::> nco&S , i^\J. tu. }i (j-^^y P^f^^oT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 494 076 3 Holiinger THE I GRAY PARROT :h*s International Copyrighted (in Engfland, her :olonies, and the United States) Edition of the Works of the Best Authors. No. 137 t I THE I S • BY S I I t W. W. JACOBS and CHARLES ROCK S ^ ADAPTED FROM W. W. JACOB-'s STORY ^ <* OF THAT TITLE ^ '*^ ^ t t 4^ .♦• * 4t Copyright, 1908, by W. W. Jacobs and Charles Rock ^ t • i ? ^ 4t CAUTION :— Professionals and Amateurs are hereby notified V* 4^ that this play is fully copyrighted under the existing laws of * 4( the United States Government, and nobody is allowed to i^ 4i do this play without first having obtained written ♦ 4^ permission of Samuel French, 24 ^Vest 22d St., ^ 4i New York City, U. S. A. ^ t London t PRICE 25 CENTS ^ * * ^ New York J SAMUEL FRENCH 4,^ PUBLLSHER $ 24 WEST 22d STREET SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd. ^ 26 Southampton St. ^ STRAND J FRENCH'S MINOR DRAMA. Price 15 Cents each.— Bound Volumes $1.25. VOL. I. 1 The Irish Attorney 2 Boots at the Swan 3 How to Pay the Rent 4 The Loan of a Lover 6 The Dead Shot 6 His Last Legs 7 The Invisible Prince 6 The Gohlen Farmer VOL. U. 9 Pride of the Market 10 Used Up 11 The Irish Tutor 12 The Barrack Room 13 Luke the Laborer 14 Beautv and the Beast 15 St. P.i"trick's Eve 16 Captain of the Watch VOL. lU. 17 The Secret [pers 18 White Horse of the Pep- 19 The Jacobite 20 The Bottle 21*Box and Cox 22 Bamboozling 23 Widoi^'s Victim 24 Robert Macaire VOL. IV. 25 Secret Service 26 Omnibus 27 Irish Lion 28 Maid of Croissy 29 The Old Guard 30 Raising the Wind 31 Slasher and Crasher 32 Naval Engagements VOL. V. 33 Cocknies in California 34 Who Speaks First 35 Bombastes Furioso 36^Iacbeth Travestie 37 Irish Ambassador 38 Delicate Ground 39 The Weathercock [Gold 40 All that Glitters is Not VOL. VI. 41 Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw 42 Rough Diamond 43 Bloomer Costume 44 Two Bounycastles 45 Born to Good Luck lb Kiss in the Dark [jurer 47 'Twould Puzzle a Con- 18 Kill or Cure VOL. VII. 49 Box and Cox Married and 50 St. Cupid [Settled 51 Go-to-bed Tom 52 The Lawyers 53 Jack Sheppard 54 The Toodles 55 The Mobcap 56 Ladies Beware VOL. VIIL 67 Morning Call 58 Popping the Question 59 Deaf as a Post 60 Ne .V Footman 61 Pleasant Neighbor 62 Paddy the Piper 63 Brian O'Linn 64 Irish Assurance VOL. IX. 65 Temptation 66 Paddy Carey 67 Two Gregories 68 King Charming 69 Po-ca-hon-tas 70 Clockmaker's Hat 71 Married Rake 72 Love and Murder VOL. X. 73 Ireland and America 74 Pretty Piece of Business 75 Irish Broom-maker 76 To Paris and Back for Five Pounds 77 That Blessed Baby 78 Our Gal 79 Swiss Cottage 80 Young Widow VOL. XI. 81 O'Flannig in and the Fai 82 Irish Post [ries 83 My Neighbor's Wife 84 Irish Tiger 85 P. P., or Man and Tiger 86 To Oblige Benson 87 State Secrets 88 Irish Yankee VOL. XIL 89 A Good Fellow 90 Cherry and Fair Star 91 Gale Breezely 92 Our Jemimv 93 Miller's Maid 94 Awkward Arrival 95 Crossing the Line 96 Conjugal Lesson 'VOL. XIII. 97 My Wife's Mirror 98 Life in New York 99 Middy Ashore 100 Crown Prince 101 Two Queens 102 Thumping Legacy 103 Unfinished Ooutleman 104 House Dog VOL. XIV. 105 The Demon Lover 106 Alatrimony 107 In and Out of Place 108 I Dine with My Mother 109 Hi-a-wa-tha 110 Andv Blake 111 Love* in '76 [ties 112 Romance under DiflScul- VOL. XV. 113 One Coat for i Suits 114 A Decided Case 15 Daughter [noritv 116 No; or, the Glorious Mi- 117 Coroner's Inquisition 118 Love in Humble Life 19 Family Jars 20 Personation