1 ■;■'■;•• ■■ , Father Abraham in his Study. •§ fej ll THE Shade of Him who Cour.fel can beftow, Still plea^'d to teach,' and yet not proud to know Unbias'd or by Favour or by Spite ; . ..- Nor dully prepoftef'.'d, nor blindly right; Tho learn'd, well-bred ; and, tho well-bred, fincere Modeilly bold, and humanely fevere j . Who to a Friend" his Faults can fweetly /how, And gladly praife the Merit of a Foe. Here> .there .he fits,, his cheerful -AM to-lersd j A firm, anfhaken, uncomtpted Friend, Averfe alike to flatter or offend. Printed by Benjamin . Mecora, at the New |f j Printing-Office, (near the Town-House, in Bofton) where Jy | BOOKS are Sold, and PRINTING-WORK dene, Cheap. g Title-page of Father Abraham's Advice, Boston, 1760; copy in Boston Public Library. from Heralds of American Literature A GROUP OF PATRIOT WRITERS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY AND NATIONAL PERIODS ANNIE RUSSELL MARBLE, M.A. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press London: T. Fishez Unwin, I Adelpfy Terrace 1907 ^ jUBRARY #f CONGRESS] Two Copies Recti «ad NOV 25 -r 907 Copyright Entry Ave* Come driving down the tide, fir. Therefore prepare for bloody war ; Thefe kegs mud all be routed j Or furely we defpis'd filall be, And Britifh courage doubted* The royal band now ready Hand, All rang'd in dread array, fir, With ftomach flout, to fee it out, And make a bloody day, fir. The cannons roar, from (h ore to fhore s The fmall arms make a rattle : Since wars began, I'm fure no man E er law fo llrange a battle. The 8(h bilow fwatn to and fro, Attack* d from ev'ry quarter ; Why fure, thought they, the devils to pay} 'Mongil folks above the water. Thefe kegs, 'tis faid, tho* ftrongly made, Of rebel (laves and hoops, fir, Could not oppofe their pow'rful foes, Theconq'ring Britifh troops, fir. From morn to night, thefe men of might Difplayd amazing courage ; And when tbefun was fairly down, Retir'd to fup their porridge: in hundred men with each a pen, Or more upon my word, fir, It is mod true, would be too few. Their valour to record, fir. Such feats did they perform that day Upon thefe wicked kegs, fir, That years to come, if tbey get borne, They'll make their boasts tad. brag*, fir. From an undated ballad-broadside, in American Antiquarian Society Library. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 41 Gallants, attend, and hear a friend Trill forth harmonious ditty; Strange things I'll tell which late befell In Philadelphia city. 'Twas early day, as poets say, Just when the sun was rising, A soldier stood on a log of wood And saw a thing surprising. A sailor too, in jerkin blue, This strange appearance viewing, First rubb'd his eyes, in great surprise Then said — "some mischief's brewing; "These kegs, I'm told, the rebels hold, Packed up like pickled herring; And they've come down t' attack the town, In this new way of ferrying" 30 As an example of Hopkinson's more dignified method of writing, one may choose the tract, A Political Catechism, written after Washington's successful raid at Trenton and the apparent col- lapse of the British commanders. Contrasting the pampered Royalists with the American general^ he extolled Washington in terms of hero-worship : 30 This ballad appeared in the Pennsylvania Packet, March 4, 1778; its first printing was in 1779 by B. Towne, Phila- delphia (see Hildeburne's Issues of the Press of Pennsylvania, 1885-86, Vol. II. p. 336). A broadside here photographed is in the American Antiquarian Society. The ballad is in Hopkin- son's Miscellaneous Essays, etc., Vol. Ill, p. 169. An edition was printed in 1866 by the Oakwood Press. 42 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE To him the title of Excellency is applied with peculiar propriety. He is the best and greatest man the world ever knew. He retreats like a General and attacks like a Hero. Had he lived in the days of idolatry, he had been worshipped as a god. One age cannot do justice to his merit; but a grateful posterity shall, for a succession of ages, remember the great Deliverer of his country. 31 The devotion of Hopkinson to Washington did not seem to be incited by hope of reward. It was the fervent expression of his nature, and is akin to many other tributes by ardent Federalists of that age, but in marked contrast to the anathemas heaped upon Washington and his friends by politi- cal opponents. Hopkinson considered Washington as a personal friend and patron of the arts in which he delighted. When he published a volume of his songs, with music, he dedicated the folio to Washington, in terms of intimate friendship. 32 After a reference to the sympathy between them, he said : With respect to this little Work, which I now have the honour to present to your Notice, I can only say that it is such as a Lover, not a Master of the Arts, can furnish. I am neither a profess'd Poet nor a profess'd Musician; and yet venture to appear in those characters united ; for which, I confess, the censure of Temerity may justly be brought against me However small the 31 Miscellaneous Essays, etc., Vol. I, p. 119. 32 Seven Songs for the Harpsichord or Forte Piano. The Words and Music composed by Francis Hopkinson (Philadelphia, [1788]). FRANCIS HOPKINSON 43 Reputation may be that I shall derive from this Work, I cannot, I believe, be refused the Credit of being the first Native of the United States who has produced a Musical Composition. If this attempt should not be too severely treated, others may be encouraged to enter on a path, yet untrodden in America, and the Arts in succession will take root and flourish amongst us. In accepting the dedication and flattering letter which came with it, Washington deplored his own musical inability, but said, with kindly humor : I can neither sing one of the songs, nor raise a single note on any instrument to convince the unbelieving. But I -have, however, one argument which will prevail with persons of true taste (at least in America) — I can tell them that it is the production of Mr. Hopkinson 33 To Jefferson, or his daughter, Hopkinson sent a copy of this songbook, with special mention of the pathos of the last number and the circum- stances of its writing. He explained that the songs were composed originally for his daughters, who play and sing them well. The last Song, if play'd very slow, and sang with expression, is for- cibly pathetic — at least in my Fancy. Both Words and Music were the Work of an hour in the Heighth of a Storm. But the Imagination of an Author who com- poses from his Heart, rather than his Head, is always more heated than he can expect his Readers to be. 34 33 Manuscript letter owned by Mrs. Oliver Hopkinson. "Jefferson Papers, MS. Series II, Vol. XL, No. 43. This last, "pathetic" song is quoted in part below. 44 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE In reply, Jefferson assured his friend of appre- ciation, and pictured his family of daughters enjoying the music upon the harpsichord, while the youngest girl was "all in tears. I asked her if she was sick? She said, no; but the tune was so mournful." 35 Evidently this tribute was agreeable to Hopkinson, and writers of his age, as a compliment to their skill in cultivating senti- mentality. These seven songs, examined today, show limited musical skill, but they were popular far into the last century. Such songs as "With Jemmy on the Sea" and the rhythmic "Hunting- Call" are not yet forgotten by singers of the older generation. The sentimental swain, the blushing maiden, and the weeping-willow in the back- ground, which furnish the setting for the songs, were familiar features of tales, verses, and samp- lers of that period. The most poetic of the verses is the seventh love-song, suggestive of Henry Vaughan or Robert Herrick in an occasional stanza. The song bore the title "My Generous Heart Disdains." Still uncertain is tomorrow, Not quite certain is today; Shall I waste my time in sorrow? Shall I languish life away? All because a cruel maid Hath not Love with Love repaid? 35 Jefferson Papers, MS. Series I, Vol. Ill, No. 280. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 45 In the political agitation which preceded the adoption of the Constitution by Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New York, Hopkinson took a prominent part through newspaper articles, urg- ing the need of a new declaration of federation for the states. He was one of the most urgent Federalists, although he died before the bitter contests of opinion between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists after the election of Washing- ton as president. He challenged Jefferson re- garding his attitude toward the Federal party, as is indicated by a letter from Jefferson to Hop- kinson. 36 In view of the later position of Jeffer- son as leader of the Democratic- Republican party, and his suspected alliance with Freneau in editing the most aggressive Anti-Federalist newspaper of the times, 37 this letter has a peculiar interest to modern students. Under date of Paris, March 13, 1789, Jefferson wrote: You say that I have been dished up to you as an anti- federalist and ask me if it be just, — my opinion was never worthy enough of notice to merit citing, but since you ask it I will give it you. I am not a Federalist, because I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in 38 Ibid. Series I, Vol III, No. 280. Also Jefferson's Writings (Ford) Vol. V, pp. 75-78. 37 National Gazette, Philadelphia, October, 1791, to Octo- ber, 1793. 46 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself, such an addiction is the last degredation of a free and moral agent; if I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all, therefore I protest to you I am not of the party of the federalists, but I am much farther from that of the Antifederalists. I ap- proved, from the first moment, of the great mass of what is in the new constitution, the consolidation of the govern- ment, the organization into Executive, legislative and judicial, .... the happy compromise of interests between the great and little states by the different manner of voting in the different houses, the voting by persons instead of states, the qualified negative of laws given to the Executive which however, I should have liked better if associated with the judiciary as in New York, and the power of taxa- tion What I disapproved from the first moment was the want of a bill of rights to guard liberty against the legislative as well as executive branches of the government. .... I disapproved also the perpetual reeligibility of the President. About a year before this declaration of senti- ments by Jefferson, Hopkinson had written to him frankly of the controversy, especially in Pennsylvania, over the new Constitution, and had referred to his own literary services in the move- ment. He announced that Philadelphia was "in a high political Fermentation about our new pro- posed federal Constitution," and added : You will be surprised when I tell you that our public newspapers have announced General Washington to be a Fool influenced & led by that Knave Dr. Franklin who is a public Defaulter for Millions of Dollars, that Mr. Morris FRANCIS HOPKINSON 47 has defrauded the Public out of as many Millions as you please & that they are to cover their frauds by this new Government I had the Luck to discover & bring forward into public View on sufficient Testimony the writer of a Series of abominable abuse, under the Signature Philadelphiensis, he is an Irishman who came from Dublin about 3 years ago & got admitted as Tutor in Arithmetic in our Uni- versity* 38 I am now under the Lash for this Discovery, scarce a Day's papers without my appearance in the newspaper in every scandalous Garb that scribbling Ven- geance can furnish. I wrote also a piece stiled The New Roof which had a great Run. I would send you a copy but for the Postage. You will probably see it in some of the Papers, as it was reprinted in, I believe, every State. 39 The Nezv Roof was another clever allegory, with blended prose and verse. It was vigorous as an argument for the new Constitution versus the futile Confederation, with its defunct powers. In New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts the tract was read and quoted by Federal leaders, while it caught popular fancy by its symbolic form. In behalf of a new Constitution Hopkin- son argued thus: 1. That the whole fabric was too weak. 2. That there were indeed thirteen rafters ; but that these rafters were not connected by any braces or ties, so as to form a union 38 Many articles, thus signed, were in The Freeman's Jour- nal, Philadelphia, during the fall of 1787. See attack on Hopkinson as "the little Fiddler" in The Independent Gazetteer, March 24, 1788, Centinel, No. XVII. 39 Jefferson Papers, MS. series II, Vol. XL, No. 41. 48 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE of strength. 3. That some of these rafters were too thick and heavy, and others too slight; and as the whole had been put together whilst the timber was yet green, some had warped outwards, and of course sustained an undue proportion of weight, while others, warping inwards, had shrunk from bearing any weight at all. 4. That the roof was so flat as to admit the most idle servants in the family, their playmates and acquaintances to trample upon and abuse it. 40 With scathing wit, Hopkinson portrayed the leaders of the opposition to the "new roof," as the articles of agreement were generally called. He extolled James, the surveyor of the old roof — presumably James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, who had been chosen "as architect to look over the repairs;" and he caricatured such opponents as William Patterson, of New Jersey; Governor George Clinton, of New York; Robert Whitehill, and John Dickinson, of Pennsylvania. This is a typical passage of satire : Now there was an old woman, known by the name of Margery, who had got a comfortable apartment in the mansion house. This woman was of an intriguing spirit, of a restless and inveterate temper, fond of tattle and a great mischief-maker It so happened that in the construction of the new roof, her apartment would be considerably lessened. No Sooner, therefore, did she hear of the plan proposed by the architects, but she put on 40 In the Pennsylvania Packet, December 29, 1787, is the prose part of The New Roof, unsigned, but prefaced by the words "For the Packet." , FRANCIS HOPKINSON 49 her old red cloak, and was day and night trudging amongst the tenants and servants and crying out against the new roof and the framers of it. Amongst these she had selected William, Jack and Robert, three of the tenants, and insti- gated them to oppose the plan in agitation ; she caused them to be sent to the great hall on the day of debate, and furnished them with innumerable alarms and fears, cun- ning arguments, and specious objections. The song which closed this allegory was effective and rhythmic : Up ! Up ! with the rafters ; each frame is a state : How nobly they rise ! their span, too, how great ! From the north to the south, o'er the whole they extend. And rest on the walls whilst the walls they defend : For our roof we will raise, and our song still shall be, Combined in strength, yet as citizens free. 41 If such allegorical methods seem puerile to this critical age, we must remember that their simplicity, with their wit, made them far more effective among the people of the earlier time than any more subtle method would have been. In a letter from Robert Morris to Hopkinson, dated from Williamsburg, in 1788, is a direct allusion to the general interest awakened by this argu- ment in unique form : 42 41 The Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings of Francis Hopkinson, Vol. II, pp. 282-319. By a mistake, the date here is 1778, not 1787. 42 From a manuscript letter owned and loaned by Mrs. Oliver Hopkinson. 50 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE I received your obliging letter before my departure from Richmond and had much pleasure not only in read- ing "The New Roof" but also in communicating it to others; it is greatly admired & I tell them if they could but enter into the Dramatis Personae as we do they would find it still more excellent. The character of Margery is well hit off, how does the old Lady like it? I am not surprised that they should baste you in the Freeman's Journal, it is what you must expect as long as they have anybody to Wield a Pen. I observe they will not let me alone, altho no author. It is my fate to furnish matter for reproach whether I meddle or do not meddle in Politics, my successes & my misfortunes, whichever befall me, are equally the themes for abuse. However let them indulge their spleen — if I had nothing else to disturb my repose, I should sleep much at ease. My Wythe yesterday at Dinner introduced the New Roof as a subject and after expressing his approbation, very modestly supposed it to be one of your productions. Mr. G. Morris & myself joined in that opinion. Thus you see that whether you intend it or not, there always appear some characteristic marks in your writings that disclose the Fountain from whence they spring. As an example of the extravagant tribute paid to Hopkinson by his friends, here is a sentence in another letter by Morris, of later date : You are either a great Wit or Humorist, you have Superior Genius or you have great Talents or rather I shall come nearer the Truth by charging you with being the actual possessor of all these qualities. 43 43 From a manuscript letter owned by Mrs. Oliver Hopkin- son. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 51 This influence of Hopkinson among men of affairs was won in spite of very small stature and a weak presence. The familiar description of him, given by John Adams, has remained as a mistaken impression of his true personality. 44 After meeting him at the studio of Mr. Peale in 1776, Adams wrote to his wife : I have a curiosity to penetrate a little deeper into the bosom of this curious gentleman, and may possibly give you some more particulars concerning him. He is one of your pretty, little, curious, ingenious men. His head is not bigger than a large apple, less than our friend Pemberton or Dr. Simon Tufts. I have not met with anything in natural history more amusing and entertaining than his personal appearance — yet he is genteel and well bred and very social. Mingled with the delicate traits of Hopkinson were strength of mind and patience. 45 In circles of politics, education, and society his wit and geniality made him welcome. His touch was gentle, but beneath was a sting of ridicule which hurt his enemies more than the bolder satires of his contemporaries. His zeal for reform showed itself in clever essays upon education and allied 44 Letters of John Adams Addressed to His Wife (Boston, 1841), Vol. I, pp. 156, 157. 45 As illustration of his gentleness was a popular story of a mouse which came forth daily to share his meals, and a flock of tame pigeons which greeted him (Delaplaine's Re- pository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters, Vol. Ill, p. 138). 52 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE themes. Under the favorite signature of "Cala- mus" he remonstrated against the scandalous trend of journalism at the close of the war, and contended : Having observed with real concern, that our news- papers have for a long time past, been filled with private calumny to the great abuse of the liberty of the press and dishonor of the city, — I, who have ever been ambitious of devising something for the public good, set my wits to work to remedy this growing evil and to restore our ga- zettes, advertisers, journals and packets to their original design — viz., to make them the vehicles of Intelligence not the common sewers of scandal. Following this statement was an outline of a proposed plan for a "High Court of Honor" to decide cases of scandal and calumny. 46 On the occasion of a petty quarrel between two bands of medical students and their respective schools in Philadelphia, Hopkinson addressed to the classes An Oration, so full of ridicule and good sense that it silenced the wranglers. 47 An- other effective remonstrance, in satire form was, Dialogues of the Dead/ 8 directed against the filth and carcasses of animals which were allowed 46 Miscellaneous Essays, etc., Vol. I, pp. 151-58. 47 An Oration Which Might Have Been Delivered to the Students in Anatomy on the Late Rupture between the Two Schools in this City (1789). ^Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. I, pp. 327-39. This is referred to by MacMaster in A History of the People of the United States (1883), Vol. I, p. 64, note. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 53 to putrify in the streets of Philadelphia. Among the tributes to Hopkinson's memory were some crude stanzas by John Swanwick, which are of interest because they record another occasion when Hopkinson by his pen gained a victory for civic betterment. In apostrophe his elegist wrote : Sweet spring advance, and deck with flow'rets gay, The tomb where Hopkinson's remains are laid : Ye Muses, there your constant vigils pay, And guard from ills the consecrated shade. Ye city trees, protect your patron's grave; He once from ruin saved your leafy charms, Then to his honor bid your green tops wave, And fold his urn in your embracing arms.* 9 The allusion in these verses was to a plea by Hopkinson, in the Pennsylvania Gazette, in 1782, which was successful in rescinding a vote of the city government, declaring that all the city trees should be cut down for fear of contagion and fire. This was entitled A Speech of a Standing Mem- ber, the Plea of Citizen Tree. It was not alone witty, but it also showed much information re- garding moisture and sanitation. When the grand federal procession was held in Philadelphia, in July, 1788, to celebrate the adoption of the Constitution and the confidence of the people, Hopkinson was chairman of the 49 The American Museum (Carey), Vol. IX, p. 38, Appendix (1792). 54 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE committee of arrangements and has left a graphic account of the celebration. 50 By such spirited attacks upon abuses of vari- ous kinds, which retarded true progress, Hopkin- son often created a tide of disfavor against them. He was an earnest student of the then known sciences, and a fearless critic of the stale, scholas- tic methods of teaching them. Like John Trum- bull in Progress of Dulness, he burlesqued the formal, lifeless recitations, in a satirical essay, Modern Learning Exemplified by a Specimen of a Collegiate Examination? 1 He ridiculed the stilted modes of teaching metaphysics, logic, natural philosophy, mathematics, anatomy, and "the Practice of Physic and Chemistry." A brief portion from this burlesque on examinations of his day is the following: Professor. "What is the salt called with respect to the box ?" Student. "It is called its Contents." Professor. "And Why so?" Student. "Because the cook is content, quoad hoc, to find plenty of salt in the box." Professor. "You are quite right. Let us now proceed to Logic. How many parts are there in a salt-box?" 50 The account of this celebration is in Miscellaneous Essays, etc., Vol. II, pp. 349-422. The gold anchor worn by Hopkinson in his hat is in the collection of federal relics in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. 51 American Museum, February, 1787, pp. 142-47. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 55 Student. "Three, — bottom, top, and sides." Professor. "How many modes are there in a salt- box?" Student. "Four, — the formal, the substantial, the acci- dental and the topsy turvy." 52 Hopkinson had many schemes for improving the teaching of sciences. Not a few of his ideas seem only predictions of the experimental modes of today, the natural and practical way of teaching science. He had a well-trained mind, and his odd conceits showed a marked degree of ingenuity. When the British troops devastated Bordentown, Hopkinson's house was saved by an incident which attests his scholarship. The torch had been applied to the outside of the house, when the captain of the Hessians, Ewald, seeking for plunder probably, entered the library and was amazed at the books, the scientific apparatus, and the mechanical designs. As he had an interest in science, he respected such evidences of scholar- ship and gave command that the flames should be extinguished. Within a volume of Provost Smith's Discourses he wrote, beneath his own seal, "This man was one of the greatest rebels, nevertheless, if we dare to conclude from the Library and Mechanical and Mathematical in- struments, he must have been a very learned man." 53 ^Miscellaneous Essays, etc., Vol. I, p. 344. 53 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. II, p. 320. 56 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Not all of Hopkinson's literary skits and essays were so purposeful and serious as those that have been cited. He turned his wit into a merry channel when he wrote the droll impres- sions, in a letter from a gentleman in Phila- delphia to his friend in Europe, On Annual White-Washings. This custom of the past days was cleverly described and parodied, as a part of the marriage contract, giving to the young wife "the free and unmolested exercise of the rights of white-washing, with all its ceremonials, privi- leges and appurtenances." In the same essay Hopkinson commemorated, with mingled respect and humor, another and more lasting custom of his native city : There is also another custom peculiar to the city of Philadelphia and nearly allied to the former. I mean that of washing the pavement before the doors every Saturday evening. I at first took this to be a regulation of the police, but, on further enquiry, find it is a religious rite preparatory to the Sabbath and is, I believe, the only religious rite in which the numerous sectaries of this city perfectly agree. 54 Francis Hopkinson died of apoplexy, in May, 1 79 1, and was buried in Christ Churchyard, although the tomb cannot now be identified. 55 ^American Museum, January, 1787, pp. 48-53; Miscellane- ous Essays, etc., Vol. II, pp. 146-60. 65 His burial record, May 11, 1791, may be found in the manuscript list of burials of Christ Churchyard, to be found in the Library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. FRANCIS HOPKINSON 57 Both Bordentown and Philadelphia contain memorials of him. Much of his later life was passed in the latter city. The Hopkinson man- sion still stands in Bordentown, slightly changed in appearance from his day. It is linked in memory with his son, Joseph, as well as with the elder man. Here Francis Hopkinson delighted to return for rest and devotion to the arts. He played the spinet with such grace that Borden- town residents would congregate before his win- dows to listen. Here he painted many of his sketches and portraits. One of the latter was honored with a misplaced tribute, calling it the work of Copley. Joseph Hopkinson inherited his father's love for verse as well as his legal skill, and entertained distinguished guests, among them Joseph Bonaparte and Thomas Moore. The only notable contribution in verse by Joseph Hop- kinson which has survived is the ode, "Hail Columbia ! Happy Land !" The death of Hopkinson followed, within a few months, the decease of Franklin. This cir- cumstance, and the friendship between the two men, gave eulogists an opportunity for extrava- gant tribute to both. In the Columbian Magazine, May, 1 79 1, appeared a prose obituary of Hop- kinson and two elegies. One contained the refrain : "Another sage expired !" The versifier 58 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE extolled both the gentleness and courage of Hop- kinson : The steady foe of tyranny confess'd, Yet with such art and gentleness reproved, That though some feared his pen, the man was loved. And be this line upon his tombstone writ — The friend of virtue and the friend of wit. In the prose estimate of Hopkinson's qualities the writer was more restrained and forceful. With truth, he declared : He thought much and thought justly upon the subject of education. He often ridiculed, in conversation, the prac- tice of teaching children the English language by means of grammar. Sometimes he employed his formidable powers of humor and satire in exposing the formalities of technical science. He was an active and useful member of three great political parties which, at different times, divided his native state — he was a Whig, a republican and a federalist and he lived to see the principles and wishes of each of those parties finally and universally successful. It only remains to add to this account of Mr. Hopkinson that the various causes which contributed to the establish- ment of the independent and federal government of the United States will not be fully traced unless much is ascribed to the irresistible influence of the ridicule which he poured forth from time to time upon the enemies of those great political events. PHILIP FRENEAU : AMERICA'S FIRST POET PHILIP FRENEAU From a sketch, made in his later years and finished after his death; reproduced from 1865 edition of his Poems. Ill PHILIP FRENEAU: AMERICA'S FIRST POET Among casual readers the name of Philip Freneau is more familiar than that of other writ- ers of his time, but we need more information about the details of his life and work. Recent indications may be found of an awakening inter- est in this early poet; his poems have been republished in two large volumes, a full bibli- ography of his writings has been issued, 1 and bibliophiles are rivaling each other in zeal to acquire first editions of his works. Freneau was an ardent patriot ; he was even a bitter partisan. During the war his satires in verse dismayed English generals and Loyalist sympathizers; during the years of controversy over the best form of government he wrote scath- ing tracts and editorials against the Federalists and their marked leaders. In this primal atten- tion to his service as satirist and political penman, too little study has been made of the frag- 1 The Poems of Philip Freneau, edited by Fred L. Patee (Princeton, New Jersey, 1902-7; 3 vols.); Bibliography of the Works of Philip Freneau, compiled by Victor Hugo Paltsits (New York, 1903). 61 62 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE mentary, but significant, outbursts of lyrical poetry which were interspersed among his polemics and lampoons. Although the most spontaneous impulses of the lyric poet are found in his earlier stanzas, yet the martial sentiments did not wholly submerge the poetic yearnings in his later years. To Freneau, Mr. Stedman has traced "the first essential poetic spirit" 2 in Amer- ica ; he has included several of these poems in his anthology. 3 As youth and man, Freneau was haunted by vague, restless desires to serve his country, and at the same time win fame for himself by his pen. His fancy and aspirations were early awakened, but, after a few ventures in poetry of the accepted mode, he realized that fate had placed him in conditions which called for other forms of literary service. There is bitterness of disappointment, but there is also determination to serve the hour, in his poem "The Author" : An age employ' d in pointing steel, Can no poetic raptures feel; The Muse of Love in no request, I'll try my fortune with the rest. Which of the Nine shall I engage, a Edmund Clarence Stedman, Poets of America (Boston, 1896), p. 35- 8 Stedman and Hutchinson, A Library of American Litera- ture (1897), Vol. I. PHILIP FRENEAU 63 To suit the humor of the age? On one, alas ! my choice must fall, The least engaging of them all ! Her visage stern, severe her style, A clouded brow, a cruel smile, A mind on murder'd victims plac'd. She, only she, can please the taste. 4 It is not difficult to trace the dual traits of the poet and the patriot in the inheritance of Freneau. A sensitive, romantic strain of ancestry was mingled with the sturdy Huguenot traits of thrift and courage. The grandfather, Andre Fres- neau, came to Boston in 1705. After a brief stay there, he spent a few months in Connecticut, and finally reached New York, where he secured a position with the Royal West India Company. Here he became associated with other men of Huguenot ancestry, who clustered their homes in the vicinity of Pine Street and the old Church of St. Esprit. He married the granddaughter of John Morin Scott, thus introducing more noble blood into the family. Andre died in 1725. His second son, Pierre, was the father of the poet. By native talents and marriage ties the family had gained social rank in those days of old New York when the homes of the elite were in lower *Poems Written between the Years 1768 & 1794, by Philip Freneau of New Jersey: A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author (Monmouth, N. J., 1795), p. 327. 64 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Broadway and Bowling Green. A house, long standing in Frankfort Street, was the birthplace of Philip Freneau in January, 1752. The year of his birth his father bought a thousand acres of land in Monmouth County, New Jersey, build- ing there a large mansion, to which he gave the name "Mont Pleasant," in memory of the fine estate of that name once owned by the family in France. According to the usual narrative, the Freneau home was transferred from New York to Mon- mouth. Mr. Pattee thinks that Philip was left at school, in New York, when the family moved away. 5 In either case, he found the first poetic incentive of his boyhood amid the New Jersey hills, which he so often extolled in verse. His mother, Agnes Watson Freneau, encouraged all the dreamy love for nature and books which the boy revealed. She was a woman with a beautiful face and a fine mind. Her portrait, as a girl of sixteen, was long a treasured heirloom, made doubly romantic by the saber thrust through the heart, which was a reminder of vandal British soldiers. Surviving her first husband by half a century, she married James Kearny. To the end of her ninety years she was a fascinating companion. 5 "Introduction" to The Poems of Philip Freneau (1902-7), Vol. I, p. xv. PHILIP FRENEAU 65 After a struggle with classic textbooks at the Latin school at Penelopen, Philip Freneau was placed under the tutorship of Rev. William Ten- nent, of Monmouth, and entered Nassau Hall, Princeton. Probably his roommate was James Madison. The latter was an intimate life-long friend of the poet, and was much enamored of Freneau's sister, Mary, when he visited at Mont Pleasant. Philip's brother, Pierre, generally called Peter, was for many years identified with the political movements in South Carolina, and was an adviser of Jefferson and his party. He inherited much of the ancestral thrift and in- dustry. At college, Philip was a classmate of James Madison, Aaron Burr, Aaron Ogden, and Hugh Henry Brackenridge. As a mere boy he wrote verses. Unfortunately, some of his juve- nile and bombastic efforts, like "The Poetical History of the Prophet Jonah," written at the age of fourteen, have been preserved in later editions of his poetry. In collaboration with Brackenridge he wrote the commencement poem at his graduation in 1772 — "The Rising Glory of America." 6 For some reason not explained, both Freneau and Madison were absent, or excused from taking part in the commencement 6 This was published in pamphlet form, A Poem on the Rising Glory of America, etc. (Philadelphia, 1772). It is in his Poems (edition of 1795), pp. 36-46. 66 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE programme, as is shown in a paragraph of record in the History of the College of New Jersey? An English forensic dispute on the question, "Does ancient Poetry excel the Modern?" Mr. Freneau, the Respondent, being necessarily absent, his arguments, in favor of the Ancients, were read Mr. James Madi- son was excused from taking any part in the exercises. In the same note upon this programme we read, "A Poem on 'The Rising Glory of America' by Mr. Brackenridge, was received with great applause by the audience." Possibly this state- ment has led to the uncertainty regarding the real authorship of this initial, boyish poem which was afterward included in Freneau's writings. The answer seems to be conclusive, as given by a friend of Brackenridge : Although he courted the Muses, and in conjunction with the poet Freneau, his classmate, composed a poem on "The Rising Glory of America/' he confessed that on his part it was a task of labor, while the verse of his asso- ciate flowed spontaneously. 8 A few lines from this poem indicate both the aspiration and the zeal of its youthful authors; they seem also to prophesy the part that Freneau later was to play in commerce, as well as poetry : 7 John MacLean, History of the College of New Jersey : From Its Origin in 1746 to the Commencement of 1854 (Philadelphia, 1877), Vol. I, p. 312, note. 8 Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. VIII, No. 1, p. 2, PHILIP FRENEAU 67 Great is the praise of commerce, and the men Deserve our praise who spread from shore to shore The flowing sail; great are their dangers too; Death ever present to the fearless eye And ev'ry billow but a gaping grave; Yet all these mighty feats to Science are Their rise and glory. 9 A curious quarto manuscript may be found in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania, entitled "Father Bumbo's Pilgrimage to Mecca in Arabia, Vol. II., written by H. B. and P. F., 1770." The easy translation of these let- ters indicates that the two friends had collaborated in poetry before they wrote the commencement poem. These earlier verses relate many adven- tures, and contain a few doggerel rhymes on political affairs. 10 Occasionally there is a stanza of true appreciation of nature, although ex- pressed in stilted phrase — as this: Sweet are the flowers that crown the Vale, And sweet the spicy breathing Gale, That murmurs o'er the hills, The hour the distant lowing throng Thro' verdant pastures move along, To drink from limpid Streams and crystal Rills. °A Poem on the Rising Glory of America; Being an Exercise Delivered at the Public Commencement at Nassau Hall, September 25, 1772, p. 18. 10 Bound in the manuscript with this poem is a collection of tirades, probably written by Freneau and his college friends to ridicule a rival society of Tories. 68 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Freneau taught school, for a brief period, after he left college. His first experience was in Flat- bush, Long Island, but later he joined Bracken- ridge in Maryland, at Princess Anne Academy. The two friends made fitful attempts at the study of theology; then abandoned this for law, which became the life-profession of Brackenridge. Freneau's career as pedagogue outlasted his time spent in reading for the ministry and the bar, but he disliked the experience as teacher. His dis- heartening impressions were given in letters, and also in a droll poem, "The Miserable Life of a Pedagogue." To Madison he wrote of his forced acceptance of a school at Flatbush, and his dis- gust: I did enter upon the business of it certain and con- tinued in it thirteen days — but — Long Island I have bid adieu, With all its brainless, brutish crew. The youth of that detested place, Are void of reason and of grace. From Flushing hills to Flatbush plains, Deep ignorance unri- vall'd reigns. I'm very poetical but excuse it. 11 With more of humor, tinctured still by im- patience, he wrote his impressions in verse-form for publication: A plague I say on such employment, Where's neither pleasure nor enjoyment; Whoe'er to such life is ty'd, Was born the day he should have dy'd; II Madison Papers, Letters to Madison, November 2, 1772 (Library of Congress), Vol. XIII, p. 9. PHILIP FRENEAU 69 Born in an hour when angry spheres Were tearing caps or pulling ears. And Saturn slow 'gainst swift Mercurius Was meditating battles furious ; Or comets with their blazing train, Decreed their life, a life of pain. 12 During these early years Freneau did other work more worthy than the poetical efforts quoted; the latter are of interest only in tracing the story of his life, with its varied experiences. Some of his verses, written before the war, por- tray the customs of his age. When the war was imminent, he began his work as satirist, probably writing a parody on "Gen. Gage's Proclamation," which was widely circulated in the press and also published as a broadside, in June, 1775. 13 In the aggregate he wrote more than sixty satires, odes, and elegies on the war. One of the best lam- poons of the time was "The Midnight Consulta- tions," first issued as "A Voyage to Boston." 12 This poem was included in a collection, printed as The American Village; A Poem. To Which are Added Several other Original Pieces in Verse. By Philip Freneau, A.B. (New York, 1772). Copies of this are in the Library of Congress and the John Carter Brown Library. From the latter copy a reprint has been made (1906), published by the Club for Colonial Reprints of Providence. 13 This is so suggested by Mr. Paltsits, in his Bibliography, p. 27. In The Origin of McFingal, by J. Hammond Trumbull, it is mentioned as possibly by John Trumbull ; but this seems unlikely from the internal and collateral evidence. See fur- ther explanation on p. 129. 7© HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The scene was laid in the quarters of General Gage, the night after the battle of Bunker Hill. Both Lord Percy and General Gage were ridiculed thus: Lord Percy seem'd to snore — O conscious Muse, - This ill-timed snoring to the Peer excuse, Tir'd was the Hero of his toilsome day, Full fifteen miles he fled, — a tedious way — How should he then the dews of Somnus shun, Perhaps not us'd to walk, much less to run. The moan of Gage was a familiar stanza of cari- cature : Three weeks — ye gods! nay, three long years it seems, Since roast beef I have touched except in dreams. In sleep, choice dishes to my view repair, — Waking, I gape and clamp the empty air. Say, is it just that I, who rule these bands, Should live on husks, like rakes in foreign lands." Uneven in workmanship, with less natural wit than Hopkinson and Trumbull had, Freneau was yet the acknowledged satirist of the war, who accomplished the greatest results in annoying the British and Loyalists and in cheering the patriot leaders. He was ever ready to extol the bravery of the latter, as in his alleged words of Gage, after he realized the valor of the minute- men: ""A Voyage to Boston" (Philadelphia, 1775). The quotations given are in the original form, pp. 10 and 15. The whole poem is in Poems Written between the Years 1768 & 1794 Xi795), PP. 1 1S-21. PHILIP FRENEAU 71 When men like these defy my martial rule, Good heaven ! it is no time to play the fool. During the first years of the conflict Freneau was eager to serve his country in military hazards, as well as by writing. He probably entered the army as a private in 1778; possibly he was raised to the rank of sergeant, as is reported in Jersey- men in the Revolution. 15 In his obituary in the New York Spectator there is also reference to his brief service under arms. 16 Whether these state- ments are fallacious or true — and opinions differ — he did not serve long as a soldier. His sensi- tive, restless nature fretted against the delays and reactions which preceded and followed the procla- mation of independence. While waiting for the issue to come, he carried out a long-cherished plan and made a voyage to the West Indies. Combining trade with pleasure, he delighted in the sunny skies and floral beauties of Jamaica and Santa Cruz. The impressions on his memory and poetic imagination were expressed in such melodic stanzas as this : Amid the shades of yonder whispering grove, The green palmetoes mingle, tall and fair, That ever murmur, and forever move, Fanning with wavy bough the ambient air." 15 Jerseymen in the Revolution, p. 465. No further infor- mation is given. 18 New York Spectator, December 31, 1832. ""Beauties of Santa Cruz," Poems, etc. (1795), p. 134. 72 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE It was under the same influences, environed by the dreamy atmosphere, that he conceived and wrote the first version of "The House of Night" 18 This is a strange, weird vision, some- what suggestive of Coleridge and Poe. In some passages the uneven meters and the excess of moralizing spoil the poetic beauty, but there are bits of fine and haunting melody, not unlike that of "Ulalume." Such is the picture of "the death of Death" at the hour of midnight : Sweet vernal May — tho' then thy woods in bloom Flourish'd, yet nought of this could Fancy see; No wild pinks bless'd the meads, no green the fields, And naked seemed to stand each lifeless tree. Dark was the sky, and not one friendly star Shone from the zenith, or horizon clear; Mist sate upon the plains, and darkness rode In her dark chariot, with her ebon spear. And from the wilds, the late resounding note Issued, of the loquacious whippoorwill ; Hoarse, howling dogs, and nightly-roving wolves Clamour'd, from far-off cliffs invisible." 18 This poem was printed in the United States Maga- zine, edited by Brackenridge, in August, 1779, pp. 355-63. It has the subtitle "Six Hours Lodging with Death." In the same magazine appeared, that year, other poems by Freneau, including "The Dying Elm," "King George the Third's Soliloquy," and "King George's Speech to Lord North." w Poems, etc. (1795). P- 93- This poem was in the first edition, 1786, pp. 101-23, as "The Vision of Night." PHILIP FRENEAU 73 Certain love-sonnets, written during this voy- age to southern seas, extolled a "Fair Amanda," to whom the poet paid homage. Miss Austin sur- mises that she was the daughter of Freneau's host in the Bermudas. 20 Such minor experiences, however, were dimmed in remembrance by his exciting adventure in 1780, as he was starting on another voyage for the Indies. His ship, "Aurora," sailing out from Delaware Bay, was pursued and captured by the British ship "The Iris." The account of this capture, and the sub- sequent horrors on the prison-ship to which he was transferred, afforded theme for one of his most biting satires, "The British Prison-Ship." 21 After this dramatic experience, Freneau, weak- ened by fever and exposure, returned to Mon- mouth, where he wrote a group of deadly satires, incited by personal anger against King George, Lord Cornwallis, Sir Henry Clinton, and the Loyalist printers, Gaine and Rivington. Among the many political verses that he wrote, between 1780 and 1783, three were widely quoted, and 20 Mary S. Austin, Philip Freneau : The Poet of the Revo- lution, edited by Helen Kearny Vreeland (New York, 1901), p. 88. 21 From an unpublished manuscript in prose, said to have been written a few days after the release, there was printed, in 1899, Some Account of the Capture of the Ship Aurora {New York). 74 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE represent his versatility in form: "The Last Will and Testament of James Rivington, Printer," 22 "The Prophecy," and the elegy, "To the Memory of the Brave Americans under Gen- eral Greene, who fell in the action of September 8, 1 78 1." The last poem is better known to modern readers by its later title, "The Battle of Eutaw Springs." "The Prophecy," characterized by bravado and personal thrusts, caught the popular fancy : When a certain great king whose initial is G, Shall force stamps upon paper and folks to drink tea; When these folks burn his tea and stamped paper, like stubble, You may guess that this king is then coming to trouble. But when a petition he treads under his feet, And sends over the ocean an army and fleet; When that army, half starved and frantic with rage, Shall be cooped up with a leader whose name rhymes to cage; When that leader goes home, dejected and sad, You may then be assured the king's prospects are bad. But when B. and C. with their armies are taken, The king will do well if he saves his own bacon. In the year Seventeen hundred and eighty and two, A stroke he shall get that will make him look blue ; In the years eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, You hardly shall know that the king is alive; In the year eighty-six the affair will be over, "Poems, etc. (1795), "The British Prison Ship," p. 161-75 "James Rivington's Last Will and Testament," p, 204. PHILIP FRENEAU 75 And he shall eat turnips that grow in Hanover. The face of the Lion shall then become pale, He shall yield fifteen teeth and be sherr'd of his tail, O king, my dear king, you shall be very sore. The Stars and the Lily shall run you on shore, And your Lion shall growl but never bite, more. 23 As an evidence of the versatility of Freneau, and his skill in other forms of verse than the satire and lampoon, we recall the elegy on the soldiers who fell at the battle of Eutaw Springs. One stanza has gracious truth and deep feeling: Stranger, their humble graves adorn; You too may fall and ask a tear : 'Tis not the beauty of the morn That proves the evening shall be clear. This was the poem which won praise from Walter Scott "as fine a thing of the kind as there is in the language." 24 Critics would charge Scott with plagiarism because, admitting his knowledge of Freneau's poem, he repeated a line almost ver- batim, in Marmion: "They took the spear, but left the shield.'' More probably this was a case of coincidence or literary suggestion. At the close of the war Freneau was a young man under thirty, with a reputation for mental alertness and wit, but without any definite pro- 23 Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly during the Late War (Philadelphia, 1786), p. 178, Poems (1795), p. 178. 2 * Duyckinck, Cyclopaedia of American Literature, Vol. I, P- 335- 76 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE gramme of life or any fixed income. For the next six years he made frequent trips as mer- chant, and became known as "Captain Freneau." Meanwhile he wrote verses of nature-love and domestic customs, sending these often to the Freeman's Journal and the Pennsylvania Packet, both published in Philadelphia. From these papers the poems were reprinted, without name, in many other journals throughout the country. During the year 1787 alone he gave to the journals mentioned, without signature, such poems as "The Almanack-Maker," "The Deserted Farm-House" (which was also printed in the London Morning Herald, July 12, 1787), "The Hermit," "The Indian Student," and the dainty poem, "May to April," which ranks beside his more familiar "The Wild Honeysuckle," 25 and contains this stanza : Without your showers I breed no flowers, Each field a barren waste appears, If you don't weep, my blossoms sleep, They take such pleasure in your tears. 26 25 Freeman's Journal or North American Intelligence (published by Francis Bailey) ; Pennsylvania Packet am Daily Advertiser; Freneau's poems in the issues for Fet ruary 14, April 2, April 18, (Packet), May 24, (Packet), June 9 (Packet), June 20, November 14, etc. In these papers appeared also an advertisement of the first collection Freneau's poems, in 1786 (published by Bailey). 26 Cf. Poems (1795). P- 96. PHILIP FRENEAU 77 Freneau had special reasons for wishing to end his roving life and gain a stable income; for he married, in 1790, Eleanor Forman, a fine woman belonging to a well-known New Jersey family. She had a taste for versifying, and the lovers corresponded "in lyric measures" for more than a year before marriage, under the names of "Ella" and "Birtha." 27 As he lacked training for any other profession, Freneau decided to try to find a place as editor, after his return to New York in 1789, from a trip to Charleston as mer- chant. 28 For several months he was associated, perhaps as editor, with the New York Daily Ad- vertiser, published then by Childs and Swaine. 29 Here he came into friendly relations with John Pintard, who gave valuable reminiscences of Freneau after the latter's death. Jefferson heard of Freneau as a strong Democrat in principles and a keen writer. He met him at the house of a friend, and was further 27 These same names, "Ella" and "Birtha," were used by two other poets who contributed to Fenno's Gazette of the United States, 1791. See issues for February 23, April 16, May 14, etc. For these dates I am indebted to Mr. Victor H. Paltsits. 28 For information regarding this fact and his marriage, see Narrative of a Journey down the Ohio and Mississippi, by Major Samuel Forman (1789-90; reprinted 1888), pp. 10- n). 28 Hudson, History of Journalism in the United States (1873), P. 175. 78 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE influenced in his favor by Madison. The first direct evidence of Jefferson's interest in Freneau was his appointment of the poet, in 1791, as for- eign translator for the Department of State to succeed Pintard, who did not care to leave New York when the seat of government was moved to Philadelphia. The work of this position was not heavy, and its requirements were small — "no other qualification than a moderate knowledge of French," according to Jefferson's words. The salary of $200 a year was acceptable to the young man. This appointment, held by Freneau during the two years when he was editing an Anti- Federalist paper, was widely advertised and brought upon him attacks by political opponents, who spared not Jefferson in their innuendoes. An interesting, unpublished letter has come to my notice, which bears upon this situation, in the manuscript Pickering Papers, at the Massachu- setts Historical Society. 30 The letter was written to Timothy Pickering by George Taylor, Jr., from Philadelphia, January 23, 1809: In order to give a full view of the circumstances under which Mr. Freneau was employed as Interpreter for the Department of State, by Mr. Jefferson, it will be \ requisite for me to go as far back as the year 1785. 30 Pickering Papers, Vol. XXIX, No. 50. Copied by per- mission. The official correspondence on this appointment is ; in Jefferson Papers (Library of Congress), Series I, Vol. IV,, No. 153, Vol. IX, No. 250; Series II, Vol. XXXIII, No. 48.. PHILIP FRENEAU 79 On the first day of January in that year several of my friends at New York, without my knowledge, having recommended me to Mr. Jay, then Secretary for foreign affairs, one of them mentioned it to me and desired me to wait upon him, which I did, when he engaged me as a Clerk in that Department. Shortly after, Mr. Jay in conversation pointed out to me the advantage of acquir- ing a knowledge of the French & Spanish Languages. Not being able to find a suitable Teacher of the latter, I commenced the study of the former and occasionally upon emergencies, I translated for the Department. When in 1789 the seat of Government was about being removed from New York, finding the interpreter for the Department did not mean to go with it, I called upon Mr. Jay and mentioned the circumstance to him, at the same time intimating that, as I knew from the friend- ship he had evinced for me, he would not hesitate to say whether he thought me competent and that in case he did, I should esteem it a favor if he would mention me to Mr. Jefferson, as a candidate for that office. He at once said that he thought I was ; that he conceived it of importance to have the secrets of the Department con- fined to as few a number as possible, or to those already employed in it and therefore would with pleasure call upon Mr. Jefferson on the subject. The day following Mr. Jay informed me that he had mentioned the matter to Mr. Jefferson who had de- clined making the appointment until he should get to Philadelphia, and advised me then to renew my appli- cation. This I accordingly did. Mr. Jefferson told me that he did not conceive he could with propriety give me the two salaries. I observed that my salary as clerk was small, and that that of the Interpreter being only 250 Dollars So HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE no man would accept but as a secondary object, and of course the business of the office must frequently be in- terrupted in waiting for translations — that if I held it, I would always attend to it seasonably, without its inter- fering with my other official duty. He concluded by saying that he should not at present fill up the vacancy. Some months or weeks after this, I received a letter from a friend at New York informing me that he had been told by Mr. Freneau that he was appointed Inter- preter for the Department of State. I replied that it could not be correct — for that before the Government re- moved from that city, having the french treaties to col- late, and he being in the employment of Childs & Swain, who were printing them, I asked him to assist in the colla- tion and he declined it, alleging that he did not sufficiently understand the language, but from its affinity to the Latin, made out to read it. However, he soon after came to this city, received the appointment and in some cases I have assisted a Dutch gentleman then an inmate of my family to translate french documents put into his hands by Mr. Freneau, which to my knowledge belonged to the Department of State I do not recollect when he resigned but be- lieve it was in the summer of 1793 — as in the winter of I 793~i794 I translated the documents in the voluminous correspondence between the Department of State and Genet. . . . We must recall that this letter was written by a disappointed candidate for the office given to Freneau, but it indicates the stress of feeling on the matter of this appointment. This was in- creased when, in October, 1791, Freneau started a newspaper, openly anti-Federalist in its principles PHILIP FRENEAU .81 and merciless in its attacks upon Washington and Hamilton. There is evidence that Freneau did not come to Philadelphia as an editor very willingly, for he had planned to start a demo- cratic newspaper near his Monmouth home, and preferred to keep his residence there. Madison urged him to come to Philadelphia, but he still demurred, and Jefferson feared that he had lost his editorial ally. The former wrote to Randolph, his son-in-law, of the influence wielded by Fenno's Gazette of the United States, saying : You will have perceived that the latter (Fenno's) is a paper of pure Toryism, disseminating the doctrines of monarchy, aristocracy, and the exclusion of the people. We have been trying to get another weekly or half-weekly set up, excluding advertisements, so that it might go through the states and furnish a whig vehicle of intelli- gence. We hoped at one time to have persuaded Freneau to set up here, but failed. 