A Hero and vSc Other Folk ti;5jK- liyW)i.Ham-AvQoayle ^^^ *# u <■ '>^''%. ^'VC . -^ - ^- ^. 0' .0 o « ^f-^ ' >y^^\:- V V " #M^i .Oo, 4^ ^^ °o ,nN' '!'. ..,/=.Sa>''V/:\^ "^^\ ^,<^ */ -s^^ -\^ / V ,;i.^ -', 6;r eJ J. ^^ > « .'O^. ' ' ^ \.^ , ^0 O^ .^ .AV i^ <^ ^v_.^ ,x -C.. ,^V^' -o^c.^ ■''o 0^^ ,H -r. <;^. -^^ % o 4 -r. V "> 8 1 X" ' ^0- ^O. -0- »-^^^^. *x -^^ -^- * 'o, % O^ s^ '/> C .0 o 4 -7*^, A HERO AND SOME OTHER FOLK BY WILLIAM A, QUAYLE Autho* of "THE POET'S POET AND OTHER ESSAYS" THIRD EDITION CINCINNATI: JENNINGS & PYE NEW YORKs EATON & MAINS 85310 f — ■ — ■ Library of Congreaa ^m> Copies Received DEC 7 1900 (-/■ Copyright enWy SECOND €OPY Oelivafed to ORDER DIVISION DEC 8 19UU 9^ ^ %^<^ t^o- ^0 COPYRIGHT, igoo, BY THE WESTERN METH- ODIST BOOK CONCERN "1^0 think some one will care to listen to us, and to be- lieve we do not speak to vacant air but to listening hearts, is always sweet. TTiat friends have listened to this author' s spoken and written words with apparent gladness emboldens him to believe they will give him hear- ing once again. May some one's eyes be lightened, some one' s burden be lifted from his shoulders for an hour of rest, some one'' s landscape grow larger, fairer, and more fruitful, because these essays have been written. William A. Quayle. Contents PAGE. I. Jean Valjean, , 7 II. Some Words on Loving Shakespeare, 48 III. Caliban, 75 IV. William the Silent, 93 V. The Romance of American Geography, .... 142 VI. Iconoclasm in Nineteenth-century Literature, i8r VII. Tennyson the Dreamer, 198 VIII. The American Historians, 241 IX. King Arthur, 262 X. The Story of the Pictures, 292 XI. The Gentleman in Literature, 299 XII. The Drama of Job o ..... . 329 A Hero and Some Other Folk % Jean Valjean THE hero is not a luxury, but a necessity. We can no more do without him than we can do without the sky. Every best man and woman is at heart a hero-worshiper. Emerson acutely remarks that all men admire Napoleon because he was themselves in possibility. They were in miniature what he was developed. For a like though nobler reason, all men love heroes. They are ourselves grown tall, puissant, victorious, and sprung into nobility, worth, service. The hero electrifies the world ; he is the lightning of the soul, illuminating our sky_, clarifying the air, making it thereby salubrious and delightful. What any elect spirit did, inures to the credit of us all. A frag- 7 8 A Hero and Some Other Foi^k ment of Lowell's clarion verse may stand for the biography of heroism : "When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth's aching breast Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west; And the slave, where'er he cowers, feels the soul within him climb To the awful verge of manhood, as the energy sublime Of a century bursts full-blossomed on the thorny stem of Time;" such being the undeniable result and history of any heroic service. But the world's hero has changed. The old hero was Ulysses, or Achilles, or ^neas. The hero of Greek literature is Ulysses, as -^neas is in Latin literature. But to our modern thought these heroes miss of being heroic. We have out- grown them as we have outgrown dolls and mar- bles. To be frank, we do not admire ^neas nor Ulysses, ^neas wept too often and too co- piously. He impresses us as a big cry-baby. Of this trinity of classic heroes — Ulysses, ^neas, and Achilles — Ulysses is least obnoxious. This state- ment is cold and unsatisfactory, and apparently unappreciative, but it is candid and just. Lodge, in his "Some Accepted Heroes," has done service in rubbing the gilding from Achilles, and show- ing that he was gaudy and cheap. We thought J:eAN Vai,je;an 9 the image was gold, which was, in fact, thin gilt. Achilles stilks in his tent, while Greek armies are thrown back defeated from the Trojan gates. In nothing is he admirable save that, when his pout- ing fit is over and when he rushes into the battle, he has mighty and overbears the force opposing him as a wave does some petty obstacle. But no higher quality shines in his conquest. He is vain, brutal, and impervious to high motive. In ^neas one can find little attractive save his filial regard. He bears Anchises on his shoulders from toppling Troy ; but his wanderings constitute an Odyssey of commonplaces, or chance, or mean- ness. No one can doubt Virgil meant to create a hero of commanding proportions, though we, looking at him from this far remove, find him uninteresting, unheroic, and vulgar; and why the goddess should put herself out to allay tempests in his behalf, or why hostile deities should be dis- turbed to tumble seas into turbulence for such a voyager, is a query. He merits neither their wrath nor their courtesy. I confess to liking heroes of the old Norse mythology better. They, at least, did not cry nor grow voluble with words when obstacles obstructed the march. They possess the merit of tremendous action, ^neas, in this regard, is the inferior of Achilles. Excuse us from hero worship, if ^neas be hero. In this old company of heroes, Ulysses is lo A Hero and Some; Othbr Foi,k easy superior. Yet the catalogue of his virtues is an easy task. Achilles was a huge body^ asso- ciated with little brain, and had no symptom of sagacity. In this regard, Ulysses outranks him, and commands our respect. He has diplomacy and finesse. He is not simply a huge frame, wrestling men down because his bulk surpasses theirs. He has a thrifty mind. He is the man for councils of war, fitted to direct with easy mastery of superior acumen. His fellow-warriors called him "crafty," because he was brainy. He was schooled in stratagem, by which he became author of Ilium's overthrow. Ulysses was shrewd, brave, balanced — possibly, though not conclusively, patriotic — a sort of Louis XI, so far as we may form an estimate, but no more. He was selfish^ immoral, barren of finer instincts, who was loved by his dog and by Penelope, though for no reason we can discover. Ten years he fought before Troy, and ten years he tasted the irony of the seas — in these episodes displaying bravery and fortitude, but no homesick love for Penelope, who waited at the tower of Ithaca for him, a picture of constancy sweet enough to hang on the palace walls of all these centuries. We do not think to love Ulysses, nor can we work ourselves up to the point of ad- miration; and he is the best hero classic Rome and Greece can ofifer. No ! 'Register, as the mod- ern sense of the classic hero, we do not like him. J:ean Vai^jean ii He is not admirable, yet is not totally lacking in power to command attention. What is his quality of appeal to us ? This : He is action ; and action thrills us. The old hero was, in general, brave and brilliant. He had the tornado's movement. His onset redeems him. He blus- tered, was spectacular, heartless, and did not guess the meaning of purity; but he was warrior, and the world enjoys soldiers. And this- motley hero has been attempted in our own days. He was archaic, but certain have attempted to make him modern. Byron's Don Juan is the old hero, only lost to the old hero's courage. He is a villain, with not sense enough to understand he is unattractive. He is a libertine at large, who thinks himself a gentleman. Don Juan is as immoral, impervious to honor, and as villainous as the Greek gods. The D'Artagnan romances have attempted the old hero's resuscitation. The movement of the "Three Musketeers" is mechanical rather than human. D'Artagnan's honor is limited to his fealty to his king. He has no more sense of deli- cacy toward women, or honor for them as women, than Achilles had. Some of his doings are too defamatory to be thought of, much less men- tioned. No! Excuse me from D'Artagnan and the rest of Dumas' heroes. They may be French, but they are not heroic. About Dumas' romances there is a gallop which, with the un- ?r=T===nit3'. 12 A Hs;ro and Some) Othkr Foi