VOL. XVL 121 Children in the Wood 22 Winning a Husband 123 Day After the Fiiir 124 Maki Your Wills 125 Rendezvous 126 My Wife's Husband 27 Monsieur Tonson 28 Illustrious Stranger VOL. XVII. 129 Mischief-Making [Mi nes 130 A Live Woman in the n The Corsair 132 Shvlock 133 Spoiled Child 134 Evil Ej-e 135 Vothing to Nurse 136 Wanted a Widow VOL. XVIJL 137 Lottery Ticket 138 Fortune's Frolic 139 Is he JeiilousI 140 Married Bachelor 141 Husband at Sight 142 Irishman in London 143 Anima! Magnetism 144 Highways and By-Ways VOL. XIX. 145 Columbus 146 Harlequin Bluebeard 147 Ladies at Home 148 Phenomenon in a Smock Frock 149 Comedy and Tragedy 150 Opposite Neighbors 151 Dutchman's Ghost 152 Persecuted Dutchman VOL. XX. 153 Muaard Ball 1.54 Great Tragic Revival 155 High Low Jack Si Game 156 A Gentleman from Ire- 157 Tom and Jerry [land 158 Village Lawyer 159 Captain's not A-miss 160 Amateurs and Actors VOL. XXI. 161 ProDK.tion [ual 162 \ Fasciiiatiiig Individ- 163 Mrs. Caudle 164 Shakespeare's Dream 165 Neptunes Defeat 166 Lady of Bedchamber 167 Take Care of Little 168 Irish Widow [Charley VOL. XXII. 169 Yankee Peddler 170 Hiram Hireout 171 Double-Bedded Room 172 The Drama Defended 173 Vermont Wool Dealer 174 Ebenezer Venture [ter 175 Principles from Charac 176 Lady of the Lake (Trav) VOL. XXIII. 177 Mad Dogs 178 Barney the Baron 179 Swiss Swains 180 Bachelor's Bedroom 181 A Roland for an Oliver 182 More Blunders than One 183 Dumb Belle 1^4 Limerick Boy VOL. XXIV. 185 Nature and Philosophy 186 Teddy the Tiler 187 Spectre Bridegroom 188 Matteo Falcone 189 Jenny Lind 190 Two Buzzards 191 Happy Man 192 Betsy Baker VOL. XXV. 193 No. 1 Round the Comer 194 Teddy Roe Object of lnt>>rest 196 Mv Fellow Clerk 197 Bengal Tiger 198 Laughing Hvena 199 The Victor Vanquished 200 Our Wife VOL. XXVI. My Husband's Mirror 202 Yankee Land 203 Norah Creina 204 Good for Nothing 205 The First Night 206 The Eton Boy 207 Wandering Minstrel 208 Wanted, 1000 Milliners VOL. XXVII. 209 Poor Pilcoddy 210 The Mummy [Glasse 211 Don't Forget your Opera 212 Love in Livery 213 Anthony and Cleopatra 214 Trying Tt On 215 Stage Strur.k Yankee 216 Young Wife & Old Um- brella VOL. xxvnL 217 Crinoline A Faoiily Failing 219 Adopted Child 220 Turned Heads 221 A Match in the Dark 222 Advice to Husbands Siamese Twins 224 Sent to the Tower VOL. XXIX. 225 Somebody Else 2-.'6 Ladies' Battle 227 Art of Acting """ The Ladv of the Lions 229 The Rights of Man 2.30 My Husband's Ghost 231 Two Can Play at that Game 232 Fighting bv Proxy VOL. XXX. Unprotected Female 2.34 Pet of the Petticoats 235 Fortv and Fifty [book 236 V/ho Stole the Pocket- J37 My Son Diana [sion 238 Unwarrantable Intru- 239 Mr. and Mrs. White 240 A Quiet Family (French's Minor Drama Continued on jd pag-e oj^ Cover.) VOL. XXXI. 241 Cool as Cucumber 242 Sudden Thoughts 243 Jumho Jum 244 A Blighted Being 245 Little Toddlekins 24b A Lover by Proxy [Pail 247 Maid with the Milking 248 Perplexing Predicament VOL. XXXli. 249 Dr. Dilworth 250 Out to Nurse 251 A Lucky Hit 252 The Dowag;er 253 Metamora (Burleique) 254 Dreams of Delusion 255 The Shaker Lovers 256 Ticklish Times VOL. XXXIU. 57 20 Minutes with a Tiger 258 Miralda; or, the Justice of Tacon 259 A Soldier's Courtship 260 Servants by Legacy 261 Dying for Love 262 Alarming Sacrifice 263 Valet de Sham 264 Nicholas Nickleby VOL. XXXlV. 265 The Last of the Pigtails 266 King Rene's Daughter 267 The Grotto Nvn.ph 268 A Devilish Good Joke 269 A Twice Told Tale 270 Pas de Fascination 71 Revolutionary Soldier 272 A Man Without a Head VOL. XXXV. 273 The Olio, Part 1 274 Tne Olio, Part 2 275 The Olio, Part 3 [ter 276 The Trumpeter's Daugh. 