T 12 ""' I Fairbanks' Valves. Asbestos Packed Cocks, Vulcabeston Sheet and Rope Packing, Improved Gas and Gasolene Engines, Mill Supplies. THE FAIRBANKS CO., STA.IVD-A.Ifcr> SCALES. 70I ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHiA, PA. === THK=== Engineer's Reference * OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1898. J. M. ALLEX, Pees. J. B. pierce; Secy.-Teeas. \V. B. FRANKLIN, Vice-Pees. L. B. BRAINARD, AssT. Teeas. F. B. ALLEN, 2d Vice-Pbks. L. F. MIDDLEBROOK, As3t. Secy. Incorporated 1S66. CORBIN & GOODRICH, Gen'l Agents, Thorough Inspeetioni And Insurance against Loss or Damage to Property and Loss of Life and Injury to Persons caused by STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. » PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT, - - 432 Walnut St., PhiladelpMa, Pa. tor's than 65,000 Steam Boilers now under inspection of the Company. !nd COPY, WOOD Special Machinery, castings of any size or description, IN brass, Iron, aluminum or perfection Bromze. foun- dry capacity: Iron,20Tons; compositions, ioTons. Gen- uine Babbitt Metal that is GEIMUINE. Our GLOBE ANGLE AND CHECK VALVES ARE DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR HARD USAGE, WHERE OTHER HEAVY MAKES FAIL TO HOLD TIGHT. THE 00 < 00 O UJ a DC 6 W II CD ^ ^ Z < o 0. o Li_ o M o 5 >- cc. ^ S d. All secondary batteries must be mounted on non-absorptive, non-combustible insulators, such as glass or thoroughly vitrified and glazed porcelain. e. The use of any metal liable to corrosion must be avoided in connections of secondary batteries. 11. Transformers— {For construction rules ^ see No. 54.) a. In central or sub-stations the transformers must be so placed that smoke from the burning out of the coils or the boiling over of the oil (where oil-filled cases are used) could do no harm. CLASS B. OUTSIDE WORK. All Systems and Voltages. Wires— a. Service wires must have an approved rubber insulating covering. (See No. 40 a.) Line wires. Other than services, must have an approved weatherproof, or rubber insulating covering. (See No. 40 a and 6.) All tie wires must have an insulation equal to that of the conductors they confine. b. Must be so placed that moisture cannot form a cro^s connection between them, not less than a foot apart, and not in contact with any substance other than their insulating supports. Service blocks must be covered over their entire surface with at least two coats of waterproof paint. c. Must be at least seven feet above the highest point of fiat roofs, and at least one foot above the ridge of pitched roofs over which they pass or to which they are attached. d. Must be protected by dead insulated guard iron or wires from possibility of contact with ether conducting wires or substances to which current may lead. Special precautions of this kind mutt be taken where sharp angles occur, or where any wires might possibly come in contact with electric light or power wires. e. Must be provided with petticoat insulators of glass or porcelain. Porcelain knobs or cleats and rubber hooks will not be approved. 16 Wires —Continued. /. Must he so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically secure without solder. The joints must then be soldered, to insure preservation, and covered with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. All joints must be soldered, even if made with some form of patent splicing device. This ruling applies to joints and splices in all classes of wiring covered by these rules. (f. Must, where they enter buiJdings, have drip loops outside, and the holes through which the conductors pass must be bushed with non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating tubes slanting upward toward the inside. k. Telegraph, telephone and similar wires must not be placed on the same cross-arm with electric light or power wires. i. The metallic sheathes to cables must be permanently and effectively connected to "earth." TROLLEY WIRES. j. Must not be smaller than No. B. & S. copper or No. 4 B. & S. silicon bronze, and must readily stand the strain put upon them when in use. k. Must have a double insulation from the ground. In wooden pole construction, the pole will be considered as one insulation. ;. Must be capable of being disconnected at the power plant, or of being divided into sections, so that, in case of fire on the railway route, the current may be shut off from the particular section and not interfere with the work of the firemen. This rule also applies to feeders. m. Must be safely protected against accidental contact where crossed by other conductors. Guard wire? should be insulated from the ground and should be electrically disconnected in sections of not more than 300 feet in length. GROUND RETURN WIRES. n. For the diminution of electrolytic corrosion of underground metal work, ground return wires must be so arranged that the diffence of potential between the grounded dynamo terminal and any point on the return circuit will not exceed twenty-five volts. It is suggested that the positive pole of the dynamo be connected to the trolley line, and that whenever pipes or other underground metal work are found to be electrically positive to the rails or surrounding earth, they be Connected by conductors arranged so as to prevent as far as possible current flow from the pipes into the ground. 13. Transformers— (For construction rules, see No. 54.) a. Must not be placed inside of any building, excepting central stations, unless by special permission of the Inspection Department having jurisdiction. 6. Must not be attached to the outside walls of buildings, unless separated therefrom by substantial supports. CLASS C. INSIDE WORK. All Systems and Voltages. GENERAL RULES-ALL SYSTEMS AND VOLTAGES. 14. Wires— (For special rules, see Nos. 18, 34, 32, 38 and 89.) a. Must not be of smaller size than No. 14 B. & S. , except as allowed under Rules 24 u and 40 c. b. Tie wires must have an insulation equal to that of the conductors they confine. c. Must be so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically secure without solder ; they must then be soldered to insure preservation, and the joint covered with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. Stranded wires must be soldered before being fastened under clamps or binding screws, and when they have a conductivity greater than No. 10 B. & S. copper wire, they must be soldered into lugs. All joints must be soldered, even if made with some form of patent splicing device. This ruling applies to joints and splices in all classes of wiring covered by these rules. d. Must be separated from contact with walls, floors, timbers or partitions through which they may pass by non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating tubes, such as glass or porcelain. Bushings must be long enough to bush the entire length of the hole in one continuous piece, or else the hole must first be bushed by a continuous waterproof tube, which may be a conductor, such as iron pipe; the tube then is to have a non-conducting bushing pushed in at each end so as to keep the wire absolutely out of contact with the conducting pipe. ' e. Must be kept free from contact with gas, water or other metallic piping, or any other conductors or conducting material which they may cross, by some continuous and firmly fixed non-conductor, creating a separation of at least one inch. Deviations from this rule may sometimes be allowed by special /. Must be so placed in wet places that an air space will be left between conductors and pipes in crossing, and the former must be run in such a way that they can not come in contact with the pipe acci- dentally. Wires should be run over, rather than under, pipes upon which moisture is likely to gather or which, by leaking, might cause trouble on a circuit. 15. Underground Conductors— a. Must be protected, when brought into a building, against moisture and mechanical injury, and all combustible material must be kept removed from the immediate vicinity. b. Must not be so arranged as to shunt the current through a building around any catch-box. 17 16. Table of Carrying Capacity of Wires— Below is a table showing the allowable carrying capacity of wires containing ninety-eight per cent, pure copper, which must be followed in placing interior conductors : Table A. Table B. Eiibber Covered "Wires. Weatherproof Wires. See No. 40a. See No. 40b. B. & S. G. Amperes. Amperes. 18 3 5 16 6 8 14 12 16 13 17 23 10 24 32 8 33 46 6 46 65 5 54 W 4 65 92 3 76 110 2 90 131 1 107 156 127..... 185 00 150 220 000 177 262 0000 210 313 5 S. G. Amperes. Circular Mills. 200,000 200 ... . 270. 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000.000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,300.000 1,400,000 810 1,500,OOU 850 1,600,000 8flO 1,700.000 930 1,800,000 970 Amperes. 400 500 590 .1,000 .1,080 .1,150 .1,230 .1,390 .1,360 .1,430 .1,490 .1.550 1,900,000. 2,000,000. .1,010 .1,610 .1,050 1,670 The lower limit is specified for rubber-covered wires to prevent gradual deterioration of the high insulations by the beat of the wires, but not from fear of igniting the insulation. The question of drop is not taken into consideration in the above tables. .- The carrying capacity of sixteen and eighteen wire is given, but no smaller than fourteen is to be used, except as allowed under Rules 34 u and 40 c. 17. Svritches, Cut-outs, Circuit Breakers, Etc.— {For construction rules, see Nos. 43, 44 and 45.) a. Must, whenever called for, unless otherwise provided (for exceptions see No. 8 c and No. 22 c), be so arranged that the cut-outs will protect, and the opening of the switch or circuit breaker will disconnect, all of the wires; that in a two-wire system the two wires, and in a three-wire system the three wires, must be protected by the cut-out and disconnected by the operation of the switch or circuit breaker. b. Must not be placed in the immediate vicinity of easily ignitible stuff or where exposed to inflam- mable gases or dust or to flyings of combustible material. c. Must, when exposed to dampness, either be inclosed in a waterproof bos or mounted on porcelain knobs. 18. Wires- CONSTANT-CURRENT SYSTEMS. Principally Series Arc Liigliting. {See also Nos. 14, 15 and 16.) a. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering. (See No. 40 a.) b. Must be arranged to enter and leave the building through an approved double-contact service switch (see No. 43), mounted in a non-combustible case, kept free from moisture, and easy of access to police or firemen. So-called " snap switches " must not be used on high potential circuits. c. Must always be in plain sight, and never incased, except when required by the Inspection Depart- ment having jurisdiction. d. Must be supported on glass or porcelain insulators, which separate the wire at least one inch from the surface wired over, and must be kept rigiMy at least eight inches from each other, except within the structure of lamps, on hanger-boards, in cut-out boxes, or like places, where a less distance is necessary. e. Must, on side walls, be protected from mechanical injury by a substantial boxing, retaining an air space of one inch around the conductors, closed at the top (the wires passing through bushed holes), and extending not less than seven feet from the floor. When crossing floor timbers in cellars or in rooms, where they might be exposed to injury, wires must be attached by their insulating supports to the under side of a wooden strip not less than one-half an inch in thickness. 18 19. Arc Lamps— (For construction rules, see No. 49.) a. Must be carefully isolated frnm inflammable material. b. Must be provided at all times with a glass globe surrounding the arc, securely fastened upon a closed base. No broken or cracked globes to be used. c. Must be provided with a wire netting (having a mesh not exceeding one and one-quirter inches around the globe, and an approved spark arrester (see No. 50), when readily inflammable material is in the vicinity of the lamps, to prevent escape of sparks, melted copper or carbon. It is recommended that plain carbons, not copper-plated, be used for lamps in such places. Arc lamps, when used in places where they are exposed to flyings of easily inflammable material, should have the carbons inclosed completely in a globe in such manner as to avoid the necessity for spark arresters. For the present, globes and spark arresters will not be required on so-called " inverted arc " lamps, but this type of lamp must not be used where exposed to flyings of easily inflammable materials. d. Where hanger-boards' (see No. 48) are not used, lamps must be hung from insulating supports other than their conductors. 20. Incandescent !Lamps In Series Circuits — a. Must have the conductors installed as provided in Rule No. 18, and each lamp must be provided with an automatic cut-out. b. Must have each lamp suspended from a hanger board by means of rigid tube. c. No electro-magnetic device for switches and no system of multiple-series or series-multiple lighting will be approved. d. Under no circumstances can they be attached to gas fixtures. CONSTANT-POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. GENERAL RULES— ALL VOLTAGES. 21. Automatic Cut-outs. (Fuses and Circuit Breakers.) {See No. 17, and for construction, Nos. 4A and 45.) a. Must be placed on all service wires, either overhead or underground, as near as possible to the point where they enter the building and inside the walls, and arranged to cut off the entire current from the building. Where the switch required by rule No. 22 is inside the building, the cut-out required by this section must be placed so as to protect it. b. Must be placed at every point where a change is made in the size of wire [unless the cut-out Id the larger wire will protect the smaller. (See No. 16.)] c. Must be in plain sight, or inclosed in an approved box (see No. 46), and readily accessible. They must not be placed in the canopies or shells of fixtures. d. Must be so placed that no set of incandescent lamps, whether grouped on one fixture or several fixtures or pendants, requiring a current of more than six amperes shall be dependent upon one cut-out. Special permission may be given in writing by the Inspection Department having jurisdiction for departure from this rule in case of large chandeliers. e. Must be provided with fuses, the rated capacity of which does not exceed the allowable carrying capacity of tlxe wire, and when circuit breakers are used, they must not be set more than about thirty per cent, above the allowable carrying capacity of the wire, unless a fusible cut-out is also installed in the circuit (see No. 16). 22. Switches— (See No. 17, and for construction, No. 43.) a. Must be placed on all service wires, either overhead or underground, in a readily accessible place, as near as possible to the point where the wires enter the building, and arranged to cut off the entire current. b. Must always be placed in dry, accessible places, and be grouped as far as possible. Knife switches must be so placed that gravity will tend to open rather than close the switch. c. Must not be single-pole, except when the circuits which they control supply not more than six 16-candle-power lamps or their equivalent. d. Where gangs of flush switches are used, whether with conduit systems or not, the switches must be inclosed in boxes constructed of or lined with fire-resisting material. Where two or more switches are placed under one plate, the box must have a separate compartment for each switch. No push buttons for bells, gas lighting circuits or the like shall be placed in the same wall plate with switches controlling elec- tric light or power wiring. 23. Electric Heaters — a. Must, if stationary, be placed in a safe situation, isolated from inflammable materials, and be treated as sources of heat. b. Must each have a cut-out and indicating switch (see No. 17 a). c. Must have the attachments of feed wires to the heaters in plain sight, easily accessible and protected from interference, accidental or otherwise. d. The flexible conductors for portabie apparatus, such as irons, etc., must have an approved insulating covering (see No. 40 c, .3). e. Must each be provided with name plate, giving the maker's name and the normal capacity in volts and amperes. LOW-POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. 300 Volts or Less. Any circuit attached to any machine, or combination of machines, which develops a difference of potential, between any two wires, of over ten volts and less than 300 volts, shall be considered as a low-potential circuit, and as coming under the class, unless an approved transforming device is used, which cuts the difference of potential down to ten volts or less. The primary circuit not to exceed a potential of 3,000 volts. 19 2i. Wires— , , - ._ ^ . ■ GENERAL RULES: {See also Fos. 14, 15 and 16.) a. Must not he laid in plaster, cement or similar finish. b. Must never be fastened witli staples. c. Must not be fished for any great distance, and only in places where the inspector can satisfy hinl- self that the rules have been complied with. d. Twin wires must never be used, except in conduits, or where flexible conductors are necessary. e. Must be protected on side walls from mechanical injury. When crossing floor timbers in cellars or in rooms, where they might be exposed to injury, wires must be attached by their insulating supports to the under side of a wooden strip, not less than one-half inch in thickness, and not less than three inches in width. Suitable protection on side walls may be secured by a substantial boxing, retaining an air space of one inch around the conductor, closed at the top (the wires passing through bushed holes), and extending not less than five feet from the floor or by an iron-armored or metal-sheathed insulating conduit sufficiently strong to withstand the strain it will be subjected to; or plain metal pipe, lined with insulating tubing, which mast extend one-half inch beyond the end of the metal tube. The pipe must extend not less than five feet above the floor, and may extend through the floor in place of a floorbushing. If iron pipes are used with alternating currents, the two or more wires of a circuit must be placed in the same conduit. In this case the insulation of eacli wire must be reinforced by a tough conduit tubing projecting beyond the ends of the iron pipe at least two inches. /. When run immediately under roofs, or in proximity to water tanks or pipes, will be considered as exposed to moisture. SPECIAL RULES. For open work: In Dry Places : g. Must have an approved rubber or weatherproof insulation. (See No. 40 a and 6.) A. Must be rigidly supported on non-combustible, non-absorptive insulators, which separate the wire at least one-half inch from tbe surface wired over, and they must be kept apart at least two and one-half inches. Rigid supporting requires under ordinary condition, where wiring along flat surfaces, supports at least every four and one-half feir't. If the wires arc liable to be disturbed, the distance between supports should be shortened. In buildings of mill construction, mains of No. 8 B. & S. wire or over, where not liable to be disturbed, may be separated about four inches, and run from timber to timber, not breaking around, and may be supported at each timber only. This rule will be interpreted to forbid the placing of the neutral of a three-wire system in the center of a three-wire cleat, provided the outside wires are separated two and one-half inches. In damp places, such as Breweries, Packing Houses, Stables, Dye Houses, Paper and Pulp -Mills, or build- ings speciallv liable to moisture or acid or other fumes liable to injure the wires or their insulation, except where used for pendants. i. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering (see No. 40 a). j. Must be rigidly supported on non-combustible, non-absorptive insulators, which separate the wire at least one inch from the surface wired over, and they must be kept apart at least two and one-half inches. Rigid supporting requires under ordinary conditions, where wiring over flat surfaces, supports at least every four and one-half feet. If the wires are liable to be disturbed, the distance between supports should be shortened. In buildings of mill construction, mains of No. 8 B. & S. wire or over, where not liable to be disturbed, may be separated about four inches and run from timber to timber, not breaking around, and may be supported at each timber only. k. Must have no joints or splices. For moulding work : I. Must have approved rubber insulating covering (see No. 40 a). uust nave approvea ruoner insuiaimg covering {see ino. iv a). Must never be placed in moulding in concealed or damp places. For conduit "work : n. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering (see No. 40 e). The use of concentric wire (see No. 40 e) is recommended in preference to twin conductors. 0. Must not be drawn in until all mechanical work on the building has been, as far as possible, com- pleted. p. Must not have wires of different circuits drawn in the same conduit. a. Must, for alternating systems, have two or more wires of a circuit drawn in the same conduit. It is advised that this be done for direct-current system also, so that they may be changed to alternating systems at any time, induction troubles preventing such a change unless this construction is followed. For so-called concealed w^ork : r. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering (see No. 40 a). s. Must be rigidly supported on non-combustible, non-absorptive insulators which separate the wire at least one inch from the surface wired over, and must be kept at least ten inches apart, and, when pos- sible, should be run singly on separate timbers or studding. Rigid supporting requires under ordinary conditions, where wiring along flat surfaces, supports at least every four and one-half feet. If the wires are liable to be disturbed, the distance between supports should be shortened. t. When from the nature of the case it is impossible to place concealed wiring on non-combustible insulating supports of glass or porcelain, the wires, if not exposed to moisture, may be fished on the loop system if incased throughout in approved continuous flexible tubing or conduit. (.See page 30.) For fixture work : V. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering (see No. 40 d), and shall not be less in size than No. 18 B, & 8. 20 V. Supply conductors, and especially the splices to fixture wires, must be kept clear of the grounded part of gas pipes, and, where shells are used, the latter must be constructed in a manner afEording sufli- cient area to allow this requirement. w. Must, when fixtures are wired outside, be so secured as not to be cut or abraded by the pressure of the fastenings or motion of the fixture. 25. Interior Conduits— {See also JVos. 34 n to q, and 41.) The object of a tube or conduit is to facilitate the insertion or. extraction of the conductors to protect them from mechanical injury and, as far as possible, from moisture. Tubes or conduits are to be consid- ered merely as raceways, an J are not to be relied upon for insulation between wire and wire, or between the wire and the ground. a Must be continuous from one junction box to another or to fixtuies, and the conduit tube must properly enter all fittings. b. Must be first installed as a complete conduit system, without the conductors. c. Conduits must extend at least one-half inch beyond the finished surface of walls or ceilings, except that, if the end is threaded and a coupling screwed on, the conduit may be left flush with the surface, and the coupling may be removed when work on building is completed. d. Must, after conductors are introduced, have all outlets plugged with special wood or fibrous plugs, made in parts, and the outlet then sealed with approved compound. Joints must be made air-tight and moisture-proof. e. Must have the metal of the conduit permanently and effectually grounded. 26. Fixtures— (See also No. 34 u to w.) a. Must, when supported from the gas piping of a building, bs insulated from the gas-pipe system by means of approved insulating joints 'see No. 51) placed as close as possible to the ceiling. It is recommended that the gas outlet pipe be protected above the insulating joint by non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating tube, having a flange at the lower end where it comes in contact with ttie insulating joint and that, where outlet tubes are used, they be of sutflcient length to extend below the insulating joint, and that they be so secured that they will not be pushed back when the canopy is put in place. Where iron ceilings are used, care must be taken to see that the canopy is thoroughly and perma- nently insulated from the ceiling. b. Must have all burs, or fins, removed before the conductors ai-e drawn into the fixture. c. The tendency to condensation within the pipes should be guarded against by sealing the upper end of the fixture. d. No combination fixture in which the conductors are concealed in a space less than one-fourth inch between the inside pipe and the outside casing will be approved. e. Must be tested for " contacts " between conductors and fixtures for "short circuits" and for ground connections before it is connected to its supply conductors. ./". Ceiling blocks of fixtures should be made of insulating material; if not, the wires in passing through the plate must be surrounded with non-comb;istible, non-absorptive insulating material, such as glass or porcelain. 27. Sockets— (For construction rvlts, see No. 47.) a. In rooms where inflammable gases may exist the incandescent lamp and socket must be inclosed in a vapor-tight globe, and supported on a pipe-hanger, wired with approved rubber-covered wire (see No. 40 a) soldered directly to the circuit. b. In damp or wet places, or over specially inflammable stuff, waterproof sockets must be used. When waterproof sockets are used, they should be hung by separate stranded rubber covered wires not smaller than No. 4 B. & S., which should preferably be twisted together when the drop is over three feet. These wires should be Soldered direct to the circuit wires, but supported independently of them. 28. Flexible Cord— a. Must have an 87J^ro»e(i insulation and covering. (See No. 40 c.) b. Must not be used as a support for clusters. c. Must not be used except for pendants, wiring of fixtures and poi^able lamps or motors. d. Must not be used in show windows. e. Must be protected by insulating bushings where the cord enters the socket. /. Must be so suspended that the entire weight of the socket and lamp will be borne by knots under the 'bushing in the socket, and above the point wuere the cord comes through the ceiling block or rosette, in order that the strain may be taken from the joints and binding screws. 29. Arc L.i gilts on tow-Potential Circuits— a. Must have a cut-out (see No. 17 a) for each lamp or each series of lamps. The branch conductors should have a carrying capacity about fifty per cent, in excess of the normal current required by the lamp to provide for heavy current required when lamp is started oi when carbons become stuck without over-fusing the wires. b. Must only be furnished with such resistances or regulators as are inclosed in non-combustible material, such resistances beihg treated as sources of heat. Incandescent lamps must not be used for resistant devices. c. Must be supplied with globes and protected by spark arresters and wire netting around globe, as in the case of arc lights on high-potential circuits. (.See Nos. 19 and 50.) 30. Econonay Coils — a. Economy and compensator coils for arc lamps must be mounted on non-combustible, non- absorptive insulating supports, such as glass or porcelain, allowing an air space of at least one inch between frame and support, and in general to be treated like sources of heat. 31. Decorative Series Liamps — a. Incandescent lamps run in series shall not be used for decorative purposes inside of buildings except by special permission in writing from the Inspection Department having jurisdiction, 21 HIGH-POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. 300 TO 3,000 VOLTS. Any circuit attached to any maclaine, or combination of macliines, whicli develops a difference of potentia between any two wires, of over 300 volts and less than 3,000 volts, shall be considered as a high- potential circuit, and as coming under that class, unless an approved transforming device is used, which cuts the difference of potential down to 300 volts or less. 32. Wires— {8ee also JSfos. 