for any default therein he and his sureties shall be liable as for the general funds of the town of Oxanna. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the State super- intendent of education, or other proper officer of the 223 State, shall give the necessary warrants and certificates to secure the payments to the treasurer of the town of Oxanna, or to such other officer as said corparate authorities shall designate, all funds to which said district may be entitled. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and conucilmen of the town of Oxanna are hereby authorized and empowered to collect a tax upon the property within its limits, for the maintenance of said schools, to such amount as said corporate authorities may deem advisable within constitutional limits. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved Feb. 21, 1893. ^ No. 499.] AN ACT [s. 333. To constitute the city of Dadeville a separate school district^ and to provide for its government and support. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the common council of Dadeville, as now established, and as may be changed from time to time hereafter, shall constitute a school district separate and apart from the remaining districts in Tallapoosa county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the mayor and common councilmen of said incorporation, within thirty days after each municipal election every two years, to select and appoint five competent persons, to be styled school trustees, who shall be qualified electors and 224 residents within said corporate limits, and who shall not be members of the common council, and they shall hold their oflfices respectively for the term of two years. It shall be the duty of said trustees, as soon as practicable after their appointment, to elect one of their number superintendent of public schools for said district, who shall preside at all meet- ings held by said trostees, when present, and perform such other duties as may be lawfully imposed by the common council of Dadeville pertaining to the conduct and manage- ment of said schools. That said trustees shall prescribe and pass upon the qualifications of all persons who are appli- cants to teach in the public schools of said district, and be- fore each annual election of teachers, to present to the com- mon council the names of all persons who are applicants for positions as teachers in said schools, together with their recommendations touching the same, and that out of the names thus presented the said common council shall elect teachers, but shall have the right in their discretion to re- ject any or all of said nominations; and in the event that the requisite number of teachers are not selected from the first nominations thus made, the said trustees must make other nominations as soon as practicable, and before the beginning of the next scholastic year, and from the number of appli- cants presented the council must elect the requisite number of teachers ; Provided, that if in any case the said trustees shall fail to act for the space of thirty days after notice from the common council, the latter may proceed to contract with teachers in such manner as it may deem advisable, but the said council must fill any vacancy that may occur in said board of trustees within ten days after notice thereof, which may be given to the mayor by any one of said trustees. 225 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said school trustees shall have power to prescribe and regulate the management of said schools by the teachers not inconsistent with their contracts with the common council, to suspend or expel therefrom any pupil for good cause, and to issue diplomas or certificates of proficiency to masters of any or all of the branches taught in said schools; and with the consent of the common council, the said trustees may also suspend or dis- charge from employment any teacher in said schools for any immoral conduct, or other sufficient cause, and in the event that the place of any teacher becomes vacant from this or other cause, tbe same shall be supplied as provided in the second section of this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said school trustees by and with the consent of the common council shall before the beginning of each scholastic year, fix the rates of tuition for matriculation in said schools to be paid by the patrons thereof and prescribe the terms of payment of the same, to- gether with the conditions in respect thereto upon which pupils may enter said schools ; that under their direction the said superintendent shall personally overlook and supervise and manage the said schools, to the extent of collecting and paying over to the treasurer of the common council all tui- tion and matriculation fees that may be required to be paid under this section, but the said superintendent shall, before performing any of these duties, enter into bond in the sum of five hundred dollars payable to the common council of Dadeville for the faithful performance of his duties as here- in designated, and shall receive for his services such com- pensation as the common council may prescribe; and in ad- dition to bis duties above named he shall also attend to the taking of the school census whenever such census enumera- 15 226 tion is required to be taken under the laws of this State, and shall make full report thereof to the State superintendent of education, and to the common council. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the said school dis- trict shall receive its proportionate share of all public school revenues including its pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of each township which lies wholly or in part within the said district, and shall also receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within the said district for the use and maintenance of the schools therein, and the same shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the common coun- cil of Dadeville, and appropriated by said incorporation as aforesaid; and that one-third of the revenues of said city government derived from license or other taxes for and dur- ing the year 1893, and one-half of all such revenues for every succeeding year thereafter, must be set apart by the said treasurer to be applied exclusively for school purposes within said district, which shall be apportioned and appro- priated by the common council and mayor to such of the schools therein as they may deem advisable ; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the said city govern- ment from making such additional appropriations for this purpose as the state of its revenues may seem to justify, but before the provisions of this or preceding section shall go into effect, the said treasurer shall first enter into bond in a sum of not less than three thousand dollars payable to the common council of Dadeville which shall be so condi- tioned as to cover any defaults in the management of the school funds herein provided for, as well as for the faith- ful performance of his general duties as treasurer of said incorporation. 227 Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the said common ■council of Dadeville shall have power to lease or to build school houses, and to buy or lease lands for the purpose of building school houses, taking the deeds and leases to themselves and their successors in office, and also to pur- chase and hold all necessary furniture and apparatus for such building, to receive and hold promissory notes, mort- gages and other contracts for the payment of tuition and matriculation fees, and for all other liabilities that may be Incurred in the management of said schools, and to enforce the same in the courts of this State, and the powers here- in conferred shall include the right to employ and con- tract with teachers for services in said schools, subject to the restrictions provided in section two of this act. % Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said town council is hereby required on the first day of February and August of each year to make a correct report of all moneys re- ceived and disbursed by them, from whom received and on what account paid out, and to publish said report in some newspaper published in the town of Dadeville. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the provisions of this act shall not go into effect until the Ist day of June A. D. 1893. Approved Feb. 21, 1893. ^o. 518.] AN ACT [s. 391. To establish a separate school district, in Henry and Dale counties in Alabama, to be known as " Blackwood's School District," and to define the boundaries thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That there is hereby created in Henry and Dale 228 counties a separate school district, to be known as "Black- wood's School District," composed of a portion of Henry and a portion of Dale counties in Alabama, the boundaries of which shall be as follows, viz: Beginning on the range line which divides ranges 26 and 27, in township 5 in Henry county, at the northeast corner of section 24, in town- ship 5, range 26, and running due west to the Henry and Dale county line, thence north along said county line to the Ohoctawhatchie river, thence down said river to the junction of the river and Blackwood's creek, thence up Blackwood's creek east to the Henry county line, thence south along said line to township line dividing said townships 4 and 5, thence east along said township line to range line dividing ranges 26 and 27, thence along said range line north to the starting point, all in township 5 north, and range 26 east, being located in Henry and Dale counties in Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the superintendents of education of Henry and Dale counties and their successors in office are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint trustees, who shall be citizens within said district, who shall perform all the duties now incumbent on township superin- tendent as to public schools in said district ; and the said su- perintendents of education in Henry and Dale counties, and their successors in office hereinafter, shall apportion to said school district the school funds in the same manner as is now provided by law for township and other school districts in their respective counties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said "Blackwood's School District" shall be entitled to secure its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools; also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the townships of which said school 229 district is a part, and it shall receive all poll tax which may- be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Approved February 21, 1893. No. 18.] AN ACT [h. 113. To establish a Separate School District to be known as The Union Hill School District in Henry county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate School District, to be known as the Union Hill school district, be and the same is hereby established and included within the following boun(^ry lines, to-wit: Beginning at Watson's Bridge on Choctaw- hatchie river and running up said river to the mouth of Indian Creek, thence westward up said creek to the fork thereof, thence up the south prong of said creek to the line between, Barbour and Henry counties, thence south along said line to the Abbeville and Clopton road, thence east along said road to Watson's Bridge, the starting point in the county of Henry, be and the same is hereby constituted a school district separate and apart from the remainder of the townships from which the same has been taken, and shall be under the supervision of a board of trustees to be appointed within said school district by the county super- intendent, of education with power to transact all matters pertaining thereto, as directed by the superintendent of education. Approved December 7, 1894. 230 No. 55.] AN ACT [s. 98. To establish a separate scliool district in Winston county^ to be known as the "Dismal School District." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as the "Dismal School District," in Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established ; which district shall be composed and consist of the following territory within the following named boundaries and including the following territory, to-wit: Beginning at the south- west corner of the "Union Grove School District," thence east along the south boundary line of the "Union Grove School District" to the regular line dividing ranges 6 and 7, thence south on said line to the west prong of Dismal creek, thence down Dismal Creek to Sipsey river, up Sipsey river to the Walker county line,^ thence west to the Sipsey river,'up Sipsey river to the mouth of Brushey Fork creek, thence up Brushey Fork creek to beginning corner, to be composed of part of townships 11 and 12, range 6 west and part of townships 11 and 12, range 7 west, in Winston county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the educational affairs of said district shall be under the control of a board of trustees, consisting of those who shall be elected as now provided by law for election of township trustees, and said board shall have the same authority and power and be gov- erned by the same rules of law as made and provided for township trustees of public schools in the State and they shall have the same privileges as township trustees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That J. O. Farley, Jno. A. Smith, J. D. Key be and they are hereby appointed trustees of said district to serve until the next regular election of township trustees in Winston county, Alabama. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall go into effect from its approval, but the trustees herein ap- 231 pointed shall not have the right to interfere with any exist- ing contract made by the township trustees of said territory or any part thereof. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said district shall be entitled to a pro rata share of 16th section fund, central fund and all funds as provided for township schools. Approved December 12th, 1894. No. 65.] AN ACT [s . 26. To establish the Benton school district in Lowndes couAy. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be established in Lowndes county, the Benton school district, to be composed of township fifteen (15), range twelve (12), and township sixteen (16), range thirteen (13), in said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education shall appoint five (5) trustees in and for said school district, who shall hold their office from the first day of July next, for a term of two years, and until their successors are duly appointed by said superintendent, and these said trustees shall have all the authority and ex- ercise all the powers of township trustees, as now, or as may be hereafter provided by law. Approved December 13th, 1894. 232 No. 73] AN ACT [h. 221 To establish a separate school district to be known as Reynolds School District, in Henry county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That all that part of township 7, range 26, and township 7, range 27, in Henry county, bounded as follows : On the east by the Ohoctawhatchie river, on the west by the Dale county line, on the south by the line between townships 6 and 7 and on the north by the line between townships 7 and 8, comprising a territory sis miles long and four miles wide, be and the same is hereby established as a separate school district, to be known as Reynolds School District, to be separate and apart from the remainder of the townships from which the same has been taken, and shall be under the supervision of a district superintendent of public schools, appointed by the county superintendent of education, with power to transact all matters pertaining thereto, the same to be conducted in all respects as is now or may hereafter be provided ^by law for the control and management of the educational interest of the other school districts of the State. Said district and the funds thereof to be kept and used therein separate from the other districts of said county. Approved December l3th, 1894. No. 118] AN ACT [h. 417 To establish a separate school district to be known as Boaz District in Marshall county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described territory, situated in the county of Marshall, shall constitute a separate school district to be known as Boaz District, to-wit : All of sec- tions 35, 36 township 9 range 4 E. section 31, township 9 233 range 5 E. section 6, 7 township 10 range 5 E. also sections 1, 2, 11, 12, township 10, range 4 E. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district shall re- ceive its pro rata of all public school revenues, and shall be managed and controlled as prescribed by law for other dis- tricts in said county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately after its passage. Approved December 14th, 1894. No. 129] ~ AN ACT [s. 88 To establish the Wyndham Creek school district in Lowndes connty. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be established in Lowndes county the Wyndham Creek school district to be composed of all that portion of town- ship thirteen (13) range thirteen (13) that lies north of Dry Cedar Creek, and east to the Magnolia school district, then west embracing all that portion of township thirteen (13) range twelve (12) to Dry Cedar Creek in said school dis- trict. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of said county shall appoint five trus- tees in and for said school district who shall be resident citizens and qualified voters thereof, and who shall hold this office from the first day of July next for a term of two years, and until their successors are duly appointed by said super- intendent. And these said trustees shall have all the au- thority and exercise all the powers of township trustees, as now, or as may be hereafter provided by law. Approved December 17th, 1894. 234 No. 154] AN ACT [h. 168 To establish the Eodgers school district in Pike county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described territory situated in the county of Pike, shall constitute a separate school district, to be known as the Rodgers school district, to- wit : commenc- ing at the mouth of Sykes mill creek, thence up the Conecuh river to the section line between T. 9, R 20 and T. 10, K 20, thence west to where said line intersects Indian creek, and thence up said creek to the N. E. corner of section 35 T. 10' E. 19, thence along the north line of said section, to the N. W. corner of said section 35, and thence to the south west corner of said section and thence west to the Sykes mill creek, and thence down said creek to the beginning point embracing portions of T. 9, E. 19, T. 9, E. 20, and T. 10, E. 19. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said separate school district shall be under the supervision of three superintend- ents, to be appointed by the county superintendent of edu- cation of Pike county; with the same powers, duties and rights, as other township superintendents have and exer- cise. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the State superin- tendent of education shall apportion to the said Eodgers school district, a pro rata of the school funds of the State in the same manner as these funds are apportioned to the other townships and school districts. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the State superin- tendent of education shall also apportion to the said Eodgers school district its proportionate share of the six- teenth section fund now apportioned to T. 9, E. 19, its pro- portionate share of the sixteenth section fund now appor- tioned to T. 9, E. 20, and its appropriated share of the six- teenth section fund now apportioned to T. 10, R. 19. 235 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That T. M. H. Kodgers, H. S. Carter and J. N. Folmar shall act as superintendents of said school district for a term of two years from the first of October 1894, and thereafter their successors shall be ap- pointed by the county superintendent of education as pre- scribed in section two of this act. Approved January 25th, 1895. No. 160.] AN ACT [h. 295. To create a separate school district in Cherokee county, Alabama, to be known as the Taff school district, and to define the boundaries thereof. » Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That there is hereby created in Cherokee county a separate school district, to be known as Taff school dis- trict; composed of a portion of township eight (8) range ten (10) and a part of township eight (8) range nine (9) in Cherokee county, Alabama, the boundaries of which will be as follows, viz: Beginning at Oglesby's place on the gulf of Little river, thence due east to Blanch, thence south-east to Baugh's place, thence south-east to Waterloo, thence south-west to south boundary of township eight (8) of range ten (10) at the Tucker place, thence west with said boun- dary line to the gulf of Little river, thence up and with said gulf to the starting point, all in township eight (8) range ten (10) and township eight (8) range nine (9) east in Cher- okee county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the superintendent of education of Cherokee county, Alabama, and their suc- cessors in office are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint trustees who shall be citizens within said district, who shall perform all the duties now incumbent on town- 236 ship trustees as to public schools in said district, and the said superintendent of education in Cherokee county and their successors hereinafter shall apportion to said school district in the school funds in the same manner as is now provided by law for township and other school districts in their respective counties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Taff school dis- trict, shall be entitled to secure its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the townships of which said school district is a part and it shall receive all poll tax which may be col- lected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Approved January 25th, 1895. No. 178.] AN ACT [h. 404. To establish a separate school district in Monroe county, Alabama, and fix the boundaries of same. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district be established to be known as the Glendale school district in Monroe county to be subject to the laws of the State of Alabama, out of the following parts of the following townships: Sections one, two, eleven and twelve in township seven and range eight. Sections five, six, seven, eight, seventeen and eigh- teen in township seven and range nine. Sections 35, 36, S| of section 25. S| of section 26. T. 8, R. 8, section 31, 32, St of section 29, S| of section 30, T. 8 and R. 9. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said school dis- trict shall receive its proportionate share of the public school revenue of said township, including a pro-rata share 237 of the 16th section funds, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax within the limits of the territory set forth in the first section of this bill. Approved January 29th, 1895. No. 204] AN ACT " [h. 564. To establish a separate school district to be known as the Crane Hill district, in Cullman county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Crane Hill school district in Cullman county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established, to consist of the fol- lowing territory, to-wit: Beginning at township line l§e- tween townships 10-11, where said line crosses Whetstone creek, thence east to the north-east corner of section 2, thence south to south-east corner of section 14, thence west to Crooked creek, thence up Crooked creek to the mouth of Whetstone creek, thence up Whetstone creek to starting point, all in township 11, range 5, west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the educational af- fairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State, and shall be managed by three trustees who shall be elected by the qual- ified electors of said school district in the manner and un- der the same provisions as is by law established for Cull- man county, Alabama. . Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superintend- ent of education of Cullman county shall appoint three trustees residents of said school district, to hold office un- til their successprs shall be duly elected and qualified. 238 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. Approved February 1st, 1895. No. 224.] AN ACT [h. 282. To establish a separate school district to be known as the Freeman school district in Winston County, Alabama. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Freeman school district in Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established to consist of the fol- lowing territory, to-wit: Beginning at the mouth of Mill branch, thence up said branch to the head of Mill branch, thence east on section line between sections 3 and 9 to White Oak creek, thence up White Oak creek to the line running east and west between sections 24 and 25, thence west to Rock creek, thence down Rock creek to the mouth of Mill branch, all in townships 10 and 11, range 6, west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the educational af- fairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State, and shall be managed by three trustee who shall be elected by the qual- ified electors of said school district in the same manner, and under the same provisions as is by law established for Winston county, Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of Winston county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said school district, to hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. 239 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 6th, 1895. No. 225.] AN ACT [h. 283. To establish a separate school district in Winston county to be known as the "Poplar Spring" school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district known as the "Poplar Spring" school district in Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established, which district shall be composed and consist of the following territory wiftiin the following named boundaries, to-wit : Beginning at the mouth of Crooked creek, running up the north bank of said creek to the range line between ranges 5 and 6, thence north to the northeast corner of section 12, thence west to the head of Mill branch to Rock creek, thence down Rock creek to the beginning point, all in township 11, range 6 west, in Winston county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the educational affairs of said district shall be under the control of a board of trustees, consisting of three, who shall be elected as now provided by law, for the election of township trustees, and said board shall have the same authority and power, and governed by the same rules of law, as made and prescribed for township trustees of public schools in this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said district shall be entitled to its 'pro rata of the 16th section fund and central fund and all other funds for school purposes. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall go into effect from its approval, but the trustees herein appointed 240 or elected shall not have the right to interfere with any ex- isting contract already made by the township trustees until the close of the scholastic year 1895. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 6th, 1895. No. 228.] AN ACT [h. 765 To create a separate school district in the town of Brewton, Alabama, to define its boundaries and provide for the maintenance of schools therein. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the town of Brewton, in Escambia county, Alabama, shall be and is hereby con- stituted a school district separate and apart from other school districts in said county, and the inhabitants of said town are hereby incorporated by the name of the school district of the town of Brewton. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and coun- cilmen of the town of Brewton and their successors in office shall constitute a board of trustees for the district, which board shall proceed to control and manage said school dis- trict under the regulations and powers set forth and con- ferred by this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees shall open and provide a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the town of Brewton, at least one for each of the races, white and black. The mayor shall be the town superintendent of said schools; and the said board of trustees shall elect the principals and all the teachers of the schools within said district, fix their 241 compensation and prescribe their duties, control the distri- bution of, teachers and pupils among said schools of the district, dictate the course of instruction, the number and character of text books, the method of teaching, and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools and have and exercise such other powers as may be necessary for the complete control and management of the public schools of said town. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the children and wards from seven to twenty-one years of age of all actual residents within the corporate limits, or tax-payers of said town of Brew ton, who have conformed to the regulations and rules of the board of trustees, shall be entitled co ad- mission in the public schools of said town. Provided, that children of non-residents who are not tax-payers in said town may be admitted in said public schools on such terms and conditions as the said board of trustees may prescribe. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board of trus- tees shall have power to establish a rate of incidental fees, applicable to all pupils alike as they deem necessary for the proper support and conduct of said schools, and change the same from time to time as the public necessities and welfare of said schools require. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said public schools of said school district shall be entitled to receive their pro- portionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, also their proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund, all the poll taxes which may be collected from residents of said school district, to be divided between the white and colored schools as now provided by law, also so much of the funds of said town arising from taxation or otherwise as the mayor and councilmen of said town may deem expedient or proper to appropriate to the support or maintenace of said schools, also all funds that 16 242 may be donated or contributed to the support of the same. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the State superin- tendent of education shall apportion, and the county super- intendent of education of Escambia county, Alabama, shall pay to the treasurer of the town of Brewton the proportion- ate part of the public school fund to which said town of Brewton shall be entitled as herein provided. The said town treasurer shall keep all said school funds separate from other municipal funds and pay it out only on the war- rant of said board of trustees. He shall make report to the board of trustees, when called on, of the amount of school funds on hand, and make a report of his collections and disbursements under this act. The board of trustees as herein provided shall discharge all the duties as now re- quired by law of township trustees so far as the town of Brewton is concerned. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the town of Brewton shall have the power to buy lands for the purpose of build- ing school houses, to own lands and property for school purposes, to rent or lease school houses, and to do all things necessary for the successful -operation of a system of schools within said town or school district. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That all the school funds shall be disbursed in such manner as the said board of trustees may direct and said fund shall in all things be under the control and management of said Board of trustees. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees shall have power and authority to grade the schools in said district. And to issue diplomas to such students as satisfactorily complete the course of study prescribed. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That the said board of trustees, consisting as aforesaid of the mayor and council- men of said town, shall have charge and management of the public schools of said town and the custody and control of the buildings owned or rented by said town of Brewton for school purposes. 243 Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and coun- <;ilmen of the town of Brewton are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect a tax upon the property within its corporate limits for the maintenance of said school in said town to such amount as said corporate author- ities may deem advisable within constitutional limits. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the said mayor and councilmen of the town of Brewton are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and enforce such ordinance or ordinances as may be deemed advisable for the full establish- ment and maintenance of such school or schools, or a system of schools, also to erect, equip and maintain such buildings and premises as may be advisable for the same. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to limit or abridge the powers already conferred by law upon the corporsde authorities of the said town of Brewton. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws at conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 6th, 1895. No. 257.] AN ACT [h. 577. To establish a separate school district to be known as the Anton school district, in Winston county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Anton school district, Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established, to consist of the following ter- ritory, to-wit: Beginning at the mouth of Bock creek, thence up said creek to township line between townships 11 and 12, thence west to the northeast corner of section 3, thence south to the line between sections 8 and 10, thence 244 west on the south boundary line of Mellville school district to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section 9, thence south to Sipsey river, thence down Sipsey river to the mouth of Rock creek, to beginning point, all in township 12, range 6 west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational affairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State, and shall be managed by three trustees, who shall be elected by the qualified electors of said school district, in the same manner and un- der the same provisions as by law established for Winston county, Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of Winston county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said school district, to hold office un- til their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 8, 1895. No. 269.] AN ACT [s. 260 To amend an act to establish the George N. Gilmer school district in Lowndes county, approved 14th February, 1887. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That an act to establish the George N. Gilmer school district in Lowndes county, approved 14th of Febru- ary, 1887, be and the same is hereby amended so as to in- clude and embrace the following described territory in ad- dition to its present area, to-wit: Sections two (2), three (3), ten (10) and eleven (11) and the south half of twelve 245 (12); also sections tliirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-six (26), thirty-four (34) and thirty- five (35), all in township twelve (12), range twelve (12); also the east half of section five (5) and sections four (4) and nine (9), the east half and southwest quarter of sec- tion eight (8), the south half of section seven (7); and also sections sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), three (3), ten (10) and fifteen (15), all in township twelve (12), range thirteen (13); also the south half of section twenty- eight (28), and section thirty-three (33), in township thir- teen (1'^), range thirteen (13); and section thirty -five (35) and south half of section twenty-six (26), in township thir- teen (13), range twelve (12); also in said Lowndes county. Sec. 2. That it is hereby meant that all of said described territory shall be, by this act, incorporated with and con- sidered as a portion of said school district, and all educa- tional funds whatever that belong or come to said described area shall be and the same is hereby authorized to be set a,part and used for the said school district by the trustees thereof. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be of force on and after the 1st day of July next, 1895. Approved February 8, 1895. No. 275.] AN ACT [h. 250. To create a separate school district in the city of Jasper, Alabama, to define the boundaries thereof and provide for the maintenance of schools therein. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district be and the same is 246 hereby established in the city of Jasper, Alabama, the boundaries of which shall be the corporate limits of the city of Jasper. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund ac- cruing to the township of which said school district is a part, and it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of the school district of the city of Jasper shall be under the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of Jasper, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and four other persons, residents of said district, to be elected by the mayor and board of aldermen of Jasper at their regular meeting in January or as soon thereafter as practicable; the first two elected shall hold their said oflfice for the term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified and at each regular meeting in the month of June each year they shall elect two suitable per- sons to succeed those whose office has expired, so that two of such persons shall be elected annually. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That each member of said board of education shall upon entering Upon the duties of office subscribe an oath to faithfully discharge all thei dutiea enjoined upon him by law as such officer ; said oath may be administered by the mayor of said city. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall have power, with the approval of the mayor and aldermen of said city of Jasper, to build upon the school 24:7 property o£ the city suitable houses for the use aud accom- modation of the public schools or to rent such houses and to keep such houses in repair, and to furnish the same with proper furniture and apparatus, but no part of the public school funds shall be applied thereto. Sec. <6. Be it further enacted, That said board of edu- cation shall have power, 1st, to open a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the city, elect the principals and all teachers, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, dictate course of instruction, to pre- scribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools and to exercise such additional powers as will be necessary to give it complete control of the public schools of the city. 2nd. To issue certificates of proficiency to all persons who satisfactorily complete the course of stUdy prescribed for the public schools of said district. 3rd. The board of education to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the children and wards of all actual residents, within the corporate limits of Jasper, from seven to twenty-one years of age shall be en- titled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said city; Provided, said children shall themselves be bona fide resi- dents of said city, and non-resident children may be ad- mitted into such schools, on such terms and conditions as the board of education may prescribe; but separate schools shall be provided for the children of citizens of African descent. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all funds de- voted to public school purposes, in the school district of the city of Jasper, derived from said city shall be paid into the treasury of said city, where they shall be kept separate and 248 distinct from all other funds belonging to said city and shall be disbursed in such manner as the board of education may direct and all other funds devoted to public school purposes in the school district in the city of Jasper whether derived from State or county shall be disbursed by the county super- intendent of education in the same manner as is now pro- vided by law except that it shall be done by order of the board of education of said school district. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and alder- men of the city are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect a tax upon the property within its limits for the maintenance of said schools to such an amount as said corporate authorities may deem advisable within constitu- tional limits. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 8th, 1895. No. 289.] AN ACT [h. 917. To create the town of Greensboro, Alabama, a separate school district: |o incorporate the same, and define its powers and duties and to provide for the maintenance and management of the public schools of said district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the territorial limits of the town of Greens- boro, Alabama, as defined in the incorporation of said town be, and the same is hereby created and constituted a school district, separate and distinct from the other school districts of the county of Hale. 249 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants re- siding within the territorial limits of said district be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate by the name and description of the school district of the town of Greensboro, and by that name may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, may have, take, hold, sell, exchange or convey real and personal property and may ac- quire such property by purchase or gift, may have perpetual succession, and may exercise all the rights, powers, fran- chises and privileges which are necessary and proper to carry into effect the purposes of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the town of Greens- boro, as such separate school district shall receive the pro- portionate share of the school fund coming to the count^i of Hale including the pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund, and shall receive all the taxes collected as poll taxes within such school district. Said fund and taxes to be drawn and distributed by such officer as may be appointed for that purpose by the board of education of the school dis- trict of the town of Greensboro hereinafter to be named, in the same manner as the county superintendents of education draw and disburse the funds for the respective counties ; and the amount thus drawn for the school district of the town of Greensboro shall be used exclusively for the main- tenance of public schools in said district ; and the town of Greensboro is authorized to increase its school fund by re- ceiving donations, but for the disbursement of all donated funds no charge whatever shall be made. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of the school district of the town of Greensboro shall be under the charge of the board of education, which board shall con- sist of a president and four associate members, who shall be 250 freeholders or householders residing within their districts ; who shall hold office for and during the term of their resi- dence within the district and who shall have the right to fill all vacancies that may occur on such board by reason of death, resignation or otherwise. It shall be the duty of the president of said board to make annual reports and furnish statistics and information to the superintendent of education of the state, as may be required by law of county superin- tendents of education. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That Thomas Seay is hereby made president of said board and J. A. Blount, George Erwin, William B. Inge, and A. Lawson, associate members of said board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That each member of said board of education, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, subscribe an oath to faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon him by law as such officer ; such oath to be administered by the judge of probate, or any other officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said board of educa- tion shall have power, with the approval of the mayor and aldermen to build upon the property of the town, suitable houses for the use and accommodation of the public schools of said district, and the said board may rent and purchase such house. Said board shall keep said houses in proper repair and shall furnish the same with appropriate furniture and apparatus. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the said board of education may open a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population of the town of Greensboro, and said board shall elect such officers as are in their opinion necessary to the good government of said schools, and when 251 required, such, officers shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take the oaths prescribed for all officers in this state, and shall if required by said board give bonds in any such sum as may be fixed by said board, conditioned as all other official bonds, to be approved by the president of said board of education, and filed with the other official bonds of the county and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the funds of said district shall file in the office of the superintendent of education of this state. And the said board shall elect all teachers, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties ; control the distribution of teachers and pupils among the several schools, if there be more than two, dictate the course of in- struction, the number and character of text books, the or- ganization of classes and the method of teaching and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools aforesaid. Such board shall have and exercise such other and additional powers as may be necessary to give it complete control of the public schools of said school dis- trict. Any of such officers or teachers may be removed for cause to be determined by said board. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion may issue certificates of proficieucy to all persons who have satisfactorily completed the course of study prescribed for. the public schools of said school district. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the children and wards of all actual residents within the limits of the school district of the town of Greensboro from seven to nineteen years of age shall be entitled to seats as pupils in the public schools of said town provided such children themselves shall be bona fide residents of said town, and non-resident children may be admitted into such schools on such terms 252 and conditions as the board of education may prescribe. And separate schools shall be provided for colored children. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the board of edu- cation shall have power to charge in the several grades of said schools, such incidental or other fees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct of said school. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of Hale, by virtue of his office as county superintendent of education, shall be treasurer of said school district and all funds devoted to the public school purposes in such school district in the town of Greensboro, whether derived from state, county or town, shall be paid to the treasurer of said board, and for disbursing which, he shall receive the same compensation as is now by law allowed him as county superintendent of education. Sec. 13. Be it further eu acted. That the board of educa- tion shall have authority t3 create a board for the ex- amination of applicants for the positions of teachers in the public schools of the school district of the town of Greens- boro, and no person shall be elected a teacher in any school in said district, who shall not have received a license from such board. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the board of edu- cation may in its discretion institute annual competitive examinations before such persons as the board may select for all applicants for license to teach in the schools of the school district including licensed teachers in said schools who are applicants for re-election, as teachers. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted. That there is hereby levied upon all taxable property of said town a tax of one mill on each dollars' worth of taxable property as assessed for State taxation during the preceding year, which shall 253 be collected as otlier taxes of said town, and when collected shall be paid over to the treasurer of the board of educa- tion of said school district. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conliict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 9th, 1895. No. 312.] AN ACT [h. 370. To amend sections 2, 3 and 4 of an act entitled an act to regulate the apportionment of the school fund in this State by the superintendent of education, approved February 10th, 1891, so far as relates to the counties of Clarke, Washington, Dallas, Talladega, Jefferson, Choc- taw, Montgomery, Calhoun, and Cleburne. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 2 of an act entitled an act to regulate the apportionment of the school fund in this State by the superintendent of education, approved February 10th, 1891, be amended so as to read as follows, to-wit: Section 2. That in lieu of township superintendents, the county superin- tendent shall appoint, under this law, a township trustee, who shall be a freeholder and a householder, resident in the township for which he is appointed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That section 3 of said act be amended so as to read as follows, to-wit : Section 3. That the county superintendent of education as soon as he re- ceives the annual apportionment of the educational fund to his county, shall forthwith notify the trustee of each town- ship or school district of the amount apportioned to the township or district. 254 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That section 4 of said act be amended so as to read as follows, to-wit : {Section 4. That the township trustees, when he has established the schools in his township as now provided by law, shall apportion to each school so established such an amount of the public school revenue apportioned to the township for the current scholastic year as he may deem just and equitable, and for the equal benefit of the children thereof, between the ages of seven and twenty-one years. He shall determine the number and what children shall be transferred and shall set apart such an amount of money apportioned to his district to pay for such transferred children, as he may deem just and equitable ; Provided further, that said township trustee is hereby exempt from road duty and poll tax. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this bill shall apply only to the counties of Clarke, Washington, Dallas, Talla- dega, Jefferson, Choctaw, Montgomery, Calhoun and Cle- burne aud that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 13, 1895. No. 334.] AN ACT [h. 1058. To establish five additional branch agricultural experiment stations and agricultural schools, to be located in the first, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth congressional dis- tricts respectively in the State of Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That five additional agricultural branch experi- ment stations and agricultural schools are hereby established to be located in the first, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth con- gressional districts respectively in the State of Alabama. 255 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the commissioner of agriculture, goveruor and superintendent of education shall locate said stations and schools one in each of said first, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth congressional districts respect- ively, Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the board of control of said stations and schools shall be composed of the com- missioner of agriculture and the directors of the agricul- tural experiment stations at Auburn, Alabama, and five progressive farmers, who are actually engaged in cultivating the lands, the same to be appointed by the governor, three of whom must reside within ten miles of said stations. The members of the said board must not receive any compensa- tion other than expenses actually incurred in visitingr the stations and while there supervising their affairs. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said board of control shall have power to pay the directors a reasonable salary for their supervision of said station, not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, for each director, from the amount hereinbelow appropriated, and the said board of control shall also have power to elect the principal and teachers of said school and manage said schools and stations as in their judgment they think best. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That for the equipment and improvement of said stations and schools there is hereby appropriated out of the agricultural fund in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, an equal amount to the sum ap- propriated to each of the other agricultural schools and experiment stations in Alabama. Provided, there is so much in said fund not otherwise appropriated, one-foui-th of such sum to be paid quarterly, to-wit: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st, of each year, to the treasurer of said board of control of said stations. 256 Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors shall have authority to purchase suitable lands not exceed- ing fifty acres for each of said stations, taking title to the State, and to construct thereon the necessary buildings and other improvements not to exceed one thousand dollars of the appropriation herein made for each of said stations and schools. The board shall also have authority to appoint and discharge at pleasure such officers, agents and servants as are deemed necessary to the operation of the stations, fixing their compensation, and may appoint a directqr, the operation of the stations under the superintendence and direction and subject to the rules and regulations of the board of control. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the board must cause such experiments to be made at said stations as will advance the interest of scientific agriculture and to cause such chemical analyses to be made as are deemed necessary. All such analyses, if requested to be made under the supervision of the commissioner of agriculture by the chemist of the agricultural department without charge. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said board of control may adopt such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. That no school and experiment station shall be established in either of said congressional districts until such district or the citizens thereof shall donate and convey to the State, for the use of such stations and schools, real estate or buildings, not less than five thousand dollars in value as approved by the commissioner of agriculture. Provided, that when the school is established in the sixth district, it shall be established under this bill, at Hamilton, Marion county, and that for the fifth district at Hayneville, 257 Lowndes county. Provided further, and when located, the Hamilton people shall make title to the State for the school building and eighty acres of land adjoining. Approved February 18, 1895. No. 335.] AN ACT [h. 216. To change the western boundary line of the Clintonville school district in Coffee county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That from and after the passage of this act the line between sections twenty-two and twenty-three running north and south in township five, range twenty-ofte, shall be the western boundary line of said Clintonville school district. Approved February 8th, 1895. No. 343.] AN ACT [s. 225. To establish the Pintlala school district in Lowndes county. ' Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be established in the county of Lowndes the Pintlala school district, to be composed of all that portion of said county south of the Alabama river and east of the Talla- wassee creek, and the north of Pintlala creek and north of a line beginning at Scott's bridge on Pintlala creek, and thence west along the Scott's bridge road to the intersection 17 258: of said road with the Graves landing and Hayneville road, thence due west to Tallawassee creek. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of said county shall appoint five (5) trustees in and for said school district who shall be resident citizens and qualified voters of said district, and who shall hold their office from the first day of July next, 1895, for a term of two years, and until their successors are duly ap- pointed by said superintendent. And these trustees shall have all the authority and exercise all the powers of town- ship trustees as now or which may hereafter be provided by law. Approved February 9th, 1895. No. 375.] AN ACT [h. 624 To create a separate school district to be known as "Head- land school district" in Henry county and to define the boundaries thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, that there is hereby created in Henry county a separate school district to be known as "Headland school district" composed of that portion of Henry county, Ala- bama, the boundaries of which shall be as follows: Beginning at the centre of the square of the town of Headland and running two and one half miles therefrom in all directions. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the superintendent of education of Henry county and his successor in office, be hereby authorized and empowered to appoint trustees, who shall be citizens within said district who shall perform all the duties now incumbent on township superintendents as to 259 public schools in said districts; and the said superintendent of education in Henry county, and his successor in ofl&ce hereinafter, shall apportion to said school district the school fund in the same manner as is now provided by law for township and other school districts of this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Headland school district shall be entitled to secure its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools ; also its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund according to the territory of said district, and it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Approved February 16th, 1895, » ]S[o. 389.] AN ACT [h. 663. To establish a separate school district to be known as the Hulaco school district in Cullman county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district in Cullman county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established to consist of the following territory, to-wit: Sections 33, 34, 35, 36, 25, 26, 27, 28, 24 and the south half of each of the sections 21, 22 and 23, all in township 8, range 1, west, and the northwest quarter of section 2, township 9, range 1, west. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational affairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State and shall be managed by three trustees who shall be elected by the qual- 260 ified electors of said school district in the same manner and under the same provisions as is by law established for Cull- man county, Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of Cullman county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said school district to hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 16, 1895. No. 391.] AN ACT [h. 640. To create a separate school district in the county of Frank- lin, to be called Newburg public school district and to define the boundaries thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate public school district be and the same is hereby created in the county of Franklin, to be known and called the Newburg public school district and that the boundaries of such district be known and designated as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the N. W. corner of sec- tion 31, township 6, range 10, west; thence east to the N. E. corner of section 36, on the west boundary of the county of Lawrence; thence south along said Lawrence county line to the southeast corner of section one township 7 range 10, west; thence west to the southwest corner of section six township 7 range 10, west; thence north to the beginning point. 261 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said separate school district shall receive its share of the school funds of this state as provided for by law in proportion to the number of children within the educational age residing in said school district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of the public schools in said township 6, range 10, west, shall dis- charge the duties of trustees of said Newburg school dis- trict until their successors are appointed or elected and qualified. Approved February 16th, 1895. No. 415.] AN ACT [s» 250. To amend section ten of an act entitled an act to constitute the city of Anniston a separate school district and to provide a board of education therefor, approved Janu- ary 28, 1891. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section ten (10) of an act entitled an act to constitute the city of Anniston a separate school district and to provide a board of education therefor, approved January 28, 1891, be and the same is hereby so amended as to read as follows: Section 10. Be it further enacted. That said board of education shall have power to charge in any school "that is now or may be hereafter established such incidental, matriculation or tuition fee or fees as may in the judgment of said board of education be necessary for the proper con- duct of such school or schools, provided that no charge shall be made for tuition in any school already established and in operation. Approved February 18th, 1895. 262 No. 458.] AN ACT [h. 912. To establish a separate school district in Coosa county in this state. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the "Eockford school district" be established subject to the^ public school laws of the state of Alabama, to be composed of the following territory, viz.: Two (2) miles in each and every direction from the court house at Bockford in said state and county. That the said separate school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school funds of said township including a pro rata share of the sixteenth (16th) section fund; and it shall also receive all the tax collected from the white people, as poll tax within the limits of the territory set forth ; and the county superin- tendent of education shall set apart from the county school fund and disburse and use pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public school of said separate school district. Approved February 18th, 1895. No. 459.] AN ACT [h. 936. To create a separate school district of Daviston in beat 17, T. 24, R. 24 in Tallapoosa county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the following described territory in T. 24, R. 24, Tallapoosa county, Alabama, to- wit: Beginning at the Daviston high school academy and including all the 263 territory within a radius of two miles in every direction from said academy, it being the center of said district, to be known as the "Daviston School District." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district shall have five trustees who shall be landholders and freeholders resident in said district, and who shall be elected on the first Monday in June, 1895, and every two years thereafter, and who shall hold office for a term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified ; Provided, that said trustees shall be elected by the qualified voters who re- side in the boundaries, as set out in section one of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said trustees to establish and locate one school for the white race, and but one to be taught each year within said district and elect officers and teachers for the same, ana to perform all other duties necessary to the proper organiza- tion, regulation and maintenance of said school, making con- tracts with teachers, and approving reports in the manner provided by the general school laws, for the trustees of townships; Provided, that said trustees may elect one of their number chairman of the board of trustees of said dis- trict, and that such chairman may contract with teachers, and approve reports as in the manner provided by the gen- eral school law for trustees of townships. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be entitled to receive its proper, proportionate share of all funds, raised or apportioned by the state, or county for public schools. Also its proportionate share of the six- teenth section funds accruing to the township of which said school district is a part, and it shall receive all poll tax which may be collected from the white residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. 264 Sec. 5, Be it further enacted, That the Daviston high school shall be the only school in said district for the white race. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not go into effect until the first day of October, 1895. Approved February 18th, 1895. No. 538.] AN ACT [h. 781. To establish Pleasant Hill school district in Jefferson county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the Pleasant Hill community, comprising parts of township 19, ranges 4 and 5, and township 20, ranges 4 and 5, W, in Jefferson county, Alabama, shall con- stitute a separate school district, to be known as the Pleas- ant Hill school district with the following boundaries, to- wit : Beginning at Mobile Junction on the A. G. S. E.. R., in T. 19, K 4, W., and running along the E. T. & Va., rail- road to Shades creek, thence down and along said Shades creek to the bridge across said creek on the public road at Anderson's Mill place, thence west along said public road, via. of William's precinct, and on across the A. G. S. rail- road to the intersection with the Huntsville road at the Hick's place ; thence in a northern direction to the top of Rock mountain, where the public road from McOalla to Simon Seller's farm crosses said mountain; thence N. E. along the top of said Bock mountain to a point on said mountain nearest James R. McClinton's farm, thence in an eastern direction along a line including the farms now be- longing to J. R, McOlinton, Jordan Cox, J. E. Parsons and 265 Charles Fitzpatrick, and on to Mobile Junction, the place of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Pleasant Hill school district shall have its proportional share of all school funds accruing to T. 19, ranges 4 and 5, W. and T. 20, ranges 4 and 5, W, according to the number of children within the educational age, and it shall be managed and controlled as other townships and school districts, by and "under the school laws of the state of Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That three trustees shall be appointed by the county superintendent of education in and for said district on or before the 1st day of August, 1895, whose term of office shall begin the first day of Au- gust, 1895, and continue until their successors are appoiilted and qualified in 1897. Said trustees in the beginning of each school year shall establish or locate one school at Pleasant Hill for the white children of said district, and but one for said race in the district, and shall employ all the teachers needed to teach the white children of said district in said school. They shall either locate a school for the colored children of the district or transfer them to public schools located in other townships or districts as they may deem best. They shall have the immediate supervision of the schools of the district and shall perform all the duties required by law of trustees of townships. Approved February 18th, 1895. 266 N^o. 7.) AN ACT (H. 66. To establish a separate school district and define its boun- daries in Etowah county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district, to be known as the Smith's Chapel School District, be established in Short Creek Precinct, Etowah county, and to be subject to the public school laws of the State of Alabama, and described as follows, viz : Beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast -J of section 2, township 10, range 5 east; thence due east on the county line between the counties of Etowah and DeKalb, till it strikes the east top of Sand Mountain; thence in a souther- ly direction along the top of Sand Mountain to the southeast corner of the northeast ^ of section lY, township 10, range 6 east; thence west to the north and south line of section 18, township 10, range 6 east; thence south to the southeast cor- ner of said section 18; thence west to the southwest cor- ner of section 13, township 10, range 5 east; thence north to the southwest corner of section 12, township 10, range 5 east; thence west to the southwest corner of section 11, township 10, range 5 east; thence north to the northwest corner of said sec- tion 11; thence east to the southwest corner of the southeast ^ of section 2, township 10, range 5 east; thence north to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of Etowah county shall appoint three trustees who are householders of said district, who shall serve until the next election provided for by law for the election of township trustees in Etowah county, at which time the quali- fied electors of said district shall elect three trustees who shall 267 be houseliolders of said district ; said trustees shall be governed by the laws governing township trustees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of said county shall set apart from the public fund of said county the pro rata share of the school fund and the poll tax collected in said district, together with interest of the sixteenth section fund for said district, as pro- vided in the laws governing the public schools in the State of Alabama. Approved ISTovember 25th, 1896. No. 8.) AIST ACT (H. 56. % To establish a separate school district in Clarke county, to be known as Fort Madison School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following territory in Clarke county be and constitute a separate school district: Sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, in township 6 north, range 3 east; sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, in township 6 N^., range 4 E. ; sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, in township 7 iST., range 3 E.; sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 in town- ship 7 IST., range 4 E. Said school district shall be known as the Eort Madison School District and shall be governed by the general public school laws of the State to the same extent and in the same manner as if the said territory was a township di- vision. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Tliat the said school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school reve- nue of said townships pro-rated with reference to the territory taken from each, including its share of the sixteenth section 268 funds, the poll tax funds, and all other public school funds belonging, or hereafter to belong to, the, said townships. Approved ISTovember 25th, 1896. iS^o. 13.) AN ACT ; [^H. 140. T<.. amend an act entitled "an act to constifiite the city of Tus- caloosa a separate school district, and to provide for the nian:i,.es collected as poll taxes within said school district, said fund to be drawn and disbursed by the county superintendents of said counties as other money is drawn and disbursed by the county superintendents of education. Se.3. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendents of education of Barbour and Dale counties shall each appoint within said Ketcham School District, three suitable persons, who shall constitute a Board of education for said school district. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That said board niaiy'^'d^eil a school for the white and another for the colored children when in their judgment, it can be run (12) twelvfe Wfeeks or longer. 319 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board may require teachers applying for positions in said school district, to be examined by any person or board of examiners designated by said school board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said board to elect and contract with the teachers employed by said school board. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That each and every teach- er employed by said school board shall keep a register in con- formity with his report as prescribed by law, and file it with the chairman of the board within five days after the termina- tion of said school. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereb}'' repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take ef- fect from and after its approval by the Governor. Approved February 9th, ISOY. iS^o. 274.) A^T ACT (H. 370. ^ To establish a uniform series of school books to be taught in the public schools of Lauderdale county, Alabama, atid to provide for a board to select the same. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That there shall be a uniform series of text books se- lected to be ta\ight in the public schools in Lauderdale county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said books when se- lected shall remain in use for a term of five years; provided, however, that no school in session at the time of the first se- lection under this act shall be required to change its text books during that session. Sec. 3. Be \i further enacted, That all teachers employed to teach in the public schools in Lauderdale county shall be required to teach such series of text books. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That there shall be created a school book board for Ihe county of I-auderdale to consist of five members, viz: the county superintendent of education and one first grade teacher from each commissioner's district, to be selected by the county superintendent of education, and which shall be done as soon as practicable after the passage of this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education shalLbe chairman of the said school book board, and that it shall be the duty of the said board to select books of good moral character and substantially bound. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of every teacher in the public schools of said county of Lauder- dale to state in his or her reports the kinds of books used, and whether or not he or she has used the books prescribed by the school book board hereinbefore provided for. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That no teacher whose re- ports do not show that he or she has used the books prescribed by said board under the provisions of this act, shall receive any part of the public school fund. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the city schools in the city of Floreiice. Sec. 9. Be it fui-theT ehacted, That all laws and parts mi laws in conflict with ihe pfetMOHs oi ihis ket Bfel, . arid tTle same are hereby repealed. Approved I'febMry ^tH, 18 9f. " ^; 321 :^o. 275.) AN ACT (H. 557. To establish a sej)arate school district in and for the city of Demopolis, and the police jurisdiction thereof, in Ma- rengo county, Alabama, and to provide means to support said separate school district. Section 1 . Beit enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the corporate limits of the city of Demopolis, and the limits included in the police jurisdiction of said city, in Marengo county. State of Alabama, shall constitute a school district separate and distinct from the remaining school districts and parts of said districts of said county of Marengo, and to be known as the Demopolis School District and be under the control of the mayor and councilmen of Isaid city. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the public schools of said district shall be under the management of a district board of education consisting of three members to be elected by the mayor and councilmen of Demopolis as hereinafter provided, v^'^ho slial] serve without pay. Sec. 3. Be it further enaf-tcd. That the mayor and council- men of said city, at tlie first regular meeting of ihe board held after the election and qualification of said mayor and council- men, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and every two years thereafter, shall elect from the qualified voters of said city three school commissioners, who shall hold office till their suc- cessors a]-e elected and qualified, and shall prescribe the duties, liabilities and powers of said school commissioners. That said school commissioners shall be and they are hereby I'elicved from jury duty, and street tax authorized to be levied by tip's act, daring their terms of office, and shall be under che control of the mayor and councilmen. 21 322 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the major ard coun- cilmen of said city shall appropriate annually for tlie benciit and support of the free public schools in said city, so much of the income of the said city, arising from licenses and taxes, or in any manner as they may deem expedient for the support of said public schools. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all funds which may be received, appropriated, or nsed for the support of free public schools under this act shall be apportioned among all children attending school in such school district between the ages of seven and twenty-one years; but separate schools shall be provided for citizens of African descent. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the said school com- missioners shall have power and authority to receive into the free public schools of said "school district" any scholars living within the limits of said "school district" on such terms as may be agreed upon by them. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That said mayor • d coun- cilmen shall have power and authority to nse, appropriate and disburse the school fund, or any part thereof, in > iicction with or as a supplementary to any private school or eademy in said school district ; Provided, That any private cb >ol or academy accepting such funds shall for the time 'he same is used, be under the joint control and supervision of the board of trustees of such academy, and three school commissioners, hereinbefore provided. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education for Marengo county shall, within twenty days after he shall have received the school funds of the coun- ty, pay over to the treasurer of the city of Demopolis the share or portion of the public school fimd to which the said ^TDemopoiis School District" may be entitled under the law, 323 and sucli fund shall be used only for the support and benefit of the free public schools herein authorized and establ'shed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict "with the provisions of this act be, and tLo same are hereliy repealed. Approved l"ebruary 10th, 1897. No. 282) AX ACT (H. 771 To confer power on the Opelika board to appropriate money out of the revenues of the district of Opelika to the support of its public schools. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the Opelika police board, out of any revenues of the district of Opelika may set apart annually, and pay over to the board of education of the district of Opelika for the public schools of said district of Opelika such an amount as the Opelika police board may deem necessary for maintain- ing the ])ublic schools of the district of Opelika. Approved February 11, 1897. K; 312) AN ACT (H. 740 To authorize the levy and collection of a tax, upon property within the city of Birmingham, Alabama, for the main- tenance of the public schools of said city. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That for the maintenance of the public schools of said 324 city, ttiere shall be laid, levied and collected upon all tlie taxable property within the corporate limits of said city, or that may be lawfully taxable therein, an annual tax of fifteen cents on every one hundred dollars worth of such property, which shall be assessed by tax assessors of Jefferson county, Alabama, at the same time, and in the same manner, and under the same penalties, and enter on the same list, with taxes levied for State purposes, and the same shall be collected by the tax collector of Jefferson county, Alabama, at the same time that he collects State taxes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when said tax col' lector shall collect the taxes herein provided for, the same shall be paid over each month by him to the treasurer of the board of education of said city^ and shall be disbursed b^'' said board of education in support and maintenance of the public schools of said city; Provided, that whenever the tax levied by the State shall exceed fifty-five cents on every one hundred dollars of taxable property, then the tax hereby shall be diminished to such rate as, added to the rate levied by the State, shall not exceed seventy-five cents on every one hun- dred dollars worth of taxable property, the limit fixed by the constitution. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all laws and part? of laws, general or special, in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 11, 1897. 325 ISTo. 344) AN ACT (H. 850 To amend sections one of an act entitled an act to establish tliree separate school districts in Cullman county, to !>e known as the Jones Chapel School District, the County Line School District, and the Good Hope School District, in Cullman county, Alabama, and to provide for the election of a board of trustees for each of said school districts with certain duties and powers, approved Feb. 18th, 1891. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That section one of an act entitled an act to establish three separate school districts in Cullman county, to be kno|pi as the Jones Chapel School District, the County Line School District and the Good Hope School District, in Cullman county, Alabama, and to provide for the election of a board of trustees for each of said school districts with certain duties and powers approved Feb. 18th, 1891, be so amendeom the white residents of said district and all funds which may be donated thereto. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said trustees named and provided for in section 2 of this act, shall have full au- thority to employ the necessary teachers for said school dis- trict and to perform any and all other duties necessary to the proper organization, regulation and maintenace of said school, such as approviug reports of teachers, (tec, in the man- ner provided by the general school laws for the trustees of townships. Provided, that said trustees named and provided for in section 2 of this act, may elect one of their number chairman of the board of trustees of said district and that said chairman may contract with teachers for said school, and ap- prove reports of such teachers, as in the manner provided by the general school law for trustees of townships, the said acts of chairman to be subject to the approval of a majority of said board of trustees. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees 362 named and provided for in section 2 of this act, shall have power to establish a rate of incidental fees, from time to time, as they may deem proper, such fees to be applicable to all pupils of said schools alike for the proper support and conduct of said schools, and charge the same from time to time as the public necessities and welfare of said school require. Sec. 1. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laAvs in conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 16th, 1897. No. 453.) AN ACT (H. 1029. To create a separate school district in Jackson county, to be known as Section, out of a part of township 5, range 6, east. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That all of township 5, range 6, lying south of the Tennessee river, in Jackson county, be and the same is hereby made a separate school district, to be known as the school dis- trict of "Section." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That on the last Monday in August, 1897, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified voters of said district three trustees of said school, who shall hold office for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Such trustees shall be elected as is provided by law for township trustees in Jackson county, and these trustees shall have all the authority and exercise all the powers of township trustees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said trustees shall be required to give bond and security in sucli sum as shall be pre- scribed by the county superintendent of education. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board of trustees are authorized to employ and contract for a teacher or teachers for a term of two years. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That a public school is here- by located at a place known as Section in said district, and that no public school shall be located in said district nearer than two miles of said school at said Section,. and there shall in no case be more than three public schools located in said district. Sec. 6, Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees of said district, shall control the disposition of all funds which may be raised for said district. The said board of trustees,'to- gether with the trustees of township 5, range 6, north of the Tennessee river, are empowered to rent or lease any part or all of the (1-16) sixteenth section, with its ferry lying within said district, and remaining part of township 5, range 6, and to transact any and all business that trustees may of right do for the successful management of the sixteenth section and its funds not in conflict with the laws of the State or of the Uni- ted States. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said school district shall be entitled to its pro rata share in all public school funds for Jackson county. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That said trustees shall re- ceive no compensation for their services, but shall be exempt- ed from public road duty. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 15th, 1897. 364 E'o. 458.) AK ACT (H. 887. To authorize the levy and collection oi s tax upon property within the city of Gadsden, Alabama, or that may be law- fully taxable therein for the maintenance of the public schools of said city. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That for the maintenance of the public schools of the city of Gadsden, Alabama, there shall be levied and collected upon all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said city, or that may be lawuflly taxed therein, an annual tax of fifteen cents on every one hundred dollars worth of such property, which shall be assessed by the tax assessor of Etowah county, Alabama, at the same time and in the same manner and under the same penalties and enter on the same list with taxes levied for State purposes, and the same shall be collected by the tax collector of Etowah county, Alabama, at the sauie time that he collects State taxes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That when said tax collect- or shall collect tlie taxes herein provided for, the same shall be j)aid over each month by him to the treasurer of the board of oducarion of faJd city, and be disbursed by said board of education m enoport and maintenance of the public schools of srdd city; Provided, that whenever the tax levied by the. State shall exceed sixty cents on every one hundred dollars of taxa- ble jjroperty, ilicn the tax hereby levied shall be diminished to such a vat:; as^ added to the rate levied by the State, ^hail not exceed se/.enty-live cents on every one hundred dollars worth of taxable projx^j ly, the limit fixed by the constitution. Sec. o. Be it iurtber enacted. That the provisions of this 365 act shall apply to each and every year after the passage thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, general or special, in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 15th, 1897. ^o. 464.) AX ACT (S. 228. T'o establish a separate school district in Calhoun county, to be called Randolph School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of ^Ist- bama, That a separate school district is hereby established in Calhoun county to be called Randolph School District, with the following boundaries, viz : Beginning at the intersection of the Anniston city limits on the west with the township line between townships fifteen and sixteen, thence west along said township line to the northwest corner of the northeast qiTarter of section two, township sixteen, range ?even, thence in a direct line southeasterly to the intersection of the Pine Grove road with Hunter street as shown by the map of Mechanics- ville; thence southeasterly through the intersection of Le Grand and Jeiferson streets, as shown by the map of Mechan- icsville, to the range line between ranges seven and eight; thence north along said range line to the Anniston city limits; thence northerly with said Anniston city limits to the point of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That upon the approval of this act, the county superintendent of Calhoun county shall appoint three trustees of said school district, who shall have 366 the powers and discharge the duties of school trustees within said district. One of said trustees shall be appointed to hold office until October 1st, 1897; another, until October 1st, 1898, and the third, until October 1st, 1899; and upon the first days of October of each year, the county superintendent of Calhoun county shall appoint one trustee of said district, whose term of office shall be for three years, and until his suc- cessor is appointed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school funds of the State and of said county, and the poll tax collected within the district, and the same shall be disbursed as now or as may be hereafter provided by law. Approved February 16th, 189Y. 1^0. 4:71.) A¥ ACT (H. 610. To establish a separate school district in Franklin county, Ala- bama, to be known as the Belgreen School District, and to fix the boundaries of same. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General xlssembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district be established, to be known as the Belgreen School District in Franklin county, Alabama, to be subject to the school laws of the State of Ala- bama. Said district shall be composed and consist of the fol- lowing territory within the following named boundaries, to wit : Commencing at the southwest corner of section eleven!, township seven, range thirteen, running east one-half mile east of township line separating township seven, range twelve from township seven, range thirteen (distance 2-| miks); 867 thence north to Cedar creek (distance about 3 miles); thence down said creek to the Indian line (distance abont 2 miles); thence south to the southwest corner of section 35, township 6, range 13 (distance about 2 miles); thence west to Lick creek (distance about 1^ miles); thence up said creek one mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence south one-half mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence up said creek to the place of beginning (about 1 mile) ; all in Franklin county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational af- fairs of said district shall be under the control of a board of trustees, consisting of three, who shall be elected as now pro- vided bj law for the election of township trustees, and said board shall have the same authority and power, and shall be governed by the same rules of law as are made and prescriiped for township trustees of public schools in this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of Franklin county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said school district, to hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the said school district shall receive its proportionate share of the public school reve- nue, including a pro rata share of the 16th section funds, and shall also receive all the tax collected as poll tax from white people within the limits of the territory set forth in the first section of this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of lawL- in conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 16 th, 1897. .J 368 No. 479.) AN ACT (H. 769. To establish a separate school district in Barbour county, to be known as the Lodi School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That there is hereby created, in Barbour county, a separate school district, to be known as the Lodi School Dis- trict, composed of the territory within the following boun- daries: Commencing at a point on East Choctawhatchee river where the Barbour and Henry county lines meet; thence run west along said line two and one-half miles; thence north three and three-fourths miles; thence east to Choctawhatchee two miles; thence south down said Choctawhatchee three and three-fourths miles to Barbour and Henry county line. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the superintendent of education of Barbour county, and his successors, are here- by authorized and required to appoint three trustees who shall be resident citizens of said district, who shall perform all the duties now, and that may hereafter be, incumbent on town- ship trustees as to public schools in said district, and said su- perintendent of education of Barbour county, and his suc- cessors, shall apportion to said school district funds in the samn manner as is now provided by law for township and other school districts in their respective counties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said Lodi School Dis- trict shall be entitled to its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools, also i's proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund accruing to the townships of which said district is a part, and it shall re- ceive all poll taxes which may be collected from residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Approved February 16th, 1897. , i,^. 