Class f) SQJ Bnnk / 3 CopightW COPYRIGHT DEPOSm Farm Book-keeping A PRACTICAL BOOK OF INSTRUCTION WRITTEN PARTICU- LARLY FOR USE ON THE FARM By H. GRANT LAMB 1908 The Thomas Press New York ^5 LI6RARY of GeN(iRE6S SEP 26 ]i*ua o o o -^ o o o o o o o C 2 02 o o H 'O C tn CO a S tn cj a; r cc I ^© S M O .SS 35 _^ ^ ^ b c eg CO cit> OS «c o 6e- o o m o CO > a 0) CO W 0) ^5 fl b£) CP f © o o rfi Ln o •* o Diagrams. 29 o o o iH O O o o o o o o o o O O ITD O O lO O O O lit! O O O o Eh tno-^osoTti MOO 1—1 tH «.©-c^ to &9- .2 o O H O o m H o o o o o CO O CO rH «o «D kT^ tH tH tH P" o o m O in 0) ;-( o m o a o .m •- o^ o a; M O CJ t^ a; "r o o c^<^^ _ lO r- .r-c CO -o ,-1 o3 o O iH ^ C ->-> ~ d o 03^=^ ^ rH O M rn H #OOos N lO tH t- CC lO t- 00 »> ->»>>>>> U f^ u QUO Jh t^ t^ s c ^ § 2 3 ■ ^ S ^o < z a: D o . ^H Sh ;h ^4 ^H ;-i QQPPQQ o -t-> o o O O G 5:^ Oh m c t. o a ^ (j3 03 oj oj p; .rt +-1 3 S > ^ ^ rf u J5, "^ >> O) o M 0) 0^ o w 3 X 'O ri o O M bj) ,i, ^§0 ^-^^ ^ - a •^ '^ s '-^ IS. ^ •• THOOi3SOTHCt-t-00000000 Diagrams. 31 c o o < z DC D o o O'^. c o o d O T3 "^ 0<^ «£> o ^ 3 o O O O V C to T3 ^-gg^ ^ S ^ « to "^ <^(o ^"^^ I S* ^ I tJ ^ N I 's §^ I 5^ 5 "^ s 3 '^ "O <-J -a •^ Tl yj 'sJ V f^ ■(-> c U*r ^ fi *" G ^ o M -^ «(-i i' ^ Ei ^H CO ir: tH Tfi iH LO C— > » » » » ;h 0) @.s " V-i tl c ■a; ^ be ^ to "0 ;^ CO o3 u h ;h' Q G Q 5"^ Q 1^ dividend on -6 shares. Q c Q 10 ^ t-3 -o •"S s 2 ^■5 > CO 0) n3 02 1 « > 5 ^ ^ 1 ^ Oj 03 ^^- ^^^ ^ -w a OS ank Note:- Debited CO u 73 G osjti; Sh CO ^5 0) Sh rowing Note:- 2 gathere: o 'C! • :^ D ^ r: W .2 'O CO ^ ecei' 2.20 ban Vi CD c ^ fe ^ •rt 03 0) 03 "3 03 Sh CO o3 Phn QO ^ ^^ K M HO o Ph h-'^ (M t^ IH l> t- tH (N tr- ?^ ^A It* iH t> iH tH I> io 34 Diagrams. t- O o o o I>- 00 O 50 o «co U5 t- tW o t~- e«3 ev3 o 00 ON ■13 o » » o 661 I O- S «a Ivi S ^ o o "QlJ»"«» .1-1 13 o S Lj 6^ Ifl ci o ^42 ^5 rO ^ ■ ^ (J c, O O^' as 03 O cl CO PQ-M t3 O I S cO • t- (M Diagrams. 35 * o O C^ l> o O c- la > » >> o o bx) !^ o VI m "^ CO -^ 0) ^? ^ S o ^^ 2 C ^ X! CO O •2 CO c oo 7-n "^ tn o H -M ^ CO ^^ >> o a O "? i ^ ^ c- c- S ^ I" .-§ § I 02 02 c^ g, \ ^ VI ^ u ^ ^ ON tH«O00 OOt- W-^it-CCL-OC-COCCC^C-t- -Cm n3 m X i § ^ -S I £ 1 S ^' i ^ ^ '^ '" - -^ w ^■> jhCShsIIo'-iS^ <^ CQ o Q W fc O Diagrams. 39 Q 00 0^ 0) c/5 CO ^ o a; 00 <» J> 8979 8979 132 i < Sundries Loss and Gain CO < H 1907 Oct. < en r, O a; bo Oh en < OOoOOOtNIOOOOO MOL^in>Ol:^00(M*' Hi •rHC So t- o o o o o tr ■* O O O O IM '-' W CO lO O rH 00 05 CO iH CO ■* (M tH ^ Hi pr i-H c^ i^ li^ c- 05 -t-> m > o 40 Diagrams. en S-i O Q '^* en o 00 Q r>. ooooooooooox tHOOOOCOOOOIJ^'^ Pu t-coeoioocicn«oeoir5TH}2 CO csi-^ioiccDC-c-c-oocx) Garwood M. Co. Family Expense Cash Interest and D. Farm Expense Sundries Taxes Implements James Trevor Insurance cQOOooioiAose^ioooo r-(i-lrHT-lTHCq(M(M o < CQ o o o o o o o O O (M O ^ Oi O CO o c C ci3 'O G a m 01 o hJ rn 0) 1-H c M ■^ t- o -^ Oi O TH O « II Xi O O OO o ■' +J U5 O 0>^ K3 li^ 1 o I O T-H Lfl eo (0 1 •r-j O iH i be ' f2 +j 03 O C ^ o ^ s Oi m > ■*■> o CQ ^ .2 f: +-1 Qj ^ ^'^ CS m C Pi +-I ce 3 C/J UM U3 irj iH tH CO So- ;; So Diagrams. 