LB 3403 1913h Copy 1 PRELIMINARY BULLETIN FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCHOOL HYGIENE BUFFALO, NEW YORK, U. S. A. AUGUST, 25-30, 1 9 13 FIRST EDI TION. NO VEMBER. 1912 iiin iim iiir I II ^ PRELIMINARY BULLETIN FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCHOOL HYGIENE BUFFALO, NEW YORK, U. S. A. AUGUST, 25-30, 1913 FIRST EDITION, NOVEMBER, 191 2 L^^IV^ IXJ PRECEDING CONGRESSES NUREMBERG— 1904 Under the presidency of H.R.H., Prince Louis Ferdinand, of Bavaria LONDON— 1907 Under the Royal Patronage of His Britannic Majesty PARIS— 1910 Under the Patronage of the French Minister of Public Instruction II THE OBJECTS OF THIS CONGRESS ARE: 1. To bring together men and women interested in the health of school children. 2. To organize a program of papers and discussions covering the field of school hygiene. 3. To assemble a scientific exhibit representing the best that is being done in school hygiene. 4. To secure a commercial exhibit of practical and educational value to school people. 5. To publish the proceedings of this Congress and distribute them to each member. Ill HONORARY PRESIDENTS (Selected by the Permanent International Committee) *James Noble Adam L. P. Fuhrman Andrew Carnegie J. Pierpont Morgan John D. Rockefeller Sir Lauder Brunton Dr. Albert Mathieu Dr. H. Griesbach Presidents of the three previous congresses (Selected by the American Organizing Committee) His Excellency, the Minister of the Department of Education, J. Appel, Denmark. Dr. B. J. Berquist, Directeur en Chef de I'enseignement second- aire, Sweden. Sir Lauder Brunton, Bart., LL.D., F.R.C.P., D.Sc, F.R.S., London, England. Dr. Leo. Burgerstein, k. k. Regierungsrat, Vienna, Austria. Dr. S. Exner, k. k. Hofrat, Obersanitatsrat, o. 6. Professor an der k.k. Universitat, Wien, Austria, M. Guist' Hau, le Ministre de I'instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, France, Dr. Th. Heemskerk, Minister of the Interior, Netherlands. Count A. HijiKATA, Exc, President, Japanese Hygiene Society. Dr. Axel Johannessen, Professor of Medicin in der medical Fakultat d. Universitats sur Kristiania, Norway. Wirkl. Geh. Obermedizinalrat Prof. Dr. Kirchner, Ministerial- direktor im Konigl. Preuss, Ministerium des Innern, Ber- lin, Vorsitzender des Deutscher Verein fiir Schulgesund- heitspflege, Germany, Dr. Leo de Liebermann, Professor of Hygiene, University of Budapest, Hungary, Dr. Jose A. Lopez del Valle, Jefe Local de Sanidad de la Habana, Cuba, Most Reverend Pichon, Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Hayti. Sr. Lie. Jose M. Pino Suarez, Secretario de Instruccion Piib- lica y Bellas Artes, Mexico, Dr. F, ScHMiD, Direktor des Schweiz, Gesundheitsamtes. Bern, Switzerland. Dr. M. C. Schuyten, Besturder v. d. Paedologischen School- dienst, Belgium. Dr. K. TwARDOWSKi, Professor, Lwow University, Poland. * Deceased 4 IV OFFICERS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCHOOL HYGIENE President Charles W. Eliot, President Emeritus, Harvard University. Vice-Presidents Dr. William H. Welch, Professor of Pathology, Johns Hop kins University. Dr. Henry P. Walcott, Chairman, Massachusetts Board of Health. Honorary Vice-Presidents Dr. Abraham Jacobi, Professor Emeritus, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. William H. Burnham, Ph.D., Professor of Pedagogy and School Hygiene, Clark University. His Eminence, James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Balti- more. Philander P. Claxton, A.M., Litt.D., United States Com- missioner of Education. John H. Finley, LL.D., President of the College of the City of New York. Adelbert Moot, Regent of University of State of New York. Sir James Grant, M.D., K.C.M.G., Ottawa. Dr. M. Uribe y Troncoso, Chief, Department of School Hygiene, Mexico, D. F. Dr. Rupert Blue, Surgeon General, U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Dr. H. M. Bracken, Secretary and Executive Officer, Minne- sota State Board of Health. Dr. Andrew S. Draper, Commissioner of Education, State of New York. Dr. Theobald Smith, Professor Comparative Pathology, Har- vard Medical School, Boston, Mass. David Starr Jordan, President, Leland Stanford, Jr. Uni- versity. Dr. Henry R. Hopkins, Professor Emeritus of Hygiene, Uni- versity of Buffalo, representing Buffalo Academy of Medicine. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, representing National Education Asso- ciation. Secretary-General Dr. Thomas A. Storey, Professor of Hygiene, College of the City of New York, New York City, U. S. A. Treasurer-General John H. Lascelles, Vice-President, Marine National Bank, Buffalo, New York, U. S. A. Executive Committee *Dr. Arthur T. Cabot, Chairman, Fellow, Harvard College. Dr. Francis E. Fronczak, Commissioner of Health, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Robert W. Lovett, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Henry P, Emerson, Superintendent of Education, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Luther H. Gulick, Director, Department of Child Hygiene, Russell Sage Foundation, New York City. Harold J. Balliett, City Clerk, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. David L. Edsall, Professor of Preventative Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. John H. Lascelles, Vice-President, Marine National Bank, Buffalo, New York, U. S. A. Joseph Lee, Boston, Mass. Dr. Thomas A. Storey, Secretary. Committee on Scientific Exhibit Dr. Fletcher B. Dresslar, Chairman, Specialist in School Hy- giene and Sanitation, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. E. G. Routzahn, Department of Surveys and Exhibits, Russell Sage Foundation, New York City. Dr. Franklin C. Gram, Department of Health, Buffalo, N. Y. Committee on Program The Executive Committee of the American School Hygiene Association. (Chairman not yet appointed) *Deceased 6 V COMMITTEES ON WAYS AND MEANS (Organized by the City of Buffalo) Executive Committee Dr.RoswELL F ARK, Chairman Herbert A. Meldrum, Vice-Chairman John H. Lascelles, Treasurer Harold J. Balliett, Secretary Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann Dr. Francis E. Fronczak Dr. Ida C. Bender Edward H. Butler Henry P. Emerson William J. Forsyth H. Montgomery Gerrans Fred Greiner Chauncy J. Hamlin Dr. LuciEN Howe Randolph McNutt Adelbert Moot Porter Norton Harry Parry Thomas Stoddart Frederick A. Vogt Rev. Daniel L. Walsh Finance Committee William J. Forsyth, Chairman John M. Satterfield, Vice-Chairman Louis L. Babcock John H. Baker E. J, Barcalo A. D. BiSSELL Lyman M. Bass H. D. Blakeslee Victor R. Blehdon Edward G. Becker Henry Boller Henry P. Burgard Joseph M. Brecker Oliver Cabana, Jr. Willis C. Chapin L. G. Collins J. L. Clawson J. C. Conway Roland Crangle William H. Crosby M. F. Dirnberger, Jr. J. C. Dold Henry P. Emerson Eugene L. Falk Robert L. Fryer Francis E. Fronczak, M.D. Joseph E. Gavin George C. Ginther S. Ginsberg Louis H. Gethoefer A. C. Goodyear Charles M. Heald Edward L. Hengerer G. H. H. Hills LuciEN Howe, M.D. Clifford Hubbell John J. Hynes John Hughes C. Sumner Jones, M.D. William T. Roberts Shepard Kimberly Henry Schaefer John A. Kloepfer Henry W. Sprague Harry J. Knepper George K. Staples Otto J. Lautz Joseph T. Snyder William P. Luedeke Henry C. Steul Mitchell Mark Charles G. Stockton, M.D. John P. McDonnell M. E. Taber Neil McEachren Henry Vesper James McC. Mitchell James B. Wall Jacob Mueller Grover W, Wende, M.D. John B. Olmsted George M. Zimmerman , Membership Committee Frederick A. Vogt, Chairman Joseph D. Allen, Vice-Chairman (Committee unorganized) Reception Committee Porter Norton, Chairman Charles