rf*"* ^ ^ ^ ♦.To' .V" *^ *.M* aP ^ *• -* -*'"«'^,-. Xc<^' .♦ ./%. i-.°-. .*^*\-;«^:. V..^^.^^K•.°v.*•'*^• THE TOWN REGISTER Phippsbung GcopgetotDn Jlmtoiosic aicst Bath UJcstpoiTt 1 9 O 6 COMPILED BY MITCHELL, DAGGETT, SAWYER and LAWTON. Brunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co. lUOG .Lt^M^, /'^^ *F. M. Simpson, Bangor, ) James Plummer, Augusta, Waldo Pettingill, Kumford Falls, ] Norman L. Bassett, Augusta, I Alfred H. Lang, Skowhegan, j W. P. Doughty, Gray, Leonard D. Carver, Augusta, Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Edw. Wiggiu, Presque Isle, Chas. B. Caldwell, Augusta, Melvin W. Wiswell, Brewer, Daniel W. Emery, Augusta, Thomas Clark, Tremont, Charles E. Davis, Portland, L. T. Carleton, Winthrop, ] J. W. Brackett, Phillips, [ Edgar E. Ring, Orono, J Myrtle H. Hodgdon, Farmingdale, A. R. Nickersou, Booth. Har. Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Chas. S. Chase, Portland, ] C. W. T. Goding, Portland, \ Cyrus H. Farley, Portland, J F. O. Beal, Bangor, John M. Deering, Saco, F. S. Adams, Bowdoiu, F. H. Wilson, Brunswick, 1 Charles H. Davis, Bangor, > Jos. F. Young, Augusta, j Geo. H. Hunt, Old Town, Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Wm. L. Scribner, Springfield, 1 Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, V E. P. Mayo, Waterville, j John M. Taylor, South Portland, \ John R. McDonald, Addison, f H. P. Farrow^ Belmont (Ct.) Assistant Clerk, Highw^ay Commisioner, State Assessors, Clerk to State Assessors, Enforeement Commiss'rs, Clerk to Enf. Com. State Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Cataloguer, Clerk to Supt. Pub. Schools, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Clerk to Adjt. General, Clerk to Adjt. General, Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game, Clerk and Stenog. Com. of Seashore Fisheries, Keeper of State Arsenal, Commissioners of Harbor and Tidal Waters. Cattle Commissioners. Commissioners of Pharmacy. Agent Penobscot Indians, 400 Agent Passamaquoddy Indians, 400 Inspectors of Prison and Jails. Inspectors of Steamboats. Inspector of Dams and Reservoirs. 1,200 2,500 1,500 1.500 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 *Indicates official P. O. at Augusta. GENERAL REFERENCE LIST OF POST OFFICES IN MAINE. Money order offices are indicated by the asterink (*) ; international money order offices are indicated by the two asterisks (**) ; the figures (1, 2, etc) indicate the number of R. F. D. Routes emanatino- from the Post Office they follow. Abbot *Abbot Village Acadia Acton *Addison Albany *Albion Alexander * A If red Allagash Allen's Mills *Alna Alta Alton •Amherst Amity *Andorer *Anson *Appleton Argyle Arrowsic Ashdale •Ashland 1 Ash point Ashville Ask with Asticou *Athens 2 *Atlantic **Auburn 7 Stations Nos. 1, 2 & 3 ** Augusta 7 Aurora Backriver *Bailey Island Bald Mountain Bancroft **Bangor 8 Ind. Station Brewei' Stations Nos. 1, 2, 3 **Bar Harbor * Baring Barker *Bar Mills •Barrett Basin ••Bath 1 Bay Point Bay view Bayville Beach wood •Beals Beaverpond Beddington •^Belfast 3 *Belgrade 1 * Belgrade Lakes Belmont *Bemis *Beiiedicta Beuner Benton *Beiiton Falls Benton Station •Berry Mills ** Berwick 3 Berwick Branch ••Bethel 2 **Bi(l(lef()rd 4 *Biddelord Pool •Bigelow *Binjrham JO GENERAL REFERENCE Birches Birch Harbor Birch Island *Blaine *B]anchard *Bluehill 1 Bluehill Falls ♦Bolster's Mills Bonnej Bonny Eagle *Boothbay **Bruuswick 4 *Bryant Pond 2 *Buckfield 2 Bucks Harbor **Bucksport 2 Bucksport Ctr Bunkerhill Burdin Burketville *Burleigh *Burlington ^Boothbay Harbor*Burnhara 1 ♦Boundary Bowdoin Ctr. **Bowdoinham 3 Bowerbauk Boyd Lake ♦Bradford Bradford Center ♦Bradley ♦Braggville Bremen (Brewer, ind. sta. Bangor). ♦Bridgewater Ctr. ♦♦Bridgton 2 Brighton ♦Bristol Broadcove ♦Brooklin ♦Brooks 4 Brooksville ♦Brookton ♦Brownville ♦Buxton 1 ♦Buxton Ctr. ♦Byron ♦♦Calais ♦Cambridge 1 ♦♦Camden Camp Caribou ♦Canaan 1 ♦♦Canton 1 Cautonpoint ♦Cape Cottage ♦Cape Neddick Capens ♦Cape Porpoise Cape Rozier Capitol ♦Carat unk Cardville ♦♦Caribou 5 ♦Carmel 3 Carroll Carthage Gary ♦Casco ♦♦Castine Castlehill Cathance ♦Cedargrove Center ♦Center Belmont Center Lebanon ♦Center Lincolnville ♦Center Lovell Center Moutville Chandler ♦Charleston 2 Charlotte Chase Mills ♦Chebague Isl. ♦♦Cherryfield ♦Chesterville Chesuncook ♦China ♦Chisholm Christmas City point ♦Clark Island Clarks Mills ♦Cliff Island Clifton ♦Clinton 3 Columbia ♦Columbia Falls Convene Cooks ♦Coopers Mills GENERAL REFERENCE U Coplin Corea *Corinna 2 •Cornish 1 *Costigan Cousins Island Cranberry Isles Crawford Crescent Surf Crihaven Crouseville Crystal Cumberland * Denmark *Dennysville 1 •Detroit 1 **Dexter 4 *Dixfield 1 *Dixmont Dixmont Ctr. * Dorm an Douglas Hill **Dover 4 Dresden •Dresden Mills Drew •Cumberland Ctr, 2 *Dryden 1 (Cum'b Mills ind Dry Mills sta. Westbrook) •Cundy Harbor Cupsuptic •Curtis Corner •Gushing •Cutler Daigle ••Damariscotta •Durham Dutch Neck Dyerbrook Eaglelake Eagel Lake Mills East Andover •East Baldwin East Bethel •Damariscotta Miils^East Bluehill Damascus •Danforth •Danville •Darkharbor Davidson Dead River Deblois Debsconeag •Dedham •Deer Isle 1 East Boothbav •East Eddington East Edgecomb East Franklin East Friendship East Fryeburg East Gray East Hampden East Hebron •East Hiram *East Holden •East Jefferson 1 •East Lebanon 1 East Limington East Lincoln •East Li verm ore •East Livermore Mills East Lowell •East Machias East Madrid East Mercer East Newcastle •East Newport East New Portland •East New Sharon East BowdoinhamEast Northport Eastbrook •East Brownfield East Bucksport •East Corinth 2 East Denmark •East Dixtield •East Dixmont •East Dover •East North Yarmouth •Easton East Orland East Otistield •East Parsoutield East Peru •East Pittston \2 GENERAL REFERENCE *East Poland **Ea8tport East Raymond East Rumford *East Sebago East Sherman East Stoneham *East Sullivan *East Sumner 1 East Surry East Turner East Union *East Vassalboro East Waldoboro East Waterboro East Waterford *East Wilton East Winn East Winthrop Eaton *Eddington Eden *Ede8 Falls Edgecomb Eggemoggin Egypt *Eliot **Ellsworth 3 *Ellsworth Falls Elmore Elms Embden Emery Mills *Empire *Enfield *Etna 1 *Eusti8 *Exeter 1 **Fairbanks *Fairfield 1 Fairfield Ctr. **Farmington 5 *Farmington Fall *Fayette *Five islands *Flagstaff *Forest City Forest Station **Ft. Fairfield 4 *Fort Kent Fortune Rock **Foxcroft 2 *Frankfort 1 *Franklin *Freedom **Freeport 4 Frenchboro French ville *Friendship Fr3^e *Fryeburg Fryeburg Ctr. **Qardiner 7 *Garland *Georgetown Gerry *GiIbertville *Gilead Gilman Glencove Glen mere Glendon *Glenwood Globe Goldenridge Goodrich s*Goodwins Mills **Gorham 4 Gotts Island *Gouldsboro Grafton Grandlake *Grange Grant Isle *Gray 1 Great Pond *Great Works Greenbush *Greene 2 Greenfield *Greenlake **Greenville *Greenville Jo. Grimes *Grind stone Grove Groveville Guerette **Guilford Haines Landing Hale **Hallowell 1 GENERAL REFERENCE 13 *Hall (^iiJirry Ilaniliii *Hiiin|>(lPTi *n;niip(l('n (^oi-iior *llan('Ock "llaiieock Point *lJanover Harbor Ilarhorwide *Harinonv 1 *Harrit)»:;tou 2 *llarris(jn 4 Hartford *Mlaitlan(l 1 *Ha.stiMtiS Haven Hayiiesville Haywood *H(nidtide •Hebron 1 Hebron Station * Henderson Hermon Hermon Pond Heron Island Hcrricks Hersey Hi-liisle Ili-hland Lak(' Hillside ♦Hinckley *Hirani 1 *Hodt^don *Holeb Hollis *HollisCtr. 1 Holt Anils Ho])e *Hon^liton *"Honlton 4 Howe J3rook Howes Corner *Howland Hnlls Cove *Hnrricane Island Hatch ins Iceboro Indianpoint "Indian River Indian Rock "Intervale 1 * Island Falls *Isle an Haut Isle of Sprino's *Islesboro ^Islesford "Jack man Jacksonville May Jefferson Jem t land .lewell Joice Monesboro Mont-sport 1 *Kata,lidin Iron Works •Keens Mills *Kendnskeap; 2 Kennebago Lake **Kennebunk 1 *Kennebnnk lieach **Kennebnnkport *KentsHill 1 Ketch um *Kezar Falls 1 Kineo *Kinofield * Kin gin an Kingsbury **Kittery *Kittery Depot 1 **Kitterypoiut Knox Station * Lagrange Lake Parlin Lakeside Lakeview Lakewood Lambert Lake La rone Larrabee La wry *Lee 1 •Leeds Leeds Junction * Levant l* ••Lewiston 3 Lewiston Jnnc. Lexington •Liberty Libert vville t4 GENERAL REFERENCE Lilybay *Limerick 1 *Limestone 1 *Limmgton **Lincolii *Liiicoln Ctr. 1 *Lincolnville 3 *LinekiD Linneus *Lisboii *Lisbon Ctr. •*Li8boii Falls 2 •Litchfield 3 •Litchfield Cors. Little Deerisle Littlefield Littleton •Livermore Livermore ctr, **Livermore Falls *Locke Mills Logan Longcove •Long Island •Lookout •Lovell 1 Lowell Lowelltown Lower Grant Isle **Lubec 2 Ludlow •McKinley ••Machias •Machiasport MacMahan •Macwahoc Macy ••Madison 2 Madrid Mainstream •Manchester •Manset Maple Maplegrove •Mapleton Maplewood Maranacook Marion Marlboro •Mars Hill Martin Martinsville •Masardis IMatagamon •Matinicus •Mattawamkeag Maxfield Mayfield Meadows Meadowview ••Mechanic Falls Meddybemps •Medford Ctr. Medomak Med way •Mercer 1 Merepoint •Mexico Middledam •Milford •Milbridge 1 * Millinocket •Milltown Millvale **Milo 2 Minot Minturn Monarda •Monhegan •Monmouth 2 •Monroe 3 •Monroe Ctr. •Monson •Monticello Montsweag Montville Mood}^ Moody Mountain Moosehead •Moose River Morrison Moro •Morrill Mountain 2*Mountainview Mountainville •Mount Desert •Mount Desert Ferry •Mount Vernon 3 Mouse Island Murray GENERAL REFERENCE J5 Muscongus Mjra My rick •Naples 2 Naakeag Nelson Newageu Newburg Newburg Ctr. Nevvburg Village •Newcastle *Ne\vfield *New Gloucester 1 Newball *Nevv Harbor *New Limerick **]Mewport 2 *New Portland Newry •New Sharon 2 **New Sweden New Sweden Station •New Vineyard Nicolin •Nobleboro 1 •NorcroHs •Norridgewock 1 North Aniitv ••North Anson 1 North Appleton North Baldwin North Bancroft North Belgrade ••North Berwick 3 North Bethel North Blanchard North Bluehill •North Bradford *North Bridgton North Brooklin •North Brooksville North Buckfield North Bucksport *North Castine North Chesterville North Cushing North Cutler *North Deerlsle North Dexter *North Dixmont ♦Northeast Carry 'Northeast Harbor *North Edgecomb 1 North Ellsworth North Fairfield Northfield *North Fryeburg * North Gorham North Gray North Guilford •North Hancock *North Haven *North Islesboro *North Jay 1 North Lebanon *North Leeds North Limington *North Liverniore *North Lovell *North Lubec North Mariaville *North Monmouth North Newcastle •North New Fort- land North Newry North Nobleboro North Orland *North Orrington North Palermo North Paris North Parsonfield North Penobscot North Perham North Perry *Northport Northport Camp North Pownal North Raymond North Ruraford North Searsmout North Sebago •North Sedgwick *North Shapleigh North Sullivan •North Turner North Turner Bridge North Fnion •North Vassalboro •North Waldoboro North Warren \6 GENERAL REFERENCE *North Waterboro *North Waterford *North Wayne *North Whitefield *North Windham North Yarmouth Norton **Norway 2 *Norway Lake Notch Oakfield **Oakland 4 Oaks *Oceanpark Oceanpoint Oceanville *Ogunquit *01amon *01d Orchard *01d Town Onawa Oquossoc Orient *Orland **Orono Orrington *Orrs Island Otisfield Ottercreek *Owlshead Oxbow *Oxford 2 * Palermo 2 Palmyra *Paris Park *Parkerhead *Parkman Parsonfield *Pasgadumkeag Pattagumpus *Patten Peacove *Peaks Island *Pejepscot *Pemaquid Pemaquid Beach *Pemaquid Harbor Pemaquid Point *Pembroke *Peuobscot 1 Perham * Perry 1 Peru *Phair **Phi]lip8 4 *Phippsburg *Pinepoint Pines **Pitt8field 3 Pleasantpoint *Plymouth *Po]and *Popham Beach *Portage *Port Clyde Porter **Portland Ind. sta. Woodfords Stations Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, and 12. Pownal Prentiss **Presque Isle 4 Presumpscot Pretty Marsh * Princeton *Prospect Ferry *Prospect Harbor *Prouts Neck *Pulpit Harbor Pushaw Rangeley Raymond Razorville *Readfield 1 *Readfield Depot 1 * Red beach Redding Reed PI Riceville **Richmond 2 Richmond Camp- ground *Richmond Cor *Ridlonville Riggsville Rilev GENERAL REFERENCE i7 * Ripley •Riverside Riverton Roach River *Roi)inston Robinsons Rockabema **RoHvlMnd 1 * Rock port Rockville Rook wood Rome Roqiie Bhift" Ross Cors. *Ronn(]poud Roxbiiry Roxie Run) ford *Rnmford Ctr. **Rurnf()rd Falls 1 *Riiinford Point *Sabattus 2 Sabbathdny Lake **8a<-o ;i St. A oath a *St. All)ansl St. Croix St. David St. Francis St. (leor^c Salem SalisbuT-y Fove Sandyci-cck *Sand vjioint **Sanford 1 *Sano'erville 1 *Sarj2,entville Saunders *Scarboro Schoodic Seal cove *Seal Harbor *vSearsmont *Sear8port 2 Seaside Seawall Sebaoo *Sebaf«:o Lake 2 Sebasco *Sebec Sebee Lake *Sebee Station 1 Sebois Seboonook *Sedf>wick Seeket Sliaplcijih 'Shawniut *Shee])scot Sheridan * Sherman *Sherman Mills ♦Shiloh 'Shirley Mills Silvers Mills Sim])8ons Cor. Skillinii-s Skinner **Skowhegan 7 Smallpoint Small Point Beach Smithfleld Smithton Smitliville Smyrna *Smyrna Mills Snows Falls *Solon 1 Somerset Somerville Songo Lock *Sorrento Sound South Acton *South Addison South Andover South Atkinson ♦South Bancroft South Beddington **South Berwick 2 South Berwick June South Blnehill *South Brewer 1 *South Bridgton ♦South Bristol South Brooksville South Carthaire South Casco South Chesterville "South China South Cushiug South Dresden J8 GENERAL REFERENCE South Durham *South Eliot South Exeter *South Freeport *South Gardiner South Gouldsboro South Hancock *South Harpswell South Hiram South Hollis South Hope South Jefferson South Lagrange South Leeds *South Lewiston South Liberty South Limington *South Lincoln South Livermore *South Lubec South Montville South Naples South Newburg South Newcastle *South Orrington **South Paris 3 South Parsonfield *South Penobscot *South Poland 1 *Southport South Somerville South Springfield South Standish South Stetson South Surry *South Thomaston *South Turner *South Union South Waldoboro South Warren *South Waterford *Southwest Harbor *South Windham 2 South Windsor Spencer Spragues Falls *Spragues Mill 1 *Springfield **Springvale *Sprucehead *Squirrel Island Staceyville *Standish Stanley l*Stark 1 * Steep Falls *Stetson *Steuben *Stickney Cor. *Stillwater (South Portland*Stockholm Sta. Portland) *Stockton Spr. 2 South Robbinston **Stonnington 1 South Smithfield Stow *Stratton Strickland *Strong 2 *Sullivan Sumner *Sunset Sunshine *Surry Sutton *Swans Island *Swanville *Temple *Tennants Harbor *The Forks **Thoma8ton 1 *Thorndike 3 Tilden Tim **TogU8 *Topsfield *Top8ham 2 Trefethen *Tremont *Trevett *Troy 1 *Turner *Turner Ctr. Twinlakes *Union 1 Unionville * Unity 1 Upper Dam Upper Frenchville *Upper Gloucester GENERAL REFERENCE J9 Upper Madawaska •Upton ♦Van Buren *Vanceboro ♦Vassalboro 1 *Veazie Vienna **Vinalhaven Waite Waldo **Waldoboro 2 Waldo Sta. *Wallaoras8 Wal])ole Walthara * Warren 1 ♦WaRlibum ♦Wasbinoton *Waterboro Waterboro Ctr. ♦Wateiford ♦*Waterville 5 •Wayne 1 Webb Webbs Mills Webliannet Webster ♦Weeks Mills 3 •Welclivillo *\Vol(l 1 Wellington MVollsl Wellsbranch ♦Wells Depot Wesley West Appleton ♦West Baldwin ♦West Bethel West Boothbay West Oldtown ♦Weston West Palmyra ♦West Paris 2 ♦West Pembroke 1 Harbor* West Penobscot West Bowdoin *We8t Peru 1 ♦♦Westbrook 2 ♦West Poland (Independent St.*Westport Cumberland Mills* AVest Pownal West Brooklin West Ripley ♦WestBrooksville West Rockport ♦West Buxton 3 Westcogus West Dresden West Durham West Eden West Ellsworth ♦West Enfield ♦West Falmouth ♦West Scarboro 1 West Searsmont West Seboois ♦West South port ♦West Sullivan ♦West Sumner West Tremont West Troy ♦West FarmingtonWest Waldoboro West Franklin West Warren West Fryeburg West Washington ♦West Gouldsboro West Woolwich West Gray West Hancock ♦West Jonesport ♦West Kennebunl ♦West Lebanon West Leeds West Lubec West Mills West Minot •West Newfleld Wheelock Whitefield Whiterock 1 Whiting * Whitney ville *Williamantic Wilson Mills ♦Wilton ♦Windham Ctr. Windsor 20 GENERAL REFERENCE *Windsorville 1 *WiDn *Winnegance *Winslow *Winslow Mills * Winter Harbor *Winterport 2 *Winterville ** Winthrop 4 *Winthrop Ctr. **Wiscasset 3 (Woodiords lud sta., Portland) Woodville * Woolwich 1 Wyman *Wytopitlock **Yarmouth 1 *Yarmouthville .*York *York Beach York Cliffs *York Cor. *York Village RAILROADS OF MAINE, MILEAGE, AND FARES. The fares and mileage given are from Portland. * denotes ofifice of Western Union Telegraph Comi)any. Maine Central Railroad. 0.90 Hardings 34 Connects at Portland, and at i.oo *Bath (Steamer con.). 38 Deering Jet. with B, & M. 1.05 Woolwich 39 R. R. 1.15 Nequasset 42 Fares. Station. Miles. 1.25 Westport 46 0.05 *Woodfords 3 i-35 *Wiscasset (Stage and o.io *Deering Jet. (B. & M. Stm. con.) 49 R. R.) 5 1.45 So. Newcastle 52 0.20 West Falmouth 81.60 ^Newcastle (Stage con.) 0.30 ^Cumberland Jet. (M. C. 56 II 1.65 *Damariscotta Mills . .58 1.75 Nobleboro 61 (G. T. 1.80 Muscongus Bay 62 15 1.90 Winslow's Mills 65 0.50 *Freeport 21 1.95 *Waldoboro (Stage con) 0,65 Hillside 26 67 0.75 *Brunswick (Jet. & Stage 2.15 *Warren 74 R. R.) LOWER ROUTE. 0.40 ^Yarmouth Jet. R-) con.) 30 2.25 George's River 78 GENERAL REFERENCE 21 2.35 *Thomaston (Stage con) 0.80 Topsham 31 81 1.00 *Rowrloinh;im 37 2.45 ^Rockland (Stage and 1.10 Harvvani'H Road 41 Stm. con.) 86 1.20 *Richmond 45 1.30 Iceboro 48 0.75 ^Brunswick (Jet.) 30 1-35 Dresden 49 1. 00 *Lisbon Falls 37 1-45 *South Gardiner 52 i.io *Lisbon 41 1 .55 *Gardiner (St^' con). 56 1.20 *Crowley's (Jet.) 41 ^-^^ *Hall()well 01 1.35 *Lewiston 49 1.75 *AntruKta 03 1.35 *Sabattus 49 2.00 Riverside (Stt?. con.) 70 1.35 *Leeds Jet. (M. C. R. R.) 2.10 *Vas8alboro (St--'. 47 con.) 74 [il 2.30 WinBlow 81 1.45 Curtis Corner 51 2 35 MVaterville 82 1.55 Leeds Center 54 UPPER ROUTE, via I -.65 * North Leeds (Stage Anburn and Lewiston con) 57 —From Portland— 1.70 Strickland's Ferry (Stage 0.30 'Cumberland June... 11 con.) 59 0.40 Walnut Tlill (No. 1.80 East Livermore 62 Yar) 15 1.90 *Livermore Falls 66 0.60 *Gray 20 1.95 Chisholm 67 0.75 Now Gloucenter 25 2.00 *Jay 69 0.80 Rowes 27 2.10 *North Jay 72 0.95 *DanviIle June 30 2.20 *\Vilt()n 76 1.00 *Rnnif()r(l June 32 2.30 *E. Wilton 78 1.00 *Anburn (Stg. con).. 3() 2.40 *WeHt Farniinfiton 82 1.00 *Lewi8ton 36 2 H) •Farniin.otoii 1 .25 *Grepne (St«;. con.)... 44 (Sandy H. K. R. (St<;con) 1.35 *Lco 0.30 South Orrington 10 ^^^ *Littieton 107 0.40 No. Bucksport 13 0.45 Bucksport Ctr 1-^ 0.50 Chipman's Cros 17 0.60 *Bucksport (Stg) 20 White Mountain Division From Portland 0.10 Cumberland .Tunc 6 4.50 *Lisbon 118 4.68 *Bath 1^8 4.89 *Well's River 130 6.00 *Montpelier (via M. & W.R. R. R 1<>8 3.60 *Twin Mt. House 94 :i.65 Carrol Tank 98 60 KichviUe 21 4.50 *St. Johnsbury Vt....l31 0.70 -Steep Falls (Stg) 25 5.85 ^'^^^P^''"^-"";-;;";;-. ';! 75 *Mattorks(Stg) 27 7.50 ♦Montreal ((.^ P. R. R.286 (Sto)" 32 5.20 *Hardwick, Vt 165 ,ldw-in 34 5.71 MIyde Park, Vt 182 J, June 37 5.85 Mohnson, \ t 18< I'li'o Mliram^ .-57 6.09 ^Cambridge June Vt.l95 1.25 *Browufield (Stg) 44 7.00 *Swauton,\t —6 0.90 *Cornish 0.95 *\Ve8t Bald 1.05 *Bridgton June 24 GENERAL REFERENCE Quebec Division 6 45 *Lime Ridge and Mar- 8.70 Quebec June TOO bletou 208 8.75 WaumbecJunc 102 8.50 Quebec (P. Q.) 320 8.75 Bailey's 105 3.90 Iliverton 108 Eastern Division 4.00 *Lancaster 112 Fares and distance from 4.05 Coos June 118 Portland 4.10 Guildhall 118 4.00 *Bangor 137 4.15 Stevens 121 4.10 Veazie 141 4.20 Maidstone 124 4.20 Basin Mills 145 4.80 Mason's 127 4.25 *Orono 145 4.80 *No. Stratford June! 82 4.25 Webster 146 7.50 Montreal via G. T. R. 4.30 *Great Works 148 R 295 4.35 *01d Town (June) 150 4.45 Georges 186 4.40 Milford 150 4.55 Cone's 189 4.55 *Costisan 155 4.65 Columbia Bridge 141 4.70 *Greenbush 160 4.75 *Colebrook(Stg) 145 4.80 *01amon 164 4.95 Piper Hill 151 4.95 *Passadumkeag 168 5.00 *W. Stewartstovvn ...158 5.05 *Enfield 172 5.10 *Beecher's Falls 155 5.85 *Lincoln 182 5.15 Hereford 155 5.40 Lincoln Ctr 188 5.25 *E. Hereford 159 5.70 *Winn 198 5.45 *Pacquetville 168 5.75 *Mattawamkeag 5.50 *Malvina 169 (June C. P. R.) 195 5.55 Auckland 171 6.00 *Kingraan 208 5.60 *St. Malo 178 6.25 *Wytopitlock 213 5.80 Clifton 179 6.85 Bancroft 216 5.95 *Sawyerville 184 Limited 6.00 Eaton Corner 187 6.60 6.50 *Daufortli 225 6.00 *Cookshire (June) 191 6.75 6.50 *Eaton 280 6.25 Brookbury 199 6.90 6.50 *Forest 285 6.25 *Dudsweir(Junc) 204 7.05 6.50 Tomah 289 6.40 Dominion 206 7.25 6.50 *Lambert Lake 246 GENERAL REFERENCE 25 7.35 6.50 *Vanceboro (Jc) (J RAND TRUNK RAILWAY 251 C. ^L Hays .second Vice Presi- 7. GO 6.75 *McAdam (Jc)..257 dent and Gen. Mgr., Montreal. 9.25 7.50 *Houlton 800 Connects in Portland with 9.25 7.50 *Woodstock 308 Railroads and Boats to 8.50 7.00 *St. Stephen 293 Boston. 8.50 7.00 •St. Andrews.. ..299 *Denote8 the Great North- 10.90 9.20 Aroostook 362 western Tele-raph Co. 11.10 9.20 *Ft. Fairfield. .370 Canadian Express to all Sta- 11.40 9.20 *Caribou 381 tious From Portland. 11.75 9.20 *Presque Isle. .396 Fare? Miles 11.40 9.85 *Grand Falls..381 o.20 *Falmouth 5 11.70 10.25 *St. Leonards 0.30 *Cumberland 9 393 0.40 ^Yarmouth 11 12.40 11.00 *Edmundston o.40 *Yarmouth Jc. M C R R 419 12 8.50 7.00 *Frederickton June 0.50 *E. No. Yarmouth 15 296 0.65 *Powual 18 9.20 7.70 *Frederickton..318 0.75 NewGloucester (St^) ..22 8.50 7.00 *St. John 341 0.95 'Danville J.-. MCR R.. 27 14.50 11.50 *Ilalitax (all rail I.OO Lewistou Jc. (St^)....29i route) 617 — — — 1.00 Auburn Br (Stg) 34% cjL^o ici'Pi/v.r^T' 1. MrM^^x.- 1-00 •Lewlston S6% SLBASriCOOK & MOOSE- HEAD R. R. 1.10 Empire Road 33 W. J. Hayes, Cleveland, O., 1.25 'Mechanic Falls Jc P & Pres.; A. B. Thompson, Pitts- R. F 36 Held, Gen. SU^r. S: Preas. 1.40 *Oxford (Stg) 41 Fares Fn.m Pitt.sH.i.i .Miien I'^O *So Paris (Sto; to Paris) 47 ♦Pittsfield 0.25 Palmyra 4 1.65 'Norway (Branch) 0.40 Hartland (Stg) 8 Stg con 48 0.65 Mainstream (Stg) 16 1.90 'W. Paris (Stgeon)... 55 2 6 GENERAL REFERENCE 2,10 *Bry ants Pond (Sto- all trains on the Maine Central con) 62 and Grand Trunk R. Rs., also 2.20 *Locke's Mills 65 with nil steamers running- to 2.85 *Bethel (Stgcon) 70 and from Portland. American 2.50 *W. Bethel... 74 Express to all Stations. 2.70 *Gilead 80 2.90 *Shelburne 86 Western Division. 3.10 *Gorham (Stgcon)... 91 Yim. Merritt, Boston, 3.30 *Berlin Falls (Stg Sapt.Chas. A. Messer, Boston, con) 98 Ast. Supt. 4.10 *Groveton 122 Fares from Portland. Miles 4.25 *No. Stratford (Jc.)