41 o o 00 Oh '13 Ui en Z UJ Qu X LJ CO O X en CU a O a ai m m o « ^0 O O C^ M Cvq «0 t^ '-'^ in 00I-CCJ5 P 1-1 1 <=" o c 00000'=' |oj -. <^ O'* \0 ll 0=^ 0) in o iH 1-i o Jr i CL) oi o ?5 CO Lrt CO to Oh cq T}< cq Lf5 lo °2 00 ■ OO -r^^^ •* 1 Cd !l ■^ 1-1 CO "* r-l CL Oh |! ft, n CO to t> 00 00 i ftj • w* CO •I-* ns (U S-i u ■M CO ^ o o S^ ^ ^ o 2i > '^ tH TO •'-1 crt ^0 CO O ^ Cq N r*H lO 1 t- 1-H • CO = ?i S '^■* |- n (J 1, '- a: s 00'='=' o ii oo® w o o o 2 o o o == LEDGE Grow t 1 JK 1 > i »^ o Lj r. t~ — Uh ,H LO«5 J! O lO tH o eo uo =0 g 00 1 00 c^q S lf3 W "^ 1 •rt< c^ L-o n; •-3 CO OS t> 1 f^ i-H CO 00 o » c o 1 G -g O 00 3 !h M^O C< 1 l"^ s-*' 1 (M tH it;? 1 rt rt< rH CO " 1 1 rH W Tj< c>q S*i, : 1 ^-^ - g4J, . h li: w J O Q - - So Diagrams. 43 en a o Q z < H H D PQ 00 00 Q c O o o <-> zr O 00 I 00 CQ Q o M^ CO > «"i^ 2 o Q ^o Q o z N < H 00 CO T-( W a: Pd H 1-3 "^ Z t— H CCM =, o ^TM in il Phio urs c- C 03 -a s d •^ CO c a 1 d C m t-J (M 1H iH CO Sr; -M So O O 00 OO 00 O CO to CO LO tH o CO lO iH (D to Hi ^ c- a- w o ^ tH rH Csl O lO in 1 r>. a; lA in (X3 00 00 «3 cu fin in 1-3 tr- C a O -o s d « , n U] O u iJ z, s CO D 1^ en O •M iz: 05 T— ( o I— H Q o o o o /^ o in '^ in < en X 00 i>>5 SOt-iOO in 00 < H 1-3 t- 00 ,isj V- PI ^ d '^ m OS 00 T-H (M C O So 44 Diagrams. Q CO W a-. CO a; o a: Oh < 0) 00 1-5 <-) o o o (-) o © 00 00 1-s tH r3 02 o ^ o ® W) (d Dm s O 03 C 0) G X H S ;h c3 fe 1—1 CO CO H t- -M Z w s 05 o O o o o UJ o o "=> J cu 1— 1 O (M 53 000,53 Pi i-s T-l t- E» a; Sh ., tJ-i^ C G ^ ^ MM rH C^ M o Oi -M , - to cd Oh © o ©• < a z, < en CO O N 00 © . £> OS w la «o H5 be bo d c COCO © •4J _ © C T-l i-o t- tr Tt< t- CO ift N 50 C t- C- 1-H N rH M CO ■<»< t- c— u M S= c &H S li-iH- CO CO CO CO CO CO M c 0. 1— 1 rt 13 r .-t a b4 cc 0) a* c rti ^ h © ~ Diagrams. 45 CO 13 CO • ^^ Q 00 Oh •-9 n o PQ a z, < u o CO I m c tH 2o o U a z Q O o < a oo 00 00 k 93 T-l o Oi 1—1 o O iH '^ 00 «= 1-5 (M So o 1 o o il o ® GO DO c« Dh 09 cc H CO U3 00 H. So 00 o o OS "f= — T rH O 46 Diagrams. 00 cd Oh CO u DQ < < Oh H O o O o o o o UTI lO lO OCI tH CO tH 05 ,« o 05 o 0) r/} (m -o s 02 J iH la So CO 4-> Q o o o <=> (1( C30 0^ c rH O on 00 a; o <^ o o o s w (M Q^ ^-3 00 a. 00 ►-3 O o O o o '"' PM fO »-3 ITS tH o 03 ■M o O Diagrams. 47 00 (X pin 1-3 Q Q Q a: o OQ O U < O O o o s o o r-i r-i © CO CM t-5 l-H 00 CO Q u 00 ON M be O C ^ C o tH o r-l o O 3 •^ ^ S r-l ^ 48 Diagrams. ON CM i>ooo ooooo o ooooo o HZ- OOOOOi 0-*iOC^C^ O rHOOOO O lO oirHirs C-050000CO to oot-otrao o OOi S^ t-OSm OOCO-^i— li— 1 C^ OrHrHO-O O CO, OilHt- ^t-HtH r-^-^iirClTH t- oo '^ t~OO-.s «cii:iocC < 5 ^ Owner's Capital A/ Cash Bank Farm Expense House Expense Family Expense Growing A/C Produce Live Stock Butter and Eggs Interest and Divide Taxes and Insuran( Farm Property Implements Stocks and Bonds Garwood Milling C Cowles Blacksmith James Trevor Notes Payable Mortgage Payable William Grant James Brown Jacob Ford H |ii rHCqco'^K5?Deoi>c-i>i>'i>t-ocioooooooooooo CHAPTER X. AFTER THE FIRST MONTH. (100) The instructions and method given in the preceding chapters and diagrams