•> ^ VW',* \--f>?\ ■' v v 7vT» v <\ a* y^/m*: % t° **V **A* * & •bV" *>S .-ate-. %,** .•$&•. \^ y% -J^ /\ -$%£: f\ V VV "j**' V-CT r oK V-0^ «. v THE LYRIC OF LIFE T 1 TTT* 1 4 PTTVnmT TV V"\TTOOT? c^Jp jr~, s&a^*-^*^^^. adv^c^x*-^ THE LYRIC OF LIFE UNFOLDING PRINCIPLES OF IMMORTALITY IN THE SEEN AND UNSEEN FORCES OF NATURE NEW THOUGHT IN PLANETARY MOTION AND THE WORLD LIFE OF SUNS BY LAURA A. SUNDERLIN NOURSE Author of Panellings from Immortality Reason was given that its light Might radiate surrounding night AUTHOR'S EDITION BUFFALO CHARLES WELLS MOULTON 1892 te\l Copyright, 1892, By LAURA A. SUNDERLIN NOURSE. Prjntep 5y C, W. Moulton, Buffalo, N, Y, DEDICATED TO THE WIDE WIDE WORLD. PREFACE. When life was first made explainable to me, why a personal body, my instructors of thought claimed that forces were individualized with atoms similar to physical aggregations of mattar. That all forces, whether electricity, oxygen, magnetism, or whatever force finding expression in Nature, those forces were composed of atoms of an invisible nature. And to individualize a physical form, an atom of invisible nature always came in contact with matter, and, held by its inertia, by self expansion, grew larger in form and materialized atoms of matter into forms. They also told me that the planets' revolution of life was effective by its internal heat, and that scientists had overlooked the simple force of motion that caused the revolution of planets on their axis by the heat engendered in bodies shaped as worlds, having this peculiarity of their own involuntary motion. These truths embodied in this work cume to me after much thought and mental questionings, in the year 1879, solving what life was in all its varied forms of personality. This theory being new, it was difficult to gain admittance suffi- cient to explain in newspaper articles published since at various times and seasons, therefore, in 188 1, I published a leaflet embody- ing this theory, that it might be productive of thought on a new line of reasoning-life embodied always in the atom prior to physical existence. In the same year I also published an article in the "Boston Investigator," carrying out the same line of thought, in Vlll PREFACE. reply to an article upon the "Seen and Unseen " in Nature ', taking the position in demo?istratiou of the "unseen." But as all new theories are slow to action^ the thought conceived in my mind to put them into book form , for which the " Lyric of Life " has been written, thinking in this way condensed to be better than in lengthy articles of MSS. preserved that had not yet found their way to press. Since much bearing upon the same line of thought is now advocated by the various writers of to-day y I hope to be better understood by the world of thought and aid the work of Proving the immortality of the soul upon principles of science. THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. My mind conceived this Lyric of our life Long years ago, when thought, in constant strife, Was questioning to unfold a proof to me Reasonable — of all immortality Through Nature's labyrinths of endless shade; Reveal — what through my poem I have made To feebly show the light — revealed to mind; And let some other one more thoughtful, find The links expressive for our use, That I have undiscovered, to produce. — The origin and growth of every human mind, And endless chain of life of every kind; That are immortal — because all life must be An atom life — from that of Deity, That fills the universe with life and mind, Expressed in atom lives of every kind. Primevally combined in energy and forces; That throughout the Universal Whole are life resources; One grand vast mechanism of endless power; Whose unity of presence seems like our Body, ever present with a soul, That universal acts with mind control; The seat of mind its central power and source, And thus we see the Universe of central force. INTRODUCTION. All within it, moving 'round some Grand Stupenduous Whole, Some unseen center filled with life and soul; Some energy of ever central call. Attraction in its love through all in all; A unit power of mind through all within, — Father and Mother Life— a Dual One; And for a better name Him was begun: And like our body it is atom filled, And each inherently intelligence instilled; Mind atoms that inherent from the source, Has love's attraction, as their central force. To individualize a larger mind would be, Growing conscious individuality; And has that love within from the Divine, A spark of it to elevate the mind, And bear it upward in the ever ceaseless range Of life and motion through progressive change, Of beauty harmony and all fullness find, In perfect living with harmonious