'V General Index PAGE I. Statement concerning the Original Charter 5-7 II. Charter 9" 2 ° III. Laws of New Jersey establishing and amending the Charter, and otherwise relating to the Uni- versity 21-43 IV. By-Laws of the Trustees 45-67 V. Rules of Order 69-73 Statement Concerning the Original Charter. The first Charter passed the Great Seal of the Province of New Jersey on the 22d of October, A. D. 1746. This appears from the facts hereinafter stated, viewed in connection with a Record in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, of which the following is the print of a certified copy. Extracts From the Records of the Province of New Jersey. A Charter to Incorporate Sundry Persons to found a College pass'd the Great Seal of this Province of New Jersey, Tested by John Hamilton, Esq., President of His Majesty's Council, and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Jersey, the 22d October, 1746. State of New Jersey, ) Department of State, j s ' I, Henry C. Kelsey, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a certain record as the same is taken from and compared with the original record recorded in Book C 2 of Commissions, on page 137, and now remaining on file in my office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Trenton, this twenty- fifth day of March, A. D. 1891. (Signed) HENRY C. KELSEY, Secretary of State. The Charter thus mentioned has been lost — certainly for more than a century. Strange to say, no transcript of it was entered upon the Records of the Province, and no copy, so far as can be ascertained by the authorities of the University, is in existence. It was recently discovered, however, that an extended "Notice," pub- lished at Philadelphia, A. D. 1747, in two Philadelphia journals, con- tains what is clearly a full abstract of the lost instrument. The papers containing this Notice are the Pennsylvania Journal, in its issues of August 13th, 27th, and September 10th, and the Pennsylvania Gazette, in its issues of August 13th and 27th. A copy of this docu- ment is given below. 6 STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ORIGINAL CHARTER It is manifest, from the date assigned in the Notice to the Charter mentioned therein, viz., October 22, 1746, that the instrument men- tioned was the one whose passage of the Great Seal was recorded, as above set forth, in the Records of the Province of New Jersey. It will also appear, upon a comparison of the Notice with the Charter of the College of New Jersey, granted A. D. 1748, that the Charter men- tioned in the former relates to the institution contemplated in the latter. The names of the corporators and the provisions of the two instru- ments are almost identical, 1 and the facts set forth in the notice con- cerning the establishment of a College correspond with well-established facts in the history of what, for one hundred and fifty years, was known as the College of New Jersey. On February 13th, 1896, under legislative authority, the corporate name of the institution was changed from The Trustees of the College of New Jersey to The Trustees of Princeton University. NOTICE. THESE ARE TO GIVE NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED That by His Majesty's Royal Charter for erecting a College in New Jersey, for the instruction of youth in the learned Languages and in the liberal Arts and Sci- ences, bearing date October 22nd, 1746, Messrs. William Smith, Peter Vanbrugh Livingston, William Peartree Smith, Gent., and Messrs. Johnathan Dickinson, John Pierson, Ebenezer Pemberton, and Aaron Burr, Ministers of the Gospel, are ap- pointed Trustees of the said College; with full power to any four or more of them, to chuse five more Trustees to the exercise of equal power and authority in the said College with themselves. By virtue of which power, the said Trustees, nominated in the Charter, have chosen the Rev. Messrs. Gilbert Tennant, William Tennant, Sam- uel Blair, Richard Treat, and Samuel Finley, as Trustees of the said College of New Jersey : Which Trustees are by the said Charter, constituted a body corporate and politick, both in fact and name, with full power to act as such to all intents and purpose, and rendered capable of a perpetual succession to continue forever. By which Royal Charter, there is authority given to the major part of any seven or J The number of Trustees (original and elected) mentioned in the notice was only twelve. All of these gentlemen, with the exception of the Rev. Messrs. Dick- inson and Finley, were amongst the corporators mentioned in the Charter of 1748. Of the two gentlemen excepted it should be noted that the Rev. Mr. Dickinson died in 1747, before the granting of the second charter; and that the Rev. Mr. Finley was. elected a Trustee in 1751. Dr. Finley held his office as Trustee until 1761, in which year he assumed the office of President of the Institution. STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ORIGINAL CHARTER 7 more of the said Trustees, and their successors conven'd for that purpose, to pur- chase, receive, and dispose of any possessions, tenements, goods and chattels, gifts, legacies, donations, and bequests, rents* profits, and annuities of any kind whatso- ever, and to build any house or houses, as they shall think proper, for the use of the said College. And also by the said Charter is given to the major part of any seven or more of the said Trustees and their successors, full power to chuse, and at pleasure to displace, a President, Tutors, Professors, Treasurer, Clerk, Steward and Usher, with any other ministers and officers as are usual in any of the Universities or Col- leges in the realm of Great Britain. And also by the said Charter, is given to the major part of any seven or more 2 of the said Trustees and their successors, full power to make any laws, acts and ordinances, for the government of the said Col- lege, as are not repugnant to the laws and statutes of the realm of Great Britain, nor to the laws of the Province of New Jersey; provided, that no person be debarred any of the privileges of the said College on account of any speculative principles of religion; but those of every religious profession have equal privilege and advantage of education in the said College. And also by the said Charter, power is given to the major part of any seven of the said Trustees and their successors, by their President, or any other appointed by them, to give any such degrees as are given in any of the Universities or Colleges in the realm of Great Britain, to any such as they shall judge qualified for such degrees; and power to have and use a common seal to seal and confirm diplomas or certificates of such degrees, or for any other use which they shall think proper. And these may further notify all concern'd, that the said Trustees have chosen the Rev. Mr. Jonathan Dickinson, President, whose superior abilities are well known ; and Mr. Caleb Smith, Tutor, of the said College ; and that the College is now actually opened, to be kept at Elizabeth-Town, till a building can be erected in a more central place of the said 3 province for the residence of the students; that all who are quali- fied for it, may be immediately admitted to an academick education, and to such class and station in the College, as they are found upon examination to deserve; and that the charge of the College to each student, will be Four Pounds a year New Jersey money, at Eight Shillings per ounce, and no more. 1 As in Gazette; omitted in Journal. 2 As in Journal; omitted in Gazette. 8 As in Gazette; omitted in Journal. Charter Note. The paragraphs that have been re- pealed are printed with stars at the beginning of the lines. Single words, or clauses, that have been altered or repealed are printed in italics. The Second Charter of the College of New Jersey. [September 14th, 1748.] George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting — Whereas sundry of our loving subjects, well-disposed and public- Pr amb i e spirited persons, have lately, by their humble petiton, presented to our trusty and well-beloved Jonathan Belcher, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief of our province of New Jersey in America, rep- resented the great necessity of coming into some method for encour- aging and promoting a learned education of our youth in New Jersey, and have expressed their earnest desire that a college may be erected in our said province of New Jersey in America, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said province and others, wherein youth may be instructed in the learned languages, and in the liberal arts and sciences. And whereas by the fundamental concessions made at the first settle- ment of New Jersey by the Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret, then proprietors thereof, and granted under their hands and the seal of the said province, bearing date the tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty-four, it was, among other things, conceded and agreed, that no freeman, within the said province of New Jersey, should at any time be molested, punished, disquieted or called in question, for any difference in opinion or practice in matters of religious concernment, who do not actually disturb the civil peace of the said province; but that all and every such person or persons might, from time to time, and at all times thereafter, freely 1 By authority of the General Act of the Legislature approved April 12th, 1894, page 38, and by action of the Board of Trustees taken February 13th, 1896, page 40, the corporate title of "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey" was on October 22d, 1896, changed to "The Trustees of Princeton University." 12 CHARTER College founded Trustees a Corporation Corporate name Charter perpetual and fully have and enjoy his and their judgments and consciences, in matters of religion, throughout the said province, they behaving them- selves peaceably and quietly and not using this liberty to licentiousness, nor to the civil injury or outward disturbance of others, as by the said concessions on record in the Secretary's office of New Jersey, at Perth Amboy, in lib. 3, folio 66, etc., may appear. Wherefore and for that the said petitioners have also expressed their earnest desire that those of every religious denomination may have free and equal liberty and advantages of education in the said college, any different sentiments in religion notwithstanding, We being willing to grant the reasonable requests and prayers of all our loving subjects, and to promote a liberal and learned education among them — Know ye therefore, that we, considering the premises, and being willing for the future that the best means of education be estab- lished in our said province of New Jersey, for the benefit and advan- tage of the inhabitants of our said province and others, do, of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, by these presents, will, ordain, grant, and constitute, that there be a college erected in our said province of New Jersey, for the education of youth in the learned languages and in the liberal arts and sciences; 1 and that the trustees of the said college and their successors for ever, may and shall be one body corporate and politic, in deed, action and name, and shall be called, and named and distinguished, by the name of The Trustees of the College of New Jersey 2 and further, we have willed, given, granted, constituted, and appointed, and by this our present charter, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we do, for us, our heirs and successors, will, give, grant, constitute, and ordain, that there shall, in the said college, from hence- forth for ever, be a body politic, consisting of Trustees of the said College of New Jersey. And, for the more full and perfect erection of the said corporation and body politic consisting of Trustees of the College of New Jersey, we, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, do, by these presents, for us, our heirs and suc- 1 Extended by the Act of March nth, 1864. 2 See foot-note 1 page n. CHARTER 13 Jersey, for the time being-, and also our trusty and well-beloved John cessors, create, make, ordain, constitute, nominate, and appoint, the Governor and Commander in Chief of our said province of New- Reading, James Hude, Andrew Johnston, Thomas Leonard, John Kinsey, Edward Shippen and William Smith, Esquires, Peter Van- Brugh Livingston, William Peartree Smith, and Samuel Hazard, gen- tlemen, John Pierson, Ebenezer Pemberton, Joseph Lamb, Gilbert Tennent, William Tennent, Richard Treat, Samuel Blair, David Cowell, Aaron Burr, Timothy Jones, Thomas Arthur, and Jacob Green, ministers of the gospel, to be Trustees of the said College of New Jersey. * That the said Trustees do, at their first meeting, after the re- ceipt of these presents, and before they proceed to any business, take the oath appointed to be taken by an act, passed in the first year of the reign of the late King George the First, entitled, "An act for the further security of his Majesty's person and government, and the succession of the crown in the heirs of the late princess Sophia, being protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended prince of Wales, and his open and secret abettors" ; as * also that they make and subscribe the declarations mentioned in an act of parliament, made in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, entitled, "An act for preventing dangers which may happen from popish recusants" ; and likewise take an oath for faithfully executing the office or trust reposed in them, the said oaths to be administered to them by three of his Majesty's justices of the peace, quorum unus; and when any new member or officer of this corporation is chosen, they are to take and sub- scribe the aforementioned oaths and declarations before their admis- sion into their trusts or offices, the same to be administered to them * in the presence of the Trustees, by such person as they shall appoint * for that service. 1 That no meeting of the Trustees shall be valid or legal for doing any business whatsoever, unless the clerk has duly and legally notified each and every member of the corporation of such meeting; and that Names of corporators Oaths to be taken by Trustees By whom oaths are to be adminis- tered Notice of meeting of Trustees x The entire clause relative to oaths repealed and supplied by Act of March 13th, 1780 ; and further amended by Act of March 29th, 1866. 14 CHARTER To fill vacancies Number of Trustees Residence Perpetual succession Property Limitation of value of estate before the entering on any business, the clerk shall certify such notifi- cation under his hand, to the Board of Trustees. That the said Trustees have full power and authority or any thirteen 1 or greater number of them, to elect, nominate, and appoint, and associate unto them, any number of persons as Trustees upon any vacancy, so that the whole number of Trustees exceed not twenty- three 2 whereof the President of the said college for the time being, to be chosen as hereafter mentioned, to be one, and twelve of the said Trustees to be always such persons as are inhabitants of our said province of New Jersey. And we do further, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, for us, our heirs and successors, will, give, grant, and appoint, that the said Trustees and their suc- cessors shall, for ever hereafter, be in deed, fact and name, a body corporate and politic; and that they, the said body corporate and politic, shall be known and distinguished in all deeds, grants, bargains, sales, writings, evidences, muniments, or otherwise howsoever, and in all courts for ever hereafter, plead and be impleaded, by the name of The Trustees of the College of New Jersey. 