f 158 .5 .S76 '°''' ' ANGER'S GUIDE I J. (»K PHILADELPHIA. PI. i;LlSi|Hl» uv J I ' I. Y 18 6 5. '^r TT AT T \ N . 20 (i. 2i North Ponnsylvanirt. . .21 P, Colors of Poco. ; P m N T S RED, YELLOW, TIMBER, BLACK ASD VARNISH, liiN. Fourth Street. ' o ' 1 c- m ■-•^■^u^ POCO METALLIC PAINT. Best Faint known for all out-hnn?ps. Prevents metal Roof's an-l expo3efl Walls from leaking. l\>iints mTjre than twice the surface lea.l will. >\ ear? longer and \% seven cent? per pound lower than lead. Stands heat better than Red Lead. A ^uperior article of lead made by' this ( ompanv. S. BOWEN, Secretary, WHITE LEAD AND COLOR COMP'Y, OFFICE, Back of \hO\ North 4tli St., Philadelphia. CO ALE'S PATENT Japan Varnish Dryer 150 i North 4"^^" Street c-isi PHtlAOElPHtA GUtOE. Population 750,000. Mayor — Alexander Heurj'. Office — S. "W. cor. Fifth and Chest- nut Sti-eets. Police. Chief. Samuel G. Ruggles. Chief of Detective Force Benjamin Franklin. Office — Central Station, S. "W. cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. For information of lost children, &c., apply at Central Station. First District, 1st, 2d, and 26th Wards. Station House, N. E. corner 20th and Fitzwater streets. Second District, 3d and 4th Wards, Southwark Hall, 2d street above Christian. Third District, 5th "Ward. Union street above 3d. Fourth District, 0th 'Ward, Cherry street above 4th. Fifth District, 7th and Sth Wards'. Fifteenth street ab. Locust. Sixth District, 9tli and 10th Wards. Filbert street above 15th. Seventh District, 11th and 12th Waids, Third street below Green. Eighth District, 13th and 14th Wards, Spring Garden Hall, corner 13th and Spring Garden streets. Ninth District, 15th Ward, X. ^^'. cor. 23d and Brown streets. Tenth District. 16th and i7th Wards, Kensington Hall, Front and Master streets. Eleventh District, 18±h, 19th and 25th Wards, Dauphin and Trenton Avenue. Twelfth District, 20th Ward, N. E. corner 10th and Thompson. Thirteentli District, 2d Ward, Manayunk. Fourteenth District. 22d Ward. Germantown. Fifteenth District, 23d Ward. Frankford. Sixteenth District, 24th Ward, West Philadelphiai Fire Department. Marshall.. Alexander W. Blackburn. Chief Engineer David M. Lyle. The ringing of the bells within the Signal Stations denotes the number of the Station that gives the alarm, thus — one tap, & paiise, and three taps, another pause, and five taps — 1 — 3 — 5 indi- cates that tlie alarm came from box No. 135. The State House and Fire Alarm Bells in the several Districts, Till strike the nximber of the Fire District twice, and the direc- ioii four times; each boll striking the direction from itself. should the fire be in the vicinitj' of the State House, the bells in he boxes will ring incessantly. In cases of general alarm, requiring the service of the entire Department, all the bells will l)e rung incessantly in quick suc- cession. The Alarm Bells having first signified the District in which the fire is raging. First District. — South of Spruce street, from Delaware to Schuylkill. Secoxd District. — Spruce to Race St.. Delaware to Schuylkill. TifiRD District. — llaci- t>> Gre(>n street. Delaware to S(Miuylkill. Fourth Di.strict. — Grooii street to Alleghouy Avcuuu, DflU- ware to S'diuylkill. BBOWN & MAOEE, Successors to JAMES E. BROWN, MAN L >■ ACTU i; EK S Oi<' «Kr-5»^ The lai'gest and best assortment of above Goods in tbo city, :md all of our own munafacture. No. "^OS CSaesTtiriiit Street, (Opposite Slasoaic Hall,) PHILADELPHIA TiJTn r.isTRiCT.-Nortb of Allegheny Avoime, from Br<>a« ^S-^^i^^:-^ovth of Allegheny Avenue, from Broad itrcet to Schnylkill. ^, ., , , , • Skventh District.— "West Philaelelplua. LOCATION 0? BOX AND ENGINE ITOrSE. 1. Scato ilouso. 2. Girard Ii;ink. 3. CoruL-r Second and Dock streets. 4. Corner Second antl Sov.ilv streets. 6 Corner of Second ar:;l Washington streets. 6. Corner Fifth and \Vashin;hth street. 84. Corner Girard Avenue and Broad street, 85. Corner Girard and Ridge Avenues, 89. Corner Ridge and Columbia Avenues, R. R. Office, ' 91. Corner Sixth and Coates streets, 92. Corner Tenth and Coates streets. 93. Corner Twen.jMburth and Coates streets, R. R. Office. 96. Arrival of Sick and Wounded Soldiers. 123. First District Station House, 20th and Fitzwater streets. 124. Point Breeze Gas Works, 125. Second District Station House, Second ab. Christian street. 126. Sixteenth, above Fitzwater street. 127. Third District Station House, Union above Third street. 