LIBRARY OF CONGRESS □ DOET^m^t,? % (lass coPMiicHT r>Ei\\iu r /I '^^Z^^^^^^.-t.-^? ^ . -^^.,s:k.-iJ>if^^, 7^ HISTORY OF THE CuYAMOCxA County Soldiers' and Sailors Monument. SCENES AND INCIDENTS FROM ITS INCEPTION TO ITS COMPLETION.— DESCRIPTION OF THE MEMORIAL STRUCTURE, AND ROLL OF HONOR. r.v WILLIAM J. GLEASOiSi^. / TfRLISilKD HY THE MoNfMENT COMMISSIONERS, / Cl-EVEI.AXn, O. 1SQ4. o.n 1 T M COPYRIC.HTED 1S94, ' BY WILLIAM J. GLEASON. All rights reserved. The Cleveland Printinc, & Publishing Co. DEDICATION. L( »\i.\(; i,\' i»i-;i)ic.\'rKi) TO tiiI'. miimorv oi- Tin-: rxiox SOI.DIKRS AND SAILORS OK THK WAR oF TUK RI'II'.KLLIOX, i;V WHOSK VALOR AND IX- FLIXCillXG PATRIOTISM OI'R COrXTRV WAS I'RoTF.CTKI) AX I) I'RF.SFRVFI). THK ArTIloR. cuyahoga county Soldiers* and Sailors* Monum1':nt Commissionp:rs. WM. J. GLEASON. LP:vr F. BAUDPm, - J. B. MOLYNEAUX, EDWARD II. BOHM, LEVI T. SCOEIELD, EMORY W. 1-ORCE. JAMES BARNETT, - President. Secretary. J. J. ELWIvLL, CHAS. c. dewstop:, JAMES HAYR, R. W. WALTERS, M. D. LEGGICTT. EXECurix'i-: committke. WM. J. GLEASON, - Ch.\irm.\n. JAMES BARNETT. J. B. MOLYNEAUX, JAMES HAYR. LEVI T. SCOEIELD, LEVI F. BAUDER, Secrktarv. LliVI T. SCOEIELD, Architect and Sculptor. Till-: Pi:rpltual Commission. Elected July iSth, 1S94: WILLIAM J. GLEASON, ----- JOSEPH B. MOLYNEAUX, J. J. ELWELL, M. I). LIvGGETT. JAMES PICKANDS President. secret.a.ry. EXECUTIX'E COMMITTEE. WILLIAM J. GL1:AS0N, ----- JOSEPH B. MOLYNEAU.X, J. J. IvLWELL. Chairman. Secretary. LIST OF ILLUS'IRAIIOXS. Thf Aullior I'roiilispiece. 1 ACINI i rAi.H— NorllKast View of IMoiuunent 13 Statue of Liberty 23 Bronze Infantry Group, " The Color Guard "' 34 Bronze Artillery Grouji, " At Short Ranf,re " 44 Bronze Cavalry Crroup, " The Advance Guard "' 54 Bronze Navy Group, " Mortar Practice " 67 Bronze Panel in I'ace of Pedestal — Infantry Group 74 " " — Artillery Group S4 " " " — Cavalry Group 96 " " " — Navy Group ... 113 Bronze Capital to Shaft 120 Infantry Emblem in Capital 130 Artillery " " 142 Cavalry " " . . .... 152 Navy " " ... 162 Quartermaster" " 172 Sij^nal Service " " . . 1.S2 Engineer " " . 192 Ordnance " " 202 Bronze Doors, North and South Entrances 212 " The Beginning of the War, in Ohio " 21S " The Emancijiation of the Slave " 228 " The End of the War; or, The Peace - Makers at City Point " . 238 Bust of Brigadier - General James Barnett 248 " Captain W. J. Woonalit\', personal courage, and sacri- fice, for coming generations of American youth. It will speak to the unborn millions who will not have seen one of the participants of the War it commemorates, and who will people this goodly land, of the noble work done by their patriotic ancestors when the Republic in its infanc)' was in great danger. The child will ask the meaning of the ^Monument, and will be told the story of Lincoln and (rrant, of Sherman and vSheridan, of Meade and Thomas, of Hancock and Custer, of Farragut and Porter, of Hayes and (larfield, and of the bra\e men who followed and fought with them for their country and its liberties. This is the lesson of the Monument, and fully justifies its erection by the patriotic people of Cuyahoga Count}' to whom it belongs. If at times we have faltered in our fifteen years of wearisome work because of great obstacles which ob- structed our way, after all it nnist be remembered that it has always been so with work of this kind. It may be said that while no people have higher appreciation and respect for important national e\-ents and for pure X INTRODUCTORY. and noble manhood than the Americans, no people on the face of the earth are so backward in building mon- uments of the character of ours. They are proud and delighted with them when finished, but very slow in their construction. Monuments can neither add to reputation nor insure immortality. Good works alone have immunity from death and forgetfulness. Right action, noble deeds, heroic conduct are immortal without monuments made by human hands. Words and names alone, though cut in stone and engraved in bronze, mean nothing if they tell not the story of "well done, good and faithful serv- ants." Lincoln said in his immortal speech at Gettys- burg: "The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it will never forget what these Soldiers did here." The many monuments on the battlefield of Gettysburg add nothing to the fame of the men who died there for their country. They only tell where, when, and why they died. The magnificent Cleveland Monument, so laboriously and patiently con- structed, rescues nobody personally from obscurity nor ultimately from that oblivion which surely awaits the builders and all those whose names are inscribed on its walls. It is only a record of their deeds. "The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave. Await alike the inevitable hour. The path of glory leads but to the grave." Incidental to the accomplishment of our undertaking, it became necessary to engage in a few legal battles to carry our mission to success. When w^e were ready to commence the construction of the Memorial, we were compelled to meet our Bull Run in the lower Courts. After a brief rest, and the re-forming of our lines, a test of strength and authority before the Supreme Court of the State brous^ht about our Gettysburg. A final INTRODUCTORY. XI appeal to the United vStates Court resulted in the com- plete and unconditional surrender of our (opponents. Appomattox had been fought and won. The Memorial is strikingly original in its character and design. It is not alone a Monument to the valor and heroism of the gallant Union Soldier.s and vSailors of our County and to the noble services of the Women's Aid Society of Northern Ohio, but it is a National Memo- rial of the War of tlie Rebellion as well. Every feature in it is strictly American, and vividly portrays the scenes and incidents of the most destructive conflict of ancient and modern times. It is highly creditable to the genius and brilliant skill of the Architect and vSculptor, who gave his time and splendid ability during the entire accomplishment of the work without any reward except the appreciation of the Commission and the gratitude of his comrades and fellow-citizens. The superb Memorial was appropriately dedicated on the anniversary of the Nation's Independence — July 4th, 1S94. Most impressive exercises marked this crowning event. Hundreds of thousands of people turned out in gala attire to honor the occasion. The day was made memorable by scholarly addresses from America's most noted statesmen and orators ; by patri- otic .songs rendered by the future patriots and citizens of our Republic — the children of our public schools ; by the prayer and benediction of noted divines, and by the spirited rendition of intensely patriotic poetry. Amidst the reading of the immortal Declaration of Independence, the booming of cannon, under a canopy of myriads of the glorious flag of freedom, in the pres- ence of thousands of the brave survivors of the Civil War bearing their battle-scarred flags, together with the finest procession of citizen soldiers, civic .societies, trade and manufacturing representations, with our lovelv citv lavishlv decorated as never before in its XII INTRODUCTORY. history, that, all combined, made up the most notable demonstration ever held in the great State of Ohio, the handsomest tribute to patriotism in the world was for- mally turned over to the free use, benefit and admira- tion of present and future generations. Now that the people may freely view the exquisite Memorial in all its historic accuracy and architectural grandeur, the slight temporary opposition to the struct- ure and its unrivaled site has happily ceased. The peerless work of the Designer and of the Commission meets wdth the unqualified and hearty approval of all of our citizens, as attested by the earnest words of sincere commendation heard upon every side from the thousands who daily visit the Memorial — our own peo- ple as well as strangers — to admire its manifold beauties : the interior and exterior, the lovely surroundings — all true to the events and time it commemorates. Notwithstanding all that the Commission have had to contend with, we console ourselves with the pleasing reflection that others have had similar difficiilties, with- out our corresponding triumph. We have been remark- ably fortunate in successfully finishing the loving work committed to our care within our lifetime, and by the same men who originated the enterprise. We are glad to be able to say that our task is com- pleted. With gratitude and thanks to God for life and success, we gladly surrender to those who come after us the trust we have tried faithfully to carry out, conscious of having discharged our stewardship to the best of our ability. To our successors in office we say, guard sacredly this grand and beautiful Memorial, which has been to us a work of love and patriotism. William J. Gleason, President Monutnent Comtnission. Cleveland, O., July 15th, 1894. CUYAHOGA COUNTY SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT, CLEVELAND, O. Levi T. Scofield, Architect and Sculptor. (View from Northeast.] I. IN the War of the Revohitioii, (3hio was unknown, being then but a wilderness of forest, uninhabited by civilized man. A generation later there existed the pioneer settler and patriotic white man, who served in the defense of the Nation in the second war with Eng- land and shared in the triumphs of Lundy's Lane and the Naval victory of Lake Erie. Thirty-three years later the sons of the Buckeye State bore a conspicuous part in the gallant victories of the Mexican War. But fifteen years after that memorable event it was reserved to the patriot Soldiers of Ohio, in common with all others of the Northern States, to participate in the mighty struggle for the preservation of the Union, in the fiercest and most sanguinary Civil W^ar known in the history of the world. The grateful memory of the people everywhere has prompted the erection of endur- ing monuments and engraved tablets that shall tell the marvelous story and perpetuate the name and fame of the deserving soldier and the heroic dead. The idea of erecting a Monument to commemorate the valor and patriotism of the Union Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, in the War of the Rebellion, from 1861 to 1865, was first proposed by Comrade Wni. J. Gleason, at a meeting of Camp Barnett, Soldiers' and Sailors' Society, held in the Crocker Block, Cleveland, Ohio, on the evening of October 22nd, 1879. The original resolution introduced by Comrade Gleason was as follows: " Resolved, That the President of the Society be and he is hereby directed to appoint a Committee of three, whose duty it will be to 14 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY formulate a plan for the erection of a suitable Monument or Memorial to commemorate the Union Soldiers and Sailors of Cuya- hoga County." After an agreeable discussion among the Comrades ot the Society, the project was unanimously and enthusi- astically approved ; whereupon President Charles C. Dewstoe appointed Comrades Wm. J. Gleason, Edward H. Bohm and Joseph B. Molyneaux as the Committee. At this time arrangements were being perfected for a grand reunion of all ex-Soldiers and Sailors of Cuya- liDga County, to be held in Case Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, October 30th, 1879. The Committee named were re- quested to report to this meeting the feasibility of the undertaking and a plan for carrying it out. The Com- mittee held a meeting, discussed several modes of pro- cedure, and finally adopted the plan proposed by Comrade Gleason. His colleagues requested him to reduce it to writing and report the same to the General Reunion for action, the plan being as follows: '■'To the Union Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County. "Comrades: — The undersigned Committee, appointed by a meet- ing of ex-Soldiers and Sailors held in the City of Cleveland, Wednes- day evening, October 22nd, 1S79, to take into consideration the feasibility of the erection of a Monument and a plan for carrying it out, submit the following report : " For the purpose of perpetuating the memory of the men of Cuyahoga County who responded to the call of patriotism in the "War of the Rebellion, we favor the erection of a Memorial Monument. Believing that the people of this county appreciate the gallantry and heroism of the Soldiers and Sailors who represented them in the Union Array and Navy in the 3'ears of the Rebellion, and feeling that the record made at that time by the men who went from their midst redounds to the glory and is the common heritage of the people of this county, we favor the building of a Monument b}' the entire people of Cuyahoga County. To accomplish this result, we recommend that our Senator and Representatives in the General Assembly of Ohio draft a bill, and use their influence in its passage by the Legislatvire, authorizing the levying of a tax on all of the property of the county, amounting to three-tenths of a mill on the dollar, to be paid in three equal annual installments, said money. soldiers' and sailors' monument, I^ when so raised, to be placed in a special fund, to be known and designated as the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monu- ment Fund ; said fund to be applied to the erection of a suitable Monument that will stand for ages as a memorial to our county, and be a perpetual reminder to the present and future generations of the sentiment entertained In' all 103'al people for the volunteer Soldiers and Sailors who risked their lives in defense of a free, united country. We further recommend that the Convention of ex- Soldiers and Sailors appoint a Committee of seven ex-Soldiers, who will have all plans submitted to them, and also have sole charge of the erection of the Monument. "We would earnestly recommend that the Monument be located in the center of ^Monumental Park, in the Cit}' of Cleveland. " Respectfully submitted, [Signed.] " Wm. J. Gleason, " Edward H. Bohm, "j. b. molyneaux, " Committee Camp Barnett, Soldiers' and Sailors' Society. "Cleveland, O., October 30th, 1S79."' The General Convention, held in Hall, October 30th, 1879, at which more than twelve hnndred ex- Soldier.s and Sailors were registered as being in attend- ance, nnanimonsly adopted the plan proposed b}' the foregoing Committee. The Convention thereupon elected Comrades Wm. J. Gleason, Edward H. Bohm, Emory W. Force, W. F. Goodspeed, E. H. Eggleston, Levi T. Scofield and Edwin Andrews a permanent Committee on the erection of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. This Convention was presided over by Comrade James Barnett. The principal speakers on the occasion were Comrades James A. Garfield, James B. Steadman and William H. Gibson. Subsequently, at the request of the Monument Com- mittee, State Senator and Comrade Thomas J. Carran drafted and introduced the following bill in the Ohio Senate : l6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY "[Senate Bill No. 126.] "AN ACT "To authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet, commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor. "Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assemb/y of the State of Ohio, That the County Commissioners of Cuj-ahoga County be and they are hereby authorized to levy a tax upon all the taxable property of said county, not exceeding three-tenths of one mill, not more than one-tenth of which shall be levied and collected an- nually, for the purpose of erecting a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the bravery and valor of all the Soldiers and Sailors from said county, who were killed in any of the battles fought in the service of the Republic of the United States, or who died from wounds or disease received or contracted in such service, and purchase a suitable site therefor. " Sec. 2. All plans and specifications for such Monument or Tablet, and the site thereof, together with the contract for the erec- tion of which, shall be approved by the Commissioners and the Committee on Monument of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association of said county ; but the building thereof shall be supervised by, and the expense thereof paid upon vouchers approved by said Com- missioners ; provided, however, that the cost and expense of such Monument or tablet and site shall not exceed the amount of said levy. " Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. "Thos. A. Cowgill, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. " R. G. Richards, " President pro teni. of the Senate. " Passed April 2, iSSo." It will be noticed that Senator Carran's bill added the County Commissioners to the Monument Com- mittee, requiring their approval of the plans and speci- fications, and that the building of the Monument should be tmder their supervision. When the tax was about to be levied for 1881, County Auditor and Comrade Levi F. Bander discovered a clerical error in Senator Carran's bill, whereby the tax therein provided for would require thirty years for its collection, instead of soldiers' and sailors' monument. 17 three years, as intended. To correct this error, vSenator Carran introduced the following amended bill early in the session of 1881 : " [Senate Rill No. 247.] "AN ACT "To amend section one of an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cu^-ahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said count}', and to purchase a site therefor.' " Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section one of said act be so amended as to read as follows : " Section i . That the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County be and they are hereby authorized to levy a tax upon all the taxal^le property of said County, not exceeding three-tenths of one mill, not more than one-third of which shall be levied and collected anniially, for the purpose of erecting a Monument or Memorial Tablet, com- memorative of the bravery and valor of all the Soldiers and Sailors from said county, who were killed in any of the battles fought in the service of the Republic of the United States, or who died from wounds or disease received or contracted in such service, and purchase a suitable site therefor. "Sec. 2. Original section one is hereby repealed. "Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. "Thos. a. Cowgill, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. " R. G. RlCH.^RDS, " President pro tem. of the Senate. ',' Passed February 4, 1S81." II. THE jMoniiment Committee reported progress at the Annual Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors of the county, and were, by resolutions adopted thereat, continued in their work. From the formation of the Committee its meetings were held in the office of County Auditor and Comrade Levi F. Bander, on his invitation. He represented the County Commissioners as their Clerk, and was, on regular motion, chosen Secretary at the joint meetings of the Committee and Commis- sioners. At the Reunion held June 17th, 1882, his term as County Auditor having nearly expired, he was elected a regular member of the Monument Committee. Subsequently, he was elected its permanent Secretary. Comrade Edwin Andrews, of Rockport Township, a member of the original Committee of seven, died in 1883, sincerely regretted by all of his associates. At the Annual Reunion held in Chagrin Falls, June 20th, 1884, Comrades James Barnett and Charles C. Dewstoe were, by resolution of Comrade J. J. Elwell, added to the Committee. On the same date, by resolu- tion of Comrade Dewstoe, Comrades J. J. Elwell, Joseph B. Molyneaux, James Hayr and R.W.Walters were, added to the Committee. The original Committee, to- gether with the additions thereto, were continued at each Annual Reunion ; reports of progress being regu- larly submitted and approved. A number of meetings were held by the Committee in the Fall of 1884 and in the Spring of 1885. The most important one took place February 28th, 1885. At this meeting the Chairman of the Committee pro- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 19 posed the propriety and necessity of reqiiestin*^ the Legislature to give authority to raise an additional levy of five-tenths of a mill on the taxable property of the county, so that a suitable Monument might be erected. His views met with the hearty approval of all of the members of the Committee. Comrade Dewstoe offered a resolution to carry out the Chairman's recommenda- tion, which was unanimously adopted. At this meeting, on resolution of Comrade Elwell, a Subcommittee of five was appointed on legislation, with instructions to prepare a bill for raising the additional tax levy, said Subcommittee to report to the General Committee March 28th, 1885. The Legislative Committee, consist- ing of the Chairman and Comrades Elwell, Bander, Dewstoe and County Commissioner B. F. Phinney, carried out the duty assigned them. The bill, as drafted, was approved by the General Committee. It was trans- mitted to Senator and Comrade A. J. Williams, by whom it was promptly introduced and passed into law. The bill was as follows : " [Senate Bill No. 446.] "AN ACT " To amend section one of an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monu- ment or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2, 18S0 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended February 4, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316), and to amend section two of said original act. " Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section one of an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2, 1880, as amended I'ebruary 4, 1S81, be amended so as to read as follows: "Section i. That the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County be and they are hereby authorized to levy a tax upon all the taxable property of said county, not exceeding five- tenths of one 20 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY mill on the dollar of the valuation of said property, in addition to any tax heretofore levied under said act, not more than one-fifth of which shall be levied and collected annually, for the purpose of erecting a suitable structure commemorative of the services, patriotism and valor of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Union Army and Navy in the War of the Rebellion, who enlisted from Cuyahoga County, and either were killed, died of wounds or of disease con- tracted in said service, or subsequently died residents of said count}^, and to purchase a suitable site therefor, and the funds heretofore collected under said act shall be applied, together with that raised under and pursuant to this act, to the purpose aforesaid. "Sec. 2. That section two of said act, passed April 2, 18S0, be amended so as to read as follows : "Section 2. All plans and specifications for said structure, and the site therefor, together with all contracts for the construction of the same, shall be submitted to and approved by the Commissioners of said county, as well as by the Committee on Monument of Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and the building of said struct- ure shall be supervised by, and the bills of expense for the same paid upon vouchers approved In* said Commissioners. Provided, however, that the entire cost and expense of such structure, includ- ing the site therefor, shall not exceed the levy heretofore made when increased by the lev}' authorized by this act. " Sec. 3. Said original section two and said original section one, as amended February 4, 1881, are hereby repealed. " Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. "A. D. Marsh, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. "John G. Warwick, " President of the Senate. "Passed April 22, 1885." Senator Williams was subsequently tendered a unan- imous vote of thanks, on behalf of the three thousand Soldiers of the county, for his prompt action and per- sonal attention gi\-en to the request of the Committee. Copyright by the Sculptor, iSg- STATUE OF " LIBERTY, III. DURING the years 1885 and 1886, there was a spirited but amicable controversy among the ex- Soldiers and Sailors of the county as to the style of the Memorial. Some favored a monument, or shaft ; others a memorial hall. For the purpose of giving general satisfaction, the Monument Committee held the matter open for a year, and gave notice to all ex-Soldiers that the question would be decided by ballot at the reunion to be held in Bedford on June 17th, 1886. This reunion was largely attended. Lively and interesting speeches were made by a number of Comrades, and, after a full and free discussion, the vote resulted in a very decisive majority in favor of a Memorial ^Monument, with a towering shaft. Pending the slow, but sure, accumulation of the money raised by the collection of the tax levy for the Monument Fund, the site originally recommended and desired for the location of the structure was lost to the Committee. The intention was to round off the four corners of the different sections of the Public Square, and erect the Monument in the center, at the junction of Superior and Ontario Streets. The street railroad corporations, however, were active in the scheme of obtaining all of the best streets in the city for the pur- pose of occupying the same with their tracks ; and, before the Committee were ready to proceed with the work of construction, they gained control of Superior and Ontario Streets through the Square, thus depriving the Monument of the best location in the county. Several meeting^s were held bv the Committee, late 24 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY in 1886 and early in 1887. On January 29th, 1887, the Chairman of the Committee and Comrades LeYi F. Bander, C. C. Dewstoe, J. R. ]\Iolyneanx and James Hayr, and County Commissioner George A. Schlatter- beck, were appointed a Subcommittee to select and report a suitable site for the Monument. This Com- mittee met, and made a personal tour in examination of the different points thought of or suggested to them. After carefully taking into consideration the merits of the scYcral places inspected on the East, West, and South Sides of the City, and Lake View Park on the north, the Committee named unanimously reported in favor of locating the Monument on the southeast sec- tion of the Public Square. The General Committee approved and adopted said report without a dissenting voice. At this meeting, also, the General Committee appointed Comrades James Barnett, J. J. Elwell, J. B. Molyneaux, Levi T. Scofield, Levi F. Bander, and the Chairman a vSubcommittee to prepare or procure a design for the Monument. A resolution offered by Comrade Molyneaux, sec- onded by Comrade Elwell, was introduced, as follows : ''Resolved, That Captain Levi T. Scofield be requested to submit to the Committee a plan for a Soldiers' Monument, to be subject to such suggestions or alterations as may be agreed upon by the Com- mittee ; it being understood, however, that nothing in this resolu- tion shall be construed as to, in any way, commit or bind this Com- mittee to the acceptance or adoption of such design or plan.'.' The resolution was adopted. Comrade Scofield proceeded to comply with the resolution, and, in due time, prepared and presented a design for the proposed Monument. Important changes in the same were suggested from time to time, as are shown in the description of the Monument herein pub- lished. When the work was properly advanced to begin the erection of the structure, the Subcommittee on site soldiers' and sailors' monument. 25 called upon the Park Commissioners of the City, and informed them, officially, of the location selected. The meeting at which this action was taken was held on the 17th day of May, 1887. Several meetings of the Park Commissioners and Alonnment Committee ensned. On Jnne 14th of the same year, the following commnnica- tion was received : "City of Cleveland, ()., '^ " Office of the Park Commissioners, }■ "June 14th, 18S7. J "To W. J. Gleason, Chairinau of the Soldiers' Monument Com- mittee. " Dear Sir : — The Commissioners, having had your proposition and request under consideration, find some objections to the site selected, and, while these objections may not be insuperable, we are averse to giving your Commission a final answer until further con- sideration can be given to the question. These objections apply only to the quarter of the Square selected by your Commission. Should either of the other quarters be determined upon, the Com- missioners would not hesitate in giving a ready consent ; or should the intersection of Superior and Ontario Streets be selected, the Commissioners would consent to such changes as might be neces- sary to widen the roadways around the Monument.* "By order of the Commissioners, "W. H. ECKMAN, Secretary." Several subseqnent meetings were held with the Park Commissioners, but no definite conclnsion was reached. Let it be borne in mind that, from the commence- ment of the Monnment project np to this time, the only objections to the site selected came from the Park Commissioners, as stated in their communication, and from Judge Samuel E. Williamson, a property owner * [At this date, the street railroad corporations had their rails laid through the streets named, by virtue of a City ordinance and the consent of the Park Commissioners, giving them a free franchise for twenty-five years; hence the offer of the Commissioners, made in the latter clause of their communication, could not be carried out )jy them.— W. J. G.] 26 uisroRV OK rnK civaiuh.a coiNrv on iho ooinov of luiolid A\oiuio .uui iho rublio v'^quavc. On iho ;t.l of October, of the same year, the hitter t'lled the loUowing Untev Nvith the Tavk Comniissioners : " Wuaa.vMsoN, Hkach vS: CrsuiNe.. [ " Mkrcuants 1k\nk lU'uanNO, ' " Cl.KVKT.ANO. O.. OCTOUKK 5ul. 1SS7. I "A. H. SvoNK. Kso., rivsidcut of T.irk Oomtnissionors. City. "Pk.vkSir: — liiformation has reached mo that some sjeiitlemen espoeiallv interested in the matter of the Monument to the Soldiers and Sailors seriously propose to have the Monument erected upon the southeast corner of the Public Square, and they are likely to ask the consent of your Board to this location. " I must wry earnestly protest ajjainst such use of the Public Square. I may as well sjiy frankly, at the outset, that my father's fatuity own property upon the corner of luiclid .\veuue anil the Park ; and as such a structure as is proposed will sxibstautially occupy all that part of the Park lying east of Ontario Street ami south of Superior Street, it will substantially convert what is now a front uix>u the Park into a mere front tipon a street, and thus very ma- terially impair the value of the property in which we are interested. I should therefore be compelled to avail myself of such legal rights as 1 may have, if you should give your consent to the location. "'I am contident, however, that when the matter is thoroughly understood, you will not consent to have the Monument placed in the Public Siptare ; and that the gentlemen who have made the ap- plicHtion will not press it. The fact that it will cotnpletely close the view front Euclid Avenue across the Square ought to he a stitficient reason for ret'using the application ; but there are other reasons still more weighty. It will close the walk across that part of the Square, which is a great convenience to thousands of citizens, atid was never thor\^ughly appreciateil until the Square was fenced in, some years ago. It would dwarf the Monument itself, which is to l>e of such pn.>portions that it ought to be placed on a much Larger tract of laud; but most of all. it would reduce by one-fourth the dimensions of a park which probaV^ly gives more enjoyment and c<.>mfort to the people of this city than any other one thing in it ; attd «■<>«/./ />rofKif>/y (>€ the cotMtHeniushiitti:s, " But. even if it were expevlient. in view of all the circximstances, to use the Park in the manner proposed. I believe that you have no right to do so. To intrxxluce a few statues for ornameutatiou is doxibtless within your powers, but it is. at least, doubttul whether SOI.IHi-.KS' AM; sailors' MOMMI-.N'T. 2/ you would have tlic rij^lit to jM-riuit the erection of a Court House or City IIhII, or any otlier huil'lin;( for purely ]juhli<: jiurposes; and, in my JM(ij(inent, it is entirely clear tliat you have not the rij^ht to ]»erniit the (hts in the matter, I shall be very k'^'' ^" ^>'' beard n]»on that subj<-ct 1><-fore you < ome to final decision. " Very respectfully yours, "SAM'I. I-:. WILIJAMSON." In llic several eoiiferences vvitli tlie Park Coniniis- sioner.s the latter IkkIv never flatly objected to the site .selected; never absolutely refii.sed their consent. They simply withheld their permission, and, with excuse after excuse, kept putting the Committee off, invariably ex- pressing the hope and desire that the Monument Com- mittee would take and occujn' either of the other three sections of the Public Square. JCvery meetinj^ of the Committee was oikii to the ];ublic. 'iMie reporters of the city newspapers were present. All of its proceedinj^s were published. Not one newspaper objected to the site selected. Not one citizen objected, either orally or in writing, in private or public, so far as the Monument Committee ever heard or learned. On the other hand, the monument project anr] the site selected were universalis' apj^roved by all of the newsjjapers and the jK-oj^le of the cit}' and countv. The ^online objection to the site, as recognized by the Monument Committee, and subsequently by the Commission, was frankly stated by Hon. J. H, Wade, President of the lioard of Park Commissioners, at one of the early meetings with the Committee when the question of location was still in controversy. He said, in substance: "That in his oj^inion, Cleveland was 28 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY destined to be a great and populous city ; the down-town streets would be so crowded by people that more room would be required ; the increase of street car travel would be so large that the cars would need more out- lets. So far as he was personally concerned, lie strongly favored the extension of EncHd Avenue through the south- east section of the Public Square^ joining zvith Superior Street, so that the street cars zuonld have a direct route.'''' All future events clearly demonstrated that the feeling thus emphatically expressed was the real poivcr behind the throne, even though the object was endeavored to be disguised by interested parties, so far as the general public were concerned. During the prolonged and numerous conferences with the Park Commissioners, all conducted in the seem- ingly most friendly spirit, no determination was reached. Sincerely feeling that the location selected was the best and most desirable one to be had in the county, the Committee concluded that the time had arrived to pro- ceed on business principles, so that w"e might accom- plish the object for which we were selected. Early in 1888, the Committee was deprived of the further services of two of its original and esteemed members. Comrades W. F. Goodspeed and E. H. Eg- gleston. The former gave up his residence in the county, having moved with his family to Columbus, O., to go into business there ; the latter, owing to pressing engagements and ill health, did not have the necessary time to give attention to the duties of his position. The resignations tendered by these Comrades were re- ceived with regret. Their valuable aid in the prelimi- nary w'ork of the Committee was earnest and cordial, and, as the project advanced in future years, their per- sonal interest and influence never ceased. IV. SLIGHT diflferences of opinion had also arisen be- tween the County Commissioners and the Com- mittee in relation to authority or separate jurisdiction, under the law, in connection with the manner of pro- curing plans for the Monument. To obviate any further dispute with the Park Commissioners or the County Commissioners, the Committee requested Com- rade Allen T. Brinsmade, then City Solicitor, to draft a bill setting aside the southeast section of the Public Square as the location for the Monument, excluding the County Commissioners from future jurisdiction, and creating the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission, giving them full power to pre- pare plans and proceed with the construction of the Mon- ument. Fully realizing the importance of the measure, and desiring to have it perfect. Comrade Brinsmade called to his aid Judge Rufus P. Ranney and Judge Seneca O. Griswold. These eminent lawyers were ardent friends of the Monument Committee and of the site selected by them, and freely gave their brilliant services in the preparation of the bill. The result of the high order of talent engaged in the work success- fully withstood all assaults subsequently brought against it in the several courts through which it passed. When the bill was completed, it was transmitted to Representative and Comrade William T. Clark, by whom it was presented and passed through the House. Senator and Comrade Vincent A. Taylor took charge of it in the Senate, and had it made law on the i6th day of April, 1888, as follows: 30 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " [House Bill No. 462.] "AN ACT " Supplementary to an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Me- morial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2d, 1880 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended April 22d, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), and to repeal section two (2) of said last mentioned act. " Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be and hereby is created a Board of Commis- sioners, to be called the Monumental Commissioners of Cuyahoga County, to be composed of twelve persons, who shall be resident electors of said county, and members of the present Monumental Committee of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, to be appointed by the Governor of the State of Ohio, by and with the consent of the Senate, and shall hold their term for five years, or until the Monument or structure herein provided for shall be completed, and shall perform the duties and exercise the powers prescribed by this act; and any vacancy occurring in said Board shall, at the next annual meeting thereafter of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, be filled by such union selecting a member having the qualifications herein prescribed, who shall take an oath as prescribed in the next succeeding section. "Section 2. That upon the appointment and confirmation of said Commissioners, they shall each take an oath to well and truly perform the duties imposed upon them by this act, and shall organ- ize by selecting one of their number as President, another as Secre- tary, and an Executive Committee of five, of whom the President of said Board shall be one, and ex officio Chairman. " Section 3. Said Board of Monument Commissioners, when duly organized, shall have full power to select a place for the proposed Monument, and shall have the exclusive control of the building of ■said Monument, and the plan for the same, and are empowered to have designs and models prepared, and are hereby authorized, if they so determine, to locate the site of such Monument on the southeast side of the " Public Square " so called, at the junction of Superior and Ontario Streets in the City of Cleveland, and in case they so determine, the Park Commissioners of said City are hereb}- authorized and recjuired on demand in writing by said Commission- ers, at the expense of said City, to remove the monument of Com- modore Perry, now in said southeast corner of said Square, to some other square or public park in said City, and all other obstructions therein ; but if the said Board of Monument Commissioners do not determine to locate the site for said ^Monument in said southeast soldiers' and sailors' monument. 3t square of said Public Square, they are authorized to purchase or procure any other site for the same within said county. " Section 4. Said Board of Monument Commissioners havinj< determined upon a site for said structure as herein authorized, shall determine upon a plan for such monument or structure, and are authorized to contract with the lowest and best responsible bidder, for either the whole or any part of the work, or they may, in their discretion, contract for the same by the day's work or piece ; pro- vided, however, the entire cost of the same and any expense of the Commissioners shall not exceed the amount already authorized by this act to be levied for the same, and provided further, that said Board of Monument Commissioners are authorized to receive dona- tions in money and materials for said structure, or time or services of any person or persons, the amount and value of which shall not be computed in the amount of the total cost hereinbefore provided, nor any interest that may be received, but shall be in addition thereto. " Section 5. The saiil Board of Monument Commissioners are also hereby authorizeil to appropriate for temporary use, at the commencement of and during the progress of their work, any pub- lic property of the County of Cuyahoga or of the City of Cleveland, which may at the time be vacant, and to erect temporary structures thereon in which work for the Monument can be prepared, and to have heat and light furnished free upon application of said Board of Commissioners, from any public building of either the said county or city, in ample (juantity for such temporary structure which may be contiguous to such public building. " Section 6. The County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County are hereby authorized and directed, upon the passage of this act, to loan out to the various banks of the City of Cleveland, on approved security and at a rate of interest not less than three per centum per annum, the money collected for the purposes herein mentioned, and to be collected under the levy authorized by this act, and the interest thereon shall be placed to the credit of the fund to be used for the building of said structure, and the Auditor of Cuyahoga County is authorized and required to draw a warrant on the Treas- urer of said County from time to time for the money by said Treas- urer collected for the purpose herein stated, in order that the said Commissioners may invest the same as herein provided; such inter- est as may be received from such investment shall not be charged to said Commissioners as a part of said original fund, l)ut shall be an additional fund to that received under the several levies as pro- vided by law, and shall be used in the building of the structure herein contemplated, and such entire fund shall be subject to the drafts of said Board of Monument Conmiissioners. 32 HISTORY OK TIIK CrVAHOCrA COUNTY "Section 7. The IJoard of Monument Commissioners shall have power and are hereby authorized as the work on the Monument or structure by them determined upon progresses, to make drafts upon the Auditor of said County, to pay for such work done and materials furnished under their direction, such drafts to be signed by a ma- jority of the ICxecutive Committee of said Board, countersigned by its Secretary', and upon receiving such drafts said Auditor shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of Cuyahoga County for the amount of such drafts ; and the said County Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to withdraw any portion of the money invested by them as lurein jirovided, as the work on such structure progresses, and place the same in the County Treasury to the credit of the Monument I'-und ; and the Secretary of said Board of IMonument Commissioners is hereby required to give said County Commissioners reasonable notice in writing of the inten- tion of said Monument Commissioners to make drafts on the County Auditor for money for such work or material. Upon the completion of the Monument or structure, the said Board of Monu- ment Commissioners shall turn the same over to the Park Commis- sioners of said City or other properly constituted authorities per- forming like duties, who shall thereafter care for the same and the grounds surrounding, and who shall be empowered to employ an ex-Soldier as an attendant and guardian of such IMonument at a rea- sonable compensation, and such attendant shall be vested with the ordinary powers of a policeman ; and upon the completion of such Monument or structure, and after the same shall have been turned over as herein provided, the duties and powers of said Board of Monument Commissioners shall cease, and all balances of the Monument Fund unexpended after the Monument is completed and dedicated shall be turned over to the (icneral I'und of Cuyahoga County. " Shction S. That section two, as amended April 22d, 1885 (vol. 82, O. L., pp. 368 and 369), be and the same is hereb)' repealed. "Section 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. " Klbert L. L.-mmpson, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. •' Thi:o. F. D.wis, " President pro tcni. of the Senate. " Passed April 16, 18S8." SOLDIKKS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 33 Pursuant to this act of the (ieneral Assembly o^ ( )hio, Comrade and Governor Joseph R. P'oraker appointed the followini^ Comrades as the Board of Monument Commissioners of Cuyahoga County : WILLIAM J. C.LEASON, EDWARD H. BOHM, EMORY W. FORCE, LEVI T. SCOFIELD, LEVI F. BAUDER, JAMEvS BARXETT, CHARLES C. DEWSTOt:, J. J. EL WELL, joseph b. molvneaux, jaml;s hayr, R. W. WALTlvRS, M. D. LIvGGETT. V. THE Board of Monument Commissioners, having received their commissions from the Governor of the State, held their first meeting in the office of the Board of Elections, City of Cleveland, on May i6th, 1888. Their term of enlistment was for five years, or ("during the war ") until the completion of the Monument. We clip the proceedings of the initial meeting from the Leader of May 17th : " The first meeting of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' Monumental Commission was held yesterday afternoon in the rooms of the Board of Elections. The Commis- sion was appointed under an act of the Legislature, passed on April i6th, 1888. Those present were Major W. J. Gleason, Captain E. H. Bohm, Emory W. Force, Captain Levi T. Scofield, General James Barnett, Gen- eral J. J. Elwell, Captain Levi F. Bander, James Hayr, C. C. Dewstoe, Captain J. B. Molyneaux and General M. D. Leggett. The only absentee was Dr. R. W. Walters, of Chagrin Falls. " A temporary organization was formed yesterday afternoon by making Major W. J. Gleason Chairman, and Captain Levi F. Bander Secretary. The bill creat- ing the Commission was read, and the Commissioners were given the oath of office by Mr. Bander, he in turn being sworn in by Captain Bohm. Acting upon the suggestion of Mr. Emory Force, the Commission pro- ceeded to a permanent organization. Major W. J. Gleason was nominated for Chairman, and was unani- mously elected. He made a few remarks in which he said it would be his highest ambition to hasten the SOLDIERvS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 3/ coiii])letioii of the Monuiiiciit. He thought that a shaft should be erected which would be a pride to every man, wouiau aud child iu the couuty, and a fitting tribute to the memory of the boys of the Rebellion. Levi F. Bander was elected as permanent Secretary, and the following Executive Committee, of which the President is a member, was elected : General James Barnett, James Hayr, Captain J. B. Molyneaux and Captain Levi T. Scofield. Captain Bander was subse- quently chosen Secretary of the Committee. Captain Bohm thought it would be the proper thing to inform the County Commissioners that the Commission had or- ganized, so that necessary arrangements could be made. " General Barnett said that it was the sense of the Commission that the Monument should be erected in the southeast corner of the Public Scpiare, where the Perry Monument now stands, and the Park Commis- sioners will be so notified. " The general plan of the Monument was discussed, and it was the general impression of the members that the design of Captain Scofield was the best that could be obtained. The Captain does not claim the design as his own, it being made from suggestions of the mem- bers, and he will accept no com])ensation for it. The question of advertising for designs was discussed and then dropped. " Captain Bohm offered the following resolution, which was adopted : " That the Secretary of this Commission be instructed to inform the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga Covnity of the fact that the Monumental Commission of Cuyahoga County, created by act of General Assembly of the State of Ohio, passed April 16th, 188S, has been duly organized in accordance with the provisions of that act ; that the Monument Commission respectfully desires the County Commissioners to advise, as early as possible, the Monument Com- mission of the exact amount of funds now in the hands of the County Treasurer to the credit of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' Monument, and that the Moiuimcnt Commission recjuests the 38 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY County Commissioners to deposit said funds to the credit of said Monumental Commission, on interest, as required by said act, at their earliest convenience. " After a great deal of discussion, the following reso- lution by E. H. Bohm was adopted : "'Resolved, That Commissioner Levi T. Scofield be requested to present to this Commission, at his earliest convenience, his develop- ment of the suggestions heretofore made as to plan and model of the proposed Cuyahoga County Soldiers' Monument, without cost to the Commission. " The Commission then adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. The meeting was a long one, and much enthusiasm was displayed." The Monument Commission, having its duties clearly defined, proceeded to systematic work. Recognizing their rights and responsibilities under the law creating them, they nevertheless desired to work in harmony with the City authorities. Agreeable thereto they made a written request to the Honorable City Council of the City of Cleveland, asking consent from that body, as representing the City, to locate the Monument on the site selected by them, viz., the southeast section of the Public Square. On June 29th, 1888, the records show that the following resolution was introduced in the City Council : " By Mr. Robert S. Avery : "Whereas, The Monument Commission of Cuyahoga County, authorized by the General Assembly of the State to have full charge of the erection of a Monument commemorative of the Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County, have selected in accordance with the provisions of the law the southeast section of the Public Square as a suitable site for such Monument ; therefore, be it " Resolved^ That the consent of the Common Council of the City of Cleveland be and it is. hereby granted to such Commission to erect such Monument on the site so selected." The resolution was adopted without a dissenting voice. The Common Council was composed of the members of the Council and Board of Aldermen, and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 39 their combined action was highly pleasing and satis- factory to the Commission. Following this consent the Commission asked and received permission from the Board of Improvements of the City to occnpy a portion of the gronnd in the rear of the City Hall, on which to erect a stndio, wherein might be commenced the practical work of the IMonnment. The Commission were largely enconraged and aided in their preliminary work by Hon. Brenton D. Babcock, then Mayor of the city. The stndio was promptly bnilt, and, immediately thereafter, artists, scnlptors and modelers were employed. The grand undertaking of the Commission, thus auspiciously be- gun, was prosecuted with vigor. At the reunion of Cuyahoga County Soldiers and Sailors, held in 1889, the Secretary rendered a report of the work performed by the Commission up to that time. At this reunion the President demonstrated the neces- sity of providing more funds for the Monument. A resolution was unanimously adopted approving his recommendation. Agreeable thereto, one of the first bills introduced in the Ohio Legislature, at its session in January, 1890, was the following by Representative and Comrade W. D. Pudney, through whose zeal and influence it was at once made into law : "[House Bill No. S7.] "AN ACT "To amend section one of an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monu- ment or a Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Sol- diers and Sailors of said County, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2d, i88cj (vol. 77, p. 36S), as amended Feb. 4th, i8'altv and patriotism that pervaded the people of our Countv in the dark and trying days of the Rebellion. The Roll of Honor, as it appears in the Memorial room of the Monument, will be found in an appropriate place in this volume. As soon as the obtaining of the names was com- pleted, and the additions made and errors corrected, a contract was entered into to place them on marble tablets. The contract was finished and delivered in the latter part of 1891. The bronze groups were completed, as was also the material for the granite shaft, and the time for com- mencing the erection of the main structure had arrived. In order to proceed in a dignified and business-like manner, and to prevent any further vacillating delay on the part of the Park Commissioners, the Commission ordered the following communication to be sent them: 44 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Headquarters Cuyahoga County 1 " Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission, I " Room 20, City Hall, j "Cleveland, O., September ist, 1890. J "To the Honorable, the Board of Park Commissioners of Cleve- lajid, O. " Gentlemen : — Pursuant to an act of the Legislature of Ohio, and the request of this Commission, the Common Council of Cleve- land has set apart the southeast section of the Public Square of Cleveland as a site for the Cuj'ahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. "As the Commission expects to break ground on the selected site on or before the ist day of March, 1891, your Honorable Board is respectfully requested to remove the statue of Commodore Perry, and other things of use or ornament now occupying said site, to enable the Commission to begin work by the above mentioned date. " Very respectfully, " The CuyahoCxA County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission, "Wm. J. Gleason, President. "Levi F. Bauder, Secretary." This letter not being immediately answered, an amended commnnication was transmitted, in which the word "demanded" was snbstitnted for the word "requested," as the law technically required. The only result accomplished was the repeatedly expressed wish of the Park Commissioners " that the Commission would take and occupy either of the three other sec- tions of the Public Square as a suitable site." Each of said sections being of exactly similar dimensions, the Commission could not see the sense or propriety of giving up what the law entitled them to, and what was considered by them to be by far the most desirable site. Then the Park Commissioners made a novel and purely original proposition : In the sweet bye and bye — very remote bye and bye — they would provide a grand boulevard to encircle the city. On said proposed boulevard they would locate a system of small parks. On one of said parks, to be established at the corner of O < o O >^ as h4 soldiers' and sailors' monumknt. 47 Woodland Avenue and Woodland Hills Avenue, to con- tain fifteen acres, they would set aside a plat for the Soldiers' Monument ! Happy thought ! Great heads had these Park Commissioners ! Their generous offer was promptly declined, without thanks. Following along in rapid succession, the schemes of the different street railroad corporations began to unfold. The East Cleveland Company, through its attorney and stockholders, argued for Wade Park ; the West Side Company for the abandoned sand hill known formerly as the Water Works Reservoir; the South Side Company for the "old camp ground," Pelton Park; the Superior Street Company for Payne's Com- mons. Still, they all pretended to be disinterested; but the Commission knew their schemes, and baffled them. The street railroad corporations gained possession of all of the leading streets in the city, without the payment of a dollar for the privilege ; but they could not, and did not, gobble the best site left in the county for the Monument. Neither did they succeed in establishing the location of the Monument, so that all who visited it would be compelled to pay them tribute. From April, 1889, to April, 1891, Hon. George W. Gardner was jVIayor of the city. During his administra- tion, he aided the Commission in every way possible, frequently visiting the artists' studio, and commending the work accomplished. Mayor Gardner, like his predecessor. Mayor Babcock, was an old and respected resident of the city; hence he took an active and per- sonal interest in the Soldiers' Memorial that was destined to beautify and render attractive and historic his old home. We very much regret that we cannot truthfully compliment his successor in the same manner. Work was continually progressing on the Monument. To carrv out the elaborate scale on which it was to be 48 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY erected, more funds were required. On request of the Commission, Comrade and Representative W. D. Pudney introduced the following bill in the Ohio Legislature, early in the session of 1891. His col- leagues generously co-operated with him in securing its passage into law: "[House Bill No. 1609] "AN ACT " Supplementary and ameudatory to an act to amend section one of an act entitled, 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or a Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said County, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2nd, 1880 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended February 4th, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316), as amended April 22nd, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), as amended April i6th, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), as amended January 30th, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391), be so supplemented and amended as to read as follows : " Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section one of an act entitled 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga Count}' to build a Monument or Memorial tablet, commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said County, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2nd, 1880 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended February 4th, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316), as amended April 22nd, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), as amended April i6th, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), as amended January 30th, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391), be so supplemented and amended as to read as follows : "Sec. I. That the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County be and they are hereb}' authorized to levy a tax upon all the taxable property of said County, not exceeding six-tenths of a mill on the dollar of the valuation of said property in addition to any tax here- tofore levied under said acts, to be levied and collected as follows : For the year 1891, one-tenth of a mill; for the year 1892, one-tenth of a mill; for the year 1893, two-tenths of a mill ; for the year 1894, two-tenths of a mill ; which amounts shall be levied and collected annually, as aforesaid, for the purpose of erecting a suitable struct- ure commemorative of the services, patriotism and valor of the Soldiers and vSailors of the ITnion Army and Navy in the War of the Rebellion, who enlisted from Cuyahoga County, and either were killed, died of wounds or disease contracted in said service, or sub- sequently died residents of said County, and to purchase a suitable site therefor; and the funds heretofore collected under said act soldiers' and sailors' monument. 49 shall be applied, together with that raised under aud pursuant to this act, to the purpose aforesaid. " Section 2. That, for the purpose of anticipating the collection of said tax, the County Commissioners of said County be and are hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds or notes, payable at such times and in such amounts as will be, as near as practicable, equal to the annual or semi-annual collection of taxes levied for that purpose, which bonds or notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent, per annum, which bonds or notes may be de- livered to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission of said County, to be sold by them, or by the said County Commissioners, for money, at not less than their par value, but none of said bonds shall run more than five years from their date. "Section 3. That as soon as said bonds or notes shall be con- verted into money, as provided for in Section 2, in this act, the same shall be placed at the disposal of said Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission, as is now provided for by the several acts to which this act is supplementary and amendatory. "Section 4. That said Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Com- mission be and they are hereby authorized to direct the Count}' Commissioners of said County to supply the said Monument with steam heat and lights from the County Court House. " Section 5. This act shall take effect on its passage. " NiAL R Hvsell, '' Speaker of the House of Representatives. " Perry M. Adams, " President pro tem. of the Senate. " Passed April 2, 1891." The enactment of the foregoing law rendered the speedy completion of the Monument a certainty, pro- vided the few recently developed intermeddlers and interested parties would cease their senseless, unlawful opposition. But, unfortunately for the taxpayers of the county and for the Commission, such was not to be the case. VII. WHILE in the height of the controversy, a few ward politicians succeeded, through the not uncommon accident of indifference and lack of interest on the part of the majority of good citizens, in electing to the Council a misguided opponent of the Monument site already granted by statute and confirmed by a former Council. This new member signalized his advent by introducing at the first meeting of the new Council, held on April 7, 1891, the following resolution: " That the resolution passed by the Common Council of the City of Cleveland, June 20, 1888, giving consent to the Board of Monu- ment Commissioners to erect a Monument on the southeast side of the Public Square, be and the same is hereby rescinded." The author of the resolution supported it by his maiden speech, in the delivery of which he felt encour- aged by the audible smiles on the countenances of all the members. A few remarks were made by others, touching the status of the whole matter and the impropriety of the resolution. On a vote, there being forty members of the Council, it was practically unanimously rejected, the only member voting in its favor being the introducer. Thus again was the voice of the representatives of the citizens of Cleveland emphatically pronounced in favor of the laws of the State, and in approval of the work of the Commission. Agreeable to the communication sent to the Park Commissioners on Sept. ist, 1890, "that ground would be broken on the selected site in March, 1891," a load of lumber was procured and conveyed to the southeast section of the Public vSquare, said lumber being soldiers' Axi) sailors' monument. 51 intended for a fence, preparatory to proceeding with the erection of the structure. This event took place on April loth, 1 89 1. Commissioners Scofield and Hayr had charge of the lumber, and proceeded to unload it on the ground where its use was intended. When they commenced the work, for which they volunteered, they were peremptorily ordered to discontinue by the park policeman. On failure to stop, he informed them that he had orders from the Park Commissioners to place them under arrest. Our representatives continued their work, whereupon the park policeman rang up the patrol wagon, and Commissioners Hayr and vScofield were given an unwilling ride to the Police vStation. Thus was the first gun in the municipal war of the rebellion against the statutes of Ohio, supplemented by the action of two City Councils, fired off by the Park Commissioners. We quote this overt act from The World of April loth, 1891 : " The Soldiers' Monument Commission fight started in real earnest Friday morning, but it looks as though the Park Commissioners had made a bad bull of their case at the outset. " Late Thursday evening, an order was sent to Woods, Jenks & Co., lumber dealers, by James Hayr, one of the Commission, to send a load of palings and posts to Con- tractor Slatmeyer's office on Bright street, PMday morn- ing. At 9 A. M., the teamster drove up with his load and was met by Commissioner Hayr. He ordered the driver to proceed to the Public Square, where Architect Levi T. Scofield joined the procession. " Hayr and Scofield held a consultation and decided that the best place to start building the fence which will surround the new ^Monument would be at a point south of Perry's Monument. Accordingly, Scofield seized the horses by the bits and led them over the sidewalk and upon the grass. 52 HISTORY OK THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY "Just at this point, Park Policeman Terry Boylan appeared on the scene and said : " ' Gentlemen, I am instrncted to arrest anybody who attempts to nnload Inmber in the Square.' " Architect Scofield drew out his commission as a member of the Monument Commission and read it from top to bottom. Boylan still remonstrated, but Scofield and Hayr mounted the wagon and began throwing off logs. Boylan reached up and grasped Hayr by the arm, but that individual jerked away from him and kept on working. Boylan hesitated, and then going over to the other end of the wagon he repeated the same act on Scofield. " The park policeman didn't know what to do, but in a few^ minutes he disappeared. The load was getting smaller all the time and Hayr descended to the ground. Boylan again hove in view, and placing his hand upon Hayr's shoulder, placed him under arrest. " Scofield stopped work and the officer also grasped him by the arm. All this time the latter was protest- ing that he was a State Officer, and was engaged in the performance of his duty, under the law. " Havr jerked away before the corner of Ontario vStreet was reached and walked over to the point where the teamster was standing. Just at this time there was a clanging of bells and the police patrol drove up. " Sergeant Denzer and Patrolman Walker demanded the cause of the trouble. Boylan told them and Denzer explained to Scofield and Hayr that he would l)e obliged to take them to the Central vStation. " vScofield didn't relish the idea at all, and said that he would rather walk down. Hayr didn't care, and after' a moment's hesitation, both step])ed into the wagon and were driven to the Central. " At the Police Station, Architect vScofield 1)raced up to Lieut. Ihirns' desk and protested against his arrest. SOI.DIKRS' AND SAII.DRS' MOXUMKNT. 53 " ' I want this officer taken in charge for assanlt and battery npon Mr. Hayr and myself. In the per- formance of our duty as vState Officers he laid hands upon us.' " Boylan explained the case to the lieutenant, and the latter refused to take any action until I-'olice Prosecutor Estep was consulted. The trio then ascended to the top floor, where Kstep was found in his office. " ' I want a warrant for this policeman's arrest,' said vScofield immediately. " ' I arrested them on view,' said P>oylan, ' and I want my warrants first.' " After the case was ex])lained to Ivstejj, he prepared a warrant charging Bo)'lan with assault and then start- ed to look up the law in the case against the Monu- mental Commissioners. 'J"*he statutes provided against the erection of poles, posts, fences, l)i]l-1)oards and the like, but nothing could be found in the law-books or rules of the Park Commissioners which made it an of- fense to duni]) lumber in the Public Square. " Estep racked his brain for a charge that could be placed against the two men, but to no avail. He then informed the three men that he would do nothing in the case until Frida)- afternoon. Mr. vScofield demanded that the warrant be issued for Bo\lan, but Mr. P^step refused the request. "After this conversation, Boylan and Messrs. Scofield and Hayr returned to the Lieutenant's office. Mr. vSco- field made another demand for the park policeman's arrest, but Lieut. P>urns explained that it would be im- possible to comply with it. Boylan then asked that his prisoners be registered. Lieut. Burns a.sked for the warrants and refused to take the responsibility of form- ally arresting the men without those very necessary papers. " Prosecutor Estep was called down, and after a 54 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY lengthy discussion, the Prosecutor told the Lieutenant to docket Scofield and Hayr the same as other prisoners who are arrested on view. This was done. Mr. Scofield gave his residence at 338 Erie Street, and Mr. Hayr at 376 Franklin Avenue. " Lieutenant Burns accompanied Hayr to the Clerk's office, where he was informed that he would be released upon signing his own bond. This Mr. Hayr did and he departed. When Mr. Scofield's turn arrived to be taken to the Clerk's office, he refused to sign a bond. " ' If I am under arrest,' said he, ' I demand to be locked up in the prison, because I will not sign a bail bond.' " Again was Prosecutor Estep called in and this time he came out flatly against the arrest. " ' It was an outrage,' said he, ' to arrest these men and lug them down to the Central Station. If they have no rights in the Public Square, the Park Commissioners should have enjoined them. There is a State law granting them the right to build the Monument in the southeastern portion of the Public Square, and the City Council has given them the necessary permission. The latest park ordinance that I can find makes this arrest illegal. You had better let them go, Lieutenant.' " His advice was taken and the Monument Commis- sioners left the Station. "Mr. Scofield was determined that the work he had started would be completed, and returning to the Square, where the wagon, half unloaded, was standing, surrounded by a big crowd, Scofield ascended it, and in a few minutes the lumber was lying in a pile on the ground. " In the meantime. Park Policeman Boylan had noti- fied members Stone and Hill, of the Park Commission, and they hustled down to the City Hall. It was decided to stop the unloading of any more lumber, and telephone SOLDIKRS' AXI> SAILORS' M0NUMP:NT. 57 messages were sent to the- employes at Wade Park, Lakeview Park, Peltoii Park, Clinton Park and Miles Park, instrnctins^ them to report post haste at the office in the City Hall. Ten men quickly responded anrl un- der the command of Policeman P>oylan they were placed at the disputed point in the Public vSquare with instruc- tions to stop any more wagons from crossinj^ into the Park. " Upon their arrival the teamster unhitched his horses from the wagon and drove them away. The wai-^on was then pushed out upon the pavement, and the work- men loaded the lumber back upon it. " Members Hill and vStone met with Solicitor P.urns and the situation was discussed. The Solicitor said he thought the Courts would decide that the Mcjuument Commission had no right to occupy the southeast por- tion of the Public vSquare, and the Commission con- cluded that as it would be impossible to do anything in Police Court, it would be best to commence injunction proceedings. " Solicitor Burns started immediately upon the prep- aration of the papers, which will be filed in the Com- mon Pleas Court before Friday night. " Architect Scofield told a World reporter that this was just what the Monument Commission desired and he believed that a gross mistake had been made in causing the arrest of Ha\T and himself. " In the meantime, the Park Commission will keep guards on duty in the Public Square, to prevent an\- further attempt to unload lumber." The Park Commissioners, humiliated at the result of their premature discharge, were too timid to proceed on the line they so ingloriously commenced. No charges were preferred against Commissioners Scofield and Hayr. When the question was closely investigated, it was found that they were engaged purely in their line 58 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY of duty, hence they were not locked behind prison bars, but were told by the sensible police officials to go their way in peace. The fact was brought to light at this time that the Park Commissioners, who had frequently expressed so much sympathy with the work of the Com- mission, had guards posted around the Square and Perry's statue for weeks, expecting a midnight attack from the members of the Commission on the site given to them in trust by the laws of Ohio for the occupancy of the Monument. From the close of the Civil War up to 1888, the Soldiers of Cuyahoga County, among them some of the members of the Commission, had volun- tarily and gladly decorated the Commodore Perry statue with beautiful flowers and wreaths every recurring ]\Ie- morial Day. In the latter year the Park Commissioners ordered that kindly remembrance to be stopped, giving as a reason therefor " that the flowers and wreaths soiled and streaked the statue ! " There was no danger of the Park Commissioners ever "soiling" the statue of Com- modore Perry, for they were never known to place a flower upon it, or in any other way decorate it. They did, however, remove the statue from the center of the Square, where the gallant Commodore defiantly faced a foreign shore, with his stalwart right hand pointing to Lake Erie, the scene of his grand victory over the British. They gave the original and most suitable site for his statue to the use and benefit of their friends, the Street Railroad Corporations. When their predecessors located him on the southeast section of the Public Square, instead of in Lake View Park, where an appro- priate site had been reserved for him, they negligently and ignorantly faced him looking toward the Old Court House, with his right hand pointing directly to a tumble-down fish market. Remarkable, how these amiable gentlemen, the Park Commissioners, did revere the memorv of Commodore Perrv ! soldiers' and sailors' monument. 59 The litter neo^lect of the Public Square for years was the cause of frequent comment in all of the newspapers of the city, as well as the subject of complaints by citizens. On one section was a pond used as a recep- tacle for decayed vegetables and a bathing place for mangy curs ; on another, an auditorium, or sort of Roman forum, " fearfully and wonderfully made," and utilized principally as a lounging place ; on a third one an ancient fountain that did not " play;" while on the surrounding streets and gutters were stacked filthy, fonl-smelling mannre heaps ; Superior Street, through the Square, being allowed to be used as a scrap-iron yard by the Street Railroad Companies. The outcome of the indiscreet arrest of Commission- ers Scofield and Hayr convinced the Park Commissioners that the Monument Commissioners knew their rights and were determined to maintain them. On April 13th, 1891, a meeting of the Commission was held to take action on the ungentlemanly treatment, not to say gross insult, of the Park Commissioners in ordering the arrest of Commissioners Scofield and Hayr while in the dis- charge of their duty. The following resolutions, by Commissioner Dewstoe, were adopted : "Whereas, Published statements have beeu made to the effect that the Board of Park Commissioners have had extra guards and pickets placed in the Public Square with a view of protecting the statue of Commodore Perry from violence and the Square from forcible occupancy by the Soldiers' Monument Commission ; there- fore, " Resolved, That this attempt to prejudice public sentiment is a gratuitous insult, not onl)' to the gentlemen of the Commission, but to the thousands of ex-Soldiers they represent ; '^Resolved, That we extend to the Park Commissioners, and the public generally, our assurance that all our actions in the future, as in the past, will be open, moderate, and in accordance with the laws and ordinances under which we were organized and are operating, and that we denounce all attempts to influence the public mind and to convey the impression that we propose violent or revolutionary proceedings as false, iinjust and malicious." 6o HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Commissioner Hayr remarked that he had not en- gaged in any underhand work. He had told the Park Commissioners that the himber was to be taken on the Park. " Men," said he, " who faced the enemy for four years have too much manhood and too much respect for the citizens of Cleveland to do any underhand busi- ness ; '' that if he could not go into the Square in the broad daylight, he did not desire to go at all. " The way Gen. Elwell dressed down the Park Com- missioners was soul-thrilling. He said the saintly Park Commissioners never did anything except to tear up the turf, build houses for the sparrows, erect a dilapidated cow shed for public meetings and permit the Square to be used as a scrap-iron yard, while Commodore Perry could point forever without ever being dusted or having his face washed or his many injuries attended to. He denounced the Park Commissioners for spreading abroad the report that the Soldiers' Monument would be of such dimensions as to obscure the canopy of heaven. " Gen. Elwell opened the meeting by stating that the object of the gathering was to take action upon the course of the Park Commissioners in putting a picket guard about the Square. " ' I was surprised to learn that we have been placed under surveillance for the past two weeks by having the Square picketed and having sentinels pacing back and forth before the Monument as though we intended to despoil the old Commodore like thieves in the dark,' said he. ' It is an insult to treat us like burglars. It was bad enough to take Capt. Scofield to the Central Station in a patrol wagon, but that is nothing to being dogged and watched. What have these Commissioners done for the old Soldier? Nothing. They are capital at building sparrow houses in the Square, at tearing up the turf and making gravel beds out of it, at cutting soldiers' and sailors' monument. 6i down the finest buckeye trees in the Square, but what have they done for the old warrior ? They have not even washed or cleaned his face. He is going to decay, but they do not care. I am pleased to announce that several prominent attorneys have volunteered their services. Mr. Prentiss, who is well versed in municipal law, was one of the first to volunteer and is here to-day. Ex-Solicitor Brinsmade wrote me a letter telling us not to hesitate to call upon him. He suggests that the Commission have all the County Grand Army Posts adopt resolutions indorsing us. I see an after- noon paper has the audacity to challenge this pro- ceeding, as though the old vSoldiers would not stand by us.' " Gen. Pvlwell spoke with considerable warmth and said that the course of the Park Commissioners was un- warranted and insolent." Commissioner Elwell, Comrade A. T. Brinsmade, and Loren Prentiss, Esq., were delegated to confer with City Solicitor Burns, to arrange for a speedy settlement of the case. The position of the contractor who made the lowest bid for the work was considered. He had refused other contracts, and he said that if the Monu- ment was not begun at once he would suffer serious loss. Under the circumstances, however, the Commis- sion could not see their way clear to proceed with the work. After the meeting a conference was held with City Solicitor Burns. He agreed to prepare the application of the Park Commissioners for an injunction without delay. He filed the petition in the Court of Common Pleas on April 15th, 1891. The papers read : 62 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY '■ The City of Cleveland, plaintiff, vs. William J. Gleason, Levi F. Bander, J. B. Molyneaux, Edward H. Bohm, Levi T. Scofield, Emory W. Force, James Barnett, J. J. Elwell, Charles C. Dewstoe, James Hayr, R. W. Walters and M. D. Leggett, defendants. " In the Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, O. Petition. " Plaintiff, the City of Cleveland, is a Municipal Corporation or- ganized under the laws of Ohio, and as such is a city of the second grade and of the first class, and is situated within this county. Within the limits of said city is situated a certain tract of land of about ten acres in area, square in form and divided into four nearly equal squares, by two certain public streets of said city, to wit : Superior Street and Ontario Street, passing through the same from east to west and from north to south respectively and intersecting near the center of said tract of land, which said land is known as the Central Park and Public Square of said city. At a remote date, to wit, about the year 1796, the said land was duly dedicated to public use by the then owners thereof, to wit. The Connecticut Land Com- pany, to be used and enjoyed by the residents of the vicinity and the public as public ground, as a public park, and the same has ever since so remained and been so used and enjoyed. And ever since the organization of said Municipal Corporation, to wit, in the }-ear 1796, the said land has been under the charge and control of said Corporation, and still is preserved and maintained by it, as a public park, with public walks or highways for foot passengers, for the use of its citizens and the public. Said city has during said time ex- pended large sums of money in so preserving and maintaining the said land as such park, and the improvement and embellishment of the same. And besides other improvements, two certain public walks of said kind and for said purpose have been laid out and im- proved by said city diagonally across the southeast section of said Public Square so cut off and separated by said public streets ; the said walks extending from the four corners of said section diagonal- ly across the same and forming public highways for foot passengers passing to and fro in said city, and the same are in constant use for said purpose by the citizens of said city and the public generally, and the same have been so kept and maintained by the said city, and have been so used and enjoyed by said citizens and the public for a long period of time, to wit, about 100 years. And, by and under the direction and control of said city there has been placed upon said section of said Square, near the center thereof, a large stone statuary monument, known as the statue of Commodore O. H. Perry, which said monument still stands at said place and is a part of said Park, and is of great use and value as such to said city, its citizens and the public. The following persons, A. H. Stone, H. E. Hill, and H. M. Claflen, are the duly appointed, qualified and acting Park SOLDIKKS' AND SAILOKS' MONUMENT. 63 Connnissioners of said city, and as such are in charge of the said Public Square and Park, as well as the other Parks of said cit)-. The defendants have organized themselves together as a commission or body for the purpose of erecting within said city a large Monument in memory of the Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County engaged in the late War, and claim to have been duly appointed for said pur- pose by the Governor of this State and under its laws. The defend- ants as such Commission have selected as a site on which to erect such Monument said southeast section of said Public Square and without the consent and against the objection and protest of said Park Commissioners and without any warrant or authority of law whatever threaten to, and unless restrained therefrom, will appro- priate a large portion of said section of said Public Square for said purpose and will take down and remove from said place said Monu- ment of Commodore Perry and will build up and occupy for said purpose a portion of said section of said Square about ninety-five feet square to a height of about five feet above its present level and above part of the surrounding ground, and about ten feet above the level of the remainder thereof, and will erect thereon a large stone building forty-six feet square and about thirtv feet in height and will build upon and above the said building a tall stone shaft about 100 feet high, said entire construction to be and remain a permanent Monument and occupy said ground as such, and said defendants will immediately inclose the said section of said Square with a high board fence and exclude the citizens of said city and the public from the use of the same as such Park, and from the use of the said walks as highways for the travel of foot passengers during the entire time of erecting said Monument, to wit, about one year. Said Monument, if erected in said place, will completely and permanently obstruct said public walks across said section of said Public Square to the great inconvenience of the citizens of said city and the public, and will practically destroy said entire section of said Square for any other use than such site for such Monument, and as well, will materially injure the remainder of said Public Square and Park for Park purposes, and the said structure will materially obstruct the view in all directions about the same. Plaintiff says, that if the said things or any of the same are per- mitted to be done, it will result in irreparable injury to plaintiff, its citizens, and the public. Wherefore, plaintiff prays that pending final hearing hereof, each of said defendants be restrained from fencing in, or inclosing any part of said section of the Public Square, from in any manner interfering with said Perry Monument, and from doing anything in the way of erecting said Monument upon said section of said Square, and from interfering in any way with said portion of said Park, and that upon final hearing the said 64 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY defendants may each be perpetnally enjoined in said particulars, and for such other and further relief as plaintiff may be entitled to. " Burns & Reynolds, " Gilbert & Hills, " Plaintiff's Attorneys. " State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County, ss. — A. M. Burns, being duly sworn, on his oath says that the plaintiff is a Municipal Corporation of the State of Ohio ; that he is its duly appointed, qualified and acting Solicitor, and that the matters and facts set forth in the fore- going petition are true. " A. M. Burns. " The Citj' of Cleveland, plaintiiT, vs. William J. Gleason, Levi F. Bander, J. B. Molyneaux, Edward H. Bohm, Levi T. Scofield, Emory W. Force, James Barnett, J. J. Elwell, Charles C. Dewstoe, James Hayr, R. W. Walters and M. D. Leggett, defendants. " In the Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, O. Precipe." The action of the Park Commissioners iUnstrated their frequently expressed friendship for the IMonument. The law then invoked proved an expensive experiment to the people of the city and county, for at the end the people had to pay all taxable costs of court and the largeh' increased cost in the construction of the IMonu- ment. The final outcome thus far and ultimately be- ing the judicial defeat alike of the several meddlesome persons and a few interested and honorable property owners on the ancient Public Square, who conceived an imaginary detriment to their inheritance, and therefore honestly opposed the selected site. The final result in all the unhappy and retarding litigation was alike grati- fying to the Commission, to the old Soldiers and Sailors of the County, and to the patriotic tax-paying citizens who nobly stood by them, the Monument, and its chosen site. VIII. ON the day the first suit was entered, the Plain Dealer said : " The Soldiers' Commission charge the Park Com- mission with adopting the most aggravating conrse, with treating them afe criminals and as suspicions people in general. The Commission claims to be acting under the authority of the State of Ohio and Council of Cleve- land, and bases its right to locate in the Public Square upon the hypothesis that the Square is not a Park but is, in fact, a Public Square, an enlargement of the street area of the city. The Commission laughs at the idea of the land reverting to the original grantors. What stirred the blood of the Soldiers was the action of the Park Commissioners in ordering a police guard for the marble Commodore. The Soldiers indignantly resent the imputation that they have violent designs upon the Commodore. " ' We are honorable men,' said Major W. J. Gleason, hotly, yesterday. ' We do not do things in the dark. When we make a move it will be in the broad daylight. We are neither criminals nor suspicious characters.' " There is no help for it now. The case will have to go into Court. The Park Commissioners might gain some sympathy in their stand were they opposed to the Public vSquare. But they are not. They are merely opposed to locating the Monument in that particular section. The other three sections are open for choice. The Soldiers' Commission charge that the Park Com- missioners individually have distorted and misrepre- sented things, especially the size of the Monument." 68 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Judge Samuel E. Williamson joined with the Park Commissioners, on the claim that the property he in- herited, at the corner of Euclid Avenue and the Public Square, would be depreciated by the erection of the Monument on the contemplated site. His attorneys were Judge W. W. Boynton, Director and Attorney of the East Cleveland Street Railway Corporation, and Messrs. Estep, Dickey, Carr & Goff. The filing of the petition on April 15th, 1891, was de- scribed in manner following by the Plain Dealer : " Bright and early Tuesday morning. City Solicitor Burns, with Attorneys Reynolds, Gilbert and Hills, appeared before Jiidge Stone of the Court of Common Pleas with the petition to enjoin the Soldiers' Monu- ment Commission from fooling with the southeast corner of the Public Square. As soon as the City Solic- itor could get the attention of the Court he read him the essential part of the petition and asked that a tem- porary restraining order be granted. " The Soldiers' Monument Commission was represent- ed by Col. Allen T. Brinsmade, Mr, Loren Prentiss, Gen. J. J. Elwell and Gen. M. D. Leggett. Col. Brinsmade in- timated that a restraining order would be unnecessary, the gentlemen of the Monument Commission would not take any steps in the matter while it was in Court. " Attorney Gilbert said that at a meeting between the City Solicitor and counsel for the Monument Com- mission it was agreed that in consideration of the speedy filing of a petition and hearing of the issues, a temporary restraining order would be acceded to. " Attorney Prentiss replied that he had not so under- stood it. The Monument Commission had in no way solicited the filing of the petition ; it had desired a speedy hearing since one was to be filed. No restrain- ing order ought to be necessary with gentlemen of such reputation as the Monument Commission. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 69 " Mr. Gilbert said that if the agreement was not to be adhered to, the petition wonld not be filed. " Mr. Prentiss again began to explain, when Jndge Stone cut him short by saying that if no petition was to be filed, there was nothing before the Court. " Attorney Gilbert explained to a Plain Dealer re- porter that if there was to be no restraining order, the issues involved would be better presented in a petition filed by property owners than by the City and that it would be unfair to Judge Williamson and other counsel to depart from the arrangement. " Mr. Prentiss said that he had recognized no ar- rangement that there should be a temporary restrain- ing order. ' You suggested it,' he said to City Solicit- or Burns, ' and I rather discouraged it.' " ' I did not hear you,' said Major Burns, ' and I sup- posed )ou assented to it.' " Gen. Elwell said : ' This is like your action all along ; like your picketing the Square. You are afraid we will do something.' " ' ril tell you what I'll do,' said :\Iajor Burns. ' Pre- pare a stipulation in writing that you will let the Square alone and it will be all right.' " The stipulation was prepared and filed with the pe- tition. It was as follows : " The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission of Cuyahoga Count\- hereb\- agree to and with the at- torneys for the Cit>' of Cleveland that pending the pre- liminary hearing in the Court of Common Pleas of a case to be this day filed in the Court of Common Pleas, in which the City of Cleveland is plaintiff" and Levi T. Scofield and other members of said Commission are defendants, and in which an injunction will be prayed for, that no steps will be taken for the erection of a Monument upon the Square of said City, nor for the removal of the Perr\- statue, nor shall an%' material yO HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY be placed upon said Square for such purpose by said Commission, nor by anyone acting under or for them. This condition and agreement is based upon the fact that such petition is this day filed. " L. Prentiss, '* Allen T. Brinsmade, " M. D, Leggett, "J. J. Elwell, " Attorneys for said Commission." Pending the hearing of the suit, the Monument Com- mission strictly carried out the agreement made by its attorneys, and matters remained in stahe quo. The preliminary trial was heard by Judge Carlos M. Stone, on May nth, 1891, in the Cuyahoga Court of Common Pleas. The argument for the Commission, made by Comrade A. T. Brinsmade, so clearly and ably sets forth all of the salient points in the case that we take much pleasure in reproducing a synopsis of it, copied from the Cleveland World of May 15th : " For many years, the Soldiers of Cuyahoga County have contemplated the erection of a Monument in com- memoration of the Soldiers of the Union Army who enlisted or were appointed from this county. " This is only in keeping with what a grateful people of countries the world over, and for ages of time, have done in commemoration of their Soldiers and their heroes of memorable wars. " No wars have been more memorable than the War of the Rebellion, and no Soldiers are more entitled to recognition by a grateful people than those of this country, who fought for the preservation of the Union. " Rather than raise the money by subscription from the citizens of the county, who would readily have contributed to such a purpose, it was deemed proper and more equitable that all should contribute, and that a trifling assessment should be imposed for a series of vSOLDIKRS AND SAILORS MOXUMKXT. 7I years upon all property owners of the count)' for this laudable purpose ; the assessment running for several years, so that it would not be burdensome. " The members of the Legislature from this county coincided with the views of the Commission of vSoldiers, and accordingly laws have been passed, and money raised by assessment uj^on the peo]:)le of the entire county for this purpose. " The assessment so made was cheerfully acquiesced in by the people of the county, and a sufficient amount of money has been raised to warrant the commence- ment of the structure propo.sed and its speedy comple- tion. " In point of fact, very much of the work has been done and is stored in suitable places, and it is confi- dently hoped that unless checked or frustrated by delays in the Court, that this splendid Alonument can be completed and dedicated during the Fall of the pres- ent year. " When it was substantially determined that a Monu- ment should be erected, the Monument Commissioners took counsel of the vSoldiers of the county, who were the most immediately interested in its erection, and after full and free discussion, the Soldiers of the city and county were practically unanimous that the Monu- ment should be erected in the southeast section of the Square. "The Monument Commission (these defendants) were unanimous in their opinion, possibly with one exception, that all things being considered, such loca- tion was the very best, and so they decided. " They desired, however, before proceeding with the plans for the Monument and its surroundings, that everything should be done lawfully and properly, with- out haste, with all care and precaution, and with a due regard as to the responsibilities placed u])()n them. 72 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Further, that all possible authority should be obtaiued ; therefore it was that in April, 1888, the Legislature of the State passed au act, authorizing the appointment by the Governor of twelve persons, W'ho should consti- tute the Monument Commission. " Under the authority of such act, the Governor appointed the following named gentlemen as such Commission, and these gentlemen, thus far, have faith- fully and zealously performed all the work assigned to them : William J. Gleason, Levi F. Bander, J. B. Moly- neaux, Edward H. Bohm, Levi T. Scofield, Emory W. Force, James Barnett, J. J. Elwell, Charles C. Dewstoe, James Hayr, R. W. Walters, M. D. Leggett. " The plans for the Monument, and all details and specifications for it, have been by them patiently and carefully examined, and the work of Levi T. Scofield, architect — a man not of local only, but of national rep- utation — was the designer of the INIonument and the artistic features of it, receiving, of course, suggestions from various members of the Commission in regard to it ; the result of which will be, that if this Monument is erected in its proposed location, it will be one of the most beautiful and artistic monuments to be found in the world. "There has been some misapprehension on the part of the people, and, no doubt, of these plaintiffs in these cases, as to the character of this proposed structure, and of its character and detail I will mention hereafter. "Section 3 of the act to which I have referred is as follows : " Said Board of Mouumeut Commissioners, when duly organ- ized, shall have full power to select a place for the proposed Monu- ment, and shall have the exclusive control of the building of said Monument, and the plan for the same, and are empowered to have designs and models prepared, and are hereby- authorized, if they so determine, to locate the site of such ]Monument on the southeast side of the ' Public Square ' so called, at the junction of Superior soldiers' and sailors' monument, 73 and Ontario Streets, in the City of Cleveland; and in case they so determine, the Park Commissioners of said City are hereby author- ized and required, on demand in writing by said Commissioners, at the expense of said City, to remove the monument of Commodore Perry, now in said southeast corner of said Square, to some other square or public park in said city, and all other obstructions there- in ; but if the said Board of Monument Commissioners do not de- termine to locate the site for said Monument in said southeast square of said Public Square, they are authorized to purchase or procure any other site for the same within said county. " The Commission deemed the act of the General Assembly sufficient to give them full power in the prem- ises as to the selection of the site for the ^lonument, yet desirous of proceeding in full harmony and accord with the Legislative department of this City government, the City Council was respectfully requested to take such action in the premises as it might deem proper, and accordingly this preamble and resolution was adopted by that body June 29, 1888 : "Whereas, The Monument Commission of Cuyahoga Count}-, authorized by the General Assembly of the State to have full charge of the erection of a Monument commemorative of the Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga Count}', have selected, in accordance with the provisions of law, the southeast section of the Public Square as a suitable site for such Monument; therefore be it ''Resolved, That the consent of the Common Council of the City of Cleveland be and it is hereby granted to such Commission to erect such Monument on the site so selected. " Having thus obtained the necessary permission from every possible authority, from that time to the present all plans and specifications for the Monument have been made with reference to its location in the section of the Square thus selected. " Right here it must be remembered that the Park Commissioners, at whose instance the suit by the City was brought against these defendants, made no o1)jec- tion to the occupation of the other sections of the Square, for in their communication to the Chairman of the Commission they say that while they find some 74 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY objection to the site selected, and while such objections may not be insuperable, such objections apply only to the quarter of the Square selected by the Soldiers' Com- mission ; should either of the other quarters be deter- mined upon, the Commissioners would not hesitate in giving a ready consent. " Why this objection to the southeast section of the Square on the part of the Park Commissioners ? " The answer is known to many, that it was a cher- ished idea, or the plan of at least one of the Commis- sioners, that Euclid Avenue should be extended through this section, and a portion of the southwest section of the Square, until it intersected Superior Street. In such case, the East Cleveland Street Railroad Company could run its cars diagonally through the Park, and thereby save two curves. " By the directions of the Park Commissioners, this suit was brought by the City Solicitor to enjoin the Commission from the occupancy of the southeast sec- tion of the Square. " This seems to be rather an irregular way of pro- cedure, as I will show : " First. We have authority from the Legislature to place the Monument there, and of the power of the Legislature in this regard I shall refer hereafter. " Second. The authority of the Legislative Munici- pal body. Hence it is that I claim that the City has not, nor should it have any standing in Court in this case irrespective of other legal, valid and substantial reasons. " Judge Sherwood, in the case of Barris fs. The Cleve- land City Cable Railway Company, decided September i6, 1890, referring to Section 2640 of the Revised Stat- utes, wherein it provides that the Council shall have the care and supervision of public highways and pub- lic grounds, says : ' If the park is to be classed as pub- soldi?:rs' and sailors' monument. -jj lie grounds, then tliere is jnrisdietion and eontrol in the Conncih' "Further, he says: 'The City Council has the authority under the statute to determine what improve- ments shall be made there.' " And in this connection, I refer the Court to Section 1692 of the Revised vStatutes, paras^raph 32 ; also to vSection 2640. " And yet in the petition of the City in this case, it is said that the Commission ' without any warrant or authority of law whatever, threaten to, and, unless re- strained therefrom, will appropriate a large portion of said section ' for the Monument. "Again, under Sections 1774 and 1777, I claim that the City Solicitor had no right or authority to bring this suit without the authority of a resolution or ordi- nance of the City Council. '' There is no allegation in the petition that the City has abused its corporate powers in granting to the Com- mission the right to ])lace the Monument in the vSquare. " Furthermore, I claim that when the City Council granted such authority to the Monument Commission, that such grant was a contract by and between the City and the Commission, and that the City is thereby estopped from interfering in any manner whatsoever with such contract, unless such contract is being evaded or violated, and certainly that cannot be claimed, for the Commission are endeavoring to live up to it faith- fully. " Waiving, however, for the present, the question of the right of the City to bring this case, it is an estab- lished rule of law that when the rights of the complain- ants are doubtful, an injunction will not be allowed ; and I submit that neither for the City nor the complain- ants in the other case is there legal or tenable grounds upon which either can stand for a moment and ask 78 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY • that an injunction be granted restraining these Com- missioners from progressing with their work. " The placing of the Monument upon the Public Square is a legitimate use of the Square, and so far as the complaints in either of the cases are concerned, it is not a taking of private property for public use within the constitutional provision, and I refer your Honor to 27th N. Y., pages 203, 213 and 214; 31st N. Y., pages 183 and 193 ; 36th Pa., 104. " There can be no doubt of this proposition that the use is perfectly legitimate ; however, should such use be doubtful, and no irreparable injury is inflicted by the construction of a Monument, then this is not a proper case for an injunction, and I apprehend that it would be rather an arduous task for my friends to obtain affi- davits of reputable persons who would claim that the erection of the Monument on the section of the Square proposed would damage their property one iota. "On the contrary, nine-tenths of the people of the city would say that it would be a great benefit to the property of these plaintiffs to have a Monument erected in the proposed section. " The Court, perhaps, is familiar with the location of the Probasco F'ountain in the City of Cincinnati. The fountain and esplanade or plaza were erected on a for- mer market space. The buildings surrounding such market space were of an inferior character. Since the placing of the fountain in that locality, magnificent buildings have been built all around it. It is a popular attraction and ornament to the place, and the business in that locality has increased tenfold. " There is a misapprehension on the part of many as to the nature and extent of the dedication of the Pub- lic Square, and a brief history of it will not be out of place at this time. "The Connecticut Land Company were the original soldiers' and sailors' monument. 79 owners of the land which is now embraced within the City of Cleveland, and this company, in 1796, cansed a snrvey and towii plat to be made of what was then des- ignated as the City of Cleveland, the name Cleveland being given it from the name of Gen. Moses Cleaveland, whose statne now stands in the southwest section of the Square. " The original surveying was done under the direc- tion of August Porter, assisted by Seth Pease and Amos Spafford as principal surveyors. " By the provisions of an act of the Territorial Legis- lature that town plats should be recorded, the minutes of the survey of 1796 were retaken by Amos Spafford, and so we find a record with the Pease notes and rec- ords, describing certain streets, as follows : . " Superior Street, beginning at the west end where it connects with Water Street, 20 chains to the Square ; thence keeping the same course across the Scjuare to a corner post on the other side of the Scjuare. " Ontario Street east side, from Huron Street to the Square, is 14 chains; from the Square to Lake Street is 16 chains; from Maiden Lane to the Square is 6 chains 70 links ; from the Square to Lake Street is 16 chains. " The Square is not described in the Pease minutes other than in the description of vSuperior and Ontario Streets. However, in Spafiford's minutes, the Square is described : " The Scjuare is laid out at the intersection of Superior Street and Ontario Street, and contains ten acres. The center of the junc- tion of the two roads is the exact center of the Square. " This is all there is to the so-called dedication. Yet it was a good dedication for a Square, from the fact of the surveys, tlie laying out of lots bounding on the Square, their adoption by the Connecticut Land Com- pany, the subsequent sale of such lots by the company, and its use by the public. " Though there was no municipality at the time of So HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY such dedication, yet it is well settled that in cases of dedication the law does not require any specific guaran- tee in esse at the time, to whom the fee could be granted, or in whom the title could vest. " If there was none capable of taking at the time of such dedication, the fee would remain in abeyance until there was a grantee capable of taking, as was de- cided in Sixth Peters. " It will be seen, therefore, that there was no qualifi- cation in the dedication of the so-called Square, and I claim that when land is dedicated as a public square without other qualifications, and such dedication ac- cepted, the particular use to which it is directed is with the municipality. " In Dillon's work on Municipal incorporations, para- graph 645, the learned author says : " Where the words ' public square ' are used on a plat, this is au unrestricted dedication to public use, and the use varies according to circumstances, to be judged of and directed by the proper local authorities or corporate guardian, subject to the control of the laws and the courts. " Therefore, where there is an unrestricted dedica- tion, as in the case at bar, the use to which the Square may be put is necessarily left to the .sound discretion of the Legislative ^Municipal body, and no wanton acts by that body can be presumed. " It is a well settled principle of equity jurisprudence that a Court of Equity will not sit in review of proceed- ings of Municipal tribunals where matters are left to the discretion of such bodies. The exercise of such discretion in good faith is conclusive, and will not be disturbed in the absence of fraud or flagrant abuse of .such discretion. And it is also well settled that when a private party seeks to restrain the action of such tribunals, he must show some special and peculiar injury sustained by himself independent of and distinct soldiers' and sailors' monument. 8i from the coiniiioii and general injury shared h\- tlie pnblic alike, in defanlt of which equit\- will not in- terfere. " I conic now to the discussion of the question as to whether the erection of this work of art in the Public Square comes within the appropriate use and object to which the vSquare was dedicated. " It must be remembered, in this connection, that for years there stood upon the southwest section of the Square the County Court House, occup\ing a larger tract of ground than that proposed for the Monument, and I claim such was an appropriate and legitimate one, and in this assumption I am squarely borne out by the decision of the Supreme Court of Ohio, in the case of Langley vs. Trustees of the Town of Oalli])olis, Sec- ond Ohio State, from which I quote : " Many decisions may be found in the courts of the several States with reference to the use and occupancy of stjuares and ])arks, especially parks, but as this Court has heretofore held, ' parks are much more limited in the use and purpose to which they may be devoted than s(|uares.' " We need go no further than the vSupreme Court of our own State for authority upon this subject, for the Court says in the case I have just cited : ' P)Ut the use or beneficial purpose of a public square or common in a city or village, where no special limi- tation or use is prescribed by the dedication, is such that it may be improved and ornamented for recrea- tion and health, or for the public buildings, or as a place for the transaction of public business of the peo- ple of the city or \-illage, or both for the pur])oses of pleasure and business, at the discretion of the Munic- ipal authorities.' " Some of the definitions, as given by the courts, of squares and parks, are: 'A public square is not de- signed for a hicjhwav or a thoroufrhfare for all sorts of 82 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY conveyances, but is intended as an ornament of a town — a place of recreation and amusement.' " Again, ' a park is, in a strict sense, a piece ot ground enclosed for the purposes of pleasure, exercise, amuse- ment or ornament.' " ' A park is an enclosed space in a city or village set apart for ornament.' ' The square was intended for beauty and adornment, and for the health and recrea- tion of the public' " ' The word ' square ' as a term of dedication indi- cated a public use, either for purposes of free passage or to be ornamented for grounds of pleasure, amuse- ment or recreation.' " I ask the Court, then, is the use of this Square for the Monument inconsistent with its use under the defi- nitions here given ? " And as to the intention of the Municipal authorities in this matter way back in the sixties, it may be remarked in passing, that by an ordinance they gave the name of [Monumental Square to this ten acres of ground situated in the heart of the city. "The Supreme Court in the case of Baker vs. John- son, Twenty-first [Michigan, 342, says: 'Where land has simply been designated as a public square, it did not necessarih' mean more than that it was for public uses, without showing what uses were intended. The space may have been destined for commons, or schools, or county buildings, or burial places, or any other use which could be legitimately regarded as public, and nothing but extrinsic evidence or subsequent agreement could remove the ambiguity.' "Further along in the same case the Court says: 'The plat shows that it was to be kept as a block, sep- arate from the adjacent streets and bounded by their exterior lines. It was meant for some other passage than a passageway. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 83 "In the case at bar, here was a block or square with lots laid out abutting upon it, separated from the adja- cent streets, and hence it is, nnder the last decision re- ferred to, that these sections were meant for some other purpose than a mere use for cross-walks. " And no one will dispute the authority of the City to close all of these cross-walks, and to devote the space occupied by them for any other legitimate purpose for which a square or park is intended. '' However, the walks in that section will not be de- stroyed, nor will it practically destroy that section of the Square for any other use, as is alleged in the petition of the City, for it is the design, and so the plans show, and so we affirm the fact to be, that there are still to be diagonal walks, and only a few more steps will be nec- essary for one who desires to cross the Square diagonally in that direction. " On account of the fountain in the northwest section of the Square, a few more steps are required of the pe- destrian, but no one has ever wished to displace the fountain on that account. " Is there any great irreparable injury inflicted upon the public by such a trifling matter? Certainly not. " Now the City claims in its petition that these cross- walks in the southeast section, by reason of the erection of the ]\Ionument there, will be destroyed, and that the view from Kuclid Avenue will be obstructed, and that great and irreparable injur)- is occasioned thereby, and this, as I will show you from their petition, is substan- tially the only grounds upon which they base their claims for an injunction. Obstruct the view of the Park ? A single glance, your Honor, at the style of the Monu- ment as it appears on the plans before you sufficiently refutes such an allegation. Yet, the Corporation Coun- sel savs in argument, that the Citv has full authority to 84 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY place upon that or either section of the Square — public buildings. "So we find, therefore, that this Soldiers' Commission have no right to occupy this section of the Square with a beautiful public Monument, a public recognition of the ' boys in blue,' because, forsooth, it interferes with a cross-walk and obstructs the view from Euclid Avenue ; yet the City can place an immense building there, which would certainly destroy all the cross-walks and materially obstruct the view of the Park, with irreparable injury to no one. Such, you know, is the position of the City. " There is some, but very little opposition to the mov- ing of the statue of Commodore Perry, which now stands in the southeast section of the Square, but this opposi- tion arises from the simple fact of its having been already once moved. My idea is that one more removal would be about the correct thing, and that removal should be to Lake View Park, say at the foot of Ontario Street. Then, instead of pointing back to a fish market as he now is, he would stand on the bank of the lake facing toward the city, and would be pointing to the beautiful lake where he won his great victory. " However, the removal of the statue has very little to do with this case, and I only mention it for the rea- son that the City says in its petition ' that there has been placed upon said section of said Square, near the center thereof, a large stone statuary monument known as the statue of Commodore O. H. Perry, and that such monument is of great use and value to said City, its citizens and the public' " And yet the City says in its petition that if this magnificent Monument, costing over $200,000, is erected in that section, that 'it will result in irreparable injury to the citizens and the people.' " Consistency, thou art a jewel. soldiers' and sailors' monu.ment. 87 " I claim that the use of this section of the vSquare for the jMonunient is perfectly consistent with the use for which it was intended. " We find in the public squares, public commons and parks the world over, monuments are erected. We find monuments in Union and Madison Squares in New York, vSoldiers' Monument in the Public Commons of Boston. In Philadelphia, Gen. Reynolds' Monument in front of the Public Buildinir. In Baltimore, Washing- ton Monument, Battle Monument, and other large monuments in the most important parts of the public streets and squares in the heart of the city. In Wash- ington, at all the principal parks and streets, here and there you will find beautiful monuments, notably, the statue of Gen. Thomas, right in the center where five or six streets radiate. In Richmond, the Washington Monument, a very stately one immediately in front of the State House. Buffalo Soldiers' Monument occupies the most prominent place in the heart of the city. In Detroit, Soldiers' Monument directly in front of the City Hall. " In Trafalgar Scpiare, London, which is spoken of as one of the finest open places in L(jndon, and a great center of attraction, you find a monument dedicated to Lord Nelson, commemorating his glorious death at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. This is a massive granite column 145 feet in height ; is crowned with the statue of Nelson, 17 feet in height, with four colossal bronze lions, modeled by Sir Kdwin Landseer, couched upon pedestals running out from the column in the form of a cross. " This monument cost over $200,000, yet I venture the assertion that our proposed Monument will be more beautiful and more grand than that. In this same square }-ou wnll find two fountains, a statue of Sir Henry Havelock, the deliverer of Lucknow — a statue of Sir 88 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Charles James Napier, the conqueror of Scinde. Also in another corner of the square is an equestrian statue of George I\^, in bronze. " All of the other squares in the heart of this great City of London are filled with monuments. " In Edinburg, in one of the principal streets, is the magnificent, lofty monument of Sir Walter Scott, 200 feet high. In Paris, in Place de la Bastile, is the column of July, 154 feet high ; Column \>ndome, 135 feet high. Port St. Dennis, Port St. Marten, all the principal places in the heart of the City of Paris are filled with magnificent monuments, fountains and triumphal arches, and so likewise in all the principal cities of France. In Brussels, the National Monument of God- frey de Bouillon. In Berlin, the monument of Fred- erick the Great is in the principal street. Unter den Linden and other public monuments and arches are in the principal thoroughfares. " \^ienna and Stuttgart haYC numerous monuments and fountains and lofty columns in the central places in the city. And so the Arne fountain at Nuremberg, Christopher Columbus' IMonument at Genoa, Gutenberg ]\Ionument at Frankfort, King Ludwig's IMonument at Munich, Napoleon I. at Rouen, the Column of Victoria at Naples. In all prominent cities in the public squares, and commons, and streets, these monuments are placed, and so in our own country. Indianapolis, PainesYille, Geneva and numerous other places — in fact, nearly all the prominent monuments of the large cities of the world are placed in central locations, where the public and strangers from without the cit>- can see them at all times. "And yet the Williamsons, plaintiff's in one of these cases, say that this magnificent work of art — this Mon- ument in the Square — would spoil the view from Euclid Avenue. As 'my friend, Capt. Scofield, very aptly re- SOLDI IvRS' AND SAII.ORS' MOXr.MKXT. (S9 marks, ' It would be a touj^h looking iiionumeiit that would spoil any view in the business part of Cleveland.' " The Connnission are eleven to one in favor of such site ; that one, I suppose, is like the obstinate juror who characterized the other jurors as ' eleven fools.' " It is not a jirivate l)uil(ling or a private scheme, but a Monument with a Memorial Room, to be erected with the ])ublic funds — to be erected from the entire public — to be forever free to the public, and under the law, to be forever controlled by the Municipal author- ities of this city. Yet it is said we are to erect a private building, and this statement comes from the parties who are the owners of land on which stands a building from which a considerable income is derived, solely Ijy reason of the encroachments of five feet upon the street fronting upon this very Square, using the ])ublic street for their own private purposes, and the City permitting this unlaw- ful and continuing nuisance. "We hold, therefore, that these defendants, the Mon- ument Commission, have absolute authority from the Legislature of the vState to place the Monument upon the section designated. We hold that the City, acting within its j)owers and exercising a reasonable discretion, has given its full and free consent to its occupancy. We hold that the placing of the Monument in that sec- tion is ImU in furtherance of the use to which the vSfjuare may properly be put to by law^ by usage and by custom. " We confidently assert that there is no \'alid and legal objection to the use of the vSquare as conteni])]ated, and, therefore, that no restraining order should be allowed in this case. "And, your Honor, when this Monument shall be erected in this most appropriate and public place, and shall there stand, grand and beautiful, we will be reminded of the words of the poet Whittier, when he wrote relative to the WashiuLrton Monument : ' vSurelv 90 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY it will not have been reared in vain if, on the day of its dedication, its mighty shaft shall serve to lift heaven- ward the voice of a nnited people, that the principles for which the fathers toiled and snffered shall be main- tained inviolate to their children.'" Upon the conclnsion of the hearing, the Judge took the case under advisement, promising to give a decision as soon as he had an opportunity of looking into its merits. The result of his deliberation was made known on June ist, 1891, and was published in the Leader of the following date, as follows: " The controversy over the location of the Soldiers' and Sailors' iNIonument was brought to a close yesterday afternoon so far as the Court of Common Pleas is con- cerned, by Judge Stone deciding adversely to the Com- mission. At the appointed hour, the attorneys for the various parties to the well-known injunction suits met in room i, and anxiously awaited the result. The Mon- ument Commission was well represented, and upon the brow of each member was settled a look of hopeful confidence. At a few minutes before 2 o'clock. Judge Stone took his seat and read his decision from manu- script. As he proceeded, a blank expression overspread the faces of the Commissioners, and at the turning point broad smiles played over the features of Judge William- son and the attorneys of the City. " Judge Stone commenced by giving a careful resume of the famous cases, stating the facts accepted by both sides, and concisely reviewing the points at issue. He gave the history of the Public Square from the time it was owned by the Connecticut Land Company, and called attention to the various changes that it had undergone. He quoted the acts of the General Assembly and the ordinances of the Councils of Cleveland bearing upon the case, and re\'iewed the controversy between the Monument and Park Commissioners. soldiers' and sailors' monum?:nt. 91 "Coming to the law in the matter, Judge Stone first considered the rights of the plaintiffs in both cases to bring suit. In the WillianLson case, it was shown by the citation of authorities that individual owners of adjacent lots may proceed in equity to enjoin the appro- priation of a Square dedicated to public purposes. It was the opinion of the Court, that upon general equit- able principles the plaintiffs in the Williamson case had a right to maintain the action if it was found that the uses contemplated to be made of the Public Square were not within the terms of its dedication. The tech- nical objections to the City of Cleveland being a plain- tiff were not insisted upon during the trial, and the case was considered and decided upon its merits. It w^as held by the attorneys for the Monument Commission, that the City, by its resolution of consent to the use of the Square for the Monument and its subsequent silence, was estopped from making any objection. The Court held, that if the use of the vSquare that was proposed was not a lawful one, the City had no right to give con- sent, and the case was as though a resolution of consent had never been passed. The case was found to ulti- mately depend upon the lawfulness of the contemplated use. With reference to the status of the Monumental Commissioners, it was held that they w^ere the agents of the County, employed for local and temporary purposes, and were not officers within the meaning of the Consti- tution. The proposition of the plaintiffs, that the act of the General Assembh- in 18SS, authorixing- the Com- mission to locate the Monument in the southeast corner of the Public Square, was inoperative, the Court held to be well taken. vSuch a pro\-ision of law directed the use of the vSquare for a [Monument, the Court said, regardless of the will or rights of the City of Cleveland. The proposition of the attorneys for the Monument Commission that neither the consent of the Citv Council 92 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY nor of the Park Commission was necessary, and that the will and direction of the Legislature was all-sufh- cient, the Court held to be untenable. A ^lunicipal corporation had a twofold nature, one governmental, and the other (/nas/--pn\-ate. In the latter capacity and not in the former, the City held the Square in trust for the purposes for which it was dedicated, and the State could not interfere with its control, nor could it direct as to its use or method of adornment. The statute was held to be inoperative, unauthorized, and void, as far as it would serve to be compulsory on the City, and it cre- ated no obligation or duty upon the municipality either to give its consent to the use of the Square, as proposed, or to remove the Perry Monument from its present site. " We are now brought to the most important question of the case," continued Judge Stone. ''Is the use that is proposed within the terms of the dedication ? We have then two propositions established. The Square is a place to be kept open and unobstructed, for the pur- poses of free passage, for pleasure grounds and amuse- ments, for recreation and health ; it may be beautified and ornamented — or it may be used for the public buildings for the transaction of the public business. It cannot be lawfully used for any other purpose than that named, expressed, or intended by the dedicator. " Is this Monument within the uses intended? It is transparently clear that it is to be permanent in its character, and not a place for the transaction of the public business. If then, it may be properly placed in the Square, it is because it is suitable by way of orna- menting, beautifying, or adorning it and in harmony and keeping with its use for pleasure grounds for recre- ation or health. The space now composing the south- east quarter of the Square within the sidewalk sur- rounding it is 184 feet square (33,856 square feet). The ^Monument is to be 95 feet square, located in the center soldiers' and sailors' monument. 