.^ - /./• \%^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. r/^^:^€^<^S^^'-^' -';••« .y-v-v*-. THE TAILORS' DIRECTOR, CONTAINING AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY FOR FITTING THE HUMAN SHAPE, BY Anatomical }&tintipltn, luclndiug Regiiucutal8, Geiitlenieii's Dresa* Fiock, Sliootlng and Over Coats* WITH Practical Dissertations oh the various Positions, Being a rigid and impartial Expositor, and a genuine Standard for qualifying Tailors to detect erroneous causes.^ ALSO, For correcting and improving their own ideas, which elucidates the connexion of length and tvidthat then- respective points, and the great distinction between the height of neck from tlie width round the body, embracing eligible principles, requisite to fit tall thin and short stout figures, which have never been publicly taught or practised in the United Slates. ILLUSTRATED WITH DRAWINGS OF E\3}0 tnlUltmif) ^iQUtt&f AND LITHOGRAPH ENGRAVINGS BY JOHN JACKSON. NEW- YORK: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, No. 53 MAIDEN LANE. 1833. ■<^' C['^ 1> Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by Isaac Hooghkerk, in the Clerk's Oflice of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. DEDICATION To the Merchant Tailors of the City ofNeic- York: Gentlemen — I appeal to your respectability as a guarantee for your candour. I solicit a talented criticism by your experience, and confide in your honour. The attempt is now made to establish a true and practical science for the government of the trade. Your practice with the fashionable part of society must produce a refined experience, peculiar to yourselves. You are the only competent judges of merit or demerit; consequently, it may justly be presumed that your credulity cannot be imposed upon by the pretensions of any man. The principles of this science embrace interest- ing, intelligent, and valuable information. The ex- perienced cutter will admire genuine causes and effects ; the majority of the trade will now be quali- fied to improve their acquired knowledge. The young man (without practice) may now obtain a practical science, which is reduced to simplicity, and matured by assiduous application. This treatise implies a distinct science for tall thin, and short stout men, and for the various posi- tions of the human shape. The science required 4 for the over-coat, and the important principles con- nected willi llie sleeve ; the distinction between the dress coat and one for labour or exertion, for one and the same gentleman, including the remarks on the variations, which are the result of experience — may, on presumptive evidence, qualify the inexpe- rienced young man to become a practical cutter. Scientific teachers have uniformly informed young men, at the finishing and last lesson, that their " im- provement will depend on their practice." They have obtained a knowledge of one system, intended to fit tall thin, and short stout men, with instructions to cut an over-coat by the said one system, with ad- vice to make it larger than the dress coat. A young man commencing business with a limit- ed capital, and governed by the said one system, may lose his money and connection before he has gained a practical knowledge by his experience ; and if he should be so fortunate as to stand his ground, even then his one system prevents an in- crease of respectable connection. A tailor may con- duct business by the said one system for ten or twenty years, without being a practical cutter. The respectable merchant tailors in this city are politely requested to refer to their icagcs book, when their business was governed by the said one system. Honourable candour will induce them to acknow- ledge, that their pre-eminence and refined expe- rience have been the result of observation, as pro- duced by expensive alterations. It is an undoubted fact, that the fine art (as a science) for fitting the human shape, is confined to a limited few; the irinjority of extensive establisliments cannot positively affirm, that their plans of cutting can be honoured with the appelhition o^ genuine science. The fine arts, professions, and mechanical trades, which form the most useful part of society, have been improved by progressive knowledge. While the trade and science of a tailor {as a cutter) has been enveloped with ambiguity, and made ob- scure by Biich principles which never have nor never can be reduced to a practical art, which is the pri- mary cause why the more industrious and reflecting part of the trade, have consigned the popular sys- tems of cutting to oblivion, and have been compelled to improve their acquired ideas by attentive obser- vation on the results of their own cutting. New forejfarts and inside sleeves, combined with the se- rious expenses attending alterations, have been and continue to be the great but inglorious road to per- fection. If this treatise were written for the use and im- provement of fnill-wrights and engineers, the ana- tomical principles which it professes would be ap- preciated or exploded by practical men ; and if this treatise could not stand the test of an efficient ap- plication, then the knowledge and spirit of mill- wrights and engineers would publicly expose the pretensions of the author, which would prevent the credulity of their fellow mechanics being imposed upon. But if it could stand the ordeal of a talented criticism, and the original hypothesis embracing a true and genuine science, and the principles attaina- 6 ble by application, then the said mill-tcrights and engineers would publicly declare their approbation, and consent at once to improve themselves and ad- vise their fellow mechanics to submit to an honoura- ble conviction. >> : . It has hitherto been, and will ever continue, my highest ambition, to be honoured with meetings of the respectable and experienced part of the trade ; '^ not in a private room and before inexperienced pupils. ^^ I court the judicious criticism of expe- rienced cutters, who are the only competent judges, and submit my future claims to their confidence by confiding in their impartial judgment. There is another cause, also, why the science of a tailor (as a cutter) has been allowed to be ob- scured by absurdities and impracticable theories, viz : the credulity of the middle class of the trade being influenced by the opinions of first-rate estab- lishments. The majority of extensive tailoring firms in Lon- don, England, have neither time or interest to at- tend to the causes of their own alterations. Their ample means, and the respectability of their cus- tomers, combined with paper patterns and the custom of fitting on, supersedes the merit of genuine science. They have patronized (with their names only) the most absurd and obscure hypothe- sis, such as breast-thirds to find the bottom of the hack'scye. The authors and {)lagiarists of various theories, with " proportionate and universal tables," having the respectable names of popular men, as positive evidence of the ^^mathematical precision*^ combined with their " original systems," have had a glorious opportunity, and an extensive practice on the credulity of the middle class and the inexpe- rienced cutter. I consider it my duty to the trade to explain to them the length of time 1 have been in the field of argument, co7isultation, criticism, and lectures on the science of dividing the length from the icidth, relative to every garment which can be made for fitting the human shape. In the year 1825, 1 plain- ly perceived by observation, that tall thin and short stout men could not be fitted by the one system,. I applied to every author of systems in London, but could not find any practical principle on the subject. By assiduous application and indefatigable zeal I obtained my object. In the year 1827, I was joint proprietor and lec- turer at the Master Tailors' Debating Society, in London, England. The following advertisements and resolutions will prove the laborious part I have taken in the field of discovery: — ^^ At a Meeting of Master Tailors, convened by Public Advertisement,and held at No. 28 Leices- ter Square, on Monday evening, the 26th of No- vember, 1827; '*Tho constitution of the society having been taken into consideration, the following Resolutions were passed unanimously: — "First, That the art of measuring and cutting being dependent on a knowledge of the human shape, and on mathematical science, it is desirable to form an institution for tlio purpose of teaching the said art, and imj^roving the skill of the trade ; such institution to be called ' The Master Tailors' Society.^ ' ^^ Second, That such an institution, conducted on a liberal plan, will prove alike beneficial to i\ni pub- lic and to the trade, inasmuch, as when the art of measuring is practised according to the principles of true science, the customers may command approved and well-made dresses, while, by judgment and eco- nomy in cutting, the trade will be enabled to furnish an improved article, with an increase of profit, and without an advance in price. " Third, That in furtherance of the objects of this Institution, a certain number of gentlemen, se- lected on account of their respectability and profi- ciency, be invited to form a committee of taste and fashion, to meet and to act according to the spirit and regulations of the society ; such committee to consist of, at least, twelve members, and any vacan- cy to be supplied at an election, by ballot, at a quar- terly meeting. " Fourth, This institution, for master tailors only, to be open every Monday evening, from half- past eight till half-past ten, for lectures, demonstration, and free discussion, on every principle connected with the trade ; — the discussion to be peculiarly confined to subscribers. " Fifths To support good order and regularity, it must be understood, that any gentleman, being a member, who intends to favour the institution, by giving his opinions during the debate, will stand forward towards the cutting-noard. All opinions respectfully delivered, will be received with due at- tention, by Mr. J. Jackson.' Master Tailors^ Society, 28, Leicester Square, 6th of December, 1827. "Sir — We respectfully tako leave to lay before you a Scries of Resolutions, prised at a numerous and hig-hly respectable meeting