369 No. 48T.) AN ACT (H. 938. To create a separate school district in tlie county of Macon, to be known as the Cross Keys High School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a separate school district in the county of Macon, to be known as the Cross Keys High School District, is here- by created, to be composed of all of townships sixteen and .seventeen in said county, which lies west of the dividing line between Cross Keys beat and LaPlace "beat, in said county. Sec. 2. That said district and the school to be established therein shall be under the direction and control of a board of trustees, composed of Y. M. Letcher, J. A. Bullock, J. H. Henderson, J. S. Lightfoot and L. A. Lyon, who shall hold their office until the next general election in said county. Sec. 3. That said board of trustees shall have the same power and authority in said district as is given to trustees by the laws of the State ; and said trustees shall elect a school su- perintendent who shall perform all the functions like other school superintendents in this State. Sec. 4. That at the next general election in this State, and at every general election thereafter, five trustees shall be elect- ed as qualified electors of said district, whose election shall be certified to the county superintendent of education of Macon county by the managers of election of said Cross Keys beat; and the trustees so elected and certified shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 5. That all the poll taxes collected in said district shall be turned over by the tax collector to the said board of trustees, together with such proportion of the school money 24 as tie people of said district axe entitled to, to be usM^By siii'd trustees to help to maintain a good school in said district. Sec. 6. That said board of trustees shall have the power to charge reasonable tuition for such scholars in said district as may be able to pay the same, and shall permit such scholars to attend said school free of charge as in their judgment they may deem unable to pay such reasonable tuition Approved February 16th, 1807. No. 520.) AX ACT (R 511. I ( To amend an act entitled "an act to create and establish an industrial school for white girls in the State of Ala- bama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That section two of an act to create and establish an industrial school for white girls in the State of Alabama, ap- proved February, 1893, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 2. Be it further enacted. That the Governor of the State shall nominate and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, one person from each of the congress- ional districts of the State, and two from the State at large, who, together with the Governor and State superintendent, of education, shall be trustees, and to serve as such for six years except the Governor, and superintendent of education, who shall serve for the terms of their election by the people of Alabama. Immdiately after they shall be assenibled, in con- sequence of their first appointment, they shall be divided equally into three classes. The term of the first class shall expire two years from the date of their appointment, the sec- ond class four years from the date of their appointment; and ikie third class six years from tlie date of tteir apbiTitmeDt, s6 that oiie-third shall be chosen evel-j two years: If vacancy nappfeii by resignation or otherwise, the Governor may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the General Jisserably. The Governor shall he ex-officio member of the bodtd of trusteed, and shall act as president in all their meet- ings, when present, but in his absence they may choose d president pro-tem. Five of the board of trustees shall be a ■iliibrum for the transaction of business. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That section five of said act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 5. Be it fur- ther enacted, That the Governor shall, as ex-officio president; ■cbtiveiie the board of trustees of said industrial school to con- sider any business connected with the same, whenever he shall deem it expedient to do so ; that the trustees shall elect a secre- tary of said board, whose duty it shall be to record in a well bound book all the proceeding^ had by said board, and shall be allbwed such coriipensatioii for his or her services as the board may deem proper, not to exceed 07ie hundred dollars peic annum. The board of trustees may also elect a treasurer for said industrial school, who shall hold and disburse all the funds belonging to said school on the order of the board of trustees, and shall receive such compensation as the board shaii deem proper, not to exceed one hundred dollars per ^niium. Sei3. 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office, said treasurer shall give bond in such sum as the board of trustees may prescribe, conditioned to faithfully discharge his dutiea as such treasurer, which bond shall be approved by the Goy- ernor^ and filed in the office of the secretary of State. The treasurer shall take vouchers for all moneys disbursed by hira Tliider the order of the board of trustees, which shall be filed 372 with, 'dnd recorded by the secretary of the board, and shall make reports to the board, when they may deem advisable. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That section twelve of said act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 12. The sum of five thousand dollars for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and ten thousand dollars for the year eight- teen hundred and ninety-six, be, and the same is, hereby ap- propriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated for the establishment and maintenance of said school. Such funds and any other funds appropriated for such purpose from time to time, may be drawn from the State treasury by the board of trustees on vouchers audited by the board and approved by the Governor, and filed in the auditor's ofiice. Such vouchers shall contain a clear and full statement of the purpose for which they are given. Upon the filing of such vouchers the auditor shall draw his warrant on the State treasurer for the same. When a treasurer for said industrial school shall have been appointed and qualified by the execution of a bond as hereinbefore provided, the board of trustees may by order entered upon the minutes direct any part of the funds so ap- propriated by the State to be paid over to the treasurer to be disbursed by him on the order of the board of trustees. A cop 7 of such order, certified by the governor, and counter- signed by the secretary of the board, shall constitute a voucher upon which the auditor shall draw his warrant on the treasur- er of the State in favor of the treasurer of the industrial school for the amount thereof. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the board of trustees shall make, or cause to be made, to the General Assembly, at each session thereof, a full report of their transactions, and of the condition of the school, including an itemized account of 373 all receipts and disbursements on account of the school by those charged with its financial affairs. Approved February 18th, 1897. 'No. 530) AN ACT (S. 460 To establish a sepat-ate scLool district to be known as the Koanoke ISTormal College District in Randolph county. Section 1. Be it enacte-d by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory situated in the county of Randolph shall constitute a separate school district to be known as the Roanoke IvTormal College District, to-wit: All of sections 2,5, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36 in township 21, raftge 12 and all of sections 1, 2, and 3 in township 22, range 12. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district shall re- ceive ail public revenues and shall be managed and controlled by the board of trustees of Roanoke J^ormal College who shall constitute a separate board of trustees for said school district and shall have all the authority and exercise all the power of township trustees as is now or may hereafter be provided by law. Approved February 18, 1897, No. 538) A]S" ACT (H. 1144 To exclude and take from the George N. Gilmer School Dis- trict of Lowndes county, sections 15, 16, 17 and 18 of township 12, range 13. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, Tliat sections 15, 16, 17 and 18 of township 12> range 374 M in Lowndes county bo and the same are hereby excluded and take a out of George ^. Gitmer school disirict of Lowiide^ county. Apj-roA^ed February 18, 1897. No. 541) AN ACT (1. Sm To establish Ashford School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Genej-al Assembly of Ala- b^.ma, That f I'cm and after the passage of this act, there shall 'ce established ip Henry county, the Ashford School District, CO be composed of sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, in township 3, range 28, and sectio|i^ 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 11, in township 2, range 28. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That there shall jbe j^ve trustees in and for said school district, who shall be resident citizens and freeholders in said district, and who shall hold their term of office from the first day of July, 1897, for two years, and said trustees shall have all the authority, and e:?:- ercise all the powers of township trustees as is now or may hereafter be provided by law. That J. W. Mclntyre, K. R. Adams, Wm. Crawford, J. F. Singletary and C. C. Radney, shall be, and are hereby empowered to act as trustees for the iirst term ot' two years: aftet which time the mayor and council of the to^^n of Ashford shall elect the trustees provided for in this act, and fill all vacancies in said board of trustees can seel by death, resignation or removal. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said trustees to establish only one scliool for the white race in said district, and the said school shall be located within the corporate limits of tlie town of Askford; and to elect, and ma^e contracts with teacjaors for same in the manner pres- cribbed hj the general schooj. laws for the tr^ustees of .tcwn- ^pg ; Provided, that the said boar4 of trustees jnay" elect o.ne of their number chairman of the board. And such -ihair- 101^^ n;iay ^con^tract with teachers elected by the boaxd and apjD^oye rjeports as in t^e manner prov;Lded by the general schopj law for the trustees of to>\'nships. Sec. 4. lie it further enacted. That said trustees are em- po.^v^ered to establish one or more schools for the black race in said diSjtrict, and ahall elect teachers and contract with the same for said school in .the manner prescribed by the gener^ school law for the trustees of townships. 3ec. 5. Be it further enacted. That said school distinct shall be entitled ,to receive it? proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated b)- the State or county for public scjiools, and its proportionate share of the sixteenth section funds accruing to townships 2 and 3, range 28, of which said district is a part; and it sliall receive all ^the poll tax whicji may be collected from the residents of said school district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Approved JB"'ebruary 18, 1897. No. 545) KN ACT (H. 428 To constitute the town of Jacksonville, Alabama, a separate school district. Section 1. The corporate limits of the town of Jackson- ville, Alabama, as they now are, or may hereafter exist, shall constitute a public school district, separate and apart from the remaining school districts of Calhoun county, and shall be known as the Jacksonville public school district. 376 Sec. 2. The board of directors of the State iRormal School Jacksonville, Alabama, and their successors in office, shall con- stitute a board of trustees for said school district. The said board of trustees shall establish and locate the number of schools to be taught each year within the said school district, whether white or colored, shall fix the length of term of each school, the salaries to be paid the teachers of the same, and shall perform all other duties necessary to the proper regula- tion and maintenance of such schools. Sec. 3. The president of the State ISTormal School, Jack- sonville, Alabama, shall be the superintendent of the public schools, both white and colored of said district. He shall ap- point the teachers in said schools with the approval of the board of trustees. He shall organize and grade the schools, designate the plan of educatioil to be pursued and determine the text books to be used in said public schools. Sec. 4. The public schools for the white children shall con- stitute a model training school for the State ISTormal School, Jacksonville, Alabama, and shall be established a part of the said State ]^ormal School. Sec. 5. The Jacksonville public school district shall re- ceive its proportionate share of the public school revenue in- cluding its pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund, and shall also receive all the tax levied as poll taxes within the limits of said school district for the use and maintenance of the public schools therein, all moneys devoted to school purposes, whether derived from State, county or town of Jacksonville, or obtained by gift or bequest, or any other manner what- soever, shall be paid over into the hands of the treasurer of the State Normal School, Jacksonville, Alabama. Sec. 6. To enable the said board of trustees to maintain an efficient system of public schools free as nearly as prac- 377 ticable to all the school children in the town, there is hereby laid and levied upon all the taxable property within the cor- porate limits of the said town, or that may be lawfully taxa- ble therein, an annual tax of one-fifth of one per cent, or twenty cents on the one hundred dollars worth of such prop- erty, which shall be assessed by the tax assessor of Calhoun county at the same time, in the same manner, under the same penalties and entered on the same lists with the other State taxes, and the same shall be collected by the tax collector oi Calhoun county at the same time with and as a part of said taxes, and when collected, shall be paid over each week to the treasurer of the said board. Sec. 7. All moneys collected under this act from the white race shall go to the support of the white schools, anc^all moneys collected from the colored race shall go to the sup- port of the colored school that shall be established within said, school district, and to carry out the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the tax assessor, in making assessments under the provisions of this act, to note on the assessment book the race to which all property assessed belongs, and the duty of the tax collector to report how much of said tax has been collected from each race. Sec. 8. All the provisions of this bill shall become opera- tive upon the passage of this act, and the special tax shall be levied and collected with the taxes and as a part of the State tax for the year 1897. Approved February 18, 1897. m ]^.o. 553 AN A,G'r (H. 57f To establish a separate scliool district to be known as the Health District in Cofi'ee county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the. General zVssembly oi Ala- b^ina, That a separate school district to be known as the Health school district in Coffee county, Alabama, be and tiie same is hereby established to consist of the following territory, to- wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of. sections 28, township 4, range 22, running northwest to Clark Spring branch, thence down said branch to Blanket creek, thence down said creek to Double Bridge creek, thence down said creek to long branch, thence up said branch to its head, thence east to middle line of section 6, T. 3, R. 22, thence east on said line to center of section 5, T. 3, S. 22, thence south on line dividing south- west quarter and southeast quarter to section line between sec- tions 5 and 8, thence east to line dividing the west half oi section 4, thence north on said line to township line, thence west to Wilkerson creek, thence up said creek to head, thence north to starting point. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the county superin- tendent of education of Coffee county shall appoint three trustees residents of said school district to hold office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Approved February 18, 1897. 37S '^o. 5,07) AX ACT (S. 306 To establisb. a separate school district to be known as the Whatjey School District of Clarke county, Alabama. ' Section 1. Be it enacted hj the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That a public school district be organized to include the following territory: Sections thirteen, thenty-four, twenty-five and thirty-six in township eight, range three east and that part of township eight, range four east lying west of Bassett's creek to be known as the Whatley School District of Clarke county, Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said school district shall be entitled to its pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund of said townships, and shall in all respects be goveAied by the school law of this State pertaining to the townships. Approved February 18, 1897. No. 568) AI^ ACT (S. '^Q3 To create a separate school district in the comity of Chambers and Tallapoosa to be known as Mountain Springs school district, and to define the; boundaries thereof. Ejection 1. Be it enacted by the -General Assembly of Ala- bajaaa. That there is hereby created in counties of Chambers and Tallapoosa a separate school district to be known as Moun- tain Spriijgs school district, be made of the following described territor}; in township twenty-four (24), i-ange twent^^-four (24) Tajljapoosa comity, and townships t^ven]ty-four (24), range twenty-five (25), Chambers county, to-wit: That portioi;i lying between the Tallapoosa river on the east and the Davis- 380 ton school district on the west, and between two lines run- ning east and west respectively two north and two miles south of our school building. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said district have four trustees who shall be citizens of said district, elected by the competent voters of said district on the first Monday in June, 1897, who shall hold office for the term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said trustees to establish one, and only one, school for, the white race to be taught in said, district to elect teachers and, officers for the same and to perform all other duties necessary to the proper organization, regulation and maintenance of said school, making contracts with teachers and approving reports in the manner provided by the general school laws for trus- tees of townships; Provided, that said trustees elect of their number in each county who shall contract with teachers and approve reports in the manner provided by the general school laws for trustees of townships. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said school district be entitled to its proportionate share of all funds raised or ap- propriated by the State or county for public schools, also its proportional share of the sixteenth section funds accruing to townships of which said school district is a part, and that it re- ceive all poll tax which may be collected from the white residents of said district, and all funds which may be donated thereto. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the Mountain Springs Academy be the only school in said district for the white race. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this go into effect the 1st day of October, 1897. Approved February 18, 1897. ■ <; 381 No. 573) Als ACT (S. 405 To estabTish a separate school district in Geneva county, Ala- bama, to be known as tile Dundee School J)istrict. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the following described territory situated in the county of Geneva shall constitute a separate school district, to be known as the Dundee school district, to-wit: The wesi" half Sec. 16 and sections 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, in township two, range 24, also sections 5 and 6, town- ship one, range 24, also three-fourths off the east side of sec- tions 13, 24, 25, township 2, range 23. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the superintendent of education shall apportion to the said Dundee school district a pro rata of the school funds of the State in the same manner as these funds are apportioned to the other townships and school districts. Approved February 18, 1897. No. 585.) AN ACT (S. 455. To constitute the town of Albertville a separate school district, and to provide for the management of the public school of said district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala- bama, That the corporate limits of the city of Albertville, Marshall county, and the inhabitants thereof are hereby incor- porated by the name of the Albertville School District of the city of Albertville. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said school district 382 sl^all receive each year its proportionate share of the School funds coming to Marshall county, from whatever source de- rived, and its proportionate share of the sixteenth section fund, and also all the taxes collected as poll taxes in said district, which fund and taxes and all other funds for the use of said school district, are to be controlled, managed and expended as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That a board of education of said school district is hereby appointed to consist of the msiyor of said town, who shall be ex-officio president thereof; and four other persohs, to be appointed by the State superin- tendent of education of Alabama, two of whom shall hold said office for only one year from date of appointment, and two to hold said office two years from date of appointment, and all four of whom shall be appointed within, twenty days after the passage of this act; but no one shall be eligible to said office who has not been a bona fide resident of said town for one year next preceding his appointinent, nor shall the term of office of more than two members of said board expire at the same time, but after the first appointment the regular term of office of said board shall be two years. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That the said board of edu- cation shall have the management and control of the public Schools of said district and of all moneys and property collect- ed, donated or acquired for said school district aiid of the ex- penditure and investment of said moneys as herein provided by this act aiid shard board shdll dlso have po#fer to create and appoint a boatd for the examiiiation of a|)plicaiits for positions as teachers in the public schools of said district, and Uo per- ibk iRaM be elected by ^giid boal-d of education as teacher in the public schools of said district who shall not have received i licellse fi"om said board of exHmihatioii: Said board of ex- ^iliinatibii sliall consist of siMi jmirihei' of pe:fsbiis 4s msfy Be deemed expedient b j the board ofedii cation and tbey shiall gferve as such at the pleasure of said board of education; Pro- ■^d'ed, that said boaird of edtication may at its election eXam- me applicants for positions as teachers in said public schools and issue licenses to said teachers upon such examination. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion siiall elect from their body a secretary and treasurer there- of, and the treasurer before entering upon his duties shall make bond in such sum as the board riiay direct, Avith sufficient surety to be approved by the president of said board, payable fb said school district with condition faithfully to discharge the duties of his office during his continuance therein, which bond shall be entered upon the minutes of said board, and also transcribed upon the record of the town of Albertville and the original then kept by the said board in some safe place, and a certified transcript of the record of said board from the minutes of said board or from the record of said town of Al- bertrv'ille shall be presumptive evidence of the execution of said bond in all the courts of this State in the event said bond should be lost. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That a majority of said board of education shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business and a record shall be kept of all their official meetings and if at any meeting the president of the board should be abseht the members present may elect a president pro tempore. Sec. 7. Be it furthet enacted. That the treasurer of said board of education shall receive all moneys belonging to said school district and pay the same out only upon the warrant of the mayor of the town, and said mayor shall not draw a warrant for any of said moneys except upon the order of the 384 board of education, and whenever called upon by said board the treasurer shall make a report in writing of money received and paid out by him for and on account of said school districtr Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said board of educa- tion shall make a written report to the State superintendent of education on the last Monday in September in each year, of the condition of the schools in said district, the length of time they were open,: the past scholastic year, the number of pupils in attendance, the number of teachers, the value of school property, the amount paid for school houses, or for re- pairing the same, the amount paid teachers and the amount received from all sources the past scholastic year for the use of said school district, and of any other matter required by law, and a duplicate of said report shall be filed with the mayor and aldermen of the town of Albertville, who shall at the ex- pense of the town cause the same to be published in some news- paper in said town or to be posted in three public places in said town. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That the mayor of said town of Albertville and the treasurer of said board of educa- tion shall at such times as may be fixed by the board, make re- port in writing to the board of education of the expenditure of the moneys of the said district, which report shall be sub- mitted to the board for examination and shall be ST)read upon the minutes of the board. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the tax collector of the county of Marshall is hereby required to pay over to the treasurer of said board of education all poll taxes collected within said school district, and the receipt of said treasurer shall be a valid voucher in the hands of said tax collector in his settlement with the auditor of the State, and the superin- tendent of education of the State of Alabama is required to 385 pay over to the treasurer of said board tlie pro rata share of said school district in the school fund of said connty, and the marshal, or person authorized to collect and receive taxes for the town of Albertville is required to pay over to said treasurer all such moneys as were collected by said marshal or other per- son, for the use and benefit of said school district. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That within twenty days after the appointment of said board of education, the secretary thereof shall take the census of the children within the lawful school age residing within the town of Albertville and shall certify the number thereof to the State superintendent under oath, which said census shall be used in determining the amount of school funds due said school district until the regu- lar time of taking the school census in Alabama, when laid board of education shall take the census as prescribed by law. Sec, 12. Be it further enacted, That said school district by its corporate name shall have the power to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, shall have a common seal to be kept by the secretary of said board of education, shall have the right to buy, sell, lease, r^eceive by gift or devise, real and personal property for the use and benefit of the public schools of said town, shall contract for the erection of school houses in said district which shall be located in such place or places as will best serve the convf:?nienc of th children in said dis- trict, and change the location of said school houses whenever necessary and the board/6f education herein provided for shall be the proper constituted authority for the purpose of execut- ing and carrying out the powers and executing the rights and privileges herein conferred upon said school district. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That all children residing in said district between the ages of seven and twenty-one shall lia""'e the right to enter any of the public schools of said town free of charge j Providedj alwavs, that separate schools shall 386 be established for the white and black races, and there shall not in any event be a mixture of the races in any of the pub- lic schools; and provided, further, that the board of educa- tion in its discretion may assess an incidental fee of twenty- five cents per month for each pupil, which shall be paid be- fore entering the schools of said district and the regulation as to payment of incidental fees shall be made by said board of education; and provided further, that non-resident chil- dren may be received as pupils in the schools of this district upon such terms as may be pres cribed by the board of edu- cation. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the members of the board of education, before they enter upon their duties, shall each take and subscribe an oath to disch arge their duties to the best of their ability, which oath shall be en- tered upon the minutes of said board. Sec. 15, Be it further enacted. That the bond of the treasurer of said board may be increas ed or strengthened, or said treasurer be required to make a new bond whenever in the judgment of said board it is necessary, and the treasurer when required to make new bond or to give additional security upon his bond shall do so within ten days after notice of such requirement, and failing so to do, his ofl&ce as treasurer and as a member of said boar d thereby becomes vacant. Sec. 16. Be it further eAncted, That any member of said board removing from said district thereby vacates his office and all vacancies in said board irom aoy cause shall be filled by appointment by the State sup eriiii. cedent of edia- cation. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That all laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act be and the sarae are hereby repealed. Approved February 18th, 1897. 387 No. 609.] AN ACT [h. 1107. To establish a separate school district, known as Prospect School District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General A ssembly of Alabama, That a separate school district, to be known as the "Prospect School District," be and the same is hereby estab- lished and included within the following boundary lines, to- wit: Bounded on the north by the Texaaville District, on the east by township 7, to the Union Hill District line, south by Union Hill district line to Barbour county line, thence west in Barbour county sto east prong of Bear creek, then bounded by saiid creek to the bank of the Texasville district line. % Sec. 2. The said district shall be under the control of the county superintendent of Henry county, Alabama, and en- titled to all public funds belonging to the same. Approved February 18, 1897. No. 615.] AN ACT [s. 382. To create a separate school district in Cleburne county, to be known as "Oak Level School District." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district is hereby created, to be known as "Oak Level School District," in Cleburne county, said district to cover an area consisting of sections 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 and 35, in town- ship 13 south, range LI east, also sections 2,. 3, 4 and 5 in township 14 south, range 11 east, in Cleburne county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said "Oak Level School District" shall be governed in all respects by the •chool lawi of the State which are applicable to townships, and that S. C. Gray, the present township trustee of town- ship 18, range 11, shall be the trustee of said "Oak Level School District" until his successor is appointed and quali- fied, and that the eountj superintendent of education of Cleburne eountj, shall, immediatelj after the passage of this aet, appoint a township trustee for that part of town- ship 13, range 11, not included in the "Oak Lerel School Distriot" See. 3. Be it further enacted, That not more than one public school shall be located within said district, except upon a two-thirds Tote of the school patrons witbiu the dis- triot ApproTed February 18th, 1897. No. 628.] AN ACT [h. 533. To establish a separate school district to be known as the Finson School District in Jefferson county. Seotioii 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That Finson community in Jefferson county be constituted a separate school district to be known as the Finson School District, and included within the following boundary lines, to-wit : Beginning near W. J. Hawkin's plaee at the top of a hill at the thirteen-mile post on the Bast Lake and Birmingham road, thence running S. W. to H. H. Cousin's on Birmingham road, thenee S. W. to the widow Butha A. Fitts' farm, thence west to the top of Bed Mountain, thence along top of said mountain to A. B. Thomas* farm, thence north including J. H. Murphy's farm to C. B. Deans' place, thence eastwardly to J. M. Hudson's, thenee 8. E. to the Branchyille road, where it 889 leaves the Tennessee road, thence along said Branchvilla road to the Springville road, thence southwardly to W. K. Keith's, thence westwardly to the top of the hill at 13 mile post, the place of begianiug. Sec. 2. That said Pineon School District shall be under the supervision of a board of three trustees, to be ap- pointed within, said district by (he county superintendent of education with power to establish and have taught one school for white children of said district in Silver Lake Institute, the public schoolhouse of the community, each and every soholnstic year nr)d to hftve one e'Aiool for tlie c. '':■ - -d childr^_ school iu another o 'i Lio atiiie^ i;)- quired'by law oP 1' :0 <.'-;^iAoral scMool law of the' Slat- ArK- No. 630.] AN ACT — 1 To establish a sep known as the Brown's Creek School District, ia Etowah c ounty, Ala- bama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Asscwably of Alabama, That a separate school district in Etowah county he and the same is hereby established to be described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point where Big Mills Creek passes through Red Mountain, thence along the top of said mountain to Rock Hollow, a point where the Gadsden and Ashville road passes through said Red Moun- tain, thence due north to the top of said mountain, thence along the brow of said mountain to a point where the Nash- ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis R. R. enters said mountain, 390 thence along said N., C. & St. L. R. R. to the point of be- ginning,' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational af- fairs of said school district shall be under similar control as that of the township districts of the State and shall be man- aged by three trustees who shall be elected by the qualified electors of said school district in the same manner and under the same provision as is by law established for Etowah county, Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county superin- tendent of education of Etowah county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said school district, to hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said school dis- trict shall be entitled to its proportionate share of the public school fund of the State and of the sixteenth section fund and shall receive all poll tax from residents of said school district. Approved February 18th, 1897. No. 660.] AN ACT [h. 824. To constitute the city of Luverne, in Crenshaw county, a separate free school district for children, and to pro- vide for the management of said free school in said school district. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the corporate limits of the city of Luverne shall constitute a free school district in the county of Cren- shaw, and the inhabitants of Luverne are hereby incorpo- rated by the name of the free school district of the city of Luverne. 391 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the city of Luverne as such separate free school district, shall receive the pro- portionate share of the public school funds coming to the county. And shall receive all taxes collected as poll tax from white tax payers in said tree school district ; and shall be drawn and disbursed by such officer or officers as may be appointed or elected for that purpose by the board of education of said free school district of the city of Luverne, in the same manner as county superintendents draw and dis- burse the school funds of their respective counties; and the amounts thus drawn or collected shall be used exclusively for the support and maintenance of said free schools in the city of Luverne, and the city of Luverne is authorized to increase its school fund by receiving donations ; but for the disbursement of donated funds no charge whatever shall be made. And the mayor and councilmen of Luverne are here- by authorized to increase the school funds by levying a tax, not to exceed one-half of one per centum, provided, that the tax herein specified, with other taxes, shall not exceed the constitutional limits ; provided further, that the taxes paid by the different races go to. their respective schools on the value of the taxable property of the cit izens of Luverne, when in their opinion they deem best, which shall be col- lected as other taxes of the city ; and by appropriating any surplus fund arising in the treasury of said city to said school fund. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the white public schools of the school district of Luverne shall be under the charge of a board of education, to consist of the mayor of Luverne, who shall be ex-officio president of said board, and four other persons, residents of said district, to be elected by the mayor and councilmen of Luverne. The first two elected shall hold their said office for the term of two years and un- til their successors are elected and qualified, and at each 392 regular meeting in the month of June of each year, fhey shall elect two suitable persons to succeed those whose oj6&ce has expired, so that two of such persons shall be elected an- nually, the mayor and councilmeu having power to fill all vacancies that may occur at any time, and the president of said board shall ui.-i ■•:':• ronoi-ts and furnish statistics and in- formation Co 1;: criuleudent of education, as may be reqnir' :'■ uperintendents of eduea- tic- ^ •ich in' E-aid board : U,iud Y.itli t- • Hyc. tion may oycn a c uiiici^.: At Ul u.jjbor Ol . SC^liOOiS 10 LOCOc. lt.lC wants of tho im iiiii]<.tion. ol {lie ci Iv cf JjnxF-rv.e: and said board sha; ..!, nocGS- sary U- id when re- quired, hu\,h ■ i ..1.1 '..c- 1 :-. c -J. .ji.. jj. ..