A DISCOURSE ON THE EARLY HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA; BEING AN ANNUAL ORATION BELiyEBEO BEFOBE THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE; PCBSDANT TO THEIR APPOINTMEAj, IN THE HALL OP THE UNIVERSITX 01 PESNSYLVANIA, ON WEDXESDAT, THE 6tU OP JUNE, 1821. / BY PETER S. DU PONCEAU, LL.D. ONE OF THE VICE PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETT. PUBLISHED BY ORDER. JUVAT IN 8TLVIS HABITARE. PHILADELPHIA: PRIjYTED AJVD published Br ABRAHAM SMALL, No, 16j, Chcsnut Street. i821. 7 .^? 5 Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to ivit ■■ BE it remi-mbered. That on the 7iineteenth day of June, in the forty- fifth year of the Independence of the United States of Ame- f , rncu. A- D- 1821, Abraham Small, of the said district, hath '• ' ■' deposited in this office the title of a book, the right -whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words folloivinff, to loit •" *' A Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania; being an Annual Oration delivered before the American Phiiosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting Useful Jinfarledge; pursuant to their ap- pointment in the hall of the Universityli, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the 6th of June, 1821 By Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL D. one of the Vicp Presidents of the Society- Published by order- Juvat in sylvis habitnre." In conformity to the act of the congress of the United States, intituled " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled "An act supplementary to an act, entitled " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of desigmng, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. AT a Special Meeting of the American Philosophical Society^ held at their Hall, on the 8th of June, 1821, it was Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of the Society he presented to Mr. Du Ponceau, for his eloquent and i^eresting Oration, on the Early History of Pennsylvania ; and that he he requested to furnish them with a copy, for puhlication. Extract from the Minutes. R. M. PATTERSON, Secretary. A DISCOURSE, &c. Mr. President — Gentlemen : Six years have elapsed since a committee was instituted in the bosom of this Society, whose labours were principally directed to the object of making researches into the history and antiquities of America, but more particu- larly of our own state. This committee have not been remiss in their exertions ; with the aid of several of their zealous and patriotic fel- low citizens, (whose names and services have been gratefully recorded) they have succeeded in collecting ample and precious materials, which only wait for the hand of the artist to work them into shape. It was hoped that the impulse thus given would have been caught by some able writer, who, avaiUng himself of these rich stores, would have combined the scattered facts into a faithful and elegant narrative. But our expectations have hitherto been deceived, and Pennsylvania still wants an historian. B 6 The crude and imperfect annals collected by Ro!)crt Proud, although they bear the title of " History of Pennsylvania," are generally ac- knowledged to be undeserving of that name. As a chronicle of the earlier times of our com- monwealth, this book is valuable, as well as for the numerous documents with which it is in- terspersed. It comes down, as a narrative, no later than the end of governor Thomas's ad- ininistration, in 17^7; beyond that period we find only a few dates of some of the most re- markable events; from which we must con- clude that the author became tired of his task, 01'. perhaps, that he undertook it at too ad- vanced a period of his life, and was prevailed upon l)y his friends to publish it in its unfinish- ed state. For Robert Proud is well known to have been a man of strong natural powers, and not deficient in acquired knowledge ; but the monument which he has left behind him does not entitle him to the fame of an historian. As a man, he was good and benevolent ; he was a lover of virtue, and his work breathes throughout those sentiments of stern morality and mild philanthropy, which characterized our early settlers, and are still to be remarked in their descendants. A w^ork of much higher pretensions, how- ever, elaims our attention. When 1 said tliat Pennsylvania still wanted an historian, I was far from intending to depreciate the labours of our former associate, professor Ebeling, of Ham- burg, whose valuable history deserves to be better known to our fellow citizens. In the small space of one duodecimo volume, he has condensed the whole history of this state from its first settlement to the year 180;3. His nar- rative is well connected throughout, drawn up in plain and unaffected language, and without pretensions to literary ornament; yet his style pleases from that very simplicity. It is close and methodical, and particularly distinguished by great perspicuity. His facts have been ob- tained from the most authentic sources, and his authorities are regularly quoted. It contains few errors, and those but trifling, and such as may be amended in a translation. This work is not encumbered with tedious documents, crowded with uninteresting details, or swelled with unnecessary notes. The author dis|)lays great discernment in his selection of facts, and impartiality in his delineation of characters, and docs not appear* to have been swayed by any feelings but those which become an liisto- rian. Your Historical Committee were early sen- 8 aible of the value of this book, and, at their recommendation, a learned member of this society* undertook its translation, which is now ready for the press. It is to be hoped that it will soon be published, and that its sale will amply reward the pubhsher. Its size and its merit peculiarly recommend it to be used as a school book throughout this extensive state. Still Pennsylvania wants an historian. The book I have just noticedf will always be va- luable as an abridgment of our history ; it will also be an excellent guide to him who will un- dertake to write it on a larger scale, and save him nmch laborious research, by pointing out the sources from whence he is to de- rive his information on each particular event. 