of Master Tailors, which was convened by public advertisement at the Society's Rooms, on Monday, the 26th of November last. We are happy to ir^Drni you, that they were unanimously confirmed by a subsequent public meeting of the trade on Monday last, when Mr. Jackson, in the presence of many scientific teachers of cutting, proved the practicability and truth of his improved principles, by actual admeasurement of the person, and by demonstration on the cutting- board. His system was then found to bear the test of a talented criticism, and, consequently, gave the most perfect satisfaction. "The Society, being thus established, we now, therefore, venture to solicit the honour of your pa- tronage and support, and to submit to your conside- ration, some of the advantages you will derive by becoming a subscriber: — ''First, You will thereby be a member of a re- spectable society of Master Tailors, established on the most honourable and the most liberal principles of private and public utility. ''Second, You will thus learn the most improved system of the art of cutting, not practised by one man, or taught in one school only, but the result of 2 10 competition and of science, combined with admea- surement, while the important objects stated in Re- solution II. cannot fail to be attained. " Third, You will be regularly furnished with patterns of the most approved fashion, which, from their excellence, and elegance, are to be recom- mended by a committee of master tailors, who, from their reputation, have been selected to the office. " Fourth, When in London, you will have, on every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening, the opportunity of witnessing a demonstration of the most matured principles put in practice, the de- fects of other systems candidly pointed out, and you will thus possess the surest means of receiving and promoting improvement." The basis which I selected for explaining my ideas before the society, was genuine cause and effect, not depending on the favourite measure of thirty-six inches, or on the wonderful discovery of fitting a hiist with brown paper. The animadver- sions against every system or plan of cuttinq which did produce the forepart shoulder-seam, and depth of scye by the top of t1>^ back, were not in the least controverted; and it was proved that the majority of respectable tailors in London (who did cut by system) were governed by the very plans which were alleged to be the principal causes of their costly alterations, with the extra trouble and expense of fitting on. Those lectures, united with criticism, created a rebellion among the system manufac- turers. 11 I am aware that the trade in the City of New- York, and throughout the United States, have had their share of scientific teachers, who were not deficient in pretensions to originality, mathematical pre- cision; also pencil cases for obtaining- the hollow waist. Each teacher has been favoured with the generous and liberal feelings of a great part of the trade ; however, not one system has been found to divide the height from the icidth by a practical prin- ciple. A final remark to the respectable and experienced part of the trade may not be unacceptable. Fore- men have to risk their knowledge of fitting the shape, when they cut by an uncertain measure ; this treatise on cause and effect, it is presumed, will in- duce the merchant tailors to adopt a correct plan for obtaining a knowledge of the shape, at the time the length and width are taken. The foreman can- not be responsible for alterations when the measure for their guide is only the length and width of the garment. If large establishments, with the acquisi- tion of experienced foremen, added to their diligent attention to paper patterns, were known to fit their customers without the expense of alterations, it might then be fairly presumed that their peculiar acquirements would supersede the utility of this treatise. It must be admitted that their continued practice tends to produce a graceful and superior mode of cutting ; but a reference to even twelve months' alterations cannot but incline the merchant tailors to feel and appreciate the utility and im- 12 portance of the dissertations and comments of this treatise on cause and effect. It is now confidently presumed, that the prin- ciples of this treatise;, which are as requisite to fit the field marshal for manual evolutions, as the blacksmith for his laborious calling, together with the judicious comments on the effect which the positions produce, will induce merchant tailors to consider what are the causes of their expensive all terations; and country tailors may, by applying to this treatise, be rendered fully competent to pre- serve and increase their connection, by insuring an elegant and graceful symmetry. Gentlemen, I cherish a truly grateful sense of your liberal patronage, and trust my exertions wil- long entitle me to your kind favour and friend- ship, which it shall be my study to deserve. J. JACKSON, Office, 53 Maiden Lane, Private Residence, 170 Spring-st, PREFACE. , The Author is fully sensible of the critical situa- tion in which he places himself, by attempting to detect false Hypotheses, and venturing to correct and improve the popular Si/stems of others who are patronized by Tailors of established reputation ; but the chief motive in this arduous undertaking being directed towards general improvement^ the Trade will no doubt appreciate his industry and acknowledge his application, who has combined utility with simplicity. The Author makes use of two figures, with lines, to represent the effect produced by the positions, and at once demonstrates the importance of dividing the height of neck from the width across the breast, and proves that there can be no sound principle connected with the technical distinction between crooked or straight fore-parts. He solicits the at- tention of the Trade to this important discovery, not doubting but they will acknowledge that it is not only useful, but of the greatest consequence to them ; their property, reputation, and connexion, are more or less affected by their knowledge of fit- ting the human shape. The lines on the Figures XIV PREFACE. are fully explained, and every pains taken to render this Treatise as comprehensive as possible. There are many Systems in use, but ask any experienced Cutter or Foreman which he follovi^s \ his answer is none, for he cannot find one that will generally suit his purpose ; he has therefore recourse to his own judgment, obtained by many years practice and ex- pensive experience ; for if a System will not apply to every shape, it cannot be admitted to be of gene- ral use. Such Works may assist and be useful in presenting young practitioners with Rules that will fit a certain description of shape, without which they must have been deficient of any rule whatever, — for it must be admitted by experienced Tailors that their own ideas of Cutting cannot be truly conveyed to others without many years practice, because their plans may justly be acknowledged the result of ob- servation as produced by alterations ; however ma- tured their plans may be, they never could find pa- tience nor time to make a systematical plan of their practical ideas, consequently they cannot even teach their own sons ; therefore it is justly presumed that every Author on and Teacher of Cutting ought to be men of business to be qualified to invent Systems for the government of others. The Tailors'^ Di- rector is offered to the Trade to correct and improve every System of Cutting, by a true knowledge of the external shape of the human figure. Great part of the admeasurement is not requisite for practical Cutting, yet every part 'is required to elucidate the principles which are connected with genuine effects. It is fairly presumed that an attentive perusal of this PREFACE. XV elaborate Treatise will induce the inquiring mind to compare his System with the Anatomical Standard, and while it discovers Errors, at the same time it gives Instruction to correct and improve it. A full description of the Anatomical Lines is in the first part of the Work, a mere glance at which will con- vince the well informed that this Treatise is worth their most serious attention ; for here will be found cause and effect properly explained— and where any Tailor is found to be in error, the utmost liberality is shown him, but no exposure without a just cause assigned ; Improvement being a higher object than the paltry pleasure of discovering the faults of others. Every Tailor (who professes to be a Cutter) will al- low that the causes of blunders and alterations is a serious subject against the faculties and property of the Trade, which proves by ocular demonstration that the Scientific, Geometrical, and Mathematical Systems of Cutting have been, and continue to be inaccessible to practice: cunningly obscured, and artfully complex. Any cutter can now improve and correct his acquirements, and properly apply his ge- nius to the dictates of the Goddess of Fashion, who is the Nursery of Trade— the propagator of arts— and a field of great employment. Having accomplished what others have in vain sought to do, viz. a complete knowledge of all the causes and effects produced upon Garments, and clearly elucidated them to every capacity, he drops the pen with good wishes towards those who have not been so industrious in the Field of Discovery, aud most respectfully submits the following pages XVI PREFACE. to th e candour of every Practical Cutter ; and as improvement in any Science is desirable, he doubts not that the Trade in general will know how to ap- preciate his labours. JOHN JACKSON. THE TAILOR'S DIRECTOR. The principal object of this Anatomical Mea- sure is to explain the cause of all the expensive Al- terations in the Trade. It will clearly demonstrate the errors of all the preceding Authors, and show, by example, that their own calculations and geome- trical rules, are very far from producing a system so as to fit the human figure, without being subject to doubtful variation. True science will always produce cause and effect ; it ennobles the mind, and removes conjecture : when genuine effects are the consequence of natural or acquired rudiments, and proportionate systems are produced