..134 *M. C. R. R. Jc 1 4.80 *lHland Pond, Vt. 0.16 *Scarboro Beh 6% (Stgcon) 149 0.22 *Pine Point 9% 7.50 ^Montreal, Canada.. .297 0.28 *01d Orchard Bch 11% 8.50 *Qaebec 317 0.40 *Saco 15% 16.75 *Detroit 861 0.40 *Biddeford l(j% 0.57 Arundel 23J^ BOSTON AND MAINE o.63 *Kennebunk (Vil- RAILROAD. lage) 25^ Lucius Tuttle, Prest.; W. *Kennebunkport Br. con. F. Berry, Boston, Second Vice 0.71 The Elms 28% Prest. and Gen. Traffic Mgr.; 0.76 *Wells Bch 30^^ W. J. Hobbs, Boston, Fourth 0.95 *No. Berwick (Stg Vice Prest. and Gen. Auditor; con) 37% Daniel W. Sanborn, Boston, 1.08 *So. Berwick 43% Gen. Supt.; D. J. Flanders, 1.08 *Salmon Falls & So. Boston, Gen. Passenger »fe Berwick 44 Ticket Agt.; H. A. Snow, 1.18 *Son)ersworth (Gr. Portland, Ticket Agt.; W. Falls) 47% Sprague, Portland, Station 1.20 *Dover (Branch Agt.; R. A. MacClutchj, Port- Roads) 48 land. Freight Agt. 1.27 Madbury Connects at Portland with 1.33 *Durham 54 GENERAL REFERENCE 27 1.44 * New market 58 Eastero Division. 1.48 *RockiD • « u 001 ^-25 btockholm 6.60 9.20 tFt. Fairfield 331 ,c,^ . ^c^a {Stg;. con) 354 7.65 10.25 *Van Buren 6.45 9.05* tFt. Fair- (Stg^. con) 371 field Jc 318 - 6.60 920 * tPresque Isle Kennebec Central Railroad (Stg. con) 324 runs from Randolph, opp. 6.60 9.20 *t Caribou Gardiner, to Soldier's Home, (Stg. con) 338 Togus 5 STEAMBOAT LINES THE EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Portland Division : Portland, Franklin Wharf, and Boston, India Wharf, steamer leaves, at 7 P. M. daily, Sunday excepted. Sun- day trips from Middle of June to middle of Sept. Dis- tance between Portland and Boston about 110 miles, staterooms, |1 to |5. International Division : Leave Boston, 9 A. M. Mondays during winter, Mondays and Thursdays, Spring; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, Summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 35 Fares (Limited) from Portland; Lubec, $4.00 (187 mi.); Eastport, |4 (190 mi.); Calais, |4.50 (220 mi.); St. John, 14.50 (250 mi.); Boston, $1.25, (110 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Kennebec Division: Daily trips during summer between Kennebec River and Boston : during spring and fall, three trips a week. Fares from Augusta; llallowell; Gardiner, 25c (6 mi.) ; Richmond, 25c, (17 mi.); Bath, 50c, (32 mi.); Boston, |2.00, (105 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Bangor Division : Daily (except Sunday) from April 15th to October 1st, leave Bangor at noon on Monday, 1.30 P. M. other days. From Oct. 2, to April 14th, two trips a week leaving at 11 A. M. Fares from Bangor; Hampden, 15c, (0 mi.); Winter- port, 35c, (13); Bucksport, 40c, (20); Searsport, 80c, (34) ; Belfast, DOc, (40) ; Northport, 90c (43) ; Camden, .$1.25, (58) ; Rockland, |1.25, (OG) ; Boston, |3.50, (235). Meals and staterooms extra. Booth I'.AV Division: Steamers of this line run daily (during the summer sea- son ol travel two or three trips daily), from Bath, Booth- bay Iliirhor iinil Islands, Murray Hill, So. Bristol and I'cmjKiuid during oj)en navagation — during winter months they run from Boothbay to AViscasset one trip daily, connecting with M. C. R. R. MoiNT Deseut and Bluehill Division: Steamer, "J. T. Morse," runs daily («'xcep1 Monday) dur- ing season of summer travel, liom Rockland, at 5.30 A. M., or upon arrival of steamer from Boston, for Dark 36 GENERAL REFERENCE Harbor, Sargentville, Deer Isle, Brooklin, So. West Har- bor, No. E. Harbor, Seal Harbor and Bar Harbor. On return, leaves Bar Harbor, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 1.30 P. M., arriving at Rockland to connect with Boston boat. Steamer "Juliette," leaves Rockland daily (except Mon- day), at 5.30 A. M. for Dirigo, Eggemoggin, Blake's Point, So. Brooksville, Herrick's Landing and Sedgwick. On return, leaves Sedgwick, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.30 P. M., connectiug with Boston boat, at Rockland. Steamer, "Catherine," leaves Rockland, daily (except Monday), at 5.30 A. M., for No. Haven, Stonington, So. Bluehill and Bluehill. On return, leaves Bluehill, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.00 P. M,, connecting at Rockland with Boston boat. During spring and fall steamers make three trips a week, each way. MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The steamers of this company leave Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 P. M., and Pier 32, East River, New York, the same days at 5 P. M. From June 26 to Sept. 4, steamers will leave Portland, in addition to above, at 10.00 A. M,, on Mondays. Fare one way |6.00; round trip flO.OO. Time of pas- sage, 20 hours. BANGOR AND BAR HARBOR STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Three trips per week between May 1st and November Ist. Fares from Bangor; Hampden, 15c (6 mi.); Winter- port, 35c (12 mi.); Bucksport, 40c (18 mi.) ; Fort Point, 50c (27 mi.) ; Castine, 50c (35 mi.) ; Ilesboro, 75c (42 mi.); Deer Isle, $1.25 (60 mi.) ; Sedgwick, |1.25 (60 mi.) ; South W. Harbor and Bar Harbor, $1.50 (80 mi.) GENERAL REFERENCE 37 FRONTIER STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Leaves Calais, daily, coiinectiDg at Eastport with East- ern S. S. Co.'s steamers, for Portland, Boston and St. John. On return, leaves Enstport on arrival of Eastern S. S. Co.'s steamers, connecting- at Calais, with Wasbinfiton Co. R. R., for Princeton and Grand Lake Stream, C. P. R. R., for Houlton and Woodstock, and Shore Line R. R. Fares from Calais; Robbinston, 50c (15 mi.); St. Andrews, 50c (17 mi.); Eastport, 75c (30 mi.); Lubec, 11.00 (33 mi.) VINALHAVEN AND ROCKLAND STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamers daily (Sundays excepted) from Rockland to Hurricane Island, Vinaihaven. No. Haven, Stonington, Isle au Haut, and Swans Island. PORTLAND AND ROCKLAND. Steamer Monhegan leaves Portland from March to November, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Rock- land, touching at Boothbay Harbor, New Harbor, Round Pond, Friendship, Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor. Return- ing, leaves Rockland on alternate days. ILESBORO, CASTINE AND BELFAST STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer, "Silver Star" makes two round trips daily to Islesboro, Castine and Brooksville. Daily trip in winter. Single fares, 50 cents. PORTLAND AND BOOTHBAY STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer -'Enterprise" runs between Portland, Squirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor, E. Boothbay and So. Bristol, 38 GENERAL REFERENCE touching at intermediate landio^e and connecting with Eastern S. S. Co,'s and Me. S. S. Co.'s steamers for Boston and New York. BUCKSPORT AND CAMDEN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Round trip daily (except Sunday) from Bucksport, con- necting with the M. C. R. R. to and from Bangor to Camden and intermediate landings (except Searsport), connecting with trains at Belfast. ROCKLAND, MATINICUS AND CRIEHAVEN STEAMBOAT LINE. W. G. Butman, Manager, Rockland. POPHAM BEACH STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer makes daily trips between Bath, Popham Beach, Bay Point and intermediate landings during the summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 39 Sex. Males Females Not stated VITAL STATISTICS. BIRTHS, 1902. Parentage. 7,416 American 8.734 7,063 Foreign 3,069 29 One parent foreign 2,525 Not stated 180 1 A. f^n« 14,508 MARRIAGES, 1902. Groom and bride both American Groom and bride both foreign Groom American, bride foreign Groom foreign, bride American Not stated 4.285 602 437 627 64 5,905 Sex. Males Females Not stated DEATHS, 1902. 10,673 Parentage. 5,454 American 5,216 Foreign 3 Not stated 9,074 1,399 200 10,673 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. IN MAINE, 1898-1902. 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 Number of Births 14.473 13,895 14,095 14,021 14,508 Number of Marriages 5.144 5,329 5.482 5,735 5,905 Number of Deaths 10.95G 11,370 11,389 11.133 10,673 Birth rate (per 1000) Inhabitants 21.89 20.10 20.30 20.19 20.89 Marriage Rate 7.78 7.71 7.89 8.26 8.50 Death Rate 16.57 1G.45 1G.40 16.03 15.37 40 GENERAL REFERENCE CITIES AND TOWNS OF MAINE (cities IN caps) Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 1 Abbott, Pis. Jan. 31, 1827 622 716 2 Acton, York Mar. 6, 1830 878 778 3 Addison, Wash. Feb. 14, 1797 1,022 1,059 4 Albany, Ox. Jun. 20, 1803 645 538 5 Albion, Ken. Mar. 9, 1804 1,042 878 6 Alexander, Wash. Jan. 19, 1825 337 333 7 Alfred, York Feb. 4, 1794 1,030 937 8 Alna, Lin. Jun. 25, 1794 512 444 9 Alton, Pen. Mar. 9, 1844 348 314 10 Amherst, Han. Feb. 5, 1831 375 364 11 Amity, Aros. Mar. 19, 1836 420 404 12 Andover, Ox. Jun. 23, 1804 740 727 13 Anson, Som. Mar. 1, 1798 1,444 1,830 14 Appleton, Knox Jan. 28, 1839 1,080 975 15 Ar^yle, Pen. Mar. 19, 1839 363 320 16 Arrowsic, Sag. 1841 177 180 17 Ashland, Aros. Feb. 18, 1862 568 1,513 18 Athens, Som. Mar. 7, 1804 1,072 896 19 Atkiuson, Pis. Feb. 12, 1819 605 495 20 AUBURN, And. Mar. 18, 1854 11,250 12,951 A City 1869 21 AUGUSTA, Ken. A City Feb. 20, 1797 1849 10,527 11,683 22 Aurora, Han, Feb. 1, 1831 175 152 23 Avon, Fran. Feb. 22, 1802 439 448 24 Bailey ville, Wash. Feb. 19, 1828 226 215 25 Baldwin, Cum. Jun. 23, 1802 932 821 26 Bancroft, Aros. Feb. 5, 1889 264 318 GENERAL REFERENCE 4) CITIES AND TOWNS OF MAINE (The odd numbered pages are continuations of the even numbered pages) 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 11)03 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selettuien 1 1171, 72G 189 .0286 W Weymouth, village 2 208,528 212 .0225 Samuel H Garvin a 192,237 293 .025 F A Chaudler 4 189,976 158 .032 W E Herrick, Norway 5 376,296 260 .023 K J Crosby 6 59,856 106 .031 G V Flood 7 331,082 237 .02 R S Stanley 8 161,300 141 .0J(;9 G A Jewel t, Head Tide 1) 75,711 92 .0235 CGFermild, W. Old Tuwu 10 75,145 108 .0185 Horace Watts 11 68,790 126 .034 B H Williams 12 232,508 270 .022 E Al Bailey 13 682,032 553 .049 W C Emery, North 14 238,342 282 .029 J T McCorrison 15 56.821 80 .03 Alex McKay 16 65,938 61 .03 J McFadden, Woolwich 17 234,900 246 .024 W B Hallett 18 315,497 296 .019 J F llolmau 19 151,887 159 .092 J P Dow, Sebec Sta. No. 1 20 6,910.755 3,S70 .0205 .\ il Miller 21 7,658,705 3,273 .0235 C S Hichborn 22 40,992 50 .009 11 T Silsby 2:{ 141,414 132 .022 Geo F Beal 24 80,S04 62 .(►27 J no J Ryan 25 347,139 270 .012 .lolin (.) Sanborn, WeHt 2G 56,516 77 .033 Martin Faridy 42 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 27 BANGOR, Pen. A City 28 Baring, Wash. 29 BATH, Sag. A City 30 Beddington, Wash. 31 BELFAST, Waldo A City 32 Belgrade, Ken. 33 Belmont, Waldo 34 Benedicta, Aroos. 35 Benton, Ken. 36 Berwick, York 37 Bethel, Ox. 38 BIDDEFORD, York A City 39 Bingham, Som. 40 Blaine, Aroos, 41 Blanchard, Pis. 42 Bluehill, Han. 43 Boothbay, Lin. 44 Boothbay Har. Lin. 45 Bowdoin, Sag. 46 Bowdoinham, Sag. 47 Bradford, Pen. 48 Bradley, Pen. 49 Bremen, Lin. 50 BREWER, Pen. A City 51 Bridgewater, Aroos. 52 Bridgton, Cum. 53 Bristol, Lin. Date of Population Incorporation 1890 1900 Feb. 25, 1791 19,103 21,850 Feb. 12, 1834 Jan. 19, 1825 273 231 Feb. 17, 1781 8,723 10,477 Mar. 20, 1848 Jan. 21, 1833 134 86 Jun. 22, 1773 5,294 4,615 1853 Feb. 3, 1796 1,090 1,058 Feb. 5, 1814 475 352 1872 317 350 Mar. 16, 1842 1,136 1,097 June 9, 1713 2,294 2,280 June 10, 1796 2,209 1,835 1718 14,443 16,145 1855 Feb. 6, 1812 757 841 Feb. 10, 1874 784 954 Mar. 17, 1831 213 248 Jan. 30, 1789 1,980 1,828 Nov. 3, 1764 1,718 1,766 Feb. 16, 1889 1,699 1,926 Mar. 21, 1788 940 937 1762 1,508 1,305 Mar. 12, 1831 1,215 954 Feb. 3, 1835 823 682 Feb. 19, 1828 719 657 Feb. 22, 1812 Mar. 11, 1889 4,193 4,835 Mar. 2, 1858 946 1,179 Feb. 7, 1794 2,605 2,868 June 18, 1765 2,821 2,572 GENERAL REFERENCE 43 1904 Tax ratp Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 fJoard of Selectmen 27 16,898,907 6,139 .02 Wm B Pierce 28 128,697 68 .017 Geo W McLellan 29 6,768,531 2,968 .023 E S Crosby 30 31.651 25 .023 W H Farnsworth, So. 31 2,752,236 1,421 .018 LeudallT Shales 32 440,789 304 .018 F L Pray 33 100,850 111 .027 C R Andrews, Lincolnville 34 57,881 64 .04 R R McAvoy 35 457.738 346 .0166 C C BrowD, Clinton 36 96:} (i45 599 .0195 W A Frost 37 872,580 612 .019 C E Barker, West 38 7,995,401 3960 .024 N B Walker 39 268,601 230 .027 S A Smith 40 184,452 256 .025 H D Hiissey 41 69,786 68 .031 E P Blanchard 42 571,483 483 .016 F P Green 43 569,130 514 .0198 C K Chapman, East 44 1,062,661 629 .018 J C McKown 45 300,879 233 .018 J F Buker, Bowdoinham 46 542,786 296 .019 L M Fulton 47 256,604 305 .021 N Randall, Ctr. 48 172,984 208 .021 H F Brown 49 135,51*) 1 66 .029 F () Kont 50 1,852,017 1470 .026 11 C Clapp 51 315.578 335 .025 A M Stack pole, Ctr. 52 1,409,614 849 .016 C C Smith 53 817,465 738 .0215 C B Meserve, New liar. 44 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. Brooklin, Han. Brooks, Waldo Brooksville, Hau. Brookton, Wash. Brownfield, Ox. Browuville, Pis. Brunswick, Cum. Buckfield, Ox. Bucksport, Han. Burlington, Pen, Burnham, Waldo Buxton, York Byron, Ox. CALAIS, Wash. A City Cambridge, Som. Camden, Knox Canaan, Som. Canton, Ox. 72 Cape Elizabeth, Cumb. 73 Caribou, Aros. Carrael, Pen. Carroll, Pen. Carthage, Fran. Casco, Cum. Castine, Han. Castle Hill, Aros. Center ville. Wash. Charleston, Pen. Charlotte, Wash. Chelsea, Ken. Cherry field. Wash. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Date of Incorporation June 9, 1849 Feb. 5, 1814 June 13, 1817 Mar. 2, 1 883 Feb. 20, 1802 Feb. 3, 1824 1738 Mar. 16, 1793 June 25, 1792 Mar. 8, 1832 Feb. 4, 1824 July 14, 1772 Jan. 24, 1833 June 16, 1809 Aug. 24, 1850 Feb. 8, 1834 Feb. 25, 1891 June 17, 1788 Feb. 5, 1821 Mar. 15, 1895 Apr. 5, 1859 June 21, 1811 Mar. 30, 1845 Feb. 22, 1802 Mar. 1841 Feb. 10, 1796 Feb. 25, 1903 Mar. 16, 1842 Feb. 16, 1811 Jan. 19, 1825 Aug. 17, 1850 P^eb. 9, 1816 Population 1890 1,046 475 1,310 429 1,134 1,074 6,012 1,200 2,644 460 846 2,036 180 7,290 425 2,481 1,130 1,303 4,087 1,066 546 439 844 9S7 537 114 971 381 2,356 1,787 1900 936 352 1,171 285 1,019 1,570 6,806 1,139 2,339 394 766 1,838 204 7,655 364 2,885 977 946 887 4,758 962 487 448 783 925 567 91 842 315 3,092 1,859 GENERAL REFERENCE 45 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Yaluatiun Polls 1908 Board of Selpftmen 54 191,940 291 .022 L B Bridges, West 55 260,675 225 .0186 MJ Dow 56 242,569 326 .0235 J S Coudon, So. 57 55,784 73 .026 L Dudley 58 305,492 257 .0158 W Bickford,Ea8t 59 481,317 710 .022 E L Chase 60 3,828,199 1,895 .0175 S Knight, Jr. 61 402,939 348 .025 H F Irish 62 931,539 662 .0295 F F Smith 63 139,963 144 .0125 J L Pierce 64 230,408 223 .0275 F A McAllister 65 749,078 571 .0183 WA Merrill, Gorham 66 91,595 87 .03 H H Richards 67 2,843,297 1,712 .0245 G M Hanson 68 118,502 120 .025 D B Whitney 69 2,366,857 1,033 .0185 J H Hobbs 70 311,473 318 .022 E H Williams 71 309,737 309 .037 E E Caldwell 72 815,881 237 .015 J M Taylor 73 1,538,515 1,132 .023 Fremont Small 74 284,627 257 .017 HII Wheeler, Damascus 75 107,438 133 .02 H Stevens 76 143,833 97 .029 r>esterS Libhy, Berry Mis. 77 280,428 205 .017 S () Hancock 78 521,941 255 .02()3 B 1) Perkins 79 105.881 136 .0245 John W Dudley, .Mn])leton 80 51,839 24 .OK) Walter W Ingersoll 81 294,185 278 .023 W L Farmer 82 78,812 8H .025 A W 1-^isher 83 230,792 206 .021 V C .Mrader, Gardiner 84 493,078 423 .03 L C Haycock 46 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 85 Chester, Pen. Feb. 26, 1834 368 363 86 Chester ville, Fran. Feb. 20, 1802 770 709 87 China, Ken. June 5, 1818 1,423 1,380 88 Clifton, Pen. Aug-. 7, 1848 284 236 89 Clinton, Ken. Feb. 28, 1795 1,518 1,398 90 Columbia, Wash. Feb. 8, 1796 587 516 91 Columbia Falls, Wash. Mar. 25, 1863 698 965 92 Concord, Som. Jan. 25, 1821 345 291 93 Cooper, Wash. Feb. 6, 1822 264 207 94 Corinna, Pen. Dec. 11, 1816 1,207 1,170 95 Corinth, Pen. June 21, 1811 1,154 1,042 96 Cornish, York Feb. 27, 1794 1,118 987 97 Cornville, Som. Feb. 24, 1798 785 689 98 Cranberry Isles, Han. Mar. 16, 1830 330 374 99 Crawford, Wash. Feb. 11, 1828 140 112 100 Crystal, Aros. Mar. 21, 1901 297 370 101 Cumberland, Cum. Mar. 19, 1821 1,487 1,404 102 Cushing:, Knox Jan. 28, 1789 688 604 103 Cutler, Wash. Jan. 26, 1826 662 565 104 Damariscotta, Lin. July 26, 1847 1,012 876 105 Danforth, Wash. Mar. 17, 1860 1,063 1,092 106 Dayton, York Apr. 7, 1854 500 473 107 Deblois, Wash. Mar. 4, 1852 76 73 108 Dedham, Han. Feb. 7, 1837 366 327 109 Deer Isle, Han. Jan. 30 1789 3,422 2,047 110 Denmark, Ox. Feb. 20, 1807 755 634 111 Dennysville, Wash. Feb. 13, 1818 452 382 112 Detroit, Som. Feb. 19, 1828 590 527 113 Dexter, Pen. June 17, 1816 2,732 2,941 114 Dixfield, Ox. June 21, 1803 988 1,052 115 Dixmont, Pen, Feb. 28, 1807 919 843 116 Dover, Pis. Jan. 19, 1822 1,942 1,889 GENERAL REFERENCE 47 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 85 167,311 95 .0235 J L Wyman, Winn 86 246,418 202 .026 DH Currier 87 529,185 393 .0217 I H Reed, Weeks Mills 88 57,531 80 .025 MF Chick 89 585,655 432 .0245 A Holt 90 94,753 169 .029 S S Leijihton 91 137,748 190 .022 E A White 92 74,735 91 .022 E O Vittum, Bingham 93 45,562 58 .023 S AHayward 94 445,418 352 .0184 C J Trickey 95 423,897 318 .014 E P Morrison, East 96 364,582 303 .021 J C Ayer 97 303,071 223 .02 S H Deal, Skowhegan 98 181,607 134 .017 L R Bunker, Sutton 99 36,310 42 .025 A J Dwelley 100 100,074 113 .025 P V Jenkins, Patten 101 835,554 461 .0115 E H Trickey 102 116,726 197 .019 V Wallace 103 84,424 190 .044 Geo Gardner 104 457,609 252 .02 E E Metcalt' 105 233,777 280 .03 RJ Love 106 217,132 156 .017 J W Clark, Clarks Mills 107 21,322 28 .021 W B Leightou 108 93,887 96 .024 H PBurrill 109 383,152 591 .02705 D WTorrey 110 304,831 208 .0145 I II Berry 111 143,831 123 .0175 WR Allan 112 145,898 149 .016 O J Dorman 113 1,175,101 972 .026 L J Sturtevant 114 357,228 332 .03 W W Waite 115 241,938 254 .016 L () Tasker, Brooks 116 937,228 567 .0155 R Bradley 48 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 117 Dresden, Lin. 118 Durham, And. 119 Djer Brook, Aros. 120 Eastbrook, Han. 121 East Livermore, And. 122 East Machias, Wash. 123 Easton, Aros. 124 EASTPORT, Wash. A City 125 Eddiugton, Pen. 126 Eden, Han, 127 Edgecomb, Lin. 128 Edinburg, Pen. 129 Edmunds, Wash. 130 Eliot, York 131 ELLSW^ORTH, Han. A City 132 Embden, Som. 133 Enfield, Pen. 134 Etna, Pen. 135 Eustis, Fran. 136 Exeter, Pen. 137 Fairfield, Som. 138 Falmouth, Cumb. 139 Farmingdale, Ken. 140 Farmington, Fran. 141 Fayette, Ken. 142 Forest City, Wash. 143 Fort Fairfield, Aros. 144 Fort Kent, Aros. 145 Foxeroft, Pis. 146 Frankfort, Waldo Date of Incorporation June 24, 1794 Feb. 17, 1789 Mar. 31, 1891 Feb. 8, 1837 Mar. 20, 1843 Jan. 24, 1826 Feb. 24, 1864 Feb. 24, 1798 Mar. 31, 1893 Feb. 22, 1811 Feb. 23, 1796 Mar. 5, 1774 Jan. 31, 1835 Feb. 7, 1828 Mar. 1, 1810 Feb. 26, 1800 Feb. 6. 1869 June 22, 1804 Jan. 31,1835 Feb. 15, 1820 Feb. 18, 1871 Feb. 16, 1811 June 18, 1788 1718 Apr. 3, 1853 Feb.l , 1794 Feb. 28, 1795 Feb. 15, 1887 Mar. 11, 1858 Feb. 23, 1869 Feb. 29, 1812 June 25, 1789 Population 1890 1,043 1,111 221 246 1,506 1,637 978 4,908 729 1,946 749 54 395 1,463 4,804 579 769 646 321 939 3,510 1,580 821 3,207 649 287 3,526 1,826 1,726 1,099 1900 882 1,230 280 248 2,129 1,521 1,215 5,311 663 4,379 607 65 492 1,458 4,297 567 1,062 527 436 879 3,878 1,511 848 3,288 560 151 4,181 2,528 1,629 1,211 GENERAL REFERENCE 49 1904 Tax rat<^ Valuation Polls L903 117 354,719 207 .01 118 330,105 328 .018 119 80,713 88 .029 120 49,850 71 .024 121 1,020,315 050 .023 122 405,187 402 .0217 128 354,371 310 .033 124 1,712,318 1374 .028 125 157,907 223 .018 120 5,754,400 1307 .023 127 177,795 187 .019 128 21,178 11 .029 129 100,520 131 .038 130 532,208 422 .015 131 11,970780 1301 .02 132 252,231 108 .027 133 228,319 295 .02 134 123,080 154 .031 135 155,088 170 .018 13G 301,929 281 .0183 137 1,595,478 1188 .0205 138 1,178,090 477 .0105 139 590,981 235 .013 140 1,852,015 886 .012 141 204,417 174 .0202 142 11,797 29 .0255 143 1,449,453 1018 .024 144 422,889 052 .028 145 730,888 489 .027 140 254,225 350 .0234 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen C J Chenery, Mills S H Dyer, Auburn Daniel Cookson L W Bunker G O Eustis, Falls Geo Moftatt W H Dillino-, Spraj^u'e Mills Albert Greenlaw A H Pond, E Holden J E Bunker, Jr., Bar Harbor W A Cochran, North F M Farnham,IIo\vland Wm Bell G E Ireland A G Hagertliy C Walker, N . Anson J H McGregor, West LB Wheeler F R Wing, Stratton E E Colbath P A Smith F B Blanchard, West G WPauI, Hallo well W H Pearson II J Bamford, Wayne Frank Pray A P Libby T St Joseph S J Law WW Clark 50 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 147 Franklin, Han. Jan. 24, 1825 1,254 1,201 148 Freedom, Waldo June 11, 1813 510 479 149 Freeman, Fran. Mar. 4, 1808 464 397 150 Freeport, Cumb. Feb. 14, 1789 2,482 2,339 151 Frenchville, Aros. Feb. 23, 1869 2,560 1,316 152 Friendship, Knox Feb. 25, 1807 877 814 153 Fryeburg, Ox. Jan. 11, 1777 1,418 1,376 154 GARDINER, Ken. A City Feb. 17, 1803 1850 5,491 5,501 155 Garland, Pen. Feb. 16, 1811 973 857 156 Georgetown, Sag. June 13, 1716 849 799 157 Gilead, Ox. June 23, 1804 336 340 158 Glenburn, Pen. Jan. 29, 1822 583 461 159 Gorham, Cumb. Oct. 30, 1764 2,888 2,540 160 Gouldsboro, Han. Feb. 16, 1789 1,709 1,259 161 Grafton, Ox. Mar. 19, 1852 98 81 162 Grand Isle, Aros. Mar. 2, 1869 964 1,104 163 Gray, Cumb. June 19, 1778 1,517 1,388 164 Greenbush, Pen. Feb. 28, 1834 659 586 165 Greene— And. June 18, 1788 885 826 166 Greenfield, Pen. 1831 231 160 167 Greenville, Pis. Feb. 6, 1836 781 1,117 168 Greenwood, Ox. Feb. 2, 1816 727 741 169 Guilford, Pis. Feb. 8, 1816 1,023 1,544 170 HALLO WELL, Ken. A City Apr. 26, 1771 Aug. 29, 1850 3,181 2,714 171 Hampden, Pen. Feb. 24, 1794 2,484 2,182 172 Hancock, Han. Feb. 21, 1828 1,190 900 173 Hanover, Ox, Feb. 14, 1843 212 214 174 Harmony, Som. June 15, 1803 704 571 175 Harpswell, Cumb. Jan. 15, 1758 1,766 1,750 176 Harrington, Wash. June 17, 1797 1,150 1,165 GENERAL REFERENCE 5J 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 147 356,398 335 .0155 148 169,911 150 .019 140 98,993 126 .042 150 1,226,487 697 .0174 151 118,639 252 .023 152 217,619 266 .021 153 898,509 454 .0155 154 3,580,463 11556 .02 155 293,124 263 .0215 156 236,548 229 .024 157 130,903 88 .018 158 126,261 137 .029 159 1,494,543 778 .0154 160 307,991 439 .0191 161 62,302 26 .0185 162 113,223 202 .0205 163 539,478 348 .016 164 83,137 174 .032 165 302,123 259 .02 166 36,279 48 .042 167 456,123 474 .034 1(>8 170,906 186 .032 169 623,706 492 .022 170 1,469,627 735 .02 171 696,429 668 .019 172 310,212 273 .0195 173 81,446 68 .015 174 216,585 189 .021 175 779,864 540 .0157 176 243,663 282 .025 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen J H West H H Lamson E E Sedo-ley, Kingfield E L Porter H WLeveque R Bradford, East H D E Hutchins, West Chas A Kni<^ht C C Snell Wm H Dearborn, Ctr. A J Blake, Bethel Jas H Cowan F D Scam man A R Joy, Prospect Harbor Otis AV Brooks Florent Saufacon W. S. Allen, West G. A. French, Olamon O. W. Larrabee B. C. White, Myra H. Hunt M. H. Harrington, Bethel L. H. Whittior C. S. Goodwin \V. \y . Einorson Chas. II. Worster A. T. Powers W. E. Marble A. 8. Dunning, North. E.G. Coffin 52 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 177 Harrison, Cumb. 178 Hartford, Ox. 179 Hartland, Som. 180 Haynesville, Aros. 181 Hebron, Ox. 182 Hermon, Pen. 183 Hersey, Aros. 184 Hiram, Ox. 185 Hod^don, Aros. 186 Holden, Pen. 187 Hollis, York 188 Hope, Knox 189 Houlton, Aros. 190 Howland, Pen. 191 Hudson, Pen. 192 Hurricane Isle, Knox 193 Industry, Fran. 194 Island Falls, Aros. 195 Isle au Haut, Han. 196 Islesboro, Waldo. 