THE GOFFSTOWN A REGISTER 1 9 O 5 COMPILED BY MITCHELL AND WESTON Brunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co. 1905 VA4 A ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS Early Settlement Incorporation Town Officials Military Matters Industrial Account Church Affairs Educational Items St Anselm^s College County Farm Professional Men Hon. David Lawrence Morrill Village Water Works Electric Lighting Plant Rogers Free Library Patrons of Husbandry CENSUS Goffstown Register 1905 EARLY SETTLEMENT This early-settled town lies in the north-eastern part of Hillsboro County, just west of the metropolitan city of Man- chester, to which city the town of which we are writiug has made valuable accessions of territory. Goffstown originally extended to the Merrimac on the east and included also a portion of Hooksett lying west of the Men imac. 1 his terri- tory in connection with six other townships, was granted by the Great and General Court of Massachusetts, in 1728, to the soldiers, or heirs-at-Iaw of the soldiers ol the King Philip or Narragansett War, which ended fifty years before the grant was made. It is probable, therefore, that very few of these soldiers were then living. In June, 1733, it seems these grantees, (about 840 in number) met on the town common in Boston for thepurpose of dividing the land thus given them. They formed them- selves into seven separate societies, and each society then organized and chose an executive committee to look after its interests. These committees met in Boston, Oct. 17, 6 HISTORICAL. 1733, at which tirae the members of the several townships, from one to seven, were placed in a hat and successively drawn. Goflfstowu was drawn as Narragansett, No. 4, which name it bore for several years. But this was not the foundino^ of the town. The terri- tory of New Hampshire had been gTauted to John Mason, an English naval officer; and was claimed b3^ liis heirs, now referred to as the Masonian proprietors. These men estab- lished their claim, in opposition to Massachusetts claims, and made a orant of the townsliip of (ioffstown (Goffs is the Celtic for Smith) to Rev. Thomas Parker, of Dracut; Colonel Sampson Stoddard and John Buttertield of Chelmsford; Joseph Blanchard,Robt. Davidson, John Coombs and James Karr, of Dunstable; John Goffe. and John Goffe Jr., James Walker, Mathew Patten, John ]\Iooie, Timothy Corlise, Thomas Farmer, Zaccheus Cutting, Samuel Patten, Alexan- der Walker, all of Sowhegan East (or Bedford) ; Thos. Foll- ensbee, Joshua Follensbee, Caleb Paige, Beni. Richards (a brave Indian fighter) Peter Moise, Caleb Enier^', John Dow, Peter Harriman of Haverhill ; Abram Men-ill, Benj. Stearns, John Jewell, Ephraim Martin, Nathaniel Martin. Aaron Wells, and Caleb Dalton, all of a place called Amoskeag; James Adams, Win. Orr, Job Kidder and John Kidder of Londonderry; Win. Read and Robt. Read, James McKnight, Wm. Cummings, all of Litchfield; and Samuel Griggs, Edward White, Esq., John White, all ot Brooklyn; which grant was made at Portsmouth in the mouth of December, 1748, upon the following conditions: "That the whole tract, saving the particular tracts herin- HISTORICAL. 7 after mentioned, be divided into sixty-eight shares, orrights and each right be laid out into three distinct lots, and num- bered with the same number on each of said lots, the num- bers of the rights to begin with one and end \\\i\\ sixty-eight: that one of the said shares be for the first Minister of the Gospel who shall be settled on said tract of land hereby granted, and shall remain there during his life, or until he shall be regularly dismissed, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, and one other lot or share for and toward the sup- port of the Gospel Minister forever: that two of the three lots shall belong to each share shall contain one hundred acres each." But without quoting further, provision was made that the minister's lot should be near the meeting house, that another share, or right be reserved for the proprietors; that within one year from the time of drawing each owner of a share shall have a house sixteen feet square, (with a chimney and cellar) upon one end of his lot, and some person living in said house; and four acres of laud inclosed, cleared and fitted for mowing and tillage (four acres to be fitted during each of the succeeding two years, to build a meeting house within three years, and three years after the completion of the meeting house to maintain public worship therein; to pay £35, old tenor, per share, and to hold in reserve "all white pine trees growing on said tract of land, fit for his majesty's use iu Masting the Royal Navy." This was like- wise a condition of the charter of incoporation, {and was an- nulled only by that famous document, the Declaration of Independence. 8 HISTORICAL. The conditions of this grant were met by many of the grantees to whom is due the credit of being the foremost pioneers of this town. Other earl}^ settlers in town were Antipos Dodge, John Dinsmore; McCIary and Mr. Sessions who made their clear- in'^s oil the south side of the maiiataiQ; Mr. Todd, at the Moore place; and Mr. Butterfield and Mr. Robie, a little north of VVm. Todd's clearing. Mathew Kennedy was one of the first settlers, and the first white child born in town was his son, Samuel. He lived where B. F. Aiken formerly lived ia Shirley Hill district. Mr Kennedy was a thrifty farmer. Lieut. Moses Little lived half way up Robie Hill, Asa Pattee, Job Dow (where E. Richards now lives in the village) anl John Goffe (at Mrs. Artemus Whitney's now on North Mast Street) . Alexander Walker, the old town clerk, cleared and erected his cabin on the old Walker place, now owned by Geo. E. Waite. Samuel Blodgett made a laige clearing a mile or so from Amoskeag Falls, now in Manchester; he was regarded the wealthiest of the early settlers, and in many respects the most remarkable man. Robert McGregor settled in Goffstown in 1 777. Hetook an important part, under Gen. Stark, in the Revolutionary War, and was afterward an energetic merchant and business man in this town. He was the projector and proprietor of the first bridge across the Merrimac River on the site of the present Old Central bridge. Among the most distinguished, of the early settlers of this town may also be mentioned, Samuel Blodgett, Moses Keiiey, Colonel Goffe, Sam'l Rich- mSTOEICAL. 