F 157 : .C53S6 V "-^^0^ .0 » » * • ' -'■■■■ ^o -s > » ■ • ' •J-'^ 3'. -^a V* ;.. <0 %' 1804 — 1904 Clearfield County's Centennial CELEBRATED AT '""^3 -^ CLEARFIELD, PA. July 2r>, 27, 28 and 29. Population Clearfield County 1804 685 1504 IOO,COO One Hundred Years Old Raftsman's Journal Clearfield, Pa. f^«■ CORRESPOiNDENCE. The Cenlennial Extculivt Commiiltt. having chos;n J Frank Snydtr, Esq.. to prepare a History of the County, the following correspondence look place. Clearfield, Pa . June ;, 1^04 J. Frank Snyder, Esq.. Glen Cove, L. I. Dear Sir: The committee having in charge the management of the forthcoming cele- bration of Clcarticld County's 1 00th Anniversary have decided upon a printed Histor>' covering the 100 years of our county's growth, and have by resolution unanimously selected you as one well (pialified to prepare such history. Will you kindly indicate at your earliest convenience whether or iiui you will undertake the task assigned you. \'ery truly yours, .M.LISOX O. SMITH, J. 11. Ll CIIAIKMAX. (lien Cove, I.. I., June o. i»n>4 Gentlemen : Replying to your letter of June 3d, inioiining me that the committee having in charge ili ement of the forthcoming celebration of Clearfield County s ioothanni\' ive decided upon a printed History, covering the 100 year> of the county's growth and have selected me to prepare such history. I beg you on my behalf, to thank the committee for the confidence reposed in me, and to advise your associates Uiat I will undertake the task assigned me. The article will, of necessity, r>e jT^^imewli.it iimitL-rt- sent in condensed form somi- • ■ 11..^ .M.l.ISON O. SMI. . Mk. J. H. CR1SS>I.\N of the county's growth, I am \"ery sincerely yours, J. FR.XNK SNVI'I:R. -,./. J'a. V(- . /. ^.-UA. 'L^ } -7 Curwensville, or CttrwinsviUc, is the second oldest town in the county and, although laid out at an earh- date, was not incorporated until February 3, 185 1, when the Legislature enacted "That Curwinsville, in Pike Township, Clearfield County, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a borough which shall be called the Borough of Curwinsville." Like Clearfield, its boundaries have been largely extended. Upon the early maps it was also known as "Curwin." The village of New Washington was likewise incorporated by the Legis- lature by an act approved April 13, 1859. These three boroughs were the creatures of the Legislature, the other bor- oughs were all incorporated by the Quarter Sessions under the act of 185 1. There are to-day 20 boroughs and 29 townships in the county, divided into 86 election precincts. The boroughs and townships, and date of incorporation or erection are as follows : Name. Incorporated. Brisbin January 8, 1883 Burnside October 5, 1874. Chester Hill April 18, 1883. Clearfield April 21, 1840. Coalport September 24, 1883. Curwensville February 3, 185 1. DuBois January 11, 1881. Glen Hope June 28, 1880. Grampian ( I'ennville) December 30, 1885. ; Houtzdale March 20, 1872. Irvona September 2, 1890. Lumber City August 21, 1858. Mahaffey May 11, 1880. Newburg October 4, 1875. New Washington April 13, 1859. Osceola September 2y, 1864. Ramey March 29, 1893. Troutville May 4, 1891. Wallaceton March, 1873. Westover September 6, 1895. West Clearfield (now in Clearfield) September 24, 1883. Townships. Name. Organized. Beccaria 1807. Bell February 4, 1835. Bigler December zj, 1882. Bloom January 14, i860. Boggs 1838. Bradford August, 1807. Brady 1826. Burnside May 4, 1835 Chest October 16, 1826. '*'""" Organized. '^'^''"-'^"' \pril. i8i;. <-'*"l^^"'" • • January i8. 18S4. Di-catur . . ^ ,^ '■'^■'"-"^"" . . . Februarv 7. 1839. <'••■»'■<' l»^2 ^'"^''^" May 5. 1845. *"''='''^'" • August 26, 1856. (.rccnwood March 19. 1875 <''^'"'''-''' i8s8. ""^'o" i8v). -'•"■''''" ..Sqnc-mber4. 18^. •^■""■"'^"^ Kc-bruarv v 1S41. '^""^ Mav'i9. .854. '-^^"'■"'^^- 1814. ^''^'■'■'S Fihruarv 3. 18,6. ^'■""" F.hruarv 4. uSiS- ' "^*^ • N'ovcmbcr. 18 13. ^^"''>' ... Sci)ttmbcr. 1878. •-""'O" December. 1848. Wofxlward ... February 3. i84(.. POST OFFICES. It was desired to give a full history of the early post offices in the countv. an.j the I'-.st Office Dipartnunl was appealed to for the needed information, but that Department could not, "in consequence of insufficiency ,,f the present clerical force," comply with the re(|uest. or },nve the data. On the 20th .April, 1813, .Mexander Reed, Ilsq.. was appointed Postmaster at Reedslx^ro (at the James Mitchell stone house south of Clearfield), and through the courtesy of Mr. II. l-". Uigk-r a copy of the conunission is given: Gideon Gr.vxger, Po.st.m.\ster C.e.nerai. ok tiik IMtko States of America. To all who shall sec these- (>rcsciils, Crcclii. Know ve. That, c.nfiding in the Integrity. Ability, and Pimctuality of Alexander Kee.I. i:s(|., of ReedslH)ro. in Clearfield County. Pennsylvania, I do Appoint him a Deputy Post-Master, and authorize him to execute the Duties ci that ( )ffice at ReedsW.ro af.iresaid according to the I^iws of the I'nited States, and such Regulati(Mis comformable thereto, as he shall receive from me: To Hold the sai.l ( )ffice of IXpuly Post-Master, with all the Powers. Privileges and Fmoluments to the same In-longing. i4o,ooo. NOTE! This little volume is presented only as a Souvenir History of the County, ably and cor- rectly prepared by J. Frank Snyder, Esq., of New York, but a native of Clearfield County, and member of the Clearfield bar. The illustrations may not meet the hopes of some, but the compiler found it impossible to insert the portraits of all who have helped make the history of Clearfield County, and the principal reason is that the descendants of the early pioneers were unable to furnish photographs of those whose portraits should have had a phice in this Centennial Historj-. Therefore we were compelled to use such as was at our command and selected them with a view of perpetuating the .good and honorable name of Clearfield County, without any thoiight of descriminating against those whose portraits should have had an exalted position in this volume, but which the compiler was unable to o itain. M. L. McOUOWX, Compiler of Centennial Plistory. Clearfield, Pa., July Sth, 1904, Clearfield County Pennsylvania One Hundred Years' Growth 1804 - March 26 - 1904 BW J. FRANK SNYDER L LKARKiEi.D. — ./ C iU(///v <>/ Pciiiisyhatiid named from a strciim naiiiiit^ tltroiii^lt the County into a ll'cstcrn Branch of the Susquehanna. Morsf. Am. Gazaltccr, 3 I£d. Boston, 1810. laciil) Kiiifi. alias Jacob Ic Roy. was killed with tomaliawks at the spriiifj on llie Slenker fann. Muffalo \alley. Limestone Townshij). I'nion Connty. on the morning of the lOth oi ( )ctober. 1755. and his daughter, Anna Marie le Roy. her brother and a little girl who was living with them, were made prisoners and taken to Kittaning and other places where they were kept prisoners alwut three and one-hall years. Marie le Roy an Marie Ic Roy was born at I'.rondrnt, in Switzerland, and with her pri.suiier companions was among the first white |K'rsons to visit the territory now included within the boundaries of Clearfield County. I ■ Rurd's journal, under flate of i8th of February, 1757, contains this c ntry : — "This morning the Indian chiefs desired to speak with me when it suited me. I told the messenger I sitould be very glad to see them directly. They ac- cordinglv waited of me at 10 .\. M. and infonncd me that there was eight luuidred IVench and Indians niarcht from Fort Du Quesne agt this Fort and they were actually arrived at the head of the West Branch of this River (Sus- J. FRANK SNYDER — The author of the written part of this bistor\', was born in Clear- field, .June 23d, 1855, graduated from the Leonard Graded School in 1S76, admitted to the bar in iSyS ; was a member of the law firm of Orvis & Snyder, and is now a Corporation and Title lawyer in New York City. (|iichaniia ) and were making; cancx-s ami woiiKI comedown as soon as tliev were made an«l desired nie to In-lieve this for tnitli. to be upon niv jjuard. and to fif^lit as lonjj as I liad one man alive. I gave them for answer that I was very nnich obliged to them for this peace of Intelligence, that I was ready to Receive the enemy and that they might Depent I woiild follow their advice." McCiinniss. in a fiM>t note in his "History of the West I'ranch \ alley" at l)age 214 says: "That the French seriously contemplated an invasion of the West IJranch N'alley in force, for the purpose of seizing this portion of the Province, there is no doubt, but there is no evidence on record that a large expedition was ever started for that j)ur]xise. lUit that scouting parties were despatched for the ])uq)ose of reconnoitering the country and reporting its condition and the strength of the Knglish to the French Commandant, there is no doubt. It was a party of this kind that was re|>orted to Col. I'urd. The party doubtless concentrated at Chinklecamon.sc and there made preparations to descend llu- river on rafts, or floats, but it is extremely doubtful that it numbered 800 men.' The re|K>rt. true or untrue, put Col. Burd on his guard, and on Thursday. .\pril 7th. 1757. Cajit. I'atterson set off from I'ort .Augusta (Shamokin) with a jjarty of ten men in quest of intelligence under onlers irom Col Hurd. "To proceed up the West Hranch of the River (Susquehanna) as far as Shi.vcl.v- ( i..\.Misii, keeping a gtMxI lotjkout all the way and marching as close to the River as he could, in order to Di.scover if any Ixxly of the iMiemv was upnu the River: and if he should make a Discovery, to Ik very particular in enrisoner. if he found it any wa>s practicable; but not to Di.scover himself or any of his i)arty. if he could avoid it; to obsen'c whither the Fnemy was cheetly composed of French or Indians. If he should discover a Bodv of the F-iuiny to post himself and ])arty on the tojje of the most crih branch from that place." Kurd's Joiir; In a lettii !■ |.in,.i~, un.ler date of (»th .\prii. 1757. ti^xirnon! Denny wrote:— rdereil a strong Detachment under Col. Clapham tossible. destroy an Imlian Town; but inteiiii^uu ,irii\iii- before these orders could be carried into e.xeculion that a large Inxly of 1-rench and Indians was coming to JK-sieige the I'ort. tlu\ were ohlige«l to lay the expedition asiuchalomNGi..\ci..vxii'Cii. not beini.; able to proceetl for want of Provisions, he and his party having lived upon VValnutts for three days: the country was so excessively mountainous that they could not find any game to kill, and the men were not able to travel an further in this situation, which obliged him to return down the River on Rafts.* Capt. Levi Trump in charge of garrison at Fort .\ugusta under date of July ye ist. 1758. wrote to Governor Denny as follows: x x "T received a letter from Lieut. Colonell James Piurd. dated 12 ulto.. informing me that he had an accoimt of a borted that a horn sucli as used by the Indians was found in this cave, but tli place has never been thoroughly explored to determine its real character — nf does it appear that there is anv substantial proof of a fort ever having been erected at this jwiint. Frederick Post, the distingui.shetl Moravian, readul Sliingliiniiti- (Clearfield) on 2nd .\ugust. 1738. but makes no mention in hi journal of there being a French fort at this place. I'KF.nicRicK Po.sT in his journal 2nd Atigust. 1738, says: "We came acros- several places where two I'olcs. I'ainted Red. were stuck in the ground, in order to tye their Prisoners ; we arrived this night at Shinglimuce | Clearfield where was the aUwe marks: tis a disagneable and melancholy sight to sei the means they make use of. according to their critical way, to punish Flesh & BLxkI." Mr. Post says, under date 14th Sept.. 1758. "We came to Susquehanna iV i > m 'i j> r/ ■•' ^% SOLIJIFR'S CO.MMITXEE -I. Capt. Geo. D. Runk. 2. Capt. P. A (iaulin. 3. Capt. W. P. Harpster. 4. Col. E. A. Irvin. 