mmmn vt *>* <'V .^^' < .'^m^\ U.^ :'^£\ X/' :'^^'. ■%, .^^'V V ^ 4 o 4 o 0^ or.°^. ^o^ ^-^^ ,.^ 'v^O' '^0' -^ov* :^^^' -^-^0^ -'"^ft-. •^ov* ^°v > V. c'^ v^ ^o ^>^„ V-^ ^£m^^^. ^K.r^ 0^"^^^^!%'- ^^^ ^-^^ * rs. ^°-n^ ATLAS AND DIHECTOHY • TO THE PLOTS,AND GROUNDS OF, CALVARY CEMETERY. Br w.H. Mcdonough. CivxLExi^iaeex and. City Surveyor. I :XPLANATION OF THE SECTION MAPS. The Letters point out the exact location of all Plots in the Cemetery, in the Ranges into which the Sections are numerically dividedj and as described in the owners deeds. COPYBIGHT, 1886, BX WHiLIAM H. )ONouGH, Civiii Engineer and SuiiVEYoii. 1>I «' COPIEIGHT, 1886, BT WlLHAM H. McDoj Igh, Civil Engineer and Sukveyoe. 32 o o o ft H 04 o 78 9i^n|2|il!!4!i5 n r 1 r r r rr i]t iirb rr i ! 3hE i — ,--1 Zlf~IZIi~IZ Copyright, 1886, by William H. Mc I, CivHi Engineeb and Subvetok. CoPYBiGHT, 1886, BY WhjLiam H. McDonougi ^^^^?VY««^ li Engineeb and Sueveyor. COPYBIGHT, 1886, BX WCLIilAM H. 1^ )NOUGH, CrvTii Engineeb and Sfbvetor. COPYEIGHT, 1886, BY WlLLIAM H. >t ''^^^ NOUGH, Crviii Engineeb and Sueveyob. , ^ ^ TH E GALL-AHAN rioNl/nENT -^ ^ ^ ^^ ♦oTectiom JO — Plot .23 COPYBIGHT, 1886, Br WEIiLIAM H. McD< GH, CrvxCi Engineeb and Sfjrveyor. CALVA ■\a ■ i i i * I f. i i : — 1^ - - m 1 K - — - - - \ V 1 ■^ '^ 9i COPYIilGHT, 1886, BY WZLLIAM B JGH, Civil Engineeb aktd Surveyob. .^^x«*. COPYBIGHT, 1886, BY WZLLIAM '. ODONOTTGH, ClVHi EnGINEEB AND JSUEVEYOR. c£L^!"*5v COPYBIGHT, 1886, BY WHiLIAM H. McDc H, Civiii Engineer and Subvetob. ^ \ ^ B ' CALVARY 4SE^ ^ » r ■J It «|^/« i:i::i::i:i-j It i ^ WDnnuunnnnniju W\ ^t ixl ^~ wf- ^ js ol ^ ^^ COPYBIGHT, 1886, BY WlLIilAM H. McD03 [, ClYTL ENGINEEB and STIRVETOB. OOPTKIGHT, 1886, BY WHjLIAM H. McDoNOT iivni Engineer and Surveyor. n huUM-tmy^iAAnij MM w» -: DEALERS IN r// mint iiPi CL^ f It era' ^ n W (p ♦ ^ t J) t ■: MANUFACTURERS OF 'askets, Coffins, Robes, Linings, &c.; comjlete line of Undertakers' Hardiare. 27 GREAT JOSES STREET. NEW YORK CITY. #W&A.Wi ^ ■^ ^ ^ i •T P'*^^^^^ iJ »W HEARSES, CARRIAGES, &c., FURNISHED. ■: Telephone Call, 172 Jersey :- >*' ^ ^ fi 714 Water Street, New York. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 3.r DIG 3.110. u La u uary. SADIaIERS' standard ilniDroved Editions : OF :- The Holy Bible. Lives of the Irish Saints. Life of Christ. Lives of the Popes. Life of the Blessed Virgin. History of Ireland. Lives of the Saints. Life of Daniel O'Connell. History of the Irish Church. History of the Catholic Church in the United States. Dr. Cahill's Lectures/ Sermons and Letters. SJIDIiIEI^S' HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY. 170 VOLUMES. THE CHEAPEST CATHOLIC BOOKS IN THE WOULD, We have the