197 Jackson, Waldo 198 Jay, Fran. 199 Jefferson, Lin. 200 Jonesboro, Wash. 201 Jonesport, Wash. 202 Kenduskeag, Pen. 203 Kennebunk, York 204 Kennebunkport, York 205 Kingfield, Fran. 206 Kingman, Pen. 207 Kittery, York 208 Knox, Waldo Date of Incorporation Mar. 8, 1805 June 13, 1798 Feb. 17, 1820 1876 Mar. 6, 1792 June 13, 1814 Jan. 25, 1873 Feb. 27, 1814 Feb. 11, 1832 Apr. 13, 1852 Feb. 27, 1798 June 23, 1804 Mar. 8, 1831 Feb. 10, 1826 Feb. 25, 1825 Feb. 7, 1878 June 20, 1803 Feb. 1872 Feb. 28, 1874 Jan. 28, 1789 June 12, 1818 Feb. 26, 1795 Feb. 24, 1807 Mar. 4, 1809 Feb. 3, 1832 Feb. 20, 1852 June 24, 1820 1653 Jan. 24, 1816 Feb. 1873 Oct. 20, 1647 Feb. 12, 1819 Population 1890 1900 1,071 969 689 660 974 1,115 280 316 600 494 1,282 1,183 151 199 1,063 1,105 1,113 1,130 609 602 1,278 1,274 641 599 4,015 4,686 171 519 510 430 266 257 545 553 223 1,063 206 182 1,006 923 522 439 1,541 2,758 1,391 1,155 470 606 1,917 2,124 536 423 3,172 3,228 2,196 2,123 601 693 671 936 2,864 2,872 657 559 GENERAL REFERENCE 53 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Valuatiun Polls : 1908 Board of yelccinu'n 177 431,022 323 .018 A W Weston, Bolster's Mis. 178 263,241 201 .0195 J W Libby, Buckfleld. 179 440,956 327 .022 F S Biirrill 180 69,729 85 .022 E G Br^^sou 181 223,185 144 .023 A A Nelson, Mech. Fls. 182 366,318 316 .02 S M Kewes, Carmel 183 60,067 58 .037 () M Davis 184 351,339 336 .0175 H N;Burbanlv 185 267,604 297 .028 Geo (^uint 186 155,855 183 .024 C H Dole, Brewer 187 406,491 370 .022J^ W S Graham, W Buxton 188 200,382 188 .017 M P, Hobl)s 18U 2,728,086 1620 .023 Thos P Putnam 190 281,074 161 .0275 H L Weymouth 191 102,743 143 .0285 Clias W Gault 192 53,335 143 .01003 J T Landers 193 107,766 149 .035 F W Patterson, West Mis. 194 302,069 362 .03 B R Walker 195 71,355 47 .025 W E Prescott 196 869,034 256 .012 A Trimm, North 197 1 4(5,715 142 .02 M S Hatch, Brooks 198 1,650.665 774 .016 V Wliite, North 199 427,631 335 .017 A J Bond, East 200 103,028 146 .025 riiaw W Siiiitli 201 469,209 609 .026 G F Man.slield 202 168,145 145 .0173 B F Hi«>«.ins 203 2,256,172 7C)4 .017 <) W Clark 204 1,415,563 692 .OlJil) W 1"' (ioodwin 205 350,304 269 .025 .1 W .I..iMiaii 206 157.972 22!) .()2S 11 P Os-ood 207 820,779 891 .026 ,1 K Philbii.-k 208 188,266 152 .023 C J Vose, Tiioriidike 54 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 209 LagTangce, Pen. Feb. 11, 1832 721 574 210 Lamoiue, Han. Feb. 11, 1870 726 594 211 Lebanon, York June 25, 1767 1,263 1,335 212 Lee, Pen. Feb 3, 1832 929 801 213 Leeds, And. Feb. 16, 1801 999 1,065 214 Levant, Pen. June 14, 1813 880 789 215 Lewiston, And. Feb. 18, 1795 A City Mar. 15, 1861 21,701 23,761 216 Liberty, Waldo Jan. 31, 1837 835 737 217 Limerick, York Mar. 6, 1787 966 874 218 Limestone, Aros. Feb. 26, 1869 933 1,131 219 Liminoton, York Feb. 9, 1792 1,092 1,001 220 Lincoln, Pen. Jan. 30, 1829 1,756 1,731 221 Lincoluville, Waldo Jun. 23, 1802 1,361 1,223 222 Linneus, Aros. Mar. 19, 1836 965 834 223 Lisbon, And. Jun. 22, 1799 3,120 3,603 224 Litchfield, Ken. Feb. 18, 1795 1,126 1,057 225 Littleton, Aros. Mar. 18, 1856 924 956 226 Livermore, And. Feb. 28, 1795 1,151 1,125 227 Lovell, Ox. Nov. 15, 1800 853 693 228 Lowell, Pen. Feb. 9, 1837 439 300 229 Lubec, Wash. Jun. 21, 1811 2,069 3,005 230 Ludlow, Aros. Mar. 18, 1837 375 394 231 Lyman, Y^ork Apr. 24, 1780 854 687 232 Machias, Wash. Jun. 23, 1784 2,035 2,082 233 Machiasport, Wash. Jan. 24, 1826 1,437 1,218 234 Madawaska, Aros. Feb. 24, 1869 1,451 1,698 235 Madison, Som. Mar. 7, 1804 1,815 2,764 236 Madrid, Fran. Jan. 29, 1836 441 326 237 Manchester, Ken. Aug;. 12, 1850 612 518 238 Mapleton, Aros. Mar. 1880 832 853 239 Mariaville, Han. Feb. 29, 1836 271 218 GENERAL REFERENCE 55 1904 Te IX rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 190:j Board of .Selectmen 209 201,267 183 .0165 W Snell 210 188,845 189 .017 G E Kiiiff 211 389,233 413 .031 J Lord, Kast 212 127,255 220 .031 C H Whitten 218 322,413 325 .017 E E Raiid, Curtis Corner 214 239,043 229 .016 F White 215 14,305,199 5814 .02 W E Webster 210 211,315 203 .022 W^ J Knowlton 217 419,710 238 .015 G H Swasey 218 378,083 255 .0242 LACyr 219 312,911 251 .022 E L Chick, East 220 513,052 742 .022 M B Pinkham 221 307,048 329 .024 N D Ross, Ctr 222 237,312 237 .0224 J H Ruth 223 2,159,119 1092 .016 A W Potter 224 353,135 253 .021 A R Biicklin 225 323,333 256 .023 EPTiteomb 220 447,897 349 .0205 I T Monroe, No 227 399,100 229 .015 J 11 Walker 228 70,145 90 .025 C G Jewell, East 229 809,370 837 .0175 B M Pike 230 113,004 123 .027 Fred Chase 231 340,007 193 .010 A Rt)bert8 232 802,918 502 .0236 M Gardner 233 193,787 351 .03() W C Hanson 234 128, 1H8 335 .01 5(; i: Diifour, St David 235 1,807,259 899 .0185 G I) Perkins 230 74,477 93 .028 A 11 Webber 237 267,055 108 .0162 E M Lenfest 238 254,045 233 .027 (} W Mooers, Presque Isle 239 49,777 71 .03 Jos C Frost 56 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 240 Marion, Wash. Jan. 31, 1834 90 95 241 Marshfield, Wash. Jun. 30, 1846 299 227 242 Marshill, Aros. Feb. 21, 1867 837 1,183 243 Masardis, Aros. Mar. 21, 1839 250 438 244 Mason, Ox. Feb. 3, 1843 80 67 245 Mattamiscontis, Pen. Mar. 8, 1839 47 28 246 Mattawamkeao;, Pen. Feb. 14, 1860 633 527 247 Maxfield, Pen. Feb. 6, 1824 134 115 248 Mechanic Falls, And. Mar. 22, 1 893 1,687 249 Meddybemps, Wash. Feb. 20, 1841 156 154 250 Medford, Pis. Jan. 31, 1824 306 282 251 Medway, Pen. Feb. 8, 1875 653 297 252 Mercer, Soni. Jun. 22, 1804 584 493 253 Mexico, Ox. Feb. 1818 355 816 254 Milbridge, Wash. Jul. 14, 1848 1,963 1,921 255 Milford, Pen. Feb. 28, 1833 835 838 256 Millinocket, Pen. Mar. 16, 1901 1,144 257 Milo, Pis. Jan. 21, 1823 1,029 1,150 258 Minot, And. Feb. 18, 1802 1,355 808 259 Monmouth, Ken. Jan. 20, 1792 1,362 1,236 260 Monroe, Waldo. Feb. 12, 1818 1,079 958 261 Monson, Pis. Feb. 8, 1822 1,237 1,116 262 Monticello, Aros. July 29, 1846 1,132 1,332 263 Montville, Waldo. Feb. 18, 1807 1,049 982 264 Morrill, Waldo. Mar. 3, 1855 460 420 265 Moscow, Som. Jan. 30, 1816 422 378 266 Mt. Chase, Pen. Mar. 21,1864 284 299 267 Mt. Desert, Han. Feb. 17, 1789 1,355 1,600 268 Mt. Vernon, Ken. June 28, 1792 940 906 269 Naples, Cumb. 1834 846 813 270 Nevvburgh, Pen. Mar. 13, 1819 867 734 271 Newcastle, Lin. June. 19, 1753 1,282 1,075 GENERAL REFERENCE 57 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectiiieu B L Smith N S Bowker A O Nutter Geo M Sabin Ervin Hutchinson !• \V Shean Geo W Smith Chas B Fuller E K Holbrook J S Bridges D A Hathorue, Milo M E Priest A M Pattee H T Ricliards A C Leightou Geo W Harthorn Geo W Stearns L F Wilder J E Bailey, Auliurn W A Richardson Jos Pattee, lirooks J W Tarr Guy C Fletcher N White, Tliorndike Elisha Merriani ('has M Hill J A McDonald L H Somes Ral|)h K Thin*;- L P Crockett, South F Preecott, Arnold 271 01)4,874 2U[ .01 IT, 11 V P. Xasli, Xorlli 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 240 31,751 35 .032 241 54,395 (J4 .0174 242 288,507 323 .024 243 115,439 146 .032 244 43,925 30 .0166 245 18,548 10 .0185 246 133,304 159 .025 247 27,177 31 .029 248 864,455 534 .0203 249 28,987 52 .037 250 85,500 82 .01 82 251 61,237 143 .027 252 159,998 150 .019 253 477,172 664 .035 254 422,822 487 .027 255 301, H64 282 .028 250 749,697 1 1 05 .027 257 606,246 439 .022 258 332,437 218 .0183 259 638,837 412 .0165 200 285,830 281 .023 2G1 257,984 427 .021 262 344,464 295 .0218 263 307,718 253 .0245 264 127,520 114 .02 265 113,881 120 .0335 266 62,716 70 .046 207 1,812,747 506 .016 268 323,919 293 .016 269 263,805 254 .02 270 256,625 209 .017 58 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 272 Newfield, York Feb. 26, 1794 794 676 273 New Gloucester, Cumb. 1774 1,234 1,162 274 New Limerick, Aros. Mar. 18, 1837 567 600 275 Newport, Pen. June 14, 1814 1,188 1,533 276 New Portland, Som. Mar. 9, 1808 1,034 913 277 Newry, Ox. June 15, 1805 343 286 278 New Sharon, Fran. June 20, 1794 1,064 946 279 New Sw^eden, Aros. Jan. 29, 1895 707 867 280 New Vinyard, Fran. Feb. 22, 1802 660 584 281 Nobleboro, Lin. Nov. 20, 1788 947 810 282 Norridgewock, Som. June 18, 1788 1,656 1,495 283 No. Berwick, York Mar. 22, 1831 1,803 1,748 284 Northfield, Wash. Mar. 21, 1838 143 126 285 North Haven, Knox. June 30, 1846 552 551 286 Northport, Waldo. Feb. 13, 1796 691 545 287 No. Yarmouth, Cumb. 1680 709 642 288 Norway, Ox. Mar. 9, 1797 2,665 2,902 289 Oakfield, Aros. Feb. 25, 1897 720 860 290 Oakland , Ken. Feb. 26, 1873 2,044 1,913 291 Old Orchard, York Feb. 20, 1883 877 964 292 OLD TOWN, Pen. A City Mar. 16, 1840 Feb. 19, 1891 5,312 5,763 293 Orient, Aros. Apr. 9, 1856 244 208 294 Orland, Han. Feb. 21, 1828 1,190 900 295 Orneville, Pis. Jan. 30, 1832 492 325 296 Orono, Pen. Mar. 12, 1806 2,790 3,257 297 Orrington, Pen. Mar. 21, 1788 1,406 1,266 298 Otis, Han. Mar. 19, 1835 239 152 299 Otisfield, Cumb. Feb. 19, 1798 838 728 300 Oxford, Ox. Feb. 27, 1829 1,455 1,331 301 Palermo, Waldo. June 23, 1804 887 757 302 Palmyra, Som. June 20, 1807 1,004 915 GENERAL REFERENCE 59 1904 Tax rato Valuation Polls 1903 272 235,132 165 .018 273 1,007,749 362 .01 274 180,742 155 .0188 275 004,371 522 .0255 27G 203,704 291 .019 277 130,177 99 .02 278 373,008 303 .018 271) 165,720 252 .03 280 166,351 183 .0215 281 234,646 230 .0185 282 583,530 456 .0205 283 736,874 469 .021 284 35,868 34 .0225 285 245,356 164 .018 286 313,012 181 .0162 287 321,745 215 .0143 288 1,265,285 929 .018 289 106,9()8 210 .034 290 967,133 700 .026 291 1.025,156 287 .02 292 1,827,822 1,489 .032 293 449,043 54 .038 294 276,902 372 .0265 295 107,491 113 .03 29(> t)88,751 831 .03 297 403,613 376 .0165 298 37,978 5() .032 29'. > 234,648 240 .021 300 172,569 408 .025 301 178,042 217 .02(55 302 342,434 253 .015 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen Thos Bond, West Chas P BeDnett M Lougee Will A Frye W B ('lark, No W B Wicrht, No W B Hargraves A H Nelson, Nelson A W Racket t R T York, Dam'cotta Mis D G W^ood Anson Grant V M Smith F C Mardeu H W Ehvell A E Hodgdon, East A J Stearns B J White, Burleigh H ^y Greeley T n Titconil) W fl Watfu-house 1 1 M Peters E O Sugden L C Fowles, Boyd Lake H Haiidin N A xXickerson, So J O Jordan W F Smith, Oxford C F Durell F E Spratt C W Homestead, Newport 60 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 303 Paris, Ox. June 20, 1793 3,156 3,255 304 Parkman, Pis. Jan. 29, 1822 813 718 305 ParsoDfield, York Mar. 9, 1785 1,398 1,131 306 Passadumkeag, Pen. Jan. 1, 1835 343 409 307 Patten, Pen. Apr. 16, 1841 936 1,174 308 Pembroke, Wash. Feb. 4, 1832 1,514 1,652 309 Penobscot, Han. Feb. 23, 1787 1,313 1,156 310 Perham, Aros. Mar. 26, 1897 438 580 311 Perkins, Sag. June 24, 1847 69 61 312 Perry, Wash. Feb. 12, 1818 945 1,245 313 Peru, Ox. Feb. 5, 1821 692 773 314 Phillips, Fran. Feb. 25, 1812 1,394 1,399 315 Phippsburg, Sag. Jan. 26, 1814 1,396 1,254 316 Pittsfield, Som. June 19, 1819 2,503 2,891 317 Pittston, Ken. Feb. 4, 1779 1,281 1,177 318 Plymouth, Pen. Feb. 21, 1826 689 658 319 Poland, And. Feb. 17, 1795 2,472 1,648 320 Porter, Ox. Feb. 20, 1807 1,015 886 321 PORTLAND, Cumb. A City July 4, 1786 Mar. 26, 1832 36,425 50,145 322 Pownal, Cumb. Mar. 3, 1808 712 502 323 Prentiss, Pen. Feb. 27, 1858 401 502 324 Presque Isle, Aros. Apr. 4, 1859 3,046 3,804 325 Princeton, Wash. Feb. 3, 1832 1,027 1,094 326 Prospect, Waldo. Feb. 24, 1794 697 648 327 Randolph, Ken. Mar. 4, 1887 1,281 1,077 328 Rangeley, Fran. Mar. 8, 1855 616 961 329 Raymond, Cumb. June 21, 1803 927 823 330 Readfield, Ken. Mar. 11, 1791 1,176 994 331 Richmond, Sag. Feb. 10, 1823 3,082 2,049 332 Ripley, Som. Dec. 11, 1816 478 449 333 Robinston, Wash. Feb. 18, 1811 787 844 GENERAL REFERENCE 61 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 190H 303 1,372,496 1,100 .02 304 225,480 190 .0294 305 423,129 312 .017 306 47,(J30 128 .045 307 546,858 399 .021 308 338,345 401 .021 309 266,831 334 .021 310 141,987 150 .025 311 42,437 21 .012 312 183,425 270 .026 313 329,199 244 .03 314 602,305 505 .0225 315 416,120 351 .02 316 1,353,291 932 .023 317 465,135 321 .0185 318 166,946 196 .024 319 816,584 433 .021 320 329,736 237 .022 32151,615,575 14,928 .0208 322 261,122 196 .0155 323 78,578 113 .025 324 1,644,963 1,148 .023 325 254,883 306 .023 326 169,734 194 .0175 327 309,439 309 .02 328 526,699 401 .017 329 218,072 215 .01 15 330 504,124 303 .01 55 331 1,011,033 476 .019.3 332 138,430 152 .022 333 149,239 200 .0305 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen J C Howe, West AV Watson, Guilford E Burnhani, So K (i Leonard W S Kelloft-jr E L Pattanp;all W J Creamer B R Blackstone D B Darrah HFHibbard A S Hoi man, East C F Chandler G C Pease F C Weeks J E Plummer, Gardiner M J Dow, E Newport F B Shackford, So H L Ridlon, Kezar Fls J P Baxter H B True, Free|)ort P E Avorill, Kingman C H Richardson S L Peabody Josiah Col son Chas E Clark W F Jacobs Goo II Hall. East E E Peacock, Morrill Mc Kinney Wm Host, Dexter J as Ross 62 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 334 ROCKLAND, Knox. A City 335 Rockport, Knox. 336 Rome, Ken. 337 Roque Bluffs, Wash. 338 Roxbury, Ox. 339 Rumford, Ox. 340 SACO, York A City 341 St. Agatha, Aros, 342 St. Albans, Som. 343 St. Georo-e, Knox. 344 Salem, Fran. 345 Sanford, York 346 Sauj^erville, Pis. 347 Scarborough, Cumb. 348 Searsmont, Waldo 349 Searsport, Waldo 350 Sebago, Cumb. 351 Sebec, Pis. 352 Sedgwick, Han. 353 Shapleigh, York 354 Sherman, Aros. 355 Shirley, Pis. 356 Sidney, Ken. 357 Skowhegan, Som. 358 Smithfield, vSom. 359 Smyrna, Aros. 360 Solon, Som. 361 Somerville, Lin. 362 Sorrento, Han. 363 So. Berwick, York Date of Incorporation July 28, 1848 June 1854 Feb. 17, 1791 Mar. 7, 1804 Mar. ]2, 1891 Mar. 17, 1835 Feb. 21, 1800 Nov. 1718 Feb. 18, 1867 Mar. 17, 1899 June 14, 1813 Feb. 7, 1803 Jan. 10, 1823 Feb. 23, 1768 June 13, 1814 May 1658 Feb. 5, 1814 Feb. 13, 1845 Feb. 10, 1826 Feb. 28, 1812 Jan. 12, 1789 Mar. 5, 1785 Jan. 28, 1862 Mar. 9, 1834 Jan. 30, 1792 Feb. 5, 1823 Feb. 29, 1840 Mar. 7, 1839 Feb. 23, 1809 Mar. 25, 1858 Mar. 8, 1895 Feb. 12, 1814 Population 1890 1900 8,174 8,150 2,150 500 154 222 898 6,075 1,206 2,491 218 4,201 1,236 1,794 1,144 1,693 681 725 1,012 968 909 291 1,334 5,068 479 303 977 453 3,434 2,314 420 168 238 3,770 6,122 1,396 1,037 2,206 195 6,078 1,294 1,865 949 1,349 576 593 902 847 980 248 1,068 5,180 449 411 996 374 117 3,188 GENERAL REFERENCE 63 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 190a 334 5,597,552 2,617 .022 Mayor, or Cbairraan Hoard of Selectmen Jas E Rhodes 335 1,295,793 336 92,162 337 27,869 338 67,320 604 145 44 99 .0195 .034 .022 .05 339 3,027,570 2,205 .0185 G 11 M Barrett S W Clement F M Thompson J II Thomas W G Morse, Falls 340 3,975,106 1,971 .0225 Phillip C Tapley 341 103,816 248 .022 B S Dufoure 342 395,397 315 .0198 S B Prescott 343 410,325 654 .024 W L Allen, Tenant's Har 344 52,496 55 .022 W S Heath 345 3,071,054 1,845 .017 F H Preston 346 525,665 397 .0254 W A Buroess 347 1,073,832 633 .0171 Alouzo Libby 348 629,023 365 .018 A Ci Caswell 349 327,948 292 .0192 F 1 Pendleton 350 162,974 172 .021 P P Larrabee, North 351 172,723 175 .0235 C F Chase, Station 352 209,184 267 .0187 A H Dority 353 247,266 234 .02 A L Hooper 354 200,818 296 .033 F .\llin,102 629 .0207 F B Hills 386 202,484 159 .017 H L Wing 387 85,493 83 .021 H Taylor 388 169,890 609 .0152 W II Hiidreth 389 599,114 ()50 .0275 \V \V A Heath, Seal Cove 390 134,583 138 .0225 I) n Alley, Oak P't 391 58.799 137 .033 .Ino Saunders, Whiting 392 262,248 207 .0185 John L Bagley 393 708,355 58(') .018 J V Qulinby, No 394 522,966 400 .022 F E Burkett 66 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 395 Unity, Waldo June 22, 1804 922 877 396 Upton, Ox. Feb. 9, 1860 232 242 397 Vanceboro, Wash. Mar. 4, 1874 870 550 398 Van Buren, Aros. 1881 1,168 1,878 399 Vassalborough, Ken. Apr. 26, 1771 2,052 2,062 400 Veazie, Pen. Mar. 26, 1853 650 555 401 Verona, Han. Feb. 18, 1861 323 234 402 Vienna, Ken. Feb. 20, 1802 495 406 403 Vinalhaven, Knox. June 25, 1789 2,617 2,358 404 Waite, Wash. 1876 159 135 405 Waldo, Waldo Mar. 17, 1845 581 468 406 Waldoboro, Lin. June 29, 1773 3,505 3,145 407 Wales, And. Feb. 1, 1816 451 436 408 Waltham, Han. Jan. 29, 1833 242 192 409 Warren, Knox. Nov. 7, 1776 2,037 2,069 410 Washburn, Aros. Feb. 25, 1861 1,097 1,225 411 Washington, Knox. Feb. 27, 1811 1,230 1,019 412 Waterboro, York Mar. 6, 1787 1,357 1,169 413 Waterford, Ox. Mar. 2, 1797 1,001 917 414 WATERVILLE, Ken. A City June 23, 1802 Jan. 23, 1888 7,107 9,477 415 Wayne, Ken. Feb. 12, 1798 775 707 416 Webster, And. Mar. 7, 1840 951 1,181 417 W^eld, Fran. Feb. 8, 1816 885 738 418 Wellington, Pis. Feb. 23, 1828 584 413 419 Wells, York Auff. 30, 1653 2,029 2,007 420 Wesley, Wash. Jan. 24, 1833 227 198 421 West Bath, Sag. Feb. 14, 1844 307 291 422 WESTBROOK, Cum. A City Feb. 14, 1814 Feb. 24, 1891 6,632 7,283 423 West Gardiner, Ken, Aug. 8, 1850 853 693 424 Weston, Aros. Mar. 17, 1835 404 367 GENERAL REFERENCE 67 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Hoard of Selectmen 895 330,040 241 .0215 A Rack lift" 396 107,162 77 .013 A W Judkins 397 150,976 144 .0165 B Jackman 398 340,039 497 .03 A J Duba.y 399 965,730 607 .0184 J Hussey 400 270,926 168 .017 Wm Thompson 401 63,141 69 .023 S D Bridpjes 402 124,338 127 .023 W E Sanborn 403 654,954 841 .0225 A L Pierce 404 30,020 37 .024 J N Wheaton 405 143,565 129 .0175 C W Shorey 406 970,552 959 .022 W H Miller 407 200,793 143 .0145 T T Jenkins, Monmouth 408 74,138 65 .0145 M. K. Haslam 409 832,886 623 .0154 H J Libby 410 265,541 323 .027 A E Howes 411 270,373 274 .0245 A E Johnston 412 370,596 325 .017 W B Deering, W. Buxton 413 305,036 304 .023 C H Pride, East 414 5,897,256 2,865 .0235 11 Purinpjton 415 221,969 207 .0185 I D Lincoln 416 534,320 344 .017 F J Atwood, Sabattus 417 223,805 248 .0255 F S Schofield 418 104,713 127 .031 M F Whiteliouse 41') 927,733 622 .019 B H Hilton, Moody 420 42,673 49 .0315 L A (iray 421 145,050 91 .02 C W Campbell, Winuigan 422 4,268,925 1,967 .0195 R K Jordan 423 298,353 228 .017 B M Small, Gardiner 424 59,872 110 .055 W D Gilpatrick, Danf'th 68 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 425 WeBtport, Lin. 426 Whitefield, Lin. 427 Whiting, Wash. 428 Whitney ville, Wash. 429 Williamsburg, Pis. 430 Willimantic, Pis. 431 Wilton, Fran. 432 Windham, Cumb. 433 Windsor, Ken. 434 Winn, Pen. 435 Winslow, Ken. 436 Winter Harbor, Han 437 Winterport, Waldo 438 Winthrop, Ken. 439 Wiscasset, Lin. 440 Woodland, Aros. 441 Woodstock, Ox. 442 Woodville, Pen. 443 Woolwich, Sag. 444 Yarmouth, Cumb. 445 York, York Date of Incorporation Feb. 5, 1828 June 19, 1809 Feb. 15, 1825 Feb. 10, 1845 June 21, 1820 Feb. 22, 1881 June 22, 1803 June 12, 1762 Mar. 3, 1809 Mar. 21, 1857 Apr. 26, 1771 Feb. 21, 1895 Mar. 12, 1860 Apr. 26, 1771 June 10, 1802 Mar. 5, 1880 Feb. 7, 1815 Feb. 28, 1895 Oct. 20, 1759 Aug. 8, 1849 Population 1890 1900 451 330 1,215 393 1,156 399 413 424 162 117 446 419 1,622 2,216 853 1,674 1,929 782 936 688 1,814 2,277 571 1,926 2,111 1,733 885 859 1,623 2,088 1,273 1,096 816 242 160 1,007 2,098 2,444 880 2,274 2,668 1652 Organized as a city in the time of Gorges, Apr. 10, 1641, the first English city on this continent. 1904 Tax rate Valuation PollB 19(n 425 87,149 100 .0155 426 426,416 360 .0165 427 89,849 103 .022 428 46,861 90 .035 429 46,608 3() .023 430 87,069 87 .024 431 853,677 577 .0165 432 1,020,452 573 .0175 433 240,872 234 .0225 434 154,954 212 .017 435 2,108,568 619 .021 436 379,912 181 .0234 447 563,363 534 .02 448 1,213,450 581 .0132 449 476,808 381 .023 440 204,350 279 .032 441 253,774 263 .021 442 56,280 47 .0182 443 329,261 261 .024 444 1,424,882 585 .016 445 2,323,440 760 .019 GENERAL REFERENCE 69 Mayor, or (Chairman Hoard of St'lt^ctinen R P Colby L R Ford W II Leiohton H H Mouapban U Sumner, Henderson H Frost, Norton F R Young: (} A Newell, Woodf'ds J S Gray, Winds'rv'l N A Averill Albert Fuller J iM (ierrish C (J Moody C F Kilbreth Wni Taylor L P Johnson HC Baker, Bryants P'd \Vm Cliesley G A Walker, Wiscasset C L Burknian J R Putnam, Village 70 GENERAL REFERENCE PLANTATIONS OF MAINE (BV counties) Name Organized Population 1900 P'irst Assessor AROOSTOOK COUNTY Allagash June 24, 1886 190 L V Henderson Gary June 27, 1883 400 C C AVilcox Caswell 1879 368 N J Berube Chapman 1874 285 N A Haynes Connor 1877 453 Dumais Cyr 502 J Violette Letter E Sept. 26, 1898 44 F L Drake Eagle Lake 1856 406 W E Brown Garfield April 13, 1885 111 F P McQuarrie Glenwood 178 R Jenkins Hamlin 574 H Duplessis Hammond Feb. 17, 1886 116 Frank Snell Hill 1884 124 Aaron Pelletier Macwahoc Dec. 16 1851 153 F E Kimball Merrill 1876 298 A P Libby Moro 1850 217 S F Chase Nashville April 17, 1889 32 E A Hill New Canada Nov. 9, 1881 419 H Df'sjardins Oxbow 1870 153 J no McLean Portage Lake 1872 241 Herbert Coffin Reed 399 H H Springer Silver Ridge July 20, 1863 168 B C Longfellow St. Francis 568 D Pelletier St John 371 T Albert Stockholm Mar. 23, 1895 191 A Quimby Wade 1859 271 R H Story Wallagrass May 2, 1874 784 M Mich and Westmanland June 1, 1892 100 C A Carlston GENERAL REFERENCE 7\ Name Coplin Dallas Lang; Ran gel ey Sandy River Organized pd Population 1900 First ABsessor ^LIN COUNTY 1856 70 R E Paine 1845 172 C E Nile 87 D M Harris 1859 98 C W Record 1905 (est) 80 . Jerry Lowell Long Island No. 33 No. 8 No. 21 Matinicus Isle Muscle Rid<>e Monbegan Lincoln Magalloway Milton Drew Lakeville (I rand Falls I'.chocis Stacyville Webster HANCOCK COUNTY 174 1840 82 June 26, 1877 17 58 KNOX COUNTY 1840 184 Oct. 28, 1904 LINCOLN COUNTY 94 OXFORD COUNTY 1875 7;'. 