'gm^^'^^mm^^wMw^:^:^'^^^^:^^' m Library of Congress. Chap.. Shelf. gfl^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. .^^^.^:.^^^;^'^:^^.^'^^:.^.^::^.^\^:.^'^;^'^\^'^| Hi MMi Vines in Pols 2s Pruning and training ^ ^o Planting and transplanting ,,c,. ilanuring' the Vine . . . < ..,,^ Forcing Grapes in Hot Houses Insects, Blight, Rotting, &c * ^o Vineyard Culture , _ American Grapes and Vineyards 4^ Various uses of the Vine .... . 53 V isit to an American Vineyard rn i Conversation on Grapes _, Making of Wine ' ^ of immature Grapes Y-i Receipt for Making Currant Wine . 8d Grapes cultivated near New York g^ Domestic uses of the Vine \ g^ Explanation of Terms q. INTRODUCTION. It has long been a matter of surprize that the cultiva- tion of Grapes and making of Wine, has not engaged more of the attention and labors of our enterprizing citi- zens. With a vast expanse of country, embracing every variety of soil and climate, and the Grape growing spon- taneously in the woods, from Canada on the north, to the Gulf of Mexico on the south, there could never have been a doubt of its successful cultivation b ■■ any one who would give it the requisite skill and attention. The southern States, and Florida in particular, promise the greatest success in producing the European kinds of Grapes ; but the northern States, juid even Canada exhibit the assurance that native Grapes may be success- fully ripened in the open air. The great success of tv.'o varieties of the American Grapes — the -Isabella and the Catawba — and the rapid spreading of their cultivation, has induced rae to give to the public the benefit of what experience I may have had in their culture. In the year 1838, at the request of Jesse Buel, Esq., then the editor of the paper entitled ' The Cultivator," and published at Albany, 1 wrote a brief sketch of the Isabella Grape, which had oltainel great favor on Long-Island, and which I had taken much a2 INTRODUCTION, pains to scatter abroad, by distributing cuttings to all who would accept of them. I also included in ray sketch all I had experienced in wine-making. The Cultivator of May, 1838, contains ray reraarks, which have been re- published in other papers, and I raultiplied copies in ray own paper (the Long-Island Star) for gratuitous distribu- tion. The inquiry for information on this subject, still continues. I am sensible there are some persons of more experience in raising and trimming the vines, and in ma- king wine, and I hope they may hereafter correct ray errors, if such shall be discovered. For such facts as did not come under ray own observation, I am indebted to the very excellent periodicals of the present day; and it was ray object to embrace in a small compass such inter- esting facts relative to grape culture and wine-making, as that every man owning a lot of ground of any dimensions, mag raise his own grapes and make his own wine. CULTIVATION OF AMEEICAN GRAPE YOES. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE YINE. I SHALL not attempt to give a botanical descrip- tion of the Grape Vine. It is called the Viits Vin- ifera of Europe, and some have supposed our American Vines to have had the same origin. — There are some forty species, and an immense number of varieties. The practice in foreign vine- yards of having different species and varieties in contiguity, would naturally cause an intermingling of numerous kinds with slight shades of difference. There is no period in the history of man, in which the Vine is not mentioned in language of grateful testimony that it is a blessing of the high- est value. Its fruitfulness and its qualities were well known in the days of Noah, and in all subse-- quent periods of time. Scripture in numerous instances has language peculiarly drawn from the culture of grapes and the wine — the firuning of the Vine — the treading of the grapes, which was the ancient method, and the wine press^ are all in- corporated with sacred writ. It is stated that a Helvetian named Helicon first made known the properties of the vine at Rome, HISTORY OF THE VINE. and that the interchanges of commerce soon spread it abroad. Plutarch and Livy give it a Tuscan origin. A late writer, Thiebaut de Berneaud tells us that from the first appearance of the Vine in France the cultivation spixad in every disposable corner, wherever a fitting soil and exposure could be found. This excited the jealousy of Rome, who, under pretence of preventing the recurrence of famine, decreed that the Vineyards should be turned into wheat fields, and caused a general grub- bing up of the Vine throughout the territories of Gaul. This took place A. U. 92. It was so rig- orously executed, that the inhabitants were obliged to resort to beer and other fermented drinks, such as had been in use before the introduction of the Grape. The ferocious Domitian was detested for this violation of the natural rights of the people whom he should have protected, but the edict nevertheless remained in force for two centuries — when Probus, in A. D. 282, restored the cultivation. The restoration occasioned a long festival of rejoic- ings, and the people with great alacrity renewed the Yine culture, and spread it to all the neighbor- ing nations. In 1556 the Vines were again prohibited through- out France, on the ground of their monopoly of the earth, and the labor, from more important tillage. After eleven years the law was revoked, and the Vine once more allowed free growdi. — About the beginning of the eighteenth century another attempt wt s made at restriction ; and it was not until the revolution of 1789 that every owner of the soil was allowed to improve it in his own way ; since which time the prosperity of the Vine cultivation in France has added vastly to tl e happiness of the people and the wealth of the nation. FOREIGN VIMES. V OF FOREIGN VINES IN AMERICA. Many of the attempts to raise Grapes from foreign Vines in the open air, have resuhed in loss and disappointment. The late Mr. Parmentier, of Brooklyn, Long Island, devoted much labor and expense on foreign Vines to very little purpose. Mr. Loubat also, v^^ho had seen much of Grape cultivation in France, planted a vineyard of forty acres at New Utrecht, L. I , vi^hich had 150,000 Vines of various sizes, and for some years flattered himself with hopes, which resulted in disappoint- ment. In some few instances in Brooklyn and New York, where the Vines were protected by surrounding buildings, the Chasselas Grape and other foreign varieties yielded well, thereby only demonstrating that such fruit can be obtained if cultivators will be at the trouble of erecting proper houses for the purpose. In the year 1827, 1 planted fifty foreign Vines, some of which were from France and obtained from Mr. Parmentier and Mr. Loubat — others were from Germany, and obtained from Mr. Knudsen. In four years I was able to exhibit five kinds of fine Grapes at the horticultural exhibitionof New York, at Niblo's garden ; but the Vines produced few good bunches, and very soon none at all. The Vines and shoots continued to grow for several years, but the fruit was mouldy and black before the period of ripening, and thus were worthless. Many gardeners and amateur cultivators, made great and judicious attempts to raise foreign Grapes in the open air, but they all gave up the fruitless labor. Very fine foreign Grapes, especially the black Hamburgh, have been raised in hot hoiYses in New- York, Boston and other places. The late Judge 10 AMERICAN VINES. Buel recommended a cheap green-house, which he described in the Cultivator, for raising foreign Grapes without artificial heat. It is well worthy of trial. The government of the United States, in order to encourage Grape cultivation in this country, have made several grants of lands in different parts of the southern and western States, to intelligent foreigners well acquainted with the business, who have brought over their foreign vines, and given them great attention. All these have failed, until they adopted the native Yines — a fact worthy of much reflection and investigation. We may pre- sume, therefore, that foreign Vines must be raised in grape-houses, or by patient changes of cultiva- tion be gradually naturalized to our climate. OF AMERICAN YIiNES. In the first discovery and settlement of America Grape Vines were seen in profusion in die woods, and their value and peculiar properties could not fail to become known. There can be no doubt that Vines have been long cultivaied and much wine made in America. In the Spanish colony of Coahuila, in Mexico, on the Rio Del Nort, about the 29th degree of North latitude, fine Grapes were raised and much wine made at an early period of the colony ; but the culture was for some cause forbidden by the crown, probably from fear of competition with the vineyards of Spain. It was officially stated by the Deputy from Coahuila to the Cortes of 1812, that this North American province produces con- siderable quantities of good wine—a number of AMERICAN VIN£S. 11 districts and vineyards giving w^mes as delicious as those of Castile in Spain. He adds that the raising of wine is one of the most productive branches of their agriculture, and so great that they supply the neighboring colonies, and even send some of the finest to Tvlexico. I learn from a communication of Dr. James Mease, of Philadelphia, that before the American Revolution a quarter cask of wine made by Doctor Howard, of New Brunswick, N. J., was sent to the Society for the encouragement of arts, manu- factures, &c.,in London, and the society presented him thiity guineas as a reward. Mr. Tasker, of Maryland, and Mr. Antil, of vjhrewsbury, Mon- mouth County, N. J., are named as jniong the early cultivators of the Grape. Mr. Antil had a vineyard of several acres, and wrote a paper on the subject which appears in the first volume of the American Philosophical Society. He cultiva- ted foreign Vines only. In 1 769 the French settlers in Illinois made one hundred and ten hogsheads of strong wine from native Grapes. In 1793. Peter Legaux. a French gentleman, obtamed of the legislature of Pennsylvania the incorporation of a company for cultivating the Vine. They purchased a farm at Spring-mill, Montgomery County, thirteen miles from Phila- delphia, on the Schuylkill. For one year only prospects were favorable ; but divisions and dis- sentions arose and the stockholders sold out in disgust, and the vineya^^d went to ruin. In the early settlement of the now city of New York, a gentleman had a very fine garden at Hoboken and raised many Grapes, hi the woods of that place are now to be seen very large Vines running wild into the tops of the tallest trees. 12 AMERICAN VINES. It is recorded that in the early settlement of Long-Island a vineyard was cultivated near South- ampton, by Mr. Fournier. We understand very good wild Grapes are now in great plenty in the woods and swamps near that place. At Harmony, near Pittsburgh, a vineyard of ten acres was planted and cultivated by Frederick Rapp and his associates from Germany. They afterwards removed to another Harmony, in In- diana, on the east bank of the Wabash, where they continue the cultivation of wine and silk to the present time. A Swiss colony settled about fifty years ago in Jessamin County, Kentucky, and raised a fund of ten thou and dollars for tlie express purpose of a vineyard. They planted foreign Vines and failed. In 1801 they removed to a spot which they called Vevay, in ^Switzerland County, Indiana, on the Ohio r'ver, 45 miles below Cincinnati. Here they planted nati ve or naturalized Vines and succeeded. A recent article in a newspaper says — " They turned attention to our native Vine, first to the Cape Grape, and subsequently to the Isabella and Catawba. After forty years of experience they consider our climate and soil inferi(»r to those of Switzerland for prod Jcing saccharine matter, and consequently wine. They say that, in tliis coun- try, twelve pounds of Grapes are required to make a gallon of wine, and, in the old country, ten pounds At one time they had forty acres under cultivation ; now only five. They say they can cultivate other products to greater profits." i he government of the United States, desirous of encouraging the cultivation of the Vine, and making of wine, made extensive grants of the public lands for this patriotic service, to some of ISABELLA GRAP» VINE. 13 the distinguished exiles f France, who chose Greene Count)^ in the then territory of Alabama for that purpose, as being the most promising climate for the Vine They planted a small colony of cultivators,' who brought out numerous varieties of their favorite Vines ; but after great labor and perseverance they were compelled to relinquish it in despair. It was discovered about the time of their quitting, that the Vines of Vevay, Indiana, which they obtained from the Agent of that asso- ciation ai New Orleans, would succeed well. The small remains of the colony were finally successful in cultivating from native Vines. At Georgetown, in the District of Columbia; Mr. Adlum cultivated a vineyard, and made much wine, of which he, in a patriotic manner, gave specimens to all the members of Congress. He also published a small book on the subject of wine, which I made my guide in the matter of wine- making. His favorite Grape was the Catawba, and his vineyard flourished until his death. HISrORY OF THK ISABELLA GRAPE VINE. This justly celebrated Vine has obtained a general cultivation along the coast of the United States, and in Canada. The fruit, when well ripened, is very fine as a table Grape, and it is also well known to make an excellent wine, capable of being preserved for years. Many persons have expressed an interest to know its origin, and I will proceed to state all the facts I have been able lo obtain. The Isabella V'ine first obtained its notoriety in the garden of George Gibbs, Esq., at Brooklyn, 14 ISABELLA GRAPE VINE. Long-Island, about the year 1816. His lady ob- tained it from North Carolina, and after its value became known, she gave cuttings liberally to her neighbors. A few gentlemen of Brooklyn, in compliment to her, gave it her name, Isabella^ and exerted themselves to multiply cuttings, and make its qualities known. By the aid of various publi- cations, in the Long-Island Star and other papers, it soon became the cherished ornament and pride of every garden and door-yard. No dwelling is so humble as not to nourish its vine — no yard too small to admit its delicious shade and fruit. The following letter, which gives the only mfoirmation I possess relative to the origin of the Isabella Vine, was communicated by the gentle- man to whom it was addressed, David Kimberly, Esq., of Brooklyn, and published in the Long- Island Star of Julv 2, 1838— Wilmington, N. C, June 9, 1838. Dear Sir : — Please accept my thanks for the paper containing an essay upon the culture of the Isabella Grape. You request a repetition of the history of that Vine, as given me by Bernard Laspeyre, Esq., a native of France, very intelligent, and who resided for many years in the vicinity of this place, and who may be called the father of the Grape culture in this part of North Carolina. Mr. Laspeyre stated that many years past, upon a visit to Charleston, 8. C, he