h QeNTLEMAN5^H CLR55 T/llLOHW Ejimi^HMEMT hT 111)2 BROADWAY (NEXT DeLMONICO»,THECUTTEI\$ LA^eni£B|$TOBT/imABLE IN ^^W^^^^^^^^ /_^ i)"^ TRADE MARK STERLI NG. Whiting M'f'g Co., Silversmiths^ UNION SQUARE AND 16th ST., NEW YORK. Works at Fourth Street and Lafayette Place. 0KI STEEPi^c ^*^ ASSOCIATION, '^■^ CEX)ARIiTJRS'r, LONG^ ISLAI^D. Incorporated, 18S4. J. D. Cheever, President. F. Gray Griswold, Treas. E. C. LaMontagne, Vice-Pres. N. Jarvis, Jr., Sec. SPRING MEETING, — * O 1886. > Saturdai/, May 8th, Wednesday , May 12th, Saturday, May 15th, Wednesday , May 19th, Saturday, May 2 2d, Wednesday, May 26th. Four Steeplechases anft Two Flat Races eacli iaj. OFFICE ADDRESS: 13 PARK ROW, ROOM 37. Subscribing Members For the Year 1886 of the ROCKAWAY STEEPLECHASE ASSOCIATION. Applicants must send name and address to Mr. A. T. Kent, Asst. Secretary, 13 Park Row, New York, who will submit the same to the Governors of the Rock- aw^ay Hunting Club, for approval. Dues, I20 per annum. The Subscribing Members w^ill be governed by the By-Laws and Regulations of the Rockaway Hunting Club. Members of the Rockaway Hunting Club are en- titled to one extra badge at $5.00 every race day, for gentlemen not living within fifty miles of New York or doing business within those limits. » 1886. Race J. H. Bradford. J. G. Beresford. Alex. Brown. AuausT Belmont, Jr. J. D. Cheever. Capt. J. H. Coster. Capt. Wm. M. Connor. E. N. DiCKERSON, Jr. A. M. Dodge. J. P. Dawes. F. GrRAY GRISWOLD. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr. L. Jacob, Jr. Committee. J. G. K. Lawrence. N. G. LORILLARD. E. LaMontagne. E. C. LaMontagne. Stanley Mortimer. Henry N. Munn. E. D. Morgan. C. G. Peters. S. S. Sands, Jr. John Sanford. Prank Seabury. Geo. Work. James M. Waterbury. Executive Committee. J. D. Cheever. E. C. LaMontagne. J. P. Dawes. E. D. Morgan. F. G. Griswold. S. S. Sands, Jr. L. Jacob, Jr. ' Geo. Work. Superintendent. Capt. R. H. Blake. Assistant Secretary. Alex. T. Kent. ENTRIES TO CLOSE. Entries to all races must be made to Mr. A. T. Kent, Assistant Secretary, 13 Park Row, New York, or at the course. (P. O. address, Cedarhurst, Woods- burg, L. I.) In Club Races the entrance money must accompany entry. Entries for the Spring Maiden Hurdle Race and Rockaway Green Steeplechase will close April 15th. Entries for the Welter Stakes, Woodsburg Stakes, Isle of Wight Handicap, and the Champion Hunter Steeplechase will close at 12 o'clock noon, May ist. Weights for the Isle of Wight Handicap will be pub- lished Thursday, May 20th, and declarations must be made by 12 o'clock, noon. May 21st. Entries for all events on the first day (excepting the Spring Maiden Hurdle Race) will close at 12 o'clock noon, May ist. Handicap weights will be published by Tuesday, May 4th, and declarations must be made by 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, May 6th. Entries for all events (not otherwise specified), on following days, Avill close at the course on the pre- ceding race day within thirty minutes after the last race. Handicap weights will be published on the morning of the day following, and declarations must be made by 12 o'clock, noon,, of the same day. Any subsequent change in the time for entries, weights, and declarations will be posted at the course and at the office of the Association, New York City. In case of postponement on account of the weather, notices will be posted at the railroad depots and ferries. raj mimmpmerL^Be ASSOCIATION. SPRING MEETING, i88e_ MEADOW BROOK DAY. First Day— Saturday, May 8 th. First Race— Sweepstakes for Polo Ponies. A sweepstakes for polo ponies of $io each, p. p., with plate added. Minimum weight, 150 lbs., win- ners in 1885 to carry 10. lbs. extra. About ^ mile on the flat. Second Race— Welter Stakes. Open sweepstakes of $10 each, p. p., with $500 added, of which $100 to the second. Weight for age. En- tries to close at 12 o'clock, noon, May ist. About f mile on the flat. Third Race— Meadow Brook Heavy Weight Steeplechase. A sweepstakes for half-bred hunters, of $20 each, p. p., with a silver cup added by E. D. Morgan, Esq., 8 Master of the M. B. H. The second to receive $50 out of the stakes. Minimum weight, 185 lbs. About 2^ miles. Fourth Race— Spring Maiden Hurdle Race. A Sweepstakes, for horses which have not won a Steeplechase or Hurdle Race, of $50 each for starters; $10 forfeit for horses entered by March ist; and I25 forfeit for horses entered by April i$th, when stakes shall close, with $750 added, of which $250 to the second, and $100 to the third. Weight for age, as per scale adopted by the Rockaway Steeplechase As- sociation. About 2 miles. Fifth Race— Meadow Brook Hunt Cup. Valued at I500, to be held for one year ; a handicap sweepstakes of $30 each, h. f., with a special piece of plate added for the winner, the second to receive $50 out of the stakes. Steeplechase. About 3 miles. Sixth Race— Hempstead Heath Handicap. Open handicap steeplechase, for a sweepstakes of $20 each, h. f., with