by efficient causes, and when the object is attainable by application, it will stand the test of criticism ; for the more it is tried, the greater its bril- liancy. The Trade are respectfully solicited to select a SHOUT STODT MAN : 01' n. tall thin man, as a standard for the operation of the Anatomical Measure. The lines may be made of tape or leather, or the mea- sure can be correctly taken by using pipe clay, to mark the various points ; this admeasurement is to obtain a proper knowledge of the width, height, and shape of the man. 18 Description of the Anatomical Lines. The lines round the breast and waist are the cir- cumference ones ; place a line correctly round the neck, which is the neck line ; also one from the top of the back to the shoulder seam, and continued to the waist at front, or lay the measure straight across the back to the side of the neck or shoulder-seam, say 3 inches for the reputed standard, and 4 for a stout man. The space between them (across the breast lines) are the front proof lines ; figure one represents but one line, because it is not a full front, but both sides must be taken when the figure is full fronted, in order to obtain the correct space between them ; the one across the back opposite the elbow, is distinguished as the centre line; that from the back-seam, at the hollow of the waist, and round the front of the arm, to the centre of the back, at the centre line, and the same continued to the top of the back seam, are the hack proof lines ; from the bottom of the scye to the hip, is the length of the body ; from the top of the back-seam under the crotch, and up to the neck in front, is the position line; from the centre at the back-seam, to the bottom of the fore- part scye, and the line across the bottom of the scye to the front are distinguished by the depth of scye lines. P^ P a ^ 32 ffi -o :::; a: ^^ ffi 2' C OJ _ 3 o -g A! en in ca ^ " fe ^ ? H fe 2 O H K O >^ o ^^ CO 01 -a - ^ => ^ s •— ^ " CO bJDrf C bCT3 S« o-s « i^^-n 03 o -t^ CD o fc; ■r; 12 o ^ ? gj a> 0) O ^ <<-4 r; B " t^ S ^ ' C .S g^P to rid O C Ci. ==;i3 >;« ITI ■^ H pJS 1— 1 ^Q iz; -S 05 bo >, -S Pi o H § 23 O ■^ -« o O C t^_| -tJ m 35 - p. ■" rC P c3 M «s jt- . S '^^ 2 'to" I _ S -o CO § S " 0= ■." O C o O ^ CO ^ g -S C -CI ? ^ CS "fl S CS C3 cS Oi o c« -^ I -^ s . r^ " C C « y CO--C-' c« ^ S -^ '^' *r o f^ o -^ ^ .2 ■ s i o I .s " CO 43 (M CO aT _ S i3 O c a1 i ^ 11 g First — Would you obtain the circumference^ of the neck, and if so, what part of it would make a correct mark for the side of the neck? Answer. — Yes, and take the sixth of the circum- ference from the top of the spine to the side of the neck. Second. — If the circumference of the waist or belly was larger than across the breast, would the line from the side of the neck to the waist, cause more or less to be cut oft* the breast \ AnsiDcr. — The size of the belly will aftect the quantity taken from the breast, a large belly will cause less to be taken oft", and a small waist will cause more to be taken oft* the breast ; the line will give the quantity. Third. — If the subject was tall or short, would the length of neck aft*ect the quantity taken oft* the breast I 25 Answer. — The tall subject, with a long neck, will raise the line, which will bring it more forward on the breast, and will cause a smaller quantity to be taken off the breast than a short one of the same circumference. Fourth. — If young students had a tall thin man for a subject, and they (through ignorance) marked the line down the front one inch more from the cen- tre of the breast than the given space, what would be the effect on the shoulders 1 ^nsicer. — It would cause two and a quarter inches to be cut off the shoulders. Part Eighth is the back-seam and front edge of a coat. Any cutter may see the effect of this line by fixing a tape measure at the top of the back, bring it un- der the crotch, and continue it up to the front, and fix it at the neck. This line is the correct length of the body ; if it is fixed on a man as directed, cause him to stand upright or erect, which will make the position line move down at the back and upwards at the front — cause him to stand forward or stooping, then the line will move down the front, and upwards at the back. If the back-eeam is seventeen inches long for both positions, the hip buttons will be low- er on the upright shape, than on the stooping one. This part of the Anatomical Director produces ge- nuine effects by efficient causes, and will demon- strate the various parts of the coat in unison with the height and width, and as the position line moves up or down, the same effect will be observed on the coat ; — for example, refer to the fourth part of the 26 anatomical measure. The length from the back- seam at A to the bottom of the scye at D, and the width from the back-seam at B to the front of the scye at E, will be shorter and smaller by the erect position, and longer and wider by the stooping one, which proves that both shapes cannot be fitted by one pattern, although the circumference and length of the body may be the same. Again, as the centre line at A, and the hollow of the waist at C, vary ac- cording to the figure, so a true measure must be ob- tained of those points in order to form the back, and the principal parts of the coat. Again, the centre line at A, and the line opposite the bottom of the scye at B, will make the side-seam of the back longer for the erect position, and shorter for the stooping one, yet tlie back- seam is one length — if both backs were cut by one pattern, one of them would not fit at the hollow of the waist, because it might be too high for the erect one, and too low for the stooping one. As the position line aflfects both back and fore-part, it must be requisite to understand the connexion the one has with the other. The back proof lines are to prove that the fore-part shoulder seam is in unison with the back, both in height and width across the shoulders ; they are practically useful to obtain a correct knowledge whether the fore-part shoulder-seam be (what others term) too long or too short when applied to any system. Al- though my pupils are taught to use them for proving their practice, they are never applied to in the first instance to find the proper width of the shoulder- seam in coats. 27 Part JVlnth is the length of the body from the bottom of the scye to the hip, which is requisite for cutting the coat across the waist. Part Tenth is the neck line which is technically distinguished by the gorge. As the coat is to go over the waistcoat, the measure round the neck ought to be taken over it. The neck line for top coats ought to be taken over the garments over which they are to be worn. The circumference must be allowed accordingly. This measure is variable according to tlie heiglit and v^^idth, which represents the fore-part gorge of a military coat, and proves the union between the back and fore- part both in height and width. Part Eleventh, the length of the sleeve, which is variable according to measure ; the length from the top of the inside sleeve (at the bottom of the scye) to the elbow, is connected with the back, which proves the inside sleeve to be an important part of the coat. — The erect position causes the breast to project, and the arms to be extended, which re- quires a longer fore-arm seam. Officers of the Army and Navy, and others exposed to manual ex- ercise, require an additional length to the elbow, which will give a proportionate width across the shoulders. If the inside sleeve is too short, or too much hollowed, it will cause the outside to appear to be too long at the fore-arm top ; yet it may be a correct length : this measure is found by causing the arms to be extended ; then measure the top to the wrist. If the arm was bent in a square position, the length may be gained from the top to the elbow, 28 and will be an ocular proof for illustrating the ef- fect of hollowing the inside sleeve, but may be a doubtful principle for obtaining the correct length of the fore-arm seam. The position or crooked- ness of the fore-arm seam affects the top. If the sleeve is eight inches and a half wide, across the line at C, the bottom of the fore-arm seam ought to be the same, and the width ought to be made at the back arm-seam, for the width ought not to alter the shape of the fore-arm seam. The stand- ard length is thirty-five inches, which ought to be a principle : — For example, suppose a man would have the left sleeve six inches shorter than the right one, and each wrist to be formed by the width at the top, which is eight and a half inches, the left sleeve would be one inch and a half more crooked than the right one, and would make the top appear as if it was too long, because the whole sleeve is twisted, which is too common with short stout men's sleeves. The following directions are for any one to ex- amine his own system, and if correctly and atten- tively applied, will show whether a coat is cut to fit the shape and position of his customer. When the measure is correctly obtained and plainly written in the order book, or on paper, then cut a coat, paper pattern, by any system most esteemed, and com- pare it by the following rules and lines upon the figures: place the back to the side-seam, and shoul- der-seam of the fore-part, in a joined position ; mark the correct width of the breast and waist, allow for the seams ; apply the front proof line according to 29 the measure : — suppose across the back three inches; to the breast circumference thu'teen ; to the waist twenty-two ; the space may be four ; if so, two on the breast line from the front. — Draw a line from the waist to the space mark, continue it to the top of the fore-part ; (refer to the plate) this is an ana- tomical process, and will clearly demonstrate the proper height of neck, or what is technically dis- tinguished by straight or crooked fore-parts, which is the greatest mystery connected with the art of fitting the human shape. — This anatomical princi- ple is not requisite to obtain a complete fit, but is an incontrovertible and practical hypothesis for qualifying the trade to be competent arbitrators of merit or de-merit, and will compel professed au- thors on cutting, to be more cautious of exposing their own