n 61 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 208 676 1 C (^V ":JXJLY lOTH, 1886 l?*K:icE, o Cents. WM.T.RAE&GO 707 Broad St., NEWARK, N. J. Ul H H O UJ cc cc o o mPOfiTEDWATCnt 501J0 :M DIAMONDS jrE\VE:LRY, -&C. 1 Phila. & Reading R. R. Broad Street to New York — 4.40, 5.20, r. .50, 6.25, (JTAl r.lO, 7.85, 7.5.5, 8.15, 8.40, 9.00. 9.25, 9.40, 10.05. 10.35, 11.05, 11.40, a. m ; 12.25, 1.05, 1 35, 2.00, 2.50, 3 15, 3.55, 4.20, 4.55, 5.'c5, 5 55, 6.10, 6.35. C 55, 7,20, 7.50, 8.25, 9.0.5, 9.55. 10.50, 11.20, 12.00 p m. i Sundaj' Trains, 8.00. 9.00. 10.00. 11.00. 12.00 a. 'm. 1.00.,4.00. 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, JQ.W, 10.00, 11. 00 p. m. ) New York to Newark — 5.00, 5.45, 6.15, 6.45. 7.15, 7.30, 8 00, 8.15, 8 30, 9.00. 9.15, 9.45, a. m. ; 12 M.; 12.45. 1.15, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00. 3 30, 4.00, 4 30, 5 00. 5.15, 5.30, .5.45. 6.00, 6.15, 30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.15, 9.00, 9.4.5. 10.30, 11.15, 12.00 p. m. Sunday Trains, 8.00. 9.00, 10.00. 11.00, 12.00 ' a. m. 1.00, 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.30. 8.00. 9.00 lO.OO. 11.00, 12.00 p. m. Newark to Elizabeth and Elizabfthport— .6.20, 7.05, 7.4.5, *8.25, 8.35. 9.00. 9.05, 10.10, i 10.:i5, 11.00 a. m.. 12.0.5, 1.0.5, 1.30, 2.00, 2.40, 3.35. 4.00. 4.35, 5.05, 5.30, 5.50, 6.20, 7.05, 7.3.5, : 8.15, *8 27. *9.40, 10.50 p. m. Sundays. 8..50, ; 11.00 a. m., 12.20, 1.50, 3.05, 4.10. 5.3.5, 7.10. ' 9.15, 10.15 p. m. *Does not ?o to Elizabeth. I Elizabeth to Newark, 6.2.5, 7.07, 7.40, 8.03, I 8.35, 9.23. 10.00, 10.33, 11.10, 11.32 a. m. 12.20, 12..5.5, 1.5.5. 2.30, 2.5.5. 3.30, 4.25. 4.55, .5.25, 5.44, 6.29, 7.02, 7.54, 9.10, 10 00, 11.45 p. m. Sundays, 9.:W, 11.10 a. m.. 1.05. 2.00. 3.02, 4.07. 5.45, 8.05, p.m. Elizabethport to Newark— 6.30. 7.14, 7.45, I K.IO, 8.42, 8..5.5, 9.30, 10 0.5. 10.38, li;i5, 11.37 a. m.. 12.27, 1.2, 2.35, 3. 3.37, 4.30. 5, .5.30. 5 51. 6.3.-). 7.07. 8, 8..50. 9.1.5. 10.06. 11. .50 p. m. Sun days, 9.37, 11.15 a. m., 1.10. 2.05. 3.07. 4.12. 5. 5\-^; 8.10, 9.42. 10.15 p. m. ^^^ CHARLES 8t BOCK, Billiard Parlor, No. 790 Rroad Street (Advertiser Building.) A fineassortnieritof Cigars constantly on haii GATO'S CIGARS. Base Ball Tickets for Sale BULLETIN BOARD— Correct returns ni ceived from horse races, base ball and othe j sports, every day. ' No. 833 Broad Street NEWARK, N, J. A. STKKI.lN-r,. C. E. McN.AtTGHTtf 3 Newark to Easton and Phillipsburg— 7.05, ,8.35 a. m., 1.05, 8.85, 4.00. 4.35, 5.80, 5.50. 7.05 and 7.35 p.m. Sunda\ s. 5.35 p. m. Easton to Newark— fi.lO, 7.15. 8..57 a. m., 12.40. 4.45, 4.50, 7.00 p. ni. Sundays, 7.15 a. m., and 7.00 p m. Phillipsburg 3 minutes later. Newark to Philadelphia— 7.45, 9.3.5, 11.00 a. m., 1.30. 4.00, 4.35. .5.30. 7.35. 12.20 nifrht. Sun- days X. 50 a. m., 5.35 p. m. Returning from Philadelphia, 3d and Berks sts., 5.10 a. m., 9th and Green sts., 8 30, 9.30, 11.00 a. m., 1.15, 3.45. 5.40, 6.45 p. m. Sundays, 8.30 a. m,, 3.45 and 5.30 p. m. I, Newark to Trenton and Bound Brook— 7.45, 9.35, 11 a. m., 1.30. 4.00. 4.35. 5.30, 7.35, 12.20 t midnight. Sundays, 8. .50 a. m., 5.35 p. m. I Trenton via. Bound Brook to Newark— 6.20, I 9. lO.OK, 11. .35 a. ni., 1..54. 4 22, 6 24. 7.30 p. m. I Sundays, 9.18, 9.40 a. m.. 5.40. 6.15 p. m. ' Newark to Plainfield and Somerville— 6,20, I 7.0.5, *7. 4.5. *8.3.5, 10.3.5, *11 a. m., 1.05, *1,30, 2.40. 3.:i5. 4.00. 4.35, 5.05. *5.30, 5..50, 6.20, 7.05, *7.35, 8.27, 9.40, 10..50, 12.20 p. m. Sundays, 8 50, *12 20. 1..50. 4.10. 5.35. 9.15 p. m. * Does not ' stop ak SomerviJle. Newark to Perth Amboy, Matawan, Red Bank. Little Silver, Branchport. Long Branch, Nortli Asbury and Asbury Park, Oc'n Grove. Deal Beach, Spring Lakis, Sea Girt, Mana- squan, 8 25. 10.3.5. 11.00 a. m.. 1.30. 4, 4.35, 5.05. 5.80. 6.20p. m. Siuidays, 8..50 a. m . 4.10 p. m. No stops at Ocean Grove and Asbury Park on Sunday Ocean Grove and Asburv Park to Newark — 5.40, 10.55 a. m.. 2, 4.10, 7.1.5, 8.30 p. m. No Sunda.y trains. Long Branch to Newark— fi, 6,55,7.40, 11.15 a. m.. 2.20, 4.30. 7.35, 8. .50 p. m. Sundavs, 7..