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U.S. FORCES (oiVISION Lcist Posihon = Line, of Worlds _^_ JExplanatory -the r^bei Use of batUt »0(S their line of .tt»ck ca the flrit (5»y (»» r*jv«-e9«fita.i ia toe awp; d« Bot o^mtpood. It ^ w l«r«»*?M9 for tbe Topographer to represent both. He therefore ohoiie t>j.^ )ia«, :f ^s^tJe of n»bel« ontU they moved to ths attack. The 4^ visions nf Clebome aud McCo^n then obliqued to the left antJ tbe l3rt of tbelr line pr.y«ied beyond tb«. Hghi o? Joba«.>aS right, flaakiii?. blr>. The reader wil< bear to mind that the atuok arst IteL apon the left of Johnsons division, then hie right brigade, then Davis and Sherridan, The posmon oconpiec on the ar«i d.r of January, is not fully represented ; the entire line of the Left Wing not appearing .n the map. This w*. omitted by ^be Topographer to avoid confusion in a reduced map. Othermse the diaurwu Ib very perfect. ROSECRANS' CAMPAIGN WITH THE ^oiii'teentli Army Corps, AEMT OF THE CTJMBEELAND : A ]S^AIIRATIVE OF PERSONAL OBSETIVATIONS, WITH AN APPENDIX, CONSISTING OF OFFICIAL EEPOPvTS OF THE BATTLE OF STONE lUVEll By "W. D. B.,^,^; COEHESPONDENT OP THE CINCINNATI CoMMBECIAL. &2 — : c ^ CINCINNATI: MOORE, WILSTACII, KEYS & CO., 25 WEST FOURTH STREET. 1 8G3. t4 0^%. . o^1 Z^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18G3, BY MOORE, WILSTACn, KEYS A CO., Ill the Clerk's Onice of tlic District Court of tlio United States for tlie Southern District of Ohio. 1^ l> li 1 PREFACE. zQ This volume presents a narrative of the personal observa- tions of tlie author during the three i^onths' campaign of Major General Rosecrans, commanding the original Fourteenth Army Corps — popularly designated the Army of the Cumber- land. It embraces a period beginning with the 30th day of October, 1862, when General Eosecrans assumed command of the Department of the Cumberland, and the Fourteenth Army Corps, and concludes with the occupation of Murfrees- boro, Tennessee, immediately after the memorable battle of Stone River. Doubtless it contains some statements which might have been wisely omitted. Certainly many very inter- esting facts which could have been profitably introduced, were excluded. But it is purely narrative. It aspires to nothing but to record the truth Ga.fhad recently distinguished himself by zeal and energy, was relieved from command of the post of Bowling ATTACK ON NASHVILLE. 85 Green by Brigadier General Robert S. Granger, and assigned to command a cavalry force to drive the rebels out of South-western Kentucky. Besides these arrangements, there were innumerable matters of routine necessary to the success of the military administration of the Department rapidly disposed of, but the details would swell this narrative into a tedi- ous volume. Allusion is made to them merely to convey a feeble intimation of the amount of business which necessarily harrasses the mind of the com- mander of a great department. Major General McCook's corps had already arrived at Bowling Green. In consequence of information that the enemy were menacing ^N'ashville, General McCook was directed, on the 4th E"ovember, to move his corps to that city, pressing forward briskly so as to reach there by 10 o'clock a. m., on the 7th. lie marched accordingly at dawn of the 4th. On the morning of Thursday, officers at Bowling Green reported that they had heard the mutter of heavy guns in the direction of ITashville — a distance of per- haps fifty miles, as the crow flies. It was incredible that the detonation of artillery could be carried so far overland. But the succeeding day the report was seemingly verified by the arrival of couriers with official dispatches, announcing that the enemy had been baffled in an attempt to destroy the railroad bridge which spans the Cumberland river at IsTash- ville. But they had succeeded in unmasking the great batteries of Fort N'egley, Fort Confiscation, and the Casino. It is barely possible that the mumbling of their guns wa& heard at Bowling Green. The attack upon Nashville was a mere dash, but the 36 ATTACK ON NASHVILLE. design of the enemy was almost accomplished. It was afterward apparent that they had hut little confidence in the enterprise, otherwise their efforts would have heen sustained more persistently. They actually pushed within easy musket range of the hridge hefore they were driven away. They attacked General Xeg- ley's pickets simultaneously soon after midnight on the 6th, while a column of mounted infimtry under John Morgan forded the Cumberland and moved upon Edgefield. A bickering picket fire was sustained on the south front of jSTashville until daybreak, our pick- ets falling back gradually to their reserves. As soon as it was light enough, the enemy opened a field bat- tery from the crest of a ridge on the left of the Mur- freesboro pike, the only efiect of which was to unmask our siege batteries in the forts. Part of the Fifty-First Illinois Yolunteer Infantry, on picket on that road, w^ere sharply attacked by rebel infantry, but they resisted gallantly until the remainder of the regiment came up in support, when the enemy were handsomely repulsed, with severe loss. Our loss was tbree severely and four slightly wounded, and two missing. Morgan, meantime, was preparing to dash upon the bridge. In order to gain time, it was reported that he had resorted to a dishonorable stratagem. A flag of truce was sent to our lines, asking an exchange of prisoners. The ruse was too flimsy to deceive, but it gave Morgan time to form his line advantageously. As soon as his flag returned, he swept suddenly upon our pickets and skirmishers, and drove them in upon the main body. Taking advantage of hollows and the railway embankment, he moved swiftly upon ATTACK ON NASHVILLE. 37 tlie bridge without exposure, but as the head of his cohimn raised to a level with the road, it was met by a biting fire from the well-poised rifles of the Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, under Colonel Smith. Discovering the futility of further effort, Morgan quickly with- drew with a loss of a half dozen men, and revenged himself by destroying an old frame freight house and a few platform cars. The Sixteenth Illinois had three slightly and three severely wounded, including Cap- tain Eowe, but the enemy were satisfied to retire. G-eneral Is'egley, deceived by the maneuvers of the enemy, supposed the main attack would be made in the direction of the Franklin pike, because I^ashville was most vulnerable on that side. Proceeding upon that belief, he pushed out that road with an escort of forty men from the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Stokes' First Tennessee Cavalry, one section of Battery G, Marshall's Fourth Ohio Artillery, and one section of Iloughtaling's Illinois Battery, sup- ported by the Fourteenth Michigan, Sixty-IsTinth Ohio, and Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. Quite a warm artillery fight was sustained for several hours, and both parties tried to gain advantage by maneuvering, but the enemy finally Avithdrew with considerable loss of men and horses. Our loss was four wounded. The enemy did not afibrd our infantry an opportunity to take a decisive part in this brush. Prisoners reported that Breckinridge in person com- manded the rebel forces. He fell back that night to his position in front of Murfreesboro, satisfied that the " Yankee " mortgage on IN'ashville could not be lifted by his command. 38 OKGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. CHAPTER VI. The Right Wing at Nashville — Railway Communication with Mitch- ellsville Resumed— Organization of the Army — Sketches of McCook, Crittenden, Rousseau, Negley, and other Division Generals. Brigadier General Sill's Division, of McCook's command, was the first to arrive at I^ashville. The General Commanding promptly made acknowledge- ments to General McCook for his activity and energy in arriving two hours in advance of the time desig- nated. He had opened and secured regular commu- nication between that city and General Headquarters, and it was now safe beyond peradventure. This was equally gratifying to its trusty garrison, who had been so closely beleagured that they were suffering for ration-al comforts. Tidings from the enemy were equally reassuring. They were moving around from Chattanooga, but with difficulty. The railway bridge across the Tennessee River at Bridgeport had been destroyed — which involved the necessity of tranship- ment and laborious ferriage of troops and armament at that crossing. It was clear they were not ready to advance. On the 6th railroad communication to Mitchells- ville was re-established, and heavy trains of subsist- ence were forwarded to that depot. General McCook was directed to supply himself by wagons thence, and the other corps were moved forward. The three grand divisions of the army were now designated the ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 39 Right Wing, Center, and Left Wing, althongli the general order to that effect was not issued until some days later. The Right Wing, commanded by Major General McCook, consisted of three divisions, under Brigadier General J. W. Sill, Brigadier General Philip II. Sherridan, and Colonel W. E. Woodruff, who tem- porarily commanded the old division of Brigadier General R. B. Mitchell. Major General Thomas com- manded the Center, consisting of the divisions of Major General Lovell H. Rousseau, Brigadier Gener- als Dumont, Fry, Palmer, and ]^egley. Dumout and Fry were subsequentl}^ relieved, and Palmer was transferred to the Left Wing. The Left AVing, com- manded by Major General Thomas L. Crittenden, consisted of the divisions of Brigadier Generals Thomas Jefferson Wood, 11. P. Van Cleve, and ^Y. S. Smith. The Headquarters Staff was increased by the announcement of Captain Elmer Otis, commanding the Fourth regiment of United States Cavalry, as Chief of Courier Lines, and R. S. Thoms, of Cincin- nati, Volunteer Aiddecamp, with rank of Captain. MAJOR GENERAL m'cOOK. Major General McCook was considered a good sol- dier. He was prompt, energetic, and enterprising, with ambition to excel. His command was always in fine condition, and, apparently, was attached to him. He was fortunate in division commanders of military knowledge, experience, and ability, and his brigade ofiicers — such as Sill, Willich, Kirk, Carlin, Roberts, and Shaeffer, and Gibson, later, were of the elite of the army. His troops had fought, some of them in Missouri, a portion at Pea Ridge, others at Shiloh, 40 OEGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. and all at ChapHii Hills. Three-fourths of them were veterans, and the raw levies were required to drill incessantly. General McCook himself was in the prime of youthful vigor — not exceeding thirty- three years of age, and free from vicious habits which tend to impair the constitution. He had graduated at the E"ational Military Academy, in 1851, and entered service immediately as Brevet Second Lieutenant of the Third United States Infantry. After promotion to a First Lieutenancy, he was Professor of Tactics at West Point, and was First Lieutenant of the line when the rebellion declared itself at Sumter. Governor Denni- son at once commissioned him Colonel of the first three months' regiment organized in his native State, and the first organized in the West under the Presi- dent's requisition for volunteers. After serving three months on the Potomac with distinction, as tactician and disciplinarian, he was recommissioned by Gov- ernor Dennison for three years. While reorganizing his regiment, the President promoted him to the posi- tion of Brigadier General, and he was assigned to the Department of the Ohio. At Shiloh he commanded a division, and distinguished himself. The President promoted him to the grade he now enjoys, and Gen- eral Buell assigned to him a corps of three divisions, with which he fonght the sanguinary but indecisive battle of Chaplin Hills. General Rosecrans continued him in the same command. MAJOR GENERAL CRITTENDEN. Major General Crittenden was considered, in army <;ircles, an officer of popular manners, and an earnest, zealous soldier. In his vouth he had served as Aid- ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 41 decamp in Mexico, on the staff of General Taylor. Otherwise he had no military experience. He never vascillated in his devotion to the Union, while his most intimate friends in Kentucky were proclaiming themselves traitors. Exercising great influence in his native State, the President commissioned him a Brigadier General. He applied himself to his duties, and the division to which he was assigned as com- mander, soon took rank among the effective forces of the Army of the Ohio. He had now served a year or more, and for his good conduct and valor at Shiloh had been promoted to Major General. Later, three divisions, which constituted his present corps, were assigned to him. There was no cooler or more thor- oughly self-possessed soldier in the Fourteenth Army Corps. He is the second son of Hon. John J. Crit- tenden — his elder brother, George, being in the rebel army. He is about forty years old, of medium stat- ure, spare figure, and straight as a ramrod — wdth swarthy complexion, long straight black hair, with strong, prominent features, and a proud, stately bear- ing. He is rather reticent, but ''Old Kentucky" asserts herself in his deportment. He w^as fortunate in commanding a corps of vete- rans, some of whom had learned the rudiments of grim visaged war in Western Virginia. Only nine re^cinients of them were unseasoned. Two divisions had fought at Shiloh, and won laurels with their commander. [N'elson's famous " man-of-war " division, afterward commanded by Palmer, was one of them. Brigadier Generals Wood and Yan Cleve, regular offi- cers, ranked high for skill and enterprise — Wood especially, who was regarded second to none in expe- 4 42 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. rience and cultured intellect. Palmer afterward made his mark. These were ably sustained by Brig- adier Generals Hascall and Cruft, Colonels Hazen, Harker, Stanley Matthews, Wagner, Grose, Samuel Beatty, and Fyffe, whose testimony is a rubric of rebel blood. MAJOR GENERAL ROUSSEAU. Major General Eousseau, commanding the reserve division of the Center, was molded for a hero. iSTature had infused into him a spirit of fiery enthusiasm, which blazed in his features, spouted from his beam- ing eyes, and declared itself in a voice which rung in battle like a clarion. It was impossible to resist his captivating influence, and no man could so inflame the ardor of troops in the shock of conflict. His sol- diers roared at his presence, hailing his magnificent port with joyful acclamations. Towering above the heroic stature and swelling out in grand physical pro- portions, with a countenance glowing with frankness, generosity, and courage, and manners irresistibly seductive, you perceive in him the representative and model of true chivalry. Mounted upon his thorough- bred chestnut, and careering before his embattled host, you recognize your beau ideal of a gallant soldier. He is thoroughly a Keutuckian, and thoroughly a patriot, who loves his country and the government of the people with unconquerable affection. Lovell H. Rousseau is one of the true men of Kentucky and of the nation, and when the scroll of honor is complete, his name will glow with the noblest. He is a volun- teer soldier, promoted from the Colonelcy of the Louisville Lesion — the first regiment enlisted in Ken- ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 43 tucky, and by himself — first to a Brigadier General, and afterward to a Major General, for distinguished gallantry and services at Shiloh and Chaplin Hills. BRIGADIER GENERAL NEGLEY. Brigadier General James S. E'egley, of Pennsylva- nia, commanding the second division of the Center, was not popular with a certain clique of officers, but thoroughly enjoyed the confidence of the General Commanding, of his immediate commander, and of his splendid division. At this period he was not wnth the main army. He had been left by General Buell in command of the garrison at Nashville, where, by his energy and activity, and by his patriotic civico- military administration he had won the respect of the Government. He was yet in command at ^NTashville, and had but recently repulsed an attack of the enemy. He was destined to w^in further honor. He was a vol- unteer officer, but ever proved himself a trusty sol- dier. After all the divisions had been reviewed by the General Commanding, there Avas no dispute in the staff that his was among the best divisions of the Fourteenth Corps. Dumont and Fry soon afterward disappeared, and Palmer took a division in the Left Wing. After the Hartsville affair, Dumont's Divi- sion was merged in others, and Brigadier General James B. Steadman, a soldier and a zealous patriot, succeeded General Fry. The brigade commanders of the first and second divisions, Scribner, John Beatty, Starkweather, "Black Jack'' Shepherd, Miller, P. T. Stanley, and sturdy old Spears, were all distinguished men. The other brigadiers do not fall within the scope of this narrative. 44 OUTLINES OF THE CAMPAIGN. CHAPTER VII. Sabbath in the Army — RevieAV of Ten Days — The Military Situa- tion — The Army Moving — Outlines of the Campaign— Its Relations to Other Departments — Bragg's Advantages — Rosecrans' Difficul- ties — His Numerical Force. On the 8tli it was announced that headquarters would be transferred to Is"ashville on the morrow. Subsequently remembering that the succeeding day was Sunday, the General Commanding suspended the order twenty-four hours. This is worthy of notice simply as an indication of the principle by which he was governed. He entertained an aversion to movements upon the Sabbath, unless the^^ were indispensable. The troops soon understood this, and they approved it from motives which seemed a curi- ous combination of superstition and conscientious scruples. But the impression that Sunday military enterprises could not prosper was fixed in their minds, and they commended the example of their commander. Ten days had now expired since General Eosecrans had assumed command. We may regard this as the introductory period of preparation. It will clear the record to glance at the situation. Every available hour had been devoted to the preparation of his forces and the maturation of his plans for future operations. The railroad had been repaired to Mitch- ellsville. Supply trains were rushing over the road OUTLINES OP THE CAMPAIGN. 45 as rapidly as steam aiicl energy could press tliem. Measures had been taken for the perfection of the cavalry; an immense pack-mule train had been ordered ; garrisons had been established to protect communications; pioneer corps had been organized; the army itself had been reorganized, and was dis- playing its old spirit; horses, arms, equipments, subsistence, were coming forward, and vast quantities of uncatalogued but indispensable routine business had been cleaned out of official pigeon holes. The army was sweeping like a great torrent toward IsTashville, overflowing the country with its legions and innumerable trains. Intense activity w^as visible in every quarter of the department, and the canijiaign was opening auspiciousl}^ How much labor, how many harrassing vexations were in the womb of the future ! The season of drought was not yet at its zenith. Cumberland River continued a feeble rivulet, threading its way limpidly through the clefts of the mountains, and the Military Chief of the nation, unmindful of the lessons of experience, was disposed to exact more than he himself had genius to accom- plish under far happier conditions. The outline of the campaign was part of a vast system devised — it must be finally confessed with great sagacity — at Washington. This system extended from the Potomac to the western borders of Missouri, and from the Potomac and the Ohio to the Gulf of Mexico. The part assigned to General Rosecrans was a carving from the general scheme. His success depended as much upon that of the com- manders of other departments as upon his own genius. Either one of them failing, jeopardized 46 OUTLINES OF THE CAMPAIGN. liirn, and would necessarily compel him to suspend aggressive operations, if it did not throw him upon the defensive. Major General Grant, commanding the Department of Western Tennessee, was on his right, pressing sharply into Mississippi. If he met with disaster, it would uncover Eosecrans' right flank, and expose him to superior numbers. If Grant held his own, Rosecrans' right was safe against any project from Pemberton's Army of the Mississippi ; and the distance from Pemberton to Bragg, and the vital necessity to hold the Mississippi Yalley for the rebel government, insured him against the sudden concen- tration of any material portion of Pemberton's with Bragg's forces against him. Major General "Wright, commanding the Depart- ment of the Ohio, which included Kentucky and Western Virginia, covered the left and rear of Eose- crans. With his formidable army, there was little danger to be apprehended on that flank unless there was misfortune elsewhere. If the Army of the Poto- mac met with disaster, it involved each army of the Eepublic, but the Fourteenth Army Corps most directly and seriously. It would enable the rebels to detach heavy reinforcements for the relief of other departments, and Bragg was likely to receive assist- ance earliest. Fortunately, the Army of the Potomac promised to aflbrd employment for all of Lee's forces. If federal operations on the coast were successful, they would occupy all the rebel troops in the South- Eastern States. If otherwise, Bragg would draw accessions thence. But the signs were all hopeful, and it seemed morally certain that Bragg could not get reinforcements enough to give him a decided OUTLINES OF THE CAMPAIGN. 47 numerical superiority. Still he enjoyed the formi- dable advantage of operating upon comparative!}^ short interior lines in a friendlv mountainous terri- tory, which afforded him fair supplies of forage and subsistence, while Rosecrans waged offensive warfare in a hostile and desolated country, in which almost every white inhabitant was a spy and bitter enemy — a country which had been gleaned of supplies, and which is remarkable for the defensive military posi- tions it affords. He, therefore, was compelled to trans- port his supplies over two hundred miles before he could hope to reach tlie enemy; and his difficulties would increase as he progressed, according to the length of his line of communication. The feebleness of his cavalry secured rebel communications, and the superiority of their's constantly endangered his com- \ munications, so that each day's march depleted his already greatly diminished effective force, which, after deducting the sick, and heavy details for garrison duty, did not exceed sixty-five thousand men. The number of absentees on ]^ovember 15, as exhibited by the consolidated semi-monthly report on file in the Adjutant General's Office, exhibits something of the condition of affairs when General Ilosecrans assumed command, to wit : Commissioned Officers absent by authority, 1,188 Enlisted Men " " " 25,294 Total absent by authority, 20,482 Commissioned Officers absent without authority, 123 Enlisted Men, ' '< " 6,301 Total, 6,484 Grand total, thirty -two thousand nine hundred and sixty- ^ 48 OUTLINES OF THE CAMPAIGN. six. Those absent Avithout authority were deserters. Those absent by authority embraced details and the sick. But nearly one-fourth of the number of soldiers belonging to the Department did not muster for duty. It is worth while to remember this fact, because it is •'often inquired, What became of the great Army of the Cumberland? ON TO NASHVILLE. 49 CHAPTER VIII. Mounted — A Sharp Trot through Rebel Ruins — Picture of the Abom- ination of Desolation — Fire in the Forest — Copy of Blue Grass — Bivouac Fires and Tattoo — To Board and to Blankets. But to return to narrative. At dawn on the morning of ISTovember 10, General Rosecrans and the staff took passage on a special railway train at Bowl- ing Green, and were whirled swiftly to Mitchellsville. Horses were in waiting, and five minutes after the cars stopped, the General, escorted by a squadron of the Fourth Regular Cavalry under Captain Otis, mounted and trotted briskly to the right upon a country road connecting with the old Louisville and I^Tashville turnpike. There was a distance of little less than forty miles before him. The country was infested by roving bands of hostile guerrillas, and the route was rather hazardous, but it was thronged by long transportation trains strongly guarded, which was deemed sufficient protection. ISTevertheless the staff were cautioned to remain with the escort. The route was interesting as the early highway of rebellion. The first camp of instruction of the insur- gents (Camp Trousdale), was passed a mile or two after crossing the Kentucky and Tennessee line. It was from this point that South-Western Kentucky was impregnated with the virus of active rebellion. We were then trifling with Kentucky neutrality, and covert treachery, while Simon Bolivar Buckner was 5 50 ON TO NASHVILLE. sending the State Guard of Kentucky into this camp, and amusing General McClellan and the Administra- tion with hypocritical professions of loyalty. The first acre of Tennessee soil betrayed the ruth- less track of war. Fallow fields were spread out before the vision, and the voice of the planter was not needed to prove that the peaceful plowshare had been transformed into the biting sword. Fences had been absorbed in camp-fires ; the click of the old mill wheel had ceased ; broken windows and shat- tered frames stared from deserted homesteads; and charred chimneys begrimed with smoke stains, stood in stark solitude in the bosom of deflowered gardens and blistered groves — painful monuments of rebellion and grim pictures of its bitter fruits. Eavage and desolation everywhere. There were no little children gamboling on cabin thresholds. Hardly a dog barked at the rattling cavalcade. 'Now and then a woe- stricken woman peered sadly through a shivered window-pane. Yonder, a rugged and ragged and wretched man in butternut jeans, clinging with the resolution of desperation to the last rafter of the dear old homestead, scowled ferociously at the pass- ing strangers in his country's uniform. But, as if deliberate purpose had not afflicted the land with fell visitation, carelessness and chance were now aggra- vating havoc. Idle soldiers or heedless teamsters kindling bivouac fires among the dry leaves of autumn, had communicated flames to the forests, and consuming conflagrations were streaming like whirl- winds through their brittle branches. Fences far outside of the beaten war-path, obscure fields of corn covered by friendly distance, dwellings, once homes ON TO NASHVILLE. 51 of iunocence and rustic joy, but pleasant homes no more, farm tenements and standing grain, were now licked up by the scathing fury as the sand of the desert is swallowed by simoon. A gloomy pall of smoke, fit emblem of the mournful pestilence which desolated that sad land, hovered over the scotched and blistered face of nature in dismal clouds, through which the Southern sun, like an angry globe of fire, but dimly scattered its enfeebled blaze — the abomin- ation of desolation, but fitting retribution for parri- cidal war. The face of the country pretty much all the way to Nashville is rudely rumpled. About midway it is i-fitersected with rugged irregular ridges spurring out from the Cumberland Mountains, until they sink insensibly into the lowlands of Western Tennessee. But the surface of the wliole territory is diversified with cross ridges and bluff* hills — many of them too rude for profitable cultivation, though the intervening valleys and the frequent plateaus are fertile and till- able lands. Compensated labor and a liberal intersper- sion of schoolhouses would make it an attractive and desirable countrj^ The sword is carving through its stingy barbarism toward its industrial millennium. Ten or more miles north of JN'ashville the prospect opens into a vista of beauty and high cultivation. You fall upon a wide wavy landscape decorated with stately and tasteful mansions, seducing sense by pleas- ant prospects of lofty ceilings and spacious porches. They are war-scarred now, but even the wrecks report their former comeliness. 'Neat stone fences wdiich circumvahate the rich plantations; substantial stock and chattel tenements — both empty now ; noble 52 ON TO NASHVILLE. groves of oak and maple, casting their friendly misle- toe sliadows upon rich carpetings of thick-set turf, remind you much of the sumptuous Blue Grass region of Central Kentucky; all, the possessions of traitors who have rushed to the tumult of war, leaving wives and little ones behind them to weather the witherins: storm alone. JSTight had ensabled the prospect long before the cavalcade discovered the feeble glimmer of the dis- tant city. The groves and hill-sides were blazing with cheerful bivouac fires. The merry to-bed tattoo rataplanned cheerily in the deep valleys of the Cum- berland, and the good-night taps of great drums rolled up their solemn diapason ere the horse-hoof- clatter of the coming chief echoed in the dismal streets of desolate i^ashville. It was a wearisome, dusty march, and the smothering smoke of smolder- ing forest fires had well nigh sufi:bcated jaded steeds and their shattered riders. A generous feast at the hospitable board of General McCook — and the mem- ories of the day, for the nonce, were soon buried in the oblivion of soldiers' blankets. The recollection of such marchings usually are invested with a restricted interest. But the future historian will not complain when he search?s among the dusty pages of these stirring times to find the feeblest pictures which may illustrate the character of his heroes. Occasions like this disenthralled the mind of the Commanding General, and it sought recreation in wandering over the field of thought and speculation — nevertheless pursuing persistently the great object of his contemplation as the helm which governed his reflections. But he found relaxation ON TO NASHVILLE. 53 from the tread-mill of office. Eiding along the highway, he was careful to observe the configuration of the country and its military characteristics, requir- ing the inscription upon the note-book of his Topo- graphical Engineer of intersecting roads, as often as such roads rambled off into the forests alono: the line of march. Habitually cheerful, in a remarkable degree, on such expeditions the mercury of his spirits rises into playfulness, which develops itself in merry familiar quips and jests with his subordinates, and none laugh more pleasantly than he. Fine scenery excites his poetic temperament, and he dwells elo- quently upon the picturesqueness of nature, exhibit- ing at once the keenest appreciation of the "kind mother of us all," and the niceties of landscape art. But the grandeur of nature more frequently car- ries his mind into the realms of religion, when he is v.'ont to burst into adoration of his Maker, or launch into vehement and impatient rebuke of scoff- ers. All of nature to him is admonition of God. Such is his abhorrence of infidelity, that he would banisli his best loved officers from his military house- hold, should an}^ presume to intrude it upon him. He is wont to say he has no security for the moralitj^ of any man who refuses to recognize the Supreme Being. Religion is his favorite theme, and Roman Catholicism to him is infallible. In his general dis- cussions of religion, he betrays surprising acquaint- ance with the multifarious theologies which have vexed the world, and condemns them all as corrup- tions of the true doctrines of the Mother Church. His social conversations of this character are seldom indulged with his cherished guest, Rev. Father Trecy, 54 ON TO NASHVILLE. with whom ho is always en rajojoori, but he is ever ready to wage controversy with any other disputant. But argument with him on his faith, had as well be ended w^ith the beginning, save for the interest with which he invests his subject, and the ingenious skill with which he supports it. Ambling along the high- way in a day's journey, unless some single theme of business absorbs him, he will range through science, art, and literature with happy freedom and ability. You do not listen long before you are persuaded that 3^ou hear one who aspires ambitiously beyond the mere soldier. The originality and shrewdness of his criticisms, the comprehensiveness of his generaliza- tions, and his erudition, assures you that you talk with no ordinary man. Ten hours' trotting with him, though a sore trial of flesh, is richly repaid by instruction received, and the happy recollections which his companions afterward And stored in their memories. THE EICH AND POOE OF NASHVILLE. CHAPTER IX. Cunningham House — Nashville in Military Dress — Fort Negley — Unhappiness of the Rich — Misery of the Poor — Heartlessness of the Master Class — A Picture of Wretchedness — The Male Popula- tion — Social Tyranny — The Unwritten Law of Female Despotism — Non-Intercourse with Yankees — The Pass System — The Ruined Suburbs of Nashville. Headquarters were establislied in the Cunningliani mansion, a spacious and elegant edifice well adapted to the patriotic uses to which it was appropriated. The staff enjoyed it, but the elite of rebellious l^ash- ville did not seem to appreciate their comfort. Cun- ningham was a Quartermaster in the rebel service and a Federal Quartermaster was now occupying the dwelling of his neighbor, Colonel Stevenson, also a rebel Quartermaster. A little later the Provost Marshal General was elbowed out of the Cunning- ham house, and occupied the former residence of General Zollicoffer. Many other private and public Ijuil dings were also appropriated to federal uses, and they were found quite convenient. This will interest the rebels hereafter, and it is desirable likewise to designate objects of historical interest for the future entertainment of residents of N'ashvihe who are now involuntarily absent. ISTashville was now a military city. It exhibited many of the features of a conquered city which had 56 THE RICH AND POOR OF NASHVILLE. been recently relieved from a long investment. It was girdled with a waist of formidable fortifications and encircled by a zone of warlike camps. Its proud capi- tol, graceful and beautiful, upon the crown of a rocky hill which commanded a charming prospect of splen- did suburbs, and a rich mosaic of forests and fields lin- ing the shores of the picturesque Cumberland, was a castle frowning with great guns on its battlements and bristling with glittering bayonets. The streets were barricaded with cotton, and earthen parapets. St. Cloud Hill, once the cynosure of the Rock City, when it was decorated with stately oaks which might have excited the pagan fervor of Druid High Priest, was a menacing fortress grinning at traitors in the rear and scowling at armed rebels in front. The Casino and Fort Confiscation beyond, confirmed the hopelessness of relief to the prisoned malcontents within their range. The tramp of hated soldiery, and the ominous rumble of cannon wheels echoed in the stony streets. THE RICH AND POOR. A sad mixture of luxury and desolation excited generous commiseration. The dwellings were full of rich furniture but the markets were bare and money scant. Once opulent families secretly sought charity that they might live. Thousands of wretched poor women and children existed in squalid want. Labor was scarce and the "poor white trash" were often too spiritless to work when oftered — a fact abundantly attested. They suffered their children to chatter with cold, and shivered through the dreary nights of win- ter themselves, rather than cut and carry home the THE RICH AND POOR OF NASHVILLE. 57 wood in the adjacent forest, wliicli the authorities had condemned for their use. And they awaited in wretchedness and listless apathy for the tardy collec- tion and distribution of the charity tax which the Governor levied upon the wealthy classes of traitors for their relief. The latter were heartless, but sen- sible to the strong arm of power. The appeals of misery among their own poor was sound to them, and nothing but a sound. In E'ovember, a miserable ten- ement in the edge of town was burned. An emacia- ted woman dying with slow fever, was dragged out of the fire by her almost equally wretched sister, and laid helpless upon the bed in the commons. Scores of citizens passed her with scarce a word and no deed of sympathy. The prostrate sick woman lay there two days with no canopy but the clouds, and the pen- niless sister stirring a little pile of smoking chips waited for her to die. Nobody took them in. Three federal officers dashing across the commons were hor- ror-stricl^en at the woe-begotten, and woe-begone spectacle, and the sick woman and poverty-stricken sister suffered no more. This was one visible picture of scores like it. Tliere were hundreds invisible to public eyes. FEMALE DESPOTISM. Most of the able-bodied male population had gone to war. Yery few fought under " the banner of beauty and glory.'' Scarcely a score of hale young men remained in the city. 'No matter about their inclination. They dared not resist rebel power where it governed them. The women who governed the master class scorned them if they remained at home, 58 THE RICH AND POOR OF NASHVILLE. after the army was driven out. The social influence of the domineering caste was a more relentless tyranny than the sword. Some loyal men remained, but for the most part the men were either very poor or rich who exceeded the military age. These remained to plot treason and communicate tidings to their con- federates in arms. Many families had removed far South, but most of the women and children were left in I:^ashville. The former were cold and unsocial, but generally when necessarily thrown in contact with federal officers they were courteous. Often, the excep- tions occupied dubious positions in society. If other- wise, it was fair to infer that their husbands had gone to war for the sake of jDeace which they were denied at home. Occasionally there was pleasant social inter- course between the women and federal officers, but it required unusual daring to violate the unwritten law of female despotism. The front window shutters of dwellings — which during balmy peace were wont to be flung glaringly open habitually — were now as habitually closed as if there were a funeral in every house. There had been mourning in almost every leading family, and there was woe in store which they had not drawn. THE PASS SYSTEM. The rebel blockade of iTashville, and the necessity of severe military restrictions had kept marketers away from the city. Even the few supplies which were ventured in from the country were mostly appro- priated for the military hospitals, so that there was a sort of necessity for people to go foraging. But all were forbidden to pass the military lines without writ- THE RICH AND POOR OP NASHVILLE. 59 ten permit. It was luizarclous to pass any persons because, with an exception now and then, they were mostly self-avowed rebels. IsTothing was clearer than that a majority of them would avail themselves of all opportunities to convey information or smuggle arti- cles contraband of war through the lines to the ene- my. Experience had taught the authorities to doubt the veracity of all, and especially the fair portion of communit}- — whom men are ever willing enough to trust. General IN'egley, commandant of the post, had tested the question thoroughly and although a gal- lant man himself, he admonished the Provost Marshal General to beware of the women — a very necessary admonition. There was more need of it, however, at the outposts, since soldiers all over the Avorld, ever susceptible to beauty, insisted that a pretty face is a valid countersign. But the unanimous testimony of the various com- mandants of the city, had been cast in the balance against the women. The burthen of proof touching their veracity was laid upon them heavily. Whatever they may have been at the time of the first Yankee irruption, there was no disputing now that they were generally very courteous. But whether it was frailty of memory, or an assurance that they were not in honor bound to keep faith with Yankees, too many were accustomed to violate their most sacred pledge, so that often truthful and excellent women suffered the consequences of the turpitude of their friends. Many who resided in the suburbs but outside of our lines found it necessary to visit the city, and hundreds who resided within the lines either had good reasons for desiring to pass outside, or feigned them. Couse- 60 THE RICH AND POOR OF NASHVILLE. qiiently there was an incessant clamor for passes until General Negley interdicted them entirely. After the embargo was raised the demand increased, and the General Commanding arrived at ISTashville in the midst of the pass epidemic. We have had the diag- nosis of the humo]' ; we shall hereafter observe the treatment of the (Im)patients. The exquisite sub\irbs of Nashville, renowned all over the Union for their tasteful elegance, were more war- stricken than the once fair city. Splendid seats, gar- nished with all the appliances of wealth, and lustrous with the polish of art and graces of munificent nature, were now bleak, lonely, and ruined — sad monuments of rebellion. Theh^ graceful porches were scotched by flames, their stately columns carved and hewn with rude inscriptions, their noble groves scat- tered in chips, and broken branches, and ashes, over the dark green turf. The rich furniture of lordly dwellings, their treasures of art and literature were mutilated, scattered, or destroyed, and charming gar- dens were trampled in the dust. Euin glared at you with baleful visage. 'Now and then a dwelling was dismally tenanted, but there were no external signs of animation. You would say '' somebody is dead." The men were exiles, but lone women remained in woeful gloom. Those palaces were more dreary than a monastery. The fronts frowned in loneliness ; the wide doors were sealed to the frames like the gates of a dungeon. Scarce a glimmer of light, a furtive gleam perhaps, sometimes flashed through the latticed shutters and violated the shrouded sanctity of the somber occupants. Those mournful women not long ago were gay and graceful queens of brilliant salons^ THE RICH AND POOR OF NASHVILLE. 61 slicdcliiig tlicir luster upon society whose equal in the social art could hardly he found in all the sunny South. They mope there now in hopeless solitude, hrooding hitterly through the weary months upon the miseries of war, which was horn of their pride, and weeping unquenchahle tears over the fall of those they loved. So let them cherish their self-created sorrow. It is the penalty of rehellion. 62 THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. CHAPTER X. Administration of the Department — Civico-Military Polic} — The Provost Marshal General — Female Diplomacy — Persistence of Rebel Women — Female Smugglers — The Petticoat System finally Adjust- ed — The Chief of Army Police— His Signal Services— Trade Mat- ters — The Non-combatant Policy. The concentration of the army at !N"ashville having been ordered, General Eosecrans directed his atten- tion to the general administration of the department while he tediously awaited the accumulation of sup- plies. The duties of the department of the Provost Marshal General were the most vexatious. They involved questions of both individual and general policy; of trade and of political administration. Cap- tain Wm. M. Wiles, of the Twenty-Second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, a young officer of energy and capacity, who had discharged similar functions on the staff of the General Commanding in Mississippi, wag announced Provost Marshal General. He was at once involved in the meshes of rebel female diplomac}^ He had hardly eaten his first breakfast in l^ashville before he was enveloped b}^ swarms of bewildering beauties — some of them not so pretty — pleading, beseeching, coaxing and plying the seductive arts of their sex to secure permits to pass through the mili- tary lines; or soliciting guards to protect their prem- ises against pillagers : or begging for safe-guards, which would secure them against the visitation of THE CHIEF OF ARMY TOLICE. 63 foragers. During a little while, Wiles found play- ful gossip with sprightly women a very nice thing, but a dozen, a score, a room full at once, sapped his philosophy speedily ; he summarily denied all appli- cations. The pouting petitioners clamored for the General. He was inaccessible. They lingered will- fully in the hall waiting for him to emerge from his apartment. A cordon of pathetic women blockaded the staircase, and fired whole volleys of touching petitions at him. One "had a baby at home, outside the lines. She must have a pass to return. It would cry its eyes out. If it did'nt, she would." She learned that she had no business to come inside the lines. Another Avas obliged to have a pass to go to the coun- try for provisions. The General excused himself. '• It's not my business," he said, " to give but to refuse passes." A third had a '' poor sick uncle," whom she " must see.'' Quoth the General, " I have a sick nncle. When my Uncle Sam recovers from his severe indisposition, I ma}^ consider the propriety of granting passes to rebel women." CUNNING LADIES. This species of vexation did not cease while head- quarters were in l!^ashville. A rigid rule governing the issue of passes was established, but necessarily there were exceptions. Sometimes two hundred women applied in a day. A certain class of market- ers and poor people were liberally indulged. It was indiscreet to grant a permit to any of the aspiring classes without rigidly catechising each, and requiring a moral guarantee against imposition. The artfulness of some of the more accomplished women was divert- 64 THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. ing". Such were too cunning, if not too well bred, to offend an officer. If unsuccessful in their application to the Provost Marshal, they devised schemes to gain an interview with the General. They rarely failed to see him, but tbey often regretted it. Army officers interceded for them ; influential loyal citizens, whose petitions it was not politic to refuse, became their advocates and guarantors. Finally, a number of women were permitted to pass to the rebel lines under flags of truce, conditioned to return no more within federal lines, and solemnly pledged to convey neither militarj- information or articles contraband of war to the enemy. THE PETTICOAT SYSTEM. The perfidy which has so prominently characterized the rebels from the beginning of the war, was fre- quently exhibited by ladies whose social position should have elevated them above the crimes of perjury and larceny. It seemed impossible for them to resist temptation. They were often detected in smuggling both contraband goods and information, after having entered into sacred obligations to respect the conditions upon which passes were issued. They were mean spirited enough afterward to boast that they had per- fidiously outwitted the " Yankees." A female detec- tive entrapped one honorable dame, enveloped in an enormous grey cassimere pettyskirt, which was intended for a rebel uniform. An immense pocket, spacious as a market basket, was crammed with qui- nine. Another was politely denuded by the female detective, and a quantity of letters directed to rebel officers was found under her chemise. Another, who THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. 65 had a permit to remove her household goods South, was arrested at the outposts, and escorted back to the Army Police Office. A prodigious quantity of quinine, blue mass, morphine, men's brogans and boots for army use, with grey uniforms, clothing, needles, threads, buttons, et cetera, were found concealed inside of her feather beds. Two pairs of long-legged heavy cavalry boots, which madam had attached to her own skirts, fell from their delicate hiding place, when she sprung from her vehicle at command of the officer who arrested her. It was shrewdly suspected that the " Southern Ladies' Aid Society," which had a flourish- ing branch at JSTashville, was not entirely innocent in the premises, and its members finally exhibited anx- iety to avoid the keen espionage of the Army Vidocq. COLONEL WILLIAM TRUESDAIL. The adjustment of the petticoat system was finally perfected by Colonel William Truesdail, Chief of Army Police — an officer who has rendered most sig- nal services to the Government, but whose operations can not be described until there shall be peace in all our borders. His department, though intimatelj^ associated with the office of the Provost Marshal, rapidly developed into the proportions of a great bureau. He gathered about him an army of spies and scouts, and for local administration devised a system of surveillance, wdiich pursued declared and secret enemies into their most secluded haunts. His faculty for acquiring satisfactory information from the enemy was wonderful. He was accustomed to make daily written reports to the General Commanding of the forces, location and movements of the rebel army, and 6 6b THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. subsequent development established the integrity of his information. There was no species of evil affect- ing the prosperity of the campaign that escaped his observation. Mischievous sutlers were watched ; the trade in counterfeit confederate notes was broken up ; smugglers w^ere detected; Knights of the Golden Circle in the army and out of it were circumvented ; the Southern Ladies' Aid Society — organized to pro- mote the comfort of rebel officers — was embarrassed, compelled to operate more secretly, and was often defeated in its enterprises. In short, the system was a vast net-work, extending its meshes far and wide, and enveloping the shrewdest conspiracies of declared enemies or falsely-professing neutrals. Colonel Truesdail is remarkably adapted for this peculiar service. lie is a gentleman by nature and habit, with large experience among men, and a search- ing, penetrating cast of mind, which, united with untiring vigilance, secures him against the deceptions which his profession requires him to exercise. He first entered the service with General Pope, and it is often said that " Truesdail made Pope " — the value of the creation being a subject not under consideration. But there are not a few military men of sound judg- ment who entertain an opinion that if General Pope had taken Truesdail with him to the Potomac, his rear never would have been successfully assailed by the enemy. In ]^ashville his first business was to pre- pare a directory of rebels and loyal people, w^hich was a valuable guide in the issue of passes. The list of professedly innocuous persons was large. These were regarded suspicious characters until they had proved their fidelity. The catalogue of thoroughly loyal THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. 67 people did not occupy many sheets of foolscap, but there was a surprising number of men and women who were in favor of the " Union as it was " — the meanest and most treacherous description of traitors, since their cowardly energies were secretly directed against the Government. The conspicuous rebels were too adroit to thrust themselves upon the attention of authority. JSTevertheless they were dangerous, because they shrewdly used the professing non-combatant class. After a few days' experience in IN'ashville, Truesdail adopted a bitter police maxim, which he incessantly enjoined upon the Provost Marshal — ''Don't trust w^omen" — a biting commentary upon the virtue of high-toned chivalry; the more severe, since Colonel Truesdail himself was a Missourian, who comprehended the influence of the "institution." There were some, however, to whom the rule was not applicable. TRADE MATTERS. The justification of trade matters was one of the most perplexing subjects of internal police. The merchants who remained in business were anxious to resume trade. Most of them were rebels. It was morally certain that all of them, unless deterred by sharp restrictions, would sell to all purchasers, regard- less of the requisitions of patriotism. The malcon- tents claimed trade privileges on the score of non- combatancy, but they were unwilling to enter into bonds to assure their neutrality. The loyal men resisted the applications of this class, and resented the encroachment of numerous speculators from abroad. Their trade was purely local to the military occupation. They could not hope to extend it beyond 68 THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. tlie outposts. After consultation with Governor Johnson and prominent loyal citizens, General Ros- ecrans ordered all army sutlers out of Nashville, requiring them to rejoin their regiments, closed the doors against foreign speculative enterprise, and announced, in orders, to people of all classes, that the government would afford them protection and trade privileges, conditioned that they would enter into penal honds, with security, and upon taking an oath to remain non-comhatants until the close of the war. In its simplest form, it said to secessionists, who were not disposed to take arms, " If you Vv^ill not hurt us in any way, we will not hurt you; but we require security for your pledges. We have the right and the power to prevent you from injuring us, by exiling you. We will not exercise either, if you guarantee neutrality, and we will protect 3'ou as citi- zens entitled to certain rights." A Board of Trade, composed of several loyal citizens of ^N^ashville, was also appointed, to whom all applications for the importation of merchandise was referred ; and upon their written approval, permits were granted by the Provost Marshal General. A form of parole bond for non-combatants, secured by two sureties, in an amount according to the property ability of each, was issued for the subscription of all who desired to accept the terms. The subscriber gave his penal bond, and bound him- self by oath to " keep the peace, and afford neither aid nor comfort to the enemies of the Government of the United States; that he will be a true and steadfast citizen of the United States, and that dur- ing the present rebellion he will not go beyond the THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. 69 lines of the federal armies, nor into any section of the country in possession of the enemy, without per- mission of the authorities of the United States." AVherenpon he was entitled to the benefits of the following GUARANTEES OF PROTECTION. This is to certify, that the citizen named in the within bond, having properly executed the same with approved surety, he is entitled from henceforth, to the full protection and support of the Government of the United States, and which is hereby pledged to him. All persons, military as well as civil, are hereby commanded to respect him as a good and loyal citizen, in the full enjoyment of his property, both real and personal. All foraging is hereby forbidden upon his premises, unless actu- ally necessary for the support and well-being of the federal armies, in which case all possible care shall be exercised, and full receipt be given by the officer in charge, which shall be duly recognized, and the property paid for by the United States Government. Officers in command of foraging expedi- tions will be held to the strictest accountability for the pro- tection herein guaranteed. W. S. EOSECEANS, Major General Commanding Department of the Cumberland* ANDEEW JOHNSON, Military Governor of the State of Tennessee. The execution of these bonds was entrusted to Provost Judge Fitch, who had been instrumental in adjusting the system, and whose services in the Police Department entitle him to honorable recognition. The new policy embraced all persons within the mili- tary lines. Many accepted it with alacrity, especially the middle class ; but the master class resented it. 70 THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. During a few day it excited general discussion, and was so variously misinterpreted that General Rose- crans finally issued the following explanatory paper, viz. : Headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, ^ Department of the Cumberland, V Nashville, Nov: 30, 1862. J Questions Lave arisen as to the nature of the Parole Oath, why and how far it is binding. In answering them, I shall assume that to be true which is not so, viz. : That the South- ern Confederacy is a lawful established government. Whence it would follow that males of Tennessee capable of bearing arms, who are within the control of the federal lines, are law- ful subjects of that [the Confederate] Government, and liable to be put into its army. According to the laws of war, it is at the option of the Fed- eral Government to dispose of them and all their eflfects as it sees fit, subject to the laws and usages of civilized nations. If, by those laws, an invading army may depopulate a coun- try, and take captive its inhabitants, with greater reason, as a lesser evil, it may take prisoners and confine, whenever and wherever it may be necessary to prevent mischief, those of them who are liable and likely to bear arms against it. When it says to them, " Out of humanity I will not do so; I will allow you now to follow your peaceful avocations, if you will pledge me, and keep your promises, that you will do me no military mischief," it is a great mitigation of its rights in favor of humanity. The parole of a soldier not to take up arms until lawfully exchanged, overrides all his obligations as a citizen and his oath of enlistment, and as a relaxation of the rigors of war is held sacred by civilized nations. The parole of harmless inhabitants is a still greater mitiga- tion of the rights of war, because it does more good, and he is THE CHIEF OF ARMY POLICE. 71 under but the single obligation of a citizen. For still stronger reasons, it must therefore be held sacred by all who pretend to civilization, or even to humanity. Its justice is obvious. It is humane, and promotes the wel- Rire of the country, which is for the benefit of the people, as well as of whoever ultimately holds it. The motto of our Government is not that of the Confed- erate Revolutionists — " Eule or Euin ; " but '' Government is instituted for the good of the people." The end to be attained, and the justice of the means being thus pointed out, I have only to say that the non-combatant's oath is justly, and will be held, binding during the war; and those who take it, unless exchanged, like prisoners of war, will be absolved from its obligations only when the war is ended. W. S. ROSECRANS, Major General Commanding. "Whatever may prove the result of this policy ulti- mately, it unquestionably had a good efiect at that time. It imparted a healthy and cheerful tone to trade circles, and palliated the discontent of many who were sour because they were afflicted, and had not intelligence to attribute their grievances to the system of social and political tyranny which forced Tennessee into the rebellion. THE PERMANENT STAFF. CHAPTER XI. The Army in Front of Nashville — Changes in Commands — Brigadier General J. J. Reynolds — Operations of the Enemy — General Orders — The Night-cap Ordbr — The Permanent Staff— Garesche — ■ "Gay Old Stanley " — St. Clair Morton — Other Staff" Characters. The garrison of l^asLville, constituting General !N'egley's command, was reviewed by the General Commanding on tlie lltli uf i^ovember, and the other divisions of the army successively, as they arrived in front of the city. Major General McCook's corps soon took up a line on the soutJi-eastern front of I^Tashville, covering the Murfreesboro turnpike, and extending to the right, covering the ;N"olensville road. Some days later Major General Crittenden's corps arrived, when McCook's line withdrew further to the right, Crittenden's riglit flank connecting with his left, and covering the Murfreesboro pike, his left extending across Stone River, with Millcreek in front, and out- posts about nine miles from the city. Subsequently the divisions of Major General Rousseau, and Briga- dier General ]^egley of the Center, moved to the front and connected with McCook's right, covering the Franklin turnpike. The other divisions of the Center remained at Gallatin to protect communications, but General Thomas repaired to IlTashville. Meantime, Colonel W. E. Woodruff, commanding the first division of the Right Wing, was relieved by Brigadier THE PERMANENT STAFF. 73 General Jeff". G. Davis, and Brigadier General E. W. Joliuson, senior officer, relieved Brigadier General J. W. Sill of the command of tlie second division. General Sill was assigned to command the first bri- gade of General Sherridan's division, and Colonel Woodruff took command of General Davis' third brigade. Other changes were also made. Brigadier General Joseph J. Reynolds, who greatly distin- guished himself in Western Virginia, and who was esteemed one of the ablest officers in the service, reported for duty, and a division was organized for him. The changes consequent upon the merger of Dumont's division threw Reynolds into the Center, and he was now at Gallatin. Brigadier General J. M. Palmer relieved Brigadier General William S. Smith, who was in command of ISTelson's famous division, and Smith was ordered to Bowling Green to organize a cavalry command. Brigadier General Manson relieved Brigadier General Robert S. Granger at Bowling Green, and the latter was ordered to rex^ort at ISTashville. Brigadier General Robert B. Mitchell, an officer of fine ability, who had conspicu- ously distinguished himself in the battles of Wilson Creek and Chaplin Hills, relieved General I^egley, commandant of the post of l!Tashville, and the latter went to the front. The line in front of Nashville described a wide expanded arc trending in a south-easterly direction, girdling the city with a broad zone of fieecy camps, which wound over the evergreen and russet hills like a belt of snow. Millcreek, a small and sinuous stream, with bluffy banks, and skirted with thin canebrakes, formed a good natural fosse in front. The troops 7 74 THE PERMANENT STAFF. rested upon a range of commanding cross ridges and bounding liills, wliicli upheaved tlie surface in great round billows, and culminated in crests of oak and cedar forests, which subserved the triple purposes of landscape beauty, cover for the army, and powerful natural fortifications. THE SITUATION. The situation was not yet clearly pronounced. The enemy masked his operations carefully with a formi- dable shield of cavalry, which were untiringly vigi- lant. It was reported that Bragg was reconstructing the railroad bridge across the Tennessee River, and fortifjdng the banks of that stream, but the principal energies of the enemy seemed to be directed to the collection of able-bodied negroes and supplies from the surrounding country, and to the enforcement of the conscript act. Squads of refugees found their way into our camps daily, complaining that they were compelled to fly to us for protection or take up arms against the government. They reported camps of the enemy all the way from the Tennessee River to Murfreesboro, and at towns on either side of the railroad. Federal spies had not been able to ascer- tain satisfactorily whether Bragg intended to stand north of the Tennessee, or to fall back upon Chatta- nooga. Rebel residents at [NTashville bitterly insisted that our advance would be resisted in force in Mid- dle Tennessee, and that I^ashville itself would be attacked. But this seemed to be contradicted by the wives of rebel officers, who betrayed anxiety to see their friends ''before they moved further south." Altogether the attitude of the enemy was so uncer- THE PERMANENT STAFF. 75 tain that it was concluded they would not stand north of the Tennessee Elver, but would adopt the wiser course of drawing General Eosecrans as far as possi- ble from his base. The line which had been taken up by General Eosecrans was thin and extended, and rather invited the enemy to attempt the left, but they could not be induced to try the experiment. It was credibly stated that Kirby Smith was moving to Lebanon with a view to striking a blow, but with the strong display of federal force at Galliitin, it was not a hopeful enterprise. The enemy had no foothold whatever on the north side of the Cumberland, the cavalry divi- sion, under Colonel John Kennett, having driven them south, while Colonel Bruce was giving Wood- ward's gangs, in south-western Kentucky, their coup de grace. BUSINESS. Eoutine business, correspondence, the adjustment of a new system of inspections, devised by Lieuten- ant Colonel Ducat and Captain Peterson, the organ- ization of a signal corps, by the same officers, and innumerable items of official detail now absorbed the time of the Commanding General and his rapidly- increasing staff. A flood of general orders, correcting evils which had fastened themselves upon the army, were published and enforced. The performance of guard duty — more difficult than any other to enforce in volunteer armies — was rigidly required of officers. The abuses of sutlers were corrected. General Order ~Eo. 4, threatening disgraceful dismissal from the service, was sharply executed upon dozens of drunken, incompetent, or deserting officers. Cowardly soldiers 76 THE PERMANENT STAFF. who had been disafFected, doubtless, by Knights of the Golden Circle, and who were practically deserting by willfully surrendering to the enemy in order to be paroled, were menaced with an order threatening to garnish their heads with night-caps and march them through the streets of ITorthern cities in this humili- ating disguise. THE PERMANENT STAFF. The following permanent staff was also announced, viz. : Lieutenant Colonel Julius P. G-aresche, Assistant Adjutant General and Chief of Staff. Major W. H. Sidell, Fifteenth United States In- fantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer. Major C. Goddard, Senior Aiddecamp, Acting As- sistant Adjutant General. Captain J. Bates Dickson, Assistant Adjutant General. First Lieutenant Henry Stone, First Wisconsin Yolunteer Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral. Major Ralston Skinner, Judge Advocate. Captain Charles R. Thompson, Aiddecamp. First Lieutenant Frank S. Bond, Tenth Connecticut Volunteers, Aiddecamp. Second Lieutenant Byron Kirby, Sixth United States Infantry, Aiddecamp. Captain Robert S. Thoms, Yolunteer Aiddecamp. Captain William D. Bickham, Yolunteer Aidde- camp. Lieutenant Colonel A. C. Ducat, of Illinois, Assist- ant Inspector General. THE PERMANENT STAFF. 77 Captain J. C. Peterson, Fifteenth United States Infantry, Acting Assistant Inspector General. Captain James Curtis, Fifteenth United States Infantry, Acting Assistant Inspector GeneraL Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Taylor, Quartermaster's Department, Chief Quartermaster. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Simmons, Commissary of Subsistence, Chief Commissary. Surgeon Eben Swift, United States Army, Medical Director. Surgeon "Weeds, Medical Inspector. Captain James St. Clair Morton, Corps of En- gineers, Chief Engineer. Second Lieutenant George Burroughs, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieutenant II. C. "Wharton, Corps of En- gineers. Captain N". Michler, of Topographical Engineers, Chief of Topographical Engineers. First Lieutenant T. Edson, Ordnance Corps, Ordi- nance Officer. Brigadier General D. S. Stanley, United States Volunteers, Chief of Cavalry. Colonel James Barnett, First Ohio Artillery, Chief of Artillery. Captain J. H. Oilman, Mneteenth United States Infantry, Inspector of Artillery. Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Hepburn, Second Iowa Cavalry, Inspector of Cavalry. Captain W. M. Wiles, Twenty-Second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Provost Marshal General. Captain Elmer Otis, Fourth United States Cavalry, Chief of Courier Lines. 78 THE PERMANENT STAFF. Captain J. II. Young, Fifteentli United States In- fantry, Assistant Mustering Officer. Captain Jesse Merrill, Yolunteers, Signal Officer. The gallant and accomplished Lieutenant Colonel Garesch^ reported for duty on the 14th of l!^ovemher, and at once assumed position as Chief of Staff. He was a man of remarkable character, distinguished for the delicacy and strength of his intellect, his moral purity, his refined and exquisitely cultured manners, and his systematic business habits and capacity. Such qualities, with disinterestedness and entire absence of ostentation endeared him to all with whom he was associated. He proved a treasure to the Commanding General, who had long esteemed and admired him. There was hardly a more polished and universally respected officer in the regular service. He was devoted to his profession, and his military judgment carried conviction whenever his advice was sought. And that which his countrymen admired most in him was his pure and exalted patriotism. It is now known that he joined the Fourteenth Army Corps with the presentiment firmly fixed in his mind that he Avould fall in his first battle. Garesch^ was a native of Cuba — born of French parents. "VYhen quite young he removed to Dela- ware. He spent a few months at Georgetown College in the District of Columbia, where the brilliancy of his intellect caused him to be regarded the most promising student in his classes. In 1837 he entered the Military Academy at AYest Point, and graduated Juue 30th, 1841, well up in a numerous class, which embraced Major Generals Buell, Schuyler Hamilton, Keynolds, and Eichardson, Brigadier Generals Lyon, THE PERMANENT STAFF. 79 Totten, Plummer, Brannan, and others of tlie federal army, who have distinguished themselves in this war. On the 1st of July, of that year, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant of the Fourth Artillery, and was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, June 18th, 184G. Tic served in the war with Mexico, on General Tay- lor's line of operations. After declaration of peace he remained on the frontiers of Texas, ahout a year, when he was recalled to Washington and was assigned to the Adjutant General's office, with the rank of Captain. He proved so peculiarly competent that he was permanently transferred to that department. The desertion of officers of this corps to the rehels, made room for his promotion, first to a Majority, and later to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The business of the office was now enormous, but as Chief Assistant he proved himself fully equal to the responsibilities which devolved upon him. He car- ried the same system which had characterized his department in Washington into the Department of the Cumberland, and he relieved the General Com- manding of vast labor which otherwise would have oppressed him. The general orders of which he was the author, w^ere remarkable for their clearness and precision. As specimens of military literature they were unsurpassed. Until the instant of his fall upon the battle field he was the constant and cherished per- sonal friend and adviser of his General. GENERAL D. S. STANLEY. The Chief of Cavalry is also a marked man, but of another stamp. He is an active, enterprising soldier, familiar alike with the abstract science, and the prac- 80 THE PERMANENT STAFF. tical art of war. He stood liigli in the regular army before the rebellion, and later, by his skill and cour- age, won distinction in various severe battles. It was his good fortune to be loved by all whom he com- manded. The soldiers had faith in his zeal and skill, and his fiery courage inspired them with confident enthusiam. They compared him not inaptly with Murat, and airily applied to him the soubriquet of " gay old Stanley " — singing merrily at festive board or cheerful bivouac fire " Here's to gay old Stanley Pass him round, pass him round," His associates in the regular army think there are no better field officers than Brigadier General (now Major General) David S. Stanley, and many esteem him the best cavalry officer in the service. He had distinguished himself under the eye of General Rose- crans in the brillant battle of Corinth, in command of the best division in Major General Grant's Depart- ment — a division which he had disciplined — and had been invited by Rosecrans to his present distinguished position. He is a native of Ohio, aged about thirty-six years. He entered the Military Academy, at Yf est Point, in 1848, and graduated with honor 1852 ; entering the service as Brevet Second Lieutenant of the Second United States Dragoons, on the 1st of July, 1852, and at the commencement of the rebellion he ranked as Captain. At that time his sympathies were erron- eously assumed to be w^ith the rebellion, because he had come into the possession of slave property by marriage, but he soon and decidedly silenced that THE PERMANENT STAFF. 81 calumny. He first served with distinction in Mis- souri, and was appointed Brigadier General of Volun- teers, in consideration of liis services and abilities. He is a man of sanguine nervous temperament, of vehement and fiery spirit, with blazing blue eyes and a lithe figure somewhat above medium stature. 'Not- withstanding his disappointment he cheerfully as- sumed command of his small cavalry command, and was not long in promoting it to a state of discipline which made it formidable to the enemy. JAMES ST. CLAIR MORTON. The staif also em^braced a military genius. Gareschd was a peculiar man, but St. Clair Morton, Chief of Engineers, is a most striking character. His fertility of resource bafiles all obstacles. The mastery of his profession was not singular, but his mastery of all obstacles which obstruct his designs ; the domineering confidence with which he assails difiiculties in his path, and the success which invariably crowns his exertions are remarkable. He never admits that he can not accomplish an enterprise intrusted to him, but he enters upon it, no matter how difficult, with determined and assuring alacrity. Be sure he never fails. Fort E'egley, a star and bastion work of great strength and beauty, which frowns upon !N'ashville from the oval crown of St. Cloud Hill, will long remain to illustrate his skill in the legitimate line of his profession. The moral influence of his cheerful deportment innoculates all with whom he comes in contact. It inspires his subordinates with unconquer- able ardor and inflames a spirit of enterprise which defies opposition. His commander and he were soon 82 THE PERMANENT STAFF. 671 rayiJort. The former lias ever delighted in the expression of admiration for his Chief of Engineers, and the latter — tliongh not insensible to the partiality of his Chief — as modest as he is wortlij, betrays his appreciation of such distinguishing praise by ever increasing zeal for the service he loves. Morton's spirit and his person happily accord. As one aspires so is the other imposing. The former would asseii: a proud j)lace in any arena, and his com- manding figure and striking face would win atten- tion among chosen men. In spite of the few years against him — (he is thirty-six) — his countenance recalls the image of "A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice A banner with the strange device." He is a Saxon, with IsTorman fire gleaming in his strong steadfast blue eyes, vivifying his fair, boldly chis- eled and expressive features. His long, wavy, almost flaxen hair brushed back from his broad, compact brows, as if to give his faculties unobstructed play, crowns an ensemble -whioh. romance might happily bor- row for a hero. St. Clair Morton, still a Captain of Engineers, though promised a Brigadier's commission by the President, entered the Military Academy at West Point, in September, 1847. On the 1st of July, 1851, he entered the service as Brevet Second Lieu- tenant in the Corps of Engineers — ^having graduated second in a numerous and talented class. There were no other brilliant names in the staff when it was organized, though all subsequently won Jionorable distinction. Excepting Garesch^ and Tay- lor, all were under fifty years of age — ^young and zeal - THE PERMANENT STAFF. 83 ous patriots, energetic and brainy. Lieutenant Colonel Taylor, a native of ]^ew York, but now a citizen of the great West, bad established bis reputa- tion as a Quartermaster in the Army of the Mississippi, capable to administer a great department. There was no more gallant man in the field, or a more grace- ful gentleman in the army. The superior qualifica- tions of the Chief Commissar}^ have been remarked. Colonel Barnet, Chief of Artillery, had acquired deserved professional reputation in an active arduous career dating from the first operations of the federal army in Western Virginia, when at Phillippi, he fired the first field piece which had been heard am^ong those mountains. He had displayed his coolness and cour- age in various fields and was regarded one of the best volunteer artillerists in the service. Major Skinner was a novice in military life, but he entered the service with distinguished recommendations for large capacity, incorruptible integrity, and enthusiastic zeal for his country. Goddard, Wiles, and Thompson, had each fought under the eye of the General, and were approved good soldiers. The youthfulness of the staff' was characteristic of the General. He ever insisted upon being surrounded by young men. ''Young men without experience," he said, ''are bet- ter than experienced old men. Young men will learn ; old men fixed in their habits and opinions will not learn." In short he " liked youngsters. They are full of snap, think rapidly and execute quickly. They will do what I require of them." 84 THE ENEMY IN FKONT. CHAPTER XII. Governor Andrew Johnson — Municipal Affairs of Nashville — The Contraband Question — The Railroad Repaired — The Enemy Takes up a Line in Front — His Cavalry Enterprises — Colonel John Kon- nett strikes Back — Reconnoissances and Skirmishes — The Night- Cap Battalion. Hon. Andrew Johnson, the Military Governor of Tennessee, appeared, to the eyes of superficial observers, to be busy enough, but it was difficult to define his functions. His authority could not extend beyond the military lines, which were then rather contracted. The civil and military administration of Tennessee, on the other hand, were so intimately blended that it was quite impossible to separate them, so that the responsibility of civil government really devolved on General Rosecrans. Rebels who had busi- ness with the government declined generally to hold intercourse with the Governor, and loyal men sought the attention of the military chief. Excepting the issuance of commissions to officers of Tennessee vol- unteers, and to a magistrate now and then; the col- lection and distribution of taxes levied upon wealthy rebels for charitable purposes ; and correspondence w^ith the State Department at Washington, there was really nothing else for the Governor to do. Hon. Hugh Smith was Mayor of IsTashville, but his office was almost a sinecure, the municipal government being reduced to petty police business and the hebdomadal meetings of Aldermen. THE ENEMY IN FRONT. 85 The customary annoyances of the contraband ques- tion had not involved the Commander of the Depart- ment. Efforts were made to elicit his views upon slavery in the rebel States, but he declined to embar- rass himself. He had adopted the only wise course that an officer could safely pursue. The Proclama- tion was then a paper promise of the President. The General replying to suggestive inquiries upon this point was wont to say emphatically, "I am bound to obey the orders of the government, not to inquire why they are issued. I shall obey." He did not hesitate to appropriate the services of the slaves of rebels for public purposes, and he was not at all squeamish in denouncing slavery as a vital element of military strength, of which a wise government was bound to take advantage. iTumerous gangs of fugi- tive negroes had been already organized, and were constructing fortifications around E'ashville — and this was a competition in the labor market against which free white soldiers raised no objections. Indeed, they seemed to approve it. The practice of General R,ose- crans in this connection is illustrated in the following extracts from one of his general orders, viz. : I. Negroes may be emploj'-ed and paid, in conformity with the Act of Congress, as follows : 1. As teamsters on Quartermasters' trains, provided a suffi- cient number of white teamsters and wagon-masters are retained to preserve order. 2. As laborers in the Quartermaster and Engineer Depart- ments. 3. As cooks, nurses, and attendants in hospital. 4. As company cooks, two to a company. 86 THE ENEMY IN FRONT. 5. As officers' servants, according to number allowed by law. Commanders of corps, divisions, brigades, and independent posts are authorized to procure and employ negroes, as above : 1. From those found free and roaming at large. 2. From those belonging to masters serving in the rebel army, or who have been employed, in any manner, in the rebel service, 3. From those belonging to persons who, though not now serving in the rebel cause, are disloyal, or have children or other near relatives in the rebel army, who are benefited or maintained by the labor of such slaves. Lastly, when it becomes an absolute necessity, from among those belonging to loyal men. In this case, a copy of the order directing their employment, and a descriptive list of persons so employed, shall be given to the owner, duly authen- ticated by the commanding officer of the troops in whose service they are employed. The Commanding General enjoins great caution in the employment of women, in any case where it might lead to immorality. 1 1. All persons so employed in each regiment, except those employed as officers' servants, will be entered on Quartermas- ters' rolls as laborers or teamsters, stating their age, sex, name of master or claimant, date of employment, and the length of time employed ; and in the column of " remarks " will be noted on what duty and by whom employed. Those employed by the Engineer, Quartermaster, or Medical departments, will be entered on their appropriate rolls. They will be provided with clothing, to be deducted from their pay, the balance to be paid to the person employed, unless he belongs to a loyal master, in which case payment will be made to the master. Every negro thus employed will receive a certificate from his employer, setting forth the f\ict and nature of his employ- ment, and no male or female negro will remain in camp, or be subsisted therein, without such certificate. THE ENEMY IN FRONT. 87 A few lo3'al persons complained of the abduction of their slaves by the troops. General Rosecrans promptly ordered the ejection of such from camp, according to orders from the War Office, but refused to exercise the power of the government to appre- hend and deliver the fugitives. On the 2Gth of E'ovember railroad communication with Louisville was resumed. Up to this period the army had been subsisted, and two or three days' rations had accumulated in the public warehouses. The railroad managers were urged to push their carry- ing capacity to the utmost. They had agreed to run through one hundred car-loads a day, but they hardly averaged one- fourth of that number. There w^as no dternative. The drought continued, and Cumberland River still remained at its low^est ebb. The enemy had latterly developed strongly in our immediate front. Bragg had taken up a line in the rear of Stewart's Creek, nineteen miles from iSTash- ville, extending from the Lebanon pike on his right to the Franklin pike on his left. Strong lines of cavalry videttes with heavy reserves covered his front from Lebanon pike to a point on the left of JSTolens- ville, intersecting the Murfreesboro pike eleven miles in front of jS'ashville, and separated from our outposts about two miles. Strong bodies of cavalry and mounted infantry were posted on the flanks, and at Lavergne and E"olensville — Morgan on the right, For- rest on the left, General Wheeler at Lavergne, Gen- eral Wharton at N"olensville. The right w^ing of the enemy was then commanded by Kirby Smith, the left by Hardee, the center by Polk. Colonel Truesdail estimated their effective infantry force at not exceeding 88 THE ENEMY IN FRONT. " forty thousand men, and not long afterward reported the completion of the railroad bridge across the Ten- nessee Eiver. SKIRMISHES. In the meantime the enemy's cavalry had been constantly harrassing our outposts. Scarcely a day elapsed that they did not disturb our pickets with spiteful musketry, and occasionally they flung a few shells by w^ay of diversion. Innumerable efforts were made to punish them, but they uniformly fled from attack. Our forage trains, usually guarded by a bri- gade of infantry and a section of artillery, industri- ously collected forage from the debatable belt of territor}^ between the camps, but they hardly gathered a nubbin of corn without fighting for it. Several vigorous dashes had been made at our trains from Mitchellsville to I^ashville, and in the course of a fortnight we lost probably one hundred and fifty men and a few wagons by capture. But our own expedi- tions captured as many from them. On the morning of the 13th of JN'ovember, Lieutenant Beals and his command of twenty men from the Fourth Michigan Cavalry w^ere sharply picked up on Stone Elver by a superior force of Morgan's troopers. The veteran and enterprising Colonel John Kennett, acting Chief of Cavalry until General Stanley reported for duty, gave the enemy sharp counterstrokes in the vicinity of Hartsville, pouncing suddenly upon large depots, and capturing large quantities of stores, with some men. Following up his success energetically, he soon drove Morgan's gangs to the south side of the Cumberland, and reported back at ITashville for THE ENEMY IN FRONT. 