1 do not hesitate to say that it will shorten his labour by more than one half; for he will no where else be able to obtam the very important aid which this book will afford him. It will, in a short compass, give him a complete view of his wjiole ground, enable him to measure each period of time, and each event in tlie scale of relative importance ; in • John Ehcrle, M. D. of lliis city. f This llisloiy of Pennsjlvanio is the sixth volume of a larger >oik of the author, eiitillcd " Geograpfi;/ a/td History of ^^nierica," of which a particu- lar account will be given in a note af tlie etifl of this discourse. 9 rfhoit, he will liavc a sketch of liis work ready prepared to his hand, with the subdivisions ex- hibited in their various proportions ; such, at least, as the author conceived them to be. Those who have ever attempted the labour of historical composition will well understand the value of such helps as these. As you have shewn me so much indulgence as not to restrict me in the choice of the sub- ject of this anniversary discourse, you will not wonder that, as a member of vour Historical Committee, zealously devoted to the objects of its institution, I have chosen the topic which is nearest to my heart. If I had but talents equal to my zeal, neither my advanced age nor the weight of professional avocations should stand in the way of my ambition to become the his- torian of this great and important state; but I need not regret my deficiency, while there are others so eminently qualified for the task and to whom the country looks for its execution. I shall have attained the object of my wishes if my weak efforts shall stimulate some one among those men of highly gifted minds to this honourable undertaking. * Let it not be imagined that the annals of Pennsylvania are not sufliciently interesting to call forth the talents of an eloquent historian. 10 It is true that they exhibit none of those strik- in.s; events wjiich the vulgar mass of mankind consider as alone worthy of being transmitted to i)osterity. No ambitious rival warriors oc» cupy the stage, nor are strong emotions ex- cited by the frequent description of scenes of blood, murder, and devastation. But what country on earth ever presented such a specta- cle as this fortunate commonwealth held out to view for the space of near one hundred years, reahzing all tliat fable ever invented or l)oetry evei* sang of an imaginary golden age. Happy country, whose unparalleled innocence already communicates to thy history the in- terest of romance ! Should Pennsylvanians hereafter degenerate, they will not need like the Greeks, a fabulous Arcadia to relieve the mind from the prospect of their crimes and folhes, and to redeem their own vices by the fancied virtues of their forefathers. Pennsyl- vania once realized what never existed before except in fabled story. Not that her citizens were entirely free fiom the passions of human nature, for they were men and not angels ; but it is certain that no country on earth ever ex- hibited such a scene of happiness, innocence and peace, as was witnessed here during the first century of our social existence. 11 I well remember them, those patriarchal times, when simple, yet not inelegant manners prevailed every where among us ; when rus- ticity was devoid of roughness, and polished life diffused its mild radiance around, unas- suming and unenvied ; when society was free from the constraint of etiquette and parade ; when love was not crossed by avarice or pride, and friendships were unbroken by ambition and intrigue. This was the spectacle which Pennsylvania offered even in the midst of the storms of our revolution, and which she con- tinued to exhibit until a sudden influx of riches broke in upon the land, and brought in its train luxury, more baneful than war.* This torrent has been checked in its course ; we are gradually returning to those moderate ha- bits, which we never should have abandoned. But we are too far advanced in population and arts ever to see our ancient manners restored in their primitive purity ; all that we can do now is to preserve their memory in the histo- rical page, as a sul)ject of pride to our descend- ants, and of admiration to succeeding genera- tions tlirough the world. Yet amidst this simplicity, what grand and • Sxvior armis Luxuria incubuit. — Lucan'. isi niagiiificent scenes court the pencil of the his- torian ! His it will be to delineate the majestic featuies of one of the greatest legislators that ever appeared among mankind. Did I say one of the greatest ? I hasten to correct my error : William Penn stands the first among the law givers whose names and deeds are re- corded in history. Shall we compare with him Lycurgus, Solon, Romulus, those founders of military commonwealths, who organized their citizens in dreadful array against the rest of their species, taught them to consider their fel- low men as barbarians, and themselves as alone worthy to rule over the earth ? What benefit did mankind derive from their boasted insti- tutions ? Interrogate tlie shades of those who fell in the mighty contests between Athens and Lacedsemon, between Carthage and Rome, and between Rome and the rest of the universe. But see our William Penn, with weaponless hands, sitting down peaceably with his