^'>i a. m.. 4.30,8.20 p. m. ' ->ut. NEW JERSEY photographic ^upplij ponge. Amateur Outfits, $10 and Upwards Standard Dry Plates, Pure Chemicals &c Trade agent foi E Steameis Columbia and Grand Republic, Pier 6, N. R., 10.40 a. m., 2 p. m., daily. Leave Rockaway Beach n.30 a. m., 6.30 p. m. (Page 23.) Steamer Sylvester around Staten Island, and Wild West Show, Pier 6, N. R., 1.45 and 7 p.m. ADDITIONS. Wild West Show from N. Y. Steamer from Whitehall st., 10.30 a. m., 1.30 and 6.50 p. m. Returning. 5.30 and 10.30 p. m. Coney Island— Brighton Beach, West Brigh- ton, (Culver's Route,^ Whitehall street, 7, 8, 9, ID a. m., and then half hourly to 10 p. m. Sun- days, 8, o, 10, and then every 20 minutes there after till 10 p. m. Six Shirts to Order! For $9.00, FIT GUARANTEED AT J. T. PIERSON'S, SHIRT MAKER, 849 BROAD STREET. I also carry a larsre stock of my CELEBRA- TED SHIRTS CO fit men of all shapes and sizes $5.50 A HALF DOZEN. Push your business as you may, Advertising makes it pay. HEADQUARTERS FOR GroYer Brothers, I Cedar Street. low his trade and dull his days, Who doubts that advertising pays? $ 2o Coney Island from New York. Iron Steamboat Co., from Pier 1, N. J\. 9.30,10.15,11.00, 11.45 a.m., 12.-30, 1.15, 2.00, 2.45,3.30,4.15, 5.00,5.4.5, 0.30, 7.15, 8.00, 8.4.5, 9.30 p. m. Leave Conej' Island, New Pier, 10.40 a. m., 12.10, 1.40, 3.10. 4.40, 6.10, 7.40, 9.10, 10.25 p. m. Old Pier. 11.25a. m., 12.55, 2.25, 3.55, 5,25,6.55, 8.2.5, 9.55 p.m. Via. Long Island Railroad. To Manhattan Beach, from Long Island City (James st,, E. 7th, E. 34th st. boat4,) 6.30, 8 41, 10.30, 11.30 a. m., 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, s2.58, 3.30, sS.oH, 4.:30, S4..58. 5.30, s5..58, 6.30, sO.58, 7.30, s7..58 8.30, S8..58, 9.40, s9..58. Trains marked "s" do not stop at Sheepshead Ba.y. Leave Manhattan Beach, 7..35, 10, 11.25 a. m. 12.25. 1.25, 2.-<>5, 3.25, 3.55, 4-25, 4..55, .5.25, 5.55, 6.25, 6.55, 7.25, 8.25, 8..55, 9.25, 9.55, 10.35, 10..55 p m. Sheepshead Bay 4 minutes later. Ray Ridge Division— P'rom ft. Whitehall St., N. Y., to Manhattan, hourly from 9.10 a. m. to 9.10 p. m, Leave Manhattan, hourly from 8.15 a. m. to 9.15, then 10.25 p. m. iV. Y. dt Sea Beach R. R. Boats from Whitehall st. to Bay Ridge and Coney Island, 7.00. 8.00, 9.10, 10.;50, 11.00, 11.30 a. m.*, U.OO m., 12.30. 1.00. 1.30, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30. 5.00, 5.30, 6.00, 0.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9,(X). 9.30, 10.00 p. m. On Sundays, 8.00, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00 a. m., and then every 20 min- utes to W.(K) p. m. Leave Coney Island, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 11.45 a. m.. 12.15, 12.45, 1.15, 1.45, 2.15, 2.45,,4.15. 4.45, 5.15, 5.45, 0.1.5, 6.4.5, 7.15, 7.45. 8.15, 8.45, 9.1.5, 9.45, 10.15, 10.4.5, 11.15 p. m. Sundays, 9.1.5, 10.1.5, 10.-5 ll.tK), 11.15 a. ni., then every 20 minutes to 11.05 p. m. CHA8. D. COE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers m COAL, COAL, OFFICE ANI> YARD, 249 Orange St., Cor. Nesbitt, ]srjE:^\^ARK:, n. j. Telephone 275. J. E. ALBERT FIRST-CLASS Of all descriptions. Custom Work and Repairing carefully done. 451 Broad Street, Opposite Continental Hotel. 1 27 I Brooklyn., Flatbush <£• Coney Island R. R. ' From Bedford Station, cor. Atlantic and Franklin aves., for Brighton Beach, 12. m., 12..S(), 1.00 p. m., and and then every 15 min- »ates to 10.30 p. m., stopping at Sheepshead Bav. Leave Brigliton Beach after 12.00 noon, ,12.0."), 12.3.J. 1.0.5, then everj- 15 minutes to ,11.15 p. m. *" Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. >ui Greenwood Cenieterj- for Brighton ^.>...ch after 12, noon, 12.00, 12.20, 12.40, 1.00, : iiii everj' 15 minutes to 11.00 p. m. Returning leave West lirighton, after 12 m., ■2.iC>. 12.25. 12.45, 1.15, and then every 15 min- jit^-s to 11.30 p. m. Brooklyn, Bath and West End R. R. From Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, after 2 m., every 30 minutes to 8.30, then .10, 9.50, f-0.30, 11.10 p. m. Sundays, 12.30, 1.00, then very 20 minutes to 9.20, 10.10. 11.12 p. m. Leave Coney Lsland after 12.10 p.m. every :-0 i.iiimtes to 9.10, then 9..50, 10.30, 11.20. >rer Brothers do Printing neat and cheap \ To Bay Ridge, Bath Be.ich &c., from White- l!1 st.,"r.(H). S.OO a. m.. ".00. 0.00 p. m. Leave Bath Beach, 7.00. 8.10 a. m., 5.06, 6.07, rii. connecting at Bay Ridge for N. Y. Long Beach. Via. Long Island R. R. from Long Island *:.ty, opp. E. 34th St., daily, 6.50, 8, 10.05, 11.05 I. m., 1.0.5, 2.05, 4, 5, 6.05, 7.05, 9 p. m. Sunday 0. 