mind. Can there be ending, who could ending solve ? When universal motion doth revolve, And progress bears us upward as a flower, Unfolding leaf by leaf reveals to our Eternal blossoming of the mind — disclose The constant fullness of the perfect rose; So that which always is and never dies, Must higher circles in progression rise; And distance in its length no thought can span, Or can it be conceived by life in man. CONTENTS. How Evil is Ungrowth 6 Hidden Forces 7 Attraction Unchangeable in Nature 8 Hypnotism Demonstrates the Invisibility of Mind 9 The Use of a Material Body 12 Seen by Comprehension 15 Is Attraction Atomic Because it Separates 18 Forces Associated in the Sun-Ray 19 Mind Natural to Motion 20 Dual Life 21 The Assertion of Sex Forms 23 Origin of the Mental Atom 24 The Oneness of Mind 27 What is Sleep 29 Mind Natural to Motion 29 The All-Source 32 Reincarnation 33 Physiognomy Reads Aright 37 Progression of Matter 38 Usefulness of Material 42 Materialism 42 The Evidence that Atoms Exist 44 Mind Atoms 44 Progress 48 xil CONTENTS. Things of Space 49 Space is Everywhere Alike 50 The Air 51 Thought Improvement 53 More of the Air 56 The First Development of Life on Planets 59 Comprehension of Time and Distance 65 Worlds. Their Cause of Orbit Motion 68 Elliptical Orbits 69 Formation of World Life 70 Orbit Motion Gathers Electricity 72 Infant Suns 74 Their Law of Motion 77 Conditions for Life on the Earth's Surface 82 Atmosphere Produces Heat 83 Heat and Light on All Worlds 84 More About Orbits and Worlds 85 Atmospheric Law 86 Why the Earth is Flattened at the Poles 88 Why the Moon is Not an Old Planet 88 World Motion Gathers Electricity 89 Progression of Life Origin 95 Progression of Atoms 98 Usefulness of the Material Body 101 Primitive Movement of Life 103 Space and Air 104 Materialism 105 The Universal Body 107 Compensation 109 CONTENTS. X111 Circling Motion no Undivided Mind as a Unit in Sensation of Atoms 112 The Philosophy of Sleep 115 Romance of an Atom 117 The Universe 128 Higher Life . • 133 Development 136 Selfishness 139 Why the Female is Physically Weaker 140 Harmony 142 Invisible Distance 143 Duality of One 145 Anology of Substances 152 Is Nature Cruel? No 157 The Holy Spirit 158 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. LAURA A. SUNDERLIN NQURSE, THE LYRIC OF LIFE. IN the archives of all Nature, The hidden life of every creature, Existed in the " Great All Source," As atoms of its central force; And so a force each life expressed, As it individually progressed. 14 Down in Nature's hiding places Atoms leap with sudden graces; Now released from rock and mud, Up they troup to lily's bud; And from the upper brightness It draws its own pure whiteness, And comes to be A symbol of the things we cannot see. Thus the hidden soul of things" Unseen, a revelation brings; Thus the law to all the living, This same growth of life is giving. Just an Atom in its start, Pulses with a central heart; Expanding as it larger grew, In its identity of you. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. As it burst from foldings where It breathed in something from the air; And light received into the mind, Responsive thought burst forth to shine; Gaining each while added power, As from a bud springs forth the flower. Thus from atoms filling spaces, Life develops different graces, In the grand stupendous whole, Swerved by Infinite control. If a mental atom force, Parts of God are we of course; Atoms of His Infinite Mind, Every life of every kind That doth a unit life express, Energy and thoughtfulness ; Atoms all within His being, Which compose the " Great All-Seeing " ; Atoms are personal we know And would be personal to grow ; They in Nature always are, Filling spaces, — or a star May combine them in its force, But released again, the Source, Holds them in its body still, — The Universe with atoms filled, And individual forms would grow From their central force we know ; Atoms all within His being Which compose the " Great All-Seeing." Tkfc LYRIC Of Llfrft; As a body moves each part Of the muscles, nerves and heart ; Some more sensitive to heart motion ; Respond to mind and God devotion ; Feel the impulses and thrills, Which God's love throughout all fills ; For of atoms may be those, That more sensitive parts compose, In God's body which we build, With created atoms filled. Then to blame, O, who would be, If a God they could not see ! Yet through varied circulation, They will yet reach in creation, Parts of God's stupendous form, Where to new thought they are born ; Then more active they would be With all in Immensity, Just as atoms forming nerves, With the mind more sensitive serves ; Atoms forming bone, more dull To sensations of the