E 464 .T766 Copy 1 TowNSEND's Library NATIONAL, STATE/INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, 1860=1870. INCLUDING ALL ATTAINABLE INFORMATION UP TO THE PRESENT TIME (1888), CONCERNING INDIVIDUALS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THAT DECADE. 28 Years of Labor, and an Expenditure of $25,000, by a Private Citizen, on a Work of National Importance. 50th Congress, 1st Session, S. 1,700. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, January 26, 1888, Mr. Hawley introduced the following bill, which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Library : A BILL Authorizing the Librarian of Congress to purchase " Townsend's Library of National, State, and Individual Records, comprising a collection of Historical Records concerning the Origin, Progress, and Consequences of the late Civil War. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assetnbled : That the Librarian of Congress be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase " Townsend's Library of National, State, and Individual Records, compris- ing a collection of Historical Records concerning the Origin, Progress, and Conse- quences of the late Civil War," at a price not exceeding thousand dollars which amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. "There is not an hour, during a Session of Congress, when some fact, to confirm history or refute misrepresentation, is not found necessary, and the difficulty of obtaining a place to which immediate and reliable reference can be had, is con- stantly felt. Mr. Townsend has supplied this important desideratum." — Washington Chronicle. Glass ^^ JA- Book Tj< <>L ; JOURNALISTIC RECORD COMPRISES ABOUT ONE HUNDRED VOLUMES, CONTAINING SIXTY THOUSAND HACEb, (iR IWll III MiKID AND FORTY THOUSAND COLUMNS, EQUAL TO TWICE THAT NUMBER OF ORDINARY SIZE BOOK COLUMNS. THE DIGEST, WHEN COMPLETED, WILL BE IN ABOUT THIRTY VOLUMES, CONTAINING THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND PAGES OF MANUSCRIPT, EACH VOLUME THE SIZE OF THE LARGEST BANK LF.DGERS. THE INDEX TO THE DIGEST, WHICH IS THE KEY TO THE WHOLE WORK, IS IN ONE VOLUME. 3., ^ TowNSEiND's Library fyim^, State and Ipividu/l fJECoi^DS 1860=1870. INCLUDING ALL ATTAINABLE INFORMATION UP TO THE PRESENT TIME (1888), CONCERNING INDIVIDUALS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THAT DECADE. 28 Years of Labor, and an Expenditure of $25,000, by a Private Citizen, on a Work of National Importance. Styles & Cash, Printers and Stationers, 77 Eighth Avenue. 1888. r^'o- TOWNSEND^S LIBRARY National, State and Individual Records. SOME OPINIONS. The Comte de Paris. — " It is a work of the greatest value, but seems beyond the strength of a single man in the limits of a single life." General Grant. — " 1 heartily endorse the sentiments ex- pressed by the Comte de 'Paris, in his letter of July 27, 1883." Governor Horatio Seymour. — "I look upon the work as a miracle of labor, arrangement, and execution. It is not only necessary to the historian, but will be of great value to our gov- ernment in the event of war or hostile complications with other nations." Dr. Cogswell, the Organizer and First Superintendent of the Astor Library. — "As a chronological and synchronous record of the events, it is mo're minute, and more authentic than could be formed in any other way ; and as documentary material for the historian of those events, it is absolutely indispensable. Its voluminousness might render it inconvenient in use, but for its perfectly systematic arrangement, which, with its minute aiid com- plete index, obviate all objections on that score, and render THE WORK as easy to be consulted as if it were comprised in a single volume. The manifest labor, time and cost, which must have been bestowed upon this great work," says Dr. Cogswell, in con- clusion, " warrants the inference that it will not be duplicated ; and hence it is to be hoped it will belong to the Nation, and be deposited where it will be most convenient of access." Williain Cu/len Bryant. — " The age has given birth to few- literary undertakings that will bear comparison with this work. The compiling of a lexicon in any language is nothing to it. The forty academicians who compiled the Dictionary of the French Language had a far less laborious task." Rev. Henry W. Bellows., Presidefit of the United States Sani- tary Commission. — " I do not believe that another man could be found in the country who would have devoted his life, almost entirely, to an undertaking of like importance and magnitude." Adding: "It seems almost a providential felicity that such a curious and unique record exists." Col. Duncan K. McRae, of the late Confederate Artny and for some time Agent for the Confederate Government in Europe. — " I regard Mr. Townsend's work as one of wonderful val-ue. It really contains a better source of supply for a history