9.35, 10..50 a. m., 1.30, 2.10, 3.05, 4.05, 5.05, 5. 8.25 p. m. Annex boat leaves i ine st., Tier 17, E. R., week days only, 9.30 a. m., 1.30, fc.30 and 4. .30 p. m. J. Wiss Sb Sons, POCKET KNIVES, TablE ^niVeg and tQf\$ Carvers, ScissofSiSlieafs, etc. Largest Assortment, Lowest Prices 26 BANK STREPrr. Cutlery Ground and Repaired. H. H. Smith & Co., Men's Boy's & Childrens' Clotliing Ready to put on or to Order, No. 783 Broad Street, Third door north of Market Street, NEWARK, N, J. H. H. SMITH. H. KLAPROTH. ^9 Newark to Coney Island. Steamer Jlageiita leaves dail.y. Commercial Wharf, for the Iron Pier, 8.30 a. m. and *12.00 111. Leaves Coney Island, Iron Pier, 6 p. m. Steamer Thomas P. Way, daily. Commercial Wharf, via. Bay Ridge, 9.15 a. hi., *1.00, *r.00 p. m. * Stop at Buffalo Bill's Amusement Grounds on Staten Island. Leave Amusement Grounds 7.00 and 10.30 p. m. Steamer Fred'k De Bary leaves foot Centre street, daily, for the Iron Pier, 9.30 a. m., and 2.00 p. m. Leave Iron Pier 11 a. m., 5.30 p. m. Sunday 8.30 a. m., 2 p.m. Leave 11 a.m, 6 p.m. Pennsylvania R. R. Boats at Jersey City, transfer passenger from Newark to Pier 1, N. R., between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., and all returning- boats from Coney Island up to 9.30 p. m. I Water Gap. I Via. D. L. & \\. R. R. from Newark, 7 .53 a. m., 12.34, 4.03, 5.53 p. m. Parties taking 8.48 a lin., 6.40 and 8.36 p. m. trains to Hoboken can I ;!onnect with through broad gauge expresses, jrickets bought at Newark good via. Hoboken. I Shahola Glen. : Excursions every Wednesday via. Erie R.R. jlepot foot Fourth a ve., Newark, 9.00 a m. Special excursions from New York Sundays ind Wednesdays. ' Rockaway Beach. I New York, Woodhaven & Rockaway R. R., I'rom Long Island Citj', 7. 9.15, 10.05, 11.05 a. n., 1.15, 2.05, 3.15, 4.27, 5.25, 7.05. 8.20, 9.50 p. n. Sundays, 7 10, 9.15, 10.00, 10.50, 11.40 a. m. ,2.40, 1.15, 1.35,2.10, 2.40, 3.10, 3.40, 4.45, 6.00, it'.OO, 7.30, 8.05, 8.30, 9.35 p. m. 30 L. M. FINGER & BRO., Philadelphia Market, 516 Broad Street, ! The Choicest of Meats, Fish, Poultry,! Fruits and Vegetables! Always on hand, Orders called for and delivered to all parts ol the city and vicinity. JULIUS ISAAC, I^^tanpanii and Oif^liEi! jlou^e 92 & 94 MARKET ST. Fine Imported and Domesti Cigars, Imported and Do- mestic Beers always on dranghi 31 Leave Rockaway Beach terminus, 5.30. 7, •5.05, 9.15, 11.00 a. m , 1, 2, 3.50. 4.50, 5.40, 7.15 p. 31. Sundaj's, 7,30, H.40, 9.45, 10.4.5. 11.40 a. m.. 12.15, 12.40, 1.1.5, 1.40, 2.1.5. 2.40, 3.40, 5, 6, 6.30. M, 8.05, 8.35, 9. 9.45, 10.30 p. m. Take boat from East 34th st. to L. I. City. Steamer Columbia, Pier 6, N. R., 9.20 a. m., 2 p. m. daily. N. Y. to Far Rockivay. From E. 7th Street, via L. I. R. R.. from L. . City, 6.20, 7.40. 9.40, 10.40 a. m., 12.40, 3.00, 5.40, 4.40, 5.00. 5.40, 6.40, 7.40 p. m. Sunday, i.(X), 9.00, 10.40 a.m.; 1.40. 2.40, 4.20, 5.40, 7.00, >.20 p. m. Leave Far Rockway. 5.27, 6.00, 6.58, 7.38, 8.08, 0.04 a. m.; 1.05. 2.25, 2.45, 4..52, 6.35, 9.29 p. m. Sunday, 6..58, 9.45 a. m., 12.38, 1.33, 3.00, 4.30, 55, 7.30, 8.35 p. m. Long Branch Boats. By boat and N. J. Soutliern R. R. from San- ly Hook, from Rector st.. Pier 6, N. R., 4.30, 0.15 a. m., 3.45, 4.45 p. m. Sunday, 9.30 a. m. Iron Steamboat Co., daily, from Pier 1, N. I., 10 a. m., 4 p. ra. Leave Long Branch Pier 2.15 and 6.15 p. m. N. J. Southern Division— Leave Pier 8, N. I., by boat to Sandy Hook for Highlands, evesink Beach. Bellevue. Stokum's, Sea- right, via. Sandy Hook. 4.*). 9, 11 a. m., 1. .4.5. 4 30. 5.30, p. m., Sunday 9 30 a. m., 11 nd 6 30 p. m. Boats leave Sandy Hook for New York, 7.15, 15, 11 a. m., 1.15, 2. .32, 5.15. 6 p. m. Sunday 45 a. m., 5.03 and 6.40 p. m. Graver Brothers, the printers. Cedar 'reet, can fit you out with neat address irds before you go to the country. 32 jepN D. C^NDY 688 Broad Street, (Third door below West Park St.) W^ and Fancy ^ood? at lowest prices in the city. New and seasonable goods receivei daily. Men's Congress Shoes, (Plain and Tips,) S3. 001! Glove-Fitting Ladies Slioeg $2.50. BORNSTEIN BROS 681 Broad Street, | Near West Park St. I [. Fire Alarm Signal Boxes. 4 East Newark, Bridge St. bridge, Private 5 No. 5 Engine House, Prospect st. 6 No. 6 Engine House, Spi'ingfield ave. 7 No. 7 Engine House, Wallace place. 