5. W. B. Beamer. Capt. G. Woodring, a member of this committee was unable to furnish photograph in time. crost 6 times & came to Calainazi-cshiiil: ( Cliinklccamoose) where hatl been an old Indian Town: in the Fiivening tliere came 3 Indians and said tliev saw two Indian tracts where we slept turn Hack, so that we were sure that tiiey followed lis." These records estal)iish the fact tliat there existed an Indian town of g^reat imjxirtance on the West I'-ranch of tlie Snsqueiianna. Whether referre tells us the name signifies ".\'o one tarries here willingly." Chiiigleclamouche, the famous chief, lived in W'aync Township. Clinton C'tnuily, in an Indian town located on the Montgomery farm, near Wayne station. calle«l I'atlcrson. over which a chief by that name, of the Shawnee trii)e. ruled. ( Mist. W .illey. — Mctiinness. 79.) I'rom Patterson the great chief came to the >ii 't 'ii which Clearfield I'.orough is li>caled and builded unto himself a town which was known as "Chingleclaniouche old Town." How long he ruled, or the number of his children, has not In-en recorded, .\eithcr are we infomiecl by Capt. llambright. or Capt. Patterson, if. in .\]>ril. 1757. the old chii f -.1 fir. i.. his town and "retired to \"enangpy Hunting CinHnuls. This much can be stated with reasniialili.- ciriainty, "Chiiigleclamouche < 'Id Town" was a matter of history .is larly as April. 1757. ancated. Chill i^lclaiiioiilc. Mushannon Creek, CU'urticki Creek, Chest Creek and Canoe Place all are liKaled on the W', Scull map published April 4tli, 1770. This map also ItKates an Indian path from I'ald I*lagle 'i);lcclawoiik'. and aiiotlur leading from I'rankstown ( l>lair I'o. ). < r --m- uu- hea if ClearfieM treek, (.'best Creek and the Wist P.ranch at Canoi- Place, to rcinn:.^' I'ort. The ICvans map of 1775. a map of the Colonies. I7t>5. an»I a ".Map of the I'rontier of the Xortheni Colonies with I'iOiindary line established Retwi-en them and the Indians at the Treaty held by S. Will Johnson at I-'t. Stanwix. in \ov.. i7<'>8," do not give any of the data given on the W. Scull map. "The map of Pennsylvania exhibiting not only the Improve*! pans oi liiat FIREMEN'S COMMITTEE I. Harry G. Osden. 2. James McBlain. 3. Ward Logan. 4- V. L. Robins. 5. H. C. Mcllvain. Province but also its extensive Frontiers, laid down from actual surveys, etc." Pub. bv Robert Saver & J. P.ennett, London, June loth, 1775. locates Chinglc- omuk, and Clearfield Criek. and the Indian path from Bald Eagle Creek where Beach Creek enters that stream to Chingleolamuk is shown. '■.\ new map of the Western Parts of \'irginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland. &c.," by Thos. llutchins. Captain of the fjOth Regiment of Foot, London, \ov. 7th, 177S, gives Ciiingleolamuk. Clearfield Creek anceed up the South Branch of the River from the Fork at Sliiti};lculaiiiiish & examine that branch." The South Branch was none other than Clearfield Creek, but not until 1770 docs this last name attach to that stream — and why, we may ask, was it so named? Bishop Ettwein, in his journal imder uth of Clearfield Creek, such also appears from the orders to Captain Patterson, but this r|uestion in geography is also settled by a reference to I'ishop Kttwein's journal. July i6th, 1772. ".\fler representing the state of our case to the malcontents. I felt reassured, and journeyed on with a few brethren txco titiles in a pelting rain to the site of Chinklacainoosc," which locates the old town within the present limits of Clearfield borough. TRE.\TIES. The Indian trunblis in Pennsylvania for the proprietary period ended with the treaty of Fort Stamvix (now Rome, N. Y.), on Nov. 5th. 1768. with the Six Nations, which conveyed to tlu- pniprietors all the land within a boundary extending frnm the New York State line on the Susquehanna, past Towanda and Pine Creek, uj) the West Branch to its source, over to Kittaning, and thence down the Ohio to the extreme ."southwestern portion of the Province. This was called the .\'<"i' Purchase: and within its bountlaries is included that portion of Clearfield County lying South and East of the \\'est Branch of the Susquehanna. I'rom I7(>S until 1784 the Northwestern l)ouiidar\ mii m ihe Indian imi- chases remained unchanged. During that period The Declaration oe Inde- pendence was adopted, Pennsylvania became a State and made a constitution. .\fter peace was concludeil. the .*>tate. under the treaty of I'ort .Stanwix. dated October 2J?rd. 1784, purchased all the remaining land within its charted limits. This purchase was confinned at Fort Mcintosh in January, 1785, and is known as the "Last" f'urchase. That part of Clearfield County lying North and West of the Wr-I Pr.'tllfll i)l' tlu- SilviMii li;inii.i. i.; !iirliii1i-.I « itliiii lli.- 1iniii» of this purchase Dav. in his Historical Collection of Pennsylvania, savs, "Ihis vast tcrritorv. PROMINENT FARMERS OF THE COUNTY. ■<: I. R. E. Shaw. 2. A. H. Reed. 3. David Way. William Radebach, a member of this committee reached the artist too late with his photograph. howcviT. ac(|iiirc(l by the treaty of 1784 was only f'lirihiiscd. but was not entered upon by the pioneers of Pennsylvania for ten years. Tlie price of blootl, as usual, was to be paid for ii 11. »XF.KRS. It will remain for the writer of the real history of Clearfield Countv to determine who was the first settler within the territory now comprised with the iKiundary lines of the county. Hence the use of the term. f'ioitCiT. which ac- cordin^j to Webster, is "( )ne who j^ois liif.ir. t., r,ni,.v, ..Ii^tiiirtions or prepare the way for another." Kdwartl Rickets. Senior, lays claim to the first place amonp the pioneers, antl offers in sujjport of his contention certain proofs from anion;; the State Records as follows: [ ion;; the Records and I'roceedings of the Department of Internal Affairs ui rmnsylvania. iiitrr alia, it is thus contained: "Kilward Rickets nj)plies for four hundred acres of land in lledford County, inclg an imji. on Ijoih sides of Clearfield Creek on a smal i'lranch of water on the N'orth side of said Creek calld the Ueavcr Dam Itranch. "lledford County ss. — Int. froni -March i. 17S3 ( \\ rt Issuil). ■iVrsonally aj)piarei;':nint. to-i,'iiher with some of his sons. Did Improve \}]^im saitl laml betwetii tl.e llej^innin^j & middle of Sept. in the year 1783. ami has ever since maintained his Ri}|ht and Claim to said land. .Sworn and certified by us the Sul' 'liis 15th ,1111. JAMKS CoVI.K. • >ny That the alxjvc is a true copy of the orifjinal re- :i; iMi file in the Department of Internal .\fFairs of Penn- (■siM.I lia. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of >epartnKnt to be affixed, at 1 larrisburj;. this Seventh clay vembir. iS.'-'' T^ > ,. I>K(,w.\. /'•Y'. iiti'nial .Iff airs. The followin;j applications are also on file in the Department of Internal .Aft'airs: "Cheney Rickets. Senior, applies for four hundred acres of land in liedford County, incljj an imp. mi ImiiIi sides of Clearfiehl Creek. aNiut two miles higher ii|> said Ireek than F*'dwanl Rickct's application. W't. issued Int. from ist March. 178^ IVrsonaly apeareil l)efore us two of the Justices for I'edford Conntv ("honey Rickets and made oath according to law that the alxive tract of l.i proVid npi'ii between the beginning & middle of .Se|>teT- ' • ■ -"' ■ cerlitud III lore and '\\ u-; this I5lh day of November. i- \Vt 1~ J.\.Ml-..-s Co'k i.i;. I )n June 7tli "^ ■ : •■„ pursuance of a Warrant granted to Cheny Ricket- l>er. 1784. and was returned on 14th < -- < s I 5 = '■J s ~ -3 June, 1836. It is for a tract of land situate in Dccator Township, Clearfield County, on the waters of Clearfield Creek, containing 400 acres & allowance, and is bounded In the John McClelland on the North, Rowland Evans and Sanil Enilin on the East, Robt. McGhee & Geo. Eyere on the South, and the Joseph Clark on the West. "lld'vard Rickets. Junior, applies for four hundred acres of land inclg Iinpt. on both sides of Clearfield Creek, adjoining on the li>wer sides of Cheney Rickets, Senior, aiiplication on saiil Creek in Bedford County. "Bedford County. Int. from ist March, 1783, Wt Issud. Personally appeared before us Hdzivrd Rirkcis, Junior, and made oath according to law that he that Dcf'ponciit Imjiroved upon the alwve tract of I^nd in the month of Sept. in the year 1783. Sworn & certified by us two of the justices for Bedford County this 15th day of Xovember. 1784. (Signed) Roct. Smith. (Signed) J.\.mes Coyle. In the journal of James Harris, surveyor, under date of Oct. 28th. 1784, giving account of surveying then being done on Clearfield Creek says "l-'ive men by the name of Rickets came to our camp, said they claimed by improvements a great deal of land up this creek, say they will not suffer it to be surveyed." ,\nd under date of ( )ct. 30th, 1784. "Mr. Canan performed one of the surveys on the West side of Clearfield Creek extending it as high up as Rickets' claim." "Captain Edward Rickerts was a native of Maryland, and while a boy emigrated with his father's family to Pennsylvania. .\t the age of nineteen, Edward entered the service as an Indian fighter, and was considered one of the most e.\perienced frontiersmen in the whole country. During the Revolu- tion, his services to the Province were so valuable that he was given a Captain's commission. "Having made the improvements referred to. ami built a cabin. Captain Rickerts went for his wife and household goods, and returned with them in 1801. I'pon his return he found the cabin occupied by Joseph Leonard and family. The two fatuities lived there to-gether during the Winter following, but Rickerts, having no claim to the land except by imjirovement, was after- wards compelled to vacate and settle elsewhere. Captain Rickerts died in 181 3." — Hi.story Clearfield Co. — .Mdrich, 1887, pp. 51. On 20th May, 1785, or about five months after the Rickerts warrants were issued, a warrant was issued to John Lukens, Esq., Surveyor General, requiring him to Survey or cause to be Surveyed for James Woodside. of the Township of New London, in the Comity of Chester. 300 acres of land on Warrant num- bered 570. which was afterwards ilone, and returned I7tli Eebruary, i8«"ii. Mr. .\Ulrich — History of Clearfield Co.. page 52 — says, "James Woodside first came to this county, or rather Lycoming County, in the month of July, 1785. with a surveying party from Chester County. Several tracts were located by them, one of which, under warrant number 570. belonged to Woodside, and his land was located on the stream known as Stump Creek. James Woodside lived here many years, the only white resident among the few remaining Indians, who were quite friendly. He is described as a man of decidedly peculiar habits, having no family, and content to live alone in his forest home, where he died in Ex-Gov. WILLIAM BIGLER— Was born 1S13, and came to Clearfield County in 1833, and started the publishing of the "Cleariield Democrat." In 1841 to 1844 he was in the State Senate and elected Governor of the State in 1851. He was President of the Philadelphia & Erie R. R. in 1855, and U. S. Senator in 1855, He died in Clearfield, August, 1880. 1S34 at lilt' age of 85 years. On tlif 30tli July, 1885, Brady Townsliip, with becoming ceremony, un- veiled a nionumtnt, sacred to the memory of James Woodside, as the pioneer of the Township, lion. P. S. Weber, of Du Bois, delivered an address which he styled "An Historical Sketcii of James Woodside, Esq. The Raftsman's Journal, July nth, 1859, seems to indicate that it was not until 1802 that Woo\ on a survey made on a warrant in the name of "William Clair." "lie is su]> |K)sed to have settled here altniit the close of the Revolutionary War, and Tra- dition says he was a Tory, and certain parties sou}^ht to take his life while .it llillsgrove. He did not remain here a great while, but left soon aft«r tli Birds, Warrens and .Molyneux's settle. Ogden. on South .Second .Streil. I learfield Borough. Cherry \ alley was the scene of a massacre "during which all of Ogden's property was orn here. They were Abner, Jonathan, Daviil, who was slain at Cherry \ alley massacre; Daniel, Jr.. Joab, John, Mattiiew and .Margaret." — History Clcarfiekl Co. — A Id rich, pp. 52. Daniel Ogden always believed he was the onl\ wliite ni,in in tlu country now included within the i>resent IhiuiuIs of ("learfield loimly during the \\ inter of 1797-8. This fact his daughter-in-law, lilizabclh O^idcn, widow of M.itthew Ogden, and her brotlK-r, Benjamin Bloom, have repealeilly slated, aiul in which thev art- sl!