128. Fourth District Station House, Cherry above Fourth street, 134. Fifth District Station House. Fifteenth above Locust. 135. Sixth District Station House, Filbert above Fifteenth. 137. Seventh District Station House, Third above Green street. 138. Master above Fifteenth street. 143. Eighth District Station House, Spi'ing Garden ILall. 145. Ninth District Station House, Twenty-third and Brown sts, 146. Spring Garden Gas Works. 147. Tenth District Station House, Front and Master streets. 153. Eleventh Dist. Station House, Trenton Ave. ab. Dauphin sts. 154. TAvelfth District Station House. Tenth and Thompson sts. 156. Thirteenth District Station House, Manayunk. 157. Fourteenth District Station House, Germantown. 162. Fifteenth District Station House, Frankford. 163. Sixteenth District Station House, West Philadelphia. 164. M'est Philadelphia Water Worlcs. 212. Third below Lombard street. (Southwark Hose.) 213. Third above Washington street. (Southwark Engine.) 214. Catharine above Third street. (Franklin Engine.) 215. Sixth below Shippen street. (Hope Engine.( 216. Lombard below Eleventh street. (Washington Engine.) 217. Twentieth above Lombard street, (Western Hose.) 218. South below Nineteenth street, (Delaware Engine.) 223. Filbert above Seventh street. (Phoenix Ilose.) 226. Seventeenth below Chestnut street. (Philadelphia Engine.) 227. Race below Broad street. (Good-Will Engine.) 231. Race below Second street. (Vigilant Engine.) 232. Crown bel. Vine street. (Asst. Engine and Neptune Hose.) 234. Wood above Fourth street. (United States Engine.) 235. Front below Green street. (Northern Liberty Engine.) 236. Ridge Avenue above Wood street. (Fairmount Engine.) 237. Callowhill aliove Fifteenth street. (Western Engine.) 238. Twenty-third and Wood streets. (Good-Will Hose.) 239. Twenty-fourth and Spring Garden streets. (Ind. Engine.) 241. New Market above Coates street. (Northern Liberty Hose.) 242. Germantown Road above Second street. (Globe Engine.) 243. Frankford Road below Girard Avenue. 245. Allen Street above Frankford road. (Good Intent Engine.) 246. Richmond below Ottis street. (Kensington Hose.) / 247. Germantown Road, btduw Norris street. (Cohocksink Hosi-/ 248. NintJi iil)ovo Pojilar strfct, (IliUid-in-IIaud Engine.) 249. CuiiRi- TliiitL-eiilli ii.id Oxl'ord stroi.'ts. (IIimi;uicEnginn Cliestniit. Comnierci;il 20 South Sixth. Continental, Niiitii and Lhestnut. Fanners', 024 Mark(!t. Girard, 829 Chestnut. Golden Fleece. '^U Cherry. La Pierj-e, Broad and Ch(■^■tnu1. Madison, Second above Market. Markoe, Chestnut above Mntli. Merchants', Fourth between xMarket and Arch. Mt. Vernon, Second aliove Arch. liidgway. 1 .Market. ,St. Charles. Third Indow Arch. St. Lawrence. HdS Chestnut. Shades, 1404 South Penn bcpiare. States Union OnO Market. Union, ;]]7 Arch. United States, Kleventh and Market. Wahiut Street iiousc. corner Dehiware aveime and Walnut. ■Washington, Id'.) it 'ill Chestnut. Westi^rn, 82i3 Mai'ket. W^etherill, COG Sausc m. llours, from 10 a. ^m. to l> v. m., Sundays and holidays excepted. Bank of (ierniantown. Gerniantown. Coinniercial, M i < lu'stnut street, (onmu rrc. ( liestniit sfn-ct aliovo Second, Consolidation. :V-it Morth 'J'lurd street. City, Sixth street above .Miirki t. Comjnouwealth, corner Fouiili and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia and Grafs Ferry, via Gray's Ferry Road, 21st, Pine and Spruce streets. Richmond and SchuylldU, Girard Avenne. Ridge Avenue and Manayunk, connecting with Girard College Line. Second and Tliird Streets, having a branch from Brown, through Richmond to Brideshnr.a:. Seventeenth and Ni neteenth Streets. Tliirteenth and Fifteenth Streets. West Philadelphia, Mirket Street. Union. Wharton and Front to Ninth, to Spring Garden, to Sev- enth, to Master, to Frankford Road, to Belgrade, to Marll>orough, to Thompson, to York, to Egmont, to Lehigh avenue, to Memphis, to York, to Emerald, to Susquehanna avenue, to Fourth, to Ox- ford, to Cadwalader, to Oxford, to Franklin, to Pbace, to Seventh, to Walnut, to Washington Square, to Seventh, to Federal to Front. Places of AmLiisemeTit. American Academy of Music, S. W. cor. Broad and Locust. Arch Street Theatre, Arcli above Sixth. Carncross & Dixcy"s Opera House. Eleventh below Market. Fox's American Theatre, Walnut above Eighth. New Chestnut Street Theatre, Chestnut above Twelfth. Walnut Street Theatre, N. E. corner Ninth and Walnut. Places of Interest. 