LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap, Copyright ]S^.___. Sheli;X2^-^ ' '^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Sir\g ye praises ^iti] "ar)derstar)dirig. —David south bend, indiana, Tribune Company, Publishers. PLATES BV- iLLiisOis Hngkavixq Company. Chicago. PSALMS OF SOUL WILLIAM BRADFORD DICKSON. ILLITSTRATKD BY Florence Goldsmith Chandlee. \^ O'^ 1 7«176 Library of Concfresa Ivv^o Copies Received NOV 22 1900 Copyright entry No vr^. .'-?. . . .^. ^..*?rT.. SECOND COPY Oelivored to ORDER OIV.^SION HFC Ifv lyuu ^^'^"x^ ^'y (Jopyriglif, woo, hy WUliam Bradford Dickson. DEDICHTION To God The giver of all noble thought ; to All earth's great, and good Whose songs have lifted man to seek a higher goal ; to All ear til's toilino- ones Who struggling Souhvard Seek a glimpse of unseen things ; And to my heaven-sent friend, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, J Those ivorld-redemptive book of Truth Has lifted me on zvings of light divine To soar and sing of heavenly things, I dedicate uith fadeless love, This breath of praise and prayer. PROEM HIS little volunqe is offered to nqy fellovw^-nqar] as a ray of spiritual silrislriine to lielp ligliter) tine rr^aterialisnri of tl)is age, a tid-bit to l^elp 'rioiirisl^ tliiingry ir^earts, a criiiiib to Jrjelp feed tl^e \\)orld's spiritual faii\ir)e, Tt|e writer deserves t\o credit, but refers t]\e reader to tl)e or]e Divide flutirjor, t]\e Fatlr^er of ligl]ts, tl^e Heaverily Parent of all spiritual fornqs of th^ougl^'t, fronq wJh^oiT| coii\etl\ all good gifts. A PSALAV or LIGHT. Early in the mornijig zvill I praise Thee, Oh God! Early in the morning zvill I seek Thine everlasting way. R FSRLK OF LIGHT ^ HRLY ir\ tl^e iT\orriirig ^ill I praise Tl^ee, 01^ GodI ^^ Early iri tt^e nqorriirig ^ill I seeK Tl^y face, fls tY\e glory of tl\e day arisetl^ ir) tt|e east, Hr^d s]:\eddet]:| its beauties abroad o'er all tt^e eartY[, Rr[d rqaKetli all creatior) palpitant Witl) Love's aw^aKer)ed t|ariT|0]nies, So sl^all tY\e Silr) of Rigl^teoLtsr^ess Arise ^it]nir[ n|y t^eart, Rr[d radiate its peace ar\d ligtjt to all rT\ar\lvirid, Tl\ils iT\ay tl\e glory ar\d lig]r[t of Tl:\y Presence Arise ir\ every l\eart, Hrid all sY\all be ttje ct\ildrer[ of tt^e day. Early ir) tl)e rr\orr)ir\g ar^d clriarigeless tt\roilgt| tt|e day, Ky l)eart st)all be ttje l:\abitatior) of Tl\y triltti, Tt|e tiOLlse of EoVe \^^]:|erei^ Tt|y tlioilgtits abide, Wt|ereir| Ct^rist riilett), Ir|r|ocer|cy st^all er]con|pass rqy ]:\abitatior[ roiled aboilt, Purity stiall er)ligt\ter) it, Tt^e atrT\ospl)ere of Tt\y goodness sl^all d^ell tlrjereir), iVLoses aT\d tl\e Propl^ets slr^all tl^ere abide, Tl\e blessed Master arid all T]:\y cl|Oser\ or|es; Tlriere, too, xipor) Tt\y tt\ror|s, Ttie piire v^tiite Cl^rist sh^all d^ell foreverrT\ore, Front out tt|e ^ir\do^s of rr^y l\eart, TY\y l\oly l:\oUse, Sltall flow tY\e l:\ealir\g currer^ts of Tl)y loVe ar\d trutl), Hr|d eartti sl^all Know tt\e blessings of Tl\y power, Early in tt|e rnorning ^ill I praise Tt^ee, GodI Early in tl)e inorning ^iH I seeK Tl\ine everlasting ^dy, Rr\d TtloU rny Eigtlt and Life stjall be. THE TWENTY-TMIRD PSALA\. ^ ^ ^ §:: <^ ^ ■^1 "^ '.