95 (covering 9,025 square feet). If the ^^lonument is placed there, it is apparent that one-quarter of the Square is thus devoted permanently and practically for all time to this object. It can, in the nature of the case, contain nothing else, since it will cover some- thing more than one-fourth of the space described. The Memorial or Tablet Room is 40 or 46 feet square, and 20 feet high and something more than that, in- cluding ornamentation. This section of the vSquare would certainh- no longer be open and suitable for pleasure ground and for the purposes of unobstructed passage. Does this constitute so important a part of the whole Scpiare as to make the use proposed an abridgment of the rights and uses for which the Square was intended? We think it does, and that the erection of so large and permanent a structure is not within the lawful, contemplated, and intended uses of the grant. We are not unmindful that in all civilized countries these public places or squares in cities and towns have ever been regarded as aj^propriate and suitable places for the erection of monuments, commemorative of great national or local events, and statues in honor of the world's heroes and eminent men. We have no doubt that within certain lines this Square may be so used, and be consistent with the dedication, but we venture the opinion that the structures must be such as shall not, in any appreciable degree, interfere with the free, open, and unobstructed use of the Square by the public, but shall be incident to its use and more complete en- joyment. This Monument, magnificent and beautiful in its proportions, if erected on the site proposed, will not be an incident to that section of the Square, but that section will have become an incident to it. If tliis structure ma\- be erected upon one section, by the same token, for reasons and purposes equally meritori- ous, may there not be another structure, still larger in 94 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY size, erected on the northwest quarter, and still another on the southwest quarter? There is still left another quarter upon which to erect a building for the transac- tion of the public business. When this is all done the city may thereby be greatly beautified and adorned, but we inquire, what has become of the Public Square ? The place is beautified and adorned, but the Square has disappeared ; it is no longer open, unobstructed for the free use and enjoyment of the people. It is no longer open, where great masses of our people may as- semble to listen to public discussion, or take part in public celebrations, or witness great military or civic demonstrations. It is no longer an open breathing place in the heart of a great city. The case supposed, of a large structure on each quarter of the Square, is of course extreme and improbable, 'but sometimes to sup- pose an extreme case is the best method of demonstrat- ing the danger of false doctrines.' But we afiirm that under this dedication, no section or quarter of the Square can be lawfully used as a site for a large and permanent structure (saving possibly and only a build- ing for the transaction of the public business) that in effect would amount to the permanent appropriation of such section. And such, we think, would be the prac- tical result in this case, if the Monument be placed where proposed. It is urged that the plans and design for this Monument were made with special reference to this site, and that the Monument is not adapted to any other. The facts, we think, do not warrant this claim. The affidavit of Mr. Scofield, the artist and designer of the Monument, is to the effect that ' said Monument was designed and planned in March, 1887, and was of the same size as the present plans of the same, including the esplanade, the building for the Memorial Tablet room, the shaft, and every other part of the Monument,' etc. This was more than a year before the law was soldiers' and sailors' monument. 95 passed authorizing the use of the Square as a site, and a year and a quarter before the City Council adopted its resolution gi\'ing" consent. In March, 18S7, no law or resolution had been passed, so far as the proof shows, indicating the vSquare as a site, but all the State legis- lation on the subject authorized the ' purchase of a site therefor.' " We liave sought to examine and determine these cases along purely legal lines and upon legal principles, wholly apart from sentiment ; and the conclusions reached are not born out of any desire we have to see this beautiful Monument, in which all our people will take great pride, kept out of the Public vSquare ; and should the views held by this Court be sustained, the gentlemen composing this Commission, in whose wis- dom, judgment and fidelity the public have great con- fidence, we doubt not will find and secure a site for this jMonument that will meet with public approval. For the reasons already expressed, perpetual injunctions are awarded." " The attorneys of the Commission immediately gave notice of an appeal of the case, under a bond of $200." Thus we had met our Bull Run ! Subsequent pro- ceedings in the higher Courts clearly demonstrated that the learned Judge erred. " To err is human, to fors^ivf divine." The preliminary judicial opinion of Judge vStone did not eventually stand in law, but it .served the pur- pose of interested and misguided individuals, and the few honest opponents of the selected site. It goes with- out saying, that the Monument Commissioners were disappointed, but they were not disheartened. Re- pulsed in the first skirmish, they re-formed their lines and moved forward, knowing their cause was just and would ultimatelv end in victorv. IX. To continue the historical sequence of events, we here record that with the advent of the new City gov- ernment which came into power on the third Monday of April, 1891, pursuant to the new Municipal law, the board of Park Commissioners became officially extinct. They left behind them the memory of work undone, of achievements long cherished but unaccomplished. Nevertheless the Parks will be extended, and better cared for in the future, and the Soldiers' Monument will adorn and grace the southeast section of the Public Square. City Solicitor Burns, who had faithfully served the Park Commissioners, shared the fate of the son of Jacob, when there arose a new king which knew not Joseph. The new form of Municipal government was originally contemplated and represented to be an imitation of the plan of the Federal government, conducted with indi- vidually responsible heads of departments, their official designation being Directors. In practical administra- tion, however, it is but a slight apology for its assumed original pattern ; the Mayor, and the Directors, face- tiously called the Mayor's " Cabinet ", being therein unfortunately constituted a Board of Control, with practically legislative, as well as executive functions, thus depriving the system of individual responsibility and efficiency, as contemplated by its honest and earnest originators. It has been with the two most important members of the " Cabinet" the Monument Commission has been necessitated officially to deal — the Directors of Law and of Public Works. %.. ■^• SOIJJIKKS' AND SAIKOKS' MONIM I-.NT. 99 At the first election under the I-'ederal IMan Municii)al law, in April, 1891, Hon. William (/. Rose succeeded to the mayoralty. He appointed R. R. Herrick Director of Public Works, and (xcneral lidward vS. Meyer Director of I^aw ; the former succeeded to the duties of the old Board of Park Commissioners. These three officials went into office as the sup])o.sed friends of the vSoldiers' Monument and the members of the Commission. A lit- tle experience with them, however, forcibly reminded us that this is truly a world of di.sappointment. We had confidently expected that the "amicable" law suit that had been commenced by the late Park Commissioners would be at once withdrawn by the Director of Daw. As a private citi/en, he was our ])rofessed friend, and, if need be, a volunteer defender of our rij^hts ; but as an official, he was com])el]ed to follow the instructions (jf "his chief," the Mayor. As time went on, however, his former professed friend.ship .seemed gradually to lose its ardor. We soon ob.served the changed condition, but went .serenely on our way, feeling that time at last would set all things right. Work was continued in the studio on the several groups of the Monument during the Summer of i.Suld be necessary to divert the straight walks now across that section of the Square, and make them pass around the Monument. This would necessitate the formation of two grades — one from Euclid Avenue to the Monument, and the other from the Monument to the corner of Ontario and Superior Streets. These grades would have to be at least one and one-half inches to the foot, and would l)e altogether too steep for the safety of pedestrians in wet or icv weather. The course of travel would theretore be diverted from that section of the Square, and conse- soldiers' axd sailors' monument. ioi qiiently tlie number of persons passing the Williamson property would be diminished, and its value for rental purposes would undoubtedly fall. There was, therefore, no question that the Monument would cause injury to the Williamson property. It was contended by the Commission that the Williamsons could not complain of an\- imprcA'ements placed in the Park, as long as .such improxements were within the pur]xjses for which the land was originally gi\en. The Cit\' would have an undoubted right, said Judge Caldwell, to entirely' the sections of the Square for the purpose of ornamentation, but the walks as now arranged are of such convenience that they have almost become a public necessity, and the public would demand that they be retained in such terms that the representatives of the public would hardly dare close them up. " The attorneys for the Commission relied to a great extent upon the resolution passed by the Council au- thorizing the Commission to j)lace the Monument in the Square, but the City contended that the ordinance was illegal, because it was passed on the same night on which it was introduced, and without the necessary su.spension of the rules. The Court upheld the latter contention, and said the Council's action was null and void. But the Commission contended that even if the Council's action was illegal, such action was not neces- sary, as the Legislature had the right to take the Square for count)' purposes, as the ]\Ionument was for the ben- efit of Cuyahoga County, and not of the City alone. This was met b\- the contention on the part of the plaiutifif, that the State had no jurisdiction to undertake the ornamentation of the vSquare. The whole matter could, therefore, be resolved into three questions, con- tinued Judge Caldwell. First, has a Municipal corpora- tion two natures, one public, the other private? Second, if the Square comes under the private nature of the I02 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Municipal corporation, has the State the right to step in and dictate how the City shall ornament the Square? Thirdly, does the action taken by the State fall under the private business of the corporation, or under its public business ? " The Court held that the ^Municipal corporation has two distinct functions. As to the second proposition, it was held that while the State has authority to say what officers shall exercise authority over the private affairs of a corporation, it has no right to prescribe the mode and manner in which those affairs shall be carried out. iVs to the third proposition, the Court held that the care of the Square was part of the City's private business, and that the State had, therefore, no right to interfere with it. The City has a right to enclose the Square, but it has no right to enclose any street, because every citizen of the State has an interest in the public highways. Continuing, Judge Caldwell asked : ' How much con- cern is it to the people of other counties how the Public Square in this City shall be ornamented ? It is perfectly inconsistent to presume that the State can say to this City, 'you must put a flower-bed here, and plant a tree there, and build a mound over yonder.' Who has asked that Perry's Monument be removed? Have any cit- izens of Cleveland requested its removal ? Who's going to pay for the work of removing it ? The money would certainly come out of the pockets of the citizens of Cleve- land, and the Legislature has no right to say to the citi- zens, 'you must go to this expense, although you haven't asked to be allowed to do so.' The Legislature has no right to dictate to the City of Cleveland how its Parks shall be ornamented. The assent of the City was not obtained to this disposition of that part of the Square, and the Legislature had no authority to order the Mon- ument to be placed there. The injunction restraining its erection at that point is therefore made perpetual.' " soldiers' and sailors' monument. 103 Well, well ! Bull Run continued ! xA.gain repulsed ! Quite a strong decision, that ! While we had hoped for a different result, we were now speedily becoming convinced that judicial judgments and decrees are alike subject to error, as the opinion of common humanity. Knowing, however, that our opponents had no reserve to .bring up, or fall back upon, we felt that, in the general engagement soon to follow, we would win the field. Loren Prentiss, Esq., in behalf of the Commission, excepted to the Circuit Court's decision, and the case was carried to the Supreme Court. X. THE Winter of our discontent and disappointment was made glorious Summer by the receipt of the decision of the Supreme Court, handed down June 21st, 1892. The Plain Dealer^ of June 22d, describes our feeling : " The happiest people in town yesterday were the members of the Soldiers' jMonument Commission, when the news was received that the Supreme Court had over- ruled the decisions of the Common Pleas and Circuit Courts and decided that the Soldiers' ^Monument might be placed in the Public Square. Major Gleason's face was beaming with joy, and Gen. Barnett shook hands with everybody. Major Gleason said he thought there soon would be a meeting to arrange for beginning work on the foundation. " The Common Pleas Court granted an injunction more than a year ago, on the petitions of the City and of Judge S. E. Williamson and his two broth- ers, who own a business block on the Square. The Court held that the placing of the big Monument on the Square would be to divert it from the public purposes for which it was intended and dedicated. The Circuit Court of this judicial district sustained that decision. The Supreme Court reverses both lower Courts." The full text of the decision of the Supreme Court is as follows : soldiers' and sailors' monument. 105 " [Copied from the 49th volume Ohio State Reports, pages 431 to 437-] "DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT. " Gleason et al. v. Cleveland. " Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Cuyahoga County : Act of the General Assembly, passed April 16, 1S88, {85 Ohio Laws, 564,) authorizing the selection of the southeast quarter of the Public Square in Cleveland as the site for its erection, held constitu- tional. " (Decided June 21, 1892.) "ERROR TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. " The plaintiff in error, defendants below, were appointed by the Governor of the State, Commissioners, under the act passed April 16, 1888, (85 Ohio Laws, 564,) for the erection of a Monument to the Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County in the late War; and, in pursuance of the power conferred on them b}^ that Act, have se- lected the southeast corner of the Public Square in the City of Cleveland, as the site for the Monument, and propose to build the same thereon. The City of Cleveland objects, and claims that, without its consent, which has not been given, the site selected cannot be appropriated to that use; and furthermore, that the act of the Legislature is unconstitutional. The case having been de- termined in the Common Pleas, was appealed to the Circuit Court, where, upon the trial, the Court stated its conclusions of fact and of law separately, and rendered judgment for the plaintiff. The findings are as follows : " (Parts deemed immaterial being omitted.) " I. That the Connecticut Land Company was in 1796, and for some time prior thereto, the owner in fee simple of all the lands now comprised within the limits of the City of Cleveland. "2. That on or about the first day of October, 1796, the Connect- icut Land Company caused a survey and plat and allotment of what was then intended by said company to be the Citv of Cleveland to be made, designating as shown upon said plat the location of streets, alleys and public places, and the boundaries and number of lots ; that said surve}- and map were made for the purpose of selling lots designated and numbered as aforesaid with reference to said plat and allotment, and to dedicate to the public the streets, public highways and public places as shown by said allotment, survey and map — a copy of which map is attached to plaintiff's petition and made a part of these findings of fact. "That afterwards, on the 6th day of November, 1801, the Connect- icut Land Compau}', being still the owner of said lands, caused a Io6 HISTORY OF THE CUVAHOrTA COUNTY resurvey of all the lauds included in the tirst plat and survey to be made, differing in no essential particular from the first survey aud plat, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Trumbull County, the premises at that time being within the limits of that county. "This resurvey and record were made in compliance and in con- formity with the act of the Territorial Legislature of December 6, iSoo. (ist Chase's Statutes, 291-292.) That said last map. minutes and survey were subsequently recorded in the records of Cuyahoga County, on the 22d day of November, 1S14, Cuyahoga County having been organized in 1810. " That upon the said map aud by said survey and resurve)', there is marked and designated a square space at the intersection of Supe- rior and Ontario Streets, and in said survey the following language is used as to each square space : 'The Square is laid out on the in- tersection of Superior Street aud Ontario Street, and contains ten acres. The center of the junction of the two roads is the exact cen- ter of the Square.' There is no other provision in reference to said Square on said map or on said survey. "3. AYhen this original allotment was made, no streets extended into the Square except Superior and Ontario Streets, which two streets extended through its center, or nearly so, at right angles. In 1816, when the village of Cleveland was incorporated, Euclid Road was extended where Euclid Avenue now is, from its intersec- tion with Huron Street to the southeast corner of said square space known as the Public Square. " For many years after this allotment was made, the Public Square was kept or permitted to be an open space, and free to the public to walk or drive upon, and to cross it as they saw fit. " A traveled roadway existed across the southeast quarter of the Square, and teams and stage coaches to and from Buffalo to Cleve- land, coming along the Euclid Road, passed diagonally across this section of the Square into Superior Street near the center of the Square, and this roadway was so used until a])out 183S, when the four sections of the Square were enclosed with fences, leaving a roadway around, and Superior and Ontario Streets extending through the Square. This condition continued until about 1857, when fences were placed across Ontario and Superior Streets, aud around the whole space known as the Square, except so much thereof on the four sides of the same as was necessary for the pur- pose of streets; and about ten years later, on order of the Court of Common Pleas of this county, the City of Cleveland was ordered to remove so much of the fences as interfered with the use of Superior and Ontario Streets as public streets through the Square. " From the year 1812 to 1830 there was a County Court House u]ion the northwest corner of the Scjuare, used as a Court House and SOLDIKRS AND SAILORS MC)Xr:MKXT. lO Jail ; and in the year 1.S2S a two-story brick Court House was erected by the County on the southwest quarter of the Square, about the center thereof, which remained until 1.S5S or i860, when it was taken down and removed. During the \\'ar of the Rebellion, temporary 'Sanitary Fair' buildinjjs were erected on those portions of the Square now designated as Superior and Ontario Streets, and re- mained about a year, when they were taken down and removed. These are the only buildings ever erected upon the Public Square, and ever since the removal of the Court House in 1S58 or i860, this space has been wholly under the control of the Cit}- of Cleveland, used as a public ground and improved and beautified after the man- ner of a park, having a rostrum or speaker's stand in the northeast quarter, and latterly the 'Moses Cleaveland Statue;' and the 'Com- modore Perry Monument,' erected in the center of the Square in 1S60, by direction of the City Council, but subsequently removed to its present site on the southeast quarter of the Square, where it has remained for many years and still remains. " I'or many years past, public walks have been maintained diago- nally across the southeast section, as well as the other sections of the Square, excepting that there is no diagonal walk from the south- west corner of the southwest quarter. "That said walks diagonally across the southeast section of the Public Square are daily used to a.great extent by a great many peo- ple ; and in the northwest quarter of the Square the walk goes around the fountain 4S feet in diameter. For ten years and more prior to F'ebruary 26, 1891, the Park Commissioners of the City have had charge of the beautifying and improving of the parks of said City, and of the parks themselves, including this open space or Square, and that such Park Commissioners were duly appointed and constituted, and continued in office from the time of their ap- pointment until the reorganization of the City of Cleveland under the act passed March 16, 1891, and the charge and control of said city parks were devolved upon said Park Commissioners by ordi- nances of the City in addition to such control as was conferred upon them by statute, in the following language: 'Said Commissioners shall take charge, and have the entire management, control and reg- ulation of all public grounds and parks belonging to the City, sub- ject to the city ordinances, and shall lay out such grounds and parks, with avenues, walks and paths, and make such other improvements and embellishments therein as they may deem proper, and shall pro- tect and preserve the same.' "4. That the defendants, the Board of Monument Commis- sioners, were appointed by the Governor, with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, and qualified and organized and entered upon the performance of their duties. That at the time of said appoint- I08 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY ment, and at the time of the passage of the act of April i6, 1888, under which they were appointed, the Monumental Committee of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union consisted of only twelve members, eleven of whom only were appointed by the Gov- ernor as members of the said Board of Monumental Commissioners, the membership of which also consisted of but twelve, who were not all residents of Cleveland. The Court further find that said Monu- mental Commissioners so composed selected the southeast corner of the Square as the site for the proposed Monument. " That the amount of money provided by the said tax levies is sufficient only for the erection and completion of the Monument as designed by the Commissioners on said site, without any expendi- tures for a site. " 7. The Court further find that the Park Commissioners of the City of Cleveland never gave any consent or authority to said Monu- mental Commission to occupy this section of the Public Square for the purpose of erecting said Monument, but upon application therefor refused their consent. " That the Monument would be of a public character and of a highly ornamental and worthy character as such and as a work of art. "That in the forepart of April, 1891, but prior to the reorganiza- tion of the City Government under said act of March 16, 1891, the said Monument Commissioners were forcibly prevented by the Park Commissioners of said City from taking possession of said section of the Square for the purpose of erecting thereon said Monument, and that the reorganization of the said City Government under said act took place on the 21st day of April, i89i,and some time after the commencement of this action." The Court thereupon also states its conchisions of law as follows : " I. That said survey and map, made and recorded as aforesaid, operate as a dedication of the said Square to the public, for the uses contemplated and intended by the donors at the time of the dedi- cation. " 2. That upon the incorporation and organization of the City of Cleveland, the said Public Square became subject to the exclusive control of the proper City authorities for the purposes so intended, and to be used for such purposes. "3. That the City has not conferred upon said Monument Com- mission any right to occupy said section of said Square for the pur- pose of erecting said INIonument thereon. "4. That upon the facts above found, the said Monument cannot legallv be placed on said section of the Public Square. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 109 "5. That the clause in the Act of the Legislature of April r6, 1SS8, attempting to confer upon the Monument Commissioners the right to select the southeast quarter of the Square as the place for such Monument, would not confer such right without the consent of the City of Cleveland. "And thereupon rendered judgment perpetually enjoining the defendants from constructing the Monument on the site selected. "The plaintiff in error alleges that there is error in the conclu- sions of law and the judgment of the Circuit Court, and asks that its judgment be reversed. " L. Prentiss, J. M. Jones and A. T. Brinsmade, for plaintiffs in error. "lulward S. Meyer, Corporation Counsel, Boynton, Hale & Horr, and Estep, Dickey, Carr 6t Goff, for defendant in error. " HV THE COURT. "The donation of the "Public Square" in the City of Cleveland by the Connecticut Land Company was not made to the City of Cleve- land, but to the public generally; and the Court erred in so hold- ing. It was, therefore, competent to the Legislature to authorize the erection of a Soldiers' Monument upon this Square without the consent of the City, as done by the act passed April 16, 188S. (85 Laws, 564.) "The objection that the persons composing the Commission created for the erection of the Monument are officers virtually appointed by the Legislature, and that the act is therefore uncon- stitutional, is, we think, untenable. If they are officers, within the meaning of the Constitution, the direction for their a])pointment by the Governor from 'the present Monumental Committee of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union' is impersonal, and does not require the appointment of specific persons; whoever at the time the appointment is made compose that Committee may be appointed by the Governor, whether they were such members at the passage of the act or not. " But it also seems clear from the previous decisions of this Court that the members composing this Commission are not officers within the meaning of Sec. 27, Art. 2, of the Constitution, denying to the Legislature the power of appointment to office. Walker vs. Cincinnati, 21 Ohio St., 14, 50. " They are created for the accomplishment of a particular purpose — the erection of a monument, and their functions end with the accomplishment of that purpose. It was held in the case just cited, that persons clothed with such temporary functions are not re- garded as officers within the meaning of the Constitution. "Judgment reversed, and petition of the plaintiff below dis- missed." no HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The turning-point had arrived. Our Gettysburg had been fought and won ! The faith and confidence of the Monument Commission in the justice and merits of their cause had been judicially confirmed. Their able counsel, Loren Prentiss, Esq., Judge James M. Jones, and Comrade Allen T. Brinsmade, were congrat- ulated on every side on the result of their careful prep- aration and forcible and effective argument of the case. Unawed by public clamor, unmoved by local prejudice, purely on its legal merits, the Supreme Judicial tribu- nal of the State pronounced its judgment and decree. Would the opponents of the Monument site abide the result ? We shall presently see. en W Q W o w a w z " will have the advantage of some artillery in the battle, however, if thev care to make use of the big naval gun in the Square, captured by Commodore Perry from the British, and its companion, the field-piece brought back from the Rebellion by General Barnett. Both sides are ready for the struggle, and it is awaited with intense interest." The Leader reporter got in his work as follows on the same date : "A candid exchange of private sentiments between General Ed. S. Meyer, the Director of Law, and Major W. J. Gleason, President of the Soldiers' ?kIouument Commission, caused a sensation at the City Hall yester- day. According to the rumors, there was everything but bloodshed in the meeting, and the language was mainly plain, sturdy Anglo-Saxon. The courtly con- struction peculiar to diplomatic intercourse was not in demand and was not used, and w^hen the meeting ad- journed everybody knew exactly what everybody else thought of the topics under discussion. The meeting was largely accidental. "General j\Ieyer and Major Gleason both have their I20 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY offices in the third story of the City Hall. Major Glea- son's abiding place is between General Meyer's office and the elevator. As the Major is President of the Monument Commission, he is naturally not pleased with the course of the City in refusing to prepare a part of the Public Square as a site for the Soldiers' and Sail- ors' Monument. When he alighted from the City Hall elevator on the third floor, yesterday, he met a news- paper reporter and proceeded to tell him a few things. These things included some reference to General Meyer. " 'He has not been treating us fairly,' said the Major, in effect. ' For double back action in landing on both sides of a question, he beats anything I ever saw. Be- fore he was hired by the City he volunteered to act as Attorney for the Commission, and said he was in favor of having the ^lonument placed in the Square. When he was made Corporation Counsel he, of course, took the other side. After the Supreme Court decided in our favor, a few weeks ago, I met him on Ontario Street. He shook hands, and said he was not sorry that the Supreme Court had held in our favor. He said that he was still ' with the boys ' and would place no further obstructions in our way. Why, while we were talking, Mooney, one of his assistants, was on his way to Coun- cilman O'Brien's store with a resolution to repeal the one giving us the right to use the Square. ]\Ir. O'Brien refused to introduce the resolution.' " During the latter part of the Major's talk. General Meyer arrived via the elevator, and when he heard his name mentioned in an uncomplimentary manner he stopped. The hallway was dark, and the Major's back was turned to the elevator. In a very few moments the General took his turn at the bat. He called the Major to account for having said on Tuesday in an interview that General Meyer was running an opposition Supreme Copyright by the Sculptor, i8 BRONZE CAPITAL TO SHAFT. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 123 Court to the one in Cohuiibiis, or something to that effect. " 'You should not pay any attention to anything in the newspapers purporting to quote what I have said,' remarked the General. ' If you want to know my opin- ions, come to my office.' " ' Well, how do you know then that I said anything about you?' asked the Major. " ' Why, I read it in the newspapers.' " 'What right have you to presume that I made those statements if you know that the newspapers don't quote you correctly, and you do not want people to pay any attention to what you are reported as saying? I give the newspapers credit for not always getting things wrong. I was correctly quoted.' " ' I want to warn you not to carry it too far,' said General ]\Ieyer. " ' Oh, I don't care anything for your threats,' re- sponded the Major. ' I have said, and I repeat, that you have a pretty small peg to hang a new case on when you attempt to base it on the claim that one member of the Monument Commission was not legally appointed.' " General Meyer denied that he had advised the arrest of anyone attempting to take building material upon the Square, but said the police had been ordered to prevent trespassing. He offered to go down stairs and prove it by Director Gibbons. ' That was very amusing, and I laughed at the idea,' said Major Gleason afterwards. 'I told him that Colonel Gibbons' veracity was sorely in doubt yesterday, according to the newspapers, and that it was hardly right to put it to test twice in one week. He denied that Mooney had taken the resolution to Councilman O'Brien, and claimed that ]\Iooney had been away on a vacation for ten days. I told him I did not care how long Mooney had been on a vacation, as I had Mr. O'Brien's word for the resolution stor\'.' " 124 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The following interview with Commissioner Elwell was had by the Leader on the 14th : " General Elwell, a member of the Board of Monu- ment Commissioners, and who, with General Leggett, has charge of its legal matters, was asked by a reporter yesterday what effect an appeal of the Williamson case to the United States Court would have upon the action of the Commission. "'It will tie everything up indefinitely,' he said. 'The great work upon which fourteen years have already been spent will probably have to be completed by our successors in office when we are forgotten. At the time of our action yesterday we supposed that we had only to deal with the City Hall strikers and our State Courts, and as we thought that they would hardly use Winchesters as the Homestead men have done, we expected, if they interfered with our work by police or otherwise, to whip them in Court, as we have done in the past. As the case stood before the Williamsons' appeal, any interference on the part of our City Officials we believe would be simply contempt of Court, and we would hand them over to Judge vSolders. We may make mistakes in the future, but to the present time we have made none. Our title deeds to the southeast- ern quarter of the Public Square are from the Supreme Court of Ohio, to which tribunal we were sent by the City and Mr. Williamson.' '' 'How about the tax; are you weak on that point?' " 'Not at all. We have the same assurance from our attorneys that it is strictly legal, that we had in regard to the site. The same line of cases that sustains the one sustains the other. From the beginning we have moved carefully, acting under the best legal counsel. Judge Ranney was our consulting lawyer. He helped us much, and would not accept compensation. Judge Griswold and Colonel Brinsmade drew all our bills, and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 125 the latter gentleman gnided and looked after the ]\In- nicipal legislation. All the laws which they drafted have been snstained by the Conrt.' " ' It is said that yonr Board is illegal — that General Leggett was not a member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, from which the Governor was required to make the appointment?' " ' I know it is so said, but the Court says that the Board is legal. We say that General Leggett was a member of the Union, having always acted with it, and considered himself a member. The record may be a little imperfect, but he was a member. If he was not, it would not invalidate the Commission, of which he is one of the most efficient members. General Leggett may not have paid his twenty-five cents admission fee, but if he did owe, the record fails to show it. I cannot agree with General Meyer, if the papers report him correctly, that the Supreme Court could not have contemplated this fact and decided as they did. The Court, in the general proposition which they lay down, affirming our entire right to the Square, covers all the minor points involved. To sum up the whole matter, the Commission has simply tried to faithfully execute the will and orders of the Soldiers' and vSailors' Union, comprising man\' thous- ands of members. After thorough investigation, they say, and we think, that niueteen-twentieths of the people of the county say, ' put the Monument on the Square, where it can be seen without money or time, and not out in the suburbs, for the benefit of railroads and land speculators.' If we could have got sufficient land near the center of the city at a moderate cost — at a price which we could pay — we should have been glad to have secured such a site. Captain Scofield did not accept the Square until we had completely failed else- where. I am curious to see the report of ]\Ir. Michael's 126 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY committee, now in search of a site for the new City Hall. We had just snch a committee, and they worked faithfnlly for several months, trying to find a site out- side of the Square. They totally failed, and Mr. Michael will find that it will take half a million dollars to buy such a site as the people will approve, and he will come back, as we did, to the Public Square for a site. The people will never pay a fabulous sum of money for a site for a City Hall when the vSquare belongs to them for this very purpose. Right here is the secret of the appearance of ]\Ir. Williamson. He is fighting not so much the Alonument, but the public buildings, from being placed there. We are fighting the battle of the City and County in this matter. I am surprised that our Municipal authorities should join him in this fight against the public use of the Public Square.' " The following correspondence exj^lains itself: " City of Cleveland, O., " Department of Poijce, "July 14, 1892. } " Gen. Ed. S. Meyer, Director of Law. " Dear Sir : — It is rumored that the Monument Commission in- tends to take possession of the southeast section of the Monumental Park and erect a fence around the same. Upon consultation with His Honor Mayor Rose he referred me to your department for legal advice as to the action of the Police Department. " Respectfully, "John W. Gibbons, " Director of Police." Gen. ]\Ieyer's reply was : " City of Cleveland, '\ "Department of Law, |- "JULY 14, 1S92. ) "Col. John \V. Gibbons, Director of Police. " Dear Sir : — I am in receipt of your communication of this date, in which I am informed that ' it is rumored that the Monument Commission intends to take possession of the southeast section of the Monumental Park and erect a fence around the same,' and that upon consultation with His Honor Mayor Rose he has referred you I soldiers' and sailors' monument. 12 to this department for legal advice as to the action of the depart- ment of police. "In reply, you are respectfully informed that the Board of I\Ionu- ment Commissioners, when duly organized, is clothed with such power and authority as are conferred by the provisions of Section 3 of the act of April i6, 1888 (O. L. vol. 85, p. 565), and are therein set forth in the following terms : " ' Section 3. Said Board of Monument Commissioners, when duly organized, shall have full power to select a place for the pro- posed Monument, and shall have the exclusive control of the build- ing of said Monument, and the place for the same, and are empow- ered to have designs and models prepared, and are hereby author- ized if they so determine, to locate the site of such Monument on the southeast side of the ' Public Square,' so-called, at the junction of Superior and Ontario Streets, in the City of Cleveland, and in case they so determine, the Park Commissioners of said City are hereby authorized and required, on demand in writing by- said Commissioners, at the expense of said City, to remove the monu- ment of Commodore Perry, now in said southeast corner of said Square, to some other square or public park in said City, and all other obstructions therein.' " The Board of Monumental Commissioners, therefore, is not em- powered to at any time enclose or erect a fence of any kind around the said southeast section of the Public Square. Your department has full power to prevent, and is charged with the dut3'of prevent- ing such action on the part of said Board or any other organization or persons. " Until the Director of Public Works, as the successor of the Board of Park Commissioners, shall have removed the said ' monument of Commodore Perry ' and ' all other obstructions now upon said section of the Square,' as provided in said act, the said Board of Monument Commissioners has no power to take possession of, or in anj- manner disturb or interfere with any part of section of said Square, for any purpose whatever, and your department has full power to prevent and is charged with the duty of preventing any attempt on the part of said Board or of an}' persons whomsoever to take possession of, or to disturb or interfere with any part thereof. " Should any resistance be offered the officers of your department while in the lawful discharge of the duties above mentioned and set forth, the persons so offending should be promptly arrested and held to answer the charge of disorderly conduct. " If the Board of Monument Commissioners is dissatisfied with the course pursued by the Director of Public Works, its remedy lies in an application to the proper court for a writ of mandamus to com- 128 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY . pel the said Director to remove the monument of Commodore Perry, and other obstructions on said section of the Square, and not in a resort to a breach of the peace." " Ver}' respectfully, " Ed. S. Mp:yer, Corporation Counsel." Mayor Rose, as well as Director Herrick, asserted at this time that there was nothing in the law which per- mitted the Commission to erect the fence. When the attention of the flavor was called to the fact that the fence was only preliminary to the actual construction of the Monument, and that the building law provides that property must be fenced in before the construction of buildings is undertaken, he admitted that the general law did specify buildings, but was silent on the subject of monuments. This, of course, is a nice distinction. The Mayor expressed some surprise when he learned the true dimensions of the Monument. He thought the structure much bigger than it really is. Though hav- ing ample opportunity, he never cared enough to inform himself. XII. THE Fourteenth Annual Reunion of the Cu}'ahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union was held at Forest City Park, on July 14th. This association em- braced in its membership representatives of all the ex- Army and Navy organizations in the county. We clip the following report of the proceedings from the Leader of the 15th: " The blue coats and gold-braided hats of the veteran Soldiers were very numerous at Forest City Park, yes- terday. The occasion was the Fourteenth Annual Re- union of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, and it was the success that the gatherings of veterans always are. Early in the forenoon, the 'boys' began to assemble with their wives and children, and at II o'clock, when the 'assembly' was sounded, several hundred people were at the park, and others arrived as the day wore on, until b}- the middle of the afternoon a very large crowd was present. The day was perfecth' adapted for an outing, and the surroundings were made the most of. Weather-beaten and bullet-scarred vet- erans tumbled over each other in their efforts to crowd into the cars of the roller coaster, and yelled with delight as the swiftly-moving little vehicles carried them in a spiral curve from a level with the tree-tops to solid ground. There was also a circular arrangement called a swing, the motion of which was very suggest- ive of that which a skifif encounters in a heavy sea. The swing was better patronized by old Sailors than old Soldiers. A landsman ran bis: chances of beinsf 130 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY made seasick by merely looking at the swingers in their see-saw perambulations. "Old Comrades stood in groups, and fought their battles over again, and many a yarn was spun of skirmish and siege, of rebel prison and daring escape. Then came dinner, and the well-filled baskets provided by wives and daughters were quickly emptied. After dinner there was speech-making, and plenty of it, and, of course, the Monument was the only topic upon which the speakers talked. The Union placed itself on record as unalterably in favor of the Square as the proper site for the [Monument. Several of the speeches were decidedly personal in their trend, and plentiful doses of hot shot were bestowed upon the opponents of the Commissioners' plans. After the business meeting and the speeches came the games, and it was dusk when the veterans took up their homeward march, well pleased with themselves and their holiday. " Promptly at 2:30 o'clock, the bugle for the second time sounded the ' assembly,' and the members of the Union gathered in the open pavilion to hold their annual business meeting. President Pudney called the meeting to order. The minutes of last year's session were read and approved. "The President delivered the opening address, in which he said : "'Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen: I desire to return sincere thanks for the honor of presiding over this Union during the past year. Fourteen years ago, 1,300 of us met in Case Hall, with no other object in view except that of forming an organization that should unite the old Soldiers and Sailors. We represented every State in the Union north of Mason and Dixon's line, and some of the States south. We have met everv vear since that time. The Soldiers' and Sailors' INFANTRY EMBLEM IN CAPITAL. SOLDIKKS AND SAILORS MOXUMKN'T. I33 Union of these United vStates is no sort of false organ- ization. We have had drafted from onr ranks five Presidents, in whom we have added to the roll of fame as grand men as the world ever saw. We, as Soldiers, have no reason to be ashamed of the record we have made. Before we sprang into existence as soldiers, we heard it said that there were no Soldiers like those trained men who fought at Ansterlitz, Waterloo, and Balaklava. Rut at ever\ field, from Hull Run to Appomattox, the deeds of those men sunk into insig- nificance as compared with what the Volunteer vSoldier.s of America did. The vState of Ohio and Cuyahoga County had something to do and something to say in every battle. Let us, as vSoldiers and citizens, continue to meet and ]>erform our duties, and lawfully do those things that are right, and thus continue to win a record of which .\merica may be proud.' " Captain Levi F. Bander was then introduced, and read the report of the Monument Commission. "'The tax levies provided for by law will produce funds to complete the Monument according to the designs. That the Memorial is not now entirely com- pleted and dedicated, is wholly owing to litigation. The City of Cleveland and the Williamson estate brought suits to enjoin the Commission from erecting the Monument on the site selected. The injunction was granted by the Court of Common Pleas, and the findings of that Court were affirmed by the Cir- cuit Court. The matter was then carried to the Su- preme Court, and the judgment of the lower Court was reversed, the Commission winning a complete victory.' " Then followed the gist of the decision of the vSu- preme Court. Continuing, the report went on as follows: 'This apparently disposes of the entire sub- ject, so far as the rights of the Commission to select 134 HISTORY OF THK CUYAHOGA COUNTY and occupy the site selected, the southeast quarter of the Public Square, are concerned. The Commission naturally expected prompt and cheerful acquiescence in the decision of the court of last resort in the State, but it finds itself confronted with hostilities on every hand. A demand upon the City to remove the statue of Commodore Perry and a twenty-inch water pipe which traverses the site was met by the Council with a refusal to appropriate the necessary funds, and to emphasize the act, it rescinded its permission to erect the Monument on the Public Square. The Commission thereupon held a meeting, and authorized the Executive Committee to proceed with the actual work of erecting a fence around the site, preliminary to excavating for the foundations. We must act soon, because we have $125,000 worth of material on hand. We have heard intimations that the Commissioners would be prevented by the police, by force, from erecting a fence around the proposed excavation. The effort to build a fence will be made in a few days, and if blood should be spilled, we shudder to think of the consequences if Colonel Gibbons, of the militia, should be ordered by the Governor to charge bayonets on Director Gibbons, of the police.' " The reference to Colonel Gibbons' chances of ap- pearing in a dual role met with much applause and laughter. The report was unanimously adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes. Captain Shields immediately moved the appointment of a committee on resolutions to express the Union's sentiments in regard to the Monument question. The motion was adopted, and Messrs. Shields, Phillips, Hubbard, Whittaker, Armstrong, P'airbanks and P>rainard were appointed as such committee. They retired to draft resolutions, and the President then called for five-minute speeches from members of the Union. Nearly all the speeches which soldiers' and sailors' monument. 135 followed were of more than the allotted length, but the orators were given full swing, and talked as long as they had anything to say. "Colonel C. C. Dewstoe was the first to rise to his feet. He said that the fact that the Monument had not been already erected was not the fault of the Com- mission. 'As far back as October 30, 1879, at a meet- ing held in Case Hall,' he continued, 'it was recom- mended that the proposed Monument be erected in the Public vSquare, and yet we have been lately accused of springing that site on the public. Well, if it was sprung, thirteen hundred people did the springing.' Captain Dewstoe further said that the late Judge Ranney, in giving his opinion of the right of the Com- mission to build the Monument on the vSquare, used these words: ' I have no more doubt of your right to occupy the Square than I have of my right to occupy the home I live in.' ' I never saw such pitiable, small, narrow-minded pettifoggery as has been evidenced by the City authorities in this matter,' continued Colonel Dewstoe. ' The Director of Public Works says we may have the right to build the Monument in the .Square, but we mustn't build a fence. The building laws say we mustn't make an excavation without putting a fence around it. A certain newspaper in this city has decried the design of the Monument. I don't claim to be an artist, or to be a judge of art, but I know that Professor C. F. Olney, who is a critic above par, said that he had never seen so beautiful a design, or one so thoroughly correct, from an artist's standpoint, as that of the Monument. I consider his opinion fully equal to that of the artistic editor of the paper in question. There has been a great deal of false sentiment created against this Commission. Let the soldier element make sentiment as well as those on the other side. I, for one, believe the Monument should stand in the 136 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Square. I believe it will stand there, and I believe we will dedicate it next Spring.' " Major W. J. Gleason was loudly called for. He said that he wanted the talking to be done by members of the Union outside of the Commission. ' The Com- mission have done a great deal of talking lately,' he continued; * but all our talk and all our work have been fully and solely for the Soldiers and Sailors of this county. We have no personal ends to serve. We are doing a labor of love. We went along peacefully and quietly for eleven years, and then, when we were ready to build, we w^ere stopped. It is w^ell known that Soldiers are law-abiding citizens. We therefore sub- mitted to the law, and the law has sustained us. Now we find a City Government that is doing all in its power to evade the law. General ]\Ieyer was with us until he got his $5,000 job from Mayor Rose. Since then he has been the worst enemy we have had in the whole business, and now^, when he has been fairly whipped, he tells Director Gibbons to arrest any one who goes on with the work. You all know the truth about the picayune newspaper that is trying to create sentiment against the Commission. As an old journalist said : ' They're raising to sell a few papers.' If General IVIeyer said that five-sixths of the Soldiers of the county are not in favor of placing the r^Ionument on the Square, I don't believe he told the truth. I know he hasn't told the truth in other instances. We have representatives here to-day from all over the county. If you will back us up, we'll do our duty, and carry out the work with which we have been entrusted, despite all of General Meyer's efforts.' " There were calls for W. B. Higby when INIajor Gleason concluded. ' The man who said that five-sixths of the Soldiers don't want the Monument on the Square,' said Mr. Higby, ' never knew one-sixth as much as the soldiers' and sailors' monument. •v5/ men of his own regiment knew on any one subject. He never had anything in common with his men.' The speaker said that there were ' two colored gentlemen in the woodpile,' as far as the City Government was con- cerned. One was the street railroad interest, which wanted the ^Monument put where it would cost money to reach. The other was another branch of the street railroad interest, which, sooner or later, according to the speaker, intended to ask the City for permission to run its cars diagonally across the Square. 'Don't bother about the newspapers,' continued the orator. " They always give us more than they do news. I want to say that I'm with the Commission now, hence- forth, and forever, amen.' "The tall form of George A. Groot, Esq., was next recognized by the Chairman. ]Mr. Groot's remarks were chiefly directed against the City Government. ' If the Cit}' authorities undertake to prevent the Commission from occupying the Square,' he said, ' they will be flying in the face of the law, and wall be no better than rioters. The resolution passed by the Council, the other day, isn't worth the paper it was written on. I want to say, here and now, that if this Commission is made of the material I think it is, the IMonument will go in the Square in spite of , or, in other words, of the City Government. [Applause.] Go on and remove Perry's statue and the water pipe ; put them where thev ought to be, and sue the City for the bill. Then you will stand on the neck of the City of Cleveland. Go forward ! If a policeman dares lay his hand on you, the City will be responsible for damages for his unlawful act.' "Hon. J. Dwight Palmer was the next speaker. 'What is insurrection,' he said, ' if it isn't opposition to the action of our Courts? The honorable position taken by the Commission crowns its success with the 138 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY almost unanimous sympathy of the people of Cuyahoga County. I hope no further interruption will impede the rapid growth of this structure, and that by next Spring it will stand on the Square in all its grandeur and glory.' "At this stage, the Committee on Resolutions pre- sented their report, which was read by Mr. Phillips. It was as follows: "First. We hail with satisfaction the decision of the Supreme Court of our State, affirming in unmistakable language, in our favor, all the various points involved in the erection and location of our Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, thus effectually and forever closing the discussion as to the location of said Monument. " Second. We heartily approve and endorse the quiet, manly, law-abiding, and patient course of our Monument Commission, in carrying out our wishes and desires on this, to us, momentous question, and promise them our united support in their conscien- tious efforts to proceed upon the impregnable position accorded them. " Third. We view with apprehension and indignation the attitude of the present Government of the City of Cleveland, in its undigni- fied attempt to nullify the plain decree of the highest tribunal of our State. " Fourth. We insist as law-abiding citizens, who in the past vears freely and willingly risked their health, their liml)s, and their lives for the purpose of upholding the Constitution and laws and their expoiinders, that this attempt to frustrate the dictates of the law, to jeopardize all the work done, and all the money expended, cease forthwith, believing in the doctrine that such a creation of the law as a City Corporation should be the first to zealously uphold laws and courts, its creators and preservers." " The ayes and noes were called for on the adoption of the resolutions. There was a mighty shout in favor of their adoption, and one stentorian voice shoitted 'no.' The resolutions were declared unanimously carried." An occasional assertion was made in public and pri- vate, by those opposed to the jMonument site, that the Soldiers of the county were divided in their sentiment. To prove this to be utterly false, action was taken by soldiers' and sailors' monument. 139 every Grand Army Post and every other Soldier organ- ization in Cnyahoga Connty. The result was a univers- al and unanimous approval of the site selected, and a vigorous endorsement of the work of the Commission. This action effectually spiked the strongest battery ot the opposition. On July 1 8th, the Leader published the following : " The necessary preparations for the advance on the Public Square have been completed by the vSoldiers' Monument Commission. vSince the City shows a dispo- sition to leave the statue of Commodore Perry undis- turbed, the Commissioners have said that they will attend to its remo\-al. In anticipation of such action on the part of the Commissioners, the City has stationed a policeman on the Square with orders to prevent en- croachment on the public domain. It has been decided by the Commissioners to send a notice to the City au- thorities announcing that they are about to proceed with the erection of the jMonument, and then beo^in the work without further ceremou}-. The notice is awaited with great interest by the City officials, as it is expected to mark the beginning of actual hostilities. It has been arranged that the notice shall be served to-day and about the time it is delivered lumber will probably be hauled to the Square. Then there will be an appeal to the Courts and the judges will decide whether the City can be required to remove the Perry statue and the water main extending through the vSquare. " Mr. Loren Prentiss, and Judge J. M. Jones, attorneys for the Monument Commission, have prepared the no- tice. Mr. Prentiss yesterday gave a reporter a copy of the following legal opinion, drawn at the request of the Commission, which will be submitted to the City au- thorities with the notice : " First. The Supreme Court having held the act of April 16, 1888, constitutional and valid, and the Board of Monument Commissioners 140 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY appointed under it a legal and valid Board ; and also, as hereinafter shown, that the Board, as such, have the right to locate and erect the Monument upon the southeast section of the Square, without the consent of the City, the Board have now the full right to take possession of that site and proceed with the work of erecting a Monument. Having such right, neither the Mayor, Director of Public Works, nor of Law, nor of Police, nor any part of the police force of the City, has any right or authority to forcibh' interfere with the Board, or any of its emploj'cs or contractors, to hinder, de- lay, or prevent the doing of the work ; and anyone so interfering, or advising, aiding or abetting the same, will be civilly and crimi- nally liable, the same in all respects as any private person would be under the same circumstances. They would have no official author- ity or character in such a case, and would simply unlawfully array themselves against the State and its laws, as private individuals, as interpreted by the Supreme Court. In this we have assumed that the parties were not acting under a warrant issued by any proper Court ; and no such warrant could be legally issued without a proper affidavit containing such statement of facts as would, if true, constitute a criminal offense. " If any such Court should be applied to for a warrant, it would be bound to take notice of the statute under which the Commis- sioners are acting, and also the decision of the Supreme Court con- firming the rights and powers to so locate and erect the Monument, and an affidavit which should ignore these facts, and charge those acting under the Commissioners as wrong-doers, would be both false and illegal. ■' Second. Should there be any such forcible interference with- out a writ, the Board and those employed under them would have full right to use so much force as may be necessary to remove all persons so interfering from the place where the work is being done. " Third. The fact that a motion has been filed for a rehearing in one of the cases in no way affects the rights and powers of the Board, or anyone acting under them. Nor does the misapprehen- sion, if any, of the Covart, in its opinion, as to whether one member of the Commission was or was not a member of the old Committee, affect the rights of the Board or those acting under them. The reasons of the Court for its decision are no part of the record, and do not change or lessen its force and effect. The Court may give a part or all of its reasons for a judgment rendered, or simpl}- render the proper judgment without giving an}- reason, as is done in the Supreme Court in a large number of cases every year. " The judgment, however, in all cases is svipported by all the reasons which may be gathered from the record, and all the pre- sumptions are in its favor, and all questions actually involved and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 141 decided in the case, and also all points or questions necessary to the judgment rendered, are conclusively settled and adjudicated and cannot again be called in question between the same parties or those claiming under them. " Fourth. Some of the points and questions, among others, so con- clusively settled in these cases are the constitutionalit}' and validity of the statute, the legal validity of the Board of Commissioners, and their right and power to so locate and erect the Monument on the south- east section of the Square. All these points and questions were ex- pressly made in the case, and were necessary to a judgment in favor of the Commissioners. It was averred by the City and admitted by the Commissioners that unless restrained by the injunction of the Court they would take possession of that section of the Square, and remove the Perry statue and erect the Monument there ; and the vital question was whether they had the right and power to do so. If they had not, the City was entitled to the permanent injunction asked ; but if thev had such right, the judgment would be in their favor and against the City, as it was in the Supreme Court, and this decision, therefore, settles the law that the Commissioners have the right to remove the Perry statue as one of the essential steps to- wards the erection of the Monument. All this appears from the record. But the power to remove the Perry statue, as well as any other obstruction, is plainly conferred upon the Commissioners by the statute, for it gives them full general power to so locate and erect the Monument, and it is a fundamental principle that ' When- ever the provision of the statute is general, everything which is necessary to make such provision effectual is supplied by common law or implication.' South. Stat. Con. Sec. 337. "The power of the Monument Commissioners to remove the Perry statue does not, therefore, depend upon the provision giving them the right to require the City to remove it; but, on the con- trary, the right to require the City to do it in no way lessens but, on the contrary, recognizes the power of the Commissioners to remove it; nor does their right to remove it in any way interfere with the right of the City to place it in such new location as the City may see fit. In short, the City having brought suit against the Monument Commissioners denying their right to remove the Perry statue and erect the Monument, and having been defeated in the Supreme Court, cannot legally disregard the judgment by forcibly preventing the doing of the work. " Fifth. The talk about taking the cases to the Supreme Court of the United States is entirely groundless. It cannot be taken there without the allowance of a citation b}' some judge of that Court, nor would it then interfere with work on the Monument un- less a supersedeas bond should be given to cover all damages from 142 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY delay in case the suit should be dismissed. Besides, a motion to dismiss could be filed at once, and we doubt not but that it would be promptly dismissed on motion, for the reason that there is no possible ground in the record for jurisdiction by the Supreme Court. " L. Prentiss, "J. M. Jones, "Attorneys." The Leader of the 19th published as follows : " The ultimatum of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monu- ment Commission was sent to the City officials yester- day. Timely notice was given that an advance on the Public Square would be made at 9 o'clock this morn- ino-. Since the question has arisen whether they have the right to enclose the section of the Square to be de- voted to the Monument, the Commissioners have decided npon other tactics. Unless a change is made at the last moment, no lumber wagons will cut a figure in the ranks of the advancing hosts. They will attempt to assert their authority to the Square by having an en- gineer survey the ground. An interesting feature of the program is a call for a meeting of the Commis- sioners to be held on the Square at 9:30 o'clock this morning. The idea is that if arrests are made the pris- oners should include all the Commissioners. " Director Gibbons has notified the police to arrest all persons trespassing on the Square. " The line of action has therefore been fully deter- mined by each side and it only remains to carry out the program. " The following is a copy of the notice sent to the City officials : u Cleveland, July 18, 1892. "Zb the Mayor, Director of Public Works, of Law, and of Police of the City of Cleveland. " The Board of Monument Commissioners have been informed that you have advised and propose to interfere with aud prevent by force the commencement of the work for the erection of the pro- posed Monument by them as such Commissioners on the southeast section of the Public Square, and you are hereby furnished with a ARTILLERY EMBLEM IN CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 145 copy of the legal opinion of their attorne3-s on the subject, denying your right to thus interfere ; and they earnestly protest against any such interference. To avoid an)' excuse for any such interference, and to give you ample time for any legal action in the premises, you are hereby notified that such work will be commenced on said south- east section of the said Square by the direction and authority of the Board of Monument Commissioners, at 9 o'clock A. M., to-morrow, Tuesday, by Levi T. Scofield, W. J. Gleason, E. H. Bohm, James Hayr, L. F. Bauder, C. C. Dewstoe, E. W. Force and J. J. Elwell. " The Board of Monument Commissioners, " By L. Prentiss and J. M. Jones, " Their Attorneys. " The call for the meeting of the Commissioners is as follows : " The Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Com- mission will meet on the southeast section of the Public Square at 9:30 A. M., July 19, 1S92. By order of "W. J. Gleason, President. "Levi F. Bauder, Secretary-. "The members of the City Council lined up in battle array last evening and determined to fight for the Public Square to the end. No quarter (not even the southeast one) is to be given, and the fight is to be waged, if nec- essary, with all the resources of the City. At last even- ing's meeting of the Council, Mr. Wilhelm submitted a declaration in behalf of the City, in the form of a resolu- tion, which read as follows : '^' Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and prosecute such proceedings at law or in equity in the proper court or courts, as shall, or in his judgment may, prevent the occupation of the southeast section of the Public Square as a site for the proposed Soldiers' Monument, and to prevent any interference with the water main or the statue of Commodore Perry, now located and remaining therein, until such time as the said water main and statue shall have been removed therefrom by the Director of Public Works in due course of law. Nothing, however, in this resolution contained shall be held to au- thorize the Director of Police to permit any interference with the said southeast section of the Public Square, or the placing of any obstructions whatever thereon until the said Director of Public Works shall have so removed the said water main and statue there- from. 146 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY "Dr. Beeman was on his feet at once. 'The Coun- cil,' he said, 'has no business to interfere with the erec- tion of the Soldiers' Monument, and the Supreme Court has said so. It is buncombe, and I fail to see why we should give it any attention.' " ]\Ir. Wilhelm — ' It is not buncombe. We are threat- ened with an invasion of the Public Square, and it is our duty to resist it.' " Mr. Straus — ' I am, and have been, opposed to plac- ing the Monument in the Square, and I favored the appeal to the Supreme Court. The Court has passed upon the case, and I do not believe that we are taking the part of good citizens or representatives of good citi- zens in now opposing that decision. We were not long ago decrying the acts of strikers in disregarding the law, and now we are strikers against the law of the land.' " Mr. Herbert — ' Is the City in a position to legally keep the Monument off the Square?' " General Meyer — ' The Supreme Court, in deciding the case, says that the Legislature has the right, inde- pendent of the City, to authorize the placing of the Monument on the Public Square. The statute author- izes the use of the Square, and says that on the written demand of the Monument Commissioners, when duly organized, on the Board of Park Commissioners, whose authority has passed to the Director of Public Works, the statue of Commodore Perry and all other obstruc- tions shall be removed from the southeast section of the Square. No authority is given for the removal of the Perry statue or other obstructions by the Monument Commissioners or anyone else except the Director of Public Works. The excavation for the [Monument will require a shutting off of the water main, thus depriving a large number of people of their water supply and sub- jecting the most valuable part of the City to destruction soldiers' and sailors' monument. 147 by fire. vSince the Monument Commission was created, the Legislature has passed a law making it a penal offense for a City Director to expend any money except for the purpose for which it was expressly appropriated. Before the Director of Public Works can remove the statue it will be necessary for the Council to provide money for that purpose. It rests with the Council to say what shall be done in that regard. It is the duty of the Directors of Public Works and of Law to protect and maintain the Perry statue until, by due process of law, it can be removed from the Public vSquare. It cer- tainly was never contemplated that the safety of this City should be jeopardized by the hasty action of the Monument Commission. If the Council sees fit to re- scind the action of last week and orders the Director of Police to withdraw police protection from the Square, I have nothing to say. I have given my professional opinion and am ready to make it good.' " Dr. Beeman — 'According to General Meyer's opin- ion, there is nothing for us to do except to appropriate money to remove the obstructions in the vSquare. I can- not see what this resolution has to do with it.' " Mr. Herbert — ' I voted for the resolution to keep the vSoldiers' Monument off the Public vSquare with my eyes wide open. I do not believe that the [Monument could be shown there to good advantage. I believe that General Meyer should be authorized to keep the Monu- ment off the Square.' " Mr. Straus — ' I would like to hear from the Director of Public Works about the removal of the water main'.' " Director Herrick — ' Hasty action on the part of the Monument Commissioners might seriously discommode a large number of people. The removal of water mains is attended with danger, and this one has been in the ground since 1857. The lowest amount for which we can remove the main, provided the Monument Commis- 148 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY sioners permit us to use part of the southeast quarter of the Square, will be $2,000. If we haYe to take it around Bond vStreet the cost will be $7,000. It will require at least five weeks to do the work. Unless care is taken there may be serious results.' " Clerk Burgess read the notice of the Commissioners that they would occupy the Square at 9 o'clock this morning. " Mr. Wilhelm — 'And it was to prevent them that this resolution was presented.' " A vote was taken on the resolution and it was adopted. Yeas, 12 ; nays, 7." We call particular attention here to the statement of Director Herrick as to the difficulty and cost of remov- ing the water main, and the time it would take. We shall truthfully show later on that he was throwing sand in the eyes of the members of the Council, or he was prevaricating, and further, that he did not know what he was talking about. The members of the City Coun- cil and Board of Control, pursuant to law, took an oath "to support the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Ohio," but they seemed to forget or ignore that fact when they were acting on the Statutes of Ohio as to the rights, under the law, of the Monument Commission. We reproduce a Cleveland World editorial of July 17th, clearly condemning the illegal proceedings of the City officials: *' The by-play between the City authorities on one side and the Soldiers' Monument Commission on the other is interesting as a spectacle, but its result is worry and bitterness, without any corresponding gain. " The City granted the use of the Square to the Com- mission once, and objection to such use was not raised until too late to amount to anything. The City has no legal right to interfere after the Supreme Court has de- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 149 cided in favor of the Commission, nor has it ethical right to withdraw the permission given years ago, and under which a great amount of money has been ex- pended. The City administration has been beaten in this, as in nearly everything else which it has under- taken, and its attempt to blind the public eye to the fact can only result in making the defeat more ap- parent. "Under the Supreme Court's decision, it appears that the City has no jurisdiction over the Square, which was given to the general public b\- the original owners for public purposes. The general public was not consulted except through its representatives in the Legislature when the site was given to the ^lonument Commission. No protest was made at the time of the passage of the act by the Legislature, and the general public thus lost its right to object for all time." After a few days' rest, the contest was again renewed. We quote from the Plain Dealer of July 20th : " The warriors invaded the sanctified southeast section of the Public Square at 9:30 o'clock, Tuesda}' morning, and daringly tramjDled all over ]Mr. Herrick's green grass and scornfully brushed against his lovely flower beds. They boldly surveyed the section — actually meas- ured its length and breadth and depth before the eyes of fifty paralyzed policemen — and drove one stake in the sod, but like the king of France, who, wdth 40,000 men marched up a hill and then marched .down again, they immediately pulled it up again, for at that moment Attorney Loren Prentiss appeared upon the scene and announced that Gen. Meyer had applied to the Court for a restraining order, and added that by mutual con- sent hostilities would cease until Thursday morning, when a hearing will be had. " All night policemen had guarded the vSquare in order not to be taken by surprise. At 9:00 o'clock, 150 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Capt. Henry Hoehn arrived from the City Armory with thirty policemen and placed them under the direct charge of Lieuts. Koch, Bradley and Wagner. Shortly thereafter Col. Gibbons strode upon the Square. He was a regular Pooh Bah, for he was present in his mani- fold capacity as Director of the Police Force, Chief of the Health Department and Colonel of the Fifth Regi- ment. Personally he claimed to be serving in the health branch of the City with special regard to the physical welfare of the warriors. Promptly at 9:30 o'clock, Capt. Levi T. Scofield, Major W. J. Gleason, Gen. James Barnett, Capt. E. H. Bohm, Gen. Elwell, C. C. Dewstoe, James Hayr, E. W. Force and L. F. Bander appeared and assumed a commanding attitude upon the green patch directly north of the Perry Monu- ment. Capt. Scofield unrolled a large parchment, ex- hibiting the ground plan of the Monument. The eyes of the policemen bulged out and the massive chest of Col. Gibbons heaved like the billows of the ocean. Frank Merchant and C. C. Merchant, two surveyors, stuck their transits in the ground and prepared to take measurements. A light, glittering line of tape was run along the northerly section of the Square, then the westerly and then the southerly ends. Still Col. Gibbons remained passive, though the Commissioners were walk- ing all over the section with twenty newspaper men at their heels. By this time an immense throng had gathered and lined the diagonal and circumferential sidewalks of the section. The police could do nothing with the Commissioners, so they resolved to exercise their authority upon the people. The mandate became ' ]\Iove on.' The people moved — a slow, lethargic, phlegmatic sort of a move — but the crowd increased rather than diminished, and it was soon apparent that they were moving around and through the section and not away from it. This merry go round kept up steadily soldiers' and sailors' monument. 151 until the war was over. The police were powerless to help it. They could order the people to move, but they could not direct which way they should move. Around and around they went, laughing, talking and gesticulat- ing. After the ground had been most boldly and fear- lessly measured by the warriors, the surveyors prepared to drive a stake adjoining the outside sidewalk directly south of the Perry ^Monument. The purpose of this stake was merely to guide the workmen in their meas- urements. It was then proposed that some chalk be procured and the site for the esplanade and Memorial structure be marked upon the sod. When Col. Gibbons heard that the warriors proposed to draw a horrible chalk line upon the grass and thus disfigure its beauty, he realized that the time for action had come. " ' Order the people off the grass,' said he. " ' Get off the grass,' said Capt. Hoehn, but his voice was almost inaudible and the Commission did not hear it. " Park Tender J. H. Wahn approached the resolute warriors, who were huddled in a heap holding a con- clave, and ordered them away. They bravely stood their ground. He repeated his demand, but the war- riors calmly continued their deliberations and did not budge. Then Wahn, being single-handed, retired from the field. By this time the crowd, impatient that the scrap had been so tame and bloodless, left the Square in disgust and declared that the show was not worth the price of admission. " Before the chalk could be secured, Attorney Loren Prentiss came over from the Court House and an- nounced that Gen. Meyer had applied for a temporary restraining order. The order had not been granted, but Mr. Prentiss said that he had agreed that the Com- mission would postpone action until a hearing was had. The Commission instantly resolved to vacate the Square until Thursday morning. It was at this interesting 152 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY stage that the surveyor was espied busily driving the preliminary stake adjoining the southerly sidewalk of the section. The policemen stared at him in wonder. Capt. Scofield bade him take it out again, which he did, and everyone then left the Square. " Major W. J. Gleason and Mr. R. R. Herrick had an impromptu talk during the exodus. Mr. Herrick boasted that the Commission had done nothing, and Major Gleason replied that the Commission had de- monstrated its right to occupy the Square. IMr. Herrick laughed. Major Gleason smiled. Mr. Herrick said that he had read in the morning papers that all the old Soldiers had been ordered out. '" That is not so,' said Major Gleason. ' The notice was to the Monument Commission only.' "Corporation Counsel IMeyer arose on Thursday morning before the traditional lark and let himself in his ofiBce in the grev of the daw^ninor. Before ordinarv people had got to work he had drafted a petition to en- join the Monument Commissioners from removing Com- modore Perry or in any way starting upon the work of erecting the Soldiers' Monument upon the southeast corner of the Public Square. This done, he called Judge Noble by telephone just as that jurist was sitting down to breakfast, and asked him if he could be in court earlier in the morning than usual. Jndge Noble replied over the wire that he would be on hand at 9:00 o'clock, one hour earlier than usual, and instructed Gen. Meyer to n-otify the other side to be present also. " When Judge Noble reached his court room, he found Mr. Loren Prentiss for the Monument Commission and Gen. Meyer for the City both present. Without more ado Gen. IMeyer proceeded to the reading of his petition. " The title of the petition was: The City of Cleveland, plaintiff, vs. Levi T. Scofield, James Hayr, William J. Gleason, Levi F. Bander, J. B. Molyneaux, Edward H, CAVALRY EMDLKM IX CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 155 Bohm, Emory W. Force, Charles C. Dewstoe, R. W. Walters, J.J. Elwell, M. D. Leggett and James Bariiett, defendants. In effect, its provisions were as follows: " The plaintiff, the City of Cleveland, says that it is a Municipal Corporation duly incorporated and organ- ized under the laws of the State of Ohio, and as such is a City of the second grade of the first class, and is situated within said Cuyahoga County. That within the corporate limits of said City is situated a certain tract of land about ten acres in area, square in form, and divided into four nearly equal sections by two streets of said City known as Superior and Ontario Streets, passing through the same from east to west and north to south respectively, and intersecting near the center of said tract of land. That said tract of land was, at a remote date, to-wit, about the first day of Octo- ber, 1796, duly dedicated to public use as a Public Square by the then owners thereof, the Connecticut Land Company, and the same is now and has ever since said remote date been used and enjoyed by the inhabit- ants of said City and the public as such Public Square. That ever since the incorporation and organization of said municipal corporation as a village in 1816, and which under the provisions of law later becaine such City of the second grade of the first class, said land has been under the charge and control of said corporation and has continuously been and still is being preserved and maintained b\- it through its duly constituted authorities for said purpose as a Public Square, with public walks and highways for foot passengers for the use of its citizens and the public, and has expended large sums of money in its maintenance and preserva- tion and has greath' beautified and embellished the same. Besides other improvements, walks, some fifteen feet in width, traverse the southeast section of the Square, diagonally from northwest to southeast and 156 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY from northeast to southwest, which are used daily by many thousands of people in passing over said Square, and have been so used for nearly a century. That in said southeast section of said Public Square there is, and for more than ten years has been located and main- tained by the said City, a large water main pipe, twenty inches in diameter, which traverses the said section from said northwesterly corner to the southeasterly cor- ner thereof, which is, and for many years has been, continually used by said City to supply water to its citizens and for fire extinguishing and other purposes, and that a very large part of the said City and residents thereof are wholly dependent for their water supply upon said main pipe. That R. R. Herrick, at the time of the commencement of this action, was and is the duly appointed, qualified, and acting Director of Public Works of said City, and as such then was and is in charge of said Public Square and all other Parks of said City. That said defendants claim to have organized themselves as a Commission or body for the purpose of erecting a large stone Monument in said City in mem- ory of the Soldiers and Sailors of said County who were engaged in the late Civil War, and claim to have been appointed for said purpose by the Governor of said State, under the laws thereof. That the defendants have selected as a site on which to erect said Monument said southeast section of said Square without the con- sent and against the protest of said plaintiff, and now threaten to and unless restrained therefrom by this Court will seize and by force and without warrant of law at once erect upon said southeast section of said Public Square said Monument, and in excavating for the foundations thereof, destroy the said water main and thereby cut oif the water supply and subject the said large part of said City to great danger of destruc- tion by fire. That said proposed ]\Ionument will oc- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 157 ciipy about ninety-five feet square of said section as an esplanade raised some five feet or more above its present level and above part of the surroundint^ ground, and about ten feet above the remainder thereof; on said esplanade will be erected a granite building forty-six feet square and about twenty-six feet in height, and in the center of said building will be erected a granite shaft 128 feet in height and twelve feet in diameter at the base. Upon the four sides of said esplanade will be constructed and erected heavy stone pedestals, each eighteen feet in length, seven feet in width, and ten feet in height, and upon each a group of figures in bronze of heroic size. That on said section of said Public Square there has long since been erected at great cost a stone statue of the late Commodore Perry, which is mounted upon large stone pedestals, the dimensions of which are at the base 11 8-10 feet by ten feet, and in- clusive of the said statue some twenty-three feet in height, all of which said structure now occupies a part of the site selected as aforesaid by said defendants for said proposed Monument, and will, unless defendants are restrained by this Court as hereinafter prayed, be removed by force by said defendants. " Plaintiff further says that by the provisions of the statute under which said defendants claim to act, the Governor of said vState was authorized and required to appoint twelve persons, to be selected by him from the members of the Monumental Committee of the Ciu'a- hoga County vSoldiers' and Sailors' Union ; that but eleven of the defendants were members of said Com- mittee at the time of their appointment by the said Governor, and that one of said defendants, the said M. D. Leggett, was not at the time of his appointment by said Governor as a member of said Monument Com- mission or at any time a member of said Commission. Plaintiff savs that said Commission is not now and has 158 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY at no time been lawfully appointed by said Governor, or in any manner lawfully appointed, organized, or qualified, and is wholly without lawful power or authority to act as, or discharge the duties imposed upon said Commission by law. Plaintiff further says that by the terms of said statute the said Director of Public Works of said City is authorized and required, upon demand in writing by the Monument Commission created thereby, to remove from said southeast section of said Square the said monument of Commodore Perry, and all other obstructions now in said section, and is ready and willing to cause such removal whenever such lawful demand shall be made upon him by a duly ap- pointed and organized Monument Commission as pro- vided in said statute ; but plaintiff avers that no such lawful demand has ever been made by such Commission. " Plaintiff further avers that it will require a number of weeks to remove said monument of Commodore Perry, and said water main from said section, and that before the said water main can be so removed without irreparable loss and injury to said City and the inhabit- ants thereof it will be necessary to open up said Superior Street and lay a water main of similar size around said section to the southeast corner thereof and to Euclid Avenue in said City, and that unless this Court shall restrain the defendants from so doing said defendants will at once take forcible possession of said section and unlawfully remove said statue of said Com- modore Perry, and injure, remove and destroy said water main now in said section, to the irreparable in- jury and damage of said plaintiff, its inhabitants, and the public, and have so threatened, and still threaten so to do, and that plaintiff is wholly without adequate remedy at law. " Wherefore plaintiff prays that pending the final hearing hereof each of the said defendants be restrained soldiers' and sailors' monument. 159 from taking possession of or in any manner interfer- ing with or obstructing any part of said southeast sec- tion of said Public Square ; from in any manner remov- ing or interfering with the said monument or statue of Commodore Perry or the pedestal upon which said statue stands; and from in any manner interfering with or removing the said water main or any part thereof in said section of said Public Square; and that upon final hearing the said defendants may each be perpetually enjoined in said particulars and for such other and further relief as the plaintiff may be entitled to. " Edward S. Mever, " Corporation Counsel, Attorney for Plaintiff." " Having made his points and read his petition, Gen. Meyer was about to proceed to argue for a temporary restraining order. Mr. Prentiss stated that he would obviate the necessity of doing this at that time by prom- ising that the Commission would do nothing more till the motion for a restraining order could be heard. Meanwhile he wanted time to prepare and file an an- swer. " Gen. Meyer was perfectly satisfied with this prom- ise and by agreement the hearing was set for Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Prentiss at once repaired to the Public Square and notified all hands to stop pro- ceedings." The scenes in the Court Room next day were graph- ically written up in the same journal as follows : " Thursday morning was the appointed hour when the legal hosts of the City and the Monument Commis- sioners were to meet in Judge Noble's Court and battle for the possession of the Public Square. " The first to appear were Gen. J. J. Elwell and Capt. E. H. Bohm, the latter loaded down with law books. Soon afterwards. Judge J. M. Jones, one of the Com- missioners' counsel, came, and shortly afterwards his l6o HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY colleague, Mr. Loren Prentiss, came also. About that time Judge Noble appeared and after several other members of the Commission had arrived, Gen. Meyer and his colleague, Mr. H. A. Kelley, entered and made up the proper quota for the hearing. "Judge Noble said: " ' Gentlemen, are you ready to proceed with the case of the City against Gleason and others ? ' " 'We are. your honor,' said Mr. Prentiss. " ' We are not, may it please the Court,' said Gen. Meyer. ' The defendants herein filed an answer and a cross-petition yesterday afternoon asking that we be en- joined from interfering with them, and a copy of the answer and cross-petition was furnished us at about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. That cross-petition con- tains averments that will require some research and preparation on our part to meet. Moreover, informa- tion came to me last evening — I state it professionally — , that will necessitate adding further causes of action to the petition. As to the averment that Gen. Leggett was properly appointed a member of the Monument Commission, it may be necessary to have Gen. Leggett here as a witness ; possibly not, but it may be. Gen. Leggett is not in the city. I cannot proceed to this hearing with any justice to the City, at this time.' " Mr. Prentiss took the floor and at some length argued that the decision of the Supreme Court in the former case was a plea in bar in this. He said that no new points were made m this petition except perhaps that of the water main, and that that also might be considered as covered under the general question of obstructions in the former suit. In conclusion, Mr. Prentiss said : " 'The City is merely asking this continuance as it is fighting this thing all along, simply to put matters off until by crook or hook it can ultimately and forever prevent our going on the vSquare with that Monument, soldiers' and sailors' monument. i6r and defeat the purpose and order of the vSupreme Court.' "'Mr. Prentiss' statement,' said Gen. Meyer, 'that the City is striving to prevent this Commission from ever placing that Monument in the Square is true. The City is trying through lawfully constituted channels, the Courts, to prevent the unlawful use of that Square. As to their plea in bar, your honor can readily see that in the proper presentation of that subject alone to the Court, the City should have ample opportunity for prep- aration. Were that the only question in the case that should be so.' "Mr. Prentiss: 'Didn't you know when you filed your petition that you would have to meet the vSupreme Court record ? ' " ' I am addressing the Court, and not answering questions,' said Gen. Meyer. ' With your permission, I will continue making my observations to the bench. I do not know what you intended doing. Last night I heard what you had done. I know this, that I must support the allegations to my petition.' " Judge Jones : ' Allegations all covered in your former petition, and therefore you must have known that you had to meet a plea in bar.' " At this point several attorneys began to talk at once, and Judge Noble rapped on the bench with his pencil and said : ' One at a time, if you please, gentle- men.' " ' I want to state,' said Gen. Meyer, ' what I learned last night. There are still four installments of taxes to be levied for the purpose of constructing this Monu- ment. These gentlemen have gone ahead and made contracts for work on the Monument on which there is due and payable the sum of about $17,000, And there is on hand less than $13,000 to pay this with.' " Mr. Prentiss objected to Gen. Meyer going so deep l62 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY into the controversy on an application to continne. Judge Noble overruled him and Gen. Meyer continued, saying that the County Commissioners had not a right to levy tax except for police purposes. He said that because the City had, under the special Soldiers' Monu- ment statute, to accept the Monument when completed and pay a man to take care of it, that was no reason why it should be fenced out of the Public Square for four years because the ^Monument was incomplete on account of lack of funds to complete it.' " Mr. Prentiss said that the case at bar was for in- junction and not intended to bring the Commission to an account as to how it handled its funds. Any suit to enjoin the tax levy for Monument purposes would have to be directed against the County Commissioners. Mr. Prentiss was satisfied the tax was valid and the point was only a new technicality, one of which the City seemed able to find every day. '"Gen. Meyer has traveled outside the record,' said Mr. Prentiss, ' and I want to travel outside of it also in replying to him. The City made its preparations to treat us as criminals and even threatened the arrest of any member of the Commission who should venture to go upon the Public Square, even to survey ; and this right in the face of the Supreme Court decision. It doesn't sound very well for the gentleman to get up and talk about what we are doing after what he and his colleagues have been doing, and besides which, it's not true and we deny every word of it. No doubt his peti- tion was hastily drawn. He had been preparing to treat us as rowdies and lawless persons and consequently when we served notice on him what we intended to do he had to get up in the middle of the night to change his tactics and hastily draw a petition.' " Gen. Meyer : ' He has neither changed his plans nor his orders.' NAVY EMBLEM IX CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 165 "'The trouble with you people is that\ou cau't prop- erly make the Couuty Commissioners parties to this suit,' said Prentiss. ' The attorneys in the office of the City Solicitor get to think that whatever they say is law, must be law.' " Gen. Meyer : ' As a matter of course, I don't intend making the County Commissioners parties to this ac- tion. I merely want to set forth the facts I stated and adduce them as a reason why the defendants should not be permitted to go upon that part of the Square.' "Mr. Prentiss: 'And in justice to my clients I want to say that your statement with reference to our finances is very largely erroneous.' " Gen. Meyer (sarcastically) : ' Very largely.' " Mr. Prentiss : ' We have $28,000 in the treasury, now.' "Judge Noble said he thought the showing justified a short continuance. (tCU. Meyer asked that it be till a week from INIonday. Judge Jones objected to any- thing like so long a continuance, saying : " ' No anarchistic tendency should be tolerated. We are at the end of a successful law suit and there should be no effort to fly in the face of the Supreme Court.' " Gen. Meyer: ' I think you are at the beginning of a law suit.' " Judge Jones : ' We are at the end of one. The spectacle of an attempted nullification of the Supreme Court should be put an end to.' " Finally the hearing was continued till next Thurs- day morning at 10 o'clock. The question was raised as to whether the ^^lonument Commissioners would still agree to do nothing on the Square and save the neces- sitv of the Court making an order. Capt. vScofield ob- jected and Judge Jones, in arguing with him, said sotto voce : ' You don't understand.' " ' I understand that man well enough,' said Capt. 1 66 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Scofield, red and trembling with rage and pointing at Gen. Meyer. " ' A few days will make no difference,' expostulated Judge Jones. " ' Yes, it will. We had better look up this matter of contempt a little,' quoth Scofield. " Finally an agreement was made and nothing more will be done on the Square for a week." One of our ablest lawyers paid his respects to the City Government in The IVor/d oi July 26th, as follows : " Jiidge Seneca O. Griswold, an old resident of Cleve^ land, who is visiting in the city at the present time, thinks the opposition to putting the Soldiers' Monu- ment in the Public Square is one of the most singular and at the same time outrageous things he ever heard of. He says that Trafalgar Square, in London, is not nearly so large as our Public Square, yet through it pass more people in one day than pass through our Square in a week and a large part of that square is occupied by the Wellington Monument. The opposition of the City Government to the construction of the Monument in the face of a plain statute of the Legislature and the decision of the Supreme Court, Judge Griswold says, is absolutely immoral and ought to subject those who thus contest the carrying out of plain statute law to impeach- ment proceedings." XIII. WE proceed with oiir history. The hearing of the case before Judge Noble was resumed on July 27th. The many mysterious movements of the City authorities were at last brought to the surface. The sly joker that Director ]\Ieyer had so long carefully hid- den up his sleeve was taken out and exposed to the full view of the Court. We let the Plain Dealer^ of July 28th, describe the playing of Gen. Meyer's trump card : " The hearing in the matter of the application of the City for an injunction against the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission was continued before Judge No- ble Thursday morning. Gen. Meyer asked for another delay, and at times during the proceeding the counsel on both sides indulged in some pretty strong language, Judge Jones being especially fiery in his remarks as to the methods of the representatives of the City. When Court convened. Gen, Aleyer read the amended petition of the City, setting forth the grounds on which they asked the injunction. He was followed by Attorney Prentiss, who read the answer and cross-petition of the Commission. When he had finished. Gen. Meyer asked for further delay in the matter. He claimed that for one reason they had not been given a chance to prepare an answer to the cross-petition, and further, that for the Court to properly pass upon the matter, it would be necessary to first hear the case of the City against the County Commissioners, the County Treasurer, the County Auditor and Capt. Levi T. vScofield, and the other members of the Monument Commission. "This is the document that was filed at 6:10 o'clock 1 68 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Wednesday evening by Michael P. INIooney, second as- sistant Corporation Counsel, and is brought to enjoin the further levy and collection of the tax and the pay- ment to the Monument Commission of the balance now in the treasury, and the issuing of any county bonds in anticipation of the collection of such a tax. " With this case pending, Gen. ]\Ieyer held that it was impossible to come to a decision in the first case and he asked the Court to allow the hearing of that case first. " Judge Jones most emphatically objected to any further postponement and insisted that the hearing of the first case be continued. ' We have had enough of this delay,' he said. 'We have been struggling for twelve years to put up this Monument. There is not a single thing in this petition that has not been adjudi- cated. They have constantly shifted their position. They told your honor that the)' were going to make a strong point against Leggett, knowing that that point had been worn threadbare. After begging, almost on their knees, to have this hearing postponed in order to give them time to bring in testimony, they now come here without any testimony and seek to present entirely different grounds for action. This is a nice way to fight a battle ; to be constantly shifting their position in the face of the enemy. We have had enough of this delay and nothing to warrant it. The only thing that has not been litigated in the Supreme Court is the mat- ter of the water pipes, and they were there when the first suit was begun. Then was their time to mention them, and not now. " 'To-day they abandon all this and bring forward en- tirely different grounds. They say that they have one ground. ' You have not a great deal of money, and we are going to stop your getting any more.' You ask that this hearing be stopped because you are going to soldiers' and sailors' monument. 169 stop our money. You want the cover of darkness to keep you away from fighting this case. Does he mean to say that this can not go forward because another suit has been brought forward ? They have been try- ing to bring some John Smith forward to try the legality of the tax. Why not let us proceed ? They began the suit and it was carried to the Supreme Court and decided against them, and in face of that they seek to try it all over again. " You (to Gen. Meyer) abandoned your position to ar- rest these venerable men, and well for you that you did. It has not got to such a point where any Director of Public Works or any satellite of the Board of Direct- ors dare defy the Supreme Court. I hope never again to see such another defiance of the Supreme Court. If the Court dissolves this injunction, I will go out with my gun to resist the arrest by the police of anyone working at the Alonument. " Gen. Meyer here remarked to the Judge that he was not responsible for the remarks he was making. " ' I am responsible,' said Judge Jones, ' for what I say, and will meet you on any battlefield and will put a hole through you, too, and the City will have to have a new City Solicitor.' " ' They want to beat us by hook or by crook,' said Judge Jones. ' They have already invented two schemes since the last hearing, and if it is postponed again they will have another. I hope they will be compelled to come forward and make their defense. The law forbids his bringing this suit. We think we ought to be allowed to go forward.' " The reasons for asking for a delay were again stated by Gen. Meyer and Mr. Kelley. If the case was to go on, they wished time to prepare an answer to the cross- petition. " Judge Noble finally granted them until Friday 170 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY morning to prepare their answer and gather their testimony. " Gen. Meyer, then in behalf of the City, asked for a temporary restraining order in the injunction against the county officers and Monument Commission. The Court held that as all the defendants had not been served with notices, he could not grant such order. They were given until 2 o'clock, and at that time the hearing was postponed and will be heard in connection with the other case Friday morning." A private conference was held by the attorneys at the residence of Commissioner Barnett, and is herewith given, simply to show how anxious the City authorities were to compromise. Attorney Prentiss communicated the following to the Leader on August ist. " To the Editor of the Leader : " Your paper of Saturday contains the version of Gen. Meyer or Director Herrick of an interview at Gen. Barnett's house, among these three gentlemen, at which I was present. I attended the con- ference at the instance of Gen. Meyer, and expressly stated that I had no authority to represent the Monument Commission in that matter, and could attend simply as an individual, with the under- standing that if anything practical should be suggested by him and Mr. Herrick on the subject of the location of the Monument, Gen. Barnett would call the attention of the Commission to it. I do not know whether he regarded the suggestions made such as to make it worth while to call the attention of the Monument Commission to it or not. I mentioned the fact of the interview to the President of the Board, and explained the substance of what was proposed by the Directors of Law and Public Works. They proposed that a vote of the County should be taken at the November election simply for and against the Square, and that if the majority favored that site all opposition should be withdrawn, but if against it, that the Monu- ment should not be placed there, and that the City would, in that event, bind itself to provide a satisfactory site. I replied that such a vote, if adverse to the present site, would leave the Commission entirely at sea ; and furthermore that, on such a vote, everybody who wanted it on the West Side, or South Side, or East Side, or out in the country, would vote against the present site. That, if any- thing were to be submitted to a vote, it should be between some two sites to be agreed upon for that purpose, so that the vote would soldiers' and sailors' monument. 171 finally decide the location ; for instance, between two different sec- tions of the Square. Gen. Meyer had suggested the location at the foot of Ontario Street, between Lake and Summit Streets, and stated that, if that would be a satisfactory location, the City would appropriate about one hundred and fifty feet of land on each side of Ontario Street, between Lake and Summit Streets, and vacate Ontario Street between those two streets so that the Monument could be placed in the vacated part of the street. Gen. Barnett and myself expressed the opinion individually that, while we regarded the Square as the best location, that would be the next best ; but I insisted that as Ontario Street was laid out in the original allotment, it could not be changed from its use as a street, and that a good title could not be made ; and, besides that, I did not believe the peo- ple would be willing to be taxed for the expense of a site. Gen. Meyer claimed that a good title could be made, and that a binding agreement could be made with the City for it, and it could be paid for out of the sinking fund, as it would be an addition to Lake View Park, and within the original seven wards. Gen. Mever asked what other section of the Square would be next in desirability, and Gen. Barnett and I both expressed the opinion that the southwest sec- tion would be the next best location. " During the conversation, I stated that the Monument Commis- sion believed that the main opposition to the southeast section of the Square for the Monument arose from the fact that very many of the property owners on Euclid Avenue and the East Cleveland Street Railway Company wanted Euclid Avenue continued diagonally through that section of the Square, which the Monument would de- feat if erected there, and that Director Herrick was reported a few days ago in a morning newspaper as saying that the City might some time want to run Euclid Avenue down through that section of the Square. He replied that he did say that the City might want to do so some time, but did not use the language reported in the paper. Both he and Gen. Meyer stated that personally they were not in favor of doing that. I did not ask Gen. Meyer to postpone filing his amended petition. That was his suggestion and not mine, and I simply assented, as I had a copy of it to prepare our answer and notified him to file it as soon as I have prepared the answer. " After the interview^ Gen. Meyer walked with me up to Sterling Avenue, Mr. Herrick going in the other direction, and he then stated that if the Monument Commission would Vje willing to take the southwest section of the Square, he thought that Mr. Herrick could be induced to consent to it, and that they could have it, and that this could be done without a vote of the people. This is the substance of the conversation, and considering that Gen. Mej-er 172 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY j now iusists that the City will not consent to the placing of the Monument on any section of the Square, nor to any vote on any other basis than the one he suggested, the friends of the Monument can judge whether there is any want of a fair and conciliatory dispo- sition on the part of the Monument Commission or anything relia- ble or practicable in the clamor inspired by the gentlemen on the other side about compromise and harmony. " The Monument Commissioners were empowered and charged with the duty of selecting the site, and the Supreme Court decided that the law is constitutional and valid, and that they had the right to enter upon the site and erect the Monument ; and, in our view, the Directors of Law and Public Works are simply trying to find some ground or pretext for evading or nullifying the judgment of the Supreme Court, and are making all the trouble there is made about it. On the one side is simply acquiescence in the final judg- ment of the Supreme Court, and on the other an endless diversity of opinion as to location, and a large amount of taxation for another site if one could be agreed upon. ,, j Prkntiss " When the trial was resumed it was heard by Judge William E. Sherwood. The Plain Dealer^ of August I St, reported it as follows : " The Soldiers' Monument war was waged again, in Judge Sherwood's Court,«Monday morning. On Friday, when Court adjourned, it was decided that on Monday morning the hearing should proceed upon affidavits im- less the City, being unable to prepare its affidavits, would be given further time. "When Court opened. Gen. Meyer announced that he was still in arrears by two affidavits, but intimated that if he could put those affidavits in during the hearing, he would proceed. After some cross-talk and wrang- ling, the hearing proceeded. Gen. Meyer read his amended petition once again in full, probably because there was a new judge on the bench. " Mr. Prentiss read the cross-petition, commenting as he read. He said that the true animus of the opposi- tion to the southeast corner of the Square in contra- distinction to its other sections was the wish of the Euclid Avenue property owners and the East Cleveland QUARTERMASTER EMBLEM IN CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 175 Railroad Company to extend the avenue through the southeast section straight down town. " Gen. Meyer : ' Do you mean to say that I am the tool of the street railway company ? ' " Mr. Prentiss : ' No, I don't ; I merely state the fact.' " Judge Jones : ' We only say that you are doing the work of the railroad company for nothing.' " Gen. ]\Ieyer (to Mr. Prentiss) : ' Counsel for the railroad company is your associate ' (indicating Judge Jones). " Mr. Prentiss continued his reading and when he had concluded, Mr. Kain read the petition to enjoin the tax. "It was after 12 o'clock when the reading of the affidavits was begun. The first one to be read was that of Col. John W. Gibbons, the Director of Police. Col. Gibbons made affidavit as to the notice that had been served upon him by the Commission, that it was about to begin construction work in the Square. Another affidavit was by Squire Bander, the only one of the twelve Commissioners opposed to the selected site. Its principal point w^as to demonstrate that when Gen. M. D. Leggett was appointed a Alonument Commissioner he had not been by any act of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union constituted a member of the Monument Com- mittee of that organization. " After dinner, the first affidavit read was that of Eben L. Pardee, the Recording Secretary of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union. Mr. Pardee produced the record showing the confirmation of Gen. Leggett as a Monu- ment Commissioner in June, 1887, at a date later than the passage of the act constituting the Commission. Secretary Kingsley of the Waterworks Department fur- nished an affidavit relative to the w^ater pipe running through the southeast section of the Square and the 176 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY difficulty, expense and time involved in moving the same. Director Herrick also swore to one showing the difficulties attending the removal of Perry and the re- construction of the water main. " Gen. Meyer introduced in evidence the special statutes relating to tTie Monument Commission and fund and the decision of the Supreme Court in the former case ; a decision in favor of the Commission. He stated that as soon as he could get the figures he would offer the tax duplicate of the County for 1891 and 1892. " With the understanding that the City could intro- duce further affidavits when access could be had to the plans and specifications of the Monument Commission, Col. A. T. Brinsmade then proceeded to the reading of defendant's affidavits. These affidavits were two, sworn to by W. J. Gleason, and a number of others furnished by various members of the Commission." The closing arguments in the case were given as follows in the Leader of August 3d : " The Monument case was submitted to Judge Sher- wood at 5 o'clock last evening. The Judge will spend to-day in considering it, and will not hold court. Per- haps a decision will not be rendered for several days. There is much speculation as to the probable outcome of the case. Those who have expressed themselves most freely have been friends of the Monument Com- missioners, and they boldly asserted that the City had lost their case. It was the general opinion, however, that both sides had made a strong showing, and that every possible argument had been resorted to by each of the contestants. " The arguments proceeded quietly and attracted but little attention. The attorneys were content to submit the case to the Court upon the merits of the affidavits and by simply calling attention to the points of law soldiers' and sailors' monument. 