\i d-tD 8 /A\ (ilii) /A w OF THE PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY OF mmtx otUfj^i HANOVER, IND., 1840-49. ■omo- (Einannati: VRISIED BT JOHN D. THORPE, NO. XII. FOUBTH STBEET. 1&49. n- W^^m^^ mm=m^ ^^i rs=^^ ^^s^^^4B CATALOGUE OF THE PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY OF HANOVER COLLEGE, \\ '? 1 y HANOVER, L\D., 1840-9. PUBLISHED BY ORDER dF THE SOCIETY. CO S"^.^^ i^^S- / (lltnrinnati: PRINTED BY JOHN D. THORPE, NO. XII. FOURTH STREET. 1849. ^[lilnlatfitnn COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION, C. B. MARTIN, J. McENERY, WM. J. Mcknight, ED. E. PORTER, BEN. N. SAWTELL, J. J. WHEAT, FOUNDED OCTOBER 30T1I, 1810. PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. INTEODUCTOKY EEMAEKS. It is not expected that the following statistics will be matter of special interest to the public generally; but to those who rejoice in the progress of light and truth, and the upbuilding of literary institutions, and especially to those who have formerly been members of the Philalathean Society, and passed the most pleasant and instructive hours of their lives within her halls, it is hoped this little Catalogue will be an acceptable visitor. The Philalathean Society was formed in the year 1840. Previous to this time, there were three literary societies connected with the College, entitled the "Union Literary," "Whig," and "Philosophronian " societies. The Philalathean Society was formed by the union of the two latter. One of these had always been, and was at the time of union, as large and pros- perous as any in connection with the institution ; the other, although it had formerly held a respectable position, both as to character and numbers, was then very small. As the number of students in College was then small, it was thought to be for the good of both College and Societies that a union should take place. Accordingly, in October, 1840, a meeting of the Whig and Philosophronian Societies was held, the union agreed upon, a new constitution rlrafted and adopted, and a new Society formed, assu- ming the name "Philalathean," and the motto "Excelsior." According to one of the By-Laws, all who had been members of the Whig and Philo- sophronian Societies were members of the Philalathean. From its forma- tion to the present time, the Society, through every vicissitude, has been steadily advancing, until it is now larger, more independent, more zealous in its literary labors, and possessed of greater facilities than at any former period. The Society has a commodious and richly furnished hall, a large and well selected library, and in its members, embodies a high order of talent. Many of the best and most useful men in the land, look back to their connection with this Association as the source of their usefulness, success and greatness in the world. As a general thing, the Society is PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. proud of the character sustained by those whom she has at various times sent out; yet at the present time, the Society has thrown around it a stronger and deeper moral and religious influence than at any former period of her history. Many of those whom she now sends forth into the world, are preparing themselves for the ministry, and many