89 farther orders. Lieutenant Colonel Stewart of the Second Indiana Cavalry, also made a spirited dash in front with ^ve hundred men, riding down some Texas troopers. On the 27th, Colonel Kennett made a reconnoissance on our rio-ht front and drove a strono* body of the enemy pell mell some fifteen miles down the Franklin pike. The same day Brigadier General Kirk, one of the best soldiers in the volunteer army, witli part of his brigade consisting of a squadron of the Third Indiana Cavalry under Major Kline, Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania, Twenty-Kinth and Thirtieth Indiana, Thirty-Fourth and Seventy-Kinth IlHnois Infantrj'^, made a successful reconnoissance against sharp resistance, and drove General Wheeler's force out of Lavergne, where he destroyed a few public storehouses which had been occupied by the rebels. In that brisk little affair we had eleven wounded, including Lieutenant Colonel Hurd of the Thirtieth Indiana — none missing or killed. The ene- my's loss was not ascertained, but General Wheeler was among the wounded. That afternoon Brigadier General Sherridan also reconnoitered in front of Nolensville, driving the enemy back to that village witliout loss. Colonel Roberts, of the Forty-Second Illinois Infantry, commanding brigade, moved out the Charlotte pike the same evening, and surprised Cap- tain Portch and a few men of Morgan's command, capturing the whole party with their arms, equip- ment and horses. General Stanley had reported for duty about the middle of !N'ovember, and upon assuming command of the cavalry organized it in two divisions, taking the first under his own direction, and assigning the 8 90 THE ENEMY IN FRONT. second to Colonel John Kenuett. The latter orscan- izecl his command into bris;ades, the first consistins: of the Fourth Michigan regiment, Colonel Mintj, the Third Kentucky, Colonel Murray, Seventh Penn- sylvania, Major Wynkoop, and First Tennessee, Colonel W. B. Stokes, which was commanded by Colonel Minty. The second brigade, under Colonel Lewis Zahn, consisted of the First Ohio, Colonel Millikin, Third Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel Murray, and Fourth Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel Pugh. The Fifth Kentucky, Lieutenant Colonel Scott, was posted in E"ashville ; the Fourth, Colonel Bayless, at Bowl- ing Green; and the First, Colonel Woolford, was detained on scouting service in Kentucky. The remainins: res^iments constituted a reserve under General Stanley's immediate direction. General Stanley kept the enemy agitated on the right and in front, and Kennett was posted on the left, where he did excellent service. Among the encouraging little affairs of this period, a dashing exploit by Major Hill with a squadron of the Second Indiana met the approbation of the Chief. The enemy had made a sudden dash across the Cum- berland near Hartsville, capturing a forage train and some men. Hill pursued vigorously some eighteen miles, recapturing the train and prisoners, besides killing seme eighteen or twenty rebels. The General Commanding promptly complimented him and his command for their '' good conduct and energy." He regarded '• this little aftair as very creditable to the cavalry." The night-cap order of the General Commanding had been regarded as a humorous menace. On the THE ENEMY IN FRONT. 91 28th of November, liowever, all doubts upon the sub- ject were settled. Fifty straggling cowards who had voluntarily surrendered to the enemy without resist- ance and had been paroled, were crowned with white cotton night- caps of a ridiculous pattern and deco- rated with fiery red trimmings. In this humiliating plight they were paraded grotesquely through I^ash- ville with fifes and drums to the tune of Eoffue's March, and were then forwarded to a camp for paroled prisoners in Indiana. The example was severe l)ut salutary. 92 THE IIARTSVILLE DISASTER. CHAPTER XIII. Moral Influence of Success — The Hartsville Disgrace — Colonel Jolm Morgan Surprises and Captures a Federal Brigade — The Fight. — Vain Gallantry of the Soldiers — Imbecility of the Commander—- Casualties. Brisk and successful skirmishes occurring frequently had a happy effect. The cavalry especially, begun to exhibit encouraging confidence in themselves. The enemy, who had professed contempt for "Yankee cavalry," were exhibiting wholesome dread of it. General Stanley vainly endeavored to coax an equal light out of them. Their unsleeping vigilance foiled him. But they watched their opportunity to strike unguarded points. On Sunday moriniig, the 7th of December, they found one, and struck successfully at Hartsville. The blow was squarely in the face of the army. Brigadier General Dumont's division was posted at Castillian Springs, in front of Gallatin. Complying with orders, he had thrown forward a brigade some eight or nine miles to Hartsville, to guard a ford at that point, and to observe the Lebanon road. Under direction of General Thomas, they took up a strong position upon high ground, which, by good manage- ment and strong fighting, it was presumed they could hold against a division. They were at first commanded by Colonel J. K. Scott, of the valiant Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, but he was subsequently THE IIARTSVILLE DISASTER. 93 relieved by Colonel A. B. Moore, of the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois Infantry, an officer without experi- ence, and, it would seem, without moral determination. His brigade consisted of raw levies — the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, the One Hundred and Sixth and One Hundred and Eighth Ohio Volunteers, together with a section of Knicklin's Indiana Battery, and three hundred men of the Second Indiana Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel Stewart, constituted a force of nineteen hundred and eighty-four men. The second brigade, under Colonel Harlan, and the Fortieth, under Colonel Miller, were at Castillian Springs, within good snpporting distance. THE WARNING. N"otwitlistanding the repeated injunctions of Gen- eral Thonuis, to look well to his picket guards, the rebel Morgan, with a force of about fifteen hundred mounted infantry, surprised Moore at sunrise on the 7th of December, and captured him with fifteen hund- red and five men, and most of their officers, together with their two field pieces, a large portion of their arms, equipment, ammunition, and transportation. It was a most shameful affair, without palliation. The skirmishing, combat, rout, and pursuit occupied less than an hour and a half. The cavalry was not effi- cient, the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio did some good fighting, and the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois acquitted itself gallantly. Knicklin's gunsw^ere also well handled. There was no reason, but the incompetency of the commander, why the rebels were not destroyed or captured. It was subsequently ascertained that Colonel Moore had been twice w^arned that he w^ould 94 THE HARTSVILLE DISASTER. be attacked on the 7th. A slave who had overheard "" his master — Avho was a member of Morgan's com- mand — confide to his wife that the attack was con- templated, waded the Cumberland Eiver after night, on the 4th, and notified Captain Lewis and Captain Bertassj of the contemplated surprise. They reported it to Colonel Moore, who. dismissdd the information with contemptuous indifference. On the night of the 6th, the same negro again crossed the river and notified Captain Lewis that the enemy w^ere encamped w^ithin four miles of Hartsville, and would attack at daybreak next morning. The officer of the day and the Colonel Commanding, were promptly notified, but the warning was again un- heeded. SURPRISE OF THE GARRISON AT HARTSVILLE. At sunrise Sunday morning, notice of the approach of the enemy in the rear was suddenly given by one of the camp guards, who discovered the gray jackets moving down the declivity of an opposite hill. His shout, "The rebels are coming! " was the first admo- nition the camp received. The posting of pickets on that side had been neglected. Captain Good, a brave officer, of the One Hundred and Eighth Ohio, swiftly moved, upon his own responsibility, to the right front with a company of skirmishers, and opened a sharp fire. The enemy, surprised at the hitherto quiet deportment of the camp, suspected stratagem, and were cautious in their approach. Time enough to form his line advantageously was thus afibrded Colonel Moore, but he was too confused to take (idvantage of it. At the suggestion of Colonel Tafel THE HARTSVILLE DISASTER. 95 of the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio, he occupied the crown of a hokl bald hill to the right of the caraps. The troops flung themselves along the crest and stood there silently, waiting orders, while the enemy were moving deliberately in column of fours down the declivity of the opposite hill, to form in the ravine which separated the hostile forces. I^obody seemed to think of the propriety of sending to Castillian Springs for reinforcements, but the enemy having approached in the rear, and clouds of mounted skir- mishers beginning already to harrass Moore's flanks, efforts to send for aid probably would have been defeated. !N"evertheless a prudent officer would have tried the experiment. After descending into the hollow the rebels dis- mounted, moved forward in compact line, and under a scattering and ineffective fire from Moore's line, gained cover behind a fence at the foot of the hill below our troops. Moore's line was now thoroughly exposed, while the enemy fought with comparative security, and so effectively that our men soon begun to give way. Moore seemed thoroughly disconcerted, and it was clear that unless his troops fought their own w\ay through the difficulty they would be hopelessly defeated. The Illinois troops and the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio stood up to the work fairly, the former especially, but the One Hundred and Eighth, indiffer- ently officered, was the first to break and fall back. The field pieces, meantime, had opened from their park and were making some noise. One of them was soon brought to the center, and at the first fire exploded a rebel caisson. Colonel Moore now ordered the whole line to fall back to the rear of the gun, leaving it 96 Til?. IIARTSVILLE DISASTER, exposed to the enemy. In a few minutes its horses and man}^ of its men were picked off by sharp-shoot- ers, and it was dragged to the rear of the camps, tak- ing position on a rocky hill, where the other gun w^as playing upon the rebel reserves on the opposite side of the river. Moore's line, already badly confused, was ordered to fall back to the guns — a movement which was exe- cuted Yvitli more haste than skill. Colonel Tafel was carryinof his reijiment off on the ris-ht, on a skirt of timber, when the enemy made his appearance on his flank in strong force. Tafel engaged immediately, and a sharp fight ensued. The One Hundred and Sixth fought and fell back gradually, while the other regi- ments reformed on the hill. The rebels, however, finally pushed into the camps of the One Hundred and Fourth Hlinois and One Hundred and Sixth Ohio, which compelled Tafel to retire to the main body. Before he reached that point. Colonel Moore surrendered. Squads of rebels dashed up toward Tafel's regiment and were fired on, but discovering that he was nearly surrounded, and that three-fourths of the command had been surrendered, Tafel at length succumbed. Captain Good and his skirmishers were still ignorant of the extent of the misfortune, and sustained a lively fight in the rear of the right flank, to prevent a squadron of cavalry from breaking into the camps. When notified of the condition of afiiiirs, his gallant company scattered in the forests, and many saved themselves. After surrendering his sword. Captain Good himself managed to elude his captors and escaped. THE HARTSVILLE DISASTER. 97 MORGAN RETREATS. Morgan, fully aware that fugitives would soon report at Castillian Springs, discovered necessity for haste. Gathering the cream of the spoils as rapidly as possible, he drove the captives across the river and moved swiftly in retreat. Before his rear guard had gotten out of the way, Colonel Harlan came up with his brigade, and enjoyed the melancholy satisfaction of flinging a few shells into the successful fugitives. The rebels had a right to be proud of their achieve- ment, but it would have cost them dearly had Scott been in command of the post. Our loss in this disgraceful affair, was fifty-five killed and one hundred wounded. The casualties of the enemy were about equal — the Second and l^inth Kentucky rebel regiments alone being sixty-four. Colonel Moore and the field officers of the three reg- iments of infantry, and Lieutenant Colonel Stewart, of the Second Indiana Cavalry, together with most of the line officers of the brigade, were captured. Major Hill, of the latter regiment, escaped after receiving a severe wound. Lieutenant W. Y. Gholson, Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade, a young officer of superior merit, was killed while gallantly discharging his duty in the heat of conflict. 98 VIOLATING PLAGS OF IRUCE. CHAPTER XIV. Official Intercourse between General Rosecrans and General Bragg — An Effort to Meliorate the Severities of War — Mutual Eeproaches — Violation of a Flag of Truce and Bragg's Apology — A Repetition of the Outrage under more Exasperating Circumstances — Corre- spondence finally Ended by General Rosecrans. Prior to the 20tli of i^ovember, intercourse between the Commanding Generals of the respective armies had been frequent. A high-toned courtesy generally had been observed. Flags of truce were interchanged almost daily. An effort was made by both General Rosecrans and General Bragg to mollify the asperi- ties of war, and confine the exercise of martial power to its legitimate sphere. General Bragg complained of the ill treatment of certain of his cavalry who had been captured. After it was understood that he refused to acknowledge guerrillas as entitled to the rights of war, and upon his explanation that his recognized forces had all been mustered into rebel service as soldiers, the two leaders endeavored to adjust a system for the relief of non-combatants from arrest and imprisonment. General Rosecrans expressed his abhorrence of the practice of " harass- ing and arresting non-combatants, who are strictly so." He said, " I never authorize or permit the arrest of such persons unless there is a prima facie case of a forfeiture of their claims to non-combatants, by acts bearing the character of military mischief. * * * VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. 99 Pillage, wanton destruction of private property, is strictly proliibitecl, and rigorously punished whenever detected. The burning of houses is only justified when they have been used as little fortifications." General Bragg concurred, but did not find it conveni- ent to practice accordingly. ROBBING UNION PRISONERS OF WAR. The rebels continued to outrage the laws of war so grossly that General Rosecrans protested indignantly, sometimes provoking harsh replies. But as long as intercourse was maintained he continued to reproach the enemy with military crimes. Among others, their practice of plundering sui'geons and other captives was most aggravating. A federal surgeon at Harts- ville was robbed while he was dressing a wounded rebel. The Ilartsville prisoners were deprived of part of their overcoats on the field of battle, and of the remainder by General Wheeler's order at Lavergne. The same evening they were marched to our outposts without previous notice to General Eosecrans, and ofl:ered in exchange — arriving in our front at night- fall. General Rosecrans indignantly protested against it as a violation of the cartel for the exchange of prison- ers which had been negotiated by the United States and rebel authorities. It had been agreed that all exchanges should take place at Aiken's landing, or Yicksburg, or some other place " to be previously agreed upon." Bragg's policy was transparent. He desired to avoid the expense and trouble of forwarding the prisoners to either of the foregoing places, and to impose corresponding cost and annoyance upon Gen- 100 VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. eral Rosecrans. The sentiments of the latter were sharply expressed in the following note, which was forwarded immediately to the rebel general by flag of truce : Headquaiiters Department of the Cumberland, 1 JVashville, December 11, 18G2. J General Braxton Bragg: General — Your letter, enclosing list of prisoners captured at Hartsville and paroled by 3^ou, has been received. It is reported to mc tlutt the flag of truce presented itself about dark and during a skirmish. As it will be impossible to verify the roll of prisoners to-night, or say anything of their con- dition, I have directed the prisoners to be receipted for, until the rolls can be verified, when they will be returned duly receipted. We take care of your prisoners, feed them, make them comfortable, and conduct them to the proper place of exchange. Ours were sufficiently clad, and I think ought to have been treated in a similar manner. Sending these prison- ers here and imposing them on my humanity without a previous agreement is a violation of the spirit and letter of the cartel. I regret to notice this act of injustice and discourtesy, which is aggravated by their not being sent to us at a proper hour of the day, when all the business could have been con- ducted without inconvenience to either party. Paroled prison- ers hereafter will only be received in accordance with the terms of the cartel. I have the honor to be, General, Yours, respectfully, W. S. EOSECEANS, Major General Commanding. General Bragg attempted to wriggle himself out of the responsibility by virtuously assuming that he was VIOLATING FLAGS OP TRUCE. 101 moved by sentiments of enlightened humanity — con- veniently forgetting how inhuman it was to rob the prisoners of their clothing. General Rosecrans determ- ining to fix the mean record against him, responded to his paltry excuse in the following strain : Headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, "j Department of the Cumberland, V Nashville, December 11, 18G2. j General Braxton Bragg: General — Your letter, enclosing list of prisoners captured at Hartsville and paroled by you, has been received. It is reported to me that the flag of truce presented itself about dark and during a skirmish. The oflicer who conducted them to our lines insisted upon our receiving them, as I am informed, '• upon the ground of humanity." We take care of your prisoners, feed them, make them as comfortable as we can, and conduct them to the proper place of exchange. That is our idea of humanity. Our pris- oners were sufficiently clad when taken, and I think ought to have been similarly treated. "Whether your idea of humanity consi.sts in robbing them of their blankets and overcoats I know not, but such, they assure nie, was the treatment they received from your troops. Without entering farther into that question, however, I must be permitted to observe that to send these prisoners to my lines without any previous agreement with me to receive them, is a violation both of the letter and spirit of the cartel. I regret to notice that this act of injustice and discourtesy, which is aggravated by the fact of their not being sent to us at a proper hour of the day, when all the business could have been transacted without inconvenience to either party. Paroled prisoners will hereafter only be received by me in accordance with the terms of the cartel. Herewith you will 102 VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. please receive receipts for the prisoners taken at Hartsville, conformed to the lists of them forwarded by you. Although purporting apparently to be original, these lists are evidently mere copies — not attested by the signature of any officer of either army. As it regards the third list sent by you, inas- much as it contains the names of persons of whom I know nothing, it is impossible for me to say or do anything. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. S. EOSECEANS, Major General Commancl'uig. '' Upon the ground of humanity " was the identical expression used by General Bragg in his letter, but he subsequently said no special grounds for sending them to our lines was cited. VIOLATION OF FLAGS OF TRUCE. Throughout the correspondence Bragg liad exhib- ited exasperating insincerity. And the spirit which animated him was illustrated by the evident care taken by him to publish his letters to General Eose- crans in the rebel newspapers. He was "firing the Southern heart," not seeking justice. His communi- cations breathed that spirit of "high toned" assump- tion which will cause the Southern character to blaze in history with ridiculous glare. The element of truth was rarely a constituent. Truth itself crept in by mnemonical oversight. The abuse finally cor- rected itself rather abruptly. A detachment of his cavalrv one day took advantas^e of a federal flas: of truce, which was being entertained at his lines, to capture a post of three videttes, on the Murfreesboro pike. After a sharp correspondence, in which Bragg VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. 103 was evasive, he finally surrendered the prisoners, together with their horses and equipments — except- ing their overcoats, of which they had been robbed b}^ rebel troops — apologizing for the violation of the flag, but offering no excuse for pillaging the soldiers so wrongfully captured. But on the 15th of i^Tovember the flag of truce business received a paralytic shock. Bragg sent a flag to our lines, and while a detachment of some sixty of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, under Captain Able, was entertaining the rebel flag oflicer at the outposts, a detachment of one hundred and fifty rebel horsemen suddenly charged upon the federal party, killed a half dozen, captured the remainder, and rode ofi' with Bragg's flag oflicer. General Eosecrans immediately forwarded a formal demand to Bragg for an apology and the restitution of the prisoners, with their horses and equipments. He complained to Bragg that "another outrage of the grossest charac- ter has been perpetrated by your troops, in the pres- ence of your own 'flag,' commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel in your service, who was courteously received. I can not believe you had authorized, or will permit to go unpunished or without prompt reparation such barbarous conduct — conduct hardly paralleled by savages. You can not restore life to my men who have been inhumanly murdered, but I shall leave to your own head and heart to devise such a reparation as is demanded by your own honor, and the honor of our common humanity.'' It was a prima facie case, but Bragg evaded and finally sought to justify the outrage. General Eose- crans at once threatened to suspend further inter- 104 VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. course, writing that "after your (Bragg's) non-con- demnation of the behavior of your men on a preced- ing occasion, under similar circumstances, and the return of three men thus captured — albeit minus overcoats and holsters, I will only most respectfully quote your own phrase. '"Words will not suffice — we must have deeds.' In short, my dear General^ the sine qua non to our future correspondence or official intercourse is the prompt return of those men, with all their clothes, arms, and equipments. "When you speak by such deeds of simple justice, I shall be able to understand you." Bragg had returned three men who had been wrongfully captured. Fifty were too great a temptation for his high toned virtue. lie replied, at length, that having fully investigated the matter, he concluded not only that the action was fully warranted, but that General Rosecrans owed him an apology for the capture and detention of his flag twenty-four hours — both false pleas. General Rosecrans finally closed official intercourse with his perfidious enemy, in a sharp and comprehensive resume of the transaction. He was '^ utterly amazed" at Bragg's impudent assertion that his flag had been detained. The rebel flag officer, Lieutenant Colonel Hawkins, had expressed his satisfaction with the generous cour- tesy with which he had been entertained. Hawkins was borne away by the rebel party who had shame- fully violated the flag, "and did not," said General Rosecrans, "present himself again until next morn- ing. The only detention of your flag that occurred took place the next day, when, having been dismissed, Hawkins halted by the way to feed his horse within VIOLATING FLAGS OF TRUCE. 105 two miles of our outposts, and that even this deten- tion was but about half an hour, and was apoloo-iscd for. It thus appeariiig that the statements contained in your letter, as to the occurrences connected with your flag, and the outrages perpetrated iu its presence, utterly at variance with the actnal facts reported to me by my oflicers, of the truth of which I have not the shadow of a doubt, have only to say, with pro- found disappointment and regret, that the sources of your information, or your own views, are such that nntil you shall redress that outrage, by returning my men, with everj^thing they had when taken, so far as is possible, I shall not be able to hold any further offi- cial intercourse with you. Indeed, you render it impracticable, because I can not trust your messen- gers, or the statements made by them of occurrences patent as the sun. 'No flag will, therefore, be received from you, except the one conveying that reparation, or the statement that circumstances beyond your con- trol render it impossible." AYhile this controversy was pending, Jeft*. Davis, President of the Confederate States, arrived at Mur- freesboro. It is fair to infer that lie approA^ed Bragg's perfidy. It is proper to observe, in this connection, that after the visit of President Davis in Tennessee, Bragg exhibited a more decided determination to resist the advance of the federal army. 106 BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. CHAPTER XV. The Hartsville Affair Retrieved — Brilliant Repulse of the Enemy by Matthews' Brigade — Successful Foraging — Gallantry of the Sol- diers — Good Conduct Publicly Approved by the General — A Bril- liant Cavalry Exploit — General D. S. Stanley R-outs the Rebels and Captures Franklin — Spirit of the Men. On the 9tli of December the Hartsville disgrace was partially retrieved. A strong force of mounted rebel infantr}^ and cavalry, with artillery, under Brigadier General Wheeler, attacked a brigade of infantry under Acting Brigadier General Stanley Matthews, of the Fifty-First Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and, after two sharp combats, were severely repulsed. Colonel Matthews moved into the debatable strip between the two lines with a large foraging train. His force con- sisted of the Fifty -First Oliio, Thirty-Fifth Indiana, the Eighth and Twenty-First Kentucky Infantry, and a section of Swallow's Seventh Indiana Battery. Diverging from the Murfreesboro pike, and striking to the left, he crossed Millcreek at Dobbin's Ferry, leaving a sergeant and ten men of the Twenty-First Kentucky to guard the rear. The Kentucky regi- ments, with skirmishers well out, were formed in front, the other two regiments loading the wagons and protecting the rear. THE COMBAT. The train was finally filled, and was about counter- marching, when a smart rattle of musketry at the ford BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. 107 iiiclicated rai attack in the rear. Colonel Matthews immediatel}' double-quielcecl the Fiftj-First Ohio and Thirty-Fifth Indiana to the ford, arriving to tlie assistance of the gallant little picket guard in time to save them. The enemy v/ere already charging throngh the woods. Matthews' inferior force was qnickly deployed, and opened a sharp fire, which at once checked the rebels. Following np this success promptly, the gallant Buckeyes and Iloosiers speedily drove the enemy to cover, and finally compelled them to retire out of range. The train had moved up during the combat. The situation was critical. Colonel Matthews anticipated another attack by increased numbers, and it was doubtful whether the train could be saved ; but he determined to make the effort. The Kentucky troops were directed to protect the rear, while the Ohio and Indiana regiments took the advance, skirmishers being thrown out well on all sides. The spirited little force, now flushed by success, pushed home- ward briskly, but anticipating attack. They had moved but a ehort distance when the pickets in the rear gave the alarm. The enemy pressed forward eagerly, evidently contemplating a charge. Wheeler himself was urging them by voice and example. The Kcntuckians waited patientl}^ until the enemy approached v/ithin direct range, and then gave them a volley which caused them to recoil. They recovered in a moment, and again advanced, but less eao-erlv than before. The fio-ht became ffcn- eral and sharp. Wheeler tried to press Mattliews' flanks, but was driven back. Another strong effort was made to break the line, but being foiled, the 108 BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. re ibels slacked fire, and in a short time disappeared altoR-ether, leaving- Colonel Mattliews master of the field, though severely bruised by a fall from his horse. The brigade marched home triumphantly, and received the plaudits of the arni}^ for its brilliant conduct. Our loss was Adjutaut B. R. Muller, of the Thirty-Fifth Indiana, and four enlisted men killed; two commissioned officers, including Lieutenant Col- onel 13alfe, and thirty-three enlisted men wounded, and four missing. The rebel newspapers announced that their casualties were one hundred. We captured but one prisoner. The skillful management and gallant beai'ing of Colouel Matthews was generously applauded by the General Commanding. SPECIAL HONORAELE MENTION. The conduct of the troops was scanned with inter- est because it was the beginning of the campaign, and it was desirable to measure the reliability of the army. Colonel Matthews reported that every man in the command behaved himself handsomely, and upon his official recommendation, General Eosecrans pub- lished a field order, of which the following is a copy, commending the heroism of the brave sergeant and ten men who held Dobbin's Ford so stoutly, viz. : SPECIAL riELD ORDER. The General Commanding takes this method of compli- menting the following non-commissioned oflScers and privates of the Twenty-First Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, for tl.eir G;allant conduct in the skirmish near Dohijin's Ford, on the 0th inst. : Sergeant J. F. Morton, Co. F, commanding squad. BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. 109 Corporal Henry Staliel, Co. A. J. P. Ilagan, Co. F. Private Geo. P. Montjoy, Co. A. " Cassius Kiger, Co. A. " Edward Welch, Co. A. " Wm. Murphy, Co. A. " K. B. Cliisin, Co. F. " W. W. Oliver, Co. F. Jno. Morton, Co. F. " B. S. Jones, Co. F. By command of MAJOR GENERAL ROSECRANS, J. Bates Dickson, Captain and A. A. General. Such prompt recognition of good conduct in battle Las vast influence upon the morale of an army. It is to be regretted that all commanders and the govern- ment have not yet learned to attach sufficient import- ance to the value of rewards to the brave soldiers of the Republic. The revolving rifles were received four or five weeks after they were ordered. General Stanley distributed them immediately among his most reli- able cavalry troops. The Fourth Ohio Cavalry, which was one of the best regiments in the field, was now properly armed for the first time since it had entered tlie army. Other regiments whicli had been neglected were also improved by the new arm. The men evinced anxiety to practice their five-shooters on the rebels. Stanley, nothing lotli, proposed to gratify them. Massinti: a considerable force on the 11th of December, he pushed down the Franklin road for the 110 BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. purpose of making a reconnoissance and to surprise the rebel garrison at Franklin. Soon after passing the outposts the twang of a ear- bine advertised the presence of the enemy. The advance guard pressed up keenly and evoked a sharp volley from a line of horsemen in a tliicket. Dashing furiously forward a regiment of Wharton's Texas riders were driven out of their nests and scurried over the hills, our fellows after them at a slashing pace. It was an exciting hurdle race, over rocks and ridges, hedges and fences, while a merry ping of rifles and carbines rang through the woods in every direc- tion. It was now rifle and spur; on, Stanley, on; run, rebels, run; until the last gray-back disappeared in the jungle. The bugles sang truce for the nonce, and the blue jacket clans gathered in to breathe a little. Pushing out his scouts right and left, Stanley was not long in beating up more game. Again it was rifle and spur, and rattle of small arms, but the enemy refused to await the shock. The whole day was thus galloped away, Stanley losing not a man, the rebels keeping clean out of revolver range. At nightfall Stanley had chased the enemy beyond Triune, destroyed two camps, and had captured some pris- oners and horses. The men were jaded, but flushed with success. THE SURPRISE FOILED. The command was now about west of, and only seven miles from Murfreesboro. There was a strong rebel force at ;N"olensville in front of them, the main body of Bragg's army was at Murfreesboro, and Buckner's BRILLIANT EXPLOITS. Ill division was behind tliem. ITevertheless Stanley determined to make a dash at Franklin. Accord- ingly the horses were fed, and the men rolled up in their blankets for a few hours' slumber. Unfor- tunately an hour or two before the time appointed to move a prowling rebel drew an inefiective shot from one of Stanley's videttes, a Tennessee sergeant. He returned the fire with fatal effect. N'ot long after- ward another picket firing alarmed the rebels at Franklin so that a surprise was out of the question. Determined not to be balked, Stanley prepared to move upon Franklin at all hazards, but he now waited until broad daylight. Gathering his force in hand, he advanced cautiously upon the town, drove in the rebel pickets, and then shot out the head of his col- umn directly at the main street. The rebels fled to the houses and opened a brisk fire, but the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry under Major Wynkoop, charged into them, and drove them pell mell into the country. Stanley lost not a man. The enemy left a Captain and four privates dead in Franklin, and ten severely wounded, besides fifteen or twenty prisoners who were cut ofl:'. General Stanley occupied the town an hour or two, destroyed a valuable flouring mill, cap- tured a considerable number of horses, and returned to receive the congratulations of the General Com- manding for his spirit and enterprise. The conduct of the troops, especially that of the Seventh Penn- sylvania and Fourth Ohio, was spirited and daring. The reconnoissance was perfectly successful. It had been reported that the enemy was shifting his forces to turn our right. General Stanley ascertained that no demonstrations of the kind were making. 112 SOCIAL LIFE IN XASHYILLE. CHAPTER XYI. The "Grapevine" Telegraph — A Southern Institution — Fabrication of False Intelligence — Southern Ladies' Aid Society — Its Policy — Social Life in Nashville — The Slaves and the Proclamation — The Year of Jubilee — The Slaveholders — Church-Going — Army Chap- lains — Their Fidelity and Devotion. The false reports touching rebel moYemeots, which incessantly circulated in ^N'asliYille, hr'ngs us to the consideration of the ''grapcYine telegraph " — a pecu- liar institution of rebel generation, devised for the duplex purpose of " firing the Southern heart," and to annoy the "Yankees." It is worthy of attention, as one of the signs of the times, expressing the spirit of lying which Y-ar engenders. But it is no more than just to say that there is often so little difierence between the ''grapcYine" and the associated press telegraph, that they might as w^ell be identical. But the " grapevine" Y\as the favorite institution of Kashville — a purely Southern invention — furnishing entertainment, it was said — slanderously, no doubt — to gossipy females, who preferred the manipulation of this enchanting instrument to the less dainty exercise of their se^Ying machines — no, not sewing machines ; labor-saving inventions are not apt to cross the Mason and Dixie line. A PANDORA BOX. A daily dish of alarming reports was served for Yankee entertainment by the inventive newsmongers. SOCIAL LIFE IX NASHVILLE. 113 Ivirby Smith was moving here to-day; ITarclee there to-morrow; Bragg had received great reinforcements; Grant was defeated, and so on for quantity. Inquiry for " grapevine" intelligence was as customary as sun- set, and the solicitor of exciting reports was seldom disappointed. Any thorough-bred rebel was ever ready to open his budget on application, and it was usually a pandora of tidings evil to federal ears. An effort to devise a counter-irritation signally failed. The " Yankees," renowned the world over for their acuteness, were no match for the rebels in this species of invention. But it was extremely diverting to the malcontents, whose resources of enjoyment had been quite thoroughly excised. BACK-PAKLOR PROCEEDINGS. The fabrication of false intellio-ence and smug'S'lius: goods contraband of war, was almost an absorbing business with the master-class of the Rock City. For a considerable period they enjoyed secret facilities of communication with the rebel camps, which puzzled even the ingenuity of Truesdail to detect. The}^ received and forwarded letters constantly, and rebel newspapers were circulated by them when even our best spies failed to procure them. Meetings of men and women were held surreptitlonsly in dark back- parlors, where plans were concocted for the relief of their friends in the army. Women took the lead. The}^ were best calculated to manage the Yankees. They were accomplished and beautiful. The Yan- kees were courteous and susceptible to women, but rough-handed with masculine rebels. This was the view the Southern Ladies' Aid Society took of it. 10 114 SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. They condemned discourtesy to the federals. It was not good policy — certainl}^ not lady-like. Tbey '* hated tlie Yankees," but it was wise to dissemble. These amiable conspiratrices were very adroit, and plied their cunning arts seductively. The leaders did not demonstrate themselves overtly. Their schemes were deeply masked under the innocent prattle of pathetic ladies who were " tired of the war," and anxious for "peace on any terms." l^ow and then a high-spirited dame of the "blue blood," permitted her temper to betray her; but such ebullitions were dangerous under the shadow of Truesdail. And ^^et they treated him with distinguished courtesy. He " was so kind." SOCIAL FEATURES OF NASHVILLE. Aside from those nocturnal seances, there was but little social enjoyment in Nashville. There were not gentlemen enough to make society, and truly there was a skeleton in every liouse — in every heart. The women got together to kiss each other, to cry together, to devise schemes to ameliorate the condition of their husbands, brothers, and so forth, but their glee was more mournful than their sorrow. A patriot could admire their constancy and courage, while he pitied their folly and condemned their malign influence. But God hardened Pharaoh's heart. Public entertainment there was none. The theater was open, truly, but the drama was public tragedy — drums, banners, bayonets, cannon, a hearse rumbling a dirge over rude streets, at a dead rebel's funeral. Female forms on the stage were more attractive than the managers programme. A lady in the proscenium SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. 115 boxes was a better card tbaii a star glimmering at tlie foot-lights. Three-fourths of the audience were sol- diers and officers — staff and commanders in stage- boxes, applauding to the echo, because there was now and then a spectral similitude of something they had seen when there was no popular frenzy. Here and there a ga,mbling den, but few gamblers. They were mostly fighting under the bars sinister, and the absence of the paymaster from the federal army caused stag- nation in the '' chip" market. A few loyal residents, and the wives of Union officers, devised trilling schemes of enjoyment, but the baleful shadow of war inter- posed. The next battle might transmute ball costume into bombazine. THE SLAVES AND THE PROCLAMATION. The only jocund people were the negroes, and their's was pathetic joy. There was a cloud of doubt shad- ing their happiness. "Would their year of jubilee ever dawn? The modified proclamation was a death-war- rant to them, and hope scarcely promised a reprieve. The shadow on the hearts of those creatures was darker than the skin which God gave them. More than anywhere else in the land of white and black bondage, the slaves of I^ashville had hugged the delusive phantom of freedom to their breasts. To them it was "a thing of joy forever." With the usual exaggerative disposition of their race, they anticipated the dawn of January as if it were to be the Star of the East, to glow with stellar splendor. ^lany were prematurely rattling their chains, and filing deep into the fibres of the shackles which jjud eaten into their marrows. Already they were inde- 116 SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. pendent of mastery, and foolishly boasted that their souls were their own. Some had rented shanties, which, prospectively, were their castles, and they lin- gered about the rattling doors with jealous fascina- tion, waiting with throbbing hearts for the clangor of the midnight bell of the old year to proclaim their liberty, x^ever had there been such sounds of revelry in the liouse of bondage — balls, little dances, banjo llings in rickety cabins, concerts in which the touch- ing pathos of the American negro race pealed in wild passion upon the resonant strings of homely violins, or swelled into melody upon the rich, full voices of the slaves. They sang lo jjaeans to liberty. They talked of the proclamation incessantly; celebrated their coming freedom in homely but happ}' refrains; dreamed of emancipation, and related their dreams with the eloquence of joy. The}^ had borrowed the jewelry of the Egyptians prematurely. The word of promise was held to their ears, but broken to their hearts. THEIR MISTRESSES. Their haughty mistresses — for their masters were mostly self-exiled traitors — were as restive as their negroes. The proclamation was to them as a cloud surcharged with lightnings and thunders. Those whose humor was not so hot as to betray them into indiscreet bitterness, discussed the subject pitifully, but with a refinement of selfishness that stifled the sympathy which their sexual pathos had otherwise inspired. Invariably, " What will w^e do, if deprived of our servants ? They are indispensable to us. We can not work. We w^ere never taught to labor. We can not procure w^hite servants. We will not endure SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. 117 to employ our emancipated slaves." ITot a plea for the slave ; no, not one, even from women, who, in all ages and in all nations, have plead more for liberty, sacrificed more for it, and contended more for it than men often dare. Now and then a visionary man, pre- suming- on your ignorance, ventured that " the poor creatures could not take care of themselves," but they shunned an examination of their logic. Strange that a negro can support a whole family of white people by the labor of his hands, and yet be unable to subsist himself. A dog can do that. CHURCH-GOING. There was some church-going, but more at a trait- or's funeral than at worship. A man of God preached on the corner, reading his petitions to the Throne of Grace from a prayer-book, and his flock echoed him as if mocking him, but they did not pray for their coun- try. The passage was erased in all their missals — '• Forgive them. Father, for they know not what they do." Opposite, sometimes, there was a generous, heartful voice of prayer which swelled and soared upward in grand volume, appealing to the God of battles fervently for the brave soldiers of the Eepublic. The preacher wielded the ^' sword of the Lord and of Gideon." He fought as v>^ell as prayed for his bleed- ing country, and his name is written Moody, among those of good men and heroes. ARMY CHAPLAINS. And now that we talk of the church militant, let indignant slander be silent. Who that has watched the man of God with the spirit of Christianitj^ dares libel the noble men who bear the cross of the Akai^^hty 118 SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. into the field of blood? Will the soldiers of the Four- teenth Army Corps despise the office of the Christian chaplain, who was first by his side at the couch of sniieriiig, and the last to desert him in his sorrow? Will any sneer at the office or curse the memory of Black, of John Pouclier, of Layton, of Lozier, of Wilkins, of Gaddis, of Father O'lliggins, of Father Cooney, of noble and gallant Father Trecy, of Brad- shaw, of Decker, and of scores of Christian heroes. who ventured health, happiness, life, in the camp and on the battle-field, to soothe the agony of the pros- trate and dvino: soldier ? The hand that wields the pen of calumny against the devoted chaplains of the armies of the Republic, should be forever palsied. Soldiers of the Union, cherish your worthy chaplains. Xot many are unworthy. Citizens of the Eepublic, credit not the foul expressions of flippant and mis- chievous scoffers, who falsely tell you that the preachers of the army are recreant to their trust Here and there is an apostate ; now and then a hyp- pocrite; but they stand out like blasted trees upon some rude mountain, conspicuous because they are few in numbers. They are the by-word and the scorn of good and of evil men. There is an unwritten history of the chaplains of your armies, but it is inscribed upon the scroll of the blessed. Is exile from the bliss of home nothing? Is privation, exposure, danger of sickness, of death by disease, or upon the battle-field, nothing? Are the trials, the heart-sickness, the toils, the weary marches, the night watches in the face of the foe, the hunger, the rain, the snow, the cold of winter, of trilling moment in the great record of wretched war? The preacJber of the army writes to friends at home of the SOCIAL LIFE IN NASHVILLE. 119 sorrows and liardsliips of the soldier. Yriioii lie cnjoj.-^ brief respite from his labors, ho harrov\'s your soul, from the pulpit, with descriptions of a soldier's trials ; at your iireside 3^our heart aches, and your eyes float in scalding tears, at his touching pictures of a soldier's last agony. He tells you of the soldier; glows ^vith enthusiasm in recounting their deeds of heroism; the image of the dear old flag, which the preacher loves, floats before his vision, and you feel the silent bene- diction which swells in his heart, when his full, elo- quent voice rings in enconium of the valor of your heroes — but the preacher says not one word of Itim- sdf ; no, not one word! And yet — and yet, the sor- rows of the soldiers are his ; the trials of the soldiers are his; the vigils of the soldiers are his — and more, for he stands by the woumled soldier's side in battle, as woman watches at the couch of those she loves. Preachers have wielded the trenchant blade in the face of the foe. Preachers have spilled their blood on the battle-fleld under the old flag for which they fought and prayed. Preachers have died on the bat- tle-field doing deeds of mercy and Christian charit3^ Preacliers, worn and exhausted by the vicissitudes of a soldier's life, have eked their last sigh in soldiers' liospitals. Dozens of them, feeble and emaciated, the fountains of their life sapped by toil and expo- sure, have finally crawled home to linger out a fe^v brief days of sufiTering, and to die — the victims of the scofier, v/ho never thinks of God, but to profane his name. It is their destiny to bear their cross patiently^ and bravely. There are hundreds to-day, in your armies, who labor and wait for the crown which com- pensates for all the bitter injustice of men. 120 REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. CHAPTER XVII. Exterior Pressure upon the Commander — He resists it — His View of War — His Situation — Number of Effectives — Organization — Muster Roll of the Regiments for an Advance — The Pioneer Bri- gade — The Tenth Ohio — States Represented in the Army — New Regiments — A Glance at Commanding Ofl&cers — Spirit of the Army — The Enemy Defiant. ISToT long after the resumption of railroad commu- iiication with ]ts'ashville. General Rosecrans began to feel the influence of external pressure urging a for- ward movement. Said a very distinguished Tennes- sean, with some exhibition of bitter impatience, *'Why does not Eosecrans move?" Perhaps the suggestion was insinuated from I^ashville to Wash- ington. It was believed such interference was resented. The General Commanding, concerning public impatience, said vehemently, " I will not move until I am ready ! I will not move for popular effect I War is a business to be conducted systematically. I believe I understand my business. If my views are not approved, let me be removed. I will not budge until I am ready. The next battle in this department is likely to be decisive of the war. There must be no failure." Why move? Supplies for five days had accumulated about the 5th of December. If tlie army moved from the immediate front of N'ashville, a halt to await subsistence would be imperatively necessary at the expiration of three days. General REORGANIZATION 01 THE ARMY. 121 Kosecrans subsequently officially explainccl that under sucli circumstances 'Hhc evident difficulties and labors of an advance into this country, and against such a force, and at such distance from our base of opera- tions, with which we are connected by a single preca- rious thread, made it manifest that our policy was to induce the enemy to travel over as much as possible of the space that separated us ; thus avoiding for us tliQ wear and tear and diminution of our forces, and subjecting the enemy to all these inconveniences, besides increasing for him, and diminishing for us, the dangerous consequences of a retreat." But by Christmas rations enough had been col- lected at N'ashville to supply the army until the 1st of February, by which period it was probable that navigation in the Cumberland River would be resumed. The army was therefore ready to advance, and prospects for the future were altogether favor- able. The enemy had been induced to beheve that Rosecrans had gone into winter quarters at J^ashville, and had prepared his own at Murfreesboro, with some boastings of an intention to make them finally at ITashville, without, however, making any alarming demonstrations looking to that result. Bragg having sent a large force of cavalry into West Tennessee to annoj^ General Grant, and another large force into Kentucky to break up railroad con- nection between Louisville and ISTashville, it was deemed that the opportune moment for movement had arrived. Colonel Truesdail had definitely ascer- tained that Polk's and Kirby Smith's forces were at Murfreesboro, and that Hardee's corps was on the Shelbyville and I^olensville pike between Triune and 11 122 REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. Eaglesvillo. Our own movable cfFectivc force was now collected in front of Nashville, stretching- irreg- ularly some ten miles or more across the country. Keynolds' and Steadman's divisions were in pur- suit of Morgan, or guarding the railroad. A strong garrison had been detailed for the protection of Nashville. Innumerable details and the large num- l)er of sick and deserters had reduced the effective offensive force to forty-six thousand nine hundred and ten men of all arms. Of these, forty-one thousand four hundred and twenty-one were infantry, two thousand two hundred and twenty-three artillery, and three thousand two hundred and sixty-six cavahy, and several regiments of the latter were raw and unreli- able. The corps were organized as follows, viz.: IIIGIIT WING— (Numbering 15,933 men.) Major General Alex. McDowell McCook, Commanding. FIRST DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL JEFF C. DAVIS COMMANDING. First Brigade, Colonel P. Sidney Post Commanding. Twenty-Second Indiana Regiment, Colonel Goodinf;;. Fifty-Ninth Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick. Seventy-Fourth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Marsh. Seventy-Fifth Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Bennett. Second Brigade, Colonel W. P. Carlin Commanding. Twenty-First Illinois Regiment, Col. Alexander. Thirty-Eighth Illinois Regiment, Major Gilmer. Fifteenth Wisconsin Regiment, Colonel II. C. Ileg. One Hundred and First Ohio Regiment, Colonel Stem. Third Brigade, Colonel W. E. Woodruff Commanding. Twenty-Fifth Illinois Regiment, Major Norlin. Thirty-Fiftli Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Cliandler. Eighty-First Indiana Regiment, Major Woodbui-y- Artillery attached to First Division. Fifth Wisconsiu Battery, Captain Pinney. REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 123 Eiglith Wisconsin Battery, Captain Carpenter. Second Minnesota Battery, Captain Ilotchkiss. SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL R. W. JOHNSON COMMANDING. First Brigade, Brigadier General A. Willich, Commanding. Forty-Nintli Ohio Kcgiment, Colonel W. 11. Gibson. Thirty-Ninth Indiana Regiment, Colonel T. J. Harrison. Thirty-Second Indiana Regiment, Colonel Von Trcbra. Fifteenth Ohio Regiment, Colonel W. H, Wallace. Eighty-Ninth Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ilotchkiss. Second Brigade, Brigadier General Kirk Commanding. Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Stambaugh. Twenty-Ninth Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Dunn. Thirtieth Indiana Regiment, Colonel J. B. Dodge. Seventy-Ninth Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Reed. Thirty-Fourth Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Bristol. Third Brigade, Colonel P. P. Baldivin Commanding. Sixth Indiana Regiment, Colonel Baldwin. First Ohio Regiment, Colonel Ed. Parrott. Ninety-Third Ohio Regiment, Colonel Charles Anderson. Fifth Kentucky Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel W. W. Berry. Arlillery. First Ohio Battery, Company — , Captain Goodspeed. First Ohio Battery, Company E, Captain Edgarton. Fifth Indiana Battery, Captain Simonson. Four companies of the Third Indiana Regiment of Cavalry, com- manded by Major Kline, were attached to the Second Division. THIRD DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL PHILIP H. SHERRIDAN COMMANDING. First Brigade, Brigadier General J. W. Sill Commanding. Thirty-Sixth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Greusel. Twenty-Fourth Wisconsin Regiment, Colonel Larrabcc. Twenty-First Michigan Regiment, Colonel R. II. Stephens, Eighty-Eighth Illinois Regiment, Colonel T. T. Sherman. Second Brigade, Colonel Shaeffer Commanding. Second Missouri Regiment, Colonel Laiboldt. Fifteenth Missouri Regiment, Major Webber. Forty-Fourth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Reed. Seventy-Third Illinois Regiment, Colonel Jacques. 124 REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. Thii-d Brigade^ Colonel Roberts Commanding. Twenty-Second Illinois Regiment^ Lieutenant Colonel Swannick. Twenty-Seventh Illinois Regiment, Colonel F. A. Harrington. Forty-Second Illinois Regiment, Major N. H. AValworth. Fifty-First Illinois Regiment, Colonel L. P. Bradley. ArtilleTy. First Missouri Battery, Captain G. Hescock. Fourteenth Illinois Battery, Captain Houghtaling. Fourth Indiana Battery, Captain Bush. CEN"TER— (i^umbcring 13,395 men). Major General George H. Thomas Commanding. FIRST DIVISION, MAJOR GENERAL LOYELL II. ROUSSEAU COMMANDING. First Brigade^ Colonel B. P. Scrihner Commanding. Thirty-Eighth Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel D. F. GriflSn. Thirty-Third Ohio Regiment, Colonel 0. F. Moore. Second Ohio Regiment, Colonel John Kell. Ninety-Fourth Ohio Regiment, Colonel John W. Frizell. Tenth Wisconsin Regiment, Colonel A. R. Chapin. Second Brigade^ Colonel John Beatty Commanding. Fifteenth Kentucky Regiment, Colonel Forman. Third Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Lawson. Tenth Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Burke, detached. Forty-Second Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Shanklin. Eighty-Eighth Indiana Regiment, Colonel Humphreys. Third Brigade^ Colonel Starkweather Commanding. First Wisconsin Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Bingham. Twenty-First Wisconsin Regiment, Colonel Hobart. Twenty-Fourth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Mihalotzy, Seventy-Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Hambright. Fourth Brigade (Regulars), Lieutenant Colonel 0. S. Shepard. Fifteenth United States Infantry, Major J, H. King. Sixteenth United States Infantry, Major Slemmer. Eighteenth United States Infantry, First Battalion, Major Cald- well. Eighteenth United States Infantry, Second Battalion, Major Fred. Townsend. Nineteenth United States Infantry, Major Carpenter. KEORGANIZATION OF TUE ARMY. 125 Ariillcr}/. First Michigan Battery, Lieutenant Van Pelt (Loomis). Fiftli United States Artillery, Battery H, Lieutenant Guenther. First Kentucky Battery, Captain Stone. Colonel 0. A Loomis, Chief of Artillery of the Corps. SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL JAMES S. NEGLEY COMMANDING. Fust Brigade, General J. G. Spears Commanding. First East Tennessee Regiment, Colonel R. K. Byrd. Second East Tennessee Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Melton. Second Brigade, Colonel T. R. Stanley Commanding. Eighteenth Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Given. Sixty-Ninth Ohio Regiment, Colonel W. B. Cassilly. Nineteenth Illinois Regiment, Colonel J. R. Scott. Eleventh Michigan Regiment, Colonel Stoughton. Third Brigade, Colonel John F. Miller Commanding. Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Sirwell. Twenty-First Ohio Regiment, Colonel J. H. Neibling. Seventy-Fourth Ohio Regiment, Colonel Granville Moody. Thirty-Seventh Indiana Regiment, Colonel Hull. Ariillertf. First Ohio Battery G, Marshall's. First Ohio Battery M, Schultz. First Kentucky Battery ls\r; Lieutenant Ellsworth. Captain John Mendenhall, United States Army, Chief of Artillery of the Corps. Other Tennessee regiments, which formed part of Spears' brigade, do not properly come within the scope of this narrative. Colonel "Walker's brigade, which follows, had been temporarily detached from Steadman's division. Colonel M. B. Walker^ s Brigade — (Detached.) Seventeenth Ohio Regiment, Colonel J, M. Connell. Thirty-First Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel P. W. Lister. Thirty-Eighth Ohio Regiment, Colonel Phelps. Eighty-Second Indiana Regiment, Colonel Hunter. Ohio Battery, Captain Church. 126 BEORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. LEFT WmG— (mimberlng 13,288 men). Major General Thomas L. Crittenden Commanding. FIRST DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL THOMAS J. WOOD COMMANDING. First Brigade, Brigadier General 3Iiles S. Hascall Commanding. Twenty-Sixth Oliio Regiment, Colonel E. P. Fyffe. Fifty-Eighth Indiana Regiment, Colonel Geo, P. Buell. Third Kentucky Regiment, Colonel McKee. One Hundredth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Bartleson. Second Brigade, Colonel George D. Wagner Commanding. Fifty-Seventh Indiana Regiment, Colonel C. C. Ilines. Fortieth Indiana Regiment, Colonel J. W. Blake. Fifteenth Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Wood. Ninety-Seventh Ohio Regiment, Colonel Lane. Third Brigade, Colonel C. G. Barker Covimanding. Fifty-First Indiana Regiment, Colonel Streight. Sixty-Fourth Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Mcllvain. Thirteenth Michigan Regiment, Colonel Shoemaker. Sixty-Fifth Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Cassih Seventy-Third Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Hathaway. Artillery. Eighth Indiana Battery, Captain Estep. Tenth Indiana Battery, Captain Cox. Sixth Ohio Battery, Captain Bradley. SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL J. M. PALMER, COMMANDING. First Brigade, Brigadier General C. Cruft, Commanding. First Kentucky Regiment, Colonel D. A. Enyart. Second Kentucky Regiment, Colonel T. D. Sedgwick. Thirty-First Indiana Regiment, Colonel John Osborne. Ninetieth Ohio Regiment, Colonel Ross. Second Brigade, Colonel W. B. Hazen, Commanding. Forty-First Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Aquila Wiley. Sixth Kentucky Regiment, Colonel W. C. "Whittaker. Ninth Indiana Regiment, Colonel W. H. Blake. One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Thos. S. Casey. Third Brigade, Colonel W. Grose Commanding. Thirty-Sixth Indiana Regiment, Major Kinley. Twenty-Fourth Ohio Regiment, Colonel Fred. Jones. REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 127 Sixth Ohio Eegiment, Colonel N. L. Anderson. Twenty-Third Kentucky Ptcgiment, Major Hamrick. Eighty-Fourth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Waters. Artillery. Fourth United States Artillery, Battery M, Lieutenant Parsons. First Ohio Artillery, Battery B, Captain Standart. Indiana Battery, Captain Cockerell THIRD DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL 11, P. VAN CLEVE COMMANDING. First Brigade, Colonel Samuel Beatty Commanding. Ninth Kentucky Regiment, Colonel Grider. Eleventh Kentucky Regiment, Major E. S, Motley. Nineteenth Ohio Regiment, Major C. F. Manderson. Seventy-Ninth Indiana Regiment, Colonel Fred. Kneffler. Second Brigade, Colonel J. P. Fyffe Commanding . Forty-Fourth Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Reed. Thirteenth Ohio Regiment, Colonel J. G. Hawkins, Eighty-Sixth Indiana Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Dick. Fifty-Ninth Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Howard. Third Brigade, Colonel Stanley Mattheios Commanding. Fifty-First Ohio Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel McLain. Thirty-Fifth Indiana Regiment, Colonel B. R. Mullen. Twenty-First Kentucky Regiment, Colonel S. W. Price. Eighth Kentucky Regiment, Colonel S. M. Barnes. Ninety-Ninth Ohio Regiment, Colonel P, T. Swaine. ArUUcry. Seventh Indiana Batteiy, Captain Swallow. Third Wisconsin Battery, Lieutenant Livingston. Twenty-Sixth Pennsylvania Battery, Lieutenant Stevens. CAVALRY. BRIGADIER GENERAL DAVID S. STANLEY COMMANDING. First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Colonel Minor Millikin. Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel Murray. Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel J. L. Pugh. Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, Major Wynkoop. Fourth Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, Colonel Minty. Third Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, Colonel Murray. First Middle Tennessee Cavalry, Colonel W. B. Stokes. Second East Tennessee Cavalry, Colonel Cook. Third Indiana Cavalry (four companies only), Major Kline. 128 REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. Fifteenth Pennsylvania (three hundred men), Major Kosengarten. Fourth United States Cavalry, Captain Elmer Otis. Colonel John Ivennett, of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, commanded the Second Cavalry Division on the left wing. Colonel Zahn, of the Third Ohio Cavalry, commanded a cavalry brigade on the right under General Stanley. Colonel Minty, of the Fourth Michigan, commanded a brigade under Colonel Ken- nett. PIONEER BRIGADE. Besides the foregoing, there was a brigade of Pio- neers, which had been selected by Captain James St. Clair Morton, United States Engineers, from forty different regiments. It proved invaluable to the serv- ice. It numbered about seventeen hundred men, and was organized in three battalions, commanded respect- ively by Captain Bridges, of the Mneteenth Illinois ; Captain Hood, of the Eleventh Michigan ; and Cap- tain Clements, of the Sixty-Ninth Ohio Infantry, the whole being under Captain Morton's command, and organized and disciplined by him. The Chicago Board of Trade Battery, Captain Stokes, was attached to it. But the members of this organization were included in the foregoing muster. The Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, Colonel Innis, numbering about four hundred men, was on detached duty, and it greatly distinguished itself. The immortal Tenth Ohio Regiment, Col. J. W. Burke, which had been proverbial for its splendid soldierly qualities, and dis- tinguished for its brilliant gallantry at Carnifex Ferry and Chaplin Hills, had been detached from Colonel Jobn Beatty's brigade, and as a token of honorable REOEGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. 129 distinction was assigned to duty by General liosecrans as General Headquarters' Guard. Regiments were numerous enough, but many were reduced to two hundred and fifty fighting men each. The six battalions of regulars numbered only fourteen hundred men, and, as has been shown, there were only two thousand two hundred and twenty-three men to handle one hundred and fifty field pieces. Of the infantry regiments, thirty-two (including the First and Second Kentucky Infantry, which were enlisted and generally oflicered in Cincinnati), were from Ohio; twenty-five from Indiana; twenty-two from Illinois ; three from Pennsylvania ; 'B.Ye from Wiscon- sin; ten from Kentucky; two from Missouri; three from Michigan; and two from Tennessee. Three of the cavalry regiments were from Ohio, two from Ten- nessee, one from Kentucky, two from Pennsylvania, one from Michigan, and a detachment of four small companies from Indiana. THE GENEKALS. The Right Wing and Center were commanded by educated soldiers of large experience. Major General Crittenden had not received a military education. He was essentially a volunteer, but was a vigilant and zealous ofiicer. Brigadier Generals Johnson, Sherri- dan, Yan Cleve, and Wood, commanding divisions, were graduates of the Military Academy at West Point, and were approved, good soldiers of experience. Prigadier General Davis was a regular ofiicer of expe- rience and skill. Major General Rousseau, Brigadier Generals [N'egley and Palmer, commanding divisions, were volunteers. General ITegley, how^ever, had 130 EEORGANIZATION OP TEE ARMY. served in the war with Mexico, and had devoted liis attention to military matters during many years. Excepting Brigadier Generals Sill, Kirk, Williclj, Cruft, Ilascall, and Spears, the brigade commanders were Colonels. Sill and Ilascail were graduates of West Point. Kirk, Willich, and Cruft were volun- teers, but Willich had been a soldier in EurojJC. Lieutenant Colonel Shepherd, commanding the bri- gade of regular troops. Colonel W. P. Carlin, Colo- nel W. B. Hazen, and Colonel Charles Gr. Harker, were also graduates. All the remaining brigade commanders were volunteers. Excepting Colonel P. T. Swaine, commanding the Mnety-Mnth Ohio liegi- ment, all the regimental, field and line officers, except- ing those in the brigade of regulars, were purely volunteers — manj^ of them yet in the " School of the Soldier," but some were men of fine military capac- ity. Excepting the Chief of Cavalry, and the officers of the Fourth United States Cavalry, all the field, and staff, and line officers of the cavalry Avere volunteer soldiers. Mendenhall, Stokes, Guenther, and Parsons, were the only artillery officers, excepting several sub- ordinates, who were regularly educated in gunnery; but few in any service were superior to Loomis, of Michigan, and Barnet, of Ohio. Hescock, Bradley, Standart, Edgarton, Cox, Swallow, Bush, and Simon- son, also ranked high in the art of gunnery. THE SITUATIOIJT. But the army, on December 25th, was generally in superb condition — well-appointed, spirited, and , confident. They seemed animated with a conviction that with a fighting general they could redeem the REORGANIZATION OP THE ARMY. 131 blank record of the past months of barren toiL The General Commanding, relying npon Providence and trusting in the steadfast valor of his gallant legions, was sanguine and hopeful. The enemy were now facing us squarely and defiantly — separated from our line of outposts b}^ a strip of territory two miles wide in our direct front, with a line of videttes posting upon an irregular front corresponding with our own, extending on their left from the front of Trinne to ITolensville, thence to Baird's Mills, the line crossing the Murfreesboro pike four miles in front of Lavergne. It had been reported that Stevenson's division, of Kirby Smith's Corps, had been sent to reinforce Pem- berton's Army of the Mississippi, and that Kirby Smith himself had gone to assume command of a new department. The remainder of his command, it was said, had been merged into the corps of Polk and Hardee. Hitherto, Kirby Smith had commanded the right, Polk the center, and Hardee the left of the rebel army. Their disposition of cavalry remained unchanged, save that Forrest, as already stated, was cutting up General Grant's communications, and Mor- gan was moving into Kentucky to cut railroad con- nections between Louisville and E'ashville — General Reynolds' and General Steadman's forces pursuing him — Major General Wright, commanding the Depart- ment of the Ohio, endeavoring to head him off. But Morgan accomplished his enterprise — broke up the railroad at various points, destroyed much public property, captured man}^ prisoners, and escaped with- out serious loss. Meantime, matters of great moment were culminating. 182 ROSECEANS AND THOMAS. CHAPTER XVIII. Orders to March — Preparation — Excitement in Nashville — Christmas Night — Consultation of Generals — Eosecrans, Thomas, McCook, Crittenden, Stanley, Johnson, Negley, Sherridan — "Fight them !" — The Plan of Movement — The Commanding General and his Military Household — Customs of Headquarters — Nocturnal Scenes — Lectures to Young Officers — Conversation — Politics, Literature, Science, War —Good Night. The opportune moment for aggressive movement was at hand. Orders for an advance of the Four- teenth Army Corps were issued Wednesday, the 24th of December. The cokimns would move at dayhght Christmas morning. Presently the camps blazed with excitement. The sturdy troops greeted the announce- ment with shrill clamor, which swelled its cheerful volume far alone: the rids^es and down into the val- leys, as musket volleys roll along a line of battle. There was glorious assurance in that manful uproar. The populous hills blazed with sparkling fires. Thousands were cookiu": rations for the march. The commissariat labored under manifold requisi- tions. Muskets soon gleamed with fatal luster. Busy pens swiftly indited fond adieus, perhaps the last, to loved ones at home, and it w^as not long before the mails groaned under the weight of affectionate testi- mony from those brave hearts. The horseman care- fully brushed his equipments, adjusted his last strap, looked well to Jiis holsters, and patted his faithful ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 133 charger kindly on liis sliinlng neck, as if soliciting his last proof of endurance and fidelity. The cannonier burnished his trusty piece until it glistened, then poised it again and again, sighting it at imaginary foes, so soon to assume stern substantial form. Aids and orderlies thundered over the highways and through the bustling camps, swiftly bearing messages. Here and there were tableaux of soldiers, earnest and animated, standing by the old flag at headquarters, talking of battle and of victory. Picturesque groups of officers in eager colloquy, clustered about brigade and division marquees, now and then one swiftly mounting and away with orders. And the surgeon, in his tent, drew from his case the glittering blade at which the bold heart shrinks in fear which no mortal enemy can inspire. The young soldier daintily fin- gers the probe, and shuddering, asks its use. The veteran of battles grimly jests at the knife, and stalks away soberly to his comrades. The surgeon, seem- ingly cold and unfeeling, but Avith warm and sensitive heart, covered, it seems to the soldiers, with a glare of ice, carefully wipes the last atom of moisture or dust from the gleaming steel, and his cruel preparation is done. EXCITEMENT IN NASHVILLE. The tidings wafted back to E'ashville, and revolved apon a thousand busy tongues. Haughty dames of ihe capital stood upon their stately porticoes gossip- ing sagely with other dames, or hastily flitted from house to house wild with excitement which flamed in their eyes and burned in their flushing cheeks. Had the eye of suspicion enjoyed power to peer into the mysteries of secluded apartments, it might have 134 KOSECRANS AND THOMAS. discovered nervous preparation for secret enterprise, that waited for execution only until darkness. Wlio can doubt that trusty messengers fled swiftly that night from ladies' chambers to the camps of the enemy, bearing great news ? It was never explained, but before the hours of evening waned into midnight, other and countermanding orders went out, and the camps settled moodily to rest. But it was only a sus- pension for twenty-four hours. The General Com- manding devoted Christmas morning to worshiping God. CONSULTATION AT HEADQUARTERS. Christmas night there w^as an assemblage of com- manders at headquarters. There was consultation, but "council of war" none. The Chief likes them not. Decidedly, he indorses the martial maxim — "councils of war don't fight." Major General Thomas was there, certainly — "true and prudent, distinguished in council, and on many battle fields for his courage," could it be otherwise? McCook, "brave, faithful, and loyal soldier," standing with his elbow on the mantel, merry and confident, and boast- ful of his gallant corps — then heroes of two sanguin- ary battles ; Crittenden, " whose heart is that of a true soldier and patriot," stately and reticent, believ- ing in the justice of the " old Master" of us all, but assuring that "if the rebels stood at all there Avould bed d hard fighting;" "gay old Stanley"," hero of five battles, quick and comprehensive in sugges- tion, moving about restlessly, with saber rattling at his heels; Johnson, grave and saturnine, but earnest and thoughtful ; IS'egley, prompt, decisive, and ready upon requisition, come when it might; and quiet ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 135 Phil. Sherridan, keen observer, but silent now, — so unlike him in battle, where he shows a heart of oak. Others may have called between sunset and midnight. ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. There was swift interchange of thought, and two drew aside. The bed of the Chief occupied the space between two doors. The right hand door communi- cated with the military telegraph office. Between the bed and the front window near it was a narrow space. The topographical maps were tacked to the door and spread upon the bed. The aids' table was under the window-sill. The Chief sometimes used a 3orncr of it, and sometimes a corner of Garesche's table, which was under the other front window, near the grate. When the Chief consulted the " true and prudent," the latter sidled and backed into the niche between the two tables, and his Commander seated himself directly in his front, looking into his eyes. General Thomas backed in there now, you would have said mechanically — it was a habit of a month's growth. The Chief was balanced upon the edge of a chair, leaning over vis-a-vis, almost in the embrace of Thomas. The conversation was animated, almost vehement, the consulted listening profoundly, the consulter talking rapidly and hotly, with blazing eyes, the former nodding now and then, perhaps dropping a curt suggestion. All undertone, bat there was des- tiny in it. Battle was flashing from the tips of nerv- ous fingers which had base upon the edge of the chair. Those who know General Rosecrans can see the plan as he was manipulating it in his nervous way. The others were chatting a little common-place 106 ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. colloquy, or looking into the grate watching the cedar sticks curl into flame. How much of the past and of the future one may see in a hlaze or a heap of glow- ing coals. Gareschd, his head ho wed over the corner of the tahle, which seemed part of him, until his hroad, clear brow almost touched the tip of his pen — for he was near-si^dited — was flins^ino: oft* sheets of manuscript in his wonderful way — orders, correspond- ence, instructions — suspending now and then to respond pleasantly to some interpolated query. You supposed he was always sitting at that corner of his table — and indeed he was, from ten o'clock of morn- ing till long after midnight, when not racing through a fresh newspaper, with a sort of impatience which indicated a jealousy that it was robbing him of pre- cious time. Staft" ofiicers were tip-toeing in and out softly, or lounging about in easy chairs or upon a cot near the chimney-jam corner of the chamber, over against the back wall. Father Trecy slipped into the room in his gentlemanly way — everybody greeting him kindly — let fly his budget of " grapevines " which he had a faculty for picking up in the streets — and then slipped out again as softly. Ducat, a military Javert, devoted to duty, which he always discharged perfectly, stepped in promptly and stepped out prompt]}' with instructions. The "old boy" — thc}^ addressed him so, and lovingly — looked in modestly, but when Kirby disappeared none could tell. He had a cat-like habit of getting away when there was noth- ing for him to do. Thorns and Thompson, at the foot of the cot, flanking a little deal table, diml}^ illumined by the feeble glimmer of a stearine dip, industriously worried out the pregnant ciphers. Tom fed the ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 137 cheerful fire in the grate; the bright blaze v/as roar- ing pleasantly up the chimney; the telegraph fingers were clicking merrily in the little room, and Monsieur John produced his steaming todd3\ RESULT OF THE CONSULTATION. Strange that nobody ever seemed jealous ot Thomas. But he was so modest and unpretentious. When the command of the great Army of the Ohio was tendered him, you know he declined that glitter- ms: recognition of his worth. Monsieur Vault had \nstinctively timed the toddy. When the glasses got to the corner, there was an eager sentence or two, an acquiescing nod on either side, and history was made. The Chief was jocose an instant, but directl}' a glass went down upon Gareschi^'s table with a clang. Garesche looked up, surprised a little, and lounged back in his chair. Suddenly the Chief — " We move to-morrow, gentlemen ! We shall begin to skirmish, probably, as soon as we pass the outposts. Press them hard! Drive them out of their nests! Make them fight or run! Strike hard and fast! Give them no rest ! Fight them ! Fight them ! Fight, I say!" and his glittering blue eyes flashed like a gleam of lightning, and the nervous right hand dashed into the palm of the scarified left, ringing as if cymbals were clanging. Thomas looked up with a grim smile of approval ; McCook's sharp ej^es twinkled with internal enjoyment; and Crittenden straightened up his trim figure with a sort of sw^ell, as if he had lieard the programme exactly, and was prepared to execute it. It was then accepted as a probability that the enemy would make a stand at Stewart's Creek — 12 1-38 ROSECRAXS AND THOMAS. five miles in the rear of Lavergne, going by the Mur- freesboro tnrnpike. General Rosecrans therefore directed the army to move in three colnmns, accord- ing to the following instructions, to-wit. : PLAN OP MOVEMENT. McCook, with three divisions, to advance by tl)e E'olensville pike to Triune. Thomas, with two divisions (E"egley's and Eous- seau's), to advance on his right, by the Franklin and Wilson pikes, threatening Hardee's right, and then to fall in by the cross-roads to E'olensville. Crittenden, with "Wood's, Palmers, and Van Cleve's divisions, to advance by the Murfreesboro pike to Lavergne. With Thomas' two divisions at ISTolensville, McCook w^as to attack Hardee at Triune, and if the enemy reinforced Hardee, Thomas was to support McCook. If McCook beat Hardee, or Hardee retreated, and the enemy met us at Stewart's Creek, five miles south of Lavergne, Crittenden was to attack him ; Thomas was to come in on his left flank, and McCook, after detaching a division to pursue or observe Hardee, if retreating south, was to move, with the remainder of his force, on their rear. Brigadier General Stanley was to cover the move- ment with his cavalry. He divided his corps intc three columns, and directed the first brigade, com- manded by Colonel Minty, of the Fourth Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, to move upon the Murfreesboro pike, in advance of the Left Wing. The second bri- gade, commanded by Colonel Zahn, of the Third ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 139 Ohio Volunteer Cavalry^ was ordered to the Frank- lin road to dislodge the enemj^'s cavalry, and to move parallel to the Right Wing, protecting its right flank. The reserve cavalry, consisting of the new regiments — Anderson Troop, or Fifteenth Pennsylvania, the First Middle Tennessee, the Second East Tennessee Cavalry, and four companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry — General Stanley was himself to command, and precede General McCook's corps on the I'Tolens- ville turnpike. Colonel John Kennett, of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, was to command the cavalry on the Left Wing. The Fourth United States Cavalry, Cap- tain Elmer Otis, was reserved for escort and courier duty. General Thomas was the first to say good night. It was full midnight before all the commanders had dis- persed. As they rose to depart, the Chief took each by the hand, and to all gave his parting admonition : ^' Fight them! Spread out your skirmishers far and wide! Keep pushing ahead! Expose their nests! Fight ! Keep fighting! They will not stand it. Good night ! " SOCIAL LIFE AT HEADQUARTERS. This was the night preceding movement. It was, therefore, more interesting and exciting than other nights. Yet it was only an exaggerated copy of many. Ordinarily, officers of all departments, citi- zens, ct id omnia, thronged the General's chamber during the day, and every hour was absorbed in busi- ness. The nights were busy, too, but there were pleasant episodes. Commanders were most apt to call socially then, and the Chief's military household 1-10 EOSECRANS AND THOMAS. assembled about Iilni. Garescli^, always present, was wedded to lils papers, but never seemed oppressed. His faculty for disposing of business was marvelous. He never exhibited impatience or irritability, but was ever ready to oblige, and to respond to all cjuestions with charming courtesy. On occasion he took cheer- ful part in conversation, displaying the charms of a richly cultivated intellect, and enjoying faeetife with as keen relish as the most mercurial. Goddard and Dickson, for the most part, were swallowed up in the freshet which ever threatened to overflow the Adju- tant General's Bureau. Bond, Thorns, and Thomp- son, were seldom absent. Thoms and Thompson had custody of the ciphers, but all the aids were thor- oughly inducted into the mysteries and miseries of late hours and incessant labor. St. Clair Morton would flash in, state case, suggest, and flash out again, galloping away always as if everything he had to do was urgent until it was accomplished. The General usually had a pleasant laugh at Morton after he was gone, narrating some happy anecdote illus- trating his practical executive faculty. After a brief facetious episode, the Chief was apt to dictate three or four letters or dispatches simultaneously, setting Bond, Thompson and Thoms at work, while he chatted with somebody aside. Some of his most nervous letters and public papers were produced in this way. Bruner and Melarky meantime were inces- santly manipulating the telegraph instrument in the adjoining chamber. Father Trecy — an exiled priest from Huntsville, Alabama, esteemed alike by the Commander and Staft' for his worth — and the special guest of the former — usually dropped in about ten ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 141 o'clock, entertained the circle with collections of *• grapevine,'' enjoyed merriment with the gayest, talked eruditely with the learned, and then retired to his cot. Kirhy ever slipped in and slipped out as he did Christmas night. The Quartermaster and Com- missary were wont to report at night. Once in a while the army Yidocq surprised the staff by his mete- oric blaze, but his commander usually went to see him. VYiles, the Provost Marshal, as admirable for his mod- esty as for zeal in the public service, ordinarily got in at midnight or later ; an hour at which the General Commanding was ready to lecture him for following his own example by working too hard. But the Gen- eral had such an affectionate, jovial way of reprimand- ing him, that the interview usually ended in general pleasantry. Ducat was always present when instruc- tions were desirable. He hardly ever retired that his Chief did not say, " Hike that man — he is a thorough soldier." " So say we all of us," ran the merry roundelay. Colonel Ducat had perfected a system of army inspections, by which the effective strength of the army, or any portion of it, could be determined in an instant, which, together with his high soldierly character, commended him to his Chiefs regard. Skinner, high-minded and sympathetic, was keenly desirous to build up a system of army jurisprudence that would reflect credit upon the department, and was apt sometimes, by expressing his notions of equity rather generously, to run counter to the General's severer ideas of military justice and propriety, thus occasionally evoking sharp criticisms, which his sen- sitiveness caused him to misconstrue into censure — his staff' companions rather enjoying his nervousness 142 ROSECRANS AND THOMAS'. because they better understood the animus of tlieir sometimes martial Ehadamanthus. Skinner under- stood it after awhile, and succeeded in so tempering justice with mercy that he seemed in a fair way to accomplish the object of his honorable ambition. The Chief esteemed no officer of his staff more thoroughly. Michler, of the " Topogs," often had a time of it. His was the nervous department. It was no bed of roses, but there were thorns enough. As map maker, he naturally touched sensitive points, and evoked search- ing criticisms from a commander who particularly insisted in having the exact location, range, direction, sinuosities, meanderings, elevations, depressions, and ^proportions of every river, rivulet, road, ridge, ravine, hill, hollow, forest, swamp, bridge, cornfield, cotton plantation, canebreak, or cedar thicket within the scope of the field of operations. He was very apt to conclude, after enveloping himself in his blankets at bed time, that his bureau was a sort of military Tophet. Edson, of the Ordnance Corps, worried through a similar experience, since powder and ball were as essential to war as maps and hard tack. But it was a matter of pride to all, at last, to meet the approval of a Chief who pertinaciously insisted upon knowing for himself that everything necessary to suc- cess had been done, and precisely how it was done. This course of Lectures to Young Officers interpolated in the course of a miscellaneous evening conversazi- one, was quite a treat to those who escaped fire, or had run the gauntlet successfully. ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. 