8S" Persons using this Guide should be particular to get into the right cars — which are marked on the outside — as several lines use the same track. Navy Yard, corner Front and Federal. Take Second street cars — or those marked Union Line, corner Seventh and Chestnut. Mint, corner Chestnut and .Juniper. Visitors admitted daily from 9 A. M. to 12 m., Sundays excepted. Arsenal, Gray's Ferry Road, near Sclraylkill River. Take Pine street cars. Naval Asylum. Schuylkill River, near South street. Take Pine street cars. Quarter-Master's Office. 12th and Girard — first street above Chestnut, runs from 11th to 12th. Pay-Master's Office, same as Quarter-Master's. Masonic Temple, Chestnut above Seventh. Fairmouut P;irlv and Water "Work^, on Schuylkill River, foot of Coates street. Talcc Green :\\v\ Coates, Race and Vino, or Arch street cai"s. Taurine tlie SuMinier seasin a small steamer runs up the Schuylkni. tonchin- at Laurel Hill, Falls of Schuylkill, Wis- sahickon and Mmivu-ik. Insane Asvlnm. Market and IIivorfordand4:2d and 43th streets. Admission daily, except Saturdays and Sundaj's. Take Market street cars. Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Pine and Broad. Take Pine street cars. Tickets obtained at the Asyluiu. Visitors admitted Thurs- day afternoon 5, 3 to G p. m. Blind Asylum. 21!'! and Race. Visitors admitted every Wed- nesday afternoon. Tiiev have exhibitions on that occasion, ad- mission 10 ceuts. City Hospital Rtli and Pine. 10 Penitentiary, Coates street above 21.«t. Take Green and Cofttwi street cars at 8th and Chestnut. Tickets of admission can be ob- tained at the Mayor's Oflice. Moyamensing Prison, Passaj'unk Road and 10th street. Take loth street cars. Tickets can be procured of the Mayor. Academy of Fine Arts, 1025 Chestnut. Admission 25 cents. Academy of Natural Sciences, Broad below Chestnut. Admis- sion free — Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Obtain tickets from Wm. C. Ilenszey, 737 Marlcet street. Mercantile Library, corner Library and South Fifth streets. Library street runs from 4th to 5th, below Chestnut. Philadelphia Lil)rary, otli and Library. Penn's Ti-eaty INIonument, Beach above Columbia avenue. Take Riclimond cars Third and Chestnut. Philadelphia Typographical Union, Franklin Hall, 6th above Arch. American Library Union, 9th and Callowhill. Musical Fund Hall, 8th and Locust. Independence Hall, Chestnut between 5th and 6th. Admis- sion free. Tisitors admitted from 9 a. m. to 5 p. M., Sundays ex- cepted. A fine view can be obtained from the top of the cupola. Girard College, Ridge avenue above 19th. Visitors admitted daily, Sundays excepted, frf)m suni'ise to sunset. Tickets of ad- mission can be obtained of Boswell & "Wilson. S. W. corner 4th and Chestnut, 2d floor, or of Richard Yaux, 520 Walnut street. Cler- gymen are not admitted. Laurel Hill Cemetary, on Schuylkill River above Ridge avenue. Take Ridge avoTuie cars 9th and Arch. Tickets can be obtained at the OflBce, 524 Walnut. Woodlawn Cemetery, in "West Philadelphia, on Darby Road. Take Market street cars, change at Darby Road. Mt. Vernon, Odd Fellows' and Greenwood Cemeteries. Take Ridge avenue cars, corner 9th and Arch. University of Pennsylvania, 9th above Chestnut. Jefferson College, lo'th and Sansom. United States Arsenal, near Frankford. Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, foot of Washington avenue. Christ Church, Second above Chestnut. Church of the Holy Trinity. Walnut and Rittenhouso square. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Eighteenth and Summer. Episcopal Hospital, Front and Huntingdon. Squares. Independence Square, Sixth and Chestnut streets. Franklin Square, Race and Sixth streets. Washington Square, Walnut and Sixth streets. Rittenhouse Square, Walnut and Eighteenth streets. Penn Sqnare, Broad and Market streets. Ijogan >*^quai-e. Vine and Eighteenth streets. Jefferson Square, Washington and Fourth streets. Pairmount Park. Hunting Park, 22d Ward. Steamlioats. Norman and Saxon sail from each port on Saturdays, from first wharf above Pine street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. Despatr-b and Swiftf;uro Linos for New Yorlc, via Delawar» and 11 itirit an Caiml, leave dally, (Sunday excepted) at 12 m. and 5 p.m. froKi third Pier above Walnut street. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Company, via Delawai-e and Raritan Canal. The Steamers of this line leave from the first wharf below Market titreet, Philadelphia, daily, (except Sunday.) at -i p. m. The Steamers Ellie Knight and Now Jersey leave first wharf above Race Street every Saturday at 12 m. for Richmond, Norfolk and City Point. Ericsson Line, for Baltimore, 3 p. m., from first wharf above Chestmit street. Leave corner of Light and Pratt Streets. Balti- more, daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 p. m., for Philadelphia. A. Groves, Agent, o4 South ^Vharves. Merchants'Trausportation Company, Steam Propeller Line for Trenton, leave first wharf above Arch Street, every Wednesday and Saturday. Ariel.— Leaves Chestnut street wharf, for Wilmington, Chester and Hook, at 2.30 p. m. Leaves Wilmington at 7 a. m. Major Reybold. — Leaves Arch street wharf, daily, at 2^ p. m. for Salem, stopping at Chester, Nev.- Castle, Pennsgrove and Del- aware City. (Stages for Woodstown, Allowaystown and Odessa meet this Boat.) Leaves Salem daily at 7 a. m. Meteor. — Leaves first wharf below Arch street at 3 p. m., for Fort Delaware, stopping at Pennsville, Billingsport and Penns- grove. Returning, leaves Foi't Delaware at 7 a. m. Trenton. — Leavos AV'aliiut street wharf for Tacony, Torrisdale, Andalusia, Beverly, Bxirlingtou and Bristol, at 10 a. m. andSjj.m. Leaves Bristol 7.15 a. m. Barclay. — Leaves Arch street v.iiarf, daily, at 2^ p. m. for Pro gress, Delanco, Bridgeboro, Centretown, and llainesport. Leaves Hainesport daily at 7 a. m. Stages meet the boat for Mt. Holly and Lnmherton. Edwin Forrest. — Leaves Arch street wharf for Trenton, touch- ing at Taeo-ny, Beverly, Burlington, Bristol, Florence and Fields- hoTO. Sundays, 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. lor Bristol and way places only. Time of leaving has not lieen decided upon — see Ledger. L. B. Flanders. — Leaves 2d wharf below Racestreet. for Bridge- ton and Port Penn, every Tuesday, Thursdaj- and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Returning, leaves Bridgeton at 9]/<^ a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. John A. Warner. — Leaves Chestnut street whai-f daily, at 2 and 6 p. ra., for Bristol, Burlington. Beverly, Andalusia, Torresdalo and Riverton. Sunday, 1\^ and 6 p.m. Changeoftime, see Ledger. f-tar. — Leaves Chestnut street wharf for Smyrna and way pjlaces, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 a.m. Trump'rter. — Leaves Race street wharf at 10 a. m. and -1.30 p.m., for Beverly, Burlington and Bristol. Sundays, 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. Manhattan. — Leaves foot of Arch street wharf, for C;ipe May, «^very Tuesday, Thursilay and Saturday. Returning will leave Cape May every Jlonday. Wednesday and Friday. C-ieneral Hooker.r— Leaves Fairmount fur F:dls ofScluiy"! hourly. Wilson Small, Leaves Chestnut Street W'hai-f for Smyrna and way plnrc.'3. on Tuesdaj\ Thursday and Saturday at 8 a. m, Joseph Hall, Leaves first wharf ali' ve Arch street, for Bridg- ton, on Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p. m, Leaves Liidgeton on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a. j;;. Rancocas. Leove?: first wliarf 1 p^L.w .\icli stn-et. ev^ry M'^dtioii' iay and Sate.. ...y at 2 p. m. loi Riiui^epoil and Peuricktowu. FOn GO TO STEPHEN F. WHITMAN'S IVIANUFACTORY, No. 1210 Market Street, Philadelphia. VANCE & LANDIS, Importers and Jobbers of No. 211 Market Street, JAMES M. VANCE. \ PTTTT. A DTIT.PTTT A HENKY D. LANDIS. j Jr±lXJjiLUJlj±jirJrLXA, ABBOTT & GO'S Eailroad Track, Coal, Iron, Hay, Canal, Cattle, and Platform Also WEIGHMASTER'S BEAMS, FRAMES, &c. FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE: Ninth Street, near Coates, Philadelphia. MARTIN LEANS, No. 402J Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, COLLEGE AND MILITARY BADGES, cj-c. 13 Liverpool and Cork Steamship Lino — Office 217 A 111 Walnut Street. Philadelphia and Charleston Steamship Line— OflQce 210 North Delaware Avenue. London Steamship Company — Office 320 Chestnut Street. California Steamships — Office 320 Chestnut Street. RAILROADS. Reading Railroad. Depot, Thirteenth and Caliowhill Streets. -fi^" Take Race and Vine street cars Third and Chestnut. Trains leave the depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill Streets, at 8.00 a. m„ for Reading, Lebanon, ILarrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua. Sunbury, Williamsport, Eimira, Rochester, Nia* gara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, Car- lisle. Chambersburg, Hagerstowii, &c., this