inability. This valuable discovery is simplified to the comprehension of the greatest no- vice in the trade. Suppose the person is corpulent at the belly or waist, the space will be less between the front proof lines ; or if he is tall, or long in the neck, it will be also less : — if the position is upright or erect, it will cause the breast to project, which must increase the proof space ; if it is stooping or round shouldered, it will decrease it, consequently the ex- tra upright position must be loicer at the top of the fore-part gorge, than the stooping or round shoul- dered one. — This admeasurement must be a valu- able acquisition, because it obtains tlie crooked, or straight fore-part, which is united witli the top of, the hack : — the fore-part gorge is a part of the line 5 ao round the neck. — As the back gorge is a part of the neck line, it is requisite to explain the necessity of obtaining the correct length of the back to be in union with the fore-part, as the whole fit of the coat depends on its being in its proper place. The centre line across the back, opposite the elbow, is to distinguish the height or le^igth, from the width; and as the back is that part of a coat which is ge- nerally, and very properly cut first, it becomes an important consequence to the Tailor, because his property and connexion can be improved or injured by the shears. Admitting the back pattern is seventeen inches to the hollow of the waist, yet it may be cut very incorrectly, because the part above the elbow belongs to the shoulders and the neck line. The object of this Treatise is to explain what fart of the hack is connected with the height or length. — The common height above the centre line is four and a half inches ; the breast circumference might be fifty, yet the length or height above the centre line, may be four or five and a half. The breast circumference of another man might be thirty-two inches, yet the height may be four, or four and a half, or five, from the centre line — the length must be distinguished from the width. 31 On Admeasurement. The Author considers it unnecessarf to waste time or paper, in attempting to prove the superior advantag-es which the inch measure has over the parchment one with notches. A correct square with inches is an acquisition. The cutter may mark the most part of the coat accurately without any measure. As square lines are required in cor- rect cutting, they cannot be produced with pre- cision, without a correct square. A division table of the breast circumference is matured by practical experience for the use of the Trade, any Tailor may make paper division measures, by applying to the said table, or may easily learn the requisite di- visions by application. Correct measuring is acknowledged by all the trade, to be the only means of insuring complete fit- ting. The position of the figure must be understood by the cutter. The round shoulder is a stooping position ; but the stooping or forward position may not be round shouldered. This position causes the back to be longer from the top to the centre line. The forward position may be hollow in the waist. Write in the order book, round shoulders or shoul- ders foricard, hollow waist. The hollow waist is produced by upright or erect position. A tall figure, with small waist, and large hips is extra erect. Write in the order book extra erect. S2 The Measure of the Dress Coat, Length - - . - . 4^ 17 42 Sleeve from the back-seam - - 6^ 22 35 From the top of the back-seam to the front of the waist _ _ _ 22 To the length required - - 23^ From the bottom of the scye to the hip 81 Width of sleeve round the top of the arm 7;^ Elbow - - - _ _ 6i Wrist _____ 4| Round the breast (under the coat) 36 Waist - - - - _ 31 Back proof, from the bottom of the back-seam round the front of the scye to the top of the back-seam - 25i Continued to the centre line - \ 26i A regular method of entry in the order hook. Name and address. The order, . Position, erect or otherwise. Ah 17 42 6§ 22 35 22 23i 81 7k 6k 41 18 15i 25i 26i 33 Cutting the Back. Presuming the cloth is now laid on the cutting- board ; the right way of the wool towards the left hand. Refer to No. 1 on the plate. Make a mark for the bottom of back skirt, the length is forty-two — place forty-two at the mark, bring the measure to the top of the back — mark the waist at seventeen — the length is now obtained. Mark two inches from the edge of the cloth at the waist — lay the square at the top, near the edge of the cloth, and from the edge at the waist two inches, draw a square line across the top — make a mark on the square-line three inches from the back-seam. Draw a straight line from the top to the bottom of the skirt, lay the square on the edge of the cloth at the bottom of the waist — draw a square line across. The width at the waist is governed by fashion or fancy, say one and a half inch, draw a line down the skirts, the width of the waist from the back-seam line — allow the width of the plait making up. The skirt is now finished. Refer to the centre line, by the measure, it is four and a half inches — mark four and a half from the top on the back-seam, lay the square on the back- seam, draw a square line across the back at four and a half, which is the centre line. The width of the back, by measure is six and a half inches. The width of the top, and length of back scye may be governed by fashion or fancy — raise the top half an inch at 3 — form the top from 34 the back-seam to 3. The fashionable Tailors in the city of New- York, make the back scye about three-quarters of an inch, and the top about one and a quarter inch. The goddess of fashion can- not injure this back. The shoulder-seam may come to the centre line. The side-seam may be marked with a straight line, or made extremely hollow, as both shoulder and side-seams are con- nected with the fore-parts, it matters not what form they are cut. The shape of the back ought to be made by the Tailor, to add to the symmetry of his customer. This back is cut by measure and fashion — the height of neck is independent of the width. The top is three inches wide by theory, let it re- main so until the fore-parts are produced. Refer to a short stout figure — breast measure forty-four inches ; the centre line four inches from the top ; the length of waist, sixteen inches ; mark this back by measure and fashion. Refer to a tall thin figure, breast thirty-two inches, centre line five and a quarter inches from the top — width six inches — length of back twenty inches — mark this back by measure and fashion, which will prove by ocular demonstration, that the system of breast-thirds, being applied to form any part of the back, is an abominably false and absurd hypo- thesis. When the bock is cut, mark the centre line on both — from the centre line upward to S, mark one and a half inch, which is one-twelfth of eigh- teen inches, the half of the breast measure. Refer to the plate. Prior to any other part of the coat be- ing cut, it is requisite to understand the anatomical causes and effects combined with the back. 35 Cutting the Fore-part. The fore-part skirt is now intended to be cut by the shape and position of the figure, in conjunction with the fore-part. Obtain the length of the skirt at the edge of the cloth ; mark two inches in at the top of the skirt. (This is a variation produced by the width of the back.) Place the bottom of the back side-seam at the top of the skirt, and the top at the edge of the cloth ; now refer to the centre line across the back, lay the square on the centre line at A, one seam from the back edge, draw a square line from A to B, one-JiaJf of i\\e width, which is nine inches — place the square at B, draw a square line from B to C, the half of nine inches, which is the quarter of the width ; draw a line from C to D, twelve inches, which is two-thirds of the width ; make C your pivot ; fix the inch-measure at C ; draw a round line from D towards the front — the parts of the coat which belong to the width are now produced and divided from the height^ for the sci- ence is governed by the centre line across the back: refer to No. 2, on the plate. To mark the side and shoulder seams, refer to the illustration of the Anatomical Table, part eighth, reflect on the cause and effect connected with the position and shape of the figure. Move the back one inch in at the bottom of the waist — this is theory. A practical science will be elucidated re- lative to this part, after the shoulder-seam is pro- duced. 36 The letter S, on the back, is one-twelfth from A. Lay the square or measure over the back-seam at S, one-twelfth — bring the square or measure to the balance line from D, the size of the breast, eighteen inches, or turn in one and a half inch, or one-twelfth off the measure — lay the said measure on the back at S ; brin_g- the width, which is eighteen inches, to the balance line, which will be sixteen and a half inches from S to S — this being well understood, mark two and a quarter inches, or one-eighth from S on the balance line towards the front, now draw a line at the balance line, including both marks, which will produce the back-seam at the shoulder — refer to the right back, take notice of the mark at S on the back-seam, which is one-ttcelfth from the centre line at A — place this back on the back-seam line at the shoulder, by laying the m.ark at S on the back-seam line at S — be punctual with this part, that S on the back is fixed at S on the back-seam line. Now mark the fore-part shoulder seam by the shape of the back. As the back and fore-parts are united as one, when made up, both in width and height, it must appear very clear that every part of the science ought to be governed by the hack- seam. The back is three inches wide at the top (by theory.) The fashionable Tailors in New- York, make it about one and a half wide. The part which is cut off the back, must be put on the fore-part, then the back-seam will be the same. The neck-line must be formed at the top by the piece which came off the back. Mathemati- cal instruments have been invented for forming the 37 top and scye of the back ; the fore-part scye and neck-line. The trade is now requested to be gov- erned by their acquired knowledge, and not to submit their experience to