I 570 85 W4 P5 922 opy 1 WEST VIRGINIA Revised List of Deceased Soldiers, World War JANUARY 1, 1922 WEST VIRGINIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE CHARLESTON WEST VIRGINIA Revised List of Deceased Soldiers, World War JANUARY I. 1922 WEST VIRGINIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE CHARLESTON 1«» LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RECEIVED JUL 121922 DOCUMENTS ^.V.3IQN Revised List of Deceased Soldiers of West Virginia Taken from the Records as Furnished by the War Department to the Adjutant General of West Virginia January 1, 1922. While this list is almost complete theie will be a few corrections. Advice has been received from the War Department that in some cases, owing to the present inaccessibility of the records, no record cards for deceased soldiers have been prepared, and in some cases the complete record is not given. It is believed, however, that preparation of records for all such cases will be completed within a short time. indicates about the date of death. ABBREVIATIONS Advance Guard Adv Gd Aero Construction Company Aer Co (Cons) Aero Squadron (construction) Aer Sq (Cons) Aero Squadron (repair) Aer Sq (Rep) Aero Squadron (supply) Aer Sq (Sup) Air Service AS Air Service, Aircraft Production ASP Air Seivice, Mechanics Regiment AS Mech Regt Air Service, Military Aeronautics ASA Ambulance Company Amb Co Ambulance Section Amb Sec Ambulance Service Park Amb Serv Pk American Expeditionary Forces AEF American National Red Cross ARC American Red Cross Convalescent Home ARC Conv Home American Red Cross Hospital .ARC Hosp Ammunition Am Ammunition Supply Company Am Sup Co Ammunition Train Am Tn Army Air Service AAS Army Artillery AA Army Corps Army Corps Army Headquarters AHQ Army Nurse Corps ANC Army Regulations AR Army Service Corps ASC Army Tank Headquarters A Tank Hq Army Transport Service ATS Artillery Arty Bakery Company Bkry Co Balloon Company Bin Co Balloon Group Bin Gp Balloon Wing Bin Wg Base Hospital Base Hosp Base Veterinary Hospital Base Vet Hosp Battalion Bn Battalion Engineers Service Bn Engrs (Serv) Battery Btry Brigade Brig Bugler Bglr Camp Hospital Camp Hosp Captain Capt Cavalry Cav Central Department C Dept Central Officers' Training School COTS Chaplain Chap Chief Mechanic Ch Mec Coast Artillery CA Coast. Artillery Corps CAC Colonel Col Color Sergeant Col Sgt Company Co Confinement Confm Construction Company Cons Co Convalescent Camp Conv Camp Convalescent Depot Conv Dep Cook Ck Soldiers of the World War Corporal Corp Corps Air Service Corps AS Corps Artillery Park Corps Artv Pk Corps Mobile Veterinary Hospital Corps Mob Vet Hosp Corps of Engineers CE Dental Corps DC Dental Reserve Corps DRC Department Dept Department Hospital '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .Dept Hosp Depot Battalion Dep Bn Depot Quartermaster. DQM Detached Officers List DOL Detached Service £)§ Detachment. .Det District Dist Division Div Division Air Service Div AS Division Headquarters '.'.'.'.'. DHQ Eastern Department e Dept Embarkation Service ' Emb Serv Engineer .!.".!!!!!!!!! Engr Engineer Train Engr Tn Engineers En«rs Enlisted Man EM Enlisted Reserve Corps ERC Evacuation Ambulance Company Evac Amb Co Evacuation Hospital Evac Hosp Field Artillery EA Field Artillery Reserve Corps FARC Field Hospital F Hosp Field Remount Squadron F Rem Sq Field Signal Battalion F Sig Bn Fort Ft General ; C en General Court Martial GCM General Repair Shop .'..'.'.'.'.'.' .Gen Rep Sh Guard Gd Guard Company Gd Co Headquarters Company. Hq Co Headquarters Troop Hq Tr Heavy Artillery j-r v a Heavy Artillery Mobile Repair Shop '.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. '. '. [ .Hv A Mob Rep Sh Heavy Field Artillery Hv FA Heavy Tank Battalion .'.'.'.'.'.*.'.'.'.' .Hv Tank Bn Horse Artillery HA Horseshoer lj s Hospital Train '.'.'.'.'.'.'.".".".".'.'.'.'.'.'. .Hosp Tn Infantry j n f Infantry Brigade '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .Inf Brig Infantry Division I n f j)rv Infantry Replacement Inf Repl Infantry Reserve Corps " m \ \[ i n f rc Machine Gun Battalion MG Bn Machine Gun Battalion Motorized . MG Bn Mtz Machine Gun Company ' , ' . j^q Co Revised List of Deceased Machine Gun Squadron MG Sq Machine Gun Troop MG Tr Major Maj Mechanic Mec Medical Department MD Medical Depot Med Dep Medical Reserve Corps MRC Military Aviator Mil Av Military Police MP Military Aviator Mil Av Military Police MP Military Police Corps MPC Mobile Hospital Mob Hosp Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop Mob Ord Rep Sh Mobile Veterinary Hospital Mob Vet Hosp Motor Supply Train M Sup Tn Motor Transport Company MT Co Motor Transport Corps MTC Motor Transport Corps Park MTC Pk Motor Truck Company M Trk Co Musician Mus National Guard NG Observation Group Obsn Gp Observation Squadron Obsn Sq Ordnance Department Ord Dept Ordnance Depot Ord Dep Ordnance Reserve Corps Ord RC Ordnance Sergeant Ord Sgt Park Pk Pioneer Regiment, Infantry Pion Inf Platoon Plat Ponton Pon Private Pvt Provost Marshal General PMG Quartermaster QM Quartermaster Corps QMC Quartermaster Reserve Corps QMRC Quartermaster Sergeant QM Sgt Radio Section Rad Sec Railway Ordnance Repair Shop Ry Ord Rep Sh Recruit Ret Regiment Regt Regimental Regtl Regular Armv RA Remount Depot Rmt Dep Remount Service Rmt Serv Replacement & Salvage Company Repl & Salv Co Reserve Officers' Training Corps ROTC Sanitary Corps Sn C Sanitary Squad Sn Sqd Sanitary Train Sn Tn Section Sec Sector Seer Sergeant Sgt Sergeant Major Sgt Maj Service Battalion Serv Bn Service Battalion Reserve Serv Bn Res Soldiers of the World War Service Company Serv Co Service of Supply SOS Service Park Unit Serv Pk Unit Signal Corps Sig C Signal Corps Depot Sig C Dep Signal Corps Reserve Corps Sig RC Small Arms Ammunition SA Am Soldier Sol Squad Sqd Squadron Sq Station Sta Stevedore Rat talion Stev Rn Stevedore Company Stev Co Students Army Training Camp SATC Supply Company Sup Co Supply Depot Sup Dep Supply Sergeant Sup Sgt Supply Train Sup Tn Supply Troop Sup Tr Surgeon's Certificate of Disability . SCD School Sch Tank Rattalion Tank Rn Tank Rrigade Tank Rrig Tank Company Tank Co Tank Corps Tank C Telegraph Rattalion Tel Rn Train Tn Train Headquarters & Military Police Tn Hq & MP Training Center Tng Cen Transportation T Transportation Company T Co Transportation Corps TC Trench Mortar Rattalion TM Rn Trench Mortar Rattery , TM Rtrv Troop Tr United States Army USA United States Marine Corps USMC Veterinarian Vet Veterinary Corps VC Veterinary Hospital Vet Hosp Veterinary Reserve Corps VRC Veterinary Service Vet Serv Wagon Company Wag Co Wagoner Wag War Department WD Water Tank Train W Tank Tn Revised List of Dfxeased KILLED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Able, Jacob H Adams, Alvey H Adams, Thomas G Adams, Wayne C Adkins, Elisha G Adkius, Harry Adkins, Robert G Agnew, Albert Akers, Kelly Alderton, Marion L Alderman, Dell . Alesci, Joe Alexander, Ralph L Alexander, Oscar G Alkire, Malford E Allen, Nathen G Altice, Ed Amodia, Mike Anderson, Lane S Argiroplos, James J Armstrong, Clyde L Anderson, John L Arthur, Osie E Ash Benjamin H Ayere, Charles L Baker, Garrett Bailev, Denver Brainbridge, William L. . Baldwin, Raymond Baldyski, Roman Ball, Willard Ball, John H Balser. Thomas M Barovic, Peter Bartram, Clawerence. . . Bartlett, Frank B Bassett, William H Becket, Raymond R. . . Bennett, Thomas Blankenship, Benjamin F Blake, William T Blankenship, Charlie P. . Blackwcll, Raymond ... Boggs, Edward L Bond, Charles F Bowman, Edward F Bowman, Dewey Bowe, Harvey Boyce, Joseph W Boydoh, Buie W Boyer, Francis Brady, Arthur D., Bragg, Joshua P Brannon, Doy L Brawley, John M Britton, Samuel W Brisendine, Ottie D Brissey, William Brown, Clay R Brown, Andy S Brown, Lloyd E Brown, Solomon H Bullion, Howard C Bumgarner, Basil Burke, Abie L Burroughs, Roy E Calhoon, Jesse B Calvert, George G Carpenter, Loyd W Carson, Tom Carter, Morgan L Carter, Aaron Carter, Marean S Cartright, Charles E Pvt ... Pvt... Pvt... Corp. . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt... Pvt ... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... 1st Lt. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp. . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt .. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt . . Pvt... Sgt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. 2nd Lt Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt. . Pvt... Pvt... Sgt . . . Pvt. . Pvt... Pvt... Corp. . Pvt. . Pvt... Corp. . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt... Oct. 5-18. . . . Oct. 25-18... Sept. 29-18 . . Oct. 7-18.... Nov. 10-18.. Oct. 15-18. . . Nov. 10-18. . July 20-1 8... Julv 15-18 ... Aug. 10-18. Men. 26-18.. Oct. 12-18... July 24-18... Oct. 14-18... Sept. 30-18.. Oct. 5-18.... Nov. 1-18... Oct. 4-18. .. Sept. 27-18. Aug. 15-18.. Oct. 4-18.... Oct. 23-18.. Oct. 9-18... Oct. 10-18.. July 25-18... Oct, 26-18... Nov. 10-18.. Mav 28-18.. July 24-18... July 17-18... July 29-18. . . Sept. 29-18.. Nov. 5-18. .. Nov. 4-18. .. Aug. 7-18.. Oct. 12-18. . Nov. 1-18... July 18-18... Oct. 10-18... July 17-18. . . Oct. 21-18. . Oct. 16-18 .. June 13-18.. Oct. 21-18.. Nov. 10-18. Julv 22-1 8... July 18-18... July 22-18. . . July 21-18 ... July 15-18... Oct. 29-18.. Oct. 20-18. . •Oct. 15-18.. Oct. 14-18. Oct. 4-18. . Julv 19-18.. Oct. 6-18... Sept. 12-18.. Oct. 16-18 .. Nov. 10-18. Oct. 13-18... Nov. 8-18... Oct. 6-18. . . Oct. 10-18. . . Oct. 13-18... Oct. 8-18. . . . Oct. 2-18.. . •Sept. 30-18 Oct. 11-18... Oct. 9-18. . . . July 23-18... Nov. 2-18 .. . Sept. 26-18. Oct. 14-18.. Statesbury Sisters ville Martinsburg. . . . Miletus Hamlin Fort Gay Sias Huntington Northfork Great Cacapon . . Whitesville Pax Moundsville. . . . Moatsville Diana Marshes Devilsfork Reynoldsville. . . Charleston Kevser Belleville Jacksonburg Montgomery. .. . Morgansville . . . Tanner Rawl Charleston Longacre Oakmont Weirton Chauncev Gallipolis Ferry. Ripley McMechen Logan Buckhannon. . . . Rilev Salt Rock Watson Thornwood Renwood Jenkinsjones Bluefield Glace Merimac Wheeling Welch Dry Branch Keyser Monongah Wheeling French Creek . . . Brooks Auburn Charleston Saxon Hunt Berea Curtin . Birch River Fairmont Orlando Webster Springs Elizabeth Montana Mines. Clarksburg Parkersburg Moundsville Holly Grove Gilmer Station . . Moundsville Newhall Milton Mannington Co F 18 Inf Co A 7 MG Bn Co L 320 Inf Co A 110 Inf Co I 147 Inf Co D 165 Inf Co M 131 Inf Co A 28 Inf Co B 7 Inf Co C 305 F Sig Bn Co C 26 Inf Co K 317 Inf Co I 4 Inf Co G 60 Inf Co A 39 Inf Co F 18 Inf BtrvC315F A Co C 59 Inf Co. F 1C6 Inf. Co F 317 Inf Co B 125 Inf Co F 102 Inf Co F 131 Inf Co D 119 Inf Co L 109 Inf Cc G 60 Inf CoB 11 Inf Co L 28 Inf Co D 7 Inf Co I 26 Inf Co H 4 Inf Co A 119 Inf Co. G 61 Inf. Co Clll Inf Co E 47 L-if Co F 114 Reg Coll2FSigBn Co H 28 Inf Co L 320 Inf Co. L 4 Inf. Co A 7 MG Bn Col 118 Inf Co L 9 Inf Hq Co 102 Inf Co 1 6 Inf MG Co 28 Inf CoD 162 Inf CoB 16 Inf Hq Co 26 Inf Co G 7 Inf Hq Co 316 Inf BtrvF313FA Co D 7 Inf Co C 6 Inf CoB 317 Inf Co H 28 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co A 9 Inf CoD 11 Tnf Co F 6 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co Fill Inf Co D 131 Inf Co M 128 Inf Btry B 314 F A Co A 4 Inf Co H 314 Inf CoM 119 Inf CoD 16 Inf Co B 102 Inf Co M 319 Inf Co F 146 Inf Co D 61 Inf Soldiers of the World War KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Carr, Benjamin H . . . . Carvelle, Tony Carver, James R Cassady, Glen C CattelJ, Ezra B Channel, Owen C Chapman, Clifton Christian, Mack Clayton, Harry Clay, Floyd W Clegg, Virgil A Cochran, David J Coe. Earl Coen, Homer Coffee, Robert L Cole, Emmett Colfatto, Fillippo Collins, Jesse L Conaway, Nason F Conley, John T Conner, Thomas M . . . Cook, James D Cook, Newton Cooper, Harrv E Craig, AdraT Creasy. Everett Crookshanks, Okley P. Crum, Jesse Culhertson, Frank . . Curfman, William E . . Curia, Tony Outright, Amon Damron, William H. . Daniels, Hoddie W. . . Dapruzzo, Gerardo . . Davidovitch, Andrew. Davis, Harold Davis, Omer Davis, Philip Davis, Roy Davis, Warner Davis, William J Davis, Carl B Davis, Kenna Davis, Walter Datzko, Mike Dean, Emery Delaney, Forest L . . . , Deem, Fred H Dial, Walter V Dickson, Noah A Djllion, Harry L Dishong, James R . . . . Dixon, Arthur G Dobias, John Dobyns, Opie Donoghue, Francis. . . Dorsey, James W., Jr . Dorris, Vincent Douglas, Otis Dreibelbis, Harry 0. . . Dupuy, Paul B Dummit, Mike Dye. Curtis A Earnest, John Edman, Bernie Edwards, Seth W Effingham, Andrew E. Elder, William W Eldex, Pete Elliott, George W Elliott, Pear] Evans, Ance Rank Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Sgt.. Pvt.. Sgt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt... Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt... Pvt. . . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt.. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt.. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt ... Capt. . . Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt.... Sgt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Corp . . . 2ndLt Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt. . . . Corp.. . Corp. .. Corp . . Pvt... Pvt. . . . Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Date Killed Sept. 25-18. Nov. 7-1 S . . July 15-18.. Oct. 17-18 . Aug. 7-18. . July 18-18.. Oct. 10-18.. Nov. 9-18.. July 15-18.. July 20-18.. Oct. 9-18... Sept. 26-18 . Julv 15-18.. Oct. 20-18.. Nov. 10-18. Oct. 4-18... Julv 15-38 . Aug. 27-18. Oct. 1-18. . Oct. 9-18. . . Oct. 14-18.. Oct. 12-18.. Oct. 9-18. . Oct. 1-18... Oct. 5-18... Oct. 16-18.. Oct. 16-18.. Oct. 19-18. . Nov. 1-18.. Oct. 20-18.. Oct. 1-18... Oct. 5-18 .. Nov. 4-18 . . July 19-18.. Oct. 11-18.. Oct. 4-18... Julv 18-18 . Sept. 29-18. Sept. 29-18. Sept. 15-18. Nov. 8-18.. Oct. 9-18... Julv 19-18 . Oct. 12-18.. July 15-18.. Oct, 14-18.. Mav 28-18. Aug. 9-18... July 20-18 . Oct. 4-18... Nov. G-18.. Oct. 6-18... June 6-18. . . Oct. 26-18 . Oct. 9-18... Oct. 9-18. . Aug. 10-18. Oct. 26-18.. Oct, 8-18 Nov. 2-18 . . Oct. 2-18 Oct. 7-18. . . . Mav 27-18. Oct. 6-18. . . Oct. 31-18... Aug. 5-18 . ... Oct. 25-18.. July 19-18.. Oct. 19-18.. Nov. 7-18. .. Oct. 15-18. . Oct. 4-18... Oct. 14-18.. Residence Tague Mt. Clare.. Edmond. . . Stone Coal . Follansbee. Newburg. . , Pliny War Burnsville . Login Slate Lizemore. . , Shirley Mudfork . . . Kester Berwind Maitland.. . Tunnelton . Harris ville. Dutch Fairmont . . Ball Knob.. Monaville. . Grafton Buffalo Beaver Cornstalk . Chattaroy . . Wheeling. . . Kyger Holden Czar Dunlow Elkins Fairmont Filbert Fairmont Smithton Iris lavalette Slate Sanoma Petersburg Mt. Tell South Charleston. Glendale Fort Gay. , Moundsville Parkersburg Huntington Thurmond Decota Elk Garden... . Independence. . . Benwood Beckley Fskdale Wheeling Wheeling Minnora Charleston Curtin Wheeling Huntington Wheeling . . Big Springs. Durbin Huntington. Farmington. Williamson. Indore Huntington Burch Organization Co A 60 Inf Co B 16 Inf Co E 7 Inf Co C 115 Inf Co B 4 Fngrs Co E 58 Inf Co A 119 Inf Co F 355 Inf Co D 21 Fngrs Co G 18 Inf Co I 28 Inf Co A 319 Inf Co C 8 MG Bn Co B 8 MG Bn Co M 158 Inf Co B 318 Inf Co. B 7 Inf. CoH 11? I n f CoB 119 Inf Co F 126 Inf Co E 59 Inf Co K 317 Inf MG Co 16 Inf Co M 316 Inf Co C 318 Inf Co A 168 Inf MG Co 30C Tnf Co B 6 Fng-s Co E 319 Inf Co G 30 Inf CoM 112 Inf Co E 128 Inf Co E 6 Tnf Sn. Det. :-8Inf. Co L 320 Inf Co A 18 Inf Co I 18 Inf Co C 119 Inf CoC 119 Inf Co. L If 8 Jnf. Co M 128 Inf Co F 126 Tnf Co G 23 Inf Hci Co 4 Inf Co A 7 Inf Co E 60 Inf Co M 28 T n f Btry B 147 F A Co H 28 Inf Co. B Tnd MG Bn CoK 11 Inf Co B 4 MG Bn CoH 16 Inf Co K 61 Inf Co B 3 MG Bn Co K 38 Inf Co G 47 Inf Co B 104 F Sig Bn Co L 30 Inf Co L 145 Inf M D7FA Hq Co 158 Tnf Co E 28 Inf CoB 313 MGBn MG Co 148 Inf Co D 39 Inf Co L 4 Inf Co G 23 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co I 28 Inf Co K 128 Inf Co M 23 Inf Co F 6 Inf 10 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Evans. Clarence E. Evans, James Exline, Oscar Farnsworth, George W. Ferguson, Leroy Fields, James Fisher, Milford Fisher, Earl Fitzgerald, James R. . . . Forninash, Albert C Fox, Albert Francis, Oliver Franz, William C Freese, Chester H Froehlich, Harry Fry, James W Fugett, Harrison L Galiano, Antonio Garner, Herbert F Garner, YVilford L Garrison, Porter Gilkeson. Robert W. . . Gibson, Olin E Gillisnis William H Gillispie, Lewis Glover, Clifford C Graham, William S Graham, John Gray, John W Gregory, Clarence W. . . Green. Luther H Greer. Robert E Griffith, George D Grim, Jesse P Grishaber, Joe J Grove, Clarence C Gunter, Richard B Gunther, Edward Hall, Charles A Hall, Harold L Halterman, Leslie W. . . Hamilton, Victor Ham way, Sam Hamm, Scott Hamric, Arch Hamrick, Gale Handley, Clvde C Hannah, Willie H Harrison, Edmund C. . Harrison, Nathaniel G Hart, Quantrell C Hartley, Walter R.... Hatfield, Cush Haught, James A Hawkins, Carley R Hawkins, Marvin Hensley, David Herndon, Robert M. . . Hess, Felix Hickman, Floyd A Highley, Peter W Higginbotham, Allen. . Hill, Harry E Hildreth, Dewey S. . . . Hiser, London F Hitchcock, James W. . Hoce, Joseph W Holstin, Erven R Holcomb, Fred G Holley, Chester A Honaker, James W Hopkins, Arden Horn, William L Pvt. I'vt . I'vt Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt ... Pvt.... Corp. . . Sgt.... 2nd Lt Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... 2nd Lt. Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt.... Corp . . . Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt. . . . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt... Sgt . . . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt... Pvt... PH. . . Pvt... Pvt.., Pvt... Sgt... Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Oct. 17-18... Oct. 14-18. . Nov. 7-18... Oct. 20-18... Oct. 6-18. . . . July 20-1 8... July 19-18 ... Nov. 8-18... Aug. 1-18... Oct. 9-18.... Oct. 15-18.. July 15-18... Julv 31-18 .. Nov. 5-18... Nov. 11-18 Oct. 1-18 ... Oct. 16-18... Oct, 15-18. . . Oct, 26-18... Nov. 4-18. . Nov. 10-18. Oct. 2-18 . ... Sept. 29-18.. Oct. 15-18. . Oct. 10-18. . . Julv 26-18. . . Oct. 8-18... Julv 29-18 ... Nov. 2-18 . . Julv 19-18.. Nov. 4-18.. Sept. 30-18. Oct. 4-18 . ... Sept. 29-18 . Oct. 4-18. . . , Oct. 9-18 ... Nov. 5-18.. Oct. 9-18 . Oct. 20-18 ... Sept. 30-18. *Nov. 6-18. Julv 22-18.. Julv 20-18.. Nov. 1-18 . . Oct. 6-18 . Nov. 1-18. Oct. 10-18. . Oct. 9-18... Nov. 1-18.. Oct. 8-18 .. Julv 19-18.. Oct. 1-18 . Julv 15-18.. Oct. 9-18 .. Nov. 11-18. Aug. 1-18... Oct. 5-18... July 27-18.. Oct. 21-18.. Nov. 2-18.. Oct. 30-18. . Oct. 5-18... June 9-18... Oct. 4-18... July 24-18.. Oct. 13-18.. June 21-18. July 18-18.. July 28-18.. Oct. 14-18.. Sept. 26-18 . Nov. 8-18 . . Oct. 18-18.. Rio Benwood Strange Creek. Parkersburg. Huntington. . Kermit Charleston . . . Parkersburg . Elm Grove . . Boblin Elm Grove . . Mounds ville. Wheeling Wheeling. . . Charleston. .. Mary town. . . Kayford McComas Clarksburg New Martinsville. Auburn Romney Henderson Mammoth Fraziers Bottom. . Keenan Charles Town Welch... Moundsville Blain Sutton Killarney Clarksburg Cameron Charleston Harpers Ferry Eccles Logan Weston Buffalo Freemansburg. . rantsville Wheeling Fort Gay Braxton Adamston Culloden Powellton Charleston. ... Poca Dundon Loudenville Horeepen Bristol Mannington . . , Davev Hearts Creek . . Coal Fork Bluomington. . Middlebournc. Calcutta Track Fork... Young Sardis Clifftop Wheeling Parkersburg. . Brownland Osborne Mills. Guyandotte. . . Finlow Given Green Spring. . Co A 165 Inf Co E 60 Inf Co K 128 Inf Co K 4 Inf Co K 128 Inf Co C 28 Inf Co L 20 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co G 317 Inf Co D 320 Inf Co A 165 Inf Co H 30 Inf Co L 126 Inf CoB 11 Inf Co I 321 Inf Co. F 7 Inf Co K 11 Inf Co B 7 Inf Co L 30 Inf Co E 357 Inf Btry D 314 F A Co. C 316 Engrs Co A 119 Inf Co F 131 Inf Co B 131 Inf Co G 7 Inf Co I 39 Inf Co R' 168 Inf Co C 317 Inf Co F 59 Inf Btrv F 313 F A Co E 11? Inf Co I 18 Inf Co CI 16 Inf Hq Co 317 Inf Col 125 Inf Co I 6tn Inf MG Co 16 Inf Co L 125 Inf Co A 59 Inf 11 Inf Co A 83 MG Bn Co H 18 Inf Btry C 315 F A Co F 304 Inf Co L 58 Inf Co C 131 Inf Co B 16 Inf Btrv A 313 F A Hq Co 59 Inf Co C 59 Inf Col 111 Inf Co B 7 Inf Co D 16 Inf Co H 9 Inf Co M 126 Inf Co D 112 Inf Co B 7 Inf MG Co. 4 Inf Co C 317 Inf Co A 11 Inf Co F 318 Inf Co G 7 Inf MG Co 26 Inf Co M 16 Inf Co I 26 Inf Co C 7 Inf Co D 3 MG Bn Co B 166 Inf Co B 7 Inf Co A 319 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co H 125 Inf SOiJHERS OF THE WORLD WAR 11 KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Houek, Dewey C . . Houcbin, Ward W. . Honser, William M. Howard, Raymond. Hudson, Elza 0. . . Huffman, Kenny. . . Huffman, Noab F . Ice, Evert E. Jackson, W T ade H. Jarvis, Albert E . . Jeffries, Addie W . Jenkins, Azell M . Jivinden, Evert E. Jones, Earl Jones, Fred E . . . . Jones, David . . Jones, Hobert G. . Jones. Charley Johnson, Cecil Joy, George M . . . Keffer, Henry D Kelly, Jame? A Kelly, John Kelly, Andrew J Keller, Robert S Keller, Dwight L Keith. Ira D. . Keith, OphieH Keener, John A Kemper, Clark Keneda, Alex Kent, William B Kennedy, Clarence F, Kerns, Done Kerns, Perry Kersey, Charles F Kesser, James C. . . Kiger, EarlW Kines, Bert C King, Jeremiah Kirsch , Louis Kleeh, Charles G Kutchman, William H., Jr. Lambert, Albert K . . . Lambert, William Lawrence, Frederick Lawrence, Lonnie W. Lawson, William Layfield, Harry A. . . Ladger, Joseph Lee, James C Lee, William F Leason, Okey. . . . Lemaster, Homer W Lester, Clyde L Letteri. Carmine Lewis, Allen G Link. Tiney J Lipscomb, Lonzo S. . . Livesay, Earl S Long, Bernard J Loos, Raymond B . . . Losapio, Domenico . . Lowe, Benton M Lowe, Roy Lowers, Ora V Loy, Jacob P Loyd. Edgar H Lynch, George F Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt Pvt Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt... 2nd I.t . Corp.. Pvt... Pvt. . . . Pvt.... Pvt ... Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt ... Pvt ... Corp . . Pvt... Pvt ... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt . . . Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt... Sgt.... Pvt... McCauley, Raymond R . McClain, Burnird C Pvt. .. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt.. . Pvt... Pvt... Corp.. Pvt ... Busier . Pvt . . . Pvt . . . PU ... Corp.. Corp. . . Pvt ... Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt. . . . Pvt. . . . Pvt. . . . Pvt... Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... Corp. . . Pvt. Pvt. Oct. 1.5-18. Oct. 9-18. . Aug. 28-18. June 16-18. Oct. 14-18. Sept. 26-18. Sept. 14-18. Nov. 8-18.. Nov. 1-18.. Oct. 16-18.. Oct. 5-18... Aug. 14-18. Oct. 5-18 .. July 15-18 . Nov. 2-18.. Oct, 6-18 .. Julv 18-18 . Julv 19-18 . Oct. 6-18. .. Oct. 6-18... Oct. 29-18.. Aug. 7-18 .. Oct. 2-18 .. July 17-18. July 21-18 Oct. 14-18.. Oct, 16-18.. Nov. 8-18. . Oct. 16-1S. Nov. 11-18 Oct. 4-18. . . Sept. 16-18. Julv 19-18.. Oct. 9-18... Oct. 9-18 .. July 19-18 . Nov. 10-18. *Oct. 19-18 July 20-18 . Nov. 2-18. . Sept. 5-18 . . Oct. 12-18. . Nov. 9-18.. Julv 28-18 . Nov. 7-18. . Sept, 12-18. Sept. 27-18. Aug. 8-18 .. Sept, 27-18. *Aug. 11-18 Apr. 3-18 ... Oct. 16-18. Oct, 19-18 . Nov. 7-18. . Oct. 4-18 . Julv 20-18 Nov. 1-18. June 21-18 No.-. 10-18. Oct, 10-18.. Julv 22-18 . Sept, 12-18. Oct. 9-18... Nov. 1-18.. Sept. 20-18. Julv 18-18 . July 20-18. . Oct. 5-18 . July 30-18.. Julv 21-18. . July 18-18.. Maben Hosterman Keyser Newell Midway Laneville Falling Rock Bellington Charles Town. Blue Creek . . . Grafton Milton Leon Clarksburg . .. Philippi Philippi Parkersburg. . Huntington. . Charleston Vivian Ernest Piedmont Bradshaw Clarksburg Morgantown Benwood Vaughn Gem Weston Broomfield Uno Pennsboro Clarksburg Sully White Sulphur Springs Charleston Parkersburg Glover Gap Grafton Sincerity Morgantown Wheeling Wheeling Mill Creek. . . . Durbin Union Fairmont Mammoth. . . . Harrisville. . . . Wellsburg Springfield Palestine Oxford Bediiigton. . . . Fort Gay Coalton Gerrardstown. Berwin St. George. . . . Frankfort. . . . Lillybrook. . . . Wheeling Piedmont Pine Grove. . . Slagle Parktrsburg. . Moundsville.. Ronceverte. . . Kingwood Congo Scott.. Co B 165 Inf MG Co 127 Inf Co L 126 Inf Co A 16 Inf Co B 128 Inf Co H 320 Inf Co C 2 Engrs Co B 61 Inf Co C 311 MGBn CoH 11 Inf Co I 317 Inf Co F 317 Inf Co C 318 Inf Co F 7 Inf Co D 358 Inf MG Co 26 Inf Co G 16 Inf Co L 23 Inf Co D 28 Inf Co A 318 Inf Co K 11 Inf Co G 39 Inf Co A 26 Inf Co F 7 Inf Co F 4 Inf Hq Co 7 Inf Co C 168 Inf Co B 61 Inf Co D 11 Inf Co Gil Inf CoC 111 Inf Co F 60 Inf Co I 16 Inf Co A 320 Inf Co E 125 Inf Co H 59 Inf CoK 128 Inf Co L 167 Inf Co C 26 Inf Co C, 145 Inf San Det 307 Inf Btrv E 314 F A Co B 313 Inf CoB 165 Inf Co E 165 Inf Co I. 16 Inf Co Ell Inf Hq Co 39 Inf Co F 47 Inf Co A 12 MGBn Co H 23 Inf Co K 128 Inf Btry D 314 F A Co K 128 Inf Hq Co 317 Inf Co F 18 Inf Hq Co 313 F A Co A 7 Inf Co M 56 Inf Co A 38 Inf Co B 102 Inf CoM 168 Inf Col 110 Inf Co E 145 Inf Co E 319 Inf Co F 26 Inf Co F 26 Inf Co G 28 Inf Co C 60 Inf Btrv D 12 F A Co E 28 Inf 12 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization McCloud, Maryland McCutclieon, Thomas L. McKenny , Fred McMillan, Thomas M. . . McMillian, Lee McMillion, Asa L McMillion, Edgar E McMuilen, Charlie McNeely, John B Maido, Nicola Mainus, Nick Mansfield, John J.... Marco, John Martin, Benjamin. . . Martin, John Martin, Roy B Marks, Clyde Mason, Lummy M. . . Mason, William H. . . Matthew, Andrew L Matheney, Samuel J . Mayle, Lawrence A . . Maynard, Alex Mazzarella, Angelo . Meadows, Cam B . . . . Meador, Bernard Mefford, Oscar E Mercer, Henry G . . . . Merryfield, Mac C. . Metheny, David Midkiff, Oscar Miller, Martin R .... Milam, Homer H. . . Mongold, Elburn W. Moore, Charles W . . . Moore, Elzy V Moore, John F Moore, Wilbur S Moore, Tommy H . . . Moorehead, John Morris, Burley P. . . . Morris, Charlie Morrisey, Jack A . . . . Moss, John Mountain, Albert A. . Moutafes, John K. .. Mulford, Wade E. . . . Mullins, Howard C . Munsey, Wm. F Myers, Howard S. . . . Myers, William Neace, William A. Nelson, Farm .... Neel, William. . . . Neely, Gilbert A.. Neylon, James L. . Nicola, Sainto. . . . Nitz, CarlF Noble, Bruce Mc . Nutter, Lloyd K . O'Brien, William H. O'Brien, Earl C Oliver, John T Owens, Oliver Painter, Sidney M . Parker, Hubert. . . . Parsons, Edgar Parrish, Roy E Payne, Francis W. Peery, Gus Perdue, Jesse Perks, Joseph W.. . Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt Pvt Ch. Mechanic Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Cook Pvt Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt Pvt. Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Mechanic . Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Sgt Pvt Sgt Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Pvt.. 2nd Lt. Pvt.... Corp. . . Pvt.... Sgt.... Corp. . . Pvt.... 2ndLt. 2ndLt. Pvt.... Pvt... Pvt... Oct. 10-18. . Sept. 27-18 . July 25-18 . Sept. 24-18. Oct. 12-18... Nov. 7-18.. Aug. 22-18. July 5-18. . . . Oct. 10-18. Sept. 28-18.. June 16-18. Oct. 29-18... July 15-18... July 15-18. . . Nov. 7-18... Oct. 8-18 ... May 21-18.. Oct. 20-18. . Sept. 29-18.. Oct. 18-18... May 28-18. Sept. 20-18 . , Oct. 9-18 ... Oct. 31-18.. Nov. 6-18.. July 18-18. . Nov. 1-18... Oct. 10-18... Sept. 28-18. Oct. 9-18 . ... Oct. 6-18 ... Oct. 15-18 . July 18-18. . . Oct. 11-18. Oct. 5-18. .. •Nov. 10-18 Nov. 11-18 . Oct. 31-18... Aug. 6-18 Aug. 16-18. Oct. 9-18 ... Oct. 7-18 ... Sept. 27-18.. Sept. 29-18.. July 30-18... Sept. 29-18 . . July 19-18... Oct. 9-18. . July 15-18... Oct. 15-18. . . July 18-18... Oct. 7-18 July 15-18. . Oct. 15-18... Oct, 14-18... Nov. 4-18... Oct. 14-18... Oct. 16-18... Oct. 5-18 . ... Oct. 21-18. . Sept. 29-18.. June 21-18.. Nov. 10-18 . Aug. 29-18. Sept. 28-18. . June 6-18.... Mch. 1-18. . July 22-18... Julv 20-18... July 15-18... May 28-18. ♦Nov. 4-18. Huntington Camden-on-Gauley Huntington Wheeling Jessie Esty Cass Spencer Logan CIarksbu r g Jenkinjones Piedmont Panther Beaver Blair Sutton Lewiston Gypsy Bayard Volga White Sulphur Springs Moats ville Naugatuck Austin Talcott Athens Huntington Morgantown.. . . Worthington. . . . Terra Alta Blooming Rose. . , Needmore Charleston Petersburg Philippi Hastings Mannington Grafton Walker Parkersburg Sanderson Erhacon Sistersville Gallipolis Ferry. . McMechen New Cumberland Henderson Olcott Logan Hendricks Dartmoor Wewanta Gill Bayard Morgantown Montgomery Harding Volga Beckley Nutterville Montgomery Kilsythe Moundsville Palestine Welch Charleston Ashland Clarksburg Charleston , Bluefield Gallagher Charles Town. . . . Co C 319 Inf MG Co 319 Inf Co C 4 In: Co E 47 Inf Co E 61 Inf Co E 167 Inf Co C 26 Inf Co L 30 Inf Co H 16 Inf Co O 47 Inf Co B 7 Inf Btry F 313 F A Co H 167 Inf Co E 7 Inf Co H 28 Inf 35 Co Repl Draft Co L 28 Inf Co L 30 Inf Co Hill Inf Btrv B 313 F A Co E 28 Inf Co E 357 Inf Co A 16 Inf Co I 362 Inf Co B 6 Inf Co E 23 Inf Co E 319 Inf Co L 320 Inf MG Co 314 Inf Co A 111 Inf CoB 111 Inf Co A 165 Inf Co K 18 Inf Co K 320 Inf Co C 318 Inf CoE 101 Inf Co D 111 Inf Btry B 313 F A Co H 58 Inf Co F 18 Inf Co E 132 Inf Co F 111 Inf MG Co 319 Inf Co M 148 Inf CoL 110 Inf Co A 311 MGBn Co C 59 Inf Co E 132 Inf Co I 4 Inf Co K 127 Inf Co E 58 Inf Co C 111 Inf Hq Co 7 Inf Btry A 313 F A Co I 165 Inf Med Dept 318 Inf Co M 128 Inf Co D 132 Inf Co F 318 Inf Co B 341 MG Bn 372 Inf Co E 7 Inf Co H 314 Inf Co D 126 Inf Co K 314 Inf Co M 23 Inf Co C 18 Inf 6FA Co M 26 Inf Sup Co 30 Inf Co H 28 Inf Co D 360 Inf Soldiers of the World War 13 KILLED IN ACTION-Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Persinger, William P . Persinger, Andy L . . . . Perry, Walter Perry, Charles M Pettry, Frank Philippe, Albert Phillips, William 0... Pitman, Joseph H Pitsenbarger, Henry J. Plumley, Giles E Poe, Charles S Porroni, John Porter, James Pollard, Edward J. ... Powell, Evermond Quinn, Edgar J. Rader, Claude C Rainey, George S Ramey, Fletcher Ramsey, Humphrey R. Ramsey, Ira F Ravenda, Antonio Reaser, Lee Rector, Raymond W . . Reed, Mark S Regester, Lawson D . . Rhoads, Alexander F. . Rhodes, Emmett H . . . Rhodes, William R... Rhodes, Okey Riggleman, Herry G . . Rigney, John Roberts, Wyatt Robertson, Luther J. . . Robertson, Okie E. . . . Robinson, Clyde Robinson, Earle W Robinson, Jesse Roby, John G Robey, Carl E Rodes, Henry L Rodgers, Patrick J . . . . Rohr, Laco D Rollins, Oscar H Rosa, Michele Ross, Wedsel Rose, Carl Roush, Warner E Rowan, Howard Runkelo, John Runner, Ray R Samples, Percy H Sansom, Herchel Sassara, Anacleto C Saunders, Ralph H Saunders, Jesse Sauvagolt, Oscar C Sawyers, William R Scarbrough, Joseph C Scott, William M Seay, Bert E Seckman, Grover C Selvey, Grover D Semeineiky.Consteintinos G Settles, James F Shachtmaister, Sam Shaver, Warder G Shedd, ClvdeE Shelton, Curtis E Shillingburg, Olin L Shillingburg, Tony W Shinn, Harley F Shumate, John W Pvt Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt EM Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt Pvt Pvt. I'vt Pvt... Pvt... Pvt ... Pvt... Pvt ... Pvi.. Pvt... Sgt... Sgt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt ... Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Mec. Pvt.. Pvt . Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt... Pvt ... Bugler . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt.... Corp. . . Pvt... Pvt.... Corp. . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt ... Pvt.... Pvt... 1st Lt Pvt. . Pvt... Pvt... Pvt .. Corp.. Nov. 1-18.. July 19-18 ... Sept. 28-18 . Oct. 17-18... July 20-18. . Sept, 29-18. May 28-18. Oct. 15-18 Oct. 15-13.. Oct. 12-18 . Oct. 15-18. . Oct. 9-18 ... Sept. 30-18 . Oct. 28-18.. Oct. 8-18 . Oct. 6-18... July 24-18 . Sept. 29-18. Nov. 2-18. . Oct. 2-18. . Nov. 3-18.. Oct. 13-18 May 23-18 Oct. 5-18 . Aug. 5-18 . Nov. 1-18. . Sept. 29-18. Oct. 10-18 . Oct. 10-18. . Julv29-lS.. Oct. 5-18 Sept. 27-18 . I ct. 2P-18 Nov. 10-18 Nov. "-18.. Julv 21-18.. Oct. 4-18 Nov. 1-18. . Oct. 6-18 July 19-18.. Nov. 5-18. . Aug. 1-18... July 15-18.. Sept. 29-18 . Oct. 10-18 . Oct. 14-18.. Oct. 9-18 . Oct. 18-18.. Oct. 11-18.. June 15-18 Sept. 6-18 . . Oct. 14-18.. July 21-18 . July 18-18.. Julv 15-18 . Nov. 9-18. . Julv 22-1 8 Nov. 1-18... Oct. 25-18.. Oct. 9-18 .. Oct. 6-18... Oct. 8-18 . Nov. 2-18. . July 18-18 July 22-18 . Sept. 28-18. Julv 15-18.. Oct. 16-18 , July 13-18. Oct. 15-18. July 22-18 Oct. 19-18 June 14-18 Pond Gap Richwood Kermit Sand Run Oxley South Charleston. Wheeling Rutledge Pool Pear Marmot Gary Chattaroy Clarksburg Bluefield Tralee Whites Creek . . Point Pleasant . Queens Ridge . Glace Hamlin Clarksburg Cedarville Madison Stover Hall Keystone Spencer Pasco Pasco Forman Huntington. . . . Sweetland Ada Ada Clarksburg Charleston Reader Petersburg, . . . Wilson burg. . . Boomer McMechen. . . Vadis Charleston . . . Wheeling .... Huntington . . . Thornwood. . . New Haven. . . Gale Gleason Tunnelton. . . . Salem Dry Branch Keystone Morgantown Paradise Wheeling White Sulphur Springs Fletcher Coaldale Fayetteville Belmont Divide Cro'ier Millstone Huntington Cedarville Bluefield Twin Branch Mt. Storm Mt. Storm Millwood South Charleston. Co E 145 Inf Co B 16 Inf Co D 109 Inf Co E 118 Inf MG Co 18 Inf 313 Amb Co 304 San Tn Co D 28 Inf Co A 7 Inf CoD 11 Inf Co F 61 Inf Co F 167 Inf Co H 320 Inf Co C 318 Inf Co B 155 MG Bn Co G 23 Inf Co A 318 Inf Co I 35 Inf Co A 135 MG Bn Co B 135 MG Bn Co E 7 Inf Co M 23 Inf Co L 30 Inf Co B 58 Inf Co B 318 Inf Co E 39 Inf Med Det 320 Inf CoH 119 Inf Co B 314 Inf Co B 132 Inf Co M 166 Inf Co G 319 Inf Co B 308 MG Bn Co A 1 8 Inf Co G 358 Inf Co C 36) Inf Co B 102 Inf Co C 317 Inf Med Det 319 Inf Hq Co 58 Inf Co G 28 Inf Co K 315 Inf Co E 58 Inf Co C 110 Inf 313 Amb Co 304 San Tn Co M 4 Inf Co B 7 Inf CoE 126 Inf CoH 117 Inf Co G 7 Inf Co D 7 Inf CoK 110 Inf Co E 6 Inf Co I 28 Inf Co E 23 Inf CoB 166 Inf Co I 6 Inf Co F 7 Inf Co E 166 Inf Btrv B 314 F A Co D 16 Inf Co F 317 Inf Btry D 314 F A Co M 319 Inf Co C 16 Inf Co L 30 Inf CoE 314 Inf | Co H 30 Inf nd Tet 3'. 7 Inf Co C 16 Inf Btry A 313 F A Sec 568 U S Army Amb Co Co D 125 Inf Co M 23 Inf 14 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Shuttlesworth, James H . Shrader, William C Simms, Roy Simmons, Carl Singleton, Fred Sisler, Benjamin H Skidmore, Ray Slater, Herman C Smallridge, Edward P. . . Smith, Harvev W Smith, Victor" H Smith, Willie F Snyder, John H Spangler, Howard Sparks, Benjamin H Spencer, James Staton, Roy Stanton, Joseph E Steele, Robert Stewart, Edmond D., Jr Stewart, George C Stewart, Bee Stewart, James D Stillitano, Salvatore Stockhoff, Clarence B . . . Strosnider, Thomas Stuart, George Summers, John H Swiger, Warner Tarka. Mike Tennant, Clarence 0. . . . Thompson, Fred R Thompson, Solomon E . . Thompson, Lawrence E . Thompson, Calvin Thorn, Grover M Tichnell, Truman E Timmerman, George H . . Tittle, William Toler, Robert L Tolliver, Jasper W Toothman, Frank W Tramel, Tom Travis, William L Trent, Elige Triplett, Jacob B Trowbridge, Madison E . Truman, Joseph S Tusing, Kay Umuivi, Henry K. Valenzise, Fortunato . Van Dyne, Arthur C. Vance, Nuel S Vance, ITyssess £. . . . Varlas, George Wade , James Walton, George Wamsly, Charles D . Warner, Dorsey . . Watkins, Emerys M . Watts, John W Waychoff, Frank. . . . Weeklev, OlaW.... Weese, Wilbur W... West, Zarah Westfall, Cornelius. . Wheeler, George H. . White, Birehard .... White, Dayton White, Harry L White, Peter Whorton, Elbert... Pvt Pvt Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt ... Pvt Pvt Pvt Sgt Pvt Pvt Pvt . . Corp Pvt Sgt Pvt Pvt Corp Pvt Sgt Pvt Pvt Pvt Ch. Mechanic Corp Pvt.. Corp. I'vt Corp. Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Pvt Pvt. Sgt.. Pvt Pvt Corp. Pvt . Pvt . Pvt. Pvt Pvt Pvt Wagoner . P\t Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Pvt.. Pvt.. Sgt.. Pvt.. Pvt . Nov. 10-18 Oct. 6-18... Oct. ? 