1883 77 1842 L'02 PENOBSCOT COUNTY 120 Vr]K 29. 1S6S 12'.> r.2 Apr. S, I SIX) \){\ 1860 317 S('i)t. 1, 185(; 121 F W Ross J R Shu man H C Fletcher Urban Craney H J Ames F A Crockett \y S Stanley Lewis Olsen iM 1) Stnrtevant C E Jackson Pitt M Page Pliilo Bearce PP. Moore K L Smart T ,] McAvoy ML Tucker 72 GENERAL REFERENCE Name Organized Population 1900 First Aseeeeor PISCATAQUIS COUNTY Barnard Mar. 15, 1895 98 Wm Getchell Bowerbank Nov. 27, 1888 66 Wm M Glover Elliottsville Jan 3, 1887 86 E F Drew KiDp;8bnry July 20, 188(5 106 G G Robinson Lake View June 16, 1892 173 F D Ellis somersp:t county Bigelow Jan. 18, 1895 57 Ralph Ricker Brighton Apr. 18, 1895 368 H L Wyman Caratunk 1840 218 Elmer Sterling Dead River 91 R V Safford Dennistowu 96 Moscis Holden Flagstaff 115 W E Hinds Highland 67 W C Saflford Jackman 352 Geo Nichols Lexington Apr. 18, 1885 251 W Chase Mayfield July 5, 1892 89 F M Wyman Moose River Dec. 21, 1903 239 J H Colby Pleasant Ridge Oct. 17, 1840 114 A L Healey The Forks 157 W I York ^ West Forks Mar., 1893 160 J H Morris WASHINGTON i COUNTY Codyville 69 Thos Hill Grand Lake Feb. 11, 1897 221 G G Elsemore No. 14 77 H N Lund No. 21 1859 86 C H Yates GENERAL REFERENCE 73 NEWSPAPERS OF MAINE Place. Name. Publishers. Augusta. Kennebec Journal, wk., Daily Kennebec Journal, Burleigh & Flynt Maine Farmer, wk., Maine Farmer Pub. Co. The New Age, wk., H. M. Plaisted & Son. Family Herald, mo.. National Farmer, mo.. Golden Moments, mo., Sunshine, mo.. Literary Companion, mo., Lane's List. Vickery's Fireside Visitor, mo.. Hearth and Home, mo.. Good Stories, mo.. The American Woman, mo., Happy Hours, mo., Vickery & Hill Pub. Co. Comfort, mo., W. H. Gannett. Bangor. Weekly Commercial, Daily Commercial, J. P. Bass Pub. Co. Daily News, Semi-Weekly News, Bangor Pub. Co. Industrial Journal, mo.. Journal Pub. Co. Maine Sportsman, mo., Herbert W. Rowe. Bar Harbor. Bar Harbor Record, wk., Bar Harbor Life (Sum.) wk., Bar Harbor Press Co. Maine Coast Cottager, wk., Joseph Wood. Bath. Bath Independent & Enterprise, semi-wk., Harry C. Webber. Bath Daily Times, The Times Co. 74 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Belfast. Republican Journal, wk., Rep. Jour. Pub. Co. Maine Temp. Record, mo., and The Girls Home, quar., G. E. Brackett Co. Bethel. The Bethel News, wk., F. C. Bowler. Biddeford. Biddeford Wk'ly Jour., & Daily, C. PI. Prescott Co. Weekly and Daily Record, Record Pub. Co. La Justice, wk., A. Bonneau. Boothbay. Boothbay Register, wk., C. E. Kendrick. Bridgton. The Bridg'ton News, wk., H. A. Shorey & Son. Brunswick. The Brunswick Record, wk., Bruns. Pub. Co. Bowdoin Orient, wk., Bowdoiu Col. Students. Calais. Calais Advertiser, wk.. Advertiser Pub. Co. Calais Times, w^k., Calais Times Pub. Co. The Weekly Journal, wk., J. D. Clark. Camden. Camdeu Herald, wk., Camden Pub. Co. Cape Elizabeth. Coast Watch, wk., Libby & Smith (Port). Caribou. Aroos. Republican, wk., L, J. Pendell. Cherry field. Narraguagus Times, wk., Eastern Pub. Co. China. China Tribune, wk., Waterville Sentn'l Pub. Co. Clinton. Clinton Herald, wk., Waterville Sentn'l Pub. Co. GENERAL REFERENCE 75 Place Name Publishers Daniariseotta. Damariscotta Herald, wk., G. \V. Siuger. Dexter. Eastern Gazette, wk., Geo. C. Furber. Deer Isle. Deer Isle Messenger, wk., P. S. Knowlton. Dover. Pi8cata(iiiis Observer, wk,, Ubs. Tub. Co. Eastport. Eastport Sentinel, wk., J. E. Nutt. East])ort Citizen, wk., Union Pub. Co. Ellsworth. Ellsworth American, wk., Hancock Pub. Co. Ellsworth Enter])rise, wk., Campbell Pub. Co. Fairfield. Fairfield .Journnl, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. Jour, of Me. Ornithog'c'l Soc, quar., Me. Ornith Soc. Farminofon. Farmiii i n Portland Sunday Telegram, J I'^^ennig hx. 1 ub. to. 78 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Masonic Token, quar,, Stephen Berry. Masonic Journal, mo,, Smith & Sale. Safeguard and Armory, quar., Safeguard Pub. Co. Jour. Med. & Sci., mo., Jour. Med. & Sci. Co. Maine Coast Cottager, wk., Jos. Wood. Board of Trade Journal, mo., M. C. Rich, Casco Bay Breeze, (Sum.), wk,, Crowly & Lunt. Welcome Guest, mo,, F. J, Smith Co. Deering News, wk,, Deering News Co. The Bibelot, mo., Thomas B, Mosher. Presque Isle, The Star Herald, wk,, G. H. Collins. Richmond. Richmond Bee, wk., F. W. Dunham. Rockland. Courier-Gazette, semi-wk., Rockland Pub. Co. Rockland Daily Star, D. N. Thayer. Knox Co. Hist. & Gen. Mag., mo., \ j ^ p-n Maine Bugle, quar., j J. r. Cilley. Rockland Opinion, wk., Opinion Pub. Co. Home & Health Mag., mo., H. & H. Co. Rumford Falls. Rumford Falls Times, wk., Rumford Pub. Co. Saco. The Tribune, wk,, W, M, Staebler, Sanford. Sanford Weekly Tribune, F. B, Averill. Skowhegan. Somerset Reporter, wk., J. 0, Smith & Co. Solon. Solon Times, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. So, Berwick, The Independent, wk., Ind. Pub. Co. GENERAL REFERENCE 79 Plaoe Name PuldiHliers So. Paris. O.Kloid Democrat, wk., Atwood & Forbes. So. Portland. Cape Eliz. Sentiuel, wk., J. H. Harford. Stockton. Waldo (^o. Commercial, wk., Eastern Pub. Co. Thoniaston. Thomaston Herald, wk., Knox Piii). Co. Union. Union Weekly Press, The Press Company. Van Buren. Madawaska Journal, wk., Pelletier Ac Thibodoau. Vassalboro. Vassalboro Times, wk., Sentinel Pub. Co. WaldoboTO. Lincoln County News, wk,, G. E. Bliss. Waterville. Waterville Evenino- Mail, dly, \ Waterville Mail, wk., ) Mail Pub. to. Waterville Sentinel, wk., | ^^ . i ,» i n Waterville Morniuo- Sentinel, dly., j Sentinel Pub. to. Colby Echo, wk., Colby Colleg:e Students. Turf^ Farm & Home, wk., Turf Pub. Co. Fireside (jlem. Home Treasury, American Nation, and Home Queen, mo., Sawyer Pub. Co. Cobui'ii Clai'ion, tiuar., Coburn Institute St udents. Civic Loa<;ue Uecortl, mo., C E. Owen. The Pine Tree Endeavorei', mo., The Me. C. E. I nioii. Winterport. \VinttM'j)()rt .Vdvortiscr, wk., C. K. Lon^ee. Wint lii-op. W'iiit iiroj) r.U(l,299,94(; lOO.o 122,110,004 100.0 ( 1 ) Lees than one-tenth of one per cent. JOO GENERAL REFERENCE Acreages, Quantities and Crops in 1899. Crops Acres Hay and Forage 1,270,254 Potatoes 71,765 Forest Products Oats 108,661 Orchard Fruits 117,322 Corn 16,856 Dry Beans 10,252 Buckwheat 25,292 Small Fruits 1,036 Flowers and Plants 71 Barley 8,809 Wheat 6,667 Nursery Products 106 Dry Peas 2,300 Onions 168 Maple Syrup Grapes 51 Rye 611 Seeds 6 Clover Seed Grass Seed Maple Sugar Nuts Chicory 29 Flaxseed 2 Miscel. Yeaetablee 19,845 Other Miscellany Values of the principal Farm Quantity of Product Value 1,136,774 tons |10,641,546 9,813,748 bu. 3,711,999 2,652,249 3,799,435 bu. 1,374,573 1,438,919 bu. 833,634 645,040 bu. 326,824 137,290 bu. 290,885 468,320 bu. 185,836 157,679 155,131 252,850 bu. 137,448 116,720 bu. 107,396 46,207 35,991 bu. 44,618 44,489 bu. 38,160 16,024 gals. 15,280 2,758 centals 7,584 9,290 bu. 6,126 3,082 519 bu. 2,956 417 bu. 854 5,500 pounds 643 593 64,820 pounds 217 16 bu. 22 1,207,141 5,371 Total 1,660,103 121,954,054 IMPORTANT DATES IN THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT GEORGETOWN And The Towns Formed From Its Territory 1607-Aii-. 11, Ships Gift, and Mary and John, under com- mand ol Capt. Geo. Popham and Capt. Ilalei-h Gilbert, land at Stage Island. Topham Colony settles at Pop- ham Beach. l(;()8_The Virginia, a vessel ol thirty tons, built. 1608-Coloni8t8 return to England, after death ol Pof.ham. 1616-Soon alter this colony left a French settlement ^va8 made on Stage Island where they engaged in tishing. lOlG-Sir Samuel Argyle comes from Virginia and removes the colony. lG25-Plymouth Colony sends a vessel to the Sagadahoc to traffic with the Indians. 1G2S— House erected for traffic with the natives. lG2S-Thomas Purchase settles at the head of New M.m.Iows River. l(;:i()_.I,,lin Parker settles on Arrowsic, near Squirrel Point. lC3-l-Territory west of the Sagadahoc (lower Kennrbcc) called Lygonia, forty miles s(]uarp. 1G40-John Kicluirds purchases ArrouHJc Inland of liobiii- Hood, an Indian .•hirf. .I..lin I'aikcr pnivhasps Tarkcr's Island, now Georgetown, formerly Uoscoliegan. 10 102 HISTORICAL 1650 — Sir Wm. Phipps born on Phipps' Point, Woolwich. Became provincial Governor of Massachusetts Bay. 3G54 — Richards sells Arrowsic to Thos. Clark and Roger Spencer. Spencer soon after sold his title to Thomas Lake. 1G58 — Clark and Lake lay out a town on the south part of the Island; many improvements made preparatory to formino- a permanent settlement. 1660— Fort erected on Arrowsic about this time. 1665 — Rev. Robert Gutch purchases lands now included in Bath and West Bath. 1670— There were on Arrow^sic Island and Parker's Island thirty families, and on the west side of the river below the Chops, twenty families. 1675 — Settlement completely destroyed by Indians. 1676— Fort of Clark and Lake on Arrowsic, captured by Indians, 1677— Nine persons killed on Arrowsic. 1679— Lower part of Arrowsic granted to 26 settlers. Set- tlement named "Newtown". 1680 and 1689 — Settlements again destroyed. 1702 and 1704— Battles with the Indians by troops from Massachusetts. 1714— John Watts builds fort at Butler's Cove. 1716— Georgetown, including Bath, West Bath, Woolwich, Phippsburg, Arrowsic and Parker's Island (now George- tow^n) incorporated a town. 1716— Augusta, a settlement at Small Point, established. 1716— Jonathan Preble settles on the head of Arrowsic, HISTORICAL 103 1710 — Dr. NoyeK erects a fort 100 ft. square in Pliippsburp:. 1717 — A Treat}' of Peace is made between the Governor of Massachusetts and the native tribes, taking four days, in August. 1720— Garrison at Mill Cove built by Jos. Berry. 1722— John Lomont settles at New Meadows, near the pre- sent railroad. He was an early shipbuilder. 1723— All dwelling houses on Arrowsic burned by Indians, and 300 cattle killed. 1728— Major Denny builds a fort near Mr. Watts, at But- ler's Cove. 1734— Church established in Georgetown. 173G — Xatlianiel Donnell of York buys of Margaret John- son, heiress of Robert Gutch, all her rights except to 500 acres in the city. ]73()— I^^irst house of worship erected. 17r)0— John I^eraont builds garrison at West Bath. 1753— Bath is made the Second Parish of Georgetown, con- taining 200 people. 1756 — Meeting-house erected at West Bath. This house was removed in 1822 and rebuilt at Steam Mill Point where it was used as a storehouse. 1759 — Woolwich incorporated a town. 17()0 — Ijincoln and Cumberland counties incorporated. I're- vious to this (ieorgetown was included in "^'ork county. 1700— Samuel Lombard settles in West r.atli. Mrs. Lorii- l)ai-tl was for many years tlie omIn doctor in the settle- ment. 1763 — First town meeting in the 'new meetinji-house'' on 104 HISTORICAL Arrowsic, 1767 — James Sullivan, lawyer, has office at Butler's Cove garrison; afterwards Governor of Massachusetts. 1770 (?)— Episcopal Church erected in Phippsburg. 1781— Bath incorporated, including West Bath. 1788— Francis Winter, lawyer, has office at Mill Cove at Berry's garrison. 1810 — First bank established in Bath. 1814— Phippsburg incorporated. 1821— Burnt Island light and the light on Pond Island es- tablished. 1841 — Arrowsic incorporated Feb. 17. 1844— West Bath set off from Bath and incorporated. 1848 — Bath city charter adopted. 1849— Railroad opened to Brunswick, called the Portland & Kennebec. 1853— West Bath townhouse built. 1854— Sagadahoc county incorporated. 1857 — An extremely cold season. 1861 — The Androscoggin Railroad is opened to Lewiston. 1861-67— Fort Popham erected. Cost |550,000. 1867— Parker's Head mills burned, Sept. 26. 1869— County court house erected in Bath. 1869— Berry's mills burned. West Bath, Feb. 3. 1871 — The Knox & Lincoln Railroad is opened to Rockland. 1878 — Riverside Hotel erected at Popham and opened as the Eureka House. 1880— The "Rockledge" begun. 1881— Phippsburg town house erected. HISTORICAL . 1"^ 188:!-Uun„i«ell'8 Beach Life Saviug Station manned, Dee. l "t"™^^ to En.^land. This settlement was made just north of Sabmo Hill, :ear Lvman Oliver's home, and a fortwas erected here_ Following this several Prencl, settlers or A^^'— '"-'^^ on Stao-e Island, from which they were removed m 161C b.v Si Samuel Argyle of Virginia. In 1033 the Plymouth Colony established a trading post on the southwester y po, - Lo^Arrowsic. Clark & Lake carried on an ex tensne business in Arrowsic until the settlement was completelv d^ stroyed by Indians in 1070. They laid out a town on the southern part of the Island. ,, H,» Innds In IGOO Kev. Robert Gutch bought much of the lands later included in the second parish. Me settled in wh,. .s now Bath. Ambrose Hnnniwell was at Ilunn.well » Uead. (l'oi)ham) in lOGl. Among the settlers on the Sagadahoc (Lower Kennebec) 106 HISTpRICAL river as early as 1G54, were Win. Bradford, Thos. Prince, Thos. Ashley, Thos. Purchase, John Stone, John Richards, James Smith, Wm. James, Thos. Parker, John White, John Brown, Wm. Davis, Thos. Webber, Thos. Atkins, James Cole, John Parker, Edmund Huohes and Alexander Thwait. John Parker set tied on the lower part of Arrowsic Island. He became an extensive land owner and leading citizen. Between 1690 and 1714 most of the settlers were either killed or driven from their homes and their houses burned. John Hanson and John Drake were at Small Point prior to 1676. In 1714 re-settlement was beo;un. John Watts built a fort at Butler's Cove, and settled twenty families. This was the earliest permanent settlement on the Kennebec. This settlement, called "Newtown," was made by Scotch-Irish immiw'rants. Samuel Denny was one of the leading men for half a century. A settlement was made in 1716 (?) on Small Point Har- bor just north of the Alliquippa Hotel. Here a fort was built. Among the settlers here were, Nathaniel Wyman, Wm, Wallace, a Scotchman; a Mr. Clark, Jonathan Hideout. John Wallis, (Iiish), settled at Bald Head. Daniel Morse, Wm. Mclntire, Nathaniel Sylvester, 1766; Jethro Sprague, a tailor, came about 1758, with his children, William and Sylvina, (the latter married Nath'l Sylvester); and Capt. Joseph Blethen. were among the early men at Small Point. Arthur Percy settled in Phippsburg about 1760; Henry Tot- man, 1735; John Lee, just above Lee's Island, about 1775; Col. Andrew Reed, one mile below the Center; Richard Morse, IITSTOmCAL 107 Jona. Morpe and James McCobb, wlio was the earliest per- manent settler at the Center, were amono- the pioneers of Phippsbur<>;. Among- the early municipal officers of Ancient George- town were, in 1738, John Parker, Thos. Stinson, Benj, Pat- tie, David Gilmore, Jas. Stinson, Thos. Motherwell (^^'()ol- wich). In 1739, John Lemont, Thos. Lemont (Bath), John Carlton, John Evans, Stephen Greenlief, David Oliver, Thos. Peasley, ('has. Snipe, Jas. Drummoud, Jas. Savage, Jona. Philbrook, [lenry Brookings, Jas. McCobb, Peter Heal, Timothy Sanborn, Thos. Webber. In 1740, Wm. Ilodgers, David Tiufant, Josiah Day, Chas. Stuart, Michael Tiiorn- tou, John Mc Peters, Jas. Grace, Wm. Butler, (at Butler's Cove), John Carlton, Joseph Berry, Alex. Campbell, David McFadden, Thos, Percy, Alex Boyd and Wm. Thompson. Jeremiah Spinney settled on Parker's Island (near Georgetown). Later names in Ancient Georgetown in 1771) were Bryant Linnon, Solomon Page, John Fisher, Jona. Sargent, Isaiah Crooker, Seth Tarr, Dan'l McFadden, Nath'l Wyman, John Wood, Jas. McCobb, Esq., Benj. Clifford, Philip Higgins, Chas. Couilard, Jacob Parker, Jordan Par- ker, Wm. Swanton, Jonathan Mitchell, Stephen Coombs, John AVilson, Jona. Osgood, David Ring, Jacob Coombs, .lolin Purington, John Burrell, Wm.Lithgow, P>enj. Getchell, Jos. Buker, and Francis Wyman. Benj. Riggs settled at "Riggsville" in 1784. Among the municipal otiicers in Phi|)psburg in l!Sl4 were David Rogers, Jos. Sewall, Gilmore Perry, Eli Perry, Wm. Totman, Jos. Bowker, Mark L. Will, l].s(j., Tiieophilus 108 HISTORICAL Batchelder, Jas. Todd, Wm. Wyman, Thos. Butler, Geo. Butler, Jos. Cusliing, Jr., Francis Morse, Nathan McKenney, Wm. Sprague, Jr., Henry Cutting, and Patrick Duley. WEST BATH SETTLERS Joseph Berry, together with one Sears, erected a double saw-mill at Beiry's Mills in 1739. This brought in other settlers among whom were David Ring, Albert (?) Mitchell, Benj. Brown (an English weaver), Samuel Lombard, Capt. J. M. Mitchell, Capt. Reuben Rich, and Joshua Shaw. Among Mr. Berry's sons were Nathaniel, Samuel, James, John, and Joseph Jr. Rev. Francis Winter became pastor of the Second Parish church in 1767 and became a leading man in the community. In 1786 he retired from the minis- try and attended to farming, milling and legal practice. Lemuel Standish came with Mr. Winter from Boston. Geo. Coombs and Jonathan Osgood, Sr,, were early in the place. On Foster's P:)i tit were Abel Eaton, on the extreme point, George Williams further north, and John Williams, his son. Hezekiah Purington, Samuel Whitney, Edward Hinkley, Gideon Hinkley, Samuel Lombard, S. Whitney, Jr., and Isaac Hinkley were all taken prisoners on July 24, 1751. Alexander Campbell, Scotchman, settled on Campbell's Pond. He married a sister to Capt. Patric Drummond who owned a largo home-lot just south of Campbell, located partly in what is now Phippsburg, and partly in West Bath. Thos. Williams was nortli of Mr. Campbell. This was prob- ably as early as 1750. Reuben Higgins came about 1770. Some other early men of this town may be found among the early Georgetown names. HISTORICAL i09 List of tax-pavkus in westpout, may 31, 1828 Silas Bailey, Joel Bartlett, Jeremlab and Clark Blake, Allison Brown, Chas. Thomas, Daniel and John Brooks; William, Sylvanus, Neheraiah, Samuel, Benj. and Henry Colbv; Elizabeth Colby (widow); Eben Clifford; Simon and Stepiieu Cromwell; Spencer Decker; Samuel, James, Stephen, Andrew, Ebenezer, John, Simon and Abner Dunton; Joshua, John, Benj., .Jonathan and Eben. Fowle; George, Samuel, Stephen. Westbrook, Joseph. Wm., Ebenezer and Nathaniel Greenleaf: Wm.P. Hardincr; John Hill; Joseph Hilton; James Heal; John Ilutchings; Thomas, John, Joseph, and Hiram Hododon; Betsy Hodgdon (widow); Alice Jewett (widow); Johi^, Stephen, Wm., Daniel, Florance and Moses Jewett; Henry Kehail; John, James, Stephen, Timothy, AVestbrook, and Thomas Knight; Daniel, Turner, Isaiah and Matthew Mc- Kinney; Edward Meder; Florance and James McCarty; Amos Mehonev; Nathaniel Nelson; Joshua Norton; John Parson; Joseph and Samuel Rines, Jonas, David and Levi Shattuek; Sawver Sewall; Martha Tyler (widow); Ezra Tyler; Jordan, Ezekiel, Cornelius, Samuel and Andrew Tarbox; Bethiah Tarbox (widow); Margaret Thomas (widow); John Thomas; Stephen Tool; .lohn, Wm. and Benj. Willis; Moses and Benj. Welch; David Webber. The first settlement in Westport is said to have been made by Florance McCarty, at McCarty's Cove on the east shore. 110 HISTORICAL CHURCHES AND PASTORS. A church was established and a house erected b}^ the Popham colony in 1607. The house was burned the year following together with the fort and other buildings. Rev. Richard Seymour, an Episcopalian, was chaplain. Tradition locates a meeting house on Preble Pt., where Rev. Robert Gutch is supposed to have preached. A meeting house is said to have stood on Doubling Pt., erected by the Episcopalians, who employed several minis- ters and missionaries including Revs. Wm. McLanathan, Jacob Bailey and Wm. Wheeler. .FIRST PARISH (congregational) CHURCH. The Pleasant Cove meeting house was erected by the First Parish (Presbyterian now Congregational) society in 1736. This was abandoned when the Old Georgetown meet- ing house was erected on Arrowsic Island in 1763. This house was erected by the town on land given by Samuel Denny, Esq. The house at Phippsburg was built in 1846. Early pastors were Rev. James Morton, Rev. Wm. McLana- than, Rev. Robert Rutherford, Rev. David Mitchell and Rev. Alex. Boyd (1748-52). The Second Parish was organ- ized in 1753. The next pastor of the First Parish was Rev. Ezekiel Emerson who came in 1765 and remained until 1810 except from 1779 to 1783. Pastors since 1870:— Revs. James J. Bell, Henry S. Loring (1875-79), Chas. G. Holyoke, Henry C. Robinson, A. N. Jones, Wm. H. Fultz, Chas. Dane, R. L. Sheaff, Edw. H. Haggett, C. L. Nichols (1894-1901), Historical hi B. F. Penwarden (1902-04) and Rev. Clias. W. Hawkes- worth siuce Aug-. 