^l.•liIl(■ll Ii\ llic R.iftsin.m's loiim.il, :irticli- of JiiK iitli i.*^co '^■•<- post. It was wlii-u Daniel Ogden returned lo tin- "liii^ Islnml" on one of his trips that he met -Arthur Bell, wito .sn afterwards followed him to Chinglc- damouche's old Town, where he remained with ( >gden and assisted him in the erection of his house, after which In- went further up the River to settle. John Bell followed his brother Arthur. I'rom his diminutive size he was familiarlv called "Little Johnny Bell," and from .some he received the sobriqiut of "Demi John." James McCracken and Casper Hackenlx-rry followed Arthtir Bell with their families, and settled — their wives were sisters of Arthur Bell. Thomas McClure came from Cumberland Coin)ty in i7<)<), made an im- provement near McClure's graveyard. Pike Township, and removed his family Hon. WILLIAM A. WALLACE — One of Clearfield County's most prominent sons, who was Ijorn in 1827, admitted to Clearfield bar in 1847. He was elected to the State Senate in 1863, and again in 1884. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1875, and served six years. He was the moving spirit in the building of the Beech Creek R. R., and many other enterprises. He died in Xew York City in 1S96. tliither in 1800. Squire McClure has been described as "a kind friend, one of tlie most obliging neiglilx)rs, who would at any time incommode himself t<' accommodate another, and when asked for a favor, he stopped not to inquire 'what will it profit me,' but only 'can I grant it.' He lived and died without an enemy. "The country was a vast wilderness, never having been trod by the foot of a white man, save for the purijose of exploration and survey. The majestic pines and oaks of centuries' growth stood in their pristine beauty. The a.x of the woodsman had not echoed, nor the death-dealing bullet of the hunter whistled through the wild and rugged region." — Raftsman's journal .May nth, 1850. The discovery in the year 1800 of an Indian ])atli leading from Chinglr- clamouche to Milesburg brought the settlers into closer communication with civilization, and gave them a new base of supplies. The Ogdens and the Hell- had come up the Sus<|uehanna in canoes, the pack horse over the Indian trails was now to do his part in this westward march of civilization, the Indi.iu paths remaining for a few years the only roads and routes for transiM)rlin.i; goods into the new country. With the dawn of the nineteenth century, an ever increasing tide of emi- gration set in towards the land formerly of tiie "Chingleclamouche Savages." I'aul Clover, "who had a warm and generous heart," made a settlement at the mouth of .Xnderson's Creek in the year 1801, kept a "public house" or tavern, and did some hlacksmithing. After his death, his widow and children moved to Clarion. William Bloom, the elder, a man of German descent, whose ancestors at an early day settled in \ew Jersey anve .Ander- son's Creek in the \ear 1801. lie brought with him four of his sons, Isaac. William, John and llenjamin, and his daughter, I\lizabeth. Elizabeth Bloom was afterwards marriearties became the happy parents of seventeen children .\ .\ .\ and from whom have descenileil a numerous offspring, marked by some of the traits peculiar to their grandfather. William Bloom had eleven children, from whom have descenrled a ver\ large family, no longer confined within the limits of the County. Many years ago, there was a reunion of tlu' "BlcHims and their connections," at which lion. John I'atton stated that there were then more than tilircc thousand descendants of William Bloom living within the btmlers of the County. In the same year (1801) Joseph Leonard came with his sons, Isaac ;mcl Thomas, and made an improvement Ih-Iow the "Ox Bow" on ClearfieKI Creek. Martin Hoover came from York County and settled on the River in Lawrence Township, in 1801. PVederick Ilennich, or Haney, settled next to Hoover about the same time; and Henry Irvin, a native of Ireland, came the same year and located at a p(isi(e lived George and John Welch. .Abraham I less came from York I'ounty and located on Clearfield Creek. John Carothers came and located at "C'arothers Bend." on the river, hence, the name. John I-ergersen, l>orn in Ireland, will' one of his soi s, came 'n 1803, a" I Iort in iSo.V and erected a distillery. Nicholas Straw made an improvement on the river the .same year. ".•\s early as 1802 the settlement of that thriving and populous i>ortion of the Comity known as I'rady Township was commenced. Jiimcs W'oodsidc. the first settler in that section, then removed there. Two years later, Joab Ogden, a son of Daniel. I>ecame a near neighlKir of WiK>dside. No further increase was made until 1812." — Raftsman's Journal. July nth, 1850- F.Ri:CTION or CI.F..\RFIF.I.n COUNTY. The proceeut the establishment of the new County. Their recital will show how Centre County contemplated taking this vast territory and that it was thought, at one time, to divide this extensive wilderness between the counties of Centre and Westmoreland. February, l8th, 1802. Senate Journal 18S. "Mr. Harris presented the petition of the subscribers. Inhabitants of that p.irt RICHARD SHAW, Sr. — A prominent citizen of the county during its infanc}-, was horn in Ireland in 1792. He came to the county in iSlo. He at one time owned nearh' all the land upon which the present town of Clearfield stands. He died August 17th, 1876. of tlic Coiiiuiis of Iliintingdoii and Lvconiinj; situate North of tlic Moshannon and West of tlic Sinncnialmning Creek, slating, tliat they experience great in- convenience and disadvantage froin their remote situation from the seat of Justice of their respective Counties ; suggesting tlie propriety of annexing to Centre County certain parts of Huntingdon and Lycoming Counties, as described in the petition ; and praying to be erected into an election district ; and the same was read, and "On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Findlay. "Resolved: That the said petition be referred to a committee, to consider and report thereon, and "Ordered: That Mr. Harris, Mr. Reed and Mr. Hamilton be a committee fur that purpose." That the reader may have a better understanding, it should be stated that at this date portion of the territory lying i^outh and Ivast of the .'>us(iuehaniia. and South of the Mosliannon was jiart of Huntingdon Co.: and all that |>ortit)n lying North and West of the Susquehanna, included within the Ixuinds of Lycoming County. Friday, April 2111I. liStjj. Senate Journal. 363. "Mr. Harris, from the committee, to whom was referred on the 18th of Februarv' last, the petition, of the subscribers. Inhabitants of parts of the Counties of Himtingdon and Lycoming, etc., on leave given. re|>orter| a I!ill entitled ".\t\ .\ct for annexing Parts of the Counties of Huntingdon and Lycom- ing to the Counties of Centre and Westmoreland." and the same was read tlie first time. The bill failed to pass. March 2r.tli, 1803. House Journal. 585. "Mr. .Steel presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of Huntingdon an on tin .■^Mutli aiui La>t of tiie Sus<|ueliaiina continued lo journey to Huntingdon when in search of Justice, those on the Xortli and West sides of the River traveling to WillianisjKirt, until March 2^)111, 1R04. when Chapter LXW'llI.. I.aws 1803-4, became effective. The act was entitled : "An Act to erect parts of Lycoming, Huntingdon and Somerset Counties into separate county districts." Section i. Freds Jeffer.son County. .Section 2. Erects McKeaii County. Section 3. .And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That so much of the County of Lycoming, included in the following lv>undaries, to wit: Beginning where the line dividing Cannon's and Rroadhcad's districts strikes the West Branch of the Sn.squehanna River; thence. North along the said district line until a due west course from thence will strike the Southeast comer of McKcan County; thence. West along the .Southeni boundary of McKcan Countv to the line of JcflFerson County ; thence. Southwesterly along the line of Jefferson JOSIAH W. SMITH — The pioneer nietnber of the Clearfield Bar came to Clearfield in 1.S21 from Philadelphia; was appointed Deputy Attorney General in i>S25. During his life- time he acquired a great deal of property. He died March 2d, i,SS2. County to wlicre Hunter's district line crosses Sandy-lick Creek; iIkuci-. Snutli along tlic district line to tlic canoe place on the Susquehanna River; thence, an Easterly course tn the South westerls corner of Centre County, on the heads of Mushannon Creek ; thence, down the Mushannon Creek the several courses lliereof ti» its numth; thence. di>\vn the West P.ranch of the Susquehanna River to the place of hcginninR. he. and the same is herehy erected into a separate County, to be henceforth called Clearfield (.'ounty, and the place of holding the Courts of Justice in and for said Comity , shall he fixed by the Legislature at any place which may he most heneficial ami convenient for said County. Sec. 8. .\nd he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That as soon as it shall appear by an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants within the Counties of JeflFerson. McKean. Clearfield. I'otter, Tioga and Cambria, that any of the said L'onnties. according to the rates that shall then be eslablisheil for apportioning the representation among the several Counties of this Connnon- wealtli shall be entitled to a separate representation. ])rovision shall be made by law for apportioning the said representation, and enabling such (.'ounty to be represented separately, an»l to hold the Courts of Justice at such place in said County, as is. or may hereafter, be fixed for holding the same by the Legislature, and to chfKise their (."ounty otlicers in like manner as in the other Counties of this Commonwealth. Sec. 9. And be it. etc. TJjat the (loveruor be. and he is hereliy authorized and reipiired to ap|>oint three suitable persons for trustees, in each of the said counties, who shall receive pro|>os;ds in writing from any ]>erson or j)ersons. or any Ixidies corporate or politic, for the grant or conveyance of any lands within the sailding Cotirls of Justice in .said Counties respectively, or the transfer of ;my other property, or paxnient of money for the use of said (.'ounties. and transmit to the Legisl;itnre from time to time a copy of the proposals .So received under their hands; and when the place of holding Courts of Justice in the said Counties respectively shall be fixed by the Legislature, to take assurance in the law. for the lands ami other valuable property, or money contained in any such pro|His;ds. which shall or may lie accepteresent convenience of the inhabi- tants of said Counties of Clearfield and McKean, and until an enumeration of the taxable inh.ibitants of said Counties shall be made, and it shall be otherwise directed by law. the saiver and shall operate and be elTectual within saiE JL.STICE. Section Q of the Act of March jfA\\. 