277 Seeing Warren 278 Green Mountain Boy 279 That Nose 280 Tom Noddy's Secret VOL. X'XXVI. 281 Shocking Events 282 A Regular Fix 283 Dick Turpin 284 Young Scimp 285 Young Actress 286 Call at No. 1—7 287 One Touch of Natnre 288 Two B'hoys VOL. XXXVII. 289 All the World's a Stage 290 Quash, or Nigger Prac- 291 Turn Him Out [tice 292 Pretty Girls of Stillberg 293 Angel of the Attic 294 ClrcumstancesalterCases 295 Katty O'Sheal 296 A Supper in Dixie VOL. XXXVIII. 297 loi on Parle Francais / 298 Who Killed Cock Robi/ 299 Declaration of Indeperit 300 Heads or Tails fence 301 Obstinate Family 302 Mv .Aunt 308 That Rascal Pat :W4 Don Paddy de Baran VOL. XXXIX. [ture 305 Too Much for Good Na- 306 Cure for the Fidgets 307 Jack's the L.ad 308 Much Ado A bout Nothing 309 Artful Dodeer 310 Winning Hazard 311 Day's Fishing [4c. 312 Did you ev^r send your, VOL. XL. 13 An Irishman's Maneuver 314 Cousin Fannie 315 'Tis the Darkest Hourbe- i] 6 Masquerade [fore Dawn 317 Crowding the Season 318 Good Nieht'sRest 319 Man with the Carpet Bag 320 Terrible Tinker SAMUEL FRENCH a6 West 22d Street. New York City. New and Explicit Descriptive Catalogue Mailed Free on Request. THE GRAY PARROT N^' BY W. W. JACOBS and CHARLES ROCK ADAPTED FROM W. W. JACOB'S STORY OF THAT TITLE Copyright, 1908, by W. W. Jacobs and Charles Rock Caution: — Professionals and Amateurs are hereby notified that this play is fully copyrighted under the existing laws of the United States Government, and nobody is allowed to do this play without first having obtained written permission of Samuel Frbnch, 24 West 22d St., New York City, U.S.A. New York SAMUEL FRENCH publisher 24 WEST 22D STREET London SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd. 26 Southampton St. STRAND fUbHARY of WJ^i^hT^SI I wo COpi«JS rtfctwiv. , AFK H 1908 COPY d^ J 1. THE GREY PARROT Cbatactets^ Tt», r-.xTXT^^^ ) About 30. Bronzed. Jim Gannett f ,, ^ o o /^ i o»„ -D^^^ ^ r Mates on S. S. Curlew Sam Rogers ( ,,, ^, u i. ) Weather-beaten appear* ance, 50 years old. HoBSON ■ A Publican. P. C. 24 Mary Gannett Gannett's wife. Jane Rogers Rogers' wife. Originally Produced, Demnsliire Park Theatre, Nov» 2nd. 1899, for three performances. Strand Theatre, Nov. 6tli, 1899 — 109 j)erformances. Cast at Stranb XTbeatre^ Jim Gannett Charles Rock. Sam Rogers Wilton Heriot. Hobson George Shelton. P. C. 24 Herbert Leonard. Mary Gannett Miss Cybel Wynne — Mrs, Charles Rock. Jane Rogers Miss Robertha Erskine. THE GREY PARROT. (As Curtain rises the sound of voices in argument heard offi^. Gannett aiid Rogers /ARliOT. 13 Mary. Oh, I daren't. Why, what would Jim say ? Sam. Well, even if he swears he couldn't beat the parrot. Jane. Mrs. Gannett, I've got an idea — I think I know a way to cure your husband of jealousy, and get rid of the parrot at the same time. Mary. Oh, if you only could, Mrs. Rogers, I should be so grateful, but I'm sure Jim won't part with the bird. Jane. Just wait and see, dear. Doesn't it strike you that if that parrot is so clever as to be able to tell Mr. Gannett- all you do, it might be clever enough to tell you all that Mr. Gannett has done ? Sam. Well, I'm blowed, I never thought o' that. Mary. But how are we going to find out the way to make it tell us ? Jane. There's no need for that. I've got a parrot of my own. Sam. Eh ? Jane. Yes, a green one. Sam. Where ? Jane {scratching Sam's head). Pretty Poll 1 Sam. Here — look here, now — Jane {laicghiiigly). And he's a very valuable