143 CONVERSATION. When lectures were concluded, orders executed, correspondence all disposed of, somewhere about mid- night — an hour earlier or an hour later was altogether immaterial — dull care was dismissed and pleasure assumed supremacy. iTohody then was more facetious or happy than the General. The temper of conver- sation, of course, depended altogether upon the direc- tion given it in the beginning. If religious, it was apt to absorb the hours until they run almost into da^dight. The Chief took the argument and carried it, often into the realms of Mother Church, where the vehemence of his intellect and his zealous temper developed themselves thoroughly. He had the Fathers of the Church at his tongue's end, and exhibited a familiarity with controversial theology that made him a formidable antagonist to the best read, even of the clerical profession. He would admit no fallibility whatever in any department of his own church, but he did not permit his strong reliance in the Church of Rome to warp his judgment in material things, especially in military matters. It has been recklessly said that he required the attendance of the Roman Catholics of his staff, escort, and attendants, at mass every Wednesday and Sunday. It is a gross calumny. He never interferes with the spiritual affairs of any subordinate, regarding those as sacred personal mat- ters, to be governed by the convictions of each indi- vidual. Moreover, General Stanley and Garesch^ were the only Romanists on his staff*. He had no taste for party politics, having dismissed the subject until the rebellion should be crushed — a 144 ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. point upon which he expressed no doubts. And, indeed, he never had been a politician. Upon the general subject of shivery, he held tlie faith that had been proclaimed immemoriallj by his church and by all nations which have pretended to civilization — save the chivalrous portion of these United States. Touch- ing slavery and the rebellion he was cpiite clear that there had grown up a necessity to emasculate that element of military power. The Proclamation was yet a promise. When it became an order he would obey. Upon belle lettres he opened a mine of rich lore, and charmed you, as well by the felicity of his illus- trations, as by the pungent and comprehensive char- acter of his criticism. It was not a little amusing to the author to read in a leading Eastern journal, that in science and literature Eosecrans was probably the inferior of McClellan and Buell. Their respective mutual classmates, and later associates, are sure that either of the latter might learn from him in each department. His general knowledge of science is extensive. Geology and mineralogy are specialities, and in those sciences he ranks among the most accom- plished in the country. It was often a subject of curious speculation by members of the staft' that a man so full of ideas, and who expressed himself so readily and forcibly without hesitating for language, and with such striking force, in the presence of his military famil}^, should be an inferior public speaker. It was nevertheless true that he hesitated and stammered upon attempting to address even a line of soldiers at review. In those nocturnal seances, and indeed habitually, his deport- IIOSECRANS AND THOMAS. 145 ment toward his staff was extremely affable, often almost to affectionate familiarity. General McCook carelessly remarking of him to a friend, said, "The fact is, Hosecrans is too clever — he is too easy of access." It was singular that he rarely discussed his generals to their disparagement. But if an^'hody knew anything of any commander, there Avas no relief for him until he had detailed the particulars. He was incessantly accumulating testimony by which he might guage his officers, that he might put them in their proper positions. In professional matters he was exacting. The end of the night, and the lengthening hours of morning, often crept upon him and his coterie of the junior officers of staff*, discoursing the art of war in all its practical ramifications, and it was not nnfrequently suggested, that to a young man proposing to adopt the profession of arms, the Military Academy itself would hardly be so good a school for practical war, as an active position upon the staff of General Rose- crans. He considered war an exact science, admitting no carelessness or slovenliness. He often said — and when he said it irritably you might see it fly out of his eyes and off the ends of his fingers — " My staff should know everything I know;" "I don't allow any stafi* officer to forget anything." But if an unlucky wight knew anything imperfectly and attempted to report it, the Chief was apt, as the staff* said, " to make the fur fly." " How do you know this ? " "Who told you? " "How does he know ? " " Why didn't you learn all the particulars ? " " What are you an officer for?" "It's your business to know." " You must know." " War means killing," 13 146 ROSECRANS AND THOMAS. and 80 on to an end with a sharp sting in it. To one he would say, " You don't observe closely ; " to another, "You don't state case clearly;" to a third, <^ You are deficient in geography — you must study." He took a great fancy to Thorns on account of his skill in mathematics and for his general intelligence. Thoms mastered the most difficult ciphers in a few hours, which was unusual. Christmas had been gone several hours when the General Commanding said "goodnight!" COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY 147 CHAPTER XIX. The Army Advances — Its Spirit in Gloomy Weather — Movements of the Center — Sharp Combats of the Right Wing — The Enemy Diivcp and Two Guns Captured— The Cavalry— Gallant Charges— The Left Wing — The Thirty-First Indiana and First Kentucky Infantry Charge and Rout the Enemy — Close of the First Day's Opera- tions — The Commanding General Seeks the Right Wing — A Night's Adventures. Friday the 26th of December, dawned drearily. Daylight feebly struggled through an unbroken mass of black clouds and thick volumes of mist, which puffed up from the valleys. Eain w^as pouring down in streams which gathered into volumes in the gullies, and made foaming yellow torrents of the little brooks that lately stole so softly around the hills. Yet reveille rolled merrily along the line and through the drowsy camps. The stout soldiers sprung up gaily, and shook oif the shackles of sleep, crowding like game-cocks, and roaring joyfully like giants refreshed. Yet a little while, and they were rushing along the highways in magnificent panoph% horsemen, infantry, cannon, cannoniers, and mighty trains. It needed but a blaze of sunshine to burnish their steeL The steady rain drenched their garments but did not quench their ardor. There were but few stragglers that exciting day. Strange, that when nature frowns so gloomily, soldiers should be so cheery; nevertheless it is true, that when the barometer falls the mercury of their spirits rises until it culminates in hilarity. The 148 COLLISION y/ITH THE ENEMY. yeteran campaigner ever bears siicli testimon}'. The colossal columns overflowed the roads, and SAvept through the leafless forests hke mighty waves. Brave hearts beat high, for the march had begun with glad augury for the future. There was battle in the breeze which now began to rise, but our sokliers felt that there was victory in their trusty steel. " Gay old Stanley" and gallant John Ivennett were on the right and left and in front, with their cavalry, to start the game and cover the flanks. General Thomas moved his column — thirteen thousand three hundred and ninety-five elFective men — through the rich, rustic villas of the Franklin pike to Brentw^ood. jN'egley in front, diverging left to the Wilson pike, closely followed by Eousseau and Walker's brigade, Zahn's brio:ade of cavalry on the riirht. General McCook, with Stanley's cavalry reserve in front, pushed the first division of his corps, under General Davis, upon the Edmonson pike, with orders to move to Prim's blacksmith shop, whence it was to march direct, by a country road, to Nolensville and Triune. The Third Division, General Sherridau, moving upon the direct road to Nolensville, w^as fol- lowed by the reserve division under General Johnson. The Left Wing, under General Crittenden, moved in column upon the direct turnpike to Murfreesboro. General Palmer's division in front, covered by Minty's cavalry brigade, and follow^ed by Wood's division, with Yan Cleve's in reserve. The country over which the army w^as sweeping, afforded peculiar advantages to the enem3\ A small force could retard the advance of greatly superior numbers, and almost with impunity to themselves. COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 149 Considerable tracts of cultivated lands occur at inter- vals on either side of the turnpikcR, but the interven- ing spaces are heavily wooded and interspersed with dense cedar ridges, wdiich thoroughly masked the enemy. The country rolls up in great rude billows, ranging in successions of parallel cross ridges, now and then flanked by transverse crests, wliich served for observatories. Cedar brakes, rugged defiles, and intersecting streams with rocky bluli' banks, formed formidable natural barriers to the march of an aggressive army, and the enemy, perfectly familiar with the topograpliy and geography of the Held of operations, availed themselves skillfully of its defen- sive advantages. To dislodge them from these forti- fications of nature, required careful, tedious and bold skirmishing, but our officers displayed skill and judg- ment, and the results inspired the army with renewed ardor. THE CENTER. General Thomas had directed his command to encamp that night at Owen's store, on the Wilson pike, but General Negley, hearing the sound of con- flict in the direction of Xolensville, left his train with a guard to follow, and pushed forward across the country to support General Davis, who had uncovered the enemy, and was striking him hard in the face. Negley's aid was not needed, and his command bivouacked near Kolensville. Eousseau went into camp at Owen's store, and Walker's brigade, forming tlie rear guard, rested at Brentwood — the Center hav- ing failed that day to find the enemy. 150 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. THE RIGHT WING. McCook had barely moved two miles ^vlien a sharp rattle of musketry, in front of both Davis and Sher- ridan warned him of the presence of the enemy. Aloving hiborionsly out the Edmonson pike, w^liich had been rendered almost impassable by the storm, General Davis had sent his escort, consisting of Company B, Thirty-Sixth Illinois Infantry, Captain Shirer, mounted for escort duty, to the front, direct- ing them to drive in the enemy's pickets, and attack them incessantly on the flanks. The country w^as rude and broken, and embarrassed by cedar brakes, but Shiner did his duty so well that the Fifty-ISnnth Illinois Infantry, thrown out on either iiank of his little force, had hardly a chance to pull a trigger. The infiuitry, Post's brigade, in front, aud the artil- lery, moved up, without hostile obstruction, to a point within a mile of IN'olensville. General Davis now ascertained that the eneni}^ occupied the village with cavalry and artillery in some force. Post's brigade, consisting of the Twenty-Second Indiana, Seventy-Fourth, Seventy-Fifth and Fifty- JSTinth Illinois Yolnnteer Infantry, with the Fifth Wisconsin Battery, Captain Finney, was immediately deployed to advance upon the village, the left resting upon tlie pike, the right upon a hill which commaiuled the town, Finney's battery posted on a knoll on tlie left of the pike. The enemy made show of resist- ance, flinging some shells, but Pinney soon made it too hot for them, and they evacuated the town. A large force of rebel cavahy w^as now discovered mov- ing to the left and dismounting, apparently intending COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 151 to attack our right and rear. The Twenty-Second Indiana Infantry moved to the right to repel the threatened attack. The Second Brigade, commanded by Colonel W. P. Carlin, and consisting of the Twenty-First and Thirty-Eighth Illinois, Fifteenth Wisconsin and One Hundred and First Ohio Regi- ments of Infantry, and the Second Minnesota Battery, Captain Hotchkiss, by this time had formed in line of battle on Post's right. Moving rapidly forward, they soon engaged the enemy, the men deporting them- selves splendidly. The Third Brigade, consisting of the Twenty-Fifth and Thirty-Fifth Illinois, and the Eighty-First Indiana Infantry, with the Eighth Wis- consin Battery, Captain Carpenter, and commanded by Colonel W. E. Woodruff, was deployed on the extreme right to check uny flank movement that might be projected. It was now plain that the enemy were endeavoring to hold us in check to give their main body time to prepare for battle, but their strong exhibition of force, and the great advantage of position in their favor, required of General Davis the exercise of great caution. But the line was well formed, and Carlin pushed forward steadily, sustain- ing a sharp Are until the enemy were dislodged and driven from their position. Day was v/aning, but the troops, although wea- ried by their lieavy march and sharp skirmishing, exhibited splendid pluck. General Davis, eager as a game-cock, deemed it wise to follow up his advan- tage. The enemy retreated about two miles to a nigged hill, the road passing through a delile known as Knob's Gap. Deploying on either side of the road, with one section of their artillery in the defile, 152 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. and other pieces on the crest of the hill, they waited another encounter. The line advanced in the order of hattle of the first collision — Post's hrif]:ade movins: up the road and to the left of it, Carlin on the right. The enemy opened upon Carlin with their artillery at long range. Hotchkiss and Pinney moved up, and went into action quickly, while Carlin charged up the hill, carried the crest in handsome style, and cap- tured two hronze field pieces. Post had also carried the hights on the left, driving the enemy out of position, but they saved their guns. Woodruff on the right, had opportunity only to drive in the rebel skirm- ishers. The conduct of the troops during the entire day had been superb. The One Hundred and First Ohio, Colonel Stem, was particularly signalized because it was a new regiment — the men behaving like veterans. It had the honor to capture one of the guns, which was inscribed " Shiloh," and had belonged to Georgia troops. Our loss in the skirm- ishing and two combats w\as less than a dozen killed and w^ounded. The day had now closed, and Davis' gallant division went into bivouac. Stanley's operations. At the crossing of Mill Creek, soon after leaving camp in front of iTashville, General Sherridan's division encountered the rebel cavalry, but his skirm- ishers routed them briskly, killing several and cap- turing a lieutenant and private. Stanley's cavalry reserve stirred up the enemy in considerable force a mile north of Bully Jack Pass, charged upon them sharply, and drove them at a slashing pace two miles to the left and rear of Lavergne, forcing them twice COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 153 to hand to band encounters, in which tlie individual as well as organized superiority of our gallant troop- ers was exhibited. The Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cav- alry, commanded by Majors liosengarten and Ward, and the four companies of the Third Indiana Cav- alry, under Major Xline, conspicuously distinguished themselves. The Pennsylvanians were raw troops, but they displayed a spirit and courage which reflected great credit upon them. General Stanley, remarking their conduct that evening, said : "They went into the fight as if they liked it, and were unwilling to stop." Their gallant leader, Rosengarten, in the sec- ond charge, had an amusing single-handed combat with a stout rebel whom he overhauled. His pistol missed fire, and the rebel was equally unlucky. Their weapons being useless, they brought their fists into requisition. The rebel quickly put the Major's eye in mourning, but the latter, with a stout right-hander, sent his antagonist to grass, and left him a captive under guard. Stanley's work was done so neatly and effectually, that Sherridan moved up to Nolensville without further obstruction, and supported General Davis, while the latter was driving the enemy from Knob's Gap. General Johnson's division being in reserve, did not come in contact with the enemy. Colonel Lewis Zahn, with his cavalry command, moving down the Franklin pike, drove in the rebel pickets two miles in front of that town, charged gal- iantly, and drove the enem}^ two miles beyond town, killing four, capturing ten, including a lieuteunnt of General Bragg's escort, and destroyed a c{nn|i. Lieu- tenant Colonel E. II. Murray, with the Third Ohio Cavalry, also dismounted several rebels, and captured 154 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. ten prisoners. The results of this day's operations were encouraging, and the impulse was felt all over the army. Ten men covered our casualties on the right, while the enemy had fifteen or twenty killed, many wounded, and lost nearly fifty prisoners. The Right Wing, numbering fifteen thousand nine hun- deed and thirty-three effectives, went into camp at ISTolensville and vicinity about dark, wearied, but hopeful and sanguine. THE LEFT WING. The Left Wing, Major General Crittenden, number- ing thirteen thousand two hundred and eighty-eight efii'ectives, moved down the main l!s^ashville and i\Iur- freesboro turnpike. Brigadier General J. M. Palmer's division had the advance. Brigadier General Charles Cruft's brigade of twelve hundred and seven efiectives, comprising the First and Second Kentucky, Thirty- First Indiana and ISTinetieth Ohio Infantry in front, covered by Colonel Minty's brigade of cavaliy. Minty encountered the rebel videttes in a cedar thicket, about two miles from our late front, and drove them back upon their reserves. Pursuing them sharply under direction of Colonel Ken net t, he found them constantly covered, but by dint of sharp riding and hard pushing, finall}^ drove them back upon Lavergne, "where they rallied in strong force with infantry and artillery. The afternoon was waning when General Cruft was directed to drive the enemy from the woods on the left, and take the village, if possible, before dark. The First Kentucky and Thirty-First Indiana Infantry, under Colonel D. A. Enyart, and the Third Kentucky Cav- COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 155 alrv, Colonel Murray, covering their left, with a sec- tion of Stanclart's Ohio Batterj-, under Lieuterjant Xewall, were deployed for that purpose, and moved boldly upon the enemy. The Sixth Kentucky and ISTinth Indiana Infantry, temporarily under the com- mand of Colonel Walter Whittaker, were thrown out upon* the right to cover that flank. The enemy opened sharply with artillery and musketry, but Col- onel Enyart advanced steadily, and Anally gave the order to '' charge bayonets ! " The gallant lads obeyed with a roar of enthusiasm, and the enemy fled to the opposite bank of Stony Creek. They never wait for bayonets. Colonel Whittaker, meantime, had suddenly fallen npon a force of the enemy in a thicket, and had one man of the J^inth Indiana killed, one wounded, and two of the Sixth Kentucky wounded. The enemy, however, declined to wait to give Wliittaker revenge, and joined their comrades on the opposite side of the creek. In Colonel En- yart's aflair, Lieutenant ISTewall gained credit by the skillful manao'ement of his c^uns. With one shell he killed three horses and dismounted seven men. Mur- ray's Kentucky Cavalry kept the left flank clear, and captured five of the enemy. It was adjudged that night, however, that it would have been better policy, in that country, to have driven the enemy out of the defiles and cedar thickets with infantry — Colonel Kennett satisfactorily showing that it exhausted men and horses without compensatory advantages. The division of General Wood followed Palmer in close supporting distance, but tlie work was so well done in front that their movements were unob- structed. But the resistance which the advance met 156 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. prevented the left wing from gaining possession of the commanding hights sonth of Lavergne, and the affair at the vilhige occupied so much time that no reconnoissance could be made. The enemy still occu- pied the hights in considerable force, admonishing our commanders to exercise vigilance. The mutual losses that day on the left were about ecpial. The troops settled to rest near Lavergne, fatigued but hopeful. It is now time to look at the movements of the Commander-in-Chief. MOVEMENTS OF THE COMMANDER. Mounting soon after eleven o'clock, in a drenching storm, General Rosecrans and the staff", witli the original Anderson Troop, and a squadron of the Fourth United States Cavahy, detailed for escort, moved toward the Murfreesboro pike. The caval- cade w^as winding about the suburban highways of I^ashville, when the sullen reverberation of cannon rolled up from the south-west. "Only shelling skirmishers," yet the thunder of hostile guns made the heart beat and the blood mount. Every rider straightened in his saddle, and struck im[)ulsively into brisker speed. Mile upon mile was quickly left behind. The firing waxed sharper, and the trot of the troop stretched into a gallop. The uproar was on the right. McCook had started the game, and his pack was opening in full cry. But it was too far away for eager ears to catch the full swell of the sonorous music. A little while, and a whole -tone bellowed from the direct front. Crittenden, too, had found something. The General spurred "Boney" gently, and the escort plunged headlong forward, up COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 157 hill and down, on the side of the road or through the fields, it mattered little. The heavy trains lumbered onward, and the stalwart columns, thronging th^ highway, pushed ahead staunchly. Seven or eight miles from Is'ashville, the quick eye of the General caught glimpse of one of Merrill's signals, and called a halt. Riders dismounted, and panting steeds rested. There was silence again, now and then a gun boom- ing far away to the south-west. " McCook must be near Nolensville now," quoth Garesche. " Yes," 6aid the General; "he will find the enemy there in some force." The signal flag upon the distant ridge flared again. "What is it, Merrill?" "All right, sir." Somebody suggested, quietly, that the enemy might take advantage of the divided columns to strike the left. "That would be profitable to them," said the caustic General, "with the right swinging into their rear." A brisk breeze from the north- west had began to disperse the mist, and the clouds broke away. The sun shone out upon the cheerful landscape, and the General resumed the march. SEARCHING FOR m'cOOK'S QUARTERS. Beyond Hamilton Church, just a half mile from the eleven-mile granite post, on the Murfreesboro pike, a rude country road, tracing the crest of a ridge, debouches into the main pike. The cross road, with divaricating branches ruder than itself, cuts a rugged country some ten miles across the waist, and after vexatious sinuosities, intersects the ]N"olensville pike several miles north of the village. There is a spacious dusty-hued frame house (in happier times it was a tavern) on the south-west corner of the Murfreesboro 158 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. junction, with a cornfield and a pleasant maple grove in the rear. Upon arriving at this point, the General directed headquarters to be established in the field and grove, Kirby taking charge, Garesch^ dismount- ing and entering the house to forward orders to Crittenden. All was silent on the left, but there was uproar on the right, denoting sharp combat. Halting but a moment, the General pushed onward briskly to reconnoiter and find the commander of the Right "Wing. After crossing the raih^oad and exam- ining the country until sunset, the cannonading on the right having now ceased, the Chief retraced his steps from the summit of a mountain, and drew up in a narrow lane in front of Smith's house. Smith said it was about five miles to JSTolensville. Garesch^, who had rejoined him, Goddard, Thompson, Barnet, Michler, Gilman, and one or two others, were detailed by the General to accompany him to McCook's headquarters, Lieutenant Royse commanding the escort. The rest were dismissed. Twilight, then darkness, and with darkness heavy clouds and rain, fell upon the cortege as it spurred briskly through the rugged narrow lanes and gloomy forests, upon unknown paths, which but an hour ago had rattled under the hoofs of rebel horsemen. Later a barrier intercepted the march. A stone wall interfered. There was a dwelling on the left, and the tenant, an old woman, did not know the road to ISTolensville. She "had never been three miles away from thar anywhar." There was another house on the right, where there was a man. It was quite agreeable to hear him announce that he occupied the premises of the notorious Dick McCann, a rebel col- COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 159 onel of cavalry, who had halted there but an hour or so before — perhaps he was then not far distant. But the fellow knew the way to ISTolensville, and a guide was necessary. There was no alternative for him. Threading their w^ay back through dismal forests and rocky roads (it seemed unnatural to find such wild country so near Nashville), the General and his attendants at last struck the main route. After a slashing pace of an hour or more over a highway from which the horses' iron hoofs struck fire at every leap, the ]^olensville pike was gained. " General,'' interposed an ofiScer of escort, *' this way of going like — 1 over rocks will knock up the horses." "That's true," replied the General, rousing from his absorbing thought — " Walk ! " It was dark as Ere- bus, and recognition without a voice was impossible. Directly the General called an orderly. "Go back," he said, "and tell that young man that he must not be profane." THE BIVOUAC. The General and his companions had now been in saddle nine hours. The latter were weary and hun- gry. Eager eyes had descried a vista of cheerful camps but a few moments before. As the column pushed out of a deep wooded vale, and wound labori- ously up the curving ridge of a towering crest, a glare from innumerable bivouac fires, blazing meteor-like upon the opposite slope, partially dispelled the thick darkness. All hailed the flush of lights as a welcom- ing beacon, little dreaming that their indefatigable leader would be crashing back over the same dreary track before the noon of nia'ht. IGO COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. As tlicy pressed onward, the Imiiiid atniospliere became impregnated witli puiii;'ciit odor of burning cedar, wliich shivering sohlicrs had heaped np in rude pyramids, and which now exnded grateful warmth and pleasant fragrance. The I'urests were glinting with incessant showers of glittering sparks Hitting from the crackUng fuel, and it seemed as if their bar- ren'boui>:hs were emittino; swarms of lire-flies. Here and there were cos}' bivouacs under dense masses of evergreens, whose shadowy outlines, magnified into phantom forms by darkness, rescnd^led vast convex tliunder clouds hovering to the valleys and clinging to the hill sides, and sharp gleams of flame light flashing through the interstices of the branches which vibrated in the wind, rendered the illusion more per- fect; Heaps of fragrant timber were glowing inside, and volumes of lack-luster smoke flowing up against the tangled twigs which formed almost impermeable ceilings — nature's inimitable groining — imparted a funereal aspect to those arboreal grottoes that might liave enchanted the gloomy fancy of the weird's women — " That look not like inhabitants o' the earth." A shrill vocal murmuring roar, sounding like falling ^vaters in the distance, ran through the camps, and now and then a cheery shout echoed afar ofl'. The figures of restless soldiers, picturesquely grouped around the blazing piles, were eye-sketched through the dim crepusculous haze against the black perspect- ive of darkness behind the fires, and seemed in their dusky indistinctness like gigantic specters. But gradually the murmuring voices died away as an echo, COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 161 the army settled softly to the grateful bosom of mother eartli, and happy soldiers dreaming' of home thougiit not of the morrow. The escort picked its way carefully through a seem- ingly tangled mass of mules and wagons, and the Chief at last found the commander of the Right ^ying at N"olensville, in the heart of a grove, just off the highway. The flames of a roaring fire were soar- ing high, and groups of officers were lounging about it; discussing the morrow. General McCook was the guest of General Johnson — that is to say, partook of his rations and enjoyed his cheerful brands. ^No tents were pitched, but the two Generals had established tlieir quarters in the grove by the side of a rough moss-covered rock, which served for lounges and fire- place. A pair of roadmaster's cars, like ambulatory daguerreian establishments, were drawn up in front, and quarters for the night were provided within. THE CHIEF AND GENERAL m'cOOK. It was evident that McCook expected liis Com- mander. After brief greeting the}^ drew aside with Garesche and Goddard into one of the cars, and entered upon the business of the succeeding day. It was a curious group; the two Generals squatted upon the floor vis-a-vis to Garesche and Goddard, a feeble candle in the socket of a bayonet probed into tiic floor between them furnishing dim twilight. Tlie Generals talked earnestly, the Chief of Stafl' an^l Senior Aid writing orders upon slips resting upon their knees. The General Commanding expressed his gratification with the gallant conduct of tlie troops, but was especially pleased with the ardor and 14 1G2 COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. firmness of the One Hundred iind First Ohio, a raw regiment, under fire on the 26th of J)eceml)cr for the first time. McCook reported Hardee in his front at Triune, some seven miles distant, and expected seri- ous resistance next da}^ It was somewhere hetwecn ten and eleven o'ch:)ck wlieu the consultation was ended. Many of the stafi", overc^oine hy fatigue, were drowsing in hlankets upon the rocks around the fire. McCook was directed to move at daylight, and pusli the enemy hard. " We mount now, gentlemen," and a hlast of the hugle rang through the valley. McCook followed a little v/ay, and extending his liand, said, " Good night. General ; " and then im- pressively, "with the blessing of God, General, I will whip my friend Hardee to-morrow ! " " God bless you," echoed his Chieftain fervently, and a moment later he was sweeping rapidly down the pike. The darkness was now so dense that horses and riders in front would have seemed phantoms but for clattering hoofs and clanging scabbards. Occasionally horse- men were met on the highway. A curt "halt!" brought them to a stand. Explanation of business was required, and the column moved onward. Two aids of General Tbomas were thus accosted, and a tedious I'ide was saved. After a trot of an hour or more, the column Avas suddenly checked by a fence bevond the edge of a forest. Lost, assuredly. A line of couriers had been stretched across the waist of tlie country, but even they were not now accessible. An hour or more was spent in retracing the route. The General was evidently provoked at the misadventure? and charged through the woods impatiently. A dozen voices hallooing and the twang of a bugle COLLISION WITH THE ENEMY. 163 increased the confusion, durin^^ which the cohimu was divided, the General and part of the staff press- ing- instinctively homeward, leaving Barnet, Gilman, Michler and the author with the Anderson Troop, to make t'neir own wav throuo^h the o:loom. The Chief g'ot back to camp soon after one o'clock in the morn- ing-, but the rear rambled obscurely through the for- ests an hour or more, pushing steadily toward the Unes of the enemy until Michler advised a halt and glanced at his compass. Sure enough it was a haz- ardous adventure, and nothing remained but retro- grade movement. The courier line was found at last, and a little after three o'clock in the morning camp was joyfully descried. The General was in saddle that day fourteen hours, riding forty-two miles; the deserted portion of his staff were mounted sixteen hours, riding forty-eight miles without partaking of food. But all that territory now is icrra incognita to them. 164 THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. CHAPTER XX. OPERATIONS ON SATURDAY. Sunrise of Saturday was more dreary than the pre- vious morning. Off the highways men and horses found deep mud. A ghire of slush was dissolving the hard turnpike. It was very fatiguing to the infantry. The clouds which had broken at noon of yesterday had again massed heavily, and a dense pall of mist shrouded the horizon. Shaking his head with an air of disappointment, the Chief said omin- ously, " Xot much progress to-day, I fear." It was not raining then, and the maps were spread upon a table in the grove. He ran his linger rapidly over the lines showing the various routes of march and the point of junction of the several columns. Sug- gesting that the enemy might stand on the south bank of Stewart's Creek, he yet expressed strong- doubts of it, and was uncertain whether they would oppose his advance in force north of Duck River. The reasoning seemed against it. Why should Bragg fight him so near Xashville when he might do it m.ore advantageously nearer his own base. Obviously it was Bragg's true policy to draw Bosecrans as far as possible from his base. Every mile traveled dimin- ished the effective force of the latter and opened his communications to dangerous attack. And e contra the enemy by contracting his own lines concentrated his strength and protected his line of retreat in case THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. 165 of disaster. However, the General was sanguine and discoursed cheerfully of the future. At about nine o'clock the mist began to rise, and the sun shone out feebly. Meantime the Right Wing liad been moving since daylight, and there was an occasional boom of cannon boundiug from hill to hill. THE CENTER. General J^egley's division waited at I^olensville until ten o'clock for his train to cross from the Wilson pike, where he left it the day before to move up in support of Davis. He now moved to the east over a rugged and difficult by-road with instructions to connect with Crittenden's right flank near Stew- artsboro on the Murfreesboro pike. In consequence of the heav}^ rain of the previous night, Rousseau found the cross-roads from the Wilson pike nearly impassable, and consequently did not reach Xolens- ville with his troops and train until night. Walker's brigade, by order of General Thomas, retraced its steps from Brentwood and crossed over to the ITolensville pike. ^N'egley's march was successfully executed but with great difficulty, though without obstruction from the enemy. THE RIGHT WING. General McCook was prepared to move at daylight. The Second Division, Brigadier General Johnson com- manding, in advance, supported by the Third Division, Brigadier General Sherridan commanding ; the First Division, Brigadier General Davis, in reserve ; tlie Fifteenth Pennsylvania and the First and Second Tennessee Cavalry in front, ui^der General Stanley. 166 THE ADVANCE OX SATURDAY. The fog was so dense that it was impossible to distinguish objects a hundred and fifty yards distant. Movement was therefore greatly retarded. About two miles from camp, General Johnson's vanguard — Brigadier General Kirk's brigade in advance— encoun- tered the enemy in strong force of cavalry, infantry, and artillery. A sharp fire was opened upon John- son, but the fog was so dense that it was impo^siblo to distinguish friend from foe. Our own flank skirm- ishers had fired upon Stanley's cavalry, and General McCook being unfamiliar with the ground, and bavins: ascertained that Hardee had been in line of battle all night waiting for him, deemed it prudent to delay further operations until the fog lifted. At one o'clock the mist being partially dissipated the columns moved forward, the Thirty-Fourth Illinois and Twenty-lSTinth Indiana Infantry in ad- vance as skirmishers, supported by Edgarton's Ohio Battery and the Thirtieth Indiana Infantry' ; the Sev- enty-Seventh Pennsylvania and Seventy-Mnth Illinois following in line of battle in reserve. Baldwin's brigade deployed on the right of the road. Upon approaching Triune, General McCook ascertained that the main body of rebels had retired, leaving a force of cavalry with a full battery to contest the crossinfy of Wilson's Creek on the eds^e of the vil- lage, the bridge having been destroyed b}^ the enemy. Driving the rebel skirmishers before him. General Johnson, by sharp fighting, finally gained the crest of an elevation overlooking Triune, and the enemy were descried in line of battle, with their center in the village. Edgarton's Batter}'^ was immediately put in position, and opened with such efiect that the THE ADVANCE OX SATUIIDAY. 167 rebels were quickly thrown into confusion, and re- treated rapidly down the Eaglcsvilie road, Johnson's skh'inishers following as speedily as possible. It had now began to rain, and thick fog again obscured the country. The ground was also very heavy and movement was seriously retarded. General McCook therefore determined to halt. General Johnson crossed Wilson's Creek with much labor, rebuilt the bridge, and encamped on the opposite side. Through- out the day the men had displayed the steadiness and pluck of veteran soldiers, and notwithstanding the stubborn resistance they met, tliey did not lose a man, the enemy losing several. Sherridan's division also went into camp near the village, and General Davis took position at the junction of the Bully Jack road with the ^olensville pike. Tluis far all was well, but the designs of the enemy were not yet divined. THE LEFT WING. The troops of the Left Wing had been ordered to be roused an hour and a half before dawn of the 27th, to breakfiist as speedily as possible, and form under arms in line of battle before daylight. General Wood, an officer who enjoys a peculiar reputation in the army for his vigor and his vigilance, and his pre- cision in regulating guard duty, having the lead upon tiiis day, superintended the exact execution of this oi'der. An occasional shell from the opposing hights sliortly after morning dawned, showed that tliese 2")re- cantions were not lost. The Left Wing being further advanced than the Right, the former did not move forward until eleven o'clock, when AYood's division, Brigadier General Ilascali's brigade in front, took the 168 THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. lead. The entire cavalry on the Loft Wing had been directed to report to General Wood, and that officer, satisfied from the nature of the country that its posi- tion in front would be injudicious, and retard rather than aid the progress of the infantry, directed it to take position in the rear of the flanks of the leading brigade. General Hascall moved forward in two lines with skirmishers well out upon the front and flanks. llarker's and Yfagner's brigades advanced on eitlier side of the turnpike road prepared to sustain tlie advance, and especially to protect its flanks. General Wood also directed the supporting brigades to pro- tect their outward flanks by flankers, so that the advance of the column was entirely insured against any flanking operation the enemy might project. Possession of Lavergne, a mile from our front, was the first object to be attained. The approach was through open fields over fallow grounds. The enemy was strongly posted in the houses of the village, and upon the wooded higlits in the rear, from vrhence he was enabled to oppose our advance by a direct and cross-fire of musketr3\ Ilascall's brigade advanced gallantly across the field under a galling fire, and with a line of steel quickly routed the enemy tVom liis positions, the two leading regiments, Twenty- Sixth Ohio, Major Squires, and Fifty-Eighth Indiana, Colonel Buell, losing some twenty men, all of whom were wounded, one of them mortally. Ilascall's brigade, supported by Estep's Eighth Indiana Battery pressed forward ^igorousl}^, encount- ering the enemy constantly in tb.o numerous cedar brakcrj which afforded them covei', but the enthusi- I THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. 169 asm of our troops was irresistible. The rebels found but little time to rest before they were driven in con- fusion to new positions. General Wood, constantly on the alert, was watching every movement with jealous eye, permitting nothing to escape him, and the troops, confident in their able leader, pressed on rapidly under a drenching storm toward Stewart's Creek. It was a matter of cardinal importance to save the bridge at the crossing of the Murfreesboro road, and General Wood strained every nerve to accomplish that object. The creek is narrow and deep, flowing between rugged and precipitous banks. The destruction of the bridge would retard progress, and involve the necessity of constructing a new one. The advance pressed so hotly upon the heels of the enemy that they saw them cross the stream at double- quick, the artillery horses under whip and spur. It was afterward ascertained that this rapid maneuver was executed by Brigadier General Maney's brigade. The enemy, however, took time to kindle a fire upon the bridge, expecting from the opposite side to repel any eflbrt to extinguish it, but the line of skirmishers and Colonel McKee's Third Kentucky Infantry, which had now been sent to the front, daslied gallantly for- ward under a sharp fire of musketry and extinguished the flames. While the skirmishers were performing this brilliant exploit, Ilascall's left flank was attacked by cavalry. The line immediately changed front to the left, repulsed the attack quickly, and a company of the One Hundredth Illinois Infantry succeeded in cutting off and capturing twenty-five prisoners with their arms, and twelve horses with their accouter- 15 170 THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. ments. The enemy now fell back some distance from the creek, leaving strong pickets npon tlie crest of the hill near the bridge. General AVood had pressed them so sharply that tliey left tents standing upon the southern side of the creek, and the encamp- ment was strewn with arms. A STEEPLE CHASE. Meantime, after passing Lavergne, the xN"ineteenth Brigade, Colonel W. B. Hazen commanding, was directed to proceed via the Jefferson pike to Stewart's Creek to save the bridge at that crossing if possible. E'inety cavalry of the Fourth Michigan, under com- mand of Captain Maxey, reported to Colonel Hazen, and they vrere placed under charge of his Acting Assistant Inspector General, Captain James Me- Cleery, Forty-First Ohio Infantrj^, with directions to clap spurs to the troop as soon as the enemy were started, and not slack rein until the bridge was crossed. The distance did not exceed five miles. Flankers were thrown out, and the infantry and artil- lery were urged forward at a speed that kept them within supporting distance of the cavalry. The enemy were less than three miles from the bridge. McCleery and Maxey, by following Ilazen's nervy directions to the letter, made an exciting steeple chase of the whole affair. The rebels outnumbered our gallant little detachment fully five to one, but they went over the bridge at a slashing pace, Maxey's troopers charging at their heels. After crossing they formed upon the opposite side of the creek, but were soon dispersed by onr artillery. In this brilliant affair i THE ADVANCE ON SATURDAY. 171 we lost one trooper killed and two were captured. We captured ten prisoners, killed one commissioned officer and several men. Colonel Kennett had been slashing at the rebel cavalry all day, and by a gallant dash succeeded in cutting off and capturing a detachment of thirty-six men of Colonel John T. ^lorgan's Alabama regi- ment. The field was now clear to the line of Stew- art's Creek on the left. JSTegley's division closed up on General Crittenden's right, and General McCook was quietly encamped in the mud at Triune. The General Commanding remained at his quarters until noon receiving reports, and in the evening rode to the left front to inspect the position. lie expressed great satisfaction with the results of the day's oper- ations, especially commending the vigor and skill exhibited by General Wood and Colonel Ilazen. 172 THE EKEMY IN LINE-' OF BATTLE. CHAPTE R XXI. Operations on Sunday and Monday — General Rosecrans at the Front — Picket Skirmishing — Prospects for Monday — Headquarters at Lavergne— Rousseau joins the Center— McCook's Reconnoissance — Willich's Brigade Captures Prisoners — Operations on Monday — Hardee Retires to Murfreesboro — Battle Indicated— The Left Wing in front of Murfreesboro — Crittenden Ordered to Occupy the Town — Exploit of Harker's Brigade — Monday Night. General Eosecrans had frequently expressed his opposition to military operations upon the Sabbath, unless they were indispensible. It was, therefore, a foregone conclusion that Sunday, December 28th, would be a day of comparative rest. There was both principle and policy in halting. The troops needed rest, Rousseau's division was still at Nolensville, and it was desirable that he should join the Center; it was essential, also, to ascertain the object of Hardee's move- ments. If he had retired to Shelby ville, it indicated a withdrawal of Bragg's army from Murfreesboro. If he had merely fallen back to Murfreesboro, it justified conclusion that the enemy had determined to meet us in a general engagement in that vicinity. The General Commanding rose early, as usual, on Sunday morning, and devoted an hour to religious exercises. Rev. Father Trecy officiating at Mass. Garesch^, and a few soldiers of the Tenth Ohio Vol- unteers, knelt at the same altar. Providence smiled that morning, too, for the mist was swept away by a strong western breeze, and the sun broke through the THE ENEMY IN LINE OP BATTLE. 173 clouds, sliining with genial luster. About noon, Gen- eral Rosecrans, attended by his entire stafi', cantered down the Murfreesboro pike to the extreme front, and observed the enemy from the north bank of Stewart's creek. A battery, supported by a considerable force of mounted rebels, was distinctly visible upon a com- manding elevation of the road a mile south of the stream. The woods on the opposite side of the creek were swarming with pickets of the enemy, and noisy firing, at long musket range, was going on at various points above and below the road, but without casual- ties of serious consequence on either side — a very interesting but an unprofitable exercise. There was a general concurrence among the numerous officers upon the ground that the opposite side of the stream w^as so admirably adapted for defense that the enemy would be apt to resist our crossing in force. Many supposed that they were then contemplating the great battle-ground which was to decide the fate of Middle Tennessee. Appropriate dispositions were made to meet the anticipated engagement. After a brief visit to General Crittenden's quarters, in the forest on the right of the road, a mile from the creek. General liosecrans returned to headquarters, which had been advanced to Lavergne. Meantime Rousseau's division was laboriously wind- ing through the rude defiles from E'olensville toward the Murfreesboro pike to take its proper position in column. Night had fallen before his jaded men, and weary teams finished their severe march. The Right Yving, excepting Brigadier General Aug'ist AVillich's brigade, which had been sent in pursuit of Hardee's column, remained over Sunday in 174 THE ENEMY IN LINE OF BATTLE. the position in which it halted Saturday night. Gen- eral Willich followed the enemy to Rigg's cross-roads, ahout seven miles below Triune, capturing forty-one rebels of his rear guard, and ascertaining that Hardee had withdrawn his corps to Mnrfreesboro. It was therefore certain that Bragg intended to accept battle. The troops sunk to rest that night, anticipating a san- guinary conflict on the morrow. THE RIGHT WING ON MONDAY. It was expected that sunrise of Monday, the 29th, would be saluted by roar of artillery. The troops were under arms before daybreak, and as soon as it was light, the columns marched toward Mnrfreesboro — seven miles from Stewartsboro. General McCook detached Baldwin's brigade, of Johnson's division, to remain as a corps of observation at Triune, and moved toward Mnrfreesboro on the Bully Jack road, Gen. Davis' division in advance, TV^oodruff 's brigade in front, supported by Sherridan's division, the Sec- ond Division, General Johnson, in reserve, Stanley's cavalry in the front. In consequence of the mud and the ruggedness of the road, marching was extremely difficult. Upon arriving at Stewart's Creek, it was reported that the enemy had shown in strong force on the opposite side, but General Stanley soon contra- dicted it, reporting the road clear; and the column moved with but little obstruction to the Wilkinson pike, on Overall's Creek, within three and a half miles of Mnrfreesboro, at which point the advance division went into bivouac in line of battle, the left brigade resting on the Wilkinson pike. THE ENEMY IN LINE OF BATTLE. 175 THE CENTER. General jSTegley's division of the Center crossed Stewart's Creek two miles south-west and above the bridge on the Murfreesboro pike, supporting the head and right flank of Crittenden's corps, ^\'wich moved on the turnpike. The cavalry rear guard of the enemy contested the advance obstinately, but with only trifling casualties on either side. Rousseau remained in camp at Stewartsboro, detaching Stark- weather's brigade, with a section of artillery, to the Jefferson pike crossing of Stone River to observe the movements of the enemy in that direction. Walker's brigade moved over from the Nolensville pike, and encamped at Stewartsboro about dark. THE LEFT WING. Grose's brigade, of Palmer's division, with a regi- ment of skirmishers in front, took the advance of the Left Wing, on the west side of the Murfreesboro pike, Parson's Fourth United States Artillery shelling the forests in front ; Wagner's brigade, of Wood's division, in front on the eastern side of the pike, with Ilarker's brigade covering his left, Cruft's and Hascall's brigades in reserve, in column, Yan Cleve's division in the rear. liazen's brigade was marching to the front from the bridge over Stev/art's Creek, at the Jefferson pike crossing;. The leadine; bri^'ades moved at ten o'clock across Stewart's Creek, and advanced in line of battle, skirmishing with the enemy, who fell back rapidly, but resisting. The Left Wing continued to advance steadily in this manner, driving the enemy from cover constantly, until at about three o'cloclc in the after- 176 THE ENEMY IN LINE OF BxiTTLE. noon, it reached Stone River. The enemy were now discovered in great force in front of Murfreesboro, in line of battle, and it was evident that they were pre- pared to resist further progress in general engagement. THE ENEMY IN FRONT. General Rosecrans meantime had moved forward to Stewartsboro, and established field quarters at Bridge's house, where he was joined by Major General Thomas, who remained with him nearly all day. Generals "Wood and Palmer had halted for orders, in cbnse- quence of the formidable front of the enemy, the sup- porting columns being too far in the rear to justify a continuous advance. General Crittenden approved the halt, and reported to General Rosecrans. Wood's division on the left and Palmer's on the right were immediately disposed in order of battle in two lines, the front securely guarded by a continuous line of skirmishers well out in advance of their reserves. Wagner's brigade rested on the pike occu- pying a piece of wooded ground with an open field in front. Harker's brigade in the center occupied the same woods and extended toward the left into an open field, covered in front by a wave in the surface, and Ilascall's brigade was posted on the extreme left, its left resting upon Stone River — the latter running obliquely in front of the position, leaving a triangular field some hundreds of yards in breadth in front of the right, and narrowing almost to a point in front of the left. Palmer's brigade was formed in a sim- ilar manner, Cruft's left connecting with Wagner's right, with a fallow field in front; Grose on the extreme right, lN"egley and Yan Cleve moving up in THE ENEMY IN LINE OP BATTLE. 177 support some distance in the rear, their movements having been retarded by serious natural obstructions. MARCH ON MURFREESBORO. A signal message about three o'clock in the after- noon from the front from General Palmer, said that he was in sight of Murfreesboro, and the enemy were running. Whereon an order was sent by General E-osecrans to General Crittenden directino^ him to send a division to occupy Murfreesboro. General Wood, and subsequently General Palmer, deemed such a movement injudicious under the circumstances, but prepared with alacrity to obey, though representing its hazards. Harker's brigade took the advance, throwing out a strong line of skirmishers in front, and directing the Fifty-First and Seventy-Third Indi- ana, and Thirteenth Michigan regiments to cross the river simultaneously, press forward, and seize the commanding hights beyond ; the Sixty-Fourth and Sixty-Fifth Ohio Infantry and Bradley's Battery to follow in support; Hascall's brigade to follow on the left. The troops gallantly dashed forward, and as the line of skirmishers debouched from the stream on the opposite side, they were met by a crash of musketry from a regiment in front covered by thick- ets and a fence. Our lads held their fire until within short range, then let drive, and charged enthusi- astically. The rebels fell back in confusion upon their main body about five hundred yards distant, which was subsequently ascertained to be Breckin- ridge's division. The movement of the entire bri- gade was handsofnely executed, and Ilarker gained his position. But the enemy, though evidently dis- 178 THE EXEMY IN LINE OF BATTLE. concerted by tlie boldness and spirit of the attick, were obviously too strong for the little force in front. Harker, therefore, reported for orders. In the meantime, General Crittenden consenting to suspend further movement in consequence of the obvious strength of the enemy until he could report to the General Commanding, Colonel Harker was recalled in pursuance of orders received by General Crittenden countermanding the movement. To obey the order to fall back was almost as hazardous as to advance, but it was skillfully executed, Colonel Harker losing but tw^o men killed and three wounded in the whole aifair. The order for the occupation of Murfreesboro having been based upon erroneous information, the General Commanding approved the course of General Crittenden in suspending its execu- tion. The Left Wing with JSTegley's division biv- ouacked in order of battle without fires, seven hundred yards distant from the enemy's entrenchments, our left extending some five hundred yards down the river. CAVALKT OPERATIONS. Before dark General McCook had also reported that his advance was in sight of Murfreesboro. The enemy were in his front drawn up in line of battle, and reinforcements w^ere coming up from Shelbyville by railroad. In this day's operations the cavalry were signally conspicuous on the right flank. Col- onel Zahn, with part of his brigade, consisting of the First Ohio Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Minor Millikin, and part of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, Lieu- tenant Colonel Pugh, marched upon Murfreesboro by the Franklin road, but coming upon the enemy's THE ENEMY IN LINE OF BATTLE. 179 irtiilery they thought it advisable to retire, after a ;harp encounter, in which they captured six prison- ers. General Stanley moving on the Bully Jack road vith the reserve cavalry, encountered the enemy at ^Vilkinson's cross-roads, and after a series of charges Lud running fights drove them across Overall's Creek, md to a point within a half mile of the enemy's line )f battle. The conduct of the Anderson Cavalry his day elicited the generous approval of their com- nander, who reported officially that they '' behaved nost gallantly, pushing at full charge upon the enemy or six miles. Unfortunately their advance fronted 00 recklessly ; having dispersed their cavalry, the roops fell upon two regiments of rebel infantry in imbush, and after a gallant struggle were compelled retire, with the loss of Major Rosengarten and six nen killed, and the brave Major Ward and five men lesperately wounded." Unhappily the loss of their wo gallant Majors demoralized them, and a spirit of ealousy and strife, which was subsequently engen- lered in the regiment, destroyed its usefulness. On the left flank, Colonel Minty was skirmishing ightly with the enemy all day. The Seventh Penn- ylvania. Major Wyukoop, on the extreme left, the fhird Kentucky, Colonel Murray, on the right, the fourth Michigan, Lieutenant Colonel Dickinson, in ■eserve, the Second Indiana Cavalry on courier duty. THE GENERAL COMMANDING AT THE FRONT. The General Commanding remained at Bridge's :iouse during the entire day receiving reports and giving orders. His mind v/as absorbed in his busi- less to the exclusion of all other themes. He seemed 180 THE ENEMY IN LINE OF BATTLE. more anxious about the situation on the right, and was much gratified when General McCook's success- ful progress was reported. The mutually conlirm- atory reports from the commanders of the Eight and Left Wings, removed all shadow of doubt concerning the disposition of the enemy. Orders were sent to the former to form two of his divisions in two lines, with one division in reserve, sending a reconnoitering force down toward Salem on his right. ]^egley would form in two lines in front in the center, Rousseau supporting him. Crittenden's corps was to form Hke McCook's. Stanley and Kennett were again enjoined to guard well the ilanks with their cavalry. Some time after dark, headquarters were established on the south bank of Stewart's Creek. After sup- per, the General Commanding, attended by Lieuten- ant Colonel Garesch^, Lieutenant Kirby, Lieutenant Bond, Colonel Barnet, Major Skinner, and Father Trecy, who never deserted him, proceeded to the front, and after observing the situation, he took quar- ters in a little wood hard by the Murfreesboro pike. General Crittenden and the respective staffs of the two Generals, enveloped in blankets, squeezed them- selves into a little rickety log-cabin and lay down to sleep. The Pioneer Brigade, under Captain St. Chair Morton, had arrived at Stewart's Creek that afternoon, and by four o'clock next morning, when they were ordered to the front, had constructed two bridges across the stream. The clangor of their axes was heard all night echoing in the dreary forests. The darkness seemed to bear upon its wings strange, ominous sounds. Thousands thought it the niglit before battle, and put up their prayers to God. ii FIGHTINO FOR POSITION. 181 CHAPTER XXII. Tuesday, December 30 — The First Shot at the General Commanding — An Orderly Decapitated — Skirmishing on the Left — Field Quar- ters Established — Military Groupings — A Growl on the Right — Music — Gareschd and his Missal — An Old Woman's Dream — Stone River — The Rebel Position — Orders to General McCook — Reports — Obstinate Resistance of the Enemy — Ominous Sounds on the Left — Starkweather's Combat — Rebel Cavalry in the Rear — The Tenth Ohio Distinguishing Itself — Rosecrans Orders McCook to Prepare for Battle — Better Prospects — Operations of the Day. Tuesday, the oOtli of December, dawned drearily. It had rained heavily during the night. The surface of the earth was a heavy muck — such a soil as caused ITapoleon to delay attack from six o'clock until eleven. The sun was shut out by heavy masses of clouds, and thick mist was floating in the atmosphere, obscuring vision and oppressing the senses. The soldiers, who had lain all night in the mud without fires, stood to their arms shivering in saturated garments long before daylight. They had plenty to eat, but that was their only comfort. But as they fared, so fared their offi- cers, save when they slept their officers were vigilant. The Leader was among the earliest to start from his blankets — as he had been among the last who had slept at all to seek rest. At half-past three o'clock that morning, Major General McCook reported to him in person, and was instructed to rest the left of his line upon the right of General ISTegley's line, and to 182 FIGHTING FOU POSITION. throw his right forward uutil it w^as parallel, or nearl}^ so, with Stone Elver, the extreme right to rest on or near the Franklin road— General McCook describing the field which furnished the base for this order. Tlio order of the Center and Left Wing were to remain as already described— Kegley's two brigades in the cen- ter, Palmer on his left, Wood on the extreme left, Yan Cleve on the left in reserve. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD. About seven o'clock, Crittenden's hnes moved up a little, and the enemy opened a brisk but ineffective fire. I^egley pushed laboriously forward through the heavy cedar thickets, the pioneers cutting roads through the timber for the passage of his trains. The General Commanding, not yet mounted, stood in front of his quarters watching the progress of affairs when the fire opened upon Crittenden. Presently an officer who had been wounded was borne to the rear on a stretcher. Directly the enemy trained a gun at headquarters. The first compliment whizzed over a little crest and ricochetted in the road. The next cannon ball was in better range, striking nearer the General. The third whizzed almost in a line with him, and carried away the head of McDonald, of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, one of the orderlies. It w^as deemed prudent to remove, and the General and staff rode up the slope to a less exposed position, halting at a solitary panel of fence under three vigor- ous young trees, perhaps a hundred yards from the pike on the left— a point from whence movements were observed during the day. It had begun to rain again, and the prospect was dismal. FIGHTING FOR POSITION. 183 A canopy of rails, supported by a rider upon crotchets, was constructed, and several gutta-percha blankets spread over them, enabled the staff to write orders under shelter. Every member of the staff proper was now with the Chief. General Crittenden and his staff swelled the group. Colonel John Kennett and his Adjutant, Chamberlain, had reported in obedience to orders. Otis was there superintend- ing the transmission of orders by couriers. The escorts of Rosecrans and Crittenden, with orderlies, were drawn up in the rear holding horses. The Fourth Regular Cavalry were in line behind a crest, perhaps two or three hundred yards in the rear. After a while a petulant bicker of musketry in 'Neg- (ey's front, occasionally a growl of cannon away over on the right, indicated that the enemy were finding cause of quarrel. Thousands of troops, forming the second line, were visible as far as the eye could reach, stalking about the mucky fallow grounds near their posts, or lounging upon their blankets, their bayonets fixed and sunk into the soil, v/ith butts of muskets uppermost, as if this was a field of fire-arms ripening for a harvest. As the muttering in the distance grew more ominous, the superb band of the Fourth Cavalry soothed the growing discord with noble harmony; and as the "Star Spangled Banner" swelled and rolled in spirit-stirring volume over the somber plains, stout-hearted fellows greeted the welcome music with joyful clamor. A fire had been kindled in front of field quarters, and a fence was constructed around it for seats. OfBcers, enveloped in uncouth rubber ponchos, with gutta-percha covers on their heads, reminders of chiv- 184 riGnxiNG for position. alrous kiiiglits armed cap-a-pie, clustered around the roaring flames, and while battle waged in the forest tliey eked comfort from tlie blaze and waxed jolly. Why not? Doubtless they had made their peace with God. Perhaps to-day or to-morrow they may die. Men learn to toy with the grim majesty of death. There is often a gay insoiisiance in the midst of horrors that thrills you when reflection seizes you in solitude. "Who of us will go up to-morrow?" quoth one. "^N'ot I," "E'or I," say each. When all enter the iminent deadly breach, who may survive? Yet who thinks it will be himself? THE FOLLOWING OF CHRIST. There was one in that assemblage who felt not thus. He was sitting alone, aside, at the foot of one of the trees, leaning against it. In his hands, partially con- cealed by the flowing folds of his overcoat, there was a little book — a Missal — ''De Imitatione Christi." He carried it in his pocket habitually. A few had observed his custom. Yet he was as stealthy as a woman with a sw^eet missive from a lover. Had he dreamed that he appeared in the least ostentatious, he would have blushed to his temples. He bowed meekly over his book; his lips muttered inaudibly; the index finger of his right hand described the imaginary cross with which men of his religion symbolize their faith. He was no more conscious that he was observed by mortal man than a little child is capable of crime. He communed upon the battle-field with God. The witness shuddered with indescribable emotion. Gar- eschd felt that he was a doomed man. On the morrow the comrade who shuddered, shuddered the more FIGHTING FOR POSITION. 185 when tlie scene premonished under that tree became a horrible realit3^ It was very curious. An old woman at St. Louis — a poor distraught creature, who fancied she had inspirations superior to mortal gifts — dreamed that Garesch^ would be killed in his first battle. She warned him, and he smiled with amiable contempt. He was at Washington — she on the Mis- sissippi. A year later, and he was in front of Mur- freesboro. But a presentiment had possessed his mind. He left Washington to join Eosecrans, fixed in the somber belief that he would fall in his first battle. This was confided to a near relative. He never spoke of it to others. We shall see how cheer- fully he devoted himself. GROUPINGS IN THE FIELD. There were various groupings tliat may yet elicit the skill of a graceful limner. The Chief, Garesch(^, God- dard, Tliompson, Thoms, Bond, in the center — pen- cil and paper, orders — couriers flying away, couriers swiftly approaching, aids galloping over the field^ ofli- cers reporting; the Chief grave, anxious, absorbed. Crittenden and his staff waiting orders. Ofiicers with glasses scanning the line, which to-morrow will be a line of blood. A troop, a squadron, a regiment of horse skirring over the plain ; columns moving through the forest; great trains lumbering in the highway; cannon rumbling on the stony road. Cold winds blew from the north-west about noon and swept the mist and the smoke from camp-fires in the thick- ets over the enemy, and the cheerful sun gleamed out strongly but fitful through clefts between clouds, which looked like gaps separating mountains. The 16 186 FIGHTIXG FOR POSITION. enemy were visible in front, anxious, and observant in groups with glasses, as we were. FIGHTING FOR POSITION. According to descriptions of the geography of t]]e rebel position and of the topography of the country in their front, furnished by General McCook, orders had been given him which consumed the day in exe- cution. His extreme right refused to the enemy was to rest on or near the Franklin pike, tracing a wooded ridge along the front of the enemy until his left con- nected with the Center. Early in the morning, 'Neg- ley had obliqued to the right in order to bring his line into position, Stanley's brigade on the right, Miller's on the left, joining Graft's brigade of Palmer's divi- sion, left wing. Rousseau's three brigades had been ordered forward early, and they got into position in reserve about four o'clock — Starkweather's being on the Jefferson pike. The reports which reached the General Command- ing, were not reassuring. The energies of the Center and Right Wing were engaged in fighting for posi- tion. E"egley, under Thomas, was meeting resistance \ which amounted almost to battle. Thunder of can- non and rattle of musketry swelling upon the right was still more ominous. McCook was instructed to feel his way cautiously but firmly. Before noon artil- lery was heard away ofiT on our left. It was unex- pected, and therefore menacing. Colonel Kennett was directed to inquire into it, and the facts were subse- quently reported. A train of sixty wagons, proceed- ing toward the bridge on the Jefferson pike, was attacked while the head of the train was going into FIGHTING FOR POSITION. 187 park at Starkweather's camp, near the bridge. His brigade, numbering seventeen hundred men, was quickly deployed, the Twenty-First Wisconsin, Col- onel Ilobart, dividing to the front and rear of the train, the First "Wisconsin, Lieutenant Colonel Bing- ham, on the flanks as skirmishers, the Twenty-Fourth Illinois, Colonel Mihalotzy, at the bridge crossing with a section of Stone's First Kentucky Battery, the Seventy-Xinth Pennsylvania, Colonel Ilambright, and two sections of Stone's Batterv, o'oinf^ to the front under Colonel Starkweather. A detachment of fifty of the Second Kentucky Cavalry, Captain Craddock, was sent to the front to feel the enemy and were at once engaged. The enemy, three thousand five hund- red strong, under Brigadier General Wheeler, and Colonel Allen, advanced on foot supported by two howitzers. A sharp combat lasting two hours and a half ensued. Starkv/eather's gallant brigade, how- ever, finally repulsed the enemy with severe loss, his own casualties being one killed, eight wounded, one hundred and four missing, and nine captured. Eighty- three of the enem}^ including a Lieutenant Colonel, were killed outright, and eight were captured — two of whom were mortally wounded. Their wound- ed were numerous, but the enemy removed them. Wheeler, however, succeeded in destroying twenty wagons in the rear of the train. The troops of the brigade behaved gallantly. EXCITING REPORTS. At noon. General McCook reported that Colonel Zahn had discovered a brigade of rebel cavalry with three pieces of artillery on tlie Franklin pike, evi- 188 FIGHTING FOR POSITION. dently menacing our communications. Later in the day they made a dash on the Murfreesboro pike, directly in our rear, cutting off a train of wagons. Rousseau's division having moved to the front. Col- onel J. W. Burke's Tenth Ohio Infantry, which had been left to guard Headcjuarters' camp, at Stewarts- bore, immediately moved in pursuit under that gal- lant officer and recaptured the train. Ilarrassing reports were constantly arriving, indicating a general eflbrt on the part of the enemy to cut ofi* our trains in the rear, and sever communications with Nashville, causing anxiety to the General Commanding. Gen- eral McCook reported strong resistance, with Hardee in his front. At a quarter before four o'clcok. Cap- tain II. I^. Fisher, Volunteer Aid to General McCook, reported to the General Commanding that Kirby Smith's corps and Breckinridge's division had con- centrated in front of the Left Wing. " Tell General McCook," said the Chief, that "if he is assured that such is the fact he may drive Hardee sharply if he is ready. At all events tell him to prepare for battle to-morrow morning. Tell him to fight as if the fate of a great battle depended upon him. "While he holds Hardee, the Left, under Crittenden, will swing round and take Murfreesboro. Let Hardee attack if he wants to. It will suit us exactly." " It is looking better," said the Chief, moving around to the fire. Soon after it was reported that the enemy had cap- tured Lavergne, w^ith thirty troops and the telegraph operator, besides interrupting the line of couriers. ilN'ot much later General Thomas reported successfud progress in front of the Center, and was directed to press the enemy at his discretion. General McCook FIGHTING FOR POSITION. 189 reported Sherridan's division moving steadily into the position assigned him ; Davis on his right, fighting vigoronsl J bnt gaining ground. ^' Things look bright, gentlemen — brighter than they did this morning," said the Chief cheerfully, and for the first time during the day he indulged in pleasantry. All this time there v^^as an angry chatter of musketry in the cen- ter and on the right, while great guns roared inces- santly — very much resembling battle. It is now time to follow the respective movements of the columns. THE LEFT WING "Was already in position in order of battle in two lines, Cruft's, Grose's, Wagner's, and Ilarker's bri- gades in front, with Hazen's and Ilascall's brigades, and Yan Cleve's division, in reserve. The rebel sharpshooters kept up a harrassing fire all day, and at four o'clock in the afternoon General Palmer was ordered to advance and make a demonstration with all his artillery. The enemy retahated, and there was a grand fusilade, but nothing serious grew out of it. THE CENTER. ^N'egley had obliqued to the right, and with the Sev- enty-Eighth Pennsylvania and Nineteenth Illinois in front skirmishing, he fought his way into position over rugged ground, beset with cedar-brakes, and against obstinate resistance. He was also formed m two lines, with Rousseau's division in reserve. THE RIGHT WING. At half past nine o'clock iji tlio morning. General McCook moved his column down the Wilkinson pike 190 FIGHTING FOR POSITION. toward Murfreesboro. Shcrridan's division bad the lead, Roberts' brigade in advance, with a regiment of cavalry in front. 'Not long after crossing Overall's Ci'eek, tlie infantr}^ pickets of tlie rebels were encoun- tered. Sberridan bad tbrown a regiment of skirm- isbers to tbe front, but wben tliey readied a point witbin two miles and tbree-quarters of Murfreesboro, tbe enemy sbowed so strongly in front tbat two regiments — tbe Twenty-Second and Forty-Second Illinois — were required to drive tbem. Tbey resisted obstinately, bringing batteries into play occasionally. Complying witb orders from General McCook, General Sberridan now formed in line of battle and placed bis artillery in position — on tbe rigbt of and obliquely to tbe pike — four regiments to tbe front, four in close support, and Sbaefier's brigade in re- serve in columns of regiments in rear of tbe center. General Davis formed upon bis rigbt in similar man- ner, with Carlin's brigade on tbe rigbt to direct the movements of tbe division. In consequence of a demonstration of the enemy toward Davis' rigbt, Kirk's brigade, of Johnson's division, was formed still further to the right, with his own right refused to protect tbat flank. Edgarton's Battery took posi- tion upon an elevation on the right flank and opened his full battery with splendid effect, driving the ene- my back in confusion, disabling pieces, killing horses and men. A second battery in Post's front was also silenced in a few moments. The enemy, covered by a heavy belt of timber in Sherridan's and Davis' front, had succeeded in re- tarding their progress, but Davis' division and Sher- ridan's right brigade were now ordered to swing by FIGHTING FOR POSITION. 191 the right, so as to face nearly east, but in ejffecting this movement Davis met with severe loss. Carlin foiuid his right within one hundred and eighty yards of a rebel battery at Smith's house. He had intended to halt here for Post's and Woodruff's brigades to come up, but Colonel Alexander, commanding the Twenty- First Illinois, acting upon his own responsibility, charged gallantly at the battery, and upon attaining a point within eighty yards of it, the enemy aban- doned their guns. The regiment continued its career, but directly it recoiled before a furious fire opened suddenly by infantry concealed behind fences and out- houses. The battery which Edgarton silenced soon after w^as also harrassing them, and Colonel Alexan- der, seeing no alternative, was constrained to retire. Tlie conduct of his regiment, however, was admirable. The two divisions, with one of Johnson's brigades^ had now been quite sharply engaged, losing about two hundred men, and it was verging upon sunset. The maneuver wdiicli had been directed was successfully executed, and McCook soon saw his command in the position for which it had struggled so inflexibly. Sherridan's left, resting upon the A\"ilkinsou pike, con- nected with E"egley's right, his right resting in the timber, his reserve brigade in the rear of his center. Davis' left was closed in npon Sherridan's right, with his own right deflected so that it formed nearly a right angle with Sherridan's. Subsequently Brigadier Gen- eral Kirk's left joined Davis' right; and General Wil- lich's brigade, with liis right at the Franklin road, refused so as to protect the flank, was posted upon the extreme right of the entire line of battle. Meantime, Baldwin's brigade, which had been ordered forward 192 FIGHTIXG FOR POSITIO:^. from Triune, had joined General Johnson earl}' in the afternoon (of the 30th), and went into camp in reserve, about eight hundred ^^ards in the rear. The entire cavahy force of the army, exce})tiiig details for courier and escort duty, were engaged protecting the flanks that day, skirmishing a little. General Stanley, with a small force, went hack to Lavergne, to watch the rebel operations in the rear. PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 193 CHAPTER XXIII. The Line of Battle— Right, Left, and Center— The Field— Picket Guards — Vigilance of Commanders — Position of the Enemy — Head- quarters of the General Commanding the Night before Battle — McCook's Information from the Enemy — Instructions to McCook — The Plan of Battle — Explanations — The Order of Battle by Bri- gades — Address to the Army — The Army on the Eve of Battle. There was now a continuous line of battle in two lines, with reserves, in position, describing an irreg- ular figure about three miles in length, and tracing in a general direction north-east and south-west. It was nearly parallel with that of the enemy. The left rested on Stone River, the right stretching rather south-westerly, and resting on high wooded ground, south of and near the Franklin pike. The right bri- gade (Willich's) flanked in a line nearly perpendicular to the main line, forming a crotchet to the rear to guard against a flank movement. The Eight Wing generally occupied a wooded ridge, with open ground in front. A valley, narrowing from right to left, say from four hundred to two hundred and fifty yards, separated it from the enemy, who were covered by dense cedar thickets, oak forests, and, as was subse- quently discovered, rude breastworks of loose stones, rails, and brush. The Center was posted on a rolling slope in advance, but joining Crittenden's right and McCook's left. In front, a heavy growth of oak timber extended toward ^ 17 194 PLAN OF THE BATTLE. the river, which was ahout a mile distant. A narrow thicket diagonally crossed llTegley's left, and skirted the base of a cultivated slope, expanding to the width of a mile as it approached the Murfreesboro pike. The enemy were posted on the crest of this slope, behind intrenchments, which extended with inter- vals from the oak timber in IsTegley's front to Stone E/iver, on our left, obliquing to our left front, with a battery of six guns in position near the woods, about eight hundred yards from l^egley's front. The ene- my's columns were massed behind this timber on the river bank. The right brigade of the Left "Wing rested upon a wood, the next stretched across an open cotton field into a thin grove, and the left brigades were also par- tially covered by timber, with open ground in front. The enemy occupied a commanding crest in the open field, perhaps eight hundred yards distant from our line. The railroad on high ground, to the left of the pike, the turnpike on low ground, intersected the Left Wing on Palmer's left, and crossed each other near the rebel line in a depression, forming a sharp tri- angle, the base of which, a half mile in the rear, was about five hundred yards wide. About half way between the two lines were the scarified walls of a brick dwelling, now famous as ''Cowan's Burnt House," occupying a knoll, with a peach orchard on the north side. The great struggle for mastery finally took place in this front, behind the apex of the tri- angle. In rear of our line the country was undulating and rough, excepting on the left. Behind the Right Wing and Center, there were alter nata fallow fields, fences. PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 195 and dense cedar thickets and ridges. The left moved into line over an undulating cornfield, which had one distinct trace ranging south-westerly from Stone Eiver until it gradually fell off into a shallow bluff on the right of the pike on the west, and sloped southerly from a crest which fronted the enemy. On the rump of this trace there was a small grove of saplings. Behind it a hundred yards distant, perhaps, and near the railroad, a family cemetery, shaded by a clump of stunted cedars. This graveyard is now populous with dead patriots. On tlie right of the pike, going south, there was an irregular triangular cottonfield swelling to a crest, a hundred and fifty yards on the right of the pike, when it fell off into thicket-skirted swamps at the northern angle, and sloped almost imperceptibly in a southerly direction into an open marsh, skirted on its opposite side behind Cruft's brigade, by dense cedar-brakes. Its southern base opened clearly in front of the enemy's right center. Behind this field, on the north side, was an oak forest, with cedar under- skirting, verging upon the highway, the ground swell- ing with a rocky surface in a north-westerly direction. All this is historical ground, sacred to the memory of thousands of gallant soldiers who fought over it and hxvished their blood upon it — a frank offering to their country. Their moldering bones are monuments of their sacrifice. PRECAUTIONS. A strong continuous line of pickets stretched from the extreme right to the extreme left in front of the entire lino of battle, and cavalry was posted on either flank. General WiUich, ever vigilant and careful, 196 PLAN OF THE BATTLE. posted his pickets seven hundred yards in his front, and patroled six hundred yards beyond. In conse- quence of the propinquity of his line to the rebel front, General Kirk was not able to post his picket line so for in advance, but he pushed it to the utmost limit ; and he complained that he was obliged to extend his line unduly to cover a gap between his left and the right of General Davis. The necessary pre- cautions were taken by all the other commanders. General Wood, however, exercising his characteristic caution and care, had also caused three days' subsist- ence, and twenty rounds of cartridges additional to be issued to his men. His artillery horses were kept attached to their pieces, and extraordinary vigilance was enjoined upon his commanders and troops, in order to be prepared for all emergencies. In these respects, as in the Held, the soldierly qualities of Gen- eral Wood shone conspicuousl}^ His vigor and skill in pushing the enemy from Lavergne to Stewart's Creek and Stone River had before elicited the earnest approval of the General Commanding. POSITION OF THE ENEMY. Stone Eiver, a summer stream — a ribbon in dog- days, but a wild torrent in spring-time, sweeping bridges and the debris of forests before its volume — is a cleft between high bluffy banks, tracing in a gen- eral direction from south to north, with many sinu- osities. It curves abruptly toward Murfreesboro on the western side of the town, and the enemy availed themselves of the horse-shoe. Their right intersected Stone Eiver, nearly parallel with our left front, and rested upon hi^hts on the east side of the river, their PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 197 extreme right obliqued to correspond with the course of the river, toward our left. The left of their Eight Wing and their Center w^ere posted behind intrench- ments on the crest of a cottonfield, which sloped gradually toward our front, rather abruptly in their rear. Their left was prolonged upon the trace of a bluffy, rocky ridge, south of the Franklin road, and covered the roads going southward toward Shelby- ville. Their Center was an obtuse angle, trending north-westerly, their right and left somewhat retired. The slopes toward the river covered their columns. At this period the river was at its lowest ebb, fordable at any point where roads could be cut to it, so that the enemy could retire across it without obstruction, if necessary, while it formed a natural fosse against us, difficult to cross in the face of opposition. HEADQUAETERS THE NIGHT BEFORE BATTLE. At sunset the marquee of the General Commanding, and a few tents for his staff, were pitched on the knoll hard by the little graveyard, in the most exposed position on the field. The railroad was the toss of a penny in the rear. lie remained until dark at his field quarters under the three trees, wdien he repaired to camp. General Crittenden's quarters were a stone's throw to the north; those of General Thomas and General Ilousseau in a rickety cabin further in the rear; and General McCook's near Mr. Harding's house, in the rear of the center of his own line. Meantime, McCook had sent a captured citizen, under guard to General Rosecrans, with the informa- tion that the enemy were massing their forces upon 198 PLAN OF THE BATTLE. his right. The citizen said to McCook, " I was up to the enemy's hne of battle twice yesterday, and once this morning, to get some stock taken from me. The enemy's troops are posted in the following manner : The right of Cheatham's division rests on the Wil- kinson pike. Withers is on Cheatham's left, with his left resting on the Franklin road. Hardee's corps is entirely beyond that road, his right resting on that road, and his left extending toward the Salem pike." General McCook also reported that his right rested directly in front of the rebel Center, which gave him some anxiety. He therefore posted Kirk's and Wil- lich's brigades on the right of Davis, extending his line south of the Franklin road. Upon receiving this information. General E.osecrans directed McCook to build large and extensive camp fires beyond his right, to induce the enemy to believe he was massing troops there, and the order v/as executed by Major JSTodine, of McCook's staff. When General McCook informed the General Commanding that his corps was facing strongly toward the east, the latter told him that "such a direction to his line did not appear to him a proper one, but that it ought, with the exception of his left, to face much more nearly south, with John- son's division in reserve; but that this matter must be confided to him, who knew the ground over which he had fought." INSTRUCTIONS TO M'cOOK. At about six o'clock in the evening. General Ros- ecrans dictated the following instructions to General McCook for the following day. They were written PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 199 by Captain R. S. Thorns, Volunteer Aiddecamp, and by him they were forwarded to McCook, to wit: '' Take strong position. If the enemy attack you, fall back slowly, refusing your right, contesting the ground inch hj inch. If the enemy does not attack you, you will attack them, not vigorously, but warmly. The time of attack by you to be designated by the General Commanding." , At nine o'clock the corps commanders met at head- quarters, and the following plan of battle for the morrow w^as presented and explained : PLAN OF THE BATTLE. McCook was to occupy the most advantageous position, refusing his right as much as practicable and necessary to secure it ; to receive the attack of the enemy, or, if that did not come, to attack him- self, sufficient to hold all the force on his front. Thomas and Palmer to open with skirmishing, and gain the enemy's center and left as far as the river. Crittenden to cross Van Cleve's division at the lower ford, covered and supported by the Sappers and Miners, and to advance on Breckinridge. Wood's division to follow by brigades, crossing at the upper ford, and moving on Yan Cleve's right, to carry everything before them into Murfreesboro. " This," said General Rosecrans subsequently in his official reports, " would have given us two divisions against one, and as soon as Breckinridge had been dislodged from his position, the batteries of Wood's division, taking position on the bights east of Stone River, in advance, would see the enemy's works in reverse, would dislodge them, and enable Pal- 200 PLAN OP THE BATTLE. mer's division to press them back and drive tliera westward across the river, or through the woods, while Thomas, sustaining the movement on the center, woukl advance on the right of Palmer, crush- ing their right; and Crittenden's corps, advancing, would take Murfreesboro, and then movins: westward, on the Franklin road, get on their flanks and rear, and drive them into the country, toward Salem, with the prospect of cutting off their retreat, and probably destroying their army. " It was explained to them that this combination, ensuring us a vast superiority on our left, required for its success that General McCook should be able to hold his position for three hours; that if necessary to recede at all, he should recede as he had advanced on the preceding day, slowly, as steadily, refusing his right, thereby rendering our success certain." Having thus explained the plan, the General Com- manding addressed General McCook as follows: '' To-morrow there will be battle. You know the ground; you have fought over it ; you know its difii- culties. Can you hold your present position for three hours?" To which General McCook responded : '* Yes, I think I can." The General Commanding then said : " I don't like the facing so much to the east, but must confide that to you, who know the ground. If you don't think your present the best position, change it; it is only neces- sary for you to make things sure ; " and the ofiicers then returned to their commands. THE ORDER OF BATTLE IN BRIGADE FRONTS. The order of battle by divisions, as already described, remained unchanged, but several of the front brigades PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 201 were relieved, and fell back in reserve. (To designate the transposition of regiments is impossible.) The final order of battle, by brigades from right to left, was as follows : On the extreme right. Second Division (Eight Wing), Willich's brigade, and Kirk's in front. Col- onel Baldwin's in reserve. First Division — First Brigade, Colonel P. Sydney Post; Second Brigade, Colonel W. P. Carlin ; Third Brigade, Colonel W. E. Woodruff. Third Division — First Brie^ade, Brif^adier General Sill ; Second Brigade, Colonel F. Shaefer ; Third Brigade, Colonel G. V. Roberts. Center. — Second Division — Second Brigade, Col- onel T. R. Stanley; Third Brigade, Colonel J. F. Miller. Left Wing. — Second Division — First Brigade, Brig- adier General Cruft; Second Brigade, Colonel W. B. ITazen ; Third Brigade, Colonel W. Grose (in reserve). First Division — Second Brigade. Colonel George D. Wagner; Third Brigade, Colonel Charles G. liarkcr; Fourth Brigade, Brigadier General Miles S. Ilascall. The First Division, General Van Cleve, in reserve. The artillery, generally, was posted upon the brigade flanks, with a strong reserve in the Center. Kous- seau's division was in reserve; Walker's brigade was posted at Stewartsboro to protect communica- tions, and Starkweather's brigade remained on tlje Jefferson pike. The cavalry were posted on either Ihmk of the army, with a reserve in the rear of the Center. The Pioneer Brigade was preparing fords in Stone River on the left. 202 PLAN OF THE BATTLE. ADDRESS TO THE ARMY. Before seeking repose to prepare him for the great duties of the morrow, General Rosecrans directed the following address to the soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland : Headquarters Department or tue Cumberland, In Front of Murfreesboro, December 31, 3ERLAND, | ,1802. / ORDERS. The General Commanding desires to say to the soldiers of the Array of the Cumberland, that he was well pleased with their conduct yesterday. It was all that he could have wished for. He neither saw nor heard of any skulking. They behaved with the coolness and gallantry of veterans. He now feels perfectl}'^ confident, with God's grace and their help, of striking this day a blow for the country the most crushing, perhaps, which the rebellion has yet sustained. Soldiers ! the eyes of the whole nation are upon you ; the very fate of the nation may be said to hang on the issues of this day's battle. Be true, then, to yourselves, true to your own manly charac- ter and soldierly reputation ; true to the love of your dear ones at home, whose prayers ascend this day to God for your success. Be cool. I need not ask you to be brave. Keep ranks. Do not throw away your fire. Fire slowly, deliber- ately — above all, fire low, and be always sure of your aim. Close readily in upon the enemy, and when you get within charging distance, rush upon him with the bayonet, Do this, and victory will certainly be your's. Eecollect that there are hardly any troops in the world that will stand a bayonet charge, and that those who make it, therefore, are sure to win. By command of MA JOE GENERAL EOSECRANS. J. P. GarESCHE, a a. G. and Clilefof ^tciff. PLAN OF THE BATTLE. 