1804. required the Governor 10 appoint three trustees in each of the newly created (.'ounties to receive jiroposals 1:1 writing fur the grant and conveyance i>f land, for thi- fixing the place <>f hoMing courts, or the transfer of any oilier ]>ro|KTty or payment of nioiiev fur the use of said C'ounties. Copies nf prarl of tlu- County the Most h'ligible situation for the seat of Justice. We only, therefore, remark that a handsome seat for a town might he situated on some of the sn]i|K>sed tracts, and that Mr. Witnier's obser- vations are. in our llnmble opinion. Snfliciently correct. With i\\w rt'specl, we subscrilx- ourselves. Your oheilient Servants, Roi.ANIl Cl'RTIN, RoRKRT Ror.r.s. • Wm. Tate. Trustees for Clearfield County. Cancstoga. January i8th. 1805. "Messrs. Roland Curlin. RolxTt Roggs anur|K>rting to be a recom- mendation (by the Trustees of Clearfield County) of land belong to .\brahaui Witmer, as the most eligible situation for the seat of Justice for said County. To the recommenosals of Abraham Winner, as follows, to wit.: — I propo.sc to give two htmilred and fifty acres to be laioint three trustees for the purimse of ascertain- ing the most eligible scite for the seat of Justice in Clearfield County on the lands of Abraham Witmer, situate near the mouth of (.'learfield Creek: ami on motion The saiti Keixirt was reail a second time. The resolution being under consideration, a motion was made by -Mr. l"indlay and Mr. .Miller to ixislponc the further consideration thereof for the present, which was agreed to." Feb'y if)th, 1805. Senate Journal. 20C1. "The .Speaker laid before the .Senate certain jiroposals made by James Hamilton (accnnipanied by the recommeni^z^c^ Hox. G. R. BARRKTT — One of the pioneer lawyers, was born 1815 and admitted to the liar in 1836. He was appointed Deputy Attorney General in 1837 ; elected to Legislature in 1S40 and President Judge of the 22d Judicial District in 1S55 and re-elected in 1865. He died March, 1899. A letter addressed tu the Speaker from tlie commissioners of Clearfield County and certain proixjsals inclosed from Samuel Miles, directed to said com- missioners, offering to convey a tract of land, for the seat of Justice in said County, were severally read and referred to the committee appointed the 21 st inst. on that subject. (384). Fcby. 25th, 1805. House Journal, 391. Mr. D. Mitchell presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of Clearfield County, praying tiiat tlie seat of justice for said County may be established where the town of Chinglecamose formerly stood ; and said petition was read, and referred to the committee appointed on the 21st inst., on the same subject. March iitli, 1805. Senate. The several pro|>osals of land, for the scite of the County town of the County of Clearfield, read on the 28th Jany., the 19th and 23rd of Feby., were read again and referred to Mr. Harris, Mr. Pennell, et al.. to consider and report thereon. March 13th, 1805. Senate Journal, 291. Mr. Harris, from the committee to whom were referred on the nth inst. the several proposals of land for the seats of Justice of the County of Clearfield, made report of which the following is a copy, to wit. : — "The committee to whom were referred the proposals made by Samuel Miles, Abraham Witmer and James Hamilton for fixing the seat of Justice of Clearfield County, as communicated by the Trustees for said County. "Report. That they have duly considered each of the aforementioned pro- posals, but from want of an accurate knowledge of the County generally, or of the comparative advantages of the several proposed places, conceive themselves inade(iuate to decide which would be most eligible and advantageous for the County, and are, therefore, induced to offer the following resolution, to wit. : "Resolved, That a conmiittce be appointed to bring in a bill authorizing the Governor to appoint commissioners to view and determine on the most eligible and proper place for the seat of Justice of Clearfield Co." Ax .\cr authorizing the apjwintment of Commissioners to fix upon a proper scite for the seat of Justice in Clearfield County : Section i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of rcnnsylvania. in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the Governor be and he is hereby authorized and required to appoint three disinterested commissioners who do not reside or own any land in the County of Clearfield, which commissioners, or a majority of them, shall meet at the house of Benjamin Patton. in the town of Bellefonte, on the twentieth day of May next, and from thence, proceed to view and ' of the Commonwealth on or before the first Monday of December next. Section 2. .\nd be it, etc.. That the aforesaid commissioiuTs shall have power, and it shall be their duty to take assurance by deed, bond or otherwise, of anv lantl. lots, monies or other property which hath been or may be offered for the use and benefit of the said County, either for the purpose of erecting public buildings, the snpjMirt of an academy nr other public use, and for the G. B. GOODLANDER — A pioneer journalist, was born in 1S27, and became editor of the Clearfield Republican in i860, continuing the same until his death, in 1897. strvico aioiiiiicntioncd : each i>t tin.- >ai(l cuniniissinniTs sliall receive tliri. dollars per day for every day he sliall he necessarily employe aforesaid: to be paid by warrants drawn l)y the coniinissioncrs of Centre Count on the Treasurer i>f said County i>ut <>f the monies arising from the taxes levieil assessed and collected from Clearfield County. .\pj)roved 4th April. 1805. The Governor in obeilience to the requirements of this last recited ai appointed three commissioners for the purjiose therein mentioned. The con; mission is as fallows: — Pennsylvania, s.s. Tmo.m.\s MiKi:.\.\ In the name and by the authority of tli Place of the Commonwealth of I'ennsxlvania. Thoma- Great Seal McKean, (lovernor of Said Commonwealth. To Roland Curtin. of ihc County of Centre: John I'leming. of the County of Lycomint;. and James .Smith, of the Comity of Gentlemen : — Sends Greeting: — Whereas, In and by an act of the General .\sscmbly of this Commonwealth, dated the 4th day of .\pril, instant, it is amongst other things provided that the Governor shall be authorized and empowered to a]>point three disinterested Conijiiissioners. who do not reside or own any land in the County of Clearfield, which Commissioners or a majority of them shall meet at the house ot Pienjamin Patton, in the Town of Piellefonte, on the twentieth day of .May next, and from thence ])roceed to view and determine on the most eligible and projier situation ior the Seat of Justice, and public buililings for the County of Clearfield — .\ow K.Now vk: That having full confidence in your integrity, judgment and abilities, I have appointed and by these presents I do ap]Kiint you. the said Roland Curtin, John Fleming and James Smith, Commissioners for the purposi aforesaid ; hereby recpiiring you, and each of you, with all convenient dispatch tc> ])roceed in the execution of the trust in you riposed, as aforesaid, and to make a full and accurate report in writing into the office of the .Secretary of the Commonwealth on or before the first .Monday of Decemlxr next. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at I^nncaster, this sixth day of .Ajjril, .\nno Domini 1805, and of the Conniionwealth, the twenty- ninth. r.y the Governor: T. .M. TiioMP.soN, Secretary of the Conmionwealth. These Commissioners met, viewed the sites offered, determined upon the most eligible situation, and made their report, reading: — "Sir: — By virtue of an act of the General ,\ssembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act authorizing the ap|K)intment of Conunissioners to fix upon a proper site iur the seat of Justice in Clearfield Comity" — "We, the subscrilKTs, appointed by his excellency, the (lOvernor, agreeable to the provisions oi the alxive mentioned act, pas.sed on the tenth day of .April, in the year of our I-ord one thousand eight hundred and five, — Rejxirt. That, agreeable to the provisions of the alxive mentioned act. we met at the house of I'lenjamin Patton. in the town of llellefonte. on the twentieth day of May, one JOHN M. CHASE — One of the pioneer lunibermeu, was born in 1820, and became a lead- intf lumberman of Woodward township. Enlisted in the service of his country in August, I1S62, and was a member of the 149th, P. V. He was an active member of the Baptist Church and was ordained a minister of the same in 1870. He acquired a great deal of land and prop- erty. He died at his home in Clearfield, March nth, 1899. thousand ciglu Iniiulred and five, and after receiving the different proposals made by several persons, proceeded to view and determine on the most eligible and proper situation for the seat of Justice and public buildings for the said County of Clearfield, and do find fliat the old town of Chincleclamouse, in said County (the property of Abraham Witmer, of the township of I^ncaster. in the County of Lancaster and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) situated on the South side of the West Rranch of the Susquehanna River, in the County afore- said, is the most eligible and proper situation for the scat of Justice and public buildings in the said County ; and we have laid out the said town (a plan of which is attached to the report), and we do also further report that we have received from the said Abraham Witmer his bond, which is hereto annexed, for the conveyance of certain lots and the payment of certain sums of money at the time and for the purpose therein mentioned. We are. with respect, your humble servants, RoL.WD Clrtin. J NO. Fleming. Jas. S.mith. To Thomas McKean, Thompson, Esq., Sec'y. The plan attached to the report inchiiled the territory Ixiunded on the West by the river, on the South by Walnut Street, on the l-last by Fourth Street, and on the Xorth by Pine Street, of the borough of Clearfield. It also included cer- tain out lots. The bond which the commissioners received from .\braham Witmer is dated November 5th. 1805. a copy of which appears in History of Clearfield County — .Mdrich — 1887, p. 67. The report of the Commissioners was confiniud .i> follows: "The Com- missioners appointed by this act fixetl the place of holding the courts, etc., on the lands of .Abraham Witmer, at Chingleglamouch old town, on the West Branch of the Susciuebanna. and the new county town is now laid out and called Clear- field." Hist. Clfd. Co.— Aldrich— p. 69. "Clearfield County was named after Clearfield Creek." (Morse — .Am. Gaz.. 3d Ed., 1810) an«l the scat of Justice was now named Clearfield, after the county of which it was to become the capital town. JL'STICKS OF THE PEACE. The act of 25th March, 1803, provided "That the Justices of the Peace of the County of Centre are hereby declared nf)t to have jurisdiction in cases of debts or demands recognizable within either of the county districts of Clearfield and McKcan ; any law or laws to the contrary hereof notwithstanding." This act gave to Clearfield County her Justices' Courts and the "County Squire." The Justices of the Peace of Clearfield Comity have, as a rule, been men of intelligence and of .sound judgment. It would be an interesting chapter in the county's history if portraits of our "squires" could be given and some account of the early trials presented, but it will be impracticable to attempt to do so in this paper. WiLi.i.vM T.ATE was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for this countv on S. J. ROW — Another early joiirualist, was born October 22d, 1S22, he became publisher of the Raftman's Journal in 1861, continuing until 1890, when he retired. He died Jan. 29, 1898. JOHN W. BELL — Descendant of Arthur Bell, one of the first settlers of the county, was born July 12th, 1S38, and died at his home in Greenwood Township February 14, 1904. the 1st of January. 1806. (Commission Bk. Xo. 4. Office Secretary nf State. 