3 And that they, the said corporation, by the name aforesaid, shall be able, and in law capable, for the use of the said college, to have, get, acquire, purchase, receive and possess lands, tenements, heredita- ments, jurisdictions, and franchises, for themselves and their suc- cessors, in fee simple or otherwise howsoever; and to purchase, receive or build, any house or houses, or any other buildings, as they shall think needful or convenient for the use of the said College of New Jersey, and- in such place or places in New Jersey, as they, the said Trustees shall agree upon, and also to receive and dispose of any goods, chattels, and other things of what nature soever, for the use aforesaid: and also to have, accept and receive, any rents, profits, annuities, gifts, legacies, donations and bequests, of any kind what- soever, for the use aforesaid, so, nevertheless, that the yearly clear value of the premises do not exceed the sum of two thousand pounds 1 Altered to nine, provided that the Governor of the State, or the President of the College, or the senior Trustee, be one of the nine; by the Act of Nov. 2d, 1781. 2 Altered to twenty-seven by the Act of April 6th, 1868. 3 See foot-note * page it. CHARTER 15 sterling. 1 And therewith or otherwise to support and pay, (as the said Trustees and their successors, or the major part of such of them as [according to the provision herein afterwards] are regularly convened for that purpose, shall agree and see cause,) the President, tutors, and other officers or ministers of the said college, their respective annual salaries or allowances, and all such other necessary and contingent charges as from time to time shall arise and accrue, relating to the said college; and also to grant, bargain, sell, let, set or assign, lands, tenements or hereditaments, goods or chattels, contract or do all other things whatsoever, by the name aforesaid, and for the use aforesaid, in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as any natural person or other body politic or corporate is able to do, by the laws of our realm of Great Britain, or of our said province of New Jersey. And to our further grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, to the intent that our said corporation and body politic may answer the end of their erection and constitution, and may have perpetual suc- cession and continue forever, We do for us, our heirs and successors, hereby will, give, and grant, unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, and to their successors forever, that when any thirteen 2 of the said Trustees, or of their successors, are convened and met together as aforesaid, for the service of the said college, the Governor and Commander in Chief of our said province of New Jersey, and in his absence, the President of the said college, and in the absence of the said Governor and President, the eldest Trustee present at such meet- ing, from time to time, shall be President of the said Trustees in all their meetings : and at any time or times such thirteen 1 Trustees con- vened and met as aforesaid, shall be capable to act as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if all the Trustees of the said college were personally present ; provided always, that a majority of the said thirteen 1 Trustees be of the said province of New Jersey, except after 1 Altered to the value of twenty thousand bushels of wheat by the Act of March 13, 1780; to twenty thousand dollars, May 27, 1799; to one hundred thousand dollars, March 11, 1864; to five hundred thousand dollars, by resolution of the Trustees adopted June 17, 1889, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State, June 26, 1889, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 27, 1889. 1 See foot-note * page 14. Salaries Contracts Who to preside Quorum 16 CHARTER Majority of quorum to decide Meetings, how called Election of President Tutors and Professors Power of removal regular notice they fail of coming, in which case those that are present are hereby empowered to act, the different place of their abode not- withstanding; and all affairs and actions whatsoever, under the care of the said Trustees, shall be determined by the majority or greater number of those thirteen, 1 so convened and met together, the President whereof shall have no more than a single vote. And we do for us, our heirs and successors, hereby will, give and grant full power and authority, to any six or more of the said Trustees, to call meetings of the said Trustees, from time to time, and to order notice to the said Trustees of the times and places of meeting for the service aforesaid. And also we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, will, give and grant to the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, and to their successors for ever, that the said Trustees do elect, nominate and appoint such a qualified person as they, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them convened for that purpose as above directed, shall think fit, to be the President of the said college, and to have the immediate care of the education and government of such students as shall be sent to, and admitted into the said college, for instruction and education; and also that the said Trustees do elect, nominate and appoint so many tutors and professors, to assist the President of the said College, in the education and government of the students belonging to it, as they, the said Trustees, or their suc- cessors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, which shall convene for that purpose as above directed, shall, from time to time, and at any time hereafter, think needful and serviceable to the interests of the said college; and also, that the said Trustees and their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, which shall convene for that purpose, as above directed, shall at any time displace and discharge from the service of the said college such President, tutors and pro- fessors, and to elect others in their room and stead ; and also, that the said Trustees or their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, which shall convene for that purpose, as above directed, do from time to time, as occasion shall require, elect, constitute, and 1 See foot-note 1 page 14. CHARTER 17 appoint a treasurer, a clerk, an usher, and a steward, for the said college, and appoint to them, and each of them, their respective busi- ness and trusts, and displace and discharge from the service of the said college such treasurer, clerk, usher, or steward, and to elect others in their room and stead; which President, tutors, professors, treasurer, clerk, usher, and steward, so elected and appointed, we do for us, our heirs and successors, by these presents constitute and establish in their several offices, and do give them, and every of them, full power and authority to exercise the same in the said College of New Jersey, according to the direction, and during the pleasure of the said Trustees, as fully and freely as any other the like officers in our universities or any of our colleges in our realm of Great Britain, lawfully may and ought to do. And also that the said Trustees, and their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, which shall convene for that purpose as above directed, as often as one or more of the said Trustees shall happen to die, or by removal or otherwise shall become unfit or uncapable, according to their judgment, to serve the interest of the said college, do, as soon as conveniently may be after the death, removal or such unfitness or incapacity of such Trustee or Trustees to serve the interest of the said college, elect and appoint such other Trustee or Trustees as shall supply the place of him or them so dying, or otherwise becoming unfit or uncapable to serve the interest of the said college; and every Trustee so elected and appainted shall, by virtue of these presents, and of such election and appointment, be vested with all the power and privileges which any of the other Trustees of the said college are hereby invested with. And we do further, of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, will, give and grant, and by these presents do, for us, our heirs and successors, will, give and grant unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, that they and their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, which shall convene for that purpose as above directed, may make, and they are hereby fully em- powered from time to time, freely and lawfully to make and establish Other officers Power of officers Election of Trustees Laws for the government of the college 1 See foot-note * page 14. 18 ' CHARTER such ordinances, orders and laws, as may tend to the good and whole- some government of the said college, and all the students and the several officers and ministers thereof, and to the public benefit of the same, not repugnant to the laws and statutes of our realm of Great Britain, or of this our province of New Jersey, and not excluding any person of any religious denomination whatsoever from free and equal liberty and advantage of education, or from any of the liberties, privileges, or immunities of the said college, on account of his or their being of a religious profession different from the said Trustees of the said college; and such ordinances, orders, and laws, which shall be so as aforesaid made, we do, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, ratify, allow of, and confirm, as good and effectual, to oblige and bind all the said students and the several officers and ministers of the said college ; and we do hereby authorize and empower the said Trustees of the college, and the President, tutors, and pro- fessors, by them elected and appointed, to put such ordinances and laws in execution to all proper intents and purposes. Degrees And we do further, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, will, give and grant unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, that, for the encouragement of learning and animating the students of the said college to diligence, industry, and a laudable progress in literature, that they and their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, convened for that purpose as above directed, do, by the President of the said college for the time being, or by any other deputed by them, give and grant any such degree and degrees to any of the students of the said college, or to any others by them thought worthy thereof, as are usually granted in either Diplomas Q £ our un i ve rsities or any other college in our realm of Great Britain 2 ; and that they do sign and seal diplomas or certificates of such gradua- tions, to be kept by the graduates as perpetual memorials or testi- monials thereof. And further, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we do, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey and to 1 See foot-note 1 page 14. 2 Extended by the Act of March 29th, 1866. Seal CHARTER 19 their successors, that they and their successors shall have a common Seal, under which they may pass all diplomas, certificates of degrees, and all other the affairs and business of and concerning the said cor- poration, or of and concerning the said College of New Jersey, which shall be engraven in such form and with such inscription as shall be devised by the said Trustees of the said college, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, convened for the service of the said college as above directed. And we do further, for us, our heirs and successors, give and inferior officers grant unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey and their successors, or the major part of any thirteen 1 of them, convened for the service of the college as above directed, full power and authority from time to time, to nominate and appoint all other inferior officers and ministers, which they shall think to be convenient and necessary for the use of the college, not herein particularly named or mentioned, and which are accustomary in our universities, or in any of our colleges in our realm of Great Britain, which officers or ministers we do hereby empower to execute their offices or trusts as fully and freely as any other the like officers or ministers, in and of our universities or any other college in our realm of Great Britain, lawfully may or ought to do. And lastly, our express will and pleasure is, and we do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey and to their successors for ever, that these our letters patent, or the enrolment thereof, shall be good and effectual in the law, to all intents and purposes, against us, our heirs and successors, without any other license, grant or confirma- tion from us, our heirs and successors, hereafter by the said Trustees to be had or obtained ; notwithstanding the not reciting or misrecital, or not naming or misnaming of the aforesaid offices, franchises, privi- leges, immunities, or other the premises, or any of them : and not- withstanding a writ of ad quod damnum hath not issued forth to inquire of the premises or any of them, before the ensealing hereof; any statute, act, ordinance or provision, or any other matter or thing 1 See foot-note * page 14. 20 CHARTER to the contrary notwithstanding; to have, hold, and enjoy, all and singular the privileges,, advantages, liberties, immunities, and all other the premises herein and hereby granted and given, or which are meant, mentioned, or intended to be herein and hereby given and granted, unto them the said Trustees of the said College of New Jersey,and to their successors for ever. In Testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the Great Seal of our said province of New Jersey to be hereunto affixed. Witness our trusty and well-beloved Jona- than Belcher, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief of our said province of New Jersey, this fourteenth day of September, in the twenty-second year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight. I have perused and considered the written Charter of incor- poration, and find nothing contained therein inconsistent with his Majesty's interest or the honor of the Crown. (Signed) ' J. WARRELL, Att. Gen'l. September the 13th, 1748. — This Charter, having been read in Council, was consented to and approved of. (Signed) CHA. READ, CI. Con. Let the Great Seal of the Province of New Jersey be affixed to this Charter. (Signed) J. BELCHER. To the Secretary of the Province of New Jersey. Laws of New Jersey Establishing and Amending The Charter and otherwise relating to The University Index of Amendments PAGE I. Act of March 13, 1780 .' 23 II. " " November 2, 1781 26 III. " " November 20, 1786 27 • iv. " " February 19, 1796 28 V. " " May 27, 1799 29 VI. " " March 11, 1864 32 VII. " " March 29, 1866 33 VIII. " " April 6, 1868 33 IX. General Act relating to Corporations organized for Re- ligious, Benevolent and Educational Purposes, March 27, 1889 33 Resolutions of Trustees under Act of March 27, 1889. ... 