1904. THE SECOND PAUisu OF GEORGETOWN was orj^anized in 1753 including the territory now Bath and West Bath. A nieetino- house was erected in 1756 a short distance south of ''Witch Sprinji" in West Bath. Tliis iiouse was about forty ieet square and of two stories, with a porch, and was the most elegant structun in the community at that time. \'arious preachers were employed from 1752 to 17G7, viz: Rev. Mr. Merriman, Isaac Livermore, Rev. Mr. Parker, Solomon Page, Zebadiah Adams, John Wyth, Ebeu Champ- ney, Fuller Bigelow and Rev. Mr. Miller. Rev. Francis Win- ter, came from Boston in 17G7 and was ordained the first settled pastor of the parish. A church was organized in 17G5; re-organized in 1707. Rev. Mr. Winter remained pastor until 1787. Rev. Hugh Wallis was ordained pastor in 1795, remaining until 1800. The Old North meeting house was erected in Bath in 1802, and the services trans- ferred to that place which was fast becoming the principal seat of activity. The present West Bath Methodist Episcopal Church was organized Nov. 11, 1890. The meeting house was erected much earlier, repaired, and re-dedicated Oct. 17, 1894. Memorial windows put in in 1902. Pastors of the Beacon Street church of Bath fill the [)ulpit. Pastors since 1890 have been Rev. Nathan Washburn, Rev. M. C. Pen- dexter. Rev. Chas. Jones, Rev. Chas. Young, Rev. D. E. Miller, 1890-98; Rev. W. P. Merrill, 1899-02; Rev. Hosea Hewett, 1903-04; and Rev. G. D. Stanley, 1905-OG. 112 - HISTOMCAL Trufant's Crossing Chapel Society was orgauize(] and incorporated in 1905, with about twenty members. A cliapel, begun in Sept. 1905, is being erected at a cost of •flOOO. This society is evangelical and undenominational. Jiev. Geo. Preble of Fairfield began services in March, 190G. PARKER HEAD FREE BAPTIST CHURCH The present house was erected by the Free Baptists and Congregationalists about 1846 as a Union House. It is now occupied only by the Free Baptists. Pastors of this society have been Revs. Mr. Tobey, J. L. K. Staples, Rev. Mr. Fuller, Aaron Ayer, Rev. Messrs. Morrill, Butler and Russell, John D. West, Harvey Brewer, A. M. Milliken, D. C. Burr, Geo. Hill, Wm. H. Fultz, G. H. Bowie, Freeman Cooper, G. L. Harney, A, M. Cox, A. Lewis, L. D. Tibbetts. B. F. Penwarden and Chas. W. Hawkesworth; the last two being pastors of the Congregational church. SMALL POINT FREE BAPTIST CHURCH— ASHDALE Society organized and Meeting-house erected about 1838. Society re-organized Oct. 20, 1845, with 11 members, church repaired and remodeled about 1872, parsonage erected 1892-3. Pastors: — Revs. Josiah Keene, K. Sleeper, Levi Hersey, Jairus Fuller, I. A. Field (1867-73), Greenfield Bowie, I. G. Redlon, Wm. H. Fultz, A. D. Norton, A. C. Brown, Joseph Noble, W. E. Purington, 1896-98; A. M. Cox, 1898-99; A. Lewis, 1899-1900; E. T. Cook, 1901; L. D. Tibbetts, 1902-03; and L. H. Metcalf, 1905-06. HTSTOIUCAL 113 POniA.M ISEACH UNION CHAPEL "Was erected by po])iilar subscription, and dedicated in Oct. 181)G. A Free Baptist Chuhch was orf^aiiized here in 1891, Rpv. A. C. Brown pastor until Sept. 1893. Parish organized that year. Succeeding pastors:— Rev. Joseph Noble, Oct. 1893-Oct. 1895; Rev. G. L. ITarney, Mar. 189G-Oct. 1899; Rev. A. Lewis, Rev. L. I). Tibhotts, 1902; Rev. I. Jas. Merry, 1904; Rev. L. H. Metcalf, since Mar. 1905. J. H. Stacey is clerk. Two Chapels were erected at The Basin about twenty years ago. The Lower Chapel is a branch of the Small Point Church, but is not generally occupied. The Upper Chapel was erected and is occupied by a Holiness Society. Revs. Nathan Washburn of Bath, W. E. I'uriugton, Rev. Mr. Pettengill and others have acted as pastors, GEORGETOWN CENTER FREE BAPTIST CIUHCII Church organized 1781, by Benj. Randall. The present House was erected in 1828; moved forward a few rods in 1883, when a vestry was put under and the church re- modeled. A tower is now being erected. Among the early ])astors were Revs. Dexter Waterman, David Webl)er, Thos. nninnan, John Lennen, Smith FairticM, Jairus Fuller, Seth Perkins and E. G. Page. Since 1870 have been Revs. J. Aus- tin, G. II. Bowie (1873-75), Alinoii Libby, David C. Burr, (1878-82), A. II. Il.iii.scom (1883-85), h. A. Sherwood (1880-88), James Boyd (1889-93), Eugene M. Trafton (1894-98), and M. P. Tobey, from 1900 to 1905. 114 HISTORICAL FIVE ISLANDS FREE BAPTIST CHURCH Has been connected with the Center Church duriuo; part of its existence. Rev. John McFadden was pastor from 1870-1873. Rev. Levi Brackett, (1876); Rev. David C. Burr,, 1878-80; and A. H. Hanscom, 1883-84. Rev. L James Merry was pastor in 1904. GEORGETOWN AND ARROAVSIC METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Classes organized early in the last century. Allen Clary was the first class-leader in Georgetown; Benj. Swett in Ar- rowsic. A Meeting-house was erected at Riggsville in 1822 as a Free Church, and occupied by the Congregationalists and Methodists. The present house was erected in 1855- Among the early pastors were Rev. Daniel Cox (1830), and Eaton Shaw (1837-38). From 1851 to 1882 Georgetown formed a separate charge and Arrowsic w^as united with Westport. Appointments since 1875: — Revs. Phineas Hig- gins, 1875-77; J. T. Crosby, 1878-79; S. S. Gross, 1880-81; Chas. Rogers, 1882-83. (For Arrowsic pastors from 1875 to 1883 see Westport); G. B. Chad wick 1884-85; W. B. Jack- son, 1886-88. S. M. Dunton, 1889-92; J. H. Bennett, 1893- 94; N.J. Jones, 1895-96; E. Stetson, 1897; C. F. Smith, 1898-1901; F. Martyr, 1902; H. G. Hoisington, 1903; va- cant, 1904; W. H. Powlesland, 1905-06. WESTPORT METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Methodism was introduced into Westport between 1820 and 1825, by one Rev. Mr. Parker, who preached in the school-houses and the Union Church, together with the Free IllSTOUICAL 115 Baptists, until 18G-t. The Union house, then out of repair, was abandoned. The Sons of Temperance Hall was then procured, fitted out and re-dedicated in 18G4. Previous to 1S28 the town owned an interest in the Union House. The North Westport Chapel was dedicated in 1874. This charge was connected with Arrowwic prior to 188'5, and since 189] with Wiscasset. Appointments since 1875:— Ivevs. A. Plunimer, 1875; 0. Tyler, 187G-77; S. Bickmore, 1878-80; B. B. Byrne, 1881- 84; Geo. Stilj)hen, 1885-8G; V. E. Hills, 1887; H. D. Dodtre, 1888; T.R. Hoo-uo, 1889-1)1; N. B. Cook, 1892-93; S. A. Bender, 1894-95; C. Garland, 189G; B. G. Seaboyer, 1900; Geo. H. Hamilton, 1901; H. G. Hoisingtt)n, 1903. No reg- ular preaching is now sustained. LEADING DATES IN WESTPORT'S HISTORY 1774 — Mar. 5, lOdgcconib incorporated; iiirluding Jeremy S(juaw Island, now Westport. 1812-14— Fort McDonough (earth works) erected on S(|uaw Heights at north ond of island. 182S— .Jeremy Scpiaw Island set ofHrom Edgeconib and in- corporated the town of Westport, Feb. 5. Town or- ganized Mar. 1 7. 1874— North Westport Chapel dedicjited. 1893— March, Westport-Woolwich bridge, 1,350 ft. long, partially taken out by ice. Discontinued. 1S<)9 — Westport- Wiscasset ferry established. 1905— Rural free mail delivery route from Wiscasset es- tablished Sept. 1. 116 HISTORICAL TOWN OFFICIALS. CLERKS OF GEORGETOWN. Samuel Denny, 1738-71; Thos. Moulton, 1772; Samuel McCobb, 1778-75; John Parker, 1T76-77; Wm. Butler, 1778- 82; Wm. Lith^ow Jr., 1783; Wm. Butler, 1784-89; Wm. Lee Jr., 1790-91; Denny McCobb, 1792-1800; 1801-49; Wm. G. Emmons, 1850-62; N. S. Todd, 1863-71; E. P. Trafton. 1872-1903; Wm. A. Todd, 1904-06. TREASURERS OF GEORGETOWN. Samuel Denny, 1739-71; Wm. Lithoow, Esq., 1772-77; Samuel McCobb, 1778-79; Wm. Butler, 1780; S. McCobb, 1781; Wm. Butler, 1782; Wm. Lithgow, 1783; Wm. Butler, 1784-87; Nath'l Wyman, 1788; John White. 1789-92; 1793; Wm. Lee, Jr., 1794-1800; 1801-49; Alexander Campbell, 1850-Aug. 1863; Washington Heal, Aug. 1863- 64; Sewall Watson, 1865-66; Washington Heal, 1867-73; Ben]. F. Hinckley, 1874-78; Kervin W. Riggs, 1879-80; Martin Trafton, 1881-83; B. F. Hinckley, 1884; M. Traf- ton, 1885-88; J. C. Clarey, 1889; M. Trafton, 1890-99; Nathaniel S. Todd, 1900-04; Benj. F. Hinckley, 1905-06. SELECTMEN OF GEORGETOWN. 1738— Jonathan Preble, Mikel Malcom, Arthur Noble, Daniel Farnham, Patrick Druramond. 1738-39— J. Preble, D. Farnham, M. Malcom, P. Drum- mond, Thos. Motherwell. 1739-40— P. Drummond, Wm. Rodgers, Wm. Stinson, D. Farnham, M. Malcom, HISTORICAL 117 1741— J. Preble, T. ^rotherwdl, John Watts. 1742-43— J. Watts, V. Dnitnmond, Thos. Stineon. 1743-44 — Saimiel liariuJeii, M. Malcom, John Parker. 1744-45— Jas. Savao:e, S. Ilarnden, John Parker. 1745-46— Samuel Brown, M. Malcom, Jas. McCobb. 1746-47— Janathun Pliilbrook, M. Malcom, Jas. Mc- Cobb. 1748-49— Thos. Motherwell, Jonathan Preble, T. Stin- son. 1749-50— J. Preble, Thos. Stevenson, M. Malcom. 1751— M. Malcom, Joseph Berry, Jos. McCobb. 1752-53— Benj. Potte, Thos. Stinson, John Parker. 1754 — Humphrey Purinton, J. Preble, J. Stinson. 1755 — Thos. Stinson, J. Preble, H. Purinton. 1756 — J. Stinson, Thos. Stinson, ^I. Malcom. 1757— Thos. Stinson, Jas. McCobb, M. Malcom. 1758-59— Thos. Stinson, Wm. Butler, Jos. Berry. 1760-61— Jos. Berry, M. Malcom. Win. Butler. 1762-63— Jas. McCobb, Wm. Butler, Jos. Berry. 1764— Thos. Moulton, Solo. Pope, Dan'l McFadden. 1765— Jos. McCobb, T. Moulton, Dummer Sewall. 1766— John Stinson Esq., Jos. Berry, Jos. McCobb. 1767— J. Stinson, W in. Butler, Abiezer Holbrook. 1768— Wm. P.iitlor, E. Holbrook, Moses H<)(l<;kins, Nath'l Wymau, John Ilinckh'v. 1769— Wm. Butler, M. llod^kins, .1. Hinckley, John Lowell, X. Wyraan. 1770— Wm. Lithgow, Win. Butler, J. Hinckley, N. Wvman, M. Hod*ikins. 118 HISTORICAL 1771— Wm. Butler, J. Hiockley, D. Sewall. 1772 — Jas. McCobb, Esq., D. Sewall, Thos. Moiilton. 1773— Jos. McCobb, Esq., John Stinson, D. Sewall. 1774-76- N. Wyman, D. Sewall, John Hinckley. 1777— Sam'l McCobb, Philip Higgins, N. Wyman. 1778— Wm. Bntler, Benj. Pattee, Jordan Parker. 1779— S. McCobb, Benj. Pattee, Jr., John White. 1780— D. Sewall, Benj. Pattee, Jr., John White. 1781— E. Drummond, Edmund Hinckley, Francis Wy- man. 1782— Dan'l McFaddeu, Francis Wyman, B, Linnen. 1783— Wm. Lithgow, Jr., Benj. Pattee, Thos. McFadden. 1784-85— E. Drummond, Thos. McFadden, F. Wyman. 1786-88— John White, Nath'l Wyman, Edmund Hinck- ley. 1789— Wm. Lee, Jr., Edmund Hinckle\', Chas. Couilard. 1790-91— John White, E. Hinckley, Wm. Lee, Jr. 1792— Wm. Butler, E. Hinckley, Henry Totman. 1793-94— Wm. Butler, E Hinckley, Francis Wyman. 1795-E. Hinckley, Wm. Butler, Henry Totman. 1796-97— E. Hiuckley, Wm. Butler, Mark L. Hill, Esq. 1798— M. L. Hili, Esq., John Pattee, Lewis Thorp. 1799— Elijah Drummond, AVm. Butler, B. McKinuey. 1800 — Wm. Butler, B. McKinuey, Jordan Parker. 1801-1849 1850-52— John McFadden, Thos. Emmons, Zina H. Spinney. 1853— Wm. G. Emmons, S. S. Swett, Oliver Snowman. 1854— Wm. G. Emmons, Jas. E. Riggs, John Hinckley. HLSTOIIICAL 119 1855— AV in. G. Eninions, John Hunt, Jolin Lennan. 185G— Wm. G. Emmons, John Hunt, Z. H. Spinne}'. 1857— Wm. Snowman, Jolin Hunt, Z, H. Spinney. 1858-59— Sewall AYatson, B. F. Hinckley, Oliver Snow- man. ISGO-Spwall Watson, B. F. Hinckley, E. G. Stevens. 1861— Sewall ^^'atson, B. F. Fliuckley, Tlios. Snowman. 1863-64— Jacob Power, Wm. Snowman, Jas. Oliver. 1865-67— Jas. E. Rig^s, Benj. F. Hinckley, E. Rowe. * 1868— C. H. Snowman, Leander Berry, N. S. Todd. 1869— N. S. Todd, Jacob AVilley, Jacob Power. 1870— B. F. Hinckley, Leander Berry, N. S. Todd. 1871— N. S. Todd, B. F. Hinckley, E. Rowe. 1872— B. F. Hinckley, E. Rowe, Jas. Oliver. 1873— B. F. Hinckley, Jas. Oliver, L. Berry. 1874— Jas. Olivei-, B. F. Hinckley, E. P. Trafton. 1875— J. L. Berry, K. W. Ri^ifts, Jobn Hunt. 1876-Iv. W. Rio:frs, John Hunt. J. L. Berry. 1877— J. L. Berry, Martin Trafton, K. W. Riggs. 1878— K. W. Pu<:«;s, Martin Trafton. J. L. Berry. 1879-80-K. W. Riggs, Martin Trafton, Benj. Rowe 2d. 1881— K. \V. Riggs, Benj. Rowe, 2d. Martin Trafton. 1882— K. W. Pig^s, Benj. Rowe. 2d. Jas. Oliver. 1883-84-K. W. Riggs, Benj Rowe, 2d. Wm. C. Mair. 1885 — K. W. Riggs. Benj. Rowe, Jas. Oliver. 1886— Wm. L. Berry, E. Rowe, O. M. Kingsbury. 1887— W. P. Todd. Wm. L. Bcmiv, o. W. Kingsbury. 1888— Wm. L. Beriy. (». M. Kingsbury, ^ A\ Plarey. 1889— Wm. L. P.crry, J. A. Steadman, J. P. Plarev. 120 HISTORICAL 1890-91-W. C. Todd, 0. M. Kingsbury, C. M. Tarr. 1892-S P. Oliver. J. C. Clare.y, Wra. L. Berry. 1893-94— Will. L. Berry, J. C. Clarey, Wm. DearborD. 1895— W. C. Todd, J. C. Ciaiey, Wilton Campbell. 1896-97— W. C. Todd, J. C. Clarey, H. G. Howe. 1898— W^m. L. Berry, Wendell P. Baker, Wm. II. Dear- born. 1899— W. P. Baker, Wm. H. Dearborn, Wilton S. Cemp- bell. 1900-01-Wm. H. Dearborn, W. P. Baker, W. S. Camp- bell. 1902— W. P. Baker, Wm. L. Berry, W. S. Campbell. 1903— Wm. H. Dearborn, W. P. Baker, W. S. Campbell. 1904-05— Wm. H. Dearborn, Benj. H. Woodward, S. P. Oliver. 1906-L. H. Rowe, B. H. Woodward, J. W. Moore. PHIPPSBURG TOWN OFFICERS. CLERKS SINCE 1850. Nath'l C. Reed, 1850-54; AVm. Duley, 1855; N. C. Reed, 1856-86; Frank S. Bowker, 1887-1903; Samuel H. Bowker, 1904-06. TREASURERS. Joseph Bowker, 1850-61; Drummond Cutting, 1862; Jos. Bowker, 1863-67; Timothy B. Bowker, 1868-70; Chas. HISTORICAL 121 V. Minot, 1.S71; Timothy H. Bowker, 1S72; Clias. V. Miiiot, and Chas. V. Minot, Jr. l!ST;}-ll»U(). SELECTMEN 1850— Thos. Cusliino-, Abner I), Yoni.o'. X. ('. It 1. 1851— JdIim Ko<;ers, Harker Diiley, Fiavel rxnvkcr. 1852— F. Bowker, John Rogers, Barker Duley. 185:i-54:— B. Diiley, F. Bowker, John Rogers. 1855 — F. Bowker, Jas. B. Lowell, John Chadbourne. 1856— B. Uuley, Thos. M. Reed, Silas Lee. 1857-58— Silas Lee, B. Duley, Thos. M. Reed. 1859-00— B. Duley, Silas Lee, Flavel Bowker. 18G1— Chas. V. Minott, Tollman Lowell, F. J. Parks. 1802-04- F. J. Parks, B. Duley, Thos. Hogau. 1865-07— F. J. Parks, B. Duley, Nath'l C. Reed. 1808-09— Chas. V. Minott, Tollman Lowell, Jos. Nichols. 1870— F. J. Parks, Chas. V. Minott, Jos. Nichols. 1871-73-B. Duley, Jos. Bowker, Nath'l C. Reed. 1874-Nath'l C. Reed, B. Duley, \Vm. A. Perry. 1875— Chas. Y. Minott, Jos. Bowker, Wm. A. Perry. 1870-80— C. V. Minott, Wm. A. Perry, Stephen Lowell. 1881-82-C. V. Minott, Wm. A. Perry, Nath'l C. Reed. 1883-85— Chas. V. Minott, Wm. A. Perry, Geo.M. Duley. 1886-89— Thos. Minott, Wm. A. Perry, Geo. M. Duley. 1890— Wm. A. Perry, Thos. Minott, M. II. lVi<:uson. 1801— ThoH. Minott, Jas. T. Morse, Martin Wyman. 1892— Thos. Minott, Jas. E. Perry, Martin Wyman. 1893-94— Thos. Minott, Orchard Benner, Wm. N. Real. 1895-Tho8. Minott, Wm. N. Beal, Thos. N. Perry. 122 HISTORICAL 1896— AVni. N. Beal, H. S. Bowker, 11. AV. Cutting. 1897— H. W. Cutting, H. S. Bowker, A. R. Campbell. 1898— Thos. L. Perry, C. V. Minott, Jr., John H.Stacey 1899— C. Y. Minott, Jr., Thos. L. Perry, Wm. N. Beal. 1900— ThoH. L. Perry, Geo. C. Pease, E. L. Totman. 1901— C. V. Minott, Jr., E. L. Totraau, H. C. Webber. 1902-03— C. V. Minott, Jr., Wm. N. Beal, Wm. Morse. 1904— Geo. C Pease, Wm. N. Beal, T. L. Perry. 1905-Geo. C. Pease, T. L. Perry, Wm. N. Beal. 190G— T. L. Perrv. Geo. D. Weston, Wm. N. Beal. ARROWSIC TOWN OFFICIALS CLERKS ^ Wm. Fisher, 1841-43; Moses AVhite, 1844; Wm. Fisher, 1845-4G; Benj. Swett, Jr., 1847; Woodbury Sweet, 1848- June 1849; Bonj. Swett, Jr., June 1849-53; Wm. Fisher, 1854-55; Benj. Swett Jr., 1856-61; J. P. Stinson, 1862-64; Benj. Swett, 1865; S. S. Snipe, 1866-68; Benj. Swett, 1869- 71; Jason McFadden, 1872-85; Jacob W. Swett, 1886; Ed- win W. Swett, 1887; Jason McFadden, 1888-99; W. F. Pot- ter, 1900; Jason McFadden, 1901-06. TREASURERS Andrew McFadden, 1841-43; John White, 1844-47; Wm. L. Crosby, 1848-49; Wm. Snipe 1850; John White, 1851; Wm. Snipe, 1852-54; Wm. L. Crosby, 1855-57; Jacob W. HISTORICAL 123 Suvtt, 1858-01; W. W. Heal, 18()r,; Win. Totter, 18()(>;J. \V. Swell, 18G7-7:3; Eben D. White, 1874-7G; Win. J'otter, 1877-78; Clias. C. Crosby, 1879-80; K. W.Svvett,1887;Jasoii McFadderi, 1888-98; Colliiiowood C. Shea, 1899-11)00. SELECTMEN 1841-43— Beuj. Swett, Chas. Coullard, John P. Preston. 1844— J. P. Preston, Bradford Delano, J. W. Swett, 184.')— J. P. Preston, Bradford Delano, Wm. B. White. 1840-47- J. P. Preston, Sam'l Freeman, E. P. Swett. 1848— J. P. Preston, E. P. Swett, John AVhite, Jr. 1849-50— Wm. Fisher, Michael llogan, J. White, Jr. 1851— Wm. Fisher, Michael Hogan, John Snipe. 1852-53— John Snipe, J. P. Preston, Sam'l Freeman. 1854— M. Hogan, Emery ^Y. Eaton, Bartlett Morse. 1855— B. Morse, Sam'l Freeman, E. W. Eaton. 1850— J. P. Preston, Thos. Heal, John Snipe. 1857— B. Morse, Andrew McFadden, S. S. Freeman. 1858-59— A, McFadden, S. S. Freeman, Wm. L. Crosby. 1800— Wm. L. Crosby. J. P. Preston, John Snipe. 1801— Wm. L. Crosby, Wm. Potter, Andrew McFadden. 1802— A. McFadden, J. P. Preston, Asa F. Tarr. 1803— A. McFadden, J. W. Swett, Sam'l Beal. 1804- J. W. Swett, S. Beal, Roland A. Fisher. 1805— R. A. Fisher, J. W. Swett, S. Beal. 1800-07— R. A. Fisher, Jonas Hogan, Isaac W. Percy. 1808— J. P. Preston, J. W. Swett, Silas S. Snipe. 1809— S. S. Snipe, Samuel Beal. Thos. J. Roirdon. 1870— U. A. Fisher. J. W. Swett, Wm. Totter. 124 HISTORICAL 1871— R. A. Fisher, S. S. Snipe, Chester M. Heal. 1872— R. A. Fisher, J. W. Sweet, Henry A. Preble. 1873— J W. Svvett, H. A. Preble, Benj. Swett. 1874 — Benj. Swett, Samuel Beal, S. S, Snipe. 1875— S. S. Snipe, S. Beal, Thos. J. Uoirden. 1876-81— J. AV. Swett, H. A. Preble, Jason McFadden. 1882— S. S. Snipe, Wm. F. Potter, Samuel L. Beal. 1883-85-Jason McFadden, S. D. Swett, Ozias R. Fletcher. 188G— S. I). Swett, 0. R. Fletcher, John F. Stinson. 1887-0. R. Fletcher, J. F. Stinson, Chas. C. Crosby. 1888-92-Chas. C. Crosby, O. R. Fletcher, J. F. Stinson. 1893— C. C Crosby, Henry R. White, J. F. Stinson. 1894— C. C. Crosby, H. R. White, O. R. Fletcher. 1895-99— C. C. Crosby, 0. R. Fletcher, Jason McFadden. 1900-01— (L C. Crosby, W. F. Potter, Jason McFadden. 1902-04-C. C. Crosby, Jason McFadden, O. R. Fletcher. 1905-06— Jason McFadden, O. R. Fletcher, Geo. P. Spinney. TOWN OFFICIALS OF WEST BATH CLERKS Benj. Rich, 1844; Nelson Ham, 1845; Wm. B. Trufant, 1846-50; Nelson Ham, 1851-53; Benj, Rich, 1854-55; J. Jenks Mitchell, 1856; Henry Donnell, 1857-74; John H. Campbell, 1875-83; J. J. Mitchell, 1884-85; J. H. Campbell, 1887-93; David R. Wylie, 1894-1904; Henry Rose, 1905-06. HISTORICAL 126 tri:asuui:hs. Benj. Ricli, 1844 45; Nelson Ham, 1S4G; Ilpiiiy Doiinell, 1847; Chas. Clifiord. 1848-49; Nelson Hfitii, 1850-51; Edwin Noyes, 1852-54; Daniel F. Coombs, 1855-57; Aiden Winter, 1858; Francis M. Brown, 1859-GO; Alden Winter, 1801-08; David C. Lombard, 1804; F>. M. Hiown, 1805-09; John Rich, 1870; Jos. W. Winter, 1871-72, Amos B. Williams, 1873-77; John S. Williams, 1878-95; I S. Coombs, 1890-99; I. W. Coombs, 1900-02; Alvah H. Donnell, 1903-00. SELECTMEN. 1844-45— Edwin Noyes, Chas. Clifford, Ilnmphrey Aubius. 1840-49— Benj. M. Brown, Nath'l Coombs, John Wil- liams. 1850— W. B. Trufant, Edwin Noyes, B. AV. Adams, 1851- Wm. B. Trufant, U. S. Hunt, Isaiah Percy. 1852—11. S. Hunt, Alden Winter, Francis M. Brown. 1853 54— F. M. Biown, B. M. Brown, Edwin Noyes. 1855— B. M. Brown, F. M. Brown. Wm. White. 1850-57— A^'m. White, Isaiah Percy, Henry Donnell. 1858— Isaiah Percy, R. W. Adams, James Coombs. 1859-01— R. W. Adams, Jas. Coombs, B. M. Brown. 1802— Jas. Coombs, B. M. Brown. R. W. Adams. 1803— Jas. Coombs, B. ^L Brown, Isaiah Percy. 1804— B. M. Brown, Jas. Coombs, Isaiah Percy. 1805— Isaiah Percy, Jas. Coombs, R. W. Adams. 1800- Isaiah Percy, R. W. Adams, D. R. Wylie. 1807-09— Jas. Coombs, R. W. Adams, B. M. Brown. 126 HISTORICAL 1870.71-Isaiah Percy, S. S. Trufant, Wm. H. AYoik. 1872— Isaiah Percy, John Williams, Henry Dormcll. 1873— Henry Donnell, John Williams, J. S. \Villian)s, 1874-J. S. Williams, John Williams, J. W. Winter. 1875-77— Isaiah Percy, J. W. Winter, J. H. Campbell. 1878—1. Percy, J. W. Winter, David R. Wylie. 1879-80-J. W. Winter, David R. Wylie, Amos B. Wil- liams, 1881-83-D. R. Wylie, A. B. Williams, Henry R. Rich. 1884-85— A. B. Williams, Henry R. Rich, Jas. E. Dun- ton. 1886-90-J. W. Winter, C. P. Ring, E. B. Mallett. 1891— E. B. Mallett, H. R. Rich, Alvah H. Donnell. 1892-93-J. W. Winter, H. R. Ricb, Alvah H. Donnell. 1894-E. B. Mallett, H. R. Rich, Alvah H. Donnell. 1895-98— J. W. Winter, Joseph White, C. W. Campbell. 1899-1901— C. W. Campbell, A. H. Donnell Lincoln AVil- liams. 1902-03— C. W.Campbell, E.G. Coombs, E. W. Hag- gett. 1904— C. W. Campbell, E. W. Haggett, E. G. Coombs. 1905— C. W. Campbell, F. G. Coombs, Chas. W. Lee. 1906-E. G. Coombs, I. W. Coombs, F. D. Winter. WESTPORT TOWN OFFICIALS. CLERKS SINCE 1850. Henry Dunton, 1850-52; Henry Fowle, 1853; Henry Dunton, 1854; Joel Bartlett, 1855-69; James McCarty, 1870-71; Joel Bartlett, 1872-73; Jas. McCarty, 1874-78; ■ttlSTOUlCAI. 127 IltM-inaii I-:. (JmMilcaf, ISTD: K. K. McC.iiiv. 1880-88; Fred S. Bailey, 1881)-1)9; \V. M. Colby, 1 '.)()<); Wm. McKimiey, 1901-03; Chas. L. Cioniwell, 1904-00. TREASURERS. Win. Greenleaf, 1850; Eben (irf'»'iilcaf, 18ol; Wilmot Greeuleaf, 1852-54; Jackson Greenlrnf, 1855-57; Joel Bart- lett, 1858-09; James MeCarty, 1870 72;.loel Bartlett, 187H; Wilmot Greenleaf, 1874-80; James McCarty, 1881-80; James Thomas, 1887-90; James McCarty, 1891-98; S. P. Webber, 1894-95; J. R. Heal, 1890-98; Q. C. llod^don, 1899-1901; Jas. H. Kuight, 1902; Thos. F. Knij,-ht, 1908- 00. SELECTMEN. 1850— Jos. Hodgdon 2d, Westbrook Greenleaf, Jr., Moses Jewett. 1851— W. Greenleaf, Jr., Moses Jewett, J. S. Ileal. 1852— Samuel Tarbox, Simon Cromwell, Joel Bartlett. 1853-54— Jos. Hodgdon, 2d, John Brooks, Rob't. Knight. 1855— H. W. Dunton, Levi S. Heal, Jas. McCarty, Jr. 1856— Jas. McCart3% Jr., Sam'l. Hodgdon, Jus. Jewett. 1857— Jas. McCarty, Jr., Jas. Jewett, John Fowle. 1858— Jas. McCarty, Jr., Andrus T. Pierce, John Fowle. 1859— Jas. McCarty, Jr., Wm. (Jreenleaf, Edmund Colby. 1800— Samuel Tarbox, Jr., L. S. Heal, Simon Cromwell. 1861-G2— S. Tarbox, Jr., Wm. Greenleaf, S. Cromwell. 1803— S. Tarbox, Jr., A. T. Pierce, Benj. Fowle. 128 HISTORICAL 1864-65— Jas. McCarty, Jr., S. Tarbox, Simon Crom- well. 1866— Wilmot Greenleaf,, S. Tarbox, S. P. Webber. 1867-68— AV. Greenleaf, S. Tarbox, Amos M. Jewett. 1869— W. Greenleaf, L. S. Heal, S. Tarbox. 1870— W. Greenleaf, Jonas S. Knight, Jas. Thomas. 1871— W. Greenleaf, Jonas S. Knight, A. M. Jewett. 1872— Samuel Tarbox, A. M. Jewett, A. T. Pierce. 1873— Jas. McCarty. A. M. Jewett, Levi S. Heal. 1874-76— Jas. McCarty, L. S. Heal, Wilmot Greenleaf. 1877-78— Jas. McCarty, W. Greenleaf, B. F. Jewett. 1879— Jas. McCarty, Jas. Thomas, M. C. Brooks. 1880— Jas. McCarty, M. C. Brooks, L S. Heal. 1881— Jas. McCarty, M. C. Brooks, Wm. Heal. 1882— M. C. Brooks, Jos. McCarty, W. Greenleaf. 1883— M. C. Brooks, Jas. McCarty, Crosby Dunton. 1884— M. C. Brooks, Jas. McCarty, Wilmot Greenleaf. 1885— M. C. Brooks, Wilmot Greenleaf, L. S. Heal. 1886-87— M. C. Brooks, Wilmot Greenleaf, Q. C. Hodgdon. 1888-89— Jas. McCarty, W. Greenleaf, Chas. B. Pierce. 1890— Jas. McCarty, Q. C. Hodgdon, Fred S. Bailey. 1891-93— M. C. Brooks, H. E. Greenleaf, Jonas R. Fowle. 1894— M. C. Brooks, Wilmot Greenleaf, T. F. Knight. 1895— M. C. Brooks, T. F. Knight, Q. C. Hodgdon. 1896— M. C. Brooks, H. E. Greenleaf, James Thomas. 1897-99— M. C. Brooks, H. E. Greenleaf, T. F. Knight. 1900— M. C. Brooks, T. F. Knight, C. A. Welch. 1901-02— M. C. Brooks, H. E. Greenleaf, R. P. Colby. 1903— M. C. Brooks', R. P. Colby, I. M. Fowle. 