1 He was tlicrefore the first Justice of the Peace of ClearfieUl County William Tate, a member of the Society of Friends, was honi in L liester County, afterwards lived at Half Mocju. Centre County, and his first residence, in 1804. was a \og cabin on or close to the Catholic Church lot in Clearfield Borough. I le was one of the Trustees for Clearfield County, appointed by the Governor under the act of jCnh March. 1804. The children of William Tate were Dinah, wife of John Solt : Samuel; Lydia. wife of Wm. Irwin: Joshua: Martha, wife of Joseph Irwin: (ieorge: William: Levi, and Jesse Tate. The order in which commissions issued to Justices of the Peace for the county, as .tjiven in the Commission l'. TAXAlM.i:S IN i8er of the Clearfield liar, was born in Lycoming Co. in 1S25; graduated from Dickinson College in 1845, and was admitted to the bar in 1849. He was appointed President Judge in 1868 to succeed Judge Lj-nn. He is still in active practice, and made an address on Pioneer Day. \ akiniiu- l-legal Henry Fye John Finall Jolin Gcarliart Robert Graham Samuel Green Frederick Ilancy .•\l)raliam Hess Hiifjh Hall William Hanna DeWalt Htss 1 high Jf)nlaii Benjamin Jordan Andrew Ke()hart Conrad Kyler Thomas Kirk David Lewis Joseph Leonard Jane Lathers (Lewis) \\illiam Leonard Thomas McClure Joseph McCraikeii John Moore James McCracken, Jr. Robert McCracken Daniel Ogden John Owens Joseph Patterson Abraham Passmore Isaac Ricketts Alexander Read, Sr. George Reynolds Benjamin Smeal George Shimmel Flisha Schotield Francis Sevcnis Samuel Turner George Wilson John \\elch Jacob Wciser Thomas Winters Single Freemen. Sanniel P.oyd Andrew P.eer, Jr. Solomon Cline James Carson James Dunlap I ligh Frazer William W. Feltwell .\braham Goss James Gallagher Martin Hoover John Hall George Hunter Benjamin Hartshorn William Hei)burn Henry Irviii John Jordon John Hiler Henry Kephart Leonard Kyler David Ligat Thomas Lewis David Litz .Abraham Leonard James McCracken Thomas McCracken Rdhert McCormick Thomas Mapes Robert Maxwell Thomas ^TcGec Matthew Ogden Joab Ogden .•\bsalom Pierce William Robinson Fdward Ricketts .Mcxander Read, Jr. Nicholas Straw Xicholas Smeal John Shircy Christian !^traw William Tate William I'ndcrwood John Weld George W'elch John Weiser George Williams Peter Young — 122 .Andrew Bean Peter Clover Ji>hn Conneway David Dunlap David Flegal ELLIS IRWIN — Born June 17th, 1805, was appointed Protlioiiatory of the county by Governor Ritner, in 1835 ; was Post Master of Clearfield and Sheriff of the county for three years. He died May ist, 1902, aged 97 years. Job Enpland Robert llaiuv Jaiiifs (ialloway Samuel Jordan George Hancy John Kykr Saniiic] Jonlan Thomas Kirk Conrad Kyk-r. Ir Lewis Lewis James Kirk Robert McCrackcn Joseph McCVacken Robert Maxwell James McCracken Thomas Read Daniel McCracken John Welch — 30. With the year 1803 the tide of immigration had set in. and it increased in vohniie materially, once the new county was erected and the seat of Justice liicateil. The list of taxables given above is a most valuable record in the early history of the county. It was carefully prepared and contains the names of man\ of the heads of the largest and most widely known families. Some of these first "taxables" and "single freimeii" l»ecamc |)rominent as men of business and influential in the [tolitical affairs of the County. State and Nation. To recite the achievements of each or tell of their individual accomplishments, is l>eyond the .scope of this paper, and will be left for the pen of the future historian. This article is only intended to show the results of the united labor of the people who have come to resitle within the county or have gone forth to greater fields of usefulness. .\s shown abiive. there were 155 taxables in Clearfield County in iKo(i, and there were then returned for taxation 2i.~i6 acres of land. 70 horses. I20 cows. 7,/ oxen (an odd <>x), 2 grist-mills and 2 saw-mills. The returns for 1904 show 23.40<> taxaliles. J>".ji,2~ acres of land. 7.' '51 horses. 7,760 cows 12 oxen. The figures will serve to show a rapid and substantial growth. The increase in population is always an evidence of a prosperiiii> i.;iiix\il), and in this respect Clearfiehl County makes a most excellent showing, as will lie seen by consulting the census reports from 1810 to 1900. \'ear ...1810 i8jo 1830 1840 1850 18^0 1870 iSSti iN^) n^oo I'op. ...875 2..UJ 4.803 7.834 I2.58(« i8.7;o 25.741 43.408 Cvi.-.i't^ 8ti.r>i4 .\ki:.\. Clearfield County, according to the table |niblishef .Purveyor (leneral Rradford. em- braced the territory F.ast of Miioundary. and the Moshannon the blasteni. 1807 — Riuc.vRiA, so called after tiie distinguished Italian ]>hilosoj)her. .Mar- quis de Hi-ccaria. who reformed the criminal law, was Imundefl on the North bv Little Clearfield Creek from its mouth to its source, and a line drawn from ISRAEIv TEST — Was born in Center Connt}-, September 23d, 1831, he practiced law in Clearlield from 1IS58 to his death in 1886. He was a hnmorist and a noted criminal lawyer. thence to the West Branch at the mouth of Chest Creek. The West Branch formed the West boundary ; the Cambria County Hne, the South, and Clearfield Creek, from the mouth of Little Clearfield to the mouth of Muddy Run, and the latter from its mouth to the Cambria County line formed the East boundary. CiiiNCLECLAMOUScuE Townsliip, after this division, embraced the remain- ing territory South and East of the West Branch, North of Little Clearfield and West of Clearfield Creek, and, also, all the lands in the county North and West of the river. The second enumeration of taxablcs gave Chincleclamouschc iii, Bradford 36, and Bcccaria 28, or a total of 175 taxablcs. ^^, CniNCLECL.x.MOLscHE Township was made the object of a cormiined attack from General Zebulon Pike and Captain Lawrence, both of whoin had distin- guished themselves in the war of 1812, and the great and now famous original township was again divided and the name "Chincleclamousche" stricken from the list of townships, and all in the year 1813. 1813 — Lawre.n'ce Township, called after Captain I^wrence, was embraced within the following boundaries: Beginning at a white pine on the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, a corner of Clearfield and Lycoming Counties, thence North to the Northeast corner of Clearfield County; thence along the line of Clearfield County West to the intersection of the old line formerly known as the line between Districts Nos. 3 and 4 ; thence along the same South until it strikes the Little Clearfield Creek; thence down the same to the mouth thereof; thence down the Big Clearfield Creek to the mouth ; thence down the West Branch of the Susquehanna to the place of lieginning. 1813 — Pike Township, named in honor of General Zebulon Pike, embraced the territory within the following boundaries: "Beginning at the intersection of the old line, formerly known as the line between districts three and four, thence south along the same until it strikes Little Clearfield Creek, thence up the same to its head, thence in a direct line to the mouth of Chest Creek, thence up the Susquehanna River to the county line. .\11 lanes lying West of the above line erected into a new township to be called Pike." 1817 — CoviNGTO.v Township was formed out of I^wrence in 1817. and the following fixed as its boundaries: Beginning at the river at the Lycoming County line, thence North to the fifty mile tree, a corner of surveys Nos. 5417 and 5.418. a hemlock: thence West to a maple, a corner of lots Nos. 5.348 and 5,340; thence South along the line of surveys till it strikes Bald Hill Run, and down the Run to the mouth thereof; thence down llu- river to the place of beginning, and called Covington. Ginsox Township, called after Justice John Bannister Gibson, "than whom," the lawyers are wont to say, "no greater jurist ever sat upon the American Bench." was described as "beginning at the fifty-mile tree, a comer of Nos. 5417 and 5.418. and a corner of Covington Township on the Lycoming County line, thence North to the line of McKean County ; thence West along the said line to the East corner of Pike Township; thence South to the fifty-mile tree, a corner of I^wrcnce Township ; thence East to the place of beginning. These five townships, and Sinnemahoning or Fox, were created by the Quarter Sessions of Centre County, to which Clearfield remained annexed for JOHNOTHAN BOYNTON— Was born in Addison County, Vermont, September gth, iSio. He came to Clearfield County in the year 1832, and became one of its leading business men. He was one of the most enterprising citizens of Clearfield from the year 1845 to 1890, when he retired to lead a peaceful, quiet life. He now resides with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dill, of New York, at the age of 94 years. jiulicial piirjjosts till lS>22. They have been descrihetl in detail because uiion a map of the cminty. made in 1817 by Charles Treziulncy. Deputy Surveyor, in compliance with the requirements of an Act of the Legislature, they compose the five districts as numbered thereon, and designated in the "Commission Book. Xo. 6. p. 1 14." in the office of the Secretary of State as follows: — Justices of the Peace. "\" district, composed of part of Lawrence Township, including the Town of Clearfield, also Covington Township. J 2 taxables. William Tate January i. 1806 Hugh Riddle May i-th. 1816 — Xot eligible at this time, as he has not resided in the County a sufficient length of time. Hugh Riddle June 2d. 1817 — Removed to Centre Co. Caleb Taylor Sept. 2d. 1822 "2" district. conijKised of Hradford Township. 36 taxables. \'altntinc Flcgal Feb'y 2ist, 1815 — Removed to Centre Co.. says Reconlcr. Abel I'.enton Oct. 31st. 1821 Elijah Ross Oct. 31st. 1821 "3" district. c<>in]>iiseil of I'eccaria Township. 2(> taxables. John Keagy ^I'l"' ^^ Comd. January 28th. 1817 — Removed out of the Township. William Crec May i'>tb. 1S18 "4" district, composed of I'ike Township. •;3 taxables. .\rtlnir Hell .\pril 1st. 1806 Hugh Hall .April ist. 1806 — Resignation accepted .Alexander I'. Reed Oct. 21st. 1819. Jan\iary 4tli. 1821. "5" district, composed of I-awrence Townslii]). 7j taxables. James Jordan January 3i.st, 1820 1821 — SiNNEM.MioxixG Towuship was erected January 25th. 1821. In the month of .April its name was changed to Fox. in honor of a Mr. Fox. of Phila- delphia. COrXTY C( >.M.\HSS1( )\FRS. The .Act of January 28th, 1812. authorized the electors of the county to choose commissioners at the ensuing election in October, and provided that the powers of and authority of the commissioners of Centre County over Clearfield County cease and determine, except, however, the provision relating to the selection of jurors, in which case the commissioners of Centre County still retained the jurisdiction originally vested in them. The election resujted in the choice of Hugh Jordan, .^anuiel lulion and Robi-rt M:»\wel!. who comjxtsed the first Hoard of County Commissioners, with CYRENIUvS W. HOWE— Was born in New York State; resided in Decatur Township, Clearfield County, from 1845 to 1867. Was elected Sheriff of Clearfield County in 1S67, and moved to Clearfield in 1868, where he resided until his death, which occurred October 16, 1895, at the age of 77 years. He ser\'ed 15 3-ears as Justice of the Peace of Clearfield bore. Joscpl) Hoone as clerk. Sainuel Fulton visited this section on surveying trips only in 1802. 1803. 1804, 1805 and 1806. It was not until "in 1807 Fulton came to this county with his wife, having married in the beginning of the year 1806" (Hist. Clfd. Co. — Aldrich — 1887. p. 285). He was an Irishman, and one of the characters of the settlement, knew the country and was well acquainted with its inhabitants. He afterwards filled many responsible public offices. PLliLIC BLILD1.\(;S. The first Court House, motlcled after the Lycoming County Court House, was built by Robert Collins. The work was begun in 1814 and finished in the following year. It was a substantial brick edifice, "in which." says the Rafts- man's Journal of October 19th. 1859, "for many years justice or injustice has been meted out in legal form." The editor had. undoubtedly, been studying Comic Pilackstone, in which a court is o. and was built by George Thorn at a cost of $1^1.000.00. In !