31 The relations between Jefferson and Freneau, in connection with the National Gazette, have never been fully settled. In his own age the poet was very severely arraigned on account of his editorials against the Federal leaders. Many of his friends, in later life, felt that he had been merely a tool in the hands of Jefferson. Others — and this seems the more reasonable opinion — be- lieved in his independent advocacy of democratic principles. The sarcasms which gave spice to the 31 Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. V, p. 336. 82 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE editorial columns differed little from the same form of writing in Freneau's earlier and later works. Jefferson was, naturally, well pleased to have such a keen free-lance to support his views, and he probably gave Freneau encouragement and access to any democratic publications or criti- cisms on the aristocratic tendencies of the Fed- eralists. The detailed story of Freneau's service as editor of this journal, and his principles at the time, have been well studied by Dr. Samuel E. Forman in "The Political Activities of Philip Freneau." 32 In the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania is a manuscript letter from Freneau to William B. Giles, dated December 2, 1793, in which he announces the suspension of the National Gazette, thanks his patron for his sub- scription, and expresses a hope that the paper may be revived. The paper had suspended pub- lication on October 26; doubtless the prevalence of yellow fever in Philadelphia affected both its receipts and its continuance. Jefferson openly expressed regret that the Gazette was discon- tinued, and thus emphasized its importance : "His paper has saved our constitution which was gallop- 32 Samuel E. Forman, "The Political Activities of Philip Freneau," Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series XX, Nos. 9, 10, September-October, 1902. Jefferson's explanation is in his Writings, Vol. VI, pp. 101-09. PHILIP FRENEAU &3 ing fast into monarchy & has been checked by no means so powerfully as by that paper." 33 A comparison of the two Gazettes of this time and city — those edited by Freneau and Fenno in the interests of the Democratic and the Federal parties respectively 34 — reveals many interesting paragraphs. The tone of difference was at first mild and courteous, but gradually waxed bitter and sharp. Freneau printed in his Gazette, throughout its existence, some of his verses of lighter vein, as "The Country Printer," "The Jug of Rum," and "The Pilot of Hatteras," as well as his more philosophical reverie "On the Sleep of Plants." 35 After Freneau's Gazette had been published for a few weeks, the attacks which he made, with subtle, withering ridicule, upon Hamilton and John Adams called forth answering assaults in Fenno's Gazette. The latter were less witty and far more virulent. The chief charge which they raised against Freneau was that he had accepted a place as interpreter in the Depart- ment of State and was guilty of treasonous cen- sure upon the very government which he served. 33 Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. I, p. 231. 3 * Freneau's paper was styled the National Gazette; Fen- no's, the Gazette of the United States. Files of these rival journals may be found at libraries in Philadelphia and at the Library of Congress. 35 See National Gazette for November 14, and December x 9> J 79i J January 16, and January 23, 1792. 84 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The most pointed attack was in Fenno's Gazette, in July, 1792, signed "T. L.," 36 inquiring whether Freneau's salary was paid for translating or for publications which vilified the government which he served. With a sting, which was intended to pierce the mind of Jefferson, he added : "In com- mon life it is thought ungrateful for a man to bite the hand that puts bread in his mouth, but if the man is hired to do it, the case is altered." Because of insinuations like the above, Fre- neau was urged by Jefferson's friends to take an oath before the mayor of Philadelphia that no negotiation was ever opened with him by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, for the establishment or institution of the National Gazette; that the deponent's coming to the city of Philadelphia as a publisher of a newspaper was at no time urged, advised or influenced by the above officer, but that it was his own voluntary act; — that not a line was ever directly or indirectly writ- ten, dictated or composed for it by that officer, but that the editor had consulted his own judgment alone in the conducting of it — free, unfettered and uninfluenced. 87 While the question of his coming to Philadel- phia at the urgent wish of Jefferson would seem to be answered in the affirmative by some of the 36 The communications thus signed have been generally assigned to Alexander Hamilton. Freneau wrote in severe satire on Hamilton's assertion that "a public debt is a public blessing." 37 Gazette of the United States, August, 1792; also given in Forman, Political Activities of Philip Freneau, p. 56. PHILIP FRENEAU 85 letters of both Freneau and Jefferson, still extant and quoted, yet the oath was probably taken in good faith. Freneau's enemies were not satisfied to accept it thus. They charged him with per- jury, and he was long suspected. In the main, he did not reply directly in his paper to such charges, but the pronounced inference from the para- graphs by "T. L.," just quoted, that he was a mere hireling of a political leader, roused his anger, and he quoted the accusation, and made answer : 38 The above is beneath a reply. It might be queried, however, whether a man who receives a small stipend for services rendered as a French translator to the de- partment of State, and, as editor of a free newspaper admits into his publication impartial strictures on the proceedings of gov't, is not more likely to act an honest and disinterested part towards the public, than a vile syco- phant, 39 who obtaining emoluments from government far more lucrative than the salary alluded to (by undermining another man who was in possession of the employ) finds his interests in attempting to poison the minds of the people by propagating and disseminating principles & sentiments utterly subvertive of the true republican interests of this country, and by flattering and recom- mending every and any measure of government, however 38 National Gazette, July 28, 1792, p. 3. 39 John Fenno, the editor of the rival Gazette, was printer to the Senate of the United States, and also for the Treasury Department. His emoluments were declared to be two thousand or twenty-five hundred dollars a year. See article, signed G, in National Gazette, August 15, 1792. 86 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE pernicious & destructive its tendency might be, to the great body of people. The world is left to decide on the motives of each. This prose statement was followed by an ode, beginning : Since the day we attempted the Nation's Gazette, Pomposo's dull printer does nothing but fret. Now preaching And screeching, Then nibbling And scribbling Remarking And barking, Repining And Whining, And still in a pet From morning to night with the Nation's Gazette. Instead of whole columns our page to abuse, Your readers would rather be treated with news ; While wars are a-brewing, And kingdoms undoing, While monarchs are falling, And princesses squalling, While France is reforming, And Irishmen storming, In a glare of such splendour, What nonsense to fret At so humble a thing As — the Nation's Gazette. Freneau's criticism of Washington as Presi- dent, and of his party, did not lessen his admira- tion for the man and the soldier. Among many PHILIP FRENEAU 87 elegies upon Washington were three by Freneau, sympathetic and loyal. In one he expressed just resentment at the extravagant eulogies so com- mon at the time of Washington's death; with directness and truth he summarized the hero's traits : He was no god, ye flattering knaves, He owned no world, he ruled no waves; But, — and exalt it if you can, — He was the upright, HONEST MAN. This was his glory, this outshone Those attributes you doat upon; On this strong ground he took his stand, Such virtue saved a sinking land. 40 In further proof of the kindly personal rela- tions which existed between Washington and Freneau, the latter's daughter recalled a visit which Washington made to their Monmouth home, when he was an honored guest and devoted himself to the children. 41 In contrast with this family story was another, from the same source, which would give weight to the suggestion that Freneau was not on very cordial terms with Jefferson after the abandonment of the Gazette. It was reported that Jefferson, when President, would befriend Freneau, who was in financial 40 A Collection of Poems, etc. (New York, 1815), Vol. I, p. 161. 41 Mary S. Austin, Philip Freneau : The Poet of the Revo- lution, p. 170. 88 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE stress, by appointing him as postmaster, and he summoned Freneau to an audience. The poet returned a haughty answer: "Tell Thomas Jefferson that he knows where Philip Freneau lives, and if he has important business with him, let him come to Philip Freneau's house and transact it." 42 After the failure of his Gazette, Freneau seemed to meet rebuffs and reverses until the end of his life — a period of forty years. As a poet, he often lost heart and was deeply depressed by the surroundings of his chequered life. In such moods he wrote some of his poems, like "To the Americans of the United States," in 1796: The coming age will be an age of prose: When sordid cares will break the Muse's dream, And Common Sense be ranked in seat supreme. In spite of such expressions of bitterness, there were flashes of poetic impulse, and constantly recurring ambitions to try again his fate as poet- editor. After he had moved his types from Philadelphia to Monmouth, he printed there the revised edition of his poems, adding only a few new ones, but reprinting, with some corrections, 42 Loc. cit., p. 173. Mr. Pattee, in the "Introduction" to his edition of Freneau's Poems, tells the same story, but substi- tutes the name of Madison for that of Jefferson, with no explanation other than that of the poet's pride (Vol. I, p. lxxx). PHILIP FRENEAU 89 those that had been printed by Bailey in 1786 and 1788. 43 For a year he was editor and printer of a curious little sheet, the Jersey Chronicle.** Its eight quarto pages contained spirited comments on politics and literature, with occasional jibes at the "aggravating insults offered to Americans, notwithstanding the treaty by Mr. Jay, from which the temporizing citizens of America ex- pected so many advantages." 45 The motto of this paper was an apt quotation from Horace: Inter sylvas Academi quaerere verum. In a letter to Madison he enlarged upon his plans to spend the rest of his life upon his Monmouth estate and edit "a small weekly newspaper calculated for the part of the country" in which he resided. Appar- ently the neighborhood failed to respond. After the abandonment of the journal, from lack of subscriptions, Freneau wrote again to Madison : After experiencing one or two disappointments, I am now, through the kind aid of some friends here, nearly- completing the project of a co-partnership with Thomas 43 Poems Written between the Years 1768 & 1794 by Philip Freneau of New Jersey. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author. Monmouth (N. /.). Printed at the Press of the Author: M, DCC, XCV. "Jersey Chronicle, Monmouth (N. J.), May 2, 1795, to April 30, 1796; file in Lenox Library. ^From the issue of April 2, 1796, in the American Anti- quarian Society. 9© HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Greenleaf in his two Papers, The Argus, a Daily publica- tion, and The New York Journal, twice a week : both on a pretty respectable footing, and noted for a steady at- tachment to Republican principles, though open to all decent speculations from any party if they choose to transmit them. In short, I would wish to revive some- thing in the spirit of the National Gazette, if time and circumstances allow, and with proper assistance hope to succeed; — Thus, A Raven once an acorn took, From Bashan's strongest stoutest trees; He hid it near a murmuring brook, And liv'd another oak to see. 48 Whether as a result of this project and assist- ance, or following another disappointment, Fre- neau entered upon his last journalistic venture, in New York, in April, 1797, where for about a year he edited a tri-weekly, the Time-Piece and Literary Companion. 47 He had two associates, in turn, A. Menut and M. L. Davis, the latter continuing the paper for a few months after Fre- neau had withdrawn for lack of financial return. In this journal appeared some of Freneau's poems, and his translation of "New Travels of M. Abbe Robin in North America" — spicy prose with satiric touches. 48 Madison Papers, Freneau to Madison, December i, 1796 (Library of Congress), Vol. XXI, p. 70. * 7 Time-Piece and Literary Companion, New York, April, 1797, to March, 1798. PHILIP FRENEAU 91 The prose style of Freneau was, at its best, crisp and simple, in contrast with the labored pedantry of his contemporaries. Perhaps the most representative example is Letters by Robert Slender, O.S.M.** The "Advice to Young Authors," in this collection, has a sensible reminder : "Never make a present of your works to great men. If they do not think them worth purchasing, trust me they will never think them worth reading." "Robert Slender, Stocking- Weaver," became a favorite pseudonym for Freneau, used both in prose and verse. In the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania can be found two copies of a pamphlet, A Laugh- able Poem or Robert Slender 's Journey from Philadelphia to New York by Way of Burlington and South Amboy. 49 Intended as a farce, the characters include Robert Slender, Mr. Snip, Billy O'Bluster, Snipinda, and the milliner's maid. In plot, the writing is farcical, but the tale does not appeal strongly to our conception of the "laughable." There is drollery, and a rol- licking meter in some portions, as in chapter 6, "The Chapter of Vexations and Disasters," which 48 The letters "O.S.M." meant "One of the Swinish Mul- titude." Many of these letters are also in Freneau's Mis- cellaneous Works (Philadelphia, 1788). 49 This bore imprint, Philadelphia, 1809. 24 pp. A copy is also in Brown University Library. It is in his Poems .(1795), PP- 338-50. 92 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE recalls the discomforts of that day of post-chaise traveling : Coop'd up in a waggon, the curtains let down, At three in the morning, we drove out of town: A morning more dark I ne'er saw in my life, And the fog was so thick it would cut with a knife; In a morning like this were the Trojans undone, When the horse was admitted, that never could run: It was a fit season for murders and rapes, For drunken adventures and narrow escapes. So, with something to think of, and little to say, The driver drove on, looking out for the day, Till we came to the brow of a damnable hill Six miles on our way, when the cattle stood still; "Are you sure you are right with the Waggon," cry'd Snip. "I am," said the driver, and crack'd with his whip, Then away ran the horses, but took the wrong road And down went the waggon, with all its full load, Down, deep in a valley, — roll'd over and over, Fell the flying machine, with its curtains and cover, Where shatter'd and wounded, no glimpse yet of day A mass of perdition, together we lay! The losses which resulted from his failures in journalism crippled Freneau's Monmouth prop- erty, as was shown in mortgages placed upon the estate after 1805. He sought to redeem his for- tunes by a return to seafaring and trading. His brother in South Carolina assisted him with com- mercial aid. From 1804 to 1809 he made several trips as a trader to southern states; but the journeys became irksome to him, and he longed PHILIP FRENEAU 93 for retirement to his rural home. His last long cruise was to the Canary Islands in 1807, as he told Madison in a letter eight years afterward, in which he announced a new, expensive edition of his poems, to be issued by David Longworth, and to be paid for by subscription. This was the second two-volume edition which had been printed. The earlier venture, made in 1809, was an act of generosity, according to his statement to Madison, in the same letter : That edition was published by subscription merely for the benefit of, and to assist Mrs. Bailey, an unfortunate but deserving widowed female, niece of General Steele, and this consideration alone induced me to pay some attention to that third edition. 50 Freneau was keenly hurt by the lack of appre- ciation among his contemporaries ; he yearned for some true sympathy and helpful criticism. The praise which he received was couched in the extravagant language of the day, and was irritat- ing rather than stimulating. Such was the rough verse in which Colonel Parke heralded him, after Freneau's first collection of poems appeared, in 1786. Possibly the humor of Freneau helped him to appreciate the last line : And when you are number'd alas ! with the dead, Your work by true wits will forever be read, 50 Madison Papers, MS. (Library of Congress), January 12, 1815. 94 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Who, pointing the finger, shall pensively show The lines that were written, alas ! by Freneau. 61 Another droll tribute followed his poem, "The Pilot of Hatteras," by "Captain Freneau," in the Freeman's Journal three years later : This celebrated genius, the Peter Pindar of America, is now master of a Packet, which runs between New York, Philadelphia and Charleston. His tuneful numbers during the war did much to soften the disagreeable sensations which a state of warfare so generally occasions. 52 With the readers of his own day Freneau's verses with a humorous tone were in greatest favor, such as "Crispin O'Connor," "Advice to the Ladies Not to Neglect the Dentist," "The Vil- lage Merchant," and "Farmer Dobbins's Com- plaint." There was a coarse humor, on a favorite subject of joke, in the last-named doggerel : Three daughters I have and as prettily made, As handsome as any you'll see; And lovers they count, — but still I'm afraid They always will hang upon me. These bucks of the town with their elegant coats I'm sick of their horses and chairs. They plunder my hay and they pilfer my oats, — Am I keeping a tavern, my dears? 53 61 Freeman's Journal, June 21, 1786. 62 Ibid., December 9, 1789. 53 {Poems. 1795, p. 19). In the National Gazette, August 25, 1792, this poem appeared as "Farmer Dobbins to the Buck-Suitors," signed "Dobbins". PHILIP FRENEAU 95 This song, with two others by Freneau — "The Indian Student" and "The Rights of Man"— was included in The Columbian Songster or Jovial Companion, a collection of popular airs published in 1797. They are ranked there with Hopkinson's "Battle of the Kegs" and "With Jemmy on the Sea." Another favorite poem, ascribed in his own day to Freneau, and sung by school-children until recent years, was "The Death-Song of a Chero- kee Indian." It is not found in any of Freneau's collected poems, and was ascribed to Mrs. Ann Hunter, of England, before 1806. There still seems justice in asking if it may not have been written or adapted by Freneau. As "original poetry" it was contributed to the American Museum, in January 1787, with unquestioned authorship by Freneau, thus announced: The Death-Song of a Cherokee Indian By P. Freneau. The sun sets at night; and the stars shun the day; But glory remains when their lights fade away. Begin, ye tormentors : your threats are in vain : For the son of Alknomock will never complain. Remember the woods where in ambush he lay, And the scalps which he bore from his nation away, Why do ye delay? — till I shrink from my pain? Know the son of Alknomock can never complain. 96 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Remember the arrows he shot from his bow: Remember your chiefs by his hatchet laid low, The flame rises high. You exult in my pain: But the son of Alknomock will never complain. I go to the land where my father is gone: His ghost shall exult in the fame of his son. Death comes like a friend. He relieves me from pain. And thy son, O Alknomock, has scorn'd to complain. Duyckinck, the friend of Freneau in later life, , included this poem, among Freneau's, in his Cyclopaedia of American Literature, with a note of explanation. Royall Tyler introduced it, with the music, into his play, The Contrast; 54 it seems unlikely that he would have used an English song in this first American drama, with its intense Yankeeism. In style of writing, in sentiment and theme, it is accordant with Freneau's poetry, and with his admiration for the defiant prowess of the Indian. In "The Indian Burying-Ground" he praised the custom of leaving the warriors, after rj death, in an upright posture, symbolizing immedi- - ate action and defiance to the wiles of the enemy. In "The Indian Student," one of his best poems, he awakened sympathy for his hero, yearning for i the free life of the forest, when he had been* taken from it and placed at college : A little could my wants supply, — Can wealth or honor give me more; 54 The Contrast (Philadelphia, 1790). PHILIP FRENEAU 97 Or, will the sylvan god deny The humble treat he gave before? Let seraphs reach the bright abode And Heaven's sublimest mansions see, — I only bow to NATURE'S GOD, The Land of Shades will do for me. 65 Reading with care this group of Freneau's poems on Indian character, it seems as if the song in question might be his rendering. It was writ- ten after the first edition of his poems was printed, in 1786. The second edition, his Miscel- laneous Works?* in 1788, was compiled while he was away at sea, by the printer Bailey, and Fre- ;neau regretted that he was not consulted in its preparation. He had an opportunity to place this boem in his Monmouth reprint, in 1795, but before the edition of 1809 appeared, the poem had been ascribed to Mrs. Hunter. Possibly Freneau was content to have it recognized as his in America, and would not openly dispute its authorship. On the other hand, it must be confessed that Freneau seldom omitted to claim as his own all his verses that had appeared in magazines or 65 Poems Written between the Years 1768 & 1794 (Mem mouth, 1795), p. 80. When this poem appeared in the Pennsylvania Packet, June 9, 1787, unsigned, Freneau ex- Dlained a reference to "Harvard's Hall," with accurate de- vils, as at Cambridge, Mass. 56 The Miscellaneous Writings of Mr. Philip Freneau [Philadelphia, 1788). 98 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE newspapers, and were adapted for inclusion in his collected poems. The last thirty years of Freneau's life were full of memories and fading hopes rather than much active service. He wrote occasional essays and poems for the newspapers, often unsigned; many, of them may be found in Bache's Aurora, a Phila-t delphia journal of democratic trend. The War of 1812 called forth from him several patriotic odes, celebrating the victories of Hull, Decatur, and« their crews. Belonging to this period of compo- sition was his "Ode to Liberty," beginning, "God I save the Rights of Man," which was sung for many years to the tune of England's national hymn — the same which was later chosen for Dr, Smith's national hymn of America. Because oi 1 the interest which seemed to be revived in Fre- neau by his celebrant poems written during anc I 1 after the second war with England, Longwortl decided to issue his poems in a two-volumr edition. This was done in 1815, 57 and sucl recognition nourished a feeling of grateful prid in the poet's heart. To Madison he wrote : I found last winter that an edition would soon be goin; on at all events, and in contradiction to my wishes, as I ha left these old scribblings to float quietly down the streari of oblivion to their destined element, the ocean of forget fulness I do not know that the Verses are c 57 A Collection of Poems, etc. (2 vols.; New York, 1815 PHILIP FRENEAU 99 iny superior or very unusual merit, but he tells me the Town will have them, and of course, have them they will, nd must, it seems. 68 It is pathetic to follow, in letters, Freneau's •ising hopes as a poet, gradually sinking into eigned indifference, then into periods of silence rom wounded pride. Although he spoke slight- ngly of his verses, they were very precious to tim, and he grieved at each new sign of neglect by the public. Such a temperament, however, /ill feed upon its own food of fancy and hope; :is imaginative delights were confessed in one of lis most dainty odes, "Apostrophe to Fancy" : Wakeful, vagrant, restless thing, Ever wandering on the wing, Who thy wondrous source can find, FANCY, regent of the mind! FANCY, to thy power I owe Half my happiness below ; By thee Elysian groves were made, Thine were the notes that Orpheus play'd; By thee was Pluto charm'd so well While rapture seized the sons of hell ; Come, O come, perceiv'd by none, You and I will walk alone. 58 Madison Papers, Vol. XXXV, p. 17; letter dated Janu- y 12, 1815. 59 "Ode to Fancy," Poems Written between the Years •68 & 1794 (1795), P. 3i. ioo HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE During the last years of his life Freneau was often seen in New York, where he would come from Monmouth to visit his friends — Governor Clinton, Dr. John Francis, and other men of note and letters. He persistently refused to sit for a portrait, but, on one of these visits to New York, J his face was sketched ; after his death the draw- - ing was enlarged, and is the only likeness which i we possess. The eyes, there pictured, represent i the tender heart which could not endure the sacri- I flee of a chicken or the killing of a fly, and which prompted him to manumit all the slaves on his | estate and support the old servants from an in- come which was insufficient for all his own needs. He had collected one of the best private libraries in his neighborhood ; this, with many other treasured heirlooms, was destroyed by fire in 1818. After the loss of his home, he passed the rest of his days at the former home of Mrs. Freneau's father, in the vicinity. He had four daughters, but no son. His second daughter, Agnes Freneau Leadbeater, was a beautiful, witty woman. Her son perpetuated the family name by changing the order of his surnames. She was | often her father's companion on his visits to New York; she also inherited some of his poetic gifts I and wrote graceful rhymes of domestic life. Like many men of his age, Freneau delightec to mix a "glass of flip" for convivial occasions < PHILIP FRENEAU 101 although in his verses he advises against the excessive use of tobacco and "the jug of rum." One of his most spontaneous lyrics was the poem of friendship, "The Parting Glass," with its clos- ing stanza : With him who loves a pot of ale, Who holds to all an even scale ; Who hates a knave in each disguise, And fears him not whate'er his size, — With him, well pleased my days to pass, May Heaven forbid THE PARTING GLASS. 80 Freneau was found frozen to death in a bog- meadow after a severe snowstorm, in December, 183 1. He was returning, in the evening, from a call upon a friend a short distance from his home and, at his advanced age, was not able to battle against one of the most turbulent storms of the winter. 61 Local and New York newspapers pub- lished brief obituaries of the poet whom his countrymen had seemed to forget. Side by side, in a field near his former home, are the graves of Freneau and his wife. His resting-place was beneath a tree where he frequently sat and mused. Near by flows the little stream which inspired one of his sprightly poems, "The Brook of the Valley" : w Poems Written between the Years 1768 6-1794 (1795), ?. 85. 61 Newspapers of the time mention this storm as unusually severe. 102 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE When the shower of waters fell, How you raged, and what a swell! All your banks you overflow'd Scarcely knew your own abode! How you battled with the rock! Gave my willow such a shock As to menace by its fall Underbrush and bushes, all! Muddy now and limpid next, Now with icy shackles vext, — What a likeness here we find ! What a picture of mankind ! 62 There were winsome traits in the personality of this elder poet. He was impractical in busi- ness and aggressive in political feelings, but he left some tuneful, hopeful messages of devotion to nature and sane living. 63 He was not so far removed from our pioneer writers of repute, as we might surmise. When he died, Irving and his Knickerbocker friends had written, not alone the Salmagundi Papers and the Knickerbocker His-) tory of New York, but also The Sketch Book and Bracebridge Hall. Emerson, at twenty-nine < already gave promise of becoming a force ir American letters. Bryant had written Thanatopi sis fifteen years before, and was in the full, maturity of his development. Longfellow anc 62 The Poems of Philip Freneau (1815), Vol. II, p. 83. 68 It is fitting that on his tombstone should be read Poet's Grave." PHILIP FRENEAU 103 Whittier had sounded the primal notes of their poetry. During the last years of Freneau's life a wave of interest in American authors began to spread over the land. He was not included in the generous plaudits of reviewers — possibly because the stigma of his political virulence against Wash- ington's administration was not forgotten. To claim that he was the most gifted poet of Ameri- can literature, prior to the nineteenth century, is not extravagant tribute, for the attempts at verse were crude imitations of Pope and Gray. Many of such imitators, who gained more renown in their time than did Freneau, are now wholly for- gotten, while his work is gaining attention. The true distinction that he merits is as the first poet of indigenous themes, with a fearless strength and a true promise. In his poems are hints of later, more familiar verses ; his lyric "To a Caty- did" seems suggestive, both in fancy and form, of Dr. Holmes's "To an Insect" : 64 Tell me, what did Caty do? Did she mean to trouble you? Why was Caty not forbid To trouble little Caty-did? Wrong indeed, at you to fling, Hurting no one while you sing "Caty-did ! Caty-did ! Caty-did !" Why continue to complain? Caty tells me she again 84 A Collection of Poems, etc. (1815), Vol. II, pp. 84-86. 104 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Will not give you plague or pain: — Caty says you may be hid, Caty will not go to bed While you sing us "Caty-did! Caty-did ! Caty-did ! Caty-did !" Freneau's poems reveal his blended traits — playfulness mingled with intense zeal, affability with possible rancor, delight in mystic fancy with vital interest in true democracy. In his satires and essays he showed his knowledge of the best English models; his sharp war-poems were often reflections of the Latin satirists. His lyrics of greatest skill were adaptations of Gray and Cowper, with unmistakable signs of originality in thought. Although he retained traits of French parentage, he was a true American, who shared fully in his country's struggles and rejoiced in its progress. JOHN TRUMBULL: SATIRIST AND SCHOLAR JOHN TRUMBULL Judge and author. From a portrait painted by John Trumbull, artist, and engraved by Durand. IV JOHN TRUMBULL: SATIRIST AND SCHOLAR According to a romantic tradition, a yeoman, in the time of an early English king, risked his own life in saving his majesty from an attack by an angry bull. In return for this service he was knighted as Turn-bull, with three bulls' heads for insignia and a bull's head for a crest. A descend- ant of this hero married a wealthy woman, and the remembrance of the knight's courage could not atone to her and her husband for the unpleasant name. He requested that, for his branch, the letters might be transferred; hence the name was called Trumbull or Trumble. The American pro- genitor of this family settled at Ipswich, in 1645, and had three sons — John, Jonathan, and Benoni — from whom were descended the two Governors Jonathan, the portrait-painter John, and the satirist of the same name. The little parish of Westbury, Connecticut, now a part of Waterbury, called as pastor of its village church, in 1729, a young man of athletic build, John Trumble. His muscularity seemed to make the first deep impression, according to a story often repeated. A band of competitive 107 108 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE wrestlers, known as "Town Spotters," were accustomed to meet at a "half-way house" in the neighborhood, to decide the championship of the town. On one occasion, when the last wrestler had won the contest, a masked stranger appeared, caught the champion by the foot, and threw him on the open fire. The stranger disappeared sud- denly but was soon after recognized as the young minister, Mr. Trumble. In the first church of the adjacent town of Waterbury there ministered a Mr. Leavensworth. Chancing to meet his Westbury colleague soon after the wrestling, he rebuked him for two sins — levity, and rashness in tossing the wrestler so near the fire, at the risk of fatal injury. With a wit which was as bold as his courage, the younger clergyman accepted the rebuke for levity, but de- clared : "As for the scorching, I thought it might be my duty to give your parishioners a foretaste of what they might expect after sitting under your preaching." * This Rev. John Trumble was a man of unusual traits, and became the father of a remarkable scholar. His second son, John, is the 1 This story is told fully in The Town and City of Water- bury, Connecticut, from the Aboriginal Period to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Five, edited by Joseph Ander- son, D.D. {New Haven, 1896), Vol. I, p. 326, 327. JOHN TRUMBULL 109 subject of this chapter. In those days before pre- paratory schools, the local minister, if a good classical scholar, was often chosen as tutor to fit boys for college. Among the students whom Mr. Trumble was instructing in the mysteries of Cor- derius, Tully, and other classic texts, was William Southmayd, seventeen years old. The task seems to have been laborious for both teacher and pupil, but persistence won success. While this youth was struggling with his classic enemies, a little boy of six or seven years played about in the minister's study and, perhaps unconsciously, acquired the Latin words which daunted the older pupil. If we can believe the family journals — and there seems to be no good reason for distrusting them — little John Trumble 2 was the great American prodigy. At two years he recited all The New England Primer and Watts's Divine Songs for Children. At two and a half he could read, and at four or five he made his first reading- excursion through the Bible and Watts's Lyrics. At the same age he composed rhymes in the form of his venerable model, and "lay awake some nights" to get the correct prosody. By some un- explained lapse, he was unable to write until he 2 The name was spelt Trumble in records until about 1768. HO HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE was five ; so he preserved his hymnal compositions in printed letters. 3 After such a life-record of five years, one is not surprised to read that from five to seven he mastered many of the Greek and Latin texts re- quired for entrance to college. When two candi- dates were presented at Yale, in 1757, by Rev. Mr. Trumble, the older pupil was nineteen and the younger, his son, was seven years and five months. Dr. E. A. Park, in his Sketch of Nathaniel Emmons, states that the latter had the honor of "holding on his knee" young Trumble, as he was examined in the specified Latin, Greek, and mathematics. 4 Newspapers at this early date seldom gave personal items, except marriage and death notices, but this incident was mentioned in the Connecticut Gazette, September 24, 1757; numbered among the candidates for admission was "the Son of Rev'd Mr. Trumble of Water- bury, who passed a good Examination, altho but little more than seven years of age ; but on account of his Youth his father does not intend he shall at present continue at College." One would expect better judgment from the z The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, LL.D. (Hart- ford, 1820), Memoir, p. 10.; extracts from Trumbull manu- scripts in Tyler's Literary History of the Revolution, Vol. I, pp. 190-94. * Works of Nathaniel Emmons, Vol. I, p. clxviii. JOHN TRUMBULL III ex-wrestler, but he allowed his son to spend the next six years reading the classics usually read at college, instead of roaming about care-free in the fields and woods, to counteract the mental excesses of earlier years. When the boy entered Yale at thirteen, he was so perfected in Greek and Latin that he devoted himself to mathematics, astronomy, and the few volumes of English essay and poetry then in the library. He had previously made acquaintance with Milton, Addison, and Thomson, in his father's study, and thus laid the foundations for his own literary expressions. After graduating, he remained as "Dean's scholar" for three years, until he won his master's degree at twenty years of age. The curriculum and educational modes at Yale were passing through a transition period. For more than a decade advocates of a broader spirit had sought to introduce oratory, sciences, and English literature, as Harvard had already done. But Yale, more conservative in both educational and theological tenets, lost ground among the pro- gressive men of the later Colonial period. Presi- dent Daggett and his venerable advisers were con- vinced that "solid learning alone" was necessary, and that the new branches, in contrast with the classic texts, and logic and theology, represented "folly, nonsense and an idle waste of time." The crisis came in 1771, when three of the conserva- 112 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE tive professors resigned, and Timothy D wight and John Trumbull were chosen as tutors. 5 In the library at Yale University may be read the first argument in serious prose by John Trum- bull in behalf of the cultivation of literary tastes of college students. It was entitled An Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts. 6 The paper revealed a broad scholarship for that day. In a few words, Trumbull characterized sciences, literature, and art as educative agencies. He con- trasted the culture of the heathen nations with that of Greece and Rome, and summarized each classic writer of special note in a few, cogent sentences. Then followed a review of English history and literature, from the reign of Eliza- beth to the time of Pope and Thomson. Brought thus down to contemporary times, he urged upon Americans the need of culture, especially along the lines of the fine arts. A few sentences will illustrate the clearness and earnestness of thought: America hath a fair prospect in a few centuries of ruling both in arts and arms. It is universally allowed 5 W. L. Kingsley, A Sketch of the History of Yale Col- lege, Vol. I, pp. 95-97' 6 An Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts: Delivered at the Public Commencement in New Haven, Sept. 12, 1770 (New Haven, 1770; 16 pages, 8vo). Copies of this may be found at Yale University, Watkinson Library of Hart- ford, Library of Congress, and Massachusetts Historical Society. JOHN TRUMBULL 113 that we very much excel in the force of natural genius : and although but few among us are able to devote their whole lives to study, perhaps there is no nation in which a larger portion of learning is diffused through all ranks of people. For as we generally possess the middle station of life, neither sunk to vassalage, nor raised to independ- ance, we avoid the sordid ignorance of peasants, and the unthinking dissipation of the great. The sentences which follow are significant, for they indicate the political conditions of the time and predict the part soon to be played by Trum- bull as patriot-satirist : Happy, in this respect, have been our late struggles for liberty ! They have awakened the spirit of freedom ; they have rectified the manners of the times ; they have made us acquainted with the rights of mankind; recalled to our minds the glowing independance of former ages, fired us with the views of fame, and by filling our thoughts with contempt of the imported articles of luxury, have raised an opposition not only to the illegal power, but to the effemi- nate manners of Britain Our late writers in the cause of liberty have gained the applause of Europe. Many elegant essays have been produced in the style of wit and humour ; nor hath Poetry been entirely unculti- vated among us ! In witness of the last statement, and in accord- ance with the custom of the times, Trumbull dosed his peroration with lines of prophecy upon America's future bards. This attempt at verse is weak and bombastic, in contrast with the simpler, luent prose. One stanza, often quoted at the H4 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE time, arouses a smile today because of the allied names of the popular poets in that day : This land her Steele and Addison shall view, The former glories equall'd by the new; Some future Shakespeare charm the rising age, And hold in magic charm the listening stage; Another Watts shall string the heavenly lyre, And other muses other bards inspire. 7 In spite of many flaws and some puerility, this essay was remarkable for its purity and directness of diction, in contrast with the cumbrous, pedantic form of many contemporary writers. That it attracted more than usual interest, at the time it was read, is attested by a notice in the Connecti- cut Journal, September 30, 1770. 8 After com- menting on the essay as the chief feature of the commencement programme, the editor eulogized its author, but chose, unfortunately, his verse rather than his prose for special praise : Immortal Pope ! thy son immortal see ; He treads the steps that once were trod by thee; All that for future times he bids us hope, We see in him as England saw in POPE. This essay was not the first venture in Addi- sonian prose by Trumbull. He had written anonymously in favor of a study of modern litera-i ture, as a means of creating a progressive spiril; 7 hoc. cit., p. 15. 8 Not November 30, as cited by Tyler, Literary History 01 the Revolution, Vol. I, p. 210. , JOHN TRUMBULL 115 at the colleges. With earnestness, lightened by mild ridicule, he wrote several editorials, signed "The Meddler," for the Boston Chronicle, from September, 1769, to January, 1770. The errors of the day in educational ideas and in social standards, as well as the religious narrowness, all came under his censure. To relieve heaviness, he introduced a few satiric sketches, like that of Jack Dapperwit, who had later companions in The Progress of Dulness. 9 "Wit; True and False," and the abuses of newspaper writing, were treated with frankness. 10 Some of the articles were signed "The Schemer," an ally of "The Med- dler." All had the same aim, announced with the confidence of youth — "assistance, (however trifling soever it may be) towards instructing the ignorant, diverting and improving the learned, rectifying the taste and manners of the times, and cultivating the fine arts of theTa'n^^ The first essay by "The Meddler" 11 struck the keynote of the series in a remonstrance against the shams and veneer of life, versus its realities. As an example, he cited the fashion of publication 9 Progress of Dulness, etc. (1772) ; see later pages of this chapter. 10 "The Meddler," II, Boston Chronicle, September 14-18, 1769. Some of these papers were probably written by Timothy Dwight and other friends of Trumbull, but his ideas and style are recognized in many. 11 Boston Chronicle, September 4-7, 1769. n6 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE then in vogue, with a caricature of the author's entrance in a grand "equipage" and heralded by a pompous preface. With ridicule he concluded : And sometimes for our further information, a curious frontispiece is engraved, containing an elegant portrait of the Author, surrounded with antique symbols, and alle- gorical devices ; such as Minerva, Apollo or some other of their Godships, standing by him with a label of "Hie est mens" or something familiar hanging out at their mouths. Again, he was ironical regarding the so-called "gentlemanly qualifications" — extravagant man- ners and dress, dancing, complimenting, cursing, drinking, gaming, etc. 12 In contrast was the atti- tude of the day toward the cultivation of a love for letters : Poetry is indeed much neglected in this age, being looked upon as the lowest qualification of a gentleman. Under this head, as I am an advocate for the moderns, I will make use of the best arguments I can in their favour. It is a well-known maxim that every poet is a fool: if this be true, I believe that no one, who has read thus far, can doubt of our qualification for that office. Such an anticlimax was often used by Trumbull, with humorous effect. "The Schemer" delighted to satirize the artful- ness of the young ladies, who resorted to silly schemes to captivate the men. Behind clever parody was an earnest remonstrance against the mere "accomplishments" which formed the usual 12 "The Schemer," ibid., December 18, 1769. JOHN TRUMBULL 117 education of women of that period, leaving their minds vacant and fickle. In burlesque, appeared the following "Advertisement" : To Be Sold at Public Vendue, The Whole Estate of Isabelle Sprightly, Toast and Coquette, (Now retiring from business) This announcement was followed by a detailed list of her "Tools and Utensils" — darts, arrows, patches, cosmetics, caps, Cupids, and other adorn- ments, "very proper to be stationed on a ruby lip, a diamond eye, or a roseate cheek." 13 These newspaper essays, written while Trum- bull was still a student at Yale studying for his second degree, were followed by others of similar tone in the Connecticut Journal, during the spring of 1770, under the signature of "The Corre- spondent." The authors treated many of the same topics as before, but wrote with more boldness and conviction upon certain other interests of the day, as second-sight, palmistry, the morality of dancing, and the promotion of the slave-trade by "so-called Christians." Such ventures in authorship, and the liberal, fearless ideas there advocated, called popular at- tention to the young man, who had amazed New 15 Boston Chronicle, October 23-26, 1769, signed "B." This cannot be proved to be Trumbull's, but bears close relation- ship to his later satires. Ii8 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Haven professors by his brilliant scholarship as a boy. With wisdom, as was proved in his mature life, he chose to study law, since devotion to letters would bring meager return as a life- profession. For this purpose he went to Wethersfield for a year; but the reading of law was somewhat interrupted, for he was called back to Yale as tutor. He continued his studies for the profession, however, and became a successful lawyer and judge. Meantime the progressive spirit at Yale, advo- cated by the younger graduates, had gained the ascendency. The autumn of 1771 found three young tutors at the college, men of reforming zeal and popularity — Joseph Howe, Timothy Dwight, and John Trumbull. The beauty of Howe's character called forth tributes from his parishioners in Boston, where he preached for a brief while before his death in 1775. With less alertness and confidence than Trumbull and Dwight, Howe was a very popular teacher at Yale and awakened noble ambition in the souls of his pupils. The effect of his benign personality upon Trumbull was expressed in the closing lines of the latter's "Ode to Sleep" : Teach me, like thee, to feel and know Our humble station in this vale of woe, Twilight of life, illumed with feeble ray, The infant dawning of eternal day; JOHN TRUMBULL 119 With heart expansive through this scene improve The social soul of harmony and love. 14 During Trumbull's two years of teaching at Yale he devoted himself to both law and litera- ture. His capacity for mental work was phe- nomenal throughout his life. By the students he was considered a man of marvelous brain-power ; but he was also a social favorite. Among the boys he was familiarly called "Trum." In a romance which reveals truthfully the life at Yale during the years just prior to the war, James Eugene Farmer has devoted one chapter to "An Evening with Trumbull." 15 There are also vivid glimpses in this story of popular students like Nathan Hale and David Humphreys. In this fictional narrative the students are listening with delight to Trumbull's reading from two incom- plete satires. One of these was The Advertise- ment of a Coquette, already quoted, and the other was the first part of The Progress of Dulness. The question has been asked, by Tyler and other critics, whether satire was a natural or an accidental form of literary expression on the part of Trumbull. He once asserted that his native u The Poetical Works of John Trumbull (1820), Vol. II, p. 120. 15 James Eugene Farmer, Brinton Eliot; from Yale to York- town, (New York, 1902), part I, chap. 7. 120 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE taste was imaginative rather than satirical, and that the latter trend came from the political con- ditions which confronted and stirred him. Evi- dence from his literary efforts of varied types, and also from reading some of his keen, satiric pleas and letters, seems to indicate that satire was a legitimate expression of his witty, penetrating mind. Doubtless it was fostered both by the political conflict, and also by his devotion to the English essayists of satirical form. Before the patriotic impulse had awakened within him, he had chosen to write in burlesque and satire. Un- like Freneau, he showed no proof of a poetic temperament, before or after the stress of war and national federation. His work that has lived in memory has been that of the satirist and scholar. His only attempts at verse of lyrical kind were labored and stilted. Among his burlesques, The Progress of Dul- ness will take rank as inventive and forceful. 16 This was conceived when the leaders of pro- 16 The title-page of the first part of The Progress of Dulness is unique and interesting : "Part First : or the Rare Adventures of Tom Brainless ; shewing What his Father and Mother said of him ; how he went to College, and what he learned there ; how he took his Degree, and went to keeping School ; how afterwards he became a great man and wore a wig ; and how any body else may do the same. The like never before published. Very proper to be kept in all Families." (1772.) JOHN TRUMBULL 121 gressive methods in education, among whom was Trumbull, were trying to overthrow prejudices and false standards at Yale. The satire was in octosyllabic meter, in three parts, published at intervals of a few months. The first issue told of the career of Tom Brainless, a dull lad who had been sent to college to fritter time away upon stilted, uninspiring texts. He succeeded in "hood- winking" professors, so that he was passed through college and entered the school of the- ology. With the same spiritless, droning routine, he became a minister. In his pulpit he is thus portrayed : In awkward tones, nor said nor sung, Slow rumbling o'er the faltering tongue, Two hours his drawling speech holds on, And names it preaching when 'tis done. The type of the teacher unworthy the name was also satirized : Then throned aloft in elbow chair, With solemn face and awful air, He tries, with ease and unconcern, To teach what ne'er himself could learn; Gives law and punishment alone, Judge, jury, bailiff all in one; Holds all good learning must depend Upon his rod's extremest end, Whose great electric virtue's such Each genius brightens at the touch; With threats and blows, incitements pressing, 122 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Drives on his lads to learn each lesson, Thinks flogging cures all moral ills And breaks their heads to break their wills. Beside this dull master of the rod is the teacher who was long known as "the book-worm," thus portrayed with justice as well as wit : Read ancient authors o'er in vain, Nor taste one beauty they contain, And plodding on in one dull tone, Gain ancient tongues and lose their own. 17 The first part of this burlesque was reprinted, in a corrected edition, the year after its appear- ance. In a preface note, Trumbull explained its purport thus: The subject is the state of the times in regard to litera- ture and religion. The author was prompted to write by a hope that it might be of use to point out, in a clear, con- cise, and striking manner, those general errors, that hinder the advantages of education, and the growth of piety. The subject is inexhaustible; nor is my design yet com- pleted. 18 As proof of the last sentence, he published this same year, 1773, the second part of the burlesque. Here the character ridiculed was Dick Hairbrain, antitype of the first dull collegian, but equally familiar then and today. His foppish airs, his 17 The Poetical Works of John Trumbull (1820), Vol. II, p. 17. 18 The Progress of Dulness, etc., Reprinted in the Year MDCC, LXXIII, Preface, p. 2. JOHN TRUMBULL 123 feather brain, his swagger and swearing, his skeptical opinions exploited after a hasty reading of Hume and Voltaire — such qualities were de- lineated with keen, biting sarcasm. The style in this part was more earnest than in the earlier issue. There were lines of moral teaching, mingled with the portrayal of the rakish student : More oaths than words Dick learned to speak, And studied knavery more than Greek. The career of this young man abroad, his excesses and failures to win respect or success, are told with vividness, until In lonely age he sinks forlorn, Of all, and even himself, the scorn. 19 To complete the trilogy of characters, mis- guided and educated according to wrong stand- ards, Trumbull introduced in the third part Miss Harriet Simper, a vain coquette. In a preface the author affirmed "that the foibles we discover in the fair sex arise principally from the neglect of their education, and the mistaken notions they imbibe in their early youth." The same thought was thus expressed in ironical verse : And why should girls be learn'd or wise? Books only serve to spoil their eyes. The studious eye but faintly twinkles, And reading paves the way to wrinkles. 19 The Progress of Dulness, Part II, "Life and Character of Dick Hairbrain" (New Haven, 1773), p. 38. 124 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE To give a touch of romantic unity, Trumbull depicted his coquette in various flirtations; she is scorned by Dick Hairbrain and marries Tom Brainless, to escape the "stigma of being an old maid." 20 This burlesque was popular as a production of wit, and it exerted no little influence as a rebuke to the conditions of the time which fostered such drones, fops, and coquettes. The pages contain some pictures of society and epigrams which are relevant today, as : Follies be multiplied with quickness, And whims keep up the family likeness. Good sense, like fruit, is rais'd by toil, But follies sprout in every soil. 21 After two years as teacher at Yale, Trumbull passed his law examinations. Possibly in order that he might have a wider contact with men of affairs, he went to Boston, in November, 1773, to 20 In the complete poem the third part reads : "Some- times called The Progress of Coquetry, or the Adventures of Miss Harriet Simper, of the Colony of Connecticut." In the preface the author expresses his desire "to laugh at with good humor, and to expose without malevolence." Of the young lady's mother he writes : From whom her faults that never vary, May come by right hereditary. The Progress of Dulness, or the Rare Adventures of Tom Brainless. By the celebrated author of McFINGAL. Printed at Exeter. 