1904— R. P. Colby, R. L. Fowle, H. S. Shea. 1905-06— R. P. Colby, R. L. Fowle, Guy G. Judkins. HISTORICAL 129 PHYSICIANS Mrs. Srtimiel Lombard, who lived at West Bath, % mile below P.on y\s Mills, uaw the first to professionally attend tlio sick within the section around Bath. About 1775 Sam- uel Diiiu-au located at Hardincr, on the New Meadows river, and practiced until his death, in ] 784. Most of the physicians in Phippsburp: have located at TarkerHead. Here Dr. Merrill was probably the earliest. He has been followed by Dr. Chas. Terkiiis, John D. AVest, Dps. Mace, Irvino- Gilbert, Hubbard Ferouson, Chan. Palmer, and Drs. Emmons, Landers, Hawley and Haskell, each for a short period. Dr. A. F. Williams, now at the Center village, and Dr. J. W. Doughty, now in practice. At Phippsburjr Center Dr. ThoniHS Childs was located for many years. Dr. Shaw and Dr. Ptescott were also lo- cated here. Dr. A. F. AVilliams moved here froni Parker Head about four years ago. At Georgetown Center Dr. Chas. INrkins located before coming to Parker Head. Dr. Jonathan Norton was at Kicrcrsville about the middle of the last century. Dr. Childs of Phippsburg practiced muth in town. Dr. Onsley Kin«:s- bury located at the center in 187:5, di<'d May 15, 1D0<'). Dr. John Steadraan, who came soon after Dr. Kingsbury, was drowned in 181)1). Dr. Wymaii .anie from Skowhegau in June, lUOG. Census-1906 The population ol the towns of Phippsburg, Georgetown, Arrovvwic, W^-st Btitli and Westport has been arranjied in families where that has been possible. In these fan)ilies, in addition to the rpsident living members, the names of the non-resident nu-inl-.ers are included. It should be borne in mind tbnt this plan does not include the names of all former resid.'Dts of this town, as the names of the non-residenis ajipear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indi- cated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ). Following the names of the population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbre- viations and contractions, as follows: Farmer — far; car- penter—car; railroad service— R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning— stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)— pi; housework— ho; laborer— lab; physician and surgeon— phy & sur; clergA'man— clerg; mer- chant— mer; teacher— tr; blacksmith — blk; clerk— cl; Ixmk- keeper-^bk kpr; lawyer— law; mechanic mech; machinist- mach; engineer-eng; maker — mkr; worker — wkr; work— wk; shoe shop operative— s sop; cotton or woolen mill operatives — mill op; weaver— weav; spinner— spin; electrician — elec; painter — ptr; carriage work— car wk; dress maker— dr mkr; insurance— ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler — sales, or coml trav; music teacher— mus tr; teamster— team; general work — genlwk; mariner— mar; emploj^ — emp; retired — retd; telephone operative — tel op; telegraph operative— teleg op. This Census was taken expressly for this work during the Spring of 1906, by Messrs. Daggett, Sawyer and Lawton. Census of Pbippsbung Population, 1210. Note— Where no address is oireii Phippsburg is under- stood. Other offices are abbreviated tiius: Parker Head— P Hd; Small Point— S Pb; Small Poiat Beach (Summer)— S Pt Bch; Popham Beach— Pop Bch; Aslidale— Ash; Sebasco — Seb; Winnegance — \A'inne. Adams, A D car AVinne Clara A (Elliot ho *Adeline M (m Jackson Dexter Jennie M seamstress Parker J app plumber Annie L seamstress Adams, M W saw ml \\k Winne Carrie C (Wallace ho Aderton, Annie M (ni Weeks PHd Clara M (m Skolli.'ld Alexander, Rachel C (Perry Anderson, ('has fisher Seb Pnie V (Wallace ho Lester L jisher lU'ssie K (Ml McKiMiMcv Jackson M pl Freeland G pl Chas pl Theodore Austin, H retd vet sum res. P Hd *0S sales Medford, iM ass *May E (m Gillis Medford M ass Ida G (m M cVicar sum res A> Iward, Chas Lovina E Bessie M Florence A Harold I) fisher !• Hd ho pl pl B Beal. I'raidv H groc c Ida M (York S.>b ho 132 PHIPPSBURG Win A pi Gertrude M pi Rose F pi Beal. WraN mer & P M Seb Eva N (Wallace ho Roland S pi Hazel S pi Benner, Julia (m W;illace Seb *Helen M (m ("lark Bath Benner, Wm far Alice (Kelley ho *Wm H sea capt 368 9th, Brooklyn, N Y Berry, Geo L far Winne *Walter H groc el Quincy, Mass Jennie M ho Leon W meat bus *Annie M (m Peterson Brunswick 3 *Ethe] J (m Wilson 177 Harlow, Bangor Berry, Leon W mer Minnie A (Black ho Bartlett, Almira (Piukham Seb Jennie S (m Butler Thos H fisher Elijah P far *Angelia M (m Eastman *Ada A (m York C Har Bartlett, Thos H fisher Margaret E (Rogers Seb Earle F pi Angelia M Doriti E Oakley J Bartlett, E P far Jennie A (Coffin Genevieve pl Seb ho pl pl Mabel P Evelyn A EttaF WmH Black, Augusta (Dickinson Minnie A (m Berry Black, Geo E grocer Seb Rosin a (Perry ho *Rosa A (m Green C Har Blaisdell, Abel S eng sum res. Ash Marilla M (Wallace ho Ernest eng Belle P bk kpr Maude S stu Rexford V pi Clarence pl Violet Blaisdell, C H marine eng PHd Ruth M (Snowman ho Pearl S (m Lowell Jennie M pl Lillian M pl ChasHJr pl Clarence L pl Ruth M Blaisdell, R M retd vet Ash CENSUS 133 Goo F far Albion ^^' far *Marv E (in Purinj;ton llalloNVfU *Ja8R ssop IGO Essex, T.ynn, Mass Blais.lell, G F far A.-h Sarah I'O Martha Jennie (Mereen Mereen F pl Blethen, Lewis far Ash Cora (m Lowell *Lula 8 s wk Freeport Bowie, Hattie (Coffee PopBch *Rosio (m Wiley Durham Wm R far *.V: dairy Bowie, Wra R far & dairy Pop Bch Leah P (Outouse Eleanor G Bowie, ?Iorace far Pop Bch Eva (Mclntire ho Mildred E pl Alice B I'i Derwood H John F Bowker, Frank S shij) bldr Louise V (Black ho *Frank M enij) iron wkK 62 Pine, Bath ♦Sadie H (m Percy 4l>0 Ilifili, Hath Walter H fore ♦Belle J (m Brigpjs 159 Center, Bath Bowker, Walter H ship bldr Edith (Malnisted ho Bowker, Wm R far & supt schools Abbie E (AVallace ho Ilattie V Btu Beatrice M pl Olive E Pl Ada P^ Bowker, Etta at home Bowker, Herbert S far Rebecca M (Potter ho Bowker, Sam'l H far Bradshaw, Edw retd vet Pop Bch Harry H hsher *Charles s s wk Lewiston Bradshaw, H 11 {^enl wk PHd Eliza M (Purington ho Eugene H P^ Brigham, Fred H lab Hrovvn, Chas W far Seb Minnie D (Woodbury ho Bryant, Calvin car Seb Burgess, Tiinotliy far Winne Abbie E I'O Zina E f'»r *Ada J (m Oliver Winne ♦Rebecca H (m Stinson Winne ButU'r, Henry sea capt Jennie S (Bartlett 134 PniPPSBURG Butlor, AVm A far & car Vif'toria, (Sparks ho Bntler, Zina B tar Campbell, A R far VVinne Martha A (Perry ho ■"•■' Ada S (m Perry ho Cora L ho Campbell, Scott C car Supan E (Hutchins ho *Wm R oenl ins agt 106 Silver, Waterville *Carr, J F genl wk Bradley Elizabeth R (Curtis Ash Christiansen, JasL firePHd Daisy A (Purington ho Med or a P Chas R Clark, John S sum res, Seb Gertrude ((irilbert Clifford, Elijah D far Winue Myra M (Bowker ho *NellieF (m Wells ho Beachmont, Mass *Cha8 R car 41 Williams Av, Hyde Park, Mass *Lizzie M (m Aitkeu Beachmont, Mass Clong:h, Sarah (Grant *(too ship fastener Bath Cobb, F law sum res, P Hd Sarah W (Percy ho Percy li stu M Ethel stu Coffee, Wm retd Ash *Fred'k A far Freeport Harriet A (m Bowie Lizzie M (m Eaton *Sidney B far W Bath Coffin, Alex fisher Seb Mabel F (Wallace ho Evelyn M Cofhn, J W fisher & cook Seb Stella M (Withee ho Elroy I pi CI y son J pi Coffin, Alex J far Seb H Elizabeth (Wallace ho John W cook Helen G (m York Amelia M (m Wallace Wm A fireman Walter A fisher Jane A (m Bartlett Alex el Jr fisher Adella (m York Coffin, Hannah H (mGreenlow P Hd *Wm fish mrkt Brunswick Cohling, Chas H fisher Seb Jennie M (Wallace ho Minnie F Collins, Lemuel ship car P Hd *Flora D (m Cutler 813 Washington, Bath CENSUS 135 *Alina. A (m Hunter Tdpshaiii Clara A (Rollins ho Collins, Marion L pi Seb Conant, Sarah M (Carvor ho Winne Benrj A retd vet Edw J barber Wm A mach Conant, Wm C Winne mnsician & chair seat mkr Conant, F H team Winne Conant, H A retd vet Winne *Nellie (ni Havens Bayonet, New London, Conn ♦Edward mach 103 Willett Av, New London, Conn *Annie (m Nichols 25 Dennison Av, New London, Conn Conant, Edw J barber Winne Frank H pl Cook, John E fisher Ash Alnora A (Wallace ho Eva K (ni Wallace ♦Sarah V (tn Oliver Winne Bert M Crocker, Gny G genl wk river driver Winne Annie M (Rogers ho Joseph W pl Mabel P Cnrtis, Elizabeth R (m Carr Ash Fred A genl wk Chas D senl wk Cnrtis, Geo real est S rt Bch, bus Boston, Mass Anita S (Simpson Cushing, Wm ,K genl wk P Hd Carrie S (Manson ho Grace M pl Alice E pl Walter P pl Cushiiig, Waldron retd P Hd Jane G (Kelley Wm K genl wk Elizabeth J (m Wyman Cushing, Jennie L (m Duley PHd MinaB stu Cushraan, J F sawyer Winne Ma bf'l E (Willett ho Ethel M stu Cutler, Raymond pl Cutting, Herbert W Winne mfgr long *.V: short lumber Belle C (Clary ho Annie B stu Christine E pl Cutting, Geo L mason Wiime Agnes (Duley h<> AlethaC pl Rachel E pl Cutting. Thos B retd Winne Matilda R (Elliot 136 PHIPPSBUEIG Herbert W lumbprinan Cutting, Wtn I) far AVinue Martha E dr rnkr Geo L masou Druminoud far D Davis, Augustus E fisher Seb Annie ( Wallace ho Wilbur E fisher *Bertha A (m Leemau 118 Shurtlifi", Chelsea, Mass Archie E fisher Albert A fisher Raymond W fisher Leon F fisher Pearl I pi Davis, Jas Wm ship car Jennie B (m Harrington Geo S ship fastener Davis, Geo S ship fasteuei- Susie M (Pease ho Doris M John W Davis, Winnie P pi Pop Bch Day, Geo H fisher Seb Eva M pi S Pt Dickinson, W R rctd sea capt Emma S (Powers ho Bessie E at home Gi-ace P tr Donuell, John N ship car *Maggie M (m Brooklyn, N Y Doughty, H S ship calker Gladys M (McQuarrie ho Doughty, Jas W phy & sur PHd Alice E (Manson Doughty, Willis N ship car Ethel M (Bowker sum res Clarence W Mary F Duley, Mary M (Blaisdell drmkr PHd Galen P car *Ethel E (m Wing 42 Green, Augusta *Lloyd G gen wk 103 South, Bath Edna R (m Perry Dnley, Galen P car P Hd Jennie L (Cushiiig ho DuIpv, W H mer & P M P Hd Mattie M (Golder ho G Erwin marine eng Frank G oiler Duley, Elizabeth R (Davis PHd Julia E (m Johnson Willard H mer & P M *Eva J (m Cahill 717 Middle, Bath Dunning, Wm seaman Seb Vesta A (Wallace ho Lettie M CENSUS 18' Richard F Lee \\' Eastman, J D sea capt Seb Aiij^vlia M (Bartlett Eaton, Chas M retd Wiime Zina B peddler *Geo mill wk Wiuue *Katie (m Wallace Wasbiu^toii, Bath •Harriet (m Norton Washington, Batli •F C fore Brockton, Mass Eaton, N W far & fish dlr Ash Lizzie M (Coffee ho •Sidney L 29 Pine, Bath emp Hyde Windlass Co Mary E ho •E H time keeper Bath Edna G ho Boland L pi Leon R pi Edith W pi Ruth S pi Erskine, AValter T genl wk Farnsworth, T E ship rigger Lizzie (Heald ho Frank fisher Walter pi I<\-UMis\vnrtli, Frank lisiier Susana (Yoiiuii- ho Fay, Martha, A (Wilson Seb *Mabel (ni lioyden National City, Cal Minnie D (m Brown *I1 K Misfsion Valh-y. Cal sergt U S A Fletcher, Elijah M retd Reuben E sea cajit Anna (ni Morrison •Ida M (m Ham Edna, Kansas Martha J (Morrison •Harriet B (m Minot 16 Marcia, Bath Fletcher, Reuben E sea capt Susan E (Duley ho Frank H mach W D boat bldr & designer Fletcher, F H mach Susan E •Fletcher, Geo U sea capt Grand, Brooklyn, N Y Julia M (Bickford Winne Meda H at home Geo W fire Nellie B at home Frisbee, John B car Winne Dora R (Pike ho Frisbee, Mary A (Percy Winne Frisbee, Frank S lighter capt AlvinaS (Small ho 138 PHlPPSBURa G Gahai], Lucy J (Percy P Hd * Fannie (n) Qiiincy 41 Linden. Allston, Mass Gaudet, John P far Wiuue Mary S (Bernard ho Alma p] *Lenora pi St Louis, P K Island Lena pi Phillip I John Wiltn-d Joseph A Getchell, Alvin D raer Lizzie A (Trask ho Gilbert C D sum res Seb Hattie (Stockbridg'e Gertrude (lu Clark Gilliam, Jas O fisher Ash *Jas AV fisher Chebeague *Howard 10 fisher Manset Frances M (m Wallace *Jeremiah fisher Bailey's Island Delia A (n' Scott Bailey's Island Nellie E (m Wallace Anuora (Nelson ho Norman R pi Philmore O Freeman W Gilliam, Sauford F fisher Ash Effle B (Nelson ho (Tilliam, Oscar H fisher Seb Lorana M (Nelson ho Clinton L M Madeline Susan A Gilliam, Chas fisher Eliza A (Wallace F. Jennie (m Sweeney Gilliam, John W fisher Gilliam, Roxauna R (Wallace ho Ash Oscar H Inez (m Smith Sanford John Gil man, Wm H car Eva B (Lewis Irma T Stan wood C Gilman, Loring C car Vilora J (Sprague JasC WmH Hattie B (m Lowell Golder, Martha A (Farnham PHd Mattie M (m Duley Gomes, Frank fisher Seb *Leafy (Green Orr's Island Fred pi Chas pi Willie pi Goud, Susan M (Knight ho Winne Ash ho Seb i fisher fisher fisher Ash ho Pl Ash ho car car CENSUS 139 (iialmin, VAw ftri wk Wiiine Julia E( Da V ho (Iray, JpiiKsba A (tn Pye Ash *Alinoii chaffeiir 4 Kuowitoii, Beverly, Mass *IlaiTy () s s wk 8 Woodland Av. Beverly, Mass *Myron W pattern mkr 165 Middle, Bath Gray, Ralph A pi Ash Gray, Lucretia J (Spragiie ho Ash Harold W pi Greenlow, Jas P ear P lid *Jeiinie A (ra Hyde "FortRitt Hotel" Pittsbur^i:, Pa •Julia E (m Rideout Brunswick *Jas T seaman 39 Fayette, Watertown, Mass Hannah H (Coffin ho Gurney, H Everett marine eng P Hd Ethel L (Purington ho Lena E pi Carrie Arietta pi H Haley, Chas C mer Po]) Bch Esther A (Wallace Chas L pi Amy P pi Haley, Frances A (Oliver retd Po[) Bell *Joliii II mason I>a.lh (jlias {] iiicr *ParkerO li-hl kpr Portland -lacob W light kpr Hallett, Ora L blk liel[).'r P lid Jennie E (Sum inert on ho Wm 10 pi Lester R pi Vivian G pi Hei-man P pi Harrington, Cbas B retd vet \ P Hd Esther A (Rollins ho Fred A mer •Clara E (m Webber 120 Saratoga, E Boston, Mass Harrington, Everett A fisher P Hd Jennie B (Davis ho Eleanor Harrington, Fred A mer P Hd Elizabeth 11 (Oliver ho Laura F pi Eugene F ])1 Frances E pi Harrington, Hezekiah fisher P Hd Harriet L (Rollins ho Everett A fisher 140 PHIPPSBURG Irvinp: G steam boati no- Ed w A steam boati ug* HaiTiuj):;tou, Jas H fisher PHd Ruth A (Jewett ho Myra L (ni True lio Lester L pi Gladys E Harrington, Jeremiah prop "Oakwood Farm" Winne Nettie (I'arshley ho Harris, Elbridge G far & fi.sher Seb Maria G (Morrison ho Harris, Geo L far & fisher Seb Elizabeth 11 (Morrison ho *F L sales Boston, Mass ] 55 Washington *KA bkkpr 95 Falcon, E Boston, Mass Cecil M pi j Harry R \Ruth'B Harris, John L far Winne Rachel (Flngg ho Irma E pi Lee pi Harris, Robert R fisher Seb Mae H (Eniery ho Robert L pi Lila M pi Florence A pi Sadie B pi Cecil E pi Clyde pi Eleanor H pi C res well E Russell Nina O Hawthorne, Mary A (Trott ho *E J pi W Woolwich Heald, Henry M far Fannie L (Higgins ho Heald, S Elizabeth (Hutchins Lizzie D (m Farnsworth *Annie A (m Lint Richmond Carrie E (m Rollins A M (m Shaw Heald, J as T retd Mary E (Rollins ho Jas E pi Maude M Heald, Nelson F ship fastener Eva Marie (Clark ho Heald, Wm ship fastener Hattie (West ho Blanche L Higgins, Isabelle (m Sprague *Marian S (m Keller Blackshear, Ga Hill, Wm A ship car Hodgkins, A H seaman Pop Bch Azilda L (Oliver ho Ernest L pi CENSUS 141 Geneva L pi Holbrook, John T far ct ship car HoIIhik], .John E far Ash Jennie I) (Wallnce ho Ilostner, W W hotel prop Ash Lillian G (Wallace *Guy L eng- Central wharf Ik)ston, Mass P. .^ Phila S S Co Iio y G stu Bernice B stu Hosnie?', Harry R plumber & far Ash Annie E (Moulton ho Warren P pi Russell M pi Ren a M Hosnier, Chas A "enl wk Seb Abbie E (Alexander ho Bertha J (m Wilson Huff, EMzabeth (ni Munsey Ash Eva J (m Hutch ins Hunt, E R far & butch Ash Mary T (Combs ho Hunt, H L supt sum res P Hd Rosamond J (Trrri^ll ho AldenT pi Hutciiins, Abbie (Prentiss ho Will \V far JaH P far *liizzip A (m Mosier 348 Windsor A v. Hartford, Conn Hutchins, Eredk E fisher Ash Eva J (Huff ho L Marion Hutchins, John retd P Hd Ingalls, G J H gardener Winne Emily (Nichols ho Tngraham, Chas H Pop Bch Anna H (Work EdnaH I Jedery, T driller Pop Bch Annie (Lane ho Jewell, Helen A (Higgins *Willie F pilot Steamer North Star Johnson, Abner C mer tV; fish warden Ash Julia E(Duley ho Alice F C tr Johnson, Catherine M (Thomas ho P Il.i Percy O [)1 Johnson, Francis E retd vet Elizabeth E (Bowker ho Angle M (m Willis 142 PHIPPSBURG Maro-aret P (in Perry *Adelia E (m Bolton Kittery K Kelley, Abby E (Sjivester ho SPt Nellie tr Jessie tr Loretta tr John E watchman Kelley, Drummond far Georftiana (Beal Kelley, Esyphene P Hd Kelley, RT far P Hd Philena M (Duley ho Knight, Susan M (m Goud ho Winne *Jas S lumb surveyor Washino'ton, Bath *Cha8 F riveter Bath *Louise A (niTrask Winne *Martha E (m Hodgdon High, Bath Leach, John F marine eng Georgie A (Percy ho Frank P pi J Golder Leighton, Annie (m Spinney Pop Bch Gladys L stu Mildred L pi Roscoe I pi C Irene pi Lewis, Christine E Ash Locke, Chas W far Joanna (J (Freeman ho *Susau W (m Hadley Butte, Mont Lord, Jas S team Elizabeth E (Cameron ho Daniel R pi Georgia B pi Lowell, Alonzo E Seb fisher & mail car Hattie B (Gilman ho Loring G Lowell, Geo S fisher Seb Cora (Blethen ho Lowell, Geo W fisher Seb Hannah E (Alley ho Geo S fisher *N A mach shop Saco Alonzo E fisher & mail car Wm A fisher Lewis F fisher *Nellie M (m Curran W Keunebunk Ijowell, Henry B car Ash *Geo janitor Charnock, Beverly, Mass Lowell, John fisher Seb *Geo W fisher Jonesport *Johu M fisher Jonesport CENSUS 143 *Eli8ha L fisber Jouesport Lowell, Lewis F fisher P Hd Pearl S (Blaisdell M Mai 118, J L stone masou cV: far *Geo L far Five Islands *Fredk far Five Islands *Etta L (ni :\luse liatb *Mal)eI (ni Connors Five Islands Wui L pi •Jennie N pi Five Islands Mains, Lizzie pi Malcolm, Chas II marine enjj- PHd Elizabeth W (Fletcher ho Jotm C marine eng Herbert S oiler ( I race P at home Ada T pi Julia I) pi Mann, R stone cut P Hd Adelaide E (Rollins ho Abbie R pi Wm R pi Mabel R pi Walter D pi Alvina S Manson, Frank M marine eng' PHd Manson, Robert P marine eii«^ P Hd Marr, C H life saver Pop Rch Ella (Smith ho Marr, E mer Si V M Pop Reh Almira (Todd ho Marston, John H Winne saw mill wk Sadie M (Libby ho John H Jr pi Harold L McCourt, Walter J pi McDonald, Daniel A mer & asst P M Margaret B (Cameron ho W Alvin elec R R ser D Wallace stu Margaret B pi Mclntire, Almira (Blaisdell retd S Pt Chas H car George E seaman W m 10 far & car Irwin M life saver Mclntire, J F far P Hd Mary A (Leavitt ho *Eln"ier E d Bath •Josephine A (m Hogan Center Bath •Hattie E (m Pye ^ •Nellie G (mCarr Bath Carrie M (m Wyman Eva I (m Bowie Florence M at home Mclntire, Chats H car S Pt Sarah J ( Pye ho 144 PHIPPSBURG *Walter E elevator bus 211 W 22d, N Y City *Si(]iiey H elevator bus 50 Newhall, Maiden, Mass *Idella M (m Brown 1 Loriu^" PI, Maiden, Mass *Chas A elevator bus 463G A Page Ave, St Louis, Mo *AddieS(m Fall . 55 Highland, Waltbam, Mass Mclntire, Geo E mariner Ash Jane M (Sprague ho G Edwin genl wk Harry M genl wk Grace M stu Mclntire, Owen M life saver Pop Bch Mary B ( Davis- Varner McKay ,Vhos far P Hd *John paving cutter No Conway, N H McKenney, Annie M (m Richardson Seb *Etta (m Casey Boston, Mass McKenney, Chas F fisher Seb Celia A (Brown ho Florence F Madeline G McKenney, Jas E fisher Seb Salome (Grifiin ho *Loui8a (m Murphy Seb Chas F fisher *Addie (m McKenney 'C Har Jas E Jr fisher Harold pi Stella pi McKenney, J E Jr fisher Seb Bessie R (Anderson ho Evelena McNulty, Geo E cl Pop Bch McVicar, Peter A retd sum res Pop Bch Ida G (Austin Mereen, Elbridge T far Aslj Adeline (Sprague ho Martha J (m Blaisdell *Annie A (m Cushing 14 Hammond, Lewistou Mabel A nurse Adeline L ho Louise B tr Samuel seaman Metcalf, Rev Leslie H pastor F B church Ash Addie B (Avery *Earl A emp box shop No Berwick Lela M pi Minott, Margaret T (Heald Lizzie D at home Henry M ship joiner Minott, Sarah C (Rogers Alice M at home Chas V Jr mer & P M Abbie F at home CENSUS 145 Moody, A E enp; Pop Bch liUcinda A (Trifsli Moore, Margaret J (m Perry ^\'iIlnp *Lizzip C ho Vine, Bnth M(K)ro, Mary J P M Ash Moi-Mu;^-, F H fore Pop Dch *A O sta eng RoeklaiK] *G F H ins bus Clinton, Afass Emma A (Gordon Elsie G pi Morrison, Cbas P ffir Sob Martha S (Wallace ho Herbert R eng helper Fred L ship fitter Ruth M tr Morrison, Geo W far Anna S (Fl(?tcher ho *Morrison, Jacob B car Eliza G (Hutchins ho *Carrie E (ui Perry Hyde Park, Mass Morrison, Walter Pop Bch keeper Pond Is Lt Morrison, W S far P Hd Delia D (Cnshiners Wallace P pi Morse, Albert S Pt Morse, Elijah A far S Pt Mafrtrie (Gillis ho Morse, John G lumber Winne J Parker piper Elizabeth S (Weston ho Win field W lumber Frances W (m Webber John G Jr lumber Richard C wo(Ki bus Morse, J P piper Winne Anna M (Small ho Walter R fm wk P Hd Milton T mason P Hd ARuMt Z pi Horace D pi Chas S pi Kathcrine E pi Bertha M j.l Earl P pi Percy W pi Harriet E Morse, Percy far P Hd RebcccaV (Wallace Hciirictla (m Webber Elijah far Lncretia .1 (m Gray Elbridue W ' far Morse, !•: W far P Hd Klizabcth E (Small ho 146 PHirPSBURG Morse, Scott A ptr Winoe Clyde M ho Sherman L oiler Morse, S L oilei- Wiune AbbieM (Willis ho Herbert R Marion H Morse, Sewall f^enl \\ k Winne Morse, Mark ^enlwk Winne Morse, Jas T retd sea capt Winne J Frank far *E H mer Brooklyn, N Y 658 Flatbush Ave *Lizzie B (m Chase Center, Bath erap Wanamaker Dept Store *Fred B E Oranoe. N J Morse, W W lumber Winne Emma G (Houdlette ho Eleanor L pi Morton, Chas A cook Seb Morton, T D retd Eliza A (West ho Mullin, W V^ life saver Pop Bch Rose L (Rowley Munspy, J H car & fisher Ash *Jennie M (m Douohty Bailey's Island N Arietta (m Wallace Wm L pi Elizabeth (Scott ho N Nichols, Caroline M (Boyles ho Winne Emily (m In^alls *Mary (m Peterson 81 Hio:h Rock, Lynn, Mass *Geo C dentist Times Bldg, Bath O Oliver, A M pilot Pop Bch Annie (Clark ho Oliver, Aid en S retd vet P Hd *Wm A oiler 9 Saratov's, E Boston, Mass *Affie J (m Tuell 37 Saratoga, E Boston, Mass *Rose E (m Wyman 9 Saratogo, E Boston, Mass *Marilla (m Leach Conn Frank H fisher *Geo D far Arrowsic Oliver, C prop Bay view Ho Pop Bch Frances (Garft landlady Frank S s s enj^ *Egbert A s s eug 9 Monmouth, E Boston, Mass *Edgar A s s eng 704 Thomes, Newport, R I Oliver, Geo A car Pop Bch Bertha M (m Oliver CENSUS 147 Ki-laiid L el Olivpr. F H fisher Poi) Bch LizziH F (Oliver ho Ruby M at home GeoT-fre F y)l Wnlter Z T>1 Oliver, L I cnr I' op Rch M.