8 No. 8 Engine House, Ferry street. 2 Corner James and Burnet sts. 3 No. 2 Hook & Ladder House, Plane st 4 Warren street, near Domestic Works. 15 554 Broad st., opp. Washington place. 16 Cor Washington & Bleecker sts. 7 Park House, Park Place. 18 Cor. Broad and New sts. 9 Domestic Sewing Machine Works, Pri. ,'1 No. 1 Engine House, Broad st. J3 No. 3 Engine House, Court st. J4 Cor. Market and Plane sts. 15 Cor. Washington and Kinney sts. J6 Cor. Clinton ave. and Washington st. J7 Cor. Broad and Astor sts IS Horse Car Stables, Clinton ave. !9 No. 10 Engine House, Astor st. i\ Cor. Thomas St. and Railroad ave. J2 Chestnut street Depot. i4 Cor. Mulberry and Walnut sts. J5 Moore & Seeley's Hat Factor3%R. R. av. Market street Deiiot. 37 Cor. Lawrence and Hamilton sts. i8 No. 2 Engine House. Mulberry street. Cor. Pennington and Orchard sts. U Hosiery Building. Cherry and Canal sts li Centre street Depot. 43 Ballantine's Brewery, Front&Rectorsta 45 Bridge and Ogden streets. ' 4fi Meeker & Hedden's, Ogden st. Private '47 Reynolds k Duffy's Factory, Spring st. '4S ("lark Thread Works. 49 Broad and Gouverneur sts. 51 FLamilton and Union Streets. .■)2 Dawson's Fact'y, Ferry <.t Madison sts. 153 Uas Works, Commercial st. E. E. Starrs & Co., i r^urjeperl JcsJiFecfopd 578 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, 239 HARRISON AVENUE, HARRISON, Use only the best goods, and sell them very low for cash, or on good secnrit3\ 35 I 54 In Market, near Monroe street. I 56 Market and Ferenison streets. I ; 57 Bowery, corner Freeman st. 58 Steel Works, Chapel st. & Lister ave. 59 Ferry street and Flank Road. 61 Cor. Springfield ave. and William st. 62 Hill's Bre\very,Springfield & Morris av. 63 Cor. Kinney and Broome sts. 64 Norfolk st. , near South Orange ave. 65 Corner Lillie st. and 17th ave. 67 Toll Gate, Clinton ave. 68 Belmont ave. and Waverly place. 71 Howeirs. New and Wilsey sts. Pri. 72 Cor. Orange and Boy den sts. 73 Summer and Seventh avenues. 74 Corner Sussex ave. and Nesbit st. 75 Episcopal Church, Roseville. 79 Bloomfield ave. and Morris Canal. 81 St. Michael's Hospital, High St. Pri. 82 Newark Orphan Asylum, High St. Pri. 8S Home of the Friendless. Private. 84 St. Peter's Or. Asylum, Livingston st. 85 Essex Co Lunatic Asylum, S. O. ave. 121 Orange and Warren sts., Roseville. 122 Licorice W'ks, Bloomfield av. & Canal ! 123 Roseville ave. and Orange st. •I 124 Soldiers' Home, Seventh ave. 125 Cor. Summer and Bloomfield aves. 126 Corner Orange and Actien streets. 127 Sixth ave. and Ridge st. 131 Corner of Sussex avenue and First st. 213 Academy and Halsey sts. 214 Washington and William sts. 215 Pennsylvania ave. and Vanderpool st. 216 Elizabeth ave. front of Alms House. 217 S. Halsey & Son's, Sp'gfleld ave. Pri. 312 Cor. Broad and Green sts. 313 Prudential Insurance Co. Broad st. 314 Cor. of Kinney and Orchard streets. ; 412 Foster Home, Belleville ave. 413 Washmgton and Elwood aves, W'dside. 414 Washington av. & Halleck st.AV'dside. y^fddin^j (Jnmiuihni Engraved and Printed. See our Elegant Styles and get our pri- ces before you place an order. GROVER BROTHERS, J_*o 9 Cedar Street, Fort Lee. Fort Lee, from Canal st., Pier 42, N. R., *9, *10, 11, 11.30, 12 a. m., 1, 1.30, *2, 2.30, 3, 3.30. *4.15, 5.15, 6, fi.30, 7.1.5, *8.1.5, 8.30 p. m. Leavt Fort Lee, *r, *8, *10, 11, *12 a. m., 12.30, 1, 2 2.30, 3, *4, 5, 5.45, 6.30, 7, 7 30, *8, 8.30, *9.15, 1( p. m. * Pleasant Valley, Edgewater and Sha dyside landings made o nly on these trips. Write or call for Catalogue and Busines, Educator. C. T. MILLER, Principal 3? . ; ) Mount Prospect ave. and Garside st. »lt> Slimmer & Veroua aves, Woodside. HT Riverside av. and Grafton st, W'dside 1->1 Broad st. and M. & E. R. R. ave. Vi-i John St. and Eighth ave. 4vJ:^ Broad street and Bellville avenue. t04 Bellville Avenue Skating Rink. Priv. 1~'.T Paterson Depot 4th ave. and Ogden st. io'2 Clark Thread Works. Private. M'? Sul) PoHee Station, Ferry st. ■" ITaml)urg place and Napoleon street. -iinon Bros., Main and Koniorn sts. i ;im and Pacific street. >)') ( Or. Clifford and Van Buren sts. il7 Blanchanrs Factory, Bruen st. Private ■)18 Celluloid Works, Ferrj- street. Priv. yi\ Harrison's Factory, New York ave. jO-2 Celluloid W'ks, Ferry & Ashbridge, Pri iVJ.'J Hensler's Br'y, Hamburg