« SOO^ySt $jgj$m%& Tv&Xj^l <#? wl ra 0' PS m ?s$i«ispH8^8 A Cheerful Year Book . A Cheerful Year Book FOR THE RECORDING OF Engagements and Other Serious Matters ACCOMPANIED BY Philosophic and Moral Aphorisms for the Instruction of Youth, the Inspiration of Maturity and the Solace of Age BY F. M. KNOWLES The same being Illustrated with Tasteful and Illuminating Pictures BY C. F. LESTER And the whole Introduced and Concluded with Profound and Edifying Remarks BY CAROLYN WELLS NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1906 %\ LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received OC1 13 ! 906 ^ Copyright Entry , v u , -«K V. J (fie ^vfss> bm'fcka • • ^ retjoluiiorv 16 ^«-»* he ^k© mbket> Qr\e 9 ^ ffeet ( New "Scar's IW ) January 1-5, 1907 Tues. 1.. New Year's day. WED. 2- Thur. 3. Fri. 4.. Sat. 5- N waller a. BPIllk x s January 6-12, 1907 Sun. 6. Mon. 7. Tues. 8. Wed. 9. Thur. 10 Fri. 11. Sat. 12. ft /.I t rvo pl-gvce like hsuve; January 13-19, 1907 Sun. 13 Mon. 14. Tues. 15. Wed. 16- Thur. 17. Fri. 18- Sat. 19. I if Ke dpesrtt, he's January 20-26, 1907 Sun. 20... Mon. 21. TUES. 22. Wed. 23. Thur. 24. Fri. 25 Sat. 26. c\ V 3 q ( 1/ «&& ^sfj/T\ February f^ertfy-fwo c >^ /*""\. «-* Ovrr George Atf^ko^n^Kof^mcu* grew. He dxoppecl^tree^^rvdccfvilclrsotlie; He aawer^d "B$ir,if w^s> I ! " He fold ^WK.fopofri of feci , Hi$£3siher csugW HttvirvlKe -est . O ^ ^ ^> The devil irver^ed lies , rwar\ perfected the irveNlorv; drss^ TKe twines , January 27-February 2, 1907 Sun. 27, Mon. 28. Tues. 29.. Wed. 30- Thur. 31. Fri. 1. Sat. 2. The c©n\plin\er\l ^Y! .* sr is to ire-^j if < ^s> r©o evident for comment ;■ b\iT ihe/ doft Ike _ * tet kind of comdmenf; February 3—9, 1907 Sun. 3 Mon. 4. Tues. 5 Wed. Thur. 7. Fri. 8. Sat. 9 ( t)t?s^ien&^Dy /"<• muck skill to wile &.. love-lelfer, but February 10-16, 1907 Sun. io- Mon. II, TUES. 12. Lincoln's birthday Wed. 13 Thur. 14.. St. Valentine's day Fri. 15. Sat. 16- ( ^iaKii^tor^ BirtkW ) It to belter to tel! he WK Jw\to lie > Sun. 17 Mon. 18. Tues. 19. Wed. 20. Thur. 21- Fri. 22. Sat. 23 February 17-23, 1907 Washington's birthday. kMCW L dy\ t^rcK S>t Pdrick perished ; -Ir\ /MbrcK poor Qz&s&r fell -, K^ithe monfr\ the pescKcrop f£fe> ; / liefs Kope yojre feeltng "57e!L // f -&/er£>ge wk&i\5 ideal n\on b he for ^tm she x^uld be ftve idebl February 24-MARCH 2, 1907 Sun. 24.. Mon. 25. Tues. 26. Wed. 27.. Thur. 28.. Fri. 1. Sat. 2- T^th fe> ofiei\ tc b©aaf of fb>e tre^^Ko fc> t©o foxy to JTwesltg^e J March 3-9, 1907 Sun. 3. Mon. 4. Tues. 5 Wed. 6. Thur. 7 Fri. 8.. Sat. 9- March 10-16, 1907 Sun. 10. Mon. 11- TUES. 12 Wed. 13. Thur. 14. Fri. 15. Sat. 16 \l Pairxk dr<3ve the, $n&kee> out oC Ireland ; r\crscr, ot\ iKe eeveiNTeenflx oC e^cK MaarcK 5ome of Ihe Irish believe thsy gd ever Kerc. March 17-23, 1907 Sun. 17 St. Patrick's day. Mon. 18. Tues. 19. Wed. 20. Thur. 21. Fri. 22 Sat. 23 he Ut^vo better . TeU Hm. he's -ss. devil; he ^il believe it e>r\d be ffetfered . March 24-30, 1907 Sun. 24. Mon. 25. Tues. 26. Wed. 27. Thur. 28. Fri. 29. Sat. 30. I^Q^ .bj one tKe brides fe^etovn. ; ~%op h/ drop the r^r\beedt> down , Te^rftl Jkie$ ir\ $urw fbeme ! Wom^fe le$r5 ^re oft ihe 33me. 1 S n S>kjrl i&> the. : , jff7l W\d fYecjuerNtb/ b©lN April 7-13, 1907 Sun. 7. Mon. 8. Tues. 9. Wed. 10. Thur. 11. Fri. 12 Sat. 13. April 14-20, 1907 Sun. 14. Mon. 15. Tues. 16. Wed. 17. Thur. 18. Fri. 19- Sat. 20. JVI6I ^ April 21-27, 1907 Sun. 21. MON. 22s Tues. 23 Wed. 24. Thur. 25- Fri. 26. Sat. 27. 1 fSfWAX \ (^ I /Kestovb fe t>ten.dirg"b/iKe door ; ) ^£^es£ cmt breakffe$»t off* fre floor 5 _y ) .Before fast iy^e^rev s3at\cl$ ^ dt^/ ; r My e>q\, be ter\kful tf&r bdvice r^u©^ B April 28-May 4, 1907 Sun. 28 _ Mon. 29- Tues. 30. Wed. i- Thur. 2. Fri. 3. Sat. 4- I Sun. 5 Mon. 6. Tues. 7. Wed. 8, Thur. 9. Fri. io- Sat. ii. M AY 5-11, I9O7 * Ift> rsoi the. cfexmord, * Ihbl ple&tes> the girl ; ■ lib Ite kr\G^lecigp IN5I ates goitt May 12-18, 1907 Sun. 12 Mon. 13- Tues. 14. Wed. 15. Thur. 16- Fri. 17. Sat. 18 OTjkere b theUc ds> May 19-25, 1907 Sun. 19. Mon. 20. Tues. 21. Wed. 22. Thur. 23- Fri. 24. Sat. 25 iW P><6$0K. 1 k&^ $ Ai\d t»o,to chsrvge her ^m/$ , > -"i^TW put her orvfhe eUendssT- , 11 i mbj\ ft never resJb/ mm b never really < MemorieJ Day ) May 26-June 1, 1907 Sun. 26 Mon. 27, Tues. 28. Wed. 29. Thur. 30 — - Decoration day Fri. 3: Sat. i. (T(he hardest j©b to of Ihe beat n«a\. June 2-8, 1907 Sun. 2 Mon. 3. Tues. 4. Wed. 5- Thur. 6 Fri. 7- Sat. 8. It rvever ft W££T v/to June 9-15, 1907 Sun. 9- Mon. 10. Tues. 11. Wed. 12. Thur. 13.. Fri. 14. Sat. 15 the ^d^wer ee>cbpee>. ie> e>©melHr\g tet H\e bachelor tosses, June 16-22, 1907 Sun. 16. Mon. 17. Tues. 18. Wed. 19. Thur. 2CX FRI. 21. Sat. 22 15 ^ lottery \ty^x lose Sun. 23. Mon. 24- Tues. 25. Wed. 26. Thur. 27. Fri. 28- Sat. 29. June 23-29, 1907 U\J /J (' io pts/ for t^7o a, f^ghl, Mo- ther 5^./ 4 J)M DieJjyou spoil j/®ur clofhes ?" u lMye>vL lick. Hm? w ( Ihdeperderce June 30-JuLY 6, 1907 Sun. 3o_. Mon. Tues. z. Wed. 3- Thur. 4.. Independence day Fri. 5. Sat. 6. ?