-1 ry F (liiUler ho Ernest W pi Oliver, F S s s en<^ Poj) I'ch EffieE (Oliver Edith V pi Oliver, Jane M (Gahan retd Po]) V>ch *CyrnH L watch uikr 291 School, Waltham, Mass *Marr ♦White, N(!lli<' (Berry (iiroton. Conn Whitteniore, Layina B (T(m'1 r Hd Whittemore, W M 1' lid Whitteinore, V A far 1' lid Williams, A F phy & sur 10 I'earl (Stacey ho John F Williams, Chas B Winne emp Iron Wks Frances A (Malcolm ho *Iiefle(' (m Hunt Winne Harry B ])lundjer Williams, H B plumber Winne Emily S (Cahoon ho Williams, Martha J (Scott ho Winne Margaret J (m Perry *ThosN far & fisher Georgeto\yn Willis, A H sa\y mill \vk \\'inne Angie M (Johnson ho Ralph M pi Willis, W F saw mill wk Winne Margaret A ( Howe ho A Herbert saw mill wk *Margaret B (m Lnfkin ( )('eanyille Clarence A tinsmith Abbie M (m Morse Zora F milliner Wilson, Clias L saw mill wk Winne Annie Adelle ( II utchins Aii liui- .1 fm wk (lelieva M pi Flla L ].I Myrtle B Wilson, Geo W fisher Seb 160 PHIPPSBURG Bertha J (Hosmer ho Wilson, W H fisher Seb Ethelind J (Wallace ho Elizabeth M (in Pye Abner J fisher Geo W • fisher W S fisher Martha J (m Oliver Fred P seaman Wilson, A J fisher Seb Mary E (Dow ho Lottie E pi Woodbury, Minnie D (m Brown ho Seb Lewis H pi Wyman, Alice M (Wallace ho S Pt Kenneth S LeRoy D Wyman, Fred D far P Hd Elizabeth J (Gushing ho Frank K pi Wyman, Geo R far P Hd Wyman, Howard C pi P Hd Wyman, Henry L retd Jane M (Malcolm Wyman, Hiram P far *Hiram B marine eng 556 Berkley, Camden, N J *Emma J (m Cheesman Coxsackie, N Y *Clara P (m Crosby No Fairfield J Oscar marine eng Wyman, J Oscar marine eng Rose R (Hampton ho Sadie H pi Raymond O pi Wyman, Martin far S Pt Bch Sarah L (Thompson Wilbur H stu Asa C stu Eva R tr & stu Emma N pi Alice M pi Frank W pi George M pi Raj^mond M Swan ton H Wyman, Merrill T far P Hd Chas D seaman Lectina P (Golder ho *Edward M marine eng 9 Saratoga, E Boston, Mass Wyman, C D seaman P Hd Isadore R (Allen ho Wyman, Page A far P Hd Carrie M (Mclntire Elkanah P Florence M York, Albram C fisher Seb Helen G (Coffin ho Lillian F pi Elizabeth F pi Philip A pi CENSUS 161 Ethel M James A PaulB York, Fred K L fisher Seb Adella (York ho Youneals *W J tisher Cundy'e Har Abram C fisher Fredk L fisher *Albert fisher Port Clyde *Henry M blk 182 Chestnut, Portland Census of Qcoitgctou>n Note: — Where no address is expressed Georgetown is un- derstood, Five Islands post office is abbreviated— F Is; Riggsville post office — Kiggs. A few summer residents (marked, sum res), are included. Avery, Bertha K (Warner B Barbour, A L supt of schools sum res, Natick, Mass Addie S (Smith Harriet B Fenuer S Beal, C W^ mariner F Is Eva (Stevens ho RayM Beal, Ray M Vivian P manner mariner F Is Beal, Perry C Berry, John L fisher Riggs ship car AlmiraT (Oliver ho *Horace P chief eng Watertown, Mass Berry, Madelyn E stu Berry, Leander retd F Is *Lillian A (m Berry 35 Bedford, Bath Wm L car Jennie W (m Dearborn Azuba E (m Holland * Walter T sec Y M C A Westminster, Mass Berry, W L car Mabel F *Minnie L stu 35 Bedford, Bath Madelyn E stu Alton C pi Arthur L pi Blaisdell, J E car & boat bldr FIs Amanda (Stevens ho Blaisdell, Thos W F Is boat bldr & car Lorena (Oliver ho Boucher, Chas E bakery F Is CENSUS 163 Silva J (Wheeler Chas W sailor Breason, Jas E p,enl \vk F Is Nancy J (Lewis ho Annie M (m Cromwell Campbell, Alice M (Stevens FIs Byron M fisher Stephen Alice M (ni Hinckley Mary (ra Snowman Campbell, Byron fisher F Is Mary M (lliuckley ho Byron M fisher Tvincoln F fisher J^ila M (ni Spinney Campbell, E W fisher Ki<»f»s Clara F (Powers ho *Etta V (m Hinckley Quiucy, Mass Trvinp:s 15 Bramhall, Portland Hinckley, F J ship broker sum res Mary E (Helbrook ♦Ethel B (m Rowland 47 Lincoln, Bath Hinckley, E O retd Georgianna (m Harfford *F J broker 47 Lincoln, Bath *E C sea capt 112 Bedford, Bath *Mary M (m Harrison High, Bath Hodgkins, F H 2d asst It kpr Sejiuin Is, Pop Bch Villa M (Oliver ho \Vm F seaman Llewellyn A pi Sarah E pi Paul A pi Ruth E pi Marguerite M Rupert Y Hogan, Susan C (McFadden FIs Thomas M team Holland, W H cook F Is Azuba E (Berry Humphrey, S G fisher F Is Hannah A (Hartford Geo C government emp Grace M pi Hunt, John retd *lleury I) car 115 Highland, Chelsea, Mass *Nancy S (m Davis 247 Hyde Park, Hyde Park, Mass Sarah M (m McKinney John W car Jennie M (m Todd 168 GEORGETOWN Fannie E (m Williams Alonzo T car Hunt, Nancy J (m Spinney *Gilman P tinsmith Whiteriver Jet, Vt *Geo W sausage mkr Fall River, Mass *Mary E (m Kibling Bath J Jewett, Chandler M far Riggs Ella J (Chase ho *Eugene C *Alice J (m Higgins 44 Chest, Portland Marion M fisher * Arthur C city emp Newport, R I *Irving W Reg Army Washington, D C *Genevra A watch fact 118 Weston, Waltham, Mass Harold E fm wk Wesley W\ stu Stanley B I stu Jewett, J E far Mary E (Oliver ho Jones, Fannie E (m Williams *Waldo M cond 177 Washington, Dorchester, Mass Jordan, Horace A ear Ida E (Todd ho Ida A Robert P pl K Knight, Elizabeth (Trafton Z T master mariner Georgianna Kingsbury, H L fisher F Is Annie P (Magee ho Henry L Jr pl Robert J pl Edgar C Clara M Kingsbury, Sarah L (Webber Lane, Herbert M pilot Larrabee, Horace L fish F Is Florence M Bertha A (Woodside Arlene A pl Leonard, Ella (m Coleman FIs Mellen G capt Farries W sailor Everett W sailor Lewis, Chauncey D fisher F Is Angeline S (Stevens *Grace D (m Sherman 171 Maine, Brunswick Minerva V (m Hanna Sadie E (m Harley CENSUS 1G9 Lester A cl Waldo R fisher Chauncej D Jr pi Lewis, Chas S fisher F Is Beatrice M (McFadden Bertha M Lewis, Chas W fisher F Is Mary E (Hagan ho Clara E (in Hinckley * Jacob P pluQiber 47 Grove, Chelsea, Mass Chas fisher Ada B (m McGillivary Gilbert S pi Lewis, Edward M P cl sum res, Augusta Lucy (Pierce ho Leon W stu Carl A R stu Barbara A pi Eleanor F Lewis, Capt Ira W F Is Clara J (in Marr ho ♦Edward M cl V O 4 Quimby, Augusta *Minnie B (m Lewis 47 Grove, Chelsea, Mass Edith M (m Davis Lewis, J osephiueL (McFadden F Is Gertrude N (m Cofiin cook Lewis, Robt P fisher F Is Rosetta H (Hinckley ho *Hannah R (m Richards Monhegan Isl Walder N tislifr Lewis, AV N fisher F Is Margaret (Johnson ho Lewis, Victoria A (m Snowman F Is SidydellaM bk kpr *H V tel op Nashua, N H Lewis, AValdo R fisher F Is Edna (McMahan ho Lowe, Guy C G far Riggs M Maines, Frank eng Riggs S^'lvia (Fields ho H Louise ]tl Maines, E marine eng F Is Julia A (Small tr Maines, Lydia A (Gorden Riggs Daisy H (m Maner *Estella S cl Lynn, Mass Addie B J waitress Maines, \Vm lab Riggs Lillian (Libby ho Mains, Chas II butch Riggs Daisy H (Gordon ho Millicent V Pearl A Clarice L Mains, Joel T gf nl wk Nellie M (Dow ho 170 GEORGETOWN *Lizzie stu Phippsburo- Roscoe A pi Mabelle E pi Clyde A pi Eva M pi Forest L Laura E Mains, Lendall G Rosie E (Williams Alton E stu Hattie G pi Bertha M pi Abbie A pi Florence B Marr, Almon L lab F Is Clara J (Lewis ho Arthur A cl Luva M (m Gray Nora D stu Beulah E stu Wm W Marr, Owen K ptr Riggs Frances S (Snowman Albert O Eva L stu Alexander F stu Raymond B pi Marr, Henrietta F (Oliver *Annie E (m Oliver Bath *Christopher H life saver Popham Beach *Susie D (m Oliver Popham Beach Marr, Mark L sea capt Eliza E (Taylor ho *Flora E (m Taylor East Vassalboro Marr, Wm F nurse Alberta H (Baker Evangeline pi Marr, Sarah A (Green Wm F nurse *John R lab Bath Martin, Susanoah (Trask Elizabeth (m Oliver Massey, Adeline S photog Riggs McFadden, Chas S fisher F Is Elura G (Maloon ho Mary (m Harford Beatrice M (m Lewis Herman C McFadden, F G cook F Is Josephine M (Maloon Albert M pi McGillivary, Jas D car F Is Ada B (Lewis ho Percy S McKenney, Edwin J far McMahan, Andrus capt F Is Ella A (m Coleman *Warren L calker Bath *Ada (m Pinkham 22 Hammond, Gloucester, Mass Etta F (m Moore *Delina (m Bragg 44 Richardson, Bath CENSUS 171 McMahan, Alonzo Jr ptr F Is ho Lettie (Brenton Aubury B McMahan, Chas A gum mfr FIs Annie M (Douglas ho Frank H Corinne V pi McMahan, G AV fisher Riggs Elizabeth II (Labree * Josephine A (m Cressey Bath Clement V fisher Winthrop R fisher Harvard G fisher * Adelaide L (m Campbell *Edith N (m Powers ♦C F fisher Horace A stu Ruby R stu Henrietta G stu McMahan, H F trav sales Elizabeth F (White ho Kenneth J McMahan, J T fisher F Is Mattie B (Cook ho Alfred A cl Edna M (m Lewis Earl S stu Clarence D pi Chester E pi Lilla E Moore, Chas C fisher F Is Floretta (McMahan Henry C stu Eflne D pi Wilson pi Flora B pi Chas A Moore, Eben mate F Is Lilla A (Gray ho Doris E Moore J W mer F Is Eliza R (Hanna ho Mary E (m Stevens Eben sailor Farianza LB (m llarley Moore, Sewell F fisher F Is Susie B (Humphrey Walter S Myrtle I Muse, Jos team F Is Addie E (Davis ho N Newdick, Eliza J (Shea •Bradford B joiner Green Harbor, Mass *Wesley C fireman Roxbury, Mass *Georgiana (m Longley 10 King, Bath *Delia F (m Baker Gl Proctor Ave Revere, Mass Manford S joiner F Is 172 GEORGETOWN *Meda E (m Nocton Evlon, Penn ♦Walter T m older 10 Kin^, Bath Noble, Wm R Susan D (Davis ho Nutter, W F far & fisher Riogs Ruth A (Siaipson ho Ruth M pi Annie M pi Geo J pi Philip C O Oliver, A K P mer Mary E (Trafton ho Oliver, F C retd Oliver, Alvin retd Oliver, Capt Lovring Oliver, Ellen ho Oliver, Wm far Carrie L (Oliver Gladys H pl Oliver, Edwin Oliver, ChasW car Alberteen (Cook ho Leon E Oliver, Betsey (Oliver *Alma (m Perkins Popham Beach Margaret (m Todd Chas W *Myra (m Sly Walthara Mass *Alice B bk kpr Waltham, Mass Oliver, Emeline G (Trafton *Emma F (m Deering 654 E, 160 First, N Y City Wm far *Nellie E (m Mains 84S Main, Waltham, Mass Lizzie M Oliver, Langdon retd *Anson M pilot Pop Bch Carrie L (m Oliver Oliver, Eugene G fisher Catherine S (Williams ho Laura G tr Edna L ho Oliver, Hannah C (Sedgley Lorana A (m Blaisdell *Cordelia R Richmond *Ida B bk kpr Medway, Mass *Marilla B (m Tarr Richmond Oliver, John E far Elizabeth (Martin ho Lillian E tr *I T on steamer Portland Susie I stu Oliver, Lydia F (Oliver Oliver, Mary C (Oliver *StellaB (m Scott 1206 Washington, Bath Oliver, Millard F car Sarah J (Higgins CENSUS 173 *Clarence N molder 7 Buckingham, Reedville, Mass Harvey A Leroy E stu Koland S stu Addie E stu Norman A pi Dora G pi Robert M pi Oliver, Sewell P far Florence (Holnian ho Josephiue II tr Maude P tr *VV S Boston, Mass Fred P car Oliver, \V T master mar Edith L (Oliver ho AVoodbury (i Oliver, E Ellen (Rattleff ho Edith L (m Oliver Oliver, Wa.sliin<^ton Marv Jane ( *Mina (m Tryon Edward, Medford, Mass •Clementine (m Jewell CImluota, Fla *Capt G \V ir, Electric Ave Somcrville, Mass *Helen (m Thompson Hyde Park. Mass ♦CaptOC iV)rtland John Edward *Emma J (m Lunt Dover, N H Overlock, Jas O car F Is Hannah M (Southard Gladys M Pinkham,ChasH . Fie *Letta (m Harford Bowdoiuham *Ernest genl wk Richmond Ellsworth fisher Cora (m Hanna ^Eeona (m Foote Washington, Bath *Maude (m Plumnler 2 Willow, Bath Chas H Jr fisher *Cora B (m Davis 87 Preble, Portland Pinkham, C H Jr fisher F Is Ida N (Davis ho Kenneth T pi Victor H Infant son Pinkham, E E fisher F Is Izetta D (Davis ho Clyde E pi Gladys M pi Leoua R pi Dorothy M pi hu'Z M ' Chester L Pinkham, M II fisher F Is iMillie B (Stevens ho 174 GEORGETOWN Ivan M Myrle A Infant Powers, B A fisher Riggs Edith N (McMahan ho Naomi H Powers, Levi R far Riggs Clara E (m Campbell Mary B ho Burnside A fisher Levi W fisher Powers, Levi W Riggs P M, mer & fisher Hattie E (Webber ho Lester L pi Carroll P pi Walter F Infant Pawlesland, Rev Wm H Riggs pastor M E Ch Bertha L (Simmons ho Malcolm B R Rattleff, Austin W fisher Ella F (Oliver ho Eva L tr Rattleff, Joseph B car Rattleff, John N fisher Lectina G (McKenney Ida A (m Gerrish ho Perley S stu Rattleff, Thos M car Lillian D (Baker *Alice M bk kpr High, Boston, Mass *Fred W motorman 32 Broadway, Somerville, Mass *Edgar S bk kpr Congress, Boston, Mass Rattleff, Wm S fisher Rattleff, Nancy E Rattleff, Loretta J Reid,ThosD fisher F Is Nellie T (Smith ho Beryl E Reynolds, Eugene far Riggs Abbie F (Noyes ho Henry N Ralph M Alvah C pi Rider, Frank L fisher F Is Minnie A (Cressey Lillian A stu Mildred H pi Margaret E pi Levica F pi Maretta B Riggs, Margaret J ( Heal-Po wers Riggs Rittall, F H boat bldr F Is Emma F (Rittall ho Fred H Jr Agnes H Rowe, A B school janitor sum res, F Is CENSUS 175 Barbena S (Cunningham ♦Etta B (ra Libby 35 Alston, Dorchester, Mass *Katherine V tr 100 Houghton, Boston, Mass Rowe, Annie O (Clarey ho *Hattie E * nurse Nashua, N H Rowe, Alfred J quarry Azelda L (Harford ho Clayton A Evelyn E Rowe, Andrew J Cassie E (Hartford ho Rowe, Beuj P M F Is Rachel J (Hagan ho Moses R stage driver * Ed gar S eng So Walpole, Mass •Walter S mer 46 Myrtle, Portland Wni E sum boarding ho Rowe, Byron M fire Si cjuari-y Augusta E (Warner gen store Alfred J (juarry •Arthur S stu Hebron Rowe, Eugene E fire F Is Harold A pi Orville F pl Rowe, fliram CI mer F Is Mary M (Adams *Julia A (m Boyd Roxbury, Mass *Cora B (m Higgins Bristol, R I *Arabine K (m Shortlier 13 Chestnut, Bath Abbie S (m Cromwell Lermond H cl Edith M (m Southard Rowe, Geo C ptr F Is Nellie E (Stevens ho Cleveland L ptr Helena A Rowe, Joseph G ptr F Is Edith L (Andrews *A W Waltham watch fact 128 Crescent, Waltham, Mass Sherburn L Eleanor A pl Ida B pl Rowe, Lermond H cl F Is Lulu M Rowe, Moses mail car F Is Mida E (Cunningham Fremont B fish bus Rowe, Nanc3' K (Rowe Rowe, Razilla H (Rowe ho FIs *Zepalenta A (m Fickett Falmouth *F R capt Booth bay •Florentine W victualer Augusta *S E capt Booth bay Har •Eugene E fire Augusta Rowe, S M tisli dlr F Is 176 GEORGETOWN Lizzie G (Snowman ho Rowe, Sarah (Stevens F Is Manley N fisher *Helena A (m Lewis 160 Center, Bath Geo C cl *Louis A (m Marr Boothbay Joseph G fisher Rowe, Wm E capt of Pleasure Bt F Is Ida J (Harrington tr Russell, Florence L stu Scott, Carl A Alice S (Todd Ralph A pi Roscoe S Segeberg, Annie S (Oliver Thomas D pi Carlton V pi Edward W pi Shaw, Frederick '^fitter Margaret (Richards Albert fitter Frederick iron wkr op Margaret Sarah H stu Smith, Chas fisher Smith, Henry H far Roselia E (Trask ho Chas H far Geo E fish & far Sadie B (m Drake Daisy B Snowman, Elizabeth (Chase *Emma S (m Ring 3 Newcomb, Lynn, Mass Annie C (m Cunningham Frances S (m Marr *Ruth M (m Blaisdell Parkerhead Lizzie C tr *Sadie A (m Lord 17 Herrick, Allston, Mass *Effie G (m Rowe 4 Dummer, Bath Alice M tr Snowman, Hannah F Is Snowman, Sarah J F Is Snowman, Hannah N (Snowman F Is Snowman, Chas L retd F Is Snowman, Frances E pi Snowman, Nettie (Campbell FIs Maude E (m Turner Boston, Mass *Eva C emp S S Supply Co Portland *Mary E Portland emp S S Supply Co Snowman, Capt WE F Is Helen M pi Victoria A (Lewis ho Southard, E G car F Is CENSUS 177 Edith M (Rowe ho Southard, Frank E car F Is Estolla M (McMahan *Maude E (m Gowen Arrowsic Alva E pi Southard, ElleryG pi F Is Southard, () \V joiner F Is *E A ins a<^t Salem, Mass *Fred E stair bldr 37 Boardman, Salem, Mass Frank E car *Lura M (m Sprague Mass *Elriora (m Williams Ik'nton, Station *Bertie far Bowdoin Delila S (Delina Hannah M (m Overlock Lydia M (m Totman Elbridp;e G joiner Annie A Spinney, Elijah M fisher Mary E (Higgins ho *C AI shoe op Pop Bch *Fred H shoe op Lewiston Herman A fisher Rali)h E fisher *ErnestL shoe op Auburn Ethel H stu Spinney, G \V tax collector Nancy J (Oliver ho Spinney, Herbert L Pop Bch Seguin Is Lt kpr Grace M ho Spinney, Herman A fisher Lilla M (Campbell ho Stetson, W 1st asst It kj)r Seguin Is, Pop Bch Fannie (Holbrook ho Lois ])1 Stevens, Alonzo H cook F Is Millie B (m Pinkham Stevens, D R ptr F Is Mary E (Moore ho Donald R Linwood B Cleon W Stevens, Frank S cook F Is Irene L pi Florence I pi Stevens, Jas M gen wk V Is Christina V (Field ho Cecil V pi Franz B Stevens, Jos retd F Is Sarah T (Heath ho ♦Geo W far Baltby, Wash *Eliza B (m Knight Middle, Bath Isabell L *Carrie H tr 134 Austin, Cambridge, Mass Joseph G far *NaomiE tr 14 Stickney Ave Somerville, Mass Stevens, Jas A car F Is 178 GEORGETOWN Nellie E (m Rowe Mary J Stevens, Jos G far F Is Villa E (Austin ho Carolyn I pi Stevens, Wm cook F Is Addie (Hinckley ho Thai ma pi Swett, C F far & car Riggs Catherine P (Lee ho Taylor, Geo fisher F Is Mary E (Tay ho Tarr, Calvin M *H far F Is Mary E (Hunt ho Thibodeau, Esther A (Avery Ambrose B sailor * Jennie A (m Hinkley John A quarry Theodore S quarry Alonzo W pi Thompson, Mrs F E sum res Family res N Y City Thompson, Lewis A bldr *Myrtle T ( m AVren 254 Hyde Park Forest Hill, Mass *Violet T (m Taylor 29 William, Torrington, Conn Mary L (Lovejoy Hazel L Todd, Bradbury B ptr Ann M (Trafton *Bertha L (m Curtis 2 Meserve, Salem, Mass Wendell P ptr Todd, Emily (Todd ho Ella (m Rattleff Todd, Elwell P retd Todd, Nathaniel S surveyor *Frank H civil eng Douglas, Arizona *AliceS(m Scott 952 Franklin, Melrose Highland, Mass Augusta V (Hersey ho Todd, W C mer and P M Margaret A (Oliver Wm A assist P M cl *Roscoe P pipe cutter 12 Sherman, Everett, Mass *Mabel F (m Oliver 75 Munroe, Roxbury, Mass Bessie E music tr Ethel B stu Todd, Winfield S lab Philena V (Rattleff *Lillian M (m Baker Andover, Mass Todd, D Henry lab Jennie M (Hunt ho Arthur L U of M stu Totman, Henry fisher Riggs Ruth (Moore ho Joseph H car Levi S fisher Totman, L S fisher Riggs CENSUS 179 car ho Lydia (Southard ho Henry C Levi S Jr Trafton, H M Myra H (Wells Randolph H Trafton, El myra D (Cunningham ♦Eugene M F B Clerg Fort Fairfield ♦Everett L eng 30 Lincoln, Bath Howard M car Trafton, Silas C far W genl wk Warren, John C Elizabeth C (Stevens Edgar A fisher ♦II C cutter N Y City ♦C P cl Baltimore, Md Clarisa B (m Moore Webber, Elijah B far Riggs Webber, Chas H car Riggs Webber, Jane M (Webber Riggs Hattie E (m Powers Weeks, Clara A (McMahan Riggs Georgie E (m Sheldon ♦Mary E (m Reed milliner Bath Welch, Eliza J (Dunton Riggs ♦Adams C far Westport ♦Adeline (m Rackley Westport Wellings, Augustus far F Is Margaret (Murphy ho Mary book binder ♦Francis cl 43 Cove, E Boston, Mass ♦John A eng 6 Huton Ct, E Boston, Mass ♦Dorothy (m Darliug 45 Lamson, E Boston, Mass ♦Wm E cl Boston, Mass Joseph L far Augustine D far Eva C ♦Agnes G tel op 45 Lamson, E Boston, Mass Christina A Albert White, Lucilla (Douglas F Is ♦Lena E (m Higgins Cambridge, Mass ♦Annie M (m McMahan Cambridge, Mass ♦Wm A team Cambridge, Mass Elizabeth F (m McMahan WillianiH, Beuj E fisher Susan M (Jordan ho ♦Effie L (m Adams Weston, Mass ♦Margaret A ho W Roxbury, Mass 180 GEORGETOWN *Iva tr 9 Franklin, Natick, Mass *Cora C steuog 9 Franklin, Natick, Mass Williams, E A trav sales Riggs Orra L (Currier ho Carrie L Williams, John D Jar Josie M (Clark ho Williams, James T car Phoebe A (Campbell *Geo T piano tuner 15 Pond, Jamaica Plain Boston, Mass Williams, Thos N far *Carl J ptr Bath Walter B Fannie E (Jones ho Woodside, Benj H selectman Wyman, Arthur E phy & sur Census of flititotDsic Population, 173. NoTE-When no post otfice is expressed Arrowsic is ud- derstood. Woohvieh post offico is abbreviated - Wool; Phippsburg— miipps. B Barker, Louise B (McDononj^h Wool Martha m P^ Roberta F Beals, Sam'l L mason .V- far Cora E (HijrpiiH Alfred tup; boat mate CJeo C seaman Brann. Lydia J (m Oliver Phippsbur^ ♦Robert A far Los Angeles, Cal far ho Clark, (Jeo D far Wm J ?:enl wk ♦Josephine M (m Williams (}eorham, Geo E ^ar Bertha (Witham-Moody Brown, H C sea capt Lillian M (Holbrook Brown, Matilda (Wallace retd *Jane (m Nason Wiscasset 3 Mary (in Higfiins *ApphiaC (m Pennell E Harpswell Hiram C sea capt *Ella F (ni Clark So Paris Brown, Henry C far Martha J (Bliss *Katie (m McNary Foxboro, Mass Brown, W H far & milk Sadie (Gerrish-Bailey *Garnette M (ni Spinney 119 Main, Aubnrn Wm A far & milk Brown, S R far Bath Sarah W (Winter Eutrene R lar & milk Mary W (m Mitchell ♦Nannie E steuofr So Portland Brown, E R far & milk Bath Nellie M (Larrabee Walter T pl Brown, Harry mer Bath Celia M (Epstin ho Arthur I'l Bessie R pl Mary Bubier, Mary (m H logins I *Jennie (m Bryant 619, 8th Ave, Seattle, Wash Pi-ed A milkman Cora (m Griffin ho *H F car Lynn, Mass *Blanche (m Mclver Topsham Bubier, Fred A milkman Annie S (Ward ho Cahill, Chas H prop New Meadows Inn Campbell, Chas W far Winne Helen E (Clarey ho Lester G plumb app Walter R stu Raymond F pl Lincoln J P^ Linda C pl Cahipbell, Emma J (P.owker ho Bath *I1 W bag master on S S pier 32 No Rirer, N Y City *Anuie M ho Bath Chandler, Sadie D (Rollins ho Bath 188 WEST BATH Clarey, Cephias J (m Haley Bath Helen E (m Campbell Coffee, S B meat peddler Bath Alice (Mitchell Ida H stenoo; Couieau, James Bath emp Hyde Windlass Co Estelle ( ho Melvin Cook, Don F cl Winne Addie C (Warner Eva E pi John C pi Effie C pi Marion L Coombs, F G far & ch bd Sel Harriet A (Ring *Lillian M ho steno^' Waterville *Ethel L tr S S B, So Portland Coombs, Isaac W far & dlr in agcl impl Ada I (Mountfort Jay Burton pi Coombs, Ellis F far & milk *Florence s s wk Auburn *Melvena stu Auburn Addie (Kittredge-Tibbetts Coombs, Alfred L far Winne Amy (Howes ho *Nellie T (m Evans Bath *Cora M typewriter Augusta James A far Julia V stu V Irving pi Myra M pi Robert pi Gertrude M pi Crocker, Wm W far *EllaF (mHall 70 Freeman, Auburndale, Mass * Annie L (m Butler 4391 Washington, Roslindale, Mass Mina (Bates-BIaisdell Crooker, Frank fm hd *Lottie (m Mains 4 Walker, Bath *Hugh K U S N Crooker, M C retd vet *Alfred wool mer 11 Hanson, Boston, Mass *Ehner E eng *Chas W far Bath *Pay8on (now Reed) mach Bath Hannah E (Small Curtis, E emp Bath Iron Wks Winne Hannah (Stilphen Son CENSUS 189 D Donnell, A H far & tax col Earl C pi Belle C (Johnson Donnell, Arthur S far * Vesta (m Con ant Chicaoo, 111 *Nellie S (m Baker Hartford, Conn *AVni F cl in Com Ho m E 3d, St Paul, Minn *Scott J niach Bath *Oscar W enip box shop Chicago, III Alonzo R far *A E ])ro|) rubber plant Iriona, Honduras, C A ♦Robert VV far Bath Donnell, A R far & dairy Eleanor (Hall ho Dunning, Jos fm hd Family in Ilarpswell Durgin, Mary A waitress New Meadows Inn Dyer, Lizzie ho liath Emmons, F P grocer bus Bath Florence E (Wilson Catherine H Flanders, John C far Foote, C R ptr liath *Harry S mach Portland *C H engraver Chicago, 111 *Cora E milliner Middle, Bath *EddieE pi Bath French, Jas E far *G E mail cl Skowhegan *F A saw mill wk Bath ♦Florence (m Ei-skins Bath ♦Lillian A tel op Waterville Julia V (.Mitchell Earl Kenneth Frye, M J Bath prop Idle Park Shore Ho Annie C (Haas landlady Harry M cl Frye, H M cl Bath Maggie (Farell Margaret A Fuller, Chas P mach Bath Minnie E (Webster Doris Louise Gerrish, Mary J (Hi)ache-Ruasell retd *F E far Lakeport, N H 190 WEST BATH Sadie R (m Brown Fred C carriage smith Gerrish, F C carriage smith Mary A (Card ho Herbert M carriage smith Fred A pi Harold E pi Emma W pi Lucy M pi Clarence M Getchell, C T retd Bath Gilchrist, Benj far Bath May (LaBrique ho Greenough, Oscar D far Bath Greenough, J E farm hd Bath Griffin, Cora (Bubier Minnie L bk kpr H Haggett, E W R F D car Bathl Lizzie A (Lemont ho Arthur E Harold J Haggett, Mary J (Butler Carrie T stenog *Jennie M (m Bishop Bath Edwin AV R F D car Haley, John far Bath *Josephine A (m True Litchfield Milton R far & dairy Cephisa J (Heal-Tarr Haley, M R far Lucretia (Mitchell Raymond M pi Ham den, F R car Sadie L (Clark ho Higgins, C P far Rose I (Bradbur}'^ ho John W farm wk Julia S pi Frank L pi Elmer F Estella M Higgins, Mary (Brown-Bubier Higgins, Fred'k A far Emma J (Rowell *Edna M copyist Waterville *Delia copyist Waterville Osman J far Higgins, Ella M Bath Higgins, Charlotte M (Higgins Alvah J car *W C far E Harpswell 3 Cyrenus P far Higgins, Alvah J car Fronia (Murray *Helen G (m Cant well 32 Silver, Waterville Holbrook, A M far Lillian M (m Brown *Alpheus M Jr mach 31 Monument W Medford, Mass CENSUS 191 Holden, ll.I far & mill rt Annie G (Holnian ho H (jerald 1>1 Hazel May pi Hortoii, M A market gard Mary h ( Harringtou-Stocktou Larrabee, F W contr lV: bldr Ada K (White ho Josei)h \V pi Larrabee, Walter H car Minnie M (Adatiis Kittie B tr l^ulu E at home Maude E stu Jennie M stu Lee, ChaH W far Winne Annie F (Morrison Lee, Geo H iar Winne Lemont, Jos M far Bath Laura F (White ho Lizzie A (ni Ha^i'gett * Harry W mach Bath *FverettG blk Bath James B far Arthur (' far Lombard, R W far Lydia A (Perkins •Bessie E manicurist Boston, Mass •Lottie P stenog Boston, Mass M Melendy, Norman A fm hd Mitchell, Wm F mill wk *JaK E ndll wk Bath Wm H eng Mary W (Brown ho Mitchell, J J car liebecca II (Flanders *Hattie (m Bates Beachmont, Mass Mayo, J Henry far Augusta E (Hildreth Everett J far Edith G ho N Neily, Ira B mach & car 'P.ertha L (Clark Florence A stu O O'Brien, Micheal F mason Mary (Flaherty ho •Peter J grocer Small Pt •Coleman C riveter Bath •Patrick F shij) fitter (^nincy. Mass •E L car Woburn, Mass Jidia A at home 192 WEST BATH Perkins, Thos F market gard Bath Kate P (Higgins ho H Dorman motor Purington, H C far & butch Ella J (Ward ho Ernest B far Purington, Lucy (White retd *Chas W joiner Bath *Sarah E (m Lemont Bath Hiram C far & butch Purington, M S far & milk Addie F (Chase ho Doris C pi Marion Pushaw, P S stone mason Bath *John ranch Challice, Idaho R Rich, Henry R mason Ann E "(Mitchell ho * Annie (m Butler 65 Ashland, Maiden, Mass Odie M ho Harrj J dentist Rideout, J ohn C far Mary H (Andrews *Nellie (m Williams Brunswick *Geo boiler mkr 24 Princeton, Somerville, Mass *Emma (m Sampson Woodfords Eugene boiler mkr Rogers, W F mach Bath Lillie (Peterson ho Clarence A pi Rollins, Sadie D (m Chandler Bath *Clarence E R R ser Bath Rose, Henry, dairy, poultry & town cl *Frank mach at U S Navy yd 103 Gilman, Somerville, Mass Emma F (Swan ho Ernest E fm wk Fred J fra wk Martha F pi Rowell, Rose E waitress New Meadows Inn Russell, Mary J (m Gerrish *George G inspector & rev col Essex, Salem, Mass *Gage W retd vet Forrest Ave, Portland *Izora (m Elliott Beacon, Bath Sanford, John far Bath CENSUS 198 James A joiner Sanford, Albert far Martha (Shea ho *J Edward brass moulder Gen Elec Wks, Lynn, Mass Sanford, Geo Albert pi Sanford, Fred fm wk Savap;e, Mae E waitress New Meadows Inn Schoppie, Geo Prop Grand View Ho Ellen (Dillon ho Schoppie, Rufus retd Geo Prop Grand View Ho Simpson, Wm F butch Aufi:usta A (Ward ho ♦Maurice W elec Gen Elec Co, Boston, Mass Tarr, Cephias J (m Haley Bath *Geo L saw mill wk Arrowsic *Alice E (m Colby dr mkr 40 Elm, P.ath Tibbetts, Addie (m Coombs James G pi Tibbetts, Jesse far Bath •Clara E (m Bates 880 Winthrop Av, Beach niont, Mass *Charles M dentist 114 Meridien, E Boston. Mass *Elmer S contr & bldr 859 Winthrop Av, Beachmont, Mass Trainer, John sea capt Christine H pi Mary L pi Trufant, Annie H cashier New Meadows Inn Trufant, Anna C ho Trufant, Rachel S ho Varney, Howard E Mattie (Clark W far ho Washington, Gertrude ho Webster, Sarah L (Whitebouse Bath ♦Elizabeth (m Pollard Bath En OS F fire & enpf *Anuie M (m Larrabee Bath Minnie E (m Fuller ♦Gertrude Bath Sarah L pi Webster. E F fire i.V: enp Bath ♦Rachel pi Bath 194 WEST BATH *Florence Bath White, Thomas S far Altha N (Marsh Thomas J far Albert far *Franci8 bk kpr 34 W 26th N Y City White, John H car Bath Mary (Comeau ho Herbert J pi Henry pi Reta pi Blanche White, Joseph far Bath Emma J (Moore ho Laura E (m Lemont Ada E (m Larrabee Wilds, Chas far Bath Williams, Lincoln far Ada (Marshall ho Fred L eng Harry P eng app Williams, John S far Mary E (Dunning Belle D tr Annie A tr Elmer B tr Williams, Lucy A *William8, Annie M (Parker 47 Lincoln, Bath Wilhams, E J engraver Clara E (Bragg ho Harold P far Blanche at home Ernest far Doris pi Eliot B Williams, John H fra hd Williams, Frank E far Bath *Mary E (m Williams Winne *Chas C tinsmith 2 Weeks, Bath Ernest E far *Ina M stenog 20 Spruce, Augusta Gertrude A pi Williams, E E far Bath Ida M (Bonney ho *Winslow, Mattie s s wk Lynn, Mass Winter, Hon Jos W far Emma A (Farris Emma J ho Fred'k D far Woodside, Mary (Trufant Herman F far Lillian H music & art tr in Bath Schools *Frank F trav sales Brunswick Work, Wm D far & car Winne Wylie, Melvina F (Sanford ho Bath Annie E ho Wyse, Cora B (Curtin Mona pi Census of UJestport PopulatioD, 320. Note:— Wiscasset R. F. D. 4 covers most of Westport, and is the post office address understood where none is ex- pressed. A Octavia E (Bailey ho Frances E Abbott, Melvena W (Rines Fred C mariner Maude S (m McDonald Brooks, E T ptr Mary F (Hodgdon ho B Louise M dr mkr Maude E Bailey, Fred S *R L el Beverly, Mass Bailey, Jane E (Jewett ho Brooks, :M C Beaton, Wm W fisher Emma L (Kiiie:ht Mary A (Harrington ho Burt, Mary E (Galvin ho *Wallace G far Jefferson Westport *Frauk E mach Margery actress Wellesley, Mass *Wm L banker *A raer Wellesley, Mass 70 Kilby, Boston, Mass RossT Bessie I etu Blake, F R ship mate Annie M (Cromwell C Herbert L pi Call, Chas fisher Alice C pi Cora A (Morrison ho Frances V pi James (il fisher Brooks, Chas car Mabelle T 196 WESTPORT Dorcus E JohnH Etta Edgar pl Pl pl pl pl pl Myrtle Willis Canavan, Wm P Colby, Chas E millman Annie M (Perkins ho Ernest E far & car Jeannette L ho Verlie M stu Charles H pl Royden G pl Lawrence T pl Colby, Geo D fisher Sarah J (Barter ho *W M supt of grounds Isl of Springs *Colby, W M supt of grounds Isl of Springs Nellie S (Cressey Neva M pl EarlS Colby, Elizabeth J (Laws retd Genevieve H (m Higgins Sarah J (m Welch Colby, Jacob R far Wra W ship fastener *Chester D car Bath Henry R ship joiner *Nancy (m Marcy 41 Everett, Maiden, Mass Jacob E ship yard wk Edith pl Emma (Colby-Fowle Colby, Wm P far Helen M (Colby ho Colby, Riel P far & ch bd sel Annie M (Robinson ho Grace M pl Conley, Thomas fisher Emeline (Jewett ho Frank W capt *Edith (m Kimball Bath *Gertrude (m Kimball Bath *Jennie (m Potter Bath Cromwell, Betsy W (Colby *J A mer Brockton, Mass *T A mer Commercial Wf Boston, Mass John R tugman *Clara (m Robinson Wiscasset Everett S far Melven A far Cromwell, Chas L mail car & town cl Lizzie E (Robinson Eva L pl Clara E pl Nellie M Frances A Cromwell, Everett S far & prop Camp Molly Etta A (Colby ho Ida M at home CENSUS 197 Cromwell, J R far & ferry Mary J (Allen bo *John E trav sales 15 Morris, Everett, Mass Cromwell, Rachel D (Lilly Chas E A far & ptr Cromwell, Melven A far Geo E pl Lizzie B stu Thomas C P^ Helen E pl Cunes, Rosie A (m Heal *Albert P en^ 217 Main, Gloucester, Mass *JesseF eng 129 Woodham Av Ciolinswood, N J * Jessie E (m Emery Boothbay Har D Davison, J retd *Frank B cont & bldr Worcester, Mass *EttaB (Eaton Lowell, Mass Dickson, Ed^ar P capt Mary J (Perkins Harry A joiner Bert M mate Ernest H Ross E stu Dunton, Chas J far Fowle, Emma (m Colby Harry G car *AVillie E barber 283 Charles, Maiden, Mass *S H wood-makinp: fact 288 Charles, Maiden, Mass Fowle, I M mer Adelaide J (McCullam P M Bessie M asst P M Myra E cl Ida M pl Fowle, Jonas K far Frances E (Dickinson Richard L far *Fannie D J (m Jewett 45 Fessenden, Portland *Josie H L (m Eels 90 Pitt, Portland Fowle, Martin V far *Frank L cond 58 Child, Jamacia Plains, Mass *Jennie M (m Skinner 89 Nighteno:ale, Dorchester, Mass *R A team Everett, Mass *Earl M cash & bk kpr 607 Tremont, Boston, Mass Gove, Asahel E fisher InezE (ilarriden Greenleaf, Chester ship car 16 198 WESTPORT Annie (Mackentire ho Chestena pi Infant Greenleaf, Emma F (Moore Abbie S (m Lewis Robert T far Fred I far Elmer stu Mathew pi Greenleaf, Henry F mill wk Ida (Leavitt Geo stu Mercy M pi Addie S pi Clarence J pi Josephine Greenleaf, Rachel H (Brooks Henry F mill op Greenleaf, Rufus retd Rebecca (Stover ho *Wm H fisher Cape Ann, Mass *Nathaniel fisher Cape Ann, Mass Chester ship car * Julia (m Aderson Mich *Naomi (m Warren Wiscasset Greenleaf, Stephen D far Greenleaf, Warren fisher H Harlonder, B (Habel ho Arthur stu Harriman, Alvin B mach Etta G (Mitchell ho *Ernest H draftsman *katherine A bk kpr 140 Tremont, Boston, Mass Mary L stu Frances M pi Phillip A pi Eleanor L pi Harrington. Wm far Mary A (Wilder ho *Ida H (m Rowe Five Isl *W A eng 26 Grove, Bath *Clifford F eng Readfield Heal, Nancy M (Brooks ho Mabel P tr Higgins, S P mason Genevieve H (Colby ho *H L fire Belmont, N H Robert S genl wk Archie genl wk Alfred J pi Ethel L pi Helena F pi Hilton, Blanch B (Webber saw mill & lumber bus Paul P pi Hodgdon, Quintus C mer Millie B (Greely ho *Edna E (m Knight 321 Congress, Portland *FK car Stockton Spring *Harold S insurance 749 Main, Bridgeport, Conn CENSUS 199 CarlM Percy W Hodgdon, Susan C (Grepnlenf Hodp;don, W boat bldr Clara E (Raff ho *E«tella M Wiscasset *Delia F (m StovtT 1090 WashingtoD, Bath *Rosie V (m Thompson Small Point *Nettie M (in Lewis Wiseasset Joseph H boat bldr Edith I Lester W etu Iug:all8, Geo F sum res gen) bnp: ao't, So Sta. Boston Fannie F (Dickson Inez F stenog; Irene H stu J Jewett, Capt A M Mary F (Shattuck ho *Harry \j mill op McFalls Frank B eng Jew«'tt, Beni F far & nier *Alfred F eng Bath *Carrie M (m Merrill 12 Gould, Stonehan], Mass James M eng *Georgie A (m Hills East Maryland *F S much Central Falls Melviua W (Abbott Jevvett, Geo A fisher Eliza A (Beals ho Benton B far . Granville G raer *HelenS (m Smith 658 Wasliinfrton, Bath Annie M (m Knights *Maude M (m Stevens Harmons Harbor Ralph "\V fisher Jevvett, Erastus A iron worker Jewett, James M eng Gladys L pi Jewett, Jonas H fisher Louise J (McKinney ho *01iver P first asst eng Portland Hylan M chief eng 35G Middle, Bath Marion L confectionery store •Florence M fireman Bath Jewett, Myra P (Hodgdon *Kuth I (m Brown Lewistown, I'cnu *lda M (m Adams Springfield, Moss Park man F far Jewett, Susan H (Pierce ho 200 WESTPORT *Ann M (m Hilton Richmond Geo A far *Helen S (m Parsons Sudbury, Mass Lydia J (m Pierce *John E cook Bath *Mary P (m Mathews Sudbury, Mass Merrill C ptr *Emma (ni Pierce Bath *Laura (m Sanborn Deerin^ Judkins, Guy G far Anna M (Blaisdell ho Roland B Hazel A K Kehail, Philena T (Tarbox Eliza O ho *Augusta A (m Heme 38 Elm, Bath Golden F stu Mildred E stu Knight, Frank B fisher Mary A (Dunton ho *Eugene M car Winne Manfred P car Herbert F car Alice M (m Lewis Knight, H F car Annie M (Jewett ho Lester H pi Maurice J Knight, J H far Jennie B (Jewett ho Amos J fisher Byron B far Burnham pi Kuight, Jonas S far Albertine P (Colby ho Melvin C stu Knight, Lucy J (Hodgdon Thomas F far Ann M (m Hodgdon Emma L (m Brooks Knight, Thos F far Almena E (Dunton *Geo C eng 113 Franklin, Portland *Ruel T eng 322 Washington, Bath *Ernest F oiler Bath Lawson, Andrew far *R H E Pepperell, Mass Frank T far *Annie B Cm Adams Boothbay Elsie stu Lawson, Frank T far Aramenta (Somes ho Lewis, Etta V ( Whitten Ordway stu Helen stu Lewis, Horace J far CENSUS 201 Abbie S (Greenleaf ho Eldred F pi Maurice E Lewis, James R far Caroline (Moore ho *Su8ie L (m Levy ho Stockton Sprino^s *Maud D (ni Dowliug Wis Horace J far Win M fisher Carrie E ho EarlR Irving' H Lillian B Lewis, Wm M fisher Alice M (Knight ho Alvah F Leydon, Richard fisher M McCullam, Margaret (Ilodgdon Addie J (m Fowles *Enima J (m Trott ^^'ool\vich *Manfred R janitor 10U7 Washington, Bath Clipster L deck hand McLaughlin, Capt Thomas Jenette B (Dunton ho *Edward P trav sales Eastman Kodak Co Rochester, N Y Moore, Lucy J (Webber ho N Nelson, Geo team Nellie M ( Learned laundry wk Harry E pi Parsons, Geo P retd *Georgina (n) Allen ho Rockport, Mass *E L niach Providence, R I *Jennie A (m VVyatt Portsmouth, R I Catherine P (Jackson ho Pierce, Augustus A car Mary A ((iibson ho *A H cond Boston, Mass *E F break Boston, Mass *John A cl Portland Mellen H pi Pierce, Clias B car *Li T elec Boston, Mass *Chas F supt cutlery fact New Brit ton. Conn Pierce, Waldron M car Lvdia J Mewett ho R Richardson, Geo B landscape gard 202 WESTPORT Aramede S ( JevTett ho Earl S pi Edith I pi Bernice M pi Geo D pi Rines, Joseph G team *Anuie ( 78 Blackstone, Boston, Mass Rowe, Nellie M (ra Nelson laundry Daisy M Rucley, Chas W far Addie H ( Welch ho *Pearl A (m Nalior Ohio Freeman far Sears, Katherine A (Canavan sum res, 17 Nonsuit, Boston VVm pi Mildred F pi Ethel A pi Shaw, Ruth A (Dunton Shea, Horatio S far Ida L (Raiuville ho Gertrude M pi Harold A pi Alice M pi Inez D pi Clinton R Siegars, Priscilla (McLain Smith, Gertrude A pi Smith, Frank S pi Smith, Sybil C *Spear, Jos B plumber & ear 150 Belmont, Maiden, Mass Leta J (Burden ho niarold R Carleton K Stacy, Aramede S (Jewett ho *W A boiler mkr Bath Arnold C iron fit *EllaM (m Sweet Hopedale, Mass *IdaM (m Craddock 20 Hopedale, Hopedale, Mass Stodder, Georgie (Dickson Edith stu Russell pi T Tarbox, Arthur K fisher Tarbox, Carrie M (Webber Tarbox, Frank P gen wk Arnold P fisher *Lucelia E ho Bath Dennis H far wk Rodney S pi Alda pi Effie E (Cameron Ral ph pi Herbert pi Tarbox, J H far Marv P (Chisom ho Eda"B stu Dorothy M pi Annie R pi Ronald L pi CENSUS 203 Adeline G pi Tarbox, Lucelia M lio Tarbox, Manfort fisher Thomas, Ruth A (Webber *H J ruach Beverly, Mass Frank E far Stella P W Webber, Caroline M (Bartlett Euo-ene P U S R C S Carrie M (m Tarbox * Belle L (ra Welch Phenox Hotel, Bath Blanch B (m Hilton Webber, Euo-ene P U S R C S Maro;aret (Brown Maude E Weiting, Herman H ins cl Nancy K (Keene ho Frances H gen wk far fisher Welch, C A far Sarah J (Colby ho Edith Whitteu, Fred Whitten, Lizzie Whitten, Ella Whitten, Oscar Whitten, Owen Whitten, Frank Whitten, Elmer Whitten, U G fisher Emma F (Greenleaf Eugene Whitten, Wm A far * Harry E mach Bath *xMabel (m Bay he Jioston, Mass *Annie E ho Brunswick ^Josephine type writer Augusta * Ralph far Bath Earl p- CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS. PHIPPSBURG Jas. Amhurst (navy), Andrew J. Blaisdell, Kichard M. Blaisdell, Eufus Butler, Elijah C. Butler, Jas. B. Butler, Corpl. Chas. T. Butler, Clias. P. Butler, Sumner P. Butler (navy), Wm. G. Bessie, Geo. W. Bessie, Jos. N. Bryany (navy), Chas. H. Bowker, Isaiah J. Bowker, Isaiah G. Bow- ker, John R. Bowker, Josia Bowker, John Barnett (navy), Chas. Burgess, Beuj. Carter, Benj. D. Carter, John Conley (navy), Domiuieus Chase, Josiah Chase, Elijah Condon, Corpl. Win, R. Crosby, Albion Dickinson (navy), Sergt. Al- exander Duley, Thos. Emery, Richard O. Emery, Sam'l Em- ery, Augustus F. Emery, John B. Frisber (navy), Corpl. Danl. Fletcher, John B. Fletcher, Clifton P. French, Geo. W. Gray, Chas. W. Green, Aaron T. Green, Wm. Green, Chas. W. Greene, Abram T. Green, Geo. M. Green, Wm. T. Green- low, Jacob Greenlow, Corpl. Geo. L. Brant, J.Wilson, C. Gil- man, Thos. Griffin, Jacob Grembo, Alexander M. Gerald, Chas. B. Harrington, (1861 and '63), Edw. P. Heald, Jas. T. Heal, Reuben F. Hutchins, Loring A. Hutchins, Sergt. Wm. Higgins, Lieut. Wm. H. Higgins, Wm. N. Higgins, David Howe, Jas. Howe, Chas. H. Howe, Jas. Howes (navy), Wm. M. Hamilton, Silas Hamilton, Wm. Howard, (navy), Francis E. Johnson (navy), Lieut. Josiah F. Keene, John Kelley (navy), Geo. L. Lawrence (navy), Chas. L.Lombard, Emery E. Lowell, John R, B. Lowell, John Lowell, Wm. R. Lowell, Lieut. David Lowell, John R. Lowell, Jas, H.Lowell. CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS 205 Corpl. Rif'bard B. Lowell, Prince H. Lock, ChaH. H. Mcln- tire, John F. Alclntire, Tollman L. Mclutire, Timothy B. MorriHon, Corpl. Jos. Mulot, Milton Mereen, Irving F. Mer- een (nav.v), Saml. Mereeu, Gilmore P. Marr, Jas. Marr, Eph- raiin S. Marr, Jas. Mann, Gilmore P. Mann, Sergt. John C. McKenney, Adelbert E. Morse, Adelbert D. Morse, Oliver P. Nichols, Lieut. Jo8. Nichols, Loring- C. Oliver, Thos. Oliver 4th, VVni. H. Oliver, Anouetns R. Oliver, Jas. R. Oliver, Eben F. Oliver, Alden S. Oliver, Cleveland M. Oliver, Anthony O'Neil, Geo. Pye, Geo. M. Pye, Thos. A. Pye, Geo. W. Pye, John H. I'ease, Jas. C. Perry, Eli W. Perry, Wm. D. Powers, Jacob Powers, Bradford H. Pushard, Sergt. Alfred B. Per- kins, (Jpo. M. Page, Chas. C. Rook, John Rook, Geo. Rook, Geo. W. Rook, Oilman P. Rooke, Rnel W. Rowe, Randall Rogers, Josiah B. Rogers, Frederick Rosignal, Josiah Iv. Rollins, Jas. E. RoUinH, Llewellyn A. Rollins, Josiah R. Rol- lins, Henry W. Small, Wm. Small, Henry M. Small (navy), Chas. F. Spinney, Thos. J. Segeberg, Wm. Sutton (navy), Elijah Stone (navy), Fred'k Thornton (navy), Corpl. John H. Trafton, David Thomas (navy), Corpl. (Jeo. E. Terrell, Loring S. Webber, Fred'k S. Webber (navy), Thomas C. W^yman (navy), Jacob Wilson, Jas. P. Wallace (navy), Corpl. Thos. C. Wallace, Jethro S. Wallace, Jas. R. Wallace, John Worrey, BtMij. A. Welch, Wm. Williams (navy. Henry O. Oustin, Cambridge, .Mass.; Kichard .M. I'dais- dell, Bath; Corp. Lemuel Collins enlisted from r.atli, Ls(;2; Henry A. Conant, New London, Conn; John Donnell, Frank- lin; Alden S. Oliver, Augusta; Timothy Sweeney, Belfast; Henry L. Wyman, Bridgton; Wm. F. Willis, Arrowsic; Wm, 206 CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS H. Wilson, Gloucester, Mass. Foreign Enlistments:— Geo. T. Bag;ley, Jeremiah M. Wallace, Mass. Regt.; John Black, Stephen K. Lowell, John H. Morse, Illinois Reojt.; Prescott Getchell, Walker Getchell, Wis. Regt.; Francis Wilds, Mark L. Wilds, Western Regt., Spencer Butler, Wm. Coffee, Campbell W. Day, Hallowell Dickinson, John Frisbee, Silas Foot, Chas. Mclntire, Augus- tus Norton, Ezekiel D. Percy, Nehemiah Wallace, Zachariah Wallace, U. S. Navy. GEORGETOWN. John Austin, Ellsworth Brazier, (navy), Jos. Busha, Jas. Burke, Cor pi. Leander Berry, Washington Campbell, Elijah Campbell, Jr., Albert Cornelison, Edwin F. Chase, Robt. Chase, Jr., Chas. S. Coursal, Jas. E. Clary, Albert C. Davis, Corpl., Oliver W. Dexter, Chas. Decker, H. N. Doug- lass, Stewart D. Douglass, Ephraim S. Emmons, Christopher C. Erskine, Alexander P]rskine, Fairfield Erskine, Fred'k M. Fogg, Arthur H. Gladstone (navy), James Gallagher, Jno. W. Hartford, J. T. Hartford, 0. B. Hill, I. T. Harford, J. T. Harford, Benj. F. Higgins, Thos. M. Hagan, Chas. M. Hig- gins, Wm. H. Higgins, Wm. Howard, Lieut. Jas. N. Hinckley, Geo. W. Heal, Jno. Kelley, (navy), Francis A. Luce, Exavier Legare, Evael Legare, Reuben B. McKenney, Geo. H. Maines, Jaruel Marr, Calvin E. Marr, Jared Marr, Alden B. Moore, John McKenzie, John C. Macking, Alvin Oliver, Thos. P. Oliver, Freeman C. Oliver, Matthew Oliver, (navy), Llewellyn Oliver, Stearns Oliver, Sergt. Dexter W. Oliver, John A. Riggs, Zachariah C. Rowe, Andrew J. Rowe, CIVIL WAU SOLDIERS 207 Anson Rovve, Sergt. Benson Rowe, Lemuel N. Rowe, Tho8. Snowman, Ambrose Snowman, Tlios. E. Scott, Sam'l H. Shea, Geo. T. Stevens, Jos. Swan, Stephen C. Synnott, Wni. C. Shute, Corpl. Sam'l L. Silley, Edw. Sennett, Oliver Stearns, John Smith, (nav.y), Stephen C. Sennett, Corpl. Rufus P. Stinson, Chas. E. Tarr, Almon S. Tarr, Alonzo P. Tarbox,Cha8. C. Trafton, Sergt., Edwin P. Trafton, Stephen P. Traftcjn, Cyrus C. Trafton, Jas. Waters, Frank Water- man, William 11. Webber, (band), Jas. Wood, Jas. T. Wil- liams, (uavy), Jos. Boucher, Chandler M. Jewett, Chas. M. Jewett. Foreign Enlistments:— Farfiold F. Erskine, N. Y. rep:i- raent; Warren Ilaoan, U. S. A; Geo. W. Harford, Clement P. Rowe, Ei)hraim P. Rowe, Robert Sedgley, Jr., Edward Sen- nett, Stephen Seuuett, Beuj. Stevens, Jas. T. Williams, U. S. N. ARKOWSIC. Edffar D Andrews, Walter Blanohard, Wm. Cilley, Jas. Daw, Alex. E. Erskine, Nelson Francis, David Howe, Corp. Geo. C. Higtiins, Jeremiah Heal, Sanford Heal, Chas. Heal, Alden S. Heal, Chas. H. Heal, Jeremiah F. Heal, Horace M. Haynes, Jno. McNamara, Thos. H. Nockton, Wm. P. Silby, Corp. Justin L. Swett, Corp. Edwin W. Swett, Wm. S. Soper, Solomon D. Taylor, Wm. F. Wills, Wm. T. Wills, Willi'by R. York. Phillip W. Dny enlisted from China, Geo. Mathews, Boothbay, Rufus P. Stinson, Geor^^etown, Geo. E. Cove, 208 CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS Edgecombe, Ozias R. Fletcher navy, from Bath. Foreign Enlistments:— Seth T. Snipe, Mass. Regiment; Alvin Oliver, U. S. Navy. WEST BATH. Chas. Berry, Chas. R. Coombs, John P. Haley, Josiah M. Higgins, Samuel Higgins, Wm. H. Holbrook, Silas S. Hol- brook, Alpheus M. Holbrook, Thomas Lemont, Wm. Henry Lemont, David C. Lombard, Oilman S. Lombard, Odiou Mitchell, Chas. Purington, Orrington Williams, Sergt. Joseph W. Winter, Samuel T. White. John Webster, David R. Wylie and Robert Wylie served in the navy. WESTPORT. Thos. Colburt, Ezekiel L. Dunton, Wm. Callahan, Geo. N. Fields, Ezra L. Fowles, Bernard Harding, Corp. Andrew Jackson, John Jones, 1st., John Kisly, John Kerby, Corp. Jas. Lingard, Wm. McKenney, Wm. May, Patrick Mehan, Jas, McLarney, Jas. McGafuey, J no. McCabe, Jas. Petrie, Chas. Roan, Alex. Ryan, Phillip Smith, Chas. W. Shaw, Jas. Thompson, Edw. E. Woods. Foreign Enlistments:— Sylvanus Bailey, Melville Brooks, Wm. H. Colby, Ebenezer Greenleaf, Thos. F. Hodg- kins, Chas. McCarty, Thos. McLullen, Wm. Yates, U. S. N. APPENDIX CHANGES IN GENERAL REFERENCE POST OFFICE CHANGES The following; changes have been made in the Post Office list to March 1, 1906. POST OFFrCES DISCONTINUED Albany Beiiner Bounev Boundary Castlehill Ctr. Montville Coplin Dixmont Ctr. Donnan Eastbrook East Dixmont East Jefferson 1 East New Sharon Fortune Rock Globe Goodwin's Mills Holt Mills Hutchius Iceboro Jewell Libertyville Marion Monroe Ctr. Montsweag Morrison Newburg Newburg Ctr. Newburg Village North Bluehill North Guilford North Orrington North Perham Oaks Pushaw Riceville Rome Saunders Simpson's Corner Smithton South Durham South Liberty South Newburg South Smithfield South Stetson Spragues Falls Stanley Waldo Wt>bb Webster West Ellsworth Wyman 210 APPENDIX POST OFFICES ESTABLISHED, or new names adopted. Ayers *Brownfleld Carry Pond Chamberlain Dickey Dirigo Is. Tlie following routes where chan *Albion 3 *Alfred 3 *Anson 1 **Berwick 2 **Bethel 4 *Bridgewater Ctr. *Brownfield 1 *Brownville 1 **Bucksport 3 **Caribou 6 **Daniariscotta 1 *Dixmont 2 **Dover 2 *Ea8t Holden 2 *Franklin 1 * Freedom 2 *Garland 1 *Goldenridge 1 **Guilford 2 Grandlake Stream Grant Farm Michaud Milo Jet. Round Mtn. Selden Soldier Pond Starboard Westfield Woodland shows the present ges have been made. *Hampden Cor. 2 **Houlton 5 *Jefferson 1 **Kennebunkport *Liberty 2 1 *Mars Hill 1 *Milbridge 2 **Milo 3 *Monticello 1 *Morri]l 2 *New Vinyard 1 *Norridgewock 2 **North Anson 2 North Dexter 1 *North Haven 1 *No. Vassalboro 2 *No. Waterford 1 *Oxford 3 *Patten 1 number of R. F. D. * Perry 2 **Portland 9 (Woodfords 5 1 So. Portland 4) *Princeton 1 *Robinston 1 *So. Penobscot 1 *Spragues Mill 2 *Surry 1 *Temple 1 *Union 3 **Waldoboro 3 *Warren 2 *We8t Pownal 1 Whitefield 1 **Wilton 1 **Wisca6set 4 *York Corner 1 W Ik- 89 ,>t ' *^ flC*'^^ ^o. rwo ^^-^ ^ .K^^^-^. ••! V^^ V ♦ ^ * 'it. * «5^^ ^"^ V*"..v .40^ *>•%. V ^0 fj» ~»^<£Uf^^* ^K 9^^ • .0 r*