pi. Private. V24 Cor. Nicliolsand Adams sts. 5ti5 Greenwich st. and Avenue C. "Of) Corner Adams and Elm streets. "■" r ister Bros. River st. Private. I ;allantine"s Br'y, Freeman st. Private Lane's Glue Factor)', Blanchard St. .1 relluloid Brush Works. Private. ")3.") Fiegenspan's Brewery. Private. .V^ti Blue Works. Hamburg Place. Private 541 Chestnut Street, near Pacific. B12 Cor. Court and West sts. S13 Cor. Bank and Wickliffe sts. 1)14 Woodland Cemeterj-, Springfield ave. til5 Cor Camden and Court sts. ()•,>] Cor. Court and South 10th sts. (IJ'J City Hostipal, Camden street. Priv. t>'33 South (grange ave, and Newton st. H'>4 Cor Camden and Bank sts ■ Cor. Montgomery and High sts. orner Littleton & Thirteenth aves. lairmount Cemetery Gate, S. O. ave. ilighteenth street and Sixteenth ave. '/' / >/(jiir Printing done by Orover Brothers. 38 712 Cor. New and Newark sts. 713 Atha & Hughes, Sussex ave. Private. 714 Roberts' Factory, New and Golden sts 715 Warren and Summit sts. 731 Bloomfleld ave. Horse Car Stables. Fishing Banks. J. B. Schuyler, every day, froin Peck Slip. 8 a. m. ; Franklin st., 8.30 a. m. Steamer Joanna, Tues.,Wed., Thurs., Sun. from Ripley's Dock, Newark, 8 a. m. Get your Printing done by Grover Brothers Glen Island. From Pier 18, N. R., foot Cortland st., 8.4.^ 9.45, 10.45 a. m., 12 m., 1.30, 2.30 and 3.30 p. m Returning 10.45, 11.45 a. m., 12.45, 3.30, 5, 6, •; and 8 p. m. H. R. DOREMUS. J. M. DOREMUS DOREMUS BROS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Finel|i'oceriB?,Fi'uit? Wines, Cigars, &c. 378 BROAD ST., AND 25 EIGHTH AVENUE BRANCH, STAND AIR J> STORE, i8o & 182 Garside St.. 126 & 128 Blooratield Av Horse Car R. R. Time, AFTER EIGHT, P. M. Roseville and Market St. Line. Red Car a7id Red Signal Light — Leave de- )ot on Gould ave., cor. S. 14th st., Roseville, hence through Warren st., Warren pL. Bank, viarket, Bowery, and Ferry sts. Return same 'oute. Pass Market st. depot. LeaveStables7.55, 8.15,8.35, 8.50, 9.15, 9.35, ).55, 10.15, 10.35. Leave Market and Broad sts., east, 8.01, 8.16, ■5.3G, 8.56, 9.11, 9.36. 9.56, 10.16, 10.36, 10.56. Leave Plank Road, west, 8.05, 8.20, 8.35, 8 55, c).15. 9.35, 9.55. 10.15, 10.35, 10.55, 11.15. Leave Market and Broad sts., west, 8.03, 8.13 S.83, 8.38, 8.53, 9.13, 9.33, 9.53, 10.13, 10.33, 10.53, 11.13, 11.33. Get your Printing done by Crrover Brothers. East Newark & Newark Line. White Cars, Blue Sigyial Light— lieave Da- vis ave. through Harrison ave.. East Newark, to Newark, then through Bridge, Broad, Mar- ket, Union, Elm. Pacific and Pennington sts. Return same route. Pass Market st. depot. Broad and Market sts., north, to East New- ark. 8.03. 8.13, 8 23, 8.2 ^ 8..58, 9.18, 9.38, 9.58, 10.18. W.Z>^. 10.5S, 11.18, 11.38, 11.58. SUNDAY 8 03,8.13. 8.23. 8.33, 8.43. 8.53, 9.04,9.17, 9.29, 9.41,9.53, 10 13. 10.38, 11.05. Broad and Market sts. east to Union st. 8.04 8 24. 8 44. !>.()t. 9.24, 9.44, 10 04. 10 24, 10.44, 11.04 11.24, SUNDAY 8, 8.10, 8.20, 8.30, 8.42, 8.55, 9.07 9.19, 9.39. 10.(M. 10.30. Add 7 min, to Market for Bridge st. time. 40 Newark & Bloomfield Line. Yellow Cars and Yellovj Signal Light— Route from Poinier st., through Broad, State, High, Summer and Bloomfield aves. to stables. Return same route through Eighth ave. in- stead of State St. Pass Central and M. & E. depots, and John Erb's Shooting Grounds. Leave Poinier St., north, 8, 8.06, 8.13, 8.19, 8.26, 8.84, 8.46, 8.56, 9.06, 9.16, 9.28, 9.40, 9.51, 10.02, 10.13, 10.24, 10.35, 10.46, 10.58, 11.10, 11.20, 11.32, 11.44, 11.56, 12.08. 12.20. Leave Bx'oad and Market sts., north. *8.06. 8.13, 8.19, *8.26, 8.32, 8.39, *8.47, *S.59, 9.09. *9.19, 9.29, 9.41, 9.53, *10.01, ID.IS, 10.26, 10.37, 10.48, 10.59, 11.11, 11.23, 11.33, 11.45, 11.57, 12.09. 12.21, 12.33. Sundays. *7.55, 8,8.06, *8.14, 8.19, *8.27, 8.34. 8.42, *8.5'2, 9.00, *9.09, 9.17, 9.25. *9.33, 9.43, *9.55: *10.07, 10.17, *10.29, *10.41, 10.57, *11.09, 11.22. 11.35, 11.50, 12.04. * To Bloomfield. Leave Morris & Essex Depot, north, *8.10. 8.21, 8.27, *8.34, 8.40, 8.47. 8.55, *9.07, 9.17, *9.27. 9.37, 9.49, 10.01, *10.12, 10.23, 10.34, 10.45, 10.56. 11.07, 11.19, 11.31, 11.41, 11.53, 12.0.5, 12.17, 12.29, 12.41. * Through cars to Bloomfield. Leave Stables. Bloomfield ave., south, 8.10 8.20, 8.30, 8.40, 8.52, 9.04, 9.15, 9.26, 9.37, 9.48, 9.59, 10.10, 10.22, 10.34, 10.44, 10.56, 11.08, 11.20. 