203 But few brigades of that splendid host had oppor- tuuity to hear it. The shock of battle was felt before the ink with which it was penned was fairly dry. THE EVE OF BATTLE. The eve of battle was dreary. It had rained nearly all day, and the atmosphere was humid. A blustering wind swept coldly from the ISTorth, whistling dismal 1}^ through the forests. Our brave soldiers, saturated to the skin, lay upon the bleak wet soil enveloped in damp blankets, unprotected by canopy save the mot- tled sky. They were weary with marching, and fighting, and standing at arms, and notwithstanding their comfortless couches, the multitudes who were not on guard fell easily to sleep. But few bivouac lires blazed through the darkness, and only a solitary bugle broke night's stillness at tattoo. Alas, too mau}^ slept that night who slumber no more in life. The sad soil upon which they reposed was made sadder before the morrow night by the warm blood which gushed from their bounding hearts. Battle would thunder upon that field at sunrise of the last day of the departing year. The General and stafi:' were crowded into less than one-third the usual allowance of tents. All super- fluous bedding and baggage had been left behind. Most of the staff had blankets, and those not on duty rolled up in them early, and sought repose. Gareschd Goddard, Thompson, Thorns, and Bond remained faithfully with the General most of the night. Gar- esch^ was alwa^^s at his elbow, faithful as a shadow, until death chose him for his own. The General's mind — active, vigorous, and i-estless — inquired into 204 PLAN OF THE BATTLE. every detail. In the absence of exact information from any quarter, couriers were instantly dispatched to satisfy inquiry. Each General in command was required to observe closely, and report explicitly, the most minute information. The deportment of the General Commanding, all that day and that night, was an absorbing study. THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 205 C PI AFTER XXIY. rriB 31st of December, 18G2— Prayer before Battle— The Left Ordered to Swing — "It is, it is the Cannon's Opening Roar! " — Din of Bat- tle on the Right — Evil Tidings — Panic — Anxiety at Headquarters — Incredible Reports— Firmness of General Rosecrans — The Plan of Battle Defeated — The General Mounts and Gallops to the Front — Batteries Open upon Ilim — They are Silenced by Barnct — Tlie Field — Sherridan Debouches from the Forest — The Day going against us — New Line Formed — Batteries Massed in the Center — The General Commanding leads a Charge — The Enemy Repulsed — The Tide of Battle turns — St. Clair Morton and the Pioneer Bri- gade — Night. Morning of the last day of tlie old year dawned brio-htly. A tliin mist floated alono- the channel of Stone River, but otherwise the horizon was clear. When the outlines of a familiar face were but barely recognizable in the uncertain haze of early morning, the General Commanding, cheerful and refreshed, appeared at the eye of each tent and roused the still slumbering members of the staff. But long before, the soldiers stood at arms and waited the opening of battle. Every charger was equipped for mounting. Minutes rolled away and there was yet no uproar. PRAYER BEFORE BATTLE. A little later the dauntless leader of that army knelt at the altar and prayed to the God of battles. High Mass was celebrated in a little tent opposite his marquee. Rev. Father Cooney, the zealous Chaplain 206 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. of the Thirty-Fifth regiment of Indiana Yolunteers, officiated, assisted by Rev. Father Trecy, the constant spiritual companion of the General, and whose fidel- ity to his Chief was second only to his devotion to the faith he preached. General Rosecrans knelt humbly in the corner of his tent, Garesch^, no less devout, by his side ; a trio of humble soldiers meekly knelt in front of the tent ; groups of officers, booted and spurred for battle, with heads reverentially uncovered, stood outside and mutely muttered their prayers. What grave anxieties, what exquisite emo- tions, what deep thoughts moved the hearts and minds of those pious soldiers, into whose keeping God and their country had delivered, not merely the lives of thousands of men who must die at last, but the vitality of a principle — the cause of self-govern- ment and of human liberty ! THE LEFT ORDERED TO SWING. Breakfast was hurried. General Crittenden re- ported in person. The General Commanding walked with him to his quarters where General Yf ood, suffer- ing from indisposition, was resting briefly before bat- tle. Wood was really unfit for duty, but refused to quit the field. General Van Clove's division, in pur- suance of the plan of battle, was alread}^ moving to cross Stone River to sweep into Murfreesboro, while McCook held the enemy on the left. Part of it had already crossed. General Rosecrans directed Wood to cross Stone River in front of his position by bri- G^ades. Ilarkcr was to move in front, Ilascall to fol- low, Wagner's brigade last. Wood himself rode to the front to examine the ground. Before him, on THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 207 the southern and eastern side, there was a long tim- bered ridge within a few hundred yards of tlie stream, and the enemy seemed posted there in force. Some firing had tlien been heard on the right, but not enough to indicate battle. ^'IT IS, IT IS THE cannon's OPENINa ROAR." Officers of the staff were grouped about little fires in the avenue between the tents. They were clad in overcoats, for it was chill. The General Command- ing, Garesche, and General Crittenden stood near the marquee conversing eagerly. It was nearly seven o'clock. Suddenly all hearts were thrilled by a sound sweeping from the right like a strong wind soughing through a forest. 'Now a deep reverberation like thunder rolling in a distant cloud. Directly a pro- longed, fierce, crepitating noise, like a cane-brake on fire. Ears that once hear that appalling sound never forget it. Days afterward the rattle and rumble of a wagon will startle and thrill you. PANIC. The din of battle swelled rapidly. Its volume increased, and it seemed sweeping " nearer, clearer, deadlier than before." It could not be ! This must be hallucination ! It can not be disaster! ISTo tidings yet! Wiles and a comrade were sent to the riglit to observe and report. They galloped across the field and plunged into the forests. Directly a tide of fugi- tives poured out of the thickets — negroes, teamsters, and some soldiers. You have seen cinders from burning buildings flying when the conflagration was invisible. You could hear the roaring flames 208 THE BATTLE OP STONE RIVER. and crackling beams. Seeing the cinders you would say, "there is a fire." You have observed broken twigs and leaves whirling in the air when there was a roar of mighty winds in the forests. You had not yet felt the blast, but its avant couriers were unmis- takable. You said, ''a tornado is coming." There was a conflagration, a tornado, now rushing through the forests in front, raging forward with vengeful fury. These teamsters, negroes, soldiers, flying before it were cinders, twigs, leaves, fugitives from the flames and tornado of battle. '' What is the matter? Why do you run?" Many push on heedless of stern questioning. A cocked pistol brings a squad to a halt. "We are beaten! The Right Wing is broken ! The rebel cavalry is charging the rear! The enemy is sweeping every- thing before them! General Sill is killed! Edgar- ton's Battery and part of Goodspeed's are captured!" Incredible! But few soldiers, thank God! in that panic-stricken mob, and most of them cling to their muskets. The negroes, poor souls, had cause for fright. The enemy murdered them as if they were beasts of prey. Wiles gallops back to report. His comrade moves on further, and meets straggling mul- titudes. The awful uproar increases and stretches swiftly now to the left. Bullets are clipping the twigs overhead and chipping the bark from trees. Heavy drops which precede a thunder storm seem to be fahing on the dead leaves. ANXIETY AT HEADQUARTERS. At headquarters the groups have gathered into a cluster. They are talking in low, eager tones; their THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 209 eyes searcliingly peering into the mysteries of tlio dreadful forest. The Chief stalks through the ave- nue, disturbed, obviously. It does not seem to him nor to any that ^IcCook is contesting that ground "inch by inch." But sound is elusive. Minutes tliat seemed hours rolled away. Suspense was horrible. As yet only reports that the woods are swarming with fugitives. Who w^ill credit stragglers against the reliance men have in good soldiers? McCook is an approved good soldier. The army has no better Gen- erals than his — Johnson, Davis, Sherridan, Yfillich, Kirk, Carlin, Sill, Shaeft'er, Roberts. The soldiers of tiie Right AVing are veterans of Shiloh and Chaplin Hills; some had met the enemy in Western Virginia, some at bloody Pea Ridge, and had never turned their faces from foe. Garesche had sent Otis to the right to watch rebel cavalry, concerning which there had been rumors. Lieutenant Baker gallops back from Otis with tidings. "The Right Wing is broken, and the enemy is driving it back." Incredible! McCook is surely falling back witli an object. "All right — never mind — we will rectify it," said the General cheerfully. Stragglers v/ere overflowing the plain and the Murfreesboro pike like a freshet, within an hour — oh, horrible hour — from the opening of battle. A staff officer from McCook confirms evil rumors. McCook needs assistance. "Tell General McCook," said the Chief vehemently, " to contest every inch of ground. If lie holds them we will swine: into Murfreesboro with our left, and cut them oiF." Then to his staff, "It is working right." Alas, it was not " working right." " Every inch of ground " was not contested. He was 18 210 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. not yet advised of the rout of Wiliicli's and Kirk's brigades, nor of the rapid withdrawal of Davis' divi- sion, necessitated thereby. "Moreover," he said, " having supposed McCook's Wing posted more com- pactly and his right more refused than it really was, the direction of the noise of battle did not indicate to me the true state of affairs." The reported death of Sill was confirmed. "We can not help it ; brave men must be killed in battle," said the General impatiently. " General Kirk is wounded and disabled ; "Willich killed or captured." "Xever mind," persisted the inflexible leader, "we must wdn this battle." Battle was flowing along the line, communicating first with the Center, then the Left. The frightful delusion was dissipated. The enemy were pressing McCook swiftly and in disorder clean back upon the Center. Kegley was already engaged. An aid from McCook advises that Eousseau had better be held in hand. "What! Keserves so soon! "Tell General McCook I will help him," was the instant reply, and Rousseau marched at double-quick into the cedar- brakes on iSTegley's right, to brace up Sherridan, and stand as a break-water before the torrent that was engulfing the army. It was full time. The plan of battle is crippled. The Right Wing fails to hold Hardee " three hours " — nay, an hour, on its right. Therefore the Left Wing can not swing into Murfreesboro and cut them off. A third of the Left Wing is absolutely necessary to save the Right from annihilation. Van Cleve is already crossing the river to swing the left into Murfreesboro. Harker is moving in the same direction ; Ilascall and Wagner THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 211 ready to follow. Wood bears an order to halt. Said llascall, " the most terrible state of suspense pervaded the entire Left as it became more and more evident that the Right AYing was being driven rapidly back upon us." Wagner is on the extreme left of the army. Ilarker finds cover on a little crest behind some shocks of corn in the open field. Hascall waits developments. Wood directs Wagner to " hold his position to the last." Everything depends upon it. Wagner is reliable. No danger there. An order goes to Van Cleve to double-quick a brigade to the right. Eich Mountain Beatty thunders across the field and forms west of the turnpike. Fyfle follows rapidl}^ to form on his right. It is not yet eight o'clock. The battle is all against us. GENERAL ROSECRANS TO THE FIELD. The General Commanding comprehended the dire extent of the calamity. lie gathered about him all his faculties, and threw his own weighty sword into the scale of battle. Henceforth he consulted no one, asked no man's opinion, trusted in God, and relied upon himself. It was now a series of commands too often delivered in person to superior or subaltern, it mattered not, while his stafi* galloped at his heels in mute anxiety lest he should fall. Dispatching an order to McCook, he moved suddenly to horse, and curtly commanded, ''Mount, gentlemen!" A battery had already opened in range with head- quarters at one of Mendenhall's Batteries, which was in position in front of the grove on the cemetery knoll. The ordnance train endangered was rumbling from right to left, balking upon the railroad. Has- 212 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. telling its movement, the General pressed tbrongh the obstruction and leaped across the railroad, halting briefly for observation. The enemj^'s shells vere crashing among our own batteries a few feet to the right, and they were thundering in repl}^ Wood was discovered on the left of the railroad near a clump of trees waiting orders. Harker was descried down in the cornfield. Just now a flight of bullets pict-pict-pict-pict slipped through the staff and escort. A poor orderly toppled gently from his saddle, reeled over the side, and plunged headlong to the earth. One convulsive Bhudder and he was dead. The General might have reached the dead soldier with his sword. The fatal missile made no premonitory sign. You simply heard ''thud," and saw a soldier die. The dead man's bri- dle fingers still clung to the rein. A comrade dis- mounted and loosed his grasp rudely with his foot. His faithful grey stood quietl}' waiting for the corpse to mount. Another bullet stung Benton's beautiful chestnut. The spirited colt, smarting with agony, struck violentl}^ with his feet at his invisible tor- mentor. Benton dismounted to see him die, but soon remounted and galloped his gay chestnut all through that fiery day. Hubbard's horse w^as struck in the neck, and several others of the escort wounded. A blue haze of smoke had now spread all over the field. The valleys vrere enveloped in battle clouds, and the woods seemed consuming with invisible fire. Indeed, "There 's a cloud in the sky, A cloud in the glen, But one is of nature, The other 's of men." THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 213 A shell struck near and spattered the mud in a shower over a dozen horsemen. The Chief dashed toward Wood, who rode out eagerly and saluted. He was to send Ilarker across the pike to Beatty's right. Seeino: Hascall soon, he ordered him to tlje ri2:ht of Harker to readjust the line of battle. Then he thun- dered down across Harker's left, and wheeled to the right, to ride up the front line of battle. Pie gave Harker orders in person. Harker was already moving in column by the right iiauk at double-quick. There was serious business in hand, but the gallant fellow really seemed desirous to show the Chief how com- pactly he could move his noble brigade under fire. Every member of the General Staff, a troop of horse, and a dozen orderlies, followed the Chief — a conspicu- ous target on such a field. Taylor, Simmons, Skinnei*, Wiles, Father Trecy — Chief Quartermaster, Chief Commissary, Judge Advocate, Provost Marshal Gen- eral, and Priest respectively — what should they do there, galloping madly through the wild revels of a battle-field? Did they not seem out of place? But it was so all day long. Knifiin, Chief Commissar}- to Crittenden, also made a risky dash with them before he joined his own Chief. As they galloped across Hark- er's late front, a terrific tempest of solid shot and shell danced around their heels, whizzed over their heads, bounded under their horses, flushed in front of them, and a few wicked missiles sped through the midst of them. Every man, save the leader, ducked his head clean to the saddle bov/. One shot gutted a gap through Harker's column. The hideous rent was visible an instant ; then it was healed; but the column was shorn of four men. It was not even shaken. A 214 THE BATTLE OF STONE IIIVER. frantic horse galloped riderless over the field, leaving his master mangled. In the rage of conflict the human heart expresses little sympathy for human woe. Your hest friend is lifted from his saddle by the fatal shaft, and plunges wildly to the earth — a corpse. One con- vulsive leap of your heart, you dash onward over the storm}^ field, and the dead is forgotten until the furious frenzy of battle is spent. After battle! 0, reader! the mind furnishes no language befitting the anguish of the soul when we drag from the bloody mass the mutilated and disfigured forms of those we love. Battle is then frightful delirium — a superlative horror ! But the tumult raged fiercely. "Barnet," shouted the General to his Chief of Artillery, " silence that battery." " Yes, sir." Barnet, cool and imperturbable, brought up the first battery he found. The commander of the pieces w^as wheeling into an unfavorable posi- tion. "On the crest! on the crest!" shouted the General, pointing to the best position in view, and on the crest went the guns. Then the General dashed along the front of the left under the fire of musketry and artillery, until he halted on the turnpike within fall view of the "Burnt House." A storm of musket balls and shells spattered and whizzed about the col- umn, butmarvelously, not a man was hit. The flocks of shells sounded like the flutter of quails' wings. A round shot flew over the stafi*, struck a horse a hund- red yards be^^ond, and tore him to pieces. It must have knocked him a rod. Strange to say, his rider escaped. lie gathered himself out of the mud and limped to cover. A little farther onward, a shell struck a soldier and splashed him out of battle. The rattle of musketry and thunder of cannon was deafen- THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 215 ino^. But the General cliaro-ed throu2:li the deathly storm as if it had heeii no more than hail. It v/as wonderful that he escaped. Pursuing his swift career toward the right, and directly behind the line of battle, while bullets ana artillerj^ charges hurtled in the atmosphere, his eye gathered the features of the field rapidly, and his mind directed dispositions to stop the torrent which was well nigh overwhelming. E"© complaint escaped him. That was no moment for reproach. But it was obvious that he was profoundly moved. His florid face had paled and lost its ruddy luster, but his eyes blazed with sullen fire. His lips were firmly com- pressed, and his stern manner disclosed that his heart was undaunted. One moment's hesitation orvascilla- tion now, and all were lost. Human tongue nor pen can describe the yearning anxiety of tliose who rode with him in that mad maelstrom of death. Thank God, he was firm as iron and fixed as fate. Clearlj^, he did not deem the battle lost. ]^ow he was on the verge of the forest filled with friends and foes — friends unavailingly fighting, foes rushing onward with fierce yells of triumph. Gallant and quiet Sherridan debouched from the tangled forest at the head of his compact column, out of ammunition, but unbroken. I^egley was in the thick darkness with the noble Eighth Division, beating back the relentless tide. Johnson appeared, too, with the remnant of his crum- bled command. Eousseau was sent into the fiery cauldron to extricate his struggling division comrade. The Regulars — trusty and heroic, were contending stoutly, but receding slowly before the infernal tor- rent, until they could brace themselves upon Guen- 216 THE BATTLE OP STONE KIVER. thor's and Loomis' guns. Pointing to his solid col- umn siidly, but witli true soldier's pride, said faithful Sherridan, " Here is all that are left, General." The General Commanding, himself directed Sherridan where to find ammunition. The Second and Fifteenth Missouri had already replenished their cartridge-boxes, and now they plunged to the front again under brave Shaetfer, and Ibught the enemy with unflinching firmness. The day was going against us. The enemy were streaming through the woods a few hundred yards on the right front. They were swarming in savage mul- titudes at every point. Our batteries w^ere thunder- ing across the plains with friglitful vehemence, bounding into position and firing at the populous forests with terrific rapidity.^ The enemy poured shot and shell into our receding columns w^ith remorseless vigor, and there appeared to be clusters of sharp- shooters in almost every tree. Eacing swiftly back now, the General and stafl:' again became a conspic- uous target. A flight of Minie balls slitted through the troop. One of them struck Garesch^'s gay black in the nose. The spirited filly flung her head scornfully at the sting, scattering blood upon her rider. "Ah, hit! Garesche?" quoth the General — his mind for the first instant, and only that instant, relieved from its painful tension. "My liorse," was the laconic response, and the gallant rider, whose proud deportment had excited the admiration of the army, spurred onward at the side of his Chief. A drop of blood, fiercely flung away by the wounded horse, crimsoned the cheek of the General, and an hour later it gave rise to exquisite apprehensions. THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 217 Some who saw it, fancied it was his own blood, and spread the report that he was wounded. The rumor reached officers of the staff w^ho were away executing orders. They ransacked the fiekl and the hospitals to find him. After an hour's torment, they discovered him, unscathed and inflexible, in the forefront of bat- tle. Expostulation with him was vain. He sternly replied, " This battle must be won." The Eight Wing was broken and driven back. It was almost doubled backward upon the left. John- son's line had crumbled, but his soldiers had fought desperately. Davis had w^ithdrawn, bearing back his banners. Sherridan had swung back, contesting his ground '' inch by inch," until relieved by Eousseau, and until his ammunition was exhausted, then marched out in close column, with colors flying. Eleven guns of the Second Division of the right — all of Edgarton's, three of Goodspeed's, and two of Simonson's — after tbe horses w^ere killed, had been captured, with Hough tal in g's six from the Third Division — eighty horses of which were killed. Hund- reds of men were slain or wounded, and nearly two thousand were captured. N^egley, unprotected on his right, was fighting an overwhelming enemy on three sides of him, and he was holdiug them stubbornly. Eousseau was receding; and still the great Chieftain of that battle, with sublime defiance of disaster, said: " We shall beat them yet." THE BATTERIES ARE MASSED IN THE CENTER. N'ow galloping to the crest of the hill (for there was but one elevation like a hill on the left), the Gen- eral Commanding, still in the flame of conflict (for 19 218 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. on that field there was no security but in God's prov- idence), massed his batteries on its crown, and swept the forests with an awful volame of shell and can- nister. Soldiers of the Right "Wing were streaming back through the forests in disorder. The gleaming steel of the hotly pursuing foe flashed in the glowing sunlight through vistas of the woods. Through a gap of timber opening into a cornfield beyond, masses of somber-looking foes moving down hill, long lines of heads and glittering musket tubes, rising one above another in terraces, were rolling onward in seemingl}^ resistless force. But a new line had been formed to meet them. The right had faced east- wardly. Part of the left had been hurled across the plain from Stone River. Yan Cleve's division and Harker's brigade, with Rousseau's reserves, had formed the new line, which faced westward. It was ftlmost " about face" from the original position. ''now LET THE WHOLE LINE CHARGE." The new change in the order of battle was executed by the General Commanding at incessant personal hazard. There w^as not a private soldier in the army so much exposed. There was hardly a point in the front of battle which he had not inspected — Wood's line, perhaps, excepted. Some five or six batteries, posted upon the blufiT under his personal direction, now thundered in direful accord. Solid shot, shell, grape, cannister, w^ere crashing through the brittle timber in destructive tumult. A thick canopy of smoke hovered over the field. Clouds of smoke enveloped the gunners. They seemed like demons reveling in infernal orgies. With his stafl:* gathered THE BATTLE OF STONE PJVER. 219 about liim, the Cliief halted briefly upon the cemetery knoll, watching the play of the batteries and the hot fury of Sam Beatty's infontry. I^ow, without a word, he plunged headlong into the tempest, his staif and orderlies following with wild enthusiasm. The enemy had tipped over the crest of the last ridge in front, and were bearing down fiercely. Spurring up to the very heels of Beatty's men, until his steed almost tram- pled them, he shouted cheerily, '' ^N'ow let the whole line charge! Shoot low! Be S2ire! Then charge home!" Bitterly whistled the leaden hail. The chips and twigs flew from the trees as if thousands were hacking them. A soldier falls, with a shudder, under the feet of the General's horse. The staflt'and orderlies fling themselves along the line, hats in hand and swords drawn, cheering the men, wdio respond with a shrill clamor that leaps like lightning from rank to rank, and thrills along the lines until lost in distance. ! it was a wild, passionate moment. The troops spring to their feet and push up the slope; the forests are riven with the tempest; bayonets gleam : lurid flames spout from the long line of mus- kets. Yon savage line of gray and steel, which but a moment since plunged so madly over the hill, halts ! It wavers ! Another tempest from the blue line in front — they reel, they stagger — "There they go!" shouted the gallant leader; "there they go! JSTow drive them home!" Away they fly over the hill, shattered, disordered, broken, struggling to escape. Great God, what tumult in the brain ! Sense reels with the intoxicating frenzy. Shot and shell pursue the frio^htened fuo-itives, shrickino; thronirh the forests, crashing the flimsy branches, scattering death and 220 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVEK. dismay wherever they strike. There was a line of dead blae-coats wdiere that charge was so gallantly made, but the forms of mangled foes "were thickly strewn upon that bloody slope. THE SPECTACLE. The glory of the shout that now went up, is a recollection to be treasured forever. Hearts that thrilled with its rapture, will ever throb tumultuously wlieu memory recalls it. And such a spectacle! That gallant leader, dauntless, and upright in saddle, v\ith countenance inspired — such light of battle in his features as fairly blazed — unmoved by the death terror around him, pursuing, with calm determination, the one thought of success. The ardor of that gallant line which so splendidly' turned the sweeping tide of battle; the lurid, malicious blaze and furious stream of sparkling fire viciously emitting from thousands of trusty muskets ; the blue haze of smoke eddying in circling currents, and spreading an azure shade among the thick branches of those funereal cedars; the fierce rattle of rifle volleys ; the deafening uproar of more than fifty cannons w^orking, with awful destruct- iveness, in a canopy of smoke which obscured the batteries and magnified the gunners into great shad- ows — ! who that w^as in it can ever forget? When the pale faces which came out of that furious storm flushed again, and when hearts had ceased their wild flutter, it almost seemed as if men had been born iigain. "Oh, wasn't that glorious, old fellow?" quoth gallant Skinner, laying his palm aficctionately upon the shoulder of his equally youthful friend Xirby — as brave and staunch a soldier as ever carried ballet and THE BATTLE OF STOXE KIVER. 221 shattered arm from a battle-field. Reader, no human language can descrilje the convulsing charms of a clia rge in battle. It is a frightful ecstacy. The fiery valor of Garesche, in that dread carnival, would have inspired a coward with courage. Gay as a youth of twenty, with hat jauntily cocked on his fine head, he seemed, upon his lithe and spirited black mare, a perfect transformation. Usuall}^ grave and saturnine, with an habitual calmness almost provoking, he looked in the fury of the fray as if his soul had l)roken into a new stream of existence. When he dashed into tlie charge, his sword Hew from the scab- bard and glittered in the sunlight. When the enemy fled over the hill, he glanced at them with a smile of triumph, and rammed his blade back into its scabbard v/itli a force that made the steel rino- a2:ain. Tester- day some had felt a thrill of anxiety for him. He deported himself like one Avho had premonition of sudden death. Always deeply pious, conscientious in attention to religious duties, prayerful, there was somethiug peculiarly striking in the absorbing atten- tion with which he poured himself into his little prayer-book, as he sat in a rpiiet fence corner on Tuesday, awaiting the culmination of martial events. All tliis day of battle, through a hundred death cur- rents, he had sv/ept gaily over the field. But his General's charge was his climax. Alas, an hour or two more of life, and he was a victim for the little graveyard upon whicli he had slept but the niglit before. Always by his General's side in life, death struck him there at last. Further upon the right, too, there was a struggle. The shock of collision thrilled along the "whole line. 222 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. Fyffe, tlieii Ilarker, were standing up stoutly — now receding!', now cbaroino- the foe; but at last, when the " General Comrnandhig* led a charge in person, and drove the foe pell-mell into the forest," FjfFe and Ilarker, wMi mighty effort, rolled back the avalanche from their front, and joined in the psean of victory. ST. CLAIR Morton's pioneers. Eut \\\Q foe was not 3'et gone. lie was advancing from the llight to the junction of the Left and Center, lie was yet driven only from the extreme right. There was a vallej^ to the left of Beatty's line, partly open, through which one of our broken columns was retir- ing disordered before the enemy. The new llight was advancing steadily. The batteries were ordered forward. Stokes' Chicago Board of Trade Battery was on a knoll nearest the critical point of danger. At a gesture from the General, it thundered down the slope and struggled manfully across a heavy field to another little crest, from whence another battery had been driven. Three mauHed horses stnio-irled there under a shattered caisson — tangled in harness, with broken limbs, bleeding, and one of them moaning with agony piteous as that of a human being. Bul- lets were wliistling fiercely, but the spirit of that battle was pulsating for victory. General Eosecrans again plunged into the breach, urging the battery to follow, and by his own dauntless example checked the disorder of the retiring brigade. Garesclu^ and St. Clair Morton were b}^ his side. Morton com- manded a picked battalion of pioneers. It was nec- essary to bring even tliem into the fight, as every Boldier on thatfield was carried in that desperate day. THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 223 ^'Support the battery, Morton." "Aye, aye, sir;" and the })ioneers deployed right and left, and opened a vicious fire. Morton's fine face glowed with excite- ment. Tlic battery got into position, and opened witli telling effect, but the pioneers had already sent the rebels howling back up the valley and into the woods. Morton looked as if he was delighted all over. "We're doing it about I'ight now, General, ain't we? Can't I do something more, General?" said he, with a charming simplicity. It was a mys- tery that all were not torn to pieces. During this furious encounter, Colonel Garesch^, accompanied by Lieutenant Byron Kirby, Aid to General Eosecrans, galloped through a withering fire to carry an order to General Yan Cleve, who, though wounded, was resisting a renewed attack. While riding across the field, there occurred one of those chivalric episodes which are sometimes cele- brated in romance. A ball disabled Garesch<3's horse. Kirby dismounted, and insisted that Garesch(^ should mount his horse. Mutually forgetful of the storm of battle, they disputed a point of courtesy. Kirby finally prevailed on the score of duty, and w^alked back over tlie field until he found the staff. ISTot much later a Minie ball struck the brave soldier's left arm, and shot him clean out of his saddle. The bone was shattered, and he was compelled to quit the field. No bolder or more modest soldier ever drew bright blade. He nobly earned promotion. But IvirV)_v belongs to the Begular Army— that step-child of the nation, wliich, though smarting at the injustice that pursues it, says, with splendid eloquence, "If we can't win honors, we'll do more — we'll deserve 224 THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. them ; " and Kirby remembers that the country some- times forgets its step-children. Rousseau's division had also moved into the woods on the left and struggled out. IsTegley, after Sherri- dan had withdrawn, subjected to murderous cross-fire of artillery and musketry, had also fallen back, and was replenishing his ammunition. Grose was fighting vehemently to protect the rear of Palmer from masses swarming around his right, while troops in his other brigades were falling by hundreds in front. Wagner had repelled an assault upon his position, and Ilascall went to the assistance of devoted Ilazen. Crittenden was in front, watching his steady Left. Thomas calmly directed the Center, and their omnipresent Chief, now directing the Right, then glancing at the Left, was gathering together his legions for the trial which would determine victory. Perhaps it was now eleven o'clock — a little earlier, a little later, no matter — when the first act of the san- guinary drama was concluded. There was a lull in the storm. Where would it break next? Certainly the enemy were preparing for a new assault. Rose- ans could not now take the initiative. The Pio-ht cr to' had not 3^et recovered from its shock. The enemy were feinting away oft* on the Pight. General Pose- crans divined that the onset would fall upon the Left, and he was preparing for it. The reader will now return to the opening of the battle, and follow the disaster through its unbroken series, until the rainbow of hope was clearly visible BATTLE OE THE RIGHT WING. 225 CHAPTER XXV. Prague upon Austerlitz — The Onset of the Rebels — The columns of Attack — Gallant Kirk Overpowered — Edgarton's Battery Swal- lowed up — Willich Unhorsed and Captured — His Brigade Pulver- ized — Noble Struggle of General Davis' Division — Woodrufl" Retires, then Post, and then Carlin — Splendid Resistance of Shcrridan — Death of General Sill — Reported Repulse of the Enemy — Roberts Charges and Falls — The Missourians at Bay with Empty Muskets — The Right Wing Reaches Support. It was never said by him, bufc Rosecrans' plan of battle was the plan of Austerlitz. Eragg hurled Prague upon Austerlitz and defeated it. Eosecrans fell upon Prague with his ovvai trusty sword and was victorious. But Austerlitz was simple, and should have been crushingly successful. Conkl not lifteea thousand veterans resist double their number " three hours V How was it ? "At six o'clock and twenty-two minutes on tlio morning of the 31st," said General Johnson, '^the outposts in front of my division were driven in by an overwhelming force of infantry.'' "The enemy," said General Rosecrans, "advanced in heavy columns, regimental front, his left attacking Willicli's and Kirk's brio;ades, of Johnson's division, which, beiue: disposed — thin and light, without support — were, after a sharp but fruitless contest, crumbled to pieces and driven back, leaving Edgarton's and part of Goodspeed's battery in the hands of the enemy. 226 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. '' Tbo enemy following up, attacked Davis' division, and speedily dislodged Post's brigade. Carlin's bri- gade was compelled to follow, as Woodruif's brigade, from tbe weight of testimony, had previously left its position on his left. Johnson's brigade, in retiring, inclined too far to the west, and were too much scat- tered to make a combined resistance, though they fought bravely at one or two points before reaching "Wilkinson's pike. The reserve brigade of Johnson's division, advancing from its bivouac near Wilkinson's pike toward the right, took a good position and made a gallant but ineifectual stand, as the whole rebel Left was moving up on the ground abandoned by our troops. " Within an hour from the time of the opening of the battle, a staff officer from General McCook ar- rived, announcing to me that the Right Wing was heavily pressed, and needed assistance; but I was not advised of the rout of Willich's and Kirk's brigades, nor of the rapid withdrawal of Davis' division, neces- sitated thereby." The Right Wing was flung back upon the Left vs^itli a violence which shattered it into fragments. Part of it withdrew into the open ground near the Murfreesboro pike behind the Center; part escaped to the pike a half mile further in the rear; another fraction had flared away oft' to the right, and made a wide detour to get back into line. KIRK AND Vv^ILLICII. Kirk first felt the shock. Willich's brigade recoiled under it almost immediately, and Baldwin in reserve came up under Johnson's own eye to brace the stag- BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 227 goring front. Willich was on the extreme right, refused to protect the llanlc, and forming a crotchet. Kirk'rt brigade joined Willich's on the left, fronting the enemy's line of battle, and facing east. Bald- win's reserve brigade was eight hundred yards in the rear, near the headquarters of McCook and John- son. Edgarton's Battery was posted near the angle formed by the junction of Kirk's right and Willich's left, with a narrow cleared field in front. Kirk's line covered the Franklin road, which runs due east and west, and there was a lane behind him tracing north and south, intersecting the road. The ground behind him was undulating, open, and ob- structed by fences. The enemy's left overlapped the right division, and was almost oblique to it. Their flank was covered by a powerful force of cavalry. Wiilich's brigade had rolling, partially open ground, and fences in its rear. At three o'clock in the morning, by order of Gen- eral AYilllch, Colonel Jones, of the Thirty-Ninth Indi- ana, patroled six hundred yards in front of the picket line, and reported that there were no indications of movement in front. General Kirk inspected his own picket lines at the same hour, and found all quiet in front. General Sill, at two o'clock in the morning, reported to General Sherridan that there was great activity immediately in his front. This was the nar- rowest part of the valley, and General Sherridan, fearing an attack at that point, posted two regiments of the reserve within short supporting distance of Sill. But at five o'clock in the morning the whole Right "Wing was under arms, and were prepared for the enemy. They stood there over an hour and dis- 228 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. covered no signs of movement in front. Captain Edgarton, however, imprudently permitted some of Ills battery horses to go to water. At dawn the right brigade received orders to build fires and make coffee. General Willicli soon afterward turned over the com- mand temporarily to Colonel W. II. Gibson, of the Forty-iSTinth Ohio Volunteers, while he repaired to General Johnson's headquarters, giving directions respecting the troops in case of an attack during his temporary absence. He had been gone but a few moments when firing was heard in front of Kirk's right, at the angle of the crotchet. Willich's brigade seized their arms instantly. The enemy appeared in enormous masses. Colonel Gibson sent for Willich, who galloped back to his command. His horse w^as killed, and he was a captive before he gave an order! The calamity was swift. THE ATTACK UPON KIRK. The enemy were descried in the fields by General Kirk a half mile from his front. Tliey advanced in four columns, regimental front, with powerful reserves in mass. " They moved up steadily," said Kirk, " in good order, without music or noise of any kind. They had no artillery in sight." They poured across the valley in mighty force, swept away the strong lines of skirmishers as if they had been cobwebs, and fell npon Kirk's lines like ^vild beasts. The Thirty- Fourth Illinois, which had been sent forward to check them, closed with a crash in almost hand to hand coniiict with them, fighting witli magnificent fury. "Alas, in vain, ye gallant fovr, From rank to rank your vollicd thunder flew." BATTLE OF THE EIGHT WING. 229 The contest was hopeless ; the gaUant regiment sternly resisting, fell away, and the storm struck the line and shook it from center to its flanks. The rebels recoiled under the first terrific volley, but gathering head, they rolled onward again with resistless momen- tum. Edgarton's Battery w^as swallowed up; he down under his guns wounded, his men fighting with their swabs nntil they were bayoneted or captured. Brave Edgarton had fired but three rounds, says one report; eight guns says another. It matters not which brigade first gave way. Both were soon broken. Lightning struck the crotchet they formed, ran along both fronts, and involved them in common ruin. Kirk was soon flanked. His four brave regiments were well nigh cut to pieces. He had sent to Willich for support. Willich was gone. His brigade was struggling for self-preservation. The rebel cavalry was careering and surging upon their right. Servants and teamsters were flying over the field. Colonel Baldwin had quickly taken arms, and General Johnson threw the regiments into line of battle supporting the struggling front. The First Ohio, commanded by Major Stafford, Sixth Indiana, Lieutenant Colonel Tripp, Thirtieth Indiana, Colonel Lodge and Lieutenant Colonel Ilurd, and tlie Louis- ville Legion, Colonel Berry, made a good, strong, bracing front. The JSTinety-Third Ohio, Colonel Charles Anderson, was retained in reserve in a wood. As Ivirk and "Willich were driven back they flared oflF to the right, and left Davis' right exposed. Baldwin's reserve felt the shock speedily. Goodspeed's remain- ing four guns — for two had been taken — under Lieu- tenant Belding, and Simonson's Battery, fired sharply 230 BATTLE OF THE EIGHT WING. and quickly into the advancing masses. Baldwin opened a biting lire which eat deeply into the front rank of the undaunted rebels. But they spread over the field like a freshet, and gathered in clouds on the front and flanks. A minute more and Baldwin's command will be captives. They, too, withdraw, catching their heels a moment on a crest, turn to resist. Tlie pursuit is too vigorous, and they again recede until they brace upon Rousseau, where they make another stand — all that remains of them. McCook is cool but distressed. There is no hope for him now but to save all he can. ! that his line had been shorter and heavier. With Davis and Sher- ridan in front, and Johnson's heroes of Shiloh to sup- port them, he could have " whipped my friend Hardee." Davis is now enveloped, but Kirk, wounded almost at the first fire, and dismounted twice, is yet in the field. He forms a new line in a skirt of woods at right angles with his original position. Gallant Reed races up from the wagon train with his Seventy-^inth Illinois, and adds new vigor to Kirk's now almost nerveless arm. Kirk sinks at last, and is borne from the field. Coh^nel Dodge assumes command. Then Reed n.obly falls, cheering his heroes. Houssam, of the Pennsylvania Seventy-Seventh, charges splendidly, recaptured Edgarton's guns, then, alas ! he goes down, too, mortally hurt, and the enemy recovers the battery, and keep it. Van Tassel, Major of the splendid Illi- nois Thirty-Fourth, is sorely wounded. Captain Rose — ■ there is no field ofiicer remaining now — fights the Pennsylvania Seventy-Seventh most gallantly, but in vain. Soldiers and officers fighting desperately, fall by scores. A colonel commands a regiment at one BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 231 instant, now a captain, at last an adjutant. Sergeants and corporals lead companies, until companies melt away with passing bullets. The brigadier is gone ; two colonels are dead ; other field officers are bleeding and exhausted; Dodge remains to command. Ten guns are gone now, another soon follows. The right division is routed. Melancholy satisfaction to know that the rebel General Rains was killed, and that more than man for man had fallen on the other side. Kirk was disabled, Willich a prisoner; that proud division is " scattered and peeled." The sting of defeat was more terrible than v/ounds and death. When Dodge retired the remnant to the Murfreesboro pike, he had '^ in all," he said, '' about five hundred men." But the right brigade ! willich's brigade. Gibson, twice dismounted, sees disorder on all sides ; gathers the battalions of captured Willich ; ilings them in pieces at the foe; falls back; careers again with all the fury of desperate courage, wards off the blow of circling cavalry striving to swoop upon him at every instant; gains brief respite; retires, and, Parthian-like, fights as he flies. Drake, Lieutenant Colonel commanding, and Porter, Major of the thrice approved Forty-lN'inth Ohio, are prone on the field. The five regiments are almost orphaned — scarcely officers enough left to carry them to the rear — the regiments indeed are all fighting and flying together, with hardly a nominal distinction. Bel ding, by efib rts of almost sublime energj^, drags his four guns into position, with wounded and limping horses — his own gallant gunners placing their shoulders to tlie wheels. There is heroism worthy of history even in the midst 232 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. of that dreadful carnival of carnage and defeat. At last Gibson and his little host reach a little creek in the rear, and make a final stand. The rebel infantry are beaten back, but Wheeler's cavahy sweep around their flanks. Barely three hundred are left. Destruc- tion stares them in the face. The enemy, horse and foot, are in their midst. Gibson's sword is fiercely demanded. His rank is not apparent. His uniform is war-worn and tattered. But io ! a shout on the flank. With the shout there is a shock — with the shock, rescue. Galhxnt Otis and his cavalry has saved them. THE RESCUE. Early in the morning there were reports of cavalry demonstrations on our right. Garesche had said, " Otis, there is cavalry on our flank — go and look after them." Otis needed no second order. He was pant- ing to show the mettle of his superb fellows — the Fourth Eegulars. Gathering six companies in hand, he was soon thundering through the forest, and debouched upon a field. From the start he had been running across the track of straggling fugitives, and at length sent Lieutenant Baker to headquarters with the first confirmation of evil rumors from the Right. Forming his command in column by fours, led by their company commanders, the companies on parallel lines, company distance apart, himself leading the center, Otis looked about like a pugnacious Irishman for a head to hit. Directly, discovering a cloud of mounted gray-backs in the distance, he quickly directed his command to charge, pistol in hand. But said Otis, '^ Don't you fire a shot until you take each your man by the scalp. Forward — trot!" Away BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 233 tlieygo gallantly, the groiind trembling beneath them. Tliore is a heavy cohimn of gray before them, but no cheek blanches. Each rider gathers his reins firmly. Their eyes flash lightning. The trot bears them swiftly; Otis rises in his saddle and thunders, " Charge !" l^ow they gallop — away they fly ! It is an avalanche. The rebels vainly strive to disperse it by shot and shell. A storm of grape is scattered among those wild riders, but in vain. Their shock falls upon the enemy with terrific momentum. " Horse, rider, and all, in one red burial blent," go down tofi-ether. Our "gallant Lons; and some of his fellows went down in the tumult, but the glory of the charge made the noble fellows forget their pain. It was a thunderbolt, which rove the enemy from center to ilandv. A hundred threw np their arms in submission. Many had been killed. Gibson and his three hundred moved swiftly to the rear to fight another day. The gallant Fourth Regulars prepared to charge the bat- tery which had fired upon them, but an order from superior authority called them to another field. It requires hours to describe battle spasms of a minute's duration. A scattering clatter of musketrj^, a crash, the thunder of artillery, and it is done. The assault upon and pulverization of the Second Division was a paroxysm. It shocked the army and paralyzed the plan of battle. The tremor thrilled through the whole system, but thank God, it did not paralyze its heart. lieturn now to GENERAL DAVIS. The conflagration ran along Kirk's front, commu- nicated with that of Davis, streamed along Sherridan's, 234 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. enveloped Kegley's, blazed in the face of Rousseau, rolled against Croft and Hazen, and one of its forked tongues swooped around Cruft, and blistered the broad breast of stubborn Grose. The enemy advanced with four charging columns in echelon, in close sup- porting distance, Cleburne and McCown falling first upon Johnson, and then enveloping Davis' flank, while Cheatham and AYithers made the onset in front, precipitating their powerful divisions headlong upon the light commands of Davis, Sherriclan, and Negley, Hardee simultaneously turning their flanks successively, the right of Withers furiously engaging Palmer. Their columns moving over the field to attack, appeared like the diagonal squares of a chess board, each in succession shouldering upon the advance column. It was a martial spectacle of terri- ble grandeur. The enemy pushed forward utterly contemptu- ous of Davis' skirmishers, paying no more attention to them than an elephant would to a swarm of hor- nets. But his line of battle w^as a diflerent thing. Davis, fully expecting an attack, waited in confidence, and was sanguine that he would hold his ground until he saw Kirk give way. This exposed his flank imme- diately. The enemy had been severely punished in front, and had recoiled; but with victorious hosts on his right flank, Davis had no alternative. The enemy saw their advantage, and rushed upon the obstinate division with savage ferocity. The men stood until the battle had almost become a tumult of personal encounters. Pinney, Ilotchkiss, and Carpenter worked their guns with telling eflect, but the enemy refused to be balked. Post's right, now in jeopardy, BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 235 was witlidrawii by Davis. Carlin, by a splendid burst, drove the enemy from his front, but they were surging' back again. Both Pinney and Carpenter fall, the latter dead. Half the artillery horses are killed. Tlie whole line retires, part of the guns being dragged back by the men. Several are abandoned. It is im- possible to move all of them through the timber. The loss of the division is distressing. Stem and Wooster, Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel of the One Hundred and First Ohio, are weltering in their life- blood. Alexander, of the Twenty-First Illinois, still commands, with a boot full of blood; Lieutenant Colonel McKee, of the Fifteenth Wisconsin, is dead; Tanner, of the Twenty-Second Indiana, is a bleeding captive; Litsou, of the same regiment, fighting hero- ically, is hurt, and falls into the hands of the enemy. Companies are without officers ; regiments hold to- gether by force of discipline. Davis watches with jealous e^^e to keep them together. Carlin's color guards are nearly all dead or dying, but when his noble remnant retires from the struggle, his banners are still flying. Heroic Williams, Colonel of the Twenty-Fifth Illinois, heart-sick at impending disas- ter, seizes the standard of the regiment from the nerveless grasp of its dying guardian, and shouting, '* We will plant it here, boys, and rally the old Twen- ty-Fifth around it, and here we will die," the brave martyr falls under the flag. It was a hard struggle, but Davis finally worked through the woods, and gathered up his remnants to fight another battle. Carlin had seven hundred men left. 236 BATTLE OF THE HIGIIT WING. SHERRIDAN S STRUGGLE. When Davis was fully engaged, the enemy moved through an open cottonfield down across the valley, and spread up the face of the slope in front of Sill like a conflagration. Bush's Battery had a direct fire, and Hescock and Houghtaling thundered an oblique fire upon them, tearing fearful gaps in their front and flanks, and shaking the mass to the center, but the disciplined legions of Bragg with mighty efl'ort shook oft' the shock, and strus-o'led forward with admirable daring. Sill, firm and patient, waits the onslaught. His men are covered. The enemy move toward them like a great gray cloud. Their muskets gleam like tubes of silver. They appear almost even with the crest. 'Now is the moment. Sill's trusty line seems to spring out of the ground. A long line of fire blazes in his front. It strikes full in the face of the foe. There are great gaps in his ranks. For an instant, they make manful eftbrts to close their ragged front. Sill's mus- ketry is remorseless. Flesh and blood can not endure it. They stagger, recoil, catch a momentary foothold, slip backward, and at last plunge headlong into flight. Quick as thought. Sill orders a charge, leads it him- self, and his gallant men shout with triumph. Alas ! brave, noble Sill ! That glorious charge was his last. The brightest and purest spirit among all the youth of that splendid army, beloved for his gentle manli- ness, admired for his lofty intellect, for his skill and dashing courage, thus to be cut down in victorious career, was most cruel sacrifice. A bullet struck him fairly in his handsome face, and he fell lifeless and BATTLE OF THE RiaUT WING. 237 disfigured upon the field. It was liideous that barba- rians should have abused his remains. His body was plundered by the foe. The enemy rallied again, and renewed the attack with increased vehemence. Unhappily, the brigade on the right gave Avay. The enemy discovered it, and dashed forward impetuously to seize their advan- tage. One of the supporting regiments had also fallen back in disorder. It was soon rallied, but Sher- ridan's vigilant eye saw the mishap, and substituted a reserve regiment. But the retreat of the brigade on the flank was incorrigible. 'Hosts from the rebel divisions on the right, pressing in pursuit of the two retiring divisions of the Right Wing, flowed upon the right of Sill's brigade, and was about to envelop it. Sherridan instantly ordered Colonel Greuscl, who succeeded Sill, to v^ithdraw it. To relieve it of press- ure, Roberts, on the left, fixed bayonets. Taking the Forty-Second and Fifty-First Illinois, the Twenty- Second supporting, he plunged into the woods. The enemj^ gave way before his glittering steel, and fled rapidly to the rear, abandoning one gan, which in turn was abandoned by Roberts. This efl'ective charge relieves the right until they are reformed in rear of the batteries upon a good position. Roberts retires from the woods and forms on the left. Sherridan vainly strives to rally retiring troops on his right, when, upon order from General McCook, he advances again and forms upon [N'egley's right, Roberts' brigade at right angles with Negley's right, and facing south, Shaefter's and Greusel's bri- gades in the rear at right angles with Roberts, facing west, covering N"egley's rear. Houghtaling's Battery, 238 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT AVING. witli a section of Ilescock's under Lieutenant Tallia- i'erro, and a section of Bush's Battery take position at the angle of these lines, the remainder of Ilescock's and Bush's Batteries going to the angle formed by Negley's and Roberts' hues. This maneuver — for it was a complete change of front under fire — is hardly perfected when the enemy strikes again with redoubled fury. ISTone of Sherrl- dan's regiments had broken, save one, and it had rallied under fire, and was now emulating its com- panions. Cheatham, enraged, seemed to have con- centi-ated all his energies in the new attack. He appeared infuriated at his successive repulses. Sill had driven him back with cruel slaughter. Shaeffer, and his Missourians and Illinoisans, had caused his battalions to recoil under their galling fire, and gal- lant Roberts had repulsed him with steel. A rebel writer, whose history of the battle was published all over tlie South, said that "Cheatham stormed about the field gnashing his teeth at the slaughter of his braves." He was now reinforced by victorious hordes, flush in pursuit of the other broken brigades, and who gathered in clouds about Sherriclan. It was a final, but a gallant resistance. The enemy were coming at two hundred yards distant. 'Not a sign of faltering. The foe seemed concentrating a Avhole division on Roberts, but his men stood firmly as a mountain, and the rebels again recoiled. Again they advanced, and three times in succession they were compelled to give way under Sherridan's terrific infantry and artillery. But gallant Roberts was killed, and Harrington fell desperately wounded. It was a noble struggle, but the heroic fellows were BATTLE OF THE RIGHT AVING. 239 compelled to retire. Shaeifer's ammunition was all expended. Already he had fired sixty rounds per man. He only remained of Shcrridan's original com- manders of brigade. The cartridge-boxes of Roberts' brigade were nearly empty, and Sill's staunch fellows were clamoring loudly for ammunition. Iloughtal- ing had exhausted all of his, and there was no more accessible. The enemy had cut off the train ! At Sherridan's command, ShaefFer's men grimly fixed bayonets, and waited their fate, holding the enemy in check with empty guns, while their comrades fell back. Roberts' brigade, now commanded by Colonel Bradley, and Greasel's, retired fighting. Iloughtal- ing's Battery horses were nearly all dead. He strove manfully to drag away his pieces by hand, but the thickets were insurmountable, and the brave fellow reluctantly left them. Poor Talliaferro fell at his guns, and they were brought ofi:* by his sergeant. Two of Bush's guns were also left in consequence of the loss of horses, and the impossibility of dragging them by hand through the cedar-brakes. The last division of the Right Wing, armed with empty muskets, fought at bay. They still preserved their compact order, with banners flying. The enem.y, in awe of them, followed at a more respect- ful distance, but still galhng them with heavy fire. Going through the woods, Shaefier's Miss'ourians — Germans — found a wagon with ammunition, and quickly swarming around it, gobbled up the precious cartridges and fell into line, manifesting bitter satis- faction. Sherridan instantly sent them to the front to beat back the enemy. At length Rousseau's divi- sion, having opportunely formed in his rear, in support 240 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. of the struggling heroes, gallant SheiTidan and the remnant of his command debouched from tlie thicket into the open field near the Murfreeshoro pike. But there was more work for Shaefler and his sturdy Germans. LTnder the direction of General liosecrans, Sherridan led them immediately to the front, on the right of Palmer's division, where they at once engaged, drove the enemy from the cedars and heyond, four of Hescock's guns going into action at the same time. These momentous conflicts, which require so much space for cold description, were the paroxysms of hardly three hours of horrific hattle. The hattle was not ended then, nor that day, nor the next, nor the next, hut Sherridan's division, though losing elsewhere, did not afterward meet with seri- ous loss. After the battle was over — " My loss, Gen- eral," said Sherridan to his commander, " is seventeen hundred and ninet3^-six" — my three brigade com- manders killed, and sixty-nine other officers; in all, seventy-tvv^o officers killed and wounded." "Was it not Illiad of battle? — seventeen hundred and ninety- six brave soldiers out of an efi'ective force of six thousand four hundred and ninety-five. Hearts of rock would melt in the presence of such touching tragedy. But these heroes repeat, with glow of hon- est pride, " We came out of the battle icith compact ranks and emjHy cartridge-boxes!'^ That immortal boast should be inscribed on all their banners. EEMARKS. For days after the battle, there was a wide-spread impression that the Right "VVing was surprised. Such was the tenor of information which was con- BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 241 stantly reported on the field. The swift capture of Edgarton's Battery, the sudden overwhelming of the J.\lght Wing, the vehemence with which it was driven Dack to the Murfreesboro pike, where it, together with the whole army, w^as saved by the skill of the General Commanding, directing the valor of his trusty troops from the Left Wing and Center, seemed to confirm the erroneous statement. Such was the belief of the General Commanding, who, in his offi- cial report by telegraph to the General in Chief, denominated the misfortune a ^'surprise." Subsequently upon sifting all the testimony, he decided that injustice had been done. It was adjudged that General Willich's picket lines were properly adjusted and diligently patrolled; that Kirk's were in front as far as they could be posted, and were inspected by the ever-vigilant Kirk himself, and that every regiment was under arms in line of battle before day- light. General Johnson, therefore, stands vindicated. The only point, it seems, in which there was remis- sion of vigilance, was significantly reproached by Major General McCook, w^ho, in his official report of the battle, said that " Captain Edgarton, commanding battery of Kirk's brigade, certainly was guilty of a great error, in taking even a part of his horses to water at such an hour." Edgarton was imprudent, but he desired that his horses should be well prepared for action. The extent of the line, and its consequent thin- ness and lightness, together with the fact that it was attacked by superior numbers, was the chief cause of disaster. There is, of course, some contro- versy whether the General Commanding or Major 21 242 BATTLH OF THE RIGHT WLIHG. yalor, and no officers ever devoted themselves tppip. thoroughly. The conduct of General McCook was that of a cool, brave soldier. He exposed his ^ex'soii incessantly, and his horse was killed under BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 243 him. His staff, in every way, showed themselves brave, faithful officers. But with his command shat- tered to pieces almost by the first shock, no opportu- nity to do other'W'ise than save all he could was afforded. It is not the purpose of this volume to criticise or to censure any officer. The official reports may furnish sufficient data to critics. Yet it may be said of them, as of all official reports, that it is often diffi- cult to sift true testimony from the abundance in official reports of that which is calculated to mislead. 'No officer will censure himself All strive to tell the truth, but very few can avoid self-praise. And so man}' are apt to disparage or blame other officers, that it often requires information vrhich the official reports do not embody, to adjust the truth of history. There is one point which no soldier can dispute. The Gen- eral Commanding retrieved the fortunes of that day by his own skill and conduct, as he did the opening misfortune upon a subsecjuent day ; and, in short, with his valiant soldiers, won the victory. It is now time to glance at the morning operations of THE CAVALRY. The rebel cavalry was swarming on the Eight, on the Left, and in the rear. On the Left they attacked a train and slaughtered some stragglers. On the Eight tliey charged upon McCook's ordnance train, but it vras twice rescued through the gallantry and address of his Ordnance Officer, Captain Gates P. Thni^ton, who subserpientl}^, for his good conduct in that sanguinary battle, was promoted to the conspicu- ous position of Chief of Staff of the Twentieth Army Corps, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Directly 244 BATTLE OP THE RIGHT WING. in the rear, within two miles of tlie left front of bat- tle, Wheeler and AYharton charged upon the General Hospital, and captnred a large amount of stores, besides prisoners. Still further in the rear, they cut off and destroyed several subsistence trains. Once they impudently charged a battery in the pike, which, however, was unsupported, but they were quickly driven from their trophy by Colonel Kennett. The latter officer had been detained at headquarters by General Rosecrans, but when the flood-gates of evil opened that morniug, he was directed to collect all the cavalry at his command, rally the Right Wing, and drive the rebel cavalry away. He found Colonel Murray, of the Third Kentucky Cavalry, with eighty men. Directing them to move to Wilkinson's cross- roads, he proceeded to collect more of his com- mand. The woods were filled with stragglers. Mur- ray soon found the enemy in possession of one of our trains, and two hundred and fifty federal prisoners. He sounded the ''charge." Jn a moment the gallant little squadron were riding the rebels down in every direction. The prisoners were rescued and the train recaptured, together with portions of two batteries. The enemy also had possession of General Palmer's Division Hospital. Charging them with forty men, the rebel force fled, but Murray captured so many prisoners that almost his whole command was engaged guarding them. Twice more his little squadron overturned the enemy, and once dispersed Wharton's brigade. Altogether, they captured about sixty prisoners, rescued about eight hundred of our own men who had been captured, and saved a large part of the arn^y train. BATTLE OF THE RIGHT WING. 245 The Third Ohio, LieuteDant Colonel D. II. Murray, when the Right broke, also made a handsome dash, and drove the enemy from McCook's ammunition train. Subsequently they charged, saved the train of the Center, drove off the rebels, recaptured a hospital, and captured many prisoners under Colonel Kennett's eye. Two companies of this regiment w^ere rallied by Colonel Kennett, wdio carried them into action, driving the enemy from the pike, recapturing a gun by a dashing charge, saving a train, and rescuing manj^ of our men. Lieutenant Murray distinguished himself in this affair. Colonel Kennett himself had a hand to hand encounter wath a rebel horseman. The result w^as doubtful. The rebel had poised his carbine, the Colonel had his pistol leveled, and both were about to fire, when Farrish, an orderly of Ken- nett, threw his revolving rifle into the scale. The rebel delivered his arms and himself. In the charge of the Third Ohio, Farrish killed two rebels, and Jaggers, another orderly, rode down two gray- jackets, and released two of the Fourth Ohio Cav- alry who had surrendered. Colonel Zahn, of the Third Ohio Cavalry, com- manding brigade, had been fighting incessantly from the beginning of the disaster up to this period. He Avas compelled to retire before the rebel infantry, but a charge of rebel cavalry was handsomely repulsed by the First Ohio Cavalry, Colonel Minor Millikin, and the Third Ohio Cavalry. Major A. B. Moore, of the former regiment, fell mortally wounded in this charge. The enemy charged Zahn tw^ice in succes- sion, and w^ere again and again repelled. Zahn now went to the rescue of McCook's ammunition train, 246 BATTLE OF THE RIGHT AVING. which was again in jeopardy. The enemy appeared in heavy force. After a galLant stand by the First, Third, and Fourth Ohio Cavahy, Zahn was compelled to retire, the dashing Colonel Millikin and his Adju- tant, Lieutenant Condit, being fatally hurt. Millikin liad been surrounded, but by his courage and his prowess with his saber, he cut his way through, and was escaping, when a rebel sharpshooter brought him down. There was no more gallant rider in that field. Ilis sorrov\dng soldiers bore him to the rear, where he soon breathed his last, lamented by hosts of friends. Later in the day, General Stanley moved up from Lavergne with the First Middle Tennessee, and a de- tachment of the Fifteenth Pennsjdvania Cavalry, and assembled the rest of his avail aide command to resist a movement of a strong force of rebel cavalry, under Brigadier Generals Wheeler, Wharton, and Buford, on the extreme right, north of Overall's Creek. Colonel Minty's brigade of nine hundred and fifty men, constituted by fav the larger part of Stanley's command. After forming, a line of dismounted cav- alry was thrown for\A'ard to skirmish. The enemy outnumbering our little force nearly three to one, of mounted and dismounted men and artillery, advanced rapidly, drove in the skirmishers and attacked the Seventh Pennsylvania. The Fifteenth Pennsylvania gave way and retreated rapidly, leaving the dis- mounted skirmishers and the Seventh Pennsylvania unsupported. They made a gallant resistance, but were forced to retire. Minty retreated across two fields, and formed again under cover of the enemy's artillery. The enemy followed sharply and con- BATTLE OE THE RIGHT WING. 24^ fronted onr line with three hncs, one opposite the left flank, Avith skirmishers threatening' the rio'ht. Gen- eral Stanley ordered a charge, and in person at the head of tvv^o companies of the Fonrth Michigan, and fifty men of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania, snpported by the Seventh Pennsylvania, he dashed headlong into the rebels, scattered the line threatening his flank, and captnred one stand of colors, which a ser- geant of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania wrenched from the hands of its color- bearer. At the same time, Ivlinty charged the first line in front with the remain- ing companies of the Fourth Michigan and the-Firsi Middle Tennessee, and drove the enemy from- the field. The third line was formed on the opposite sid<^ of a lane with a partially-destroyed fence on each side. Minty now charged npon it, and put it to rout; The enemy disappeared from that vicinity. This afiiiir concluded operations on the Right. The reader: will now^ be carried back to the Center. £ :j ,(iij&JiH 248 BATTLE OF THE CENTEB. / CHAPTER XXVI. Negley's Division in the Cedar-brakes — Gallant Struggle of the ''Old Eighth "—Staunch Fighting of Miller and Stanley— The "Twenty-Onesters" — "Father" Moody — Turchin's Regiment — The Pennsylvanians — Cutting their way out — Van Cleve, Beatty, Fyffe, Harker— The Charge— "They fly ! They fly ! "—Rousseau's Divi- sion — The Regulars. It was hardly ten o'clock when the Eight Wing had been flung with such startling violence from a right line into an acute angle with the left, and in its rear. Exactness in the record of time in the tumult of conflict is impossible. In the midst of a hurricane when the good ship has sprung a leak, and the waves are breaking over her bulwarks, when all hands are piped to the pumps to save the sinking vessel, drown- ing men are not apt to be critical in marking minutes as the dial records them. All that has been described and much more, occurred in marvellous swiftness of succession — before eleven o'clock. The blood of thousands of men had saturated the field of Stone Eiver. General Rosecrans had hurled part of the Left across the field to save the Kight; the lines had been readjusted, Rousseau had formed on JSTegley's right in his rear; St. Clair Morton's Pioneer Brigade had been flung into the gap between Rousseau's right and Van Cleve's left, Ilarker had fought victorious!}' on the extreme Right of the new line, Sherridan,Xcgley, and Rousseau had been driven out of the forest, Cruft, Hazen, and Grose had been fighting tremendously, / BATTLE OP THE CENTER. 249 Wagner had repelled an assault, Mendenliall's and Loomis' various batteries had been distributed over the field, massed in the center, distributed again ; Tan Cleve, Ilarker, and the Pioneers had repulsed the enemy from the Eight by eleven o'clock at latest. By that hour the enemy were rolling back again upon the new line of the Right. It seemed late. It was a day of almost endless extension. Some hours have a dura- tion of years. They seem to embody the aggregate of a life-time of mortal agony. Every moment was a death-struggle. Every second was a period to a brave man's existence. The battle raged ten hours — thirty-six thousand seconds. Did not fresh blood flow every second? But to resume. THE SECOND DIVISION OF THE CENTER. "While Sherridan was working out to the Murfrees- boro pike, face to face, the storm of battle rushed across the front of IS'egley's division — the Second Di- vision of the Center, but immortal as "the Eighth." When Sherridan carried his butchered column with his empty cartridge-boxes to the rear, it left iSTegley exposed to the swarms on his right. Sherridan held the key to the Center until he had nothing to hold it vv'ith but cold steel. ^cgley was deep in the forest with two valiant bri- gades, almost surrounded by foes — stern old Stan- ley's and inflexible John F. Miller's. The one was proud to command Turchin's unconquerable Nine- teenth Illinois, now gallant Scott's, Given's Eigh- teenth Ohio, Stoughton's Eleventh Michigan, and the Sixty-]!:s'inth Ohio ; the other to lead Sirwell's Seven- ty-Eighth Pennsylvania, Granville Moody's Seventy- 250 BATTLE OE THE CENTER. roiirtli Ohio, E'eibliiig's Twenty-First Ohio ('' Twen- ty-Onesters "), and IIull's Thirty-Seventh Indiana — with Shnltz's, Ells^vorth's, and Marshall's batteries. Itoug'h-handed Spear, with his East Tennesseeans, was then chafing in the rear, guarding trains. ^N'egley's troops, like all the rest, had shivered through the gloomy night without fires, cheerfully awaiting battle. With the onslaught upon the Right Wing, the enemy began to feint upon the Center and Left Wing. But the wave of battle soon flowed upon them. Again the rebels advanced, in strong, deep lines. This was the fourth thunderbolt which had been hurled. The batteries open upon them when they fall in range. They waver a little, but beat back the resistance. Stanley's and Miller's men are under cover waiting. Caustic ^eibling's " Twenty-One- sters" (Twenty-First Ohio) had cuddled under a friendly fence. "Keep cool, bo^^s I steady now ! wait! When you fight, fight all over. Here they come ! Now, ' Twenty-Onesters,' give 'em hell by the acre ! " So, too, " Father " Moody, who wields *' the sword of the Lord and of Gideon," glancing along his trusty Seventy-Fourth Ohio, shouted, in voice of thunder, " isow, my boys, fight for your country and your God — aim low!" So Hull, and Sirwell, and Scott, find Stoughton, and Given, each with stern encour- agement, poised their regiments, and drove the yelling foe clean back to their cover. Moody, as enthusiastic as a lad, sets his line to shouting. They roar lustily for the Union. The old hero is wounded, and his clothes riddled with balls, but he will not leave his "boys." A drafted soldier in Neibling's regiment raised a Avhole battalion in laughter by shouting to a BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 251 few drafted comrades, ''Let's give 'em hell, boys— we 've only nine months to serve anyhow !" The enemy gather again. A fnrious conflict en- sues. ITegley keeps them at harS' They are loth to charge again. Cannon and musketry is doing the work at square stand-up fighting. The rebels do not like this. The Yankees will stand longer under it than they can. Kebels excel in onslaught. Sherridan now uncovers the right of the Center. The enemy flow upon it. A cruel cross-fire of musketry and artillery tears Negley's ranks to pieces. An aid reports that tlie enemy are in his rear. Veteran Thomas, who vigilantly watches and orders the battle in the Center, looks up surprised. ISTegley is alarmed, and cruelly disappointed. His soldierly pride revolts at a retrograde movement. There is no help for it. Thomas bitterly says, ''Cut your way out." ISTegley desperately directs — "Men, we must cut our way out!" The men clutch their weapons with fiital determination. John Miller is wounded painfully, but he will cut his brigade through the foe. Stern Stanley gathers his stalwart battalions and prepares for desperate work. The enemy is advancing again in front. They are howling on the right and in the rear. Staunch Stoughton and young Scott dash out with the bayonets of the Eleventh Michigan and Nineteenth Illinois. The enemy fly from steel. The division is moving out of the woods. The foe roll l)ack swiftly again. The " Twenty-Onesters " fix bayonets, the Nineteenth Illinois joins them on the right, and together they again clear the rear. This relieved the whole division of serious embar- rassment. It forced its way out steadily, and carried 252 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. its batteries, save five guns, safely from the front. Moody's clothing had been riddled by balls, and his right leg and breast were bleeding with wounds. Colonel Miller recs^ived a shot in the neck, but, bleed- ing and smarting as he was, he remained at his post. Hull was badly hurt. Stanley (T. R.), though in the thickest of the fight from the opening until the close, w^as unhurt. The division lost heavily. The regi- ments composing it robed themselves with honor. "When Negley came out the enemy followed him fiercely, but he turned at bay, and, together with Rousseau, gave them a bitter repulse. This was one of the most tremendous conflicts of the day, although where the wliole field was so stubbornly and desper- ately contested, it is hard to determine which was the most appalling struggle. When the glorious Eighth retired from the forest, its ammunition was expended, a third of its original force were hors du combat, and most of the artillery horses were killed. Every inch of ground over which it retreated was strewn with the dead and mangled. Like Sherridan's, this divi- sion waded through the fire without breaking, and marched proudly among their companions-in-arn s to take new position. " My men," said brave M Her, '' did not run, but marched to the pike, carrying n .any of our wounded." VAN CLEVE — BEATTY — FYFFE — nARKER. When llarker went across from the left to the right and formed west of the Murfreesboro pike, and when stasmch Yan Cleve double-quicked with Sam. Beat*:y's and Fyffe's brigades to succor McCook, Price's bri^ ade remained on the extreme left guarding the ford i of BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 253 Stone Eiver, and was not fiiirly engaged, that day. Kousseau, almost simultaneously, was sent into the forest under the eye of Thomas, on the right of Neg- ]ey. Leaving Ilarker on the crest of a hill, Wood, now guarding the left flank with his vigilant eye, held Hascall in hand to support Wagner, who, in the grove on the left, withstood a vigorous battering from the hights on the eastern bank of the river. Beatty, with Fyffe and Harker on his right, was hardly in position, when the masses of the enemy in their gray surtouts, resembling a fog-bank in the dis- tance, appeared,rolling across the fields and through the timber in front — a throng of fugitives from the Right Wing flying before them. The lines opened for the passage of the retiring troops, and upon closing, a withering fire was opened upon the enemy, whose advance was suddenly checked. The latter availed tliemselves of the trees and ridges for cover, and during some twenty minutes a murderous fire was sustained. During this conflict, the General Com- manding, having returned from the front, massed his batteries in the Center upon the cemetery knoll. While watching the cataract of shells and shot that was hurled into the forest, his eagle eye descried the mass of gray tipping over the hill in front of Beatty. ''It was at this juncture," said brave Van Cleve, then suffering from his wound, ''that the Commanding General led a charge in person, which drove the enemy pell-mell to their rear." The terrific fire of the rebels had been sustained by the Kinth Kentucky and N'ineteenth Ohio until their ammunition was almost expended. Beatty, unmoved by the tumult, efi:ected a passage of lines, the Sev- 254 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. enty -Ninth Indiana and Eleventli Kentucky going' to the front, the former regiments retiring and forming the second line, in support. It was they who, under the eye, and at the command of the Cliief, had the lionor to make that glorious charge. It was along their lines that Garesche flamed like a meteor. It was here that Gilman, with drawn sword, Michler in top- hoots, Taylor on his superh bay, Skinner, and truly brave Thoms, the first time in battle, devoted and gal- lant Father Treey, Goddard, Simmons, Wiles, Kirby, Bond, Thompson, young Wilhe Porter, and Reynolds, Hubbard, Curtis, cool Barnet, and the brave orderlies of headquarters, first saw the backs of the enemy on that woeful morning. As the gray-backs went over the hill, a streaming line of steel, reaching from Beatty's left to Fyfi:e and Ilarker, gleamed in swift pursuit, and dead men marked the progress of slaughter. The chase ended onlj^ when the fugitive rebels reached reinforcements, a mile in their rear. "While Beatty was holding the rebels in check on the left, Fyfte had taken position on his right on a ridge, and was making a vigorous fight against the obstinate eftbrts of the enemy to turn his own right. Ilarker already had his hands full, and his gallant fellows were almost staggering under the swift blows of the enemy. Fyfie looked anxiously for Harker's Sixty-Fifth Ohio to help him on his right, but Ilarker had enough work cut out for them. Fyftc's Fifty- Ninth Ohio and Forty-Fourtli Indiana, meantime, were struggling against heavy odds with batteries in position playing upon them efiectively, and there was no opening for a charge. There was no alternative BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 255 but to stand and take the destmctive storm. The enemy finally succeeded in getting upon Fjife's flank, and he withdrew a short distance, under cover of SwaUow's Battery. The Thirteenth Ohio, meantime, had been subjected to a fearful raking of musketry and artillery. Its gallant leader, Colonel Hawkins, had fallen, and it was now only a remnant, but was still fighting bitterly under Major Jarvis. At an order from Fyfi^'e to move forward they responded with rous- ing cheers, and charged in glorious style, driving the enemy pell-mell through the woods. The noble fel- lows had first snielled powder at Oarnifex Ferry. Their early training under " Old Rosy " w^as not now dishonored. They pressed the enemy home, almost side by side with their gallant Western Virginia com- rades of old Sam. Beatty's JSTineteenth Ohio. Fyfi:e's entire line dashed gallantly forward with shouts which soared above the uproar of battle. The enemy fled up the ridge, down the slope, across the fields, and halted only when secure behind their heavy reserves. Colonel Fyfle, in his oflicial report commending the gallantry of the soldiers, said: " One of the skirmish- ers, William Brown, of Company B, Fifty-Ninth Ohio Infantrv, met me on the crest of the rid£i:e, marchino; back through the line at the head of twenty-eight prisoners, besides two lieutenants, he had captured." This responsibility-taking fellow, like Paddy, had " surrounded " the knaves. Ilarker, like Fyfle and other gallant Brigadiers on that terrible morning, sometimes feared he was neglected. The Fifty-First Indiana, under Colonel Streight ; the Sixty-Fourth Ohio, Ilarker's own admirable regiment, under Lieutenant Colonel Mcll- 256 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. vaiiie; then the Thirteenth Michigan, under brave Shoemaker; and Hathaway's Seventy-Third Indiana reg'inient, in sliarp succession, with Bradley's Battery covering all of them, withstood the shattering shock with the firmness of veterans. Each in turn was at front, but just before Beatty's charge they were con- strained to fall back with the line on the left to cover their flank. Bradley's Battery had now lost so many horses that he was compelled to leave two of his guns in possession of the enemy. But Shoemaker, seeing the rebels waver under the hot musketry of the line, charged at the head of his Michiganders, and brought back fifty-eight prisoners and the guns in triumph. Meantime, Beatty and Fj'ffe had pursued the enemy too far. The latter rallied on their reserves behind some hastily-constructed breastworks, and rolled back again with increased numbers, but they had been so thoroughly whipped that they halted presently, and contented themselves by taking up position on a ridge, a half mile or more from the Murfreesboro pike. ROUSSEAU AND THE REGULARS. Rousseau's division had formed in the cedar-thick- ets as soon as the extent of the disaster to the Eight Wing was ascertained. He was needed on ITegley's right to protect that officer's flank, and to relieve the retiring divisions of the Bight. The Begular Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Shepherd, at the head of the col- umn, moved steadily into the thickets, and formed with Colonel John Beatty's brigade on the left, Scrib- ner's in close support. Directl}^ a dropping fire, like the big drops which precede a storm, indicated the proximity of the enem3^ Fugitives had embarrassed BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 257 the formation of the line, and the throng increased. Johnson's reserve brigade, and the debris of several regiments, drifted back against his front, and Johnson forming in hne, fought until his ammunition was expended. Sherridan, too, was relieved from imme- diate pressure. But the enemy pushed hard. The gallant Regulars resisted with the staunchness of their professional esprit, and refused to yield an inch. Ilousseau had vainly attempted to get his artillery into position. Loomis and Gruenther, after vehement effort, found it impossible to plant a battery where it would be serviceable., The enemy were falling upon him in swift tumult. The hordes who were flooding the forests in front of St. Clair Morton and Van Cleve, also swarmed around his right flank. The Regulars were suffering frightfully. Captain Bell, of the Fifteenth United States Infantry, as noble a sol- dier as ever wielded blade, was killed ; Captain York and Lieutenant Occleston, of the same regiment, fell severely wounded while fighting bravely with, their commands, and scores of brave privates were sinking at every volley. Rousseau, discovering the unprofitableness of wast- ing life in the thickets, at once gave orders to fall back to the open ground where the batteries could operate. The movement was hazardous, but neces- sary. The conflict was raging upon all sides. ISTeg- ley was falling back. The enemy had flowed in behind Palmer, and Grose's superb brigade was beat- ing them back, preventing them from crossing a swamp, which, from the sanguinary combats that were fought over it, gave it the title of "Heirs Half- acre." The Sixth and Twenty-Fouith Ohio, under 22 258 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. young Anderson and Jones, here appeared figliting heroically. The enemy were plunging through the timber, evidently to break off the Center and repeat the battle of Prague, which they had so well begun. Rousseau himself, sword and. hat in hand, blazed like a meteor along the lines, inspiring his men. Loomis and Guenther, with young Ludlow, who for his hero- ism was kissed in the heat of battle by gallant Charles Anderson, had rushed their splendid batteries to a crest on the open ground commanding "Hell's Half-Acre," and retained their souls impatiently until the infantr}^ escaped from the murderous cedar-brakes. But the Regulars, followed swiftly by the eager and ferocious enemy, who filled the forests with their infernal slogan, were compelled to fall back, loading Avhile retiring, and turning to fire at their remorseless pursuers. There was scarcely time to seek an available posi- tion for the entire division, but the Second Ohio, Col- onel Kell, and the Thirty-Third Ohio, commanded by Captain Ellis, having been in the rear in support, had taken position in support of the batteries, and afibrded good cover for the retiring troops. Thomas and Rousseau, by the exercise of skill, and through the steadiness of the men, finally posted them in a depres- sion which commanded the debouch from the forest, and from which, after ferocious fighting, they were finally enabled to di'ive back the enemy with a loss which exceeded even their own horrible casualties. "In the execution of this last movement," said Gen- eral Thomas, " the Res^ular Brio:ade, under Lieuten- ant Colonel Shepherd, came under a most murderous fire, losing twenty-two ofiicers and five hundred and BATTLE OP THE CENTER. 