^ ?9?9 fie University of the State of New York The State Department of Education Visual Instruction Division List 14 ^ (Second edition) SLIDES AND PHOTOGRAPHS SHAKSPERE, HIS LIFE AND WORKS So much has been written about Shakspere that it would be superfluous to pubhsh in this Hst notes of inforrn.ation about him or his writings. While specific descriptions of the pictures listed would be convenient for the use of borrowers, they might be depended upon too m.uch. The pictures are to be regarded only as a means to an end. They should lead to considerable reading and discussion and not replace these essential steps in the study of the man and his works. A very limited bibliography is given for the guidance of those who are beginning to select or use publications on Shakspere. Some of these books are probably already a part of m.ost school and public libraries. If not, the list will be suggestive to those about to make additions. The celebration this year of the three hundredth anniversary of his death is bringing Shakspere very largely into the thought of the public. The schools should take full advantage of this general inter- est and give a relatively large am.ount of attention not only to the plays that are included in the course of study but to current estimates of Shakspere's writings and their influence and to the m.any pictorial illustrations that are being brought together. If this is done, the effects of the general observation of the Shakspere tercentennial should be felt in schools and reading circles for som.e years to come. Less incidents are known of the life of Shakspere than of many other writers, but such facts as have been ascertained serve to show the force of his character and the large part he plaj^ed in the life of his times. While " the play's the thing," Shakspere is so intimately associated with Stratford-on-Avon and London that the student of literature and the Elizabethan age of English history m.ay well acquire some definite knowledge of Shakspere mem_orials and the period in which he lived. This collection of slides and photographs was first announced about four years ago. Very general use has been m.ade of it by schools and other borrowers. In issuing this second edition of this list, a few additional illustrations are included. As opportunity is offered, other contributions to this study will be procured. A. W. Abrams Chief, Visual Instruction Division Albany, N. Y., February 2j, igi6 V4 2r-Fi6-iooo (7-14787) A Bibliography \ Books Brandes, George. William Shakespeare, a Critical Study. William Heinemann. 1907. Brooke, Stopford A. On Ten Plays of Shakespeare. Henry Holt and Company. 1905 Ten More Plays of Shakespeare. Henry Holt and Company. 1913 Dowden, Edward. Shakspere; a Critical Study of His Mind and Art. Harper & Brothers. [190-] Hudson, H. N. Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters. 2 v. Ginn & Company. 1895 Lee, Sidney. A Life of William Shakespeare. The Macmillan Company. 19 16 Stratf ord-on-Avon ; from the Earliest Times to the Death of Shakes- peare. Seeley & Co. 1907 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. William Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist, and Man. The Macmillan Company. 1907 Masson, David. Shakespeare Personally. E. P. Dutton and Company. 19 14 Neilson, William Allan & Thorndike, Ashley Horace. The Facts about Shakes- peare. The Macmillan Company. 19 13 Raleigh, Walter. Shakespeare. The Macmillan Company. 191 1. (English Men of Letters) Rolfe, William J. A Life of Shakespeare. D. Estes & Company. [1904] Shakespeare the Boy. Harper & Brothers. 1896 Ward, H. Snowden & Catherine Weed. Shakespeare's Town and Times. J. B. Lippincott Company. 1909 Winter, William. Shakespeare's England. Moffat, Yard and Company. 1910 Shakespeare on the Stage. Moffat, Yard and Company. 191 1 Shakespeare on the Stage. 2d Series. Moffat, Yard and Company. 1915 LIST OF SLIDES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Portraits Call no. LSh BC. . .Portrait of Shakspere (1564-1616). From old engraving. Museum, Lichfield, Eng. (19 10) LSh BD. . .Portrait of Shakspere by Martin Droeshout, Title-page of 1623 Edition of Shakspere. New York Public Library, New York. (1912) Ae SrF7 . . . Bust of Shakspere, Executed by Gerard Johnson. North wall of chancel, Holy Trinity Church, Stratf ord-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Erected probably within a few years after Shakspere's death In Stratford-on-Avon and Neighborhood Ae Sr2 Plan of Stratford-on-Avon. From Baedeker's Great Britain, 1910. (1912) Ae SrA. . . .Panorama Southwest from Shakspere Memorial Building: Part of Town, Southern Lane, River Avon and Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Do of Do MAYf 23 1916 Call no. Ae SrS2 .... Shakspere's Birthplace, Street Front and End. Henley St., Stratford- on-Avon, Eng. (1910) • Ae SrS3 Shakspere's Birthplace, Garden Front. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) In this garden many of the trees and flowers mentioned in Shaks- pere's plays are grown. Ae SrS4 Room in Which Shakspere Was Born. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. Ae SrS5....A Corner of the Shakspere Museum: Desk and Other Objects. . Shakspere's Birthplace, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. Ae SrG3 . . . Guild Chapel (building with tower). Guild Hall and Grammar School (adjoining the chapel). Church Street. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Grammar School is in upper story of Guild Hall. Ae SrG4 . . . Guild Chapel and Church Street from Chapel Street. Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (1910) Ae SrG5 . . .Guild Hall and Guild Chapel from Court. Stratford-on Avon, Eng. (1910) Ae SrZ4. . .Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Garden from the Road. Shottery, near Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Ae SrZ2 . . . Charlecote Mansion, River Avon in Foreground. Near Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (19 10) LSh BI3 ... Shakspere before Sir Thomas Lucy. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Drawing: date, 1884 LSh BI4 . . . Shakspere before Sir Thomas Lucy. From water-color drawing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (1910) According to tradition, Shakspere was brought before Sir Thomas Lucy at Charlecote m.ansion for poaching on his estate. The poaching episode is supposed to have occurred when Shakspere was a young man and to have been the cause of his leaving Stratford. The picture, LSh BI3, was doubtless intended to portray an early escapade of the boy. Observe that in the first picture Shakspere is represented as having killed a rabbit; in the second, a deer. Deer poaching was a man's offense and more serious than that of snaring a hare or a rabbit. LSh BI7 . . . Shakspere Leaving Home — the Farewell. From water-color draw- ing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Strat- ford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) In London LSh BJ. . . .Ben Jonson Visits Shakspere in London. From water-color drawing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford- on-Avon, Eng. (1910) LSh BL Shakspere Acting before Queen Elizabeth. From water-color draw- ing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Strat- ford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) LSh BL4 . . The Globe Theater at Southwark. From drawing in Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse's English Literature, an Illustrated Record, v. 2 , The Macmillan Company, publishers Return to Stratford-on-Avon Call no. LSh BM. . .Shakspere's Return to Stratford-on-Avon, From water-color draw- ing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Strat- ford-on-Avon, Eng, (19 lo) LSh BN. . .New Place, Guild Chapel, Guild Hall and a Corner of the Falcon Inn. After engraving in Wheler's History of Stratford-on-Avon, 1806. (1912) LSh BNi . . Shakspere with His Friends at New Place. From water-color drawing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford- on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) LSh BX . . . Shakspere's Last Hours at New Place. From water-color drawing by Charles Cattermole. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (1910) LSh BX4 , . Shakspere's Signature from His Will. From Richard Gamett and Edmund Gosse's English Literature, an Illustrated Record, v. 2. The Macmillan Company, publishers Memorials Ae SrF3 . . . Holy Trinity Church : Nave, North Transept and Spire from Church- yard. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Ae SrFs . . . Interior of Holy Trinity Church, Nave toward the East. Stratford- on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Size of nave: 103 feet long, 20 feet wide, 50 feet high Ae SrF6 . . . Chancel of Holy Trinity Church, toward the East: American Window (in north wall, above relief of kneeling figure), Shakspere's Bust (in north wall) and Grave (marked by long slala in floor). Strat- ford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) The American window in the chancel represents the Seven Ages of Man and was erected with the contributions of twelve years of American visitors. In 1896 another memorial window was placed in the south transept by Am.ericans. Ae SrF8 . . . Tombs of Shakspere and His Wife, Inscriptions. Chancel, Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Ae SrM2. . .Shakspere Memorial Building from Clopton Bridge, River Avon in Foreground. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Ae SrM3. . .Shakspere Memorial Building from South; Shakspere Monument by Lord Ronald Gower. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Building erected 1879; monument, 1888 Ae SrE4. . .Prince Hal (representing History), South Side of Shakspere Monu- ment. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Ae SrE5. . .Falstaff (representing Comedy), West Side of Shakspere Monument . Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) Ae SrE2 . . . Fountain and Clock Tower, Rother Square. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (1910) Gift of George W. Childs of Philadelphia in 1887; height of tower, 50 feet Supplementary Views of Stratford-on-Avon Ae SrF4 South Side of Choir from Churchj^ard; Priest's Door. Holy Trinity Church. (1910) Ae SrF43 North Porch Door, Old Knocker. Holy Trinity Church. (1910) Ae SrH Harvard House, a Half-timbered Elizabethan House. High st. (1910) Built 1596; restored under the direction of Marie Corelli. Ae SrH8 Home of Marie Corelli. High st. (1912) Call no. Ae SrR Red Horse Hotel Where Washington Irving Wrote His Paper, Stratford-on-Avon. Bridge st. (1910) Ae SrS8 Shakspere Hotel Including House of Five Gables. Chapel st. (1910) Ae SrSg Shakspere Hotel, Court of the Old Inn. (1910) Ae SrT The" Tudor House," an Old Half-timbered House. Corner High and Ely sts. (191 1) Shakspere's Contemporaries HeL BF . . . Portrait of Elizabeth, Queen of England. From painting attributed to Federigo Zuccaro. National Portrait Gallery, London. (191 1) Half-length, facing the spectator. Size: 32^ x 25! HeL YbC .. Portrait of Francis Bacon. From painting by Paul Van Somer. National Portrait Gallery, London. (191 1) Full-length standing figure, face three-quarters to the right, in black hat and gold embroidered gown. Size: 77I x 50 LJo BD . . . Portrait of Ben Jonson. From engraving by J. Houbraken. Museum, Lichfield, Eng. (19 10) Date, 1738 HeL YrF. .Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh at the Age of 34. From painting attributed to Federigo Zuccaro. National Portrait Gallery, London. (1910) Half-length standing figure. Size: 35I x 28f Shakspere's Plays A s You Like It LSh 05....^ Touchstone and Audrey, Jaques at a Distance, Observing Them. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (191 2) Act 3, scene 3 LSh C6. . . . A Forest Scene: Lords and Foresters Bearing a Deer. From paint- ing by F. W. Davis. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (1910) Act 4, scene 2 LSh C63. . .Rosalind, Celia and Silvius: Rosalind Reading Letter from Phebe. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 4, scene 3 LSh C8. . . .The Duke, Jaques, Touchstone and Audrey: Touchstone Naming the " Degrees of the Lie." After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 5, scene 4 Hamlet Aen EK . . . Castle Kronborg. Elsinore, Denmark Copyright, 1902, H. C. White Co. Castle Kronborg, built in 1577-85, is the scene of most of this play. The castle is now used as barracks. LSh D3 . . . . Hamlet and His Father's Ghost. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act I, scene 5 LSh D8 The Churchyard: Hamlet with Yorick's Skull; Horatio and the Grave-digger. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act 5, scene i Julius Caesar HI JE Bust of Julius Caesar, Side View. British Museum, London. (1911) HI JT Triumph of Caesar, Part One: a Small Part of the Spoils; Captives, Including Egyptian Princess and Vercingetorix; Crowds of People. From Lohmeyer's series of plates, Wandbilder fur den geschicht- lichen Unterricht. (191 1) 1 This and the other illustrations by Darley herein listed were made from prints owned by the Central High School, Syracuse. Call no. HI JTi . . . . Triumph of Caesar, Part Two : Lictors with Fasces ; Caesar in Chariot. From Lohmeyer's series of plates, Wandhilder fur den geschicht- lichen Unterricht (191 1) King Henry IV, Part i LSh E3. . . .Room in Boar's Head Tavern: Bardolph and Falstaff. After draw- ing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 3. scene 3 LSh E32. . .Room in Boar's Head Tavern, Enter Prince Henry with Attendant, Playing on His Truncheon like a Fife. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 3. scene 3 According to the Globe edition, FalstafT playing on his truncheon as on a fife meets the others. This illustration follows Knight's edition which says that the prince enters playing on his truncheon. King Henry V LSh G3 .... Scene on the Field : King Henry, Gloucester and Soldiers, Enter Montjoy. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 3, scene 6 King Henry VI, Part i LSh H2 .... Near Orleans, Trial Fight between Charles and Joan La Pucelle (Joan of Arc). After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act I, scene 2 Picture represents Charles overcome, " Stay, stay thy hand!" HfF JS. . . .Helmet of Joan of Arc. Metropohtan Museum of Art, New York. (1908) King Henry VI, Part j LSh His. . .Murder of Henry VI by Gloucester. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act 5, scene 6 King Henry VIII HeK HC2.. Portrait of Henry VIII, King of England. From painting by Hans Holbein (?I497-I543). Berkeley Castle, Eng. (1910) Head, full face HeK HC3.. Portrait of Henry VIII, King of England. From painting by Hans Holbein (?I497-I543). Warwick Castle, Eng. (1910) Half-length, full face LSh I3 .... Masquerade Ball: Henry VIII, the Chamberlain, Anne Bullen (Boleyn) and Others after Unmasking; Cardinal Wolsey in Seat of State. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act I, scene 4 LSh 18 ... . Archbishop Cranmer KneeHng before Henry VIII. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 5. scene i King Lear LSh Ki5...King Lear. From painting by Edwin A. Abbey. Metropohtan Museum of Art, New York. (1916) Act I, scene i LSh K3 Storm on the Heath, Lear and the Fool. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 3, scene 2 Ae DpZ....Shakspere Cliff, Southwest from the Old Folkestone Road. Near Dover, Eng. (1910) Act 4, scene 6 Call no. King Richard III Hel RC . . . Portrait of Richard III, King of England. From painting. National Portrait Gallery, London. (191 1) Painting; size, 25 by 18; to the waist; face three-quarters to the right Ae LT6 White Tower. London. (191 1) Macbeth LSh M3 . . . Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. After drawing by P. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 2, scene 2 See also Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth, LSh YtM, p. 8 Measure for Measure LSh Ma5 . . Isabella and the Duke Disguised as a Friar. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 4, scene 3 LSh Ma8 . . Return of the Duke, Isabella Pleading for Justice, From painting by F. W. Davis. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford-on- Avon, Eng. (19 10) Act 5, scene i , Merchant of Venice LSh N2 Shylock and Bassanio. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act I, scene 3 LSh N22 . . .Shylock, Bassanio and Antonio. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act I, scene. 3 LSh N3 Launcelot Gobbo Asking of His Father a Blessing. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act 2, scene 2 LSh N4 Shylock, Jessica and Launcelot before Shylock's House; Rialto Bridge in Distance. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 2, scene 5 LSh N5 Choosing the Caskets. After painting by F. Barth. (1912) Act 3, scene 2 By permission of the Berlin Photographic Company See also Irving as Shylock, LSh YiN, and Ellen Terry as Portia, LSh YtN and LSh YtN2, p. 8 Merry Wives of Windsor LSh Ne4. . , A Room in Page's House: Anne and Slender, Master Shallow Leav- ing the Room. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act 3, scene 4 Midsummer Night's Dream LSh Ni3. , .Titania Reposing, From painting by George Romney. Shakspere Memorial Museum, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. (19 10) LSh Ni5. . .Titania, Bottom and Fairies, Oberon at a Distance. After drawing by F, O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 4, scene i Much Ado About Nothing LSh Nu4 . . Dogberry, Verges and Three Watchmen. After drawing by F. O, C. Darley. (19 12) Act 3i scene 3 ^ XDlxni-^ 014 114 891 6 Call no. LSh Nu8 . .Beatrice and Benedick in the Garden. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (19 12) Act 5, scene 2 Othello LSh Oi 5. . .Othello Narrating His Adventures to Desdemona and Brabantio. After painting by Carl Becker. (1912) By permission of the Berlin Photographic Company LSh O4.. LSh R2.. LSh R3.. LSh R5.. LSh R6.. LSh Tea. LSh YaE, . Othello and Desdemona, the Handkerchief Scene. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 3, scene 4 Romeo and Juliet . Romeo and Juliet at the Friar's. After painting by Carl Becker. (1912) By permission of the Berlin Photographic Company Act 2, scene 6 . The Street Fight. Act 3, scene i After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. . Romeo and Juliet in the Balcony (1912) Act 3. scene s .Juliet and Friar Laurence. After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Act 4, sceno i Trinculo and Caliban Act 2, scene 2 The Tempest . After drawing by F. O. C. Darley. (1912) Bust of Mary Anderson (1859 Stratford-on-Avon. (1910) Actors of Shakspere ). Shakspere Memorial Museum, LSh YbC . . Edwin Booth (1833-93), Head and Shoulders. From negative (1887) from life by F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia. (1912) LSh YiD.. .Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), Profile View. From photograph by Sarony in collection of Mr F. H. Meserve, New York. (1916) LSh YiN . . Sir Henry Irving as Shylock. From photograph by Walker, London, in collection of Mr F. H. Meserve, New York. (191 6) Merchant of Venice, Act 4, scene i LSh YtM.. Ellen Terry (1848- ) as Lady Macbeth. From photograph by Window and Grove, London, in collection of Mr F. H. Meserve, New York. (1916) Macbeth, Act i, scene 5 LSh YtN . . Ellen Terry as Portia. From photograph by Window and Grove, London, in collection of Mr F. H. Meserve, New York. (19 16) Merchant of Venice, Act 4, scene i LSh YtN2 . Portia. From painting by Sir J. E. Millais (1829-76). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (19 13) This painting represents Ellen Terry as Portia in a brilliant red robe. *' Ellen Terry was the first to dress Portia, for the trial scene, in a beautiful, flowing scarlet robe — incorrect according to authority on the costume of a Paduan doctor of laws of the period of the play, but delightfully effective." — Winter LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014114891 6 Hollinficer Corp.