become scientifically eclipsed by impracticable nonsense. The back at the side and shoulder-seams, are now produced by Theory, but the position of the figure and the size of the waist is an important part of this Treatise. The back is laid in one inch at the waist by theory, but the waist may be five or six inches smaller than the breast. Subtract the size of the waist from the breast — for instance, this mea- sure is, breast eighteen inches, waist fifteen and a half inches, the dividend is two and a half inches ; this back must be laid in at the waist a quarter more than theory. If the waist should be twenty-nine inches, then the dividend would be seven inches — the half measure would be three and a half inches, the half of three and a half inches would be one and three quarters, then the back must be laid in at the waist three-quarters of an inch more than theory. Suppose the waist was the same size or larger than the breast, then adhere to theory. The back is now placed by a knowledge of the width round the waist. Now refer to the position of the figure in the order book ; if upright and tall, move the back down one inch, if short only half an inch, because a short man cannot be as hollow at the waist as a tall man ; be careful that moving the back do not alter the shape of the side-seam at neither top nor bottom. Now mark the side-seam by the shape of the back. This back is cut wider across the shoulders than the 6 S8 blade bones at the side. One inch must be taken oflf between the back and fore-part. The quantity must be governed by a knowledge of the size of the blade bones. The shoulder and side-seams are now formed by the size and position of the figure ; the scye may now be produced by marking five and a half inches from the top of the side-seam to the front ; the back is six and a half wide, which will make the front twelve inches or tico-thirds from the back-seam across the centre line, which may be made correct to the measure, or larger to suit the employment of the man. As this back is moved down three-quarters of an inch, the bottom of the scye at C must be made half an inch lower, but never altered by any other position. Now form the scye. The shoulder point, the top of the side-seam, the front and bottom are produced. Any cutter who requires more infor- mation on this subject, ought to pay for personal tuition. The back and fore-parts are now marked to fit the hollow waist, but the skirt is an important subject. The graceful symmetry of this part can be im- proved or injured by cutting the fore-parts across the waist. Refer to the length. The bottom of the scye to the hip, which is eight and three quar- ter inches. The length from the top of the back- seam to the waist at front, is twenty-two inches, by measure ; this part of the coat may be cut by judg- ment, without measure, for extensive practice tends to produce an elegant mode of cutting. But this 39 Treatise embraces a practical plan of admeasure- ment, and cutting to fit customers, by producing a knowledge of cause and effect. Now hollow the fore-parts from tlie front to the length under the scye ; continue it to the side-seam. The fore-parts are now marked out to fit the size, length and po- sition of the customer. As the side-seam is formed for an upright figure, the skirt must be in unison. Draw a line across tiie cloth close under the foie- part; refer to the bottom of the back side-seam, where it was first laid, which is one and a quarter inch from this fore-part side-seam ; lay your square or rule at C, at the bottom of the scye, bring it to the waist, where the back was first laid, continue the same to the length of the skirt; take three- quarters of an inch off the width at top, which will form a graceful shape at the hip. The front must be one and a half inch wide, because the length by measure is twenty-three and a half long, but the length may be required to be twenty-five inches, which is governed by fashion or fancy. If the skirt must be cut extremely narrow, according to the pre- sent fashion, then take off about one inch from the straight line at the top, commencing from the width of the skirt. The cause — the skirt being extremely narrow, there is no protection in front, but if it was cut broad at the top, then the straight line would be a principle. The Tailor must be governed by his knowledge of cause and effect. For instance, if the fancy of the cutter must have a narrow skirt strap in front, he ought not disorganize the length of the body by cutting the cloth at the front too long, he can mark the fore-part at front, below the straight 40 line across the waist, then the skirt must be made accordingly, or his fancy may give six hours extra work to his bushehnen. To understand the varia- tions connected with the skirl refer to the disser- tations on the positions of the human shape. To form the skirt for the Dress-coat, independent of the fore-part. Draw a line the length required for the top, mark one-half which is nine inches, on the line from the top. Mark one-sixth, which is three inches from that mark, then lay the square at the top of the skirt, in union with the last mark, then draw a square line across the top ; make the width by the size of the waist : this skirt is for the hollow waist or upright position ; if the fore-parts should be cut lounger than the waist in front, then the top must be cut accordingly. 41 The sJdrt for the Frock coat. If this coat is to be double-breasted, draw a line up the front of the cloth, the width of the lappel ; refer to the length, say tiventy-Jive inches, mark the length up the front, lay the square on the front line, and draw a square line across the top, the width of the fore-part ; mark one- third, which is six inches above the line at P, to the hip ; then form the top. Refer to No. 4 on the plate. To obtain the spring behind, lay the square at the top of the hip, in union with the bottom of the front line, then draw a square line for the spring. The goddess of fashion requires the Tailor to produce a graceful symmetry over his customer's hips, by distinguishing refined experi- ence, from the extravagance of folly and capricious foppery. For instance, the skirt is made for hollow waist, or upright position, but the length at the bot- tom of the front, is not an Anatomical principle for obtaining the spring behind, because the length of the skirt must be made by fashion or fancy. To be governed by principle, mark the width of the breast down the front line, then lay the square at the top of the hip, in union with the mark at H on the front line, to obtain the spring behind : if the waist is ex- tremely small, take off one inch from the width of the top in front ; if the waist is as large as the breast, be governed by the straight line up the front ; if the waist is larger than the breast, then take off one inch from the front edge at the bottom. If the man stands or stoops forward at the shoulders, then take 42 off one and a half inch of the front edge at the top, and reduce the spring behind. A large waist cannot be improved by an extrava- gant width round the bottom of the skirt. The Tai- lor must vary from theory, according to the shape and size of his customer. The front of the fore-part for stout men, (whose width round the waist is equal to, or exceeds the width round the breast) requires peculiar notice. The present fashion causes the collar to turn the breast fromjToMr to jive inches. Refer to the fore- part on the plate. The mark at the front of the breast at R is the true width, by measure. Make that part of the front two inches wider ; spring the front at the top one inch, this will make the front- edge hollow towards the top. The turn over by the collar will have a graceful shape, and must be smooth across the breast, if this fore-part was cut as wide across the breast in proportion to a fa- shionable coat for a thin man, the breast would display neither taste nor experience. The fashion- able collar and lappel may have their desired effect on this coat, equal to a smaller shape. 43 To mark the Sleeve. Refer to No. 3 on the plate. The line from A to E, is the edge of the cloth : from A to B, the quar- ter of the breast, which is four and a half inches : from B to C one-third, which is six inches ; lay the square on the back-arm seam-line ; draw a square line across the sleeve at C ; from B to D one-half, which is nine inches ; make D your pivot ; fix the measure at D ; make a round line from B to the square line at C, which produces the top of the fore-seam. The mark at A is the centre of the back, lay the measure at A, the back is six and a half inches wide, mark the top of the back arm- seam by the width of the back, continue the mea- sure to the elbow twenty-two inches, and to the length thirty-five inches, deducting- one inch for the cuff. The position of the fore-seam will now be illustrated. The width across the top of the sleeve at C, is eight and a half inches ; make the said width at the bottom, or draw a square line from the top of the fore-seam, to the leng-th which will pro- duce the position of the sleeve. The width by mea- sure is seven and a half inches across at D. Six and a quarter inches across the elbow, now form the fore-seam : the width at the wrist is four and a quarter inches, now mark the same. The size at the bottom must not disorganize the position of the sleeve. The wrist may be made six inches at the back-seam — now refer to the top. The fore-seam is already formed. Refer to A, which is the centre of the back-seam, take the width of the back from 44 A, to find the top of the sleeve, now mark the top of the outside sleeve, without tlie wonderfLd aid of compasses. The inside sleeve is an important subject. The size of the scye is sixteen and a half inches, the inside sleeve must be made eisfht and a quarter inches wide ; draw a square line across the top of the back arm-seam ; obtain the width of the inside sleeve, from the fore-seam. Shape the top to correspond with the outside : do not hollow the inside sleeve below the important line at C. To prove by ocular demonstration the distinguished importance connected with the inside sleeve ; draw a line from the elbow to the top, about three inches from the fore-seam ; this line is fixed to the bottom of the scye. If it is made too short, by being hollow- ed too much, even three quarters of an inch ; the two inside sleeves will contract the shoulders one and a half inch, because the elbow is connected with the back-seam. The goddess of fashion has required the outside sleeve to be extremely large, she may do so again, then draw a line across the top of the back arm-seam, say two or three inches ; form the extra width of the outside, without altering the top of the fore-arm seam ; the inside sleeve will remain the same ; now form the back arm-seam from the top to the elbow ; the elbow is a fixed principle, which is in conjunction with the top of the inside- sleeve, and must not be altered by widths. 