259 eight men in killed and wounded, but with the co-op- eration of Scribner's and John Beatty's brigades, and Guenther's and Looniis' batteries, gallantly held its ground against overwhelming odds." It was here that chivalrous Rousseau sent word to Hosecrans that he had taken his stand. "Tell him," he said, ''that I will stay right here. I won't budge an inch !" The rebels had spread through the forest and down the slight slope toward the depression in which Rous- seau was formed, shouting like devils, and dashed forward as if the key of the position was at last in their grasp. But the batteries of Loomis and Guen- ther, vomiting double-shotted cannister into their masses with frightful rapidity, and the infantry aim- ing low and deliberately, literally consumed their bat- talions. The file firing of the Regulars at this point was fearfully destructive. The enemy flew back to the woods in haste. But new legions collected, aud directly the enemy shot a column clean out into the open space in front. At this instant the battle was raging along the wdiole line. The rebels were 3^eliing hideously in the thickets, our musketry was rolling in front in terrific volume, and the roar of artillery vied with the majesty of tropical thunder. It seemed as if the very elements were convulsed, xn^oav the splendid charge, led by Rosecrans in person, w^as made. Our fellows raised a shrill clamor, which leaped from rank to rank, and thrilled along the lines in spirit-stirring liarmony. Word was carried to Rousseau that the enemy were flying, and soliciting permission to charge, he, too, took the head of his valiant column, and led it, roaring with victorious rage, straight at the front of the enemy, drivng them wildly to the 260 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. fastnesses of the cedars. His own gallant staff and orderlies captured seventeen prisoners, with a captain and lieutenant at their head, the remnant of the Thir- tieth Arkansas Infantry, which had been blown to pieces by Loomis, Yan Pelt, Guenther, and Ludlow. The desperadoes were taken within one hundred and thirty yards of the batteries. Loomis here lost twelve men killed and wounded, and thirteen horses. Here, too, the gallant Major Carpenter, of the Nineteenth Regulars, with six mortal wounds in his body, fell dead on the field ; Major John H. King, of the Fif- teenth, and Slemmer, of the Sixteenth, were disabled. Captain Dennison, of the Eighteenth, and George F. White, a heroic sergeant of the Third Battalion, lost their lives. Gallant Kell, Lieutenant Colonel com- manding the Second Ohio, was also killed. The staunch Second Ohio, which at Chaplin Hills had won honorable fame, here had the good fortune to capture the colors of the regiment which the batteries tore to pieces. Among the heroic efforts of that san- guinary day none surpassed in grandeur the valorous deeds which immortalized the splendid regiments of the Center. They came up out of that awful struggle wrenched and shattered, but even the tattered remains were an unconquerable host. THE LEFT WING. From the moment of the order from the General Commanding to suspend the execution of the plan of battle, when General Crittenden under his direction, sent Yan Cleve to the Right, General Crittenden had been constantly in the field, vigilantly watching the progress of battle on his own front. He exhibited BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 261 perfect sang froid, and displayed just soldierly pride ill the gallantry of his splendid corps. There had been a constant play of batteries on his wing, and Palmer's' division was soon heavily engaged, Wag- ner and Hascall, of Wood's division, being assailed in rapid succession. The havoc among men and horses from small arms and artillery, and among officers from the murderous fire of sharp-shooters, was har- row iiig. palmer's division. Palmer's division had retained its original forma- tion — Cruft's brigade on the riglit, joining the left of I^egley, braced and covered by a piece of timbered land, his left stretching to the eastward, toward the Murfreesboro pike. His front line was composed of the Second Kentucky and the Thirty-First Indiana Infantry, under Colonel Thomas D. Sedgwick, sup- ported by the First Kentucky and theiSTinetieth Ohio, under Colonel David A. Enyart, w^ith Standart's Ohio Battery in half battery on either flank. Colonel Yf. B. Hazen, commanding Palmer's Sec- ond Brigade, with the Sixth Kentucky Infantry and Forty-First Ohio in front, and on the right and left of the road respectively, joined Cruft on the left, the Ninth Indiana and One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Infantry in the second line, on the right and left of tlie road respectively. Hazen occupied a cottonfleld in front of Cowan's "Burnt House" — the Stone Piver Hugomont — a point of most furious conflict in the successive struggles of the day. His right rested against a skirt of woods, the left lying behind the crest of a wave in the surface, wliich oftered very doubtful cover, though the best the plain afforded. 262 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. The enemy fought for the triangle which he defended, and which he was conscious shoukl be held at all hazards. Colonel Grose's brigade w^as in reserve in rear of the interval between Cruft and Hazen ; the Sixth Ohio and Thirty-Sixth Indiana in front, the Eighty- Fourth Illinois, Twenty-Third Kentucky and Twenty- Fourth Ohio forming the second line, with Parsons' Battery of the Fourth United States Artillery, and CockerelFs Battery, in support of the lines near the Center. CRUET II AZEN — GROSE. Soon after eight o'clock General Palmer, receiving information thatE'egley was about to advance, ordered Cruft to move up, and Hazen to seize some command- ing positions in his front, together with the "Burnt House." Before the order was executed the enemy had moved upon ^egley, after driving back the Right Wing, and compelled him to retire his right, so that it was now oblique to Crnft's front. The panic on the Right had also cropped out in tlie tim- ber skirting the Mnrfreesboro pike, so that the oi'der for Palmer to advance was qnickly countermanded. Hazen had not advanced over twenty yards, when, in obedience to orders, he fell back. Tlie enemy having appeared in the rear of the Left, the necessity for a retrogade movement was apparent. Ilazcn had barely got his two right regiments into position in the wood, when he begun to engage tlie enemy, who had broken cover over the crest in front in tvs'o lines, and dashed sw^iftly down to the "Burnt House." The two left regiments were retired about fifty yards, to a thinly-timbered elevation near the railroad. The BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 263 enemy evinced great desperation in their efforts to cross the cottonfield and break Hazen's front, but the splendid iirmness of his regiments repeatedly foiled them. The fighting was sharp and decisive, Ilazen firmly holding his post of honor. General Graft had hardly advanced a hundred yards when he was halted, and Palmer, riding toward the pike, discovered a mass of rebels swarming in the rear of his right. Grose skillfully changed front to rear, and was instantly engaged with the enemy in a bitter contest, and, after great mutual slaughter, drove them back. Meanwhile Cruft's skirmishers spread out, engao:ed the rebel skirmishers with fine spirit, and drove them, while his line gained a fence in his front. Directly a massive charging column of the enemy bore down upon him, and a tremendous combat ensued. The rebels charged with desperate abandon, but were con- stantly hurled backward. The infantry fire of our line was awful, while the battery play of Standart seemed to swallow up whole ranks of the foe. Flesh and blood could not endure it. The enemy fell back rapidly to cover. Before Cruft's line was fairly readjusted for an advance, he discovered indications of another onset. Ordering his men to hold their lire, he Avaited until the enemy moved up within point blank range, and poured a terrillc volley into their masses. The blow was staggering, but the fero- cious rebels were determined to carry their point. Our own battalions had been hurled into other weak l>()ints \\'ith such masterly skill that they saw no hope of victory, unless tlie}^ could break each line success- ively. At this hour they were flushed with success 264 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. on the Right, and were driving in the Center. Bragg, sanguine of victory, had recalled some of his victo- rious legions from his extreme left, and was pre- cipitating them, together with Breckinridge's lai'ge division, and portions of reserve commands, upon our Left. After a terrible engagement of nearly a half hour, the enemy were again rolled back upon their own position. The two gallant regiments in front, after a second display of almost unparalleled heroism, were relieved. General Cruft took advantage of a brief respite to effect a passage of his lines — the First Kentucky, Colonel Enyart, and Is"inetieth Ohio, Col- onel Ross, going to the front. These two gallant regiments, under Enyart, advanced to charge, but the Ninetieth Ohio, was recalled, and the First Ken- tucky charged alone, routing the enemy, and pursu- ing them clean beyond the "Burnt House," and to a point within fifty yards of their line of intrench- ments. It was the most daring charge of the day, and but for the general conflict which raged all over that sanguinary field, would have been conspicuously distinguished. Enyart gathered up his little com- mand, and began to fall back to his position. But the enem}^, reinforcing from his reserves in the woods, burst upon the regiment and beat it back, with severe loss, to its position in line. The remain- der of the line, with Standart's, Parsons', and Cock- erell's admirably-worked batteries, and the heavy infantry fire from the line, checked the enemy in tlieir career. But the capricious changes of battle had left Cruft's right fiank exposed to a cross-fire from the enemy in BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 265 the woods. To retire was obviously a necessity. Re- treat was impeded by confusion, caused by repulsion of brigades from other lines back upon his line of reced- ence, and artillery carriages retiring from his right obstructed the field. Standart's ammunition was decreased to an alarmingly short supply, and he was compelled to shift position to fight ofl" the enemy. The men also had almost expended their ammunition. They had fired an average of fifty rounds each, or more. Cruft needed reinforcements, but did not receive them. They could not then be spared from other points. The enemy's fire seemed to envelop his whole line. Still he fought stubbornly, and held his ground long against fearful odds, but finally withdrew fighting. The Second Kentucky brought off three pieces, and the Thirty-First Indiana, one piece of artillery, of another division, by hand, which the gunners had been compelled to abandon, their horses having been killed. Miller's infantr}?-, although their ammunition had about failed, had brought off two pieces of the same battery, so that none of it was sac- rificed to the enemy. Standart saved his battery, with a loss of three men and seven horses, coming out with only sixteen rounds of ammunition. Cruft fell back to the pike, which he reached with about five hund- red men, the First Kentuck}^, in falling' back, hav- ing been ordered to take a position on the left of the new line on the Kight. After replenishing his cart- ridge-boxes, Cruft took a position in support of a battery on the left of the pike. Meantime, the enemy persisted in his efforts to advance from the "Burnt House" across the cottonfield which Hazen had vacated. Wagner had shifted so 9a\ 266 BATTLE OP THE CENTER. far over to the left to guard the ford, that a gap was open between the two brigades, and Ilazen, until Hascall filled the interval, was practically on the extreme left of the army. The fighting here had been so incessant that the cartridge-boxes of the Forty-First Ohio had been emptied. Hazen dared not withdraw a regiment from his front, and had fruitlessly endeavored to procure ammunition. He sent for relief. The One Hundred and Tenth Illinois fixed bayonets, and the Forty-First Ohio defiantly clubbed their muskets in desperate determination to hold their ground at all hazards until reinforcements should arrive. The ^inth Indiana, commanded by gallant "W. II. Blake, dashed over from the right with a shout, to relieve the Forty-First Ohio. •' In ad- vancing to this position," said Colonel Hazen, " under a galling fire, a cannon shot passed througJi the ranks of the Mnth Indiana, carrying death with it, and the ranks were closed without checking a step." Again : ^'The Forty-First Ohio now retired with its thinned ranks in as perfect order as on parade, cheering for the cause, and crying for ammunition." A few well- directed volleys from the Ninth Indiana drove the rebels back to their cover, and the soldiers had a brief respite. A half hour later the enemy renewed their attack with increased vigor and bitterness, and succeeded in pushing a column in front of the " Burnt House" to the right in front of Cruft, whose brigade was then withdrawn. In this attack, it was the fortune of the Sixth Kentucky Union regiment to meet the Sixth Kentucky rebel regiment, and demolish them in the open field. Meantime, when Grose, in reserve, had I BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 267 changed front to rear to clear Palmer's right flank, his front line pnshed forward about two hundred and fifty yards, and met an almost overpowering mass of the enemy. Both sides had opened fire upon observ- ing each other, and were suftering dreadftiUy. Major Kinley, commanding Thirty-Sixth Indiana, soon fell badly wounded, and Captain Sliultz, of the same regi- ment, was killed, while dozens of men had fallen around them. Captain Woodbury immediately as- sumed command of the regiment, and fought it skill- fully thereafter. Colonel I^ick Anderson received a wound in his thlHi, but did not leave his resriraent until after the enemy retreated from Murfreesboro. His Adjutant, Lieutenant "Williams, and Lieutenant Foster, of the same regiment, were soon stricken to rise no more, and it seemed that none of the brave Sixth would survive to bury its dead. The Thirty- Sixth Indiana, fighting stubbornl^^ by its side, was bleeding at every pore. After a resistance of the most obstinate character, the gallant fellow^s were compelled to recede from the cedars. Parsons, Hunt- ington, and Gushing, with their big battery and the supports, now took a leading part in the tragedy. After a terrible contest, they broke the enemy's ranks, and drove him, in conftision, to cover. A half or three-quarters of an hour later the rebels renewed their assault, but ^vere driven back with severe pun- ishment. The fighting at this point was frightful. The enemy were more numerous than the trees of the dense forest which covered them, and it did not seem possil)le to clieck their fierce advance. But our troops fought firmly, and were so effectually sustained by 268 BATTLE OF THE CENTER. Parsons' Battery that the masses of the enerny, unable to stand, such slaughter, resentfully gave way and retired to cover. The withdrawal of Cruft intensified the assault upon Hazen, and in compliance with General Palmer's orders, Grose's brigade, which had beaten the enemy in their own front, changed front to rear again, and moved over to assist Hazen near the railroad. The Twenty-Fourth Ohio, Colonel Fred. Jones, and the Thirty-Sixth Indiana, Captain Woodbur}^, with the Forty-First Oliio, were posted on the left of the Kinth Indiana. The enemy rushed to this point ferociously, and a sanguinary conflict ensued. The mettle of !N"elson's "man-of-war'' division never shone more conspicuously. The lines refused to budge an inch. The men aimed low and fired deliberately. Gallant Fred. Jones soon fell, cheering his men, and was borne from the field gasping his last sigh. A little later and his brave successor. Major Terry, received a fatal wound. Captain Enoch Weller assumed com- mand of the Twenty-Fourth. Parsons' Battery again settled the fray. The enemy fell back to cover in a wood, but kept up such a sharp fire that Hazen was compelled to swing his right behind the railroad embankment. From this time onward until the par- tial lull near noon, this staunch brigade was con- stantly engaged, the enemy fighting from the wood in which they had taken refuge. HASCALL AND WAGNER. General Hascall's brigade was ordered from the Left to the Bight by General Bosecrans in person, soon after Harker started, but owing to obstructions caused BATTLE OF THE CENTER. 269 by the panic on the Right, which overflowed the road and the camp on the east side of it, he was compelled to halt. His brigade was moved from point to point, to render assistance, until General Palmer appealed to him for aid. liesponding promptly, he sent down the Third Kentucky Infantry, and not ten minutes later, its gallant commander. Colonel McKee, was killed, and the regiment was badly cat up. They, however, maintained their ground unflinchingly. General Hascall moved at once, and took position on Hazen's left, on the east side of the Murfreesboro pike. Wagner had occupied that position early in the morning, but when the Left was transferred to the Right, General AVood caused him to shift to the Left, to cover a ford of Stone River. Cox's Tenth Indiana Battery was posted in half battery on either flank. The brigade was in front of Breckinridge's main position, where it was vigorously assaulted, but the enemy were promptly repulsed. 270 THE BATTLE ON THE LEPT. CHAPTER XXVII. Preparations for Decisive Battle — Readjustment of the Lines — The Grand Battle Scene — "Battle's Maguiticently Stern Array" — A Spectacle of Dreadful Splendor — Destruction of Human Life — Gar- esclie's Death — Ilazen in the Trial Battle — Hascall and AVagner — The Field 's our own. In the middle of the day there was a comparative cessation of tiring. The batteries ceased their thun- der, and tlie sharp crepitating thrill of musketry was stilled, excepting the harassing bicker of the rebel sharpshooters, who, posted in trees with their long- range rifles, maintained a deadly fire. The enemy made a strong demonstration upon the Right, bnt it was a feint. They had developed numbers superior to our own — ''live or six thousand," said plain-spoken Thomas. It seemed, from the latest developments of battle, that unless they exceeded us numerically in a much greater proportion, their next attack would be directed at the Left. General Rosecrans adjusted his forces for the shock which was to determine the fate of the day. We again retrace onr steps a little to discover the situation. Ronsseau and Van Cleve's advance having relieved Sherrldan's division from the pressure, J^egley's divi- sion and Cruft's brigade from Palmer's division, with- drew from their original position in front of the cedars, and crossed the open field to the east of the Murfreesboro pike, about four hundred yards in rear 1 THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. 271 of our front line, wliere iSTegley was ordered to replcn- isli his ammunition and form in close column in reserve. The Right and Center of our line now extended from Ilazen to the Murfreesboro pike, in a north- vv^esterly direction, Hascall supporting Hazen, Rous- seau filling the interval to the Pioneer Brigade, ]^egley in reserve, Van Cleve west of the Pioneer Brigade ; McCook's corps refused on his right, and slightly to the rear on the Murfreesboro pike; the cavalry being still further to the rear, on the Mur- freesboro pike and beyond Overall's Creek. Walker's brigade of the Center, consisting of the Seventeenth, Thirty-First and Thirty-Eighth Ohio, and Eighty-Second Indiana, which had been protect- ing the rear at Stewartsboro until they were ordered to the front, came up about eleven o'clock, and were temporarily assigned to G-eneral Sherridan, who posted them on the left of McCook's new line, in the forest which had been occupied by Van Cleve. Rude bar- ricades were constructed on the right. Excepting sharp skirmishing, nothing more of importance occurred on that front, althouo^h batteries of the enemy interfered with communication on the pike south of OveralTs Creek. The enemy also contented himself, during the afternoon, in making his Left secure by throwing up counter-defenses. Kirk's brigade, under Colonel Dodge, was moved down the river during the afternoon, to check an attempt of the enem3-'s cavalry to cut up our trains. After these dispositions were made, General Ros- ecrans was fully prepared for another assault. He waited not long. Bragg had withdrawn the heaviest 272 THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. portion of his Left Wing, and, together with his reserves, now rolled them with mighty momentum upon the staunch Left Wing of Crittenden. THE GRAND BATTLE SCENE. Several heavy assaults made hy the enemy to feel our lines, were successively repulsed ; but about the middle of the afternoon a storm of appalling fury burst upon the Left. The majesty of great battle was in it. Disciplined hosts rolled upon disciplined hosts with hideous momentum. The crash was like the collision of two planets — fire and smoke visible, and crushing systems frightfully audible — a spectacle of dreadful splendor. Each feature was sharply traced and clearly defined. The day was surpass- ingly beautiful. Occasionally a shallow cloud soared away softly over the convulsion below, but the blazing- sun glared through the vapory smoke which expanded over the shocking field like a thin gauze, wafting lazily toward the South. The pomp of battalions in "battle's magnificently stern array," would have compelled the severe enthusiasm of isTapoleon. Long, deep lines of soldiers in blue uniforms, ranks piled upon ranks in dense masses, prostrate upon the undu- lating field and in the woods, intersected and divers- ified the surface in martial mosaic of matchless pageantry. From the funereal cedars on the Right, to the swelling brink of Stone River, it seemed as if tiie acres had been ruled out in long blue parallels. The "banner of beauty and glory," marking the place of regiments far as vision could stretch, waved proudly and defiantly above them, not a star dimmed or a stripe erased. Hardly had it soared so grandly THE BATTLE OF THE LEFT. 273 before, and every great patriot heart that throbbed under it was " ever mindful what it cost." At inter- vals bold figures of sohtary horsemen, wlio now seemed magnified to heroic proportions, stood grimly and silent at tactical distance in the rear of their com- mands — faithful guardians of the soldiers — resisting the shock unmoved. Shining targets, they, for the ruthless marksmen of the foe ! O ! vain, sad sacrifice ! It thrills the soul with anguish to scan the record of that gory day. Garesche, and Sill, and Roberts, and Shaeifer, Drake, and Williams, Forman, and McKee, Harrington, Hawkins, Kell, Stem, Wooster, Millikin, Cotton, the two Carpenters, gallant Fred. Jones, Terry, Pinney, brave liichmond, and so many name- less heroes — where are they all? The fallow fields and gloomy thickets of Stone River swallowed up their lives. "There sliuU weep for those who bled Many a loving heart and dear; For every drop of blood that's shed, There shall fall a Nation's tear!'' Behind this magnificent panoply, our batteries, grouped in mass in the Center upon the crest of the knoll, or distributed over the field in unstudied pic- turesqueness, were enveloped in wreaths of smoke and spouting flames. Here and there striking clus- ters of Generals and their stafts stood steadily under the withering battle blast. For a little Avliile, Ros- ecrans and his staft", Thomas and his stali*, McCook and his staiF, Crittenden and his stafi"*, met in splendid grouping — the four commanders together, their field escorts radiating in semi-circle behind them — a pre- cious target for the enemy — upon a wave in the field, 274 THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. ill easy range of riflemen and shells. McCook discov- ered the imprudence, and rather sharply ejaculated, "This is a nice mark for shells. They will come in here and kill half of us. Can't you thin out, men ?" Directly a flight of bullets, and a whizzing shell, chirruping like a gigantic cricket, impressed the admonition upon them all. Thomas glanced upon either side, and then turning to the front, solilo- quized, with a sort of fine scorn, "I guess it's about as safe one place as another." Thomas and his alter ego, phlegmatic and soldierly Yon Schrader, Flint, Mackay, Landrum, and others of his staft"; Critten- den, with veteran Lyne Starling, Buford, Knox, Case, Brown, and Kniflin, took post on the flow of the ridge to the right of the pike, obliquely to the rear of the batteries of Guenther and Loomis. McCook, with Campbeh, Langdon, ISTodine, Bates, Williams, Fisher, and Blake, were in tlie rear of the left flank of the Right Wing, behind Thomas and Crittenden — Palmer and Wood careering over the field in the flame of conflict — the latter sick and wounded, but sternly at his post. The hostile array in front imparted awful sublimity to the pageant. But for its tragedy, that gory field would have been wonderfully magnificent. It was a wild, tumultuous tournament — a spectacle of martial art, as of carnage, whose lineaments were marvel- ously regular and perfect, as if it had been a pageant prepared for the eye of happy beauty and chivalry. But it was a fierce delirium, which swept thousands of human souls into eternity. The legions of the enemy poured out upon the plain in countless multitudes, firm, compact, and pow- THE BATTLE ON THE LEET. 275 erful. They resembled a mass of dense gray clouds moving along the surface, as you may see great banks of mist rolling through the valleys, or upon moun- tain declivities. Their polished muskets gleamed like burnished brass, and their parti-colored battle- iiags fluttered haughtily in the breeze. Their bat- teries wheeled swiftly into position, and the gunners plied their hellish art. It seemed as if a wall of iron could hardly resist those somber columns. They marched to slaus^hter with mao'uificent darino-, and met a wall of brave hearts that iron, and lead, and steel could not move. A liundred cannon now belched forth their thunder. The atmosphere was tremulous with the terrific vibration. The roar of artiller}^ and the treble rattle of musketr}^, thrilling along the lines as if innumera- ble keys of some harsh instrument trembled under the agency of terrible power; crash of solid shot and Bhell, whirl of grape and cannister, thick volumes of smoke which enveloped the combatants, and dispersed in a thin canopy of bluish vapor; dying men and mangled horses, dismounted cannon and shattered caissons, disabled in shocking diversity over the field; the frantic career of riderless steeds; the splendid sweep of Generals and their stafi' officers over the fearful plain, conspired to create a scene of indescriba- ble and horrific sublimity. I^o human language is fit to depict it. It was all under the scope of vision — the marching hosts, the magnificent tactical display, the dreadful panoply, the appalling destruction of human beings. The rattle of musketry tearing along the lines sounded like the noise of ripping canvas, when the 276 THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. black squall suddenly strikes the unprepared sliip. In our own lines tliere was no voice but the voice of command. Men went down with fearful wounds, but made no outcry — for men do not shriek on the field of battle. Dumb brutes neighed in their agony. A horse with leg torn away moaned with more than human pathos. Solid shot crashed through the bones of men and horses, and it seemed as if glass was being shivered. Steeds, riderless, frantic with anguish, wild with the furious tumult, were bounding over the field with desperate energy, seeking to fly from peril. Hundreds were torn to shreds. A single shell crushed through three noble beasts, and piled them in dread- ful confusion under a shattered limber. A solid shot rebounded from a gun with a clang like a brazen bell, and carried away the head of a charger. Eighty horses were killed at a single battery. Excepting in the front line, where the men stood up with almost superhuman firmness, the troops were hugging the soil, prone upon their bellies. But even here the round shot of the enemy plowed through the ranks, tearing one to shreds here, another there ; yonder a man riven and scattered by six pounds of iron, so that scarce a bone was left to testify that there had been a man — some blood, some gory strips of flesh, a few patches of skj^-blue cloth! Twenty men in a single brigade were thus annihilated. But scarce a man stirred from his position. Our heroic soldiers, steadfast and true, clung to their posts v.^ith almost unequalled fortitude and devotion. The slaughter of the foe was still more frightful. Hideous gaps were rent in their massive columns. You could track the course of a shell or round shot THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. 277 ill the withering ranks. Still they careered to the front with a determination only matched by our own. A line of lurid iiame incessantly leaped from their terrible front, and carried destruction before it. On the skirt of the thicket on the right they swarmed like legions of fiends. 'Now a column shot to the edge of the cedars on the right. Volumes of can- nister and musketiy were poured into them. Then plunging back into cover, they rallied and surged again like great billows, vainly striving to reach our lines, until it seemed none would be left to charge. It was as if they were meeting the consuming flames of hell. In the cause of liberty and right, the daring courage of those desperadoes would have won immor- tal fame. The brunt of this horrible assault fell upon Palmer and Wood. Ilazen held the center of this front, and its key. Thoms, Thompson, and Bond were sent down repeatedly by the General to encour- age those heroic soldiers in that destroying conflict. GARESCHE'S DEATH. In the midst of the horrid carnival, the General himself galloped to the left of the railroad to rein- force a struggling line by the moral power of his own splendid example. Garesche, who had never left him since they had mounted in the morning, save to exe- cute orders, was at his side. They were galloping through a tumult of iron missiles. An nnexploded shell whizzed close by his leader, and the head of Gareschd vanished with it. Sickening gouts of his hrainswere spattered upon his comrades, who turned in horror from the ghastly spectacle. The mutilated 278 THE BATTLE ON THE LEFT. form of the hero careened gently over the saddle, and fell upon tlie field. The little prayer-book was in his pocket. Men would have imagined that this, at least, wonld have touched the mind of the Chief. He did ]iot seem to observe it. His whole mind w^as intensely absorbed with the thought of conquering. Almost simultaneously another shell exploded in the midst of the staff, and brave Richmond, sergeant of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, fell. Then two of the escort. Then a fragment of a shell ripped across the side of youth- ful Willie Porter. The General, totally unmoved by danger, still careered through the field. Garesch^ had been blown away from his elbow; Kirby had been shot; Benton's horse was smarting with a wound ; Hubbard's snorted with the sting of a ball in his neck ; Taylor's was killed ; Porter's horse and then himself were struck; poor Richmond was mortally hurt; four or five of his escort and orderlies were stretched upon the field. No wonder Bond said to him, "General, do you think it right to expose your- self so much?" And the response! A regiment was lying down upon the field before him waiting to be called into action. Shot and shell were whizzing furi- ously over them. The Chief dashed up to the line and addressed them : "Men, do you wish to know^ how to be safe? Shoot low. Give them a blizzard at their shins! But do you wish to know how to be safest of all? Give them a blizzard, and then charge with cold steel! Forward, now, and show what you are made of!" Bond had announced Garesche's death.^ It seemed to occur to the General as a half-remem- bered dream. "I am y:lev, and Palmer, and Rousseau, and Van Cleve, are none the less skillful, not less admired, because the soldiers of 294 "we fight or die here." the arm}^ who decide for themselves, adjudge that E-osecraus is more than master of his profession. ORDERS FOR JANUARY FIRST. But that night's consultation resulted in arrange- ments for the morrow. "Orders were given," said the General, "for the issue of all the spare ammuni- tion, and we found that we had enough for another battle, the only question being where that battle was to be fought. "It was decided, in order to complete our present lines, that the Left should be retired some two hund- red and fifty yards, to more advantageous ground, the extreme left resting on Stone River, above the lower ford, and extending to Stokes' Battery. Stark- weather's brigade, arriving near the close of the evening, bivouacked in close column, in reserve, in the rear of McCook's loft. "After careful examiuation, and free consultation with corps commanders, followed by a personal exam- ination of the ground in the rear, as far as Overall's Creek, it was determined to await the enemy's attack in that position, to send for the provision train, and order up fresh supplies of ammunition, on the arrival of which, should the eneni}' not attack, offensive oper- ations should be resumed." McCook's corps was already disposed — Davis on the right, Sherridan joining him on the left, Johnson in reserve; Walker's brigade constituting Sherridan's left, and ordered to relieve Van Cleve in the moi'uing. Thomas was to remain in statu quo. Crittenden reunited his command, bringing them all together on "we fight or die here." 295 the left of the turnpike, and took up a new line of battle, about five hundred yards to the rear of the former line; Hascall's division rested their right on the position occupied by Stokes' Batterj/, and his left on General Palmer's right; General Palmer rested his left on the ford, his right extending toward the rail- road, and perpendicular to it, thus bringing the line at right angles to the railroad and turnpike, and extending from Stokes' Battery to the ford. THE SOLDIERS. The jaded troops lay down upon their arms that night, many of them where they had fought. It was cold and dreary, and no fires were permitted in front, but there was no murmur of discontent. The moral aspect of that cheerless bivouac was sublime. " When I witnessed the uncomplaining soldiers in tlieir dreary bivouac ; when I saw them parch corn over a few little coals into which they were permitted to blow a spark of life; when they carved steaks from the loins of a horse which had been killed in battle, and ate, not simply without murmuring, but made merry over their distress, tears," said heroic Rousseau, "involun- tarily rolled from my eyes." Subsequently said Rous- seau, "Day and night in the cold, wet, and mud, my men suffered severely ; but during the whole time I did not hear one single murmur at their hardships, but all were cheerful, and ever ready to stand by their arms and fight. Such endurance I never saw elsewhere." This eloquent testimony applied to the whole army. Some of the divisions, however, were fnWy supplied; Wood's certainly, for that true soldier took care to 296 "WE FIGHT OR DIE HERE." replenish the haversacks of the men on the eve of battle. THE MEDICAL STAFF. The battle-field was strewn with the wounded. Doctor Swift, the able Medical Director of the army, most efficiently aided by Doctor Beebe, Doctor Phelps, Doctor McDermot, and Doctor James, his Chiefs of Corps, together with the noble division, brigade, and regimental Surgeons, exerted their utmost power to remove all the sufferers as quickly as possible from the field to the hospitals. Doctor Swift was often in the flame of battle. Doctor James was in the very forefront when the enemy bore down upon Stokes' Battery. But few flinched from duty — three in the entire staff of surgeons, who shall be nameless now. Said General Rosecrans officially : "The ability, order, and method exhibited in the manao-ement of the wounded, elicited the warmest commendation from all our general officers, in which I most cordially join. ^N'otwithstanding the numbers to be cared for, through the energy of Doctor Swift, Medical Director, ably assisted by Doctor Weeds and the senior Surgeons of the various commands, there was less suffering from delay than I have ever before witnessed." There is not one word of exaggeration in this, and if the enemy had not destroyed the General Hospital, both our wounded and their's who fell into our hands, would have been still more comfortably provided. God knows there was great suffering. Let th^s suf- fice. " It is not needful to sound the stream oi blood in all its horrid depths." NEW 297 CHAPTER XXIX. The First Day of January, 1863 — Rain — Change of Division and Bri- gade Commanders — Position of Divisions— Van Cleve's Division Crosses Stone River — Demonstrations by the Enemy — The Regulars Double-Quick to Stewart's Creek and back — The Brilliant Affair of Colonel Innis and his Michiganders at Lavergne — Colonel J. W. Burke and the "Bloody Tenth"— A Trying New Year's Day— Effect of "Wednesday's Reverse at Nashville — A Rebel Woman on the House-Top. After midnight it rained upon tlie soldiers. They were thoroughly saturated, and in a few hours the bivouacs were masses of mud. Fortunately the army was not harassed by serious alarms on the picket lines. Long before daylight the new line was ad- justed, and the troops stood at arms. General Rose- crans waited developments. It was not his policy to force a renewal of the eno^a2:ement until his stores v\^ere replenished. Generals Wood and Van Cleve, though wounded early in the battle of Wednesday, remained in the field until its close. They were now unfit for duty, and repaired to IlN'ashville. Brigadier General Has- call succeeded the former, and Colonel Samuel Beatty relieved the latter; Colonel George P. Buell taking Ilascall's brigade, Colonel Ben. C. Grider, of the ^N'inth Kentucky, assuming command of Beatty's bri- gade. Walker's brigade relieved Van Cleve's division. Starkweather's subsequently taking position on the left of the latter. General Crittenden, in pursuance 298 NEW year's day. of orders, sent Beatty across Stone Elver at three o'clock in the morning', to hold the hill overlooking the river at the upper ford, a mile below the railroad bridge in front of Murfreesboro ; Colonel Price, com- manding the Third Brigade, crossed in advance, fol- lowed by the Second Brigade, Colonel FyfFe command- ing. The brigades formed in two lines, the right resting on high ground near the river, east of the ford, the left thrown forward. Grider's brigade was formed near the hospitals, to protect the left flank. Lieutenant Livingston's Third Wisconsin Battery crossed the river and took up position on the rising ground in front of FyfFe. The infantry were con- cealed by lying down. The enemy's skirmishers appeared in front, but Livingston dispersed them by flinging a few shells at them. Grose's brigade, how- ever, crossed to support Beatty, but subsequently, with Livingston's Battery, was withdrawn. Wood's division was withdrawn by Hascall to a line about five hundred yards in rear of the position occu- pied the previous day. The line v/as now nearly at right angles with the railroad, Buell's brigade on the right, Ilarker in the center, Wagner on the left. Excepting some sharp skirmisliing on ILirker's and Wagner's fronts, which was finally ended by Bradley and Cox freely using shell and spherical case shot, ILascall's division was comparatively quiet during the day. Palmer's division also rested in battle-order, excepting Grose's brigade, which was sent across the river to support Beatty's division. Pepcated attempts were made by the enemy to advance upon the Center, but they were foiled by Guenther's and Van Pelt's Batteries. Morton's l^ioneer Brigade once repulsed NEW year's day. 299 tliem severely. The Regular Brigade was ordered up to meet an attack on McCook's front, and subse- quently was sent to Stewart's Creek. When nearly there it was ordered back at double-quick time, but upon its return it went into bivouac near headquar- ters. Scribner's brigade was withdrawn to the rear early in the morning to prepare their rations. Before the famishing fellows got ready, an alarm caused a stampede among some teamsters near their camp, and a skirmishing flurry on Stone River compelled them to take arms. A little later the disappointed troops were marched up to the front again to meet a threatened attack. I^egley's division was hurried off to McCook's riglit in the afternoon to meet a strong demonstration on that front. His troops bivouacked there tluit night. Bradley's brigade made a dash and captured eighty- five prisoners. Walker's brigade was constantly har- assed by pickets, and the enemy incessantly menaced his front. Church's Battery signalized itself by its effective gunner}^, but the gallant veteran brigade, which had been at many combats and several battles, did not have the fortune which it craved, of showing its mettle in a grand battle. At eight o'clock that evening they made a successful reconnoissance, exhib- iting great gallantry. At about two o'clock a strong demonstration was made by the enemy at the extrem- ity of a field, a mile and a half from the Murfreesboro pike, but the presence of Gibson's brigade with a bat- ter}^, occupying the woods near Overall's Creek, and T^egley's division, and a portion of Rousseau's, pre- vented a serious collision. The harassments of the day ended with a demonstration upon Walker's front. The casualties this day were not numerous. 300 NEW year's day. BRILLIANT AFFAIR AT LAVERGNE. The Michigan Eegiment of Mechanics and Engi- neers, Colonel Innis commanding — three Imndred and ninety-one officers and men — had been posted at Lavergne, midway between ]N"ashville and Mnrfrees- boro, to protect communication. Colonel Innis took position on the bights in rear of the hamlet, and con- structed a flimsy barricade of cedar brush for the protection of his little garrison. Wheelers rebel cavalry, after destroying several trains upon the road, appeared in front of Innis at two o'clock with a force of three thousand men and two pieces of artillery. A flao; of truce was sent in, demandins; a surrender. Innis replied with more vehemence than piet}^, "Tell General AYheeler I'll see him d — d first. We don't surrender much 1 Let him take us." Whereon the rebels essayed. A daring officer, galloping at full speed in front of the first column of attack, called upon the garrison to surrender. A bullet pierced his breast. Ilis command charged gallantly. "Wheeler opened his artillery. The little garrison defended themselves manfully. The rebel horsemen dashed against the fiimsy barricades wath admirable spirit. The trusty rifles of the Michiganders destro^^ed them. The column recoiled into the adjacent thickets. Their commander sent another flag of truce, demanding surrender. "See him d — d first," said Innis, curtly. The desperadoes rolled up again with thundering force. The steady Michiganders hurled tliem back again. A third assault was foiled; then a fourth; then a fifth. The rebel General sent another flag of truce, explaijiing that his numbers were overwhelm- NEW year's day. 301 ing, and demanding surrender to spare useless efiusion of blood. Innis lost liis temper, told the flag oflicer to " go to the d — 1," and requested him to warn Gen- eral Wheeler to send no more flags. He " would fire upon them if he did." The enemy charged more vehemently than before, and were again beaten oft'. They organized a seventh attack in lieav}^ force, and thundered up the hill in a fury of passion. The galhmt little garrison sent them reeling; back a2:ain. Wheeler withdrew out of musket range, and sent in his flag asking permission to collect his dead and wounded. "Tell General Wheeler," said Innis, "that he is wel- come to everything he can take beyond the range of my muskets. AYe'll take care of the wounded and dead who are under our guns." THE "bloody tenth." Meantime, Innis had sent a swift messenger to Colonel Burke at Stewartsboro, five miles south, to come and help him. Gallant Burke gathered part of his sturdy Irishmen — the "bloody Tenth" — and raced up the road with all the speed of eager soldiers. The fighting fellows whose wild clamor had startled the echoes of tl^e Gauley Mountains at Carnifex, and whose comrades were thickly strewn over the green hills of Perry ville, stretched out their brawny legs, and stalked along the pike with eager energy. They had held their own post defiantly, rescued captured trains, drove the enemy from their front, but could get no fight. Tliey were after one now, swiftly and liotly. "I never," said the gallant Bnrkc, " saw fellows so disappointed. When we got to Lavcrgne, Innis liad whipped the enemy, and we had no fight ! " The 302 General Commanding did not forget their spirit. Subsequently in his official report, he said : " The Tenth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, at Stewart's Creek, Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Burke commanding, deserves especial praise for the ability and spirit with which they held their post, defended our trains, secured the rear, chased away Wheeler's rebel cav- alry, saving a large wagon train, and arrested and retained in service some two thousand stra2:2:lers from the battle-field." So of the valiant Michiganders he said: ''The First Regiment of Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, at Lavergne, under command of Col- onel Innis, fighting behind a slight protection of wagons and brush, gallantly repulsed a charge from more than ten times their number, of Wheeler's Cavalry." 'Not the least pleasing feature of these developments of soldierly spirit, was the generous enthusiasm with which Innis expressed his admiring obligations to Burke and the "Bloody Tenth." A TRYING NEW YEAR's DAY. The rebels, however, succeeded in harassing our rear to an embarrassing extent, destroying trains, capturing squads of troops whom they paroled and released, being unable to escort them to their own lines. Several wounded officers who were retiring to ITashville for surgical attention, were disgracefully maltreated. Major Slemmer, of the Sixteenth United States Infantry, was ejected from his ambulance, and other officers were compelled to give their parole, and halt by the highway until they were relieved by pass- ing ti'ains. New Year's Day was trying upon the army, but its 303 constancy was unshaken. The troops went into biv- ouac as they had the previous nights, sleeping upon their arras without fires, and somewhat annoyed by picket flurries along the lines. The General Com- manding was constantly in the field waiting develop- ments, and making dispositions for future operations. The quiet of the enemy assured him that they had been worried by Wednesday's battle, and it gave him time to replenish his ammunition and subsistence stores. His headquarters that night and thereafter were in a little dilapidatecflog-cabin, within shell range of the enemy on either front, on the right of the Miirfreesboro pike. He slept an hour or two in his tent at the gable end of the cabin, and his staff squeezed together as thick as figs in a drum on the dirt}^ floor of the tenement. All misgivings had been dismissed from the minds of oflicers and soldiers. All men felt with the General — ''we shall beat them!" WOMEN ON THE HOUSE-TOPS. But there was another feature of " Happy E"ew Year " worthy of observation. Tidings of Wednes- day's reverse had been carried to IS'ashville on the swift wings of cowardice. The few patriot residents of the city and the garrison were profoundly afiiicted. They apprehended that a dreadful calamity was about to fall upon them. Stragglers, oflicers, private sol- diers, camp followers, poured up the Murfreesboro pike toward the city in streams. The wife of a rebel oflicer clambered to the roof of her mansion, and look- ing southward, beheld the shameless messengers of evil. Cushi was running with evil tidings. There was no prudent Ahimaaz to run by the way of the 301 NEW year's day. plain to circumvent him. The woman clapped her hands with sudden joy, shouting triumphantly, '' they are heaten back." Her friends of either sex took no care to repress their exultation. Some were overbearing and impudent. Officers and soldiers silenced them savagely. Yet they poured forth into the streets in numbers, and with a gayety that had not been witnessed since the Union armies had occu- pied the city. The stragglers were roughly handled by General Mitchell. He denounced them vigorously as inftx- mous cowards, swore their stories of disaster were lies, directed Lieutenant Colonel Cahill to organize them and form them in front of the city. He laughed to scorn the notion that '' Rosecrans was whipped," and then with menacing vehemence swore that "if Eosecrans should be driven back, not one stone of iTashville should be left upon another. I'll blow the d — d town to fragments," said he, "if I am compelled to leave it." All this rebel joy, and all this patriot gloom grew out of the exaggerations of cowardly officers, fugitive soldiers, and teamsters who £ed from battle. A mal adroit incident happened to confirm the untoward rumors. The extreme front was an improper place for the important official papers of the department. The numerical superi- ority of the rebel cavalry rendered it dangerous to keep them with headquarters' camp at an intermediate point, and they were accordingly sent back to N^ash- ville. The malcontents of the Rock City accepted the incident as confirmation of disaster to the fed- erals. Later in the evening they became restive and somber. It was impossible to explain it, but the NEW year's day. 305 mystery no doubt was revealed in the back parlors of E"ashville. But it was very clear that there was " a plague on all your houses." General Rains was killed, and Moody's men had destroyed the " Kock City Guards." And the women who ascended to the house-tops were much moved, and went up to their chambers and wept, ^ew Year's Day of 1863 was not a " Happy N'ew Year." 26 306 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINMDGE'S DIVISION. CHAPTER XXX. Friday, January 2 — Heavy Artillery Battle — Movements of the Troops — Van Cleve's Division Across Stone River — Grose Supporta Him — Onslaviglit upon Van Cleve's Division — It is Broken — The Batteries Massed — The Center and Bight Wing Assisting the Left — Negley, Davis and Morton to the Bescue— A Banner and a Battery Captured— Awful Effect of Our Artillery— The Rebels Routed— Brigadier General Hanson Killed. Eriday morning was raw and chilly, but the clouds soon dispersed, and the sun glowed pleasantly. The troops were cheerful. Some subsistence and ammuni- tion had arrived during the night. At dawn the sharpshooters of the enemy introduced the exercises of the morning with the sharp firing of their rifles. Commanders were at their posts, expecting an attack from the enemy. The "eyes of the army" were on its flanks, and skirting the Murfreesboro pike, gallop- ins: over the hills after rebel marauders. McCook and Thomas remained in statu quo, part of their respective forces in reserve. Somewhere about eight o'clock, while Morton's Pioneer Brigade were making crossings at the rail- road, the enemy opened a furious cannonade from four batteries on the east side of Stone River. They ranged chiefly upon Harker s position. Ilis men were subject to sore trial, but they hugged the ground closely, and escaped with one man killed and eleven wounded. Estep's battery, upon which the enemy SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE'S DIVISION. 307 had exact range, was forced to yield its position. Eradley worked his guns with visible effect, until one of our own batteries undertook to throw grape over his head. Whereon he was reluctant l}^ compelled to withdraw to a safer position. Stokes', Loomis', Guen- ther's, and several other batteries, took part in the duello, and in a short time silenced the enemy. While this was going on, an infantry demonstration was made upon Wagner's skirmishers, but the enemy were easily driven back. The rebels also gave Walk- er's brigade a salute, but Church soon satisfied them. DISPOSITIONS ON THE LEFT. General Rosecrans still persisted in his scheme of wheeling into Murfreesboro with his Left, and with that view, directed his attention chiefly to the posi- tion occupied by Van Cleve. Livingston's Battery recrossed the river, and took up its position on the left, leaving Lieutenant Hubbard, with a section of the battery, on the eminence at the right of Price's brigade. Price was on the right of the line, with the Fifty-First Ohio, Eighth Kentucky, and Thirty-P'ifth Indiana Pegiments in front, the Twenty-First Ken- tucky and Ninety-Ninth Ohio Regiments forming the second line in reserve. Fyffe's brigade was on the left, and the Seventy-Eighth Indiana was posted in the front line to fill a gap. A sharp clatter of musketry in front, early in the morning, increased at eleven o'clock to the propor- tions of a severe fight. The enemy seemed to be creeping up. Crittenden, therefore, sent Grose's brigade across the river to strengthen Beatty's left. About eight hundred yards below the right of 308 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE's DIVISION. Beatty's division line, the river makes a cletonr of perhaps a half mile to the rear, and courses nearly parallel with the line taken up by Beatty. Grose formed his regiments in echelon in support of the left of Beatty; the Twenty-Third Kentucky about two hundred yards to the left and rear of Beatty's left, the Twenty-Fourth Ohio, Thirty-Sixth Indiana, Eighty-Fourth Illinois, and Sixth Ohio Eegiments, forming respectively, from right to left, the right of the Eighty-Fourth Illinois resting upon a bluif at the river, with the Third "Wisconsin Battery near its left. The brigade immediately collected logs.^ brush, rails, and stones, making a good barricade, and waited developments. Cruft w^as posted on the west side of the river, supporting a battery. SYMPTOMS. Meantime, Beatty's skirmishers reported the move- ment of artillery toward his left, and that sixteen regiments of infantry had appeared in his front. At about noon the enemy flung a few shells at Hubbard's guns. Directly a battery opens upon him. The angry rattle of musketry increases in front. Rebel skirmishers gradually approach, until it becomes too hot for Livingston's gunners, and they retire to a more secure position. Shells, now and then a solid shot, knock the dirt over Beatty's men, but they lie flat on their bellies. The enemy shoots blindly. Soon our skirmishers are so strongly pressed that two companies are sent to strengthen them. Men are hurt on either side. At half-past two o'clock four more rebel guns are discovered moving to the left. At three o'clock SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE'S DIVISION. 309 rebel skirmishers are seen tlirowiDg down the fences in their front. Battle menacing, certainly! All these conditions are noted. When the fences go down, Leatty orders Price to retire his brigade behind the crest of the hill. The enemy are seen moving up in the distance. They advance in powerful masses — battalion front, three ranks, or six men deep, in mass, in the attacking column — a column of equal strength in support, and another mass, not at all infe- rior, in reserve. Splendid display of martial pageant- ry. Their banners are flying haughtily; their steel is dazzling. They march wdth superb solidity. Those three powerful columns seem to be three monstrous machines. Breckinridge is launching them at three little brigades, and one Wisconsin battery. Perhaps ! THE ONSET. The head of that frowning mass suddenly shoots clean out from the timber into the front. Fearfully splendid. Their batteries have opened in stunning accord. Shot and shell, whizzing, whirring, shriek- ing, as if they were winged fiends. The firm sod flies into clouds of dust ; trunks of trees are shivered into atoms ; splintered boughs rain upon the hills, as if awkward and careless woodsmen were topping the forests ; the flesh and bones of horses crush as if they were brittle ice ; a man is suddenly tripped up — his leg flies from its base ; a soldier's head vanishes — and you do not even sigh, until you bury what remains. The machine called a column of attack in mass — a thousand men in front, six men deep, with two other machines just like it, pushing behind to sustain its momentum, emits a blaze and a fume with a crashing 310 and tlir-r-r-r-upping sound — as if Titans were tearing strong canvas. Then a counter-crash, quickly — per- haps two or three, from as many lines. Volley for volley — then symmetry of sound is lost. File firing ensues — that is, every man loads and fires for himself with all his might, mostly shooting high, so that the lead flies overhead, and twigs flutter — manj' shooting so low that the dirt is chipped up at the toes of men. If the heaviest battalion is disciplined, and v\'ell handled, it shoots most bullets and weight of lead decides, unless cold steel is thrust into the scale. Then lead loses momentum. Price did not fire until the enemy were within a hundred yards of him. His volley shatters the head of the mass. Why didn't he " give them a blizzard, and then at 'em with the steel?" His little brigade fights hard, struggle to keep their feet. Good soldiers! — they had proved it before. Too many bullets for them. A gray cloud suddenly sweeps toward their flank. They brace up an instant, but are doomed to break. Pity ! On the 10th of December they won honest fame. Fyfle flings in a flank fire, which stings, but does not destroy. Price goes back, breaks, confuses the second line, so that it can not recover to resist the overpowering billow. Fyfle is forced to fall oft' to the rear. The veteran Nineteenth Ohio, which settled the Rich Mountain aft'air under "01d(?) Rosey," and the Kinth and Eleventh Kentucky, march up. They advance eagerly, and meet the machine, whose head is tattered and torn, and it falls away to let the other machine, that pushed it forward, roll upon the three regiments. Six regiments to three are heavy. Mean- SLAUGHTER OP BRECKINRIDGE'S DIVISION. 311 time " Old Rosey" had appeared on tbe field. Fifty- cio'lit iron and brazen batterino; rains bad been gathered in a mass on tbe nether side of the river. lie was holding them in band like a cocked pistol. Mendenhall bad gathered them, and was directing them truly. Tbe immortal Eighth Division, under soldierly ;N"egley, was moving up. Gallant Davis, eager to make a new exhibit of tbe mettle of bis salamanders, solicits tbe favor to advance bis division, and it is rushing across from Eight to Left to get in first. Johnson sends over Gibson, with tbe thirteen hundred soldiers who remained of two thousand four liundred and fifty-eight, who bad begun the slaughter of Wednesday. Pioneer Morton, wdio wants to be "doing it about right," whenever and wherever be can, rushes up in that "Excelsior" way of his, with bis "general utility" men — wdio diversify soldiers' life by building bridges or fighting, and do either admirably. Eemember, they represent forty regi- ments — Michigan, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ireland, Germany — the Union. REVERSE. Pity tbe noble Left Wing should meet with reverse at all — it resisted so victoriously Wednesday ; but it can afford it. JSTotbing but fair that the Eight should enjoy reciprocation of favors. The Left assisted tbe Eiglit; the Eight can now help the Left — only tbe Center is most lucky and crowds in first. Tbe IS'ine- teenth Buckeves, and the £:ariant Ninth and Eleventh Kentucky fight staunchly, and the Indiana Thirty- Fifth, on tbe left, talk of the bayonet, but it won't do now. Tbat gray bank, with a steel crest, lifting upon 312 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION. the right flank, is too much bone and metah The regiments go back, slowly at first, and at length they take water, as the first and the second line did. The billow behind them rolls on fast, and a crest breaks ofi'into the river. VICTORY. 'Now the power of cannon is cast into the balance. The shock of fifty-eight brazen and iron monsters shake the earth, and a tempest tears through the forest. Legions of devils seem riving the timber where the Left's Third Division was fighting. The Eighth leaps into the stream. The Second Division of the Right is coming — " Carlin, " said the Captain of the host, '• take your brigade to the left ; form it in two lines, and should you find our forces repulsed, allow them to pass through 3^our lines, and on the approach of the eneni}^, give a whoop and a yell and go at 'em ! " Carlin's brigade was dreadfully reduced. He felt some apprehensions lest they should not respond properly. "Tell them," said the General Commanding, " tell them they 7nust do it for us, and the country ! " Gallant Carlin announced the appeal of their Chieftain. They yell like Stentors and plunge into the stream. Gibson's thirteen hundred charge, shouting like the clangor of trumpets. Strange that you forget the noise of cannon in bat- tle frenzy. The ear is deaf to its uproar. You hear shells flutter and you dodge. You hear bullets pict, pict, pict, pict, pict, and a sheet of them thr-r-r-up; but unless you deliberately look upon battle as a spec- tacle to enchant vision, and listen to thunderous artillery to admire the majesty of wonderful arti- ficial sound, the eye is unaflccted by pageantry, and SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE' S DIVISION. 813 the ear waxes insensible to brazen detonation. Heart and mind in unison, say, "we shall beat them!'* That absorbs sights and sound. Lo ! the mystery of war's callousness. Thus, you see your best friend vanish from your elbow with scarce an emotion. The first gun booms, as if it were a doom. The first crash of musketry thrills to the very marrow of your bones. Then the mighty effort! Then blood in your veins becomes lightning. Then you mutely cry, " we shall beat them ! " There were fifty-eight guns en masse in the Center, others on the river bank, and Livingston's across the stream. Mendenhall's, and Loomis', of which were Parson's, and Swallow's, and Bradley's, and Shultz's, and Estep's, and Yan Pelt's, Standart's, Stevens', N^ell's, Marshall's, Cox's and Stokes' Batteries — hurl- ing solid shot, shell, grape, spherical case and cannis- ter; and the forests seemed bursting with agony. All hell had broken loose. Then the machines which are called columns, in mass, three lines deep, without intervals, six men thick, were torn to fragments. Grose was on the left of them. The Ohio Sixth and Twenty-Fourth, the Indiana Thirty-Sixth, the Ken- tucky Twenty-Third, and the Illinois Eighty-Fourth, raise with crazy clamor and rip into them. Scott's Illinois Nineteenth, Stonghton's Michigan Eleventh, Given with the Eighteenth, and Elliott and Bingham with the Sixty-]!^inth Ohio ; Sirwell with the Penn- sylvania Seventy-Eighth, Moody with his " boys," of the trusty Ohio Seventy-Fourth, ITeibling's "Twenty- Onesters," the Thirty-Seventh Hoosiers, under Ward and Kimball, stalk across the stream and pour in vol- leys from the right and left. Ilazen is rushing in 27 314 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINMDGE's DIVISION. witli his veterans ; Davis, Carlin, and Morton follow Bwiftlj, eager for laurels. The '' Twenty-Onesters " are sent off to the left. The Seventy-Eighth Penn- sylvanians, the Nineteenth Illinoisans, the Seventj^- Fourth Ohioans rushed upon a battery, and the " Twenty-Onesters ," on the left, swoop upon it. A rebel color-bearer, probed with a bayonet, sinks in a pool of blood. A Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvanian seizes the banner of the rebel Tennessee Twenty- Sixth ; the Nineteenth, the Twenty-First, the Seven- ty-Fourth, the Seventy-Eighth — no matter which State — swallow up the guns, four of them for tro- phies, and a mass of prisoners — gallant Scott is down, yet he shouts. Davis thunders in pursuit of the fugi- tives, while the Eighth Division gathers again. The fifty-eight pieces of iron and bronze, in mass, roar with frightful concussion, and sweep the forests in flank, in front, in reverse. Hazen sharply follows the fugitives; Davis is onward; Ilascall is coming; the enemy, torn to pieces, are flying in wild dismay over the riven forests, and through the cotton fields. Horsemen, frantic with delight, race far over the field, trailing the captured banner along the regi- ments. Now the cannon and the infantry are all plunging forward. Twilight, and the thin blue pow- der fumes dispersing in haze, intermingle. Joyful shouts swell in shrill harmony on the far bank of the river — leap across the stream, roll along the front, spring from rank to rank, stretch from left to right, until their magnificently triumphant volume dies away in pleasant echoes among the distant hills. Such overwhelming ecstacy of victory ! "We shall beat them!" The figure of the Com- SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE's DIVISION. 315 Tnander-in-Chief was again conspicuous, when the niio'bt of iiis own e:;ood sworcl was needed. lie burled Lis batteries and bis battabons togetber, at tbe mon- strous macbines of Breckinridge, and destroyed tbeni in forty minutes. Two thousand men or more, who bad marched upon that iiekl in haughty deliance, at three o'clock and fifty minutes, were dead or man- gled at four o'clock and thirty minutes. Breckin- ridge was a fugitive; General Hanson mortally hurt; General Adams crippled; Colonel Pres. Cunningham killed; Colonel McGeggor fatally struck ; and scores more of the master class, who fell in parricidal con- flict. It was an appalling calamity to rebel arms. Our loss was about one hundred killed; perhaps four hundred wounded — five hundred in all. Beatty vras in it with his own brigade under Col- onel Grider, Fyff*e's brigade, and the brigade of Stan- ley Matthews, then commanded by Colonel Samuel W. Price. The latter bore the brunt of the disaster, losing seventy-eight men killed, three hundred and eleven wounded. The colors of the Eighth Ken- tucky Eegiment were torn into fragments by a shell. FyfFe, on the left, Avas not violently assaulted, and was compelled to retire when Price gave waj^ Fyfi:e himself was hurt b}^ a fall from his horse. Grider received tbe same shock, and it was too severe for him. There was much confusion, and a few eager rebels pursued our fugitives into the stream. On the other side some of the broken regiments rallied quickly. Tbe Nineteenth Ohio, Ninth Kentucky, and Fifty-First Oliio, were among the first to cross in pursuit of the flying foe. The enemy hardly expected a flank fire from Grose. 316 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE' S DIVISION. It was very bitter. The wild scream of his valiant regiments was as effective as their musketry. The Twenty-Fourth Ohio was again robbed of a jewel. Colonel Fred. Jones and Major Terry had fallen on Wednesday. Captain Enoch "Weller, commanding the regiment after Terry's death, was killed this day. Among its many dauntless officers, Adjutant Henry Y. Graham shone conspicuously. Gibson's brigade was called upon to assist General Palmer in driving a strong force of the rebels out of the woods on the flanks. The Thirty-Second Indiana— Willich's Ger- mans — charged and drove two rebel regiments clean across the river. i^egley's division and the Pioneer Brigade had been ordered up to meet the onset, while Crittenden directed Mendcnhall to dispose the batteries on the hill on the west side of the river. Ilazen's brigade also crossed, and the Forty-First Ohio Eegiment was among the advanced pursuers of the rebels. General Davis crossed the river at a ford below to attack the left flank of the enemy, but the}^ retreated too rap- idly. Darkness put an end to pursuit. Davis, with Ilascall's division on his left, Palmer in support, begun at once to throw up breastworks upon the line conquered from the enemy. The battle on Friday evening was an awful paroxysm. General Rosecrans most graphically said : " The firing was terrific, and the havoc terrible. The enemy retreated more rap- idly than they had advanced. In forty minutes they lost two thousand men." While this conflict was raging. Walker advanced in his front with his brigade — the Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel J. W, Connell, and Thirty -first Ohio, Lieu- SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINRIDGE' S DIVISION. 317 tenant Colonel Lister, in front, supported by tlie Thirty-Eightii Ohio, Colonel Phelps, and the Eighty- Second Indiana, Colonel Hunter. The enemy opened upon them sharply, but the brigade advanced firmly to a point within eighty yards of them. The front line then delivered a volley deliberately, and dropped upon their bellies to reload, the second line following suit. Bayonets were fixed, but the rebels fled to their intrenchments. Several howitzers, in front and center of the line, continued to howl until after nio-ht fell, echoino- most dismalW; and at nearly eight o'clock. Lieuten- ant Colonel Choate, Lieutenant Colonel Davis, of the Eighty-Second Indiana, and Captain J. "W. Stincli- comb, of Colonel Walker's brigade, with a detach- ment of that command, made a successful reconnois- sance in front of the Eight Wing, driving in the enemy's outposts. The firing, during a few moments, was as passionate as opening battle. Bullets flew about headquarters thickly, but the flurry was soon over. Somewhat later. Colonel Dodge, with eight companies of the Second and Third Brigades, John- son's division, made a reconnoissance on the extreme right, and disturbed a large force of the enemy. Somewhat later. General Ixosecrans, deeming it possil)lc that the enemy might again attack our Right and Center, "made a demonstration on our Bight b}' a heavy division of camp fires, and by lay- ing out a line of battle with torches, wdiich answered the purpose." Lieutenant Colonel Bassett Langdon, and Captain Fisher, of McCook's Stafl', and Captain Charles R. Thompson, Aid to the General Command- ing, were selected, on account of their superior vocal 318 SLAUGHTER OF BRECKINKIDGE'S DIVISION. powers, to marshal the division. A troop of order- lies escorted them, and constructed bhazing fires along the extreme Right, while the commanders of the Light Division moved their forces by the right and left flanks with sonorous clamor. Not long after- ward, the General Commanding supervised the new line of battle laid out with flambeaux, and left it for the serious contemplation of the enemy. It was raining at dark, but the gallant soldiers were jocund. Their bivouac fires blazed like bon- fires. Cedars were piled upon cedars, until the black clouds above seemed canopies of lambent flame. The warriors, inspired with the enthusiasm of vic- tory, shouted in their wikl joy till sleep overcame them. The future was opening into a glowing vista. ]^o more talk now of retreat. But liundreds labored through the dreary night, intrenching the front of the army. General Ixosccrans, standing near his "cabin'd, crib'd, confined" quarters, in mud half Vv'ay to his boot-tops, rubbed his hands complacentl}^, and repeated, "We shall beat them!" S19 CHAPTER XXXI. Saturday's Operations — Too Much Rain — The Front Harassed — Rousseau Annoyed — He Seeks Revenge — John Beatty and Rough- Handed Spears — East Tenncsseeans Charge with a Sk)gan — The Last Hostile Guns in Battle — Tbe Wounded — Rebel Prisoners Eat- ing Parched Corn — A General Surprised — The Rebels Retreat — Sun- day — Mass — Official Summary of the Battle. Saturday morning dawned inanspiciously. The rain fell in torrents. The field of battle was a morass. The camps were wretched muck of w^ater and slop. Military operations upon an important scale w^ere impracticable. Quite early in the morning a brigade of the enemy, under cover of the w^oods, suddenly pounced upon the Indiana Forty-Second, Lieutenant Colonel Shanklin commanding. After a sharp fight, the brave Iloosiers were cut up severely, and many captured, including their commander. The plowed fields being impassable by artillery, no advance could be made profitably; besides, the ammunition train did not arrive until ten o'clock. Batteries were put in position on the left, by which the ground could be svrept, and even Murfreesboro reached by the Parrott guns. The enemy harassed the front on the Right and Center, extending to the Left. It finally became so annoying that General Rosecrans ordered the corps commanders to clear their fronts, which was done speedily. The sharpshooters in the woods on the left of the Murfreesboro pike and the "Burnt House," 320 Saturday's operations. however, annoyed Konsseau's front all day, killing and wounding some men. General Thomas and he obtained permission to dislodge them and their sup- ports which covered a ford. Four batteries, including Guenther's and Van Pelt's, were opened, under the direction of Colonel Loomis, and the "Burnt House" and adjacent woods were soon battered to fragments. EAST TENNESSEEANS. At dark liousseau sent Colonel John Beatty, with the Third Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel Lawson com- manding, and the Eighty-Eighth Indiana, under Col- onel Humphreys, to drive the enemy from his cover. Brigadier General Spears, who had arrived from !N"ashville that day with a subsistence train, solicited and obtained permission to participate in the aifair. Beatty advanced on the right with the First East Tennessee Volunteers, Colonel Byrd, the Second East Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel Melton, three hund- red of the Fourteenth Michigan, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Phillips, of the First East Ten- nessee Infantry, and three hundred of the Eighty- Fifth Illinois, which were held in reserve. The line advanced gallantly, the skirmishers meet- ing with heavy resistance at the start. A column in support appeared on the left of the enemy, upon which Loomis opened his batteries, and they disap- peared. Our troops forced their way steadily under a heavy fire, until within charging distance. Then the Tennesseeans raised a wild slogan, and the whole line dashed upon the enemy with the bayonet. The effect was magical. The rebels fled in dismay. Many were killed. The onslaught upon their intrenchments was Saturday's opehations. 321 so swift and sudden that tliirty of tlieni were cap- tured. The Colonel of the famous First Louisiana regiment was killed, and his command was almost destroyed. Colonel Humphreys, of the Eighty- Eighth Indiana, was wounded in the hand hy a bay- onet thrust, and Captain Bell, of the Third Ohio, was severely hurt by a musket ball. This brilliant affair reflected great credit on the officers and troops engaged. The East Tennesseeans were especially gratified. They had proved themselves trusty sol- diers. General Rousseau reported the results in per- son to General Rosecrans, who cougratulated him, but said, "Don't you let them drive you out." " I 'm — blessed if I do," was Kousseau's emphatic response. Rousseau's and Spears' troops tired the last shots that were directed at the enemy in the memorable Battle of Stone River. THE WOUNDED. The inclemency of this miserable day afflicted the wounded intolerably. Scores were shivering in the rain and mud. The rebel cavalry had destroyed so many hospital tents that it was impossible to shelter all the sufferers. Every possible effort that ingenuity and generous sympathy could devise was exerted to mitigate their condition. Our own gallant soldiers submitted uncomplainingl}^ regretting their wounds because they could not continue in the ranks. The rebel wounded sometimes growled savagely at Yan- kee inhumanity. To silence them it was necessary to point to patient victims of their murderous malice — our own mutilated men — spread all over tlie areas outside of the hospitals, chattering with cold in satu- rated garments and suffering torment, and to reproach 322 Saturday's operations. them with the destruction of our hospitals by their own companions. The zeal and devoted efforts of our Surgeons to discharge their entire duty, was beyond all praise. N'ear General Crittenden's hospital, Captain AYile^^, Provost Marshal General, assembled about a thousand prisoners, and organized them into companies for their own benefit. Some of them were jovial, but many were depressed and discouraged. By Saturday morning they were half famished, having fasted nearly forty-eight hours. Our trains having been cut oft" by rebel cavalry, there was no subsistence for them. AViles sent them a load of corn, which they ate voraciously, jocosely denouncing "our fellers" — Wheeler's Cavalry — for ''cutting oft" their rations." At this time some of Rousseau's men were eating porter house steaks carved from the loins of Colonel Starkweather's horse, which had been shot in the battle — together with parched corn for dessert. Every State engaged in the rebellion was represented in that motley collection of gray-backs. SATURDAY NIGHT. Saturday night was equally cheerless. It rained incessantly. The General Commanding, apprehend- ing a freshet in Stone River, ordered the withdrawal of the troops from the east bank of Stone River. Notwithstanding the wretched discomfort of a biv- ouac in the mud, the troops were even hilarious. A cheerful tone prevailed at headquai-ters, which was increased by tlie arrival of C'olonel Dan ^IcCook with a large supply train, after having repulsed a sharp attack of the enemy below Stewartsboro. Saturday's operations. 323 That evening while General Eosecrans was dicta- ting his official telegraphic report of the battle, to be forwarded to General Halleck, General Crittenden called at his raarqnee and casually remarked that he supposed there would be no offensive operations on San(h\v. lie ''did not believe Old Master Vv^onld smile upon any unnecessary violation of his laws." General Jxosecrans replied, "I am just telegra|)hi!ig to General Halleck that we shall probaljly be quiet on Sanday." It w^as not then, known that the battle was ended. Conversation ran back to the advance from Nashville. General Crittenden, with liis customary frankness, now disapproved of it in strong language. Tie thought it had been extremely imprudent to ad- vance when so inadequately supplied. " IIow many rations do you suppose there are at ISTashville? " said Rosecrans. "Well," said Crittenden, '' I suppose you had seven or eight days ahead." General liosecrans' eyes twinkled sharply. He tlicii said, '' I supposed I had informed you. I had Thomas, and probably McCook. I have rations at ITashville to last until the 25th of January, and they can be made to last to the 1st of February." General Crittenden w^as sur- prised. He regretted that all the Generals had not known it, because it would have relieved their minds of many misgivings. General Rosecrans is apt to be reticent in matters of vital moment. SUNDAY. At about midnight there were indications of a freshet in Stone River. Before daylight the Left Wing was withdrawn to the east side of Stone Riv^er. Sunday morning the sun rose clearly. A little later 324 Saturday's operations. tidings were received that the enera}^ Imd fled. The General Cominauding devoted himself an hour to High Mass that morning, his faithfid and brave com- panion. Father Trecy, officiating. AYho shall say that God did not hear his prayer: ^^ Non nobis! Dominie non nobis! Sednominetui da Gloriam!'' Burial parties were sent out to inter the dead, and General Stanley followed the enemy to reconnoiter. Headquarters were removed to the east side of the pike, and for the first time since the 2jth of Decem- ber — nine full days — the General Commanding and his staff, and the noble soldiers of the Fourteenth Army Corps, enjoyed respite from fatigue, hunger, exposure, and battle. An officer said to General Rosecrans, " The army is enthusiastic in its approval of your tenacity." His eyes sparkled an instant, then he said sharply, "I suppose they have learned that Bragg is a good dog, but Holdfast is better." The enemy left several thousand of their own wounded in the town, and four hundred and four of our wounded soldiers, but we found no hospital stores there for the use of the rebel wounded. OFFICIAL SUMMARY. " Of the operations and results of the series of skirmishes, closing with the battle 'of Stone River and the occupation of Murfreesboro," said General liosecrans, " we moved on the enemy with the follow- ing forces : Infantry 41,421 Cavalry 3,296 Artillery 2.223 Total 4G,940 Saturday's operations. 