followers in the midst of savage nations whose only occu- pation was shedding the blood of their fellow men, disarming them by his justice, and teach- ing them, for the first time, to view a stranger without distrust. See them bury their toma- hawks in his presence, so deep that man shall never be able to find them again. See them 13 under the shade of the tliick groves of Coa- quannock extend tlie bright chain of friend- ship, and solemnly promise to preserve it as long as the sun and moon shall endure. See him then with his companions establishing his com- monwealth on the sole basis of religion, mo- rality and universal love, and adopting as the fundamental maxim of his government the rule handed down to us from heaven, " Glory to God on high, and on earth peace and good will to all men." Here was a spectacle for the potentates of the earth to look upon, an example for them to imitate. But the potentates of the earth did not see, or if they saw, they turned away their eyes from the sight ; they did not hear, or if they heard, they shut their ears against the voice which called out to them from the wilderness, Discite justitiam monili, et non temnere Divos. The character of William Penn alone sheds a never fading lustre upon our history. No other state in this union can boast of such an illustri- ous founder; none began their social career under auspices so honourable to humanity. Every trait of the life of that great man, every fact and anecdote of those golden times will be 14 sought tor by our descendants witli avidity, and will furnish many an interesting sul)ject for the fancy of the novelist, and the enthusiasm of the poet. It is, therefore, highly important, that wliile recent tradition and numerous authentic but perishable documents, are still in our pow- er, we should collect all those valuable mate- rials, and embody their substance in an histo- rical work worthy of being handed down to posterity. Although such a work will not be fruitful of great incidents, still it will exhibit human nature under many a varied aspect; great faults Avill be found associated to great virtues; the reader will, more than once, while he admires the latter, be compelled, with re- gret, to acknov^ledge, as the former strike his view, that no efforts of the human mind can ever produce absolute perfection in this sub- lunaiy world, and that it is in vain for us to expect to be angels on this side of the eternal mansions ; and, upon the whole, it may, with ti'uth, be asserted that there will be found in the History of Pennsylvania, much to instruct and much to delight. The historian will take a cursory view of the various vicissitudes that attended the first settlement of the ancient culonv of Virginia di'.i'^ng a quarter of a century, from the time 15 when it was taken possession of for the En- glish crown by Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1594. to the year 16 lO, when Lord Delaware, arriving there from England, as captain general, found its population reduced, by a dreadful famine, to the inconsiderable number of 60 souls. Yet three years afterwards the colony had so far recovered from tliat calamity, that her next governor. Dale, sent an expedition to the northward, under Argal, which destroyed the French settlements in remote Acadia, and compelled the Dutch, already established at Manhattan island, to submit to the sovereignty of England. It was on his voyage to Virginia that Lord Delaware discovered the great bay and river to wliich he gave his name, and which Hudson, sailing in the Dutch service, had passed by in the preceding year. The Dutch called it the South River, by which name it was known for more than half a century, to recover aftenvards and preserve for ever that of the gallant com- mander who had saved the first English colony in America from impending destruction. But the Dutch on Manhattan did not long acknowledge the supremacy of the English crown. In the year 1614, they erected Fort Amsterdamj where New York now stands, 16 and put themselves in a posture oi detence against foreign assailants. Then commenced in America the empire of the Dutch nation, flushed with the pride of her young indepen- dence, and of her victories over Spain, at that time considered the greatest power in Europe, She claimed all the country between the two great rivers which Hudson had discovered, one of which still retains the name of North river, which he gave to it, and even extended her preten- sions to the south side of the river Connecti- cut. At that time the soil of New England was yet untrodden by European feet ; but a numerous and hardy population was soon to press on the Dutch settlements from the east, and in less than fifty years to put an end to their dominion on this continent. This was to have been expected by those who considered the difllu'cnt spirit in which the two nations colo- nized the country, where the Dutch sought only trade, while the English sought freedom and a home. The Dutch and English colonies were now progressing together, but with unequal steps. What was doing towards the north is of little interest to our own history, it is enough for us to know tliat for several years the for- mer nation did not extend her settlements to 17 the banks ot the Delavvai'e, where she had only a few trading establishments on the east- ern shore of the river, wlicn another nation appeared and seated herself on the opi)Osite side, then considered a part of the territory of Virginia. That nation was Sweden, then governed by the illustrious daughter of Gustavus Adol- phus, aided by the counsels of chancellor Oxenstiern, one of the greatest ministers that a sovereign was ever blessed with. Their genius carried into execution the establish- ment planned while Gustavus was yet on the throne, of a colony on the banks of the Dela- ware, which was doomed to last no longer than the reign of the one and the life of the other.