45 The sleeve for a short man requires attention. It is common to find this sleeve measure, in "lengthy thirty inches ; refer to your order book, which will be found the following measure : length, four, sixteen, thirty-eight ; width round the breast, forty- four ; waist, forty-five ; sleeve, seven and a half, equal nineteen, thirty-two: round the elbow, seven and a half; wrist, five inches. First find the length from A ^to E, which must be thirty-five inches, indepen- dent of the length of this sleeve. A is the centre of the back ; from A to B one quarter, which is five and a half inches. It is from this mark at B the sleeve must be produced ; from B to C one third, which is seven inches and five eighths ; lay the square on the back-arm-seam ; draw a square line across the sleeve from C ; from B to D one half, or eleven inches ; make D your pivot, to draw a round line from B to the square Ime at C, which finds the top of the fore-seam ; lay the measure at A, which is the back-seam at the centre line, (when the length of the sleeve is measured, the tailor places the end of the measure at the centre of the back, to obtain the length, independent of the fore-arm seam.) This back is seven and a half wide, but it may be eight inches, or only six inches. This width is in- dependent of the length between the centre of the back and the elbow. The position of this sleeve must not be injured by widths or lengths. The width across the sleeve at C is ten and a half inches ; if the fore-arm-seam at the wrist was cut by the 7 46 width at the top, it would be two inches too crooked, which would twist the sleeve at the top. To con- nect lengths and icidths at their respective points, the length must be governed by the Anato- mical Standard, which is thirty-five inches. JXow mark ten inches across the top line at C : lay your square at that width, and draw a square line to the length at thirty-five, or make the length at thirty- five, ten inches wide. This width is produced by iheorij, as connected with the circumference of forty-two inches round the breast. This width must be the standard principle of all sizes beyond it. For instance, the sleeve across the line at C may be justly required to be thirteen inches, but the same width at lh(! wrist would injure the posi- tion of the fore-seam. Now refer to the length of this elbow, which is nineteen inches; the width is seven and a half inches, or as it may be. Now mark the fore-arm-seam, from the top to the width, across the elbow ; continue it to the length at thirty- five. The length of this sleeve is thirty inches ; now mark the proper length. The position of this sleeve is the same as the long aim, but shorter. If the length of any sleeve should require to be thirty- nine inches, or any other length, the Anatomical Standard of thirty-five inches must be the governing principle ; then continue the shape of the fore-arm- seam to the length required. 47 The sleeve for a tall thin man. Refer to your order book ; the following measure may be found by every respectable tailor in the United States. Length, five and a half, nineteen, forty-four; sleeve, six, twenty-two and a half, thirty- seven ; breast, thirty-one ; waist, twenty-nine. Mark this sleeve by theory and measure ; the width across the bottom at thirty-five, must be eight and a half inches, because the circumference round the body is not in unison with the height; whatever the width may be, less than thirty-six inches ought not to injure the posi- tion of the sleeve. The trade will now understand the cause why gentlemen's coats did fit the body without the sleeves, but when the same were finished they could perceive blunders, injurious to the tailor as a cutter, attended with serious expenses, and loss of connection. To understand the variations from theory, refer to the dissertation on the position of the Human Shape. 48 To cut a coat for a tall thin man. The measure 5i, 20, 43. 6i, 22, 39. 9^, 23, 24l 32, 29. Hol- loiv waist. Shoulders forwai'd. The breast measure for this well-made man is only thirty-two inches, yet the width of the back is required to be six and a half inches wide across the shoulder ; if it was cut by breast-thirds, across the centre-line at A, it would only be five inches and three eighths wide. This back would not affect the fit of the coat, but could not add to the appearance of this man. It is the duty of a tailor to improve the shape, as well as fitting the human frame. When the back and foreparts are marked out by science, or by measure and theory., refer to the back-seam at the shoulder ; draw another line one inch from the said line ; then mark S directly op- posite. Lay the back on the extra line. This part of the science is required for thin men. The two thirds from C to D being only ten inches and three fourths by Theory, will not produce a sufiicient width across the shoulders. Refer to part fifth of the Anatomical Measure, which will prove (by ocu- lar demonstration) that the science which will fit one man cannot fit another. As the back-seam is made one inch wider than theory, the neck-line or fore-part-gorge must be made one inch more for- ward at the shoulder seam ; this will produce a proper width across the shoulders for thin men. The back and foreparts are now formed by the length and width, but the shape or position must be 49 understood to insure a complete fit. According to the order book ; this shape is hollow waist. Then move the back down one inch at the side-seam, shoulders forward (which is a very common 'posi- tion) ; tlien make the forepart shoulder-seam one inch more forward for a tall man, and half an inch for a short man ; because a short man cannot stoop his head forward in the same proportion as a tall man. If the position should be round shouldered, or stooping forward from the waist, then raise the back one inch at the side-seam, and take one inch extra off the forepart side-seam at the top ; then the front of the scye will be made one inch more forward. The shoulder-seam must be one inch more forward, and one inch taken off at the top, but not altered at the shoulder towards the scye. Refer to part Eighth of the illustration of the Ana- tomical Figure Measure. 59 *ro cut a coat for a short stout man. The Mea- sure 4, 15^, 38. 61, 19% 30. 44, 45. Upright position. The shape of this man cannot be improved by extra widths. If this back was cut by hr east-thirds, it would be seven inches and three eighths wide across the centre-line at A. The height of neck is only four inches, independent of the icidth. Mark the foreparts by the science ; take off one inch extra at the top of the side-seam. Draw an extra line at the shoulders three fourths of an inch towards the forepart ; mark S on that line ; lay the back on this line. The two thirds from C to D is fourteen and three fourths inches ; the quantity of cloth (as pro- duced by science) must be diminished to complete a first rate fit. The cause. A stout short man never was so wide across the shoulders as a thin man by proportions; therefore the same science which is required to fit a tall thin man, cannot Jit a short stout man. The length of the neck-line, and the large scye required for the short stout man, when compared with the same for a tall thin man, ought to be understood by the tailor. The spring of the skirt behind for the short stout man, must be pro- duced by laying the square at B in unison with the waist ; it must be admitted that a waist larger than the breast cannot be as hollow as a small waist. If the man is tall and thin., and stooping forward from the waist, the spring of the skirt ought to be govern- ed by B. The cause must be understood to qualify the tailor to be a practical cutter. 51 To cut Coats for Labouring Men. Such coats are generally ordered to be cut easy, especially in the front of the arm. Cut this coat by a correct measure and science, then add three-quar- ters of an inch on the fore-part shoulder-seam ; make the neck-line three-quarters of an inch more forward. Take three-quarters of an inch extra off the width at the top of the side-seam, which will cause the front of the scye to be three-quarters of an inch more forward ; then make the fore-arm-seam of the sleeve three-quarters of an inch longer at C. This coat will be one and a half inch wider across the shoul- ders, which is required for shootinir-coats, sea-cap- tains ; and for all kinds of manual labour. m Over-Coats. The measure must be taken by the same prin- ciple as for the dress coat. The length must be made to suit the customer. The width to be taken over the vest, or under the coat; then inquire what sort af coat is to be worn nndor. Take the width round the breast and waist, over the said coat. This measure, (under the coat) breast thirty-six inches, and waist thirty-one inches, above the coat thirty- nine inches, and thirty-three inches. It is now justly presumed, that the science of cut- ting is understood. The quality of the cloth must have attention. If superline clotii, cut the back by the height of neck, which is four and a half inches, the length and width must be subjected to the tai- lor's judgment. The skirt to be cut by the science already explained. This coat is required to fold well over in front, take off about two inches at the top in front, but this is a variation connected with the size of the waist. Mark the fore-parts by the same size and science as the dress coat, allowing one seam from A to B, from B to C, and from C to D. When the fore- parts are marked by a knowledge of the shape, size and position, then add one inch