train connects at Read- ing; with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for AllentoWQ ; with the Reading and Columbia Railroad for Ephrata, Litiz and Columbin, and with tlio Lebanon Valley trains for Harrisburg; at Port Ciiutou, with Cat;xwissa trains, for Wilkesbarre, Williams* port, Lockhaven, Ehnira, &c.; at Harrisburg with Northern Con- tra], Cumberland Valley, and Schuyliiill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chambersburg and Pine Grove. Afternoon Express leaves depot at 3.30 p. m., for Reading, Pottsville, York, Chambersburg and Pine Grove, connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Central trains for Pittsburg, and Northern Central trains for Sunbury, Northumberland, Eimira^ &c., and at Port Clinton, witli Catawissa trains for Milton, Wil- liamsport. Eimira, Buiialo, ^ Conshohocken 45 15 " Swede Furn ice 50 17 Norristown 55 2114 Port Kennedy 76 23i| Valley Forgo SO 25 Pauling's Bridge 85 ^,),4 Phoenixvilh! 95 32 Rover's Ford 1 10 34 Limerick 1 20 37 Sanatoga 1 30 iO Pott.atrfwn I 40 MiUs. Stations. Farts. 4+1^ Doucrlas.sville 1 55 49 Birdsboro 1 70 52 Exeter 1 80 53 Reading 2 00 63 Tuckerton 2 20 66 Leesport.... 2 30 681^;^ Mohrsville 2 40 70 *■ Shoemakersville 2 45 75 Hamburg 2 60 78 Port Clinton 2 76 83 Auburn 2 0£^ 86 Orwigsburg 3 00 89 Schuvlkill Haven 3 10 02 Mount 'arbou 3 35 03 PuttSNiil© — 3 a Wire Railing, Iron Bedsteads, "Wire Cloth, Screens, Seives, &c., Manufactured by M. WALKER &. SONS, No. II North Sixth St. 107 nsrOT^THC THCII^DD STIREET, Above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. ALFRED D. PHIPPS, SOLE AGENT FOR IIVIPER9AL COAL Oil. WORKS, AM) Philadelphia Flint Glass and Lamp Company. Manufacturer of all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS, LAMP GOODS, Chimneys, Reflectors. JOHN DOLL, No. 502 Market Street, Philadelphia, Importer of TOYS A«0 FAKCV GOODS, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Tobacco Poiiches, Pipes. Canes, Ac. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, And. all articles suitable for Office and Counting Room. JOHN C.~CLARK & SON, PHILADELPHIA No. 230 DOCK STREET. INSURANCE, BANK ANP MERCANTILE PRINTING. 15 Valley Branch ^:^oad^a^^^i^tomiv..r^w^ ^^ ^^.^^_ Bridseport to TDownhigtown^ to Tamaqua, ^^i-ScSphia Time used on all above Railroads. Trenton Railroad, from Pliiladelplxla to New York. Leave Walnut Street Wharf, as follows: At 6 and 9.15 am. via Camde. & Amboy (C. & A Ac ^^ S- 25 At 8 a. m., via Camden and Jei ^e> Cit> ' '"^ " E\,,,.e^ss.) 2 25 \t 2 p. m., via Camden and Amboy, (?-• f °^JV^„sfen-er ) 2 25 it ifm. via Cam. and An. Ac (1 rejgM an ^--;;|^ j) ^^.^^ ^t 6 and 11.30 p. m., via Cam. & Amooy, v^j-*^- _ 2 25 first class Ticket. - " " . . 1 50 43 Cranberry. 45 Prospect Plains. 48 Jamesburg 51 Spottbwood 54 South River 61 South Amboy.... 90 New York. ^Ues. Station. ™- I 1?^,,,^:!!!^; T^ Pbila;lelphia f^ V^^l^l Camden 3„ ^vjndsor b Palmyra Hightstown 9 Riverton ^' ^ 13 Delanco 15 Beverly 18 Burlington 23 Florence White Hall 27 Bordentown "'o^rrtollieCa-''™-^ A"""^ '^-'"■■°^'' """'"' "''°"°' class trains I do not give the Fares. class ^^^^^ ^^^^^ KENSINGTON DEPOT. j^ Depot, Front and Harrison streets, (Kensington). A .^1 ^ t m via Kensinc^ton and Jersey City Express, $3 00 A lVo^„ n^'VlfKens^igton and Jersey City Express, 3 00 M6.45?:m.:viaKensin|tonand J.City,(Washmgton and ^ ^ AKSSo^aKen;ington.nd New York, Wash- ^ ^^ tno-tTjn and New York, Jersey City, - WM. A. DBOWIir & CO., Manufacturers of Superior Umbrellas and Parasols, No. 246 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, No. 229 Broadway, New York. UNITED STATES STEEL PEN MANUFACTORY E. ESTERBROOK & CO., Manufacturers of 403 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Works, Camdtm, INT. »1. Ai-iv, K.:i^ioiK L;uuL>ciiville, Fleiuiugton, &c., at 7.80a. n»r'%Sr(i. at !>.;Jii p- ui. e^ For Nf.'\v York ajid AVav lines leaving Iv^ensiugtpa^ BojtiQt, rnkf tlio c:u-,-i on Fitth sti-eet. aljovo Walnut, half an, hour, beior« departure. Jilileti. Stat Ion,-!. ^ I M,Jlcs. Stations. PhiladelpUi'a ; ii'.^hi Xew Brunswick t; Taconv ' Oo Metucliin I'J^.-^ Cornweirs O^S l{:'.UM-iiy 17 Bristol ; 73 KlizaVlotli.: J^S Troutoa i 781-^ Newark STK Princeton | 86 J-.r.H.ey City. U14 Kingston i 88 Njw York.. Depot, 31st anp Market Stkekts, J^^ Take Market Street cars. Trains leave the depict, as fallows •: MATL TRAIN. 