9 ards, Asa Pattee, John Butterfield, Thos. Shirley, James Karr, Mathew Kenuedv, Joshua Martio, Wm. McDoell, aud the Poors. There was a Mr. Worthley among: the first set- tlers, who lived near where David A. Parker afterward lived, near the cove, so called, but was driven off by the Indians. He afterward returned and was again disturbed, and moved to Weare, where he settled near the Cold Spring. To these men, and others perhaps less proniiuect, is due the credit and honor of having been the men who here faced the dangers of pioneer life when this entire state was inhab- ited almost excusively by the hostile Indians and the less treacherous wild animals' of the forest; here they labored through heat and cold,throngh disappointment and discour- agement, that they might make for themselves and their numerous posterity, homes aiid names that should be val- ued and honored throughout succeeding generations. INCORPORATION Goffstown was incorporated on June 16, 1761, by the Governor and Council of New Hampshire, to continue a cor- porate bodv until March 25, 1763. On April 5th, 1763, the incorporation was revived "to continue until we shall please to approve or disallow the same." Previous to its incorpor- ation this place had sometime been called "Shrove's-town." 10 HISTOEICAL. It was given its present name in honor of Col. John Goffe, a prominent man in the settlement. A portion of this town was combined with parts of Dun- barton and Chester, to form the town of Hooksett, Jnly 2, 1822. Some islaiids \u tlie Merrimac River were annexed to this town June 20, 1825. Isaac Parker's farm was severed from New Boston and annexed June 18, 1836. The line between Dunbarton and Goffstown was established Jan. 7, 1853. Up to this time, Goffstown extended to the Merrimac River, including what is now West Mancluster, but on July 1, 1853, that portion of Manchester west of the River was severed from this town and annexed to the city. The present area of Goffstown is 29,170 acres. The pop- ulation in 1775 was 831. The United States census has shown the population of this town for the successive decades, beginning 1790 to have been as follows: 1790, 1275; 1800, 1G12; 1810, 2000; 1820, 2173; 1830, 2213; 1840, 2370; 1850, 2270; 18G0, 1740; 1870, 1G5G; 1880, 1699; 1890, 1981; 1900, 2528; the last figures being the largest of any in the list. The present increase is due largely to the re-establish men t of the county fHrm in this town, which institution has an average membershi)) of Irom 425 to 450. Since the new electric railroad, connecting the town with Manchester, has been built, several from the city have pur- chased lots on the line of road, and established beautiful and convenient homes within eas}^ access to the city. HISTORICAL. 11 TOWN OFFICIALS TOWN CLERKS, SINCE 1850 Alfred Poor, 1H50-1852; Ephraim B. Wells, March 18o3-Dec. 21, 1853; David S. Carr, Dec. 21, 1853-March 1854; Alfred Poor, 1854; David Pattee, 1855; Ctias. George, 1856-'58; Orren Moore, 1859-^61; George P. Hei)ry, 1862- Oct. 20, 1868. John Steele, Oct. 20, 1868-March 1869; Frank F. Flint, 1869-70; F. B. Flanders, 1871-'75: Frank- lin Hadley, 1876-78; Geo. L. Hooper, 1879-'82; Ernest Johnson, 1883-'85; L. S. Bidwell, 1886; Frank Johnson, 1887-'98; E. A. Blaisdell, 1899-1904. TOWN TUEASUREKS, SINCE 1850 Dr. A. F. Carr, 1850; Geo. Poor, 1851; Dr. A. F. Carr, 1852-'3; James Allison, 1854; A. Poor, 1855; Geo. Warren, 1856-7; Orrin Moore, 1858; Eliphalet Richards, 2nd, 1859- '60; David S. Carr, 1861; Geo. P. Poor, 1862-'63; E. R. Poor, 1864; Geo. P. Poor, 1865; Geo. B. Moore, 1866-'68; Henry W. Hadley, 18o9-70; Keudrick Kendall, 1871; David Belcher, 1872; Robinson Brown, 1873; W. H. Weeks, 1874; Robinson Brown, 1875. '85; 0. F. Su-niner, 1886; Robinson Brown, 1887-'92; F. W. Kendall, 1893; Robinson Brown, 1893-'96; Chas. F. White, 1897; H. H. Bowen, 1898; F. W. Kendall, 1899-1904. SELECTMEN 1850— John Tewksbury, Gilman Robertson, Wm, P. Warren. 12 HISTOEICAL. 1851— Wm. P. Warren, Luther Hadle^s J. B. Quimby. 1852— L. Hadlev, J. B. Quimby, Samuel Dow, Jr. 1853— Geo. P. Hadlev, Thos. R. Butterfield, Wm. Shir- ley 1854— Geo. Poor, Luther Hadley, Enoch P. Sargent. 1855— Philip F. Pattee, E. P. Sargent, John Green. 1856— Gideon Flanders, Jr., Richard Pattee, Thos. R. Hoyt, Jr. 1857— T. R. Butterfield, S. Dow, Jr., David H. Barr. 1858— Alfred Story, Samuel Dow, Jr., David H. Barr. 1859— Andrew McDougall, Lewis Sargent, Thos. R. Hoyt, Jr. 1860— (leo. P. Hadley, J. A. Flanders, Geo. Warren. 1861— Geo. Warien, J. A. Flanders, E. Richards. 1862— Peter E. Hadley 2nd, Chas. AV. Cheney, L. Robert- son. 1863— W. P. Warren, L. Robertson, D. S. Ferson. 1864-'65— D. S. Ferson, Jesse Nickols, Joseph Cram. 1866-"67— L. D. Huukins, John Green, Rodney Johnson. 1868— R. Johnson, N. E. Kimball, Chas. ^Morgrage. 1869— Allred Poor, Chas. Morgrage, F. H. Phillips. 1870 — Chas. Morgrage, Samuel Teel, S. D. Johnson. 1871— Geo. Warren, H. J. Tirrell, B. F. Stevens. 1872— D. M. Taggart, Calvin Wyman, F. G. Farley. 1873— D. M. Taggart, Rodney Johnson, F. G. Farley. 1874— Geo. Cox, J. A. Flanders, Irad Poor. 1875— G. P. Hadley, G. P. Hadley, 2nd, S. L. Flanders. 1876— G. P. Hadley, 2nd, S. L. Flanders. Alfred Poor. 1877— Henry Moore, Chas. Morgrage, HISTOEICAL. 13 1878— HeDry Moore, Chas. Mor^rage, J. W. Tirrell. 1879— D. M. Tagg-art, Geo. Cox, Geo. Pattee. 1880-'81 — Benj. Greer, Chas. Morgrage, Henry Moore. 1882 — John Greer, Chas. Morgrage, Henry Moore. 1883— Chas. Morgrage, W. S. Whipple, G. M. Eaton. 1884-'8o— Geo. Pattee, W. S. Whipple, J. W. Hoitt. 1886— H. H. Johnson, A. J. Morgrage, B. F. Stevens. 1887 — Chas. Morgrage, Henry Ware, Gilman Woodbury. 1888 — C. Morgrage, Henry Moore, G. Woodbury. 1889— C. Morgrage, Chas. E. Pollard, Selwin Martin. 1890— C. E. Pollard, S. iMartin, Geo. W. Colby. 1891-'92— G. W. Colby, Jos. Cram, Peter Jones. 1893— G. A. McQuesten, J. H. Bartlett, W. S. Whipple. 1894— C. Morgrage, L. W. Bartlett, R. D. Shirley. 1895 1896-'97— C. Morgrage, R. L. Shirley, C. H. Martin. 1898— R. L. Shirley, C. H. Martin, Geo. Pattee. 1899— G. Pattee, G. L. Eaton, G. P^Hadley. 1900— Geo. Pattee, A. H. Parker,^ G.L. Eaton. 1901--02— Chas. Morgrage, G. L. Eaton, John B. Jones. 1903— G. L. Eaton, J. B. Jones, Lewis H. Hoyt. 1904— G. L. Eaton, Wm. H. Colby. Wra. P. Hadley. 14 HISTOEICAL. MILITARY MATTERS When the news of the battle of Lexington reached Goffs- town, it was quickly spread throughout the settlement. Almost to a man, the patriots left their implements of hus- bandry, and hurried to the place of rendezvous, where a com- pany, under Capt. Joshua Martin, was speedily enrolled, and marched to the seat of war. The ladies oi the town also partook largely of the revolutionary spirit. They cast bul- lets and made cartridges, and were always distinguished for habits of industry and skill, making all articles of clothing, for to use foreign goods was extravagant and unpatri- otic. Goffstown furnished its full quota of soldiers ot the Con- tinental army. The following is a nearly complete list of these men. There may be a few omissions, but it is the best record that can be obtained, and probably the most accurate. Those marked with a star (*) were killed or died in the ser- vice. Capt. Samuel Richards, Lieut. Moses Little, Lieut. Tim- othy Blake, Ensign Jesse Carr*, Antipos Dodge, Ichabod Martin, Timothy Moshire, David McClure, David McClure, J r., Robert Spear, John Dinsmore, Alexander Gilchrist, Robert Gilchrist*, Robert Gilchrist, Jr., John Sessions*, and wife, Lieut. Phillip Ferrin, Alexander McDoell*, (also in the French and Indian war) died while returning from the War of the Revolution to his home; Wm. McDoell, Jr., James McPherson, John McPherson, John Todd*, Collins Eaton*, HISTORICAL. 