3 parts. MDCCXCIV. 72 pages ; i6mo. 21 The Progress of Dulness (1794), pp. 49, S3- JOHN TRUMBULL 125 the law office of John Adams. This year gave new impulse to his interests and literary activities. He had taken a mild part in urging freedom of expression in America and had praised the tend- ency toward resistance. Now he came into per- sonal contact with statesmen who had already shown their radical opposition to the Stamp Act and other measures of injustice. Soon after he reached Boston, the affair of the tea-ships took place, and the military discipline directed against Boston increased the political ferment. All these steps, tending toward independence and war, must have impressed a young man so keen and zealous for reform as Trumbull was. His legal chief, John Adams, was recognized as one of the lead- ers among the patriots and was sent to Phila- delphia to attend the Continental Congress of 1774 while Trumbull was in his office. The influence of these agitations, and the political principles involved, may be read in the literary work of Trumbull during this year and the following. His first writing in verse, "The Destruction of Babylon" 22 was probably only the completion of an earlier effort. With the excep- tion of a few lines, which might be applied to the 22 This paraphrase of the thirteenth and fourteenth chap- ters in Isaiah and the eighteenth in Revelations was included in The Poetical Works of John Trumbull (1820), Vol. II, pp. 195-201. 126 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE situation in Boston and the incipient thought of freedom, the poem showed no distinct marks of its author's environment. At about the same time he wrote certain light fables in verse, as "The Owl and the Sparrow" and "To a Young Lady Who Requested the Author to draw Her Character." These are merely occasional verses, with bits of covert sarcasm. Quite a new spirit permeates "An Elegy on the Times," which was first printed at Boston, September, 1774. 23 The author said that it was written soon after the Boston Port Bill. It had a tone of sadness as well as of courage, as if Trumbull still hoped that the worst might be averted, but, if necessary, he would defend his country's rights with his pen. A few stanzas show the deepening zeal of this awakened patriot : In vain we hope from ministerial pride A hand to save us or a heart to bless : 'Tis strength, our own, must stem the rushing tide, 'Tis our own virtue must command success. Then, tell us, NORTH, for thou art sure to know, For have not kings and fortunes made thee great; Or lurks not wisdom in th' ennobled brow, And dwells no prescience in the robes of state? And tell how rapt by freedom's sacred flame And fost'ring influence of propitious skies, 23 Published in Boston, 1774; in New Haven, 1775. JOHN TRUMBULL 127 This western world, the last recess of fame, Sees in her wilds a new-born empire rise, — A new-born empire whose ascendant hour Defies its foes, assembled to destroy, And like Alcides, with its infant power Shall crush those serpents, who its rest annoy. 2 * These stanzas seem faulty judged by poetical canons, but they were superior to the majority of verses of these years. Philip Freneau's best satires began to appear within a few months, but Trumbull preceded in literary evidence of patriot- ism, combined with keen wit. By his contempo- raries he was called "the finest satirical lance of the age," and was urged to write yet other poems for the cause of freedom. He had come into friendly relations with James Otis, John Han- cock, John Adams, and Thomas Cushing. The influence of these patriots doubtless incited Trumbull to the burlesque stanzas which were afterward expanded into his masterpiece of satire, "M'Fingal." To the Marquis de Chastelleux, after M'Fingal had become known in Europe as well as in America, Trumbull wrote that "it was written merely with a political view, at the insti- gation of some of the leading members of the first Congress who urged me to compose a 24 The Poetical Works (1820), Vol. II, pp. 208-17. I28]|HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE satirical poem upon the events of the campaign ofi775-" 25 Parts of this satire were written during the latter part of 1774 and at intervals in 1775. Although the first edition bears the date of pub- lication 1775, it was really issued in January, 1776. The bravado of General Gage had weakened somewhat after the evidence of bravery, as well as defiance, on the part of the beleaguered Bostonians. To quell their patriotic zeal and still protect himself, he began issuing proclamations, some intimidating, others with a patronizing note that was almost insulting. These may be found in all the leading newspapers of the time. They gave incentive to the first political lampoons and satires by both Trumbull and Freneau. The former contributed to the Con- necticut C our ant, August, 7 and 14, 1775, an unsigned parody upon Gage's proclamations, that contains lines almost identical with his later passage in the second canto of M'Fingal: The annals of his first great year; While wearying out the Tories' patience, He spent his breath in proclamation; While all his mighty noise and vapour Was used in wrangling upon paper. 25 J. Hammond Trumbull, "The Origin of M'Fingal,' Historical Magazine, January, 1 868 ; see also letter by Trum bull on subject to Silas Deane, Deane Papers, Vol. II, pp 88-9, New York Historical Society Collections. JOHN TRUMBULL 129 J. Hammond Trumbull, in his study of "The Origin of M'Fingal," has suggested that possibly Trumbull wrote the parody upon Gage's procla- mation beginning, TOM GAGE'S PROCLAMATION, Or blustering Denunciation, which appeared in the Connecticut Courant, July *7> I 775- A s has been stated in the chapter on Freneau, the weight of evidence, as given by Mr. Paltsits, both in his bibliography of Freneau and in a private letter, would seem to disprove the possibility that this was Trumbull's, for it had appeared in Philadelphia and New York papers before it was printed in those of Connecticut. The first canto of M'Fingal, published in Phila- delphia, was soon circulated through the news- papers and reprinted in several editions. It was viewed with dismay by the British leaders, for it was too popular to be counteracted by any Tory satire. 26 The second canto came within the year 1776, but the third part was deferred until 1782. M'Fingal, the Loyalist, is a well-conceived and sustained character. His introduction was pre- :eded by a few lines of general ridicule: When Yankees, skill'd in martial rule, First put the British troops to school; 26 The effect of this satire was cumulative. It appeared lear the time of Hopkinson's A Pretty Story and A Prophecy, nd Thomas Paine's Common Sense. 130 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Instructed them in warlike trade, And new manoevres. of parade, The true war-dance of Yankee reels, And manual exercise of heels; Made them give up, like saints complete, The arm of flesh, and trust the feet. And work like Christians undissembling, Salvation out by fear and trembling; Taught Percy fashionable races And modern modes of Chevy-Chases; From Boston, in his best array, Great Squire M'Fingal took his way, And grac'd with ensigns of renown, Steer d homeward to his native town. His fathers flourished in the Highlands Of Scotia's fog-benighted islands ; Whence gained our Squire two gifts by right, Rebellion and the Second-sight. 27 In contrast with M'Fingal was the character of Honorius, the staunch Whig, generally con-j sidered a portrait of John Adams. In the scene of the town-meeting, which has its forenoon anc afternoon sessions respectively in Cantos I anc II, Honorius speaks boldly regarding the arro- ! gance and injustice of England and her declim in power. Gage had explained to various colonia, officers, among them Governor Trumbull of Con necticut, that he sent his troops to Concord merelj "to prevent a civil war." This statement wa 27 M'Fingal: A Modern Epic Poem, Canto I, p. 4. m'fing a l: A MODERN EPIC POEM. CANTO FIRST, O R The TOWN -MEETING, PHILADELPHIA:. Printed and Sold by William and T>jcuas Brad- ford, auhe London Coffee. Houfc, Title-page of first edition of M' Fin gal; from copy in Watkin- son Library, Hartford, Conn. JOHN TRUMBULL 131 used with caustic effect in the speech of Honorius, in Canto II : There, when the war he chose to wage, Shone the benevolence of Gage; Sent troops to that ill-omen'd place, On errands mere of special grace; And all the work he chose them for, Was to prevent a civil war. For which kind purpose he projected The truly certain way t' effect it, To seize your powder, shot and arms, And all your means of doing harms; As prudent folks take knives away, Lest children cut themselves at play. And yet, when this was all his scheme, The war you still will charge on him; And tho' he oft has sworn and said it, Stick close to facts and give no credit. In a fractious temper, M'Fingal tries to re- pond, taunting the Whigs with both cowardice :nd foolishness. Interrupted by sharp questions .nd sarcasms from Honorius, he pleads in vain he cause of British justice. At last, recognizing hat he is losing ground, he passes into a trance 'f second-sight, and depicts his vision of the ;rand rewards assured to the Tories who will tand by their king in the conflict. In the great ay of British victory — Whigs subdued, in slavish awe, Our wood shall hew, our water draw, 132 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE And bless that mildness, when past hope, Which sav'd their necks from noose of rope. 28 By this speech of M'Fingal, Honorius has gained a point — exposure of the greed and dis- loyalty of the Tories — and he breaks forth into an eloquent plea for patriotism. M'Fingal and his friends find their only resource in stirring up a riot by hisses; and thus ends the town-meeting. 29 When this satire, of fifteen hundred lines, was reprinted in Hartford, London, Boston, and elsewhere, it attracted universal attention. In England there was much speculation as to its authorship. It was accredited to Butler and other wits. Some affirmed that it was the work of a British officer who had been superseded in com- mand, and who chose this method of venting his wrath. In the "Memoir" to his Poetical Works, Trumbull referred to the various surmises regard- ing the authorship of "M'Fingal," and said that there were ascribed to him Jests he ne'er uttered, deeds he ne'er atchiev'd, Rhymes he ne'er wrote, and lives (thank heaven) he never lived. 30 28 M'Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, Canto II, p. 41. The name was from Fingal, an epic poem by Ossian, published by MacPherson. 29 It was stated that forty editions of the first two cantos were printed. One of the best collections of editions is in tht Watkinson Library of Hartford. Several are also found ir the Library of Congress, Brown University, and elsewhere. 30 The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, "Memoir," p. 8 JOHN TRUMBULL 133 The fact that Trumbull was the author of this satire was known, however, long before the third canto was written. This came in response to a popular demand. There he depicted his Scottish orator as seized by a mob and tried by a hastily convened court at the foot of a Liberty Pole; he was convicted of Toryism, and condemned to a coat of tar and feathers. The illustration of this scene in later editions was rude, but vigorous. In the last canto the once vain-glorious leader of the Loyalists had assembled his anxious, dwind- ling followers to cheer them with another vision. Meanwhile, the entrance of the Whig forces scattered the company, and the frightened M'Fingal escaped to Boston. The last portion of the satire was weak, in contrast with the earlier, spirited cantos, al- though there were two passages of clever con- struction. The first was the famous scene of the tar-and-feather process, once so popular as a means of punishment. This description by Trum- bull was long a favorite "piece" for recital by schoolboy orators : So from the high-raised urn the torrents Spread down his sides their various currents : His flowing wig, as next the brim, First met and drank the sable stream ; Adown his visage stern and grave Roll'd and adhered the viscid wave; 134 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE With arms depending as he stood, Each cuff capacious holds the flood : From nose and chin's remotest end The tarry icicles descend; Till, all o'erspread, with colors gay, He glittered to the Western ray Like sleet-bound trees in wintry skies, Or Lapland idol carved in ice. And now the feather-bag display'd Is waved in triumph o'er his head, And clouds him o'er with feathers missive And, down upon the tar adhesive: Not Maia's son, with wings for ears, Such plumage round his visage wears ; Not Milton's six-wing'd angel gathers Such superfluity of feathers. 31 There is more wit and ease in the second familiar portion, where M'Fingal makes his recantation, to escape from the taunts of the patriots : I here renounce the Pope, the Turks, The King, the Devil and all their works; And will, set me but once again at ease, Turn Whig or Christian, what you please. 32 This satire, as a whole, may be censured for many offenses against literary taste and man^ examples of strained meter. It must be regarded, however, not as a finished poem, like Butler's "Hudibras" or Churchill's "The Ghost," although 31 M'Fingal, Canto III, pp. 61, 62. 32 Ibid., p. 59. JOHN TRUMBULL 135 it resembles these in form. It was a hastily writ- ten weapon of warfare. Its purpose was utilitar- ian and its effect upon the contending parties cannot be overstated. It represented progressive patriotism against reactionary fears. Few writ- ings of that day reached such a wide circulation. It was reprinted in piratical editions until, we are told, it brought about, in 1783, the passage of an "Act for the Encouragement of Literature and Genius," by the General Assembly of Con- necticut, which secured to authors their copy- rights within the state. 33 While we recognize the specific aim of this burlesque and its immediate service to patriotism, we still find, within its lines, atmosphere and silhouettes of characters of the past which are well worth remembrance, apart from its purpose. Not alone external pictures of the times are here, but also a clear presentation of the mental pro- cesses of Whig and Tory, in the period which pre- ceded secession. If the humor is broad and the words often uncouth, such were the traits of the classes which were represented — the sturdy, un- educated farmers, the rude soldiers, the black- smiths, storekeepers, and other characters of early village life in America. 33 This assertion is made by J. Hammond Trumbull in The Memorial History of Hartford County (1886), note to p. 157, Vol. I. 136 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Donald G. Mitchell has said, with unique appreciation of this satire : It has a sportive, easy, rollicking flow. There's no dreaming in it; there's no swashy sentiment; it does not stay to moralize; it goes on its rhythmic and satiric beat — as steady and sure and effective as a patent threshing- machine. For an American it should make more piquant reading than Butler's "Hudibras." 34 Although it bore such a close resemblance to "Hudibras" that, before its authorship was de- termined, some couplets were confidently asserted to be Butler's, yet it has a strong individuality. Regarding the method of writing, Trumbull ex- plained, in a letter to the Marquis de Chastelleux : I determined to describe every subject in the manner it struck my own imagination, and without confining myself to a perpetual effort at wit, drollery and humour, l indulge every variety of manner, as my subject varied, and insert all ridicule, satire, sense, sprightliness and elevation, of which I was master." M John Trumbull was only twenty-five when the best part of M'Fingal was written, and he lived 34 D. G. Mitchell, American Lands and Letters, Vol. I, pp. i 158, 159. Mr. Mitchell recalls the popularity of this burlesque in the days of his boyhood. 35 J. Hammond Trumbull, "The Origin of M'Fingal," Historical Magazine, January, 1868. "Time has a little blunted the edge of McFingal, yet it remains the best of American political satires in verse, with the possible exception of \ The Biglow Papers" — so says J. Hammond Trumbull in The Memorial History of Hartford County, Vol. I, p. 158. JOHN TRUMBULL 137 past eighty years; yet he is known to history as the author of that satire. The later events of his life were personal in the main, and only indirectly associated with political history. That he had a prominent part in the writings of "the Hartford wits," in behalf of internal harmony and federal- ism, will be indicated in the next chapter. How- ever, this service was done in collaboration, and his special writings have only been partially iden- tified. "The Genius of America," an ode of thir- teen stanzas, written in 1777 after the capture of Burgoyne, was included in Trumbull's Poetical Works, but it has slight value either as a his- torical record or as poetry. His earlier fame, nevertheless, clung to him among his Connecticut friends, and he was generally considered the leader of the patriot-wits of Hartford. With ex- travagant tribute, Timothy Dwight testified to this leadership, in his "Epistle to Col. Humph- reys," in 1785 : Hence, too, when Trumbull leads the ardent throng, Ascending bards begin the immortal song: Let glowing friendship wake the cheerful lyre, Blest to commend, and pleas'd to catch the fire. M In spite of such excursions into literature, Trumbull's mature success was achieved in law. After his return from Boston in 1776, and his marriage to Sarah, daughter of Leverett Hub- 88 American Poems, Selected and Original (1793), p. 83. 138 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE bard, of New Haven, he practiced law in New Haven and Waterbury. The next few years must have been full of trial, for he was frequently ill, largely from excess of nervous activity. In 1780 he was considered fatally sick, but he recovered and moved to Hartford for his future home. Here he held positions of honor. He was attor- ney for the County of Hartford, member of the state legislature, and, in 1808, was appointed judge of the Supreme Court of Errors and served until 1 8 19. The judicial appointment of Trumbull and his highly-rated literary cleverness aroused some envy among the less fortunate of his political opponents. Evidence of this is found in a pamphlet entitled "Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Connecticut Alone, or, the Turnpike Road to a Fortune." This was called "A Comic Opera, or Political Farce in Six Acts, as performed at the Theatres Royal and Aristo- cratic at Hartford and New Haven, October, 1 80 1." It was printed the next year. One of the leading characters is "John M'Fingal, a Poet,- late Student with J. Adams." With sarcasm, the author of this farce depicts Trumbull seeking in every way to gain influence with political lead- ers, especially with "Jonathan," easily recognized as Governor Jonathan Trumbull, that the judi- ciary may be increased and his place secured. In JOHN TRUMBULL 139 soliloquy, he is represented as saying (pp. 17, 18) "I must not dip my pen, until I've got through that judiciary bill, — suppress my wit & satire till that bill is passed, and get the appointment, and then and not till then may my vein of humour be indulged." A note supplies the somewhat sneering infor- mation that, ''It's universally known that John Trumbull wrote M'Fingal and sundry other poetic pieces of merit, obtained a law for a patent, for books, maps, charts, etc., has piddled occa- sionally at Hartford in the New Year addresses of the boys who carries (sic) the papers, and that when elected member for Hartford he assisted Noah in the answer to Hamilton's development of Adams' imbecility. He supposed himself cun- ning in all writings." This reference to the assistance given by Trumbull to Noah Webster, in the latter's writ- ing, is verified by a statement frequently made that Trumbull was of great value to Webster in the compilation of the latter's Dictionary. These facts and reminiscences have been given by Trum- bull's grandson (Mr. Dudley Bradstreet Wood- bridge, of Groose Pointe Farms, Michigan, to whom I am much indebted) . Webster and Trum- bull were good friends and the latter's classical education amazed Webster, so he called upon his friend to revise almost every sheet of the Diction- 140 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE ary, as it came from the printer, especially relying upon his knowledge of derivations. Another friend of Trumbull, who won fame, was Mrs. Lydia Huntley Sigourney. Trum- bull's grandson has recalled that Mrs. Sigourney was the daughter of a Revolutionary soldier, who lived in a cottage adjoining Trumbull's estate. The little girl, Lydia, interested the judge and scholar, and he taught her many things from nature and books: "seeing she had a natural talent for poetry he bent her mind in that direction. She would write little rhymes and he would correct them for her, and point out all the errors, until she became fascinated with the writing of verse." After the death of Trumbull, Mrs. Sigourney sent to his daughter, Mrs. Woodbridge, a tribute in prose and verse from which the following is an extract, given by Mr. Woodbridge: the poem is a vision of Trumbull in his later years at Detroit. "To the memory of the Hon. John Trumbull, Author of M'Fingal, and other poems; a native of Connecticut: who died at Detroit, Michigan: a tribute to the memory of one who was no less the pride of his native State than of his Country; the patriotic bard, who having left among his native hills the thrilling Harp which had ani mated every camp, and enlivened every cottage, till its notes resounded across the Atlantic." JOHN TRUMBULL 141 This was he Whose shaft of wit had touch'd the epic strain With poignant power. The Father of the Harp In his own native vales. He seems to muse As if those loved retreats did spread themselves Again before his eye. The sighing wind Through the long branches of those ancient trees When first his boyhood lisp'd the love of Song Doth lull his soul. There brighter visions gleam, A sound of music rises. 'Tis thy voice Connecticut As when by vernal rains Surcharged, it swells in tuneful murmurs round The vine-clad mansion where his children grew. But the hoarse clangor of yon mighty Lakes Holding high conflict with the winged Storm Doth quell its melody. And is it so That in the feebleness of four-score years Thou with unshrinking hand didst pitch thy tent Near the broad billows of the Michigan And mark in that far land young life start forth In beauty and in vigor and in power Where erst the Indian, and the Panther dwelt Sole lords. It was a bold emprize To change the robe of science and of mistrelsy Worn from thy cradle onward For the staff of the strong emigrant. Master and friend; until this feeble lyre In silence moulders, till my heart forgets The thrill of gratitude, the love of song, The praise of knowledge, shall thine image dwell Bright with the beauty of benignant age In my soul's temple-shrine! 142 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE In spite of his vivacity and power of accom- plishment, Trumbull was compelled to do his work with ill-health constantly against him. He visited mineral springs and gained temporary relief. After such respite from suffering he would work with marvelous energy, and thus compensate for lost time. Among the manu- script letters in the Oliver Wolcott, Jr., papers, at the Connecticut Historical Society, is one from Dr. Lemuel Hopkins to Wolcott, written in; June, 1795, which contains an interesting refer- ence to Trumbull and his physical condition : 37 Trumbull will, I fear, within a year or two, quit "the visible diurnal sphere." What, then, O Hartford, hast thou for me? Pleasant indeed shalt thou remain, but ' chiefly for the joys that are past. Another letter, in the same collection, from ' Trumbull to Wolcott, has been printed, but, as it is one of the few extant letters by Trumbull, ijjH is valuable as a revelation of his personality. 38 Under date of December 9, 1789, from Hartford, Trumbull wrote : 37 Dr. Hopkins was one of the collaborators with Trumbull and his friends, mentioned in the next chapter. The date of this letter was June 28, 1795. It is printed by permission of the Connecticut Historical Society. 88 Printed in Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash- ington and John Adams, Edited from the Papers of Olivet Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury (1840), Vol. I, pp. 25, 26. JOHN TRUMBULL 143 I received yours by Dr. Coggswell, who appears a sen- sible, agreeable young man, & I am glad that he pro- poses to settle in Hartford. Indeed our circle of friends wants new recruits. Humphreys, Barlow and you are lost to us. — Dr Hopkins has an itch of running away to New York, but I trust his indolence will prevent him. How- ever, if you should catch him in your City, I desire you to take him up & return him or secure him so that we may have him again, for which you shall have sixpence reward, & all charges I cannot conceive what Barlow is doing — After being eighteen months abroad, you tell me he has got so far as to see favorable prospects. If he should not affect some- thing to the purpose soon, I would advise him to write 'The Vision of Barlow," as a sequel to those of Columbus and M'Fingal. When Trumbull was seventy-five years old, and had survived nearly all of his associates in Connecticut, he left Hartford to spend his last years in Detroit, which then seemed on the bor- derland of the far West. Here he lived with his daughter, Mrs William Woodbridge, until his death in 1831. This experience gave him an opportunity to realize the growth of the nation which he had served in its infancy, and he re- joiced in all marks of progress. When he passed through New York, on his way to Detroit, a banquet was given in his honor by lawyers and men of letters. At the same time his poems, in two volumes, were printed by his friend, S. G. Goodrich, better known to his own day as "Peter 144 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Parley." In his Recollections of a Lifetime, Mr. Goodrich thus commented upon this publication: About this time I published an edition of Trumbull's poems, in two volumes octavo, and paid him a thousand dollars and a hundred copies of the work for the copy- right. I was seriously counselled against this by several book-sellers — in fact, Trumbull had sought a publisher in vain, for several years previous. There was an associa- tion of designers and engravers at Hartford, called the Graphic Company, and as I desired to patronize the liberal arts there, I employed them to execute the embellish- ments. For so considerable an enterprise I took the pre- caution to get a subscription, in which I was tolerably successful. The work was at last produced, but it did not come up to the public expectation, or the patriotic zeal had cooled, and more than half the subscribers de- clined taking the work. I did not press it, but putting a good face upon the affair, I let it pass and — while the public supposed I had made money by my enterprise, and even the author looked askance at me in the jeal- ous apprehension that I had made too good a bargain out of him — I quietly pocketed a loss of about a thou- sand dollars. 39 We must make some allowance for the usual exploitation of his own merits by "Peter Parley." He was, however, a good friend to the satirist and would-be poet, Trumbull, who sought vainly (after his young manhood) for literary success. The general influence of Trumbull, among his friends of patriotic impulses and literary tastes, must be admitted as his greatest claim to recog- 89 Recollections of a Lifetime, Vol. II, pp. in, 112. JOHN TRUMBULL 145 nition, beyond the success which he won as author of a single clever burlesque. The face of this writer and judge was painted from life by his kinsman, John Trumbull. In accord with the features there seen, and the traits suggested, is this description of him given by Mr. Goodrich : His features were finely cut, and he must have been handsome in his younger days. His eye was keen and bright, his nose slightly aquiline, his mouth arching down- wards at the corners, expressive of sarcastic humor. There was something about him that at once bespoke the man of letters, the poet, and the satirist. 40 "Ibid., pp. 114, 115. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS Classification is a common substitute for liter- ary criticism. Often a relative convenience, it has sometimes only obscured the distinct traits of an author. Occasionally an individual daunts the cataloguer and stands in comparative isolation — like Dante, Carlyle, Thoreau, or Tolstoy. Classification is often based upon the governing motif of the writers — as the "Transcenden- talists," the "Pre-Raphaelites," and the "Deca- dents." The more common allotment is by eras and localities; the "Augustan age," the "Eliza- beth dramatists," the "Victorian novelists," are phrases as familiar as the "Oxford Movement," the "Lake Poets," the "Knickerbocker Group," or the "Hartford Wits." After the middle of the eighteenth century the center of literary activity in America was trans- ferred from the vicinity of Boston, where it had been for many years inspired by Harvard Col- lege, to the environment of the younger colleges, Nassau Hall, or the College of New Jersey, which later became Princeton, and the College of Phila- delphia, which formed the nucleus of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Graduates of these 149 150 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE institutions became progressive leaders in political and literary zeal. At Yale College, also, victory for modern educational methods had been gained, at about the same time that the first notes were sounded against British tyranny and in behalf of independence. John Trumbull was the leader among the Connecticut reformers and satirists, but his life reflected his association with a few companions, often called the "Hartford Wits." While the burlesques and satires that gave fame to Trumbull were written during the early years of the war, many of his later efforts in satire and reform were in collaboration with some patriot- comrades who realized the dangers which im- periled the new nation. Although independence had been won, anarchy was menacing; government, finance, and com- merce were unstable. Such affairs formed sub- jects for grave discussion, varied by witty verse, at the gatherings of a "Friendly Club" in Hart- ford. Among the nine names mentioned of those who formed the original membership of this club,! there is a major and a minor list: familiar to our ears are the names of John Trumbull.'! Timothy Dwight, Joel Barlow, and David Humphreys; seldom recalled are their associates,: Theodore Dwight, Richard Alsop, and the three physicians, Elihu Smith, Mason Cogswell, anc Lemuel Hopkins. Other men, possibly alliec A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 151 with this coterie, were Congressman Uriah Tracey, Judge Tappan Reeve, and Zephaniah Smith. 1 The series of publications assigned to this first group of wits dated from 1785 to 1807. Seventy-five years seems to us an incredibly long period to elapse between the appearance of some literary work in a journal and its first pub- lication in book-form. On the title-page of The Anarchiad, dated 1861, is this editor's note, "Now first published in book form." Research shows that the twelve satiric papers constituting The Anarchiad were printed first in the New Haven Gazette, beginning October 26, 1786, and continuing, at intervals, until September 13, 1787. They were copied in Federalist journals through- out many of the states of the Union. In this first, belated edition of The Anarchiad, its editor, Luther G. Riggs, expresses an assurance "that he is in performance of a duty — that he becomes, as it were, an instrument of justice, a justice delayed for more than half a century, to ,the genius and loyalty of its authors, who were 1 At the library of the Connecticut Historical Society in Hartford are several unique pamphlets, generally assigned to a later group of "Hartford wits," between 1819 and 1830. This group is probably the same mentioned by Goodrich in Recollections of a Lifetime, Vol. I, pp. 92-98. The same phrase, "Hartford wits," has been passed on to another group, of our own day, "Mark Twain," Charles Dudley War- ner, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Rev. Joseph Twitchell. 152 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE among the noblest and most talented sons of the Revolution." We would exchange his term "genius" for "wit," but we cannot question the quality of patriotism and the influence of these satires in subduing threatened anarchy, and in arousing higher ideals during the crucial years after the war, while feeling was strong regarding the Constitution and the basis of political and financial security. The name, borrowed from Miltonic Anarch, suggested the purpose, which was further ex- plained in the sub-title, "A Poem on the Resto- ration of Chaos and Substantial Night." The wits wished to show, with forceful satire, the warfare waged against the stability of the new nation by the promoters of local rebellion, paper money, and selfish greed. Although the papers were sent unsigned to the newspaper, and the various portions have never been perfectly identified, the series was undoubtedly the work of four men who had shown earlier evidence of their patriotism either by service in the army or by their writings — John Trumbull, David Humphreys, Joel Barlow, and Dr. Lemuel Hop- kins. To Colonel Humphreys belonged the credit' for suggesting this unique literary plan. While abroad, serving on the commission for treaties s with foreign powers, he had shared in the popu- A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 153 lar curiosity over an anonymous English satire, The Rolliad. Returning to America, he saw with dismay the signs of insurrection in Shay's Re- bellion and other dangers. He suggested the use of satire in verse, akin to the form of The Rolliad and Pope's The Dunciad, to arouse public curiosity and also to teach lessons of patriotism. The prose "Introduction" to the first paper mystified the readers and entertained them. It is an interesting commentary upon the credulity and emotional ferment of the period. The sup- posed archaeologist thus addressed the publishers of the New Haven Gazette: I have the felicity to belong to a society of critics and antiquarians, who have made it their business and delight for some years past, to investigate the ancient as well as natural history of America. The success of their re- searches in such an unlimited field, pregnant with such wonderful and inexhaustible materials, has been equal to their most sanguine expectations. One of our worthy associates has favored the public with a minute and ac- curate description of the monstrous, new-invented animal which had, till its elaborate lucubration, escaped the notice of every zoologist Others have spared no pains to feast the public curiosity with an ample supply of great bones from the Wabash, and, at the same time, to quench the thirst for novelty from the burning spring on the Ohio. It has happily fallen to my lot to communicate through the medium of your paper, a recent discovery still more valuable to the republic of letters. I need scarcely 154 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE premise that the ruins of fortifications yet visible, and other vestiges of art, in the west country, had sufficiently demonstrated that this delightful region had once been occupied by a civilized people. Had not this hypothesis been previously established, the fact I am about to relate would have placed it beyond the possibility of doubt. For upon digging into the ruins of one of the most consider- able of these fortifications, the labourers were surprised to find a casement, ? magazine, and a cistern almost en- tire. Pursuing their subterranean progress, near the north-east corner of the bastion, they found a great number of utensils, more curious and elegant than those of Palmyra and Herculaneum. But what rendered their good fortune complete, was the discovery of a great num- ber of papers, manuscripts, etc., whose preservation, through such a lapse of years, amid such marks of hos- tility and devastation, must be deemed marvellous in- deed, perhaps little short of miraculous. This affords a reflection, that such extraordinary circumstances could scarcely have taken place to answer only vulgar purposes. Happening myself to come upon the spot, immediately after this treasure had been discovered, I was permitted to take possession of it, in the name and for the use of our society. Amongst these relics of antiquity, I was rejoiced to find a folio manuscript which appeared to contain an epic poem, complete; and, as I am passionately fond of poetry, ancient as well modern, I set myself in- stantly to cleanse it from the extraneous concretions with which it was in some parts enveloped, defaced and rend- ered illegible. By means of a chemic preparation, which is made use of for restoring oil paintings, I soon ac- complished the desirable object. It was then I found it was called "The Anarchiad, A Poem on the Restoration of Chaos and Substantial Night," in twenty-four books. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 155 While public curiosity was thus assailed, the second, and ulterior, motive of patriotism was emphasized by some interwoven verses. Choos- ing Shay's Rebellion as a pivotal example of anarchy, the vision of its "mob-compelling," de- structive course was outlined by the supposed prophet : Thy constitution, Chaos, is restor'd, Law sinks before thy uncreating word; Thy hand unbars th' unfathomed gulf of fate, And deep in darkness whelms the new-born state. 8 In addition to the insurrections against mar- tial laws and state organizations, there was another lurking evil, especially in New England — the futile paper money, and the consequent depreciation and instability of all industries. Rhode Island was suffering much from this cause, and seemed to be in the power of wary, selfish schemers. In the second and third num- bers of "American Antiquities," as the Anarchiad series was called, mock-heroics in verse were mingled with serious advice, in prose, from Connecticut to her oppressed neighbor state. With direct truth it was asserted : For it will scarcely be denied in any part of the United States, that paper money, in an unfunded and depreciating condition, is happily calculated to introduce the long-expected scenes of misrule, dishonesty, and per- ! dition. 2 The Anarchiad (New Haven, 1861), p. 6. 156 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The fourth and fifth papers in the series ap- pealed for a revival of national pride and prog- ress. Hesper, the promise of Dawn, confronts Anarch, god of Night, and by the contention seeks to arouse loyalty among the people: Teach ere too late, their blood-bought rights to prize, Bid other Greenes and Washingtons arise! Teach those who suffer'd for their country's good, Who strove for freedom and who toil'd in blood, Once more in arms to make the glorious stand; And bravely die or save their natal land ! 8 In the fifth article of the series was an ode, "Genius of America" — a favorite title of the day. In offering it, the authors expressed a hope that, "should the taste of their countrymen in general be uncorrupted, as they flatter themselves it is, they expect this song will be introduced into most of the polite circles of the United States." The author of this ode was Humphreys; for it was included later among his poems. He must have rejoiced — for he sought appreciation — when the song was "introduced" and reprinted. Sung to the tune of "The watery god, great Neptune, lay," it won much popularity ; but in thought and meter it ranks among the most inferior portions of The Anarchiad. A single stanza will indicate both form and theme — the dangers which threat- ened to destroy America's glory : 3 hoc. cit., p. 13. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 157 Shall steed to steed, and man to man, With discord thundering in the van, Again destroy the bliss! Enough my mystic words reveal; The rest the shades of night conceal, In fate's profound abyss! 4 The dialogue between Anarch and his pupil Wrongheads, in the sixth and seventh portions, extorted a confession from the demagogue that his aim was selfish greed, and the enemies whom he most feared were the friends of law, justice, and education. One of the objects of special censure by the Democrats, who feared the tendencies toward monarchy and militarism, was the Society of the Cincinnati. In eastern Connecticut there lived William Williams, a prominent lawyer, who had ventured to question the wisdom of continu- ing the Cincinnati as a banded society. Wil- liams was a fine scholar, and had proved himself a staunch patriot during the war, by giving lavishly of his money and service in town offices. Later he became judge of Windham County, and married the daughter of Governor Trumbull. His criticisms of the Cincinnati, however, had aroused Barlow and Humphreys, who were prominent among its members and orators, and they found an opportunity to retaliate. In April, *Ibid., pp. 26-28. 158 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE 1786, Williams was a candidate for election, as a Democrat, to the State Assembly. To Joseph Hopkins he sent a letter and an "Address," urg- ing his friend to guard carefully the contents of the letter until the right time for use. In trans- mission the letter was lost — or purloined — and was published soon after. The result was the so-called "Wimble War," which was waged in the Connecticut Courant during the autumn of 1786. 5 This intercepted letter, and its author, fur- nished material for a caustic burlesque in the eighth number of the "American Antiquities." The newspaper stanzas of lampoon letters by "William Wimble" and "Joseph Copper," sug- gest to us the wit of Trumbull : Hoping to see you in October, With face full long, and cant full sober; So pray be cautious, sly and nimble, Your loving servant, William Wimble. 6 After this personal digression, the authors of The Anarchiad returned to more general themes and uttered a strong plea for federalism. With biting sarcasm, they decried Congress, indiffer- 6 In idea and form these papers of retort were modeled somewhat after the "Wimble Papers" in the Spectator, 8 The Anarchiad, Appendix, p. 1 09. First in the Con- necticut Courant, October 9, 1786. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 159 ent to "Hamilton's unshaken soul" and his wise counsel : My band of mutes, in dire confusion throng, Convinc'd of right, yet obstinate in wrong. 7 "The Speech of Hesper to the Sages and Counsellors at Philadelphia" was probably the work of Dr. Lemuel Hopkins. With details of sufferings and scars, he recounted the grief of the war veterans because of political inertia and anarchical tendencies. The last stanzas made a strong appeal for a centralized government : But know, ye favor'd race, one potent head Must rule your States, and strike your foes with dread, The finance regulate, the trade control, Live through the empire, and accord the whole. Ere death invades, and night's deep curtain falls, Through ruined realms the voice of UNION calls; On you she calls ! Attend the warning cry : YE LIVE UNITED, OR DIVIDED DIE! The last two numbers of this strange, in- choate "epic" represented a journey through "The Land of Annihilation" and "The Region of Preexistent Spirits." Various critics of the new nation and its poets mingled here with enemies of national unity. Notable among the critics chosen for special mention were Raynal, Mirabeau, and Robertson. Abbe Raynal's open 7 Ibid., p. 53. See also J. C. Hamilton, History of the Re- public as Traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton, etc. (1859), Vol. Ill, p. 228. i6o HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE denial that "America had produced a Man of Genius in one single Art or one single Science" seemed anathema to these versifiers, who consid- ered each other men of genius. They poured forth their wrath also against fictitious narratives about America by foreign writers, especially the false and maligning stories of Washington's amours, as told by D'Auberteul. Perhaps it was Humphreys who hurled that last shaft of in- vective, to redeem the honor of his commander : In wit's light robe shall gaudy fiction shine, And all be lies, as in a work of thine. 8 The Anarchiad was essentially a literary curi- osity, although it had immediate influence upon the policies of Connecticut and more distant states. It is uneven in merit, and often anti- climactic. Probably it was written without any perfected plan, or expectation of publication in sequential form; later numbers were intended by the authors, if circumstances should call them forth. The series corresponded to the more didactic and aggressive columns of arguments in behalf of federalism which were contributed at the same time to newspapers in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and other states where there was contest over the adoption of the new s The Anarchiad, p. 82. The Revolution of America, by the Abbe Raynal, Salem, MDCCLXXXII. History of America, by William Robertson, D.D., Dublin, 1777. New York, 1798. 61ic^vd : ,o. i : . . - »•■; l Title-page of The Echo (1807); from copy in Connecticut HistoricaLSociety Library. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 161 Constitution, in place of the old Articles of Con- federation. The Echo was, in a way, a continuation of these satiric papers, although the members of the Hartford coterie had changed somewhat, and the subjects chosen for ridicule or remonstrance were more varied. The Echo had less significance in the politico-literary history of the age, yet here were satires of strong feeling directed against political evils, and lampoons upon demo- cratic publications. A secondary motive of the writers was to caricature the excesses of literary style found in many publications of the time. Of the group who had written The Anarchiad in collaboration, Humphreys and Barlow were abroad when The Echo series appeared, and Trumbull's part has been questioned. Dr. Lemuel Hopkins, alone of the earlier coterie, was assuredly a contributor to the later series. Asso- ciated with him were Theodore Dwight, Richard SAlsop, Dr. Elihu Smith, and Dr. Mason Cogswell. That Trumbull had a vital interest in these papers written by his friends, and was informed regarding many matters there suggested, is shown by a copy of The Echo which belonged to him land bears his name, to be found now at the Con- necticut Historical Society. His notes, in ink, issist one in deciding the authorship of certain 162 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE portions. In the preface to the collected papers the explanation was given that the idea of these word-cartoons came of a moment of literary sportiveness at a time when ped- antry, affectation and bombast pervaded most of the i| pieces published in the gazettes, .... thus to check the : progress of false taste in American literature, the authors ! conceived that ridicule would prove a powerful corrective, j and that the mode employed in The Echo was the best t] suited to this purpose. The political evils were also emphasized and the J plan of the authors to scathe and correct that hideous morality of revolutionary madness, which ! levelled the boundaries of virtue and vice, .... that de- I structive torrent which threatened to overwhelm everything good and estimable in private life, everything venerable and excellent in political society. 9 The first "Echo" appeared August 8, 1791, in the American Mercury — a weekly newspaper started in 1784 by Joel Barlow and Elisha Bab- cock. It was a parody upon a florid report in a Boston newspaper. The latter, in recording a thunderstorm, had used such language as this: "uncorking the bottles of Heaven, revealing livid flame, disploding thunders, amid the brilliance 9 The Echo, with Other Poems. Printed at the Porcupine Press by Pasquin Petronius (New York, 1807; 8vo). Thei droll illustrations were conceived by Elkanah Tisdale, a face-; tious miniature-painter. The book was really issued by Isaac Riley, brother-in-law of Theodore D wight and Alsop. (Good-i rich, Recollections of a Lifetime, Vol. II, p. 109, note.) A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 163 of this irradiated arch!" The wits thus parodied the prose : Even the last drop of hope, which dripping skies, Gave for a moment to our straining eyes, Like Boston Rum, from heaven's junk bottles broke, Lost all the corks and vanished into smoke. The sons of Boston, the elect of Heaven, Presented Mercy's Angel, smiling fair, Irradiate splendors frizzled in his hair, Uncorking demi-johns, and pouring down Heaven's liquid blessings on the gaping town. The ornate phrases of Hugh Henry Bracken- ridge and Governor John Hancock, John Adams, striving to please both aristocrats and democrats, certain demagogues of Jacobin type, a Phila- delphia "Mirabeau" who ventured to attack the politics and literary abilities of the Hartford group — such were some of the individuals singled out for special ridicule by the authors of The Echo. Many of the numbers appeared first in the American Mercury, and were reprinted in other newspapers, from 1791 to 1800. In the years that intervened before they were collected and published in book- form, in 1807, some of them appeared as broadsides or pamphlets, generally soon after they were written. Often the papers were intended as New Year's verses. One of the most representative of the satires, which won popular reading among the Federalists 164 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE and was printed in pamphlet form, was by Dr. Hopkins, "The Democratiad : A Poem in Retalia- tion, for the Philadelphia Jockey Club. By a. Gentleman of Connecticut. 1795." This passed into at least two editions; it is No. XVIII il in The Echo. The Philadelphia Jockey Club, 10 \ the publication which had roused the wrath of'; the Wits, gave the example of the Hartford writ- ers and William Cobbett, or "Peter Porcupine/' whom they echoed, as an excuse for its attacks upon individuals of prominence among Federalists. Thus, the Philadelphia satirists de- •! clared their course of personal attack was "authorized by the precedent of the infamous PETER PORCUPINE and the literary out-law Snub, whose political squabbles have involved the characters of many respectables." In his I answering satire, Hopkins attacked the Demo- crats and Jacobins, leveling his shafts of abuse especially against Benjamin Franklin Bache, the: editor of the Aurora, and a grandson of ! Franklin : Thou great descendant of that wondrous man, Whose genius wild through all creation ran — That man who walk'd the world of science o'er, From ink and types to where the thunders roar, — To thee, friend Bache, these lines I now address, 10 The Philadelphia Jockey Club; or Mercantile Influence Weighed consisting of Select Characters taken from the Club of Addressers. By Timothy Tickler, 1795. Philadelphia. \ Printed for the Purchasers. (16 pages.) A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 165 Prepar'd on purpose for thy hallow'd press, I've pick'd thee out because I highly prize, Thy grandsire's memory and thy knack at lies." After further invective against the leaders of the Jacobinical faction, the author said in apos- trophe to Washington : ILLUSTRIOUS MAN! thy indignation shew, And plunge them headlong where they ought to go, Then turn thine eye, this mighty realm survey, See Federal Virtue bless thy glorious sway. The next year Dr. Hopkins was again chosen to write the New Year's verses in The Echo series, — "The Guillotina; or, A Democratic Dirge : A Poem. By the Author of Demo- cratiad." They first appeared in the Connecticut C our ant, January 1, 1796, and were afterward published as a pamphlet, possibly also as a broad- side. 12 The bald witticisms are recognized as those of Hopkins, as in the stanza : Come sing again ! since Ninety-Five, Has left some Antis still alive, Some Jacobins as pert as ever, Tho' much was hoped from Yellow-fever. 11 Copies of The Philadelphia Jockey Club and The Demo- cratiad are in the Connecticut Historical Society, the Histori- cal Societies of New York and Pennsylvania, and the Library of Congress. Both were issued in Philadelphia. 12 Another "Guillotina for 1797" was issued as a broad- side (Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford). It is unsigned and was not printed in The Echo. 166 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "The Political Green-House for 1798" was another widely quoted composition by this group. According to the record by Trumbull, in his copy of The Echo, this was written by Lemuel Hop- kins, Richard Alsop, and Theodore D wight. 13 With earnest patriotism and wit blended, the verses began: Oft has the NEW YEAR'S Muse essay'd, To quit the annual rhyming trade, Oft has she hop'd the period nigh, When fools would cease, and knaves would die, But each succeeding year has tax'd her With "more last words of Mr. Baxter." And most of all has Ninety-Eight Outstripp'd the years of former date, And while a Jacobin remains, While Frenchmen live and Faction reigns, Her voice, array'd in awful rhyme, Shall thunder down the steep of Time. With unexpected details, the authors of this New Year's message gave specific directions how to avoid contagion from yellow fever, which was: the scourge of that year in New York. There was a reason for these references, since one of the' wits had fallen victim to the fever and died, Dr. Elihu Smith. He made the first large compila- tion of American poetry during the summer of 13 The Political Green-House for the Year 1798. Addressed* to the Readers of Jhe Connecticut Courant, January 1st, 1790., (Hartford, no date; small 8vo), The Echo, pp. 233-59. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 167 1793, while he was resting at his home in Litch- field, Connecticut. He thus preserved many scattered verses by his friends and other writers, which would otherwise have remained unknown. Although associated somewhat with the Hartford Wits, he was more closely linked with the early writers of fiction and drama in New York. Further mention of his life, therefore, will be deferred until the later chapters of this book. According to a note by Trumbull, Dr. Smith was the author of one paper in The Echo series, "Extracts from Democracy by Aquiline Nimble- chops." 14 He probably assisted in collaborating others. Burlesque and satire characterize the pages of The Echo, but there are also lines of earnestness, as these in The Guillotina : Spread knowledge then; this only Hope Can make each eye a telescope, Frame it by microscopic art; To scan the hypocritic heart. One poem, assuredly assigned as the com- position of Theodore Dwight, was a feigned rejoicing at the election of Jefferson. It was entitled "The Triumph of Democracy," 15 and re- w An answering satire to the pamphlet Democracy by Henry Brockholst Livingston, who wrote over the above pseudonym. 15 Written for the Connecticut Courant, January 1, 1801 ; in The Echo, pp. 268-82. 168 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE vealed the feeling of bitterness on the part of the Federalists against Jefferson, with scornful innuendo against Aaron Burr, in the closing lines : Let every voice with triumph sing — JEFFERSON is chosen king ! Ring every bell in every steeple, T' announce the "Monarch of the People !" Stop, — ere your civic feasts begin, Wait till the votes are all come in; Perchance, amid this mighty stir, Your Monarch may be Col. BURR! Who, if he mounts the sovereign seat, Like BONAPARTE will make you sweat, Your Idol then must quaking dwell, Mid Mammoth's bones at Monticelle, His country's barque from anchors free, On "Liberty's tempestuous sea," While all the Democrats will sing — THE DEVIL TAKE THE PEOPLE'S KING! While we acknowledge only occasional literary merit in the work of the Hartford Wits — and a large part of it has political rather than literary interest — it must be confessed by one who >■ examines their writings in detail that they reflect strong, unique personalities. They have received far less attention than their predecessors in 1 political and social progress, yet they bore a part in the development of an upright and sane Ameri- canism. If Trumbull was considered the leader, as we have said, he had companions in fame, among his contemporaries, — Timothy Dwight, A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 169 Joel Barlow, and David Humphreys. These Con- necticut men formed a mutual-admiration society seldom equaled in extravagant tribute, which reads like a farce today. Thus Alsop praised Majestic Dwight, sublime in epic strain, Paints the fierce horrors of the crimson plain, And in Virgilian Barlow's tuneful lines With added splendour great Columbus shines. 