became acquainted with a countryman of his (name I do not recollect) who, had a few years previously travelled through France and the most of Spain. The culture of the Grape was an interesting topic to both, and his friend invited him to visit his garden, where he had in full bearing a Vine which he brought with him from Spain (I think from Andalusia) and with Avhich he was more pleased than any which had come under his observation. Mr. L. was ISABELLA. GRAP3 VINE. 15 also miicli taken with the Vine, and made arrangements to procure as many of the cuttings a« his friend could spare, who stated to him that he had endeayored to spread the Vine as widely as possible in South Carolina hy giving cuttings to gentlemen from different parts of the state, whenever he met with one likely to take care of them. The following season, Mr. Laspeyre received a number of cuttings, which he divided with his acquain- tances, and among others Gen. Benjamin Smith, from whom (I think) Mrs Gibbs procured the Vin« which she carried to Long-Island. Mr. Laspeyre planted the portion reserved on his farm, about 18 miles from this place, and in a very few years had a handsome vineyard, which was the " wonder and talk" of the whole neighborhood, The stage road from this to Fayetteville passes within a short distance of his residence. It so happened that the stage was broken in his immediate vicinity, and -a Spanish gentleman, who was a passenger, inquired if no person cultivated Grapes in a country which seemed s^ well adapted to it. He was told of Mr. Laspeyre's vineyard, and, haying plenty of time, he procured a guide and called upon Mr. L., who carried him to see his Grapes. Upon entering the enclosure, his iirst exclama- tion was, " Ha, you have got my countryman here, I know him well, and it is one of the finest Grapes in Spain." The above is the history of the Isabella, as related to me by Mr. Laspeyre ; if he mentioned the name by which the Grape is known in Spain, I have forgotten it. Mr. L. was amused at the idea of its being an American Grape. It is generally known here as the Laspeyre Grape, and also as the Isabella. The friends of that excellent Lady, Mrs. Gibbs, give the latter name the preference, and it will, no doubt, be continued. P. A. S. It thus appears that the Isabella Grape had its 16 ISABELLA GRAPE VINE. origin in Spain, and has been adapted and natural- ized to the climate of most of the United States. T hear of its cultivation as far North as Canada, but with what success I cannot learn. I should much doubt whether it would ripen well in Canada. In the vicinity of New York it is sufficiently ripe for the table about the middle of September, and is sometimes on the Vines long after the frost, and continues to improve ; but if they are unripe on the approach of frost they become worthless. If any bunches remain very late by reason of any peculiar protection, they become exceedingly sweet and pleasant. This particular kind of Grape is here regarded as above all price, and the descendants of Mrs. Gibbs may rejoice that her name and fame are connected with this great and delightful bless- ing. The Isabella Vine is particularly adapted to cliics, as it may be placed in a corner of any small yard, and its Vine carried to any height or to any roof or space which may be desired. It shelters the domestics at their labor, and soap-suds is an excellent manure for its roots. Its qualities are known and respected even among the Vines of Europe. Immense quantities are brought to New York market, and yet the demand is not satisfied. Vineyards are rapidly multiplying throughout the country — twenty-seven acres being thus improved in one location at Croton Point. Enough is already known of its wine to pronounce it cheering and delightful ; and yet not a gallon has been ofiered for sale, where thousands of barrels might have been produced. But the time is near at hand when " every man may sit under his own Vine" — and he may also drink his own wine, which "cheers, but not inebriates !'' SOIL, &c. 17 SOIL— CLIMATE— EXPOSURE. AmericanVines can be made to grow and flourish in every situation, and in every part of our wide spread country ; but that the soil and cHmate and exposure is very important to obtain the best Grapes, is undeniable. The soil should be a light sandy or gravelly loam, with coarse gravelly sub- soil. Clay soils are unfavorable, and vineyards should never be planted in such soils ; but where a garden is located on clay soil, if a Vine is wanted it may be raised a little from the natural soil and a sandy-made soil enclosed in a brick or stone en- * closure to favor the Vine. Stony, hilly and rocky grounds, and sandy plains, like those on the mid- dle and eastern parts of i.ong Island, may be con sidered friendly to the Vine. A writer says — " I have seen hundreds of acres 'of Vines growing in pebbles from the size of a bean and nutmeg to that of an egg, without the least vestige of earth. Climate. — Our country possesses all the Vine climates of France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and a larger district than all those combined. The sea board and Islands are considered pecu- liarly favorable to the Vine ; but a warm climate gives the best Grape. It appears, however, that European Vines could not be made to succeed in Alabama, and we can therefore only recommend native or. naturalized Vines to our cultivators. As we have very numerous varieties, which have been thoroughly proved in various latitudes, we need not embark in fruitless labor. From a comparison with French culture it is believed Grapes may be cultivated for wine in any climate where the maize or Indian corn is a sure crop, and never defeated by the frost. b2 18 SOIL, ix to twelve inches in length. They are taken from the Vines at the pruning in March (or may be taken at any time between the first of November and first of April) and cut to their proper dimensions in the following 22 PROPAGATION. manner. About an inch of wood is left above the upper bud and is (afterwards when set in the ground) cut sloping at the back side from the bud in order that it may be protected. They are then buried in the earth, or kept in a cellar until wanted for setting out. They are first set in a garden or well protected ground, and at a distance of six to twelve inches apart in yovjs which may be a foot or more apart. At the lower end, which goes in the ground, the wood is cut as near to the bud as it can be without injury. They are set in the ground so deep as that the topmost bud shall just come to the top of the ground, so as to receive the benefit of earth and air, as this is the only bud which shoots above ground— the others going to the forma- tion of roots (Fig. 1, p. 36.) If the season should be dry they will require watering several times. I consider a shady place, a spot but little exposed to the sun, as being preferable for cuttings. Some- times they are put endwise in a pot or box and filled in with earth and watered. In this manner a great number may be put in a small space or transportation. I once successfully sent cuttings from New- York to Little Rock, in Arkansas, by way of New Orleans. These were placed in sods of grassy earth, a little moistened. The cutting will in the first year threw up a shoot from the top bud. If two should come forth the weakest must be taken away, and if none should come it is not certain that the cutting is dead, as it will sometimes throw out a shoot under the ground and push its way to the surface in the next season. If the cutting throws out a strong shoot the first season, you may, at the March pru- ning, cut it down to two buds from the main stock, (Fig. 2yp. 27) or if a weak shoot cut it to one Propagation* 23 bud. The young Vine is sometimes transplanted to its permanent place at or about this time, but I would not recommend it until the third year from the cutting. In the introduction into Switzerland of Vines from abroad it was frequently found that the plants of foreign cuttings have refused (though arrived at the proper age, and possessing a vigorous matu- rity) to unfold a solitary flower. Cuttings from such plants have been tried, which have blossomed and the flowering been succeeded by abortion.— From the plants of succeeding cuttings other cut- tings have been cultivated, following up the system for several seasons, till in the end a complete su^^ cess has crowned the experiment ; and it has been proved that the process of acclimating the stranger plant has not reached its full accomplishment un- til it has passed ihrough four, and sometimes five generations of the Vine. By Layers. — Vines are also propagated by lay- ers which consists in bending down a branch, while attached to a stock, into a channel dug in the earth, and burying it at a proper depth in a curving line with the end having two buds above the earth, and strongly pegged to its place, so as not to lift by its own elasticity. Roots Avill start plentifully from the part in the earth, and when it is well root- ed it ma}^ be cut from the parent Vine and trans- planted. When a Vine becomes old or injured we some- times make layers to continut^ it, and therefore do not cut it from the mi) in stock. This is a good mode, and is much practiced in France to supply vacancies in Vineyards. By Graftins:^ — In the spring of 1832, I grafted thirteen wild Grape Vines on my ground and they soon grew to a considerable length. In the fall ot* 24 PROPAGATION. that year I observed the wood did not ripen, and during the winter they all perished. By reason of its being in an unhealthy location I abandoned my vineyard, and did not renew the experiment. My mode was to cut the stock below the surface of the earth, and make a clean split or cleft, fitting the scion as a long wedge merely into the wood, and making the Lark, on one sideof it to match, where it would fit. I then packed the rich mould around it. Another mode is to bore holes with a gimlet or a bit, and fit the graft with a shoulder to the square stock. Other modes are practiced, and any skilul hand would, probably, be successful. The great difficulty in grafting is the liability of the stock to bleed s j profusely that the graft can- not unite with the stock. This in uces some gar- deners to delay the operation until the blossoms begin to show out ; but as in the latitude of New York the sap begins to rise in February, that is the best time to graft. If not performed in F^ebruary it should be delayed till the second week in May. The grafts or scions should be cut a month before wanted lor use, in order to keep them back, and not to be as forward as the stock ; particularly if to be done at the latter period, the lower end of them should be wrapped in moss a little damp, or stuck in a potato. The modes of grafting are well known, but the Vuje is more difficult to graft, than common trees. In cleft grafting the scion should be as near as possible the size of the Vme, so that the bark may fit. If the stock is too high a flower pot or box may be filled with earth and the stock thus cover- ed. Grafts thus fitted sometimes bear the first year. A correspondent of the N. Y. F\irmer says — '* At New Orleans, I saw a very fine muscadel PROPAGATION. 36 Vine in the garden of a horticulturist in the upper Fauxburgh, which was grafted, as he told nne, on a native stock while one which stood immediately contiguous, but which had not been grafted, was unthrifty and insignificant in appearance, and bore comparatively no fruit at all. They were buth planted at the same time, and were then sixteen years old, so that the experiment in that instance was completely decisive, that unless grafted on na- tive slocks they will not succeed." Mr, S. Weller, of Berkleyville, N. C, succeeded in grafting a variety of scions from Pensylvania, on the Fox Grape and other native stocks of hig neighborhood, and thus obtained a variety of good sorts. I have known grafting by approach, as it is cal- led, to be successful. It consists in bringing the branches of two Viaes of different kinds together, just^ as the sap begins to ascend, and cutting each branch at the side so that they may unite and the sap of each intermingle. Both will probabl\> grow and the preferable one may be cut from the pa- rent stock. Many operators do not succeed well in grafting.; but as it is essential, we would incidcate the most careful experiments in this matter, Mr. Herbe- mont says — " The mode of grafting wliicli I practise usually, and which is attended with no difficulty, and rery seldom fails, is as follows : If the Vine I wish to graft in is in the place I desire to have it, all I do is to take away the earth round it, to the depth of four or five inches, saw it off (or cut it off with a sharp knife, according to its size,) about two or three inches below the surface of the ground. (This depth may b« regulated by the length of the scion used.) Split it with a knife or chisel ; and hnving tapered c ^6 tuovAaArton. the lower end of tlie scion in the shape of a wedge, insert it in the cleft stock, so as to make the bark of both coincide, (which is perhaps not necessary with the Vine) — tie it with any kind of string, merely to keep the scion in its place ; return the earth to its place, so as to leave only one bud of the graft above the ground, and the other just below the surface^ and it is done. If I have no Vine where I Avish to have one, I dig it out, of the woods^ &c. &c. ; cut it off as above described ; insert the scion ; tie it and plant it where wanted, leaving, as in the other case^ only one bud or two above the ground. All the care that It now requires is to surround it with sticks, to prevent its being trampled upon or otherwise injured, and to notice the shoots that may grow below the graft, that they may be immediately taken off close to the stock, taking care, in so doing, not to move the scion or graft, which might preveni: its taking. Such grafts usually grow as soon as the other buds of the Vine in the neighborhood ; but it sometimes happens they are much later ; and I have had some that did not push till about June — even as late as the middle of that month. When the stock, or the Vine into which you wish to insert a graft, is too large to be conveniently split, as in the last mode of grafting, as \vhen they are several inches in diameter, after having sawed it two or three inches below the surface of the ground, nearly horizontally, I take a gimlet, or (which is best) a carpenter's stock and taper-bit, and bore one or more holes, according to the size of the stock, about an inch and a quarter deep. I then prepare the scion, (which in this case ought -to be selected pretty large,) and by cutting the bark and a little of the wood all round, within an inch and a quarter of the lower end, fit it to the hole, and push it in till the shoulder of bark, made by the cutting, as here above described, comes down to the sawed surface of the stock ; and if the stock is large enough to require two or three grafts, after having fitted them all in, 1 return the earth, leaving only one or two buds at most above ground, as above, and the grafting is done. As this last method of grafting usually VROPAGATIOJf. 