■^ ^^ !>* ^0 ^^ J^ ■^ >^ ^ k ^ ^ ?^ •^ ■^'S ^J tSi i. h^ t^ "V^ -^ >-^ THE TWENTY-THIRD PSRLM H S]:)ep]:\erd of tY\e Universe, Forever gilidirig \^it]:\ tl\e lav^ of Love Tiny coiir]tless flocK of iT\arc]:|ir|g \\)orlds, 7Y\oii art rqy Stjep^iord too, For 'tis Tiriy ]\ar[d alor]e Wtiicti guards ar\d guides ar)d feeds ar|d folds, Yea, f|eals ar)d saves, Eart]:\'s lost ar\d suffering st|eep. I carmot KPiOW tl)e t]:\oilg]:\t of r|eed For Tl|y supply is ir]fir\ite. R tributary broad Of h^oliuess arid ]:\ealt]:|, of strer]gt]:\ and peace. Forever flop's frorq out Tl\y Kingc.orr| ur|to rc\ar\. T1)0U rqaKest rqe to rest ir] pastures greer), Wl)ere rour^d about rqe lie Tine ct|ar)geless fields of Love, Forever batlqed ir) Trutlq's eternal liglqt, Ri\d lit ^itlq Life's s^^eet golden glo\^. TlqoU leadest rqe by \^aters still, Wlqerefroiiq I driiqK Deep Iqealiiqg draUglqts of t]qoUgl)t divirie, Frorq Miiqd's Uiqfatl^orTqed deptlqs. 7Y\oU dost restore iriy soul, — iVLy serise divide of deat]:\less Life W]:|ic]:| ever lives triiln\p]:[ar\t iA^itt\ ir\y God, Hrid Xno"^s r)o sir), Tirjoil dost direct rqy ^ay Tlriroilgl) patios of rigtiteoilsr^ess, YIl\ere all iT\y daily tljoxiglrits fire ^over\ ir| tlr^e ^arp ar\d w^oof of Love ; Wl^ere all iT\y steps are firn), RT\d I arr\ L[prig]:\t in tY\e ^ay of grace. Yea, tl|o' I ^alK Tl\rc\lq]r[ eartl)'s ^ild dreaiT\ of life, Wir^ere all tl^e Vales fire darXer)ed ^itt\ tl^e sl^ades of deatl:\, I w^ill T[Ot fear, For T^lOlI art close at l^arid; firid \\^itl| Tl\y rod orqnipoterit Will beat to earttj, — To diist ar\d r\ot]:\ir]gr)ess, — Ttje subtle evils ^]:\icl\ beset ii\y Way: Yea, or] T]:\y staff, — Tlriy proniises of everlasting life and loVe,- ril rest secure, find fear no storrT\s Beneat]:| tY\e sl\adov^ of TY\y Y\ar\d. Witlrjir) tt|e u^ilderriess,— Eartlri's turbid tide of garislt plriaritasies,— Tl^oU n\aKest for TC[y ]:|iir]gry soill R table spread ^itl\ bread front t^eaveri, Wl^erefronq I eat; Rr\d lo, rqirie er|eiT\ies, — Siri, sicKr^ess, deatl),— Rise Up artd flee forevern\ore. My Clip of joy o'erflo\\^s ^itl| gratitude, Ri\d I aiT| blessed Beyond tl|e rqeasure of a nqortal nqari: Yea, surely stjall I d^ell Wit]:|ir) Ttjine Y\o\lse of Love Forevern^ore, Ber\eatl\ tl\e sl:|ado\V of Tl\iT\e oUtstretctjed ^irigs Safe front tY\e world's bewildering storrT\s Of liate and fear. A PSALM or PURITY. Chaste and holy thought. H FSRLK OF PURITY HE l|eart of niari, purged of its \^orld-debri.s, — Eartli-refiise l:\eaped ir) n|eir[ory's l:\alls By Vain conceit, — Rr\d freed froiT\ diildisti idols Robed as little gods Eritl\ror]ed or) altars bililt or) sar)d, — Becorqes a l|eaVer)ly ten\ple Dedicated to a loving God; R terqple i^^l^ereir) rests Ttie pure \\^l)ite cljalice of eternal Trutt), Frorrt ^l)er]ce Love's ir|cer)se rises Up, R cloud of clriaste aud tjoly t]\o\lql\t, Rr\d blesses, Ideals aud purifies R siunins. suffering ^orld. Corqe T1|0U, Ur)c]:|angir)g ar^d eternal God, Rr\d lay Upor] our l:\earts Tt^y purging fire; MaXe clean Soul's sanctuaries \\^it]:\ tl|e flarqe of Tniti\] JSTor qUeuct) Witti de^s of nqercy, peace ar)d tenderness, Tl^ine all-consUrqing flarqe Wl^iclt separates tt|e dross and gold, Until tl)e garnered stjeaVes of sin a^e dust to dUst, Rr\d r\ailqY[t is found tlr^erein Unrqeet for Ttjine abiding place. A PSALA\ or NATURE. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'S, '^ t^ l.^ ^ ■^ ^; ^ ■^^i" ^ ^ ^ ^ O' ^ R PSHLiVL OF NHTURe T HE liqilid r^otes of ]^arn\or)y FroiT| Nature's featl^ered c]r|oir, Tl\e softeried l^iles of eve, t^e brilliar\t iT\orr), TY\e sweet caressing wir(ds Spiced wit]:\ tl\e hreatl\ of bloon|; Tt\e wl^isperirig leaves, tt^e r)oddir)g boilgtis, Tlje riooriday's glo\\^ir)g sKy, TY\e snoW-\\^]:|ite isles of featl\ery do^ri Hfloat ir] l^eaveri's don\e; TY\e Waving fields, tl|e silvery rippling laKe, Ttie stately river winding to t]:\e sea; Tl\e l)ills siln-Kissed, rocK-ribbed, inqajestic, grand fill bannered Witl) a tt|oilsand blended tints. But speaK tl^e gentle tenderness and peace Of Nature's sweet Unselfis]:\ness, find voice tl\e Love Divine. E'en tl)Us tt]roUgl\ tl^e Creator's iyLot]:\er-love, Tt)e Way, tl\e Trutl], tl|e Life, We rnortals learn ^^e sweet divinity of gratitude Tl^e lesson of Unselfisl\ love, Tl^e sweetness of existence for tt\e Good alone, Tl)e consciousness of Cl^rist's irnrnortal bonds, Tl|e brotl]erl)ood of rnan, and Love's rnaternity; Tl|e loyalty of Principle, tl)e Unity of Love, find tl)o' on eartt|. We breatl^e tl\e atinospl^ere of l^eaVen, find live and inove in Love. A psAL/n or THE true cnuRcn. Not botmded by the liand of man. R PQRLK OF THE TRUE CHURCH ^^" HE Irioilse riot biiilt lA^itlj l^ands, Eternal ir| tl^e Heaver\s." Beloved God I 7Y\y lc[Oly cY[Urcl{ forever d^^ells ^itlr^iri nqy Y{eart, Rr\d every l:\our its ^alls are vocal ^itl| Tl^y praise; Its gates are gilded i^^itl^ tlr^e golderi silr[ of Trutl^, Rr\d all its patt\s are paved \\;itl^ peace. Its eridless altar gleair|s lA^itl) TI|y corisL(rr\irtg fire, Hrid tl|at false ser|se of life, — Eartlj bori) arid ^eary of itself, — Is laid tt^ereor) ai\d ever biirris R dying sacrifice to Tl^ee, ^l)erefron\ springs fort]:\ Tl)at I\eaV'ri-borri serise of self Wljicli finds its origin ii) Soiil* find tlyils again tl^e Earnb, Slain fi'orn tl^e world's foundation, rises lip R living sacrifice to Tl^ee; Rr\d day by day tl|e I\eavenly incense sweet Flows in fi'oiTi Eove and out again to all tl|e world, Hnd blesses all iny fellow rnan. TIixis l^our by I\oiir witljin tljis sacrificial font. Eartl]-loss but points to I^eaVenly gain, Rr\d all Tt\y ternple round about Is filled Witl| angel Visitants Sent fortl| by T^y dear l\ar\d. Not boilrided by tl\e Y\ar\d cf ii\ari, My ten\ple folds ^it]:|ir| its \\)alls Tl^irie infinite abod^ And all tY\e Universe, and rnan, Moves to and fro beneatl^ its endless roof. Above, beneatt|, on every l^and, Th^e inorning stars sing paeans unto Tlr^ee; Thjne everlasting arir^s enfold it round about, Hnd Life eternal lig]:\ts its boundless dorqe. Tl:\y spirit slrieds a fadeless lustre tt^ere, Hnd frorn its portals flaslries fortl| R glow'ing signal o'er t]\e eartl:\, Arousing fainting ones on land and sea To turn t]:\eir faces unto Tlr^ee, Ri\d feel Tt|y saving gi^ace. Grant rne, Ot| Holy Onel Ol\ rig]r[teous Fattier over all, Tl\at I inay ever Keep TY\y ternple pure and undefiled, — Forever consecrate to Tl\ee. A PSALA\ or ATONEMENT. 