177 and fact involved. The)' went into detail, however, and argned at length npon every possible point to be considered. There was a slight misnnderstanding as to which side shonld have the opening speech, on Tnes- day morning. George S. Kain, Esq., Assistant Cor- poration Connsel, was finalh- accorded that privilege and he spoke until about 11:30 olclock. He was fol- lowed by Loren Prentiss. Esq., for the jMonnment Com- mission. "Mr. Prentiss spoke for an hour and a half, and was followed by Judge Jones. He commenced his argument at 2:30 o'clock. More interest was shown while Judge Jones was speaking than at any other time during the case. He became greath' excited at times, and used the strongest invective in denouncing the City authori- ties for what he called defiance of the Supreme Court. He said it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen in a court of justice. He said it was no wonder that common men took the law into their own hands, when the heads of the City Government and their satraps defied law and order. He said that it was the duty of the City authorities to surrender cheerfully when they were beaten. The public looked to them to obey the law as well as to execute it. Judge Jones was followed by Director of Law Meyer, who made the closing argument. " During his speech. General Meyer referred to the utterances of Judge Jones concerning himself, when the hearing was commenced before Judge Noble last week. He said : ' Suppose a man has what he thinks is a lawful claim to a piece of property occupied by another. Is he justified in using force and violence in defiance of law and the public peace to maintain that claim ? Yet hear the counsel on the other side urging the use of force and violence.' Turning towards Judge Jones, he continued: 'One of them w^ent so far as to 178 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY say across the table the other day that he would shoul- der his gun and go into the Square and put a bullet through me.' General Meyer also spoke of insinuations which he said had been made against him by other attorneys as to his working in the interest of the street railway companies and the Euclid Avenue property owners under the pretense of looking after the City's interests. The General said that such charges against an officer of the City coming from men who stood as the embodiment of honor and Christian gentility were base and contemptible and showed the character of the men who made them. "Judge Sherwood informed the attorneys that he would not pay the slightest attention to their opinions of each other in deciding the merits of the case, and he asked General Meyer to proceed. The remainder of his speech was upon the points at issue." Judge Sherwood rendered his decision on August 9th, the full text of which we copy from the Leader of the following date : " Judge Sherwood announced his decision in the Sol- diers' Monument cases Tuesday morning in the presence of an audience that completely filled his court room. He refused the City's application for an injunction to restrain the jMonument Commission from erecting the Monument in the Square, but granted the City's appli- cation to enjoin a portion of the tax levied for the Mon- ument. The effect of the decision is to enjoin the collection of a tax of i-io of a mill, amounting, it is said, to $13,000. General Meyer, for the City, filed notice of appeal in both cases, and the appeal bond of $200 was given in each case. " The first case decided was that of the City against the Monument Commissioners, to restrain them from interfering with or obstructing any part of the south- east section of the Public Square, from moving or inter- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 179 fering with the statue of Commodore Perry, from moving or interfering with the water main and from expending any public funds for purposes other than the purchase of a suitable site for the proposed Monument. " The Court reviewed the pleadings and the proof disclosed by them, and the previous case which was decided against the City by the Supreme Court. "Judge Sherwood stated that the Monument Commis- sioners insisted that the decision of the vSupreme Court constituted a complete bar to the present action and was conclusive between the parties. On the other hand, the City claimed that the former action was not a bar, for the reason that the relief sought and the grounds upon which it was predicated were different. " He said the Supreme Court had decided that when a judgment or decree was relied upon by way of evi- dence, as conclusive per st\ between the parties in a subsequent suit, that the particular controversy sought to be precluded was therein necessarily tried and determined. " ' r)ur inquiry then is,' he stated, ' first, what is the particular controversy in this case? Second, was such controversy necessarily tried and determined in the former case ? The controversy now before us is as to the right of the Commissioners at this time to enter upon the southeast section of the vSquare, remove ob- structions, and erect the Soldiers' Monument thereon, and use certain money now in the Monument fund for that purpose. From doing these things the Citv seeks to enjoin them. Was this controversy invoh-ed in the former suit ? The relief prayed for in this action differs from that sought in the former only in the additional request to enjoin the use of ^Monument funds for any other purpose than that of purchasing a site. In the other respects the relief sought, as determined by the prayers of the petitions in the two cases, is to all intents l8o HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the same. The City contends, however, that the object of the present suit is to enjoin the occupation of the Square until such time as sufficient funds may be accumulated to enable the erection of the Monument without unreasonable delay, whereas the object of the former suit was to secure an injunction against the use of the Square at any time for the location of the i\Ionu- ment. This distinction, however, is one made in argu- ment and does not appear on the face of the papers, nor does such temporary relief any more flow from the nature of the opposition in the one case than in the other, " ' It is true that certain allegations are made in the pe- tition and proof offered which, it is claimed, show that there is not sufficient money on hand to enable the Commissioners to prosecute the work to completion without unnecessary delay, and that such funds cannot be procured for several years. But all the facts upon which such allegations are predicated existed at the time of the beginning of the former suit and were then equally available and might have been introduced to secure the same relief. The grounds or reasons urged in the former suit were not in all respects the same as those urged in the present case. A number of addi- tional grounds for relief are now presented, but so far as I have been able to observe there are none which might not have been presented in the former action, except the grounds that a motion for a rehearing in the former case is pending, and that the City has instituted a suit to have the tax levies made for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of the Monument declared illegal and void. It is specifically declared by our Supreme Court that when a matter is finally determined in an action between the same parties it is considered at an end, not only as to what was determined, but also as to every other question which the parties might have liti- gated in the case, and that a subsequent suit cannot be soldiers' and sailors' monument. i8i maintained between the same parties for reasons exist- ing at the time and not stated in the former action. " ' The points here raised not actnally presented in the former snit are : First, that a water pipe exists be- neath the south-east section of the Square ; (a) that pipe has been there for thirty years and might have been made a ground for complaint in the prior suit. They did not interpose the removal of Perry's statue as a ground. Second, that the acts authorizing levies are invalid and hence they have no money, (a) The acts were all passed at the time of the other suit, and were as invalid then as now. Third, the taxes authorized by the act of 1891 cannot be collected in full until 1895. Fourth, by section of an act of 188S cannot expend more than 8-10 of a mill for construction and erection of Mon- ument, the balance for a site. Fifth, motion for re- argument pending (a) not good ground. Sixth, proper notice not given. Seventh, suit pending to enjoin col- lection of the taxes under acts referred to. " ' The application for injunction is denied.' " The second case was the City of Cleveland against W. H. King and others. This action was brought by the City to enjoin the County Commissioners from levy- ing any further taxes under certain acts of the Legisla- ture, and from issuing any bonds or notes in anticipa- tion of the collection of any such taxes, and from delivering such bonds or notes to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission ; also to enjoin the County Auditor from drawing his warrant upon the Treasurer for any drafts drawn upon him by the Monu- ment Commissioners ; and from placing on the duplicate any tax portended to be authorized by any of the legislative acts ; also to enjoin the County Treas- urer from paying out any money now in his hands or that mav come into his hands or under his con- trol by virtue of any of the acts. The Court said : l82 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY ' The relief sought by the City is predicated upon the claimed unconstitutionality of the laws purporting to authorize the levying of the taxes which it asks to have enjoined. The defenses interposed are: First, a denial of the imconstitutionality of the acts, and second, that the case has already been decided. The adjudication wdiich is plead in bar is the suit heretofore mentioned of the City of Cleveland against William J. Gleason and others, in which the City sought to restrain the Monu- ment Commissioners from entering into and erecting a Soldiers' Monument upon the southeast quarter or sec- tion of the Public Square. Upon this point it is suffi- cient to say that we do not think the ' particular controversy ' involved in the case was ' necessarily tried and determined ' in the other. For first, the parties are not the same. In that case the action was against the jVIonument Commissioners. In this it is against the County Commissioners, Auditor and Treasurer. True, the Monument Commissioners are made parties in this case with the County Commissioners, Auditor and Treas- urer, but no relief whatever is asked as to them. Second, the relief sought is different in that case. i\n injunction was prayed for restraining the Monument Commission from taking possession of the Public Square and erect- ing a Monument thereon. In this case the tax for Monument purposes is sought to be enjoined, and the appropriation for such purpose and of money raised under former levies prevented. While the invalidity ot the tax laws might be assigned as one of the reasons or grounds for the relief asked for in the former case, the same as in the suit against Scofield and others now before us, still we apprehend that the determination of it was not essential in passing upon the question of the right of the Monument Commissioners to enter upon and use the Park for Monument purposes, for the rea- son that such right does not depend upon the validity SKiXAL SERVICE EMBLEM IN CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 185 of the acts, or portions of the acts, authorizing the taxes. This is evident from the fact that even if the right to levy the tax were denied, the jVIonnment Commission might proceed to erect the Monument on the Square with money derived from donations, which they are authorized to receive, or from any other source. Hence, we say in the absence of any disclosure in the record that the question was actually before the Court and passed upon by it, that the validity of the acts purport- ing to confer authority upon the County Commissioners to levy this tax was not necessarily tried and deter- mined by the Court in coming to the conclusion that it did. " ' We come, therefore, directly to the question as to the unconstitutionality of the laws authorizing the levy of the taxes complained of. The tirst act of the Gen- eral Assembly to which reference is made was passed April 2, 1880, and is entitled, ' An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet in commemoration of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor.' By this act the County Com- missioners were authorized to levy three-tenths of a mill upon the property of the county, not more than one-tenth of which should be collected annually for the purpose of erecting a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the bravery and valor of all the Sol- diers and Sailors from said county who were killed in any of the battles fought in the service of the Republic of the United States, or who died from wounds received or contracted in such service, and to purchase a site therefor. Section No. 2 provided that ' all plans and specifications for such Monument or Tablet, and the site thereof, together with the contract for the erection of which, shall be approved by the Commissioners and the Committee on Monument of the Soldiers' and Sailors' l86 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Association of said county, but the building thereof shall be supervised by and the expenses paid upon vouchers approved by said Commissioners, provided, however, that the cost and expense of such IMonument or Tablet and site shall not exceed the amount of the levy. " ' By this act it will be observed the Legislature un- dertook to authorize the County Commissioners both to levy a tax for and build a monument. There does not appear to be anything imperative about it. So far as the language of the act is concerned, it seems simply to vest power or authority coupled with a discretion to exercise it or not. This and the succeeding acts to which reference will be made are claimed by the City to be unconstitutional, invalid and void for two reasons: First, because the purposes for which the tax is au- thorized to be levied are not such public purposes as are permitted by the constitution of the State. Second, because they contravene sections No. 5 and No. 7 of article No. 12 of the Constitution. Upon the first ground we are inclined to hold with the Superior Court of Cincinnati, where the question was as to the uncon- stitutionality of an act authorizing the levy of a tax for the erection of a monument to William Henry Harri- son. The Court said : ' We are of opinion that the pur- pose for which the tax under the act is to be levied is a public purpose. The erection of a monument in honor of a man who has rendered valuable service to his country is an enduring acknowledgment of the country's gratitude, which will be a strong incentive to patriotic service by other citizens.' " ' Section 7, article 10, of the Constitution, provides that the Commissioners shall have such power of local taxation for police purposes as may be prescribed by law. The legislative acts in question are said to con- travene this section, for the reason that they seek to in- vest the County Commissioners with the power of local vSOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 18/ taxation for other tlian police purposes ; the erection of a Soldiers' ^Monument not being a police purpose. The Commissioners intend, first, that the purposes of the levy are police purposes within the contemplation of this section of the Constitution ; second, that the Legis- lature may authorize under the general taxing power the County Commissioners to levy the tax independent of .section 7, article 10 ; third, that these acts, especially the later ones made, particularly involved in this case, vest no discretion wdiatever in the County Commis- sioners, but are mandatory in their character and con- stitute the Commissioners agents or instruments of the Legislature in carrying out a clearly constitutional power. " ' We con.sider the original act first, as all the subse- quent ones are either amendatory or supplementary to it and may be more or less affected by it. '" Our first inquiry then is: Does the erection of a Soldiers' Monument come within the police purposes for which County Commissioners as such may levy taxes under section 7, article 10, of the Constitution? " ' By police purposes, as here used, we understand are meant such purposes as are legitimate and proper to be provided for under the police powers of the State. This police power looks to the regulation of relative rights, privileges and duties as between individuals, to the con- servation of order in the political society, to the encour- agement of industry, and the discouragement of perni- cious employment. " ' This section of the Constitution was obvioush- in- tended to limit the power of the Legislature in delegat- ing the power of local taxation to County Commissioners. " ' There must be purposes for which taxation may be had, public in their nature, and yet not included among police purposes. The erection of a monument to the memory of those who have fallen in our country's 1 88 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY cause is a patriotic public object most commendable in its character, but intended to express a sentiment rather than to promote the health, convenience or wel- fare of a community. We think the tax cannot be sus- tained as being authorized for police purposes. " ' May the Legislature under the general taxing power vested in it authorize the County Commissioners to levy the tax regardless of section 7, article 10, of the Constitution ? " ' We are of the opinion that the General Assembly might use the County Commissioners as an instrument for levying and collecting this tax, notwithstanding the provisions of the Constitution. Having itself the power to impose that tax, and having determined to impose it, it might require the levy and collection thereof by the County Commissioners as its representative. But it cannot delegate to the Commissioners the power to de- termine whether or not there should be a tax for the purpose named, and to levy it or not at their discretion. By simply authorizing but not requiring them to levy a tax for monument purposes, it seeks to vest them with the power of local taxation for other than police pur- poses, and so contravenes section 7, article 10. Such we understand to be the import of the holding of the Superior Court of Cincinnati in the case before referred to. By the second section of the act the Commissioners of Hamilton County were authorized to levy a tax to defray the expenses for the monument. The language was in substance identical with that of the act before us. The third section, however, required that before the tax was levied the question of making the levy should be submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county. " ' The act before us of April 2, 1886, clearly vested a discretion in the County Commissioners not only as to levying the tax, but as to constructing the ^Monument soldiers' and sailors' monument. 189 as well. The Commissioners were under no obliga- tions to proceed in the matter at all unless they saw fit. We can see no escape from the conclusion that this act was unconstitutional and void. The amendatory acts of February 4, 1881, and April 22, 1885, made no such modifications as to relief against this objec- tionable feature. I>y the latter act an additional levy of five-tenths of a mill was authorized, and together with the three-tenths of a mill authorized by the orig- inal act, has been collected. On the i6th day of April, 1888, an act was passed supplementary to the original and amendatory acts, by which all the power and au- thority over the Monument theretofore vested in the Count}' Commissioners, except the authority to levy the taxes, was taken from them and vested in aboard called the ' Monumental Ccunmissioncrs,' to be appointed by the Governor. This Hoard was by this act to have full power to select a site for the proposed Monument, to have exclusive control of the plans and building of the same, to locate the same in the southeast quarter or section of the Public Square if they saw fit, or if not, to pur- chase or procure any other site within the county. They were authorized to contract for the whole or any part of the work, or within discretion, to contract for the same by days' work or piece. With the law in this con- dition, the County Commissioners continued to levy or collect the taxes therefor authorized, receiving the last installment with the general taxes of 1889. The lioard of Monument Commissioners took charge of all othei matters pertaining to the Monument, and proceeded with their labors, selected a site, secured plans and de- signs for the Monument, and expended a considerable portion of the fund for the construction of different parts thereof. " ' On January 30, 1890, an act was passed amending section i of the original and amendatory acts, and au- 190 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY thorizing the County Commissioners to levy an addi- tional tax of not exceeding three-tenths of a mill for the same purpose. This was again amended April 2, 1891, so as to authorize a levy of not exceeding six- tenths of a mill in addition to any tax theretofore levied for the same purpose. The first installment of the tax authorized by the act of 1890 has been collected. The second installment has been levied, also the first install- ment of that authorized by the act of 1891, but neither of the last two has been collected. The City contends, first, that both of these acts are obnoxious to the same constitutional objection ; second, that if not, then the power to levy granted by the act of 1890 was repealed by the act of 1891 as to so much of the tax as had not been levied prior to the passage of the latter act. This would affect the last two installments. As to the act of 1890, we see no reason why it is not open to the same constitutional objection as the preceding acts. But whether so or not, it seems clear that all unexecuted power therein conferred was withdrawn by the act of 1891. The latter act was both amendatory and supple- mental to the former, and upon its passage entirely sup- planted and wiped it out. It was not necessary that the act of 1890 should be repealed in terms, for by the very terms and nature of the amendatory act it takes the place of and is to be read and construed as if it had so existed from the beginning. The act of 1891, however, presents much difference in its phraseology. The first section reads as follows : ' Be it enacted '•' * * that the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County be and they are hereby authorized to levy a tax upon all the taxable property in said county, not exceeding six- tenths of a mill on the dollar of the valuation of said property, in addition to any tax heretofore levied under said acts, to be levied and collected as follows : For the year 1891, one-tenth of a mill ; for the year 1892, one- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 191 tenth of a mill ; for the year 1893, two-tenths of a mill ; and for the year 1894, two-tenths of a mill; which amounts shall be levied and collected annually as afore- said.' By section 2 the Commissioners are authorized and directed to issue bonds and notes in anticipation of the collection of the tax, and by section 3 are required to place the proceeds of the sale of the bonds at the dis- posal of the IMonument Commissioners. We see in this act, therefore, not only authority given the County Com- missioners to levy the tax, but imperative words requir- ing specific amounts to be levied and collected in certain years ; the language is, ' which amounts shall be levied and collected annually as aforesaid.' There appears in this act no discretion left to the County Commissioners in the matter of levying the tax, and hence under the rule heretofore referred to as the cri- terion for determining the character of the act, we con- clude that it constitutes the County Commissioners in- struments of the Legislature for the exercise of the broad favor of taxation placed by the Constitution in that body. " ' As to the taxes already collected under the acts by us deemed invalid, we are not disposed to interfere with their use for the purposes for which they have been levied a^d voluntarily paid by the City and other tax- payers of the county. " ' The City may take a decree enjoining the further levy and collection of taxes under all acts authorizing such levy for monument purposes, except the act of April 2, 1891.' " The clear and able decision of Judge Sherwood on all legal questions involved was recei\ed with delight by the Monument Commissioners, by the Soldiers of the county and all of their friends. The prevention of the collection of one-tenth of a mill of the tax, equal to about $13,000, could be easily and legally supplied 192 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOCiA COUNTY by future actiou of the Legislature. It was through no fault of Director Meyer, Mayor Rose or Director Her- rick that all of the remainder of the tax levies provided for the ^Monument Fund was not knocked out. The facts herein set forth clearly exhibit their purposes and desires. They were not satisfied with their attempt to deprive the Soldiers and Sailors of the county of the best and most appropriate site for the Monument, but thev would, if they could, utterly destroy the Memorial. Their words were loud, but their actions were louder. After the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars had been paid into the treasury by the patriotic people of the county, and had been expended by the Commission for the work so far done on the ^Monument, the dastardly attempt to enjoin the further collection of taxes would have the effect, if successful, of completely destroying and preventing the erection of the ]\Ionu- ment. This action was hinted at, and threatened for some time, as a dernier ressort. Hut the threats, like the attempt, proved abortive. Still, Director Meyer, ^layor Rose and Director Herrick were " friends" of the Mon- ument. How some schemers in this world imagine they can cover up their deception! The Commission, however, were '* onto the pitching" of the curves of the City's hired men, and could easily bat it all over the Square ! A World editorial of August loth scores the City authorities' foolishness in the following vigorous man- ner : " By the carefully worded and duly considered decision of Judge Sherwood in regard to the Soldiers' ]\Ionu- ment case, the City again suffers a serious defeat. " This result was inevitable. The IMonument Com- mission was acting under a plain statute of the State. The Legislature that passed this law created the City government. The attempt to set aside this law was that of the creature to become greater than its creator. ENGINEER EMBLEM IN CAPITAL. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 195 " In addition to the plain statute there was a decision of the Supreme Court on this matter for the guidance of Judge Sherwood, " The fact of the matter is, the City authorities are not disingenuous in this attempt to set aside the law. Their only idea is to get the matter into court and pro- long it till the meeting of the Legislature next Winter, and then try and get some legislation annulling what has already been done. Such proceedings could hardly result otherwise than in defeat." XIV. THU Leader of the nth chronicled the further action of the City : " The next move in the Soldiers' Monument case will be made by the City. Next Monday, General Meyer will appear in the Circuit Court to ask for an injunction restraining the Commissioners from proceeding with the erection of the Monument, until the case can be tried on its merits in the Circuit Court. Attorney Loren Prentiss and Judge Jones will be on hand to fight the injunc- tion. When the decision of the Court has been rend- ered, the case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. " Mr. Prentiss was asked, yesterday, how much time would probably be required to finally end the proceed- ings, and he said : ' We have arranged for a hearing ot the case on its merits, before two of the Circuit Court judges next week. It will then be appealed to the Supreme Court. A constitutional question is involved, and the Supreme Court will, therefore, take up the case out of its order. We should, therefore, be able to get a final decision in October.' " ' Will it be possible for the City to delay the consid- eration of the case in the Supreme Court ? ' was asked. " ' No, the case will be taken up on motion of either of the parties,' replied Mr. Prentiss. ' It is the policy of the City to delay matters as much as possible, with the hope that the Legislature may amend the Monu- ment law next Winter. Judge Sherwood has granted us an injunction, restraining the City from interfering with the Commissioners.' " On behalf of the City, it was said, yesterday, that only the application for a temporary injunction would soldiers' and sailors' monument. 197 be heard in the Circuit Court next week. It was stated that the hearing on the merits of the case would take place during the regular term of the Court in the Fall." Quiet reigned for a few days, awaiting the decision of the Circuit Court. The application for a temporary in- junction by the City w^as decided by the Judges of said Court on August 19th. The Plain Dealer, referring to it, said : " Again the Monument Commission are on top. " Judge C. C. Baldwin, of the Cuyahoga Circuit Court, in Chambers, Judge H. J. Caldwell, concurring, decided the Soldiers' Monument cases Friday afternoon. " Judge Baldwin first said he would be very brief, so as to handicap himself as little as possible when the case should be finally heard. Then he said : " ' In the matter of the ^Monument, it is claimed that substantially the same matter has been heretofore de- cided by both this and the Supreme Court. There are two cases here, both begun by the City ; the one to en- join the work of putting the Monument on the Square, at all events for the present, and the other to prevent the County Commissioners from levying a tax provided for in the act passed in 1891 authorizing a tax for Monument purposes. " 'As to the first case, everyone of the facts urged ex- isted when we heard the case before, and with the excep- tion of the water main they were all set up in the former case. The Supreme Court overruled us in the former case and gave assent to the erection of the Monument. To say that a new injunction may issue after the Supreme Court has spoken finalh-, merely because par- ties try again to do what has been determined the\' can do, is to say in the boldest way that a thing can be liti- gated again and again. Since the Supreme Court has said the Monument can go there, we cannot presume be- forehand to say that this is not the time for them to go 198 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY there, or that the ^Monument Commissioners will do the thing improperly and wrongly. We do not think that by refusing to remoYe the statue of Commodore Perry the City can preYent the act. The Commissioners can do it, proYiding it is done in a proper way and manner.' "Judge Baldwin then held as to the tax enjoined by Judge Sherwood, under the act of 1S90 and prcYious acts, that no application liaYing been made to him to modify that injunction he would not disturb it. This enjoins the one- tenth of a mill still to be IcYied under the act of 1S90, and leaves the matter just where Judge Sherwood left it. "The act of 1891 was mandatory, and left no discre- tion with the County Commissioners. Judge Baldwin declined to enjoin the tax of six-tenths of a mill under it. He denied the temporary injunction. His decision leaves both parties just where Judge Sherwood left them, till October i8th, which is the earliest date at which the Circuit Court can hear the case on its merits. " So far as is apparent there is nothing to prevent the Commissioners from going right ahead with their work on the Public Square." The effect of the decision on Director Aleyer was given as follows in the Plai)i Dealer of the 21st: " ' The Monument Commissioners can trample all over the Square,' said General Meyer smilingly, yester- day afternoon. ' The>' can plow up the sod. They can tear up the trees by the roots. The)- can pluck all the flowers ; they can do anything they please, and the City is powerless to prevent. They can take the Perry statue and dump it into the lake for all we can do. Until the October term of the Circuit Court, the City is without power to resist.' " That is how General Meyer talked after the decision of the Circuit Court. He was asked whether he pro- posed to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 199 " ' I cannot appeal at present,' said he. ' Understand that the Circnit Court is not now in session, and is with- out power of jurisdiction until its October term. The Common Pleas Court recently enjoined the City from interfering with the Monument Commission and like- wise enjoined the County Commissioners from levying a tax of some :»; 13,000 for the Commission. Both these injunctions were lifted bodily into the Circuit Court. The Circuit Court is not now in session, but the law provides that two of the judges may at their discretion act temporarily during vacation. I asked for a suspen- sion of the restraining order until the October term. This the judges have refused to grant. They took no action upon the injunction relating to the levy. Now, I cannot appeal the case, because it is still in the Cir- cuit Court and will be heard upon its merits at the October term. The Court has agreed to advance it up- on the docket. Now, if the Monument Commission decides to take possession of the Square between now and October we are powerless to prevent it. It can tear down the Perry Monument and begin the construc- tion of its own, and the City will not say anything, for it is law abiding and will obey the injunction. But if the Circuit Court finally decides against the Commis- sion, all the work that it may have done on the Square will have to come out. In such an event, I suppose the Commission will appeal to the Supreme Court. If the case goes against us we certainly shall appeal to the Supreme Court.' " ' If the Commission invade the vSquare, will you make any further resistance ? ' was asked. '' ' None, whatever,' replied the (yeneral." A meeting of the Commission was held on August 22d, at which action was taken to provide for the pay- ment of outstanding bills. This action was rendered necessary, owing to the fact that the Law Director had 200 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY scared the county officers by saying to them that it would be "at their peril if any further drafts of the Monument Commission were honored." Commissioners Elwell and Gleason, with Attorney Prentiss, were ap- pointed a Committee to confer with the county author- ities to bring about an amicable understanding. Their work was successful, as the following action indicates : ,< _ ,, ^ ^ "August 22, 1892. " T. K. DiSSETTE, Esq. " Dear Sir: — We have had presented to us this morning, various bills for payment amounting to $3,750.50, against the Monument Fund. The City has renewed its order as before the hearing of the Soldiers' Monument case in the Circuit Court. Are there, in your opinion, any legal obligations to the payment of the same, under the present situation of the case, or any liabilities that the Auditor and Treasurer are liable to incur by said payment ? " Respectfully submitted, " A. E. Akins, " Auditor Cuyahoga County." ., . -^ . _ " August 23, 1892. " A. E. Akins, Esq. ■" ^ " Dear Sir : — Yours of August 22 before me, referring to the various bills presented to you for payment against the Soldiers' Monument Fund, and asking whether since the hearing of the Soldiers' Monument case in the Circuit Court, there are any legal objections to the payment of the same, under the present situation of the case, or any liabilities that the Auditor and Treasurer are liable to incur by said payment. " In reply, allow me to say that there is no order of Court re- straining the County Auditor from drawing his warrants, or the County Treasurer from paying any claims against the Soldiers' Monument Fund, when vouched for agreeably to the provisions of the statute. The Common Pleas and Circuit Courts have each re- fused to make such an order after a pretty full hearing. I see no legal objection to the payment of said claims. " The application for an injunction, however, is still pending in the Circuit Court, and there is a very remote possibility that when the case is heard upon its merits the Court may grant such an in- junction. "Very respectfully, " T. K. DiSSETTE, "Assistant Prosecuting Attorney." " ' On the strength ot this,' said Mr. Akins shortly soldiers' and sailors' monument. 20I afterwards, ' I shall draw my warrant unless Capt. Shields tells me he will not honor it. If he does so say, I shall refuse to issue my warrant, because, if they are going to begin proceedings in mandamus against him, they might as well proceed against me, also, and have the Court determine both our rights.' " There is no disposition on the part of either officer to withhold payment, except as a measure of self-pro- tection. There is plenty of money in the Soldiers' Monument Fund. " All thought that the opinion of Capt. Dissette ought to contain a final answer to the question asked. After a lengthy discourse, Capt. Dissette consented to insert the sentence, ' I see no legal objection to the payment of said claims.' " This settled it, Air. Akins said when asked, that he would draw a warrant in all probability on application. " When Capt. Shields was asked about it, he said : " ' I sha'n't pay till I get a warrant.' " ' And if you get a warrant ?' " ' If j\Ir. Akins draws a warrant, I shall undoubtedly pay it. I am not going to assume to pass on matters that have already been passed upon.' " The Committee subsequently reported the result of their labors to the Commission, by whom the action of the County officials was warmly commended. Secretary Bander renewed the motion he made two months prior, " that the County Commissioners be required to issue bonds or notes in anticipation of the collection of the tax." The motion was adopted. The further result of the meeting is given from the Leader of the 25th : " The Monument Commissioners have at last taken possession of the Public Square, and, after nearly two years' delay, active work has been commenced towards putting up the Alemorial to the Soldiers and Sailors of 202 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Cuyahoga County. On Wednesday morning, half a hundred cedar posts were unloaded from wagons and placed in heaps on the sod in the southeast section of the Public Square, near the statue of Commodore Perry. A short time afterwards, men commenced to place the posts in position for the construction of a fence. A police sergeant who stood watching the proceedings said that inasmuch as the Court had granted the Com- missioners the right to occupy the Square, they were at perfect liberty to proceed. " The Monument Commissioners were in a happy frame of mind. They got together in Captain Levi T. Scofield's office and laid plans for future action. The decision of the County officers to honor their drafts was regarded as the final admission of the legal authorities that all litigation was at an end. When one of their number reported that Auditor Akins had signed the warrants, and that Treasurer Shields had paid them, they got immediately down to business. They resolved first, to go to work immediately, and })Ut up the IMonu- ment without delay. Secondly, they resolved to request the City authorities to remove the Perry statue and the water main. This resolution will be presented to the Mayor, the Director of Public Works, the Board ot Control, and the City Council. They further resolved, that if the City will not have removed the obstructions by the time they will be ready to put in the foundation, they will remove them of their own accord. They then resolved to hold an executive session at Captain Sco- field's office, Wednesday evening, and to spend more money. Contractor Grant wanted a bonus, and was not ready to proceed further without it. He had lost a great deal by the delay caused by litigation, and his bid was several thousand dollars lower than any other. It was urged that there be a full attendance at the secret meeting, Wednesday evening. Several members ordnancp: emblr:m in capital soldiers' and sailors' monument. 205 of the Coinmissioii thought that there was no necessity for a full meeting, and suggested that the Executive Committee attend to what business was necessary. Finally it was decided to make the meeting one for the Executive Committee only. " County Commissioners Mattison and King took under consideration, Wednesday, the demand of the Monument Commissioners to issue bonds in anticipa- tion of the tax for Monument purposes. They took no action, however. They desired to have legal advice be- fore proceeding. They were in doubt as to the manda- tory character of the act of the Legislature which au- thorizes them to issue bonds. The act states that they are ' authorized and directed to issue bonds.' The Com- missioners stated that they were in no hurrv to take any action and did not think it necessarN- to complv with the demand of the Monument Commissioners at once, as they had already about $23,000 to spend in putting up the Monument. " One of the ]\Ionument Commissioners stated, on Wednesday, that only a portion of the southeast section of the Square will be fenced in at present, and that a board walk will be placed over the sod as an exten- sion from Euclid Avenue, so that pedestrians will not be compelled to walk around the entire section. He said that the contractor will occupy the Square at once with the granite for the esplanade, and stones for the foundation, and commence excavating immediatelv. Considerable work can be done, he said, before the removal of the Perr)- statue and the water main. " The Executive Committee held a long meeting in Commissioner W. J. Gleason's office, in the Citv Hall, last night. It was chiefl>- for the purpose of inducing Contractor John Cxrant, who was the lowest bidder for the building of the jMonument, to sign a contract, as he agreed to do on March 28, 1891. The Commissioners 206 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY at that time opened the bids and awarded the contract to Grant for $64,867. Mr. Grant gave a bond for $7,500 at the time as a gnaranty that he wonld enter into a contract. More than a year has elapsed and Mr. Grant is not now willing to bind himself to do the work for the amonnt mentioned above. He wants damages for the delay and the work he has lost on account of the time he has spent in preparing to do the monumental work. He thinks $3,500 added to the $64,867 will en- able him to erect the Monument at a profit to himself, and to the satisfaction of the Commission. All these facts and claims he presented to the Commissioners, and a long discussion ensued. The Commissioners offered to give him an additional $1,000 because the wages of inortar mixers, hod carriers and cranemen are from twenty-five to fifty cents a day higher than they were a year ago. The Commissioners very emphatically de- clared that they could not pay damages that could not be plainly shown to have been sustained. The object of the meeting, so far as Mr. Grant's contract is con- cerned, was not accomplished, but the Commissioners believe that the contractor will see fit to sign the agree- ment before they are ready for him. If he does not, they will probably make a contract with the next lowest bidder. Secretary Bander reported that he had notified the City to remove the statue of Commodore Perry and the water main, as he was ordered to do." The Leader of the following date said : " The southeast section of the Public Square was al- most thoroughly surrounded Thursday afternoon by the fence which the Monument Commissioners are con- structing. The only portion which will not be enclosed is a small part of the northeast corner of the section. The public walks have not yet been closed, but will be fenced in as soon as the workmen begin to haul the material for the Monument. There was verv little in- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 207 terest in the proceedings Tluirsday, and the workmen were in no way molested. Several of the INIonnment Commissioners watched the fence bnilding at varions times dnring the day. " With regard to the general situation, Major (ileason said: 'I have not heard a single person complain of the fence. All this talk about inconvenience to people is a bugbear rigged up for the occasion. The diagonal walk through that section of the Square leads nowhere from Euclid Avenue. It lands you in the center of the Square and >'ou have to follow a straight line thence to your destination. A man who desires to reach the Forest Cit>' House corner can just as easily walk to the southwest quarter of the Square and use the diagonal walk there. If he wishes to reach the Stone Church or the Society for Savings, it is just as near for him to walk down the east line of the Square to the postofhce cor- ner and cut through the northeast section which con- tains the auditorium. If the crosswalk at Euclid Avenue were laid across the roadwa\- to the Square in a direct line with the sidewalk, the distance to the center would be shorter than it is now. But the claim that the Monument would inconvenience pedestrians fur- nished something to talk about and of course the most was made of the opportunity.' " Director Herrick was asked yesterda\" whether he would proceed to remove the Perry Statue. 'Xo, noth- ing has been decided upon yet,' answered ^Ir. Herrick. ' I have received a notice of the ]\Ionument Commis- sioners sasing that they will remove the 'obstructions,' as thev call the statue and the water main. If they go ahead and do the work there, we will be relieved of that duty. I believe that the case is still in Court, however, and I cannot say what will be done by the City.' "Another Citv official expressed the opinion that the fence would be pulled down between two days. 2o8 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY "'By whom?' was asked. "'Whv, by indignant citizens. I do not belieYe the people will be satisfied to walk aronnd that section of the Square. After they have suffered from the nuisance for a while I think there will be a quiet gathering in the Square some night and then, good-b}'e fence.' "The Executive Committee of the Monument Com- mission held another meeting in Commissioner Crleason's ofirce last night. The contract question is still un- settled, and it was stated after the meeting that no definite action would be taken until General Rarnett, who is a member of the committee, returns to the city. At Wednesday night's session, Contractor Grant declined to proceed with the building of the IMonument unless he was given a bonus of $3,500 in addition to the con- tract price of $64,867. The committee offered him $1,000 extra, but he said that was not enough. The next lowest bidders at the time the contract was let were McAllister sS: Dall, and their bid was about $10,000 more than (jrant's, A representative of that firm was present at the meeting last evening. The gathering took place behind closed doors, but Secretary Bander said after it adjourned that it was never called to order and was entirely informal. It is possible that' McAllister & Dall will reduce their bid somewhat, and if a reduc- tion is made they will be given the contract. But, as before stated, the matter will be left in abe\-ance until General Barnett's return." Commissioner El well communicated the following to the Leader on August 27th: " To the Editor of the Leader : " The Monument Commission has no fault to find with the Lender. It has treated the Board fairl\-. Its columns have been open to all sides and the questions involved have been discussed in ever}' possible aspect. The Commission has never appeared in print or in the Courts except in self-defense. Its doings have all soldiers' and sailors' monument. 209 been open and above boarrl. At this late day, when the work on the Monument is so nearly completed and the questions involved all settled judicially, it is difficult to see what is to be gained by further discussion, eithqr in the newspapers or elsewhere. The Leader seemed to take this view of the case a day or two ago. To-day, however, it says it is suggested to hold a public meeting for further discussion, as if the press for the last two years had not said every- thing that can be said for and against the site selected, reiterating what it has said before that a majority of the people were against the present site. The Leader is probably mistaken about the side the majority is on. The Commission, on the other hand, has no doubt, from all the information that conies to it from all quarters, that the large majority of the people are in favor of the site selected. They think so, first, because the people's representatives in the Legislature, representing every ward and township in the County, right from the people, gave this site to the Commission. It is no answer to this fact that the question was not submitted to the people. Nobody asked to have it submitted — there was no objection from any quarter. The Representatives and Senators do represent the people on all questions that are not specially excepted. The Representatives said: 'Take the Square if you cannot find a better site.' Two or three Legislatures have said this — Republicans and Democrats alike. Second, Mayors Babcock and Gardner favored the Square and do so yet so far as anything has appeared to the con- trary. These officers were positive men and did all they could officially and individually to help and encourage us, appearing sometimes at our meetings, making suggestions, encouraging and approving what we did. Third, the Board of Aldermen and the Council unanimously said : ' Take the Square for your IVIonument.' Fourth, the Park Commissioners said: 'Take any section of the Square but the southeast one; that we will hold under advise- ment for the ])resent. You can have the center, and we will change the roads around it and widen the grounds.' Fifth, the Commission was appointed primarily by the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union of the County, comprising all the active Soldiers and Sailors of the County. The Commission is their agent and does their bidding, and reports regularly to the Union. The Union said: 'Take the southeast sec- tion of the Square.' At the last full meeting in June the Union approved all the Commissioners had done, especially as to site, said go ahead and build the Monument on the Square, and complete it as speedily as possible. Sixth, leading citizens say to us daily, 'Don't l)e driven from the Square by the clamor. It is the proper site.' Prominent citizens on Euclid Avenue and Prospect Street say this. Seventh, not a Soldier, so far as the writer knows, objects to the site, unless he has a pet project, though one or two have 2IO HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY found fault with this or that iu the construction of the Monument. There may be Soldiers who prefer another site, but they have not pressed the matter. "The Commission think, therefore, that they are representing the people. They think the battle having been fonght and won on this bloody field, that they have a right to bivouac on this ground and hold it, and they intend to do so. J. J. Elweli-." A joint meeting of the Commissioners and City officials was held on Aiignst 30th, the proceedings of which we copy from the Plain Dealer of the 31st : " A joint meeting of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monu- ment Commission and the City officials was held in Director Herrick's private office yesterday afternoon to discuss the Monument project. ]\Iayor Rose and Director Herrick represented the City and there were present on behalf of the Commission, Gen. M. D. Leg- gett, Gen. James Barnett, Gen. J. J. Elwell, Maj. W. J. Gleason, Col. E. \V. Force, Capt. J. B. Molyneaux, Capt. E. H. Bohm, Capt. C. C. Dewstoe and Capt. Iv. F. Bander. " The meeting almost broke up in a row at the very start off. Nothing was accomplished. The City offi- cials thought the meeting was called to harmonize on another site and the Commission insisted that the meet- ing was called to co-operate in the removal of the Perry statue. The City materially weakened its case by suggesting that the Commission take one of the other three sections of the Square. Everyone supposed that the opposition was to the Square. Gen. Barnett was elected to preside. He stated that the object of the meeting was to confer with the City officials and secure their hearty co-operation in the removal of the Perry statue and the water main. " ' May I ask,' asked Mayor Rose, ' whether the Com- mission is determined to have the Public Square or whether it would be content to have some other loca- tion if offered ? ' soldiers' and sailors' MONUMIvXT. 211 " ' No tender of any site has ever Ijeen made,' replied Gen. Barnett. '"I am satisfied,' continned Ma}or Rose, 'that a large majorit)' of the people are opposed to the Public vSqnare as a site. Of course, no one is (jpposed to the ]\Ionu- ment. I would be in favor of continuing the tax for a number of \-ears longer and I am sure the greater pro- portion of our citizens would. It would not delay the Monument very long.' " Capt. Bohm declared with some warmth that the controvers}' between the Cit\' and the Commission had resulted in the formation of an opinion, frecpientlx' ex-- pressed, that the old vSoldiers might go to h — 1. " ' ( )h, no, no I ' said Mayor Rose. ' In no city is the vSoldier so respected as in Cleveland. The Cit>' is not responsible for indi\-idual expressions.' "Major (rleason said that it was patent to the Com- mission that the present City administration had not given the Monument the attention it deserves. Major Oleason then gave a clear and concise account of the progress of the ^Monument movement and the various sites that have been offered or suggested. "'The old Park Commission offered us either the center of the vScpiare or an\- one of the three sections, excluding the particular section we wanted,' said Major (rleason. 'What was its objection to the southeast section? There was no secret made about it. P)Oth J. H, Wade and J. M. Curtiss said that the purpose was to extend Euclid Avenue through the vSquare, and eventu- ally the street railways would run through it.' "Major Crleason said that Gen. Meyer, before he w'as made Director of Law, had volunteered his services as counsel to the Commission and had added that the City had no case in court. Me closed an extensi\-e and well di- rected argument witli the assertion that the Commission had not been treated in just the correct way by the City. 212 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " ' Have you absolutely coucluded to take the Public Square?' asked Mayor Rose. 'If you have, there is no use arguing with you.' " The Commission again reiterated that the adminis- tration had never offered any other site. " ]\Ir. Herrick replied that the Commission had never asked for any other site. " ' I want to say right now,' said Mr. Herrick, ' that the Commission can have any other site in the other parks.' " ' And permit me to say,' said Capt. Bohm, ' that I do not believe the City has a clear title to Wade Park. Now Pelton Park was dedicated for park purposes only. And as to the West Side Reservoir ' " ' What is the matter with the Reservoir property? ' asked Mr. Herrick, ' isn't it on one of the finest resi- dence streets in the city?' " ' You may as well put the Monument in a Euclid Avenue back yard as on the Reservoir propert}-,' said Capt. Bohm. " ' I supposed the qiiestion of site was all settled,' said Gen. Elwell. ' I don't see what this talk is all about. We have let our contracts to build the Monu- ment and came here this afternoon to see if the City would kindly remove the Perry statue and the water main.' " ' I understood the call was to harmonize on some other site,' said ]Mr. Herrick. " Capt. Dewstoe argued that if the City would co- operate with the Commission, all opposition on the part of the people would cease. " ' On the contrary, I think the opposition would be inflamed,' said Mayor Rose. " Major Gleason declared that the present location of the statue of Commodore Perry was inappropriate and that the Commodore, instead of pointing to the lake. k- Ml >»gP!K»9MPW^iW>«n««SUUW>'' n ■t r T Copyright by the Sculptf)r,, BRONZE DOORS, NORTH AND SOUTH KXTRANCES. SOIJ>IKKS' AXIJ SAII.OKS' MO.VUMKXT. 215 where lie won his victories, was pointing to a fish market. "Oen. J'vlwell insisted tliat the best place for Commo- dore Perry was Lakeview I^ark. " ' 1 should be governed by the action of our represent- atives,' said .Mr. Herrick. 'The Council is a larj^e part of the administration. The Board of Control is merely executive. The Council has refused to make an appro- priation for the removal of Commodore Perry and I have no authority to remove it.' " ' Is your objection to removing it merely because you ha\'e no mone\'? ' asked Oen. P^lwell. " Mr. Merrick did not reply and the General repeated the question. " ' Is that not sufficient?' answered Mr. Herrick. " Mr. Herrick a moment later said that as an indi- vidual he would be very .sorry to put his hands upon Commodore Perr\'. "'Would you object to us removing him?' asked Cien. I'll well. " Mr. Herrick had ufAhing to say. " ' We came here to-day in a friendly spirit,' explained fien. Pvlwell. 'We have selected a site and I under- stand ground is to be broken at eight o'clock to-morrow morning. Will you kindly remove the Perry statue ? ' " ' If anyone's hands are to be laid upon Commodore Perry,' said Mr. Herrick, ' I had rather the Commission do it than I.' " ' We have a more sacred regard for that statue than you have,' retorted Oen. PClwell hotly. "Col. K. W. Force asked whether any other section would h)e more .satisfactory to the City, but no one ap- parently noticed the question. "'Wont the Monument be a more glorious object,' .said Major (ileason, ' than the old rookery in one .sec- tion, the fountain that squirts half the year in the other 2l6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY section, and the rnstic bridge with two dirty ponds filled with banana peels in the third section ? ' '' ' If yon would consent to take one of the other sec- tions,' said Mr. Herrick, 'I think something would grow out of it. " '^ EitJicv one of the other tliree sections ^^ interposed Mayor Rose. " Gen. Elwell emphatically declared that the Com- inission would not take any other section. "'Well,' said Mr. Herrick, ' if you are determined to build there, let the blood be upon your own skirts.' " Here the meeting ended with no conclusion reached." The World printed the following sensible editorial on September ist: " At this late day, after the matter has been fought through the Legislature and litigated through the Courts, and the whole matter fairly and honorably settled that the Soldiers' Monument should go into the southeast corner of the Public Square and the work upon construction has begun, an attempt is being made to rouse public sentiment by public meetings and to beg of the Monument Commission to place the ^Monument elsewhere. " It seems to us that all this sort of thing is out of date. " It should have been done ten years ago, if at all. " After the Commission has been subjected to the annoyance and expense of lawsuits, and has been en- tirely victorious, it seems very late to enter into the business of supplicating. " It is indeed strange that people can never awake to the seriousness of a situation until it is too late. " As a matter of fact, we do not believe that there would have been any special objection raised to the erection of the Monument on the proposed site had it soldiers' and sailors' monument. 217 not been for the constant agitation of a certain news- paper that is simply hostile to the whole Monnment scheme and feels that the more it can annoy the Com- missioners the greater point it will make. " Whether the northeast corner of the vSqnare is a good or bad place for the Alonnment, it does seem that it is now too late to kick successfnllv abont locatins; it there." Mark well the proposition of the City government. The)' would readily consent to the occupancy of either of the other three sections of the Square. The object of the Commission was accomplished. They had smoked out the City officials, and planted them just where the defunct Park Commissioners stood. There would be space enough for the Monument on any of the other sections of the Square, the structure would be suitable, but the objection was to the particular section desired. As an actual fact, all of the sections are of ex- actly similar dimensions. The puny actions of the City officials were as utterly devoid of consistency as they were of fair dealing. They were easily caught in the trap set for them by the Commission, to test their motive and sinceritv. w . AXHW "Richmond," fiercely booted and spnrred, rnshes madly into the fray I It ^vill be nicely tamed by the time its wisdom teeth are cnt I The small sqnad of cranks now began to get in their work. The fence around the southeast section of the Square caused a few '' intluential citizens " a slight temporary inconvenience. In their perambulations to and from lunch, at the l^nion Club on Euclid Avenue, they were compelled to walk a few feet more than formerly. This had a depressing effect on these methodical gentlemen, resulting in giving them a bad case of dyspepsia. The fact that a fence had hitherto been built around the foundation of every new down- town business block, agreeable to a City Ordinance made and provided for such purpose, seemed to be completely forgotten. That particular fence around the foundation of the Soldiers' Monument was "an outrage, and must come down I " The poor dyspeptics felt terrifically disgruntled, and they rose right up on their dignity and protested. As one of their butterfly dudes expressed himself: " Weally, dontcherno, the deah boys wouldn't stawnd it I Us fellahs mus'n't be twifled with I Our pawths must not be obstwucted I That blawsted fence must come down, dontcherno." Xotwithstanding the acrimonious protests of a few unhappv gentlemen, the Monument Commission were necessitated to go right on in the line of their duty to the accomplishment of their work. So straightway the club]diners and luncheon sqnad sought to plant a new " ^ »«««—- a. I T^ }l soldiers' and sailors' monument. 221 battery against the incipient ^Monument, which would cause the Commissioners to immediately capitulate. Their mighty Krupp gun bore upon its breech the sig- nificant and captivating legend — " Board of Trade," Neatly printed circulars were gotten out, couriers were sent hither and yon to collect sufficient recruits to man the battery. The newspapers were pressed into the service; glaring headlines, stirring editorials, local squibs, knowing winks, earnest entreaties, hearty hand- shakes, and all the preliminaries and paraphernalia incident to the siege of a castle were brought into requisition, supplemented and sustained by the muni- tions and resources of the vast commerce of the inland seas and the prosperous industries of a beautiful and expanding city. The Monument Commissioners were to be annihilated. The promoters of the " Monster Mass Meeting" started off with the self-satisfied and martial airs of a new country brass band on its first public appearance. However, by the time the curtain dropped on their grand drama of the Board of Trade, the orchestra could not pump wind enough to fill a mouth organ. The old Board of Trade, before its recent reconstruc- tion, expansion and modern commercial spirit, was in its infancy but an humble institution with a sonorous name. Its membership — on paper — was eminently respectable. The list of members was '' long " on the books, " short " at meetings. Annual fees and dues were promptly paid — when called or sent for. On ordinary, everyday occasions, sometimes as many as six business men and the vSecretary came together. Occa- sionally a huge transaction took place on 'Change, such as the selling or buying of a full car load of potatoes. Then again a few crates of eggs would change hands, as well as the oats in which the eggs were packed. The dingy headquarters attained to the dignity of being 222 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY supplied with a ticker, which reeled off quotations with the fascinating interest of base-ball scores, horse-racing results, and other like important public events. At last the auspicious occasion had arisen when the fast decaying Board of Trade would assume a new life, when they would make one last grand rally in defense of the Street Railroad Corporations, or perish in the attempt. Of course this " Monster Mass Meeting of the Representative Business Men of Cleveland" would strike terror to the hearts of the Monument Commission, would cause them to unconditionally surrender the fruits of the victory for which the\- had been battling the past thirteen years ! The fateful day of the conflict at last arrived. The clans began to gather fi-^^m the " three quarters " of the City. The bare floor and unpainted walls of the rented headquarters of the Board of Trade began to echo with the tramp, tramp, tramp, and the voices of as many as three hundred and fifty brave business men, their aiders, abettors and advisers. The Monument Commissioners, too, were there; uninvited and unbidden, meek and humble, in the presence of " so much influence I " As the meeting proceeded, pande- monium reigned supreme. Parliamentar)' usages were cast to the winds. Freedom of speech was a lost pre- rogative, especially as applied to several members of the Commission. The balky assemblage paid little, if any, attention to the bell of Col. William Edwards, the genial starter. After many trials, and frequent " scor- ing," the word " go " was given, only to result in the President's unruly horses running away with him. At last a semblance of order was brought out of chaos, and the meeting went on. We publish extracts from the Leader of vSeptember 2nd, giving a report of it : " Tliere was a lively citizens' meeting at the Board of Trade rooms, Thursday morning, in reference to the Soldiers' Monument question, but it cannot be said that soldiers' and sailors' monument. 223 very much was accomplished. There were several elo- quent speeches on both sides of the controversy, and resolutions of no uncertain sound were adopted. A committee on conference, whose duty it would be to confer with the IMonument Commissioners as to the matter of a suitable site for the IMonument other than the chosen location, was also appointed, but as the Commissioners refused to meet the Committee, it is hard to see what benefit will result from their appoint- ment. The meeting was an extremely lively one, and while, on the whole, good feeling prevailed, there were a few personalities which had been better left unsaid. The citizens were somewhat late in arriving at the Board of Trade, and at 11 o'clock, the hour set for the gathering, the prospects for a large meeting looked rather dim. Five minutes later, the people began to arrive in droves and the>- kept coming until when the meeting was called to order, standing room was at a premium, and the last comers had to be content with accommodations in the passage or gallery. All told, there were over 350 persons present, and among them were the most representative and influential citizens of Cleveland. The IMonument Commission was repre- sented by Generals Leggett and Elwell, Captain Sco- field, Colonel Dewstoe, IMajor Gleason, Captain Bohm and James Hayr. " After rapping for order. President Edwards said a few words explanatory of the object of the meeting. He said the question of placing the Monument in the Square had never been properly discussed by the cit- izens at large. He paid a glowing tribute to the services performed by the ex-Soldiers, and said that in no city of the United States was their memory more revered than in Cleveland. Still there was a very strong senti- ment against placing the Soldiers' ^lonument in the Square, and it was to discuss that question that the 224 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY meeting had been called. President Edwards then said that the meeting wonld like to hear from General M. D. Leggett. The suggestion was loudly applauded, and General Leggett was given a hearty round of ap- plause as he left his seat in the gallery and stepped for- ward to the President's desk. " ' I believe the first thing for me to do is to apolo- gize for being here,' said the venerable ex-Soldier. ' The invitation I received was for those who desired to protest against placing the Monument in the Square, and I don't belong to that class.' " There was a volley of applause at this assertion, and the fact became apparent that the IMonument Commis- sion had plenty of friends, in the room. ' I have been a member of the Commission since its organization,' continued General Leggett, ' and I submit that I know something about the Monument. There is an old adage common to us lawyers — I think Lord Coke was the author of it — to the efifeci: that if a man neglects to speak when he ought to speak, he should be prohibited from speaking when he wants to speak. [Applause.] That adage is applicable on this occasion. This site was chosen twelve years ago, and it was known to e\'ery- body, but there has been no protest until now.' Gen- eral Leggett said the southeast section of the Square is the only section that is adapted to the ^Monument. The tablet room is to be forty feet square and twenty feet high, he continued, and it would look altogether too squatt)- and unsightly on any other section of the Square, in each of which the ground is much lower. ' If the citizens have kept still until we have expended $150,000 and contracted for more expenditures,' the General went on, 'I think it is almost unconscionable for them to meet at this late day and protest against the chosen site. We don't want to fly in the face of the community, but we honestly believe we are right in the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 225 matter. The iMonument will not be standing thirty days before nine out of every ten of the people who are objecting to the site will say the Monument is a beauti- ful thing and just exactly in the right place. It is not possible for us to do anything else than we are doing. No other door is open to us.' " T. M. Heard said he had only a few words to sav, and he proceeded to say them, despite considerable in- terruption. He said he was originally opposed to the Square as a site for the Monument, but since the Courts had decided that that was the proper place for it, he had withdrawn his opposition, and thought everybody else ought to acquiesce also. Then Air. Heard went on to tell a story about a parrot which had acquired the habit of swearing, but the audience didn't want to hear the story and the speaker was obliged to desist. "Colonel Dewstoe moved that Captain Scofield be invited to submit and explain the plans for the Monu- ment. The speaker said that a majority of those present had never seen the plans and should not oppose the Alonument until they knew what they were talking about. The motion was carried, and Captain Scofield came forward carrying a big roll of parchment. Pres- ident Edwards asked him to be as brief as possible. ' It wont take very long,' said the Captain. " ' Well, then, I'll give you five minutes,' said the presiding officer. " ' I wouldn't think of attempting to explain the plans in that short time, and if that is all I can have I decline to say anything,' replied Captain Scofield, and he went back to his seat. Hon. R. C. Parsons was called for and went forward. His speech was a very eloquent one. He began by re- ferring to a meeting of citizens which he attended thirty years ago, when recruits were being sent for- ward to the seat of war. ' People came forward in 226 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY crowds to pay money to help our boys,' he continued, ' and I thought at that time that I had never known a more loyal or devoted community than Cleveland was. And when I read in the papers the other day that a member of this Commission declared that Cleveland cared nothing for the Soldiers' Monument and wished it was in hell, I thought the man must be blind. Why, Cleveland was the incarnation of loyalty during the war, and it was here that the cradle of freedom was rocked.' Then the speaker told of several touching incidents of kindness to the returning Soldiers at Washington at the close of the war, and continuing, he said : ' This was truly God's country, and Cleveland was one of its brightest jewels. Never let me hear that Cleveland doesn't love her Soldiers. Never let me see an old Sol- dier who is worthy of respect walk along our streets without any one who calls himself a man being ready to take oiT his hat. It is true that no one objected to this site for the iNIonument until lately. The reason was that we did not know what the Monument was to be like. Now we find that the Square and the Monu- ment are no more suited to each other than the big hat of a man is suited to the head of a little boy. The Public Square is sacred to our people, and it is none too sacred for a ]\Ionument to our Soldiers. But when you come to take away a monument that is already fitted both by associations and size to that place, and put in its stead a structure that is forty feet square and a hundred feet high, you make a great mistake. It has been said that the Commission have a perfect right to go ahead. Legally, that is so ; morally, it is not so. The great mass of our citizens are opposed to that location. The Monument is owned by the people, and ought not to be placed on any site that the mass of the people are opposed to. The people are perfectly willing to pay another $100,000 if the Monument is put elsewhere.' soldiers' and sailors' -MONUMENT. 2 27 " Rev. Dr. C. S. Bates was asked to say a few words and he was listened to with marked interest. ' I had something to do with the army,' he began, ' and from the bottom of my heart I sympathize with the honor of our citizen soldiery. I am opposed to placing the Mon- ument on the Square. The question is : Is there not, in fairness, already established a prior claim to this ground? Ought we to set aside a monument in mem- ory of the achievements of eighty years ago to make room for one in commemoration of those of thirty years ago? I know the Commission do not think so, but it will certainly be regarded as a slight to the memory of Commodore Perry if his statue is removed to make way for the new Monument. Only once in human his- tory did an American fleet meet the mistress of the waves and demonstrate that on some waters, at least, Britannia does not rule the waves. Perry's Alonument is unique in that it commemorates the victory of an American fleet over a British fleet, and wc ought to call the place where it stands consecrated ground. " ' The members of this Commission are all noble men and fit to stand with the most princely men in the world,' continued t)r. Bates, ' but they do not represent our citizens properly in this matter. I want our Soldiers to be honored by the love of their countrymen, and no monument that may be erected should stand as an odium or reproach, but as voicing the acclaims of the whole people. If the Commission will feel that although they have won a victory in the Courts, they may rise to a grander height b\- losing something of their personal preference, I believe that for all that they thus lose, they will find in the honor that will come to them ample recompense. They say it is too late. It is never too late for anybody to try and cultivate the good-will of the community. Suppose that this meeting would ap- point a Committee on Conference, and that committee 228 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY should say to you, ' we can secure a better site for the Monument, acceptable alike to you and the people,' is there not a possibility of adjustment along that line?' " Dr. Bates' suggestion for a Conference Committee was loudly applauded and bore fruit later in the pro- ceedings. " Mr. John B, Cofifinberry was recognized as Dr. Bates sat down, and he made a speech that caused a great deal of amusement. ' Two days ago,' he said, ' the people of the West Side were relegated to a position of obscurity by a person who is a Justice of the Peace, and from whose decision there can therefore be no appeal. Despite that gentleman's utterances, however, I firmly believe that there are half a dozen suitable sites for the Monument other than the Public Square, and one of these sites may be found on the West Side.' " Captain Scofield said that the people who had not seen the plans could not comprehend what the Monu- ment was to be. ' There is no man in the city who thinks more of Perry's statue than I do,' he added, ' but I believe the proper place for him is on the bank of the lake.' " At this point, Mr. J. H. McBride moved that the chair appoint a committee of five on resolutions. The motion was adopted, and President Edwards named the following gentlemen as the committee: J. H. McBride, Hon. M. A. Hanna, S. M. Strong, G. W. Short and W. H. Corning. They retired to the Secretary's office to prepare their report. As the door closed behind them. Col. A. T. Van Tassel said : ' I would like to ask Cap- tain Scofield if the Commission shouldn't spend the people's money in the way the people say.' '' ' We were appointed to perform a special duty, and we have been laboring for five or six years to accom- plish that duty,' replied Captain Scofield. ' We have spent nearly fourteen years trying to find out the sense soldiers' and sailors' moxumext. 231 of the people, and I firmly believe that the largest pro- portion of the people of Cuyahoga County want the Monument to go on the Square/ " ^lajor W. J. Gleason, in response to numerous calls, walked to the front of the room and made an address. ' I am glad that at last something has arisen that is sufficient to fill this room,' he said, sarcastically. ' It is a very unusual thing for a meeting of the Board of Trade to fill this room. Once a >'ear, on the occasion of the annual free lunch, there is a large crowd here, but as a rule the attendance is very slim.' The Major's words w^ere smothered by shouts of protest at the na- ture of his remarks. For a minute he could not make himself heard, but finally shouted : ' I've heard geese before, and these few geese don't bother me a bit.' He went on to say that Perry's statue was not now placed right or ' pointed ' right. ' We as a Commission,' he said, ' wanted to know the sentiment of the people as regards a site for the Monument, but where have you been for the past thirteen years ? The people of this county are not represented here. There are 400,- 000 people in Cuyahoga county, and this meeting can't presume to speak for the whole county. We are willing to put the question to a vote, but where do a majority of the people want the ^Monument ? Some want it on the West Side, some want it on the South Side, some want it in Wade Park. They wont all agree on any one site. From October 30, 1S79, until two days ago, you have said, ' put it on the Square,' and that is the place where a majority of the people of the county want it.' *' N. A. Gilbert, Esq., said he was opposed to placing the Monument on the vSquare, yet he wanted to sa\- that he had seldom heard more manly w^ords than those spoken by ^lajor Gleason. ' He puts the question fairlv,' continued Mr. (rilbert. ' Where do von want the 232 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Monument ? The Commission are not to be treated as men violating the law. They are honest gentlemen and are doing what they believe to be right. They have moved on and performed their duty and it is only now that the people have become awake and concluded that they don't want the Monument on the Square. Now is the time and now the place to apply the good common sense of a committee who shall act as buffers between the litigants. I heartily approve Dr. Bates' suggestion that a Conference Committee be appointed.' " Captain M. B. Gary made an earnest plea for har- mony, and was followed by Colonel C. C. Dewstoe. The latter said there was one phase of the controversy which he could not understand, and that was, why it would be a sacrilege to move Perry's statue now, when not a Avord of that sort of sentiment was breathed when his statue was removed from its original location to that now occupied. 'This talk about sacrilege is only an artificial objection,' continued Colonel Dewstoe. ' Most of you really think that the lake front is the proper place for Perry, and the truth of the matter is that you want to extend Euclid Avenue through the Sqiiare. I'll wager that if such a project as that was started there would be no talk about the sacrilege of moving Perry.' "The Committee on Resolutions returned to the room. Their report was presented and it recommended the adoption of the following : " Resolved, That we cordially approve the erection, at the cost of the taxpayers of Cuyahoga County, of a suitable Monument to the memory of the brave Soldiers and Sailors who served with patriotic zeal in the late Civil War. " Resolved, That such Monument, paid for by the voluntary tax- ation of the people themselves, is public property, and its character and location should meet the approval and convenience, as far as possible, of the general public. " Resolved, That in our judgment the selection of the southeast soldiers' and sailors' monument. 233 corner of the Public Square, iu the City of Cleveland, as the site for said Monument, is prejudicial to the convenience and comfort of our citizens, because the laud is absolutely necessary to the daily needs of the people and is wholly unsuitable for the Monument itself. If the Monument should be built there, it will, so long as it remains, prove an object of public disapprobation and irritation. We protest against such location as unnecessary, unwise and im- politic. " Resolved, That we recommend the purchase by the City of a suitable plot of land for the IMonumeut and that the Legislature be asked for all necessary authority to paj' for the same. " Resolved, That a committee of five members of this meeting be appointed by the chair to consult with the Monument Commis- sioners upon the propriety of selecting a new site for the Soldiers' Monument. " Chairman Edwards appointed J. H. McBride, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Hon. George H. Ely, Col. R. C. Parsons, and S. M. Strong as the Committee on Conference. It was then moved and seconded that the Commission be requested to suspend operations until the Conference Committee could m.eet with them. The motion was carried. There were cries of ' we wont,' in which James Hayr's voice was recognized." The result of the Board of Trade fiasco added fuel to the flame. The mouthings and writings of the cranks began to assume a threatening attitude. A few misguided people were worked up to take sides with the opposition. The effect of their work is republished from the Leader of vSeptember 3d : '' The first attempt to tear down the fence which en- closes the southeast section of the Public Square was made shortly after i o'clock on Friday afternoon. At that hour quite a large crowd of men assembled at the gate which opens on Superior Street diagonally across from the postofiice. There was some talk, and then the gate was forced open, and the crowd rushed inside the en- closure, where a force of men were at work excavating for the Soldiers' ^Monument. They hooted at the work- men, and then marched toward the gate at the Ontario 234 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Street entrance. They threatened to tear down that gate also, and the excitement for the time being ran high. The leader of the crowd who was inciting them on to action was John R. McGrevey, who lives at No. 24 Lyons 3treet. The police were notified, and Mc- Grevey was placed nnder arrest. The crowd was then driven out of the enclosure by the police, and the gate was again placed in position. McGrevey is about thirty years of age. A warrant was secured in the Police Prosecutor's office charging him with malicious destruc- tion of property. " Just previous to the storming of the gate there was a speech to the crowd outside by a large man, well dressed, and who was somewhat excited. He said that he honored the Soldiers for their deeds of valor, and that a Monument should be erected to their memory. He thought that Commodore Perry was entitled to credit also, for he was the only American who ever whipped a British fleet. The Commodore had a dear spot in their affections, he said, and the Monument erected to his memory should not be disturbed. He added that the Square was public property, and that the public had a right to it. " Somebody said something about tearing down the fence. The crowd, which was composed to a large ex- tent of bootblacks, newsboys, and loiterers, needed no further incentive. Voluntarily a rush was made for the big pine gate, and down it went in a few seconds. The crowd pressed inside. Men came running from every direction. Passengers on street cars left their seats and ran to the scene. It was the hour when the streets were full of people returning from luncheon. Business and professional men ran to see the fun and in a few moments' time the enclosure was nearly filled with people. " The onlv member of the Monument Commission soldiers' and sailors' monument. 235 who was on the scene was Gen. Ehvell, who arrived soon after the fence was stormed. He was very mnch agitated. He had just been discussing the subject with a citizen, and had been asking why it was that so many people were opposed to placing the Monument in the Square when those who knew what it was to be knew that it was the finest work of art of the kind in the world, and that there was nothing in all Europe which compared with it. The General's indignation got the better of him for a moment, and he shouted to Patrol- man Dangler to arrest the men. Several bystanders pointed to young McGrevey, who was in custody of Pa- trolman Dangler, and said that he was the leader of the mob. There was intense excitement as the patrolman started to the Central Police Station with the young man. The crowd followed and jeered. INIcGrevey de- nied that he led the crowd, and said that the gate was down when he appeared on the scene. The crowd had been persuaded to leave the enclosure and stood on the outside. When Patrolman Dangler appeared through the Ontario vStreet gate with young ]\IcGrevey the crowd followed them to the station-house. " In the meantime the crowd talked about renewing the work of destroying the fence. Two stalwart men were placed on guard at the gate to keep intruders out, and to open it for the workmen who passed out and in with their wheelbarrows. There was considerable angry talk and several excited men besought every pa- triotic citizen to turn out at 10 o'clock at night and tear down the fence. Several ])ersons wrote on the fence in big black letters, ' Wanted, 10,000 men to assemble in the Square at 10 o'clock to-night, to tear down the stockade.' " The workmen were not molested after the first rush, and the crowd soon dispersed. " After the crowd was excluded, Capt. Scofield re- 236 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY mained inside the stockade and directed the workmen. The crowd peered through the cracks in the fence, and occasionally hooted at the workmen, and uttered de- risive cries. " When Patrolman Dangler and ]McGrevey entered the station, they were followed by a number of the lat- ter's sympathizers and a good deal of loud talking was indulged in on all sides. McGrevey became eloquent in defending himself and made use of strong language in maintaining his position. He said : ' This placing me under arrest does not injure the cause in the least. The whole city is behind my back, and there are enough others to carry on the work. Let them build up the fence, it will be all torn down before long.' " There was some indecision among the officials as to what course to pursue in regard to the arrest. Lieut. Burns refused to have the arrest entered on the blotter until the charge upon which ]\IcGrevey should be tried was decided upon. Gen. Elwell then went up stairs to the Prosecutor's office and a warrant was issued by Prosecutor Fiedler charging McGrevey with malic- iously injuring property. Gen. Elwell put np $10 for costs. The warrant was served upon McGrevey and his name was then entered upon the books. He was regis- tered as John R. IMcGrevey, a riveter, thirty years of age, living at No. 24 Lyons Street. After his first dis- plav of anger, the prisoner relapsed into moody silence, and refused to speak at all. Attorney F. E. Dellen- bausfh entered the station with a number of other men at about the time the registry was made. He at once caused a bail bond to be made out for $100, and as he affixed his name to it he remarked that nothing he had done in a year made him feel any better. The bond was also signed by L. P. Whitney, F. V. Faul- haber, S. M. Wolcott, Jr., and A. J. Scribner. " Mr. Dellenbaugh remarked to a party of gentlemen soldiers' and sailors' monument. 237 who stood with him discussing the assault that he would like to bail out a man every minute who was ar- rested upon such a charge. Gen. Elwell said to him : " ' What ! do you mean that you would countenance such conduct as that ? ' " ' Yes, I would like to bail a man out every minute. The people are speaking, and I have always recognized the voice of the people as the voice of God.' Mr. Del- lenbaugh said later that he hoped there would be a large attendance at the taxpayers' meeting in the Square Saturday night to discuss the question as to where the Soldiers' Monument should be placed, " ' Will they tear down the fence?' asked a bystander. " ' You can't control a lot of angry men,' he replied. ' You can't tell what will happen.' " A meeting of the Monument Commissioners and the Board of Trade Committee, appointed to confer with them, will be held at the rooms of the Board of Control at II o'clock this morning. There were all sorts of rumors last night that a compromise site for the IVIonument would be agreed upon, but there was nothing authentic to give rise to the hope that the war- fare is closed. " A meeting will be held in the Public vSquare, north- east section, to-night. Conservative citizens who have spoken at all on the subject deplore the attempt to hold a meeting, believing that no good can come if a mis- cellaneous crowd assembles in the vSquare, as most likely will be the case, for the purpose of witnessing excitement. " One week from to-day will be the seventy-ninth an- niversary of Commodore Perry's victory, near Put-in- Bay, over the British naval fleet, under Commodore Barclay. It was after this battle that the following fa- mous letter was sent to Gen. William Henrv Harrison : 238 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " U. S. Brig Niagara, off Western Sisters, September loth, 1S13, 4 P. M. " We have met the enemy, and they are ours. u ^ ITT TT TT , ). " Oliver H. Perry. " Gen. William H. Harrison. " It has been suggested, and was a current topic of conversation on the streets yesterday, that all demon- strations in honor of the anniversary should be post- poned until next Saturday. At that time, it was stated, the proper thing to do would be to have a celebration that would be fitting to the occasion. The fact that this is the Columbian year ; that an interest is being taken in American history such as has never been taken before, and that Commodore Perr}'s name is a household word at present, were all used in arguments in favor of appropriate exercises in honor of his mem- ory. From the tenor of the suggestions made by a number of citizens who talked about the matter, it is safe to say that a call will be issued soon, /ro?u some place, that such a meeting be held. " ' It is our duty to prevent disturbance, and we must of course insist on an observance of the law," said Mayor Rose when informed of the arrest of the fence breaker yesterday. ' While nearly all citizens object to the fence in the Square, we can not allow them to tear it down in violation of law. // a mob of four or ■five thousand tmdcrtook the task the\- would probably have the fence down before the police could be mus- tered, but it will not be done if we can prevent it.' [Rather suggestive that, coming from the Mayor of the city. But the cowardly mob did not act on the hint. — W.^J. G.] " Mr. J. H. McBride, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Hon. R. C. Parsons, Hon. Geo. H. Ely and Mr. S. M. Strong, the Committee appointed at the Citizens' meeting in the Board of Trade rooms on Thursday to confer with the Soldiers' Monument Commission, met yesterday at the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 241 office of Mr. M. A. Hanna, in the Perry-Payne building. A communication was sent to Major Gleason, President of the Monument Commission, asking when and where they could meet the Commission. The Major replied that a conference might be held in the Board of Control room in the City Hall at 11 o'clock this morning. " In speaking of the conference to a reporter, Major Gleason said : ' It will be interesting to see with what sort of a proposition the Committee will come to the conference. As business men, they should not ask us to abandon the Square without offering us another site just as good. There are plenty of good sites in the city, but I know of no desirable one except the one in the Square that is available for the Alonument. I sup- pose that they will take up the subject where the Board of Trade meeting left off, and that there will be a lot of discussion. I understand that they are going to fire at us the Council resolution giving General ^Nleyer au- thority to bring proceedings to keep us off the Square. That resolution was about twelve years behind the times and should be stowed away with the other an- cient rubbish.' " A conference of the Board of Trade Committee and the Monument Commissioners was held on Sept. 3d, a report of which we clip from the Leader of the follow- ing date : "A score of gentlemen gathered in the Board of Con- trol rooms, vSaturday morning, to discuss the Soldiers' Monument question. They were members of the ^Nlonu- ment Commission and of the Conference Committee appointed at the Board of Trade meeting. Before the meeting was called to order the gentlemen considered the matter in an informal way. "'Were there a number ot competitive designs?' asked ]Mr. ]\I. A. Hanna. 242 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " 'No; we took Captain Scofield's design, and added to it from time to time,' responded jNIajor Gleason. " Mr. Hanna called attention to the fact that every law providing for an increase in the tax levy inchided the provision that it should be used for the construction of the Monument and the purchase of a site. He took that as an indication that the Commission had some other site than the Square in view as a contingency. It hardly bore out the claim of the Commission that the Monument was designed for the Public Square and could not be placed anywhere else. " 'When was work on the Monument begun?' asked Mr. Hanna. " ' In 1885,' responded Major Gleason^ " 'When did you get authority to use the Square?' " ' In 1888, but from the first we figured on placing it there.' "'There has been some talk about this being an eleventh-hour 'kick,' said ]\Ir. Hanna. ' I believe that no objection has been made heretofore because people had no conception of the character of the Monument. I, for one, supposed that its base would be two or three times as large as that of the Perry statue, but now I find that it is to be a house. It will fill the entire section of the Square^ and will be a serious obstruction there. There is not a person in Cleveland who is opposed to the Monument, but a majority of the people do believe that a better site than the Square can be selected.' " General James Barnett was made Chairman and Mr. M. A. Hanna Secretary. General Barnett suggested that the discussion should be conducted without acri- mony and ill-feeling. ' The Committee are not here to oppose the Monument,' said Mr. J. H. ]\IcBride, 'but to represent a large class of people who do not think it should be placed in the Square.' "General Barnett — 'This Commission have had only soldiers' and sailors' monument. 243 one site available and the work has gone on with refer- ence to that. If a mistake has been made it should be pointed out and a remedy suggested. Have the Committee a definite proposition to make as to any other site?' " yir. Hanna — 'I do not understand that we have. We spent a good deal of time yesterday discussing various sites, and we have several men getting information. We hope to impress the Commission with the fact that a large majority of the people are opposed to the Square as a site. If the Square will ever be good for anything it will be to relieve the congested state of affairs that will arise with the increase of population. This Com- mittee were appointed for conference and have not come with any proposition. If a mistake has been made as to the site, another should be selected.' "General Barnett — ' It is to be regretted that nothing was said during the past thirteen years. The Commis- sioners ha\e always been willing to meet any citizen who had a suggestion to make, and it is late now to bring up this subject. But it may not be too late.' " Hon. R. C. Parsons asked the Commissioners whether they would be willing to place the Monument at the foot of Ontario Street, at the foot of Erie vStreet opposite Lakeside Hospital, in W^ade Park, at the corner of Euclid and Huron Street, in Lake View Cemetery, or tJic northeast section of the Public Square. He praised the ^Monument from an artistic standpoint, and said that it could not be shown to proper advantage in the Public Square. He said that he had seen all the National [Monuments of note in the civilized world, and they all had better sites than was proposed for the vSoldiers' ^lonument. He asked whether the Commis- sioners would submit the cpiestion to a vote of the peo- ple. He believed that nine out of ten people were opposed to the obstruction of the vSquare. He referred 244 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY to Attorney Frank E. Dellenbaugh. James Hayr inter- rupted with the exclamation : " ' ^Ir. Dellenbaugh's remarks are not appreciated here ; his uncle is President of the East Cleveland Railroad Company.' " ' I would rather have the ]\Ionument stand forever on the Square,' said Colonel Parsons, ' than have the street railroad run through the Square. I represent no corporation but the people, and I do represent the people.' " Mr. Hayr explained that he did not wish to inti- mate that Colonel Parsons represented a corporation. ''Another reference was made to Lake View Ceme- tery, and General Barnett said : " ' I think that site may as well be eliminated from the discussion. I do not believe the people would want the Monument placed in a graveyard.' " Colonel Parsons — ' You remember, General, that it was proposed to place the Garfield ^lonument in the Public Square. It would have been a monstrosity on that site. If the Commissioners are satisfied that the people favor the Square, why not submit it to a vote?' '' He also asked the Commission to name some other site than the Square that would meet with their ap- proval, and if its cost was within the bounds of reason it would be purchased for them. " Major Gleason declared that the Committee had not obtained accurate information concerning the ]\Ionu- ment. He gave figures to prove that it would be less of an obstruction than was claimed by the Committee. Next to the Public Square he favored Wade Park. " 'We will purchase the reserved section in the cen- ter of Wade Park,' said Colonel Parsons. " 'Well, we should like to see in writing any proposi- tion that may be made,' resumed Major Gleason. 'Dur- ing the past thirteen years we have been going ahead soldiers' and sailors' monument. 245 and the people have been with ns. Your Committee represents a very enterprising Board — where were you all these years? The Park Commissioners offered us any quarter of the Sqiiare except this southeast section. Mr. Wade said that it might be wanted some day for an extension of Euclid Avenue. The site at the corner of Erie and vSummit Streets would cost $200,000.' " ' Why not place it in Lake View^ Park opposite On- tario vStreet?' asked Hon. Geo. H. Ely. " ' It would be practically impossible to get a founda- tion there,' answered a Commissioner. ' Besides, Onta- rio Street is laid out through the Park, and cannot be legally diverted from public purposes.' " Colonel' C. C. Dewstoe said the only objection that could be urged against the southeast section of the Square as a site was the fact that it might be needed for an extension of Euclid Avenue. He considered it strange that the Commissioners were offered any other section of the vSquare. He said that if the Monument were placed in the vSquare it should be in the southeast section. The Commissioners have no idea of doing any- thing to inconvenience the people. " ' What is the basis of all this opposition if the peo- ple favor the Square as a site?' asked Mr. Hanna. " 'There is a false sentiment that is being worked up about Perr\',' said Colonel Dewstoe. ' The moving of his statue w'ould not involve any disrespect to his mem- ory. No one objected when the statue was moved to its present position. A number of Euclid Avenue prop- erty owners are very anxious now to have the street extended. The attorney of the East Cleveland Railroad Company offered to bail out a hundred disturbers in the Public vSquare. He offered encouragement to persons who were attempting to coerce us b\- mob law. The City Administration has acted in a very peculiar man- ner, and the newspapers like to favor the public offi- 246 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY cials. They receive printino^ and other favors. If you gentlemen know of any better site, I would be very glad to hear it.' " Major Gleason explained that no member of the Commission, including the designer, received a cent of money. ' Statuary was modeled in this city for $250,' he said, ' that would have cost $1,000 if the work had been done by contract. We handle no money. When com- pleted, it will be the grandest ^Monument in the country.' '' 'General Leggett says that it will be the finest in the world,' said General Elwell. " ' It has been reported that it will cost the City $3,000 per year to care for the Monument,' said Mr. S. M. Strong, " 'It will not cost the city a cent, if the city will let the old Soldiers have charge of the Monument,' said Major Gleason. " ]\Ir. Bander suggested that the site at Bond, Lake' and Summit Streets was a good one if it could be se- cured. If the Commission was to turn back, however, it must be an honorable retreat. " INIr. Ely proposed the appointment of a joint com- mittee to consider another site. General Barnett ex- plained that a contract for the work had been awarded, and that operations were being prosecuted with vigor. " Mr. Hanna expressed the opinion that Colonel INIc- Allister, the contractor, would not put in a claim for damages if the work were to be stopped. ' Yes, but he has been called to New Orleans on a great public occa- sion,' explained Colonel Dewstoe, ' and it will be some days before he returns to the city.' " General Elwell was gratified by the spirit mani- fested by the Committee, but he said he was discour- aged by the bitter and almost vindictive spirit displayed at the Board of Trade meeting. "Colonel Parsons moved that a joint committee of soldiers' and sailors' monument. 247 three Commissioners and three members of the Board of Trade Committee be appointed to consider the qnes- tion of selecting another site. " j\Ir. Hayr said he was willing to do anything that was reasonable. He wondered at the sndden change of sentiment in men who were nntil recently in favor of the Square. " General Elwell expressed confidence that the true sentiment of the people was with the Commission. " Colonel E. W. Force believed that the ^Monument should be kept on the vSquare and that $200,000 more should not be spent. He did not believe that the tax- payers would be willing to pay $200,000 more for a site. " Air. Henry W. S. Wood insisted that the Monument should go in the Square. ' Throughout Europe,' said he, ' the monuments are placed in the squares and not in the suburbs. The West Side people want the Monu- ment kept in the central part of the city.' " The following resolution, offered by Air Ely, was adopted : " Resolved, That a committee of five members of the Commis- sion, of whom the Chairman shall Vje one, be appointed for confer- ence and co-operation with the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade in an endeavor to procure a site other than that selected by the Commission, which shall harmonize the jjresent existin,i( views on the subject. " The meeting adjourned, subject to the call of Gen- eral Barnett, the Chairman." X\'I. THE cranks had at last succeeded in carrying out their fond desire. They, too, held a "mass meet- ing," tlie principal ingredients of which were noise, personal abuse, and fury. It took place on the evening of September 3d, and was reported in the Leader of next day as follows: " The northeast section of the Public vScjuare was black with ]>cople for two hours last night, and the fate of the fence around the opposite section, where Perry still stands in silent majesty, was a matter of conjecture at several stages of the meeting. If some of the speak- ers could have swayed the crowd, an attempt would ha\-e been made to demolish the fence. Whether such attempt could have been successful or not is very doubt- ful, for forty guardians of the peace in the form of the most stalwart members of the police force kept watch and ward outside the enclosure, and it would not have gone down without an accompaniment of broken heads and bruised bodies. Fortunately, three-fourths of the assembly were law-abiding citizens, and the other fourth had nearly all the fight talked out of them by the time General Meyer and other speakers had said what they wanted to say. Tlie meeting did one thing ; they resolved to hold a celebration of Perry's victory next vSaturday. the proposed program involving the decoration of the Commodore's statue. The first ratifi- cation of last night's meeting was given by means of a piece of black chalk in the hand of one of the moving spirits in the P'ranklin Club. Invitations to gather in the Square were scrawled in black and white on the I'.kKiADIKk -(iKXKKA], JA.MKS BAKNKTT. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 251 obnoxious fence in sundry places. Many of those who read the invitation were straightway moved to write something presumably appropriate themselves, and the consequence was that by yesterday afternoon there was a choice aggregation of notices on the outer wall. '' The outside of the big pine fence was literally cov- ered with a large assortment of inscriptions and notices. They were written and printed with lead pencils, chalk of varied colors, and carbon pencils, although the vari- ety in penmanship and lettering was more marked than the assortment of ideas. The most conspicuous of the inscriptions were notices written in a large hand in many places, reading as follows: 'Mass meeting in the Square to-night to protest against the removal of Perry's Monument. Come, everybody.' Near the big gate which was torn down the other day was written: 'Wanted — 10,000 men to assemljle in the vSquare, at 10 o'clock to-night, to tear down this fence.' In big blue letters on the fence was written: 'Come prepared for action to the mass meeting. Bring axes, crow-bars, picks and sledges.' "There were not less than 2,000 people on the Square when Dr. L. B. Tuckerman called them to order last evening. The Doctor briefly announced the object of the meeting, and asked that a chairman be appointed. Thomas G. Fitzsimmons was selected without delay, and he made a capable presiding officer. Edmund G. \^ail was the first man introduced to the assemblage. He said the old Soldiers were being 'played for chumps bv the dozen men who were trying to run the Soldiers' Monument.' ' Why don't some of these champions, with marks on their faces that they got in slaughter- houses and not on the battle-field, devote some of their energies to getting j^ensions for deserving living old Soldiers, instead of putting up a Monument to dead ones where the people don't want it?' demanded Mr. 252 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Yail. 'We don't want to have any ill feeling with the South to-day,' he continued. ' The war has been over for twenty-seven years.' " ' Well, we don't want any condemnation of the old Soldiers. Don't give us any more of that sort of talk,' shouted one of his auditors, and the words were greeted with a ringing cheer. " ' I'm not condemning the old Soldiers,' replied ]\Ir. Vail. My father and brother were good Soldiers — bet- ter Soldiers than these men who have so much to say about the war now. The men who are doing most of the talking in favor of the old Soldiers are the men who fought with their mouths thirty years ago. I don't want you to pull down the fence. [Cries of 'pull it down.'] The Commissioners put it up ; let them pay for taking it down. Anyone who advocates pulling down the fence is an Anarchist.' " 'Who's he calling an Anarchist?' demanded a man, who, if appearance counts for anything, was certainly entitled to the appellation. As he asked the question, the man elbowed his way toward the rostrum and shook his fist at Vail. The question was repeated in louder tones. The man's friends hustled him back to the edge of the crowd. Mr. Vail continued his speech, but ever and anon could be heard the inquiry, 'Who's an An- archist?' " The next speaker was William Heisley, Esq., who began by saying that he was opposed to moving Perry's Monument. He did not see much use for building a Soldiers' Monument anywhere. 'If the men who were building it must have their names recorded, let them place it where the people want it,' he continued. There were several shouts of 'Where do the people want it?' 'I don't care where they want it. They cer- tainly don't want it on the Square,' was the answer. ' I don't question the legal right of the Commission to soldiers' and sailors' monument. 253 place the Aloniiment in tlie vSqiiare,' continued the ora- tor, ' but it's mighty bad taste in them to go against the wishes of the citizens. One thing is certain, they had no right to place that fence there, and it can be demol- ished by any man, and they can't punish him for it, either.' This statement was enthusiastically received. ' The City authorities ought to remove the fence,' the speaker went on, and he continued in the same strain, berating the Mayor and (ieneral Meyer for what he termed dereliction of duty. 'If (ieneral Meyer had told the Mayor the fence had no right there, as he ought to have told him, it would have been taken down in short order,' was his concluding utterance. "It happened that (ieneral Meyer was listening to Mr. Ileisley's speech, and when that ancient Democrat retired the Director of Law stepped upon the rostrum and forced his way through the crowd toward the front of the stand. ' I am surprised to hear such utterances from my old friend Heisley,' .said (general Meyer. ' He knows, and you know, that for sixteen months I have been using every means that could lawfully be used to prevent the removal of Perry's monument, and yet I heard him say that if I told the Mayor that fence should come down, it would be taken down at once. Judge Sherwood has issued an injunction restraining any offi- cer or employe of the City, or any citizen, from inter- fering with the fence. That being the case, what is the dut\' of the Mayor and other officers of the City? Is it not our duty to set an example of respect to the Court and wait until tinre shall bring about a remedy for the wrong we complain of? He who counsels violence or urges that a single chip of that fence be removed while the injunction of the Court is in force is a public enemy. [Ap])lause.] I believe the fence has no right there, and I would rather lose my right arm than see Perry's statue taken down, but I, with all other citizens, must abide 254 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY by the decree of the Court. Do not, by reason of bad advice, forget your duty as American citizens. Do not tarnish the honor of this fair city by saying to the world that Cleveland knows no law and respects no authority. These Commissioners who have been maligned here to-night are honorable, patriotic American citizens. Do not, I beg of you, cast a slur or reflection on the honor and courage and patriotism of a single one of them. They are wrong in their action. Protest against that wrong. Protest that they must not go on with the work. They will hear your voice and respect your wishes.' [Applause.] " F. E. Dellenbaugh, Esq., followed General IMeyer in an earnest speech, counseling respect for the Court's injunction. ' The voice of the law is higher than the voice of the people as long as the law remains on the statute books,' he said. 'Do not resort to violence, but let time cure this evil. The law that authorized the placing of this Monument in the Square can be re- pealed, if need be.' " Dr. R. A. Vance reached the rostrum at this point in the proceedings. He made an eloquent speech in behalf of law and order. ' Wait until the Legislature meets, and seek redress from the bod}- that made the law and rendered it possible for the present state of affairs to exist,' he concluded. " The following resolution was handed to the Chair- man, who read it as soon as Dr. Vance retired : ^'■Resolved, We, as citizens of Cleveland, in mass meeting assem- bled, most earnestly protest against the removal of Perr^-'s monu- ment from its place on the Square, for any purpose whatsoever. " The resolution was adopted with a shout that w^as heard a mile away. Colonel Van Tassel then moved that the Monument Commissioners be requested to resign, 'so that a new Commissiou can be appointed who would carry out the wishes of the people.' There soldiers' and sailors' monument. 255 was another shout of approval when the motion was put. The noes were called for, and a considerable number of people responded. ' You're not in it,' said the Chairman. ' The motion is adopted.' An individ- ual, with one eye in mourning, who was under the influ- ence of liquor, here wanted to know if the Chairman 'was a goin' to appoint a detail to pull down the fence.' Some of the kindred spirits in the audience applauded the questioner, but no notice was taken of him by the majority of the people. Peter Witt was on the rostrum. He told the Chairman he would like to say a few words, and was accordingly introduced. He made the most incendiary speech of the evening. ' General Meyer and Mr. Dellenbaugh have been telling you to obey the law,' he began, ' but I say we've had too much law already. It's nothing but law, law, law. If it hadn't been for so much law, the fence wouldn't be there. The people have a right to decide where the Monument should go, and not a score of blacklegs, like the Monument Com- mission. ']\Iost of you are afraid to say what you really think about this matter, but I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I'm not an office-seeker, or a pap-sucker either, and I speak as my heart directs. The old Soldiers that people make so much fuss about only did what you or I would do to-morrow if our services were needed. They did nothing more nor less than their duty as Amer- ican citizens. As long as the people are willing to pay pensions to the old Soldiers, the people should have the sa)' as to where any monuments that they may be given in addition to the pensions should go.' The Chairman and others on the rostrum called Witt to order, and he retired. Some of the crowd were not satisfied, however, and, like Oliver Twist, called for ' more.' Dr. Tucker- man said a few soothing words and urged that there be no disorder. ' Let us wait the motion of the Courts,' he added, 'and if the Courts don't move we can move the 256 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Legislature. The Commission can be legislated out of office if they don't do the will of the people/ The Doctor concluded by making a motion that there be a grand celebration of Perry's victory next Saturday night in the Square, and that Perry be decorated if he should still stand, and if he was down by that time the pieces could be decorated. There. were several shouts of 'How are we going to get in?' and these were greeted with laughter. '' 'That's not the motion/ said the Chairman. 'The motion only contemplates a mass meeting and the decoration of the statue.' The man with the discol- ored eye said he knew a way to get inside the fence. Nobody contradicted him. The motion for a celebra- tion was caiTied unanimously. It was then moved that the Commission be requested to open the gates of the fence next Saturday night so that the statue can be decorated. That motion also prevailed. " Dr. Elroy ]M. Avery, who was standing near the rostrum, was called on to speak. He said a few words in condemnation of Witt's utterances. ' I have no sym- pathy with men who refer to the ^Monument Commis- sioners as blacklegs,' he said, 'and such language should not be tolerated by this audience. I don't blame you for wanting to pull down the fence, but I do blame you if you try to pull it down. If Almighty God, in his wrath and indignation, should strike the fence with lightning and it should be burned up, I for one would fold my hands and say, ' Thy will be done,' but we can't interfere if God doesn't. Let General INIeyer take care of our interests. He and the other authori- ties of the City will do all they can do legally to pre- serve our rights.' " David Rankin made a short speech in which Peo- ple's party doctrines bobbed to the surface. He said if the people had exhibited as much anxiety in regard to soldiers' and sailors' monumknt. 257 the street car monopolies as they were showin<^ in re- gard to Perry's iiionuincnt, they might have owned all the street car lines in the city long ago. The meeting was declared adjonrned, and five minutes later the Square was empt>' of all save the usual number of loungers." That was a cheerful gathering ! It forcibly illus- trated what an unbridled mob would have done, unless restrained by men of courage and discretion. To show how public sentiment was working, we re- produce an editorial from the Z<"(7(y<'7' of September 4th : " The meeting of the .Monument Commission and the Citizens' Committee yesterda\' was characterized by a friendly spirit and disposition on Ijoth sides to arrive at an amicable settlement of the differences on the site question. General Barnett, in behalf of the Commis- sion, asked the Committee what mistake, if any, had been made, and to propose a remedy for it. Both sides of the controversy were set forth clearly and forcibly. It remains to be seen whether the impression made upon the members of the Commission will lead them to change their plans. The matter ought to be settled without any further hard words. The Monument Com- mission is composed (jf well known and reputable citizens, all of whom served in the ITnion Armies. Thus far they have done nothing that the law did not au- thorize them to do. The>' are engaged in a patriotic work, and well deserve the gratitude of our people. There should be no difference of opinion among Cleve- landers concerning their efforts to erect a fitting me- morial to the men who went forth from this county to battle for the Union. What they have done has been done for nothing, without expectation of any reward other than the satisfaction of having aided in appro- priately commemorating the valor and patriotism of the men who went with them to the front. They are, 258 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY therefore, entitled to the most respectful consideration of the people of Cleveland. " Members of the Monument Commission have stated that if their present plans are carried out they will, if thought advisable, leave the Perry statue in the same section of the Square where it now stands. This should put an end to all the sentimental talk about removing the statue of the Commodore. Its location has been changed once and it would show no lack of respect to the hero to move it a few feet from where it now stands. Members of the Commission also offer to refund to the county every cent of money thus far expended on the Memorial, to restore the Square to its former condition, and to sell the Monument to some other city. This proposition should not be entertained for a moment. It sounds like bluff, but no man who knows the history and character of General Elwell will accuse him of blufHng. The ^Monument must be erected in this city. It will be an ornament to the city, an at- traction to the people living within a hundred miles of Cleveland, an effective lesson in history, and an inspi- ration of patriotism to future generations. The adjust- ment of the controversy should be left entirely in the hands of the Committee and the Commission and the City officials, and any intemperate talk on the subject will not mend matters in the least. We feel confident that the matter can and will be amicably adjusted within a few days. The contending parties have almost reached an agreement already. When Mayor Rose and Directors Herrick and Gardner met the Monument Commission last week, it was proposed on the part of the City that the site should be changed to the north- east corner of the Square. Yesterday, Colonel R. C. Parsons made the same suggestion. Now, let the Com- mission accept this. If the Board of Control will agree to this proposition, the Leader believes the Commis- CAPTAIN W. J. WOODWARD. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 261 sioiiers will meet them. The Council should then rescind the resolution directing the law officer of the City to institute the suit against the Commission, and the controversy would be settled by slight concessions on each side." The following heartfelt communication from Commis- sioner Elwell was contributed to the Leader of vSeptem- ber 5th : " To the Editor of the Leader : " Witnessing, as I did, at the Board of Trade meeting, the strong and intense feeling of opposition by those present, calling them- selves the people, and the business men of the City, to the location of the Monument on the Square, most of whom have never taken enough interest in the work to visit us, or make a suggestion for or against work or site or anything else, I felt completel}- discouraged and wished myself at an end of the enterprise, and I am frank to say I have no heart for further work. " When I heard the pathetic and earnest, and, I may say, tearful words of General Leggett, every word of which represented the feelings of the Commission, pleading for a candid invescigation of our work and for peace, fall to the ground amid derisive laughter, I thought we must give up. Here was an old Soldier bearing five wounds and some lead in his body, having had shot under him four horses, standing as it were on one leg, defending the action of the Commission and begging for peace without effect, unless we gave up our site. He said the Commission Ijelieved that they had the great mass of the people of the county behind them and were doing their work as the people wanted it done, and as every Soldiers' organiza- tion in the county had directed it to be done ; and as the county representatives in three Legislatures, the County Commissioners and the City Councils had unanimously approved the site, and said go ahead and erect the Monument without delay. That all these thirteen years the Board of Trade had not made a suggestion with regard to site or anything else. He said that the Commission had tried for three years to find a site elsewhere and failed ; that the Square was not quite satisfactory to Captain Scofield and some of the Commission, but they could do no better and took it, and have made all their plans to correspond with that site. He said no mem- ber of the Commission had received, or would receive, directly or indirectly, a cent for what they had done, not even Captain Scofield, who had given seven years almost entirely to the work. That the tax had been spread over fifteen years that it might not be burden- 262 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY some to the people. That the man who paid one hundred dollars taxes only paid one-half cent every six months. That artists, the best to be had in Rome, Paris and New York, had been hired by the day, and that no fancy prices had been paid. He had just returned from Europe, and there was nothing that would compare with this work for originality, grandeur and beauty. It was designed by a Soldier who had seen what he had brought out in bronze. Captain Scofield had followed Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and had been one hundred and nineteen consecutive days under fire, besides being in many other battles. He had put what he had seen into bronze ; forty heroic figures in action. He said after the peo- ple had seen the work completed twenty-four hours they would glorv in the work as the finest adornment in this or any other city. He pleaded for peace and wanted no contention. All this kind of talk of General Leggett made no impression upon the Board of Trade meeting whatever. It gave to him a patient hearing, but howled down Captain Scofield, whom General Leggett asked to show his plans for the Monument. The assault upon the action of the Commission in selecting a site continued long and loud. After the meeting I heard Mr. Dellenbaugh, who spoke two or three times in the meeting, and said it would be better to have a railroad there than a Monument, say that fence must come down. " General Leggett pleaded for peace. We are all tired of this bitter feeling over a work of this kind, and it must stop. If the Monument is erected, it will leave a sting and bitterness behind, when nothing should remain but joy and beaut}'. Old friends and neighbors are being alienated, and all satisfaction to the Commis- sion in pursuing the work is destroyed. I have no angry words of denunciation for anybody, though I am sure the City government, in suddenly reversing the action of its three predecessors — Farley, Babcock and Gardner — as soon as it came into power, and the Board of Trade in wholly neglecting this great work for the adornment and patriotism of the City, in which the Board pretends to be par- ticularly interested, to the last minute, have not treated the Com- missioners fairly. " I see but one way out of this trouble and wrangle among old friends and neighbors. The site cannot be changed. There is no other available. The Commission has done the best it could, hon- estly and patiently. Its work is not satisfactory. The Commission believes that it has done the right thing, and that the people ap- prove the work as done, and that it has not done an illegal act in all these years of toil and anxietj^ — the Courts say this. " After consulting with mj' associates, I am prepared to say that the Commissioners are ready and able to pay back to the county every dollar the Monument has cost, and take it off the hands of the soldiers' and sailors' monument, 263 county, and put the Square in its original condition. The statuary is wanted elsewhere. " General Leggett pleaded for peace. So do we all. ' Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.' Let us have peace. We are getting old ; our time is short. The Com- missioners hoped to see this Monument completed. It has become as the apple of the eye. But there is little hope of that, except in bitterness between friends and neighbors. lu the words of Cleve- land's poet-statesman, who has told the story in matchless language of the greatest American : " We meet and greet in closing ranks. In time's declining sun, When the bugles of God shall sound recall, And the battle of life is won. J. J. ElvWEI.1.." The clouds are breaking. A new proposition i.s made to the Commission. • The City oflficials, like vSatan npon the monntain, were very prolific in promises. They would give the Commission almost any place for a site (at the same time having no place really to give), pro- viding the Commission would fall down and worship them. We were not, however, worshiping self-consti- tuted gods just at that time, hence their proposition was let into one ear of the Commission, and out the other. But we met and talked it over, as is shown in the annexed article from the Leader of September 7th : "A meeting which may result in a happy solution of the vexed Monument site question was held in the office of Captain Levi T. Scofield, on Tuesday morning. It was a joint meeting of the committees appointed by the Board of Trade and the Monument Commission to decide upon a suitable location for the Soldiers' and Sailors' ^Monument. Those present were : J. H. AIc- Bride, Hon. George H. Ely, M. A. Hanna, Colonel R. C. Parsons and S. M. Strong, of the Board of Trade, and General James Barnett, General M. D. Leggett, Captain Levi F. Bander, Major W. J. Gleason and Captain Levi T. Scofield, of the Monument Commission. General 264 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY James Barnett presided. The meeting was called for the purpose of familiarizing the members of the joint committee with the various sites which have been pre- pared for the Monument. There was a general inter- change of opinion, and the result was that the members of the committee got closer together than ever before. Some of the members of the Commission said they were perfectly willing to abandon the Public Square if a site equally suitable could be decided upon. Hon. Geo. H. Ely made an earnest plea in favor of placing the Monu- ment overlooking the lake front. He referred especially to the site bounded by Erie, Lake and Summit Streets, if it could be obtained. Mr. Ely said that the United States Government would eventually tra:nsfer all the Marine Hospital service of the lakes to Cleveland, and that undoubtedly adequate buildings would be erected. This, with the Lakeside Hospital building, would add much to the beauty of the lake front. There was more talk along the same line, and then Captain Bander of- fered the following resolution, which was supported by Mr. J. H. McBride: " We agree that the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' aud Sailors' Mon- ument is a beautiful and appropriate structure for the purpose, and should be erected at the earliest practical da^-, on the best possible site. " We agree that the Monument should not be built at all unless it shall be worthy of and receive the commendation of the people. " We agree that if the Monument be not built upon the Public Square, that we recommend the site liounded by Erie, Lake aud Summit Streets, if obtainable. " This proposition met with general favor and it was unanimously adopted. '' Captain Bander was congratulated on what ap- peared to all the answer of the question which has caused so much comment of late. After the meeting, he said : ' The problem has now been reduced down to just two points. The Monument will be erected on the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 265 Public Square, or on the site suggested by the resolu- tion. I am sure that the latter location, if it can be ob- tained, will be satisfactory to all concerned. I have all along looked for a peaceable settlement of the matter, and I feel confident that the meeting to-da}^ will do much to secure it. What we want more than anything else in matters of this kind is calm, quiet reasoning.' " During the session of the Board of Control, in the City Hall, shortly afterward, Hon. R. C. Parsons and Mr. J. H. McBride entered the room and had a brief consultation with Director Meyer. A few minutes later the Director of Law addressed the Board. He said he had been informed by Colonel Parsons that the Monu- ment Commission had intimated that they would accept a site at the southwest corner of Erie and Summit Streets as the location for the Monument. The land and buildings could be appropriated at a cost not ex- ceeding $120,000, Director ]\Ie}-er said. 