16 In the eighth book of The Columbiad, Joel Bar- low became effusive over the poetic gifts of the Connecticut poets, especially Trumbull, Timothy Dwight, and Humphreys: See TRUMBULL lead the train. His skilful hand Hurls the keen darts of satire round the land. Pride, knavery, dulness feel his mortal stings, And listening virtue triumphs while he sings. Britain's foil'd sons, victorious now no more, In guilt retiring from the wasted shore, Strive their curst cruelties to hide in vain, The world resounds them in his deathless strain. See HUMPHREYS glorious from the field retire, Sheathe the glad sword and string the soothing lyre; His country's wrongs, her duties, dangers, praise, Fire his full soul and animate his lays : Wisdom and War with equal joy shall own So fond a votary and so brave a son. For DWIGHT'S high harp the epic Muse sublime, Hails her new empire in the western clime. " The Charms of Fancy (New York, 1856), Book II. 170 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The lines just quoted will suffice to indicate the exuberance of phrases, and the triteness of thought, which seem to have been the chief characteristics of the once famous Joel Barlow. Of all the Hartford group he was the most promi- nent in the earlier years. He was a chaplain in the war, was agent in Paris of the Scioto Land Company of Ohio, and served abroad on com- missions for treaties with the Barbary tribes and other peoples. In spite of the popular verdict of his own day upon his voluminous "Vision of Columbus," "Conspiracy of Kings," and "The Columbiad," he will be remembered, if at all, by the simple rhyme of "Hasty-Pudding," written during an hour of loneliness on foreign soil. 17 Barlow's published writings of varied sorts — poetry, addresses, "Advice" — are found at many libraries, and his life has been more often studied than that of contemporary writers and friends. 18 In the Pequot Library at Southport, Connecticut, is a rare collection of manuscript letters, written by Barlow, only a few of which have been printed. The letters to his wife, which form the large part, are interesting revelations of the per- 17 Hasty Pudding: A Poem, in Three Cantos. Written in Chambery, in Savoy, January i, 1793, (New Haven, 1796). 18 Charles Burr Todd, Life and Letters of Joel Barlow, LL.D., Poet, Statesman, Philosopher (New York, 1886), Moses Coit Tyler, Three Men of Letters (New York, 1895.) A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 171 sonality of this man who promised so much and achieved so little, in diplomacy, business, and literature. In the letters to his wife from Paris, in 1789, he describes the Revolution as he has wit- nessed it, and feels that it is "no small satisfac- tion to have seen two complete revolutions in favor of Liberty." With frequent apologies for remaining abroad, he explains that his "affairs are still in a degree of uncertainty." The chief faults which his friends deplored were vacilla- tion and a proneness to speculate with money, both his own and that of others. Manuscript poems in embryo, especially inspired by his acquaintance in Paris with Robert Fulton, are found among these letters. 19 After Barlow's return to America, and the publication of his long poems, he expected wide recognition among his countrymen; but he was embittered by indifference on some sides, and criticisms from other sources upon his political vacillation and seeming infidelity. Two of his letters, unpublished and here given by permission, indicate his sensitiveness, and they also show his foresight regarding national evils. The first was addressed to Gideon Granger, postmaster-general, and urged the appointment of a friend to office, emphasizing his scholarship and mental abilities: 19 "The Canal : A Poem on the Application of Physical Science to Political Economy" etc. (manuscript). 172 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE It is really discouraging to all liberal pursuits, & proves that the government is accessory to the great national sin of the country, which I fear will overturn its liberties, — I mean the inordinate & universal pursuit of wealth as a means of distinction. For example, if I find that writing the Columbiad, 20 with all its moral qualities, literature, & science which that work supposes, will not place me on a footing with John Tayloe, who is rich, why then (God damn you) I'll be rich too. I'll dispise my literary labors (which tend to build up our system of free government) & I'll boast of my bank shares (which tend to pull it down) because these & not those, procure me the distinction which we all desire. I will teach my nephews by precept & all the rising generation by example that merit consists in oppressing mankind & not in serving them. 21 Another significant letter was written by Bar- low to Jonathan Law, a prominent citizen of Hartford, with political influence in answer to charges brought against the would-be poet "by the malicious hypocrisy of such men as D wight, & Parke & Coleman" : I know as well as they do that all they say against me is false. All they mean or ever did mean by calling me an antichristian is that I am a republican. This latter appellation they don't like to quarrel with openly, & for that reason they disguise it under the other. .... But I shall probably never condescend to give my calum- 20 See Critical Observations on the Columbiad, etc., in the Bibliography. 21 The Letters were dated Kalorama, near Washington City, May 3, October 24, 1809. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 173 niators any sort of answer. I ask nothing from them, not even to let me alone. Poor fellows, they must live. Parke says individuals & nations have a right to get their bread in any manner they can. And these men slander me to get their bread. I remember to have seen a song in praise of the guillo- tine in one of Cobbett's pamphlets about a dozen years ago, which he said was written by me. It might have served the purpose of the faction at the time to lay it to me; whatever might be their motive it was a forgery.* 2 Timothy Dwight was deeply interested in the publications of this band of Hartford wits, but he did not contribute directly to their writings. He was included in their effusive praises of each other, and his ambitious "Conquest of Canaan" and "Greenfield Hill" were considered works of lasting renown. 23 These voluminous poems are seldom read today, but the reposeful, hymnal 22 This is given in "A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, or Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled 'The Political Pro- gress of Britain,' " p. 16, 3d ed., Philadelphia, 1795. In a note it is stated that the song was sung at the Fourth of July cele- bration at Hamburg, written by "the celebrated Mr. Barlow who was then at that place." The first stanza will indicate the radical character of the song : God save the Guillotine, Till England's King and Queen, Her power shall prove ; Till each appointed knob Affords a clipping job Let no vile halter rob The Guillotine. 23 "The Conquest of Caanan" 1785 (eleven books). "Greenfield Hill," 1794 (seven parts). 174 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE lines by Dr. Dwight, and his strong influence upon young men in behalf of better citizenship, have won for him a revered name in American history. He was an ardent patriot and a great admirer of Washington. A letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., written after Dwight's visit to Philadelphia, in 1793, denounced Freneau and his paper for its attacks upon Washington. It was evident that Dwight considered Freneau's Gazette as a JefTer- sonian organ : The late very impertinent and shameless attacks on the first Magistrate are viewed with a general and marked indignation. Freneau your printer, Linguist, &c, is re- garded here as a mere incendiary, or rather as a despi- cable tool of bigger incendiaries ; and his paper as a public nuisance. A few miles from New Haven is the hill-town of Derby. Here is an active chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution — the Sarah Riggs Humphreys chapter — that has pre- served many relics which pertain to the life- history of David Humphreys. 24 As a young captain in the army under Colonel Meigs, and later as aide-de-camp to Generals Putnam, Greene, and Washington, Humphreys showed his alertness of mind, his courage, and his zeal for American 24 See Chapter Sketches, Daughters of American Revolu- tion (Connecticut, 1900) ; also Seymour: Past and Present (1902). For editors, etc., see the Bibliography. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 175 progress. After the war he was with Jefferson, for a time, at Paris on the commission for treat- ies with foreign powers, and also served as diplomat at Lisbon and at Madrid. With these manlier traits he blended gallantry and clever- ness, which made him a social favorite in foreign circles of society, but which called forth censure from some court-despising Americans. After he had returned to America, he was invited to visit at Mount Vernon, and Washington offered him aid in pursuing a literary plan 25 which he had mentioned in his letters, namely, to write a history of the Revolution. At first thought, it may seem unfortunate that this plan was abandoned by Humphreys because of its magnitude. His tastes and effusive style, however, would not have produced a history of permanent value. His bio- graphic essays on Israel Putnam were subjected to severe censure, but they gave the materials for later historians to utilize with better results. 26 In letters and poetic ventures, Humphreys left a vivid impression of Washington's life at Mount Vernon, in the years between the close of the war and his presidency. He pictured him as super- 25 The Writings of Washington, edited by W. C. Ford, Vol. X, pp. 473, 474. 28 An Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major-General Israel Putnam (Hartford, 1788; Philadelphia, 1798). See more fully in the Bibliography. 176 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE vising his eight hundred acres of wheat and seven hundred acres of corn, and giving his per- sonal attention to the task of navigating the Potomac, and extending the settlement of the western boundaries of the country. Humphreys was very proud of his friendship with Washing- ton, and often referred to the latter with deep admiration, marred sometimes by such lines of egotism as in this stanza : Let others sing his deeds in arms, A nation saved and conquest's charms Posterity shall hear. 'Twas mine, return'd from Europe's courts, To share his thoughts, partake his sports, And soothe his partial ear. 27 This soldier-versifier was vain and aspiring to literary fame, but he showed sturdier qualities when occasion called them forth. He took com- mand of a band of men to guard the arsenal at Springfield, when it was threatened in Shay's Rebellion ; he served in the state assembly during the years when he was collaborating with his friends in the series of papers of The Anarchiad. His "Poem Addressed to the Armies of the United States of America," first published in 1780, was reprinted in Paris six years later; this 27 Ode "Mount Vernon" Connecticut Courant, October 9, 1786; Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, p. 68. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 177 sign of appreciation gave him much delight. 28 While abroad he lived in a style which attracted attention for its luxury, but which he seemed to defend in a manuscript letter to Timothy Picker- ing, which I am permitted to print here. 29 It was written soon after his appointment as minister at Madrid; he explained the necessary expenses involved in moving his effects from Lisbon to Madrid : I do not wish to make any unnecessary display, foreign to the dignified simplicity so becoming, in every character, but more particularly in that of a Republican Minister; or to live in any respect in an ostentatious manner; but I de- sire to be able to live in a decent style (as other ministers are accustomed to do) without being under the necessity of incurring debts I hope & believe I shall never affect a style of hauteur; and whenever I cannot live abroad without embarrassment or meanness, I shall think it time to retire from public life — for sometimes the embarrassed conduct of a Diplomatic Agent extends beyond his indi- vidual Character and leaves an unfavorable impression of the Character of his Nation on the Minds of for- eigners The transportation of my Carriages (of which I shall be obliged to carry four) Baggage, and necessaries will certainly, in the augmented price of for- age, etc. cost me a good sum of money — for besides taking 28 Discours en vers, addresse aux officiers et aux soldats des differ entes armees americaines (Paris, 1786). Humphreys presented several libraries in America with copies of this poem. 29 Pickering Papers, Vol. XXI, No. 1 (Massachusetts His- torical Society). Lisbon, January 1, 1797. 178 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE with me my own horses, I must order six or seven Mules to be sent from Madrid, and moreover employ a consider- able number of common Carriers. In spite of such indications of coxcombry in Humphreys, shown also in his delight to intro- duce foreign forms into the President's levees im New York, 30 he was a true patriot in his im- pulses and aims. At forty-five, while abroad, he married the daughter of an English banker, butij he was unwilling to live abroad, after his diplo- matic missions were ended. As he had shared in gaining the liberty of America, so he wished to help in fostering her industries and arts. While at Lisbon he had written "A Poem on Industry," which ranked with his poem to the armies in its.j patriotism, as well as its verbosity; Humphreys could not write in simple English. 31 The poem, however, and his practical success in manufac- turing homespun cloths, entitle him to credit for ; noble motives. He brought with him from SpainJ in 1802, one hundred and fifty merino sheep, as a nucleus for his enterprise. Near his Derby home he established a number of mills which made the settlement, at first called Chusetown and later ■ 1 1 30 See Jefferson's Writings, edited by Paul L. Ford, VoL I, p. 216, 233. 31 A Poem on Industry: addressed to the Citizens of tht United States of America. By Col. David Humphreys, Minister Resident at the Court of Lisbon (Philadelphia, i794)» A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 179 Humphreysville, a flourishing village. 32 The fulling-mill, cotton-mill, and paper-mill were opened in turn, and employment was given to scores of artisans. He brought several boys from the New York almshouses as apprentices. From England came master-workmen to superintend the manufacture of cloth, which was worn by Jefferson and other statesmen, and which en- couraged the growth of American industries. 33 Humphreys was not alone a patriotic manu- facturer, but he was also a pioneer social settler. In his village he sought to produce fine manhood •as well as fine cloth. He furnished a library and recreation-room for his operatives, led his boys in military drills, took part with them in games, and :oached them in rehearsals of various plays and 'pieces" of his own composition. One of these, The Yankey in England, was acted in 181 5, and Drinted. In studying the life of Humphreys, we ilways find many evidences of his besetting ;in, literary vanity. He won respect as a soldier !ind a promoter of industry, but he sought for •ank in letters. This he obtained among his r riends, and often he was highly praised in ournals of the day. 34 He cultivated his inferior 32 See Seymour: Past and Present (1902). 33 Jefferson's Writings, Vol. IX, p. 225. 34 In the Literary Magazine and American Register for 805 is a so-called "review" of his Miscellaneous Works which 3 absurd in praise. i8o HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE talents too ardently, forgetting the moral in "The Monkey Fable," probably finished by Trumbull : Who cannot write, yet handle pens, Are apt to hurt themselves and friends. 38 In contrast with the admiration which Humphreys craved, and often gained in America, was the frank disgust of Southey. He had met I Humphreys at Lisbon, and wrote later to a friend : Timothy Dwight, an American, published in 1785 an heroic poem on the Conquest of Canaan. I had heard of it, and long wished to read it, in vain; but now the I American Minister (a good-natured man, whose poetry is worse than anything except his criticism) has lent me the book. There certainly is some merit in the poem; but when Col. Humphreys speaks of it, he will not allow me to put in a word in defense of John Milton. 38 His writings were prefaced by long notes of ex- planation and tribute. The poems which are least effusive and offen-j sive in form, among those included in his Miscel- laneous Works, were the odes descriptive of the burning of Fairfield by the British, in 1779, and 35 The Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid (New York, 1804), p. 228. An earlier edition of poems and essay on Putnam, 1790. See the Bibliography. 36 Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey, Vol. I, p. 269. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 181 that on the "Happiness of America." 37 The stanza in the latter which portrays the interior scene of a humble American home in winter may be fittingly recalled : The cattle fed — the fuel pil'd within — At setting day the blissful hours begin; 'Tis then, sole owner of his little cot; The farmer feels his independent lot; Hears with the crackling blaze that lights the wall, The voice of gladness and of nature call; Beholds his children play, their mother smile, And tastes with them the fruit of summer's toil. During the War of 1812, Humphreys was general of a company of war veterans for home protection, and he wrote, with rejoicing, of his country's victories on the sea. His monument, erected soon after his death in 18 18, stands near the entrance to the old cemetery at New Haven, close to Yale University buildings. Its verbose Latin epitaph was written by his friend John Trumbull. Associated with the men of greater renown in their own day — Timothy Dwight, Trumbull, Barlow, and Humphreys — were three collabor- ators of less familiar but influential lives — Theodore Dwight, Richard Alsop, and Dr. Lemuel Hopkins. Theodore Dwight, the elder, •md brother of Timothy, was a lawyer, and was 87 The former poem was written "on the spot" soon after he burning of the town, where lived his sister, who barely •scaped (Works, p. 112). 182 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE editor of the Connecticut Mirror from 1809 until 181 5. For two years previously, 1806-7, he was a member of Congress. The latter part of his life was passed in New York, where he con-; ducted the New York Daily Advertiser from 1817 to 1835. 38 He wrote a partisan study of:| Jefferson's character, a fervent hymn on Wash- | ington, some strong orations and an etymolog- ical dictionary. To him we owe the preservation of the long poem by Richard Alsop, The Charms ' of Fancy, and many interesting revelations of the poet, who was not alone Dwight's friend, but also his brother-in-law. 39 Alsop was probably the editor of the papers known as The Echo, when they were first printed. A letter, in manuscript, from him to Dr. Mason Cogswell is in the copy of The Echo owned by John Trumbull, now at the Connecticut Historical Society. Alsop mentioned some errata and con- tinued, regarding the tone of the papers : I should be very sorry to have The Echo considered as a party production, as it must considerably lessen its reputation, & any alterations which will take off from that appearance without injury to the object in view, in my opinion will be best. 38 Facts about Dwight and Alsop are in J. Hammond Trumbull, The Memorial History of Hartford County, Vol. I, pp. 157-60. See also the Bibliography. 39 A review of Dwight's character and works were pub- lished in the New York Historical Society Proceedings. 1846, p. 13. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 183 Born in Midclletown, Connecticut, Alsop pre- pared for college, but continued his studies at home, becoming a fine translator of Runic poetry, Homer, Ossian, and Molina's History of Chili. For a time he had a bookstore in Hart- ford, where he lived with his sister. In an ad- dress, To the Freemen of Connecticut, (which is classified as his by an ink ascription in a copy at the Massachusetts Historical Society, dated Mid- dletown, September 12, 1803,) he expressed confi- dence that God would protect "the Vine of this state" against "the rude shocks of democratic violence, nor will He suffer its ripened clusters to be trampled in the dust." 40 In William Dunlap's manuscript journal, 1797, he mentions a visit to Alsop at Middletown, "to shoot ducks;" later he accompanied Alsop "in a chaise to Hartford where lived, at that time, Miss Fanny Alsop." In the "Memoir" of Alsop which prefaced his visionary poem, The Charms of Fancy, we learn of his scholarship and scientific interests which blended with his poetic tastes. His sister said: r 'He seemed to know every variety of birds, and [ might almost say, every feather." In boxes of lis own design he kept his natural-history speci- mens — a large collection. His long, ambitious 40 To the Freemen of the State of Connecticut, p. 16 (no )lace), 1803. 1 84 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE poem on fancy, and its inspiration for poet, painter, and musician, has a few fine lines, and reveals his wide reading and patriotic zeal for America's progress in the arts. The poem by Alsop which seems to me the most worthy, how- ever, was not printed in permanent form, except in collections of poetry, but it suggests, as a fore- j runner, Bryant's "To a Waterfowl." Alsop's poem was entitled "Verses to a Shearwater on the Morning after a Storm at Sea" : 41 On the fiery tossing wave, Calmly cradled dost thou sleep, When the midnight tempests rave, Lonely wanderer of the deep ! Far from earth's remotest trace, What impels thee thus to roam? What hast thou to mark the place, When thou seek'st thy distant home? Without star or magnet's aid, Thou thy faithful course dost keep; Sportive still, still undismay'd, Lonely wanderer of the deep! Alsop spent the last years of his life in the vicinity of New York. He died at Flatbush in 1815. In his lifetime he was generally known as author of one of the most widely quoted elegies 41 Kettell, in Specimens of American Poetry, Vol. II, p. 60. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 185 on Washington, and was honored for his transla- tions from the Eddas, and from Spanish and Italian. 42 The sharpest wit among the Hartford writ- ers was Lemuel Hopkins. He used travesties and imagery which defied all poetic standards. As a physician he ranked among the progressive lead- ers of his day; in his memory the Hopkins Medi- cal Society was formed in 1826. 43 Born at Hop- kins Hill, in Waterbury, in 1750, he served as a soldier for a time, but lost no opportunity to study for the profession of medicine, which he had chosen in youth as a goal. After gaining some experience with two noted men of his day and state — Dr. Seth Bird, of Litchfield, and Dr. Jared Potter, of Wallingford — he settled in Hartford, in 1784, where he remained until his death six- teen years later. By success in his profession, and by his courageous advocacy of inoculation for small-pox, use of anaesthetics, and radical reme- dies for yellow fever, he gained repute outside his state and was often called into consultation. Yale conferred an honorary degree upon him. 42 A Poem Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, etc., by Richard Alsop (Hartford, 1800; 23 pages, 8vo). For Msop's translations, see the Bibliography. 43 A good account of Dr. Hopkins is in American Medical Biography ; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians Who Have flourished in America, by James Thacher, M.D. (Boston, [828), Vol. I, pp. 298-306. 186 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Many traditions and local stories cluster about his personality. He was nervous, brusque, with keen eyes, and a peculiar, awkward gait. One story illustrates his brusqueness combined with faithfulness. On a stormy night he rode four miles to assure himself that a certain remedy was accomplishing the desired results. Arriving at the house, he entered, made a silent examination, refused to speak to any of the inmates, and rode away. He was a dreaded enemy of impostors and i quacks. Another anecdote indicates this trait. With Dr. Cogswell, he was attending a patient who was dying of tubercular disease. The sister of the sick girl unreasonably besought the doc- tors to use some "fever powders," which she had i bought from a peripatetic quack. Dr. Hopkins i asked her to bring the powders, announced that one and a half was recorded as the largest dose which it was safe to take, calmly mixed twelve of the powders in molasses, and swallowed them, remarking to his colleague: "Cogswell, I am go- ( j ing to Coventry today. If I die from this, you| must write on my tombstone: 'Here lies Hop- kins, killed by Grimes.' " 44 In indignation against j a "cancer doctor" who had troubled the neigh- ** This anecdote, with others, may be found in Charles W. Everest, The Poets of Connecticut (Hartford, 1843). Here are also several of Hopkins' poems (pp. 51-58) : "Poland" (i775) J "On Gen. Ethan Allen," "Robespierre," "Gen. Wayne and the West," "Lines on the Yellow Fever," etc. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 187 borhood, he wrote the rugged verse, "On a Patient Killed by a Cancer Quack" : Here lies a fool, flat on his back, The victim of a cancer quack; Who lost his money and his life, By plaister, caustic and by knife. More dignified were the ironical stanzas, "The Hypocrite's Hope" : He tones like Pharisee sublime, Two lengthy prayers a day, The same that he from early prime, Has heard his father say. Good works he careth nought about, But faith alone will seek, While Sunday's pieties blot out, The knaveries of the week. 45 A few letters from Dr. Lemuel Hopkins to his friend Oliver Wolcott, Jr., are in manuscript at the Connecticut Historical Society ; I have been given the privilege of quoting from them. One written in October, 1783, reveals Hopkins' wit and his interest in political affairs : I thank you for your inteligence & thoughts on politicks; but have not time to tell you my own. But I lament with you the ill aspect of our affairs, and am afraid to think much of the next scene for of late, when I have indulg'd such thoughts, the Ghost of a certain text "American Poems, Litchfield, (1793)1, P« * 39 ', Sam- uel Kettell, Specimens of American Poetry, Vol. I, p. 282. 188 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE has grinn'd horrible at me a ghastly smile, — 'tis this — "Wo unto thee oh land when thy king is a fool." In a letter from Hartford, after his removal there from Litchfield, he refers to the American Antiquities {The Anarchiad) as having "given a considerable check to a certain kind of popular intrigue in this state." During the prevalence of small-pox in the sum- mer of 1793, he wrote to Mr. Wolcott regard- ing inoculation, which he practiced freely : This business is much like that of the Treasury De- partment in regard to existing jealousies, raising party spirit &c., yet, from certain causes, my particular mode of conducting it, in case of any suspicion of wrong meas- ures, does not admit of so unanswerable a justification. There are some philosophic sentences in the same letter regarding the influences of city and village life, which are interesting today: The more a man is among all sorts of people, the more fully will he learn the unmeasured difference there is j between the sentiments of newspapers, replete with local politics, and the opinions of an enlighten'd people in the peaceable and successful pursuit of wealth & happi- ness. — I find more & more that a busy set of wrong- heads can at pleasure stir up, for a time, any sentiments they please in cities — and that there is a great aptitude in most men to consider cities as worlds, or at least as the manufactories of sentiments for whole countries — and much of this may be true in the old world; but in N. ; England the contrary is, and ever will be true, as long as our schools, presses & Town-corporations last. A GROUP OF HARTFORD WITS 189 With his shrewd insight into the diseases of individuals and of the nation, with his urgent desire for progress through education, Dr. Hop- kins was a good type of his time, and especially of this group of Connecticut writers. They were earnest, as well as witty; they sought to use their talents for the advance of industry and political sanity. Their writings mirrored many of the aspirations and fears of the period which fol- lowed the war and was concerned with the estab- lishment of stable government. JOSEPH DENNIE: "THE LAY PREACHER" JOSEPH DENNIE From portrait owned by his family; reproduced from Clapp's > Sketch of Dennie, 1880. VI JOSEPH DENOTE: "THE LAY PREACHER" Journalism is an altar on which have perished the hopes and fortunes of many. Today our libraries and homes are crowded with magazines of all degrees of merit and ranges of topics. Pub- lishers announce extraordinary figures of circu- lation of many of these journals ; others, of more intrinsic value, perish after a brief existence. The latter fate was the common lot of many in- teresting ventures in journalism during the earlier decades of American literature. The student who follows the lives of our pioneer authors, from Franklin to Charles Brockden Brown, will be impressed by the many fitful, short-lived journals by which these writers sought to pro- mote literary culture and progress in art and science. Freneau ventured and lost, both hopes and funds, in his later newspapers, which combined literature with politics. Brown devoted his ma- ture years to experiments in reviews, intended to educate the middle classes and make them ac- quainted with the best foreign authors, far too 193 194 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE unfamiliar to many Americans during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. One of the most prominent and successful of early American journalists was Joseph Dennie, known in his own day as "the Lay Preacher," or often as "the American Addison." He was born in Boston, August 30, 1768, but during his boy- hood his family moved to Lexington. He is as- sociated in literature with New Hampshire and Philadelphia. After studying at a commercial school in Boston, and at Samuel West's school at Needham, he entered Harvard in the sophomore class, in 1787. As a boy he wrote ambitious verses. His mother declared, with farcical pride : He wrote poetry in early life after the manner of Horace and various other modes but never pleased him- self His father persuaded him to quit a pursuit where he would kill himself with his own sword. 1 At college, Dennie was a favorite with the students. Genial and merry, he was also im- petuous and ready to combat any injustice. Once he was absent from college because of illness. On his return, he was reprimanded by someone 1 Sketch of Dennie in The Philadelphia Souvenir by John E. Hall (Philadelphia, 1826). Mr. Hall told here also of Dennie's hatred of arithmetic throughout his life. In mature years he spent more than a day puzzling over his landlady's problem of the cost of seven and three-fourths pounds of mutton at five and one fourth cents a pound and finally assured the lady that "the butcher was doubtless honest and she might safely pay her bill." JOSEPH DENNIE 195 who did not know the circumstances. Serious differences arose between him and his tutors. He declaimed, with emphasis and vocal insult, one of Lord Chatham's speeches which could be con- strued as a direct affront to his tutors, and he was suspended for six months. He passed the time pleasantly in the home of a clergyman, Mr. Chap- lin, of Groton, who combined tutoring with moral influence. In one of his Lay Sermons! 1 Dennie referred to this episode in his college life, saying : "I lost my tutors and found a friend. It was like the exchange of armour between Glaucus and Diomede; it was brass for gold." He cherished his hurt pride, however, declaring that the action of the faculty had awakened in him "a prejudice which no time shall destroy." He was restored to membership in the college and his class by making a written appeal for pardon and rein- statement, and suffering a public reprimand be- fore the college. He did not forget the severe treatment, although he made no open defiance. His mother seemed to sympathize with his sensitive, fractious nature. She was the daughter of Bartholomew Green, Jr., who had been asso- ciated with his father as printer of the early news- paper, the Boston News Letter. Dennie was devoted to his mother. In tribute to her influence he wrote : "During the course of my pilgrimage 2 "Interment of Saul," The Lay Preacher, 1817. 196 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE I have found many friends but only one mother. For two and twenty years you have been uni- formly my guide and patroness." His father was less sympathetic and more thrifty, as was recalled by the son in his sermon "Of Precipitation" : In my boyhood, I remember that a parent would sometimes repeat lessons of economy as I sat upon his knees, and then lift me in his arms, that I might look at Hogarth's plates of Industry and Idleness. On youth- ful fancy the picture was more impressed than the pre- cept. After leaving college, Dennie decided to study law. His first inclination had been toward the ministry, but he said he gave up that because of "its starchedness of thinking and behaviour." He read law in the office of Mr. West, of Charles- town, New Hampshire, and thus began associa- tion with the vicinity where he was to gain his experience in journalism and his unique pseu- donym. With an impressive voice and manner, he was chosen to read the liturgy and lay sermons during a season of pastoral vacancy at the Epis- copal church in Charlestown. So well did he please the people that he was given a contract "for four months as a Reader at the rate of 24s per Sunday." At first he read sermons by noted preachers. Later he interpolated original sentences; and finally he began to preach an occasional lay ser- JOSEPH DENNIE 197 mon of his own writing. This youthful service he recalled in after years, in one of his published Sermons: Many years ago I stood in a rustic pulpit, and was wont to address myself to the few villagers who thought my sermons worth listening to. It was literally the "voice of one crying in the wilderness," for the forest was frequently my study and my principal hearers a gurgling brook, a silent valley or an aged tree. I had but few of the fathers to consult and perused the best of books, not with Poole's, but my own commentary. 3 He was urged to give up law and study the- ology. He could then be ordained as minister of the Charlestown church; the parish was will- ing to wait for him to take a theological course. It is evident, from chance references in his letters, that he considered the subject carefully before he decided in the negative. Moreover, he was much annoyed by the criticism passed upon him by some Boston friends regarding the propriety of his serving as a lay preacher. That a lawyer should officiate in a pulpit seemed to some a questionable practice. Even his honesty of re- ligious belief and expression was assailed, and his first Lay Sermons, as published in local news- papers, were called indecorous, if not irreligious. 3 "Design of ihe Preacher," text from Solomon, 3:2 (The Lay Preacher, collected and arranged by John E. Hall, Esq., Counsellor at Law [Philadelphia, 1817]). See earlier editions of The Lay Preacher in the Bibliography. 198 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Such slanders increased his resentment against Boston, although he returned there for a brief journalistic venture. While he defied these critics, he wished to vin- dicate his action to his parents. He wrote to them frankly : A casual glance on the ecclesiastical etiquette of Great Britain, which the Episcopalians here servilely copy, discovers to you, that a mere Readership does not in the least militate with my secular & lay employ- ments, that it demands not hypocrisy of heart or face but decency of life & such a mode of reading as your kindness, the instructions of Dame Rogers, and the boy- hood perusal of your little library have inspired. With a characteristic touch of egotism he adds : You know that my natural fluency is such that, when I have a stock of ideas, words of course will follow.* The last sentence seems to have been true, for he was fecund in words, both spoken and written, in the pulpit, in journals, and at the bar. His readiness with flowery language once brought | ridicule upon him in the courtroom. The story j has passed down in literary anecdote and may suggest a reason for his retirement from law. 5 The case on trial involved a promissory note and its requital. In a style acquired by devotion to 4 W. W. Gapp, Sketch of [Joseph] Dennie (Cambridge, 1880). 5 This story was told by Roy all Tyler in the New England I Galaxy, July 24, 1818; it is also given, with expansions, in The Philadelphia Souvenir, 1826. JOSEPH DENNIE 199 Pope and Swift, the young attorney pictured, with artificial pathos, a home-scene in humble life. The panorama was vivid and glowing: "the taper's solitary ray glimmered," while the "children ran to lisp their sire's return." Then came the bailiff, "down whose hard, unmeaning face ne'er stole the pitying tear." Through "the pelting, pitiless storm the father was dragged to a loathsome prison." As Dennie grew more florid in his harangue, the farmer-judge was mystified, and confessed : I am in rather a kind o' a quandary; I profess I am somewhat dubus ; I can't say that I know for sartain what the young gentleman would be at. When some fellow-lawyer explained that Dennie wished to have the case postponed, the judge ex- claimed : Ay, now I believe I understand, — the young man wants the case to be hung up for the next term, duz he? Well, well, if that's all he wants, why couldn't he say so in a few words pat to the purpose, without all this larry cum lurry. Dennie had a keen sense of humor, and he was compelled to join in the general laugh at his expense; but he was disgusted with law in the rural districts and declared that he would make no further attempts "to batter down a mud wall with roses." 6 6 J. T. Buckingham, Anecdotes, Personal Memoirs and Biographies of Literary Men (Boston, 1852), Vol. II, p. 175. 200 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE He had evidently saved some money from his lay-reading and his practice of law, although the latter was not very lucrative nor long continued; for he wrote to his mother, while still in Charles- town: I am now worth 416 dollars, clear and unencumbered. I enjoy a high station on the rock of independence, un- scared, as Pope says, by the spectre of poverty, and I hope I shall be able to walk through life without a crutch. 7 He had already begun to contribute a column of witty essays, "The Farrago," to the New Hampshire Journal and Farmer's Weekly 1 Museum of Walpole, New Hampshire, which was started, in 1793, by David Carlisle, Jr., a native of the town and a "freed apprentice" of Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, who had a printing-shop and bookstore in Walpole. On the last page of this little newspaper was "The Dessert," to which Dennie contributed. Some of these sketches by Dennie were re- printed in the Boston Centinel, and he was en- couraged to return to Boston for a journalistic venture. This was the Tablet, a twelve by eight sheet, whose issues as long as life lasted, from 1 May 19 to August 11, 1795, may be found at the 7 J. E. Hall, The Philadelphia Souvenir: A Collection of Fugitive Pieces from the Philadelphia Press, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes t ( Philadelphia, 1826). JOSEPH DENNIE ?oi Boston Public Library. 8 "The Farrago" was its leading feature, although current events in litera- ture, politics, and society were recorded. Here also appeared verses "From the Shop of Colon and Spondee." The chief writer of this dog- gerel was Royall Tyler, who was associated with Dennie under a similar pseudonym in the Farm- er's Museum and The Portfolio. Tyler's name is more closely related to the beginnings of drama through his play The Contrast, which is discussed in the next chapter. Tyler was practicing law at Brattleboro, Ver- mont, and became a warm friend to Dennie when the latter returned from Boston to Walpole. Dennie was a great admirer of his friend, who was ten years older. Together they planned liter- ary schemes and read classic authors. Dennie was more adroit and polished than Tyler. The latter's humor was puerile, and his stanzas were weak and too alliterative, as "From Fond Frederic to Fanny False Fair." He could write more worthy odes, like one for the Fourth of July, 1799. 9 The two friends were marked contrasts in looks and mental traits. Tyler, with his plain, stolid face, 8 Files of this journal are also at the Lenox Library and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It was "Dedicated to the Belles-Lettres," and published by William Spotswood, of Marlborough Street • Kettell, Specimens of American Poetry, Vol. II, p. 48. 202 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE high forehead, and hair unadorned, was quite different from handsome Dennie, with "befrizzled ear-locks," pea-green coat, silk stockings, shoes with huge buckles and generous bows. 10 Dennie was gay and dilatory; Tyler was prompt and careful. Dennie often wrote his best under pressure. The printing-shop of Walpole was next to the Crafts Tavern, and Tyler recalls an incident when Dennie was forced to finish his "Lay Sermon" in great haste. He was playing cards at the tavern, when the printer's boy came in with a demand for the copy which Dennie had promised. The latter ignored the summons as long as he could, but was compelled at last to yield his "hand" to a neighbor while "he gave the devil his due." The year after Dennie had failed with The Tablet in Boston, he undertook the editorship of the Farmer's Weekly Museum. 11 He was in- ventive and introduced several features which gave popularity to the journal for a few months. There were political lampoons by "Simon Spunkey," or F. T. G. Fessenden, sketches by "The Meddler," and "The Hermit," and jocose 10 J. T. Buckingham, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 195-202. 11 The full name of this paper was The New Hampshire and Vermont Journal; or Farmer's Weekly Museum. A com- plete file is at the American Antiquarian Society. A Sum- mary of its contents is in The Spirit of the Farmer's Museum and Lay Preacher's Gazette (Walpole, 1801). JOSEPH DENNIE 203 verse and prose from "The Shop of Colon and Spondee." Several men in the neighborhood formed a literary club and contributed at times to Dennie's paper. Among the members, beside Tyler, were Jeremiah Mason, Major Bullard, Samuel Hunt, and Royal Vose, the last two after- ward members of Congress. 12 The metrical announcement of the journal emphasized its aims. Its motto was : "Ho, every one that thirsteth for novelty, Come!" To greet each good and letter'd man, A Journal form'd on generous plan, None of your dull, mechanic Dutch things, But fraught with poetry and such things; With politicians, wise as Solon, With PREACHER, HERMIT, SPONDEE, COLON, With pointed, pithy, pretty PETER, Whom ladies called the charming creature. 13 In adition to the bagatelles and squibs, there were serious essays of educational and literary kinds — biographical studies of contemporary American authors, among them Trumbull and Barlow, and of statesmen, like John Adams and Oliver Wolcott. Extracts from English authors, with comments, were given freely ; there was also 12 George Aldrich, Walpole as It Was and as It Is (Clare- mont, 1880), pp. 74-82. 13 This last contributor was Isaac Story, known as "Peter Quince," rival and cousin of "Peter Pindar." 204 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE a summary of foreign news. There was an occa- sional stanza of wit, as — Women were born, so fate declares, To smoothe our linen and our cares; And 'tis but just, for by my troth, They're very apt to ruffle both. The climax of popularity under Dennie's editorship seemed to be in December, 1797, when the editor wrote : The constant swell of our subscription book suggests a theme to our gratitude, and a motive to our industry. The Farmer's Museum is read by more than two thou- sand individuals and has its patrons in Georgia and on the banks of the Ohio. 14 In spite of such bright prospects, and the fact that the paper kept a neutral attitude in politics until 1800, when it became Federal, the journal was constantly threatened with financial disaster, and Isaiah Thomas bore the losses from three failures within a few years. Dennie, as editor, soon began to make appeals for "punctual pay- ment," adding of the rights of the editor : "Like every other industrious workman, he has a right to bread, and sometimes, to write all cheerily, he ought to have wine." Perhaps too much of Dennie's time and money went for this tonic to merry writing. At least so 14 Farmer's Museum, December 4, 1797; quoted also by Aldrich, op. cit., p. 80. JOSEPH DENNIE 205 the veteran newspaper worker, J. T. Buckingham, relates in citing his experiences as a boy in the office of the Farmer s Museum} 5 Here he was an apprentice at sixteen years, but found that he was expected "to treat" soon after he entered the office. He was "nagged" for a few days, until he conformed to what seemed to be the custom of the place. He said : "I spent more than half the small amount of money I possessed for brandy, wine, sugar, eggs and crackers." Throughout his life Dennie was accused of overindulgence in light wines, but his best friends defended him from the charge of being an inebri- ate in any sense. In this connection we recall a story told by Griswold 16 about Dennie and Timothy Dwight. It occurred some years after Dennie had left Walpole and was editing The Portfolio in Philadelphia. In the days of limited stage and hotel accommodations, Timothy Dwight, then president of Yale, arrived at a New Jersey inn one evening and was able to secure a com- fortable room. Soon afterward Dennie reached the same tavern, but was told that all the rooms were occupied, and nearly all the guests "paired" except the college president. The host was un- willing to disturb so illustrious a man by offering 15 Buckingham, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 25. 18 Curiosities of [.American'] Literature (New York, 1848), P. 51. 52. 206 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE him a roommate, but Dennie begged to be allowed to plead his case with Dr. Dwight, saying : "Al- though I am a stranger to the reverend doctor perhaps I can bargain with him for my lodgings." President Dwight received his caller with digni- fied grace, and the two men were soon discussing statesmen and authors of the day, although Den- nie did not reveal his identity. After a time Dwight mentioned, among the promising writers, "Joseph Dennie, the editor of The Portfolio, the Addison of the United States, and the father of American Belles-Lettres." Praising his writings, he said : "But is it not astonishing, that a man of such genius, fancy and feeling, should aban- don himself to the inebriating bowl and to Bac- chanalian revels?" "Sir," said Dennie, "you are mistaken. I have been intimately acquainted with Dennie for several years and I never knew or saw him intoxicated." "Sir," said Dr. Dwight, "you err; I have my information from a particular friend. I am confident that I am right and that you are wrong." Dropping the subject, Dennie led the conversation to educational topics and spoke of Dr. Dwight, of Yale, as "the most learned theologian, first logician and greatest poet America had ever produced. But there are traits in his character unworthy so great and wise a man — of the most detestable description — he is the greatest bigot and dogmatist of the age." JOSEPH DENNIE 207 "Sir," said Dr. Dwight, with anger, "you are grossly mistaken. I am intimately acquainted with Dr. Dwight and I know to the contrary." "Sir," said Dennie, "you are mistaken. I have it from an intimate acquaintance of his, who I am confident would not tell an untruth." Rising, with dismissal in his manner, Dr. Dwight said : "No more slander; I am Dr. Dwight of whom you speak." "And I," exclaimed Dennie, merrily, "am Mr. Dennie of whom you spoke." The Farmer's Museum survived its financial crisis in the spring of 1797 and recovered to a new season of favor, as we have shown; but Dennie evidently left the paper in charge of a new manager, Alexander Thomas, and went to Boston for a few weeks. Two letters to Hon. Jeremiah Mason, written by Dennie from Boston in August, 1797, are of interest and value in placing his absence from Walpole, and also as indicating his social tastes. 17 The first letter was dated Boston, August 6, 1797: From the ennui which you apprehended I should ex- perience in a counting-room I was relieved, the day you left town, by the company of Jos. Barrell and a Mr. Morewood, a youthful Englishman of some promise. But greater things were reserved for me. For at five o'clock I found myself, by Barrell's civility, at his chateau and by his daughter's side. Be assured I was very eloquent 17 Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, March, 1880. Vol. XVII, pp. 362-65. 208 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE on this joyful occasion But among the many great events which agitate this puddle called Boston, the ar- rival of John Adams is one. People here tell me it is wise to make my rustic bow to the great man, and I must dine with the king tomorrow and drink some two dozen such perplexed toasts as the bungling creatures here give. From the tone of this and the following letter it is evident that Dennie was still resentful toward his native town. The second letter was written August 25 of the same year : I have had the honor of making two bows to the President and receiving three. About three hundred guests were bidden to the feast, and I am sorry to say that the toasts were followed by clamorous hootings and applause quite in the French style. All this is suited to the taste of the Bostonians, who are unquestionably the merest boys at all kinds of play. I find strong sense, urban manners, and Elsworth's energy in Cabot. He amuses me by his political zeal, and \ instructs me by his worldly wisdom. Moreover, he -\ giveth good dinners, and, sinner that I am, I think partridge at least as palatable as politics. There is here a kind of would-be literary club. It meets each Wednesday, and consists of certain lawyers, di- i vines, quacks, and merchants They are all lazy; and reversing the ancient rule of the symposium, they convene rather to eat, than talk, together. On his return to Walpole and the journal, , Dennie wrote for its columns one of his cheerful sermons from the text, "Here am I, for thou 1 JOSEPH DENNIE 209 didst call me." 18 Emphasizing the good results of his sojourn amid the fashions and culture of the city, he said : While I was mingling with the crowd on 'change, lounging in the book-seller's shops, arguing in a coffee- house, or chatting with sensible women round a supper- able, I was in fact composing Lay Preachers. The process, though invisible, still continued. I entered hints n my note-book, though I did not expand them in the Museum and kept for future use the fruit of my ob- ervations, as my prudent and tender mother used to tore for me autumnal russetings to bless my infant palate in the scarce and spring time. A pointed appeal for subscriptions and pay- nent of the same, in the Farmer s Museum for February 11, 1799, showed that another struggle or existence was upon the journal. As a ven- ure it appeared in a more ornate and expanded orm, April 1, 1799. For this issue Dennie wrote [l clever remonstrance against the silly tricks of 'All Fools' Day," then so commonly played. He nquired : "Why mankind are so anxious to form ools when the business seems to be fully done?" -Vith evidence of his own love of nature, he .dvised : This day should indeed be a festal one but not dedi- ated to "idiot laughter" and the petty tricks of child- .ood. It should be a kind of vernal thanksgiving. The oddess, Flora, rather than Folly, should have our vows. 18 He used the same text for a later sermon while editing 'he Portfolio. 210 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE In spite of the discouragements and financial! losses which Dennie shared with his partners in J the vacillating fortunes of this journal, hel gained some returns in fame and money from] publishing at the same press, in 1796, the first! volume of The Lay Preacher } Q In a sentimentaJ preface to these collected "sermons" he outlinec his aim and his literary hopes : To instruct the villager, was his primary objectij Hence, an easy and obvious stile was indispensable. Tc rise to the gorgeous phrase of BOLINGBROKE would have been absurd, to sink to the vulgarity of L'ESTRANGI would have been ignominious. The familiarity of FRANK- LIN'S manner, and the simplicity of STERNE'S provec most auxiliary to his design. He therefore, adventurec their union. Diffident of success, and prepared for cen- sure, he will not be surprised at a harsh sentence fron the critical tribunal. The vanity of authorship has all ready caused him to prove the negligence of his NATAI TOWN ; the same passion now urges him to tn suffrages of his COUNTRY. Should this, like the former attempts, slide rapidly down the slope of obliv ion, it will add the last item to the catalogue of literan disappointments and CURE THE AUTHOR. Through the circulation of this volume, and oi the journals where his contributions had appeared Dennie had won considerable reputation for mental alertness and a fluent style, according tc the tastes of that day. He was offered position; 19 The Lay Preacher ; or, Short Sermons for Idle Reader (Walpole, 1796; 132 pages, i6mo) ; Preface, pp. iii, iv. JOSEPH DENNIE 211 in journalism in New York and Philadelphia, and possibly elsewhere. He hoped to go from New Hampshire to Congress, but failed to win in the election. While he was debating with himself which place he should choose as editor, another )pportunity came, which combined a larger, issured salary with a good opportunity to wield )oth political and literary influence. This was an jffer to become private secretary to Timothy dickering, then secretary of state. The corre- pondence which led to the acceptance of this josition by Dennie, affording revelations of his :gotism and flowery language, is still extant, and s printed by permission. 20 The first letter was from Dennie to Lewis R. vlorris, f rom Walpole, February 10, 1799. After lanking his friend for recommending him to the Department of State, he explains his unfitness for ny other departments : I My talents are not warlike, and Mr. McHenry would 'nd me a miserable tactician. The meanest clerk in the ffice of Wolcott, 21 would detect and deride my fiscal lability; and I am too much of a landsman to compre- end the nautical lore of Stoddert If I enter into 20 These letters are in the Massachusetts Historical So- iety; the Pickering Papers, Vol. X, No. 644; Vol. XXIV, os. 45, 275, 287 ; Vol. XIII, No, 557. 21 References here are to the secretaries of war, the treas- ry, and the navy at that time. Pickering Papers, Vol. XXIV, 0. 45. 