are planned so that every month is separate and complete in itself. Yet, while each month is complete, and the books are closed every month, no opening entries of any kind are necessary in beginning the next month. (101) In starting the next month, write in the Journal on the top of the next open page : Journal, November i, 1907. and then continue to record the daily transactions as heretofore. (102) Post from the Journal to the Ledger as during the first month. For convenience start the entries on both sides on the same line of the Ledger, as shown in the diagram of Cash A/C (98). (103) In taking off the Trial Balance at the end of the second and succeeding months, take only the figures below the ruled lines. This refers espe- cially to accounts like HoUSE EXPENSE, which have been closed into Loss AND Gain A/C. Total the figures below the ruled lines, in pencil as before. 49 50 After the First Month. On the accounts not ruled off, add the current month's entries to the penciled total under the pre- ceding month, and pencil in the combined total as before. These penciled totals are then carried to the Trial Balance. ( 1 04) After the Trial Balance has been proved correct, transfer the loss and gain balances to Loss AND Gain A/C as before, closing and ruling the accounts transferred. Then finish up by closing the Loss AND Gain A/C into the Owner's Capi- tal A/C. (105) Every month is complete in itself and the work continues in the same manner from month to month. This constant repetition will soon famil- iarize you with all the details of book-keeping, and those points which at first may seem obscure or un- necessary will be readily understood. CHAPTER XI. DEFINITIONS AND MEANINGS. These definitions are only intended to cover the meanings of the words or expressions, as they are used in book-keeping, and more particularly in this book. (106) Account, Ledger. — The Ledger is divided into sections, each section being called an account. In each account are grouped all items re- lating to that account. Thus, all cash matters are kept in Cash A/C, and all relating to implements in Implements A/C. (107) Adjustment Entries. — Entries made in the Journal to correct some previous error or omission. (108) Animals, Growth of. — For book- keeping purposes an animal is considered grown, when it has become ready for work or for sale. Be- fore then it is a source of expense rather than of profit. (109) Balance. — An account is said to balance when the totals of both sides are the same. 52 Definitions and Meanings. A "Debit Balance," means there is an excess amount on the Debit side, and vice versa. (110) Balance, Trial. — See Trial Bal- ance. (111) Bank Account. — In book-keeping is meant the LEDGER A/C of that name. It also indicates the account kept at one*s bank. (112) Bank Balance. — The amount of the bank balance is shown by the excess on the Debit side of Bank A/C. This should exactly tally with the amount actually on deposit. (113) Black Ink. — See Ink. (114) Book-keeping. — See Double Entry. (113) Borrowing. — When a thing is bor- rowed. Debit that which is received, and Credit the lending party. (116) Butter and Eggs. — See (55). (117) Capital A/C. — Represents the in- vestment; the excess of what is owned over what is owed is the capital of the farm. See (46). (118) Cash. — The money actually on hand. (119) Cash Balance. — The amount of cash on hand, which should agree with the excess balance on the Debit side of Cash A/C. Definitions and Meanings. 