'The question is,' he continued, ' whether, for the purpose of saving the southeast section of the Square, the City will under- take to expend $120,000 for the purchase of another site. If the Council decides to proceed in the latter di- rection, the first steps will be to provide for the sub- mission of the question to a vote of the electors. It will require a majority vote of the electors of the city — not merely of the votes cast — before the appropriation can be made. If there is any way of saving the south- east section of the Square, that way should be taken, but I for one am entirely opposed to making anv prop- osition while the Commission persist in going on with the w^ork.' " Mayor Rose suggested that a resolution along the line of General Meyer's remarks be submitted to the Board, and the following resolution was therefore drawn up and passed unanimously : 266 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Resolved, That the Board of Control recommend to the Honor- able Council of the City of Cleveland the passage of such legislation as shall provide for the submission to the electors of the Cit}' at the ensuing November Election a proposition to appropriate for Park purposes as a site for the proposed Soldiers' Monument the land bounded on the east by Erie Street, on the west by an alley, 270 feet vv'est of Erie Street, on the south by the north line of Lake Street, and on the north by the south line of Summit Street. Upon condi- tion, however, that the Monument Commission immediately desist from further work on the Public Square of the City, and at once remove, or permit the City authorities to remove, the fence now surrounding the southeast section of the Square. " Early in tlie Council meeting last night the reso- lution of the Board of Control recommending that steps be taken to appropriate land bounded by Lake, Sum- mit, and Erie Streets for the Soldiers' Monument was received and filed. Similar action was taken in regard to a communication sent by the Monument Commission and containing formal notice that the Commission in- tended to begin work on the Square. The notice was sent two weeks ago, but there was no meeting of the Council last week. Later in the evening, Mr, Jackson submitted a resolution instructing the Director of Law to draw up an ordinance providing for a vote of the people at the November Election upon the question of appropriating the Summit Street property for the INIonu- ment. In answer to Mr. Malloy, Gen. Meyer said he was informed that the Monument Commissioners had promised to cease work on the Square and give it back into the City's custody. The resolution was passed without further comment. " There was no sign of the proposed cessation of work late yesterday afternoon. K large force of men were engaged within the fence and they were working as if they were being paid by the piece instead of by the day. The opinion among the Councilmen seemed to be that the Commission intended to keep at work in the Square. ' I don't see how they can do otherwise,' said soldiers' and sailors' .monument. 267 one member. ' Supposing the Summit Street site is submitted to a vote : it may be knocked out on election day, and in that case if the Commission should cease work now and restore the Square to its former state they would have all their work to do over again.' " At a meeting of the Commission, held on September 9th, they threw out the following "bait" to the City officials : " Clevelaxd, O., September 9, 1892. " To the Honorable Board of Control and City Council of Cleveland. "Gextlemex: — At a meeting of the Cu^-ahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission held this day, the communica- tion of this date from the Board of Control, relative to Monument site, was received, and in response thereto the following resolution was unanimously adopted : ''Resolved, That if the City Council at its next meeting take favorable action towards giving the Monument Commission the northeast section of the Public Square as a site for the Monument as contemplated in the proposition submitted by the Board of Control, we will recommend that work be suspended within the enclosure of the southeast section of the Public Square until the matter can be considered by the entire Commission, and the meeting of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' L^nion, to be called next week, with a view of securing their acceptance of the change. " Very respectfully, "William J. Gleasox, " Levi F. Bauder, " President. " Secretary." vSubsequent developments will show that the City Government swallowed the " bait," hook, line and sinker. In the meantime the Board of Trade Committee and the City officials were trotting tandem. They were striving to provide another site. We concluded that it might be well enough to let them trot around for awhile, just to keep their blood in healthy circulation. They continued to offer suggestions and advice, and, when they got through, they had nothing new to offer. If the Commission would only give up the site set aside 268 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY for the Monument by the Legislature of Ohio and former City administrations, approved by all of the Courts, and of which they held actual and legal possession, tJicn the Business INIen's Committee and the City officials would try to provide another site. But the Commission saw through their game of cheap "bluff," and "called them." When they were compelled to show down their hand it was seen that they held a bob-tail flush against a royal flush ! Our opponents were nearly " broke," and the indications were that, after one or two more "deals," they would be com- pelled to give up their places in their weakly played game. The Plam Dealer of the 9th said : " The IMonument Case may be satisfactorily adjusted, after all. Both sides were inclined to be decent Friday morning-. Realizing; how near the matter had reached a compromise on Thursday, the Board of Trade Com- mittee set out Friday to bring both the City and Com- mission together. Col. Richard C. Parsons, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Hon J. H. McBride, Hon. George H. Ely and Hon. S. M. Strong called upon the Monument Commis- sion and urged a compromise on sites, but were met with the rebuff that the City had offered no other site that was within the pale of reason. The Commission hinted that a reasonable site would be the northeastern section of the Square. The Committee then set out to secure a written offer of the northeastern section from the City. A special meeting of the Board of Control was called at noon in the JMayor's office. There were present Mayor Rose and Directors Meyer, Herrick, Gibbons, Gardner, Morison and Bangs. President Davidson of the Council was an interested spectator. Gen. Meyer presented a resolution and prefaced it with the following remarks : "'We have been advised bv the Board of Trade COLONEL W. R. CREIGHTON. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 271 Committee that if the northeast section of the Square is offered, the Commission will consider it.' " Gen. Meyer thereupon offered the following resolu- tion : " Resolved, That with a view to securing a compromise of the con- troversy over the use of the southeast section of the Public Square as a site for the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument and to prevent the removal of the monument of Commodore Perry now upon said site, that the Board of Control hereby submit to the Monumental Com- missioners the following proposal, viz : " That if the Monumental Commissioners will undertake to suspend work on the southeast section of the Public Square, and promptly remove the fence therefrom, and relinquish all claims thereto, the Board hereby agrees and undertakes to at once recom- mend to this Council the adoption of a resolution giving and renew- ing the consent of the City to said Commissioners to take, use and occupy the northeast section of said Square as a site for said Monu- ment, and upon the acceptance by said Commissioners of said last named section as such site to withdraw and dismiss all pending litigation instituted by the City to prevent the location of said Monument on the southeast section of said Square and will heartily co-operate with said Commissioners in the erection and preservation of the Monument. " ' The City has at all times,' said Gen. Meyer, ' been ready to confer with the Commissioners upon a com- promise on site. The City has never approved the proj- ect but has been somewhat opposed to the selection of the southeast portion of the vSquare for the Monument.' " The resolution was then adopted unanimoush'. " Col. Parsons and Mr. Ely returned to the Commis- sion with the resolution. Gen. Leggett was favorably impressed with it, and a joint meeting was called for at four o'clock in the Board of Control rooms. "A joint meeting of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monu- ment Commission with the Board of Trade Committee was held in the rooms of the Board of Control yesterday afternoon. There were present on behalf of the Com- mission Maj. W. J. Gleason, Gen. M. D. Leggett, Gen. James Barnett, Col. C. C. Dewstoe, Col. E. W. Force, 272 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Capt. Levi F. Bander and Capt. James Hayr, and in behalf of the Board of Trade Committee Messrs. jNI. A. Hanna, R. C. Parsons, J. H. McBride, S. M. Strong and George H. Ely. Maj. Gleason read the resolution adopted by the Board of Control in the morning, oflfer- ing the northeast section of the Square if the Commis- sion would relinquish the southeast section. " ' This is the first direct proposition \ve have had from the City,' said Major Gleason. ' It is clear and concise.' " ' Are we to stop work now ? ' asked Mr. Hayr. " ' Not at all,' said Mr. Parsons. ' It is now Friday and the Council will meet on INIonday.' " 'It seems to me,' said Col. Dewstoe, ' that the policy of the Administration is delay.' " ' How does this proposition suit the Board of Trade?' asked Gen. Leggett. '"The Committee can heartily endorse the proposi- tion,' said Mr. Hanna. "'I think that it will allay public sentiment,' said Mr. McBride." The Leader of the 9th details the breaking away from our entangling alliances, as follows: " The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commis- sioners will not listen to any further discussion concern- ing a site for the Monument until the City or a company of private citizens offers one equally as good as the southeast section of the Public Square, free from all expense or litigation that will cause delay. This decis- ion was reached yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the Commission in Captain Levi T. Scofield's ofhce. The Commissioners present were Major Gleason, Col. C. C. Dewstoe, Capt. Levi Bander, Col. E. W. Force, Gen. M. D. Leggett, James Hayr, Capt. J. B. Molyneaux, Gen. James Barnett and Capt. Scofield. Loren Pren- tiss, Esq., the legal adviser of the Commissioners, and SOLDIER.S' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 273 Maj. Theodore Voges, formerly a Park Commissioner, but now a resident of Canton, were present. Capt. Scofield asked Mr. Prentiss to state the substance of a conversation they had had concerning what the City shonld do if it is anxious to have the Monument kept off the southeast section of the Public Square. Mr. Prentiss stated briefly that the City should first agree to withdraw all the litigation now in the courts and guar- antee the immediate and peaceful occupation of any site agreed upon. In the event that the qiiestion should be submitted to a vote of the people, the City should guarantee the use of one of two sites. These precau- tions Mr. Prentiss held necessary so as to make the voting simpl)- a choice by the people between t,wo sites. ' All this opposition to the occupation of the southeast section of the Square,' he said, 'grows out of the hos- tility of the Street Railroad ComjDanies who will want to run their tracks through it as soon as they have been consolidated. If any street needs relief, it is Ontario and not Euclid Avenue.' "'If the occupation of the Square by the Monument will prevent its use by the Street Railroad Companies, that is a sufficient reason for my desire to have it there,' said General Leggett. " The proposed site near Lakeside Hospital was men- tioned and Mr. Hayr imparted some information. 'A man came to me only a short time ago,' he said, 'and offered to divide profits with me if I would notify him in time to buy up the land in case the Commission should decide to put the Monument there.' " Mr. Gleason said that Mr. Wade, five years before, had the opinion that Euclid Avenue would be extended. "'Yes,' said Mr. Prentiss, 'and Mr. Herrick says now that such a time is coming and all objections originated originally with the Railroad Companies.' "'If you use the northwest section, the Perkins 274 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY estate will object, and if you use the northeast section, the Society for Savings will fight,' interposed Mr. Hayr. "Col. Dewstoe then read the resolutions adopted by Memorial Post Wednesday night and the accompany- ing letter of explanation, signed by G. J. McKnight, John F. Weh and S. P. Mount. The resolutions are as follows : " Whereas, The Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County have annually since the inception of the Monument project confirmed the choice of site on the southeastern section of the Square, and, "Whereas, The Commission was created and the present site chosen by them, and, "Whereas, The Commissioners were especially appointed to represent their wishes, and of late they have publicly acknowledged themselves as the representatives of the Cuyahoga County Veterans, now therefore, be it " Resolved, By Memorial Post No. 141, Grand Army of the Repub- lic, that in all fairness we protest against the Commissioners chang- ing from the present site without first obtaining a full expression of the wishes and feelings of all the Soldiers and Sailors in the county. " Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to bring this matter to the immediate attention of our comrades, and to respect- fully ask the Commission that they delay action as to making any contemplated changes until the voice of the Ctiyahoga County Vet- erans can be heard. " They were received and made a part of the record of the meeting. Colonel Dewstoe said that he felt morally bound to listen to the request of the Veterans with regard to the site, although he said that the duty of the Commission was to the whole people and not solely to the county organization of Veterans. " After considerable discussion, Colonel Dewstoe claimed that the Commission could, with honor and re- spect, change the site only with the expressed wish of a majority of the originators of the IMonument plans ; therefore, he thought it would be advisable to have a meeting of the County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union soldiers' and sailors' monument. 275 soon. General Leggett voted ' no ' because he is strongly opposed to giving up the southeast section since the Courts have said that the Commission are right, and especially as the opponents of the site have waited so long before acting. " ' Let us stay where we are,' said Colonel Force. ' I have no faith in the City or its propositions. Two Coun- cils have given us the right to occupy, and another has refused.' " This emphatic expression of opinion met with smiles and ejaculations, ' that's it,' by General Leggett, Mr. Hayr and Captain Scofield. " A letter was received from General Elwell, who is sick at Lakewood. He advised cool-headed action, and said that he would abide by Captain Scofield's decision as to the fitness of any site. " Major Voges was called upon to say something, and in behalf of a number of ex-soldiers of Cuyahoga County who now live in Canton, he said that the Monument should go in the southeast section of the Square. ' Why, a good many people at Canton have taken sides in the controversy,' he said. 'They read the Leader and form their own opinions. Twenty years ago, when I was a Park Commissioner, we prepared a place in Lake View Park for Perry's monument, and we would have moved it there if we had had the money then. That's the place for it, and the talk of General Meyer about pre- ferring to lose his right arm rather than see the monu- ment moved sounds very strange and foolish to me.' " ' I've got another resolution to offer,' said General Leggett, with a smile, as he looked up from a piece of paper on which he had been writing during Major Voges' speech. As the General has the reputation of being the most prolific resolution writer on the Board, several other Commissioners smiled. The resolution offered by the General reads as follows : 276 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Resolved, That as no practicable site other than the one the law and the Courts have given us has been offered to us up to this time, we decline further discussion on this point, and will proceed as rap- idly as possible to erect the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument on the southeast section of the Public Square. " General Leggett's resolution was put upon its adop- tion by Mr. Hayr's motion. SeYeral members suggested in an interrogative manner that the resolution would forever stop any further discussion, and some contended that the subject would be open again if a practicable site were oflfered. " ' It stops all further consideration,' insisted ]\Iajor Gleason. " 'That's what it is intended to do, and if it doesn't, I'll re-write it,' said the General. After his declaration as to the intent of the resolution, there was no further discussion. The resolution was adopted, Secretary Bander alone voting in the negative. The Commission then adjourned to meet at the call of the President. " It is quite probable that Captain J. C. vShields, the President of the County Union, will call a meeting of that organization in a few days to get an expression of opinion on the actions of the Commission." CAPTAIN WILLIAM SMITH. XVII. THE enemy massed their forces for a vigorous attack. We were closely pressed on front and flank, with the ever ready guerillas and bush-whackers harrassing our rear. While we knew that final victory would be won, we felt that the time had come to sound the bugle for the grand rally of our forces on our always faithful and reliable reserve. So the following general order was issued : Headquarters Cuyahoga County ] Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, j- Cleveland, O., September loth, 1892. | A meeting of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union will be held Tuesday, September 13, at 2 o'clock P. M., at Army and Navy Hall, 426 Superior Street. This meeting is called for the purpose of ascertaining the views and desires of the comrades of Cuyahoga County regarding the site of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. A full attendance is earnestly desired. By order, J. C. Shields, President. E. L. Pardee, Secretary. The loth of September proceedings were described in the Leader as follows : " Seventy-nine years ago Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, with his fleet of wooden ships, unmercifully walloped the British fleet in the only battle that ever occurred on the great lakes, and yesterday, for the first time in many years, citizens of Cleveland, in honor of the anniversary, decorated his monument in the Public Square with garlands, wreaths, flags, bunting and crape. Yesterday's demonstration was caused b\' the proposal of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission to 28o HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY remove the Perry monument to some other place. Dr. L. B. Tuckerman, at 7 o'clock in the morning, appeared before the gates of the enclosure. He procured a step- ladder with which he climbed to the top of the fence. Then drawing the ladder after him he descended to the ground on the other side in safety. He had only crape to place on the marble statue. " Shortly after the Doctor's visit, the Monument Com- mission, at present in possession of the section of the Square upon which the statue stands, opened the gates at the northeast and southwest corners and practically threw the enclosure open to the public. Work on the foundations for the Soldiers' Monument was temporarily suspended. Early in the day citizens began to decorate the Perry pedestal with pots of cut flowers, and before noon the base was nearly covered. About i o'clock, Frank Dellenbaugh, Esq., with several assistants, draped the Commodore's figure with a large American flag, with black entwined in graceful folds. The flag was the contribution of William Taylor, Son & Co. Hower.& Higbee contributed a quantity of bunting and placed their store at the disposal of the Decorating Committee. Several small flags added to the deco- rations. A large floral wreath was thrown about the Conmiodore and flowers were placed in profusion at every place available. " The letter of Secretary Bander, of the Monument Commission, to contractor McAllister, directing him to open the enclosure to the public, was posted on the pedestal. " Mr. James Hayr was the only member of the Monument Commission who was seen about as the decorations were in progress. He heartily endorsed the work. He said he had been decorating Perry for twenty years himself and was glad to see others taking up the work. He had placed a wreath about the Commodore's soldiers' and sailors' monument. 281 head every year, he said, until he was forbidden to do so because the evergreen injured the marble. " Many spectators watched the committee arranging the decorations. The flags on the Square and on the City Hall floated from the mastheads in honor of the day. "The second demonstration in the form of a mass meeting was held in the northeast section of the Square. It had been widely advertised, but still at 8 : 30 o'clock there were only about 200 persons present. The meeting was not very demonstrative, and the cheers given were requested by persons on the rostrum. A young man with a cornet played ' The Star Spangled Banner,' which evoked applause. Mr. Thomas G. Fitzsimmons, the Chairman of the adjourned mass meeting, called the meeting to order and remarked that he believed ' The Star Spangled Banner ' was sung with a good deal of fervor on the occasion of the victory at Put-in-Bay. This was cheered, although the patriotic song was not written until a year and four or five days after Perry's victory. Mr. Fitzsimmons also expressed the belief that the Monument Commission will not move the Perry statue because they fear the people. " Frank Dellenbaugh, Esq., was the next speaker, although he said he had not prepared himself for the occasion, like General Meyer, wdio would later address them. He said that whatever came from him came from a loyal heart. ' Something has been said about my connection with a street railway corporation as an attorney,' he said. ' That is true, but, thank God, not one hair of my head is owned by a street car company, and I hope Almighty God will strike off both my hands and pluck my tongue out by the roots if ever I do or say anything that will enable any street railway com- pany to take a teaspoonful of earth from the Public Square. Perry did more than any man, with possibly the exception of a Sherman, a Grant or a Thomas, to 282 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY preserve this Union, and his statne shonld not be dis- placed. Who are these Commissioners ? They are the servants of the people, and should obey them. You pay for this Monument, and you have a right to say where it shall be placed. Have matters come to a pass that the servants will not obey ? Shall one of the greatest men, much greater than any latter day saint [cheers] be re- moved to give place to one of these modern patriots? The Perry monument is a National memorial, while this new Monument is simply to commemorate the serv- ices of one of eighty-eight counties of this Buckeye State. [Derisive cheers.] Should such a Monument displace Perry ? No, no, never ! Don't touch a board of that obnoxious fence, I beg of you — I would not ad- vise you to touch it. Let us continue to be patient. We have been patient enough, God knows, but the last straw has not been laid on the camel's back. Don't touch a single board of that fence.' "' Who's going to touch it?' asked a man in the au- dience. Mr. Dellenbaugh did not answer. " ' Perry signified his disapproval,' continued the speaker, ' this morning when the artillery on high thundered out a protest. I can remember the thunder of the cannon when this monument was unveiled.' A man asked Mr. Dellenbaugh about General Leggett. Mr. Dellenbaugh replied that he respected Generals Barnett, Leggett and other members of the Commission and had no hard words for them. " W. S. Kerruish, Esq., was the next speaker. His address was very temperate and deprecatory of any stir- ring up of ill feeling. He delighted to honor the mem- ory of Commodore Perry, and he had come for that pur- pose and not to keep up a wrangle. He had supposed that this impromptu meeting was for the purpose of commemorating the valorous deeds of the Commodore, and not of excitins: animosities. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 283 " Nothing was so inappropriate on an occasion like this. ' Personally,' he said, ' I do not think Commodore Perry should be removed, but when I read in the Cleve- land Leader a few days ago General PZlwell's appeal for peace, I felt as if the old Soldiers should be allowed to have their way about it if they have set their hearts on the Square. Levi Bander told me this afternoon that the Commission will not remove the Perry statue, and I hope that is true. If the Monument must be put there, let us abide by the decision honorably and patriotically.' " Mr. D. B. Jones, the cornetist, played and Dr. Tuckerman led the singing for 'The Red, White and Blue,' after which Vernon Burke, Esq., William Heis- ley, Dr. Knowlton and Dr. Tuckerman made short speeches. Resolutions protesting against the use of the Square by street railroad companies, the removal of the Perry statue, and to meet again one year hence, were adopted. The resolution concerning the street cars was adopted with unanimity, but the Perry resolu- tion met with a decided negative. A letter from Gen- eral Meyer was read in which he said that hay fever prevented him from making a speech. ' Perry's monu- ment will not be removed from the Square,' was the concluding sentence of the letter. The meeting then adjourned to the southeast section to still further deco- rate the monument." Comment on these proceedings is scarcely necessary. We can truthfully add, however, that this was the first and last time these patriotic citizens ever decorated Perry's monument since it was unveiled, September loth, i860. They did not meet again in 1893, as they had resolved ; the Perry statue has been removed, not- withstanding General Meyer's positive statement to the contrary ; the street railroads are not running through the southeast section of the Square ; the Soldiers' Monument occupies the chosen site ; the Government 284 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY at Washington still lives, and General IVIeyer's hay fever has ceased its bnrning rage. We take pleasure in inserting here the ably written document of our senior counsel, Loren Prentiss, Esq., in reply to the objections raised to the location of the Monument, clipped from the Leader of the 12th of Sep- tember: " To the Editor of the Leader : "Being Attorney for the Monument Commissioners, I will not ask any one to give any more weight to what I may say as to the location on the southeast section of the Square than the reasons which I may give will clearly command, although I am not repre- senting the Monument Commissioners, but simply my own views, in what I now say. " That the Monument is within the purposes of the dedication of the Square to public uses has been fully settled \>y the Supreme Court by a careful and unanimous decision, sustained by an over- whelming weight of authority, after full argument and exhaustive briefs ; and, therefore, no legal rights are violated by its location in that section of the Square. " But it is said that there are reasons against the present location which would prevent any arrangement which contemplates its use, however reasonable otherwise. So far the objections urged have consisted almost entirely of assertions to the effect that the Monu- ment is too large for that section of the Square ; that it would ob- struct and divert the walk to and from Euclid Avenue and make it much longer than now; that it would involve the moving of the Perry statue from that section of the Square, and that this would be a disparagement to his memory and honor ; that it will obstruct the light and air, and that the great majority of the people are opposed to that site. Some people sum up their opposition in the blind and unmeaning statement that it would be an outrage to place the Monument in that section of the Square. People and newspapers using only such language are like the crude and excitable sort by whom everything is classed as either ' perfectly awful ' or ' perfectly splendid'; or like the preacher who preferred to preach from texts he did not understand because it gave such free scope to his imag- ination. Of course, there is no argument in such assertions, for the reason that no facts are given to support them. I have studied the facts and practical questions as to the location of the Monument as thoroughly as I have the law of the cases in Court, and in my judg- ment none of these objections are well founded. " First. Too large for that section. The esplanade or platform — soldiers' and sailors' monument. 285 niuety-five feet square and five feet high — will not aflfect anything besides the walks, and it requires the statement of only a single mathematical fact to remove the objection as to the walk to and from Euclid Avenue, and that fact is, that by running the crosswalk from the Williamson V^lock diagonally so as to strike the side of the Square about sixty feet below the southeast corner and continue on that line to the walk around the esplanade, the distance from and to E^uclid Avenue through that section of the Square will be less than it is now. This, I think, entirely disposes of the objections as to the walks. The view of the Monument will be ample. The dis- tance from the memorial room, 40 feet square and 25 feet high, to the buildings on the east and south sides of that section of the Square is 137 feet, and to the curbstone 67 feet — affording ample room for the viewing of the Monument, besides the longer view from Euclid Avenue, while on the other sides all the rest of the Square affords the most ample opportunities for viewing the Monu- ment at any distance desired. So far from the Monument filling up that section of the Square, there would be room enough around the Monument and on the esplanade to accommodate 4,000 to 5,000 peo- ple at one time, and the rest of the Square could accommodate four or five times as many more. The walks could be made thirty feet wide, if necessary, to accommodate people passing as well as those viewing the Monument. The idea that the testhetic and imagina- tive taste should govern in the location of the Monument in some outside location I think is a mistake. It is built by the people and for the people, and should be where the people come and go — where the lines of the street railways converge — where the people ' do most congregate,' for the most important mission of the Monument is to teach lessons of disinterested patriotism and courage. The location should, therefore, be central, and not on the East, the West, or the South Side. The Monument would be benefited rather than prejudiced by fine buildings around the Square ; for, standing on the highest ground, with its shaft 125 feet high, its splendid groups in heroic size and its highly artistic character give it a character by itself at once impressive and inspiring. " The Monument, with its granite and bronze, would not be affected seriouslj^ by the smoke nuisance — not half as much as the Perry statue is ; and, besides, the smoke nuisance can, and therefore ic'ill, be abated in the near future. " The obstructing of light and air is another objection. Well, this needs no argument, for there is simply nothing in it; and peo- ple making this objection are like the old lady in Puritan times who objected to having a stove to warm the church in winter, and fainted awa}' on a cold winter day because of the stove, but was quite sur- prised afterwards to learn that there was no fire in it. 286 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Second. As to the removal of the Perry statue, it need not be removed at all from that section of the Square. The Monument Commissioners have so decided, and propose that he shall stand on the south side near the naval group on the Monument and be asso- ciated with it, blending the earlier and later glories of American naval achievements. " If the City authorities should prefer to remove it to some other location on the Square, or to Lake View Park at the foot of Ontario Street, it could not possibl}^ imply any disrespect to his memory. The statue has been removed once, and the fact that he has so many new friends now, clearly shows that the removal of his statue does not, and cannot, lessen the glory of his achievements, or the affec- tion with which his memory is cherished. " Third. It is said that the majority of the people are opposed to that location ; but, manifestly, that is a matter of opinion, for none of those expressing it have ever talked with one-tenth of the people on that subject, and, besides, the groundlessness of the objections made, as I have pointed out, shows that these opinions have been formed without investigation or knowledge of the real facts. Much of what has appeared in a large part of the city press has been of the same character. It has been in a large measure like the cry of 'mad dog.' One person expresses an opinion in language of denun- ciation, and another, and another, and so on take it up and repeat it, and thus an injurious and unjust public sentiment is created. This is ver}' much like the tactics sometimes used to stampede political conventions. The great mass of the people are intelligent and thoughtful, and will not be blindly led on this subject, and cer- tainl)- so great a matter as this cannot be determined by mere asser- tions or denunciation. " Fourth. But, it may be asked, have none of those who so vio- lently opposed that location any reasons for so doing? Yes, thej' have reasons, but they are not brought to the front. One class ob- jects simply because they think the Square should be kept entirelj^ open and free from any structure, aside from here and there a statue ; but the Supreme Court has exploded that theory, both as to monuments and purely public buildings. " The Square has the appearance of belonging simply to a coun- try village. In fact, many country villages have much better monu- ments than the Perry statue, though none could commemorate more splendid bravery than does his. " The Square has not a single metropolitan feature in the wav of ornament or artistic character, and yet the city, no longer a village, is destined soon to become the metropolitan city of the State. The Monument would supply that need, and give the Square a character suited to the growth and wealth of the city. Another class object to soldiers' and sailors' monument. 287 the location because, as they claim, it may be necessary at some future time to run Euclid Avenue, with the street railway, down througli that section of the Square to the west side of the Square, and cutting off a corner of the southwest section. The entire street railway interest, as well as the property owners on Euclid Avenue, are directly interested in that project, for the street railway compa- nies are preparing to combine. " These tw-o powerful interests have had a large share in the agi- tation against that location ; and it has even been said, that with such powerful interests, the Monument, even if erected there, might be removed at some future time to carry out that plan, and yet many of the same people are denouncing the idea of removing the Perry statue, even to another location on the same section of the Square " I do not believe the time will ever come when it will be neces- sary to run Euclid Avenue through the Square. It has two outlets — one direct to Superior and the other round the Square, either of which is equal to the capacity of Euclid Avenue itself; and the street cars can carry as many passengers on the present line as they could if run through the Square. I doubt very much if a street, and especially a street railway, can legally be run through any section of the Square, but I will not discuss that here. " But I am perfectly clear that if any street is to be run through any section of the Square, it should be through the southwest sec- tion, so as to relieve and accommodate Ontario Street as well as Euclid Avenue, which needs it much more than does that avenue. With Superior and Ontario Streets and the streets around the Square, I am confident the public will never need a street through any section of the Square; and, in any point of view, neither the interests of property holders on Euclid Avenue nor the private interests of street railways should be allowed to stand in the way of the location of this splendid Monument on the southeast section of the Square. The majority of the people do their own thinking, and when they understand this matter, they wnll, I believe, decide with no uncertain voice in favor of the present site. " Fifth. Since writing the above, it is said that the City authori- ties and the Board of Trade Committee are willing that the Monu- ment should be located on the northeast section, and the question is, therefore, narrowed down to the comparative merits of the two locations. There are legal points, however, to be carefully consid- ered before any final action can safely be taken by the Monument Commissioners, if a change of sites should be deemed advisable. One City Council unanimously gave consent to the present site, but after a little more than four years, through the influence of a new administration, that consent was withdrawn. The right of the 288 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Monumeut Commission to the present site is fully settled and established under direct grant from the Legislature, with which the City cannot interfere, and a certainty should not be changed for an uncertainty. As to the merits of the two locations, they are both of the same size, which clearly disposes of the objection as to the Monument being too large for the present site. It may be that there are not as many people' passing through the northeast as the southeast section, but the opportunity to make the distance from Euclid Avenue shorter than it is now by the diagonal walk as those explained does not exist as to the northeast section, and it is not, therefore, true that the Monument would be more in the way in the southeast than in the northeast section. The walks and spaces around the Monument can be made as broad and convenient in the southeast as in the northeast section. Why, then, this persistent objection to the present site ? Is there anything substantial left of it except the supposed, but to my mind mistaken, interest of Euclid Avenue property owners and the large private interest of the street railway companies? " It is said the public prejudice against the present site, whether well founded or unfounded, should decide in favor of the new site proposed ; but a mistaken or unfounded public sentiment might in the near future be changed into a permanent public regret. We are, therefore, brought to the final, the one decisive question, which is the best site ? " The objections to the northeast section are : " First. It is merely a corner — shut in with comparatively no view from the east. " Second. It is low, and the Society for Savings building is higher than the shaft of the Monument, and the large new building opposite the Postoffice may be nearly as high. " Third. The moving wagons standing around there might move over on to the other side of the street, next to the Postoffice, and remain under the generous leniency of the Postoffice and Custom House officials. " I know that Mr. Scofield's opinion is decidedly against that location, and his views are entitled to great weight. He has photo- graphs or pictures of all the principal Monuments, both in Europe and this country, with their locations and surroundings, and has made the subject a careful study for a great many years, and no man is more interested and devoted to the interests of the Monument, now and in the future, than he. Such experience and judgment are of the highest value, and should not be disregarded without jthe most clear and satisfactory reasons. " The defects in the proposed site which I have pointed lout CAPTAIN LEVI T. SCOFIELD. soldiers' and sailors' moxu:\ient. 291 clearly show by contrast the superior advantages of the present location : "First. It is not shut in, but has a splendid view from Euclid Avenue on the east. •' Second. It is high and sightly, which will give it an important advantage in relation to buildings around the Square. " Third. A large amount of work has already been done on the present site, and, as I have shown, the objections to it are not founded on facts or valid reasons. " Fourth. It is the best site for the Monument, and the Monu- ment should have the best site. " L. Prentiss." Action was taken by the City Council, at its meeting held on September 12th, relative to the "bait" cast before them by the Commission on vSeptember 9th, as follows : " The City Council last evening decided, by a vote of fourteen to five, that the northeast section of the Public Square niay be used as a site for tJie Soldiers'' Monumoit. Last week an intimation was given that the Monument Commissioners might agree to change from the south- east to the northeast section if the Council would con- sent. In order that there might be nothing to interfere with a change of site if the !\Ionument Commissioners would agree to it, the following resolution was intro- duced last evening : "Whereas, The ^Monumental Commissioners of Cuyahoga County have notified this Council under date of September 9, 1892, that said Commissioners did, on said last mentioned date, unani- mously adopt the following resolution : "Resolved, That if the City Council at its next meeting should take favorable action towards giving the Monument Commission the northeast section of the Public Square as a site for the Monu- ment, as contemplated in the proposition submitted by the Board of Control, we will recommend that work be suspended within the enclosure of the southeast section of the Public Square until the matter can be considered by the entire Commission, and the meet- ing of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, to be called next week, with a view of securing their acceptance of the change. Now, therefore, for the purpose of securing a settlement by compromise of the existing controversy in regard to the use of 292 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the southeast section of the Public Square of this city as a site for the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, and to prevent the removal of the monument of Commodore Perry now upon said site, be it resolved by this Council that the consent of the City be and it is hereby given to said Commissioners to take, use, and occupy the northeast section of the Public Square as a site for said Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument upon condition that the said Commissioners shall suspend all work on said southeast section of said Public Square, remove the fence therefrom, and relinquish all claims thereto, and shall file in the office of the City Clerk within five days from and after the adoption hereof their written acceptance of said last stated site upon the terms and conditions of this resolution; and that upon the filing in the office of the City Clerk by the said Commissioners of their acceptance, as herein provided, the Corpora- tion Counsel be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to with- draw and dismiss all pending proceedings instituted by the City to prevent the location of said Monument on the southeast section of said Square ; and that thereupon this Council will heartily co- operate with said Commissioners in the erection and preserving ot said Monument. " There was no discussion upon the resohition until the roll was being called. Mr. Angell led off by voting against the resolution. Mr. McKenney, in explaining his vote, said : " ' I am not in favor of the Public Square as a site for the Monument, and I therefore vote no.' " ' Neither am I in favor of the Public Square,' said Mr. Bole. " '1 cannot see any difference between sections,' said Mr. Wilhelm. ' I have been told that the vacation of the southeast section is in favor of the street railways, but I do not know that that is so.' " Mr. O'Brien could not see w^hat earthly use there was in passing a resolution granting the Commission the right to occupy the northeast section of the Square when the Supreme Court had decided that the City has no authority over the Square, He, however, voted for the resolution. The measure was adopted by a vote of fourteen ayes against five nays, Messrs. Angell, McKen- ney, Bole, Wilhelm and vSkvrm voting no." soldiers' and sailors' monument. 293 Backward, turn backward, oh Time, in your flight, The Council is anxious to give up the tight ; " providing the Commissioners will stop work, remove the fence, relinquish all claims to the southeast section of the Square, accept the northeast section," ad 7iauscani. Back again to the original proposition of the defunct Park Commissioners. These latter day City officials would give the ^lonument Commission any place — with a string to it — except the place they desired and were entitled to. The brazen effrontery of these City officials was only equalled by their imbecility. They were soon to have an emphatic answer. The "reserves" were ordered up, and right gallantly they advanced to the front. Their timely appearance on the field of action completely demoralized the enemy. The decisive charge of the reserves was reported in the Leader of September 13th, as follows: " There will be no more delay or parle}' about the location of the Soldiers' Monument — at least such was the decision of the ex-Soldiers and Sailors and the Monument Commission yesterday. A special meeting of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Associa- tion was held in Army and Navy Hall yesterday after- noon. Captain J. C. Shields, President of the Associa- tion, called the meeting to order, but as he was unable to remain, Hon. W. D. Pudney was called to the chair. IVIr. Pudney stated the object of the meeting to be the discussion of the Monument site. Over five years ago, he said, the Soldiers and Sailors of the county had chosen the southe-ast corner of the Square. Now it was desired to ascertain whether the \'eterans had changed their minds. G. J. McKnight moved that the meeting reaffirm their decision that the southeast section of the Square be used. It was decided to limit speeches on this motion to five minutes each. " The first speaker was Joseph Evans. He said the 294 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY recent meetings on the Public Square were disgusting, and that the sentiments there expressed were not those of the people but of a howling mob. He thought that if the Square could be given up as a storage place for cable machinery it could be used for a Monument. " Henry Wood next spoke, and he said that while he was no orator he was a Soldier from the word go. He said that now, as in 1862, he favored no compromise with the copperheads. " Captain M. B. Gary asked if a communication from the Cit>' Council and the Board of Control was not to be presented to the meeting. In reply, Major Gleason read the Council resolution, passed Monday evening, offering the northeast section of the Square as a com- promise site. Major Gleason went on to say that the members of the Commission were present to hear the will of the Soldiers of the county. " Dr. \V. A. Knowlton, who has all along been op- posed to the present site, offered a set of resolutions, which met with an ic}' reception and were defeated with a shout. The Doctor said that for a long time the people were with this plan ; they furnished money and aided the project. But of late opposition had grown up, and the Soldiers must respect the wishes of the great public as soon as they were expressed. His reso- lutions were intended to submit the matter to a vote at the coming election, and to have the City and the Com- mission abide by the decision thus made. It was moved to refer the resolutions to a committee, but not a single " aye" was heard, so the motion was lost, and the Doc- tor's resolutions were not even received. " Colonel C. C. Dewstoe said that he was a member of the Commission, and had not attended the meeting for the purpose of saying anything but to listen. " At this point the opinion of the counsel for the Commission, Judge J. M. Jones, Loren Prentiss and SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 295 Colonel Allan T. Brinsmade, was read. Two qnestions had been snbmitted to them — first, whether or not, if the present site were given up and another section of the Square taken, the judicial decisions already given would apply, and whether new complications might arise ; and, second, if the present site were given up for the northeast section, and then that be found unten- able, the southeast section could be reclaimed. The attorneys said that not only might all the questions now decided be raised, but new ones might arise in case of a change. They also said that if the present site should be given up it could not be reclaimed. They went on to say that title was now held under the act of the Leg- islature, but another section would be held by sanction of the City Council alone and subject to their pleasure. This statement from the attorneys practically settled the question of compromise. " After the reading of the attorneys' decision, Captain M. B. Gary took the floor and made a vigorous speech against the occupation of the southeast section. He said : ' I think that the responsibility resting now on the Soldiers and Sailors of the county is a very serious one. The people of this county are our friends, and no people ever treated Soldiers better than we have been treated.' " ' I deny that ! I deny that ! ' shouted James Hayr, jumping to his feet, and a chorus of ' Sit down,' ' Shut up,' greeted Captain Gary. " Chairman Pudney succeeded in quieting all but ]Mr. Hayr, who said that he would not be quiet as long as ' slurs were being cast.' At last, order was restored and Captain Gary continued : 'If we would stand by our friends, the people, the copperheads would not dare say a word.' " A strong speech in favor of the present site was made by John F. Weh. He said that as ' All roads lead 296 HISTORY OF^^THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY to Rome,' so all roads in this count)' lead to the Public Square. Therefore, he thought it vv-as the best place for the Monument. George A. Groot introduced sub- stitute resolutions, and Mr. IMcKnight withdrew his. The substitute called upon the Monument Commission to stand steadfast in their work, and emphatically pro- tested against any change of location. " The next speaker, L. B. Fish, expressed the hope that the people could be educated to see that the Square is the best place for the Monument. He was much afraid that the present agitation and excitement would lead to trouble, and he said that he ' would rather see the Monument broken to pieces or cast into the lake than to have a drop of blood shed.' " Major Gleason said it was clear that the Monument was a desirable thing, since citizens of all parts of the city were clamoring for its location in their vicinity. In the Public Square it would benefit all, and the desire to have it there was not prompted by persons or corpora- tions with axes to grind. He opposed the City's propo- sition to compromise, and said it was not a fair or a manly one. " George A. Groot said : ' In the words of Perry, ' Don't give up the ship.' We are standing on land wrested from the enemy, and we should not give up an inch. A mob has been stirred up by the editor of a local paper, but we shall not yield a particle. The people who are doing the objecting have been imported from Europe, and Tuckerman is a sample.' " Rev. Dr. John Mitchell said he was proud of the Soldiers, and proud to see how they stood under the fire of adverse criticism. He said that he attended the meeting of the Board of Trade when the matter was discussed there, and went away disgusted. Instead ot its being a meeting of business men, he thought it was that of a hired crowd of men. ' I onlv want to sav,' he soldiers' and sailors' monument. 297 continued, ' if yon give np yonr rights and accept an- other section of tlie Scpiare, the ^lonnnient will never go in the Public Square at all. If you take the other section of the vSquare, you will deprive the people of their only public meeting place, and will jump from the frying-pan into the fire.' " The question was then put upon the adoption of the resolutions and they were carried with enthusiasm. " The meeting adjourned with three rousing cheers for the Monument." A meeting of the Commission was at once called in Captain vScofield's office. Eleven members were pres- ent, the absent one being Dr. Walters. The proposi- tion from the City for a compromise on the northeast section of the Square was presented. The action of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union was also communicated. The opinions of the Commission's counsel were also read, (icneral Leggett then offered a resolution which recited that in view of the action of the vSoldiers' and Sailors' Union, and acting upon the advice of their at- torneys, the Commission must and would respectfully decline to entertain the compromise. The resolution stated that in the opinion of the Commission the peo- ple were in favor of the present site, and that further discussion of the matter be dispensed with. It was also advised to push the work as rapidly as possible. The resolution was adopted unanimously. It was or- dered to send copies of the following resolution to the City Council, the Board of Control and the Board of Trade Committee : "GentlemExNT : Whereas, The City of Cleveland has by reso- lution of its Council and the action of its other officials refused to remove the Perry statue, or change the water main, or remove other obstructions from the southeast section of the Public Square, prepar- atory to the erection of the Monument thereon, which is provided for by the act of April i6th, 1SS8, and the acts supplementary and amendatory thereto, it is hereby 298 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Resolved^ That the Executive Committee of this Board is here- by authorized, on behalf of this Board, to take all necessary steps, and make all necessary contracts, for the removal of the said Perry statue and other obstructions, and to change the water main so as not in any waj- to interfere with the erection of the Monument, at the expense of this Board, and to accomplish the work of such removal and change at as early a time as practicable, and that the Committee confer with the proper City officials, with the view of securing their friendlj' co-operation in this matter. Adopted." The Commission then adjourned, subject to the call of the President. The truce was ended. The battle must now be fought to a finish. The Cleveland Worlds of the 15th, had the following: " Major Gleason said Wednesday that the Monument Commission will consider no further proposals to com- promise on any other site than the southeast corner. " ' The Soldiers of the county have declared them- selves,' said he, ' and we now propose to abide by their decision. The members of the Commission, with the exception of two or three, have left the city.' " Mayor Rose said he was surprised at the action of the County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union. The case, so far as the City was concerned, was entirely in General Meyer's hands, he continued. " The Law Director stated emphatically that he did not intend to let the matter drop. " ' We shall prosecute the case in Court to the end,' said he. ' When the Circuit Court opens in October we will be there, and if the decision is against us, it will be carried to the Supreme Court of the State.' " Brave words, wordy General. Great Cresar's ghost ! He will see us again; aye, at Philippi ! "The Ides of October" have come and gone, and the grim General is still in hiding. CAPTAIN W. n. HUTCHINSON. XVIII. FOR some time past liints had been frequently made that Judge WiHiamson would appeal his case to the United States Court. It was several times alleged, in print, that this action would be taken, the wish be- ing father to the thought. These fairy tales did not at all frighten the Commission. When these rumors were first set afloat, the junior counsel of Judge Williamson, William F. Carr, Esq., met the President of the Com- mission and said to him : " You may quietly say to the Monument Commission that we have got through. The Supreme Court decis- ion settled our case. We know when we are whipped. The old Soldiers have knocked us out, and we sur- render. The decision is correct, the site is settled, and we gracefully bow to the law laid down by the highest tribunal in the State. The outcome will eventually be a blessing in disguise." The Commission, knowing this, did not borrow any trouble from that source, but the kickers continued to fondly hug their delusion. It now looked like fairly clear sailing for the Com- mission, but soon the clouds began to gather. Judge W. W. Boynton, attorney, stockholder and director of the Hast Cleveland vStreet Railroad Corporation, who went into a trance after the Supreme Court decision, again " bobbed up serenely." The objections of every interested and disinterested citizen had been met and overcome. A happy thought now entered the mind of the street railroad attorney. Way down East, nestled amidst the granite hills of New Hampshire, lived a 302 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY pair of descendants of early Clevelanders whose sun- light might be obscured and whose breathing space might be contracted by the erection of the Soldiers' Monument in the southeast section of the Public Square. They must be " seen," and made to go to law about it. What a flimsy pretext ! Whipped and ut- terly routed in all of the local Courts and the State Supreme Court, the United States Court was now held as a coiip de grace. This Napoleonic strategy of the street railway corporations, engineered by Judge Boyn- ton, in which he was urged on by the City officials and the organ of the cranks was to be a coup de niaitre. Now, verily, the Monument Commission would quake, swap sites, throw up the sponge, or do anything asked of them to stop further proceedings. Our "friends" Mayor Rose, Director Herrick, Law Director Meyer, the " Constitutionalists," the cranks, were falling on each other's necks in their ecstatic bliss. We let the Leader.^ of September 15th, show the "line up " for the last part of the desperate game : '' At 2 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, application was made to Judge A. J. Ricks, of the United States Circuit Court, for a federal injunction against the Monument Commissioners. " The controversy over the location of the Soldiers' Monument was taken into the United States Court by Mrs. Emma A. Hoyt, and William D. Hoyt, her hus- band, residing in IManchester, New Hampshire, who own the property on the Public Square occupied by the Forest City House. They filed a bill of complaint against the Monument Commissioners and McAllister & Dall, the contractors who are engaged in laying the foundations for the Monument. They asked for an in- junction restraining them from taking possession of the Square, from enclosing any portion of it, from removing the statue of Commodore Perry, and from proceeding soldiers' and sailors' monument, 303 to erect the proposed Monument on any portion of the vSqnare. They claim that the Square was originally deeded to the public by the Connecticut Land Com- pany, and that their property was deeded from the Connecticut Land Company, with the understanding that no building or structures of any kind were to be placed upon the Square. The suit is practically upon the same ground as the original suit brought in the Court of Common Pleas and which went to the Su- preme Court and was there decided in fayor of the Monument Commissioners. Judge Boynton, one of the attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, said that there was practically no difference between the present suit and the one which was decided b\- the Supreme Court, and that precisely the same questions were inyolyed. He said that they belieyed that the Federal Courts would look at the matter in a different light from the State Courts, howeyer. "Among those present when the arguments were commenced were General Leggett, of the IVIonument Commission ; General Ed. S. Meyer, Judge Boynton, his associate, J. H. Webster, for the complainants ; Judge Jones, Loren Prentiss, Esq., and seyeral inter- ested listeners, besides the goyernment officials. By general consent Mr. Prentiss was allowed the first speech in opposing the application for an injunction. He objected to the proceedings on the ground that the points inyolyed had already been decided by other Courts. He said that the City had inyestigated the matter very thoroughly ; that it had looked into eyery point and had taken adyantage of eyery possible ques- tion that could be brought up in opposing the location of the IVIonument in the Square. He thought that the same rule applied in the United States Court as in the State Court as to the right of action and right of in- junction, and that inasmuch as all these questions had 304 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY been decided, the action could not be continued. Mr. Prentiss spoke for a great part of the afternoon in re- viewing the questions and taking issue with the aver- ments in the bill of complaint, and insisted that the parties had no standing in the United States Courts upon those questions. "Mr. Prentiss was succeeded by Judge Boynton, who spoke in favor of the application for an injunction. He stated that the action was brought for the purpose of showing to the Court that there were many points in the decision of the Supreme Court in the Williamson suit which were wrong. He insisted that the decision of the Supreme Court of Ohio was no bar to the action in the Federal Courts, even if the same questions were involved. Judge Ricks stopped the arguments and stated that he would grant a temporary restraining or- der until such time as he could hear the full arguments. He stated that Judge Taft, of Cincinnati, would be here in a few days and would sit with him in the case. It is probable that the case will come up for hearing next Monday, and possibly earlier than then if Judge Taft arrives this week. The bond of the complainants was fixed at $1,000. It was furnished by Lee ■\IcBride and R. ■NI. Cobb. In the meantime all work on the Monument foundation has been suspended by order of the Court." Thus again was the advance of the Commission temporarily checked. Safely entrenched, we patiently awaited this, the last and most desperate charge of the very light brigade. We were not long kept in suspense. The United States Government, through its Courts, as well as through its armies, moved with a dash and cer- tainty that completeh' annihilated the enemy. The corporations, the cranks, the real estate jobbers were knocked down and pounded beyond all recognition. Law, order and justice prevailed. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 305 The case was argued before Judges Ricks and Taft, at Cincinnati, the latter part of September. The de- cision was rendered by Judge Ricks, in Cleveland, on October 9th, 1S92. We copy from the Jl^orM, of Octo- ber loth : " It looks very much as if the Soldiers' Monument would be erected in the Public Square. " Once again the opposition to the site chosen by the Monument Commission gets a black eye. "Judge A. J. Ricks, in the United States Circuit Court, Tuesday morning, denied the application of Emma J. Hoyt, one of the owners of the Forest City House, for a temporary injunction restraining the Com- missioners from proceeding with their work. " The room was crowded with interested spectators. Major Gleason, President of the Commission, was there, smiling and confident. Close to the Judge's bench sat Director Me^er, Judge J. M. Jones, Gen. Elwell, At- torney Loren Prentiss, Capt. James Hayr, Capt. Levi T. Scofield, Capt. E. H. Bohm, Capt. Dewstoe, Gen. M. D. Leggett, Capt. Molyneaux, Justice Bander, and many other notables. " When Judge Ricks ascended his bench, silence quickly prevailed. His decision in full was as follows : " The complainant as a tenant in common owns a part of the property known as the Forest City House, which abuts upon the Public Square in the City of Cleveland. She has filed a bill and seeks as such property owner to enjoin the defendants from erect- ing in the southeast quarter of the Public S(|uare a monument or mausoleum to commemorate the services of the Soldiers from Cuy- ahoga County who died in the army during the late Civil War. She avers that the Public Square when the City thereafter to be incor- porated was platted was dedicated by the Connecticut Laud Com- pany, the original owners in fee of the land, as a common for the enjoyment, use and benefit of the public of the City when duly or- ganized. " She avers that the dedication gave to her as a joint owner of property abutting said Square by mesne conveyance from said original grantor and dedicator a vested right to have said common 3o6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY or Public Square forever applied for such public uses as the people of the City to be organized thereafter might determine, providing such uses were within the terms of the dedication. She further avers that the defendants who are organized under the Statutes of Ohio as a Board of Monument Commissioners, propose to erect upon said quarter of the Public Square a structure called a Soldiers' Monument, which is in fact a stone building 44 feet square and 20 feet high, constructec| upon an elevated stone esplanade about 100 feet square, out of which a stone shaft arises 125 feet high, and that this structure is of such proportions and shape as to monopolize the greater portion of that quarter of the Square, and is to have such rules and regulations as to its control when completed, as to limit and curtail the public in their right to its use and enjoyment, and therefore the said Public Square is to be applied to a use not a public one within the spirit and scope of the dedication. " She avers that the City has never legally given said defendants any authority to occupy said Square for the purposes named and that the sole power to grant the use of any part of the Square for public purposes is vested in the Park Commissioners, who are a branch of the Municipal Government, and that said Commissioners have repeatedly refused to allow the Square to be occupied or used by the defendants for said Monument. " This misapplication of the use to which said common was dedi- cated b}' the legislative enactment authorizing said Monument Commissioners to occupy it for the purposes named, and their at- tempted use of the same for such purposes, the complainant avers is in violation of her contract and vested rights by State authority, and is therefore in contravention of the Constitution of the United States. " The defendants answer that they are acting under the authority conferred by the legislative enactment of April 16, 1S88, and that the power to determine the piiblic uses to which the Public Square in Cleveland is to be applied is vested in the State Legislature, which is the creator of Municipal Corporations in Ohio, and vested with the power to define the limit of their municipal powers. The validity of the act under which they were appointed and are now exercising their powers has been affirmed by the Supreme Court in a suit involving substantially the same issue now presented for our consideration. It is contended that the decision of the Supreme Court construing the scope and validity of this act of the Legisla- ture is the voice of the highest judicial tribunal of the State, affirm- ing the authority of the Legislature to prescribe the public uses to which the Public Square of a city may be applied, and that the Court sitting within the State of Ohio to administer the laws of the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 307 State when uot in conflict with the Constitution ami Laws of the United States, must follow such decision. ■' The principle claimed is undoubtedly correct. The Supreme Court of the United States, in repeated decisions, has well defined the class of cases in which the Courts of the United States may con- strue the law for themselves, and in as many decisions has as clearh^ held that as to the scope and application of State laws, when not in conflict with the Constitution and Laws of the United States, the construction given to them by the hi.s^hest Courts of the State is binding upon us. " It is, therefore, important to determine how far the rights of the complainant in this case are fixed and controlled by the statutes of Ohio. At the time the dedication of the common, or Public Square, was made, in 1796, the City of Cleveland was not yet created. The fee to the Public Square so set apart for public uses was held in abeyance until the act of Dec. 6, 1840, when it was vested in the County in which the land was then located. ' In trust to and for the purposes therein named, expressed or intended, and for no other use or purpo,se whatever.' (First Chase Statutes, 211.) There was nothing upon the map or plat defining the use intended, except that the space denoting the present Public Stjuare and streets about it was to be used as a ' common.' This was the word used in the statute. The dedication was for the City of Cleveland, to be there- after organized under the authority of the Legislature, and for its inhabitants. But to what uses was this dedication made? If the grantors had made the nature of their grant specific in written terms, there is no doubt that the City of Cleveland (or even the Legislature of Ohio if vested with supreme authorit}' over the trust, as claimed) would be held by the Courts to strictly apply the com- mon to the uses defined and to no other. " But no such written terms were stated. The grant was made as a common or Public Square and the uses to which it was dedicat- ed are the uses to which the Courts have held that property similar- ly dedicated in other cities in Ohio can be applied. We have then a dedication of the Public Square to public use, with the people of the Cit}- of Cleveland claiming to be sole trustee to determine in what manner and to what public use it should be applied. If we grant that the complainant has a vested right as an abutting owner of valuable property on the Square to have it applied to the uses in- tended by the grantors, what is the nature and extent of this vested right? It cannot be to her or her grantors the right to say what shall constitute a public use of the Square. Her grantors, as the original donors of the Square, did not see fit to clearly define the extent and character of the uses to which it should be applied, as they might have done if they intended or expected the uses to be 3o8 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY limited or specific. They simply set apart an open space on the plat and marked it ' common.' This leaves the nature and extent of the uses to which the common may be applied to be determined by the trustees under proper legal principles, provided such uses are public uses. What are ' public uses ' within the meaning of a dedication so made, is well settled by repeated decisions in Ohio, beginning with the earliest reports of the Supreme Court and fol- lowing down to the latest. It has been held that a Court House was a public use to which such space or common might be applied. " In the case of Langley z's. Gallipolis, 20 S., the Supreme Court has said : ' Such a place (a common) thus dedicated to the public may be improved and ornamented for pleasure grounds and amuse- ments, for recreation or health, or it may be used for the public buildings and place for the transaction of public business of the people of the village or city, or it may be used for purposes both of pleasure and of business.' " It appears from the stipulation as to facts filed in this case that two Court Houses were once placed on this Square, one on the northwest quarter and one on the southwest quarter. These public buildings have been removed, and the Square, with streets running through it, has for years been open and unobstructed. "We think it fairly established, then, by the decision of the Su- preme Court of Ohio and other States, that a public Monument may properly be erected on a Public Square, and that such appro- priation of public ground is a public use for public purposes. The size of the Monument, its artistic merit, as well as the judgment ex- ercised in the selection of the site, are not matters for the consider- ation of this Court. "They are within the discretion of public authority, to whom by law the control of the Public Square is entrusted. In this case no dedicated public street is to be obstructed by the Monument. The diagonal paths through the southeast quarter of the Square are not highways, in which the public has acquired a vested right, but they are like the walks of a park, subject to change at will of the lawful authorities in control. The access to complainant's property will not be interfered with in the slightest degree. "We, therefore, conclude that the use proposed is within the uses to which the Square was dedicated. As before stated, the Supreme Court of Ohio has decided that the vSoldiers' Monument Commission is a public authority lawfully constituted by act of the Legislature to control the public uses of the Public Square to the extent of erecting thereon the Soldiers' Monument. This decision deter- mines finally the right of the Legislature of Ohio, so far as the limitations imposed by the State Constitution are concerned, to provide for the appointment of the Commission, and to confer on LIEUTENANT -COLONEL MERVIN CLARK. soldiers' and sailors' monument, 311 it the powers given in the act. That decisiou is final as to the va- lidity of that statute. The only question, therefore, left to us upon which we can exercise an independent judgment is, as before stated, whether the act of the Legislature under which the defendants are about to proceed, violates the Federal Constitution by impairing the obligation of the contract of dedication from which the com- plainant has derived rights in the Public Square as an abutting property owner. The claim that the contract is impaired by an im- proper use of the Square, not within the scope of the original pur- pose, we have already found to be untenable. It remains only to consider the second claim, i. e., was the City of Cleveland, by the contract of dedication, made the irremovable trustee to manage and control the uses of the Public Square, so that an attempt by the Legislature to substitute another trustee is a breach of contract? " The dedication was made originally in 1796, and by subsequent records in 1801, by town plot recorded uuder the territorial statute, in what was then Trumbull County, and in 1S14, by record in the present Cuyahoga County. The plat was designated on its face as the plat of the City of Cleveland. By virtue of the statute the pub- lic ground marked on the plat ^vas vested in fee in the County for the uses therein specified and none other. The present Public Square, as shown on the face of the plat, bears no name or descrip- tive title, but IS described in the survey recorded with the plat as ' the Square.' "It may be conceded that this constituted a dedication of the land as a Public Square to the public uses of the inhabitants of the future City of Cleveland and the neighborhood, i. e., to the uses of the local public as distinguished from those of the State at large. But from this no implication arises that the future Corporation of Cleveland was to be the sole and irremovable trustee. The grant was not to the City of Cleveland. The fee was in the County and is probably there still. After Cleveland was incorporated in 1826, control over the Square was vested in the Common Council. The City would never have acquired any control over the Square but for an act of the Legislature subsequent to the dedication. If so, may not the Legislature of the State again change that control? The dedication was made before there was a State Constitution, a State Legislature, or an incorporated City. The dedicators must be held to have known that the whole people of Ohio had it in their power to impose such systems of local government as they saw fit upon any part of the State, including that part where it was intend- ed the City of Cleveland should be. " The presumption is not to be indulged, therefore, that they intended in their dedication to limit anything but the public uses- to which the Square should be put. They did not attempt to name 312 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the public authority which should control the Square or commou within those uses. Even if they had they would have done this with the knowledge that the power of such public authority might be taken away and another substituted at the will of the Legisla- ture and would be presumed to have contemplated a possible change of trustee. As it was, no trustee was named; and it must be in- ferred that the whole question as to who shall be the trustee of the uses was left to the sovereign power of the State. "We conclude, therefore, that it was no impairment of the origi- nal contract of dedication for the State by act of the Legislature to substitute as trustee another local authority in the place of the City to control the special use to which this particular section of the Square might be applied. The Monument Commissioners, in se- lecting this site, are therefore acting within the power lawfully conferred and have a right to proceed with the work already begun. " The temporary restraining order heretofore allowed will be set aside and the application for a preliminarj- injunction be denied. " The conclusion we have reached is in accordance with the prin- -ciples of law involved, as we understand them after patient examina- tion. Our personal views as to whether the location chosen is the best have not in the least influenced us. Those are considerations not presented in the record and upon them we have no right to ex- press an opinion. " It is with the law of the case alone that we have dealt." The litter rout of the enemy was complete and over- whelming. APPOMATTOX had been fought, and won ! There may be a subsequent dash of a bush- whacker, here and there, but the backbone of the •enemy is broken into fragments. Local comment by the Leader relative to the decis- ion was : " The decision of the Court seemed to give entire satisfaction. No criticism was heard even from the op- ponents of the Square as the proper site. Several attorneys who were favorable to any location but the Square stated that the decision of the Federal Judges was the most able that has yet been passed upon the .question. Soon after the temporary injunction was •dissolved the contractors were at work within the en- closure with a few men eettino- in readiness for active SOI.DIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 313 operations at constructing the Monument. It is said that they will operate at night by electric light as well as in daylight, and push the work to completion as far as possible this Fall." We reprint an editorial from the Leader of October loth : " The refusal of the United States Circuit Court to grant an injunction against the vSoldiers' and vSailors' Monument Commission leaves that body with full legal authority to proceed with the erection of the Monument in the southeast corner of the Public vSquare, where work has already been begun. The attempt made by persons owning an interest in the Forest City House property to secure the intervention of the Federal au- thority is plainly an utter and final failure, and the control of the Public vSquare is left wholly with the Legislature and Courts of Ohio. vSuch being the case, the decision of the Supreme Court of the State will stand, and it is clearly impossible to prevent the erec- tion of the Monument on the site already chosen, ex- cept by act of the General Assembly. Nothing can be done in the Legislature until January, and by that time work upon the Monument is likely to be well advanced. " Under all the circumstances, we believe that the time has come to acquiesce as gracefully as mav be in the decision of the Monument Commission, upheld as it has been by the Courts. P'roni an artistic standpoint, the ^Memorial to the vSoldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County might as well be in the southeast corner of the Square as any other part of that small space. Indeed, it will look better there than in any other section. If, then, the only choice possible is between the site orig- inally chosen and some other portion of the Public Square, there is no good reason why a bitter and un- seemly contention should be prolonged, even if it were possible now to prevent the Commissioners from going 314 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY ahead with their plans. In view of the eqnally futile and violent opposition which has been encountered by the ^Monument Commission, that body will probably do all that it can to so clinch its victory before the begin- ning of the next session of the Legislature that inter- ference with the completion of the ^Monument would seem a great waste of money and labor. " It is useless to fight against the inevitable, and the Monument question might as well be considered closed. The objections to the site chosen have been much ex- aggerated in some quarters, and the completed struct- ure will prove much less of an obstruction to persons passing through the Square than the present enclosure. It is quite possible that public opposition, the edge of which has already worn off, will largely die away before the completion of the Monument and that the structure will be less objectionable in all respects than it has been grenerallv considered. The Leader has never deemed any part of the Public Square the best place to erect such a great work of art. We are of the same opinion now. It seems, however, impossible to secure the adoption of anything like an ideal site. Considera- tions of expense, location, etc., have ruled out all but those among which there can be but a choice of evils, and hence we feel that it is time to end all bickering and make the best of the erection of a great IMonument to the Union Veterans of Cuyahoga County in the south- east corner of the Public Square." To illustrate the lightning-like rapidity of the changes of that fickle jade, " public opinion," in this case clearly manufactured for a purpose : — when we were down our necks were vigorously jumped upon ; when we were neither up nor down, " piiblic opinion " was roosting on the fence ; but now^ when ive are on top^ why, you see, " public opinion " is different, you know ; the southeast section of the Public Square is tJie proper place for the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 315 Moniinieiit. Apropos^ we cop)' the following graceful editorial from the Leader of October 12th, 1892 : " Xo good can follow any further litigation on the Monument site question. The Commission has won at every point, and the opposition might as well accept the inevitable. It will be no disrespect to the memory of the Commodore to remove his marble form a few feet to the right or left, or to another section of the Square. It presented a most imposing spectacle some years ago when it stood in the center of the vSquare, where the streets now cross. Xo noisy hullal)aloo was heard when it was removed to its present location to make way for travel and street railroads. One objection urged to the location of the new Monument on the southeast corner of the Square is that sometime it will be surrounded and dwarfed by high buildings. On the other hand, the Commission contends that the view from the other three sections of the Square and down the avenue afford a perspective that will set off the Monument to full advantage. Their judgment on this matter is certainly entitled to very respectful consider- ation, as they have given a great deal of careful and thoughtful attention to the subject. The ^Monument will certainly be an honor to this city. A critical study of the design will convince any competent judge that it will be one of the most beautiful and appro])riate me- morials ever erected in any country. It is going up on the vSquare. The people might as well make up their minds to that and gracefully acquiesce in the decisions of the Courts and the wishes of the Monument Commis- sion." In the memorable and exciting game of foot-ball, now drawing to a close in our Courts, the Monument Commission team was invincible. We had met all kinds and classes of opponents, and easih' vanquished them. In the preliminary practice, the enemy made a o 1 6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY respectable showing, but failed to make a touch-down. In the regular games we had a clean score : 4 touch- downs and 4 goals kicked. Judge Ricks' decision was an additional goal, kicked from the field. At the end of each contest the members of the opposing team were carried off the gridiron on stretchers. A full knowledge of the enemy's " signals," and earnest team^ work brought victory to the Commission. In all dis- putes we captured the umpire. Our center, guards, tackles, ends and backs — especially our backs — were strong, and knew their business. Our team played for the patriotic glory of the final result. The players on the opposing teams were a weak lot of professional stiffs, out of training, lacking head and good team work, and apparently objectless save the high salaries they received ; therefore, they were scarcely ever in it at anv stage of the game. XIX. AND now, at the close of this legal struggle to se- cure the Monument site, it becomes the charita- ble duty of the historian to dispose of our friends, the enemy, the dramatis persomr of the five act Monumental drama, decently and in order. Here the last shall be first, with a kindly advice to Judge Boynton, the ac- complished advocate of the street railroad company ; an able lawyer unfortunately retained in an already lost cause, and destined to meet the fate of his legal pred- ecessors, the amiable Corporation Counsel, Major Burns, and the later Director of Law, General Edward vS. Meyer. The vSupreme Court of Ohio and the United States Circuit Court strewed alike the flowers of his rhetoric, the logic of his legal lore and the mythical claim of his New Hampshire clients, on the sea of ob- livion, and thus finally and forever established and confirmed to the Monument Commissioners the site se- lected b>- them and granted by the Legislature, and now adorned and beautified by the long delayed but noble Monument. The gentlemen of the Board of Trade retired from the contest and gracefully submitted to the decisions of the State Supreme and Federal Courts in the matter of title of the selected site. Even noisy mass meetings ceased to assemble in the Public Square to denounce the protecting fence around the site of the contemplated Monumental structure. We resume our line of narrative in this strange, eventful legal history, now narrowed down to a few side issues and diminutive technicalities involved in the last 3l8 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY of the City's legal proceedings still pending in the local Circuit Court. In the last interview the Commission had with Mayor Rose, he was officially non-committal, only deigning to say, " The case of the City is entirely in General Meyer's hands." The Director of Law said : " When the Cir- cuit Court opens in October, we will be there, and if the decision is against us, it will be carried to the Supreme Court of the State." Notwithstanding the Damoclean sword of the Director of Law was suspended over the heads of the Commis- sioners with his prophetic admonition that it would de- scend upon them in October, they nevertheless had progressed so far with the foundation that the removal of the Perry statue had become an absolute necessity. The failure of the City authorities to comply with the law in that respect, as expressly provided, rendered it necessary for the Commission to perform the work. The task was completed December 3d, 1892. The Leader of the following date described the event, which we reproduce : " The removal of the Perry monument from its place in the southeastern section of the Public Square was undertaken yesterday morning, and the statue of the brave Commodore was successfully lowered from the pedestal shortly after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The removal is rendered absolutely necessary by the fact that the heavy stones for the Soldiers' Monument could not be taken to the spot from which they will be hoisted to their places, without great danger to the base of the Perry monument. Besides that there would be danger of stones or heavy tools falling on the statue. Elijah Smith, who moved the Commodore from the in- tersection of Superior and Ontario Streets twenty years ago, is again entrusted with the delicate task, but he left the active work to his son, with Captain Levi T. MAJOR J. B. HAMPSON. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 321 Scofield, the designer of the new IMonument, to over- see the operation. It is an interesting fact that Cap- tain Scofield helped in the building of the Perry Monu- ment. " All of yesterday morning was spent in erecting a derrick and placing a scaffold around the statue of the Commodore, x^t about 2 o'clock, the head and breast of the fiofure were swathed in coffee bagcrinor and excel- sior, so that the ropes would not damage the marble. Shortly after 3 o'clock the statue was hoisted in mid air, where it dangled for some time before it could be low- ered to a skid which had been built to receive it. This couch was softened with a great quantity of excelsior and braces were placed under the massive shoulders of the figure so that after it is boxed up the moving of the receptacle will do no damage. " In lowering the statue it was not injured in the least. A rough rope touched the Commodore's whisk- ers on the left side and the marble was so much crumbled that the friction rubbed the surface off and made it look white. " While the preparations for all this were going on, a photographer with a big camera came into the enclos- ure. He adjusted the instrument to photograph the figure of the midshipman on the west side of the moniiment. The middy was photographed, and for a purpose. The fact is that the figure was already muti- lated and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Com- mission desire to have a photograph to show that it was there before the removal. The thumb and little finger of the midshipman are broken off, probabl}- by snowballs thrown by boys. His left trouser leg is frayed out, two or three inches of the flowing panta- loon being broken off. The flap of the boy's right trousers pocket is also gone and the same is true of the right lapel of his jacket. These mutilations are not 322 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY noticed by the ordinary passer-by, but a close inspec- tion reveals them. The Commission wish to be able to demonstrate that when they deliver the Perry monu- ment to the City officials its condition is the same as it was before the removal. The midshipmen and the pedestal will probably be taken apart to-day. In pre- paring to lower the statue of Perry it was discovered that the sword hilt was made detachable, and it was taken off. " The condition of the Perry monument is such that something must be done to arrest the decaying of the marble and repair the mutilation if it is to be preserved. The entire surface of the statue, which was once smooth, is serrated and as rough as sandstone. The profile of the Commodore's nose is jagged and looks as though it had been nicked and chipped. Where the surface has been at all protected it is smooth and gives forth that glow which characterizes polished Carrara marble. The Commodore's brow is creased with ver- tical furrows, worn by the elements, while the natural markings have been entirely obliterated by time. The north side of the statue is in a worse condition than the south side, presumably because the vapor-charged winds come chiefly from the north. The destructive- ness of Nature's forces is especially marked on the brave old mariner's coat. The buttons were designed by Captain Scofield, and he remembers how distinct were the anchors and stars upon them, thirty odd years ago. At present, on many of the buttons the anchor is nearly worn off and the stars have in some instances entirely disappeared. The buttons on the right leg of the west midshipman's pantaloons are nearly obliter- ated, while those on the other leg, which has a southern exposure, are in a much better state of preservation. " The Commission are not authorized to again erect the Perry monument after the work on the new Memor- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 323 ial is completed, but in times past in discussing the matter the Commissioners have all expressed them- selves willing to put it up again in as suitable a place as can be found in the southeastern section of the Square, they having authority only there. It is ex- pected, however, that the City will place the monument in Lake View Park. " The original design of the Perry monument did not provide for the core base upon which it now rests. As the monument stood at the intersection of Superior and Ontario Streets, upon a grassy mound, the base was formed by two immense blocks of pink Westerly gran- ite, which had been given by the State of Rhode Island. When the streets were cut through the Square, the grassy mound was taken away, exposing the un- hewn stones of the foundation. In order to hide their ugly surfaces some one conceived the idea of veneering them with a cored base of inferior granite and that veneer now forms the base, the pink granite being the second tier of stone in the pedestal. Artists and monu- ment builders have severely criticised the base because its cored surface, terminating almost in a feather edge, gives it the appearance of weakness. This veneer, which hides the foundation stones, is now slighth' out of place. The weight of the blocks of granite above it has forced open the joints, and if nothing had been done, in a few years the monument might have fallen of its own weight. At one place the core veneering does not come within an inch of making a perfect joint. '' The statuary had been carefully removed and boxed. The statuary is in a safe place, safer than it has been for thirty years or more, for the rigorous winter weather will not aid in the further disintegration of the delicate Italian marble. Not until the City again erects the monument will the destruction be resumed. 324 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The immense blocks of granite forming the pedestal were easily moved and drawn ont of the way. They were not boxed, for the weather will do them no harm. After the core veneer had been removed the rongh foundation was revealed. It consisted of small sand- stones cemented with ordinary mortar. Wonder was no longer expressed that the insubstantial base had been forced apart at the joints when the character of the foundation above ground was revealed. The foundation was removed with pickaxes and shovels, as it was not worth preserving. " Major W. J. Gleason, President of the Soldiers' Monument Commission, expects, now that the Perry statue has been taken down, that it will be taken in charge by the City. He said that the greatest draw- back to the removal of the statue was the disinclination of the City authorities to take it from the pedestal in the Public Square. ' Now that the statue has been taken down, we await the pleasure of the City,' said Major Gleason. ' I expect that the Council will pass a resolution requesting Director Herrick to remove the statue to Lake View Park. There is a circular plot on a line with Ontario Street that would make a splendid site. In the meantime we shall take the best of care of the statue. It will be boxed up and fully protected from the weather. If the City desire to have the statue erected in the Square again we can provide a good site for it between the Monument and vSuperior Street.' " ' What would be the cost of removal to Lake View Park ? ' was asked. " ' It would not exceed $500 and might not be more than $300. The statue could be loaded on a wagon and taken to the park in twenty minutes. The cost of taking up the foundation in the Square and removing it to the park would also be small. At the latter place soldiers' and sailors' monument. 325 the foundation would not need to be placed deep ■enough to encounter the quicksand.' " Now that the Perry monument has been removed, the erection of the shaft of the vSoldiers' Memorial can be begun this week. The scaffold is finished and the sandstone base for the shaft is about completed. The Perry monument was removed so that the wagons, upon which the blocks of granite for the shaft are to be hauled to the Square, can be run upon a platform under the scaffold. The blocks will then be lifted by a steam derrick and placed in position with only one handling, which means a saving of time, labor, and ex- pense. Across the top of the scaffold the fifteen-inch steel beams will be placed, and upon these a small tramway will be constructed. Upon the tramway the carriage of the steam derrick will move backward and forward in carrying the blocks to their places." As the City authorities claimed they had no money with which to take down the Perry statue, the Com- mission paid the expense for the same, amounting to ■only the paltry sum of eight\'-nine dollars. We are pleased to be able to quote the heroic expression of General Meyer, at the meeting held on the Public Square, September 2d, 1892, to-wit : "I would rather lose mv right arm than see Perry's statue taken down." He was not present at the time it was necessary to take down the statue, hence he did not " see " it done. So the General's good right arm still clings to him. At which we all rejoice, for privateh- and personally, we sincerely wish our last legal opponent good health, hap- piness and prosperity, with a perfect body. On the evening of December 5th, 1S92, the City ■Council took the following action : " By Mr. Caswell — That the President of this Council be requested to appoint a committee of three members of the Council to act with the Director of Public Works in the selection of a site for the Monument of Commodore Perrv, and that the Director of Public 326 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the re- moval of said monument to the site thus selected, the expense of said removal, together with the erection and construction of an appropriate base and foundations, to be paid from the general fund, after the money is appropriated for this purpose. " Adopted. " The chair appointed as above Committee Messrs. Caswell, Spil- ker and Malloy." The Committee reported on December 12th, 1892, as follows, quoted from the original document : "Cleveland, O., December 12th, 1S92. " To the Council. " Gentlemen : — Your Committee appointed to select a suitable site for the monument of Commodore Perry submit the following report : Feeling sure that the majority of the people of our city would favor some point on the Lake front, your Committee visited Lake View and Gordon Parks only. In the latter we found many beautiful sites which had some advantages over those in Lake View Park, being further removed from the railroad tracks and freer from the smoke and dust of the city, and having larger park sur- roundings. After visiting Lake View Park, however, the Commit- tee were unanimous that the site at the foot of Ontario Street would be more satisfactory to the majority of our citizens. The monument, if erected there, can be seen from the Public Square, and bv thousands who reach the city by rail or by boats on the lake. It is the sense of the Committee that the people who have become accustomed to seeing the monument in the center of the city would not favor its removal to a suburban park ; therefore, it is the unanimous opinion of this Committee that the Monument be placed in Lake View Park, at the foot of Ontario Street, facing up the lake toward the scene of the victorj^ it commemorates. " [Signed.] " D. O. Caswell, " W. A. Spilker, " M. C. Malloy, " R. R. Herrick. " Report received and its provisions adopted by the Council. " Howard H. Burgess, City Clerk." It will be noticed that the foregoing report of the City Council Committee, unanimously approved by the Council, is also signed by Director Herrick. From this it might be inferred that prompt action would be taken by the City authorities. Nothing, however, was done. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 327 When Director Herrick was asked why he did not com- ply with the action of the legislative branch of the City Government, his reply was that the City had no funds- for the purpose. A financial statement, published at the time, showed $1,500,000 to the credit of the City!' Still the gallant Commodore was allowed to rest in quiet repose " till other times and other men would rise and do justice to his memory." Owing to the condition of the Perry statue, caused by " Time's effacing finger" and the destructive force of natural elements, recently largely added to by having the delicate marble scrubbed with acids, under the igfuorant orders of the Director of Public Works, the Commission recommended to the City authorities that the figures be duplicated in enduring bronze. If this would be done, the Commission would gladly re-erect the Perry statue with the Soldiers' Alonument, on the southeast section of the Public Square. Failing in this, the Commission suggested that the statue be put in bronze and placed on the plat laid out for it in 1879, in Lake View Park, at the foot of Ontario Street, over- looking the scene on which Perry achieved his ever- memorable victory over the British. The Commission would gladly do this work, but they had no legal authority, nor were they granted permission so to do. XX. THE cold, wintry days of December were upon us, therefore the Commission could not proceed very rapidly with work. The failure of the Director of Pub- lic Works to remove the water main caused consider- able trouble and expense. This difficulty could have been readily overcome, had the Commission been al- lowed to remove the pipes, but the City officials would not give them permission to do so. Captain Scofield temporarily solved the problem by building strong arches of cement over the pipes. This was a waste of time, material and money, but it was the only thing to do under the circumstances. The increased cost of material, the higher prices demanded by contractors, the loss of one-tenth of a mill revenue through Judge Sherwood's decision, the several lawsuits against the work of the Commission, the setting aside of contracts owing to delay and consequent uncertainty, and the in- creased expense generally, caused by the evasive and procrastinating conduct of the City officials and selfish schemes of interested parties, rendered it necessary to again go to the Legislature for relief. Comrade and Representative W. D. Pudney introduced the required bill, at the request of the Commission. With the gen- erous aid of his colleagues and of all of the members of the House and Senate, the bill was unanimously made law. When the session laws were subsequenth' pub- lished, it was found that the bill was not passed as pre- pared. The objectionable interpolations were, however, amended out of the statutes by the succeeding General Assembly. The law as enacted is as follows : MAJOR -GRN'KRAL JAMES B. McPHERSON. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 331 "AN ACT " To amend section one of an act entitled 'An act supplementary and amendatory to an act to amend section one of an act entitled an act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to pur- chase a site therefor, passed April 2, 1880, (vol. 77, p. 36S), as amended February 4, i88r ('vol. 78, p. 316), as amended April 22, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), as amended April 16, 188S (vol. 85, p. 564), as amended January 30, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391),' and as amended April 2, 1891 (vol. 88, p.'7S6), and also to amend section seven of said amendatory act of April 16, 1S88 (vol. 85, p. 564). "Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section one of an act entitled ' An act to authorize the Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Me- morial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County, and to purchase a site therefor,' passed April 2, 1880 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended February 4, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316), as amended April 22, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), as amended April 16, 18SS (vol. 85, p. 564), as amended January 30, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391), as amended April 2, 1891 (vol. 88, p. 786), and section seven of said act of April 16, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), be amended so as to read as follows : " Sec. I. That the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County be and are hereby authorized and directed to levy a tax upon all the taxable property of said county, of seven-tenths of a mill on the dollar of the valuation of said property, in addition to any tax here- tofore levied under said acts, which said seven-tenths shall be levied and collected as follows : For the year 1893, two-tenths of a mill ; for the year 1894, two-tenths of a mill ; for the year 1895, three- tenths of a mill ; which shall be levied and collected annually as aforesaid, for the purpose of erecting a suitable structure commem- orative of the services, patriotism and valor of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Union Army and Navy in the war of the Rebellion, who enlisted from Cuyahoga county, and putting in proper condi- tion, and improving the grounds in said southeast section of said Square around said Monument, and the funds arising from levies heretofore made shall be applied, together with that to be raised in pursuance of this amendatory act, to the purpose aforesaid, together with the necessary expenses connected therewith ; and said County Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds or notes, at such times as they may be requested so to do by said Mon- umental Commissioners, for the amount of the said three-tenths ad- ditional levy to be made in the year 1895, and such bonds or notes to 332 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY be made payable in such amounts and at such times as will make them come due, as near as practicable, at the times when the money will be collected and received from such levy. " Sec. 7. The Board of Monument Commissioners shall have- power, and are hereby authorized, as the work on the Monument or structure by them determined upon progresses, to make drafts upon the Auditor of said county to pay for such work done and materials- furnished under their direction, such drafts to be signed by a ma- jority of the Executive Committee of said Board, countersigned by its Secretary, and upon receiving such drafts said Auditor shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of Cuyahoga County for the amount of such drafts ; and the said County Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to withdraw any portion of the money invested by them as herein provided, as the work on such structure progresses, and place the same in the county treasury' to the credit of the Monument fund, and the Secretary of said Board of Monument Commissioners is hereby required to give said County Commissioners reasonable notice, in writing, of the intention of said Monument Commissioners to make drafts on the County Audi- tor for money for such work or material. Upon the completion and dedication of the Monument or structure, the said Board of Monument Commissioners shall turn the Monument over to a Board of three Commissioners selected by them, none of whom shall be one of their number, which said Commissioners shall be ex-Soldiers or Sailors, and said Board shall be perpetual, with power of succession, and such Commissioners so selected shall have power and be re- quired, within ten days after occurrence of a vacancy, to fill the same by selecting an ex-Soldier or Sailor, or a member or descend- ant of members of either of the Army organizations known as the Grand Army of the Republic, Union Veterans' Union, or a member of the first class in good standing of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, which said Board shall serve without compensation. Said Commissioners and their successors shall take an oath to faithfully perform their duties in caring for the Monu- ment and grounds surrounding the same, and shall be empowered to employ an ex-Soldier of the War of the Rebellion or the Regular Army, as attendant and guardian of such Monument and grounds, at a reasonable compensation, to be paid out of the general fund of the county, upon a voucher of the President and Secretary of the Monument Commission, and such attendant shall be vested with the ordinary powers of a policeman. Said Board shall also be authorized to employ such assistance as may be required by the attendant, to take care of the Monument and grounds, and to make such necessary expenditure as in their judgment will be required to make repairs to the Monument or improvements to the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 333 grounds, to be paid out of the general fund of said county in the manner hereinbefore provided. Said Board is author- ized to prepare books, photographs, engravings, pamphlets and other souvenirs and through the attendant sell them, the proceeds of which shall be turned over to the county general fund. Said Board shall not be aUowed at any time to in any manner charge for admission to said Monument, but shall be required under their own proper regulations to keep the tablet room open to the free use of the public. Upon the completion and dedication of such Monument or structure, and after the same shall have been turned over as herein provided, the duties and powers of the present Board of Monument Commissioners shall cease, and all balances of the Monument fund unexpended after the Monument is completed and dedicated shall be turned over to the general fund of Cuyahoga County. The Commissioners of Cuyahoga County shall provide the necessary steam heating and lighting supply in the county buildings and permit the Monument Commissioners to connect with same for the purpose of properly and sufficiently heating and lighting said tablet room and Monument, and said present Board of Monu- ment Commissioners are hereby authorized to perform said work and lay the necessary pipes and conduits through the public grounds and streets for such purpose, the expense therefor to be paid from the Monument fund. "Section 2. That said section i as amended April 2, 1891 (vol. 88, p. 786), and said section 7 of said act of April 16, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), be and the same are hereby repealed. " Section 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. " Lewis C. Layun, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. " Andrew L. Harris, " President of the Senate. "Passed March 27, 1893." Pending the enactment of said law, the Commission went into Winter qnarters for 1892-93. After its passage, we knew onr resonrces and carefully mapped out our future plan of campaign. As soon as the weather per- mitted in the early Spring of 1893, the contractors em- ployed a large force of men and work on the structure was vigorously pushed. While all this was going on, the Law Director's gleaming Circuit Court blade still hung dangling over our heads, but subsequent events proved that the weapon was harmless. 334 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The curtain is now about to descend on our " live characters." We will let them pass gently away, with slow music and muffled drums. The triumvirate offi- cially dead, and the City of Cleveland still lives, grows and prospers. Miracles will happen — even in the close of this, the enlightened Nineteenth Century. As their lovely official bodies were laid out on the cold marble slabs of the morgue, for public inspection, a French mourner, from Dublin, was heard to exclaim : " Aich of 'em made as dacent and purty a corpse as one would like to gaze upon. Omnibus invidcas^ Rose, Herrick, Meyer, nemo tibi ! Sic transit gloria niundi ! Nabocklish .' .'" We are gratified to bid a fond farewell to our "heroes." Among them were men of pronounced ability, which was in large part overshadowed by their misdirected judgment. The splendid opportunity had by them to make a glorious record was shattered and broken by their lack of healthy discrimination. We finally part with them, more in sorrow than in anger ; with a pro- found feeling of regret o'ertopped by gladness, indulg- ing the hope that they will find that peace, content- ment and happiness in private life that they tried so earnestly to prevent the Monument Commission from enjoying. Good bye ! Rira bicn^ qui rira !c dernier ! VIVE, VALE! XXI. " Rin^ out the old, ring in the new." AT last we may exclaim, " Gloria in Excels is; peace on earth and good-will to men." The long and hindering litigation is substantially over and congratu- lations are now in order. We are swiftly approaching the time for the grand review. The white dove of peace has descended upon us, and official interference or legal proceedings in the Courts no longer disturb the even tenor of our way. Our long night of darkness and doubt has been succeeded by certainty and genial sunshine. Happilv for the Commission, the friends of the Monument and its chosen site, there was a change in the Municipal Administration in April, 1893, Hon. Robert Blee becoming Mayor. He appointed John H. Farley Director of Public Works, and Hon. James Lawrence Director of Law. It was especially with these three officials the Commission had principally to deal, as had been their unhappy fate under the late admin- istration. The new Mayor was a gentleman of sobriety and an unassuming citizen, a man of few words, but prompt action. The two Directors were imbued with the same liberal spirit that characterized the Mayor. Their advent was a welcome change from their vacilla- ting and procrastinating predecessors. Friendly to the Monument, to its site, and to the work of the Com- mission, they practically demonstrated their good-will by deeds as well as words. Soon after Director Farley assumed the duties of his position, he had the old water main removed from the 336 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY southeast section of the Public Square, as provided by law and requested by the Commission, and a new main laid in such place and manner as was necessary to render the site occupied b}- the Monument perfectly safe. For the information of the public we insert the following official correspondence : " Headquarters Cuyahoga County "Soldiers' and Sailors" Monument Commission, " Cleveland, O., Januarj- 4th, 1894. " Mr. John H. Farley, Director of Public Works. " Dear Sir : — Kindly favor the Monument Commission by reply- ing to the following questions : " 1st. How much was the cost of removing the water main on the southeast section of the Public Square ? " 2nd. How long did it take to perform the work ? "3rd. For what length of time was the water shut off, pending the removal of said water main? "A prompt answer will oblige, " Very respectfully yours, " Wm. J. Gleason, President." " Cleveland, January 6, 1894. " Mr. Wm. J. Gleason, Pres. Monument Commission, City. " Dear Sir : — In reply to yours of the 4th inst. wherein you ask : " 1st. How much was the cost of removing the water main on the southeast section of the Public Square ? " 2nd. How long did it take to perform the work ? " 3rd. For what length of time was the water shut off, pending the removal of said water main ? "Will say that cost of relaying is 11,248.68. " Commenced the work May 24th, 1893, finished May 29th; 6 days. "Water was shut off on Sunday, May 2Sth, from about 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. — 9 hours. " Yours truly, "J. H. Farley, Director of Public Works." Under date of July 19th, 1892, it may be observed that the late Director of Public Works ofiicially reported to the City Council that "the removal of the water main is attended with danger; unless care is taken there may be serious results. The lowest amount for which we can remove the main will be $2,000. If we have to take soldiers' and sailors' monument, 337 it around Bond vStreet the cost will be $7,000. // icill require at least five weeks to do t/ie zvorky The actual facts show that there was no danger in removing the water main; that care was taken in the performance of this work — as there is in all work done by sensible officials. The cost was $1,248.68, not $2,000 or $7,000 as abo\-e ofificialh' estimated and asserted. The work was completed in six days, not five weeks, as the "old public functionary" alleged, and the water was shut off nine hours, on vSunday, so that no one w-as injured or discommoded. This statement of the late Director of Public Works is a sample of the ostentatious and arbitrary assump- tions, adverse and annoying to the Monument Commis- sion and deceptive to the public, indulged in by some officials of the late defunct Municipal Administration and endured of necessity by the individual personality of the Commissioners. This remarkable "estimate" of the late Director is impressively suggestive of the absolute certainty either of indiscreet dissimulation or total deficiency of practical knowledge. The new Director of Law, James Lawrence, immedi- ately upon the Session of the Circuit Court, dismissed the suits therein long pending against the Commission, at the City's cost. In the course of a brief time the new City Adminis- tration took charge of the Commodore Perry statue and moved it to Wade Park. They erected it there in a lovely spot; not in as appropriate a place, by any means, as Lake \'iew^ Park would have been, but never- theless it is in quite a pleasing location. To satisfy curiosity, we add that it cost the City for removal and resetting the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars. Ex-Director Herrick, however, could not, or did not, raise that amount — simply for the reason that he did not desire to. 338 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Thus was completely wiped out the last vestige ol the petty spite and rank nonsense of the defunct City Government. Work was resumed on the structure early in the Spring of 1893, and vigorously carried forward during the entire year. In order that the Monument and its surroundings might be finished as originally designed, an additional sum of money was required. Hence the following bill was prepared and given to the Cuyahoga County Delegation to the General Assembly. It was taken charge of by our ardent friend, Comrade and Representative J. Dwight Palmer, upon whose motion the rules were unanimously suspended in the House and the measure promptly passed that branch of the Assembly. Comrade and Senator William T. Clark had similar action taken in the Senate, after an earnest and patriotic speech. The Bill, which was made law on March 6th, 1894, is as follows: "AN ACT " Supplementary to and amendatory of an act entitled, ' An act to amend section one of an act entitled 'An act supplementary and amendatory to an act to amend section one of an act entitled 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said County, and to purchase a site therefor, passed April 2, iSSo (vol. 77, p. 368); as amended February 4, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316); as amended April 22, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368); as amended April 16, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391); and as amended April 2, iSgi (vol. 88, p. 786), and also to amend section seven of said amendatory act of April 16, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), passed March 27, 1893.' "Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in addition to the taxes authorized to be levied by the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County, for the purpose of erecting a suitable structure commemorative of the services, patri- otism and valor of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Union Army and Navy in the War of the Rebellion who enlisted from Cuyahoga County, which authority is vested in said Commissioners by the act to which this is supplementary and amendator}-, the County Com- SURGEON charlp:s a. hartmax. SOLDIERvS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 34I missioners of said county are authorized and directed to levy a further additional tax upon all the taxable property of said county of three-tenths of a mill, for the 3-ear 1S96; and said County Com- missioners are hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds or notes, at such times as they may be requested so to do by the Monumental Commissioners of said County, for the amount of said three-tenths additional levy to be made in the year 1896; such bonds or notes to be made payable in such amounts, and at such times, as will make them come due, as near as practicable, at the time when the money will be collected and received from such levy. "Section 2. All moneys raised by such additional levy so far as the same may be necessarj- shall be expended by said Monu- mental Commissioners, as provided in the act to which this is supplementary and amendatory; should there be a surplus of money after such Monument is fully completed and the grounds surrot;nd- ing the same in the southeast section of the Square placed in proper condition, such surplus shall be turned over to the County Commissioners of said county, to be by them placed in the general fund of said county. "Section 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. "Passed March 6th, 1S94." For the purpose of striking from the statutes the unjust discrimination against the members of the Mon- ument Commission, surreptitiously injected into the law of March 27th, 1893, and to carefully provide for the future proper care of the Monument and grounds sur- rounding it, the following supplemental bill was pre- pared. It was passed through the House by Represent- ative and Comrade J. Dwight Palmer, and was made law in the Senate by vSenator and Comrade William T. Clark on the 14th day of May, 1894, the act being as follows : "AN ACT " Supplementary to an act entitled ' An act supplementary to and amendatory of an act entitled 'An act to amend section i, of an act entitled ' An act supplementary and amendatory to an act to amend section i, of an act entitled 'An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County to build a Monument or Memorial Tablet commemorative of the deceased Soldiers and Sailors of said county, and to purchase a site therefor, passed 342 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY April 2, 1880 (vol. 77, p. 368), as amended Feb. 4, 1881 (vol. 78, p. 316), as amended April 22, 1885 (vol. 82, p. 368), as amended April 16, 1890 (vol. 87, p. 391), and as amended April 2, 1891 (vol. 88, p. 786), and also to amend Section 7, of said amendatory act of April 16, 1888 (vol. 85, p. 564), passed March 27, 1893, as amended March 6, 1894.' " Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, that upon the completion and dedication of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, the Board of Monumental Commissioners shall select and appoint a Board of five Commission- ers, to be known and designated as ' The Cu3-ahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commissioners.' " Said Board shall be Union ex-Soldiers or Sailors of the War of the Rebellion, or a member or a descendant of members of either of the Army organizations known as the Grand Army of the Re- public, Union Veterans' Union, or a member of the first-class in good standing of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and residents of Cuyahoga County, and shall meet and organize within ten days after their appointment ; by the elec- tion from their members of a President and Secretary, and shall serve without pay. Such Board shall be perpetual, and the members thereof shall have power, and be required within ten days after oc- currence, to fill vacancies, by selecting and appointing a Union ex- Soldier or Sailor of the War of the Rebellion, or a descendant of same, residing in Cuyahoga County. " The members of such Board, and their successors shall take an oath to faithfully perform their duties in caring for the Monument, and the grounds surrounding it. Said Board shall be empowered to make such rules and regulations for their government, and for the care of the Monument and grounds surrounding the same, as in their judgment is required, and shall have the power to employ a suitable Union ex-Soldier or Sailor of the War of the Rebellion, or of the regular army of the United States or descendant of either, as attendant and custodian of such Monument and grounds, at a rea- sonable compensation, to be paid from the general fund of the county, upon a voucher of the President and Secretary of the Monument Commissioners. Such attendant and custodian shall be invested with the ordinary powers and authority of a policeman. " Section 2. Said Monumental Commissioners, and the Board herein provided for, shall have such control of the grounds of the southeast section of the Public Square, including the streets, lawns, and sidewalks surrounding the same, as will enable them to properly perform their duties as Commissioners, and for no other purpose, and shall have the authority to direct the manner of curbing the streets soldiers' and sailors' monument. 