11.32, 11.44. Sunday, 7.37, 7.45, 7.53, 8.01. 8.11, 8.20, 8.28. 8.36, 8.44. 8.54, 9.06, 9.18, 9.28, 9.40, 9.52, 10.08, 10.20, 10.33, 10.46, 11.01, 11.15. Leave Morris & Essex Depot, south, 8.22. 8.32 8.48, 8.52, 9.04, 9.16, 9.27, 9.38. 9.49, 10, 10.11 10.22, 10.34, 10.44, 10.56, 11.08, 11.20, 11.32, 11.44. 11.56. Leave Broad and Market sts., south, 8.30, 8.40, 8.50, 9, 9.12, 9.24, 9.35,9.46, 9.57, 10.08, 10.15 10.30, 10.42, 10.54, 11.04, 11.16, 11.28, 11.40, 11.52 12.04. Orover Brothers will do your Printing chea% 41 • Cars from Blooinfield, 8.19, 8.44, 8.57, 9.17, 1.42. 9.54, 10.16. 10.54. Sundays, 8.10, 8.22, 8.35 S.49, {).m, 9.19, 9.45, 10.03, 10.17, 10.46, *11, *11.20 *11.41, *12. * No further than stables. Bloonifit-ld cars carrj' signs. Mt. Prospect Avenue Line — From Market and Broad sts.. 8.00, 8.32, 8..59, 9.29. Leave Abingdon ave., south, 8.06, 8.35, 9.00, 9.30, 9.58. Newark & Orange Line. frreeu Car and Green Sif/nitl LigJit — Route from Market st. Depot, through Market, to liroad, Orange sts., tlirough Roseville, East Orange, to Linden ave., Orange. Return the same route. Runs one block from M. & E. depot. Pass Roseville Park. Leave Broad and Market sts. north, for Or- ange, 8. S.IO. 8.20. 8.3i\ 8.45, 9, 9.15, 9.35. 9.55, 10.15, 10.3.5, 10.55. 11.15. 11.35, 12.05. Sundays, 8, 8.10, 8.20, S.30, 8.40, 8.50, 9, 9.10, 9.20,9.32, 9.45. 10. 10.15, 10.30, 10.50, 11.05. Add 8 minutes to Market for Orange st. I^ave Linden ave.. Orange, for Newark, 8, 8.15, 8.35. 8.55, 9.15, 9.35, 9..55, 10.15, 10.35, 11.0.5. Sunday, 8, 8.10, 8.20, 8.32, 8.45, 9, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45 10.05. Newark & Elizabeth Line. Red Car and Red Signa' Light— Miller st., Pennsylvania ave., Thomas, Mulberrj', Front, South Bridge. Ogden sts. to Fourtli ave. and Paterson Depot. Return same roTite. Pass within one street ( antral and M. & E. depots. Leave Miller St., north, 7.55,8.11,8.27,8.47, 9.09, 9.31. 9.56. « Leave Market St., north. 8.14, 8.32 8.44, 9.03, 9.28, 9.44. 10.06. Leave Paterson Depot, south, 7.49, 8.05, 8.13 8.31, 8.45. 8..58. 9.20, 9.44, 10.08, 10.30. Leave Market st.. south. 8.02, 8.18, 8.26, 8.59, 9.14, 9.36, 10, 10.24, 10.47. Same time Sunday. Book Binders, IvITHOOR APHERS ENGI^AYBI^S, Nos. 1 to 9 Cedar St., Neizsrark, N. J. ■^^ Estimates given for every variety of work, and liberal contracts made for permanent print- ing. It is our aim to place the facilities of a large j and well-equipped establishment at the dis- posal of the public. Orders will be promptly and carefully execuj ted at the very lowest hard-pan prices. We can save you money. Give us a call. i 4o Broad Street Line. Red Carti and Red Signal Light— Uoute roin stables 0})p. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, on Belleville ave., through Broad st. and Clinton ive. Return same route. Pass Central and M. t E. R. R. Depots. Leave Cemett-rj-. south, .8.05. 8.16, 8.26, 8.35, 0, 10.30, 10.40. 10.o::\ 11.04, 11.15, 11.30, 11.47. la.or, 12.27. Leave Morris & Essex Depot, south, 8.17, ^.28, 8.38. 8.47. 8.56. W.i 5, 9.14, 9.23, 9.32,9.42, ).52, 10.02,,10.32,10.42,10.52,11.04, 11.16, 11.27', 11.42, 11.59, 12.19, 12.39. Leave Broad and Market sts., south, 8.25, •^.36, 8.46, 8.55. 9.04, 9.13, 0.22, 9.31, 9.40, 9.50, lO.(X). 10.10, 10.20, 10.30, 10.40, 10.50, 11.00, 11.12, 1 !.;;«, Il.:i5, 11.50, 12.07, 12.27, 12.47. Leave Clinton ave., north, 8.01, *8.07, 8.15, S.24, 8.32, *8.41, 8.52, 9.02, *9.11, 9.20, 9.29. 9.38, *9.47. 9.56, 10.06. 10.16, 10.26, 10.36, 10.46, *10.56, 11.06, 11.16. 11.28, 11.40, 11.51, 12,06, 12.23, 12.43, 1.03. To Belleville. Leave Broati and Market sts., north, 8.15, *8.21. 8.29. 8.38, 8.46, *8.55, 9.06, 9.16, *9.25, 9.34, 9.43. 9..52. *10.01, 10.10, 10.20, 10.30, 10.40, 10.50, n,*11.10. 11.20. ll.*\ 11.42,11.54, 12.06,12.20, 12.37, 12.57. 1.17. To Belleville. For Belleville, from Broad and Market sts., Sunday. 7.56, 8.32, 8.44, 9.26. 10.28. Leave Morris & Essex Depot, north, 8.23, *8.29, 8.37. 8.46. 8.54. *9.03, 9.14, 9.24, *9.33, 9.42, 9.51. 10. *10.09, 10.18, 10.28. 10.38. 10.48, 10.58, 11.08, *11.18, 11.28. 11.38, 11.50, 12.02. 12.13, 12.28, 12.45. 1.05, 1.25. * Through to Belleville. Belleville to Newark, 8.10, 8.45, 9.13, 9.45, 10.15, 10.50. 12. Sundays, 7.47, 8.09, 8.29, 8.43, 9.23. 9. 