14, 15 and 16.) a. Must have an approved rubber insulating covering. (See No. 40 a.) b. Must be always in plain sight and never incased, except where required by the Inspection Depart- ment having jurisdiction. c. Must be rigidly supported on glass or porcelain insulators, which raise the wire at least one inch from the surface wired over, and must be kept apart at least four inches for voltages up to 750 and at least eight inches for voltages over 750. Rigid supporting requires under ordinary conditions, where wiring along flat surfaces, supports at least about every four and one-half feet. If the wires are unusually liable to be disturbed, the distance between supports should be shortened. In buildings of mill construction, mains of No. 8 B. & 8. wire or over, where not liable to be disturbed, may be separated about six inches for voltages up to 750 and about ten inches for voltages above 750 and run from timber to timber, not breaking around, and may be supported at each timber only. d. Must be protected on side walls from mechanical injury by a substantial boxing, retaining an air space of one inch around the conductors, closed at the top (the wires passing through bushed holes) and extending not less than seven feet from the floor. When crossing floor timbers, in cellars or in rooms, where they might be exposed to injury, wires must be attached by their insulating supports to the under side of a wooden strip not less than one-half an inch in thickness. 33. Transformers (When permitted inside buildings, see No. 13)— {Fur construction rules, see No. 54.) a. Must be located at a point as near as possible to that at which the primary wires enter the building. b. Must be placed in an enclosure constructed of or lined with flre-resistmg material; the inclosure to be used only for this purpose, and to be kept securely locked and access to the same allowed only to responsible persons. c. Must be effectually insulated from the ground and the inclosure in which they are placed must be practically air-tight, except that it shall be thoroughly ventilated to the outdoor air, if possible, through a chimney or flue. There should be at least six inches air space on all sides of the transformer. 34. Car ^Viring— a. Must be always run out of reach of the passengers, and must have an approved rubber insulating covering. (See No. 40 a.) 35. Cai' Houses — a. Must have the trolley wires securely supported on insulating hangers. b. Must have the trolley hangers placed at such a distance apart that, in case of a break in the trolley wire, contact can not be made with the floor. c. Must have cut-out switch located at a proper place outside the building, so that all trolley circuits in the buildins; can be cut out at one point, and line circuit breakers must be" installed, so that when this cut-out switch is open the trolley wire will be dead at all points within 100 feet of the building. The current must be cut out of the building whenever the same is not in use or the road not in operation. d. Must have all lamps and stationary motors installed in such a way that one main switch can control the whole of each installation — lighting or power — independently of main feeder-switch. No portable incandescent lamps or twin wire allowed, except that portable incandescent lamps may be used in the pits, connections to be made by two approved rubber-covered flexible wires (see No. 40 a\ properly protected against mechanical injury ; the circuit to be controlled by a switch placed outside of the pit. e. Must have all wiring and apparatus installed in accordance with rules under Class " C " for constant potential systems. /. Must not have any system of feeder distribution centering in the building. g. Must have the rails bonded at each joint with not less than No. 2 B. & S. annealed copper wire; also a supplementary wire to be run for each track. h. Must not have cars left with trolley in electrical connection with the trolley wire. 36. Lighting and Power from Kailway Wires— a. Must not be permitted, under any pretense, in the same circuit with trolley wires with a ground return, except in electric railway cars, electric car houses, and their power stations, nor shall the same dynamo be used for both purposes. 37. Sei'ies Xamps — a. No system of multiple-series or series-multiple for light or power will be approved. b. Under no circumstances can lamps be attached to gas fixtures. EXTRA-HIGH^ POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. OVKR 3,000 VOLTS. Any circuit attached to any machine or combination of machines, which develops a difference of potential, between any two wires, of over 3,000 volts, shall be considered as an extra-high potential circuit, and as coming under that class, unless an approved transforming device is used, which cuts the difference of potential down to 3,000 volts or less. 38. Primary W^ires— Must not be brought into or over buildings, except power and sub-stations. 39. Secondary W^ires — a. Must be installed under Rules for high-potential systems, when their immediate primary wires carry a current at a potential of over 3,000 volts. 33 The high line insulation required for extra-high potential current tends to make the insulation resistance between primary and secondary coils of transformers a comparatively weak point, and lightning discharges would be apt to take this path to the earth. With Ihe present means of protection against transformer break-downs and the consequent liability of secondary wiring being subject d to the strain of the primary current, it is not deemed advisable to permit a primary current with a potential of over 3,C00 volts without an intermediate step-down transformer. The presence of wires carrying a current at a potential of over 3,000 volts in the streets of cities and towns is also considered as increasing the fire hazard. CLASS D. FITTINGS, MATERIALS AND DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. All Systems and Voltages. 40. Wire Insulation. a. BubTjer Covered— The insulating covering must be solid, at least three-sixty-fourths of an inch in thickness and covered with a substantial braid. It must not readily carry fire, must show an insulating resistance of one megohm per mile after two weeks' submersion in water at seventy degrees Fahrenheit and three days' submission in lime water, and after three minutes' electrification with 550 volts. (See page 44.) b. Weatlierproof— The insulating covering must not support combustion, must resist abrasion, mnst be at least one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness, and thoroughly impregnated with a moisture repellent. c. Flexible Covd— Must be made of two stranded conductors, each having a carrying capacity equivalent to not less than a No. 16 B. & S. wire, and each covered by an approved insulation, and pro- tected by a slow-burning, tough-braided outer covering. 1. Insulation for pendants under this rule must be moisture and flame proof. 2. Insulation for cords used for all other purjjoses, including portable lamps and motors, must be solid, at least one-thirty-fecond of an inch in thickness, and must show an insulation resistance between conductors, and between either conductor and the ground, of at least one megohm per mile after one week's submersion in water at seventy degrees Fahrenheit, and after three minutes' electri- fication, with 550 volts. 3. The flexible conductors for xioriaUe heating apparatus, such as irons, etc., must have an insulation that will not be injured by heat, such as asbestos, which miigt be protected from mechan- ical injury by an outer, substantial braided covering, and so arranged that mechanical strain will not be borne by the electrical connection. d. Fixture "Wire — Must have a solid insulation, with a slow-burning, tough, outer covering. The whole to be at least one- thirty- second of an inch in thickness, and show an insulation resistance between conductors, and between either conductor and the ground, of at least one megohm per mile, after one week's submersion in water at seventy degrees Fahrenheit, and after three minutes' electrification, with 350 volts. e. Conduit Wire— Must comply with the following specifications : 1. For insulated metal conduits single wires and twin conductors must comply with section (a) of this rule. Concentric wire must have a braided covering between the outer conductor and the insulation of the inner conductor, and, in addition, must comply with section (a) of this rule. 2. For non-insulated metal conduits single wires and twin conductors must comply with section (a) of this rule, and, in addition, have a second outer fibrous covering, at least one-thirty-second of an inch in thickness, and suflSciently tenacious to withstand the abrasion of being hauled through the metal conduit. Concentric conductors must have a braided covering between the outer conductor and the insula- tion of the inner conductor, and comply with section (a) of this rule, and, in addition, must have a second outer fibrous covering at least one-thirty-second of an inch in thickness, and sufficiently tenacious to withstand the abrasion of being hauled through the metal conduit. 41. Interior Conduits— {For wiring rules, see JSos. 24 and 25.) a. Each length of conduit, whether insulated or uninsulated, must have the maker's name or initials stamped in the metal or attached thereto in a satisfactory manner, so that the inspectors can readily see the same. Insulated Metal Conduits : b. The metal covering or pipe must be at least equal in thickness or of equal strength to resist pene- tration by nails, etc., as the ordinary commercial form of gas pipe of same size. c. Must not be seriously affected externally by burning out a wire inside the tube when the iron pipe annected to one side of the circuit. d. Must have the insulating lining firmly secured to the pipe. e. The insulating lining must not crack or break when a length of the conduit is uniformly bent at temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit to an angle of ninety degrees, with a curve having a radius of fifteen inches, for pipes of one inch and less, and fifteen times the diameter of pipe for larger pipes. /. The insulating lining must not soften injuriously at a temperature below 212 degrees Fahrenheit and must leave water in which it is boiled practically neutral. g. The insulating lining must be at least one- thirty-second of an inch in thickness, and the materials of which it is composed must be of such a nature as will not have a deteriorating effect on the insulation of the conductor, and be sufficiently tough and tenacious to withstand the abrasion test of drawing in and out of same long lengths of conductors. h. The insulating lining must not be mechanically weak after three days' submersion in water, and when removed from the pipe entire, must not absorb more than ten per cent, of its weight of water during 100 houis of submersion. i. All elbows must be made for the purpose, and not bent from lengths of pipe. The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any elbow not to be less than three and one-half inches. Must have not more than the equivalent of four quarter bends from outlet to outlet, the bends at the outlets not being counted. i^ot Uninsulated Metal Conduits : j. Plain iron or steel pipes of equal tMcbness, or of equal strengtli, to resist penetration of nails, etc., as the ordinary commercial form of gas pi le of the same size, may toe used as conduits, provided their interior surfaces are smooth and free from burs; pipe to toe galvanized, or the interior surfaces coated or enameled to prevent oxidization with some substance vyhich will not soften so as to become sticky and prevent wire from being withdrawn from the pipe. k. All elbows must be made for the purpose, and not bent from lengths of pipe. The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any elbow not to toe less than three and one-half inches. Must not have more than the equivalent of four quarter toends from outlet to outlet, the bends at the outlets not being counted. 43. "Wooden Mouldings— {For wiring rules, see No. 24.) a. Must have, tooth outside and inside, at least two coats of waterproof paint or to toe impregnated with a moisture repellent. 6. Must toe made of two pieces, a toacking and capping so constructed as to thoroughly incase the wire, and provide a one-half-inch tongue toetween the conductors, and a solid backing, which, under grooves, shall not be less than three-eighths of an inch in thickness, and must afford suitable protection from abrasion. It is recommended that only hardwood moulding be used. 43. Switches— {See Ms. 17 and 32.) a. Must toe mounted on non-comtoustitole, non-absorptive, insulating bases, such as slate or porcelain. b. Must have carrying capacity sufficient to prevent undue heating. c. Must, when used for service switches, indicate, on inspection, whether the current be "on" or " off." cl. Must be plainly marked where it will always be visible, with the name of the maker and the cur- rent and voltage for which the switch is designed. e. Must, for constant potential systems, operate successfully at fifty per cent, overload in amperes, with twenty-five per cent, excess voltage under the most severe conditions they are liable to meet with in practice. /. Must, for constant potential systems, have a firm and secure contact; must make and break readily, and not stop when motion has once been imparted by the handle. g. Must, for constant current systems, close the main circuit and disconnect the branch wires when turned " off ;" must be so constructed that they shall be automatic in action, not stopping between points when started, and must prevent an arc between the points under all circumstances. They must indicate, upon inspection, whether the current be " on" or " oft'." 44. Cut-outs and Circuit Breakers— {For installation rules, see Wos. 17 and 21.) a. Must be supported on bases of non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating material. b. Cot-outs must toe provided with covers, when not arranged in approved catoinets, so as to otoviate any danger of the melted fuse metal coming in contact with any substance which might be ignited thereby. c. Cut-outs must operate successfully, under the most severe conditions they are liable to meet with in practice, on short circuits with fuses rated at 50 per cent, above and with a voltage 25 per cent, above the current and voltage for which they are designed. cl. Circuit-breakers must operate successfully under the most severe conditions they are liable to meet with in practice, on short circuits when set at 50 per cent, above the current, and with a voltage 25 per cent, above that for which they are designed. e. Must be plainly marked where it will always be visible, with the name of the maker, and current and voltage for which the device is designed. 45. Fuses— {For installation rules, see Nos. 17 and 21.) a. Must have contact surfaces or tips of harder metal having perfect electrical connection with the fusible part of the strip. b. Must be stamped with about 80 per cent, of the maximum current they can carry indefinitely, thus allowing about 25 per cent, overload before fuse melts. With naked open fuses of ordinary shapes and not over 500 amperes capacity, the maximum cwcient which will melt them in about five minutes may be safely taken as the melting point, as the fuse practi- cally reaches its maximum temperature in this time. With larger fuses a longer time is necessary. Inclosed fuses where the fuse is often in contact with substances having good conductivity to heat, and often of considerable volume, require a much longer time to reach a maximum temperature on account of the surrounding material which heats up slowly. This data is given to facilitate testing. c. Fuse terminals must be stamped with the maker's name, initials, or some known trade mark. 46. Cut-out Cabinets— a. Must be so constructed, and cut-outs so arranged, as to obviate any danger of the melted fuse metal coming in contact with any substance which might be ignited thereby. A suitable box can be made of marble, slate or wood, strongly put together, the door to close against a rabbet so as to toe perfectly dust tight, and it should be hung on strong hinges and held closed by a strong hook or catch. If the box is wood the inside should be lined with sheets of asbestos board about one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness, neatly put on and firmly secured in place by shellac and tacks. The wires should enter through holes bushed with porcelain bushings ; the bushings tightly fitting the holes in the box, and the wires tightly fitting the bushings (using tape to build up the wire, if necessary) so as to keep out the dust. 47. Sockets— {See Wo. 27.) a. No portion of the lamp socket, or lamp base, exposed to contact with outside objects, must be allowed to come into electrical contact with either conductor. b. Must, when provided with keys, comply with the requirements for switches. (See No. 43.) 48. Hanger-boards — a- Hanger-boards must be so conslructed that all wires and current carrying devices thereon shall be expoped to view and thoroughly insulated by being mounted on a non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating substance. All swicches attached to the same must be so constructed that they shall be automatic in their action, cutticg off both poles to the lamp, not stopping between points when siarted and preventing an arc between points under all circumstances. 49. Arc Hiamps — (For installation rules, see No. 19.) a. Must be provided with reliable stops to prevent carbons from falling out in case the clamps become loose. b. Must be carefully insulated from the circuit in all their exposed parts. c. Must, for constant current systems, be provided with an approved hand switch, also an automatic switch that will s.hunt the current around the carbons, should they fail to feed properly. The hand switch to be approved, if placed anywhere except on the lamp itself, must comply with requirements for switches on hanger-boards as laid down in Kule 48. 50. Spark Arresters — {SeeNo.lQc.) a. Spark arresters must so close the upper orifice of the globe that it will be impossible for any sparks, thrown off by the carbons, to escape. 51. Insulating Joints — {See No. 26 a.) a. Must be entirely made of material that will resist the action of illuminating gases, and will not give way or soften under the heat of any ordinary gas flame or leak under a moderate presj-ure. They shall be so arranged that a deposit of moisture will not destroy the insulating effect, and shall have an insulatirg resistance of at least 250,000 ohms between the gas-pipe attachments, and be sufficiently strong to resist the strain they will be liable to be subjected to in being installed. b. Insulating joints having soft rubber in their construction will not be approved. 53. Resistance Boxes and Equalizers — {For installation rules, see No. 4.) a. Must be equipped with metal, or with other non-combustible frames. The word "frame' in this section relates to the entire case and surrovrndings of the rheostat, and not alone to the upholding supports. 53. Reactive Coils and Condensers — a. Reactive coils must be made of non-combustible material, mounted on non-combustible bases and treated, in general, like sources of heat. b. Condensers must be treated like apparatus operating with equivalent voltage and currents. They must have non-combustible cases and supports, and must be isolated from all combustible materials and, in general, treated like sources of heat. 54. Transformers — {Foi' installation rules, see Nos. 11 and 33.) a. Must not be placed in any but metallic or other non-combustible cases. 55. Lightning Arresters — {For installation rules, see No. 5.) a. Must be mounted on non-combustible bases, and must be so constructed as not to maintain an arc after the discharge has passed and must have no moving parts. CLASS E. MISCELLANEOUS. 56. Insulation Resistance — The wiring in any building must test free from grounds, i. e., the complete installatinn must have an insulation between conductors and between all. conductors and the ground (not including attachments, sockets, receptacles, etc.) of not less than the following : Up to 5 amperes 4,000,000 10 " 2,000,000 25 " 800,000 " .^0 " 400,000 100 " 200,000 200 " 100,000 400 " .50,000 " 800 " 25,000 1,800 " and over 12,500 All cut-outs and safety devices in place in the above. Where lamp sockets, receptacles and electroliers, etc.j are connected, one-half of the above will be required. 57. Protection Against Foreign Currents— a. Where telephone, telegraph or other wires, connected with outside circuits, are bunched together within any building, or where inside wires are laid in condui's or ducts with electric light or power wires, the covering of such wires must be fire-resisting, or else the wires must be inclosed in an air-tight tube or , duct. b. All aerial conductors and underground conductors, which are directly connected to aerial wires, connecting with telephone, telegraph, district messenger, burglar-alarm, watch-clock, electric-time and other similar instruments, must be provided netr the point of entrance to the building with some approved protective device which will operate to shunt the instruments in case of a dangerous rise of potential, and will open the circuit and arrest any abnormal current flow. Any conductor normally forming an innocuous circuit may become a source of fire hazard if crossed with another conductor charged with a, relatively high pressure. S5 Protectors must have a non-combustible insulating base, and the cover to be provided VFith a lock similar to the lock now placed on telephone apparatus or some equally secure fastening, and to be installed under the following requirements: 1. The protector to be located at the point where the wires enter the building, either immediately inside or outside of the same. If outside, the protector to be enclosed in a metallic, waterproof case. 2. If the projector is placed inside of building, the wires of the circuit from the support outside to the binding posts of the protector to be of such insulation as is approved for service wires of electric light and power (see No. 40 a) and the holes through the outer wall to be protected by bushing the same as required for electric light and power service wires. 3. The wire from the point of entrance to the protector to be run in accordance with rules for high- potential wires, i. e., free of contact with building and supported on non-combustible insulators. 4. The ground wire shall be insulated, not smaller than No. 16 B. & S. gauge copper wire. This ground wire shall be kept at least three inches from all conductors, and shall never be secured by unin- sulated, diiuble-pointed tacks, and must be run in as straight a line as possible to the ground connection. 5. The ground wire shall be attached to a water pipe, if possible, otherwise may be attached to a gas pipe. The ground wire shall be carried to, and attached to, the pipe outside of the first joint or coupling inside the foundation walls, and the connection shall be made by soldering, if possible. In the absence of other good ground, the ground shall be made by means of a metallic plate or a bunch of wires buried in a permanently moist earth. 58. Electric Gas lighting— Where electric gas lighting is to be used on the same fixture with the electric light: a. No part of the gas piping or fixture shall be in electric connection with the gas lighting circuit. b. The wires used with the fixtures must have a non-inflammable insulation, or where concealed between the pipe and shell of the fixture, the insulation must be such as required for fixture wiring for the electric light. c. The whole installation must test free from " grounds." d. The two installations must test perfectly free from connection with each other. 59. Soldering Fluid— a. The following formula for soldering fluid is suggested : Saturated solution of zinc chloride 5 parts. Alcohol ■ 4 parts. Glycerine 1 part. APPROVED MATERIALS. Wires— The following is a list of wires constructed to comply with the standard given in Rule 40 a. Result of recent tests on these and on other wires can be seen at inspection offices: Name of Wire. Manufacturer. Americanite American Electrical Works. Bishop Bishop Gutta Percha Co. Clark Eastern Electric Cable Co. Climax Simplex Electric Co. Simples (caoutchouc) " " " Acme Simplex Electrical Co. C. C Canadian General Electric Co. Crescent John A. RoebJing's Sous Co. Crown Washburn & Moeu. Globe....- Cref eld Crefeld Electrical Works. Grimshaw (White core) N. T. Insulated Wire Co. Raven ( Black core) " " " " Raven (White core) " " " " Requa (White core) Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Co. Safety (Black core) " " " " Habirshaw,(White core) Ind. Rubber & Gutta Percha Ins. Co. " (Blue core) " " " " " " " (Red core) " " " " " " Paranite Indiana Rubber & Insulated Wire Co. Liberty Atlas Covering Works. Kerite W. R. Brixey. Okonite Okonite Co., Limited. Paracore Nat. India Rubber Co. N.LR " ' Double Rubber Core General Electric Co. Double Rubber (Red core) " " " Sterling Standard Underground Cable Co. Tip Top " " " " Phillips Phillips Insulated Wire Co. Materials— The following are given as a list of NON-COMBUSTIBLE, NON-ABSORPTIVE INSULATING materials and are listed here for the benefit of those who might consider hard riibbei, fiber, wood and the like as fulfilling the above requirements. Any other substance, which it is claimed should be accepted, must be forwarded for testing before being put on the market: 1. Glass. 2. Marble miled). 3. Slate without metal veins. 4. Porcelain, thoroughly glazed and vitrified. 5. Pure Sheet Mica. 6. Lava (certain kinds of). 7. Alberene Stone. Iron-Arinored Insulated Conduits— The iron and steel-armored conduits manufactured by the Interior Conduit and Insulation Company, the Amorite Company, the Clifton Manufacturing Company, and the Consolidated Tube Company have been tested and in general have given good results in practice. flexible Tubing— {See No. 34 t.) Americau Circular Loom tubing is approved for use under rule 24, section t. ' CLASS P. MARINE WORK. 60. Generators— a. Must be located in a dry place. b. Must have their frames insulated from their bed-plates. c. Must each be provided with a waterproof cover. • d. Must each be provided with a name plate, giving the maker's name, the capacity in voltage and amperes and normal speed in revolutions per minute. 61. Wires- a. Must have an approved insulating covering. The in>ulation for all conductors, except for portables, to be approved, must be at least one-eighth inch in thickness and be covered with a substantial waterproof and fliimeproof braid. The physical characteristics shall not be aflEected by any change in temperature up to 2C0 degrees Fahrenheit. After two weeks' submersion in salt water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit it must show an insulation resistance of one megohm per mile after three minutes' electrification, with 550 volts. b. Must have no single wire larger than No. 13 B. & S. Wires to be stranded when greater capacity is required. No single solid wire smaller than No. 14 B & S., except in fixture wiring, to be used. Stranded wires must be soldered before being fastened under clamps or binding screws, and when they have a conductivity greater than No. 10 B. & S. copper wire they must be soldered into lugs. c. Must be supported in approved molding, except at switchboards and portables. Special permission may be given for deviation from this rule in dynamo rooms. d. Must be bushed with hard rubber tubing one-eighth inch in thickness when passing through beams and non-water-tight bulkheads. e. Must have, when passing through water-tight bulkheads and through all decks, a metallic stuffing tube lined with hard rubber. In case of deck tubes they shall be boxed near deck to prevent mechanical injury. /. Splices or taps in conductors must be avoided as far as possible. Where it is necessary to make them they must be so spliced or joined as to be both mechanically and electrically secure without solder. They must then be soldered to insure preservation, covered with an insulating compound equal to the insulation of the wire, and further protected by a waterproof tape. The joint must then be coated or painted with a waterproof compound. 