343,, on the south aud east sides of the said southeast section of the Square, also the laying of the cross-walks therein. Such Commis- sioners, or the attendant and custodian of the Monument, shall have full authority to remove and restrict express wagons, moving vans, drays, public hacks, street railroad transfer stations, hucksters'^ wagons, advertising devices, or decorations and all other obstruc- tions from making their stands within the curbing, or in the streets adjoining and contiguous to the curbing around said southeast sec- tion of the Public Square. Any violation of this restriction is hereby declared unlawful, and offenders upon conviction of such violation may be punished as for disorderly conduct. " Section 3. Said Board of Monument Commissioners are author- ized to employ such assistants as may be required to take care of the Monument and grounds, and from time to time to make necessary repairs and improvements to the Monument and grounds, also to provide for electric heating and lighting; payments to be made therefor as is provided for the payment to the attendant and custo- dian. The City of Cleveland shall furnish a sufficient supph' of water for use in and about the Monument, and the grounds sur- rounding the same free of charge. " Section 4. Said Board of Monument Commissioners shall have the authority to place the tools, hose, ladders, and implements required for use in the tool house used by the Park Commissioners of the City of Cleveland, located on the Public Square, or in the basement of the Court House as said Board may direct, without any cost for storage. " Section 5. Any person defacing or injuring the Monument, or the flowers, plants, or sidewalks surrounding the same, shall upon conviction thereof before the Police Court of the City of Cleveland be fined not more than one hundred dollars, nor less than five dol- lars, or imprisoned not more than sixty daj's, or both. And all fines collected shall be paid into the general fund of Cuyahoga Count}'. " Section 6. All acts and parts of acts so far as the same conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. " Section 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. " Leonidas H. Southard, "Speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives. " Andrew L. Harris, " President of the Senate. " Passed May 14, 1894." Thus was provided all of the funds required for the completion of the historic structure that graces our 344 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY county, as well as the necessary legislation for its unre- mitting care and protection. In this connection, we desire to testify our earnest ap- preciation of the valuable services of Comrade A. T. Brinsmade, who freely gave his time and ability to our Legislative Committee, consisting of Comrades Elwell, Leggett and Bohm, in the preparation of the several laws required for the erection of the Monument. Throughout the numerous lawsuits brought against the Commission, he also tendered his brilliant services with- out any pecuniary consideration. XXII. OUR trials and tribulations are happily at an end. Our triumph is complete and overwhelming. The Soldiers of the county, their patriotic supporters and the members of the Commission have been magnifi- cently vindicated. This being true, we gladly consign all of the bitterness and misunderstandings of the dead past to the tomb of oblivion. Our enemies, such as they were, are forgotten and forgiven. Errors of the head, of judgment, malicious or personally interested actions, are relegated to the rear. Life is too brief to treasure up enmity or ill feeling ; the brotherhood of man is too human, and comradeship too sacred for lasting hate ; so in this, our time of glorious victory, all the harsh, unsavory heart-burnings of the past are blotted out of sweet memory. " All is well that ends w'ell." Our future is bright and cheering, with not a cloud to obscure our hope or joy. Our enemies of the past are our friends of the present and our co-workers of the future. No more trials, troubles, disputes or harsh feeling among old comrades, friends and neigh- bors. All is harmony and blessed peace. As a fitting end to the successful accomplishment of our many years of labor — no officer or member of the Commission, including the designer, having received any pecuniarv reward, our services being gladly given for love of the object — let us take a brief glance at the grandest memorial to patriotism that the world has yet produced. The beautiful granite shaft, surmounted by the ex- quisitely proportioned and commanding figure of Lib- ertv, towers heavenward. The characteristic massive 346 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY stone and granite walls haYe assumed pleasing shape ; our country's proud bird of freedom, the Eagle, with wings extended, stands guard over the portals ; the realistic scenes of the War, in the different branches of the service, reproduced in heroic bronze groups, are in place ; the old army corps badges, gracefully carved in stone, entwined in laurel wreaths, adorn each of the four sides of the memorial room ; the Nation's beautiful emblem of liberty and justice, the glorious Stars and Stripes, floats majestically in the breeze from handsome flag staff's on the four corners of the structure ; while between the finely constructed walks and the Monu- ment are beds of lovely flowers, arranged in form and color representing the corps badges of the different di- visions of the Army and the badges of the Grand Army of the Republic, Loyal Legion, Women's Relief Corps, Union Veterans' Union and the Sons of Veterans, bor- dered with wreaths of immortelles and forget-me-nots, surrounded by pretty grass plats. A visit to the interior is prolific of surprise and delight. On entering at the south, the first object to attract and hold attention is the solid and artistic bronze doors. Then disclosed to the eye is the panel commemorating the loyal women, in portrait group, who composed the Executive Committee of the Aid Society of Northern Ohio. The earnest work and many sacrifices of this noble band of women are thus fittingly recognized, and will ever be treasured in fond remembrance by the boys who wore the blue. Also embraced therein is a modest, sweet-faced Sister of Charity, binding up the wounds of a stricken Soldier, a loving reminder of the unselfish devotion of these angels of mercy and kindness, whose tender and gentle ministrations were exhibited on every battle field of the War, in the hospital and camp, regard- less of rank, creed, nationality or color, purely for love of humanitv and in obedience to the will of the Divine soldiers' and sailors' monument. 347 Master. On the east side of the shaft, the panel rep- resenting the conference at City Point of President Lincohi with Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Meade, Leg- gett, Custer and other leading Generals, the result of which led on to the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, and the final complete success of the Union forces, is ad- mired. Passing around on the north side of the shaft, is strikingly exhibited the carrying out of the President's Emancipation Proclamation — the immortal Lincoln striking the shackles from the slave and putting a mus- ket in his hands to go forth and do his part in the truism that " he who would be free must himself strike the blow." This scene in the panel is flanked by por- traits of Chase and Sherman, the Nation's financiers, and Wade and Giddings, Ohio's uncompromising anti- slavery champions. On the west panel are represented the War Governors of Ohio, Dennison, Tod and Brough, with life-size figures of Generals McClellan, Cox, Hayes, Garfield, Rosecrans and Gilmore. Glancing up can be seen, in niches and imbedded in the shaft, fine bronze busts and medallions of a few of our many local heroes. The visitor's attention is then attracted by the handsomely colored marble walls, soffits, ceiling and fasces ; the satin-finished emblematic stained glass windows ; the finely designed carved floor. Completely encircling the four sides of the Memorial Room, cut in appropriate marble slabs, appear in numerical order, alphabetically arranged, the regiment, name and rank of each and all of Cuyahoga's gallant defenders of the Union ; this Roll of Honor being supplemented by the names of the women of the vSoldiers' Aid Society. Bronze radiators furnish heat to the room, while a profu- sion of soft, incandescent lights, peering forth from the bronze electrolier, and suspended from the graceful chandeliers, aid in displaying the richness of colors and the soliditv of the interior. 348 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The appropriateness, the fidelity, the grandeur of Cuyahoga's noble tribute to the memory of her Union Soldiers and Sailors stand before the people in all of their lofty and inspiring lessons of patriotism. The entire design is worthy of careful study, and exhibits a combination of fitness and splendor that will continue a joy forever. The Monument now speaks for itself. Criticism is disarmed. Commendation, unstinted praise is heard on every tongue. Our former opponents have willingly become our warmest admirers. The energy, the per- severance, the marvelous skill, the untiring industry, the wonderful conception of the artist receives its justly merited reward. The design is what w^as desired and intended — purely original. It is strikingly military in every one of its features, and true in detail to all the- branches and accouterments of the service. The spirit and dash of every element of the Civil War is repro- duced and perpetuated with the minutest fidelity ; the architecture and sculpture is thoroughly American ; the lessons of history and patriotism it teaches will demonstrate to present and future generations the price- less heritage of freedom and union. The coinage of the fertile and brilliant brain of Com- rade Levi T. Scofield has given to Cuyahoga County an artistic and imposing monument, to our country a national memorial, and to the world a matchless struct- ure that will for all time reflect credit on his genius, bring renown and fame to our lovely city, and redound to the everlasting glory and patriotism of the liberal people of our county. The object for which we were chosen is accomplished. Our work is finished. We approach the dedication with feelings of unalloyed satisfaction and supreme happiness. We heartily thank the good people of Cuy- ahoga County for their encouragement, loyalty and' BRIGADIER -GENERAL J. J. ELWELL. M soldiers' and sailors' monument. 351 earnest co-operation. We bow with gratitude and pro- found thanks to the Giver of all good, to our Heavenly Father, for His unceasing care and protection ; for His preservation of every member of the Commission during our many years of close companionship while engaged in our devoted labor of love. THE DEDICATION OF THE MEMORIAL. )^m> VIEW OF MONUMENT FROM SOUTHWEvST, XXIII. THE r^Iemorial stands forth in all its beauty, a joy forever, a finished structure. It is at once recog- nized as a supreme credit to the generous people who erected it ; to the memory of those whom it perpetuates, and to the untiring energy of the IVIonument Com- mission. An enthusiastic meeting of representative citizens was held in the Board of Control rooms, City Hall, on May ist, 1894, to take the preliminary steps for a fitting dedication of the elegant Memorial. Committees were present representing the Monument Commission, the City Council, the Board of Control, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Sons and Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution. On motion of Major W. J. Gleason, Hon. Robert Blee, Mayor, was chosen to preside ; Com- missioner Charles C. Dewstoe was appointed Secretary, There was some discussion had relative to the demon- stration in view which was merely a matter of detail. We quote the result of the meeting from the P/ai/i Dealer : " Major Gleason, who had been sitting quieth' by while the discussion was in progress, pointedly observed the talk was wholly foreign to the subject at hand, as it had not yet been decided to have a celebration on the Fourth. He followed this up with a motion that it be the sense of the meeting that there be a proper observ- ance of the Fourth of July, and that the dedication of the Soldiers' Monument should be tlie central feature. The motion was at once carried. He then named a number of features of tlie day which should be in the hands of committees, and moved that a chairman be 356 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY appointed for each by a committee of five, to be ap- pointed by the Chair. " On his motion, the Chairman appointed a snb-com- mittee of five, whose dnty it shonld be to select chair- men of the necessary committees to carry ont the cele- bration. The committee selected by the Mayor for this work consisted of Major W. J. Gleason, of the Monu- ment Commission ; L. E. Holden, of the Sons of the American Revolution ; W. J. Akers, of the Chamber of Commerce ; Director W. A. Madison, of the Board of Control ; and Councilman J. V. McGorray." We continue the report of the meeting from the Leader : " Mr. W. J. Akers spoke of the importance of getting the pupils of the public schools interested, and said that they should be given ample time to drill and prepare for the event. In his opinion, the sub-committees should be appointed as soon as possible, so that they might get to work. " Major Gleason then outlined a program which had been talked over by the members of the Monument Commission. He said that the Sons of the American Revolution had suggested a special feature which they would carry out. This would be the firing of a salute at sunrise and sunset, and the reading of the Declara- tion of Independence. ' That is a good idea,' said the Major, ' and we should all bend our energies to make the day as grand a one as possible. We should have a monster parade of old Soldiers, school children and others. Then we should have an address by some ora- tor of national reputation. In the afternoon, a grand naval display could be given on the lake, under the di- rection of Commodore Gardner, which would add much to the interest of the occasion. The day could then be rounded up with a grand display of fireworks and a concert. The Monument which is to be dedicated is soldiers' and sailors' monument. 357 the finest in the country, and is an honor not only to the City of Cleveland, but to the State of Ohio.' " The Mayor's Secretary, James Hossack, Esq., was chosen Secretary of the General Committee. The preparations for the dedicatory exercises, thus auspiciously begun, were carried forward to the end with the most complete harmony and good feeling. The sub-committee appointed to select chairmen of the several committees reported the following : Committee of Arrangements. — Hon. Robert Blee, Mayor, Chairman. James Hossack, Esq., vSecretary. Proc^ram. — Major William J. Gleason, Chairman. Invitation and Speakers. — General J. J. Elwell, Chairman. Reception. — Hon. L. E. Holden, Chairman. Finance. — Hon. L. E. Holden, Chairman. ^Military. — Gen. James Barnelt, Chairman. Veteran ' Cuyahoga County Soldiers. — Capt. James Hayr, Chairman. Grand Army of the Republic. — Capt. G. C. Barnes, Chairman. Sons of Veterans. — Capt. Henry Frazee, Chairman. Civic Societies. — Col. Charles C. Dewstoe, Chair- man. Music. — Prof. Charles F. Olney, Chairman. Printing and Press. — Hon. John C. Covert, Chair- man. Merchants and Manufacturers. — Hon. Luther Allen, Chairman. Schools and Colle(;es. — Hon. H. O. Sargent, Chairman. Transportation. — Hon. William J. Akers, Chair- man. 358 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Decoration. — Col. L. N. Weber, Chairman. Carriages. — Hon. J. V. McGorray, Chairman. Loyal Women's Aid Society. — Mrs. Lena Spring- steen, Chairman. Daughters of the American Revolution. — Mrs. Dr. E. M. Avery, Chairman. Sons of the American Revolution. — Dr. E. M. Avery, Chairman. Naval Display. — Commodore Percy W. Rice, Chair- man. Salutes and Fireworks. — Col. A. T. Van Tassel, Chairman. Early Settlers' Association. — Hon. A. J. Will- iams, Chairman. Municipal Bodies. — Hon.C. A. Davidson, Chair- man. Police. — Hon. M. J. Herbert, Chairman. On the members of said General Committee rested the responsibility of making the celebration a success. The result showed that they were equal to the occasion, the brilliant demonstration being freely acknowledged by the press and public as the most fitting and grand ever held, not alone in our fair city, but in the great State of Ohio. On this particular Fourth of July, Cleveland's celebration surpassed all others held in America. After getting down to work, the General Committee held a regular meeting every week, besides frequent special meetings. In a brief time the machinery glided along smoothly, and each chairman announced the names of his associates, the entire list being as fol- lows : soldiers' and sailors' monument. 359 COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM, Major William J. Gleason, Chairman. Captain J. B. Molyneanx, Secretary. Captain Levi F. Bander, Captain L. W. Day, Captain Edward H. Bohm, Captain J. C. Roland, Captain Levi T. Scofield, Captain D. G. Nesbitt, Colonel E. W. Force, Dr. R. W. Walters, General James Barnett, General J. J. Elwell, Col. C. C. Dewstoe, Captain James Hayr, General M. D. Leggett, L. E. Holden, George A. Robertson, Captain G. C. Barnes, Hon. W. T. Clark, Hon. J. Dwight Palmer, Hon. W. D. Pndney, Hon. Elroy M. Avery, W. M. Bayne, Charles P. Salen, Captain Percy W. Rice,. Captain E. M. Hessler, Sheriff W. R. Ryan, Colonel Conrad Beck, Captain L. W. Bailey, Captain T. W. Brainard,. H. P. Mcintosh, Colonel Frank Dowd, C. C. Schellentrager, Captain Patrick Smith, Robert Bandlow, Colonel A. T. Brinsmade. Hon. George W. Gardner, Captain Hugh Buckley, Captain H. Q. Sargent, Colonel L. Smithnight, W. J. Akers, H. H. Hyman, M. J. Herbert, J. H. McBride, Captain Henry Frazee, Professor C. F. Olney, Colonel John Dunn, Hon. J. J. Sullivan, Ryerson Ritchie, Colonel A. T. Van Tassel, Jacob Mandelbaum, B. Mahler, Kaufman Hays, Captain E. J. Kennedy, J. B. Morrow, C. A. Davidson, Captain J. C. Shields, Captain Levi E. Meacham, Fred. Saal, James McHenry, James Lavan, Hon. C. C. Burnett, Colonel C. L. Alderson,, H. H. Burgess, C.J. Manix, John Vevera. .360 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY COMMITTEE ON INVITATION. General J. J. Elwell, Chairman. Captain Levi F, Bander, Secretary. Hon. Lee McBride, Major W. J. Gleason, Hon. R. C. Parsons, Captain J. B. Molyneaux, George S. Rnssell, Hon. A. J. Ricks, •C. W. Bingham, Hon. W. W. Armstrong, J. B. Morrow, Frank Rockefeller, Dan P. Eells, Capt. George A. McKay, Gen. J. S. Casement, Gen. A. C. Voris, Hon. A. J. Williams, T. M. Irvine. COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION. L. E. Holden, Chairman. General M. D. Leggett, A. Wiener, Hon. Henry B. Payne, Hon. O. J Hodge, Colonel William Edwards, Alfred Whitaker, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Hon. R. C. Parsons, Hon. Charles A. Otis, Lee McBride, Hon. W. W. Armstrong, Hon. M. A. Foran, Charles F. Brnsh, John Tod, George W. Howe, William J. Akers, Jndge J. AL Jones, Hon. B. D. Babcock, William Bingham, Major Fayette Brown, Hon. Stephen Bnhrer, H. R. Hatch, -Samuel L. Mather, Hon. T. E. Bnrton, J. B. Zerbe, E. R. Perkins, Hon. G. T. Chapman, Henry D. Coffinberry, Hon. W. J. McKinnie, Hon. Stevenson Bnrke, Charles Wesley, H. C. Ranney, Esq., Jndge J. D. Cleveland, S. T. Everett, Hon. George W. Gardner, S. W. Sessions, Hon. C. B. Lockwood, Hon. D. A. Dangler, Hon. C. C. Bnrnett, W. F. Dutton, J. S. Dickie, C. H. Bnlklev, SOLDIPZRS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 361 E. C. Higbee, I. P. Lamson, Colonel Myron T. Herrick, Col. Horace E. Andrews, F. De H. Robison, Professor C. P". Olney, Hon. William Monaghan, Hon. Tom. L. Johnson, William (jreif, John Meckes, Hon. Joseph Black, C. A. (jrasselli, Hon. E. M. Avery, Luther Allen, Bolivar Butts, Judge A. vS. Draper, Judge J. C. Hutchins, Judge C. W. Noble', Judge W. C. Ong, Judge E. T. Hamilton, Judge A. W. Lamson, Judge H. C. White, Hon. W. J. White, Major William J. Gleason, vS. D. Dodge, Esq., August Zehring, Esq., A. T. Anderson, General James Barnett, Hon. vS. E. Williamson, Hon. Amos Townsend, Hon. A. J. Williams, Hon. \'. A. Taylor, Hon. H. M. Chapman, Hon. John P. Cxreen, Hon. H. C. Smith, Hon. Martin Dodge, Hon. J. W. vS. Webb, Hon. J. H. lireck, Hon. E. \V. Doty, Hon. W. H. Clifford, Hon. O. D. Miller, Hon. W. R. Coates, Hon. ]\L (xallagher, Hon. J. P. Haley, Hon. A. G. Harbaugh, Hon. C. M. Le Blond, Hon. J. M. Williams, Hon. E. S. Flint, Hon. F. H. Eggers, Hon. T. P. Handy, Hon. J. J. Stranahan, Hon. J. C. Bloch, Hon. David Morison, L. A. Russell, Esq., Dan. P. Eells, Judge C. C. Baldwin, Judge W. B. Sanders, Judge M. R. Dickey, Judge George B. Solders,. Judge G. M. Barber, Judge V. H. Kelh', Judge J. T. Logue, Judge J. PI. Ingersoll, Mgr. T. P. Thorpe, Rev. Cxeorge W. Pepper, Rev. John Mitchell, Rev. (;. A. Hubbard, Rev. C. S. Bates, D. D., Rev. Levi Gilbert, D. D., Rev. S. P. Sprecher, D. D.,. Rev. H.C.Applegarth,D.D. Rev. ]\L A. Scanlon, 362 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Rev. William McMahon, Rev. M. Machol, Rev. Moses J. Gries, Rev. D. H. Muller, D. D., Rev. D. O. Hears, Rev. H. C. Haydn, D. D., Rev. C. S. Pomeroy, D. D., Rev. Charles Townsend, Rev. Charles Kohler, Captain J. C. Keffer, Captain T. K. Dissette, Colonel E. S. Coe, Colonel E. Sowers, General H. H. Poppleton, Major Charles H. Smith, Captain Frank Wilson, Captain L. W. Bailey, Captain W. J. Morgan, Major Willard Abbott, Major D. W. Johns, Captain George P. McKay, Dr. G. C. E. Weber, Dr. H. J. Herrick, Dr. T. A. Bnrke, Dr. John Dickenson, Dr. George O. Butler, Dr. B. W. Holliday, Dr. John Perrier, Dr. E. D. Burton, Dr. J. A. Gilbert, Dr. Rollin Horton, Dr. X. C. Scott, Dr. Z. T. Dellenbangh, Dr. W. P. Horton, Dr. G. J. Jones, Dr. W.J. Scott, Professor Cady Staley, Prof, Edward L. Harris, Professor T. H. Johnston, Professor Alfred Arthur, W. S. Kerruish, Esq., Virgil P. Kline, Esq., J. H. Wade, Jr., George Hoyt, N. P. Bowler, Thomas Maher, Charles A. Brayton, Charles F. Brush, S. M. Carpenter, W. C. Scofield, Luke Brennan, L. H. Severance, Daniel E. Leslie, F. B. Squire, E. H. Perdue, T. H. Graham, Isaac Reynolds, S. H. Curtiss, A. C. Hord, J. H. A. Bone, W. S. Chamberlain, W. G. Andrews, N. O. Stone, E. W. Oglebay, W. R. Austin, J. H. Van Dorn, A. G. Hutchinson, A. E. Akins, W. S. Tyler, Thomas Rodgers, Gustav Schmidt, J. F. Gallagher, MAJOR -CiF.NERAL A. C. VORIS. .soldiers' and sailors' monument. 365 Frank Randel, J. Wageman, F. Strauss, Jacob Steinfeld, J. H. Bradner, D. B. Wick, Chris. Grover, W. B. Hale, James Parmelee, William Monaghan, B. D. Annewalt, J. H. McArthur, W. B. Davis, Arthur Adams, Eckstein Case, Thomas J. Rose, J. Carabelli, George A. Groot, J. A. vSmith, P. E. Mulcahy, J. P. Madigan, Joseph Goodhart, Richard O'Rourke, E. R. Walker, J. P. McKinstry, T. W. Hill, J. C. Weideman, R. A. Butler, J. D. Clary, P. H. Babcock, L. S. Fish, George J. McKnight, J. M. Henderson, C. W. Burrows, W. M. Day, Alfred Gay ton. N. A. Gilbert, Thomas Reilley, M. G. Watterson, T. M. Irvine, A. J. Michael, John F. Weh, E. D. Sawyer, W. F. Walworth, W. H. Brett, B. F. Phinney, T. AI. Bates, James Moriarty, Conrad Alizer, W. C. Rudd, J. W. Conger, Thomas H. White, (ieorge A. McArthur, H. Trenkamp, Webb C. Ball, Harry L. Vail, W. S. Dodge, H. W. S. Wood, A. T. Hubbard, George Cooper, E. H. Hopkins, J. P. Dawley, W. J. Watterson, F. H. Glidden, A. F. Hartz, M. F. Powers, E. B. Bander, R. H. F'etterman, J. B. Mooney, J. G. W. Cowles, Andrew Squire, Sam Briggs, 366 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY P. C. O'Brien, Daniel Connelly, J. V. Kennedy, Dr. E. E. Beeman, A. H. McGraw, Daniel Myers, Daniel Bailey, J. V. Painter, A. L. Moses, H. W. Mnnhall, J. C. Fornian, John M. Tyler, T. F. Newman, W. R. Gerrard, W. H. H. Peck, D. Perkins, H. W. Power, Owen Qnigley, R. R. Rhodes, W. H. Quinby, J. A. Beidler, J. A. Richardson, C. J. Hills, C. A. Selzer, T. A. Selover, V. C. Taylor, John B. Smith, A. P. Winslow, M. B. Stevens, M. B. Clark, George J. Warden, John G. White, N. P. Whelan, Horace \\\ Whitney, C. W. Collister, h. H. Winch, B. E. Helman, B. L. Pennington, Henry C. ^Vliller, James S. Cockett, H. P. Card, C. B. Beach, W. W. Hazzard, John C. Compton, J. W. Walton, J. S. M. Hill, John H, Farley, J. T. Kilfoyl, ' J. B. Savage, F. A. Arter, H. A. Tidd, C. C. Shanklin, Charles W. Chase, John T. McKee, William Fnrst, Charles G. Hickox, William Becker, William Sonthwell, R. T. Denison, E. G. Barkwill, H. B. Corner, John F. Whitelaw, P. M. Spencer, Charles A. Post, F". S. San ford, J. A. Melcher, Calvary Morris, H. S. Whittlesey, Belden Seymonr, C. W. Whitmarsh, S. M. Strong, A. I. Truesdell, soldiers' and sailors' monument. 36: George Gloyd, H. W. Luetkemeyer, J. Krauss, Sol. vSloss, J. H. Shaw, George P. Welch, E. Heyse, Ithiel Stone, F. F. Stranahan, Henry H. Stair, William Likly, W. vS. Ranney, Benjamin Rose, Charles C. Hills, Richard Bacon, B. F. Horner, C. L. Kimball, C. L. Hotze, Carl Clanssen, Martin Honse, William R. Huntington, H. E. Foote, A. G. Hopkinson, George A. Ingersoll, Emil Joseph, P. H. Kaiser, G. W. Kinney, Theodore Kundtz, Charles A. Kuzel, William A. Lamprecht, Theodore Bury, T. M. Warner, D. H. Tilden, William Bowler, J. C. Murphy, Thomas Manning, J. ]\I. Mulrooney, A. J. Marvin, Joseph E. Farrell, J. W. Butler, Charles H. Tucker, Henry Koebel, H. \Y. Hubbard, George S. Wright, Alfred Eyears, Theodore F. ]\IcConnell, S. S. Ford, M. R. Daykin, J. S. Goldenbogen, George A. ]\Ie}ers, L. vSchlather, Charles Fries, James Gibbons, W. A. Thieme, L. O. Rawson, Levi Wherry, H. L. Taylor, C. H. Beardslee, J. H. Morley, J. F. Walsh", P. J. Brady, J. L. Rice, T. ]\I. Kennedy, J. D. Connelly, J. M. Nowak, John Vanek, F. B. Skeels, John Walker, John B. Lang, John R. Ouinn, Peter Forsythe, J. F. Kilby, 368 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY J. K. :\Ieaher, William ^Manning, 0. P. xAIcIlrath, Frank B. Many, Z. U. Hiibbell, F. C. Friend, Frank Harris, Henry Lewis, Jacob Striebinger, M. Bnchmann, George W. Common, William A. McKinstry, D. H. Kimberley, Peter Daly, J. M. Booth, Charles E. Wyman, William H. Gabriel, James Walker, Joseph Cohvell, T. S. Knight, P. B. Smith, George E. Hartnell, L. C. Heckman, Owen Kane, A. K. Barstow, Herman Weber, 1. T. Bowman, Charles Sheffield, L. A. Bailey, James Caldwell, Harvey Brown, S. E. Brooks, Harry C. Bnnts, J. H. Mellen, D. J. Callaghan, John E. Crew, Thomas Guiton, L. M. Coe, John Colahan, James Corrigan, L. Dautel, J. F. Ryder, Amos Denison, Esq., N. Weidenkopf, W. M. Pattison, James Collins, M. A. Bradley, J. H. Schneider, H. S. Blossom, H. T, Enbanks, R. E. Bnrdick, J. P. Shengle, F. Bnettner, M. J. Caton, E. H. Bonrne, L. Prentiss, E. Decker, J. H. Ryder, Henry Dreher, G. E. Herrick, J. L. Athey, Charles A. Dolan, Al. Baehr, E. S. Grauel, William Downie, Thomas Boutall, J. W. Roof, C. W. Bingham, A. B. Foster, Ben. Killam, Charles A. Willard, S. H. Benedict, soldiers' and sailors' monument. 369 N. p. McKean, \V. P>. Xeff, M. Halle, A. T. Osborn, J. R. Benson, G. E. Benedict, F. H. Biermann, M. S. Hogan, John Brown, Ira Reynolds, R. T. Holden, O. G. Kent. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. L. E. Holden, Chairman. Col. Arthur McAllister, \'ice-Chairnian. J. B. Sa\age, Vice-Chairman. C. H. Beardslee, Secretary. E. W. Moore, Treasurer. James Parmelee, Gen. James Barnett, Kaufman Hays, John Tod, Wilson M. Day, Myron T. Herrick. M. A. Hanna, COMMITTEE ON MILITARY. General James Barnett, Chairman. Captain J. ]\I. Carrington, Secretary. General M. D. Leggett, Col. W. H. Hayward, Colonel G. A. Garretson, Captain M. B. Gary, Colonel J. A. vSmith, Colonel J. J. Smith, Colonel L. Smithnight, Colonel James Pickands, Colonel J. X. Frazee, Colonel A. McAllister, Capt. F. A. Kendall, U.S.A. Capt. J. H. Munson, U.S.A. COMMITTEE ON VETER.A.N SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. Sergeant James Hayr, Chairman. Captain George A. McKay and Lieutenant Charles A, Willard, vSecretaries. General James Barnett, Major William J. Gleason, Colonel C. C. Dewstoe, William Southwell, Captain J. P*. ^lolyneaux, T. W. Brainard, Dr. R. W. Walters, A. L. Knauff, O. P. Latimer, J. L. Smith, 370 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Wilbur Sloat, Colonel E. W. Force, W. D. Pudiiey, General J. J. Ehvell, Captain Levi F. Bander, General M. D. Leggett, Captain E. H. Bohm, R. Horton, Captain Levi T. Scofield, Alexander Stewart. First Ohio Infantry, W. C. Cowin and J. N. Frazee. Seventh, Charles Preble and L. R. Davis. Eighth, J. K. O'Reilly and R. O'Ronrke. Eleventh, J. P. Dawley. Twelfth, W. A. Lndlnm'. Fourteenth, John Teel and Henry G. Bigelow. Fifteenth, Major A. M. Burns. Nineteenth, H. W. Kitchen. Twenty-third, Ed. A. Abbott and Ben. Killam. Twenty-seventh, Chas. Smith and Matthew Madigan. Twenty-ninth, Wilbur Sloat and J. H. Se Cheverell. Thirty-second, Herman Meyer and Rev. Dr. John Mitchell. Thirty-fourth, John Miller. Thirty-sixth, Dr. John Dickenson. Thirty-seventh, Joseph Kaestle and George Jansen. Thirty-eighth, C. D. Harrington and j\L Ostermeyer. Forty-first, James Mc]\Iahon and W. J. Morgan. Forty-second, B. F. Phinney and E. D. Sawyer. Forty-third, Major Howe and Thomas Pankhurst. Fifty-first, David Fish and Dr. Charles Gentsch. Fifty-fourth, J. D. Willis and J. P. McCarty. Fifty-eighth, A. J. Symes and William Schwardt. Sixtieth, W. J. Farrand andR. D. Mahoney. Sixty-fifth, E. G. Powell. Sixty-seventh, George L. Childs and Ouincy Miller. Seventy-sixth, Daniel S. Fisher. Seventy-eighth, J. A. Mcintosh. Seventy-ninth, William McKinnan. Eighty-fifth, William H. Gaylord. Eighty- seventh, Peter Keary. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 371 Ninety-first, C. L. Richmond. One Hundred and Third, General " Jack " Casement. One Hundred and Fifth, O. P. Latimer. One Hundred and vSeventh, Joseph Rothgery and A. G. Stohhnan. One Hundred and Fifteenth, D. G. Nesbitt and John B. Lang. One Hundred and Twenty-fourtli, Colonel James Pickands and J. M. Bowman. One Hundred and Twenty-fifth, Thomas Fay and jNIorris (jriffin. One Hundred and Twenty-sixtli, W. H. Warner. One Hundred and Twenty-ninth, C. H. Tuttle. One Hundred and Fiftieth, Major J. D. Palmer and William Nevins. One Hundred and vSeveuty-seventh, Hon. V. A. Tay- lor and Thomas ( xilbert. One Hundred and Eighty-second, W. A. Heiusohn. One Hundred and P^ighty-eighth, J. C. Palmer. vSecond Ohio Cavalry, Henry Gordon and W^ R. Austin. Third, Frank Rciley and P\ed Hoffman. vSixth, A. W. Fentou and L. Bonesteel. Ninth, J. F. Oviatt and C. C. Shauklin. Tenth, Henry Koehler and Thomas H. P'arrell. Twelfth, J. F. Herrick and B. C. Carpenter. First Ohio Light Artillery, W^illiam H. Hayward. Battery A, W. F. Goodspeed. Battery B, N. A. Baldwin and William T. Ouilliams. Battery C, T. S. Knight. Battery I), C. Linehan and Charles H. Stearns. Battery E, Dc Witt p:idrcd. Battery G, Joseph Speddy and John Crable. Battery L Hugh Buckley and Morris Porter. Ninth Independent Battery, AL A. Lander. Fifteenth, Daniel Hogan. 372 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Nineteenth, J. C. Shields. Twentieth, William Neracher and Henry Hoehn. Mexican War Veterans, Hon. O. J. Hodge. Union Veterans' Union, William T. Clark. Ivoyal Legion, Captain F. A. Kendall. Navy, B, A. Woodard and James Dwyer. COMMITTEE ON GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. G. C. Barnes, Chairman. John C. Roland, Secretary. J. C. Shields, C. D. Harrington, J. S. Hobbs, R. S. Goss, M. A. Lander, E. L. Patterson, Chas. W. Sanborn, E. M. Hessler, W. H. Hayward, E. W. Force, S. E. Gordon, J. F. Herrick, J. B. Swartwood, D. A. Kimball, O. P. Latimer, J. C. Walton, W. C. Cowin, E. S. Libbey, C. E. Griswold, O. L. Neff. SONS OF veterans' COMMITTEE. Captain Henry Frazee, Chairman. H. C. Mason, F. O. Tuttle, C. H. A. Palmer, H. C. Lund, R. S. Smith. COMMITTEE ON CIVIC SOCIETIES. Colonel C. C. Dewstoe, Chairman. Colonel John O. Winship, Secretary. Colonel John W. Gibbons, Colonel Robert Kegg, H. P. Mcintosh, Colonel George A. Myers, Colonel T. W. Minshall, C. J. Manix. Colonel C. L. Alderson, MAJOR-GENERAL EMERSON OPDYCKE. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 375. committee on music. Professor C. F. Olney, Chairman. Professor Alfred Arthur, Professor J. T. Wamelink,. Professor N. Coe Stewart, A. D. Coe. Professor Emil Ring, COMMITTEE ON PRINTING AND THE PRESS. Hon. John C. Covert, Chairman. L. E. Holden, E. W. Osborn, J. E. Mueller, Carl Claussen, George A. Robertson, H. A. Griffin. MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS. Hon. Luther Allen, Chairman. SUB-COMMITTEE ON MERCHANTS. George K. Ross, Chairman. George W. Williams, Vice-Chairman. Harry R. Edwards, Secretary. L. A. Bailey, Lucien B. Hall, Webb C. Ball, George W. Kinney, W. H. Beaumont, George T. Mcintosh, H. B. Burrows, James Moriarty, George H. Chandler, F. P. Root, J. D. Connolly, George P. Welch, George Deming, Howard W. White, Henry Dreher, Otto Seidel, J. S. Dickie, John Meckes, W. F. Button, D. E. :\IcLean, R. H. Fetterman, J. P. Brogan, W^ H. Garlock, C. L. F. Wieber. SUB-COMMITTEE ON MANUFACTURERS. W. J. Morgan, Chairman. X. X. Crum, Vice-Chairman. F. F. Prentiss, Secretary. Charles F. Adams, W. A. Babcock, Harry W. Avery, H. J. Boggis, 2>1^ HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Sylvanus Bourne, R. F. Bnrdick, W. P. Champney, L. M. Coe, Hon. D. A. Dangler, C. A. Davidson, Herman Frasch, William Greif, S. B. Harrison, Webb C. Hayes, Z. M. Hnbbell, H. W. King, G. C. Kuhlman, C. E. Lowman, George W. Lewis, Charles Bausch, C. W. Scofield, Sol. Sloss, C. S. Van Wagoner, Robert Wallace. COMMITTEE ON SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Hon. H. Q. Sargent, Chairman. Martin House, C. F. Olney, N. Coe Stewart, E. F. Moulton, S. S. Ford, William Downie, M. R. Daykin, E. L. Harris, Theodore H. Johnston, Thomas Boutall, W. D. Buss, William Backus, Jr., Joseph Krug, G. L. Hechler, Dr. C. F. Dutton, Miss Ellen G. Reveley, Miss Harriet L. Keeler, Miss Lemira W. Hughes, Miss Jennie D. Pullen, Mrs. Elrov M. Avery. COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. Hon. William J. Akers, Chairman. B. W. Jackson, Charles L. Kimball, H. F. Roesser, Charles Fuller. COMMITTEE ON DECORATION. Colonel Louis N. Weber, Chairman. Colonel Conrad Mizer, Secretary. W. \. Thompson, F. C. Bate, Frank Aborn, E. P. Fenton, Will. V. W. Wamelink, Henry J. Wamelink, C. W. Wason, David Charlesworth, W. H. Beaumont, A. T. Anderson. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 377' committee ox carriages. Hon. J. V. McGorray, Chairman. Hon. Charles P. wSalen, Secretary. LOYAL women's AID SOCIETY COMMITTEE. Mrs. Lena Springsteen, Chairman. Mesdames Alice W. Fuller, L. W. Bailey, Lois M. KnaufF, E. Knight, Mary Gressmuck, Mary Clifford, Sarah Mitten, Carrie McReynolds, Catherine McQuiston, Mary Seymour, Lenora Cunningham, Mary E. ]\Iyers, Thankful Prestage, Lois Craft, Clarissa Hubbard, Rose Mayo, Jerusha C. Bicknell, Amelia Ames, Emma Smith, Elizabeth vSmith, John Dickenson, E. M. Hessler, IMiriam Gillis, Lucy Killam, Nettie Molyneaux, Elizabeth Dunn, Martha Wherry, A. E. Brockett, C. J. vSullixan, Willard Abbott, James McMahon, Nellie Willard, F'lorence H. White, E. R. Walker, T. W. Brainard, M. B. Gary, W. H. Hayward, R. C. White, P. H. Kaiser, E. L. Patterson, W. R. Austin, H. W. Osborn, L. Smithnight, Thomas Rodgers, Mattie Barrett, Winnie B. Rogers,, Dora Brush, Emma Seymour, Alice Slack, Nettie Freeman, Eva Loomis, G. C. Barnes, ^L^ry Erwin, Mary Werner, H. Barnes, (xertrude Cary, Kate K. Dorner, M. J. Fisk, Eunice Brown, Ellen R. Caulkins,. 378 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY W. R. Creighton, C. C. Dewstoe, W. J. Gleason, James Barnett, Martha L. Hayr, Levi F, Bander, Levi T. Scofield, M. D. Leggett, J. O. Winship, J. W. Gibbons, N. Coe vStewart, D. H. Kimberley, L. W. Day, Louise M. Roland, G. E. Frazer, Susie Worcester, J. C. Covert, J. G. W. Cowles, L. S. Fish, J. AL Gasser, Byron Pope, Hannah Shepherd, Sarah A. Lane, Florence Armstrong, Ida Williams, M. J. Sloat, Sue Shengle, W. F. Walworth, Mary F. Claflin, C. F. Gluey, E. L. Harris, A. C. Hyer, G. Peterson. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, Chairman. Mrs. B. D. Babcock, Mrs. M. D. Williams, Mrs. A. T. Perry, Mrs. Homer W. Osborn, Mrs. T. D. Crocker, Mrs. Cyrus Merrill. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION COMMITTEE. Hon. Elrov I\L x-lverv, Chairman. L. E. Holden, General James Barnett, Professor C. F. Gluey, J. M. Richardson, H. H. Ward, H. A. Kelley, James H. Hoyt, R. C. Parsons, N. P. Bowler, Pres. Charles F. Thwing, President Cady Staley, E. H. Baker. ' NAVAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE. Commodore Percv W. Rice, Chairman. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 379 SALUTES AND FIREWORKS. Colonel A. T. \"an Tassel, Chairman. Capt. J. F. McCanley, vSecretary. A. A. Dittrich, A. B. Honecker, Charles P. Salen, J. S. Dickie, Albert Johnson, Ed. Renhani. H. H. Bnrgess, C. A. Selden, COMMITTEE ON THE EARLY SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION. Hon. A. J. Williams, Chairman. H. C. Hawkins, Secretary. George G. Mnlhern, Daniel R. Hanna, L. Smithnight, Jacob Waldeck, Ralph Williams, E. S. Wright, E. W^ Bowers. H. M. Addison, Solon Burgess, Darius Adams, Judge Frank H. Kelly Hon. R. C. Parsons, Geo. F. Marshall, R. T. Lyon, Bolivar Butts, Wilson S. Dodge, MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE. C. A. Davidson, Chairman. Director J. H. Farley, Director M.J. Herbert, Dan. O. Caswell, Supt. Henry Hoehn, John Wilhelm, P. J. ]\IcKenney, W. I. Thompson, F. Hesoun, Jr., Director H. H. Hyman, Dan P. Reynolds, Esq., H. H. Burgess, Chief James Dickinson, B. W^ Jackson, R. E. McKisson, Esq., Director W. J. McKinnie, J. V. McGorray. Director W. A. Madison, COMMITTEE ON POLICE. Hon. M. J. Herbert, Chairman. Supt. Henry Hoehn, Captain Michael English, Captain James McMahon, Captain E..K. Hutchinson, Captain M. F. Madigan, Captain A. vS. Gates. 380 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The committees thus fully organized proceeded with their work with a vim and vigor that was bound to be successful. The question of Orator of the Day was raised. It was thought advisable to select one as early as possible. General J. J, Elwell moved that ex-Governor Joseph B. Foraker be the Orator. It was so decided unani- mously. As President of the Alonument Commission, it was Major Gleason's privilege and honor to preside at the dedication, if he so wished. In order, however, that National significance might be given that great event,, he named Governor William McKinley as President of the Day. His voluntary act was enthusiastically re- ceived. At the meeting held May 12, this action was taken : '' Hon A. J. Williams submitted the following state- ment and resolutions which, on motion of General J. J. Elwell, were unanimously adopted : "First to challenge the attention of the visitor as he enters the imposing Monument erected to the memor}' of Cuyahoga's volun- teers in the late War is the bronze representation of a group of women. ' Who are they ? ' he inquires. The answer comes : ' They are the noble patriotic ladies who were most prominent in woman's great work in contributing to the cheer and comfort of the heroes whose names adorn these walls.' Of that group but three survive, and as they who know them look upon that picture they at once exclaim : ' There is Mrs. Josiah A. Harris, now the venerable and honored Vice President of the Early Settlers' Association ; and there is Mrs. Peter Thatcher, both living in Cleveland ; and there is Miss Ellen F. Terry, now Mrs. C. F. Johnson, at present a resi- dent of Hartford, Conn.' " How fitting and proper it is that these only living members of that group should be accorded deserved prominence at the dedica- tion of the IMonument ; therefore it is " Resolved, That Mrs. J. A. Harris, I\Irs. Peter Thatcher, and Mrs. C. F. Johnson be most cordially requested to be present at the cere- monies of the dedication, and that the Committee on Reception be instructed to provide them with proper accommodations. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 381 " Resolved^ That the Committee on Invitations be instructed to forward a copy of the foregoing to each of the persons named." A letter which was addressed to L. H. Williams, Department Commander, and the delegates to the Twenty-eighth Annual P^ncampment of the Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic, requested their presence at the dedication of the Soldiers' Monument. The committee approved the letter and ordered that it be forwarded to the Kncampment. Mr. Luther Allen, President of the Chamber of Com- merce, made an announcement which was received by the committee with regret. Mr. Allen was appointed as the Chairman of the Committee on Merchants and Manufacturers, and he said that on account of his numerous business engagements it would be impossible for him to give the subject the attention which it would require, and for this reason he desired to tender his resignation. Major (Meason said he hoped Mr. Allen would reconsider his determination, as he was eminently fitted for the head of the committee for which he had been chosen. He said the merchants and manufacttir- ers' division could be made a great feature of the parade. Mr. Allen said he fully appreciated the im- portance of the subject, and finally said he would remain as chairman of the committee for another week at least, and in the meantime would appoint the remaining members. Of the meeting held May 19th, the Leader said : " There is no longer any doubt that the Fourth of July celebration in connection with the dedication of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument will be the grand- est of the kind ever witnessed in Cleveland. Almost all the committees are actively at work, and they are assured of success. A meeting of the General Commit- tee in charge of the demonstration met in the rooms of the Board of Control, yesterday, and there was quite a laro^e attendance. 382 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Mr. Luther Allen, Chairman of the Committee on Merchants and Manufacturers, made an encouraging report. He said that he had been somewhat handi- capped in his work for the reason that many of the men whom he wanted to see and interest in the work were out of the city. He said that his idea was to divide his committee into two subcommittees, one to be known as the Merchants' Committee, and the other the Manufacturers' Committee. The field he said was too large for one committee, and much better results could be obtained by the division. He intended to appoint a chairman and a vice chairman for each committee. Mr. Allen said that he had already secured the consent of one gentleman to act as the Chairman of the Subcom- mittee on Merchants, and a gentleman who had been selected as the Chairman on Manufacturers had prom- ised to give his decision on Monday. He said that he would be able to announce his committees, and make a full report to the meeting of the General Committee on next Saturday afternoon. The General Committee was much encouraged by Mr. Allen's report. " Professor Olney suggested, and the other members of the committee agreed with him, that a pleasant feature of the day would be to have the chorus which will sing on Memorial Day render patriotic airs during the time of the dedication of the Monument. The feasibility of building a platform in the Public Square for this pur- pose was discussed. It was the general opinion that the children should have some part in the exercises ot the day on account of the lesson of patriotism wdiich it will teach. " Captain James Hayr, the Chairman of the Commit- tee on Old Soldiers who are not attached to any Soldiers' organization, announced that he was meeting with much better success than he hoped for. He said that he was in correspondence with Comrades in many BRIGADIER -GENERAL J. S. CASEMENT. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 3 -seven regimental associations, and every one of them will be headed by their battle flag. The custodian of the flag room in the State Capitol at Columbus will bring all the old battle flags to the city for the occasion, and will be responsible for their safe return. This report was received with much favor, as the carrying of the blood- stained battle flags will be a prominent feature of the parade." Considerable headway had been made by the several committees previous to the meeting held June ad, of which the Leader spoke : " The General Committee having charge of the ar- rangements for the Fourth of July demonstration was well represented at the meeting held in the rooms of the Board of Control, in the City Hall, yesterday after- noon. The meeting was the most business-like and interesting of any yet held by the committee. The program is well under way, and if the people of Cleveland are as generous as they have been in times past on occasions of the kind, the demonstration on the Fourth will be the grandest ever witnessed in the State. When the meeting had been called to order, and the routine business transacted, reports from the various subcommittees were called for. The first to respond was General J. J. Elwell, of the Committee on Invita- tions. He said that the committee had held a meeting with a full attendance before the General Committee had convened. It was resolved that the chairman of the committee should invite the following distinguished persons to attend the celebration : President Grover Cleveland and Cabinet, Vice President Adlai E. Stev- enson, Major General John M. Schofield, General O. O. Howard, General Nelson A. Miles, General Nathan A. 386 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Kimball, General Dan E. Sickles, General Lew Wallace, ex-President Harrison, Hon. James E. Campbell, Gen- eral A. V. Rice, General W. H. Gibson, Major E. M. Hayes, General Aquilla Wiley, Hon. A. B. Kennedy, Hon. E. P. Scammon, Hon. J. D. Cox, Hon. J. C. Cowan, the Garfield family, Speaker Charles E. Crisp, Hon. Franklin J. Dickman, Hon. A. G. Riddle, Hon. S. O. Griswold, Hon. John Sherman, Hon. Calvin P. Brice, Hon. Allen G. Thurman, Hon. George E. Hoadley, General Thomas Ewing, Hon. Whitelaw Reid, Colonel John A. Cockerell, General I. H. Sherwood, Colonel William Perry Fogg, Hon. Joseph R. Hawley, General Russell A. Alger, General W'. H. Powell, the Judges of the Supreme Court of Ohio, the surviving members of the Northern Ohio Sanitary Commission, and the members of the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives. " Major W. J. Gleason reported for the Committee on Program. He said that his committee had mapped out a partial program, but many details remained to be completed. He said that the committee would be able to present a magnificent program. " The military part of the program was answered for by General James Barnett. He said that he had assurances that all the military companies in the city and county would be in line in the procession. "The next committee to report was the Committee on Grand Army of the Republic, for which Captain G. C. Barnes responded. He said that a letter had been pre- pared, and it would be sent to all the Grand Army posts in Cuyahoga and adjoining counties, requesting them to participate in the parade. Captain Barnes said that if satisfactory railway rates could be obtained he was sure that there would be a large attendance of (irand Army men from outside the city. " For the Sons of Veterans, Captain Henry F'razee SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 387 said that he had sent letters of invitation to all the camps in the county, and he was satisfied that there would be a large attendance. " Colonel C. C. Dewstoe responded for the Civic Societies. He said that his committee was making good progress. He said that he had a list of all the uniformed societies in the city, and they were all anx- ious to turn out and make a creditable division of the parade. The committee was given power to invite all the civic societies in the city to participate in the parade. " Mr. W. J. Akers reported that the Committee on Transportation had met with the various passenger agents of the city, and they had agreed to recommend to the traffic association that tickets be sold from all points in Ohio, and also from Detroit and Buffalo, at one fare for the round trip, and that tickets be good from July 2 to July 7, inclusive. " A report from the Committee on Music was made by Professor Charles F. Gluey. He stated that it would be difficult to determine what the Committee on Music would do until it was known whether a platform would be erected, and how large it would be. ' If a platform is erected,' he said, ' which will hold 4,000 people, we can have a large chorus of school children, which would be a pleasing feature. If we know definitely about the platform, we can proceed anderstandingh.' " ' I hope that enough interest will be aroused to erect a platform,' said Mr. W. J. Akers. 'We should get the school children out and instill patriotism into them. This is a celebration in which they should participate, and I want to hear them sing. ' " ' We want the children,' said General Elwell. ' It will be an object lesson for the rising generation, even if it is not for us old fellows. I want this committee to tell Professor Gluey to go ahead and prepare for a chorus of school children.' 388 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Major Gleason oflfered a resolution, which was adopted, providing that Professor Ohiey should call on Director Sargent and request him to co-operate in the movement to secure a chorus of school children to sing during the dedication of the Monument. " Captain James Hayr reported for the Committee on Unattached Soldiers. He said that he already had as- surances that sixty-two commands would be in line with their old battle flags. He expected to have fully one hundred different commands represented in the parade. He would also have a number of Marines in his division, and it was possible that they would have a float representing the Monitor. " Mr. L. N. Weber reported for the Committee on Decorations. He said that his committee had held several meetings and had discussed various plans for decorating the down town portions of the city. ' We would like,' he said, ' to build an elaborate arch, and to decorate the Public Square profusely with flags, bunting, and mottoes. Evening decorations have also been discussed by the committee. It has been sug- gested that we have Chinese lanterns hung about the Square, and that red, white and blue electric lights be suspended from the wires over the streets.' " Mr. McGorray suggested that the committees had progressed very satisfactorily, and that the time had arrived when the Grand Marshal of the day should be chosen. Professor Olney moved that the selection of the Marshal be left to General Barnett, General Elwell, and Major Gleason, and Mr. McGorray favored that mode of procedure. Major Gleason oflfered as an amendment that General James Barnett be unanimously chosen as the Grand Marshal of the day. General Barnett attempted to utter a protest, but his voice was drowned in the applause which followed Major Gleason's amendment. Colonel Dewstoe said that he had rode soldiers' and sailors' monument. 389 with General Barnett wlien he had said that it was positively his last appearance and he wanted to do so asfain. General Barnett was then declared the Marshal of the day, bnt he said that he would have to positively decline. " Major Gleason then eulogized the General. He said that he had commanded the largest parades ever held in Cleveland and that he wanted to see him in the front again. ' General Barnett led the first troops from Ohio into the enemy's country,' said Captain Hayr, 'and he ought to lead us in our final triumph — the dedication of our ^lonument.' '' ' I regret,' said (xeneral Barnett, ' that I was the marshal of the parades at the funerals of two Presidents in this city. I was in charge of the parade when Gar- field was buried, and later had the honor to be Chief Marshal on the occasion of the dedication of (xarfield's Memorial, and I expected and desired that it would be the last one which I should ever head. I am now at the time of life when the younger men should take charge. I understand your kindness, and appreciate the honor, but you must excuse me.' " It was finally decided to lay the choosing of a marshal over to the next meeting." At the next meeting, held on June i6th. General Barnett respectfully urged that he be excused, his dec- lination being received with regret. General I\I. D. Leggett was thereupon unanimously selected as Grand Marshal, and given power to appoint his assistants. General James Barnett presided at the meeting in the absence of Mayor Blee, and called for reports from committees. A report for the Committee on Pro- gram was made by ^lajor \V. J. Gleason. He said that the committee suggested a salute at sunrise, a yacht race on the lake at 9 o'clock, and the dedicatory 390 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY exercises at the Monument to be commenced at lo o'clock sharp. The procession he thought should form at 1:30 o'clock, and move at 2 o'clock. There will be a salute at sunset, and the streets down town will be illuminated after dark, as will also the yachts on the lake front. Major Gleason said it was the desire of the committee that there would be a general decoration of the dwellings and business houses of the city with flags and tricolored bunting. Mrs. Lena Springsteen, representing the Loyal Wom- en's Aid Committee, said that her committee had held a meeting and decided that they wished to do some- thing to add to the celebration. Mrs. Springsteen said the ladies had decided to furnish two large baskets ot flowers for the speakers' stand, and each Relief Corps will furnish five hundred or more button-hole bouquets for the old Soldiers. When Mrs. Springsteen announced that this would be done without calling on the General Committee for money, she was applauded. The following letter, received by (icneral J. J. Elwell, the Chairman of the Committee on Invitation, from Mr. James F. Rhodes, the historian, who formerly lived in this city, but who is now located at Cambridge, Mass., was read at the meeting : Regretting that it will be impossible for me to be present at the dedication of your fine Monument, I feel highly gratified at the receipt of your invitation ; for although I have left Cleveland in order to have better facilities for the prosecution of my historical work, my fondest associations cluster around my native city. What pregnant and glorious memories are called up by the dedication of your tribute to the patriotism of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War, on the Fourth of July ! For you bring to mind the greatness of the men who declared and achieved our independence and ihe wisdom of those who framed the Constitution, whose work, after fully recognizing the valuable lessons and experience they had de- rived from England, still remains a wonder to students of political science; and you revive still more vividly the recollections of those four years crowned with events which began with tlie firing on Fort Sumter. No nation ever had richer memories. Writing tlie story soldiers' and sailors' monument. 391 of the Civil War, and living in imagination in 1861 and 1862, I feel keenly the meed of admiration due to the volunteers of those 3ears, who forsook home and comfort and apparent advancement in life to risk their health and their lives for what they thought, and what the world now thinks, was a noble course. For the meaning of the war, and what gives it a place among the historic events of the ages, is that the Northern people, although not avowedly at first, grappled with an evil which they must destroy, or it would destroy the republic. A brilliant English writer has fitlj' called it the War of Liberation. And it would seem as if posterity could not know it by a better name, for what a liberation it was, not only of the blacks, but of the white men of both the South and the North, from association with an evil condemned by the rest of the enlightened world. Lincoln's leadership in the movement against slavery will eventually make him the hero of the whole country, as is Washing- ton now ; and it has already given him a place among the great benefactors of the world. With the blue and the gray mingling in fraternal union on the noted battle fields of the War, with the recol- lection of Joseph E. Johnson as a pall-bearer at both Grant's and Sherman's funerals, the dedication of such a monument as yours is not a revival, but rather a burial of sectional discord and hate. For while the judgment of history will undoubtedly be that the men of the South were mistaken, the muse will not fail to express her ad- miration for their manly virtues of heroism and self-sacrifice which the Soldiers of the North, who met them in bloody contest, have always been ready to recognize. At the meeting held on June 2Sth, the chairman re- ported the program, which was adopted, and eventu- ally carried out, as follows: The day uill be ushered in by tlie booming of cannon, ringing of all the church and fire bells in the city, blowing of steam whistles and a general hurrah. At Sunrise, a Federal Salute will be fired in the East End. A Prize Yacht Race will be held on Lake Erie, off Lakeview Park, the boats starting at 9 o'clock. The Dedicatory Exercises will be opened in the amphitheater on the Public Square, commencing at 9 o'clock, by a Grand Concert given by the Great Western Band, under the direction of Prof F. H. Hruby, as follows : 1. Ohio Festiv.\l March, composed for the occasion and dedi- cated to the City of Cleveland by Anthony Machan. 2. March Cleveland Grays, /".//. Hruby. 3. Overture — Tancredi, A'ossh/L 392 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY 4. Grand March — From Taunhauser, R. ll'agner. 5. Waltz — Heart and Hand, Faust. 6. A.MERiCAN Overture, A*. A'. Catlin. Prayer— Rev. John Mitchell, D. D. Song — Columbia, Columbia— Words by Mrs. N. Coe Stewart; music by N. Coe Stewart School Children's Chorus. Introductory Address, Gov.Wm. McKinley, President of the Day. Music— American Flag Song— Z««^^/, School Children's Chorus. Reading of the Declar.\tion of Independence, Virgil P. Kline, Esq. Song— The Red, White and Blue, . . School Children's Chorus. •Oration— The Soldiers' Monument and the Lessons of Patriotism it Teaches, Hon. Joseph B. Foraker. :Song— The Star Spangled Banner . . School Children's Chorus. RE.A.DING of an ORIGINAL POEM, . ■ REV. DR. LEVI GILBERT. Song— America School Children's Chorus. Benediction— MoNSiGNOR T. P. Thorpe. National Salute of Forty-four Guns on Armory Grounds, cor. Bond and Lake Streets, at mid-day. PORMING OF Procession— Under direction of Grand Marshal Gen. M. D. Leggett, at 1:30 P. M. Procession moves prompth- at 2:00 P. M. Naval Salute at sunset on the West Side, foot of Duane Street. ■Gr.'\nd Illumination of ships and yachts in Lake Erie, off Lake View Park, at sunset. After Sunset, a brilliant display of electricity, and various colored lights on the Public Square and all the down-town districts, commencing at S:oo P. M. •Gr.and Concert, commencing at S:oo P. M., in the amphitheater, Public Square. The City will be gorgeously decorated and lighted up until mid- night. MAJOR-GENERAL ALEX. McDOWELL McCOOK. XXIV. ALL ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE FOR THE DEDICATION. EVERYTHING is ready for the long-looked-for event. The preparations are complete, the slight- est detail not being neglected. Independence Day has arrived. First ot all, and above and superior to all, the Kind Ruler of the Uni- verse has smiled upon and blessed the work of His people. Our Heavenly Father has given us a day made to order; the Monument Commission, the active mem- bers of the various committees, the distinguished speak- ers, the patriotic school children, the hundreds of thou- sands of people will do the rest. The newspapers, without exception, have nobly done their part to bring about a triumphant success. The issues of each and all of them on the morning of Independence Day were an agreeable surprise. Never before did Cleveland wit- ness such commendable enterprise among its journals. No labor or expense was spared in their make-up. The typographical appearance, the presswork, the elegant style of the engravings, the graphic scenes and events in connection with the erection of the Memorial, and its finished appearance, together with the portraits printed, were truly worthy of the best metropolitan journals in the country. The shrewd and able chief editors, the brainy and skillful city editors, the intelligent, industrious, omni- present reporters, all vied with each other in making their journals eminently worthy of the glorious event celebrated. Their laudable efforts proved an unquali- fied success. The souvenir editions of the Plain Dealer 396 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY and Leader were especially marvels of the art preserva- tive, a positive delight, a revelation to Cleveland jour- nalism. The work of the historian in connection with the ded- icatory exercises is made comparatively light, owing to the complete and enterprising manner in which all details were covered by the hustling reporters of the newspapers named. In the matter following we are largely indebted to the valuable research of the report- ers of the Leader and Plain Dealer^ who skillfully sought out every conceivable point in connection with the dedication : the historical reminiscences, the well writ- ten biographies, the glowing descriptions, the beautiful word-paintings and the many striking features and notable incidents that, all combined, show the demon- stration to have been the grandest and most memorable one in the history of our lovely city. All the newspapers availed themselves of the privi- lege of publishing copious extracts from the advance sheets of the History of the ^Memorial, gladly furnished by the author. The day and the occasion were spoken of by the tal- ented editor of the Leader in the following stirring style : " No day in Cleveland's history is more glorious than this. The splendid ^Monument which has been erected by Cuyahoga County upon the Public Square in honor of her Soldiers and her Sailors will be dedicated with imposing ceremonies. No more fitting day could be chosen — the Fourth of July — the birthday of that Union for whose integrity nearly 10,000 of her sons went forth to battle. It will be an occasion of patriotism such as Cleveland has never known. Multitudes will turn from the pursuits in which they are engrossed, will gather from near and from far, to give a day to the past and to the future ; to feel more deeply than before how blessed ^ soldiers' and sailors' monument. 397 is the heritage of free government and how great was the price which was paid for it ; and to hear more clearly than before the voice of their responsibility call- ing them to be equal to every troublous hour which shall press upon it. No bride will be lovelier in her wedding garments than Cleveland in her dress of ban- ners. Thousands of children will lift their glad voices in the hymns of the Republic. Gray-haired veterans will once more stand shoulder to shoulder as they stood when they faced the storm of battle. Dignitaries of the State and the Nation will grace the occasion with their presence. Yachts will test the speed of their white wings on the blue waters of the lake. A great proces- sion will wind its splendid length along the principal thoroughfares ; and, when night shall fall, patriotism will write its enthusiasm upon the darkness in letters of fire. " The Monument to be dedicated is one of the erand- est which remembrance ever reared to valor. All things considered, it has no counterpart upon the continent. As a work of art, in originality of conception and beauty of execution, no city on earth has a fairer ornament. It unites what is best in various forms of architecture, crowning the union with the magnetism of its own in- dividuality. But it is not what things are in them- selves, but what they signify, which makes them truly glorious. It is not the sculptor's work, but what the sculptor's work suggests, which stirs the heart and dis- tills the unbidden tear. It is what the eye cannot see which enriches and illumines what it can see. It is not the IMonument, but the meaning of the Monument — that which it embodies — which makes of it a public blessing, the measure of which cannot be taken, and stamps those whose energy and genius brought it to pass as benefactors of their kind. By virtue of this meaning, it shall stand as a perpetual exhortation to 398 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY love of country. Louder than the bustle of the mate- rial activities which encompass it shall be heard the truth which it speaks. In the very midst of the strife for self it shall teach the lesson of unselfishness. In the fruitful soil of countless hearts it shall sow the seeds of new sacrifices ; and in the day of peril the Union shall find no children more devoted than in the sylvan city of the inland sea." The gifted editor of the Plain Dealer graced his col- umns with this handsome compliment : " On this the natal day of the Nation, the Plain Dealer presents to its readers a souvenir edition com- memorative of the dedication of the Soldiers' and Sail- ors' Monument. The souvenir is presented because it is timely and because the Plain Dealer feels that its readers should have the best of everything. The issue contains a full description of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument from its inception to its completion, together with a recital of the stirring scenes which occurred in Cleveland at the outbreak of the War and the noble work of the women of the city upon the Sanitary Com- mission. Not only did the men dedicate their lives, but the women of the city as well sacrificed much that the Union might live. No tribute, however great, can suf- ficiently commemorate the labor they performed. " Infinite pains have been taken to make the history and description of the Monument as thorough as possi- ble. The account is not merely historic ; it is an enter- taining romance as well, for the scenes surrounding the placing of the Monument upon the Public Square were exciting and dramatic in the extreme. The recital em- braces all. Obstacle after obstacle was encountered and overcome. The fixedness of purpose and continu- ity of effort of the Monument Commission, viewed in the cold light of history, is admirable. The past is dead ; the ^Monument is a reality, and thousands upon soldiers' and sailors' monument. 399 thousands will meet to-day to dedicate the structure without a tinge of bitterness. "The greatest care was taken to bring out in the illustrations in this souvenir edition the infinite deco- rative detail of the Monument. There is much of curi- ous interest about the IMonument which would never be seen by a casual observer unless his attention was par- ticularly directed to it. For instance, the eight em- blems about the base of the capital figure have been reproduced. A glance at them will show^ that they are beautiful and full of the most delicate relief work. Yet one needs an opera-glass to thoroughly study them upon the Monument. In like manner the entire struct- ure is carefully inlaid with the various accouterments of war." We were certain that as time went on, and the com- pleted work of the Commission could be viewed by the people from an unprejudiced standpoint, the warm sen- timents of approval expressed would be universally held. It is none the less gratifying, however, to pub- lish the foregoing generous and truly refreshing com- pliments of the leading molders of public opinion. In the exuberance of oiKr joy and natural pride we can afford to draw a veil over the past, only adding that, in our undertaking, as in all other worthy and successful projects, hearty commendation is the final reward. The complete vindication of our work, of our energy and perseverance, in the face of many trjang obstacles, is highly satisfactory. " Peace hath its victories no less renowned than war." The ubiquitous reporter of the Plain Dealer took in the event and its surrounding scenes in the following graphic manner : " To-day is likely to be the greatest day in the his- tory of the city. " Never before in its history did the Square appear to 400 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY better advantage than in its holiday garb of yesterday. Of course, it was not quite up to the high standard of beauty it will be to-day, but it had attained a sufficient approach to completeness to attract the admiration of thousands of people. " All day long busy hands were engaged in festoon- ing the various buildings, and one by one each came out in a new garb as proud looking as a boy with a new suit of clothes. " It was as though each biiilding was vieing with its neighbor to woo public favor, and, as one after another of the long streams of color shot out from the top of the tall light mast in the center, they might have been taken for as many giants attempting a j\Iay-pole dance on a Brobdignagian scale. " Never was such a rioting of color witnessed in Cleveland, and when, at lo o'clock in the morning, the 3,000 school children took their places on the grand stand in the auditorium corner of the quadrangle, it was as though some great flower bed had tilted up on edge for public admiration. Never had the beauty of child- hood been displayed to better advantage. It was an exemplification of the beauty of divine example when the Great Teacher ' took a little child and set it in the midst of them and said : Of such is the kingdom ot heaven,' and it is safe to say of all the pageantry to be exhibited to-day, of all the display of military pomp and civic greatness, of all the booming of cannon and shrieking of rockets, no spectacle will prove half so im- pressive, no sound will have half the melody, as will the sight and voices of these ' little children ' whom the managers of to-day's celebration have wisely ' set in the midst of the people. " But as to the decorations. Beginning at the county buildings, the outburst of color was harmonious and im- pressive throughout. The old Court House was arrayed MAJOR-GENERAL \V. B. HAZEN. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 403 as it never had been in its liistor)-. There were festoons of flags, broad bands of red, white and blue bunting, with an immense portrait of General Crrant, and shields containing American eagles and the head of the God- dess of Liberty. "The Wick building, adjoining, was equally prolific in decorations, while the tall, castlelike home of the vSociety for Savings, from the flag-staff above to the en- trance ways on the sidewalk, was brilliant with every color of the rainbow. Festoons of American flags, streamers and rosettes graced every open space and made a veritable kaleidoscope of color on every hand. " The modern Cuyahoga building lent itself readily to the decorative art, and most tastefully had that art been employed. From every window floated the Na- tional emblem, while broad ribbons of red, white and blue floated from cornice to basement, complete!}' ob- scuring every foot of the original material. " Over on Euclid Avenue, William Taylor, Son & Co., Crow & Whitmarsh, Fetterman, and other business houses were tastefully adorned with American flags, while the motto ' CiREATEr Cleveland' stood out in bold relief over Ta\'lor's entrance. "The Forest City House, the Odd Fellows' building, in the southwest ])ortion of the Square, were all bla/,ing with color, while the northwest side, from Richards, McKean & Co.'s to the Superior Street corner, was a perfect mass of flags. " Beautiful as these buildings were, the\' were after all only the frame work for the charming picture formed by the Square itself. Like an emerald set in rubies the four great quarters of the Park glittered in the July sunlight and shone forth under the many-colored elec- tric lights at night. The tall Monument, with its quad- rilateral set of stories, the gayly decked stands, the rippling fountains, the overhanging bower of fluttering 404 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY flags and rows of overhanging lanterns made it a verita- ble fairy land of beauty. All day large crowds of peo- ple loitered about it as if loath to leave a spot where for once at least they could forget their troubles and feast their eyes on something of the brightness and beauty of the world about them. " The Fourth came in at midnight with a fanfaronade of firecrackers, torpedoes and other explosives that seemed to echo everything from Bunker Hill to Vicks- burg, and must have made the life-like figures about the big Monument in the Square almost ache to join in the hubbub that their mute muskets could commemorate but in which they could not participate. " It was Bunker Hill and Vicksburg over again, sure enough, and if the engagement began with a few desul- tory discharges of make-believe firearms it was only the preliminary skirmish for the real rattle and roar of artil- lery that announced the breaking of day. Then, with an explosion that must have warmed the hearts of every veteran in the county, one piece after another rolled out its deep-toned note of jubilee for a Nation ' conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are born free and equal.' " The Leader said of the appearance of the city : " Flags were never so abundant, and the city never looked so glorious as in the festal attire donned for the celebration to-day. The scene on every business street was a patriotic inspiration. American freedom, and the victory which crowned the Union arms, are the causes of the celebration, and the spirit of national pride is manifested in the decorations. Small flags by the thou- sand flutter overhead and on every side. They adorn the stays of the trolley wires, and appear in the win- dows of every block, from the storeroom on the ground floor to the highest peak of the cornice or the lofty pin- nacle of the tower. The Public Square never looked SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 405 halt SO pretty, and advantage has been taken of oppor- tunities for decoration which most people never dreamed of. Streamers of small flags extend from the sides of the Square to the top of the high electric light in the center of the Square. Across the street the big city flag floats from a staff over one hundred feet high. The Square is walled with decorations. All the buildings are elaborately adorned with the national colors. The amphitheater, capable of seating 4,000 persons, is bor- dered with bright-colored bunting. In front of it is the speakers' stand, having a canopy of the stars and stripes. Avenues of flags on the wires of the street railway companies lead under the festoons extending to the top of the mast, and lines of Chinese lanterns are strung among the trees. On every side the eye is greeted with the colors loyal men like to see. " This evening, the electric illumination will give a beautiful effect. Arc lights with colored globes will appear among the trees, and there will be hundreds of tiny lanterns such as served to convert the Wooded Isle into a fairyland at the World's Fair. The mellow glow of the Chinese lanterns will be seen through tissue paper of many colors. Merchants have vied with each other in the decorations of their places of business. Artistic displays in the show windows supplement the gorgeous flags and buntings on the outer walls. ' Old Glory ' will wave to-day over every big building in the city, and will be notice to ail that Cleveland is cele- brating the Fourth." The bright Leader reporter gave the following pen picture of the Memorial : " Situated on what is probably the most commanding spot in the city, in an open space traversed every day by thousands of people, surrounded by public buildings and great business blocks from whose offices a fine view of the structure can be obtained, the Soldiers' and 406 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Sailors' Monument demands and receives much atten- tion. From the colossal pile at the base, with its wide esplanade and great bronze groups, to the towering shaft, whose top, surmounted with a heroic figure representing Liberty, o\-erlooks all the other structures in the vicinity, the ^Monument is full of interest. Un- like other works intended to commemorate great things, this one does not follow what are called classic or con- ventional forms, but has an originality and personality all its own. Instead of the usual abstract decorations and ornaments, the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument is made up entirely of emblematic designs, all relating to military and naval service of the United States and all intended to commemorate the titanic struggle of the Civil War. The whole of the great structure is covered wath emblematic designs, and there is no part of the INIonument but has features in its decoration that recall the War. The design, as a whole, is essentially military. The main features proclaim this without a second glance, but a closer inspection brings unending dis- coveries in this line in detail of adornment upon each other at every point. Here are miniature cannons. Here a rammer, or a gun wheel. There a piece of rope shows itself by the side of an anchor or a capstan. A saber, a pistol, a musket, or another portion of the equipment of a soldier is seen here and there and all about. Even at the extreme top of the tall shaft, where the large statue of Liberty stands overlooking the Square, the base of the pedestal represents warlike objects. The beautiful stained-glass windows, through which the bright sunlight streams into the interior of the tablet room and illuminates the bronzes and marble tablets there, were made to carry out the central idea. There the stars and stripes in all the glory of translucent colors, brilliant, yet soft and pleasing to the eye, are shown in compan\- with cannon and knapsacks and soldiers' and sailors' .monument. 407 projectiles. The great bronze doors, which turn noise- lessly on pivots let into the solid walls of the structure, are set in relief with Army and Navy designs. And, finally, the lawn surrounding the whole has its beds of bright flowers, each one a representation of a badge designating one of the great corps into which the Union Army was divided. From the Union flag that drapes the bronze Liberty on the top of the shaft to the cover- ing of Nature on the earth below, everything is military, and all tends to direct the mind to the gallant men who fought for the Union. "" The feature of the ^Monument which at once im- presses itself the strongest upon the beholder is its re- alism. In the bronze groups on the outside and in the panels and medallions in the tablet room the persons depicted are shown exactly as they appeared during the War. The ladies of the Sanitary Commission are dressed in war-time costume and are shown at the age they were then. So with all the others. Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Ohio's War Governors, and the Sailors and Soldiers shown in action appear exactly as they looked during the great conflict, with no attempt to soften roughness or change lines in order to get ideal beauty. " A description of the ^Monument in its entirety would require much more space than can be devoted to the purpose. The structure does not in any essential respect follow the design of the conventional soldiers' monument, but it is in every way emblematical of the Army and Navy of the Civil W'ar. To this end, con- ventionality was thrown to the winds, and the architect and his band of advisers went forward with plans for a structure which should, in all its details, be commemo- rative of the great War of the Rebellion, and the heroic part that the citizens of Cuyahoga County took in it. It was well understood at the time this decision was .408 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY made that the art critics of the country would fail to .see the beauty of such a monument, and that there would be an endless amount of criticism of the design. "That such criticism was made, is well known. How- ■ever, the work went on with rapidity and dispatch, and the finished Monument, entirely unique and unusual in style and appearance, is to-day, with one exception, the largest and most comprehensive memorial of Union Soldiers in the country. Nothing that at all compares with it exists anywhere except at Indianapolis, where a whole State has united and spent a half million of dollars on a monument to the Union Soldiers. " Seen at a distance, the Monument presents the appearance of a massive shaft, reaching high into the air, and expanding into a square structure at the base. The lower part of the Monument, which is built of black Quincy granite, is surrounded by an esplanade of polished stone, one hundred feet square and five feet above grade. Leading to this are curving steps of the same material, which, but for a space on each of the four sides, would extend entirely around the base. The steps and esplanade are made of red Medina sandstone. At each side of the Monument, resting upon the top of a massive pedestal of Amherst stone which, in turn, stands upon the sweep of the esplanade, is a bronze group, of heroic size, representing one of the four main branches of the army service. Surmounting the top of the shaft, which is composed of great blocks of shining granite, is an Amazonian figure of Liberty, fifteen feet high. The lawn surrounding the whole is adorned with upwards of thirty large flower beds, in colors and designs to represent the different army corps badges and the badges of well-known ex-soldiers' societies." The Plain Dealer describes the floral emblems, re- producing the army corps and society badges, as follows: HON. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 411 The smooth green lawns and the beautifnl beds of plants of varions colored leaves about the Monument are not the least points of attractiveness. In order to carry out the general design and ])nrpose of the Alonu- ment, and thus continue to the greatest degree the harmony of parts, it was determined that the beds of flowers should represent badges worn by different army organizations. The plan has been fulfilled in a way that demonstrates that artistic gardening may be carried to a high degree. The colors of the badges are made to appear by the bunching of small plants. These colors may be clearly distinguished as red, white or blue, these effects being produced by the leaves rather than by the flowers. On the Superior vStreet side are five badges. The Grand Army of the Republic badge is seen in the cen- ter. It consists of an eagle and crossed cannons, suspended from these a United States flag, and under this a five-pointed star. To the right of this is the Loyal Legion badge, composed of a gold bar with red, white and blue ribbon and a maltese cross hanging therefrom. To the left of the center is the Women's Relief Corps badge — a red, white and blue ribbon with maltese cross hanging to it. At the west end of this section is the badge of the Union Veterans' Union, consisting of swords crossed under a circle, inclosing the letters U. ^^ U., and pendent therefrom a red, white and blue ribbon, from which hangs a circle with crossed guns and an anchor over it. At the east end is the Sons of \'eterans' badge. From a bar of metal, bearing the words 'Sons of Veterans,' hangs a shield composed of red, white and blue ribbon. Under this hangs an eagle, and a cross with the initials of the order upon it. 412 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The remaining gardens, twenty-four in all, or eight on each side of the ^Monument, represent the badges of all the Army Corps and the Signal Service. The number of each Army Corps, together with a description of its badge, follows. The badge of the First Corps is found at the northwest corner and continue southward and around the Monument in regular numerical order. First Corps — A circle. Second — Clover leaf. Third — Diamond. Fourth — Triangle. Fifth — Maltese cross. Sixth — Greek cross. Seventh — Star and crescent. Eighth — Six pointed star. Ninth — Shield, with anchor and cannon across it. Tenth — Bastioned fort. Eleventh — Crescent. Twelfth — Five pointed star. Thirteenth — No badge. Fourteenth — Acorn. Fifteenth — Knapsack and cartridge box, with words " 40 rounds." Sixteenth — Circular cross. Seventeenth — Arrow. Eighteenth — Trefoil cross. Nineteenth — Square Maltese cross. Twentieth — Five-pointed star. Twenty-first — No badge. Twenty-second — Five-armed cross. • Twenty-third— Shield. Twenty-fourth — Heart. Twenty-fifth — Square. Signal Service — Two crossed flags and a torch. The anchor and cannon in the Ninth Corps badge is accounted for on the ground that Gen. Burnside, the soldiers' and sailors' monument. 413 commander, had both Marines and Artillery in his corps. The Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were consolidated and made the Twentieth, with Gen. Hooker in command. The badge of the Twelfth was adopted for the new Twentieth. wSo plain are the designs of the various badges that the visitor will be entertained in examining the beds, this description held in hand for reference. Capt. Levi T. vScofield told the IHain Dealer reporter the following interesting incidents of the construction of the Monument: " It required \ears of study and research," he said, "in order to plan a structure that should be correct in all its details. It was necessary for me to study the .entire accouterments of the Soldiers, including dress, equipage, trappings, ornaments and such trifling things as pouches, belts, buttons and other small things. I read books, I interviewed men connected with various branches of the Army, I made research through army records, especially in the War Department at Washing- ton, and finally I went to New York and bought a full set of accouterments at a store where nothing is sold but army relics. As a result of this work, the figures and emblems of the Monument represent such as might actually have been seen during the War. In some parts of the country where soldiers' monuments have been built, the architects have gone to the nearest armory and borrowed equipment to as models. This modern equipment is totally different from that u.sed in the W^ar, and such a monument would not represent the period from i86r to 1865. In order to show how careful we were in all details, I will mention the trouble we had with such a trivial thing as a confederate officer's belt plate. In one of the groups is a confederate officer. I did not know the design for his belt plate and could find no one in the city who did know. Finally I 414 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY happened upon a friend in Cincinnati who had a copy of the confederate army regnlations. In this it was stated that the design on the officer's belt plate shonld be the seal of the confederate states. The next under- taking was to find a copy of that seal. I learned that the War Department had one at Washington as a relic, bnt I found through correspondence that under no con- sideration could it be removed. The correspondence was discouraging, but I insisted that I must have it, and finally prevailed upon them to make a drawing of it. From this we made the design, and then I presented the drawing to the Historical Societ\', at whose rooms it ma}' now be seen. " In the construction of a mortar in the naval group we worked from an actual set of working drawings and plans. They were made for us by the designers in the War Department at Washington, but as all the work had to be done after regular hours, we were obliged to give them double pay. This one feature of the ]\Ionu- ment cost a good round sum. " I think that I am right in saying that there is not a detail in the entire ^Monument that is not correct. " A great deal of criticism has been offered against the statue of Liberty. Two things have been ridiculed — the extended foot of the figure, which is said to be too big, and the army overcoat in which she is arrayed. Now, without any bitterness, I must say that if the critics had studied the figure and had known whereof they were talking, they would not have criticised these points. Six months of hard work were put upon that figure in my studio. Every effort was made to preserve correct proportions and make a beautiful figure. The foot is not out of proportion. In standing on a level with the figure that fact is evident. The picture of the figure, taken before it was raised to its high position, shows a well-proportioned foot. soldiers' and sailors' monument, 415 "The feature of the army overcoat is not original with me, but is copied after a famous French artist, who made a female figure to represent Paris and clothed it in a full army uniform. The coat that my figure wears was recut and made to fit her by a tailor who came to the studio for that purpose. I fail to see any difference between it and the coats that the ladies wear in Winter. Both have long skirts and capes. The coat looked well upon her. "Architects from all parts of the country have called upon me or sent letters speaking in praise of the INIonument. They do not find features to criticise, but rather express commendation of the plan and the manner in which it has been executed." THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR — SKETCHES OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE BUSTS AND ^MEDALLIONS. Of the breaking out of the War, the part our county took in it, and brief sketches of the heroes immortalized in bronze busts, the Leader wrote : " Cleveland began to fight the War of the Rebellion long before the flag was fired upon at Fort Sumter. The storm cloud in the South made an early impression on the minds of the Cleveland people, and the year 1861 had hardly commenced when active preparations for the expected struggle were begun. The files of the morning Leader of that time are full of the war spirit and the war preparations which were characteristic of that period. The first public meeting of any conse- quence in this connection was held at the Atheneum, on Wednesday evening, January 9, 1861, when several hundred persons were present, and the crisis felt to be at hand discussed at length. Addresses were made by F. T. Backus, A. G. Riddle, and others, and a set of resolutions was adopted calling upon the State Legisla- ture to take such steps as were necessary to at once 41 6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY place the militia of the State in proper condition so that whenever their services were needed they would be ready to go into the field in defense of the country. The resolutions were as follows : " J^eso/ved, That we are inclined to listen with respect to the complaints of the slave-holding States and to exercise moderation and conciliation, but we are not prepared to change the Constitution at the dictation of traitors. " J^eso/z'ed, That when legal and peaceful means are exhausted, we are prepared, not in the spirit of aggression or haste, but under constituted authoritj-, to repel all attacks upon the capital, the reve- nue, and the public property. " Resolved, That we call upon the Legislature, now in session at Columbus, to pass the laws necessary to completely and thoroughly organize the militia of the State, so that whenever occasion may call for it, they may be called speedily into service to protect the interests of the State and maintain the integrit)- of the law. " A day or so previous to this meeting, a gathering of German citizens occurred when sixty-two signed their names to an agreement to place their services at the command of their adopted country in case it became necessary to defend the Republic. In order to properly achieve the result aimed at, the signers formed a rifle company and pledged themselves to unite with the first regiment of volunteers that was mustered into service in the State. " From this time until the news came that Sumter had been forced to surrender, the city was fully alive to the situation, and the constantly-shifting events made the war feeling increase with the days. The journey of President-elect Lincoln through the city on Febru- ary i6, 1861, on the way to inauguration, was the occa- sion for a demonstration which gave all an opportunity of showing how they felt about the great crisis. The excitement caused by the firing on Fort Sumter was in- tense. From the time the first news was received until late the same night, the office of the Leader was sur- MAJOR -CiKXERAL J. B. STEEDMAN. soldiers' and sailors' moxu:\ikxt. 419 rounded with an excited crowd, almost wild to know all that could be told with reference to the event. The halls, stairs, and sidewalks were filled with an eager, inquiring mass of people. On the day following the publication of the news, an appeal published in the editorial columns of the Leader served to rouse to the highest pitch the fighting blood of the Forest City. It was as follows : " ' To Arms I Men of Ohio I Tlie flag of our country, the flag that has never \-et lowered to a foreign foe ; the flag that has for eighty years been the ensign to which the oppressed and downtrodden of earth have looked with eager and wistful eye ; the flag that tells of heroic struggles and noble deeds of valor on manv a hard- fought field, and many a staunch old ship ; the flag to which many a dying vSoldier has turned his glazing eye and thanked his God that it still floated upon the bree/.e that kissed his gory brow ; the flag that your fathers baptized in holy consecration with their blood — this flag has been torn down from its standard and left to trail in the dust beneath the banner of a rebellious host ! vShall it remain there ? or will you rescue it from its degradation and once again give it to the breeze, proud- ly defiant of native or foreign foes? This is a question wliich you must have a voice in deciding. You must share in the glory or the infamy of the conflict. Von can be idle spectators no longer. ( )hio must be in the van of the battle. When the call comes for volunteers, fifty thousand men must be ready to shoulder the mus- ket and march to the scene of war. The fiery impulse of youth and the cool discretion of manhood will alike be wanted. There are no political lines to be drawn here. 'Are you a true American? ' and ' Have you a heart, hand, and foot ready to keep step with the music of the Union? ' are all that need to be asked. All who can answer yes to these may strike hands in the com- 420 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY mon cause and march shoulder to shoulder where duty leads the way.' " The formation of volunteer companies began at once and went forward with remarkable speed. The Cleveland Grays, who had been in existence for a num- ber of years at that time, were among the first to offer their services to the (rovernment, and they were at once notified to report at Columbus at the earliest possible moment. Their departure from the city on Thursday afternoon, April i8, was made the occasion of a grand outburst of patriotic feeling, when an immense crowd of people saw them off. Previous to the departure ot the Grays, a mass-meeting was held in the Public Square, attended by the Grays and a large portion of the population of the city. Addresses were made by a number of prominent citizens, and some of the officers of the company also spoke. Other military organiza- tions than the Grays were present, as follows : Five com- panies of the Cleveland Light Artillery, under Colonel Barnett, the Dragoons, the Zouave Light Guards, under command of Captain Robinson, the Sprague Cadets, under Sergeant Sanford, in the absence of Major De Villiers, the commanding officer. The Grays were in command of Lieutenant Knsworth, Captain Paddock being in New York. After the exercises in the Square, the line of march was taken to the depot, where a train on the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad was to convey the troops to Columbus. The scenes at the depot were most affecting, and the departure of the first company stirred up the war spirit to a high pitch. " New companies were formed almost daily, and soon there were a dozen or more of them soliciting volunteer members. On the Sunday following the departure of the Grays for Columbus, special services were held in the churches of the city, when the crisis that had come SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 421 upon the country was referred to in sermons that breathed the fire of patriotism. A meeting for tlie pur- pose of organizing a Home (iuard was held, and plans for the proper formation of the companies were adopted. The object of the Home Guard was stated to be the promotion of the enlistment of trained men into the service of the country, but no member of the Guard was thereby exempted from more active service when- ever the emergency should arise. Among the military companies which were either fully formed or in process of organization at this time were the Light Artillery Companies, five in number, the Cleveland Rifle (Grena- diers, the Cleveland Light Guards, the Huckeye Rifles, the Continental Rifles, the German Rifles, the Hibernian Guards, the Zouave Light Cjuard, the Tod Artillery, the West vSide Eagles, the Perry Light Infantry, and the Light Guards, Junior, of the West Side. " During this time the excitement w^as not confined to Cleveland by any means. All the smaller towns and villages about the city were full of the spirit of patriot- ism and com])anies were being formed in all of them. Within a week after the departure of the Grays, volun- teers from the surrounding country began pouring into the city, and Camp Taylor, which was the first receiv- ing station here, was soon well populated. Upwards of 5,000 Soldiers were stationed at Cam]) Taylor within two weeks after the fall of Sumter. The volunteer Soldiers did not remain there long, but were directed to report nearer the front without delay, and thus there was a constant stream of the new companies coming in and passing out of the city. The towns of Olmsted, vStrongsville, Chagrin Falls, Bellevue, Richmond Cen- ter, Painesville, Elyria, P)edford, and others all did their duty. The needs of the Soldiers were more at first than the (jovernment could supply and there were 422 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY many calls for blankets and other articles from time to time. These calls were responded to with crenerosity by the citizens and women of Cleveland. " Incidents increasing the excitement began to occnr. A yonng man arrived in the city from Memphis. He had been ordered to leave that city or take the alterna- tive of joining the rebel army. He managed to escape jnst in time and his arrival added fnel to the flame, which even then burned at white heat. The war feel- ing showed itself in the presentation of innumerable things needed by Soldiers, the recipients being usually men who had in some manner won the especial respect of the donors. Captain W. R. Creighton, who later be- came a colonel and won great renown as a fighter, was, on April 28, presented with a fine silver-mounted re- volver, by the compositors of the Leader office. Other presentations of various articles were being made all the time, and the articles varied from stands of colors to weapons and wearing apparel. The children of the public schools were soon possessed of the prevailing spirit, and flags soon waved over the school buildings. One was raised at the Rockwell School on the last day of April, with accompanying exercises of a patriotic na- ture. The Hudson Street School and other schools in the City soon had their flags, and the children were early interested in the cause of patriotism. " One of the interesting events of the first year of the War in Cleveland was the discussion of the question of whether the Fourth of July should be celebrated as usual or not. There was a variety of opinions on this subject, some thinking that the times demanded other things of the people. The general opinion, however, was that no time could be better for the proper celebra- tion of the Nation's birthday, when the need of rousing patriotic feeling was the greatest. This view of the case prevailed and the committee on the celebration soldiers' and sailors' monument. 423 arranged plans which were as complete and patriotic as the times would allow. " Cnyahoga County's part in the struggle of the Union was an important one. It furnished some of the first Soldiers that went to the front and a constant supply thereafter during the War. It sent many brave men into battle, and the record made by the county during the great struggle is one to be proud of." "col. WILLIAM R. CREIGHTON. " In Woodland Cemetery is a tall monument familiar to many of the people of Cleveland, commemorative of the bravery and fate of the fallen members of the regi- ment. " The reputation of the " Fighting Seventh " is in- separably connected with that of Colonel William R. Creighton. He fell at the bloody battle of Ringgold, Ga., after he had led his command up a rocky hill in the face of almost certain annihilation, and had been compelled at last to order them back to a place of safe- ty. His death was a shock that at first seemed likely to disorganize the command, and honors uncounted were showered upon his cold clay at the funeral in this citv. His is one of the bronze busts which adorn the niches in the walls of the tablet room of the [Monument. " Colonel Creighton was born at Pittsburg, in June, 1837. He removed to Cleveland when he was seven- teen )ears of age, and at the time of the outbreak of the War was a compositor in the Herald o^ce. " At the time, being a Lieutenant in the Cleveland Light Guards, he organized a company with that organ- ization as a nucleus and soon had so many applications for membership that another company and then a third was recruited. This was the beginning of the Seventh Regiment. The Regiment, when its full quota of men had been obtained, marched down the streets of the 424 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY -city on the way to the train on a beautiful Sabbath morning in May, 1861. It was the first full regiment that left the city and the town turned out in full force to bid the men good-bye. The regiment went to Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, and was there when the call for three-years' troops came. With few exceptions the members of the regiment volunteered for the three- years' time service, and Colonel Tyler, the commander of the regiment, preceded the organization to West Vir- ginia, where it had been ordered, and Lieutenant- Colonel Creighton took the men to Clarksburg. After the battle of Cross Lanes and the pursuit of the rebel General Floyd, Colonel Tyler was promoted and Creigh- ton became the commander of the regiment. Colonel Creighton led his regiment, which was the first in the famous charge of the third brigade at the battle of Winchester, and after losing his horse by having it shot from under him, he took a musket and fought with his men on foot. He led the regiment in five desperate •charges at the battle of Fort Republic and in the battle of Cedar Mountain he handled his men with notable b)ravery and skill. He was severely wounded in this engagement, and was compelled to leave the field. He returned home to await the healing of his wound, but reported to the regiment while his arm was still in a sling. He participated in the battles of Dumfries, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, and Mission Ridge, everywhere leading his men with re- markable skill and bravery. After the last-named bat- tle, the pursuit of Bragg and the terrible encounter at Ringgold came. Bragg's rear guard was posted on the summit of Taylor's Ridge, a naked eminence, where it was folly to attempt to climb in the face of shot and •shell without the use of artillery to cover the assault. But in the excitement of the moment the command was given and then Creighton made a speech to his men. MAJOR-GENERAL M. F. FORCE. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 427 ' Boys,' he said, ' we are ordered to take that hilL I want to see you walk right up it.' The advance was made with \-alorous fur}-, but it was soon seen to be im- possible to reach the top in the face of the hot fire kept np by the rebels. Creighton led his men into a ravine in the hope of reaching a more protected spot, and while leaning against a fence, watching until they should reach the opposite side, he was stricken with a bullet in his body. He fell and expired almost im- mediately. This was on November 27, 1S63, when he was but twenty-six years of age. "colonel MERVINE CLARK. " One of the bravest officers who took part in the War of the Rebellion was Colonel Mervine Clark, of the One Hundred and Eighty-third Regiment. He is described as an effeminate-looking boy, who had never a sug- gestion of a beard upon his face, and he was only twenty-one years old when he was killed. At this early period he had already advanced in military experience until, on the day of his death, he was in command of the regiment to which he belonged. His bravery was iinquestioned. It was said he was an example to all in the army who saw him. He was killed npon the top ot the parapet at the battle of Franklin, Tenn. The men of his regiment were young, as was he, and when Hood's arm}' came upon them witl: the powerful onset of veteran troops, they were unable to withstand their first baptism of fire. Clark had been a Captain in the Seventh Regiment during all the period of its bloody history, and he was so chagrined and mortified to see his men give way before the foe that he snatched a flag and sprang upon the parapet. He held the banner over his head, and implored the men to return and face the eneni}-. While calling to the troops, he was shot in the back, and, falling into the hands of the Colonel of 428 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY another regiment, who was standing near, he died ahnost instantly. His likeness is preserved in the Monument in the form of a bust. "captain WALLACE J. WOODWARD. "A brave young man, who was stricken when he had just commenced to show to the world the true worth of his soldierly character, w^as Captain Wallace Woodward, of the Twenty-third Ohio. He enlisted in Cleveland at the opening of the War, and was shortly afterward elected First Lieutenant of Company A. He was soon appointed Adjutant of the regiment, and in July of 1861 he was made Captain of Company G. At the battle of Carnifax Ferry, on September 10, 1861, he acquitted himself with distinguished gallantry, and won many expressions of admiration. During the retreat of Floyd to Sewell Alountain, the command was exposed three days to severe rain. Captain Woodward was taken with typhoid fever, and died at Camp Ewing, not long after. He was regarded as a manly and fearless Soldier, and those who knew him looked forward to seeing him carry off high honors, but his untimely end cut short their hopes. His bust is one of those about the ^lonu- ment shaft. "major JAMES B. HAMPSON. "An officer who smiled and appeared unconcerned, even in the hottest battles, and who showed no fear, even when caught in the deadliest of situations, was Major James B. Hampson, who was killed at Pickett's Mill, Ga. When the war cloud burst, he was a printer in the Plain Dealer office of this city, and at the time of his death was an inspecting officer on General Wood's staff. The shot that ended his life came as he was engaged in forming a new line with a portion of General Wood's command. He was seen by other Cleveland officers a few moments before he was shot, £(. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 429 and of them he asked the direction of the troops he had been sent to reform. He then galloped away down the lines, and the next that was heard from him he was in the hospital. He is spoken of as a gallant officer, and as brave as possible for a man to be while in action. His bust is in the Monument. "captain W. W. HUTCHINSON. " Thefeaturesof Captain W.W.Hutchinson, of the One Hundred and Third Ohio Regiment, have been repro- duced in the bronze of one of the busts which adorn the walls of the tablet room. He lost his life at the battle of Resaca, Ga., where the fighting was severe and dis- astrous. He was the only member of the regiment, ot which at the time he had command, who was standine» the others being concealed among the bushes of the abattis. He was passing up and down the line just previous to the final charge, cheering the men to make the onset. He walked along, unmindful of the bullets, talking to the men, and as he walked he swung his sword and cut at the weeds which stood by his path. A Rebel bullet struck him in the head, and he died at once. He was a brave officer, greatly respected by his men. "captain WILLIAM SMITH. " Captain William Smith, of the Second Ohio Cavalry, is another officer whose bust stands in one of the niches in the Monument. He did not die on the field, but his death occurred a few years ago in consequence of the injuries he suffered during the War. No greater testi- monial to his virtues as a Soldier can be given than that he was chosen by the cavalry officers of the city to be immortalized in the tablet room of the Monument. As a citizen, an enterprising business man, and an earnest friend, he was esteemed by all who knew him." The Leader sketches the subjects of the medallions in manner followine: 430 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Twelve prominent men — men who fought for the Union during the War, and added to the fair fame ot the Buckeye State — are honored by portrait representa- tions in the interior of the Monument. Their features have been reproduced in lasting bronze, and stand in one continuous row about the solid foundation upon which rests the towering shaft of the structure. In the selection of the men who were to be honored in this manner, the Commissioners did not restrict themselves to Cuyahoga County, but selected representative men of prominence from all portions of the State. " SECRETARY OF WAR EDWIN M. STANTON. " One of them is Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who was appointed to that position by President Lincoln in 1862. Previous to that time he had been a reporter of the decisions of the Ohio State Supreme Court, and Attorney-General under President Buchanan. He was born in Steubenville, in December, 1815, and received his education in the public schools of that place and in Kenyon College. Throughout the administration of President Lincoln, his influence was all-powerful. "He was strong-willed, and often succeeded in secur- ing action desired by him against the heaviest opposi- tion. The war triumphs won under the administration of President Lincoln are inseparably connected with his name. "major-general JAMES B. MCPHERSON. " General James B. McPherson, who was the highest ranking officer from Ohio that fell in the War, has a medallion next to that of Secretary Stanton. In the service of his country he was gallant and able, as well as lovable to such a degree that he was regarded with feelings of warm friendship by those who knew him. He fell just on the eve of triumphs that were sure to have given him prestige and honor beyond any he had soldiers' and sailors' monument. 431 received. In the minds of those who were familiar with his histor\-, he ranks high among those who fell martyrs to the canse of the Union. He was born in Clyde, November 14, 1828. He entered West Point, and gradnated at the head of his class, being assigned to the Department of Engineers. He was recalled to the academy, and for a year taught in that institntion. During the War he served as Chief of Engineers under Grant, and was promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General. His death occurred before Atlanta, when he was engaged in seeing to the formation of the Union lines previous to the battle. In appearance he is spoken of as extremely prepossessing, being six feet in height, well formed, and graceful. " major - GENERAL WILLIAM B. HAZEN. " The features of General William B. Hazen look down from a medallion at the side of that of General ]\IcPherson. This officer, who was born in Vermont in 1830, and who came to Ohio with his parents three years later, made an enviable record on the field as a Soldier. He was a brave fighter, and made few mis- takes. He rose to the command of the Fifteenth Army Corps, and he made his organization efficient through his method of careful instruction of his officers and the great care which he took in making his plans. He was educated at West Point, graduating from the academy in 1855. "major-general JAMES B. STEEDMAN. " General James B. Steedman, who was one of the famous Ohio officers during the War, was living at Toledo when the War began. He was born in Penn- sylvania in 1818, and previous to the War he had filled various positions of public trust. Two days after the call for volunteers, he telegraphed to Governor Den- nison, offering a regiment of trooj^s, and three days 432 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY after he was appointed Colonel the regiment was ready to take the field. The regiment, after a time spent in Camp Taylor, passed throngh many engagements, and in Jnly, 1S62, he was appointed a Brigadier-General. His service dnring the War was distingnished and highly honorable, and was regarded as most valnable. He was bold and energetic, and his troops possessed nnbonnded confidence in him. " MAJOR-GENERAL MANNIN(; K. FORCE. " Major-General Manning F. Force was born in the District of Colnmbia in 1824. He passed throngh the law^ college of Harvard University, and then removed to Cincinnati, where he practiced law. When the Re- bellion broke ont, he at once began to prepare for the crisis, and in Jnly, 1S61, he was appointed Major of the Twentieth Ohio Infantry. His regiment was mainly nsed at first for the guarding of prisoners on the way to the North, bnt dnring 1862 and 1863 he was a partici- pant in a number of hard-fought battles. He was pro- moted to Colonel soon after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and in August, 1862, he was made a Brigadier- General for gallant service at the siege of Vicksburg. He was wounded in the face by a bullet in front of Atlanta. At the close of the War he was brevetted Alajor-General. " ^FAJOR-GENERAL EMERSON OPDYCKE. "Another of the medallions is in honor of INIajor- General Emerson Opdycke, who enlisted in the Arni\' as a private and rose to the high rank given him at the close of the War, through his gallantrv and abilitv as an officer. He was born in Trumbull County in 1830. Within a month after his enlistment, which was in the Forty-first Ohio, he was made First Lieutenant, and the success that attended his efforts soon after sjave him the BRIGADIER - CxF.NHRAL CiEORGE W. Mf^RGAX. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 435 rank of Captain. He commanded a regiment of the ' Squirrel Hunters,' the minute men who marched to the defense of Cincinnati when it was threatened by the Rebels imder Kirby Smith, and while home from the War at that time, he organized the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Infantry. At the battle of Mission Ridge he commanded five regiments, and made several large captures. He was a fierce fighter, and did not hesitate to leave his horse and fight on foot when the occasion demanded. He received the highest commendation from General George H. Thomas when promoted to Major-General. He is now the Manager of the Soldiers' Home at Sandusky. " BRIGADIER -GENERAL GEORGE W. MORGAN. "General George W. Morgan had just returned from acting as Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal when the War opened. He was born in Pennsylvania, and he passed several years in the Military Academy at West Point, although he did not graduate. He served in the war with Mexico, receiving the rank of Colonel, and was later appointed a Colonel of the Fourteenth Regular Infantry. He served until the close of the Mexican War with distinction, and when the Rebellion broke out he was made a Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He was a man of military appearance, polished manners, and was every inch an officer. " MAJOR-GENERAL ALEXANDER -MCDOWELL MCCOOK. "Another of the Ohioans who received a West Point education, and rose to prominence in the War of the Rebellion, was Major-General Alexander McDowell McCook, a native of Columbiana County. He was graduated from the academy in 1852, and afterward engaged in the campaign against the Apache Indians. In the Civil War, he participated in the battles of 436 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Vienna and Bull Run, and was made in December, 1861, a Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He organized and equipped the Second Division of the Army of Ohio, but met with many reverses in the latter part of the War, and was relieved from his command. He received many brevet appointments for meritorious services, however, and retaining his rank in the Regular Army, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. " SURGEON C. A. HARTMAN. " The features of Dr. C. A. Hartman, who was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, are molded in one of the bronze medallions which ornament the shaft. Dr. Hartman was a practicing physician in this city at the time the War broke out, and the recognition of him in this manner is due largely to the uncommon occurrence of a surgeon being killed in battle. The Fifth Ohio, to which he was attached, had just completed the march to Chancellorsville when it was surprised by a large force of the Rebel troops. The men were at rest, their arms were stacked and not in readiness for use, and the surprise resulted most disastrously for the Union force. In the heat of the surprise, when some of the men were rushing for their guns and others were trying to get away as fast as they could, the surgeon, sword in hand, rushed into the fight. He held aloft the colors and endeavored to rally the men around him, when he was struck by a Rebel bullet and killed. "brigadier -GENERAL J. J. ELWELL. " General J. J. Elwell, whose features are shown in one of the medallions, is a member of the Monument Commission, and his biography is referred to elsewhere. "brigadier -GENERAL J. S. CASEMENT. "A dashing fighter and a brave man is General J. S. Casement, who is a resident of Painesville. He entered SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 437 the service May 7, 1861, as Major in the Seventh Ohio Infantry. When the regiment was reorganized for the three years' service, he retained the same rank, and in 1862 he resigned. In August of the same year he was appointed Colonel of the One Hundred and Third Infantry, and he was awarded the rank of Brevet-Briga- dier-General January 25, 1865. He was a commanding officer who was not feared, but was much loved and re- spected by the men under him. When he called upon them to follow him into the conflict, they were not backward in doing so, and he always led them. "major-general a. c. voris. " General A. C. Voris, of Akron, was one of the prompt and ever ready Soldiers of the War, and for his services in the great conflict he received high commendation from his superior officers. He was born in vStark County in 1827. When the Rebellion commenced, he was a member of the Ohio Legislature, and in Septem- ber, 1 861, he enlisted in the Twenty-ninth Ohio In- fantry. Without solicitation on his part, he was ap- pointed a Second Lieutenant for the recruiting service, and soon afterwards he became the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sixty-seventh Regiment. Just preceding the battle of Winchester, his command took part in the only engagement where vStonewall Jackson was beaten by the Union troops, and he was shortly afterward pro- moted to be a Colonel. He took part in a large number of engagements, and was successively promoted to Brigadier-General and ]\Iajor-General, and at the close of the War he was placed in command of the Military District of South Anna, Va., where he was for six months absolute ruler. His men were full of admira- tion for him, and at the close of the War they presented him with a magnificent sword and trappings as a token ■of their esteem. He is a lawyer of large practice, and is also interested in politics." 438 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY NORTHERN OHIO SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY. We have very much pleasure iu recoguizing the noble and telling work performed by the women of the Northern Ohio Soldiers' Aid Society and their auxil- iaries during the entire period of the War, and gladly devote a part of our volume to the achievements of that organization, and to a brief sketch of its principal factors. Agreeable to our earnest request and cordial invita- tion, this part of our volume was written by an accom- plished and gifted native of Cleveland, a lady who is held in the highest esteem by hundreds of the old families of this city for her modesty and patriotic worth; one who is capable and familiar with her sub- ject. We present the valuable contribution of Miss Ellen F. Terry, now Mrs. Charles F. Johnson, of Hartford, Conn. : The Northern Ohio Soldiers' Aid Society was organ- ized April 20th, 1861, five days after President Lincoln's first call for troops, and somewhat earlier than any other relief association. Its first efforts were directed towards supplying com- forts to the Soldiers at Camp Cleveland, and relieving the wants of the families of enlisted men. Like the government and people of the Union, they struggled blindlv towards the best, learning what that best was onlv after repeated experiment. Out of not infrequent failure was at length evolved systematic plans and methods of operation. On July ist, 1 86 1, No. 95 Rank Street, Cleveland, was rented for the uses of office and store-room — as the serious nature of the national struggle became apparent and the hopes first entertained of its temporary charac- ter faded. Impressed by the magnitude of the task be- fore it, and convinced that individual effort must always be less efficacious than concerted action, the society, soldiers' and sailors' monument. 