^e])tember. 1882. a contract was made with Thorn & Uurchfield for the construction of an addition '>n the rear and remodeling of the roof and upper part of the former building, leaving the building substantially as it is to-day. The first jail was located on the site of the resilience of Dr. j. 1'. liurch- field. Xo. 105 South Second Street, and not upon the lots on Locust Street, donated In .Mr. W'itmer. In an article published in the Clearlield Banner, in 1834. and found in Hazard's Register of Pa.. \'ol. 13, p. (xj, the first county prison is described as follows : ".\ jail ( we mention the jail in time for fear we might forget it, as the wall which is made by standing sticks of timber on an end — the only way to distinguish it from the other buildings — is iK-ginning to give way. and in a short time may not be observed at all)." The second jail was erected on the site of the Opera 1 Icni.sc on Market Street, and was built by Martin Xichols. Sr.. and Jonathan M. Nichols, at a cost of $3,5(X). The third and present jail, on \r>rth Second Street, was built in the years 1870-2. The contract price was $68,000.00. but the extras brought the cost to a higher figure. COURTS. Under the provisions of Sect. 11 of the .\ct of March 26. 1804, recited above. Clearfield Comity was annexed to the County of Centre, and it was provided that "the jurisdictifjij of the several courts of the County of Centre, and the authority of the judges thereof, shall extend over, and shall operate and o I CT; Q X (A W pq be effectual within, said Counties of Clearfield and McKcan." — Clearfield County remained so annexed to Centre tor judicial purposes until the second Monday of October, 1822, when the provisions of the Act of January 29. 1822. became operative and by which it was enacted. "That the inhabitants of the County of Clearfield be entitled to. and sliall at all times hereafter have, all and singular, the courts, jurisdictions, officers, rights and privileges to which the inhabitants of other counties of this State are entitled by the constitution and by the laws of this Commonwealth." The County was now fully organized. From the formation of the County, March 20, 1804. "T'l tbe second Monday of October. 1822. all matters of a legal nature, except such as was cognizable before the Justices Courts, was of necessity transacted in the Courts of Centre County. Seven townships were formed, and the greater one. the father of them all — Chingleclamouch — dropped from the list. The first step towards the furnishings of the courts with the necessary machinery for the transaction of business was the ap])ointment of associate judges and a prothonotary, and the following extracts from Commission Book No. 6 in the office of the .'secretary of State will prove interesting: — "Clearfield County. Associ.vTE Judges — Francis W. Rawie Sejit. 2nil. 1822. Moses Boggs Same date. Prgthonot.xrv. who is also to be Clerk of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. (Orphans' Court and Jail Delivery — Samuel l*"ulton .\]>|)<1. and comd. Sept. 2nd. 1822. Register .\ni) Reoirder — Samuel Fulton Sept. 22n(l. 1822." The first term of the courts was held at Clearfield Town, commencing Octo- ber 2 1 St. 1822. The first day's session was presided over by .\ssociate Judges Francis \V. RawIe and .Moses Boggs. before whom, as appears from the records, the following proceedings were had : The acts of .\ssembly organizing Clcarlield l.uunty for judicial purposes being read, and the courts being judicially opened, the commissions of the said judges. I'. W. Rawle and .M. Boggs. were presented and read. The commission of Samuel I'ulton. prothonotary of the said Court of Common Pleas and clerk of the said Court of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, were also presented and read, and also the commission of Greenwood Bell, sheriff of the said County of Clearfield, and writ of assistance were presented and read. On motion of W. R. Smith. Fsq., .\foscs Caiiatt was admitted and sworn as an attorney of the courts, and on motion of Moses Canan. ICsq.. the following named gentlemen were admitted and swom or affirmed as attorneys of the same courts: William R. Smith. Daniel Stoddard. Joseph M. I'ux. John M. riianchard. James Ileitlnirn. John Williamson. Hugh Brady. Thomas White. William J. Christy, John Ct. Miles, and Samuel M. Green. William R. Smith, John Williamson, Moses Canan and John G. Miles were from Huntingdon. Daniel StfKldard and William White from Indiana. Joseph M. Fox, Samuel Miles Green and John Blanchard from Centre. Hugh Brady of o I Q -I a Pi U u w z w Jefferson, and James Hei)l)iirn and William J. (.hristy from Philadelphia. The last two became resident attorneys and died in Clearfield County. Samuel Miles Green was then in commission as Deputy -Attorney General for this county and was sworn into office. Clearfield County was included in the Fourth Judicial District, of which Hon. Charles Huston was I'resiilent Judpe, who reached Clearlieltl on the 22nd of October, 1822, and entered upon the discharge of his duties. William W. Potter, of Centre County, who had accompanied him. was adTiiiited U< practice. The first trial term of the several courts was held in Decenilnr. iSjj. .nnd the first cause submitted to a jury was Wright vs. Amasa Smith. It is now almost seventy-two years since the courts were first convened, and the county fully organized for judicial purposes, and it was not until or 1H83. when at an e.xtra session of the Legislature Clearfield County was organized as a separate judicial district and the office of associate judge abolished. Hon. David L. Krebs was elected and commissioned the first Presi- dent Judge of the new judicial district. The courts of this county have from the very beginning been presided over by judges truly learned in the law. Hon. Charles Huston. Hon. Th(^inas Burn- side were made justices, and Hon. Cieorge W. Woodward, chief justice of the Supreme Court, they having been the first president judges of the courts of this county. Hon. John C. Kno.x. the fifth judge, was at one time .\ttonicy General of the Commonwealth and also became a justice of the Supreme Court. The State Re|X)rts contain many cases which have been tried in the courts of this county and cited as precedents. Among the cases tried in these courts none created a greater public interest than the Commonwealth vs. John !^iney ninl .Xinijii Park, trieil at .^^eptemher Sessions, 1875. .An extensive strike was inaugurated in the early part of 1875 among the miners in the Houtzdale coal region. The operators brought great numbers of new men into the region to take the places of the striking miners, and there were numerous conflicts between the strikers and the newcomers. The lalxir organization, of which .Siney was president, aided the strikers with funds and in other respects encouraged the miners in their fight for higher wages. .Siney was not present in the region during the progress of the strike, and it was not shown that he took any part in the strike. 1 le was acquitted. Xingo Parks was the secretary of another labor organization which also contributed assistance and in other respects aided the striking miners. He was in the region tendering his advice and in some respects directing the strike, ami was convicted, sentenced to the Penitentiary and afterwards pardoned. The New ^'ork pa])ers had their reporters at the trial and the daily proceed- ings were published in their colunnis. The case was regarded as of the utmost importance, as attacking the very foundati<">n uixm which lalxir organizations arc fouufled. The act of 14th June. 1872. made it lawful for any working man or working- men, etc., acting either as individuals or as the members of any club, society or association, to refuse to work or lalxir for any person or persons,, inter alia, when their so doing "woidd Ik- contrary to the rules, regulations or by-laws of any club. society or organization, to wliicli he, she or they might belong, witliout subject- ing any person or persons so refusing to work or lal)or, to prosecution or indict- ment for conspiracy under the criminal laws of this Commonwealth. ♦ • » Provided. That nothing herein contained shall prevent the prosecution and pun- ishment, under existing laws, of any person or persons who shall in any 'cav hinder persons who desire to labor for their employers from so doing, or other persons from being employed as laborers." The effect of the decision in Commonwealth vs. Parks was to make it a crim- inal offense to pcrsuaile. or otherwise, in any way hinder, persons who desired to labor from doing so and virtually stripi>ed the .\ct of 1872 of the protection it was supposed to give labor organizations. As an immediate result of the conviction of Xingo Parks in September, 1875, came the passage of the .\ct of 20th April, 1876, amending the Act of 1872. by declaring that the second provision of the first section of that act, quoted above, shall be so construetl that the use of lawful or peaceful means, having for their object a lawful purpose, shall not lie regarded as ";»i any iivjy hindcrin^^ persons who desire to labor ; and that the use of force, threat or menace of hami to per- sons or property, shall alone Ix; regarded as in any way hindering persons who desire to lalx>r for their eiui)loyers from so doing or ntlier persons from being employed as laborers." The late Hon. John H. Orvis. as Additional Law Juned 1830 with Dr. A. a w o W cd W > s w a S < w u Q o T. Schryver as the first teacher. From 1830 until 1874 this acadcniv continued to be tlie central and highest school in the county. In 1S74 it was merged with the common school of the bor- ough and ceased longer to exist as a separate institution. The building, however, was not demolished until 1901. when it was torn down and the present high school structure erected on the spot where it stood. COMMON SCHOOLS. The system of education by common schools was accepted and once in augurated ni.i(l<- marked progress, sn that to-d.iv tin- ^iIkkiU .ire much above tlu average. The .-Kct creating County Superintendents in Peiuisylvania became a law over the signature of the late Governor William Bigler. a citizen of the county and a resident of Clearfield town. Dr. .\. T. Schryver was the first County Superin- tendent. For the jnirposc of showing the comparative growth of the schools since the institution of the common school system, the following table may prove inter- esting : — Teachers. Scholars. Year. Schools. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1835-6 6 7 — 119 lOI 1844 80 71 11 K^27 1 1 25 1854 83 61 18 2506 1757 l8f^ 140 47 95 3097 2939 1874 179 106 88 3908 3331 1884 263 102 169 6095 5836 i8iiblieaii. Clearfield Ref'iihlieaii — 1 his pajier is now edited by John 1'. Short. The Clearfield Demoerat — This paper was established in 1834 by the late ex- Governor William Bigler. but was allowed to expire. The Clearfield U'hii; — This paper was founded by John R. Edie about tb time the Clearfield Democrat ceased to exist, and ended its own career in 1838. The Raftswen's Journal — This paper made its first appearance 15th Jtini' 1854. with the late H. Bucher .Swoope as its editor and proprietor. Hon. M. I McQuown is its present editor and owner. The Piihlie Sf>irit — This paper was established in 1878 by John Ray Bixtcr under the name of The Clearfield Cilicen. It is now owned and edited by Matt. Savage and is published as a daily and weekly. Milium in Pan-o — This paper, a short-lived enterprise of the late D. D. II. Sweeney, made its first appearance in 1883. CAMP SCENE OF J. M. TROTTELL & CO., ON LICK RUN. The Monitor — Tliis pafXT was cstablislied by and is now the Prohibition organ of the county, and is edited by S. C Watts. The Clearfield Times — Tliis paper is published by Dr. F. S. Xevling, at Clear- field and Karthaus. This completes tlie list of papers published at the county seat. From time to time in more recent years newspapers have been established in different section ^ of the county, among which the following are deserving of mention : The Clearfield County Times — Curwensville. Established in 1872 and sus- pended publication March 4, 1886. The County Rex-ia^' — This paper was established by C. C. McDonald, in 1881. under the name of The Aucilla. Mr. R. II. Brainard is its present editor and pro- prietor. The Mountaineer — Published at Curwensville by R. D. Swoope. Esq. The Osceola Rezrillc — Established January i. 1873, by Gi-orge M. Rrisbin. The Leader Courier — Published at Osceola by John B. McFadden. The Houtzddle Squib — Established August. 