6-18. \ Oct. 18-18. Sept. ' 6-18. . Sept. 26-18. . Julv 15-18.. Julv 15-18 . .. July 21-18. Oct. 9-18 Oct. 17-18. Nov. 10-18 Julv 20-18. Oct. 9-18 .. Oct. 7-18 . ... July 26-18. Julv 19-18 . . Sept. 26-18. Oct. 4-18 . ... Julv 15-18 Nov. 4-18. . . Mav4-18 . ... Julv 21-18 ... Julv 28-18 . Nov. 6-18. . . Oct. 14-18. Oct. 1P-18.. June 15-18.. Oct. 31-18... Nov. 6-18 . . . Julv 28-18... Oct, 31-18 . Nov. 9-18. . Julv 19-18 ... Julv 19-18 . Julv 20-18 . May 28-18 Nov. 1-18 . Oct. 2-18. Oct. 10-18. Julv 20-18.. Oct. 15-18 Aug. ?0-lg.. Julv 1-18 ... July 22-18. . Julv 15-18 . Oct. 9-18 .. Oct. 14-18.. Oct. 16-18.. Sept. 30-18. Sept. 28-18 . Mav 27-18. Oct, 16-18 Oct, 25-18 . Nov. 3-18. . July 20-18.. Julv 15-18 Oct, 17-18 . Aug. 1-18... Julv 29-18 . Oct, 12-18.. Oct. 21-18. . Aug. 27-18. Oct, 6-18 .. Oct. 14-18.. Oct. 4-18... Oct, 13-18.. Nov. 4-18 . . (ct. 5-18... July 25-18.. Oct. 12-18.. Oct. 7-18... Worthington Harrisville Chapmansville . . . Belington Dutch Shaffer Gypsy St. Allans Richwood Alderson Dunbar Blair Laml ert Peterstown ..... Richwood Fenwick Barboursville. . Wheeling Red House New Cumberland McMechen Amherstdale Flkins Follansbee Point Pleasant . . . Wardensville Julia Clarksburg Smithfield Holden Blue Dunbar Elbert Minden West Hamlin Friendly Shinnston . . . Wilson Mt. Clare Oceana Matoaka Sincerity .... Roderfield. . . Sistersville. .. Vulcan Huttansville . Kingwood . . . Clay Monroe Parkersburg . Davis ...... Moundsville Hurricane . Cyclone Minersville . Marting . . West Union. . Mill Creek ... West Union . Follansbee. . Spencer .... Morgantown. St. Marys. . . Beverly Kingmont. . . Wheeling. . . Camden Hardy Wymer Bluef eld Ethel.. ..... Moundsville . Co B 128 Inf Co H 4 Inf MG Co 4 Inf Btrv B 313 E A Co M 145 Inf Co H 320 Inf MG Co 7 Inf Co L 30 Inf Col 16 Inf Co A 116 Inf CoKll Inf CoG 11 Inf Co L 26 Inf Co H 38 Inf Btrv C 313 F A Co D 7 Inf Co L 16 Inf Co K 314 Inf Co D 317 Inf CoG Hi 7 Inf Co A 111 Inf Co B 18 Inf Co G 18 Inf Co F 167 Inf Btrv C 315 FA Co L 11 Inf CoM 163 Inf Co I 23 Inf Btry F 314 F A Co A 16 Inf CoB 166 Inf Btrv D 315 F A Co B 360 Inf CoF 16 Inf Co A 7 Inf Hq Co 59 Inf Co L 28 Inf Co C 311 MGBn Btrv B 314 F A Btrv B 10 F A Co C 16 Inf CoF 167 Inf Co H 16 Jnf Co D 5 MG Bn CoM 16 Inf Co C 166 Inf Co C 28 Inf Co B 61 Inf Co E 168 Inf Co E 146 Inf Co G 147 Inf Co K 26 Inf MG Co 126 Inf Co G 7 Inf Co B 347 MG B Co C 26 Inf Co H 30 Inf CoB 168 Inf Co C 319 Inf CoF 166 Inf Co K 317 Inf Co C 167 Inf MD Sn 306 Inf CoG 125 Inf Co F 11 Inf Btrv A 17 FA Co H 125 Inf Co D 315 Inf Co D 111 Inf Co H 30 Inf Co A 7 Inf Co Fill Inf Soldiers of the World War 15 KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Wiley, Oscar W Wilfong, Marvin Wilfong, Oliver E Williams, David L Williams, Emerson A... Williams, John M Williams, Sherman Wilson, Homer A Wilson, Herbert H Withrow, Otis L Withrow, Harrison M . . Witt, James T Woods, Ravmond A Wolford, Charles Wolf, George W Worman, James Wright, Ravmond Wyatt, CecilS Young, Elven W Young, Odis Zitzelsberger, Andrew J Zolesky, Stanley Colored Hart, Alva T Scott, Marshall Pvt. Pvt. Pvt.. Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Pvt Pvt Pvt. Corp Corp Pvt. Corp Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt Pvt. Oct. 29-18.. Aug. 16-18. Aug. 29-18.. Julv 19-18 Nov. 2-18. . Nov. 1-18 . Oct. 31-18.. Oct. 4-18... Oct. 5-18. . Julv 22-18.. Oct. 10-18.. Oct, 31-18 . Oct. 14-18.. Julv 31-18.. Oct. 29-18.. Nov. 1-18.. Nov. 4-18. . Oct. 5-18. . . Oct. 6-18... June 7-18 .. Oct. 15-18.. Oct. 9-18 . Oct. 16-18. July 15-18. Marlinton Parsons Brooklin Ravenswood Cameron Bluefield Williamson Grafton Buffalo Charleston Crumpler Jennings Three Churches . Berkeley Springs Montana Mines. Fairview Richardson Weir Point Pleasant . . Poca War ... Maxwell Tams Btrv B 321 F A Co C 26 Inf CoE 1'6 Jnf Co A 16 Inf Co A 360 Inf Co M 145 Inf Co D 135 MG Bn MG Co 28 Inf Co C 313 MG Bn Co C 7 Inf Co C 36? Inf Btrv D 315 F A Co D 60 Inf Co E 125 Inf CoKll Inf Co I 320 Inf Co B 5 MG Bn Co C 318 Inf Co L 58 Inf Co H 9 Inf CoM 167 Inf Co B 16 Inf Co A 168 Inf Co K 369 Inf DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Abies, Robert A Acord, Charles H . . . Adkins, Tolbert Allen, Grant Anglin, Henry Archer, Everett .-. Bailey, Robert Baldwin, William Bates, Thomas A Bauer, Joseph G Bean, Arthur C Bennett, Bryan L Bias, Sterling Blankenship, John L . . Blankenship, Samuel F Bowman, Everett M . . Bradshaw, Van Brown, Dellie Brown, Earl W Brown, William T Browning, Frank R . . . Ca vender, James W. . . Church, George L Cole, Paul F Cook, Harvey Cook, Elmer Cozort, Okey E Cropp, Ray B Crow, Lester Cutlip, William I Dakan, William J Danelson, Ellit A Davis, Henry M Dawson, Dayton L Dial, Oscar Pvt . Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp Pvt . Pvt Pvt . Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.., Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.... Pvt.... 2ndLt. Pvt.... Pvt.... Julv 28-1 8... Oct. 11-18... Oct. 12-18... Julv 28-18.. May 31-18 Oct. 11-18.. Apr. 9-19 Oct. 6-18 . Oct. 20-18... Sept. 29-18. Oct. 10-18... Oct. 14-18.. June 25-18. Sept. 29-18 . Oct. 19-18... Oct. 12-18.. Oct. 4-18... Dec. 30-18.. Nov. 13-18. Oct. 8-18 ... Oct. 18-1S.. *Oet. 6-18 . . . Oct. 10-18... Nov. 11-18. July 15-18... Aug. 4-18... Oct. 23-18... Oct. 14-18.. Oct. 9-18... Nov. 10-18. Oct. 25-18. . Sept. 29-18 . . Oct. 14-18... Aug. 8-18... *Sept. 28-18 Ravenswood. . . . Dunmore Huntington Kanawha City . . Rock Forge Clarksburg Huntington English Sophia Wheeling Green Springs. . . Ivanhoe Sheridan Clothier Keystone Edgewood Wayne Salem Thornton Beryl Wheeling Charleston Huntington Martinsburg Maben Lorado Saulsville Bridgeport Glen Easton .... Holly Wheeling Craigsville Huntington Berkeley Springs Dehue Co B 166 Inf Hq Co 7 Inf Co C 26 Inf Co B 166 Inf Co I 26 Inf Co C 18 Inf 54 Co T C Co C 7 Inf Co K 1' 8 Inf Co K 314 Inf Btry B 313 F A Btrv A 324 F A Co C 7 Inf Co M 145 Inf Co C 7 Inf Hq Co 54 Inf Co E 318 Inf Co D 320 Inf Btrv A 314 F A Co C Kth MG Bn Btry D 147 F A Co I 28 Inf MG Co 28 Inf Co D 127 Inf Co G 168 Inf CoB 28 Inf Co E 18 Inf Co D 60 Inf CoHlllInf Co E 110 Inf Co L 30 Inf Co A 168 Inf MG Co 165 Inf Co M 126 Inf Co C 319 Inf 16 Revised List of Deceased DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Dillon, Mack. .. Dolin, James 0. Dorsey, John T. Doss, James L. . Dave, Dayton.. Farley, Ezra Farley, James 0. Fisher, Jesse Frazier, Charley. Frye, James B . . . Funari, Agostino. Gain, Linden L. . . . Golladay, John M . Gump, Ross S Gum, Charles N. . Hale, Herbert Hall, Vickers Halterman, Albert L . . . . Hampton, El wood Hardman, Troy Harman, Raymond L. . . Hart, Joseph M Haught, Thomas M Heflin. William G Heintzleman, Fred R. . . . Hickman, Bert H Higginbotham, Albert R. Hill, Benjamin Hobb.-j, Homer Howes, Pear ley B Hoyt, John Humphrey, Bert H Jackson, George D. Johnson, Charlie Johnson, Thomas J. Kern, Thomas D Keramidas, Gus D. . . . Ketterman, Randall G. Kimball, Joe W Knight, William H.... Knopp, Lewis C Knotts, William Kraft, John E Kramer, John I Kountz, Jessie C Lamp, Alvin C Lamm, Shelton Lane, William D Lawrence, James C . Lax, Noble J Layfield, Aubrey Leech, John H Lewis, Harvev E. .. Light, EuraE Linton, Robert E. . Louk, William F. . . . Lozinski, John Lynch, John McCann, Mark Mclntyre, Frank McKeever, Clio B McLaughlin, Charles C. Mackey, Alexander G . Marstiller, Floyd R. . . Mathews, Alexander . . Marcuzzi, Lawrence. . . Marcelle, John H Marri, Frank Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Pvt... Sgt... Sgt . . . Pvt.., Pvt... Pvt ... Cook. Pvt.. Pvt.. 2ndLt. Corp. . . Pvt.... IstLt Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt Corp Mechanic. Corp Pvt Pvt Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. Corp. Pvt.. Pvt.. Pvt.. 2nd Lt. Pvt.... IstLt.. Pvt.... Pvt.... Pvt... Oct. 3-18. ... May 24-18.. Oct. 8-18... Mch. 26-18.. Sept. 30-18 . . Oct. 16-18.. Mav 31-18. Sept, 29-18 . Oct. 12-18.. Oct. 23-18.. Oct. 24-18.. Sept. 30-18. July 25-18.. Oct. 24-18.. Oct. 25-18.. Dec. 17-18.. Aug. 8-18... Oct. 6-18... Oct. 16-18.. Nov. 4-18 . . Oct. 14-1S.. Oct. 15-18.. Oct. 15-18.. Sept. 2-18 . . Oct. 4-18... Oct. 4-18... Oct. 13-18.. Oct. 4-18... Oct. 12-18.. Nov. 1-18.. Oct. 3-18 .. July 14-18.. May 28-18. Oct, 7-18... Sept. 13-18 . Aug. 3-18... Oct. 20-18.. Oct. 26-18.. Oct. 5-18... Oct. 17-18.. Oct. 19-18.. Aug. 13-18. Oct. 6-18... Oct. 7-18. . July 22-18.. Oct. 15-18.. Oct. 6-18... Oct. 9-18... Oct. 9-18... Oct. 6-18. . Aug. 13-18. June 26-18. Oct. 15-18.. Sept. 14-18 . Oct. 13-18.. July 29-18.. July 21-18.. Oct. 11-18 . Oct. 6-18... Sept. 27-18 . Nov. 8-18 . . Dec. 31-18.. Oct. 7-18... May 31-19.. Aug. 25-18. July 27-18.. Aug. 3-18... Oct. 28-18.. Princeton Alkol .... Weston . . . Decota . . . Riverton . Pineville Odd Removal Fraziers Bottom. Scarbo Canebrake West Union. Rio... Sincerity . . . C'hattaroy. . . . Huntington. .. Hall Marytown Spencer Brandywine. .. Wheeling Sincerity West Union . . . Fairmont Calvin Trace Fork . . . North Fork... Ethel French Creek . Proctor Grant Town . . Kingwood . Kenova . . . St. Marys . Charleston Parkersburg Elkins Canton Cleveland Point Pleasant Dundon Frametown Bellington Salt Sulphur Springs. Glengary. . . . Pennsboro . . Murraysville. Clifftop Dobra Gypsv Charleston... Janelew Marie Plus Glady W T evaco Scary Clarksburg. . Kilsyth Beard Huntersville . McMechen . Beverly. . . . Lewisburg. . Logan Weirton Viropa Co C 7 Inf Co M 18 Inf Co Gill Inf Co C 2 Brig MG Bn Btry A 313 F A Co C 7 Inf Hq Co 28 Inf Co I 319 Inf Co B 131 Inf Co A 2 M P Co A 318 Inf Co D 119 Inf Co D 7 Inf Co I 111 Inf Co E 167 Inf Co I 11 Inf Co A 12 MG Bn Co D 119 Inf Co A 59 Inf Co G 36 Inf Btry A 313 F A Co M 28 Inf Co B 128 Inf Co D 119 Inf Hq Co 314 F A BtrvC313FA Co'C 135MGBn Co F 318 Inf Co C 319 Inf Btrv F 313 F A Co Clll Inf Med Det 306 MG-Bn "6 Inf Btrv C 315 F A Med Det 306 MG Bn MG Co 26 Inf Co E 317 Inf Btry D 313 F A Co E 119 Inf Co D 7 Inf CoD 119 Inf Co C 59 Inf Btry E 313 F A Btrv B 313 F A Co G 16 Inf CoA315MGBn CoDllMGBn Co B 125 Inf Co E 117 Inf Btry F 15 F A Co H 30 Inf Co K 23 Inf Co B 168 Inf Co A 12 MG Bn Co G 131 Inf Co A 168 Inf Co K 18 Inf Co A 128 Inf CoC313MGBn Co D 54 Inf * Btry B 313 F A 305 T M Btry Co M 319 Inf AS Co A 18 Inf Co G 166 Inf Co I 110 Inf Soldiers ok the World War 17 DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Means, Frank Pvt Oct. 15-18... Oct. 12-18... Oct. 26-18. . . Oct. 4-18. . . . Sept. 29-18.. Nov. 8-18... July 19-18 .. 'Nov. 16-18. June 20-18.. Oct. 14-18... Nov. 5-18... Oct. 28-18... July 29-18... Nov. 1-18. ... June 15-18 . Oct. 19-18... Oct. 2-18... Sept. 1-18... Oct. 18-18... Cct. 12-18... Cct. 10-18... Oct. 7-18. . July ,5-18... July 21-18.. Oct. 31-18... Nov. 1-18... May 8-18.... Cct. 13-18.. . Oct. 14-18.. Jan. 3-19. . Oct. 21-18... Nov. 5-18. .. Nov. 9-18 . . . Oct. 17-18... Nov. M8.... Nov. 16-18.. Oct. 21-18... Nov. 8-18. . . Oct. 29-18... Sept. 27-18 . . Sept, 29-18. . Oct. 24-18... Nov. 1-18.. . Aug. 17-18 . Oct. 1-18.... Nov. 20-18. . •Oct. 6-18 . . Sept .29-18. . Nov. 3-18 . . . Oct. 17-18... Nov. 2-18 . . . Dec. 4-18. .. Oct. 9-18... May 30-18.. Dec. 4-18... Aug. 5-18. .. Nov. 1-18. . . Aug. 18-18.. July 24-18... June 19-18... Nov. 4-18... Nov. 12-18 Sept. 28-18 . . Oct. 28-18... Dec. 14-18... Oct. 1-4-18... Oct. 28-18... July 29-18... Sept. 30-18.. Co A 7 Inf Mize, William H Pvt Co E 18 Inf Pvt Co I 58 Inf Pvt... New Martinsville New Martinsville Blair Co D 126 Inf Pvt... Co C 8 MG Bn Co I 26 Inf Mullins, Danver Sgt Napier, Arnold Corp Pvt Co B 3 MG Bn Linn Co C 168 Inf Niotis, Manuel Pvt Co G 28 Inf Nolte, Friend J Pvt Wheeling Bluefield Co F 61 Inf Norton, Walter G Corp Pvt Co H 314 Inf Nowlan, William R Btry B 10 F A Osburn, Lawrence Pvt Clay. . . Co G 28 Inf Parker, Charles E Pvt Btrv D 315 F A Payne, Walter J Pvt Geneva Ceredo Co G 28 Inf Payne, William H Pvt Co I 168 Inf Petty, John Pvt Co E 126 Inf Phares, Hubert M Pvt... Beverlv Blair..' >, Graham Station Huntington Ceredo Btrv D 21 F A Philipps, Haskell Pvt.... Co F 26 Inf Pickens, Rankin R Corp Pvt. . . . Co D 118 Jnf Pine, Justice Co F 319 Inf Pogue, Claude W Sgt San Det 37° Inf Pomerov, Robert S Pvt Pvt Co I. ?3 I n f Porter, Ezra Co B 7 Inf Ragland, John C Pvt White Sulphur Springs Purgitsville Co E 166 Inf Reynolds, Robert D. . . Pvt Com Pvt: Pvt CoD 112 Inf Rhodes, William C Co B 16 Inf Rice, Dale Co L 132 Jnf Richardson, James C Ghent. Co F 6 Inf Riggenbach, Edward U Pvt New Martinsville Charleston Preston Countv ... . Co D 360 Inf Riheldaffer, William A Rinehart, James W. .. . IstLt Pvt J q 155 Inf Brg Co L 132 Inf Rogers, William P . . . . Pvt Co M 128 Inf Rohrbough, Frank. . Pvt Co B 168 Inf Runvan, Henrv H Pvt- Pvt Co E 145 Inf Rush, George W. . . . MG Co 118 Inf Rutledge, Marven R Pvt Poe Btrv C 313 F A Schmitt, Emil J Co F 167 Inf Wagoner. . . . Pvt Sup Co 314 F A Co F 314 Engrs Co M 168 Inf Sellards, Wavne Shaffer, William R Pvt Mascmtown Shamblin, William A Pvt- Ch. Mechanic Pvt Co L 30 Jnf Shanholtzer, Roy S. . Btrv E 313 F A Shatley, Fred Co F317 Inf Simons, Ritchie Pvt Co C 125 Inf Pvt Pvt Gem. . . . Co B 8 MG Bn Skitarelich, George Co G 26 Inf Smith, Fred B Sgt Pvt Pvt Bluefield... Co D 318 Inf Hurricane Winding Gulf Co B "60 Inf Smith, Keller T Btrv B 315 F A Smith, Virgil Pvt Sgt Pvt Btrv E 314 F A Smith, Millard Snyder, William B Ranger Glenville Meadowbrook Co L 9 Inf Col 18 Inf Snyder, Frank S Pvt Pvt Pvt Mechanic Pvt Corp Pvt Pvt IstLt Pvt Cook Pvt Co L 26 Inf Sortet, Arthur Co G 314 In' Sponaugle, Woodfin H Cass Glen Morgan Co E 59 Inf Btrv B 315 F A Stewart, Charlie A CoM 317 Inf Stewart, George L Bluefield Co I 4 Inf Co B 7 MG Bn Sterling, Elsworth Tait, LeeC Smithfield Far Co A 145 Inf Co F 353 Jnf Tennant, Ellis J Co M 111 Inf Thompson, Harold Btrv E 315 F A ■ Tolly, Walter B Grafton Co B 135 MG Bn Pvt Co M 11 Inf Trickett, Walter E Pvt Pvt Pvt Palestine Richwood Wheeling Co K 166 Inf Co G 16 Inf Tunny, Richard F 345 Bn Tank Corps 18 Revised List of Deceased DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died ' Residence Organization Vaughan, Okey Pvt Pvt June 19-18.. Oct. 31-18... Nov. 3-18... Sept. 17-18. . Sept. 15-18.. Oct. 5-18... Julv 24-18... Sept. 28-18.. Nov. 7-18... Nov. 4-18 .. . Oct. 12-18... Sept. 5-18 . . . Clav Co D 7 Inf Co M 319 Inf Walls, Fulton . . Corp Corp Pvt Pvt Btry B 315 F A Welch, Ross W Stark Co B 60 Inf Co F 104 Inf Island Branch Btrv D 315 F A Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Co A 16 Inf Willis, Everett Co M 145 Inf Co I 320 Inf Co B 318 Inf Wyatt, Walter W Young, William A Gilbert Co H 16 Inf Sissonsville Btry F 6 F A 20 Revised List of Deceased < ° — 9 s 3 a £-0. °_3 3°° « 5- 3 a-. a ca is o o> 3 S3s a q|* Sgaoa. >>3 l. >,„.S an- o 5 I.S2 § s-S e §1 ^•3 -a 3 o o ™ga 'Sic o q. g_2 s^ a ._ his 5— 3 g 3 a «S a c o c ■- ^ ■< p., »j ^ 03 oca . .2 D. D, bo a o o c o d a c.i Ova-a'S. 2 « aaS 3 3 H 03 « 5 5.0.3 g O g g S •fto e. o jfi "3 s O^S-3 3 StMl j oogogo S.2 "§ 2 S § a c £•- S"o § '3 a .2 a jQ 3 HO O O.S mmSc . • • • ••••;■. • - oo •■•••• :-..:. : • ; CO CO. —i 1-5 .A ~" N ^ . .«*;rt««' H 'Hrt'*N CO^iOMNlC" ,™ *Sn s-gg gag O^'OOQkD 3 coHo OoSSsq OnOOOM pa a ' as *«-i ^ ™ t«_; , H-„«OQ<«0 „ — ^Hh^m q.=o — CO H«m< !»T3 >>O u o oW-^pqQ >,J^Q a o«h oooogiioSOOooooiof oSOoo »op CO < oi oo OfflUO «~'a a _ oo—i« o o; o PiccOOhO-iCu CL& < CLiO(i.ooHeL;4« •• » -rvi ••« t_ bo-*^ o a - - - 3 ^- 3 flj • ~ >. >. X™ S fe rt « iT^ 8 m m m --O £-2^5 ojja r=^3r==:2T;'rg Esa mmm^S o g o i- s ScKiacH!a««lll)OOOOi.i3 333 cQnP3P3BQpaaao3naaQama3a303P3Paa3P3mpa a-UfSja « .« SO § ■.- a -o's * as - s£a Cgo a -g-S Soldiers of the World War 21 * -2 II § 1 la — qj-S S«0 3.5 = a £ jaSSagogSgi.SS 12= H * P. S P-3 5 « «o^ — « s *. is _ a 5 m^ a. a a c :p 5;^a ^ 5 5 o £,£ o « , j g j s 3S $4 agj' ass m — . »aa "S'a'e — 2 „S'5. 2 2 2'£> c 2 2 2 a a a §^-5 a a. a a a 33 c a a. o o o a a a a a a a 4> o. o, o. ■a"i « a 1 ; a ~<* P.O.' aea^ot-acot.t,t.«i_ acacj.~._oaji.i_oo s a aS pi jpq jQ E. o o *•§ S « a a Is : a a S' s 2 o aa aa ■i a-s-l % a a c a S 2 S £ g.a OftOO ■Sua-s a 3 a xi a o o c i. T^wI-VS^S^^"^^ ~ ~ ~ *T ° £• £> ~ 4 ?Jj !£ *T ;* °^ cioo,ioo«cS;o«i"27o i^. n <© .CM'-' 4 00 , ."^h^h , ..— i go ~^8. , - ta^l == a a o o © o o o ' w O O O *t- OOOOOQOOO oo oo"5"^ 2 fc te a' - 3."»5.i: g 1 -! '>'> a-3Vi5"H.S &£ 8 c » aao>o>a;.Hoo;:333>. QQQQQQQaQQQQQ Q .2 O >-) a a'K »*i a 5j=oi PS .2 « ?= a v ■£ £ a K :B 2&% - - -^"lE r^-w a*_^ §5.2 Jj S :^s^^ o o o 3 ^- ^- u, ^- X 4 Ex, Ezh tu fc fc 22 Revised List of Deceased 1 p— -5 ,_ b g~ «_•« 2 g-g Osssi. s « a * o a a aii a a ■A 01 - ooe»o-a~Hi. ca«cococa;>>cccti:cc « ». u ii— wo a a rf 3 a 3 a a'3 "a 2 pq o ■£ o o* e oK ■re-,™* 5 w — £ o.'«*> are re o n re jw o — KcScoSSoOOoooorfsSQ go" |«^' p O O O O O p^ O-a g a V r- «* §'&S C?« W O-S^. a ; O :i-3"g g -.g : :™ :w s -xo H a e £| | H g| c-p*icQ£-S^ s* oocooooocooooo ss=s JS'S'S b o» «' ■s6«§i'g^ ■"■a §_q . bO , -2F3 = "£'3 5-= a'? a is •ON. 'Bis offi Si c . 3 5^-^.203 bO CD 33t n t- . oi n fl (9 , _ » >. S s^2-or t ^o"— - PJC3fl3aSrtci3c3c3e3rtrt O :- !> &■- £T cd 4> H o§S_g 5 5"° o "S = i£ c M & "3.S E"§ o a! c3 3 o o o o SsBfl P p P 3 O c § 5 S'3 - c o g o.2_~ SjlSPb 3__ C_ O'S B p2'3 Ph a, w Qh cl, p. p, c <; ° 8 a 4>.a °"p p. ° to ° EVg, <-p o >- J3 fc- o»_ a p ° "■' mps: - .Sp.2 g.si-gi. g .; Sc a o a c c e _ o Hps » o o S § 1 E.2 g P. B ?, b P b B P. a> &,.2 P. »- b £; , -s'i S O O p.a ■3?§-a jS S O J CS B J s c~' £"o £ " 2"o"o S ;ses §"S tea i-^aog •H _ T „ „ ~< 'V » » ,_, , Toc« I ^OOOO^ OOQO-^ ~« — . ,M« H .. • . CO »-< . ^ CO r~ " ir3 C-J CM -< OroC»4facgz< SSIoOmOO0 0g'o*S "8 & & S'tj'S'S So h5 6 CM CO <100« 2 „fflO CO o — o 2 a P.ei p. J? -** ^ _, "•JO*"!: SpmM Q "eS B. QQ Pic- o tc " B a ^m^ a ^ oooo"goo og-S o o Eg ^ £•" coQ _o>OWo^. v H^M^ffi^pq^^ >. ,o o poJJ o f-C-'coCM ooco e ro M- . <• oQ . osiOfioouSoioomp. or/j gaga o.^c-)loo Fl, Qp^PhPhP^PhP^P, oocccX'OP- — — P^P^P-. PjPhP^ C^CliCuD-PhOCuC-iX'CI-c/:' C&-_TO0h P-< D-. &. C-. p^ Ph PL, _9 > > hO > bfi o ^ Q K^Q fc^r l^^ll II S5 ^ . ... a Bt^tfl fe- "W g rt S 9JB o P w ,- s a a S S l-c T-»> j a, o o o p > >-s >-s >-> i-a •-» O "-» Kl jLj" i "'SI S-2 | a 8 *? t*s g.2 = 2" '|§ :^-2^g«° a gs 3«~^^ fe te afe^pS^.g c -«cS fe- 3 B O. £ £ > a So =3 S3 S B M > & S a d eg ca c« es a> a>.S^r=.H.S o o o o 3^JiScj •f - .s- _ s.E:=-s a --s a 24 Revised List of Deceased £ ? o ^ E -- R o -e bOrT ■cb.c. is § ;a I a^^ffi55cdS^cPtciaoSQ^ 3 B M B > B « T8"S = ti V * "8° P o.Sa^oz: • Q ■ E g'E ill's S-|SS ■SBu B 3 g E 5 £2.-3 as t. J2 Lass .2 o °- Bat- aP n