8 a. m.; for Downingtown. Lancaster, Columbia, flurrisl.uirg, Pitts-burgh, and all internu-diate points.; connects at Ilarrisburg with trains for Suui)ury, AViiiianisport, Lock Haven, Elmiia, Buffalo, llochester, Canandaigu% Niagara: Falls, Carlislp, Cliamber.sburg. and Hagerstown; at Columbia, for York^ IlauQ- ver and Oettvsbnrg. ■ PAOLl ACCOMMODATION at 10 a. tn. and 5.30. p. m. FAST LINK, 12.00 m. ; for Pittsburgh and the northwest, west, and southwest, connects at Landisv.illq with the Reading and; Co- iuipbia Railroad for Ephraja. Litiz, and Heading; at Harr^isburg w'ifil trains for Carlisle, Millersburg, Georgetown, Sellinsgrove, Sunbury, A'C, PARKESBURG TRAIN at 1,10 p. m. IIARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, 2.30 p. m.; for York, Han- over. Gettysburg and way stations. ERIE MAIL. 8.30 p. m'., connects at Iliuxisburg with Baltimore Express for Pittsburgh and the west. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, 11.10 p. m., for Pittsburgh and the west, north and south : connects at Harrishurg with "trains for Sunbnry. Danville, Rochester, Canada, Niagar Falls, &c., and all wav stations between Philadelphia and WiUiamsport. TRAINS ARRIVE.— Erie Mail at 6.40 a. m, Philadelphia Ex- press at 7.05 a. m. Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 a. la. and 4.4Q p. m. Parkesburg Accommodation at 9.00 a, m. Fast Line at 12.o0p. m. Lancaster Train at 12.30 p, m. Day Express, 5.45 p. m. Mail Train at 11.30 p. m^ Ilaf- ri.sbutfi;. Accomniodation at 8.40 p. m. SUNDAY.— Erie Mail leaves 8.30 p. m.: returning, arrives 6l.40 p- m. Philadelphia Kxpresa leaves, 11 .10 p.m. ; returning ar. rives 7.05 a. m. Manu's Reliable Baggago.Exprtt.s^ will driver aJi- bap^agOsto.of jrow tl»i' depot. Orders PuijcittMl at 31 fNDutla Eleventh stroet. EVANS & WATSON, j^ Manufacturers of Salamander Fire and Burglar Proof MERCANTSLE, AND DWELLING HOUSE SAFES, FREE FROM DAMPNESS. VAULT DOORS FOE BANKS AND STORES, J^a. ih ^. 3>auttk m,, PHILADELPHIA. LIFE IISUiilCE CO, S. E. Cor. Fourth & Wataut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Lifo Insurances taken upon all the most approvecj methods. Dividends declared annually. Losses paid promptly. Assets nearly $1,000,000. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, Pruidewf, JOHN E. WILSON, See^ry and IV«Mf. 10 PENNSYLVANIA Ci:>'TRAL KAILROAD CoxitlauoJ. 4/ii«i-. Stations. /l/rex. Philadelphia 4 Hestonvillo I'J 7 liibertyville -9 9 Athenaville lo U Willi.' Hall 35 13 Vilia -NOva 40 11 Moigctu's Coiaer 45 17 Eaele of) 21 Paoli TO 26 Steamboat 90 '29 Oakland 1 00 ^\'. Chester Intersection 75 ?3 Int. Chester Valley K. 3-i Downingtown 1 15 So Gallagherville 1 20 38 Cain 1 -5 40 Cofttsvillo (Midway)... 1 -iU 43 Chandlers 1 50 i:-) Parkesburg 1 55 | 48 Peuningtonvillo 1 65 49 Christiana 1 TO 62 Gap 1 SO 50 Kinzer's ,, 1 '^O 68 Lemon Place 2 00 f.9 Gordonsville 2 10 62 Bird in Hand 2 15 69 Lancaster 2 40 Tl Dillerville 2 45 78 Landisville... 2 70 82 Mount Joy 2 85 88 Elizabeth town 3 10 97 Middletown 3 40 101 Highspire 3 55 107 Harrisburg 3 75 J12 Rockville 3 95 117 Cove 4 10 121 Duncannon 4 25 124 Aqueduct ...„ 4 35 130 BaUeysbarg 4 .55 134 Newport 4 75 140 Miilerstown 4 90 145 Thompsontown 5 05 151 Mexico 5 30 153 Perrysvilie 5 35 156 Mifflin 5 45 168 Lewiatown 5 85 175 Anderson's 6 05 179 McYevtuwn 6 30 184 Manyuiik 6 45 189 Newton Kamlltou 6 Co mies. Stations. Jrar/iJi 192 Mount Union 6 75 190 Mopletou 6 8.5 199 Mill Creek 6 95 204 Huntingdon 7 15 211 Petersburg T 40 214 Earre " ^^ 217 Spruce Creek 7 60 221 hirmingham ^ 75 223 Tyrone ^ 85 227 Tipton's 8 00 230 Fostoria 8 <>o 2.32 Bell's Mill 8 10 238 AUoona 8 ?^ 244 Kittauning Point 8 55 250 Gallitziu ,■• 8 80 253 Cresson 8 85 256 Lilly's .-. 8 96 261 Portage 9 10 263 Wilmore 9 2;> 266 Summer Hill 9 SO 269 Viaduct • '^ 45 274 Conemaugh 9 60 277 Johnstown 9 70 285 Couemaugh Furnace.. 9 95 286 Nineveh 10 06 290 New Florence 10 20 295 Lockport , 10 35 297 Bolivar 10 40 .301 Blairsvilie Inter 10 CO .306 Hillside 10 70 309 Lervy 10 8a 311 St. Clair 10 90 314 Latrobe H 00 317 Eeatty's H 00 321 George's H 00 324 Greensburg H 00 326 Radebai'.gh's H 00 328 Grapevine H 00 331 Manor H 00 3.33 Irwin's .