of the war than simply the official records, for he has many (the minutest often of those), and in addition his cotemporaneous journalistic narrative, data and statistics, worked up with such elaborate and systematic method and detail, affords every facility for accurate history. Its fairness, impartiality and completeness cannot be too highly extolled." Hon. John A. Dix. — " I have watched it in its progress with great interest, and a high appreciation of its great value. Fifty years from this time it will, undoubtedly, have a value which can- not be estimated — as indeed it has now." Rev. S. Irenaeus Prime, Editor of the New York Observer. — " It is, beyond all dispute, the most remarkable compilation of ancient or modern times — having no equal before or since the invention of the art of printing — and future ages will prize it as one of the chief memorials of the first century of American Independence." General P. G. Beauregard. — " After an examination of the work, General Beauregard expressed the decided opinion that it should be the property of tiie nation." Quartermaster ■ General M. C. Meigs said : "It will be impos- sible to duplicate Mr. Townsend's work, and it must remain the most complete and minute journal of the events of the Great Struggle." The Boston Transcript. — '' It is a wonderful work, and of great interest to all." The Boston Post. — " There is one gentleman in the United States, Mr. Thomas S. Townsend, of New York, who had the foresight to arrange a systematic plan for making a record of the successive events of the war." The Northern Whi^, of Belfast, Ireland. — " The most singu- lar and interesting record of the war has been compiled by Mr. Townsend, of New York, and the value of his compilation to a future historian is inestimable." The New York Evening Post. — " No work has been compiled which will convey to posterity a more truthful and perfect his- tory of the late conflict." And the editors, themselves well known in the field of historical research, emphatically said, on another occasion, that '"it is a work of peculiar interest, in that it is the first attempt ever made to collect and arrange for the convenient use of future historians the record of great events as given from day to day, during their occurrence, in the newspaper press." The New York World. — No such mass of material for the future historian has ever been gathered by any one of whom we know or have heard. It is the richest store of current history that was ever collected, and no historian ever yet had so copious a store of material to draw upon." The New York Herald. — " It has been a labor of love with the author, for otherwise he could never have toiled on for years, as he has done, without any encouragement, except the knowl- edge of the benefit he was conferring on mankind. Such a work as this will lengthen the lives of the great men of the future by rendering unnecessary the immense waste of time which the want of ready and reliable information has hitherto imposed on historical writers." Resolution of the New York Historical Society. — " Resolved, that the New York Historical Society acknowledges the services rendered to the cause of history by Mr. Thomas S. Townsend, of this city, in the foresight, skill, and perseverance displayed in the preparation of his work." Resolution of the Union League Club of Nezv York. — " It will, in the opinion of this Club, be invaluable, if not indispens- able, to the future historian, of the sublime struggle through which our country has just passed." f 6 The following constitute the GRAND DIVISIONS of the Compendium, and all of which have their SUB- DIVISIONS : BuchanarL s Administration {Latter Days of ). — 400 statements. Port Sumter. — 175 statements. The Trent Affair. — 200 statements. The Federal Government. — Executive, State, Treasury De- partments, and records of all officers connected therewith. Congress. — Daily Proceedings, Speeches, Documents con- nected with the proceedings. The Confederate Government. — Executive, State, Treasury Departments, and Records of their officers. Confederate Congress. — Proceedings, Speeches, and Docu- ments emanating therefrom. The Federal Army. — Rules and Regulations, Foreign Officers, Deserters, Pensions, Prisoners of War, Strength of the Army at different periods. Military Departments, The Draft, the Army as compared with those of other nations, Records of Secretary Cam- eron and Secretary Stanton, West Point, the Sanitary, Christian, and Allotment Commissions, Colored Troops, Losses in the War, etc. The Confederate Army. — An arrangement similar to that of the " Federal Army." The Federal Navy. The Confederate Navy. Foreign Relations. — See " State Department," " Federal Government," also " State Department," " Confederate Gov- ernment." Union Generals. — Their Records. Confederate Generals.— T\)W^' >^#cS- ^J ^^' ^.^^