^ u^oju the duties of their respective offices, tidiQ the oath of office prescribed by law for a,ll officers in this State, and shall give bond in such sum as may be fixed by said board of education, and conditioned as all other official bonds; said bond shall be approved by the president of said board of education, and filed with the official bonds of the city, and a certified copy of the bond of the officer selected to receive the funds, shall 393 be filed in the office of the superintendent of education ; and said board shall elect all teachers and pupils among the several schools, dictate the course of instruction, the num- ber and character of text books, the organization of classes, and the method of teaching; and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the schools aforesaid. Suph boards shall have and exercise such other and addi- tional powers as may be necessary to give in complete con- trol of the public schools of said school district. Any of such officers or teachers mrr- '^ ^ , - ^ for cans ■ '^ ^-^ determined by said board, Sec, 7, B>? it fuviL. diildren and wards of aciu-; ■ • au ILLO^iii^iiLs of the school district of 1 'vn srv vn {,) { „;W!v- one years of nc^p,, ■ tilOlilSeiVCS O:* OOUH nat: <\i.i-ji... ..^ ..i^^.. tion may issue diplomas to all persons who satisfactorily complete the course of study prescribed for the public schools of said district. Sec. 9. Be it further exacted, That the board of educa- tion shall have power to charge in the several grades in said schools such incidental or other fees as they ihay deem necessary for the proper conduct of said schools. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all funds devoted to public school purposes in the school district of the city of ' Luverne, whether derived from State, county or city, shall be paid into the treasury of said city, where they shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds belonging to 394 said city, and shall be disbursed in such manner as the board of education may direct. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the board of education, herein provided for, to take, or cause to be taken, the enumeration of the white children within the educational age in the corporate limits of said city, and report the same to the county superintendent -o^ education of Crenshaw county, and to the superintendent of education for the State, at times and under the rules now provided by law for the government of township trustees. And the State superintendent shall apportion, and the coun- ty superintendent shall pay to the proper officers the propor- tionate part of the public school fund to which said city shall be entitled as herein provided for. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the board of educa- tion may, in its discretion, institute annual competitive exam- inations before such persors as the board may select, for all applicants for license to teach in the public schools in said school district, including licensed teachers in said schools who are applicants for re-election as teachers. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 18th, 1897. No. 662.] AN ACT [h. 1153. To establish a separate school district in Chambers county, in this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district to be known as the Fredonia School District be established, subject to the pub- lic school laws of the State of Alabama, to be composed of 395 the following territory, viz: Two and a half miles in each and every direction from the Masonic Hall at Fredonia in the county of Chambers. That the said separate school district shall receive a proportionate share of the public school funds of said township, including a pro rata share of the sixteenth section fund; and it shall also receive all the tax collected from the white people as poll tax within the limits of the territory set forth; and the county superintend- ent of education shall set apart from the county school fund and disburse and use pro rata share exclusively for the maintenance of the public school fund of said separate school district. Approved February 18th, 1897. No. 658.] JOINT EESOLUTION. To appoint a Commission to ascertain and report to the next General Assembly whether the State of Alabama is justly and equitably indebted to the University in an amount exceeding that now recognized by the State as an endoAvment fund. Wheeeas, it is claimed by the Society of Alumni of the State University that the State of Alabama, as trustee, is largely indebted to the University, over and above the amount now recognized by the State, on a just and equita- ble accounting by the State as such trustee. Therefore, Be it resolved hj the House of Bepresenfatives of the General Assemhly of Alahama, (the Senate concurring), First, That three Commissioners be selected to investigate and report to the next General Assembly of Alabama what amount, if anything, is due from the State University upon a just and equitable statement of the account between the University 398 and the State, as trustee of any property or funds to which the University was entitled or constituting any part of its endowment. Besolved, Second, That one of said Commissioners shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall be chairman of said Commission ; one shall be appointed by the Society of Alumni of the University, and the two so selected shall select a third ; but in the event they shall fail to agree upon a third Commissioner by the first day of July, 1897, then the Board of Trustees of the State University shall select the third Commissioner. Besolved, Third, That said Commission shall meet at such times and places as the Chairman, or a majoritj" of' said Commissioners mnv 'T- ^'^ ■■-ifce, and shall have power to call for persons aud y examine witnesses, under oath, to be administ' of said Commissioners, and also to examinu viottuut JJl^, ollicial and historical records, and to resort to such other sources of information as the Commission may deem proper. Said Commission may also employ a clerk, purchase stationery, and incur such other expenses as may be necessary to a thorough investigation of, and report upoD, the matters herein sul)mitted to them. Besolvedf Fourth, That the current necessar}^ expenses of said Commission shall be paid by the Treasurer of the University, out of University funds, on the order of the Chairman of said Commission, accompanied by proper vouchers. Besolved, Fifth, That the compensation of said Commis- sioners shall be fixed by the "next General Assembly of Ala- bama, and shall be paid as follows : one-half by the State University and the other half by the State, in such manner as may be prescribed by said General Assembly. Besolved, Sixth, That nothing in this resolution shall be construed as an admission or acknowledgment on the part of the State indebtedness on account of the matters herein 397 referred to, or as binding the State to pay or recognize fts a debt any amount that may be reported by said Commis- sion as due from the State to the University, if anything should be so reported, over and above the amount on which the State is now paying interest. Approved February 18th, 1897. LIST OF County and City Superintendents. 401 ALABAMA. List of County Superintendents of Education. Revised. April 10th, 1897. County. Autauga . . . Baldwin . . . Barbour . . . Bibb Blount Bullock .... Butler Calhoun . . . . Chambers. . Cherokee . . . Chilton .... Choctaw . . . Clarke Clay Cleburne. . . Coflfee Colbert .... Conecuh. . . Coosa Covington . Crenshaw . Cullman . . . Dale Dallas DeKalb . . . . Elmore . . . . Escambia . . Etowah. . . . Fayette Franklin . . . Geneva . . . . Greene Hale Henry Jackson. . . . Jefferson. . . Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence. . Lee Limestone. Lowndes. . . Macon Madison . . . Marengo. . . Marion .... Marshall . . . Superintendent. Wm. W. Hinton, jr D, C. Byrne B. Davie R . H . Pratt W. M. Self T. A. Craven I.E. Ward L. D. Miller W. C. Bledsoe F. R. Bankson J . W . VI oore . L . Gray R. C. Heard Frank J . Ingram . . . J. A. Yother C. E. Roberts Alex . Jackson E. J. Hardy W. P. Fulmer A. J. Fletcher J.I. Brook . Jas . H . Lott Thomas Gilley, jr. . J. M. Anderson. . . . R. H. Shaw W . R . Osborne W . S . Neal N. M. Gallant J N. Collins L. S McRight Ed. P. Johnson John G. Apsey J. A. Ellerbe J. M. Melvln W. S. Bridges. 1. W. McAdory B. H. Wilkerson. . . A. D. Ray 0. H Bynum , H . F . Lowe B. F Gresham . . . . .1. B. Holcombe. . . . A. B. Paine M. R. Murray W. K. Thomas C. E. Mitchell Jno. W. Thaxton.. Post Office. Billingsley. Bay Minette. Clayton . Six Mile. Oneonta. Union Springs. Greenville. Jacksonville. LaFayette. Hurley. Thorsby. Butler. Grove Hill^ Elias. Edwards ville. Damascus. Tuscumbia. Oastleberry. Vlt. Olive. Andalusia. Rutledge. Cullman. Wicksburg. Safford Station. Portersville. Claud. Brewton . Gallant. Fayette. Russellville. Elton. Eutaw. Greensboro. Abbeville. Scottsboro . Birmingham. Vernon . Florence. Courtland . Opelika. Elk River Mills. Hayneville. Tuskegee. Huntsville. Nanafalia. Hamilton. Albertville. 26 402 ALABAMA. List of County Superintendents of Education. Revised.— Continued. April 10th, 1897. County. Superintendent. Post Office. Mobile John D Yerby Mobile Monroe C W McClure Kempsville. Montgomery. Trinity. Marion Montgomery W C Holt Morgan Henry T Lile Perry J D Cross . ... Pickens C. A Chappelle Dillburgh . Troy. Lamar. Pike R. E. Hightower M . D . Lovvorn Randolph Russell L J Lewis Seale Shelby Eugene Williams N B Spradley Vincent St Clair Cropwell. Livingston . Talladega - Alexander City. North Port. Sumter R. B. Calloway J . B . Graham Talladega Tallapoosa 8. T. Pearson Tuscaloosa John P. Bealle Walker Washington Wilcox Thomas J. Amis T. C. Bowling J. Mc Jones G. W. Van der ford. . . Jasper. LeRoy. Rosebud Winston Double Springs. 403 OOREECTED LIST, April 10th, 1897, City Superintendents and Treasurers of School Districts. DISTRICTS. Alabama City. Attalla Bessemer Birmingham . . Bridgeport. . . . Calera Columbiana. . . County Line . . Cullman Decatur Duck Creek. . . Eufaula Faunsdale Florence Gadsden Good Hope . . . Greenville.. Huntsville. . . . Junes' Chapel. La Fayette. . . . Montgomery... Opelika Phoenix City. ^ I I Pratt City Prattville Selma Sheffield Troy Tuscumbia Tuscaloosa Union town SUPERINTENDENTS. TREASURERS A. S. King.... J. H.'Phi'llips; Wm. Gardner. J. H. Wood.. W. G. Hurd.. H M. Weedon.. W. U. Harrison. H. C. Gilbert... I. W. Hill .J. R. Smith... S.J. Mayhew. J. R. Dowdell.. . C. L. Floyd.. . T. C. Pinckard. J. A. Albright! for white [ E. L. Allen for colored McNeil Smith... Louis E. Jeffries, F.J. Cowart. . . . W. F. Trump... J. H. Foster. . . . A. M Spessard. C. G. Jones. JR. White. ... L. M. Kellar.... G. A. Prinz John D. Wyker. J. C. Oaks James Burtnell. Jno. A. Bashan. C. E. Hamilton. F. W. Jones. E. M. Oliver. G. E. Driver... L R. Ogletree. . Pat Selton, Jr. . . J. W. Mathews. POST-OFFICE. G. W. Hanlin. . Josiah Jernigan . G. Lueddeman. . Jas. I. Harrison J. H. White .... xilabama City. Attalla. Bessemer. Birmingham. Bridgeport. CaJera. Columbiana. Cullman. Cullman . Decatur. Cullm^an . Eufaul^ Faunsdale. Florence. Gadsden . Cullman. Greenville. Huntsville. Jones' Chapel. La Fayette. Montgomery. Opelika Phoenix City. Pratt City. Prattville. Selma. Sheffield. Troy. Tuscumbia. Tuscaloosa. Uniontown. INDEX. INDEX TO GENEKAL LAWS. Agricultural experiment stations and agricultural schools, certain Congressional districts ........ 254-287 Agricultural experiment station for colored race . . 339 Appropriation, agricultural schools and experiment stations ... % 299 Industrial school for destitute children, descend- ants of Confederate soldiers and sailors 167 Industrial schools for white girls 213, 370 University of Alabama, commission to investigate whether state is indebted 395 INDEX TO LOCAL LAWS— By Counties. Baldwin — Point Clear school district 352 Barbour — Af ton school district . 295 Clio school district 57, 332 Eufaula school district 156 Ketchum school district 318 Louisville and Mt. Zion school district 341 Lodi school district 368 Prospect school district 387 408 Bibb— Blocton Public school district 91 James school district 193 Blount — Blount Springs school district 93 Blountsville school district 30 Cleveland school district 148 Election township trustees ... 106 Oneonta school district 194 Public schools, support and maintenance of 203 Summit school district 327 Bullock— Enon school district 298 Union Springs school district 11, 76 Butler — Greenville separate school district 87 Calhoun — Anniston school district 13, 33, 139, 261 Apportionment of school fund 253 Jacksonville school district 375 Oxanna school district ' 221 Kandolph school district 365 Township 12 — Separate school district 42 Chambers — Fredonia school district .... 394 Mountain Springs school district 379 Cherokee — Blanch school district 317 Burnette school district 90 Leesburg school district 369 Maple Grove school district . 176 i Uniform series of text-books 272 409 Taff school district 235 Wood's Bend school district 152 Choctaw — Apportionment of school fund 253 Fractional township, 13 school district 303 Clarke — Apportionment of school fund 253 Fort Madison school district 267 Jackson school district 346 Salitpa school district 92 "Whatley school district 379 Clay— Lineville school district ^ 307 Cleburne — Apportionment of school fund 253 Edwardsville school district 293 Oak Level school district 387 Coffee— Clintonville school district 24, 257 District No. 4, school district 179 Haw Ridge public school district 33 Health school district 378 Separate school district ^8 Titi school district 113, 137 Colbert- Mount Pleasant school district 331 Tuscumbia school district 52, 108 Tuscumbia school district, poll tax 358 Conecuh — Callahan school district 113 Evergreen school district ^ Fortner ^^^ 410 Coosa — Rockford school district 262 Covington — Township trustees election of 106 Crenshaw — Bradleton school district 345 Luverne school district , 389 Uniform series of text books 283 Cullman — Bremen school district 328 Crane Hill school district 237 County line school district 157-325 Cullman school district 37-138-182-353 Flat rock school district 288 Good hope school district 157-325 Hulace school district 259 Jones chapel school district 15 ^-325 Section 35, etc., school district 344 Separate school district 82 Township trustees, election of 106 Dale— Blackwoods school district 227 Deans school district 171 Haw Eidge public school district 33 Ketcham school district. 318 Magnolia school district . 33 Ozark school district 280 Pippin school district 76 Sylvan Grove school district 113-277 Dallas — Apportionment of school fund 253 Fractional townships, separate school district 23 Township 16, separate school district. . . 171 411 Dekalb— Apportionment of township trustees Mount Zion school district 86 310 Uniform series of text books Valley head school district 283 79 Elmore — Central institute school district 113 Wetumpka school district 218 Escambia — Alco separate school district 117-286 Brewton school district 240-333 Etowah — Attalla school district % 142 ...Browns creek school district Gadsden school district Gadsden, levy tax district Glenco tax district , . 389 133 364 279 Mt. Zion tax district . Smiths chapel tax district Township 12, school district 310 266 42 Uniform series of text book 272 Favette — Repealing act paying teachers monthly . . 137 Franklin — Bell green school district 366 Newberg school district 260 Geneva — Dundee school district 381 Fairfield school district 195 Greene — Colored Normal school, established Eutaw school district 54 185 412 Hale— Chira grove school district 148 Greensboro school district 248 Liberty school district 61" Township 19, school district 303 Henry — Ashford school district. . 374 Baker school district 113 Blackwoods school district 227 Bowen school district ' 178 Headland school district 258 Reynolds school district 232-351 Union Hill school district 229 Jackson — Pleasant grove school district 100-175 Section school district 362 Uniform series text books 274 Jefferson — * Apportionment of school fund 253 Birmingham authorized to levy tax ...;.. 323 Blossburg school district 314 County superintendentjSalary and duties of 64 East Lake school district 205 Gate city school district 283 Huffman school district 281 Oxmoore school district 3 Pinson school district 388 Pleasant Hill school district 264 Providing support of public schools 149 Thomas school district 177 Warrior school district 41 Woodlawn school district ,. . 354 413 Lamar — County Superintendent, Eepealing elec- tion of 78 Htuckey school district 119-153 Teachers, repealing monthly pay of 137 Lauderdale — Florence school district 174 Incorporation of school districts 207 Shoal creek,territory east of,school district 24 Uniform series text books 310 Waterloo school district 189 Lawrence — Mount Zion school district 338 ft Lee — Auburn school district 43 Opelika school district 69 Opelika appropriate money 323 Salem school district 128 Limestone — Athens school district 308 Centre Hill school district 58 Uniform series text books 283 Union school district "4 Lowndes — Benton school district • 231 Gilmer, Geo. N. school district - 59-244-373 Hayne school district l^^ Lowndsboro school district 191 Magnolia school district 202 Pintlala school district '^^^[ Superiutendant, compensation of o^ Wyndhome creek school district 233 414 Macon — Cross Keys school district 369 Tuskegee school district 113 Madison — Big Springs school district 276 Hampton school district 189 Hazel Green school district 113 New Market school district 10 Uniform series of text books 312 Marengo — Aimwell school district , 60-113 Demopolis school district 321 Faunsdale school district 22 Moss Grove school district 113 Marion — County superintendent repealing election of 78 Guin school district 296 Hamilton school district 332 Stuckey school district 119-153 Teachers, monthly pay act repealed 137 Marshall— Albertville school district 381 Boaz school district 232 Mt Zion school district 310 Section 35 school district 344 Monroe — Glendale school district 236 Montgomery — Montgomery school district 62-153 School fund apportionment 253 415 Morgan — Decatur Board of education of 126 Lawrence Cove school district 113 Mt. Zion school district 338 New Decatur school district 120 Townships 5 and 6 school district ' 85 Woodlawn Mills school district 113 Woof's Beat 133 Perry — Marion school district 5 Superintendent, pay of 113 Township 17, school district 65 Pike- Oak Grove school district 192 Bodgers school district 234 Spring Hill school district 36 Randolph — Flat Eock school district 297 Roanoke school district 373 Russell — Girard, system of public schools in 164 Peabody school district 16-26-56 St. Clair— Cooks springs school district 162 Pell City school district 196 Township trustees, appointment of 86 Sumter — Belmont school district 298 Uniform series text books 313 Talladega — Chinnibee school district 105 Ironaton school district 113 Talladega school district 80 School fund apportionment 253 416 Tallapoosa — Beat 1 school district 343 Dadeville school district 228 Daviston school district 262 Mountain springs school district 379 Tuskaloosa — Incorporation Separate school districts 95 Tuscaloosa school district 48-268 Walker — Jasper school district 245 Oakman school district 269 Pleasant Hill church school district 35 Public school, providing support of 347 Washington — School fund, apportionment of 253 Winston — Anton school district 243 Dismal school district 230 Flat Rock school district 288 Freeman school district 239 Mellville school district 201 Poplar Springs school district 239 Union Grove school district 211 Uniform series text books 284-315 I D^/l^ 'HP;