LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. V 4 0? H > y/^EP 7 io93 i^ucie, Jl.oTiarlow, Illustrated by J^ouij TV Jlarlow. L."Pranc&Co. "Boston, (15. A x ■ \ : p^-^ T 6 ,«y t * I . »* H? whisper roused -fhp drowsy eartfy, o)ayin^: mo ice in tKy new birtk\l y\wake! anc) putlKy ^e^H lifejorih, J][ rustled through the tree -"fepj bare, jHskin^why wave^/e idly there! Know ye nolo bu^j are jV)l? an<3 f^'r? JLt murmureo in the brook! ptjjHovv, Tke river wa i+5 _^br thee l^elow, tlajt^n ! -For thou ha?t fir fo go. s. ^r XV) calm and peaceful Jbothine njt It jwept acrojj the oceaiV.5 Jtrijfe, .rind jtirred the ice-bound sKipj to life if£*r Jif rippled through the blue-bin^ jonj, Bidding each wanderer 5f>eed alonj, J^lndjoinlo make the music jlrong. (£/\r\d ^rowine ever strong' md clear, X\ fillec) each l?timan KfarTwith cheer; lellinjrfe me53ajp_jprin| inhere