212 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE . the service of government I expect that exertion will be r quired, and I am willing to make it. Considering this as a stepping-stone to views more enlarged and ambitious, I am abundantly sensible that these will never be grati- fied, without a satisfactory fulfilment of my initial tasks. With characteristic vanity, he asks to be called "confidential secretary," saying: The term clerk is hardly soothing enough to my pride; it might disgust that of my family; and you, in your noble spirit of candour, will forgive, what only wears the appearance of dictation, and results from my well-known love to whatever has gloss, and some sort of high colouring about it. The second letter in the series is from Timothy Pickering to Lewis R. Morris, Esq., dated Phila- delphia, April 29, 1799: I have just received your letter of the 21st respecting Mr. Dennie. I have room for him in my office and shall now be glad to employ him. If with his genius and taste, he can in a sufficient degree relinquish the pursuits of literature, and submit to the drudgery of business, it will give me much pleasure to have been in any degree instrumental in availing the public of the benefit of his talents. His compensation may be eight hundred, or a thousand dollars a year, according to the time his health (which I understood you was delicate) may permit him to apply to the public service. It seems as if Dennie was very dilatory after receiving the first letter from Pickering, just quoted, both in his answer and also in arrange- ments for moving to Philadelphia. His reasons JOSEPH DENNIE 213 were almost hidden under the verbiage of the two letters which he wrote to Pickering, May 26, 1799, and June 1, 1799. In the first he accepts the position with effusion and announces that he will go "expeditiously," but adds, in apparent con- tradiction of the last word : But, as my health is not confirmed, and as I cannot definitely ascertain the number of days, business here and a parent's tenderness, at home, may detain me, you will permit me, Sir, to apprize you, by no very distant post, of the time, when I shall have the pleasure of hearing and obeying your official commands. In the second letter he asks for further extension of time, because he feels that he must give three months' notice to the printers of the Farmer's Museum, saying: "Good faith obliges me to comply entirely with the spirit of my promise." The result of Dennie's service in the office of Pickering may be best revealed in a letter from the latter to John Marshall, about a year after the above correspondence. 22 One is not surprised to read here the criticisms on Dennie's efficiency as a :lerk : Mr. Dennie will have the honor to present to you :his letter. Desirous of being at the seat of government, ind to be relieved from the drudgery of editing a news- paper for a very inadequate compensation, his friend jen'l Morris recommended him for a place in the de- 22 Letter dated June 27, 1800 (Pickering Papers, Vol. BII, No. 557). 214 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE partment of State. But I cannot, because I ought not, to conceal from you, that Mr. Dennie's habits and literary turn — I should rather say, his insatiable appetite for knowledge, useful as well as ornamental, render his service as a clerk less productive than the labours of : many dull men. He still wishes, however, to renew his attendance in the department of State, to make a fresh essay to serve his country, provide for his own support, and promote his ultimate views of rendering, in another line, more important benefits to his fellow citizens and to mankind. He therefore, being a perfect Stranger to you, has asked of me a letter of introduction. You will be gratified by j the proofs he will give you of an enlightened mind, and with his admirable manners ; and I am sure you will be inclined to the most liberal indulgence of his laudable proposition. After reading this last letter, one can better understand why, in the latter part of 1800, Den- nie again turned to journalism for his income, establishing in December of that year a new; journal in Philadelphia, The Portfolio. He wasj joined in this enterprise by Asbury Dickens. He had continued his contributions of occasional ser-j mons to the Farmer's Museum, and had written editorials for Fenno's Gazette of the United* States, the Federal organ which had survived and j gained in favor, after its experience as a rival of Freneau's National Gazette. Dennie modeled his new paper after The Tablet, the early Boston ven- ture, but The Portfolio was long-lived and existed, JOSEPH DENNIE 215 in varied forms, from 1801 to 1 827. 2 3 The motto, chosen from Cowper, might well apply to all journalistic efforts of that age : Various,— that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleas'd with novelty, may be indulg'd. A large sheet of "Announcement" accompa- nied the first number : A YOUNG MAN, once known among village-readers, as the humble historian of the hour, the conductor of a 'Farmers Museum and a Lay Preacher's Gazette, again offers himself to the public as a volunteer editor. Having, as he conceives, a right to vary, at pleasure, his fictitious name he now, for higher reasons than any fickle humour might dictate, assumes the appelation of OLD SCHOOL. Fond of this title, indicative of his moral, political and literary creed, he proposes publishing every Saturday, on a super-royal quarto sheet A NEW WEEKLY PAPER to be called THE PORT FOLIO by Oliver Oldschool, Esq. He commented on the Lilliputian page as an experiment, like that of "a saving grocer, who ^ives of his goods only a small sample," and de- :lared his purpose to offer "something tolerable 23 From 1 80 1 to 1808 the Portfolio was a weekly; from 809 to 1 81 8 it was a monthly; in later years its publica- ion was generally as a monthly or a quarterly. Files of this ournal are found at many libraries throughout the country; •erfect files are in Philadelphia and New York. Nicholas Middle succeeded Dennie as editor. 216 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE on political, literary, and transient topics and something auxiliary to sound principles which, after church, 'retired leisure' may read on Sun- day." Although this journal was essentially designed as a literary organ, it was strongly Federalist, and was disliked and parodied by Jefferson's friends as the "Portable Foolery." 24 During the first two years Dennie criticized Jefferson freely and indulged in strictures even upon the Declaration of Independence. For such fearless politics he was arrested and charged, in 1804, with being the editor of "a seditious publication against the gov- ernment." He was acquitted, but the tone of his journal henceforth was less virulent. He was a pronounced Federalist or Republican from his youth, and would not listen to any enticing offers to edit Democratic newspapers. He was once offered a large salary to edit the Independent Chronicle of Boston, but refused, expressing his convictions in extravagant language, thus : If he had offered me $120,000,000 annually to conduct e Democratic paper, I must have refused the offer, Ill would have belied my feelings, my habits, my principles my conscience. I should have been an infinite apostate. 25 j Dennie was a social favorite in Philadelphia! 1 2 * See Scharf and Westcott, History of Philadelphia (Phila delphia, 1884), Vol. I, pp. 508, 509. 25 W. W. Clapp, Sketch of Dennie, 1882. JOSEPH DENNIE 217 from the first days there. He was instrumental in forming the Tuesday Club, a social organiza- tion with literary aims. He was a fine story- teller, and was in demand for convivial occasions wherever he might be. One of the vivid pic- tures of Dennie, as a companion, is given by Josiah Quincy, of Boston, 26 who was a college classmate of Dennie and a friend throughout life. Speaking of Dennie's mental equipment, as com- pared with that of other classmates, this friend said: The most talented, taking light literature as the standard, was Joseph Dennie, whose acquaintance with the best English classics was uncommon at that period. His imagination was vivid, and he wrote with great ease and felicity While at college he might unquestionably have taken the highest rank in his class, for he had great happiness both in writing and elocution; but he was negli- gent in his studies and not faithful to the genius with which nature had endowed him. In reminiscence of his father's conversations regarding Dennie, Edmund Quincy wrote : Mr. Dennie was a most charming companion, brilliant in conversation, fertile in allusion and quotation, abound- ing in wit, quick at repartee, and of only too jovial a dis- position. My father used to tell of the gay dinners which elebrated the not infrequent visits Mr. Dennie made him when he was keeping house with his mother. On these white days he would summon the flower of the youth of 26 Life of Josiah Quincy, by his son, Edmund Quincy (Bos- :on, 1867), p. 30. 218 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Boston to enjoy the society of their versatile friend, and the festivity which set in at the sober hour of two would reach far into the night before the party were willing to break up. When The Portfolio was established, Dennie summoned all his friends with literary tastes to contribute, and the columns of the journal, if carefully studied, reveal some interesting writers and men of prominence in affairs and science. General Thomas Cadwallader wrote translations from Horace ; Joseph Hopkinson contributed both prose and verse ; Charles Brockden Brown and his brother-in-law, John Blair Linn, were among the writers whose authorship can be attested. Gou- venor Morris, Samuel Ewing, and Mrs. Sarah E. Hall were other writers of the day who assisted Dennie. Josiah Quincy contributed a series of papers, signed "Climenole," satirical and spicy; their authorship was long a secret. 27 As in pre- vious ventures, Dennie had support from "The Shop of Colon and Spondee;" other writers con- tributed more serious reviews and accounts of travels. Among the latter sort were "Letters from Silesia," found in earlier issues of The Port- \ folio. These letters were by John Quincy Adams, who was then traveling abroad with his wife, on account of the latter's ill health. The letters came 27 op. tit., P . 33. JOSEPH DENNIE 219 into Dennie's possession in a peculiar way. 28 They were written to the brother of Mr. Adams in Philadelphia. He was a friend of Dennie, and the latter, when allowed to read the letters, was so delighted that he begged to include them un- signed in his journal. The owner consented, and they appeared in twenty-nine numbers, forming an interesting feature of The Portfolio. At first the writer of the letters did not know of their use ; later he was powerless or unwilling to inter- fere. They became so popular that an unknown individual reprinted them in London, for his own profit, in 1804, and three years later they were translated into German and French. Among the Adams papers, owned by Charles Francis Adams, are two unpublished letters from Dennie to John Quincy Adams, which I have been permitted to use. The first, dated Septem- ber 17, 1804, refers to the London publication of these Letters. It is in Dennie's usual fluent and obsequious style : I perceive by the Public papers, that "Letters from Silesia," &c, have been published in your name in the city of London. You will add to those numerous acts of kindness, with which you have often obliged and honoured me, if by the return of Post, you will mention whether this book has been thus printed with your consent. Your correspondence with the Port Folio has been for some 28 See Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, edited by Charles Francis Adams (Philadelphia, 1877), Vol. I, p. 240, 241. 220 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE time, relinquished. Be assured, Sir, I employ no false, or dissembling compliment, when I express the delight I feel in perusing any of your literary productions, and my sorrow that any cause should for a single week, deprive me of the valued assistance of a classical coadjutor. Whatever you choose to write for my Journal, I will always promptly impart to the Public. I inhibit no topics, I suggest no style; but I intreat that you will still continue to benefit me, by the dictates of your Judgement, and the productions of your Taste. The second letter was in answer to a word of remonstrance from John Quincy Adams against the publication, in The Portfolio, of such unre- liable, inferior articles as a series entitled "The British Spy," which had appeared during the autumn of this same year, 1804. 29 The letters had some gossipy passages, designed to ferment political feeling regarding Theophilus Parsons, as tool of a junto and of John Adams. Dennie has made the only defense that I have found in this interesting letter to Mr. Adams : My dear Friend. A bundle of lucubrations with the title of the "British Spy," was left at my lodgings, by some person unknown. They were inclosed in a letter, without a signature, and I was requested to give them a place in the Port Folio. 29 See the Portfolio, Letter II, November 10, 1804. The inference was that Parsons refused the appointment offered by John Adams. In a note, after Letter IV, November 24, | 1804, Dennie urged the writer to verify his statements, cor- rected this special one, but praised the letters. There were no more, however. JOSEPH DENNIE 221 Occupied with the care of an edition of Shakespeare, and of Sir W. Jones, the only paper I perused was the first of the Series. Though I was offended by the tumid and Asiatic stile, which the anonymous author thought proper to employ, I thought it would not be disagreeable to the Public, and possibly might be pleasant to the Bostonians, if I gave a place to what from a very cursory glance, I deemed not dishonourable to my native town. The second letter containing the offensive paragraph, of which you so justly complain, was not perused by me, until after publication. The instant that I read it, and some days prior to the receipt of your letter of expostula- tion, although I did not know with precision, the state of facts, I deemed the paragraph a gossiping anecdote of Jacobinical origin, I estimated it as a lye, accordingly, and resolved, at the end of the series, hitherto received, which will be printed, on the Saturday of the current week, to express my frank opinion of the falsity of the article, and to warn the author against hazarding such random calumny. I feel with very acute sensibility wounded, that you should suppose for an instant, that I could willingly lend a lye the confidence of Truth. If you knew me more intimately you would very distinctly per- ceive that I was never found to retail Scandal for any individual, or any Junto; and that though I have lived more than Thirty years in a Republic, I have not yet learned to be ungrateful to those who have showed me kindness. Within the columns of The Portfolio were selected passages from contemporary English writers of both prose and verse, with interpreta- tive comments. On December 19, 1801, as an ex- ample appeared Wordsworth's "Lucy Gray" and 222 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "Eglantine." with praises for "the genuine poet who has forsaken the necromantic realms of Ger- man extravagance, and the torrid zone of Delia Cruscan ardour and has recalled erring readers from sounds to things, from fancy to the heart." What a pity that Dennie could not have applied to his own style some of the Wordsworthian simplicity and clearness ! The visit of Thomas Moore to Philadelphia, in the spring of 1812, was an event of great sig- nificance in the life of Dennie. Moore's grateful memories of this American writer are almost the only words of recognition given to Dennie by any author outside the narrow circle of his friends. Moore had been disappointed in his reception at Xew York and Washington, but the cordiality with which he was greeted by Dennie and his coterie did much to soften his bitterness. Xot alone was he feted during the few days of his stay in Philadelphia, but his coming was heralded in The Portfolio for some weeks before his ar- rival. As early as April 21, 1804, Moore's poem "To Julia" — one of many of this title — was printed with the note of praise for "this recent poet who is much admired in England for the singular sweetness of his versification, and for a certain glow in his descriptions, mildly ardent, like the setting suns of Claude,''' True to his promise, in another issue Dennie selected many JOSEPH DEXXIE 223 examples of Moore's poems, especially from the translations of Anacreon. 30 Moore appreciated his attentions in Phila- delphia, in June, 1804. To Dennie's journal he contributed freely many of the poems, which ap- peared later in English magazines, but were printed here first, often with the prefatory words, "Printed from the Author's Manuscript." In The Portfolio for July 14 is "A Birthday Song" by Moore which refers to these cordial, new- found friends: In every eye around I mark, The feelings of the heart o'erflowing; From every soul I catch the spark Of sympathy, in friendship flowing. More familiar, as testimony by Moore, are his "Lines on Leaving Philadelphia," which were sent in a letter to Dennie, July 2, 1804, and first printed in his journal. The poem was dedicated to Mrs. Joseph Hopkinson, whose sympathetic singing of Moore's songs had assured him, though a stranger, that — The lays of his boyhood had stol'n to their ear, And they loved what they knew of so humble a name; And they told him, with flattery, welcome and dear, That they found in his heart something better than fame. 30 Copies of The Portfolio from April to September, 1804, contain many of Moore's poems, with comment, as ''The Wedding Ring," "To the Invisible Girl," "Rondeau," "Written in a Common-Place Book," and many poems "To Julia." 224 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The stranger is gone — but he will not forget, When at home he shall talk of the toils he has known, To tell, with a sigh, what endearments he met. As he stray'd by the wave of the Schuylkill alone. 31 Moore kept his pledge of remembrance. He wrote his mother about his Philadelphia friends and gave them special mention in the metrical "Letter to the Hon. W. R. Spencer," where he extolled ye sacred few, Whom late by Delaware's green banks I knew; Whom, known and loved through many a social eve, 'Twas bliss to live with and 'twas pain to leave. Not with more joy the lonely exile scann'd The writing traced upon the desert's sand, Where his lone heart but little hop'd to find One trace of life, one stamp of human kind, Than did I hail the pure, th' enlightened zeal, The strength to reason, and the warmth to feel, The manly polish and th' illumined taste, Which — mid the melancholy, heartless waste My foot has travers'd, — oh, ye sacred few ! I found by Delaware's green banks with you. To his mother, Moore wrote of his reception il in Philadelphia : "It is the only place in America which can boast any literary activity/' 32 In the 31 This poem, in Moore's handwriting, and two letters by him to Dennie are owned by Mrs. Oliver Hopkinson. They were printed in the Critic, June, 1888. 32 Memoirs, Journals and Correspondence of Thomas Moore (London, 1856), Vol. I, p. 164. JOSEPH DENNIE 225 same vein of unjust criticism, but flattering ex- perience, he said in the appendix to his poems : In the society of Mr. Dennie and his friends at Phila- delphia, I passed the few agreeable moments which my tour through the states afforded me. Mr. Dennie has suc- ceeded in diffusing through this cultivated little circle that love for good literature and sound politics which he feels so zealously himself and which is very rarely the characteristic of his countrymen. Among other allusions in Moore's letters to his mother is one to "two or three little poems of a flattering kind" which were addressed to him in Philadelphia. These may be found in The Port- folio for September 8, 22, and 29, 1804. The third was an ambitious ode, sung at a dinner to Moore just as he was leaving the city. In mock- heroic verse, the gods are represented in conclave over the seeming dulness of earth, and the need of some new spirit of poetry to waken man, as did Anacreon of old. To their suggestions Jupi- ter replies in the concluding stanza : I love well these mortals, though sometimes they err, And blessings abundant upon them will pour; The promise thus made, not an instant defer, You ask for Anacreon, but I will give MOORE. 33 By inheritance Dennie had slight endurance, and his life of conviviality, while it never became debauchery, tended to reduce his vigor. Without 33 These poems were signed "Mercutio" and C. H — d. 226 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE the restraints or the comforts of a home-life, he was careless and irregular in his hours of meals and sleep, and often seemed desperate to snatch all the zestful pleasures which he could. The inevitable day of reckoning came, and he died in January, 1812, when only forty-three years old. Various eulogistic paragraphs appeared soon after his death in the press of Philadelphia and New York. His own journal devoted much space to a "Mortuary," 34 appended to the February number. A poem, full of absurd over-praise and strained meters, was followed by a prose eulogy somewhat less extravagant, in which his personal traits and his aim throughout life were duly em- phasized. Of the former the writer said: So full of urbanity and gentleness were his manners — so amiable his deportment, that none could approach, without loving a man from whom there never escaped an unkind expression — who, in his graver mood, was an in- structive friend, and in his social hours, a most gay and captivating companion. The chief motive of his life was recalled, in language too ornate to be effective, but with truth in the thought : The great purpose of all his exertions, the uniform 34 The Portfolio, February, 1812 ; 12 pages with black bor- der, signed "A." Possibly this was Paul Allen, who was associated with Dennie during the last months of his editor- ship. Premonitions of Dennie's illness and death were in the last volume of The Portfolio which he edited. JOSEPH DENNIE 227 pursuit of his life, was to disseminate among his country- men a taste for elegant literature, to give to education and to letters their proper elevation in the public esteem, and reclaiming the youth of America from the low career of sordid interests to fix steadfastly their ambition on objects of a more exalted character. In this honourable enterprize, he stood at first almost alone. But such is the power of a single mind in awakening the talents of a whole nation, so easily may the pliant materials of public opinion be moulded by the plastic hand of genius, that the establish- ment of his work may be considered as forming an aera in the literary history of America. 35 Six years after the death of Dennie an admir- ing friend tried to publish a series of New and Original Lay Sermons?* collected from his writ- ings in The Portfolio. The avowed purpose was to get money for a monument. The price was to be five cents a copy, or two dollars a year. The first sermon chosen was one of his boldest in theme, from the text II Sam. 6:20 — the unique explanation of the treatment of Michal by David. Whether because of this unfortunate initial "sermon," or for some other reason, the scheme did not succeed. The monument was erected later by friends, but the failure of this series was symbolized in the bizarre illustration at the end of this first issue — a monument, a book, "The Portfolio, February, 181 2, pp. 186-187. 86 New and Original Essays by Joseph Dennie (Philadel- phia, 181 8). Only one has been found in this series. 228 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE and an ink-bottle jumbled together above the phrase, "The Relicks of Dennie." There are two collective editions of his Lay Sermons, which were clearly modeled after those of "Dr. Yorick." They do not include the larger portion of Dennie's essays of this type, but they contain representative examples. The first vol- ume, published at Walpole in 1796, was the expression of the earlier, more spontaneous essays. The second collection, edited by his friend in Philadelphia, John E. Hall, five years after Dennie's death, revealed more care in selec- tion and form. This same friend included others of Dennie's writings, with a sketch of his life, in The Philadelphia Souvenir for 1826. 37 In reading Dennie's Sermons the question sometimes arises : Was the author serious or cynical? — for wit and earnestness are mingled throughout. He was sincere in purpose; never cynical with intent to injure. Sometimes he chose an unusual theme, like that used in the first essay of the early collection. Taking for his sub- ject, "Two is Better than One," he makes a plea for second marriages, under fitting conditions, and illustrates his text by examples from history and literature. Another good "Sermon," among the earlier ones, was inspired by political dangers and gave warning, from the text : "In those days 37 The Philadelphia Souvenir, 1826, pp. 70-93, 96-136. T H » LAY PREACHER; O R SHORT S •' E R M jf S, FOR IDLE READERS. r; THEREFORE, SEEING V/ E HAVE THIS MINISTRY— WE FAINT not." St. PAUL. Publijhed according to Act of Congres 3. *$€/ cfcn&fe. € A)eTbUs, ^^ PRINTED at WA LPOL E^ Ne wham^shi r a , By DAVID. CARLISLE, Jutf, And Sold at his Bookstore. i 79 6. Title-page of first edition of The Lay Preacher, 1796; from copy in American Antiquarian Society Library. JOSEPH DENNIE 229 there was no king in Israel ; every man did what was right in his own eyes." The last essay in this first collection is worthy of special mention. Here he chose for a theme the prison experiences of Joseph. After some passages of exposition, he applied his text to modern life : Yet did not the Chief Butler remember Joseph but Forgat him Many are the promises of the chief butlers, the CHESTERFIELDS, the smooth-tongued men of the world. They keep them too, But so close, that when the day of performance arrives, not even their owner can find them, — mislaid in some obscure corner of mem- ory's chest! There is surely not more ground for the charge of irreverence against Dennie than there is for the same accusation regarding the essays by Swift and Sterne. To some minds there is an objec- tion to paraphrasing the Bible words in text and illustration. Beyond this general criticism, there is no offense against religious sentiment, nor are the texts treated with levity. Dennie had a true, lifelong reverence for the Bible; it gave him much comfort in his last hours, as it had in the earlier years when, he declared, it brought him "medicine for the mind." In the later collection of his Ser- mons, the second one, "On the Pleasures of Study," with text from Rev. 1:1, is a direct plea for Bible-reading. His exposition of the biblical stories was reverent and often illumining, as 230 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Paul's voyage to Rome, Samuel and Samsoi Ruth and Naomi. Sometimes he used episod< like the sufferings of Job, Jonah's lament for his gourd, or Paul's reproof to Athens, as texts fori moralizing upon adversity, fretfulness, and scan- dal. In reciting the story of Samuel's mother, fashioning yearly the little coat which she carried to the boy, he achieved pictorial effects. Sane precepts on the best ways to keep the sabbath are: found in the twentieth "sermon" in the later col- lection, with text from Amos 8:5. Remonstrat- ing against the formal "yawning" endurance of the sabbath, he urged joyful reverence, whether im service indoors or long walks in the country as a j means of healthy worship. In quantity, the literature of permanent value j produced by Dennie is small. As an influence his work was of more importance. His essays were novel and stimulating ; uneven in interest, yet sel- dom wearisome. They lack the epigrammatic value of Franklin's essays and those of the best English writers whom Dennie most admired. They are burdened with verbosity, and sometimes seem affected rather than sincere. On the whole, however, they were written with an earnest desire j to elevate the literary tastes of his countrymen, and to stimulate them to read more of the higher literature from which he took his allusions and quotations. His essays give us glimpses of the JOSEPH DENNIE 231 intellectual and social tastes of his age. As journalist and essayist he was animated with a hope that he might inspire young men to read more intelligently and write more "elegantly." As one approaches his monument in St. Peter's churchyard in Philadelphia, he sees from a dis- tance the wreath which encircles the name, and testifies to the warm friendship with which Den- nie was regarded. The epitaph, a long one, was written by John Quincy Adams. 38 Many of the sculptured words seem too effusive for our judg- ment to accept, but no one can question the truth of one of the last lines : He devoted his Life to the Literature of his Country. 38 Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, edited by Charles Fran- ks Adams (Philadelphia, 1877), Vol. IX, p. 239. , WILLIAM DUNLAP: THE BEGINNINGS OF DRAMA VII WILLIAM DUNLAP: THE BEGINNINGS OF DRAMA Among the research societies, which seek to find and preserve facts and reminiscences in American history and literature, the Dunlap Society has a specific purpose, as outlined in its first printed report : The Dunlap Society has been named in honor of William Dunlap, one of the first of American dramatists, one of the earliest of American managers, and the fore- most historian of the American Theatre. It has been founded by a Committee of Students of the American Stage, who are also collectors of American dramatic books and prints. 1 The engraving from Dunlap's portrait of himself, owned by the National Academy of Design, is a fitting frontispiece to this report. Two of Dun- lap's plays, The Father and Andre, have been edited and republished by this memorial society. In order that Dunlap may have his true place among the pioneer dramatists of America, we must review briefly the labored, and almost for- gotten, ventures in early drama. 2 Probably the 1 Biennial Reports of the Dunlap Society, 1888, p. 11. 2 Exhaustive outlines of early American drama have been made by Oscar Wegelin in Early American Plays (New York, 235 236 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE first attempt at drama written on American soil was Cornelia, by Governor William Berkeley, of Virginia, which was acted in London in 1662, but probably was not printed. Another Colon- ial governor, Robert Hunter, of New York, wrote a political satire in three acts, in 17 14, entitled Androborus; or, The Man-Hater. He was assisted by Lewis Morris. This early play was owned for many years by David Garrick, and later was in the library of the Duke of Devon- shire. A play, The Suspected Daughter, by "T. T.," was printed in Boston in 1 751, but it has not been traced. The friend of Franklin, Thomas Godfrey, used the popular myth of buried piratical treasure as theme for a broad farce, The Prince of Parthia, in 1759. In London, a few years later, a popular play was Ponteach, which related the unique adventures of its author, Major Robert Rogers, an Indian ranger. The early incidents of the Revolution were recited in bombastic attempts at drama. General John Burgoyne had a little literary talent and more vanity. To please the ladies and British officers, during the military investment of Boston, he wrote a farce, The Blockheads, for which Major Andre composed a comic prologue. When 1905 ; second edition, with bibliography of Dunlap), and Paul Leicester Ford in New- England Magazine, February, 1894. ("Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature.") WILLIAM DUNLAP 237 the fortunes of war were reversed, and the British were in derision as foolish adventurers, an answering satire in dialogue form, The Block- heads, appeared. Paul Leicester Ford has assigned this to Mercy Warren. The prologue suggests her style of invective : By Yankees frighted too ! Oh, dire to say ! Why Yankees sure at red coats faint away ! Oh, yes — they thought so too — for lackaday, Their general turn'd the blockade to a play; Poor vain poltroons — with justice we'll retort, And call them blockheads for their idle sport. Among other plays which recall the earlier years of the war were The Battle of Brooklyn, an unassigned farce ; The Fall of British Tyranny,.. by John Leacock; The Battle of Bunker's Hill, s by Hugh Henry Brackenridge, and The Motley Assembly, a satire on prominent Loyalist fam- ilies. Possibly this last was by Mrs. Mercy Warren, who wrote two of the popular dramas of the same period, The Adulateur and The Group. 4 " When the stress of feeling had some- what lessened, there were lighter farces, operas, and drawing-room dialogues, which portrayed or satirized national traits. Among such was the 3 The Battle of Bunker's Hill: A Dramatic Piece of Five Acts in Heroic Measure. By a Gentleman of Maryland (Philadelphia: Bell, 1776). 4 The Adulateur (Boston, 1773) ; The Group (Boston, 1775; 8vo). 238 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE anonymous opera, The Blockheads; or, the Fortu- nate Contractor, acted in 1782-83 in London and New York. 5 Some crude pla^ys were written by the Yale tutor Barnabas Bidwell, which were acted in the colleges. One of these, The Merce- nary Match, in 1785, was very popular because it had a strong American note, in remonstrance against the marriage of an American girl to a, wealthy foreigner. With the exception of the patriotic satires, all plays that were written and acted during the war were disapproved by the anxious, impoverished patriots as a waste of money and time. The § American Company of actors, who had enjoyed a season of favor in New York and elsewhere before the war, was forced to the South and to Jamaica, until 1785, when they reappeared in New York. At first, on their return, they gave "Courses of Lectures," and gradually came into the field of drama again. The favorite member of this company, Hallam, had been joined by his cousin, Wignell. The latter made a great success of the character of Jonathan, a typical Yankee, in Royall Tyler's The Contrast, the first distinctively American drama in background, motive, and 5 The Blockheads; or, Fortunate Contractor: An Opera in Two Acts, as it Was Performed at New York. Printed at New York, London. (1782). WILLIAM DUNLAP 239 authorship; this was probably given for the first time in New York, April 16, 1787. 6 Royall Tyler had written an earlier dramatic sketch, May Day; or, New York in an Uproar, which had been acted by Wignell. After the suc- cess of The Contrast, he tried again to gain ap- plause by a comedy, The Georgia Spec; or, Land in the Moon; but this, like his lyric efforts and his Comic Grain mar, has been forgotten. The student of American literature still finds mild in- terest in Tyler's fiction, The Algcrine Captive and The Yankcy in London. He is, however, gen- erally known as the writer of the first American play that won success and maintained the interest of a later generation. 7 In the reprint by the Dun- lap Society, the editor, Thomas J. McKee, said of its general influence : The success of "The Contrast" was one of the powerful influences which aided in bringing about in this country a complete revolution of sentiment with respect to the drama and theatrical amusements. 8 The statement of Tyler in the advertisement of 8 This date, generally adopted, has been disputed by Rev. Thomas P. Tyler, who says the initial performance was at Park Theater, April 16, 1789. See Gilman, Bibliography of Vermont (Montpelier, 1897), pp. 282. 7 A few of his Songs in manuscript are in the Boston Public Library. 8 The Contrast, reprint by the Dunlap Society (New York, 1887), Introduction, p. viii. 240 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE his play may be readily believed. He assured the public that he "never critically studied the rules of the drama, and indeed had seen but few exhi- bitions of the stage." In conclusion, he confessed that the play "was undertaken and finished in the course of three weeks." In spite of the obvious results of such haste and lack of training, there is a tone of vibrant Americanism which won passing favor for the drama, not alone with the public, but also with Washington, whose name appears first upon the list of subscribers to the printed version. 9 The keynote of patriotism is sounded in the first lines of the prologue : EXULT, each patriot heart! this night is shewn A piece, which we may fairly call our own; Where the proud titles of "My Lord !" "Your Grace !" To humble Mr. and plain Sir give place. Our Author pictures not from foreign climes, The fashions or the follies of the times;" But has confin'd the subject of his work To the gay scenes — the circles of New York. The droll frontispiece was drawn by Dunlap, who recorded his interest in this play and its in- fluence upon him, but who also censured it freely : It is extremely deficient in plot, dialogue, or incident, but has some marking in the characters, and in that of Jonathan, played by Wignell, a degree of humour and a 9 The title-page of the first edition reads : The Contrast, A Comedy ; in five acts. Written by a citizen of the United States; Performed with applause at the Theatres in New-York, Philadelphia and Maryland (1790). WILLIAM DUNLAP 241 knowledge of what is termed Yankee dialect which, in the hands of a favourite performer, was relished by an audi- ence gratified by the appearance of home manufacture — a feeling which was soon exchanged for a most discouraging predilection for foreign articles, and contempt for every home-made literary effort. 10 The climax of broad humor is in the first scene of the third act of The Contrast. Here are allusions to the prejudices, then current, against theaters and actors. Jonathan is describing his experiences in the city. Someone hints that he must have seen "the players," and he exclaims : Mercy on my soul! Did I see the wicked players? Mayhap that 'ere Darby, that I liked so, was the old ser- pent himself and had his cloven feet in his pocket. Why, I vow, now I come to think on't, the candles seemed to burn blue, and I'm sure where I sat it smelt tarnally of brimstone. The three women — Charlotte, Letitia, and Maria — were good types of their own times in manners, but they belong to the universally feminine in sen- timents and thoughts. The true motif of the play was summarized in the final speech of Colonel Manly, the priggish hero : And I have learned that probity, virtue, honour, though they should not have received the polish of Europe, will secure to an honest American the good graces of his countrywomen, and, I hope, the applause of THE PUBLIC. 10 History of the American Theatre (New York, 1832), pp. 71, 72. 242 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE d This comedy by Tyler has received detaile< attention here, both because of its important place in the development of native drama, and also on account of its influence upon William Dunlap. His own assertion was : I heard of the success of "The Contrast" and although it was already put on the shelf of the prompter, or buried in his travelling chest, the praises bestowed upon it lit up the inflammable material brought from abroad, and a comedy in five acts was written in a few weeks. 11 The incidents of Dunlap's youth, as well as his tastes, inclined him toward the two professions with which he was allied — art and the drama. Born at Perth Amboy, February 19, 1776, his earliest memories clustered about scenes of the Revolution. His father, Samuel Dunlap, a native of Ireland, was in Wolfe's army and was seri- ously wounded on the Plains of Abraham. When he recovered, he left the army, married Mar- garet Sargent, and became a storekeeper at Perth Amboy, where his only son was born. Accord- ing to family stories, William Dunlap was an example of an only child of the "spoiled" kind, tyrannizing over family and slaves alike. Be- yond the instruction of his "good mother," as he always called her, he had another teacher in II History of the American Theatre (New York, 1832), p. 77. Dunlap had just returned from four years in England at the time this play was presented. WILLIAM DUNLAP 243 his birth-town, to whom he owed early fondness for books and pictures. This aged friend and his home were described minutely by Dunlap : On the corner of Market and High streets stood the house of Thomas Bartow. He was a small, thin, old man, with straight gray hair hanging in comely guise on each side of his pale face. 12 In this friend's garden, beside the hickory fire in the library, or speeding over the frozen ground behind the old sorrel horse, Dunlap received many happy and lasting lessons on life and books. In memory he recalled this inspiring guide : Patiently he turned over the pages of Homer and Virgil in the translations of Pope and Dryden, and of Mil- ton's poems, and explained the pictures, until I was familiar with the stories of Troy and Latium, — of heaven and hell, as poets tell them. Nor was history strange to me, especially that of Rome. Thus was commenced a love of reading which has been my blessing. 13 As a boy, Dunlap belonged to a company of "Governor's guards," during the later years of the Revolution. He remembered vividly the arrival of British troops at Perth Amboy, and his desire to follow them far out of town. This 12 William Dunlap, History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States (New York, 1834), Vol. I, p. 245, 246. 13 Wiiliam A. Whitehead, Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy (New York, 1856), pp. 139-41, gives further facts about this man, and also "the Dame School" which Dunlap attended, kept by Mrs. Randal. 244 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE incident had more than a passing result for Dunlap, for his family moved to Piscatawa, that they might be sure of safety in an attack. Here, on the banks of the Raritan, the boy found a new teacher in Nature. He made fitful attempts to study at home, and he browsed much in his father's library. The lifelong regret of his life was the lack of any systematic education. But there were compensations at this time. As he recalled : My time was principally occupied in swimming and fishing in the creeks of the Raritan, rambling the fields and woods — sailing boats on a mill-pond — visiting the miller — and, in short, in the delights of liberty and idle- ness, — no, not idleness, for this was as busy a summer as I remember. 1 * When his family moved to New York, in 1777, Dunlap's studies were renewed, but only for a brief time. While playing with some friends near the home of Andrew Elliot, in 1778, his right eye was cut by a wood-chip carelessly tossed by a playmate. At first he was threatened with total blindness, but gradually he recovered the use of j his left eye. His definite schooling was ended, and pictures became his only resource during weeks of recovery. He began to use India ink in copying prints. His success led to attempts 14 History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States, Vol. I, p. 247. WILLIAM DUNLAP 245 at engravings, and he drew sketches of his rela- tives "at three guineas a head." In later life he traced his failures in working with color to this early enthusiasm, saying: "My eye became satisfied with light and shadow, and the ex- citement of color was not necessary to my pleasure." 15 Dunlap's father thought he could make an artist of his son, if he gave him enough instruc- tion. He sent him as a pupil to William Williams, in New York, who taught him the rudiments of portrait-painting; and the youth experimented upon his family and friends. He was especially anxious to paint the portrait of Washington, and was given the privilege at two different times. The second effort was a crude, full-length portrait, modeled after West's paint- ing of the same subject. The background was the battlefield at Princeton. Beside Washington was the recumbent figure of General Mercer. To fulfil his ambition for his son, his father sent him to London, in 1784, that he might have the benefit of instruction by Benjamin West. The four years abroad did not much advance Dun- lap's progress in his art, for he was idle and conceited, the victim of ill-health and too much 15 Ibid., p. 250. One of the droll efforts in color by Dun- lap is at the New York Historical Society : "The Artist Show- ing a Picture from Hamlet to His Parents." 246 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE freedom and dissipation in a large city. Evi- dently West did not consider him promising as an art-student, although "Rafe" West, the painter's son, was one of Dunlap's intimates during this period. When Dunlap showed one of his portraits to West, the latter's droll com- ment was: "You have made the two sides of the figure alike — each has the same sweeping swell — he looks like a rolling pin." 16 On his return to America, Dunlap drifted aimlessly for a time; but, after his marriage to j Elizabeth Woolsey he renounced his convivial habits and tried to make his life more noble. In the marriage notice, in New York Daily Gazette, February 16, 1789, she is called the amiable and accomplished Miss Nabby Woolsey, of Fairfield, Conn. Dunlap was interested, for a time, in the New York Abolition Society, and freed his father's slaves. Afterward he tried business and visited various cities as a trader in general mer- chandise. Finally he heard of the success of Tyler's The Contrast, and became filled with the idea that he would be a playwright. His boy- hood pleasure in witnessing the plays given by the British soldiers, the more recent enjoyment of plays in London, and the promise of American response seemed to assure him that this was his opportunity. Op. cit., p. 262. WILLIAM DUNLAP 247 His first attempt, Modest Soldier; or, Love in New York, was, he said, "read to critics as young and ignorant as the author, and praised to his heart's content. It has long slept in the tomb of the Capulets, and fortunately no traces remain of its merits or demerits." 17 It is to be regretted that the same fate did not attend many others of his more than sixty plays. The second effort was more successful in immediate and lasting results. The first per- formance was at the John Street Theater, September 7, 1789. It was entitled The Father; or, American Shandyism; in a later issue the title was The Father of an Only Child. 12, The comedy abounds in melodrama, crude and com- plicated situations, until the reader is prepared to echo the sentiment of the epilogue, which was spoken by Mrs. Henry, of the American Com- pany: Well, We've got thro' and in good truth I'm glad on't, A sorry, whining, canting time I've had on't, — My true love lost and found, and found and lost; Like shuttlecock my passions pitch'd and toss'd. There were references to the political situation, 17 History of the American Theatre (New York, 1832), \ 77. 18 This was reprinted from the original in 1887, by the Dunlap Society, with an introduction by Thomas J. McKee. The original play was first printed in the Massachusetts Maga- zine, October and November, 1789. 248 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE especially to the proposed and rejected amend- ments to the Articles of Confederation, in the speeches by the leading characters, Mr. Racket and his petulant wife. The response to this first play fired Dunlap with determination to write more. In reminis- cence he confessed : Filled with youthful ardour and pleased with the ap- plause of the public and the encouragement of his asso- ciates, he tho't only of future triumphs, and tragedies and comedies, operas and farces, occupied his mind, his time and his pen. 19 The second play which was acted was a trifle, Darby's Return, written as a benefit for the actor Wignell. The character of the poor, genial soldier was long recalled. With a party of guests, Washington attended this play at its first staging, in New York, and was embarrassed at first, and then amused, by the references to himself. 20 In homely phrase, Darby told of Washington's ser- vice: A man who fought to free the land from wo, Like me, had left his farm a-soldiering to go, But having gained his point, he had, like me, 19 History of the American Theatre (New York, 1832), p. 114. The long list of his plays as given by Wegelin in Earl 1 ), American Plays, including a number of manuscripts, testifie; to the truth of this word. 20 Ibid., p. 85. The same story is in Martha J. Lamb, His tory of the City of New York, Vol. II, p. 352 ; also in Paul L Ford, Washington and the Theatre (New York, 1899). WILLIAM DUNLAP 249 Return'd his own potato ground to see. But there he could not rest. With one accord He's called to be a kind of, — not a lord, — I don't know what, he's not a great man sure, For poor men love him just as he were poor. When Kathleen asked, "How look'd he, Darby? Was he short or tall?" Dunlap said Washington showed embarrassment from the expectation of one of those eulogies which he had been obliged to hear on many public occasions and which must doubtless have been a severe trial to his feelings ; but Darby's answer that he had not seen him, because he had mistaken "a man all lace and glitter, botherum and shine" for him, until the show had passed, relieved the hero from appre- hension of further personality, and he indulged in that which was with him extremely rare, a hearty laugh. Such an anticlimax was often found in Dunlap's plays. He chose this device to bring in humor and, in many cases, to speak a message of democracy. For the rival of Wignell, the actor Hodgkinson, Dunlap wrote the play that was printed later as Lord Leicester, but the title of which, as acted April 24, 1794, was The Fatal Deception; or, The Progress of Guilt. This play did not win much applause ; so the dramatist created a charac- ter akin to that of Darby, in the farce Shelty's Travels. This was left among his manuscript plays; but it had temporary fame, and cleared 250 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE five hundred dollars for the actor's benefit. In the copy of Lord Leicester printed in New York, probably in 1807, the author wrote: "To the Reader" : The following poem, my first effort in tragic composi- tion, and the first American tragedy produced upon the stage, was written in the year 1790, and first played at New York, in 1794. Its success confirmed my attachment to the drama. To most readers, Matilda urging Henry to the murder of Leicester will appear as a copy of lady Macbeth; but she is, in reality, more in situation like the Clytemnestra of the Greek poets; yet essentially different (independent of difference in merit) from both. May, 1806. W. Dunlap. In this play the part of Leicester was taken by Hallam, and that of Cecil by Hodgkinson. Soon after Dunlap's plays had begun to attract favorable attention, he was persuaded by Hodg- kinson to enter a partnership with him as theatri- cal manager. This was a fatal error, as regarded the financial future of Dunlap. He hoped, how- ever, to improve the American stage and to educate the public to appreciate native dramas of purity. At sixty-five, with shattered health and fortunes, he still affirmed that he had the thoughts and wishes of one who, on trial, found cir- cumstances too strong for his desires of reform, and, who, after a struggle (with ruined health and fortunes,) gave uj the contest without giving up the wish or hope. 21 21 History of the American Theatre, p. 143. WILLIAM DUNLAP 251 Hodgkinson persuaded Dunlap to purchase a share in the John Street Theater, and later to join him in a lease of the Park Theater, with a cost for fittings of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. He also emphasized to Dunlap the opportunity thus afforded for presenting the latter's plays. The month after Dunlap had as- sumed management, he brought out his opera The Archers, the tale of William Tell. This was an adaptation; Hodgkinson as William Tell and his wife as Cecily won many plaudits. 22 The "Basket Song" was retained in books of parlor music for many years after the play had been for- gotten : Come, who'll buy my baskets? I've small and I've great, They are fit for all uses, And suiting each state. Chorus : Come, who'll buy my baskets ? Buck-baskets, bread-baskets, Of broom and of chip; Work baskets for ladies iWho ne'er have the hip. Chorus : Come, who'll buy my baskets ? Here's love-letter baskets Of willow so trim 22 This was adapted from "a piece, Helvetic Liberty, left with him." His title reads : The Archers or Mountaineers of Switzerland. An Opera in 3 acts, as performed by the Old American Company (New York, 1796). 252 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE For the swain who sore sighs At his mistress's whim. Chorus : Come, who'll buy my baskets ? Discords soon followed triumphs at the theater. Quarrels arose between Hodgkinson and Hallam, and Dunlap was compelled to borrow and advance money to meet the expenses of his partner while on trips in Boston and Hartford. With quiet sarcasm he wrote of his share in these extrava- gances of Hodgkinson : "His partner sent on money and advice. The one was taken, the other rejected." 23 Valuable aid in studying the life of Dunlap during this part of his career, both as manager and as playwright, is found in some volumes of manuscript journals recently acquired by the New York Historical Society. Portions are here printed by permission. The four volumes at this library are numbered 14, 15, 24, and 30, in an evidently broken series. They thus cover not alone the two years of his activity as playwright, 1797-98, but the later volumes reveal his last years of struggle as painter and author. The books are bound in leather, and the handwriting is generally clear and strong. The first entry, July 2j, 1797, is a typical record of a day in Dunlap's life, bringing its own testimony to his energy and varied interests : ^History of the American Theatre, p. 201. WILLIAM DUNLAP 253 I arose at half-past 4 O'clock and worked in the garden untill breakfast. Went with the Children to Mr. Parker's where I left Margaret. Read Hume with John Read 24 in the 15th vol. of Enc; which I borrowed on the 25th from Mr. Parker's family; on which evening I read several arts, in it to my Wife; particularly potatoes. Read this morning to my Wife Art. Platonism; finding the opinion of Plato in respect to a first cause of the Uni- verse and co-existing Matter very similar to ideas of my own expressed in Ufrasia, I took up ye vol. of my Memoirs & read to my Wife one of the dialogues between Joseph and Abbas. Read Hume with ye boy. Read in Enc. arts. Platonism, Plotinus, Plover, etc. Walk out to my Farm, — the buckwheat is well up. Following such entries of domestic and per- sonal interest are passages relating to his dramas. He records the opinion of Thomas Holcroft, to whom he had sent some of his plays with a view to publication. The decision was unfavorable; the publisher had read "William Tell first and did not care to read the others." Dunlap accepted the verdict with good grace, saying : "His opinion in respect to the publication is just and the knowledge of that opinion is salutary to me." Letters from Hodgkinson, dated from Hart- ford and Boston, brought Dunlap tidings of "ex- penditures far in excess of receipts." The scattered sentences which follow indicate the stress and anxiety which such mismanagement caused Dunlap: "August 15, Rec'd letters from 24 This reference is to his son, who died in early manhood. 254 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Hodgkinson filled with ill-fortune — wrote to him — 'I can send no more; we may as well stop at once. How I shall pay what I owe here I know not.' " A few days later, after a night of anxiety, he wrote in the journal: "The greater part of this day has been passed in fruitless attempts to borrow money." Near the close of the first manuscript volume, November 25, 1797, there is a significant entry: "Write on Andre." The early pages of the second volume of the journal (Volume 15) mention this play in progress of writing; then, later, in presentation. As this was the drama which has given Dunlap his true recognition in later years, it is fitting to speak of it in detail. Reading the story from entries in the journal, we find that in December, 1797, Dunlap' returned from Boston, where he had been compelled to give security for Hodgkinson's debts. On his way back to New York he had stopped at New Haven, at his "excellent brother Dwight's," to whom he had read parts of his new play. 25 According to the journal, Andre was finished January 21, 1798, but it was March 2y before final rehearsals began. Cooper, Hallam, and Hodgkinson became in- volved in a three-cornered quarrel over the parts, 25 Mrs. Dunlap was the sister of the wife of President Timothy Dwight. ■;.\ f YUTHENTIC DOCUMEN1 3 ANDRE NEW-YORK ; T. 4 s J- SWORDS, No. 99 Pearl-ftree ';,'. -—1798.