on the shoulder- seam, and make the neck-line one inch more for- ward ; take off one inch extra at the top of the side- seam, which will cause the front of the scye to be one inch more forward. The sleeve must be one inch longer at the top of the fore-seam, the width 53 must be affected at the back arm-seam. This coat is two inches wider across the shoulders than the dress coat. As ov£7'-coats are made to go over other garments, they will serve to elucidate the dis- tinction between height and width ; for example, this coat is required to be larger than the dress coat, but the height of neck remains the same. The arm-hole must be made to go over the dress coat, but to do this effectually is a serious subject. If the cloth should be double milled, then the science at the shoulder, front of the scye, the neck-line, the top of the side-seam and length of fore arm- seam, should be cut larger in proportion to the quality of the cloth, which cause a variation from system. If this coat was cut by the width over the coat, and by the same science as the dress coat, the parts connected with widths would not be in unison with lengths; for instance, the inside sleeve would be one inch too short, to the elbow — the coat would be too short in front from the top of the back, across the front of the scye to the waist. IMie length to the elbow, is in union with the width across the back. This coat would be contracted across the- shoulders, although it may be cut extremely wide. 54 Regimental Coats. The size of the neck ought to be correctly taken. This coat is required to be extremely full across the breast ; when the back and fore-parts are maiked out by a knowledge of the shape and position, then mark the fore-part gorge or neck-line, one and a half inch more forward. Move the back down at the side-seam one inch ; if this fore-part was made of copper or tin, the neck-line would be one and a half inch too high, but the cloth falls down across the breast, which forms an extra quantity in front for wadding and padding ; ibis fore-part would be alto- gether wrong for a dress coat. 55 Practical and Experimental Observations on the Height of Neck, and the various positions. First select two men, each six feet high; the arms one length ; the width round the breast and waist the same; one an erect, the other stooping position. It must now be admitted, that the said coats, (when produced according to each shape,) could not be cut by one and the same science. The centre-line for the first man would be five inches ; for the other five inches and a half. The science for cutting these two backs, would vary only one half inch from the centre-line to the top, and be half an inch shorter at the side-seam. Yet the science required to fit the shape of both men, will cause the hip buttons to be two inches higher when on the stooping position, if both men are acknow- ledged to be one height. The stooping figure must be one and a half inch longer, from the centre line to the waist, or the length of the backs must be cut incorrect, as the back ought to be cut first, by the height and shape of the man. For the important cause why the hip buttons on the stooping position should be two inches higher, refer to part Eighth of the Anatomical Measure. Reflect on this part of the science. This measure or science is made use of to convey practical knowledge. If the hip buttons are to be one height from the ground, and €ach coat skirt to be one length, it is evident that the back seam for the stooping position must be two inches longer behind, which clearly demonstrates 56 that true and genuine science, when applied to fit the liuman figure, must be governed by a correct measure to insure a complete fit. Allow a coat pattern to be cut fi^r each man by a true knowledge of length, shape, and position. Compare them by laying the centre-line of each back together; the stooping back will be half an inch higher, the side-seam one and a half inch longer, the back-seam two inches longer. The forepart side-seam will be two inches higher and one inch more forward at the top ; the neck-line one and a half inch more forward, and one inch shorter at the top, and one inch lower at the front ; the scye will be one inch more forward. When this shape is produced by science and measure, and the cause properly understood, the confidence which must be the result of such knowledge, must be a valuable acquisition to a great majority of the trade. The erect position produces the hollow waist, but the shape of the hollow is connected with the size of the waist. An extreme small waist is ge- nerally ornamented with large hips. The principal cause for not fitting this well-made shape, the fore- part neck-line is cut too high, or what the trade call too straight, for the back ; and when the back is sewed to the foreparts, they are then one in union both in height and width. When the man stands or walks upright, the part called the back brings the part called the foreparts down behind; the cloth at the front of the scye is twisted ; the cloth from the bottom of the scye being partly twisted and brought down by the back. The inside sleeve 57 moves the cloth off at the waist, when the coat is unbuttoned ; but button the same coat in front at the waist, require the awful operative arms to be kept down ; then pull the coat down at the waist ; it may now be a tolerable fit. But allow the same man to walk two hours, with the coat buttoned, then the part called the back will appear as if the journeyman had no claim to experience ; yet the coat might be extremely well made. A tall man with a small waist may be stooping forward at the shoulders, yet may be very hollow at the waist, as this position cannot be denominated round-shouldered, the side-seam must be cut by the same principle as already explained for the up- right 'position ; the shoulder-seam must be made three fourths of an inch more forward, and three fourths of an inch shorter at the top ; the scye three fourths of an inch more forward. Lay the back in a joined position at the shoulder. Now take notice of the back-seam-line. As this shape stoops forward at the shoulders only, more cloth is required from the bottom of the scye to the centre- line, across the back at the shoulders ; the back is now raised above the line. Confine the top with your finger and bring the back-seam to the back- seam line, at the waist of the back ; the back- seam will now convey to your ideas the shape of this figure. As this position is very general in the United States, it must be of the utmost importance to understand a true and practical science for pro- ducing the width across the shoulders, and fitting the hollow waist. The figure six at the shoulder- 58 seam, (see No. 2 on the plate,) represents the neck-line as cut by a majority of the trade in the City of New- York. Ten years ago, the figures three and four, at the shoulder-seam, were the ge- neral standard for the neck-line ; it was found by expensive experience to be too low, or too crooked ; both extremes are the effects produced by cutting the part belonging to the height by a division of icidth. The neck-line, as produced by this science, is as high or straight for a short man, as it is for a tall man, according to their respective heights. Re- fer to parts sixth and seventh of the Illustration of the Anatomical Figure Measure. 59 High and low shoulders. High shoulders being raised up, causes the neck to be low. The centre-line at A for a man six feet high, (according to this shape,) will not exceed /owr inches and a half. This back may be cut extreme- ly wide across the centre-line, without producing an elegant and graceful fit. When the foreparts are formed by true science, refer to the back proof- measure. If the man is tall and thin, the shoulder at the scye will require to be raised three quarters of an inch ; if short and thin, about half an inch. Stout men, either tall or short, do not require the shoulder raised in proportion to thin men. This shape ought to be criticized by every cutter, for the height of neck is an important subject ; with high shoulders, such coats are generally cut one inch too high at the neck, and the scye made large ; but such maxims never did, nor never will fit the posi- tion. The low shoulder is connected with a round shape, which is more difficult to be comprehended by observation, than any other anatomical part of the human figure, and would be extremely tedious to explain by pen. The effect cannot be correctly produced without a due knowledge of the cause. The operative tailor's left shoulder is a little lower than the right one, which is caused by the inaction of the left arm. Carpenters, and even clerks, and all sort of employment which causes the right arm to be used more than the left, ought to be understood 60 by the tailor as an anatomical cause connected with the external shape of the human figure. Inactive life may produce this shape. Men who are fat, yet not corpulent, and who are not engaged in active business, who measure nearly the same width round the waist as they do at the breast, common or erect positions, are generally low at the shoulder. When the forepart is formed by true science, take three fourths of an inch off at the top of the left scye ; make the shoulder-seam the proper length at the scye, but do not alter the top at the neck- line. The left sleeve may be made three fourths of an inch smaller at the back-arm-seam. The height of neck is now reduced to a practical principle. The anatomical standard is four and a half inches to the centre-line. Allowiiifr the height to be five feet ten inches, it is a positive fact that the height of five feet five inches does not vary the eighth of an inch. The height of live feet will be four inches ; five feet two or three inches will not make the sixteenth part of an inch higher. The height above five feet ten inches will be four inches and three fourths. The man must be ex- tremely tall to require the centre-line to be more than five and a half inches from the top. The length of the back-seam and sleeve cannot fail in giving the tailor the height of neck. The genuine principles of this science, which obtains every part of the coat belonging to icidth, by the division of icidth, and the parts peculiarly belonging to height 61 or length, Uy the science of length, and uniting the lengths and widths at their respective places. For instance, the scye belongs to width ; but the bottom at C is in conjunction with the height. The shoulder-seam belongs entirely to the width. The neck-line belongs to the height. When the length to the elbow is measured, the width of the back is included ; then the sleeve at the back-arm- seam is only length, from the back-scye ; but the elbow is connected with the width across the shoul- ders, therefore the elbow is united with both length and width. 