* A cession of the British title to that part of the country was obtained from the un- fortunate Chailes ; but the Dutch claim sub- sisted in its full force, and after nineteen years' unquiet possession, the Swedes were compell- ed, in 1655, to submit to the superior force of that nation, whicli in less than ten years after- wards was to see her own power annihilated by the same means which she had employed against her weaker neighbours. The first settlement of tlie Swedes on the • Christina abdicated the crown of Sweden, and Otensiiern died, in 1654. 18 Delaware took place in the year 1638, at which period our history properly begins. The de- scendants of those sons of the north make part of our present population, and we trace with pleasure among them the names of many of those who shone at that time among the first ranks of society, and one of their pubhc edifices still meets our view, and strikes our minds with that veneration which never fails to be inspired by relics of former times. The historian will not pass over that period in silence. By the munificence of Mr. Russell, our society is in possession of valuable authentic records from the chancery of Stockholm, which throw con- siderable light on the colonial views and poUcy of Christina's government. Here two Swedish governors, Printz and Risingh, successively exercised a supreme but short lived authority. History will delineate their characters, and trace the consequences of the timidity of the one, who suffered the Dutch to erect a fort on the Swedish territory,* and * Fort Casimir, winch was built by llie Dutch, in 1G51, on the spot where New Castlo now stands. By this raeans they obtained the command of the navij^ntion of the Delaware, to counteract which, governor Printz caused an- other fort to be t-recled below, on the east side of the river, which was called Klfaborg, from which, liowever, the Swedes were soon after driven away by tin- mosquitoes. In 1654, governor Risingh took fort Casimir by surprise ; bat the next year the Dutch came in force and took possession of the wliole Swedish terri- tory. — Ebeling. 19 the rashness of the other, wlio unseasonably expelled them from it, and by this act of force lost tlie country, for ever, to his sovereign. The historian will pay a deserved tribute of praise to the mildness of the Swedish govern- ment and people, and above all to their strict justice towards the Indian nations, by means of which they firmly secured the love and af- fection of all the surrounding tribes. He will not fail to interest his reader by a lively de- scription of the face of the country at that time, of the various settlements of the Dutch and Swedes on both sides of our river, and point out the situation of the numerous forts which their mutual jealousy erected, and of which, at present, not a vestige remains. On Tinicum island rose the fortress of New Got- tenburg, the' metropolis of the Swedish Ameri- can empire. Here, says their historian Cam- panius, governor Printz built an elegant man- sion-house for himself and his dependants, with a garden, a pleasure-house, and other appurtenances.* There a church was built, and there the principal inhabitants had their houses and plantations. What is become of that seat of luxury and grandeur? Not a trace of its former glory is to be seen ; it lies • He gave it Ihe name ai Print zhoff, — Campanic. so waste and desolate, tenanted only by grazing cattle, and near it, where, perhaps, formerly stood one of those handsome dwellings which the historian describes, is an impure lazaretto? the chosen abode of pestilence and death. Such are the vicissitudes which our young; country has already experienced. A different scene will soon open to our view. The Dutch expel their rivals from this continent, and Nova Suecia again becomes a part of the New Netherlands. At New Am- stel, now New Castle, is established the seat of delegated authority ; and Old Upland,* since honoured by our first colonial legislature, is made the chief place of a judicial district. But this new order of things was not to be of long duration. In 1664, the English expel the Dutch from all their North American territory^ with as little C(*.remony as these had done their former neighbours. Three years afterwards, the treaty of Breda sanctioned the irregular conquest. Now another race of men is about to appear upon the stage. The names of both Dutch and Swedes are going to be merged into that of Enghshmen, which, after the lapse of a cen- tuiT, is to be clianged for another destined to still greater fame. • At present Chester. SI On the eastern side of the Delaware, Bur- lin2;ton already appears, but will soon be eclipsed by a rival city, wliicli will be the pride and glory of the western world. * * •* * -a:- But I perceive that my subject is carrying nie far beyond the ol)ject and limits of this discourse. Our history is so full of interest- ing scenes that I am at a loss how to choose the few traits that I am permitted to exhibit to you. See you yon gallant ship, sailing with propi- tious gales up the river Delaware ? Her decks are covered with passengers, enjoying the mild temperature of our climate, and the serenity of our autumnal sky. They view with astonish- ment the novel scenery which strikes their sight ; immense forests on each side, half de- spoiled of their red and yellow leaves, with which the ground is profusely strewed. No noise is heard around them, save that of the deer rustling through the trees, as she flies from the Indian wlio pursues her with his bow and arrow. Now and then a strange yell strikes the ear from a distance, whicli the echoes of the woods