bird, too. Why, I wouldn't part with him for all the world. Yes, Sam, you're the parrot that shall tell us. Sam. Me ? Why, how do you mean ? Jane. Well, now, hasn't Mr. Gannett got into any little scrapes during this last trip ? Harmless ones, I dare say, but still sufficient perhaps to make a woman — a jealous woman — jealous. Sam. Oh, come now, that would be telling. Jane. Yes, perhaps it would, but don't you think you could give Mrs. Gannet a hint, of say a couple of little sprees, the sort of sprees you sailors are always having. She won't say she heard of them from you. She'll say the parrot told her and Mr. Gannett need never know otherwise. Sam {as the idea is dawning upon him» roaring with 14 THE GREY PARROT. laughter). Ha, ha, splendid ! Why, of course I can. Look here, Mrs. Gannett, you talk to him about his visit to the concert gardens at Genoa where he got three parts half sprung and smashed a little marble-topped table, and knocked down two waiters, and how if it hadn't been for the Captain of the '* Pursuit," who happened to be there, and got him away, he'd have been locked up. Yes, and about the girl at the fruit stall at Naples, and how on the strength of having bought three pen'orth of green figs from her, he put his arm round her waist, and tried to kiss her, and how her sweetheart, who was standing by, tried to stab him, and about his being in such a state of funk, he jumped into the harbour and was nearly drowned, and again at Suez Jane (primly). That's quite enough to go on with, thank you, Sam. Sam. Oh, but I must tell you about Suez. Jane. That'll do, Sam ! Sam. Oh, but it was the funniest thing. ']k^^ {imperatively). Sam! Sam. My love, you don't know what you're missing. Jane. That's quite enough, Sam. Don't you think so, my dear ? Mary. Yes, I am half afraid, but I'll try it when he comes back. But oh, Mr. Rogers, he wasn't seriously in love with her, was he ? Sam. No fear, he was only jollying. Why, lor' bless you, do you think I should have told you, if there had been any harm in it ? Mary. Thank you, Mrs. Rogers, I think I see my way. Yes, I'll take your advice and sell the parrot. That is, if you'll do something else for me. ' Jane. Certainly, my dear, eh, Sam ? Sam. Of course we will, what is it ? Mary. Well, whilst I finish getting tea ready, will you both go round to the Dockers' Arms and tell Mr. Hobson to send for the bird ? Jane. That's right, my dear, don't you be put upon. It'll all come right if you show spirit enough. THE GREY PARROT. X5 Mary. Oh, I've made up my mind about it. I hope Jim will see I'm right. Jane. Of course he will, my dear. (Jane a7id Sam going toivards door r. c.) Mary Oh, would you mind going out the back way in case Jim sees you ? I expect him back every minute. He mustn't suspect that I got to know of his doings from any one but the parrot. Jane. Certainly not. (Jane exits^ Sam {pointing to parrot'). That parrot mind.— {Pointing to himself.) Not this parrot. [At door L.) Oh, Mrs.Gannet, I should like to tell you what hap- pened at Suez. Jane {very shortly). Sam ! Sam. All right, my love. Coming. {Exit L.) Mary. I'm afraid I shall find it very hard to talk to Jim, but {to parrot) if I can only get rid of you, you horrid bird, I shall feel happier. (Mr. Gannett enters, d. r. c.) Jim. Well, my dear, here I am again. {Kisses her.) Matheson had gone about the steering gear when I got down to the boat, so I had my trip for nothing. Ha, it's good to be home again. Well, how do you like the parrot ? Mary. Not at all. In fact, Jim dear, I've accepted Mr. Hobson's offer for that bird. Jim. What do you mean ? Mary. Yes, dear, ;^5. Jim. But you're not to sell it. I didn't give it to you to sell. Mary. Well, Jim, I shall poison it. It's a beast. 