whole, And if parts of God are we, In His likeness we may be. First we see a mental force ; An atom mind from mental source, But growing larger comes to be Conscious individuality. Atoms centralized are things THE LYRIC OF LIFE. Which a force together brings ; Atoms all substances conceal, This microscopes reveal ; An atom is a unit power, If individual grows, — each hour More added power its growth expresses, And what inherent it possesses, Is manifested, as the bloom In the plant expresses soon ; So life breathing motion gains, As unfoldment on explains. If we see atoms draw together By a force upon them, whether That force is unseen or not, That unseen a body's got, If it shapes those things in one, And a person does become. If this force that doth combine, Leaves it which we call the mind, Leaves the body it has builded, For a brighter life more gilded ; Atoms then dissolve that made Bodies that in substance stayed. So we see the mind in force, In a body first, of course ; And it clothed itself and motion, From the atoms in commotion, That it could unto it draw, By the force of love — it saw, Were conditions to unfold, THE LYRIC OF LIFE. As the earth in darkness holds Just a little while the seed, Till it bursts its shell and speeds 11 Upward into higher brightness, As the lily gains its whiteness/' From the air, the dew and sun, After it from darkness sprung, With a body to adorn, That unfolds its life and form, Shape of what that life may be, Whose motion we can only see, Through the body up to build Atoms, all of which is filled With material atoms, drawn By its love-revealing form. Atom lives fill all the spaces, All have different forms and places ; All eternal still to grow From their self start here below, As an individual thing, And the inward outward bring. All and every kind immortal, To build up each part and portal ; Where that each may enter in, Is unknown to all but Him ; Of whose body we compose, Of whose presence all yet know As through fields of time progressed, May the present each divest ; THE LYRIC OF LIFE. Where we stand to-day another May be standing yet — a brother, And where others may have stood, We may stand and be more good, May reach heights of thought sublime, That with dazzling radiance shine, And unfold a blossom rare, From those fields of upper air, That will rival in its whiteness More than all things known of brightness ; Sparkling gems of thought perfume, Sweeter than all known-of bloom, When we rise from earth and clay In the upper air of day ; Daylight we have never known, Only as we call our own, Backward from the land of bliss And comparing theirs with this ; For no language we have may Express that of theirs, they say — Nature's land of bloom and flowers, Just above this land of ours. HOW EVIL IS UNGROWTH. IF you say that all is God, Every life that ever trod ; God make evil then, I hear Some one asking, it is queer ! Just compare the human mind THE LYRIC OF LIFE. To an instrument whose kind Of notes produce harmonious sound, But if vacant notes are found, On the keyboard, you will hear Discord ; so evil's appear In our actions till each note Of the mind is full by rote ; Grown to fullness and enwrought To produce harmonious thought. Cramped, that mind may have begun, By conditions from which it sprung. As the green fruit on the tree, By simply living, yet will be Sweetest fruit, and may combine All the flavor of its kind ; So with all life yet be growing Until no evil we are knowing. By development we find All the beauty of the mind. HIDDEN FORCES. ATTRACTION is all present in the air ; It attracts together everywhere A fluid, in a body round — A rain drop or a bubble found To be a miniature of worlds ; Or lead made so if it unfurls In melted particles through space. This something filling every place, 8 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. ttracts them round, as you will see, Attraction everywhere must be ; In everything we breathe or know, This element that does not show, Must be all present everywhere, A substance filling all the air ; And everywhere through boundless space ; To hold the planets in their place, And electricity must combine With it and others we can find, Just as invisible in space, Which science finds in every place. For in the contents of your room It generates and would assume Its presence, as well as anywhere In distant space or in the air ; Attraction tends to organize Its movements cannot this disguise. ATTRACTION UNCHANGEABLE IN NATURE. ATTRACTION goes through intense cold To reach the earth from pole to pole ; From sun to earth, the space between, Would destroy all substance — seen Like a material, but not so With attraction in its flow, Its identity remains. Through