reverberate, and forms a strong contrast to tlic awful stilhicss of the scene. Observe the plaiimcss of the dress of D 22 those v^nerahle pilgrims, and see them lift their eyes with silent gratitude to heaven. They are a chosen band of friends who have left the Hritish shores to establish here in peace their philanthropic commonwealth; their ship is called the Welcome, Greenaway commands her, and William Penn is among them. Now they land at New-Castle, amidst the acclamations of the diversified population which inha))it these shores. The Enghsh, the Welch, the Butch, the Germans, the Swedes, all crowd to hail the great man whom they had been expecting for one long year, and whose fame had already preceded him to these distant regions. The historian will not omit to describe this pleasing scene, and it will be more than once the favourite subject of the painter's pencil. He will choose the instant when William Penn has just landed with his prin; ipal followers, while the others are still on board the vessel, or in the boats making for the shore. There you see him, supported by his friend Pearson. From his manly port and the resolution which his countenance displays, you would take him to be a warrior, if the mild philanthropy which beams from his eyes did not reveal his profession, still more than the simplicity of his garb. He who stands before him in British regimentals, S3 and whom be shakes afTectionately by tlie hand, is liis relation Markbain, vvboin be bud sent in the preceding year to explore the land and prepare the way for the new settlers. Those on the rigbt, a numerous band, are your honoured ancestors, some of whom accompa- nied him on tbe voyage, and others had arrived before, and are now asseml)led here to greet him. There stand Pemberton, Moore, Yardley, Wain, Lloyd, Pusey, Chapman, Wood, Hol- lingswortb, Rhoades, Hall, Gibbons, Bonsall. Sellers ; Claypoole, whose ancestor, not many years before, ruled the destinies of the British empire ;* West, one of whose descendants will charm the world by his magic pencil, and for whose name and fame rival nations will, in af- ter ages, contend ; and many other worthies whom it would be too long to enumerate. On the left is a number of Swedes, wfiom their na- tional dress, light hair, and northern counte- nances, sufliciently designate: there you see the brothers Swanson,t who own the ground on which the city of Philadelphia is soon to stand, and whose name one of our streets will perpetuate. With them are Stille, Bankson.:|: Kempe, Rambo, Peterson, and several others " The Claypoole family »re lineally descended from ihe jirutector Olivo" Cromwell. I Their original name was S-wciuov. t Originally Bengtsen. 24 whose names still live in their descendants. Their leader is Lacy Cock,* whose merit en- titles liim to a seat in the first council of the new commonwealth. Observe how he extends his hands ; promising, in the name of his coun- trymen, to love, serve and obey their revered proprietor, and declaring that this is the best day they ever saw. The Dutch are dissemi- nated through the town which was built by them, as you may easily perceive by the sharp pointed roofs of their houses. They smoke their pipes in silence; and, after their manner, partake of the general joy. But see, close to that half ruined fort, this motley group of Indians, whose anxiety mani- fests itself on their countenances, and who view the new comers with looks in which suspicion seems as yet to predominate. They are the Lenni Lenape, whose history and manners are already familiar to you. At their head is Ta- MANEND,t the great and the good, who is said • Lars or Lazvrcnce Cock, corrupted into Lacy Cock. ■\ The same wliom we call St. Tammany. For his character, see Hecke- wclder's History oi" the Iiidiitii Nations, chap. xi. In I69i, we find him by the name o\ King Taminknt, a parly to a deed of release ota tract of land lying between Neshnminv ■Mn\ Poquessing, on the river Delaware, and extending backwards to the utmost bounds of the province. This land he, with others, had firevioushj sold to \\illiiiin Penn. In 1697, he, by the name of i\\t: grea$ Sachem Taminent, with his bi-oiher and sons, signed another deed for laoOs between Pemmopcck and Neshaminy creeks. See Smith's Laws of Pennsrl • vania, vol. ii, pp. Ill, 112. 25 never to have had his equal for virtue and goodness, and whose memory is still lield in veneration by the savage nations. His eye is steadily fixed on William Penn ! His great mind has already discovered in him a conge- nial soul ; alone among his tribe, he shews by his looks that noble confidence which will not be deceived. He it is, who under that elm tree, which many of us have seen in its vigour, but which, alas ! has not long since been de- stroyed by the violence of the winter storm, will sign that famous treaty which the genius of West has immortalised, and which a great writer of another nation* has, with more wit than truth, described as the only one which was never sworn to and never broken. Nor was it violated while Penn lived, noi* while the ascendency of his great mind was yet operating among us. Afterwards, indeed ! — but I will not anticipate on the painful duty of the histo- rian. This memorable landing took place on the 21th of October, 1682, a day of proud and glad remembrance, which we ought to cele- brate on every returning anniversary. While our brethren of Massachusetts commemorate every year, in the dreary time of winter, the * VolMi:^-. landiiii^ of tlieir pious ancestors on the barren rock of Plymouth, which their gratitude has consecrated to perpetual veneration ; shall we suffer the epoch of the arrival of our great founder, and his venerable band of followers, to pass away unnoticed? Let us begin this very year to distinguish ourselves by a similar act of patriotism, at a time when the season in- vites, and the bosom of our mother earth is covered with her choicest fruits. From this day the History of Pennsylvania becomes more particularly your own. If 1 had not already trespassed too much upon your patience, I would with delight pass in review before you, some more at least of the interest- ing traits with which this history abounds, and which an abler pen than mine, will, I hope, at no distant day, fully delineate. Above all, I should love to dwell on the great character of our immortal founder, and to point out, by numerous examples, that astonishing ascend- ancy over the minds of the mass of mankind, which enabled him to raise a flourishing and powerful commonwealth by means of all others the most apparently inadequate. To acquire and secure the possession of an extensive country, inhabited by numerous tiibes of war- like savages, without arms, without forts, with- S7 out the use or even the demonstration of phy- sical force, was an experiment wliich none hut a superior miiid would have conceived, which none hut a master spirit could have success- fully executed. Yet this experiment succeed- ed in a manner that has justly excited the as- tonishment of the whole world. " Of all the colonies that ever existed," says Ebeling, " none was ever founded on so phllantinopic '• a|)lan, none was so deeply impressed with the " character of its founder, none practised in a " greater degree the principles of toleration, " Hberty, and peace, and none rose andflourish- " ed more rapidly than Pennsylvania. She was " the youngest of the Brhish colonies establish- " ed l)eforr the eighteenth century, hut it was " not long l)efore she surpassed most of her '• elder sisters in population, agriculture, and ''general prosperity."* This our autlio^ justly ascribes to the genius of William Penn, who disdaining vulgar means, dared to found his power and his commonwealth on the nobler feelings of man. But I must leave it to the future historian to delineate the character of a legislator who never had a model, and who, though crowned with success, will proI)ably never have an imi- • Gcschiclite von Pennsylvania, p. 1. as talur. He will desciibe the state of this country (luring the two years of tliat great man's residence here after his first arrival ; he will tell us, how a legislature was formed and assem- bled within six weeks at most after his land- ing, whose first act was to recognize as bre- thren all who believed in one God, the up- holder and ruler of the universe ; how a code of laws was enacted in three days, founded on tlie genuine principles of religion, justice, and morality;* he will shew the territory which now forms the State of Delaware, united to this province in legislation as well as in govern- ment, the friendship of the Indians secured, large territories obtained of them by fair and honourable purchase, a noble city founded, and its walls rapidly rising as it were by en- chantment, the country increasing in popula- tion and wealth, and enjoying undisturbed peace, prosperity, and happiness, until his absence shewed how much all these things were due to the immediate operation of his powerful mind. For during the fifteen years which followed his departure, until his next return in 1699, history will have to picture far different scenes. • Tills coilu was called llie Great Imio, and well deserves the name. The Ilistoi-iral ('ominiltee is in possession of a copy oril, extracted by our associ- ate, -Mr. I{. Conyngham, IVoiu tiie archivcB of the state. Il has never yet been printed entire. The territories separated from the province, a schism in the church, and factions in the state carried to such a degree of violence as to afford a pretext to the British ministry to take into their hands the government of the country, and ig- nominiously annex it to that of a neighbouring colony. The historian will tell how William Penn rose superior to all these difticulties, re^ covered his former authority, and by his pre- sence here, silenced all factions, reunited the lower counties and restored the land to its for- mer unanimity aad peace. It was then that after four different constitutions had been suc- cessively tried and found inefficient, he gave to Pennsylvania that charter, wliich continued in force until the revolution, and which the people received with expressions of gratitude too soon afterwards forgotten. Unfortunately, this charter contained the seeds of that division between the province and territoiies, which after his departure broke out again, never to be healed. It will ever l)c a source of regret that Wil- liam Penn did not, as he had contem})hited, fix his pernmnent residence in his province, and that, after the lapse of a short year, lie again embarked for Enf};land, whence it had been decreed by Providence that he never E 30 should letuiii. Tlicrc is too much reason to bcheve that in this he yielded to the influence of his wife, and of his dau2;hter Lsetitia, who do not appear to have heen pleased witli a re- sidence in this country.* Yet Hannali Penn w'as a woman of great merit, and her name will shine conspicuously, and with honour, in our History. But when we consider her rank, education, and fortune, and the situation of Pennsylvania at that time, w^e need not won- der that she preferred the society of her friends in her native land to a hfe of hard- ship and self denial in a newly settled colony. And it is easy to conceive how William Penn's return may have been postponed amidst efforts to conquer her reluctance, until other circum- stances intervened which prevented it alto- gether. A single trait will be sufficient to shew * William Pcnn -went to Englanil towards the end of 1701, to prevent tlic passage of a bill wliicli had been brought into parliament, lor ihe piwpose of depriving him of (lie government of his province, and vesting it in the king. Wlien he arrived at London, he found that the danger Mas over, and there appeal's to have been nothing at that time to have prevented his coming back immediately. It was his intention, when he departed from Pennsylvania, to liave left his wife and daugiitcr here as a pledge for his speedy return, but they could not be prevailed upon to remain, at wliich he appears to have been much grieved, and in the pains which he took to quiet the minds of the inha- bitants on this occasion, it is easy to perceive forebodings in his mind which the event but too certaiidy realized. This is one among the many curious his- torical facts which are contained in the valu-.ible correspondence of the Honor- able James Logan with William Penn, collected and enriched with interest- ing notes, by a Lady whom I shall presently have occasion more particularly 'o mention. 31 what evils would have been averted from Pennsylvania, if William Penn had remained liere to the end of his days. Nine years af- ter his departure, when his country was again rent by intestine divisions, and a factious legis- lature, taking an unmanly advantage of the misfortunes which had of late fallen heavy ui)on him, were stiiving, by every means, to wrest power from his hands, a letter fiom him to that asseml)ly, in which he tenderly expostulated with them for their ungrateful conduct, produced an entire and a sudden change in the minds of the deluded people, and at the next election his enemies were hurled from the seats which they had disgraced. A truly national answer, says his biographer Clarkson, and we may add, the strongest proof that can be given of the powerful ascendency of this great man over minds of an inferior stamp. It will be the duty of the historian to trace the origin, and mark the rise and consequences of those unhappy feuds which so long agitated Penfisylvania, and embittered the whole life of our illustrious founder. He will find much to be ascribed to the weakness or wickedness of the diflerent lieutenant governors, who ruled the province while William Penn lived, and as for some time after his death. With a faithful and imnaitial pencil, he will delineate the cha- racteis of those who successively filled that important station. He will describe Evans, a rash, intemperate, and licentious young man, ignorant of the people he was called upon to govern, and entirely unlit for the trust com- mitted to him ; Goo kin, an open hearted, ho- nest old soldier, i)etter calculated for the field than for the cabinet; and Keith, a desperate intriguer, who courted the favour of the peo- ple by the sacrifice of his duty to his patrons, and whom that people justly rewarded, in the end, with their contempt and neglect. With the same correct and steady hand, he will pourtray the other prominent cha- racters, who figured in tliese scenes. In David Lloyd he will shew a man of strong natural and acquired talents, bred in a revo- lutionary scliool, skilled in the dangerous art of dividing and leading po|)ular assemblies, tenacious of his ends, too little sciiipulous about the means, and indulging his personal resentments against the proprietor, at the ex- pense of the liapi)incss and welfare of his country ; while in his antagonist, James Logan, he will have to describe a character of a far different stamp : a man of profound 38 learning, skilled in the useful as well as in the elegant sciences; one possessed of a strong and correct judgment, faithful to his trust, and of unshaken integrity, but whose stern Roman virtue could not stoop to defeat by similar means, the intrigues of his adver- saries ; therefore the world misjudged him ; but his great patron knew him well, and ap- preciated his worth, and he preserved his confidence and that of his family to the last day of his life. History will do him justice, and destroy the unfounded prejudice which a too celebrated book* has excited against him. With such opposite characters, we need not wonder that David Lloyd obtained, more than once, unmerited success, over his adversary. In popular governments, as well as in others, the arts of the politician too often triumph over integiity and virtue. Yet, though David Lloyd's political conduct was marked by urtjustiliable intrigue, there appears no reason to suppose that his nund was naturally base or corrupt. He was huriied by the violence of his pas- sions, and by resentments for some supposed injustice, which he thought had been done to him by the proprietor, into a system of op- position to his government. Thus he was im- perceptibly led into an abuse of his popular • The Historical HcTf w, ascribed, pcrliHiis nninsil)-, to Dr. Franklin. 34 talents, whicli, no doubt, when his feelings be- came more calm, he afterwards regretted. Wc find him, at a late period, assisting James Logan in ascertaining tlie proprietor's title to the lower counties, and those two great men, acting harmoniously together, for the public good. " It is soothing," says the elo- quent annotator to Logan's correspondence, to whom we arc indebted for this interesting fact ; " it is soothing to observe, in the cha- '• lacters of men who, like these, hitherto have •' been swayed by prejudice or passions, that " wlien the evening of life advances, the " storms which have agitated them subside, " and the soul, like the sun of the natural " world, emerging from the clouds which have " obscured it, illuminates the horizon with its " parting beam, and the day closes in serenity " and peace." In this sliort quotation, Gentlemen, you have already recognized the elegant and feel- ing language of our revered friend, Mrs. Ue- B oil A II Logan, in whom the