16 THE GREY PARROT. Besides, I don't like it, Jim. I don't like the idea of its watching me always. You see it might make no end of mischief by not telling the truth. Jim. That bird couldn't tell a lie if it tried to. (A knock heard D. R. c. Mrs. Gannett, goes to door and opens it. Hobson discovered.) HoBSON. Good afternoon. I've come for that parrot. Jim. Well, you can't have it, it's not for sale. Mary. If you'll just wait a minute, Mr. Hobson, I think you'll find it is for sale. Jim, if you don't let me sell that bird, I shall go home to mother. It's not truthful. Jim. Not truthful ! Mary. No, it's been telling me things about you. Jim. About me ! Telling things about me ? Hobson. Here, am I going to have that bird, or am I not? Jim. No! Mary. Please wait, Mr. Hobson. Hobson. All right. Mary. Jim, there's more magic about that bird than you thought. It has been saying such shocking things about you, I couldn't bear it. And as you say it can't tell lies I don't know what to think. Jim. Things about me ! Do you think you're talk- ing to a child } I should like to hear some of them if you can remember them. {Sneeringly.) Hobson. Am I in the way } Mary. The first thing it told me was about the time you were at Genoa. The parrot said you were at some concert gardens, but I don't suppose there is such a place there. Jim {feebly). I believe there is — I — I've heard our chaps talk about it. Mary. But you haven't been there. Have you, Jim? Jim {emphatically) Never 1 THE GREY PARROT. 17 Mary. That wicked bird said you got intoxicated there. HoBSON. Hullo, this is in my line. Mary. And that you smashed a little marble-topped table and knocked down two waiters, and that if it had not been for the Captain of the " Pursuit," who was there at the time, and who got you away, you'd have been locked up. Wasn't it a wicked bird ? Jim. Horrible 1 Shocking 1 HoBSON. In my opinion it's a genius. Mary. I don't suppose there ever was a ship called the " Pursuit." Jim. Doesn't sound like a ship's name. HoBSON {much impressed). If the parrot said there was, you can bet it is all right. Mary. Well then, a few days later it said, your ship was at Naples. Jim. I never went ashore all the time we were at Naples. Mary. The parrot said you did. Jim {starting up). I suppose you'll believe your own lawful husband before that— (yV^^/ going to say t/—) bird? , , . , HoBSON. Well, in my opinion it's a very clever bird. Jim. Oh, you shut up. , , , • HoBSON. Well, I merely remarked that in my opinion . ,^ Jim. Well, you keep your opinions to yourselt. HoBSON. All right. . Jim {to Mary). I ask you, are you going to be- lieve that bird before your husband ? Mary Of course I don't believe it, Jim, I m trying to prove to you that the bird is not truthful, but you're so hard to persuade. Was there a girl who kept a fruit stall just by the harbour ? ^ x rj Jim {gazing restlessly in direction of cage). How should I know ? j ^u *- Mary Well, the parrot said there was, and that one evening on the strength of having bought three pen - Ig THE GREY PARROT. orth of green figs from her, you put your arm around her waist and tried to kiss her, and her sweetheart who was standing by, was going to stab you ; to escape him you jumped into the harbour and were nearly drowned. Then again, the bird said that when you were at Suez Jim. That'll do. Mary. I am sure I don't want