i. 2 «-. as CCCC-H q o~*»< p£ O00£^l§«ijoo O O Om as 0"! o OOU«>OhO CLH&.OiCuci.cucia.a^Q.CL, 0S-S.&H — as_ c E-"2 s^as o'S =b o ■2 | 2-ji « ^&-§ rt « rt efl H ca ^ B B.B J"o5 1 g Jlt.Sgol B £_ © fc s o^.-fl .2'E e 2 2 a iS-o. .2 OT3 aS;- B B H 3 S-S B B „q3 B o c.2 „ & S-E as C os BT-E £: t- o-q a as «J~ =^_c 0S..C ©*o OS ro 5s B- o £ Bo-i-^B-CE*st-as .2 rG O B O'E-g bo - s b £q =5 ".S/Bj g'B E ca*o E «.* B I "S §'g § s'g 2^2oo' : oo oo ■2»22od ^odod : : „ as' :°°os'ob : t.' h > > ^ > D. C. O O o O «:ZZoz )£ib£zSo6oooo E •£>-*■ K-B as 60 "-» i-sCIZ(i.H< o sO o go^-g^ c ?f^^°Tl£ OH* _0'-*tS co ao^^os l - J >o C3 n ^w o o « o^ooo^iittio— ,oas 206^00 "2'S'?"?">"> ■> "> 'S "> "S ? "? " "2 ? o "> "P -,Z-^.Z.Z-Z- Oh ft. (0. d. Cs- Oh O- ft- 0- 0- 32 &* ft- ..'^ CS-H •al tf sss 2 rtr"!^ 1 ^ t- t- 5 a ■ C4 °^|og o C C asH-C.S o 2 20^ --a " O O E E ™ - bO be P3 q fc -g *s> bo lS^ 3 o o o b"3 Si _ bB5 o o st-H-eslrf'gg : ^sso^ 1 -ago i.-.-"o B B fc= oS = Em h « w fl D KB O SB *d ^ •- '.2«__r o o-h asJ3 B as e.b B>» t«c9asasasasasas ai.S.SO gas c'2 ,_- 2 a as ci. o. a. Q Soldiers of the World War 25 ■/. on on co to to 26 Revised List of Deceased o o O .« a '•S fe . c .5 <£ S h CO ill si ihiislgoJ^-i i <=? g a § B -_ J M -= =3 i 9 5 O es c3 rt c3 g'E'5'5'3 H o o o o "BBSS Q. 3 3 3 3 9 a c a a mmCuCmCmCm fc g m Mi-g .9 £ g JI.S >- S > S « K9 ™ 9 & 1 a ™ 00000" a a a r " 333 9 g °°;2 : if -2 So. &-aJ* c"u otfa-g S o • od -22 : S2oo'222S2 a ' OOQOO,, 2oooo 00 -m 00 . 00 ■ , , > 1 . "T *"? T ""T • »— < •" ' ^.-HC^ti 8 O 03 es o >cc -* rt » " O OK O O 1 D.,. - O M — >-, S -»-*i*i-t.O»iO~000*aO O 00-*»-->^ ^OOSOO-Q—OoOO -C-~™ — — — — C^ C^C_ C- — — — Cm — O, CmOEmCmCu Pm Cm &> PL, Cu jj CL, -0- Cu C- Cm Ph 3rt. MM- q g >MM ».S O O 3 Q w a o oP a — .rtaSSifl a) t- ca cj a^t^ S"^3 fcr-rfcrCfcT»-rc-.o. 0,^3 rt c£ tT OTrocndcioQ HHE-.E-iE-.E-.E-.E-.E-.t-.EHE-.E-' Q 1". «j-3 s s - a JO'S 1 s •s-a&a^g'Ea.l Soldiers of the World War 27 (O q Q rt Sr73 "K a a c-~ c c c 2; ■< pg fa p_ q* O a. a- Oh plc- o- «>ocooo°° oo cc^; "" "8 §■£ « g §■"£ o j : 6. '■ :j ■£-g> o> ■>•£>> > p. .Splqpl pl ,5 pl pl o- go S- § «! g-a ftg «£ = &» ^.sl St.'* ale >..« P-^iS^-s, 6f ti a a 3 3 O O 28 Revised List of Deceased MO g.Q G 3 ^ C3 Kco o o a-s a c « o SB - O -*> C a a. ."2 « S-O « o h3 « . ^"13 £ ££ j^ ffl C c ■a I = i"5 ,2x« HSS co >S t, s * c « fa * 3 ° C a o §1 C s H *3 C C o E o, o o o 8 5 feSBS c E o c c a — — i-; — — — c 3 a a c HX -HO OS ^ !«i v S oo o4 £S ►? 5$ S cr-2 O C-> -H ut ^, hJ. o^oo< co^oo*? • c oo <; Co w 5 £& gg O ^.00 0« P3W C a O O 1-5 c E PC > a c PC a co CO J* m &— m MK .§ a m § a o c c c o c Q- c c ca a c«~ c g to o-* ■* o -•? i? •* .t, S*»«« _ K OQ 0-<7C»«Q OOOKO O O OO OOO.OOC OOOOO O O OO OQ> 3 r 15 !■§ 1 oo O * = 3 .E;S ^J a> rt tn 03 _ ? "H fc'eES C « « fl s'o 3 *= s Q E OO WKKKKW 4^^>?>? J 3 Soldiers ob' the Wokld War 29 W sa "Z, Onfe 05 03 05 £ Ph^ J5 Oh H oS o « a a ►J WW o to» CO 3"» oo »o »o -g -g-g -g -g Ph C-O. Oh Oh gjs 1 Bfc «- £ E- & ^ 30 Revised List of Deceased I 5 3 8% "p Sw «««§S'3;^5-a i .2" > §■•3 * >,> > a'i's-'« t s : §'l g.a o a ,3 os £^^-c^o^3-e 3.13 g o 3 °"2 ;3 jj u.~ a ^ 2 b 3 a ■J2-S fc S 9 os t.-a o o o g 60 bC-S | §JJJr ~ fe-^^-^-3 Bug 3S "so 2:2 SrS 2 —..£3 OS ert OS ^ CJ C^ »> oucL,>gatgm;g< — BTJ — — =5 3.Q 5 B=3 O ?? OJ O E.3. o OS ■e'3 ™ C £■•—" •-" CJ O. Q. O. ~* 2J§.2. § 2 °\c J§_2. £ 5j 3ac33«oa a"g 3 a « ftjo 2 aS •jTa la S£ao.ao'aO~ip CO^-^-^OOO-ScJoOfc- 3cbb»3bb' i-sJ-S ° ° °"9 2 ° ~ 3o^t-fc-3Bfc- 3 P P . _ a I anPHP-PLiE-iPMCiHewWCL, BBBBUVBB ' i-H ~ " -00^ s s s „ s v- — x cr S: „ -s ~ [2 - - I I '-' ~* I WO)5- H I *— lOO- i 00 »-l 00 OS *"■' *T C^C^^Oc^ I iJLC^-O^.Oic-] ' 0^ C-l I O I tiller to oo* o, b e:-K b a a o. B a os m _ to! a a «OQffl o PQ B-gSa b B^SJ'rio ■*pq o« «SinSOOOP320iB - _ O *"* ■* J3 fe 5 ~ g §o2 M P P 03 - £"a m 0~g >,£cS Roto o p.S £ gpq m a. ■e-a ^ M — . Zg Q .a >« & a« CVS at . o 9 — •t5 fa 'o. >- ' c b55«^ ^^oo a « atPsoo^Hfi^ , w p p 0*2 o- p p pis SoSoopa^Eooom S B o o< ° ooCQ, poj« 5 q1-J g-pS^S wocpqcy a.ocLiaoeM cL,p H a,u& J p-,p H CLiii < PHP^p,a.aHTOPHO0-ipHOPHa < «(*! &w ss'.s ,J ' ; 2W' s ^ Q -°^ a °|Is§«a-^ Wi •5 o rt .S B _- _- m" fe.H g 3 -3 3'*" S ^j=X!T-J'g-a=!-a3 Baa ai: K J, qTo i« g 1 ® n«' J oa osja M -3 i 3P lig^iS .3 • M \P ■■< i-b- §•2-0 g3Ho?'a " ' om^ .a - ^ ^n b os b -_,-QW B«a C t; mis 3 3 3 9 a os.2.2: OSoSoSoSoSoSoSoSVVOOJ pqnpgnpamp303pq«P3PQ( a •r? 2 E ■ . P^a os o 1 «OPh SOLDIEBS OF THE WORLD WAR 31 3 ^, £ 3 m <8 g^ is -So 6 tc ^ s £ -£•- M £ „ l| illi si I IllllJlIf lillllllli M§ IljJlJN lll|.ll| J 11 o;5"S c ta'c o a o 111 a. -3 § SS^S '-£'3'cc 3 ^ 3 ea-3, 3 d g_o a a a-~ fc, a- b S^ S"g_2 3_g S £_g ™ 8 Z~ £f °oS = o 8> » 3.3-3 => 30 £35 o- 3 "S o o o o 3 3 3 3 c s c .2 o § 5 o 1SH1 - 5 5 S S 5 =3 3 3 H OT o « OJ . - g!S g Q..2.S a 5P ace. &•§ o a a < .ORooooBt-o^aoyoo »- 3 a t - :g3SS3S3C33S03PB3 S £ _ 9 .3000000.300^-0000 ^t'O^y*-^***.* •3*3 o.-a a a a a-3 K^-^33e3B__,.,.3 00000S.020000 3 3 d*G- j: 3' J 3' J 3 Q £ 1^2 IPsIbbpbs o o ^S^^^oooo *- ~ 22^ 2°o222«> „,<» «>cb »2^ 2 -22 » °o«>2oo » s o ag s-s o.t5 s a-g &1H?g &g o o l-g-g'gijggg g g i-s-s-s s-g o g-g'-g gg 8g o-g-g-s ►JO a ex— o 3^ Q o C?SS O >> o n .g gO o, - °ZD «3 a ^o>- cm" - 01 o a >.io ZE- -M ex gK ! a^ IS 2^"o c 1-1 QHO 2 a"! Q oQ oO O-O -"'km-. „«B n a 02 "O sO _ 1h a m _• a 1-1 8 3- ^•2 3 3E- 1 a Q B fc =<§= « 1-SK «^w Ji g> Safe's o l5? 0*0 o o o ■mm tt"N"He- V o M G ft| "S^"5 -1 <" SB js go ;ft.c^&.Bi4e-Oft.cu!Xin < a,a.ft.(xa l ft-a.a.P-a.&.a < &.P-aHixa, a.Cnft feci ^111-3 :.-S — is o o 3 03«oapacQc = a-s i-a 3_ r r „Q o H - s inn g Bfl O) fflfflB 00000 . £3 m pq oa 03 m cq ca oa co f ' c S- ipaoac g 1 ^ . .j= £ ex^ - -™ w J J^q a a ^= « jg«fa< ! a fc fe * g a^ gd „-|Q — ° 3 3 t" c a S-OJ23B 3 « -S »^iT §■ £■ a a^-^ £^ S 8^ S-5.J4 § » § a " S a H " trti stosssucJSfeSflnSen a « 5 S a S fe^Jj3^j=J3-2^^u=^ 00 OOOOOOUOCOOOQOOUOOO 32 Revised List of Deceased S-S §,«. g §,.53. 2 a -o,S.S. a '3.. §■ l-sl *-§ 1 1 as s s lis s_o o s sj . H'T 3 , "r 3 . *° P p. *- r" -P JP a a t- p-p.jp -* i-Poo^cvRHojpcjcjPP.cPoo SSSS^aSS^-SppapaSPPP. •5 3 CO -> B3Cftns3SSa2S2aS L-c i -« t -oao3fc-o---c>t-J3Pa -_, m>5mMcQi-;gLi-3E-'m2 o_ oS o o- ►2 ;«« o o o*"2 -m o o ooaSSuo oowS ,9> >5¥>-Om>> o m>> > >>?>?-> oaja.a.e,co7.'^£.w[/.--------~ 03,5 QO.S5-S2 ^-O o 9 N > Mm OhCG — Q-, 0. Oh &- Oh Oh :-„-a 3 p p " o. j .; Bo £• 000 000c 03 m mW ■03 in j* bit. 03 !? s»o hS ^ -«t< ' > ~3 02 p" c3 =5 d3c5oo6o6ooo »cH6H5aPaawgj5«es 'Sos a -a 5?Jp1I z-9 - pq c3Aatc4flc3c]cia}a)aa! QQQOQQQQQQQQ 3 3^-° oj.H o o QQQQ M 'Cm T3 3 Soldiers of the World War 33 1 Jt'rtiS-C So |*JSS ji os"o 1°~ SOPQ 2 «•- S ~ .£ £ o o § a o S. ^S^SS 22oo222ooSoooo 2222^22^222-22222 ^S^sS^S^ »-'■£ j> *=* *= SJ *^ -« +z >* *i *>' *> a"-^ *» « o.-" -^ S3 a"u & o o. o-ti tf tf «' "S "8 a Q, 'S °"'S t3 D '^'S & S 8 ^SOOOS OOOJ'OOOSOO CDcocSoS^SSZ^mCOOCOO SmO^OOroQ&.roQO OO .£P> "^ c5 bb ^ •OO-E.2 05 g ft-H mQqQ 3 , "^ °^ °D io3© ^ • ■ c,. i a 3-* O.0Q O ^9 ;^1 ro -, j-.-, " c-i f; rt 5-,^, o o o 5 ^.^"r^^SS"" 2 rv, O O O & hOUO O , gt~ jS^ro cj ««oo c «t^ r 2^ '•oiZoo'oo'ooSSojO jffiO — a m « 3s> > lag sffi-y; O O O CT«„ OOOQSflS ? SI J^ S.2t- '-» ■Sam £■£§ O „- JPh 3^3 fe £ « -OH 5-3JD 3 . . o H a 3 v v p 3 3 3 >>.£> OQQQQQ -^° ^ S 3- C^ a.f Sou •foblii.lflll OS 03 o3 o 7? =3 to 3 _> _P "'O 5 s II" s S-llfcil 5 1 - i « e g-l i s l| J s •3=3 Is^'ai 1 ^ a -a £ £ c S S a ■o i >^ S.°2 3 B ja ^^' 1 = §.5iH==Sg= SosS§.-S = .-3r3§^oo 34 Revised List of Deceased •= CO C O O 5 111 &P IB&J |l|al{g§^|^l|-i{1 "■la is be ,3.3 Jl Ph >. C.-2.2 o S c § g . a g c a 3 On Ottt o o o a e s ■ 55 cd C"5 S • .2_o > O.J3 C..E . _ O. C. Q. • O c * ■& gH B g-o-2 « •3 s go PS hi 3 CV _ a i_ S'cS ".2 i ca'E'c o'c'S'c o o.S o o a o o o sagessssa H .»«iaii«co»« : ca'c e'e ■" a a °"-3 - — O © 3 O 0.2 o o ©•— o £J2 o o o »c 2-£ £ o oJ2 o o o o o o 53 m«ai^ip3a3mPH>5p-HJ&.cQgiHJCQP3camcawS QOos WwQOOOOOrH wjao*-i i ^7 oo OCOO IX. ^«NN.-iW WO*i COOS'— • ( w OJ ' ' OOOiOOi-«aO,-tCOOCOi -.-2 5:333 SSococococo b-«ic2o>?o^ooo6o coOcc £-o£ c'_' ■a a a _•- 8(0 o ^ -**o *-* /•« as;-» 33 chj o c c 9 bC £■ >y=S . . oaL 2 « a S ^^ - t;^ o~ g<»pa. „°>o oc SQ fc ^Q^sq OOaB- ? "' r '"" s '- be cd G a cy~cs oca's OS O bDQ 1 - 1 ^ cQca™ — ^2§o a ■aJ'O, Q ^mm°o ,'S^h ^pa Qoa «« «« 2-*CCtoffiO ctot e-cJ.0H^.s-i— a-^cLrot ^ ■OS » c a" o S *; « eg o 3 3 ca S a) cu ^ ^ o ^ « o o E S S S'C'S t. 3 S oocoooooooo PhP^PhOmOhP-P^O-PhPhCucoP-ChPhOhCwPhD-OhP-coP-, jci "' g.2." ^ b^ "tp CD o M.3".3^5^3 3 ;««Pf ^."S C S CgS SScs c« S J; fl n oo ^ -£ ~ - Soldiers of the World War 35 2 .2 gmS a 3 B,~ "8 2 a : >• a ~ i ■S3* S eS & = £ c g-s &=?.a Is g| s.i g-a= g S.So^ a g"g •ga-S'g !~=J Ill ls-1 § |i| I gj s^ §-3 s.a^ jj|£g ( S^SQ£^SSaS^Qi:fai-lgS3 l QcSj:ufSHO.S_2 a a a a • — a • 33 3 :e-i § a a >> g_ a a§-g sags c a s £' a a = § §a b 3 a a 5 = 3 3 a c a, i O o a a 2 3 60 O ■— 60 a-a ~ 3 a a a a § 'c'e'H £•- g gE-^S - : 3 3 S 3 p, a, i c ■ *-S p- P.