historian that Pennsylvania calls for would soon be found if she could but be persuaded to trust her ex- quisite talent. But, alas! her mind, that mind formed to instruct and delight the world, is now only tuned to sorrow. History has lost 35 its charms, while her soul is concentered in the thought of the irreparable loss which she and the country have suffered, and which our Society so justly laments. And art thou gone, Logan? friend of man! friend of peace! friend of science! Thou whose persuasive accents could still the angry pas- sions of the rulers of men, and dispose their minds to listen to the voice of reason and justice ! Thou whose hfe was devoted to the cause of humanity, and to the promotion of harmony and concord between nations! What though party spirit has in vain endeavoured to obscure thy virtues, they will live in tlie faithful page of history, and thy name will be handed down with honour to posterity.* We, Gentlemen, paiticularly the members of your Historical Committee, can never for- get the powerful aid which, in the pursuit of our literary objects, we have received from our lamented associate. Other scientific in- stitutions also have just cause to regret his loss. I could not, on this occasion, pass him over in silence, nor dispense with scattering a few humble flowerets u])on his tomb. I had designed to have extended this dis- course a little further, and to have spoken to • Dr. GiOTRc I.o»an ilinl un ilie Oili ol April last, at liis family scat a' Stcnton, near (;cl■mallto^nl. 3G you oi the errors of tlie descendants of Wil- liam Penn, and of the violence of their oppo- nents, whose over heated zeal did not even spare his venerated memory ; I would have traced the rapid rise of this country, of this city in particular, and its various puhlic insti- tutions, many of which, and our Society among others, were established before the period of the American Revolution ; but after touching on a mournful theme like that which we have just left, neither your minds nor mine are disposed to wander again in the fields of History. I quit them, nevertheless, with regret, deeply impressed as I am with the importance of our domestic annals, and the interest which their narration would possess, if drawn by the pen of an able writer. If l)y the few traits that I have ventured to sketch with an unskilful hand, I have succeeded in excidng a more general desire to become particularly acquainted with our colonial his- tory ; if, above all, it were not too presump- tuous in me to expect tliat this weak attempt will stimulate some person of adequate talents to undertake the honourable task of giving it to the world, then I might indulge the hope tliat you would not think that I have tres- passed so long on your time and attention in vain. NOTE ON Ebellng's Geographij and Hist or if of America. TUTS WORK is entitled, in German, Evdbeschreibimg' und Gescluchtt von Jinienha, " (.ii-ograpliy ami History of America." It consists of seven duojit'cimo volunifS, j>rintci| at Hambm-g, 1793-181G. Its plan, like Robert- son's nistory, embraces the uiiolu of the westei-n hemisphere ; but the author ■was unfortunately arrested by dcnih, while he was eng-agid in writing iht- His- tory of Virginia, as a Sc7 pages. 3. History of Mass-ichusftts, from the landing ol thn in 1787,-317 pages. r 36 4. History ot Rhode Island, from its discovery by Adrian Block, in 1609, to the Census in 1790, — 80 pages. 5. History of Connecticut, fi-om its discover}- by the Dutch, in 1609, to go- vernor Huntingdon's election in 1785, — 118 pages. 6. History of Vermont, from the earliest account of the Countrj' to 1790, — 39 pages. QTj" The History of the five, now six, Eastern States, contains, together, 596 pages, and forms a collection well worthy of being given to the public in a translation. 7. The History of New York, from its discoveiy to the commotion which took place on the occasion of Governor Jay's embassy to England, in 1794. This History concludes thus : " These deluded people did not know that "peace can seldom be too dearly purchased, and had forgotten that they were " indebted to the firmness of their new Governor for that important pacifica- " tion which sealed the independence of the United States," — 570 pages. 8. History of Jfew Jersey, from Hudson's discover)', in 1609, to GoTernor Howell's election, in 1794, — 118 pages. 9. History of Delaware, from its discovery by Lord de la War, ia 1610, to the death of Governor Bedford, in 1797, — 174 pages. 10. History of Maryland, from its first settlement, in 1634, to the election of Governor Ogle, in 1798, — 111 pages. 11. HiSTOBTOP Pennstlvania, from itsfirst settlement to 1802, — 525 pages. Thus the whole of the Historical Works of our Author, contain 1894 pages, and form, together, a valuable body of History of the American states, north of the Potowmack, the general character of which is the same which has been described in the preceding Discourse, in speaking of his Histoiy of Penn- sylvania. It is at all times interesting to know the view which a foreigner takes, at a distance, of our domestic affairs, and this interest has been strongly exemplified in the favourable reception which the public has given to the translation of Botta's History of the American Revolution. If the Historical Woi-ks of Eheling are not written iu Hi) fascinating a style as this tioily classi- cal composition , they may be said to be far more correct in their details ; and much more, if not entirely free from thos'^ mistakes arising from the want of personal observation and insufficiency of local knowledge, which, in the eye* of the natives of a countr)-, are always a great, and sometimes an unpardonable defect. LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 014 209 121 5 ^tLi^-il