441 October ist, 1861, became auxiliary to the U. S. Sanitary Commission, as its Cleveland Branch ; thence- forth directing its contribntions chiefly through the Commission's channels, taking advantage of its agents, and availing itself of the privileges granted that body by the general Government. One of the most impor- tant advantages gained by this connection was the con- stant advice and assistance of the Western Secretary of the Sanitary Commission, Dr. J.S. Newberry, a most dis- tinguished and patriotic citizen of Cleveland, whose serv- ices were ever after invaluable to the Cleveland Branch. From April 20th, 1861, to the close of the Free Claim Agency, in 186S, the Soldiers' Aid Society continued its existence as the exponent of the patriotic sentiment of the people of Northern Ohio. The systematic ar- rangement of its supply and relief work rendered its operations regular and important and, it is believed, in the direction of the greatest utility. Drawing its sup- plies from a comparatively small area — not greater in extent than one-eighth part of the State of Ohio — the results of the society's efforts, thus systematized, showed, when summed up at the close of the War, a total dis- bursement of hospital stores, not only far greater, pro- portionally, than that of any other branch of the Sani- tary Commission, but actually, in certain respects, in excess of that of societies which received contributions from states, not counties. By gradual accretion, the number of societies in Northern Ohio whose combination formed the Cleveland Branch Sanitary Commission was five hundred and twenty-five. The connection between these branches and the central office was a close one, and in time the contributions of each toward the general cause became as regular as the operations of a business house, and to stimulate and encourage this systematic activity was the duty of the parent society at Cleveland. Corre- 442 HIvSTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY spondence with each branch was regular and frequent, not only by personal letters but through the Cleveland press, and by means of circulars and bulletins. Thus an interchange of interests was made possible ; all re- ports of agents in the field were promptly communi- cated, and suggestions and information conveyed from the central office to each branch. Through its greater opportunities, the Cleveland office was able to extend temporary help to its auxiliaries. When the funds in the local treasuries were low, hospital garments, cut out and prepared, were sent them to make, or material for such sold them at reduced rates, to tide over pass- ing difficulties. Through these close relations, the central society gained its knowledge of the innumera- ble instances of self-sacrifice, unconscious and unre- corded, which made possible the great work done b>' the people of Northern Ohio. To deny themselves comfort and luxury, and to know no pause in earnest eflfort and generous giving was, till the end of the War, the privilege of the women who formed the Northern Ohio Soldiers' Aid Society. At the central office, at 95 Bank Street, Cleveland, all hospital stores received were examined, assorted and classified, being also repacked, according to such classi- fication, in specially prepared boxes to insure safety in transportation, and to facilitate shipments to definite points. For regular, unfailing work in this direction the society depended upon its Cleveland members, many of whom were in attendance at stated periods from the beginning to the end of the War. Others, who could not give regular service, would render assistance when- ever required, and on many occasions a call through the daily papers for help in filling some unexpected de- mand from camp or hospital has secured the manufac- ture of several hundreds of hospital garments in twenty- four hours' time. vSOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 443 To facilitate frequent communication with branches, a printing office was established, when the society's re- moval in 1864 to No. 89 Bank Street gave it enlarged quarters. In this office were set up and worked off the labels required for the various hospital stores, the cir- culars to auxiliar\' societies, letters from agents in the field and the association's monthh' reports. Another story of the building was used for the stor- ing of material and the cutting out of hospital sheets, pillow cases and clothing which were issued to the branches, or made up in Cleveland. The shipment of hospital supplies was chiefly to the Western depot of the vSanitary Commission at Louisville, Ky., whence the\' were forwarded, through the Commission's transportation facilities, to the hos- pitals in the South and vSouthwest, to the various Soldiers' Homes along the rivers, and for the use of the hospital trains and steamers. There were over one hundred and fifty of these objective points in ( )hio, Tennessee, \'irginia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Army of the Potomac, Maryland, Georgia, Alabama, ^lississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and to most of these camps, hospitals and homes, repeated contributions were made. To the issue of hospital stores was added a new feat- ure in 1863. The Army of the Cumberland was seri- ously threatened with scurvy, a disaster only averted by the prompt action of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. A steamer-load of fresh vegetables was at once for- warded to Nashville and issued to the men in camp, while a hundred barrels of potatoes and onions were shipped to Gen. Thomas every day during the vSummer. Of these shipments, the contribution weekly of a car- load of fresh vegetables from the Northern Ohio Sol- diers' Aid Society formed a part. The auxiliary so- cieties planted gardens, to aid in the '' vegetable raid;" 444 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY one small neighborhood sending sixty barrels of potatoes^ and a little cross-road settlement twenty-eight barrels at single installments. The great qnantity of dried fruit shipped during the War by the last-named small society was explained by the fact that the entire product of the neighborhood was reserved for use of the sick Soldiers. The systematic methods employed in collect- ing and shipping fresh vegetables enabled the Sanitary Commission to supply the Army of the Tennessee with potatoes and onions until, as it was said, " they captured Vicksburg." In one shipment to this point, the Sol- diers' Aid Society of Northern Ohio sent five hundred boxes of hospital supplies. To accomplish such im- portant results, even with unflagging individual support, would have been impossible but for the assistance which the various corporate bodies tendered the Cleve- land Branch throughout the War. The contributions of the railroad companies were unparalleled in magni- tude. Not only were favors in transportation for Soldiers and their families freely granted to the request of the officers of the Soldiers' Aid Society, and freight charges often remitted on goods consigned to the Cleve- land ofllice, but all shipments of hospital stores to the front were carried free of expense by the Cleveland & Pittsburg, the Cleveland & Toledo, the Lake Shore and the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati railroad com- panies. The extent of the Sanitary Commission's obli- gation to the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati Rail- road Co. may be inferred from the fact that the North- ern Ohio Aid Society was allowed the use of a car on the passenger trains once every week, and cars on freight trains as many and as often as desired. To these favors was added the personal kindness of the officers of the companies. Other corporations — though less heavily taxed — con- tributed as freely. The Western Union Telegraph Co, SOLDIERvS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 445 sent the Aid Society's dispatches free ; the Omnibus Co. gave passes to the officers, after the establishment of the Soldiers' Home ; the frank of the society was for three years recognized by the Post Office Department, which made possible the vast circulation of documents containing information and issued from its office, amount- ing to one hundred and twenty-five thousand. To the Cleveland daily papers the indebtedness of the Aid Society was very great. The columns of all were open to the bulletins and reports of the sanitar\- work, and a large space in the Cleveland Herald and Cleveland Leader was weekly occupied by material prepared at the Bank Street office. From the United States and Ameri- can express companies, innumerable favors were re- ceived, as also from the Cleveland gas and water com- panies. It is, of course, impossible to record within the present limits the great obligation of the Soldiers' Aid Society to individuals. To acquaint themselves with the method of distribut- ing hospital stores, and to obtain specific information as to supplies most urgently needed, the officers of the Aid Society from time to time visited the front, inspected the Commission's depots and its Soldiers' Homes and went to Pittsburg Landing on the hospital steamers. The reports rendered of these inspections did much to encourage and stimulate the Soldiers' i\id Society and its branches, since not only was the efficiency of the Sanitary Commission's system confirmed, but the need of further effort established. The hospital steamer Tvancaster No. 2, which carried down cargoes of sanitary stores and brought up the wounded from the South to the hospitals along the Ohio River, was, from the first, very largely fitted out and supplied on every trip by the Cleveland Branch. One of the most important departments of the sani- tar}- work was called the Special Relief Service. From 446 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the first days of the War, cases where personal aid could be given were nnnierous, and a small room in the Union Depot was occupied in April, 1862, for the ac- commodation of invalid Soldiers in transit. The occa- sional services of a nurse were secured, and the patients fed from the depot restaurant. These limited quarters proved inadequate, when the two years men, returning from the lower Mississippi, brought with them so great a number of sick and wounded. By the favor of the railroad companies, a site was secured upon the wharf, parallel with the Union Depot, and a building put up for the purposes of a Soldiers' Home. This building, which was on several subsequent occasions enlarged, was opened on December 12th, 1863. During its existence, nearly fifty-eight thousand Soldiers received aid and comfort within its walls. This number comprised men in transit, who if able to proceed upon their journey received only food, lodging or clothing; sick and wounded men unequal to further travel who remained under skilled treatment until convalescent ; patients consigned to Camp Cleveland and awaiting transfer to that hospital ; regiments en route for other States, upon their discharge, who were fed and had their sick cared for ; the sick of those Ohio troops who were entertained upon their return by the City of Cleveland ; and dis- charged and disabled Soldiers, awaiting the settlement of claims for pension and bounty, or out of work and seeking employment. The number of cases where in- dividual relief was required made serious demands upon the sympathy and attention of members of the Soldiers' Aid Society, and no branch of the general work excited more interest. In October, 1865, the furniture and out- fit of the Soldiers' Home, as well as the patients therein resident, were transferred to the Home at Columbus, 0., which was maintained by the vState until the general Government could make permanent provision for its soldiers' and sailors' monument. 447 pensioners. Two rooms in the Cleveland institntion were kept open nntil iS66, for use in occasional cases and as a point from which patients could be sent to Columbus. In June, 1866, it was finally closed and the building sold. The Aid Rooms were from the first a center of inquiry regarding Soldiers in the field or in hospital, and the society early availed itself of the Sanitary Commission's Hospital Directory service. This record of Soldiers in hospital in the Western Department, daily posted, enabled the friends of a patient to obtain reliable infor- mation regarding his condition. Through the field- agents of the Commission, also, the graves of Union vSoldiers could be often identified and their bodies sent home, in the care of the Cle\-eland office. Another department of the Soldiers' Aid Society's work was its employment agency, whereb)- occupation was secured for disabled Soldiers wdiich was suited to their physical capacity. Out of three hundred applica- tions made to this agency, situations for two hundred and six men were obtained — an unexpected result under the limitations of the applicants. At the close of the War, the Cleveland Branch as- sumed a work which the General Sanitary Commission then laid down. The society established an agency for the collection of pension and bounty claims, free of charge to the Soldiers. This business was put in charge of Jasper E. Williams, a brilliant \oung law}'er, whose subsequent illness threw upon the secretary and treas- urer of the society the conduct of the agenc}' until it became apparent that the work must go into other hands. About two thousand Soldiers' claims were filed, throno-h this agencv, and all valid ones collected with- out charge to the applicants. The number of Soldiers and their families relieved through the different departments of the special relief 448 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY work reached sixty thousand five hundred and ninety- eight ; many of these received aid through long peri- ods, and often to a considerable amount. No statistics can give the true record of what was asked and granted in individual cases. The Soldiers' Home, which was the chief channel of special relief, was conducted upon a broad princij^le which allowed always of favorable doubt in temporary cases. Its general government rested exclusively with the Soldiers' Aid Society, either the secretary or treasurer being in attendance every inorning at the Home office. The financial support of the Soldiers' Aid Society was, as a whole, purely voluntary. Contributions were obtained by means of frequent public presentation of the necessity for the relief work, and of the success at- tending its operations, rather than upon direct solicita- tion. An exception was made when for a certain period the society asked and obtained monthly membership fees, whereby a small but fixed income was secured. The Soldiers' Home was also built by funds solicited for the purpose. The general revenue of the society was derived from the free-will gifts of the people of Northern Ohio, either directly contributed, or received through the frequent successful amateur entertainments. A portion of California's grand contribution to the San- itary Commission came to its Cleveland branch, but the society's great work subsequent to 1864 — when several carloads of hospital supplies were sent weekly to the front, when the hospital steamers and trains were sup- ported, and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and ninety-two -Soldiers were individually relieved — was only made possible through the results of the Northern Ohio Sanitary Fair which was opened Feb. 22, 1864. By means of this fair, the Soldiers' iVid Society was enabled to show at the close of its operations a grand total of supplies disbursed amounting in value to $982,- soldiers' and vSailors' monument. 449 481.25. To this should be added the amount in cash paid for the special relief service $36,636.33, and $5,000 contributed to the State Soldiers' Home at Colum- bus. The whole amount expended in the purchase of material and vegetables and the shipping of the same amounted to $59,993.09. The total of cash contribu- tions received from every source during the \\'ar was $119,938.26, advances to societies or Soldiers which were repaid, or commissions to be executed for U. S. Sani- tary Commission not being of course included. The whole amount expended to 1869 was $115,751.28, ex- clusive of the above commissions. The balance of cash on hand was employed for the benefit of individual Soldiers in the Columbus Home or in Northern Ohio, and what remained was, in October, 1S84, turned over to the Grand Army of the Republic, in Cleveland. The Northern Ohio vSoldiers' Aid Society contribut- ing towns were as follows : Ashland Co., 11 towns. Kelley's Island, i town. Ashtabula Co., 33 towns. Lake Co., 8 towns. Carroll Co., 4 towns. Chautauqua Co., N. Y., i town. Columbiana Co., 15 towns. Lawrence Co., Pa., i town. Li\'ingston Co., N. Y., 2 towns. Lorain Co., 24 towns. Crawford Co., Pa., 3 towns. Mahoning Co., 12 towns Cuyahoga Co., 26 towns. Medina Co., 18 towns. Deer Creek Co., Pa., i town Erie Co., 7 towns. Erie Co., Pa., 14 towns. Geauga Co., 19 towns. Hardin Co., i town. Harrison Co., i town. Holmes Co., 9 towns. Huron Co., 18 towns. Monroe Co., N. Y., i town. Oakland Co., ?^Iich., i town. ( )livesburgh Co., i town. Ottawa Co., 4 towns. Portage Co., 22 towns. Richland Co., 2 towns. vSandusky Co., 2 towns. Seneca Co., 5 towns. Jackson Co., Mich., i town. Stark Co., 20 towns. Jefferson Co., 3 towns. Summit Co., 25 towns. 450 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Trumbull Co., 28 towns. Tuscarawas Co., 4 towns. Warren Co., Pa., 2 towns. Wayne Co., 6 towns. Williams Co., i town. Wood Co., I town. OFFICERS NORTHERN OHIO SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY. President. Mrs. B.. Rouse. Vice- P res id en is . Mrs. Wm. Melhinch, ]\Irs. Lewis Burton, Mrs. John Shelley, Mrs. J. A. Harris. Secretary. Miss Mary Clark Brayton. Treasurer. Aliss Ellen F. Terry. Office Assistants. Miss Sara Mahan, Miss Carrie P. Younglove, Mrs. Emma L. Miller. CoTJunittees. Mrs. Geo. A. Benedict, Mrs. Dr. Isom, Mrs. S. Belden, Mrs. T. Burnham, Mrs. L. Alcott, Mrs. D. Chittenden, Mrs. John Coon, Mrs. J. H. Chase, Mrs. Wm. Collins, Mrs. Bolivar Butts, Mrs. Hiram Griswold, Mrs. C. M. Giddings, Mrs. Charles Hickox, Mrs. D. Howe, Mrs. L. M. Hubby, Mrs. J. Hay ward, Mrs. W. H. Hayward, Mrs. H. Iddings, Mrs. J. Lyman, ]\Irs. Joseph Lyman, Mrs. C. W. Lepper, Mrs. Wm. :\Iittleberger, Mrs. H. Newberry, Airs. Stanley Noble, Mrs. Joseph Perkins, Mrs. J. M. Richards, Mrs. O. B. Skinner, Mrs. Southworth, Mrs. W.T. Smith, Mrs. W. E. Standart, Mrs. J. H. Sargent, I\Irs. Philo Scovill, soldiers' and sailors' monument. 451 Mrs. C. A. Tracy, Mrs. vS. Williamson, Mrs. Peter Thatcher, Mrs. J. H. Wade, Mrs. M. C. Yoiin^love. Assistants. Mrs. H. G. Abbey, Mrs. Hunt, IMrs. Dr. Arter, Mrs. A. M. Harman, Mrs. T. Bolton, Mrs. A, Foote, Mrs. W. J. Boardman, Mrs. T. M. Kelley, Miss Bixby, Misses Kellogg, Mrs. James Barnett, Mrs. S. A. Jewett, Miss x\nnette Barnett, Mrs. R. Lauderdale, ]\Irs. Beverlin, Mrs. H. H. Little, Mrs. John Crowell, Mrs. Dr. Long, Mrs. W^m. B. Castle, Mrs. Merritt, Mrs. Bradford, Miss Mahan, Mrs. S. W^ Crittenden, Miss . Pickands, ^Irs. C;eo. B. Ely, Mrs. J. T. Stevens, Mrs. A. Fnller, ^ Mrs. A. B. Stone, Mrs. E. F. Oaylord, Mrs. L.. Severance, Mrs. H. B. Hnrlbnt, Mrs. E. Thayer, Mrs. S. 0. (xriswold. Mrs. Dr. Thayer, Mrs. Dr. Hopkins, Mrs. Whitman, Mrs. G. A. Hyde, Mrs. R. C. Yates. Docioiicnt Clerks. Miss Annie Carter, Miss Belle Carter, Miss Annie Baldwin, Miss Nettie Brayton, Miss Carrie Grant, Miss Georgia Ciordon, Miss Helen Lester, Mrs. Geo. Mvgatt, Mrs. F. W\ Parsons, Miss Nellie Russell, Miss Mary Shelley, ^Vliss Sterling, Miss Stewart, Miss Lily W^alton, Miss Clara Woolson, Mrs. Willey, ]\Iiss X'aughan. 452 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY NORTHERN OHIO SANITARY FAIR EXECUTIVE COM- MITTEE. Chairnia7i. T. P. Handy. Secretaries. Mary Clark Brayton, H. M. Chapin, Ellen F. Terry. Peter Thatcher, Jr., Amasa Stone, Jr., Stillman Witt, Wm. B. Castle, Mrs. Chas. A. Terry, Mrs. Geo. A. Benedict, Mrs. S. Williamson, Mrs. L. M. Hnbbv, Mrs. Wm. B. Castle, Dr. J. S. Newberry, Joseph Perkins, George B. Senter, Samuel L. Mather, Mrs. B. Ronse, Mrs. Wm. Melhinch, Mrs. Lewis Burton, Mrs. J. A. Harris, Mrs. John Shelley, CHAIRMEN OF SPECIAL COINIMITTEES. Peter Thatcher, I. U. Masters, T. N. Bond, J. G. Hussey, M. C. Younglove, Wm. Bingham, J. V. N. Yates, H. F. Brayton, John N. Frazee, Mrs. Favette Brown, Mrs. A.'g. Colwell, William Edwards, Wm. J. Boardman, T. P. Handy, George Willev, D. P. Eells, John F. Warner, A. W. Fairbanks, Col. W. H. Hayward, Mrs. Dr. E. vSterling, ^ylrs. M. C. Younglove, ]\Irs. T. Burnham. ]MRS. BENJAMIN ROUSE. Rebecca Cromwell was born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 30, 1799. She married Benjamin Rouse in Boston, Aug. 12, 182 1 , and, after living a few years in New York City, removed in 1830 to Cleveland, Ohio, to engage in mis- sionary work under the auspices of the American Sundav School Union. The earlv vears of INIr. and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 453 ]\Irs. Rouse in Cleveland were devoted to unremitting, earnest work in the cause of religion, and in visiting the sick and poor. Mrs. Rouse earh' showed those qualities which distinguished her after-life. She was identified with the various charitable organizations in Cleveland — the Dorcas Society', the charities connected with the First Baptist Church, and the Cleveland Or- phan Asylum, whose president she continued for many years to be. Mrs. Rouse was elected president of the Northern Ohio Soldiers' Aid Society in April, iS6i, and held this office till the close of its operations. Gifted with a re- markable degree of native eloquence, ]\Irs. Rouse was able to stimulate the audiences whom she addressed in the interests of the Sanitary Commission to a point hardly to be reached by the most practiced orator. Her own loyal convictions and fervent sympathies were trans- lated into simple yet forcible language, intelligible to all who heard her. She visited Wheeling, \'a., in 1861, Louisville and Perryville, Ky., in 1862. In the latter year, she went with some other members of the society to Pittsburg Landing, on the second trip of the hospital steamer Lancaster, Xo. 2. The information she gathered dur- ing these journeys was connnunicated on her return to the societies of eager workers in Northern ( )hio. Mrs. Rouse's personality was undoubtedly a powerful element in the success of the Soldiers' Aid Societ)'. With her small, erect figure and shrewd, kindly coun- tenance, she conveyed the impression of quick intelli- gence and decision of character to all with whom she came in contact. Her nature was possessed of great strength, patience and endurance, which her delicate physical constitution hardly foretold. With the close of the Sanitary Commission operations, IMrs. Rouse's connection with ]Miblic charities ceased. 454 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY save that she continued as its president her active in- terest in the Orphan Asyhim. She died Dec. 23, 1887, peacefully, in the fullness of years, leaving behind her the record of a long life, worthily spent. :\iRS. willia:vi melhixch. Mrs. William IMelhinch, whose maiden name was Rosamond Spooner Dexter, was a native of Ogdens- burgh, New York, and came to Cleveland to live in 1850, Air. Melhinch being a commission merchant in this city. She was elected vice-president of the vSol- diers' Aid Society at its inauguration and continued in office throughout the War. Her special work lay in the superintendence of the hospital stores — in their recep- tion and repacking — and the influence of her joyous, sunny nature was felt not only by her associates, but by the soldier-visitors to the Aid Rooms to whose wants she ministered. Mrs. Melhinch died in Cleveland in 1888, after many years of grief and suffering. Her memory is honored by those friends who survive her for the loving nature and patient courage which she manifested under all circumstances of personal trial. She was the last to realize her own worth, or to believe herself entitled to commendation. MRS. JOHN SHELLEY. Clarinda Russell was born in Adams, N. Y., June 7th, 1820, and was married to Mr. Jolin Shelley, of Cleve- land, January 17th, 1840. Actively engaged from her early connection with Trinity Church, Cleveland, in the charities of that parish, she was known as a woman of ability in affairs and possessed of excellent judgment. In April, 1861, she was elected vice-president of the Soldiers' Aid vSociety, which office she held until early in 1863, when she tendered her resignation, upon her temporary removal from Cleveland. During her soldiers' and sailors' monument. 455 connection with the society, she gave it her time and the benefit of her practical knowledge in execntive matters. In the direction of the work room, and in the conncils of the office, she was always to be depended upon for calm, reasonable judgment, and unswerving devotion to the interests of the society. Mrs. Shelley died in Cleveland, August 27, 1877. MRS. lewis burton. Mrs. Lewis Burton, wife of Rev. Lewis Burton, Rector of St. John's Church, of Cleveland, West Side, succeeded Mrs. Shelley as vice-president. ^Irs. Burton's term of office extended to November i, 1864, when she resigned the position. Her services were most valuable to the Soldiers' Aid Society as representing its interests to members who living at a somewhat greater distance from the central office were yet among the most constant contributors to its stores. Airs. Burton was very faithful in the duties of her position, and her withdrawal was greatly regretted b\' her associates. MRS. JOSIAH A. HARRIS. Mrs. Harris was born in Egremont, Mass., in iSio^ and removed at an early age to Ridgeville, Ohio, with her parents. On her marriage in 1830 to Mr. J. A. Harris, she came to Cleveland, where she has since lived. Mr. Harris was connected with the Cleveland Herald during almost his entire life in this city and was distinguished by his literar\- appreciation and quick sympathies. Mrs. Harris has been connected with many forms of charitable work since her marriage, and has seen the growth of the city of Cleveland from its feeble beginnings to its present development. On the organi- zation of the Soldiers' Aid Societ>', she became one of its most active and valuable members, present almost every day at the store-room, engaged in the business of the special committee of which she was chairman^ 456 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY and also in attendance at the Soldiers' Home, when regiments were to be entertained, or an increased nnm- ber of sick Soldiers reqnired care. On the retirement of Mrs. Lewis Bnrton, Airs. Harris was elected Yice- president, November i, 1864, an office for which her long familiarity with the work of the societ\- and her devo- tion to its interests had pecnliarly fitted her. Mrs. Harris is still living in Cleveland, and in fnll sympathy with the charities with which her life has been asso- ciated. MARY CLARK BRAYTON. None who ever knew Mary Clark Brayton conld fail to be impressed with the strength and individuality of her character. Strong to bear, as she was quick to feel and prompt to act, her nature was marked by a depth and breadth which disclosed no symptom of over- growth, or partial development. This conscious power enabled her to assume and bear the burdens of lives in close association with her own, to hold them in sacred trust, so long as her ability to serve should last. At the outbreak of the War, her mind found in the Sanitary Commission work a field for the exercise of powers whose activity had been hitherto comparatively limited. It had noble work to engage her matured in- tellect, arousnig its resources and bringing into play her remarkable executive abilities, while touching the springs of passionate enthusiasm. Of the officers of the Soldiers' Aid Society, elected in April, 1861, to direct its work, none save Mrs. Rouse, the president, had b)een accustomed to public service, or, indeed, to trained work of any kind. As secretary of the Cleveland branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, Miss Brayton met the demands of an unprecedented and comprehen- sive office with quick resource and inexhaustible energy. Her correspondence with the five or six hundred soci- •eties which comoosed the Northern Ohio Soldiers' Aid soldiers' and sailors' monument. 457 Society exemplifies — perhaps more than any one thing — her intellectual resources. She maintained constant intercourse with each of them throughout the War, explaining to them the Sanitary Commission swstem, aiding in the solution of local difficulties, stimulating them with information from the seat of war, always en- couraging them with her own belief in the efficacy of the relief work. There are twenty-one volumes pre- served of the letters from these auxiliary societies, but the collection is incomplete without those of the secre- tary of the central office. In the interests of the su])ph- work, Miss Brayton visited Washington in 1861, at the time of the first battle of Bull Run, and again in 1862, when the great rotunda was filled with empty beds waiting for the wounded from the battle of Antietam, and the city hospitals were overflowing with patients. In April, 1862, Miss Brayton visited Nashville, where, on the fall of Fort Donaldson, a depot of supplies was established, and on the news of the battle of Shiloh, went down to Pittsburg Landing on the first steamer which carried relief to the wounded. In October, 1862, she visited, with ^Irs. Rouse, the hospitals at Perryville, and in May, 1863, accompanied Dr. Read, Sanitar)- Com- mission Inspector, to Louisville, Nashville and ]\Iur- freesboro. The history of the supply work Miss Brayton has herself recorded, with the operations of the vSanitary Fair. vShe was not less interested in the special relief service. With the close of the operations of the Soldiers' Aid Society, and the issuing of its final report in 1869, Miss Brayton's public service ceased; her na- ture, too deeply drawn upon, on its intellectual and emotional sides, needed temporary repose. That her subsequent life was clouded by illness and was all too brief, seems now but a tale that is told, since what she 458 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY hoped for has at last been realized, in God's own time and way. ]\Ieasured by time and in the light of hnman seeing, the life of Mar}' Clark Brayton seems sadly short, for she died in 1879; but measured by energy and work ac- complished, who can call it incomplete ? ELLEN FRANCES TERRY. Ellen Frances Terry was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on December 26, 1837, and was the daughter of Charles Augustus Terry, ^NI. I)., and Julia E. Woodbridge, his wife. On the organization of the Soldiers' Aid Society' in 1861, she was elected its treasurer, which office she held throughout the society's existence. Her duties com- prised not only those specially appertaining to her office, but the keeping of the records of receipts and disbursements of hospital stores. Her warmest interest lay in the special relief work, especially in the Soldiers' Home, built through the efforts of INIrs. Wm. JMelhinch and herself, and to which a large part of her time was devoted. The history of the special relief service in the final report of the society, with the accompanying detailed tables and the statistics of disbursements of stores, are Miss Terry's work. In 1872, Miss Terry left Cleveland upon the death of her parents, and in 18S1 accepted the office of general secretary of the State Charities Aid Association, of New York City. This ]30sition she held for two years, re- signing it, upon her marriage, in 1883, to Charles Fred- erick Johnson, M. A., Professor of English Literature in Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. SARA MAHAN. Sara Mahan was the daughter of the Rev. Asa Mahan, first President of Oberlin College. She was born May 4th, 1840, and early adopted the profession of a teacher, soldiers' and sailors' monument. 459 in which her success was very remarkable. She entered the office of the Soldiers' Aid vSociety, August, 1862, with an unusual equipment of methodical training and business experience. In the rush of impetuous ferx'or which, with its ])assion of generous giving, at times severely tried the resources of the Aid vSociety, such qualities as Miss Mahan possessed- were most valuable. In the printing office, where she acted as forewoman in charge of the amateur corps, she rendered most efficient service, as well as in the clerical work, which was her chief employment. The strain of these duties was severe, and from their effects Miss Mahan never entirely recovered. At the close of the War she took up other occupations, which her failing health compelled her to lay aside, one after another. But neither illness nor the sure deca>- of her physical nature could conquer the resolute will and indomitable courage. The end was long delayed, but came at last, on the twent>'-second day of Januar\-, 1875. Associated with Miss Mahan in her sanitar\- work, and in close friendship, was MRS. KM^L\ L. MILLER, whose connecti(jn with the Society extended from April, 1864, to October, 1865, wdien, at the strong recommenda- tion of the Cleveland Branch Sanitary Commission, she was appointed to the position of matron of the vState Soldiers' Home at Columbus, Ohio. On the establish- ment of the National Home for Disabled vSoldiers at Dayton, Ohio, she received the commission of matron, and has since that period performed the important and comprehensive duties of the office with the same energy, wisdom and executive ability that was indicated in the Sanitary Commission days. CARRIE P. VOUXCLOVE. Associated with the Soldiers' Aid vSocietv throusfh 460 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY almost its entire history, Miss YoungloYe, though not officially connected with it, must always be identified with its work. In the little Aid Room office, overseeing the body of youthful document clerks, setting up t>"pe at the forms in the third story of 89 Bank Street, she was constant to whateyer duties for the time engaged her, and brought into all her own personal enthusiasm. It was Miss Younglove who, by her personal efforts, aided in the establishment of the Sanitary Commission gardens in Tennessee, and who, yisiting them a \-ear later, when in successful operation, wrote from Chatta- nooga such charming accounts of the results. I\Iiss Youngloye accompanied the Sanitary Inspector, in 1863, on an extended tour of the hospitals in Kentucky and Tennessee, and her letters from yarious points yisited are remarkable for their viyid descriptions and general literary merit. She married Major Willard Abbott, of Rochester, X. Y., and now liyes in Cleyeland. MRS. PETER THATCHER. Mrs. Thatcher was born in Arlington, Mass., January 20th, 1820. She came to Cleyeland in 1850 with her husband, Peter Thatcher, a noted engineer and bridge builder. ]\Irs. Thatcher was one of the first yolunteers in the Sanitary Commission service, and the last to be mustered out at the close of the War. Unfailing in her attendance at the Aid Rooms, her important duties upon the Committee on Fruit and Groceries were scrupulously performed so long as the necessity for such services lasted. No picture of the old store-room at 95 Bank Street, in the minds of the survivors of that busy corps of workers, would be complete without the figure of Mrs. Thatcher. Quick, alert, cheerful, inde- fatigable, she was also as read\- for service at the vSoldiers' Home when occasion required. Her husband always remained the Soldiers' Aid Society's firm friend SOLDIKRS' AND SAII/)RS' M0XU.MP:XT, 461 and counsellor. vSince liis death, Mrs. Thatcher has continued to live in Cleveland, and is still interested in the local charities, with which she has been long con- nected — the Dorcas and Humane vSocieties and the Woman's College and Hospital. It has fallen to the only survivor of the office corps of the Soldiers' Aid Society to commemorate its work, and to prepare this memorial sketch of her associates. Those whose figures the panel has preserved do but typify the patriotism of the women of Northern Ohio in the War, and personal eulogy would do their memory wrong. This they neither desired nor felt it deserved, believing the cause they served worthy even the great price that was paid for it. To find their work worthy of record beside that of the Soldiers of the Union is all that the}' would claim. Ellkx Tkrrv Joiixsox. THE SISTER OK CHARITY. In the memorial panel devoted to the recognition of the valuable aid of the patriotic women of our county, the architect and sculptor fittingly includes and im- mortalizes a representative of the Order of the Sisters of Charity, whose work was for the whole country. In the midst of battle, wherever there was death or suf- fering, the kindly vSister was always to be found. With many of the women of the War, more or less of personal interest was mingled with patriotic fer\-or. Their love for the general cause was deeper because in- terpreted to them by individual sympathy for its de- fenders. In the hospital work of the vSisters of Charity this element was entirely wanting. Love for man as the creation of (rod's hand — not as brother, father, or husband — inspired them, and filled them with a divine compassion which had no root in personal feeling. Their work on battlefield and in hospital is too well 462 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY known to need recapitulation. Their name has become a synonym for devotion to the sick and wounded, irre- spective of flag, creed, or race — of cahn, unshrinking courage and limitless self-sacrifice. They represent on the Soldiers' Aid Society panel another side of the same great principle which animated home and cloister in those strenuous days. The devoted work of the Sisters of Charity during the War created for that band of heroic women the respect and admiration of every loyal American. LUCY WEBB HAYES. In this, the first memorial erected to the women of the War days, the thoughtful sculptor recognizes a daughter of Ohio, whose gracious womanhood may well be claimed by all its citizens. We are pleased to be able to give a full sketch of one of America's noblest and gentlest women: Lucy Webb Hayes was the only daughter of Dr. James Webb and Maria Cook, and was born at Chillicothe, Ohio, August 28, 1831. Both of her grand- fathers, three of her great-grandfathers, and two of her great-great-grandfathers served in the Revolutionary War in regiments of the Connecticut and Virginia Line. Awards of land made them in return for military service lead to the ultimate transfer of the family resi- dence to Kentucky and Ohio. Her father. Dr. James Webb, when quite young, served in the War of 181 2 as a member of the Kentucky Mounted Riflemen, and was a member of Ball's Squadron, which had several engagements with the Indians just south of Lower Sandusky, now Fre- mont, Ohio, prior to the memorable defense of Ft. Stephenson by Major Croghan on the 2nd of August, 1813. Dr. Webb died while at Lexington, Kentucky, whither he had gone from Ohio to arrange for manu- LUCY WEBB HAYES IN FIELD HOSPITAL AT FREDERICK, MARYLAND, AFTER BATTLE OF ANTIETAM, 1S62. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 465 mitting the slaves of his inheritance, with the intention of sending them to Liberia. This trip occnrred dnring the cholera scourge of 1S33, and, being a physician, he lingered among his old-time friends with a lovaltN' nnto death, giving them care and medical attendance until he himself was stricken fatally by the disease. Most of the years of Mrs. Hayes' childhood were passed with her mother at Chillicothe, and at the home of her grandfather. Judge Isaac Cook, who had served through the Revolutionary War in the regiment of his father, Col. Isaac Cook, of Connecticut, and had re- moved to Chillicothe, the first capital of Ohio, in 1791, and who for fifty years was one of the foremost men of his time, serving the vState in legislative and judicial positions for more than thirty years. After the death ot her husband, ]\Irs. Webb removed to Delaware, in order to be near the Ohio Wesleyan University, where her sons were being educated. Her estate was sufficient to give her children a careful education. Luc\' studied with her brothers and recited to the college professors. When her brothers began their studies in the medical college, she entered Wesleyan Female College at Cincinnati, the first chartered college for young women in America, and was graduated in the class of 185 1, being then in her nineteenth year. While living in Delaware, she had met young Rutherford I). Hayes, who was on a visit to the place of his birth. In a little over a year after the close of her school days, she joined hands, hearts and fortunes with the }-oung lawyer who had also settled in Cincinnati, and on the 30th of December, 1852, she became his bride. At the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, her family consisted of her husband, her mother, two brothers and her four little boys. Her husband and both of her brothers immediately entered the Army, and from that time until the close of the War her home 466 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY was a refuge for wounded, sick and furloughed Soldiers going to or returning from the front. She spent two Winters in camp with her husband, while he was colonel of the 23rd Ohio. The members of the 23rd first saw her at the camp of instruction at Columbus in June and July, 1861, saw her as they marched to take the cars for their first campaign in West Virginia. From that day until the dedication of the regimental monu- ment in Woodland Cemetery in 1865, they were conscious of her unremitting efforts for their comfort and their benefit. They well remember her numerous visits to the camps in Virginia, the light that accom- panied her, the cheery, joyous nature which softened every heart, the happy effect of the glowing face and sweet rich voice by the side of the wounded or the homesick boy. She was the ideal Mother; so when her baby boy died in camp, the whole regiment mourned with her, and provided a guard to carry the remains lovingly to Ohio for interment. She was at home during the bloody Antietam Cam- paign in 1862, in which the 23rd suffered so severely, her own husband being among the wounded. With what promptitude she made her way to the scene of action, with what energy she prosecuted her search for days through the various hospitals for her husband, and then, when he was found, how unselfishly were her ministrations bestowed upon all who suffered. She remained until the other wounded members of the regiment were able to be moved to Ohio ; then, after the farewell visit to the battlefield, she started for Ohio witli the convalescing officers and men of the regiment, accompanied by one assistant, and succeeded in placing them in their homes after a memorable trip. She afterwards spent the Winters of 62-63 and 63-64 with the regiment in camp, only leaving after the regiment had started on the memorable Sheridan Cam- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 467 paign of 1864, when with the sick, wounded and non- combatants she returned to Ohio, the regiment being cheered by the farewell in her own rich tones, which was w^afted to them as they ascended the mountains of Virginia. And at the close, when the plaudits of a grateful people greeted the returning veterans in the capital — the capital of a Nation indeed — she was there witnessing the bearing of her own brave boys, in the glowing pride of a true mother. The soldiers were all great favorites of hers, and as an illustration of their love, nothing more beautiful can show it than the silver plate presented to her by the members of the 23rd Regiment, O. V. I., at the time of her silver wedding, which was celebrated at the White House in 1S77. At the top of the plate is a representa- tion of the tattered regimental flags and the dates 1852- 1877. Under the inscription is a log cabin, a representa- tion of the one Col. and Airs. Hayes occupied while thev spent the winter in Western Virginia. Just below the flags, in a semi-circle, is inscribed : To THE Mother of Ours. From the 2p-d O. V. I. To thee, " (^ur Mother," 011 thy silver troth, We bring this token of our love, thy " boys" Give greeting unto thee with brimming hearts. Take it, for it is made of beaten coin. Drawn from the hoarded treasures of thy speech. Kind words and gentle, when a gentle word Was worth the surgery of au hundred schools. To heal sick thought, and make our bruises whole. Take it, " Our Mother," 'tis but some small part Of thy rare bounty we give back to thee. .\nd while love speaks in silver from our hearts. We'll bribe old Father Time to spare his gift. After the close of the War she accompanied her hus- band to Washington, while he was a member of Con- gress, and was one of the originators of the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, at Xenia, Ohio, 468 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY and on its Board of Directors prior to its adoption by the State. Upon the election of her hnsband as Gov- ernor of Ohio, she removed to Columbns, and during his three terms as Governor took an active interest in the charitable institutions of the State, particularly in the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. In 1877, she accompanied her husband to Washing- ton, and, at his inauguration as President of the United States, is thus described b}- Mary Clemmer : "Meanwhile, on this man, of whom every one in the Nation is this moment thinking, a fair woman between two little children looks down. She has a singularly gentle and winning face. It looks out from the bands of smooth dark hair with that tender light in the' eyes which we have come to assoi^iate always with the Madonna. I have never seen such a face reign in the White House. I wonder what the w^orld of Vanity Fair wall do with it? Will it friz that hair? powder that face? draw those sweet, fine lines away with pride? bare those shoulders? shorten those sleeves? hide John Wesley's discipline out of sight, as it poses and minces before the first lady of the land? What will she do with it, this woman of the hearth and home ? Strong as she is fair, will she have the grace to use it as not abusing it; to be in it, yet not of it; priestess of a religion pure and undefiled, holding the white lamp of her womanhood, unshaken and unsullied, high above the heated crowd that fawns, flatters and soils? The Lord in Heaven knows. All that I know is that Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are the finest looking type of man and woman that I have seen take up their abode in the White House." Mrs. Hayes' well known earnestness of conviction on the subject of temperance was inherited from her grandfather, Judge Cook, and from her mother, who was a woman of unusual strength of character and deep relig-ious convictions. The inherent feeling was fostered soldiers' and sailors' monument. 469 throughout her school-girl days. To her deep and in- born conviction it was her nature to be true through all the circumstances of her life. This high loyalty, shaped simply and naturally, and therefore consistently, was followed through all her years, in the ways of her home life, the manner of her hospitalities and her custom in society, as she moved through them, the wife of a pri- vate citizen, and during the twenty years of her hus- band's public life as a Union General, Member of Con- gress, a Governor of her native State, and the President of the greatest Nation of the world. At the time of her death, the Star of Washington contained the following, with reference to her life in that cit>-: "vShe was a woman of education and refinement. She understood the art of entertaining better than most women even in high social position do. She knew how to make the greater and the less alike feel perfectly at home and enjoy thenrselves when at her house. Few women would have attempted what she did successfully, to entertain entirely without the use of wines at table. It was well known to her that she must make up in some way for the absence of wine at diplomatic dinners, or must so arrange these occasions as not to make its absence in- appropriate. In her efforts to dispense with the use of wine she had the support of her husband, but the very active opposition of the vSecretary of State. It was a struggle between the Premier and the President's wife, and the latter, of course, won. But the scheme ^^Irs. Hayes devised to meet the difficulty was at once original and very clever. When the time arrived for the diplo- matic dinner, instead of the small assemblage of deco- rated diplomats in the state dining-room, she struck upon the idea of a large reception. "Tables were spread in the ordinary and the state dining-room, and in the oflfices and lobbies up-stairs, where one might sit or stand, as .she or he preferred. 470 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY A magnificent dinner was served, an abundance of everything that goes to make the finest banquet com- plete, except the wine. The impropriety of serving wine to such an assemblage was considered by Mrs. Hayes as excuse enough for not having it ; but she made up for its absence by the quality of the dinner. No expense was spared. This was the style of her diplomatic dinners during the whole four years." And the Post of Washington as follows: "Long be- fore she became first lady of the land was laid the foundation of a deep and sincere admiration. As the wife of a young lawyer, the Soldier, General, and the Governor of Ohio, she fulfilled her part, stood as help- meet and co-laborer with the same sweetness and grace that made hers one of the most memorable of White House reigns. Her success at the White House was marvelous, and was due to a combination of qualities, rare as it is delightful. A striking, brilliant face, a keen mentality and a gentle heart, made up a personality that weighed against political prejudices. It was this magnetic personality that conducted her safely, and with honor to herself and the Nation, through all the diplomatic and social pitfalls of her high position ; a kindly, cordial nature, of an unfailing sweetness and ready sympathy which transcend all the acquired graces of earth and grapple friendship with 'hooks of steel.' " After leaving Washington, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union presented her full-length portrait to be hung in the White House. Mrs. Hayes returned to her dearly loved home, Spiegel Grove, at the expiration of General Hayes' term as President in 1881, and re- sumed her active interest in her home and church. In her early childhood, she had joined the Methodist Church and remained a consistent member up to the day of her death. She was elected the first pres- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 471 ident of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church and gave much time to the duties of the office, attending the many meetings of the society in the different cities of the Union. She accom- panied her husband on his numerous trips to attend the meetings of the many educational, reformatory and charitable societies and associations with which he was connected, and was a regular attendant at the xA.nnual Reunion of the old 23rd Regiment and of the Army of West Virginia. She was an honorary member of the Society of the Army of West \'irginia, of the 23rd Regiment Association and a member of the Women's Relief Corps, whose badge was presented to her by the Department of Ohio, "in loving recognition of her distinguished services in behalf of the Union X'eteran and his children. April 18, 1888." She died at vSpiegel (yrove, June 25, 1889, while around her bedside were gathered her husband, her daughter and four sons. Her sons and nephews bore her body to the grave, and in accordance with her expressed wish the members of the Old Twenty-Third acted as the Guard of Honor, while the local Grand Army Post preceded the funeral cortege. The Sabbath succeeding the death of Mrs. Hayes, the eloquent Rev. George \\'. Pepper paid her memory the following touching and beautiful tribute in a ser- mon delivered by him in the Methodist Church at Ash- land, Ohio, before a crowded audience : "The last knell has tolled — the last psalm has been sung, the curfew of a noble life has soinided. The church she loved so well has breathed its sacred bene- dictions over her grave! A beautiful Christian life has become immortal. Her soul was like one of the grand cathedrals of the ages of faith, where you go from one shrine to another — each more beautiful than the last, each dedicated to some new virtue, until von reach the 472 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY iiiiieniiost shrine, and there are concealed the most sacred relics. We ha\'e seen this chnrch draped in mourning when the strength of manhood was struck down ! We haYe beheld the brightness and the beauty of youth with the Summer dawning upon its brow, checked in its flood — but ncYcr before haYe we felt so keenly the loss of one of the noblest of American women ! For her life was a grand illustration of Amer- ican practical wisdom, American hospitalit)', American womanhood and American patriotism. " ' The age of chiYalry is past,' exclaimed the philo- sophic Edmund Burke, in one of those great passages of his eloquence — eloquence which recalls the great im- mortals of the past — when his own noble nature flashed out in sacred indignation at the insult which France had offered to a beautiful woman. He was mistaken! Who that eYer heard these Soldiers tell with quiYering lips and cheeks wet with tears of the thousand generous and enthusiastic acts of kindness of the noble and gifted lady whom we haYe lost, rendered to them in the dark and the somber hours of war in the hospital, in the tent, upon the battlefield, without feeling and viYidly realizing that the age of chiYalry, the chiYalry of the heart, was not past, but liYcd and shone resplen- denth- in the life of Mrs. Hayes. They will tell you how she encouraged, cheered and inspired them! How her calm and hopeful words brought memories of home! How she transformed the bed of torture into one of flowers. "In the midst of a career of usefulness to the church and to the country, with the glowing prospects of life before her, she is snatched away from the husband whom she adored, and from children whom she loYed. That gallant heart of her husband, which ncYer quailed in battle — now prostrate with indescribable grief! Oh! what a tie of conjugal sympathy has burst asunder! soldiers' and SAILORS' MONUMENT. 473 what a beautiful vine has fallen ! And now that she has gone beyond the cedars and the stars — now that the passionate tears of friends are staunched — now that private love and public sympathy have shown their sorrow — now that the echoes of that winning voice upon which scores have hung enraptured will never greet mortal ears again, — let us not suppose that the splendid mind is crushed, or that the noble heart has ceased to beat its benevolent pulsations for the cause of humanity which is the cause of Christianity in its best and grandest signification." HOW THE MONEY FOR THE MONUMENT WAS EXPENDED AND PROVIDED — COST OF MEMORIAL. The Leader reporter, after an exhaustive examination of the books and accounts, thus shows how the money generously contributed by the tax-payers of the county was expended : "After the question, ' How much did it cost?' comes that of 'Where did the money go?' The funds used in the construction of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument went through a great number of channels and in a di- versity of ways. A portion of the work was done by contract, but by far the greater portion of it on the day's work plan. All of it was under the personal supervision of the members of the Commission. Some of them were on hand constantly to observe the progress of the con- struction, and no move of any consequence was made unless by their direction. During the first years of the existence of the Commission, little actual construction work was done, the preliminaries requiring a great deal of attention. When the plans had progressed suffi- ciently to permit of definite arrangements being entered into, permission was obtained from the Legislature to make use of unoccupied city property, and a studio was built in the rear of the City Hall for the use of the sculptors and architect. 474 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " The first voucher of the Commission upon the County Auditor was issued July 2, 1888, it being for an estimate of $185.93, ^^^ Andrew Dall, Jr., on brick-work. During the period including December 31, of the same year, 155 vouchers were issued, involving a total ex- penditure of $6,020.97. These covered the wages of several sculptors, models, and clay modelers, and sup- plies of various sorts for the studio, besides the other expenses of the studio work. This part of the work paid several comfortable salaries during the first four or five vears after actual operations began. There were three sculptors, assistants to Capt. Levi T. Scofield, who made the clay models from which the figures in the various groups were formed, two of whom were paid $40, and the third $35 per week. A clay modeler, at $3.50 per day, was employed for a long time, and in addition there were a number of living models, who posed for the figures in the various groups and panels. These were of both sexes, and were employed as the necessity arose, except in the case of one, Timothy Fogarty, who has been in the employ of the Commis- sion as model and man-of-all-work ever since work was started. " When another year had rolled around, the vouchers issued numbered 535, with an expenditure of $22,999.31 for the year 1889, making a total of $29,020.28. The first payment for bronze work was made on May 14, 1889, when Bureau Bros., bronze founders, of Philadel- phia, received the first estimate of $800 on the infantry group. On September 17, 1889, an estimate of $4,000 was approved for Bureau Bros., on the infantry group, and another of $2,000 for the Ames Manufacturing Com- pany, on the artillery group. The Ames Manufacturing Company received a second estimate on November 12, 1889, of $2,500 on the cavalry group, and Bureau Bros, received $3,000 on the infantry group on December 10 soldiers' and sailors' monument. 475 of the same year. A short time later. Bureau Bros, re- ceived $2,000 more on the infantry group, and on May 10, 1890, that firm received an additional $400 on the same contract. "The first payment for the marble was on June 27, 1890, when the Baynes Tracery and Mosaic Company, of New York, received $1,947.71 on the marble tablets containing the names of the Soldiers. On July 3, of the same year, payment of $766.04 was made on the tablets, and other vouchers on the same pieces were approved in rapid succession for some time, the total cost of the tablets being $11,161.98. Bills for stone, bronze and marble, and material not contracted for, used in the construction of the Monument, flowed in rapidly from this time. On December 30, 1890, voucher No. 915 was approved, and the aggregate then reached $54,- 610.03. "The thousand mark was passed in 1891, and voucher No. 1272, for the services of Lewis Morroni, clay mod- eler, $21, was approved on December 29. The total expenditures of the Commission were now $92,762.13. When December 27, 1892, was reached, the final meet- ing of the Commission for that year was held, and voucher No. 1401 was approved. This brought the ex- penses so far incurred up to $136,265.03. " Payments on the bronzes had been made with fre- quency during the year, and that item of expense was well out of the way. The cost of the various pieces was as follows : Bureau Bros., the Amazonian statue of Lib- erty, the capital of the shaft, and pedestal of the statue, seven bronze busts, four trophy panels for the outside groups, and four bands to surround the shaft and con- tain the names of the principal battles participated in by Cuyahoga County Soldiers, $20,000 ; infantry group, 'The Color Guard,' $11,000; interior panels, $5,500; the Ames INIanufacturing Company, of Chicopee, Mass., 4/6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the artillery group, $6,000 ; cavalry group, $6,985 ; four bronze doors, four grill doors, two eagles, etc., $12,100; American Bronze Company, of Chicago, navy group, ' Mortar Practice,' $4,850. " Voucher No. 1606 was reached on December 30, 1893, w^hen the aggregate amount paid out reached $238,134.29. The expenditures of the year 1893 were the heaviest in the history of the Monument, $101,- 869.26 being paid out. The total cost of the Monument up to June 4, 1894, was $272,835.78, which was divided as follows: sculptors, $19,390.85; living models, $2,879; plaster modelers, $4,387.79 ; materials and patterns, $4,464.05; building and incidentals, $19,520.62; bronze, $68,872.73; marble, $25,525.16 ; stone, $18,228.17; mis- cellaneous, $7,919.81 ; material for construction, $99,- 969.13; interest, $1,678.47. " Among the items of the cost of the ^Monument, the expenses of the litigation with the City and with indi- viduals take a comfortable slice. The sum of $2,500 was required to cover this item alone. There were no Court costs to pay, as the Commission won its case, but there were attorneys to provide for, and some minor bills for printing and clerical work to liquidate. The case of the ^Monument Commission was placed in the hands of Judge J. M. Jones and Loren Prentiss, Esq. The services of Colonel A. T. Brinsmade were also made use of, but the latter refused to receive any compensa- tion. Mr. Prentiss entered on the case, intending to give his services free, as it was then thought that the litigation would be brief. It was soon seen, however, that the Commission had a long fight ahead, and Mr. Prentiss was properly recompensed for his efforts in behalf of occupying the southeast section of the Public Square as a site for the Monument. He was paid several fees, ranging from $100 to $250 each, the aggregate being in the neighborhood of $1,000. Judge Jones was paid for soldiers' and sailors' monument. 477 his services at one time, receiving $1,239, of which $39 was for incidental expenses. Another item in the cost was that of electrical appliances, the heaters, the elec- trolier, and chandeliers, costing $6,000. The granite shaft, which weighs in the neighborhood of 140 tons, and consists of ten immense blocks, cost $4,250, and was furnished by Joseph Carabelli. The platforms and steps cost $15,961.45." The entire cost of the Memorial and its surroundings^ including interest on the anticipated collection of taxes, aggregate in round figures $280,000. Not a dollar of this amount has passed through the hands of the Com- mission, all moneys being collected by the County Treasurer, and paid out by him on warrants drawn by the Count}' Auditor, when ordered so to do in writing by the Monument Executive Committee and its Secre- tary. The sum of $270,000 was raised by public taxation; $7,750 from interest on money in the county treasury pending the erection of the Monument, loaned out tO' banks by the Commission; and $2,250 from advertise- ments on the fence surrounding the Memorial during its construction. Total, $280,000. The erection of the Memorial was handled with con- summate skill by our careful and reliable contractors,. Col. A. McAllister and Mr. Andrew Dall. We are deeply gratified to be able to say that from the begin- ning of the work until its close, they performed their important part so judiciously that not a life or limb was lost ; neither was any part of the Memorial broken or injured, — another proof that the Lord looked with favor on our undertaking, in addition to the fact that master builders did highly creditable work. The contractors for bronze, granite, marble, tablets, windows, stone and all other work did their respective parts to the satisfac- tion of the Commission. \\\ . 'v\\}' i>»:nK vrouv i-:\kkcisi:s— riiK travkks, sn:i;ciiKS, soxr.s ANo roKM — ■rui>: ArrKARANCi-; oi-^ vwi: v,rrv. I""!!!-' I'Milov of iho /'Iain /^enhr was onthusiastio ox'or the ilcilioator\ exorcises. llovo is what ho said : " 'Plio momiui; oi llic I'ouvih was ilclii^lutul, and all ila\ iluMo was a s;ood breeze tVom the lake. If the day luul been made to order it eonld not ha\e been more charminv;. "When the bands strnek \ip in the S^nare at o o'clock, thonsands oi people were present to listen to the mnsic as it tilled the air. It was manliest that all Xa- tnre had conspired with the people to make the day memorable for its beanty and the celebration. ''The school children, in ^av attire, with tla^s in their hands, tilled the vast amphitheater, and b\- their soni;s and appearance made a chaimini; featnre of the da\ . Mr. SteWvirt was at his best, and called out mnch praise for the part he did in bringing the children ont. "It was a strand si^ht to behold; the thonsands of children embowered with the red, white and bine tlags, the old Soldiers standini^- above them as sentinels, em- blems of the past, \el li\in^ witnesses of the heroic decvls b\ which the I'nion was saved; then tar out be- Nond. the uptuined taces of the people, who had gath- cred b\ thonsands to commemorate this most glorious da\ in the history oi this countrw while the\- assisted in iledicatinvi the Monument, erected ti^ the memor\ ot their kindred who tou^ht to save the I'nion. Sol.DII'.KS' AND S.\II,()US' M( )Nli.M I'.NT 79 " TIk- (lis|)()silioii ol llic people \v;is as clu'c'iinl and l()Vfl\ as tile (la\', and when (ioncmkh McKinIe\ rose to S])C'ak, it was soon made manilesl that the eiowd was glad lo j^ic-et liini and lieai liini. 'iMie ( '.o\(rnor was at his hest, and his speech is Inll ol elo(pient |)assaj;fs, pal riol ism and s< >\\\\i\ sense. " 'iMie leadin;^ ol llie l)eelaralion of I ndependi nei- l»y lion. V'ir.uil 1'. Kline could not have been doni- hi'ller, lor he l)elie\'es evei \' word ol that ^Teal state paper, and he made it decpK iinpnssi\c l)\' his exec llenl voiec- and his sineeiit V. "The orator of the da\', c\'-( loxernor I-'oraker, never appeared lo i^realei adxanlai^e or hefore a ;^rander audi- ence. His oration was lull ol hiillianl passages that sparkled with keen taet, insivjit and iMiiins. Read the oration and \ on will he proud ol the speaker and the Slate- whieh he honors. II he pricks \'ou |)olil icalK , it will he wit h a keen hlade. "('.raild as were the speeches, lhe\' were iMpiukd 1)\' llie mavMiiliceut displax of the paiade. The citi/ens of Clevidaud had .in ohjc-ct lesson ill the industrial and commercial exhihits siu'li as sliouhl mal;e them proud of their cit w liundi'cds said, as the ;.^ie;it procession ])assed : ' W'e did not know Cdevclaud could make such a dis])lay.' It was hut the loictasle of the- (ireater Clevcdand. ".All honoi to the old Soldiers. Woids of ours i-an never do them justice. VVc coidd liiil lli.tiik ( iod and take com .i;^e as tlie\' nrii('lie(l ihiomdi the stret-tsin such t^oodls niMuheis, settiii;^ c-\amph- to the N'onn^er comp.iuies who hoi'- lheniS(d\c'S so well. W'r cannot \>^() into p.n I i( iilars, (or ever\ military conipan\' deserves <^reat ( ledil, .is w( II as the ci\ ic- socii-lies for ^ivin^' aid, comloit ,iiid siH'cess to this ;.Mand ccli'hrat ion. "To the- merchants, lo ihe manufac-lnrers, to the old vSoldiers and the ycjung vSoldiers, to tlie civic societies, 480 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY to the orators of the day, to the Council, to the Board of Control, to the School Council, to the children, the Mayor and all the people, we extend congratulations for what they did to make the celebration of the Fourth of July, 1894, the grandest success ever witnessed in Cleveland." The Leader editorially expressed its opinion of the celebration in manner following: "Cleveland's big Fourth of July celebration was all that it had been expected to be. The weather, the great crowds of sightseers from other places, the happy multitudes in the streets, the music, the eloquent ora- tions, the impressive exercises in connection with the dedication of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, the illumination, the decorations of the city, in fact all the arrangements for the day, and the execution of the plans could hardly have been better. " The procession was one of the largest and finest in the history of the city, and in the bright sunshine, tem- pered by such a lake breeze as few places can boast, even the grayest of the old veterans swung along with the tread of their warrior days. The floats and deco- rated wagons made an impressive demonstration of the industrial resources of Cleveland, and the whole line moved with admirable order and promptness. " Everybody who contributed to make the Independ- ence Day which marked the dedication of the war Mon- ument of Cuyahoga County a splendid success is to be congratulated. A big task was undertaken in the face of the disadvantages of industrial depression, and it was carried through in a style which will be remembered to the credit of the men who bore the heaviest responsi- bilities, as well as to the honor of the city." The Leader locally said : " Cleveland has seen several great days since the Con- necticut survevor landed at the mouth of the Cuvahoga soldiers' and sailors' monument. 481 River, and yesterday was one of them. Realization sur- passed anticipation. Fact, for once at least, outstripped fancy. Even Nature seemed to have taken an especial interest in the occasion, for from her large and well selected assortment of summer days, she could hardly have chosen one more ideally suited to the patriotic pro- gram which had been arranged for it. Nothing was lacking to make the dedication of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, and the celebration of Independence Day a great success. Nature not only did all that could be asked of her, but those upon whose executive talent the success of the several features of the day depended also arose to the height of their oppor- tunity. "Crowds began to gather shortly after the welcoming of the sun with the thunder of artillery, and by 9 o'clock, when the regular program was opened by the concert of the Great Western Band and the yacht race upon the unruffied lake, the Square and the entering streets were thronged with humanity. At 9:30 o'clock, when 3,000 school children took their places in the great amphi- theater, and lifted their trained voices in patriotic song, the scene was inspiring in the highest degree. The wilderness of decorations as far as the eye could reach, the canopy of fluttering flags, the vast concourse, and the chief figure of the scene, the great Monument with its silent eloquence, all combined to arouse the most ardent emotions. Several songs were sung by the chil- dren, and no feature of the day made a more lasting im- pression. The introductory address of Governor Will- iam McKinley, like all the public utterances of that eminent statesman, met every requirement, and both his presence and his words called forth the utmost en- thusiasm. That other brilliant son of Ohio, ex-Gov- ernor Joseph B. Foraker, the orator of the occasion, delivered a masterly effort, pointing out in a most im- 482 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY pressive manner the lesson of patriotism taught by the ]\Ionnment. The reading of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, without which a Fourth of July celebration would not be complete, was finely done by \'irgil P. Kline, Esq., while a meritorious poem was presented by Rev. Levi Gilbert, D. D. During the progress of the dedicatory exercises, as in fact throughout the day, the interior of the Monument was visited by many people. "In the presence of a multitude such as has rarely as- sembled in the Public Square, with ceremonies most impressive, and amid surroundings of the greatest beauty, the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument was dedi- cated yesterday morning. The section of the Public Square across Superior Street from the Monument had been chosen as the place for holding the exercises. In it had been built an amphitheater and in this was seated the chorus of 3,000 school children, and half as many special guests, nearly all of them Soldiers and the widows of Soldiers. South of the amphitheater, and facing the Monument, was a finely decorated stand with a red and white canopy. During the exercises this stand was occupied by Governor McKinley, ex-Governor Foraker, Mayor Blee, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Mr. L. E. Holden, Judge S. O. Griswold, of Windsor, Conn., to whom is ascribed the distinction of having drafted the original law constituting the Soldiers' and Sailors' Mon- ument Commission ; Director W. J. McKinnie ; Adju- tant General Howe, of Kenton; General Ebright, of Akron; Colonel J. C. Bomner, of Toledo ; Colonel H. C. Sherrard, of Steubenville ; Colonel S. L. Mooney, of Woodsford ; Colonel Horace E. Andrews, all members of Governor McKinley's staff; Professor Charles F". Olney, Judge E. T. Hamilton, Hon. A. J. Williams, Rev. Dr. D. H. Muller, Mr. A. P. Winslow, Mr. W. J. Akers, Hon. V. A. Taylor, Mr. James McHenry, Mr. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 483 James Lavati, (ieneral J. J. Elwell, General James Bar- nett, Judge J. F. lUirkett, of Findlay, and Judge F. J. Dickman, members of the vSupreme Court of the .State ; Colonel Emory W. Force, Dr. R. W. Walters, Hon. T. E. Burton, .Mr. P. H. Kaiser, Mr. A. C. Hord, Mr. W. M. Day, Treasurer of .State W. T. Cope, Secretary of State S. M. Taylor, Hon. O. J. Hodge, Hon. John P. Green, Major W. W. Armstrong, vSergeant James Hayr, Major W. J. Gleason, Captain Levi F. Bander, Mr. Thomas Reilley, Mr. F'. C. Bate, Councilman Walter I. Thompson, .School Councilman Martin House, Mr. H. M. Addison, Rev. Dr. Levi Gilbert, Mgr. T. P. Thorpe, Hon. Amos Townsend, General Manning F. Force, of Sandusk\-, vSuperintendent of the .Soldiers' Home in that city; Mr. Charles T. Caldwell, of Parkersburg, W. Va.; I\Ir. Silas ^Merchant, Colonel C. C. Dewstoe, Cjcneral M. D. Leggett, Captain J. B. Molyneaux, Captain Edward H. Bohm, Mrs. Levi T. Scofield, Mrs. W. J. (xleason, the Misses Agnes, Katherine, Alma and F^lorence Gleason, Mrs. Lena Springsteen, Mrs. Lois Knauff, Mrs. John Eisenmann, Mrs. Esther M. Harris and Mrs. Sarah Adams Estabrook Thatcher. The two last named ladies are survivors of the Sanitary Commission, which did such noble work for the .Soldiers when the Rebellion was at its height. When in the course of the exercises they were introduced b\- Governor McKinley, they were recei\'ed with the utmost enthusiasm. Airs. Thatcher is the widow of the late Peter Thatcher, and Mrs. Harris is the widow of Josiah A. Harris. As the occupants of the speakers' stand appeared the\- were greeted with applause. Mrs. Springsteen and Mrs. Knaufif appeared with two big baskets of flowers for the two central figures of the occasion, the Governor and the ex- Governor. The recipients of the floral tributes smiling- ly bowed their acknowledgments, and ex-(rovcrnor Foraker said, ' We thank you, ladies.' 484 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Stretching away before the company in the stand was one of the largest andiences ever assembled in Cleveland. The crowd extended in an almost nnbroken mass across Snperior Street and over the strip of park which surrounds the Monument. The Monument ter- race was filled and the crowd extended far into Superior and Ontario Streets. Every window of the big build- ings which surround the Square was filled with specta- tors. The decorations were the most beautiful that have been seen in the Public Square. Lines of small flags extended to the top of the electric light mast in the center of the Square, the buildings were a mass of decorations and bright colors, and Chinese lanterns were strung among the trees. " In the dedicating services, there were prayers which were impressive, addresses which were inspiring, music which was soul-stirring, and an audience patriotic and enthusiastic to the last degree." The brilliant reporter of the Plain Dealer furnishes this word-painting gem : " Surrounded by silvery-haired men who had marched forth as beardless youths a third of a century ago at the Nation's call to arms, in the presence of honored sons who, on the field of battle, in the halls of legislation, and in the executive chair of the State had proved their manly worth, surrounded by troops of merry children to whom the story of Gettysburg and Vicksburg were the same as Bunker Hill and Valley Forge, lessons of the school room and fireside, with the pomp and pageantry of military display and the evidences of peaceful occu- pations, the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument was formall)- and gloriously dedicated yes- terday. " The event was a notable one in many respects. Among the grandest memorials which now commemo- rate the deeds of 1 861-5 throughout the length and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 485 breadth of the land, the Cuyahoga Memorial is probably the last great monolith to be lifted in honor of the men who went forth to battle in that great cause. " That time had made many strides since the events which this great shaft commemorated was plainly evi- denced b\' the appearance of the men who had taken part in that glorious struggle. The grizzled liairof Private Joseph Benson Foraker bore little resemblance to the raven locks of the gallant message bearer who rode with Sherman before Atlanta. Governor William Mc- Kinley bore on his strongly developed brow many fur- rows which were not there when he shouldered his mus- ket in the ranks of that Ohio regiment of which he soon became the major. " General Barnett, Chaplain Mitchell, ( jcneral Elwell and many others of the distinguished men upon the platform on the Square showed only too well what years of service in the field and a generation of active life since had done, while of the gayly epauletted and aiguletted members of the Governor's staff, many were children in their teens when Grant was storming Vicks- burg and Meade and Hancock were driving Lee and Ivongstreet from Little Round Top and the field of Gettysburg. " That the lessons of that day were not forgotten, that the flag for which these heroes fought had in- creased in luster even as its stars had multiplied in number, that the hopes and aspirations of the Nation were as dear and sacred now as then, no one who wit- nessed yesterday's ceremonial can doubt. That the Nation that was born 118 years ago and saved from in- ternal disruption a third of a century ago is still the idol of the people's heart and the object of their great- est love was made manifest to all. That alone was worth all the trouble, all the sacrifice that the celebration cost, and was after all the greatest lesson it had to tell. 486 HISTORY OK THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY " Never before did a Fourth of July open with s^^reater promise and never was that jtroniise of meteorological perfection better maintained. " From an almost cloudless sky, the sun arose o\-er a city decked forth in holiday attire. A cool and refresh- ing breeze swept over it from the lake, setting every piece of bunting in the city in a flutter and stretching everv flag into the appearance of a metal emblem stiff against the sky. " And what myriads of flags there were ! " Never did a city look more joyous. From every business house down town, and in front of almost every private residence throughout the verdure-clad city, there bloomed forth some evidence of loyalty and joy. From the top of the Hickox building, down town streets seemed fluttering ribbons of color leading toward the vSquare like garlands on a May-pole. "It was in the Public Square that all interest cen- tered, and here the color scheme reached its climax. Everv building was emblazoned with national colors and made resplendent with many colored flags. Over all, like the frame-work of an open canopy, were the gav streamers radiating like spokes of a wheel from the top of the tall light mast in the center. " By 8 o'clock in the morning the crowds had begun to gather. The Monument itself, with its fringe of variegated plants, never seemed more worthy of admi- ration. From the tall goddess, silhouetted against the sky, to the life-like group about the base, the great shaft attracted the admiration of hundreds of visitors all dur- ing the morning. "The sun shone forth strong and hot in spite of the morning breeze, and the crowds soon sought shelter under the protection of the trees and awnings, while about the Square a myriad of umbrellas shot up like mushrooms after a sunnner shower. SOLDIKRS' AND SAll.OkS' MOXT;.MI-:xT. 487 "Tlie great amphitheater alone remained unfilled, and rose in vivid whiteness above the sea of people that swarmed about it. "The Committee of Arrangements is bus\' now in re- ceiving such guests as are entitled to seats in the all too contracted stand in front, and the members of Army and Navy Post, each member carrying the guidon of the regiment to which he belonged, take places on the top of the amphitheater like sentries on a bastion. " Twenty thousand people now swarm like bees about the vSquare, while the fluttering flags beat tattoos against the staffs around the stand. " Ever)' building has its quota of people, and men hang about the cornices of the Cuyahoga and Society for Savings like beads on a silken cord. Each window frames a group of people also, and the bright summer costumes of the ladies ever)-where impart life and color to the scene. " Soon Cjovernor .McKinley, escorted by Mayor Blee, appears, followed by the members of his military staff. Adjutant General Howe, with a yellow sash across his broad chest, leads them, and Colonel Horace A. An- drews makes his appearance with his fellow officers, handsomer than ever in his gold-braided uniform. He is the youngest member of the staff present, with the exception of Colonel Harry vSherrard, the vSteubenville member. "Ex-Governor Joseph \i. Foraker follows. He has no staff, but he is speedily recognized by the crowd, and evokes a cheer that neither the little Napoleon nor his military attaches can equal. " There are members of the Supreme Court, members of the Monument Commission, the Chaplain of the Day, the Monsignor of the Roman Catholic Diocese, the Mayor and other dignitaries crowded together in a lamentably insufficient space, but all objects of interest 488 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY to the sweltering crowds beneath. It is after 9 o'clock when the children begin to arriYe and take their places on the raised tiers of seats proYided. Prof. N. Coe Stewart is at their head, and they assume their places with a precision that calls forth applause on the part of the old Soldiers present. The leader puts them through a short drill previous to the opening. ' Umbrellas closed,' he calls from his stand in the foreground, and hundreds ■of parasols are closed, revealing a picture of beauty worthy of any stage. The boys are arranged in the central division, flanked by the girls like the dark cen- tral part of some great flower. " It was as though some great floral emblem had been tilted up to the view of the audience. No old-fashioned garden ever showed a greater variety of color than this. And nothing else than a flower garden seemed worthy of comparison with it. Like a flash the dark curtain of umbrellas was swept away, revealing a mass of bright faces in a sea of foaming wdiite gowns with splashes of crimson and scarlet and gold. Never had those jewels of Cleveland, her school children, looked lovelier, and, as under Prof. Stewart's wand they uncovered their heads, there was a fluttering of color like the weaving of a forest in the full grandeur of its Autumnal beauty. " The gayly-decked speakers' stand, with its comple- ment of noted men and gorgeous uniforms, no longer held the public eye. Every face was turned toward the display of youthful animation on the amphitheater. " Finally the Great Western Band struck up 'Colum- bia.' The conductor waved his baton. Every child was up. Another wave and the national air is taken up "by 3,000 voices and carried far out over the heads of the surging mass of people who fill the Square like figs in a box. The chorus is repeated again and again in response to the applause, and then someone is seen to rise in the stand l)elow and the formalities have bes^un. :.itJI soldiers' and sailors' monument. 489 " Meanwhile the children are waiting for the opening prayer to close, and again at the Professor's beck they rise and onr ' Bonnie Bine Flag' bnrsts forth : " ' We will wave our l)oiuiie flag And fling it to the breeze, Emblem 'tis of liberty On land and on the seas.' "With this, 3,000 flags, heretofore invisible, flntter over 3,000 little heads, and in rhythmic time are wav- ing to the mnsic. It was a sight to stir the patriotism from the heart of the bronze statue of Libert)' on the big Monnment, and the old vSoldiers in the crowd break forth in raptnrons applanse as the cascade of color flashes and sparkles in the sunlight. " It is many minntes before the applanse snbsides. Governor McKinley is introdticed and the ceremonies of the day are fairh' nnder way. " THE PROGRAM OF THE DAY. " The speakers' stand was small and quite crowded with the speakers, Oovernor McKinley's staff, the Mon- nment Commission, the Oeneral Celebration Committee, the Reception Committee, and invited guests. A few of the Commissioners and guests arrived before 9 o'clock, but it was half an hour later before anything occurred to stir the attention of those who had been contemplat- ing the assembling of the great mass of people in front of the stand where McKinley and Foraker were to recall the deeds of heroic Soldiers and to renew the patriotism of the people. Promptly at 9:30 o'clock the Reception Committee escorted Governor McKinley and ex-Gov- ernor Foraker and the Governor's military staff. These distingtiished men approached the forum and ascended to it before the people became aware of their presence. Governor McKinley appeared at the entrance to the stand before the crowd discovered him. Major W. J. Gleason, upon behalf of the Commission and Commit- 490 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY tees, received the distinguished party. The Governor was closely followed b)' the ex-Governor, who walked proudly and with an elastic step. As soon as the peo- ple caught sight of them a cheering was set up. The old Soldiers, members of Army and Navy Post, Grand Army of the Republic, who were on guard duty at the grand stand, by invitation of the President of the Com- mission, expressed their enthusiasm by waving their bannerets and swinging their hats. This Post turned out one hundred and twent}' strong; and, with their hand- some uniforms and soldierly bearing, made a splendid appearance. The school children were not yet in their places, but the veterans made their applause heard. Governor McKinley bowed and waved his hand in ac- knowledgment. When his distinguished companion turned to acknowledge the salutation, the applause was renewed. "A few minutes after the gubernatorial party arrived, the immense chorus of school children, under the leadership of Prof. N. Coe Stewart and the Great West- ern Band, took their places on the grand stand. The sight of about 3,000 school children taking their places, their beaming faces, the airy garments of the little girls and the touches of red, white and blue from the flags each child carried and tried to keep out of sight until the proper time, was an inspiring picture. While the children were arranging themselves, the Band played patriotic music. Shortly before 10 o'clock, Prof. Stewart got his singers in position, and at a signal, parasols and sun umbrellas, which had hidden the little girls from view, were closed and put away. The children removed their hats while they sang ' Columbia.'' Before they had finished, the party in the speakers' stand began applauding. This was taken up by the people sitting in front of the singers, then by those on the Superior .Street side ; thence it traveled across the street and was soldiers' and sailors' monument. 491 taken up by the thousands who stood on and around the pile of marble and bronze which all had come to dedicate. "'It is a beautiful sight,' remarked (rov. McKinley, whose eyes kindled as he clapped his hands and waved the manuscript he held in one of them. There was no hesitancy in the singing of the children. The pure voices were strong, well controlled and aye, defiant, too, on those passages where natural feeling produced it. The youthful singers, man)' of them old enough to appreciate the full significance of the occasion, were not half-hearted in rendering their part of dutiful service to the memory of those who founded the Nation and those who fought and preserved it before it had been in exist- ence a century. While they sang the chorus, the chil- dren waved the flags which they had been so careful to hide when they came to their places, and this added greatly to the effect. The man whose emotions could not be stirred by such a scene must indeed be without country, without home, without human sympathy and without heart, an animal in the form of man, but with- out soul. '' Hefore the echoes of the ap])lause had died away, Mesdames Springsteen and Knauff came with the love- ly baskets and cut-flowers and handsome bouquets, bearing the best wishes of the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of Soldiers to the ex-vSoldiers who were to pronounce the words of dedication." Ten minutes after the band music and singing b}- the children, the Rev. Dr. John ^Mitchell, a constant friend of the Monument, one of the fighting chaplains of '61, now Chaplain of the Fifth Regiment, stepped forward, bared his head, stretched forth his hands and called for the divine blessing upon the services about to begin. In fervid tone he asked for the blessing in the following words : O Lord, our heavenlv Father, almightv and ever- 492 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY lasting God, look down from thy throne and behold thy people assembled this day in thy presence. Most heartily we beseech thee to look upon us with thy gracious favor and to bless lis. We thank thee for thy goodness to us and to all men. We do most heartily confess and repent of all our sins, we are sorry that we have not lived to a better purpose, therefore blot out all our transgressions and remember them no more against us forever. We thank thee for this day and its memories, we thank thee that thou hast been with this Nation from the beginning. Thou hast brought it through trial and trouble and guided its affairs with thy own loving hand. Continue to watch over it, and greatly bless and prosper it. Make this Nation a glorious Nation whose God is the Lord. We thank thee for the occasion that brings us to- gether, — the dedication of this Memorial to the memory of brave men living and dead, who in the hour of need stood in the heat of battle for the country and the flag they loved. Remember graciously the surviving veterans. Keep them in peace and prosperity ; and may they be en- shrined in the hearts of a grateful people, and may the glorious deeds wrought by them inspire a spirit of patriotism in all hearts. Take the widow and orphan into thy own loving care, take away the tears from their eyes and the sorrow from their hearts. Bless him who presides over this Nation, give him wisdom to rule in righteousness, and may he seek to know and do thy will. Remember the Governor of our own State, give him wisdom and direct him in all things. Let this day be one of joy and gladness, and let sorrow come to no heart. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 493 Guide in all things, and we will give thee all the glory through Jesns Christ, our Lord and Saviour. — Amen. "Our Bonnie Flag" was sung by the children. In singing the chorus, they beat the time of the music with flags. The thousands of flags moved in perfect unison, a great mass of the national colors, and the pretty effect was greeted with cheers and applause. In presenting Governor AIcKinley as the President of the day. Mayor Robert Blee, Chairman of the Com- mittee of Arrangements, said : " Ladies and gentlemen and fellow citizens, in order that as many as possible may hear the speeches that are to be delivered on this occasion, it is necessary that quiet be preserved. I now have the great pleasure of introducing to you our own Governor, Hon. William McKinley, as President of the day." "Our own Governor" was a sentiment which caught the crowd, and they lost not a moment in manifesting their appreciation of it. Governor McKinley, with his suit of somber black, his Prince Albert coat buttoned, advanced to the front of the stand, and the crowd greeted him with enthusiasm. Three cheers were given for him, and they were repeated before he had said a dozen words. In a calm and dignitied address he spoke to the crowd of the significance of the day and the Memorial, and his patriotic sentiments found a ready response in the hearts of his hearers. The Governor's appearance was greeted with enthu- siastic cheers and applause. After bowing his thanks, he said: Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County\ my Comrades and Fellozc Citizens: I wish the whole world might have witnessed the sight we have just seen and have heard the song we have just listened to from the school children of the 494 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY City of Cleveland. With patriotism in our hearts and with the flag of our country in our hands, there is no danger of anarchy and there is no danger to the American Union. [Applause.] The place, the day, and the occasion upon which we assemble, fill us with patriotic emotion. They are happily and appropriately united. This old Monu- mental Square is filled with hallowed memories. This day registers the birthday of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. And this Monument that we dedicate to-day attests that every promise of that declaration has been kept and performed. [ Applause.] Standing in this presence, I am reminded that this Public Square has witnessed many interesting and memorable events. The first I recall was on the loth day of September, i860, when the monument to Commodore Perry was unveiled on this Square. It was a deeply interesting occasion. An immense crowd thronged this city as it throngs it to-day. Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, with his staff and State officers, and the members of the Legislature of that State, and the Providence Light In- fantry, participated in the interesting ceremony. Gov- ernor Dennison, the first war Governor Ohio ever had, delivered the address of welcome. General J. W. Fitch, remembered by the older citizens of Cleveland, was the Grand Marshal of the day ; and General Barnett, whose distinguished services in the war are yet fresh in the memory of the people [applause], and who now partici- pates in these ceremonies, was in command of the Cleveland Light Artillery Regiment. The great histor- ian, George Bancroft, delivered the principal address of the day. It was probably, my fellow citizens, the greatest celebration that Cuyahoga County had seen up to that time. It was on this ground, too, that the Sol- diers' and vSailors' Aid Society of Northern Ohio, aye, of the whole country, was organized, and some of the GOVERNOR WJIvLIAM MeKINLEV: President of the Dav. m soldiers' and sailors' monument. 497 noble mothers who were at the birth of that organiza- tion are seated upon this platform to-day. [Applause.] These noble women ga\e unselfish devotion to the country and money from all this section of the vState poured into the coffers of that association for the relief of the men at the front, who were sustaining the flag. It was in this Square too that the remains of the mar- tyred Lincoln, the great emancipator, rested as they journeyed to his Western home. It was on this very spot, almost where we stand to-day, that the whole population of Northern Ohio viewed for the last time him w^ho had been captain of all our armies under the Constitution, and whose death was a sacrifice to the great cause of freedom and the Union. [ Applause.] Here, too, my fellow citizens, on this very spot, the remains of the immortal Garfield lay in state, attended by the Congress of the United States, by the supreme judiciary of the Nation, by the officers of the Army and the Navy of the United States, by the Cxovernors and IvCgislators of all the surrounding vStates. The steady tread of a mourning State and Nation was uninterrupted through the entire night. It was here that the people looked upon his face for the last time forever. Interesting, my fellow citizens, and patriotic, as the scenes witnessed in the past have been, I venture to say that none of them have stirred so many memories or quickened such patriotic feeling as the services we per- form to-day in the dedication of this beautiful structure to the memory of the loyal Soldiers and Sailors who contributed their lives to save the Government from dissolution. Cuyahoga County can well be proud of this great Memorial. It is a fitting tribute to the Sol- diers living and the Soldiers dead. Cuyahoga's sons were represented in nearl\- every branch of the military service. Almost every Ohio regiment received some contribution from Cuyahoga County, whether in the in- 49^ HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY faiitry, cavalry, artillery, on land or on sea. Whether among white troops or colored troops Cu>alioga Conn- ty's sons were to be found, they were always found at the post of greatest danger. [ Applause.] Nothing has so impressed me in the program to-day as the organization of the old Soldiers, carrying with them their tattered flags, which they bore a third of a century ago upon the fields of war. More than sixt>- of the old regimental flags will be carried by the survivors of their respective regiments, and the flag room at the capitol at Columbus could not supply the men of Cuya- hoga County all the flags which they are entitled to bear. Is it any wonder that these old Soldiers love to carry the flags under which they fought and for which their brave comrades gave up their lives? Is it any wonder that the old Soldier loves the flag under whose folds he fought and for which his comrades shed so much blood ? He loves it for what it is and for what it represents. It embodies the purposes and history of the Government itself. It records the achievements of its defenders upon land and sea. It heralds the heroism and sacrifices of our Revolutionary fathers who planted free government on this continent and dedicated it to liberty forever. It attests the strug- gles of our army and ihe valor of our citizens in all the wars of the republic. It has been sanctified by the blood of our best and our bravest. It records the achievements of Washington and the martyrdom of Lincoln. It has been bathed in the tears of a sorrow- ing people. It has been glorified in the hearts of a freedom loving people, not only at home but in every part of the world. Our flag expresses more than any other flag ; it means more than any other national em- blem. It expresses the will of a free people and pro- claims that they are supreme and that they acknowl- edge no earthlv sovereign than themselves. It never soldiers' and sailors' monument. 499 was assaulted that thousands did not rise up to smite the assailant. Glorious old banner ! When the stars and stripes were hauled down on vSumter, flags without number were raised above every fireside in the land and all the glorious achievements which that flag represented with all its hallowed mem- ories glowed with burning fervor in the heart of every lover of liberty and the Union. The mad assault which was made upon the flag at that time aroused its defend- ers and kindled a patriotism which could not be quenched until it had extinguished the unholy cause which assaulted our holy banner. What more beautiful conception than that which prompted Abra Kohn, of Chicago, in February, 1861, to send to Mr. Lincoln, on the eve of his starting to Washington to take the office of President, to which he had been elected, a flag of our coimtry, bearing upon its silken folds these words from the fifth and ninth verses of the first chapter of Joshua : '' Have I not commanded thee, be strong and of good courage ? Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord, our (rod, is with thee, whithersoever thou goest. There shall no man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life. As I was with Moses, so shall I be with thee. I will not fail thee nor forsake thee." Could anything have given Mr. Lincoln more cheer or been better calculated to sustain his courage or strengthen his faith in the mighty work before him? Thus commanded, thus assured, Mr. Lincoln journeyed to the capital, where he took the oath of office and reg- istered in heaven an oath to save the Union ; and " the Lord, our Ciod," was with him and did not fail nor for- sake him until every obligation of oath and duty was sacredlv kept and honored. Not any man was able to stand before him. Liberty was enthroned, the Union was saved and the flagf which he carried floated in 500 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY triumph and glory upon every flagstaff of the Re- public. What does this Monument mean ? It means the immortal principle of patriotism. It means love of country. It means sacrifices for the country we love. It means not only love of country but love of liberty ! This alone could have inspired over 2,800,000 Union Soldiers to leave home and family and to offer to die if need be for our imperiled institutions. Love of country alone could have inspired 300,000 men to die for the Union. Nothing less sacred than this love of country could have sustained 175,000 brave men, who suffered and starved and died in rebel prisons. Nor could any- thing else have given comfort to the 500,000 maimed and diseased, who escaped immediate death in siege and battle to end in torment the remainder of their patriot lives. It is a noble patriotism and it impels you, my fellow countrymen, to erect this magnificent Monu- ment to their honor and memory. And similar love of country will inspire your remotest descendants to do homage to their valor and bravery forever. This is what the Monument means. The lesson it conveys to the present and all future generations. It means that the cause in which they died was a righteous one, and it means that the cause which triumphed through their valor shall be perpetuated for all time. Charles Sumner said that President Lincoln was put to death by the enemies of the Declaration of In- dependence, but, said Sumner, though dead, he would always continue to guard that title deed of the human race. So that it does seem to me that everv time we erect a new monument to the memory of the Union vSol- diers and Sailors, we are cementing the very foundations of the Government itself. We are doing that which will strengthen our devotion to free institutions and in- sure their permanency for the remotest posterity. We tii soldiers' and sailors' monument. 501 are not only rendering immortal the fame of the men who participated in the War by these magnificent struct- nres, bnt we are doing better than that. We are mak- ing immortal the principles for which they contended and the nnion of free men for which they died. [ Ap- plause.] Their erection may be a matter of comparatively little importance or concern to the Union Soldiers who are still living, bnt no one can accurately foretell the value and importance of their influence upon the young men and the young women from whom the Republic must draw her future defenders. Every time we erect a monument, every time we do honor to the Soldiers of the Republic, we reaffirm our devotion to the country, to the glorious flag, to the immortal principles of liberty, equality, and justice, which have made the United States unrivaled among the Nations of the world. The union of these States must be perpetual. That is what our brave boys died for. That is what this Monument must mean ; and such monuments as this are evidences that the people intend to take care that the great de- crees of the War shall be unquestioned and supreme. [Applause.] The unity of the Republic is secure so long as we continue to honor the memory of the men who died by the tens of thousands to preserve it. The dissolution of the Union is impossible so long as we continue to inculcate lessons of fraternity, unity, and patriotism, and erect monuments to perpetuate these sentiments. Such monuments as these have another meaning, which is one dear to the hearts of many who stand b}- me. It is, as Mr. Lincoln said at Gettysburg, that the dead shall not have died in vain ; that the Nation's later birth of freedom and the people's gain of their own sovereignty shall not perish from the earth. That is what this Monument means. That is the lesson of true 502 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY patriotism ; that what was won in war shall be worn in peace. But we ninst not forget, my fellow countrymen, that the Union which these brave men preserved, and the liberties which they secured, places upon us, the living, the gravest responsibility. We are the freest Government on the face of the earth. Our strength rests in our patriotism. Anarchy flees before patriotism. Peace and order and security and liberty are safe so long as love of country burns in the hearts of the peo- ple. It should not be forgotten, how^ever, that liberty does not mean lawlessness. Liberty to make our own laws does not give us license to break them. [ Ap- plause.] Liberty to make our own laws commands a duty to observe them ourselves and enforce obedience among all others within their jurisdiction. Liberty, my fellow^ citizens, is responsibility, and responsibility is duty, and that duty is to preserve the exceptional liberty we enjoy within the law and for the law and by the law. [ Great applause.] The children were heard again in Zundel's " Ameri- can Flag Song." At the close of the swelling chorus, there was a great roar of applause from the crowd ; even over at the Monument. Spectators in the blocks cheerily waved handkerchiefs as a mark of their appre- ciation of the melody. Blended with the applause were three hearty cheers given by the children for the flag. Their clear, musical voices, sent forth with all the enthusiasm of youth, rang out in three lusty cheers. A little fellow in knickerbockers raised a laugh by pro- posing, in a piping voice, a " tigah " to supplement the cheers. Virgil P. Kline had wisely been chosen to read the Declaration of Independence. He was dignified, as always. His reading of the immortal production of our forefathers w-as done with a fervor and eloquence EX -GOVERNOR JOSEPH B. FORAKER, Orator of the Day. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 505 that was inspiring. When he had conchided, there were shouts of approbation and exclamations of " good, good," on all sides, ending with cheers. " The Red, White, and Bine " was sung by the children. They arose at a signal from the wand of Professor Stewart, and to the accompaniment of the band the strains of the patriotic song floated out on the air. A waving of flags attended the singing, and it aroused the unbounded delight of the audience. They did not alone applaud, but cheered enthusiastically as the orator of the day, Governor AIcKinley, intro- duced ex-Governor Foraker. " The gentlemen of the committee having these exercises in charge," said Gov- ernor ]\IcKinley, '' have been successful in many things. In nothing have they been more successful than in the selection of the orator of the da}'. I take great pleas- ure in introducing to you Hon. Joseph B. Foraker, the orator of the day." Ex-Governor Foraker advanced as his name was called and he was given a hearty reception. The sub- ject of his oration was, " The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument and the Lessons of Patriotism It Teaches." In an eloquent and forcible manner he reviewed the struggle for independence and the great Civil War. An occasional sally of wit provoked laughter and his re- marks on the present conditions in the country were received with great applause. " Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County, Comrades and my Fellow Citizens," said the Governor in address- ing his hearers, " with patriotism in our hearts and with the flag of our country in the hands of our chil- dren, there is no danger from anarchy and there will be no danger to our I^nion." This extempore paragraph was elicited by the scene presented by the school chil- dren. Continuing, the Governor delivered his formal address as follows : 506 IIIvSTORV OF THK CUYAHOGA COUNTY EX-GOVERNOR FORAKER'S ORATION. FciIo7c-Co))n-adrs ajid FiiIo7>.'-Cifi::ciis : — We meet on the Fourth of July to dedicate a Monu- ment to the memory of the heroes of our Last War. The day and the occasion unite to recall both the Revo- lution and the Rebellion. These struggles had a distinct relation to each other, and were strikingly similar in some respects. The last was but the complement of the first. It wTought for the black man what the first accomplished for the white. Both began as rebellions. Both had relation to natural, governmental and human rights. There was no question of territory, balance of power or inter- national statecraft or diplomacy in either. Both broadened as they proceeded, until the issues finally joined and determined were different, higher and better than those involved at the beginning. It was not until after Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill that the Colonists resolved to convert a struggle that was inaugurated only as an armed resistance to a tyrannical Miuistr)- into a war against the Crown for national independence. As late as the 6th day of July, 1775, the Continental Congress formally declared that they had not raised armies with the ambitious design of separating from Great Britain, and establishing independent States. It was not until after Bull Run, Donelson and Shiloh that the overruling purpose of a directing Providence was recognized, and a war for the suppression of rebell- ion was broadened into a war for the liberation of the slave. The Colonists were not only subjects of Great Britain, but the)' were loyal subjects. They desired to remain such, but He who directs the destiny of all jM SOIJJIICRS' AXI> SAIL(JR.S' MOXU.MKNT .^'V decreed otherwise. The time had coine not only for the birth of a new Nation, bnt for a new kind of <^overn- nient. Tlie feudal a^e had passed away, and tlie un- written constitution of England had been established, but the despotic powers of the old P^arons had been assumed by the monarchy that followed, and the boasted rights of Englishmen, although defined by Magna Charta and protected by a representative Parliament, were, nevertheless, not such as to allow that independ- ence of thought and action essential to the highest in- tellectual and moral develoj)ment. It was necessary to gi\'e a broader recognition than had ever been accorded of the rights of man with respect to gox-ernment, not onh- in England and her colonies, but throughout the world. America was destined to light the torch of libert\' and lead the fight for human freedom. It was not of her choice, but of rood's ordering. vShe was the ch(jsen agency, and it was through aggressions and exaspera- tions that ripened into controversy, bitterness and blood, with their irresistible teachings and demands, that our fathers were finally brought to see both their opportu- nity and their duty. Then it was that the Declaration of July 6, 1775, gave way to the Declaration of Inde- pendence of July 4, 1776, This document was a state paper worth >• of a great people. It lent importance and gave dignity and con- sequence to the cause of the Colonists. It excited the admiration of the whole world, and strengthened and encouraged the weak and hesitating. It put into the hearts of all aims and ])urposes that invoKed the highest interests of humanity. From that moment fijrward the fight was not for the redress of wrongs under the British Government, but for absolute independence, and a new and different government of their own making. What that government should be the\' did not then see or 508 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY comprehend. After more than a centnry of successful experience, our form of government seems to us most natural, and as though it would be the first thought of, but it was not so with our fathers. They had no such light as we enjoy. When they determined to fight for independence, it was without any clear idea as to the kind of government they would adopt, except only that it should be of their own making and subject to their own control. They reached final results by slow stages in the school of experience. British oppression had made them so distrustful of all authority superior to their own immediate colonial governments, that they were prejudiced against, and bitterly hostile to, all propositions that involved the establishment of any permanent controlling national authority or power. The Continental Congress had scarcely more than the semblance of authority. There was no constitution, no judiciary, no executive, and no power of any kind lodged anywhere to compel anybody to do anything. But it was the first step toward a centralization that could represent the national name and force, and in the selection of a Commander-in-chief, the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, and by similar acts, resolutions and legislation, it familiarized the people with the idea of unity of country and interests, a com- mon flag and a common destiny. The Articles of Confederation followed. They were intended to establish a common or National Govern- ment and define its powers. They were another step, but not a very long one, in the right direction. Ameri- cans had not yet accepted the idea of a permanent national authority. Therefore, while recognizing the necessity for union under a common government, based on a written, organic law, they were unwilling to act, except as independent States, and would not agree to M soldiers' and sailors' monument. 509 any form of government unless the individual independ- ence or autonomy of each State was recognized and protected. They were so solicitous upon this point that but little else was successfully embodied in that document. The government it established had no executive, no judiciary, no revenue system, no machin- ery, functions or power. All legislative and executive action was vested in the Congress, in which the mem- bers voted and acted, not as representatives of the people, but as delegates of the States; and no proposed act of legislation could become a law without the votes and consent of a prescribed number of the States. The States were everything; the National Government was practically nothing. Its inadequacy was manifest from the beginning. Dissatisfaction followed and increased until all the common people, as well as the great men and statesmen of that time, were studying and dis- cussing theories of government. The result was a con- vention to revise the Articles of Confederation. This body was well prepared for its work. Its members had lived under and had studied the English constitution and common law. They had passed through all the exciting experiences of the struggle for independence. They had been witnesses to the weakness of the Con- tinental Congress and the inefficiency of the Confeder- ation. They had been educated by these trials ta appreciate the fact that no government could be success- ful that was not invested with all the necessary powers of preservation. They understood that any government must prove a failure which was unable to not only legislate, but enforce legislation, to raise revenues, maintain armies, and do all other things essential to sovereignty in its broadest and highest sense. They had learned something more from these experiences. Thev had learned that no national government could ever be successfullv established and maintained that was a 5IO HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY creature of the States, or that was a mere compact or agreement between States. As to whatever power it might have, it should be independent of and supreme over States and people alike. Wben they reached this point in their deliberations, they boldly resolved to set aside the Articles of Confederation which they had been appointed to revise, and discard the theory of a league or compact. They recognized that the people of all the States were the proper source and origin of all right- ful authority, and determined to frame a constitution in the name of the people, and for the people, and to sub- mit it to the people for their approval and adoption. The result was the Constitution of 1787, of which Mr. Gladstone has said: "It is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Its general scheme was a Federal Government of three co-ordinate, independent departments. Time has shown this to be a most happy distribution of power. It has met with such universal favor that no one has ever thought to change it. When they came to details, aside from slavery and certain particulars in which it was amended soon after adoption, the framers were scarcely less fortunate. We are a restless, aggressive and progressive people, impatient of all restraint. "It is not singular, therefore, that there is now and then complaint against some provision that may, for the time being, come in contact with our desires, but we seldom have to wait long for transpiring events and changing conditions to answer our objections. Just at present the Senate is much criticised, but in- vestigation has developed the fact that the trouble is with individuals rather than the body, and the people can be trusted to make such changes as will enable it soldiers' and sailors' monument. 511 to regain its accustomed dignity, efficiency, integrity and popularity. Of late years we have heard much about election disturbances, and to avoid having them too frequently it has been proposed, with much show of support at times, to change the Presidential term to six years, but we have probably heard the last of this demand, for it is now pretty generally conceded that four years are quite long enough. And so it is that the longer it stands the better we become satisfied with it. But the most important feature of the Constitution, for the purposes of this occasion, is found in the follow- ing stately declarations of its preamble : "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillit}', provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." These are golden words. They are worthy of the Convention presided over by George Washington. They constitute the great, broad foundation-stone upon which rest all the governmental institutions of America. Upon them Webster stood master in argument. In- spired by them Lincoln was immovable in administra- tion, and Grant was invincible in war. When we recall them, and the history leading up to them, it seems in- credible that we should ever have had serious differ- ences, let alone war, as to whether or not a State of this Union had a constitutional right of secession. And yet, incredible as it may seem, such was the fact. The trouble was not to understand the language that had been employed, for that was unmistakably plain. It arose from the fact that we had two kinds of civiliza- 512 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY tion — one freedom, and the other slavery — one estab- lished in the Northern States, and the other in the Southern States, and the Constitution undertook to compromise their differences and protect and perpetuate both. That was possible for the time being, but im- possible as a permanent provision. Their influences were at fatal war with each other. They could not peaceably co-exist. What Mr. Seward characterized as an irrepressible conflict was inevitable. It came, and it was early foreseen that we would have no cessation of the contest until we became either all slave or all free. The rivalry naturalh' took the form of a struggle for political power. The great question was whether free- dom or slavery, the North or the South, should control the destinies of the Nation. At first, slavery was in the ascendency, but the North outgrew the South in population and material develop- ment. The South sought to maintain her control by regulating the admission of new States, by the acquisi- tion of Texas and other territory, and by threats and menaces whereby compromises were secured and friend- ly legislation was enacted. Despite all these helps she steadily lost ground until it soon became apparent that it was only a question of time when she could no longer control. She was represented by able men. They were far-seeing. They professed to believe in slavery, that cotton was king, and that there was no safety for them, except they should govern. Foreseeing the time when they could no longer rule, they deliberately conspired to ruin. In this behalf they revived the doctrine of State sovereignty, which had been destroyed by the abrogation of the Articles of Confederation, and made it a cardinal point of their political faith. Their con- tention was, when stated in plain language, that each State had a constitutional right to destroy the Constitu- tion. They insisted that any State could, lawfulh- and soldiers' and sailors' monument. 513 constitutionally, withdraw from the Union whenever it might see fit to do so. This doctrine was an iniquitous heresy. It was opposed to all ideas of stability and permanency. It meant weakness, confusion and an- archy. It was the end of all our progress and power. It meant that this great country should be subdivided and Mexicanized. Instead of one mighty Republic, we were to have a lot of petty States. Instead of one flag, we were to have two, six, a dozen — no man could tell how many. If the South could secede, so could the East, the West, the Middle States, or any single State. The success of such a doctrine was the end of self- government. And what was the purpose? Why was such a doctrine espoused? Why were such conse- quences invited? What good was to come as a com- pensation for all these evils? No good whate\-er. The object sought was worse than the doctrine invoked. The sole purpose was to protect and perpetuate human slavery. And what was human slavery ? You get no adequate idea of the character of that institution from the mere statement that it was the holding of human beings in bondage. You begin to comprehend its stupendous wickedness only when vou think of the auction-block and the whipping-post, and recall that it was by law made a crime to teach the slave the letters of the alphabet, or administer to him the ordinances of marriage and bap- tism. It not onl\- deprived its victims of liberty and exacted from them unrequited toil, but it purposely and by pro- visions of law debased and degraded them as nearly as it was possible to the ignorance and dependence of ani- mal chattels. It had another and an equally bad result. It blunted 514 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the moral sensibilities of those who believed in it, np- held, defended and enjoyed it. It is a law of our nature that we cannot do conscious wrong to others without a corresponding injury to our- selves. There is a reflex action which smites the con- science and sears it. Slavery inflicted this penalty upon its votaries, and thus prepared them to allow the horrors and barbarities of Andersonville, Libby and Salisbury. It was simply a vile curse, wicked in itself and wicked in all its teachings and influences. And yet it was for this the doctrine of State sover- eignty was invoked. It was for this the doctrine of secession was instilled. It was for this the work of George Washington was to be undone. It was for this the flag was to be struck down. It was for this the Union was to be dismembered. It was for this the ex- ample of x^merica governing herself was to be ended in humiliation and shame. It was for this the Potomac and Ohio Rivers were to be made boundary lines be- tween hostile governments. It was for this we were to have at least two countries, two constitutions, two pres- idents, two flags and two destinies. They argued long and fiercely, but the people decided against them. The verdict was rendered at the ballot box in i860, when they elected Abraham Lincoln. He was chosen to administer according to the Constitution and the laws. Under these, slavery was secure wher- ever it existed. There was no purpose to interfere with it. Mr. Lincoln so announced. The official utterances of the political party he represented so declared. Every assurance was given that all rights of person and prop- erty would be respected. But all in vain. The leaders would not abide the result. They would not accept guarantees. They were deaf to entreaty. They would not listen to either argument or persuasion. The time had come against which the conspirators had conspired. SOI.DIKRS' AND SAIIJJRS' MOXIJMKXT. 515 They could no longer rule ; they proceeded to niin. State after State declared itself out of the Union, joined the vSouthern Confederacy and engaged in preparations for war. The loyal people of the North were slow to believe they intended what they professed. They conld not think it possible the\' would take the last fatal step. Until the last moment they had confidence there would be no blood shed. IMieir hope was in vain. On the i2th da\' of April, 1861, the opening gun was fired. A more causeless war never was. No war was ever waged on more inexcusable legal and moral grounds. It was simply treason and rebellion, withotit the excuse of bad government or oppression of any kind to provoke it, for it w^as war against the best government ever instituted among men. It was without the excuse of necessity to save from peril any kind of existing interest. It had not one single redeeming feature in either its origin, its theory, or its pvirpose. This is mentioned with ])articu]aril\-, because with some people it seems to have become (piite fashionable of late years to try to make it appear that after all that great struggle w^as nothing more than a sort of family quarrel, in which one side was as much at fault as the other. All such talk should be indignanth' resented. It is a slander upon the brave men to whose menifjry we dedi- cate this Monument. No braver men ever followed a flag than were the vSoldiers of the Confederacy. They brought to the suj^port of their cause all that valor and devotion could bring, but when it comes to the right and wrong of that struggle, there is no room for argu- ment. The Union side was altogether and absolutely right, and the other side was altogether and absolutely wrong. It is mistaken sentimentalism, and unwarranted misrepresentation to say anything This is not sec- 5l6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY tionalism, and it is not said in any spirit of unkindness. Nobody wants to hnrt anybody's feelings, but if we must give offense, let it be to those whom the truth will wound. It was not until after the Union had been dissolved, a hostile government had been organized, armies had been raised, war declared and the flag actually fired upon, that the Union cause was referred to the sword. The people of the North did not want war. They were a peaceful people. They were engaged in busi- ness. They had no dreams of chivalry. They cared nothing for martial glory and distinction. They were willing and anxious to make any sacrifice for the sake of peace, consistent with their sense of duty and loyalty, but they were not willing to let the Union perish, and if nothing but war would save it, they were ready for the dread alternative. The roar of the guns at Fort Sumter had not died away until the challenge to battle was accepted. No words can exaggerate the outbursts of enthusiasm and the manifestations of patriotism that followed. From Maine to California the whole loyal land fairly blazed and burned. Flags were everywhere flying, drums were everywhere beating, volunteers were every- where marching, tears were everywhere streaming. Husbands said good-bye to their wives, fathers to their children, sons to their mothers, and lovers to their sweethearts. From the farms, the workshops, the counting-houses, the school-houses ; from every employ- ment, vocation and calling of our diversified social and business worlds men literally rushed to arms. They neither asked for nor thought of rank, pay or position. Their only desire of purpose was to suppress rebellion, punish treason, maintain the Union and preserve the Constitution. They thought only of this great country, with its tremendous possibilities for good to all man- kind, and of their duty to posterity, as they turned their soldiers' and sailors' monument. 