B. Sears, Vice-Chairman George P. Sawyer William A. Rogers Willis Chapin Accommodation Committee H. Montgomery Gerrans, Chairman E. M. Statler, Vice-Chairman Frank W. Hinkley S. B. Eagan Transportation Committee Harry Parry, Chairman Charles M. Heald, Vice-Chairman (Committee unorganized) Entertainment and Excursion Committee Chauncy J. Hamlin, Chairman Dr. Charles Cary, Vice-Chairman (Committee unorganized) Exhibition Committee Randolph McNutt, Chairman Edmund McCarthy, Vice-Chairman Edward B. Green (Committee unorganized) Halls and Meetings Committee Thomas Stoddart, Chairman P. H. Cochrane, Vice-Chairman (Committee unorganized) Postal Committee Fred Greiner, Chairman (Committee unorganized) Press Committee Edward H. Butler, Chairman (Committee unorganized) VI PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL COMMMITTEE President Dr. Albert Mathieu, Medecin des hopitaux de Paris, President de la Ligue frangaise pour I'Hygiene scolaire. Permanent Council Dr. Albert Mathieu Prof. Leo Burgerstein Prof. Dr. Axel Hertel Dr. James Kerr Prof. Dr. MiSHiMA Prof. Luigi Pagliani E. White Wallis Dr. H. Griesbach Prof. M. Y. A. Vargas Prof. Dr. Schuyten Sir Lauder Brunton Prof. Chabot Dr. Schmid Dr. Gulick Members of the Permanent International Committee AUSTRIA Prof. Dr. med. O. Bujwid, Directeur de I'lnstitut d'Hygieiie, Cracovie. Prof. Dr. Leo Burgerstein, VI/2 Biirgerspitalgasse 28, Vienna. Prof. Dr. med. F. Hueppe, Directeur de I'lnstitut d'Hygiene a rUniversite allemande, Prague. Dr. A. Stych, Conseiller municipal, Prague. . Dr. Prochazka, Directeur du Bureau Sanitaire, Prague. Dr. EuGENiusz PiASECKi, Agrege d'Hygiene scolaire a la Faculte de Medecine, Lwow (Pologne d'Autriche). Prof. ExNER SiEGMUND, Vicnne. Dr. Celebrini, chef du service sanitaire, Trieste. BELGIUM Dr. O. Decroly, chef du service sanitaire, Bruxelles. Prof. Dr. M. C. Schuyten, Voorzitter van het algemeen paedo- logische Gezelschap, Bestuurder van den paedologischer Schooldienst en van het stedelijk paedologisch Labora- torium, Anvers. Mile. Dr. J. Joteyko, Directrice du laboratoire Kasimir de rUniversite libre de Bruxelles. BULGARIA Dr. J. Georgov, Professeur de Philosophic et de Pedagogic a rUniversite de Sofia. Dr. P. M. NoiKov, Professeur de Pedagogic a TUniversite de Sofia. CANADA Sir James Grant, M.D., K.C.M.G., Ottawa. Mile. Dr. Helen MacMurchy, Toronto. DENMARK Prof. Dr. med. Axel Hertel, Medecin inspecteur des ecoles, Copenhague. Dr. Harald Westergaard, Prof. d. staatsw. Encyklop. u. Sta- tistik, Copenhague. Dr. Paul Hertz, charge de cours, Copenhague. Dr. C. C. Jessen, Professeur Medecin des ficoles, Copenhague. ENGLAND Cloudesley Brereton, London. Sir John Cockburn, London. Dr. Clement Dukes, Rugby, Physician to the Hospital of St. Cross, and to Rugby School. Dr. James Kerr, Medical Officer, Education, London County Council. Sir Lauder Brunton, London. Matthew Hay, M.D., Professor of Forensic Medicine and Hygiene; Medical Officer of Health, University of Aber- deen. Prof. Osler, University of Oxford. E. White Wallis, Director of the Royal Sanitary Institute, London. Prof. William R. Smith, M.D., D.Sc. F.R.S., Edinburgh. FINLAND Dr. med. Laitinen^ Professeur d'Hygiene et Directeur de I'lnsti- tut hygienique, Helsingfors, Finlande. Prof. Dr. med. Alb. Palmberg, Helsingfors. FRANCE Prof. Chabot, Faculte des Lettres, Lyon. Dr. Chantemesse, Prof, a I'ficole de Med., Inspecteur general des Services sanitaires, Paris. Dr. J. Courmont, Prof. d'Hygiene a la Faculte de Medecine de Lyon. Prof. Lefevre_, Doyen de la Faculte des Lettres, Lille. Dr. Legendre, Med. des hop. de Paris. Prof. SiGALAS, Faculte de Medecine de Bordeaux. Dr. Louis Dufestel, Secretaire general du IHe Congres Inter- national, Medecin-inspecteur des ecoles, Paris. V.-H. Friedel, du Musee peda^gogique, Paris. II GERMANY Prof. Dr. Med. A. Baginsky, Direktor des Kaiser und Kaiserin Friedrich Kinder Krankenhauses u. Vorsitzender des Ber- liner Vereins fiir Schulgesundheitspflege, Berlin. Geh. Med.-Rat. Prof. Dr. A. Eulenberg, Berlin, Geh. Med.-Rat. Prof. Dr. med. D. Finkler, Direktor des hygi- enischen Univ.-Instituts, Bonn. V. ScHENKENDORFF-GoERLiTZ, Vorsitzender d. Zentralauschus- ses f. V'olks- 11. Jngendspiele u. d. deutsch. Vereins f. Knabenhandarbeit. Prof. Dr. med. et phil. Griesbach, Ex- Vorsitzender des Allge- meinen deutschen Vereins fiir Schulgesundheitspflege, Mulhouse (Alsace). GREECE Dr. med. R. Nicolaides, Professeur de Physiologic, Athenes. Dr. med. Const. Savas, Professeur d'Hygiene et Directeur de rinstitut d'Hygiene, Athenes. HUNGARY Kgl. Rat. Prof. Dr. med. Leo Liebermann, Direktor des Hygienischen Instituts der Universitat, Budapest. Dr. med. H. Schuschny, Schularzt und Professor der Hygiene an der Staatsoberrealschule — Praesident des Fachkomitees der Schulaerzte und Professoren der Hygiene, Budapest. Kgl. Rat. W. SzupPAN, Direktor der Handelsakademie und Refe- rent des Landes-Unterrichts-Rates, Budapest. ITALY Dr. LuiGi Pagliani, Professeur d'Hygiene, Turin. Dr. Alfonso di Vestea, Professeur d'Hygiene, Pise. Prof. L. Credaro, Depute, Ministre de I'lnstruction publique, Rome. Dr. Giuseppe Badaloni, Docente in Igiene pedagogica, Rome. 12 JAPAN Prof. Dr. M. Mishima, Inspecteur general de I'Hygiene scolaire, Tokio. Dr. Y. Sakaki, Professenr de Psychiatric a I'Universite de Fukuoka. GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Dr. Edm. Jos. Klein, Professeur, Diekirch, Luxembourg. Th. Witry, Inspecteur principal des ecoles, Luxembourg. MEXICO Prof. Dr. Manuel Velasquez Andrade, Inspecteur de I'Educa- tion physique, membre du Conseil superieur de I'lnstruc- tion publique, Mexico. Dr. D. Manuel Uribe y TroxNcoso, Medecin-inspecteur en chef des ecoles du district federal de Mexico. NORWAY Dr. med. Axel Johannessen, Professeur de Pediatric, Chris- tiania. M. J. Hougen, Secretaire general du Ministere royal de I'lnstruc- tion publique, Christiania. NETHERLANDS Prof. J. H. Bense, Voorzittei- van den Vereeniging tot. Vereen voudiging van Examens en Onderwijs. te Arnhem. Prof. Dr. med. C. Eykman, Directeur de I'lnstitut d'Hygiene, Utrecht. Dr. med. C. Winkler, Professeur de Psychiatric, Amsterdam. Dr. W. F. Unia Steyn Parve, Medecin-inspecteur des ecoles, Deventer. PORTUGAL Dr. Curry Cabral, Professor de Chirurgie, Lisbonne. Dr. S. C. Da Costa Sacadura, Direction generale de I'lnstruc- tion publique, Lisbonne. Dr. Pacheco de Miranda, Medecin inspecteur sanitaire scolaire, Porto. 13 ROUMANIA Dr. med. Victor Babes, Professeur d'Hygiene, Bucharest. RUSSIA Prof, Khlopine, Professeur d'Hygiene, Saint Petersbourg. Dr. med. Ir. Skwortzow, Professeur d'Hygiene a I'Universite, Charkow (Russia). Dr. KopczYNSKi, Inspecteur scolaire, Varsovie (Pologne russe). SERVIA Dr. Batut, Professeur d'Hygiene Publique, Belgrade. SPAIN Dr. med. Manuel be Tolosa Latour, Prof, de Pediatric, Madrid. Dr. med. Patricio Borobio y Diaz, Prof, des Maladies des enfants, Saragosse. Dr. A. M. Y. Vargas, prof, de Pediatrie, Barcelone. SWEDEN Dr. E. B. Almquist, Professeur d'Hygiene a I'lnstitut medico- chirurgical, Stockholm. Dr. Hugo Hagelin, Docteur es lettres, Professeur au Lycee de Nykoping. Dr. J. Bager Sjogren, Docteur es lettres, Inspecteur de I'Enseignement primaire, Norkoping. SWITZERLAND Prof. Er. Erismann, Ziirich. Dr. med. Fr. Schmid, Direktor des schweizer. Gesundheitsamtes, Praesident der schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir Schul- gesundheitspflege, Berne. Zollinger, Sekretaer des Erziehungswesens, Zurich. 14 UNITED STATES Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, New York. Prof. W. T. Porter, M.D., Physiological Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston. G. Stanley Hall, President of Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Dr. Henry P. Walcott, Chairman Massachusetts State Board of Health. Dr. Luther H. Gulick, A'I.D., M.P.E., Director Department of Child Hygiene, Russell Sage Foundation, New York. R. Tait McKenzie, B.A., M.D., Professor of Physical Educa- tion, Director of Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. William H. Burnham, Ph.D., Professor of Pedagogy and School Hygiene, Clark University (Worcester). Thomas A. Storey, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Hygiene, Col- lege of the City of New York. VII FOREIGN COMMITEES AUSTRIA President Dr. S. Exner, k. k. Hofrat, Obersanitatsrat, o. o. Professor an der k. k. Universitat, Wien. Viz eprasidenten Dr. J. Huemer, k. k. Hofrat im Ministerium fiir Kultus und Unterricht. Dr. F. Stabler, k. k. Ministerialrat im Ministerium des Innern. Dr. H. Redl, k. k. Ministerialrat im Ministerium fiir Oeffent- liche Arbeiten. 15. Mitglieder Dr. F. Baldi, k. k. Oberbezirksarzt, Salzburg. Dr. J. Braitenberg von Zenoburg, k. k. Ministerialrat im Ministerium fiir Kultus und Unterricht, Wien. K. Bruchnalski, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Lemberg. Dr. E, Ritter von Celebrini, k. k. Hofrat und Landessanitats- referent, Triest. Dr. J. Fortwangler, k. k. Landesregierungsrat und Landes- sanitatsreferent, Troppau. Dr. R. Heller, Schularzt an der k. k. Lehrerbildungsanstalty Salzburg. Dr. K. Ritter von Helly, k. k. Statthaltereirat und Landes- sanitatsreferent, Wien. Dr. A. HoRST, Sanitatskonsulent im k. k. Ministerium des Innern,, Wien. F. HuBAD, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Laibach. H. Januschke, k. k. Regierungsrat und Landesschulinspektor^ Wien. Dr. F. Kamenicek, k. k, Regierungsrat, Direktor d. I. b. Staatsgymnasiums, Briinn. Dr. R. Kauer, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Triest. Dr. B. Kluczenko, k. k. Hofrat und Landessanitatsreferent,, Czernowitz. Dr. H. KoKALL, k. k. Sanitatsrat, Stadtphysikus, Briinn. Dr. A. Kriz, k. k. Regierungsrat, Obersanitatsrat, Sanitats- referent im Ministerium fiir Offentliche Arbeiten, Wien. Dr. A. KuTSCHERA Ritter von Aichbergen, k. k. Statthalterei- rat und Landessanitatsreferent, Innsbruck. Dr. A. Lanner, k. k. Schulrat, Innsbruck. Dr. J. Locker, k. k. Statthaltereirat und Landessanitatsreferent^ Linz. Dr. J. Loos, k. k. Hofrat und Landesschulinspektor, Linz. Dr. J. Muhr, k. k. Hofrat und Landesschulinspektor, Prag. K. Necasek, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Prag. Dr. A. Pawlitschek, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Czernowitz. Dr. I. Pelc, k. k. Hofrat und Landessanitatsreferent, Prag. Dr. E. Piasecki, k. k. Professor, Privatdozent, und Schularzt,. Lemberg. Dr. L. PossEK, k. k. Hofrat und Landessanitatsreferent, Graz. Dr. K. Rosenberg, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Graz. Dr. L. Schedlbauer, k. k. Ministerialrat im Ministerium fiir Kultus und Unterricht, Wien. i6 F. Slameczka, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Troppau. Dr. A. Vicic, k. k. Landesregiernngsrat nnd Landessanitats- referent, Klagenfurt. Dr. K. ViPAUC, k. k. Landessanitatsinspektor, Zara. F. Winkler, Landesoberrealschnldirektor, Mitglied des k. k. Landesschulrates, Briinn. Dr. L. RiTTER VON WOTAWA, k. k. Bezirksarzt u. Schularzt b. d. k. k. b. Lehrerbildungsanstalt, Briinn. M. Zawadlal, k. k. Landesschulinspektor, Zara. Sekretar Dr. L. BuRGERSTEiN, k. k. Regierungsrat, Wien. BELGIUM President d'honneur MM. les EcHEviNS de I'Instruction Publique d'Anvers, de Briixelles, de Gand, de Liege, de St. Gilles. Membres Dr. BoRDET, Prof, a TUniversite libre de Bruxelles. Dr. De Bruycker, Assistant aan de Hoogeschool te Gent. Dr. De Greek, Recteur de I'Universite Nouvelle de Bruxelles. Dr. J. De ]\Ioor, Prof, a I'Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Dr. Is. GuNZBURG, Schoolarts te Antwerpen. Dr. Ensch, Directeur du Service d'Hygiene des Ecoles de Schaar- beeck. Mile. Dr. Joteyko, Directrice de la Revue Psychologique, Bruxelles. Dr. A. Ley, Directeur de I'Asile Fort Jacco, Uccle, Bruxelles. Dr. J. MacLeod, Prof, aan de Hoogeschool, Gent. A. Nyns, Opziener der Lagere Scholen te Brussel. Dr. Querton, Prof. Agrege a I'Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Dr. Fr. Sano, Bestuurder van bet Asylum. Stuyvenberggasthuis, Antwerpen. Dr. M. C. ScHUYTEN, Bestuurder v. d. Paedologischen School- dienst, Antwerpen. Representant de la Commission Dr. M. C. ScHUYTEN, Antwerpen. 17 CANADA National Committee (being formed). Committees from the Provinces Alberta (Committee being formed.) Ontario Dr. Charles A. Hodgetts, Chairman, Ottawa. Dr. T. W. G. Mackay, Secretary, Oshawa. Dr. W. E. Struthers, Toronto. Dr. F. S. RuTTAN, Woodstock. Dr. A. P. Knight, Kingston. Dr. C. N, Laurie, Port Arthur. Dr. A. W. Macpherson, Petersborough. Dr. Dickinson, Port Hope. Quebec C. J. Magnan, Chairman, Inspector General of Schools for the Province of Quebec, Quebec. Dr. J. A. Baudouin, Secretary, Medical Officer of Health of the City of Lachine. Dr. J. E. Laberge, Director of Medical Inspection of Schools of the City of Montreal. Dr. C. R. Paouin, Joint Medical Officer of Health of the City of Quebec. Dr. T. A. Starkey, Professor of Hygiene at McGill University, Montreal. Dr. C. N. Valin, Professor of Hygiene at Laval University, Montreal. Dr. A. D. Blackader, Specialist in Diseases of Children, Montreal. Dr. I. Cormier, Specialist in Diseases of Children, Montreal. Dr. Rene Fortier, Specialist in Diseases of Children, Quebec. Saskatchewan (Committee being formed.) 18 , CUBA Presidente Dr. Jose A. Lopez del Valle, Jefe Local de Sanidad de la Habana. Vice-Presidente Dr. Luis Maria Cowley, Catedratico de Higiene de la Universi- dad. Secretario Dr. Jorge A. Ponce, Inspector Escolar. Miembros Dr. Ernesto de Aragon, Jefe de Inspectores Medicos. Dr. Jose Carbonell, Jefe de Inspectores Escolares. Dr. Eduardo PlA, Director del Instituto. Dr. Manuel Delfin, Especialista en Enfestores de Niiios. Dr. Gonzalo Arostegui, Medico de la Casa de Maternidad. Dr. Luciano Martinez, Superintendente Provincial en Comision. Dr. Manuel Mencia, Director de la Casa de Beneficencia y Maternidad. Dr. Domingo Ramos, Jefe del Negociado Homicultura. Dr. Manuel Aguir, Inspector Escolar. Dr. Manuel Valdes Rodriquez, Catedratico de Pedagogia. Sr. RoMULO Noriega, Director de la Escuela "Luz Caballero." Sr. Feliz Callejas, Oficial de la Secretaria de Instruccion Publica. DENMARK Honorary President His Excellency, the Minister of the Department of Education, J. Appel. Chairman Dr. C. C. Jessen, Professor of Medical Inspection; President of the Association for School Hygiene of Denmark, Copen- hagen. Secretary Dr. Thomassen, Director of the School Museum, Copenhagen. (Committee not completed.) 19 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Committee being formed.) ENGLAND President Sir Lauder Brunton, Bart., LL.D., F.R.C.P., D.Sc, F.R.S. Honorary Secretaries James Kerr, M.A., M.D., D.P.H. E. White Wallace, F.S.S. (Committee not reported.) FRANCE Comite de Patronage President d'honneur M. le Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Membres M. Adam, Recteur de TAcademie de Nancy. M. Gilbert Ballet, Professeur a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. Maurice Barres, de I'Academie frangaise. Depute. M. Pierre Baudin, angien ministre, Senateur. M. Bayet, Directeur de I'enseignement superieur au ministere de I'l. P. M. Bouchard, Membre de I'lnstitute, Pfr. honoraire a la Faculte de Medecine. Paris. M.' Maurice Faure, angien ministre, Senateur. M. Calmette, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine Dir. le I'institut Pasteur, Lille. M. le Dr. Chantemesse, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. le Dr. Combemale, Doyen de la Faculte de Medecine, Lille. M. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, President du Comite int. olympique. M. H. Galli, President du Conseil municipal de Paris. M. A. Gautier, Membre de I'lnstitute Pfr. honoraire a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. Jules Gautier, Conseillier cl'Etat. M. Gassouet, Dir. de I'enseignement prim, au ministere de I'l. P. M. Herriot, Maire de Lyon. M. le Dr. Hutinel, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. le Dr. Gilbert, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. GusTAVE Lanson, Pfr. a la Faculte des Lettres, Paris. M. Lepine, Prefet de Police. M. Liard, Membre de I'lnstitut Vice Recteur de I'Acadeinie de Paris. M. le Dr. Pierre Marie, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine de Paris. M. A. Mezieres, de I'Academie Frangaise, Senateur. M. G. ]\Iesureur, Directeur de I'xAssistance Publique, Paris. M. le Dr. Mosse, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Toulouse. M. MiRMAN, Directeur de I'assistance et de I'hygiene publiques au Ministere de I'interieur. M. le Dr. Nicolas, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Lyon. M. le Dr. Pedebidou, Senateur. M. le Dr. Pinard, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Paris. M. Rebeillard, conseiller Municipal, Paris. M. Regis, Pfr. a la Faculte de Medecine, Bordeaux. M. RoHMER, Pfr. a la Faculte Medecine, Nancy. M. P. Strauss, Senateur. M. Siegfried, an(;ien Ministre Senateur. M. Thamin, Recteur de I'Academie Bordeaux. Comite d'Organisation President M. le Dr. Albert !NL\thieu, President du Comite Permanent International. M. le Dr. Louis Dufestel, Medecin inspector des ecoles de Paris, Secretaire general du Ille. Congres. Membres Mile. Allegrez, directrice du lycee de jeunes filles. Versailles. M. le Dr. Baylac, Pfr. agrege, Toulouse. M. Bedorez, Directeur de I'enseignement primaire de Paris. M. Bougier, Pfr. au college Rollin, Paris. M. Breton, Pfr. agrege a la faculte de medecine, Lille. M. Breitling, Proviseur du lycee Buffon, Paris. M. le Dr. Butte, Secretaire general de la societe des medecins inspecteurs des Ecoles, Paris. M. le Dr. Cayla, Medecin inspecteur des ecoles, Paris. M. Chabot, Pfr. a la faculte des lettres, Lyons. M. le Dr. Courmont, Pfr. a la faculte de medecin, Lyon. M. Courtois, Architecte, Paris. M. le Dr. Dausset, Paris. M. le Dr. Dinnet, Medecin inspecteur des ecoles, Paris. M. Friedel, Sous-Directeur du Musee pedagogique, Paris. M. le Dr. Gasser, Oran (Algerie). M. Gazeau, proviseur du lycee Condorcet, Paris. M. le Dr. Gillet, Vice-President de la societe des medecins inspecteurs des ecoles, Paris. M. le Dr. H. Gourichon, President de la societe & . M. le Dr. Guibert, angien conseiller municipal, Paris. M. le Dr. Guinon, medecin des hopitaux, Paris. M. le Dr. Lausies, medecin inspecteur des ecoles le Havre. M. le Dr. Leroy, id M. Lefevre, Pfr. a la faculte des lettres, Lille. M. le Dr. Le Gendre, medecin des hopitaux, Paris. M. le Prince-Ringuet, President de I'Association des Anciens eleves des lycees et colleges. M. Lamy, Inspecteur general de I'enseignement primaire. M. le Dr. Loir, directeur du bureau d'hygiene le Havre. M. Malapert, Pfr. de philosophic au lycee Louis le Grand, Paris. M. le Dr. H. Mery, medecin des hopitaux pfr. agrege, Paris. M. le Dr. Meyer, medecin inspecteur des ecoles, Paris. M. le Dr. de Pradel, Medecin inspecteur des ecoles, Paris. M. Riotor, secretaire general de la Societe I'Art a I'ecole. M. le Dr. H. Soulie, Pfr. a la faculte de medecine, Alger. M. le Dr. Weiss, Pfr. a la faculte de medecine, membre de I'Academie de medecine. GERMANY Vorsitzender Wirkl. Geh. Obermedizinalrat Prof. Dr. Kirchner, Ministerial- direktor im Konigl. Preuss. Ministerium des Innern, Ber- lin. Vorsitzender des D. V. f. Sch. Schriftfuhrer Prof. Dr. Selter, Bonn. Mitglieder Geh. Obermedizinalrat Dr. Abel, Vortrag. im Kgl. Preuss. Mini- sterium des Innern, Berlin. Geh. Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. Baginsky, Berlin, Vorsitzender des Berliner V. f. Sch. Geh, Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. Binswanger, Jena. Geh. Oberschulrat Dr. Block, Darmstadt. Geh. Oberbaurat Delius, Vortr. Rat im Kgl. Preuss. Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten, Berlin. Realschuldirektor F. Dorr, Frankfort a/M. Prof. Dr. Richard Eickoff, M. d. D. Reichstages u. d. H. d. a. Remscheid. Geh. Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. A. Eulenburg, Berlin. Geh. Med. Rat Prof. Dr. FlOgge, Direktor d. Hyg. Inst. d. Univ. Berlin. Biirgerschnllehrer Herm. Graupner, Dresden. Obermedizinalrat Prof. Dr. M. v. Gruber, Direktor d. Hyg. Inst. d. Univ. Munchen. Prof. Dr. Artur Hartmann, Heidenheim. Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann, Leipzig. Prof. Dr. Hellpach, Karlsruhe. Geh. Oberregierungsrat Dr. Heuschen, Vortr. Rat i. Kgl. Preuss. Minist. d. geistl. u. Unterrichtsangelegenheiten, Berlin. Rektor O. Hohne, Vertr. d. Deutschen Lehrervereins, Berlin. Rektor Hertel, Vorsitzender d. Vereinigung f. Schulgesund- heitspflege d. Deutschen Lehrervereins, Berhn. Beigeordneter Dr. Kottgen, Dortmund. Beigeordneter Dr. Krautwig, Coin. Prof. Dr. Kruse, Direktor d. Hyg. Instituts d. Universitat, Bonn. Geh. Med. Rat Prof. Dr. Leubuscher, Medizinalreferent i. Herzl. Sachsen-Meiningen'schen Ministerium, Vors. d. ver- einigung d. Schularzte Deutschlands, Meiningen. Geh. Hofrat Dr. Maty, Ref. i. Grossherzogl. Bad. Unterrichts- ministerium, Karlsruhe. Stadtschulrat Dr. Neufert, Charlottenburg. Stadtarzt Dr. Oebbeck, Breslau. Prof. Dr. Port, Heidelberg. Verwaltungsphysikus Prof. Dr. Pfeiffer, Hamburg. Stadtbaurat Rehlen, Munchen. Oberlehrer Prof. Dr. Roller, Darmstadt. Prof. Dr. V. Schleich, Direktor d. Univ.-Augenklinik, Tiibingen.. Sanitatsrat Prof. Dr. F. A. Schmidt, Bonn. 23 Stadtschularzt Dr. Stephany, Herausgeber d. Zeitschrift f. Schulgesundheitspflege, Mannheim. Stadtschulrat Prof. Dr. Sickinger, Mannheim. Prof. Dr. ViETOR, Marburg-. Prof. Dr. A¥alkhoff, Miinchen. Prof. Dr. Weichardt, Erlangen. Stadtschulrat Dr. Wehrhahn, Hannover. Geh. Med. Rat Prof. Dr. Wernicke, Direktor d. Hyg. Inst. Posen. Prof. Dr. A. Wernicke, Direktor d. Oberrealschule u. Prof. an der technischen Hochschule, Braunschweig. Geh. Reg". Rat Dr. Wutzdorff, Direktor im Kais. Gesundheits- amt, BerHn. HAYTI Most Reverend Pichon, Archbishop of Port-au-Prince. Mr. A. BoNAMY, President of the Supreme Court. Dr. Leon Audian, Ex-Intern of the Paris Hospitals, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Dr. L. Bruno, Professor of Hygiene, School of Medicine, Di- rector of Health. Dr. Gaston Dalencour, Ex-Inspector of Schools, Port-au- Prince. Dr. J. C. DoRSAiNviL, Professor of Philosophy, National Lyceum of Port-au-Prince. W. Bellegarde, Ex-Alumnus of the Superior Normal School of Paris. Dr. Caius Lherisson, Director of Louverture College, President of the Association of Teachers, Officer of Academy. Mr. Charles Bouchereau, Chief of Division in the Department of Public Instruction. Dr. H. Mahatiere, Professor of Physiology, School of Medicine of Port-au-Prince. Dr. Paul Salomon, Director of the School of Medicine of Port- au-Prince. HONDURAS (Committee being formed.) 24 HUNGARY President Dr. Leo de Liebermann, Prof, of Hygiene, University, Buda- pest. Vice-Presidents Dr. Bela de Tenyvessy, Professor, University, Budapest. Terenc Kemsny, Director of Secondary School, Budapest. Dr. Henrik Schuschny, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. ViLMOs SzuppAN, Director of the Commercial Academy, Buda- pest. Secretaries Dr. Laszlo Szgszovszky, Budapest. Dr. TiJLop Waldman, Budapest. Members Dr. Aladar Anjeszky, Professor, Budapest. Janos Bernath, Professor of Gymnastics, Budapest. Dr. Armin Bexheft, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Janos de Bokay, Professor, University, Budapest. Dr. Gyula Dollinger, Professor, University, Budapest. Gyula Dortsak, Director, Ungrav. Karoly Tillinger, Assistant, University, Budapest. Dr. Gyula de Tilep, Chief Physician, Kolozsvav. Dr. ZsiGMOND DE Gerloczy, Privatdocent, Budapest. Dr. Emil de Grosz, Professor, University, Budapest. Miss Dr. Ilona Gyori, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Lajos de Ilosvay, M.P. and Professor of Polytechnicum, Budapest. Miss Dr. SziDONiA John, School Physician j^nd Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Adolf Juba, Privatdocent, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Rezso Leszner, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Geza de Lobmayer, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. 25 Dr. Mladen Magyarevics, Chief Physician, Budapest. Dr. Erno Emil Moravcsik, Professor, University, Budapest. Imre de Mosdosy, Royal Inspector of Primary Schools, Budapest. Dr. Laszlo de Magy, Director, Budapest. Dr. OszKAR Orszag, Consulting Physician to the. Sanatorium, Budaksczi. Dr. JozsEF Otto, Professor of Gymnastics, Budapest. Dr. Karoly Pakozdi, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Emil Pardanyi, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Pal Ranschburg, Privatdocent, Budapest. Dr. GuszTAV DE Rigler, Professor, University, Kolozsvar. Dr. Jeno Taufer, Chief Physician, School Physician and Pro- fessor of Hygiene, Temesva. Dr. Terenc Tauszk, Privatdocent, Budapest. Earl Sandov de Teleky, M.P., Budapest. Dr. Odon Tuszkai, School Physician and Professor of Hygiene, Budapest. Dr. Jeno Vangel, Director of Pedagogium, Budapest. Dr. Janos de Vegh, Physician, Budapest. Dr. Odon Weszely, Director, Budapest. ITALY (Committee being formed.) JAPAN President Count A. HijiKATA, Exc., President, Japanese Hygiene Society. Vice-President 'K. MiuRA, M.D., F.E.S., Professor of Nervous Diseases, University of Tokio. Secretary Dr. M. MiSHiMA, Tokio. 26 Members Baron Kikuchi, Exc, Ph.D., LL.D., F.E.S., Honorary Professor, Member of the House of Lords, Tokio. Prof. S. KiTASATO, M.D., Hon. F.E.S., Director of the Imperial Institute for Infectious Diseases. M. Matsumura, Director and Minister of Public Instruction, Tokio. T. Matsushita, M.D., Professor of Hygiene, University of Kyoto. H. H. MiAKE, F.E.S., o. Hon. Prof. (Tokio), Member of the House of Lords. K. MiYAiRi, M.D., Professor of Hygiene, University of Fukuoka. Y. MoTARA, M.D., F.E.S.. Professor of Psychology, University of Tokio. M. Ogata, M.D., F.E.S., Professor of Hygiene, University of Tokio. Y. Sakaki, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of Fukuoka. M. Sawayanagi, Exc, Assistant Secretary of State to the Minis- ter of Public Instruction, Tokio. Baron K. Takagi, M.D., F.E.S., Inspector General of Naval Medicine, Member of the House of Lords, Tokio. H. Watsuji, M.D., Professor of Otology and Laryngology, Uni- versity of Kioto. T. Yabe, M.D., Inspector General of Naval Medicine, Member of the Hygiene Council to the Minister of the Navy, Tokio. MEXICO Honorary President Sr. Lie. Jose" M. Pino Suarez, Secretario de Instruccion Publica y Bellas Artes. Honorary Vice-Presidents Sr. Ing. G. Lopez de Llergo, Subsecretario de Instruccion Publica y Bellas Artes. Sr. Lie. J. Eguia Liz, Recotr de la Universidad N. de Mexico. Sr. Dr. J. Terres, Director General de Educacion Primaria. Sr. Dr. Eduardo Liceaga, Presidente del Consejo S. de Salu- bridad. Sr. Dr. Alfonso Pruneda, Director de la Escuela de Altos Estudios. 27 President Sr. Dr. Manuel Uribe y Troncoso, Jefe de Servicio Higienico del Ramo de Instruccion Piiblica, Miembro de Comite per- manente de los Congresos Internacional de Higiene Escolar. Vice-Presidents Sr. Dr. Joaquin Cosio, Professor de la Escuela N. de Medicina, Medico Inspector de escuelas. Sr. Prof. M. Velasquez Andrade, Inspector de Educacion Fisica, Miembro del Comite permanente de los Congresos Internacional de Higiene Escolar. Secretary Sr. Dr. Ricardo E. Cicero, Profesor de la Escuela de Medi- cina, Medico de la Escuela "Dr. Balmis." — la del Relox n. I, Mexico, D. F. Members Dr. Jose A. Gamboa, Inspector Medico de las Escuela Primarias. Si. Dr. E. Lavalle Carvajal, Medico Inspector de las Escuelas Primarias. Sr. Dr. A. Benavides, Medico Inspector de las Escuelas Pri- marias. Sr. Dr. Valentin Rojas, Medico Inspector de la Escuela N. Preparatoria. Sr. Dr. Jose I. Saloma, Medico Inspector del Internado Na- cional. Sr. Ing. M. Torres Torija, Inspector General de Arquitectura en el Ministerio de Instruccion Publica y Bellas Artes. Sr. Arq. Federico Mariscal, Arquitecto del Ministerio de In- struccion Publica y Bellas Artes. Srita. Genoveva Cortes, Directora de la Escuela Normal para Maestras. Sr. Prof G. Torres Quintero, Jefe de Seccion en el Ministerio de Instruccion Publica y Bellas Artes. Sr. Prof. PoNCiANO Rodriguez, Director de la Escuela Primaria anexa a la Normal para Maestros. Srita. Profesora Esther Huidobro de Azua, Inspectora de Escuelas Primarias. Dr. Manuel Carmona, Director de la Escuela Dental. Sr. Dr. Fernando Casares, Merida, Yuc. 28 Sr. Dr. Jose de J. Gonzalez, Leon Gto. Medico Inspector de Escuelas. Sr. Dr. M. R. Soberon, Inspector General de Salubridad del Estado de S. Luis. Sr. PoTOsi, Prof, de Higiene en el Instituto Cientifico y Literario. Sr. Dr. Antonio Alonso, Oculista Inspector de las Escuelas, San Luis Potosi. Sr. Dr. O. Cavazos, Saltillo Coah. NETHERLANDS Honorary President Dr. Th. Heemskerk, Minister of the Interior. President Dr. J. D. VAN der Plaats, Professor, Veterinary School, Utrecht. Vice-President Dr. J. H. Gunning Wzn, Chief Inspector of Elementary Schools, Lecturer on Pedagogics, University, Amsterdam. Secretary Dr. W. F. Unia Steyn Parve, Medical Inspector of Schools, Deventer. Members Dr. J. Simon van der Aa, Professor, University of Groningen. W. F. N. BiscHOFF VAN Heemskerk, General Major, Inspector of the Infantry. A. W. Bos, Director of Public Works, Amsterdam. K. TEN Bruggencate, Inspector of Secondary Schools, The Hague. J. T. T. C. VAN Dam van Jsselt, President of the Central Board of Hygiene, Utrecht. Dr. C. Eykman, Professor, Director of the Institute of Hygiene, LTtrecht. Dr. H. Goeman Borgesius, Ex-Minister of the Interior, Member of the Second Chamber of the States General, The Hague. Dr. M. Ketelaar, Inspector of Elementary Schools, Amsterdam. 2Q Dr. H. J. KiEWiET DE JoNGE, Member of the Directors of the Society "Volksweerbarheid." J. H. LuiTiNG, President of the Society "Physical Education," Amsterdam. Dr. J. J. PiGEAUD, Medical Inspector of Schools, The Hague. G. Polvliet, Ex-Captain of Infantry, Beverwyk. Dr. M. W. Pynappel, Chief Inspector of Health, Zwolle. Dr. Th. Ruys Jpzn, Inspector of Elementary Schools, Zwolle. Dr. R. H. Saltet, Professor of Hygiene, Amsterdam. A. J. Schreuder, Director of Med. -Pedagogical Institute, Arn- hem. Dr. C. F. ScHREVE, Secretary of the Society of Medical Sciences, Amsterdam. Dr. C. J. ViNKESTEYN, Inspector of Grammar Schools, The Hague. Kl. de Vries Szn, Member of the Municipal Council, Amster- dam. Dr. C. Winkler, Professor of Psychology, University of Am- sterdam. NORWAY E. HouGiN, Edpeditionschef im Kultusministerium. Dr. Axel Johannessen, Professor of Medicin in der medical Fakultat d. Universitats zur Kristiania (Vorsitzender). POLISH SOCIETIES Permanent Committee President Dr. K. Twardowski, Professor Lwow University. Vice-President Dr. O. BujwiD^ Professor of Hygiene, Cracow University, Mem- ber of the Permanent International Committee. 30 Secretary Dr. E. PiASECKi, Assistant Professor of School Hygiene, Lwow University, Member of the Permanent International Com- mittee, Lwow, ul. Trzeciego Maja 2 (Austrian Poland). Members Miss A. Aleksandrowiczowna, Delegate Zwiazek Nauczycieiek (P'emale Teachers' Union), Lwow. Dr. Z. Bendl, Delegate Towarzystwo Nauczycieli Szkol wyzszych (High Schools' Teachers' Association), Zlozow. M. BiALOWiEjSKi Delegate Komitet Ogrodow Raua (Rau Rec- reation Grounds Committee), Warsaw. St. Biega, Delegate Polski Zwiazek Soko (Polish Gymnastic Union), Lwow. Dr. M. Biehlerowa, Delegate Warszawskie Towarzystwo Hy- gieniczne (Warsaw Hygienic Society). Dr. L. Bier, Delegate Krakowskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie Cra- cow Medical Society. Dr. J. Browicz, Aulic Counsellor, Professor, Cracow University. Dr. W. Chodecki, Delegate Polskie Towarzystwo badan nad dziecmi (Polish Child Study Society), Warsaw. J. GoRAL, Delegate Macierz Szkolma Ksiestwa Cieszynskiego (School League of Austrian Silesia), and Polski Towar- zystwo Pedagogiczne (Polish Pedagogical Society, Cierzyn), Grodek. Dr. Hewelke, Delegate Warszawski Towarzystwo Lekarskie (Warsaw Medical Society). Dr. T. Janiszevvski, Chief Medical Officer City of Cracow. St. Kalinowski, Delegate Polski Zwiazek Nauczycielski (Polish Teachers' Union), Warsaw. Dr. A. Karwowski, Delegate Towarzystwo Hygieny Spotecznej (Social Hygiene Society), Posen. Dr. W. Knappe, School Doctor, Delegate Warsaw Hygienic Society. Dr. St. Kopczynski, School Doctor, Delegate School Doctor's Section Warsaw Hygienic Society, Member of the Perma- nent International Society. Dr. W. KosMOWSKi, Delegate Warsaw Hygienic Society. W. R. KozowSKi, Editor of the "Ruch" (Magazine on physical education), Warsaw. K. Krol, Delegate Stowarzyszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskiego (Polish Teachers' Association), Warsaw. Dr. A. Krysinski, Delegate Towarzystwo hygieny praktycznej (Society for the Promotion of Practical Hygiene), War- saw. A. LuKAziEWicz, Polskie Museum Szkolne (Polish Educational Museum), Lwow. Miss J. Mayowna^ Training College, Cracow. Mrs. I. Mozgzenska-Rzepecka, Delegate Polish Teachers' Union, Warsaw. Dr. R. NiTSCH, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Cracow Uni- versity. Dr. J. Opirnskt, District Medical Officer, Delegate Towarzystwo Szkoly Ludowej (Primar_v Schools Society), Lwow. Dr. Z. Paderewski^ Delegate Instytut Hygieny Dzieciecej (Child Hygiene Institute), Warsaw. Dr. K. Panek, Professor Lwow Veterinary Academy, Editor of "Przeglad hygieniczny" (Hygienic Review), Lwow. Dr. L. Rydygier, Aulic Counsellor, Professor Lwow University, Delegate Towarzystwo Lekarksie Iwowskie (Lwow Medi- cal Society). Dr. St. Rotermund^ Delegate Rau Recreation Grounds Com- mittee, Warsaw. Dr. W. Serbenski, City Medical Officer, Delegate Towarzystwo Hygieniczne (Hygienic Society), Lwow. Dr. Wl. Sterling, Delegate Polish Child Study Society, War- saw. E. SzAjEwsKi, Delegate Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne (Polish Pedagogical Society), Lwow. Miss A. SzYXOWNA, Delegate Polish Teachers' Union, and Polish Child Study Society, Warsaw. A. Wallek, Delegate Polish Gymnastic Union, Lwow. L. Zarzecki, Delegate Polish Teachers' Association, Warsaw. Miss B. ZuLiNSKA, Delegate Towarzystwo Kolonii leczniczych (Holiday Camps Association), Lwow. SWEDEN President Dr. B. J. Berquist, Directeur en Chef de I'enseignement second- aire. Membres Dr. E. Almquist, Prof, de Faculte, Stockholm. Dr. J. Bager- Sjogren, Inspecteur des ficoles primaires, Norr- koping. Z2 M. G. Berghm, Instituteur, Stockholm. M. A. Lenhardtsen, Chef de clinique pour les maladies den- taires des ficoles primaires de Stockholm. M. G. MoLLER, Surintendant, Stockholm. Dr. A. NoRDFELTj Conseiller a la Direction royale des Lycees. Dr. U. QuENSEL, Professeur de Faculte, Upsal. Dr. C. Springhorn, Proviseur, Malmo. M. L. M. ToRNGREN, Professeur, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND Prasident Dr. F. ScHMiD, Direktor des schweiz. Gesundheitsamtes, Bern. Vice-Prasident L. Henchoz, Schulinspektor, Lausanne. I. Aktuar Dr. F. ZoLLiNER, I. Sekretar des Erziehungswesens des Kantons Ziirich. II. Aktuar Dr. L. BouRQUiN-LiNDT, Arzt, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Quastor E. DucLOUx, Schuldirektor der Stadt Luzern. Mitglieder Dr. F. Erismann, Stadhat, Zurich. F HiJNERWADEL, Hochbau-Inspcktor. Basel. Dr. Real, Arzt, St. Gallen. Dr. H. Wetterwald, Lehrer an der Oberrealschule, Basel. URUGUAY (Committee being formed.) 32 VIII ORGANIZING COMMITTEES IN THE UNITED STATES National Committee Dr. H. Eugene Allen, Chief Medical School Inspector, Seattle, Washington. Harold J. Balliet, City Clerk, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. T. B. Beatty, Secretary of State Board of Health, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. William H. Burnham, Professor of Pedagogy and School Hygiene, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts. Dr. Arthur T. Cabot, Fellow, Harvard College. Dr. R. C. Cabot, Marlborough Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Stephen M. Clement, President, Marine National Bank, Buffalo, New York. Dr. A. A. D'Ancona, Department of Education, San Francisco, California. Dr. John L. Dickey, Wheeling, West Virginia. Dr. David L. Edsall, Professor of Preventative Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Henry P. Emerson, Superintendent of Education, Buffalo, New York. Prof. Irving Fisher, Department of Political Economy, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Dr. Francis E. Fronczak, Commissioner of Health, Buffalo, New York. Hon. Louis P. Fuhrman, Mayor of the City of Buffalo, New York. Dr. L. M. Glenn, President, North Carolina Health Officers Association, Gastonia, North Carolina. Dr. Luther H. Gulick, Director, Department of Child Hygiene, Russell Sage Foundation, New York City. W. H. Heck, M.A., Professor of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. L. N. Hines, Superintendent of Schools, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Dr. T. M. KooN, Grand Rapids, Michigan. John H. Lascelles, Vice-President, Marine National Bank, Buffalo, New York. 34 Joseph Lee, Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Robert W. Lovett, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Graham Lusk, Professor of Physiology, Cornell Medical School, New York, Dr. R. Tait Mackenzie, Professor of Physical Education, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Richard C. New^ton, Montclair, New Jersey. Dr. Eugene H. Porter, State Department of Health, Albany, N. Y. Dr. Marshall Langton Price, Secretary State Board of Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Mazyck p. Ravenel, Director, Wisconsin State Hygienic Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin. C G. ScHULZ, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. J. C. Smith, President State Board of Health, Pendleton, Oregon. David Snedden, Ph.D., Commissioner of Education, State of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Thomas A. Storey, Professor of Hygiene, College of the City of New York, New York City. Dr. J. La Bruce Ward, Director of Rural Sanitation, Rocke- feller Commission, Columbia, North Carolina. Committees from the States and Territories CALIFORNIA Dr. A. A. D'Ancona, Chairman, Department of Education, San Francisco. Dr. Lewis M. Terman, Secretary, Stanford University. Dr. E. B. HoAG, Berkeley; Present address, University of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. W. F. Snow, Secretary State Board of Health, Sacramento. Dr. R. G. Brodrick, Health Officer, San Francisco. Dr. E. C. Beach, Los Angeles High School, Los Angeles. Dr. H. B. Sharp, Dean of College of Dentistry, University of California, San Francisco. C. H. Bently, Member of Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco. Prof. Leslie, Los Angeles High School, Los Angeles. Prof. E. C. Cubberly, Stanford University. 35 Dr. Geo. D. Reinhardt, Department of Hygiene, University of California, Berkeley. Ray Lyman Wilbur, M.D., Executive Head of the Medical School, Leland Stanford Jr. University. CONNECTICUT (Committee being formed) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Committee being formed.) GEORGIA (Committee being formed.) HAWAII Dr. J- S. B. Pratt, Chairman, President of the Board of Health, Honolulu. Prof. Edgar Wood, Secretary, Principal, Norman School, Honolulu. Dr. J- T. Wayson, Honolulu. Dr. W. C. HoBDY, Honolulu. Hon. J. W. Gilmore, President, College of Hawaii, Honolulu. Prof. W. T. Pope, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Honolulu. Prof. M. R. Bairos, McKinley High School, Honolulu. Mr. J. A. Rath, Superintendent Palama Settlement, Honolulu. Mr. A. F. JuDD, Honolulu. Prof. A. R. Keller. ILLINOIS (Committee being formed) INDIANA L. N. Hines, Chairman, Superintendent of Schools, Crawfords- ville. Dr. J. R. Hicks, Covington. Prof. T. A. MoTT, Secretary, Superintendent of Schools, Rich- mond. Dr. F. A. Tucker, President Indiana State Board of Health, Noblesville. Dr. J. N. HuRTY, Secretary Indiana State Board of Health, Indianapolis. Dr. George T. McCoy, Columbus. Dr. Otis Nesbit, Valparaiso. 36 KENTUCKY Dr. J. N. McCoRMACK, Secretary, State Board of Health, Bowling Green, Prof. J. T. CoATEs, Supervisor of Rural Education, Frankfort. Hon. Barksdale Hamlette, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Frankfort. Dr. J. G. South, President State Board of Health, Frankfort. Mrs. Lafon Riker, State Federation of Women's Clubs, Harrodsburg. Prof. Fred Mutchler, Head of Science Department, West Kentucky Normal School, Bowling Green. Dr. W. E. Grant, City Health Officer, Louisville. LOUISIANA (Committee being formed.) MARYLAND Dr. Marshall Langton Price, Chairman, Secretary of the State Board of Health, Baltimore. Dr. Lillian Welsh, Arundel Apartments, Baltimore. Dr. Ronald T. Abercrombie, Homewood Apartments, Bal- timore. Dr. Mary Sherwood, Arundel Apartments, Baltimore. Dr. James Bosley, City Hall Annex, Baltimore. Dr. Fred B. Butler, Acting Secretary State Board of Health, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS Dr. David Snedden, Chairman, Commissioner, Massachu- setts Board of Education. James J. Van Sickle, Superintendent of Schools, Springfield. Schuyler Herron, Superintendent of Schools, Winchester. Dr. Thomas F. Harrington, Boston. Dr. H. Lincoln Chase, Brookline. Miss Ida M. Lewis, School Nurse, Brookline. MICHIGAN Dr. T. M. Koon, Chairman, Grand Rapids. Dr. R. L. Dixon, Secretary, Lansing. Dr. J. H. Kellogg, Battle Creek. Dr. A. S. Warthin, Ann Arbor. Dr. Guy L. Kiefer, Detroit. i7 MINNESOTA. C. G. ScHULZ, Secretary, State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, St. Paul. G. E. Maxwell, President Normal School, Winona. Dr. E. B. HoAG, Special Director School Hygiene, Minnesota State Board of Health, St. Paul. S. A. Challman, Inspector of Graded Schools, Minneapolis. Dr. N. L. Kean, Physical Director of Schools, Minneapolis. Professor W. F. Webster, Superintendent of High Schools, Minneapolis. Professor Geo. F. James, Dean of the School of Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. M. C. Potter, Superintendent of Schools, St. Paul. Dr. H. M. Bracken, Secretary State Board of Health, St. Paul. Dr. Arthur Sweeney, Secretary St. Paul Institute, St. Paul. NEBRASKA (Committee being formed.) NEW JERSEY (Committee being formed.) NEW MEXICO (Committee being formed.) NEW YORK Dr. Eugene H. Porter, Chairman, State Department of Health, Albany, N. Y. Dr. William A. Howe, Secretary, State Department of Health, Albany, N. Y. Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State Education Department, Al- bany, N. Y. Dr. H. L. K. Shaw, 361 State Street, Albany, N. Y. Dr. John L. Heffron, 528 So. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. Dr. Rosalie S. Morton, 63rd St. and Madison Avenue, New York City. Dr. S. Josephine Baker, 33 West 96th St., New York City. Dr. W. A. White, D.D.S., Phelps, N. Y. 38 NORTH CAROLINA Dr. L. M. Glenn, Chairman, President North Carolina Health Officers' Association, Gastonia. Professor Latham, Secretary, Superintendent of Graded Schools, Winston-Salem. Dr. J. A. Ferrall, Assistant Secretary State Board of Health, Raleigh. Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Health Officer, Asheville. Dr. Charles Wardell Stiles, Wilmington. Mrs. Robert R. Gotten, President North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs, Bruce. Professor Tighe, Superintendent of Graded Schools, Asheville. Col. J. L. Ludlow, Winston-Salem, Dr. Julius L Foust, President State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro. Hon. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Raleigh. Dr. W. S. Rankin, Secretary State Board of Health, Raleigh. NORTH DAKOTA (Committee being formed.) OHIO Dr. E. F. McCampbell, Secretary, Ohio State Board of Health, Columbus. Dr. H. M. Platter, Chief Inspector of Schools, Columbus. Dr. E. G. Horton, Professor of Hygiene and Preventative Medi- cines, Starling-Ohio Medical College. Dr. Roger S. Perkins, Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Dr. J. H. Landis, Health Officer, Cincinnati. Dr. C. E. Ford, Secretary Board of Health, Cincinnati. Dr. Peterson, Chief Inspector of Schools, Cleveland. Dr. C. D. Mills, Neurologist, Marysville. Dr. Ben. McClellan, Counselor American Medical Association, Xenia. Dr. Oscar Hasencamp, Vice-President Ohio State Board of Health, Toledo. Dr. Charles B. Morrey, Professor Department of Bacteri- ology, Ohio State University, Columbus. 39 OKLAHOMA (Committee being formed.) OREGON Dr. J. C. Smith, Chairman, President State Board of Health, Pendleton. Dr. Calvin S. White, Secretary, Secretary and State Health Officer, Portland. Dr. W. B. Morse, Salem. L. R. Alderman, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Salem. PENNSYLVANIA Dr. Charles B. Penrose, Chairman, Devon. Dr. George Guthrie, Wilkes- Barre. Dr. Edgar M. Green, Easton. Dr. W. L. Estes, South Bethlehem. Dr. Charles H. Miner, Wilkes-Barre. Dr. Theodore B. Appell, Lancaster. Dr. Walter Cornell, Philadelphia. Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Harrisburg. , Dr. George be Schwetnitz, Philadelphia. Dr. J. F. Edwards, Pittsburgh. - Dr. James C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Dr. Adolph Koenig, Pittsburgh. Dr. James M. Anders, Philadelphia. Dr. C. E. L. Keenes, Harrisburg. Dr. John F. Culp, Harrisburg. Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Philadelphia. SOUTH CAROLINA Dr. J. LaBruce Ward, Chairman, Director of Rural Sanitation, Rockefeller Commission, Columbia. W. K. Tate, High School Inspector, Columbia, S. C. Dr. L. Rosa H. Gantt, Spartenburg. Dr. E. A. Hines, Seneca. S. H. Edmunds, Superintendent of Schools, Sumter. 