63. Portable Conductors — a. Must be made of two stranded conductors, each having a carrying capacity equivalent to not less than No. 14 B. & S. wire, and each covered with an approved insulation and covering. Where not exposed to moisture or severe mechanical injury, each stranded conductor must have a solid insulation at least one-thirty-second of an inch in thickness, and must show an insulation resistance between conductors, and between either conductor and the ground, of at least one megohm per mile after one week's submersion in water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and after three minutes' electrification, with 500 volts, and be protected by a slow-burning, tough-braided outer covering. Where exposed to moisture and mechanical injury— as for use on decks, holds and fire-rooms— each stranded conductor shall have a solid insulation, to be approved, of at least one-thirty-second of an inch in thickness and protected by a tough braid. The two conductors shall then be stranded together, using a jute filling. The whole shall then be covered with a layer of flax, either woven or braided, at least one- thirty-second of an inch in thickness, and treated with a non-inflammable, waterproof compound. After one week's submersion in water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with 550 volts, and a three minutes' electrifica- tion, must show an insulation between the two conductors, or between either conductor and the ground, of one megohm per mile. 63. Bell or Other TVires— a. Shall never be run in same duct with lighting or power wires. 64. Table of Capacity of Wires- •ea Actual No. of Strands Size of Strands CM. 1,'624 B.&S. G. 2,048 2,583 3,257 4,107 6,530 9,016 '7 i9 11,368 7 18 14,336 7 17 18,081 7 16 20,799 7 15 30,856 19 18 38,912 19 17 49,077 19 16 60,088 37 18 75,776 37 17 99,064 61 18 124,928 61 17 157,503 61 16 198,677 61 15 250,527 61 14 296,387 91 15 373,737 91 14 413,639 127 15 Amperes. 50 60 70 85 100 120 145 170 37 When greater conducting area than that of 13 B. & S. G. is required, the conductor shall be stranded in a series of 7, 19, 37, 61. 91 or 137 wires, as may be required; the strand consisting of one central wire, the remainder laid around it concentrically, each layer to be twisted in the opposite direction from the preceding . 65. Switcliboarrts — a. Must he made of non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating material, such as marble or slate. b. Must be kept free from moisture, and must be located so as to be accessible from all sides. c. Must have a main switch, main cat-out and ammeter for each generator. Must also have a volmetor and ground detector. d. Must have a cut-out and switch for each side of each circuit leading from board. 66. Resistance Boxes— a. Must be made of non-combustible material. b. Must be located on switchboard or away from combustible material. When not placed on switch- board they must be mounted on non-inflammable, non-absorptive insulating material. c. Must be so constructed as to allow sufficient ventilation for the uses to which they are put. 67. Switches — a. Must have non-combustible, non-absoi-ptive insulating bases. b. Must operate successfully at 50 per cent, overload in amperes with 25 per cent, excess voltage under themost severe conditioi.s they are liable to meet with in practice, and must be plainly marked where it will always be visible, with the name of the maker and the current and voltage for which the switch is designed. c. Must be double-pole when circuits which they control supply more than six 16-candle-power lamps or their equivalent. d. When exposed to dampness, they must be enclosed in a water-tight case. 68. Cut-outs— a. Must have non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating bases. b. Must operate successfully, under the most severe conditions they are liable to meet with in practice, on short circuit with fuse rated at 50 per cent, above, and with a voltage 25 per cent, above the current and voltage they are designed for, and must be plainly marked where they will always be visible with the name of the maker and current and voltage for which the device is designed. c. Must be placed at every point where a change is made in the size of the wire (unless the cut-out in the larger wire will protect the smaller). d. In places such as upper decks, holds, cargo spaces and fire-rooms a water-tight and fireproof cut- out may be used, connecting directly to mains when such cut-out supplies not more than six 16-candle- power lamps or their equivalent. e. When placed anywhere except on switchboards and certain places, as cargo spaces, holds, fire- rooms, etc., where it is impossible to run from center of distribution, they shall be in a cabinet lined with fire-resisting material. /. Except for motors, search-lights and diving lamps shall be so placed that no group of lamps, requiring a current of more than six amperes, shall ultimately be dependent upon one cut-out. A single-pole covered cut-oat may be placed in the moulding when same contains conductors supplying current for not more than two 16-candle-power lamps or their equivalent. 69. Fixtures- a. Shall be mounted on blocks made from well seasoned lumber treated with two coats of white lead or shellac. b. Where exposed to dampness, the lamp must be surrounded by a vapor-proof globe. c. Where exposed to mechanical injury, the lamp must be surrounded by a globe protected by a stout wire guard, d. Shall be wired with same grade of insulation as portable conductors which are not exposed to moisture or mechanical injury. 70. Sockets — a. No portion of the lamp socket or lamp base exposed to contact with outside object shall be allowed to come into electrical contact with either of the conductors. 71. Wooden Mouldings— a. Mufct be made of well seasoned lumber, and be treated inside and out with at least two coats of white lead or shellac. b. Must be made of two pieces, a backing and a capping, so constructed as to thoroughly incase the wire and provide a one-half inch tongue between the conductors, and a solid backing which, under grooves, shall not be less tban three-eighths inch in thickness. c. Where moulding is run over rivets, beams, etc., a backing strip must first be put up and the mould- ing secured to this. d. Capping must be secured by brass screws. 72. Motors— a. Must be wired under the same precautions as with a current of same volume and potential for lighting. The motor and resistance box must be protected by a double-pole cut-out and controlled by a double-pole switch, except in cases whce one-quarter horse-power or less is used. The leads or branch circuits should be designed to carry a current at least 50 per cent, greater than that required by the rated capacity of the motor to provide for the inevitable overloading of the motor at time-. b. Must be thoroughly insulated. Where possible, should be set on base frames made from filled, hard, dry wood and raised above surrounding deck. On hoists and winches they shall be insulated from bed-plates by hard rubber, fiber or similar insulating material. • c. Shall be covered with a waterproof cover when not in use. d. Must each be provided with a name plate giving maker's name, the capacity in volts and amperes and the normal speed in revolutions per minute. ^^t^vt.^^^^ '%/4-'%%'%^'%/%%^-%%%%'%/%.%%%%'%/%.'^^'%/%.%^ 5 T|e Onlf PuDlMtioii^ IN THE COUNTRY DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO t ilftarine /Ibattere Enoineetino anb HDecbanicaL Mari/ie Gmumm SAMPLE COPY FREE. T^l^e Readix^g Matter is QPi^ii^al* S practical, ti^orobgl^Iy Illustrated t ai^d lip to date ii) eVery respect. \ *^wwr»^^t»it»»;fii;'^A»^ The Marine Publishing Co., i t World Building, New York, i Qo You Want the Names of all Steam and Electric Power Users in Greater New York, Philadelphia and Boston, together with the name of the man in charge of each | Plant ? j ^ ^ ^ ^ i If this information is of value to you, write | us, and we will put you in the way of obtaining | the only correct lists to be had for love or | money. 4, 4, ^ 4, These lists are compiled from a plant to • plant canvass, and can be implicitly relied upon • to be as accurate as it is possible to make them. | ^ 4. if. ^ If you are interested, it will pay you to J investigate. The Reference Publishing Co., j I World Building, New York. | ^'■-^•^'■-^••-■-•••-■-••»-B-*a»-a-«a*-a-*»*-a-***-B-*«a*'B-«»*->-*a»-a-«**-B-«a»-M-«**-B-«a*-B-***-B-««»-a'« ^'Rl ARIATflR" ASBESTO-METALLIC PACKINGS AND GASKETS. UIbHUIH I Un BEST ON THE MAHKET. NEW YORK, THE NEW JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 47 Dey Street. ii7 front street, Camden, N.J. DIRECTORY OF SUPPLY HOUSES. ACID SYPHONS (LEAD LINED). 6903 EVNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15tU and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) ACID VALVES. 1514 DILKS, FRANK AV. & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. AIR COMPRESSORS. 1514 BILKS, FRANK W. & CO., "BLAKE," 518 Arch St. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 31 N. .Seventh St. (The John H. McQowan Co.'s Pumpa.) (See page 73.) 216 SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO., 107-109 N. Third St. 1781 PHILA. ENGINEERING AVORKS, Ltd., cor. Mifflin and 3Ieadow Sts. 4081 SNOW STEAM PUxMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. (See 1316 STILWELL-BIERCE & SMITH VAILE CO., THE (P. B. Fenlon, Mgr.), 612 Arch St. 3041 W^ORTHINGTON. HENRY R., 734 Arch St. ALARMS (HIGH AND LOW WATER). 4585 GRIFFIN, A. A.. IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HUYETTE, PAUL B., 1213 Betz Bldg. Seepages.) LUNKENHEIMER CO., 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) RELIANCE GAUGE CO., THE (P. B. Hujette, Sales Agt.), 1313 Betz Bldg. (See pages.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SONS, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) « AMMONIA GAUGES. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) * AMMONIA VALVES. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W. & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) ASBESTOS BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. 3148 ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) 4747 BOYD, JAS. & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 7.) Collins, Frederic, Jr., 905 Provident Bldg. 1633 JOHNS, H. W., MFG. CO., 170-173 N. Fourth St. Magnesia Covering Co., 143 N. Broad St. Camden [^^^ JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N. J. (See page 31. Turner & Co., 1117 Betz Bldg. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. ASBESTOS GOODS. 3148 ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) Bowes & Diehl, 402 Lippincott Bldg. 4747 BOYD, .IAS. & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Collins, Frederic, Jr. 905 Provident Bldg. 1633 JOHNS, H. W., MFG. CO., 170-173 N. Fourth St. Magnesia Covering Co., 143 N. Broad St. Camden f^^^"*" JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N.J. (See page 31.) Webb, Edward G., 58 N. Fourth St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. * ASBESTOS PACKED COCKS. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Materials AND Specialties Our Hercules Steam and Boiler Pipe Covering by actual test saved js-pj^Jof waste steam. Our Hercules Brine and Ammonia Pipe Covering will save you 85^ of waste of cold storage. '^kLarge assortment of building and roofing PAPER.-^. MINERAL WOOL, ASBESTOS MFG. CO., Special Prices in conteactoks and manufactukers, Carload Lots. 426 Harket Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 31 * AUTOMATIC AND AIR VALVES. 4585 GRITFIlvr, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES. 5409 ATL*S ENGINE WORKS (Lovegrove & Co., Agts.), 143 N. Third St. (See pa^e 45.) 4549 CHANDLER & T AYI.O K, (Peana. Machine Co., Agts.), 31 N. Seventh St. (See page 88.) 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 31 N. S-venth St. (See page 88.) PHOENIX IRON TV^ORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. (See page 45.) AUTOMATIC HATCH DOORS. Albro-Clem Elevator Co., Inc., The, Seventh St. and Glenwood Ave. 56'yOA CI.EM EI.EVATOR WORKS, 413 Cherry St. Howard, Geo. C, Pdy. & Mch. Wks., 1743 Ludlow St. Morse, Williams & Co., Inc., 1105 Frankford Ave. 4571 STOKES & PARRISH ELEVATOR CO., 703 Bullitt Bldg. AUTOMATIC STOKERS. 4004 COLUMBIA STOKER CO., THE, Mutual Life Bids:. 183 7 SELLERS, "VTM. & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) 6040 WILKINSON MFG. CO., Stephen Girard Bldg. (See page 81.) BABBITT METAL. Ajax Metal Co., 46 Eichmoiid St. Clark Mfg. Co., 201 Federal St., Camden, N. J. EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., New York. (See inside front cover.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 7t>l Arch St. (See front cover.) ■ Hooks Smelting Co., N. Broad cor. Hamilton St. McHatton & Wright, 1500 Washington Ave. Merchant & Co., 517 Arch St. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., The Ltd., aSOO Washington Ave. BELT DRESSING. Alexander Bros., 410 N. Third St. CLING-SURFACE MFG. CO., 169-174 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. (See insert opp. page 32.) 1531 DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See page 1.) 4816 GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO., 133 N. Third St. (See page 61.) Page Harlan, 235 Race St. Rhoads, J. E. & Sons, 239 Market St. Shultz Belting Co., 116 N. Third St. Whitmore's Plomo Belt Dressing, 2733 Brown St. BELT LACING. 4816 GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO., 133 N. Third St. (See page 61.) BELTING. Alexander Bros., 410-412 N. Third St. Amy, C. W., & Son, 228 N. Thiro. St. Aveyard, Wm., 216 Market St. Billington, Jas. H., & Co., 113 Chestnut St. 4747 BOSTON BELTING CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Bowen & Martin, 112 S. Second St. 4747 BOYD, JAs,, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Danforth Belting Co., 221 Chestnut St. 765 DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Etsweiler, Wm., 230 N. Third St. 4747 EUREKA FIKE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE. 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Garnett, Jas. L., 116 N. Third St. 4816 GKATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO., 133 N. Third St. (See page 61.) Hudson Belting Co., 520 Arch St. Lackey, Hopkins & Perkins Co., 136 Chestnut St. Lainhofl, Wm., Fifth St., cor. Columbia Ave. Latta & Mulconroy, 1217 Market St. Link Belt Engineering Co., The, Hunting Park Ave., Nicetown. Main Belting Co , 12% Carpenter St. Montgomery Bros., 48 N. Front St. Munson, Chas., Belting Co., 118 N. Fourth St. New York Belting & Packing Co. Ltd., 308 Chestnut St. Paulus, Josepn C, & Co., 3 N. Fifth St. Pechin-Lesher Co , Ltd., 124 N. Third St. PEEKLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) Restein, Clement, & Co., 15 N. Fourth St. Powell & Maddock, 40 N. Sixth St. . Rhoads, J. E., & Sons, 239 Market St. Schieren, Chas. A., & Co., 226 N. Third St. Shultz Belting Co., 116 N. Third St. Smith, Jas., & Co., Inc , 411 Race St. Town & Bro., 605 Market St. Webb, Edward G., 58 N Fourth St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. Wise & Bailey, 141 Market St. * BELTING (COTTON). 4747 EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. 33.) CLING-SURFHC6 Is a Belt Dressing, but so much more that We will send you a sa mple e an.and gaar= aatee that the belts shall stop slipping; the power shall be PERMANENTLY increased, the belts can be ran slack, and the leath= er shall become as soft and flexible as ealf=skin; also absolutely water= proof. We will farther agree that the increased power shall earn the cost of the sample can, every month. This also Includes OILY dynamo belts. 1 69-1 74- Virginia Street, . BUFFALO, N. Y. CLING -SDRFACE MFG. CO. For Brazers Subway ventilation Gas Works blacksmiths TUYERE IRONS AND FORGES ^^4~^•f^•^"^'^••^**4^■^^*^^•H'^-^•4°f•H«4'4^^«W''^••■^*Hh*'^^'; •h NEW No. •i- THREADING MACHINE. ARMSTRONG'S PIPE THREADING AND CUTTING OFF MACHINES Hand or Power. Sizes 1-8 to 6 Inches. OUR No. O MACHINE is designed for thread> ing tlie smaller sizes of pipe — iron or brass— also bolts. Works with great ease and rapidity. Has two speeds, one for pipe i-8 to i inch, the other for pipe i 1-4 to 2 inches, inclusive. You change cranl< from one speed to the other as wanted, and so get rid of turning a great num- ber of times on small pipe. i Armstrong's Adjustable storks and Dies. •f A Superior Line of Water, Gas and Steam Fitters* Tools. T OOT A CATALOGUE? I THE ARMSTRONG MFC. CO. I: h 139 Centre St , N. Y. Bridgeport, Conn, EUREKA FIRE HOSE COMPANY. 13 Barclay St., NEW YORK CITY. Sole Agents : HANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED BRANDS. JAHES BOYD * BRO., 14 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. " IJ.S." BRAND RUBBER LINED COTTON FIRE HOSE. Adopted as the Stand- ard Factory Fire Hess by the Associated Fac- tory Mutual Fire Insur- ance Companies, for Factory and Mill Fire Protection. EUREKA BELTI Cheaper and bet- ter than Leather. Unlike all other Fabric Belts this will not stretch or separate at the plies. | LINEN HOSE (LINED AND UNLiNEO) ALL SIZES. GARDEN HOSE. These p^oods are especially adapted for use in "Woolen, Cotton, Silk. Print, Knit Goods and Carpet Mills, Dyeing and Bleaching establishments, Pulp and Paper Mills, Breweries and Distilleries, Sugar Refineries, Ice and Refrigerating Machinery, Chemical Works, Tanneries, etc. SAMPLES AND FULL INFORM TION GIVEN ON APPLICATION. 4747 4747 765 5S64 6963 5264 6870 3148 4585 1633 429 Camden * BELTING (RUBBER). BOSTON BELTXIS'G CO., 14 N. Fourtli St. (See insert opp. paste 57.) BOYi>, JAS., & BKO., 14 N. Fourtli St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Montgomery Bros., 48 N. Front St. PEERLESS RUBBER MEG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) * BLAST NOZZLES. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) BLOWERS AND EXHAUST FANS. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Baker, Smith & Co.. .520 Commerce St. Buffalo FoTse Co., 593 Bourse Bldg. EYNON-EVANS aiFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 68.) Schutte, L., & Co., cor. 12th and Thompson Sts. * BLOWER PIPING. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) BLOWERS, POSITIVE PRESSURE. BOOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 Liberty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 32.) * BLOW-OFF TANKS. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. Ainsworth Boiler & Pipe Covering Co., 1513 Filbert St. ASBESTOS MFG., 436 Market St. {See page 31.) Bowes & Diebl, 402 Lippincott Bldg. Brady, Bernard E.. 1318 Stephen Girard Bldg. Col'ins, Frederic, Jr., 905 Provident Bldg. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., " BUNBY," 702 Arch St. Howley & Co., 683 Mutual Life Bldg. Janney, Chas. C, 2251 N. Fifth St. JOHNS, H. W.. MFG. CO., 170-172 N. Fourth St. Lvsle, R. Willis, 1420 Callowhill St. Magnesia Covering Co., 143 N. Broad St. [■NEW JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N. J. (See page 31.) Nonpareil Cork Mfg. Co. , 3. 20th St. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., boston, mass. MANUFACTtTRERS OF %* Sturtevant Blowers Exhaust Fans Forges Steam Engines Electric Motors and Generators THE STURTEVANT SYSTEM OF Heating and Ventilating all Kinds of Buildings. Hot Blast Drying Apparatus Dust Collecting Systems Steam Traps Exhaust Heads ■WORKS : Boston, Mass. SXURTEVANX CO., WAEEKOOMS AND BRANCH SHOP : 135 North 3d Street, Philadelphia. 33 BOILER CLEANERS (MECHANICAL). SHER"WOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 58.) UNION BOIIiER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. (See ineerts opp. pages BOILER COMPOUND. Bouggy, Win. E. , 837 N. Third St. Cherry i hemical Co., 1215 Filbert St. Collinp, Frederic, Jr., 905 Provident Bldg. DAYTON BOILER COMPOUND CO., Dayton, O. (See page 34). Francis, Wm., 55 N. Seventh St. Jenkins, Warner H., Penn Mutual Bldg. Keyet ne Chemical M,g. Co., The, Camden, N. J. Litofuge Mfg. Co., 1710 Market St. Lord, Geo. W., 316 Union St. O'Donnell, H. & Son., 2-.i3 Dupont St., Manayunk. Sorden, John H., a724 Bridge St., Bridesburg. WARLBV, THOS. C, & CO., 11 S. Ninth St. BOILER FEEDERS. 8007 DAEUETT, "W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pumps) 49 N. Seventh St. 1514 DIEKS, FRANK W., & CO., "BEAKE," 518 Arch St. 4585 GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co's Pumps.) (See page 73.) 316 SCIPEE PUMP & MACHINE CO.. 107-109 N. Third St. 4081 SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 DresTelBldg. (See page 73.) * BOILER FURNACES. 1111 HAWLEY-DOWN DRAFT FURNACE CO. of Penn. 730 Girard Bldg. BOILER MAKERS AND DEALERS. AEMY WATER TUBE BOIEER CO., 178-184 Aliens Ave., Providence, R. I. (See page 8(5.) American Boiler Co., 28 N. Fifth St. Ames Iron Works, 51 1 Fidelity Bldg. 5409 ATEAS ENGINE WORKS (Lovegrove & Co., Agents), 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) Babcock & Wilcox Co., 642-644 Drexel Bldg. Baizley, John, 510 S. Delaware Ave. Bowman, H. L., A.YTO]V, OHIO. 84 Wm. H. H. Taylor S Son, contSf steam Boiler Setting and Engine Founda ions Furnaces Built and' Repaired. Fire Boxes Re-lined. Castings Furnished. We Set Boilers with Special Reference to the Economy of Fuel. S. E. Corner Fourtli and GItestnut Streets, Koom A, Brown Building, PHILADELPHIA BOILER MAKERS AND DEALERS— Continued. HARRISON SAFKTY BOILER WORKS, 17th St., bel. Allegheny Av. (See pages 50-75.) HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. (See page 87.) Hibbs, Edward A „ cor. Bread and Quarry Sts. Holmes, John B. <& Co., 612 Arch St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Hunter & Faunce, 2054 E. Lehigh Ave. Innes Bros., 461 E. Girard Ave. Keeler, E., Co., 614 Betz B!dg. Kensington Engine Works, Ltd., 704 Arch St. Keystone Engi. e & Machine Works, cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. Lebanon Boiler Foundry & Machine Co., 206 N. Fourth St. Levan, W. Barnet, 2324 N. Broad St. Levy, Edmund L., 406 Sansom St. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 15 N. Seventh St. LOVEGROVE & CO., "ATLAS," 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) Lundley, Joseph, 127 N. Third St. McAdams, John, 723 Richmond St. McNeil Boiler Works, 1001 Chestnut St. Morris, I. P., Co , cor. Beach and Ball Sts. Myers, Wm., 1415 Wood St. National Water Tube Boiler Co., 306 Girard Bldg. Naylor, Jacob, Front St. cor. Girard Ave. New Yorii Safety Steam Power Co., 15 N. Seventh St. Nittinger, August, Sr., 826-830 N. Fourth St. PENNA. MACHINE CO,- 31 N. Seventh St. (See page 88.) Perseverance Mfg. Co., Inc., cor. Locust and 30th Sts PHILA. ENGINEERING WORKS, Ltd., cor. Meadow and Mifflin Sts. PHOENIX IRON WORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. (See page 45.) Reilly & Payton, 1162 N. Third St. Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. Schrader, John J., 13 Poplar St. Sciple, H. M., * Co., 301 Arch St. Scott, Benj. T., 206 N. Fourth St. Seyfert's, L. F., Sons, 437 N. Third St. SMITH, H. B., CO., THE, 510 Arch St. (See page 77.) STIRLING CO., THE, 305 Betz Bldg. (See page 87.) Tbayer & Co., Inc., 542 Drexel Bldg. Thompson Bros. , 113 Bread St. Toomey, Frank, 131 N. Third St. Wanner, Conrad, 1451 N. 10th St. Warden Mfg. Co., 19ih St. cor. Allegheny Ave. Wilfong Bros., 222 N. 23d St. Tori Mfg. Co., 476 Bou se Bldg. Ziegler, Martin, 118 Van Horn St. BOILERS (HORIZONTAL WATER TUBE). See also Water and Tube Boilers . Babcock & Wilcox Co., 642 Drexel Bldg. Erie City Iron Works, 1420 Chestnut St. Gill, John L., Jr., Drexel Bldg. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, N. 17th St., bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. (See page 87.) National Water Tube Boiler Co., 202 Stephen Girard Bldg. New York Safety Steam Power Co. , 15 N. Seventh St. PHILA. ENGINEERING WORKS (Ltd.), cor. Meadow and Mifflin Sts. PHCENIX IRON TVORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. (See page 45.) STIRLING CO., THE, 205 Betz Bldg. (See page 87.) Thayer & Co., Inc., 512 Drexel Bldg. BOILERS (VERTICAL WATER TUBE). See also Water Tube Boilers. ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 178-184 Aliens Ave., Providence, B. I. (See page 86.) Clonbrock Steam Boiler Co., 327 Bourse Bldg. McNeil Boiler Works, The, 509 Mutual Life Bldg. Thayer & Co., Inc., 542 Drexel Bldg. BOILER SETTING. Delmar, Jas. L., 2425 E. Allegheny Ave. Gear, Washington J., Jr., 12 N. Seventh St. Glenn, J. Temple, 1031 Sansom St. Haldeman, J. C, 1809 N. Marshall St. Hyzer, William C, 1230 Marlborough St. McElwee, J., 1629 South St. TAYLOR, W. H. H., & SON, Room A, Brown Bldg. (See page 35.) Williams, Wm. T., 6 S. Third St. 35 T\ r\r\J/ Ct Catalogue FREE. K K \ Philadelphia Book Co, | ^ W V/ 1 V V/ 1 5 s. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. PRACTICAL r^r\AT/r> catalogue free. SCIENTIFIC ELECTRICAL J-^ ^-^ V/ X V\^ l 5 g Ninth St., Philadelphij BOILER TUBES. Allison Mfg. Co., The, cor. Waliint and .32d Sts. American Tube Works, 543 Bourse Bldg. Belfield, H., & Co., 435 N. Broad St. CKANE CO., 330-832 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) Morris. Tasker & Co., Inc., 224 S. Third St. Sandolph & Clowes, 421 Chestnut St. Swoyer, A. P., Co., 17 N. Seventh St. *BOLT CUTTING AND HEADING MACHINERY. CREGrAB, J. TV., Machinery Department, Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 1 * BOLT DIES. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) BOOKS (MECHANICAL). AUDEIi, THEO., & CO., 63 Fifth Ave., New York. Baird, Henry Carey, & Co., 810 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA BOOK CO., 15 S. Ninth St. (See page 36.) POWER PUB. CO., TVorld Bldg., New York. (See page 4.) * BORING MILLS (OF ALL KINDS). CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Bept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. .page 11.) BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS. Ajax Metal Co., Inc., 46 Richmond St. American Tube Works, 543 Bourse Bldg. Baeurle & Langer, 427 N. Second St. Belfield, H., & Co., 435 N. Broad St. Best, Pox & Co., 1210 Betz Bldg. Binder, G., & Co., 443 and 445 N. ICth St. Bowman, Job K., 928 Cherry St. Bureau Bros., cor. 21st St. and Allegheny Ave. Carver & Howell, 1922 Germaiitown Ave. Chesterman, F. E., & Co., 243 Arch St. Cohocksink Brass Foundry, cor. Fifth and Berks Sts. Columbia Iron and Brass Foundry, Water St., bel. Moore St. Comfort. Thomas, & Son, Main St., bel. Umbria St., Manayunk. Conroy, Joseph A., 1828 S. Water St. Conrov, P. J., Island road, nr 75th St. Cooper, Wm. S., 442 N. 13th St. Cory, C, & Son, 221 Dock -t. Cramp, Wm., & Son's Ship & Engine Building Co., Beach and Ball Sts. Crown Smelting Co , 514 Walnut St. Diamond State Iron Co. of Wilmington, Del., 425 Bourse Bldg. Dunn, N. C, 621 Commerce St. EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) Evans, S. W., & Son, 4623, Paul St., Frankford. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15tli and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) Fodell, Wm., 2227 Wood St. Ford Bros. & Co., 213-245 S. Front St. Frost, Silas (Est.), 5i N. Seventh St. Fullerton, Frank S., 438 E Girard Ave. Furlow, Thos., & Sons, 3020 Culvert St. Gaumer, John L., Co., cor. 11th and Race Sts. Goldberg Bros., e4 N. Fourth St. Halstead <& Spencer, 1129 Cherry St. H?rman Lewis, 1217 Adams St., Frankford. Hill, B. B., Mfg. Co., 1020 Mascher St. Hmdermeyer. Jos., & Son, 911 Vine St. Homer Brass Works, 231 Race St. Homer & Poole, 231 Race St. Hooks Smelting Co., N. Broad St., cor. Hamilton St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Imperial Brass Foundry (Ltd.). 119 Florist St. Jolley, J H., & Co., 42 N. Fifth St. Kim, M. L., & Bro . 2112 N. Leithgow St. Krips, Chas., 716 Cherry St. Lapp, Davis C. 718 Cherry St. Ledig Co., 248 N. Eighth St. Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. Luckhardt, Godfrey, 439 Berks St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) McHatton & Wright, 1500 Washington Ave. Melzer, S. M., 205 Quarry St. Mills, Thos., & Bro., 1301 N. Eighth St. Mousley, Chas., 1241 Howard St. Myers, Alonzo, 4429 Paul St., Frankford. NEWBURGH JCE MACHINE & ENGINE CO., 1336 Chestnut St. Newell-Booth Co. (Ltd.), cor. Buttonwood and N. Broad Sts. North American Smelting Co., 1512 Spring Garden St. 36 sKPEt PiTENT mm. Lathe Chucks, Drill Chucks, Planer Chucks, Face Plate Jaws, Special Chucks for all pur= poses made to order. SKINNER CHUCK CO.. new Britain, conn. BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS— Continued. North Bros. Mfg. Co., cor. American St. and Lehigh Ave. Otr, Geo. P , 207 Buttonwood St. Perkes, Chas., 6J7 fiSO Arch St. Philadelphia Hardware & Malleable Iron Works, Ninth St., cor. Jefferson St. Philadelphia Smelting Works, 457 N. 12th St. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co. (Ltd.), The, 2200 Washington Ave. Randolph & Clowes, 421 Chestnut St. Rohrman, Theo. B., cor. Chestnut and 30th Sts. Schaefer, Bmil, 1320 N. Fifth St. Schoenwald, Uobt., 627 Filbert St. and 1023 Ridge Ave. Shannon Mfg. Co., cor. 11th and Catherine Sts. Smith, Chas. W., 1501 Alter St. Smith, Warren & Bro., 338 Noble St. Standard Brass Foundry, cor. Hamilton and 13th Sts. Sweeney, Miller & Co., 328 Nob'e St. Swoyer, A. P., Co., 17 N. Seventh St. Talmage & Weidley, 228 N. 15th St. University Mfg. Co., 45 N. Second St. Waterbury Mfg. Co., 1217 Filbert St. Wright Mfg. Co , Inc., 141 Master St. BRASS VALVES. DII-KS, FRANK W., & CO. "LUDLOW," 518 Arcli St. LUNKENHEIMEK CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover..) BUILDING AND ROOFING PAPERS. ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) BUSHINGS AND BEARINGS. EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) * CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), lO'J'-lOO N. Third St. * CHECK VALVES. See also Valves. DILKS, FRANK W., & CO. "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) CHUCKS. SKINNER CHUCK CO., THE, New Britain, Conn. (See page 37.) CLAMPS (ADJUSTABLE). ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) McCREA, JAMES, & CO. (Barrett & Plowman, Agents), 1313 Filbert St. CLUTCHES (FRICTION). CRESSON, GEO. V., & CO., cor. Allegheny Ave. and 18th St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Link Belt Engineering Co. (The), Hunting Park Av., Nicstown. Moore & White Co., cor. Lehigh Ave. and 15th St. Smith, Jas., & Co., inc., 411 Race St. COAL (STEAM). Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., 305 Betz Bldg. Black Diamond Coal Co.. 1050 N. Ninth St. Bradley, Walter T., Co., 2306 Ridge Ave. Bruner, H. F., & Co., Market St , cor. N. 32d St. Bryant, Wm., 910 Rothschild Bldg. Castner, Curran & Bullitt, 328 Chestnut St. Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation, 607 Provident Bldg. Coaldale Mining Co., 717 Terminal Bldg. Dodson, Weston & Co., 210 Harrison Bldg. Downing Bros., cor. Walnut and S. 30th Sts. EDMUNDS, G. TV., & CO. (Successors to Warner, Shuster & Co., Ltd.), 1930 N. Ninth St. (See page 38.) Heilner, Percy & Son, 314 Walnut St. Henderson, Robt., 435 N. Fifth St. Jennings, Michael, & Sons, 425 Washington Ave. Kirk, W. C, & Co., 103 8. 30th St. McCa lley Bros., 2737 E. Norris St. Markii ann & Hacuser, E. Lehigh Ave., cor. Jasper St. Newton, Geo. B., & Co., 2929 N. Broad St. Norton, Chas. D. & Co., 328 Walnut St. Van Dusen Bros. & Co., 100 1 Stephen Girard Bldg. Weaver, J, H., & Co., 718 Stephen Girard Bldg. d1 G. W. Edmonds Telephone 3005 R. Y. Warner Q W EDM0ND»5 ^ ^0 wholesale and retail Successors TO WAKNEB,SHUSTEB* CO., limited" ANTHRACITE AND BITDMINOUS COAL MAIN OFFICE, 1920 NOKTH 9TH STREET YARDS: (1920-40 North 9th Street T3TTTT A TVTT'T "DTTT A \ Talker Street Wharf JrXj.li-li3.JJ Jl>±jl:^Xj.lix COAL HANDLING MACHINERY. Link Belt Engineering Co., The, Huntintr Park Ave., Nicetown. Silver Brook Supply Co., Ltd., 712 Terminal Bldg. Walton, Pearson M., 1035 Germa' town Ave. COAL SCREENS. Darby, Edward, & Sons, 233 Arch St. Merritt & Co., 1024 Ridge Ave. COILS, PIPE. HARRISBURG PIPE BENDING CO., Ltd. (See page 51.) COMPRESSED AIR MOTORS. UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittsburg, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 82-83.) CONDENSERS FOR ENGINES AND PUMPS. 3007 1514 6963 4081 1316 753 Herr St., Harrisburg, Pa. DALLETT, W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pumps) 49 N. Seventh St. DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., "BLAKE," 518 Arch St. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, 15th and Clearfield Sts. Sei ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SONS, Betz Bldg, (See page 79.) ;e .58.) Schutte, L., & Co., cor. 12tli and Thompson Sta SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (T. C. McBride,M 946 Drexel Bldg. (Seepage 73.) tfgr.) STILWELL-BIERCE & SMITH \ AILE CO., THE, 613 Arch St COPPER AND BRASS TUBING. American Tube Works, 543 Bourse Bldg. Merchant & Co., Inc., 517 Arch St. Randolph & Clowes, 421 Chestnut St. COPPERSMITHS. Baeurle & Langer, 427 N. Second St. Beer, Paul, 831 N. Fourth St. Endriss, Geo., 700 N. Third St Ford Bros. & Co., 243 S. Front St. Kopperman, Joseph, 404 S. Water St. Lander, Jacob, 723 S. Sixth St. Megee, Geo. , 307 Branch St. Mills, Thos., & Bro., 1301 N. Eighth St. Oat, Joseph, & Sons, 232 Quarry St. Ort, Geo. F., 207 Buttonwood St. REILLY, JAS., REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., Washington Ave. Wharf. Schaefer, Emil, 1322 N. Fifth St. COTTON WASTE. Agnew, Harry, 2306 N. Third St. Ashton, Jam s & Son, 2619 Collins St. Bergstresser, Samuel, 50 V. 23d St. Blakeley, John & Son, 1085 Germantown Ave. Brady, William, Gaul St. cor. Harold St. Burr Bros., 115 S. Water St. and 116 S. Wharves. Connell. John J.. 32 N. Water St. Con & Bro., 1956 N. Second St. Crompton, Thomas, 247 N. Front St. Crosland, Enos, 69th and Haverford Sis. Crowley, B., 2950 N. Second St. Devlin, Charles, 1730 N. Uth St. Devlin, John, 914 York St. Fish, James, 1910 E. Letterly St. French, Hugh, & Son, Third St. cor. Cumberland St. GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) Greenwood Law, 121 N. Front St. Hagy, J. Milton, 109 N. 22d St. Haigh, Joseph, 1741 N. Front St. Henry, Thomas, & Sons, 116 Arch St. Hoffman, Corkran & Co., 415 Market St. Hongler & Bre dy, 105 N. Water St. Hooper. Seving & Co., 428 Market St. Kay, John J., 13a E. Allen St. Keily, Francis, 1734 N. Hancock St. Kempf Bros., 2616 Martha St. Laverty, John, 2152 E. Letterly St. McCarthey, Walter S., 17 N. Front St. McG ath, Charles, 127 N. F.ont St. McKenna, Terrence, 2005 N. Hancock St. McMaster, Thos., 201 Duprnt St., Man.yunk. Maurer, John B., 25.52 N. Third St. Merritt, James R., 38 N. Front St. COTTON WASTE— Continued. O'Neill Bros., Howard St. cor. Columbia Ave. O'Neill, Charles, 5? N. Front St. Pink, Abraham, 336 Chestnut St. Parsons, William, 4059 Orchard St., Frankford. Porter, Henry E., 2-39 N. Front St. Quicksall, Harvey Q. (Cleaner), 4268 Paul St., Frankford. Robinson, P. J., 20.34-36 and 2007 Arizona St. Schofljld, James, 4152 Orchard St., Frankford. Southern Waste Works, Ltd., 16th .St. cor. Carpenter St. Sykes, David, Dauphin St. cor. Amber St. Taggart, John P., 1508 N. A erican St. Wallvvorth & Sons, 221 Chestnut St. Widdall, Edm nd & Sons, 221 N. Front St. Wilson, Thomas, 105 N. Front St. CRANES AND STEAM HAMMERS. Howard, Geo. C , Foundry & Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. SELLERS, J^M., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Fidelity Bldg. CUTTERS (PIPE). ARMSTRONG MEG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp, page 33.) CURTIS & CURTIS, 300 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. (See page 40,) * CYLINDER (OILS). See also Oils (Lubricating). BORNE-SCRTMSEB CO., 333 N. Eront St. LEONARD & ELLIS, 433 N. Third St. N. y. LUBRICATING OIL CO., 319 Walnut St. VACUUM OIL CO., 305 Walnut St. WILSON CLARK CO., 107 S. Water St. * CYLINDERS (CARBONIC ACID GAS). HARRISBURG PIPE BENDING CO., Ltd., 753 Herr St., (See page 51.) CYLINDERS REBORED IN POSITION. Keystone Engine & Machine Works, cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. Kuwell, Wm. F. , & Co , Washington Ave. and Chadwick St. Underwood, H. B., & Co., 1035 Hamilton St. DAMPER REGULATORS. Brogan & Co., "Kieley's," 810 Eace St. Chappell, Geo. H., r. 4365 Main St., Manayunk. LOCKE REGULATOR CO., Salem, Mans. (See page 39.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Harrisburg, Pa, Advertising Pays Well In The Engineer's Reference. Why ? Because the man in charge of every power plant in the Metropohtan District of Philadelphia uses a copy of it each day in the year. Try it and you will not be disappointed at the results. CURTIS & CURTIS, 200 Garden Street, - - - BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ^ PIPE COTTING «"«> TflREflDING MflCfllNERY. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Two-Inch Pipe Threaded with only one hand on Crank. No. 56 Hand Maciiine. ^nge ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Thread lo-Inch Pipe 8}^ to 6 in., R. H. -t^ith JE^ase. OUR HAND MACHIN:^S ate the only portable machines with which ONE man alone can cut off and thread lO-inch pipe» OUR POWMR MACHINES occupy less floor space, require less power, are more simple of construction and far cheaper than any other Power Pipe Threading Machine of the range in the market. DIES AND CUTTERS. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) Cliesterman, F. E., & Co., 243 Arch St. CURTIS & CURTIS, 300 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. (See page 40.) Howard, Geo. C, Foundry & Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Nacke's Sons, 733 Sansom St. Snediker & Carr, 139 N. Seventh St. Standard Die Works, Cherry St. cor. Seventh St. Stortz, John, & Son, 210 Vine St. Wright & McDermott, 238 N. Second St. DIE (SELF-OPENING AND COLLAPSIBLE TAPS). 1'718 CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bom-se Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) DRILLS (RADIAL, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL AND SENSITIVE). mis CREGAR, J. TV., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) *DUST ARRESTERS, liEE, THOMAS, 309-313 Race St., Cincinnati, O. (See page 49.) DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. Blanton Patents Syndicate (Ltd.), 554 Bourse Bldg. 5364 B. F. STURTEVAJVT CO., 3 35 N. Third St. (See page 83.) Bullock Electric Co., 658 Bourse Bldg. C. & C. Electric Co., 633 Arch St. Cheyney, W. Irwin, & Co., 1217 Filbert. Crocker- Wheeler Electric Co., 307 Eothschild Bldg. 4390 D'OLIER ENGINEERING CO., "KEYSTONE," 139 S. 11th St. Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., 506 Commerce St. Electro-Dynamic Co., 224 Chestnut St. Fort Wayne Electric Corp,, 101 Bourse Bldg. Franklin, Ben , Electrical Co., 44 N. Seventh St. General Electric Co., 509 Arch St. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 812 Chestnut St. Hunterdon Electric Co., 1112 Girard Bldg. Interstate Electric Co., 119 S. Fourth St. Jandus Electric Co., 422 Bourse Bldg. 4390 KEYSTONE EI.ECTRIC CO., 139 S. 11th St, Keystone Electrical Exchange, 128 S. Clifton St. " Kitsee Electric Co., 306 Stock Exchange Place. J^tos Mfg. Co., 67 N. Second St. • 40 DYNAMOS AND MOTORS— Continued. McINTIRE, WALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. Moxham, Edgar C, & Co., 658 Bourse Bldg. Penn. Heat, Light & Power Co., 1934 Market St. Powelton Electric Co., 108 S. 40tli St. Quaker City Electric Co., 237 Dock St. Reed & Morrill, 2910 N. 16tli St. Ridgway Dynamo & Engine Co., 807 Girard Bldg. Sawyer-Mann Electric Co., 302 Girard Bldg. Shuttleworlh Electric Co., cor. Duncan and Bermuda Sts., Frankford. Storey Motor & Tool Co., 226 Ionic St. Strang, R. C, 733 Walnut St. Walker Co., 748 Drexel Bldg. Walker & Kepler, 531 Chestnut St. Ward-Leonard Electric Co., 910 Drexel Bldg. WESTINGUOUSE ELECTRIC & MEG. CO., Land Title Bldg. West End Electric Co., 1208 N. 31st St. ECONOMIZERS (FUEL). Matteawan, N. Y. FUEE ECONOMIZER CO., THE, "GREENS, Kensington Engine Works (Ltd.), 704 Arch St. EJECTORS. BYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) Rue Mfg. Co., 215 Race St. SELLERS, WM., & CO., INC., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., BuBalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) ELECTRICAL BELLS. See also Electrical Supplies. Bassett, N., & Son, 625 Filbert St. Burk & Pickering, 26 N. Seventh St. Central Electric Co., 13 N. 13th St. Novelty Electric Co., 54 N. Fourth St. » Shaw, J. Elliott, & Co., 632 Arch St. Sparrow, Henry A., 1329 Chestnut St. Wirt, Chas. S., 1028 FObert St. * ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS. See also Engineers and Contractors (Electrical). McINTIRE, WALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. * ELECTRICAL ENGINE STOPS. "CORLISS " SPRINGFIELD ENGINE STOP CO., 375 Main, Springfield, Mass. ELECTRICAL FANS. B. F. STTJRTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) C. & C. Electric Co., 633 Arch St. Etherington Co., 47 S. 17th St. McINTIRE, WALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. Stewart, Frank H., & Co., 35 N. Seventh St. Vallee Bros. & Co., 625 Arch St. * ELECTRICAL FAN MOTORS. B. F. STTJRTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) ELECTRICAL GENERATORS. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) C. & C. Electric Co., 633 Arch St. Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., 506 Commerce St. Fort Wayne Electric Corp., 101 Bourse Bldg. General Electric Co., 509 Arch St. KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 139 S. lltll St. Walker Co., The, 748 Drexel Bldg. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MFG. CO., Land Title Bldg. ELECTRICAL LAMPS. BEACON LAMP CO., New Brunswick, N. J. De Ginther. Geo. M., 1037 Walnut St. General Eleetric Co., 509 Arch St. Imperial Electric Co., 719 Walnut St. McINTIRE, W^ ALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. Stewart, Frank H., & Co., 35 N. Seventh St. * ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. See also Dynamos and Motors. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Ba:YSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 139 S. 11th St. 41 * ELECTRICAL MOTORS. See also Dynamos and Motors. 5364 B, P. STURTEVAIS-T CO., 135 N. Third St, (See page 33.) * ELECTRICAL PUMPS. See also Pumps (Electric). 3007 DALIiBTT, W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pumps), 49 N. Seventh St. 1514 DILKS, FRANK AV., & CO., "BLAKE," 518 ArcU St. 4390 KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 139 S. 11th St. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps). (See p. 78.) 40 •'I SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 DrexelBldg. (See p. 78.) 3041 WORTHINGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arch St. * ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. KENYON, FRANK C, 1840 Columbia Ave. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Bassett, N., & Son, 625 Filbert St. Boyle, R. C, & Co., 460.3 Frankford Ave. Bright, Evan D., 119 N. Sixth St. Buckeye Electric Co., 552 Bourse Bld^, Burk & Pickering, 26 N. Save th St. C. & C. Electric Co., 638 Arch St. Central Electric Co. , 18 N. 18th St. Chicago Eleciric Wire Co. ol Del., S. W. cor. Ninth and Parish Sts. Cleverly, Henry A., 1018 Chestnut St Cornish Electric Bell Co., 1109 Chestnut St. Crandell Mfg. Co., 29 Bank St. Crosby Bros., 44 N. Fourth St. Cutter Electric Mfg. Co., 1106 Sansom St. DeGinther, Georne M., 1037 Walnut St. Electric Protection Co., 1028 Filbert St. Electrical Supply & Telephone Co., 1429 Chestnut St. Electro Dynamic Co., 224 Chestnut St. Etherington Co., 47 S. 17th St. Flemming, Otto, 1009 Arch St. France, A. Warren, cor. Titus St. ani State Eoad. Franklin, Ben., Electrical Co., 44 N. Seventh St. Geiger, Frederick, 118 N. Sixth St. General Electric Co., 509 Arch St. Gvrilliam, James E., 115 N. Sixth St. Hays, Eure e D. & Co., 1215 Filbert St. Hazleton, F. D., & Co., 1088 Filbert St. Helios Electric Co., 1239 ■ allowhill St. High Tension Electric Storage Co., 1229 Cullowhill St. Holm, Charles H., 4123 Lancaster Ave. Imp rial Electric Co., 719 Walnut St. •Tandus Electric Co., 552 Bourse Bldg. Kelly, John B., 411 Cherry St. Knell, Edward F., 2608 Montgomery Ave. Large & Twining, 321 Chestnut St. 1536 MoINTIBE, AY ALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. McDonnell, Jas. Y., Co., 122 N. Frankford St. Mayer & England, 10 S. lOth St. National Underground Cable Co., 609 Betz Bldg. Novelty Electric Co., 54 N. Fourth St. Paiste, H. T., & Co. 8101 Ludlow St. Parke, John Y., & Co.. 821 Cherry St. 13116 PARTRICK, CARTER & AVILKINS, 135 S. Second St. Phila. Electric & Mfg. Co., 2010 Cooimerce St. Phlla. Electriral Equipment Co., 816 Cherry St. Phila. Elec. Storage Battery Renting Co,, 1004 Walnut St. Phila. Railway Equipment Co., N. 52d St., cor. Lancaster Ave. Pneumatic Fire Alarm & Tel. Co., Inc., 2930 Market St. Pringle. William T., & Co., 1026 Filbert St. Rice & Lefehvre, 23 N. 13th St. Rumsey Electrical Manufacturers' Co., 1217 Filbert St. Schwarz, Bernard, 1909 N. Sixth St. Shaw, J. Elliott, & Co., 632 Arch St. Sheble & Patton, 1''28 Filbert St. Shelby Electrical Co., 206 N. Fourth St. Shuttleworth Hectric Co., Duncan St. cor. Bermuda St., Frankfo d. Sparrow, Henry A., 1229 Chestnut St. Stadelman, H. R., 813 Franklin Bldg. Stewart. Frank H., & Co., 85 N. Seventh St. Strang, R. C, 728 Walnut St. Supplee, G. A., & Co., 2(35 N. Ninth St. Taylor & Clark, 510 Arch St. Thilow, Frank B., 1123 Poplar St. Thompson & Allen, 1308 Buttonwood St. Vallee Bros. & Co., 625 Arch St. Walker & Kepler, 531 Chestnut St. 13116 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MFG. CO., Land Title Bldg, Weston Electrical Instrument Co., 910 Drexel Bldg. White, H. P., & Co., 1217 Filbert St. Wirt, Charles S., 1028 Filbert St. ■ 4^ ELECTRICIANS. Andress, Geo. D., 555 Willard St. Arnois, Alexander, 129 S. Seventh St. Bardsley, Eiehaid, 3559 E. Dauphin St. Beatty, W. H., 1100 Betz Bldg. Bloomingdale, Alfred M., 333 Market St. Brown, James, & Co., N. 16th St., cor. Erie Ave. Burk & Pickering, 36 N. Seventh St. Ciriacy, William, 461 Queen St., Germantown. City Electric Works, 1321 N. 42d St. Cole, S. Charles, Jr., 3357 N. 2l6t St. Cornish Electric Bell Co., 1109 Chestnut St. Cox, Charles W., 1009 New Market St. Crager, William S., 3511 N. Fitth St. Cram, John S., 54 N. 11th St. Creekmore, Thos. J., 6 Mascher St. Crouthamal, Wilson L., 1706 Frankford Ave. Diener, Edward H., .30 N. Water St. Elkins, Edwin, 2616 N. Bouvier St. Engle, Alvin H., 1811 Fairmount Ave. Etheringtou Co., 47 S. 17th St. Eyanson & Armpriester, 123 N. Third St. Feicht, Rassel S., 730 N. 20th St. Fitch, Charles P., 1317 Filbert St. riemming, Otto, 10O9 Arch St. Free. E. Willard, 3&18 Fairmount Ave. Freeman, Alexander J., 3331 N. Broad St. Gardner, George W.. 3088 Helen St. Gay & Thwaites, 1113 Arch St. Geih. Adam, 2237 Gratz St. Gerson, Louis J., 713 Sansom St. Gifford & Henry, 17 S. Third St. Gliem, Frederick H., 836 N. 35th St. Gregg, Morris M., 1029 Cambria St. Haller & Ricketts, 1337 Susquehanna Ave. Halstead, David, Jr., 1129 Cherry St. Heald. Joseph, 626 N. 16th St. Hewitt. Charles B., 310 Bullitt Bldg. Hildebrandt, Albert, 30 N. Seventh St. Hopson, Millard F., 3430 Christian St. Jackson, John B., 1221 N. 42d St. Klemt, Eugene, 648 Indiana Ave. Large & Twining, 3-^1 Chestnut St. Lawrence, Eandolph M., 2441 N. Garnet St. Leitmeyer, Geo. J.. 1752 Croskey St. Lindeman, Max, 106 Diamond St. Loesch, Charles A.. 1714 N. 12th St. McCllntock, Charles, 1317 Filbert St. Mahoney, J, , 1C6 Diamond St. Malpass, Henry, 1933 Callowhill St. Marett, Philip W., 3448 Germantown Ave. Marshall, Clarence L., 2201 Fairmount Ave. Mason Bros., 56 N. Seventh St. Mehan, Philip A., 128 S. Clifton St. Middleton, Oscar N., 18 Harvey St., Germantown. Morejon, Frank, 1713 N. 28th St. Morgan, Harry E. , 1830 Columbia Ave. Moyer, Charles, 1803 N. SOth St. Murphy, Alex., 3 N. 19th St. National Electric Co., 1225 Filbert St. Parker, Joseph, 26 Lafayette St., Germantown. Porter, Herbert M., 4603 Parrish St. Ranch, Wm. B., 881 N. 44th St. Ricbter, Eugene L , 1037 Walnut St. Robbins, Geo., Jr., 8.53 N. 43d St. Rowe, Ernest L., 2142 N. 20th St. Rowland, Horace B., Old Second St. Pk., Fox Chase. Sanden Electric Co., 924 Chestnut St. Schickendantz, George, 2617 N. Colorado St. Scott & Janney, Electric and Mfg. Co., 1709 Filbert St ShuttlewoTth, Geo. H.,4632 Tacony St., Frankford. Smith, E. Willets, 934 Somerset St. Smith, Wm. J., 201 N. 16th St. Snyder, Wm. B , 216 Church Lane, Germantown. Sonneberg, Walter, 2426 N. 18th St. Sparrow, Henry A., 1229 Chestnut St. Sterling. Lucius F., 1520 Susquehanna Ave. Stern & Silverman, 707 Arch St. Thilow, Prank B., 1123 Poplar St. Thomas, William T., 3311 N. Colorado St. Thompson & AUen, 1303 Buttonwood St. Valentine & Co.. 1 S. 10th St. Walker, Elton G., 15 S. 3d St. Welsh, Jos. P., 100 Ripka Ave., Manayunk. West Phila. Electric Co., 3745 Filbert St. Weston, Charles J., 118 N. Sixth St. Weston, Wm. H., & Co., 1303 Buttonwood St. White & Cook, 1018 Chestnut St. WiOmann, S., & Son, 857 N. 15th St. ■ 43 ELEVATORS. Albro-CIem Elevator Co., Inc., The, Seventh St. and Glenwood Ave. 5670A CLEM EI^EVATOR \¥ORKS, 413 Cherry St. Elevator Safety Controller Co., 907 Girard Bldg. Energy Mfg. Co., 411 Cherry St. Excelsior Elevator Co., 1313 Filbert St. Harrington Edwin, Son & Co., Inc., N. 15th St. cor. Penna. Ave. Keystone Elevator Co., 408 Lippincott Bldg. McCalvey Elevator Works, 602 Cherry St. Morse, Williams & Co., 1105 Frankford Ave. O'Neill &XDurrie, 411 Cherry St. Otis Bros. & Co., 70;J Bullitt Bldg. 4571 STOKES & PARRISH ELEVATOR CO.,1'703 Bullitt Bldg. ELEVATORS (ELECTRIC). ! Albro-Clem Elevator Co , Inc., The, Seventh St. and Glenwood Ave. ! Excelsior Elevator Co., 1215 Filbert St. 4390 KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 139 S. lltli St. ' Morse, Williams & Co., Inc., 1105 Frankford Ave. Otis Bros. & Co., 703 Bullitt Bldg. 45'71 STOKES & PARRISH ELEVATORICO., '703iBullitt Bldg. ELEVATORS (HAND POWER). Albro-Clem Elevator Co., Inc., The, Seventh St. and Glenwood Ave. 561I0A CLEM ELEVATOR WORKS, 413 Cherry St. J Energy Mfg. Co., 411 Cherry St. Excelsior Elevator Co., 1215 Filbert St. McCalvey Elevator Works, 602 Cherry St. ELIMINATORS. 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See page 50-75.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Building. (See page 79.) EMERY WHEELS. 1718 CREGAR, J. AV., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) ENGINE BUILDERS AND DEALERS. 4549 ALLFREB, J. B., MFG. CO. (Penna. Machine Co., Agts.), 31 N. Seventh St. Ames Iron Works, 511 Fidelity Bldg. Armington & Sims Engine Co., 913 Betz Bldg. 5409 ATLAS ENGINE WORKS (Lovegrove & Co., Agts.), 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) ■5364 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Bailey, F. E., & Co., 913 Betz Bldg. Baker, H. C, & Co., 333 Bourse Bldg. Barr Pumping Engine Co., Lehigh Ave. cor. N. 18th St. Buffalo Forge Co., 593 Bourse Bldg. Burchfield, T. T., 55 N. Seventh St. 4549 CHANDLER & TAYLOR CO. (Penna. Machine Co., Agts.), 31 N. Seventh St. (Seep. 88.) 5335A CONARD, THOS. P., 119 S. Foiirth St. (See page 67.) Corliss Engine Works, Howard cor. Huntingdon Sts. Cox & Sons Co., 215 Eace St. Cramp, Wni. & Sons, Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., Beach and Palmer Sts. Erie City Iron Works, 1420 Chestnut St. Fischer Foundry & Machine Co., 30 N. Seventh St. 5363 FITCHBURG STEAM ENGINE CO., 1001 Chestnut St. Frick Co., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. 53961) FRICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) Harlan & Hollingsworth Co., The, 1107 Walnut St. Harrisburg Foundry & Machine Works, 701 Betz Bldg. Hillman, Chas., Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., The, Beach ab. Palmer Sts. Holmes, John E., & Co., 612 Arch St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Kensington Engine Works (Ltd.), 704 Arch St. 5409 LOVEGROVE & CO., "ATLAS," 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) Morris, I. P., Co., Beach cor. Ball Sts. Naylor, Jacob, Front St. cor. Girard Ave. Neafle & Levy, Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., The, 1336 Beach St. NEWBURGH ICE MACHINE & ENGINE CO., 1336 Chestnut St. New York Safety Steam Power Co., 15 N. Seventh St. Payne Engineering Co., 333 Bourse Bldg. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO.. 31 N. Seventh St. (See page 88.) 1781 PHILADELPHIA ENGINEERING WORKS, Ltd., Mifflin cor. Meadow Sts. PHOENIX IRON WORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. (See page 45.) Providence Steam Engine Co., 935 Drexel Bldg. Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. Rider-Ericsson Engine Co., 81 N. Seventh St. Roediger, Paul, Hot Air Engine Co., 927 Chestnut St. ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 Liberty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 32.) Sciple, H. M., & Co., 100 N. Third St. Simpson, Wm. L., Fifth cor. Buttonwood Sts. Southwark Foundry & Machine Co., Washington Ave., cor. Fifth St. Vilter Mfg. Co., The, Provident Bldg. 13116 WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO., Land Title BJdg. Weston Engine Co. , 901 Harrison Bldg. York Mfg. Co., 476 Bourse Bldg. 44 ATLAS p. O. BOX No. 759 ENGINE WORKS MANUFACTURERS lOF INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Atias-Coeliss Engine. Plain and Automatic Heavy Duty Engines, Double Expansion Automatic Slide Valve Engines, Single and Double Expansion Cycloidal Heavy Duty Engines, Corliss Engines, Horizontal Tubular and Locomotive Flange Steel Boilers, High Pressure Horizontal Tubular Flange Steel Boilers, Internal-Fired Horizontal Tubular Flange Steel Boilers, Vertical Flange Steel Boilers, Vertical High Pressure Water Tube Safety Boilers, Horizontal High Pressure Water Tube Safety Boilers. PHILADELPHIA AGENTS: LOVECROVE & CO., 143-145 N. Third Street. Phoenix Iron Works Co., MEADVmixE, PA. ENGINES AND BOILERS We build a full line of "Automatic Cut-off Engines" from 40 to 600 Horse-power. Simple, Compound and Triple Expansion. Return Tubular, Vertical and Horizontal Internal Furnace and WaterTube Boilers. Send for Catalogue. 45 540& 5264 5409 5363 1781 3176 8107 2007 1514 4549 4081 8041 5094 29ia 5754 734 5836I> * ENGINES (AUTOMATIC). See also Engine Builders. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS (Lovegrove & Co., Agts.), 143 N. Third St. (See page 4S.) "■ " (See page 33.) (See page 45.) F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. PHfENlX IRON WORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. ENGINES (CORLISS). See also Engine Builders. ATLAS ENGINE "WORKS (Lovegrove & Co., Agts.), 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) EITCHBURG STEAM ENGINK CO., 1001 Chestnut St. PHILA. ENGINEERING WORKS (Ltd.), cor. Mifflin and Meadow Sts. ENGINES (GAS AND GASOLINE). Climax Gas and Gasoline Engines, 68 N. Fourtli St. De La Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co., The, 704 Girard Bldg. FAIRBANKS CO.. 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Mast, P. P., & Co., 13th St., cor. Willow St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS, THE, 33d St., cor. Walnut St. Penn. Iron Works Co., 50th St., cor Lancaster Ave. Priestman & Co., Inc., Bourse Bldg. U. S. Fuel Oil Equipment Co., 530 Bourse Bldg. White & Middleton Gas Engine Co., Bourse Bldg. ENGINES (HOT AIR). Rider-Ericsson Engine Co., 31 N. Seventh St. Roediger, Paul, Hot Air Engine Co., 927 Chestnut St. ENGINES (PUMPING). See also Pumps. DALLETT, W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pnmps), 49 N. Seventh St. DIEKS, FRANK W., & CO., "BLAKE," 518 Arch St. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'« Pumps.) (See page 73.) SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (T. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. WORTHINGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arch St. page 73.) ENGINES (SECOND HAND). Lovegrove & Co., 143 N. Third St. Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. Sciple, H. M., & Co., 100 N. Third St. ENGINES, VOLUMETRIC (STEAM OR AIR). UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. (See inserts opp. page 82-83.) * ENGINE OIL. See also Oils (Lubricating). BORNE & SCRYMSER CO., 333 N. Front St. LEONARD & ELLIS, 433 N. Third St. N. Y. LUBRICATING OIL CO., 319 Walnut St. VACUUM OIL CO., 305 Walnut St. W^ILSON-CLARK CO.. 107 S. Water St. ENGINE REPAIRS. Ruvifell, Wm. F., & Co., i7th St. and Washington Ave. ENGINE SETTING. See also Boiler Setting. Gear, Washington J., Jr., 12 N. Seventh St. Hyzer, Wm. C, 1230 Marlborough St. TAYLOR, W. H. Bf., & SON, Room A, Brown Bldg. (See page 35.) * ENGINE STOPS. "CORLISS" SPRINGFIELD ENGINE STOP CO., 375 Main St., Springfield, Mass. ENGINE TRIMMINGS. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York cover.) ENGINEERS* BOOKS. See also Books, Mechanical, AUDEL, THEO., & CO., 63 Fifth Ave., New York. PHILADELPHIA BOOK CO., 15 S. Ninth St. (See page 36.) POWER PUBLISHING CO., World Bldg., New York, tsee page 4.) ENGINEERS (ELECTRICAL). Arnois, Alexander, 129 S. Seventh St. Bailey, P. E., & Co., 913 Betz Bldg. Buchanan, J. F., & Co., 321 Philadelphia Bourse. Carpenter, Edward, 503 Philadelphia Bank Bldg. Cheyney, W. Irwin, & Co., 1217 Filbert St. Clarke, Herbert A., 741 N. 44th St. 46 (See inside back ENGINEERS (ELECTRICAL)— Continued, Condict, G. Herbert, 5328 Greene St., Germantown. Davids, Richard W., 308 Walnut St. Davis, Edward, lOUO Betz Bldg. D'Olier Engineering Co., 129 S. 11th St. Fallienau Engineering Co., Ltd., 711 Terminal Bldg. Gajdord, J. Paul, 313 Mutual Life Bldg. Gilpin, Richard, 421 Chestnut St. Henderson, William C, 1712 Market St. Bering, Carl, 929 Chestnut St. Hewes, James Ellicott, 418 Philadelphia Bank Bldg. Hibbert, Walter W., 415 Hale Bldg. Hochrath, Frederick H., 504 Philadelphia Bank Bldg. Hoskm, John, 308 Walnut St. Houston & Kennelly, 1203 Crozer Bldg. Houston, E. J., 1203 Crozer Bldg. Kates. L. S., 1022 Arch St. Kennedy, Charles W., 44 N. Fourth St. Kelly, Herbert P., 44 N. Fourth St. Levis, Minford, .52 N. Fourth St. Martin, Joseph J , 47 S. ITth St. Morris & Salom, 926 Drexel Bldg. Muckle, M. R., Jr., & Co., 650 Drexel Bldg. INurath, Morris M., 1512 Diamond St. Nusbaum, Elias, 313 Mutual Life Bldg. Pepper & Register, 1414 S. Penn Sq. Pringle, Wm. T., &Co., 1028 Filbert St. Rowe, Ernest L., 214.2 N. 20th St. Schramm, H. G., 603 N. Second St., Camden, N. J. Sawyer Electrical Co., 1308 Arch St. Schultz, Lewis Rodman, 313 Mutual Life Bldg. Scott, Egan A., 658 Philadelphia Bourse. Smedhurst & Allen, 1222 Stephen Girard Bldg. Virginia Electrical Engineering Co., 119 S. tth St. Wirt, Chas., 1088 Filbert St. Wood, Wm. M., 635 Walnut St. Woodward, C. W., 8J0 Drexel Bldg. ENGINEERS (MECHANICAL). Barr, Wm. M., 112 N. Broad St. Batcheller, B. C, 917 Girard Bldg. Bertolette, Chester, 206 S. Fourth St. Berryman, James, 125 N. Fourth St. Birkenbine, Henry, 36 S. Third St. Blanton Patents Syndicate, Ltd., 554 Philadelphia Bourse. Bonsack, Jas. A., 314 Hale Bldg. Bormann, Herman, 2321 Master St. Breed, George, 308 Girard'Bldg. Brooks, Arthur G., 619 Walnut St. Brown, Edward, 311 Walnut St. Burhorn & Granger, 1003 Stephen Girard Bldg. Buzby, C. Ernest, 4721 Chester Ave. Cruse, Arthur R., 39 Laurel St. DALLETT, W. P., 49 N. Seventh St. Davies Bros. & Hartman, 1233 N. Front St. Deppert, R. U., 542 Penn St. Dock, Herman, 904 N. Broad St. Edgerton, Charles, 702 Fidelity Bldg. Engstrom, Alex H., 572 Bullitt Bldg. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, IStlx St. cor. Clearfield St. Fagan, John L., 126 W. Penn St., Germantown. Falkenau Engineering Co., Ltd., 711 Terminal Bldg. Forte, Henry L , 536 Drexel Bldg. Pothergill, H. Robinson, 914 Betz Bldg. Francis, Henry B., 1817 N. 10th St. FKICK, HORACE E., 431 Chfstmit St. (See page 55.) Geshwind, Herbert W., 1215 Filbert St. CilFEORD, C. H., & CO., 135 N. Third St. Gill, John L., Jr., 608 Drexel Bldg. Gill, John L., 3d, 608 Drexel Bldg. Haig, Andrew H., 249 S. American St. Hang, John, 806 Walnut PL Heckendorn, Henry C, 224 Morris St. Hellstrom, Magnus, 572 Bullitt Bldg. Henderson, William M., 4420 Chestnut St. Herr, Homer A., 441 Chestnut St. Hess & Barker, 810 Sansom St. Holmes, Frederick S., 624 Philadelphia Bourse. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 17'43 Ludlow St. Howell, Edward I. H.. 771 Bullitt Bldg. Kitson, Arthur, 1050 Drexel Bldg. Lalor, James D., 636 Arch St. Linch, Chas. S , 935 Drexel Bldg. Link Belt Engineering Co. (The), Hunting Park Ave., Nicetown. Meyer, John H., 325 Walnut St. Meyers, Geo. O., 1254 Hanover St. Monroe, Edwin P., 1345 Arch St. Morris, Henry G., 926 Drexel Bldg. Muckle, M. R., Jr., & Co., 650 Drexel Bldg. 47 (See page 58.) ENGINEERS (MECHANICAL)— Continued. Nayloi-, Jacob, Front St. cor. Girard Ave. Newhall, Geo. M., Engineering Co., Ltd., 136 S. Fourth St. Pfauiz, Daniel M., 113 N. 12th St. Price, George B., 1200 Chestnut St. Eippey, S. H., 537 Bourse Bldg. Roberts, Franli C, & Co., 3i8 Chestnut St. Eobiuson, Wm. H., 1012 Betz Bldg. Schramm. H. 6., 602 N. Second St., Camden, N. J. Schutte, L., & Co., 12th St. cor. Thompsoij St. Simpson, Wm. L., Fifth and Button wood Sts. Stein & Boericke, Ltd., 325 Walnut St. Stillwell, Chas. B., Witherspoon Bldg. Thompson, Chas. T., 426 Walnut St. Thompson, Samuel K., 915 Somerset St. Wheeler, S. Bowman, 807 Girard Bldg. Whipple, F. E., 1218 Filbert St. White, Ernest M., 619 Walnut St. Wiegand, S. Lloyd, 615 Walnut St. ENGINEERS' SPECIALTIES. Brogan & Co., 810 Race St. 1760 CRANE CO., 330-233 So. Fifth St. fSee page 79.) 765 DANIEL,, C. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, 15tU and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58 ) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. 5040 GARrOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. ^See insert opp, page 11.) 4585 GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Aich St. Haines, Wm. S., Co., 136 S. Fourth St. HUVETTE, PATJr, B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) Keystone Engine and Macliine Works, cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. Lonergan, J. E. , & Co., 211 Race St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L,., &"SON, Betz Bldg. (Seee page 79 ) Shaw, T. , M. E. , 91 5 Ridge Ave. SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 53.) Schutte, L., & Co., 12th St. cor. Thompson St. 5708 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 2.) ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. Allen, E., & Co., 5010 Lancaster Ave. Bell, Harry E., 201 Church St. Bergstresser, 8., 50 N. 23d St. Billauy & Cochrane, 527 Commerce St. Blaclcburn, S. P., &Co., 129 S. Second St. Bowen & Martin, 112 S. Second St. • 4747 BOYD, JAMES & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Bullock, Chas. K., 1361 Ridge Ave. 1760 CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) 765 DANIEL, C. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Bickerton, T. B., & Co., 23 N. Sixth St. . Elsweiler, Wm., 2.30 N. Third St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO.. THE, 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 6040 GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) Glaz.er, Wm. H., 1302 Filbert St. pf v 6 / 4585 GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. Gwilliam, Jas. B., 115 N. Sixth St. HalyDurton, C, J ., 217 Walnut St. Hunter & DicK son, 243 Arch St. ■ 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) Keating, Geo. P., 509 North St. KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., 30th St. cor. Allegheny Ave. (See page 56 ) Lonergan, J. E.,& Co., 211 Race St. v ks / XUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) Nice, H. N., & Bro., 1215 Filbert St. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opn pai^es 68-69.) Peirce, Edwin L., 245 Market St. Penn. E gineeriiig Co., 312 Cherry St. Irowell & Maddock, 40 N. .^ixth St. BOBERToON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) Smith, Jas., & Co., Inc., 413 Race St. Spaulding & Metcalf, 532 Arch St. Vance, Jas. M., & Co., 211 Market St. 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages.) Webb, Edward G., 58 N. Fourth St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. 48 THE L66 NOISELESS CENTRIFUGAL EXnflUST HEflb. A \A/OrMDERI=-Ul_ CONDENSER. NO BACK PRESSURE this is what you want eacH HEAD GUARANTEED Centripetal Dust Arresters, Furnace Feeders, Exhaust Fans. Dust and Smoke Exhaust Systems for all kinds of factories, foundries, etc. THOMAS LEE, 209, 2H. 213 Race Street, Cincinnati, O. EXHAUST FANS AND BLOWERS. See also Blowers. 5264 B. r. STURTEVAISTT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) L,EE, THOMAS, 209-313 Race St., Cincinnati, O. (See page 49.) EXHAUST HEADS. 5264 B. F. STUR.TEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Bingham & Co., 233 Cherry St. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58 ) GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1213 Betz Bldg. (See page 3.) Keystone Engine and Machine Works, Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. r,EE, THOMAS, 301-303 Race St., Cincinnati, O. (See page 49.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) WATSON & McDANIEE CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 3.) EXTRACTORS (GREASE). GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. ( See pages 50-75.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) REDUCE YOUR COAL BILLS By Putting Tour Water in the Boiler at Boiling Point. TUBULAR FEED WATER HEATER AND PURIFIER WITH SEAMLESS BRASS TUBES. Guarantee! to heat the feed water to the Boiling Point (210° or 212°) with the exhaust steam without causing any bacli pressure. Also to Extract the Oil from the exhaust so that the exhaust steam, after being passed through the heater, can be used for heating Surposea and the water of condensation from the heating system be returned to the boiler f'ree from Oil. We Guarantee this Heater will not get Foul with Sediment. -Try us ! If this Heater fails to give satisfaction iii every respect we will pay freight, cartage and all erpenses, Heater to be returned to us at our expense. Patented andinanufactured by the 6963 4585 4585 6870 EXHAUstIi A Liberal Offer. Power Pump STEWART HEATER CO, 51 Norfolk? A venue, BUFFALO, - - - N. Y. ^SEND FOR CIRCULAR A. 49 • Keeping pace with the times, wide awalie to every opportunity for improvement, adding every provision that will make our appli= ances do more work— do it better— and that will make them easier to clean. Thus we build heaters— better heaters every year— the best heaters all the time. Just the kind of feed=water heaters you would build if you considered all the points — what to use and what not to use, whether in material or in the way of design. Common sense heaters— practical from top to bottom. COCHRANE HEATERS. Kind that gives hot water aud real purification; kind that 3 on can clean with a shovel or a hoe; kind that the largest steam users in the V. S. , have put in and are putting in ; kind you would want if you kuf w about them. Wf aliO make the Cochrane Oil Separators ■> nd the Cochrane >team Sep "raters. These every whit as good as the heaters. Catalogues for the af>king. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa. FANS (ELECTRIC). See also Electrical Supplies. B. F. STUBTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Burk & Pickering, 36 N. Seventh St. C. & C. Electric Co., 633 Arch St. Central Electric Co., 13 N. 13th St. Cheyney, W. Irwin, & Co., iai7 Filbert St. Diener, E. H., 30 N. Water St. Etheriugton Co., 47 S. 17th St. Kenyon, Prank C, 1840 Columbia Ave. McDonald, Davis & Co., 2055 Ridge Ave. McINTJKE, WALTER C, & CO., 506 Commerce St. Pringle, Wm. T., & Co., 1038 Filbert St. Eicbter, E. L., 3349 N. 15th St. Stevpart, Prank H., & Co., 35 N. Seventh St. Strang, E. C, 733 Walnut St. Supplee, G. A., & Co., 365 N. Ninth St. Vallee Bros. & Co., 635 Arch St. Walker & Kepler, 531 Chestnut St. FANS (VENTILATING AND PRESSURE). B. E. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) FEED WATER HEATERS AND PURIFIERS. Berryman Heater & Purifier, The, 125 N. Fourth St. BONAB, JAMES, & CO., Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Burchfleld, T. T., 55 N. Seventh St. GOUBERT MFG. CO. (THE), 14-16 Church St., Kew York. GRIEFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HARRISBURG PIPE BENDING CO. (Ltd.), 753 Herr St., Harrisburg, Pa. (See page 51.) HARRISON SAFETY BOtLEB WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) Hoppes Mfg. Co., 604 Girard Bldg. Kensington Engiae Works (Ltd.), 704 Arch St. PHOENIX IRON WORKS CO., Rleadville, Pa. (See page 45.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Simpson, Wm. L., cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. STETTART HEATER CO., 51 Norfolk Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 49 ) STILWEEE-BIEBCE & SMITH VAII^E CO., THE (P. B. FenlonT Mgr.), 612 Arch St. . V . B /, Webster, Warren & Co., Stephen Girard Bldg. *FEED WATER REGULATORS. HUYETTE, PAUL B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) FILTERS. Binder, G., & Co., 443-445 N. 10th St. Kensington Engine Works (Ltd.), 704 Arch St. . Loomis-Manning Filter Co., 402 Chestnut St. MORRISON-JEWEEL FILTRATION CO., 36 S. 15th St. New York Filter Mfg. Co. , 734 Arch St. Simpson, Wm. L., cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. Wanner, Louis, Engineering Co., 106 N. Sixth St. Weaver Filter Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), The, 532 Arch St. FIRE ALARMS. BENNETT, H. R., 1817 Filbert St. (See page 52.) Pneumatic Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., 809 Girard Bldo- Universal Fire Alarm Co. of Camden, N. J., 925 Chestnut St. 50 FEED WPTEH PTEBS OF PURE SEAMLESS COPPER COILS. Gxtaranteetl to be tlie Most EfTective, Most Durable AND CHEAPEST HEATER MANUFACTURED. Please Write for Descriptive Catalogue F. Copper, Iron and Brass Pipe Coils and Bends of any Desired Shape. MANUFACTURED BY ^ h Harrisbyrg Pipe Bending Co,, Ltd, STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. 753 HERR ST., HARRISBURG, PA. 6374 4747 6374 4747 FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES. BENNETT, H. R., 1317 Filbert St. (See page 52.) BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. rourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Clay, John H., 1320 Eidge Ave. DANIEL,, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Latta & Mulconroy, 1217 Market St. Shannon Mfg. Co., cor. 11th and Catherine Sts. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Aatomatic Fire Extinguisher Co. (Ltd.), 112 S. Orianna St. Babcock Fire Estingaisher Co., 14 N. Fourth St. BENNETT, H. R., "STEMPLE," 1317 Filbert St. (See page 52.) BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Foiirtli St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Clay, John H., 1320 Ridge Ave. Francis Bros. & Jcllett, 704 Arch St. General Fire Extinguisher Co., 1001 Chestnut St. Lierz & Siegmann, 907 Arch St. Miller Fire Bxtinsuisher Co., 369 Bourse Bldg. .STEMPLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER 3IFG. CO. (H.E.Bennett), 1317 Filbert St, (See page 52.) Universal Automatic Fire Extinguisher Co. (Ltd.), 2627 Howard St. FIRE HOSE. See also Hose. 14 N. Fourth .St. (See insert opp. page 57.) 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL,, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page .33.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., N. Y. (See inserts opp pages 4747 4747 765 4747 4747 765 4747 BOSTON BELTING CO BOYD, JAMES, & BRO QUAKER CITY RUBBER CO., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) FIRE HOSE (LINEN). BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) FLEXIBLE SHAFTS. UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., "FORSYTH, inserts opp. pages 82-83.) 51 Pittsburgh, Pa. (Se« STEMPEL Fire Extinguishers UNEQUALED For Simplicity, Certainty, Quick- ness and Power in Action. Approved by Piniiadelphia Fire Underwriters Association. H. R. BENNETT, 1217 Filbert Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. * FLOATS FOR HIGH PRESSURE. HtJTETTE, PAUL B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) * FLOAT VALVES. 1514 DILKS,. FRANK W., & CO. (LUDLOW), 518 Arcli St. FLUE SCRAPERS. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) STEWART HEATER CO., 51 Norfolk Ave., Buftalo, N. T. (See page 49.) UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., FittsTjurgh, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 83-83.) FORGES (PORTABLE AND STATIONARY). 5264 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 8.3.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.l ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 Liberty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 32.) * FOUNDERS (BRASS). See also Brass Founders. EAST^VOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 120 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED. USE THE "NIAGARA" BOILER TUBE CLEANER. Tt will save you FTTEL, ^g^p^i^ HMftSilh - PATENTED COMPOUNDS. ^l^^^^_^U9^0 Others Pending. Write for Circulars fully describing above and its operation. We also manufacture a full line of Injectors, Ejectors, Oil Cups, Oil Pumps and Engine and Boiler Supplies. SHERWOOD MANUFACTURING CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. 53 * FOUNDERS (IRON). See also Iron Founders. EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 120 Liberty St., N. Y, (See inside front cover.) HARRISON SAFETY BOTLER WORKS, 17tU St., bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) FRICTION CLUTCHES. CRESSON, GEO. V., CO., cor. IStli St. and Allegheny Ave. Link Belt Engineering Co., The, Hunting Park Ave., Nicetown. Moore & White Co , cor. 15th St. and Lehigh Ave. Smith, James, & Co., Inc., 411 Eace St. FUEL ECONOMIZERS. FUEX, ECONOMIZER CO., THE, "GREENS," Matteawan, N. Y. Kensington Engine Works, Ltd., 704 Arch St. FURNACE GRATES. FRICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) HAWEEY-DOWN DRAFT FURNACE CO. OF PENNA., 730 Girard Bldg. BIcCEAVE, BROOKS & CO., 466 Bourse Bldg. (See page 54) SALAMANDER GRATE BAR CO., 138 Liberty St., New York. FURNACES (SMOKELESS). COLUMBIA STOKER CO., THE, 1001 Chestnut St. Davis Automatic Stoker Co., Bridgeport, Pa. HAWLEY-DOWN DRAFT FURNACE CO. OF PENNA., 730 Girard Bldg. Kensington Engine Works, Ltd., 704 Arch St. W^ILKINSON ItlFG. CO., 1107 Stephen Girard Bldg. (See page 81.) GALVANIZED EXHAUST PIPING. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) GAS ENGINES. See also Engines, Gas. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS, THE, 33d St. cor. Walnut St. GAS EXHAUSTERS. ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 Liberty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 33.) GASKETS. BOSTON BELTING CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) BOYD, JAMES & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) •N. J. ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N. J. (See page 31.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 W^arren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) W^ALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) GASKETS (VULCABESTON). FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GATE VALVES. See also Valves, Gate. CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See paae 79.) DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) GAUGE COCKS. Binder, G., & Co., 443-445 N. 10th St. BONAR, JAMES, & CO., Carnegie Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. HUYETTE, PAUL B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) Middleton, Howard W., Co., The, 945 Eidge Ave. SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Bufialo, N. Y. (See page 52.) WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 3.) GAUGE GLASSES. BOYD, JAS., & B_RO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) GAUGES. ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, 373 Franklin SI., Boston, Mass. Brovfn, Edward, 311 Walnut St. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. Ford & Kendig Co., 27 N. Seventh St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) Shaw, T., M. E., 915 Ridge Ave. SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buflfalo, N. Y. (See page 53.) Shipley, Walter C. 24 S. Seventh St. Williamson & Cassedy, 536 Market St. 53 5 McCLAVE'S IMPROVED grate AMa^ARGAND STEAM BLOWER features for burning the sma'.ler sizes of liard and soft coal culm, birdseye. buckwheat, slack, duff, etc., than any other system. The Grate alone stands unequaled for burning the larger sizes of these fuels, with natural draught. Sectional View Abgand Steam Blowbb The distinctive features o£ this grate are, that during one operation it forms pockets and cuts off and drops into the ash pit a fixed quantity of ashes at each movement, and during another operation it furnishes a thorough shaking movement without any increase in the size of the openings between the bars, and therefore without waste of fuel. In addition to these, each row of bars is divided into two sections, which permits the front half and rear half of the fire to be cleaned separately when occasion requires, i. e. when the fuel forms very large clinkers. Each row of bars, however, can be operated as a whole by means of the twin levers and double socketed operating handle. For full particu- lars send for Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue. McCLAVE, BROOKS & CO. Philadelphia Office: Main Office and Works: SCRANTON, PA. 466 BOURSE BUILDING. GAUGES (HYDRAULIC). ASHTON VAI.VE CO., THE, 373 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. GAUGES (PRESSURE AND VACUUM). ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, 373 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. GAUGES (RECORDING). ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, 373 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VvlLVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. GEAR CUTTING MACHINERY. CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) GEARS (MACHINE-MOLDED AND CUT). CRESSON, GEO. V., & CO., 18th St. cor. Allegheny Ave. GENERATORS (ELECTRIC). B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., 606 Commerce St. Fort Wayne Electric Corporation, Bourse Bldg. General Electric Co., 509 Arch St. Walker Co., 748 Drexel Bldg. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & MFG. CO., Land Title Bldg, 54 Boiler Fronts, Bases, Hoods, Boiler Makers' Supplies. HORACE E.FRIGK, Consulting and Contracting Engineer. Engines, Boilers, Pumps and Macliinery Supplies. Oenersi Castings to Order. Self-Sustaining Steel Plate Chimneys. 421 Chestnut Street, - Frick'8 Shaking, Crushing and Dumping Grate Surface Frick's Sectional Stationary Grate Surface Eeed's Patent Rotating Grates Aetna Improved Shaking Grates Robertson's Coaamon Sense Shaking and Dumping Grate The Steele Patent Shaking and Dumping Grate Eeilly's Patent Removable Surface Grate Wren, Long & Barthel Patent Grate Bars FURNACES RELINED. Tanks, Filters and Stand Pipes. - PHILADELPHIA, PA. Thompson's Patent Sectional Grate Rogers' Patent Grate The Improved Keystone Grate Tupper or Herringbone, Obtuse Angle, Cross Bar Interlocking Common Grates, Etc., for all Sizes and Kinds of Fuel Circular Grates, any diameter from 15 to 60 inches Circular Grates for Hazleton, Manning, Cliinax and Similar Types of Boilers Cast Iron Floor Plates, variety of patterns Telephone 5396D. GLOBE VALVES. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front coyer.) GRAPHITE. Detroit Graphite Mfg. Co., 1112 Betz Bldg. 1531 I>IXON, JOSEPH, CKUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See page 1.) Holmes Fibre Graphite Mfg. Co., cor. Bristol and N. 29th Sts. Phila. Graphite Co., 803 Lippincott Bldg. * GRAPHITE PAINT. DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. page 1.) GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT COMPOUND. DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See page 1.) GRATE BARS. Alcott, Ross & Scully Co., 2917 N. Broad St. Dermitt, S. W., Co., Ltd., 137 S. 10th St. FKICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) Kline, Chas. B., 331 N. Fourth St. McAdams, Jno. A., 723 Richmond St. M<^CLAVE, BROOKS & CO., 466 Bourse Bldg. (See page 54.) Mershon Patent Shaking Grate Works, 1203 Filbert St- Reagan Grate Bar Co., 1036 Filbert St. ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Robson, Chas., Eighth St„ cor. Washington Ave. Rose Patent Grate Co., 700 Fidelity Bldg. St. John, Frank Jay, 308 Walnut St. SALAMANDER GRATE BAR CO., 136 Liberty St., New York. Sharpless & Watts, 1523 Chestnut St. GREASE CUPS. Binder, G., & Co., 443-445 N. 10th St. France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., cor. 30th St. and Allegheny Ave. (See page 56.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. LUNKE>HEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New Yorh. (See inside back cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58, and back cover.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SONS., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 53.) 55 KEYSTONE LUBRICATING GREASE I Send for one or I | ^^^^^^^W * i^H We can convince two pounds and a I M U ^\^^^^^^ A ^ I I ^°^ *^^* Keystone brass cup for a sam- I I I ||^ \^M M WL i\ WJIi I is cheaper and better pie. We make no I II ^^ i^&^^^Z^^^ 111 I than other Greases charge for it and 1^^^ .^J^^^K..^.^ ^ I or Oils. Our Agent will deliver it free. P^ TRADE MARK ' wiU call. REGISTERED YOU CANNOT GET IT FROM DEALERS. r>o]X'T FOiftGKT OUR Ar>r>Ricss, KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., 20lh St. & Allegheny Av., Philadelphia, Pa. GREASE EXTRACTORS. 4585 GRIPFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 103 Arcli St. 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Alleglieny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L,., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) GREASES (GRAPHITE MACHINE). 1531 DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Eourtli St. (See page 1.) GREASES (LUBRICATING). 5094 BORNE-SCRYMSER CO., 323 N. Front St. Crew-Levick Co., 113 Arch St. FraBce, A. W., Tacony, Pa. Frick, Nathan, & Co., 262 N. Fourth St. Haugh, John, & Co., Ill S. Water St. JENKINS, AVARNER H., Penn Mutual Bldg. KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., cor. N. 30th St. and Allegheny Ave. (See page 56.) 3913 LEONARD & ELLIS, 433 N. Third St. Loos & Dilworth, 38 N. Delaware Ave. 5754 N. Y. LUBRICATING OIL CO., 319 TV^alnut St. Skipton, Valentine, Co., 2321-2323 N. 30th St. 734 VACUUM OIL CO., 305 Walnut St. Walton, F. S., Co., 134 S. Delaware Ave. Warley, Thos. C. & Co.. 11 S. Ninth St. 58361) WILSON-CLARK CO., 107 S. Water St. Ziirn, D. F., Co.. 408-418 Vine St. GRINDING MACHINERY (ALL KINDS). 1718 CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) HAIR AND WOOL FELT. 1633 JOHNS, H. W., MFG. CO., 170-173 N. Fourth St. * HEATERS (FEED WATER). See also Feed Water Heaters. 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St., bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) HEATING AND VENTILATING SPECIALISTS. 5364 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Francis Bros. & Jellett, 704 Arch St. 1537 SMITH, H. B., CO., THE, 510 Arch St. (See page 77.) HOISTING MACHINERY. See also Elevators. Box, Alfred, & Co., 813 N. Front St. Harrington, Edwin, Son & Co., cor. 15th St. and Penn Ave. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 15 N. Seventh St. Link Belt Engineering Co., Hunting Park Ave., Nicetown. 1837 SELLERS, WM., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) HOSE. 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Clay, John H., 1.320 Ridge Ave. 765 DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. pagt 10.) Etsweiler, Wm., 230:N. Third St. 4747 EUREKA FIRE-^HOSE CO., 14 N.^Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 83,) Goodyear Rubber Hose & Packing Co., 221 Chestnut St. Keating Rubber Co., 509 Cuthbert St. Latta & Mulconroy, 1217 Market St. 56 griiiiAAAAAiiiiiiiiiAiAiAi iiiiAiAiiiAiAiAi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUliAiAiAiAAAiiiAiAiUiiAiAiTg The Leading Steam Engineering Journal. | The largest and rrjost handsonqelLj illustrated paper ^ of its kind ir| the world, % Each issue contains many articles by the best % writers on subjects that are of prime interest to ^ every power user. § The paper is devoted exclusively to the economical ^ generation and transmissioq of power, I 72 PAQE5 EACH ISSUE. Subscription $1.00 per year in advance, ^ SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY, I I PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY | I The Power Publishing Co., I I World Building, New York. | amTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTmmTTmmTTTTTTTTTTTmTTTTmTTTTTTTmmTmmTTTmmTTTTTTTTmmTTSi JHMESBOYD-BRG SELLING AGENTS FOR Boston Belting Co. Eureka Fire Hose C( 1 1 1 1 Rubber, Leather and Cotton Belting Rubber, Cotton and Linen Hose Steam and Hydraulic Packings of every description SELLING AGENTS FOR Genuine Eureka Packinc BEST IN THE WORLD AVOID IMITATIONS 14 North Fourth Street, RH I LADEILRH I A. THE nmbJ HTDRflULIC RAWHIDE FflCKINQ. The Packing for Water Works, Stern Pipes of Propellers, Deep Mine Pumps, Ice Machines, and all Machinery using cold water. It is the most pliable aud durable Hydraulic Packing in the market. It can be worn entirely ovt, simply by adding new packing ivhen required and not removing the old. It will never cut a rod or cylinder, on account of the nature of the material, it being always a good lubricant in itself. Send for Circular C. MABBS HYDRAULIC PACKING CO., Box 829, CHICAGO. HOSE— Continued. Levick's, Richard, Son & Co., 720 and 1230 Chestnut St. Montgomery Bros., 48 N. Front St. New York Belting & Packing Co. (Ltd.), 308 Chestnut St. Nice, H. N., & Bro., 1215 Filbert St. PEERLESS RUBBER »irG. CO., THE, 16 W^arren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages (J8-69.) Penn Rubber Co., 608 Arch St. QUAKER CITV RUBBER CO., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Restein, Clement & Co., 15 N. Fourth St. Revere Rubber Co., 508 Drexel Bldg. Rhoads, J. E., & Sons, 239 Market St. Williamson & Cassedey, 526 Market St. *HOSE (COTTON). BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourtli St. (See insert opp. page 57.) I>ANIEI., CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE. 