of those now connec- ted with the Society have the ministry in view. It is hoped that those who have formerly been members will not forget the association where their first literary effort was made, and where their intellectual powers were awa- kened and called into vigorous exercise. The Philalathe^an Society will al- ways be ready and happy to acknowledge the gratitude of her sons who return to visit their parent, and give encouragement and advice to those who are soon to follow them into the great theater of action, PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. 5 The following is a list of the members of this Society from October, 1840, to October, 1849. The Society grants an honorable dismission to those who request it, and have paid their dues; and also confers Diplomas upon all her Graduates, and to any under graduate whom she may deem worthy of her honors. In assigning occupations, some mistakes may have been made, and some are unknown; and we have assigned to each one his residence at the time he connected himself with the Society : NAMES OF MEMBEES. Names. Remarks. Occupations. Residencps. 1840. John M. Bishop, Hon. Dis., 1841, Minister, Oxford, 0. New con Saunders, Graduated, 1842, Minister, Greensburg, la. Wm. H. Finley, Kec. Diplo., 1842, Lawyer, Jefferson Co. la. John F. Reed, Graduated, 1843, Jeff'eraonville la. John Q.. Marshall, Hon. Dis,, 1842, Nashville, Tcnn. John ^I. McCutchei 1, Rec. Diplo., 1642, Pilot Grove, Mo. John Hancock, ••' 1842, Minister, Barnstable, Eng. Thos. C. McCutche w, Graduated, 1842, Died, 1849, Charleston, S. C. John W. Blake, Graduated, 1848, Lawyer, Frankfort, la. W. W. Simonson, 1842, Min., died '48 Charlestown, la. G. A. Irvin, " 1843, Prin. F. Aca. Hanover, la. John C. Greer, ''■ 1844, Madison Co., Tenn. Jas. Mayberry, Hon. Dis., 1841, Jeffersonville, la. E. P. Hunter, '• '• 1841, Donaldsonville, La. S. C. Logan. Graduated, 1&46, Theol. Stud"t, Fair Prospect, la. Jos. M. Beck, Hon. Dis., 1843, Bethel, 0. H. L. Brown, " " 1S46, Lt. U. S. A., Hanover, hid. L. Hubbard, " '•- 1841, Kertland, 0. W. W. Rapp, 1641, Clermont Co., 0. Geo. Butler, '•' ••' 1643, Died, 1647, Hanover, la. S. G. Daily, Rec. Diplo., 1543, Lawyer, Canaan, la. S. D. Ward, Hon. Dis., 1843, Lawyer, Carlisle. Ky. A. M. Thompson, " '' 1841, Wood Co., 0. J. F. Trenchard, Graduated, 1343, Fairtown, N. J. C. H. Butler, Hon. Dis., 1842, M. D. Hanover, la. 6 PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. Names, Re marl cs. Dccnpatioiis. Residences. Benj. Butler, Hon Dis. 1842, Farmer, Hanovtr, la. ' Wm. H. G. Butler, Graduated, 1846, Teacher, do do J. F. Ewing, , Hon. Dis., 1842, Burlington, Iowa. E. W. McBrayer, Died J 1841, LawrenceviUe. Ky, J. T. Greer, Hon. Dis., 1843, Madison Co. Tenn. A. G. McCormick, (< a 1842, Physician, Potosi, Mo. Milton Maxwell, ii 11 1843, Clerk, Hanover, la. Jos. H. Ryker, a 11 1844, Farmer, Canaan, la. 0. H. Stratton, Hon . Dis., 1841, Hanover, la. Jas. G, Hopkins, Graduated 1843, Minister, Rrpley, 0. J. W. Holliday, Hon. Dis., 1842, Lawyer, 1841. Marion Co., 0. W. T. Robinson, Graduated, 1845, Lawyer, Amite Co., Miss. D. K,. Thompson, ( i 1845, Lawyer, do do T. N. L. Anderson, Hon. Dis., 1843, do do Anthony J. Read, a i: 1842, Cooper, Co,, Miss. Jas. Robinson, (( li 1842, Shelby Co., Ky. J. W. Wishard, a 11 1841, Indianapolis, la. W. M. Robinson, ic 11 1842, Shelby Co., Ky. Robt. Hopkins, (I ti 1843, Missionary, Ripley, 0. A. W. Dumont, li 11 1843, Law'rdec.'49 , Switzerland Co. la. John C. King, a 11 1842, Minister, Johnson Co., la. D. E. Campbell, a It 1842, Deceased, Ilmry Co., la. T. E. Burt, a C( 1842, Bridgeton, N. J. A. P. Tyler, (( ( ( 1842, Yates Co., N. Y. Jas. P. Crothers, ii 11 1845, Physician, Jefferson Co., la. Robert S. Shannon, Graduated, 1848, Teacher, do do 1841 Jas. E. Boyce, Hon. Dis., 1843, Johnson Co., Miss. I. P. Monfort, .( 11 1842, Farmer, Franklin. la. R. L. Huff, li 11 1844, Amite Co., Miss. Henry J. Conner, a 11 1843, Indianapolis, la. A. S." McWilliams, a 11 1843, New Castle, Ky. Geo. L. Swing, li ii (I Bethel, 0. R. N. Lamb, 11 C( li Rome, la. E. R. More rod. 11 11 li Vevay, la. E. D. Trout, 11 1 1 1843, TrimbU Co., Ky. B. K. Archer, : I 11 1844, Teach, dec. '47 Gibson Co., la. David A. Wallace, li 11 1843, Minister, FranJclin, la. N. S. La Rosp, — L i I : it Pulaski Co., la. PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. 7 Names. Remarks Occupaiijiis. Residences. Ed. Y. Kobins, Hon. Dis., 1843, Warren Co., 0. H. M. Mathews, (I (( 1843, M. D., New Albany^ la. David A. Gibson > a (k 1843, Hanover, la. Jas. H. D. McKee, li li 1843, Lawyer, Frankfor't, Ky. Sam'l E. Barr, Graduated, 1847, Teacher, Franklin, la. Cornelius D. Vaniiuy s. do do Jas. R. Strother, Hon. Dis., 1843, Lawyer, Brownsville, Tenn. John Orr, (( a 1844, Teacher, 1843. Princeton, la^ Wm. McClure, Hon. Dis., 1843, Princeton, la. John S. Burt, a li 1844, M. D., Hempstead , Ark. W. L. Merri wether, 11 li ■ 1845, Jeffersonville, la. B. W. Crowe, Farmer, Hanover, la, Wm. B. Guthrie, Colporteur, do do Wm, A. Young, Student, do do Sam'l Reasoner, a 11 1844, Farmer, Grant Co., ta. Benj. Reasoner, a li 1844, Farmer, do do T. H. Munford, a li 1844, Teach dec. '49 Princeton, la. Chas. Braselton, i( li 1844, do do John Drakci a a 1844, Gra. Miami U Clark Co., 0. H. H. Honore, a '• 1844, Merchant, Morgantown, Ky. Wm. E. French, a a 1844, Farmer, Princeton, la. H. C. McClure, a li 1844, do do R. A. Rhoades, a .t 1845, Horse S. Bend., Mi. Wm. C. Laughead, a li 1844, Min. dec. '48, Xcnia, 0. Alex. Sterritt, a li 1844, Theol. Stud't, Tippecanoe, La. Jas. S. Rankin, Teacher, Bedford, la. E. H. Vernon, a li 1844, Louisville, Ky. Jas. E. Y. Hanna, a li 1844, 1844. Pope Co., 111. Wm. C, Cravens, Hon. Dis., 1846, Jefferson Co., la. G. H. Sartain, a li 1845, Lt. U. S. A. Lancaster, Ky. David A. Farnsley, a li 1845, Physician, Louisville, Ky. Wm. A Wilson, Westmo'td Co., Pa. 0. Clark, a ei 1845, Theol. Stud't, Vernon, la. William Powers, a 11 1844, Wheelershurg , 0. S. K. Pottinger, a 11 1845, Laporte, la. Jesse Y. Higbee, Graduated 1849, Med. Student , Clifty Falls, la. Wm. G. Bullitt, Hon. Dis., 1844, Louisville, la. 8 PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. Names. Remarks. Occupations. Residences. Jos. Thomas, Hon.Dis., 1844, Jefferson Co., la. E. J. Knapp, (( a 1845, Vernon, la. Jos. A. Applewhite, a .( 1845, Carroll Co., Miss. D. D. Wilson, It (( 1845, Mechanic, Jefferson Co., la. C. S. Reay, Law Student, J^ouisville, Ky. R. S. Knox, Rec. Diplo , Teacher, WasMngn Co., Pa. B.. Gr. Jackson, Teacher, Amite Co., Miss. R. D. P. Shannon, Hanover, la. L. G. Atkinson, Hon. Dis., 1846, Amite Co., Miss. G. W. Wyatt. Hillshord' Co., Fa. Jas. R. Kaigler, 1845. Carroll Co., Miss. Joel J. Lyle, Chaplin, Ky, Jas. A. Gardner, Midivay, Ky. J. H. L. Vannuys, Graduated, 1848, Theol. Stud't , Franklin, la. L. M. Monfort, do do Thos. M. Davis, Chaplin, Ky. Benj. Honore, Hanover, la. E. Davis, Chaplin, Ky. Jno. W. Newman, Farmer, Shelbyville, Ky. Jno. S. Gaiagher, Louisville, Ky. John C. Caldwell, Graduated, 1848, Theol. Stud't , Boone Co., la. Thos. J. Jackson, Amite Co., Miss. Wm. M. Story, Madison Co., La. Geo. W. Logan, Hon. Dis., 1846, Druggist, Shelby Co., Ky. Jno. A. Frazer, Graduated, 1846, Lawyer, Woodford Co., Ky. S. E. W. Simonson, Emigrant to Oregon, Charlestown, la. Cor. M. Amox, Hon. Dis., 1846, Vol. Mexico, Hanover, la. Wm. Barr Knox, Merchant, Claysville, la. Sam'l C. Taggart, Graduated, 1848, Med. Stud., Clark Co., la. Ed. Latapie, Hon, Dis., 1846, Louisville, Ky. Wm. A. Owen.. (< (( (( Drennon, Ky. Geo. Shannon, jun., 1846. Hanover, la. Alf. Welsh, Hanover, la. F. T. Shanks, Hon. Dis., 1847, Stu. G. Col. Memphis, Tenn. J. M. Baily, Shelby Co., Ky. M. G. Robinson, Farmer, Amite Co., Miss. W. W. Locke, Oldham Co., Ky. J. R. Twaddle, Hanover, la. — ^ . PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY 9 Names. Remarks. Occupations. Kesidences. S. Stapp, Hon. Dis., 1847, Madison, la. Geo. S. Reed, Farmer, Jefferson Co., la. Addison W. Bare, Graduated 1848, Tut. H. Col. Clark Co., la. Sam'l Ridge, Hon. Dis., 1847, Jeffersonville, la . L. Russel, Paris, la. Jas. Nelson, Druggist, Hanover, la. H. C. Houston, N. Philadelphia, la. R. 0. Durrett, N. Castle, Ky. G. C. Drane, Rec. Diplo. ,1849, Lawyer, do 0. L. McManama, Hamilton, Ky. J. A. Hickman. Mt. Eden, Ky. H. C. Merriwether, Hon. Dis., Stud. Dan. C . Louisville, Ky. J. A. Trigg, Merchant, Memphis, Tenn. Wm. H. McHenry,^ Hon. Dis., Hartford, Ky. J. T. Clark, Louisville, Ky. Jas. M. Scovel, Student, 1847. Hanover, la. Hen. M. Giltner, Student, Waveland, la. Thos. M. Hamilton, Rec. Diplo. ,1849, Teacher, Decatur, la. Origan Thompson, Printer, Greenslurgh, la. J. Baggs, Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. A. V. McKee, Student, Greenshurgh, la. A. McKee Story, Madison Par., La. Robert F. Taylor, Student, Waveland, la. Geo. Shannon, Hanover, la. A. P. Woodworth, Hon. Dis., 1849, Palestine, III. John 0. Reay, Louisville, Ky. E. F. Dyer, t Greenshurgh, la. W. Grissom, Owensboro', Ky. Jos. M. Windsor, Student, Hanover, la. Jas. A. Caldwell, Hon. Dis., 1849, Farmer, Palestine, 111. Jos. S. Brengle, Student, Charlestown, la. H. K. Gay, Greenshurgh, la. W. W. Sickels, Student, Switzland Co., la. P. H. Walker, Hon. Dis., 1849, Merchant, Louisville, Ky. C. W. Van Dyke, U (< (( Warren Co., 0. W. H. Benefield, Teacher, Jefferson Co., la. T. B. Walker, Louisville, Ky. John C. McKenzie, Hanover, la. Wm. R. McKenzie, 2 do do 10 Names. PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. Remarks. Occupations. Residences. A. L. Shannon, C. B. Martin, James C. Finley, Jos. G. Wells,! Wm. N. Miller, W. P. Montgomery, J. P. Isler, Jno. D. McKee, Robert Allison, Hanover, Ind. Student, Livonia, la. Farmer, Jeff tr son Co., la. Student, Tippecanoe, la. Cinchinati, O. Farmer, Jefferson Co., la. Memphis, Tenn. Frankfort, Ky. Student, McDonough, 111. Wm. A. Goza, Gus. A. Baggs, L. Thompson, W. Henry, L. B. Richardson, E. W. Cohea, J. M. Loughborough, Ben. Hamilton, S. Bercaw, James D. Fort, John L. Rogers, David W. Fraser, John N. Ewell, B. H. Davis, John S. Frierson, B. Giltner, E. L. Bradshaw, Wm. V. French, Jas. A. McRee, John W. Rhea, Ben. N. Sawtell, Wm. Y. Huston, J. G. Richardson, John McEnery, W. W. Small, E. N. Mace, Edward E. Porter, C. C. Kalfus, Thos. Minor, Alex. Martin, H. Lamb, 1848. Di'dof Choi., '49, Student, Student, Hon. Dis., 1846, Teacher, Hon. Dis., 1849, Hon. Dis., 1848, Telegrapher, Student, Stu. St. M'y's, Farmer, « Student, Rec. Diplo., 1848, Surveyor, Student, Di'dof Choi., '49, Deceased, Hon. Dis., 1849, Mississippi. Baltimore, Md. Amite Co., Miss. Roland, Ky, Lexington, Ky. Jackson, Miss. Louisville, Ky. Palestine, HI. Warren Co., HI. Student, Yazoo, Miss. Amite Co. Miss. Knoxville, 111. Lagrange, Tenn. Union Co., Ark, Somerville, Tenn. Clark Co., la. Louisville, Ky, Middletown, la. Somerville, Tenn. do do Memphis, Tenn. N. Philadelphia, la. Monroe, La. Student, do do Sun Flower, Miss. Hanover, la. Student, Memphis, Tenn. Shepherdsville, Ky. Cincinnati, O. Student, Salem, la. " Galena, la. PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. 11 Names. Remarks. Occupations. Residences. J. B. Baird, Student, Frankfort, la. T. J. Willbanks, a Mt. Vernon, 111. Xen. B. Sanders, Graduated, 1849, LawStu. Memphis, Tenn. J. S. Jones, Student, Madison, la. E. W. Still, Hon. Dis., 1849, Hanover, la. W. G. Alexander, ec it a Louisville, Ky. J. J. Wilson, Stu. St. M'y's , Cynthia, 0. J. B. Piper, Student, Laporte, la. Jacob H. Jones, Hon. Dis., a Baltimore, Md. Wm. M. Blackburn, Laporte, la. John A. Kimmons, Student, Lafayette Co., Miss. Jas. M. Alexander, (( Paris, III. John W. Sickels, (e Switz'land Co., la. E. 0. Chester, et Franklin Co., 0. John B. Miller, Hon. Dis., 1848, Teacher, Memphis, Tenn. Jos. Boon, Student, Pleasant Hill, Miss. A. McFarland, Law Student 1849. , Rushville, la. Jas. C. George, Jefferson Co., Ky. Geo. W. Pollard, Clerk, I^ouisville, Ky. J. J. Wheat, Student, Copiah Co., Miss. Uriah Millsops, a do do Chas. Lee, it Fleming Co., Ky. Jas. W. McCarty, « Frankfort, la. Wm. H. Mahin, it Crawfordsville, la. Chas. D. Summers, Di'dofChol ., '49, - Shepherdsville, Ky. P. S. Turner, a Franklin, 0. 0. Evans, a do do J. A. Samples, it Covington, Tenn. Wm. J. McKnight, it Denmark, Tenn. John H. McRae, it Pensacola, Florida. Jno Hollins, it do do Jas. M. Kimmons, it Lafayette Co., Miss. Joshua B. Garritt, it Delphi, la. J. Sterrit Hollins, a Pensacola, Florida. W. B. Truax, It Orleans, la. D. P. Young, it Nicholsville, Ky. R. A. M. Campbell, it Orleans, la. L. A. Reily, it do do L. J. Sherrill, ti Mt. Carmel, Tenn. 12 PHILALA.THEA1N SOCIETY. EECAPITULATION. Occupations. States. Ministers, 13 Indiana, 27 Lawyers, 15 Kentucky . 44 Physicians, 4 Mississippi, 21 Farmers, 15 Tennessee, 18 Teachers, 14 Ohio, 16 Colporteur, 1 Illinois, 9 Surveyor, 1 Louisiana, 6 Telegrapher, 1 Florida, 4 Mechanic, 1 Maryland, 3 Merchants, 7 Arkansas, 2 Graduates, 23 Missouri, 2 Received Diplomas, 7 New Jersey, 2 Students, 55 New York, 2 U. S. Army, 3 Pennsylvania, 1 Occupations Unknown, 94 South Carolina, 1 Iowa, 1 Old England, 1 Residences Unknown, 27 Total, 256 Total, 256 PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. SPRING EXHIBITIONS. 13 The Society has an Annual Exhibition at the close of each Winter Session, and the following is a list of the Speakers, with their Subjects for each year, except the fourth, which is lost: Names. Subjects. First Annual Spring Exhibition, Tuesday Evening, Marcli SO, 1841. J, F. Ewing, G. A. Irvin. W. W. Simonson, J. F. Read, S. C. McCutchen, Wm. H. Finley, J, N. Saunders, Mutability of Popular Favor. Danger of Genius destitute of Morality. Liberty and Revolution. Poverty favorable to development of Genius, Durability of our Free Institutions. Decay of Monarchy. Local prejudices, and Addresses to Societies. Second Annual Exhibition, AYednesday Evening, March SO, 1842. J. N. Saunders, J. F. Trenchard, Jos. M. Beck, G. A. Irvin, A. McHatton, T. C. McCutchen, J. F. Read, Influence of Wealth upon the formation of Character. England and America, Historical and Social Recollections. Permanence of Modern Civilization. Human Greatness, False and True. Conventional Trammels. The West, — Social and Intellectual. British Literature of the llth century. Addresses to Societies. Third Annual Exhibition, Tuesday Evening, March 28, 1841. John F. Trenchard, John F. Read, J. W. Blake, John C. Greer, B. K. Archer, J. G. Hopkins, S. G. Daily, G. A. Irvin, Youthful Aspirations Visionary. Robespierre, Mental Slavery of the XlXth century. Triumphs of Time. Zealunguided by Knowledge. Love of Country. Grandeur in Disguise. Addresses to Societies. Fifth Annual Exhibition, Wednesday Evening, March 25, 184§. Wm. T. Robinson, Robt. S. Shannon. John Hancock, Samuel E. Barr, J. F. Meriweather, D. R. Thompson, Are Republics necessarily ungrateful ? Literary, nobler than Military Fame. Importance of combining Religion with Science, Colporteur System. Patriotism. C Native Americanism. / Addresses to Societies. . _ _. . . , . ^..- 14 PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. Names. Subjects. Sixth Annnal Exhibition, Tuesday Evening, March 24, 1846. J. Russel Kaigler, Influtnce of Party Spirit. S. Emmet Barr, Distinctions Conventional. W. H. K. Butler, Cromwell and his Times. R, Sloan Knox, Advantages of the Press. S. Agan Fraser, Kentucky and the Kentuckians. R. Griffin Jackson, Defects of American Literature. J. C. Caldwell, Prosperity — Corrupting. S. Curran Logan, { Hoosier and the Hoosiers. I Closing Address. Seventh Annual Exhibition, Tuesday Evening, March 2§, 1847. J. C. Caldwell, Prospects of the West. R. Sloan Knox, Character of Bonapaxtt. Robt. Gr. Jackson, Man's Inhumanity to Man. J. H. L. Vannuys, French Philosophy. S. C. Taggart, March of Mind. J. Y. Higbee, Influence of Commerce. A. Wilson Bare, Report of the Watchman. S. Emmet Barr, { Philanthropy. I Closing Addresses. Eighth Annual Exhibition, Wednesday Evening, March 29, 1848. R. G-. Jackson, Local Prejudices. H. L. Vannuys, The -'Emerald Isle.'' W. W. Sickels, The Crescent and the Cross. J. Y. Higbee, Popular Opijiion. A. W. Bare, American Aristocracy. J. C. Caldwell, Influence of Revelation on Science. Saml. C. Taggart, True Greatness. R. S. Knox, { Wilmot Proviso. I Closing Addresses. Ninth Annual Exhibition, Thursday Evening, March 29, 1849. W. W. Sickels, Innovation. X. B. Sanders, The Majesty of Labor. W. M. Blackburn, Judea and the Jew. John S. Frierson, Passing Away. J. B. Piper, Man. T. M. Hamilton, Nature the Source of Poetic Inspiration. H. Clay Huston, View of Napoleon, { William Penn. J. Y. Higbee, I Closing Addresses. PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. 15 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. The Society has deemed it expedient to publish a Catalogue of some of the best books of her Library, which consists of fifteen hundred volumes. Ancient History, Rollin's, 8 vols., Antiquities, Adams', Roman, Adams' Lectures, Rhetoric and Ora- tory, 2 vols., America, Winterbotham's History of, 4 vols., Astoria, Irving's, 2 vols., American Biography, Crosby's, American Constitutions, American Library of Useful Knowl- edge, 7 vols., America, Robertson's History of, 2 vols. American Theatre, Dunlap's Hist, of, Animated Nature, Goldsmith's, 4 vols American Review, 4 vols.. Artist's Manual, 2 do Aborigines of America, Alhambra, 2 vols., American Skeleton, Astronomy and Geology, Antidote to Deism, Adams' Defence, Annals of the Poor, Arabia, History of, 2 vols., Abercrombie on the Intellect, Arabian Nights, American Revolution, Rarrisay's, 2 volumes, Abbott's Works, Abercrombie's Inquiries, A Glance at the Sciences, A Glance at Philosophy, Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom, Butler's Kentucky, I [Biography of Literature, British Poets, Akin's, Botta's History, 2 vols., Buck's Theological Dictionary, 2 v'ls. Brown's Missions, 2 vols.. Biographical Dictionary, Burgh's Dignity, Burns' Poems, Book of Martyrs, Botany, Comstock's, : Brown's Philosophy, [ Blane's Medical Logic, iBracebridge Hall, 2 vols., jBridgewater Treatises, ! Buchanan, Works of, Byron's Conversations, Bonaparte, Life of, Bishop's Address, Burdell on Teeth, Beattie's Elements, Beauties of the Bible, Blake's Philosophy, Blair's Lectures, Biographies, Middleton's Evangelical, Bunyan's Holy War, Bible, History of the Byron, Life of Bonaparte, Court and Camp of Brainerd, Life of Byron's Works, 8 vols., British India, History of, 3 vols.. Beauties of Moral Science, 2 " Barbary States, Bush's Mahomed, Christian Library, 5 vols. 16 PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. Clay, Life and Speeches of Christian Defence, Curran, Grattan, Emmett, and Phil- lips, Speeches of Chatham, Burke, Grattan and Em- met, Speeches of, 2 vok.j Colle7,eof Tea h^rs, 2 " Church, History of the Chalmer's Works, 5 vols., Coles on Sovereignty, Clarkson's Essay on Slavery, Corner Stone, Camperdown, 2 vols.. Confessions and Crimes, Col burn, Zerah Memoir of Cabinet of History, Lardner, 3 vols. Curiosities of Literature, Camden's, a Tale of the South, 2 vols Contrast, The Chances and Changes, Christian World, Centaur, Th^ — not fabulous, Clarke's Biography, Clarkson's History, Catechism, Explanation of the Chivalry, Modern Consolations of the Afflicted, Conversations on Chemistry, Chalmers' Discourses, Chalmers on Christianity, Clarke on Slavery, Christian Education, Christian Research, Christian Religion, Evidence of Christianity, Sincere, Christian Orator, Cowper's Task, China, History of, 2 vols., Cook's Voyages, Celebrated Travellers, 3^vols., Cromwell, Life of Church Membership, Cecil's Remains, Curiosities of Human Nature, Dick's Theology, Dewar's Moral Philosophy, Diary of a Desennuyee, Destruction of Jerusalem, Decatur, Life of Diary of a Physician, 2 vols., Dick on Society, Demonology and Witchcraft, 2 vols., Discovery of America, Dict'onary, Sheridan's Democracy in America, Dry den's Virgil, Descriptive Album, D'Aubigne's Hist, of the Reformation, Dick's Christian Philosopher, Encyclopedia of Religious Knowl- edge, 3 vols., Edwards on Revivals, Enfield's Speaker, Essay on Slavery and Commerce, Early Call, , The Evening Exercises, Jay's, 2 vols.. Elements of History, English Marty rology, English Highwaymen, Lives of England, Grimshaw's Hist, of, 3 vols, Exposition on Job, Edwards on Affections, 2 vols., Ely on the Mind, Entertaining Library, 3 vols., Essay To Do Good, English Dictionary, Evidence of Christian Religion, Elements of Mythology, Early Navigators, Eminent Painters, 5 vols.. Empress Josephine, 2 " Encyclopedise Americana, 13 vols.. Family Magazine, " Encyclopediae, France, Social and Political, Freemason's Monitor, PHILALATHEAN SOCIETY. 17 France, Grimshaw's History of Farmer's School Book, Farmer's History of the World, Female Sovereigns, 2 vols., Force of Truth, Festivals, Games, &c., 2 vols., Franklin's Life and Writings, 2 vols Francis Berrien, Fuller's Socinian System, Franklin's Works, 4 vols., Fables, Perine's Famous Indians, Famous Men of Ancient Times, " " Modern Times, Guthrie's Geography, 2 vols.. Geography, Malte-Brun's Gaballo's Philosophy, 2 vols., Goldsmith's Works, 2 " Good's Book on Nature, Gibbon's Rome, 4 vols. Grumbler's Thoughts, Grecian History, 3 vols.. Griffin's Lectures, Goldsmith's Natural History, 2 vols., Grimshaw's United States, Greek Revolution, Geography and Astronomy, Great Apostacy, Glimpses of the Old World, 2 vols., Gems of Thought, History of the United States, 2 vols., Hume's England, 4 " History of England, Smollett, 3 " " America, 2 " Hallam's Middle Ages, Hemans' Mrs. Works, 2 " History of Revolutions, 2 " " of Greece, 2 " " of Missions, Hughes, Mrs. Selections, Hannah More's Works 2 " Hill and Valley, Humphrey Clinker, 3 History of the Martyrs, Huguenot, The 2 vols., Hints on Intellectual and Moral Ha- bits, Hawe's Lectures, Hall's Sketches of the West, 2 vols.. 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Young Man's Book of Knowledge, Zimmerman on Solitude, 2? Dp FACULTY OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Rev. T. E. THOMAS, M. A., President; an-,1 Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, and the Eviden- ces of Christianity. Rev. JOHN F. CROWE, D. D., Vice President; and Professor of Rhetoric, Logic, Political Economy and History. S. HARRISON THOMSON, M. A., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MINARD STURGUS, M. A., Professor of ths Latin and Greek Languages, and Alumni Professor of English Literatur?.. Professou of Ch?.mistry and Natural History. A. C. KNOX, M. A., Adjunct Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages, and Teacher of the German and French Languages, ADDISON W. BARE, B. A., Tutor. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 908 918 6