1878. by L. .\. Frazer ; discon- tinued 13th January, 1880. The Iloutcdale Observer — This paper made its lirsi appearance 15th Decem- ber. 1 88 1. The lloutzdale Mining Record — Established in .\pril. 1886. l)y Kinsloe \ Kinsloe. The Houtzdalc Citisen — Established now edited by I'oulton & Reese. The DuBois Courier — This paper appeared Jamiary 15th. 1870, with Butler 8- Horton as editors antl proprietors. Now published as a daily by E. W. Gray. The DuBois /-.r/Tt-ii— Established 12th October, 1883. by H. C. Wilson. B. S. Boag and I'rank McMichael. now published as a daily by David Reams. The Bnterj^rise — .\ monthly, established at DuBois by P. S. Welier, long since discontinued. The Journal — Published as a daily at Dul'ois by W. J. 1 lines. The Searchlight — An evening paper published at DuBois by McMichael iV Wright. The Coalport Standard — Established in 1S85 h\ C P. Pcuncpacker, now edited by J. Wcstever. The Mahaffey Oarr//.-— Published at Mahaffey by C. L. Meyers. The Trt-Jj— Published at Penfield by M. Xi.xon. This long list of newspapers is proof that the residents of this county were liberal patrons of the Press and is some evidence of the intellectual development of the county. IXDCSTRIES. (irist Mills. — The first important industry to establish itself in the county was the "grist mill." The first grist mill was built in 1804 by Matthew Ogden and was located on Moose Creek about three- fourths of a mile above its mouth, and it has been described as follows: "It was a mill built after its own plan. Had one fallen down to worship it, he would not have committed idolatry, for its likeness was not in the heavens alxjvc, nor in the earth Ix'neath. neither in the waters, which are upon the face of the earth. It was sui g,->i>-'l< In acked his grain thro' some blazed path or along the shores of the stream. The flour was caught in a trough, similar to those now seen near watering places, dug out of a huge stick of timber." — Journal, May i ith. 1859. LUMHERIXil The first industry to spring into existence was the exportation of sawed lum- ber. Prior to 1805 Daniel Ogden and Frederick Haney hail erected saw-mills; shortly afterwards Daniel Turner built a mill on Clearfield Creek, above Cilen Hope; Robert Maxwell built one near Curwensville: James and ."^anuiel .\rdcry erected a mill near Clearfiehl Bridge, and other mills were erected in quick suc- cession. The lumber was made into rafts and floated down the river and to market. In i8 lumber. Hundreds of millions of feet of lumber have been floated in the shape of logs to the lower river towns and there manu- factured. This system has worked to the disadvantage of Clearfield ("i>iint\. but it enriched W'illiamsport and other towns on the lower Susquehamia. Extensive mills were established in Clearfield County. The Mosluman Land and Lumber Co.. at Osceola, in 20 years cut ,^00,000.000 feet of pine, hemlock and oak into lumber, ties, lath, pickets and shingles. Hoover, Hughes & Co.. at their various operations. manufactureis. is the largest o|>era- tion in the county, and although it is impossible to give the output, it has been enormous during the past 30 years. In 1828 the county sent 500,000 feet of Ixiards and square timber to market. CO.\L. The second industry to take root and contimie to thrive was the mining and exportation of coal. .\t the iK'ginning the only means for transportation was th< river, and the coal was carried to market on arks. Frederick Haney. it has been said, built the first coal ark used on the river, but its life was short as it "staved" on the river at "RtKkv Rend." yA/-- This industry grew very slowly ami in 1828 the exports of coal amounted to but 2,000 tons. The reader will be loth to believe that there ever was a time when bituminous coal from Clearfield county was placed on exhibition on the State Capital grounds at Harrisburg. but such seems to have been the fact, as the c\ tract.-; given below will tend to show : Bituminous Coal. — P. .\. Karthaus. Esq., arrived at this place a few da . since with six arks, laden with bituminous coal from his extensive mines on the west branch of the Sus(|uchanna. in CIearfiel Rcndiiiur. Reading, June 6, 1829. Berks Journal. Our esteemed fellow-citizens. Messrs. Lane and Orrick. have introduced lu ; among tlie blacksmiths the bituminous coal from Clearfield county, via I'niin Canal. We yesterday examined a cargo recently received, but claiming no creol or \'irginia coal. — Hazard's Reg. of P.. val. 3339. This, then, is the humble beginning of what has now become our chief indu^ try, fduniled u])on the wreck of Frederick 1 fancy's ark. which was piloted In John Hell to destruction on "Rocky Bend." The coal trade of this county did not amount to much until 1867, when tli mining and shipping of the fuel began in earnest, and there has been an ever increasing output. It would indeed be interesting to follow this industry in ii- rajiid develo])ment, if it were possible to present accurate figures, giving the pr. duction year by year. The Tyrone Herald some years since published a statement, afterwards appearing in "The Historical Journal." vol. i, p. 62, which shows th< coal tonnage from the Tyrone & Clearfield R. R., and which to a great extent came from Clearfield county, for a period of twenty years. Years. Tons. Years. Ton-; 1867 i6o.2iq 1877 1.374O-- 1868 171.238 1878 1, 20)8.4 J 1869 259,994 1879 1.622.97 1870 370,683 1880 1.730.872 1871 542,8-NATPKAL'a6sNK:M'Mil Wl -AND' I -r E > V R, ^^'i|lg2^^i ' «t t»i^ — CLEARFIELD NATIONAL BANK— Organized 1S93 will appear from the table given below : Year. Tons. Employees. '^^ 5-37 '-795 8559 i88y 5,124,522 7-205 1890 6.549.546 9251 1891 6,706,016 10188 1892 6,631,013 10639 1893 6,081.324 10883 '894 4.156,310 9733 1895 5.442.299 9416 1896 4.889.793 8989 1897 5.392472 9016 1898 4.885.780 7947 1899 5.860.397 8072 1900 2,819,109 4127 1 90 1 5.232.054 9202 1902 6.422.836 10573 1903 6.822.052 10988 88.387.318 E.xcluding the year 1887 it would therefore appear that from 1867 to 1904 Clearfield County has sent to other markets the enormous quantity of 1 16,221,972 tons of bituminous coal, which, as great as the amount is, docs not cover the total production. IR()\. The third industry to begin its struggle for an existence was the iron trade, and inseparably connected therewith is the name of Peter Karthaus. who, with his son and J. F. W. Schnars, came to Karthaus between 181 2- 15. .\n extract from the manu.scri])ts left by George A. Snyder, a son of Governor Simon Snyder, will prove interesting in this connection. Mr. Snyder says: "The first time I saw Peter was about the year 1812. when he came to my father's house in Marrisburg. having but lately arrived from (jermany. lie had with him the model of a boat having a water w-heel at the head, connected with which was a lever. To the ends of this lever were att.iched poles whereby the boat was to be shoved against the stream. It is not worth while to give a more minute description of the contrivance; suffice it to say that it was constructed on the very philosophical principal that the force of the current wouKl turn the wheel, which would set the lever and poles in motion, and so propel the boat against the stream, something like mounting a chair to look over the top of one's own head. "Peter built his boat and discovering, of course, that it would not go up stream, because the current was against it, and that it could not go down stream because the poles would not let it, resorted to stages and horse power, and de- parted for Clearfield county, where he had purchased a large tract of land. Peter was rich. .\m\ having discovered that his lands were well supplied with iron ore. coal, timber and water power, resolved to iKcome richer by means of the afore- said iron ore. etc. .\ccordingly he laid out many thousands of his dollars in erect- <(«?!^' ~\ CLEARFIKLD TRUvST COMPANY— Organizeil Jaiuuiry, 1902 inj^ a furnace, a furj;c, a larpc mill, a cnnvcMiiciil wharf and several larjje houses, all of stone. I'eter manufactured iron, hut behold, there was no way to }jet it to market: he made ready his mills, but alas, jjcople jjrt-'w no pfrain in the woods, and. of course, his toll dish was not often filled. I'eter's works were verv complete, but they stood idle." — Hist. lour., vol. ii, 2ifO. Durinjjf 1S17 Karthaus and Rev. IVederick W. (iei.senhainer erected a furnace on Moshonan Creek. The ore was broujjht up the river in canoes and tlat boats to sujjply the furnace, and hollow ware, stoves, etc.. of the best (|ualitv manufac- tured. This new branch of business had a Ix'iieficial effect on the company's (Allegheny Coal Co.) affairs and gave impetus to the settlement of their land. Roads were opened. The river, which afforded the only means of transportation, was cleared of rock and other obstructions. Things went on swimmingly. Hard ore of good (juality being found in the neighborhood, the stack was enlarged ami fri(|uently in blast — the last time under the superintemlency of I'eter Ritner, but want of encouragement and the expense of sending iron from a new country, hav- ing l)Ut few antl imcertain roads of carriage, brought the undertaking to a close. The furnace for some years has stood idle and the buildings are in a state of de- cay.— Raftsmen's Jour.. .\ug. 31. 1839. The writer in the Journal goes on to say that "a railroad will soon pierce this thriving scttknuni. and then the vast bituminous coal, ir<5n ore and grey lisne- stonc, so generously distributed through it, will be brought into re<|uisition," etc. Ii. was twenty-five (25) years after this article appeared before the building of the long-expected railroatl. .Mr. Thomas II. P.nrrows, in his "State Book of Pciinsylrviiia" (1846), page -35- says: ".Vt Karthaus. so-called from the name of the original |)roprietor, the first successful att(.m|)t was martation in 1828 being only ico tons of castings and |)ig iron. A large i)lant has recently been established about two nnies sovith of Clear- field, near the site of the old "< ioodfellow " bridge, for the mamifacture of steel, but not from native ores. I- IRK r.RICK. The existence of lire cia\ in this county has been well known from a verv earlv day, and it would .seem that the mamifacture of fire brick began as early as 183,^ '" I'cccaria Township, near Coali)ort. The first manufacturers of fire brick in the county were Richardson & Campbell, and the Clearfielil Ilanner in an article appearing in Hazard's Register of Fa.. \ ol. 12. p. 144. Sej)!.. 18^^ dves the fol- lowing description of the oven : "The ovtn in which the brick is burned is after the llnglish plan, measuring sixteen fiet high and twelve in diameter, and heateil by bituminous stone coal, containing nine grates ami will burn at one time 2^1,000." The bricks were loaded on arks for the eastern market, but, according to Mr. .2:2S^ ■BCEZCV^eK^-3-- <^, '.I M ';-^7 By Isaac and Benj. Reese, Thomas Hammond and John McMath. No. 2 Works at Woodland, Erected, 1870 By Wyle and Richards. No. I Clearfield l-ire Brick Works, Erected. 