325 We fouorlit the battle with the followino: forces : Infantry 37,977 Cavalry 3,200 Artillery 2,223 Total 43,400 We lost in killed : Officers ..." 92 Enlisted men 1,441 Total 1,533 We lost ill wounded : Officers 384 Enlisted men 6,8G1 Total 7,245 Total killed and wounded 8,778 Being 20.03 per cent, of the entire force in action. "If there are any more bloody battles on record, considering the newness and inexperience of the troops, both officers and men ; or if there have been better fighting qualities displayed by any people, I should be pleased to know it. "As to the condition of the fight, we may say that we operated over an unknown country, against a posi- tion which was fifteen per cent, better than our own, every foot of ground and approaches being well known to the enemy, and that these disadvantages were fatally exhumed by the faulty position of our Right Wing. " The force we fought is estimated as follows : We have prisoners from one hundred and thirty-two regi- ments of infantry (consolidations counted as one), 326 Saturday's operations. nveraging from those in General Buslirod Johnson's division, fonr hnndred and eleven each — say, for cer- tain, three hundred and fifty men each, will give, No. men, 182 Regiments infantry, say 350 men each 4G,200 12 Battalions sharpshooters, say 100 men each 1,200 23 Battalions of artillery, say 80 men each 1,810 29 Regiments cavalry, men each ..»,. 400 | -iooqa And 24 organizations of cavalry, men each.". 70 '' ' '*' 220 02,520 '' Their average loss, taken from the statistics of Clehorne, Breckinridge, and AVithers' divisions, was about two thousand and eighty each. This, for six divisions of infantry and one of cavalry, will amount to fourteen thousand five hundred and sixty men : or to ours nearly as one hundred and sixty-five to one hundred. " Of fourteen thousand five hundred and sixty reb- els struck by our missiles, it is estimated that twenty thousand rounds of artillery hit seven hundred and twenty-eight men; two million rounds of musketry hit thirteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-two men ; averaging twenty-seven cannon shots to hit one man; one hundred and forty-five musket shots to hit one man. "Our relative loss was as follows : Per cent. Right Wing 15,933. Musketry and artillery loss 20.72 Center 10,800. '' " " 18.4 Left Wing 13,288. " " " 24.6 "On the whole, it is evident that we fought supe- rior numbers j3n unknown ground, inflicting much Saturday's operatioxs. 327 more injury than we suffered. We were always superior on equal grounds with equal numbers, and only failed of a most crushing victory on Wednesday by the extension and direction of our Riglit AVing." Early on Monday morning, General Thomas ad- vanced into Murfreesboro, I^egley's division in front, driving the enemy's rear guard of cavalry before them. Spears' brigade of East Tennesseeans and General Stanley with the Fourth Regular Cavalry, Captain Otis, and other cavalry regiments, came up with the rear guard of the enemy at Lytle's Creek, on the Manchester pike, three miles and a half from Murfreesboro, and after sharp fighting in the cedar- brakes, drove them at sunset from their last position. Zahn's brigade of cavalry reconnoitered six miles on the Shelbyville pike, but found no opposition. McCook's and Crittenden's corps, following Thomas, took position in front of the town, occupying Mur- freesboro. It was ascertained that the enemy's in- fantry had reached Shelbyville by 12 M. on Sunday, but owing to the impracticability of bringing up sup- plies, and the loss of five hundred and fifty-seven artillery horses, further pursuit was deemed inad- visable. 828 MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. CHAPTER XXXII. Review of the Field — The Self-Reliance of the General Commanding — • His Influence in the Battle — Moral Power— The Staff — Field Officers — Special Mention for Important Services — Addenda — Enlisted Men Distinguished — Consolidated Report of Casualties — Bragg's Army and his Grand Tactics. Prostration always follows the fatigue and exhaus- tive passion of battle. Our gallant troops sorely needed rest ; their officers needed it still more. The subsequent irritability of those m command, and of all in executive office, sufficiently indicated that nature had been outraged. The patient endurance and lofty spirit of the troops had been wonderful and most admirable. ISlo suffering or privation had evoked complaint. They were ever ready to spring to arms and fight. This was attributable in very large measure to the moral influence and example of the General Commanding, and the spirited officers of his command. He was incessantly employed. At night he was riding over the field preparing for the morrow. In battle he was everywhere. The troops saw him and had confidence in him. They would stand as long as he stood. An old soldier, remarking upon the battle of Wed- nesday, said that he could not doubt that "everybody but Kosecrans was whipped that day." Just where others would have begun to retreat he begun to fight. MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. 329 Instead of looking around for gunboats or intrench- ments behind which to shelter what remained of his army, he commenced at once to make new disposi- tions for the reception of the triumphant, advancing host. He had but a few minutes at his disposal; but he improved them to the utmost. With calm, cheer- ful, contident, assuring presence, he rode through his anxious, troubled, apprehensive ranks, the light of battle in his eye rekindling valor in their souls, post- ing his remaining cannon so as to sweep with deadly aim the field over which the exulting rebels were so soon to advance, placing his infantry so as to support the artillery with the least exposure possible ; and making every one feel that retreat was not to be thought of — that there was no choice but to conquer or die. Hardly were the most necessary dispositions completed when the rebel columns came rushing on, wdth shouts that shook the earth, undoubting that they would repeat in a few^ minutes the lesson they had just given McCook's routed command. But a sheet of flame leaped to meet them, a roar of cannon and rattle of musketry drowned their frantic yells, a pall of smoke shrouded the field of conflict from view, and there was no cessation until silence on the other side suggested the inutility of furtlier firing on ours. Soon the cloud lifted; the sun shone out bright and warm; our grim battalions stood to their arms in readiness for the w^ord of command; but there was no foe within sight — nothing but a plain heaped with the w^rithing and the dead. Such was the first taste of his cpiality given to Bragg's bullies by Boseci'ans; and, though often thereafter impelled to repeat the dash of Wednesday morning, they never did it so 28 330 MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. recklessly, nor with anything like the success of their first attempt. Battles had been well fought before; some in which the General Commanding did his work fairly; many in which our soldiers behaved nobly; but the Stone River fight was saved, and Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana with it, by William S. Rosecrans. That he exposed himself recklessly, con- stantly, and influenced his officers to do likewise, was no idle bravado, but a stern necessity. After McCook's discomfiture, the fight was lost but for this. Rarely pushing an advantage too far — giving his routed men time to recover from their first panic before sending them into action again — cool, patient, steady, yet resohite, sanguine and watchful — General Rosecrans proved himself more than fortunate, and won a high place in the confidence and the afiections of his countrymen. He wnll not be forgotten. Men who knew General Rosecrans at home, socially, before he became a warrior, had inferred from his temperament some proneness to hasty judgment, defi- ciency in executive skill, and lack of coolness and deliberation. ISJ"o doubt his military mind has devel- oped with experience, but it is plain the original esti- mate of his character was incorrect. There can be no mistake that in coolness, readiness, fertility of resource, celerity of thought, rapid decision, and com- prehensive grasp of mind in the midst of the most trying situations of peril, personal and military, he proved himself perfectly equal to the tremendous responsibility which devolved upon him. Practical skill, profound strategy, and executive faculty with a mind which grasps general principles, and eagerly inquires into, and handles minute details, are rarely i I MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. 331 embodied in one cliaracter, and yet General Kosecrans demonstrated that he combines all. When his Right Wing was so astoundingly flung back into his face with frightful rapidity and violence, it was enough to have shaken any ordinary mind. It must have touched him exquisitely. His plans were so thoroughly prepared and digested, and so well approved by his best Generals — he relied so earnestly upon the staunchness of the trusty Right Wing, that the pang of disappointment, when it gave way, must have been almost crushing for the instant. A little color, perhaps, faded from his face, but he dashed away emotion with a gesture of impatience, and vehe- mently said, "^tTevermind — never mind — we will rec- tify it — we will make it all right ! " From that instant no man discerned a glimmer of despondenc}^, uncer- tainty, or vacillation in his deportment, but he bent the whole force of his will, and directed all the powers of his mind into that field, with an obvious determ- ination to make it his own. These were the observ- ations of many who watched him all day long, with the keenest and most painful solicitude. The faintest relaxation of his constancy would have unmanned all his army. THE STAFF. The gallantry and unflinching fidelity of the StaflF was worthy of highest admiration. They were in the midst of the conflict constantly and discharged their duties with unsparing zeal. It was not surpris- ing tliat there should have been so many casualties in the Staft* and escort, but it was marvellous that most of them were not killed. The conduct of the Aids, Captain Thompson, Captain Thorns, Lieutenant Byron 632 MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. Ivirbj, and Lieutenant Bond, who were incessantly carrying' orders to all parts of tlie field, was conspicu- ousl}^ brilliant. But Barnet, Goddard, Wiles, Skinner, Curtis, Gilman, Michler, Hubbard, Merrill, Kewberr}^, Quartermaster Taylor, Commissary Simmons, lioyse, youthful Porter, and Reynolds, and gallant Father Trecy exhibited constancy, coolness, and courage in the liighest soldierly degree. The General Command- ing has publicly expressed his and the country's obli- gations to them. HONORABLE MENTION. "Without an exception, the Commanders of Corps, Divisions and Brigades, behaved with distinguished bravery. Each officer was constantly in his place. General Thomas did not seem to be any more dis- turbed by the tempest of battle than if it had been a summer shower — always calm, cool, imperturbable, but vigilant and watchful of his commancL Rousseau was iiery and enthusiastic. "Battle's magnificently stern arra}-," had a splendid effect upon him. He rode throu2;h the storm erect, with radiant counte- nance and flashing eyes, seeming to enjoy the infer- nal carnival. Loomis, of the fjxmous Michigan Bat- tery, is not unlike him in battle. A more superb couple of heroes never fought together on any fleld. Xegley was eager, clear, vigilant, and self-possessed. McCook was as brave ks any soldier need be, and was Avith his troops in their deepest trouble. 1> raver men, and cooler than Davis and Johnson, do not live. Sherridan, fighting on the left of the Right Wing, proved himself a soldier of a high order of courage and skill. MORAL POV>^ER IN BATTLE. 333 Crittenden was perfectly calm, bnt an nnnsnal stateliness in his deportment seemed to indicate tliat lie was gravely conscious of the glories and liorrors of a great battle. He displayed, conspicuously, one of the distinguishing qualities of a true soldier — a will to obe}' orders implicitly. He was fortunate in having such Generals as Wood, Yan Cleve, Hazcn, Hascall, Harker, Crnft, Grose, Wagner, Beatty and Fyffe. The general estimate of the arm}^, touching division commanders, placed General "Wood in the very front rank — and his dispositions on the day of his advance from La^'crgne and until his wound com- pelled him to relinquish his command, justified that verdict. His official report is a model of soldierly composition — technical, severe in style and yet elo- quently descriptive, while it breathes the spirit of a thorough soldier throughout. General Palmer, by Ids constancy, fidelity, and unfiincliing courage, won the applause of the army. It is doing no injustice to the remainder of the army to describe the battle of Wednesday afternoon, fought by Hazen and Grose, of the Second Division of the Left Wing, with Has- call, Shaefer and Wa^^ner on his left, as one of the most splendid efforts in martial history. Trne the Left was grandly supported by the Center, but the dreadful fighting of that frightful afternoon was chiefly done by the brigades which have been desig- nated. The skill and firmness of Hazen, when the tide was turning on the Ivight, holding the key of his position sternly; the desperate heroism of his two im- mortal regiments — the One Hundredth Illinois fixing bayonets, and the Forty-First Ohio without baj'onets, grimly clubbing their muskets to hold their position 334 MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. until relief should arrive to enable them to retire for ammunition, and shouting with wild vehemence; the splendid spirit of the glorious Ninth Indiana, march- ing across that horrid front, swept as it was by can- non and awful volleys of musketry, cheering with grand defiance of death, was one of the most sublime examples of tragic devotion in the annals of warfare. ]^o wonder the General Commanding said that ^'Hazen ought to be a Major General." But it was the dramatic situation of Hazen's noble regiments wdiich made them stand out in such comparative con- spicuity. Where every regiment on the field dis- played the devotion and courage of veterans, it seems almost invidious to individualize any. Who are the cowards and traitors who can despair of the country while the God of Battles gives us such soldiers to fight in defense of the Republic? Let the Republic rejoice that few field ofiicers in all that great army were recreants. The Fourteenth Army Corps was a host of heroes led by heroes. Each took his life in his sword-hand and flung it with magnificent devotion upon the altar of his country. The soul swells with lofty pride in contemplating the great deeds of our countrymen upon that dreadful field — and it thrills with anguish when it bends over the graves of the noble dead — oh ! such multitudes of the brightest spirits in all this wide land ! It seemed as if the demon of destruction reveled with infernal joy among our most gallant ofiicers. Death singled out too many sliining marks, and made them all his own. The nation "mourns for her children and will not be comforted, because they are not." Was that noble sacrifice in vain? " Words of my own," MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. 335 said General Rosecrans, with eloquent and tonching pathos, " can not add to the renown of our brave and patriotic officers and soldiers who fell on the field of honor, nor increase respect for their memory in the hearts of our countrymen. The names of such men as Lieutenant Colonel J. P. Garesch^, the pure and noble Christian gentleman and cliivalric officer, who gave his life an early offering on the altar of his country's freedom ; the gentle, true and accomplished General Sill ; the brave, ingenious, and able Colonels Eoberts, jMillikin, Shaeffer, McKee, Reed, Forman, Fred. Jones, Hawkins, Kell, Harrington, Williams, Stem, and the gallant and faithful Major Carpenter, of the Nineteenth Regulars, and many other field officers, will live m our country's history, as well as those of many others of inferior rank, whose soldierly deeds on tliis memorable battle-field w^on for them the ad- miration of their companions, and will dwell in our memories in long future years after God, in his mercy, shall have given us peace and restored us to the bosom of our homes and families." Of the surviving brigade commanders, no word was heard on the field or after battle but of praise. Each seemed to have established himself so thor- oughly in the confidence of his special command that the troops of the respective brigades proudly boasted that their own w^as the truest and best commander in the army. Hazen, Carlin, James St. Clair Morton, Miller, Samuel Beatty, and John Beatty, Gibson, Grose, Harker, "Wagner, Starkweather, and Stanley, are officers, said the General Commanding, in whom the " Government may well confide. They are the men from whom our troops should be at once sup- 336 MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. plied with Brigadier Generals; and justice to the l)rave men and officers of the regiments, equally demands their promotion, to give them and their reg- iments their proper leaders. And then," said Gen- eral Rosecrans, with the enthusiam of a Chieftian, wlio appreciates and loves the good soldiei's who have fought so well, " many captains and snhalterns also showed great gallantry, and capacity for supe- rior commands. But above all, the steady rank and iile showed invincible fighting courage and stamina worthy of a great and free nation, requiring only good officers, discipline and instruction, to make them equal if not superior to au}^ troops in ancient or mod- ern times." St. Clair Morton, Ilazen, Carlin, and Miller — the latter, at the especial request of General Thomas, Avere at once recommended for promotion to Briga- dier Generals. Hazen exhibited consummate skill, demonstrating his fitness for a large command. There was a spirit and gallantry about young Harker in the midst of action that excited the liveliest admiration. Beatty (Samuel) was as cool and pleasant as an Octo- ber morning. He deported himself as if he had taken a responsibility which he must execute under all circumstances, and he proceeded in a methodical business sort of wa}^ that suggested anything but bul- lets and blood. Kousseau, Wood, St. Clair Morton, Colonel Loomis, were the splendid figures of tlie l)at- tle-lield. They were no braver nor more devoted than others, but there was a sort of gloriousness in their deportment on the field that excited entliusiasm in all who saw them. "Quiet Phil. Sherridan " pre- served his sobriquet under all conditions, but the MORAL POWER IN BATTLE. 837 nervy curtness of his orders showed that his spirit was moved. The President did a wise thing when he made Sherridan a Major Generah He did not do so wisely when he overlooked Wood. But it is proba- ble that his honesty and desire to do right are com- pelled to play the coquette in endeavoring to strike an even balance, numerically, between candidates from the volunteer and regular armies respectively. Perhaps it is well to maintain the principle of com- pensation by appointing two Major Generals who have not proved that they know their business, to adjust a mistake made in appointing two others who understand it thoroughly. But soldiers who have fought do not appreciate it. The tribute paid by General Rosecrans to General Stanley (since promoted), was warmly approved by the army. Brigadier General Stanley, he said, "al- ready distinguished for four successful battles. Island 1^0. 10, May 27, before Corinth, luka, and the battle of Corinth, at this time in command of our ten regi- ments of cavalry, fought the enemy's forty regiments of cavalry, and held them at bay, and beat them wdierever he could meet them. He ought to be made a Major General for his services, and also for the good of the service." The gallantry and the fidelity of the stafi' officers of all the commanders was never surpassed. Among those of subordinate rank, Captain Gates P. Thrus- ton, of McCook's Staff, attracted most attention, being complimented in the official reports of six General officers including that of General McCook, and finally by General Posecrans. The official lists of " special mentions," which include some of those who were 29 338 SPECIAL MENTION. conspicuously distinguished for gallantry and good conduct, embrace the following names, viz. : NAMES SPECIALLY MENTIONED OFFICIALLY FOR IMPORTANT SERVICES IN THE BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. By 3Iajor General McCook. — Brigadier Generals R. W. Johnson, P. H. Sherridan, and Jeff. C. Davis, commanding divisions in the Right Wing; for gallant conduct during the battles, and for prompt and conscien- tious attention to duty during their service with the Right Wing. Brigadier General D, S. Stanley, Chief of Cavalry, commanded advance of Right Wing during its advance from Nolonsville; is espe- cially mentioned for energy and skill. Division Commander Wood — Brigadier General M. T. Hascall, com- manding First Bi'igade ; deserves commendation and gratitude of his country. Division Commander Palmer. — Brigadier General C. Cruft, First Brigade; for holding an important position, and for extricating his command from the mass of confusion around him, caused by repulse of Right Wing. Division Commander D. S. Stanley. — Colonel Minty, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, deserves credit for the management of his command on the inarch and in several engagements. Colonel Murray, Third Kentucky Cavalry ; rendered important and distinguished service, gallantly charging and dispersing the enemy's cavalry in their attack on our train, AVednesday, December 31st. Colonel Zahn, Third Ohio Cavalry; contributed greatly, by his per- sonal example, to the restoration of order and confidence in that por- tion of the Second Brigade stampeded by the enemy's attack on "Wednesday, 31st. Division Commander Johnson. — Colonel W. H. Gibson, Forty-Ninth Ohio ; commanded Willich's brigade after the capture of Willich ; has been several times heretofore recommended for promotion, and is again earnestly recommended by Major General McCook, and by Gen- eral Johnson, for meritorious conduct. Colonel Charles Anderson, Ninety-Third Ohio ; honorable mention by Major General Rousseau, for gallant conduct. Colonel Wallace, Fifteenth Ohio ; Colonel Dodge, Thirtieth Indiana ; Colonel P. C. Baldwin ; recommended for pi-omotion for coolness and courage on the field of battle. Division Commander Wood. — Colonel George D. Wagner, Fifteenth Indiana, commanding brigade ; has commanded brigade for a year ; is SPECIAL MENTION. 839 recommended for promotion, for braye and skillful conduct during the late battles. Colonel C. G. Harker, Sixty-Fifth Ohio ; lias commanded brigade for a year ; is recommended for promotion, for brave and skillful conduct- He is also specially mentioned by Major General McCook, for valuable services on the Right Wing. Division Commander Palmer. — Colonel W. B. Hazen, Forty-First Ohio, commanding brigade; commanded brigade, and is especially men- tioned for courage and skill in handling his troops, and for maintain- ing an important position. Colonel W. Grose, Thirty-Sixth Indiana, commanding brigade ; com- manded brigade, and is recommended for coolness and bravery, in fighting his troops against a superior force. Division Commander Palmer. — Colonel Sedgwick, Second Kentucky; Colonel D. A. Enyart, First Kentucky ; Colonel Ross, Ninetj^-Fourth Ohio; Colonel Osborne, Thirty-First Indiana; displayed marked gal- lantry on the field, and handled their respective commands with skill and judgment. Division Covimander Van Clcve. — Colonel Samuel Beatty, Ninteenth Ohio, commanding brigade ; commanding brigade, for coolness, intre- pidity and skill. Colonel J. P. Fyffe, Fifty-Ninth Ohio, commanding brigade ; is recommended for coolness, intrepidity and skill. Is also especially mentioned by Major General McCook, for valuable services with the Right Wing. Colonel G rider, Ninth Kentucky ; commanded brigade, and is especially mentioned for gallantry and coolness under trying circum- stances. Division Covimander Rousseau.- — Colonel 0. A Loomis, First Michigan Artillery ; rendered most important services throughout the battle. Colonel John Starkweather, First Wisconsin, commanding brigade ; especially mentioned for coolness, skill and courage. Division Commander Ker/Ic!/. — Colonel William Sirwell, Seventy- Eighth Pennsylvania ; Colonel Granville bloody, Seventy-Fourth Ohio ; Colonel Hull, Thirty-Seventh Indiana; for the skill and ability with which they handled their respective commands. Division Commander Sherridan. — Colonel Greusel, Thirty-Sixth Illinois; Colonel Bradley, Fifty-First Illinois; are specially commended for skill and cournge. Colonel Sherman, Eighty-Eighth Illinois; honorably mentioned for distinguished service. Division Commander Johnson. — Lieutenant Colonel Hotchkiss, Eighty- 340 SPECIAL MENTION. Ninth Illinois ; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, Thirty-Ninth Indiana ; recommended for promotion for meritorious conduct. Lieutenant Col- onel W. W. Berry, Louisville Legion; specially mentioned for gallant and meritorious conduct; is also specially mentioned by Major Gen- eral Rousseau for retreating in good order before an overwhelming force, and drawing off by hand a section of artillery he had been ordered to support. Divmon Commander Ncglnj. — Lieutenant Colonel Neibling, Twenty- First Ohio ; for skill and ability during the battles. Division Commander Sherridan. — Lieutenant Colonel Laibolt, Second Missouri; specially mentioned for skill and courage. Lieutenant Colonel McCreary, Second jMichigan ; honorably mentioned for distin- guished service. Division Commander D. S. Slanlei/. — Major Kline, Third Indiana Cav- alry ; on the 27th engaged the enemy on the Nolensville pike, and put them to flight. Captain E. Otis, Fourth United States Cavalry ; with his regiment rendered important and distinguished service, gallantly charging and dispersing the enemy's cavalrj^ in their attack upon our train, on Wednesday, December 31st, capturing seventy prisoners, and rescuing three hundred of our own men. Staff of Major General Crittenden. — Major Lyne Starling, Assistant Adjutant Genei-al; specially mentioned by Major General Crittenden for gallantry in the battles, general efficiency, and eighteen months' faithful service. Division Commander Rousseau. — j\Lajor John King, Fifteenth United States Infantry, Major Carpenter, Nineteenth United States Infantry, Major Slemmer, Sixteenth United States Infantry, Major Caldwell, Eighteenth United States Infantry, Major Fred. Townsend, Eighteenth United States Infantry, commanding their respective regiments, are specially mentioned for distinguished gallantry and ability. Major Carpenter was killed, and Majors King and Slemmer wounded. Division Commander Sherridan — Major Miller, Thirty-Sixth Illinois, Major Chandler, Eighty-Eighth Illinois, Major Hibbard, Twenty-Fourth Wisconsin; honorably mentioned. Captain John Mendenhall, Fourth United States Artillery, Chief of Artillery and Topographical Engi- neer on Major General Crittenden's staff; recommended for pi'omotion for general efficiency and personal bravery and good conduct in battle. Division Commander Wood. — Captain Chambers, Fifty-First Indiana, Captain Gladwin, Seventy-Third Ohio ; thes-e brave officers, with one hundred and twenty men, drove a large force of the enemy from a cov- ered position, and unmasked his battery. Division Commander Falmer. — Captain Standart, Company F, First SPECIAL MENTION. 341 Ohio Artillery ; for the gallant manner in which he handled his guns, and brought them off the field. Staff of Major General McCook. — Captain Gates P. Thruston, First Ohio; specially mentioned by Major General IMcCook, and others, for particular acts of gallantry, skill and good conduct. He is mentioned by Generals Negley, Johnson, Davis, Sherridan, and Carlin. Division Commander Davis. — Captain Hale, Seventy-Fifth Illinois ; Captain J. H. Litson, Twenty-Second Illinois; specially mentioned for gallant conduct in skirmishing. Division Commander Rousseau. — Captain Crofton, Sixteenth United States Infantry ; Captain Fulmer, Fifteenth United States Infantry ; Captain Mulligan, Nineteenth United States Infantry; these three infantry Captains commanded their respective battalions after their Majors had been disabled, and behaved v»'ith great gallantry, a,lthougli opposed by overwhelming numbers. Captain Guenther, Fifth United States Infantry, Company H; deserves great credit and special men- tion. Division Commander Sherridan. — Captain Hescock, First Missouri Battery; specially mentioned for bravery and skill in the battles, and for general efficiency. Pioneer Brigade. — Captain Bridges, Nineteenth Illinois ; continued in command of his regiment after receiving a painful wound. Division Commander Johnson. — Lieutenant Belding, First Ohio Artil- lery, Company A ; recommended for promotion for saving three of his guns by his personal exertions. Division Commander Sherridan. — Lieutenant Lambessard, Nineteenth Illinois ; Lieutenant Wyman Murphy, Twenty-First Wisconsin, Inspect- ors of Pioneer Brigade ; are specially mentioned in two reports for gallant conduct and energy. Surgeon McDermot, Medical Director Right Wing ; for gallant con- duct in the field, and great care and consideration for the wounded. Surgeon G. D. Beebe, Medical Director Center ; for zeal, energy and efficiency. Surgeon A. J. Phelps, Medical Director Left Wing ; for prompt attention to the wounded, great energy and efficiency in the discharge of his duties. By Major General Rosecrans. — Major General G. H. Thomas, true and prudent, distinguished in council and on many battle-fields for his courage ; Major General McCook, a tried, faithful and loyal soldier, who bravely breasted battle at Shiloh and at Perryville, and as bravely on the bloody field of Stone Biver; and Major General Thomas L. Crittenden, whose heart is that of a true soldier and patriot, and whose gallantry, often attested by his companions in arms in other fields, 342 SPECIAL MENTION. witnessed many times by this army — never more conspicuously than in this combat ; and the galbint, ever ready Major General Rousseau, maintained their liigh character througliout tliis action. Brigadier Generals Negley, Jefterson C. Davis, Stanley, Johnson, Palmer, Hascall, Van Cleve, Wood, Mitchell, Cruft and Sherridan ; ought to be made Major Generals in our service. Brigade command- ers, Colonels Carlin, Miller, ILizen, Samuel Beatty, of the Nineteenth Ohio, Gibson, Grose, Wagner, John Beatty, of the Third Ohio, Marker, Starkweather, Stanley ; recommended for promotion. And the StaflF, viz.: The noble and lamented Lieutenant Colonel Gareschc, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant Colonel Taylor, Chief Quarter- master ; Lieutenant Colonel Simmons, Chief Commissary ; Major C. Goddard, senior Aiddecamp ; Major Ralston Skinner, Judge Advocate General; Lieutenant Frank S. Bond, Aiddecamp of General Tyler; Captain Charles R. Thompson, my Aiddecamp; Lieutenant Byron Kirby, Sixth United States Infantry, Aiddecamp, who was wounded on the 31st; R. S. Thoms, Esq., a member of the Cincinnati Bar, who acted as Volunteer Aiddecamp, and behaved with distinguished gal- lantry; Captain Wm. D. Bickham, Volunteer Aiddecamp, rendered efficient services on the field ; Colonel Barnet, Chief of Artillery and Ordnance ; Captain J. H. Gilman, Nineteenth United States Infantry, Inspector of Artillery ; Captain James Curtis, Fifteenth United States Infantry, Assistant Inspector General; Captain Wiles, Twenty-Second Indiana, Provost Marshal General ; Captain Michler, Topographical Engineer ; Captain Jesse Merrill, Signal Corps, whose corps behaved well ; Captain Elmer Otis, Fourth Regular Cavalry, who commanded the Courier Line, connecting the various headquarters most success- fully, and who made a most successful, opportune, and brilliant charge on Wheeler's Cavalry, routing the brigade, and recapturing three hund- red of our prisoners; Lieutenant Edson, United States Ordnance Offi- cer, who, during the battle of Wednesday, distributed ammunition under the lire of the enemy's batteries, and behaved bravely. Captain Hubbard and Lieutenant Newberry, who joined the staff on the field, acting as aids, rendered valuable service in carrying orders on the field; Lieutenant Royse, Fourth United States Cavalry, commanded the escort of the headquarters' train, and distinguished himself with gallantry and efficiency. All performed their appropriate duties to the entire satisfaction of the General Commanding — "accompanying me everywhere," said the General, "carrying orders through the thickest of the fight, watching while others slept, and never weary when duty called, deserve my public thanks and the respect and gratitude of the army." SPECIAL MENTION. 343 ADDENDA. Lieutenant Colonel Houssam, Seventj^-Seventh Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. Captain Bingham, Sixty-Ninth Ohio Volunteers. Captain Cox, Tenth Indiana Battery. Captain James P. Meade, Thirty-Eighth Illinois Volunteers. Lieutenant John L. Dillon, Thirty-Eighth Illinois Volunteers. Lieutenant Jones, Post's Brigade. Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers captured a rebel Hag from Twenty-Sixth Tennessee, assisted by other regiments of Negley's division. Lieutenant Guenther, United States Battery, and the Second Ohio Volunteers, captured the flag of the Thirtieth Arkansas Regiment. The Fifteenth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Wood commanding, charged and captured one hundred and seventy- three prisoners from the Twentieth Louisiana Regiment. The Thirteenth Michigan Volunteers gallantly recaptured two guns belonging to Captain Bradley's Battery. Carlin's brigade lost half its field officers in killed and wounded. The Fifth Kentucky Volunteers dragged from the field, by hand, a section of artillery, through deep mud and under heavy fire. Four color-bearers of the Twenty-First Illinois were shot down, yet the colors were borne safely through the fight. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTION. Brigadier General David S. Stanley, senior Brigadier General at the battle of Stone Ptiver. He commanded the force that did the fighting at New Madrid. On the 27th of May, 1862, lie commanded division before Corinth, and repulsed a vigorous sortie of the enemy. At the battle of luka his division fought well, supporting General Hamilton's dividon, and pursuing the enemy. His troops bore a conspicuous part in the battle of Corinth — charged the enemy, routed Maury's division at the point of the bayonet, and followed the advance guard in the pursuit. As Chief of Cavalry, in the Department of the Cumberland, he organized an effective force out of our almost disorganized Cav- alry, and successfully operated against the enemy double in numbers. At the battle of Stone River he won universp* admiration for liimself by acts of personal daring and skillful v Auagement of his troops. Distinguished in five great battles, he is entitled to rank commensurate with the command so long intrusted to liim. 344 SPECIAL MENTION. Brigadier General James S. Ncgley has commanded a division nearly a year, always maintaining strict discipline, and keeping his com- mand in excellent condition. As commander of the post at Nashville, he fortified and protected the city in a most judicious manner, while cut oil' from communication, without support from our forces in Ken- tucky, and surrounded by a vigilant enemy, he subsisted upon their country, made several successful sorties against them, at one time routing a large force at Lavergne, Tennessee. At the battle of Stone River he fought his troops obstinately, and handled them with con- summate skill, winning a high reputation for courage and generalship, and contributing largely to the success of our arms. Brigadier General Thomas J. Wood^ a thoroughly loyal soldier from Kentucky. When the war broke out, he assisted the Governor of Indiana in organizing the troops in that State, and, through his energy and experience, was instrumental in creating and systematizing the military department for which that State is so justly celebrated. lie made a forced march to be present at the battle of Shiloh, reaching there with his command in time to join in the pursuit. He com- manded a division before Corinth. At the battle of Stone River his division repulsed the repeated assaults of the enemy in a most bril- liant manner, and the night of the 31st December found it occupying the same ground it held in the morning. Early that day he was severely wounded while nobly discharging his duty, but he did not leave the field till night ended the conflict. Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis won distinction at the commence- ment of the rebellion, for gallant service at Fort Sumter. After- ward conspicuous in the sanguinary struggle in South-Western Missouri. He captured nine hundred prisoners at Blackwater, and by the splendid fighting of his troops, and his skillful management, con- tributed largely to the success of our arras at Pea Ridge. His services at Shiloh and before Corinth deserve honorable mention. At Stone River he sustained his high reputation. His division was compelled to retire by being flanked, not by being driven. On the 2d of Jan- uary, lie crossed Stone River with a single brigade of his division, and gallantly led them against the enemy, and assisted in routing and pursuing the corps of General Breckinridge. Brigadier General John M. Palmer has long held a responsible com- mand with credit to himself and honor to his country. The official report of Major General Crittenden pays him a well-deserved compli- ment for important services performed at the battle of Stone River. His troops were posted in the extreme front of the line of battle in an exposed position, when they successfully resisted the massed assaults SPECIAL MENTION. 345 of a foe flushed with anticipated victory, and held their ground during the whole of that fearful contiict. He exposed himself freely to heavy fire, and in the heat of battle maneuvered his command with prudence and ability. Brigadier General H. P. Van Cleve first achieved distinction at Mill Springs, Kentucky, where his command charged and routed the enemy with the bayonet, and did a large part of the splendid fighting that resulted in that most important and brilliant victory. He has always borne the character of an able, conscientious, and brave officer. At the battle of Stone River he managed his command with skill and vigor. When McCook's corps was driven back after his (Van Clove's) division had crossed the river to advance on Murfreesboro, General Van Cleve hastened with a large part of his command to the Right of the army, and in an open field assisted in checking the advance of the enemy. Though wounded early in the action of the 31st, he remained on the field all day, animating, and obstinately and prudently fighting his well-disciplined troops. Brigadier General Phil. H. Sherridan is a model officer, and possesses in an eminent degree qualities that promise for him a brilliant and useful career in the profession of arms. As commander of a large force of cavalry at Corinth, he proved himself enterprising, capable, and more than a PJiatch in generalship for the enemy's most noted officers. At Stone River he won universal admiration. He held his troops in hand, and fought them several hours, repulsing the enemy in his front with great slaughter. Upon being flanked and compelled to retire, he withdrew his command more than a mile under a terrible fire in remarkable order, at the same time inflicting the severest pun- ishment upon the foe. The constancy and steadfastness of his troops on the 31 st of December enabled the reserve to reach the Right of our army in time to turn the tide of battle, and changed a threatened rout into a victory. He has fairly won promotion. Colonel John Beatty^ Third Ohio. Early in the war he participated in the important military operations in Western Virginia, and was present at Rich Mountain and Elkwater. He bore an honorable part under General Mitchell in the engagement at Bridgeport, Tennessee. He commanded the regiment on the extreme right of McCook's corps at the battle of Chaplin Hills, and displayed coolness and courage in that exposed and fatal position. At Stone River, Colonel Bcatty's bri- gade was in reserve, and when the Right of our army was driven back, was gallantly led to the rescue, and through such splendid fight- ing as it and others did, the army was saved. On January 3d, Colonel Beatty's brigade, under his skillful management, assisted in storming 346 SPECIAL MENTION. tlie euemy's rifle pits, and acliioving the success that led the enemy to abandon the position befoi-e Muvfreesboro. Colonel Wm. II. Gibson^ Forty-Ninth Ohio Volunteers^ entered tiie service July 3, 1861, as Colonel of the Forty-Ninth Ohio Volunteers, a regiment, while under his charge, second to no other in drill, disci- pline, and efficiency. He long commanded a brigade, and at one time a division at Shiloh, before Corinth, and at Stone Pwiver ; he has proved himself a working, wide-awake, determined, and able officer. During the latter engagement he moved his brigade under oiders to various parts of the field with admirable promptness and ability. Colonel Wm. B. Ilazen^ Forty-First Ohio Volunteers, has been intrusted with the responsibility of commanding a brigade perhaps as long as any officer in the service of similar rank. At Shiloh he displayed marked ability. At Stone River he proved himself a brave and able soldier by the courage and skill displayed in forming and sheltering his troops, and in organizing and fighting all the material around him, in order to hold his important position. Colonel W. P. Carlin, Thirty-Eighth Illinois Volunteers. This thor- oughly educated and efficient officer has attained honorable distinction at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Chaplin Hills, and Stone River, as well as by the perfect state of discipline in which he always kept his command. At Chaplin Hills he pushed his brigade into Perrj^ville, threatened the enemy's rear, and captured an ammunition train, several caissons, and a considerable number of the enemy. In the advance on Murfrees- boro, through his daring and skill, the brigade routed a rebel force and captured a cannon. At Stone River, December 30, he drove in the rebel skirmishers and advance guard in admirable style. December 31st he held his troops in hand, fighting desperately against fearful odds until the supports on both sides were driven back, and the fact that he lost half his field officers in killed and wounded, and thirty-four and three- fourths per cent, of his command, testifies to his stubborn fighting. Colonel Samuel Beatty, Nineteenth Ohio Volunteers, distinguished him- self early in the war by gallant conduct in Western Virginia, particu- larly at Rich Mountain. At Shiloh he again did good service. On the morning of the 31st of December, at Stone River, Avhen our Right had been turned, he assisted by steady and unflinching fighting in check- ing the advance of the enemy. January 3d he commanded the Third Division, Left Wing, in the sanguinary conflict east of Stone River, and though forced to retire before overv/helming numbers, he rallied his troops, and aided in the brilliant repulse and pursuit that soon fol- lowed. The official report of his commanding officer commended him for his coolness, intrepidity, and skill on the field of battle. SPECIAL MENTION. 347 Colonel George D. Wagner, Fifteenth Indiana Volunteers, served ag Colonel of the Fifteenth Indiana on. Cheat Mountain in Western Vir- ginia, and aided effectually in repulsing the attack of the rebel Gen- eral Lee at Elkwater, Distinguished for energy and efficiency as a regimental commander, he has commanded successfully and efficiently a brigade, and at the battle of Stone River his conduct was heroic, lie is respectfully recommended for promotion to Brigadier General, Colonel WiLliani Grose, Thirtg-Sixth Indiana Volunteers, has long comma uiled a brigade with ability that would make his promotion but a simi)le act of justice to him and his command. At the l^attle of Stone River his troops, posted in the extreme front, fought against great odds, and the commander of his division repoi'ts that he con- ducted himself with great coolness and bravery, and managed his troops in such a manner that he could suggest no improvement. He is respectfully recommended for promotion to the rank of Brigadier General. lieutenant Colonel 0. L. Shepherd, commanding Regular Brigade ; commanded the brigade with bravery and skill at the battle of Stone River, and is specially mentioned in the reports of ]Maior General Rousseau and of Major General Thomas, his division and corps com- manders. The fearful loss of the brigade, being upward of thirty- five per cent., attests the obstinacy of the fighting, lie is respectfully recommended for a "brevet." Major Fred. Toicnsend, of the Eighteenth United States Infantry, com- manding a battalion of Regulars in the battle of Stone River, behaved witli great gallantry, and is especially mentioned in the report of his division commander. He is respectfully recommended for a " brevet." Major Slemmer, commanding battalion of Sixteenth Regulars, fought bravely, was badl}'' wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. While in a little cabin with six other wounded oflncers, the lire of our batteries struck the house, and some of them prepared to put out a white flag, but Major Slemmer sent his boy to say that there ^vas no one but six desperately wounded officers who would probably die any way, and that if it was necessary to hold the ground to blaze away and knock the house to pieces. Major Caldwell, commanding battalion of Regulars at the battle of Stone River, has been in service twenty j-'cars — is honorably mentioned by his brigade commander for gallantry. lie is respectfully recom- mendad for a "brevet." Major John II. King, Fifteenth United States Infantry, has com- manded a battalion of Regulars for more than a year in active service, and always praised by his superiors for order and efficiency. Was in 348 SPECIAL MENTION. ihe battle of Shiloh, where he had a horse shot from under him ; and was second in command in the battle of Stone River, where he fought bravely. He is respectfully recommended for "brevet." Captain CroJ'ton commanded a battalion of the Sixteenth [Jnitcd States Infantry after Major Slemmer was wounded, in the battle of Stone River, where he fought bravely. He is respectfully recommended for "brevet." Captain JIulIiffan, who succeeded Major Carpenter in command of the Nineteenth Infantry Battalion in the battle of Stone River, is men- tioned by his commander for gallantry. He is respectfully recom- mended for a "brevet." Captain Fuhner, Fifteenth Regular Infantry^ succceeded to the com- mand of that battalion at the battle of Stone River, after Major King was wounded, and behaved with great bravery during the whole action. First Lieutenant J. L. Guenther^ Battery H, Fifth United States Artillery. Too much can not be said in praise of this brave and accomplished officer. His services in Western Virginia especially at the battle of Grecnbriar, deserves the most honorable mention. At Shiloh his heroic conduct and skill in managing his guns won univer- sal admiration, and Captain W. Terrill, his senior officer, was made Brigadier General for like brilliant services. At the engagement at Dog Walk he behaved with coolness and intrepidity. For his magnifi- cent conduct at Stone River he fairly earned the " brevet" of Major. His battery almost annihilated the Thirty-Fifth Arkansas rebel regi- ment and cut down and captured its colors. His splendid Napoleons, double-shotted with grape, defended themselves frequently unaided by infantry, and gained for them the thanks and admiration of the army. Served in Western Virginia with great credit. Lieutenant Parsons commanding Companies H and M, Fourth United States Artillery, in the battle of Stone River, has always managed to get under the heaviest fire. He was in the aff"air at Cotton Hill, in Western Virginia, and at Shiloh in Mendenhall's Battery, which was specially mentioned in General Crittenden's report. At Perryville he behaved like a hero. His battery was specially distinguished in the battle of Stone River on the day of the 31st of December, and on the morning of the 2d of January. He is respectfully recommended for a Major " brevet." Colonel John Kennett, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, who com- manded the Second Cavalry Division, accompanying General Crit- tcnden's Corps, behaved with great gallantry and efficiency through- out the entire engagement, commencing on the 2Gth of Decern- SPECIAL MENTION. 349 ber and terminating on the 3d of January last. His cavalry drore tlio rebel cavalry from near Lavcrgne and followed them during our advance. On the 30th, during all the day, the cavalry of his brigade was scattered, but with those parts he could command, from time to time during the battle, lie behaved with distinguished gallantly, charging the rebel cavalry in person. He rallied some of our cavalry and stopped stragglers in the rear, and captured a number of rebel prisoners. His unwearied labors and conspicuous courage on former occasions, as well as during the battle of Stone River, have endeared him to the army, and it is a matter of deep regret that a functional disease compelled him to quit the service. He well deserves to be a Brigadier General in tlie cavalry service. ENLISTED MEN SPECIALLY MENTIONED FOR GALLANT CON- DUCT IN THE BATTLE OF STONE KIVER. Quartermaster Sergeant Colburn, Thirty-Third Ohio. Sergeant Ferguson, Co. 0, Fifty-Ninth Illinois. First Sergeant German, Eighth Wisconsin Battery. Privates A. F. Freeman and Abijah Lee (Orderlies with Brigadier General Davis). Private James Gray, Co. E, Thirty-Ninth Indiana. Sergeant Holan, Co. G, Sixty-Fourth Ohio. Corporal James Slater and Private William Hayman, Second Indi- ana Cavalry (escort General Palmer). Sergeant McKay, Co. E, Forty-First Ohio ; Sergeant McMahon, Co. H, Forty-First Ohio, and Corporal J. B. Patterson, Co. G, Forty-First Ohio (commanded their respective companies in the battle and behaved with great gallantry, recommended for pi'omotion). Sergeant R. B. Rhodes, First Ohio Cavalry (commanded escort of Brigadier General Van Cleve). Sergeant Jason Hurd, Nineteenth Ohio. Private William Brown, Fifty-Seventh Ohio (captured thirty pris- oners). Private Nelson Shields, Thirteenth Ohio (preserving regimental flag). Private J. F. Mitchell, Co. B. Thirty-Third Ohio. Sergeant H. A. Millar, Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania. Sergeant A. R. Weaver, Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania. Sergeant F. Mechlin, Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania. Corporal W. Hughes, Seventy-Eightli Pennsylvania. Sergeant P. A. Weaver, Seventy-Fourth Ohio. Orderlies Jaggers and Parish, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. 350 CASUALTIES. CASUALTIES. Our losses in the service of operations, beginning with the 26th day of December and euding with the battle of Stone liiver, were as follows : EIGHT WING, MAJOR GENERAL McCOOK. FIRST DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL JEFF. C. DAVIS. First Brigade^ Colonel P. Sidney Post Commanding. Killed 1 Wounded Missing. Aggregate REGIMENTS. o B o a 5 i o o o P CO B. n CO 3 22d Indiana Volunteers 7 7 8 2 1 25 5 T 2 1 34 43 ... 18 30 42 59 G 5 "i 2 1 59 80 74tli Illinois Volunteers 34! --- 84 75th Illinois Volunteers. ... 19 5 80 12 ~ Total First Brigade 135 155 9 315 Second Brigade^ Colonel W. P. Carlin Commanding. 21st Illinois Volunteers.... 15tli Wisconsin Volunteer: 101st Ohio Volunteers 38th Illinois Volunteers... 2d Minnesota Batter}^ Total Second Brio;ade. 10 122 65 121 104 5 475 59 9 33 8 06 6 34 7 1 1 193 31 294 111 206 170 9 790 Third Brigade, Colonel W. E. Woodruff Commanding. 25th Illinois Volunteers 1 1 2 1 1 G 16 15 10 4 ... J— 29 176 3 1 1 ... 5 34 7'? 5 25 15 1 52 400 4 2 4 1 *1 52 9'? 49 46 4 2 175 785 ... 1 1 ^2 84 65 8th Wisconsin Battery 5 Co. B, 2d Indiana Cavalry... 2d Kentucky Cavalry, Co. G. Total Third Brigade.,.. 2 8 '>56 Total First Division 1361 CASUALTIES. 351 SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL R. W. JOHNSON. First Brigade^ Brigadier General A. Willich, succeeded by Colonel W. H. Gibson Commaitding. REGIMENTS. Brigade oflicers 15tli Ohio Volunteers 49th Ohio Volunteers 32d Indiana Volunteers... Sytli Indiana Volunteers. 89th Illinois Volunteers. Battery A, 1st Ohio Total First Brigade. Killed Wounded Missing. Aggregate 11 68 88 40 116 45 4 361 4 li 127 3 108 8 115 ... 229 5 94 2 24 ... 697 I9! 5! 212 214 167 375 148 29 11145 Second Brigade, Brigadier General E. N. Kirk Commanding. Brigade otticevs o4th Illinois Volunteers Tilth Illinois Volunteers 29th Indiana Volunteers oOth Indiana Volunteers 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Battery E, 'ist Ohio Total Second Brigade. 11 98 68 66 108 28 2,Ti 72 121 51 70 28 342 189 212 131 208 60 15 815 Third Brigade, Cnlond P. P. Baldwin Commanding. 1st (Jiuo Volunteers , 9od Ohio Volunteers 6th Indiana Volunteers.... 5th Kentucky Volunteers. 5tli Indiana Battery 3d Indiana Cavalry Total Third Brigade. Total Second Division 1 02 ll!249 10 238 321 972 223 1202 1 135 12 121 103 117 22 25 523 G02483 352 CASUALTIES. THIRD DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL PHIL. H. SHERRIDAN. First Brigade, Brigadier General J. W. Sill Commanding. REGIMENTS. Brigade officers 3(Jth Illinois Volunteers 88ih Illinois Volunteers 24th Wisconsin Volunteers. 21st Michigan Volunteers... 4 h Indiana Battery Killed Wounded Missing. Aggregate Total First Brigade '4 101 14 346 144 48 55 82 17 G 198 24 64 202 109 172 136 26 Second Brigade.^ Colonel F. Shaeffer Commanding. 1 7 9 28 16 5 64 4 4 3 11 • 40 51 104 61 13 269 '"i *i 2 14 5 17 7 1 44 \ 7 5 \ 20 2d Missouri Volunteers 61 15th Missouri Volunteers 3 1 1 1 7 65 44th Illinois Volunteers 149 73d Illinois Volunteers 83 1st Missouri Battery Total Second Brigade 19 377 Third Brigade^ Colonel G. W. Roberts Commanding. 1 21 8 18 6 5 58 223 648 '5 2 "'4 2 13 38 104 109 67 96 37 19 328 *2 '"i '" 3 11 30 54 25 45 9 25 158 400 2062 1 7 3 2 5 2 20 64 176 184 27th Illinois Volunteers 1 1 1 100 42d Illinois Volunteers 159 51st Illinois Volunteers 52 1st Illinois Battery 49 Total Third Brigade 1 15 42 544 Total Third Division Grand Total 943 2700 1566 5410 CASUALTIES. 353 CENTEPt, MAJOR GENERAL GEO. H. THOMAS. FIRST DIVISION, MAJOR GENERAL ROUSSEAU. REGIMENTS. Offi'rs Moil- I Corn. Officers Enlisted Men. Total. 83d Ohio Volunteers 94tli Ohio Volunteers 2(1 Oliio Volunteers 10th Wisconsin Volunteers 38th Indiana Volunteers 1st Wisconsin Volunteers 21st Wisconsin Volunteers 2d Kentucky Cavalry 79th Pcnns_vlvania Volunteers... 24th Illinois Volunteers 15th Kentucky Volunteers 8Sth Indiana Volunteers 3d Ohio Volunteers 42d Indiana Volunteers 15th United States Infantry IGth United States Infantry 18th United States Infantry i 2 10th United States Infantry I Company H, 5th United States Artillery! Total 4y. ^ 44 27166 135 17 15 22 15 65 3 li I 4 24 34 63 68 54 104 173 35 4 698 170 SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL NEGLEY. 21 24 33 15 8C 8 2 4 8 4 29 48 07 87 71 133 216 47 908 18th Ohio Volunteers 19th Illinois Volunteers 11th Michi.can Volunteers 69th Ohio Volunteers 21st Ohio Volunteers 74th Ohio Volunteers 37th Indiana Volunteers 78th Pennsylvania Volunteers. 1st East Tennessee Volunteers. 2d East Tennessee Volunteers.. Battery G, 1st Ohio Battery M, 1st Ohio Battery M, 1st Kentucky • Total. 40 153 10(' 86 55 66 32 85 66 74 103 9 154 115 83 84 53 103 92 10(5 125 11 5 9 1 3 790 80 354 CASUALTIES. KECAPITULATION. Total. COMMANDS. o a ^ ^ o S o o s • o T'ir^t. T)ivi<*iOTi 8 8 44 27 106 135 106 ... 241 608 588 12 1-^08 170 154 ... ?.'?4 908 49 '40 700 1 ... 2 94fi7l.^>21 15 A o'O'TPO'n.tp 16 1713 2 37 LEFT WING, MAJOR GENERAL T. L. CRITTENDEN. FIRST DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL T. J. WOOD. Killed .... "Wounded Missino; .. Total CASUALTIES. 67 o 200 211 859 915 167 167 1226 1293 SECOND DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL J. M. PALMER. COMMANDS. 1st Brigade, Cruft's 2d Brigade, Ilnzen's 3d Brigade, Grose's Standart's Oliio Battery Parsons' 4tli United States Artillery. Cockerell's Indiana Battery Killed. Woiimiecl. 10 44 46 107 5 2 2 Total 15191:206 o S ^ o o p ■-f cc : 9 218 227 17 318 335 22 456 478 12 12 14 14 1 43 44 49 1001 1110 CASUALTIES. Second Division — Continued. COMMANDS. 1st Brigade, Cruft's 2d Brigade, Hazen's 3d Brigade, Grose's Standart's Ohio Battery Parsons' 4th United States Artillery, Cockcrell's Indiana Battery Missinir. Total 3 o 120 126 52 52 74 74 3 3 (') 2 2 ,..- 307 433 059 20 22 48 6 257 203 1579 TIimD DIVISION, BRIGADIER GENERAL VAN CLEVE. Killtd. V\'oiui(]('cI. Blissii) o'- > COMMANDS. C CO o 3 59 70 75 210 1-5 c 00 80 81 6 233 35 o 1 10 14 21 CO S 303 225 307 19 854 o 1 319 239 328 19 900 o I 9 2 4 3 81 100 140 387 c ?r 81 102 148 ... 391 o 2- • Brigadier General Van Clove.... 1st Brigade 7 4 1 400 2d Brio-ade 481 3d Brio-nde 557 Artillery 25 Total 17 1530 GRAND AGGREGATE. Officers killed 92 Men killed 1441 Total killed 1.533 Officers wounded...384 Men wounded.. ..0801 Total wounded.. 7.215 Total 470 Pi'isoners Total .8302 Total 8,778 3,000 Grand aggregate of killed, wounded, and prisoners. 356 bragg's tactics. Incongruous official reports make exactness in aggregates impossible; but it was finally discovered upon examination of all the data that the actual numerical casualties of the Left Wing exceeded those of the Right Wing. Its per centage of losses was correspondingly greater. We lost about three thou- sand prisoners. The dead were buried in trenches, excepting in a few instances where regiments, with honorable esjirit du corps, sought tenderly for their comrades and interred them carefully, distinguishing their places of burial with head-boards. The body of Colonel Garesch^ was interred in the little cemetery on the knoll where headquarters were established on the night of the 30th of December, but it was subsequently exhumed by his brother and conveyed to the E'orth. bragg's army and his grand tactics. In the absence of positive data it is necessary to rely upon circumstantial evidence in order to establish the numerical force of Bragg's army in that battle. The estimates of General Rosecrans are not only plausible but fair. The testimony of the rebels them- selves confirms the general affirmation that Bragg's arni}^ was at least equal, numerically, in infantry and artillery to Rosecrans' force, while his cavalry and mounted infantry exceeded that of General Stanley, at least four to one. Colonel Truesdail's reports, touching the strength of Bragg's infantry force, were generally verified, but reinforcements joined his forces after Rosecrans moved from ITashville. It appeared subsequently that Bragg, confident in the superb discipline of his army, had misconceived the 357 fighting qualities of our men. He assumed tliat at least half of Rosecrans' forces were raw, and therefore unreliable, lie, therefore, not only concluded to give battle at Stone River, but it is asserted tliat he was preparing to fall suddenly upon the divisions at Gal- latin, menacing N'ashville with a sufficient force to prevent Rosecrans from sending succor to the forces at the former points. It is certain that he was sanguine of success, and his defeat, although compensated in some degree by his success of Wednesday, was a sore disappointment. Had he been satisfied to withdraw from Murfreesboro Wednesday night, tlie prestige of victory would have remained witli him for a little while, though he would have been bitterly pursued and at all hazards. Bragg's mode of fighting was characteristic of the Southern people. It was all dash, and the admirable discipline of his troops told fearfully at every onset. They charged with splendid daring. But it was evi- dent that they were best in onset. They did not at an}^ time display the staunch stand-up fighting pluck- iness which distinguished our troops. Where two lines were confronted in the field, man for num, the superiority of our troops was at once made manifest. Northern phlegm was too much for Southern fire. Their troops fought ferociously, ours with bitter de- termination. Now and then some of our regiments galled to death by their marksmen, would rush infu- riately forward and drive everything before thciii. The rebels never attempted to resist a charge, though our troops resisted mad charges by them repeatedly. They overwhelmed the Right Wing and the Tliird Division of the Left by avoirdupois— not by fighting. 358 bragg's tactics. Their grand tactics were conspicuous in this hattle as they were at Gaines' Mills, where they defeated Fitz John Porter, wdio, if he had possessed the skill of Eosecrans, would have utterly defeated the enemy, though vastly outnumbered by them. The rebel artil- lery practice was very fine. They had exact range all over our position. It was often remarked in the midst of battle that their gunners were very skillful. [N^evertheless the superiority of our artillery was established. Their sharpshooters were their most formidable arm. They swarmed in the forests, and during Wednesday there was not a point on the bat- tle-field that was not within their range. Half our officers who were wounded were struck by them. In McCook's front the}^ had constructed platforms among the branches of the trees, from which to practice their devilish arts. Their mounted infantry were also sig- nally serviceable to them. Without them their cav- alry would not have been able to cut our communica- tions so successfully. In fine, the rebels again illustrated in this battle, the fact that tln^y had thor- oi(gghly devoted themselves to war — that they had rejected all theories ; that they had adopted the wisest maxims of warfare, and had accepted the admonitions of experience. It was curious, however, that Bragg, whose reputation as an artillery officer stood highest in that branch of the service, should have been so thoroughly beaten with liis favorite arm. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. 359 CHAPTER XXXIII. Incidents and Anecdotes— Comedy of Battle— An Irish Rebel— A Brace of Wounded Soldiers— Colonel Granville Moody — His "Boys" — His Piety and Pugnacity — Singular Incidents— Distracted Birds and Rabbits — "All the Dinner '3 Gone" — Ambulance Corps on the Field — The Generals, how they Appeared in Battle. Rare Cvomedy was intermingled with the tragedy of battle. The humorism of battle saturates you after carnage is ended, and when the dead are buried. The richest of the fun and drollery is not printable. But soldiers roar over awkward adventures of their com- rades when they assemble in their bivouacs. There were some good things, however, that the reader can enjoy. One was of Irish parentage, of course. A Milesian member of the First Louisiana rebel regi- ment, who had been captured, was strolling arourtl a hospital with a broken arm, which had been dressed by one of our surgeons. Said an officer, " Why, Pat, you an Irishman and a rebel? How's that? "What are you fighting us for?" "An' sure, yer honor," retorted Pat quickly, ''an' did yees iver hear of the likes of an army an' there wasn't Irishmen in it?" "But, Pat," interposed Father Trecy, "you wore forced into the service, were you not?" "Yer river- encc," replied iha incorrigible fellow, with a respect- ful salute, "I wint into it wid good will ; the boys was all agoin'; there was a fight, an' sure Patrick 360 INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. wasn't the man to lit inny man go forninst liim." Pat was decidedly obdurate, and no more inquisitive rhetoric was wasted upon him. A group of mangled soldiers were sauntering around a field hospital, waiting for temporary bandages to be applied to their wounds. The surgeon was fully occupied, and some delay was unavoidable. A In-awny trooper, with a bullet in his left leg and a ball in his right arm, hobbled up to the surgeon, holding his wounded arm with his left hand. Projecting his mutilated leg he said, with laughable grimace, '^ Well, doctor, the d — d rebs come pretty near liittin' me." Another fellow, who had lost the end of his nose, elbowed his way into the circle, spouting blood as a v/hale spouts water, and convulsed the group : " The d — d rascals " — sputter — " doctor " — sputter — "came d — d near" — sputter — ^hnissin' me." Colonel Granville Moody, commandingthe Seventy- Fourth Ohio Volunteers, is a famous Methodist preacher. lie relinquished the altar for the sword. Malicious people insinuated that the Gospel had lost thei services of a good advocate, and that the army was not promoted by its accession from the pulpit. But the Colonel proved that he was a tremendous fighter as well as a good preacher. He is fifty, or more, perhaps, but well preserved, with magnificent port, and six feet two or three Inches of stature. He has a fine genial face, fier}^ dark eyes, and vocal range that vv'ould have excited the envy of Poaring Ralph Stackpole. He carried into battle a spirit of enthu- siasm which inflamed his "boys" to the highest pitch of daring, and won for Inm the admiration of thousands. Lieutenant Colonel Von Schradcr INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. 361 (Inspector General on the staff of General Thomas), than whom a braver or 'better sohlier never resisted storm of battle, had not been on friendly terms with Moody for some months, but admiring his splendid gallantry, he approached him in the heat of desperate conflict, extended his hand, expressed his earnest approbation of the Colonel's heroism, and begged that ever after peace might exist between them. A little later Moody's ^' boys," as he paternally addressed them, Avere obliged to withstand a terrific fire without enjoying opportunity to return it. bloody galloped to General J^egley and protested. '^ This fire, General, is positively murderous ; it will kill all my boys." But there was no help for it. His martial flock, imposing upon his benevolent nature, sometimes indulged a little sly humor at his expense. In the midst of battle, an Irishman in the regiment shouted, *' His riverence, the Colonel, has bin fightin' Satan all his life ; I reckon he thinks hell 's broke loose now." 'Not long after the battle. General IS'egley merrily accused him of having indulged heterodox expletives in the ardor of engagement. " Is it a fact. Colonel," inquired the General, '' that you told the boys to give 'em hell ? " " ITow," replied the Colonel reproach- fully, "there's some more of the boys' mischief I told them to give the rebels Hail Columbia, and they have wickedly perverted my language." The fighting parson, however, explained with a sly twinkle in the corner of his eye, which had something of a tendency to cast a doubt upon the subject. But there was no doubt that one of his injunctions to his regiment sounded marvel ously like a fervent ejaculation swelling up from the depths of the "Amen 31 362 INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. corner" in an old fashioned Methodist Church. This fact must be imagined that the anecdote ma}^ be appreciated. The Colonel's mind was saturated with piety and pugnacity. He praised God and pitched into the rebels alternately. He had been struck by bullets four times already. He had given tlic enemy *'Hail Columbia" once, and they had reeled back to cover, l^ow they were swarming back to renew the contest. Moody's regiment were ]j\ng on tlieir bellies waiting for them to come up. He had a moment to spare, and thought he would exhort them. The rebels were advancing swiftly, and probabl}^ cut him short. But as they approached he said quietly, " J^ow, boys, fight for your country and your God" — *' and," said one of his boys, '' we all surely thought he was going to say ^ Amen,' but at that instant the rebels let fly, and the old hero roared with the voice of a Stentor, ^aim low!'" "Weeks afterward, when the Colonel passed through his camp, the mischievous rascals would shout behind him, ''Fight for your countr}^ and your God — aim low ! " A singular incident occurred among the '' Twenty- Onesters" (Twenty-First Ohio). Battle was raging with terrific fury on the Right, but had not yet involved l^egley's line. The men were lying behind a crest waiting. A brace of frantic wild turkeys, so paralyzed with fright that they were incapable of flying, ran between the lines and endeavored to hide among the men. One of the " Twenty-Onesters " caught one, and cutting ofi" its head began to strip it of feathers, boasting complacently that he would have fresh fowl after the fight. The wave of battle had 8urge Mi"RFRp;esijoro, January lb, 18G3.J Major C. Goddard^ Adjutant General and Chief of Staff: Major— 1 have the honor to sulmiit to the Major General command- ing the Department of the Cumberland, the following report of the operations of that part of my command, which was engaged in the battle of Stone River, in front of Murfrecsboro. It is proper to stato 392 OFFICIAL REPORTS. here, that two brigades of Fry's division, and Reynold's entire division were detained near Gallatin and along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, to watch the movements of the rebel leader, Morgan, \rho had been, for a long time, on the watcli lor an oppoi'tunity to destroy the railroad. Rousseau's, Xegley's, and Mitchell's divisions, and V»'alker's brigade, of Fry's division, were concentrated at Nashville; but .Mitchell's divi- sion being required to garrison Nashville, my only available force was Rousseau's and Negley's divisions, and Walker's brigade, of Fry's division, about thirteen thousand three hundred and ninety-five (13,395) effective men. Decemher 20. — Negley's division, followed by Rousseau's division and Wiilker's brigade, marched by the Franklin pike to BrentAvood, at that point taking the Wilson pike, Negley and Rousseau were to have encamped for the night at Owen's store. On reaching the latter place, Negley hearing heavy firing in the direction of Nolensville, left his train with a guard to follow, and pushed forward v/ith his troops to the support of Brigadier General J. C. Davis' command, the advance division of McCook's corps, Davis having become hotly engaged with the enemy posted in Nolensville and in the pass through the hills south of that village. Rousseau encamped, with his division, at Owen's store, and Walker, with his brigade, at Brentwood. During the night a very heavy rain fell, making the cross-road almost impassable, and it was not until the night of the 27th that Rousseau reached Nolens- ville with his troops and train, Negley remained at Nolensville until ten A. M., on the 27th, when having brought his train across from Wilson's pike, he moved to the east, over an exceedingly rough by- road, to the right of Crittenden, at Stewartsboro, on the Murfrees- boro pike. Walker, by my orders, retraced his steps from Brentwood and crossed over to the Nolensville pike, Decemher 2'^. — Negley remained in camp at Stewartsboro, bringing his train from the rear. Rousseau reached Stewartsboro on the night of the 28th. His train arrived early next day. Decemher 29. — Negley's division crossed Stewart's Creek, two miles south-west and above the turnpike bridge, and marched in support of the head and right ilank of Crittenden's corps, which moved, by the Murfreesboro pike, to a point within two miles of Murfreesboro. The enemy fell back bei'ore our advance, contesting the ground obstinately with their cavalry rear-guard. Rousseau remained in camp at Stev/artsboro, detaching Stark- weather's brigade, with a section of artillery, to the Jeff'erson pike crossing of Stone River, to observe the movements of the enemy in that direction. Walker reached Stewartsboro, from the Nolensville pike, about dark. Decemher 30. — A cavalry force of the enemy, something over four hundred strong, with two pieces of artillery, attacked Starkweather about nine A, M., but were soon driven off. The enemy opened a brisk fire on Crittenden's advance, doing but little execution, how- ever, about seven A. M. During the morning, Negley's division was obliqued to the right, and took up a position on the right of Palmer's division of Crittenden's corps, and was then advanced through a OFFICIAL RE POUTS.. 393 dense cedar tlilckot, several liniulrcu yr.nls in width, to the "Wilkin- son Cross-road, driving the enemy's skirmisJiers steadily, and with considerable loss. Our loss couiparatively small. About noon, Sher- ridan's divisfon of McCook's corps, approached by the ^Vilkinsou Cross-road, joined Negley's right, McCook's two other divisions coming np on Sherridan's right, thus ibrming a continuous line, the left resting on Stone River, the right stretching in a westerly direc- tion, and resting on high wooded ground, a short distance to the south of the Wilkinson Cross-road, and has since been ascertaijied, nearly parallel with the enemy's intrenchments, thrown up on the sloping land bordering the north-west bank of Stone River, Rousseau's division (with the exception of Starkweather's brigode) being ordered up from Stewartsboro, reached the position occupied by the army about four P. M., and bivouacked on the iMurfreesboro pike, in the rear of the center. During the night of the 30th, I sent orders to Walker to take up a strong position near the turnpike biidge over Stewart's Creek, and defend the position against any attempts of the enemy's cavalry to destroy it. Rousseau was ordered to move by six A. M., on the 31st, to a position in rear of Negley. I'his position placed his division with its left on the Murfreesboro pike, and its right extending into the cedar thicket, through Avhich Kcgley had marched on the 30th. In front of Negley's position, bordering a large open field, reaching to the Murfreesboro pike, a heavy growth of timber extended in a southerly direction toward the river. Across the iield, running in an easterly direction, tlie enemy had thrown up rillc-pits at intervals from the timber to the river bank to the east side of the turnpike. Along this line of intrenchments, on an eminence about eight hundred yards from Negley's position, and nearly in front of his left, some cannon had been placed, affording the enemy gi-cat advant- age in covering an attack on our center. However, i'almer, Ncgley, and Shcrridan held the position their troops iiad so manfully won the morning of the 80th, against every attempt to drive them back, and remained in line of battle during the night. December 31. — Between six and seven A. M.. the er.emy having m.'issed a heavy force on McCook's right during the night of the oOth, attacked and drove it back, pushing his divisions in ]>ur.cort, com- posed of a select detail from the First Ohio Cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant Barker, of the same regiment, have been on duty with me for nearly a year, deserve commendation for the faith.ful performance of their appropriate duties. Private Gusteam was killed by a cannon shot, on the morning of January 2. Surgeon C. I). Beebe deserves special mention, for his efficient arrangemcjits for moving the wounded from the field, and giving them immediate attention. The details will be seen in the accompanying reports of division commanders. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEORGE IL THOMAS, Major General United Stales Volunteers. 39G OFFICIAL REPOIITS. .^[AJOE GEIS^ERAL CEITTE:NDEN['S EEPORT. Headquarters Li^tt AYing, MuRFREESBono, January 20, 18G3. Lieutenant Colonel C. Goddard, Chief of Staff: CoLOXEL — In obedience to orders, I left camp near Nashville on the 26th of December, and reached the point where the battle of Sloiie River was fought, befn-e dusk on the morning of the 29th. The march from Nashville was accompanied by the skirmishing u-ual when an army moves toward an enemy, posted near by and in force. The gallant and handsome things done by several differerit portions of my command during this march, have been mentioned in detail by the immediate commanders conducting the advance and leading the skirm- ishers. The seizure of two bridges, one by General Plascall, and the other by Colonel Hazen ; the gallant charge of the troops of Hascall's brigade, at Lavergne ; and the counter-charge and capture of twenty- five of the enemy by a company of the new regiment, One Hundredth Illinois, when charged by the enemy's cavalry, are worthy of special notice. It was about dusk, and just at the moment when Generals Wood and Palmer had halted to gather up their troops, that I reached the head of my command. These two Generals had their divisions in line of battle. General Wood on the left, and General Palmer on the right, the enemy in sight, and evidently in heavier force than we had yet encountered them; it v/as evident they intended to dispute the passage of the river and to fight a battle at or near Murfreesboro. At this moment I received an order to occupy Murfreesboro with one division, camping the other two outside. I immediately gave the order to advance, and the m.ovemcnt was commenced. General Wood was ordered to occupy the place. General Palmer being ordered, at General Wood's suggestion, to keep in line with Wood's division, and advance with him, until he had forced the passage of the river. At this time it was dark. General Wood had declared, v/hen he received the order, that it was hazarding a great deal for very little, to move over unknown ground in the night, instead of awaiting for d^iylight, and that I ought to take the responsibility of disobeying the order. I thought the movement hazardous, but as the success of the whole army might depend on the prompt execiition of ordei's by every oificer, it was my duty to advance. After General Wood had issued the order to advance, and General Palmer had received his also, they both came to see me, and insisted that the order should not be carried out. I refused to rescind the order, but consented to suspend it for one hour, as General Ixosecrans could be lieard from in that time. During the interval the General himself came to the front, and approved of what I had done. In the meantime, Colonel Harker, after a sharp skirmish, gallantly OFFICIAL KEPORTS. 397 crossed tlie river with his brigade and Bradley's Battery, and Hascall was ah-eady in the river advancino;, when the order to suspend tlie movement was received. As soon as possible I recalled Ilarker, and, to_ my great satisfaction, this able oiiiccr, with consummate address', withdrevf from the actual presence of a vastly superior force his artil- lery and troops, and recrossed the river without any serious loss. Dur- ing the night General McCook came over to see the Commanding General, and reported that he was on the Wilkinson pike, about three miles in the rear of our line, and that he should advance in the morning. The next morning (the oOth) early, my line of battle was formed. Palmers division occupied the ground to the right of the turnpike, his right resting on Negley's left, Negley having advanced into the woods and taken a position in the center, to take a position with General McCook when he should come into line. General Wood was to occupy that i:>art of our front to the left of tlie turnpike, extending down the river. Gcn'^ral Van Cleve was held in reserve to the rear and left. This position of our forces was, Avithout material change, main- tained all day, though the skiimishing during part of the day was very heavy, particularly on our extreme right, where j\icCook was coming up. Then, when it apparently assumed the proportion of a brittle, I proposed to cross the river with my corps^ and attack Murfreesboro from the left, by way of the Lebanon pike, but the General, though approving the plan of attack, would not consent that I should move until McCook was more seriously engaged. On the morning of the olst. when the battle begun, I occupied the front near the turnpike, General Palmer's division on the right. Gen- eral Wood on the left. General Van Cleve in reserve to the rear and left. About 8 o'clock, when my troops under Van Cleve were cross- ing the river, as ordered, and when all was ready for an advance movement, it became evident that our Right was being driven back ; orders were received and immediately issued recalling Van Cleve and stopping the advance; Van Cleve was ordered to leave a brigade to guard the ford, Matthews' brigade. Colonel Price commanding in Colonel Matthevrs' absence, was left, and to hurry with all possible dis- patch to try and check the enemy to the right and rear. One brigade of his division. Colonel Fyffe's, had already been ordered to protect the train then threatened near the liospital, and General Van Cleve moved at once and quickly to the right with Beatty's brigade. He arrived most opportunely, as his own and Colonel Beatty's reports show, and checked the enemy. The confusion of our own troops, avIio were being driven from the woods at this point, hindered him, lor some time, from forming his men in line of battle. This ditlieuliy, how- ever, was soon overcome, his line rnpidly iormed, and one snmll bri- gade, commanded by the gallant Colonel Beatty, of the jSineteenth Ohio, under the direction of General Van Cleve, l)oldly attacked vastly superior forces of the enemy, then advancing in full career, checked their advance and drove them back. P>cing soon reinfurccMl by Fytfe's brigade and Marker's brigade, of Woods division, the enemy were pressed vigorously, and too far. They came ui»on the enemy 398 OFFICIAL HEPORTS. massed to receive them, who, outnumbering them and outflanking them, compelled them to fall back in turn. This they did in good order, and lighting with such effect that the enemy drew off" and left them, and they were able to hold their position during the remainder of the day. From this time the great object of the enemy seemed to be to break our left and front, where, under great disadvantages, my two divisions, under Generals Wood and Palmer, maintained their ground. When the troops composing the Center and Right Wing of our armyliad been driven by the enemy from our original line of bat- tle to a line almost perpendicular to it, the First and Second Divi- sions of the Left Wing still nobly maintained their position. Though several times assaulted by the enemy in great force, it was evident that it was vital to us that this position should be held, at least until our troops, who had been driven back, could establish themselves on their new line. The country is deeply indebted to Generals Wood and Palmer for the sound judgment, skill, and courage with which they managed their commands at this important crisis in the battle. The reports of my Division Commanders show how nobly and how abl}'' they were supported by their officers; and the most melancholy and convincing proof of the bravery of all who fought in this part of the field is their terrible list of killed and wounded, for with them ■was no rout, no confusion; the men who fell, fell fighting in the ranks. Generals Wood and Van Cleve being wounded on the 31st, their commands devolved, of course, on other officers — General Ilascall taking command of Wood's division, and Colonel Beatty of Van Cleve's on the 1st day of January. It was a fortunate thing that competent and gallant officers took command of these two noble divisions. On the night of the 31st, with the consent of the General Command- ing, I reunited my command, bringing tliem all together on the left of the turnpike, and before daylight, by orders from the General Commanding,, we took up a ncAV line of battle, about five hundred yards to the rear of our former line; Hascall's division was ordered to ref5t their right on the position occupied by Stokes", Battery, and his left on General Palmer's right; General Palmer was to rest his left on the ford, his right extending toward the railroad, and perpen- dicular to it, thus bringing the line at right angles to the railroad and turnpike, and extending from Stokes' Battery to the ford. On the morning of the 1st of January, Van Cleve's division again crossed the river, and took position on ground the General considered it important we should hold, extending from the ford about half a mile from the river, the right resting on high ground near the river, and the left thrown forward, so that the direction of the line should be nearly perpendicular to it. These changes in position having been accomi)lished, the day passed quietly, except continued skirmishing and occasional artillery firing. The next day (January 2) large forces of the enemy's infantry and artillery were seen to pass to the right, apparently contemplating an attack. Lieutenant Livingston, OFFICIAL REPORTS. 390 with Drury's Battery, was ordered over the river, and Colonel Grose's brigade, of Palmer's division, was also crossed over, taking post on the hill near the hospital, so as to protect the left and rear of Beattj's position. About foxjr o'clock on the evening of the 2d, a sudden and concen- trated attack was made on the Third Division, noAv commanded by Colonel Beatty; several batteries opened at the same time on their division. The overwhelming numbers of the enemy directed upon two bri gades, forced them, after a bloody but short conflict, back to the river. The object of the enemy (it is since ascertained j was to take the battery which we had on that side of the river. In this attempt it is most likely they would have succeeded, but for the sound judg- ment and wise precaution of Colonel Beatty, in changing tlie position of his battery. It Avas so late when the attack was made, that the enemy, failing in their enterprise to capture our battery, Avere sure of not suffering any great disaster in case of a repulse, because night would protect them. They not only failed to capture our battery, but lost four of their guns in their repulse and flight. As soon as it became evident that the enemy were driving Colonel Beatty, I turned to my Chief of Artillery, Captain John Mendenhall, and said, "Now, Mcndenhall, you must cover my men Avith your cannon."' Without any show of excitement or haste, almost as soon as the order was given, the batteries began to open, so perfectly had he placed them. In twenty minutes from the time the order was received, fiftj'-two guns were firing upon the enemy. They can not be said to have been checked in their advance ; from a rapid advance they broke at once into a rapid retreat. Reinforcements soon began to arrive; our troops crossed the river and pursued the flying enemy until dark. It is a pleasant thing to report that the officers and men from the Center and Right Wing hurried to the support of tlie Left Wing, when it was known to be hard pressed. General .1. C. Davis sent a brigade at once without orders, then applied for and obtained orders to follow immediately with his division. General Negley, from the Center, crossed with a part of his division. General McCook, to whom I applied for a brigade, not knowing of Davis' movement, ordered immediately Colonel Gibson to go Avith his brigade, and the Colonel and the brigade passed at double-quick in less than five minutes after the request was made. Honor is due to such men. On the night of the 2d, General Hascall, with his division, and General Davis with his, camped a little in advance of t)ie position Avhich Beatty had occupied. General Palmer, commanding the Second Division, camped Avith two brigades in reserve to Ilascall and Davis' divisions, and the remaining brigade on this side of the river. In this position these troops remained until Saturday night, when the river beginning to rise, and the rain continuing to fall, it Avas feared we might be separated from the rest of the army, ajid all rccrossed the river except Palmer's tAVO brigades, which remained, and did not come back until it Avas ascertained the next day (Sunday) that the enemy had evacuated IMurfreesboro, I feel that this report of the part taken by my command in the 400 OFFICIAL KEPOKTS. battle of Stone River is very imperfect. I llaA^e only cncleavored to give a general outline of the most important features of the battle. The reports, however," of the division commanders, and tlie report of the ('hief of Artillery, give a detailed and good account of the memo- rable incidents which occurred in this particular fight. Reports of the division commanders show how nobly they were sustained by their subordinate officers, and all reports show how nobly the troops behaved. Generals Wood and Van Cleve, though wounded early in the battle of the 31st, remained in the saddle and on the field throughout the day, and at night were ordered to the rear; General Palmer exposing himself everywhere and freely, escaped unhurt, and commanded the Second Division throughout the battle. To these division commanders, I return my most earnest and heartfelt thanks, for the brave, prompt, and able manner in which they executed every order, and I most urgently present their names to tbe Com- manding General and to the Government, as having fairly earned promotion. After the 31st, General Ilascall commanded Wood's division, the First, and Colonel Beatty the Second, Van Clove's, To these officers I am indebted for the same cheerful and prompt obedience to order?, the same brave support which I received from their predecessors in command ; and I also respectfull^y present their names to the Com- manding General and the Government, as having earned promotion on the field of battle. There are numerous cases of distinguished conduct in the brigade as well as regimental commanders, mentioned by my division com- manders as meriting promotion. I respectfully refer the General Commanding to division, brigade, and regimental repoits, and solicit for the gallant officers and men who have distinguished themselves for conduct and bravery in battle, the honors they have won. We have officers wlio have commanded brigades for alnwst a year, though they have but the rank of Colonel ; in such cases, and in all like cases, as where a Lieutenant commands a company, it seems if the officers have capacity for their commands on the field, that they should have the rank the command is entitled to. The report of Captain Menden- hall, Chief of Artillery to the Left Wing, shows the efficiency, skill, and daring with Avhich our artillery officers handled their batteries. Division and brigade commanders vie with each other in commenda- tion upon different batteries. Some of the batteries, fighting as they did in all parts of the field, won praises from all. To tliese officers, also, attention is called, with a sincere hope that they may be rewarded as their valor and bearing deserves. INlajor Lyne Starling, Assistant Adjutant General to the Left Wing, has been, for nearly eighteen months, tbe most indefatigable olficer I ever knew, in his department. His services to me are invaluable. On the field here, as at Shiloh, he was distinguished, even among so man};- brave men, for his daring and efficiency. Captain R. Loder, Inspector Genei-al for the Left Wing, has entitled himself to my lasting grati- tude, by his constant and able management of his department. It is sufficient to say that the gallant and lamented Colonel Garesche told liim, in my presence, -i)iit a short time before the battle, that he had OFFICIAL REPORTS. 401 proved himself to be the best Inspector Genei-al in the army. On the fiekl of battle bravery was added to the same efficiency and activity which marked his conduct in the camp. Captain John Meadenhall, who has been mentioned already as Chief of Artillery to my command, but of whom too much can not be said, is also Topographical Engineer on ray staff. In this capacity, as in all vi^here he works, the work is well and faithfully done. * Ilia services at Shiloh, of which I was an eye-witness; his splendid con- duct as Chief of Artillery to the Left Wing ; his uniform soldierly bearing, point him out as eminently qualified for promotion. To the Medical Director of the Left Wing, Doctor A. J. Phelps, the thanks of the army and the country nre due, not only for his prompt attention to the wounded, but for his arrangements for their immediate accommodation. He took good care not only of the wounded of my command, but of more than two thousand wounded from other corps and from the enemy. Since the battle, I have visited his hospitals, and can bear testimony to the efficiency of the INIedical Department of the Left Wing. Captain Louis M. Buford and Lieutenant George Knox, my Aidsde- camp, were brave, active, and efficient helps to me all through the battle. Captain Buford was struck just over the heart, fortunatel3^ by a ball too far spent to penetrate, and which only bruised. The Cap- tain and Lieutenant Knox were frequently exposed to the heaviest firing, as the}'' fearlessly carried ray orders to all parts of the field. Captain Case, of the Signal Corps, tendered his services as a volun- teer aid, and proved himself a bold soldier and an efficient aid. Two other officers of the. same corps. Lieutenants tendered their services as aids, and were placed on my staff during the battle, and I thank them sincerely for their services. Lieutenant Brown, of the Third Kentucky Cavalry, who com- manded my escort, was as quietly brave on the battle-field as he is mild and gentlemanly in the camp. Before concluding this report, it will be proper to add, tliat when I speak of a quiet day, I mean to speak coTuparatively. We had no quiet day^s ; no rest from the time we reached the battlc-fioM until the enemy fled, skirmishing constantly, and sometimes terrible cannon- ading. On the 2d, which we call a quiet day, until about four o'clock P. M., the First Division, under Ilascall, laid for lialf an hour, in the early part of the day, under the heaviest cannonading we endured. Many men were killed, but he and his brave soldiers would not flinch. The number of killed and wounded, demonstrates with what fearful energy and earnestness the battle was cont','sted in my command. Most respectfully, your obedient servant, T. L. CRITTENDEN, Major General CommaiKUng. 34 402 OFFICIAL EEPOMTS. THE CA.V-^VLI^vY, GEK D. S. STANLEY'S OFFICIAL RE POET. Headquarters Cavalry Fourteenth Army Corps Department of the Cumbeklwd, Near MuRruEESBORO, Janiian/ 9, 18( ;:i Major — I have the honor to submit for the information of the Gen- eral commanding the army, the following statement of the part taken Ijy the cavalry under my command in the advance upon and battle of Murfreesboro : Upon the 2Bth day of December I divided the cavalry into three column^:, putting the First Brigade, commanded by Colonel Minty, .Fourth Michigan Cavalry, upon the Murfreesboro pike, in advance of General Crirtenden's corps. The Second Brigade, commanded by Colonel Zahn. Third Ohio Cavalry, was ordered on Franklin to dis- lodge the enemy's cavalry, and move parallel to General AicCook's corps, protecting his right flank. The reserve cavalry, consisting of the new regiments, viz. : Anderson Troop, First Middle Tennessee, Second East Tennessee Cavalry, and four companies of the Third Indiana, I commanded in person, and i^receded General McCook"s corps on the Nolensville pike. Colonel .John Kennett, commanding cavalry division, commanded tlie cavalry on the Murfreesboro pike. For the operations of this col- umn and also the movements of Colonel Zahn up to the 31st of Decem- ber, I Avould refer you to the inclosed reports of Colonel Kennett, and Colonels Zahn and Minty. On the morning of the 26th our cavalry first encountered the enemy on the Nolensville pike, one mile in advance of Balle .Jack Pass ; their cavalry was in large force and accompanied by a battery of artillery, the fighting continued from ten o'clock until evening, during which time we had driven the enemy two miles beyond Lavergne. The Third Indiana and Anderson Troop behaved gallantly, charging the enemy twice, and bringing them to hand and hand encounters. The conduct of Majors Rosengarten and Ward, the former now deceased, was most heroic. On the 28th we made a reconnoissance to College Grove, and found that Hardee's rebel corps had marched to Murfreesboro. On the 2'Jth, Colonel Zahn's brigade having formed, was directed to march upon Murfreesboro by the Franklin road. The reserve cavalry moving on the Balle Jack road, the column communicating at the crossing of Stewart's Creek. We encountered the enemy's cavalry and found tiiem in strong force at Wilkinson's Cro5s-roads. Our cavalry drove them rapidly acinss Overall's Creek, and within one-half mile of the enemy's line of battle. The Anderson Cavalry behaved most gallantly this day, pushing at full charge upon the enemy for six OFFICIAL REPORTS. 403 miles ; iniforfvinately their advance fronted too recklessly ; havino; dispersed tiieir cavalry, the troops fell npou two rcj^imen'ts of rcbd infantry in ambush, and after a .jrallant strng^,a;lc were compelled to retire, with the loss of Major Rosengarten and six men killed, and the brave Major Ward and five men desperately wounded. With the loss of these two most gallant officers the spirit" of the "Anderson Troop," which gave such full promise, seems to have died out, and I have not been able to get any duty out of them since. On the 30th the entire cavalry force was engaged in guarding the flanks of the army in position. Some small cavalry skirmishing occurred, but nothing of importance. At eleven o'clock P. M., the •SOth, I marched for Lavergne, with the First Tennessee and the Anderson Cavalry. Near that place I was joined by detachments of the Fourth Michigan and Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. At half- past nine o'clock on the 31st, I received an order from the General Commanding, directing me to hasten to the Right. I made all pos- sible speed, leaving a strong detachment to protect the trains crossing the road at Stewartsboro, and to pick up stragglers. Upon arriving upon the right flank of the army, I found order resto]-ed, and took position on General McCook"§ right, my right extending toward Wil- kinson's Cross-roads, occupying the woods about the meeting-house and Overall's Creek, In this position we Avere attacked, about four o'clock P. M., by a long line of foot-skirmishers. My first impression was that these were covered infantry, but L» soon learned tliat they ■were dismounted cavalry. We successfully held them at bay for half an hour with the Fourth Michigan and Seventli Pennsylvania dis- mounted, when, being outflnnked, I ordered our line to mount and fall back to the open field. The enemy followed here, and, being rein- forced by detachments of the Anderson and Third Kentucky Cavahy, and by the First Tennessee, we charged the enemy and put him to rout. The cavalry held the same position this niglit they had taken npon my arrival upon the field. About nine o'clock New Year's morn- ing, the enemy showed a line of skirmishers in the Avoods to our front, and soon after brought a six-gun battery to bear upon my cavalry. As we could not reach the enemy's skirmishers nor reply to his artil- lery, I ordered my cavalry to fall back. A part of Zahn's brigade marched this day to Nashv-ille, to protect our trains. Colonel Zahns report is inclosed. The 2d and 3d of January the cavalry was engaged in watching the flanks of our position. On the 4th it became evident tliat the enemy had fled ; the cavalry was collected and moved to the fords of Stone River. Upon the 5th we entered Murfi-cesl)oro. Znlin's brigade marched in pursuit of the enemy on the Shelbyville pike six miles, finding no opposition. With the remainder of the cavalry, I nnirchcd on theManchester pike, and encountered the enemy in heavy force at Lytle's Creek, three and a half miles from town. We fought with this force till near sundown, pushing tliem from one cetlar-brake to another, when, being reinforced by General Spears' brigade of Kast Tenncs- seeans, we drove the enemy out of his last Ftand in disorder. Wc returned after dusk and encamped on Lytle's Oeek. Our troops all behaved well. The skirmishing was of a very severe character. 404 OFFICIAL REPORTS. The Fourth United States Cavalry, which was this day first under )ny control, behaved very handsonieh'. Captain Otis' command acted in lependently until the 5th instant, when they came under my command. The duty of the cavalry was very arduous. From the 2Gth of December till the 4th of January, the saddles were only taken otf to groom, and were immediately replaced. Respectfully submitted, D. S. STANLEY, Brigadier General and Chief of Cavalry. OFFICIAL EEPOET OF COL. JOIIiT KE^'KETT. Headquarters First Cavalry Divisiox, Camp Stanley, January 8, 1863. Captain W. H. Sinclair : Sir — I have the honor to submit to you the reports of the part taken in the fightino; of the two brigades composing the First Cavalry Division from December 26, 1862, up to the night of January 5, 1863, from Nashville to Murfreesboro, and six miles beyond Murfreesboro, on the Manchester and Shelbyville pikes. On leaving Nashville the Second Brigade, under Colonel Zahn, took the road to Franklin;- Brigadier General D. S. Stanley, with the First and Second Tennessee Cavalry and Anderson Troop, taking the Nolensville pike. The First Brigade, Colonel Minty commanding, under my charge, took the Murfreesboro pike, I reported my com- mand to General Palmer, who placed us in advance. Our skirmishers drove the enemy some five miles. The afternoon Avas well spent when General Palmer relieved us with infantry skirmishers. The cavalrji forming the reserve on the right and left flianks, the First Brigade marched directly as a reserve to the advance skirmishers of the army composing the Left Wing, on their flanks, up to December 3(), 1862. On December 31, 1862, we were posted as reserves on the flanks, throwing out our skirmishers and vedettes, watching the movements of the enemy. We performed a variety of duty as scouts on the dif- ferent avenues leading to our camp and connecting with the roads centering upon Nashville, Tennessee — flankers, vedettes, couriers — engaging the enemy daily on the right flank. Some few incidents which could not have fallen under the eye of the brigade commanders, having occurred under my immediate notice, I beg leave to append. When the enemy charged upon our wing, scattering a few regi- ments, who stampeded to the rear, I received orders from General OFFICIAL REPORTS. 405 Ptosccrans in person, to colloct all the cavalry at my command, and proceed to rally the Right Wing and di-ivc the enemy away. 1 found Colonel Murraj', of the Third Kentiicky, in command of aljout a squadron of men. With that ^ve made our way to tlie right. We found a complete stampede — infantry, cavalry, and artillery, rushing to the rear, and the rebel cavalry charging upon our retiring forces on the Murfreesboro pike. Colonel Murray, with great intrepidity, engaged the enemy toward the skirts of the wood, and drove them in three charges. His men behaved like old veterans. Between his command and the field, was filled with rushing rebel cavalry charging upon our retreating cavalry and infantry, holding many of our soldiers as prisoners. I rallied the Third, Ohio, some two companies, who were falling back, and formed them in the rear of a fence, where volley after vol- ley had the effect of driving back the rebels on the run, the Third Ohio charging upon them effectually, thereby relieving the pike of their presence, saving the train, one piece of artillery, and rescuing from their grasp many of our men taken as prisoners. One of my staff, Lieutenant Reilly, being a prisoner in their hands was released. Lieutenant Murraj^ of the Third Ohio, displayed energy, courage, and coolness upon this occasion, in executing my orders. I also take great pride in mentioning the prompt manner with which my staff conveyed my orders in all these engagements. Tavo of my orderlies displayed high order of chivalry. Jnggers charged upon tAvo rebel cavalry, rescuing two men of the Fourth OhioVolunteer Cavalry, who were being taken oft' as prisoners. The other, Farrish, shot two of the rebels, and came to my rescue in a per- sonal encounter with a rebel, who v^as in the act of leveling his pistol at my head, but he found a carbine leveled into his own face, and at my order to surrender, he delivered his pistols, carbine, and liorse to me. They both deserve promotion, and would make good officers. The able and undaunted spirit and ability which Colonel Minty has displayed whenever coming under my eye, I take great satisfaction in noticing. The officers and men all displayed great self-sacrifice. Major Wynkoop, of the Seventh Pennsylvania commanding, and Lieutenant Wooley, Adjutant General of the First Brigade, carried out every order with unhesitating energy and will, displaying the highest order of gallantry. Captain E. Otis, of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, although he docs not belong to my division, but being posted on the Left Wing of our skirmishers on the march on the Manchester road, I feel it my duty as well as take great pleasure in stating he is is an able and efficient officer. Brigadier General D. S. Stanley being in command of the forces pursuing the retiring rebels on the march, it fell to my lot to convey and see his orders executed. Before closing this report it is my duty to make honorable mention of the meritorious conduct of Lieutenant Newell, commanding a section of artillery attnched to my division. During the first day's engagement near Lavergne, he pl.iced h;s two pieces on well-selected ground, and did great execution, killing three horses, dismounting seven, and Hcattering the rebel cavalry by his 406 OFFICIAL RPJPORTS. ■\vell and timol}' ainietl shots. lie lias on several occasions displayed talents of first order as an artillerist. It would not be amiss at this time to state that my entire command were short of rations, performing duty, night and day, in the wet field without shelter, exposed to the wet, cold, and hunger, without a murmur. Major Paransora, of the Third Ohio, displayed great pres- ence of mind and determination in maintaining his position on the right flank with his battalion, to cover an ammunition train, long after the cavalry on his right had been driven away by the enemy's shells. Your obedient servant, JOHN KENNETT, Commanding Division. OFFICIAL EEPORT OF CAPT. ELMER OTIS. LRY, '\ JESSEE, > 7, 1863. ) Headquarters Fourth United States Cavalry, In Camp near Murfreesboro, Tenni January Major C. Goddard, Acting Assistant Adjutant General: Sir — I have the honor to make the following report of the opera- tions of the Fourth United States Cavalry, in the battle in front of Mui-freesboro : On December 30, the Fourth United States Cavalry left camp at Stewart's Creek, leaving the train and baggage under a strong guard, commanded by Lieutenant Piandlebrook. The regiment proceeded to join General Rosecrans on the field of battle, and was drawn up in line of battle in rear of the General's headquarters, but took no immediate part in the action that day. Company L, commanded by Lieutenant Royse, was General Rosecrans' immediate escort, and so rem.ains at the present time. Company M, strengthened by fifty men detailed from Companies B, C, D, G, I, and K, commanded by Lieuten- ant L'Hommedieu, proceeded to establish a courier line from General Rosecrans' headquarters to Lavergne, and so remained doing good service until relieved, January 4, 1863. These details left me with only six small companies, nitmbering in aggregate tvv'o hundred and sixty men, rank and file. On the morning of the 31st, Colonel Garesche informed me that rebel cavalry was appearing on the right flank of the line of battle, and ordered me to proceed with the Fourth United States Cavalry to look after them. This must have been between seven and eight o'clock in the morning. I crossed the Murfreesboro pike and drew up the six companies in line of battle in the following manner : each company was in a column of fours led by the company commanders, the com- panies on a line parallel to each other, company distance apart, lead- OFFICIAL REPORTS. 407 ing the center myself. This was done owing to the wooded country and fences that were obstructions to the ordinary line of battle. Proceeding to the right of the line, I found our entire right flank had given way. Learning from some men of General Davis' division tlie position of the enemy's cavahy, 1 made a turn to the right, moving about one-fourth of a mile, and discovered the enemy. I came out of a piece of timber I was in, and getting over a fence, rap- idly cliarged the enemy with m}^ entire command, completely routing them Avith the exception of two pieces of artiller}-, supported by about one hundred and twenty-five cavalry, stationed between my right and the Murfreesboro and Nashville pike, who were not at first discovered. I rallied my men again, and while rallying I saw about three hundred of volunteer cavalry on my right ; I rode over to them and asked them lO charge the artillery with me and the feAV men I had rallied to take the pieces. The officer replied that he Avas placed tliere to guard a train, and Avould not charge with me. I have no doubt I could have taken the artillerA^ Before I could get my men rallied the artillery moved oif. About the time I got my command rallied, I received an order from General Rosecrans to proceed to the Nashville and Mur- freesboro pike as soon as possible. I did so immediately. I have since thought the General did not know my position, or he Avould have allowed me to follow up the enemy. I was much nearer the pike than I thought I Avas. I saAV no more of the enemy's cavalry on the iDikc that morning. In this charge I can not speak in too high terms of the officers aiul men. Every man charged and kept in position, taking over a hundred prisoners of the enemy and releasing a large number of our OAvn cap- tured men. More redounds to their credit, considering that a large majority were recruits from volunteer infantry, and only some five days drilled mounted. Two companies of infantry were released in a body. Tlie train on the pike Avas, I have since learned, in the possession of the eiieiny Avitli a large number of stragglers, Avho were being disarmed at tlic time. These stragglers did nothing to protect the train, scarcely firing a shot. From prisoners taken I liave learned that tlie Fourtli United States Cavalry charged an entire brigade of cavalry, and routed ihem to su.tdi a degree that they disappeared from the field at tliis jtoint entirely. Later in the day I sent seventy-nine prisoners in one body to the Tenth Ohio Infantry, stationed in our rear at StcAvart's Creek. Another body of forty men started, but I regret to say were captured. Of the seventy-nine sent to the rear there was one captain and two lieutenants. 1 have no doubt there Avere other officers, but did not have an opportunity to examine them closely enough to find out. Of the officers engaged it is almost impossible to particularize, Ihcy all did so Avell, Captain Eli Long led his company with tlie greatest gallantry, and Avas Avounded by a'ball through his left arm. Lieuten- ants Mouck, Kelly, Lee, and Healey could not have done better. It Avas a matter of great sui-prise to me, considering the ground passed over, to find Dr, Comfort so soon on the field with his ambu- lance, caring for the wounded. He was in time to capture a prisoner 408 OFFICIAL REPORTS. himself. First Sergeant Murj^hy led Company G, and commanded it with great gallantry, the reports having counted eleven dead of the enemy on the ground over which his company charged. Sergeant Major John G. Webster behaved gallantly, capturing a lieutenant mounted on a fine mare. First Sergeant James McAlpin led Company K after Captain Long was wounded, and reports having killed two rebels with two successive shots of his pistol. First Sergeant John Dolan, Company B, captured a captain and received his sword. No one could have acted more bravely than First Sergeant McMaster, of Company I. First Sergeant Christian Haefling, in charge of courier line near headquarters, proceeded in the thickest of the fight and recovered the effects of Colonel Garesche on his body, killed in this day's fight. Our loss in this charge was small, Captain Eli Long and six privates wounded. Proceeding on the Nashville pike, I was ordered to escort a train to the rear. I afterward got orders to return and report to General Piosecrans ; I returned, and for two hours looked for the General with my command, but did not find him, although I found several of his stafl". I proceeded to the right flank and formed my regiment in front of some rebel cavalry, who showed themselves in the distance, in order to protect our train. I returned to General Rosecrans' head- quarters that night, and bivouacked near him. The next morning, January 1st, I was ordered to make a reconnoissance on the right flank which I did, making my reports frequently to Major Goddard, Acting Assistant Adjutant General; that night bivouacking near Overall's Creek. Avhere my command remained watching the move- ments of the enemy until the 4th of January, when it was moved to Wilkinson's Cross-roads, On January 6th my command proceeded under command of General Stanley to engage the enemy's rear guard, on the Manchester pike, driving them some two or three miles. Private Snow, of Company L, orderly to General Rosecrans, was ordered on January 2d, to |iick up fifteen stragglers, march them to the front, and turn them over to some commissioned oflicer. Failing to find one he assumed command, formed them in line, telling them that he would shoot the first one that should run. He reports that they fought bravely. Twelve men were taken prisoners while performing courier duty. Lieutenant Randlebrook was exceedingly vigilant guarding the train, and of great service in sending forward supplies. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, ELMER OTIS, Captain Commanding Fourth United States Cavalry in Field. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 409 REPORT OF COLONEL R. H. G. MmTY. HexVDQijarters First Cavalry Brigade, Camp before Murfreesboro, January 7, 18G3. } Lieutenant Chamberlain, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, First Cavalry Division : Sir— I have the honor to hand you the following report of the part taken b.y the First Brigade, First Division Cavalry Reserve, in the operations from the advance of the army from Nashville to, and including the battle before, Murfreesboro. I raaixhed from Camp Rosecrans, near Nashville, on the morning of the 26th ult., with the Third Kentucky, Fourth Michigan, Seventh Pennsylvania, and one compnny of the Second Indiana, and reported to General Palmer on the Murfreesboro road. In accordance with orders received from him, through the Colonel commanding the divi- sion, I placed the Third Kentucky on the left, and the Seventh Penn- sylvania on the right of the road, keeping the Fourth Michigan on the pike, with a strong advance guard thrown out. Ten miles from Nashville I met the enemy's pickets, who, as they fell back before us, were continually reinforced, until arriving at Lavergne they disputed our progress Avith a force of two tliousand five hundred cavalry and mounted infantry, with four pieces of artillery, under General Wheeler. After some sharp skirmisliing in which we suffered some loss, and did the enemy considerable damage, I moved under cover of a slight eminence on whicli Lieutenant Newell, of Bat- tery D, First Ohio, had his section planted, leaving two companies of the Fourth Michigan dismounted, and in ambush behind a fence, to support the artillery. I must here mention that Lieutenant Newell did splendid service with his two three-inch Rodmans. Every sliot was well planted, and he nobly fought the four guns of the enemy for over half an hour, when a battery from Geiu-ral Palmer's division came up to his assistance. One of the gunners was killed by a shell from the enemy while serving his gun. Saturday, December 27. — The Seventh Pennsylvania, under Major Wynkoop, made a reconnoissance in front of General Palmer's sldrmish ensued, tlie Fourth Cavalry, First Tennessee Infantrv, and the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry having to bear the brunt of ihe fight on our side. 412 OFFICIAL EEPOKTS. The enemy were driven from the field with heavy loss, and we returned to within a mile and a half of Murfrecsboro and went into camp. CASUALTIES. Killed Wountled Missing. Aggregate KEGIMENTS. 2d Indiana Cavalry 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry 3d Kentucky Cavah-y 4th jMichigan Cavalry 1st Middle Tennessee Cavalry.... 2d East Tennessee Cavalry , Total , 37 80 14 Gl 10 13 17 6 133 Horses killed, 61 ; wounded, 65. Colonel Murray with a handful of men, performed services that would do honor to a full regiment. Captain Mix, with about fifty men, not only drove two hundred of the enemy for over two miles, but he there held his position against an entire regiment of rebel cavalry. Lieutenant Eldridge, with eighteen men, and dismounted, attacked the enemy, routed them, and recaptured a wagon full of ammunition. In the engagement of Wednesday, the 31st, Avhile leading his com- pany in a charge, Captain Mix's horse was shot under him, and, in the same charge. Lieutenant Woolley, my Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral, was thrown from his horse, severely hurting his leg, notwith- standing which he remounted and continued to perform all his duties. In explanation of the large number of "missing" reported by the Seventh Pennsylvania, I would call 3-our attention to the fact that the entire force of one battalion was deployed ns a chain of vedettes in rear of our line of battle, when the Eight Wing was driven back, and many of the men must have been captured by the enemy while endeav- oring to drive forward the struggling infnntry. In reporting such officers and men who deserve special mention, I must confine myself to those who came under my personal observation. First Sergeant Bedtelyon, of Company K, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, rode by my side during both charges against the enemy in the engagement of Wednesday evening, December 31st, and displayed great gallantrj'- and coolness. I have recommended him to his Excel- lency, the Covernor of Michigan, for promotion. Bugler Ben Depen- brock, Second Indiana Cavalry, and Quartermaster Sergeant Edward Owen, Fourth Michigan Cavalry — when we were driven back in the OFFICIAL IlEPORTS. 413 early part of the evening of December 31st, I was on foot and in rear of the dismounted skirmishers who were running for their liorses — when these two galhint sohiiers galloped to the front, bringing up my horse. Lieutenant John WooUey, Second Indiana Cavali-y, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, First Cavalry Brigade, Avas thrown from his horse and so severely hurt that he could not walk without great dif- ficulty, continued to press to the front on foot until lie got another horse, and remained on the field until long after the engagement was over. Captain Frank W. Mix, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, had his liorse shot under him during the first charge ; he pressed forward on foot, caught a stray horse, and led his company in the second charge. Many others undoubtedly did as well as tliose I have mentioned, but the above are the cases that came under my immediate notice. The brigade has captured and turned over one hundred and ninety- two prisoners. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, R. H. G. MINTY, Colonel Commanding. THE RIGHT AVIMG. OFFICIAL KEPORT OF GEIST. It. W. JOHNSOE". Headquarters Second Division, ) KiGUT Wing, January G, 1803. / Major J. A. Campbell, Assistant Adjutant General : I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Second Division, under my command, beginning December 26, 18(J2, the day upon which it left Nashville, and terminating on Jan- uary 0, 18(53 : Agreeably to orders, the divisions of the Right Wing of the Four- teentli Army Corps marched from their camps near Nashville, taking the Nolensville pike, and arrived in tliat village tlic same day, at four o'clock P. M. On the following day the same divisions, with mine in advance, marched to Triune. The rebel rear guard contesjed the ground incli 1)V inch, and the day was passed constantly skirnushmg with Ihem, witli no loss on our side, but several casualties on their part. Triune was occupied by my division about four I*. M. _ The lol- h)\vin"- dny (December 28), the command remained in Triune. A reconnoissance, to ascertain the direction the enemy had retreated, was made by a brigade of my comman.L commanded by Brigadier General A. Willich. It having ascertained that the enemy had retreated toward Murfreesboro, I was ordered to leave a brigade at 414 OFFICIAL REPORTS. Triune, and on tlio 20th to marcli on Murfreesboro on what is known as the Balle Jack road. Colonel P. P. Baldwin, Third Brigade, was left at Triune. The comniand arrived at Wilkinson's Cross-roads about eight P. M., on the 20th, and an order sent at once to Colonel Baldwin to move forward his brigade, Avhich arrived early on the afternoon of the 30th. My division was in reserve on the 20th, On the following morning, December 30, General Sherridan's division was ordered to advance in line of battle, covering the Wilkinson pike, while General Davis' division marched in the same ordei', on the right of General Sherridan. My division, being held in reserve, was marched in column on the pike. There being no troops on General Davis' right, and General Sherridan's left being guarded by General Crittenden's left wing (N. B. — Negley's division of Center), I was ordered to oblique to the right, covering the right of General Davis' division. About two o'clock P. M. I received an order from Major General McCook to look well to my right, as General Hardee (rebel), with his corps, was on the right ilank of our column. I ordered the Second Brigade, Brigadier General E. N. Kirk commanding, to take position with his brigade, his left resting against the right of General Davis, his right refused so as to cover our right flank. About dark I placed General Willich's on the right of Kirk's, refusing his right, and directed a heavy line of skirmishers to be thrown forward, connecting on the left with those of General Davis, and extending to the right and rear, near the Wilkinson pike. This line of skirmishers was throvv-n forward about six hundred yards, and near those of the enemy. My Third Brigade, Colonel Baldwin commanding, was held in reserve. In consultation with General McCook, late in the afternoon of the 30th, he informed me tliat he had reliable information to the ettect that the center of the rebel line of battle was opposite to our extreme right, and that we would probably be attacked by the entire rebel army early on the following morning. His prediction proved true. He also in- formed me that he had communicated this information to the Com- manding General. I expected a change in the programme for the following day,, but none was made. My brigade commanders were called together, and the operations of the following day fully explained to them. Every arrangement was made for an attack. Two gallant and experienced officers commanded ray two advance brigades, and every precaution was taken against surprise. At twenty-two minutes past six o'clock on the morning of the 31st, the outposts in front of my division were driven in by an overwhelm- ing force of infantry, outnumbering my forces greatly, and known to contain about thirty-five thousand men. At the same time my extreme right was attacked by the enemy's cavalry. The gallant Kirk and Willich soon opened up a heavy tire of musketry and artillery on the advancing columns, causing wavering in the ranks, but fresh columns would soon replace them, and it was apparent that to fall back was a "military necessity," Edgarton's Battery, after firing three rounds, had so many of his horses killed as to render it unmanageable. He, however, remained with it, and continued so fire, until he fell by a severe wound, and he and his battery fell into the hands of the enemy. Before falling back, the horse of General Willich was killed, and he OFFICIAL REPORTS. 415 was wounded and taken prisoner. About the same time, General Kirk received a severe wound, which disabled him. Seeing the pressure upon m3^ lines, I ordered up ray reserve brigade, under the gallant Baldwin. The troops of his brigade advanced promptly, and delivered their fire, holding their ground for some time, but, they, too, were com- pelled to fall back. The troops of this division, for tlie first time, were compelled to yield the field temporarily, but the heroes of Shiloh and Perryville did not abandon their ground until forced to do so by the immense masses of the enemy hurled against them, and then inch by inch. The ground over which the division passed, covered with the ene- my's dead and those of our own men, shows that the field was Avarmly contested. Several times the lines were reformed and resistance offered, but the columns of the enemy were too heavy for a single line, and ours would have to yield. Finally the left fiank of my division reached the line of General Rousseau's, when it was refoVmed and fought until out of ammunition, but my efficient ordnance officer. Lieu- tenant Murdoch, had a supply in readiness, which was soon issued, and the division assisted in driving the enemy from the field in their last desperate struggle of the day. Soon the curtain of darkness fell upon the scene of blood, and all was quiet, awaiting the coming of morn to renew hostilities. Morning came but the enemy had withdrawn, January 1 was a day of comparative quiet in camp, few shots being fired, but many preparations made for a heavy battle on the following day. General Crittenden's wing was attacked in force on the 2d, and one of my bri- gades, Colonel Gibson's, was sent to reinforce them. For the gallant part taken by it reference is made to the report of Major General Crit- tenden. The enemy evacuated .Murfreesboro on the night of the 3d. On the 6th I was ordered to move my camp to a point on the Shelby- ville road, four miles south of Murfreesboro. The conduct of the officers and men under my command was good. The Louisville Legion, under the command of the gallant Lieutenant Colonel Berry, brought off by hand one cannon, after the horses were killed. They yielded the ground only when overpowered, offering an obstinate resistance at every point. Some few in each regiment becoming panic-stricken, fled to Nashville for safety. Captain Simon- son managed his battery with skill and courage, and with it did good execution. He lost two guns, but not until the horses had been killed and the guns disabled, Goodspeed's Battery lost three guns and quite a number of horses. This battery was handled well and did good execution, under Lieutenant Belden. After the capture of General AVillich, his brigade was commanded temporarily by Colonel Wallace of the Fifteenth Ohio, but was after- ward commanded by Colonel W. 11. (Jibson, Forty-Ninth Oliio. Gen- eral Kirk becoming disabled Avas replaced by Colonel Dodge, Thirtieth Indiana, while the Third Brigade was commanded by Colonel Bald- win. These four Colonels have demonstrated their fitness for command on several bloody fields, and ai-e recommended to my superiors for pro- motion. Their coolness and courage rendered them conspicuous throughout the bloody engagement. Major Klein and liis battalion 416 OFFICIAL REPORTS. of the Third Indiana Cavalry, deserve special mention under their gallant leader; the battalion was always in front, and rendered effi- cient service. To Captains Barker, Hooker, Thiiiston, and McLeiand : Lieutenants Taft, Hills, and Sheets of my staff, many thanks are due for Iheir effi- ciency and promptness in carrying orders to all parts of the field. My Medical Director, Surgeon Marks, and the medical officers of the division, were untiring in their exertions to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded, and to them ray thanks are due. iMy escort, composed of the following named men of the Third Kentucky Cavalry', who accompanied me throughout the engagement, deserves special mention for their good cunduct : Sergeant Wm. C. Miles ; privates Geo. Long, Thos. Salyers, John Christian, John Whitten, James Bowen, B. Hanimerslein, R. A. Novah. Private Bowen's horse was killed by a cannon ball. The loss of the division was as follows : Killed, 2G0; wounded, 1,005; missing, 1,280; total, 2,546. The missing are supposed to have been captured. Very respectfully your obedient servant, R. W. JOHNSON, Brigadier General Commanding. GEKEEAL JEFF. C. DAVIS' EFFORT. Right Wing, January 8, 1863 Headquarters First Division, Right Wing, "{ 33. r Major J. A. Campbell^ Acting Adjutant General: Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the division under my command, in the recent opera- tions against the enemy's forces in the vicinity of Triune and Mur- freesboro : On the morning of the 26th ult., in compliance with instructions received from the General commanding the Right Wing, I broke up camp at St. James' Chapel, on Mill Creek, and advanced upon Nolens- ville via the Edmonson pike, as far as Prim's blacksmith shop; from thence my advance was over a rugged country road, rendered almost impassable by the incessant rain which had been falling in torrents during the entire morning. The enemy's pickets were discovered by my cavalry escort, com- posed of Company B, Thirty-Sixth Illinois Volunteers, under com- mand of Captain Shirer, within a few miles of our camp. This small force of cavalry being the only mounted force under our coramand, I ordered them to the front, with instructions to drive in the enemy's pickets, and to attack him on his flanks at every opportunity. So OFFICIAL REPORTS. 417 effectually was this done that, the infantry and artillcM-y Avoro enabled to move with little interruption to within a mile of Nolensville, By this time I had learned from reliable information, throup:h citizens as well as cavalry scouts, that the enemy occupied the town in some force both of cavalry and artillery. The First Brigade, consisting of the Twenty- Second Indiana, Sev- enty-Fourth, Seventy-Fifth, and Fifty-Ninth Illinois Regiments, and the Fifth Wisconsin Battery, commanded by Colonel P. Sidney Post, was immediately deployed for an advance upon the town. Finney's Fifth Wisconsin Battery was posted so as to command the town and all approaches from the south-west. The enemy's cavalry was seen by this time taking position on a range of hills south-west of town, and was evidently attempting to flank our position. A few shells from Finney's Battery soon caused them to fall back. A battery which by this time they had succeeded in getting into position, opened fire but was after a few rounds silenced by Pinney's guns. The Second Brigade, consisting of the Twenty-First and Thirty- Eighth Illinois, Fifteenth Wisconsin, and One Hundred and First Ohio Regiments, and the Second Minnesota Battery, commanded by Colonel Carlin, had by this time formed a line of" battle on Post's right, and moving rapidly forAvard soon engaged the enemy's dis- mounted cavalry in a sharp skirmish. The Third Brigade, consisting of the Twenty-Fifth and Thirty-Fifth Illinois, Eighty-First Indiana, and the Eighth Wisconsin Battery, commanded by Colonel Woodruff, was deployed on the right so as to check any effort which might be made to attack my flank from this direction. Carlin advanced in excellent order, driving everything before him until ordered to halt, having dislodged the enemy from his position entirely. By this time I ascertained that the enemy would probably make another effort to resist our advance about two miles further on, and notwithstanding it was late in the afternoon, and the men were much fatigued from a hard day's march through rain and mud, I could not forego the opportunity thus offered in giving them another chance to signalize their courage and endurance. Ascertaining the enemy's position as well as I could I ordered the advance. Their lines were soon discovei-ed, occupying a range of high rocky hills, through which the Nolcnsville and'Triune pike passes, known as "Knob's Gap." This was a favorable position to the enemy and well guarded by artillery, which opened fire at long range upon Carlin's lines. Hotchkiss' and Pinney's Batteries were rapidly brought into action and opened fire, while Carlin's brigade charged the battery, carried the bights in his front and captured two guns. l»ost's brigade car- ried the hights on the left of the road with but little resistance, while Vvoodruff s brigade drove in the enemy's skirmishers on the extreme right. The day had now closed and I ordered the troops to l)iyouac in accordance with instructions from the General Comnuniding, who arrived at this time upon the ground, followed by Generals Shern- dan's and Johnson's divisions. The steady courage and soldierly zeal displayed on this occasion by 418 OFFICIAL REPORTS. botli officers and men, gave ample assurance of what could be expected of them in the coming struggle at Murfrccsboro. On the 27th, in accordance with the General's instructions, the division took position at the junction of the Balle Jack road with the Nolensville pike, one mile from Triune, where it remained in bivouac until the morning of the 29th, at which time the advance was resumed. In compliance with instructions, I moved forward on the Balle Jack as far as Stewart's Creek, a few miles beyond which it was reported by our cavalry the enemy had shown himself in considera- ble force. The General Commanding arriving at this time in person, at the head of the column, ordered a halt until the division in the rear could be brought up. Brigadier General Stanley, commanding the cavalry in advance, soon reported the road clear and the march was resumed without obstruction, until the entire command reached the AVilkinson pike, six miles from Murfreesboro. The division bivouacked during the night at Overall's Creek, three and a half miles from INIurfreesboro, the left brigade resting on the Wilkinson pike. On the morning of the 30th the division moved for- ward and took position on General Sherridan's right, about three hundred yards south of and parallel to the Wilkinson pike, in which position it remained until two o'clock P. M. A few companies of skirmishers thrown to the front, in a skirt of timber land, soon found those of the enemj^, and for several hours a brisk skirmish was kept \ip with varying results. About two o'clock P. M., the General Commanding ordered a gen- eral advance of the whole line. Tliis the enemy seemed at first dis- posed to resist only with his skirmishers; gradually, however, as both parties strengthened their lines of skirmishers, the contest became more animated. Our main lines steadily advanced, occupy- ing and holding the ground gained i)y the skirmishers, until about lialf an hour before sunset, when the enemy's position was plainly discovered running diagonally across the old Murfreesboro and Franklin road. The enemy's batteries now announced our close prox- imity to their lines. Carpenter's and Hotchkiss' Batteries were soon brought into position and opened tire. Woodruffs and Carlin's l:ri- gades by this time felt the tire of the ciicrny's main lints uv.d responded in the most gallant manner. Post's brigade, moving steadily forward on llie right, ;tficr a most obstinate resistance on the part of the enemy succeeded in driving his skirmishers from a strong position in our fiont, for- cing them to retire upon their main lines. Night soon bi'ought a close to the contiict. Receiving directions at this time, fiom General McCook, to desist from, any further offensive demonstration fuitlier than what might be necessary to hold my position, I oidered {lie troops to rest for the night on tl-eir arms. Two brigades of Gen- ernl .Johnson's division, heretofore held in reserve, arrived and took j.osilion on my right about sunset, thus extending our line of battle beyond the old Franklin and Murfreesboro road. These brigades v/.ere commanded by Generals Willich and Kirk. The night passed off quietly until about daylight, Avhen the ene- OFFICIAL REPORTS. 419 my's foi'ces were observed by our pickets to be in motion. Tlicir object could not, however, with certainty be determined until near sunrise, when a vigorous attack was made upon Willich's and Kirk's brigades. These troops seemed not to have been fully prepared for the assault, and with little or no resistance retreated from their posi- tion leaving their artillery in the hands of the enemy. This left my right brigade exposed to a flank movement, wliich the enemy was now rapidly executing, and compelled me to order Post's brigade to fall back and partially chnnge its front. Simultaneous with this movement the enemy commenced a heavy and very determined attack on both Carlin's and Woodruffs brigades. These brigades were fully prepared for the attack, and received it with veteran courage. The conflict was fierce in the extreme on both sides. Our loss was heavy, and that of the enemy no less. It was according to my observations, the best contested point of the day, and would have been held but for the overwhelming force moving so persistently against my right. Carlin finding his right flank being severely puslied and threatened with being turned, ordered his troops to retire. Wood- ruiFs brigade succeeded in repulsing the enemy, and holding its posi- tion until the withdrawal of the troops on both its flanks compelled it to retire. Pinney's Battery, which had posted in an open field upon my extreme right, and ordered to be supported by a part of Post's bri- gade, now opened a destructive fire upon the enemy's advancing lines. This gallant and distinguished battery, supported by the Twenty-Sec- ond Indiana and Fifty-Ninth Illinois regiments, together with a bri- gade of General Johnson's division, commanded by Colonel Baldwin (Sixth Indiana Volunteers), for a short time brought tlie enemy to a check on our right. Hotchkiss' Battery, had also by this time taken an excellent position near the Wilkinson pike, so as to command the enemy's approach across a large cotton-field in his front, over which he was now advancing. The infantrj'-, howevei', contrary to expectations, failed to support this battery, and after firing a few rounds was forced to retire. In accordance with instructions re- ceived during the night, announcing the plan of operations for the day, I desisted from any further attempts to engage the enemy except by skirmishei'S thrown to the rear for that purpose until my lines had reached within a few hundred yards of the Nashville and Murfrees- boro pikes, when. I again determined to reform my lines to resist his further advance. To this order but few of the regiments i-esponded, their ranks being much thinned by killed and wounded, and not a few availed themselves of the favorable opportunity oftered by the dense woods through which we were compelled to pass to skulk like cowards from the ranks. The reserve force here moved to the front and relieved my command from any further participation in the engagement until late in the afternoon when in compliance with instructions I took i)osition on tlie right. My skirmishers were immediately thrown out and soon engaged the enemy's until niglit brought a close to hostilities for tlie day. During the 1st and 2d of January, the division occupied tiiis posi- tion in skirmishing with the enemy's pickets until late in the afternoon 420 OFFICIAL REPORTS. of the 2(3, when I received orders from Genernl Eosecrans to hasten to the support of a part of General Crittenden's command, who had been sometime hotly engaged with the enemy across the river on our extreme left. Moving as rapidly as possible across the river to the field of battle, I found our gallant troops forcing the enemy back on his reserves. The brigade of Colonel Yvoodrufl", being in the advance, only arrived in time to participate in the general engagement. After relieving the troops of General Palmer and Colonel Beatty, and particularly the brigade of Colonel Hazen, which had so nobly vindicated their courage in the then closing conflict, I ordered a heavy line of skirmishers to be thrown out. The enemy's lines were soon encountered, and a renewal of the engagement seemed imminent. A few rounds of grape and cannister from one of our batteries, how- ever, caused them to withdraw, and night again brought a cessation of hostilities. During the night I disposed of my troops in such manner as would best enable me to repel an attack, and in compliance with instructions, I directed rifle pits and breastworks to be thrown up. This was done, and morning found us well prepared for any emergency, either offen- sive or defensive. The following day (3d January), considerable skirmishing was kept up without abatement from early in the morning until dark. During the night, I received orders from General Crittenden to withdraw my command from the east bank of the river, and to report with it to General McCook. This movement was executed between one and four o'clock in the morning, during which time the rain fell incessantly. The pickets about this time reported the enemy as having been very active in their movements during the latter part of the night, and their convictions that he was evacuating his position. Further observations made after daylight proved this to be the case. The following list of casualties shows a loss in the division during the several engagements above described, as follows : OFFICERS. Killed 16 Wounded 34 Missing...' 2— 52 ENLISTED MEN. Killed 176 Wounded 784 Missing 399—1,359 Total 1,411 This division lost three pieces of artillery, and captured two In the list of officers killed are the names of Colonel Stem, One Hundred and First Ohio ; Colonel Williams, Twenty-Fifth Illinois ; Lieutenant Col- onel Wooster, One Hundred and First Oliio ; Lieutenant Colonel McKee, Fifteenth Wisconsin; Captain Carpenter, Eighth Wisconsin Battery, OFFICIAL REPORTS. 421 and Captain McCullooh, Second Kentucky Cavalry of my stntf, whose noble deeds of valor on the field, had already placed their names on the list of brave men. The history of the war will record no brighter names, and the country will mourn the loss of no more devoted patriots than these. Among the wounded are Colonel Alexandei', Twenty-First Illinois ; Lieutenant Colonel Tanner, Twenty-Second Indiana ; Captain Pinney, Fifth Wisconsin Battery, and Captain Austin, Acting Assistant Adju- tant General, on the staff of Colonel Woodruff, whose names it affords me special gratification to mention. From the 26th of December, until the close of the engagement on the 4th of January, at IMurfreesboro, no entire day elapsed that tiie division or some portion of it did not engage the enemy. During a great parr of the time, the weather was excessively inclement and the troops suffered much from exposure. A heavy list of casualties and much suffering was unavoidable under the circumstances. It affords me much pleasure to be able to report the cheerful and soldier-like manner in which these hardships and privations were endured by the troops throughout. History will record, and the coun- try reward, their deeds. My staff consisting of T. W. Morrison, Acting Assistant Adjutant General; Captain H. Pease, Inspector General; Captain McCulloch, Lieutenants Frank E. Reynolds, and Thomas H. Dailey, Aidsdocamp; Surgeon J. L. Judd, Medical Director ; Captain Shriver, Ordnance Officer; Lieiitenant R. Plunket, Provost Marshal; private Frank Clark, Clerk to the Assistant Adjutant General, and Acting Aiddecamp ; deported themselves throughout the entire campaign, as well as on the battle-field, with distingushed zeal and conspicuous gallantry. While expressing my high regard and approbation of the General Com- manding, 1 desire to tender my thanks to yourself, Major, and to Col- onel Langdon, Major Bates, Captains Thruston, Williams, and Fisher, of his staff, for the prompt and efficient manner in which the field duties were performed by them. During the several engagements in which the division participated, my subaltern officers attracted my admiration by their conspicuous gallantry, and whose names, I regret, can not be mentioned in this report. They will be remembered in future recommendations for pro- motion. I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JEFF. C. DAVIS, Brigadier General Commanding. 422 OFFICIAL REPORTS. GEI^EEAL r. II. SHEREIDAN'S REPOET. Hf:ADQUARTERS TlIIRD DlYISION, RlGHT WiNG, ") Camp on Stone River, Tennessee, > January 9, 1863. J Major J. A. Campbell, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff: Major — In obedience to instructions from the headquarters of the Right Wing, I have the honor to report the following as tlie operations of my division, from the 26th dav of December, 1862, to the 6th day of January, 1863. On tlie 26t]i of December I moved from camp, near Nashville, on the Nolensville pike, in the direction of Nolensville. At the crossing of Mill Creek the enemy's cavalry made some resistance, but Avere soon routed, one private and one Lieutenant of the enemy being captured. On approaching Nolensville, I received a message from General Davis, who had arrived at Nolensville, via the Edmonson pike, that the enemy were in considerable force on his front, and requesting me to support him. On the arrival of the head of my division at Nolensville. General Davis advanced upon the enemy's position about tAvo miles south of that place, supported by m}^ division. The enemy had here made a stand in a gap of the mountains, but after a sharp coniiict with Gen- eral Davis' command, were routed and one piece of artillery captured. On the next day (27th) I supported General Johnson's division in its advance on Triune, where the enemy were supposed to be in consider- able force. The town was taken possession of after a slight resistance, the main portion of their forces having evacuated the place. On the 28th I encamped at Triune. On the 29th I supported General Davis' division, which had the advance from Triune on Murfreesboro, encamping that night at Wilkinson's Cross-roads, from which point there is a good turnpike to Murfreesboro. On the next day (30th) I took the advance of the Right Wing on this turnpike, toward Murfreesboro, General Stanley with a regiment of cavalry having been thrown in advance. After arriving at a point about three miles from Murfreesboro, the enemy's infantry pickets were encountered and driven back, their numbers constantly increasing until I had arrived within about two miles and a quarter of Murfreesboro. At this point the resistance was so strong as to require two regiments to drive them. I was here directed by Major General McCook. to form my line of battle and place my artillery in position. INIy line was formed on the light of the pike and obliquely to it, four regiments to the front with a second line of four regiments, Avithin short supporting distance, in the rear, with a reserve of one brigade, in column of regiments, to the rear and oppo- site the center. General Davis was then ordered to close in and form OFFICIAL REPORTS. 423 on my right, the enemy all this time keeping np a heavy artillery and musketry fire upon my skirmishers. The enemy continued to occupy, with their skirmishers, a heavy holt of timber to the right and front of ray line, and across some open fields, and near where the left of General Davis' division was intended to rest. General Davis was then directed by !Major General McCook to swing his division, and I was directed to swing my right brigade with it until our contiiiuous line would front nearly due east. This would give us possession of the timber above alluded to, and which was occu- pied by the enemy's skirmishers in considerable force. This move- ment was successfully executed, after a ^.tubborn resistance on the part of the enemy, in which they used one battery of artillei'y. This battery was silenced in a very short time by Bush's and Ilcscock's Bat- teries, of my division, and two of the enemy's pieces disabled. At sundown I had taken up my position, my right re-ting in the timber, my left on the Wilkinson pike, my reserve brigade of four regi- ments to the rear and opposite the center. The killed and wounded during the day was seventy-five men. General Davis' left Avas closed in on my right, and his line thrown to the rear, so that it formed nearly a right angle with mine. General Negley's division, of Thomas" Coi'ps, was immediately on my left, his right resting on the left hand side of the Wilkinson pike. The enemy appeared to be in strong force in a heavy cedar-woods, across an open valley in my front and parallel to it, the cedar extend- ing the whole length of the valley, the distance across the valley vary- ing from three hundred to four hundred yards. At two o'clock on the morning of the 31st, General Sill, who had command of my right brigade, reported great activity on the part of the enemy immediately in his front. This being the narrowest point in the valley, I was fearful that an attack might occur at that point. I therefore directed two regiments from the reserve to report to General Sill, who placed them in position in very short supporting distance of his lines. At four o'clock in the morning the division was assembled under arms, and the cannoniers at their pieces. About fifteen minutes after seven o'clock in the morning, the enemy advanced to the attack across an open cottonfield on Sill's front. This column was opened on by Bush's Battery, of Sill's brigade, which Inid a dii-ect fire on it-^ front. Also l)y Hescock's and Houghtaling's Batteries, which had an oblique fire on their front, from a commanding position near the center of my line. The effect of this fire upon the enemy's columns was terrible. The enemy, however, continued to advance until they had reached nearly the edge of the timber, when they were opened upon by Sill's infantry at a range of not over fifty yards. The destruction to the enemy's column, wliich was closed in mass, being several regiments in depth, was terrible. For a short time they withstood the fire, wavered, then broke and ran. Sill directing his troops to charge, whirh waa gallantly responded to, and the enemy driven back acro.ss the valley and behind their intrenchments. In tliis charge I had tlie misfortune to lose General Sill, who was killed. The brigade then fell back in good order and renewed its ui igiuaJ 424 OFFICIAL REPORTS. lines. The enemy soon rallied and advanced to the attack on ray extreme right, and in front of Colonel Woodruff, of Davis' division. Here, unfortunately, the brigade of Colonel Woodruff gave way, also one regiment of Sill's brigade, which was in the second line. This regiment fell back some distance into the open field and then rallied, its place being occupied by a third regiment of my reserve. At this time the enemy, who had attacked on the extreme right of our wing, against Johnson, and also on Davis' front, had been successful, and the two divisions on my right were retiring in great confusion, closely followed by the enemy, completely turning my position, and expo-^ing my line to a fire from the rear. I hastily withdrew the whole of Sill's brigade, and the three regiments sent to support it, at the same time directing Colonel Robei-ts, of the left brigade, who had changed front and formed in column of regiments, to charge tlic enenn^ in the timber from which I had withdrawn three regiment::^. This was very gal- lantly done by Colonel Roberts, who etiptured one piece of the enemy's artillery, which had to be abandoned. In the meantime I had formed Sill's and- Shaeffer's brigades on a line at right angles to my first line, and behind the three batteries of artillery, which were placed in a fine position, directing Colonel Roberts to return and form on the new line. I then made an unavailing attempt to form the troops on my right on this line, in front of which there were open fields through which the enemy was approaching under a heavy fire from Hescock's, Houghtaling's, and 13ush's batteries. After the attempt had proved to be entirely unsuccessful, and my right was again turned. General McCook directed me to advance to the front and form on the right of Ncgley. This movement was success- fully accomplished, under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, every regiment of mine remaining unbroken. 1 took position on Negley's right, Roberts' brigade having been placed in position at right angles to NegleA's line, facing to the south, the other two brigades being placed to the rear and at right angles Avith Roberts' and facing the west, covering the rear of Negley's lines. I then directed Houghtaling's Battery to take position at the angle of these two lines, Captain Ilescock sending one section of his battery, under Lieutenant Taliaferro, and one section of Bush's Batter}- to the same point, the remaining pieces of Hescock's and Bush's Batteries were placed on the right of Negley's line, facing toward Murfrees- boro. In this position I was immediately attacked, when one of the bitterest and most sanguinary contests of the whole day occurred. General Cheatham's division advanced on Roberts' brigade, and heavy masses of the enemy with three batteries of artillery advanced over the open ground which I had occupied in the previous part of the engagement, at the same time the enemy opening from their intrench- ments in the direction of Murfreesboro. The contest then became terrible. The enemy made three attacks and were three tiuies repulsed, the artillery range of the respective batteries being not over two hundred yards. In these attacks Roberts' brigade lost its gallant commandei', who was killed. There was no sign of faltering with the ]nen, the only cry being for more ammunition, which, unfortunately, could not be supplied on OFFICIAL REPORTS. 425 account of the discomfiture of tlic troops on the right of our wing, which allowed the enemy to come in and capture our ammunition train. Shaeffcr's brigade beino: entirely out of ammunition, I directed them to fix bayonets and await the enemy. Roberts' brigade, which was nearly out of ammunition, I directed to fall back resisting the enemy. Captain Ilonghtaling having exhausted all his ammunition, and nearly all the horses of his battery having been killed, attempted, with the assistance of the men, to withdraw his pieces by hand. Lieutenant Taliaferro, commanding the section of Ilescock's Battery, having been killed, and several of his horses shot, his two pieces were brought oflf by his sergeant with the assistance of the men. The diffi- culty of withdrawing the artillery here became very great, the ground being rocky and covered with a dense growth of cedar. Houghtaling's Battery had to be abandoned, and also two pieces of Bush's Battery. The remaining pieces of artillery in the division were brought througli the cedars with great difficult}-, under a terrible fire from the enemy, on to the open space on the Murfreesboro pike, near the right of Gen- eral Palmer's division. In coming through the cedars two regiments of Shaeffer's brigade succeeded in obtaining ammunition, and were immediately put in front to resist the enemy, who appeared to be driv- ing in our entire lines. On arriving at the open space I was directed by Major General Rose- crans to take those two regiments and put them into action on the right of Palmers division, where the enemy were pressing heavily. The two regiments went in very gallantly, driving the enemy from the cedar timber and some distance to the front. At the same time I put four pieces of Hescock's Battery into action near by and on the same front. The other two regiments of Shaeifer's brigade, and the Thirty- Sixth Illinois of Sill's brigade, were directed to cross the railroad, where they could obtain ammunition. I then, by direction of Major General McCook, withdrew the two regiments that had been placed on the right of Palmer's division, also Captain Hescock's pieces, that point having been given up to the enemy in tlie rearrangement of our lines. These regiments of Shaeffer's brigade having supplied themselves with ammunition, I put it into action, by direction of Major General Rosecrans, directly to the front and right of General Wood's division, on the left hand side of tlie railroad. The brigade advanced through a clump of timber, and took position on the edge of a cottoufiehl, close upon tlie enemy's lines, relieving the division of General Wood, which was falling back under a heavy pressure from the enemy. At this point I lost my third and last brigade commander, Colonel Shaeffer, who was killed. The brigade, remaining in this position until after it had expended its ammunition, was withdrawn to the rear of this timber, when it was again supplied and joined by the Thirty- Sixth Illinois. I was here directed ly General Kosecians to form a close column of attack and charge the enemy should they again come down on the open ground. 36 426 OFFICIAL REPORTS. T])e remaining portion of the evening this gallant brigade remained in close column of regiments, and under fire of the enemy's batteries, which killed about twenty of the men bj^ round shot. In the mean- time, Colonel Roberts' brigade, which had come out of the cedars unbroken, was put into action by General McCook at a point a short distance to the rear, where the enemy threatened our communications on the Murfreesboro pike. The brigade having but three or four rounds of ammunition, cheer- fully went into action, gallantly charged the enemy, routing them, recapturing two pieces of artillery, and taking forty prisoners. The rout of the enemy at this point deserves special consideration, as they had here nearly reached the Muifreesboro pike. On the night of the 31st I was placed in position on the Murfrees- boi'o pike, facing south, and on the ground where Roberts' brigade had charged the enemy, General Davis being on my right. On the 1st of January heavy skirmish fighting with occasional artillery shots on both sides was kept up till about three o'clock P. M., when a charge was made by a brigade of the enemy on my position. This was handsomely repulsed, and one officer and eighty-five men of the enemy captured. Colonel Walkers brigade, of Thomas' Corps, was also placed under my command temporarily, having a position on my left, where the same character of fighting was kept up. On the 2d of January Colonel Walker sustained two heavj'- attacks, which he gallantly repulsed. On the 3d skirmishing took place throughout the day. On the 4th all was quiet in front, the enemy having disappeared. On the 5th notliing of importance occurred, and on the 6th I moved my camp to its present camp on Stone River, three miles south of Murfreesboro on the Shelby ville pike. I trust that the General Commanding is satisfied with my division. It fought bravely and well. The loss of Houghtaling's Batterj'^ and one section of Bush's was unavoidable. All the horses were shot down or disabled, Captain Houghtaling wounded, and Lieutenant Tal- iaferro killed. My division, alone and unbroken, made a gallant stand to protect the right flank of our arm}'', being all that remained of the Right Wing. Had my ammunition held out I would not have fallen back, although such were my orders if hard pressed. As it was, this determined stand of my troops gave time for a rearrangement of our lines. The division mourns the loss of Sill, Shaeflfer, and Roberts. They were all instantly killed, and at the moment when their gallant bri- gades were charging the enemy. They were true soldiers — prompt and brave. On the death of these officers, respectively, Colonel Greusel, Thirty- Sixth Illinois, took command of Sill's brigade^ Lieutenant Colonel Laiboldt, Second Missouri, of Shaelfer's, and Colonel Bradley of Rob- erts' brigade. These officers behaved gallantly throughout the day. It is also my sad duty to record the death of Colonel F. A. Harring- ton, of the Twenty-Seventh Illinois, who fell heroically leading hia regiment to the charge. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 427 I refer with pride to the splendid conduct, bravery, and efficiency of the following regimental commanders, and the oiBcens and men of their respective commands: Colonel F. T. Sherman, Eighty-Eighth Illinois. Major F. Ehrler, Second Missouri. Lieutenant Colonel John Weber, Fifteenth Missouri, Captain W. W, Barrett, Forty-Fourth Illinois (wounded). Major W. A, Presson, Seventy-Third Illinois (wounded). Major Silas Miller, Thirty-Sixth Illinois (wounded and prisoner). Captain P. C. Oleson, Thirty-Sixth Illinois. Major E. C. Hubbard, Twenty-Fourth AVisconsin. Lieutenant Colonel McCreery, Twenty-First Michigan. Lieutenant Colonel N. II. Walworth, Forty-Second Illinois. Lieutenant Colonel F. Swannick, Twenty-Second Illinois (wounded and prisoner). Captain Samuel Johnson, Twenty-Second Illinois. Major W. A. Schmitt, Twenty-Seventh Illinois. Captain Wescott, Fifty-First Illinois, I respectfully bring to the notice of the General Commanding the good conduct of Captain Hescock. Chief of Artillery, whose services were almost invaluable. Also, Captains Houghtaiing and Bush, and the officers and men of their batteries. Surgeon D. J. Griffiths, Medical Director of my division, and Doctor ]\IcArthur of the Board of Medical Examiners of Illinois, were most assiduous in their care of the wounded. Major H. F. Dietz, Provost Marshal, Captain Morhardt, Topographi- cal Engineer, Lieutenant George Lee, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral, Lieutenants A. M. Denning, Frank H. Allen, E, W. DeBruin, J. L, Forman, and Soward, Aidsdecamp, officers of mj' staff, were of the greatest service to me, delivering my orders faithfully, and promptly discharging the duties of their respective positions. The ammunition train above alluded to as captured, was retaken from the enemy by the good conduct of Captain Thruston, ordnance officer of the corps, and Lieutenant Douglas, ordnance officer of my division, who, with Sergeant Cooper of my escort, rallied the strag- glers and drove off the enemy's cavalry. The following is the total of casualties in the division : OFFICERS. Killed 15 Wounded 38 Missing. 11— 64 KxN'LlSTED MKN. Killed 223 Wounded '>^48 Missing 400-1,506 Total. ,1,U80 Of the eleven officers and four hundred enlisted men missing, many are known to be wounded and in the hands of tlie enemy. 428 OFFICIAL REPORTS. Prisoners were captured from the enemy by my (livi.-ion ns follows ; Majors • 1 Captains ... 1 Lieutenants o Enlisted men 210 Total 221 I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, P. H. SIIERRIDAN, Brigadier General Commanding. THEE CENTER. GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY'S REPORT. Headquarters Eighth Division, 1 MuRFREESBORO, January 8, 1863. / Major Oeorge E. Flgnt, Chief of Skiff : Sir — I have the honor to submit the following report of the opera- tions of the troops under my command, in the engagements with the enemy on Stone River : On Tuesday morning, December 30, 1862, the Eighth Division, composed of the Seventh and Twenty-Ninth brigades, Schultz's, Mar- ghall's and ^Veils' batteries, was posted on a rolling slope of the west bank of Stone River, in advance, but joining the extreme right of General Crittenden's line, and the left of General McCook's. In the rear and on the right, was a dense cedai'-wood with a broken, rocky surface. From one position, several roads were cut through the woods in our rear, by which to bring up the artillery and ammunition trains. In front, a heavy growth of oak timber extended toward the river, which was about a mile distant. A narrow thicket, diagonally crossed our left, and skirted the base of a cultivated slope, expanding to the widtli of a mile, as it approached the Nashville pike. This slope afl'orded the enemy his most commanding position (in the Center), on the crest of which his rifle pits extended (with intervals) from the oak timber immediately in my front, to the Nashville pike, with a battery of four Napoleon and two iron guns, placed in position, near the woods, and about eight hundred yards from my position. Behind this timber, on the river bank, the enemy massed his col- umns, for the movements of the next day. His skirmishers were driven from our immediate front after a sharp OFFICIAL RL'PORTS. 429 contest ; in which the Nineteentli Illinois and Seventy-Eighth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, displayed admirable efheiency. 'The position of my command was held, under a heavy fire, until darkness terminated the skirmir-hing in our front, by which time, wc had inflicted consider- able loss upon the enemy. In the meantime, General Sherridan's division, came up and formed " line of battle" (his left resting on my right), and began to advance, driving the enemy, until he had passed the center of my brigade. While General Sherridan was in this position, I changed my front slightly, bearing it more to the left, to avoid masking a portion of Sherridan's command. The troops remained in this position and in " order of battle " all night, cheerfully enduring the cold and rain, awaiting the morrows sun, to renew the contest. Early the next morning, and before the heavy fog had drifted from our front, the enemy, in strong force, attacked General Mc Cook's right, commencing a general engagement, which increased in intensity toward his left. Sherridan's division stood its ground manfully, supported by the Eighth Division, repulsing and driving the enemy at every advance. The enemy still gained ground on General McCook's right, and suc- ceeded in placing several batteries in position, which covered my right; from these, and the battery on my left, which now opened, the troops were exposed to a converging fire, which was most destructive. nought alings, Schultz's, Marshalls, Bush's and Wells' Batteries, Vt'^ere all ordered into action in my front, pouring destructive volleys of grape and shell into the advancing columns of the enemy, mowing him down like swaths of grain. For four hours, the Eighth Division, v;ith a portion of Sherridan's and Palmer's divisions, maintained their position, amid a murderous storm of lead and iron, strewing the ground with their heroic dead. The enemy, maddened to desperation, by the determined resistance, still pressed forward fresh troops, concentrating and forming them in a concentric line, on either flank. By eleven o'clock, Sherridan's men, with their ammuniton exhausted, were falling back. General Rousseau's reserve and General Palmers division, had retired in tlie rear of the cedars, to form a new line. The artillery ammunition was expended, that of the infantry reduced to a few rounds. The artillery horses were nearly all killed or wounded ; my ammunition train had been sent back, to avoid capture; a heavy column of the enemy was marching directly to our rear, through the cedars. Communication with Generals Rosecrans and Thomas, was entirely cut off, and it was manifestly impossible for my command to hold the position, without eventually making a hopeless, fruitless sacrifice of the whole division. To retire, was but to cut our way through the ranks of the enemy. The order was given and manfully executed; driving back the enemy in front, and checking his approaching columns in our rear. All the regiments in my command, distinguished tliemselves for their coolness and daring, frequently halting and charging the enemy, under a with^^riua: fire of musketry. 430 OFFICIAL RErORTS. On Jipproacliing GenerRl Rousseau's line, the battalion of regulars, uncier command of Major King, at my request, gallantly charged for- ward to our assistance, sustaining a severe loss in officers and men in the effort. Colonels Stanley and Miller now promptly reformed their brigades, with the remaining portions of the batteries, and took position on the new line, as designated by Major General Thomas. Shortly afterward the Twenty-Ninth Brigade was ordered to the left, to repel an attack from the enemy's cavalry upon the trains. The troops remained inline all night, and the next day in "order of battle" until noon, when the division was ordered to the right of General McCook's line, in expectation of an attack upon his front. The next day (January 2) at one o'clock P. M., my command was ordered to the support of General Crittenden, on the left, and took position in the rear of the batteries, on the west bank of Stone River. About three P. M. a strong force of the enemy, with artillery, advanced rapidly upon General Van Cleve's division; which, after sustaining a severe fire for twenty or thirty minutes, fell back in con- siderable disorder; the enemy pressing vigorously forward to the river bank. At this important moment, the Eighth Division was ordered to advance, which it did promptly ; the men crossing the river and charging up the steep bank with unflinching bravery. The Twenty- First, Eighteenth, Sixty-Ninth, and Seventy-Fourth Ohio, Nineteenth Illinois, Eleventh Michigan, Thirty-Seventh Indiana, and Seventy- Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, displaying their usual promptness and gallantry. Four pieces of artillery and a stand of colors belong- ing to the Twenty-Sixth (rebel) Tennessee, were captured at the point of the bayonet, also a large number of prisoners ; the enemy retreat- ing in disorder. It is proper to mention here, that the artillery practice of Schultz's, Mendenhall's, Standart's, Wells', Marshall's, and Stokes' batteries, which were acting temporarily under my orders, in this engagement, was highly satisfactory ; giving the enemy great tribulation. The promptness displayed by Captain Stokes, in biinging his bat- tery into action by my orders, and the efficient manner with which it was served, affords additional evidence of his marked ability and bravery as an officer and patriot. In the same connection, I leel per- mitted to speak in complimentary terms of the gallant Morton, and his Pioneer Brigade, which marched forv^ard under a scathing lire, to the support of my division. The enemy having fallen back to his intrenchments, my division recrossed the river and resumed its former position. On the evening of the 4th, the Twenty-Ninth Brigade was moved forward to the north bank of Stone River, near the railroad, as an advanced force. On the same day. General Spears' First Tennessee Brigade, was assigned to the Eighth Division. This brigade distin- guished itself on the evening of the 2d, in a desperate charge on the enemy. On the morning of the 5th, I was ordered to take command of the i dvance and pursue the enemy toward Murfreesboro. By nme A. M., the Eighth Division, Walker's brigade, Pioneer Brigade, OFFICIAL REPORTS. 431 and General Stanley's cavalry force had crossed the river and taken possession of Murfreesboro, Avithout meeting any resistance; the icr guard of the enemy retreating on the Manchester and Shelbyville roads, our cavalry pursuing, supported by the Twenty-Ninth Brigade, on the Shelbyville pike, and by Colonel Byrd's First East Tennessee Regiment, on the Manchester pike. The rear guard of the enemy (three regiments cavalry and one bat- tery) was overtaken on the Manchester, five miles from Murfreesboro. Colonel Byrd fearlessly charged this unequal force of the enemy, driving him from his position, with a loss of four killed and twelve wounded; enemy's loss not ascertained. Our army marched quietly into Murfreesboro, the chosen position ol" tlie enemy, which he Avas forced to abandon after a series of d( s- perate engagements. The joyful hopes of traitors have been crushed ; treason receiving another fatal blow. ]My command enthusiastically join me in expression of admiration of the official conduct of Generals Rosecrans and Thomas. During the most eventful periods of the engagements their presence was at the point of danger, aiding with their counsels and animating the troops by their personal bravery and cool determination. I refer to my command with feelings of national pride ibr the living, and personal sorrow for the dead. Without a murmur, tlicy nnide forced marches over almost impassable roads, through drencliiiig win- ter rains, without blankets or a change of clothing; depi-ived of sleep or repose, constantly on duty for eleven days; living three days on a pint of flour and parched corn. Ever vigilant, always ready, sacrificing their lives with a contempt of peril, displaying the cool- ness, determination, and high discipline of veterans, they are enti- tled to our country's gratitude. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Tennessee, may proudly inscril>e upon their scrolls of fame the names of the Seventy-Eighth Pi'imsU- vania Volunteers, Eighteenth, Twenty-First. Sixt} -Ninth, iiiid Sev- enty-Fourth Ohio, Schultz's and Marshall's (Ohio) Batierits, the Eleventh Michigan, Nineteenth Illinois, Thirty-Sevi-utli Indiana, Wells' section (Kentucky) Battery, and Spears" Tennessee Brigade. I wish to make honorable mention of the bravei'y and efiicient services rendered by the following named officers and men, for whom I earnestly request promotion: Brigadier General Spears, commanding First Tennessee Brigade. Colonel T. R. Stanley, Eighteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, com- manding Twenty-Ninth Brigade. Colonel John T. Miller, Twenty-Ninth Indiana Volunteers, com- manding Seventh Brigade. Captain Jas. St. Clair Morton, coninianding PIoii'mm- Brigade. Captain James II. Stokes, comniatiding Chicigo Battery. Major John H. King, commanding Fifteenth Unitc p tn '^ ft. I : I • 1 p . '• Ti C to CO ^ -1 CO c^ SJ90S0 ^ S ^J ■^ to CO to o i-i CO c: v. c K^ ^ »— I 1— I p ft. CO Is5 CD ^ ^ rf^ — CO i^TV % CO to -J O CTI t-i 00 CD rf^ o > 2, ^ — ' £>> ^ CX *. : CO lOH -3 sas <-*) -J NO :^ a a en : -- (D ^ SS ^ S^ CO co: n^K T» H 00 3i rfi. (-* -^^ CO rf^ : O "H. ja tSD -i CO X >K Ox Or : : : ^ : - V^\\]^\ f ^ 1 c ri NO *. vu : CO h-i p.pnnoAV d one Btand « j 1(507 ^ -1 -*: : : paiqueiQ 87 484 OFFICIAL REPORTS. GEISTERAL L. H. EOUSSEAU'S REPOET. VILIiE, TeNN., January 11, 1863. Nashville, Tenn., > Maoor George E. Flynt, Chief of Staff : Sir — I have the honor to report the part taken by my command, the Third Division of the army, in the battle of Murfrecsboro, begun on the 31st ult., and ended on the 3d inst. : Early on the morning of the 30th ult., in obedience to the order of Major General Thomas, my division moved forward toward Murfrees- boro from Stewartsboro, on the Nashville and Murfreesboro turnpike, about nine miles from the latter place. On the march forward several dispatches from General Rosecrans reached me, asking exactly where my command vras, and the hour and minute of the day. In conse- quence we moved rapidly forward, halted but once, and that for only five minutes. About half past ten o'clock, A. M., we reached a point three miles from Murfreesboro, where General Rosecrans and Thomas were, on the Nashville and Murfreesboro turnpike, and remained during the day, and bivouacked at night. At about nine o'clock A. M. on the olst, the report of artillery and the heavy firing of small arms on our right announced that the battle had begun by an attack on the Right Wing, commanded by Major General McCook. It was not long before the direction from which the firing came, indicated that General McCook's command had given way and was yielding ground to the enemy. His forces seemed to swing round toward our right and rear. At this time General Thomas ordered me to advance my division quickly to the front to the assistance of General McCook. On reaching the right of General Negloy's line of battle, General Thomas there directed me to let my left rest on his right, and to deploy my division off toward the right as far as I could, so as to resist the pressure on General McCook. We consulted and agreed as to where the line should be formed. This was in a dense cedar-brake, through which my troops marched in quick time to get into position before the enemy reached us. He was then but a few hundred yards to the front, sweeping up in immense numbers, driving everything before him. This ground was new and unknown to us all. The woods were almost impassable to infantry, and artillery was perfectly useless, but the line was promptly formed. The Seventeenth Brigade, Colonel John Beatty commanding, on the left, the Regular Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel 0. L. Shepard commanding, on the right; the Ninth Brigade, Colonel B. F. Scribner commanding, was placed perhaps a hundred yards in rear and opposite the center of the front line, so as to support either or both of the brigades in front as occasion might require. My recollection is that perhaps the Second and Thirty-Third Ohio regiments filled a gap between General Negley's right and the Seventeenth Brigade, occasioned by the effort to OFFICIAL REPORTS. 