62 The distinction between varialions and positions. A oariation from science must be required by some known cause, and they are very few. For in- stance, the shooting coat, which requires more room across the shoulders than a dress coat for the same man, may be considered a variation from system ; but tlie shooting coat requires an art peculiar to itself. Therefore that art (which is a stranger) must be a science, and not a variation ; but the quality of the stuff, or the distinction between su- perfine and stout double-milled cloth ; also, vel- veteen or stout fustian produces a variation. The dress coat, and one for labour for the same man, produces another variation. The goddess of fashion cannot produce a variation from this science. She will be honoured by this art with distinguished grace, and refined experience. The tall thifi man, with stooping shoulders and hollow waist, is not disgraced by this science : he is not allowed to be numbered amongst the ^Ulispro- portionate.''^ This well-made figure requires an art to make a complete fit. The short stout man cannot be fitted by any other science than that which is applicable. The science which is required to fit the tall thin, and the short stout man, are dis- tinct arts, but not variations. The distinguished science for cutting one coat to be worn over another, requires a peculiar atten- tion. It has been criticised by competent judges, and is a valuable acquisition to every tailor, who professes to be a cutter. 63 This garment is orderod by all the authors of systems and teachers of cutting, " to he cut by th4i sainc system as the dress coat, only to ttiake it larger.'^ That this coat should be made " larger''^ is a certain fact, but it is very strange that ten years' experience should not produce one practical principle connected with this coat. Refer to the preface, page fifteen — "Improvement being a higher object than the paltry pleasure of discovering the faults of others." The respectable tailors in the City of New- York are now solemnly appealed to : can any of them honourably announce that they ever witnessed a true science for cutting this coat \ Many systems of cutting have been imported from En- gland, and volumes on the same subject have been published throughout Europe. What merit either or all of them can claim, must be left to the criticism of competent judges of merit or demerit. Each author and plagiarist are entitled to a portion of respect for creating a spirit of inquiry, and rous- ing the lethargy which had captivated a majority of the trade some years ag-o. Yet it must be admitted a solemn fact, that a true science for cutting this coat never was offered for the inspection of the trade. 64 Military Uniforms. The shape is governed by " Kegulationy Great importance is attached to the cutting of uniforms ; but the talent is peculiarly displayed by the journey- men. The length of the collar, and the width across the breast, with a wide back and easy scye, are the parts where the cutter is required to excel. The sys- tem already explained will stand the test of the most rigid criticism, and qualify the trade to cut this coat with precision. ADVERTISEMENT TO TAILORS. Mr. Jackson appeals to the professional skill and consummate practice of every respectable tailor in the United States, if it is probable that his ac- quired knowledge can fail to instruct the young and inexperienced part of the trade, and to mature the ideas of those who are farther advanced in the science of cutting. He is unwilling even to receive the approbation of any man, without a rational convic- tion ; for duplicity lives only to fade ingloriously. Merchant tailors' sons, who require improvement for practical business, have now the means offered them, by applying to the Author, for personal in- struction, which may be obtained at a moderate ex- pense ; because the art and science of cutting is G5 now reduced to simplicity, by a true knowledge of cause and effect, ond made universally applicable to all shapes and sizes. Mr. J. is aware that some part of the trade may attempt to depreciate the utility of this treatise, and may question the principles which are connect- ed with the variations and positions of the human shape. They are respectfully invited to meet him before experienced men, when he will be happy to prove by ocular demonstration, and incontrovertible evidence, the validity of every part of the anatomi- cal principles of this treatise. The next volume will contain a valuable science for cutting breeches, pantaloons, vests, box-coats, ladies' habits, and children's garments. The length will be divided from the width by anatomical principles. Due notice will be given. The price will be re- duced as low as the expenses will warrant. The engravings will be executed in a manner worthy of securing a distinguished place on the cutting- board. The diction and style of the volume will be perfectly suited for the library of every re- spectable tailor in the United States. Authors on cutting, especially plagiarists, (and the majority of pretended authors are positively plagiarists,) generally intrude on the credulity of unthinking men. One commences by publicly stat- ing " that he was honoured with the patronage and recommendation of nearly three hundred master tailors of acknowledged genius and reputation." The conditions and character of such ^^ patronage'''' may be found in a book, but never was so in reality. 66 ^ .The "new hypothcMs''' and " ajiafomical precision'^ of such an author may be first-rate lang-uagc, but the said " new hypothesis" found the bottom of the hack-scyc by the third of the breast measure ; and the forepart neck-line was produced too low. The mark on the shoulder-seam at 4, represents the said neck-line. Refer to the plate. The Tailors' De- bating Society, London, exposed the duplicity of the authors, and the credulity of "nearly three hun- dred patrons ^ The same Author has published a " new and improved edition.^'' He says, " in producing the shape of the coat, it will be advisable to mark it on paper, in preference to cloth, as it can be done with greater accuracy ; and the paper patterns, if pre- served, may be made applicable to use for any per- son of a corresponding bigness of breast." This is complete murder. If cutting cloth was a capital offence by law, against Tailor's property and expe- rience, such Authors would be exposed to lord El- lenborough's act of Parliament, for intentionally cutting, maiming and mutilating, the property and faculties of the trade. It must be admitted that if Tailors are not benefited by this " new and im- proved system,^'' the paper-makers may ; but the idea that paper can be cut with " greater accuracy than cloth,^^ may be a requisite expedient for sys- tem manufacturers, but never was the acknow- ledged principle of any cutter. The plan may be Justly allowed to be original, but the maxim implies gross ignorance of useful knowledge. This " neiQ and improved system,'^ makes the 67 bottom of the back scye one inch loss than the third from the top, and the fore-part neck-line extremely high, which is represented by 6. Refer to the plate. This " new and improved system'' was imported into the city of New- York, five years ag-o. This neck-line is the predominant system amongst the majority of Tailors in this city, which is the princi- pal cause of injuring the fit at the waist. Another Author says, (in the year 1822) " A diffi- culty may arise in some men's minds, how to ascer- tain the height of a person. The following method will answer the purpose : — when measuring the length of the sleeve, take the distance from the back-seam to the second joint of the little finger, and double that length will be the height of a pro- portionate man, if the arm is kept straight." Also, by the same Author, "If a man isjlvefect six inches high, six inches is the required proportion for the bottom of the back-scye." The Tailor is now re- quested to examine the date of this Author's publi- cation. Now for plagiarism ! This Author's idea of height, and dividing it from the width by his sys- tem, was the most rational one which ever was pub- lished in London at the same date. The trade is now improved so as to fit the human shape, by " three measures onlyy This is cutting with a vengeance ! The Author of cutting a coat, vest, and pantaloons, by three measures only, may claim " originality,^^ and his " divisions of the breast, by inches, eighths of inches, and fractions of eighths," may be considered, (by some Tailors) " the march of intellect." This plagiarist attempts 68 to imitate the aforesaid " 7iew and improved sys~ temr His fore-part ncck-Unc is the very same height, as representod by 6, at the shoulder-seam. Refer to the plate. - Another syste7n-ma7iufacturer could not succeed with " the breast measure on the old principle." He has recourse to '' cardinaV and " level mea- sures." The industrious and reflecting part of the trade, may now find wonderful improvements, or genuine ideas for the amusement of their risible faculties. The trade is hereby informed that Mr. Jackson has not authorized any man to teach his science. Neither will he publish any letters which may be written in his favour, nor will he solicit the favours of the trade by the old-fashioned and hypocritical cant of ^^ Patronagep by publishing names. The science which is now offered to the trade, must stand or fall by its own merit. The division table of the breast measure is not made applicable to " fractions of the eighth of an inch," but it is positively made intelligible, and can be comprehended by any Tailor, who may require to be a cutter. N, B. The Tailor's Director, price $6 00 FINIS. r*