35 X. Supplement to Act to Incorporate Societies for the Pro- motion of Learning, April 12, 1894 36 XL General Act authorizing Colleges and Universities to increase the number of their Trustees, February 18, XII. 1901 38 General Act concerning Corporations organized for Re- ligious, Educational, Charitable or Benevolent Pur- poses, April 28, 1905 40 Laws of New Jersey Establishing and Amending the Charter. i. * AN ACT for amending and establishing the Charter of the College of New Jersey. [March 13th, 1780.] * Whereas the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, 2 by their * humble petition presented to the legislature, have set forth, that his * majesty George the Second, King of Great Britain, by his royal * charter of incorporation, under the great seal of the then province Preamble * of New Jersey, and bearing date the fourteenth day of September, * in the twenty-second year of his reign, was pleased to incorporate * sundry persons, to the number of twenty-three, by the name and * style of "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey"; and did * thereby among other things, grant unto them power and authority * to erect, endow and govern a college for the instruction of youth * in the learned languages, and liberal arts and sciences, as by the said * charter of incorporation, recorded in the Secretary's office at Perth * Amboy, in book C, No. 2, pages 196 to 204, inclusive, reference * being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear: And * whereas the said Trustees, by their said petition, have prayed that * the same charter may be established and confirmed under the present * happy constitution, with certain alterations and amendments, in * their said petition mentioned and described : And whereas all wise * legislatures have deemed the education of youth to be of the utmost * importance to the prosperity of a State, and have taken institutions * for that purpose established under their patronage and protection : * And whereas the said College of New Jersey hath been found * greatly useful in diffusing as well the principles of political liberty, * as of religion and literature, and many have thereby been fitted to * Repealed and supplied by the Act of May 27th, 1799. 3 See foot-note 1 page II. 24 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Charter, with exceptions, confirmed Trustees, their privileges, etc. Clause in charter respecting oaths, repealed * fill distinguished places, both in the civil and ecclesiastical depart- * ments of this and of the other United States, with advantage to the * community and honor and reputation to themselves : therefore, * for granting the prayer of the petition of the said Trustees, so far * forth as the same appears just and reasonable — I. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY * OF THIS STATE, AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF * the same, That the said charter, with all and singular the advantages. * privileges and immunities, and all other matters and things therein * contained, such clauses and parts only excepted as are by this act * repealed, altered or amended, is hereby established and confirmed; * and shall for ever hereafter be held and esteemed as good and * effectual in law, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as the * same hath heretofore been held and esteemed, and as if the same * were herein particularly recited ; and misuser, non-user, or any other * default heretofore committed or suffered notwithstanding. * 2. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That * the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, and their successors, * shall and may forever hereafter have, hold and enjoy, all and * singular the advantages, privileges and immunities, granted in the * said charter, and hereby confirmed unto them and their successors, * in as full, ample and beneficial a manner, as if the same were given * and granted to them by a law of this State, and as if every of the * said advantages, privileges and immunities, were in the said law * particularly enumerated and specified; any law, usage or custom, * relating to charters, notwithstanding. * 3. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That * the clause in the said charter directing and requiring the said * Trustees, and each of them, and every officer of the said corporation * by them appointed, to take the oath of allegiance to the king of * Great Britain and to make and subscribe the declaration as estab- * lished by act of parliament under the former government, be and * it hereby is repealed, discontinued, annulled and made void; and * in lieu thereof, such of the said Trustees or officers as are inhabi- * Repealed and supplied by the Act of May 27th, 1799. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 25 * tants of this State, and each of them, shall, at the next meeting of * the said corporation after the passing of this act, or before they * proceed further to execute their respective trusts and offices, take and subscribe the oaths or affirmations of allegiance and adjuration, as appointed and set forth in an act of the Council and General Assembly entitled, "An act for the security of the government of New Jersey," made and passed the nineteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six. to be administered by any one justice of the peace of this State; and such of them as are inhabitants of any other of the United States shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation of adjuration in manner as aforesaid, and shall also produce a certificate from some one justice of the peace of the State to which they may respectively belong, setting forth that they have taken the oath or affirmation of allegiance to the said State ; and when any new member or officer of the said corporation shall be chosen, he shall take and subscribe * the before mentioned oaths or affirmations, or take and subscribe * the oath or affirmation of abjuration, and produce the certificate as * aforesaid, before he is admitted to exercise his trust or office; the * said oaths or affirmations to be administered, in presence of the said * Trustees, by the President of the said corporation for the time being. * 4. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- * said, That the said Trustees, and cheir successors, shall and may * hold and enjoy any estate whatsoever, the clear yearly value whereof * shall not exceed the value of twenty thousand bushels of wheat; 1 * any article or clause in the said charter to the contrary notwith- * standing. * Passed at Trenton, March 13th, 1780. Oaths to be taken by trustees By whom oaths to be administered Limitation of estate 1 See foot-note, p. 15. 26 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Preamble Nine to form a quorum II. * A SUPPLEMENTAL ACT to an Act entitled "An Act for amend- * ing and establishing the Charter of the College of New Jersey." [November 2d, 1781.] * Whereas the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, by their * petition to the legislature, have represented that, by their charter * of incorporation, the number of thirteen Trustees is necessary to * constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business relating to * the said institution, to the great injury of their trust, by reason of * the non-attendance of many of their members who live at a distance ; * and have prayed that the said quorum may be lessened; and have * also set forth that, notwithstanding the laws heretofore made and * provided, divers soldiers of the troops and militia of these United * States are often billeted and quartered in the buildings and their * appurtenances provided for the reception, convenience and improve- * ment of the students belonging to the said institution, to the great * injury and destruction thereof ; and as .it is thought reasonable, in * order to promote the ends of so valuable and important an institu- * tion, to grant the prayer of the petitioners- — - * i. be it therefore enacted by the council and general * Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the * authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this * act, it shall and may be lawful for any nine of the said Trustees, or * a greater number of them, to convene and meet together ; and being * so convened and met together, to form a board of the corporation * instituted by the said charter, and be in all things a sufficient quorum * for the doing, performing and transacting all and every the duties * and business of their said trust, to all intents and purposes whatever, * as effectually as if thirteen of the said Trustees had so met and * convened together for the purposes aforesaid, and shall, for and * during the continuance of this act, be taken and considered as a full * quorum of the said Trustees, in as full and ample manner, and with * the like powers, authorities, and interests as are given to and vested * in thirteen of the said Trustees, in and by their said charter of incor- * poration, and shall be under the same directions, conditions, restric- * tions, provisos, and limitations, as to the benefit, conveniency and * meetings of the said Trustees, as are contained in the said charter * This Act, made perpetual by the Act of November 20th, 1786, was repealed, and the first section supplied by the Act of May 27th, 1799. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 27 with respect to the quorum of thirteen Trustees aforesaid ; Pro- vided always, that the Governor of this State for the time being, or in case of his death or absence, the President of the said college for the time being, and in case of the death or absence of both the said Governor and President, then the eldest Trustee of the said col- lege, shall always be one of the said nine Trustees, so at any time constituting a quorum as aforesaid. * 2. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing hereof, if any magistrate, military officer, quartermaster, or any other person whatever, shall billet, quarter, or place in, or cause to be billeted, quartered, or placed in the said college or the steward's house adjoining thereto, any officer, soldier, or other person belonging to or following the troops or militia of these United States, or either of them, without the consent of the said Trustees, or of some person or persons duly authorized by them, * every such person so offending shall forfeit, to and for the use of * the said Trustees and their successors, the sum of twenty shillings * for every such officer, soldier or other person so billeted, quartered * or placed in the said buildings, and that for each and every day such * officer, soldier or other person aforesaid shall continue therein, the * same to be recovered by the said Trustees, or their lawful attorney * from the person so offending, together with the damages sustained * and costs of suit, by action of debt in any court where the same * may be cognizable. * 3. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That * this act, and every clause and article therein contained, shall continue * and be in force for the term of five years, and from thence to the end * of the next sitting of the General Assembly, and no longer. * Passed at Trenton, November 2d, 1781. Quorum, how constituted Troops not to be quartered in the college Penalty Limitation III. * AN ACT to continue an act entitled, "A supplemental act to an * act entitled, an act for amending and establishing the Charter of the * College of New Jersey." [November 20th, 1786]. * Whereas the act entitled, "A supplemental act to an act en- * titled, an act for amending and establishing the charter of the Col- * Repealed by Act of May 27th, 1799. Preamble 28 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Enacting clause * lege of New Jersey," passed at Trenton, the second day of No- * vember, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, will expire at * the end of the next sitting of the General Assembly; and it being represented that important and valuable purposes will be answered to that institution by a continuance of that act ; therefore — * Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said recited act and every article and clause therein contained, except that part which limits the continuation * thereof, be and the same is hereby declared to be continued in full * force, anything in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding. * Passed at Trenton, November 20th, 1786. Preamble Appropriation to college IV. AN ACT concerning the College of New Jersey. [February 19th, 1796]. Whereas it is the duty of a free and enlightened people to patronize and promote the interest of science and literature, as the surest basis of their liberty, property and prosperity : And Whereas it has been represented to the legislature, that the College of New Jersey has suffered great injury during the late war, in its buildings, library and philosophical apparatus, and that its funds, in consequence of the devastations and calamities of the war, have been so impaired and diminished as to render it impracticable for the Trustees of the college to defray the expenses necessarily incident to the business and good management of the institution without some legislative aid, and it appearing to the legislature that a portion of the public money may be wisely and usefully appropriated to the aid and relief of the said college; therefore — 1. Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this act, there shall be paid by the treasurer of this State, for three years successively, the sum of six hundred pounds, in quarter-yearly payments, to the Trus- tees of the College of New Jersey, or their order ; which sum shall be * Repealed by Act of May 27th, 1799. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 29 paid out of the interest on the loan-office money now in the treasury, or now due, or which hereafter may arise or become due on the loan- office money now in circulation; and the money so to be paid to the said Trustees, or their order, shall by them be laid out and appropriated to and for the repairs of the buildings of the college, its library, orrery, and philosophical apparatus. 2. And be it further enacted, That the receipt of the said Trustees or their order, for so much money as may be received by them by virtue of this act, shall be a sufficient voucher for the treasurer of this State in the settlement of his accounts with the State. Passed at Trenton, February 19th, 1796. Vouchers AN ACT relative to the College of New Jersey. [May 27th, 1799.] Whereas, it appears that George the Second, King of Great Britain, by his charter of incorporation, bearing date the fourteenth Preamble day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight, did incorporate sundry persons, to the number of twenty-three, 1 by the name of "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey" ; and did thereby, among other things, grant unto them power and authority to erect, endow and govern a college, for the instruction of youth in the learned languages and liberal arts and sciences, as by the said charter of incorporation, recorded in the secretary's office in Book C, number 2, pages 196 to 204, inclusive, reference being there- unto had, may more, fully appear ; and whereas it is proper that the said charter, with certain alterations and amendments, should be established and confirmed under the present government; therefore — _ „ . Charter wn I. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY exceptions, OF THIS State, and it is hereby ENACTED by THE AUTHORITY OF confirmed the same, That the said charter, with the advantages, privileges and immunities, and all other matters and things therein contained, such clauses and parts only excepted as are by this act repealed, altered, or amended, is hereby established and confirmed ; and shall for ever here- after be held and esteemed as good and effectual in law, to all intents, 1 See foot-note 2 p. 14. 