* "* P-- a • — rt Sr-g-g-g-g g-3-g-g s-g s-s ^ g 2 £-g-g-g g & H5JE0Baa--i3a^a-2 ^^~; aaaa«t- %taz a a a ; 3 = c o o . ae 3 = 3 "Sec a T) a s c ^r e= 60 a a a a = — P O § ►Jfc.ca — Olt od : ro ai : oo : : : °° « : • od oj S ■' ; oc2£a< : ■ ■sat ■«« °o a; • • ■ oo <» oow^s* 0100 r-.oo'V mo-iajiO'iocOH"«oooOrtH i »ffi«7 i oooex i ""oohh h iioidohh "t "7 ,2 T V T T W^ H ,w^W^M'!-■>" 22^0 5? w oc 2 N °^ «Q ■* Et, th ° =*sCo oQt«0! <.£ u 60"* 5 » -ti-2 6 a — — J 03 _ Q, C, o o 5K O 0»'-lH P Si a a oS o2^ c a PbPng|pHPHPL l ai>4>» = s^a|^o pq o .a -PCq -> gi e.S a - - a 3 = = ^ a.H o o m - >> c g o a a a 03 a> o o »-» >-a >-> >-5 i-s >-> •-> 36 Revised List of Deceased o > t 9 .s.o >>•&,«•=, S-p-c & g-5 S 1 s ■? e asfsoyTja a s to - a ..-.2-S .2 § § § | §113-3 S 5 S 5 a a a a e-3 » a a, o. §■ 9 o o - OS =? •-= — - J-C O O O J. 3cgg ° 2 3 3 6 a> « -' B C a &• o. a. i o o c "a ce « a— liii a a a f;^-| g a-i-g-g-f csgeea^eaee JJ o o &TE o o c o ■a §"§ •*=a -a a a S 2 3" j^Jrera a gs . o o 3 T 'ai"9^ ! §.2 * H a g g-« a 3 = S -5 -h oo -< « — £_" oc-^oc) — aooc-c-poooo oc o. c*> ^ oo oo « i 22i-i ( J 3 T 7 l '7 , ~ !r i , ci'Tj22222 ^ ,A ^h ' J, h, i *■"< oT*i'-.""T' , "T , -^,^h""7'*"T' T ""i* T i T7in^ I fjOlr^^ llf 3rtO t I i 1 CO CO ooo44^z o »> I I gl O . . dj ^'S 53 S &S'.S.S.-e-S gggggggg-g ftiftiP-.ftift.ft.ft.ft.PLi o. tr 8 a & g. .a.*3 j_5H3iJiJ,J>J*JhJ>-3 — hJ 2 s« e a -jajS o j^ hra2 -1 S 3r e c a bS w a „ Tj'S — ^ 5 a" a" ^ o « to ■€'^ a a Soldiers of the World War 37 0°o js •9~ :I2 S ~~~ fl.g og&g • s '?« « 1 <*' S *| "§"b 9 9*-3 => « 9 •§ co S m ,5 m n5 h^ cq ■< fisl ctfo<: || §-111^11 1 fell &| §11 15 § ■gS3 «w S&tg^ffi o o s a e3 # £3 c3 rt s; >=3"C id a a a) ca JJ3^ llialilal ■s a ££ ■ -ajdjafc :" g^OOO^JJpg, T3 O S a K.2 o • "« :&£■% : « w Ifo « — .S O is JK ||| 3 o"3"S oSox o c. fa -a c c M PQ' 2s££ ■2"S ^ °3-a S Sy oo on n sl b- •- — 3.3 BJ* S a "■ s 3 a^ s a « 3 < 2 lSft,X^CMOa:WtaB3JM osg '33 o o : a a fc 3 3 3"t~ O-E fc--0 ft o o S o o o S g'a i'§a|| :|'| :|§ feas«-5 :Sg :3a £ 3 o/a 3 H •"2-2 §— o'E'Bja ^ b-^'EJ w u ft ft.g 2.0 O O -H ^00„CT=— ' -* " '-' 00O0 — 00— ' I 00 ■Hi-.OOioO-'W^" 000000 M C*! *H rc pH-^io.HM^^^OO-HfMMIN "^ O -* O -H . O^ NmiO.OI'HiO^WOOW •—-_• .a •■* >*.; ^ £ .i tii _;_^_*:_*z >, _j _j _^ -j .j "S t.' u „j ^j > j _j „i u ^ ^j _^ ^: : a-g 3 'IS* Sa^o^-gq^-gcco Sfa 5 d S WCOCDOO OOOOOco<; Qoo^°ooQoooo c?o55pa o "O ft^t- g^ ft fa CO c?a t~ Si N 5? 4s o"2 43 oS o"2 paoStoowoS :« :« •rQ«4- Mi ft«"^^^-H 0> IO f-H »o So °o =t> o Q "°"fto^ c " « ia,ft,a,fl.o^ o-,ft,OP-iO-.PHeb —.a, Ph ftip-i a gga 2 £-§3= sit!?- 5i ft b t- 3 ^ 1-, oj 3 3 3 >> «5 Q I" fc d ° O a a - sszzz^zzsz; 5 a a o a 3.2-0" zz; wo If ftws >oBQ 2"> ">?'>"> i Ph0-.P-0-Dh 3 a = ^Jtsl'* ! -' > 5^ <8CJ 3 r - - « ro .^^f-H * k : 3 3 >. o^3t3 43 V7~ .. .8s3c3e3ojasoja3-a-3 OOOO Ph 0-i Ph Ph Ph Pi Ph Ph Ph D-i &< Cl, I^Qo P200.2.2 ■SJ- Soldiers of the World War 39 33 ja 3rs .5 2^ . 5 T. &-S! B t= ° e5 £.£ « — «-' S", -a a >- E* 5 m .S.3 fc I •£ 2 ^- £ c ^-S gJi £«..= = g S- rt E = 1 «i e-o_£ » b i SOS" O-S gfe^^ IggMgl^'llcoffi^^^ s^^^^^^"^^ « £ o ■a*a : . o 2 o «j ! I! lilies- -«£ '- g £ 2 3 >. 2 .2 3 3.2-g-g Sj £^ * G, m Q S c 3 o £ 6 .2 g_g G c •33 S « _£-o pj "5_ E' o.c o etc i o .i- > c .C B 5-B £ " §•? S £_ B C ■ o o.S £ S--S : S £ e s s*a E G-c ill --2.G c o != G 2 c ' •? E g B = 7 _- .B_ » §~ B B B gB B lUl*^ b|J E-22 £ £'£.'3 « s-'^cg £0£ ■g-s o-g-s g g-g-gg-s = &■§•§ ~ S<._ : -« :« _ • co m ro eo '""' o'S'-i"£octu ?fc C «='c- G U SO Urn. od.2 -c£«^ g^ 11 t*_ 14- ^ B> E E ' Efface ►Sec GGCCE- o-.ca do' 2t Of ^ioo coot "gr^^SSoBBBOO POOP "dtG.SfflG.GGCC-ff-C-ff-C-e- G. C G r/: G C CC G. C- C- £#GG(££ ^G^G(£c-^^l£GGGGG&,ff.ff, QS, 3W SO i c 3 — ? S 2.2. > o <~ <- . ,GGG( 2.^ Ik - = <:"? •CO S B = o-s — H-. — tsD • B _ ^ a O ,-t — ri B iZ fe r^-E rt W -. ~ |S40 ||^- i^l g | I =^ - - - - -f^gfi s >:.o I'fe ; ,jj^ s s^J .-aJkfeaS b.e " ", aS-QV, bo o o . E-'-e _™ _ E.S..2 J g-fj fc „., .B.E taftrc-^ S^:^:^^J=-C^- " fcc^:" El iT.-8 5.SS g-^-t SSBSS S'o^o-o-oo-oo o o o 5 S 40 Revised List of Deceased y- 5 = = 3 c _i M q 2f c ^^i 5>5 5 53 3 3 g g>E c g F Fif-g g >>c-3 > *.£ . s S a o 3 !>■ M.JO CO* 3 o « -»- - -a > > 3 ■a a I o a a ■^-c-c ! a p c -„ga 3 3 3 wt-t-^/O»-«-^i-i-^3Ht.0t-^t- Jcoacpp*S35csc£5c c- = ccbsSc- o ate oj o -« ;- o aj o g.S^J o o o £>•£ o g£2 o gcc-§ a 2 "8 2 03 2 wm£ai5c5<& < ni.3]a'Q.S3i: '" " • :«;«-«; qo^;2 :» : ^ «; 2S 2 » j- =<; «i «; :S : :°° '2 •« :*;£^ ' : : ^2 O Tt< ~ -* CM -H '- , ^ CO CM t- M . . .N^-HDI^ITt ,M>0OlMO> ."««5« .*ioono» , B-ggg-g g 3 ag.i'g *aa c-g cg-g'g'-g ag" s-gg a-gggg a Eaggg-g o, ^OZQO o4ffiO«i<:Sffl(nO^OOOOcoO^(=.OtofcOOOtoSooOfcra acq m I &o a QO Oco"* >ut< UJ 0-3^ B^ CM -« O O « O" OOQK 3« o ^ n H ocoS — HOcao B.J «CB fc m S ^o Kffl«eq Q „ 'in a-c »o . fi O f a H' aH a om S^B a. 60 " K lfe« -T3 Eh *3 CJ G t- Q, « _ o O O 3 t;^ t. 3 * O*^^ T3^fB3^3^^'* , -r- M -i o 03 o*"l fc B;CuO*Sr^ -•''^^ 3 fe-O ^.fc QJ3 J3»??a , -3Bfl ll^g°.Q; 3" 9 8; >_> SbS H B H 5 o.S^3 5t5--= Soldiers of the World War 41 jSco 03 03 o o aa ■a 1 * ' 2 a : a a :.s'l :•- 03 a. n's'l . . a . . ;_2 g^g fig o o °92zu°°2° 'Sq.Soo_ 1 %$ * 1 a - ! §•§ a s I -3 a 2 H" 3 a a l a a a a a = ,4ie:~Q2; D -3C.oci-c<->3i-c.aoccc3a & < Mm>g& < CL,PQgLi^cti^ift,pQc < ZHMc < ft.<&ftiftift,ft.ftift-ft,ft,ft < a- ft,ft,ft,ft,^ift.ft J ftiftp H ft,ft.ft,ft,ft,ft J ft < ft < sa°a, -rjoa os a. ~ .2 a. 2 wJ3 M S|13— g |-3 -*r- — L~*' 3 03 ^ ^ rt 03 M c« i a 3s g-g a E C g -as « 3 =L o B w q a • e o — B 3 E OJ E o3'53 E S o. oj cs tv- g. a g o O. O"^ O o o ° E g 'c 5 « a c3 H* S'S'Otj .2.2rc § i-9 S S n &2aSa.a>2§.2'rt£°o2<»*°02°2S°= 3 '"-B ".C ^ ^ -E -B fcZ-EEfc.-EOEE .E G -B -B B u SB«E«gEC? E V E 3"« eS332e3EE3« 03 S 03 a e-a oi o o o « s-s a g 3 B 3 S 2 ° SJ 03 E I- E rj - OO —00 ■ 0000— oooiooci CO ■ °£ *~ OO OO 00 C5 00 OO CC ,_, OO ■ ooo~ -CO — 00 — 00OO ' — 00 — — i 00 — — — — oo — oo *7 -7 — — — — — — ^ I— 0OO0 — Ol2» H > j CM CO O i «0)ci.i«00» " , jSS"' 0otl " cc, "2 pl "'ii i^OjJ l«ol CM — »OCn ) — — — — CO - oo oo moo cci:c^Ci:cc^coco4cc'*r/;Ccc:4,> SgHK oK o Q 0<-QOm •o o o ois £OS o oO oO« o o2 o"S o a. c_ O.Q- CChCu ::::■-'::. . : . :jo . x bLife&ift < a.CLi&.cMferoa l p; a^^i co 2 8 „rfc >>> m— OS Brj ^ ^ ^5 -- r?0 ShQ « K .^o Soldiers of the World War 43 oO S -'5 S5 §• is teS g 3-f >■"■■ 'S ° c * o ^» a c£L IP! is ' a i'l IS 'e'a'a'3'3 o o o o o aaa a a 3 3 3 3 3 O O 3- a a •S5-3 c,a - "SagOOOom § 5 a-B-a a:a~- IsSS'Saea-acaace^a"- aeaea rt -s = i£'- s -s SOc': 0-§r '3'3'S „, o o o.2 3 3 3 2 a a a 3 ftaae ooqS Soi a E £ c £E E E E E & 3 o C a a 5 E E E o <) J oa On m M Ci com g}p333CQryjE-ii-!gH&.-< gaw^l a e 5 3 a oiSSooooSoo -od ^oood '-22 • ■ 22 oo ^ Soo -S .00 ^H I 7Hrt7 r-N HQO-- itHOO | , OOGO I* - 'l ir-tOO I CO H 4S2«=ofcco"T' c i'74^,'7'02^^S t =^ ??^ r ^'«- , .- Saj3^u°0)^«^i'^"3go"50o5 <$ a a v 5} 2 •P5 O, M :Q'S •^ • _, o fcM >.P3Q j, oo£oo» aomooQ a .S-B| t- br£*E Ph a^pa l-H m a o — i TO t. HN^QOf H --° o oS o^-qo is o ooSoSSmo p5 _ a --Si ~Phc» 3» Segals PL, pn PL, Oi PL, Ph P* P. Oh P< Ph Cl, cl, Oh ft< p* PS p* PL, &■ q.p,ft S-w t. See. aqaaaa>,5ia3S sS £ 3 2 s*S '-apq»J » fl) bC tiD bD 44 Revised List of Deceased on ^ • ^odtT-S oo : : .'2 t»rooo_2°° ooS5cn°° ~Joo °>_' 2 cd iodoa —.■700 oo« 700 1 «oo 00 oo"7 T*? - iT TciT ' "-"^ 7S 1 H««« O) ^' CO Oi« «5 . '" , to «N t~ i-> <-l ,-< >- ' IM —, , 1-1 . CM »-H CO CN .-, in .-I CM OQO OOZOS fct,Q O Qi-> lul^Q^l ;S»q^: £0 Qr -«*- a >' s r '? a H bmWh O(3co2o — , 3 S » SO Q 1 " — fcifl 1 O B OH B Eh ■ E-cW £ OL E •cm m o, m _* O ° <— >M< OO uoao Q <; cv, o o9 o U„wC H c to ^ CO m^ O 5^ ~ opq.2 a £m M P-ieq «m c •p -p •» *^ _ . ~ _ ^ ~ *. *^ +^ -^ *_, 0i a, Pngbpn toCl, o- PS P. P*P*PhP*Cl, 2 o o Sis « — >-9 _-[£ a "CJ . o csS o PS Pi PS «rs « on a^ _ a>E- | iHE-'E-' 6: 50 „, rt , a cp c; 42 n »-£> "S ^ M ■_ - J5.S Ctf b" S jaja > o^ £ S 8?~. e 46 Revised List of Deceased iu - 1 5 2. s 1 to g> y-p n'H 3 a a .3a Ofc< cj 03 Clarksb Hinton Dixie Crum a o o a 3 c3 pqo mS feo h =£>!§ OS a a S'^Uss ! g-s d a S 5 s .= .2-2 1.2 c e -T3T3 °T3 o o o '•§'■§'■8 S= aa =SSa aa aa Sa a aS a a a 5=5 £ =£=3 = = 152 22 3552 22 2'2 52 2 25 2 g 2 525 25222 ^oi ~2 Jod^^ ajs 2» «J°° : 3 5s ,: !S 2 S»S 32333 2^ S^ 3333 ^2 «- £2 3 3° 2 2 3 3 2 ^ «AS3S3 « -g c-g 0> 0J J J If O ZQ» COW o o PhPh t— CO -^t~ GO ~H 05 I bo faO bO bO CP CD o> 0> PnCdpdCi o o o o OOOO lib o 3;c bo a to to o o • »0 CO -3* O pq o bOo- bO bo bD ^ bO bO bo bcr5 bD bo tp>-H cu Qj oj <5 to o> V cp£l cp O ««3 pj Fd tf m rtM p=i«2f£5« lO O lib »0 CO yjtDiO lOtOtOlOO o^ o o o „ © o ooooo O o- O O O qOO QOOOO h2 00 in iO ^ CO ~^ (*- CM CO CO ~* io P3 ~* »o as -< 00*0 to oo ex) ^iq ChPh QhQhO^P-i PhC- i. c < c . c 4 Pm t» o > !» > Cl,PhP* CJOPhPhPh SOLDIEKS OF THE WOLRD WAK 47 c c c o o o -a o Q s.s.s 'o -c-o-a > > j« -C-C 5Qu o o o s s e o o o -a -a -a oj c a> 555 -e 5 ^2S Q 3-- •2 beg g 3 M Q.S OhCl, S 3 55 o c« ZK ■3f"3 J? ~3-z o o o o ■si >• ca ja" c KZ ShIS o^ 3 "3 "3 "3 "°*iS O-3 o § 00 uMjg KK c="a ■ >> ca CO > > >> caco ca ca i . ro . coco oco *» . . 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