27 aiTcceeds as well as tlie first, it would seem to indicate that it is not necessary in grafting the Vine, as it most undoubtedly is for all other fruit trees, that the bark of the stock, and that of the scion or graft, meet and coin- cide exactly; for, in the latter case, the scions are inserted in any part of the stock. All that remains now to be attended to is, as to the best season for grafting the Vine, and the best manner of keeping the scions until that time. I have generally suc- ceeded best when I have grafted late in the spring, and just before the buds of the Vine burst into leaves; that is, when the sap is flowing pretty freely. It is, however, a matter of some importance that the scions should have been kept back, if possible, so that their buds are only beginning to swell, and this must regulate the time of grafting. The scions may be kept back, and their vege- tation retarded, by burying them in as cold a place as can conveniently be found — such as the north side of a hill of a house, fence, &c. ; in shorty where the ice and snow remain the longest. A small trench, a few inches deep, is made — the scions laid fiat down in the bottom, and entirely covered. I think a better way still, (one, how- ever, which I never had an opportunity of trying,) would be to put them in ?. box of sand somewhat moistened, and deposite the box in an ice-house. The scions being thus kept back, may be used for grafting with complete suc- cess, so late as when the Vine for the stock is in full leaves. I have thus grafted Vines sent me by mail from the north as late as June, and they grew well. I should always prefer, however, to do it earlier, when it can conveniently be done." Berneaiid says, 'Hhere are several kinds of graft- ing used for Vines. Shoulder grafting succeeds well on old stocks — so does budding, or insertion- — but the nnost common are slit-grafting and tongue- grafting. Latterly escutcheon-grafting has been mucli#used ia spring before the ascent of the sap, 28 PROPAGATION. Grafting by approach also will succeed, but the most favorable of all methods is crown grafting on the root." Vmes in Pots. — In England, where Grapes can only be cultivated in hot-houses, some of their best gardeners force their Vines in pots in the lollowing manner. They take a cutting of young wood of three, four or five feet in length, and coil it in a large pot, rubbing off all the buds but two, and leaving those buds at or near the surface, the weakest of which is afterwards rubbed off. It is then placed in a hot-bed, and soon puts forth and fills the pot with roots. It may be re-potted and extended according to circumstances. By putting the pot containing the Vine within another, and filling the space between them with soil, a uniform moisture may be preserved. In our country the gardeners and ladies who cherish house plants, may in this way obtain fine foreign Grapes. " Any one who is anxious to have Vines in pots with Grapes fully grown should, at the time of pruning, take the stem through a hole in the bottom of the pot, and lay the rest of the Vine from the bottom of the pot in the ground For such pur- poses I take the old shoots that are to be cut out that season. For the pots I use the same compost as for the border. I always keep rotted dung about the pots, as it makes the Vines strike much sooner than keeping the pots dry. I have had twenty- six good branches in pots, and could have had more but for thining. When the fruit is at maturity I cut the old branch by the bottom of the pot, and remove the plant at pleasure for ornament." Another Mode.— In the spring, before the buds swell, take a healthy, well ripened Vine, and draw it through the hole of a large flower pbt-*fill in PRUNING, 4C, 29 earth, and cover the pot with moss or coarse manure on the outside, to keep in the moisture. About the last of August cut the shoot half off at the bottom of the pot. "In October cut the branch entirely off, and carry the pot with its load of ripe Grapes to any proper place. With proper treat- ment the fruit will hang on till February. OF PRUNING AND TRAINING. ^ The Isabella Vines are sometimes so extremely exuherant in their growth and fohage, that it is not easy to prescribe rules for pruning and training, which will suit all cases. As they are much cul- tivated in gardens — in hot houses — over arbors and trellises, and otten in the espalier form, I shall give some general remarks which may enable those who cultivate but two or three vines, to do their own trimming ; as it is sometimes inconvenient er impossible to procure 3. professor to trim your Vines — such persons being in great demand at the trim- ming season. After your Vine is transplanted to the spot where it is to reinain, you are to train it according to the space which you wish it to cover. I would advise, if the arbor, trellis, fence or house will allow it, that it be trained about a foot from the ground, in two shoots or branches, forking each way from the main upright stock. It is thus within reach for a time : but you will soon require ladders to trim the Vine and gather the fruit. Let it be particularly observed that TCf^ the fruit aht^tiys groios on the shoots o) the present season^ which spring Jrom wood of the la^t season. This is very important to be known and critically c2 30 PRUNING, AC. observed by every person who attempts to prune a Vine. The appearance of the wood will readily indicate its age and quahty, and a little observation may make any discreet person a good trimmer. hHrsi Pruning. — The first or ivintsr pruning, as it is called, takes place in March, although it may be done from the first of November to the first of March, if the Vines are not frozen. I prefer the early part of March. It consists in cutting out dead wood — shortening the runners — and training and tying to the supporters. If your Vine is under five years old, you would do well to follow the rules herein laid down ; but if it is ojder you must exercise a judgment founded on the extent of your supports— the strength of the root, and the feed or manure afforded to it. You will see at Fig- 6, p.46, the mode of trimming and training as practiced in vineyards, which may readily be adapted to other situations. A vine may well be allowed to bear eight runners, trained horizontally or vertically, according to the taste of the cultivator, or to the situation of his supporters. Of these yo?tr may, at the winter pruning, be shortened down to a single bud, and the four others intermediate be trained vertically, in a serpentine form, so high as to give the number of buds to which you will limit your Vine. The long branches will bear fruit the pre- sent year — throwing out a shoot at every bud, and every shoot bearing three or more clusters. These will be cut down to a single bud at the next winter pruning. The intermediate four buds or spurs will each send forth one shoot, which must be trained vertically, in a serpentine form, between the bearing branches on the trellis. These are intended to make bearing wood for the next year, and must not be allowed to bear fruit except at PRUNIKG, AC. 31 erery alternate season. In this mode the Vine may be perpetuated, and kept within a reasonable compass ; but if some such rule is not adopted your Vine will grow beyond your reach, and bear fruit only at the extremities — leavmg an unsightly mass of large old branches near the ground. In this country, where Vines if neglectecl will sometimes cover an acre of ground, and become dead or worth- less, in a few years, it is necessary to look to its perpetuity by good cultivation and keeping it in proper compass. It is proper in the spring of the year to strip off the ragged bark and moss which gathers around the trunk, which will otherwise become a harbor for insects and have a bad ap- pearance. Washing with soap suds gives the trunk , a clean and healthy aspect. At this pruning the branches should be well fastened to the supports, particularly at the ex- tremities. Strips of bass-wood matting are good for the purpose. When Vines from any cause are trimmed as late as April or May, they will discharge much sap — or *' bleed" as it is called. Some consider this as very injurious to the Vine^ but I think the disadvantage is much over-rated. If it is thought necessary to stop the bleeding, a little fine plaster of Paris may be applied with the fingers to the place cut, or a little gardner's wax. A potato stuck upon the end of a bleeding Vine will often stop the running. Second Pnining. — From the 1st to the 10th of May (according to the season) the buds are putting forth into leaf and generally two or three branches at every bud or joint. They then require the second pruning — the first having taken place in March. I then rub ofi'the superfluous buds, leaving 32 PRUNING, AC. but one shoot to each bnd. This process 1 call " budding," and it is essential to ^et good fruit and strong wood on the remaining shoots, and prevent the future crowding and entangUng of the shoots. They are disengaged with a slight touch, and a short time will suffice for many Vines. Young Vines are often tied to a single pole or stake until three or four years old ; but good care must be taken that they have this seccnid pruning, or they will suffer greatly by the neglect. If old Vines are neglected at this budding, as they generally are, you will have a tangled knot of branches at every fruit-bud — radiating from one point — and your Vine will soon get into inextrica- ble confusion. If not afterwards taken out, you will hive numerous shoots and many clusters of* very poor fruit; and at the March pruning ail the tangled wood must he taken away. Third Pruning. — The third pruning takes place about the middle of June, after the Vine has passed the flowf^ring, and must be done with great care, and as little agitation of the Vine as possible. At this time I cut off with shears or scissors, or pinch off with finger and thumb, i\\eA(iterals,^\\\c\\ spiing out of the green shoot on the side opposite to the fruit. They may be taken off at any time during the season, butnot quite down to the shoot. It is best to do it at the proper time, before they have acquired size and strength, at the expense of the rest of the wine. If the tendrils or claspers are not required to support the vine, they may be clipped off also. After the berries are set good cidtivators take off branches of the fruit, to prevent the over-crop- ping of the vine. Every fruit-bearing shoot is thus reduced to the nimbf.r of clusters which it is re- PRUNING, AC. 3c quired to ripen. This is essential when the finest table grapes are wanted, but not so where wine is made, unless it is considered necessary to perpet- uate the vine, and prevent its redundance. Few- persons have courage to prune the vine to the great extent which experienced vignerons deem necessary ; but if they will make experiments, and institute comparisons, I am persuaded the perma- nent advantages will be in favor of close pruning, and keeping the vine to its smallest dimensions. If it is from any cause omitted, the leading shoots run beyond reach, and fruit will grow at the extremi- ties, and a long and snake-like trunk will display its ragged and unsightly appearance on your trelis. In vine growmg countries, so particular are the proprietors to have their vines closely pruned, and not over-cropped, that where a vineyard is leased, it is customary to insert an obligation limiting the lessee to the particular number of buds or branches which he may allow on each vine. I formerly practiced a Fourth Prunino^ called stopping, or shortening, as recommended by Mr. Cobbett and others. It was done about the middle of July, when the fruit had obtained about half its growth. I then shortened all the branches having fruit on (except those retained for perma- nent runners) by cutting them at two or three joints forward of the fruit. This was considered important to the development and ripening of the fruit, by the removal of green wood and leaves ; but subsequent experience has led me to doubt the propriety of this pruning for the Isabellas, as the vine is sure to send out new leaves, and sometimes untimely fruit, if it is improperly pruned either by design or accident. — I think best, therefore, to let c;4 PRUNING, AC. the sap expend itself in giving length to the shoot, which will be taken off at the following March pruning. I would particularly caution all persons against taking off the leaves, which are called •' the lungs of the plant," and are vitally essential to the ripening of the fruit. The best fruit is always in the deepest shade, and if by any chance it becomes exposed to the sun, it is injured thereby, and be- comes inferior and sour. In Mr. Colman's late tour in England, he quotes from a practical gardener some directions for the management of vines as follows : — " With regard to the management of the vine when fruiting, I in- variably stop the shoot one eye above the bunch and it is the practice of the best gardeners in Eng- land. I generally leave one shoot not stopped with- out fruit, and to fruit next season, and cut the shoots out that have borne fruit this year. On the shoot- spur system, every shoot is stopped an eye above the bunch, except the top one, and then it must be managed like the rest ; all the lateral shoots must be stopped an eye above another until they cease growing, as the more leaves you get, the fruit swell larger."' Mr. Prince, of Flushing, in the preface to his recent nursery catalogue, says — " In regard to pruning, the American varieties simply require such thinning out during the winter as is necessary 10 prevent the branches injuring each other by contact, and the removal of such weak spurs as are immature and imperfect ; but no fear should be indulged that the vine, if in good soil, is not capable of maturing its fruit on any extent of branches it may naturally produce — as, among the most productive vines found in Carolina there are many instances where a single vine covers an acre, PRUNING, iiC. S& Summer pruning is only called for in locations where the vines are confined to too narrow limits^ and then but very partially, as any considerable •prpning will cause the fruit to turn black and fall off, and even cutting off the leaves will prevent the maturity of the fruit, as they are the conduc- tors of the essential nutriment from the atmosphere to the fruit, and to the whole plant. The foreign varieties being natives of a much milder climate , require considerable pruning, and but a moderate proportion of the vigorous shoots should be allow- ed to remain, it being necessary in this case to substitute skill and artificial culture, in order to remedy the inappropriateness of climate. The most delicate foreign varieties do not succeed in this latitude except -unJer glass ; but in that way they ripen v\^ell, and are exceedingly productive/' I should infer from this, that Mr. Prince had changed his mind, respectmg the pruning of Amer- ican vines, since the publication of his book in 1830. — His experience corresponds well with others, as the very great exuberance of our na- tive vines will not admit of the close pruning given to all foreign vines. Italian Training. — In some parts of Italy the vines are planted in rows about twenty feet apart, and the plants in the row at the distance of six feet from each other. Instead of being, as in Swit- zerland; cut down to the height of four feet, they are suffered to shoot forth their branches to the extent to which nature limits them, and the fruit may be in ripening clusters, frequently twenty feet froai the ground. The support is the Mulber- ry tree, the branches of which are reduced to the length of five or six feet from the trunk at the point of diverging, the inner shoots being so cut as 36 PHUKING, AC. to form a frame, resembling in shape the cone of a wine-glass. Scaffolding. — Mr. Weller, of Brinkleyville, N. C, speaks oi scaffolding his vines to give free pas- sage to carts, anJ considers hogs beneficial in a vineyard, to keep down grass and weeds. Hi» scuppernong vines are 30 feet apart, and all other vines 10 feet each way. Posts 10 feet apart to support the scaffolding. Taking off Leaves in the Fall. — " It is an axiom of Mr. Knight, that all vegetables v^hich require to be left in a stale of inactivity during winter vegetate sooner in the spring, if that state of inac- tivity is brought on in autuma. Salisbury cites a case which strongly verifies this rule in regard to the grape. A vine of the Munier, in Yorkshire, bore 1000 to 2000 bunches of fruit annually, not twenty of which were ripened in a season, under ordinary management. The vine was pruned and stripped of its leaves oa the 20th of September, seven years in succession, alter which it ripened half a crop in ordinary, and a whole crop in warm weather. Fig. 1. The first year you have the cutting only, with one bud at the surface of the ground and two below. The top is cut sloping from the bud, thai water may not run upon the bud and injure it. (See Fig 1.) PRUNING, AC. 37 The sceond year you will have one strong shoot ol naany buds. In March you cut off all but the two lower or best buds, and suffer them to grow long and strong, for your main branches, to be afterwards trained horizontally, if such is the plan of your abor or supports. — (See Fig 2.) Fi^. 3. The third year you trim it in March in the forked or branching form, and may leave four or six buds, two of which mny be allowed to bear fruit. (See Fig. 3. Pig. 4. The /o?/r/A year you may train four shoots vertically from your main horizontal bran- ches, and may have a dozen clusters of trnit. — The intermediate shoots must be traine for next year's bearers, and the fruit i-iibbed off to give strength to the shoot. (See Fig. 4.) The fifth year the vertical branches are to be trained to proper distances, having a bud on the horizontal branch between each, to be trained, 38 PRUNING, &C. without fruit avS a next year's bearers. When the main branch reaches the extent of the treUis it may be turned upward, vertically. (See Fig. 6.) Fig. 5 After the fifth year the vine may be trained to a proper economy of the trelles or supporters, and with regard to access for pruning and gathering, or sliade where it is desirable — training some and pruning others, so that all parts of the trellis be properly covered — sometimes enconraging, or al- lowing to ramain, a new shoot on account of its position, and at other times taken out old wood, to o-ive place to more sightly or better shoots. Re- gard will be had to beauty of appearance and sym- metry, which are generally in accordance with the productiveness and perpetuity of the vine. PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING. We have described the mode of propagating the vine, but as the planting or transplanting is a mat- ter of importance to its future growth, much care n ust be taken in that branch of culture. Although the vine will live, if transplanted in a PLANTING, AC, 39 proper manner, any season when the earth is not frozen, yet many good reasons might be given why the /a// is the best for that purpose. The roots will become settled, and the moisture of the earth and the aiternations of the weather will probably start them, or prepare them for an early start in the spring, and thus much time will be saved — The ground should be well ploughe I or dug up, and a hole made about Iwo feet deep, and large enough to admit all the roots without crowding. Some good black, top soil from the border must be put in the bottom of the hole, but no man art of any kind, as its heating and fermenting qualities would injure, if not destroy the plant. Set the roots on the top of the dark mould and throw the earth in loosely, breaking the lumps — pull the stock up a little and shake it, that the earth may get among the small roots. Fill in the earth to within three ur four inches of the surrounding ground, and pour a few quarts of water therein, enough to peaetrate to the root. The ground should remain depressed around the stock. It should immedinte- [y be staked, or supported^ to prevent the wind from straining it. In cultivated ground, vines may be planted 40 or 50 feet apait, as apple trees are in a orchard. In these cases they should be trained long and suf- fered to lay upon a high platform, made of poles on crotches. In this manner they may be rais: d out of the way of cattle or of thieves, and be made a delicious shade for man and animals. MANURING THE VINE Although the vine will flourish on poor, dry, and sandy soils, yet it nevertheless, after a few years 40 MANURING, AC. exhausts the soil around it, and requires manure. But it must be given with much prudence and not in excess. Liquid manures are to be preferred^ and stable manures avoided. Leav s of all sorts, and peet or swami earth is desirable. Bones and animal manures from slaughter houses are much used, as also lime and gypsum. Soap suds, soot , poudrett, ashes, of all kinds, street and road ma- nure — all are good for the grape, and every family makes enough for several vines. Fish and sea weed are also much used in France, but the latter is said to give a peculiar taste to the wine. New earth must be applied when the vines are on a side hill, to replace that which washes away. If the vines become yellow, it is an indication of weak- ness in the root, and that manure is required. It is best applied in the fall, or early in the spring. Guano in a liquid state, and sparingly, is good. FORCING GRAPES IN HOT HOUSES. Mr. Julius W. Paulsen, who was in 1838 a Gardner with Joseph A. Perry, Esq , of Brook- lyn, N. Y., translated from a German newspaper, and gave to the public a most inteteresting and im- portant article on the culture of the grape vine, published by the Horticultural Society of Ham- burgh. Mr. Paulsen remarks i " The advantages of this new system over any other, until now known practice, consists chiefly in the follow- ing : 1. It produces ripe fruit in the middle of the winter, when any kind of fruit is always most acceptable and es- teemed. 2. It requires after the first year no more expense than common graperies, where they have ripe fruit in tho months of May, June or July. FORCING GRAPES IN HOT-HOUSES. ^1 3. It does not, like other forcings, weaken the constitu- tion of the vines. The last advantage is the greatest of all, as yon only change the season of vegitation — and observe, so soon as you acquire this important article exactly, by giving them spring, summer, fall and winter, the grape-vine must thrive as thriftily, and bear as abundantly, as in its open native soil. The public will excuse me, if I take the liberty to re- mark, that it will be impossible to expect any advantage from this new system, or any other kind of forcing grapes, if they want to raise Green or Hot-house plants v/ith the grapes. Thei/ will 7iever obtain half a crop, and hs only disappointed.'" New method of obtaining a very early crop of Grapes, in Forcing-houses. Published by J. A. Ohlendorff, Esq, President of the Horticultural Society and Director of the Botanical Garden at Hamburgh, TRANSLATED BY JULIUS W. PAULSEN. The Horticultural Society of Hamburgh, at a sitting ia November, 1835, offered a premium of eight Hamburgh ducats, to be awarded in 1837, to that individual, who should succeed in producing the largest quantity of highly flavored grapes, not less than half a pound in weight, at a period not later in the season, than the 15th March. Mr. H. Davis, superintendant of the forcing-houses of E. Steer, Esq., in Hamburgh, has succeeded by a new, and until now, unpraetised management in ripening high, ly flavored grapes by the 14th of January. Mr. Steer having exhibited at the meeting of the Horticultural So- ciety three different kinds of grapes as samples, the So- ciety unanimously resolved, to award Mr. Davis the pre- mium of the eight Hamburgh ducats. Mr. Davis's method of procedure is quite novel to us, and will prove of the highest importance to those who desire to grow yery early crops of grapes. While at Demerara and Trinidad, be observed with admiration the judicious d2 42 IrORCINO GRAPES IN HOT-HOUSBS. management of the iiiliabitants, by which they have a continuous crop of ripe grapes throughout ihe year. For that purpose they make choice of a border planted with strong three year old vines, of the following late bearing kinds ; black Alicant, Chasselas rouge, and blue Franken- thala. If the owner of such a border wishes to have ripe grapes in January, he sews up the vines in a coarse, loose linen canvass, lays them down, and covers them closely with wooden shutters. These shutters must be covered with about two feet of earth, and then an extra covering of leaves over the whole, sufficient to prevent any influ- ence of the sun. Although, in the experiment made by Mr. Davis, the vines employed were but one year old, he still succeeded, perfectly, in raising a crop of ripe grapes by the middle of January. The forcing-house was heated by steam, and Mr. Davis suggests, that in vineries heated by flues, the vines should be well syringed in a temperature of 16^ 17*^ Reaumur. The Society are gratifled to have called forth, through the means of the premium awarded to Mr. Davis, this ingenious method, practised in tropical Amer- ica. Although Mr. Arkwright exhibited before the Hor- ticultural Society of London, twenty-five years ago, grapes ripened in January, yet his method requi red at least three years preparation for the late ripening varie- ties. Mr. Arkwright's method appears to have consisted in the use of pine-houses and vineries, adapted to pro- duce a later display of their leaves ; but this method, if a successful one, was not sufficiently made known in its details, to be of any public advantage. In Mr. Davis's method, vines are selected which have never produced fruit, and they are retarded by a double repose, from their usual growth, in order that they may push at a late period with the more vigor. It is a well known fact in vegetable physiology, and one which must be observed in all early forcings, that there is a period of vegetation in summer, and one of re- pose in winter, in all plants. All vegetables produce, with few exceptions, their blossoms and fruits once in the year rORCIMG GRAPES IN HOT-HOUSES. 43 and then return to a state of repose, in order to collect new vigor for tlie new vegetation. In the same way the grape vine will long produce fruit annually, though at different seasons, if the period of repose be changed and effectually carried out ; rest being a leading rule, without which no plant can produce good fruit. To attain this, the vines, after they have been planted one, two or three years in a prepared house, must be forced as early as pos- sible in a temperature of 15° to 17'^ Reaumur, so as to obtain healthy and vigorous shoots, which must be al- lowed to bear no fruit or lateral branches, in this way strong vines, and of a necessary length, will be obtained. By the end of March these vines will have grown so much, that the wood will be prepared for ripening in the month of April, which must be effected by a decline of temperature to 8° — 10° Reaumur. In the beginning of May the vines must be taken down, and, after having lain fourteen days, they must be sewed up in coarse can- vass, covered with shutters, and the shutters with earth and leaves. There they must remain until the end of July. In August begin to air them by degrees, and in the month of September the covers should be taken off, the vines trimmed and tied up. The forcing should now commence, giving the vines a moist atmosphere, and a temperature of 16° — 18° Reaumur, until the fruit is ripe. The season of the vines is then changed, and by the same attention to the time of repose, they will bear as readily and abundantly in winter as at any other season. J. A. OHLENDORFF, President of the Horticultural Socieiy and Director of the Botanical Garden at Hamburgh, INSECTS, BLIGHT, ROTTING, &c. About the 8th of June, while the vine is in flower, and throwing its peculiar and delicious perfume around, its great enemy, the rose-bug^ makes its appearance and feeds with voracity on 44 IHSKCTS, .BLIGHT, ROTTING. the sweet and delicate blossom. In a few days after their first appearance, thousands are seen car- rying destruction throughout the vineyard. The best remedy I could ever devise, is to go among the vines early in the morning, before the sun has warmed them into activity, and they are then easily made to fall into the hand or on the ground, and may be crushed and destroyed. If rose bushes are near they will prefer to rest on them. A few mornings spent in this way will clear a vineyard. They are a short lived enemy. I have observed in the city, that spiders and cater- pillars are in some degree destructive to the green truit. Spider.-, will get to the centre of the cluster and cause the fruit to fall in single grapes. The caterpillar attacks the stem, and the whole green cluster falls to the ground. In cities, rats will sometimes come in droves in the night and destroy the ripe iruit — dogs and poul- try will also eat them if they are allowed to get at them. In the latter part of July, the blight or rot, takes place where vines are cultivated in fields, but it is seldomseen in cities. Great quantities of fruit will become brown and sometimes black and fall off. It is seen as much on the high as the low vines, and no less on fruit exposed to the sun, than in the shade. Some have ascribed thio to the operation of the sun shining through drops of dew on the leaves, and operating as a lens. I have supposed it the result of bad trimming, or want of sufficient trimming ; and that the exuberance of the vine, Hke the apple and peach tree, might thus disbur- den itself of a portion of its fruits. As an experi- ment, I discharged on the vines with a syringe soap suds, to which had been added lime and sul- phur* I feared I should lose all my grap«s, but to INSECTS, BLIGHT, ROTTING. 46 my surprise I had a good crop notwithstanding and the remaining fruit was much better for this natural pruning. Small worms will sometimes appear in a dense chister in the under part of the leaf, and sometimes a large worm two or three inches long, like those on the vines and leaves of the potato and the to- mato. These must be sought out and destroyed. A writer in the Southern Agriculturist as a re- medy for the rotting of the grapes, has practiced very high culture with success, on dry and un- shaded arbors. He observes that his vines pro- duce more and better grapes thus trained, and they are of a convenient height and width to drive a wagon under ; and they are also out of the way of pilferers, unless they carry a ladder with them. Mr. Clark, in the Southern Agriculturist, advises deep planting of the vine, and ascribes the rot or mildew to great rain after a drought, when the top roots receive rain to repletion. The vine has a propensity to form a tap root which protects it from the extremes of moisture and dryness. To favor the formation of a tap root deep planting is requisite. Mr. 0. gives an instance of a Swiss cultivator who planted his vines in a ditch or trench more than three feet in depth, and after they were of good growth filled near the surface with poor earth, to retard the surface roots. No rot or mil- dew was ever known among his vine&t^ VINEYARD CULTURE. When the vines are three years old they may be set in a vineyard, and at a proper, distance to be trained on the supporters. These will vary ac cording to the convenience or circumstances of th« proprietor. In 1831, my vineyard of three hun- dred Isabella vines had become sufficiently large 46 VINSYARD CULTUEE. to be permanently trained. The rows were eight feet apart, and vines eight feet in the rows. Com- mon posts eight feet long were put two feet in the ground and eight feet apart, having a vine mid-way between the posts. My treliis was composed of lath or strips of sawed boards, nailed to the posts, the lower lath being one foot from the ground, and three above — the upper one being quite at the top of the posts. The extraordinary growth of the Isabella vines soon rendered them crowded and tangled. 1 trimmed the main branches along the lowest rail horizontally, and caused the branches about one foot apart to ascend vertically in a crook- ed or serpentine form to the tup rail. — (See Fig. 6.) B ut I am diffident of giv- ing advice about training large and vigorous Isa- bella vines, in open rows — they grow best and appear best trained on aiched arbors eight or ten feet high The weight of fruii and vine requires something to nst upon ; and if tied to a trellis or railing, they will ascend above the railing and be thrashed about by the wind and broken. In March, 1832, 1 sold ten thousand cuttings of the Isabella Grape, to William Underbill, of Croton Point, near Sing Sing, New York, whp now has a flourishing TINXTARD CULTUEX. 41 vineyard there of seven acres, from which he sends his fruit to New York. His brother, Dr. R. T. Underhill, whose farm and vineyard adjoins, culti- vates twenty acres in the Isabella and Catawba grapes, which are sent to New York. As Dr. Underhill is a very intelligent and successful culti- vator, 1 shall notice him and his vineyard hereafter. — His vines are supported by posts from 6 to 12 feet apart in the rows — the vines are distant about 6 feet in the rows. The rows are mostly from 6 to 8 feet apart. The posts are about six feet above ground. The vines are trained on three ranges or trellisis on wires, the lower one being about a foot from the ground, and the upper one quite at the top. He had no regular system at the time of planting his first vineyard ; but the public will hereafter be favored with the results of his experience. The wire as also each end of the upright posts, had been immersed in coal tar, probably warm, as a preservation from rust or rot. The wires were wound around nails, driven into the posts within an inch of the head. This makes a very strong and durable support to the vines, and the appearance is neat and good. A system of very close pruning gives the vines plenty of sun and air, and thus the best fruit is obtained. I have in a few instances trained vines upon large apple trees, and they ran quite to the top, and the grapes were abundant among the apples ; but this mode is not to be recommended. The fruit was bad, and trimming quite impracticable, In the city of Brooklyn, among high buildings, with proper pruning, the Isabella Vines never f.il to pro- duce abundantly cviry season. This is extraordi- nary and unlike fruit trees in general, and it may truly be said that this delightful vine every season '* cheereth the heart of millions." 48 AMERICAN GRAP18 AND VINEYARDS. Change of earth at the roots. — Is has been re- commended that on a line day, as soon as the frost is oat of the ground in the spring, the earth be re- moved from the roots of old vines and a sohition of alum and clay be dissolved in water and poured upon the roots, and the earth changed about the roots. I do not mean to recommend these experi- ments ; but where old vines are from any cause declining, they may be benefitted. Supports and distances. — I think it will be found that the plan adopted by Mr. Bonsall, [see page 52] and subsequently by Dr. Underhill [see page 47] of supporting vines on stont ivires, and on posts ieti feet apart, is the most economical. Mr. B. uses wire No. 11, softened. Dr. U. gives his wire a coating of coal tar. One part of this economy is, tiiat the tendrils of the vine in some measure work their own support around the wire. Three hues of wire are turned around nails driven in the posts — the lower line should be about a foot from the ground. A¥ire of No. 1 1 to 15 may be recom- mended, which will cost from ^8 to $9 per 100 pounds. Each pound would probably measure from 20 to 24 feet. Black varnish would make a good coating for the wire. AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. Scuppernon^ Grape — We place this as the very first of American grapes yet known Its produc- tiveness is almost beyond credibility, as will be ieen, and its qualities for the table an i for wine are esteemed very great. It is sometimes called the Hickman grape, after the man who first brought it from the Suppernong river into Newbern, North Carolina, from whence it soon acquired favor among the farmers and gardners, in that vicinity. AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. 49 Captain William Burlingham, has cultivated four acres for eighteen years, and has wine of great age. A single vine has produced him a ton of fruit, and oiade eight barrels of wine of the best quality. It grows on sandy iind which is fit tor nothing else, and the vine has proved good after sixteen years. The grape is of a white color, but there is an in- ferior grape called^Scuppernong, which is of a pur- ple color. It is dioecious, which is one reason for Its not succeeding v/ith those who do not procure the kindred vine Mr. James Blount, of the Scup- ipernong river, diffused a knowledge of this excel- lent grape in some well written papers, pubhshed m North (Carolina, it is a singular fact that in N. Carolina the vines are never trl/n/ned, and this fact may lead to interesting experiments to know what effect this practice, which is every where consider- ed very essential in vine culture, might have on this vine. In making Scuppernong wine, one sixth of its quantity of proof spirits is added. )Sugar or water is said to spoil it. It is said to be very difficult, if not impossible, to propagate this vnie by cuttings. It must be done by roots, or by layers, in the manner herein described. Isabella Gm/te. — Next to the Scuppernong we may be allowed to rank the Isabella, which ap- pears to grow well in all parts of our extensive country, although probably in its greatest excel- lence on Long Island. The fruit is dark purple, of large size, fine down, and pleasant perfume — the form oval— clusters loose and long, two seeds, pulp very juicy, with thin red crust, near the skin— the skin very thin. It is found to improve much witii cultivation. It is a very great bearer, and if al- E 60 AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. lowed, the vines will cover a large space. Good for the table and for wine. It is cultivated from- Boston to Florida. It is a poly £>■ an tons plant. Catawba. — As third in rank, we would name; the Catawba. This is one of the best native American grapes both for the table, and for wine. Berries of a pale red or lilac color — bunches large with shoulders thick set — slight musty taste, and delicate flavor — thin skin, and very little pulp. It grows well in the viciniiy of New York, and is a good bearer. The late Mr. Adlun>, regarded itas; his best wine grape. It ripens the last of Septeni>- ber Mr. Longworih, who is a distinguished cul- tivator of grapes in Ohio, says— " The Catawba is superior as a wine and table grape to the Isabella and matures its fruit better, though a less abundant bearer. We have native grapes in most of our states, could a seleciion be made, which would leave us little cause to regret that foreign grapes succeed so badly with us." Cape or Alex inder Grape, — This is the grape much used in the Vevay, and other western vme- 3'ards. Norton's Seedlinsr, — Dr. Norton, of Yirginia, ol)taincd this grape from the seed of the Bland, Iructified with pollen of the Meunier, or Miller's Burgundy. Natwe Grape..— A correspondent of the Boston Cultivator, speaks in high terms of a seedling grape purchased of G. B. -Emerson, Esq., of Boston, The size of the berry is said to be about that of an ounce bullet, or of the sweet water grape, 'i he flavor is rich, much more so than the Isabella. It has no pulp or foxy taste. It is not likely to be injured bv trost, as it puts out about ten days later than the isabella, and ripens a month earher. It AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. 5l was in eating the latter part ot x\agust. The vine is perfectly hardy. If this description is correct, this grape is well worthy of being more known ^.nd cultivated. lis early ripening is greatly in its favor as a nortliern grape, 1 would particularly recommend it to our amateur and experimental cultivators. Herbeinofifs Madeira^ Warrenloii Grape. — This grape is raised near Baltimore. It had foioigti origin and is a great bearer. In the state of Mis- sissippi wine is made of this grape ; nnd in that state they have a very fine grape, called the Jack Grape, Qnoig^'b.ir^h Grape. — A fine round grafje, dis- covered by Dr. Hulin, of Philadelpliia. it is of small size — very hardy — said to be hybrid. A new grape has been announced in the papers as native of Italy, and taken from unda- the snow in Savoy and Piedmont. — Some of the wine of these vines was brought to New York in 1845, by Mr, Lester, Consul at Greneva, and a quaniity of the vines sold by VVm. H. Franklin &l Son. The wine is stated to he of the very best, and the grape would probably succeed well in our climate. Great Productiveness. — A vine was raised by Mr. Willis, of Maryland, which in 1832, had 25,- 000 bunches of grapes; and in the following year, 1833, his neighbours, 0. M. ijromwell, and W. Monkland, certify to have connted 54,490 \ unches, omitting small and young bunches, which would have added at least 3,000 more. Woodson Grape, — A native of l^rince Edward County, Virginia, color red, berry of a medium size between the Chicken and the large Fox — the bunches very compact, and weighing about four ounces — free from pulp, and of a rich flavor — one jsmall seed" -good for the table and for wine. 52 AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. Ciunilnghani Grape,— k native o^ Prince Ed- ward County, Virginia. — Black or deep purple — bunches ragged and irregular— free fronn pulp and rich in saccharine matter — the skin thick and ieathery — one snriall seed— good for the table and for vs^ine. Boston, Mass, — Great quantities of grapes are raised in and about Boston, but v^re do not know of any large vineyards for wine or for the Market. — Men of health raise foreign varieties in hot houses^ and the finest grapes I have ever seen were at the Horticultural exhibitions in that city. Naiitvckef, Mass. — Vines are said to be cultivat- ed in Nantucket in considerable quantities. Louisville, Kentucky. —Mm John L. Martin, has a vineyard of 20 acres of Catawba grapes. The vines are in rows, at 8 and JO feet apart between the rows. Vineyard at Glasgow, TO 77 ttfc/cy.— This vine- yard was planted by James G. Hicks and a Swiss Gentleman in 1814.— It comprises five acres. The grapes first pi? n ted were Madeira, Claret, Cape, Burgundy and Champaign. — The Claret and Cape thrive well, and the others were abandoned.— Mr, H. is convinced that a vineyard well cultivated will yield from 300 to 500 gallons per acre, and that on^ man can with ease cultivate five acres. At Germanioum^ Penn. — Mr. Edward H, Bop- sail, has a vineyard commenced in 1825, which m 1830, had 3.500 vines. Mr. B. prefers the Ca- tawba, the Black Madeira, and the Isabella grapes, and makes a quantity of good wine, Mr. B. plant- ed bis vineyard in rows eight feet apart, and vines fkVG feet in the rows His trellis is of No. 11 iron wire made soft, and sustained on chesnnt posts seven feet long set in the ground ten feet apart— three lines of wire between the ground and the top AMERICAN GRAPES AND VINEYARDS. 53 of the post The wire is drawn tight, and tinned around nails in the posts, The wire trellis saves part of the labor of tying, as the tendrils will natu- rally twine themselves around it. This trellis also admits freely the sun and air. Mr. B. allows each vine, after it attains five years of age, to bear fifty clusters on an average. When fresh pruned, his vines are not more than four feet high at any age. At Galliopolis, Ohio, good wine is made. In Maryland and Virginia, the Bland grape grows abundantly. It passes in Virginia under the name of the Virginia Muscadel. It ripens in Philadelphia in the first week of October, and hangs on the vines till December. Brinkleyvllle, N. C— S. Weller, P. M., in Nov , 1844, informed the Editor of the Cultivator, that among his vines the Scuppernong ranks first soutli of lat. 37 1-2, but of no superior excellence north of that. Norton's Virginia Seedling, good every where as far as heard. — Wellers Halifax, Vine Arbor, &c. — The Catawba, Isabella, Herbemonts^ Madeira, are cultivated. Mr. W. says — " I plant all but the scuppernong 10 feet each way ; bui for that 30 feet each way is full near. At 40 feet, well managed, they will form a canopy over head in 10 or 12 years. Some branches of mine at that age extend 60 feet each way. VARIOUS U-5ES OF THE VINE. Fjvery part of the crop of the vineyard is of use to ni^n and animals, and nothinsr need be lost or wasted. The leaves and srreen prunings are eaten by horses, cows, and sheep. The leaves should never be taken from the vine, but when they fall 54 VARIOUS USES OF THE VINE. they may be gathered and mingled with hay, to which they impart a very grateful flavor and odour. if left on the ground or ploughed under, they con- stitute the best manure for the vines. Many healing virtues have been ascribed to the sap of the vine, which runs very profusely if a twig is cut too late in the season. Fresh Isabella grapes are much seen on the tables in New York and Brooklyn, during the New Year Holidays. They are preserved in clusters, in lay- ers of cotton, or in dried saw-dust or bran. Intemperance restrained. — No truth is better es- tablished than the fact that intemperance and drun- kenness are much less known in wine countries, than in other parts where the vine is not cultivat- ed. This single circumstance is of immeasurable importance in these United States, where it is abun- dantly proved that alcoholic Hquors, are the cause of more bloodshed, vice, misery, and crime, than all the other causes united. Whatever has a ten- dency to check or abridge this national evil, most surely engage the best exertions of the philanthro- pist and statesman. An American returned from Europe, says — " I have passed three years in France, where 1 never saw a drunken French- man. Eighteen months in Italy, and in that time not an Italian intoxicated. Nearly two years in Switzerland, of which I cannot say the same, but I can safely aver, that during that period I did not see twenty drunken men, and whenever my feel- ings were pained at beholding a prostration so sad over better principles, it was invariably on an oc- casion of extraordinary festivity, ' The Swiss are by no means an intemperate people, nor is it, so far as I have seen, the charac- ter of any wine growing country. In the argu- VARIOUS USES OF THE VINE. 65 ments, therefore, which may fairly be urged in favor of the cultivation of the vine, a strongly in- citing motive addresses our personal interest, and invites us to adopt a system by which our reve- nues will be increased, and agriculture improved. There is yet a more important light in which it appeals to our public spirit, and our better princi- ples as a Christian community — the moral im- jprovement oj society. That we are not indifferent to this important view of it, is manifest from the numerous philanthropic institutions, both public and private, with which our country abounds. =^ * * *' Societies for the promotion of that first of vir- tues, temperance, are established throughout the land, but the principal sinew of their operations is unstrung. The cultivation of the vine will do more towards the furtherance of their object than a host of non-consuming resolutions." i hese then are the opinions of one of our ob- serving and intelligent countrymen,* and they cor- respond with the experience of others. The vine culture then appeals to our best feelings as patriots and as moralists. May we not therefore, hope that the whiskey of our western country will give way to the wine which may be produced in abundance every where. May we not confidently trust that every friend of temperance will view the grape as an important aid in the grand work of temperance and morality. To make Raisins.— Moke a strong lye of wood ashes, put it in a vessel over the fire, and when at boiling heat plunge in a cluster and suffer it to \^ilt in the liquid, when it is drawn out, after becoming * Observations on the character and culture of the European Vine, during a residence of five years in the Vine growing dis- tricts of France, Italy, and Switzerland. — By S. I. Fisher. 56 VARIOUS USES OF THE VINE. wrinkled. It is then drained and spread on hur- dles to dry, wliere it remains until perfected. In 1830 Mr. Walsh, of Lansingburgh, sent a sample of American Raisins to Mr. Fleet, Editor of the New York Farmer. They were described as having a pleasant fla^''or,, and exhibiting good proof of what might be done. Fresh and dried grapes are both favorable to health and frugality. Ripe grapes have been ad- ministered to whole regiments of troops in France who have been ravaged by fluxes and dysenteries, A cure was thus soon affected. Syrups, cordials, and marmalades, are made of the grapes, and are a great delicacy and luxury. The murk from the wine press is given as food to animals. It is also good for poultry. If given in a moist state, or in two great quantities, it is heating or inebriating. If the murk is not otherwise used it makes an excellent manure, for the vines, mingled with oth- er manures. The murk is also used in tanning leather, the operation being rapid, and giving a fine odour to the leather. In the family of the Swiss peasant wine is essen tial, and supercedes the use of tea, coffee, ur any other stimulating beverage. Inferior, therefore, in quality as their wines unquestionably are, they are sold at a price, given in many parts of the coun- try a value to the lands which, but for the vine, would be a waste, unfit for cultivation To keep Grapes Fresh. — Foreign grapes comes to us preserved in jars with dry saw dust ; but they are tasteless and insipid, having an odour of the wood. We sometimes see American grapes of good flavor served on the tables at the holiday fes- tivals of Christmas and New Year, but they are VISIT TO AN AMERICAN VINEYARD. 57 rare These have mostly been kept in layers of cotton, in a dry place. It is a matter of much im- portance, and we hope various experiments will be made to discover the proper mode of preserv- ing fresh grapes. The Vine Dressers Manual gives the following process, as being simple and certain. " Take a new cask, dry and strongly hooped, sta'nd it in some spot where the tempera- ture is always very nearly equal — cover the bot- tom with bran thatlias been well dried in the oven, and put it into the ripe, unblemished, perfect bunches, layer by layer, filling in with the bran before another layer "^ is laid down. When filled, the head must be fastened down air-tight. Grapes thus put up, will keep so well that seven months after the vintage they will be unspecked, without mould or foreign flavor." Some persons seal the ends ol the stems of the cluster with sealing wax, and then put them in dried saw dust or dried bran, and then seal the pot— the pot itself is sometimes covered and sealed. VISIT TO AN AMERICAN VINEYARD. On the 4th of October, 1843, 1 received a writ- ten notice from T. B. Wakeman. Esq., Corres- ponding' Secretary of the American Institute, in- forming me that I had been selected, together with S. Stevens, J. D. Ward, Henry Meigs, and others, a Committee of the Institute to visit the Vineyard of Dr. Underbill, at Croton Point, on the Sth of October. — The day proved to be very tempestu- ous and wet, and only Mr. Meigs and myself made the excursion. Dr. U. met us on board the steam- 58 VISIT TO An AxMERICAN vineyarp. boat, and we went to Sing Sing, and thence in Dr. U's. boat in 10 minutes to Croton Point, driven by a gale of wind. The first thing which arrested oar attention on landing, as we wallced along the shore, was a long artificial pond, parallel to the shore, and only a rod or two distant, which had been made by taking out many thousand loads of pea/! or muck^ which had been carried to the vineyard on the high ground in its natural state, and without making into compost. The pond had been thus made by excavation to the depth of ten feet, and had become a valuable fish pond. This peat bed formed a mine for en- riching the land. The next mterestmg object was the vineyard itself, comprizing about 20 acres, divided with cart paths at certani distances, with rows of vines 6 or 8 feet apart. We first saw the Catawba grapes, of a pale -red or brick color, and not quite ripe, but good and palatable. The vineyard was kept clean and neat by ploughing and hoeing between them. The posts are first immersed at both ends in coal tar — the lower end sufiicient for the tar to reach above ground,— These posts are set in the ground 10 feet apart, the trellis is of stout wire, which also had been immersed in coal tar, and three lines of this wire attached to each post — one line about a foot from the ground, another at the top, and another mid- way. This was the style of the entire vine- yard, a great part of which is on the side of a hill facing the south, and the soil a light sandy. That part which is on the top of the hill, being sheltered on all sides by high trees produces the best and earliest fruit. We passed through the vineyard, which appear- ed loaded with the deep purple fruit, of which 4 CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. 59 more than two thousand pounds h;id been sent to New York Market the day previous. It was such a sight as probably was not to be seen elsewhere in America. Dr. U. is also a cultivator of Newtown Pippins and Peaches ; but my present object is to speak of grapes only. The utmost system and good man- agement seemed to prevail throughout the whole place. After partaking of the Doctor's hospitality, we returned to the city with as many fine grapes as we could carry. CONVERvSATIONS ON GRAPES. At the room of the American Institute, in the City of New York, are held Semi-monthly "Far- mer's Clubs" for conversation on subjects of Agri- culture, and matters of science therewith connect- ed. In the months of March and April, 1846, the subject of grapes was introduced, which we find thus reported in the New York Farmer and Me- chanic. Farmer^ s Cluh. — Dr. Underhill said: — ''I am asked to speak on the grape question — but I can- not in the space of an hour give a proper view of it. I will, therefore, but sketch ! The grape is immortalized in history, poetry, in scripture, in painting. The rich architecture of antiquity, the frescoes, vases, and other beautiful works are en- twined with the vine and its precious clusters. The tendrils of the grape have enwrapped the heart of man in every country where it grows. The grape is so delicious, so salutary— diluting- ihe blood, and causing it to flow easily through the 60 CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. veins — and there is nothing equal to it for old age. In this country its use will grow, will increase until its consumption will be prodigious. It will sup- plant some of the articles which destroy men, and establish the cheerful body in place of the bloated, diseased systems of the intemperate. No disease of the liver — no dyspepsia are found among those who freely eat the grape. This remarkable fact is stated in reference to the vineyard portions of France. Persons who are sickly in grape coun- tries, are made well when grapes are ripe. And this result is familiarly called the Grape Cure! In this country our attention has been long misdi- rected. We have spent years and sums of money on imported vines. We have proved the fallacy of all this. The foreign grape vine will not flourish in our open air. It only thrives under glass ! I suppose that millions of dollars have been lost on these foreign vines during the past century. Cli- mate has settled that question. Our extremes of cold and heat are incompatible with the character of the foreign vine. Time will show that our na- tive stock of grapes will, by cultivation, gradually improve in quality, it is with them, as with ani- mals, great amelioration follows care and proper knowledge. I spent some thousands of dollars on the foreign grape vines, without success. — We want to supply our 20 millions of people with fine grapes ! In 1830, France produced fourteen thou- sand million pounds of grapes. Of which, were consumed on the tables and exported in the form ot raisins, &c., two thousand million of pounds! Are you afraid that our market will be overstocked from the few vineyards which we have ? Inhere are many books on the culture of the vine, but their doctrines are generally not at all ap- CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. plicable to our country. Europe has the moisture from the ocean— we have the dry winds blowing over our continent. More heat penetrates our ground in one of our hot, bright days, than Eng- land has in a week. The books of Fiurope are an honor and an ornament to the world—but they lead us from the truth frequently— such is the great difference of the climates of FJurope and America. We must here select our best native grapes — there are many — of which we have now proved the Isabella and Catawba to be excellent. Plant the vines deep, on dry soil, where there are no springs of water — on slaty, calcareous, or other soils — but the drier they are, the better for the grape. A soil of brick clay'will not do. Tlie roots must be deep, to avoid our severe droiights Plough the ground exceedingly deep before you plant your vineyard. 1 have found that in seven years' culture, the sav- age inuskof my Isabella has vanished. Its charac- ter is greatly changed for the better. Its pulp is almost gone: its seeds are less. The culture of the vine has one great and emi- nent advantage over all other crops, if you plant it well, you will get an increasing crop for twenty- five years ; and every year (with rare exceptions) for fifty and even seventy-five years, a good crop. Vines will sometimes live a hundred years ! — and on our native vines you can have double the quan- tity which is obtained from a vine in Eiu'ope, where the vine has from ages of short pruning, become feeble, and attained its perfection. We do not let the vines bear one half as many grapes as they would if all were left on. Thin them out well. You will have better and richer fruit. Mr. Hyde.- -How do you prune your vines ? Dr. Underbill —I do not spur them ? I cut CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES, away the old, and bring the new vine to bear* JNineteen out of twenty persons spar-prune their vines in this city—leaving two eyes on. I keep my vines vi^ithin about six feet in height for convenience in gathering the clusters. All kinds- uf animal substances are good for manure for vines. Street manure is excellent for them. They ought not, however, to be stimulated too highly for then they become profuse in foliage, and the fruit mil- dews and rots. An even regular growth ought ta be kepi up. Rotten sods mixed with barn-yard manure is good ior vines. Blood is good. Long Island might by means of the fish called Manhaden be made one beautiful vineyard ! Take the fish in June, make a hole near the root with a crowbar, push down a fish- -there will be no smell from it, and it is an admirable manure for grape. Composts of sea weed, black earth and cow and horse dung are good. Judge Livingston— Have you tried wood ashes'? I)f. Underhill— That is excellent on sandy lands where their phosphates are leeched off by rains, Prune in March ! they bleed, and my bleeding vines present a magnificent spectacle in the rays oftliKEJSun. Slight bleeding does not hurt them a bit! The buds start the better for it. The Ger- mans say, " If the juice runs out of the ends of the vines, we know we shall have a good crop 1" In France and Italy, however, they do not prune so as to bleed their vines. A Member-— You would do a good thing if you would publish a set of plain, clear instructions for grape culture ! Dr. Underhill— That I have no time to do just yet, but am always happy to give any information CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. 6? m my power at No. 400, Broadway, N. Y. ; will be there most of the time till May. At the next meeting the subject of grapes came up, and experiments were detailed of planting seeds tc produce new articles. Mr. Loegworth of Ohio, who raises largely for making wine, planted the seeds and obtained several varieties, but few of which were as good, and none better than the original. The grapes of Ohio are not as good as those in this vicinity, though of the same species. Their Is;ibella and Catawhas do not compare with ours ; and the Ohio gra.pe, which is the great fa- vorite, is no better than our Isabella. A curious statement of the sexes of plants was given The Scnppernong grape, which is very luxuriant and productive at the south, had been in- troduced here. The vine grew very well, but no grapes appeared, and on an investigation mto the cause it was found to be the absence of the male plants, which grow spontaneously in North Caro- lina, in the woods and corners of fields, so as to preclude the necessity of planting it in the vine- yard, the pollen being transported by the wind and by insects. This Scuppernong grape is a very good one ; the vine grows like the banyan tree, forming roots and limbs interminably. One in North Caro- lina covers two and a half acres of ground, 'I he stock vine is sometimes two feet in circumference. Several years ago the wine of the Scuppernong grape was put on the table in this city with wines from Shirah in Persia, Constr,ntinople, Italy, France and other places. It was thought better far than the famous Persian wine, and better than almost any of the varieties tried. A barrel of Scuppernong was lately put upon the lees of Madeira, and a few months after drawn off and pronounced excellent old Madeira, by good Judges. 64 CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. The vine lives to a great age. The Northaller- ton vine in Kngland lived 40U years ; it died about 15 years since ; it was two feet in circumference. On the continent, they also live to about the same age. Some conversation was had upon the unsuccess- ful efforts to introduce the foreign grape into this country. A difference of opinion on its practica- bility seemed to exist ; but it is pretty evident from experience that it will not succeed unless the vine is covered. Dr. Underbill made some remarks upon the cul- ture of the grape— of the necessity of dry soils for vineyards, in order to get the best produce and the best flavor. His remarks were somewhat lengthy and nearly of the same tenor as those made at the last meeting. Some persons have taken off the leaves for the purpose of having their grapes ripen. This is a great mistake; it is taking away the very lungs which perfect the sap for ripenmg and flavoring the fruit. Inquiries were made concerning a small green fly which molests the grape. Not much knowledge of its effects was brought out ; never- theless, it was thought proper to take efficient means to destroy it while in the caterpillai state. The rose bug must also be kept off the grape vine. This insect comes from the ground. They are de- stroyed by ploughing the vineyards in the fall. Birds do not destroy grapes here, probably because the Isabella and Catawba are too large for their m.ouths. At a meeting in April, the following conversa- tion took place : Col. Clark.— A gentleman planted the seeds of our native grapes, and obtained a variety of new CONVERSi-TIONS OI*" GRAPE?. 65 kinds of grapes. Why do we not find more varie- ties when the seeds are so distributed by birds, by animals, and by w^aters ? Our wild Fox Grape retains its peculiar character ; so does our Frost Grape. I have grafted on their stocks success- fully. Dr. UnderhilL— Mr. Long worth, of Ohio, sowed lars^e quantities of seed Irotn the Isabella and Ca- tawba grapes he had pressed for wins. He had several acres of such vines, but few of them prov- ed to be as good, and none of them better than our Isabella and Catawba. It is said that these latter give better fruit here than ihey do at the South. The Ohio grape— the Norton's seedling — is said to be no better than our highly cultivated Isabella or Catawba. The Norton is a very compact, heavy cluster of round berries. Mr. Meigs. — What do you say to the Scupper- nong ? A gentleman was here the other day who promised to give me a precise account of some of those vines, one of which spread to such an extent as to cover two and a half acres — under the shelter of which large parties of ladies and gentlemen met in Fetes C/iampetres ! Dr. Underbill. — Their growth is propagated by laying a branch in the ground, where it roots and thus "continues to great extent, but that process constitutes a new vine! We find a difficulty in raising that grape for want of the male vine. The Scuppernong grape is large, but there are seldom more than ten or twelve berries in a bunch. They shake the vine when using them for wine and those grapes that are ripe fall off. As to the Bland grape of Virginia, it is of a mahogany color, of a mild sweet taste, but it is without the aroma of the Isabella and Catawba f2 6Q CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. Col. Clark.. — The wild grape vines of the South, often attain from ten to twelve inches in diameter, and the branches run several hundred feet. Mr. Meigs. — I have at the soirees of my learned and amiable friend, the late Dr. Mitchell, tasted of Scuppernong wine, of wine of the islands Chios, Tenedos, of those of Syria, Greece, Constantinople, and some which I had from Shiraz in Persia, and the opinion then was, that there was no great supe- riority in any of them over the Scuppernong. Col. Clark. — I put the Scuppernong wine on the Lees of Madeira, and it was found to be excel- lent. Judge Van Wyck. — The grape vine is long- lived, and some of them cover a great space. In England, they are long-lived ; the North Allerton vine measured about four feet in circumference, and was 150 feet long. Some vines on the conti- nent reached 400 years of age, and were deemed young at 100 years. Theorists say that our cli- mate is not suited to the European grape ; but the vine, as to its capability of being acclimated, is as flexible a. its tendrils. We have not experimented much with ihem. England made wine from her grapes ages ago. »She afterwards imported the continental vines. — England now raises clusters of grapes occasionally, which wei^h from ten to twelve pounds and more, and has grapes every month in the year, l.have no doubt but that the European grapes will be in- troduced here. Many countries where the grape flourishes, have as much heat as we have here. Dr. Underbill. — I have learned by my own ex- perience the difficulty of naturalizing the European grape here, and we have suffered in the experi- ments, in this countrvj the loss of miUions of dol- CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. 6Y lars in trying them. Grapes were raised in Eng- land in tile twelfth century, and they made wine there ; but now all the fine grapes of England are under protection either of walls or of glass. So we raise them here to a considerable extent, and shall raise many more. — But that is not the object ; we want to cover our hills and our fields with them. The foreign vines planted in our open grounds are nearly all gone ; they could not bear the violent fluctuations of our climate. I find the native vine flourishing among rocks where the materials of the rock washed down and the leaves fallen, accumulate — and in the alluvials along water courses, but that fruit is not good. Like some plants which are wholesome on dry soils and become poisonous in very wet situations. The wild vine at its first growth is tender and deli- cate, it seeks for support from a neighboring tree, perhaps a giant oak of ages ; it begins to entwine the tree, gradually ascends, reaches at last his lofty head and crowns him with his gold and purple clusters ! There is not a more profitable and certain crop than the grape — our Isabella will ripen where corn will ! and not fail once in ten years. It can be grown in favorable locations m Vermont, and pro- bably in Canada. If placed among rocks, it is found that the rocks being heated by the sun dur- ing the day, keep that warmth during the night so as to prevent frost, and the vine loves the position. Rank manure should never be applied to the vines. Mildew is one of the evils of that applica- tion. Never take off' the leaves ! 1 have raised up some branches of foliage to cover my grapes more efTectually in very hot days ! Let there be a free circulation of air among them ! 68 CONVERSATIONS ON GRAPES. Dr. Alex. H. Stevens. — Have your vines ever suffered h'om the small green fly ? Dr. Underhill. — I have never suftered so as to make it an object to destroy them. Dr. Stevens. — -Do those flies appear most numer- ous where there is the least circulation of air ? Dr. Underbill — I cannot say that, but they al- ways assail the most feeble vines. The mud Swallows took possession of a bank near my vine- yard, and I found that they destroyed the flies. The young flies may be found on the under side of the leaves, they appear as plant lice before they get their wings. — And 1 must say that those who mean to have fruit must destroy all hurtful in- sects. The Rosebug loves grapes — I have heretofore described the habits of this bug. In Hungary, vast flocks of blackbirds hover over vineyards — the men by firing guns keep them from settling, else they would soon destroy the whole crop of grapes. But in this country birds have not yet learned that grapes really are one of the good things of life. Dr. Underhill. — Wild grapes love alluvial wet positions, but their flavor is not to be compared with those growing in dry soils. The wild grape has a thick skin, hard pulp, large seeds. By cul- ture in dry situations, the skin and seeds become one half less thick and large, and the pulp almost disappears. The cranberry probably improves in all respects by the transfer from marsh to upland. As to grapes^ their excellence is progressive with us. The Germans and Italians now say that our cultivated grapes are this year as good as the Eu- ropean—Grapes will degenerate by neglected cul- tivaiion. MAKING OF WINE. 60 MAKING OF WINE, In the year 1827, I planted about three hundred cuttings of the Isabella grape vine, at a small place in Brooklyn, Long Island. They were much in- jured by my tenants, who planted the ground with potatoes, and did not coma into bearing until 183 1. In the fall of that year I sent a quantity ot the fruit to the market, and made about fifty gallons of wine, merely as an experiment, as 1 supposed myself to be the first who had attempted to make wine of this grape. The wine Avas of two kinds, made in Oc- tober, 1831, and in the April following was put in- to bottles, and one bottle of each kind sent to about fifty persons in different parts, who were supposed to feel an interest in the matter. One kind was made of pure juice, to which two pounds of sugar to each gallon was added. The other kind was composed of one-third water to two-thirds juice — 3 pounds of sugar to each gallon — one gallon of brandy to a cask of nineteen gallons. Some of this wine attained five years, and was pronounced very excellent. I received from several persons to whom I had sent specimens of my wine, letters complimentary on my success, with remarks and advice relative to future experiments. The following from the late Zachariah Lewis, Esq., of Brooklyn, alludes to his possession of the original vine : Brooklyn^ April 20, 1832. Col. Spooner, Sir : — I have the pleasure to ac- knowledge the receipt of your circular, accompanied with the two bottles of Isabella Wine of your own manufac- turing. You will please accept my thanks for your polite ^0 MAKING OF WINE. attention, together with a bottle of Isabella Wine, made hy myself in September, 1830. Finding that a part of my grapes of that season, were not likely to ripen, and having read Adlum's account of making wine of ^' Imm^iture Grapes," I concluded to try the experiment on a small scale. About one third of the grapes on each cluster had turned a dark purple, another third were red, and the remainder were still white and not half grown, I pursued the general process recom- mended in Mr, Adlum's Memoir, page 79 ; adopting, however, the mode of fermenting, suggested under the head of Variations of the process, page 81. You will perceive, by turning to Mr. Adlum's receipe, that I gave a larger proportion of sugar and water, than was used in either of your samples. No brandy was added, with the exception of a half pint, previously put into the five- gallon cask to cleanse and sweeten it. The body of this wine is not equal to yours, but the flavor I think fine. Judging from your samples, and my own, I am persuaded, that the Isabella grape, whether partially or wholly ripe, will, after a few experiments, be found to make a wine of very superior quality and flavor. Your account of the introduction of this grape into this region is undoubtedly correc-. The first vine of this species, ever brought to this climate, was presented to Mrs. Isabella Gibbs; and her husband gave it the name of his wife. It has already spread to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, every part of New York, the New-England States, Michigan, and the Canadas ; and the stump of the parent of all, to be found North of the Carolinas, is still visible in the garden now in my possession. I am, Sir, Very Respectfully, Your's, a gallon of liquid. For instance, suppose you intend to make thirty gallons only, then there must be, 8 gals, of juice, 16 of water, 24 gals, mixture, 6 gs. produc'd by sugar 24 gls. mixture. 3 multiplied by 12)72 lb. sugar, equn] to 6 gals, of liquid 30 gallons. And so proportionably for any quantity you please to make. The common cider presses, if thoroughly clean, will do well m making largfe quantities : the small hand-screw press is most convenient for such as make less. N. B. — An extraordinary good spirit for medici- nal and other uses, may be distilled from currant juice, by adding a quart of molasses to a gallon of juice, to give it a proper fermentation. Note. — On some of the borders of a ga.rden, the size of com mon country gardens, currants enough are gathered, to make, annually, 25 or 30 gallons. An acre well managed, would probably make at least 500 gallons. H 86 GRAPES CULTIVATED NEAK NEW YORK. Currant Wine, — Doctor Dyer, m the Spring of 1818, planted a currant vineyard of forty acres about a mile and a half from Providence, Rhode Island. — In 1821, he sent wine to the editor of the N. Y. National Advocate, and expressed confi dence that in a few years he should be able to make it produce two hundred pipes of wine per annum. It was principally sold at Charleston, S. C, and in the West Indies. GRAPES CULTIVATED NEAR NEW-YORK. At the Fair of the Amer. Institute in New-York October, 1845, a great variety of fine grapes were exhibited. From the Report made by Thomas Bridgeman, Chairman ol the Committee on Fruits and Flowers, I gather the following facts : From R. L. Pell, (M. Cunningham, Gardener,) six varieties of grapes, raised icithout artificial heatf viz. Black Hamburgh, St. Peters, White Sweet Water, Flame-colored Tokay, Isabella and Catawba. From Roswell Colt, Paterson, New Jersey, three varieties of house grapes, viz: Black Hamburgh, Black Damascus, and Royal Muscat ; and four varieties raised without artificial heat, viz. Black Muscadine, Hamburgh, St. Peters, and White Muscadel. From Thomas Noyes, Stonington, Connecticut, three varieties of grapes, viz. Red Frontignac, Morocco, and Frontinel. In conclusion the Chairman observes — " Our list of Fruit, it may be observed, embraces a de- scription of several of the best varieties of foreign grapes, also two varieties of the seedlings, raised DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. S*I without the aid of artificial heat, whi^-h proves that our cUmate is capable of fui4y maturing this delicious and valuable fruit. Like France, Italy, and Spain, we shall have our '' vine-covered hills," and thus be rendered independent of other nations for a requisite supply of healthful and refreshing vines." Flushing has long been celebrated for its exten- sive Nurseries, and green-houses for the sale of trees, plants, flowers, and grape vines of every known description. The oldest establishment was that of the late William Prince, who is succeeded by his son William R. Prince, who now continues the business. The father and son are the authors of an excellent scientific and practical Treatise on the Vine, published in 1830 A great variety of Vines, adapted to the climates of our country, are sold by Mr. Prince. Messrs. Valk, in the same Village, have extensive grape-houses and green-houses, which are describ- ed as being very superior, and affording a model for others. Messrs. Parsons, Winter (fc Co., King and Rip- ley, and E. Higgins, are all extensively engaged in the Nursery business, and are probably all cul- tivators of grape vines for the market. These es- tablishments are an honor to the country. From the Vine Dresser^ s Manual, by Thiebaut de Berneaud. DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. To Dry Raisins, — This excellent mode of pre- serving a delicious fruit, has been in use from time immemorial. The Grecians twisted the foot-stalk and left the bunch on the vine until it withered, 88 DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. when it was gathered and dried in the shade. Raisins, with them, formed quite a branch of com- merce. Tiie small town of Roquevaire, (Boiiches-dn- Rhone) havmg gained an established reputation by its raisins, I shall give the receipe there practis- ed. The Calabrians prepare them well also, but far less successfully than the inhabitants of Roque- vaire, In that small town they only dry white grapes. They select the largest, pulpiest kinds, with few- stones, and thinly scattered on the bunch. These are culled dead-ripe. Every berry with the least speck ( f rot upon it, is picked out and thrown away. A strong ley is then prepared from wood ashes, from 12 to 15 o of strength for the salts of potash, ascertained by the eerometer. When on the point of boiling over, the bunches are plunged in and drawn out as soon as the berries are wrinkl- ed. They are next put to drain ; after which they are spread on hurdles or reed mats, and kept in the sunshine from sunrise to sunset ; during the night they are sheltered under awnings. Ten fair days are enough to dry them ; but if the weather is rainy It takes longer. Roquevaire raisins are considered excellent ; they have a slightly acidulous, agreeable taste, Calabrian raisins are blackish, which is a fault, but they are sweeter than those of Roquevaire. Span- ish raisins are finer flavoured than either, but are generally prepared with two much negligence; they do not keep as well, and are mixed with very small dry berries. The sort of Syrian raisins cal- ed Damascus, and which have a gilded hue, are highly prized for their exquisite flavor and proper- ty of keeping, without alteration, for two seasons. The Corinth raisins and currants from Zante and DOMESTIC USES OP THE VINE. 89 Lipari, also enjoy great reputation ; those of Li- pari are often the worse for a little dirt or gravel ; but those of Zante are unexceptionable. They are small, rich, with the flavour of violets, and but a single seed. They are prepared from white and red grapes indiscriminately. Any family may prepaie its own raisins, from perfectly ripe, handsome grapes ; but before expos- ing them to the heat of the stove or sun, they should positively be bleached in the boiling ley. Many persons think boiling water sufficient ; it is not : and the alcali of the ley, which has a great effect on fruits at the \orth, renders the skin ten- der. As it does not penetrate into the fruii, it does not injure the acid, which is the charm of the dried grape, without which it is cloying and dull. Grape Syrup or Sus;ar. — Parmentler has left us quit© a complele treatise on this subject, which should be consulted by all desirious of making the most of grape syrup* This liquor is made by taking from the vat, the must of dead-ripe white grapes; if these cannot be had, the juice of black grapes expressed on pur- pose, and depriving it of its acids by mixing with it chalk, marble dust, gypsum or spent-ashes. If it is to be prepared as soon as expressed, it need not be sulphured ; but stumming is indispensable to prevent fermentation, if there is to be a delay of only four and twenty hours. It must be sulphured two or three times, and each time be poured out to cool very quickly in shallow trays or dishes. — This syrup does not always need clarifying ; if it should, white of eggs (in proportion to the quanti- ty) must be whisked in the liquid before it is boil- ed. This syrup is an excellent resource to the farm-house. 90 DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. In small vineyards, the wine of which is not very sugary, or when the grapes do not ripen as is desirable, this syrup, added to the vat, corrects that lault. When not boiled to so concentrated a strength, this syrup will, if put to ferment, make very pleasant cordial wines. In domestic economy, it is an advantageous sub- stitute for sugar; fine sweetmeats are made with it ; the very best of marmalade, and very good brandy fruits, &c. Grape Cordial, — Take dead-ripe black grapes, pick them and bottle them ; the vessels only half filled with the fruit, must then be filled with plain brandy, corked, and stood in the sun for a fortnight. After which they must be emptied into a new, high- glazed, clean tureen, and the fruit must be mashed with the hand. The whole is then to be squeezed through a thick cloth, which must be wetted beforehand with brandy. The liquor thus strained, is returned into the bottles, with the addi- tion of a little cinnamon and some peach-stones, cracked and thrown in, shells and all. The bot- tles are to be corked and stood in the sun another fortnight. The liquor must then be filtered through blotting paper ; and it is a delightful drink, very cordial and stomachic, and becomes the better the longer it is bottled. Marmalade. — -With the must, various excellent marmalades are made ; that of Montpelier enjoys the highest name ; it is made from white grapes, boiled in the must to a clear jelly, and scented with citron and cedraty. The marmalade of L'Yonne and Loiret departments, though esteemed, is infe- rior to the former ; it is a little more tart and mix- ed with stone and seed fruits. The pears used for this purpose, are the Qres- DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. 91 sane, Berganiot, the Jargonelle, the Virgoulei^se^ the winter Bon Chretien, the Rt/ssiting, or other firm kinds. Quinces are thought the most suitable mixture in marmalades ; apples and plumbs come next ; and lastly pumpkins, the rinds of green man- goes and melons, and surgary roots, such as car- rots, parsnips, 6ic. These fruits must be selected very sound, cut small, and spread out on fair straw to mellow, before used. Table fruit is not fit for marmalade ; it is only fruit in an acerb state, that suit ; that which falls before ripening, is put aside for this purpose. The fruit must be pared perfectly, and the seeds, stones, and hearts, cut out. In the North and South both, two sorts of mar- malade are prepared, simple and compound. That made at the Soulh, does not require as muchcook- ing as that at the North. It contains, all other things being equal, less water, tartar and extractive matter and more sugar. *' For the simple marmalade of the South, take 6 gallons of must ; one half must be put in a pre- serving pan over a quick fire, and the other half be gradually added every time the liquid boils up; this boiling liquor must not be lost sight of for a moment, and the scummust be removed as fast as it rises ; and it must be strained hot through a thick cloth. It must then be put back on the fire, and constantly stirred with a wooden spaddle until it is boiled to a jelly ; this is found by drop- ping a little on a dish, when, if it cools into ajelly, it has boiled sufficiently. '* As for the simple marmalade of the North,when the 6 gallons have been skimmed and are reduced by boiling to 4 gallons, the pan is taken from the fire and the liquid poured into stone pans, where it 92 DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. is left for 48 hours in a cool place. At the end of that time the surface is covered with crystals of salt of tartar, which must be resnoved with great caution with a skimmer ; the separation of this quantity diminishes the two marked acidity of the preserve, and increases its sweetness. This pro- cess is highly necessary in the North, and accord- ing to the season the tartar is in greater or less quan- tities ; but in the South, the presence of tartar is rather desirable to relieve the insipid sweetness of the sweetmeat, which is so great, that aromatics have to be used to give it a flavor. When skim- med of the tartar, the must is strained through a thin cloth, decanted and put back on the fire, where it must be stirred without ceasing. The must has become marmalade when it sets in a jelly, on be- ing stood* to cool. Compound marmalade of the South. When the must has been boiled to one half, and been suffi- ciently skimmed, it must be strained ; and the peeled and quartered fruits must be thrown into the pan ; pour over them the fiquor, which by the first boiling up, melts into the necessary fluidity for acting on the fruit, and softening it into a pulp ; stir constantly, until the boiled fruit is mashed and incorporated, and the whole syrup is one homo- geneous mass. Towar 's the last, the fire should be gradually moderated. To know when it is done, take about the size of a hazel-nut and drop it on a china dish ; if it does not sink flat, and if no moisture escapes from it forming an areola around it, the jelly is done. If the fruit has, on account of the vintage ripening late, been previously stewed — before adding it, the must should have nearly reached its final consistence. For the compound marmalade of the North—* DOMESTIC USES OP THE VINE. 93 after the must has been thickened by boiling, and freed of its superabundant tartar, it is put back upon the fire with the fruits that are to be mixed with it, precisely regulating the whole in the way already mentioned for the compound marmalade of the'South. But, as the fruit selected, is some- times so acid that the preserve could not be used without the addition of some sweetening, a little grape syrup is added, while boiling ; the syrup of sweetmeats, or Southern marmalade. The house- keepers at the North, who have not at command these means, first clay the must, that is neutralize it with powdered chalk ; then boil it to a syrup, and afterwards add the fruit, and proceed with the reduction of the whole as before mentioned. An excellent marmalade is made from clayed must and pears in the proportion of 100 or 120 pears to 4 gallons of bweet must, and 4 or 6 quinces ; it is sweet and mellow, with a slight tartness that heightens its fragrance and flavor. The Northern •'marmalades are, on the whole, preferable to those of the South, in which the sugar and tartar are not in such relishing proportions he conserve must be covered in pots from the air, and stood in a dry place. When it candies, a little must may be added to it, or the pots be stood in boiling water for several hours and the jelly well stirred. Grape Butter. \n place of adding fruits of vari- ous kinds to the boiling must, some only add a certain portion of must that has been evaporated and concentrated to thickness ; the whole boiled to the consistence of jelly, is a very agreeable and healthy addition to the table in fall and winter.-— This preserve is poured into pots, with cinnamon and cloves, and put in the bread-oven to bake, before it is considered sufficiently prepared for 94 DOMESTIC USES OF THE VINE. keeping. Before serving it on the table, it is slight- ly warmed and is eaten with buttered toast. Made Wines. — By made wine is understood a fermented table drink, obtained from a mixture of concentrated must, bmndy, and some spices of aro- matic seeds. The preparation of these v^^ines, be- longs to the housekeeper or her daughters. Pick the ripest, finest, and most sweet smelling grapes of the Malvosie and the Muscat kinds, at the hottest time of day, to avoid the least humidity. Lay them on hurdles and transport them with great caution to the spot in which they are to be exposed to the sun. Here they must be left five or six days ; turned three times a day, and sheltered at night. The sixth day they are to be crushed in the vat. Of the must thus obtained, only the upper part is taken out for this purpose, the lower not being con- sidered so exquisite and rich. This cream of the must is put in a copper boiler over a clear charcoal fire, or at least a fire without smoke, where it must boil until reduced to one third, being in the mean- time carefully skimmed It is then poured into new, or perfectly clean, wooden vessels, and when cold is transferred to casks and bunged tightly. The wine it makes, is of a pretty amber color, rich, delicate, and should be racked and bottled promptly. In some southern districts, as the liquid boils up, they throw in some anniseed and coriander ; cinna- mon ; six apricot stones, shells and all, six peach- pits the same, and after it has stood forty-eight hours, it is strained through a wet cloth. It is then put away in vessels, and stands the whole winter, when it is drawn ofFclear. strained through a jelly-bag and bottled. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. 95 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Used in cultivation of Grapes and making of Wine, Buttan, the bud of a vine before the leaf puts out. Bonnet, tlie scum or top of the Must, during fermen- tation. Bouquet, the fragrance or odour of wine. Body, the substantial vinous spirit. Dry Wine, acid wine, or astringent wine. Dicecious, a vine is dioecius when the stamens is on one vine, and the pistil on a separate vine. Espalier, trees or vines interwoven together. Generous Wine, a spirited wine. Hybrid, a mule — a vegetable production bv the mix- ture of diiferent species. The seeds of hybrids will not propagate. Laterals, an offset from the root of the cluster, back of the stem. Light Wine, a wine of little spirit. Must, the crushed grapes before they are pressed. Marc, or Murk, the dry skins and seeds after 2)ress_ ing. Sometimes called pumace. Polygamous^ a vine is polygamous when it has the staminate and pistillate organs (sexual organs) on the same vines. Palisades, strong stakes pressed or set in the ground, or an enclosure. 96 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Pricked Wines, are those commencing to be acid, or sour. Spur, a projection from the stock, cut down to one or two buds. Stumming, is the burning in an empty cask strips of rag saturated Avith melted sulphur. Tendrils, claspers- which twine around a branch, and confine the vine. Vintage, the whole crop from the vineyard. Vmt7ier, a manufacturer of wine. Vigneron, a vine-dresser, one who prunes and culti- vates the viues. Viscous, glutinous, stickey, tenacious.