30 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Trustees, their privileges Clause respecting oaths annulled Oaths to be taken by resident trustees and officers By whom to be administered Oaths to be taken by non-resident trustees and officers constructions and purposes, as the same hath heretofore been held and esteemed, and as if the same were herein particularly recited, any misuser, nonuser, or other default heretofore committed or suffered notwithstanding. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, and their successors, shall and may have, hold and enjoy all the advantages, privileges and immunities granted in the said charter and hereby confirmed unto them and their successors, in as full, ample, and beneficial a manner as if the same were given and granted by a law of this State, and as if the said advantages, privileges and immunities were, in the said law, particularly specified and enumerated, any law, usage, or custom relating to charters not- withstanding. 3. And be it enacted, That the clause in the said charter, requiring every Trustee and officer of the said corporation to take and subscribe the oaths and declarations established by certain statutes of Great Britain, be and it hereby is revoked and annulled. * 4. And be it enacted, That if any person, being an inhabitant * of this State, shall be elected a Trustee or officer of the corporation, * he shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and sub- * scribe the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the oath of allegiance to this State prescribed by law, which oath any member of the said corporation is hereby authorized to admin- ister; and if any person being an inhabitant of any other of tht United States, shall be elected a Trustee or officer of the said cor- * poration, he shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, * produce a certificate from some justice of the peace of the State in * which he resides, setting forth that he hath taken the oath to * support the Constitution of the United States and the oath of * allegiance to the said State ; and further, that it shall be lawful for * any member of the said corporation to administer the oath of office * to the person so elected. 5. And whereas the said corporation have represented that by their charter, thirteen members are requisite to constitute a quorum, * Repealed and supplied by Act of March 29th, 1866. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 31 Nine to consti- tute a quorum to the great injury of the institution and their trust, by reason of the non-attendance of members who live at a distance, and have prayed that the said quorum may be lessened : Be it therefore enacted, That any nine or more of the Trustees of the said college, when duly convened, shall constitute a quorum, and be competent to perform and execute all the duties, business, matters, and things of the said cor- poration, as fully and effectually as if thirteen of them had so convened, and shall have the like powers, authorities, and interests, as by the said charter are given to and vested in thirteen of the said Trustees or members, when duly convened ; and shall be under the same directions, regulations, conditions, restrictions, provisos and limitations, as to the benefit, conveniency and meetings of the said corporation, as are Proviso contained in the said charter with respect to the quorum of thirteen Trustees or members; provided always, that the Governor of this State for the time being, or in case of his death or absence, the Presi- dent of the said college for the time being, and in case of the death or absence of both the said Governor and President, then the senior Trustee of the said college shall always be one of the said nine Trustees so at any time constituting a quorum as aforesaid. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Trustees of the College of New Jersey, and their successors, may have, hold, and enjoy any estate whatsoever, the clear yearly value whereof shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. 1 7. And be it enacted, That the act entitled, "An act for amend- ing and establishing the charter of the College of New Jersey," passed the thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, and the act entitled, "An act to continue an act entitled a supplemental act to an act entitled an act for amending and establishing the charter of the College of New Jersey," passed the twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, be and they are hereby repealed. Passd at Trenton, May 27th, 1799. Limitation of value of estate Repealing clause 1 See foot-note, p. 15. 32 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Preamble Object May receive and hold gifts and grants Limitation of value of estate VI. AN ACT further to amend the Charter of the College of New Jersey, being a supplement to an act entitled, " An act relative to the College of New Jersey." [March nth. 1864]. Whereas, It is represented on behalf of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey that they deem it important and desirable that the original intention and design of the founders of the college in establishing an institution for the promotion of religion, as well as the advancement of learning, should be distinctly recognized and estab- lished by law, and that it is necessary for the educational, charitable and other purposes of the institution, that the value of the property which the Trustees are authorized to hold should be increased; there- fore — 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the State of New Jersey, That the design and object of the said corporation is hereby declared to be the promotion of religion and the advancement of learning, by the instruction of youth in religious truth, as well as in the learned languages, and in the liberal arts and sciences, and that the said corporation shall always be an institution for the purposes specified in this act. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Trustees of the College of New Jersey to take and receive by gift, grant, devise, or purchase, and to have, hold, and enjoy for the uses and purposes of the said corporation, including the tuition and support of indigent young men, any real and personal estate, the clear yearly income whereof shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, 1 provided always,, that whenever any property or estate shall be given, granted, or devised to them upon any special trust, or for any special use or purpose not incompatible with the object and design of said corpora- tion as above declared, that such property or estate shall be held and appropriated by them in strict accordance with the trust, uses, and limitations in such grants and devises respectively mentioned and set forth. Passed at Trenton, March nth, 1864. Altered to five hundred thousand dollars, June 26th, 1889. See foot-note, p. 15. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 33 VII. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the Charter of the College of New Jersey. [March 29th, 1866. J 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the State of New Jersey, That if any person shall be elected a Trustee or officer of said corporation he shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation faith- fully and impartially to perform the duties of his office ; an oath to sup- port the Constitution of the United States ; and the oath of allegiance to the State in which he resides; and that the said oaths may be ad- ministered by any member of said corporation. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for said college to confer any degrees granted by any other college or university. 3. And be it enacted, That the fourth section of the supple- ment passed May twenty-ninth, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Passed at Trenton, March 29th, 1866. Oaths to be taken by trus- tees and officers Degrees Repealing clause VIII. AN ACT further to amend the Charter of the College of New Jersey. [April 6th, 1868.] 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF the State of New Jersey, That the number of Trustees of the College of New Jersey may be increased to twenty-seven whenever the Board of Trustees shall by vote of two-thirds determine upon such increase. 2. And be it enacted,, That this act shall take effect imme- diately. Passed at Trenton, April 6th, 1868. Number of trustees may be increased IX. AN ACT to authorize corporations organised for religious, educational or benevolent purposes to procure an increase in their capacity to acquire and hold real and personal property. [March 27, 1899] I. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the State of New Jersey, That whenever any corporation of this State, incorporated for religious, educational or benevolent purposes, 34 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER shall, by its charter or any supplement thereto, or otherwise, be limited in the amount or value of real or personal property which it may acquire, have, hold and enjoy for the use and purposes of such cor- poration, and the board of trustees, directors or managers of such corporation shall desire to obtain for such corporation legal capacity to acquire, have, hold, use and enjoy a larger amount than that to which it is or shall be so limited, that it shall be lawful for such trus- tees, directors or managers at any stated meeting of said board, and from time to time, to adopt by vote of a majority of the whole number ^of such trustees, directors or managers, a resolution declaring their desire to have the amount so enlarged, and stating the amount to which it is to be so increased, and to cause a copy of such resolution, authen- ticated and verified as by this act directed, to be filed in the office of the secretary of state. 2. And be it enacted, That the copy of the resolution author- ized by the first section of this act to be filed with the secretary of state, shall be certified and authenticated under the common seal of said corporation, and shall be verified by the oath of the clerk or secretary of said corporation that the seal affixed to said copy is the common seal of said corporation, that the said copy is a true copy of the original resolution as recorded on the minutes of said board, and that it was passed as directed in the first section of this act. 3. And be it enacted, That on filing said copy of such resolu- tion in the office of the secretary of state, it shall be thereafter lawful for the said corporation to take and receive by gift, grant,- devise, bequest or purchase, and to have, hold and enjoy for the uses and purposes of the said corporation any real or personal estate not ex- ceeding the increased amount named in said resolution, any provision of the charter of said corporation or any supplement thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be a public act and shall take effect immediately. Approved March 27th, 1889. . . LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 35 preamble and resolution adopted by a majority of the whole number of the trustees of the college of new jersey, june i/th, 1 889. Whereas, The Trustees of the College of New Jersey, a corporation of the State of New Jersev, incorporated for educa- tional purposes, by a supplement to their charter, are limited in the value of the real and personal property they may lawfully acquire, have, hold and enjoy for the uses and purposes of said incorporation, to an amount the clear yearly income whereof shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars; which said sum is totally inadequate to meet the urgent and imperative needs of the corporation : Therefore be it — Resolved, That it is, and by this resolution it is declared to be the desire of the said Trustees to obtain the legal capacity to take, acquire, have, hold and enjoy a larger amount of real and personal property than that to which they are so limited as aforesaid; to wit, an amount that shall yield a clear yearly income of five hundred thou- sand dollars. I, Elijah R. Craven, Clerk of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing preamble and resolution were, at a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees of the College of New Jersey, held at Princeton, New Jersey, on the seventeenth day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, adopted by vote of a majority of the whole number of said Trustees. (Signed) E. R. CRAVEN, Clerk of The Trustees of The College of Nezv Jersey. AFFIDAVIT OF THE CLERK OF "THE TRUSTEES OF THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY." [June 26, 1889.] State of New Jersey, jj. Be it known that on this twenty-sixth day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, before me, one of the masters of the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, personally appeared Elijah R. Craven, who being by me duly sworn upon his oath saith — that he is the Clerk of "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey" ; that the seal affixed to the foregoing resolution is the common seal of said corpora- tion; that said resolution is a true copy of the original resolution as recorded in the minutes of said Board of Trustees; and that said original resolution was passed as 36 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER directed in the first section of an act entitled, "An Act to authorize corporations organized for religious, educational or benevolent purposes to procure an increase of their capacity to acquire and hold real and personal property," approved March 27th, 1889. (Signed), LEWIS PARKER, Master in Chancery of N. J ENDORSED. "Filed June 26, 1889, HENRY C. KELSEY, Secretary of State." CERTIFICATE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. State of New Jersey, department of state. I, Henry C. Kelsey, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of resolution adopted by "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey" to procure an increase of capacity to acquire and hold real and personal property as the same is taken from and compared with the original (filed June 26, 1889), and now remaining on file in my office. 5-22££&> In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at Trenton, this First day of July, A. D. 1890. (Signed), HENRY C. KELSEY, Secretary of State. Incorporated institutions of learning may change corporate name Proviso X. GENERAL ACT. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT entitled, " An Act to Incorporate Societies for the Promotion of Learning." (Revision), approved April ninth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. [April 12, 1894]. I. BE IT ENACTED BY THE 'SENATE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for any associa- tion, seminary, college or other institution of learning now or hereafter organized under and by virtue of the act to which this is a supplement, or any other act now in force in this State, whether created by special charter or otherwise, to change its corporate name by a two-thirds vote of the board of trustees or managers of such association, semi- nary, college or other institution of learning who shall be present at a regular or special meeting of the same, called for that purpose; pro- vided, that said corporation cause to be made and filed a certificate in writing, in manner hereinafter mentioned; such certificate shall set forth, first, the name of said association, seminary, college or other institution of learning in use immediately preceding said vote and LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 37 making and filing of said certificate ; second, the new name assumed to designate such corporation and to be used in its business and dealings in the place and stead of that referred to in the last preceding para- graph, and which said certificate shall be signed by said board of trustees or managers, or a majority thereof, and filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county where the principal office or place of business of such corporation in this State shall be established ; and after being so recorded shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, without fee or costs ; and to which said certificate shall be affixed the official seal of said board of trustees or managers, and the affidavit of the secretary or acting secretary of said board that the said certifi- cate is made by the authority of the board of trustees or managers of such corporation, as expressed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting of said board called for that purpose. 