53 (120) Check. — Used to show an entry has been posted from the Journal to the Ledger. (121) Cheque or Check. — A written order on a bank to pay money on demand. (122) Closed. — An account is said to be closed when it balances. See CLOSING THE Books. (123) Closing the Books. — An expression used to describe the terminating of the month's bus- iness, preparatory to opening the books for the next month. (124) Credit. — We credit that which gives, produces, or pays. (123) Credit, Buying on — Means when we have things charged to our account. (126) Credit, Selling on — Means when we trust a party to pay later. (127) Credit 5ide. — The right hand side of the Journal or Ledger. (128) Daily Transactions. — Those ex- penditures, etc., which are recorded in the Journal from day to day. (129) Debit. — We debit that which costs, re- ceives, or which we pay. 54 Definitions and Meanings. (130) Debit Side. — The left hand side of the Journal or Ledger. (131) Deposit. — Money entrusted to a bank. (132) Deterioration. — Shrinkage in value of buildings, animals, crops, implements or invest- ments. (133) Dividends. — Income from stocks, and from some other forms of investments. (134) Double Entry. — Book-keeping is called double entry when every transaction is re- corded by entering equal amounts on the Debit and Credit sides of the Journal, and when at all times and through every process the total amounts are the same on the Debit and Credit sides of the books. (135) Entry. — The record, or transfer of the record, of a transaction. (136) Excess .Balance. — The excels amount of one side of a Ledger account over the other side. (137) Expenditure. — What is paid out. (138) Expense. — Those expenditures for other than debts, which after being paid leave noth- ing of inventoriable value. Definitions and Meanings. 55 (139) Family Expense. — All expenditures personal to the family, like clothes and amusements. (140) Farm Buildings. — All buildings on the farm, including the dwelling house. (141) Farm Expense. — All expense relat- ing to the operation or repair of the farm, excepting those expenditures for articles of inventoriable value, like implements. (142) Farm Property. — All real estate, buildings and fixtures, but not the movables nor chattels. (143) Feed for Stock. — Feed grown and intended to be used for the farm stock. This feed should neither be inventoried, entered in the GROW- ING A/C, nor be carried in the PRODUCE A/C. (144) Future Sale. — A sale not consum- mated, nor necessarily arranged, but expected. (145) Gain. — The excess balance on the Credit side of Loss AND Gain A/C. (146) Growing A/C— See Chapter VII. (147) Harvesting. — Gathering the crops. (148) Heading. — The title or other descrip- tion placed above the body of the wrtiten matter. (149) House Expense. — All expenditures for the table, and of a general nature like heat and light. 