435 exteTid our lines far enough to the right to afford the desired aid to General McCook. The Twenty-Eighth Brigade, Colonel John C. Starkweather com- manding, and Stone's Battery of the First Kentucky Artillery, were at Jefferson crossing on Stone River, about eight miles below. Our lines were hardly formed before a dropping are from the enemy announced his approach. General McCook'a troops, in a good deal of confusion, retii-ed through our lines, and around our right under a most terrific fire. The enemy in pursuit furiously assailed our front, and greatly outflanking us, passed around to our right and rear. By General Thomas' direction I had already ordered the artillery, Loomis' and Guenther's Batteries, to the open field in the rear. See- ing that my command was outflanked on the right, I sent orders to tlie brigade commanders to retire at once also to this field, and riding back myself, I posted the batteries on a ridge in the open ground parallel with our line of battle, and as my men emerged from the woods they were ordered to take position on the right and left, and in support of tliese batteries, which was promptly done. We had perhaps four or five hundred yards of open ground in our front. While the batteries were unlimbering, seeing General Van Cleve close by, I rode up and asked him if he would miove his command to the right, and aid in checking up the enemy by forming on my left, and thus giving us a more ex- tended line in that direction in the new position taken. In the promptest manner possible his line was put in motion, and in double- quick time reached the desired point in good season. As the enemy emerged from the woods in great force shouting and cheering, the batteries of Loomis and Guenther, double-shotted with canister, opened upon thera. They moved straight ahead for awhile, but were finally driven back with immense loss. In a little while they rallied again, and as it seemed, with fresh troops, airain assailed our position, and were again, after a fierce struggle, driven back. Four deliberate and fiercely sustained assaults were made upon our posi- tion, and repulsed. I)uring the last assault I was informed that our troops were advancing on our right, and saw troops, out of my divi- sion, led by General Rosecrans, moving in that direction, I informed General Thomas of the fact, and asked leave to advance my lines. He directed me to do so. We made a charge upon the enemy and drove him into the woods, my staff' and orderlies capturing some S'^venteen prisoners, including a Captain and Lieutenant, who wore within one hundred and thirty yards of the batteries. This ended the fighting of that day, the enemy in immense force hovering in the woods during the night, while we slept tipon our arms on the field of battle. We occupied this position during the three following days and nights of the fight. Under General Thomas' direction I had it intrenched by rifle-pits, and believe the enemy could not have taken it at all. During the day, the TAventy-Eighth Brigade, Colonel Stark went her. was attacked by Wheeler's Cavalry in force, and some of tlic w.-igons of his train were burned before they reached him, having starte«l that morning from Stewartsboro to join him. The enemy were finally repulsed and driven off with loss. Starkweather's loss was small. In this affair the whole brigade behaved handsomely. 436 OFFICIAL REPORTS. The burden of the fight fell upon the Second Wisconsin, Lieutenant Colonel Hobart commanding. This regiment, led by its efficient com- mander, behaved like veterans. From the evening of the 31st until Saturday night, no general battle occurred in front of my division, though tiring of artillery and small arms was kept up during the day, and much of the small arms during the night. The rain on the niglit of the 31st, which continued at intervals until the Saturday"- night fid- lowing, rendered the ground occupied by my command exceedingly sloppy and muddy, and during much of the time my men had neither shelter, food, nor fire. I procured corn, which they parched and ate, and some of them ate horse-steaks cut and broiled from horses on the battle-field. Day and night in the cold, wet, and mud, my men suf- fered severely, but during the whole time I did not hear one single murmur at their hardships, but all were cheerful and ever ready to stand by their arms and fight. Such endurance I never saw. In these severe trials of their patience and their strength, they were much encouraged by the constant presence and solicitous anxiety of General Thomas for their welfare. On the evening of Saturday, 3d inst., I asked permission of General Thomas to drive the enemy from a wood on our left front, to which he gave his consent. Just before I directed the batteries of Guenther and Loomis to shell the woods with six rounds per gun, fired as rapidly as possible. This was very handsomely done, and ended just at dark, when the Third Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel 0. H. Lawson, and Eighty- Eighth Indiana, Colonel George Humphreys, both under command of the brigade commander, Colonel John Beatty, moved promptly up to the woods. When near the woods they received a heavy fire from the enemy, but returned it vigorously and gallantly, and pressed forward. On reaching the woods a fresh body of the enemy, attracted by the fire, moved up on their left to support them. On that body of the enemy Loomis' Battery opened with shell. The fusilade was very rapid, and continued for perhaps three-quarters of an hour, when Beatty's com- mtnd drove the enemy at the point of the bayonet, and held the woods. It turned out that the enemy were posted behind a stone breastwork in the woods, and when ousted about thirty men were taken prisoners behind the woods. This ended the battle of Murfreesboro. On the morning of the 31«t six companies of the Second Kentucky Cavalry, Major Thomas P. Nicholas commanding, were ordei-ed down to watch and defend the fords of Stone River to our left and rear. The cavalry of the enemy several times, in force, attempted to cro's these fords, but Nicholas very gallantly repulsed them with loss, and they did not cross the river. I should have mentioned that Friday evening late I was directed by General Thomas to place a regiment in the woods on our left front as an outpost, and with the view to hold the woods, as they were near our lines, and the enemy could greatly anno}' us if allowed to hold them. Our skimnishers were then just leaving tlie woods. I ordered the Forty-Second Indiana, Lieutenant Colonel Shanklin commanding, to take that position, which he did. But early the next morning the enemy, in large force, attacked Colonel Shanklin, first furiously sliell- ing the woods, and drove the regiment back to our lines, taking OFFICIAL REPORTS. 437 Shanklin prisoner. It was this wood that was retaken on Saturday ni.ofht as before described. The troops of the division behaved admirably. I could not wisli them to beiiave more gallantly. The Ninth and Seventeenth Brigades, under the lead of their gallant commanders, Sci-ibner and lJeati\^, were, as well as the Twenty-Eighth Brigade, Colonel Starkweatlier, veterans ; they wei^e with me at Chaplin Hills, and could not act badly. The Twenty-Eighth Brigade held a position in our front after the first day's fighting, and did it bravely, doing all that was required of them like true soldiers. The brigade of United States Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel 0. L. Shepard commanding, was on the extreme right. On that body of brave men the shock of battle fell heaviest, and its loss was most severe. Over one-third of the command fell killed or wounded. But it stood up to the work and bravely breasted the storm, and though Major King, commanding the Fifteenth, and Major Slemmer ("Old Pickens"), the Sixteenth, fell severely wounded, and Major Carpenter, commanding the Nineteenth, fell dead in the last charge, together with many other brave officers and men, the brigade did not falter for a moment. These three battalions were a part of ray old Fourth Brigade at the battle of Shiloh. The Eighteenth Infantry, Majors Townsend and Caldwell command- ing, Avere new troops to me, but I am proud now to say we know each other. If I could I Avould promote every officer and non-commissioned officer and private of this brigade of P^egulars for gallantry and good service in this terrific battle. I make no distinction between these troops and my brave volunteer regiments, for in my judgment there were never better troops than these regiments in thewoi-ld. But the troops of the line are soldiers by profession, and with a view to the future I feel it my duty to say what I have of them. The brigade was admirably and gallantly handled by Lieutenant Colonel Shepard. I lost some of the bravest and best officers I had. Lieutenant Colo- nel Kell, commanding Second Ohio, was killed. After he fell his regi- ment was efficiently handled by Major Anson iNIcCook, Avlio ought to to be made Colonel of that regiment for gallantry on the field. Colonel Forman, my brave hoy Colonel of the Fifteenth Kentucky, also fell. Major Carpenter, of the Nineteenth Infantry, fell in the last charge. His loss is irreparable. Many other gallant officers were lost. Of the batteries of Guenther and Loomis I can not say too much. Loomis was Chief of Artillery for the Third Division, and I am much indebted to him. His battery was commanded by Lieutenant Van Pelt. Guenther is but a Lieutenant. Both of these men deserve to be promoted, and ought to be at once. Without them we could not have held our position. I fell iu with many gallant regiments and officers on the field not of my command. I wish I could name all of them here. While fall- ing back to the line in the open field, I saw Colonel (Charles Anderson ga'ilantly and coolly rallying his men. Colonel G rider, of Kentucky, and his regiment, efficiently aided in repulsing the enemy. The Eighteenth Ohio, I think it was, though I do not know any of its offi- cers, faced about, and charged the enemy in my presence, and I went 438 OFFICIAL KEPORTS. along with it. The Eleventh Michigan and its gallant little Colonel (Stoughton) behaved well, and the Sixth Ohio Infantry, Colonel Nick Anderson, joined my command on the right of the Regular Brigade, and stood manfully up to the work. I fell in with the Louisville Legion in retreat. Lieutenant Colonel Berry commanding. This regiment, though retreating before an over- whelming force, was dragging by hand a section of artillery which it had been ordered to support. A part of General McCook's wing of the army had fallen back with the rest, but through the woods and fields with great difficulty, bravely brought off the cannon it could no longer defend on the field. When I met it, it faced about and formed line of battle with cheers and shouts. To Lieutenant McDowell, my Acting Assistant Adjutant General; Lieutenant Armstrong, Second Kentucky Cavalry; Lieutenant Millard, Nineteenth United States Infantry, Inspector General; Captain Ta^dor, Fifteenth Kentucky, and Lieutenant Alf. Pirtle, Ordnance oflacer, my regular aids, and to Captain John D. Wickliffe and Lieutenant W. G, Jenkins, both of Second Kentucky Cavalx-y, aids for that battle, I am much indebted for services on that field. The wounded were kindly and tenderly cared for by the Third Division Medical Director, Surgeon Muscroft, and the other Surgeons of the command. Lieutenant McDowell was wounded. My orderlies, James Emery and the rest, went through the whole fight behaving well. Emery was wounded. Lieutenant Carpenter, First Ohio Volunteer Infantry, one of my aids, was so badly injured by the fall of his liorse that I would not permit him to go on the field. Lieutenant Hartman, Seventy- Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, a member of my staff, was ill with fever, and unable to leave his bed. It should be mentioned that the Eighty-Eighth Indiana, Colonel Humphreys, being placed at one of the fords on Stone Iliver where our forces were temporarily driven back, very opportunely rallied the stragglers, and promptly crossed the river and drove the enemy back. In this he was aided by the stragglers, who rallied and fought well. The Colonel was wounded by a bayonet thrust in the hand in the attack of Saturday night on the enemy in the woods in our front. I have the honor to be, etc., LOVELL H. EOUSSEAU, Jlajor General, OFFICIAL REPORTS. 439 THE LEFT A\^INa. BRIGADIER GEIS^ERAL PALMER'S REPORT. Headquarters Second Division Left Wing, 1 Camp near Murfreesboro, January 9, 1863. J Major L. Starling, Chief of Staff : Major — I have the honor to submit, for the information of the Gen- eral Commanding, the following reports of the operations of this divi- Bion, from and including the 27th of December up to, and including the 4th of January. At 11.20 A. M., on the 27th of December, while in camp near Lavergne, I received orders to move forward, following the division of General Wood, and to detach a brigade to proceed by the Jefferson pike and seize the bridge across Stewart's Creek. The duty of con- ducting this operation was assigned to Colonel Hazen — which was well and skillfully done. The brigades of Cruft and Grose reached the west bank of Stewart's Creek late in the afternoon of the 27th, and bivouacked there until the morning of the 29th. During all the day, Sunday, the 28th, the enemy's pickets were in Bight across the creek, firing upon us occasionally at long range, but did us no harm. On Monday morning, 29th of December, at nine o'clock, I was ordered to deploy one regiment as skirmishers; to dis- pose of my other troops so as to support it, and move forward at ten o'clock precisely and continue to advance until the enemy were found in position. This disposition was made. A few minutes before ten o'clock, Parsons was ordered to shell the woods to our front, and at ten o'clock Grose's brigade moved forward, skirmishing with the enemy, supported by the first brigade, Hazen not having yet joined me. The command advanced steadily, driving the light force of rebel skirmishers before it to the top of the hill, some mile and a half this Bide of Stewart's Creek, and being under the impression that the divi- sions of Wood and Negley were to advance with me. In a few moments Wood's advance came up on the left of the pike and the two divisions moved forward, constantly skirmishing (though much heavier on Wood's front than my own) to the ground occupied that night, afterward the theater of the battle of the 31st, During the day the casualties were ten wounded in Grose's brigade, none severely. On the morning of the 30th, my division was formed as follows : Third brigade (Grose's), in two lines, the left resting on the pike; first brigade (Cruft's), to the right, extending across the point of woods, his 440 OFFICIAL REPORTS. extreme right retired to connect with Negley's left; and Hazen's bri- gade in reserve. There was cansidorable skirmishing during the day, the greater por- tio-n of which fell upon Cruft's brigade, which was in ratlier unpleas- ant proximity to a point of woods to his front and right, held by the enemy in strong force. About four o'clock I was ordered to advance and open upon the enemy with all my artillery. This was not done, probably, as soon as the order contemplated. The gi-ound occupied by the batteries at thj time the order was received was low and confined; upon pushing for- ward the skirmishers of the first brigade to clear the way to a good artillery position, in the open field to the front, the rebels were found numerous and stubborn. Learning very soon that a mere demonstra- tion was intended, all ray batteries opened, and, I am satisfied, dam- aged the enemy considerably. The skirmish attending this movement was quite brisk; the troops engaged doing themselves great credit. This closed the operations of the day. On the morning of the 31st, Cruft's brigade retained its position of the day before. Hazen's brigade had relieved Grose, who had fallen back to a point some two hundred yards to the rear, and was formed in two lines nearly opposite the interval between the First and Second Brigades; Standart's Battery on the extreme right, Parsons' near the center. Early in the morning I rode to the right of my own command, and the battle had commenced on the extreme right of the line; soon after- ward, near eight o'clock. General Negley, through one of his staff, informed me he was about to advance and requested me to advance to cover his left. I gave notice of this to the General Commanding, and a few moments later received orders to move forward. I at once ordered General Cruft to advance, keeping close up well toward Neg- ley; Colonel Hazen to go forward, observing the movements of Wood's right; and Grose to steadily advance, sui^porting the advance brigades, and all to use their artillery freely. ]\Iy line had advanced hardly a hundred yards when, upon reach- ing my own right, I found that General Negley had, instead of advanc- ing, thrown back his right, so that his line was almost perpendicular to that of Cruft and to his rear; and it was also apparent that the enemy were driving General McCook back, and were rapidly approach- ing our rear. Cruft's line was halted by my order. I rode to the left to make some disposition to meet the coming storm, and by the time I reached the open ground to the south of the pike, the heads of the enemy's columns had forced their way to the open ground to my rear. To order Grose to change front to the rear was the work of a moment, and he obeyed the order almost as soon as given; retiring his new left so as to bring the enemy imder the direct fire of his line; he opened upon them in fine style and with great effect, and held his ground until the enemy were driven back. In the meantime General Negley's command had, to some extent, become compromised by the confusion on the right, and my first bri- gade was exposed iu front and flank to a severe attack, which als« OFFICIAL REPORTS. 441 now extended along my whole front. Orders were sent to Colonel Hazen to fall back trom the open cottonfield into which he had moved He fell back a short distance, and a regiment from Woods division which had occupied the crest of a low-wooded hill, between the pike and the railroad, having been removed, he took possession of (hat and there resisted the enemy. Hazen on the railroad, one or two regiments to the right, some troops in the point of woods south of tlie cottonfield and a short distance in advance of the general line, among whom I was only able to distinguish the gallant Colonel Whit- taker and his Sixth Kentucky ; still further to the right Cruft was fighting aided by Standart's guns, and to the rear Grose was fighting with apparently great odds against him. All were acquitting them- selves nobly, and all were hard pressed. I could see that Grose was losing a great many men, but the importance of Hazen's position determined me, if necessary, to expend the last man in holding it. I gave my attention from that time chiefly to that point. The One-Hundreth Illinois came up on the left of the railroad and fought steadily. As soon as Colonel Grose was relieved of the enemy in his rear, he again changed front, moved to the left and cooperated with Colonel Hazen. One regiment was sent to my sup- port from General Wood's command, and which behaved splendidly. I regret my inability either to name the regiment or its officers. Again and again the attack was renewed by the enemy, and each time repulsed, and the gallant men who had so bravely struggled to hold the position occupied it during the night. Brigadier General Cruft deserves great praise for so long holding the important position occupied on our right, and for skillfully extri- cating his command from the mass of confusion around it. Standart fought his guns until the enemy were upon him, and then brought them off safely ; while the Second Kentucky brought ofi" by hand three guns abandoned by General Negley's division. Colonel Hazea proved himself a brave and able soldier by the skill and courage exhibited in forming and sheltering his troops, and in organizing and fighting all the materials around him for the mainte- nance of his important position. Colonel Grose exhibited great coolness and braver^-^, and fought against great odds. He was under my eye during the whole day, and I could see nothing to improve in the management of his command. I shrink from the task of specially mentioning regiments or regi- mental officers. All did their duty, and from my imperfect acquaint- ance with regiments, I am apprehensive of injurious mistakes. I recognized during the battle the Forty-First Ohio, which fought until it expended its last cartridge, and was then relieved by the noble Ninth Indiana, which came into line with a heavy shout, inspiring all with confidence. The Eighty-Fourth, One Hundred and Tenth, and One-Hundredth Illinois I knew; all new regiments, and all so fought that even the veterans of "Shiloli " and othei- bloody fields had no occasion to boast over them. The Eighty-Fourth stood its ground until more than one-third of its number were killed or wounde Army of the Cumberland, j Major Lyne Starling^ Assistant Adjutant General : Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the oper- ations of my division on the olst of Decembei', 18G2 : At seven o'clock on the morning of that day I received an order to cross Stone River, on which my left rested, and march toward Mur- freesboro. The First Brigade, Colonel Beatty, Third Brigade, Colonel Price, and the batteries, Captain Swallow commanding, were promptly moved over and formed into line ; the Second Brigade, Colonel Fyffe, being retained on the south side by a subsequent order. My lines being formed and about to advance, by your order I re- crossed the river, leaving the Third Brigade to guard the ford. With the First Brigade I marched rapidly to the support of General Rous- seau, whose division was hard pressed by the enemy. We formed in a wood on the south side of the Murfreesboro and Nashville turnpike. Our lines were no sooner formed than the enemy were seen advancing, driving before them our scattered troops. Our ranks were opened to suffer them to pass, when they closed and opened on the enemy with a withering fire, who were soon brought to a halt. A murderous tire was kept up on both sides about twenty minutes, when the enemy began to recoil. Our second line now relieving the first with hearty cheer, the rebels broke and retreated. The Second Brigade coming up at this moment, formed on the right and joined in the pursuit. We pressed the enemy through this wood, then across an open field to another wood, where they appear to have met with reinforcements and reformed. The Seventh Indiana Battery, Captain Swallow, joined us on this open field, and rendered eificient aid. Here I received informa- tion from General Rosecrans that General Rousseau was driving the enemy, accompanied with an order for me to press them hard. At the same moment I was notified by a messenger from Colonel Harker, whose brigade was to my right and rear, that the enemy were in force on my right in a Avood, and were planting a battery there. I immediately sent a message to Colonel Harker to press the enemy hard, as I had no reserve to protect my right ; to Captain Swallow, who was doing good service with his battery, not to suffer it to be cap- tured ; to Colonel Beatty to send two regiments, if they could possibly be spared, to the support of Colonel Fyft'e, and a fourth to General Crittenden to inform him of my critical situation. The enemy now poured a galling fire of musketry, accompanied with grape and shell, on our right. Colonel Fyffe's brigade, supported by Captain Swallow's Battery, gallantly returned the fire, but being overpowered by numbers on front and flank, Avere soon compelled to retire, followed but a short distance by the enemy. Captain Swallow, to whom too much praise can not be awarded, brought off his battery safely. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 456 Colonel Beatty, who had been pressing the enemy on the left, as soon as he learned tlie condition of aifairs, retired in good order ; with two of his regiments was ordered by General Rosecrans to protect a bat- tery on the Murfreesboro road; the remaining two regiments of his brigade and Colonel Fyflfs's brigade were reformed, and took a position on the left of General McCook's Corps, and to the right of the Pioneer, which position we occupied without further adventure till after dark, I can not close this report without inviting your attention to the gallantry displayed by those under my command during this engage- ment. To both officers and men too much praise can not be awarded. I would particularly notice the coolness, intrepidity, and skill of my brigade commanders, Colonels Beatty and Fyffe, and of Captain Swal- low, Chief of Artillery. To the members of my staff, Captain E. A. Otis, Assistant Adjutant General ; Captain C. H. Wood, Inspector Gen- eral ; Captain William Starling, Topographical Engineer ; Lieutenants T. F. Murdoch and H. M. Williams, Aidsdecamp, I owe much for the promptness, faithfulness, and gallantry with which they executed my orders, and conveyed intelligence on the field. Sergeant R. B. Rhodes, of the First Ohio Cavalry, in command of my escort, conducted him- self like a true soldier, and deserves honorable mention, A slight wound received early this day, becoming exceedingly pain- ful, on the following morning I was compelled to turn over the com- mand of the division to Colonel Beatty, and retire from the field. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. P. VAN CLEVE, Brigadier General. COLOKEL SAMUEL BEATTY'S REPORT. Headquarters Third Division, \ Camp near Murfreesboro, January^ 18G3, j Major Lyne Starling^ Assistant Adjutant General : Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this division for the time embraced between the 1st and 3d days of January, 1868, inclusive : I was called to the command of t)ie division on the morning of Jan- uary 1st, by General Van Cleve's disability from the wound received in the battle of the preceding day. At three P. M. on that day, I received orders to cross Stone River with ray command at the "upper ford," and hold tlie hill overlnokiiig the river near the ford. Accordingly at daybreak the Third Brigade, Colonel Price commanding, crossed the river at the place indicated, throwing out skirmishers and flankers. Colonel Price was quickly 456 OFFICIAL REPORTS. followed by Colonel Fyffe's brigade ; the force being formed in two lines, the right retiring on the high ground near the river and east of the ford, and the left thi-own forward so that the direction of the line should be nearly perpendicular to the river. In the meantime, the First Brigade, Colonel Grider commanding, had been disposed as follows : Two regiments were formed in the hol- low near the hospital as a reserve, the other two remaining on the other side of the river to support a battery. The enemy's skirmishers were now discovered in a wood, distant half a mile or so from our first line, and occasional firing took place on both sides. Information of all these movements was sent to General Crittenden, who sent me word that if I needed artillery to order up a battery. The Tliird Wisconsin Battery, Lieutenant Livingston commanding, was accordingly, at about ten o'clock A. M., ordered to cross the river and remain in the hollow near the ford. Small parties of the enemy's cavalry and infantry were occasionally seen, and at length a strong line was distinctly visible through the openings of the wood. Lieutenant Livingston was ordered to bring up his battery. It was accordingly placed in position on the rising ground in front of Colonel FyfFe's brigade. Several shells were thrown at the enemy's line, which caused its disappearance ; it was supposed that they had laid down. One section, Lieutenant Hubbard command- ing, was now moved to the hill on the right, whence also one or two shells were thrown at detached parties. Colonel FyflFe's brigade was moved to the left of the battery, where it was covered by a skirt of woods. Our whole force had been constantly concealed by making the men lie down. About one o'clock the remaining two regiments of Colonel Grider's brigade, the Nineteenth Ohio and Ninth Kentucky, were ordered to cross the river, which they did, forming near the hospital on the left of the other two regiments of the same brigade, to protect our left flank. The enemy's force was occasionally seen moving to our left, and Generals Crittenden and Palmer were advised of the fact; Colonel Grose was consequently ordered to support me. His brigade formed so as to pi'otect our left, relieving the Nineteenth Ohio and Ninth Ken- tucky. These two regiments were formed in rear of the right of the second line as a reserve, being posted in the hollow near the ford. No other disturbance occurred during the day, except the occasional firing of the skirmishers, so Colonel Grose's brigade and Livingston's Battery recrossed the river. About midnight we were alarmed by sliarp firing from the skirmi'^hers ; they reported that it was caused by the enemy's skirmishers advancing and firing upon us. One of our men was killed and one wounded. Nothing else occurred during the night. On the morning of Friday, January 2d, Livingston's Battery came across the river again, and was posted as before. There was light skirmishing during the earlier part of the day. The Seventy-Ninth Indiana, Colonel Knitier, was ordered to take place in the first line, to close the gap between Colonel Fyffe's brigade and the others. Nothing of note occurred until about eleven o'clock, when the firing of the enemy's skirmishers became very constant and OFFICIAL REPORTS. 457 heayj^, as they slowly crept up toward us. Tlic skirmishers now reported a battery being planted in our front, antl shorily afterward, that fifteen regiments of infantry and three pieces of artillery were moving to our left. Notice of all these movements was given to Generals Crittenden and Palmer, and Colonel Grose's brigade again came over to our support. About noon the enemy's battery opened with occasional shells, directed at Lieutenant Hubbard's section of artillery on the hill. The enemy's artillery were now seen moving to our left, and soon another battery opened fire upon Lieutenant Hubbard's section. As the enemy's skirmishers were so near that their firing was annoy- ing and dangerous to the artillery, I ordered Lieutenant Livingston to retire and take a position on the hill near the hospital. A few shells were still thrown by the enemy's battery on our left, and occasional ones from an apparently heavy battery across the river. As the ene- my's skirmishers pressed ours very closely, our lines were strength- ened by throwing out two more companies. The firing was very sharp, and many of our men as well as theirs were wounded. At about half past two o'clock it was reported that four more of the enemy's guns were moving toward our left. Word was sent of this, as in case of all other movements, to General Crittenden. At about three o'clock our skirmishers reported that the enemy's skirmishei's were throwing down the fence in front of our line. Orders were sent to Colonel Price to let his first line fallback behind the crest of the hill, but before he could receive them the enemy were advancing across the field to the charge. They were formed in column, with a front of apparently two regiments. The first column was three regiments, or six ranks deep ; this.was succeeded by a second of the same depth, and a third apparently greater. At the same moment their artillery opened from three or four differ- ent points, throwing shot, shell, and canister dii-ectly into us. As the enemy's columns approached to within a hundred yards or so, the first line rose up and delivered a henvy fire upon their column, which checked it for a moment ; they soon piess(>d on. however. The regiments of the first line, the Fifty-Fii'St Ohio, Eighth Kentucky, and Thirty-Fifth and Seventy-Ninth Indiana, fought gallantly until tlic enemy were within a few yards of them, when, overjiowered by num- bers, they were compelled to retire. This movement confused and disorganized the second line, which also was ordered to fall back. The reserve, consisting of the Nine- teenth Ohio, Ninth Kentucky, and Eleventh Kentucky, was now ordered up. They advanced most gallantly toward the cre=t of the hill, and poured a destructive fire upon the enemy. Avliose first column w:is by this time almost annihilated. Their supporting columns soon came up, however, and at the same time a force advnnced along the river bank upon our right flank. Our men fought with most desperate courage, as will appear from their severe loss, until forced biick by the actual pressure of the enemy. Even then they broke b:tck from the right, file by file, stubbornly contesting their ground. At last, however, the right being forced back, the left was oi'dcied lo i-etire, whicl) it slowly did until the bank of the river was reached. 39 458 OFFICIAL REPORTS. Attempts were made to rally the men at several points, but it was impossible from the heavy fire and the close proximity of the enemy ; most of them were, therefore, forced across the river, where many of them rallied and returned with the first supporting troops ; and I am proud to say that the colors of the Nineteenth Ohio, Ninth Kentucky, and Fifty-First Ohio were the first to recross the stream after the enemy's check. The tremendous fire of our artillery on the south side of the river, with Livingston's Battery on the other, with the determ- ined resistance they had met, had stopped the enemy at the river ; and now, as our ti-oops pressed forward, they fled in confusion, leaving four of their guns. Several brave officers had rallied a great number of our men, and were the foremost in the advance. Night now came on and closed the pursuit. The regiments were rapidly reorganized, and in a few hours were in a state of efficiency, and turned out promptly and cheerfully at an alarm. The Second Brigade, Colonel FyflFe, was not attacked, the front of the enemy's column not extending to them. Seeing the right driven back, they also retired in good order. Lieutenant Livingston's Battery fired constantly and well from the first appearance of the enemy, until the very last moment he could remain safely. He then crossed the river Avithout losing a piece. I can not too much commend the gallant manner in which my men fought, and the promptness with which, \d\en forced to give way, they rallied and reorganized. The following is a report of the number of killed, wounded, and missing in the engagement before Murfreesboro, Tennessee : COMMANDS. Brigadier General Van Cleve. 1st Brigade 2d Brigade 3d Brigade Artillery Total . Killed. Missinjr. 17 59 76 75 6 216 1 66 16 80|14 8121 6l.,. 23352 1 303 319 225 307 19 864. 239 328 19 906 4 81 160 146 387 391 crc? 1 466 481 557 25 1530 To the commanders of the different brigades. Colonels Grider, Price, and FvflFe, my thanks are due for the gallantry and coolness of their behavior nnder very trying circumstances. Lieutenant Livingston, of the Third Wisconsin Battery, did efficient service, and performed his duty ably and handsomely. Lieutenant Smoch, Third Kentucky Cav- alry, who commanded a detachment of couriers, remained constantly on hand near me, and was of great use. To the following ofiicers, members of my staiF, I tender my thanks OFFICIAL REPORTS. ' 459 for their assistance, and the manner in which it wns rendered : Cap- tain E. A. Otis, Assistant Adjutant General ; Captain C. II. Wood, Acting Assistant Inspector General ; Captain William Starling;, Topo- graphical Engineer, and Lieutenants T. F. Murdoch and II, M. Wil- liams, Aidsdecamp. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL BEATTY, Colonel Commanding. CAPTAm J. ST. CLAIR MORTOI^'S REPORT. The following is a full abstract of the Ollicial Report of Captain James St. Clair Morton, Corps of Engi- neers, commanding Brigade of Pioneers: The Pioneer Brigade of the Army of the Cumberland consists of three battalions of infantry, selected from forty diiferent regiments, and the Chicago Board of Trade Battery, Captain Stokes. Captain Bridges, of the Nineteenth Illinois, commanded the First Battalion ; Captain Hood, of the Eleventh Michigan, the Second, and Captain Clements, of the Sixty-Ninth Ohio, the^Tliird 15attalion. On the march from Nashville the brigade constructed two bridges over Stewart's Creek, between the hours of four P. M. and four o'clock A. M., 29th and 30th December, arriving at the battle-field on i\\Q 30th. On the morning of the 31st of December, the brigade Avas engaged in improving the fords of Stone River, in which tlie right battalion sustained the fire of some rebel cavalry. Captain (now Brigadier General) Morton was ordered, soon afterward, to take position in line of battle. Tlie brigade was formed by order of General llosecrans, in person, fronting toward the right. The enemy appeared on a rise of ground, in front, from which they had driven one of our batteries. Stokes' Battery immediately opened fire, with canister, and drove them back. Captain Morton, at the personal order of General Rose- crans, who, with his staff accompanied him, advanced to the eminence and held it, under a heavy fire from the rebel batteries and shai-p- shooters, Stokes' Battery was supported by the Fii-st Battalion, on the left, posted in a tliicket; the Tiiird Battalion on the right, its flank protected by the Second Battalion, posted in a wood, still further to the right. Shortly after the line was formed the enemy appeared across the field, preparing to charge upon one of our retiring detachments, which had been rallied by the Commanding General. Stokes' Bat- tery opened upon tlie foe, and the advance of the enemy was speedily arrested. The right battalion was attacked soon after, the enemy 460 OFFICIAL REPORTS. obviou,sly intending to penetrate the line under cover of the forest.. The battalion changed front to obtain a flanking fire, and by a single volley repulsed the enemy, composed of the Eleventh and Foui'teenth Texas regiments. The Seventy-Ninth Indiana had rallied on the right of the battalion in the menntime, and assisted in the success. This was one of the most brilliant episodes of the battle. It followed quickly upon the charge made by the General in person, and was really the second act of the drama, which clianged the tide of battle. Toward sunset the enemy appeared on Morton's left. Two sections of Stokes' Battery were brought to the left of the First Battalion, and a brigade of the enemy which had attacked the battalion in the thicket, was bitterly repulsed. Their dead were left within fifty paces of Morton's lines. The troops behaved admirably. The Pioneers slept on their arms that night. Early New Year's morning, the enemy again appeared on the left, apparently' to advance through a gap between it and the Murfreesboro turnpike. Morton immediately changed front and occupied the gap. A hot engagement ensued, infantry and artillery being used so effectively that the enemy could not push beyond the edge of the wood, and they were finally driven back with severe loss. The position Avas held by the Pioneers until after nightfall, when they were relieved and formed in reserve. On the morning of Friday, the second part of the Pioneers were engaged making road-crossings over the railroad, when the enemy opened a severe cannonade. Stokes' Battery returned the fire, and the battalions advanced, supporting it under a fire of solid shot and shell, until the rebel battery was silenced, when the Pioneers fell back to their position. In the afternoon, when Breckinridge made his attack upon Van Cleve's small division, which had been thrown across the river on our left. General Rosecrans, in person, ordeied the Pioneers to the left as reinforcements. Morton marched his command at double-quick, and arrived on the line occupying a gap in it, under the firing of a rebel battery, which was soon silenced by Stokes' Battery, which was worked with great skill and vigor. General Negley's (Eighth) division Vt^as already tremendously engaged. The enemy had advanced in columns of brigades six deep without intervals, presenting a most formidable mass, and threatening to carry everything before them. Our batteries opened in magnificent concert, and the most obstinate combat of the whole series of engage- ments was culminating. General Negley now requested Morton to rein- force him, and the Pioneers were at once moved up at double-quick and formed, the Third Battalion in second line behind the division under command of General Jeff. C. Davis, the First extending beyond it, and throwing out its own advance, occupying the space be- tween it and the river ; Stokes' Batteiy was posted on a knoll between the First and Second Battalions, the Second being in second line on the extreme right. The fighting, meantime, of the most violent descrip- tion, was growing slack, and the enemy, finally defeated, were flying back to Murfreesboro, darkness preventing pursuit. After nightfall the Pioneers recrossed the river, and again assumed OFFICIAL REPORTS. 461 position in the reserve, the Second Battalion heing detailed to dig ritle-iDits in tlie front, near the pike and on tlie extreme right. They labored all night in the rain. On January 3d, the Third Battalion relieved the First, then on duty in the trenches ; on tlie 4th, the Second and Third Battalions began the construction of two lunettes on the north bank of the river, and the First Battalion began a trestle bridge across it ; on the 6th the work continued, and the Third Battalion, with the advance of the army, went in pursuit of the euem3\ The loss of the brigade was as follows : OFFICERS. MExN. AVounded. Killed. Wounded. First 3 T 4 4 4 3 5 5 10 9 ^9, Second 9 Third 14 Stokes' Battery 18 Total 4 15 29 48 The force of the brigade actually engaged was sixteen lumdred men — ninety-five in Stokes' battery. Throughout the engagement the Pioneers behaved nobly, and upon requisition worked zealously night and day, although insufficiently subsisted, and under vicissitudes of inclement weather and rebel fire. Captain Morton euolgized the conduct of the artillervmen in the highest manner. They fought under the eye of the General, and won high encomiums from him. Captain Morton, in his re])ort, says : " As the Commanding General was every whei-e present on the field with his staff, he can not but have remarked the good service done by Captain Stokes, who manifested the greatest zeal, and managed his battery with the utmost decision and success." Captain Morton most honorably mentions his Adjutant, Lieutenant Lambessen, of the Nineteenth Illinois; his Inspectors, Lieutenants Clark of the Sixteenth United States Infantry, and Murphy of the Twenty- First Wisconsin ; his xVids, Lieutenant Reeve of the Thirty-Seventh Indiana, and Assistant Engineer Pearsall ; " all of whom exliibilcd the utmost ardor and alacrity in the performance of their duty." Captain Hood, Captain Clements and Captain Bridges, commanding the battalions, are highly extolled. The latter, though wounded on tho 31st remained in command of his battalion. 462 OFFICIAL EEPORTS. CAPTAIN JOim MElTDEiSTHALL^S REPORT. Headquarters Left Wing, ■» January 10, 18G3. j Ilajor L. Starling, Chief of Slaf : Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the oper- ations of the artillery in the Left Wing from December 26, 1862, to January 2, 1863. This army marched from camp near Nashville, December 26th; the Left Wing marching on the Murfreesboro pike. December 26. — About three P. M., our advance was brouglit to a stand-still near Lavergue, by a rebel battery. It was opposed by a section of artillery serving with the cavah-y, which being unable to dislodge the enemy, our advance battery (Captain Standart, Battery B, First Ohio) was, after a little delay, put in position and opened fire, soon silencing the enemy. December 27. — General Hascall took the advance with his brigade, and Lieutenant Estep's Eighth Indiana Battery. They marched stead- ily forward till the enemy were driven across Stewart's Creek; the bat- tery halting only when it was necessary to fire ; two pieces were posted near, covering the bridge. December 28. — Some artillery was so disposed as to check the enemy, should they attempt to destroy or retake the bridge. December 29. — Lieutenant Parsons, commanding Batteries H and M, Fourth Artillery, being in a commanding position, threw a few shells about nine A. M., driving the enemy's picket from the opposite woods. Our column advanced across the bridge at ten A. M., meet- ing with little resistance till within about three miles of Muifrees- boro. Our troops were placed in line of battle as they came up, the artillery remaining with their divisions. December 30. — About nine A. M., the enemy opened fire upon Cap- tain Cox's Tenth Indiana Battery (which was between the inke and the railroad, and in front partially covered by woods). Captain Brad- ley's Sixth Ohio Battery, at once took a position to the left of the woods and in a cornfield. The two batteries soon silenced that of the ene- my's. One shot killed a man near where a number of General and Staff of&cers were standing, and another passing through Battery H, Fourth Artillery, killing one man, wounding another, besides disabling a horse. _ December 31.— The Left Wing started to cross Stone River, about eight A. i\L, but before a division had crossed, intelligence was received tliat the Right was falling back. Colonel Fyffe's brigade, which was about crossing, was ordered to counter-march and move at double- quick to the Right. Captain Swallow's Seventh Indiana Battery operated for a time with this brigade, shelling the rebel cavalry from the brick hospital. Colonel Beatty's brigade, havijjg recrossed the river, advanced to the support of the Right Wing ; but the Twenty- Sixth Pennsylvania Battery, Lieutenant Stevens commanding, being unable to follow the brigade through, the woods, took a i^osition near OFFICIAL REPORTS. 463 the pike, and received tiie enemy witli shot and sliell as the,y advanced after our retreating columns, and I think done his part in checking them. He advanced as tliey retreated, and took a position in a corn- field on the right of the pike near the three-mile post, and again opened upon the enemy. The position of this battery under went sev- eral changes during the rest of the day, but remained in the same immediate vicinity. The Third Wisconsin Battery, having recrossed the river with the brigade, took a position commanding the ford and about twelve M., opened upon the enemy's cavalry, while attempting to drive ofi" some of our wagons which had crossed the river, and were near a hospital v:e had established on the other side, di-iving them away with very little booty. The batteries of General Wood's division (Cox's Tenth Indiana, Estep's Eighth Indiana, and Bradley's Sixth Ohio, all under command of Major Race, of the First Ohio Artillery) fought with the brigades with which they were serving. I had no occasion to give special orders to them during the day. The batteries of General Palmer's division served with it during the morning, rendering good service. Captain Standart's Battery fell back with General Cruft's brigade, and was not again engaged during the day. Captain Cock- erell, during the afternoon, was ordered to the front, taking a position in the cornfield on the left of the woods where the enemy were mak- ing such desperate attempts to force back the Left. At this place, Captain Cockerell was severely wounded in the foot, and the command of his battery devolved upon Lieutenant Osburn. Two guns of tliis bat- tery were disabled from their own firing, the axles being too weak. One of the limbers of this battery was blown up during tlie day. Lieuten- ant Parsons, commanding Batteries H and M, Fourth Artillery, was ordered up to support the Left, about four P. M., and took a position near the railroad. After he had expended all his ammunition, I sent Captain Swallow's Seventh Indiana Battery to replace him. These batteries did much to repel the enemy as they advanced with the evident determination to drive us back at all hazards ii^ possible. During the night, the batteries were rcsnpplied witli ammunition, a,nd I directed them to take positions, as follows, before daylight, viz.: Lieutenant Livingston, commanding ford on the extreme left ; Cap- tain Swallow, on his right, near the railroad; Lieutenant Stevens also near the railroad,but on the left of Captain Swallow. The batteries of the First Division between the railroad and the pike. Captain Bradley on the Left, Captain Cox on the Right, and Lieutenant Estep, in the Center. The Second Division batteries near the pike in reserve. During the morning, Lieutenant Livingston was directed to cross the river (he" was assigned a position by (Lionel Beatty), and Captain Swallow took his place commanding the ford; Lietitenant I'arson.s was ordered to a position on General Jlousseau's front by General Rose- crans, and Captain Cox was moved across the pike near Stokes' Bat- tery, to support the right of his division, which had moved its i-ight to that point. After dark, Captain Standart was ordered to relieve Stokes Battery. No firing, except now and then a shell at the enemy s pick- ets, during the day. January 2.— Early in the forenoon, the enemy opened fire lirst upon 464 OFFICIAL REPORTS. our Left, which was not responded to, tlieir shot and shell doing no harm. They were opened more furiously upon the troops and batter- ies near the railroad and pike, several of our batteries replying and soon silencing them, AVhen the enemy had nearly ceased tiring, Stokes' Battery opened with canister upon Captain Bradley's Battery and Colonel Harker's brigade wounding several men and horses. Captain Standart, with three pieces, Captain Bradley's and Lieu- tenant Estep's Batteries, retired a short distance to lit up, they hav- ing received more or less injury from the enemy. Captain Bradley fell back on account of being fired into by Captain Stokes. He returned to his former position, after a little while, but Captain Stand- art and Lieutenant Estep remained in reserve. I then ordered Lieu- tenant Parsons with Batteries H and M, Fourth Artillery, to a position on the ridge to the right of Captain Swallows (who was on the highest point-ridge, covering the ford) and Lieutenant Osbui-n, Battery F, First Ohio, to a position perhaps a hundred yards to the right of Lieutenant Parsons. During the afternoon Colonel Beatty changed the position of Lieutenant Livingston's Battery to near the the hospital (across the river). About four P. M., while riding along the pike with General Critten- den, we heard heavy firing of artillery and musketry on the Left. AVe at once rode briskly over, and arriving upon the hill near the fords saw our infantry retiring before the enemy. The General asked me if I could not do something to relieve Colonel Beatty with my guns — Captain Swallow had already opened with his battery. I ordered Lieutenant Parsons to move a little forward with his guns; tlien rode back to bring up Lieutenant Estep with his Eight Indiana Bat- tery; meeting Captain Morton with liis brigade of Pioneers, he asked for advice and I told him to move briskly forward with his brigade, and send his battery to the crest of the hill near the batteries engaged; the Eighth Indiana Battery took position to the right of Lieutenant Parsons. Seeing that Lieutenant Osburn was in position (betAveen Lieutenant Parsons and Estep) I rode to Lieutenant Stevens' Twenty-Sixth Pennsylvania Battery, and directed him to change front to fire to the left, and open fire; and then to Captain Standart's, and directed him to move to the left with his pieces, and take position covering the ford. I found that Captain Bradley had anticipated my wishes, and had changed front to fire to the left, and opened upon the enemy. This battery was near the railroad. Lieutenant Livingston's Battery (which was across the river) opened upon the advancing enemy and continued to fire until he thought he could no longer main- tain his position when he crossed over, one section at a time, and opened fire again. The firing ceased about dark. During this ter- rible encounter of little more than an hour in duration, forty-three pieces of artillery belonging to the Left Wing, Captain Stokes' Bat- tery of six guns and the batteries of General Negley's division about nine guns, making a total of about filly-eight pieces, opened fire upon the enemy. The enemy soon retired; our troops following. Three batteries of the Left Wing, besides those of General Davis, crossed the river in pursuit. During this engagement. Lieutenant Parsons had one of his howitzers dismounted by a shot from the enemy, but it OFFICIAL REPORTS. 465 •was almost immediately replaced by one captured from the enemy and brought over by the Nineteenth Illinois. Captain Cockerell and Lieutenant Buckniar were both wounded on the 31st. The former commanded Battery F, First Ohio, and the lat- ter belonged to the Seventh Indiana Battery. Major Fvace, First Ohio Artillery, Chief of Artillery, in the First Division, and the several battery commanders with their officers and men all, with one exception^ deserves most grateful mention for their coolness and bravery throughout the battle. Lieutenant Parsons, commanding Batteries H and M, Fourth Artillery, and his officers, Lieutenants dishing and Huntington, deserve great credit for their courage under the hot- test of the enemy's fire. They were probably under closer fire and more of it than any other battery in the Left Wing, and ])crha])s in the army. I am more than pleased with the way they behaved, as well as the brave men under them. Captain Bradley, Sixth Ohio Battery, deserves particular notice for the manner in which he handled his battery. The one. exception above referred to, is Lieuten- ant Richard Jervis, of the Eighth Indiana, Avho is represented to have acted in a very cowardly manner, by retiring a section of the battery at a critical moment Avithout orders, or notifying his battery com- mander. The following are the casualties, etc., in the several batteries : BATTERIES AND COMMANDERS. Hand M, Fourth Artillcr}', Lieutenant Parsons. B, First Ohio, Captain Standart F, First Ohio, Captain Cockerell Seventh Indiana, Captain Swallow Third Wisconsin, Lieutenant Livingston Twenty-Sixth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant Stevent Eiglith Indiana, Lieutenant Estep Tenth Indiana, Captain Cox Sixth Ohio, Captain Bradley Total. 10 u- ou IG I am, Major, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, JOHN MENDENIL\LL, Chief of A r tiller t/ OFFICIAL EEPORT GENERAL BRAXTON BRAGG. Headquarters Army op Tennessee, ■) TuLLAiioMA, February 23, 1863. j Sir — On tlie 26tli of December last the enemy advanced, in force, from Nashville, to attack us at Murfreesboro. It had been well ascer- tained that his effective force was over sixty thousand effective men. Before night, on that day, the object of the movement was developed, by our dispositions in front, and orders were given for the necessary concentration of our forces there distributed, as follows: Polk's corps and three brigades of Breckinridge's division, Hardee's corps, at Murfreesboro; the balance of Hardee's corps, near Eagleville, about twenty miles west of Murfreesboro; McCown's division (which, with Stevenson's division removed, constituted Smith's corps) at Ready villc, twelve miles east of Murfreesboro; the three cavalry bri- gades of Wheeler, Wharton, and Pegram, occupying the entire front of our infantry, and covering all approaches to within ten miles of Nashville ; Buford's small cavalry brigade, of about six hundred, at Mc^Iinnville. The brigades of Forrest and Morgan, about five tliou- sand effective cavalry, were absent, on special service, in West Ten- nessee and Northern Kentucky, as will be more fully noted hereafter. Jackson's small infantry brigade was in the rear, guarding the rail- road from Bridgeport, Alabama, to the mountains. On Sunday, the 28th, our main force of infantry and artillery was concentrated in front of Murfreesboro; while the cavalry, supported by three brigades of infantry and three batteries of artillerj^, impeded the advance of the enemy by constant skirmishing and sudden and unexpected attacks. To the skillful manner in which the cavalry, thus ably supported, was handled, and to the exceeding gallantry of its officers and men, must be attributed the four days' time consumed by the enemy in reaching the battle-field, a distance of only twenty miles from his encampment, over fine macadamized roads. (466) 4 OFFICIAL REPORTS. 467 Fully aware of the greatly superior numbers of the enemy, as indi- cated in my early reports from this quarter, it was our policy to await attack. The position was selected and line developed with this inten- tion. Owing to the convergence upon our depot of so many fine roads, by which the enemy could approach, wc were contined in our selection to aline near enough to the point of juncture to enable us to successfully cover them all until the real point of attack should be developed. On Monday, the 29th, it was reported that heavy columns moved on both the direct road from Lavergne and on the one leading into the Lebanon road, by way of Jeiferson. But on Tuesday, the 30th, it was ascertained that the Jefferson pike was abandoned by a countermar^-h, and the whole forces of the enemy were concentrated on and near the direct road on the west of Stone River. Our arrangements were all completed before the enemy crossed Stew- art's Creek, nine miles out, and the infantry brigades were at once called in; and the cavalry was ordered to fall back more rapidly, hav- ing most gallantly discharged its duty and fully accomplished the objects desired. Late on Monday it becauie apparent the enemy was extend- ing to his right to flank us on the left. McCown's division, in reserve, was promptly thrown to that flank, and added to the command of Lieutenant General Polk. The enemy not meeting our expectations of making an attack on Tuesday — which was consumed in artillerj' firing and heavy skirmishing, with the exception. of a dash late in the evening on the left of Withers' division, which was repulsed and severely punished — it was determined to assail him on Wednesday morning, the 1st. For tills purpose Cleborne's division, Hardee's corps, was moved from the second line on tlie right to the corresponding position on the left, and Lieutenant General Hardee was ordered to that point, and assigned to the command of that and McCown's division. This dispo- sition, the result of necessity, left me no reserve; but Breckinridge's command on the right, not now threatened, was regarded as a source of supply for any reinforcements absolutely necessary to other parts of the field. Stone River, at its low stage, was fordable at any point for infantry, and, at short intervals, perfectly practicable for artil- lery. These dispositions completed. General Hai'dee was ordered to assail the enemy at daylight on Wednesday, the 31st, the attack to be taken up by Polks command in succession, to the right flank ; the move to be made by a constant wheel to the right — on Polk's right, as a point; the object being to force the enemy back on Stone River, and, if prac- ticable, by the aid of cavalry, cut him off from his base of operations and supplies by the Nashville pike. The lines were now bivouacked at a distance, in places of not more than five hundred yards, the camp fires of the two being witiiiu distinct view. General Wharton's cavalry brigade luid been kept on our left to watch and cheek the movements of the enemy in that direction, and to prevent his gaining the railroad in our rear, the preservation of which was of vital importance. In this he was aided by Brigadier General A. Buford, who had a small command of six 468 OFFICIAL EEPORTS. hundred new cavalry. The duty was most ably, gallantly, and suc- cessfully performed. On Monday night Brigadier General Wheeler proceeded with his cavalry brigade and one regiment from Pegram's, as ordered, to gain the enemy's rear. By Tuesday morning, moving on the Jefferson pike, around the enemy's left flank, he had gained the rear of their whole army, and soon attacked their trains, their guards, and the numerous stragglers. He succeeded in capturing several hundred prisoners and destroy- ing hundreds of wagons loaded with supplies and baggage. After clearing the road he made his way entirely around, and joined the cavalry on our left. The failure of General McCown to execute, during the night, an order for a slight change in the line of his division, and which had to be done the next morning, caused some delay in the general and vigorous assault by Lieutenant General Hardee. But about seven o'clock the rattle of musketry and the i-oar of artillery announced the beginning of the conflict. The enemy was taken completely by sur- prise; general and staft' officers were not mounted, artillery horses not hitched, and infantry not formed, A hot and inviting breakfast of coftee and other luxuries, to which our gallant and hardy men had long been strangers, was found upon the fire, unserved, and was left while we pushed on to a more inviting feast, that of captured artillery, flying battalions, and hosts of craven prisoners, begging for their lives they had forfeited by their acts of brutality and atrocity. While thus routing and pushing the enemy on his front, Lieutenant General Hardee announced to me, by a messenger, that the movement was not being as promptly executed by Major General Cheatham's command on his right — the left of General Polk"s corps — as he expected, and that his line was consequently exposed to an enfilading fire from the enemy's artillery in that front. The necessary instructions for prompt movement at that point Avere immediately dispatched, and in a short time our whole line, except Breckinridge's command, was warmly engaged. From this time we continued to drive the enemy more or less rapidly, until his line was thrown entirely back at right angles to his first position, and occupied the cut of the railroad along which he had massed his reserves and posted very strong batteries. The enemys loss was very heavy in killed and wounded — far exceeding our own, as appeared from a critical examination of the field, now almost entirely in our possession. Of artillery alone we had secured more than twenty-five pieces. While the infantry and artillery were engaged in this successful work, Brigadier General Wharton, with his cavalry command, was most actively and gallantly engaged on the enemy's right and rear, where he inflicted a heavy loss in killed and wounded, captured a full battery of artillery attempting to escape, and secured and sent in near two thousand prisoners. These important successes and results had not been achieved with- out heavy saci-ifices on our part, as the resistance of the enemy, after the first surprise, was most gallant and obstinate. Finding Lieutenant General Hardee so formidably opposed by the OFFICIAL REPORTS. 469 movement of the enemy to his front, reinforcements for him were ordered from Major General l>rcckinrid;::;e, hut the orders were counter- manded, as will hereafter appear, and Polk's corps was pressed forward Avith vigor, hoping to draw the enemy back or rout him on the rigl.t, as he had already been on the left. We succeeded in driving him from every position except the strong one held by his extreme left flank, resting on Stone River, and covered by a concentration of artillery of superior range and caliber, which seemed to bid us defiance. The dilficullies of our general advance had been greatly enhanced by the topography of the country. All parts of our line had to pass in their progress over ground of the roughest cliaracter, covered with huge stones, and studded with the densest growth of cedar, the branches reaching the ground, and forming an almost impassable "brake." Our artillery could rarely be used; while the enemy, holding defensive lines, had selected formidable positions for his batteries, and this dense cover for his infantry, from both of whicli he had to be dislodged by our infantry alone. The determined and unvarying gallantry of our troops, and the uninterrupted success which attended their repeated charges against tliese strongholds, defended by double their nuraber?, fully justified the unbounded confidence I had ever reposed in them, and have so often expressed. To meet our successful advances, and to retrieve his hopes in the front of his left, the enemy early transferred a portion of his reserve from his left to that flank, and by two o'clock had succeeded in con- centrating such a force in Lieutenant General Hardee's front as to check his further progress. Our two lines had, by this time, become almost blended, so weakened were they by losses, exhaustion, and extension to cover the enemy's whole front. As early as ten o'clock A. M., Major General Breckinridge was called on for one brigade, and, soon aftei% for a second, to reinforce or act as a reserve to Lieutenant General Hardee. His reply to the first call represented the enemy cros-ing Stone River in heavy force, in his imm.ediate front; and on receiving the second order, he inlbrmod mc that they had already crossed in heavy force, and were advancing to attack his lines. He was immediately ordered not to await attack, but to advance and meet them. About this same time a report reached me that a heavy force of tlie enemy's infantry was advancing on the Lebanon road, about five miles in Breckinridge's front. Brigadier General Pegram, who had been sent to that road, to cover the flank of the infantry with his cavalry brigade — save two regiment? detached with Wlieeler and Wharton — was ordered forward imniedwtely to develop any such movement. The orders for the two brigades from Breckinridge were countci-mandcd, while dispositions were made, at his request, to reinforce him. Ikfore they could be carried out, the movonent ordered disclosed the fact that no force had crossed Stone River, that the only enemy in our immediate front there was a small body of sharpshooters, and that there was no advance on the Lebanon road. These unfortunate misapprehensions on that part of tho field, which, with proper precaution, could not have existed, withheld from active operation three fine brigades, until the enemy had succeeded in 470 OFFICIAL REPORTS. checking ouv progress, had reestablished his lines, and had collected many of his broken battalions. Having now settled the question that no movement was being made against our right, and none even to be apprehended, Breckinridge was ordered to leave two brioades to support the batteries at " A," on his side of Stone River, and with the balance of the force to cross to the left and report to Lieutenant General Polk. By the time this could be accomplished it was too late to send this force to Lieutenant General Hardee"s support, who was unable to make further progress, and he was directed to maintain his position. Polk was directed, with these reinforcements, to throw all the force he could collect upon the enemy's extreme left, and thereby either carry that strong point, which had so far resisted us successfully, or, failing in tliat, at least to draw off from Hardee's front the formidable opposition there concentrated. The three brigades of Jackson, Preston and Adams, were successively reported for this work. How gallantly they moved to their work, and how much they suffered in the determined effort to accomplish it, will best appear from the reports of subordinate commanders, and the state- ment of losses therewith. Upon this flank — their sti-ongest defensive position resting on the river bank — the enemy had concentrated not less than twenty pieces of artillery, masked almost entirely from view, but covering an open space in front of several hundred yards, sup- ported right, left and rear by heavy masses of infantry. The position proved impenetrable, and, after two unsuccessful efforts, the attempt to carry it by infantry was abandoned. Our heaviest bat- teries of artillery and rifled guns of long range were now concentrated in front, and their fires opened on this position. After a cannonade of some time, the enemy's fire slackened, and finally closed near night- fall. Lieutenant General Hardee had slightly retired his line from the furthest point he had attained, for better position and cover, without molestation from the enemy. Lieutenant General Polk's infantry, including the three reinforced brigades, uniting their front with Hardee's right, and extending to our extreme right flank, formed a continuous line, very nearly perpen- dicular to the original line of battle, thus leaving nearly the whole field, with all its ti'ophies, the enemy's dead and many of his wounded, his hospitals and stores, in our possession. The body of Brigadier General Sill, one of their division commanders, was found where he had fallen, and was sent to town and decently interred, although he had forfeited all claim to such consideration by the acts of cruelty, barbarity and atrocity but a few days before committed, under his authority, on the women and children and old men living near the road on which he had made a reconnoissance. During the afternoon Brigadier General Pegram, discovering a hospital and lai'ge numbers of stragglers in the rear of the enemy's lines and across Stone River, charged them with his cavalry, and captured about one hundred and seventy prisoners. Both armies, exhausted by a conflict of full ten hours' duration, rarely surpassed for its continued intensity and heavy losses sustained, sank to rest with the sun, and perfect quiet prevailed for the night. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 471 At dawn on Thur.silay morning, the first of January, orders were sent to the several cominaudcvs to press forward their skirmi.-hers, feel the enemy, and report any change in his position. Major General Breck- inridge had been transferred to the riglit of -Stone River, to resume the command of that position, now held by two of his brigades. It was soon reported that no change had occurred, except the withdrawal of the enemy from the advanced position occupied by his left flank. Finding, upon further examination, that this was the case, the right flank of Lieutenant General Polk's corps was thi-own forward to occupy the ground for which we had so obstinately contended the evening before. This shortened our lines considerably, and gave us possession of the center battle-field, from which we gleaned the spoils and trophies throughout the day, and transferred them rapidly to the rear. A careful reconnoissance of the enemy's position was ordered, and the most of the cavalry was put in motion for the roads in his rear, to cut oif his trains and develop any movement. It was soon ascertained that he was still in very heavy force all along our front, occupying a position strong by nature and improved by such work as could be done by night by his reserves. In a short time reports from the cavalry informed me that heavy trains were moving toward Nashville, some of tfie wagons loaded, and all the ambulances filled with wounded. These were attacked at different places, many wagons destroyed, and hundreds of prisoners paroled. No doubt this induced the enemy to send large escorts of cavalry, and artillery and infantry with later trains, and thus the impression was made on our ablest commanders that a retrograde movement was going on. Our forces, greatly wearied and much reduced by heavy losses, were held ready to avail themselves of any change in the enemy's ]iosition ; but it was deemed unadvisable to assail him as there established. The whole day, after these dispositions, was passed without an important movement on either side, and was consumed by us in gleaning the battle-field, burying the dead, and replenishing ammunition. At daylight on Friday, the 2d, orders to feel the enemy and ascer- tain his position were repeated with the same result. The cavalry brigades of Wheeler and Wharton had returned during the nighl, greatly exhausted from long continued service, with Init litth^ rest or food to either man or horse. Both the commanders reported the indi- cations from the enemy's movements the same. Allowing thein only a few hours to feed and rest, and sending the two delaclied regiments back to Pegram's brigade, Wharton wns ordered to the right bank across Stone River, immediately in Breckinridge's front, Pieconnois- sances by several staff ofhccis soon devehtpcd the fact that a division had quietly crossed unopposed, and establisiicd ihemsclvcs on and under cover of an eminence from which Lieutenant General Polk's lino was commanded and enfiladed. The dislodgement of this force or tlie withdrawal of Polk's line, was an evident necessity. The latter involved consequences lujt to be entertained. Orders wen; conse- quently given for the concentration of tlie whole of (Jeneral Breckin- ridge's division, in front of the position to be taken, the additii»u to his command of the ten Napoleon guns, twelvc-pouudcrs, under Captain 472 OFFICIAL REPORTS. F. H. Robertson, an able and accomplished artillery officer, and for the cavalry forces of Wharton anrl Pegram, about two thousand men, to join in his attack on the right. Major General Breckinridge was sent for, and advised of the movement and its objects, the securing and holding the position which protected Polk s flank, and gave us command of the enemy's, by which to enfilade him. He was informed of the disposi- tion of the forces placed at his disposal, and instructed with them to drive the enemy back, crown the hill, intrench his artillery, and hold the position. To distract their attention from our real object, a heavy fire was ordered to be opened from Polk's front, at the exact hour at wliich the movement was to begin. At other points, throughout both lines, all was quiet. General Breckinridge, at three P. M., reported he would advance at four. Polk's batteries promptly opened fire, and were soon answered by the eiiemy. A heavy cannonade of some fifteen minutes was succeeded by the musketry, which soon bet^ame general. The con- test WAS short and severe; the enemy was driven back, and the emi- nence gained; but the movement, as a whole, was a failure, and the position was attain yielded. Oar forces were moved, unfortunately, to the left so far as to throw a portion of them into and over Stone River, where they encountered heavy masses of the enemy, while those against whom they were intended to operate on our side of the river had a destructive enfilade on our whole line. Our reserved line was so close to the front as to receive the enemy's fire, and, returning it, took their friends in the rear. The cavalry force was left entirely out of the action. Learning from my own staff officers, sent to the scene, of the dis- orderly retreat being made by General Breckinridge's division, Brig- dier General Patton Anderson's fine brigade of Mississippians, the nearest body of troops, was promptly ordered to the relief. On reach- ing the field and moving forward, Anderson found himself in front of Breckinridge's infantry, and soon encountered the enemy's light troops close upon our artillery, which had been left without support. Tliis noble brigade, under its cool and gallant chief, drove the enemy back, and saved all the guns not captured before its arrival. Captain F. H. Robertson, after the disabling wound received by Major Graves, General Breckinridge's gallant and efficient Chief of Artillery, took the entire charge of the artillery of the division, in addition to his own. To his gallantry, energy and fearlessness, is due the smallness of our loss sustained before the arrival of support — only three guns. His report will show the important part he played in this attack and repulse. Before the end of the whole movement, it was quite dark. Anderson's command held a position next the enemy, corresponding nearly with our original line, while Breckinridge's brigade commanders collected their men, as far as practicable in the darkness, and took irregular positions on Anderson's left and rear. At daylight in the morning they were moved forward to the front, and the wliole line was reestab- lished without opposition. During the night Major General Cleborne's division was re-transferred to its original position on the right, and Lieutenant General Hardee directed to resume his command there, and restore our line. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 473 baggage and ton.l had been taded ^.'^ ,0" :L^;o;:^„"■»M;r log the .vhole oi this day the rain continued to fall wi h li le inter' h Z'orT.ul'lT' '''V'' Stone River indicated that it soon wo d" enemy showing their effective strength to ifave bee,rver nearly if not qui e seventy thousand men. Before noon, reports from 1 li"- lier «.S!^^/" ^''''^''''' T''^ the safety of my army, upon which even the safetv of our cause depended, left no doubt in my mind as to le necessity of my w thdrawal from so unequal a contes My In/ers were accordingly given about noon for the Movement of the trains ad for the necessary preparations of troops eZ'ithVlV^fT "^'^"''^g^"^"\t of the different staff departments, everything had been secured and transferred to the rear, including prisoners, captured artillery, small arms, subsistence, means ot'"^ portation and nearly all of our wounded able to bear movin^ No moyements were made by the troops on either side during thit most nclement day, save just at night, when a sharp ,kirnn-s1, occumn between Polks right and the enemy's left flank, resulting in not lin^ decisive. The only question with me was, whether the^novemontS should be made at once or delayed twenty-four hours to save a few of our wounded. As it was probable we should lose by exhaustion as many as we should remove of the wounded, my inclination to remain was yielded The whole force, except the cavali-y, was put in mot-on at eleven o clock P. M., and the army retired in perfect orl-r o hs present^ position behind Duck River, without receiving or giving a shot. Our cavalry held the position before Murfrecsboro until Mon- orning, the ^th, when it quietly retired, as ordered, to cover our day m front ^\e left about one thousand two hundred badly wounded, one-half of whom, we learn, have since died from the severity of their iniurios- about three hundred sick, too feeble to bear transportation- and about two hundred well men and medical officers as their attendant- rTlic real number was two thousand eight hundred.— Author of Rosec. ins' Campaign.] In addition to this, the enemy had cnptured about ei-ht hundred prisoners from us. As the one lliousand two hundred wounded nre counted once under that head among our losses, they should be excluded from the general total. As an offset to this loss, we had secured, as will appear from (he report of my Inspector General, considerably over six thousand prison- 40 474 OFFICIAL REPORTS. ers ; had captured over thirty pieces of artillery, six thousand stand of small arms, ambulances, mules, and harness, with a large amount of valuable property, all of which Avas secured and appropriated to proper uses. Beside all this secured, we had burned not less than eight hundred wagons, mostly laden with various articles, such as arms, ammunition, provisions, baggage, clothing, medicines and hospital stoi^es. We had lost three pieces of artillery only, all in Breckinridge's repulse. A number of stands of colors— nine of Avhich are forwarded with this report— were also captured on the field. Others known to have been taken were not sent in. The number of fighting men we had on the field, on the morning of the 31st of December, was less than thirty-five thousand, of which about thirty thousand were infantry and artillery. Among the gallant dead the nation is called to mourn, none could have fallen more honored or regretted than Brigadier Generals James E. Rains and R. AV. Hanson. They yielded their lives in the heroic discharge of duty, and leave their honored names as a rich legacy to their descendants. Brigadier General James R. Chalmers and D. W. Adams received disabling wounds on Wednesday, I am happy to say not serious, but which deprived us of their valuable services. Having been under my immediate command since the beginning of the war, I can bear evidence to their devotion and to the conspicuous gallantry which has marked their services on every field. For the sacred names of other heroes and patriots of lower grades, who gave their lives, illustrating the character of the Confederate soldier on this bloody field, I must refer to the reports of subordinate commanders, and to the list which will be submitted. Our loss, it loill he seen^ exceeded ten thousand^ nine thousand of ivho7n were killed and ivounded. The enemy's loss we have no means of knowing with certainty. One corps, commanded by Major General Thomas J. Crittenden, which was least exposed in the engagement, reports over five thousand killed and wounded. As they had two other corps and a separate division, third of a corps, and their cavalry, it is safely estimated at three thousand killed and sixteen thousand wounded ; adding six thousand two hundred and seventy-three prisoners, and we have a total of twenty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-three. Lieutenant Generals L. Polk and W. J. Hardee, commanding corps, Major Generals J. M. Withers and P. R. Cleborne, commanding divi- sions, are especially commended to the Government for the valor, skill and ability displayed by them throughout the engagement. Brigadier General J. Patton Anderson, for the coolness, judgment, and courage with which he interposed his brigade between our retreat- ing forces and the enemy, largely superior to him, on Friday evening, and saved our artillery, is justly entitled to special mention. Brigadier Generals Joseph Wheeler and John H. Wharton, com- manding- cavalry brigades, were preeminently distinguished through- out the action, as they had been for a month previous, in many successive actions with the enemy. Under their skillful and gallant lead, the reputation of our cavalry has been greatly enhanced. OFFICIAL REPORTS. 475 For tlie just, comniendation of man}- other officers, many of whom were preeminently distinguished, I must refer to the reports of their more immediate commanders. To the private soldier a fair meed of praise is due; and, though it is seldom given, and so rarel}^ expected that it may be considered out of place, I can not, in justice to myself, withhold the opinion ever entertained, and so often expressed, during our struggle for independ- ence. In the absence of the instruction and discipline of old armies, and of the confidence which long association produces between vet- erans, -we have, in a great measure, to trust to the individuality and self-reliance of the private soldier. Without the incentive or the motive which controls the officer, who hopes to live in history, without the hope of reward, and actuated only by a sense of duty and patriotism, he has, in this great contest, justly judged that the cause was his own, and gone into it with a determination to conquer or die, to be free or not to be at all. No enconium is too high, no honor too great for such a soldiery. However mueli of credit and glory may be given, and probably justly given to the leaders in our strngule, history will yet award the main honor where it is due — to the private soldier, who, without hope of reward, and with no other incentive than a con- sciousness of rectitude, has encountered all the hardship? and suffered all the privations. Well has it been said: "The first monument our Confederacy rears when our independence shall have been won, should be a lofty shaft, pure and spotless, bearing this inscription, 'To the unknown and unrecorded dead.'" The members of my staff arduously engaged in their several duties before, during and since the prolonged engagement, are deserving a mention in this report. Lieutenant Colonels George G. Gardner and G. W. Brent and Captain P. Thompson, Adjutant Inspector Generafs department; First Lieu- tenants Towson Ellis and F. >S. Parker, regular Aiddecamps; Lieuten- ant Colonel Beard, Inspector General; Lieutenant Colonels A. J. Ilayi* and P. A. May; Major James 8tainl)ridge, Louisiana Infantry, and Major Wm. Clarelate, Seventh Alabama Volunteers, Adjutant Assistant Inspector Generals; Lieutenant Colonel L. W. O'Bannow, Chief Quar- termaster; Major J. J. Walker, Chief Commissary; Majors F. Molloy and G. M. Hillyer, Assistants; Lieutenant Colonel II. Aladowski, Chief of Ordnance; Captain W. II. Warren and 0. T. Gibbs and Lieutenant W. F. Johnson, Assistants; Captain S. W. Steele, Assi-^^tant Ciiicf Lngi- neer, and Lieutenants H. C. Forie, and II. II. Buchanan, and J. K. P. McFall; Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Ilollinquist, Acting Chief of Arlil- terv; First Lieutenant R. H. Thompson, Assistant Surgeon; A. J. Foard, Medical Director; Surgeon E. A. Llewellen, Assistant Medical Director; Acting Surgeon T. G. Richardson, attendant on myself, staff and escort; Colonel David Urquhart, of Louisiana; J. Stoddard John- ston, of Kentucky; and St. Leger Grenfel, of England, the two former vo'untcer aids, long on my staff, serving me most effectively; .Major K. Vv\ Baylor, A. Q. U.\ Major B. O. Konne\ ^ ^ x^-^^. ^ .v\> .-^ ^0 A"^ ^^. #' ^%, ^. o^«^^ >' ^o. -o v^' ^^^. ■' ^^ *> ^ f -^ ^0 ^^^ . ^^.. ^ <^ - '-■•^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^'^~ ^. ^ ^ -% ^O v^' .\ !', % .0 % '„.x* A^ ^^ 'iC -^•^ ^ c^' ^e.:. ^■^ =^;1?^ -^o- *a # ^^ s ;'^>;i;e^' '"-^V -.;•'.-> ^0^ . V°^>wl^ ^;% v^^^%^/ ^K^ A<^ ..<^. •>-^. .-N'