§W- Up. Vf>e> tbJiSk6 he krw5 rwsr\, m^/ be ^pbal- ©e^pher; he ^Ke> ihWcfc he krw$ b July 7-13, 1907 Sun. 7. Mon. 8. Tues. 9. Wed. 10 - Thur. 11. FRI. 12. Sat. 13. I; JAI^ cc^Wef eCfe £)©X of book. ' ©j\ \ ?no¥ ^ p Tues. i6„ Wed. 17. Thur. 18, Fri. 19. Sat. 20. lTK©£>e sr\eezy little bur\cKe^ ©F .'ckiffM\ ©J iKe b-^ck ©f ^v girlb collar sreift for @m&mert; Ihey're to up the July 21-27, 1907 Sun. 21. MON. 22- Tues. 23 Wed. 24. Thur. 25. Fri. 26 Sat. 27 1 f/M tw\ ^Ih- ^° vicee> vK>\iaJly K^fo ^bovf tte* $&ire. rwimber eC vlrTue$ July 28-August 3, 1907 Sun. 28 Mon. 29. Tues. 30. Wed. 31. Thur. Fri. 2. Sat. 3- v: v^l\. August 4-10, 1907 Sun. 4. Mon. 5. Tues. 6. Wed. 7- Thur. 8. Fri. 9. Sat. 10. Iroubie ; 5j\d wher\ ^Ke sg/s K^b fovn\d ft August 11-17, 1907 "^ Sun. 11 MON. 12- Tues. 13 Wed. 14. Thur. 15. Fri. 16- Sat. 17 August 18-24, 1907 Sun. 18. Mon. 19-- Tues. 20,,. Wed. 2i„. Thur. 22. Fri. 23 Sat. 24. A girl5 £>mfe b Ite i you cm\ TObke it nvesi\ August 25-31, 19G7 Sun. 25. Mon. 26- Tues. 27. Wed. 28. Thur. 29, Fri. 30 Sat. 31 I >!P^3EPTEMBER fjk£/k roKv ^ beached 9 Oweef t^ pe^het* , , f |p Full c^Jo^'eaxiroj/ $mte?> ? >' %S^ /; ebpuld be*£\ eighth hes&/ef\ thb ©r eelf-trade mer\- September 1-7, 1907 Sun. 1 Mon. 2. Tues. 3. Wed. 4-. Thur. 5 Fri. 6... Labor day. Sat. 7. 1 *• ^.r i ry be bes>t mm » '%/'"• '••• !t\ the w©rld " very 6elcfc>K\ gete 1Kc «»'•"■ i'«SP: September 8-14, 1907 Sun. 8. Mon. 9- Tues. 10. Wed. i] Thur. 12. Fri. 13— Sat. 14- corxeerimg ff\e b^b^^tefe;- if kr\©^ emigf\;if September 15-21, 1907 Sun. 15. Mon. 16. Tues. 17.. Wed. 18. Thur. 19. Fri. 20. Sat. 21 cwirea FrerNcK; nusic prefers Mr or\ Ifebrev; Love M the t<^ue tej/et lobefo\ii\d,C6,p^- ble of express GMWde . September 22-28, 1907 Sun. 22. Mon. 23. Tues. 24.. Wed. 25. Thur. 26- Fri. 27. Sat. 28. L&tvds the m^c\ $W H°bked H\(fTy-!fro.e ,wi%pi^^^ ^ l9 (tw**>» M »mn Ullti ©metinet> & brokeN Ke^rt serious ® ihz>r\ c©l©$sre4 September 29-OcTOBER 5, 1907 Sun. 29. Mon. 30- Tues. 1.. Wed. 2. Thur. 3. Fri. 4- Sat. 5. Before five/ wem rarried October 6—12, 1907 Sun. 6. Mon. 7. Tues. 8. Wed. 9- Thur. 10. Fri. ii- Sat. 12- •O * »: *§»f£l fixe— 'eulsrDPbife ->. rag/ be tderfflled &^> Jbe. v> ' \&^ t }** ) od©r of yiNrgs. October 13-19, 1907 Sun. 13 Mon. 14. Tues. 15 Wed. 16. Thur. 17, Fri. 18- Sat. 19. SuterT^-fc^ tile y**& October 20-26, 1907 Sun. 20. Mon. 2Iv Tues. 22 Wed. 23. Thur. 24. Fri. 25 Sat. 26. BER ^ ^%Jo ckttDt'VW«3 bes/e ydcsne toots $mriin£ (AUHaov/reti) October 27-November 2, 1907 Sun. 27 Mon. 28 Tues. 29.— Wed. 30 — - - Thur. 31. Fri. 1. Sat. 2. I Qt)b t\or & difficult r^fler for sorre w©n\ei\ to drive sor^e nvei\ to drirsic November 3-9, 1907 Sun. 3. Mon. 4. Tues. 5. Wed. 6. Thur. 7. Fri. 8.. Sat. 9- Klection day. " v/ November 10-16, 1907 Sun. 10. Mon. 11. TUES. 12 Wed. 13. Thur. 14. Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17. Mon. 18. Tues. 19. Wed. 20 . Thur. 21. Fri. 22 Sat. 23 November 17-23, 1907 rr ; A iV/ N fc CjKe coNer\Ted m^tbirto of §§f©rlui^te i\5le ttwv ! Iff* TtorkegivirNg November 24-30, 1907 Sun. 24. Mon. 25 . Tues. 26. Wed. 27. Thur. 28. Thanksgiving day Fri. 29. Sat. 30. fjre&kA bree&cl hroV& \ -a^s I fbot vip Ihe Klfe IVe met ; I -"^cdd Iccuki lurrvirio ^ A ^ - / < X O^i air Ir^thcMed out recepfi©r\ y December 1—7, 1907 Sun. 1 Mon. 2— Tues. 3 . Wed. 4. - - - Thur. 5 Fri. 6. Sat. 7. L,©ve fe the \) s. rwai\ wonder hpv much m©i\ey Ke C5JA 5^ve up W3> December 8-14, 1907 Sun. 8 - L_ Mon. 9- Tues. 10. Wed. 11. Thur. 12. Fri. 13 Sat. 14- The rrorx^K© e>fe/5 bibpmc every rghr *sa\ ) Sun. 22. December 22-28, 1907 Mon. 23. Tues. 24. Wed. 25. Thur. 26, Fri. 27. Sat. 28. 5©n\e paper ^Tter being tfw\ it ^ms before . Sun. 29. Mon. 30. December 29-31, 1907 Tues. 3] V, EPILOG DEAR FRIEND, I'm sure you'll now admit I didn't do too much extolling; I didn't overdo a bit My little task of prolog-rolling. And I am sure you now agree In the opinions held by me. Of course there may be many a tome Filled with more prosy erudition ; This little whiff of froth and foam May not attract a grave logician. But of the human rank and file The greater part will read and smile. , And truly, is it not the best And most praiseworthy of employment^ To rouse within the human breast A sense of humorous enjoyment ? To cause two smiles to bud and blow Where only one smile used to grow ? EPILOG Then whatsoe'er your creed or birth, If clergy or if laity, If you opine this book of mirth Adds to the nations' gayety, Assist in its dissemination And join with me in adulation. So many people will be glad To read this cheerful little year-book ; The old, the young, the good, the bad, Will all consider it a dear book. (I mean that in affection's sense, And not regarding the expense.) If you've a friend in rugged health, Or one who isn't well at all ; If you've a neighbor of great wealth, Or one whose income's rather small, Read him some extracts, and you'll find, He, you and I are of one mind. But why, oh, Reader, should I tarry, Belauding Lester, praising Knowles ? They've won more wreaths than they can carry, Newcastle is no place for coals ; And so, reluctantly I say Good-by, — and tear myself away. Carolyn Wells. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Dec. 2007 PreservationTechnologies l ( : 01. m ■ i ^ % xm .,'2 .- > • 2-1 1908 i 1 1 1 | 0; 1008 i 1 1 1 2 4J 5 " 1; Jan. 1 ■ 4 I»ig 1 5 6 s 0) 11 00 7 8 9 10 ,0 12 13 10 16 16 IT < 10 o 14 15 16 17 - ■■ 10 20 10 20 20 20 i5 12 10 11 12 U 10 8 P o '01 ■ 15 1 5 00 18 10 20 21 13 14 15 16 ' .: 22 20 24