1873 By Clearfield Eire Brick Co. Wallaccton Eire I'.rick Works, Erected. 1880 By Wallaccton I'ire I'.rick Co. I'hilipsburg Eire Brick Works, Erected. 1882 P.y R. B. Wifrfiii &■ Sons. Wideiiiire Works. Erected, i8()5 r>y llarbisoii-Walker Co. Within the past five years the following works have been erected : Clearfield Works, Clearfield. By Harbison-Walker Co. No. 2 Clearfield Eire Brick Works, Clearfield, By Clearfield I'ire Brick Co. Blue Ball Works. Blue Ball. I'.y W. 11. Wynn & Co. Curwensville I'ire Brick Works. Curwensville. I'.y Curwensville Eire Brick Co. Osceola Eire P.rick Works. Osceola, By ( )sceola Eire Brick Co. The above plants vary in capacity from 5 to 18 millions. To-day the coal and fire brick industries may be mentioned as the principal business enterprises in the county, increasing in magnitude each year. T.\X\ERIE.S. It is said that Benjamin Hartshorn built a tannery on the place where he settled, near Curwensville, in Bike township, as early as 1806, and that it was the first tannery built in the county. .Mwut 1810 Thomas Reynolds built a tann(r\ . Iniilt a larjjc tannery at Clearfield in 1880. which aiurwanls on a reor),'anization of the firm passed under the control of Fayerweather & l^dcw, who. in i&>3. sold it to the lilk Tanning Co.. the present owner. .\ larj^'e tannery was built at Dul'iois in 1884 hy Dul'ois & \'an Tassel P.ros. .\ tannery was also built about this time at .Maliaflfey by .\1 riser. .\ second tannery was built at Curwcnsville. and at one or t\vo other points in the county. I'or a tin:e tins imliisirv was a jjnal lienefit to the lanners, wim tnuml a market f>r their bark, riceiviufj ready money in e.xchanjje therefore, but 'twould have been a good investment to have let the trees stand until now. It will be impossible to enter into further the public in June. i8?).V and gave to the i-astern section of the- county what bad been long needed, an outlet to the Lakes and the West. With the comple'tiein of the railroad from Karthaus to Clearfield, in 1900. and the various and extensive branches of these «: J. l-"rank McNaiil, i88: Harry 1". Wallace. June. 1876: William F. Wallace. June. 1876; Smith \ . Wilson. March 7. 1877: William H. rattersim. June 17. 1878: J. IVank Snyder. June 18. 1878: Roland I), .^woope. Seiuember 23. 1878: I'rank ( i. Harris. January 14. 1871): William A. Hajjerty. January 22. 1879: Arthur L. Cole. January <). 1882: W. C. I'entz. September 25. 1882: Allison ( )pp .Smith. January. 1883: D. S. llerron. May 30. 1883; .\mericus I IfKlge Woodward. June 3. 1883: Martin Lulher .McOuown. June. 1883: James Morton Kelly. January 14. 1884: .Sintjleton I'.ell. January 2<). 1884: Ceorpe W. Zeipler. May 12. 1884: G. H. IJchtenthaler. May 14. 1884: George M. I'.ilger. March 22. i88fi: Willi.im I. Swoope. December 6. 188^); .Alexander I'aterson. Jainiary 10. 1887: Howard I!, llartswick. September 3. 1887: William L'. .Milkr. January 14. i88<): I'rank Mutton. February 2. i8i>i : Herbert A. .\Ire. I'cbruary 3. i8«ji ; (ieorge .M. I'ulford. May 23. i8«(i : Henja- min l". Chase, Sc|)tember 28. i8«)i : Georije R. Merritt. .SeptemlH?r 6. 1802; Wil- liam I'aterson. May 2. i8';3; George R. I'.igler. .May 24. i8()3: Fred G. Rctts, August 27. i8<)4: Alfred .\l. I.iveright. XovemlK-r 8. i8f>4: l>ed R. Scofield. DecemlK-r 3. i8<)4: William 1". I'alton. I'ebruary 3. i8: John .M. L'rey, Sep- tember 7. i8. |8<>7: Hazard .\. Murray. September 3. i8i)<>: Lewis !•". Uoyer. N'ovember (>. i8<)i): Johfrf?:" Ml'driilll. Di-cendier 4. i8<)CK James I'. < )'l.augblin. Dicimber 20. kkw: I.eno W. I-'dwards. July 1. npi : Homer W. Ivdwards. January 3. i<>03: I". I'lake Kimtz. I'ebniary 2. l'P3: Thomas V. Garrahan. July 11. i<)04: W. D. CVosby. George W. Lukehart. James Nolan. Deputy Attorneys, (iencral and District Attorneys — I-'rom the fact that it is impossible to furnish all the dates of incumbency of this office, it is deeme-32. Lebbeus Luther: 1832-3. Robert Ross: 1833-8. James I'erguson ; 1838-41. Abraui K. Wright: 1841-4. < icorge Leech: 1844-7. '-"''^ Irwin: 1847-30. John Slites; 18503. .\lexander Caldwell: i833-<>, William Powell: 1836-1). Jo.siah R. Rea^('l.*^••l (\i-.iiiiis Uiiui- iS-i-|, Instill I. Pic: iS") ". William R. jMcPhersoii : 1877-80. Andrew I'entz, Jr.; 1S80-3. James Mahaffey ; 1883-6, R. Newton Shaw: 1886-9, Jesse E. Dale; 1889-92, E. L. McCIoskey ; 1892-5, F. M. Cardon ; 1895-8, Frank Smith; 1898-1901, David D. Gingery; 1901-4, Hugh McCullough ; 1904, James P. Staver. Registers and Recorders — This oflice became separated from that of Prothon- otary in 1856. Since that time the succession has been as follows; James \\'rigley. 1856-62; Isaiah G. TSarger. 1862-8; Asbury W. Less. 1868-74; L. J. JMorgan. January, 1875-81; George \l. Ferguson, 1881-7; D. R. FuUerton, 1887-93; I'i"^ Koozer, 1893-9; E. E. Jimeson, 1899. Treasurers — During the early years, when Treasurers were appointed annu- ally, it is impossible to ascertain the correct time the officer held the position ; it is therefore deemed expedient to furnish nothing more than the succession in the order of their holding, respectively ; Arthur Bell. Samuel Coleman, Samuel Fulton, Alexander B. Reed, James Ferguson, Alexander Irvin, G. Philip Geulich, Martin Hoover. James T. Leonard, Christopher Kratzer, D. W. Moore, Robert Wallace, J. W. Wright. Isaac Bloom. Arthur Bell. John McPherson. Eli Bloom, John McPherson. George B. Goodlandcr. Joseph Shaw. Christopher Kratzer, D. W. Moore. \\'illiam K. Wrigley. Lever Flegal. Samuel P. Wilson, David W. Wise, David McGaughey, Philip Dotts, John W. ^\'rigley. John AI. Troxell, James Mitchell. James McLaughlin. George M. Dinieling. Lewis C. Dyer, George Weaver (died in office), A. B. \\'eavcr (unexpired term). \\'illiam C. Goss. Prothonotaries — Samuel Fulton. 1822 ; Reuben Winslow. 1825 ; Joseph Boone, 1827; Ellis Irwin, 1836; James T. Leonard, 1839; Alexander Irvin, 1842; Wil- liam C. Welch, 1846; Ellis Irwin ( liy aj^pointnient ) : William Porter. 1851 ; George Walters. 1857; James T. Leonard (by appointment): John L. Cuttle, i860; D. F. Etzweiler, 1863; Aaron C. Tate, 1869: Eli Bloom. 1875; James Kerr, 1881; Alfred M. Bloom, 1887; D. J. (riingery, 1893; Crant H. Tliom])son. 1899. County Superintendents — A. T. Schryver. 1854-7: L. L. Still. 1857-60; J. Broomall, 1860-3; C. B. Sanford. 1863-6; G. W. Snyder, 1866-72; J. A. Gregory. 1872-8; M. L. McQuown, 1878-84; Matthew Savage. 1884-90; B. C. Youngman. 1891; George \\'. Weaver. 1897-1900 (died in office); E. C. Shields (unexpired term) ; E. C. Shields, 1901-4. Countv Commissioners and Clerks — 18 12- 13. Hugh Jordon. Samuel Fulton, Robert ]\Iaxwell; clerk, Joseph Boone. 1814-15. Hugh Jordon, \Mlliam Tate, Robert Alaxwell ; clerk, Joseph Boone. 1816. A\'illiam Tate. Samuel Fulton, Thomas McClure ; clerk, Boone. 1817-18. Thomas McClure, David Ferguson, Robert Ross ; clerk, Boone. 1819, David Ferguson. Robert Ross. \\"illiam Ogden ; clerk. Boone. 1820. William ( )gden. (ircenwood Bell. Alexander Read. Jr.; clerk. Boone. 1821. Alexander Read. Jr.. Matthew C)gden. Greenwood Bell; clerk. David Ferguson. 1822. Alexander Read. George Welch, Abraham Leon- ard : clerk. Ferguson. 1823. George Welch. Elisha .Schofield. Martin Xichols ; clerk. James Reed. 1824, Martin Xichols, Elisha Schofield, George Welch; clerk, James Reed, who held until 1829. 1825. Schofield, Nichols, Job England. 1826, England. Nichols, George Wilson. 1827, England. Wilson. Joseph Hoover. 1828. Joseph Hoover, Robert Ross, George Wilson. 1829, Hoover, Ross, A. Cald- well ; clerk, Lewis W. Smith. 1830. Ross. Caldwell. J. Schnarrs ; clerk. James T. Leonard, who so held until 1834. 1831. Caldwell, Schnarrs, George Leech. 1832, Schnarrs. Leech. Ipnalius Thompson. 1833. Leech. Thompson, L IL W'ar- wick. 1834, Warwick. Thompson. Matiliew Ogden ; clerk. L. W. Smith, until 1838. 1835. Warwick, Ogden, Smith Mead. 1836. Ogden, Mead, William Dunlap. 1837, Mead. Dunlap. James R. Graham. 1838. Diinlap. Graham. Isaiah Goodfellow : clerk, James Reeil. i83<>. Graiiam, Goo5. James Savage. G. I. Thompson. Jacob Mock; clerks. W. \'. Wright. George E. Owens. 1891-2-3. G. 1. Thomp.son, E. G. Gearhart. John McGaughey ; clerks. Geo. E. Owens. C. C. Howe. IL E. Rowles. i8<)4-5-6. James Reed, W. T. Ross. A. E. Wi>olridge; clerk. Geo. E. Owens. 1897-8-9. A. E. Woolridge. W. C. Davis. I). II. Waring; clerk. P. T. Davis. 1900-I-2, W. C. Davis, C. IL Cole, 11. J. Diem; clerks. P. T. Davis. A. K. Stavcr. 1903-4-5. S. R. Hamilton, Commmlore Rowl<- n ]• Wilhelm; clerk, A. K. Staver. BOROUGHS. Clearfield is the oldest town, and the first Ixirough. to be incorporated in the countv. .Mthough laid out in 1805. it was not incorporated until .\pril 21. 1840. when the Legislature, in an Omnibus Bill, resolved "That Clearfield Town, in the County of Clearfield, shall be and the same is hereby erected into a borough under the name and title of the Borough of Clearfield." Its limits have been several times enlarged and extended, so that to-day it includes much additional territorv. taken from I^nwrencc Township— and the Borough of West Clearfield. Programme of Centennial Celebration of Clearfield County 1804 - 1904 JULY 26, 27, 28, 29, 1904 Pioneer Day July 2b Beginning early on this day l\v<» clerks will be found in the Relic Room in the Conrl llinise. tn rej^isler the names of I'inneers. yive tliem their hadjjes and free dinner tickets. At I I A. M. nf said da\ the |iaraile will take place, which will he as follows ; Banner Inscriptions July 26 The following inscriptions on banners used on Pioneer Day of the great Cen- tennial are made a part of the History of the great occasion. "in pioneer division." First. William Penn made the Treaty with The Indians, the Indians with the \\'hites. The Descendants of all rejoice and are glad. Second (Red Men). We ga\c \ou your C'liicaclamoose, we gave you your "Old town." and iinw extend tci ymi the hand of Friendship. Third ( Pioneers). We ]ilii\ved witli llic (i\ team and the wooden plow, ate corn bread, lived in log houses. You have the improved machiner\. the up-to-date baker and handsome Cottages. Fourth (Pioneer). We lived in humely hamlets, wore home s|)un clothing ami were educated in the lug scIuid! house. (_)ur children iiave better advantages. Fifth. ( )ur forests we cleared thai i mr children mi,L;ht have bread. < 'ur hard- ships laid the foundation c)f your wealth. Sixth. We had the pine trees, you have the coal and lire clay : we iiad hardships, >ou have ease and comfort. Seventh. We have lived three score and ten. The future of this great county we commit to our children. Eigiith (Boys' Band). Call us Juveniles now, but come to the next Centennial and note how well we will i^lax . Great trees from acorns grow, so all musicians must begin. Ninth (Boys' Procession). We will |jreserve this county, which our fathers and grandfathers have made great. From Youth to Old Age, makes a brilliant page. Tenth. Grandfather played "corner ball," we foot ball ; grandfather took his girl out on horseback (double), we take ours in the automobile. Eleventh. Our Pioneers travelled with the ox team and the cart, we have bicycle and the automobile; the Pioneers drove in the mud, we use paved streets. Twelfth. The Pioneers had the tallow candle, we have electric light. They had the old time fireplace, we have the steam heat. Soldiers' Day July 27 Probably tliis will be tlic bigmst ers in fine step and drill. Ten hands are registered for the parade on I'iremens Day. The I 'ark attractions on tliis day will l)eat all others and the finely uniformed men will he a sight that will attract the higgest crowd of the week. ( lood s]M'aking has heen maile a part of the jirogranniie for that day. IN TIIR P.\RK. The Park is heing prepare '^.-.^ o V >^=L™ 4 <=>J. % C«\ .«^ ^o r. ■ ^^S J'\ Wv^^ ^""^ v,m:^^mmm^!m^Mmm LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 0005863 215 6 #