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) *HOSE (LINEN). EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) *HOSE (MILL). EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) *HOSE (RUBBER-LINED COTTON). EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) *HOSE (STEAM). EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp . page 33.) *HOSE VALVES. DItKS, FRANK W., & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. * HOT BLAST APPARATUS. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) * HYDRAULIC DAMPER REGULATORS. LOCKE REGULATOR CO., Salem, Mass. (See page 39.) HYDRAULIC GAUGES. Shaw, T.; M. E., 915 Ridge Ave. * HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. * HYDRAULIC PACKING. See also Packing (Hydraulic). BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp . page 10.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) MABBS HYDRAULIC PACKING CO., Box 829, Chicago, III. (See page 57.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See opp. pages 68-69.) WALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) * HYDRAULIC PUMPS. See also Pumps. DALLETT, W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pumps), 49 N. Seventh St. DILKS, FRANK W^., & CO., "BLAKE," 518 Arch St. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps.) (See page 73.) SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (T .C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. (See page 73.) W^ORTHINGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arch St. manufacturers of Walsh Metal Face Packing, the best Hydraulic Packing in the market Ends of Pumps, Hot Water, Power and Walsh Packing Co., for Elevators, Direct Lifts, Accumulators, Water Belt Plunger Pumps. Walsh Combination Gaskets can he usea from ten to thirty times, j 118 and i 120 South SevefltH St., Philadelphia 57 T"! Eynon=Korting (Compound [njector. STARTED REGULATED p STOPPED With One Handle Extra Heavy Valves Condensers, Blowers, Ventilators, Blast Nozzles, Sypbons, Ex- hausters, Steam Traps etc. The BEST for STATIONARY, MARINE or LOCOMOTIVE Service BRASS, BRONZE and COPPER CAST= INQS of every kind. Send for general Catalogue covering the Specialties. The Etnon-Ev/in/ riFQ. Cs. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. 15th and Clearfield Sts., - Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 1 o/ EFFICIENCY 902 o FUEL-SAVING 6i!l*o The World-Renowned 00/^ AUTOMATIC INJECTOR SHOWS THESE RESULTS ON AN ACTUAL TEST MADE BY J. F. ELSOM, NEW ALBANY, IND. or* CI IDC YOU GET LOOK FOR Bt OUPlt THE GENUINE TRADE MARK Penberthy Injector Co., DETROIT, MICH, .58 PHILADELPHIA, PA. IMPROVED MACHINE TOOLS EOR RAILWAY AND MACHINE SHOP EQIJIPMENT. IMPROVED TURN-TABLES for LOCOMOTIVES, CARS and PIVOT BRIDGES Sigh Speed Fewer Traveling Cranes, Swing Cranes, Etc. Shafting, I»ulleys, Hangers, Etc., for Transmitting I»o-vrer. Improved Injectors for Every Condition of Locomotives, Stationary and Marine Boiler Service. * HYDRAULIC RAWHIDE PACKINGS. MABBS HYDRAULIC PACKING CO., Box 839, Chicago, 111. (See pae;e 57) * HYDRAULIC RAMS. 2007 DAI.I.ETT, W. P. (Deming and Buffalo Pamps), 49 N. Seventh. St. HYDRAULIC VALVES AND FITTINGS. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO. " r,UI>r,0"W," 518 Arch St. EASTWOOD WIRE IHFO. CO., 130 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) ICE MACHINERY. De La Vergne Refrigerating Macliine Co., 704 Girard Bldg. Frick Co., Basement, Bourse Bldg. Holt & Shober, 1345 Arch St. KUbourn Construction Co., 935 Drexel Bldg. NEWBURGH ICE MACHINE & ENGINE CO., 1336 Chestnut St. Penna. Iron Works Co., cor. 50th St. -and Lancaster Ave. Vitter Mfg. Co., The, 801 Provident Bldg. York Mfg. Co., 476 Bourse Bldg. - . INDICATORS (ENGINE). ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Williamson & Cassedey, 5^6 Market St. INJECTORS AND INSPIRATORS. Belfleld, H., & Co., 435 N. Broad St. Champion & Keystone Injectors, 513 N. 12th St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, "EYNON-KORTING COMPOUND," cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 5363 FITCHBUBG STEAM ENGINE CO., 1001 Chestnut St. Griffiths, Jas. A., 513 N. 12th St. 836 JENKINS BROS., "SELLERS RESTARTING," 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) ROBERTSON, JAMES L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Rue Mfg. Co., 215 Race St. 1837 SELLERS, TVM., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) SHERAVOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) Shutte, L., & Co., cor. 12i;h and Thompson Sts. * INJECTORS (BOILER OIL). LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) INSULATED WIRE AND CABLES. Moore, Alfred F., 200-208 N. Third St. Walker & Kepler, 531 Chestnut St. INSURANCE (BOILER). Fidelity & Casualty Co., 330 Walnut St. 1159 HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSP. & INS. CO., 433 AYalnut St. (See front cover.) United States Casualty Co., 831-337 Walnut St. "When writing to Advertisers, please mention tlie Engineers' Reference. This costs notMng and will please all concerned. THE; PUBLISHERS. 59 1760 3176 IRON FOUNDERS. ■William & Co., 960 N. Ninth St. Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., 610 Drexel Building. Bastian & McCJoekey, 4344 Orchard St., Frankford. Belmont Iron Works, Inc., 22d St. cor. Washington Ave. Bilyeu, J. H., & Co., 315 N. Broad St. Blankley Bros. & Co., 226 St. cor. Allegheny Ave. Brown, E. E., & Co., McKean St., cor. Meadow. Camden Iron Works, 400 Chestnut St. Columbia Iron & Brass Foundiy, Water St. near Moore St. Columbian Iron Works, 141 N. Seventh St. Conroy, P. J., Brass and Iron Works, Island Kd. nr. 75th St. Creswell, David S., Nicetown Station. Creswell, SamuelJ., Iron Works, The, 23d St. cor. Cherry St. Fairmount Machine Co., 21(i6 Wood St. Flagg, Stanley G., & Co., 19th St. cor. Pennsylvania Ave. Florence Iron Works, 400 Chestnut St. FRICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) Girard Iron Works, a2d St. cor. Master St. Glover Bros., Vandike St. cor. Paul St., Frankford. Gray's Ferry Founary & Boiler Co., Ltd , The, 1215 Filbert St. Greger, A. L., & Co., Third St. cor. Cambridy'e St. Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works, 701 Betz Bldg. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) Hope Iron Foundry, 960 N. Ninth St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Jones & Scnllin, Cambria St. cor. American St. Jones, Jeremiah C, 1218 Filbert St. Juniata Furnace & Foundry Co., Inc., 1156 Beach St. Keystone Portable Forge Co., 215 Race St. Kutztown Foundry and Machine Co., 700 Fidelity Bldg. Lindsay, Peter, Krams Ave. near Silverwood St., Manayunk. March, Wm. H., cor. 22d St. and Washington Ave. Millville Foundry, 400 Chestnut St. Mitchell, Alex., & Co., 2015-2049 N. Marshall St. Morris, I. P., Co., Beach St. cor. Ball St. Morris, Tasker & Co., Inc., 224 S. Third St. Naylor, Jacob, Front St. cor Girard Ave. North Bros. Mfg. Co., cor. Lehigh Ave. and American St. Novelty Iron Works, 3120 Market St. Penna. Iron Works Co., cor. 50th St. and Lancaster Ave. Perseverance Iron Co., Passyunk Ave. cor. Federal St. Pettit Ornamental Iron & Fence Co., Inc., 1219 Callowhill St. Phila. Hardware and Mailable Iron Works, Jefferson St. cor. N. Ninth St Phila. Stove & Iron Foundry Co., Inc., The, 1633 N. Fifth St. Phila. Roll & Machine Co., cor. 23d St. and Washington Ave. Purling, Wm. & Co., 926 Callowhill St. Rebmann, G., & Co., 13th and Noble Sts. Rex, Alfred C. & Co., Margaret St. near P. R. R. Rhodes, Wm. S., & Co., 2315 Wood St. Robson, Chas. S., cor. Eighth St. and Washington Ave. Sheppard, Isaac A., & Co., 1803 N. Fourth St. Shuster Foundry, cor. Willow and Franklin Sts. Smith, S. Decatur, 2507 B. Cumberland St. Southwick Foundry & Machine Co., Washington Ave. cor. Fifth St. Standard Iron Foundry, 13th St. cor. Noble St. Stevens, W. W. & R. S., Ninth St. cor. Montgomery Ave. Stoney. Joseph, 515 Cherry St. Tacony Iron & Metal Co., State Rd., Tacony. Thompson, J., & Co., cor. Sophia and Van Horn Sts. Wood, R. D., & Co., 400 Chestnut St. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Allison Mfg. Co., The, cor. Walnut and 32d Sts. American Pipe Mfg. Co., Somerset St. cor. N. 17th St. Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., 610 Drexel Bldg. Belfleld, H., & Co., 435 N. Broad St. Block, Shaw & Zeltmacher, 1843 N. 10th St. Chester Pipe & Tube Co., 267 S. Fourth St. Conshohocken Tube Works, 434 Drexel Bldg. CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. ( See front cover.) Flagg, Stanley G., & Co., cor. 19th and Hamilton Sts. Ford & Kendig Co., 27 N. Seventh St. Getze & Bro., 507 Arch St. Hunter & Dickson, 245 Arch St. Longmead Iron Co., 434 Drexel Building. McCool Tube Co., 670 Bullitt Building. Maneely, John, 309 Arch St. Morris, Tasker & Co., Inc., 224 S. Third St. National Structural Tubing Co., 552 Bullitt Bldg. Obdvke, W. Austin, & Co., 21K New St. Pancoast, Henry B., & Co., 243 S. Third St. Penna. Tube Works, Fidelity Bldg. Phila. Pipe Bending Works, Rising Sun La. and N. P. R, R, Whetstone & Co., 911 Filbert St. Wood, B. D., & Co., 400 Chestnut St. ./Cx GftATON S KNIGHT MFG. CO., MANUFACTURERS or OAK LEATHER OAK LEATHER BELTING Main Office, Tannery and Factory, WORCESTER, - - - MASS. We commend to all Engineers the superior wearing qualities of our Leather Belting. Estimates or Advice given on Specifications for the Belting equipment of all Mills. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: 132 N. THIRD STREET. JEWELERS' SPECIAL MACHINERY. CREGAR, J, "VT., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) JOURNAL BEARINGS. CO., 120 Liberty St., New York. (See inside front EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. cover.) LACE LEATHER. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourtli St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Shultz Belting Co. (A. M. McComb, Mgr.), 116 N. Third St. Town & Bro., 607 Market St. LATHES (ENGINE AND FOOT-POWER). CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) LEATHER BELTING. See also Belting. Alexander Bros., 410^12 N. Thira St. Arny, C. W., & Son, 228 N. Third St. Bowen & Martin, 112 S. Second St. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Danforth Belting Co., 221 Chestnut St. DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) EtsweUer, Wm., 230 N. Third St. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO., 133 N. Third St. (See page 61.) Latta & Mnlconroy, 1217 Market St. Main Belting Co., 1225 Carpenter St. Munson, Chas., Belting Co., 118 N. Fourth St. Pancoast, Henry B., & Co., 243 S. Third Si. Pechin-Lesher Co., Ltd., 124 N. Third St. Pechin, Thos. E., cor. N. Marshall St. and Susquehanna Ave. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 W^arren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) Ehoads, J. B., & Sons, 239 Market St. Eichie, Crawford & Co., 420 N. Third St. Schieren, Chas. A., & Co., 226 N. Third St. Shultz Belting Co. (A. M. McConib, Mgr.), 116 N. Third St. Smith, Jas., & Co., Inc., 411 Race St. Webb, Edward G., 58 N. Fourth St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. Wise & Bailey, 141 Market St. "" LEATHER BELTING MANUFACTURERS. See also Belting. GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO., 132 N. Third St. (Seepage 61.) * LEATHER PRESERVATIVE. CLING-SURFACE MFG. CO.> 169-174 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. (See insert opp. page 33.) LETTER PRESSES. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) LOW WATER ALARMS. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. HUYETTE, PAUL B., "RELIANCE," 1213 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) - LISTS OF POWER PLANTS AND ENGINEERS. REFERENCE PUBLISHING CO., World Building, New York. (See page 30.) 61 LUBRICATING COMPOUNDS. See also Oils (Lubricating). Delaware Lubricating Oil Refinery, 1S14 Filbert St. 1531 DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Eourth St. (See page 1.) Haugh, John, & Co., Ill S. Water St. KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., cor. SOtli St. and Allegheny Ave. (See page .56.) Leonard & Ellis, 433 N. Third St. Loos & Dilworth, 38 N. Delaware Ave. New York Lubricating Oil Co., r. 319 Waluut St. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. 1531 PIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See page 1.) LUBRICATORS. Binder, G., & Co., 443-445 N. 10th St. France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. Gwilliam, James B., 115 N. Sixth St. Halyburton, C, Jr., 217 Walnut St. Houghton, E. F., & Co., cor. Third and Somerset Sts. KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO., cor. 30th St. and Allegheny Av. (See page 56.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 26 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buttalo, N. Y. (See page 53.) * MACHINERY (PUMPING). 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., " BLAKE," 518 Arch St. * MACHINE TOOLS. 1718 CREGAR, J. "W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) ISST SELLERS, \YM., & CO., Inc., 1300 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) MACHINISTS. Ackley, Myers F., 1430 Washington Ave. Acme Staple & Machine Co., 518 Master St. Allen, Alonzo W., 2433 Mascher St. Allen, A., & Co.. 630 S. 19th St. Altemus, W. W., & Son, 2816 N. Fourth St. Anderson, Charles A., 3233 Matket St. Ashworth, N. S., & Co., 2054 Adams St. Aughenbaugh, Oscar P., N. Sixth St. cor. Moore St. Auttin, David P., 1819 N. Fifth St. Baizley, John, 510 S. Delaware Ave. Barker, James, N. Second St. cor. Somerset St. Batt, Richard, & Son, 407 Columbia Ave. Bechtel, Henry, & Co., 328 Vine St. Behrle, Edward B., 1802 N. ]9t.h St. Bement, Miles, & Co., 21et St. cor. Callowhill St. Berkholz, John P., 409 Cherry St. Bernhardt. Chas., 323 Fairmount Ave. Betz, John H., 419 Berks St. Betz, John W., 235 Cherry St. Bilgram, Hugo, N. W. cor. 12Lh and Noble Sts. Binder, G., & Co., 443 N. 10th St. Bing, J. Howard, 3; 39 Filbert St. BishoD, William J., N. Hancock St. cor. Edward St. Black; George, 2612 Coral St. Black, Josiah, 3011 Ruth St. Blackburn & JefErey, 110 N. Fifth St. Blummer, William T., 512 Vine St. Borchers, Richard C, & Co., 1708 Germantown Ave. Borm, Henry W., 1918 S. Front St. Box, Alfred, & Co., 813 N. Front St. Brenner, Joseph, Diamond St. cor. N. Second St. Bridesburg Machine Co., 4821 Garden St., Bridesburg Brooks, George J. , 1214 Passyunk Ave. Brother, Andrew, Clay St. cor. 12th St. Broomell, E. W., 1116 Montgomery Ave. Butterworth, John, 6001 Hazel Ave. Caldwell, James, 304 Race St. Carnell, George, 1819 N. Fifth St. Century Engineering Co., Ring St. cor Main St. Chambers Bros. Co., 52dSt. near Lancaster Ave. Chappell, George H., Ring St. near Main St , Manayunk. Clemens, Francis, 2402 Hope St. Climax Machine Co., Inc., 68 N. Fourth St. Cohen, Samuel B., 706 S. Fifth St. Colket, George H., & Co., 1516 Spring Garden St. Collins, George, 2638 Coral St. Cooper, Dyer, 617 Galloway St. Corliss Engine Works, 2601 N. Howard St. 6805 CRESSON, GEO. V., CO., N. 18th St., cor. Allegheny Ave. Dallett, Thomas H., & Co., York St., cor Sedgley Ave. Deisgler, P., & Bro., 624 Filbert St. 63 MACHINISTS-Continued. Denn & Cocker, 2009 Oxford St.. Frankford. Dewees, John W., 33 N. Seventh St. Dienelt & Eisenhardt, 1304-1318 Howard St. Dill, T. C, Maciiine Co., Maschcr St. cor. Somerset St. Dullfus, Alphonse E., Venango St. cor. G St. Donnelly, Joseph C, 427 N. 13th St. Douglas, Charles G., 633 Filbert St. Drolet, Charles, 615 Walnut St. Duffy, Anthony, 1909 HofEman St. Eccles, James, 3424 Amber St. Eldridge, F. Howard, 711 Spring Garden St. Ellison Bros., 3213 Bridge St., Frankford. Engel, Robert, 338 N. 11th St. Epplur, John, 629 Filbert St. Evan's, John, Sons, 506 N. 13th St. Exchange Machme Works, 624 Filbert St. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. Clearfield and 15th Sts. (See page 58) Fairmount Machine Co., 2106 Wood St. Falkenau, Arthur, cor. 11th St. and Ridge Ave. Federschmidt, Frank, 267 8. 20th St. Fellenbaum, Harry, 431 N. Orianna St. Ford Bros. & Co., 343-345 S. Front St. Fordham, Walter, 4332 Main St., Manayunk. Frame, Gibbons, Diamond St. cor. N. Second St. Franklin Machine Works, 32 N. Fifth St. Fullard, William, 636 Filbert St. Gleason's, John, Sons, Diamond St. cor N. Second St. Gleason, B. & F., cor. Susquehanna Ave. and American St. Gleockler, Frank S., 864 Randolph St. Goldner, Henry, & Son, Tasker Street Wharf. Globe Machine Works, 3009 Oxford St., Frankford. Gordon, William J., 235 Bread St. Grant, Geo. B., 624 Race St. Haggenmiller, Terence, 837 N. Fourth St. Halton, Thomas. 2637 Mutter St. Hankey, A., & Co., Inc., 2335 Vine St. Harman Bros., 2003 Federal St. Harrington, Edwin, Son & Co., Inc., N. 15th St. cor. Pennsylvania Ave. Harrison's, William H , Sons, 1708 Ludlow St. Hart, Charles, 4617 Hedge St., Frankford. Haslam, William, 813 Race St. Hepworth, J. W., & Co., Lehigh Ave. cor. Mascher St. Hess & Barker, 810 Sansom St. Hess Machine Works, 3513 Callowhill St. Heydrick, William H. H., Benezet St. cor. P.& R.R.,C. Hill Hill, Frank K., 1306 Race St. Himmelspark & Son, 1845 E. Hazzard St. Hindermyer, Joseph, & Son, 911 Vine St. Hood, R. H., 1420 Callowhill St. Hortz, Jacob, 3040 Westmoreland St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Ibbotson, Arthur T., 1735 Federal St. Ingram, Amer F., 1502 N. Fifth St. Insinger Co., Stenton Ave. near Wayne June, Germantown. Inventors' Manufacturing Co., 44 N. Fourth St. Jackson's Machine and Iron Works, 844 S. Swanson St. Jensen-Borresen Co., 249 S. American St. Jerram, Charles, 2826 RosehUl St. Jesson, John B., 308 New St. Jopes, Lewis, N. Edgewood St. cor. Media St. Kalten thaler, Henry J., 336 Cherry St. Kay, William, 718 S. Mole St. Kensington Engine Works, Ltd., 704 Arch St. Kensington Machine Co., 3337 N. Front St. Kerr. John J., 365 S. 11th St. Kettler, Herman, 333 Girard Ave. Keystone Clutch and Machine Works,;i708 Germantown Ave. Keystone Engine and Machine Works, N. Fifth St. cor. Buttonwood 8t. King, Oscar B., 923 Filbert St. and 931 Commerce St. Klein, Charles C, 2850 N. Marshall St. Klenk, John, r 413 Cherry St. Koenig, Julius, 238 Bainbridge St. Kueny, Nicholas M., 1330 Point Breeze Ave. Kuenzle, Wm., 2503 N. Carlisle St. Lake Bros , 1645 N. 10th St. Lampe & Bart els, 117 N. Front St. Langston, O. S., 501 Locust St. Lee, Walter T., 120 N. Seventh St. Lsfeber, Henry, 315 Vine St. Lehmann, Christian, 1218 Mascher St. Lever & Grundy, Lehigh Ave. nr. Mascher St. Leypoldt, Frederick W., 343 N. Fifth St. Lindley, George, Jr., 5130 Wakefield St., Germantown. Lindsay, Hyde & Co., 213 E. York St. Lodge, J., & Son, 103 S. Orianna St. Loehnchen, Carl, 3630 Oakdale St. Lusse Bros., 1034 N. Fourth St. Lutner, William, 1603 S. Front St. 63 MACHINISTS— Continued. Lyons, Charles H., r 625 Commerce St. Mc(^utclieon, Jolin G., 1058 Gennantown Ave. McFarlane^ George A., 1005 S. Second St. McMahon, Joha, 2542 N. Fourth St. McMichael, Abner, 22 Armat St., Germantown. McMillan, Frank, 5432 Tacony St., Frankford. MacFeeters, Daniel J., cor. Bastwick Ave. and 92d St. Manayunk Machine Works, Ring St. nr. Main St., Manayunk. Maris Bros., S. 56th St. cor. Grays Ave. Martino, Joseph, 1008 Noble St. Mason, A., 420 Addison St. Mayall, Louis A., 731 Ludlovt' St. Metzger, Alfred, 33 Armat St., Germantown. Middleton, Edward H.,4527 Hedge St., Frankford. Miller, E. L., Co., 7.36 Sansom St. Mills, Thomas, & Son, 1301 N. Eighth St. Mitchell, John, 2224 Vine St. Moore & White Co. , Lehigh Ave. cor. N. 15th St. Moroge, John B., 311 S. Lawrence St. Morris. P. Hollingsworth, 1501 S. Front St. Munion & Co., 1619 S. 22d St. Murray, William, 2740 N. Broad St. Nacke's Sons, 723 Sansom St. Naylor, Jacob, Front St. cor. Girard Ave. Newton Machine Tool Works, 2337 Vine St. Noble, Henry A., 203 Dock St. Oldham, George & Son, 4326 Tackawanna, Frankford. Olsen, Tinius & Co., 500 N. 12th St, Opie, Samuel T., 1725 Passyunk Ave. Orr & Hess Machine Co., Ltd., 2321 Vine St. Orton, Robert, 2140 N . Leithgow St. Drum, Morris L.,503 N. 11th St. Osborn, Wm., 1129 Snyder Ave. Ott, George F., 207 to 213 Buttonwood St. Parkham, Charles, 712 Cherry St. Parker, S., & Son, 167 E. Chelten Ave., Germantown. Paxton & O'Neill, 129 Bread St. Pedrick & Ayer Co., 1001 Hamilton St. Pemmlein, Frank, Jr., 108 E. Indiana St. Ramsden, Israel, 1213 Day St. Rehfuss, George, & Sons, 1311 S. Carlisle St. Reid, Robert, 71 Laurel St. Reilly & Peyton, 1162 N. Third St. Reliance Machine Works, 4617 Hedge St., Frankford. Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. Ridings, Peter J., 1535 Fitzwater St. Riehl, Henry & Son, 1.30 N. Orianna St. Riehle Bros. Testing Machine Co., 19 N. Sixth St. Roscoe & Bishop, 306 Master St. Roth, Gottlieb, 602 Beach St. Ruoff, William, 129 Green St. Rutschmann Bros, 426 Berks St. Ruwell, William F., & Co., lo44 S. Chadwick St. Schaum & Uhlinger, N. Second St. and Glenwood Ave. Schmidt, Anton, 253 S. American St. Schmidt, Joseph, 1461 N. 28th St. Schofield, William, Krams Ave. nr. Silverwood St., Manayunk. Schramm, H. G., 602 N. Second St. Schutte, Louis L., & Co., N. 12th St. cor. Thompson St. Schweinfurt, August, 315 N. 10th St, SELLERS, AVILLIAM, & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Seyfert, Chas. H., 306 Master St. Shaw, Thomas, 015 and 1035 Ridge Ave. Shemp, J. C, & Co., 4835 Lancaster Ave. Shimwell, Henry S.. 217 8. 24th St. Shober, John, 138 N. Broad St. Simpson, William L., N. Fifth St. cor. Buttonwood St. Skevingtou, Henry, & Co., 1610 N. Phillip St. Smerhoosky, Joseph, 824 N. Third St. Smith, Drum & Co., 2507 Coral St. Smith, James, Woolen Machinery Co., 411 to 421 Race St. Snediker & Carr, 143 N. Seventh St. Solomon, Charles S., & Co., 1015 Sansom St. Southwark Foundry and MachineCo.,430 Washington Ave. Sprague, WDliam, & Co., 63j Filbert St. Steward & Romaine Mfg. Co., Ltd., 123 N. Sixth St. Stokes & Parrish Elevator Co., 702 Bullitt Bldg. Stokes, F. J., Machine Co., N. E. cor. 13th and Noble StB. Stone, John P., cor. Cumberland and 13th Sts. Stoy, Anton, 835 Buttonwood St. Sutch, Henry J., Lemonte St. nr. Ridge Ave., Roxbury. Tetlow & Broadfield, 146 N orris St. Thomas, Charles, 32 N. Seventh St. Thomas, Ervin, 1114 Frankford Ave. Thompson Bros., 112 Bread St. Thompson, James, 4729 Umbria St., Manayunk. Thompson & Campbell, 1030 Germantown Ave. Thompson, J., & Co., Vanhom & Sophia Sts. 64 4 MACHINISTS— Continued. Thurston, Wilbur H., 708 Arch St. Tilghman, B. V. & R. A., 1136 S. 11th St. Toomey, H. C, & Co., 70r Lippincott Bldg. Underwood, H. B., & Co., 1025 Hamilton St. Union Machine Works, r 413 Cherry St. Valentine, Joseph, 148 N. Fourth St. Vaughn Machine Co., 429 N. Orianna St. Von Buchwald, William W., 120 N. Seventh St. Walker Bros., & Co., 2227 Wood St. Walker, Thos., & Sons, 4619 Tacony St., Frankford. Walters, George C, 1316 Ellsworth St. Walton, P. M., 1023 Germantown Ave. Watson, Andrew, 2140 E. Firth St. Weihe, Harry C . , 2721 N. Philip St. Welch, Thomas, 148 N. Fourth St. Weston, William H., & Co., 1303 Buttonwood St. Whitecar, Joseph, 10 Pine St. and 402 S. Water St. Widmer, Jacob, lllfl S. 18th St. Wilbraham-Baker Blower Co., 25 18 Frankford Ave. Wilkes Mfg. Co., 243 Arch Bt. Wilkinson, Walter, 3235 N. Front St. Williamson Bros., Co., 2735 E. York St. Wilson, Isaac J.. 123 Spring St. Withington, Ralph, 1638 N. Hutchinson St, Wood, R. D., &Co., 400 Chestnut St. Yates, John, 4-'4 Vine St. Zimemrman, Conrad, 407 Cherry St. MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. Billany & Cochrane, 527 Commerce St. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 700 Fidelity Bldg. CREOAK, J, "W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arcli St. (See front cover.) Falkenau, Arthur, cor. 11th St. and Ridge Ave. Harrington, Edwin, Son & Co., Inc., cor. Penna. Ave. & N. 15th St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Johnson, Israel H., Jr., & Co., 1434 Callowhill St. Kenyon, Frank C, 1840 Columbia Ave. McFadden Co., 722 Arch St. Pedrick & Ayer Co., 1001 Hamilton St. Phila. Machinery & Supply Co., 19 N. Seventh St. Powell & Maddock, 40 N. Sixth St. ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 L,iberty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 32.) SEL,I.ERS, TTM., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Seylert's, L. F., Sons, 437 N. Third St. Smith, Jas., & Co., Inc., 411 Race St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. MAGNESIA AND ASBESTOS SECTIONAL COVERINGS. See also Boiler and Pipe Covering. ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) MARINE BOILERS AND ENGINES. See also Boiler Makers. AtMY WATER TUBE BOtEER CO., 178-184 Aliens Ave., Providence, R. I. (See page 87.) MARINE PUBLICATIONS. MARINE ENGINEERING, World Bldg., New York. (See page 29.) MECHANICAL BOOKS. See also B('Oks, Mechanical. PHILADELPHIA BOOK CO., 15 S. Ninth St. (See page 36.) POWER PUBLISHING CO., 145 World Bldg., New York. (See page 4.) MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. See also Engineers, Mechanical. Barr, Wm. M., 112 N. Broad St. DAT.EETT, W. P., 49 N. 7th St. FRICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) GIFFORD, C. H., & CO., 135 N. Thiid St. MECHANICAL PAPERS. POWER PUBLISHING CO., World Bldg., New York. (See insert opp. page 56.) MECHANICAL STOKERS. COLUIVIBIA STOKER CO., THE, 1001 Chestnut St. Davis Automatic Stoker Co., Bridgeport, Pa. Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Stephen Girard Bldg. (See page 81.) 65 (See page 86.) HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. SELLERS, WM., & CO WILKINSON MFG. CO ifripp Metallk fading, !"^''"™^'*?„^•.uvB .tbms. WM. B. MERRILL &. CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Office and Factory, 297 Congress St., BOSTON, 9IASS. * METAL, ANTI-FRICTION. See also Babbitt Metal. - EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., New York. (See iaside front cover.) Sl'ye FAIBBAIVKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) METAL POLISH. Bond, Casper, 2019 Moore St. Byerly, N. H., 123a S. 23d St. Helmbold, Horace T., 446 N. 13th. IMPERIAL POLISH CO., 133 S. Second St. La Due, Thos. B., 1445 Westmoreland St. Lohry & Johnson, 1252 N. 10th St. Marks, Wm. T., 2110 Fairmount Ave. Mullen, Wm H., 2308 Oxford St. Silver Suds Mfg. Co., 1225 Green St. Smith, E. Everett, 49 N. 13th St. Sommer, H. B., & Co., 628 Arch St. METALLIC PACKING. France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. MERRILL, WM. B., & CO., "TRIPP," 397 Congress St., Boston, Mass. (See page 66.) Ruwell, W F., & Co., 17th St. and Washington Ave. Underwood, H. B., & Co., 1025 Hamilton St. TJ. S. Metallic Packing Co., 427 N. 13th St. Walker, Thos., & Sons, 4619 Tacony. Frankford. WALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-S6.) METAL WORKING MACHINERY. 1718 CRECrAR, J. W., Machmery Bept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) MICROMETER CALIPERS AND SMALL TOOLS. 1718 CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) * MILL HOSE. 4747 EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) MILLING MACHINES (UNIVERSAL, PLAIN AND VERTICAL). 1718 CREGAR, J. W. (Machinery Dept.), Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) MILL SUPPLIES. Allen, E., & Co., 5010 Lancaster Ave. Bell, Harry E., 201 Church St. Bergstresser, Samuel, 50 N. 23d St. Biokerton, Thos. B., 23 N. Sixth St. Billany & Cochrane. 527 Commerce St. Bowen & Martin, 112 S. Second St. 4747 BOYD, JAS., & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) 765 DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Etsweiler, Wm., 230 N. Third St. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Fawcett, Thos., 19 Strawberry St. Purner, Chas., & Co., 1.5th St. cor. Fairmount Ave. 5040 GARLOCK PACKING CO., THE, 38 N. Fifbh St. (See insert opp. page 11.) General Ec[uipment and Engineering Co., 8 8. Water St. Glazier, Wm. H , 1302 Filbert St. Hall, Wm. E., 1629 N. 10th St. Halyburton, Chas., 217 Walnut St. Hanna, Cyrus T., 441 Bourse Bldg. Lonergan, John E., & Co., 211 Race St. McComb, A. M., Mgr., 116 N. Third St. Middleton, Howard W., Co., 945 Ridge Ave. Mitchell-Bissell Co., 228 Arch St. WAIQU PAPKIMP Pfl ^^^^ ^"*' ^^^^ ^""*'' ^^*'®"*'' S'reet, Philadelphia, manufacturers of nALOn rttuIVJIlU UU., walsh Metal Face Packing, the best Hydraulic Packing in the market for Elevators, Direct Lifts, Accumulators, Water Ends of Pumps, Hot Water, Power and Belt Plunger Pumps. Walsh Combination Gaskets can be used from ten to thirty times. ANDREWS' PISTON-ROD OILER. Indispensable on Saves Packings. ^-<-\?;i|||i Reduces Friction, Keeps a Glean Rod. Engines Using IMetallic Paclcings. MADE BT THOMAS P. CONARD, I 19 South 4th St., Philadelphia. MILL SUPPLIES- Continued. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., N. Y. (See inserts opp. pages Peirce, Edwin L., 245 Marlcet St. 1745 REILLY, IAS., REPAIR & SUPPLY CO.. foot of Washington Ave. ROBERT>«0]Sr MFG. CO.. Belz Bldg. (See page 79.) Schlossman, Paul, 56 N. Sixth St. Smith, James, & Co., Inc., 411-421 Eace St. Spaulding & Metcalf, 532 Arch St. VMnce, James M., & Co., 211-^13 Market St. Williamson & Cassidy, 526 Market St. MINERAL WOOL. 3148 ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) * MOTORS (COMPRESSED AIR). UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittsburgli, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 82-83.) * MOTORS (ELECTRIC). See also Dynamos and Motors. 3264 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) 4390 KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 189 S. 11th St. * MOTORS (VOLUMETRIC). UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittshurgh, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 82-83.) OIL CUPS. Binder, G.. & Co., 443-445 N. 10th St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. Lonergan. J. B., & Co., 211 Eace St. LUNKENHEIMEB CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. fSee page 58 and back cover.) 1745 REILLY, JAMES, REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., foot of Washington Ave. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. iSee page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buflfalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) *OIL CUPS (AUTOMATIC). LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) I'ENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detr.iit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buflfalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) OILING DEVICES. Bailey, F. B., & Co., 918 Betz Bldg. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Eace St. LUNKENHEIMEB CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) 1745 REILLY, JAMES, REPAIR & SUPPLY CO.. foot of Washington Ave. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) OIL EXTRACTORS. Brogan & Co., 810 Race St. Keystone Engine and Machine Works, cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER TI^ORKS, 17th St., beL Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepage 2.) 1316 STILWELL-BIERCE & SMITH VAILE CO., THE (P. B. Fenlon, Mgr.), 613 Arch St. 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepage 2.) 67 OIL FILTERS. Bailey, F. E., & Co., 918 Betz Bldg. BURT MFO. CO., THE (Mfrs. of the "CROSS"), Akron, O. Houghton, E. F., & Co., "Acme," Third St., cor. Somerset St. Keystone Engine and Machine Works, cor. Fifth and Biittonwood Sts. ROBERTSON" MFG. CO., Befz Bldg. (See page 79.) Universal Oil Filter Co. (Ltd.), 367 Bourse Bldg. "Weaver Filter Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), The, 533 Arch St. OIL (GRAPHITE CYLINDER). DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 IST. Fourtli St. (See page 4747 4747 765 4747 3176 5040 489 Camden OIL (GRAPHITE MACHINE). DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. FoiiitU St. (See page^l.) *OIL PUMPS. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps.) (See page 73.) OILS (LUBRICATING). Atlantic Refining Co., 125 Arch St. BORNE-SCKYMSER CO., 333 N. Front St. Crew-Levick Co., 113 Arch St. Delaware Lubricating Oil Refining, 1314 Filbert St. Energetic Oil Co., 148 N. Second St. France, A. W., Tacony. Pa. Frick, Nathan, & Co., 363 N. Fourth St. Germania CD & Supply Co., 114 N. Third St. Halyburton, C, Jr., 217 "Walnut St. Haugh, John, & Co., Ill S. Water St. Helmbold, F. G., 210 "Walnut St. Houghton, E. F., & Co., 244 Somerset St. JENKINS, "WARNER H., Penn Mutual Bldg. LEONARD & ELLIS, 433 N. Third St. Loos & Dilworth, 38 N. Delaware St. Maddock, T. Edgar, 40 N. Sixth St. NE"W YORK LUBRICATING OIL CO., 319 "Walnut St. Skipton, Valentine, Co., 3321 N. 30th St. VACUUM OIL CO., 305 Walnut St. "Walton, F. S., & Co., 134 S. Delaware Ave. WARLEY, THOS. C, & CO., 11 S. Ninth St. WILSON-CLARK CO., 107 S. AVater St. Zum, O. F., Co,, 408 Vine St. PACKING. BARRETT & PLOWMAN, "REGAL," 1313 Filhert St. BOSTON BELTING CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) Cancos Mfg. Co., 335 N. Front St. and 321 Chestnut St. (3anfield Mfg. Co., Ltd., cor Vine and Franklin Sts. DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) EUREKA PACKING CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) Glanding, James, Co., 1907-1909 N. Sixth St. Globe Packing Co., 113 Chestnut St. Halyburton, C, Jr., 217 "Walnut St. JENKINS BROS., "96," 117 N. Fourtli St. (See inside front cover.) JOHNS, H. W^., MFG. CO., 170-173 N. Fourth St. Latta & Mulconroy, 1217 Market St. MABBS HYDRAULIC Pi^DKING CO., Box 839, Chicago, 111. (See page 57.) MERRILL, "WM. B., & CO., *97 Congress St., Boston, Mass. (See page 66.) Montgomerv Bros., 513 North St. 1 NEW JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., THE, "GLADIATOR, j Camden, N. J. (See page 31.) New York Belting & Packing Co. (Ltd.), 308 Chestnut St. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) QUAKER CITY RUBBER CO. (Daniels, P. P. P.), 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) Regal Packing Co. (Barrett & Plowman, Agts.), 1312 Filbert St. Restein, Clement, & Co. , 15 N. Fourth St. Revere Rubber Co., .oOS Drexel Bldg. ROBERTSON, JAMES L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) St. John Cylinder Packing Co., 1025 Hamilton St. Smith, James, & Co. , Inc. , 41 1-421 Race St. Spaulding & Metcalf, 532 Arch St. Townsend, Isaac, 1217 Filbert St. Underwood, H. B., & Co., 1025 Hamilton St. United States Metallic Packing Co., 428 N. 13th St. "Walker, Thos., & Sons, 4619 Tacony St., Frankford. WALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) "Watts, John M., Sons, 123 S. Second St. Williamson & Cassedy, 526 Market St. 68 117 N. Front St., THE "PEERLESS' Iral Piston and Valve Rod Packing > ^ ^. 'LE5?' Spiral, piston &VALVE ROD PACKING Expressly for High Speed Engines. .^>' -^^..Twenty Years Old and No Equal. 1=4 to 2 inch diameter. [n boxes 3 to 8 lbs. Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER MFQ. CO., 16 Warren Street, New York. ^4 Woodward Avenue, aoa-2io S. Water Street, DETROIT, MICH. CHICAGO, ILL. 17-19 Beale Street and 18=24 Main Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. RAINBOW PACKING Makes a STEAM JOINT Instantly. THE COLOR OF RAINBOW IS RED. Not affected by Oils, Ammonia, Liquors, Steam Heat or Alkalies None genuine -without the Trade-Marks. Rainbow Packing has 3 ROWS OF diamonds IN BLACK extending THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF EACH AND EVERY ROLL. '*^ Fac-simile of a Roll of Rainbow Packing. Thousands of Imitators, No Equal. Will Hold Highest Pressure. Don't have to use wire and cloth to hold Rainbow. Can't blow it out. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Patented and Manufactured Exclusively by Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co, 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. 16-24 WOODWARD AVE. DETROIT, MICH. 202-210 SO. WATER ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 17-19 BEALE ST. AND 18-24 MAIN ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. clipse Sectional Rainbow Gasliet, 3-8 inch for Pipe Unions. 1'2 inch for Hand Holes. 5'8 inch tor Regular Size. 3'4 inch for Large Size. Pac-simile of a 6=inch section of Eclipse Gasket, showing Name and Trade=Mark imbedded. The ECLIPSE GASKET is red in eolor, and composed of the celebrated Rainbow Packing Compounds It will not Jiarden under any degree of beat or blow oat under the highest pressure^ and can be taken out and repeat= edly replaced. Joints can be made in from three to five minutes. Patented aad Manufactured Exclusively by Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co., 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. 16'24 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. 202-210 So. Water Street, CHICAQO, ILL. 17-19 Beale Street and 18-24 Main Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. HONEST JOHN We make this Packing both straight and in spiral form. Th< best Hydraulic and Cold Water Packing in the world. METALUCSloPVALVE PACKING This packing is, as y<9t, the only packing produced that will pack Stop and Throttle Valves so that they are per- fectly reliable, and can be opened and closed with ease by handy without using a heavy wrench. Patented and Manufactured Exclusively by The Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co., 16 Warren St., NEW YORK. 16-24 Woodward Avenue, 202 -2 1 O So. Water Street, DETROIT, MICH. CHICAGO, ILL. 17-19 Beale Street and 1 8-24 Main Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 4'?47 765?; 3176 5040 4747 765 3176 5040 4747 765 5040 4747 765 5040 4747 765 5040 4747 765 3176 5040 « PACKING (AMMONIA). See also Packing. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Foiirtli St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL., CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. 'See front cover.) GAKtOCK PACKING CO., 28 N. Fiftli St. See insert opp. page 11.) PEERL,ESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 "Warren St., New York. (See inserts i: opp. pages 68-69. ) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON. Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) AVAI.SH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) * PACKING (HYDRAULIC). See also Packing. BARRETT & PLOWMAN, "REGAL," 1313 Filhert St. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Foiirth St. (See insert opp. cage 57.) DANIEL. CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 1(J.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 28 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) MABBS HYDRAULIC PACKING CO., Box 839, Chicago, III. (See page .57.) PEERLESS RUBBER BIFG. CO., THE, 16 W arren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 6H-69.) ROBERISON, JAS. I.., & SON, Befz Bldg. (See page 79.) AVALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) * PACKING (METALLIC). See also Packing arid Metallic Packing. MERRILL, WM. B., & CO., "TRIPP," 397 Congress St., Boston, Mass. (See page 66.) United States Metallic Packing Co.. 428 N. 13tli St. Walker, Thos., & Sons, 4619 Tacony, Trankford. WALSH PACKING CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) 4747 765 6040 * PACKING (PISTON AND VALVE ROD). See also Packing. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp page 10.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (Seeinserts opp. pages 63-69.) * PACKING (RUBBER). See also Packing. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St, (See insert opp. page 11.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 "Warren St., Ncav York. (Seeinserts opp. pages 68-69.) * PACKING (SHEET). See also Packing. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, "RAINBOW," 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) Spaulding & Metcalf , " Rubberbestos," 532 Arcb St. * PACKING (STEAM). See also Packing. BARRETT & PLOW^MAN, "REGAL," 1313 Filhert St. BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page. 10) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. rSee front cover.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. ^See insert opp. page 11.) MERRILL, WM. B., & CO., "TRIPP," 397 Congress St., Boston, Mass. (See page 66.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 "Warren St., New York. (Seeinserts opp. pages 68-69.) QUAKER CITY RUBBER CO., "DANIELS, P. P. P.", 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) ROBERTSON, JAS. L., & SON, Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) "WALSH PACKING- CO., 1118-1130 S. Seventh St. (See pages 57-66.) * PACKING (VULCABESTON). FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) * PACKING (WATER). See also Packing. ' BOYD, JAMES, & BRO.. 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Mnrket St. (See insert opp. page 10.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) PAINT (GRAPHITE BOILER FRONT). 1531 I)IXOX, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Foui-tli St. (See page 1.) PAINT (GRAPHITE SMOKE STACK). 1531 DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (See page ].> PAPER PULLEYS AND FRICTIONS. 1718 CREGAR, J. "\V., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg-. (See insert opp. page 11.) PHOSPHOR BRONZE. 6963 EYNOiy-EVANS MEG. CO., THE, 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) Parsons, B. T., 24 George St., Camden. N. J. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd., 2200 Washington Ave. PIPE AND BOILER COVERING. See also Boiler and Pipe Covering. 3148 ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) 4585 GKIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. Camden i^^^^ JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N. J. (See page .31.) PIPE BENDING AND COILS. 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. hel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages SO-T.^i.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) PIPE CLEANERS. UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 82-83.) *PIPE CUTTERS. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., THE, Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) PIPE THREADING AND CUTTING OFF MACHINES. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., THE, Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) Cos & Sons Co., The, 215 Race St. 1718 CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bids. (See insert opp. page 11.) CURTIS & CURTIS, 300 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. (See pa^e 40.) PIPE WRENCHES. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., THE, Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. pagc.33.) PLANERS, IRON AND WOOD WORKING. 1718 CREGAR, J. "W., 3Iachinery Dept. Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) PLANIMETERS. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) * PNEUMATIC DRILLS. CLEMENT PNEUMATIC TOOL CO., 133 S. 11th St. * PNEUMATIC TOOLS AND APPLIANCES. CLEMENT P>EUMATIC TOOL CO., 133 S. 11th St. PNEUMATIC TUBES. Batcheller Pneumatic Tube Co., 916 Girard Bldg. 1745 REILLY, JAS., REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., ft. of Washington Ave. POLISHING MACHINERY. 1718 CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) * POLISH, METAL. See also Metal Polish. IMPERIAL POLISH CO., 133 S. Second St. * POP SAFETY VALVES. See also Valves, Pop Safety. ASHTON A^ALVE CO., THE. 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. LUNKENHEIMEK CO., THE, 36 Cortlaudt St., New Yoik, (See inside back cover.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buflalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY. 4573 CRESSON, GEO. V., CO., cor. 18th St. and Allegheny Ave. Link Belt Engineering Co., The, Hunting Park Ave., Nicctown. 1837 SELLERS, WiW., * CO., Ino., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Smith, Jas., & Co Jnc, 411 "Race St. 70 PRESSES, POWER, FOOT AND DROP. CRKGAR, J. TV., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) PRESSURE AND DAMPER REGULATORS. Brogan & Co., Kieleys, 810 Race St. Chappell, Geo. H., 43tJ5 Main St., Manayunk. HUYETTE, P. B.. 1313 Betz Bldg, (Seepages.) rOCKE REGULATOR CO., Salem, Mass. (See page 39.) AVATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages.) PULLEY COVERING. Shultz Belting Co., 116 N. Third St. PULLEYS. See also Shafting, iHangers and Pulleys. American Pulley Co., The, cor. 18th St. and Hamilton Ave. Blanton Patents Syndicate, (Ltd.;, 554 Bourse Bldg. Bond, Chas., 520 Aich St. CRESSON, GEO. V., CO., cor. 18th St. and Allegheny Ave. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover. ) Medart Patent Pully Co., U15 Stephen Girard Bldg. Phila. Machinery & Supply Co., 19 N. Seventh St. SEI.L,ERS, WM., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Smith, Jas., Woolen Machinery Co., 4 1 1-421 Race St. PULLEYS (WOOD SPLIT). FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Medart Patent Pulley Co., Stephen Girard Bldg. Phila. Machinery & Supply Co., 19 N. Seventh St. PUMP PRESSURE REGULATORS. HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) PUMP VALVES, RUBBER. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. DIEKS, FRANK W., & CO., " BEAKE," 518 Arch St., PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 TV^arren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) * PUMPING MACHINERY. See also Pumps. DALLETT, TV^ P.. "Demingand Buffalo Pumps," 49 N. Seventh St. BILKS, FRANK W., & CO.. "BLAKE," 518 Arch St. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co's Pnmps.) (See page 73.) SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. (See page 73.) * PUMPS (BELT). See also Pumps. Buffalo Steam Pump Co., 49 N. Seventh St. DALLETT, W^. P., "Buffalo and Bemirg Pumps," 49 N. Seventh St. Deming Co., 49 N. Seventh St. PENNA. aiACHINE CO., 89-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps.) (See page 78.) SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. Simpson, Wm. L., cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sis. "PUMPS (ELECTRIC). DALLETT, W. P., " Buffalo and Deming Pumps," 49 N. Seventh St. BILKS. FRANK W., & CO., " BLAKE," 518 Arch St. KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 139 S. 11th St. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pump.«.) (See page 73.) SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. SNOW STEAM POMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. (See page 73.) TVORTUINGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arch St. * PUMPS (POWER). See also Pumps. DALLETT, W^. P., "Deming and Buffalo Pumps," 49 N. Seventh St. PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. Seventh St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps.) (See page 73.) STILWELL-BIERCE & SMITH VAILE CO., THE (P. B. Fenlon, Mgr.), 613 Arch St. PUMPS (ROTARY). ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 Liherty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 33.) PUMPS (STEAM). Barr Piimpiiig Engine Co., 18th St. and Leh'gli Ave. Berryman, James, 125 N. Fourth St. Blatchley, Chas. G., Swanson St. cor. McKean St. Buffalo Steam Pump Co., 49 N. Seventh St. Burchfleld, T. T., 55 N. Seventh St. Crossland, Andrew, 4543 Worth St., Frankford. 3007 DALLEXT, \V. P., "Demmg and Buffalo Pumps," 49 N. Seveiitli St. Davies Bros. & Hartman, 18 N. Seventh St. Davis Belt Feed Pumps, 125 N. Fourth S.. Deane Steam Pump Co., 18 N. Seventh St. Deming Co., 49 N. Seventh St. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., "BLAKE," 518 Arcli St. Diugas, John, 172 Ontario St. Douglas, W. & B., 150 N. FiSfc St. 316 GOULDS MFG. CO., IT)7 N. Tliiid St. Griffiths, Niedermfcjer & McGuckin, 1013 Christian St. Hamscher, Henry, 23 Eising Sim Lane. Howard, George'C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Kennedy, Geo. D., 1801 Gratz St. Keystone Engine & Machine Works, cor. Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. Laidlavv-Dunn-Gordon Co., 333 Bourse Building. Mast, P. P., & Co., cor. Willow and 13th Sts. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 39-31 N. SeveiitU St. (The John H. McGowan Co.'s Pumps.) (See page 73.) Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. Eider-Ericsson Engine Co., 31 N. Seventh St. Eistine. Geo., 1044 trankford Ave. Eobertson, Geo. W., & Son, 156 N. Fifth St. Scales, Samuel, 905 N. 47th St. Schlichter, E. P., 321 Vine St. 316 SCIPEE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. Seyfert s, L. K., Sons, 437 N. Third St. Simpson, Wm. L., Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. 4081 SNOW STEAM PUMP WOBKS(Thos.C McBride,Mgr.),946 Drexel Bldg. (Seepage73.) 1316 STILAVELU-BIEBCE& SMITH VAIEE CO., THE (P.B.Fenlon, Mgr.), 613 Archi St. 3041 WOKTHIXGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arcli St. « PUMPS (VACUUM). 3007 DALUETT, ^X. P., " Deming: and Buffalo Pump.s," 49 N. Seventli St. PYROMETERS. Brown, Edsvard, 311 Walnut St. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) RADIATORS. • American Eadiator Co., 500 Arch St. Fowler & Wolfe Mfg. Co., 664 Bourse Bldg. 4585 GRIPPING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arcli St. Pancoast, Henry B.. & Co., 243 S. Third St. Phila. Hardware & Malleable Iron Works, cor. Ninth and Jefferson Sts. 1537 SMITH, H. B., CO., THE, 510 Arch St. (See page 77.) Standard Eadiator Mfg. Co., 27 N. Seventh St. TITUSVILLE IKON CO. (B. N. Hurd, Mgr.), Bourse Bldg. RADIATOR VALVES. See also Valves. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Aroli St. (See front cover.) 4585 GRIPPING, A. A., IRON CO., " BUNDY," 703 Arcli St. 1514 DILKS, FRANK "\V., & CO., " LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. RAILROAD SUPPLIES. 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BBO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) REDUCING VALVES. EASTWOOD W^IRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seveutu St. (See page 2.) REDUCING WHEELS. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) REFRIGERATING MACHINES. See also Ice-Making Machinery. De La Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co., Girard Bldg. NEWBURGH ICE MACHINE & ENGINE CO., 1336 Chestnvit St. REGRINDING VALVES- LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) REGULATORS (DAMPER). See also Damper Eegulators. LOCKE REGULATOR CO., Salena, Mass. (See page 39.) 72 spw THE Jnow jTE/in V^n? Works BUFFALO, N. T., U. 5. A. Pumping Machinery of Every Description. NEW YORK OFFICE, 126 Liberty Street. BOSTON OFFICE, 35 Congress Street. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 946 Drexel Building. Pennsylvania Machine Co., 3 1 North Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. The John H. Company' SINGLE CYLINDER, DUPLEX AND CRANK AND FLY WHEEL PUMPS FOR 3 GREATEST VARIETY OF service: CoHioDiiil Sia^ls Cylinler and Duplex Pumping Engines. 78 * REGULATORS (PRESSURE). ■WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages. REGULATORS (STEAM, WATER AND AIR). Brogan & Co. "Kieley's," 810 Race St. Chappell, Geo. H., 4365 Main St. , Manayunk. r,OCKE REGULATOK. CO., Salem, Mass. (See page 39.) WATSON & McDANIEL, CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 2.) 6870 * RETURN STEAM TRAPS. See also Steam Traps. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. fSee pages 50-75.) 4747 4747 765 4747 4747 765 ROLLING MILL MACHINERY. CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bltlg. (See insert opp. page Jl.) ROOF PAINT (GRAPHITE). DIXON, JOSEPH, CRUCIBLE CO., 38 N. Fourth St. (Seepage 1.) * ROPE TRANSMISSION. PENNA. IRON TVORKS CO., cor. 50th St. and Lancaster Ave. RUBBER BELTING. Belting. See i '.) 57.) BOSTON BELTING CO., 14 N. Fourth St, (See insert opp. page ! BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. pag DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10. j EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Kourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO. (THE), 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) RUBBER GOODS (MECHANICAL). BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (.See insert opp. page 10.) Btsweiler, Wm., 230 N. Third 8(. EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) GARLOCK PACKING CO., THE, 38 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) Goldberger, Wm., 1118 Germantown Ave. Goodyear Rubber Belting and Packing Co., 308 Chestnut St. Goodyear Rubber Ho.-^, 239 Market St, Sayen & Austin Rubber Co., 21 N. I3th St. Snyder, M. L., 25 S. Second St. Spauldin? & Metcalf, 532 Arch St. Stevenson Bros., & Co., 13.2 S. Second St. Tillinghast, B.C., 39 S. Second St. Town & Bro., fi07 Market St. U. S. Rubber Co , 407 Commerce St. (See page 10.) * RUBBER HOSE. See also Hose. 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. '(See insert opp. page 57.) 765 DANIEL, CHAS, A., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) 4747 EUREKA FIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO. (THE), 16 Warren St., New York. -.See inserts opp. pages 68-09.) . ,„, 765 QUAKER CITY RUBBER CO., 409 ^larket St. (See insert opp. page 10.) 74 Our statements (because based on facts) impressed the head of a certain firm— he needed an Oil Separa- tor— ordered a COCHRANE. When our bill reached him, he marked it "ON APPROVAL" and sent it down to his engineer; and when that bill with check came back to our office it bore, beneath the words "On Approval," the engineer's comment: These words tell the whole story about the Cochrane Separators. They come up to the expectations of their users-for taking oil out of exhaust steam, water out of live steam, \vater out of compressed air, etc. Our catalogue lists 1 05 different forms and sizes. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa. GRUBBER PACKING. See also Packing. BOYD, .TAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourtli St. (Sec insert opp. page 57.) DANIEt, CHAS, A., 409 Market St. 'See insert opp. page lu.) GABEOCK PACKING CO., THE, 28 N. Fifth St. (See insert opp. page 11.) PEERI.ESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., N. Y. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) » SAFETY VALVES (POP). See also Valves, Pop Safety. ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, 371 Franklin St.. Boston, Mass. CROSBV STEAM GAGE & VAEVE CO., 93 01iv«r St., Boston, Mass. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlanrtt St , New York. (See inside back cover.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) * SAFETY VALVES (RENEWABLE). FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arcli St. (See front cover.) SAFETY WATER COLUMNS. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY." 703 Arch St. RELIANCE GAUGE CO., THE (P. B. Huyette, Sales Agent), 1313 Betz Bldg-. (See page 3.) * SCREW MACHINES. CREGAR, J. W., Machinery Department, Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) SEPARATORS (OIL). Brogan & Co., 810 Kace St. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO, "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. hel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Building. (See page 79.) WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. '(Seepage 2.) SEPARATORS (STEAM). Austin Separator Co., 1815 Filbert St. Brogan & Co. (Kieley's), 810 Eace St. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. hel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) Kensington Engine and Machine Works, Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) Simpson, Wm. L., Fifth and Buttonwood Sts. WATSON & McDANIFL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 2.) Webster, Warren & Co., Stephen Girard Bldg. SHAFTING, HANGERS AND PULLEYS. Bethlehem Iron Co., 421 Chestnut St. Blanton Patents Syndicate, Ltd., 554 Bourse Bldg. Bond, Chas., 520 Arch St. and 160 Lehigh Ave. Chamhers Bros. Co., 52d St. nr. Lancaster Ave. CRESSON, GEO. V., CO., cor. 18th St. and Allegheny Ave. Cumberland Iron and Steel Shafting Co., 520 Arch St. FAIRBANKS CO. (THE), 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Fairmount Machine Co., 2106 Wood St. Garvin Machine Co , 51 N. Seventh St. Grant Gear Works, 624 Race St. Henning, John, & Son, 1018 E. Susquehanna Ave. Hodson, G. & J. , 226 Arch St, Howard, Geo. C, Foundry & Machine Works, 174.3 Ludlow St. Link Belt Engineering Co. The, Hunting Park Ave., Nioetown. Mitchell Bissel Co., 228 Arch St. 75 6396D 1781 SHAFTING, HANGERS AND PULLEYS— Continued. Rich, J. & G., 120 N. Sixth St. ROOTS, P. H. & F. M., CO., 109 ILitoerty St., New York. (See insert opp. page 33.) SEI.I.ERS, WM., & CO., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. (See page 59.) Seyfert's, L. F., Sons. 437 N. Third St. Smith, Jas., Woolen Machinery Co., 411-421 Eace St. Thompson Bros., 112 Bread St. Yocom, James, & Son, 145 N. Second St. SHAFTS. FLEXIBLE. UNION BOII,ER TUBE CLEANER CO., (FORSYTH), Pittsburgh, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages 82-83.) SHAPERS, CRANK AND FRICTION. CREGAR, J. TY., Machinery Department, Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11.) SHEET IRON WORK. B. P. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Baizley, John, 510 S. Delaware Ave. Bingham & Co., 232 Cherry St. Coatesville Boiler Works, 112 N. Broad St. Fox, Joseph W., 1416 Federal St. Hlbbs, E. A., cor. Bread and Quarry Sts. McSnight, John, 4081 Lancaster Ave. Nace, Henry J., 308 N. Third St. REILLY, JAMES, REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., ft. of Washington Ave. Schaefer, Emil, 1320-1322 N. Fifth St. Schnitzler, Chas H., 215 N. Second St. Thorn, J. S., Co., 1327 Callowhill St. Wentworth, L. E., (fe Son., 205 Quarry St. Williams, J. T., 734 S. Fifth St. « SMOKE CONSUMERS. See also Furnaces, Smolceless. COLUMBIA STOKER CO., 1001 Chestnut St. WILKINSON MFG. CO., Stephen Girard Bldg. (See page 81.) SMOKE STACKS. See also Boiler Makers. Ames Iron Works, 511 Fidelity Bldg. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, 143 N. Third St. (Seepage 45.) Coatesville Boiler Works, Inc., 701-702 Fidelity Bldg. HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. (See page 87.) PHILA. ENGINEERING WORKS, Ltd., cor. Meadow and Mifflin Sts STIRLING CO., THE, 305 Betz Bldg. (See page 87.) Warden Mfg. Co., cor. 19th St. and Allegheny Ave. York Mfg. Co., 476 Bourse Bldg. * STACKS, (STEEL SELF-SUPPORTING). FRICK, HORACE E., 431 Chestnut St. (See page 55.) STIRLING CO., THE, 305 Betz Bldg. (See page 87.) PHILA. ENGINEERIlNG WORKS, Ltd., cor. Meadow and Mifflin Sts. STEAM BLOWERS. McCLAA^P, BROOKS, & CO., 466 Bourse Bldg. (See page 54.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (Seepage 79.) STEWART HEATER CO., 51 Norfolk Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 49.) STEAM BOILERS. See also Boiler Makers and Dealers. Providence, R. I. AL]»tY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 1'78-184 Aliens Ave. (See page 86.') 5409 ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, 14 5 N. Third St. (See page 45.) 6870 HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) 48641) HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. (See page 87.; STIRLING CO., THE, 305 Betz Building. (See page 87.) * STEAM ENGINES. See also Engine Builders. 4549 ALLFREE, J. B., MFG. CO. (Penna. Machine Co., Agents), 31 N. Seventh St. 5409 ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, 143 N. Third St. (See page 45.) 5364 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (Seepage 33.) 4649 CHANDLER & TAYLOR CO. (Penna. Machine Co., Agents), 31 N. Seventh St. (See page 88) NEWBURGH ICE MACHINE & ENGINE CO., 1336 Chestnut St. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 31 N. Seventh St. (See page 88.) 76 STEAM FITTERS' SUPPLIES. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) Belfleld, H., & Co., 43,5 N. Broad St. Brogan & Co., 810 Race St. CRANE CO., 330-323 S. Fifth St. (,See page 73.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arcli St. (See front cover.) Ford & Kendig Co., 27 N. Seventti St. and 1430 Callowhill St. Getze & Bro., 507 Arch St. GRIEEING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arcli .St. Haines, W. S., Co., The, 136 S. Fourth St. EUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside bacl? cover ) McCambridge & Co. , Ltd. , .523 Cherry St. Maneely, John, 309-313 Arch St. Pancoast, Henry B., & Co.. 243 S. TLird St. REILtY, JAMES, REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., ft. of Washington- Ave. STEAM FLUE CLEANERS. See also Tube Cleaners. Pittshvirgh, Pa. UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO. 82-83.) STEAM GAUGES. 371 Eranklin St. (See inserts opp. pages Boston, '.Mass. ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, Brown, Edward, .311 Walnut St. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., B<7ston,'Mass. RELIANCE GAUGE CO., THE (P. B. Huyette, Sales Agt.), 1313 Betz Bide. (See page 2.) Shaw, Thomas, 915 Eidge Ave. SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) Shipley, WalterC, 24 S. Seventh St. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. American District Steam Co., 535 Drexel Bldg. American Boiler Co., 28 N. Fifth St. American Radiator Co., 506 Arch St. B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 IV. Third St. (See page 33.) Baker, Smith & Co., 520 Commerce St. Beckfield, Walter, Heater Co., Philadelphia Bourse. Belfleld, H., & Co., 4.35 N. Broad St. Bourse Exhibition, S. Fourth and S. Fifth Sts. bet. Chestnut an Market Sts. Bowers, Frank, 413 Philadelphia Bank Bldg. Burchfleld & Penton, 55 N. Seventh St. Conderman, Geo. W., 123 N. Sixth St. Day, D. Franklin, Rorer St. near Abington Ave., Chestnut Hill. Fowler & Wolfe Mfg. Co. , 664 Philadelphia Bourse. Francis Bros. & Jellett, Inc., 704 Arch St. Gabel Mfg. Co., 922 Arch St. Geiger, August, 118 N. Sixth St. Germantown Steam Co., 505 Pelham Rd., Germantown. GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. Guarantee Steam Heating Co., 213 S. Fifth St. Haines, W. S., Co., 1.36 S. Fourth St. Hanna & Kirk, 1028 Arch St. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER W^ORKS, 17th St. hel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 50-75.) XH MERCEIR" THE H. B. SMITH CO., MANUFACTURERS, 510 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE MERCER BOILER AND HOT WATER HEATER. The " COTTAGE " for Modern Homes. Effective, Compact, Easily Managed. THE MILLS SAFETY BOILER (Columbian Uedal) RADIATORS. ROYAL. IMPERIAL. SOVEREIGN. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS— Continued. Heat Regulator & Plumbing Co., 1741 Ludlow St. Herendeen Mfg. Co., Tbe, 1019 Betz Bldg. Hoppes Mfg. Co., 605 Girard Bldg. Howard, Geo. C , Foundry and Machine Works, 1713 Ludlow St. Innes Bros., 461 E. Girard Ave. Keystone Heater Co., 2433 N. Sixth St. Maneely, John, 309-313 Arch St. Model Heating Co., American St. cor. Dauphin St. and 303 Builders' Exchange. Monitor Steam Generator Mfg. Co., 49 N. Seventh St. Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Builders' Exchange. Murphy, Harry F., & Co., 35 N. Seventh St. Myers & Co. 1520 S. Ninth St. Nesbitt, John J., & Co., 805 Master St. New York (;entral Iron Works Co., 438 Bourse Bldg. Page, Wm. H., Boiler Co., 636 Arch St. Pancoast, Henry B., & Co., 843-245 S. Third St. Parish, Richard. 1516 Snyder Ave. Phila. Hardware and Malleable Iron Works, cor. Ninth and Jefferson Sts. Phila. Steam Heatinsf Co., 1513 Filbert St. Reeves & West, 645 Bourse Bldg. Robinson, W. J., 641 Philadelphia Bourse. Scott, Robert, & Co., 607 Arch St. Smead & Willis, Warming & Ventilating Co., 417 Locust St. 1537 SMITH, H. B., CO.. THE, 510 Arch St. (Seepage 77.) Smith, John P., 148 N. Seventh St. Steel, George P., Co., 330 Philadelphia Bourse. Stone. George F., & Co., 41 N. Seventh St. Thompson Bros., 113 Bread St. TITCSVILLE IRON CO. (B. N. Hurd, Mgr.), Bourse Bldg. Trachsel, John C. F., 230 Arch St. Tubular Heating & Ventilating Co., Inc., 228 Quarry St. ~y702 WATSON & McUANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepage 2.) Wahl, Chas., 3206 Ridge Ave. Webster, Warren, & Co., 1106 Stephen Girard Bldg. West, Charles F., 645 Philadelphia Bourse. Wilson & Keyser, 1701 N. 11th St. Wood, James P., Heating Co., 39 S. Fourth St. STEAM HOSE. See also Hose. 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57.) 765 DANIEL, CHAS. A., 409 Market St. (See insert op n. page 10.) 4747 EUREKA EIRE HOSE CO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 33.) PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. page 68-69.) 765 QUAKER CITY RUBBER CO., 409 Market St. (See insert opp. page 10.) STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERING. See also Boiler and Pipe Covering. 3148 ASBESTOS MFG. CO., 436 Market St. (See page 31.) 16.33 JOHNS, H. W., MFG. CO., 170-173 N. Fourth St. Camden f^^W JERSEY ASBESTOS CO., 117 N. Front St., Camden, N. J. (See page 31. STEAM PIPE AND FITTINGS. See also Steam Fitters' Supplies. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) 1760 CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) Getze & Bro., 507 Arch St. EUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back, cover.) 1745 REILEY, JAMES, REPAIR & SUPPLY CO., ft. of W^ashington Ave. STEAM PRESSURE REGULATORS. Brogan & Co., " Kieleys," 810 Race St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 3.) LOCKE BEGl LATOR CO., Salem, Mass. (See page 39.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages.) * STEAM PUMP GOVERNORS. Brogan & Co., " Kieleys," 810 Race St. STEAM PUMPS. See also Pumps, Steam 3007 DALLETT, W. P., " Deming and B.iffalo Pnmps," 49 N. Seventh St. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., " BLAKE." 518 Arch St. 316 SCIPLE PUMP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. 4081 SNOW STEAM PUMP WORKS (Thos. C. McBride, Mgr.), 946 Drexel Bldg. (See page 73.) IL^ 1316 STILW^ELL-BIERCE & SMITH-VAILE CO., THE (P. B. Fenlon, Mgr.), 618 Arch St. 3041 WORTHINGTON, HENRY R., 734 Arch St. 78 Cr/ine'/ Copper Disc V/ilve WITH RENEWABLE DISC. A PERFECT VALVE AND A PERFECT VALVE DISC. The Disc in this valve is made of soft copper turned up true in a lathe. Cop- per is a metal soft enough to make a good joint and h£ rd enough to wear well. It also contracts and ex- pands equally with "body of valve— the joint is per- fect hot or cold. CRANE CO., 220-222 South Fifth St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. STEAM SEPARATORS. See also Separators, Steam. GBIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17tli St. toel. Allegheny Ave. (See pases 50-75.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1213 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) WATSON & McBANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages.) 4585 6870 3176 4585 STEAM SPECIALTIES. CRANE CO., 220-233 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., " BUNDY," 703 Arch St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1213 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. EUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside bi cover.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldg. (See page 79.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Bitffalo, N. Y. (See page 62.) WATSON & McDANIEIi CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepage 2.) ®ur lp>bila6clpbta ®mcc, at 1213 Bct3 BulIMng, Mr. WM. ROBERTSON. JAS. L. ROBERTSON & SON, New York. Engine indicators Oil extractors Damper regulators Planimeters Square Flax packing Steam Separators HiNE Eliminators Shaking Grate bars FEED Water heaters Steam flue cleaners 79 Eureka packing waste oil filters reducing wheels exhaust heads semi-metallic packi'g 5IKIUJ 5TE/in TRAP. ADOPTED BY THE LEADING STEAM USERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. SELLING AGENTS: E. F. HOUGHTON & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. H. B. SCHMIDT & CO., 215 E. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. 3176 4585 STEAM TRAPS. Brogan & Co., "Kieley's," 810 Eace St. B. F. STURTKVA>fT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THK, cor. 15tli and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) FAIKBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arcli St. (See front cover.) GBIFFING, A. A., IRON CO., "BUNDY," 703 Arch St. Haines, W. S., Co., 136 S. Fourth St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1213 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) SCHMIDT, H. B., & CO. (E. F. Houghton & Co., Agts.), 844 "W. Somerset St. (See page 80.) Schutte, L., & Co., 12tli and Thompson Sts. * STEAM VALVES. See also Valves. ASHTOlSr VALVE CO., THE, 271 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. BILKS, FRANK W., & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Ai-ch St. (See front cover.) JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) LUNKENHEIMEB CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) 1514 3176 836 4004 6040 STOCKS AND DIES. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) CURTIS & CURTIS, 300 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. (See page 40.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) STOKERS (AUTOMATIC). COLUBIBIA STOKER CO., THE, 1001 Chestnut St. AVILKINSON MFG. CO., Stephen Glrard Bldg. (See page 81.) SUCTION TEES AND FITTINGS. HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepage 2.) SWITCHBOARDS. France, A. W., Tacony, Pa. Pringle, Wm. T., & Co., 1038 Filbert St. Sawyer Electrical Co., 1308 Arch St. SYPHONS (BRASS AND IRON). EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58. 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) ■ 80 HUYETTE, P. B. Wilkinson Manufacturing Co., inc. 1107-8 Stephen Girard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS SEND FOR CATALOGUE A. DQ CL rt bfl a. C5 c O o — CO "S ^ o c Q 8 ll 2 O 3 c . - < < '^«' ;?£^^^^?/-^^^^S^«j:te^^^^^^-a^^ n .™Lf h^ h <='!*, '•^presents our VOLUMETRIC STEAH OR COHPRESSED AIR nOTOR, being ,ra???,PthH ,^«?r.f ^^;;H^*'fl°-AHT'^^ the least possible weight, wuh few parts; very durable, and econom- l^^olL „^ motive fluid. It has no dead centre; is made with or without reversing gear, is completely irT^^tJLll? T'a «f^,., Buffalo, N. Y. ^See page 49.) UNION BOILER TUBE CI>EANER CO., ritt.sburgh, Pa. ',Sce iiisc?t8 opp. pages TURRET LATHES. 1718 CRKGAR. J. AV., Machinery Dept , Bourse Bldg. (See insert i TUYERE IRONS. ROOTS, P. H. & E. M., CO., 109 Liberty St., New York. VALVE OIL. See also Oils, Lubricating. 3912 I.EONARD & ELLIS, 433 N. Third St. 5836D \VIL,SON-CLARK CO.. 107 S. Water St. VALVES. Allison Mfg. Co., cor. Walnut and 32d Sts. ASHTON VALVE CO., 271 Franklin St„ Boston, Mass. Bond, Chas., 520 Arch St. 4747 BOYD, JAMES. & BRO., 14 N. Fourth St. (See insert opp. page 57 ) Krogan & Co., 810 Race St. Chapman Valve Mf?. Ci..'cor. Seventh and Filbert Sts. 1760 CRANE CO.. 220-332 S. Fifth St. (See page 7v'.) CUOSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 765 DANIEL. CHAS. A., 409 Market St. , See insert opp. pat^e IC.) 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO. "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. EASTWOOD WIRE 3IFG. CO., 120 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) Ervin, Thos.. 1114 Frankford Ave. 6963 EYNON-EVANS 3IFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58 ) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) f & ■> Ford & Kendig Co., 27 N. Seventh St. Getze & Bro., 5C7 Arch St. 4585 GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. Hunter & Dickson, 245 Arch St. HUYETTE, P. K., 1313 Betz Bldg. (See page 2.) 826 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Foruth St. (See inside front cover.) Kaltenthaler. H. J., 236 Cherry St. Keating Eu'-'ber Co., 509 North St. Latta & Miilconroy, 1217 Market St. LOCKE REGULATOR CO., Salem, Mass. (See page 39.) Lonergan. J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. 1514 LUDLOW VALVE CO. (Frank W. Dilks & Co., Agts.), 518 Arch St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE. 26 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover ) McCambridge & Co., Ltd.. 523 Cherry St. Maneely, John, 309 Arch St. Onderdonk Co , 119 S. Fourth St. Pancoast, H. B., & Co., 2)3 S. Third St. 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 31 N. Seven tli St. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., N. Y. (See inserts opp. pages C8-69.1 PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) Perkes, Chas., 627 Arch St. Schutte, L., & Co., cor. 12th and Thompson Sts. 216 SCIPLE PUj>IP & MACHINE CO. (H. E. Trotman, Mgr.), 107-109 N. Third St. Shaw, Thos. M. E., 915 Ridge Ave. Smith, James, & Co., Inc., -til Race St. Spaulding & Metcalf, 532 Arch St. 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (See page 2.) Williamson & Cassedy. 526 Market St. Wood, R. D., & Co., 400 Chestnut St. VALVES (ANGLE, GLOBE AND RADIATOR). ASHTON VALVE CO., 271 Franklin St., Boston, 3Iass. 1760 CRANE CO., 320-223 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) CitO"»Br STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO. "LUDLO^V," 518 Arch St. EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., N. Y. (See inside front cover.) 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (Sec front cover.) 4585 GRIFFING. A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. 826 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) 1514 LUDLOW VALVE CO. (Frank W. Dilks & Co . Agts.), 518 Arch St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 26 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) VALVES (AUTOMATIC AND AIR). ASHTON VALVE CO., 271 Franklin St., Boston. Mass. 1760 CRANE CO., 320-222 S. Fifih St. (See page 79.) CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 1514 DILKS, FRANK \Y., & CO. "LUDLOAV," 518 Arch St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15tii and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See fiont cover.) 4585 GRIFFING, A. A., IRON CO. "BUNDY," 702 Arch St. 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. (See inside back cover.) 83 * VALVES (AUTOMATIC FLOAT). 1514 DILKS, FRANK "W., & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arcli St. VALVES (AUTOMATIC EXHAUST RELIEF). CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VAtVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 1514 DILKS, ERANK W., & CO., "LUDIiOW," 518 Arch St. VALVES (BACK PRESSURE NOISELESS). Brogan & Co., " Kieley'8," 810 Race St. 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) 4549 PENNA. MACHINE CO., 31 N. Seventh St. VALVES (BLOW OFF). 1716 CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) 1514 I)IL,KS, FRANK W„ & CO., " LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) 5703 WATSON & McDANIEL CO., 144 N. Seventh St. (Seepages.) VALVES (GATE). Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., cor. Seventh and Filbert Sts. 1760 CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 1514 DILKS, FRANK AV., & CO., "LUDLOW," 518 Arch St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.1 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 1514 LUDLOW VALA'-E MFG. CO. (Prank VV. Dilks & Co., Agts?.), 518 Arch St. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Corilandt St., New York. (See inside back cover.) VALVES (POP SAFETY). ASHTON A^ALA^E CO., THE, 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. 1760 CRANE CO., 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) CROSBY STEAM GAGE & A ALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. EASTWOOD AVIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., New York. (See inside front cover.) 6963 EYNON-EA'ANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58.) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO.. THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 836 JENKINS BROS.,' 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) LUNKENHEIBIER CO., THE, 36 Corilandt St., New York. (See iaside back cover.) SHERWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 5J.) VALVES (REDUCING PRESSURE). ASHTON A'ALA^E CO., THE, 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. 1760 CRANE CO.. 330-333 S. Fifth St. (See page 79.) CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. EASTAVOOD WIRE MFG. CO., 130 Liberty St., New York. (See inside front cover ) 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) ROBERTSON MFG. CO., Betz Bldj?. (See page 79.) SHERAVOOD 3IFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 52.) VALVES (RUBBER). 4747 BOYD, JAMES, & BBO., 14 N. Foiinh St. (See insert opp. page 57.) CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St.. Bosfon, Mass. 1514 DILKS, FRANK AV., & CO., " LUDLOAV." 518 Arch St. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CO., THE, 16 Warren St., New York. (See inserts opp. pages 68-69.) VALVES (WATER RELIEF). ASHTON VALAE CO., THE, 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & A ALA E CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 1514 DILKS, FRANK W., & CO., " LUDLOAV," 518 Arch St. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) 836 JENKINS BROS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) VENTILATING APPARATUS. 5364 B. F. STURTEVANT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Baker, Smith & Co., 520 Commerce St. Climax Machine Co., Inc., 68 N. Fourth St. 6963 EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. 15th and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58 ) Francis Bros. & Jellett, Inc., 704 Arch St. ^ y e, ■/ Grant, Adolph & Co. Merchant & Co., Inc., 517 Arch St. Smead & Wills Warming and Ventilating Co., The, 417 Locust St, Thompson Bros., 112 Bread St. Wood, James P., Heating Co., The, 39 8. Fourth St. 84 ftRCttlTeCTS. HeftTiNG eNGiNeeRS. STeftM FITTeKS, (//e ONLY PAPER IN THE WORLD DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE SUBJECTS OP HEATINO AND VENTILATION. TEeHj^ie/fL. PRACTICAlo. AUTHORIT/fTIVE, Subscription, Sample copies, . i $1,00 a year, , 10 cents each. The H. & V. Publishing Co,, 146 World Building, NEW YORK. m% 85 A.LM:Y TVA.TEK-TXJ13E BOILER CO., MANUFACTUEBKS OP Almy's Patent Sectional Water-Tube Boilers FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY WORK. Nos. 178 to 184 Aliens Avenue, Providence, R. I. Long Distance Telephone 433. VENTILATING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. B. F. STURTEVATVT CO., 135 N. Third St. (See page 33.) Baker, Smitb & Co , .520 Commerce St. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE. oor. 15th and Clearfield Sis. (See page 58.) Francis Bros. & Jellett, Inc., 704 Arch St. Merchant & Co., Inc., 517 Arch St. SMITH, H. B., CO., THE, 510 Arcli St. (See page 77.) Schnitzler, Cha&. H., 215 N. Second St. Wood, Jas. P., Heating Co., The, 39 S. Fourth St. » VERTICAL SHAFTING. CKESSON, GEO. V., CO., 18th St. cor. Allegheny Ave. * VISES (COMBINATION). ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., THE, Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) VISES (MACHINISTS' AND PIPE). ARMSTRONG 3IFG. CO., THE, Bridgeport, Conn. (See insert opp. page 33.) Energetic Mfg. Co., 233 Cherry St. Gumphert, Geo. A., & Co., 238 Cherry St. * VOLUMETRIC ENGINES AND MOTORS. UNION BOILER TUBE CLEANER CO., Pittshurg-b, Pa. (See inserts opp. pages * WATER COLUMNS (SAFETY). HUi'ETTE, P. B. "RELIANCE," 1313 Betz Bldg. (Seepages.) WATER GAUGES. See also Water Columns. ASHTON VALVE CO., THE, 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. iSee front cover.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1813 Bb-tz Bids- (Seepages.) EITNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlamlt St., Ne iv York. (See inside back cover.) PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. (See page 58 and back cover.) WATER HEATERS, NOISELESS. EYNON-EVANS MFCi. CO., THE, cor. 15tU and Clearfield Sts. (See page 58 ) * WATER PROOFING FOR LEATHER. CLING-SURFACE MEG, CO., 169-iy4 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. (See insert opp. page 33.) WATER RELIEF VALVES. See also Valves. ASHTON VALVE CO. THE, 371 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVE CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. L>ILKS. FRANK W.. & CO.. " LUBLOW" 518 Arch St. EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO., THE, cor. IStli and Clearfield Sts. (See pao-e 58.) FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arch St. (See front cover.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz Bids'- (See page 2.) JENKINS BaOS., 117 N. Fourth St. (See inside front cover.) WATER-TUBE BOILERS. Ave., Providence, R. I. ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 178-184 Alleni- (See page 8(1.) Babcock & Wilcox Co., 642 Drexel Bldg. Clonbrock Steam Boiler Works Bourse Bldg. Cramp, Wm., & Sons, Ship & Engine Building Co., Beach and Palmer Sts. Erie City Iron Works, 1420 Chestnut St. Gill, John L., Jr., 608 Drexel Bldg. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER WORKS, 17th St. bel. Allegheny Ave. (See pages 60-75.) HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO., 658 Bourse Bldg. (See page 87.) McNeil Boiler Worlis, 1001 Chestnut St. National Water Tube Boiler Co., Stephen Girard Bldg. PHILADELPHIA ENGINEERING WORKS, Ltd., cor. Mifflin and Meadow Sts. PHOENIX IRON WORKS CO., Meadville, Pa. (See page 45.) STIKEING CO., THE, 305 Betz Bldg. (See page 87.) Thayer & Co., Inc., 543 Drexel Bldg. the: heine: safety boiler EVAPORATES MORE WATER PER SQUARE FOOT OF HEATING SURFACE, OR PER POUND OF COAL, THAN ANY OTHER BOILER. WROUGHT METAL CONSTRUCTION AND THOROUGHLY ACCESSIBLE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE B. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, - - 658 BOURSE BUILDING. " WHEELBARROWS. LANSING AVHEKLBARKOVV CO., 193 7 Market St. WHISTLES. ASHTON VAI^A^E CO., THE, S^l Franklin .*»t., Boston, Mass, CKOSBY STEAM GAGE & VALA E CO., 93 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. EASTWOOD WIRE MEG. CO., 130 Liberty St., New York. (See inside front cover.) HUYETTE, P. B., 1313 Betz BUIg. (See page 2.) Lonergan, J. E., & Co., 211 Race St. LUNKENHEIMEli CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St., Ne^v Yoi k. (See iuf-ide back cover.) SHEKWOOD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (See page 58.) * WHISTLES (CHIME). CROSBY STEAM GAGE & VALVK CO., 93 Oliver Sf., Boston, Ma.ss. LUNKENHEIMER CO., THE, 36 Cortlandt St , New York. (See inside back cover.) WIRE ROPE AND CABLES. DeWitt Wire Cloth Co. , 703 Market St. Howard, Geo. C, Foundry and Machine Works, 1743 Ludlow St. Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co., 707 -Filbert St. Williamson & Cassedy, 636 Market St. WOOD-SPLIT PULLEYS. Bond, Chas., 520 Arch St. 3176 FAIRBANKS CO., THE, 701 Arcli St. (See front cover.) WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY. 1718 CBEGAR, J. W., Machinery Dept., Bourse Bldg. (See insert opp. page 11 ) WRENCHES (PIPE). ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., Bridgeport, Coon. (See insert opp. page 33.) Billany & Cochrane, 5i7 Commerce St. YACHT BOILERS AND ENGINES. ALMY W^ATER TUBE BOILER CO , 178-184 Aliens Ave., Providence, R. I. (Seepage 86.) Cramp, Wm., & Sons, Ship & Engine Building Co., Beach and Palmer Sts. Hiliman, Chas., Ship & Engine Building Co., Beach St. ab. Palmer St. Neafie & Levy, Ship & Engine Building Co., Inc., 1336 Beach St. THE STIRLING Tu^e" SAFETY BOILER -SAFE. EFFICIENT. DURABLE. 600,000 H. P. IN USE.- All wrought metal ; large steam liberating surface; quick and steady steam ; thorough and rapid circulation. Four mnnholes give access to the interior of every tube. No numerous hand-hole caps, bolts, nor washers to remove and replace with every cleaning. Ko flat surfaces nor stay-bolts. THE STIRLING COMPANY, General Offices : Philadelph. A Office: PULLMAN BUILDING, BETZ BUILDING. Chicago, III. 87 CHANDLER & TAYLOR COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Our Automatic Cut-off Engines, with Rites^ Governing System, are compact and symmetrical. They are just the Engines you are looking for. We also manufacture High Grade Throttling Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills. Send for our Catalogue, which is attractive and avoids technicality. PHILADELPHIA AGENTS, Pennsylvania Machine Co., 29-31 NORTH SEVENTH STREET. NOTICE (^UR ambition is to make The Engineers' Eeference so valuable to Steam and Electric Power Users that it will continue to be the best advertising medium for all who wish to reach these professions in the district which they cover. At present we publish annually an edition of this work in the three largest cities in the east, i. e. Greater New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and we present a copy of the work to the man in charge of each Power Plant in these cities, and they use it every day in the year. Would you not like to have your name under the proper headings in these Directories ? Would you not like to illustrate and describe your goods and explain their advantages to these people, every one of whom is either directly or indirectly a possible customer? THINK IT OVER. THE REFERENCE PUBLISHING CO., New Yoilf. The Iunkenheimer ga, />^^-^;c{viH^ Originators, Sole Malcers and Patentees of the Ceiebrated LUNKENnEinEK ff SUPERIOR BRASS AND IRON SPECIALTIES FOR STEAM, WATER, GAS, OILS, ETC. All goods riginiy tested and inspected, and warrantee as represented. Endorsed and liberally used by intelligent steam users throughout the world. The only goods of their class made, having an intern- national reputation for superior merit. In stock and supplied by local dealers. Specify "LUNKENHEIMBR" make and see that our name is on every article. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT IT. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. 1S98 Catalogue free for the asking. Investigation and Comparison invited and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GENERAL Offices and Factories: CINCINNATI, O. NEW YORK: 26 Cortlandt Street. LONDON : 35 Great Dover Street LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS IM[^]Et"^E2I 029 501 566 4 pci. ** Specials " ^vork to 2^5 lbs. Steara, HlkfiDLES HOT WATER AT 145 DEGREES. THE AUTO-POSITIVE. HIGH PRESSURE AND HOT WATER INJECTOR, ^«AXJTO»IATlC^^ IIV ^^.CTIOIV, *T»OSlTIVE" IIV K,EStJI^TS« WILL WORK ON ANY WATER TUBE BOILER. PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., X>ETROIT, ------- 31.XOXI*