2. And be it enacted, That no change in the name of any corporation, under the provisions of this act, shall be deemed effected until the said certificate, made and recorded as aforesaid, shall be actually filed in the office of the secretary of state, as herein directed ; but no such change shall in any manner lessen or impair any liability of such corporation incurred or existing at the time such change of name shall be made, which liability shall continue and be capable of being enforced against such corporation by its name as so changed, or by its original name ; and no suit pending at the time of such change of name shall abate by reason thereof, but the same may be prosecuted to judgment and execution in the original name of such corporation, and under such execution the property of said corporation, whether held by its original or amended name, may be levied on and sold to satisfy such judgment. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts and part of acts inconsis- tent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect immediately. Approved April 12, 1894. CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME. (February 13th, 1896.) The Trustees of the College of New Jersey, a college corporation, being an institution of learning organized under and by virtue of Certificate shall set forth new name and be filed and recorded in county clerk's office And also secretary of state's office Shall be verified by official seal and affidavit No change of name shall be effectual until conditions are complied with Existing liabilities not to be impaired Repealer 38 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Letters Patent of his Majesty George the Second, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, granted and issued by Jonathan Belcher, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New- Jersey, September fourteenth, 1748, and established by acts of the Legislature of New Jersey, now in force in this State, doth hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said corporation, called (among other things) for the purpose of changing the corporate name of said College or Institution of learning, the said Board of Trustees, by a two-thirds vote of the members present at said meeting, resolved to change the name of said corporation to "The Trustees of Princeton University" ; and to that end the said corpora- tion doth certify and set forth : (1.) That the name of said corporation in use immediately preceding the said vote, and the making and filing of this certificate, was "The Trustees of the College of New Jersey." (2.) The new name assumed to designate said corporation, and to be used in its business and dealings in the place and stead of that mentioned in the last preceding paragraph, is "The Trus- tees of Princeton University." In Witness Whereof, the said The Trustees of the College of New Jersey, hath caused the official seal of said Board of Trustees, being also the common seal of said corporation, to be hereunto affixed; and the undersigned, being a majority of said Board of Trustees, have hereunto set their signatures, all this thirteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. FRANCIS L. PATTON, President. E. R. CRAVEN, HENRY M. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM M. PAXTON, JOHN A. STEWART, JOHN HALL, W. HENRY GREEN, CHARLES E. GREEN, THOMAS N. McCARTER, S. BAYARD DOD, J. ADDISON HENRY, M. TAYLOR PYNE, JAMES W. ALEXANDER, F. B. HODGE, d. r. frazer, john k. cowen, george b. stewart, cyrus h. Mccormick, m. w. jacobus, W. J. MAGIE, EDW. T. GREEN, JOHN J. McCOOK, JOHN DIXON. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 39 State of New Jersey, County of Mercer, ss. : Elijah R. Craven, Secretary (otherwise known and designated as Clerk) of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, being duly sworn, on his oath says : That the foregoing certificate is made by authority of the Board of Trustees of said corporation, as expressed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting of said Board, called (among other things) for that purpose. E. R. Craven. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this thirteenth day of February, A. D. 1896. E. C. Osborn, : Notary Public. Received in the office of the Clerk of the County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1896, and recorded in Book C. of Corporations for said County, page 369. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State, October 22d, 1896. H. C. Kelsey, Secretary. XI. GENERAL ACT. An Act to authorize Colleges and Universities to increase the num- ber of their Trustees, and providing for the election of such additional Trustees. [February 18, 1901], i. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey : It shall be lawful for any college or university now or hereafter organized, whether created by special charter or organized under any general law of this state, to increase the number of trustees constituting the Board of Trustees of such college or university; provided, that such increase shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the trustees present at any regular meeting of Provi the existing board of trustees of such college or university, or at a special meeting of said board called for the purpose of voting upon such proposed increase in the number of said trustees; provided fur- ther, that the term or terms of service of such additional trustees, the mode of electing them and the rules and regulations pertaining to the Number of Trustees Proviso 40 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER Proviso Resolutions filed with Secretary of State Lawful to increase or abolish such trustees election and to the term or terms of service of the additional trustees, including the abolition or discontinuance of election of said trustees at any time after the same shall have been instituted, shall be under the control and determined by a two-thirds vote of all the members for the time being of the board of trustees of such college or university; and provided further, that before this act shall apply to any college or university, and before any such institution shall have the right to make regulations for the election of additional trustees, the said col- lege or university shall cause a copy of the resolution or resolutions of the board of trustees accepting the provisions of this act, and pro- viding for the election of additional trustees, to be authenticated and verified, as by this act directed, and filed in the office of the secretary of state. 2. A copy of the resolution or resolutions authorized by the first section of this act, to be filed with the secretary of state, shall be certified and authenticated under the common seal of said corporation and shall be verified by the affidavit of the clerk or secretary of said corporation, setting forth that the seal affixed to the said copy is the common seal of said corporation ; that the said copy is a true copy of the original resolution or resolutions, as recorded in the minutes of said board of trustees, and that such resolution or resolutions were passed as prescribed by the first section of this act. 3. On filing such copy of said resolution or resolutions in the office of the secretary of state, it shall be lawful for the corporation to increase the number of trustees constituting the board of trustees of said corporation, and to provide for the terms of service, the mode of election and all rules and regulations pertaining to the election or the term or terms of service of the additional members of said board of trustees, including the abolition or discontinuance of the election of such trustees at any time after the same shall have been instituted, upon the vote of a majority of the trustees present at any regular meeting of the board of trustees of said corporation, or at a special meeting of said board called for the purpose of voting upon the aboli- tion or discontinuance of the election of such trustees. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 18, 1901. LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 41 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY A TWO-THIRDS VOTE OF THE WHOLE NUMBER OF THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNI- VERSITY, MARCH 14TH, 1901. Resolved, That the Trustees of Princeton University hereby accept the provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled, "An Act to authorize colleges and universities to increase the number of their trustees, and providing for the election of such additional trustees," approved February 18, 1901 (Chapter No. 8 of the Laws of 1901 ), and each and every provision of said Act. Resolved, That when and as soon as a copy of these resolutions, certified and authenticated as required by the provisions of said Act, shall have been filed wtih the Secretary of the State of New Jersey, there shall be elected five additional trustees of the University under and in accordance with the regulations adopted by this Board, pur- suant to and in conformity with the provisions of section 3 of said Act. I, Elijah R. Craven, Clerk of The Trustees of Princeton Univer- sity, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees of said University at a regular meeting of said Board held at Princeton, New Jersey, on the four- teenth day of March, 1901. (Signed) ELIJAH R. CRAVEN, Clerk of the Trustees of Princeton University. AFFIDAVIT OF THE CLERK OF "THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY." State of New Jersey, County of Mercer. ss.: Elijah R. Craven, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: — That he is the Clerk of the Trustees of Princeton University, that the foregoing is a copy of resolutions duly adopted by said Board of Trustees; that the seal affixed to the said copy is the common seal of said corporation ; that the said copy is a true copy of the original resolutions as recorded in the minutes of said Board of Trustees, and that such resolutions were passed as prescribed by the first section of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey entitled "An Act to authorize colleges and universities to increase the number of their trustees, and providing for the election of such aditional trustees," approved February 18, 1901 ; that is to say, that the increase of the number of trustees constituting the Board of Trustees of said University was approved by a two-thirds vote of the Trustees present at a 42 LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER regular meeting of the existing Board of Trustees of Princeton University, held at Princeton, New Jersey, on the fourteenth day of March, 1901. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Fourteenth day of March, 1901. JOHN W. FIELDER, Jr., Notary Public. ENDORSED. "Filed March 18, 1901, GEORGE WURTS, Secretary of State." CERTIFICATE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. State of New Jersey, department of state. I, George Wurts, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of resolutions adopted by "The Trustees of Princeton University," accepting the provisions of Chapter 8, of. the Laws of 1901 and the endorsements thereon, as the same is taken from and compared with the original filed in my office on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1901, and now remaining on file therein. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at Trenton, this Fourth day of March, A. D. 1902. (Signed) GEORGE WURTS, Secretary of State. Religious, etc., corporations may acquire, hold, dispose, etc., of property. Act as Trustee. XII. GENERAL ACT. AN ACT concerning corporations of this state organized for relig- ious, educational, charitable or benevolent purposes. Be it enacted ey the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey : 1. Every corporation of this state organized for religious, edu- cational, charitable or benevolent purposes under the provisions of any act of the legislature of this state, general, special or private, is hereby authorized to take and hold by purchase, gift, devise, bequests or otherwise, for any religious, educational, charitable or benevolent pur- poses whatsoever, such real or personal property, or both, as such cor- poration may require, or as, in any manner, may have been or may be vested in such corporations for any or all of such purposes, and to grant, bargain, sell or convey the same ; and every such corporation is further authorized to take and hold in trust for any religious, educa- tional, charitable or benevolent purposes whatsoever, such real or per- sonal property, or both, as, in any manner, may have been or may be given, granted, conveyed, bequeathed or devised to, or otherwise LAWS AMENDING THE CHARTER 43 vested in such corporation in trust for any of said purposes, and to grant, bargain, sell and convey property so held or to be held in trust for any such purposes, in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant, conveyance, bequest, devise or instrument creating such trust or trusts, respectively. 2. Any and all property, real or personal, heretofore given, granted, conveyed, bequeathed or devised to, or otherwise vested in any such corporation in trust for any religious, educational, charitable or benevolent purpose, shall, so far as the same may not have already been applied in the execution of such trust, continue to be held and applied by such corporation in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant, conveyance, bequest, devise or instrument creating such trust in the same manner and with the same force and effect as if such cor- poration were originally duly authorized to act in the capacity of trus- tee in the premises, provided that such trust, otherwise than in the designation of the trustee, is valid under the laws of this state. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved April 28, 1905. Trust to continue. By-Laws Adopted March 9, 1899 Index of By-Laws PAGE I. Of the Trustees Generally 47 II. Of Meetings of the Board 48 III. Of Officers of the Corporation 49 IV. Of the Presiding Officer 49 V. Of the President of the University 50 VI. Of the Clerk , 50 VII. Of the Dean of the Faculty 51 VIII. Of the Dean of the Graduate School 51 IX. Of the Treasurer 52 X. Of the Secretary 53 XI. Of the Curator of Grounds and Buildings 54 XII. Of the Librarian 56 XIII. Of the Registrar 56 XIV. Of the Faculty 57 XV. Of the Standing Committees of the Board 58 XVI. Of the Committee on Finance 59 XVII. Of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings 60 XVIII. Of the Committee on the Library and Apparatus 61 XIX. Of the Committee on the Curriculum 61 XX. Of the Committee on Morals and Discipline 62 XXI. Of the Committee on Honorary Degrees 62 XXII. Of the Committee on the Graduate School 63 XXIII. Of the Committee on Faculty Minutes 63 XXIV. Of Honorary Degrees 63 XXV. Of Academic Costume 64 XXVI. Of the Order of Business 66 XXVII. Miscellaneous 67 By-Laws OF THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. [provisions of the charter are printed in small capitals.] CHAPTER I. OF THE TRUSTEES GENERALLY. i. The Board shall be composed as follows: 1. the Governor of the State and the President of the University during their respective official terms. II. twenty-five Life Trustees who shall hold office DURING THEIR NATURAL LIVES, SAVE IN CASE OF RESIGNATION, IN- CAPACITY OR REMOVAL BY THE BOARD. III. five Alumni Trustees who shall serve for the re- spective TERMS TO WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN ELECTED BY THE ALUMNI. 