I500 added, of which $100 to the second. About 3 miles. Second Day— Wednesday, May 12tli. "" ^ First Race— Hunters' Flat Race. A sweepstakes for hunters, of $20 each, h. f., with plate added. Thoroughbreds to carry 170 lbs. Half-breds allowed 15 lbs. Beaten horses allowed 5 lbs. About ^ mile on the flat. Second Race— Open Handicap Flat Race. Open handicap sweepstakes for all ages, of $10 each, p. p., with $400 added, of which 'lioo to the second. About i mile on the flat. Third Race— Hunters* Handicap Steeplechase. A handicap sweepstakes for hunters, of $10 each, p. p., with plate added. About 2^ miles. Fourth Race— Rockaway Green Steeplechase. A sweepstakes for horses which have not won a Steeplechase, of $50 each for starters ; $10 forfeit for horses entered by March ist; and $20 for horses entered by Apri/ 15/^, when the stakes shall close, with I750 added, of which I250 to the second, and $100 to the third. Weight for age, as per scale adopted by the Rockaway Steeplechase Association. Winner of Spring Maiden Hurdle Race to carry 7 lbs. extra. About 2^ miles. Fifth Race— Open Hurdle Race. Open sweepstakes of |io each, p. p., with $400 added, of which 1 100 to the second. Weight for age, winners of three or more races in 1885 to carry 10 lbs. extra. About 2 miles over hurdles. Third Day— Saturday, May 15tli. First Race— Polo Pony Handicap. A handicap sweepstakes for polo ponies, of $10 each, p. p., with plate added. Minimum weight, 140 lbs. About ^ mile on the flat. Second Race— Open Selling Flat Race. Open selling sweepstakes for four-year-olds and upward of $10 each, p. p., with $400 added, of which $100 to the second. To carry 10 lbs. added to weight for age. Winner to be sold for $2,000 ; if entered to be sold for less, allowed i lb. for each $100 down to $1,000, then 2 lbs. for each $too down to $500. About seven furlongs on the flat. Third Race— Hunters' Handicap Steeplechase. A handicap sweepstakes for hunters, of $10 each, p. p., with plate added. About 3 miles. Fourth Race— The Cedarhurst Grand National. Open handicap for a purse of $5,000 ; second to receive $700, and third $300 out of the purse. Entries to close February \st, 1886. Entrance to the fund, $100 11 each for starters, half forfeit and only $20 if declared out on April ist. Weights to be announced on Feb- ruary 15th. Minimum weight, 137 pounds. Win- ners after publication of weights of a Steeplechase or Hurdle Race, 5 lbs. extra; of two of such races, 8 lbs. extra; of three or more of such races, 12 lbs. extra. About 3i miles. M. N. Nolan, ch g Bourke Cockran, a, by War Dance, dam by Sol- terino. 173. J. P. Dawes, eh g Charlemagne, a, by Pat Malloy— Alice Burford. 168. W. C. Daly, b g Jim McGowan, 5, by Voltigeur— Kate Condell. 160. R. McBride, ch g Major Pickett, a, by Hurrah— Mollie Cad. 158. Alex. Shields, b g- Repeater, G, by Revolver— Regards. 158. Hempstead Stable, b g Schoolmaster, 6, by Longfellow— Little Fanny. 155. Wynne & Son, ch g Rory O'More, a, by Dickens— Anne Arundel. 155, J. P. Dawes, ch m Rose, a, by Helmbold, dam by Niagara. 15ioo. POLO PONIES. Polo ponies must be measured and registered by the Superintendent at the Course in the presence of a member of the Executive Committee, at least one day prior to first day of Meeting. Ponies four years old and over need be measured and registered but once. No pony will be registered or allowed to start that is over 14-r. 24 GENTLEMAN RIDERS. A Gentleman Rider is one who rides as a pastime, and not for any compensation, and who is a member of the Rockaway Hunting Club or Meadow Brook Hunt. All others wishing to qualify must file their application with the Assistant Secretary on the form prescribed by the Association, which application must be laid before the Executive Committee for approval. 25 The Roekaway Steeplechase Association will give a SUMMER MEETING, Thursday, July 1st, Saturday, July. 3d, Monday, July 5th. Five or six races v^ill be given each day, including Steeplechases, Hurdle Races, and races on the flat, open to all. 25 AUTUMN MEETING. The Autumn Meeting of the Rockaway Steeple- chase Association will be held on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. Steeplecbases aud Hurdle Races, open to all, will be given eacli day. CEDARHURST, LONG ISLAND WOODSBURG STATION, L. I. R.R. FOR SALE, CHOICE BUILDING PLOTS Varying in Size, from an Acre upward. Situated at an elevation of thirty feet above the level of the sea. IT EMBRACES And is adjacent to the grounds of the Roekaway Hunting Club and Roekaway Steeplechase Association. THE GROUND FORMATION IS A IFinSTE TTJmP Xi^A^^W^lsr, And Gravel Snbsoil, allowing Perfect Drainage. Liberal Terms will be given on application to OCEAN POINT COMPANY, Room 42, 13 Park Row. New York City. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 830 068 2 t Saturdeij Majj S -^ llfEiinEsrlaLf Mbj \Z^^ Saturdmj MhljIS^^^ lirEdnEsdaij Maij 13 ^•'? Salurdaj Maj 22^^ TLTEdnesdajj Maj ZE^-'^ -/r' m Bim ^-i'c^y'PiATBllsH . ™OKLYI^