to have to repeat it, but it said that when you were at Suez Jim. That'll do. {Bus.) HoBSON {softly). Suez ! Is that where the Canal is? Jim. Here, Hobson, hand over that liver and take that — that — {Choke) beast away. Hobson. Beast\ In my opinion it's a marvel. Jim. Well, on this occasion you are at liberty to your opinion. Hobson. Well, I never parted with ;^5 more readily in all my life. I can tell you, Mr. Gannett, that the jealousy this bird will create amongst my customers will be enormous. Some of 'em flatters themselves on their command of what they calls their mother tongue, but I can see their faces blushing at their incompetence when this 'ere bird once, gets fairly started. Come along, my professor of elocution. {Exits with parrot D. R. c. to R.) Mary. Now you see why I wanted to get rid of that bird, don't you, Jim ? You're so jealous that if it had told you untruths about me^ you would have believed them, wouldn't you ? Jim {taki?ig Mary in his arms). No, my dear, I wouldn't. Look here, Mary, I promise you I'll never be jealous again. Mary. And I did quite right to sell it, didn't I, Jim? Jim. Quite right. {Givitig her the £^ note). And you buy something that won't talk. Mary. I will, Jim dear. THE GHEY PARROT. 19 (Knocks heard d. r. c. Jim opens door discovering Mr. and Mrs. Rogers.) Sam. Well, here we are back again, Mrs. Gan- nett. Jim, this is my wife. Jim. How d'ye do. Come in, we're just going to have a cup of tea. Why, Sam, I didn't know you knew Mrs. Gannett. Sam. Well, I didn't till this afternoon. But me and my wife came round with Matheson's message and Mrs. Gannett kindly asked us in to tea. Mary. O yes, I forgot to tell you about it, Jim dear, Jim. Oh ! You. You've been here before have you ? {Truth dawning on him^ to Sam mea?iingly.) Sam, do you know what I'd like to do to you ? Sam {with affected innoce?ice). Eh ! Me ! No-o-o-o ! Jim (meafiingly). Drop you off the top of a 'bus. (Sam starts afid edges away — Jim follows him up.) Pull your tail feathers out, and then wring your neck. {Laughingly^ Sam {innocently and questioningly). Like a bird ? Jim. Yes, like a bird ! Mary. Jim dear — I felt like doing that to " The Grey Parrot." {All sit down to tea-table.) Curtain. ^r^SEND FOR A NEW DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. VOL. XLI. The I'irate's Leciicy 'i'lie Charcoal Liurner A.ielgitlia fc^eiMr V'aliente Furesl Rose Duke's Daughter Camilla's Husband Pure (Joid VOL. XLII. 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VOL. XLI. VOL. XLII. VOL. XLIII. VOL. XLIV. 321 Adventures of a Love 329 As Like as Two Peas 337 Sunset 345 Who's To Win Him 322 ost Child [Letter 3.30 Presumptive Evidence 331 Happv Band 338 For Haifa Million 346 Which is Which 323 Court Cards 339 C .ble Car 347 Cup of Tea 324 Cox and Box 332 Pinafore 340 Early Bird 31S Sarah's Young Man 325 Fortv Winks 333 Mock Trial 341 Alumni Play 349 Hearts 326 Wonderful Woman 334 IMv Uncle's Will 342 Show of Hands 350 In Honor Bound [L 327 Curious Case 335 Happy Pair 336 My turn Next 343 Barbara 351 Freezing a Mother- 328 Tweedleton's Tall Coat 344 Who'. Who 352 My Lord in Livery SAMUEL FRENCH, 26 West 22d St., New York City. '^aiL ^r" New and Explicit Descriptive Catalogue Mailed Rree on Request. \ i FRENCH'S MINOR DRAMA. Price 15 Cents each.— Bound |_ibRARV OF CONGRESS VOL. 1. 1 The Irish Attorney 2 BooU :it the Swan 3 How to Pav tlie Rent 4 The Loan of a Lover 5 The Dead Shot 6 His Last Legs 7 The Invi-ible Prince H The Gol.len Fanner VOL. 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