largest, most complete and extensive assortment of books in the United States. Descriptive Catalogue, with prices, mailed free on application. D. &. J..SADLIER & CO., 31 and 33 Barclay Street, New York. A. 68LDMER S S8M, MonumentabJ^Sculptors, STEAM MARBLE AND GRAMTE WOEKS. BracQey Ave., near Greenpoint Ave. BRANCH WORKS OPPOSITE NEW ENTRANCE OF CALVARY CEMETERY, LONG ISLAND CITY. Designs Furnished. Vaults Built. Lots Enclosed A¥iTH Granite and Marble. A. MURRAY, • I* I* ft f* ttmx immk mi i arWe x crk -: ON THE ROAD FROM 7th, lOth, 23d and 34th Street Ferries, Near the Entrance to Calvary Cemetery, BRAHCH WORKS AT THE KEY/ CEMETERY, P. O. Address, Greenpoint, L. I. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Vaults Built. Plots Enclosed. Designs Furnished. Statuary Tablets. ROHAN BROS., H ORKS -^BLISSVILLE, CALVARY CEMETEM-s- Opposite the Main Entrance, on the Road from 7th, 10th, 23d and 34th St. Ferries, also Grand, Houston and Roosevelt St. Ferries. Branch Works near New Calvary Cemetery, Laurel Hill. P. O. Box 46 (Greenpoint), Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. JOBBING CAREFULLY DONE IN THE CEMETERY. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. C. ROHAN, - - - Proprietor. mr"! U H ^^ V n r ANDHi ->»W O R K B«^ ■■^.^ .^^°f M0f|af!ierits«Head5t0r|es °^^^°i LOTS lSCLOSED. kc. liUtheraD and gt. jolin's Oemeterjes, MIDDLE VILLAGE, L. L P. 0. Address, Box 37. Telephone Call, 616 Williamsburgh. (Successor to ANTHONY TIMMES), Marble and Granite Works^ p. 0. Box 99. MIDDLE VILLAGE, L. I. iRAJICIi TaRP: It. Horn's iEGQETERY Telephone Call, 66 B, Williamsburgh. ESTIMATES FURNISHED BY MAIL. WORK FINISHED AND DELIVERED TO ALL CEMETERIES. ALL OBDERS BROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, McKenna Bros,, Marble and Granite Works, MEEKER AVENUE, PENNY BRIDGE, CALVAEY CEMETERY. BrafiGh at RewGalvarY GerneterY, On the Eoad from Roosevelt, Grand and Houston St. Ferries, BROOKLYN, E. D., N. Y. MONUMENTS, VAULTS and HEADSTONES. Lots Enclosed with Granite and Marble. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. THOMAS J. COLGAH, (Formerly of COLGAN & SON, Manufacturer of Granite and Marble M0NDMEHT5 AND ff EADSTONES CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED WITH MARBLE OR GRANITE POSTS. 381 GRAND STREET, JERSEY CITY. RESIDENCE :- 383 GRABD STBEET, BET. VARICK AND PUTNAM STREETS. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE STATE TO BUY CEMETERY WORK OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. U5eeklY and MenlhlY PaYmenls Taken if Reqaired, o-f»/lSk^;>^KGv^ MONUMENTS y' ^^^\{^-' ^o V^ '^o' ^. -'T:t^ .0^ ^oV^ .0 o^\ ^^r^^ 4^^ lOv^, 4^^ -•1°<. il^??!^ N. MANCHESTER. INDIANA