517 backs upon their homes of peace and happiness, and left behind with their ambitions and aspirations all that was near and dear, to do and die if need be, that this Nation might live. History will be searched in vain for the record of greater self-sacrifice, a more unselfish patriotism, or a more devoted consecration to duty. No army was ever more representative of the people from which it sprang, more distinctly volunteer, or moved by nobler impulses. No bitterness, hatred, revenge, or spirit of conquest was in any heart. Of all the millions who rallied around the flag, not one wanted to take life, or destroy proper- ty, except as stern duty might require. Every man knew and appreciated that he was to fight his own countrymen, not to destroy, but to save them. Not be- cause he hated or despised them, and wanted to drive them away from us, but because he loved them, and loved their country, and wanted them and their country to remain in the Union where our fathers had placed them, to go forward with us as one people and one country to a common greatness and a common glory. Such Soldiers should have been triumphantly suc- cessful from the beginning, but for a time they w^ere only partially so. The trouble was in the fact that we had two questions to deal with when we commenced — one legal, and the other moral — one as to how the Con- stitution should be interpreted, the other what should be done about slavery. The law question was ours ; the other w^as God's question. With man's characteristic selfishness we undertook to confine the War to the settlement of our own ques- tion, and left God's question to shift for itself. Mr. Lincoln was careful to announce that he would save the Union with slavery if he could — without slav- •ery if he must. Accordingly, for the first eighteen months of the War 5l8 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY we tried to save the Union with slavery. The effort was a faihire. It was a faihire because we were without Divine approbation. The Ahnighty seemed to act, if I may say so without irreverence, as though so long as we allowed His question to take care of itself, He would allow us to take care of ourselves. He was deaf to our prayers. Why should He not be when success meant only the preservation and perpetuation of human slavery ? We were defeated at Bull Run, repulsed at Ball's Bluff, and subjected to one kind of disappointment after another, with just enough of success now and then in- terspersed to keep us from becoming utterly discour- aged, until we were finally brought to see that both the necessity and the duty of the hour alike required us to broaden the issues, and strike for the destruction of the institution which was the mother of secession and the source and origin of all our troubles. When that hour came, Abraham Lincoln said the bond should go free. His proclamation was a second Declaration of Independence. It rang out like an alarm- bell at midnight. It challenged the attention and en- listed the sympathy of the right-thinking people of the whole world. It exalted and intensified the loyalty of all loyal men. It made every sympathizer with treason writhe and squirm. It kindled the eye, flushed the cheek, nerved the arm and made stouter and braver the heart of every Union Soldier and Sailor. From that time forward the War meant something worth praying for, fighting for and dying for. The tide turned. The navy won victory after victory, and the army swept on with irresistible power to Vicksburgand Gettysburg, Atlanta and the vSea, the Wilderness and Appomattox. But, oh ! how bloody the way ! Comparisons show there has been nothing equal to it in modern warfare. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 519. At Waterloo, the entire loss of Wellington's army, both killed and wounded, was less than twelve per cent. Napoleon lost less than fifteen per cent, at Ansterlitz, and a still smaller percentage at Morengo, Eylan and Wagram, while the average loss on both sides was less than thirteen per cent, at Magenta, vSolferino, Grave- lotte and Sedan. In more than one hundred of our battles the losses exceeded fifteen per cent., while at Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, Gettysburg, the Wilderness and Spot- sylvania they were over thirty per cent., and in some instances more than forty per cent. It is impossible on such an occasion as this to tell the story of such service. It is too long, too pathetic, too heroic and too patriotic to be dealt with except only by history. Suffice it to say the hardships endured, the valor displayed, the treasure expended, and the blood that was shed, are without a parallel in the annals of the world. As the years go by we shall forget the different regi- ments, brigades, divisions, corps, and, in time, even the armies of the Potomac, the Cumberland and the Ten- nessee. Only a few great names like those of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Thomas will continue to enjoy individual renown. All the rest of that mighty host will become blended into a common rank to be remem- bered only as the great Union Army. But while individual names and deeds will be for- gotten, the results of their achievements will live.. They are enduring as the Republic itself. Our heroes fought not for a day, but for all time ; not for transient ideas, but for everlasting principles ; not to subdue a few dissatisfied States, but for the integrity of our whole great empire ; not for them.selves alone, but for their enemies as well, and the proudest and most gratifying thought any Union Soldier can have must be that 520 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY already the time has come when those who met liim on the field recognize that his victory was their victory as well, and to-day stand pledged to uphold and preserve the Government they then sought to destroy. Their triumph brought freedom, peace, prosperity, power and promise to all the people of every section of an undivided and indivisible country. Cuyahoga County is justly proud of her part in the struggle. Her sons bore a conspicuous part on the water and participated among the foremost in every great battle of the War. Wherever men were called upon to die, on either land or sea, they were there to offer their lives. It is a fitting tribute to place here, on this favorite spot, in the heart of this great city, this beautiful Monument. It shows a just appreciation of sacrifice, heroism and fidelity to duty. Silently but eloquently it will teach lessons of patriotism to all who shall look upon its tow- ering shaft. No true citizen of the Republic can be- hold it without a higher and nobler sense of the duties and responsibilities of his citizenship. It will point every child and student to the most thrilling and inspir- ing chapter of our national history, and lift up all alike to the highest planes of patriotic purpose. And now as we engage in its dedication, let us also ■dedicate ourselves anew to the interests of our country. Let no man think he lives under the institutions these men saved merely to enjoy them. There will be no more slavery to abolish ; no more heresies of secession to destroy ; no more such rebellions to suppress ; no more wars of any kind between the North and the South, but there is other work to do, less heroic, per- haps, but scarcely less important. No government will execute itself, and no form of government will answer human requirements unless it be rightly administered. It is not the business of gov- soldiers' and sailors' monument, 521 eminent to fnrnish employment or bread ; neither is it the right of government, by imbecility or the applica- tion of false theories, to paralyze bnsiness, destroy prosperity and enforce idleness, with its conseqnent misery and crime. With indnstrial armies marching on Washington, and the military of both the vStates and the United States marching on organized labor ; with a coal miners' strike that cost the conntry millions of dollars just ended, and a railroad strike that will cost, no one yet knows how many millions more, now in ])rogress ; with tens of thonsands toiling for less than enongh to secnre the necessary comforts of life, and other tens of thon- sands in idleness, with nnrest and sullen dissatisfaction almost universal, we have a condition, not a theory, confronting us, that invites and demands immediate and serious attention. We must not have either hunger or bayonets, and we will not have either long. The mills and the factories must be started ; the mines must be kept open ; the railroads must operate, and all who are willing to work must, shall and will have employment, and the whole country must and will again enjoy prosperit\-. I)Ut this change cannot be brought by violence. It must come about in due form and orderly manner, under and in accordance with the forms, provisions and require- ments of law. Let no man take the law into his own hands. It is our sovereign rule, and whosoever strikes at it, strikes at the only king we have. Every such blow, no matter in whose name it is struck, or how it may be disguised, is moral, if not legal, treason as rank and foul as was the assassin thrust that struck down the President of the French Republic. If we would perpetuate what our fathers achieved, and these Soldiers saved, we must suppress not only as- 522 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY saults upon constituted authority, but also the men who make such assaults. We have no room, broad as our country is, for the anarchist, the communist, the social- ist, or the boycotter. They are all of the same ilk. They are all un-American. They are all the enemies of labor, as well as of capital. Their tyranny is greater than that which precipitated the revolution. Their success would mean the dissolution of society, and the overthrow of the Republic. Looking beyond our borders, the time has come for the extension of our trade relations. We should not only do business with all the world, but our full share of it. This is particularly true as to the Western Hemisphere. The commercial dependencies of England are her Greater Britain. They turn the wealth of the world to the island that rules them, and make it the creditor and financial dictator of all nations. Let us learn from ex- ample not to be unduly ambitious, but to be sufficiently so to subserve and protect our own best interests. Not by violence, but by the moral force of our position and relationships we should at least secure our own from those who are our natural friends. Other great questions are pressing upon us. We can not escape them if we would, and we should not if we could. In the immediate future we must answer whether or not we intend to wait indefinitely upon the pleasure of European nations for remonetization of sil- ver. vSome way must be found to secure their co-oper- ation, or some way for us to act in safety without it. Glittering generalities and plausible platitudes will no longer answer. And how long, think you, will the world continue to sail ships around the Horn ? Not long. We must either build the Nicaragua Canal and control it, or let somebody else do it. Let us not be afraid to do it ourselves. Let us claim what belongs to .1. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 523 us. Let us uot be afraid to owu the Saudwich Islands, and every other island that ma\- want to fly the Ameri- can flag. Let us not be afraid to be greater than we are. We have only to trust ourselves. Bloodless conquests with rich rewards are before us. The good of the world, as well as our own, commands us to go forward. Let us not hesitate, but with broad, patriotic, comprehensive statesmanship lay hold upon the peace, hajjpiness, power and glory that are within our grasp. Whether we are Democrats or Republicans, let us be, first of all, Americans. The gifted orator was frequently applauded, and, at the conclusion of his masterly effort, he was enthusi- astically cheered. The children then sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Governor McKinley suggested to the audience that they would be pleased to have presented to them two ladies who were all but one of the survivors of the women perpetuated in the bronze panel of the INIonu- nient devoted to the work of the Sanitary Commission in this city during the War. Prompt and hearty ex- pressions of approval were heard from every side. Governor McKinley responded by introducing Mrs. Sarah Adams Estabrook Thatcher and Mrs. Esther M. Harris, widow of the late J. A. Harris, in the following appropriate manner: ''My FclI(nv-Citi-ens :— "I take the liberty of interrupting the ordered pro- gram of the day long enough to give this great audi- ence a surprise and a pleasure which I am sure the}- will appreciate. ''I have been glad to observe that the projectors of this Monument have given proper and conspicuous recognition to the work of the women in the War. They are too often forgotten in our memorials. No memorial to perpetuate the lessons and sacrifices of the 524 HISTORY OF rUK CIVAUOO.A COINTY War is just or complete without theiu. There is nothing" more deserved — there is nothiui^ move inspiring — than the panel in yonder Montiment which records the work of the women at home and on the field, for the country and for the Soldiers who carried its standard and fought its battles. There could have been no more appropriate — no happier selection than the group of figiires presented in bronze to typif>' the serxices of woman in the great struggle for the I'nion. Side by side are those who toiled at home ami those wlu> serxed in the hospital; standing together for the same noble cause are those who made the bandages and those who applied them to the shattered limb. The Catholic sister and the Protestant mother unite in loving miuistratious. \\'hat more beautiful sight to witness than the figure of that magnificent American woman. Luc\" Webb Hayes, whose simple virtues have filled the whole country with glowing pride and whose womauU" example and lotty character have blessed so many lives aiui homes I And that other sweet figure — the Sister of Charity, pursuing with unselfish love her noble calling, together tenderly ministering to the wounded and dying Soldier. These and the other figures familiar to most of you awaken the tenderest memories and rekindle our admiration for the noble women oi the land. Many oi' the old Soldiers here will recall them — their ' Kind words and gentle, when a gentle wortl Was worth the surgery oi an hundred schools. To heal sick thought and make our bruises whole.' " On this platform are seated two of these noble women, whose figures, though in bronze, are \ et here to speak, whose lives have been spared not only to see their country saved, but to witness the dedication of this splendid structure to immortalize the men and women who helped save it. " I have the very great honor to present to you (and SOI-DIKKS' ASi) SAIJ.OKS' MOXUMKN'J . 25 it is a pleasure I would not conceal; these patriotic inotliers, — Mrs. Peter Thatcher, whose work was in the hospital, and Mrs. J. A. Harris, who was the Vice-Presi- dent of the vSoldiers' Aid Society of Xorthern <'Jhio. Ood bless them!" 'J'l)(- appearance of these honored and venerable ladies was j^reeted with much applause. They rose and went forward for a few moments, gracefully bowing their thanks. While standing, the assemblage gave three rousing cheers in their honor. UK. GJIJiKKT'S J'OKM. Rev. l)r. \,<\\ C Gilbert read a poem composed by liiin for the occasion, ilc was given the high compliment of close attention by the audience, even though they had stood for two hours in the broiling sun, and was frequently greeted with a hearty round of applause. Dr. Gilbert's patriotic, spirited and soul-stirring poem was as follows : Shake out "Old Glory's" folds, each star display, And hail il once again — our natal day I We gather glad and, on this fitting date, Memorial shrine and pillar dedicate; Sujjcrb anri stately, see it rising here, Unique, magnificent, without a peer! Revered Commissioners, your care here ends, This glorious moment more than makes amends! O, Soldier-Artist, toiling undismayed, Thy inspiration's proof is here arrayed ; 'I'll)' broad design — thy splendid, daring dream — Kvoke ajjjjjause and merit all esteem ! 'I'ell it again how swift the people rose, Indignant, flaming, vengeful, t' oppose The blow of traitors; middle-aged and young, In office, shop, and field aside they flung Their work in haste — enlisted — marched away — linrolling mighty armies in a day ! 526 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY It all comes back — the mother's kiss and sigh, The swearing in, the drill, the last good-bye, The uniform, the arms, acconterments. The sentry's challenge, bugler's call, the tents, The long, hard tramp, the skirmish, opening round. The hurrying troops, the field guns, quaking ground. The bayonets' gleam, the polished muskets' flash. The sweating horse, the thundering wheels, the crash Of cannon, shrieking grape, the grime, the heat. The brandished swords, the shouts, th' attack, retreat. The whizzing bullets, bursting bombs, the smoke. The dense brigades, the orders, furious stroke. The flapping flag, the wounded dripping red, The falling, mangled, dying, and the dead, The faces ghastly, arms tossed wide, the sob Of dirge, the wail of fife, the drum's deep throb! O, friends, 'twas this they suffered and endured That our sweet liberties might be secured! Eternal honor, honor — yet again Immortal honor to these matchless men ! And these we trust, with never a fear or doubt. To put all fawning demagogues to rout — To ward corruption off and every wrong, To keep our civic life ideal and strong! O youth, from country lanes and city streets. Be still and hear what speech this shaft repeats ! It bids each man be vigilant, be pure ; It calls to all in times of fear, " Endure ! ", Exhorting each to patriotic mind, To leave all thoughts of self and ease behind. O column, rising here amidst our streets, Where, hot and fierce, the pulse of business beats, With tramp of men and horses, rattling tires, And rumblino- car-wheels driv'n bv lightning fires — SOLDIERvS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 527 Speak out, O pillared bronze, lest we forget With all our toil — the daily fume and fret — That life is more than meat ; that earth affords Some things above our paltry gains and hoards, Our worldly hopes and lusts, ignoble strife, Our rivalries intense, with rancor rife ! Teach us to heed our duty's solemn call. To give up home and dear ones — profits — all, Meet death itself for high conviction's sake. Serene as martyrs at the glowing stake ! I stand upon this old historic Square, And seem to breathe some bright, di\-iner air ; O Figure, with the shield and unsheathed sword, Like thee, in wrath, at one commanding word. An outraged North, ferocious, sprang to arms And beat the drums and sounded war's alarms ! I see yon Cavalry — the blue, the gray — With men and horses mixed in deadly fray ; And there the gunners, on the battle-ship, Are lifting bomb-shells to the mortar's lip ; And there artillerymen upon the field — Some serve, some fall — they die but never yield ; And there a heap of color-bearers slain. While others snatch the standard quick again ! How life-like war, in all its horrid guise, Is pictured here before pur awe-struck eyes ! But these are bronze, and you were flesh and blood As in the carnage, soldiers, stern yoii stood ! Enter these portals, see these bas-reliefs — These women brave and tender, pressed with griefs ; What ministries in hospital, blockade. In camp and field — what gracious care and aid I O rare Relief Corps women, yours to try To follow those who set a standard hiofh 528 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY To urge you on to play a noble part, And take the heaviest burdens on your heart ! The closing scene was this in that dread war — This panel that I stand in thought before : The President, the generals, appear In sober, mood, but glad that peace is near ; And when shall Peace her world-wide sway extend. And nation be to nation brother, friend ? O God, that wars may cease, that soon the day Of love may dawn and concord reign, we pray ! Ohio, nurse of heroes, I salute. The first in statesmen, soldiers, and repute ! Victorious mother — Grant and Sherman, Chase, Stanton and Garfield, Sheridan and Hayes — Thy jewels these thou mayest proudly wear, — But not alone — thy country claims a share — And all the nations of thy sons have heard. And hearts of freemen everywhere been stirred ! Thy grand war governors within stand forth. Whose words heroic fired the loyal North ; Inflexible each set his stubborn face. Each heart as steadfast as this granite base ! What laud and laurel shall their memories crown Who led the Buckeye State to such renown ? O, Black Man — slave no longer — bowing there Unshackeled, jubilant, with eyes of prayer In rapturous thanks upturned upon his face — Th' Emancipator of thy suff'ring race — Spring up and take those arms and nobly fight For freedom, manhood, justice, truth and right ! Your Father Abraham, on bended knee. To God and man proclaims your liberty ; The curse is dead — the crime is blotted out — The thrall's unbound forever — sing and shout !. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 529 Our God had loftier purposes than we In our shortsightedness could ever see ; We aimed at union, he at union too, But union purged from slav'ry through and through ; No victories decisive could we gain Till, led by Him, we washed away the stain ! For all the ships, O Goddess, lift thy flame And welcome every land in freedom's name ; No more a semblance — a fictitious creed — No more a lie — thank God, we're free indeed ! To all a welcome, but lift up tin* voice. Instructing all who make this land their choice That liberty's not license — laws must stand — Must be obeyed or ruin wrecks the land ; And, most of all, adjure the public school To teach the virtues needful to self-rule ! Our tears for France who mourns her Carnot slain. Remind us sadly of our loss again ; A hundred years from now what thoughts shall rise Within their hearts who gaze in Lincoln's eyes — Those eyes so sunken, sad ; O care-lined face, O form ungainly ! yet what sweetness, grace ! What length of limb and body, and the whole Transfigured by a towering, godlike soul ! O fallen form, o'erwhelmed in treason's flood, Thy mission signed and sealed with mart\r blood, AVhat strength and patience thine, what faith and hope — What loyalty and courage that could cope With dire disasters, unforeseen and new. In every task, in every peril true ! O break thy silence, lips of bronze, and call To patriot-service tho' like thee we fall ! Within that sacred tablet room I stood Before the Soldiers' names — a multitude In marble etched, Cuyahoga's valiant band 530 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY That rose in regiments to save the land ; Who wonld not covet for himself a place In such a roster? — who beholds each space But envies every man his line and longs To win some homage that to fame belongs? While swings the earth let generations spell These names to emulate and love them well ! What praise, O Vet'rans, for your deed is fit, What eulogy or epic, spoke or writ ? To sing aright your prowess tasks our powers But take, once more, this day, these hearts of ours ! We own our debt of gratitude immense, We bid our children rise in reverence ! O, sons of Vet'rans — what a privilege Is yours, what joy, what pride, what heritage — What stimulus to deeds of fine acclaim Is in a father's never-dying name ! Upon this list of battles rest your eye ! How wide they fought, how wide their bodies lie ! In swamp and mountain, forest, field and brake, By creek and river, bayou, gulf and lake ; Antietam, Vicksburg — how" their names appeal ! — Atlanta, Richmond, Gettysburg, Mobile, Fort Wagner, Shiloh, Corinth, Cedar Mount — O, visions grim wnth slaughter — read and count I Your Army, Comrades, thin and thinner grows, Too soon the last survivor deathward goes ; Close up the ranks, give loyal love and large, Brothers true in camp and march and charge I Dear land, o)ie land, one people great and free. Illustrious now, but greater still to be ; 1 see thy sixty millions multiplied, I see thy sister States, in bonds allied. With pride of power and growth, of sons and fame,. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 531 But prouder still of their great Nation's name ! I see the South come forth and celebrate A Union, bound for aye, inviolate ; She bows in thanks to Him whose plans withstood Her hate and passion to her untold good ; I see a land of bounteousness and peace Where feuds and factions evermore shall cease, Where law shall hold all anarchy in foil. Where ample wages shall compensate toil, Where capital and labor clash no more. Where justice comes to all and plenty's store. Where education and religion bless A crowning race with truth and righteousness ! I see mankind, inspired, in ever\' clime, By sight of our democracy sublime. Resistless rise to curb the tyrant's power. Proclaiming this the people's day and hour ! Enfranchised masses break their bars of fate, Republics spread and kings on subjects wait ! Then I reflect that wide humanity Owes all of this to those who kept us free — To those who fought to save our flag or died For us, our sons, and all the world beside! Fair city by the lake enthroned a queen, Bedecked wath all the forest's living green. Accept in trust and guard this treasure here, Thy county's off"'ring to her victors dear; hold it ever thy most precious prize, More than all riches valued in thine eyes ! 1 hear the panting engine's shriek and roar, I see the vessels, laden deep with ore, I see the chimneys' smoke — the foundries' glare — I see the steam expand and fill the air ; Thy wealth is great and great thy trade and art. Thy homes and streets, thy factories, thy mart — 532 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY But, grander than all other song or boast, This proud memorial exalts you most — Yea this and Garfield's silent resting place Shall be your glory's loftiest crown and grace ! Loom on, O Column, while the stars shall shine ! Wave on, O Banner, centuries are thine ! Move on, O City, to thy future vast I Live on, O Country, while the world shall last ! Cheer upon cheer greeted the gifted poet, and, at the conclusion of his brilliant effort, he was enthusiastically applauded. The exercises were now drawling to a close, and it was already past the noon hour wdien the children rose again to sing. This time it was '' America," the words of which cheer the American, and the music of which causes our cousins across the border and on the other side of the ocean to jump up and crack their heels to- gether. The people heartily joined in this, and at the conclusion, IMonsignor Thorpe pronounced the benedic- tion, in the following beautiful and appropriate prayer : " Oh, almighty, eternal, all wise and merciful God, look down propitiously on Thy children here assembled, and bless the purpose and the object of our assembling. Bless and consecrate forever to liberty and justice this glorious emblem of emancipated humanity, under whose starry folds we are come together. Bless this favored Nation and perpetuate its freedom and preserve its in- comparable Constitution against the machinations of the unwise and the illiberal. Bless the memory of those immortal heroes whose honored names yonder work of human genius and generosity would carry down to in- spire the patriotism of future generations. Bless our rulers, both state and national, with wisdom and pru- dence in the exercise of the powers Thou hast given them. Bless this citv of our love and this orreat com- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 533 monwealth of which we are a part, with a strict adher- ence to law in adjusting the difficnlties between man and man and with peace and plenty for the increase of human happiness. Bless those children — the men and women of the future — whose young and joyous voices have gladdened this historic day, and also the well nigh forty thousand to whose ranks they belong. Bless in like manner the fifteen thousand other children of this municipality, who are not represented, but whose love of country is not less pure, intense and fer\-ent than that which found expression in those grand old songs so dear to every American heart ; that all may dwell to- gether in love and harmony. Bless our whole country with a devout remembrance of Th\' providence and a sense of profound reverence for Thy ever abiding pres- ence. And may Thy choicest blessing, O, triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon us all and dwell in our hearts now and forevermore. Amen." This concluded the ever-memorable dedicatory ex- ercises. The gorgeous procession and its main features were written up by the observing young men of the Leader in manner following : " What is declared b)' many to be the greatest pag- eant ever seen in Cleveland occurred after the dedica- tion of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Alonument. In it were 6,000 men on foot and 400 emblematical floats and dec- orated wagons. It was six miles long. The procession moved over a line of march more than fi\-e miles long, and when the platoon of mounted police in the van had passed the reviewing stand many of the wagons had not yet reached the advertised starting point from their places of formation. At 2 o'clock the procession moved from the corner of Superior and Water Streets, and it was 6:10 o'clock when the last wagon passed the review- ing stand at the City Hall. Two hours were required 534 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY in passing that point, despite the fact that, owing to the late hour, the latter end of the procession was moved at almost a double-qnick. "Veterans of the War marched nnder their old battle- flags, bnt in ranks sadly depleted by the casualties of war and the ravages of time. They were received with honors due men who had offered their lives on the altar of patriotism and endured privation and suffering that the Union might be preserved. Then there was the military with steady tread and martial bearing, and a great display on the part of the vast industrial resources of Cleveland. The streets on the line of march were handsomely decorated and thronged by one of the larg- est crowds that has ever assembled in the city. " The streets were cleared in advance of the proces- sion by a platoon of mounted police, under the com- mand of Lieutenant Schmunk. They made a fine appearance and performed their duty in an efficient manner. At the head of the procession rode the Mar- shal of the Day, General M. D. Leggett, attended by a staff" comprising Chief of Staff, Colonel Allan T. Brins- made ; Adjutant General, Major A. M. Burns; Assist- ant Adjutant Generals, Colonel Myron G. Browne, Colonel Frederick H. Flick, Colonel W. D. Pudney, Captain T. K. Dissette, Captain E. D. Sawyer ; Aides- de-Camp (mounted). Colonel H. B. Hannum, Captain Peter Hitchcock, Colonel E. S. Coe, Captain H. Q. Sar- gent, Captain E. M. Hes-sler, Lieutenant T. B. Schult- zer, Lieutenant Reuben Hitchcock, Lieutenant Harry Robinson, Lieutenant J. V. McGorray ; Honorary Aides- de-Camp (in carriages), Major W. J. Gleason, President Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission ; Captain Levi F. Bander, Secretary Soldiers' and Sailors' Monu- ment Commission; Captain J. B, Molyneaux, Captain Edward H. Bohm, Captain Levi T. Scofield, Colonel E. W. Force, General James Barnett, General J. J. Elwell, Colonel Charles C. Dewstoe, Dr. R. W. Walters. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 535 "The place of honor at the liead of the line was ac- corded to the distinguished visitors, the members of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission and other veterans, the City and School officials, two surviving members of the Soldiers' Aid vSociety, and members of the Fourth of July Committee. Governor McKinley occupied a seat in a carriage with Mayor Blee, and ex- Governor Foraker shared a carriage with Major W. J. Gleason, President of the Monument Commission. \'et- erans of the Mexican War who rode in carriages were : Hon. O. J. Hodge, Hon. M. R. Dickey, Charles Childs, John O. Jones, and James W. Rhodes, of Cleveland ; A. A. Hodge, of ^lentor, and D. W. Rouse, of (yeneva. " ^Marshal James Hayr was in command of the First Division, which was devoted to veterans' regimental or- ganizations. The members of his staff were : Chief of Staff, Charles A. Willard ; Assistant Adjutant-General, George A. McKay ; Quartermaster-General, William Southwell ; Commissary-General, T. W. Brainard ; In- spector-General, A. L. Knauff; Surgeon-General, Dr. H. W. Kitchen ; Engineer, E. H. Bohni ; Chief Aide- de-Camp, Dr. R. Horton ; Aides-de-Camp, J. L. Smith, William S. Pay, Alexander Stewart, W. L. Pudney, E. L. Pardee, A. H. Glover. " The Second (Jhio Volunteer Cavalry, commanded by Captain A. S. Stratton, of Madison, led the line, with 48 men. The Sixth Cavalry followed, led by a platoon of men carrying fifteen battle flags, the war colors of various regiments, which attracted marked attention throughout the line of march. There were 65 men in line, under the leadership of Captain A. W. Fenton, Captain O. N. Ferry and Lieutenant W. H. Bullard, The Third Cavalry had 10 men in line, under the com- mand of Captain Frank Rieley ; Tenth Cavalry, Captain Charles vSelzer, 16 men; Twelfth Cavalry, Colonel J. F. Herrick, 15 men ; Tenth Cavalry, Captain W. C. Cowin, 536 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY 9 men ; Fourth Ohio Vohinteer Infantry, i man, R. D. McCarter, of Cohimbus. The Seventh Ohio Vohinteer Infantry were under Captain W. A, Howe. They wore a badge adorned with a rooster, the emblem of the regi- ment, and carried four flags. The Eighth Infantry was represented by Major J. C. Briggs, of Elyria ; Michael O'Connell, Cleveland ; A. Baldwin, Lorain, and C. Locke, Oberlin, and the Fifteenth Infantry by J. N. Walker and M. H. Kline. Eight men of the Nineteenth Infantry were commanded by Dr. P. D. Reefy, Elyria ; Sixteenth Wisconsin Infantry, Captain R. C. Rowe, Elyria, 4 men ; Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, Captain Benjamin Killam, 75 ; Twenty-fourth Infantry, J. W. Kinney, who carried the regimental flag ; Twenty- seventh Infantry, Captain M. F. Madigan, 9 men. Major Herman Mayer, who was ' Little Dick ' of the Thirty-second Infantry, represented that regiment and carried the flag. The Thirty-seventh Infantry was led by Captain F. Siselman and comprised 18 men ; Thirty- eighth Infantry, 3 men, C. D. Harrington, Matthew Os- termeyer, of Cleveland, and H. Daily, of Fulton County ; Forty-first Infantry, Captain W. J. Morgan, 33 ; Forty- second Infantry, Captain B. F. Phinney, 20; Forty-third Infantry, Captain A. L. Howe, 8; P'ifty-eighth Infantry, A. J. Symes, H. H. Kerr, and Frederick Chandler ; Six- tieth Infantry, Captain W. H. Farrand, 6; Fifty-first Infantry, 6 men. The One Hundred and Third Infantry was commanded by General J. S. Casement, of Paines- ville. It was headed by the (rrand Army of the Repub- lic Drum Corps, of Elyria, the members of which pre- sented a very natty appearance in Zouave uniforms, and there were 100 of the veterans in line. General A. C. Voris, of the Sixty-seventh Infantry, was in the city, but was unable to march on account of indisposition, and Colonel G. L. Childs was in command. J. A. Mc- intosh was the only re]:)resentative of the Seventy-eighth SOLDIERvS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 537 Infantry. Major A. Vignos, of Canton, who lost an arm at Gettysbnrg thirty-one years ago yesterday, led 75 men of the One Hundred and Seventh Infantry. Dr. E. W. Poole was at the head of 40 men of the One Hun- dred and Seventy-seventh Infantry. Colonel James Pickands was in command of the One Hundred and T\vent\-fourth Infantry and there were 60 men in line, three of the members forming a drum corps. The One hundred and Twenty-fifth Infantry, Captain R. C. Rice, had 20 men ; One Hundred and Fiftieth Infantry, Colonel W. H. Hayward, no men. Major J. Dwight Palmer marched in the front rank and led the regiment in sing- ing. The First Ohio Volunteer iVrtillery, Captain N. A. Baldwin, Garrettsville, had 120 men in line; Ninth In- dependent Batter}-, Captain H. B. York, 12 men; Nine- teenth Battery, Captain J. C. Shields, 41 men ; Fifteenth Battery, Captain T. C. Stokes, Olmsted, 18 ; Sixty-fifth Infantry, 3 men ; Twentieth Battery, Captain William Backus, Lieutenant William Neracher, 50 men ; Union Veterans' Union and Battery K, First Ohio Artillery, General W. T. Clark, 200 men. " Eight of the men of the navy were aboard a hand- some launch under the command of Captain J. S. Jones. They had served on the gunboats Yantic and Towah and the steam ram Monarch. B. F. Benz, of the Sec- ond New York Cavalry, and C. Heron, Fifth New York Cavalry, were also in the division. ^lembers of the Eighth Infantry rode in three carriages. At the head of the division marched the Great Western Band. " The members of the Grand Arm)- of the Republic who did not march with the regimental organizations formed the Second Division. They were under the command of General E. E. Nutt, Commander of the Department of Ohio, G. A. R. The members of his staff were : Assistant Adjutant-General, T. B. Marshall,. Sidney, O.; Chief of Staff, D. S. W^ilder, Columbus, O. ;, 53^'> HISTORY OF THK CUYAHOGA COUNTY ReY. G. B. Smith, Chaplain ; Member of Committee of Administration, J. C. Roland; Aides, \V. H. Surles, East LiYerpool; A. P. Howard, Wellsville, O.; E. L. Patterson, W. C. Cowin, G. C. Barnes, J. S. Hobbs, INI. A. Lander, C. W. Sanborn, J. B. Swartwood, O. P. Lati- mer, C. E. Griswold, C. D. Harrington, R. S. (Tross, J. F. Herrick, D. A. Kimball, J. C. Walton, E. S. Libby, 'O. L. Neflf; Orderlies, J. E. Waffle, C. H. A. Palmer, B. J. OYiatt, O. H. INIatthews, W. W Molyneaux. " The right of the line was held by ^Memorial Post, ■96 strong, under the command of Captain D. G. Nesbitt. Army and Navy Post, Captain L. W. Day, had 80 mem- bers ; Brooklyn Post, Captain John Sweisel, 24 ; and J. B. Steedman Post, Captain J. B. P\ay, 20. Forest City Post was commanded by Captain L L. Bnskirk. Cleve- land City, O. J. Crane, and Commodore Perry Posts -were also represented in the line. Thirty members of the Sons of Veterans were commanded by Captain J. C. .Blackburn. A number of invalid veterans rode in a wagon. " A brilliant feature of the parade was the Military Third Division. There was the glint of polished arms .and the maneuvers of finely trained bodies of men to .interest the crowd, and the Soldier boys were equal to the occasion. They never marched better, and never .appeared to better advantage. Colonel J. J. vSullivan was the IMarshal of the Division, and he was assisted in the command by Captain J. C. Roland, Chief of Staff; Captain H. R. Adams, Assistant Adjutant-Creneral ; .Aides, Captain Julius Carrington, Captain D. Z. Norton, •Captain J. S. Dickie, Captain J. W. Warwick, Captain H. A. Griffin, Captain J. D. Connolly, Captain Charles IP. Salen, Captain C. E. Sullivan, Captain Eugene Ong. " The First Cleveland Troop, under the command of "Lieutenant H. B. Kingsley, had 40 men in line, and ^Colonel C. L. Kennan commanded the Fifth Regiment, soldiers' and sailors' moxumkn'T. 539 the meinbers of which appeared in fatif^ne unifornis which they wore during their recent campaign in the coal regions. The regiment was headed by the Orand Army Band of Canton. Colonel Kennan and his staff on horseback led the regiment. The regiment was rep- resented by Company (r, Xorwalk, Captain H. L. Stew- art ; Compan\- K, Cajjtain I). II. Pond; Company A, Captain L. R. Davies ; Comjjany 1*", Captain C. X. Zim- merman ; Com])any L, Captain A. V. Lawrence ; Com- pany I», Ca])tain k'red. Lawrence. There were 250 men in line. "The Cleveland Light .\rtillery, Captain O. T. Mc- Connell, had 58 men in line ; Association Rifles, Cajjtain J. C. Beardsley, 58 ; Cleveland City Guards, Captain W. A. Hare, 62 ; Cleveland Scots Guards, Lieutenant P. A. McKenzie, 48; Chisholm vScottish Guards, Captain J. W.Thompson, 33; (Jattling Tiun Battery, Lieutenant D.O.Caswell, 43; Cleveland (rrays, Captain H. P' razee, 102 ; and Company A, of the vSevent>-fourth New York Regiment, Captain W. A. Damer, 38 men. " The Fourth Division of the procession was com- posed of the uniformed civic and semi-military organi- zations. Colonel Jfjhn \V. Gibbons was in command. His Chief of vStafif was Colonel Martin A. P'oran, his Assistant Adjutant-General, ^lajor D. W. Johns, and his Aides, Captains vS. .\. Taggart, Morris Porter, N. Weidenkopf, A. L. Bryan, and J. Stovering. The First Brigade of the division was in charge of Colonel Charles A. Davidson, whose .\ides were Captains K. H. Towson, P'. IP Durstine, and George Davis. Colonel John Dunn commanded the .Second I>rigade, his Assistant Adjutant- r,eneral being Captain John Wilhelm, and his Aides, Ca])tains James Rochford, John Ve\era, John Malow- ski, John W'eser, John P'ruck. The .Sixth Regiment, Uniformed Rank Independent Order of Odd Fellows, led the First Brigade of the division. Colonel C. L. 540 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Alderson was in command, his staff consisting of Major C. E. Benham, Captain R. W. Drackett, Major Philip Hyle, Captain A. J. Spencer, and Captain H. G. vSipher. The Odd Fellows were 300 in line, exclusive of the Odd Fellows' Band of Cleveland, which marched at their head and consisted of thirty pieces. The next organi- zation in line was the Second Regiment, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias. The regiment was com- posed of 250 men, and was preceded by the Drum and Trumpet Corps of the Second Ohio Regiment, Knights of Pythias. Colonel T. W. Minshull commanded, the following being his staff: Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. Macey, Major A. Petzke, Major F. J. Panek, and Adju- tant Tony S. Deisner. Seven companies of the regiment were represented. Following the Knights of Pythias were Companies A and B, Commandery No. 9, Knights of the Golden Eagle. Sixty men were in line, Captain Samuel Eaton commanding. Alpha Division No. i. Royal x^rcanum, 18 men in line, marched next, Captain C. M. Hiles commanding. Next was Anchor Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle, 14 in line, Captain Miller commanding. The Middleton Fife and Drum Corps preceded the Avery Drill Corps, under the command of Captain W. A. McDonald. Forty were in line in the drum corps. The Gray Cadets, Captain R. H. IMorgan, presented a good appearance, and were 70 men strong. " Major M. Millard and Adjutant Dudley Wick, Jr., were in charge of a battalion of Boys' Brigade, which numbered 310 recruits. The companies were as fol- lows : Pilgrim Cadets, Captain John (xlueck ; Living- stone Cadets, Captain F. M. Douttiel ; East Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church Brigade, Captain C. L. Chalfant ; South Presbyterian Church Brigade, Captain McQuillet; Franklin Circle Church of Christ Brigade, Captain Clyde Lawrence ; Second Presbyterian Church Brigade, Captain Ralph Huntington ; Jennings Avenue soldiers' and sailors' monument. 541 iMethodist Episcopal Church Brigade, Captain Harry Keim ; Music Hall Cadets, Captain Clayton Horning ; Euclid Avenue Presbyterian Church, Captain Amos Denison ; Willson Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Captain Frank C. Brainard ; Brooklyn Village Method- ist Church, Captain E. T. Foote ; Trinity Cathedral Knights of Temperance, Captain F. R. Morley. The battalion of Boys' Brigade was accompanied by an effi- cient drum corps. The Patriotic Sons of America were next in line, 25 strong. The company was commanded by Captain C. C. Benhani. This ended the First Bri- gade of the Fourth Division. '' The vSecond Brigade was devoted to the Catholic societies. First was the Hibernian Rifles, in two com- panies, commanded respectively by Captains M. P. Cuni- mings and John F'leming. Seventy-five men marched. The Cleveland companies of Knights of St. John fol- lowed, 446 strong, as follows: Knights of St. George, Captain Girard Hippler ; Knights of Father Mathew, Captain J. T. O' Brian ; Sheridan Commandery, Captain C. A. Dainz ; Immaculate Conception Commandery, Captain John L. Noonan ; vSt. F'rancis' Commandery, Captain 'F. Armbruster ; Washington Commandery, Captain P. H. McMahon ; Shields Commandery, Cap- tain T. G. Smith ; Lafayette Commandery, Captain Joseph Graham ; St. Peter's Commandery, Captain A. Besinger ; St. Michael's Commandery, Captain John Widerowski ; Washington Cadets, Captain F. M. Finu- can ; Knights of St. Wenceslaus, Captain Joseph Dick. The Knights of St. Kasimir, 28 in number, came next. Captain M. P. Kinola in command, after which the Society of St. Wenceslaus, 30 strong, under the com- mand of Captain Florian Finkes, marched. The Knights of F'ather Mathew, of St. Malachi's iVssembly, 34 in line, were commanded by Captain Ignatius Long- tin. St. Imri's Society, preceded by the Pythian Cadet 542 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Band, marched 21 in line, nnder command of Captain John Balasc. St. Ladislav Society of St. Elizabeth Church turned out to the number of 100, and was com- manded by Captains John Weiger and John Nemit. St. Peter's Society of St. Prokop's Church, under the command of Captain V. Sprosty, was present 100 strong. The brigade devoted to the Catholic societies closed with two carriages. In one of these rode Rev. George Vahey and Rev. Dr. Patrick Farrell, while in the other were C. J. Manix, President, W. M. Dillhoefer and J. W. Bartunek, Vice Presidents, and George S. Gibbons, Secretary, of the Catholic Central Association. " The following were the Marshals and Aides in the Fifth Division, which was devoted to the exhibits of business houses both in manufacturing and mercantile lines: Colonel Elroy M. Avery, commanding ; Assistant Adjutant General, Captain John J. Dalton ; Aides, Cap- tain W. T. Robbins, Captain E. L. Harris, Captain E. S. Bullis, Captain W. H. H. Gorham, Captain x\rthur A. Kuntz, Captain Harry C. Mason, Captain D. W. Shaw, Captain Paul Bernhard. First Brigade — Major Charles H, Smith, commanding; Adjutant, R. Marshal Coulton ; Aides, Captains O. A. Ross, T. W. Hill, Henry E. Morri- son, Edward W. Moore, J. L. Smith. Second Brigade — Major William M. Bayne, commanding ; Adjutant, Cap- tain L. J. Rowbottom ; x'lide, Captain Dr. F. W. Davidson. Third Brigade — Major Charles W. Burrows, command- ing ; Adjutant, Captain David S. Perkins ; Aide-de- Camp, Captain G. W. Kohlmetz. Fourth Brigade — Major L. I. Pope, commanding; Adjutant, Captain E. M. Carleton ; Aides, Captain D. W. Davis and Captain J. H. Bigelow. " The floats and wagons which bore the advertise- ments of the business men of Cleveland were of varied design and many of them very handsome. First came an historical float which was designed bv Cooks Bros. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 543 The float was typical of Cleveland when it was founded in 1796, and contained five figures, one of which repre- sented Moses Cleaveland, " This was followed by more than three hundred handsomeh' decorated floats and wagons, emblematic of the merchants and manufacturers of the city, all combined making up such a gorgeous display as was never before witnessed in our prosperous city. " The cool shade afforded by the City Hall building at the close of }esterday afternoon was greatly appreci- ated by the ladies and gentlemen who sat in the large stand which had been erected in front of it for review- ing the procession. The stand was on the north side of the street, and, besides occupying a large portion of the sidewalk at that point, it extended some distance over the curb. The interior was of ample size for seat- ing several hundred persons, and the chairs were ar- ranged in tiers rising one above the other. The front and sides of the stand were tastefully decorated with bunting and flags, and the top was arranged with a canvas cover, to be used in case of rain. Fortunately this safeguard was not needed. Admission to the stand was by card only. " The head of the procession was hardly well started out Prospect Street when the seats began to be filled, about as many ladies as gentlemen being seen. As the procession appeared in sight on Superior Street, near Erie Street on its return, patrolmen on guard compelled the people who were pressing too close to the entrance to the stand to make wa}- for the occupants of the car- riages, and when the mounted police had passed, the vehicles were driven close to the stand, and the passen- gers quickly stepped upon it. First appeared Governor McKinley with Mayor Blee, the two passing to seats at the center of the stand amid the cheers of the specta- tors. Following close came the City and County oflfi- 544 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COVXTY cials. Postmaster Anderson, the members of the City Council and School Council, the members of the Mayor's Cabinet, the members of the Monument Com- mission, and prominent clergymen, attorneys, and busi- ness men. The center of the front of the stand was occupied by the GoYeruor and the Mayor, ayIio stood and receiYed the salutes of the men who passed before them. GoYernor McKinley stood with his hat off, and bowed repeatedly as his name was uttered. Occasion- ally he spoke in reply. ScYeral times, when the de- tachments of the Boys' Brigade and other organizations of boys passed the stand, he uttered a commendatory word for the steadfastness with which they kept up with the procession. It was 4:30 o'clock when the head of the parade reached the stand, and the GoYernor and Mayor remained in their places until it had passed, it being then after 6 o'clock." The appearance of the city and the scenes enacted were graphically portrayed by the enterprising Lcadtr reporter as follows : " The city wore her gayest dress yesterday. A mill- ion flags and more fluttered in the breeze. Thousands of yards of bunting draped the fronts of the public buildings. Thousands of yards were likewise used on the business blocks. The Public Square and the down- town streets radiating therefrom were aglow with colors. In the brightness of the sunlight they presented a gor- geous Yiew. WhercYer the eye was turned, flags of the Nation appeared. Xot only in the business portion of the city did patriotism break forth in display, but also in hundreds of homes, and the country's Inde- pendence Da\- was marked by brilliant demonstra- tion. Flags sprang from lawns and flower beds as if by magic. Silken banners waYed from mansion and cottage alike. EYcry where was the spirit of loyalty felt. On the West Side, and on the East Side, on the soldiers' and sailors' moxumext. 545 South vSicle, and on the lake was its presence made known. "The Public vSquare was the center of decoration. Dotted with countless and multi-colored sunshades, summer hats, and dresses, the groundwork was com- plete, so far as a Fourth of Jul\- crowd was concerned. Looking up Superior vStreet the first feature to attract the attention of the ob.server was the tall electric light mast, from the top of which went out long lines of little flags, reaching to the buildings at the sides of the Square. Like the ribs of a vast umbrella did they spread over the crowd. vSome of the flags were red, others blue, others white, and still others red, white, and blue combined. ^Myriads of brighth-painted paper lanterns swung from their fastenings underneath the trees. Telegraph poles were wrapped in colors from top to bottom and added to the general holidax" appear- ance. The vSoldiers' and vSailors' Monument, from its four flag staff's, presented bright emblems of the Nation, which fluttered proudly from their fastenings. Hun- dreds of little banners were suspended from the electric railway wires above the streets. All around the Square the buildings were gayly dressed. On the west side of the Park the windows were draped with bunting and supplied with flags. From the top of the Old Court House a large emblem unfurled its folds. Just iinder the eave was caught another, which formed a semi-circle of colors and stars. Similar drapings adorned the balcony and windows. At the entrance door was placed a large portrait of Grant surrounded with flags. ( )n the north side of the Square, the Wick block and the Society for vSavings building presented a lovely sight. vStreamers of the national colors crossed each other diagonally on the front of the former block and formed a square at the top and sides. The general effect was augmented bv dozens of little fla^s and 546 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Streamers. From the top of the tall building of the Society for Savings waved one of the largest flags in the State. Near the end of the staff were fastened two ropes reaching to either corner of the roof. To these ropes tiny streamers were attached. Over the eaves fell folds of bunting. In the middle, near the top, were pinned long rows of colors, which spread fan-like toward the bottom. ' Liberty ' and ' E Pluribus Unum ' were displayed in paintings. Half circles of flags fell from the sills of the windows. A bright new banner floated from the rooms of the Historical Society. The West side of the Government Building was draped in tri- colors, with the addition, here and there, of a stripe of something else. Long streamers decorated the balcony, and many bunches of bunting were swung from the windows. Several flags of larger size were raised upon the roof. The Cuyahoga Building did much towards making the setting of the Square complete. Bright new flags were fastened outside every window, and in some were arranged, in decorative styles, various sym- bols appropriate to the da>". The main entrance was prettily draped. The other buildings to the east of the Square were also adorned. On the south the hand- somely decorated dry goods stores attracted attention. On the Euclid Avenue Block was a large star in colors, while on either side was arranged a shield. Bunting spread over the front, falling from the middle to the outer walls. On one of the stores was a large sign bear- ing the words, ' Greater Cleveland.' The decorations of the Forest City House and the adjacent streets were nicely arranged. To those who glanced along Ontario Street, a glimmer of flags appeared. All of the stores were furnished with an abundance. E. R. Hull tS: But- ton's store was covered with them. Crossed between the windows and fastened in other designs, they brio^htened the scene. A larire flas: floated from soldiers' and sailors' monument. 547 the tower and another was swung from the opposite corner. " From the foot of Water .Street to Euclid Station on Willson Avenue, the line of march of the procession was honored with special decorations. Superior .Street, on both sides, was draped in color. The tall blocks, with their many designs, expressed a welcome to the Veterans and the visitors which will long be remem- bered. The balconies of the Weddell House and the American House were wound about with bunting and studded with stars. The big store of J. L. Hudson made a special effort. Festoons of cloth almost con- cealed the front. Long stretches of solid blue mingled with equal lengths of red and white. Across the front, midway from the ground, were displayed the words : ' The Brighter Star — Our Country.' At the main en- trance a picture of Lincoln, draped with old Glory, was to be seen. Looking down vSeneca Street from Supe- rior, toward the lake, the front of the New Court House loomed up in its dress of bright colors. The statue of Justice was enshrouded in a handsome flag. At her feet, on the top of an arch, was the head of Liberty, from which radiated streamers of bunting. The win- dows were neatly festooned. Upper Superior Street, in the vicinity of the City Hall, was viewed with delight by the crowd. The Municipal Building itself was hand- somely fitted out with flags which jutted from every window. Little banners and big banners joined to- gether in doing honor to the day. The Hollenden at- tracted favorable comment, being adorned in gala attire from basement to roof. On Euclid Avenue the large blocks were nearly all made radiant with bunting and flags. A great deal of originality and no small amount of expense were manifest in the display. The Public Library and school headquarters building, after almost a day's work, was made to look exceedingh" beautiful. 548 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY A wide expanse of bunting, converging at the center, set off the front. On either side of it were other drap- ines of a similar character. Folds of the national colors fell from the sills of the windows and the balconies, while scores of tiny flags fluttered in the breeze. Over the main door was a framed portrait of Garfield, sur- rounded on all sides by the colors he loved so well. The Stillman was supplied with numerous decorations. In the Arcade a great deal of festooning was done. A beautiful floral wreath was received \-esterda)- from ^^Irs. C. F. Johnson, formerly Miss Ellen F. Terry, who was a member of the Sanitary Commission. It was placed in the Monument to decorate the panel representing the Commission. Mrs. Johnson was invited to be pres- ent at the exercises of the day, but was unable to do so. Her home is in Hartford, Conn. The wreath was com- posed of white carnations and English hardy doy. At- tached to it was a silken band upon which was written, ' Ave et Vale ' in Latin, meaning ' Hail and farewell.' " Never has the Public Square looked so beautiful as it did last evening during the illumination in honor of the Nation's birthday and the dedication of the Soldiers' Monument. Its entire space, hemmed in by towering buildings, was a blaze of light of many tints, and it seemed as though a chapter out of the experience of Aladdin had been thrust into the Nineteenth Century. Everything within the enclosure was made to do service for the central effect desired. The trees seemed to be made of delicate fire with their load of fairy Chinese lanterns, which also hung in rows and festoons all about the Park. Every color and tint imaginable was shown by them, but the national colors were predominant. The lanterns were likewise of all shapes and sizes, and the appearance of the aggregation, as they shifted their position under the influence of the gentle breeze that swept through the place, was most quaint and fairylike. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 549 The entire space in the two western sections of the Sqnare was adorned with lines of these frail beacons. They hnng thickly from the bonghs of the trees jnst above the heads of the crowd, and cast a dreamy light over the fonntains, the flower beds, and the people. The amphitheater in the northeast section was also thickly set with the lanterns, and thousands of s])ecta- tors who witnessed the display of the evening from that vantage point looked like a misty vision. Another beautiful feature of the illumination was seen o\-er the streets leading into the Square. The cross wires sup- porting the street car trolley wires were hung with the little glass lanterns, wdiich became so famous at the World's Fair, on Wooded Island. The tiny cups were of the three colors which unite in the Stars and Stripes, and thev were arranged in reo-ular lines alone the streets. The effect was, to a spectator at a little dis- tance, like that of a ceiling set with brilliant points of vari-colored fire. The scene was dazzling in its splen- dor. These little lights were on Superior and Ontario Streets and Euclid Avenue and the number made use of was very large. " But the most brilliant effect of all was that pro- duced on the electric light mast in the center of the Square. The mast had been trimmed and decorated in a manner never before attempted. At the top were the eight arc lights as usual, but even the light from these had undergone a change. Instead of the l)right, white light that is wont to stream from the high point of the mast, the colors of the ra>'s were red, white, and blue, as in the other lights round about. But this is not all. From the top of the pole to the platform, which stands about twenty feet from the ground, there wound in spiral form a line of bright incandescent globes which fairly filled the center of the enclosure with effulgence. The effect of the flashing points was charming and 550 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY most attractive. The globes were varied in color, run- ning through the shades of blue, violet, purple, green, and finally red and white, and the number of separate lamps was so great as to render the combined radiance almost too strong for the eye, if the one watching it were close to the mast. The gleaming column, with its intensely bright spiral, loomed upward like a triumphal monument, and the attention that it received from the spectators easily exceeded that given any other feature of the evening's display. " At various other points in the Square were arc lamps set in globes of the prevailing colors, giving light as well as patriotic inspiration and aiding to flood the city's central park with chromatic harmony. The il- lumination fell with renewed splendor on the immense spread of bunting which decorated the Square. The long, radiating lines of flags that stretched from the top of the mast and the banners that covered the faces of the nearby buildings, were alike thrown into promi- nence and the}' added greatly to the brilliancy of the scene. " From the top of the tall building of the Society for Savings were turned in various directions the beam-like rays of three powerful electric search-lights. These were manipulated by expert hands, and under the skillful di- rection of the operators the various points of interest in the central part of the city were in turn illuminated. '' Off" in the dark sky, rendered doubly dark to the eye grown accustomed to the glare of the immediate vicinity, there would suddenly appear the outlines of a tall building, thrown into prominence by the searching reflector. This would pass out of sight as another ob- ject appeared. The group of spectators in the park watched the strange effect of the light, as it was turned for a moment on some of their number and as quickly moved in another direction acrain. The Soldiers' and soldiers' axd sailors' monument. :5:)J Sailors' Monument, standing somber in the half light that reached its top, was frequently thrown into strong relief against the sky by the light that slowly traveled up and down its granite column. First the gigantic figure of Liberty at the top would be seen, as plainly as in the brightest sunshine, and then the flash would move down towards the tal)let room and the bronze groups that stand about the wide esplanade. Two of the lights were covered with glass screens colored a deep blue and a l:)right crimson, and these were turned upon various objects in the vSquare. The immense flag which floated from the roof of the Society for vSavings build- ing was illuminated several times by the combined ef- fect of the three lamps. Thereby an exceedingly beautiful effect was produced. Each color in the flag took on a deeper tint of its owm and the red stripes were of a red as deep and pure as though all the ver- milion and cochineal of a continent had been called into use for the producing of that very tint. The blue straightway became a royal purple of a richness almost impossible and the white served to accent the effect of the whole. " Off" in the distance, in every direction, were sky- rockets and Roman candles and Greek fire. The street was tinged with all the colors known to man. The buildings about the vSquare were illuminated in every room. The tower on the top of the store of E. R. Hull & Dutton contained an arc light high on the to]) and rows of incandescent lamps all around. P'rom the roof of the Lennox sprang streaks of fire, which, winding their w-ay into the bosom of the sky, went out in puffs of colored stars. " Down on the lake front, in Lake \'iew Park, and on the streets leading thereto, were numbers of spectators who watched the display, sitting on the grass or walking to and fro. The crack yacht, the Say When, came 552 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY in from the home of Hon. W. J. White, wreathed in the national colors, which were giYcn ont by the many incandescent lights on board. The small boy made the occasion a succession of deafening noises and wild shrieks of amusement and joy. The cannon cracker ended its peaceful existence with an explosion that shook the neighborhood. The torpedo and the shrieker closed up their accounts together, and the country swain and his sweetheart enjoyed the show as only the ruralist can enjo}' a Fourth of July celebration in the city. Slowly the noise and uproar ceased and the pleasure-surfeited public sought home and rest. Finally the night obtained control and the lights went out. The coming of darkness was the end of one of the greatest celebrations of a patriotic nature the Forest City has ever had, and the weary ones who had seen it all were ready to give assent to the statement." The Plain Denier reporter thus glowingly describes the carnival : " The Square last evening resembled the scene of a brilliant carnival, unparalleled in beauty. From the base of the towering electric light staff in the center of the Square to its peak it was twined with a spiral of in- candescent lights, red, white and blue in color, and on the platform around the top were larger globes, all in the national colors. Completely encircling the Square was a row of Chinese lanterns and these lent a softening radiance to the whole effect. The thousand flags con- verging at the top of the tall staff fluttered softly, whiz- zing rockets sped upward and fell in multi-colored brilliance, red and blue lights at intervals cast their strong reflection over the surging crowd that gathered early in the evening and stayed until late, and on the outskirts of the scene the Society for Savings and Cu\alioga buildings, with their every window lighted, loomed above their surroundines. Three strons: search- soldiers' and sailors' monument. 553 lights on the former building were also used to good advantage to enhance the beauty of the scene. " And the crowd was a jolly, cosmopolitan assemblage. The great grand stand in the northeast corner was filled with people and a still larger, constantly changing crowd promenaded the vSquare until midnight. The people shouldered and elbowed each other in what seemed sometimes an utterly futile attempt to make any progress, but a better-natured lot of seething humanity was never seen. Everyone realized that Cleveland was eu fete and wore his or her happiest smile to grace the occasion. The city's holiday attire, the brilliant lights, the people all combined to make the scene one never to be forgotten. " Governor ]\lcKinley expressed himself as very much pleased with the Fourth of July celebration in this city in conversation with a Plain Dealer reporter last even- ing. He characterized it as a most fitting observance of the day and said : '' ' The program was carried out in an excellent man- ner, without jar or collision, and the citizens of Cleve- land may well feel proud of the celebration. One of the most impressive scenes of the day was the presence of the 3,000 school children on the immense amphitheater singing patriotic songs. The singing of the ' Star Spangled Banner ' and the waving of flags above their heads was indeed inspiring.' " In speaking of the parade, the Governor said that it was one of the finest he had ever witnessed and was handled in a magnificent manner. ' The troops looked splendid and the independent companies presented a fine appearance. The large number of the boys who wore the blue in line was a very pleasing sight and one of the features of the parade. The industrial display was great.' " The Governor attached a great deal of interest to 554 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY the presence of so many \'eterans and felt a personal interest in that portion of the parade, as two companies of his old regiment were from this locality. '' ' Another interesting featnre,' he said, ' was the presence at the morning exercises of ]Mrs. Harris and ]Mrs. Thatcher, the oldest surviving organizers of the La- dies' Aid Society, who did snch noble work during the dark days of the War. Their attendance was an addi- tion that made the affair complete in every particular. The one other thing that put a finish to the grandeur of the day was the decorations, which were profuse and elaborate. Particularly was it true of the Square, Euclid Avenue and Prospect Street. " ' The whole day was a memorable one,' said Gov- ernor McKinley in conclusion, ' and an e\ent in which I was glad indeed to be able to participate.' " Ex-Governor Foraker said last evening that he had been most highly gratified with the results of Wednes- dav's celebration." XXVI. THK MONUMENT COMMISSIONERS. THE companionship of the Commission and the work done by them were referred to in the fol- lowing pleasant vein by the Leader reporter : " There is something not quite in line with this prac- tical age, in the idea of a number of men banding them- selves together for a purely unselfish object and con- tinuing in this relation and in the efforts for the accom- plishment of the object sought for nearly a score and a half of years. vSuch has been the case with the Monu- ment Commission, the members of which have labored together in building the structure dedicated for so long that the beginning of the enterprise seems far away. For the first few years, the Commission was composed of only a few members, others being added from time to time, but whether in or out of the organization, the twelve present members have always been in sympathy with the enterprise and have aided in securing its success whenever opportunity offered. The plans that have been proposed and the suggestions offered have been placed before all the members as they came up, and all have had an opportunit>' of expressing their opinions. The dedication of the Mcjuument will take from many of them a weight of responsibility which has rested somewhat heavily during all the controversy and variance of opinion that has characterized the l^rog- ress of the enterprise." The Plain Dealer compliments the Commissioners in the following happy style : " A better choice of twelve men to serve on the 556 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY Monument Commission coiild hardly have been made. They are all members of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, and as such were appointed on the Commission by Gov. Joseph B. Foraker. By their fellow-citizens they are highly esteemed, not only for their bravery in war, but for their records in times of peace. There are three generals on the Commission — Leggett, Barnett and Elwell. The other men have all attained to some rank and have served with distinction. In local affairs, several of the men have been honored by being elected or appointed to positions of trust and honor. The handling of the business connected with the building of the Monument has been done in a systematic and business-like manner, and their report of the finances entrusted to their care will show this." A brief biography of each Commissioner will be found in the succeeding pages, from the souvenir editions of the Leader and Plain Dealer: MAJOR wii.lia:m j. gleasox. The member of the Monument Commission who, if any, has had more to do with the enterprise than the others, is Major William J. Gleason, from the first the President of the body. Major Gleason introduced the resolution that placed the members of Camp Barnett Soldiers' and Sailors' Society on record in favor of the erection of the Monument. This was as far in the past as the year 1879. He had been active previous to that time in the agitation of the subject, and in all the years that followed he retained his place in the van of the workers. He was born in the famous county Clare, Ireland, in the year 1846, on June 2d, and within six months from that time he was in America. His parents settled in Vermont, but after a short time removed to Cleveland, where they made their home. The son attended the parochial and public schools of the city, and at the age of eleven commenced selling newspapers ;^^^^ jK^ .<^^^,^t>^-?-^r\ soldiers' and sailors' monument. 559 on the street and doing other light work. He received his practical education in the printing office and by hard study, being a genuine self-made man. He was less than fifteen years of age when the War broke out, and he had been at that time engaged as printer's devil for six months in the composing room of the Plain Dealer. With some of his earnings he purchased a drum and went out to join the Soldiers at Camp Taylor, which was located on the block bounded by Woodland and Scovill Avenues and Maple and Linden Streets. He be- came a drummer under Captain De Villiers and spent three months at the camp. Though at this time only fifteen years old, the next year he became eighteen, so as to enlist, and he at once did so for three years, or till the close of the War. This time he became a mem- ber of the Sixtieth Ohio \"olunteer Infantry, under Captain P. K. Walsh, and his soldier experience lasted just a week. At the expiration of that time, his parents sought him out with a writ of habeas corpus, and he was led home. He was allowed to enter the National Guard, however, and Company E, of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, received him as a drummer boy and gradu- ated him in 1864 as a full-fledged Soldier, able to carry a musket. While a member of the National Guard, he was a compositor in the Plain Dealer office. One morning, he left home as usual with his dinner basket, but he never reached the office. Instead, he enlisted in the 150th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain J. B. Molyneaux, and the first his parents knew of it they received a letter from Washington, where he was en- gaged in defending the National Capital. He still lacked one month of being eighteen years of age, but this time he was not molested, and he remained with the regiment until it came home. Major Gleason is a printer by trade, a fact of which he declares himself proud. 560 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY As he was a private in active service it becomes necessary to explain his title of major. His friends assert that he was born a major, is a major by nature and by habit, and will die a major. It is said that strangers at first glance always spot him for a major. The spirit of major is thoroughly imbued in him and personified by him. But he came to the title honestly, for though too young to acquire it in war, he served on the staff of the Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. After his return from the army. Major Gleason re- sumed the printing trade as a compositor. He was subsequently a hustling reporter and connected with the business department, going through all of the grades of newspaper work. Of late years, however, he has not continued in this, being engaged in the insur- ance business. He has been conspicuous in all things relating to the improvement of Cleveland. He organ- ized the system under which the Board of Elections is working and was its first Secretary. Under the admin- istration of Mayor George W. Gardner, he was City Comptroller. He has been Secretary of the Library Board for three years, and also a member of the Board of Equalization. He has held many positions of trust and responsibility, nearly all of them without pay, dis- charging his every duty with intelligence and [fidelity. He was President of the Irish National League during its entire practical existence. In all patriotic objects concerning either his native country or the Government of the United States, he has been a tireless worker. His entire life has been marked by thorough executive ability, earnest activity and enterprise. Upon the election of the Permanent Commission, he was made a member thereof, and was subsequently unanimously chosen its President. CAPTAIN LEVI F. BAUDER. soldiers' axd sailors' monument, 565 captain levi f. bauder. Associated with the ^Monument enterprise from the first and connected with the Commission since its organ- ization as its permanent Secretary, Captain Levi F. Bander has been in close touch with all the work that has been done. The records of the endeavors of the fifteen years that the Commission has been in exist- ence, placed in black and white by him, are voluminous and complete. The main portion of the history of the enterprise is contained within the covers of one huge volume, but aside from this there has been an immense amount of other clerical work. Captain Bander was born in the Forest City on Janu- ary 28, 1840. His early life was uneventful. He attended the public schools, and was graduated from the Central High School in 1858. Later, he attended the academy at Port Royal, Va., and Oberlin College^ and was engaged as a teacher in Pickaway county when the War broke out. He at once returned to Cleveland, and enlisted in the Sprague Cadets, two or three days after the fall of Fort Sumter. The vSprague Cadets was a Cleveland company, and became a part of the Seventh Regiment. After a few days spent at Camp Taylor, in this city, the company was sent to Camp Dennison, a short distance from Cincinnati. This was a camp of instruction, and there they remained until June 20, when Captain Bander again enlisted for three years, and was returned to the same regiment. The record of the Seventh Regiment, the "Bloody Seventh," as it became known in after years, is familiar to all who know anything of the history of the Cuyahoga Soldiers. Its long marches and bloody conflicts are historical. Captain Bander participated in twelve of the fifteen engagements of the regiment, and in three others in which the regiment as a whole had no part. He went into the service as a private, and passed up through the 564 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY successive grades of duty sergeant, ordnance sergeant of division, and first sergeant of company. During the trying times around Lookout Mountain, when the regiment became so decimated that only a small part of the original number remained, he had command of his company for four months. Here it was that he gained the title of captain, although that rank was never officially conferred upon him. The reason for this was that the regiment had become so thinned that no more officers were thought to be necessary, and Sergeant Bander remained a sergeant, although having command of his company. After the three years for which Captain Bander en- listed had expired, he returned home with the regiment and was mustered out. This was in July, 1864. Later, he was offered an adjutancy in a new regiment that was being formed, but he refused it, having just married. Since then. Captain Bander held the office of County Auditor, from 1877 to 1883, and he was a Justice of the Peace from 1886 to 1892. He was several years a mem- ber of the Public Library Board, and is one of the Curators of the Western Reserve Historical Society. He has a more than local reputation as a writer of prose and verse, many of his poems being of a high order of merit. He is devoted to his profession as an attorney- at-law, and is well known throughout the county as a quiet, cultured, affable gentleman with hosts of friends. CAPTAIN JOSEPH B. MOLYNEAUX. Joseph B. Molyneaux was born near Ann Arbor, Mich., on January i, 1840. At the age of four years, his mother died, and the father and son removed to Elmira, N. Y., where the little fellow was put out with farmers until he reached the age of seven. Since that time he has been obliged to shift for himself, for his father was lost at sea. Until fourteen years old, he worked on farm, in hotel, saw-mill, stone quarry; in fact, CAPTAIN JOSEPH B. MOLYNEAUX. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 567^ any place that oflfered. He met Prof. Lowe, who at that time was traveling as a magician, but later became famed as an aeronaut. For a year the boy assisted the professor to mystify audiences, but quit this business at Belleville, O. His next adventure was the study of medicine with Dr. Whitcomb. Then he came to Cleve- land and learned the printer's trade, working in various offices until the beginning of the War. He first enlisted as a private in the three-months service, but was appointed sergeant. At the reorgani- zation of the regiment for three years he was elected first lieutenant ; later was appointed adjutant and pro- moted to captain. The men under his command were mostly young fellows, and so well did he care for them that they speak even now words of endearment and devotion for him. At Cedar Mountain, he was wounded in the head, shoulder and leg, and had two horses shot under him. He was then discharged for disability, but when his wounds healed he returned to service as captain of Company E, 150th O. \'. I., and was assigned to command at Fort Thayer, near Washington. Since the War he has been engaged in the printing business, has been Deputy County Recorder, Assistant Post- master, and at present is a member of the Board of Equalization and Assessment. Capt. Molyneaux's record is a splendid one. On- several occasions he performed special duties. While a sergeant at Camp Dennison, he did duty as a field- officer. In 1862, he was detailed by Gen. McClellan to collect all convalescents of the Army of the Potomac and return them to their commands. This was an arduous undertaking. When so severely w^ounded at Cedar ^Mountain, he took command of the regiment, his senior officers being killed. He commanded the division that acted as escort at the burial of Cjeneral Lander at Patterson Creek, Va. His company had beea 568 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY a part of Lander's division. On the famous raid to Bloomery Furnace, where the command captured more prisoners than its own men numbered, he had acted as aid to the general. The most important battles in which he was engaged were Winchester, Port Republic, Cedar Mountain and Antietam, though there were a host of smaller engagements. Capt. Molyneaux has the esteem and respect of his fellow-citizens. He was elected a member of the Per- manent Commission and was unanimously chosen its -Secretary. CAPTAIN EDWARD H. BOHM. One of the most influential members of the Monu- ment Commission is Captain Edward H. Bohm, who has been associated in the Monument enterprise ever -since its inception. He was born in Alstedt, Saxe- Weimar, on February 7, 1837. His father was well supplied with the good things of life, being a member of the judiciary of the country, and up to the time he was fourteen years of age, Captain Bohm remained in liis native land, in study in a private school. The family removed to this country in 1 851, arriving in New York on August 28, and after a week spent in that city, they came West, intending to settle on a Western farm. When they arrived in Cleveland, however, young Bohm was taken seriously ill and a stop of some time was necessitated. When he had recovered sufficiently to go on with the journey, his father had found that the cli- mate of the Forest City was to his liking and it was de- cided to remain in Cleveland. A farm in Newburg township was purchased, and there the family took up their abode. Young Bohm staid on the farm until 1856, when he went to work on the old Cleveland & Toledo Railroad. There he was when the War broke out. He •enlisted in Company K, Seventh Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, 'on April 18, 1861, under Captain J. G. Wiseman. CAPTAIN EDWARD H. BOHM. SOLDIKRS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 57 1 A short time was spent in Camp Taylor, and the com- pany started for Camp Dennison, in Cincinnati, on the first Sunday in May. He remained with the company in its career through West Virginia until August 20, 1861. On that day he was sent out with a reconnoiter- ing party of nineteen men in citizen's clothes. Their route led theni across theCiauley Ri\-er and into an am- bush of two companies of rebel cavalry. Young I)ohm was a sergeant b}' this time. The members of the party who had escaped the first murderous fire that was poured upon them ran for safety. But vSergeant Bohm, himself uninjured, staid with his captain, who had re- ceived a mortal hurt. He saw his captain pass from life, and for his devotion he paid the penalty of being captured by the Confederates. For nearly nine months, until May 30, 1862, he remained a captive in various rebel prisons, being released on the latter date at Little Washington, N. C. He at once returned to Cleveland, and in January, 1863, was commissioned by (xovernor Tod as second lieutenant in Company I), in his former regiment, his commission dating from November i of the previous year. On March 17, he was given command of the com- pany, and was at its head during the battles of Chan- cellorsville, Gettysburg, and Ringgold. In the first-' named battle his company lost more than any other in the regiment. Out of fifty-three men in line, twenty- three were lost, four being killed, eleven wounded, and the remainder missing. For his valor in that engage- ment he was named in general orders. At the battle of Gettysburg the only man in the regiment killed was a member of his company. Captain Bohm was wounded in the fierce charge made by the regiment in the battle of Ringgold, when, in less than thirty minutes, of the fifteen officers in the regiment, five were killed and the remaininer ten wounded. After he was cured of his 572 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY wound he remained with the regiment until it was mustered out in Cleveland on July 6, 1864. He was several times recommended for the rank of major, and once the commission was sent to him. He refused the rank, however, being on the eve of marriage, and he did not re-enter the army, the struggle being nearly over. In January, 1865, he was married, and he then opened an office for the prosecution of Soldiers' claims against the Government. In 1870, he was elected to the Publi( School Board, and while in that capacity introduced the resolution which created the present Normal Train- ing School. He was County Recorder for six years, be- ginning with 1870, and the Anzeiger was founded by him as a daily German newspaper while he held that position. In four years he succeeded in losing $20,- 000 in that venture and he then gave up the control of the paper. He was president of the North American Ssengerbund and the Saengerfest, in 1874, and in 1876 he was Presidential elector at large on the Republican State ticket. In 1875, he lost his wife and the year fol- lowing he married again. He was elected as Justice of the Peace in 1885, and he has held that office until the present. In all the matters of the Monument Commis- sion, he has exerted a strong influence. CAPTAIN LEVI T. SCOFIELD. In the presence of the huge work which is formally dedicated to the people of Cuyahoga County, in honor of the brave men who upheld the Union in its dark- est days, something about the designer and architect of the structure is of especial interest. It was Cap- tain Levi T. Scofield, a member of the Commission, who prepared the designs and had personal super- vision of the work from the beginning to the pres- ent time. Captain Scofield was born in Cleveland on November 9, 1842, and has resided here most of his life. His father had been an old settler, coming here CAPTAIN LKVI T. SCOFIHLD. Jk SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. 575 in 1S16, and had erected the first house on Wahiut vStreet. The lad was brought up in this city, and studied engineering and architecture. The year before the War he went to Cincinnati to continue his studies, but came home when men were needed, and enlisted in Company D, First Ohio Light Artillery. He re-enlisted in the infantry when his term expired, and was com- missioned vSecond Lieutenant in Company E, One Hun- dred and Third Regiment. At intervals he received promotions, being made a First Lieiitenant in February of 1863, and a Captain in November of 1S64. His time was divided between service in the infantry and in the engineer corps. His ability as an engineer was recognized and he was often assigned to that duty. His early training in that work proved valuable to him. The duty of the engineer corps often takes it ahead of the lines of the army in its work of laying out roads, building bridges or making maps of the country. The advanced positions are dangerous in an enemy's country. In time of battle the engineers serve on the staff of the commanding officer, and are exposed to the fire of the enemy and other dangers in carrying orders. The company of which Scofield was a member did first service in Kentucky. It participated in the pursuit of Kirby Smith in 1862, and John Morgan in 1863, and many small engagements. It went with Burnside in his campaign across the Cumberland Mountains to Tennessee. Here Scofield had his first experience in army engineering and found it no work. He was at the siege of Knoxville and the repulse of Longstreet. In ]\Iarch of 1864 he was Provost Marshal of the Third corps, and soon after was appointed an Aid-de-Camp on a commander's staff. The troops marched southward to participate in the Atlanta campaign. They were engaged at Resaca and other engagements in that neighborhood. From June, 5/6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY 1864, Scofield did continuous work as an engineer. He was in the fight at Kenesaw Mountain and took part in the siege and capture of Atlanta. Soon afterward came the Nashville campaign, in which the Union troops oc- cupied the city while Hood invested it. He participated in the pursuit of Hood to Tennessee, and did duty in North Carolina early in 1865, being present at the cap- ture of Raleigh and the surrender of Johnston. After the War, Captain Scofield resided in New York for a short time, but removed to this city and has re- sided here permanently. Since 1867, he has been en- gaged in the erection of many public buildings, such as the Central High School in this city, Athens and Columbus Asylums for the Insane, Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Xenia, Penitentiary at Raleigh, House of Cor- rection at Cleveland, Mansfield Reformatory, and he designed the Ohio Monument at the World's Fair. COLONEL E. W. FORCE. Colonel Emory W. Force was born at Morrisville, Madison County, N. Y., December 25, 1840. He was the son of a prominent woolen manufacturer, who re- moved to Ohio, settling at Chagrin Falls in 1847. When the War broke out, Colonel Force enlisted as a private in the Seventh Infantry. He was injured in the intrenchments at Sutton, \\\ Va., and at the end of one year's service was discharged for disability. He partici- pated in the battles of Cross Lanes and Winchester and in Banks' retreat down the Shenandoah. He was the first Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, O. N. G., being its organizer, and he held the position for eight years. He spent five years as Captain in the Fifteenth Regiment, O. N. G., and when the latter was mustered out he was given a commission by Governor Foster as ]\Iajor of the Fifth Battalion. He removed to Cleveland in 1886, and is now teller in the Merchants' Banking and Storage Company, and secretary of the Seventh Regiment or- COLONEL E.MORV \V. FORCE. GENERAL JAMES BARNETT. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 581 gani/.ation. He was one of the orit^iiial members of the Committee on Monument, and, as a member of the Commission, has been an earnest, active, reliable worker. OEXERAL JAMES HARNETT. The people of Ohio need no introduction to General James Barnett. As a Soldier, a business man, and a philanthropist he has ever occupied the front rank of citizens, and he is one of the rare men whose achieve- ments and honors fail to arouse jealousy in some quar- ters. General Barnett has been a member of the !Monu- ment Commission since June 20, i8. at Cumber- land, Md.. luuiug seen toiu' years, throe uuuiths and twelve days of service. At the close of the War ho re- turned to this city and renewed his old trade. Since the War, Sergeant Hayr has boon aotixe in the duties of peace which show patriotism. Ho has been closely allied with affairs pertaining to the veterans. He was comnu\nder of Hampson Post and has hold sev- eral official positions in the Cu\ahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union and in tho Union \'oterans' Union. He has been vice-president of tho Twentx -third Regi- ment Association, atul on soxoral occasions has boon ^Marshal of Memorial Day parades. His record is good, his braver\- undoubted and his works in behalf of his \otorau comrades tull\- appreci- ated. He has been a member o\ the Monument Com- mission since June jo, iv'^S4. DR. R. W. WAl.TKRS. Pr. R. W. Walters, of Chagrin Falls, was hovu in Russell, Geauga CoiuUn , on August jj, iS:^8. Ha\ing received a good education at high-class semiiuirios. he made choice of the medical profession. Ho commenced the study of medicine early in tho \ ear iSoi. I hi August 15, 18C12. he enlisted as a private in Company D, Seventh Ohio \'olunteer Intantry. He was pronuHed to Hospital Steward on March 14, 1804. He partici- pated in the following battles: Wauketchio, Tenn., DR. R. W. WALTERS. GENERAL M. D. LEGGETT. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 597 night of October 28 and 29, 1863; Lookont Moinitain, Mission Ridge and Ringgold, November, 1863; Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca and Dallas, May, 1864 ; Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864 ; Peachtree Creek, July, 1864, and vsiege of Atlanta. When the gallant Seventh Ohio was mustered out he, with about two hundred others, was transferred to the Fifth Regiment, Ohio Veteran X'olunteer Infantry, and was mustered out of service March 17, 1865, on account of being supernumerary, by order of the War Depart- ment. On his return from the army he resumed the study of medicine and attended the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa. He attended his second course of lectures at the Cleveland Medical College (now Western Reserve University), and graduated from that institu- tion. Feeling that he would derive benefit from a course of study in a homeopathic college, he entered as a student at the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital Col- lege (now the Cleveland UniversitN' of Medicine and Surgery), from which he graduated. He was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the Fifteenth Regiment, O. N. G., Colonel E. W. Force commanding, by Governor Bishop, July 17, 1878. He is an ardent believer in religious liberty, and is an active member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. He has practiced medicine in Chagrin Falls since April, 1867. He became a member of the Commission on June 20, 1884. Though residing in the country, he has been prompt in attendance at all meetings, and has ably rep- resented the townshi])s. GENERAL M. D, LEGGETT. An officer high in rank in the Union armies, and as a soldier, citizen, and attorney, crowned with a record as brilliant as it is stainless, is General Mortimer D. Leg- 598 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY gett. Besides being one of the Monument Commission- ers, he has been awarded the honor of directing the movements, as Chief Marshal, of the grand body of men who composed the dedication procession. During the War he was a confidential friend and adviser of General Grant, General INIcClellan, General Sherman, and other prominent officers. He was born at Ithaca, N.Y., April 19, 182 1. His father, a farmer, removed to IVIontville, Geauga County, in 1836, and the son spent several years on the farm and in study, leaving home when he was eighteen years old to go to the Teachers' Seminary in Kirtland. There he remained until he was gradu- ated, at the head of his class, and he then became a teacher. He soon commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1844, although he did not begin active practice until six years later, at Warren. He was one of the first in the State to give attention to the subject of free public schools conducted on the graded plan, and he spent some time in agitating the question. Through his efforts, and those of two or three other gentlemen, he secured the passage of a spe- cial school law for Akron, and later he organized the first system of free graded schools west of the Allegha- nies in that city. In 1845, he graduated from the Willoughby Medical College, and in 1856 he became Professor of Pleading and Practice in the Ohio Law College. When the War began, he accompanied Gen- eral McClellan to West \'irginia, and in the latter part of 186 1 was commissioned b\- Governor Deunison to raise and organize the Seventy-eighth Regiment of Infantry, which he accomplished in a very short time. He en- listed in the same organization as a private, his name being the first to go on the list, and within forty days he was private, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel. He took his regiment, which consisted of 1,040 men, to F'ort soldiers' and sailors' monument. 599 Donelson, where it performed valuable service. Iiniiie- diately after this, General Crrant attached him to his staff, and the young officer went into the battle of Shi- loh, where he received his first wound. While com- manding an advance upon Corinth, on May i6, 1862, one horse he rode was killed under him, and another was wounded, he escaping uninjured. As a recognition of his service at this time, he was commissioned a Brig- adier-General. His next notable service was the battle of ^Middleburg, Tenn., where, with 500 men, he defeated Van Dorn, who had 4,000 troops. For this he was com- plimented by (jeneral (rrant, and received a special letter of thanks from the vSecretary of War. He partici- pated in the battle known as " Hell on the Hatchie," the battle of luka, and in all the movements against Vicksburg, including the running of the blockade, the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, Jack.son, Champion Hills, Big Black, and the siege of Vicksburg. At the battle of Champion Hills, he received a severe wound in his thigh. He was then transferred from the Second Brigade of Third Di\ision of the Seventeenth Army Corps, which he had been commanding, to the First Brigade of the same di\-ision, which held the onU' posi- tion in front of X'icksburg where there was thought tO' be a possibility of breaking the rebel line of works by assault. Here the rebels had erected a heavy fortifica- tion to protect the exposed part. Under this fort Gen- eral Leggett's command placed a mine, and when it was exploded a large force of picked men, under his personal command, rushed into the breach. The\- were inside before the rebels understood what had happened, but a fight lasting twenty-three hours was required before the Confederates were finally subdued. In this engagement Creneral Leggett was wounded in several places, but when the negotiations for the surrender of Vicksburg had been completed on the morning of the 6oO HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY following day, General Leggett was assisted on his horse and he led the way into the city. When he had par- tially recovered from his wonnds, he was brevetted Major-General and given another command. He com- manded two expeditions, one to Monroeville, La., and another to the Yazoo River. In 1864, when Sherman condncted his raid to Meridian, he was in command of his division, and he participated in all battles of the Atlanta campaign, receiving high commendation from General Sherman. He captnred the mountain to the left of the Kenesaw during a severe storm, when the thunder completely drowned the noise of battle. He was ordered by General McPherson, on the evening of July 20, 1864, to capture a hill overlooking Atlanta, which was strongly fortified and held by a large force of the enemy. This he did on the following morning, when, after a fierce battle, he succeeded in capturing prisoners almost equal in number to his own whole force. The fierce battle of the day following this was brought on by the desperate attempts of the rebels to recapture this position, when they were repulsed with great loss of life on both sides. In this battle, General McPherson was killed at the ver}' outset when trying to get to General Leggett. For valor shown in this en- gagement. General Leggett was made a full Major-Gen- eral. He was with General Sherman during the whole -of the march to the sea, and his last engagement was at Pocataligo, S. C, where, after a running fight of twenty miles, he captured Fort Pocataligo, in January, 1865, releasing the Union forces from Savannah and opening the way through the Carolinas. When the War ended he was given the highest congratulations on all sides, and when Grant became President he was made Com- missioner of Patents. There he served four years and then removed to Cleveland, where he established him- :self as a patent lawyer. He is connected with a num- ..J soldiers' and sailors' monument. 6oi ber of important business enterprises, and is foremost in every work for the good of the city. As a citizen, General Leggett is highly esteemed. He has been engaged in many philanthropic works, though of these he speaks little. Degrees have been conferred on him by Oberlin, Marietta, Columbia, Muskingum, Harvard and Cornell Colleges. He was appointed a member of the Commission in April, 1888, and elected a member of the Permanent Commission upon its organi- zation. VALEDICTORY. Our mission is o'er. Our task is completed. Our work of love has become a reality, ending in a blaze of glory and triumph that has amply compensated every member of the Commission for their many years of de- voted work. With gratitude and thanks to the Lord, to the generous people of our county, to our gallant Comrades of the Union Army and Navy, we have only to express our fondest wish that the handsomest tribute to patriotism in the world will prove a genuine source of pride and supreme pleasure to the present and many succeeding generations. And now, " with charity for all, with malice toward none," we confident!)- submit the result of our labor to the test of popular judgment, and commit it to the ten- der care and everlasting watchfulness of the patriotic people of Cuyahoga Coiinty, through \vhose[ devotion and generosity this truly superb and picturesque Memo- rial will forever perpetuate her gallant and heroic representatives in the unfortunate but ever memorable- period of the Civil War. FINIS CORONAT OPUS. THE PERMANENT MONUMENT COMMISSION. XXVII. THE Commissioners held their final meeting in the parlors of the Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, O., on Wednesday evening, July i8th, 1S94; the President in the Chair; Levi F. Bander, Secretary. All of the members were present, except Commissioner Walters, from whom a letter was read expressing regret for his absence. The President stated the object of the meeting to be the selection and appointment of a Board of five Commissioners, to be known and designated as " The Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and vSailors' Monument Commissioners," pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, passed May 14th, 1894. (Ohio Laws, vol. 91, p. 741.) The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Barnett, seconded by Commissioner Bohm : Resolved, That the new Board of five Permaneut Commissioners, to be elected by this Board, be chosen hy ballot, the first ballot taken to be informal. The resolution was unanimously adopted, whereupon an informal ballot was held, succeeded by a formal ballot, resulting in the election of the following Com- rades as THE PERM.\NENT COMMISSION: WILLIAM J. GLEASON, JOSEPH B. MOLYNEAUX, J. J. ELWELL, M. D. LEGGETT, JAMES PICKANDS. Immediately thereafter the Commission adjourned, to meet again, if necessarv, on the call of the President. 6o6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY The Chairman announced dinner in waiting in an ad- joining parlor, to which the members proceeded and took seats around the festive table. And now, after nearly fifteen years of labor, planning, worry and innumerable meetings, care and responsibility were at last at an end; our object was accomplished, and the evening was given over to hearty enjoyment. We were the boys, the same old boys we were thirty years ago. The President assigned Comrade James Barnett to the position of toastmaster, a place that he filled with a dignity and geniality that is his well known characteristic. Rigid formality was set aside; sociabilit)', good cheer pre- dominated. Five hours were passed in the most delight- ful manner. In response to pertinent toasts, impromptu speeches were made by each of the Commissioners. What sincere good-fellowship was exhibited, what stirring reminiscences were indulged in, what genuine appreciation was shown, what glorious incidents were recalled, what a supremely happy time we enjoyed only those present can ever realize. How our minds and hearts will ever bear in vivid remembrance the blissful night we passed together! Among the many joyful pictures that cluster about the memory of the Commissioners none is handsomer than the ever-memorable scene of our first banquet. As a fitting ending to the charming occasion, the President offered a resolution, "That an annual reunion of the Commissioners be held, to be kept up so long as the Lord would kindly spare our lives," said resolution being enthusiastically adopted. AU REVOIR. soldiers' and sailors' monument. 607 organization of the permanent commission. Agreeable to appointment, the members of the Per- manent Commission met in the office of the President, on Tnesday, July 24th, 1894, at 11 o'clock A. M., for organization. The official oath was administered b}- Comrade Edward H. Bohm, Justice of the Peace, who kindly volunteered his services. On motion of Comrade Elwell, seconded by Comrade Molyneaux, Comrade William J. Gleason was elected President of the Commission, his election being unanimous. The President-elect expressed his sincere thanks for the high honor conferred upon him, and said that in the future, as in the past, it would be his earnest ambition to carry out his duties so as to merit the approval of the Commission, and of the Soldiers and citizens of the county. He further expressed the earnest hope that the new Commission would live for many years in peace and harmony, always watchful of the proper care of the beautiful Monument and its surroundings. On motion of Comrade Elwell, seconded by Comrade Gleason, Comrade Joseph B. IMolyneaux was chosen as Secretary, his choice being unanimous. The Secretary said that, while he was not a candidate for the position, now that he was elected, he would accept. He expressed his warmest thanks to the Com- mission, adding that it would give him pleasure to faithfully perform the duties of his office. The President, Secretary and Comrade J. J. Elwell were elected the Executive Committee, said Committee being empowered to draft suitable rules and regulations for the Commission, for the guidance of visitors to the Memorial, and also to govern the custodian and other employes. The officers were authorized to procure the necessary 6o8 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY books and supplies, and arrangements were perfected for regular meetings of the Commission. The future care of Cuyahoga's magnificent Memorial to her patriotic representatives is in the hands of its friends. It will be the pride and glory of the Permanent Commission to watch over it, to hand it down to future o-enerations in all of its sublime grandeur — an object lesson of patriotism to all who may come after us. DESCRIPTION OF THE MEMORIAL K VIKW OK MONIMKNT FROM NOKTUWKST. XXVIII. A 'J' a rncetinj^ of tlie Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, held at iic-dford, June 17th, 1886, it was determined tliat the time liad arrived to commence the undertaking, which had for many years been con- templated by that body, of erecting the Memorial that had been authorized by Legislative enactment ; accord- ingly a vote was taken as to the character and style of the structure, and the result was about an equal division as to the desirability of a shaft or a Memorial I fall. Capt. J. P>. Molyneaux suggested the happy idea of com- bining the two plans, by having for a central feature a shaft or column and at the base a Memorial or relic room, which was afterwards changed to a tablet room. This suggestion was enthusiastically adopted and the Committee was instructed to proceed with the work of preparing plans and construction. In accordance with such instructions, the Committee met in the office of the County Commissioners in this city, on Jan- uary 29th, 1887, President William J. Gleason, pre- siding, and Levi V. liauder, acting as Secretary. Capt. Molyneaux introduced a resolution inviting Levi T. Scofield to prepare plans and designs for the Monu- ment. Mr. Scofjeld declined to accept employment ; and later on, the appointment of Chairman of the Committee on ]''lans ; but finally consented to act with the Committee on Plans, on condition that the entire Monument Committee would aid in preparing the de- signs, he agreeing to put their ideas in shape, when furnished, providing they would accept such services without compensation. This was agreed to, and the Committee at once commenced their task. It was soon 6l2 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY discovered that the County Coininissioners were more favorable to contracting with some monument manu- facturer, as they were in the habit of doing for a bridge or ditch. This occasioned about a year's delay, and the Committee decided to proceed without the aid of these officials. An act was passed April i6th, iS88, appointing a Commission of twelve members to act independently of the County Commissioners. The new Board were unanimously in favor of departing from the stereotyped soldiers' monument design, and instead prepare one that would be historical and educational as pertaining to events of the War for the preservation of the Union. The principal features of the exterior of the Monument were to be four realistic groups of bronze statuary, rep- resenting in heroic size the four principal branches of the service : Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry, and the Navy ; not in the stiff and inartistic attitudes of dress parade, but in fierce conflict, with worn garments to accord, and the supple action of men whose muscles were trained by rushing through brush and swamps to capture breast- works. With this in view, it was deemed inappropriate to have for a background to such scenes a building in Classical, Gothic, Romanesque or other popular style ot architecture, but instead to substitute a style made up entirely of military and naval emblems, realizing ot course that such a departure from the conventional styles would cause the pencils to be sharpened, in in- tended criticism, of those who claim to form the artistic opinions of the world, and content to await the approval of the public, when, after familiarity with the details, thev would be educated to understand their meaning. The foundation of the column, or shaft proper, is twelve feet square, around which is the tablet room, whose four walls are lined with the beautifully colored marble tablets on which are engraved the names of the ten thousand of Cuvahoga's brave sons who were soldiers' and sailors' monument. 613 willing to risk iheir all for their country. To have ample space from which to view these tablets necessi- tated the planning of a room forty feet square, and, to Vje properly proportioned, twenty feet high. The walls are three feet thick. vSurrounding the building is an esplanade five feet above the grade line and approached by circular steps at the four corners. Upon the same are built four massive pedestals, each nine by twenty- one feet and ten feet high. To secure a proper walking and standing .space around these pedestals and the nec- essary railings, required the building of an esplanade one hundred feet square. To the top of the surmount- ing figure above the carefully proportioned column and building is one hundred and twent}'-five feet. Tlie steps and massive platforms composing the es- planade are of red Medina stone polished to a smooth surface. Tlie ramps and pedestals of same are of bufif Amherst stone. The building is of black Ouincy granite, random coursed, with Amherst stone trimmings. The roof of this structure is made of slabs of stone twelve inches thick, ingeniously fitted together so as to be ab- solutely water-tight. Above the roof is a con-necting pedestal to the die of the column in the form of a bas- tioned fort with guns in barbette^ the projecting bastions forming an outline that blends with the sloping gables of the building, making harmonious connections be- tween the column and the broad base of the Monument. The die of the column is of Amherst stone, represent- ing a section of a fortified tower; is nine feet in diame- ter, with projecting moldings twelve feet. The shaft of the column is of polished black Quincy granite in ten blocks, each weighing about fourteen tons, the lower end seven feet in diameter and the upper six and one- half feet. At the alternate joints of the shaft are six bronze foliated bands, seventeen inches in width, con- taining the names of thirty of the most prominent bat- 6l4 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY ties of the War, cominencing alphabetically at the top in the following order : Antietam, Atlanta, Bentonville, Cedar Monntain, Chickanianga, Corinth, Donelson, Five Forks, Fort Fisher, Franklin, Fredericksbnrg, Gettys- burg, Kennesaw, Knoxville, Mission Ridge, ^Mobile, Monitor-Merrimac, Nashville, New Orleans, Pea Ridge, Perryville, Petersburg, Resaca, Richmond, Shiloh, Spot- sylvania, Stone's River, \'icksburg. Fort Wagner, Wil- derness, and Winchester. The above list was compiled after corresponding with some of the most prominent historians and generals of the army. All that shows above the granite shaft, about forty- one feet in height, is of cast bronze, weighing nearly thirty thousand pounds. The first member above, or neck of the column, is in the form of a gabion. The bell of the capital is divided by eight bent fasces, be- tween which are the emblems of the eight principal branches of the service, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Navy, Engineers, Ordnance, Signal and Quartermaster. The volutes of the capital, while properly propor- tioned, have a resemblance to pieces of artillery, with wheels, muzzles, trails, etc. The abacus is pierced for armament and is nearly twelve feet across in its widest part. These different members are separated by ropes, blockading chains, etc., instead of moldings ; a row of cap pouches is substituted for leaf ornaments. Above the abacus the pedestal is in the form of a moni- tor turret with projecting guns, terminating in a member encircled with the stars and stripes, on which stands the Amazonian figure of Liberty, fifteen feet in height, in the attitude of defense. The bronze statuary in the four groups on the pedes- tals is made about one-third larger than life, being from seven and one-half to eight feet two inches in height. The Infantry group, representing ''The Color Guard," is from an actual incident of the War, and de- soldip:rs' and sailors' monument. 615 picts with vivid truthfulness, as tlie sculptor saw it, the gallant defense of the flag of the 103rd Ohio Infantry, at the battle of Resaca, where the lion-hearted sergeant Martin Striebler and his gallant guard of eight cor- porals stood before the enemy's fire until they were all killed or wounded. The Artillery group, " At Short Range," represents a piece in action, fully manned, with an officer in command. The gun is depressed ; the abandoned shell in front shows that canister has been substituted. No. i has rammed the charge home ere the deadly minie-ball pierced his heart, and he clutches the rammer rigidly as he throws himself across the gun for support. No. 2 has fallen in his position. No. 3, the reliable red-whiskered farmer, has left the vent and taken the Corporal's place at the trail. No. 4, while attaching the lanyard hook to the friction primer, is looking down at his fallen comrade. The sturdy gunner, with left hand on elevating screw, while notic- ing the obstruction on the gun, holds his right hand out from the trail, giving notice for the men to be steady. The officer, who has been looking with his field glass, has not noticed his wounded men, and, pointing with his finger says " A little more to the right, Corporal." The Cavalry group, "The Advance Guard," represents a detachment that has struck the line of the enemy. A trooper is still astride his horse that has fallen with a bad wound. A venturesome Con- federate soldier has noticed his predicament and has made a rush for the guidon, but the cavalryman has whipped out his revolver, has given "Johnny Reb " one in the face, and is prepared for another shot. A fine looking Confederate officer has seized the rebel flag from the fallen bearer, and is cheering his men to the assault. A dismounted trooper in front, on one knee, is covering his man with his carbine. The bugler has been sent forward from the reserve by his officer to 6l6 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY see how matters are progressing at the front; finding them hard pressed, and stubbornly trying to hold their ground, he has dismounted, and is sending back a bugle call for assistance. The Confederate soldiers were in- troduced in this historical group to show to posterity what they and their flag were like. The NaYy group, " Mortar Practice," represents a scene near Island No. lo on the Mississippi River, where an officer and five men are loading a mortar, preparatory to shelling the intrenchments. As before stated, the character of the building is in the order of military and naval emblems. The windows represent semi-circular casemate openings, with vertical cannons supporting the caps instead of columns. The metope spaces in the frieze of the cornice are filled with richly carved army corps badges, encircled with laurel wreaths planted on shields. The triglyphs separating them are in the form of the stars and stripes of our flag. The cresting of the cornice is formed of embattlements through which show muzzles of guns. At the four corners of the cornice are pedestals suggesting capstans, on which are supported bronze flag poles. It is the intention to have a flag at one pole every da}' of the year, and on holidays at the four corners. Instead of the usual reed moldings at the corners of pilasters, sponge staff" and hand spike emblems have been substituted. Over the doors at each of the north and south en- trances are panels with the dates 1861-1865. Over the north entrance is the Ohio State Seal, and over the south entrance the United States Seal, flanked by bat- tle axes and draped flags. The gables at the east and west sides have respectively the badges of the Grand Army of the Republic and Loyal Legion, bordered by draped flags. In the north and south gables in bold letters is engraved "Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument." soldiers' and sailors' monument. 617 Upon entering the buildinu^ from vSnperior vStreet, the visitor is strnck with an effective group of life-size figures in a cast bronze panel, seven by ten feet, repre- senting the Emancipation of the vSla\-e. The central figure in full relief is Abraham Lincoln, his right hand extended holding the shackles that have been taken from the bondsman kneeling at his feet, while with the left he hands him the gun and accouterments. This feature explains more clearly the law which authorized Lincoln to issue the proclamation, and also required the government to employ the slave as a soldier. At the right of the President stand Salmon P. Chase and John Sherman, the financial men of the war period, and on the left are Ben. Wade and Joshua R. Gid- dings, who were Lincoln's main-stays in theanti-sla\-ery movements. In the background, in bas-relief, are rep- resented the Arm}' and the Navy. Overhead is the clos- ing paragraph of the proclamation, written by Chase and adopted by Lincoln, " xlnd upon this act, sincerely be- lieved to be an act of justice, warranted by the Consti- tution, upon military necessity, I invoke the consider- ate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God." The panel on the west side of the shaft is called " The beginning of the war in Ohio." The central three figures are the war go\'ernors Dennison, Tod and Brough, flanked on the right by Generals INIcClellan, Cox and Garfield, and on the left by Generals Rose- crans, Hayes and Gilmore. In the background on one side is represented the recruiting service and on the other the troops marching to the front. The panel on the south side represents the Sanitary Commission, the Soldiers' Aid Society and the Hospital Service. The figures shown are Mrs. Benj. Rouse, President ; Miss Mary Clarke Brayton, Secretary ; Miss Ellen F. Terry, Treasurer ; Miss Sara ]\Iahan, Clerk ; and Vice-Presi- 6l8 HISTORY OK THK CVVAIKH-A COUNTY deius Mrs. John Shelley, Mrs. \Vm. Molluneh and Mrs. J. A. Harris. The hospital work is represented b>' Mrs. R. B. Hayes. Mrs. Peter Thatcher, and a Sister of Charity dressing the arm of a wounded soldier lying on a cot. Under this panel is the official list of names of those who were actiYC in assisting the otTicers of the Commission during the war. The fourth panel is entitled, " The end of the war. or the peace-makers at City Point." The scene is where Lincoln left his steamer " River Oueen " and went ashore to visit Grant's headquarters. Cen. Sherman had been invited by Grant to make him a visit for con- sultation, as he iisually did before making any important movement ; he was accompanied by Gen. Leggett. The other figures in the gToup are Robert T. Lincoln. Gen- erals Rawlins, Crook, Sheridan, Custer. Meade, Ord, War- ren, Humphrey, and Commodore Porter, fourteen in all. This conference led to the battle of Five Forks and the surrender of Lee's armv at Appomattox. These bronze historical panels are framed with molded colored mar- ble bases, with massive fasces at the four corners, and heavv molded caps. Above the panels and extend- ing to the ceiling, the shaft is encased by colored marble. In each of the four fasces are three large sized bronze medallions of prominent Ohio commanders, the officers chosen being Hon. E. ^L Stanton, Secretary of War ; Generals J. B. McPherson, James B. Hazen, A. Mc- Dowell McCook, ^L^nning F. Force. James B. Steed- man, J. S. Casement. A. C. Voris, J. J. Elwell, George W. Morgan, Kmerson Opdycke and Surgeon C. A. Hart- man. Between the arches of the windows on the east and west walls are six niches in which rest bron/e busts of officers who were killed in action : Col. W. R. Creigh- ton. Lieut. -Col. Mervine Clarke. M.ii. J. IV Ilampsou. Capt. \Vm. W. Hiitchinsf>»n, Capt. William Smith <^who subsequently died from wounds received in battle), and Capt. WallJs J. Woodward. J>y a vote of the Commission, the bronze busts of Gen. Jam'rs Jiarnett and Capt. I^evi T. Scofield were ordered placed over the north and .vjuth doors, the former in honor of his distinj^uished patriotism during^ the war, he having held the highest rank of any com- rade from our county ; the latter in recognition of his brilliant services, as architect and sculptor, to the ;.'-.