THE SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. RHODE ISLAND jSoripfg of (Jinrinnati. The Annual Meetin(; in the State House, and Commemorative Dinner at the NARRAGANSETT HOTEL, Providence, R. I., ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1878. PROVIDENCE, R. I. : J. A. & R. A. REID, PRINTERS. 187S. is.l.Pub. Llte^ ,1 ^ OF CIN, [N THE State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations. Organized 17th December, 1783 Incorporated 28lh February, 1814. Act of Incorporation Amended 26th March, 1878. 1[ani;it| |uli|, 1878. OFFICERS: President, . Hon. NATHANAEL GREENE, Newport, R. I. Vice President, Hon. SIMON HENRY GREENE, River Point, R. I. Secretary, . Dr. HENRY EDWARD TURNER, Newport, R. I. Assistant Secretary. Prof. ASA BIRD GARDNER, LL.D.,West Point, N.Y. Treasurer, . SAMU EL CH ACE BLODGET, Esq., Providence, R. I. Assistant Treasurer, Di'. DAVID KING, Newport, R. I. These OflTicers cnnstitiite tlie "''Standing Committee." Chaplain: Revd. JOHN HENRY ROGERS, A. M. Delegates to the General Society: Hon. NATHANAEL GREENE, Prof. ASA BIRD GARDNER, Dr. DAVID KING, Hon. JAMES MASON CLARKE, Dr. HENRY EDWARD TURNER. Alternates: Hon. DANIEL WANTON LYMAN, JAMES M. VARNUM, Esq., SAMUEL CHACE BLODGET, Esq., Hon. HORATIO ROGERS. Committee on Publication of Register Hon. JOSHUA M, ADDEMAN, Dr. DAVID KING, HENRY THAYER DROWNE, Esq. Rhode Island Society OF Cincinnati. ANNUAL MEETING AND COMMEMO- RATIVE DINNER. In accordance with the time-honored custom, the "Society of Cincinnati in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations," held Its annu- al meeting Fourth of July noon, and partook of the annual commemorative dinner in the after- noon. The meeting was held in the Senate Cham- ber, at the State House, and was presided over by the President, Hon. Nathaniel Greene, of Newport, descendant of Gen. Nathanael Greene. There were present the Vice President, Hon. Simon Henry Greene, of Riverpoint, a de- scendant of Col. Christopher Greene; Secretary Dr. Henry E. Turner, of Newport, a descendant of Surgeon Turner; Treasurer Samuel C. Blodget, Esq., descendant of Major Blodget; Assistant Secretary, Prof. Asa Bird Gardner, of the United States Military Academy, West Point, a descend- ant of Lieut. Jonathan Willard; Assistant Treas- urer, Dr. David King, a descendant of Surgeon King; James M. Varnum, of New York, descend- ant of Brigadier General James M. Varnum ; Da'i- iel W. Lyman, descendant of Colonel Daniel Lyman, afterwards Chief Justice of Rhode Island; Thomas Vincent Carr^ descendant of Colonel .Jeremiah Oluey, the last colonel in the line, by whom the colors of the regiment were turned over to the Slate; Hon. James M.Clarke, Hon. Amos Perry, Hon. J. M. Addeman; also, in accordance with the provisions of the Association, the eldest sins of some of the members, who are entitled hereditarily to membership, and are al- lowed the privileges of attending the meeting and the commemorative dinner. The Society of the Cincinnati was formed in 1783 at the close of the Revolutionary War, of the offi- cers of the United States army who served three years in the regular Continental line, a^d to be per- petuated by the eldest male descendants of those officers, or when there are no direct male descend' ants, by those of collateral branches. Baron De Steuben was the first President. The Society was divided, for the purpose of convenience, into State Societies, one in each of the original thirteen States. Some of the Societies have died out, and there are but seven or eight now in existence. Gen. Nathanael Greene was the first President of the Rhode Island Society. This Society has been out of existence for thirty or forty years, but has recently been resuscitated. In commemoration of the union of the American and French armies the ribbon of the badges is of blue and white, the white renresenting the lily of France. Most of the badges worn at this meeting were nearly one hun- dred years old The colors presented to the State by Col. Olney, were aisplayed lu the hall, by per- mission of the General Assembly, at its recent ses- sion. These State Societies have a triennial con- vention, and it is a curious coincidence that at the first triennial convention, held in 1784, three of the five Rhode Island delegates were Gen. Nathanael Greene, Gen. .James M. Varuum, and Col. Daniel Lyman, while at the last triencial convention, held last May, three of the delegates were de- scendants of the three named and bore exactly the same names. And it may he stated that these three were at this meeting. The meeting was opened in due form, Rev. Jas. G. Vose, of the Massachusetts Society, perform- ing the chaplaincy services. After the routine business the following were elected members of the Society: David Barclay Kirby, grandson of Hon. Ephraim Kirby, Surgeon. Henrv Waterman Holden, great grandson of Gen. William Allen. Rev. John Henry Rogers, grandson of Lieut. John Rogers. Charles Prior, grandson of Ensign Jabez Bar- ney. Gen. Horatio Rogers, grand-nephew of Lieut. Robert Rogers. Henry Thayer Drowne, grandson of Surgeon Solomon Drowne. Horace S. Bl"odgood, great grandson of Surgeon Isaac Senter. Wm M. Davis, grandson of Capt. Robert Davis. Moses Don vi lie Coburn, great grandson ol Cipt. Pierre DouvlUe. Continental Navv. Daniel H. Barton, grandson of Gen. William Bar- ton, captor of Gen, I'rescott. Messrs. Kirby, John H. Rogers, Prior, Horatio Rogers, Drowne and Holden appeared and for- mally joined the Society. The report of the Treasurer, showing the finan- ces of the Society to be In good condition, was read and accepted. The annual report of the Secretary was also read and accepted. This report was a long one, and showed that much progress had been made in get- ting together documents formerly belonging to the Society and in putting the Society in good con- dition. The report of the delegates to the general cou- vention at Philadelphia, in May last, was also pre- sented and accepted. The report of tlie Standing Committee was also presented and accepted. The report gives an ac- count of the doings of the past year. The Com- mittee recommended the passage of the following resolutions: Whereas, This Societjr on the fourth day of July, 17iW, did expel an original member, Captain Lieutenant Joseph Arnold, for paying a small debt in paper money— said sum being a legal ten- der for the discharge of such obligation and Whereax, Captain Arnolu was an officer of the Revolution who did creditable and valuable Ser- vice to the State, and subsequently maintained a respectable position In society to his decease, and i\ fif?-eas. The cause of his expulsion was not an illegal or frivolous act involving moral turpitude, but rather political in its nature— and consequently not examinable here— although undoubtedly con- sidered serious by our honored revolutionary members of "federalistic i^oliiical proclivities," therefore. Resolved, That said resolution of expulsion be, and it Is hereby, rescinded and declared null and void, and so noted on the record. Resolved, By the Society of Cincinnati, in the State of Khode Island andProvidence Plantations, that the rulo adonted