15 John Woods, John Little, John Gilmore, Matthew Kennedy, Andrew Newell* (killed at the evacuation of Ticonderoga), Eleazer Emerson, Seth Wyinan, Samuel Dunlap, Samuel Remick* (wounded at Bennington and brought home by Capt. E. Richards, with two other 3'pung men), Timothy Johnson, Samuel Barr, John Woods, Edward Woods, Sam'l Smith, David Stevens* (brought home sick, wounded, and died), Benj. Stevens, Jr., Ward Clark, Nathan Hawes, Amos Richards, Eliphalet Kemp, Robert McGregory, Wm. Houston, Jesse Dickey, Is;!cher King, John Butterfield, Jon- athan Bell, John Bell, Nathaniel Stevens, Ezra Myrack*, Joshua Wilson, John McClintock, Joshua Bell, Benj. Cass, Augustus George, Joseph Hadley*, McAllister*; Wm. Wilson, John Brown, Daniel Andrews, James Kendrick, David Kich- ardson, James Walker, John George, Sam'l Eaton, Thomas Saltmarsh, Silas Wells, Wm. Kemp* (killed, together with Andrew Newall, while on a scouting party irom Fort Inde- pendeuce), Ebenezer Freeman, Thos. Shirley, Joshua Mar- tin, Elijah Kidder, Jacob Sargent, Sam'l Orr*, (wounded in the leg, near the knee), and Stewart Mars, a colored man, — seventy -four in all. Of the record of these men the town is justly proud. Few towns of the State can show a longer list, or a list of men who performed better service in the American Army. Many of these were found at Bunker Hill, in the thickest of the fight; many of these were in Washington's army when Corn- walHs surrendered at Yorktown; in the mean time they had been found faithful and loyal Patriots. The military history of Goffsfown is a source of just 16 HISTORICAL. pride. If one thino; more than another is to be revered and commemorated, impressed upon the mind of the rising- gen- eration, that thing: is the record of names and deeds of men who faced the dang-ers of the battlefield for the welfare and safety of the country. Time rolls on and we are apt to for- get the vaule of the service rendered by the soldier in war. Each succeeding generation is more forgetful of these things than is its predecessor, unless it is taught to revere and love the memory of the deeds of the soldier. It should be in the mind of each lather and each mother to instill into the mind of the youth the significance of the inscription, "Killed at Gettysburg," "Wounded at Vicksburg," "Died in Libby Prison," etc. No one should lose the opportunity to impress upon the generation to which he belongs and the one which follows, the responsibility which rests upon each man. MIDITARY LIST, 1861-1865 The following are the names of those who enlisted from this town during the late Rebellion, exclusive of the first three month's regiment: John L. Harriman, Sam'l A. Kid- der, John Bartlett, Sam'l Stark, Wm. H. Farmer, Henry Page, Nathan H. Roberts, David A. Page, John L. Manning, Benj. F. Harriman, Lewis Merrill, Warren P. Elliott, Walter A. Lawrence, Aaron Elliott, Chas. Martin, Calvin Merrill, Andrew J. Roberts, Warren J. Richards, John M. Stark, Rus- sel Stevens, Henry Rowell, Albert Q. George, Geo. W. Wells, Horace W. Black, Isaac W. Martin, Thos. L. Rich, Rodney Hadley, Geo. N. Cutler, Henry Moore, R. W. Aiken, Nathan A.Govvin, Hiram A. Heath, Frederick Merrill, John A. Heath, HISTORIC AL. 17 Willard P. Thompson, Henry Stark, Solomon Smith, Benj. D. Belcher, Edwin Stark, Kimball F. Blaisdell, Henry Baker, Edward Barnard, Edwin G. Bowen, Chas. Willey, Albert Story, Isaac Willey, Frederick D. Moore, W. H. D. Cochran, Lewis J. Gillis, Wm. B. Hart, Jonathan Boyles, John Quick, Nelson Richards, Nathaniel F. Sweat, Robert Richards, John E. Richards, Oscar Perkins, Lewis R. Caley, John Brown, Wm. Sidney, W^m. O. Morgrage, Norton R. Moore, Jackson Willard, Geo. Hope, Lewis Saigell, Martin V. Wyman, Troph- ite Thebadia, Andrew J. Aiken, John B. Lucia n, James N. Gault, Cyrus N. Sargent, Jerry Breene, Chas. H. Lancaster, Francis M. Simpson, Benj. Buckley, Henry M. Burrows, A, B. Merrell, David A. Worthley, Benj. Greer, Jr., Isaac B. Holt, Clifford K. Burns, John H. Kennedy, Wm. L. Otis, Geo. E. Tirrell, Albert P. Johonuett, John Tirrell, Henry Blaisdell, James Murrj^ Elbridge Barr, Timothy MTaithy, Royal H. Robie, Cornelius D. Duiinaho, Wayland F. Balch, W. H. H. Black, Sam'l A. Richards, Joseph Dow, Wm. Sar- gent, Isaiah L. Sweat, Wm. Provincia, Horatio O. Tidd, Wm. B. Dodge, Thos. Baker, W. F. Stark, Thos. Howard, Herman J. Eaton, John Flauigan, Sylvester Godfrey, Pat- rick Farilee, Benj. F. Quimby, John O. Neil, Marselah A. Merrill, Thos. 0. Grady, Henry C. Richards, Leonard N. George, Godfrey Johonnett, Horace Shirley, Jason Miller, Joseph Comfort. The following are the names of those who enlisted to go to Portsmouth in 1863 into the Heavy Battery: Frederick L. Swartz, Chas. J. Drew, Sam'l B. Weston, John S. Poor, James L. Hunkins, Frank Harriman, Geo. A. 18 mSTOKICAL. Gilchrist, Chas. Mor^rage, Malcolm McLane, Daniel Kidder, Joseph E. Stevens, f]dward J. Collins, Moses W. Woodbury, Geo. F. Bid well, Daniel L. Woodbuiy, Wni. H. D. Cochran, Geo. Whipple, Geo. A. Merrill, James F. Wyman, Edwin Flanders, Stephen Lawrence. Dar^vin ]\1. Poor, James R. Fer- son, and John B. Jones. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT Many of the Pioneers of Goftstown were men who oa ve consideraVjle time to hunting, as well as to the cultivation of the fertile acres which they cleared of the primeval timber in order to raise the neccessary corn for their bread, and grain for theii- cattle. These men were well skilled in the use of the flint-lock gun, and as the frepared was U!«ed in the construction of more spacious and comfortable homes, and ffrist-mills added for the giinding of corn, wheat and barley. HISTOEICAL. 19 Saw-mills were constructed on the streams wherever power was to be had throughout different parts of the town, and for many years sawing and exporting lumber was one of the leading industries. Oa the site now occupied by Parker Bros.' gristmill, Beniah Richards, about 1825, erected the first woolen mill in town. This he operated until his death in 1840, having organized the (loffstown Manufacturing Co. Another mill was erected on the opposite side of the stream, on the site now occupied by the bobbin mill, and was operated by the same company as Mr. Richard's mill. To these mills, and especially to the first erected, the surrounding farmers brought their fleeces, and had the wool carded, spun and woven in to cloth for household use. After the death of Mr. Richards the business was discontinued, and the buildings used for the manufacture of sash and blinds. This mill site was given his son by Eliphalet Richards who owned a large section of land north of the river, in what is now the village. Thesiteof the second mill mentioned became the location of a sash and blind factory, then a factory for making mack- erel kits, a match factory and a carriage shop, and a variety of other industries. Hambleton Bros., manufacturers of spools and bobbins, succeeded Otis Allen & Sons, box manufacturers, in August, 1900. This business was removed from Merrimac, N. H.; it employs 60 hands who receive |450 weekly in wages. This is an independent company, which operates a branch in Warner, where 15 men are employed. The product is shipped to all parts of New England and the South, where the spools 20 HISTOEICAL. and bobbins manufactured are used in the cotton and worsted niills. The old sash and blind factory, now closed, was estab- lished by Hadley & Blaisdell. and was carried on by them until Mr. Blaisdell sold his interest to Oren Moore. Hadley & Moore operated the plant for about 20 years, after which it was carried on by Alviu Hadley & Co. until it was discon- tinued about 1900. This was an extensive business, employ- ing as many as 75 hands at one time, and adding much activity to the business of the place. Kendall, Hadley & Co.'s steam sash and blind factory was established in 1808, by Kendrick Kendall, Henry Had- ley, and Lewis H. Stark, and active operations begun the same year. When built Jesse Nichols occupied one-third of the mill, and was succeeded by other smaller manufacturers, but the entire building, together with the several additions that have been made, is now occupied bj' this company. Seventy-five men are given employment and are paid fort- nightly, from .