56 Definitions and Meanings. (150) Implements. — All kinds of tools and machinery. (151) Index. — Used to locate the Ledger accounts. (152) Ink. — Red ink is used for making transfer entries in the Ledger and for ruling. Black ink is used for all other purposes. (153) Insurance Premiums. — The fee paid for insurance. (154) Interest. — The premium for the use of money. (155) Inventory. — A tabulated list of Re- sources and Liabilities. (156) Investment. — That into which is placed surplus capital or savings, either for greater security or greater profit. All loans, and expendi- tures for articles of inventoriable value are generally speaking, investments. (157) JP.— Journal Page. (158) Journal. — The book of original entry. (159) LP.— Ledger Page. (160) Ledger. — A book divided into ac- counts, and to which is posted all entries from the Journal. Definitions and Meanings. 57 (161) Ledger Accounts. — See Accounts. (162) Ledger Index. — See Index. (163) Liabilities. — That which is owed. (164) Live Stock. — All animals on the farm, intended either for work or sale. (165) Loan. — That which is borrowed or lent. (166) Loss. — The excess balance on the Debit side of Loss AND GaIN A/C. (167) Loss AND Gain. — The account to which is transferred all losses and gains shown in the other accounts. An excess balance on the Debit side shows a loss, and on the Credit side a profit. (168) Monthly .Closing. — See Closing the Books. (169) Mortgage Payable. — A mortgage on property, which we must pay. (170) Net Worth. — The excess of Re- sources over Liabilities. (171) Notes Payable and Receivable. — A Note given, or a Note received by us. ( 1 72 ) Owe. — Liabilities. ( 1 73 ) — Own. — Resources. 58 Definitions and Meanings. (174) Owner's Capital A/C. — See Capi- tal A/C. (175) Pencil. — In book-keeping the pencil is only used for making temporary totals and mem- oranda, and for adding up the Ledger accounts at the end of the month. ( 1 76) Personal Effects. — Articles like clothes and jewelry. (177) Posting. — The transferring of entries from the Journal to the Ledger. (178) Produce. — The product of the farm, see (53). (179) Profit.— See Gain. (180) Receipts. — Gross income. (181) Red Ink.— See Ink. (182) Resources. — That which is owned. (183) Ruling. — Lines used to separate one set of figures from another set; and to show the end of a transaction or the closing of an account. (184) Stock, Live — See Live Stock. (185) — Sundries.' A word used in book- keeping to indicate a combination of several ac- counts. (186) Total. — The whole sum. Definitions and Meanings. 59 (187) Transfer Entry. — An entry -made in red ink, transferring an amount from one Ledger account to another. (188) Trial Balance.— A balance taken just before closing the books to make sure the totals of the Debit and Credit sides of the Ledger are the same. INDEX. Paragraph Accounts, definition of 1 06 dividing some 76 indexing 34 Ledger, explanation of 43 to 63 locating 1 3 opening new 16, 33, 41 other than principal 32 personal 63 principal 1 6 to 32 showing a loss or gain 88, 89, 91 Adjustment entries, definition of 107 After the first month 1 00 to 1 03 A^musements 31 Animals, growth of 1 08 Balance, definition of 1 09 Balance-Trial, see Trial Balance. Bank A/C, explanation of 48, 1 1 1 openmg of 19 Bank accounts, if more than one 2 Bank Balance, adjusting 80 definition of 112 errors in 80 Book-keeping, double entry 114 60 Index. 61 Paragraph Book-keeping, peculiarities of 70 Borrowing, definition of 115 Butter and Eggs A/C, explanation of 55 opening or Zo Calves 74 Capital A/C, see Owner's Capital A/C. Cash Balance, definition of 119 Cash, definition of 118 over and short 79 selling for 72, 73, 74 Cash A/C, balancing 79 errors in /V explanation of ". . . . .47 opening of 18 Check, (V) use of 39, 40, 120 Cheque or Check, definit'on of 121 Church 51 Closed, definition of 1 22 Closing — Monthly 78 to 94 Closing the Books, meaning of 1 23 in later months 1 04 rules for 78 to 94 Clothes 51 Contents V Corn 76 Cost 71 Credit, buying on 67, 125 62 Index. Paragraph Credit, definition of 1 24 '* selling on 12. 13.1 A Credit column .11 Credit side 127 Crops gathered 73 Daily Transactions, after first month 101 definition of 128 diagram of 96 entering and posting. .64 to 69 Debit, definition of 1 29 Debit column 10 " side 130 Definitions 1 06 to 1 88 Deposit, definition of 131 Deterioration, meaning of 132 Diagrams 95 to 99 for illustration only 37 Dividend A/C, see Interest and Dividend A/C. Dividends, definition of 1 33 Double Entry book-keeping 134 Eggs, see Butter and Eggs A/C Entries, opening 9 to 13 in Journal 65, 66, 67, 73 Entry, definition of 1 35 Excess Balance, meaning of 136 Expenditure, meaning of 137 Index. 63 Paragraph Expense, meaning of 1 38 Expenses, transfer of 59 of family 51 of farm 49 of house 50 Explanation of Ledger Accounts 45 to 63 Family expense, definition of 139 Family Expense A/C, explanation of 51 openmg or LL Farm Buildings, definition of 1 40 Farm expense, definition of 141 F arm Expense A/C, explanation of 49 opening of 20 Farm Property, definition of 1 42 Farm Property A/C, explanation of 58 opening of 29 Feed for stock 1 43 Fertilizer 49 Figuring profit 71 Food 50,67 Foreword of Instruction VII Fruit 72 Fuel 50 Furniture „ 2, 50 Future Sale, definition of 1 44 Gain, see Loss and Gain A/C definition of 1 45 64 Index. Paragraph Gain, for month 39 Gains, transfer of 59 Grain 53, 72, 76 Grass 76 Grinding 49 Growing A/C, explanation of 52, 70 to 77 opening or Zj rules for 73 to 77 Growth of animals 1 08 Harvesting, definition of 147 of produce 52 Hat 67 Heading, meaning of 1 48 House expense, definition of 1 49 House Expense A/C, explanation of 50 opening or Z I Implements, definition of 1 50 Implements A/C, explanation of 60 opening of 30 Index Diagram 97 " for Ledger 15,34,38, 151 Indexing accounts 34 Ink, uses of 1 52 Instruction, Foreword of VII Insurance Premiums, definition of 153 Insurance and Taxes A/C, explanation of. . . .57 Index. 