40 Dr. Wm. Weston, Columbia. D. M. O'Driscoll, Charleston. Dr. John L. Dawson, Charleston. Dr. L. C. Shecut, Orangeburg. Dr. Davis Furman, Greenville. Dr. James A. Hayne, Secretar}^ and State Health Officer, Columbia. SOUTH DAKOTA (Committee being formed.) TENNESSEE (Committee being formed.) JTAH Dr. T. B. Beatty, Chairman, Secretary of the State Board of Health, Salt Lake City. Dr. Samuel G. Paul, Secretary, Health Commissioner of the City of Salt Lake. A. C. Nelson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Salt Lake City. Dr. Anna Reese Finlay, Ogden. Dr. E. G. Hughes, Provo. Dr. F. E. Clark, Log^n. Mrs. Adolph Simon, 136 So. 7th, East, Street, Salt Lake City. Jakob Bolin, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. VERMONT Guy p. Benton, Burlington. John M. Thomas, Middlebury. Marvin S. Stone, Montpelier. C. H. Spooner, Northfield. Guy Powers, Townshend. Edward D. Collins, Castleton. 41 Lyman R. Allen, Johnson. James F. Messenger, Burlington. Charles A. Adams, Castleton. George B. Lawson, Saxtons Riv C. S, Caverly, M.D., Rutland. F. Thomas Kidder, Woodstock. Henry D. Holton, M.D., Brattleboro. VIRGINIA W. H. Heck, M.A., Chairman, Professor of Education, Uni- versity of Virginia, Charlottesville. Ennion G. Williams, M.D., Secretary State Board of Health, J. D. Eggleston, Jr., State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Richmond. Harris Hart, Superintendent of Roanoke City Schools, Roanoke. J. W. Hodges, Superintendent of Alexandria County Schools. Jackson Davis, State Specialist in Negro Education, Richmond. J. W. Ritchie, Professor of Biology, College of William and Mary. C. W. Stone, Professor of Education, Farmville Normal School. WASHINGTON Dr. H. Eugene Allen, Chairman, Chief Medical School In- spector of the City of Seattle. M. T. Stevens, Sanitary Engineer Seattle City Health Depart- ment. Mrs. Edith M. Hickey, Late School Nurse. Dr. John B. Anderson, Health Officer of the City of Spokane. Miss Bethesda I. Beals, Executive Secretary State Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Dr. Eugene R. Kelley, Commissioner State Board of Health, Seattle. 42 WEST VIRGINIA Dr. John L. Dickey, Chairman, Wheeling. Dr. A. R. Warden, Secretary, Grafton. Judge Wm. a. Parsons, Point Pleasant. Dr. C. H. McLane, Morgantown. Dr. M. H. Proudfoot, Rowlesburg. Judge J. C. McWhorter, Summersville. Dr. H. A. Barbee, Secretary and Executive Officer, State Board of Health, Point Pleasant. WISCONSIN Dr. Mazyck p. Ravenel, Chairman, Director Wisconsin State Hygienic Laboratory, Madison. M. V. O'Shea, Professor of Education, University of Wisconsin. L. E. Reber, Dean, Extension Division, University of Wisconsin. Carroll G. Pearse, Superintendent, Milwaukee Public Schools. Mrs. Mary D. Bradford, Superintendent, Kenosha Public Schools; President Wisconsin Teachers' Association. L. D. Harvey, President Stout Institute, Menomonie. G. H. Landgraf, Superintendent Marinette Public Schools. Dr. A. O. Olmstead, Medical Inspector of Schools, Green Bay. Leo p. Fox, County Superintendent of Schools, Chilton. Organizing Committees are now being formed in various States and Territories not represented in the above list. 43 IX RULES GOVERNING THE FOURTH INTER- NATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCHOOL HYGIENE 1. The Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene will take place in Buffalo, New York, U. S. A., August 25-30, inclu- sive, 1913. Its object shall be the study of all questions relating to school hygiene. 2. Its officials and governing committee shall be: a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer-General, a Secretary-General, and an Executive Committee who shall have authority over the entire Congress. 3. The Congress will include : honorary officials, ordinary members and associate members. 4. The honorary officials shall be elected by the Executive Committee. All persons interested in school hygiene may join as ordinary members of the Congress. Applications for member- ship should be accompanied by a postal order, made out to the Treasurer, for the sum of $5.00 in the United States, 25 francs in the Latin Union, 20 marks in Germany, i pound sterling in England, and for other countries a sum representing the full equivalent of $5.00. 5- A collective subscription will be allowed for general or municipal bodies, educational institutions or societies and associa- tions. This collective subscription shall give the right of the body represented to send a single delegate who will enjoy all the rights and privileges of an ordinary member. 6. Associate members shall be admitted at half rate ($2.50), with title of associate. The wives and children of ordinary members shall be eligible to associate membership. Associate members shall be entitled to all privileges of regular members, but they may receive no publications nor vote at meetings. 44 7- Special membership. — In view of the financial and other obligations assumed by the School Hygiene Association in the country where the International Congress is held, the Committee concerned with the organization of the Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene has ruled that members of the American School Hygiene Association shall be entitled to full regular membership in this congress with all its rights and privileges at a fee of $2.50. 8. Regulations governing reports, communications and lan- guage employed shall be decided on by the Program Committee. 9. The Congress shall be conducted through general open- ing and closing meetings, plenary sittings and section meetings. 10. At the closing meeting the President shall submit to the vote of the meeting the resolutions presented by the Committee on Resolutions. The place and date of the next Congress shall be settled at the closing meeting on the proposition of the Perma- nent International Committee. IT. The sectional meetings shall be reserved for the discussion of reports to the sections. 12. The number, names, organization and government of the sections shall be determined by the Program Committee. 13. The Permanent International Committee of the Congress will hold one or more meetings during the Fourth Congress. All resolutions adopted by the various sections and all proposals relative to its action and to the organization of future inter- national congresses must be submitted to the general closing meeting. 14. The regulations governing the Scientific Exhibit will be determined by the Committee on Scientific Exhibit. 15. The regulations concerning the Commercial Exhibit will be determined by the Committee on Commercial Exhibit. 16. All rules formulated by the various committees must be ratified by the Executive Committee before they become operative. 45 DELEGATES Delegates will be appointed as follows: I. Through the operation of Public Resolution No. 53 : "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Presi- dent of the United States is hereby requested to direct the Secre- tary of State to issue invitations to foreign governments to par- ticipate in the Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene, to be held in Buffalo, New York, August 25-30, nineteen hun- dred and thirteen." 2. Through invitations to the various state, territorial and municipal authorities, and to various educational, scientific, medi- cal, and hygienic institutions and organizations. 46 This is a preliminary bulletin. Other and more complete editions will be published from time to time. Thomas A. Storey, Secretary-General. College of the City of New York, new york city. u. s. a. 47 SCHLUKTER PRINTINa CO.. NEW YORK, U. S. A. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 975 888 A