^plOOO to |1200 for their services. The product consists of sashes, blinds, and window-frames, most of which are made of white pine. The entire product, amounting to from |1 00,000 to $125,000 worth annually, is shipped to the Boston markets. Ervin Moore's scythe-rifle business was established in 1854 by Oren and Samuel C. Moore and has never passed out of the family 200 gross of scythe-rifles are manufact- ured each season at thf shop located on East Union street. Here Mr. Moore also carries on a carriage repairing and paint shop. HISTOEICAL. 21 Parker Bros.' grist milK which occupies the site of the ori2;inal woolen factory, was erected by Kendrick Kendall, David Parker, and John F. Parker about 1881. The present owners have operated the mill since 1887, in connection with their general store on Main St. So far we have only mentioned the mechanical industries located within the limits of the village, and at present these are about all that are doing very much business outside of the several portable mills which are being operated in differ- ent sections of the town. At Goffstown Center, or Grasmere, on the site of the present j)ulpmill, have been located several different mills for the manufacture of different products, during the last century. The first mill on this privilege was a saw mill, which probably had a grist mill connected. Later a stock- ing mill was built here. This was burned, and the site bought by the P. C, Cheney Co. who erected a paper mill, which was operated under the name of the Excelsior Fibre Co. for a few years. This mill also was burned, afterwhich the original portion of the present pulp mill was erected by the P. C.Cheney Co. In 1884 or 1885 the new part was added to the mill, and for several years following that date the place was the scene of a good deal of activity and enterprise. From 50 to 60 men were employed regularly. The business was Glossed in 1901 on account of the company tailing in busi- ness, and during the last three years the mill has stood idle. Robertson's saw mill, situated on Black-brook, beside black-brook road was built about 43 years ago, on the site that had been occupied by a saw mill for sixty years previ- 22 HISTORICAL. ouB. This site is 2% miles from Duubarton line, the same dis- tance from Grasmere postoffice, and 6 miles from the city of Manchester. The mill was built by David Wells, Frank Ste- vens, and Joseph Dunlap; and came into the hands ofG. T. Robertson about 1880. Up to five years ao'o this mill did a flourishing business, but much of the lumber in the section is beino- used up by the portable steam mills, with which the stationary mills are uuable to compete. From 300 to 400 thousand feet of lumber is now sawed annually at this mill, and employment is given to four men. SUMMER HOUSES. During recent years many citizens of Goffstown have been turning their attention to the entertainment of summer visitors. Few^ towns in the state can offer more beautiful or varied scenery, and few are in so easy access to a large com- mercial center. The Shirley Hill. House, on Shirley Hill, has become a well-known resort. This accommodates 185 guests and is open during most of the summer when every provision is made for their pleasure and convenience. Shirley Johnson is proprietor. Mount Pleasant House, H. W. Merrill, Proprietor, ac- commodates 18 to 20 visitors. This is a beautiful scenic spot overlooking the valley of the Piscataquog, and is open about four months during the season. Many others in the town accommodate limited numbers of city folk, who have learned to appreciate the pure water, the fresh air, and the charming-scenery of the Uncanoonucs, ri.sinnest ' pi Manch Fred *Arthur car 105 Carroll Elsie Manch Hoyt, Mary (Frost nurse *Mary (m Conner So Mast City Bakery, Manch Mary A (m Richards Holt, Chas M blk Elm Carrie G (m Nichols Dora (Whipple ho *Maude L (m Thorp Eveljn G Exeter Holt, John M car So Mast *Edith L bk kpr 26 Ash *AbbieE(m Clark Lowell, Mass 3 Forest, Medford, Mass Hoyt, G Henry mail car *John C far E Weare No Hood, Frank P liveryman Ch Olivia (Bagley ho Edith I (Ames ho Lewis H poultry bus Harold W Carrie E tr Herbert S Hoyt, L H poultry bus Hopkins, W D lumb mf«>- Gras No Mast *Geo H ptr & paper hojr Etta B (Jones ho Nashua Hoyt, Henry J far *Emma E (ra Straw Manch, No 3 E Weare Huard, Jos soap bus *Anna B ho Manch, No 3 97 Pillsbury, Concord Rose A (Boisvert ho Jane P (Jones ho *Amedee meat cutter *Mary B (m Nute 326 Buport, Manch 36 Kimball, Concord *Euj?onie weav 326 Buport Lora E (m Race ho Manch Hould, Joseph lab Francis far Mary (Richards ho Oscar lab Edward mech Andre pi 68 CENSUS. Stephen pi Rose pi Evine pi Joseph George Humphrey, Howard car Gras, No 1 Rebecca (Brown ho *Royden ins ao't Mauch 123 Orange *Violet(ni French Concord James car *Sam'l shoe op Manch Bernice Hunkins, Geo W far Manch No 3 Caroline H (Walton ho Hunter, James lab Gras, No 1 Hurlburt, Lois C Manch, No 2 Hutchinson, C H mach Hi^h A bbie J (Waterman ho ♦Helen L (m Mills 48 Cambridge, Lawrence, Mass Charlotte H (m Wears Hyde, Wallace niech So Mast I Ireland, Lucinda (Fladley No Mast Lucv M dr mkr J Jameson, Sydney far Manch, No 3 Jenks, Albert M plumb School EttaM (Ross ho *Geo C elec 3 Hanover. Nashua Yerna L music tr Calvin L stu Jenks, Lucy A (l^ressy E Un Edith ] ' tr Johnson, Harriet (Shirley Manch, No 2 Shirley M far cV: hotel prop Johnson, Shirley M far & hotel prop Manch, No 2 Maude (Cannon ho Maurice H pi Earle E pi Johnson, Ernest far No Mast Carrie (Eastman ho Howard E stu Rodney A stu Frances H Johnson, Rodney ret'd No Mast Harriet F (Adams ret'd Isadore librarian Ernest far Johnson , Jessie H ( H awthorne Elm CENSUS. 69 Rachel H pi *JohnBton, J, D cook Gras, No 1 City Hotel, Manch Almeeda (Blanchard ho Johnston, Jas D far Gras, Nol Johonnett, Emerson L mech Nol Jennett (Colter ho *Lewis A architect Head & Dowst Co Manch J Belle dress mkr Johonnett, Edward E mech May (Betters nurse Johonnett, Irene Brown Ave Jones, Horace A far Gras Lizzie E (Sanborn ho Mildred F pi Deane S pi Horace A Jr pi Jones, A E mason and far Manch, No 3 Helen A (Johnson ho Alberta H (m Hazen Scott C far Henry B team Mabel E pi Bernice C pi Jones, Jane P (Poore Gras Horace A far and lumb Jones, John B far Manch, No 3 Jones, Mary E: seamstress Gras, No 1 Jones, Abbie A ho So Mast Jones, Wardner J team So Mast Jones, Abbie S Manch, No 3 Jones, Peter far Pleas Annie M (Campbell ho Ray C pi Wardner A pi Clark P pi Jones, Sabra (Moore So Mast Junkins, Maria (Gay So Mast Nellie (m Seaves milliner K Kelley, Frank lab Manch, No 3 Agnes (McKechnie ho Kelley, Maggie ( Fly nn No 1 Thomas pi Kendall, Kendrick sash and blind mfg Rebecca J (Warren ho Frank W mfg Louis B Photog Annie Photog Kendall, F W sash&blind mfg Pleas Nellie S (Smith ho Dorothy S pi Helen R pi 70 CENSUS. Kidder, Edwin far No 1 Frank far Svlvanus far *r)ella (ra Quimby E Manch Kid dor, Sylvanus far No 1 Janet (Main ho Kidder, Bradley lar No 1 Kidder, Geo w' far No 1 Janet (Patterson ho Nettie (m Blaisdell Maude S pi Kidder, Josephine (Jvoshy (jras *Alonzo W mill insp 247 Concord, Manch *Maraie L (ni Condon 525 Wilson, Manch Nora (m !Sini])son *Albert 13 cl 28 Bee, Manch Harry S nappino; Kidder, Louise (Robbins ret'd Geo W far Kidder, Prudence ho High Kidder, Sam'l far High Kimball, H L far Manch, No 2 Sarah F (Welch ho Harry H mech Edwin C far *Ethel K (m Roberts Wiustead, Conn Kimball, E C H far Manch, No 2 Lena (Arnold ho Kimball, Minnie ( Manch, No 2 Kimball, H H mech Manch, No 2 Richard H pi Kimball, Alva team Gras, Nol Mina B (Brown atten King:, Richard lab Gras, Nol ( ho Lucius foundry Peter foundry Henry foundry King, Fred lumb Gras, Nol Louise (Caron ho Annie mill op Napoleon shoe op Joseph pi Louise pi Jennie pi King, John harness mk'r Gras, No 1 Angeliue (Gauthier ho Georgianna shoe op Pheobe pi Lora pi Rose A pi Arthur pi Ida Ray Henry CENSUS. 