65 Paragraph Insurance and Taxes Taxes A/C, opening of . . .28 Interest, definition of 1 54 entering bank 80 Interest and Dividends A/C, explanation of . . . .56 opening or Li Introduction Ill Inventory I to 8 defintion of 155 diagram 95 Investment, definition of 1 56 Journal, definition of 1 58 Diagram 96 entries 65, 66, 67 opening the 9 to 13 " rules for the 13, 43, 83, 94 Labor 49 Ledger, definition of 1 60 Diagram 98 opening the 1 4 to 34 " rules for the 43, 44, 89, 94 Ledger Accounts, explanation of. . . .45 to 63, 106 opening new 1 4 to 34, 4 1 Ledger Index Diagram 97 Liabilities 1 to 8 definition of 1 63 Diagram 95 Light 50 66 Index. Paragraph: Live Stock, definition of ] 64 feed for 77,81, 143 loss of 75 not sold at once 54 on hand 54, 74 value of 54 when sold 54 Live Stock A/C, adjusting of 82 explanation of 54, 74 opening of 25 Loan, definiton of 1 65 Loss, definition of 1 66 for month 59 Losses and Gains, transfer of 59 Loss and Gain A/C, explanation of 59, 1 67 opening or d\ rules for the 86 to 94 Machinery 60 Meanings 1 06 to 1 88 Monthly Closing 78 to 94 in later months 1 04 Mortgage Payable, definition of 1 69 Mortgage Payable A/C, explanation of 62 opening of 41 Mortgages Receivable 62 Net Worth 7, 12, 46, 170 Newspapers 51 Index. 67 Paragraph Notes Payable, definition of 1 71 Notes Payable A/C, explanation of 62 ****** ' C A ^ opening or 41 Opening the Journal 9 to 13 " Ledger 14 to 34 Owe, what you 1 to 8, 1 72 Own, what you 1 to 8, 1 73 Owner's Capital A/C, explanation of 46 opening or I / transfers to 59 Pencil, use of 1 75 Personal Accounts, explanation of 63 Personal effects 2, 1 76 expenditures 51 Costing 35 to 44, 59, 68, 69 after first month 1 02 daily transactions 69 definition of 177 rules for 43, 68, 69, 83 time for 68 Potatoes 73 Produce, definition of 1 78 gathering of 52, 53, 73 lost or destroyed 75 on hand 81 stored 53, 73 value of 53, 73, 81 66 Index. Paragraph Produce, when sold 53, 73 when not sold at once 53, 73 Produce A/C, adjusting of 81 discrepancies in 81 explanation of 53 opening of 24 Profits of the farm 71 for month -59 Property, bought, deteriorated, sold 58 Property A/C, see Farm Property A/C. Receipts, definition of 180 Red mk, uses of 88, 1 52 Repairs 49 Resources 1 to 8 definition of 1 82 Diagram 95 Rules, Cardmal VIII, 94 for closing books 79 to 94 for Growing A/C 73 to 77 for the Journal 1 3, 43, 83, 94 for the Ledger. . . . : 43, 44, 89, 94 for Loss and Gain A/C 86 to 94 for Personal Accounts 63 for posting 43, 68, 69, 83 Ruling, use of 1 83 Selling for cash 72, 73, 74 " on credit 72, 73, 74 Index. 69 Paragraph Stock, see Live Stock. Stocks and Bonds A/C, explanation of 61 opening or 41 Sundries, meaning of 39, 183 Taxes and Insurance A/C, explanation of 57 opening or Zo Telephone 50 Tomatoes 71 Tools 60 Total, definition of 1 86 Transactions, see Daily Transactions. Transfer entries 59, 1 87 Trial Balance, definition of 1 88 Diagram 99 finding errors in 85 for later months 1 03 instructions for taking 84, 85 Trust, buying on 67, 125 Value of product 71 Vegetables 53, 72, 76 Wheat 71, 73, 76 SEP 36 1908