35, 10 .15, 11.17. Order your address cards at Grover Bros., 1 Cedar street, before going to the country. 41 Newark and Irvingtcn Line. Yellow Car and Yelloiv Signal Light- Route from Market st. Depot, west througl Market St., Springfield ave., to stables ou lOtl ave., thence to Irvington. Returning samd route, passing Woodland Cemetery, Doelger's Union, Caledonian, Seifert's, Bay View Parks Leave Market and Broad sts., west *8.03 8.10, 8.16, *8.23, *8.81, 8.39, *8.47, 8.55, *9.0J 0.15, *9.25 *9.39. *9.52, 10.06, 10.19, *10.31, 10.44 *10.57 11.11, 11.23, *11.41, 11.49, *12.04. * Thrd to Irvington. ! Sundays, west, 7.56, 8.02, *8.08, 8.14, 8.2; *8.26, 8.32, 8.38, *8.44, 8.51, *9.00, 9.09, *9.1fl *9.27, 9.36, 9.45, *9.54, 10.03, 10.12, *10.21, 10.3]i| 10.41, *10 51, 11.03, 11.15, *11.27, 11.42. * Thrq to Irvington. ; Leave Broad and Market sts., east, 8.01, 8.0! 8.14, 8.21, 8.29, 8.37, 8.45, 8.53, 9.05, 9.13, 9.2: 9.37, 9.51, 10.04. 10.17, 10.29, 10.42, 10.55, ll.Oi 11.21, 11.34, 11.47, 12.02. Sundays, 802, 8.08, 8.14, 8.20, 8.26, 8.32, 8.3; 8.44, 8.51, 9, 9.09, 9.18, 9.27. 9.36, 9.45, 9.54, 10.( 10.12, 10.21, 10.31, 10.41, 10.51, 11.03, 11.15, 11.2 11.42. From Stables, South 10th St., east, 8.04, 8.1 8.20, 8.28, 8.36, 8.48, 8..56, 9.06, ^i.20, 9.33, 9.47, 1 10.12, 10.25, 10.38, 10.52, 11.04, 11.17, 11.30, 11.4 Sundays, 8.01, 8.07, 8.13, 8.19, 8.25, 8.32. 8.4 8..50, 8..59, 9.08, 9.17, 9.26, 9.35, 9.44, 9..53, 10.0 10.12, 10.22, 10.32, 10.44, 10.56, 11.08, 11.23. Irvington to Newark, 8.04, 8.20, 8.34, 8.2 9.07, 9.19, 9.34, 9.56, 10.10, 10.24, 10.38, 11.1 *11.46, *12.21, *12.49. * To stables only. Sundays, 8.04, 8.17, 8.35, 8..53, 9.11, 9.29, 9.4 10.05, 10.16, 10.39, 11.09, *11.39, *12.14. *Stabl only. Time, 18 min. from Stables to Broad stree 25 min. from Broad to stables ; 4 min. fro Broad to Market st. depot. 45 Newark & S. Orange Ave. Line Red and Blue Car, Red Si(/nal Litjht— toiite from Stahles cor. South '.»th st. and S. >. ave., through S. O. ave. and Market st. to 'reeuian street. Return same way. Pass farket St. Depot, Fairmount Cemetery and ig Park. ■ Leave Stables, on S. O. ave.. east, 8.00, 8.08, : .1»J, 8.24, HM. 8.40, 8..'50, 9.00. 0.10. 0.20, 9.:30, 9.45, fO.OO, 10.1.5, lO.m 10.45, 11.05. [> Leave Br. .ad and Market sts , east, 8.18. 8.26, i.34, 8.50, 8..58, 9.08, 9.18, 9.28. 9 :i8, 9.48, 10.03, 'O.IH, 10.:«, 10.48. 11.03, 11.2:3. f Leave end of route. Freeman street, west. "i.04, *8.10. H.IC, 8.22. 8.28, 8.-34. *8.40, 8.48, 8..50, i>.04, *9.12, 9.20, 9.;30. 9.40, 9.50, 10.00. 10.10. 10.25, 10.40, 10.5.5, 11.10. 11.2.5, 11.45. I * Througe to South Orange. [ Leave Broad and Market sts., west. 8.29. \^>^.m, 8.41, 8.47, 8..53, 8..59, *9.05, 9.13, 9.21, 9.!r29, •=9..37. 9.45. 9.5.5, 10.05, 10.15, 10.25, 10.35. 10..50. |I1.05, 11.20, 11.3.5, 11. .50, 12.10. I * To South Orange. Extra Cai-s for Sunday travel. 1 minutes from Broad and Market streets to Market Street Depot. 18 minutes from Stables to Broad street. 23 " " B oad street to Stables. First car leaves S. Orange (5 a. m., and theji every :30 minutes to 10.30p. ni. Sunday, 8 a. ni., and then every 3) minutes to 10.30 p. m. Grover Brothers, Printers, i Cedar Street, do work very tasty and rea- sonable. A trial order from you or your friends is solicited. 4(i Nero York and Greenwood Lake R. R. From North Newark to Arlinorton, Jerse> City and New York . 7.14, 8.06, 8.8-!, 0.04, lO.i: a. m.; 1.45, 2.31, 5.17, 7.05 9.35 p. m. Sunday? 8.15 a. m.; 7.24 p.m. From New York (foot Chambers st.,) t( North Newark, Bloomfield and Montclair 8.20, 9.00, 12.00 a. m. ; 3.40, 4.20, 4.40, 5.40, 8.0C 10.00 p. in. Sundays, 9.00 a. m. and 7.45 p. m Newark to Greenwood Lake 9.31 a. m; 4.50 5.17 p. m. Sunday 9.33 a. m. Returning 7.0i a. m. ; 4.40 p. m. ' Sundays, 5.00 p. m. Fron Cooper, 5.36, 7.30 a.m., and 5.17 p. m. Sun day, 5 37 p. m. Newark to Orange, 9.04 a.m.; 12.36, 4.13 5.17. 6.17, 8.33 p. m. Returning 6.54, 7.47. 8.44 9.56 a. m. ; 1.26, 4..53. 6.38 p. m. Sunday, 7.1' p. m. Special Sunday trains to Orange, 9.24 a. m. on signal; 2.07, 6.37, 9.57 p. m. Returninj 7.47, 9.58 a. m.; 4.58, 7.28 p. m. N. Y., Susguehanria rf- Western R. R. Ferries Cortlaudt and Debrosses sts., N. Y. for Newfoundland, Stockholm, Ogdensburg Franklin, Hamburg, Deckertown, Unionvill and Middletown, 8.10 a, m.; 4.00 p.m. Sur days, 8.30 a. m. Stroudsburg Branch.— For Two Bridges South Ogdensburg, Sparta, Sparta Junctior Lafayette, Swartswood, Stillwater, Marks- boro, Paulina, Blairstown, Hainesburg. Del? ware, Columbia, Water Gap, Stroudsburg 8.10 a. m., 4 p. m. Sundays, 8.30 a. m. High Bridge Branch, Central R. R of N. J. From foot Liberty street. N. Y., for Hig Bridge, German Valley, Chester, Flanders Drakesville, Hopatcong Junction, Port Oran' Dover, Rockaway, 4.00. 8..30 a. m.; 4.00 p. n Sundays, 4.00 n.m. 47 |l West Shore R. R.—Hndson River Div. I Boats from Jay St. (Pier 83, North river,) to Weehawken, for New Durham, Little Ferry, _ Ridgefield Park. Hackensaek. Teaneek, West Kne^lewood, Rockland Park, Haverstraw, 6.50, •<.(X). [). 50 a. m.; 1.80, 8.55, 4.50, 6.10 p. m. lona island. 6.50. 9.50 a. m. ; 8.55 p. m. Cranston's, West Point, Cornwall, Newburgh, Kingston, Saugerties. 0..50, 9.10. 9.50, 11.05 a.m.; 8..55, ,*5.40. r..50 p. m. Albany. 6.20. 6.50, 9.10, 11.05 a. m. ; 8. .55, 5.40, 7.50 p. ni. Trains leave Wee- ihawken 25 minutes later than at Jay street. ''Does not stop at West Point. Buffalo Division, via Hudson River Div.— Boats from Jay st. (Pier 88. N. R.) to Albany, 2..50, 9.10, 11.05 a.m.; 5.40 p.m.. connecting with D. & H. Canal R. R. for Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. New York, Xew Haven d- Hartford R. R. From Grand Central Depot. 42d st., N. Y., to Stamford. South Norwalk. Bridgeport, New Haveu. 5.00. 7.00, 8.00. 9.()(), 9.17, 11.00. 12.00 a. m.; 1.0<3, *2.00. |2.15, *3.00, 8.02, 3.40, 4.00, *4.:W 4. 15. 5.40. 6.45. S.OO. 7.45, 10.:30, 11.00 p. m. Sun- days. 6.00. S.0<). 9.00. 10.00 a. m.; 5.00. 9.55 p. m. ^Does uot stop at Stamford and S. Norwalk. fDoes not stop at Stam^■ord. New Haven to New York. 8..58. 4.28,4.40, 5.1.5, 6.2.5. 6.:iO, 7.:^), H.lO. 8.:W. 9.:30, 10.40, 11.50 a m.; l.:30, 2.40. 8.10, 8..50. 4.00. 5.00, .5.40, 6.1.5, 7.(HI, 7.10, 8.:i8, 9.onp. m. Sundays, 3..58, 4.28. 4.40. 8.00 a. m. : 2.40, 5.00, 6..80, 7.00, 7.20, 8..38 p. m. iV. Y. Central cf Hudaon River Railroad. From 42d street Depot, N. Y., for Albany. Trov and Saratoga, 8.(H), 9.()0, 9..50, 10.80, 11. .30 a. ni; 3.30. 4.00. 6.00, 6.:W, 9.1.5, ]l.]5p. m. Sun- days »..50a. m. : 4.00. 6.00, 9.15 p. m. Through tn White Mountains 9.15 a. m; Adirondacs D.iM) ji. m. 48 :| Lehigh dt Hudson River R. R. \\ Depot foot Chambers St., N. Y., via. N. X.J, L. E. & W. R. R., to Greycourt, East Chester,!] Suarar Loaf , Warwick, New Milforcl, Vernon, || McAfee, Hamburg, Fi-iinkliii Junction, Lakel Grinnell, Sparta Junction, Andover, Tran-j quility, Aliamuchy, Buttsville, Belvidere, Pe- quest, 4.45, 9.00, 10.20 a.m.; 4.;i0p. m. Sun days, 7.45 a. m. ' Montgomery <£• Wallkill Valley R. R. I From Chambers St., N. Y., for Goshen, j Kipps, Campbell Hall, Neelytown, Beaver' Dam, Montgomery, Walden, Wallkill, Kings- ton, etc., 4.45, 9.00 a. m. ; 3.W p. m. Sundaj's, M.30 a. m. Neiv York City <& Northern R. R. From South Ferry Elevated railroad to 53d St. and 8th ave., to South Yonkers, North Yonkers, Tarrytown, Sl^^epy Hollow and othei points, 6.10, 8.26, 10.50 am.; 2.10, 3.38, 4.18. 5.06, 6.02 p. m. Sundays, 6.30, 8.30 a. m.: 12.42 p. m. New York <& Harlem R. R. From Grand Central Depot, 42d st. N. Y. to Harlem, Mott Haven, Melrose, Morrisania Central Morrisania, Tremont and Fordham 6.30, 7.20, 7.45, 8.10, 9.19, 9.40, 10.35. 10.45, 11.3{ a. m.; 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.20, 4.00, 4.27, 5.18, 5.45 *0.02, 6.15, 6.50, 7.40, 8.40, 10.00, 11.45 p. m *Does not stop at Mott Haven, Melrose oi Central Morrisiana. Northern Railroad of Nexv Jersey . Depot foot Chambers st., N. Y.,for Engle i wood, Tenafly, Nyack, Sparkill, Closter and other points, 4.00, 5.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 11.30 a m.; 1.15, 3.20, 4.00, 4.50, 5.20, 5.40, 6.30, 8.00 10.30, 12.a> p. m. Sundays 7.30, 9.30 a m. ; 4.00.i 8.00 p. m. MILLER'S PHARMACY, 83 Belleville Ave., (Foi'inerly with Marsh's Pharmacy,) DEALER IN )rufrs,Me(iicines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. VesGriptions a Specialty. EUREKA REMEDIES, Eureka Pile Cure, iureka Ingrowing Nail Cure. AGENT FOR Escelsior Vermin Eradicator. CHAS. W. MILLER. The largest Piano and Organ hou in New Jersey. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 208 676 1 ^ 6§7»6§9- Inroad -Sf pec And all first-class mak«s of - pianos and pai