1^ t5 R PSRLK OF HTONEMENT ,YF I rT\ay offer UT]to Tl\ee, Ol\ Love Divide, R life illUiTied w^itlq lovir]g tlioilgtit,— R coninioii daily life so full of GodliKe deeds Tl|at all tl\e vibraint cl\ords Wit^] rr\y brott)er's l)eart Siriall tremqble ^itli tl)e tender toilcl) of Soul,— Tl\eT\ sl\all I fill tl|at destiny divide Wl)ict) Y/isdoiTi frarrjed for all f^er little ories Before tY[e \^^orld w^as fornted, Wlteri Tr\aT\ ^as sanctified by Tt^y dear love. Olri Fatlter-Life,— Beloved Motlter-Soul,— Grar|t Us Th^y v^ay to Kriow; Eacl^ nqoiTterit ir^ere or) eartt), Tfiat ell iT\ay see Love's irxjage ir) our daily lives, RT\d tY\Us turr) gently all tl^e \^ar)deririg or]es To seeK ivitlri out-stretctied ariits, Th^at or]ly safe abidirig place Berieatfi tY\e sirjado^ of Ttiy ^ir^gs. A PSAL/H or THE MOL^' GMOST. The secret place beneath Love's oittstretched^ ivings ; The '' Lo, Fm with you ahvay even to the e?ui.'' R PSHLM OF THE HOLY GHOST \r HEN \\)ider(ing cycles force tl^e sl)ores of t]:|oiigl:|t \/\/ To broaden liritil lost ir| bouridless Love; W]:\er) sir) is dead, arid deatl\ is lost ir| Life, Hrid rqan acqxiairits ]:\irT|self ^A^itlri c]:\arigeless Good, — His flll ir[ all, l\is or]ly Source ar|d Mir]d, — Tl|eri sl)all tl^e ilr|seer| presence of tl^e Holy G]:\ost, — Life, Trutl) ar|d Love ir^d^^^elliing ir) tY\e l:\eart, T]:\e secret place berieatt) Love's oUtstretc]:)ed u^irigs Tlje "Lo, Trq ^itl\ yoil al^ay ever\ to tY\e er^d," — Forever d^ell or) eartt) ^itl]ir\ tt|e ]:|ilrr|ble lieart, Tt|e siler|t source of rr\ar]'s iirifailir)g strer|gt]:|, His foiir|t of deatlrjless Life, ^l^erefrorq forever flow Tt\e l^ealirig drailgr\ts of God's orqriipoter\ce. A PSAL/n or PRAISE. ^ ^ .^,>o ^ H PSflLM OF PRAISE. Y l\eart is lifted Up to sir|g ir) praise of Tl^ee, 01^ loving God, For I be]:|old Tt\y reigr\ o'er all tY\e earti^,— Tl)e iT|ajesty ar|d iriigtit of Tt|y rigl)t Y\ar\d Wl^iclri silences tlr^e \\^icKed tongue of s]:\arT\e flr|d stills tY[e w^ild avenger's voice Wl:|icl) cries against Tt^y rigl^teoUs ories. I star)d secure ^itlrjin Tl\y law of Love Witl| Tlrjy protecting arrq around botl) TT|e ar|d nqir^e, — R sure ar]d safe retreat for all eartl^'s careWori) or^es. Tlriy loving Kindness girdles all ttie Universe;— Fain Would I }]ide iny face wt|en I betiold Tt\e inajesty of Tl^y great love for rqan. Hnd all ttie current of iny being sets to T]\ee. Witl^in tl)e silent Watcl^es of tl)e nigt\t, Wl)en all tt]e World of sense l^as droned itself to rest, Ttje loving contrite l:\eart, — fiwake to Spirit's call, and spurning subtle sense, — Cornrnunes Witl) Tl^ee, find flies on Wings of tl^ougt^t divine -Still nearer, nearer Tlr^ee, Until it palpitates in rtiytttrqic tinqe Witti