2. Of the entire Board, twelve shall be inhabitants of the State of New Jersey. 3. Each Trustee, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to perform the duties of his office, an oath to support the constitution of the united States, and an oath of allegiance to the State in which he resides. The oaths shall be taken in the presence of the Board, and may be administered by any member of the corpo- ration. 4. Of the Life Trustees eight at least shall be clergymen and twelve at least laymen, save when, for reasons of expediency, it may be proper to alter this proportion, in which case the proportionate numbers shall be restored as soon as practicable. 48 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 5. When a vacancy occurs among the Life Trustees a new Trustee shall be elected by ballot by a majority of the Board. When a vacancy occurs among the Alumni Trustees a new Trustee shall be elected for the balance of the term, by the duly enrolled graduates at the next annual election. 6. If any Trustee shall be absent from four consecutive stated meetings of the Board, his seat shall be regarded as vacated, save by- a special vote of the Board to the contrary. 7. The term of office and method of election of Alumni Trus- tees, and all matters relating to the office, including the discontinu- ance of the same, shall be under the control of and determined by a majority of the Board. CHAPTER II. OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. 1. There shall be four Stated Meetings of the Board in each year; the first on the day preceding Commemoration day; the second on the second Thursday in December ; the third on the second Thurs- day in March, and the fourth on the Monday preceding the annual Commencement. 2. Special Meetings shall be held upon the requisition of six Trustees made upon the Clerk. This requisition shall specify the object or objects for which the meeting is called, and such object or objects shall be stated by the Clerk in his notice of the meet- ing; and no business shall be transacted at such special meeting other than that specified in the requisition and mentioned in the notice. 3. Any nine or more of the Trustees, when duly con- vened, SHALL CONSTITUTE A QUORUM, AND BE COMPETENT TO PER- FORM AND EXECUTE ALL THE DUTIES AND BUSINESS OF THE CORPORA- TION, PROVIDED ALWAYS, THAT THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE FOR THE TIME BEING, OR IN CASE OF HIS DEATH OR ABSENCE, THE PRESI- DENT of the University for the time being; or in case of the death or absence of both the governor and president, the senior Trustee of the University shall always be one of the said nine Trustees so at any time constituting the quorum as aforesaid : but in case of the absence of the Governor, the BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 49 President and the senior Trustee, then thirteen members shall constitute a quorum. 4. no meeting of the trustees shall be valid or legal for the transaction of any business whatever, unless the Clerk of the Board has duly and legally notified each and every member of the corporation of such meeting; and before their entering upon any business, the clerk shall certify such notification, under his hand, to the board. 5. The Clerk shall give notice of each meeting of the Board at least one week before the appointed time thereof. 6. Any number convened at the time of a meeting, less than a quorum and more than two, may adjourn from time to time, for a period of three days; after which time they may adjourn to a period not less than one week distant, of which adjourned meeting due notice shall be given by the Clerk. 7. Each meeting of the Board shall be opened with prayer. 8. When in session, the Trustees shall sit, in order of seniority, beginning at the right hand of the President. CHAPTER III. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. i. The officers of the Corporation shall be the President of the Board, the President of the University, the Clerk, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Treasurer, the Secre- tary, the Curator of Grounds and Buildings, the Librarian, the Regis- trar, and such other officers as the Board may deem it expedient to appoint. 2. These officers, with the exception of the President of the Board shall be elected by ballot by a majority of the Board, SHALL CONTINUE IN OFFICE DURING THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD. AND SHALL RECEIVE SUCH COMPENSATION AS THE BOARD MAY DIRECT. CHAPTER IV. OF THE PRESIDING OFFICER. i. The Governor of the State of New Jersey shall be, ex officio, President of the Board, and in his absence the Presi- 50 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES dent of the university shall preside, and in the absence of the Governor and the President, the senior Trustee present at any meeting, shall preside. 2. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to observe the order of business and enforce the rules of order. CHAPTER V. of the president of the university (in his relation to the board). 1. The President shall preside on all public occasions and represent the University before the public. 2. He shall be charged with the general supervision of the inter- ests of the University and shall have special oversight of the various departments of instruction in the University. 3. It shall be his duty to sign all obligations and contracts entered into by or on behalf of the Board, unless otherwise provided by these By-Laws, and to sign all diplomas and certificates of gradua- tion. 4. He shall have the custody of the Seal of the University and shall affix the same to such instruments as require its use. 5. At the stated meeting of the Board in December he shall present a printed report on the condition, progress and policy of the University, which shall include reports to him by such of the Univer- sity officers as may, in the judgment of the Board, be deemed best. CHAPTER VI OF THE CLERK. i. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to notify the Trustees of all meetings and to certify the fact of such notice having, been given, at the opening of each meeting of the Board. 2. He shall sign all diplomas and certificates of graduation and all legal papers requiring the signature of the Clerk as an officer of the Corporation, and shall make public announcement of all degrees in course at the time they are conferred. BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 5! 3. In case of the death, absence, or disability of the Clerk, the Secretary of the University shall be, ex officio, Clerk of the Board. CHAPTER VII. OF THE DEAN OF THE FACULTY. 1. The Dean of the Faculty shall be charged with the oversight of the discipline of the University, and to this end he shall be a member ex officio, of the Committee on Morals and Discipline. The Curator of Grounds and Buildings shall report to him upon questions of dis- cipline so far as they may come under his notice; and the Proctors shall be subordinated to him as well as to the President of the Univer- sity, and shall report to him on all matters relating to the deportment of the students. 2. He may assign rooms in the dormitories to such members of the Faculty and to such Fellows as he may see fit, subject to the ap- proval of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. 3. He shall report in writing to the Committee on Morals and Discipline, before the October and March meetings of the Board, on the state of discipline in the University and on all matters relating thereto. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE DEAN OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL. i. The Dean of the Graduate School shall be responsible for the conduct of the Graduate School and shall have the oversight of Gradu- ate Students and Fellows. He shall have charge of the graduate courses and degrees for graduate study, and of the work done in semi- naries, laboratories and elsewhere, in so far as it is of graduate char- acter, but excluding technical and professional subjects. 2. He shall consult the President of the University on all mat- ters of importance affecting the Graduate School, and shall submit all proposed measures to the President and Trustees for their sanction. To this end he shall be a member, ex officio, of the Committee on the Graduate School and shall submit a written report to the Committee 52 BY-LAWS OF. THE TRUSTEES before the December and Commencement meetings of the Board. He shall present to the University Faculty an annual report showing the condition and work of the Graduate School for the preceding year. 3. He shall select a committee from the University Faculty to act as his advisers, and in the absence of the President shall preside at the meetings of the committee. CHAPTER IX. OF THE TREASURER. 1. The Treasurer shall, under the direction of the Committee on Finance, have charge and control of the securities and funds of the Corporation. 2. All letters addressed to Princeton University or in a general way to the offices of the University shall be referred to him. 3. He shall sign receipts and acknowledgments for all monies of the Corporation, and shall disburse the monies under the direction of the Committee on Finance. 4. He shall deposit the funds of the University, in the corporate name of the University, in such banks or trust companies as the Committee on Finance shall direct ; which funds shall not be drawn out except by cheques signed by him, and, when for sums exceeding two- thousand dollars, such cheques shall be countersigned by a member of the Committee on Finance, or by some other person specially desig- nated by the Committee on Finance for that purpose. 5. He shall render a full and particular statement of his cash accounts, accompanied by vouchers, to the Committee on Finance at least one week prior to each meeting of the Board and an inventory of the investments of the Corporation to the same Committee at least one week prior to the December meeting. 6. His books shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspec- tion of members of the Committee on Finance. 7. He may be authorized by the Board to employ necessary assistants when the funds of the University permit. 8. He shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his duties, in such amount as the Board shall direct. 9. He shall, before the October meeting of the Board, present BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 53 to the Committee on Finance a budget, showing the estimated receipts and disbursements of the University for the current fiscal year. CHAPTER X. OF THE SECRETARY. i. The Secretary shall have charge of the general correspond- ence of the University under the supervision of the President. 2. He shall have charge of the publication and distribution of the University Catalogue, and of such other University publications as may be referred to him by the President or the Board. 3. He shall be, ex officio, Secretary of the Board, and shall keep full minutes of all meetings, and at each stated meeting shall present the minutes of the last preceding meeting or meetings for the ap- proval of the Board. When such minutes shall have been approved by the Board they shall be entered in a book of minutes. 4. He 'shall have the custody and preparation of all diplomas of the University, as well as of certificates of graduation. 5. He shall be the custodian of the Charter of the University, of the minute books and papers relating to the records of the Univer- sity, and of the bond of the Treasurer. 6. He shall notify, by letter, all persons elected or appointed to office by the Board, and shall notify those upon whom it has been voted to confer Honorary Degrees. 7. As soon as possible, after each meeting, he shall transmit to the President, the Deans, the Treasurer, the Curator, the Clerk of the Faculty, and the Chairman of each Standing and Special Committee, all papers, matters, resolutions, or business that may have been re- ferred to them respectively. •8. He shall, when he gives notice to the Chairman of a Special Committee of the duties required by resolution of the Board, request such Chairman to inform him of the meeting of the Committee. If within two weeks of the meeting of the Board he shall not have been informed of the meeting of a Committee whose Chairman has been notified, he shall again notify such Chairman. 9. At least one week before each stated meeting he shall trans- mit to each member of the Board a printed copy of the docket of the business that will come before said meeting. 54 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES CHAPTER XL OF THE CURATOR OF GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. 1. The Curator of Grounds and Buildings shall be the Resident Executive of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. 2. He shall, under the direction of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings, have charge and control of the real estate belonging to the University; and he shall be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the same. 3. He shall, subject as aforesaid, and subject also to such other Committee or Committees having supervision of the same, have charge and control of, and be responsible for, the proper care and maintenance of all the personal property belonging to the University, except the securities and funds, the apparatus and specimens belonging to the several departments of instruction and the books in the Library. 4. He shall, subject to said supervision, have sole charge of all repairs to the grounds and buildings belonging to the University, and shall be responsible for the keeping of the same in repair and in good order. All requests for repairs, or work of any kind, shall be made to him in writing, and be signed by the person making the request, upon blanks which the Curator shall furnish for the purpose; and he shall enter such requests in a book to be kept for the purpose, with the date of the request, the action taken upon it, and the date of such action. 5. He shall make no alteration in any building, or in any part of the grounds, and shall take no action in reference to the personal property confined to his care, unless he shall first obtain the consent of the Committee having charge of the same. 6. No alteration shall be made in any building belonging to the University, by any one, except under the direction of the Curator. 7. He shall, subject to the aforesaid supervision, have sole charge of the sewerage and drainage of the University grounds and buildings. 8. He shall, subject to the aforesaid direction, have sole charge and responsibility of the lighting and heating apparatus of the University; shall make all contracts for lighting and the purchase of coal and other fuel; shall have sole charge and management of the BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 55 water supply of the University; shall audit all bills for labor and materials furnished the University in his department, and shall make all contracts for work to be done on the grounds and buildings, except for new buildings otherwise provided for. 9. The employment, oversight and direction of all servants of the University shall be committed to him. 10. He shall keep under constant inspection the grounds and buildings belonging to the University, and be responsible that the former are kept in good order, and that the rooms, entries, cellars, roofs, and every other part of said buildings, are kept clean and in good repair, and that snow is early removed whenever the same is necessary. 11. Upon receiving from the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty any written opinion or suggestion referring to the health of the Uni- versity, he shall forthwith communicate the same to the proper Com- mittee having the subject in charge. 12. Whenever in his opinion any student should be removed from a room, either in a house in town or in a University dormitory, for what to the Curator seems a proper cause, he shall report the same to the Dean of the Faculty for the action of the Faculty. 13. He shall assess students and employees of the University for damage to University property, and should any student refuse to pay the amount assessed, he shall at once report the fact to the Dean of the Faculty for the action of the Faculty. 14. Whenever any dereliction of duty on the part of any em- ployee of the Unjversity shall be reported to him by the President, Dean of the Faculty, a professor, student, or other person, he shall promptly examine the matter and take such steps as the case warrants. 15. He shall, at the beginning of every fiscal year, present to the Committee on Finance an estimate in writing of every expense which will probably arise in his department during the ensuing year. 16. He shall decide in what houses, outside of the University dormitories, students may room and board. In no case shall he permit a student to reside or board in a house, if the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty notify him in writing that they object to such house. 17. He shall adopt such a system as will enable him to know at once if there is a case of illness in any University dormitory, or in any 56 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES house in which students reside, and shall immediately report to the Chairman or Secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty. 1 8. He shall, within a reasonable time after receiving any writ- ten opinion or suggestion from the Sanitary Committee of the Faculty, inform the Chairman of said Committee, in writing, what action has been taken in reference to such opinion or suggestion. 19. He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board and the several Committees. CHAPTER XII. OF THE LIBRARIAN. 1. Members of the Library staff holding rank equivalent to that of members of the Faculty shall be elected by ballot, by a majority of the Board. 2. The Librarian shall, under the direction of the Committee on the Library and Apparatus, have charge and control of the Library buildings and their contents, and shall be responsible for the safe keeping and proper care of same. 3. Before the October meeting of the Board, he shall report to the Committee on the Library and Apparatus on the condition of the Library; the amounts expended for purchase of books, periodicals, etc. ; and for binding, cataloguing, etc. ; the accessions by purchase and donation ; and the circulation and other use of books. 4. Of the annual revenue of the Elizabeth Fund for the purchase of books, he shall expend two-thirds under the direction of the Library Committee of the Faculty, and one-third at his own discretion, sub- ject, however, to the approval of the Committee on the Library and Apparatus. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE REGISTRAR. 1. It shall be the duty of the Registrar to keep the record of the examinations and standing of the students, and to report the same twice in each year to their parents or guardians. 2. He shall keep the record of the attendance of each student BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 57 upon the University exercises and take such action thereon as the regulations pertaining to students require. 3. He shall conduct such correspondence with the parents and guardians, concerning the attendance and scholarship of students, as the Faculty or its Committees may instruct, or as the circumstances of each case may require. 4. He shall conduct the correspondence relating to the admis- sion of students to the University. CHAPTER XIV. OF THE FACULTY. i. The University Faculty shall consist' of the President of the University, the Deans, the Professors, Assistant Professors and Preceptors. The University Faculty shall be divided into two sub- Faculties, to be designated respectively, the Academic Faculty and the Scientific Faculty. The Academic Faculty shall consist of the Pro- fessors, Assistant Professors and Preceptors, whose duties pertain wholly, or in the main, to the Academic Department, and the Scientific Faculty shall consist of the Professors, Assistant Professors and Pre- ceptors, whose duties pertain wholly, or in the main, to the John C. Green School of Science. The proceedings of the sub-Faculties shall be regularly reported to the University Faculty, and in all ordinary cases the action of each sub-Faculty, in respect to the admission, stand- ing and discipline of students, shall be final. 2. Professors, Assistant Professors and Preceptors shall be elected by ballot by a majority of the Board. 3. Instructors, Lecturers, Assistants and Demonstrators shall be appointed by the President of the University subject to the approval of the Board, and shall have the privilege of sitting with the Faculty, but shall not be entitled to vote. 4. Officers of instruction shall not substitute or appoint any one to perform their duties in the class-room without the approval, in each case, of the President of the University. 5. The University Faculty and the sub-Faculties shall keep books of minutes, which books shall be laid before the Committee on Faculty Minutes before the Commencement meeting of the Board. 58 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 6. The University Faculty may, before each stated meeting of the Board, elect, by ballot, three Professors, two from the Academic and one from the Scientific Faculty, who shall attend and present to the Board the views of the Faculty on matters pertaining to the in- struction, order and government of the University. CHAPTER XV. OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD. i. The Board, at the Commencement meeting, shall choose, by ballot, the members of the following eight Standing Committees, each one of which (including the ex officio members thereof) shall consist of not more than nine members, who shall hold office for one year and until others are appointed in their place : i. The Committee on Finance. The Committee on Grounds and Buildings. The Committee on the Library and Apparatus. The Committee on the Curriculum. The Committee on Morals and Discipline. The Committee on Honorary Degrees. The Committee on the Graduate School. The Committee on Faculty Minutes. 2. The President of the University shall be, ex officio, Chairman of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and a member of the other Standing Committees. The Dean of the Faculty shall be, ex officio, a member of the Committee on Morals and Discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School shall be, ex officio, a member of the Committee on the Graduate School. 3. At the March meeting of the Board in each year the Presiding Officer shall appoint a committee of five members of the Board, to whom may be presented suggestions for changes in the composition of the several Standing Committees. This Committee shall report at the June meeting its recommendations as to the constitution of each Standing Committee for the year following. 4. Each Committee, except the Committee on Honorary De- gress, shall be empowered to elect its own Chairman, and no Trustee, other than the President of the University, shall be a member of BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 59 more than three of these Committees, and no Trustee shall be Chair- man of more than one Standing Committee. If a Trustee be elected as Chairman of more than one Standing Committee, he shall have the privilege of selection. 5. The Committees on Finance and on Grounds and Buildings shall meet at least four times a year, and the other Standing Commit- tees shall meet before those meetings of the Board at which a report is to be made. Each Standing Committee shall meet at such other times as may be ordered by the Board, and the Chairman of a Committee shall always call a meeting of the Committee on the requisition of the President of the University, or of three members of the Board. One week's notice of each meeting shall be given, except that in cases of emergency, meetings of the Committees on Finance, Grounds and Buildings or Morals and Discipline may be called upon shorter notice. 6. Any number, not less than three, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 7. Each Standing Committee shall report in writing to the Board, and the reports shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 8. The Chairman of each Committee having a report to make shall be in readiness to report at the opening of the meeting of the Board. CHAPTER XVI. OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. 1. The Committee on Finance shall have charge and control of the funds and securities of the Corporation. 2. They shall keep a careful oversight of the investments of the Corporation, and shall report to the Board their judgment as to the investment of the funds, and the changes that should be made. 3. Should any funds accrue during an interim of the Board they shall have power to invest the same, making a report of such invest- ment at the next stated meeting. 4. If at any time during an interim of the Board they should deem it essential to the interests of the University that a change of investments be made, they shall have the power to make such change and to direct the transfer, if the investments to be changed are in 60 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES registered securities, and they shall always report the fact of such change and the reason thereof to the Board at its next stated meeting. 5. Whenever the interest upon any security of the University shall become overdue they shall proceed to collect the same. 6. They shall see that no contracts are made for the payment of money, unless the money is arranged for beforehand; and no dis- tinct fund shall be borrowed from, for any other use than that for which it is designated, save by vote of the Board. 7. They shall, at least once a year, examine the securities of the Corporation, and report the result of such examination to the Board. 8. They shall designate in writing to the Treasurer in what banks or trust companies the cash of the Corporation shall he de- posited, and in what depository the securities of the same shall be kept. 9. They may designate a person to sign the cheques of the Cor- poration with the Treasurer, as provided for in Chapter IX., Article 4. 10. Expenditures authorized by any of the Standing Commit- tees shall not be made until it be certified by the Committee on Finance to the Treasurer that there is money available for that purpose. 11. They shall appoint an expert accountant, who shall care- fully audit the accounts of the Treasurer, verify his statements, and report upon the same to the Committee at least once in each year, which report, together with the Treasurer's Report, the Committee shall present to the Board at the stated meeting in October. 12. They shall report at the October and December meetings of the Board and may report at any other stated meeting. CHAPTER XVII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. i. The Committee on Grounds and Buildings shall have charge and control of the real estate and personal property belonging to the University, except as mentioned in Chapter XVIII., Article 1. 2. They shall instruct the Curator of Grounds and Buildings as to what repairs are necessary, and shall give him such power as they think necessary to enable him to attend to the care and repairs of the real estate, buildings and furniture. BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 61 3. They shall have charge and control of all servants of the University, and shall instruct the Curator of Grounds and Buildings as to their number and compensation. 4. They shall be responsible that the Curator of Grounds and Buildings takes care of all matters in their department, and keeps the buildings, fences, drains, walks and furniture in proper condition. 5. They may authorize the Curator of Grounds and Buildings to act in cases where delay would work an injury. 6. They shall report at the October meeting of the Board and may report at any other stated meeting. CHAPTER XVIII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY AND APPARATUS. 1. The Committee on the Library and Apparatus shall have charge and control of the Library buildings and their contents, the historical collections and all the apparatus and specimens belonging to the several departments of instruction. 2. They shall have supervision of the Library, shall prescribe the times of opening and closing the same, and shall authorize the pur- chase of books in conformity with the By-Laws relating to the Libra- rian. 3. It shall be their duty to see that none of the property under their charge is lost or needlessly injured ; and they shall hold the Librarian, Professors and Instructors, having charge of the same, to strict accountability in the premises. 4. The purchase of all new and movable property, chemicals and apparatus, and all repairs of the same, shall be authorized by the Committee, to the extent only of the appropriations made by the Board. 5. They shall report at the October meeting of the Board. CHAPTER XIX. OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE CURRICULUM. 1. The Committee on the Curriculum shall have supervision of the studies pursued in the University. 2. They shall assign the duties of the Professors, Assistant Professors and Preceptors and Instructors. 62 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 3. They shall receive from the Faculty the names of candidates for Degrees in Course, and report to the Board the names of whom they recommend for such Degrees. 4. They shall report at the March and Commencement meetings of the Board, and at such other meetings as may be necessary. 5. No appointments involving additional expenditure for sal- aries shall be proposed by the Committee on the Curriculum unless presented to the Committee on Finance for their consideration at least two weeks before the meeting of the Board at which confirmation is desired. CHAPTER XX. OF THE COMMITTEE ON MORALS AND DISCIPLINE. 1. The Committee on Morals and Discipline shall acquaint them- selves thoroughly with the plans for discipline pursued in this and other Universities, and shall suggest to the Trustees and Faculty such plans as may, in their opinion, be of advantage to the University. Before the October and March meetings of the Board they shall con- fer with the Dean of the Faculty regarding the discipline of the University and make a report to the Board thereon. 2. They may be consulted by the Faculty in devising the best methods for managing the discipline and as to preserving the morals of the University. 3. They shall report at the October and March meetings of the Board and at such other stated meetings as may be necessary. CHAPTER XXI. OF THE COMMITTEE ON HONORARY DEGREES. i. All nominations for Honorary Degrees made at a meeting of the Board shall be referred to the Committee on Honorary Degrees to be investigated and reported upon to the Board, unless otherwise ordered by the unanimous vote of the members present, in number not less than a majority of the entire Board. 2. The Committee shall, on recommending a person for a par- ticular Degree, set forth in writing the special qualifications possessed by him which seem to them to entitle him to the honor. 3. They shall report at the December and March meetings of the Board. BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 63 CHAPTER XXII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE GRADUATE SCHOOL. i. The Committee on the Graduate School shall have supervi- sion of the Graduate Students, Fellowships, Graduate Courses and Degrees for graduate study, and of the work done in Seminaries, Laboratories and elsewhere, in so far as it is of graduate character, but excluding technical and professional subjects. 2. They shall report at the December and Commencement meet- ings of the Board. CHAPTER XXIII. OF THE COMMITTEE ON FACULTY MINUTES. I. The Committee on Faculty Minutes shall, before the Com- mencement meeting of the Board, examine the minutes of the Faculties and present a report upon the same to the Board at that meeting. CHAPTER XXIV. OF HONORARY DEGREES. 1. All nominations for Honorary Degrees shall be made in writing, setting forth the full name of the nominee, his place of resi- dence, and the name of the Trustee making the nomination. 2. The Secretary shall keep, in retentis, a list of nominations for Honorary Degrees that lie over, with the date of each nomination, and the name of the person making such nomination, and also the Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees on the nomination. The names of those nominees upon whom it shall not have been voted to confer Degrees within one year after the Committee on Honorary Degrees shall have reported upon them shall be stricken from the list. 3. Nominees for Honorary Degrees may be voted upon by ballot at any stated meeting of the Board, but no such Degree shall be con- ferred save at the annual Commencement or on Commemoration day and only when the candidate is present to receive it, nor shall any 64 BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES Degree be then conferred unless it be accompanied with a public state- ment of the reasons for which it is given. 4. The Board shall not vote to confer an Honorary Degree on any one not recommended by the Committee on Honorary Degrees, except by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the Board. 5. The Board shall not vote to confer the Degree of LL.D., D.D. or L.H.D, at the stated meetings at which the nomination of the can- didate is made, save by the unanimous vote of the members present, in number not less than a majority of the entire Board. At the following stated meeting, however, the Board may vote to confer such Degrees by the affirmative votes of a majority of the entire Board, in the case of one recommended by the Committee on Honorary Degrees; or, in the case of one not so recommended, by a three-fourths vote of the entire Board. CHAPTER XXV. OF ACADEMIC COSTUME. i. The following academic costume is permitted to be worn by members of the Board and of the Faculty and by other Officers and the Graduates of the University, upon all appropriate University occa- sions, such as the public exercises of Commemoration day, of Com- mencement week and whenever they appear officially in public. Gowns. i. Pattern. Those commonly worn, with pointed sleeves for the Bachelor's Degree, with long, closed sleeves for the Master's Degree, and with round, open sleeves for the Doctor's De- gree. 2. Material. Worsted stuff for the Bachelor's Degree, silk for the Master's and Doctor's Degrees. 3. Color. Black. 4. Trim- mings. For the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees the gowns are to be untrimmed. Far the Doctor's Degree the gown is to be faced down the front with black velvet, with bars of the same across the sleeves ; or the facings and crossbars may be of velvet of the same color as the binding or edging of the hood, being distinctive of the Faculty to which the Degree pertains. Hoods, i. Pattern. The pattern usually followed by Colleges BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES 65 and Universities, save as modified below. 2. Material. The same as that of the gown. 3. Color. Black. 4. Length. The length and form of the hood shall indicate the Degree as follows : For the Bachelor's Degree, the length shall be three-fourths that of the Mas- ter's Degree. The hood for the Master's Degree shall be of the cus- tomary length, not exceeding four feet; and that of the Doctor's Degree shall be of the same length but have panels at the sides. 5. Linings. The hoods shall be lined with the official colors of Princeton — Orange and Black. 6. Trimmings. The binding or edging, not more than six inches in width, to be of silk, satin or velvet, the color to be distinctive of the Faculty to which the Degree pertains, thus : Faculty of Arts and Letters, white. Faculty of Theology, scarlet. Faculty of Law, purple- Faculty of Medicine, green. Faculty of Philosophy, dark blue. Faculty of Science, gold yellow. Faculty of Fine Arts, brown. Faculty of Music, pink. Caps. The caps shall be of the material and form generally used, and commonly called mortar-board caps. The color shall be black. The Doctor's cap may be of velvet. Each cap shall be ornamented with a long tassel attached to the middle point at the top. The tassel of the Doctor's cap may be, in whole or in part, of gold thread. Members of the Governing Body of the University shall be en- titled, during their term of office, to wear the gown of highest dignity — that of the Doctor's Degree — together with the hood appropriate to the Degree which they may have severally received. Members of the Faculties, and any person officially connected with the University who have been recipients of academic honors from other universities or colleges in good standing, may assume the academic costume corres- ponding totheir Degree, as described in the foregoing section, provided, that such right shall terminate if such persons shall cease to be con- nected with the University. The President and the Deans may adopt distinctive badges, not inconsistent with the costume hereinbefore de- scribed. 66 RULES OF ORDER CHAPTER XXVI. OF THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. i. A printed docket shall be placed before the Board by the Secretary at each stated meeting. The general schedule shall be as follows : I. Organization with Prayer. II. Reading of the Clerk's Certificate. III. Reading, correction, and approval of Minutes. IV. Clerk's Report. V. President's Report. VI. Reception of Committee from the Faculty. VII. Nomination for Honorary Degrees. VIII. Reports of Committees : i. Finance. 2. Grounds and Buildings. 3. Library and Apparatus. 4. The Curriculum. 5. Morals and Discipline. 6. Honorary Degrees. 7. Graduate School. 8. Faculty Minutes. 9. Special Committees. IX. Miscellaneous Business. X. Balloting on Nominees for Honorary Degrees. XI. Appointment of next meeting. XII. Adjournment with prayer. 2. Other matters may be placed upon the docket as they arise, or by special order of the Board. 3. The order of business prescribed in the docket shall not be departed from, unless by a vote of the Board upon motion. 4. Whenever a matter requiring the action of a Committee shall arise, it shall be referred to the Standing Committee having charge of the subject, unless by special order of the Board. 5. Committees shall, in all cases, report to the Board in writing. Should a Standing Committee fail thus to report, such failure shall be RULES OF ORDER 67 entered in the record book of the Committee, with the reasons thereof, and noted upon the minutes of the Board. 6. Those entrusted with the awarding of fellowships and prizes shall report to the Board, through the Secretary, on the first day of the meeting, except in cases where the competition takes place during the session of the Board. CHAPTER XXVII. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. No resolution shall be considered by the Board, unless it be first put in writing and delivered to the Secretary. 2. No change in these By-Laws shall be made, save by a vote of two-thirds of the entire Board at the stated meeting at which the pro- posed change is made, or by a majority vote of the members present at a stated meeting subsequent to a meeting at which notice of pro- posal to change such By-Law shall have been given (and no change shall be made in Chapter XXIV., Article 5, at a meeting at which a change is proposed, save by a unanimous vote of the members present, in number not less than a majority of the entire Board). The opera- tion of these By-Laws shall not be changed or suspended save by the unanimous vote of the members present, in number not less than a majority of the entire Board. 3. All resolutions of the Board, inconsistent with these By- Laws, are hereby repealed. 4. All proceedings of the Board, the debates, and every part of the. business transacted at its meetings, shall be considered as confi- dential, and shall not be divulged, except officially or when permitted by the Board. 5. The Commencement Arrangements shall be under the direc- tion of a Committee of the Trustees, who shall be authorized to add to their number from the Faculty or otherwise. Rules of Order Rules of Order OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. i. The Presiding Officer shall take the chair precisely at the hour to which the Board stands adjourned; and shall immediately call the members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall open the session with prayer. 2. The business shall be taken up and disposed of in the order prescribed in the By-Laws. 3. The Presiding Officer may speak to points of order, in prefer- ence to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose ; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board by any two members. 4. If the Presiding Officer desires to discuss any question he shall leave the chair for that purpose, and shall call the senior member of the Board present to take the chair. 5. When a vote is taken by ballot, the Presiding Officer shall vote with the other members ; but he shall not vote in any other case, unless the vote be equally divided; when, if he do not choose to vote, the question shall be lost. 6. A motion made must be seconded, and afterwards repeated by the Presiding Officer or read aloud, before it is debated. 7. Any member who shall have made a motion, shall have liberty to withdraw it, with the consent of his second, before any debate has taken place thereon; but not afterwards, without the leave of the Board. 8. If a motion under debate contains several parts, any member may have it divided, and a vote taken on each part. 9. When various motions are made, with respect to the filling of blanks with particular numbers or times, the questions shall always be first taken on the highest number and the longest time. 72 RULES OF ORDER 10. Motions to lay on the table, to take up business, to adjourn, and the call for the previous question, shall be put without debate. On questions of order, postponement, or eommitment, no member shall speak more than once ; on all other questions each member may speak twice, but not oftener without express leave of the Board. 1 1 . When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received unless to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to post- pone to a day certain, to commit, or to amend ; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are herein arranged ; and the motion of adjournment shall always be in order. 12. An amendment, and also an amendment to an amendment, may be moved on any motion ; but a motion to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be in order. Action on amendments shall precede action on the original motion. 13. A distinction shall be observed between a motion to lay on the table for the present, and a motion to lay on the table uncondition- ally, viz. : A motion to lay on the table for the present shall be taken without debate; and, if carried in the affirmative, the effect shall be to place the subject on the docket, and it may be taken up and considered at any subsequent time. But a. motion to lay on the table uncondi- tionally, shall be taken without debate; and, if carried in the affirma- tive, it shall not be in order to take up the subject during the same meeting of the Board without a vote of reconsideration. 14. The previous question shall be put in this form, namely: "Shall the main question be now put ?" It shall be admitted only when demanded by a majority of the members present, and the effect shall be to put an end to all debate and bring the body to a direct vote — first, on the motion to commit the subject under consideration (if such motion shall have been made) ; secondly, if the motion for commitment does not prevail, on pending amendments; and, lastly, on the main question. 15. A question shall not be again called up or considered at the same meeting of the Board at which it has been decided, unless by consent of two-thirds of the members who were present at the decision, and unless the motion to reconsider be made and seconded by persons who voted with the majority. RULES OF ORDER 73 1 6. When the Presiding Officer has commenced taking the vote, no further debate or remarks shall be admitted, unless there has evi- dently been a mistake, in which case the mistake shall be rectified and the Presiding Officer shall recommence taking the vote. 17. The yeas and nays on any question shall not be recorded unless required by one-third of the members present. 18. No member, in the course of the debate, shall be allowed to indulge in personal reflections. 19. If more than one member rise to speak at the same time, the member who is most distant from the Presiding Officer's chair shall speak first. 20. When more than three members of the Board shall be standing at the same time, the Presiding Officer may require all to take their seats, the person only excepted who may be speaking. 21. Every member, when speaking, shall address himself to the Presiding Officer. 22. No speaker shall be interrupted, unless he be out of order, or for the purpose of correcting mistakes or misrepresentations. 23. Without express permission, no member of the Board, while business is going on, shall engage in private conversation. 24. Members shall attend closely, in their speeches, to the subject under consideration; and when they deviate from the subject, it shall be the privilege of any member, and the duty of the Presiding Officer, to call them to order. 25. If any member consider himself aggrieved by a decision of. the Presiding Officer, it shall be his privilege to appeal to the Board, and the question on the appeal shall be taken without debate. 26. Any member shall have the right to have his dissent from, or protest against, any action- of the Board, with the reason therefor, if couched in respectful language, recorded in the minutes.