71 Ladd, Mary E (York ho Lan^ell, Emma J cook Manch, No 2 Langnard, Mary F atten Gras, No 1 Langley, W E lab Gras Annette (George ho Ray W pi Leonard J pi Elmer A pi Albert F Lavell, Fred raech Ella (Hammond ho Gladys E Lawrence, Frank A mech EUn Clara (Wing ho Verna pi Leeds, M S lab So Mast Ada J (Rowe ho Libby, H K Supt Co farm Gras, No 1 Menta ho Bessie (m Porritt matron Lincoln, O B lab Manch, No 3 Martha A(Stevens ho *Laura J (m Pike Hooksett Little, Edw D far Manch, No 3 Hattie M (Richards ho Little, Dan'l far Gras, No 1 Anna M (Eaton ho Little, Sarah J (Gilchrist Gras Bertha M ho Livingstone, Lucinda (Mills Lothrop, Stilman ret'd vet McCullam Ave Marinda L (Lindsey ho *Mina (m Elkins Schenectady, N Y Fred millman Lothrop, Mary E (Bo wen McCullam Ave Maude F pi Lockhead, Jas ret'd Gras, Nol Katherine (Pattie ho *Robert loom fixer Manch *Mary (m Fuller Manch *Annie (m Henry Erie, Pa *Jas car New Jersey *Belle (m Venard Manch *Hughuria (m Tibbetts McGregorville *Wm moulder McGregorville *John moulder Salem, Mass Loud, Willie R shoe op Gras Effie ( Megin ho Lowell, Helena (Hodgman Manch, No 2 72 CENSUS. I Lucian, John B mason Spr Addie M (Hutchins ho Lucha, Mary (Basha ho Ch Joseph lurab *Sarah (m Smith Bedford Nora (m Merrill Luscombe, Fred B sales High Mary L (Moore ho Sarah B tr Florence S stu Mabel H stu Lutt, Arthur C far Gras, Nol Hattie (Follensbee ho Lewis C Lyman, Harriet H (Jones ho *Alice M (m Garland Brockton. Mass *Bertha S (m Lippard Marlboro, Mass *HattieS Brockton, Mass *Fannie E Brockton, Mass Chester pi M Mack, Rufus S far Ch Mary (Basha ho Manning, Ranson far Gras Lizzie (Reed ho Marden, John F watchman W Un Hattie A (Gove ho Edith ho *Harry shipping cl cor Concord and Un, Manch Florence stu John B pi Marden, Willie mach So Mast Lelia ( ho Hector pi Emon pi Sarah pi Elbina Charlie Marshall. Ha3^es atten Gras, No 1 Maude E (French laund Marshall, Abbie E (Osborn So Mast *Edith E ho 560 Beach Manch Everett A mech Marshall, Geo sales W Un Alice (Foster ho Mildred pi Marshall, Mary (Jameson ho cor Cot and Mill *Wm J shoe op 134 Cathedral, Montreal, Can Warren H miller Paul R miller Marshall, Herbert shoe op Manch Martin, Myra (Worthley Ch asst P M Bertha P M Willis coal dlr CENSUS. 73 Martin, Frederick J raach High Martin, Henry F far No 1 Georgia F (Austin ho *C]ara M stenog & type-writer Manch cor Elm and Hanover *Jennie B bk kpr Elm, Manch Martin, Clarinda H (Hadley Nol Henry F far Martin, Mary E (Bucklin No 1 Abbie (m Corey James F far *Herbert far Arizona Martin, Marshall shoe cutter So Mast Laura (Hackett ho Martin, C H far & milk dlr Manch, No 3 Angie M (Richardson ho Martin, Mary A ho Gras Martin, Annie D (Chandler Gras *John F shoe op Brookville, Mass Frank D shoe op Martin, FD shoe op Gras Helen L (Greer ho Martin, Angie D (Barrett McCalvy, Eugene far No 1 Lena (Davis ho Harrv E McCartney, Henry R clerg Pleas Agnes V (Orcutt ho Arthur Pl Howard R pl Robert I pl Alice J pl Mary E pl McColIom, Chas R far Nol Louise C (Ruudlette ho Sarah L (ra Whipple Marion S (m Paige *Mary E waitress Hanover, Manch McCrillis, Lizzie Manch, No 3 McCrillis, E J drug No Mast Dora ( Whitney - ho Ernestine McDougall, Wm far Manch, No 2 Emma (Robinson McDougall, Elizabeth J (Dunlap Manch, No 2 Wm far *Amandy (m Burns Milford Isabelle ho *Andrew mer Manch Mames millman Bonville, Vt *Ira millman Bonville, Vt *McDougall, Ira millman Bonville, Vt 74 CENSUS. Olive (Duulap John Robert McDonald, Gove D McP^adden, J A blk Clara (Hicks Donald H ho Pl far Parker ho pl Mclutire, J C janitor Sum Louise L (m Harrington McLain, A B far No 1 Florence H (Bean ho Dorothy F Katherine J McLain, Salina (Goss No 1 A B far *C F car ptr Spokane, Wash McLane, Eliza J (Mills ho Main and No Mast McLane, Chas retd Elm ■=TieoB cl New York City *John W mecli 20 Williams, Fitchburg, Mass Sarah E (m Smith ho May E (m Paige McLane, Philena C (Kenyon *Maria (m (iregg Lowell, Mass Elizabeth dr mkr McLean, Marion B (Davis High Jennie JJ ho McKechnie, Agnes (Cooper Manch, No 1 *John ptr Scotland Mary ho McQuesten, Hannah P (Gage No Mast Geo A mech *Wm P sawyer Merrimae * Bertha S (ra Parker 20 Prescott, Lowell, Mass *Mary J (m Veino Bennington McQuesten, G A mech NoMast Carrie A (Richards ho Ruth E pl Megiu, Frances I (Martin Gras Efhe (m Loud ho Merrill, AVm \V far No 1 M Del ana (Morse ho Wm E Merrill, Mar}^ N (Nichols Gras "Geo A sta agt Farmington *Ella J (m Whittemore ;i27 E Spruce, Manch *F]dwin C bk kpr Auburndale, Mass Merrill, Forest lab Manch, No 4 Merrill, Peter far No 1 Merrill, Merzellah mason Depot Maurice A mech Flora (m Parker Ttlverett far Nora A (Richards CENSUS. 75 Arthur F pi Louis E pi John M Merrill, Maurice A mech Elm Belle (Colby ho Kenneth A Merrill, Amos H cl Elm Mary E (Sargent ho xMerrill, H W far prop Mt Pleas House Esther C (Seeton ho Wei by mech Annie bk kpr Archie mech Merrill, Sarah (Paige (iras *Ida (m Woodbury 312 Prospect, Manch Estelle (m Wheeler 112 Maple, Manch Ten a (m Dow Merrill, J ohn L mech Gras Emma J (Bl^^ ho Lula M (m Caraway *Ned L cl hotel Manch Western Fitts Building *MinaJ waitress Manch Western Fitts Building * Alfred A US Army *ldaB Hanover and Beech Manch *InaE waitress Hanover and Beech, Manch Eva M pi Merrill, Julia A ho So Mast Miller, W F mech Parker and Cot Catherine (Otis ho *Byron F cement dlr 20 Ellis, Lynn, Mass Carlos D mech Marian E (m Brown Leon mech Otis mech Louise pi Miller, Eliza P ho Cot Miller, Maria C ho Cot Miller, N Jane mill op Cot Miller, Geo E mech Cot Mills, Lucinda (Brown ho Frank P far Edgar far Mills, F B police Elm & High AbbieB(Hoyt ho Edward J musician Albert F baker Janet F (m Moore ho Morgan, Edw P jeweler E Un Mary R (Kingsbury ho *Gerry A draftsman 93 Blackstone, Woonsocket, RI Morgan, Wm far So Mast Helen B (Holt ho Minnie B (m Caraway Wm E asst sta agt Morgan, Gary far Gras AlmiraC (Minard ho 76 CENSUS. Morgrage, Chas ret'd So Mast Mandana C (Holt ho Morgrage, Frank E mech Minnie (Moore ho Ethelyn M Morgrage, Ann J (Simons Elm *Wm B cl 4 Smith, Lynn, Mass Carrie L mus tr Morgrage, D V mech High and No Mast Orinda (Huntoon ho *Lizzie (m Coburn No Union, Manch Frank E mech Moore, Frank T blk No Mast Annie C (Cochran ho WmC cl ♦Frank C tr 82 School, Concord Addie M ho Moore, Wm C cl E Un Janet F (Mills ho Moore, Henry far No 1 Mary A (Tewksbury ho Alice E (m Koyce M Elsie ^ tr Moore, C B far Manch No 2 Moore, W H mech No Mast *Sadie (Woodbury Manch Earle F pi Levi A pi Newell pi Moore, Wm lab No Mast Nancy (Sanborn ho Willie H mech Chas C mech John E mech F^red L mech Arthur F mech Frank E mech Minnie M (m Morgrage Moore, Chas C mech High E Gertrude (Shearer dress mkr Moore, Fred mech Gras Bertha (Poore ho Hermon L Moore, Ervin ptr So Mast and W Un Frances M (Little ho Moore, Mary p] ho E Un Moore, Eliza A (Simons So Mast M Etta (m Luscombe Helen (m Sargent ho Morse, E J milk dlr Manch, No 3 Grace E (Poore ho Clayton H pi Erma E pi Morrill, H section boss Gras, No 1 Mary (Dowsey ho Henry O Jr stu Leo J stu CENSUS. 