-H 00 335 Larimer's H 00 333 Stewart's U 00 342 Turtle Creek 11 CO 343 Erinton's H 00 345 Braddock's H OO 347 Swissvaie H 00 348 WiiUinsbm-g H 00 349 Homewood H 00 350 Liberty H 00 355 Pittsburgh H 00 Branch at Dillerville. Connects at Harrisburg with Cumber- laud Valley, Lebanon Valley, and Northern Central. Branch at Altoona. Branch at Blai^a^^lle Intersection for BlairsvirK) and Indiwui, o#-^ as U'y>y '^yi^^ IS^lTfA/ ^>*^«o«g^ No. 115 & 117 N. Front Street, Pliiladelphia. WATSON, HAHPES & KELSO, 3Vo. -4f> IVoi'tli H'yont Street, X^hilada, BKASS AND COPPEB WIRE CLOTH, MACHINE WIRE, Strainer Wire and Iron Wire Webb, Extra Heavy and Twilled Locomotive Wire, Brass, Copper and Iron Wire Sieves, Coal and Sand Screens and Sifters, Brusbmakers' Wire, Wire Work of all Patterns. WIRE CAUZE FOR MINER'S LAF^PS. JACOB J. SMITH, BEDSTEAD t nmm%t f^ANUFACTURER, PHILADELPHIA. fircTilar and Scroll Sawing-, and Turning of ovory deperipfion, 21 Plxlladelpliia, Wllmiiigton ^ Baltimore R. R. fi®* Depot, Broad and Prime Streets. Take IStli street cars. Leave Philadelphia for Washington, at 4.0.'» a. m. (Mondays excepted.) 1.15, 3.55 and 11.15 p. ni. For Baltimore, at 4.05 a. m., (Mondays excepted,) 8.15* a. m., 1.15, 3.55, and 11.15 p. m. Fur Chester" at 4.05 a. m., (Mondays excepted,) 7.45*, 8.15, and 10.15* a. ni.. 1.15, 2*, 3..30, 3.55, 5*, 7* and 10* p. m. For Wilmington, at 4.05, a. m. (Mondays excepted,) 7.45*, 8 15 and 10.15* a. m., 1.15, 2*, 3.30*, 3.55, 5 00*, 7*, and 10* p. m. For New Castle and Dover at 7.45 and 10.15 a. m., 3.30 and 5 p. m. For Milford and Salis- bury at 7.45 a. m., and 3.30 p. m. Trains arrive — From Washington, 1.55 a. m., 5.35, and 11 p. m. From Baltimore at 1.55 a. m., 1.15, 5.35, 9.41, and 11.00 p. m. From Wilmington at 8..30, 9.25 and 11.55 a. m., 1.15, 3.30,5.18. 5..35, 6.55, 6.55, 8.00 and 9.41 p. m From Chester at 8.30. 9.25 and 11.55 a. m., 1.15, 3.30, 5.18, 5.35, 6.5.5, 8.00, and 9.41 p. m. From New Castle, Dover. Milford and Salisbury at 10.55 a. m. and 8 p. m. SUNDAY. — For Washington and Baltimore at 4.05 a. m., 11.15 p. m. For Wilmington at 4.05 a. m., 10 and 11.15 p. m. For Ches- ter at 10 p. m. Arrive from Washington and Baltimore at 1.55 a. m. From Wilmington and Cliester 8.00 p m. J^^ Trains marked thus * are Accommodation Trains. Miles. Statio7is. Fares. Miles. Stations. Fares. Philadelphia 6 Bell Road 20 11 Lazaretto 35 14 Chester 35 16 Thurlow 35 18 Linwood 35 20 Clavmont 40 52 North East 2 50 55 Charlestown 2 20 58 Principio 2 30 61 Perrvville 2 50 62 Havre de Grace 2 50 67 Aberdeen 2 70 1 Perrj-man's 2 75 22 Holly Oak 45 | 74 Edgewood 2 95 23 Bellevue ; 45 | 79 Magnolia 3 10 28 Wilmington 65 i 81 Harewood 3 10 32 Newport 95 ! 83 Chasa's 3 10 34 Stanton 95 ' 89 Stemmer's Run 3 10 40 Newark 1 25 | 98 Baltimore 3 10 46 Elkton 1 70 ' Children between 4 and 12 years of age are entitled to tickets at one-half the above rates, except when the fare is odd cents, in that case add five cents to the principal rates, and take one-half. PIiiladelpliia,Germantown & IVorristo-tvnR.R. 4®" Depot, Ninth and Green. Take Eighth Street Cars. For Conshohocken and Norristown. — Leave Philadelphia 6, 8 35, and 11 05 a. m., 1}4. 3, 41.^. 534. (!>]/,. 8 05 and lli^ p. m. The 5^^, p. m. train will stop at School Lane, Wissahickon, Manayunk, Spring Mills and Consholiocken only. Leave Norristown b^, 7, 7 50, 9 00, and 11 a. m., 1 J4, 43,^, &% and 8 p. m. Sunday — Leave Philadofphia 9 a. m., 2]^ and 4J^ p. m. Leave Norristown 7 a. m., 1 and G p. m. For Manavunk. — Leave Pliiladelphia. 6, 8 35 and 11 05 a. ni., ly.. 3, 4><;, hyy. 6><, 8 05, and WV^. p. m. Leave Manayunk 61^, 1% 8 .30,"934,"a. m", 2. 5, 7, and 8I4 p. m. Sandaj' — Leave Philadelphia 9 a. m., 2>^, 4>^,and8 p. m. Leave Manayunk 7>^ a. m., ] 3^. {\% and 9 p. m. For Gcrmantown. — Leave Philadelphia 6. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 a. m., 1, 2, 3 10. 3%, 4, 5, '0%, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 p. m. Leave Cltjraiantown 6' 7, < >^, 8, S 20, 9 10, 11, 12 a. m., 1, 2, 3, 4, 4^, 0, ASHMEAD & EVANS. {Successors to Ilozarcf,) Booksellers and Stationers, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Masoniu Hall. „i,^i New Books received as soon as issued. A full assortment of En- l^lish and American Publications constant] v on hand. Also, of English French and American Stationery, and everything connected Avith a ' FIRST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. GRANGE & ROTHENHAUSLEB,, Importers and Jobbers in U No. 258 NORTH THIRD STREET, Two Doors below Viae, west side, PHILADELPHIA. WM. D. ROGEKS, Coacli and Light Carnage Builder 1009 & 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, ! J! PHILADELPHIA. J. B. SHANNON, Manufacturer and Dealer in BXJILDINa HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, No. 1009 Market Street, Philadelphia. 23 r.i .;, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 p. m. The 8 20 down train and '6% and o% up trains will not stop on Gerniantown Branch. Sunday— Leave Philadelphia 9 10 a. m.. '2, 3, 5, 8, and 10^ p. m. Leave Germantown S a. m., 1, 4, e>^ and 9% p. m. Chestnut Hill Railroad.— Leave i'hiladelphia 6. 8, 10, 12 a. m., 2 3^i 65^ 7, 9. and 11 p. m. Leave Chestnut Hill 7 10, 8, 9 40, 11 ia'a. rfi., 1 40, 3 40, 5 40, 6 40, 8 40, 10 40 p. m. Sundav— Leave Philadelphia 9 10 a. m., 2, 5, and 8 p. m. Leave Chesti u't Hill 7 40 a. m., 12 40, 6 10, and 9 25 p. m. Trains Arrive.— To and from Germantown, Chestnut Hill and Manayunk. half an hour later each way. To and from Consho- iiocken and Norristown, one hour later each way. Norristown Branch. Fares. Miles. Stations. Philadelphia Falls 1 School Lane 18 AVissahickon l*^ 7 Manayunk IS Green Tree 30 Soap Stone 39 Germantown Branch Miles. Stations. Fares. Lafnvette 30 8 Sprint; Mill 35 12 Conshohoeken 35 Potts 40 Moyees 45 17 Norristown 45 Miles. Stations. Fares. Philadelphia Tioo:a 12 Wayne IS Fishers 18 Duy's IS Shoemaker IS Church IS 5 Germantown IS Miles. Stations. Fares High street 25 \Vashin£;ton 25 Mt. Pleasant 25 Mt. Airy 25 Mermaid 25 Hospital 25 Gravers 25 8 Chestnut Hill 25 Hfortli Pennsylvania Railroad. Depot, 3d and Thompson streets. Take Third Street cars Trains leave Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7 80 a. m., 3 30 and 5 15 p. m. For Doylestown 8 S.j a. m.. 2 30 and 4 15 p. m. For Lansdale 4 15 and 6 15 p. m. For Fort Washington 10 a. m., 11. p m. Trains .arrive from Fort Washington 11 45 a. m. and 3 10 p. m. I/ditdsdale 7 35 a. m. Doylestown 8 40 a. m., 5 20 and 8 00 p. m. Bethlehem 9 20 a. m. 12 25 and 8 40 p. rn. Sunday — For Bethlehem 9 a. m. Doylestown 3 p. m. Return- ing arrive from Doylestown 9 30 a. m., and Bethlehem at 7 15 p. m. Miles. Stations. Fares. Philade)[>hia 2)4 Tioga street 15 4 Fisher's Lane 15 5 Green Lane 20 f. Oak Lane 20 6V< City Line 25 7i/ Old York Road 25 6V| Chelten Hills 25 SJ^ .Tenkintown 25 9>. Abington 25 10^1 Edge Hill ?!0 12K Sandy Run 30 131-s'. Fort Washington 30 15 '" Wissahickon 35 ^e,]^ Pennllyn 40 Miles. Stations. Ihres- 18 Gwnedd 45 20 North Wales 55 22 Lansdale 65 25 Hatfield 75 2T^4 Souders 85 31>^ Sellersville 1 CO 38 Quakertown 1 20 4334 Coopersburg 1 40 46 " Centre Valley 1 .'lO 50 Hellertown 1 60 54 Bethlehem 1 60 24^/^ Line Lexinirtou 75 27 White Hall. 85 2ft New Britain 90 32 Dovlefitown 1 00 24 West Jersey Railroad. Ferry foot of Walnut street wh-l^i Dacosta 1 05 371., Ehvood -...1 20 41?^ Egg Harbor 1 36 ■is Patkonk 1 65 5314 Absecom ...1 75 COI4 Atlantic ..-.2 00 Miles. Stations. Philadelphia 1 Coopers Point 7X Iladdonfield 25 11 Ashland - 3o V2.V> AVhite Horse 40 171^ l^'ng-a-coniing 55 2f»' Jackson ■ t>^ '2^',% Waterford 7o 2514 Spring Garden... — !>0 Delaware and Karitau Railroad branches at Jackson. "West Ch-ester & Philadclphiia R. R. via Media. Take Market Street earn. Trains Leave West PhiUidelphia as follows: 7 35 and 10 30a.m. " 30 4 45 uid 6 45 p. in. Baltimore C. Junction, 5 02, 10 30 p. m. "Trains arrive at West Pliiladelphia 8 fX), and 9 07 a. ni., 12 13, 3 23 and 30 p. in. B. C. JuiKtion 9 37 a. m. and S 28 p. m. The Trains leaving Philad^iphia at 7 35 a. ni., and 4 40 p. m., connect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate station.s. Sundays— Leave Philadelphia at 8 30 a. m. and 2 p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia 9 37 a. m. and 30 p. m. Stations. Fares. Miles. Stations. Fares. Miles 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 Philadelphia _ j W Grav"s Lane 15 Church Lane '5 Darbv K-ad 20 Kellcvville 2o Clifton 25 Spring Hill ^^^_ ' -.^fSiS it'll '• ■...:^.) 'fVK^ PMW'^ s« cfc Ahvfiys f.ti hand, a cuiiipU'rc assortment ol" 'rruss(;s, Sii]>|ioi-t('rs. Sliouldcr nrwcos, ('rutcli- es, Sns])('n>(irif's. Silk iind ('(iirun Klastic \ Stockiiig's, Klastic. l'nil)ilical and Abdominal I Sn|t|»nrt('rs. Iffnntrrluiidal Uand^iLi'cs. I)i'l(ir- > niity Instrnmcnts. ami nil Sin'j^ical Apidianrcs j for t lit' relief of the alllieied. > Ladies Apartments conducted by a Lady. <, vVN««W^^-V> V LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS > K[LTl CJllB CO r— I o o o O 014 314 191 3 P O o o \ =^ I I ^ I P- \ »5 ? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. \ No, 723 Chestnut St,, f