— Title-page of William Dunlap's play, Andre, 1798. WILLIAM DUNLAP 255 and the presentation was much delayed. But on March 30 there was this significant diary note : Evening, Andre & poor Soldier in ye house — $817. The play was much applauded, notwithstanding the ex- treme imperfectness of Cooper & of some others but on Blands throwing down his Cocade there was (sic) a few hisses. This incident of the cockade nearly made the play a fiasco. It was dangerous to choose the character of Andre and his fate as a subject for drama within eighteen years of the dates of the events, and while partisan spirit was still smolder- ing. Cooper, in the character of Bland, a young American officer who had been kindly treated by Andre and became his friend while imprisoned within the British lines, finding that his pleas would not save the life of Andre, tore the Ameri- can cockade from his casque and threw it down. This episode in the play was easily misinterpreted at the time it was first given. Afterward Dunlap said: This was not, perhaps could not be, understood by a mixed assembly; they thought the country and its defend- ers insulted, and a hiss ensued — it was soon quieted and the play ended with applause. 28 The contemporary version of the affair, in his journal, indicates that the feeling was not con- fined to the first night, but lived for a day or 28 History of the American Theatre, p. 222. 256 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE two. April 2, 1798, before the second or third presentation, he wrote : "I am told that the people are so offended at the Cocade business as to threaten to hiss off the play tonight." A severe storm prevented the play from being given that night, and before its next performance Dunlap says that he "made an alteration in the 5th act, by making Bland, on his repentance, receive the cockade again." The play was repeated April 6, "for the Author's benefit and cleared $329." In spite of many technical defects and "wooden speeches," Dunlap achieved considerable success with the character of Andre. In the reprint of this play, J. Brander Matthews has said, criticiz- ing its merits : "Of all the plays on the subject of Arnold's treason and Andre's sad fate, the Andre of Mr. Dunlap is easily the best, both as literature and as a successful acting drama." 27 The best portion of the play is in Act II, the interview between Andre and Bland : Andre. Oft in the generous heat of glowing youth, Oft have I said how fully I despised All bribery base, all treacherous tricks in war : Rather my blood should bathe these hostile shores, And have it said, "He died a gallant soldier," 27 The Original edition was entitled : Andre : A Tragedy in 5 acts. By William Dunlap (New York, 1798; London, 1799) ; reprint by the Dunlap Society (New York, 1887). Introduction by J. Brander Matthews, p. xxiv. WILLIAM DUNLAP 257 Than with my country's gold encourage treason, And thereby purchase gratitude and fame. Bland. Still mays't thou say it, for thy heart's the same Andre. Still is my heart the same. But there has past A day, an hour, which ne'er can be recall'd, Unhappy man! Tho' all thy life pass pure, Mark'd by benevolence thy every deed; The out-spread map, which shows the way thou'st trod, Without one devious track or doubtful line, It all avails thee naught, if in one hour, One hapless hour, thy feet are led astray; — Thy happy deeds all blotted from remem- brance ; Cancell'd the record of thy former good, Is it not hard, my friend? Is't not unjust? Bland. Not every record cancel'd. O, there are hearts Where Virtue's image, when 'tis once engrav'd, Can never know erasure. The later lines of this act, in which Andre recites the incidents of his treason and capture, have a sustained interest, although many lines lack spontaneity and force : Bland. It was thy duty so to serve thy country. Andre. Nay, nay; be cautious ever to admit That duty can beget dissimulation. On ground, unoccupied by either part, Neutral esteem'd, I landed, and was met. But ere my conference was with Arnold clos'd, The day began to dawn; I then was told That till the night I must my safety seek 258 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE In close concealment Within your posts con- vey'd I found myself involved in unthought dangers, Night came. I sought the vessel which had borne Me to the fatal spot; but she was gone. Retreat that way cut off, again I sought Concealment with the traitors of your army. Arnold now granted passes, and I doff'd My martial garb, and put on curs'd disguise. Thus in a peasant's form I pass'd your posts; And when, as I conceiv'd my danger o'er, Was stopt and seiz'd by some returning scouts. So did ambition lead me, step by step, To treat with traitors, and encourage treason; And then, bewilder'd in the guilty scene, To quit my martial designating badges, Deny my name and sink into the spy. The interest awakened by this tragedy induced Dunlap to introduce some of the same characters — Washington, Arnold, Paulding, and Andre — in a melodrama, The Glory of Columbia, which was first given at the Park Theater, July 4, 1803. 28 Some of the songs, which formed a prominent feature of this play, were crude, but spirited, such as the chorus, "Glory of Columbia," sung to the tune of "Washington's March" : 28 The Glory of Columbia ; her Yeomanry : A Play in 5 acts. The Songs, Duets and Choruses, intended for the cele- bration of the Fourth of July at the New-York Theatre (New York, 1803). WILLIAM DUNLAP 259 See, the standards float, So proudly gay ! Hark! the trumpet's note, With clanging bray. While every breast with conscious might, Swells ardent for the coming fight! The fight is done, The battle won! Our praise is due to him alone, Who from his bright eternal throne, The fate of battles and of man decides ! To him all praise be given! And under heaven, To great Columbia's son, Blest WASHINGTON! Who o'er the fight like fate presides. As one looks over the list of Dunlap's plays, with dates of writing, performance, and publica- tion, 29 he will note his years of plenty and of famine as a playwright. The climax of his popu- larity was at the close of the eighteenth century. The year 1800 has a record of eight plays that were either performed or printed, in addition to some that failed to win sufficient favor to be pro- duced. Following this period of fecundity there was an interval of discouragement. A brief revival of success came in 1803, when he pro- duced The Voice of Nature, which was an adapta- 28 Such lists are to be found in the reprint of The Father by the Dunlap Society, and also in Oscar Wegelin, Early American Plays [26. ed., 1905)- 260 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE tion from a French play, Le Jugement de Salomon; Ribbemont; or, The Feudal Baron; The Blind Boy, later given in London, 30 and The Glory of Columbia. Another period of desuetude, as regarded publication, followed for four or five years. Then came an awaken- ing of interest in his plays, as is indicated by the performance and printing, within a few years, of the historical dramas Rinaldo Rinaldini, The Battle of New Orleans, and The Soldier of Seventy-Six, such translations as Blue Beard, Lover's Vows, and The Africans, and the opera Yankee Chronology, with its "Huzza Song" which long survived its time of composition, in the War of 1812. It had a rollicking refrain: Then huzza! for the Sons of Columbia so free! They are lords of the soil — they'll be lords of the sea ! At intervals in his later life Dunlap wrote plays for special occasions, or at the requests of theater managers. One of the last of this type was A Trip to Niagara — a farce which was, according to his own explanation in the preface, "intended as a kind of running accompaniment to the more important product of the Scene painter." It illustrated a diorama of New York harbor, the Catskills, and Niagara. 31 It is noteworthy that 30 For full title and date of these plays, see the Bibliography. 31 A Trip to Niagara. Written for the Bowery Theatre, N. Y., by William Dunlap, Historical and Portrait Painter, WILLIAM DUNLAP 261 in this mongrel play one of the characters was Leatherstocking. There existed a strong friend- ship between Cooper and Dunlap, in the latters last years. To the novelist, Dnnlap dedicated his American edition of the History of the American Theatre. After such a general survey of Dunlap's work as playwright, the queries arise : What were his merits as a dramatist, and why does he deserve recognition, in the face of such defects and with such meager literary skill? His defects were obvious ; to him they seemed insurmountable. In an address which prefaced Rinaldo Rinaldini 32 he thanked the public for past favors, and de- clared : I am sensible of disadvantages which I consequently- labour under, from a confined education, nor do I expect my style will be thought equal in elegance or energy to the productions of those who, fortunately, from their situa- tion in life, have been instructed in the classics and have reaped both pleasure and improvement, by studying the ancients in their original purity. — I wish to be under- stood that my pretensions to originality are small. Dunlap well summarized here his chief faults — lack of a strong style and of much originality. Largely because of his rapid writing, but also Author of Memoirs of G. F. Cooke, C. B. Brown, Father of an Only Child, etc. (New York, 1830). 32 Rinaldo Rinaldini or the Great Banditti. By an American and a Citizen of New York (New York, 1810), p. iii. 262 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE from deficient training, his style was often loose and weak. There are a few passages of dramatic energy, and occasional characters with marked portraiture, as we have cited; but the mass of his plays lapse into mediocrity. His claim to remembrance cannot rest upon any individual play, with the possible exception of Andre; but he deserves some praise for skill in meeting the demands of his age, and for persistent efforts to cultivate a taste for pure, American drama. A critic has used the phrase "well made" to describe Dunlap's plays. 33 In general construc- tion and adaptation to the fashions of his day, his plays were cleverly devised. They were always wholesome morally, whether of his own concep- tion or translated from Kotzebue, IfTland, and other playwrights. He was sometimes extrava- gant in sensibility to suit the tastes of the time, but his tone was not prurient. He exerted a dual influence as dramatist and theater-manager. He lost money in the latter experience, and was re- duced to penury; but he never lost his patience nor his confidence in the public. For fifteen years he struggled, endured bickerings among actors, debts, sickness; but he still maintained a firm faith in God and man, and a belief that there was 33 John Malone in Introduction (p. vi) to Oscar Wegelin, Early American Plays (published by the Dunlap Society, New York, 1900 and 1905). WILLIAM DUNLAP 263 a future of appreciation for both playwrights and actors of high ideals. It may seem almost incredible that sufficient material existed for a bulky History of the American Theatre in 1832, when Dunlap pub- lished his volume. The style and plan of the history were alike leisurely, with many side- excursions into letters, politics, and society. After two or more pages of rambling reminiscence, the author would halt and admonish his readers : ''But let us return to New York and the Drama." In addition to the autobiographical chapters, much valuable information was preserved by Dunlap regarding plays, their writers and actors, without which later studies of the stage would have been inadequate. Comparing himself to Colley Cibber in this work, he quotes from his English model : If I have any particular qualification for the task more than another, it is that I am perhaps the only person living (however unworthy) from whom the same materials could be collected. 34 After we have read, with kindly interest, the portraits of famous actors and authors of that day, and the mingled success and pathos in Dun- lap's own life, it is disturbing to meet such a sentence of wholesale disparagement as this by Seilhamer: "Dunlap's statements of facts are 34 William Dunlap, History of the American Theatre. Pref- ace, p. viii (New York, 1832; London, 1833). 264 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE almost always misstatements, either in whole or in part." 35 Nor is this later critic quite justified in such a sweeping condemnation. Some of Dun- lap's dates, and many of his deductions, have been corrected by later research ; but, as a whole, his History of the American Theatre is not alone entertaining, but reliable, as a portrayal of I characters and a graphic revelation of the dra- matic impulse in America which survived the fierce opposition and many discouragements of j; the first half-century of national life. With greater justice toward Dunlap's under- lying motives and appreciation of his charrri, Samuel Isham, in his recent History of American Painting has written words which may apply both to the History of the American Theatre and also to the History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design: He had a feeling for accuracy rare at the time. Like Herodotus he relates many fables but relates them as they were told him and gives his authority He had a good eye for character and he had fixed moral standards., It is only in his pages that we seem to touch the reality of West and Stuart and Trumbull, and Allston and Sully. Men were as sensitive then as today, and the men of, whom he wrote and their friends were displeased at his I frankness; but viewed at the present distance of time, he 38 George O. Seilhamer, History of the American Theatre \ during the Revolution and after, (Philadelphia, 1889), Vol. I II, p. 274. WILLIAM DUNLAP 265 seems rather kindly. He had his dislikes but he was harder on no one than on himself. One of his charms is his old-fashioned style as remote from that of the present day as Bacon's, a little ponderous but clear and animated. Being of his time he had to moralize some, but he does it briefly, and compensates for it by introducing innumer- able anecdotes, including some remarkably good ones. All of his successors have poached on his preserves, but none has paraphrased them without loss of point or character." In Dunlap's History of the American Theatre are delightful sidelights upon famous men and women of the past, especially among the actors and playwrights. There is a typical example of his anecdotal quality in this paragraph about the actor Henry : Henry was the only actor in America who kept a carriage. It was in the form of a coach, but very small, just sufficient to carry himself and wife to the theatre, and it was drawn by one horse and driven by a black boy. Aware of the jealousy towards players, and that it would be said he kept a coach, he had caused to be painted on the doors, in the manner of those coats of arms which the aristocracy of Europe display, two crutches in heraldic fashion, with the motto, "This or these."™ The work by Dunlap, as chronicler of both theater and art in America, was done in his last years after he had met virtual 'defeat in both these 38 Samuel Isham, History of American Painting (New York, 1905), pp. 72, 73. '"' History of the American Theatre, p. 79. 266 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE branches of pioneer effort. In his History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States, published two years after his history of the theater, he traced the lives of many early artists, painters, miniaturists, engrav- ers, and teachers of art. He recounted with frankness his own failures. In a tone of sadness he wrote : In my history of the American Theatre I believe I proved to my reader's satisfaction that I was not qualified to be a director of a play-house and I now intend to show the causes that, at the age of twenty-three, and after a long residence in London, left me ignorant of anatomy, per- spective, drawing and coloring, and returned me home a most incapable painter. He abandoned painting for many years, while he was writing and presenting plays. After his first severe downfall of favor and loss of income as manager, in 1805, he turned to miniature- painting as a resource. Visiting various cities, he secured orders for miniatures from some people of note, like Josiah Quincy, David Humphreys, Mrs. Darley, James Fennell, and others. Through the assistance of Malbone, the artist, he was in- structed in the application of colors and the preparation of ivory. To extend his efforts in art, he went to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Norfolk, securing commissions for portraits and miniatures, and painting some landscapes. His WILLIAM DUNLAP 267 family was living at this time in his mother's home in Perth Amboy. For a few years, from about 1807 to 1812, he assumed charge of a theater in New York for his friend the actor T. Apthorp Cooper. As he was engaged on a salary, this experience proved to be more profitable than the earlier management. He moved his family to New York, where they lived on Beekman Street, and he became closely associated with men of affairs and letters in the two clubs of the day, the Drone and the Friendly. During this time he prepared and wrote portions of his memoirs of the actor George Fred Cooke and the novelist Charles Brockden Brown. 38 Another position, with a definite salary affixed, was obtained for him through friends, in 1814, when he was appointed assistant paymaster of the militia of New York. He held this place for three years. Apparently he had difficulty in keeping his accounts accurate, for he was charged with defalcation to the extent of a thousand dol- lars. A careful examination of his books, etc., revealed the gratifying fact that the mistake was 38 Memoirs of George Fred Cooke, Esq., Late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden; by William Dunlap (London, 181 3 ; 2 vols.). The Life of Charles Brockden Brown, together with Selections from the Rarest of his Printed Works, from his Original Letters, and from his Manuscripts Before Unpub- lished. By William Dunlap (Philadelphia, 1815 ; 2 vols.). 268 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE accidental and the actual deficit was only one dollar. The last twenty years of his life were largely given to painting and exhibiting pictures. Thus he gained an income to meet his actual needs. But he was not satisfied with his work, and realized that it would have only temporary appre- ciation. In the autumn of 1 8 19 he went to Nor- folk, where he remained six months. Taking up the story of his life, as found in the last two volumes of manuscript journals in the New York Historical Society, we find many revelations of interest and pathos. He secured commissions for paintings in Norfolk, largely portraits, to the amount of three hundred and fifteen dollars. The first part of his sojourn was alone; but later his wife joined him. The promises of the first weeks failed to be redeemed in some cases. To his journal, March 21, 1820, he confided: It is now long since I have begun a picture & I look anxiously to the close of my stay here. I have many visitors, much praise & flattery, and I have been con- stantly employ'd, but after all shall arrive in N. Y. per- haps as poor as I left it. I have supported myself & my family, & perhaps open'd a source of support (or more) for the future. I ought to be thankful. I am, altho' my spirits sink sometimes. While in Norfolk he sketched and later painted a picture, "Christ Rejected," which WILLIAM DUNLAP 269 became very popular as an exhibit. It was sent on exhibition to Boston, Portland, and elsewhere in New England, and as far west as Ohio. In Portland alone the returns financially were three hundred dollars in two weeks; in New York it remained fourteen weeks on exhibition and aggregated six hundred and fifty dollars. Minis- ters urged their parishioners to see the painting, and, in spite of marked defects in drawing and color, it was widely heralded. While in Nor- folk, Dunlap wrote, and had printed, a descriptive pamphlet outlining the characters and motif of the picture. 39 He acknowledged his indebtedness to West's painting of the same subject, but said : "It is scarcely within the limits of possibility, cer- tainly not of probability, that Mr. West's Picture should ever be seen in the western world." What seemed to him improbable, however, happened in a short time; West's painting was sent to America on exhibition, in charge of his son, and Dunlap was compelled to make some modifica- tions in his painting, where the figures resembled his model too closely. The success with this religious subject induced him to paint others — "Christ Bearing the Cross" 39 Descriptive Pamphlet of Dunlap' s Painting of Christ Rejected (Norfolk, no date). See full title in the Bibliog- raphy, p. 21. 270 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE and "Death on the Pale Horse." 40 According to a descriptive pamphlet printed in Boston after the death of Dunlap, the painting of "Death on the Pale Horse, or Opening of the First Four Seals," reached a high-water mark of popularity and an offer of ten thousand dollars was refused for the painting. 41 Possibly this refers to West's painting of the same subject. "A Child Return- ing from School" and "The Historic Muse," were painted about the same time, while Dunlap was executing a commission for portraits in Orwell, Vermont. One who seeks information about Dunlap, the painter, is beset with discouragements. In view of the vast amount of work which he accomplished with his brush and pencil, it is surprising how little can now be traced. On the other hand, his paintings were curios rather than works of art in the true meaning; yet they gained a degree of popularity which would naturally insure them remembrance until the present time. Looking over the catalogues of annual exhibitions of the National Academy of Design, from 1826 to 1836, one finds Dunlap's name attached to scores of 40 The first was painted in 1824, the latter in 1828. For detailed study, see Isham, History of American Painting (New York, 1905), pp. 186-201. 41 Descriptive Pamphlet of Painting of Death on the Pale Horse (Boston, 1840). WILLIAM DUNLAP 271 paintings of varied kinds; very few of these can now be traced. 42 Among the portraits mentioned on these lists are those of Governor George Clin- ton, Anthony Bleecker, General P. B. Porter, Bishop Channing Moore, of Virginia, and George P. Morris. Subjects of religious and allegorical paintings by Dunlap, exhibited during these years, include "Cupid Sleeping," "Scene from Cooper's The Spy/' "Barabbas and the Thieves," "Our Saviour and Mary Magdalene in the Garden," "Richard and Kenneth from Scott's The Talis- man." In March, 1905, there were sold in Philadelphia a collection of miniatures on ivory and some sketches in oil and water-color by Dun- lap. The latter were landscapes in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. There were six- teen miniatures, only four of which could be surely recognized — Mrs. Wignell, Mrs. Darley, James Fennell, and the artist's miniature of him- self. 43 As the years passed, Dunlap was weakened by sickness and more financial reverses. Two bene- fits were arranged for him — one by his friends among actors and playwrights, the other by his colleagues among artists. The first was in Feb- 42 Dunlap was the organizer as well as the beneficiary of this academy; see Isham, op. cit., chap. 10. 43 An attractive catalogue of this sale was compiled by Stan V. Henkels. 272 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE ruary, 1833, although Dunlap recorded the month as March; and the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars was netted for his benefit. For this occa- sion a poem was written by George P. Morris. 44 The second benefit was five years later — a loan exhibition, known as the Dunlap Exhibition, in November, 1838. Paintings were loaned by Trumbull, Cole, Durand, Jarvis, Copley, and the following by Dunlap : "Calvary," "The Historic Muse," "A Child Returning from School," "Scene from The Spy," and various portraits. In announcing this exhibition and soliciting the patronage of the public, G. C. Verplanck empha- sized its purpose as a benefit to our estimable fellow-citizen, MR. DUNLAP, who is well known to you, as having rendered great and lasting services to art, history and literature of our state and country. In the decline of an honourable life, devoted mainly to these objects on which he still exerts his remain- ing strength with unimpaired zeal and patriotism, he finds his old age, which has so many claims to the respect and gratitude of his fellow-citizens, harassed by ill-health and straitened circumstances. 45 The last volume of Dunlap's manuscript journal, in the New York Historical Society — 44 This poem is included in Occasional Addresses, edited by Laurence Hutton and William Carey (published by the Dun- lap Society, 1890), pp. 51-5 3. 45 A flattering estimate of Dunlap's ability was in a letter from Verplanck in The Talisman, 1829. WILLIAM DUNLAP 273 evidently the last he ever wrote — is covered with marbled paper and shows, in the feebleness of handwriting, the illness which was upon him. He was ambitious and industrious to the last, how- ever, anxious to finish the histories of New York, and also the history of the progress of art in this country. A few scattered extracts from the journal will be most fitting here : June 26th, 1833. It will be seen by the last vol. that I was very busy in Phila., that I was not at ease as to health, that I saw many persons to collect materials for my history of the Fine Arts in America, yet I left much undone. This day I sit down again in New York to con- tinue my labours & enjoy the blessings conferred upon me & be thankful. July 10th, 1833. See Durand & engage him to engrave my portrait for the Hist, of the Arts. July 20th, 1833. My work appeared to bring on stric- ture. Is it the effect of natural decay? Must I refrain from this, so delightful to me? Read Gibbon's Rome. August 26th, 1833. Begun 2 portraits. Met Paulding & Cooper. Bank acc't $123. [Notes on books read for his history and mention of increasing illness.] Thursday, April 3rd, 1834. [After an operation.] I sin- cerely believed it to be my duty & the will of God that I should undergo this operation & to his will I hope in all things to resign myself with thanks & gratitude. Read a little & think a little relatively to my Hist, of Art. In addition to these histories of the theater and of art, Dunlap wrote, during the last years, 274 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE a school history of New York, 46 in dialogue, and a History of the New Netherlands, which appeared almost simultaneously with his death. Few men were more gracious and generous than Dunlap. It often seems, in reading his life, that he was the victim of the schemes and knavery of others, because of his very kindliness and credulity. An anecdote told by Dr. John Francis illustrates this trait. 47 A French refugee, Dr. Pierre Michaux, had published a tract, with a Latin title, on some surgical subject. In spite of its distorted facts, it attracted much attention. Dr. Wright Post, an eminent but irascible phy- sician, begged Dunlap to write a caricature of the French doctor and his tract. Ready to please his friends and happy to be chosen, Dunlap wrote a satire which was used as an after-piece at the John Street Theater. It was called Fractura Minimi Digiti. Michaux, hearing of the carica- ture, saw it at the theater, and was so exasperated at its mimicry of his features and manners that he attacked Dunlap on the street, beating him so severely that the playwright was ill for several days. Dunlap's work in both art and drama was 46 A History of New York for Schools (New York, 1837. 2 vols., i6mo). History of the New Netherlands, etc. (New York, 1839; 2 vols., 8vo). 47 John W. Francis, Old New York, 1866, pp. 66-8. WILLIAM DUNLAP 275 ephemeral, judged by modern standards. He wrote plays rapidly to catch the favor of the hour, and they were soon forgotten. He lost health and patrimony in a seemingly futile effort to ele- vate the theater and cultivate a taste for native talent. He gave fitful attention to art, in his youth, gaining only mediocre skill which yielded him a source of income for his later years. Turn- ing from an estimate of his personal achievement to his influence on American drama and art, we must admit that Dunlap should be honored. His ideals were rudely treated in the struggle of life, but he never lost his faith in them nor in his countrymen. He believed that later workers would create something worthy, in place of his own defective products. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN AND PIONEERS IN FICTION » - :. ■ . • ' ....... , „...J From a miniature painted by William Dunlap, 1806, engraved by J. B. Forrest; reproduced from National Portrait Gallery 0} Distinguished Americans, 1835. 7 VIII CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN AND PIONEERS IN FICTION In the history of the world's literature, fiction, in its modern meaning, has been one of the latest forms of development. For various reasons, the novelist came late in America. A realization of the true relation of man to his neighbors and his surroundings must precede the creation of the novel. This grasp of conditions, and the ability to portray them in vivid narrative, did not exist in America until the stability of the nation had been assured. Slowly the colonists had emerged from repression, and indifference to nature, beauty, art, until they seemed to have a new appreciation of such influences. Then this awakening was retarded by the struggle for free- dom. War and its issues were the themes which commended themselves to the patriot-writers. When independence had been won, unity was not yet established, and literature took the forms of argumentation and satire to secure national har- mony and a stable government. Then followed a period of bombast, an ambition to be original. Prodigal pens did not wait for training, but wrote with a braggadocio which took the place of art. 279 280 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Under such conditions, the first products of imaginative type were generally in meter — odes and a few bizarre dramas already mentioned. The beginnings of a national fiction were still delayed. In 1789 Isaiah Thomas printed, at his Boston shop, a novel, The Power of Sympathy; or, the Triumph of Nature founded in Truth." This was without name of author, but in the copy at the American Antiquarian Society there is a pencil note, after the title, "by Mrs. Sarah Went- worth (Apthorp) Morton." Like other early tales of this period both in England and in America, this was a story of seduction and deceit, with a pronounced moral. The author dedicated the two tiny volumes — To the Young Ladies, of United Columbia. These Volumes, Intended to represent the specious Causes and to expose the fatal Consequences of Seduction; To in- spire the Female Mind with a Principle of Self Compla- cency, and to Promote the Economy of Human Life, are Inscribed, with Esteem and Sincerity, By their Friend and Humble Servant. The Author. Boston. January, 1789. The tale is in the form of letters from the young women and men introduced — Harrington, Worthy, Harriot, and Myra. A sample of the sentimental style of this pioneer effort at fiction follows: You may now felicitate me — I have had an interview with the charmer I informed you of Her mien is CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 281 elegant — her disposition inclining to the melancholy, and yet her temper is affable, and her manners easy. And as I poured my tender vows into the heart of my beloved, a crimson drop stole across her cheek, and thus I con- strue it in my own favour, as the sweet messenger of hope. 1 The following year appeared Charlotte Temple, published in England in 1790, and four years later in America. Its author, Mrs. Susanna Rowson, daughter of a British naval officer, had been encouraged to write her impressions of America. Some of these she had interwoven in her earlier novels, Victoria and The Inquisitor; but they had meager interest to Americans when compared with the later tear-inciting tale of brass buttons, American war-scenes, and feminine tragedy and sensibility in Charlotte Temple. This maintained a wonderful hold upon the readers of its own and the next generation. 2 Royall Tyler and Hugh Henry Brackenridge wrote some fiction as well as drama. Their narra- tives, The Algerine Captive and Modem Chivalry, 1 The Power of Sympathy; or, the TRIUMPH of NATURE founded in TRUTH. 2 vols. Printed at Boston, by Isaiah Thomas and Company. Sold at their Bookstore, No. 45 New- bury Street, and at said Thomas's Bookstore in WORCESTER (1789), pp. 7-9- 2 Charlotte Temple (London, 1790; New York, 1794)- It has recently been reprinted. Several editions appeared earlier. The grave of the heroine is often searched for by tourists in Trinity Churchyard, New York. 282 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE seem slow reading to the student today, but they aroused enthusiasm at the time of their appear- ance, and are still of interest as revelations of the tastes and customs of the period which they por- tray. Both were of the adventurous type, ming- ling romance with heavy humor. 3 During the last years of the eighteenth century several romances were written in England and on the continent, of the sentimental, fantastic kind, like Lewis' The Monk, Mrs. RadclifTe's The Mysteries of Udolpho, and Godwin's Caleb Wil- liams. These novels were published in 1794, and became models for initial efforts in American fiction of the early nineteenth century. While authors advocated originality, and often at- tempted to achieve it, the earliest Americal novels were really adaptations of English models. The reflex influence of Puritanism was shown in a few stories of this time, fittingly called "melo- dramatic piety," as Caroline Warren's The Gamesters; or, The Ruins of Innocence, and The Pozver of Sympathy, outlined above. Charles Brockden Brown began his work, as the first American who chose fiction as a special field, at the meeting of the eighteenth and nine- 3 The Algerine Captive, or the Adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill, six years a prisoner among the Algerines (Walpole, 1797) ; Modern Chivalry, or Adventures of Captain John Far- rago and Teague 'Regan, his Servant (Philadelphia, 1792; 1796 ; 2 vols.). CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 283 teenth centuries. His novels show the transitional influences from romance to realism. His adher- ence to English models of his time, and also his aim to be original in background, are expressed in a sentence which he wrote after he had finished his first novel, Wieland, in 1798: When a mental comparison is made between this and the mass of novels, I am inclined to be pleased with my own production. But when the objects of comparison are changed, and I revolve the transcendant merits of Caleb Williams, my pleasure is diminished, and is pre- served from a total extinction only by the reflection that this performance is the first.* The life of this first American novelist has been told discursively, but inadequately as regards vital information, by his friend, William Dunlap. Unfortunately, the sources of the biographer's material — many letters and journals — were not liberally used by him, and may have perished with the mass of his own literary remains. Like the pioneer painter, Benjamin West, Brown came from Quaker stock, which seemed to scorn all aesthetic delights ; yet, in the sweet sanity and peace of temperament which characterize this sect there existed the best soil for fruitage of the imagination. Brown, however, had other inheritance which gave him strong emotions and 4 William Dunlap, Life of Charles Brockden Brown (1815), Vol. I, p. 107. 284 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE fancies; for in his veins Norman blood mingled with that of England. His uncle, from whom he derived his middle name, held positions of honor in early Philadel- phian history. He was "the skilful conveyancer and great scrivener" who framed the articles of agreement for the Philadelphia Library Company, instituted by Franklin, in 1731. The family story regarding this uncle's youth, and his emigration to America, was a favorite with his nephew, and is of general interest. When he was a lad studying law in England, he was apprenticed to a celebrated barrister who was at odds with the gov- ernment of Charles II. Accidentally, the appren- tice was hidden in the room where his employer and some friends were discussing a plot against the government. When the youth was discovered, various suggestions were made regarding his fate ; for he could not be left at liberty with such a weighty secret. To save him from death, his employer testified that he was of "too feeble a mind" to cause any injury to them by his knowl- edge, but he agreed that the boy, for safety, should be shipped to the American colonies. Our pioneer novelist was born in Philadelphia, January, 1771, probably at 117 South Second Street; this was his father's home for many years. He was weak physically, but studious at a very early age. According to family tradition, he CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 285 could be left alone for hours on the floor at home, even as a baby, if he were provided with a book. One of the chief delights of his childhood was to climb upon the chairs and tables and study the few maps upon the walls. At ten years he showed an unusual maturity of mind. An incident is told to illustrate this, which suggests a touch of prig- gishness in him. A visitor had aroused his resent- ment by calling him "boy," and questioning his statements of facts. The child replied: "Why does he call me boy? Does he not know that it is neither size nor age, but understanding that makes the man? I could ask him an hundred questions none of which he could answer." 5 Robert Proud was a famous schoolmaster of Philadelphia, as well as its local historian. To his school young Brown was sent to exert his already strained mind and nerves by close application to classic texts. Fortunately, the schoolmaster had an understanding, rare for that day, of wholesome educational methods. He realized the needs of his pupil, and insisted that he should often leave his books and go into the woods, where nature would be both a doctor and a teacher. Although to the boy the walks often proved a time for lonely, gloomy fancies, yet he 5 Dunlap's Life of Brown, Vol. I, pp. 12, 13. Jared Sparks, A Library of American Biography, New York, 1839. Vol. I, pp. 122; article on Brown by William H. Prescott 286 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE gained impressions of fine scenery which were used afterward in his writing. He was early convinced that he would be an author, and began with imitations of Homer and Virgil, Ossian and Milton. American history next attracted him, and he wrote some epics to celebrate the discovery of America and the deeds of his heroes, Cortez and Pizarro. He did not venture, at first, to break through all custom and distress his family by the choice of literature as a profession; so he followed the example of his father and three brothers, and studied law. Meanwhile he had yearnings for literature, spent much of his time in spinning fancies and literary hopes, and contributed some verses and essays to local journals. He told, with disgust, of the fate of a "Poetical Address to Franklin," which had been sent to an Edentown newspaper : The blundering printer from his zeal or his ignorance, or perhaps from both, substituted 'lie name of Washing- ton for that of Franklin. Washington, therefore, stands arrayed in awkward colours. Philosophy smiles to behold her darling son; she turns with horror and disgust from those who have won the laurel of victory in the field of battle to this her favorite candidate who had never par- ticipated in such bloody glory and whose fame was de- rived from the conquest of philosophy alone. 6 The most absurd qualities were thus attributed to 6 William Dunlap, Life of Charles Brockden Brown (New York, 1815), Vol. I, p. 17, 18. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 287 Washington, until the poem became an unintelli- gible farce, and was even regarded by some read- ers as an intentional insult. More successful was the young author in the series of essays called "The Rhapsodist," which began in the Columbian Magazine in April, 1789. The pleasure which Brown found in writing, and in the companionship of his friends of liter- ary tastes, especially William Wilkinson and Dr. Elihu Smith, 7 induced him to give up law and devote himself exclusively to literature. The effect of this decision upon his family and acquaintances may be realized from a comment of a local historian, after the novelist's death : Mr. Brown had received an education which qualified him for the profession which secured wealth free from the risks of commerce, — the profession, from which pro- ceeded our statesmen, legislators, and rulers; — yet he pre- ferred the toilsome occupation of book-making, from the pure love of literature and a benevolent desire to benefit his fellow-creatures. 8 The first year after Brown gave up the law for literature he spent largely in New York, 7 The death of Wilkinson in early manhood was a great grief to Brown. Dr. Elihu Smith was at this time studying medicine in Philadelphia. With another friend, William Johnson, a lawyer, he made a home in New York, to which Brown came for a part of the year 1797. 8 See Henry Simpson, Eminent Philadelphians (Philadel- phia, 1859). 288 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE passing some of the time with Dr. Smith, and also becoming an inmate of the home of William Dunlap. Evidence of the latter fact has been found in a manuscript letter from Brown to Dun- lap in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which is here given by permission. It was written after Brown's return to Phila- delphia. The morose and extravagant tone of self-depreciation was characteristic of the writer : Philadelphia, Jan'y I, 1798. To William Dunlap, Care of Dunlap & Judah, Pearl St., New York. It is nearly twelve months since I parted from you. I believe I have not written to you nor you written to me since. How shall I account for your silence? The task is an easy one. I was not an object of sufficient im- portance to justify the trouble. My infirmities & follies were too rooted for you to hope their cure. Admonition & remonstrance under your own hand, would be super- fluous to this end. Hence your habitual reserve & silence of the pen suffered no interruption on my ac- count. I lived with you six months. During that time you, no doubt, scrutinized my conduct & character with accuracy. You must have formed some conclusions respecting me, but you thought proper to be silent respect- ing them. You weighed the opposite advantages of com- munication & reserve. You decided in favour of the latter. I revere your rectitude, my friend, in as great a degree as I detest my own imbecility: but it is allowable for me to question the propriety of your decision. Communication, it appears to me, was your duty. Whatever was my depravity, it did not sink me below CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 289 deserving a mere verbal effort for my restoration. Had I led the way you would have followed. There needed only an introduction of the topic by me. Had I mentioned my opinion of your incommunicative temper & importuned you for a knowledge of your sentiments, the barrier would have been removed. It is true I was criminal in failing to employ this means. Were you exempt from blame in making these means necessary? Think of this, my friend, if I may still call you by that name. Surely, all esteem for me has not perished in your bosom I think upon the life of last winter with self-loathing almost insupportable. Alas ! my friend, few consolations of a self-approving mind have fallen to my lot I am sometimes apt to think that few human beings have drunk so deeply of the cup of self-abhorrence as I have. . . . . Whether it will end but with my life I know not. I have written to Elihu and informed him of the trans- actions of the last few months. You will of course be made acquainted with them. I know not whether your engagements have allowed you to prosecute any similar undertaking. I have longed for a knowledge of your views & situation. I am not entitled to know this but by second hand. I make no demands upon you. As I am, you despise me. I shall die, as I have lived, a victim to per- verse and incurable habits. My progress in knowledge has enlightened my judgment, without adding to my power. I have done nothing to deserve the esteem of your wife. I do not therefore expect it. That is no reason which [sic] I should refuse her my respect. She is in the highest degree entitled to it; present it therefore to her. C. B. Brown. In a note, signed "W. Dunlap," below this 290 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE letter, is the comment: "So at certain moments could think & write one of the purest & best beloved of men." 9 Such a letter, and others from which we shall quote, are of great assistance in interpreting the strange haunting fancies and: moods which assailed Brown as novelist. Dr. Elihu Smith exerted much influence in giv- ing poise to the emotions of Brown, and in urging him to definite literary work. The two men were contrasts in many ways. The physician was abso- lutely sane and practical, and his geniality has passed into many literary records. At his apart- ments in Pine Street the Friendly Club met — a band of young lawyers, physicians, and authors. Literature was becoming fashionable, but the media for its expression were few. Clubs in vari- ous centers started magazines, which were gener- ally short-lived, but served their purpose as a means of expression for the members. Such was the aim of the familiar Medical Repository, estab- lished in 1794 by Dr. Smith and two other phy- sicians. By contact with such patient, wise minds, Brown found an incentive to write both essays and fiction. Yellow fever was a scourge in America dur- ing the last decade of the eighteenth century. 9 A note in Dunlap's manuscript journal, April 12, 1798, says that he was then visiting Brown in Philadelphia at 119 South Second Street. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 291 With other portents of evil, it increased the emo- tional ferment which was shown in many direc- tions. This disease had raged in Philadelphia in 1793; its scenes of devastation furnished Brown with the germ for his novel Arthur Mervyn. His family left the city to escape contagion. When the plague attacked New York in 1798, Brown was there with his friend, Dr. Elihu Smith. His brothers urged him to return to Philadelphia, but he refused to leave his friend. They adopted sanitary safeguards and faced the danger. A strange appeal came to their humanity, and proved a fatal risk. Among the friends who had been in their circle in New York for a year was Dr. Joseph Scandella. Just as he was about to leave for Italy, he learned that two of his compatriots, a young girl and her mother, were ill and in want in Philadelphia. He went to their aid, remained until both had died of yellow fever, and then returned to New York, to find that he could not secure lodging in any inn, as he was already show- ing signs of the disease. Dr. Smith took this friend to his own home, hoping to cure him and not become infected ; but the fever attacked both Dr. Smith and Brown. The latter recovered, but found that both the physicians had died. This loss of friendship was an overwhelming grief to Brown, but he rallied his mental powers and tried to write something: worthy of his friend who had 292 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE been such an inspiration. The home of William Dunlap, at Perth Amboy, again became his resi- dence for a brief time. Afterward he returned to Philadelphia. Before the death of Dr. Smith, Brown had written a dialogue-essay, "The Rights of Women," which was printed in book-form, under the title Alcuin. 10 The "Advertisement" in the front of the book is dated March, 1787, and is j signed by "E. H. Smith," who states that the j material was "put in his hands for publication by a friend." The argument of Alcuin was in behalf of more justice for women, equal suffrage, and better education. The woman maintained that, if the intelligence of men was superior to that of women, it was only a proof "in how mournful a j degree that capacity has been neglected or per- verted." In the same magazine had appeared, two months earlier and unsigned, "The Man at Home" — a series of rhapsodic musings. In June of the same year the first chapters of Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, were printed in this journal, although the book was not finished and published until the next year. Such scattering publications in magazines pre- 10 Alcuin: A Dialogue (New York, 1798; yj pages). This was first printed as "The Rights of Women" in the Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, Fugitive Pieces and Interesting Intelligence, Vol. I, 1798 (Philadelphia). CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 293 faced the printing of his first book in fiction. On the cover of this Weekly Magazine were solicited "Proposals for the publication of a novel, ££3/ Walk, or the Man Unknown to Himself." Brown, who was the author of this story, accepted the most promising of the proposals — namely, that which bore the larger share of the expense — and the publication began. When the book was nearly completed in press, the printer died. His executors refused to finish the work, or to sell the sheets at any reasonable price; so the effort was useless for the time. A reference in the manu- script journal of Dunlap, April 11, 1798, suggests that this first, unfinished novel contained the germ, at least, of Brown's later story Edgar Huntley, Dunlap wrote in his journal : "Call on Brown who goes with me to bookseller's & gives me some account of his 'Sky Walk,' he says it is founded on Somnambulism." More information of a personal nature about Brown, and his romantic interests during this year, is furnished in extracts from Dunlap's manuscript journals. The first is dated "May 1st; Call with Smith & my wife to see Miss Potts, C. B. B.'s wished-for." Again: "May 3rd; Miss Potts drinks tea with us." For some reason, in spite of the hospitality of his friends and his own ardor of temperament, Brown did not secure his "wished-for" as his 294 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE wife. Possibly the gloom of spirit which fol- lowed during the next few months, and which was indicated in the letter to Dunlap already quoted, was enhanced by this disappointment. If success be gauged by the praise of a few friends, and by sufficient sale of books to pay the expenses of their publication, then Brown was successful during the next two years; for there issued from the press four volumes of fiction in 1798 and 1799. Wieland; or, The Transforma- tion, the first to appear, has remained in memory as Brown's most representative work in fiction. It contained unquestioned evidence of originality and imaginative skill; but his later, rapidly pub- lished novels failed to fulfil the promise of this first book. Wieland is a pot-pourri of strange sensations, isolated scenes of tragic strength, bits of fine description, and labored, discursive style. It would be hard to find a story with more fan- tastic, incredible incidents, which the reader is supposed to accept as "supernaturalities," al- though it is not difficult to find simple explanation for many of the absurd devices of the novelist's imagination. There are serious dissertations upon a theory of self -combustion and the elixir of life ; hypnotism and ventriloquism combine to make an interesting villain. The author is not willing, however, to let the reader accept the pal- pable explanation of the blighting influence, "the CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 295 diabolical malice," of this character, Carwin. He seeks to wrap about him a veil of mystery and to introduce him in labored narration : One afternoon I was standing in the door of my house when I marked a person passing close to the edge of the bank that was in front. His gait was awkward and rustic. His form was ungainly and disproportioned. Shoulders broad and square, breast sunken, his head drooping, his body of uniform breadth, supported by long and lank legs, were the ingredients of his frame. His garb was not ill-adapted to such a figure. A slouched hat, tarnished by the weather, a coat of thick gray cloth, cut and wrought, as it seemed, by a country tailor, blue worsted stockings, and shoes fastened by thongs, and deeply discolored by dust, which brush had never dis- turbed, constituted his dress. 11 Following this passage is a minute description of the impression made upon the woman by this passer-by, her surprise at his fascinating face, and especially the tremors which thrilled her at the sound of his voice as he asked for a drink of buttermilk from the dairy-maid: "When he uttered the words 'for sweet charity's sake,' I dropped the cloth which I held in my hand, my heart overflowed with sympathy, and my eyes with unbidden tears." Such florid emotionalism was largely typical of the writing of that period, but it found an extremist in Brown. A recent 11 Wieland, or the Transformation {New York, 1798), chap. 6, pp. 58-60. 296 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE historian of American literature has said, with justice: "Brown frequently raised a super- structure of mystery on a basis ludicrously weak." 12 The real plot of the story was based upon the hallucination of a father that he had received command, from supernatural sources, to murder his family. It is evident that this theme was suggested to him by an occurrence just before the tale was written. This fact is attested in two reviews of Brown's novels, especially of Wieland. The American Review and Literary Journal, which was edited in part by Brown, said in an extended notice of Wieland: "The principal incidents, however incredible and shocking, are founded on well authenticated facts, and sublime and tragical in the highest degree." 13 A tragedy similar in general outlines to that narrated by Brown occurred in New York the year before Wieland was published. As late as 18 19, in a survey of Brown's work in the North American Review, 14 " the critic commended the novelist's choice of American scenes and added: "Some- times the author takes advantage of a recent event 12 Henry A. Beers, Initial Studies in American Letters, New York, 1 89 1, p. 65. 13 American Review and Literary Journal (New York, 1801), Vol. I. See also New York Weekly Magazine, Vol. II, pp. 20-28, for the actual facts of such tragedy. u North American Review, June, 1819, Vol. IX, pp. 58-64. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 297 amongst ourselves, as in Wieland, which is too shocking to receive any aid from exaggeration or to lose any interest from its notoriety." Within a few months after the first novel was issued the second appeared, Ormond, or The Secret Witness. The villain, who gave his name to the title, was clearly modeled after William God- win's Falkland in Caleb Williams. In truth, the two novels are not dissimilar in plan and effect. The theme of seduction was treated awkwardly, amid the peaceful environment of Philadelphia. The character of Constantia Dudley, however, is fairly well drawn; she is superior to his other women. She was too prone to "ardent medita- tion," but through her words Brown expressed some sensible ideas on women's education. 15 It was this character of Constantia, and the novel in which she was outlined, that especially "delighted and deeply affected" Shelley, when, under the spell of Godwin's influence, he reveled in tales of gruesomeness amid surroundings of real life. 16 In this second novel there are some sentences descriptive of the yellow fever in Philadelphia, but the third in time, Arthur Mervyn; or, Mem- oirs of the Year 1793, owed its chief interest to a 15 Ormond, or The Secret Witness (New York, 1798), pp. 3i» 32. "Edward Dowden, Life of Shelley (London, 1886), Vol. I, pp. 472, 473. 298 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE dramatic portrayal of this fateful year in Phila- delphia. It was the most ambitious of all his stories, and at the same time the most involved and prolix. In some descriptive passages the realism is so strong that it stirs the feelings of a reader today, in spite of his recognition that the novel is a good example of sensationalism. In criticism, discriminating and appreciative, W. P. Trent has expressd the true attitude of a reader to this special novel and the general estimate of Brown in fiction : It is impossible to surrender one's self to the illusion that such adventures could have happened in Brown's prim birthplace; but it is easy under the influence of his strong imagination to walk the deserted streets of the plague-stricken city and to enter its forbidding houses tenanted by the dying and the dead. If this be true today, it seems hardly fair to sneer at the men and women who a century ago regarded Brown as a great and moving writer. His models were their standards, and they were right in perceiving that he measured well up to the Godwins and the Radcliffes. They had not progressed far enough to demand a sense of humor, an artistic order- ing of material, susceptibility to the charms of nature, and a subtle psychological analysis. They knew that their emotions had been deeply stirred, and that in some par- ticulars at least the life around them had been faithfully set down. 17 Doubtless the fearful experiences of the fever, 17 W. P. Trent, A History of American Literature (New York, 1903), p. 211. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 299 which had come upon Brown in New York, in- creased his imaginative pictures of the condi- tions in Philadelphia, although history has verified many of his statements. His passages of narra- tion have been compared fittingly with Defoe's picture of the London plague. A selection may be chosen to illustrate the crude, yet haunting, portrayal : .... In proportion as I drew near the city, the tokens of its calamitous condition became more appar- ent. Every farm-house was filled with supernumerary tenants; fugitives from home; and haunting the skirts of the road, eager to detain every passenger with inquiries after news The market-place and each side of this magnificent avenue were illuminated, as before, by lamps; but between the verge of the Schuylkill and the heart of the city, I met not more than a dozen figures; and these were ghost-like, wrapped in cloaks from behind which they cast upon me glances of wonder and suspicion; and, as I approached, changed their course, to avoid touching me. Their clothes were sprinkled with vinegar; and their nos- trils defended from contagion by some powerful perfume. 18 Then follows a description of the entrance of the dread friend of the infected city — the slow, stealthily-moving hearse : The driver was seated on it. I stood still, to mark his visage, and to observe the course which he proposed to take. Presently, a coffin, borne by two men, issued from the house. The driver was a negro but his companions 18 Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 (Phila- delphia, 1799). chap. 15, pp. 143-45- 300 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE were white. Their features were marked by ferocious in- difference to danger or pity. One of them, as he assisted in thrusting the coffin into the cavity provided for it, said, "I'll be damned if I think the poor dog was quite dead. It wasn't the fever that ailed him, but the sight of the girl and her mother on the floor. I wonder how they all got into that room. What carried them there?" The other surlily muttered, "Their legs to be sure." "But what should they hug together in one room for?" "To save us trouble to be sure." "And I thank them with all my heart; but damn it, it wasn't right to put him in his coffin before the breath was fairly gone. I thought the last look he gave me, told me to stay a few minutes." "Pshaw ! He could not live. The sooner dead the better for him; as well as for us. Did you mark how he eyed us, when we carried away his wife and daughter? I never cried in my life, since I was knee-high, but curse me if I ever felt in better tune for the business than just then. Hey !" continued he, looking up and observing me standing a few paces distant, and listening to their dis- course, "What's wanted? Anybody dead?" Such a narrative of a tragic situation, although overdrawn and melodramatic, has a power which attracts and, also, repels. These low, callous grave- diggers, with their latent humanity, and the villain Welbeck, are depicted with a realism that is pain- ful. During these years, chronicled in Brown's novels, there seemed to be an emotional ferment in many parts of America. Curiosity and semi- fear, not unlike the signs of childhood, assailed CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 301 the mind of the country. Contemporaneous with the new interest in science among the educated classes were the feverish speculations among the ignorant about clairvoyance, somnambulism, ven- triloquism, and other mysteries on the borderland between fancy and reality. Quacks of all kinds were ubiquitous, and credulity reigned. Such evidences of mental whims and fears were re- flected in embryonic drama and fiction. They characterized many of the newspaper columns that were satirized by the Hartford Wits in The Echo. As Brown introduced ventriloquism and specu- lations on the elixir of life into Wieland, so he chose somnambulism for the germ-idea of his fourth novel, Edgar Huntley; or, Memoirs of a Sleepzvalker. 19 There were also scenes of ad- venture here, especially of Clithero, sleep-walker and grave-digger, and culminating in the en- counter of the hero with a panther. This has suggested Cooper's famous scene in The Pioneers. In the preface to this fourth novel Brown empha- sized his determination to depict American scenery and foster native fiction : One merit the writer may at least claim; — that of calling forth the passions and engaging the sympathy of the reader by means hitherto unemployed by preceding 19 Edgar Huntley; or, Memoirs of a Sleepwalker (Phila- delphia, 1799, 1800). 302 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE authors. Puerile superstition and exploded manners, Gothic castles and chimeras, are the materials usually em- ployed for this end. The incidents of Indian hostility, and the perils of the Western wilderness, are far more suitable; and for a native of America to overlook these would admit of no apology. Brown and Cooper have been compared as painters of Indian character, the claims of Brown being based upon certain scenes in Edgar Huntley. Brown overlooked the nobler qualities poetized by Philip Freneau. He portrayed the Indian as cruel and malign, and used him as a means of increasing the elements of horror in his story. Cooper, on the other hand, idealized the Indian type, emphasizing the more romantic traits. These three early authors, Freneau, Brown, and Cooper, portrayed diverse qualities of the Indian and, in their totality, revealed the red man as known to the pioneer settlers, when the Indian still lived on the borders of civilization, and his haunts and habits were familiar. The wildly incredible adventures of his hero, Edgar Huntley, in the mountain districts of eastern Pennsylvania aroused criticism as well as interest among readers. Brown realized the justice of the former, and wrote to his brother James : Your remarks upon the gloominess and out-of-nature incidents of "Huntley," if they be not just in their full extent, are doubtless such as some readers will make, CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 303 which alone is sufficient reason for dropping the doleful tone and assuming a cheerful one, or at least, substituting moral causes and daily incidents in place of the prodigious and the singular. I shall hereafter fall into that strain. To carry out this intention, he abandoned weird and adventuresome incidents, and adopted a form of tame sentimentality in his last two novels, Clara Howard and Jane Talbot. 20 The same plot, based upon a lost child and mistaken identity, and some of the same characters were introduced into both Edgar Huntley and Clara Howard. The heroine, of the latter, Mary Wilmot, supporting herself and her brother by her needle, was a familiar type of womanhood in that day. The letters of Jane Talbot and Henry Colden make a weak love- story. In Edgar Huntley are two sentences worth quoting, for they seem to express the author's own defects in mental poise and emotional re- straint : My judgment was for the time, sunk into imbecility and confusion! .... Thus I have told thee a bloody and disastrous tale : when thou reflectest on the mildness of my habits, my antipathy to scenes of violence and blood- shed, my unacquaintance with the use of fire-arms, and the motives of a soldier, thou wilt scarcely allow credit to my story. 21 20 Clara Howard; or, The Enthusiasm of Love (Philadel- phia, 1 801) ; Jane Talbot (Philadelphia, New York, London, 1801). 21 Edgar Huntley, Vol. I, p. 210; Vol. II, p. 207. 304 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Upon these six novels rests the reputation of Charles Brockden Brown as a novelist. He failed to meet the requirements of fiction of a high order; he created only a few strong characters; he was discursive and stilted in diction. As an example of the last fault, we recall the sen- tence on the heroine of Ormond: "Constantia enjoyed, in their full extent, the felicities of health and self -approbation." 22 In extenuation, we must remember that these novels were written when Brown was a young man — for he was only thirty when the last appeared; that he wrote with fatal rapidity; and that he lacked the wisdom of rejection and the aid of critical advice. In his mature life he repented, too mournfully, of these early novels, and repressed the fancies with which his imagination was stored. Without question, his mind and imagination could produce effective scenes. The author's temperament, especially shown in his youth and early manhood, and his proneness to attacks of melancholy and gruesome fancies, explain largely the characteristics of his fiction. To these individual traits must be added the fashion of the day in literature, and his at- 22 Ormond, or The Secret Witness, p. 32. Mary Shelley commented on Jane Talbot as a "very stupid book," etc ; see Edward Dowden's Life of Shelley (London, 1886), Vol. I, pp. 472, 473. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 305 tempts to follow the English imaginative writers who were favorites of the hour. Brown entered the field of fiction with diffi- dence and fear of censure from Americans whom he esteemed ; for this form of literature was then often condemned as immoral, or too frivolous to be read. In the Jefferson Papers, at the Library of Congress, there is an interesting letter from Brown to Thomas Jefferson, asking his accept- ance of Wieland, and explaining, with tiresome verbosity, the reasons why he ventured to write a novel, and to present it to the statesman, whom he much admired. By permission, I quote extracts here from the letter : After some hesitation, a stranger to the person, though not to the character of Thomas Jefferson, ventures to in- treat his acceptance of the volume by which this is accom- panied I am conscious, however, that this form of composition may be regarded by you with indifference and contempt, that social & intellectual theories, that the history of facts in the processes of nature & the opera- tions of government may appear to you the only laudable pursuits : that fictitious narratives, in their own nature, or in the manner in which they have been hitherto conducted, may be thought not to deserve notice, & that, consequently, whatever may be the merit of my book as a fiction yet it is to be condemn'd because it is a fiction. I need not say that my own opinions are different. I am therefore obliged to hope that an artful display of incidents, the powerful delineation of characters & the train of eloquent & judicious reasoning which may be 306 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE combined in a fictitious work will be regarded by Thomas Jefferson with as much respect as they are regarded by me No man holds a performance which he has deliberately offered to the world in contempt : but, if he be a man of candour & discernment, his favourable judgment of his own work will always be diffidence and fluctuation. I confess I foster the hope that Mr. Jefferson will be in- duced to open the book that is here offered him : that when he has begun it, he will find himself prompted to continue & that he will not think the time employ'd upon it tediously or uselessly consumed. With more than this I dare not flatter myself. That he will be pleased in any uncommon degree & that, by his recommendation, he will contribute to diffuse the knowl- edge of its author, & faciliate a favorable reception to future performances, is a benefit far beyond the expecta- tions, though certainly, the object of the fondest wishes of Charles B. Brown. 23 One who reads this letter by Brown is natur- ally curious to know what reception the letter and book won from Jefferson. His answer was brief, noncommittal in a way, yet promising some degree of appreciation. The answer, however, was delayed until Jefferson's return to Philadel- phia, and was dated January 15, 1800 — more than a year after Brown's letter. I receiv'd on my arrival here some days ago the copy of the book you were so kind as to send me together with your letter, for which be pleased to accept my thanks. 28 Jefferson Papers, Series II, Vol. V, No. 46. The letter is dated December 25, 1798 (45 Pine Street, New York). CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 307 As soon as I am in a situation to admit it (which is hardly the case here) I shall read it, & I doubt not with great pleasure, some of the most agreeable moments of my life have been spent in reading works of imagination, which have this advantage over history that the incidents of the former may be dressed in the most interesting form, while those of the latter must be confined to fact: they cannot therefore present virtue in the best & vice in the worst forms possible, as the former may. I have the honor to be with great consideration, Sir, Your most obed' serv't, Th. Jefferson. 24 Although classified as America's first novelist, Brown by his personality exerted as great influ- ence upon early literature as by this concrete form of writing. For the youth of his own day and the next generation he left a potent example by renouncing opportunities in law and business, and devoting himself to letters as a profession, in spite of censure and sacrifices. Prescott lays special stress upon Brown's influence in this way upon the young men of the next generation, who were inspired to test their gifts. 25 After he had finished his brief career as novelist, he devoted the rest of his life to editing journals, designed especially to create a taste for good reading among the common people. 24 Jefferson Papers, Series I, Vol. VII, No. 305 (Library of Congress). 25 A Library of American Biography, Vol. I, p. 180: Pres- cott on Brown. 308 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Beginning in the year of his greatest success as novelist, 1799, he ventured as editor of The Monthly Magazine and American Review, pub- lished in New York. This survived only a year. The previous year he had contributed papers to The Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, Fugi- tive Pieces and Interesting Intelligence of Phila- delphia. 26 He may have assisted in editing this journal. The most fruitful years of his work as editor were from 1803 to 1808, when he edited The Literary Magazine and American Register. 21 In his opening "Address to the Public," dated September 1, 1803, he made a persuasive plea for support, urging that there is not, at present, any other monthly publication in America, and that a plan of this kind, if well conducted, cannot fail of being highly conducive to amusement and instruction. There are many, therefore, it is hoped, who, when such a herald as this knocks at their door, will open it without reluctance, and admit a visitant who calls only once a month; who talks upon every topic; whose company may be dismissed or resumed, and who may be made to prate or to hold his tongue at pleasure; a com- panion he will be, possessing one companionable property, in the highest degree, that is to say, a desire to please. True to his promise, the editor seemed to "talk upon every topic," but, amid much that was 26 See earlier pages of this chapter for his contributions. 27 This journal was issued from the press of Conrad, of Philadelphia. The publishing house had branches for distri- bution in Norfolk and Baltimore. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 309 trivial, there were some scholarly papers on affairs and letters, showing the editor's informa- tion along both lines. Brown was deeply inter- ested in American politics, and wrote clearly and forcefully upon such themes, in a manner quite unlike his florid style in fiction and letters. Throughout his life he was a firm Federalist, yet a great admirer of Jefferson and Hamilton. In later years he criticized the former for his Demo- cratic policies. An excellent linguist, he was able to speak and read French and Spanish with ease. Two of his essays, with translated passages, attracted attention and have been preserved. The first was An Address to the Government of the United States on the Cession of Louisiana to the French and on the Late Breach of Treaty by the Spaniards, including the Translation of a Memo- rial on the War of St. Domingo, and Cession of Mississippi to France. This passed into a second and revised edition. The next year (1804) ne published a translation of A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America, with Supplementary Remarks upon Florida, maps etc., by C. F. Volney. 2S As such studies in broader fields increased his culture, they caused him to regret his earlier, more puerile attempts at fiction. In the prospec- 28 Both these pamphlets were published in Philadelphia, 1803, and 1804. 3io HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE tus of his Literary Magazine he expressed the true humilty of a man who was acquiring scholar- ship and looked back upon his work with keen disapproval : I am far from wishing that my readers should judge of my exertions by my former ones. I have written much, but take much blame to myself for something which I have written and take no praise for anything. I should enjoy a larger share of my own respect, at the present moment, if nothing had ever flowed from my pen, the pro- duction of which could be traced to me. A variety of causes induce me to form such a wish, but I am particu- larly influenced by the consideration that time can scarcely fail of enlarging and refining the powers of a man; while the world is sure to judge of his capabilities and principles at fifty by what he has written at fifteen. Brown's magazine acquired a fair circulation in New York, as well as in Philadelphia. Joseph Dennie welcomed Brown into the ranks of journa- lists by a kind reference, in The Portfolio, Feb- ruary ii, 1804, to the editor as "a gentleman whose talents are acknowledged to be of a superior order. As author of the novel, 'Wie- land,' he acquired considerable celebrity." Brown had not signed his name either to his "Address to the Public" or to his articles, but his work was quickly recognized. Of this reticence he said in the "Address" : I shall take no pains to conceal my name. Any body may know it who chooses to ask my publisher. I shall not, CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 311 however, put it at the bottom of this address. My diffi- dence, as my friends would call it, and my discretion, as my enemies (if I have any) would term it, hinder me from calling out my name in a crowd. He wrote some historical and literary essays, and secured contributions on natural history, travels, etc. A department of "Remarkable Occurrences" was one feature of the journal, and a column of "Anecdotes" sought to lighten the mass of serious writing. Unfortunately, Brown lacked the sense of humor. Such a faculty would have aided him in giving a more entertaining touch to his journal. In earlier years it might have saved him from some of his more extravagant passages of melo- drama. This lack of buoyancy was due, in a measure, to his physical nature. He confessed that he had never known "that lightness and vivacity of mind which the divine flow of health, even in calamity, produces in some men." 29 Outwardly his life brightened as the years passed. In 1804 he married Elizabeth Linn, of New York, daughter of a well-known clergyman and sister of another, Rev. John Blair Linn, of Philadelphia. The latter was a man of literary tastes, who had written two books of passing fame. 30 The year after his marriage, Brown 29 W. H. Prescott's Sketch of Brown, Jared Sparks, A Library of American Biography, Vol. I, p. 169. 30 The Powers of Genius : A Poem by John Blair Linn, A.M., Co-Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in the City of 312 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE wrote to Dunlap of his home happiness, but also of his haunting fear that it might not last. 31 The birth of twin sons seemed to rouse him, for a time, from his morbid fancies. He found a new incentive in living, and edited and wrote with zeal and encouragement. Proof of this more normal state of mind is given in a manuscript letter, in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which is printed by permission. The letter was written to his wife from Albany, June 17, 1806, where he had gone to visit his sisters. He begins the letter with an account of the journey by boat : I left New York last Thursday morning & on Mon- day about twelve got within twelve miles of this place. There being no expectation of reaching town before night, I gladly got on shore & walked the rest of the way. I had scarcely begun my walk when the eclipse began. I sat down on the side of a hill from whence there was a wide prospect of this great river and its lofty shores & enjoyed the grandest and most awful spectacle which I ever witnessed I have had a great deal of con- versation with our sisters, in which, however, as yet all the talk was on my side. They seem'd to partake of all your pride and fondness for our little ones Philadelphia (Philadelphia, 1801 ; Bourville Castle, Phila- delphia, 1802 (?)). 31 "My companion is all that an husband can wish for, and, in short, as to my own personal situation, I have nothing to wish for but that it may last {Life of Brown, Vol. II, p. 113). CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 313 My fond anticipations of a letter from you were not disappointed. I found one here on my arrival, which as- sures me of your welfare. You confirm my prognostics that the lovely babes will scamper about house, by the time of my return. I am grieved that you still enjoy so little assistance & I am very glad you have Susan D. I have no doubt we shall soon have Massy back again & her excellence will only show the brighter by comparison with the defects of others. I will write every day. Love to thy dear self. In a postscript his wife is told to "send the Reflector to the printer," with specific directions as to his office. Like all of Brown's handwriting, this letter shows wonderful delicacy and evenness both in the formation of the letters and also in the spacing. The evidence of fatal disease of the lungs, in 1808, brought on a return of brooding. After a journey through New York and western New England he seemed to have temporary relief, and undertook more writing with a zeal which was almost desperate. Two years before, he had arranged with his publisher, Conrad, to bring out a semiannual compendium of reprinted articles on politics, science, art, and literature. This was known as The American Register or General Re- pository of History, Politics, and Science. It lived through seven volumes, from 1806 to 18 10. It may be found at many libraries, and evidently had a wide circulation for that period, and an 314 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE influence in promoting intelligence on world- affairs in an age that was provincial. The increase of his family by two more chil- dren gave Brown added joy, but also anxiety, for he realized that his own years of life were few, and that he could leave no adequate income for his family. He disliked the phrases allied with death, and always spoke of the future for his wife in euphemisms, such as : "You must do this when I am asleep," or, "Remember this when I am absent." 32 As his physical power grew less, his mind seemed more alert and productive. He wrote until the last day of life. Among the many literary remains were French classics in translation, maps and data for a work on geography, architectural drawings, and the romantic History of Carsol, Sketches of a His- tory of the Carrils and Ormes included with Jessica and Memoirs of Stephen Calvert, in the memoir by Dunlap. 33 A manuscript poem, "L'Amoroso," which was given by his son, Wil- liam Linn Brown, to Frank M. Etting, Esq., is in the Chamberlain collection at the Boston Public Library. It illustrates the prevailing sentimentality of his writing. A portion is here quoted : 32 Dunlap, Life of Brown, Vol. II, p. 188. 33 Ibid., Vol. I, pp. 170-262. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 315 From pleasure's walks and market-places; Stilly Groves and lonely Hills; From gay carousals, thronging faces, Moonlight Glades and warbling rills ; From fighting fields and stormy Seas; From courtly pomp and war's array; From State turmoils and letter'd Ease; Come, my enamoured Soul ! away ! From haunts that moonstruck Fancy wooes ; Where Nymphs resort, and Muses roam, From all that vulgar dreams abuse, Come home, Exstatic Thought, come home ! The death of Brown, in February, 18 10, attracted very little attention in the newspapers of Philadelphia and New York. Brief notices only may be found in the journals of the day. Even his burial-place was not located with abso- lute certainty until a short time ago, when a ques- tion elicited the following statement from Mr. George Vaux : The interment Was in Friends' Burial Ground, Arch & Fourth Streets, Philadelphia, 2nd mo. 22, 1810; age thirty- nine years; disease, decay; Locality, row 18, Grave 16; District, Southern. The locality has no significance — all the early grave mounds in this ground were levelled about seventy years ago and no interments earlier than 1848 can be identified. 34 Two attempts to revive an interest in Brown's 34 See Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XXX, No. 118 (1906), p. 242. This fact was found in an original record in Friends' Library. 316 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE personality and novels met with only limited suc- cess. A complete edition of his fiction was issued in Boston in 1827, and an edition, edited by Mr. David McKay, was published in Philadelphia in 1887. During the last five years more research has been made for facts about his life and influ- ence, in accord with the general awakening to the historical value of such literary data. 35 There can be no doubt that English readers and review- ers showed more interest in Brown, for a century and a half after his death, than Americans have ever proclaimed. Three volumes of his fiction, including some tales already printed and other posthumous writing, were published in London in 1822, under the title Carwin, the Biloquist and Other American Tales and Pieces By Charles Brockden Brown, Author of Wieland, Ormond, Arthur Mervyn, &c. S6 Because of this dearth of interest among Americans in the past, there is a special signifi- cance in a highly-colored article in Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for October, 1824, signed "X. Y. Z.," treating the life and writings of Brown. The tone is one of reproach to America for her indifference, until England had brought 35 A monograph with detailed study of Brown's novels has been written by Martin S. Vilas (1904) ; see the Bibliography. 36 These volumes may be found in the Library of Con- gress. V. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN 317 Brown to public notice. Of the personality of the novelist the reviewer wrote : He lived in Eleventh street (we mention this for the information of his townsmen — not one in a thousand of whom knew it ; of his countrymen not one in a million of whom, out of ATHENS, ever would know it, but for us) between Walnut and Chestnut — on the eastern side — in a low, dirty, two-story brick house; standing a little in from the street, with never a tree nor a shrub near it — lately in the occupation of — or as a Yankee would say improved by an actor-man, whose name was Darling. 37 He was a tall man — with a powerful frame — and little or no flesh. It was impossible to pass him in the street, without stopping to look at him. His pale, sallow, strange complexion, straight black hair — "black as death," — the mel- ancholy, broken-hearted look of his eyes, his altogether extraordinary face, — if seen once, has never been for- gotten. He would be met, week after week, — month after month, — walking to and fro in his native town, for hours and hours together on some unfrequented street — generally at a very early hour in the morning, lost in thought and looking like a shipwrecked man. Nobody knew him, nobody cared for him (till we took up his cause) he was only an author — yet, when we have described him, every- body in Philadelphia will recollect him. Much of this description sounds like the fig- ment of a modern journalist's imagination; yet many of the facts, are correct, and some of the surmises cannot easily be disproved. 37 This account tallies with the description of Brown by- Sully, the artist ; see Scharf and Westcott, History of Phila- delphia, Vol. Ill, p. 1981. 318 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The novels of Brown are of historical interest in tracing the development of American fiction which followed within a few years — the work of Irving, Cooper, Poe, and Hawthorne. Before the death of Brown, the Salmagundi Papers and Knickerbocker History of New York had been published. Minor ventures in fiction had been made by Irving, Paulding, and their comrades. Irving met Brown, and was impressed by his patience and aspiration. He acknowledged his indebtedness to this early fictionist for an example of courage and literary purpose. The masters of fiction who followed Brown were able to use material similar to his, in fancy and character- delineation; but they gave to their fiction both reality and effectiveness. It was the lack of such artistic execution that reduced Brown's romances to extravaganzas. He had a fertile fancy but lacked constructive faculty. His power of imagi- nation was often virile, but it was never fully developed and trained. He produced only the germs of national fiction, from which there evolved, within a few years, such effective tale* as Rip Van Winkle, The Gold Bug, and Tht Hall of Fantasy. In both fiction and essays 01 political and literary themes, Brown evidenced some originality of thought and an impulse of patriotism which helped to promulgate a love oi literature among his countrymen. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY I. GENERAL BOOKS OF REFERENCE AND INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER The author, in preparing this Bibliography, has included only the books, periodicals, letters, manuscripts, etc., which she has consulted by personal research or by correspondence ; the list is far from exhaustive, but may prove helpful for further studies upon these subjects. American Poems, Selected and Original. Anon. Litch- field (Connecticut). Preface is dated 1793. This was edited by Dr. Elihu Smith. 8vo. American Museum, The; or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces. Philadelphia : Carey, 1787- 92. Columbian Muse, The : A Selection of American Poetry from Various Authors of Established Reputation. Philadelphia, 1794. i2mo. Columbian Songster, The, and Jovial Companion. New York, 1797. 8vo. Cyclopaedia of American Literature. By Evert A. Duyc- kinck, New York, 1866. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri- cans. Compiled by James B. Longacre (Philadel- phia), and James Herring (New York), 1835. Specimens of American Poetry. By Samuel Kettell. Boston, 1829. 121110. 3 vols. A Library of American Literature. By E. C. Stedman and E. M. Hutchinson. New York, 1900. 8vo. (Vol. I.) Illustrated Ballad History of the American Revolution. By Frank Moore. New York, 1870. 4to. 321 322 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Songs and Ballads of the Revolution. By Frank Moore. New York, 1856. i2mo. American Lands and Letters. By Donald G. Mitchell. New York, 1899. (Vol. I, chaps. 3 and 4.) A History of American Literature. By W. P. Trent. New York, 1903. 8vo. (Pp. 22-66.) The Literary History of the American Revolution, 1763- 1783. By Moses Coit Tyler. 2 vols. New York, 1897. 8vo. American Literature (1607-1885). By Charles F. Rich- ardson. New York, 1898. 2 vols, in 1. (Vol. I, chaps. 1-7.) Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensil- vania. By Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1749. 32 pp. (In library of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania and Boston Public Library.) A List of Books Written by, or Relating to Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Brook- lyn, 1889. 8vo. The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin. Edited and compiled by John Bigelow. 10 vols. New York, 1888. Federal Edition, 1906-7. The Writings of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Albert Henry Smyth. 9 vols. New York, 1905-6. Benjamin Franklin. By John Bach MacMaster. Boston, 1887. (Chaps. 8, 9.) Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Philadelphia, 1768; printed same year in Boston and London. 8vo. The Boston Gazette and The Country Journal, July 18, 1768 : "A Song Now Much in Vogue in North America." (By John Dickinson.) Essays on the Constitution of the United States, 1787- 1788. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Brooklyn, 1892. BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States. Pub- lished during Its Discussion by the People, 1787- 1788. Edited, with Notes and a Bibliography, by Paul Leicester Ford. Brooklyn, 1888. The American Nation: A History. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, 1906-7. (Vols. IX, X.) A History of the American People. By Woodrow Wilson. New York, 1902. (Vol. III.) A History of the People of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. By John Bach Mac- Master. New York, 1883. (Vol. I, chaps. 1-4.) History of the Republic, as Traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton and His Contemporaries. Edited by John C. Hamilton. New York, 1859. Writings of George Washington. Edited by Worthing- ton C. Ford. New York, 1899. 14 vols. II. FRANCIS HOPKINSON WRITINGS BY HOPKINSON An Exercise containing a Dialogue and Ode Sacred to the Memory of his Late Majesty Geo. II. Performed at the College of Philadelphia, May 23, 1761. The Ode written and set to Music by Francis Hopkinson, Esq. M.A. of said College. Philadelphia, 1761. 8 pp., sq. 8vo. Science. A Poem by Francis Hopkinson. Dedicated to the Trustees and Profs, of College & Academy. Phila- delphia, 1762. 4to. Two early poems in manuscript : L'Allegro, dedicated to Benjamin Chew, and II Penseroso, dedicated to Rev. Dr. Smith. Also: An Elegy sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Ann Graeme, July, 1765. (These manuscripts are in the library of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania.) 324 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Four Dissertations, on the Reciprocal Advantages of a Perpetual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies. Written for Mr. Sargent's Prize- Medal. To Which (by Desire) is prefixed an Eulo- gium, spoken on Delivery of the Medal. Philadelphia, 1766; London, 1766. (Hopkinson wrote one of these dissertations.) A Pretty Story Written in the Year of Our Lord 1774 by Peter Grievous, Esq. A.B.C.D.E. Veluti in Speculo. Philadelphia, 1774. Reprint as The Old Farm and the New Farm : A Political Allegory, with Introduction and Historic Notes by Benson J. Lossing. New York, 1857; 2d ed., 1864. A Prophecy. Philadelphia, 1776. The Pennsylvania Magazine or American Monthly Mu- seum. (R. Aitkin.) Philadelphia, 1775. (This con- tains many of Hopkinson's early writings.) Prose Account of the Battle of the Kegs (unsigned). In New Jersey Gazette, January 21, 1778. The Pennsylvania Packet, March 4, 1778 ("The Battle of the Kegs"). December 29, 1787, ("The New Roof"). Battle of the Kegs. A ballad broadside. (No date or place.) In American Antiquarian Society Library. Battle of the Kegs. Philadelphia : Oakwood Press, 1866. 8vo. Seven Songs for the Harpsichord or Forte Piano. The Words and Music Composed by Francis Hopkinson. Philadelphia, 1788. 8vo. An Oration which Might have been Delivered to the Stu- dents in Anatomy on the Late Rupture between the Two Schools in this City. Philadelphia, 1789. 19 pp., 4to. The Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings of Francis Hopkinson. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1792. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHY 325 Two manuscript volumes of "Miscellanies," owned by Mrs. Florence Scovel Shinn, a descendant of Hopkin- son. Five manuscript volumes of prose writings (many printed in "The Miscellaneous Essays," etc.), owned by the American Philosophical Society. One volume of collected writings (some in manuscript, some in print), made by Hopkinson, owned by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Manuscript letters by Hopkinson to Jefferson in Library of Congress, Jefferson Papers, Series II ; also letters to Hopkinson, Series I. Manuscript letters by Francis Hopkinson to Franklin, owned by the American Philosophical Society; also letters to Hopkinson. Manuscript letters by Hopkinson to several men of his day, and to his family, owned by Mrs. Oliver Hopkin- son; also letters to Hopkinson by Washington, Jeffer- son, Robert Morris, and others. The American Museum; or Repository of Ancient & Modern Fugitive Pieces, Prose & Poetical. Philadel- phia : Carey. January, 1787: "On Annual White- washings." February, 1787: "Modern Learning exemplified by a Specimen of Collegiate Examination. By the Hon. Francis Hopkinson, esq." The Columbian Magazine, May, 1787 (Philadelphia). Design for a candle-case, etc., by Hopkinson. Account of the Grand Federal Procession, Philadelphia, July 4, 1788; to which is added a Letter on the same Subject. Philadelphia, 1788. The Pennsylvania Packet or The General Advertiser. Philadelphia, 1782-88. Many articles by Hopkinson, signed "Calamus," "Cautious," "One of the People," "A Lover of Candour," "F. H.," etc. 326 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON HOPKINSON The American Museum, etc. Vol. IX, Appendix, p. 38, 39. (Elegy by John Swanwick.) The Columbian Magazine, May, 1791. Philadelphia. (Obitu- ary and elegies.) The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by John Bigelow. New York, 1888. (Vol. VII, p. 294.) Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. Philadelphia, 1815. (Vol. Ill, pp. 125-39.) The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri- cans, conducted by John B. Longacre (Philadel- phia) and James Herring (New York), 1835. (Vol. III.) Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence. By John Sanderson. Philadelphia, 1823. (Voir II, pp. 187-201.) Historic Houses of New Jersey. By W. Jay Mills. Phila- delphia, 1902. (Pp. 285-89.) The Journals of Hugh Gaine, Printer. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. New York, 1902. (Vol. I, p. 108.) The New York Mercury, Printed by Hugh Gaine, Book- seller, Printer and Stationer at the Bible & Crown, in Hanover Square. April 19, 1762. (Advertisement of new edition of "Science : A Poem.") The Literary History of Philadelphia. By Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Philadelphia, 1906. (Pp. 44, 56, 61, 67, 106, 113, 114.) The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. 1878. (Vol. II, pp. 314-24; Sketch of Hopkinson by Charles R. Hildeburne.) Pennsylvania State Trials. Philadelphia, 1794. (Vol. I, edited by Edmund Hogan. The impeachment and trial of Francis Hopkinson, judge of the Admiralty.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 327 Francis Hopkinson and James Lyon. By O. G. Sonncck. Washington, 1905. Large 8vo. Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War. By James Thacher. Boston, 1823. (Pp. 146-150; notes about Battle of the Kegs.) The Washington-Duche Letters. Edited by Worthington C. Ford. Brooklyn, 1890. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Paul L. Ford, New York, 1892-9. Vol. Ill, p. 495, Vol. V, pp. 75-8. Letters of John Adams Addressed to his W r ife. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1841. (Vol. I, pp. 156, I57-) The Literary History of the American Revolution. By Moses Coit Tyler. New York, 1897. (Vol. I, pp. 164-71, 225, 226, 279-92; Vol. II, pp. 134-57, etc.) III. PHILIP FRENEAU WRITINGS BY PHILIP FRENEAU (A full bibliography of Freneau has been compiled by Victor Hugo Paltsits. New York, 1903.) Father Bumbo's Pilgrimage to Mecca in Arabia. Vol. II. Written by H. B. and P. F. 1770. (This is a manuscript quarto of 55 leaves, in the history of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.) The American Village, a Poem. To which are added, Several other Original Pieces in Verse. By Philip Freneau, A.B. New York, 1772. i2mo. The first printed poem by Freneau, after his commence- ment poem, is in an original copy in the Library of Congress ; also in John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. From the latter copy a reprint was made, facsimile, Providence, 1906. (Club for Colonial Re- 328 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE prints), with an introduction by Harry Lyman Koop- man, and bibliographical data by Victor Hugo Paltsits. A Poem on the Rising Glory of America : Being an Exer- cise Delivered at the Public Commencement at Nas- sau-Hall, September 25, 1771. Philadelphia: Aitkin, 1772. i2mo. (Copies of this poem are in the Li- brary of Congress, the Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania, Lenox Library, New York Historical Society, and Massachusetts Historical Society. The manu- script is in Princeton University Library.) American Liberty. A Poem. New York, 1775. i2mo. The Last Words, Dying Speech and Confession of J — s R — g — n, P — t — r. (Broadside in Lenox Library. Mr. Paltsits says "in the style of Freneau's earlier verse, and perhaps by him" [Bibliography of Freneau].) General Gage's Soliloquy. New York: Hugh Gaine, 1775. (Manuscript copy in the Library Company of Philadelphia. For further notes see Bibliography of Freneau by Paltsits, p. 28.) A Voyage to Boston. A Poem. By the Author of Ameri- can Liberty, a Poem. New York: Anderson. i2mo. A Voyage to Boston. A Poem. By the Author of American Liberty, a Poem, Gen. Gage's Soliloquy, &c. Philadelphia : Woodhouse, 1775. i2mo. (At American Antiquarian Society, Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania.) General Gage's Confession: Being the Substance of His Excellency's last Conference, With his Ghostly Father, Friar Francis. By the Author of the Voyage to Boston. Printed in the Year, 1775 (Gaine). Small 8vo. American Independence, an everlasting Deliverance from British Tyranny: a Poem- Philadelphia, 1778. i2mo. (This poem "By Philip F , Author of the BIBLIOGRAPHY 329 American Village, Voyage to Boston, &c," is found in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in The Travels of the Imagination, pp. 113-26.) The British Prison-Ship: A Poem, in four Cantos. Phila- delphia: Bailey, 1791. i2mo. (Found at Brown University, Library Company of Philadelphia.) A Journey from Philadelphia to New York, by Way of Burlington and South-Amboy. By Robert Slender, Stocking Weaver. Philadelphia: Bailey, 1787. i2mo. (This edition is in the library of Brown University, Library of Congress, and New York Historical So- ciety. Another edition, entitled, A Laughable Poem; or Robert. Slender's Journey, etc. By Philip Freneau, [Philadelphia: Neversink, 1809. i2mo], is in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Library Company of Philadelphia, and Brown University.) The Village Merchant : A Poem. To which is added The Country Printer. Philadelphia, 1794. Small 8vo. (Copies in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Brown University.) The Poems of Philip Freneau. Written chiefly during the late War. Philadelphia, 1786. Small 8vo. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau contain- ing his Essays, and additional Poems. Philadelphia, 1788. Small i2mo. Poems written between the years 1768 & 1794. By Philip Freneau of New Jersey. A New Edition. Revised and Corrected by the Author. Monmouth (N. J.). Printed at the Press of the Author, at Mount-Pleas- ant, near Middetown-Point, MDCQXCV; and, of American Independence, XIX. (Fifteen stars in pyramid.) 8vo. Letters on Various interesting and important Subjects, many of which have appeared in the AURORA. By 33° HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Robert Slender, O.S.M. Philadelphia: Hogan. De- cember 30, 1799. i2mo. Poems written and published during the American Revo- lutionary War, and now republished from the original Manuscripts ; interspersed with Translations from the Ancients, and other Pieces not heretofore in Print. By Philip Freneau. Philadelphia : Lydia Bailey, 1809. 2 vols. i2mo. A Collection of Poems, on American Affairs, and a variety of other Subjects, chiefly moral and political; writ- ten between the Year 1797 and the present Time. By Philip Freneau. New York, 1815. Longworth. 2 vols. Small i2mo. Poems on various Subjects, but chiefly illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Inde- pendence. By Philip Freneau. London: Smith, 1861. Small 8vo. Reprint of 1786 edition. Poems relating to the American Revolution. By Philip Freneau. New York, 1865. i2mo and royal 8vo. (Memoir and notes by Duyckinck.) Some Account of the Capture of the Ship Aurora. New York, 1899. 8vo. (Reprinted from manuscript.) The Poems of Philip Freneau. Edited by Fred L. Pattee. Princeton, N. J., 1902-7. 3 vols. NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALS WHICH FRENEAU EDITED OR TO WHICH HE CONTRIBUTED The Freeman's Journal; or, The North-American Intelli- gencer. Published by Francis Bailey. Philadelphia. Weekly newspaper. (Freneau's verse and occasional essays from 1781 to 1789. Files in Philadelphia Library Company, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Lenox Library, Library of Congress, American Antiquarian Society.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 331 National Gazette. Edited by Freneau. Philadelphia, Oc- tober 3, 1791, to October 26, 1793. Semi-weekly. Jersey Chronicle. Edited by Freneau. Mount-Pleasant (Monmouth), May 2, 1795, to April 30, 1796. (File at New York Historical Society; scattered numbers at American Antiquarian Society and elsewhere.) The Time-Piece; and Literary Companion. Edited by Fre- neau. New York, March 1797, to March, 1798. Tri- weekly. The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser. Phila- delphia. (Many poems by Freneau from 1782 to 1788.) The United States Magazine: A Repository of History, Politics and Literature. Vol. I, for the year 1779. Edited by H. H. Brackenridge. Philadelphia. (Many contributions by Freneau.) The American Museum, Vol. I, p. yy (January, 1787. Under "Original Poetry," attributed to Freneau, is "The Death-Song of the Cherokee Indian.") BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON FRENEAU A Bibliography of the Separate and Collected Works of Philip Freneau, Together with an Account of His Newspapers. By Victor Hugo Paltsits. New York, 1903. Philip Freneau: The Poet of the Revolution. A History of His Life and Times. By Mary S. Austin. Edited by Helen Kearny Vreeland. New York, 1901. The Political Activities of Philip Freneau. By Samuel E. Forman, Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University Studies, in Historical and Political Science. Series XX, Nos. 9, 10. Baltimore, 1902. Obituary Notices of Freneau in: The Monmouth Inquirer, December 19, 1832. S3 2 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The New York Evening Post, December 27, 1832. The New York Spectator, December 31, 1832. The New York Mirror, January 12, 1833. Philip Freneau : The Huguenot Patriot-Poet of the Revo- lution. By Edward F. DeLancey. New York, 1898. Also in Proceedings of the Huguenot Society, Vol. II, No. 2. The Memorial History of the City of New York. By James Grant Wilson. New York, 1893. 4 vols. (Several references in Vols. II, III, and IV.) Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. (Vol. I, p. 231; Vol. V, pp. 330, 336; Vol. VI, pp. 101-9, 134, 328, 438, 443.) Jefferson Papers, Series I and II. Manuscript in Library of Congress. Madison Papers. Library of Congress. The Character of Thomas Jefferson as Exhibited in His Own Writings. By Theodore Dwight. New York, 1839. (Pp. 129-49.) The Literary History of Philadelphia. By Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Philadelphia, 1906, pp. 115-29. The Journals of Hugh Gaine, Printer. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. New York, 1902. (Vol. I, pp. 9, 34, 55, 63, 73, 138.) Manuscript Letters by and about Philip Freneau. In Pickering Papers, in Massachusetts Historical Society. (Vols. XXIX and LV.) The Issues of the Press of Pennsylvania, 1685-1785. By Charles R. Hildeburne. Philadelphia, 1885. (Vol. II, p. 148.) Historic Houses of New Jersey. By W. Jay Mills. Phila- delphia, 1902. (Pp. 75, 145, 180, 195.) History of the College of New Jersey, from Its Origin in 1746 to the Commencement of 1854. By John Mac- BIBLIOGRAPHY 333 Lean. Philadelphia, 1877. (Vol. I, chap. 15, pp. 309- 22.) A History of Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. By Frederic Hudson. New York, 1873. (Pp. 103, in, 134-36, 175, 185-87) Narrative of a Journey down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1 789-1 790, by Major Samuel S. Forman. (With a Memoir and Illustrative Notes.) By Lyman C. Dra- per. Cincinnati, 1888. (Pp. 9-11.) The Southern Literary Messenger. (Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 2, 3. Note about commencement poem written with Brackenridge.) Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. By Joseph T. Buckingham. Boston, 1852. (Vol. II, pp. 137-46.) American Poems. Litchfield, 1793. (Scattered poems.) The Literary History of the American Revolution. By Moses Coit Tyler. New York, 1897. (Vol. I, pp. 171-83; 413-25; Vol. II, pp. 249-76.) Magazine of American History. Vol. XVII, 1887, pp. 120-7. IV. JOHN TRUMBULL WRITINGS BY JOHN TRUMBULL An Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts; Delivered at the Public Commencement in New Haven, Sept. 12, 1770. New Haven, 1770. Pp. 16. 8vo. (Copies of this essay are in the libraries of Yale Uni- versity, Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress, and Watkinson Library, Hartford.) The Progress of Dulness, Part First : or the Rare Ad- ventures of Tom Brainless; Printed in the Year 1772. New Haven. Pp. 19. 8vo. (Second edition, New Haven, 1773. Pp. 20. 8vo.) 334 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The Progress of Dulness, Part Second: or An Essay on the Life and Character of Dick Hairbrain. New Haven, 1773. Pp. 27. 8vo. The Progress of Dulness, Part Third; or the The Ad- ventures of Miss Harriet Simple. New Haven, 1773. Pp. 28. 8vo. The Progress of Dulness : or the Rare Adventures of Tom Brainless. By the celebrated author of McFINGAL. Exeter, 1794. Pp. "]2. i6mo. (3 parts.) M'Fingal : A Modern Epic Poem. Canto First, or The Town-Meeting. 'Philadelphia. Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, at the London Coffee- House, 1775. i6mo. M'Fingal: A Modern Epic Poem. Cantos First and Second. The Town-Meeting. Hartford, Philadelphia, and Boston, 1776; London, 1776. i6mo. M'Fingal : A Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. Hart- ford, 1782. Pp. 100. 8vo. (This first edition was printed by Hudson & Goodwin. Two other editions appeared in Hartford the same year; one printed by Nathaniel Patten; the other, by Bavil Webster.) Later editions of M'Fingal, to be found in the Watkin- son Library of Hartford, the Boston Public Library, the Lenox Library, Brown University, Massachusetts Histori- cal Society, and the Library of Congress, are : M'Fingal : A Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. Phila- delphia, 1791. Pp. 95. i2mo. M'Fingal: A Modern Epic Poem. London: (Jordan), 1792. Pp. 142. 8vo. M'Fingal : A Modern Epic Poem ; Embellished with Nine Copper plates; designed and engraved by E. Tisdale. The first edition with plates and explanatory notes. New York, 1795. Pp. 136. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHY 335 M'Fingal : With explanatory notes. Boston, 1799. i6mo. M'Fingal : A Modern Epic Poem. Baltimore, 1812. Pp. 146. 241110. M'Fingal, etc., Albany, 1813. Hallowell, 1813; Boston, 1826. Philadelphia, 1839. M'Fingal : A Modern Poem. With Notes by Benson J. Lossing. New York, 1864. i6mo. M'Fingal, etc. New York, 1857, i860, 1881. An Elegy on the Times : First Printed at Boston, Sept. 20th, A.D. 1774. Reprinted New Haven, 1775. Pp. 15. 8vo. The Poetical Works of John Trumbull, LL.D., containing M'Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, revised and cor- rected, with copious explanatory notes : The Progress of Dulness; and a Collection of Poems on Various Subjects written before and during the Revolutionary War. Hartford, 1820. Printed for Samuel G. Good- rich, by Lincoln & Stone. 2 vols. 8vo. Selected poems by Trumbull may be found in : American Poems; Selected and Original (1793). Litch- field. (Edited by Dr. Elihu Smith.) The Poets of Connecticut. By Rev. Charles W. Ever- est. Hartford, 1843. Specimens of American Poetry. By Samuel Kettell. Boston, 1829. Vols I, II. Early essays by Trumbull may be found in : Boston Chronicle, September, 1769, to January, 1770. ("The Meddler" and "The Schemer." A large number of these essays were by him.) Connecticut Journal, February to July, 1770. ("The Correspondent.") Connecticut Courant and Weekly Intelligencer, August 7 and 14, 1775. (Parodies in verse on General Gage's proclamations.) 336 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON TRUMBULL Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Con- necticut Alone, or, the Turnpike Road to a Fortune. A Comic Opera, or Political Farce in Six Acts, as performed at the Theatres Royal and Aristocratic at Hartford and New Haven, October, 1801. Printed in the Year, 1802. (no place.) Trumbull is one of the characters. Connecticut Journal, September 30, 1770. (Reference to his Essay on the Fine Arts.) The Origin of M'Fingal. By J. Hammond Trumbull. Historical Magazine, January, 1868. Memorial History of Hartford County, 1633-1884. By J. Hammond Trumbull, LL.D. Boston, 1886. 2 vols. (Several references.) The Town and City of Waterbury, Connecticut, from the Aboriginal Period to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Five. Edited by Joseph Anderson, D.D. New Haven, 1896. (Vol. I, pp. 326-29; Vol. II, pp. 9, 546; Vol. Ill, pp. 923-26.) Brinton Eliot; From Yale to Yorktown. By James Eugene Farmer. New York, 1902. (Chap. 7.) The Literary History of the American Revolution. By Tyler. New York, 1897. (Vol. I, pp. 188-221, 427-50.) List of Books Printed in Connecticut from 1709 to 1800. By James Hammond Trumbull, LL.D., L.H.D. 1904. (Acorn Club.) Letters among Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Papers, at Connecti- cut Historical Society. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with Annals of the College History. By Franklin B. Dexter. New York. Third Series, 1903, pp. 251-7, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY 337 V. THE "HARTFORD WITS" WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT THE "HARTFORD WITS" The New Haven Gazette and the Connecticut Magazine, October 19, 1786, to February 5, 1787. ("The Ameri- can Antiquities," later collected as 'The Anarchiad.") The Anarchiad. A New England Poem. Written in con- cert by David Humphreys, Joel Barlow, John Trum- bull, and Dr. Lemuel Hopkins. Now first published in book form. Edited, with notes and appendices, by Luther G. Riggs, New Haven, 1861. Pp. 120. 24m o. The American Mercury, Printed by Elisha Babcock. Hartford. August 8, 1791, to March 12, 1792. (Numbers of "The Echo.") The Echo with Other Poems. Printed at the Porcupine Press by Pasquin Petronius. New York, 1807. 8vo. (The printer was Isaac Riley.) The Political Green-House for the Year 1798. Addressed to the Readers of the Connecticut Courant, January 1st, 1799. Hartford, no date. (Written by Theodore Dwight, Richard Alsop, and Lemuel Hopkins. Small 8vo. Included in "Echo," pp. 233-59.) Guillotina for 1797. Addressed to the Readers of the Connecticut Courant. Hartford, January 1, 1797. (A broadside, unidentified, in Connecticut Historic* Society.) The Democratiad. A Poem in Retaliation, for the Phila- delphia Jockey Club. By a Gentleman of Connecti- cut. Philadelphia, 1795. Pp. 22. 8vo. (In "The Echo," pp. 127-40; supposed to be by Dr. Hopkins.) The Guillotina, or a Democratic Dirge: A Poem. By the Author of Democratiad. Philadelphia. Pp. 14. 8vo. (Probably by Hopkins.) 