77 Dora A Moses, Matilda (Albert ret'd So Mast Geo R R ser *Ella (ra Pine Westford, Mass *Mary (m Faley Warren Josie (ni Woodbury Moguen, Peter lab Gabria (Segrist el JohnB Emile Mudrock, Julius far Pauline (Felmont Mudge, Sarah E (Kittridge Ch *Emma (m Dearborn Concord Sabra J (m Dearborn Chas K team Mudge, Ira L clerg Ch Mudge, Chas K team Ch Laura F (Paige ho Clara B stu Leonard L pl Lester F pl Chester L Muir, Alexander far Gras Agnes (Kelley ho Grace Muir, Geanie (Donnelly Gras Manet (m Brown Scotland Geanie weav Agnes (m Seiberlish weav *Wm mach Boston, Mass Alexander far Murphy, John far Mary (Ryan ho *Daniel B mach 559 Granite, Manch *Jerry W blk Merrimac Hotel, Manch *Timothy W lab John J mech *Denuis B mach 559 Granite, Manch Katherine (m Stewart ho Murphy, Chas A retd W Un Ellen W (Ashby ho Mary E tr Jennie invalid *David plumb Groton, Mass Murphy, Geo bridge build So Mast Muzzey, Geo W mech Cot Edna (Shirley ho N Nay, Frank far Manch, No 2 Isabelle ( ho Carl pl Ralph Alice Neal, James pop corn dlr Elm 78 CENSUS. Vashti (Annis ho Amos A mech Nelson, Wm J far Manch,No2 Martha J (Brown ho Nesmith, Jane H (Smith Main John W mech * Walter stu Hanover Newton, N G far Manch, No 3 Rebecca C (Hall ho Walter H milkman *Arthur S shoe op Main and Goff, W Manch *Nathan L druggist Myrtle, Manch Rachel G pi Newton, W" H milkman Manch, No 3 Ethel (Cooper ho Nichols, H R lumb So Mast Emma (Shedd ho Arthur sawyer *James P jeweler 646 Merrimac, Lowell, Mass Nichols, Arthur sawyer So Mast Carrie G (Hoyt ho Helen M pi Nichols, Fannie (Foss Elm *Ethel M (m Verno Bennington Chas F pi Norris, W F atten Gras, No 1 Noseworthy, Nora ho High Noyes, J R ptr & paper hgr Manch, No 3 Jennie C (McCrillis ho Eli N pi *Nute, L A mer 760 Elm Manch Mabel E (Cunningham ho Panic O Oicle, Annie M ho High Oliver, John G sta agt Gras *Francis sales Loomingboro, Mass John I poultryman Ida M (m Tibbetts Mary B (Sawyer ho Oliver, John I poultryman Charlotte F (Wiggin ho Olson, Reed mech Parker Mary (Calson ho Clara O'Neil, Eliza M ( Manch, No 2 *Nellie (m Dolloff Manch W^m lab *Mollie (m Woodbury Manch Ordwaj'^, Moses lab No 1 Geo mech Ordway, Geo E mech No Mast Abbie M (Cram ho Osborn, Lillian M shoe op So Mast CENSUS. 79 Osgood, J F blk Elm Etta M (Wright dr mkr *Emma (m Wilkins Milford E Frank ptr *Nina I (m Burbauk E Weare Percy E ptr Paige, G W foreS&Bshop Ch Hattie A (Simonds ho *Nat I mach 205 Lincoln, Boston, Mass Will A mech Lena A stenog Paige, Isaac J far Elm Jane R (Curtis ho Geo W fore S c\c B shop Frank E far Will P express & wood Lottie P (m Dow Paige, W P express & wood Elm Mary E (McLane ho Zetta M tr Chas P p] Paige, David A far No 1 Ella F (Harrington ho *E Josephine tr Watertown, Mass *David E far Dublin * Jennie M (m Hall 23 Brett Brockton, Mass *Flora A (m Spaulding 51 High, Manch Floreuce E tr Bertha R stu Paige, Geo A mech W Un Marion (McCollon ho Emma A Marion L Paige, James W far Fannie M (Emerson ho Frank S Paige, Frank E printer & far Josie M (Perkins ho Laura pi Palmer, Levi far Mary (Hoyt ho Parker, Letitia C (Stinson Nol Chas S mer * Henry W wholesale mer Granite, Manch Frank A mer Parker, Chas S mer High Bessie B (Brackett ho John E stu Wm F stu Harry S stu Mary S pi Parker, Frank A mer High Annie S (Stark ho Clara L pi Marion pi 80 CENSUS. Parker, A H undertaker Pros Emma A (Hill ho *Lora H (m Sweetsir 386 Levanon, Melrose, Mass Mabel L tr Lena E tr Parker, Albert E lab Parker, Granville far No 1 Florence A (Burditt ho ♦Nettie E (m Chandler Amherst C Anna (m Flaog 100 Fairmont, Maiden, Mass Parker, Mary A (Woodbury Main *David W phy & sur 961 Elm, Manch Olive A Parker, Geo H car Sum Etta M (Annis ho Henry A Parker, Olive A (Hall No 1 Parker, Wm far Gras, No 1 Flora (Merrill ho Pattee, Eliza A (Kidder WUn Arthur E mer Pattee, Arthur E mer W Un Mable W (Austin mus tr Beatrice Pattee, Elizabeth (Little High Walter P mech Pattee, Walter P mech High Josie (Schmander Pattee, Geo far Bertha M Carl V Julina A (Rowe ho Nol tr stu ho *Pattee, Letitia J (Jones ho Riverdale *Georgiette (m Mudgett Riverdale Peter W mech Pattee, Peter W mech No Mast Belle L (Smith ho Wardner R pi *Patten, Sam'l belt repairer Manch ( ho *Sumner mill op Manch Weston far *Mary (m Newton Manch *Maude Manch Sam'l Jr mill op Perley, John Q far No 1 Sylvia (Hadley ho Natt H mech Geo H shoe op Fannie (m R3'der ho *Hannah M (m ^Merrill Manch & Lincoln, Manch Carrie (m Buxton John A far Perley, Natt H mech Ch Jennie (Stinson ho Geo A 8tu CENSUS. 81 Perley, Geo H shoe op No Mast Perkins, Sophronia (Little ret'd Gras Perkins, Louise J (Pike Elm *J Melvin shoe op 406 Manch, Manch *Alonzo I shoe op Manch Perkins, Berton mech Ch May (Newell ho Eva M pi Emma E Perkins, Geo A watchman Gras *Melvin shoe op Manch, E Manch *I Alonzo shoe op W Manch Phelps, H A stone cutter Elm MyraZ (Pierce ho *Lizzie (m Colby Nashua *Geo lumb Belmont *Eugene real est broker Los Angeles, Cal *Josie G (m Grace Chicopee Falls, Mass Phelps C E butcher Sum Mabel (Smith ho Harold stu Philbrick, Mary A(Philbrick So Mast Philbrick, Lorenzo far So Mast Nellie A shoe op Herman L stu Phillips, F H far No 1 Mary A (Brown ho *Edw sales 28 DeGraaf Bl'd'g Albany N Y Emma J ho Pierce, Cynthia (Collins Cot Walter B prin High School Pierce, Sarah E (Wells Ch Maurice C far David A shoe op Leon E cl Pierce, Andrew J mech So Mast Alice J (Wells ho *Mabel A bk kpr W Central, Manch Edith M tr *Ernest stu Harvard Col Lewis H stu Pierce, O B far and mech So Mast Evelyn G (Wheeler ho Lottie E ho Pierce, Addie E (Adams Manch, No 2 Walter A far Lydia A (m Person E Helen ho 82 CENSUS. Plant, Louise (Bourgsour Manch, No 2 *Napoleon fireman Valley and Elm, Manch Wm far *James bartender 6 2nd, Manch Matilda ho F Adolph far Pollard, C E far Manch, No 8 Ella E (Poor ho Herman L pi Pollard, 9arah F Manch, No 4 Poor, Irad far Manch, No 3 Fannie W (George ho Emma J (m Richards Filon M far *Flora (ra Austin Hooksett Stella (m Pollard Cora M ho Poore, Wm H far Manch, No 3 Lorenda (Webster ho Nellie M ho *Frank laundry Franklin, Manch Willis S lumb Fred E far Poore, \V C retd Manch Manch, No 3 Grace E (m Morse ho Poore, Herbert E Main Hattie J (Colby ho Marguerite Pl Poore, Fred H grocer Manch Mary E (Clough ho Harold M pl Poore, A G lab Gras Maria J (Poore ho Bertha (m Moore Arthur A lab Lena M pl Poore, Mary (Whitne}' Gras *Darwin M coal & wood Webster, Manch *David M car Hastings, Minn *Poore, E W coal deal Manch Victoria G (Greer Gras * Wallace E cl Manch Alfred W stu Porritt, W W mer Bessie L (Libby ho Powers, Stella A ho Gras Powers, Olive (Pierce retd Gras, No 1 Olive (m Bartlett ho Pratt, Amelia (Carter ho Winifred (m Shirley ho *Sidney W cutlery wk Antrim Pratt, Anson lab Manch, No 2 , Antona lab Manch, No 2 Pritchard, Paul E pl Mill Pritchard, Geo W retd .Alill Clara A (Sweatt ho CENSUS. 