* 'J- t'^ _**_ Ji. J N^ kU:-%. Sbaw XDlnivereit^ •Ralcifib, "ttortb Carolina Through Pines and Palms SEABOARD AIR LINE R'Y Direct line from all points to the Norm and South. This is the famous Capital City Route, with through Sleepers from Hfew Tork to Jack- aoDLTlIIe and Atlanta, also from JIVorfolk to same points. Up to date Cafe Cars on all trains. THROUGH TRAINS FROM New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington TO Raleigh, Charlotte, Chester, Greenwood, Athens, Atlanta; Camden, S. C; Coltunbia, S. C; Savannah, Ga.; JacksonYille, Fla.; Tampa, Fla. ; Mont> ; gomery, Ala. SHORT LINE to the principal cities of the South, and reaching the Capi- tals of Six States. The FLORIDA AND METROPOLITAN LIMITED and the SEABOARD FAST MAIL, operated daily the year round, present a complement of trains between the East and the South that are unsurpassed for convenience and seryice. See that toxib tickets kead, via SEABOARD AIR LINE Address any Ticket Agent for Information. \ <^' FRANK WOOD, PRINTER, BOSTON. Shaw University. HAW UNIVERSITY was established in a humble way as a mission station in the suburbs of Raleigh, North Carolina, in the autumn of 1865, by Henry Martin Tupper, of Wales, Mass. The work grew on his hands and a larger equipment was needed. This was supplied very largely by the work of his own hands and the hands of his supporters and students. The making of bricks, the erection of buildings, and all of the varied work pertaining thereto, were directed and largely carried on by himself and his students. Industrial work was made prominent from the beginning, and when the girls' department was established, in 1874, industrial work for young women was also added, and has been carried on to the present time. The young men receive instruction in manual training, carpentry, the preparation of plans for buildings, and the making of estimates for material and work. A blacksmithing department gives employment to quite a number, J and in the machine shop instruction in lathe work is given in both wood and metals. This work has been carried on with great success, and there is now a demand for larger quarters for industrial work for both the young men and the young women. A cooking-school room has been built, and just as soon as friends provide the means for furnishing the room this department will be put into full operation. It is desired to extend the women's industrial department so that the field of instruction in domestic arts can be completely covered. While the young men's work has been carried on with a high degree of success, there is a lack of room for enlarging the work and for the addition of other departments. At the present time, June, 1902, the Shaw singers, a company of young men from the Institution, are giving concerts in the North to raise money for a new hospital and the establishing of a nurses' training school. The enlarging of the industrial departments for men and women, and the erection of a larger hospital and the addition of a nurses' training school, are the imperative needs of the hour. r~ Thousands of graduates and former students from this Institution are scattered throughout the entire Southland and many are found even in the North. They have shown themselves a credit to the Institution, and almost without ex- ception have proven themselves useful and law-abiding citizens in their respective communities, and they are respected by the best people of both races. The following letter from Hon. Charles B. Aycock, the present Governor of North Carolina, will show the standing of the Institution : — State of North Carolina, Executive Dept., Raleigh, April 7, 1902. To whom it may concer?i : — I am acquainted with the work done at Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C, and I can assure everyone that any money given to President Charles F. Meserve for the use of that Institution will be wisely expended. ■ The Institution has the confidence of the best people of the State. Very respectfially, CHARLES B. AYCOCK, Governor of North Carolina. STUDENTS MAKING BRICK AND ERECTING SHAW HALL. ESTEY (girls ) HALL GLIMPSE OF THE CAMPUS. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. PRESIDENT OHARLES FRANCIS MESCRVE, O.D, CENTRAL VIEW. BUILDINGS AND QROUNDS. |K|1|,/-.X. MEN'S INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. BLACKSMITH SHOP. NIGHT SCHOOL. THE SHAW FACULTY. LEONARD MEDICAL BUILDING. C. A. ROOM. M i^ 9^ >!.': ... l^^M f f T Y^ -^''"'^ jL ^1^^ % ' ^ '^ ■ iBk n \ .^ nI^-^ ^ ^ ^ M^^ •^«ll ^-^ "^'"Mr^i^ -^ ^^^ SF-^^s LEONARD MEDICAL SCHOOL FACULTY. .e?ff '. miM GRAND CANON OF THE COLORADO, SANTA FE ROUTE. «ft ■ It* MAM O lfV9t The Southwest Reached by the lines of the A. T. & S. F. Railway System, offers a most inviting field for scientific study on geological, botanical and ethnological lines, as well as delightful vacation opportunities. The climat^: of. the high plateaus of New; Mexico and Arizona is almost ideal, and the wonderful petrified forests, cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos, great cafions and immense pine forests are an inexhaustible pleas- ure ground. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM SENCRAL PASSENSeR OmCC, CHICDGO. SANTA " The Choctaw Route " is the Short Line from Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs^ Oklahoma City, El Reno and Weatherford. Through Pullman Sleepers and Reclining Chair Cars are operated on all trains. Reclining Chaif Cars: Memphis to Dallas, 'Waco, and other TEXAS points via South McAlister and the M. K. & T. No Transfer at Memphis. For rates and other information, address G. H. LEE, G. P. A., S. L. PARROTT, T. P. A., Little Rock, Ark. 6 N. Prior St., AtlanU, Gb. DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING --.-b^- ;>^^^^ n^ 74 ST. AUGUSTINE lJ?*