- pie of the County and to the Commissioners. The marble ceiling is composed of heavy .slabs of light blue color about 6 feet 6 inches square, and the molded ribs surrounding same are of a rich green color, fn the marble work over the entrances are two inscrip- tions. Over the north entrance : Cuyahoga County's tribute to those who gave, and those who offered to give their lives, that the Nation might live. Written by President William J. <'>]eason. Over the south entrance : Break ranks and rest till the last trumpet's call Shall sound the fateful reveille for all. Written by Secretary Levi I". Bander. On the shaft, above the panel of the Sanitary Com- mission, is engraved the following quotation from a patriotic Memorial Day address of Henry Ward Beecher : " How bright are the honors which await those who, with sacred fortitude and patriotic patience, have endured all thinj^s that they might save thdr native land from division and from the power of corruption. The honored dead ! They that die for a good cause are redeemed from death. Their names are gathered and garnered. Their memory is precious. Oh, tell me not that they are dead! That generous host, that airy army of invisible heroes. They hover as a cloud of witnesses above this nation. Are they dead that yet speak louder than we can speak, and a more universal language? Are they dead that yet act ? Are they dead that yet move upon so- 620 HISTORY OF THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY ciety, and inspire the people with nobler motives and more heroic patriotism? Till the mountains are worn out, and the rivers forget to flow ; till the clouds are weary of replenishing springs, and the springs forget to gush, and the rills to sing, shall their names be kept fresh with reverent honors which are inscribed upon the book of National Remembrance." The floor is laid out in emblematic patterns of mar- ble mosaic, two feet wide around the shaft and next to the outer wall, where a bronze railing is placed to pro- tect the tablets and panels. Between the railings is the walking space laid with a marquetry of red and white Medina stone, about four inches thick, the upper surface being polished. From the ceiling is suspended a rich cast bronze electrolier encircling the shaft midway between same and outer wall, with reflectors for both shaft and walls, containing 120 incandescent lights. At the four cor- ners are suspended handsome combination chandeliers for gas and electricity. The building is heated by electricity, with forty electrical radiators that have been placed around the walls, guaranteed to heat the room to 75° in zero weather. The radiators are concealed by brass screens perforated in the designs of corps and army badges. The window openings have bronze frames and sashes that are hinged at the bottom and open at the top, worked with a chain and gearing to each sepa- rate sash. The windows are glazed with stained glass in emblematic mosaic patterns. On the side next to the Cavalry group, the designs show nearly every- thing that is used in the cavalry service — boots and saddle, horseshoes, flags, carbines, revolvers, anvils, swords, etc. Appropriate emblems are shown on the other three sides. Those who .served in the different branches can pick out in the brilliant colors of opales- cent glass everything that was familiar to them, from a small screw up to the heaviest ordnance. soLDii'j^s' Axi) sailors' Moxr.Mi';xT. 621 The sashes are made double, so that an extra thick- ness of Florentine glass, placed on the outside, con- ceals the raw colors of the light opalescent glass, which otherwise would show on the exterior. The bronze doors are of excellent construction, and have rich panels with emblematic designs of the four branches of service and some of the staff departments. There are also cast bronze grilled doors of rich design to correspond with the surroundings. All the above doors have no hinges, but work with pivots in bronze sockets let into the stone-work above and below. The locks are of the same construction as used in bank safes. The sidewalks and diagonal walks are made of the best quality of North River blue stone in slabs of large sizes and about four inches thick. The upper sur- faces are polished and the flagging work is in every way all that could be desired. On three sides of the Monument, in the grass plots, are set out beautifully colored flowering plants in beds, representing the twenty-four corps of the Army ; and, on the Superior Street side, large badges of the Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief Corps, the Loyal Legion, the Union Veterans' Union and the Sons of Veterans. ROLL OF HONOR. XXIX. A STUDY of the names on the Roll of Honor clearly demonstrates the universal feeling of earnest patriotism that pervaded all of our citizens during the trying period of the Rebellion. Americans by birth, as well as those who first saw the light of day upon the soils of Germany, Ireland, France, England, and other foreign countries, will be found side by side ; men who gave all the\- held dearest upon earth ; aye, men who gave and offered to give their lives that the Union and Constitu- tion might be preserved ; men of all the different creeds of religion, and men of no creed ; all imbued with one object, all banded together in sacred comradeship, marching shoulder to shoulder, keeping step to the music of the Union, fighting for one common country, for the supremacy of law and order, for the preservation of the flag of freedom, in defense of the glorious Stars and Stripes — the emblem of liberty to the oppressed of all nations of the world ; for the perpetuation of the grandest Republic the sunlight of heaven shines upon. Protestant and Catholic, Jew and Gentile, belie\-er and non-believer, all willing to sacrifice their lives as comrades on the altar of their country ; no bo}' or man, officer or private, asking his comrade from what clime he came, or at what shrine he worshiped. It was suf- 626 ROLL OF HONOR. ficient to know that he wore the Bhie, that his heart was in the right place, and that he fought for the Union, They knew not race, Nor creed, nor politics ; They were all for the Union, One Country, One Flag. The Roll of Honor will forever perpetuate the heroic memory and deeds of the Union Soldiers and Sailors, and the orallant band of noble women who sustained them. 9^ ^, >tt ■<» 0* A ■* *■ •• - ~ jt if vi^ ft 'ja , ;i fa _, rf «> * «8^.r« J«:i?Gj*^-' *» ^t* M I INFANTRY. ■a 1st REQINIENT. FIELD AND STAFF. Hill, James, ist Lieut, and O. M. Collins, Edward J., Q. M. Davidson, William A., Q. M. Serg. Mabb, Andrew J., Com. Serg. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Piper, Henry B. COMPANY D. Carpenter, William M., ist Lieut. Varian, Alexander, ist Lieut. Prentiss, Willard, 2d Lieut. Cowin, William C, Serg. Duncan, William, Serg. Galloway, Henry W., Serg. Merrick, Joseph E., Serg. Wherrett, Charles, Serg. Wilson, George A., Serg. Aldrich, Leverett, Corp. Conant, Horace G., Corp. Eddy, Marvin L., Corp. Farrar, Clement H., Corp. Farwell, Franklin A , Corp. Farwell, Horace W., Corp. Goss, Reuben, Corp. Tod, Christopher, Corp. DeLand, James B., Mus. ^lullen, John, ]Mus. PRIVATES. Anderton, Charles H. Barber, Edwin R. Beasly, Samuel M. Bennett, Eli Burbeck, William Cackler, Willard Cady, John T. Campbell, Charles C. Carran, Robert A. Coleman, James DeLand, William B. Dubber, Lawrence Hay ward, Henry W. Isliam, William C. Jones, Enoch F. Kelly, Reuben B. Leach, Albert C. Pulver, Chester C. Roberts, Eugene Sarver, Albert Scarr, Frederick Watterson, Julius C. Watterson, Robert F. COMPANY H. Ensworth, Jeremiah, Capt. Paddock, Thomas S., Capt. Hampson, James B., ist Lieut. Frazee, John N., 2d Lieut. Richards, Joseph M., 2d Lieut. Pickands, James, ist Serg. tj. ^■tj P^^^^Hr ^^•^^^?.^1^«^^ «>.-^4» it i'-l%"^<-^> -5> ^ * ^* G «^ ■f.^^^^ <1 - ft 628 ROLL OF HONOR. Daykin, Horace E., Serg. Hinman, Frank H., Serg. McGrath, Bernard, Serg. Tibbitts, George W., Serg. Barrett, Arthur H., Corp. Masury, George A., Corp. Pickands, Henry S., Corp. Rutter. Andrew D., Corp. Robinson, William F., Fifer. Mullen, Edward, Drummer. PRIVATES. Abbey, Charles H, Albrecht, Rudolph Armstrong, George W. Baldwin, Homer H. Baumeister, William H. Bell, Ezekiel F. Brainard, Henry A. Breslin, Patrick H. Burger, William R. Canfield, Austin Carlisle, Andrew Carroll, Patrick H. Clinton, Alexander M. Cole, Chester L Collins, Edward J. Converse, Maurice Cutter, N. P. Cutter, Richard H. Davis, Alfred A. Dixon, Sylvanus S. Duncan, William Duroy, Marshall Dutton.John B. Field, Reuben A. Ford, F'rank J. Fonts, Jacob N. Frerichs, John H. Gibbons, James Gillett, Henry Gillett, Omar Goodwillie, Thomas Habich, Augustus C. Heege, Philip Hendrix, Charles K. Hill, James Hoyt, George Hunt, Lyman D. Hutchinson, William W. Kretchdorn, Lawrence Lester, Sanford Lohrer, Jaqob J. Martin, George N. McDowell, Charles J. McGinness, James McLaughlin, James McLeod, H. N. Merna, John Minor, Charles E. Morgan, William Murray, William E. Nash, Henry F. Oakley, John H. Phelps, John A. Piper, Henry S. Prentiss, Willard C. Proctor, Harvey E. Root, George B. Scarry, Michael Schwind, Joseph J. Severance, Isaac W. Shumway, Edwin J. Smyth, Charles G. Spangler, Basil S. Stoller, Lewis Taft, Sherman B. Taylor, William H. Thomas, Frank E. Thompson, Alex. 1\,. *; G V *■« »•« «^ 4 Pi *^ ■»■« ^^T .J», 1>*v^. ^ K P «^i*f)lH»^* ^o^g^ec^*^*'"'^ >ft jir ft^^ *:« »■« ^^ ft » •a > «J^V.c^ r^'^S^f-Cr: ■a 1^"^ 1^ t 6 15 : f -^ »^ Mallory, John H., Serg. Sadler, William, Serg. Smith, Carlos A., Serg. Southwell, William, Serg. Williams, Francis, Serg. Austin, Alfred, Corp. Austin, Lewis, Corp. Averill, Stephen, Corp. Brown, Henry J., Corp. Collett,John C, Corp. Craig, John D., Corp. Duttcn, Frank, Corp. Ewart, Alexander, Corp. Forbey, William E., Corp. Gillett, Townley, Corp. Holmes, Milton D., Corp. Kelly, Edward T., Corp. Ivovett, Aaron C, Corp. Ryan, Thomas, Corp. Smalley, Herbert L., Corp. Sweet, Samuel, Corp. Warren, Hiram V., Corp. Werz, Francis J., Corp. Wright, Edwin L , Corp. McClain, Joseph, Bugler. Brockway, Marcus, Drummer. French, Lafayette, Drummer. Mullen, Edward, Drummer. PRIVATES. Baker, Charles Ballou, Charles H. Bandle, John Barber, Richard L. Bennett, Perry Bishop, Albert Blackwell, Joseph Blaiklock, Henry A. Bower, John H. Bradley, Chester W. Brand, Frederick W. Brightmore, Joseph T. Buchanan, Samuel E. Burns, John G. Burroughs, Carlos A. Burrows, Thomas Burt, Theodore Burton, John H. Campbell, Leander H. Cannell, Morrison J. Cheeney, Charles H. Chelsej', Simon J. Clancey, Daniel W. Clark, William S. Clinton, Alexander M. Creque, Ferdinand Crippen, Andrew J. Cronin, John Dowse, Thomas Earl, John Eckert, Henry C. Elwell, Oscar J. Eucher, John Evans, Evan Evans, George W. Farrand, Fred. P. Forbey, Albert A. Fresher, Thomas Gable, Jacob H. Gardner, H. F. Gazely, Jabez C. Gear, John Gillson, William F. Guinter, Abraham Hammond, Theo. T. Harrington, John W. Hart, Edward Hatfield, Benjamin Heege, Jacob Henry, Roswell C. i if i;^ %S^ ^^^"^J»_?*.^ '■4>;^0'^-'i> ^-i>4. ^::^^'s- ROLIv OF HONOR. ■few - ft. s* c ^ e •fe«. Wilsdon, Richard L. Wood, Charles A. Wright, Edwiu L,. COMPANY B. Clark, Mervin, Capt. Bohm, Edward H., ist Lieut. Eaton, Henry Z., ist Lieut. Sweeney, Thomas T., ist Lieut. Cryne, Joseph, 2d Lieut. Bauder, Levi F., ist Serg. Cutler, Marcus M., Serg. Fitch, Asa H., Serg. Gaskill, Franklin R., Serg. Schmidt, Gustav, Serg. Trotier, Joseph, Serg. Walker, Marshall, Serg. Whitehead, George W., Serg. Brown, Thomas C, Corp. Eddy, Nehemiah G., Corp. Ezekiel, David I., Corp. Gibson, Edward, Corp. Gordon, Samuel E., Corp. Hardest}-, Jesse, Corp. Lamphear, L. K., Corp. Marble, Edward L., Corp. Marks, Jacob, Corp. Smith, William E., Corp. Walworth, William, Corp. Wilson, Clark L., Corp. Stebbins, Edward E., Drummer. Cain, Jack, INIus. PRIV.A.TES. Abrams, John B. Adams, William Aley, Lucius Armstrong, Jacob C. Atloff, Andrew Atwell, William B. Austin, Alonzo Bennett, Abraham S. Bentley, Charles H. Bishop, Orrin A. Bliss, Harmon H. Boyle, Daniel T. Brooks, James A. Brown, Thomas C. Cannell, William H. H. Carmod}', Martin Carroll, James Carrows, Jacob W. Carson, Jacob W. Carter, Sylvester Case, Edward Chapman, Charles L. Clague, William H. Clermont, Francis, Jr. Clifford, Francis Conant, Edward Corlett, George Coslett, George W. Cowan, Charles Co}4e, John Cox, George W. Cox, Junior R. Creighton, Joshua Cullen, John Cunningham, Charles Davis, John Deming, Frederick R. Dixon, James Drumm, William Eckert, Arthur Edwards, William E. Elliott, Eugene W. Ensign, Valentine Fagan, Charles Felton, Charles Foote, Louis A. «'4 1^ «4-4,> ^ *^« 4 ^% *[« h IP »■« » <1 r *i5 ■9. Fowler, William D. Gasser, Joseph ]M. Geitz, Leonard George, Edward Gillson, John T. Goodrich, Grant Gordon, John F. Grimes, Ira Guellon, Milton Halliday, Frank H. Hashfield, Benjamin Haylor, John Heale}-, John S. Henrickle, Frank Hill, Pliney E. Hill, William Hime, Jacob E. Hoffman, Jacob Holt, Corwin M. Holt, Josiah M. Hull, John Huson, Leonard Jones, Alonzo C. Jones, John D. Kendall, George Kubler, Joseph Lamb, Allen C. Laetch, William F. Large, Henry Lemert, Joshua Lord, Caius C. Marble, Edward L. Mathews, Roswell E. McCabe, James McClaflin, E. M. Meacham, Ell ridge F. Meekins, Edgar G. Miller, Henry Mulgrew, Bernard Nicholas, Martin Nichols, Thomas B. Oswald, Charles Partridge, William Peebles, Rensellear R. Pollis, Henry W. Post, Judson H. Ouayle, George L. RadclifFe, Edward Randall, Harrison Reese, James M. Reid, Duncan Reynolds, Lewis H. Rice, Stephen W. Richards, Julius Riddle, Thomas C. Robinson, Francis Robinson, George C. Russell, David Russell, Johnson Sherrick, George O. Smith, James Spencer, Frederick Stark, Lewis Steinberger, George Stoddard, Ira Stone, John Stoppell, Arthur St. Johns, Samuel Striker, Alfred D. St. Onge, Mitchell Townsend, Robert J. Walterhouse, James P. Watrous, Albert W. Watrous, Frank Iv. Williams, Benjamin T. Williams, Cyrus Williams, Daniel T. Williams, George W. Withers, Albert E. Wood, Amos E. ^^^ "-tr. C 634 ^^^^^^ ROLL Wood, George W. Wood, Starr B. Wooley, Albert A. Worlitzer, Anthony Worth, Reginald H. Wyatt, James E. Young, Edward E. Young, Henry L. Ziemer, Gustavus Zwicker, Ernest A. COMPANY C. Davis, Llewellyn R., Capt. Bowler, Charles P., Serg. Hicks, Owen, Serg. Dann, Alfred T., Corp. Finneran, John, Corp. Forbes, Franklin M., Corp. GaflFett, Nicholas, Corp. Gleason, Silas, Corp. Grant, William, Corp. Raymond, James W., Corp. PRIVATES. Baldwin, John, Jr. Barnes, William O. Clever ton, Joseph S. Grigsby, Philip Lowrey, John McCarran, Joseph Myers, James T. Myers, Levi Phillips, John B. Proctor, William Rand, True Sevey, Benjamin L. Stone, Marvin C. Stowe, Joseph M. Sweet, Thomas Van Orman, R. C. ^*>^_C^; Wall, Charles E. Wood, Daniel P. COMPANY D. Williams, A. J., 2d Lieut. Caine, William, Serg. Force, Emory W., Serg. Fisher, Amos C, Corp. Norris, Norman L., Corp. PRIVATES. Bose, Frederick Cutler, John A. Dawes, John W. Franke, John A. Green, Edwin Henrick, George Hobday, Edward Hunt, Westel W. Hunton, Horace H. Hutchinson, Wm. J. Lander, Thomas M. Nash, Albert W. Norris, Sherman R. Pullman, Samuel R. Rowe, John Rubicon, James A. Shively, George Smith, Alfred E. Smith, John Smith, Perry H. Smith, Stephen A. Trulsen, Hans Valleau, George Wirts, John B. COMPANY E. Clark, Joseph F., Serg. Davis, Frederick A., Corp. Furniss, William, Corp. t *4 ^. "^ If ROLL OF HONOR. PRIVATES. Floro, Daniel Floro, Jesse Green, Henry Grinnell, Oliver Kennedy, Edward J. Steele, Henr^- R. COMPANY F. Burgess, Albert C, Capt. Hopkins, Marcus S., ist Lieut. Stratton, Isaac, ist Serg. Poor, William H., Corp. Winzenried, Ralph, Corp. PRIVATES. Auxer, James B. Bergiu, John Camp, Harlow Davis, George H. Remmel, Lawrence Rohr, John Stanford, William Wintersteen, Shannon R. COMPANY G. Callow, William T., Serg. PRIV.A.TES. Clark, George H. Danford, Tunis S. Douthitt, Enoch M. Featherstone, James Flickinger, Ephraim Garrison, James A. Ohl,John Shaw, Stanley A. Smith, Franklin J. Steedman, Albert 63: COMPANY H. Nesper, Christian, Capt. PRIVATES. Barnum, Amnion D. Barnum, Samuel H. Brobst, Solomon Brooks, James C. Cavanah, Arthur A. Covert, Franklin J. Crosby, Edwin C. Fox, William H. Hardman, Peter M. Hunt, James Jones, Hugh Loveless, James Martin, Otis Moore, Jonathan OUiver, George W. Ramalia, Abraham COMPANY I. Pratt, Theodore W., Corp. PRIV.\TES. Burton, Alonzo H. Burton, Isaac Doran, Thomas B. Metcalf, George Palmer, Randall B. Rice, Charles E. COMPANY K. Cross, Judson N., Capt. Schutte, John F., Capt. Nitschelm, C. F., ist Lieut. Butzman, William, ist Serg. Haltnorth, Fred, ist Serg. Hinkston, Elmore, ist Serg. J? A [^A ^ ^ aft » « '''^ L^ >- *^ ^ «^«y**,« I* j> - -^i-'Ck-^jO^ ^-<»s^'i 1$. '41 636 ROLL OF HONOR. Lauterwasser, William, ist Serg. Ludwig, Charles, ist Serg. Grebe, James, Serg. Haefele,John, Serg. Kick, Andrew, Serg. Kohlmann, Adolphus, Serg. Kurz, Jacob, Serg. Rochotte, Henry, Serg. Schaub, Hermann, Serg. Schinkel, Frederick, Serg. Sohl, George T., Serg. Straehle, Henry, Serg. Voges, William, Serg. Denzel, George, Corp. Hnmmell, Jacob, Corp. Lehr, William, Corp. Reisse, Christian, Corp. Schott, John, Corp. Sommer, Conrad, Corp. Weber, William, Corp. Kind, Peter, Mus. PRIV.\TES. Ackerman, Henry Anthony, Phillip Armbruster, Constan. Bauer, John Bauer, Nicholas Beil, Sigmund Bock, Frederick Bodecker, August Bott, John Breidenbach, Charles Brown, Henry Brown, Phillip Bruekelmeyer, Fred. Buchmann, Conrad Burger, Albert Cliff, Edward Colbrunn, John E. Dehmel, Louis Dietrich, Frank Dietz, Coney Doll, John W. Dorr, David F. Dunton, Edwin Faubel, Henry Fenz, Engelbert Fetzer, Hermann Flabbig, Tobias Frank, Henry Furst, Jacob Geissler, John Glaser, Emil Graeter, Charles Greiner, Charles H. Greve, Jacob Gruenwald, Gottlieb Haebbig, Tobias Hahn, Christian Hahn, Henry Hahn, Sebastian Haskel, Charles Heege, Jacob H. Hoffman, George Hoffman, Henry Jassaud, Fred. Kaestle, Samuel Krauss, Christian F. Kullmer, Michael Kurbacher, Frank Lahr, William Henry Leininger, John Lorenz, Frank Luetke, John E. Maeder, Vincent Malchus, Andrew Merkel, Matthias Michell, Fred. Miller, John G. « "« Pi tin ^^l^*' ft ^ 1^ i Or' «. j '/[EMX. COMPANY PRIVATE. Pletscher, Henrv B. • sj- d i,j> »;« »;«f ^:^ K A -^L ir <^f" ?;:.^^-^.^.^^^^^i^.^^^fer.^:^*i^ «ift..fl 1? <»«i'l^ > =* ^ J''«»>^ - (a. - V ^* ROLL OF HONOR. A 646 Draeger, Frederick Frank, Florin Frochleich, William Geist, Thomas Goebel, Peter Graetz, Edward Grammes, Daniel Grammes, Philip Gnshing, Charles Hartmau, John Hilbrauer, Andrew Hommel, Alexander Ho3-er, Henry C. Hummel, Jacob Huss, John Kayler, Christoph. Keller, William Kinesel, Jacob Kling, Benoit Kramer, Christian Lehman, Joseph McNamara, Patrick ^Nleyer, Adam IMiller, Jacob Morrow, John O'Neil, John Passold, Christopher Raw, Abraham Reillinger, Theodore Roth, George Schleicher, Anton Schott, Jacob Severs, Jacob Simmel, Leonard Sommerhalter, John Stahl, Adam StaufFer, John Suter, John Thode, F'rederick Weber, Christian COMPANY I. Williams, Henry, 2d Lieut. 2otl-L RECIPIENT. Meyer. Louis G., Sur. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Parker, David G. COMPANY D. PRIVATE. Bixler, William COMPANY F. Lamkin, Alfred A., 2d Lieut. 27thi REQINIENT. FIELD AND STAFF. Lynch, Frank, Lieut. Col. Spauldiug, Z. S., Lieut. Col. Smith, Charles H., Maj. Jacobs, G. M., O. M. Serg. Evans, William D., Mus. Parmalee, Henry C, Mus. COMPANY A. Diebolt, Henry W., ist Lieut. COMPANY B. W'ebb, Edward A., Capt. COMPANY F. Worth, R. Heber, Capt. PRIVATES. Tucker, James W. Tucker, William <5r^ J* c »:« A" A ^ ^^ «^ *.« »■« .1^ .c-cr 1} a. p <^ no LI. UK KOXOR. >** ».IxrE:xT. COMPANY C. PRIVATE. Lee, j\Iorga:i ;;i«t l>iE<>ixiE>iT. Arter, Jason R., Sur. Varney, Royal W., Asst. Sur. COMPANY K. PRIV.\TJ;. Ahern,John A. COMPANY G. PRIV.\TK. Higgins, John & ' it «^ ^ J. 4 5:* :-<»^!i:?^jL2*^ ?? -OJV- * * 64S »"5 32ci REOIXI COMPANY . PRIVATES. Egbert, Alonzo ^^^lite, John vr. »"5 COM PAX Y PRn-ATE. INIayer, Herman COMPANY ^» PRn-ATE. Quaid, George COMPANY PRI\-ATES. e^ Harrington, Da^-id '«*^ McGtie, Michael ROLL OF HONOR. - « - « A. C. COMPANY E. PRnWTE. Schaffuer, Nathan 33d RECrlXIEXX. COMPANY C. Libbey, Ellsworth \V., Capt 36tU l^EOIXIEXX. Dickenson, John, AssL Sur. 3TtU K.EOIXIEXT. FIELD AND STAFF. Siber, Edward, CoL Ankele, Charles, Maj. Schenck, Julius C, Sur. Billhardt, A. \V., Asst. Sur. Frey, Franz, Com. Serg. Grotenrath, Philip, IMus. Messner, Franz, ZNIus. Reinhardt, Franz, Mug. co:mpany a. Quedenfeld. Louis F., Capt. Hambrock, C, 2d Lieut Pfahl, Christian, 2d Lieut. Votteler, H. J., 2d Lieut. Becker. Louis, Serg. Haiser, John, Serg. Hauser. Paul, Serg. Jaite, Ferdinaiid, Serg. Otter, John, Serg. Rock, William F., Serg. Samstag, Wilhelm, Serg. Bellerj.-, Nicholas, Corp. Blau, Emil, Corp. Eberhard, Carl, Corp. Hassmer, John B., Corp. Kleinschmidt, J. A., Corp. Obacht, George, Corp. Saile, Florian, Corp. Adansky, Asa, Mus. Lay, Friedrich, Mus. Sherr\-, Daniel, Drummer. PRnWTES. Adler, Joseph Baehrhold, Friedrich Bauer, Lud^\•ig Bellen.-, Christian Berger, Christian Dreger, Friedrich Fruch, Joseph Haupt, Gustav Haupt, Wilhelm Jaeger, Adolph Koener, Jean Pierre «i'»^ »!« ttfa ?^ ^* B> ^^ 6 V I' ^* i* «r-^j ^ ^■- *«^-«%*'-''- ^ a^*^ ROLL OF HONOR. ^ ^ ^ AftJ-i* 649 Kahl, Maguus Knapp, Charles Leonhardt, Adam Loeblin, John Manns, Franz Meyer, Karl PitrofF, John Rock, Frederick SchaefFer, John Schieffterling, Bernhard Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Andrew Schmidt, Franz Schneider, Frederick Serdinsky, Leopold Stoll, Joseph Ungerer, Frederick Voelker, Peter Weber, Christopher Wendt, Theodore COMPANY B. Moritz, Charles, Capt. Ambrosius, F., 2d Lieut. PRIVATE. Krause, George COMPANY D. Voges, Theodore, Capt. Nickenhauer, Wendolin, Corp. PRIVATES. Brandt, Philip Goetz, John Millimann, Bernhard Reuold, Charles COMPANY E. Rehwinkle, Fred. H., Capt. Von Kissinger, Adolph C, Capt. Wittrich, Paul, Capt. Scheldt, Julius, 2d Lieut. COMPANY F. Boehm, George, Capt. Sebastian, Louis, Capt. Vallendar, Anton, Capt. Burkhardt, H., ist Lieut. Stoppel, Arthur, ist Lieut. Dorr, Jacob, Serg. Junker, Anthony, Serg. Lohr, William, Serg. Zipp, Jacob, Corp. Jansen, George, Jr., Mus. PRIVATES. Bauer, Albert Bergsicker, Henry Fehlber, Charles Gampellar, Frederick Granger, David Greb, Christian Hopp, Charles Lambert, Gustav Rothman, Henry Schmidt, Henry Schmidt, John Simon, John Vauholz, Anton Wicker, Adam Zipp, Phillip COMPANY G. Lambert, Louis E., Capt. PRIVATES. Mittmau, August Schmidt, Jacob j*^2<>'n «^ ^ •^^^^a^^i^s*^'-*^ >^* el- 's *;« •I ■ O 650 c- . ^ «5tCi 'V i> ^ ROLL OF HONOR. COMPANY H. Messner, Charles, Capt. Ritter, Louis, ist Lieut. Spickert, Jacob, Serg. Zitzelnian, Friederich, Serg. Schulliau, Gustav, Corp. PRIVATES. Christian, Johu Detgeu, Heurj- Dittman, Johu Kckert, August Fassuacht, John Flury, Adam Heck, Philip Heidter, August Held, Johu Hoffmau, Johu P. Kaestle, Joseph Kauel, Christian Kuecht, Jacob Kuecht, William Kolaetzkowski, Andrew Laubrecher, Theobald Lapp, J. H. Laubscher, Theobald Lehman, Paul Lieber, Johu Rlaryue, Joseph Melcher, Johu IMeyer, Philip Oswald, Courad Rotlier, John Schlee, Charles Schutz, Johu Schwanz, Basil Schwertle, Matthias Sehlke, Henry Sehlke, John It -> Seiler, Edward Spickert, George Spies, Philip Spohn, Johu Stegkamper, Henry Tegto, Ernst COMPANY I. Frerichs, John H., ist Lieut. PRIVATES. Becker, Justus Henkle, George Schelhas, George COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Eichhorn, George Loeb, Alois Schueeberger, George 41st REOIXIENX. FIELD AND STAFF. Holloway, Ephraim S., Col. Mygatt, George S., Lieut. Col. Wiseman, John J., Lieut. Col. Cleveland, Thomas G., Sur. Hart, Albert G., Sur. Thompson, George J. A., Adj. Blvthe, Walter, ist Lieut, and Q. M. Chamberlain, W. S., Q. M. Lyman, Osnian A., Chaplain. Colvin, Charles, Hosp. Stew. Ridgway.George F.,Wagon Mas- ter. »1« J*' ^ re;gimkntal band. Leland, Jackson INL, Leader Breymaier, George 4> te 4? <» «^ 4> •«, ^o^^^ P * 652 ROLL OF HONOR. Flick, William H., Corp. Herrimau, Albert, Corp. Hewitt, Johnson C, Corp. Jones, Julius, Corp. Osborn, Orwin, Corp. Richmond, Virgil, Corp. Smellie, Emerson W., Corp. Trowbridge, Daniel, Corp. Ward, Anson B., Corp. Roscoe, Abel P., Drummer. PRIVATES. Atherton, Allen Butler, John D. Button, Verneuel Carr, Asa P. Claskey, George H. Corkell, Edward F. Cowan, John F. Cowan, William Davidson, Jesse Davidson, Joseph Dunham, Royal Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. Flick, Josiah Gardner, John Gibbons, Francis Glasgow, William Gregory, Theodore Harris, Francis Harris, Martin Hart, Hugh Hist, Joseph Hornig, Alexander Ives, Erastus P. Jones, David M. Kellogg, Benoah Kelly, Edward W. Mathews, Orlo C. Mead, Levi Mier, John Minor, Jonathan Needham, Benjamin F. Newcomb, James F. Pease, Enos Pease, James Pierce, Thomas Powers, William Pressing, Leonard Rano, Julius Rattles, William H. Richardson, Li:ther Sampson, Samuel Simpson, William Slocum, Oliver Smellie, William R. Smith, Henry W. Smith, William E. Studer, Thomas Tennis, John S. Tompkins, Moses Trump, Andrew Underbill, Daniel R. Venoah, Charles Wheeler, Zenas Wick, William Wood, William P. CO.V^ANY E. Stone, Frai-^ E., Capt. Cutler, Truman C, ist Lieut. Jones, Harry W., ist Lieut. McKay, Fred. A., 2d Lieut. Virgil, Albert E., ist Serg. Wood, Benjamin, ist Serg. Cressinger, Jacob R., Serg. Drum, William H., Serg. Eckert, Arthur, Serg. Lynch, William, Serg. Murray, James, Serg. ^"^^ J&^^^f^'i' -i?^^^^-*-" ^^' -Pe •^ -^j'^'^ > .^ ^^:S0t-^^'^ '4 Sj »;« ROLL OF HONOR. Partridge, William R Simons, Henry, Serg. Colby, Samuel, Corp. Cullen, John, Corp. Edwards, William, Corp. Langell, William, Corp. Neville, John, Corp. Powers, Thomas, Corp. Randall, Charles, Corp. Williams, Cyrus, Corp. Scott, Warren K., Mus. Winchester, S. N., Fifer. PRIVATES. Annis, Seaman Arnott, James Barber, Caswell Barber, Jervis Beard, Alexander Caldwell, John Canfield, John Chalk, Michael Chapman, Matthew B. Chesley, Charles Cochran, David Conway, Henry Conway, Thomas Corbit, Dennis Corbit, Timothj- Coykindall, Henry S. Davidson, Robert Evans, James Farrell, Patrick Ferrell, William L. Fitzpatrick, Edward Flannigan, Patrick Fluett, George FuUweller, Ensign Gordon, John F. Griffin, Michael ^b- d J^--^ 1 * * ^ tt *.« H ^* ^* ^■^ rrtr ** »■<' ^^ ^» «^ z>« -«> ^ "S* tS' ^ ROLI, OF HONOR. OO Petee, Johu Reniley, Josepli R. Rice, Abraham J. Ryan, William Sanderson, Henry Santeur, Alexander Sharkey, James Shirley, Frank B. Shirley, Jacob Shisler, Eli Shisler, Samuel Smith, Charles Snider, Benjamin N. Spaulding, Homer Standen, John A. Stewart, Plimpton Waite, John T. Weitzell, William Wordon, Josepli COMPAXY G. Gault, Robert A., Capt. Fisher, Lloyd, ist Lieut. HerifT, Peter, ist Lieut. PRIVATE.S. Alexander, William Calkins, I'errin H. Gaebelein, John Henderson, William H. Hill, George Kickland, Martin Kickland, Theodore Miller, Albert W. Snethen, Benjamin Snethen, John Varney, Allison COMPAXY H. Morgan, William J., Capt. Whittlesey, Albert, ist Lieut. PRIVATl".S. Butson, George Clark, Albert J. Clark, George C. Clark, John Holcomb, William J. Pludson, Richard Tooze, James Tooze, William Turner, Levi Worcester, Norton T. COMPAXY I. McMahon, James, Capt. Fitzgerald, James, Corp. Parker, George D., Corp. Sanger, George E., Corp. Scott, Shepard, Drummer. PRIVATES. Ackley, Josephus Chapman, James E. Chapman, William Clark, John Duvoo, Louis Ellsworth, Charles Goddard, William Gouch, Frederick Hadlock, Uriah Hall, John W. Holmes, Henry Kennedy, John Such, John Warren, George T. Wells, Charles Zealy, Adam COMPAXY K. Hansard, William, Capt. Gaylord, Charles D., Ist Lieut. Coon, Henry, 2d Lieut. *4 ^ y > t^i;? ^ ^ <»■ O.^.*- 1^ * "*. <^ tf^ * <*. <>■ k ^\-^X^^-p- 656 '■*^- ROLL OF lU^Xcni. : «s. A^i^- Orr, John, 1st Serg. Bliss, Albert L., Serg. Lovelace, L. M., Serg. O'Brien, James M., Serg. Daltou, Edward, Corp. Price, William, Corp. PRIVATES. Arnold, Henry Babcock, William Battles, Newton Bradley, Rawson A. Brown, Lafayette Don;ddsou, John Henry, Darwin Kelley, John T. McEacham, William Miller, Charles Miller, Miltou Pendleton, John Rand, Benjamin F. Reeves, William N. Regan, Daniel Rodeck, William P. Rnsher, Jacob Schock, Conrad Sexton, Dennis Stuart, John Synod, INIarcus Thayer, Asahel Thompson, John Wagner, Henry Wagner, Nicholas White, Matthew 412.1 l>iKc>lXIEX1" COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Rudolph, Joseph .t^^ii.-'*. A» A V » ii ^^ ^4^ '*A COMPANY C. PRIVATE. Wiescinann, Joseph CO-MPANY E. Flynn, John F., ist Lieut. Loomis, Leonard G., Serg. Austin, Bertrand C, Corp. Jacques, William H., Corp. O'Brien, Charles, Corp. Phinney, Benjamin F\, Corp. PRIV.\TES. Austin, R. W. Bates, Harrison H. Coiisins, Melviu E. Drummock, Christopher Foote, Asahel P. Griffin, John Kelley, Charles W. Kilby, Martin Lilley, Martin Phinney, San ford Sage, William Taylor, David H. Taylor, Stephen M. Thompson, Benj. F\ Tuttle, Angelo Tuttle, Jlarius Websdale, William H. Wilford, Joseph COMPANY G. Campbell, Edward B., Capt. Jewett, Charles P., Capt. Henry, James G., ist Lieut. Pierce, Calvin, ist Lieut. Stone, Andrew J., 2d Lieut. Marble, Calvin A., ist Serg. Wiggins, Noble B., ist Serg. « r> .a; <^ ^ t,', *.<» !&• K ■<> ? » O ^ *^ ^ n c, V ^* *;« »«■ h -->. 658 ROLL OF HONOR. 4:3ci REQIIVLEXT. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. HeflFeran, Patrick COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Akins, Alexander P. Arnott, Hugh Burk, William Campbell, Charles Dill, George Lawrence, Albert A. Mahoney, John Pankhurst, Thomas Piper, Sanford S. Russ, Giles H. Schuabel, John Scott, Thomas Werner, Charles W. Wheelan, John COMPANY F. PRR'ATE. Manzelman, John COMPANY G. PRIVATE. Moran, John -45thi R.EaiM:ENIT. Sheldon, J. J., Asst. Sur. 46th REQirvIEXT. COMPANY F. Car ran, John J., Capt. olst REQIXIEXX. COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Pope, Harlan T. o2ci REOIX^IENT. Morse, Joel, Sur. COMPANY I. Pool, Ira H., Capt. Schneider, Peter C, Capt. Lotz, Henry, ist Serg. Freeman, William, Serg. Lanaghan, John, Serg. Cogswell, George W., Corp. Zopher, Randall, Drummer. PRIVATES. Buckire, William Fish, Deming B. Garrison, Joseph M. Lockard, William Lotz, Augustus McKutchen, James Moneysmith, James Myers, William Olds, Thomas Risser, Peter Seivert, Frederick Simmonds, George Thompson, Howard F. Uhlsenheimer, John M. Waddups, Thomas Weisgerber, Justus Whittern, Charles o-4thi REGIXIENT. Cutter, John F., Adj. »:« •a *^ *;« *'* /■ *' ^* ** i> -< ^* -3 1^ % ^:^ ^^ »!« *>! "^ a. ROLL OF HONOR. COMPANY A. Bandon, Seaman M., 2d Lieut. COMPANY D. Stillman, Charles, 2d Lieut. COMPANY E. Richardson, Henry, Capt. Browning, George W., ist Lieut. Potter, Silas W., ist Lieut. ISIcGrath, Lyman, Serg. Pearsons, Oscar, Serg. Seeley, Isaac B., Serg. Moncrief, Hugh, Corp. Monroe, Felix, Corp. Stevens, William, Corp. Travis, Isaac, Mus. PRIVATES. Alexander, William Allen, Richard Ambrose, Charles Bennett, Charles Bennett, Samuel Berchimer, Jacob Brewer, Andrew J. Clark, Diodate Dalley, Charles Devine, John P'rench, E. S. Gahan, Thomas Gale, George F. Guinter, Isaac Hart, Patrick Hoag, George W. Hudson, James Jago, Alfred L. Kenney, John Kinkaid, James Knapp, Horace Lamphear, Hoxie E. Lytle, James Maloy, William Maples, John Mead, John Mitchell, Reuben Nelson, Hugh Nelson, John Nicola, Frederick Olmstead, Charles Parmeuter, Albert Richardson, Joseph B. Rixinger, Joseph Rixinger, Lawrence Ryan, Roger Sandy, John Skeene, John Smith, Jackson Tiernan, John Vaughn, William H. Wass, Wallace Winslow, Jonathan ooth REQIVEKNT. COMPANY A. Stegman, William, ist Serg. COMPANY E. 659 PRIV.\TE. James, John A. 58tln REQI^/IEN'^. COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Eggiman, Jacob Schwandt, William X}. id' ^ ^ 'y- "«r ■few <^ TV ^ 1'^ ■6- fy ■*^^^*.«« ^.^/^ 1>/^^Y^** >.^^ * -^ i ^P ^^ PA.^ ^o-cs.-'^^ ^ ft js^ ^«* iS Stevens, Edward C. Stevens, Nelson R. Treat, Horace C. White, Charles A. White, Edward N. COMPANY G. Meacham, Norman D., Capt. Haynes, Orlando W., ist Lieut. Brainard, Frank E., ist. Serg. Wallace, Ira W., ist Serg. Willey, Lewis R., ist Serg. Kershner, Andrew R., Serg. Kershner, George W.. Serg. Kirkpatrick, H. M., Serg. Thompson, Lewis S., Serg. Ames, John, Corp. Cooper, Henr\-, Corp. Disbro, Edward G., Corp. Harrington, S. W., Corp. Lee, Solomon H., Corp. ^IcReynolds, J. K., Corp. Reublin, Edgar M., Corp. Sarns, William, Corp. Weylie, Porter M.. Corp. Wilder, William W., Corp. Aumand, Thomas R., Wagoner. PRIV.\TES. Albers, John Ames, William Curtiss, John H. Curtiss, William C. Davis, John Detchon, Wilbur F. Estminger, James R. Foster, John Fr}-, Ely Gasner, Henr>' Gray, Edward Hamilton, Lyman R. Herold, Alfred Hildreth, Wilbur F. HoflFman, Benjamin F. Jackson, William E. Judkins, William H. Lacy, Elmer G. Lacy, William H. Lewis, Walter Lord, Ferdinand Miller, Thos. D. Peabody, Avery Powers, James H. Purine, Benjamin F. Schopp, John Sippey, Hiram Sutton, Charles E. Vanness, Phineas J. Wagner, John Wagner, Henry W^arner, Philip Walberr\-, George H. Wright, Sydney E. Yarham, Walter COMPANY H. Miller, John H., ist Serg. Bennett, Elmer J., Serg. Giberson, Charles D., Serg. Hardy, Henry W., Serg. Jewell, Orrin, Serg. Bond, Richard, Corp. Br}-an, John, Corp. Dunton, William H., Corp. Green, Charles J., Corp. McAlvey, John B., Corp. Pepoon, Lawrence T., Corp. Roy, Joseph, Corp. Shipman, Nathan A., Corp. Storrs, Horatio, Corp. *4 -3 '>.»«» -* •«.<»- '«l4)*- ^rv^^^* I* 6.V 4i:^ ^ <»^* t^ 9 *:« *;« »:« ft »;« ft ft «^ ft o^ *.« »:« ^^ l^ «»■ -^*' o-*2:}*,.^^* 644 ROLL OF HONOR. Mills, Anson K. Molter, Henry Montague, Henry Morgan, Charles Motrey, Frederick O'Beirn, John Peterman, David Reaunourd, George C. Ryan, Martin Scott, David E. Seaman, Truman S. Searl, John R. Sims, Edward Sipler, Marshall H. Squire, Lawrence Squire, Warren Waldo, James H. Ward, Samuel Wartmau, James Wheeler, Harry Wiley, Thomas J. Wing, Nelson H. COMPANY E. Thompson, Frederick, ist Lieut. PRIVATES. Chamberliu, Jared S. Featherly, Charles Holley, Orson Huntly, Scott F. Little, Horace A. Stover, David C. COMPANY F. Abbott, Edward A., Capt. Conant, Charles P., ist Lieut. PRIVATES. Kingsbury, Alonzo Williams, James COMPANY G. Haven, Henry M., Capt. Hood, Henry G., Capt. Woodward, Wallis J., Capt. PRIVATE. Barrett, Lewis COMPANY I. Lane, Leander H., Capt. Bartholomew, Hiram, Serg. Chamberlain, Martin N., Serg. King, Christopher, Serg. Mcintosh, William, Serg. Miller, Jacob A., Serg. Tyler, George E., Serg. Donel, John, Corp. Eddy, George S., Corp. Saunders, William A., Corp. Selden, William L., Corp. Smith, Francis C, Corp. Valeau, Jackson, Corp. Hopkins, Orin, Mus. PRIVATES. Allen, George Archer, David Bently, Albert Bingham, John Bottin, Joseph N. Brown, Michael A. Brown, William H. Clow, Ogden M. Corbit, Michael Cox, Alvin Cronenberger, Charles Crump, William T. Davis, Francis M. De Long, Joseph t % *'? W'.O ^:^ •I* I ^ -9 ^ - ♦ - «. boo Wide. Robert Wilier. Ciristopaer Wiissoru Ticob ROLl- OF KO^'OB.. - « FTFT.D AND STAFF Keaton.. Grove L.. Cipc aadQ. M. H-it!:a-«riy. Ro*in.ey J^ Adf- Serge. WJHitTU . Ser^. iE^- Allen. Ed-wini S.. Dnrrs. 3f ajor. COMPANY B. FsrvArES. S-^~-er. Eber.erer S-' Wuliam COMPA2CY C. '?. Geo^ L-. CapC and Brc _ - -c Col 5ru.ce. James E-. ^ Liear. JliHer. Quiaor. Serg. "^'^TT.f- Edward. Corp. Kor-i5ev. Charlesv Corp. lliller. Saarnel. Corp. Qtdgley. William. Corp. Rn.>seII. Albert. Corp. Saimder?. IT:;*. . Ciaries. 5Xu.>. Bennett. Abraiiaai Fox. Join Galvin. Peter Gray. Rinaldo A. H-Iler. Jacob Jenksv Ciiarles A. Krteser. Aadrew Krieger. Peter Love^rove. Joslitta Rocnd*. Htram L. Snerman. Andrew Tear. Robert rumer. Caleb Watsoa, James ^V^■:?on. Wiliiam ' "■" "-".-^rns. Jame* Yonng. George W. COMPANY D. "^CI-A-in. Almon R., Serg^. H.a-.vkins. Edward. Serg. Herriman. George E.. Serg. Stockel. Frank. L. . Serg. Ok>odman.. Cliaries. Corp. Jleade. William. Corp. Wnitney. Frank. Corp. FRTVATESw. Abram.Sv Seth. Boganins. Jacob Corkins. Patrick Gilbert. Jacob H?.r-->-k. L- T. oi W. Homsby. ' Jiv. John _' -"--.-son. Henry ilaner, William O'Brien, Michael Ro«igers. Thoox^ Ryan. Joseph Spencer. John Stascbrd. Oliver Wright. William » - J 4 i^^^^^^i^ ♦ * n "W "* .*» * * ^ K<^>M- oi- )^o.■^ol< COM PAX Y K. iMtcli, William, Corp. I'KIVATKS. Can field, Frederick A. Canfield, Ilezckiah Catlanach, William Dick, Alexander Silcox, Josiah COMl'AXV J-'. I'.iiK-rson, Ci'or'^t:, Capt. COMPANY G. Girty, Alfred P., Capt. Heckman, Valentine, Capt. Nicholas, Oscar E., ist Lieut. Matson, vSylvester W., jst Ser^. Stoddard, Ira, ist Ser^. Jjnmons, Milan, Ser^. Gordon, Alexander, Ser^. McCormick, J. L., Serg. Roriakkers, Joseph, Serg. Stroud, Taylor Jv., Serg. Wheeler, Zenophon, Serg. Adams, Orland B., Corp. Barker, Isaac H., Corp. Boyd. David, Corp. Dike, Latimer N., Corp. ICmerson, Orlando, Corp. J'reeman, William II., Corp. Henry, Hiram, Corp. Killmer, Michael, Corp. Morgan, George E., Corp. Nicholas, Charles, Corp. Ody, William, Corp. Oldham, Albert, Corp. I'arkinson, W. J., Corp. IJhler, Herman, Corp. Wagner, Christian, Corp. 667 Wliite, I'ord W., Corp. Wittlinger, John J., Corp. Thorjj, I .' T» ■{, O -tt. O" ^ », ^^ *> 668 TPr^i'ft ROLL OF HONOR. n *^ ft'*' ft*' »■«' Haucock, Charles Hathaway, Elmer Heward, George Hoeft, John Hodgman, Amos HoflFmati, Henry Holliday, David Jacob, Francis Johnson, William T. Joice, Michael Kalb, Joshua Kamerer, Paul Keille, William Kidney, Truman Kimball, William Knowles, George Lavan, Lawrence Libbey, Edwin S. Loch, John Lucas, W. Lyon, Louis C. Madden, Michael McDonald, Ed. J. McGue, Peter Meacham, Levi E. Miller, John Moon, Dallas Mormon, Peter Mott, Edward Muchler, Alexander Newcomb, Fred. O'Brien, James Olga, Constantine Parselis, William E. Perry, Sidney Philips, Henry A. Pike, George Plaister, Samuel Pritchard, Solomon Quirk, Thomas Rabald, John Reed, Samuel Reislaud, August Richman, Samuel Ring, Jonathan Roath, Jacob Robinson, Milford A. San ford, Edward Scully, John Shafe, Mark Simard, Joseph Snell, John Sprague, Delos Stattlemeier, Lewis Studer, Joseph Sumner, Edward Sumner, Enos Taylor, James Taylor, Lafayette Twitchell, David Valentine, John Van, Joel Varney, Sidney J. Voltz, Philip Wagner, Christian Wait, James Watkins, John Wheeler, Alden White, Edward I. Winfield, George Winters, Augustin Wirsh, Henry COMPANY H. Spafford, John B., Capt. Stevens, Charles L., Capt. Minor, Charles E., ist Lieut. PRRATES. Evarts, John Lewis, Charles » - ia5'»^^ ^.**CJ^» >'*^<»-l*^* ■*r«c <» * >».~*,^j»^4J.^ V^'^^^^A «^ if ROLL OF HONOR. 669 COMPANY I. PRIVATE. Straus, John R. COMPANY K. Brock, Sidney G., Capt. PRIVATES. Baker, John Brokan, John R. Garner, James B. Horn, Joseph Kelley, William H. Pangborn, Almeron TOthi REQIIVIENT. COMPANY F. PRIVATE. Hanson, James 72ci REQIMENX. COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Lauterer, Charles O. COMPANY K. PRIVATE. Naegele, Christian 77thi REOIMENT. COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Calvert, John J. Delaney, Charles W. 84t]n REOIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. Wiseman, John J., Lieut. Col. Hinman, Frank H., Adj. Taylor, Daniel R., Q. M. Serg. Munsell, Royal H., Com. Serg. COMPANY D. Ely, Eli, ist Lieut. Armstrong, George W., Serg. Fields, Reuben A., Serg. Morgan, William, Serg. Whitehead, David S., Serg. Briggs, Pierson D., Corp. Carpenter, Albert G., Corp. Hancock, Oscar W., Corp. Lohrer, Jacob J., Corp. Murray, William E., Corp. Severance, Isaac W., Corp. Warner, Edward S., Corp. Waters, Austin H., Corp. Covert, James, Mus. Diefenbach, Wm. A., Mus. PRIVATES. Baker, Frank Banton, John Barrett, Olcott Beeman, Edwin E. Bemis, James Bissell, Henry A. Bolton, Charles A. Braden, Angus R. Bradley, Quincy Brown, Charles E. Brunner, John F. Carroll, Michael Chaffee, William H. Chamberlain, Robert L. I jl9 }^ ^>4 1^ *~j*r ^.'' * fy *:w^^^*^^ ^ ^ lA I .-^4. ^:;,t^ ^ it •^ ft ]fy I; - * -O ROLL OF HONOR. 5> Chamberlaiu, Wm. H. Morris, Josiah Chapman, Benj. F. Murray, Robert E. ♦-4 Coates, Walter O Neil, John \V. Crow-cll, John, Jr. Parker. Lloyd G. ^* PangerSekl, Edward Pinkney, Charles *^ Dugan, John Pinkney, John T. Evans. John R. Quayle, George L. Farrand. Addison J. Quiggin, Charles Ford>-ce, Hamillon Reese, Florence S. Gettings, James Richardson, Omar S. Gill, Charles H. Rose, John H. ,* GlenviUe, He^^^- Sewer, EdAvan.1 :^ Good-nrin, Asa A. Smith, Edwarvl C. Gordon. Charles A. Starkweather. Samuel, Jr. *5 Gould, Robert Stein, Lewis »,« Gross, Lews Sterritt, Theodore "•« Guy, Thomas Stetson, Wyliss S. ♦* Hamilton, Edwin T. Stokes, Frederick * - Hard, Frederick T. Tice, George R. Harris, Paul B. Tinker, Edward C. Hariness, James A. Wade, John B. Hawrhome. Halsev J. White, Charles Hawthorne. Henr\- H. Wilson, James A. A« Herrick. Earl Woodruff, Anion B. »^« Holde^i, George S. Zuber. Joseph ♦* Holly. Hen^^- H. t* Hudson. Edvrard COMPANY E. Hunt, Se\Tnottr G. Taylor, Virgil C, ist Lieut. '♦ Ketchum. David C. Nash. Henr>- T., 2d LieuL * - Kinsman, Fred.. Jr. Allen, Samuel L.. ist Serg. Kunz, Peter Baldwin, Theron C. Serg. Lane, Chauncey R Bishop. Jiidson M.. Serg. ♦^ Leitz, Theodore J. Chamberlain, F. S., Serg. Lemmon, Thomas Ford, Frank J., Serg. Leonard, Austin R Andrews, Theodore A.. Cor^v *«^ Loomis, John "W. Norton, Elijah H.. Corp. Lowrie, David L. Smith, Benjjmiin W., Corp. McBride, William E. Waring, S. H., Corp. MoRe\-nolds, Chas. W. Wilkinson, George. Corp. ♦* ** Mead, John T. Camp, Charles D., Mus. *^ «r ^^ , «i «^ e «* <» ^ ,- t^ ft ■& if h K^ -A % e, or ^* e J* ?^ ^."^ -" SI. ^> »,« ff. p p^i. ^-{^^ ^, If: q4v 5^ ROLL OF HONOR. 6;: SSthi REOIMEIMT. COMPANY F. PRIVATES. Crane, Wolcott F. McGregor, Andrew Storrs, Willis A. COMPANY G. Irwin, John H., Serg. PRIVATES. Ja3-cox, Charles A. Johnson, George W. COMPANY H. PRIVATE. Welton, George \V. 93ci REOIAIENT. Brooks, M. L., Jr., Asst. Sur. QSthi REGIME>iT. COMPANY K. Snow, Edwin C, Corp. 103d REGIMENIT. FIELD AND STAFF. Hayes, Philip C, Col. Pickands, H. S., Lieut. Col. Sterling, James T., Lieut. Col. Butler, George O., Asst. Sur. Judd, Gilbert vS., Adj. White, John S., Adj. Hubbard, George A., Chap. Card, Joseph P., Serg. Waj. Fleury, Robert L., Serg. Maj. Brown, Barney, Com. Ser. Dewey, Edward J., Hosp. St"d. COMPANY A. Stockwell, Norris P., Capt. Vail, Isaac C, Capt. Allen, James, ist Lieut. McWilliams, J. M., 2d Lieut. Markell, James D., ist Serg. Bradley, Elias L., Serg. Henderson, Ira, Serg. Langell, Daniel, Serg. Roberts, Charles C, Serg. Ross, William, Serg. Abraham, John B., Corp. Brewster, Ezra, Corp. Burrell, Wilson H., Corp. Cole, Charles, Corp. Collins, Michael, Corp. Drake, Solomon S., Corp. Goudy, Hugh F., Corp. McKean, John, Corp. Mote, James, Corp. Perr}-, Joseph, Corp. Rush, James, Corp. Stowell, William, Corp. Stubbs, John, Corp. Watkins, James, Corp. PRIV.\TES. Adair, Alfred Arhilgea, George Bear, William Benedict, William C. Boyd, David Bramley, Francis Brennau, John Burrell, Wilson H. Caldwell, Charles M. Canfield, James Cannell, Thomas N. Carson, Joseph Conlan, Peter f, ' ^? *\^ tt - »|« ^^^^ '^ *c»>' o- ^615 — 4f-^S> jk cr t 674 Crane, John F. Crawford, Robert Derr, John W. Doyle, Robert Dyckes, Henry Eddy, Otis Eldridge, William Estey, Albert Furniss, Adam Gee, Martin C. Goudy, Hugh F. Goudy, John Goudy, Matthew Gould, Franklin Hannum, Lucas C. Harrigan, Charles Hartzell, Oliver Hoffman, John Howard, Edward Jerome, Horace Johnson, Charles S. Kirschner, William Lawrence, Albert G. Leese, Alexander Losey, Harris P. Lush, Henry Martin, Elisha McAuley, Daniel McKenzie, John D. McMannis, William Milks, George Muchler, William O'Brien, Daniel Parks, Sherwood Reinhart, Jerry F. Rodgers, Amandus P. Root, Jesse H. Seaborn, Daniel Seiberling, Charles Seiberling, Lloyd ROLL OF HONOR. Shephard, George W. Silver, William H. Snyder, Joseph Stubbs, John Thompson, Benjamin F. Viers, Basil E. Viers, Dorsey W. Walton, Jesse G. Ward, Hiram B. Watkins, Asa B. AVeaver, Caleb Weigel, Josiah W^illiams, Thomas H. Workmeister, Rudolph COMPANY B, Hutchinson, William W., Capt. Smith, Franklin B., Capt. Spencer, Albert H., Capt. Stilson, Sherwood H., Capt. and A. A. G. Burt, Hermes, ist Lieut. Holt, Corwin M., ist Lieut. Merrill, Joseph C, ist Serg. Sheldon, George J., ist Serg. Cobb, Dwight M., Serg. Cody, Aldus, Serg. Gosline, William A., Serg. Lynch, Dennis, Serg. Piper, Edgar W., Serg. Prindle, Lewis, Serg. Stewart, James W., Serg. Brown, Charles, Corp. Burt, Charles, Corp. Chapman, Charles F., Corp. Edmonds, James A., Corp. Merna, John, Corp. Osborne, Elisha A., Corp. Page, Laertes B., Corp. Rediker, John, Corp. Smead, Franklin H., Corp. if mfo t* 1 I ^^4^ir. .fe4l?*'9 *^T If >v "*:^ ;<,5->>,, «^ nT* pVr^.*_V^..^ '^'(5«r^>''* ']^^*ft 'j^ ^ f-. -w If J. ^ ROLL OF HONOR. Stockwell, R. W., Corp. Sutton, William A., Corp. Warner, Cassius M., Corp. Erwin, James, Miis. Scan, James, Mus. PRIVATES. Baker, George Barnard, Edwin A. Barnum, Milo H. Bartlett, Louis Beck, Alfred Bonney, Charles L. Boyer, Nicholas Bradford, Hiram Brightman, George W. BrinkerhofF, Benjamin F. Brooker, Lewis Burton, Stephen Carpenter, James B. Cook, Andrew J. Cook, Caleb H. Cook, William B. Dwinnell, Azro Dyer, George W. Ferris, Hiram R. Hayes. Burton S. Hendrickson, James S. Hill, Albert Hitz, Joseph L. Hoefflinger, Matthew Ilollowell, Jacob Hulett, Marshall F. Hurlbut, William Johnson, William Jones, Charles H. Jones, Heman F. Kennard, Henry Knapp, Albert D. KTiapj), Charles H 675 Lane, Royal W. Lane, Warren Lawrence, William J. Locke, Robert Locke, W^illiam Lussenden, William McVoy, John Miller, Charles F. Mills, Artemus T. Nichols,Julius Northrop, Henry B. O'Keefe, Daniel Pardee, David A. Piper, John Poole, Thomas J. Quayle, Albert K. Ray, William D. Ridecker, John Rediker, Theodore Romp, William F. Rowan, Frederick Sabin, Rodolphus N. Schneider, Theodore Schroeder, Frederick Segur, James D. Slater, John H. Stokes, Thomas Werntz, Charles COMP.\NY C. Semple, John L., Capt. Thomas, Francis M., Capt. Card, Joseph P., ist Lieut. Reynolds, Ed. B., ist Lieut. Blossom, Richard S., ist Serj^ Scoville, Thomas J., ist Serg. Hammon, Charles, Serg. Metzger, Timothy, Serg. Cottrell, Thomas J., Serg. Lockwood, H. B., Serg. Up, •I" •J* m ttf*^ t>«» a, * * A . t ; Waller, Weber Webster, David Weingert, Frederick Welch, James Welch, John Whitney, Stephen Wright, Alexander COMPANY D. Morgan, Charles E., Capt. Philpot, John T., Capt. Bacon, Henry C, ist Lieut. Dickey, H. D., ist Lieut. Neville, L. J., ist Lieut. Sturtevant, W. M., 2d Lieut. King, Abner C, ist Serg. Bosworth, Fenner, Serg. Cates, Moses C, Serg. Ford, Arthur O., Serg. Goodsell, George B., Serg. Griswold, Almon H., Serg. Hannaford, William H., Serg. Higby, William B., Serg. Upham, George, Serg. Armour, Samuel M., Corp. Baker, Alvin, Corp. Deady, Martin V., Corp. Dixon, Alanson R., Corp. Frissell, Henry M., Corp. Gleasou, Rienzi C, Corp. Hannaford, L. B., Corp. Horton, Hilon R., Corp. Louden, Ira, Jr., Corp. Nash, Henry B., Corp. Parr, F'erdinand G., Corp. Ward, Burk E., Corp. Wells, Porter, Corp. Caley, William H., Mus. Niece, Charles B., Mus. Willey, Seth A., Mus. Averill, Charles, Wagoner. PRIVATES. Anthony, John C. Averill, Josiah Baker, Daniel W. Baldwin, Wallace Bancroft, Charles H. Barber, Jehu Barker, Morris Bosworth, Fenner Bosworth, William I\L Budd, Thomas Budd, William Bull, Melville N. Bull, Worthy T. Burr, Edward Burton, Julius Button, Otis Carpenter, Edwin ^l. Carpenter, Miles M. Conway, John Cooper, David Cotapes, John Courter, Cornelius Devoe, Henry L. Dewey, Almon Dillon, Andrew Fell, Thomas Fisher, Earl Ford, Arthur O. Ford, George B. Frisby, Martin GifFord, George O. Glazier, Hiram M. Gleason, Dighton R. Gleason, Orrin A. Gore, Page :\L Harvey, James M. Home, Frederick Horton, Hilon H. R. Hubbell, Charles H. I* »:« *>^ *;« ^^ «.« > *■:-' ^> HffS ^ , < 678 t»^-6 ^^^n^^-?r3^ -^-i-a^a**- ROLL OF HONOR. h h Hunt, John D. Kellogg, Augustus Kennedy, Earl Kilby, Jason King, Charles Lampson, Franklin Lewis, Franklin Lowrey, George H. ^lapes. Perry INIartin, Daniel Martin, Thomas Matthews, Elijah G. McGuire, Patrick Osmuu, Daniel L. Richmond, James Rodgers, Augustus H. Rothan, William Russell, Henry Sampson, Franklin Schuj-ler, John Schuyler, Henry Schuj-ler, Robert Sheffield, George W. Shepherd, Henry Sibley, Rufus Sickles, James Smith, Edwin Trowbridge, Henry Trowbridge, Wesley Valkenburg, Edwin COMPANY E. Sargent, Charles E., Capt. Scofield, Levi T., Capt. Vouglit, John E., 1st Lieut. Mead, Chauncey W., ist Serg. Ferguson, John B., Serg. Gates, Orvin M., Serg. Perkins, W^illiam C, Serg. Ransom, George F., Serg. Silburn, John, Serg. Stafford, Abraham H., Serg. Streibler, Martin, Serg. Allen, Alexander B., Corp. Carpenter, Isaac, Corp. Cobb, James, Corp. Galentine, Jay F., Corp. HoUoway, Oscar E., Corp. Hoyt, Enos J., Corp. Lundeberry, N. G., Corp. INIaple, James M., Corp. Meeker, Walter S., Corp. Nevill, Robert, Corp. Puffer, Henry, Corp. Puffer, Jabez B., Corp. Russell, Bingley, Corp. Simmons, George W., Corp. Slater, Henry, Corp. Wallace, Charles E., Corp. Watson, James G., Corp. Weeks, George H., Corp. Whalen, James, Corp. Whaley, Lucius D., Corp. Laney, Lucius B., Mus. Perkins, Ansel, Mus. PRIVATES. Abbott, James J. N. Andrews, John Barrett, Thomas H. Bander, A.J. Bigler, Frederick Bower, Jacob Brennan, Thomas Brown, W^illiam S. Butler, David Camp, James Campbell, Patrick Clingman, Andrew R. Cobl:), Andrew J. <^ ^ J^^ .^O-- ^> Pi ^« 4 ^^i "^ }> ■(/ ^ "4>,. h ^ ri "5^ * -^ t t f ROLL OF HONOR. 6/9 Cobb, Charles ]NL Colbert, Joseph Cooper, Argalons T. Cottrell, Addison B. Cross, Samuel Belong, James Dawson, John P. Dismond, Peter Ely, Stebbins B. P^arr, Edward L. Freer, James Freer, John A. Gibson, George A. Hendershott, Don D. Hinckley, Frederick Johnston, William C. Jordan, Allen T. Kelley, Edward C. Kieley, James Klingman, Andrew R. Levis, Hosea J. Manchester, Darius Mapes, Seth Mcllrath, Albert Mott, Henry O'Connor, Thomas Percival, Jerome Pettingill, Carlton S. Quayle, John Reed, Harmon Ruby, Augustus Shaw, Delos Smith, Daniel Smith, William Stafford, Abram H. Stearns, Lewis \V. Themes, Augustus Thomas, William Torrence, Stiles C. Towsey, Frederick Tucker, Joseph P. Wallace, Peter Weatherbee, Albert J. Weideman, George Wells, Eli T. Western, Freeman W. White, Joseph Wilder, Abel M. Worthy, Thomas COMPANY F. Eddy, Constantine, ist Lieut. PRIVATE. Seeley, Morrell H. COMPANY G. Dilley, Lewis S., Capt. Peixotto, Moses L. M., Capt. Hall, William, ist Lieut. Seymour, Henry C, 2d Lieut. Taft, Sherman B., ist Serg. Babb, Thomas R., Serg. Bushman, Frank, Serg. Elliott, Adonijah B., Serg. Kerner, Theodore, Serg. Ranney, Charles H., Serg. Wheelock, William H., Serg. Barker, George, Corp. Denison, Lemuel T., Corp. Ellsasser, Charles, Corp. Farmer, Thomas, Corp. Field, William D., Corp. Hatzell, Peter, Corp. Hawkins, Nat. W., Corp. Jordan, Orson, Corp. Leggett, William H., Corp. Turner, Delos AV., Corp. Witham, Amasa B., Corp. AVoodward, Robert, Corp. Ik t if ^ '^ «i<^ •(a. ta tt' '^ 'ft 'i^ if m *:« 1* ^ .*>Hr1* ^P^i9- ^•^^^^^ *».x>/a^f|&^^.^tL>^;^ p ■«. ,5 •^ > '«i( ^'^^-'if^^i-S*'- ^ixtC =^i» ■ec^'j ^ •er 682 ROLL Bruggemeier, C. F., Corp. Hoffman, Peter, Corp. Peuser, Augustin, Corp. Prasse, Frank H., Corp. Rebman, Christian, Corp. Rothermel, John, Corp. Schoeneweg, Louis, Corp. Seachrist, Daniel, Corp. Sieber, Andrew, Corp. Weiss, Edward, Corp. Zeidler, Emil, Corp. Hornung, Conrad F., Mus Joven, John W., Mus. John, Jacob, Wagoner PRIVATES. Alheit, John Althoff, Henry Amsler, Melchoir Augspurger, Gustav A. Bless, Jacob Bohn, Charles Braudenstein, Adam Brown, Gottlieb Bruggemann, John H. W. Calahan, Patrick Daul, Alois Demoline, Saul Derr, John Diehlman, Martin Dillon, Patrick Eichler, Henry Fathauer, Ernest H. Fertig, Gabriel Fight, Henry Frey, John Furst, Jacob Ganter, Andrew Goetz, Christopher Goudy, James Heiss, John Heiss, William H. Hemmerling, John Henshen, Henry Hildebrand, Matthias Hill, Converse J. Hill, John H. Hillerick, Anton Hirtz, Peter Hoag, Joseph Hodel, Jean Holtzhauer, Martin Horst, John H. Hug, Andre Kirschner, Michael Kissel, Valentine Koch, Peter Kohl, Joseph KroU, Frederick Krug, William F. Lang, F'rank Law, John Lewis, Watson Lickley, William Livingston, Joseph Longacre, Abraham C. Maloney, Michael Mario, Christolph McCormick, John Moore, George Mueller, George Mueller, Jobst H. Pendleton, James Pendleton, William Pfister, Christian Pfister, Samuel Pluss, William Prasse, Frederick Priefer, Gustav Rasp, Henr}- Pi Ik ^ (^ ^ ^ ROLL OF HONOR. G M - ^ <-■ V K »? Reinhart, Leonhart Riehm, Christoph Rok, Frederick Rothermel, Frank Schaab, John Schaffer, William F. Schmehl, John Schneider, John Schoeneweg, Julius Schreiber, Gerhard H. Schulz, Christian Schwartz, Gottlieb Selig, Augustin Splate, Henry Stahl, John Stehr, Henry Stiegelmeier, John H. Stohlman, August H. Titgemeier, Frederick Toensing, Fred H. Traxel, John Vosselman, Philip G. Wacker, Henry Wanger, Christian Wan ger, John Watson, Lewis W. Weber, Frederick W. Weber, Peter Wehagen, Herman Weisenborn, Lewis H. Weiss, Conrad Wokaty, Matthias COMPANY D. PRIVATE. Lohn, John T. COMPANY E. Lutz, John M., Capt. Schrink, John, Capt. Houck, John J., ist Lieut. Peterson, John, 2d Lieut. Kunz, George, ist Serg. Deuble, Henry, Serg. Feldkamp, Henry, Serg. Fuerstein, John A., Serg. Geist, Philip, Serg. Ruppender, Frank, Serg. Taifel, Christian, Serg. Umlauft, Emil, Serg. Allen, John B., Corp. Boesch, Jacob, Corp. Buechler, John, Corp. Crane, John, Corp. Emmert, William F., Corp. Feitz, John, Corp. Oswald, John, Corp. Rosenfeld, Sigmund, Corp. Rothgery, Joseph, Corp. Suell, William, Corp. Themes, John, Corp. Ahlheim, George, Mus. Beyerle, Carl, Mus. Buerge, John, Wagoner. PRIVATES. Beltz, John A. Benjamin, Piatt S. Bodicker, Otto Bowman, Edward Brinkman, Henry Brown, John Buettner, Charles Busick, John Crane, John Dentzer, Jacob Dienst, Killian Edel, Lorentz Ellsworth, George Emmert, William, Jr. »:« *^ ^■« J* » - »'« »;« ^ -^ <^ % iC^ <&. a -^ e .^ 684 Fees, William Frank, Michael Froelich, Henry Gaul, Andrew Giehrke, Wilhelm Goebel, Christian Greenwald, Christian Haber, Matthew Hauri, Jacob Hof, Jacob Hoffman, Henrj- Hohlfelder, Jacob Hugill, George Jones, Charles Jucker, Jacob Kasper, Jacob Kleinschmidt, Adam Krauss, George Lamle, John A. Link, Christian Loock, Ernst Luder, Jacob Martin, Anton Mueller, Albert Mueller, John Mullen, Miles Myers, Louis Nau, Jacob Norris, Henr^' L. Ody, George Peter, William Ploetzer, Conrad J. Pool, William Puchta, John* Roos, Louis Ruhl, Henry Ruppender, Martin . Sanders, John Schmidt, Joseph Schmidt, Martin ROLL OF HONOR. Schneider, Jacob Scholles, Peter Schrink, Ferdinand Schwartz, Philip Shippert, Joseph Talman, Michael Timm, Frederick Verseman, Claus Vogel, John Weichmand, Henry Weidenkopf, Gottfried Weislogel, Jacob Wieland, Gottlieb Zanger, Philip Zimmermann, Gabriel Zisky, Gottfried Zohn, John COMPANY F. Koch, William, Capt. COMPANY G. Brinker, John H., Capt. Peterson, Anton, Capt. Young, Peter F., Capt. Juchem, Peter, Serg. Peterson, Joseph C, Serg. Bauer, John, Corp. PRIVATES. Creeger, Reinhard Hevernick, George Johnson, Edward Juchem, Joseph Lynes, Charles Rahrig, George Schimpff, Rudolph H. Walter, Thomas Wimar, Charles :«4-4, fla*'^ P-**?^'* «,,». t>t> v» jv'tf ^* J* *,« "ttl-a *!« « "4 ft />^ 'S'^ f^ a *^ »:« ROLL OF HONOR. 68: llStlri REGIXIKXT. COMPANY I. Strauss, Nathan, Capt. Strauss, Abraham, Serj^. PRIVATE. Wilson, Charles ll.jthi REGI.VIENT. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Cook, James C. Cook, James S. Conley, Barney P'itzwater, John Maley, Christopher Wilkin s, John COMPANY G. PRIVATES. Herkner, Albert A. Peat, William V2.A.tV\ REOIIVLErsIT. FIELD AND STAFF. Payne, Oliver IL, Col. Pickands, James, Lieut. Col. Hampson, James B., Maj. Patterson, Dewitt C, Sur. Hammer, Charles D., Adj. Warren, Charles E., Adj. Lewis, Albert H., Q. M. Treat, William, Q. M. Bowker, Seth D., Chaplain. Leonard, C. C, Q. M. Serg. Collins, Charles D., Com. Serg. Powell, James, Com. Serg. Reed, William A., Com. Serg. Grauel, Peter R., IIosp. Stew. Fish, Clark A., Mus. Foster, George, Mus. Strieker, E. W., Mus. White, James C, I\Ius. COMPANY A. Proctor, Haskell F\, Capt. Wilson, William, Capt. Caskey, A. C, ist Lieut. Doubleday, George, 2d Lieut. Elliott, Eugene W., ist Serg. Goodrich, George E., ist Serg. Lamb, John P., ist Serg. Smith, Elam A., ist Serg. Ellsworth, Oliver E., Serg. Henry, Harrison F., Serg. Porter, Gilbert C, Serg. Rose, Andrew K., Serg. Schubert, William, Serg. Selover, William H., Serg. Stevenson, Thomas, Serg. Wing, George D., Serg. Zerly,John H., Serg. Bartlett, Edward G., Corp. Crittenden, Andrew, Corp. Duncan, John E., Corp. Ellsworth, Zera, Corp. Foster, George H., Corp. Fuller, Franklin, Corp. Garzee, Eben W., Corp. Hammond, Thomas, Corp. Minor, George N., Corp. Parsons, George F., Corp. Reuss, Gottlieb, Corp. Stone, Adrian C, Corp. PRIVATES. Ames, Samuel H. Austin, Charles E. ft * -ft -> r^f;.*»-*> ^*%f^ft * ft ii> - »■« ^^ «^ *:« Pi ^« % ^. .^-^■^ > tfr fy ^--»,«» p^^* a 686 ROLL OF HONOR. Austin, Orlando Barberic, William Bartlett, Frederick J. Eartlelt, John H. Bates, Samuel Beck, Michael Braiuard, Edward Brainard, Sanford R. Brown, George W. Bryan, William Carpenter, Samuel Church, Orlando H. Clague, William H. Cornwall, Willis Cowley, Thomas Duncan, George J. Durian, John C. Empson, William Ex, Nicholas Finney, William O. Foote, Edwin Fritz, Jacob Gates, Edwin N. Gates, George H. Gibbs, Charles Gifford, Thomas S. Gould, Isaac H. Gould, John W. Green, Herbert F. Hall, Chauucey D. Hamlin, Job Hardy, Isaac Haskins, Lyman Herr, Benjamin Herr, Daniel Herr, David Z. Hodgeman, John Holden, Elisha M. Hudden, William Hudson, Richard Jewett, William Kenfield, Henry Kent, Edwin A. Kyser, Peter Lingle, Christian Litchfield, John Losey, William F. Lovejoy, John Maskall, Thomas Matthews, Isaac McGarvey, Robert McGurk, John Mehoe, Edward Miner, George N. O'Brien, Andrew Oflfolderf, Dars Page, Edwin S. Quayle, Sanmel H. Russell, Wilbur F. Schuerrer, Henry Schwartz, Gottlieb Segmeier, Jacob Selover, Theodore A. Shepard, Elvert M. Shepard, Ralph H. Sipe, Adam Smith, Ozias C. Stevenson, Thomas Sweeney, Edward Sweeney, John Thompson, Hiram Trow, Elijah Van Avery, Oscar Vosler, Jacob Wallace, Henry B. Watkins, Lewis M. Webster, Arthur Williams, James Wing, Adelbert L. Wing, Stephen P. Gn*' *;« *;« % % » ^ *.« 3» ^^. '*';■'* ': ^ *"^0*i»^^» 1^ «cj9-T&i ' ^ ^* *->:>*' ROLL OF HONOR. •fir. jp.-^ u ^» 687 Wyeth, Jonathan Wykes, Richard Yost, David COMPANY C. Irwin, John B., Capt. McGinness, James T., Capt. Stratton, Daniel, Capt. Wallace, Robert, Capt. Payne, Samuel B., 1st Lieut. Lamb, John P., 2d Lieut. O'Brien, John, 2d Lieut. Batchelder, John K., ist Serg. Holt, Josiah M., Serg. Johnson, James L., Serg. Lane, Dexter, Serg. Montgomery, Joseph, Serg. Nickerson, Erastus, Serg. Oliver, Christopher C, Serg. Redness, William, Serg. Roche, Frank, Serg. Shaughuessy, David, Serg. Abbey, Reuben L., Corp. Benson, Joseph, Corp. Emmons, Wesley I., Corp. Fitch, Loren, Corp. Lynch, John, Corp. Malo, George, Corp. r^Ianning, William, Corp. McGuckin, Hugh, Corp. ;Murphy, Edward, Corp. IMurphy, Patrick, Corp. Roche, James, Corp. Shepard, M. L., Corp. Taylor, Isaac, Corp. Tudor, John R., Corp. Yernon, Charles, Corp. Walsh, James, Corp. Barnes, Tracey L., Mus. Brown, Samuel J., Mus. Harrington, Edward, Mus. Lathrop, William, Mus. PRIVATES. Anderson, John Andrews, George W. Ault, Thomas C. Brown, George W. Bushon, Orange C. Casey, John Cole, James D. Cole, John D. Culliton, James Davis, John Dodson, John A. Ducey, Michael Fvllenwood, Andrew Engleson, Henry L. Ferguson, Samuel Flanigan, John Forsythe, James W. Fox, George Fritz, John Fuller, Lyman Gardner, Thomas B. Gillison, Allison S. Goode, Frederick Green, Luke Grochee, Joseph Halterraann, Matthias Hicks, Egbert Hopwood, John Hunt, Samuel Jago, Alfred L. Jennings, John H. Jewett, Edward E. Johnson, Thomas Joyce, John Joyce, Patrick Kidney, Nathan p p ;«» «:^ »'« ^^ »;« «;<^ "si* *> % *:« r 1^ 688 ,«r^ w 4, l^^*Lr«'>^*^ *_c:^ ROLL OF HONOR. Lane, Dexter Lee, Richard Linder, Edward Linge, George Lowrie, William A. Mahoney, Timoth}' McBane, Charles A. McCort, James McDonald, James Mcintosh, James McWilliams, John Money, Jacob Mosier, John M. Murphy, Patrick Myron, John Newnham, Charles Parker, Charles A. Preston, Martin L. Putt, Richard Quigley, William Quinn, Arthur Ray, John Rayen, William Ritter, Reuben Rood, Riley L. Ryde, Jacob Sexton, Amos C. Shanley, William Sheltz, John Marion Slack, Henry Smith, Martin Stillson, Franklin Styre, Charles E. Walworth, Wallace Wilde, Robert K. Wylie, Thomas COMPANY D. Van Dorn, Cleveland, Capt. Smith, Frank W., ist Serg. Bowman, Hiram H. Wade, Ira, Corp. Corp. PRIVATES. Ashford, Herbert W. Beckwith, Herman E. Cahill, Peter F. Driscoll, Daniel Evans, Theodore R. Homan, Edward Hudson, Albert E. Hudson, James Johnson, George Jones, George N. King, John McGuire, Thomas McKay, Florentine Mossier, Ananias Mossier, Josiah Murphy, Arthur Myers, Franklin O'Donohue, Michael Porter, Orlando Raser, Augustus Redecar, Henry SchafFer, Christian Schoenholtz, Henry Snyder, William Snyder, George Vond, Nelson Watkins, Charles COMPANY E. Bullock, John W., Capt. Carran, Thomas J., ist Lieut. Dempsey, T. A., ist Lieut. Carran, William, Serg. Flick, Josiah, Serg. HerifF, Hartsel, Serg. Burket, Peter, Corp. u *, '« ■»'>i*' *.,(^ « t> t -^ >«. ^ • - - ^ F V -, Sur. Yates, Porter, Asst. Sur. Herring, Simon, Hosp. Stew. Demmee, Peter, Mus. Young, Benjamin F., 3Ius. * « *■■» j» « J» « *5^ ^¥ 9 «}■ *4 *^ /> ^ JS^ 'ft ^^ ^ ■& ROLL OF HONOR. 693 COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Darby, John E. Richmond, Thomas COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Fitch, Orsamus King, John \V. Pigott, George Reynolds, Edwin M. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Armstrong, Sanford Baker, Henry Campbell, John Fay, Thomas Handley, John RadclifF, Minos Shields, Mark COMPANY D. Fitch, Hudson, ist Serg. Whittaker, John H., ist Serg. Allen, Frederick, Serg. Williams, John S., Serg. Gillen, Thomas, Corp. Kitchens, Almond, Corp. PRIVATES. Beggs, James Corley, Timothy Fuller, Mortimer J. Hill, George S. Keck, David King, John McLean, Edward H. PfafF, George Putnam, John Walters, John COMPANY F. PRIVATES. Clere, Claud Grime, Joseph Harbye, Charles Kline, George Schneider, Henry Seignuer, George COMPANY G. Pero, Joseph E., ist Serg. Logan, James, Serg. Simpson, John, Serg. Berry, Christopher, Drummer. PRIVATES. Adams, Henry H. Clodell, Charles Daily, John Fitch, Harrison H. Garety, Joseph Griffin, Morris Hudson, Edwin Kelley, James Knapp, Charles Lyons, David Nichols, Edward Shay, Daniel Shay, James Thompson, Robert W. Wade, James COMPANY H. Leimbach, Charles, 2d Lieut. Mueller, Charles, ist Serg. Thompson, Leroy, Serg. Henson, John, Corp. Meyer, Anselm, Corp. Sillfleisch, Rhinehard, Corp. Weier, John, Corp. ;^ «^ *:« m <^ ^ is «^ .'>■•»'' ?is^^'> ^ ■ci. ^ -a;**^ ^ 694 PRIVATES. Allardt, Theodore Berner, Jacob Caldwell, Warren M. Dailey, "William DeCrafF, William Eckerman, Charles Elliott, Michael Esch, Franz Gleich, Valentine Groebe, Ernst Kino^, Jacob Krumm, Francis S. Lowman, James L. Murphy, Patrick Nauck, Frederick Pfleuger, Valentine Pietsch, August Putnam, George Scheuer, Henry Schniitz, Nicholas Schultz, Gottlieb Seyfert, George Somerby, William Thiele, Henry Wagner, Frederick Weddle, Conrad Weller, John Wheeler, Seymour O. Wolf, Frederick Zoller, Peter COMPANY I. Cushing, William W., Capt. Roessler, Richard, Serg. Caughey, William, Corp.. PRIVATES. Cary, David Close, John Donoghue, Patrick ROLL OF HONOR. Goebel, Michael Miller, Charles Porter, Anthony Porter, Benjamin Porter, Elden Prince, James Radel, Albert Seydler, Gustav Webber, August COMPANY K. Cleveland, Alexander W., Corp. PRIVATES. Coon, Perry Finsterwald, Charles Finsterwald, Jacob Lutz, Ernest Meeker, Charles Menen, Jacob Robinson, Lewis N. Sleinel, William Welling, William 128th REGI^IEMT. FIELD AND STAFF. Linnell, Thomas H., Lieut. Col. Scovill, Edward A., Lieut. Col. Sanford, Junius R., Maj. Yates, Porter, Asst. Sur. Starr, Charles C, Regt. Q. M. Foster, O. P., Hosp. Stew. COMPANY A. Hayes, Orlin S., Capt. PRIVATES. Broadbent, John H. Bryan, John Burke, Thomas Crawford, Charles $ *4 i '^y^r p ^ t)C |f*. ^■:p..-'^'i. 1^ «<^ji. ^^'^aKt-a*' ',^ Taylor, Andrew W. ^il^ Thomas, W. H. H. ty ^ Viers, James S. "sj ~ COMP.\NY F. » Mead, Alfred N., Capt. t^ Harrington, John M., ist Lieut, ^i^ Corning, Hobart, 2d Lieut. Hastings, Henry F., ist Serg. '^?^ ^ * ^ «j'^ <>■ «L ft 1^ ^- ^.-^4 1^ *-"*.<*' ^ ^ oVo^ ■'^^'^ <^ «r ■few 696 f» H ROLL OF HONOR. Jump, Rufus E., Serg. McCarty, Jefferson N., Serg. Richardson, W. W., Serg. Thompson, Edward, Serg. Way, John W., Serg. Gardner, Jared, Corp. Gill, Wesley, Corp. Harding, John H., Corp. Rockwell, Charles H., Corp. Severance, M. C, Corp. Wright, William H., Corp. Woodworth, L. E., Corp. Farwell, Arba F., Mus. Hosford, Frank H., Mus. Johnson, Joel P., Mus. Kelsey, George W., Mus. PRIV.\TES. Akins, Alonzo B. Akius, Henry H. Albright, Otto Andrews, Albert A. Andrews, Charles W. Annis, Alfred Austin, Thaddeus Baker, John H. Baker, Samuel Balch, Cyrus M. Barchard, Orville Barchard, Samuel Bark, Thomas Bassett, Nathan Battin, Henry S. Beckett, Joseph Beckwith, William W. Cady, Gardner Cahoon, Joseph Carter, William M. Cline, William D. Collins, Charles T. Cover, Tobias Cuddebeck, Charles Cuddeback, Levi A. Curtis, Theodore Curtis, Tyler R. Driver, James W. Durkee, Horace A. Filker, Adam Francis, Henry Francis, Thomas Furniss, Ezra Greenhoe, Henrj' G. Greenhoe, Michael Greenhoe, William Greenhoe, William C. Hahn, George Haight, Merritt Hall, John Harding, John H. Hawn, Alvin T. Hubbard, John Jarrett, George Keith, Calvin V. Keith, Myron R. Kenwood, Samuel S. Keesler, Franklin Lane, John B. Langdon, Lewis Long, Charles Loucks, Horace Lucas, Joseph Marsh, Joel Martin, John Matthews, William Meister, Theodore Merritt, Daniel W. Moon, Corwiu Moore, Myron Morgan, Mortimer E. Myers, Frederick 4 *!« J^jJ-n? ti> 5^ 9 ^ ' * 1 ^ >!?'?> -* p^ ^a »■« *;* ^» ^%V?*^J*^«^-^^ ROLI. OF HONOR. 699 COMPANY K. Taylor, Edwin, ist Serg. Baile}', Edward M., Serg. Clapp, Hammond, Serg. Barkdell, Watson H., Corp. Fesmiii, Francis W., Corp. Tutlle, Charles H., Corp. Dillon, John M., Mus. PKIV'ATES. Barber, Orrin Brooker, William Clapp, William Goss, James Holbrook, Henry Hopwood, Ralph Jones, Edward Karney, John .Miller, Robert Parsons, Robert Pease, Oscar Perry, Oliver H. Pickard, Jacob Plank, Samuel Pumphrey, Walter F. Randall, Courtney Reese, Florence Richmond, Samuel Robinson, George Shafer, John Sly, John Stewart, Hugh Stewart, William Warren, George COMP.\NV I. PRIVATE. I.uce, Charles loot hi i^EOIXIENT. FIELD AND STAFF. Frazee, John N., Lieut. Col. Palmer, J. Dwight, ]Maj. Smith, James W., Sur. Armstrong, James F., Asst. Sur. Dutton, Charles F., Asst. Sur. Goodwillie, Thomas, Adj. Chapin, Herman M., Q. M. Burton, John H., Serg. Maj. Dodge, Wilson S., Q. M. Serg. Severance, Louis H., Com. Serg. Gardner, James P., Hosp. Stew. Leland, Jackson M., Prin. Mus. CCJMP.VNV A. Parsons, J. Burton, ist Serg. Potter, Robert, Corp. Rawson, Lemuel O., Corp. Moulton, Andrew J., Corp. Dunton, George E., Mus. North, Allen C, Mus. PRIVATES. Allen, James M. Allen, Victor J. Barstow, John A. Beck, George D. Bingham, Flavel J. Black, Louis Bradner, John Brown, Byron I\L Brown, Judson A. Clark, Jerome H. Curtiss, Aberdeen G. Curtiss, James Davis, John J. Doolittle, Charles L. O. Fairchilds, Charles S. -I »:« ^ f^ G .«^ c «- roo ROLL OF HONOR. Finch, Lucas E. Fowler, Edward D. Francis, Henry Good, Charles W. Goodale, Samuel N. Goodman, Alfred T. Hitchcock, Frederick Hoyt, George Keeler, Charles D. Kidd, William Lenner, Henry E. Luce, Henry E. Lyman, Charles M. Mann, Thomas D. Medsker, "William McNairy, William J. Mears, Byron L. Nichols, Benjamin J. Noble, Conway W. Ormsby, Henry Orth, Jacob G. Orton, Samuel C. Paine, George S. Perkins, Jerome T. Pratt, Norman D. Prentiss, Mendon L. Quinn, Arthur H. Reamer, George W. Robinson, John H. Roof, Joseph W. Runnells, William H. Sanford, Charles W. Sherwood, Edward D. Simmons, Sanford D. Skeels, Spencer Smith, Albert A. Sterling, Alfred E. Stevens, George Styles, Royal P. Ta3flor, Edwin Thomas, Austin VanWie, Peter G. Vaughn, Charles W. Wade, Frank Wadsworth, Theo. L. Webster, John R. Welton, Herschel Whiting, John Wigman, John H. Wilbur, Matthew Wilcox, Stanley E. COMPANY B. Nevins, William R., Capt. Lindslay, Thomas S., ist Lieut. Chubb, Henry E., 2nd Lieut. Warmington, William, ist Serg. House, Martin, Serg. Parcell, Charles E., Serg. Porter, William L., Serg. Redrup, William, Serg. Allen, James F., Corp. Kaighin, George P., Corp. Leitz, Theodore J., Corp. McNeil, William D., Corp. Ralph, Isaac, Corp. Rhodes, Robert, Corp. Sawtell, Ira C, Corp. Weed, Frank J., Corp. Bennett, Plimmon E., Fifer. Williams, Albert P., Drummer. PRIVATES. Ackley, Oliver P. Alexander, Walter W. Allen, Horace Bell, George Bennett, Charles H. Bennett, Jacob Bessitt, Horatio N. •3k ■^IS^^«&^^^^9^ ft^iy- •1* z »]« f 7* ^^ ^i'ft.j^ 'v., ti- ro if "'«', ^9 ^1 '1 5 ^ ^/j^ - J. Gaylord, Isaac W. Gill, Thomas E. Goodwin, Charles T. Hanscomb, Edward B. Harrington, Martin Harvey, Edward H. Heinde, Daniel Hills, Augustus F. Hoyt, Frank W. Hubby, Frank W. Hunt, Edward P. Iddings, Richard M. KelhC William H. Laing, George H. Laing, James Laing, Robert Lyman, George McMillen, George W. Morris, William Morrison, Henr\- E. Morse, Charles D. Myers, Henry E. Papworth, Robert R. Payne, Nathan P. Pease, Luther M. Perkins, Charles Porter, Andrew Prentiss, Chauncey Price, Charles J. Reid, William R. Scott, Ashly D. Segur, George W. Segur, Henr}- G. Shepard, Cassius P. Steadman, Frank B. Stillman, William H. Strong, Lorenzo A. Tenuis, John S. Thorpe, Ira D. Virgil, Henr%- J. * - ROLL OK HONOR. Wall, Thomas Wall, William R. Ward, William Wheeler, John W. Whittemore, Aug. W. Wightman, Lewis D. Wolcott, Henry R. COMPANY D. Canfield, Jason, ist Lieut. Whitehead, George W., 2d Lieut. Davies, Alex. W., ist Serg. Merriam, Howard H., Serg. Pettingill, Horace H., Serg. Smith, Albert B., Serg. Towner, William, Serg. Cozad, Newell S., Corp. Davis, Slaymaker M., Corp. Gibbons, John W.. Corp. Goj'ette, Octave L., Corp. Gribben, James A., Corp. Mcintosh, John L., Corp. Sturtevant, Carlos M., Corp. Urban, Jacob P., Corp. PRIVATi:S. Ansley, George W. Baker, Samuel J. Bell, George Bond, Frederick H. Bond, William E. Brayton, Gilbert H. Brown, Charles C. Call, Henry S. Chandler, Richard G. Chard, William P. Chavalia, Lewis H. Crandall, Burton K. Crawford, Frederick Date, Ivlwin R. Dean, Owen Denzer, Charles H. Denzer, George E. DeWolf, Charles Dockstader, Richard M. Drake, Winfield S. Dukes, William D. Earnest, William H. Englehart, George L. Esterbrook, Thomas Finster, Leonard Foltz, Frederick Foote, William S. Granger, Edward F. Haker, Frederick C. Hardick, Garry L. Hester, George Higbee, James B. Hill, Charles L. Jacoby, John Jaynes, Harris Krumm, Henry Lacey, Alonzo Lander, John Lang, Merrill W. Lewis, Edward Lowe, Parker Macey, George H. Marvin, Smith A. Murray, Robert M. Nichols, Jesse Nottage, William Odell, Arthur Parrish, Edwin P. Pettit, Edward L. Petty, George W. Powell, Alfred H. Powell, Lorenzo C. Pratt, Frederick D. Rawson, Edward B. 703 il'>' I? I* i r-b'^Mt-J* > ft -J^r >.^»«l 4> -«i. ii&rj t 704 KOhL, OF HONOR. t it V Reese, Florence Rhinehart, Francis Robinson, George Rohrig, Henry Ross, James W. Ryau, James C. Ryder, James E. Schinkel, Ernest L. Shannon, Wilson A. Shepard, William P. Snyder, Charles E. Stegman, Henry R. Ulrich, Conrad Wagner, Charles G. Walker, Hobart M. Whaley, Harmon J. Wick, Dudley B. Wickham, Owen B. Wier, Joseph S. Wilbur, Charles J. Williams, Jasper E. Williamson, John Wolcott, Edward O. COMPANY E. Parsons, John G., ist Lieut. Stowe, Thomas A., 2nd Lieut. Carroll, Patrick H., ist Serg. Whitehead, Thomas R., Serg. Bedford, George, Corp. Denham, William H., Corp. Hopper, George H., Corp. Madigan, James, Corp. Newcomb, Theo. B., Corp. Page, Henry L., Corp. Scarry, Michael, Corp. Young, George F., Corp. PRIVATES. Ager, Daniel Beebe, Miles A. Bersch, William H, Billson, Caleb Body, Lewis Brown, Charles A. Brown, Erwin B. Chapman, George F. Coleman, John E. Congdon, Richard Connelly, William R. Date, William H. Davies, Richard H. Denham, Albert W. Denham, John B. Dockstader, Charles Drumm, Charles Ellsworth, William W. Evans, Samuel C. Fetzer, John Ganson, Henry W. Gardner, Edwin M. Glaser, Theophilus Gleason, William J. Hempy, Frederick HoflFman, John Holly, James Hunt, Henry A. Johnson, George J. Jones, Frederick K. Keller, William D. Kelly, Thomas B. Koerner, Casper Kreher, Joseph Lambert, Frederick Lane, Thomas S. Markle, Russell McBride, W^illiam F. McClair, Alfred McGuire, John H. Mclntyre, Leander Millgate, Richard A. 4 ^4 «i4 wv-3 ^'y- .'^'' '^^'g* '« •- <^ & a. I? K I c «' ROLL OF HONOR. Miller, John T. Norton, John A. Osborn, Alanson T. Paine, Alfred H. Parker, Harris Pettit, Edwin L. Pierson, Thomas A. Rickey, John M. Scotten, William T. Smith, Eugene H. Spedd}', Thomas H. Thatcher, Henry C. Thompson, R. Freeman Tibbitts, Charles Tufts, George W. Wadsworth, Charles M. Wadsworth, William H. Walsh, Alexander S. Walther, Henry Warden, George White, Samuel Wilson, William Wooldridge, John Yahraus, John COMPANY F. Rouse, Edwin C, ist Lieut. McDowell, Charles J., 2d Lieut. Farrand, Fred. P., ist Serg. Fargo, Charles B., Serg. Glenn, Joshua B., Serg. Spangler, George, Serg. Weidenkopf, Fred, Serg. Dickerman, Sidney F., Corp. Diemer, Peter, Corp. Fox, Samuel P., Corp. Hart, John, Corp. Herwig, Henry W., Corp. PoUyblank, George, Corp. Vaupel, Charles P., Corp. Weidenkopf, N., Corp. Olker, Otto L., Mus. Stewart, John N., Mus. PRIVATES. Adams, Aug. A., Jr. Anderton, Josej^h Barrett, Patrick W. Bentley, Thomas C. Bloom, Addison M. Boldy, John Bowles, James H. Brewer, John W^. Britton, Benjamin Buehne, Frederick Burrows, Johnson J. Campbell, Charles H. Carman, William Chipman, William Christian, George B. Clarke, Louis D. Conkey, Joseph T. Creighton, Wilfred Curtis, William Dakin, Henry M. Davis, Henrj'. Dickey, John H. Dow, Myron C. Fairbanks, Frank Fell, Alfred W. Frank, Edward H. Gray, Edward C. Griffin, Samuel A. Guilford, Edwin R. Guy, William M. Halderman, George Hales, Ansel Henricle, Cushman L Henry, Albert Henry, Daniel 705 ft f c «- ^ r^ ^lS^ ^•^t> -^ ^ ^Jtt ■Ot^ft ij^i- 706 ROLL OF HONOR. Higlen, Joseph Hobbs, George W. Hopkins, William A. Janke, Gustavus R. Johnson, George J. Joyce, William H. Keller, William C. Kellogg, Charles E. Koch, Moses Leffler, Henry Lockwood, Samuel Lowry, Hugh F. McKearney, James McOmber, Elbridge J. McReynolds, William Monteverdi, Samuel Newton, James L. Norton, John A. Olker, John Palmer, Stephen B. Patterson, Robert Plaisted, Ivory Robinson, John T. Rogers, J. Porter Ruedy, John J. Sanderson, William Scott, Martin B. Skeels, Frederick J. Slade, Albert T. Snyder, William Sullivan, Floyd R. Turner, Caleb Watterson, Moses G. Wiesmann, August Wiesmann, John C. Williams, Michael Wire, William A. Wolf, John W. Wright, Martin L. A c3'fie)*^ 1^ «. *»"i»_l»^,i^ ^ COMPANY G. Nevins, John, Capt. Bull, John C, 1st Lieut. Barrett, Arthur H., 2nd Lieut. Haas, John, ist Serg. Dexter, Benjamin F., Serg. McMahon, John P., Serg. Quayle, William H., Serg. White, Chatham D., Serg. Bryan, James A., Corp. Davis, Lewis L., Corp. McMahon, Walter W., Corp. Merrick, William H., Corp. Shane, Marion A., Corp. Simms, William, Corp. Turner, Charles M., Corp. Tiffany, Isaac A., Musician. PRIVATES. Allen, Gaston G. Ball, John W. Bennett, A. C. W. Blake, James G. Blake, John W. Boehringer, Peter J. Brelsford, William H. Brown, Albert Brown, James Carr, Richard Carter, Lewis Cowell, John Crowell, William H. Dailey, Charles R. Douglass, George W. Douglass, John Farrand, Andrew Fey, Frederick Foote, Charles D. Fouts, Henry C. Granger, Frank f> '^'6'^^-<^^ i .in ^^ If ^^ I' ^* ^^ >^ ^^ ^^ 1^ «.j»j^P^ ROLL OF HONOR. 707 Granuis, Joseph S. Grotenrath, Philip Hartzell, Albert Haserodt, John G. Hayward, George B. Hertzog, John Hoag, James E. Hoffman, Frederick Ingle, Charles Jones, Carlos King, Jacob Kiutz, Frederick Langell, Benjamin Lindsley, Edward Logan, John Lynch, John Martin, Jacob Matthias, Heurj- H. IMcClure, Louis McGinness, Fred. H. Miller, Frank IMueller, Julius Neal, Thomas Norton, Erastus M. Palmer, Charles W. Peck, Edmund F. Perkins, Riall Perrine, Henry Peterson, Joseph C. Phelps, William II. Porter, Albert Proudfoot, John P. Powell, Joshua RadclifFe, William H. Russell, Charles W. Russell, Cornelius L. Sanford, Benjamin Schenck, Theodore C. Scott, Clarence F. Sloaji, Wilson F. Smith, Michael Spies, Joseph Stephens, William H. Stevens, William N. Thompson, John Townsend, Frank Tyler, Samuel Walters, David H. Waltner, John W. Wheeler, Sanford Williams, Thomas J. Wilson, George W. Wright, Arthur COMPANY H. Baird, Samuel H., Capt. Button, Frank, ist Lieut. Dennison, Edward, 2nd Lieut. Gates, James M., ist Serg. Atwood, Charles G., Serg. Carpenter, David T., Serg. Lowman, Matthew J., Serg. McNally, William G., Serg. Andrews, David B., Corp. Brpoks, Oliver K., Corp. Dutton, William, Corp. Heller, Israel B., Corp. Kloch, Ephraitn, Corp. Lothman, Charles, Corp. Scott, Stillman S., Corp. Tinker, Wilford IL, Corp. PRIVATKS. Abbott, Jonathan P. Allen, George D. Armstrong, John R. Baldwin, Wallace Barber, William P. Bohn, Henry Borger, Christopher * e *!« J* ^'v'*^ ^ •ft. *t * ^ •ft I* . X^ t» -6^ ^i 'Ci-:.'^ ^^ ■ i^ 6-' ^ ^* »r 4. ^_.±^.ltr ^ * >. t^ ^ ^ ■-' 4? v I ^?^ 'I if »:« Si* ROLL OF HONOR. i66thL reqim:k;nx. COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Arnett, Cyrus Brown, Charles F. Burden, James A. Burden, Jacob Burr, Charles E. Davis, William C. Lee, Charles F. Norton, Charles Worthington, Benj. 160thi REGIIvIENT. COMPANY C. Woodbridge, John E., Corp. 177thi REGIIVIENT. FIELD AND STAFF. Wilcox, Arthur T., Col. Zimmermanj W. H., Lieut. Col. Krieger, Ernest J., Maj. Burrows, Sj'lvester S., Sur. Bivans, W. A., Asst. Sur. Edwards, Richard, Asst. Sur. Huston, George B., Adj. Ketchum, George C, Adj. Raymond, J. W., Q. M. Hitchcock, Henrj' V., Chaplain. Norton, Herman G., Serg. Maj. Wheelock, J. W., O. M. Serg. Edwards, W. E., Com. Serg. Abt, Erasmus E., Hosp. Stew. Markt, Jacob, Mus. COMPANY A. Turner, William C, Capt. Virgil, Henry J., ist Lieut. Hamilton, A. J., 2d Lieut. Needham, George E., ist Serg. DeLair, Arthur, Serg. Dunbar, George E., Serg. Duncan, George J., Serg. Vose, Daniel, Serg. Austin, Horace D., Corp. Bowland, Hugh A., Corp. Browning, Josiah, Corp. Cooley, Newton N., Corp. Cochran, Leonard H., Corp. Ruggles, Charles S., Corp. Taylor, Torbert T., Corp. Andrews, Frank M., Mus. Rowell, Thomas G., Mus. PRIVATES. Adams, George Ames, Freeland Baldwin, Thomas J. Beakle, Philo S. Bingham, John Bisnett, James Brainard, George Brainard, Joseph L. Briggs, Oscar Brock, Edward F. Brooks, Freeman Brooks, Samuel E. Burroughs, Dorsey W. Butler, William D. Cannell, Emory G. Chambers, Joseph Chandler, John Chase, Theodore G. Cheney, Edmund Cochran, Francis M. Coe, Daniel L. Cold, John F. G. Cowin, Edward T. a t W^^^^'^^ St^ ^ h. « -eft. P^2^,.^.JL^ ^ k. ^ O'O''^''* ^ ■ *^ ROLIv OF HONOR. Croll, Nicholas Deasy, Patrick Falor, Jonathan Fickes, Silas G. Fletcher, James Flick, Daniel Flick, Warren Gannon, William Gasser,John Geiger, Conrad Geiger, John J. Gould, Henry M. Harley, Russell B. Hays, William Helm, Henry Hewitt, William Holbrook, Eugene Hoyt, Daniel W. Isenhart, Isaac J. Jackson, Philip C. Jones, Samuel Jones, William Jones, William D. Karr, Eliab Keegan, Richard Kellogg, Leslie H. Kittredge, James R. Long, Jacob L. Long, Samuel K. McDowell, James McLean, William McMillan, Jefferson J. Mendell, George H. Morse, James M. North, Charles Palmiter, Allen Pease, Osceola R. Perkins, Lafayette Richards, Simeon Rock, Henry A. Rose, Henry Roush, Thomas Ruggles, Oscar B. Selby, John Seymour, William Shaner, Russell M. Shattuck, Francis R. Shiffert, Allen Shiffert, Amos Shoemaker, Jacob Smith, Samuel S. Thomas, Daniel W. Tollzein, Charles Tyler, LaGrange Waldeck, John L. Wiggins, Charles B. Wilcox, Eugene A. Witter, Henry C. Wright, William J. COMPANY Rogers, Isaac N., Capt. Gates, Julian H., ist Lieut. Hoffman, Frederick W., istSerg. Bestor, Thomas C, Serg. Halsey, Charles H., Serg. Mellen, Eben, Serg. Sheldon, Parley, Jr., Serg. Clemens, Ephraim, Corp. Derthick, James W., Corp. Jackson, Roswell, Corp. Kestler, Joseph G., Corp. Lewis, George, Corp. Peck, Clarence M., Corp. Sheets, John R., Corp. Towl, John W., Corp. Upson, Horace, Drummer. PRIVATES. Allen, Frank A. Baker, Ira D. •6, i*»L^t» .tt M '1'^ - ^0^^^Wm0i^^^^m0^^'^^^m % C_/ «5 V:^ ^i. t ■«' ;»tl^* ROLL OF HONOR. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Carr, Frauklin H. Moulton, Jeremiah C. Ryan, Peter COMPANY E. Case, Farringtoii, Corp. Oviatt, Joseph Q., Corp. PRIVATES. Ackley, James H. Andrews, Andrew A. Andrews, George L. Bailey, Frank D. Blodgett, Morris Case, Emory Dewey, Oliver E. Freeman, Monroe Flohrs, Henry Flohrs, John Hall, Ferris C. Heather, Clinton B. Heather, Spofford Holcomb, Henry Jones, Frank Livingston, Henry Martin, James McNamara, Patrick Oviatt, Lyman Perrisville, Martin Powers, Edwin Reutter, William H. COMPANY F. McDowell, Charles J., Capt. Rice, Henry J., ist Lieut. Dow, Wilder B., 2d Lieut. Elliott, Delos, ist Serg. si'*:^^ Eckert, Henry C, Serg. Hollister, Henry A., Serg. Richards, Frank O., Serg. Root, Addison A., Serg. Bentley, Thomas C, Corp. Chamberlain, A., Corp. Godfrey, Emmons J., Corp. Hayes, Edward T., Corp. Holloway, L. M., Corp. McCormick, R., Corp. Miner, William B., Corp. Ralph, Isaac T., Corp. Dean, Frank H., Mus. PRIV.\TES. Becker, Alvin E. Bennett, James F. Brock, Alphonso Bryan, James Chapman, George F. Dancer, George W. Dillory, Joseph Earle, William Fay, Romanzo Fisher, Lewis Gill, Henry C. Green, Simon Grey, Hugh Griffin, Clarke. Griswold, Russell E. Grogan, James Grubb, Henry A. Hackney, Joseph M. Harris, Joseph K. Hellmer, Hammond Hofmeister, Jacob Hoskins, Julius Hudson, John Jefts, Harris L. Kerr, August I? •a % -SS^O. k' u ROLL OF HONOR. Knight, James F. Ludick, Charles A. :\L^rsh. Shubal S. INIaxwelL Robert McClariu, Alfred H. McLaughlin, John Miner, William B. INIulter, John E. O'Connor. Daniel Olcott, Abraham Olcott, George H. Onterkirk, Isaac Peters, David Rebber, Jacob G. Reilly, John Roggen, Edward P. Roniarie, Michael Root, Lemuel Rowley, Patrick Rymers, Henry W. Schneider, Jacob Schrivens, James Stearns, Charles W. Terry, Henry Throne, David Treep, Albert Treep, Samuel Waldo, James H. Warner, Hiram Winn, Powhattan Woodworth, Marcus INI. COMPANY G. Baird, George, Corp. Betz, Gabriel M., Corp. Thurston, Alfred J., Corp. PRIVATES. Betz, John B. Bragington, John Cochran, Robert Kennedy, Patrick Osborn, Robert E. Smith, Lyman F. Skinner, Edwin E. COMPANY H. Tracy, Samuel J., Capt. Poole, Edwin W., ist Lieut. Trenielin, Balthaser B., 2d Lieut. Townsend, Chas. P., ist Serg. Andrew, Robert L., Serg. Avery, William H., Corp. Davidson, Kenneth F., Corp. Lamb, Andrew J., Corp. Moore, John R., Corp. PRIVATES. Andrews, Angelo Baird, Ebenezer J. Barnett, Jacob T. Barr, James E. Barrett, George W. Baughman, John Beckley, Charles S. Bently, Martin C. Blackwood, George C. Bolles, William Bonesteele, David Cackler, John Carter, John E. Churchill, Charles A. Clark, Louis B. Colvin, Aimer H. Coy, Simon Dotts, George H. Dunwell, H. J. Dustin, Harvey E. Flohrs, William Gilbert, Thomas .4 . ^ J}. -ft <» A* K P* ROLL OF HONOR. /"■D Gillespie, Louis Hall, Andrew J. Hall, John D. Halliwell, Absalom O. Hewitt, Albert R. Hogue, Robert Jenkins, Edmund S. Johnson, Chipinan R. Johnson, Joseph P. , Lamb, Orris P. Mann, George Markham, Orrin Robinson, Lester Stofer, Milton H. Taylor, Vincent A. Treap, Christian COMPANY I. Squire, George B., Capt. Wire, Theodore B., ist Lieut. Kent, Silas H., 2d Lieut. Bailey, George W., ist Serg. Binkley, Romans, Corp. Morton, Luther, Corp. Richmond, Edwin H., Corp. PRIVATES. Binkley, Melancton Boday, Julius Boday, Peter Boyd, Hugh Brown, John T. Cochensparger, David Faulkner, William H. Faux, Martin V. Hartnett, John Hoffman, Washington Irwin, John Lemengon, Charles A. Louden, Almon Lutes, Samuel M. Mellin, Elial T. Overmire, Homer Pomeroy, Ansel Shover, Frederick Tuttle, Austin Wilson, Frederick COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Batchelder, Charles W. Belcher, Jerry Brockett, Justus J. Gillmore, Joseph Hartson, Alfred C. Hull, Cloud Mattocks, James Rockwell, Horace IH^'l J>dEOlME:XT. CO.MPANY K. PRIVATE. Heinsohn, William A. IS.'J^l KEOirvlEiMT. Clark, Mervin, Lieut. Col. Davis, Llewellyn R., Lieut. Col. 188ta REOirvIEXT. Taylor, Perry C, Serg. Maj. Zehner, D. W., Q. M. Serg. COMPANY B. McGrath, John H., Capt. Sanger, George li., ist Lieut. Burton, Ransom I)., 2d Lieut. Miller, John T., ist Serg. 3^ St i^ --v^'5^.^i^'¥*, *.:^J^^* » > >« 'fir i?; :-ft-:o^ ROLL OF HONOR. l©3ci REGIiVlENT. COMPANY I. Russell, Charles W., Capt. Shaffer, John A., ist Lieut. Hotelling, A. M., 2d Lieut. Neagle, William C, ist Serg. Bull, Charles H., Serg. Laugell, Benjamin, Serg. Morris, George C, Serg. Watson, John C, Serg. Britton, Benjamin, Corp. Hamilton, Henry G., Corp. McGregor, James, Corp. Minahan, Cornelius, Corp. Roadhouse, Henry, Corp. Ross, John R., Corp. Twitchell, Lorenzo W., Corp. Williams, George W., Corp. PRIVATES. Aiken, George W. Alday, William Aust, Rody Ball, Warren Barrett, Phillip :^L Beardsley, George H. Bennett, James Bohl, John G. Boney, Jacob Brant, Augustus Brush, Perley Cannady, R. S. Carlisle, Robert H. Chapin, Willard H. Clark, Sylvanus Colyer, Charles Cummings, James Davis, Jacob M. Day, Amzi J. Decker, Frank D. Eaton, George W. Eilar, John Ettinger, Elias Fike, Jacob Goetz, John G. Gray, Joseph Green, James T. Hadley, William G. Hagerling, George Halligan, John Hamilton, Dodge Hardy, James Harris, Peter Hart, Isaac Hastings, James T. Haymaker, James A. Hemler, James H. Hess, John P. Hopkins, Charles Horton, James T. Jenkins, Edward Jenkins, William Kaber, Gottlieb Keneley, Daniel Lewis, Elmore J. Love, Benjamin F. Maule, Lewis McCormick, Robert McKone, William McKenna,John Meyer, Nicholas Miller, Charles Miser, John F. Morgan, William Morris, Warren Nichols, Reuben Oberlej', Charles L. Perew, John Pierce, Charles Quinn, Patrick H. 9 J, S>V 4» jj. : 1^ ^'■* •few t ft. ij;, '?• ■20 Reis, Nicholas Rhiuehart, Solomon Rosecrans, Day Roush, Henry H. Rudy, George W. Russell, Johnson Seughas, Frederick C. Shafer, Abraham Shafer, David Sherman, John Smith, Eugene D. Smith, James Snowball, Sebastian H. Strong, George Sweeney, John Thompson, Andrew Thompson, \Vm. K. Turner, Lewis Wagner, Henry Weber, Isaac Willard, Charles I94thi REQIMENT. COMPANY F. Sims, William, Capt. Hanscomb, E. K., ist Lieut. Burnham, Frank H., 2d Lieut. Arnott, James, Serg. Keiser, George, Serg. Nolan, John, Serg. Dailey, Charles, Corp. McKenzie, Roswell, Corp. Neff, Henry, Corp. Perrin, Abram, Corp. Wells, Charles K., Corp. Wheeler, Edward, Corp. Wright, John J., Corp. PRIVATES. Rcardling, George Bigelow, David G. Boah, Adam Boyer, John Brady, Edward Bryce, Chauncey E. Chambers, John Cherry, Corydon Cochran, Henry C. Cole, Manly Cummings, John Graif, John Grimm, Gottfried Hoch, Philip Hollinger, Henry Hulbert, Edward Hurd, George W. Kallaker, Jacob Kindler, John Koehl, Jacob Kuntz, Philip Matthews, William G. Meyer, Jacob Milliman, Nicholas Neff, John S. Nickel, John Paul, Perry Pettingill, George Pitkin, Daniel Rodig, Albert Roth, Gottlieb Schneider, Morris Schwab, Daniel Schwab, Frederick Stokes, George Sweeney, Patrick Thompson, Martin Wagner, Conrad 195thi REQIMENT. Babcock, Charles H., Q. M. t^i^^^^^^^M^^ '^^ <*'>-"'«t'"«t-J)*'^ L^W£w.«L|^5^fe&^^^ ti'^-[j'>- ■^^0 «l. c ■& t ROLIv OF HONOR. COMPANY Vaillant, Edward, Capt. Ball, George A., ist Lieut. Heriug, Andrew J., 2d Lieut. Chapman, James D., Serg. Conkey, Joseph, Serg. Foster, Nathaniel G., Serg. Gayer, Henry, Serg. Cook, Charles, Corp. Miller, Jacob A., Corp. Montague, George, Corp. Ryan, James C, Corp. Thomas, Monroe D., Corp. PRIV.\TES. Askew, George Babbitt, John J. Beardsley, Lester C. Behan, Michael Eighmy, Nicholas P. Fay, Frederick Gates, Henry- George, Benjamin F. Green, Michael Gowan, Thomas Higgins, Alfred B. Higgins, Charles N. Higgins, Charles T. Higgins, Smith A. Jaite, Robert Kirk, Franklin J. Lewis, Burnett Little, Theodore Manny, Michael Messer, Henry M. Mount, Seeley P. Neville, John J. Reader, Charles E. Rvan,John A. Sherman, Albert S. Simmons, John Skeels, Frederick A. Soule, Nathan Soule, Theron C. Stiver, Frank B. Thomas, Fayette L. Turcott, Levi Wright, Peter S. Zimmer, William F. 196thi REQINIENX. Coe, Eben S., Lieut. Col. COMPANY H. Allerton, Enoch, Corp. Inman, John H., Corp. PRIV.\TES. Colton, John Ernst, Anthony Houck, Philip Miller, George W. Schwemler, Adam Wilcox, William A. ie)Tth RKai:^IENX. Barber, Gershom M., Lieut. Col. Pease, George W., Asst. Sur. COMPANY D. Hubbard, William, Corp. PRIVATE. Hogan, John COMPANY F. Jones, Harry W., ist Lieut. Black, Jeremiah B., Serg. Norton, Spencer C, Corp. Owen, John, Corp. Wadsworth, G. W., Corp. *« 4 4 i^^ -^iJ'J'tr- Aft iC^^'^~ ^ - ^ ^ p-fr^t,*-.**.,^*.*. ^> it »;« »■? *:» %i!ife?^^^«%y?^s^«^^^^ ROLL OK HONOR. PRIVATES. Adams, Eugeue Baker, Joseph R. Baruey, Lemuel H. Booth, Wesley Cullen, James Davis, Wallace C. Duuwell, Henry Epple, INIichael Evaus, David Farreu, Stephen Herberger, Franz Howlsworth, Jacob Ketchuni, George W. Kingsbury, Smith Kirchner, Thomas Larish, Charles Lillie, William Manly, S. E. Martin, Ephraim J. McDermott, Thomas Moore, John M. Morgan, George C. Neumour, Bartholomew Pelton, Bradley Peterson, Karl Pawlett, David Renscher, Michael Reichler, Gustav Schacterle, John Sharpcott, Henry Simmonds, Oscar Vaupell, Henry Worthele, Karl COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Bellinger, Charles H. Jennings, Eli M. Shafer, George Streator, Nicholas IQSthi REOUVtENT. COMPANY B. Raynor, A. J., ist Lieut. PRIVATES. Brooks, John H. Carr, Calvin C. Coss, John Fitzwater, John A. Inman, Sharon P. Kelley, Thomas McCrary, David H. McGee, Patrick Ray, Benjamin F. Roberts, Henrj' Samson, John Q. A. Smith, William N. Stebbins, Minot COMPANY D. Prentiss, Perrj-, Capt. Woodward, Ed. J., ist Lieut. Mandeville, J. D. W., 2d Lieut. PRIVATES. Bailey, Edwin M. Baisch, Adam Bosley, Byron H. Busch, Conrad Curphey, Robert Dunn, John Dyson, William R. Fritz, John Hacker, Frederick Hamlin, James Hawkins, James Hellmer, John *;« ^^•^♦•^ * * ^ ;M.J> f ^ ^* »:« *'♦ »:« »> *^ c ^ .♦"^ 4 **'^* ^ ^ «f ■Cl ^0^^ ''iM ,^* 4 #,j»5^:v«>'9 4^ rv ^ *^*^s^%^|*« 4» *^ ^:^ ^> if $ 726 ROLL OF HONOR. PRIVATES. Harris, John A. Mott, William A. COMPANY K. Burke, John, Corp. PRIVATES. Bennett, Ransom Bowman, John Jackson, John Jackson, Lewis Johnson, George Simpson, John Sley, William 2Ttti Regirxaent. Jones, A. G., ist Lieut. COMPANY D. Bartlett, Frederick J., Capt. 4:8tlri Regiment. Hughes, John W., Asst. Sur. lOSth Regim.ent, COMPANY H. Cowin, John C, Capt. Mlscfllaneous. (Comrades out of County at time of enlistment.) 1st Nlictiigan. COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Pate, William, Jr. Pate, William, Sr. Tomlinson, Charles COMPANY D. PRIVATE. Conant, H. S. COMPANY I. Partridge, Edward, ist Serg. -4tti NlichLigan Band. Dreher, Anthony Hefele, J. Heine, Paul Junghaus, Charles Plodeck, Paul Strang, Edward 11th In.clian.a. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Williams, Albert J. 23cl Illinois. COMPANY A. PRIVATE. Buckley, John 102<:1 New York:. Francisco, John W., Adj. m*^-j6» >»»■«.* e^ ^S*-^ ^ •fwt. '^^^'^^m^i^s^t^^- ^^ ^■« *:« I* % f is ^^^^M00^^^im If % .c ,« 1 .^ K si 7^ ^ i^ ^:^ '^t"^ »[•{? ROLL OF HONOR. 727 117th New Yorlv. PRIVATE. Croft, Stephen H. 1st Virginia. COMPANY I. Garvey, John, Lieut. loOth Pennsylvai^ia. PRIVATE. Flick, Charles Oen. Hazen's Brigade Banci. Curran^ Henry Humm, Ed. Hart, Salem A., Jr. Hart, Salem A., Sr. Hartman, Friederick W. Hartman, William Hohlfelder, Fred. McMeany, William Seibel, Henry Shehan, John Stackhouse, Charles .^Str. Ik [Natnes sent in after Roster was conipiled.\ T2d. Ohiio Regiment. COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Forbes, Carlos Forbes, Theodore COMPANY B. PRIVATES. Binkley, Christian Carter, John H. H. Carmody, Roger Lynch, Michael Maurer, Aaron Maurer, George W. Maurer, Jesse Maurer, Samuel COMPANY D. PRIVATE. Johnson, John COMPANY E. PRIVATE. Madden, James M. COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Demming, John Leader, Julius Nagle, Nicholas Scholman, H. % S I % J* 3b>a'»,?«-„ ^^^ft 4. ^ "^ V*Vv-^ 727B /^/ ARTILLERY. 1st Regiment Cleveland Volunteer Light. FIELD AND STAFF. Barnett, James, Col. Sturgess, Stephen B., Lieut. Col. Gates, Clark S., Major. Sterling, Elisha, Surgeon. Staudart, William E., Adj. Townsend, Amos, Q. M. Crawford, Randall, Q. M. Serg. BATTERY A. Simmonds, William R., Capt. Bennett, John A., ist Serg. Cowdery, Samuel M., Serg. Thompson, Thomas J., Corp. Cornell, M. Eugene, Corp. Willis, James, INIus. PRIVATES. Anson, Edward P. Baile}-, Amariah Benjamin, John A. Blair, John H. Brewster, George Camp, William M. Clark, George W. Cramer, Isaac C. Dunn, Joseph Dunn, Richard Kelley, John J. Milton, John R. Moels, Henry New, Henry Rebbeck, Henry H. Reynolds, Daniel Sypher, J. Hale Throup, David H. Throup, Roger D. Worley, John G. BATTERY B. Mack, John G., Capt. Ruder, Jacob, ist Lieut. Gruuinger, PVederick C, ist Serg. Adams, Matthias, Corp. Rodder, Charles B., Corp. PRIVATES. Beckel, Frederick Chapin, George Dawmann, Joseph Ebert, William Erhart, Alexander F'ahrion, Lewis Fenfil, Christian Fisher, Louis Fredericks, Abraham Gallagher, John Gruninger, Charles Kustner, George Lucas, Michael Manzelman, Adolph Nerriter, Leonard Nickel, Lorenze Reideubach, Peter Scheuer, Daniel Schoemer, Michael Weideukopf, Nicholas Worley, Andrew BATTERY C. Peltou, Frederick W., Capt. Sears, Samuel, ist Lieut. G ,^ »;« a'cr ^:^ »i5 ^'. «^ ?flLi° Pelton, Francis S., ist Serg. Schneider, Peter C, Corp. Brainard, John C, Corp. PRIVATES. Allen, Edward S. Boyden, John H. Brainard, Edward S. Chaffee, Comfort Davis, George R. Dean, Charles M. Dunbar, Homer Fish, Abel Fish, Henry Fish, Levi Fish, William Grotzinger, William Hand, James L. Hone, Alexander Llewellyn, William Lyon, George Marcellus, Charles E. Roberts, Henry Schmehl, George Storer, Frank S. Wirth, Frederick W. BATTERY D. t Rice, Percy W., Capt. Miller, James H., ist Lieut. Reeve, Edwin F., ist Serg. Baldwin, Norman A., Corp. Hilliard, William H., Corp. PRIVATES. Champlin, William A. Crawford, George W. Davis, Daniel S. Edgarton, Warren P. Gardner, Orlando S. Harbeck, John S. Kidd, William Killam, Simon W. Marshall, Alexander, Jr. Murray, George E. Orland, Harry Rice, Charles H. Shields, Joseph C. Smith, Robertson Sterling, James A. Thatcher, Lorenzo W. Tillotson, George W. Vincent, Henry G. Wilson, Frank BATTERY E. Heckman, Louis, Capt. Houck, J. Jacob, ist Lieut. Roth, Henry, ist Serg. Heckman, Valentine, Corp. Smithnight, Louis, Corp. PRIVATES. Bommhardt, Jacob Bruehler, George Eshenbrenner, George Hartman, Hermann Herig, Charles Kugler, George Payson, George W. Riegler, Albert Schmidt, Gerhardt Schwendner, Conrad Sehrt, William Smith, Jacob Thaller, Frank Trumpy, Henry Wetzel, Frederick Wolf, George Zeller, John A. ^4 *3 *l« i T t T^ ^^^^^0 ARTILLERY. 1st Regiment Ohio Volvinteer Liglnt. FIELD AND STAFF. Barnett, James, Col. and Brig. Gen. Hayward, William H., Lieut. Col. Lawrence, Walter E., Lieut. Col. Edgarton, Warren P., Maj. Goodspeed, Wilbur F., Maj. Race, Seymour, Maj. Ames, Charles E., Asst. Sur. Bartlett, Thomas M., Adj. Miller, James H., Adj. Randall, Charles H., Adj. Day, Roland G., Q. M. Howe, George W., Q. M. Oakley, Thomas H., Chap. Edwards, Edward J., Serg. Maj. Gates, Clark S., Serg. Maj. Kraeger, P., Q. M. Serg. McCauley, John, Q. M. Serg. Newberry, G. B., Q. M. Serg. Watson, J. M., Q. M. Serg. Hessler, Emery M., Hosp. Stew. Oakley, John H., Hosp. Stew. Spenzer, Peter I., Hosp. Stew. REGIMENTAL BAND. Sargeant, B. F., Leader. Akins, Alonzo B. Eastman, W^illiam H. Edgarton, Sardis Hamlin, Andrew F. Heffelman, G. H. Heffelman, J. B. Pixley, Owen Waltz, Anthony Waltz, Curtis D. Waltz, Isaac Waltz, Israel Waltz, Jacob Waltz, William Williamson, John A. Williamson, Robert Willis, James BATTERY A. Scovill, Charles W., Capt. Treat, Samuel W., ist Lieut. Grant, Henry C, 2d Lieut. Riegler, Albert, 2d Lieut. Blush, Leverett C, Serg. x,'iB( Spenzer, Peter I., Hosp. Stew. Blush, Leverett C, Serg. I i J^c I* (Mr ^!* »]5 -0«e?<«^ ^ 730 ROLL OF HONOR. •J ay ft,*? K *: ^* ^^ Gillson, Joseph W., Serg. Hewitt, George B., Serg. Wirth, Frederick W., Serg. Barr, James A., Corp. Billings, Charles A., Corp. Chaffee, Comfort E., Corp. Fish, William, Corp. Rhoades, Oliver F., Corp. Stedman, William W., Bugler. PRIVATES. Adams, Frederick H. Allen, Sherman J. Barr, Henry T. Barr, J. H. D. Barrows, Walter H. Beckwith, Thomas D. Bradley, Henry G. Brown, Francis W. Brown, Henry E. Brunner, William Campbell, Charles Coburn, M. A. Corlis, Hazen J. Cornell, Eugene M. Creighton, Jereboam B. Cummings, Cyrus Davis, James J. Dunbar, Homer K. Fessenden, H. C. Fisher, George D. Goodsell, Charles Grey, Varnum R. Holcomb, Albert Holcomb, P. W. Holloway, Joshua Honeywell, Ezra S. Honeywell, John H. Jackson, Thomas Mason, Nathan G. McKee, James T. Meyer, Jacob Meyer, John Perry, Henry Rinear, Harmon M. Sausman, Andrew L. Sherwood, Allen Smith, Ozias C. Stearns, George N. Stough, Silas E. Sutton, E. P. Thatcher, L. W. Tidd, Henry H. Tupper, Albert H. Tupper, Howard C. Van Ornum, Arra L. Wass, George Wilson, Albert E. Wolf, Alonzo Wooster, Matthias BATTERY B. Baldwin, Norman A., Capt. Standart, William E., Capt. Chase, Charles F., 2d Lieut. Eldridge, George D., 2d Lieut. Hill, James H., 2d Lieut. Kelley, John J., 2d Lieut. Lankester, Joseph G., 2d Lieut. Throup, David H., 2d Lieut. Thompson, Thomas J., istSerg. Adams, Alonzo B., Serg. Blair, John H., Serg. Fahrion, Lewis, Serg. Moats, Henry, Serg. Payson, George W., Serg. Quilliams, William T., Serg. Schmidt, Gerhardt, Serg. Adams, John Q., Corp. Hamlin, Dwight N., Corp. ^■i0^m^m0^'^^ Mr % K % A* Richmond, Lymau B., Corp. Schroli, Nicholas, Corp, Ilumni, Charles P<., Bugler. Willis, James, Bugler. PRIVATp;S. Abbott, Charles Abbott, William Avery, Robert S. Axford, Joseph Bauer, Frank Bayard, Thomas K. Beers, John P. Bluim, Jacob Broa, William Burton, Albert Campbell, George Campbell, Orville Cardie, William Carter, Francis Case, Reason B. Chapman, Kdward W. Chapman, William H. Chester, PMwin Cole, Martin B. Cole, Orlando D. Cole, Samuel B. Cole, Sardis S. Conkey, Albert B. Crittenden, Newton Curry, William Cutter, Orlando P. Day, Joseph A. Dietrich, Frank Dodd, Thomas Dye, George W. Ebert, Charles Fahrion, Albert Fisher, Balthasar Flick, Frederick H. Fowler, Charles R. Francis, John Freeman, William French, Alfred French, John Gage, Milo S. GafFey, Thomas Gardner, Silas A. Gause, John H. Graham, Robert S. Grant, John Grant, William Green, Fayette Guilford, Charles G. Hastings, Frank Hathaway, James Hayden, Charles L. Heller, Charles Holcomb, Charles Holcomb, George O. Holcomb, Percival Holcomb, Thomas J. Hougeland, Byron Howe, William C. Hudson, Thomas J. Ives, Andrew H. Jabott, Joseph Kain, Albert G. KaufFman, Nicholas Kelley, Patrick Koch, Conrad Krebs, Joshua B. Lee, Alonzo D. Llewellyn, William Long, Henry Luster, George Lyons, Chauncey Mace, Plenry Manary, Alexander Manning, Peter ^ ^ ti 51 At? -. 9- H ^ 1 % 732 ^ If if C Marks, Thomas Matthews, Ira H. McCowen, Heury Mcllrath, Cassius C. McKinty, John McMillan, P. Meyers, Henry Miller, Richard Millman, Frank X. Nagle, George Nagle, Lawrence Newconib, William Obrock, Henry Overy, George W. Pease, Royal E. Pfaff, Matthias Radder, Charles B. Reading, George Richmond, Lester J. Rosborough, James A. Ruf, Peter Ruple, Samuel B. Sawtell, Levi L. Smith, Charles L. Snyder, John Stroup, Erastus H. Teachout, Bradford Teufel, Christian Troy, Dennis Tanney, Francilian L. Twerell, William Valentine, Cyrus B. Walters, George Welstead, John White, Alonzo White, Daniel White, Theodore Wilson, George Wilson, James P. Wilson, Peter ^^3 ft ^^•<*^* ^Mi^t^i?^ '^^'h ■^ ^ ''^6?> Morse, Jolm II. O'Malley, Silas Palmer, Melviti R. Parsons, Stephen J. Proctor, Kdward Robbins, Henry V. Roljinson, Clay Saunders, William II. Sawyer, George D. Stafford, Jonathan Stalker, Norman II. Storm, Ransom Stowe, Howard W. Sweet, Charles Sweet, Daniel Sweet, Nelson S. Thomas, Alexander Troop, Oscar Wattles, Frank Wilcox, George Winterstein, Allen Winterstein, George P. Winterstein, Peter C. BATTERY D. Edwards, Albert, ist Lieut. Porter, Lemuel R., ist Lieut. Vincent, Henry G., ist Lieut. Camp, William M., 2d Lieut. Lloyd, Henry C, 2d Lieut. Ransom, Moses Y., 2d Lieut. Linehan, Cornelius, ist Serg. Newberry, George B., Serg. Bender, Martin J., Corp. Poe, Andrew A., Corp. Waite, Fulton, Corp. Watson, David R., Corp. % »!« V I ^;^ *^h PRIVATES Adams, John F Bell, Edwin Blakesley, George Born, Frederick W. Cavener, Peter Coughlin, John Crane, Edward Cumberworth, William Curtiss, Charles E. Curtiss, George W. Curtiss, Henry Demaline, George W. Doane, Edwin W. Ivllsler, Frederick Evans, Charles E. Farrell, Michael Gale, Martin, Jr. Gaylord, Samuel Gaylord, Truman C. Gaylord, William N. Goss, Warren II. Hendershott, Casper A. Hoadley, Burton J. Holmes, Thomas B. Hoyt, Edwin James, George A. Kidney, Jared V. Killip, William King, Chester King, John G. Koch, Herman Lovell, George Lovell, Philip Macken, James Moe, I'rederick Mooney, Daniel Newell, Milford N. Owen, Christian Phillips, Henry L. Pritchard, Edward T. Root, Frank M. ,tf,«^- *^* «, 4. l>t» -6 I h *^*^*ftO^*^^f> I I I I: If % ROLL OF HONOR. i? 734 Sangster, James Savage, Watson D. Sifting, Martin Silsby, Myron Silsby, Sylvester Southwood, James Spink, Fred U. Stearns, Charles H. Tompkins, Daniel A. Usher, Luke Whitney, James W. BATTERY E. Ransom, Albert G., Capt. Hauck, Jacob J., ist Lieut. Sturges, Eben P., ist Lieut. Northrop, Wm. W., 2nd Lieut. Dewey, Joshua W., Serg. Gardner, Philander B., Serg. Heckman, Valentine, Sprg. Strong, Elijah M., Serg. Chapman, A. N., Corp. French, Philo, Corp. Frost, Francis M., Corp. Hixon, John M., Corp. Jeffrey, Francis, Corp. Luce, John AV., Corp. Root, Francis J., Corp. West, Henry O., Corp. PRIVATES. Ault, Valentine H. Balcil, John A. Bark, Charles Beiser, August Berwick, Thomas S. Bond, George Brown, Edwin B. Brown, Wellington F. Burrell, John E. Carman, Wm. H. ..^m^¥^^i0^^ Carman, George F. Carman, William Claflin, Edmund Coates, Ashbel W. Davis, William O. Desnoyers, Jerome Emerson, Oliver S. Fowles, Abram Frost, Charles E. Fulton, William Furness, Charles Furness, Nathaniel Geary, Richard Gleason, Edgar Gordon, Samuel Gott, Henry A. Harrington, Nath. B. Hart, John Hier, Andrew J. Holden, William D. Hoover, Joseph James, David James, George B. Laughliu, William H. Law, Rufus H. Lowery, Joseph Mason, George W.' McKeen, Richard McKenzie, Cyrus P. Miller, Truman D. Nugent, Patrick Parrish, Stephen M. Poole, Charles E. Rockwood, Robert Savoy, Joseph Seavers, Anton Shaffer, David Simpson, William S. Slocum, John S. Smith, Edward H. "01 i I si i % ^ > * * <* ?, I ROLL OF HONOR. 735 Smith, John M. Smith, Kellum Stacey, George H. Stroud, Thomas West, Slater West, Walter Wester man, Jacob Wheelock, John Yanians, William hattp:ry F. J'KIVATKS. Bound, Joseph Brown, Harry Hall, George Hosie, James W. Joiner, Lafayette Lee, William Lloyd, James J. Mason, Thomas Montague, Terrence Stackhouse, Chas. A. BATTERY G. Bartlett, Joseph, Capt. Marshall, Alex., Capt. Bills, George W., ist Lieut. Crable,John, ist Lieut. Floyd, Thomas C, ist Lieut. Grant, Henry C, ist Lieut. Newell, Nathaniel M., ist Lieut. Whittlesey, Robert D., ist Lieut. Kdgerton, Frank W., 2nd Lieut. Mitchell, Milton A., 2nd Lieut. Smith, William W., 2nd Lieut. Riddle, Clarence L., ist Serg. Kreager, Phillip, Q. M. Serg. Carter, William S., Serg. Clark, Harmon J., Serg. F'arwell, Henry J., Serg. Kimball, Almon, Serg. Marshall, John, Serg. Moore, George E , Serg. Murphy, John, Serg. Sheldon, Dwight J., Serg. Taft, Edwin N., Serg. Walker, William, Serg. White, John, Serg. Wright, David W., Serg. Allen, Daniel, Corp. Bieber, Jacob, Corp. Boles, Oscar A., Corp. Case, Frank, Corp. Clague, Henry C, Corp. Clark, Harmon J., Corp. Clinton, Alex. M., Corp. Clinton, James IL, Corp. Fish, Daniel, Corp. Haynes, William, Corp. Hicks, Thomas, Corp. Hirt, Henry, Corp. House, James W., Corp. Kirby, James, Corp. Lauter, Michael, Corp. Lloyd, James, Sr., Corp. Lucas, John G., Corp. Martin, Benjamin C, Corp. Rathbun, Dewitt G., Corp. Rausbottom, William, Corp. Roberts, Hazen L., Corp. Speddy, Joseph, Corp. Straight, Henry P., Corp. Taft, William H., Corp. Thomas, Julius C, Corp. Vrooman, Fred, Corp. Waters, Chandler, Corp. Whitehead, William, Corp. Denning, Jasper, Bugler. :Merrill, Daniel W^, Bugler. Zimmerman, Aloes, Bugler. J* ROLL if f i If I PRIVATES. Aiken, Charles Alcorn, Nelson Anderson, Peter Barnett, Henry H. Bartlett, H. H. Bartlett, John P. Beckwith, Lucien Belden, Albert N. Berry, Judson C. Beverstook, Ed. B. Bishop, Albert Black, Abner Blanchard, John Bonner, Harry Borland, Daniel Bowers, George Bowles, Samuel Bradley, John Brakeman, Albert J. Brennan, Martin Bresson, Alexander Brigham, Samuel Brogan, John Brown, John H. Burke, Patrick (No. i) Burke, Patrick (No. 2) Burrows, Thomas Bushnell, David Calhoun, Charles A. Camp, David Canfield, Orrin S. Carothers, William H. Cartwright, John Cash, Adam Cash, Henry Cleveland, Norman Cline, Henry Cline, John Clinton, John M. 'W HONOR. Cook, Henry Cooley, Carlos S. Cooley, Loren Cox, Daniel Cox, George B. Cramer, Jacob T. Crandall, James Crosier, Adelbert (No. i) Crosier, Adelbert (No. 2) Dallas, Simon Darling, William F. Davenport, Ziba S. Davidson, Walter H. Day, George Dayton, Riley Denning, Jasper Doherty, John Downing, Freeman C. Duty, William Earl, W'illiam H. Eddy, Luke D. Elliott, Richard S. Fenton, John L. A. Fife, James W^. Fish, James Fisher, Benjamin Fovargue, Creasy France, Wash. W. Frazier, William GafFuey, James Gender, Charles W. Goodchild, John Gould, William Griswold, Alex. H. Hackney, Adenah Hackney, James C. Hall, Arlington P. Hamblin, Martin H. Hard, Benjamin Harlow, William I* t t 4 ,^ ROLL OF HONOR. 737 ^:^ Harrington, Elijah Harrington, M. C. Hermann, Casper Hopkins, James W. Hosmer, Oscar L. Hougeland, Charles Hudson, Sheldon C. Huugerford, Alfred G. Hunter, Frank Hutchinson, Johnson Johnston, David Jones, Edwin Jones, Harvey R. Jones, William Kaiser, Gustav Keener, Martin Kelley, James Kelley, John Kellogg, Sidney Keough, James Keyes, Ephraim A. Keyes, Justin Kiernan, Thomas King, John Kuder, Albert D. Kuder, George S. Lee, John Lewis, Thomas Lilies, John Litzel, John Livingston, John Long, George C. Mackin, Patrick Maher, John Maher, William Malcolm, David P. Manley, Seth Markle, George W. Marsh, Clarence L. Mathison, Robert Matson, James McCombs, Alexander McEwen, Albert McGuire, John McNamara, John Mercer, Henry Metzger, George Miller, Henry Miller, John F. Miller, Theodore Miner, Ansel Mitchell, William Moran, Thomas Morris, George C. Munson, Thomas Myers, Charles Norman, John Norris, Albert L. Paddock, Mortimer F. Parker, Robert R. Parmele, F'rank Parmele, John Parmenter, Wilbur Peck, George Perry, Gilbert Pettis, Albert Pettis, Edward H. Phiffer.John Phiffer, Philip Potter, Charles Powers, Martin Prince, Larton Proctor, John Quigley, John Radey, John Reese, Niles Reinhart, Jacob Ricketts, Jacob Riddle, Charles Robbins, Jerome «i4 4 "Q- 1> fl%^' »r^^o^ ^'^AfiJP'f' ROLL OF HONOR. 741 TWELFTH BATTERY. Fairbanks, Ami P., ist Lieut. PRIVATE. SchnaufTer, Frederick FIFTEENTH BATTERY Burdick, James, Capt. Bailey, Lyman, ist Lieut. Reeve, Edwin F., ist Lieut. Sturges, Stiles E., 2d Lieut. Henry, Robert, Serg. Stokes, Thomas, Serg. Ingraham, George, Corp. Kelley, Thomas, Corp. Langton, John, Corp. Potter, Albert, Corp. Webb, Mervin, Corp. York, Samuel, Corp. Gates, Joseph, Artificer. PRIVATES. Ames, William H. Andrews, Thomas Becktol, John Bennington, Thomas Briggs, Cassius V. Chase, Nathan Davis, John L. French, Albert French, Royal Gesner, George Hogan, Daniel Howlett, Thomas T. Hughes, Thomas Kamerer, Paul Kennedy, John Kimberly, Edward Knapp, George W. Lambert, Frederick J. Lambert, Lewis G. Landphear, Hoxie E. Maddox, John McGovern, Thomas Merriam, Henry Moran, Anthony Murphy, Martin H. Paddock, Herbert L. Paddock, Mortimer L. Pancoast, Lester Phillips, Chester Rice, Orson W. Spencer, John W. Stearns, Elijah, Jr. Stearns, Freeman Stearns, Orfila Stokes, Henry Tegardine, Henry Thompson, Curtis E. True, Charles Wagner, Philip Wait, Enos A. Ware, Thomas J. Ware, William R. Weeks, Martin S. Wescott, Lyman D. Wilson, Charles H. NINETEENTH BATTERY. Shields, Joseph C, Capt. Wilson, Frank, Capt. Dustin, William, ist Lieut. Harris, Charles B., ist Lieut. Estabrook, John N., 2d Lieut. Grimshaw, James W., 2d Lieut. Smith, Robertson, 2d Lieut. Kridler, Rudolphus M., ist Ser<; Johnson, James M., Q. M. Serg. Poole, Thomas J., Q. M. Serg. Smith, Pardon B., Q. M. Serg. JO;"- I % 0,'' WW] 0^ »rI«r 'a ROLL OF HONOR. Josselyu, Harlan P., ist Lieut. Nitschelin, Charles F., ist Lieut. Robbius, Francis C, ist Lieut. Roth, Henry, ist Lieut. Adams, Matthias, 2d Lieut. Hoehn, Henry, 2d Lieut. Neracher, William, 2d Lieut. Beyer, Charles, ist Serg. Fay, John G., Jr., ist Serg. Joyce, John, ist Serg. Hilburt, Charles G., Q. M. Serg; Patterson, John S., Q. M. Serg. Ayers, Samuel, Serg. Care}', Barney, Serg. Carr, John, Serg. Coquelin, Frank, Serg. Hausman, Adam, Serg. Roscoe, Ransom, Serg. Schwartz, Phillip, Serg. Walz, Paul, Serg. Williams, John T., Serg. Zeller, John A., Serg. Baker, Charles B., Corp. Conrad, Adam, Corp. Dietrich, Peter, Corp. Fowler, Edwin O., Corp. Filler, John W., Corp. Hahn, Peter, Corp. Hummel, Jacob, Corp. Jansen, George, Corp. Jorus, Charles, Corp. Kirby, Thomas, Corp. Knox, James, Corp. Marquard, Jacob, Corp. Mulheine, Abraham, Corp. Neracher, Frank, Corp. Seber, William, Corp. Siegenthaler, Alfred, Corp. Sommers, George, Corp. Taylor, John H. T., Corp. Vaughan, Silas B., Corp. Williams, David J., Corp. Williams, Elisha, Corp. Eilman, Anton, Bugler. Oviatt, Morris N., Bugler. Grotzinger, John, Wagoner. PRIVATES. Ackley, Uriah Adams, Edwin Allen, Lafayette Arndt, Daniel Becker, Francis Bender, Jacob Bernhardt, Christian Berthold, George Billson, Harris Blair, William Bias, Max Blattner, George Bohley, Jacob Bolte, Conrad Braine, James Braine, William Brandt, Theodore Braun, Augustus F. Brier, John Briggs, Aulis Broman, John Bronson, Horace Brown, August F. Brush, Perry D. Camp, Edwin Carr, John Case, Albert Chapin, George M. Chapman, John L. Cook, Miles Cowley, Thomas Davis, Edward i ^^m^ i 4 ^t»T* p*l>^^ 746 ^^^^^^=l^f^ ROLL OF HONOR. 9r i'.'ir t ^> »;« I Perrine, James Pope, Peter Portz, John Rash, Frederick Rashleigh, Frank Reibold, John Rhodes, Jacob Richards, Henry Rith, John Rohrbracher, Max Ross, Milo Rudolph, Charles Ruff, William Russ, George Russell, George Schneider, John (No. i.) Schneider, John (No. 2.) Schott, Hiram S. Schram, John Schredly, Ronamous Schwan, Peter Schweitzer, Christian Sheridan, Henry Smith, Charles Smith, George F. Smith, Pelatiah Smith, Peter C. Soloman, Philip Sorter, Alexander Sorter, Pearson B. Stacy, Arthur Stafford, Rufus Stahl, Alexander Stahl, Charles Steller, Christian D. Stodtler, John Sturbaum, Henry Sykes, William Taylor, Winfield S. Truesdale, Verdine A. Vanoiman, Charles S. Vedder, Edward Vetzer, Sebastian Vogtly, Joseph Waggant, George Waldo, Edwin Walter, August Walter, Charles Wear, Joseph Webster, Charles Weidhoff, Henry Weidling, Frank Wenner, John Wentrich, Peter Werback, William Wetzel, Frederick White, John Wilcox, Daniel Wiler, John Willett, Charles Winger, John Winnepleck, Samuel Witzendorff, Charles Wolverton, Alonzo Woolweaver, Joseph Wright, Francis Yohy, Joseph Young, George Zingerly, Andrew TWENTY-FIRST BATTERY. Smith, William H. H., ist Lieut. McFarland, M. S., ist Serg. Holmes, Ezra D., Serg. Tomlinson, Nathan W., Serg. Baldwin, Darius R., Corp. Burnett, Cleantheus, Corp. Linderman, James, Corp. Wolcott, Horace, Corp. I I I A^ J^-. « »1« c First United States. BATTERY D. Johnson, Josiah, Corp. BATTERY K. PRIVATE. Denham, James T. Second Un^ited States. BATTERY A. PRIVATE. Bradley, Warren J. F^otirth. United States. BATTERY K. PRIVATE. Hartman, Jacob Kifth. United States. BATTERY F. Reynolds, William, Bugler. BATTERY H. Baldwin, Homer H., ist. Lieut. PRIVATES. Carroll, John T. Fanning, Richard J. Gleason, Daniel Malin, Patrick McGrath, Michael Scanlan, James Sixth. United States. BATTERY B. PRIVATE. Murray, William H. ^'^^ ■e-W If. f t^ if^-C *^*^^*^^^^^ CAVALRY. Second Cavtilry. FIELD AND STAFF. Doubleday, Charles, Col. Barnitz, Albert, Lieut. Col. Collier, J. M., Major. Eggleston, Emerson H., Major. Taylor, Alfred, Surg. Abbey, Seth A., Q. M. Chamberlain, H. S., Q. M. Woodruff, Gurdin, Q. M. Thaj-er, John D., Serg. Maj. Burge, Ezra L., Q. M. Serg. Cronk, George F., Com. Serg. Sheldon, George, Hosp. Stew. Smith, Clayton G., Hosp. Stew. Keating, John, Chief Bugler. Papworth, Robert R., Chief Bug. COMPANY A. Mason, Stephen A., Capt. PRIV.\TES. .\bbey, Milton F. Beck, Albert M. Biggs, Cyrus F. H. Blackwell, A. E. Blanchett, Charles E. Buck, Thomas H. Chambers, David Foskett, Augustus A. Frease, John R. Hanscom, George. Heathmau, James D. Houghland, Samuel Houghland, Wilson House, Alonzo J. Johns, Theodore W. Kearns, James Lusk, Amos B. Malone, James M. Maple, Jackson Meade, Charles C. Mellinger, Charles Mellinger, William Phillips, Loring J. Secoy, Lester Skinner, Franklin W. Smith, Henry H. Snetzer, Christian Solomon, Henry F. Stratton, Newell B. Townslej', Isaac Wells, John R. COMPANY B. Deming, Frederick R., Capt. Eggleston, Chauncey, Capt. Millard, Alonzo E., Capt. Smith, John L , Capt. Ingersoll, Charles F., ist Lieut. Lovett, Benjamin F., ist Lieut. Tuttle, Luther M., ist Lieut. Sessions, Alex B., 2d Lieut. Brewster, John M., ist Serg. i I. it &f i I ft*' ^^ Duubar, George E., Serg. Emmons, Lewis B., Serg. Polhamus, William H., Serg. WycofF, Chauncey F., Serg. Abell. Mark, Corp. Beardsley, James O., Corp. Brokaw, Samuel D., Corp. Fenkell, D. h., Corp. Maxom, Alonzo A., Corp. Johnson, John N., Bugler. Monroe, William N., Bugler. PRIVATES. Baile3% Sylvester D. Bartholomew, W. H. Beardsley, Mortimer H. Belden, Augustus Benjamin, A. D. Bennett, Elias Bowen, William M. Brinker, Henry H. Brookens, Suranus T. Cady, Winfield S. Chamberlain, Wm. A. Chapman, Charles C. Chase, John J. Chase, Orlando D. Christian, Charles M. Connel, Michael Cook, David F. Deming, Dewitt C. Eddy, George Eddy, Luther Eggleston, Randall L. Flayford, Henry A. Fleming, John Fuller, Albert R. Heniman, John V. Hinsdale, Eugene A. Hinsdale, William E. Hoppe, Carl H. Johnson, John W. Judson, Enoch E. Kaiser, Herman S. Lovejoy, Alfred Meier, William F. Morgan, Irving Morris, James Mott, Jackson A. Ormsby, Henry Perkins, Myron B. Phillips, Porter S. Plowman, James Seymour, Joseph Skinner, James Somers, Edgar L. Stevens, Charles C. Stover, Leroy S. Upson, Norton L. Veher, James M. Vogle, Henry Willhelm, Daniel COMPANY C. Rush, Charles D., Capt. Griffin, Robert L., Q. M. Serg. Hull, Irving, Serg. PRIVATES. Barrett, Edgar Darling, Freeman E. Fay, Asa Feroles, Franklin Griswold, Wesley W. Leland, Andrew McFarland, Scott Walker, H. D. COMPANY D. Gamble, Robert A., Corp. s ii % I I if J*- ROLL OF HONOR. « * »(5 1 I tL « ftp* 5t- 751 PRIVATES. Adams, Charles W. Baker, William H. Caldwell, Oscar A. Gillett, Elbert Hickox, William R. Proctor, Frank A. Saxton, John S. Shesler, Conrad COMPANY E. Smith, William, Capt. PRIVATES. Johnson, William R. Kinnaman, Martin J. Leggett, William Liddle, Arthur McCurdy, Samuel W. McGill, Leander Miller, Ralph Moody, Frederick R. Newton, William H. Pidgeou, William H. Reed, John W. Rees, Thomas G. Walker, A. J. Wiggins, William H. COMPANY F. PRIVATES. Aker, Henry Bliss, Charles H. Bliss, Julius E. Conant, Ethan Hurst, George Jackson, Joseph L- Kinney, Cassius C. Manning, George A. Swan, Heber R. Witzman, Herman Wolf, George H. Wolf, Peter Woodworth, Cass. M. Zepp, George COMPANY G. Bill, Charles H., Capt. Bowden, John E., Serg. PRIVATES. Church, Eugene M. Clark, George W. Copeland, Richard Copeland, William DeLoug, James Fitzgerald, John Graham, Thomas Gregory, Eugene Hoyt, Watson A. Hunt, Frank B, Hunter, Samuel Kaneen, Jonathan Short, George W. Wicks, William Wurtz, William COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Austin, Walter R. Bishop, Andrew Broughton, James H. Brown, David Btitler, Lyman F. Gay, William Green, Harvey H. Hale, Frank B. Hall, Daniel M. Herrick, Bryant B. 4?* if t I ^^^- 4* ^* t tu w I* 752 ROLL OF HONOR. Keyes, Richard B. Long, Edward Manchester, D. W. Marcy, Adelbert H. Rothacher, Chris Smith, Chauncey Smith, Thomas J. Van Antwerp, Almiron Vincent, John J. Wood, George H. COMPANY I. Rock, Peter, Serg. Roberts, George W., Corp. PRIVATES. Elliott, Irah James, Courtney H. Kinsey, Albert W. Little, Leander Thompson, William Wilcox, Louis C. COMPANY K. Clapp, John H., Capt. Pedrick, William E., Capt. Geil, Samuel F., ist Lieut. McBride, Patrick H., ist Lieut. Gordon, Henry J., 2nd Lieut. Oviatt, Hiram P., ist Serg. Culver, Daniel, Q. M. Serg. Davis, John, Serg. Ingraham, Henry, Serg. Sturtevant, W. De F., Serg. Ball, Charles H., Corp. Clapp, Hammond, Corp. Kniffin, Moses R., Corp. Thomas, Kenrade, Corp. Trowbridge, Stephen D., Corp. Collopy, Patrick F., Bugler. Trowbridge, Melvin N., Bugler. PRIVATES. Ainger, Brainard D. Baker, Chester Bartholomew, David R. Bayard, Samuel A. Bruce, Frederick Cavanaugh, Michael Christie, David C. Close, Sperry B. Cooper, John Q. Cronk, Jeremiah Cushman, William Davis, Thomas J. Eddleman, William Fahy, Daniel Ferris, Joseph Fish, Clark A. Gibbs, Alexander Gibbs, Clark Gibbs, Farnhani Giddings, Fritz Gordon, Corts F. Gray, Benjamin J. Griffin, John Harper, Alexander J. Haywood, Charles E. Henry, Roswell C. Hodgeman, Oliver Hoor, W^illiam Hotchkiss, Nathan Hudson, Robert Ingalls, Harrison Ingraham, Asa Jinks, Thomas Kent, Elmer King, Henry C. Lee, Alfred S. Livingston, Samuel Meeker, Clarence H. Miles, Charles F. % t t ^m^^^^^^^iiim j»»i .,«sA''»-?<^ ^'^AAJ'P ^ * ^ ^ ,u- ROLL OF HONOR. 753 Miner, William Nichols, Charles W. Payne, Luther D. Perry, George Porter, Charles O. Porter, Franklin Richards, George Roberts, George Roberts, Thomas J. Robinson, Harris Robinson, William G. Schneeberger, Jacob Sharkey, John Simmons, Enoch SpafFord, Albert Spence, Martin W. Spence, Smith Stofer, Dan P. Strauahan, William B. Stu3'veson, Redman Thompson, Henry Walden, Berry S. Warmsley, Benjamin White, Thomas A. Wood, Lewis Wright, James H. COMPANY L. Spencer, T. Reeves, . Capt. Ward, Edmund, ist Lieut. Campbell, Lewis L., , 2nd Li !eut. Blanding, M. M., Co rp. PRIVATES. Andrew, Thomas Arn, John Carpenter, B. C. Dewey, Franklin L. Noble, Mark Ryan, Albert Woodburn, George : F. ^^'^tT.^ *• .X.^J* «?. ^ ^ '^ «^ ^ it «■■;*>'-' COMPANY M. Marsh, C. C, ist Lieut. Porter, Melville, Corp. PRIVATES. Biggs, All)ert Crist, Dew • Gasner, Cenool Gal vin, John Kellogg, Charles E. Lane, Myron Lilley, John C. McGuire, Cornelius Mott, Oliver Parcell, Newton Park, Jerome A. Pettys, Zenas B. Price, Charles Thiircl Cavalry. COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Sexton, Edwin COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Ankney, Samuel Sager, George COMPANY J). O'Rourke, Thomas A., ist Lieut. COMPANY I. Rieley, Francis, ist Serg. CO.MPANY L. PRIV.A.TE. Nelaher, Peter f 'ii ^^^ ■V-" ti^ ^■a'>^ ' ^> v-a^ > !^ If; I; 754 ROLL OF HONOR. I «^ KiftlT. Cavalry. COMPANY B. PRIVATE. Towuer, E. W. Sixth Cavalry. FIELD AND STAFF. Osgood, Reuben E., Maj. Rezner, William B., Sur. Bark, Thomas S., Q. M. Serg. Burgess, Doctor F., Q. M. Serg. Galbraith, John S., Q. M. Serg. Johuston, David, Q. M. Serg. Young, H. N., Com. Serg. COMPANY A. Wilson, James R., Corp. PRiv.\TES. Dewyant, Michael Dilworth, Samuel Eastwood, George W. Eastwood, Abram Harker, Henry Ryder, Alanson K. Spring, Rudolphus L. COMPANY B. Darwent, James E., 2d Lieut. COMPANY C. Leeman, James IL, Capt. Holt, Charles E., Corp. Woods, Jerome O., Corp. PRIVATES. Beckwith, Edwin Bohn, Christopher Button, Albert Coiles, Aaron A. Dilley, Archibald Greer, Robert J. Griswold, Wesley \V. Harper, Elisha K. King, Cyrus Markham, Orlando Markham, Ozro Morrison, Adelbert Randall, John Reed, Albert D. Reed, Joseph Rodig, Herman Rudd, John Stannard, John Stible, Charles A. Strawn, William B. Strong, Horace Turner, John B. Whelpley, George Wilcox, Travilla A. Wilson, Frank COMPANY D. Kneal, William H., ist Lieut. Grant, Alanson A., Serg. Booth, Henry C, Corp. Judd, Anson A., Corp. PRIVATES. Allen, Joel Bell, Joseph S. Black, Benjamin H. Caldwell, David Clark, Thomas S. Dalton, Patrick Grim, James Hickok, James S. Joyce, Daniel B. Keyear, Jacob > v^^*^*-^*^ 1*^^' «)■ ■d .c ■^i^v-avi*-'-^ *">^.f<9:': ^ fy >»j *^^**^?^ * * "*.S? ^ c 3i € ROLL OF HONOR. 757 Meacham, Reuben Morrell, Henry W. O'Connor, John Olcott, Charles B. OrrindorfF, Hezekiah Orrindorff, Perry W. Palmer, David Parker, Wellington Quinn, William Sprague, Calvin Sprague, Warren L. Thomas, Jefferson Thomas, Roswell G. Thomas, William H. H. Trimm, M. D. Viers, Edwin Viers, James E. Viers, Nehemiah Winter, Harrison Wyatt, Ezra T. COMPANY h. Heintz, George P., Corp. PRIVATES. Chase, Leroy Folk, James France, Daniel Hantz, William Mahoney, Charles Mahoney, Charles A. Maple, Henry T. O'Neil, Stuart Redditt, James Ring, Daniel Santiman, William TTnderwood, Robert COMPANY M. Suplee, Euclid M., Serg. Rricker, David H., Corp. Entriken, Benjamin F., Corp. File, Thomas B., Corp. Flick, Andrew, Corp. Gardner, Charles W., Corp. King, Henry J., Corp. Shopley, Henry J., Corp. PRIVATES. Algier, John A. Anderson, John Burmester, Ernest Campbell. William Carey, Philip Conway, Peter Daniels, Ezra T. Drager, Frederick Eidinise, Adoniga Eidinise, Almoreen Fillorn, F'rancis M. Fillson, John N. Gilson, Robert M. Handell, John J. Hunter, George W. McLean, James Morehead, Nathaniel Morey, Lemon J. Mulvihill, Michael Rabshaw, Gideon Rearding, Arthur Rearding, John Rundell, Harrison Shaw, William S. Smith, William F. Stewart, Edward Stine, Elmer Stine, William Stover, John A. Thomas, John Van Fossen, Robert D. Whittaker, John B. »,«• 4?,"^ -E} 7> It S" I i •I If t ft *; ^' ft, o « S^9 ROLL OF HONOR. Se^'enth. Ca\-alry. IMinor. George G., Lieut. CoL Eiglatti Ctix'3.1rv. COIMPAXY F. PRIVATE. Wheeler. William F. Xei:itlT^ Ccx">v'alr\'. FIELD AND STAFF. Sanderson, Thomas W., Col. Hayes, Edward M., Maj. Thayer, Lyman C, Maj. Hall. William G.. Asst. Sur. Frizzell, Henr\-, O. M. Brainard, Lewis H., O. M. Serg COMPANY E. PRnWTE. Euhrau, Louis COMPANY F. Morgan, James S., ist Lieut. PRIVATE. Haller, John COMPANY G. ^IcGaughy, Edwin,* Capt. PRIVATES. Anderson, William B. Anlicker, John Butler, George Freely, Peter Runnels, Luther Ryan, Malachi Rvan, Patrick COMPANY n. Northrop, T. G., 2d Lieut. COMPANY I. Thomas, William J., 2d Lieut. Beck, Julius, ist Serg. Campbell, James, Serg. Harrington, J. C, Serg. Biggs, Lester M., Corp. McGill, Frederick, Corp. PRIVATES. Alley, Frederick Benson, William Brown, Benjamin F. Camp, Charles A. Daul, Peter Eagleson, John Ferrell, T. H. Hendershott, S. II. Hibler, Jacob Horton, Emerson C. Huber, John Jago, Alfred Koehler, Henry Lamme, Theodore Le^^"is, Charles Lovett, Aaron C. McConaghy, Hugh McConner, Terry Mullen, John Seymour, John Shaffer, Samuel Stauble, Jacob Thomas, Jefferson Tillotson, W. W. Turner, Caleb Wells, Albert it *J^23^^ ?^*^*.^^^i?^5^^^^^.^^^^i^^5 ^^'VC-l*-" *>^x.<.-«> *:?> ■!«}> ^'1 ^ * tt\9 « « /i^ ft<4 'ft K ft/' * ^^ Green, Simon P\ ■^lA Nelson, Thomas »j5 ROLL OF HONOR. COMPANY K. Saellzer, Charles, ist Lieut. PRIVATES. COMPANY L. Campbell, Edwin B., Capt. COMPANY M. PRIVATE. jj ^ Evatt, Evelyn J. 'i^welfth Cavalry. FIELD AND STAFF. Herrick, John F., Lieut. Col. Clifford, Edward, Serg. Maj. Hall, II. H., Q. M. vSerg. COMPANY A. PRIVATES. Antelope, Nicholas Gotts, Henry ^ ^ Hussey, James •^ ^ Hutchinson, William W. Xi '^ McDonald, Donald W. »'« COMPANY 15. .fc, Phelps, John A., Q. M. Serg. §5 Foutts, Robert B., Corp. ^* PRIVATES. ^ l> _: V Burns, Tohn jj*9 Hinshellwood, George C. Hinshellwood, George F. Middleton, George \V. 759 l^ *,« *^ ^? COMPANY D. .{J Pond, William I., Q. :M. Serg. .« Hall, Daniel M., Serg. *'* Heffron, William, Corp. ^ Gotts, Fred, Bugler. "^ ' PRIVATES. Bostwick, Frank L. Dagnen, John Griggs, Benjamin A. Hall, Charles M. Long, William ^9 ^ «T«^ft., ^ _ w^^'T «L ftft^^ ^'A ROLL Lepper, John, Serg. Lepper, William, Serg. Palmer, Myron T., Serg. PRIVATES. Addis, Edward S. Annis, Samuel Bartlett, George D. Bartlett, Marcus B. Beck, Conrad Bester, Nelson H. Bester, William H. Bordermau, Andrew H. Bullard, L. D. Burroughs, Levi S. Callender, William Cocker, John Cruise, Henry Dodd, Thomas Dusett, Edward Eckerman, Louis H. Fitzpatrick, Edward Fletcher, William Gibbie, Willson Gilbraith, J. S. Greenwood, Thomas Grieble, Henrj' Grooms, Thomas Hadden, Samuel Handy, William Hartzell, Henry Hoadley, Edward Hultz, Henry Jones, Lyman Jones, W. A. Kelber, Gustave Kirby, John Leach, Frank Lux, John Marshall, Mile '^imt^ HONOR. McCelvey, John Monahan, Cornelius Morfet, Byron Newton, J. R. Obey, David Obey, George W. Phiffier,John Phalos, Theobold Rich, Anson Short, Edward Stroup, James Vick, Holland D. Willson, William Yocum, Henry COMPANY E. PRIVATES. Bishop, Philip Dille, Thomas C. Geil, Peter Hanson, Joseph Leonard, Wells Marshall, James Merkle, Frederick Merkle, Louis Miller, Robert J. Speck, Louis Wheeler, Julius M. COMPANY L. Mulcahy, Michael, Serg. PRIVATES. Blush, Edward Eckerman, Henry L. Hall, John Hickey, Edward Higgins, James Howell, Charles Mack, Thomas \4 '9" 1. m i "ti 762 1^ rfeifer, John Pierce, F. H. Reader, Charles E. Sherman, Horatio Stevenson, William UT OF CorXTY AT TlTiircl >ve\\- Vorl^. Foiarth. Xe COMPANY K. COMPANY H Knauff, A. L , Capt. 9- »:« "^ > Comrades O ».* ft* ^'* »:« ROLL OF HONOR. Sturgess, John C. Trosser, Daniel Witler, A. B. Wood, Charles W 5\X' PRIVATE. Brahler, Jacob Fifthi Xe\x- Vorl<. COMPANY D. PRIVATE. Schoenhut, Henry J. Si* «r■ ^ ^ ti ROLL OF HONOR. 765 Nickerson, V. D., Paymaster's Clerk. O'Brien, Jeremiah, Coalheaver. O'Connor, Joseph, Cooper. Page, James G., Seaman. Pahner, E. B., Sur. Steward. Parker, Peter, Seaman. Paul, Archy, Seaman. Pease, Calvin, Seaman. Plaisted, C. M., Seaman. Pletscher, Adolph, Seaman. Pollock, Samuel J., Clerk. Powers, Morris, Landsman. Proudfoot, William, Seaman. Quaj'le, Thomas E., Act. Master's Mate. Quiglej', Thomas, Seaman. Reckford, Erastus, Seaman. Ring, William P., Seaman. Riordon, Jeremiah, Seaman. Robinson, C. F., Seaman. Rozell, Samuel, Seaman. Ryan, Michael S., Cook. Ryan, Philip, Fireman. Schrier, A. J., Seaman. Schuetzler, John M., Landsman. Shaffer, Charles N., Seaman. Sheridan, Matthew, Painter. Shipman, Edward, Seaman. Sidney, Morris, Seaman. Sleevens, Charles, Seaman. Smith, John, Able Seaman. Smith, John, Seaman. "^ ^ h ^ it "^ * -5^."« Mr I* Smith, Joseph, Seaman. Smith, William, Seaman. Smithcr, John, Seaman. Sumner, Charles.Gunner's INIate. Talcott, W. H., Seaman. Tiglie, James, Seaman. Tovat, Charles, Steward. Tunner, John, Seaman. Twitchell, Lorenzo W., Lands- man. Udall, Larkin L., Seaman. Uhl, Louis, Seaman. Vance,John Thomas, Landsm'n. Vandevelde, James F., F'ireman. ol^ Vanorsdall, Gilbert, Landsman. Walsh, P. H., Seaman. Walton, Thomas I., Seaman. Wanser, John A., Seaman. Warren, James H., Seaman. Watson, George, Seaman. Webb, Edwin, Seaman. Wells, James, Seaman. West, Thomas, Ensign. Wheeler, Harrison, Seaman. White, C, Cook. White, Lewis, Seaman. Willett, James William, Seaman. Williams, Charles, Seaman. Williams, Robert, Seaman. Wilson, Walter, Seaman. Wood, W. F., Seaman. Woodard, Benjamin, Seaman. Younker, A. P., Seaman. 'I i'^ J* :4- '^^^'^i ^)«^-''^ ^y^Sf .■iy ^ ik ^&ft ^ ^ -a «» * * '^ ■tt^^^n^if -ir t^ j^ > »» »Js$y^. « * •^^='V*-tt*' «»:> "A tr t ty K^ * -to J5> ft ^ If northi-:r.\ oiiic) womkn\s aid socie'iv. % ^''*' WOMKX'S AllJ vSoCIKTV AND SANITAkV COMMISSION'. 4, A President, ♦ Miss Mary Clark Brayton. '.^ Treasurer, *.'« Miss Ellen F. Terry. J,^ Assistant, r ir Miss Sara Mahan. ^ 'a Committees, ^ Mesdanies ^jj, S. Belden, IjA George A. Benedict, »j* Thomas Bolton, ^'t*' Bolivar Butts, ^* J.H.Chase, j'^ .5 D. Chittenden, William Collins, p John Coon, _rj John Crowell, jy^v Charles M. Giddings, J^9 Hiram Griswold, Albert M. Harman, li. Harrington, Charles Hickox, D. Howe, h. M. Hubby, Hiram Iddings, Joseph Lyman, Emma L. Miller, William Mittleberger, Henry Newberry, Joseph Perkins, J. M. Richards, J. H. Sargent, Philo Scovill, W. E. Standart, C. A. Terry, Peter Thatcher, J. H. Wade, S. W. Williamson, M. C. Younglove, Miss Mary Shelley, Miss Carrie P. Younglove. Assistants, Mesdames H. G. Abbey, L. Alcott, James Barnett, Bereslin, William Bingham, William J. Boardnian, ^ ft * « «, ^ ^ * tr i» ♦4 » a 4 w?t ♦'4 "">., ^1* 0*^ i^^ 758 C. 1). Brayton, Thotuas Buruham, W. B. Castle, Randall Crawford, S. \V. Critteiideu, George B. Ely, A. Foote, A. Fuller, E. F. Gaylord, S. O. Griswold, Dr. Hopkins, H. B. Hurlbut, G. A. Hyde, Dr. Isom, T. jVI. Kelley, Knowlton, R. Lauderdale, C. W. Lcpper, H. II. Little, Dr. Merrilt, George Jlygatt, Stanley Noble, R. F. Paine, F. \V. Parsons, R. P. Rauney, William Rattle, J. O. Seymour, O. B. Skinner, S. A. Smith, W. T. Smith, Southworth, J. T. Stephens, John INI. Sterling, Dr. Thayer, Edwin Thayer, Clark Warren, ROLL OK HONOR. Charles Wheeler, George Whitelaw, George Willey, R; C. Yates, Miss Annie Baldwin, INIiss Annette Baruett, Miss Bredy, Miss Belle Carter, Misses Kellogg, Miss Lily Walton, Miss Clara Woolson. Document Assistants, IMiss Nettie Brayton, Miss Annie Carter, Mrs. William Cushing, Miss Georgia Gordon, Miss Carrie Grant, Miss Helen Lester, Miss Nellie Russell. Sanitary Fair Chairmen, Mesdames T. N. Bond, George W. Brainard, Fayette Brown, A. G. Cohvell, Dr. E. Sterling. Secretaries, Mesdames William lulwards, A. W. Fairbanks, Joseph Hayward, A. B. Stone, Miss Laura W. Sterling. Matron, Mrs. Abigail H. Burrows. 4 ^ ffi ti ^