83 *Geo D shoe op No Somerville, Mass *DellaM (m Morse Lowden *Wm J Monte Key, Cal Provencher, Eli milkman Gras, No 1 Pumey, Carl shoe op So Mast R lab ho Race, Yernon E Lora E (Hopkins Dorothy J Edith F Rand, E L plumb No Mast Ada F (Knights ho Randall, Vina M atten Gras, No 1 Randall, L T ptr & paper hgr Nol Annie E (Taylor ho Rayner, A B far Gras, No 1 Manora (Manter ho Reagan, Ch as W team So Mast Reed, Sadie M stu So Mast Reekie, ChasT clerg Gras, Nol Jennie H (Hastings ho Norman W Regner, Delia M (Friend retd Clara (m Fulleros ho John W brakeman Remington, Wm P far Gras Julia (Merrill drmkr Arthur M far *Blanche (m Andrews 23 Ames, Somerville, Mass * Alice bk kpr 380 W'minster, Providence, R I Remington, Arthur M far Grai Lovinia (Norris ho Wm A Reynolds, far No 1 Richards, Mary A (Merrill ho *EIiphalet far New Boston Richards, Warren B far Ellen M (Mahoney ho Herbert J plumb Richards, Nelson far Gertrude (m Carawny ho *Percy U S army Fort Brady, Mich Ward shoe op Jennie ho Alice pi Richards, Chas lab Manch, No 2 Richards, Fred L raech Elm Tinie (Stevens ho Lewis S pi Richards, Ward shoe op Grace (Tarr ho Richards, Mary A (Sargent Main Cora M (m Rowell ho Richards, H J plumb So Mast Henrietta (Milnes ho Ethel M Richards, Herbert mech E Un 84 CENSUS. ho Pl Pl T>1 mill man ho pl pl pl Lena G (Jenks Etta M Leslie N Mahlon Osman B Verna L Richards, Curtis T Alice M (Hoyt Paul C Mabel S Harold E Lillian A Richards, Norman L mer Elm Mary F (Warren ho Richards, Eliphalet far So Mast Adelia A (Richards ho Curtis T millman Willis far Richards, Josephine (Abbott No Mast Carrie A (m McQueston Richards, J A far & cattle dlr Nol Grace M (Hazen ho Gladys M pl Ruth E ])1 Richards, Mary E (Buxton Nol James A far & cattle dlr Richards, May I (Garman Nol *Fred E saloon kpr 806 Union, Manch Richards, Geo K retd Manch, No 8 *Alonzo D retd Beech, Manch Richards, A F far Manch, No 3 Emma J (Poore ho *L Ertelle R R ser 41 Manch, Manch Lena M ho Richards, Mary (Holmes Manch, No 3 *Mary J (m Hammett ho Amoskea^ Herbert mech PVed L mech *Sophronia (m Stevens Coopersville, N Y Richards, Chas H mech Elm Emma B (Pierce ho *Gertrude A cl Greenfield, Mass *Minnie R (m Palmer Concord Grace L ho Albert E pl Richardson, Doris No Mast Richardson, Cora pl Ch Richardson, James far *Luela F (m Gould Hillsboro Angle M (m Martin Riley, Jennie (Drew Manch, No 3 CENSUS. 85 Riley, Addie (Baker Manch, No 3 *Hiram Btu Hanover Roberts, W L far Manch, No 3 Harriet (Heald ho *Mary J (m Wilkinson Antrim Susan M milliner *Wm L tr 653 Main Niagara Falls, N Y H Lillian ho *Geo E milkman Manch Fogg Ave Alice stu Horace stu Shirley far Helen' P pl Roberts, John G far Manch, No 3 Elmer W far J Wesley far Nettie B ho Robertson, Leonard far Manch, No 2 Nettie J (m Eaton Emma L (m McDougall Lydia S (Shirley ho Robertson, G F millman Manch, No 3 Judith A (George ho Rogers, Sarah J (Blaisdell ho James pl Herbert W pl Rowell, Wm S sta agt Main Cora M (Richards ho Margery A stu Rowell, H S invalid No 1 Elizabeth (Green ho Russell, F W Gras, No 1 asst supt Co Farm Alice W (Wentworth ho Harrison W pl Dorothy A Russell, H W mus Ch Amelia (Basha ho Russell, Rebecca (Ober Ch Rhoda (m Moore ho *Nellie (m Andrews 1 Mason, Nashua Herbert W mus Russell, Mary L Gras, No 1 Royce, W I lab No 1 Alice (Moon ho Bertha A pl Pearl A Ryan, Horatio lab Manch, No 3 Ryder, Willis D mech Ch Fannie P (Perley ho Sargent, Geo G No Mast far, lumb & grain dlr Araminta (Clement ho *Geo M gen agt Kansas City Southern R R 86 CENSUS. *Stella M (m Duncklee Francistown *David C far DaiiielsoD, Conn *Dora M S (m Coolidge W Granville, Mass Saroeut, Hannah ho No Mast Saroent^ Francis P retd Elm *Geo F cl 217 Ash, Manch Sargent, John W cl So Mast Helen (Moore ho Saulpaugh, E Curtis ptr Elm Eucy E (Bothwell ho *Benj C fore foundry E Braiutree, Mass *Mary E (m Mills 99 Lowell, Manch Saunders, Alice (Applebee Nol Mildred (m Streveno ho *Gleun W packer 58 Granite, Manch Sawyer, Mary B (Chad bourne *Abbie M (m Grittin ho Greenwood, Mass Sawyer, Clement far Gras, No 1 Fannie A (Roberts ho Saxton, James mech Ch Mary (Kissock ho Seaver, Hattie (Glines Gras Seaver, Edgar mill op So Mast *Nellie (Junkins milliner Elm, Manch 1 Seeton, Alvin P plumb No Mast Etta M (Foss ho Gertrude E ho *Ross V sta agt Greenland Vil Edith M tr Segrist, Emile far Josephine ( ho Gabrial (m Moquen Seiberlish, Nath lab Gras Agnes (Muir ho Geanie pi Lorenz pi Selig, Ellen (Bowers Depot *Lina R (m Stevens Fitchburg, Mass John A mech *Blossom M seamstress Leominster, Mass *Cipporah ho Seymour, Ernest millman McCollom Mary E (Lothrop ho ShephardjChas far Manch, No 3 Shirley, E C retd Manch, No 2 Amanda M (Baldwin ho *Mary (m Griffin 195 Pleas, Maiden, Mass Robert far ^Florence (m Marden Lowell, Mass Shirley, Robt far Manch, No 2 CENSUS. 87 Bertha (Sheiles ho Thomas pi Mary Elizabeth Shirley, Margaret (Shirley Manch, No 2 Moses Gage author Lydia D (m Robertson ho Win far Annie (m Hill Shirley, James far Manch, No 2 Winnifred (Pratt ho. Horace L pi Elsie D Simmons, Katie (Mann Manch, No 2 *John E R R ser Portland, Ore Mary ho Simonds, Asenath B (Elliott Ch Hattie A (m Paige *Mary A (m Paige Hopkinton Simonds, Amandy I tr No Mast Simpson, Horace D car Gras Nora (Kidder ho Harry B pi Eunice M pi Gerald D Sinttyr, Jos far Manch, No 3 Mary ( ho Joseph Jr far Mary (m Burke "^Poland roofer Manch Duffill lab Smith, Solomon M retd So Mast Dessie ho *Harry mech New York City Smith, Herbert mech High Smith, Abbie B cl Elm Smith, Henry H tea dlr W Un Sarah E (McLane ho *Grace M stenog Fremont *EdithB tr East Weare Smith, Sarah M( Whipple Nol *Josephine M (m Remick Montreal, Canada Wm P K druggist Smith, Herbert mech So Mast Snow, Edmund S mech So Mast Mary (Richardson ho *Edmund S Jr ptr & paper hgr Wilder, Lowell, Mass *Bessie (m Robinson 1 Walker, Lowell, Mass *Arthur mech Maplewood, Mass *Eva (m Robinson Augusta, Ga *Ada (m Brown Bloomfield, Ont 88 CENSUS. Ernest H mill op *Clifford shoe op 488 Pine, Mancli FloreDce mus tr Harold pi Somers, Elijah sawyer W Un Eva (Badger ho Arthur mech *\Villie cl Windsor, Vt Somers, Arthur mech W Un Bessie (Brown ho Harold Spaulding, Asa far Gras,No 1 Sarah H (Gibbins ho *Fred A bank cl 51 High, Manch *Spaulding, Fred A bank cl 51 High, Mancb Flora A (Paige ho Spencer, Chas far Gras Lucy E (Whitney ho Ida F (m Greenwood Arthur C car Spencer, Arthur C car Gras Emma L (George ho Percy G pi Chas F Evelyn R St Abin, John barber Main Clementine (Byron ho Vivian pi Stanyan, A W butcher Manch, No 3 Edith D (McCrillis ho J Evron pi Leland pi Lisle pi Stark, Clara A (Abbott High Annie J (m Parker Frank A rafg Henry H mfg Fred L cl Stark, Frank A mfg No Mast Mildred (Soule ho Stark, M A phy tV: sur Main Welthea (Ford ho Stevens, Chas P retd Spr * Jesse S far New Hampton *Nettie C (m Torsey New Hampton Flora E (Hake ho Stevens, Darius far Gras, No 1 Laura E (Bradshaw ho Stevens, Benj F far *Geo B mech Santa Cruz, Cal Frank P far Stevens, Frank P far Manch, No 3 Mary E (Hazen ho Mildred E Stevens, Frank E E Un Anna W (Goodhue ho *Eva A (m Hartford Bow *Richard E piano tr N E conservatory of music Boston, Mass CENSUS. 89 *Jennie M (m Bartlett New Boston Annie E stu Flora M pi Stevens, Elinor M (Major No Mast Stevens, Sara A(Hunt Elm Tina (m Richards ho Stewart, Wm J shoe op 559 Granite, Manch Katherine (Murphy Mary A WmF Stinson, Wm H real est brok So Mast and Pleas Ellen F (Conant ho Daniel C stu Wm C stu Grace I pi Cecil R p] Dorothy M pi Stinson, B P lab So Mast Elvira M( Wilkinson ho Geo E eng Stinson, Ernest lab Stinson, Herman J lab Stiles, James H far No 1 Loella P (Pattee ho Geo H pi Stokes, Edw ornamental ptr WUn Annie C (Carswell ho Jessica M shoe op Doris Story, Geo M lumb dlr No Mast Hannah E (Butler ho Story, Mardie ho Stowell, C C far Maria J (Barnard ho *Chas E ins agt Melrose Highlands, Mass Straw, Mary L ho No 1 Straw, Grace ho No 1 Straw, Wm H far Manch, No 3 Margaret (McNeilly ho Irene F Streveno, Mildred (Saunders Nol Rondel pi Strong, Edith L ho No 1 Sumner, O F drug So Mast May F (Merrill mus tr Merrill G pi Eunice Mae Sumner, Chas H jeweler Mill Swett, Esther (Fosseth retd Swett, E B phy & sur Gras Addie E (Ballard ho Lauretta L pi Donald B pi Dorothy B Margaret A Swett, James hostler W Un Sarah L (Buzzell ho Lulu A ho 90 CENSUS. *Tao:gart,TR block mkr Navy-Yard, Portsmouth Abbie I (George Gras Hazel B pi James Albert Tappin, \Vm far Manch, No 3 Tarr, Jobu W cl freight depot Gras Nettie M (Burns ho Leon P pi Fred H Carl A Taylor, Jas far Manch, No2 Margaret (Brown ho Annie Taylor, Katherine (Batten Elm ]Mar\' A ho * Richard B far & lumb New Boston *Wm B far & lumb New Boston Teunant, Aura A(Ferson So Mast *Fred M milk el Derr^' * Joseph C atten No Hampton, Mass Aimie stenog Tenney, Ella (Hood No 1 Frank W far Etta M ho Edith (m Bunton Teele, Mary (Poore ho Gras Terrill, Sarah J (Boynton Manch, No 2 Lewis far Berton G far Terrill J W far ]\Ianch, No 2 *Irving cl and bk kpr 54 Cross, Lawrence, Mass *Mary B (m Todd Woonsocket, R I Thompson, Almon R teams Mill Mary E (George ho Tibbetts, Ruth (Clark ho Chas H far John far Tibbetts, Chas H far No 1 Martha A (Jenkins ho *Lizzie S (m Jewett Laconia Ned A mech *Tibbetts, John E shoe manf Brockton, Mass Ida H (Oliver ho Bertha B stu Tibbetts, Chas H far Gras Hannah J (George ho Tibbetts, John lab Gras Clara (Dauforth Ruth pi Frank pi CENSUS. 91 George pi Tilton, Wm far Manch, No a *Wm Jr Bow Tirrell, Laura A(Putman Manch, No 2 Carrie A tr Albert S far Tirrell, Albert S far Manch, No 2 Isadore (Robie ho Lester Tirrell, Rodney far Gras *Frank A watchman 169 Debuke, Manch *Carrie E ( m Welch 99 Orange, Manch Tolford, D C shoe mkr Brown Ave Katherine (Brown ho Lillian E (m Brown *Ruth A (m Stone Northboro, Mass *Anna B (m Hadley 43 Worcester, Boston, Mass Towle, Sam'l lab Gras, Nol Towne, Geo ^Y ret'd Nol Towne, Sarah (B rown Gras, Nol Geo lab Eddie Pl Trow, J H clerg Gras Hattie G (Harriman ho Henry G p Trumbel, Byron W far Eva L (Freeman ho Tuttle, Alice ( So Mast Ina tr U Underhill, Wm B roofer So Mast Helen J (Gilmore ho Upham, Chas A far Laura A (Smith ho Upton, Fannie S ho Main V Vig-neault, Victor ptr Gras Olivine (Grenier ho Vinning, Florence E pl Gras W Waite, Geo E far No 1 Mary E (Merrill ho Irn M stu Edwin stu Mildred R pl Walker, James D far Nol Mary M (Sunbury ho *Nellie M (m Brown New Boston *Geo H el 771 Union, Manch 92 CENSUS. Warren, Jane retd Warren, Josiali retd So Mast Eliza (McClure ho Warren, Julia ho So Mast Warren, L Abbie (Buruham Hio-h Mary A tr Warren, Julia A ho High Watkins, Elbridge far E Un Nancy (Moore ho Watt, Fred mech So Mast Watson, Willard lab Gras, No 1 Watson,Capt J W blk Ann M (Heath ho *Fred W agt for Union 82 Parker, W Manch *Lucy (in Fernal Boston, Mass Willard F far *Lovina (ui Potter Laconia "Heath T milkman Manchester Parker Wears, Charlotte H (Hutchins High Frederick H Webster, John S retired Grass, No 1 Webster, Edson H mech Ch Nellie L (lilakely ho Webster, John S retired Gras, No 1 Weeks, Wm H far Pleas & So Mast Martha B (Warren ho *Geo W sales 26 Staniford, Boston, Mass Wells, S J far Manch, No 4 Sophronia (Pollard ho Wells, Arthur mech So Mast Wells, David lumb Mauch, No 3 Stephen far Sarah (m Pierce ho *Herbert piper Alice (m Pierce Elizabeth (Blaisdell ho Weutworth, Mary (Osgood Gras No 1 Alice W (m Wentwork lio John L atten *Weston W eng Nashua Jennie L bk kpr Wheeler, Etta (Wyman ho *Maurice elec con Attleboro, Mass Mark lab Bessie ho Wheeler, Julia A (Kingsbury EUn Wheeler, Sarah E (Elliott So Mast *Kobert E meat cutter Manch *Richard G ptr Manch CENSUS. 93 *Annie J (m Bailey Kalamazoo, Mich GeoE Evelyn (m Pierce Nettie E (m Gould *Mary (m Fisher Everett, Mass Wheeler, Mark C lab Pleas Whipple, Benj F retd No 1 * Annie S ( Smith 78 Broadway, Haverhill, Mass *Ella (m Brown Boston, Mass Frank A ins agt *Elmer E capt fire dept 13 Webster, Haverhill, Mass *Fannie E (m Hudson 3 Lindel, Haverhill, Mass Whipple, Frank A ins a^t No 1 Clara A (Kidder ho *Lewis F La Gloria, Cuba Percy A pi Whipple, Lydia (Mclntyre Gras, No 1 Melissa (m Smith ho Otis E far Willard M far *Eu^ene far Dunbarton Josephine (m Gould ho Edwin far Whipple, Willard M far No 1 Hattie (Blaisdell *Everett el Daniels & Cornell Co, Manch * Jessie (m Leeds Riverdale Whipple, Edwin team No 1 Ida A (Green nurse Whipple, Amos far No 1 Olive (Kidder ho Geo H far *Emma L (m Corey 497 Maple, Manch Bertie A far Whipple, Geo H far No 1 Geuieve M (Cass ho Earle C pi Stanley pi Olive Whipple, E far &road com No Mast Aromisa (Haselton ho *Gertrude (m Phelps Belmont *ArthurE far Dumbarton Maurice far A Mary sta Whipple, John L far & ptr * Blanche B (Roberts Monroe Whipple, Mary L (Merrill ho Myra F ho Roy A pi Whipple, John L cl Elm Alma B pi Whipple, Myra T ho IMain Whipple, Wm S far Gras No 1 94 CENSUS. Lydia S (Richards ho Willie E far Chas H mech Warren lab Dora E (m Holt ho Herman H lab Whii)ple, Warren H team High Marion B (McLean ho Roger W pi Whipple, Herman lab No Mast Sarah (McCollom ho Whipple, Chas mech High & No Mast Elba (Brown ho White, Chas T mech So Mast EllaM (Lufkin ho White, Ralph mech Ch Ida (Richardson ho Florence C pi Whittemore, Albert mech So Mast & E Un Cyrene (Richards Whittemore, Jos mech So Mast Lydia J (Morgan ho Whitney, Jennie (Barnes No Mast Whitney, Sylena (Henry ho *Mary F (m Hazen 28 Central, Manch Geo E far Whitney, Geo E far Manch, No 3 Adonelle (Eaton ho Mary S pi Whitman Frank harness mkr No 1 Mary L (Warren ho *Eva stu Beverly, Mass Ethel ho Warren pi Angle pi Paul M Wilkins, Mary A ho Gras Wills, John mech Main Williams, Granville far Gras Etta S (Merrill ho Lewis G pi Geo E pi Williams, L H car Manch No 3 Nancy (Dallis ho Williams, Margaret (Stabert Nol W^ilson, G H cl Gras Sadie (Sanford ho Gertrude O Wilson, Gertrude ho No 1 Winham, Jennie So Mast Wood burn, J R mill op So Mast Myrtle M (True ho Glenda L Woodbury, Levi mech Cot Cora (m Chase Henniker CENSUS. 95 Pauline (Whitcomb ho *Sadie (m Moore shoe op 525 Wilson, Manch *Woodbury, Geo stk cutter Somerville Junct, Mass Josie( Moses ho So Mast Woodbury, Augustus far Gras No 1 Mary J (Davis ho Alice J ho *Mary E (m Ellis Hanover & Gertrude, Manch Woodbury, Gilman Gras, No 1 far and mail car Jennie (Riley ho Woodman, Frank H Cb Sarah A (Day *Abbie M (m Jones 8 Bowery Ave, Concord *Harry A wood & lumb Weare Leic^h F mech Woodson, W R far Manch, No 4 Clara A (Greer ho Woodson, Sydney R R ser Manch, No 3 Hattie W (Jones ho Worden, John mech Etta (Wyman ho Ethel M pi Ralph M pi Worden, Wm baker Ch Myrtie I(Wyman ho Alice R pi Worthley, Clementine A (Roberts Gras Arthur M far Worthley, Arthur M far Gras Blanch (Ainsworth ho Agnes C Wm A Worthley, Sarah (Hutchinson Manch, No 2 Wyatt, Geo lab Gras Etta (Wheeler ho Wyman, Martin V B far No 1 Emily J (Holt ho Mary E (m Wyatt *Ida J (m Magee 26 Welch Ave, So Manch *Minnie E (m Fowler 28 Allison, Concord *Fred E loc fireman *Chas G shoe op E Whitman, Mass Leon W mech Wyman, James I basket mk'r Ch *Chas F shoe op Brockton, Mass *Lindly upholsterer Milford *Geo lab Weare Myrtie I (m Worden ^Austin lab Wyman, Nora (Caraway Sum 96 CENSUS. *Otis pi Lebanon Wesley pi Mildred pi Wyman, Byron far Gras, Nol Wyman, Frances Gras, No 1 Wyman, Amanda Gras, No 1 Young, Chas E far Manch, No 3 Wealthy A (Clark ho Chas E Jr far Young, Chas E Jr far Manch, No 3 Mary (Hastings ho Mabel pi Walter pi Alice pi Hiram pi Grace ChasL C. H. LINDSEY Pbotognapby in all its bnanches SATISFACTION GUARANTEED STUDIO, 987 ELn STREET, HANCHESTER, N. H. TELEPHONE CONNECTION GEO. E. PEARSON JEWELER Jllso dealer in IDusical Instruments 877 ELM STREET, MANCHESTER, N. H. Next Door to Amoskeag Bank L£ja'l3 a i II i|iffltlli