tt|at eternal strain of tt^t^n^ony Wl:|ic]:\ ever sweeps across Tny universe of Love. Ttje iT\oilritirig l:\eart, inqpelled by faiXYy, Full strerigtl^ened ^itl) tY\e tor)ds Of praise ai\d prayer, Rerr\ai]ns r]ot loing or) eartlri But bounds beyond tt)e stars, LooKs bacK Upon Orior), Pleiades, fircturus arid l^is sor^s, Yea, all tt^e t^osts of uetlier \vorlds; Ilrid forward to ari undiscovered universe. Reserved for Love's o\\^n c]:\ild of tiunnble rqien. find tlyils TlriroUgti s^eet cornrqunion ^'itil Ttiy ctiangeless Self,- TY\e Soul of all tlie universe, — T]:\e grateful contrite l:\eart, Tl\o' still on eartt|, Betrott|s itself again to Tl^ee, Beloved Fatl^er-JVLotlier God, A PSAL/n or .T11E conroRTER. So waits a suffermg zvorld. R PSHLiVL OF THE COiVLFORTER S in tl^e days of old, TY[e suffering beggar tarried at tt|e tem^ple gate For sorne s^eet bounty frorn tl\e l^and of Love, So ^aits a suffering ^orld, Still longing for ttie t^ealing touct| Of God's rigb^t l^and, Wlriict) ^itl^ its Unstayed po\\ier of Trutt| and Love, St^all lift IrjUrnanity to Life and l\ealtY\ ai\d strengtl). Ofi Migt^ty Spirit, Holy One, Tl\oil loved and loving Fatl^er of Us all, We pray Tt]ee "WaKen eartl) To see and Lnow and feel tt)e tjealing po^er of Trutl|, Tl\e Cornforter already f^ere, Ttjat pronqised Presence l)ov'ring near Wlrjicl] lifts eartti's suffering ones frorn beds of pain ; Ttiat Mott^er-love ^tiicti binds tt^e broKen fjeart Hnd feeds tt^e t|Ungering soul. R^aXe] Arise T Ot| Israel, for sorrou^'s T\iql\t is o'er, Tfie reign of deatt) Undone, sin's kingdorq. desolate; Tl)y foes are fallen by tlqe s^ord of Trutl|, Hi^aKel flrisel Bet^old tt]e da^n of Love, Tlie full-orbed day of Mind, tt|e glistening noon of Soul, Tlc]e fadeless day-star of eternal Life, A PSAL/n or RESURRECTION. R VSRLK OF THE RESURReCTION HE spririgtide speaKs of Cl^rist RT\d 1)15 dear love, Ri\d tenderly conqrqenqorates His resurrection l^oiir, Wlr^en ^itl) tl\e Law; of Life, He rer]t ii) twaii) tlr^e veil of deatl^, Jlrid triroiigt) tY\e rift t]:\ere opened to tt^e gaze Of fair]tir]g, falterir^g iT)ari, Tlr^e iT\ori)ir]g beaiT\s of iirirqortality. Ot[ every Y\ar\d tY\e biirstir]g buds Foretell earttj's resiirrectior] tioiir, Wt)er) all tt|e w^orld sliall blossoiT\ cs ttie rose, ■ Reflect tt|e Law; of Love, Hr|d orice aqaii] ei^act tl^e ii\iracle of Life. E'er) ti\iis Tl{e endless springtide ir\ tl\e l)eart of Ctirist Sl^all e'er unfold itself to Tc\ar\, RT[d Y\e sl)all kr]0"W tiirqself God's deatl^less, pure ar\d perfect ct\ild; His joyful Y\eart Sl\all vibrate w^itl] tt|e universe of Love, find all tl)e sons of God Sl)all join tl)e rqorning stars in song. A PSAL/H or HEAVENLY REST. u_ AIj/ heart hath heard Thy eall, Thy rest hath entered in, Aiid heaven dzvells e'en here on earth. R PSRLK OF HEflYENLY REST Y RM. aweary Motl^er-God, I pray Tlr^ee taXe iT\e to TY[y rest! TY\e call of farqe, Tl\e pride of place, Tl\e sfieeri of worldly pageants roilrid about, fire but tt)e ilnsubstaritial drean\ Of eartlri's eriViror)rr|er)ts. Kartl\ l\as riot offered n\ilc]:|; Sorqe paiij-racKed days by far too real, Rr\d sorqe full iT\easured Witt| a joy, — Wot built Upon ttje RocK of Cl^rist,— Wtjic]:! drifted out liKe gossarr|er Before a sUiT\iT\er wir)d. But r|OW sir)ce Clirist, r|ew-borri, l-)atli conte, I ii\easure life ar^ew; iVLy l:\eart l\at]\ l\eard TY[y call, TY\y rest ]\atl\ entered ir], RT\d l\eaVer[ dwells e'en ^ere on eartl\. Tl\y gentle voice, More constant tl\an tlr^e ancient sun, Is l)eard above eart]:\'s wearying din find all is stilled. A PSALAA or LOVE. ^0 ? '^ R PSRLK OF LOYE, H Love Divirie, Triiliiqpliarit ovei" all, Erittironed in nqajesty tl]^roiIg]:\oilt all space Hrid draped ir^ ]:|eaver]'s royal piirple robe Be-starred ^ttl\ coilritless gerqs,— Tl\y rig]:\teoils statutes goverr) eartl) arid l^eaVen Rr\d all t}\e ]:|osts of \\)orlds ori Worlds, 'Tis Tt[ir|e ilrifailirig la^W W]r[iclt ]:tolds tl)e biloyar)t ocean in its bounds, Rr\d cairns its turgid tide. Rt TY[y cornrnund tl\e earttj is filled Wittj bursts of rnelody and l^arvest songs, Wt|ic]:\ celebrate tlr^e gratitude of every living t^inS' Yea, 'tis Tlr^y la^ tljat s"Weeps across tY\e t|eart of rnan; Transforins l^is dirge of pain ^o praise and prayer, Binds Up tl)e broken t^eart, Rr\d sets tt^e long enslaved captive free. Wttere'er TljoU reignest pain is l^ealed, Disease is n^^g^^ cind sin is dead; E'en deatli is but a vision of t^.s nig^lt, — R drearn of drearns. Tt^y la^ of Love Renew^s, regenerates, trar\sforir\s tl^e sir|-sicK or|e, T]\e larr\e, tl\e deaf, tY\e dilrT\b, tl\e blir]d; Hrid ii\ar| is rr\ade to -Wall^ Uprigtit, — T^e irqage of ]:|is God, — R ct\ild in\]T[aciIlate, Wtiicl) sl^iries respler|derit iri l\is borrowed glean\s Of perfect r|olir)ess. Ol\ Love Divine, Triiirr|p]:|ar|t over all. Be Ttioil nqy God,— T^e or]Iy God of all iriaiiKind ForeveriT\ore, A PSALM or SOLITUDE. Alone with Thee The nip-ht is radiaiit zvith Thy peace. R PSRLK OF SOLITUDE, T\T rqidr)ig]:\t's t\oly calrT\, ^l\er| error's l^osts y \ Lay variqUis]:\ed by tl^e sWord of Trxltlri, iVLy l:\eart ir| siler)t adoration tiirr^s to Ttiee, 0Y\ gentle God; T]:|e river of nqy beir^g fir^ds its soiirce Witlrjir) Tl^y c]:\ar)geless l\eart, Rr\d 'roilrtd about iT\e glo^s tlr^e lig]:\t of l:\eaVeri. filorie ^it]:\ Tl^ee, beloved soiirce of Good -n\y Hll in alll filor^e ^itt| Tl^ee, Tt|e angels of Tl\y ever presence speaK, Rr\d sense and sin are stilled. Hlone ^itlri Tl)ee, tl\e T\iqY\t is radiant ^it]:\ Tiny peace, Rr\d I arn glorified ^it]:| Love, — tt\e liglit of Love,— Wl|ict\ glearns on all TY\y ^atcl^ing ones Wl\o day and nigt|t, Midst storn) and terqpest, seeK Tl\y ^^}ay. 0Y\ gentle Presence brooding over all, Rr\d l|ov'ring 'neatli Tl\y rnigt]ty ^ings, — eternal Love, Eartli's sinful, sicK and suffering ones, I pray Tl^ee still tl|e sounds of IjUrqan strife, Rr\d bind tl^e l)earts of inen ^itlt Love's eternal bands. 0Y\ Fat]:\er, sanctify our njoinents Unto Tl^ee Tt^at ^e Tr\ay Kno^ no self but T]:\ee, No po\^er but Tl\ine, Rr^i tl)Us in^y consecrated be To bear Tlr^y ^ealtt\ of peace and l\ealt]:\ to all rqanKind. T]:|y Y\ar\d alor\e, ol[ cl^arigeless Tmt]:\, Car] Var)qilis]:\ all eart]:\'s l\ate ar\d pair\, Despoil tl\e Kirigdoii\ of tl\e pririce of iiig^it, Rr\d bless tl^e eartl) ^itl^ Tl\y ii\iller\iLliT\ of love Tl\e Y\o\ir is Irioly; T1\ol[ art r^ear, — Tt|e nqorqer)ts fly or) ^ir]gs of Soill ; Life, TriitYi ai\d Love Y\ave eritered in Rr\d eartYx is blessed ^itl\ bread frorr\ l^eaveri; Yea all Tt\y cliildreri eat ar\e-^ Tlr^y flesl^, Hr\d dririK agaii) tlrie iA)aters of eternal Life A PSAL/H AT EVENTIDE. s ^^ .^ to t ^ ■^ ^ ^ K R PSRhM. RT EYENTIDE J\ T everitide, j\ WY\ei\ earth's deep sl^ado^s gatl|er ii\ t]:\e :^eart flild iT|orriir[g frier)ds l\ave {Io^t\, Because tlrje niglrit-cloilds gatl^er roiind apace; Wi\eT\ eartl]-cares press tl^eir cro^ri of tl^orris Upon t]:|e acliirig bro\\^, Hrid ttiroilg]^ t]:|e Ir^alls of being surge H troupe of doleful fornis ^itli flarrieless laiT|ps Wl\ereiT\ tl\e oil is sper]t; W]:|er] Uriforgotten riieni'ries poir]t Witl) firigers griiri ai\d cold To Irjours void of Wisdoiri's ligf|t,— SeeX tY\oil tljy Fatl^er's ^oUse, firid yearri to firid agaii] tY\e deattjless Clirist Bel\iT\d tl^e veil of flest}. Rr\d loT Wlrjile yet tfjy lieavy t|eart Is l]UiT|bled ^atl) its self-rx^ade load, ficros^ tlie Waning darl^ness tliou strait see R fadeless glean\, a calTC\ refulgent glo^; Tl\e rlig^^t stjall sliine as day, RT\d OT\ce again Love's tender inercies ligl)t tl|y rugged M)ay; Ttjen sh^all ttjy Y[eart prove to itself Tfjis ^ promise inade in ancient tirqe,— "R contrite t|eart is not despised of God," Vail], vair\ ^ere life 0Y\ S]^ep]:|erd of rriy soul, Witlrioilt riiY lla^d to guide tl:|e ^A)ay; Yair\, vaiT\ eartl\'s pagearitry, Its poiTip arid pride, Its offerings of place ar]d po^er, Its broad pl|ylacteries of gilded v.)ort^^, Or]e breatl] Of tljat svv^eet atnjospl^ere of lieaverily peace Wl]icli fills Tl]y realnis of Love, Is vastly iTjore to suffering YT\ai-\ Tl\ar\ all eartl)'s spires arid doiT|es, Its Clips of gold arid broad estates. Its frariKiricerise of passiori-love. Its niyrrl] of iriuniari praise, A PSAL/H or IA\/nORTALlTY Nor age, nor death, nor lapse of time, Nor pain nor sorrow, drifts across Tins deathless land of Inwwrtality . R PSRhK OF IMMORTflLITY. T\ BOYE eart]:|'s ilr]dertor)e of joy ar\d pair), y \ Hbove l[\er cries cf treasure-strife, Hbove tlie sensuous drearT\ of passion's ttirall, Far, far beyond Tl^e fair|t frail preiriises of iriortal life, — Tlrie great I JIM,— Tl\e boilr)dless Beir\g of ttje iiriiverse, Fronq ^lier)ce Sprar[g ii\ar|'s eternal cor|scioUsr|ess of Life, — Forever rests ii\ tl\e eterrial r[0^. Nor age, r^or deatY\, r)or lapse of tirqe, Nor eartY\ly ser^se of ir\corT|pleter)ess, LiiT|itatior), trarisierit fading vie\\^s, Nor n\er\tal twiligtits indistinct, Nor pain no^ sorro^v^, drifts across Tl|is deat]:\less land of IiT\rnortality , But ever onward flo^s Tlriroilgtioilt its ir^easiireless dornains, Life's ceaseless currents fraUgtjt Witlri peace and t^appiness and l\oliness divine,— H s^eet unswerving sense of Love's orqnipotence. SS 1900 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 973 623 4 m