heat and cold, 'tis just the same. Electricity is not found THE LYRIC OF LIFE. Through all temperatures around The world, to change its identity ; The same results we always see ; If it should change that could not be ; Material things would be unlike, And variable would disunite ; If cold and heat would meet their way, The law of change they would obey, And life, we find its nature, too, Alike in all of nature through, Invariable, — it will produce Thoughts, as results in every use That its activity is seen ; Its breathing motion is — we mean Expressed in the results of thought, When action with the mind is wrought With what the air contains, — you see The chemistry of thought will be. HYPNOTISM DEMONSTRATES THE INVISI- BILITY OF MIND. MIND is a something you must know, As it, invisible, will go Across the room, — it is not seen, And your subject moved has been With your thought — and you will do That thought that went from him to you ; You were blind and did not see ; So not material the thought could be, IO THE LYRIC OF LIFE. For it passed through your head to you, To reach your mind and make you do Just as your will would do for fact, If it upon yourself did act ; If it went through his material there And on to you, through space and air, When in silence sent to you His thought that you received to do. Invisible you see mind force ; And is a unit power, of course ; If it is natural so — as ever Will it not be the same forever ? It is a force like all ethereal, Unchanging through conditions of the material. And is it not this power of mind That spirit friends with us entwine Their thoughts with ours, and make us do ? Mesmeric thought from them to you, When you reach out your thoughts to them, A line of means you have with them ? The mind unchanging is ethereal, Holds its identity through changed material, No matter how the body may Be with disease, or health, or gray With age, or buoyant youth expressed ; Mind acts with thought the more or less ; And thus we see there is refined, Unseen — with elements of mind In Nature, that unchanged will be Through cold and heat variety. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. II The same as Attraction polar draws Toward the north, unchanging cause ; And thus we reason Nature holds Unchanging tendencies of things untold ; With reason, comprehension too, We thus can bring the unseen to view ; The unseen elements will flow, Through a material substance go. Thus magnetism in the stone, Gives to the knife-blade of its own ; And both will then the needle draw Through a material substance there ; A spirit substance will declare ; Will go right through material seen, As life permeates between The substance of material forms, As in the knife-blade there performs, A substance that material fills, Imparted to it as our wills Of life, will move a body, too, And permeate it through and through ; While ours is personal in thought, Magnetism is like a substance wrought ; That will express its nature there Invisible, unchanging where It occupies material space, And never seems to take its place ; No more than a drop of water will make A lump of sugar larger take Its form, by adding, it would be 12 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. No larger in its form to see. So life may occupy space between Atomic structures, that is seen, But so infinitesimal that to view- It seems a perfect solid to Us, but then 'tis porous through A miscroscope — atomic view, In every part of every grade ; The physical body, it is made. The spiritual body may be so That clothes the mind while it doth grow ; For every atom doth combine, Touched by its spiritual, with mind ; That central force in atoms seen, Is spiritual and what we mean, And when the mind a body made, Out of materials every grade, The spirit atom in them through, Would make a spirit body, too. THE USE OF A MATERIAL BODY. LIFE self-motion will assert ; But it must first be held inert ; If in selfhood it would grow ; In material atom so It was bound, a central force In life's progress upward course. The positive and negative atom unite In one electrical circle of power. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 13 In the union so combined, We possess a dual mind ; As two things will come to be One in personality ; Two eyes blend into one sight, So doth two in one unite ; So doth two lobes of the brain Unite one intellect the same, And two atoms thus combine, In the chemistry of mind ; Making just one form we see Natural to personality ; Because two personals combine Natural union of a mind, Personal both as its source Feels a nature as one force ; The principals of female and male, That in all Nature as one prevail, Thus one moving force combine ; Union of one moving mind, The two natures move as one, Naturally as one become ; An individual form would grow From this natural force we know ; If they burst their atom cell, As the seed will larger swell And send upward to a tree, What that seed contained to be ; Through selections which it drew Revealed the physical to view ; 14 THE LYRIC OF LIFE, And individual life expressed, A unit form in matter dressed, With atoms of materials bound, When life the physical had found ; And why materials came to be A person of individuality. You see the mind, its form and grade, By growth of physical it made ; Inharmonious shapes are so Parts of mind that cannot grow ; If conditions it had got All affinitizing not ; So the mental atom mind Is inherent, yet you'll find Of its species to unfold ; Its conditions, too, are told ; When it bursts its prison cell, And unwraps itself so well, With a body to adorn, That unfolds its shape and form, Shape of what that life will be Moving on eternally. You see the mind's mesmeric power Is something invisible in our Elements thrown off from mind ; Thought transference, too, you find, Is something invisible, unseen, That passes from that mind between The two, and makes the other do Their will, is this attraction, too ? THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 1$ This shows a hidden force the same ; And mind attraction will explain That mind was once an atom force, From that of Universal Source, Or would its nature be to bind, And to it attract some other mind ? The stronger to subserve the one, That yielding to it did become Moved, by the power — another mind That through attraction thus did bind ; Or by its hate, the law repel ; Finds its expression, too, as well ; To individualize itself, you know, Attraction helps it larger grow ; And draws material to combine — The physical, by power of mind, Secreted in itself to grow, And larger individualize it — so Natural as Universal Mind That doth all worlds within it bind. SEEN BY COMPREHENSION. IS not attraction something seen, When it will hold with strength between Two worlds, more strong than any power Of a material, which in our Knowledge could more stronger pull, Than this of which all space is full ? And if a substance will we find l6 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. That it is atomically combined, As all material substance bound Up in atoms, will be found ; Attraction, you must plainly see, Is not electricity, for we Can tell their difference this way : One through glass will go, we say, While the other cannot go Through the pane of glass, we know ; Hence their difference is plain, They cannot be both the same. Both are substances unseen, Whose presence moves, and it would seem That something must be there to stir An object, and I would prefer To know if it would not be found, Like all substances, atomic bound ? Each atom natural to be Invisible, like mind, in thee, That as a unit moves like force, And if attraction was the source From which it sprung to larger life ? Its unit mind-force growing more And larger than it was before, It manifested higher power, And added motion, as in our Growth of personality ; Our life shows what it grows to be, When it grew larger to begin To show intelligence within ; THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 1 7 And breathing motion-life assume, A consciousness to life illume With thoughts, peculiar to its own, — Results from larger motion grown, From where it began itself to grow From something like attraction that we know To be a universal love, By which all worlds doth move above ; Love is a sentiment of mind ; And has inherent thoughts combined Within an atom of its force, That doth reveal, mind is its source ; And Love that moves all worlds entwined In universal bonds is Mind ; A finer element we see Than moving electricity ; But this is also just the same A force invisible again, Composed of atoms which will explain The source of vegetable life forms ; Their life growth just like ours performs ; But opposite to us must be ; Their life exhales oxygen to thee, And carbonic gas, which we exhale To them, is life, and so you see, A complement for each are we. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. IS ATTRACTION ATOMIC BECAUSE IT SEPARATES ? WE know attraction in the stone Will to the knife-blade impart its own ; And both will be attraction force When separated from the source. Attraction has by this explained, That it of atoms is contained ; That it is substance like the rest, That has atomic been expressed, Because it separates the same, As coarser substance we could name ; As coarser substance said to be Atomic from this cause, so we Can critically, from this cause, claim Attraction must be just the same, Of atoms bound, to disunite, When love more strong attracts them quite Out of the lode-stone, both possessed Attraction separate expressed, And both would draw the needle through This element unseen to view. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 19 FORCES ASSOCIATED IN THE SUN-RAY. TWAS found to be upon the "plate," When scientists a ray did take, Connected with " galvanometer coil" And "gridiron wire," and found that all, Through " Breguet's helix*," was displayed, Four elements the sun-ray made ; All associated as one, That come to us in ray of sun, The needles, deflected, found the force Of electricity in sun-ray source ; Circulating through the wires ; Magnetism in the coil ; And heat within the helix bound, And motion next in needles found. What was this motion, was it mind, With the three other things combined, Contained within the sun-ray force ? Mind germs combined, a force would show, Invisible in nature, too. * "An elegant instrument formed by a coil ot two metals, the unequal expansion of which indicates slight changes in temperature — the other extremities of the gal- vanometer and helix are connected by a wire and the needles brought to zero. As soon as a beam ot either daylight or the oxy-hydrogen light is, by raising the shut- ter, permitted to impinge upon the plate the needles deflected. Thus light being the initiating force, we get chemical action on the plate, electricity circulating through the wires, magnetism in the coil, heat in the helix, and motion in the needles. Experiments of Prof. W. R. Grove, found in a work entitled ' Correla- tion and Conservation of Forces,' page 116 — a work by Edward L. Yomans." 20 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. MIND NATURAL TO MOTION. MIND is the only thing From rest a motion will begin ; From perfect rest, will awake and be Itself in action simply free ; A motion set up and begin Itself, so natural within. And so we reason this may show A force of motion natural so ; Contained in elements of sun, — The fountain source — all life-germs sprung ; If it is mind, we have the source Of life-germs in attractive force. If life-germs in it, is explained, What sunlight elements contained ; Why flowers will bud and bloom if where The sunshine falls upon them there, And in the shade will grow and be Without a bud or flower to see, The sunshine falls upon the earth, And fills it with life-germs for the birth Of bud and bloom up to arise, And question us with the surprise, We often feel when there is grown, New life where never seed is sown ; And after this those forms contain Those reproductive germs, — explained In offspring, the same species — kind, That each attract similar of mind, THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 21 To that of which its life contains, And heredity in all explains ; And this same law to all that live, Has found the source that life doth give ; Has found it in the rays of light, And all life stretches for the sight Again, of sunlight from its home, From whence it to the earth has flown ; For sun has parent love that draws Us toward it — the attraction's cause ; That law of parentage for their own Is still in us for offspring shown ; Inherent love that towards them draws That mother love without a cause : That toward her offspring cling if one Should be disowned and all would shun ; So sun-rays reaches all with love, And draws all life toward her above. DUAL LIFE. EVERY thing we know is paired, Dual oneness is declared ; The universe's attraction source Is parent love — the central force ; In its attractive force combined, Are male and female — Dual Mind. As the source from whence we came, So is paired in us the same. Two parts of every thing have we, 2 2 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. United product one will be ; Two atoms in our body go United, through its forces flow ; Unite as one force equal powers, In this small universe of ours ; The male and female so combined. Two atom lives unite in mind Complete one electrical circle round, In union only one is found ; The positive and the negative one Unite and personal become One dual nature, acts from two parts ; If in perfection we could start, A perfect balanced power would be And no sex superiority ; And neither sex as marked be shown ; If perfect balance both were grown. All the universe is filled With perfect love attraction still ; That draws all systems round the one Of Parent Love — its central sun. The two in one of Dual Mind, Within attractive force combined, All Presence — God and Mother love, Reaches all space and worlds above. And atom lives in theirs express This dual nature more or less ; And parent love inherent move, In us toward offspring, this doth prove ; Binding all life in one embrace, Of all there is in moving space. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 23 THE ASSERTION OF SEX FORMS. TWO atoms unite in the marriage of one ; As two lobes of the brain one mind will become, Or two eyes that are normal blend into one sight, So a positive and negative atom unite In one electrical circle of motion ; The one the most active in this mind commotion, Asserts its predominence over the one Less active in power, and the person become The male or female, whichever it be, That has the predominate power, you will see Expressed in the sex of a person to grow ; The union of which will heredity show. And thus a dual nature have we, The male and female has expression in thee ; The right and left side of the body will show Two things into one dual body will grow ; Two atoms united in marriage of one ; As two parts united one person become ; So we in the progress of life motion see; The course of progression to individualize thee, In self-assertion the larger to grow, And what your inherent atom life show, For both so united each one will express In the growth of each other their traits, more or less. Two atoms united one person will be, The positive and negative one are in thee ; A body of many as one we will find, In the growth of a plant all together combined ; 24 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. And yet an all-present personality will show, In your consciousness, no part can sever, you know, By the knife of the surgeon, your presence you feel, Your identity somewhere, your person conceal ; And so it continues, through waste of the years, From youth unto age, when your youth disappears, It is not the physical, but what it contains, — The person of mind, that eternal remains, In the image of God two powers are made one, The male and female one person become. ORIGIN OF THE MENTAL ATOM. NATURE has many invisible forces ; Are they not all atomic, in all their vast courses ? As all coarser substanses are atoms we see, So of spirit atoms these forces may be, Whose nature is action and electrical motion, Have the nature invisible in mind commotion ; Each atom of which is a unit of mind, The force that arranges and strives to combine, Its selections of matter in body and form, That stirs it with motion and mind, to conform, And is that invisible something to give The clothing of matter, in which it doth live ; Matter expresses a personal thing ; And dissolves whenever life leaves it, again, For life that rebuilt it as fast as decay, Has left it to after dissolve all away. And death, they proclaim, is the last of the mind, THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 25 Because 'tis unseen when it leaves the earth shrine. Now, mind is unseen when it lives, moves and shows Its expression in substance along which it grows ; The substance so closely resembles its own, That to move, it must move, and such it is known As the body that lives ; why does it e'er cease To move, think and act, and the mind-power release, As long as 'tis organized, if it is that you say That causes the mind, how is it, I pray ? O, mind is that something that organized it ; For as soon as mind leaves it no longer will get New atoms to build it, as fast as decay That wastes, and has left it, and then hear you say That bodies make mind. O, how can that be ? For mind was that thing that attracts them you see, That organizes substance, whatever the form, And the life has the shape and makes it conform To a body, and through it, the life is expressive, Of striving to be either good or aggressive ; No matter whatever that life is to be, It moves, moulds that matter the shape that you see, And when they have served all that life from them gains, The motion that built it, goes out and remains Bodies of matter, all motionless — dead, Until they, too, separate, — parts each are fled, But these atoms of matter progressed with life motion, Feels the impulse more active of another commotion, That life may a step higher, strive to reveal, In materialized form — there itself to conceal ; And wooed to a marriage two atoms unite, 26 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. In one dual being a little more bright ; The strongest predominating, the sex it asserts, From the one that is weakest the other subverts, And either a male or female is seen, Materialized up into life's moving stream ; Moving onward to life that can think, love and feel, Until the long chain of progression reveals. Atoms material, making better conditions For life in unfolding equal all its positions That life is to take in fruition of mind, That upward advances to each human kind ; Yes, all that our bodies of matter possess, Has been used o'er and o'er by minds of far less Unfoldment than ours, in material form ; But steps up the ladder of life now adorn The beauty of mind in realized bliss, In individual life-growth its first stage is this. But we always have been in the atoms before, And our primitive growth first began here to soar ; To this stage it reaches when conscious of life ; We think, love and feel, though it may be in strife, For feeling our way out to heights we may reach, We gather experience lessons that teach Us wiser each day, until never more Will our troubles be those we have met with before ; And thus we arise from the thraldom of earth, And darkness we meet in our primitive birth ; Arise as the seed from the bosom of clay, To blossom and fruit in the sun's warmer ray ; Enrooted with earth like a tree in its flight, THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 27 Its life-course return to the root of this life, As long as love draws them to dissipate strife ; Return with the feeling to help those below, To faster progress in the ways now they know ; To shun many struggles they met on the way ; So those that have waited for the life of to-day, To start on their journey of living, to see A light in the distance for posterity ; So those that are waiting in archieves of time, For conditions when they may begin life sublime ; Will not be delayed by no chances before, Because the material that's used o'er and o'er Becomes better adapted for life to unfold Now than ages before — those along ago old. And those now far onward up the ladder of life, Come back in their love to remove earthly strife, That ignorance met in its primitive form, When human began long before you were born. THE ONENESS OF MIND. IN what do you say does the mind power reveal ? In consciousness that a body you feel ; The surgeon may cut off your leg or your arm, So much, then, of organization is gone ; But you are still conscious your form is complete, Mind is consciousness, is n't it ? — the life-giving seat Of thought, — and that arm or limb you ever will feel ; And no surgeon's knife its presence can steal From your mind, as a unit its limit is one 28 THE LYRIC OF LIFE. Body complete, and will not become Severed of any part of itself, No matter where lies that invisible elf ; It holds to some part of the body it made, That which has ever its presence obeyed, And will continue to move it, until it might hate Every part of material, should it have a changed state ; Then it leaves it all through, every part is bereft Of motion, and life for the mind body left ; But should it hold yet to some part of the form, Its presence unseen may be there to perform ; And it could command each part, though it be Distant from it, through its law of affinity, For mind power has love of attraction so strong, Love over that, to which it did belong ; Has something within it, of God like a thing Of transmitting thought, through distance to cling, A mesmeric force upon it declare, When suddenly killed, its material there, By the thought, it is mine/hold it yet still to move With impressions, its last thought of action doth prove, That makes it from danger strive to be free, Involuntary impulse of thought still you see. Our life has the brain as the seat of the mind, If you hit it a blow will it yet be confined ? O, yes, for affinity holds it still there, But it closes in sleep, self-protecting with care ; Unconscious it dwells, but 'tis held in the form And all of its involuntary action goes on. THE LYRIC OF LIFE. 29 WHAT IS SLEEP? WHAT is sleep, that it shuts itself up so enwrapt, That mind in self-protection is apt? It is that power mind holds to its primitive state, A power that mind has from its youth to the end, To return to the scenes and its youth life extend, Return from the distance of age, though it be Connected with time where it started to be ; So mind in its sleep goes far down to the time When it slept in the atom, secreted was mind And that instinct still uses to make it secure, In all the vast change that its living endure. MIND NATURAL TO MOTION. MIND shuts itself up in inclosure from thought If by such a process self-protection is sought So sleep is that primitive state of the mind, That we carry still with us, as higher we climb, Just as the mind carries its power to possess, Every memory with it to age more or less. If healthy the person he has it more clear ; By disease of some kinds it might all disappear ; And if it is fettered, inactive and dull, — Held yet in the material, — or by a dent of the skull The moment you raise it, and set the mind free, It begins itself acting — you surely can see. Held in material because there is yet, 3