338 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The last two pamphlets may be found at the Connecticut Historical Society, Lenox Library, and Library of Congress. Aristocracy; an Epic Poem by De Bellare Superbos. Bk. I. Philadelphia, 1795. (At Library of Congress cata- logued as Richard Alsop's [?].) The Poets of Connecticut. By Rev. Charles W. Everest. Hartford, 1843. 8vo. A Sketch of the History of Yale College. By William L. Kingsley. Boston, 1835. (Vol. I.) List of Books Printed in Connecticut from 1709 to 1800. By James Hammond Trumbull, LL.D., L.H.D., 1904. (Acorn Club.) American Poems; Selected and Original. Litchfield, I793- Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XX, 1865, pp. 187-201. The New Englander, January, 1882. WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT JOEL BARLOW The Prospect of Peace, a Poetical Composition delivered in Yale College, at the Public Examination, July 23, 1778. New Haven, 1788. Pp. 12. 8vo. The Vision of Columbus ; a Poem w Nine Books. Hart- ford, 1787. Pp. 258. 8vo. (2d ed. Hartford, 1787; i2mo.) Conspiracy of Kings. London, 1792; Paris, 1793. Pp. 32. 4to. Advice to the Privileged Orders in Several States of Europe. Part I. Pp. 156. 8vo. London (2d ed.), 1792-93. Hasty Pudding; a Poem. In three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January 1, 1793. New Haven, 1796; Salem, 1799; Albany, 1807; Boston, 1810. Pp. 16. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHY 339 Joel Barlow to his Fellow Citizens of the United States of America. Paris, 1799. Pp. 27. 8vo. The Political Writings of Joel Barlow: A new edition. New York, 1796. Pp. 258. i6mo. The Columbiad. A Poem by Joel Barlow. Philadelphia, 1807; Philadelphia, 1809; London, 1809; Paris, 1813; Washington, 1825. Pp. 454. 8vo. Critical Observations on the Poem of Joel Barlow, The Columbiad. By M. Gregoire. Reply by Joel Barlow. Washington City, 1809. (This last, as well as other writings mentioned, is in the Library of Congress.) Life and Letters of Joel Barlow; Poet, Statesman, Phi- losopher. By Charles B. Todd. New York, 1886. Three Men of Letters. By Moses Coit Tyler. New York, 1895. Manuscript letters to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., in folio at Con- necticut Historical Society. Manuscript letters to wife and friends ; also an unfinished poem, "The Canal;" at Pequot Library, Southport, Conn. Memorial History of Hartford County. By J. Hammond Trumbull. New Haven, 1886. (Several references to Barlow and the other "wits.") WRITINGS OF DAVID HUMPHREYS The Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid. New York, 1804. 8vo. Miscellaneous Works, etc., (containing Poems and Life of Israel Putnam). New York, 1790. (In this vol- ume is the play, "The Widow of Malabar," which was not included in the Miscellaneous Works, 1804.) - 340 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE A Poem addressed to the Armies of the United States of America. By a Gentleman of the Army. New Haven, 1780. Pp. 16. 8vo. Reprinted, New Haven, 1785; Paris, 1786 as — Discours en vers, addresse aux officiers et aux soldats des differentes armees ameri- caines. Paris, 1786. A Poem on the Happiness of America; addressed to the Citizens of the United States by David Humphreys, LL.D. London, 1786; Hartford, 1786. Pp. 51. 4to. An Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major-General Israel Putnam; addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati in Connecticut. Hartford, 1788; Middle town, 1794; Philadelphia, 1798; Boston, 1818. i2mo. Life and Exploits of Israel Putnam. New York, 1834. 24mo. Memoirs of the life, adventures & military exploits of Israel Putnam, Senior Major-general in the Revolu- tionary army of the United States, and next in rank to Gen. Washington (by David Humphreys). New York: Duyckinck, 1815. Pp. 108. 241110. A Poem on Industry; addressed to the Citizens of the United States of America. By Col. David Hum- phreys, Minister Resident at the Court of Lisbon. Philadelphia, 1794. 8vo. Valedictory Discourse delivered before the Cincinnati of Connecticut, in Hartford, July 4, 1804, at the Disso- lution of the Society. By Col. David Humphreys. Letters from the Hon. David Humphreys, F.R.S. to the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal So- ciety, London, containing some ACCOUNT of the SERPENT of the OCEAN, frequently seen in Gloucester Bay. New York, 181 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY 341 The Yankey in England, a Drama, in Five Acts. By General Humphreys. (No date, nor place, but the preface signed D. Humphreys, Humphreysville, Sept. 1, 1815.) A copy is in Boston Athenaeum. BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON DAVID HUMPHREYS Yale and Her Honor-Roll in the American Revolution, 1775-1783. By Henry P. Johnston. New York, 1888. Seymour; Past and Present. By Rev. Hollis A. Campbell, William C. Sharpe, and Frank G. Basset, Seymour, 1902. Chapter Sketches, Connecticut D. A. R. Edited by Mary Philotheta Root. New Haven. (1900.) The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Paul L. Ford. (Vol. I, pp. 216, 22,3', Vol. IX, p. 225, 226.) The Writings of Washington. Collected and edited by Worthington C. Ford, New York, 1891. (Vol. X, pp. 473, 474-) The Veil Removed; or, Reflections on Humphrey's Essay on the Life of Putnam. By John Fellows. New York, 1843. Manuscript letters in Pickering Papers. Vol. XXI. (Massachusetts Historical Society.) WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT THEODORE DWIGHT An Oration before the Connecticut Society for the Promo- tion of Freedom convened at Hartford, May 8, 1794. Hartford, 1794. Pp. 24. 8vo. An Oration spoken at Hartford, July 4th, 1798. Hartford, 1798. Pp. 31. 8vo. The Triumph of Democracy, a Poem. January 1, 1801. (No name nor place; in "The Echo," pp. 267-82.) History of the Hartford Convention with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government which led to the War of 1812. New York, 1833. 8vo. 342 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The Character of Thomas Jefferson as Exhibited in his Own Writings. Boston, 1839. i2mo. Memorial History of Hartford County. By J. Hammond Trumbull, LL.D. Boston, 1886. (Vol. I, pp. 124, 157, 160, 385, 516, 612.) WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT RICHARD ALS0P To the Freemen of the State of Connecticut. (Anon., no place; 1803. In copy at Massachusetts Historical Society, a note is written in ink, "By Richard Alsop; Middletown, Sept. 12, 1803.") The Charms of Fancy. A Poem in Four Cantos. Edited from the original manuscript by Theodore Dwight. New York, 1856. Pp. 214. 8vo. A Poem Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, Late President of the United States and Commander- in-Chief of the Armies of the United States, by Richard Alsop. Hartford, 1800. Pp. 23. 8vo. Verses to a Shearwater, in Specimens of American Poetry. By Samuel Kettell. (Vol. II, p. 60.) Runic translation; Twilight of the Gods, in American Poems; Selected and Original (1793). Pp. 265-272. Translations : The Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana. From the Orlando Inamorata of Francisco Berni. New York, 1806. 8vo. An Appendix to the Civil and Political History of Chili; translated from Juan Ignacio Molina. New York, 1808. 8vo. Selections in The Poets of Connecticut. By Rev. Charles W. Everest. 1843. (Pp. 73-91.) Manuscript letter to Dr. Mason Cogswell about The Echo, at Connecticut Historical Society, in John Trum- bull's copy of The Echo. BIBLIOGRAPHY 343 Possibly the author of Aristocracy, an Epic Poem by De Bellare Superbos. Philadelphia, 1795. WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT LEMUEL HOPKINS The Democratiad. A Poem in Retaliation, for the Phila- delphia Jockey Club. By a Gentleman of Connecti- cut. Philadelphia, 1795. Pp. 22. 8vo. (Reprinted in The Echo.) The Guillotina, or a Democratic Dirge. A Poem. By the Author of Democratiad. Philadelphia. Pp. 14. (Reprinted in The Echo.) New Year's Verses, For the Connecticut Courant, January 1, 1795. Hartford, 1795. (Reprinted in The Echo.) Specimens of American Poetry. By Samuel Kettell. (Vol. I, pp. 272-83.) The Poets of Connecticut. By Charles W. Everest. 1843. (Pp. 51-58.) American Medical Biography; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians. By James Thacher, M.D. Boston, 1828. (Vol. I, pp. 298-306.) Manuscript letters to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., at Connecticut Historical Society. The Town and City of Waterbury, Connecticut, from the Aboriginal Period to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Five. Edited by Joseph Anderson, D.D. New Haven, 1896. 3 vols. (Many references to Hopkins.) Memorial History of Hartford County. By J. Hammond Trumbull, LL.D. Boston, 1886. Vol. I, pp. 139-58. VI. JOSEPH DENNIE WRITINGS BY DENNIE The Lay Preacher; or Short Sermons for Idle Readers. Walpole (N. H.), 1796. Pp. 132. i6mo. 344 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The Spirit of the Farmer's Museum and Lay Preacher's Gazette. Walpole. Carlyle, printer for Thomas & Thomas. 1801. Pp. 318. i2mo. The Lay Preacher, collected and arranged by John E. Hall, Esq. Counsellor at Law. Published at Phila- delphia by Harrison Hall, at the Portfolio Office, 1817. Pp. 168. i6mo. New and Original Essays by Joseph Dennie. Philadelphia, 1818. (Only one in the series appeared, so far as known.) The New Hampshire Journal; or The Farmer's Weekly Museum. Walpole, 1793-97. (Contributions by Den- nie during these years. Some later issues were en- titled The Farmer's Museum: New Hampshire & Vermont Journal, 1797-1810.) The Tablet: A Miscellaneous Paper devoted to the Belles-Lettres. (Edited by Dennie.) Boston. 4to. May 19, 1795, to August 11, 1795. (No more issued.) The Port Folio by Oliver Oldschool. Philadelphia. 1801- 12. (Started and edited by Dennie.) Weekly, 1801-8; monthly 1809-12. (The journal continued in vari- ous forms until 1827; published by Maxwell; 4to of 8 pages as weekly.) Two letters from Dennie to Hon. Jeremiah Mason. Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, March, 1880, Vol. XVII, pp. 362-65.) Letters by Dennie to Timothy Pickering, in Pickering Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. X, XIII, XXIV.) / Letters and manuscript, in Adams Papers, from Dennie to John Quincy Adams. (In the possession of Charles Francis Adams.) V BIBLIOGRAPHY 345 CRITICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL ON DENNIE Sketch of Dennie. [By Colonel W. W. Clapp.] Cam- bridge, 1880. 8vo. The Philadelphia Souvenir: A Collection of Fugitive Pieces from The Philadelphia Press, with Biographi- cal and Explanatory Notes by J. E. Hall. Philadel- phia, 1826. (Pp. 70-136.) Walpole as It Was and as It Is, containing the Complete Civil History of the Town from 1749 to 1879. By George Aldrich. Claremont, N. H., 1880. (Pp. 74-82.) History of Philadelphia. By Scharf and Westcott. Phila- delphia, 1884. (Vol. I, pp. 508, 509; Vol. Ill, p. 1979.) The Literary History of Philadelphia. By Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Philadelphia, 1906. (Pp. 168-83, 189, 264.) Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Edited by Lord John Russell. London, 1856. (Vari- ous passing references in Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII.) Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Leipzig, 1842. (Col- lected and annotated by himself. Vol. I, references in Preface and notes.) Life of Josiah Quincy by His Son, Edmund Quincy. Bos- ton, 1867. (Pp. 30-33-) Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Philadelphia, 1877. (Vol. I, p. 240; Vol. IX, p. 239.) Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Reminiscences. By J. T. Buckingham. Boston, 1850, 1852. Vol. II, pp. 175-90, 195-202, 226.) Some editions have title, Specimens of Newspaper Literature, with Memoirs, etc. A History of Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. By Frederic Hudson. New York, 1873. (Vol. II, pp. 51-64, 708-18.) 346 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The New Englander Galaxy, July 24, 1818. (Anecdote of Dennie's law-experience as given by Royall Tyler.) Benjamin's Collector, February, 1896; article by Charles Henry Hart. (Two letters from Moore to J. E. Hall, with many references to Dennie.) The Critic, June, 1888. (Two Letters from Moore to Dennie.) New England Magazine, August, 1896. ("Damon and Pythias among our Early Journalists.") Curiosities of Literature. By D'Israeli and Griswold. New York, 1848. (Pp. si, 52.) Magazine of American History, Vol. XVII, 1887. Pp. 117, 118. The Historical Magazine, December, 1857, p. 379. Rufus Griswold's reference to Dennie's portrait. American Historical and Literary Curiosities. Collected and edited by J. Jay Smith and John F. Watson. New York, 1850. Plate XLI. (Letter and song sent by Moore to Dennie.) VII. WILLIAM DUNLAP WRITINGS BY DUNLAP Complete lists of Dunlap's plays may be found in: Second edition of Early American Plays by Oscar Wegelin, with Introduction by John Malone. New York, 1905. The first edition, 1900, has only a partial list. Introduction to The Father, or American Shandyism, reprinted by the Dunlap Society. New York, 1887. (Pp. x, xi.) The following are some of Dunlap's most representa- tive plays, to be found generally at libraries with a collec- tion of Americana: BIBLIOGRAPHY 347 The Father, or American Shandyism. A Comedy in five acts. Written by a Citizen of New York. New York, 1789. 8vo. Reprint of the above by the Dunlap So- ciety, New York, 1887. Introduction by Thomas J. McKee. The same play was printed later as The Father of an Only Child, by William Dunlap. New York, 1807. i2mo. Darby's Return: a Comic Sketch. New York, 1789. Darby's Return, an Interlude. New York, 1806. 8vo. The Archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland, an Opera, in Three Acts, by an American. New York, 1796. 8vo. Tell Truth and Shame the Devil; a comedy in 2 acts, as performed by the old American Company, New York, 1797. Andre: A Tragedy in Five Acts. New York, 1798. Reprint of this edition by the Dunlap Society, New York, 1887; Introduction by J. Brander Matthews.) Andre : A Tragedy in Five Acts ; To which are added Au- thentic Documents respecting Major Andre, Consisting of letters to Miss Seward, The Cow Chase; a Satiri- cal poem by Major John Andre; with the proceedings of court martial. New York: Swords, 1798. Lon- don, 1799. False Shame, or The American Orphan in Germany. A Comedy in Four acts, translated from the German of Kotzebue. New York, 1800; Charleston, 1800. i2mo. Abaellino; the Great Bandit. Translated from the Ger- man of Tschokke and adapted to the New York Theatre. New York, 1802; Boston and New York, 1803. i2mo. Ribbemont, or the Feudal Baron. A Tragedy in Five Acts. New York, 1803. i8mo. 348 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The Glory of Columbia; her Yoemanry. A Play in Five Acts. The Songs, Duets, and Choruses, intended for the celebration of the Fourth of July at the New York Theatre. New York, 1803, 1817. i2tno. The Voice of Nature; A Drama in 3 Acts from French Melodrama, Le Jugement de Salomon. New York, 1803. i8mo. Blue Beard; or Female Curiosity; a dramatic romance in three acts, as altered for the New York Theatre, with additional songs, by William Dunlap. New York, 1803, 1806. i8mo. Lord Leicester; a Tragedy. New York, 1807. i6mo. Fontaineville Abbey. A Tragedy. New York, 1807. i8mo. The Blind Boy; a Melodrama as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London, 1808; New York, 1808. i2mo. (Altered from Kotzebue's Epi- gram.) Rinaldo Rinaldini, or the Great Banditti, New York, 1810. The Africans or War, Love and Duty. Philadelphia, 181 1; Hartford, 1814. Yankee Chronology: a musical interlude in one Act to which is added Patriotic Songs of the Freedom of the Seas & Yankee Tars. New York, 1812. i6mo. Yankee Chronology or Huzza for the American Navy. (Broadside, 1813-14.) In American Antiquarian Society. The Italian Father; a comedy in Five Acts. New York, 1810. Lover's Vows, a play in five acts. New York, 1814. i2mo. (From the German of Kotzebue.) A Trip to Niagara, or Travellers in America. A Farce in Three Acts written for the Bowery Theatre, N. Y. By William Dunlap, Historical and Portrait Painter; BIBLIOGRAPHY 349 author of Memoirs of G. F. Cooke, C. B. Brown, Father of an Only Child, etc. New York, 1830. i8mo. Ella : a Norwegian Tale, in American Poems, Litchfield, (1793), PP- 226-31. Memoirs of George Fred Cooke, Esq., Late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, by William Dunlap, Esq. London, 1813. 2 vols. The Life of Charles Brockden Brown, together with Se- lections from the Rarest of his Printed Works, from His Original Letters, and from his Manuscripts Be- fore Unpublished. By William Dunlap. In two vol- umes. Philadelphia, 1815. Thirty Years Ago; or, Memoirs of a Water Drinker. New York, 1836. 2 vols. A History of the American Theatre by William Dunlap, Vice-President of the National Academy of Design, Author of Memoirs of George Fred Cooke, C. B. Brown, etc. New York, 1832. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States; by William Dunlap. New York, 1834. 2 vols. A History of New York for Schools, by William Dun- lap. In two volumes. New York, 1837. i6mo. History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York and State of New York, to Adoption of the Federal Constitution; by William Dunlap. In two volumes. New York, 1839. Four volumes of manuscript journals, in New York His- torical Society: 15, 16, 24, 30. BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON DUNLAP The best biographical material is found in many refer- ences to himself in his History of the American Theatre, and also in History of the Rise and Progress 35° HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE of the Arts of Design in the United States; also in the manuscript journals at the New York Historical Society. Early American Plays (1714-1830). By Oscar Wegelin. Introduction by John Malone. Dunlap Society Pub- lication. New York, 1900; 2d ed., 1905. New England Magazine, February, 1894: Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature. By Paul Leicester Ford. Occasional Addresses. Edited by Laurence Hutton and William Carey. Published by the Dunlap Society. New York, 1890. (Pp. 51-53.) Washington and the Theatre. By Paul Leicester Ford. Published by the Dunlap Society. New York, 1899. History of New York City. By Martha J. Lamb. New York, 1850. (Vol. II, pp. 352, 353.) Old New York. By John W. Francis. New York, 1866. Pp. 66-68, and scattered notes.) References in The Memorial History of the City of New York. By James Grant Wilson. New York, 1893. (Vols. II, III, IV.) Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy. By W. A. Whitehead. New York, 1856. (Pp. 97, 126-28, 139-43, 243, 292-94, 328, 329, 343.) Descriptive Pamphlet of Christ Rejected by the High Priests, Elders and People. Shields, Ashburn & Co., Norfolk. (No date.) History of New York City. By William L. Stone. New York, 1872. (Pp. 134, 151, 241-48.) History of the American Theatre during the Revolution and After. By George O. Seilhamer. Philadelphia, 1889. (Vol. I, pp. 3, 19, 72, 73, 81, 141-43 ; Vol. II, 274- 80.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 351 VIII. CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN WRITINGS BY BROWN History of American Painting. By Samuel Isham. New York, 1905. Pp. 11, 17-24, 43-49, 7^-79, 186-89. The Columbian Magazine. Philadelphia, April, 1789. (Contains Brown's "The Rhapsodist") The Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, Fugitive Pieces and Interesting Intelligence. Philadelphia. Vol. I, 1798-99. (Contains Brown's "The Man at Home" and "The Rights of Women.") The latter was printed as Alcuin: a Dialogue. New York: Swords, 1798. i6mo. Wieland or the Transformation : An American Tale. New York, 1798. i2mo. Ormond, or the Secret Witness. New York, 1798. Arthur Mervyn or the Memoirs of the Year 1793. Phila- delphia, 1799. i2mo. Edgar Huntley or the Memoirs of a Sleepwalker. Phila- delphia, 1799-1800. 2 vols. i2mo. Clara Howard or the Enthusiasm of Love. Philadelphia, 1801. Jane Talbot London, New York, and Philadelphia, 1801. The Novels of Brown were reprinted by Goodrich, Bos- ton, 1827, in uniform edition, 7 vols, in 6. i2mo. Complete edition of the Novels of Charles Brockden Brown. Edited and published by David McKay. Philadelphia, 1887. Carwin, the Biloquist, and other American Tales & Pieces by Charles Brockden Brown, Author of Wieland, Ormond, Arthur Mervyn, &c. In Three Volumes. London, 1822. i2mo. 352 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE An Address to the Government on the Utility and Justice of Restrictions upon foreign Commerce. (Anon.) Philadelphia, 1809. 8vo. An Address to the Government of the United States on the Cession of Louisiana to the French and on the Late Breach of Treaty by the Spaniards, including the Translation of a Memorial, on the War of St. Do- mingo, and Cession of the Mississippi to France. Drawn up by a French Counsellor of State. A new edition, revised, corrected, and improved. (Anon.) Philadelphia, 1803. A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America with supplementary Remarks upon Florida, etc., by C. F. Volney. Translated, with occasional re- marks, by C. B. Brown. Philadelphia, 1804. Editor of and Contributor to : The Monthly Magazine and American Review, Vols. I— III, April, 1799, to December, 1800. New York: Swords. The American Review and Literary Journal for the Year, 1801. New York: Swords. The Literary Magazine and American Register, Vols. I-VIII. Philadelphia: Conrad, 1803-7. The American Register or General Repository of His- tory, Politics, and Science. Philadelphia, 1806-10. Manuscript letters in Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Manuscript letter to Jefferson, and reply, in Jefferson papers (Library of Congress). BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ON BROWN Life of Charles Brockden Brown. By William Dunlap. 2 vols. New York, 1815. (Together with Selections BIBLIOGRAPHY 353 from the Rarest of his Printed Works, from his Original Letters, and from his Manuscripts Before Unpublished.) A Library of American Biography. Edited by Jared Sparks. New York, 1834. (Vol. I, sketch of Brown by W. H. Prescott.) Charles Brockden Brown : A Study of Early American Fiction. By Martin S. Vilas. Burlington, Vt., 1904. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri- cans. Conducted by James B. Longacre and James Herring. New York, 1835. (Vol. Ill, from minia- ture by Dunlap, engraved by Forrest.) The Memorial History of the City of New York. By James Grant Wilson. New York, 1893. (Many refer- ences in Vols. Ill and IV.) A History of Philadelphia. By Scharf & Westcott, Phila- delphia, 1884. (Vol. Ill, p. 1981.) The Literary History of Philadelphia. By Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Philadelphia, 1906. (Many references.) The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Philadelphia, 1906. Vol. 30, p. 242. North American Review, June, 1819. (Vol. IX, p. 58-64.) Blackwood's Magazine, February, 1820. (Vol. VII, p. SS4-) Blackwood's Edinburgh Review, October, 1824. Vol. XVI, p. 421-26. (Signed "X. Y. Z.") Fortnightly Review, September, 1878, Vol. 30, pp. 399, 400. INDEX INDEX A "A. B.," 38 "A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats," 173 "A Child Returning from School," painting, 270, 272 A Group of Hartford Wits, 149-89 A History of American Literature, 298, 322 A History of New York, for Schools, 274, 349 "A Laughable Poem," 91, 92, 329 A Library of American Literature, 62, 321 "A Lover of Candour," 38 "A Poem Addressed to the Armies," 177, 340 "A Poem on Industry," 178, 340 "A Poem on the Happiness of America," 181, 340 "A Poem on the Restoration of Chaos and Night," 152, 154 "A Poem on the Rising Glory," 66, 67, 328 "A Poem Sacred to the Memory of George Washington," 185, 342 "A Political Catechism," 41 "A Pretty Story," 28, 129, 324 "A Prophecy," 28, 30, 31, 129, 324 "A Speech of a Standing Member," 53 "A Sketch of the History of Yale College," 112, 338 "A Trip to Niagara," 260, 348 "A View of the Soil," etc., 309, 352 "A Voyage to Boston," 69, 70, 328 Abaellino, 347 Adams, Charles Francis, 219, 231, 344, 345 Adams, John, references to, 51, 83, 125, 127, 130, 138, 139, 163, 203, 208, 220; Letters to His Wife, 21, 51, 327 Adams, John Quincy, references to, 218, 220, 231, 344, 345; Memoirs of, 219, 231, 345 Adams, Samuel, 9 Addison, Joseph, 19, in, 114 "Advertisement of a Coquette," 117, 119 357 35^ HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "Advice to the Ladies not to Neglect the Dentist," 94 "Advice to the Privileged Orders," 338 "Advice to Young Authors," 91 Aitkin, R., 28, 324 Alcuin, 292, 351 Aldrich, George L, 203, 204, 345 Allen Paul, 226 "Almanack-Maker, The," 76 Alsop, Fanny, 183 Alsop, Richard, 13, 150, 161, 162, 167, 169, 182, 342, 343 "American Addison," 194, 206 American Antiquarian Society, The, vi, 41, 89, 324, 330 American Antiquities, The, 155, 158, 188, 337 American Company of Actors, The, 238, 247 American Fiction in Development, 279, 280, 281 American Historical and Literary Curiosities, 346 American History, early periods, v, 3, 8, 9 "American Independence," a poem, 328 American Lands and Letters, 136, 322 "American Liberty," a poem, 328 American Literature from 1765 to 1815, 4, 9, 14, 15 American Museum, The, 53, 54, 56, 95, 321, 325, 326 American Philosophical Society, 8, 20, 24, 25, 32, 36, 325 American Poems (1793), 137, 166, 187, 321, 333, 338 "American Turtles," 39 Ames, Fisher, 13 "An Address to the Government," etc., 309, 351 "An Elegy on the Times," 126, 127, 335 "An Elegy Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Ann Graeme," 22, 323 "An Essay on the Life of Gen. Israel Putnam," 340. "An Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts," 112- ii4, 333 "An Exercise Containing a Dialogue," etc., 22, 323 "An Oration before the Connecticut Society," 341 "An Oration Spoken at Hartford," 341 "An Oration Which Might Have Been Delivered," 52, 324 Anacreon, 223, 225 Anarch, 152, 156, 157 INDEX 359 Anderson, Rev. Joseph, 108, 336, 343 Andr£, Major John, 236, 258 Andre, play, 235, 254-58, 262, 347 Androborus, 236 Anti- Federalists, 45, 46, 78, 81 "Aquiline Nimblechops," 167 Appeal to the World, 9 "Apostrophe to Fancy," 99 Arbuthnot's History of John Bull, 30 "Aristocracy," an epic poem, 338, 343 Arthur Mervyn, 291, 292, 297-300, 351 Atlantic Monthly, The, 338 Aurora, The, 98, 164 Austin, Mary S., 73, 87, 331 B Babcock, Elisha, 337 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 98, 164, 165 Bailey, Francis, 76, 89 "Ballads of Taxes and Tea," n Banks, Sir Joseph, 340 "Barabbas and the Thieves," painting, 271 Barlow, Joel, 143, 150, 152, 157, 161, 162, 169, 170-73,^181, 203, 33 8 > 339 Barrell, Joseph, 207 Bartow, Thomas, 242, 243 "Basket Song," 251, 252 Basset, Frank G., 341 "Battle of the Kegs," 39, 40, 41, 95, 324 "Beauties of Santa Cruz," 72 Beers, Henry A., 296 Berkeley, Governor William, 236 Berni, Francisco, 342 Bibliography of the Works of Philip Freneau, 129, 327 Bibliography of Vermont, 239 Bidwell, Barnabas, 238 Biennial Reports 0} the Dunlap Society, 235 Biglow Papers, The, 136 360 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, 336 Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 326 Bird, Dr. Seth, 185 Bishop of Worcester, 23, 26 Blackwood's Edinburgh Review, 316, 317, 353 Bleecker, Anthony, 271 Blue Beard, 260, 348 Bonaparte, Joseph, 57 Borden, Ann, 27 Borden, Joseph, 27 Borden, Madam, 27 Bordentown, New Jersey, 27, 55, 57 Boston, 10, 63, 69, 118, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 132, 133, 137, 149, 194, 195, 197, 198, 200, 214, 236, 252 Boston Chronicle, 115, 116, 117, 335 Boston Gazette, n, 322 Boston News Letter, 195 Boston Port Bill, 126 Bracebridge Hall, 102 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 12, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 163, 237, 281, 282 Bradstreet, Anne, 5 Brattleboro, Vt., 201 Brinton Eliot; from Yale to Yorktown, 119, 336 "Brook of the Valley, The," 101, 102 Brown, Charles Brockden, 193, 218, 267, 282-318, 351, 352, 353; environment and influences upon his fiction, 282-86; life in New York, 288-91; as novelist in New York and Philadelphia, 291-305; as journalist and essayist, 306-10; illness and death, 314, 315; personality and influence, 316-18 Brown, William Linn, 314 Brown University Library, 69, 91, 132, 327, 329, 334 Bryant, William C, 14, 15, 102, 184 Buckingham, J. T, 201, 202, 205, 333, 345 Burgoyne, General John, 37, 38, 137, 236 Burr, Aaron, 65, 168 Burrow, James, 23, 24, 25 Bushnell, David, 39 Bulter's Hudibras, 134, 136 INDEX 361 C Cadwallader, General Thomas, 218 "Calamus," 38, 52, 325 Caleb Williams, 282, 283, 297 "Calumniator," 38 "Calvary," painting, 272 "Camp Ballad," 38 Campbell, Hollis A., 341 Canary Islands, 93 " Captain Freneau," 76, 94 Carey, William, 272, 349 Carlisle, David, Jr., 200, 344 Carwin, the Biloquist, 295, 316, 351 " Causes of American Discontents," 10 "Cautious," 38, 325 Chapter Sketches, D. A. R., 174, 341 Charles Brockden Brown: A Study, 353 Charlestown, N. H., 196, 197, 200 Charlotte Temple, 281 "Charms of Fancy, The," 169, 182, 183, 184 Chauncy, Charles, 10 "Chester," hymn, 12 Chew, Benjamin, 21 Childs and Swaine, 77, 80 " Christ Bearing the Cross," painting, 269 " Christ Rejected," painting, 268, 269 Chusetown, Conn., 178 Cibber, Colley, 263 Clapp, Colonel W. W., 198, 216, 345 Clara Howard, 303, 351 "Climenole," 218 Clinton, Governor George, 48, 100, 271 Clinton, Sir Henry, 73 Club for Colonial Reprints, 69, 327 Cobbett, William, 164, 173 Cogswell, Dr. Mason, 150, 161, 182, 186, 342 Cole, Thomas, 272 Coleridge, Samuel T., 72 362 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE College of Philadelphia, 20, 21, 22, 23, 149 "Columbia," an ode, 12 Common Sense, 1 29 Congreve, William, 19 Connecticut Courant, 128, 129, 165, 167, 335 Connecticut Gazette, no Connecticut Historical Society, vi, 142, 143, 151, 161, 165, 182, 187, 33 6 > 337> 339, 342 Connecticut Mirror, 182 "Conquest of Canaan," 173, 180 "Conspiracy of Kings," 170, 338 Continental Congress, 21, 27, 28, 125 Continental Loan Office, 31 Contributions to Early History 0} Perth Amboy, 243, 350 Cooke, George Fred, 267 Cooper, J. Fenimore, 14, 15, 261, 301, 302, 318 Cooper, T. Apthorp, 267 Copley, John Singleton, 57, 272 Cornelia, 236 Cornwallis, Lord, 73 Cowper, William, 104, 215 Crafts Tavern, 202 "Crispin O'Connor," 94 Critical Observations on the Columbiad, 172, 339 "Cupid Sleeping," painting, 271 Curiosities of Literature, 205, 346 Cushing, Thomas, 127 Cyclopaedia of American Literature, 75, 321 D Darby's Return, 248, 347 Darley, Mrs., 266, 271 DAuberteul, 160 Davis, M. L., 90 Deane, Silas, 128 "Death on the Pale Horse," painting, 270 De Bellare Superbos, 338 Decatur, Captain Stephen, 98 INDEX 363 Declaration of Independence, 12, 19, 27, 216 Defoe, Daniel, 299 Delancey, Edward F., 332 Delaplaine's Repository of Distinguished Americans, 51, 326 Democracy, pamphlet, 167 Democratiad, The, 164, 165 Dennie, Joseph, 193-231, 343, 344, 345; early life and college, 194-96; as lawyer and lay reader, 196-99; as editor of Farmer's Museum, 200-02; The Portfolio, 219-27; Lay Sermons, 228-39 Derby, Conn., 174, 175 Descriptive Pamphlet of Christ Rejected, 350 "Design of the Preacher," 197 "Destruction of Babylon," 125 Detroit, Mich., 143 Dexter, Franklin B., 336 Dialogues of the Dead, 5 2 "Dick Hairbrain," 122, 124, 334 Dickens, Ashbury, 214 Dickinson, John, 10, 11, 48, 322 Discours en vers, 177 Dogood Papers, 7 "Dr. Yorick," 228 Draper, Lyman C, 333 Drone Club, 267 Duche, Jacob, 21 Duke of Devonshire, 236 Dunciad, The, 153 Dunlap Exhibition, 272 Dunlap, John Read, 253 Dunlap, Samuel, 242 Dunlap Society, 235, 239, 247, 256, 262, 346, 347, 350 Dunlap, William, 14, 235-75, 283, 288, 292, 293, 312, 346-50; early influences and first efforts at art, 242-46; career as playwright and theater manager, 247-63, 265; Andre, 254- 58; histories of theater, art, and New York, 263-65, 266-68, 272; his work summarized, 274, 275; his Journals quoted 183, 252-56, 268, 269, 273, 290, 293; bibliography, 346-50 364 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Dwight, Theodore, 14, 150, 161, 166, 167, 168, 181, 182, 332, 34i, 342 Dwight, Timothy, 9, 12, 13, 112, 115, 118, 137, 150, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 180, 181, 205-07, 254 Early American Plays, 235, 248, 259, 262, 346, 350 Echo, The, 161-68, 182, 301 Edgar Huntley, 293, 301, 303, 351 Edwards, Jonathan, 5 "Eglantine," 222 Elizabethan Dramatists, 149 Ella; a Norwegian Tale, 349 "Ella and Birtha," 77 Elliot, Andrew, 244 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 15, 102 Eminent Philadelphians, 287 Emmons, Nathaniel, no "Epistle to Col. Humphreys," 137 Essays on the Constitution 0} the United States, 322 Etting, Frank M., 314 Everest, Charles W., 186, 335 Ewald, Captain, 55 Ewing, Samuel, 218 Extracts from Democracy, 167 Fairfield, Conn., 180, 181 False Shame, or, the American Orphan, 347 " Farmer Dobbin's Complaint," 94 Farmer, James Eugene, 119 Farmer's Weekly Museum, 200, 202, 209, 213, 214, 215, 344 " Father Abraham," 6 "Father Bumbo's Pilgrimage," 67, 327 "Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits," etc., 138, 336 Federalists, The, 45, 46, 61, 81, 82, 151, 158, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 204, 216 Fennell, James, 266, 271 INDEX 365 Fenno, John, 77, 81, 83, 84, 85, 214 Fessenden, F. T. G., 202 Flatbush, L. I., 68, 184 Fontaineville Abbey, 348 Ford, Paul Leicester, 6, 22, 34, 178, 237, 322, 323, 326, 350 Ford, Worthington C, 21, 175, 323 Forman, Eleanor, 77 Forman, Dr. Samuel E., 82, 84, 331 Forman, Major Samuel, 77, 333 Fortnightly Review, 353 Four Dissertations, etc., 23, 324 "Fractura Minimi Digiti," 274 Francis, Dr. John, 100, 274, 350 Francis Hopkinson and James Lyon, 26, 327 Franklin, Benjamin, 5-8, 20, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 35 , 46, 57, 164, 193, 230, 236, 284, 322 Freeman's Journal, 47, 50, 76, 94, 330 Freneau, Agnes Watson, 64 Freneau, Mary, 65 Freneau, Pierre, the elder, 63; the younger, 65, 92 Freneau, Philip, 9, 12, 14, 61-104, 3 2 7~3 2 ; early life and verses, 61-67; as teacher, 68, 69; political satires, 69-75; as mer- chant, 76, 77, 92, 94; lyrics of nature and customs, 76, 83, 94; marriage, 77; editor and translator in Philadelphia, 78-85, 89, 90; poems of Indian life, 95-97; personality and later years, 99-102; Miscellaneous Works, 91, 93, 97, 329; Poems (1786), 75, 76, 93, 97, 329; Poems (1795), 63, 65, 70, 7 2 , 75. 7 6 , 8 9, 9 1 , 94, 97, 99, k»i 3 2 95 Poems (1815), 87, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 329; bibliography, 327-32 Fresneau, Andrew, 63 Friendly Club of Hartford, 150; of New York, 267, 290 "From Fond Frederic to Fanny False Fair," 201 Fulton, Robert, 171 Gaine, Hugh, references to, 37, 73; Journals of, 22, 326, 332 Garrick, David, 236 Gazette of the United States, 77, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 174, 214 366 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "General Gage's Confession," 328 "General Gage's Proclamation," 69, 128, 129 "General Gage's Soliloquy," 70, 328 "Genius of America, The," 137, 156 Giles, W. B., 82 Godfrey, Thomas, 236 Godwin, William, 282, 297 Goodrich, Samuel G., 143, 144, 145, 151, 162, 335 Granger, Gideon, 171, 172 Gray, Thomas, 103, 104 Green, Bartholomew, Jr., 195 Greene, General Nathanael, 156, 174 "Greenfield Hill," 173 Greenleaf, Thomas, 89, 90 Griswold, Rufus, 205, 346 Guillotina for 1797, 337 Guillotina, The, 165, 167, 337 H "Hail Columbia," 15, 57 Hale, Nathan, 119 Hall, Harrison, 344 Hall, John E., 194, 197, 228, 344, 345 Hall, Sarah E., 218 Hallam, Lewis, 238, 250, 252 Hamilton, Alexander, 13, 81, 83, 84, 139, 159, 309, 323 Hamilton, Andrew, 20 Hamilton, John C, 159, 323 Hancock, Governor John, 10, 127, 163 "Happiness of America," 181 "Harriet Simper," 123, 124, 334 Hart, Albert Bushnell, 323 Hart, Charles Henry, 346 Hartford, Conn., 132, 138, 150, 183, 185, 252, 253 "Hartford Wits," 137, 149-89, 301 Hartleburg Castle, 26 Harvard College, 97, in, 149, 194, 195 "Hasty Pudding," 170, 338 INDIA' 367 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 15, 318 "Hearts of Oak," 11 "Helvetic Liberty," 251 Henkels, Stan V., 271 Henry, Mr. and Mrs. John, 247, 265 Henry, Patrick, 10, 13 Herrick, Robert, 44 Herring, James, 321, 326, 353 Hildeburne, Charles R., 27, 41, 326, 33a Historic Houses of New Jersey, 326, 332 Historical Magazine, The, 128, 136 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, vi, 7, 22, 26, 56, 67, 82, 91, 165, 201, 288, 312, 326, 332, 352 History of American Painting, 264, 270, 350 History of American Literature, 15 History of Car sol, 314 History of Journalism in the United States, 77, ^t,^, 345 History of New Netherlands, 274, 349 History of the American Theatre, 241, 242, 247, 248, 250, 252, 255, 261, 263, 349 History of the City of New York, 248 History of New York City, 350 History of the College of New Jersey, 66, 332 History of the Hartford Convention, 341 History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design, 243, 244, 245. 26 4, 349 Hodgkinson, actor (Meadowcraf t) , 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254 Hogan, Edmund, 34, 326 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 103 "Honorius," 130, 131, 132 Hopkins, Joseph, 158 Hopkins, Dr. Lemuel, 142, 150, 152, 159, 164, 165, 166, 1S5, 1S6, 187, 189, 337, 343 Hopkins Medical Society, 185 Hopkins, Stephen, 9 Hopkinson, Francis, 12, 13, 19-58, 70, 95, 129, 323-27; inheri- tance and youth, 19-21; friendship with Franklin, 24-26; friendship with Jefferson, 34-37, 42; " A Pretty Story/' 29-31; 368 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "Battle of the Kegs," 39-41; Seven Songs, 41-43; The New Roof, 47-49; writings on education, etc., 52, 53, 54; per- sonality and elegies, 51, 52, 56-58; bibliography, 323-27 Hopkinson, Joseph, 57, 218 Hopkinson, Mrs. Joseph, 223 Hopkinson, Mrs. Mary, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 Hopkinson, Mrs. Oliver, 26, 33, 43, 49, 50, 224, 325 Hopkinson, Thomas, 20, 23 "House of Night, The," 72, 73 Howe, Joseph, 118 Hubbard, Leverett, 137 Hubbard, Sarah, 137 Hudibras, 134, 136 Hudson, Frederic, 77, 5 33^ 345 Hull, Captain Isaac, 98 Humphreys, David, life and writings, 174-81, 339, 340; refer- ences to, 13, 119, 150, 152, 156, 157, 160, 169, 266 Humphreysville, Conn., 179 Hunt, Samuel, 203 Hunter, Mrs. Ann, 95, 97 Hunter, Governor Robert, 236 "Hunting-Call," 44 Hutchinton, Governor, Thomas, 12 Hutton, Laurence, 272, 350 "Hypocrite's Hope, The," 187 I Illustrated Ballad History of the American Revolution, 321 "II Penseroso," 22, 323 "Impeachment and Trial of Francis Hopkinson," 34 Independence Hall, 21, 54 Independent Gazeteer, 47 "Indian Burying- Ground, The," 96 Indian Character, 96, 97, 302 Indian poems by Freneau, 95-97 Initial Studies in American Letters, 296 "Interment of Saul," 195 Irving, Washington, 14, 15, 102, 318 INDEX 369 "Isabelle Sprightly," 117 Isham, Samuel, 264, 270, 271, 350 Issues of the Press of Pennsylvania, 41, 332 J "Jack Dapperwit," 115 Jackson, Paul, 21 Jacobinical leaders and plans, 163, 164, 165, 221 Jane Talbot, 303, 153 Jefferson, Thomas, MS. letters of and to, 34, 35, 36, 44, 78, 305, 3 o6 > 3 2 5> 35 2 ; references to, 13, 34, 43, 44, 65, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 87, 88, 167, 168, 174, 175, 179, 216, 305, 306, 307, 3°9» 3 2 5 Jersey Chronicle, 89, 331 Jersey men in the Revolution, 71 Jessica, 314 "Joel Barlow to His Fellow Citizens," 339 " John Burgoyne's Proclamation," 37 John St. Theater, 247, 251, 274 Johns Hopkins University Studies, 82, 331 Johnson, William, 287 Johnstone, Henry P., 341 Kalorama, 172 Kearny, James, 64 Kettell, Samuel, 187, 321, 335 "King George The Third's Soliloquy," 72 "King George's Speech to Lord North," 72 Kingsley, William I., 112, 338 "Knickerbocker Group," 149 Knickerbocker History of New York, 102, 318 Koopman, Harry Lyman, 328 "Lake Poets, The," 149 Lamb, Martha J., 248, 350 "L' Allegro," 22, 323 37° HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE " L' Amoroso," 314 Latta, James, 21 Law, Jonathan, 172, 173 Lay Preacher, The, 195, 197, 210, 343, 344 Lay Sermons, 195, 197 Le Jugement de Salomon, 260 Leacock, John, 237 Leadbeater, Agnes Freneau, 100 Leatherstocking, 261 Lee, Richard Henry, 13 Lenox Library, vi, 201, 328, 334, 338 Letter to Lord Howe, 37 Letter to the Hon. W. R. Spencer, 224 Letter Written by a Foreigner, 29 Letters by Robert Slender, 91, 329, 330 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, 10, 322 Letters from Silesia, 218 Letters from the Hon. David Humphreys, 340 Letters by Cato to the People of Pennsylvania, 30 Liberty Songs, 1 1 Library Company of Philadelphia, vi, 8, 330 Library of American Biography, A, 285, 307, 311, 353 Library of Congress, 34, 69, 78, 83, 112, 132, 165, 316, 327, 328, 33 2 ? 333> 337> 339 Life and Letters of Joel Barlow, 339 Life of Charles Brockden Brown, 283, 285, 286, 312, 314, 349, 352 Linn, Elizabeth, 311 Linn, John Blair, 218, 311 "Lines on Leaving Philadelphia," 223 List of Books Printed in Connecticut, from IJOQ to 1800, 336, 338 Litchfield, Conn., 166, 185, 187 Literary History of Philadelphia, 326, 332 Literary History of the American Revolution, 15, no, 114, 322, 3 2 7> 333 Livingston, Henry Brockholst, 167 Livingstone, William, 5 London Morning Herald, 76 Longacre, James B., 321, 326, 353 INDEX 371 Longfellow, Henry W., 102 Longworth, David, 93, 98 Lord Leicester, 249, 250, 348 Lossing, Benson J., 28, 335 Lovers' Vows, 348 " Lucy Gray," 221 M Maclean, John, 66, 332, 333 MacMaster, John Bach, 52, 322 Madison, James, Papers of, 65, 68, 90, 99, 332; references to, 78 81, 89, 98 Magaw, Samuel, 21 Magazine of American History, 333, 346 Malone, John, 262, 346 "Mark Twain," 151 Marmion, 75 Marquis de Chastelleux, 127, 136 Marshall, John, 213 Mason, Jeremiah, 203, 207, 344 Massachusetts Historical Society, vi, 78, 112, 177, 183, 207, 211 3 2 8, 344 Matthews, J. Brander, 256 "May to April," 76 May Day; or, New York in an Uproar, 239 Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan, 10 McFingal, or M'Fingal, 127-36, 334, 335 McKay, David, 316, 351 McKee, Thomas J., 239, 247, 347 Meigs, Colonel Return J., 174 Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, 224, 345 Memoirs of George Fred Cooke, 349 Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, 219, 231, 345 Memoirs of Stephen Calvert, 314 Memoirs of the Administration of Washington and John Adams, 142 Memorial History of Hartford County, 135, 136, 182, 336, 339, 342, 343 372 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Menut, A., 90 Mercenary Match, The, 238 "Mercutio," 225 Michaux, Dr. Pierre, 274 Middletown, Conn., 183 Mills, W. Jay, 326, 332 Milton, John, 111, 180 Mirabeau, 159; "Mirabeau," 163 Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings, 28, 30, 31, 36, 41, 42, 49, 52, 54, 55, 56, 324 Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, 176, 179, 180, 339 Miscellaneous Works of Philip Freneau, 91, 92, 329 "Miserable Life of a Pedagogue, The," 68, 69 Mitchell, Donald G., 136, 322 Modern Chivalry, 282 Modern Learning Exemplified by, etc., 54, 325 Modest Soldier, or Love in New York, 247 "Moggy Lawder," 40 Molina's History of Chili, 183, 342 Monmouth, N. J., 64, 65, 73, 81, 87, 88, 89, 92, 100 Mont Pleasant, 64 Moore, Bishop Channing, 271 Moore, Frank, 11, 321, 322 Moore, Thomas, references to, 57, 222, 223, 224, 225; writings of, 224, 344, 345 Morewood, Mr., 207 Morris, George P., 271, 272 Morris, Gouverneur, 50, 218 Morris, Lewis R., 211, 212 Morris, Robert, 49, 164 Morton, Sarah Wentworth, 280 Mount Vernon, 175, 176; ode, 176 "My Generous Heart Disdains," 44 N Narrative of a Journey down the Ohio, 77, 333 Nassau Hall, 65, 149 National Academy of Design, 270, 271 INDEX 373 National Gazette, 45, 81, 82, 83, 85, 90, 94, 214, 331 New and Original Lay Sermons, 227, 344 New England Galaxy, 198, 346 New England Magazine, 350 New England Primer, 109 New Haven Gazette, 151, 153, 154, 337 New Jersey Gazette, 39 New Roof, The, 47, 48, 49, 50, 324 "New Travels of M. Abbe Robin," 90 New York City, 63, 64, 77, 78, 79, 80, 90, 94, 100, 101, 129, 143, 222, 226, 238, 239, 244, 248, 250, 287, 291, 308, 315 New York Daily Advertiser, 77 New York Daily Gazette, 246 New York Historical Society, vi, 26, 128, 165, 182, 245, 252, 268, 272, 328 New York Journal, 90 New York Mercury, 22, 326 New York Mirror, 332 New York Spectator, 71, 332 Nicholson, John, 164 Niles, Nathaniel, 12 Norfolk, 266, 268, 269, 308 North American Review, 296, 353 North, Lord, 12, 23, 26, 29 Oakwood Press, The, 41 Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 326, 332, 345, 353 "Ode to Fancy," 99 "Ode to Liberty," 98 "Ode to Sleep," 118, 119 " Of Precipitation," 196 Ogden, Aaron, 65 Old New York, 274, 350 "Oliver Oldschool," 215, 344 " On a Patient Killed by a Cancer Quack," 187 " On Annual White-Washings," 56, 325 "On the Pleasures of Study," 229 374 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE "On the Sleep of Plants," 83 " One of the People," 38 Origin of McFingal, 69, 128, 129, 136, 336 Ormond, or, the Secret Witness, 297, 351 Orwell, Vermont, 270 Ossian, 132, 183 Otis, James, 10, 127 "Our Saviour and Mary Magdalene," painting, 271 Oxford Movement, 149 Paine, Thomas, 129 Paltsits, Victor Hugo, 61, 69, 77, 129, 327, 328, 331 Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, 323 Park, Dr. E. A., no Park Theater, 251, 258 Parsons, Theophilus, 220, 221 "Pasquin Petronius," 162, 337 Pattee, Fred L., 61, 64, 88, 330 Patterson, William, 48 Paulding, J. K., 318 Penelopen, 65 Pennsylvania Gazette, 53 Pennsylvania Ledger, 39 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 27, 28, 55, 3*5> 3 26 > 353 Pennsylvania Magazine or American Monthly Museum, 324 Pennsylvania Packet, 38, 41, 48, 76, 97, 324, 325, 329 Pennsylvania State Trials, 34, 326 Pequot Library, 170, 173, 339 Perth Amboy, 242, 243, 267, 292, 350 "Peter Grievous," 28, 324 " Peter Parley," 143, 144 "Peter Pindar of America," 94 " Peter Porcupine," 164 "Peter Quince," 203 Peters, Richard, 20 Philadelphia, City of, 8, 22, 24, 27, 35, 36, 52, 53, 56, 57, 76, 78, INDEX 375 79, 81, 83, 84, 88, 94, 98, 129, 194, 205, 212, 214, 215, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 266, 271, 284, 291, 292, 298, 309, 315, 316, 317, 326, 332, 345, 353 Philadelphia Jockey Club, 164, 165 Philadelphia Souvenir, The, 194, 198, 228, 345 " Philadelphiensis," 47 Philip Freneau, The Huguenot Poet-Patriot, 332 Philip Freneau, The Poet 0} the Revolution, 73, 87, 88, 331 Pickering, Timothy, 78, 177, 211, 212, 213; Papers, 78, 79, 211, 2I 3> 332. 344 " Pilot of Hatteras, The," 83, 94 Pintard, John, 77, 78 Piscatawa, 244 Poe, Edgar Allen, 72, 318 "Poem Addressed to the Armies," 176, 177 "Poetical Address to Franklin," 286 "Political Activities of Philip Freneau, The," 82, 84, 331 "Political Greenhouse, The," 166, 337 Ponteach, 236 "Poor Richard," 6 Pope, Alexander, 19, 103, 114, 153, 199 "Porcupine Press," 162 Porter, General P. B., 271 Potter, Dr. Jared, 185 Post, Dr. Wright, 274 "Powers of Genius," 311 Pre-Raphaelites, 149 Prescott, William H., Sketch of Brown, 285, 307, 311, 353 Prime, Dr. Benjamin, 5, 9 Princess Anne Academy, 68 Progress 0} Dulness, 54, 115, 119, 120-24, ^^^ Proposals Relating to the Education, etc., 7, 322 Proud, Robert, 285 Provincial Council of New Jersey, 27 Putnam, General Israel, 174, 175, 340 Q Quincy, Edmund, 217, 345 Quincy, Josiah, 217, 218, 266, 345 376 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE R Radcliffe, Ann, 282 Raritan River, 244 Raynal, Abbe, 159, 160 Reciprocal Advantages 0} a Perpetual Union, 23 Recollections of a Lifetime, 144, 145, 151, 162 Reeve, Judge Tappan, 151 Repository of the Lives, etc., 51 Ribbemont, or the Feudal Baron, 260, 347 "Richard and Kenneth," painting, 271 Riggs, Luther G., 151, 337 Rights of the Colonies, 9 Riley, Isaac, 162, 337 Rinaldo Rinaldini, 260, 261, 348 Rip Van Winkle, 318 "Rise and Progress of the Differences," 10 Rivington, James, 37, 73 "Robert Slender," 91, 92 Robertson, William, 159, 160 Rogers, Major Robert, 236 Rolliad, The, 153 Root, Mary P., 341 Rowson, Susanna, 281 Royal West India Company, 63 Runic Poetry, 183, 342 Salmagundi Papers, 102, 318 Sanderson, John, 326 Santa Cruz, 71 Sarah Riggs Humphreys Chapter, 174 Sargent, John, M.P., 23 Sargent, Margaret, 242 Scandella, Dr. Joseph, 291 "Scene from Cooper's 'The Spy,'" painting, 271, 272 Scharf and Westcott's History of Philadelphia, 345, 353 "Science," a poem, 22, 324 Scott, John Morin, 63 INDEX 377 Scott, Sir Walter, 75 Seilhamer, George O,. 263, 264, 350 Seven Songs for the Harpsichord and Forte Piano, 42, 43, 44, 324 Seymour, Past and Present, 174, 179, 341 Sharpe, William C, 341 Shay's Rebellion, 153, 155, 176 Shelley, Percy B., 297 Shelty's Travels, 249 Shinn, Mrs. Florence Scovel, 24, 38, 325 "Shop of Colon and Spondee," 201, 203, 218 Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia Huntley, 140, 141 "Simon Spunkey," 202 Simpson, Henry, 287 "Six Hours Lodging with Death," 72 Sketch Book, The, 102 Sketch of [Joseph] Dennie, 198, 345 Sketches of a History of the Carrils and Ormes, 314 Smith, Dr. Elihu, 161, 166, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 321 Smith, Rev. William, 22, 30, 55 Smith, Zephaniah, 151 Society of the Cincinnati, 157 Some Account of the Capture of the Ship Aurora, 73, 330 Songs and Ballads of the Revolution, 11, 322 Sonneck, O. G., 26, 327 Southern Literary Messenger, 66 Southey, Robert, 180 Southmayd, William, 109 Southport, Conn., 170, 339 Sparks, Jared, 285 Specimens of American Poetry, 184, 187, 201, 321, 335 "Star-Spangled Banner, The," 16 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 62, 321 Sterne, Lawrence, 229 Stone, William L., 350 Story, Isaac, 203 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 151 Swanwick, John, 53 Swift, Jonathan, 19, 199, 229 378 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE T "T. L.," 84, 85 Tayloe, John, 172 Taylor, George, Jr., 78 Tennent, Rev. William, 65 Thacher, James, 39, 185, 327, 343 "Thanatopsis," 102 The Adulateur, 237 The Author, 66, 67 The Africans, 260, 348 The Alger ine Captive, 239, 281 "The Almanack-Maker," 76 "The American Hero," 12 The American Mercury, 337 The American Nation, 323 The American Register, 313, 352 The American Review and Literary Journal, 296, 352 The American Village, 69, 327 The Anarchiad, 151-60, 176, 188, 337 The Archers, 251, 252, 253, 347 The Battle of Brooklyn, 237 The Battle of Bunker's Hill, 12, 237 The Battle of New Orleans, 260 The Blind Boy, 260, 348 The Blockheads, 236 The Blockheads, or Fortunate Contractor, 238 "The British Prison-Ship," 73, 74, 328 "The British Spy," 220 "The Brook of the Valley," 101, 102 "The Canal," 171, 339 The Character of Thomas Jefferson as Exhibited, etc., 332, 342 "The Charms of Fancy," 169, 342 "The Columbiad," 169, 170, 339 The Columbian Magazine, 57, 287, 323, 326, 351 The Columbian Songster, 95 The Contrast, 96, 201, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 246 "The Correspondent," 117 "The Country Printer," 83 INDEX 379 "The Death-Song of a Cherokee Indian," 95, 331 " The Decadents," 149 The Democratiad, 164, 165, 337, 343 "The Deserted Farm-House," 76 "The Destruction of Babylon," 125 The Dunciad, 153 "The Dying Elm," 72 The Echo, 161-68, 182, 301, 337 "The Enchanted Lake," etc., 342 "The Farrago," 200, 201 The Fatal Deception, 249 The Father of an Only Child, 347 The Father; or, American Shandyism, 235, 247, 259, 346, 347 "The Genius of America," 137 The Georgia Spec, 239 The Ghost, 134 The Glory of Columbia, 258, 260, 348 The Gold Bug, 318 The Group, 12, 237 The Guillotina, 165, 167, 343 "The Hall of Fantasy," 318 "The Hermit," 76, 202 "The Historic Muse," painting, 270, 272 "The House of Night," 72 "The Hypocrite's Hope," 187 "The Indian Burying-Ground," 96 "The Indian Student," 76, 96 The Inquisitor, 281 The Italian Father, 348 "The Jug of Rum," 8 5 "The Last Will and Testament," etc., 74 "The Last Words," etc., 328 The Lay Preacher, 195, 210, 343, 344 The Literary History of the American Revolution, see Literary History The Literary Magazine and American Register, 179, 308, 310, 352 "The Man at Home," 292, 351 "The Meddler," 115, 116, 202 380 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The Memorial History 0} the City of New York, 332, 350, 353 "The Midnight Consultations," 69, 70 "The Miserable Life of a Pedagogue," 68, 69 "The Monk," 282 "The Monkey Fable," 180 The Monmouth Inquirer, 331 The Monthly Magazine and American Review, 308, 352 The Motley Assembly, 237 The Mysteries of Udolpho, 282 The National Portrait Gallery, 321, 326, 353 The New Roof, 47, 48, 49, 50, 324 "The Old Farm and the New Farm," 28, 324 "The Owl and the Sparrow," 126 "The Parting Glass," 101 The Pioneers, 301 The Poets of Connecticut, 186, 335, 342 The Political Writings of Joel Barlow, 339 The Portfolio, 205, 209, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 310, 344 "The Power of Sympathy," 280, 282 The Prince of Parthia, 236 The Prophecy, 74 "The Prospect of Peace," 338 "TheRhapsodist," 287 "The Rights of Man," 95 "The Rights of Women," 292, 351 The Rising Glory of America, 65 The Ruins of Innocence, 282 "The Schemer," 115, 116 The Soldier of Seventy-Six, 260 The Spectator, 158 The Spirit of the Farmer's Museum, 202, 344 The Suspected Daughter, 236 The Tablet, 200, 201, 202, 214, 344 "The Triumph of Democracy," 167, 341 "The Veil Removed," 341 "The Vision of Columbus," 170, 338 "The Vision of Night," 72 INDEX 381 The Voice of Nature, 259, 260 The Washington-Duche Letters, 21, 327 The Weekly Magazine, 292, 293, 308, 351 The Widow of Malabar, 339 "The Wild Honeysuckle," 76 The Yankey in England, 179, 341 The Yankey in London, 239 Thirty Years Ago, 349 Thomas, Alexander, 207 Thomas, Isaiah, 200, 204, 280 Thoreau, Henry David, 149 Three Men of Letters, 170, 339 Time-Piece and Literary Companion, 90, 331 "Timothy Tickler," 164 Tisdale, Elkanah, 162 "To a Catydid," 103 "To an Insect," 103 "To a Waterfowl," 184 "To a Young Lady Who Requested," etc., 126 "To Julia," 222 "To the Americans of the United States," 88 "To the Memory of the Brave Americans," etc., 74 "To the Freemen of Connecticut," 183, 342 Todd, Charles Burr, 170, 339 "Tom Brainless," 120, 121, 124, 334 Town and City of Waterbury, Conn., 108, 336, 343 Tracey, Uriah, 151 " Transcendentalists, The," 149 Translation of the Psalms of David, 26 Trent, W. P., 298, 322 Trumble, John, 107, 108, 109, no, in Trumbull, Benoni, 107 Trumbull, James Hammond, 69, 128, 129, 135, 136, 182, 336 Trumbull, John, artist, 107, 145, 264, 272 Trumbull, John, writer, 9, 12, 13, 14, 54, 70, 107-45, 150, 152, 158, 161, 166, 168, 181, 182, 203; boyhood and college days, 109-15; as essayist, 115-17; Progress of Dulness, 119-24; M'Fingal, 127-36; judge, 136; last years and tributes, 138-43; bibliography, 333-36 382 HERALDS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Trumbull, Governor Jonathan, 107, 130, 138, 157 Tuesday Club, 217 Twitchell, Rev. Joseph, 151 "Two is Better than One," 228 Tyler, Moses Coit, 15, no, 119, 170, 322, 339 Tyler, Royall, 96, 198, 201, 202, 238, 239, 240, 241, 246, 281, 282 Tyler, Thomas P., 239 U " Ulalume," 72 United States Magazine, 72, 331 Valedictory Address before the Cincinnati, 340 Vaughan, Henry, 44 Vaux, George, 315 Verplanck, G. C, 272 "Verses to a Shearwater," 184, 342 Victoria, 281 Victorian Novelists, 149 Vilas, Martin S., 316, 353 Volney, C. F., 352 Vose, Royal, 203 Vreeland, Helen Kearny, 73, 331 W Walpole, N. H, 200, 201, 208, 228 "Walpole as It Was and as It Is," 203, 204, 345 War of 1812, 9, 13, 98, 181, 260 Warner, Charles Dudley, 151 Warren, Caroline, 282 Warren, Mercy, 12, 237 Washington and the Theatre, 248, 350 Washington, George, references to, 13, 21, ^, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 81, 87, 103, 156, 160, 165, 174, 182, 185, 240, 245, 248, 249, 258, 286, 323, 341 "Washington's March," 258 Waterbury, Conn., 107, 138, 185 Watkinson Library, 112, 132, 333, 334 INDEX 3 8 3 Watts, Isaac, 109 Webster, Noah, 139 Wegelin, Oscar, 235, 248, 259, 262, 346 West, Benjamin, 26, 245, 246, 264, 283 West, Samuel, 194 Westbury, Conn., 107, 108 Whitehead, William A., 243, 350 Whitehill, Robert, 48 Whittier, John G., 102 Wieland, or the Transformation, 283, 294-97, 305, 351 Wigglesworth, Michael, 5 Wignell, Thomas, 238, 239, 240, 248, 249 Wilkinson, William, 287 Williams, William, 157, 158, 245 Williamson, Hugh, 21 Wilson, James, 48 Wilson, James Grant, 332, 350, 353 Wilson, Woodrow, 323 "Wimble War," 158 "With Jemmy on the Sea," 44, 95, Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., 142, 143, 174, 187, 203, 336, 339 Woodbridge, Dudley Bradstreet, 139, 140 Woodbridge, Mrs. William, 140, 143 Woolman, John, 5 Woolsey, Elizabeth, 246 Wordsworth, William, 221, 222 "Wrongheads," 157 X "X. Y. Z.," 316, 317, 353 Y "Yale and Her Honor Roll in the American Revolution," 341 Yale College and University, no, in, 112, 117, 118, 119, 124, 150, 181, 185 Yankee Chronology, 260, 348 "Yankee Doodle," 15 314-77-9 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: ^gy -jggj PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP.