Kttk Skctcbes of (Ifi(nne80tai907 Bn alpbabeticalUst of representative men of /IRinnesota, witb : : : : bio^rapbical shetcbes k-a^ « K' ■? St. Paul L. POLK & CO. Publishers Minneapolis Dulutb Entered according to act of Congress in the year igo7, by R. L. Polk & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Con- gress at Washington, D. C. f< ,Oi v-nn Introduction 1907. This tirst volume of Little Sketches of liij;- Folks presents to the reader short sketches of unadiirned facts of about ^,000 of the re- jn-eseiitative men of the Stat.f; of Minnesota. There has been no atteni]>t made to enlo.nize, no useless expenditure of adjectives, no effort at "write up," and noCditorial opinions expressed. Each sketch is a brief comi)ilation of facts that are of i>ublic record, and as such is wholesome and refreshiuii. The data for these sketches has been <;athered from the subjects themselves: they have been personally interviewed in city, town, and villa^«\ and every effort has been to insure accuracy. It has been no li^ht task to select first the names, and then to secure pro]»er data for the biographies; it has been a long and arduous work and its consummalion is here offered without misgiving of its cordial re- ception on the ])art of the i»ublic. .Minnesota as a state is not half a century old, vet its peo]»le have been so occui»i(nl with home making and business building that but little thought has been given to the history that is being made; records have been carelessly kept; records that in the next generation will be of the greatest value to the sons and daughters of the active men of to-day. There is as yet but a young generation of Minnesotans; the men of to-day who have done, and are doing things, aie for the greater part natives of other states and countries; they came here from the four (luarters of the glolte. first a few, then a multitude, and from out of an abnost unknown territory they have built a great state; they came as strangers to on(^ another, each unknown to the other save for the knowledge gained from neighborly and friendly inter- course. It is of these men, some old. some young and but com- paratively recent arrivals, that these sketches are written, that who and ^hat they are. may be (•oiiii)il('d in one volnnie. With this in- tent, the work lias been jtnblished; that the thonj^htfnl man may have at liand a comprehensive history of Minnesota told in few words; a history of the jteople who have contributed their finest effort to the glory and prestige of this state, for: "The history of a nation is the biogiaphy of its men." The purpose has been to confine its pages to living men; ]>ilots, captains and engineers of ja-ofessional, financial, and commercial progress, that some really intelligent and effective record might- be had in permanent form, of ^linnesota and its i»eo])le on the semi- centennial of its birth as a state. Soon many of those herein will be gone. It is then that this work will begin to assume a still greater value; and as each year goes by, and the names of the living in these pages grow fewer in number, so will its value continue to increase. But even to-day it has a value ail its own. As a whole it will be found to be a work of reference unlike, and more com]»lete than anything hitherto at- tempted; as a si)ecial reference it has a value se{)arately for each nmn in each of the several walks in life, for it contains the sketches of the men in his own particular vocation with whom he is familiar either personally or by name. Perhaps its utility could scarce be more comprehensively exi)ressed than in the words of Dr. Warren Tpliam, Secretary and Librarian of the Minnesota Historical So- ciety, who writes in a letter dated March 21, IIMU: "This publication, giving sliort biographic sketches of Minnesota citizens, will be exceedingly useful for siuDplying quick and accurate answers to ques- tions that arise daily or hourly in the experience of all who are extensively engaged here in business, the professions, journalism, or any work requiring acquaintance with the people of the state." Little Sketches of Big Folks. ABBETMEYEK Charles 1), St Paul. Res 12 22 St Anthony av, office Con- cordia College. Educator. Born Aug 19, 1867 in Bodenteich Hannover Germany, son of Carl and Marie (Busse) Abbetmeyer. Married June 14, 1888 to Matilda Meckelburg. Ed- ucated in public and private schools of Nicollet and St Peter Minn; grad- uated from Northwestern Univer- sity Watertown Wis, B A; U of M, Ph D 1900 and Johns Hopkins Univ Baltimore Md. Evang Luth Pastor E Farming-ton Wis 189 0-9 6; St Paul (West Side) 189 6-9 8; Baltimore Md 1-898-19 02. Teacher of English Con- cordia College St Paul. Author of "Lutheran Forms for Sacred Acts" 1904; editor of "Young Lutherans' Magazine." ABBOTT Everton Judsoii, St Paul. Res 42 5 Dayton av, office 3 95 Endi- cott Arcade. Physician and surgeon. (R). Born Oct 19,1849 in Milan 0,son of Benjamin and Lorena (Judson) Abbott. Educated at W'estern Re- serve College A B 1873; medical dept M D 1875. Professor of Clinical Medi- cine, U of M; surgeon to St Joseph's hospital; physician to City and Coun- ty hospital. Member of the Minn State and Ramsey County Medical Societies. ABBOTT Howard Strickland, Min- neapolis. Res 900 6th st S E, office 4 02 P O bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 15, 1864 in Farmington Minn, son of Rev Abiel H and Mary Ellen (Strickland) Abbott. Married Mary L Johnson of Racine Wis. Attended Minneapolis Academy 1878; graduated U of M, B L 18 85; managing editor of "The Ariel" and "Junior Annual," college papers at the university; asst gen solicitor Minn & St Louis and "Soo" Rys 188 7-90; sec Wis Minn & Pacific Ry 1887-90; asst atty A T & S Fe Ry 1890-97; Special Master in Chan- cery U P Ry receivership 189 7-1901; Master in Chancery U S Circuit Court of Minn 1899 to date. Lecturer on "Public and Private Corporations" Law College U of M, also on "Civil Law;" author of "Notes, Authorities and Deductions on Corporations;' "Abbott's Case Books;" "Public and Private Corporations;" "Municipal Corporations," a legal text-book in 3 vols recently published; and "Sum- mary of the Law of Municipal Cor- porations" in 1 volume. Member of executive committee and director Minneapolis Trust Co; member Delta Kappa Epsilon college fraternity; Minn State and Amer Bar assns; Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafay- ette clubs Minneapolis. ABBOTT Howard T, Duluth. Res 2219 E Superior st, office 40 5-406 Lonsdale bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 11, 1867 in W^ashington D C, son of Asa T and Fannie B (Cross) Abbott. Married Nov 20, 1895 to Gertrude P Markell. Educated in Army schools Fortress :\Ionroe Va and Fort Hamilton N Y; public and high schools Minneapolis; U of U and U of Mich. Has been en- gaged in practice of his profession in Duluth 1891 to date. ABERLE Daniel, St Paul. Res 5 60 Portland av, office 129 E 3d st. Merchant. Born in 184 8 in Mann- 6 Little Skvtrlics of BUj FolLs. heim Germany, son of Lazarus and Karolina (Mayer) Aberle. • Married 187 8 to Amelia Stern. » Educated in common schools of his native place. Came to U S 1867; in mercantile busi- ness; studied medicine; returned to mercantile pursuits and started in business for self as head of D Aberle & Co which continued until 1891; in- corporated under same name and continued until 1893; member Aber- le-Westheimer Co 1893-1904; now head of firm of D Aberle & Sons whol liquors 1904 to date. Park comnr St Paul 1901 to date; candidate for pres elector 1900; member dem executive committee. Member Commercial and Standard clubs St Paul; ex-pres lat- ter; ex-pres and now trustee Mount Zion Hebrew Assn. ABRAMSON Sven, St Paul. Res 603 Case st, office 55 8 View st. Bak- er. Born April 15, 1860 in Sweden, son of Abram Hakanson and Batel (Gummeson) Abramson. Married in 1893 to Augusta Moberg. Educated in common schools of Sweden. Learned baker's trade; came to U S 1888; engaged in bakery business 1892 to date; became mngr 1904 of St Paul Bread Co. Member Nor- den Club. ADAMS Charles Edward, Duluth. Res 102 9 E 2d st, office 515 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 1, 18 67 in Boston Mass, son of Isaac M and Emeline (Twitchell) Adams. Married May 14, 19 02 to Grace M Tennant. Educated in high school Fargo 1888; Princeton Univ 1892-93; graduated from U of M, A B 189 6, law dept LL B 1900. Supt of public schools Granite Falls Minn, 189 6-9 8; engaged in practice of law Duluth 19 00^ to date; court commr St Louis Co 1905 to date. Member Commercial and Boat clubs; K of P. ADAMS David T, Duluth. Office 503 Providence bldg. Mining engi- neer. Born Sept 6, 1862 in Rock- ford 111, son of Jane (Castoney) Adams. Received a public school education. Engaged in prospect- ing and mining on the Iron Range of Minn, Mich and Wis; gold min- ing in California and copper mining in Mexico; a pioneer of the Mesaba Iron Range; compiled and published the first map and was the first to develop merchantable iron ore on that range 1891; located and developed Fayal, Spruce, Cloquet and Adams groups of mines at Eveleth and established Ad- ams Mining Co; located and devel- oped Meadow Mine, Aurora and es- tablished Meadow Mining Co; located and developed Lone .Jack, Victoria. Bessemer, Moose, Auburn and Com- modore mines at Virginia; the Kan- awha and Cincinnati at Biwabic; the Tener, Shenango and Weed at Chris- holm together with several other mines on different parts of the range; founder and locater of the town of Virginia and locater and promoter of the city of Eveleth. Pres, treas and dir of Adams Security Co; pres and dir of Meadow Mining Co corporations of Minn; and v pres and dir of California-Calaveras Mining Co of Cal. Member of Commercial Club Duluth; Order of Foresters and B P O E. ADAMS Elmer Ellsworth, Fergus Falls. Editor. Born in 18 61 in W^a- terbury Vt. Married in 189 to Fanny C Cowles. Educated at Morris- ville (Vt) Academy; graduated from U of M 18 84. Editor Fergus Falls .Journal 1884 to date. Pres Fergus Printing Co; dir First Nat Bank of Fergus Falls; pres of Fergus Land Co; V pres Wright Investment Co; sec Red River Milling Co; sec Ceres Ele- vator Co; pres Otter Tail Bldg and Loan Assn; pres Northwestern Bldg Assn; dir Fergus Falls Bldg Assn. Regent of U of M 8 yrs; member State Legislature 1905-09; chairman Republican Congressional committee 8 yrs. Member Chi Psi college frat. ADAMS John Qiiinoy, St Paul. Res 951 Hague av, office 145 E 3d st. Whol cutlery. Born April 2, 1867 in Hanover Ont, son of Henry Proctor and Emily (Griffin) Adams. Married Aug 2, 1892 to Anna May Gibson. Educated in the schools of Hanover and at the Univ in Grand Forks N D. In hardware trade with brother as Adams Bros Edinburg N D 1887- 91; with C A Reinhart in Grand Forks N D 1891-96; Fargo N D 1896- 1901; in Devil's Lake N D several Little »S7.-c#c//P6' of Bi(j Folks. years; sec and treas Pavian-Adams Co whol cutlery and jewelry St Paul 1906 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity. ADLEK Bei'iult Olson, St Paul. Res 369 Case st, office 2 04 Scandinavian Am Bank Bldg. Real estate and in- surance. Born Aug 14, 1869 in Swed- en. Married Edith Elizabeth Adler. Educated in public schools and col- lege in ]Ma]mo Sweden; attended law dept U of M graduating 1901. Em- ployed by Gordon & Ferguson 189 5- 19 03; real estate and insurance 1903- 06; also connected with City Eng office. Px'es Young Men's Dem Club Ramsey Co; member Astoria Coun- cil M S; East Side Commercial Club. AGATIX Arcadius li, Duluth. Res 2402 E 5th, office Lonsdale bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 7, 1868 in Russia, son of Ludwig and Antoinette And- rey-Kovicz Agatin. Married June 1890 to IMarie Lanctot. Educated at Classical Gymnasium Grodno Rus- sia; Lauderbach Academy Philadel phia. Graduated from law dept U of M 188 9; began practice of law in Minnea]3olis; moved to Duluth 1890 where he has been continuously en- gaged in his profession to date. Ex- aminer of titles for St Louis County; master in chancery U S Circuit Court. Member Kitchi Gammi and Commer- cial clubs. AHERX John J, Minneapolis. Res 1516 W 27th St, office 603 Bank of Commerce bldg. Life Insurance. Born Mar 12, 1871 in Cork Ireland, son of John and Catherine (Daly) Ahern. Educated in Nat Schools of Ireland; graduated as teacher at age of 18 and removed to New York Nov 1890; to Minn Nov 1891. Entered employ of Mutual Life Insurance Co of N Y in St Paul agency office and re- mained as clerk until 1897. Agent INIass Mutual Life Insurance Co 1897; a])i)ointed State Agent for Minn June 1899. Member of xvnights of Co- lumbus and M N G. AKELEY Healey C, Minneapolis. Res 23 00 Park av, office 1124 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumberman. Born Mar 16, 183 6 in Stowe Vt, son of George and Electa (Coffin) Akeley. Married 1869 to Hettie E Smith. Ed- ucated in common schools and Barre (Vt) Academy. Studied law and ad- mitted to bar 18 58; practiced 1 year in Greenboro Vt; at Grand Haven Mich 1859-63; served in cavalry in Civil War; resumed practice Grand Haven 1865-80 at same time was in- terested in lumber and organized Grand Haven Lumber Co; sold out 1885 and moved to INIinneapolis 18 87; of firm of Ithica Lumber Co which later became H C Akeley Lumber Co; of Akeley & Sprague Washburn Wis; dir Security Bank, Bruce-Edgerton Lumber Co Union Realty Co; trustee Farmers & Mechanics Sav Bank; member of Walker & Akeley. Form- er mayor Grand Haven; collector of customs Dist of Mich 15 years. AKERSOX Ernest A, Lindstrom. Lands. Born Sept 19, 1873 in Lind- strom Minn, son of John and Anna (Johanson) Akerson. Married Sept 28, 1899 to Adelia A Magnuson. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Lind- strom and graduated from Metropoli- tan Business College St Paul 1893. Clerk for Akerson & Olson Stacy Minn until 189 5 when he purchased an interest in the business, changing the name to Akerson Bros; engaged in hardware business under firm name of Lindstrom & Akerson, Lindstrom Minn 1899. Organized the land firm of Lindstrom Akerson & Helberg with headquarters in St Paul 1903; firm dissolved in 190 5 and he is now doing business alone. Treas Birds Eye Lumber Co. Member of Modern Woodmen of America. AKIN Robert W, Anoka. Banker. Born Feb 24, 1871 in Patterson N Y, son of Theodore W and Martha J (Blauvelt) Akin. Married Dec 29, 1892 to Bertha E Gilbert. Educated in public schools at Patterson N Y and graduated from Vermont Acad- emy Saxton River Vt 1890. Moved to N D as bookkkeeper; moved to N Y 1897; settled in Anoka 189 8 taking position as cashr State Bank of Anoka which i)osition he has filled to date. Pres Minn Potato Starch Co Anoka; Northern Land & Mfg Co An- Little i^ketcJics of Bi, Minneapolis. Res 15 W 2 4th st, office 106 N Wash- ington. Merchant. Born Jan 3 0, 1874 in Owatonna Minn, son of Lorin and Delia Hall (Munson) Andrews. Married Oct 8, 1903 to Lilla S Finch. Educated in Minneapolis public schools; Minneapolis academy; grad- uated from Cornell Univ LL, B 1895; U of M, LL M 1896. Engaged in practice of law Minneapolis 189 5- 1904; since 1904 has been sec-treas of Kennedy-Andrews Drug Co, whole- salers Minneapolis. Member Chi Psi and Phi Delta Phi; college fraterni- ties. ANDREWS Theodore Edward, St Paul. Res 2191 Commonwealth av, office St Paul Dispatch. Advertising manager. Born April 16, 1861 in White Willow, Kendall county 111, son of George M and Sarah A (Skinner) Andrews. Married July 3, 1884 to Francelia F McAllister. Educated in graded, public, high and normal schools Morris 111 1868-81. Engaged in teaching school Aux Sable 111 2 years; with Douglas Exp & Trans Co Pierre S D, 1 year; with Am Exp Co, as treasure guard between Pierre S D and W'inona Minn, 2 years, carry- ing at times from $175,000 to half a million in gold bullion and gold dust; with J D Blake real estate and rentals Minneapolis 2% years; with Haywood & Boshart real estate and financial brokers Minneapolis 6 years; with Minneapolis Tribune business dept 9 years; with St Paul Dispatch 4 years as advertising mngr. Mem- ber Town Criers Club; State Horti- cultural Society of Minn; Minn Rose Society; Minn State Dairymen's Assn; . St Anthony Park Improvement Assn and Royal Arcanum. ANDRUS Earle F, St Paul. Res 925 Laurel av, office 2 41 Endicott bldg. Farm lands and mortgages. Born Jan 9, 1860 in Dorset Vt, son of Robison and Jane M (Cochran) Andrus. Married Nov 2 8, 1892 to Cora M Champion. Educated in dist school E Dorset Vt 1866-7 5; Burr & Burton Seminary Manchester Vt 1875- 76; high school Burlington Vt 1876- 7 7. Employed as clerk Burlington Vt 1878-81; same Minneapolis 1881-89 in hardware business; gen agt W A Wood M & R Machine Co and INIinn Harvester Co St Paul 18 90-9 8; War- ner & Andrus dealers in farm lands 1891-1903; since then alone. V pres Security Mortgage Loan Co St Paul. Member of Commercial Club St Paul: Mason. ANCiKIi Albert, Brainerd. Mer- chant. Born Feb 20, 1862 in England, son of Ephraim and Harret (Fry) Angel. Married in June 1885 to Mar- Liftic Sketches of Big FoJk.s. gery A Hedden. Educated in Taun- ton (now West Lynn) College Eng- land. Moved to Brainerd and was employed in N P R R shops 1882-83; engaged in grocery business under firm name of Childs & Angel 1883-86; continued alone until 1905 when he engaged in whol flour, feed and gro- cery business. Senior member Brain- erd Brick Co. ANGST Robert, Duluth. Office Wolvin bldg. Chief eng D & T R R. Born June 2, 184 7 in Wyl Switzerland, son of Ulrich and Elizabeth (Ringer) Angst. Married in 1874 to Anna Haller. Educated in the common and high schools and Polytechnic schools Zurich Switzerland. First employed in city eng dept Zurich 1865-67. En- gaged in topographical work in govt service 186 7-69. Moved to U S 18 69 and engaged in Jackson Lansing and Saginaw Ry until 1871. Draftsman and eng with C M & St P Ry in Min- neapolis 1871-75; office eng for Green Bay and Minn R R Co in LaCrosse Wis 1876-77; asst city eng Min- neapolis 1877-7 8; with M & St L R R as resident eng and later as chief eng 1878-85; chief eng of C & Ind Coal road at Chicago 188 5-8 7; chiet eng D & I R R at Duluth 1887 to date. Served in Swiss light artillery. Member Kitchi Gammi, Northern Ry Club and ^Masonic fraternity. AXGUS Charles Baker, Albert Lea. President Albert Lea College. Born May 1905 in Leyden, Lewis county N Y, son of Charles D and Harriett B (Baker) Angus. Married July 13, 189 2 to Elizabeth Adams. Graduated from Lowville N Y Academy 1884; Union Theological Seminary N Y, B D 1892; special course in Univ of N Y. Has been pres of Albert Lea College 6 years and instrumental in establish- ing same on self sustaining basis; identified with settlement of N D and Col; manager ]\IcArthur-Angus Land Co and Lincoln Land Co Tracy !^Iinn. Member Delta Upsilon College frat. ANKEXV Alexander T, Minneapo- lis. Res 2 401 Clinton av, ofl^ce 502 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 20, 183 7 in Somerset Pa, son of Isaac and Eleanor (Parker) Ankeny. Mar- ried in 1861 to Martha V Moore. Ed- ucated in the public schools and Dis- ciples' College Hiram O; Monongahela Academy Morgantown W Va and Jeff- erson College Cannonsburg Pa 1857- 5 8. Employed in the dept of justice 18 60. Admitted to the bar 1861. Engaged with the war dept until close of Civil War. Returned to Som- erset 1865 where he continued to practice law and conduct a private bank. Moved to Minneapolis 18 72 and engaged in the lumber business with his brother until 1877; member of Board of Education 1877; State Board of Equalization 1878-82; re- elected to Board of Education 1889 and 189 pres of same; member of Library Board until 1885. Member State Dem Central Committee 1888; ex-pres board of dirs of same. AXKENY John J, Minneapolis. Res 1809 Laurel av, ofllce 542 Lumber Exchange. Mortgages and loans. Born Feb 2 8, 1835 in Somerset Pa, son of Isaac and Eleanor (Parker) Ankeny. Married June 2, 1869 to Catharine A Willett. Educated in common schools. Employed in gen mercantile business; moved to Minne- apolis 18 56; in 1858 to Hardin county la and engaged in real estate busi- ness; deputy sheriff Hardin county 1858-59; removed to Minneapolis 1859; deputy P M Minneapolis 18 59- 63; in Natchez Miss until 1866; re- turned to Minneapolis and was again deputy postmaster until 18 70; en- gaged in mercantile business 1870-80; later in insurance business; appointed ])ostmaster by pres Cleveland 1886- 90; in insurance and real estate busi- ness 18 90 to date. AXXEKE Percy S, Duluth. Res 523 E 2d st, office Fitger Brewing Co. Brewer. Born Aug 20, 1850 in Milwaukee Wis, son of Fritz and :\Iathilda F Anneke. Educated in public schools Milwaukee; college course in Switzerland. First engaged as bookkeeper in bank Milwaukee; with Schlitz Brewing Co until 1885; moved to Duluth and entered firm of A Fitger & Co brewers; incorporated 1905 as Fitger Brewing Co of whir'h he has been sec and treas to date. Member Commercial, Kitchi Gammi and Yacht clubs. 16 Little Sketches of BUj Folks. AMUNDSON C, St Peter. Mer- chant. Born Sept 13, 183 5 in Biri Norway, son of Aniund Christopher- sen and Carrie (Roste) Amundson. Married twice: 1867 to Mary Olsen and Aug 19, 18 75 to Carrie Augusta Norwood. Received his education in Norway and Wis. In employ of Gov Ramsey St Paul 185 5-61; clerk in hardware store La Crosse Wis 1861-63; in mercantile business Wi- nona 18 63-67; same in St Peter to date. Member Minn House of Rep 1879-81; State Board of Corrections and Charities 12 years; Board of Ed- ucation 2 years; Library Board; Ma- sonic fraternity. ANNON William J, Anoka. Post- master. Born Jan 2, 18 66 in Innes- killen Ireland, son of William and Charlotte (Lowry) Annon. Married .Ian 2, 1890 to Jennie Shorth. Moved to U S and was educated in public schools N Y City. In mercantile lines N Y until 1891; manager Anoka Elec- tric & Power Co 1893-1905; postmas- ter 1905 to date. Member A O U W\ ANFNDSEN A F, Detroit. Banker. Born Jan 12, 1868 in Decorah la, son of B and Mathilde (Hoffstrom) An- undsen. Married Jan 1, 1891 to Ma- bel Gardner. Educated in high school and Slack's Business College Decorah la. and graduated from law dept State University Iowa City la 1898. En- gaged as bank elk 1885-88; collector for C Aultman of Canton Ohio, agri- cultural implements 1888-90; in legal dept of home office of company 1890- 92; advertising mngr Decorah Posten from 1892; began practice of law 1898; pres First Nat'l Bank Detroit Minn 1906 to date. Member B P O E. APPLEBY E Villiei's, St Paul. Res 226 Summit av, office 130 Lowry Arcade. Physician (R), Oculist. Born in 1868 in London Eng, son of I H M Villiers and Esther Mary (Lett) Appleby. Married 1897 to Cornelia Day Wilder (deceased). Educat- ed by i)rivate instruction until 1886; attended Shattuck Military School Faribault Minn 1886-90; graduated from U of M medical dept 1894; in- terne City and county Hospital St Paul 189 4-5; gen practice St Paul 189 5-8; matriculate Univ of Berlin Ger 1898; voluntary asst prof Hirschberg's eye clinic and eye dept Charity Hospital Berlin Ger 189 8-19 00; clinic instruct- or of ophthalmology medical dept U of M: ophthalmologist St Luke's Hos- pital; chief of eye clinic St Paul Free Dispensary; member American Medi- cal Assn; Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies; Berlin Ophthalmogical Society; Chicago Ath- letic Club; Minn and Town and Coun- try clubs St Paul. ARCHIBALD Frank M, Brecken- ridge. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Dec 6, 1865 in 111, son of Lyman and Phylindia (Burroughs) Archi- bald. Married in 189 6 to Josephine W Bailey. Graduated from Coll of Physicians and Surgeons 1893. Has been engaged in practice of his pro- fession in Gibbon Minn 1893-9 4; At- water Minn 189 5-190 6; Breckenridge 1906 to date. Member American Med- ical Assn Minn State & Crow River Valley Medical societies; Masonic fraternity, I O O F and B P O E. ARCTANDEK John W, Minneapo- lis. Res 3 447 S Lyndale av, office 913 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 2, 18 49 in Stockholm Sweden, son of August H and Caroline (Ahlsell) Arctander. Married May 17, 187 7 to Maratina Anderson. Attended the College of Skein Norway 1857-67; the Royal Univ of Norway 1867-70; grad- uating M A Ph B; degree of LL D from St John Univ Collegeville Minn. Has been in gen practice of law; up to 1888 made specialty of criminal law; since 1888 specialty of corpora- tion law and negligence cases; coun- ty atty Kandiyohi county Minn 1877- 79; dist atty 12th dist 18 80-86; member of commission for drafting penal code of state, with Atty Gen Hahn and Judge Egan of St Paul. Author of "Practical Hand- book on Laws of Minn" in Norwegian and Swedish languages; translator into English of Hendrik Ibsen's drama "The Master Builder." ARCTANDER Ludvig, Minneano- lis. Res 2407 Irving av S, office 730 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Jan 3, 1863 Skein Norway, son of A H and Caroline (Ahlsell) Arctander. Received college education in Nor- Little Sketches of Big Folks. 17 way and graduated from the Univ ol Christiania Norway; immigrated to Minn in Sept ISSl and located in Minneapolis 1886 wliere lie has been practicing continuously ever since ex- cept in 1893-4 when he was located at Duluth. ARMSOX James George, Stillwater. Res 7 03 N 3d, office Hersey & Sta- ples blk. Public official, real estate and loans. Born July S, 18 59 in Thornton Ont, son of James and Jane (Parker) Armson. Married Sept 1894 to Anna R Krenz. Educated in the common and high schools Thorn- ton Ont and Manitoba Univ Winni- peg. After engaging in real estate business in Manitoba for a short time moved to Stillwater and was bkpr for Isaac Staples 18 84-8 7; in charge of grain and milling business 1887-9 6; engaged in mercantile business under firm name of Welsh & Armson and then as J G Armson until 1900; in I'eal estate insurance and loans 1900 to date. Sec and member board of managers Wash County Bldg and Loan Assn. Mayor Stillwater 189 8 to date. Surveyor-gen logs and lumber 1905 to date. Pres Commercial Club 4 years; sec of same 2 years; execu- tive officer of Minn Tax League and Minn Municipal and Commercial League; chairman Charter Commit- tee; delegate to Nat Dem Convention St Louis 1904. Has been instru- mental in securing many new in- dustrial interests for Stillwater. Member B P O E, Knights of Phythias, M W A, Royal Arcanum. A O U W and M B O A. ARMSTRONG 1)1 Witt C, Albert Lea. Banker. Born Nov 25, 1868 in Milan O, son of D C and Frances M Armstrong. Married in 1892 to Anna E Hibbs. Educated in public schools Erie Pa. Collector First Nat Bank Erie Pa 1881-83; engaged in grain business with his uncle Lieut Gov Armstrong Albert Lea Minn 1883-91; engaged 1 year in closing u]) estate of his uncle who died 1891 ; one of organizers of Albert Lea Mill- ing Co, 1892 and was sec of same un- til 1902; cashr Albert Lea State Bank 1902 to date. Treas Peoples B & L Assn and of Albert Lea College for Women. Member Commercial Club Municipal and Commercial League of Minn; ex-alderman and member Board of Park Commissioners. ARxMSTROXG George W, Minneap olis. Res 2722 N Emerson av, office 710 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Aug 9, 18 73 in Dodge County Minn, son of Fred N and Lucy M (Mills) Armstrong. Graduated U of M, M L 189 8. Has practiced law in Minne- apolis 189 9 to date. Member of state legislature 3 terms. Served as pri- vate in 13th Inf during Philippine War. Member of Masonic bodies; Elks, Commercial Club Minneapolis. ARMSTRONG James D, St Paul. Res 50 6 Grand av, office G N R R bldg. Lawyer. Born April 8, 18 66 in St Paul, son of George W and Jane C (Coleman) Armstrong. Educated in the public schools of St Paul; graduated from high school 1885; attended U of M 18 months; gradu- ated from law dept Univ of Mich 1889. Practiced law in St Paul 1889 to date; asst gen sol St Paul & Duluth R Co 1890-95; member Hadley & Armstrong gen sols St Paul & Duluth R Co, attys Union Depot Co, gen ])ractitioners 1895- 1900; member Armstrong & Begg lawyers 1902-1903; asst gen sol G N Ry 1907. Member Charter Com- mission St Paul. Instructor St Paul College of Law. Member Minn and Town and Country Clubs St Paul. ARMSTRONG John Alexander, Winnebago. Real estate and loans. Born May 2 5, 183 4 in Argyle, Wash- ington county N Y, son of Archibald and Nancy (Donaldson) Armstrong. Twice married: Aug 3 0, 18 59 to Car- oline A Carl; Dec 30, 1875 to Miss F A Miner. Educated in dist schools and Argyle Academy. Engaged in mercantile business until 1857; mov- ed to Owatonna Minn and engaaed in drug and grocery business 1857- 58; returned to N Y for 2 years then to Owatonna 1861 remaining in busi- ness for 10 years; established hard- ware business and bank in Winne- bago 18 70; sold hardware business and later in 1898 retired from bank to engage in present business of real estate and lonns. Member Minn Legislature 1901-190 2. 18 Little Sketches of BUj Folks. ARMSTRONG John Milton, St Paul. Res The Angus, office Lowry bldg. Physician (R). Born April 10, 1875 in St Paul Minn, son of George W and Jane Caroline (Coleman) Armstrong. Attended elementary and high schools in St Paul; U of M academic dept; graduated 1901 from College of Medi- cine and Surgery U of M. Has been in active practice in St Paul 19 01 to date. Member of staff City and Countv Hospital St Paul; instruc- tor College of Medicine and Surgery U of M. Member Ramsey County Medical Society; Minn State Medical Soc; Chi Psi and Nu Sigma Nu col- lege fraternities. ARMSTRONG Joseph Roawan, St Paul. Res 381 Bates av, office 815 Germania Life bldg. Real estate and farm lands. Born Sept 10, 18 59 near Burrits Rapids Ont, son of Robt L and Elizabeth (Roawan) Armstrong. Married Feb 1, 1904 to Mary Niena- ber. Educated in the common schools of Burrits Rapids Ont. Worked on farm until 1886; came to Minn and engaged in creamery business at How- ard Lake for himself until 1888; trr.veling representative for Cornish, Curtis & Green of St Paul creamery supplies 1888-9 8; real estate and farm lands 1898 to date; partner Brainerd Creamery Co Brainerd Minn. Member Knights of Phythias and A O U W. ARNOLD John R, Duluth. Res 4331 McCullough st, office 314-317, Burrows bldg. Lawyer. Born May 22, 1866 in Stanley, York county N B, son of Allen A and Martha (McAIoon) Arnold. Married Sept 8, 1898 to Mette L Jones. Educated in public schools Eau Claire Wis; high school Merrill Wis; and U of M. First engaged as police court clerk and mu- nicipal court clerk Superior; admitted to bar and practiced in Duluth 1888; in Superior 1889-1903; asst dist atty Superior 18 96-9 7; now engaged in practice in Duluth. ARNOLD Lutlier Rishop, Duluth. Res 218 15th av E, office 512 Wolvin bldg. Born Nov 9. 1868 at South Hadley Mass, son of Luther Hart and Harriet B (Bishop) Arnold. Married June 2 7, 1906 to Maud McVeety. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Bos- ton. In service of C P I & P Ry in eng corps in Kan, Colo and Okla 1887-89; M & St L Ry eng corps 1890; same year transferred to Land dept; sec and dir W M & P Ry 1890; in charge of Land dept W M & P 1892; in charge of D & I R R Land dept 189 9. Dir N A Tel Co; sec and dir Wis, Minn & Pac Ry Co; sec treas and dir Aitkin P^arm Co. Member Minn and Town and Country clubs St Paul; member Kitchi Gammi and Northland Golf Club Duluth. ARZT Charles Phillip, St Paul. Res 221 Pennsylvania av, office 4 74 Wa- basha St. Physician (R). Born April 11, 1870 in Germany, son of Phillip and Anna (Bauer) Arzt. Educated in iniblic schools and graduated from St Paul High School 18 83; graduated from U of M medical dept 1895. Has been engaged in practice of his pro- fession in St Paul 189 6 to date. Member Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies and Lincoln Rep Club. Asst citv phvsician 1889- 90. ASLAKSON IVter S, Cannon Falls. Lawyer. Born June 3, 1852 in Up- per Telemarken Norway, son of Sven A Odegaarden and Lizzie P ( Voltvedt) Aslakson. Married May 7, 1879 to Mary Christine TTHevig. Educated at Carleton College Northfield Minn; business college Keokuk la; Pierce's Normal Inst and graduated from Iowa State Univ law dept 1878. Taught school 1879-80; bkpr Zumbro- ta 1881-82; taught school 1883-85; began law practice Cannon Falls June 1, 1886; city clerk 1892-93; city atty 189 4-96 and 1903; see Board of Education 1892 to date. Chairman Rep Cong Committee 3d Dist 1896- 1902; member A O U W and M W A. ATC^HISON George, Mankato. Res 224 Pleasant st, office 22 8 S Front St. Omnibus line. Born Jan 1, 18 59 in Larne Ireland, son of John and El- len (Clendenning) Atchison. Received his education in the common schools of Ireland. Came to the U S in 1881 and entered employ of-railroad contrs in Lisbon N D until 1884. Moved to Britton S D and established sale and livery barns. Elected sheriff Marshall county S D served 4 vears. Moved to Northfield Minn 1887 and then to Little l^lrtches of Big Folks. 19 Maukato; conducts Mankato Omni- bus and Transfer lines; built Man- kato Fair Grounds and exploited same 189 5. First organized Minn State Fair short ship circuit constituting 7 towns in southern Minn 1905-1906. Deputy sheriff 8 years; served as member and v-pres city council. Prominently identified with all pro- gressive movements in Mankato. ATHEKTOX Irving; Eugene, St Paul. Res 115 Summit av, office 33 3 Jackson st. Express agent. Born Jan- uary 2 2, 18 48 at South Hadley Mass, son of Cornelius and Josephine (Treat) Atherton. Married July 2 6, 1887 to INIary R Leonard. Graduated from Janesville Wis High School and Milton College. Connected with the American Exp Co as messenger route agent and agent at St Paul 1876-94; with Great Northern Exp Co as asst supt and agent at St Paul 1894 to date. Pioneer in the business from days of stage coach and steam boat travel through all developments and changes to the present. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. ATKINSON Claude M, Hibbing. Res 311 Lincoln st, office 108 3d av. Publisher. Born Nov 14, 1862 in Ap- pleton Wis, son of James F and Anna (Waterbury) Atkinson. Married Nov 24, 1886 to Ida M Lott. Attended common schools of Appleton Wis and learned printing trade in Escanaba Mich. Remained in Escanaba until 1879. Moved to Florence W"is and was engaged as printer in newspaper office. Moved to Crystal Falls Wis 1897 and established "Diamond Drill;" continued this publication un- til 1894; then went West and was employed on various newspapers. Finnally located in Hibbing and bought the ]\Iissabe Ore a weekly paper. Appointed postmaster Hib- bing 1906; term expires 1910. Mem- ber library board. AT WOOD Clarence L, St Cloud. Banker. Born Aug 11, 1859 in Buffa- lo, Heart Grove 111, son of Edwin H and Augusta (Allen) Atwood. :\Iarried Sept 15, 1859 to Mary E Crandal. Educated in common, nor- mal and high schools St Cloud. Taught school 1880-86; in mortgage and loan business St Cloud 1887-1903; in 1903 organized Security State Bank and has been pres ever since. Treas and dir St Cloud Bldg Assn. Member city council 14 years; Masonic fraternity and B P O E. ATAVOOD George Henry, Stillwa- ter. Res 320 Pine st, office 1412 N Main st. Lumber. Born Nov 5, 1861 in Waterville Me, son of Judsou and Loana Atwood. Married Dec 21, 1882 to Julia Patchin. Educated in tue common and high schools Water- ville Me and Bowdoin (Me) College. First engaged in the employ of Cut- ler & Savidge Lumber Co Grand Hav- en Mich 1878; cashr of same 1880- 82. Manager Mille Lac Lumber Co Anoka Minn 1882-83. Moved to Still- water and was in charge of the office of Hersey, Bean & Brown until reor- ganization in 1886 when he was made sec and treas Hersey & Bean Lumber Co occupying same office un- til 1891. Engaged in business for self under firm name of Geo H At- wood 1891-1905. Organized At- wood Lumber Co with F Weyerhaeus- er and William Sauntry 1894. Pur- chased Staples Atlee Saw Mill Co 1901 which he conducts under firm name of Geo H Atwood. Sec and gen ningr Atwood Lumber Co; v pres C J Hartin Coal Co St Paul; dir First Xat Bank Stillwater; v pres McClure Coal Co N Dak; pres and treas At- wood & Jones Mnfg Co Stillwater; V pres and dir Illinois Natural Gas & Oil Co Peoria; Ohio Natural Gas & Oil Co Chicago; largely inter- ested with Samuel McClure in ow- nership of Vancouver Island timbei' and with F Weyerhaeuser in Wis land and timber. Member Minn Club St Paul; Kitchi Gammi Club Duluth; Union League Chicago; Masonic frat- ernity, B P O E and I O O F. AUSTIN Charles 1), Minneapolis. Res 3245 3d av S, office 616-617 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born April 2 6, 18 56 at Belgrade, Kennebec county Me, son of David and Betsey Austin. Married Jan 25, 1888 to Adelaide J Van Vleck. Educated in the common and high schools and at Wesleyan College. Practiced law at Lisbon N D 1882-93; in Minneapolis 1893 to date; partner of Judge Bailey until death of latter; of Judge Pierce sev- eral years; alone since. 20 Little Sketchcft of Big Foil's. AUSTIN Henry Herman, Minneapo- lis. Res 506 E 14th st, office 317 And'rus bldg. Investments. Born July 25, 1869 in Fond du Lac Wis, son of Henry S and Mary Ann ( John- ston) Austin. Married 190 4 to Mar- ion Thompson. Attended country schools in Nobles county Minn; grad- ed school Worthington Minn; studied pharmacy and passed Board of Phar- macy (Mich) 1891; graduated in salesmanship Sheldon School Chicago 1903; worked in saw mill in lumber woods; bridge builder on St Paul & Duluth Ry until 1890; in drug busi- ness Carsonville Mich 189 4-9 7; trav- eling salesman for F F Ingram Co Detroit Mich 189 7-1905; in business in IMinneapolis for self, real estate and commercial investments. Sec Munici- pal Ownership Leagee Minneapolis; V pres Moore Live Stbck Co; member Masonic order. Knights of the Macca- bees; pres of the Y M C A, AUSTIN Joseph E, Chisholm. Lawyer. Born Nov 18, 187 6 in Good Thunder Minn, son of Orville H and Lorette B (Earl) Austin. Educated in graded school Good Thunder; grad- uated from high school Mankato Minn 1896 and from College of Law U of M 1903. Began practice of law at Gary S D 1903; removed to Chis- holm same year and entered into partnership with Hon Edward Free- man continuing same until 1906; en- tered into partnership with H H Aus- tin which continues to date. Mem- ber Minn House of Representatives. AUYER Cyrus 1), Little Falls. Publisher. Born March 16, 1843 in Memjihis N Y, son of Solomon and Christina (Redmond) Auyer. Married May 16. 1877 to Frances A Allen. Educated in common schools. First served as apprentice in office of Fort Dodge (la) Sentinel and was em- ployed there as compositor 1856-62; enlisted in Co "I" 32d Iowa Inf and served in Civil War until 1865; es- tablished Parkersburg (la) Eclipse 1872; sold out 1874 and established Webster City (la) Argus, conducting same until 1877; founded Manson (la) Press 1877; published Fort Dodge (la) Tribune 1878; published Dayton (la) Review 1879; Webster City (la) Ad- vertiser 1881; moved to Little Falls and became interested in Liltle Falls Sun 1882-86; established Morrison County Democrat 1886 and continues to publish same. Member Minnesota Editorial Assn; Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity and I O O F. AYEKS Fred H, Minneapolis. Res 4 420 Thomas av S, office 5 60 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Nov 20, 1869 in Osceola Wis, son of Seth and Jane V (Creech) Ayers. Educated in common and high schools Osceola; La Crosse Wis Business College; grad- uating from U of M law dept LL B 1893. Practiced law in Minneapolis 1893 to date; member firm of Ayers & McDonald. B BABCOCK Charles H, Wayzata. Office gen offices Great Northern Ry St Paul. Railroad official. Born Sept 21, 1862 in Minneapolis, son of Luci- us A and Ellen M (Sully) Babcock. Married Florence L Holdridge Sept 2 5, 18 89. Attended common and high schools in Minneapolis; worked on farms in vacations. Studied law in the office of Judge Isaac Atwater of Minneapolis; admitted to practice 1885; practiced law alone in Minne- apolis 1885-93; member of Babcock & Garrigues law firm 1893; land comnr Great Northern Ry 1893 to date. BABCOCK Charles W, Kasota. Quarry owner and banker. Born July 12, 1856 in Kasota Minn, son of Joseph W^ and Mary E (Moulton) Babcock. Married March 23. 1883 to Marion Stark of Mankato Minn. Ed- ucated in common schools Kasota Minn and business college La Crosse Wis. First engaged in telegraphy and station work until 1881; in ex- press office 18 82; now head of C W Babcock & Co est 1883, quarries and stone saw mill. V pres Nicollet County Bank St Peter; pres First State Bank Kasota; dir Mankato State Bank Mankato. Member Kasota School Board 20 years. Member B P O E and K of P. BABCOCK Henry (randal, S St Paul. Res Coates Hotel, offi'^'e same. Dentist. Born Aug 24. 1866, son of Dr Benjamin Franklin and Amelia Cornelia (Van Vleck) Babcock. Mar- ried Aug 24, 1887 to Eva M Squires. Little SJ,rtches of BUj Folks. 21 Attended Afton public school; grad- uated from St Croix Valley Academy ; from the dental dept U of M 189 5. Apprenticed to carpenter 1S81-S4; foreman Malcomb McKay 1884-88; contracting- and bldg 18 88-92. Char- ter member Delta Sigma Delta col- lege fraternity; I O O F. BABCOCK 31ilaii Ellsworth, Man- kato. Res 211 Fulton st, office suite 4 Nat Citizens Bank bldg. Real estate and mortgage loans. Boi'u June 4, 1864 in Beaver Dam Wis, son of Chauncey S and Fidelia (Tyler) Babcock. Educated in the public schools Mason City la 18 70-81; high school Osage la 1881-84. After sev- eral years as clerk in general mer- chandise stores in Osage la he moved to St Paul in 18 89 where he was em- ployed as salesman for Potter Lucas & Co 18 89-9 2 and as traveling sales- man for Price & Robbins and Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Co St Paul 1892- 99. Moved to Mankato 189 9 and has been engaged in the real estate and fire insurance business to date. Mem- ber Knights of Phythias, Modern Woodmen of America and U C T. BACKUS Edward AV, Minneapolis. Res 7 5 Oak Grove st, office 602 And- rusbldg. Lumberman, manufacturer and merchant. Born Dec 1, 1860 at Jamestown X Y. Attended public schools at Red Wing and Feather- stone Minn; U of M 1878-82. Entered employ of Lee & McCulloch lumber- men Minneapolis 1882; obtained working interest in the business 1883; member Lee & Backus success- ors to Lee & McCulloch 1884-8 6; E W Backus & Co 1886-94; E W Back- us Lumber Co 1894-1900; Backus- Brooks Co 1900 to date. Pres Back- us-Brooks Co; Koochiching Co lands; First Nat Bank of International Falls Minn; Rainy River Improvement Co; Columbia Gold Mining Co; Keewatin Lumber Co; dir Rainy River Lumber Co; Northwestern Nat Bank Minne- apolis; Minn & International Ry Co and other similar organizations. Mem- ber Minneapolis, Minikahda and La- fayette clubs Minneapolis. Was a Roosevelt presidential elector in 1904. BACKUS George Joseph, Minnea- polis. Res 610 13th av S, office 226 Lumber Exchange. Lumber and cooperage stock. Born Feb 23, 18.58 at Jamestown N Y, son of Abel and Anna (Anderson) Backus. Married Feb 14, 189 4 to Catherine R Fallis. Attended public schools at Red Wing and Featherstone Minn; graduated from U of M, B S 1882. With Gull River Lumber Co 1883-84; with Lee & Backus lumber 1884-86; in fuel business 188 7-89; in charge of sales dept E W Backus Lumber Co 1890- 96; wholesale lumber trade 189 7- 1904; organized Backus- Judd Lumber & Cooperage Co also Dumas-Backus Lumber Co 1904; i)res of former; sec and treas of latter. Member Com- mercial Club Minneapolis. BACON Ernest, Minneapolis. Res 700 15th av S E, office 306 Globe bldg. Lands, loans and banking. Born Aug 13, 1851 in Princeton 111, son of Amos N and Julia A (Harris) Bacon. Married March 12, 18 79 to Julia S Kellogg. Educated in public and high schools Princeton 111 and Univ of III. Taught school Belleville and Princeton 111 1875-77; farming 187 7-83; moved to Burt la 1883; en- gaged in banking and loans; moved to Mankato Minn 1898; to Minneapo- lis 1903; V pres A D Clark & Co St Paul to 1903; member Bacon-Filklns Land Co; pres First Nat Bank New Salem N D. BACON Kiio.\, St Paul. Res 1118 Summit av, office Lowry bldg. Sur- geon. Born Oct 1, 1864 in Niles Mich, son of Cyrus Jr and Arabel- la (Knox) Bacon. Married May 18, 189 7 to Minerva Emmerson. Attend- ed Niles aiich High School; graduated from medical dept U of M 189 4. Practiced in St Paul 1894 to date. Gen surgeon to C St P M & O Ry 189 7-1901; visiting physician to Home for the Friendless; Protestant Orphan Asylum; member surgical staff St Luke's Hospital St Paul. Member Ramsey County and Minn State Medical societies. BACON Lyle Cholwell, St Paul. Res 73 7 Fairmount av, office Lowry bldg. Physician. Born Feb 26, 1866 in Niles Mich, son of Cyrus Jr and Ara- bella (Knox) Bacon. Married June 1891 to Alice Kay of Niles Mich. Graduated from Niles (Mich) High School and removed to St Paul in the 22 Little ^"^kctchcs of BUj Folks. early eighties. Connected with the Pioneer Press for a time and then re- sumed his studies at Univ of Mich. Began practice of medicine in St Paul in 189 0. Member of American Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies and Minn Academy of Medi- cine. BAGLEY Alfred M, Bemidji. Man- facturer. Born April 28, 1874 in Ar- gyle Minn, son of Sumner C and Lydia Fernald. Married July 1896 to Flora E Vinal. Educated in public schools of Maine. Moved to Polk county Minn 1890; in lumber business 1890-97: livery business 1897-1906; sold out and is now pres Bemidji Han- dle Co, mnfrs wooden handles estab- lished 1905. BAGLEY Fred W, St Paul. Res 7 57 Fairmount av, office 618 Endicott bldg. Manufacturers' agent. Born Mar 27, 1863 in Rock County Wia, son of Shepard and Louisa (Cash) Bagley. Married in 1889 to Sara S Parker. Educated in public and high schools Mason City la 1869-81. En- gaged as clerk in grocery business Mason City 1881-84; bkpr for War- basse & Lee Mason Ctty 1884-86; northwestern rep Nat Enam & Stamp Co St Paul 1886 to date. BAGLEY Sydney W, Thief River Falls. Publisher. Born April 25, 1876 in State Center la, son of James H and Harriet (Easton) Bagley. Married June 29, 1904 to Janette Wil- son. Graduated from high school State Center Iowa and U of M. Has been continuously engaged in publish- ing the Thief River Falls Press since graduation. Served in 13th Minn Vol Inf 1897-99; member Minnesota Edi- torial Assn and Masonic fraternity. BAHE Edward J, Hancock. Edit- or. Born May 8, 1870 in Faribault Minn, son of Conrad and Mary (Thur- nau) Bahe. Married Feb 6, 1899 to Mabelle V Thayer. Educated in gra- ded and high schools Faribault. Learned printing trade in office of Faribault Republican 1885-90; of firm of Wright& Bahepublishersof Spring- field (Minn) Advance 1891-93; fore- man Albert Lea Evening Tribune 1898-99; established Hancock (Minn) Record 189 9 and has published same to date. Sec Hancock Realty Co; Judge of probate Stevens county 1903-1907. BAILEY Charles M, Minneapolis. Res 701 7th st S E, office 807 Pills- bury bldg. Dentist. Born Dec 6, 1843 at Portland Me, son of Lebbenns and Marrietta M (Clapp) Bailey. Married 1876 to Laura Longfellow of Machias Me. Attended the public schools in Portland Me until 185 6 when entered law office of Deblois & Jackson as boy of all work. Studied dentistry in office of Dr G A Grant Calais Me 18 62-65; associated in practice with Dr Amos Wilder of Calais 1865-67; practiced alone at Machias Me 1867-74; in fall of 1879 entered Harvard Dental School and was grad- uated in June 1871; has practiced in Minneapolis 1874 to date. Filled chair of Dental Materia Medica Minn Hospital College 1886-88; chair of Prosthetic Dentistry and Orthodont- ria dental dept U of M 1888-95; pro- fessor Dental Materia Medica 1888- 89; since 189 5 in active practice. BAILEY Clark E, Winona. Res 365 W 5th, office 56 E 3d. Merchant. Born May 4, 185 6 in Antwerp N Y, son of Luther H and Catherine (Evans) Bailey. Married in 1886 to Lucretia M Prentiss. Educated in public schools and Ives Seminary N Y. First engaged as clerk in Antwerp N Y 1873-80; moved to Winona and was employed as dry goods clerk 18 80-1900; established firm of Bailey & Bailey dry goods 19 00 which con- tinues to date. Dir First Nat Bank. Member Arlington and Business Men's clubs and Board of Trade. BAILEY Everett H, St Paul. Res 45 9 Holly av, office 4th and Jackson sts. Banker. Born in Jamestown N J, son of Francis P and Caroline (Pier) Bailey. Attended the Erie Academy Erie Pa 1862-66 and An- tioch College Yellow Springs O 1867- 70; after leaving college he entered the ofl^ce of Clark & Goodwin Erie Pa as clerk but moved to St Paul the following year to accept a temporary position as clerk in the First Nat Bank of St Paul; later assisting in the organization of the Second Nat Bank Little Sketches of Big Folks. 23 of Winona of which he was after- wards cashr. Returned to St Paul in April 18 73 as receiving teller of the First Nat Bank; then paying teller; cashr 18 80; and v pres 1897; has been pres and dir of the North- western Trust Co since its organiza- tion in 1903. Is a member of the Minn Historical Society, Minn and Commercial clubs and the Society of Colonial Wars. BxlILEY Howard Dale, Minneapo- lis. Res 722 East 17th st, office 615 Andrus bldg. Lawyer. Born May 5, 1876 at Menominee Wis, son of Will- is and Rubena (Weston) Bailey. Married Sept 3 0, 19 03 to Florence L Burleson of S Shaftsbury Vt. Grad- uated from Menominee Wis High School and Stout Manual Training School 1894. Read law at River Falls and Hudson Wis 1895-9 8; admitted to bar 1898; practiced law at Superior Wis in association with Solon L Per- rin 1898-19 05; in Minneapolis 1905 to date. IMember Co H 3d Inf W N G 1893-9 5. Member of Masonic frater- nity and Royal League. BAILEY AVilliani D, Duluth. Res 1007 E 2d, office 50 Lonsdale. Lavv- yer. Born April 3, 1868 in Grinnell la, son of James F and Cornelia (Doolittle) Bailey. Married .Tune 12; 1901 to Ora Goodby. Educated in the public and high schools of Grinnell la; Gridley College A B 1891; Yale Law School LL B 1893. Engaged in the practice of law in Duluth 1894; member of Washburn, Lewis & Bailey 189 6-19 00; Washburn & Bailey 1900-1904; Washburn, Bailey & Mit- chell 1904 to date. Member of Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Boat and Yacht clubs Duluth. BAKEK Axel Conrad, Fergus Falls. Physician (R). Born Sept 2 7, 187 5 in Rochester Minn, son of O O and Lena Baker. Married Aug 11, 19 04 to Katharyn Hodgson. Re- ceived his education in high school Watertown S D; graduated from U of M, B S 1897; Northwestern Univ Medical School M D 19 01; Wesley Hospital 1903. Engaged in practice of his profession in Fergus Falls 1903 to date. Member of Couti'v, State and American Medical assns. BAKEK (ieor^e, Hallock. Judge of probate. Born Dec 3, 1861 in Visby Sweden, son of George Anton and Hanna Caroline (Nordahl) Baker. Married Dec 4, 1894 to Mary Wiberg. Educated in high school Visby Swed- en. First postmaster in Visby Kitt- son county Minn. Served for many years as deputy sheriff and deputy clerk Kittson county. Elected Judge of probate 1904 and re-elected 1906. Member I O G T, Yeomen, A O U W and I O O F. BAKKE Dyre B, Thief River Falls. Banker. Born Dec 6, 1854 in Nor- way, son of Bertel Larson and Eline (Dyresen) Bakke. Married Jan 2 7, 1877 to Bredine Johanson. Received common and private school education. In 1881 emigrated to U S and located near Fergus Falls, Otter Tail county and engaged in farming in summer and teaching in winter 1881-83; lo- cated in Marshall county 18 83-87; in gen merchandise business Newfolden 188 7-1901; moved to Thief River Flails and engaged in real estate busi- ness until 1903 when with T L Mel- gard organized Citizens State Bank of which he was pres until 19 06; sold his interest and organized Peoples State Bank and is now pres of same. Has served as county commissioner Marshall county; justice of peace; town and school elk for 10 years; postmaster Newfolden 5 years; alder- man 2 years and mayor 1 term. Mem- ber American and Minn Bankers fissns; Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. BALCOME Frank E, St Paul. Res 9 02 CromM'ell av, office corner Raymond and Hampden avs. Physi- cian. Born May 1, 18 72 at Delano Minn, son of Edwin and Sarah (Bry- an) Balcome. Married Oct 3, 1900 to Anna M Lutz. Attended Howard Lake Minn High School; Macalaster College St Paul, graduating in 1895; medical dept U of M; graduated M D from Eclectic Medical Institute Cin- cinnati O 1899. Member Cannon & Balcome physicians St Paul 1899 to date. BALDEKSON John Goodwin, St Paul. Res 13 85 Ashland av, office 187 W 4th St. General contr. Born Feb 13, 1871 in Lincolnshire Eng. 24 Lifth' ^SK-etches of Big Folks. son of George and Ann Elizabeth (Goodwin) Balderson. Married Dec 31, 1892 to Lizzie Gilbert. Educated in the common schools of Canada. First engaged with father on farm 1891-9 5 since whicli time he has been in the contracting business for self; first in Zumbrota; moved to St Paul 1900. Served 3 years in Battery "A" N D N G. Ex-pres, v pres and treas of Modern Brotherhood of America. BALDWIN Benjamin C, St Paul. Res 681 Holly av, office Surveyor Gen office. Public official. Born Sept 7, 1821 at Durham N Y, son of Dennis and Temperance (Chapman) Baldwin. Married 1839 to Ann C Atkinson. On farm until 1848; sur- veying at Honesdale Pa until 1855; came to Minn 1855; member Baldwin & Averill grain and merchandise 1859-60; St Paul Minn 1874; sur- veying government lands 187 4-7 6; chief clerk U S Surveyor Gen Minn 187 8 to date. BALDWIN Charles, Faribault. Ho- tel proprietor. Born Feb 14, 1848 in Bethel Conn, son of Hart B and Re- becca (Barnum) Baldwin. Educated in public schools Bethel Conn and Hamline Univ Red Wing. Farmer 1865-68; drug business Red Wing 1868-73; hotel business in Livingston Mont and Graceville Minn; moved to Faribault Minn 1901 and has since conducted Brunswick Hotel. Member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity and Shrine. BALDWIN J H, Frazee. Lawyer. Born April 4, 1851 in Jonesboro Ind, son of Lindsey and Mary A (Harvey) Baldwin. Married .Jan 16, 187 7 to Estella Wheeler. Educated in Spice- land (Ind) Academy. Admitted to bar and practiced law in Indiana 187 6-82; in St Lawrence S D 1882- 1900; moved to Frazee 1900 and has been engaged in practice to date. Engineer of irrigation in S D 1891-93 and 189 5-9 7. Member Masonic fra- ternity, I O O F and K of P. BALDY Peter, St Paul. Res 502 Portland av, office 405 Bradley bldg. Insurance. Born April 2 0, 183 at Danville Pa, son of Peter and Sarah (Hurley) Baldy. Married June 7, 1853 Ann E Kirckpatrick. Educated at Danville Pa Academy and by pri- vate instruction. Merchant at Dan- ville Pa 1852-84; state agent Penn- sylvania Mutual Life Insurance Co at St Paul 18 84-92; dist agent Nat Life Insurance Co of Vermont at St Paul 1892 to date. Pres Co-operative Iron & Steel Co at Danville Pa several years. Served in Civil War 3 days on emergency call during Confederate raid of Pennsylvania. BALENTINE Edward, Brecken- ridge. Lawyer. Born Feb 11, 184 7 in Waterville Me, son of William and Olive (Law) Balentine. Married Aug 3, 1874 to Emma Parker. Attended country school and Waterville (Me) Academy. Taught school until 1871. Principal village schools Albion 111 1872; principal Brownsville (Me) State High School 18 73-75; organized and conducted Albion (111) High School 1875-79; studied law in Albion and admitted to bar Breckenridge Minn 1888; engaged in farming at Campbell Minn until 1896; began practice of law Breckenridge 1896 and elected county attorney same year; served 2 terms; associated in practice with A B Mathews 1901-03; re-elected county atty 1904 and 1906. Elected to State Immigration Board 1894. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. BALL Charles K, St Paul. Res 74 7 Burr st, office 5 83 Endicott bldg. Physician. Born Oct 3 1 , 1 8 6 7 at Bry- an O, son of Joseph and Hannah Ball. Married June 30, 1897 to Frank S Snodgrass. Graduated from Wesleyan U Delaware O, B A 1891; U of M, M D 1894; post graduate courses at Har- vard and Johns Hopkins Univs and the Univs of Vienna and Berlin. Prac- ticed medicine in St Paul 189 4 to date; specializing on nervous dis- eases 1904 to date. Member Ramsey County and Minn State Medical so- cieties; neurologist in St Joseph's and Bethesda hospitals St Paul; St Paul Free Dispensary; asst chair of ner- vous diseases of U of M. BALLARD Caswell A, Moorhead. Educator. Born June 10, 1867 in Zumbrota Minn, son of Joshua and Nancy (Eames) Ballard. Married July 14, 1898 to Ida Bell. Graduat- ed from Zumbrota Minn High School Little Skvtrhcs of Big Folks. lio 1889; from U of M 1894. Instructor in science Fergus Falls High School 1891-92; in botany in J of M school of pharmacy 1893-94; supt city schools Fergus Falls 189 4-9 9; in- structor in science in State Normal School Moorhead 189 9 to date. Member city council 1903 to date; N EA; AAAS; MEA; Seismological Society of America; Masonic frater- nity. BANGERTER Renedict Jr, Man- kato. Res 52 7 X Broad, office Court House. Public official. Born Jan 3 0, 1860 in Brown county Minn, son of Benedict and Maria (Sahli) Banger- ter. Married Jan 2 9. 1887 to Anna K Roos. Educated in public schools of Mankato. Engaged as shoemkr 1875- 79; bkpr 18 79-97; elected register of deeds 1897; term expires Jan 1, 1909. Dir First Nat Bank. Member Board of Education 189 0-91; B P O E and Commercial Club. BANKS Charles Thomas, St Paul. Res 655 Dayton av, office Chicago Great Western gen office. Railway official. Born Jan 7, 1863 in Mon- roe Wis, son of Thomas and Fran- ces (Usher) Banks. Married in 1886 to Lillian A Broughton. Educated in the common schools of Broad- head Wis; high school at Albany Wis; grocery busines at Broadhead 1883-84; brakeman C M & St P Ry 1884-85; elk station agt, chief elk to division freight agent successively at various points on C M & St P sys- tem 1885-93; chief clerk G N Ry Chicago July 1893 to Oct 1, 1893; freight claim agent of Burlington Cedar Rapids and Northern at Cedar Rapids la Oct 1893 to July 1, 19 02; freight claim agent C R I & P at Chicago 1902-1903; freight claim agent C G W Ry 19 03 to date. Member Commercial Club, Transpor- tation Club St Paul and Iowa Ry Club. RANXON Festiis L, Hibbing. Law- yer. Born Jan 6, 18 73 in Providence R I, son of C E and Helen F (Duffey) Bannon. Married Jan 14, 1904 to Beatrice T Cunningham. Educated in common schools Providence and lona, Murray county Minn; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1901. Engaged as contracting freight agent M & St L R R Co at St Paul until 1902; practiced law at Brainerd 1902-1904; in Eveleth 1904-1906; moved to Hibbing and has been en- gaged in the practice of his profes- sion to date. Member M N G. RANNON George, St Paul. Res 7 93 Osceola av, office Minnesota and 7th sts. Merchant. Born June 2 7, 1843 in Abbeyleise, Queens county Ire- land, son of Joseph and Ann (Fitzpatrick) Bannon. Raised on a farm in Ireland and educated in paro- chial schools. Wlien 16 years old was apprenticed for 4 years to a dry goods house. Engaged in busi- ness in this country 18 83 at Indian- apolis and was one of the pioneers in the five and ten cent store business. Established the firm of Bannon & Co dept store 1886. RARCLAY Joseph J, Minneapolis. Res 1783 Humboldt av S, office 246- 250 3d as S. Automobiles. Born Nov 21, 1859 in Prince George county Md, son of Thomas J and Elizabeth D (Jackson) Barclay. Married Sept 24, 1884 to Alice Willard. Educated in public and private schools of Wash- ington D C. Shoe clerk in Washing- ton 1875-81; bank clerk N D 1882- 85; real estate N D 1885-92; added machinery to this line 18 92-1902; automobile business under firm name of Barclay Auto Co 19 02 to date. Pres Minot (N D) Light and Tele- phone Co. RARCLAY Wilton L, St Paul. Res 1780 Iglehart st, office 516 Nat Ger American Bank bldg. Land business. Born Feb 8, 1875 in Melrose Wis, son of David Barclay. Married Dec 23, 189 9 to Edith M Kelsey. Attended public schools at Melrose Wis; High- land Park College Des Moines la. En- gaged in miller's trade 1889-9 6 and then embarked in the land business which he has continued to date. RARDWELL Wiiitield W, Minne- apolis. Res 3 625 Pleasant av, office 310 Minn Loan & Trust bldg. Law- yer. Born July IS, 1867 in Excelsior, Hennepin county Minn, s.on of Wil- liam E and Arminta ( Hamblet") Bardwell. Graduated from the Excel- sior schools and academy and U of M degrees of LL B and L M. Began 20 /.////(■ ^"^Jaichcs of Big Folks. the practice cf law immediately after his graduation and has been continu- ously engaged ever since. Previous to graduation was stenographer and clerk in law oiflce for 4 years. Is sec and dir of the Prince Construction Co. Member of the Minn State Legis- lature 19 03-19 05; chairman of Henne- pin Delegation 19 05. Member Com- mercial Club, Masonic fraternity. Royal Arcanum and Minneapolis Whist Club. BAKlvKR Henry Freeman, Cam- bridge. Lawyer, county atty. Born May 8, 185 in Naples Me, son of John and Catherine (Larrabee) Bar- ker. Married Nov 2 7, 18 79 to Mar- garet C Byers. Educated in common schools; North Bridgton Academy; Westbrook (Me) Seminary; gradu- ated from Albany N Y Law School A B 1875. Taught school; clerked in store and studied law 186 8-75; admitted to bar in Maine and com- menced practice 1875; moved to Minn 1876; taught school one year; supt of schools Mille Lacs county 1877; commenced practice of law in Minn 1877; moved to Cambridge 1878; elected county atty Isanti county 1878; re-elected seven times since; treas of school dist of Cambridge Village 21 years; served in legislature 4 years in House and 8 years in Sen- ate; pres of the Cambridge Milling Co and Cambridge Starch Co. Has served in council of Village of Cam- bridge several terms. IMember State and American Bar assns; Sons of American Revolution and I O O F. IJAllNES Isaac Albert, Minneapolis. Res 1414 Stevens av, office 816 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 7, 1852 in New Bedford Mass, son of Isaac and Emily (Weston) Barnes. Married Sept 7, 1886 to Lizzie L Wil- son. Educated in public schools and private school New Bedford; graduat- ed Albany Law School 1877. Ad- mitted to bar and practiced in New Bedford; moved to Boston and then to Minneapolis in 1882 where he has been engaged in practice since; also invested in real estate and platted a number of additions. Member Com- mercial Club. BARNES Joseph U, Minneapolis. Res 2312 Blaisdell av, office 100 Oneida bldg. Banker. Born March 8, 1858 near Geneseo 111, son of William L and Betsey B (Miller) Barnes. Educated in dist schools with the exception of 3 months in Geneseo 111 High School and 6 months in Davenport la Commercial College. Reared on a farm; worked summers attending school in winter; when twenty years old entered coun- try bank at Stuart la; in Minneapolis banks 187 9-8 5; private bank at Alex- andria Minn 1885; incorporated as a state bank 1886; pres Minn Title, In- surance & Trust Co Minneapolis 1888 to date; principal organizer and stock holder in First National Bank at El- bow Lake Minn; v pres Douglas County Bank Alexandria Minn. Mem- ber Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Commercial Club and Masonic frater- nity, Minnesota Bankers Assn and Citizens Staff GAR. BARNARD Robert Oliver, St Paul. Res 84 4 Marshall av, office 41 Metro- politan Opera House. Railroad man. Born In 1871 in St Paul, son of Charles Porter and Emma (Byxbee) Barnard. Married in 1894 to Lillian Belle Humphrey. Educated in the public schools of St Paul. Office boy in Minnesota & Northwestern R R office St Paul 1887; clerk to treas 1888-94; paymaster Chicago Great Western (formerly Minn & N W) 1894-1902; treas 1902 to date; treas several lines of railroad subsidiary to C G W Ry; dir Iowa Townsite Co. Member of Transportation Club St Paul. BARNES Nathan Miller, Minneapo- lis. Res Virginia Apartments, office Oneida bldg. Banker. Born in 186 6 in Henry county 111, son of William L and Betsy Baker (Miller) Barnes. Married 1906 to Ella May Spencer. Educated in schools of Geneseo 111 and Knox College Galesburg 111. En- gaged with Douglas County Bank Alexandria, and Minnesota Title, In- surance & Trust Co Minneapolis 188 8-9 5; member of the firm of Barnes Bros investment bankers es- tablished 1895; dir Minnesota Title & Trust Co Minneapolis; First Nation- al Bank Elbow Lake Minn; v pres Little Sh-ctrJics of BUj Folkfi. First National Bank Cold Springs Minn. Member of Commercial and Automobile Clubs. BAKXETT Edward De Forest, St Paul. Res 13 74 Summit av. office 100 Endicott Arcade. Investment se- curities. Born Sept 1, 18 51 in Ar- cade N Y, son of Joel anl Adelle C (McKay) Barnett. Married May 2 7, 187 5 to Marietta Rogers. Educated in the public schools and academy at River Falls Wis. Left home when of age and engaged in banking business in Chippewa Falls Wis. Removed to St Paul 1892 and was cashr of Com- mercial Bank at time of re-organiza- tion in 1896; engaged in brokerage investment securities and timber lands business 19 01 to date. KAKXEY Fred E, Minneapolis. Res 915 4th St S E, office 2 07 Central av. Real estate loans and Are insurance. Born Oct 10, 18 59 in Swanton Vt, son of Valentine G and Maria (Had- wen) Barney. Married Sept 17, 1885 to Mary Case. Educated in the pub- lic schools at Swanton Vt, Minneapo- lis and Charles City la. Engaged as clerk in loan and abstract office Charles City la 18 78-81. Removed to Minneapolis 1881; was engaged with Commercial Bank for six years and resigned as assistant cashier; or- ganized the present firm of Fred E Barney real estate loans and fire insurance 1888; pres of the East Side State Bank organized 19 06; sec Merriman Barrows Co; dir St An- thony Improvement Co; county comnr 1901-1904; chairman of board of same 1903-1904; member of Minneapolis Commercial Club; dir and member of its Public Affairs Committee; St Anthony Commercial Club; dir Minneapolis Whist Club. BARRETT John W, St Paul. Res 97 W Central av, office 516 National Ger Am Bank bldg. Lands. Born Aug 31, 1881 in Emerald Wis, son of Frank W and Catherine (Roach) Bar- rett. Educated in public schools and business college St Paul. From grad- uation was clerk in Security Trust Co until 19 02; chief elk for Western Land Co 1902-19 06; appointed sec when firm was incorporated 1906. BARROWS Frederick G, Fergus Falls. Banker. Born Oct 19, 18 59 in Faribault Minn, son of Avery T and Mary (Goodsell) Barrows. Married Sept 2, 1885 to .losephine Gilbert. Ed- ucated in public schools Northfield Minn; graduated from Carleton Col- lege B S 1883. Engaged for some years as land promoter; one of the or- ganizers of Minnesota Land and Colo- nization Co 1901; established North- west Land Co Winnipeg; conducting also the Red Deer Lumber Co of Bai-- rows, Saskatchewan Can of which he is V pres; and the Elks Lbr Co Fernie B C; propr Barrows Deposit and Loan Bank; pres First National Bank Hen- ning Minn; and Fergus Tel Co; v pres First National Bank Fergus Falls; Red River Milling Co; Ceres Elevator Co; N W Land Co. Member Minneapolis Club. BARROAVS Morton, St Paul. Res 912 Lincoln av. office 810 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born June 14,185 6 at Read- ing Mass, son of William and Eliza- beth A (Gate) Borrows. Married 1885 to Ada Corinne Noble. Grad- uated from Reading Mass High School 1873; Phillips-Andover Acad- emy Mass 18 76; Harvard College A B 1880; Brown University Law School LL B 1883. BARRY Roland L, St Paul. Res 1076 Laurel av, office 8th and Cedar sts. Telephone mngr. Born May 5, 1877 in Bangor Me, son of William P and Henrietta M (Dorman) Barry. Married June 19 02 to Gertrude C Col- ter. Educated in the elementary and high schools of Minneapolis. Was in emi)loy of Soo R R 4 years; chief elk N W Telephone Co 4 years; mngr Twin City (now Tri-State) Telephone Co 1901 to date. Member Commer- cial Club; Business League St Paul; American Institute Electrical Engin- eers New York. BARTEL3IE Ferdinand M, Minnea- polis. Res Swinford Flats, office 819 Security Bank bldg. Lumber. Born Feb 2, 1882 in Chicago, son of Ferdi- nand E and Emma C (Tiedemaun) Bartelme. Educated in the public schools and Lewis Inst Chicago. Em- ployed in lumber business Marshfield Wis 1900-19 01; same in Chicago 28 Little Sketches of Big Folks. 1901-1902; with Frederick Upham & Co Chicago 19 02-1906; in lumber business for self Minneapolis 1906 to date. BAKTLESOX Charles J, Minneapo- lis. Res 1200 Chestnut av, office 425 New York Life bldg. Lawyer. Born April 3, 1844 in Macomb 111, son of Charles Mahelm and Mary Ann (Airey) Bartleson. Married May 9, 1871 to Harriet Newel Wright. Ed- ucated in public schools of Macomb 111 and the McDonough College until 1861. Enlisted in the 2d 111 Vol Cav- alry Aug 2, 1861; discharged Aug 11, 1864; then studied law in the office of Hon John S Thompson Aledo 111; was admitted to the bar by supreme court of 111 Feb 22, 18 67; moved to Minneapolis in May 18 72 and has practiced law there since that time. Member of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences; Minnesota State Bar Assn and Minneapolis Club. BARTLESON Guilder, Fergus Falls. Retired. Born Aug 25, 1849 in Blue Mounds Wis, son of Oswald and Mar- tha (Gunderson) Bartelson. Married Jan 1876 to Bertha Leistelson. Ed- ucated in Upper Iowa Univ Fayette la. Engaged in teaching school in la and Otter Tail county Minn until 1875; served as sheriff 6 years; en- gaged in farming to date Member Board of Aldermen. BARTLETT Elmer D, St Paul. Res 8 53 Hastings av, office 314 Endicott bldg. Real estate and farm lands. Born Jan 2 9, 184 6, son of F H and Sarah (Kelburn) Bartlett. Twice mar- ried: Nov 11, 1866 to Alice Hoff; Jan 19, 19 00 to Mrs J E Lockwood. Edu- cated in the common schools of N Y, Wis and Minn: graduated from Chat- field Academy 1863; Eastman's Com- mercial School Chicago I860. Came to Minn in 1866; in grain business on Milwaukee road; operating grain ele- vators, buying and shipping grain 18 74-9 9: buying and selling land in S D and Wilkin, Stevens and Norman counties Minn; v pres and gen mngr Park Region Land Co 19 01 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and Com- mercial Club St Paul. BARTLETT Merrill, Minneapolis. Res 2503 Hennepin av, office 916 Guaranty bldg. Born June 20, 1868 in Galesburg 111, son of Rubard Mod- dy and Martha Jane (Merrill) Bart- lett. Married June 7, 1890 to Emelie F Thomson. Educated in public and high schools of Minn, Aurora and Chi- cago 111. First engaged in employ of Minneapolis Mill Co as bkpr, elk, chief elk, etc, until 19 02 when he re- signed to engage as private sec to Clinton Morrison; now in general real estate business. Pres Roosevelt Club: member Commercial and Min- netonka Boat Clubs; and Real Es- tate Board. BxlRTLETT AVallace R, Minneapo- lis. Res 3248 Bryant av S, office 500 Sykes blk. Real estate. Born July 10, 1828 in Green O, son of David R and Emeline (Brace) Bartlett. Mar- ried May 1, 184 8 to Sarah F Towne. Educated in dist schools; graduated from Austinburg (O) Seminary 184 7. Taught school until 1855; moved to Vassar Mich and established the Tus- cola County Pioneer 18 57; member of Michigan Legislature 1856-5 7; enrol- ing elk Mich State Senate 1859; and also engaged in gen store business continuously until 1865; moved to Omaha Neb and engaged in land busi- ness 1865-82; member Nebraska Leg- islature 1862-73; moved to Minneapo- lis 1882 and has engaged in real es- tate business to date. BARTLETT AVilliaiii W, Minneapo- lis. Office 5 00 Sykes bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 22, 1860 in Vassar Mich, son of Wallace R and Sarah F (Towne) Bartlett. Twice married: 1881 to Rosalind Wiese, 189 5 to Nellie Willis. Received his education in pub- lic schools at Vassar Mich and Omaha Neb. Left school in 1876 to take position as clerk in U S Int Rev of- fice: learned the printer's trade: be- came reporter, editor, publisher and contributor; commenced to study law in 1878: was admitted to practice at Omaha Neb 1880; moved to Minnea- polis April 3. 1883. BARTON Elijah, Mound. Office Oneida bldg Minneapolis. Law- yer. Born May 2 5, 185 5 in Pa. Mar- ried 18 84 to Miss Ella A Austin. Attended district and state normal schools in Pa; graduated from law dept Univ of Mich 1884; post graduate course in law dept U of M; Little >^kctchcs of Bit/ Foils. 29 has practiced law in Minneapolis 1884 to date. Prof of medical jurispru- dence Hamline Univ medical dept. Member Commercial Club Minneapo- lis. BAKTOX Frederick W, St Paul. Res 1786 Marshall av, office 620 Man- hattan bldg. Lawj'er. Born July 31, 1870 in Wayzata, Hennepin county Minn, son of James S and Elizabeth (Blasdell) Barton. Married Sept 12, 189 2 to Nell Haydon. Educated in common schools and graduated from law dept U of M 1893. Engaged alone in practice of law until 1896; atty for American Adjustment Co Minneapolis 1896-1901; same in St Paul 1902 to date. BAKTON George C, Minneapolis. Res 4047 Park boul, office 1033-1034 Andrus bldg. Physician and surgeon (R). Born April 20, 1853 in Pa, son of Baltzer E and Nancy Jane (Chik'Ote) Barton. Reared on a farm; attended public and private schools and a state normal school in Pa; taught school in winter 1868-1877; studied medicine and graduated from Jefferson Medical College Philadel- phia 1880. Practiced medicine in Bedford county Pa 18 80-8 4; in Minn 1884 to date; prof of physiology in Hamline Univ St Paul 1893-99; gyne- cology 1899 to date; member board of trustees 1897-1906; dean of coll- ege since 19 03; gynecologist to St Barnabas Hospital, Swedish Hospital and Minneapolis City Hospital; has written much for medical press; own- ed and edited the Buffalo (Minn) Gazette. Member Hennepin County and Minneapolis State Medical socie- ties; American Medical Assn; Wes- tern Surgical and Gynecological Assn; Phi Ro Sigma college fraternity; Min- neai)o]is Commercial Club. P.AKTON Huinphrey, St Paul. Res 6 50 Goodrich av, office New York Life bldg. Lawyer. Born May 6, 185 7 in Fulton county Pa, son of B E and Nancy J (Cliilcote) Barton. Educat- ed in the public schools and the In- diana State Normal School: ad- mitted to bar in 1885 and has practiced in St Paul since that date; frequent delegate to city, county, state and national democratic con- ventions. IMember St Paul Commer- cial Club. BAKTON John A, Two Harbors. Banker. Born July 9, 1877 in Two Rivers jNIinn, son of Albert and Beat- rice (Trettle) Barton. Married Aug 8, 1905 to Helen H Currer. Ed- ucated in common, high and normal schools in St Cloud Minn; and St John's Univ CollegevilleMinn. Taught school 1893-94; salesman for farm machinery 189 4-9 6; clerk Little Falls 189 6-9 8; asst cashr of bank in Ely 1898-1902; assisted in re-organiza- tion of First National Bank Two Harbors into First State Bank; of which he is now cashr; sec-treas Lake County Land Co. Member Outlook Club, B P O E. BAKZEN Mathias, Thief River Falls. Miller. Born Jan 18 64 in Germany, son of Sebastian and Cath- erine Barzen. Married June 14, 1900 to Anna Schlosser. Educated in Ger- many. Located in Mich until 1891; moved to Grand Rapids Minn and lat- er to Thief River Falls in 1895; en- gaged in milling business as member of Hanson & Barzen 1898; incorpo- rated 1904 as Hanson & Barzen Mill- ing Co of which he is pres. V pres First State Bank. Member Commer- cial Club and Catholic Order of For- esters. BASHAW Carl Oscar, Minneapolis. Res Hotel Atlantic, office 118 N 4th St. Broker. Born Nov 3 0, 1884 in Ar- kansaw Wis, son of Carlos and Mary Charlotta (Johnson) Bashaw. Ed- ucated in the Plummer District School Pepin county Wis; Stockholm Wis 1891-94; Dunn County Agricultural College 1901; Metropolitan Business College Minneapolis 1902. Engaged with S C Tooker & Co brokers as elk and salesman 1903-1905; with Green & DeLaittre Co 1905 to 1906; engaged in busines for self under firm name of C O Bashaw & Co brok- ers April 1906 to date. BASSFOKD E P, St Paul. Res 441 Iglehart st, office 431 Gilfillan blk. Architect. Born June 7, 183 7 in Ca- lais Me, son of Asher Benjamin and Lucv J Bassford. Married twice; first to Hannah Todd; second to Catharine Murphy. Graduated from the Calais Me Academy; served apprenticeship in his business under Charles Banter of Boston Mass; began business in ao Little Slrtchcs of Big Folks. Portland Me as member of firm of Sparrow & Bassford architects 18 65; has practiced in St Paul from Nov 18 66 to date; served as private in Co B 4 4th Mass Vol in Civil War. BATCHELDER Geoijie AV, Fari- bault. Lawyer. Born Feb 18, 182 6 in Danville Vt, son of John and Elsie (Kittredge) Batchelder. Married in 1858 to Catharine E Lavis. Attended public schools and Phillips Academy Danville Vt; graduated from State Univ Burlington Vt: studied law in office in Windsor Vt and later at Rogersville Tenn; admitted to bar 1854; practiced law Janesville Wis 1854; moved to Faribault Minn 1855 and has practiced his profession there to date. Member state senate 1872-7.3; mayor of Faribault 1880- 81; chairman of school board Fari- bault 1880-95: pres of Rice Coutny Bar Assn; member Minn State Bar Assn and State Historical Society; member Masonic fraternity. BATES Marcus AVhitniaii, Duluth. Res 319 E 4th st, office 4-5 Exchange bldg. Commission merchant. Born April 2 6, 18 40 in Chester Ohio, son of Abner Curtis and Laura W (Baker) Bates. Married April 9, 1861 to Mary E Bisbee. Educated in common schools Chester and Cleve- land O, and Excelsior Minn Academy. Employed with Bassett & Co lum- ber Minneapolis 185 7-5 8; enlisted in Grand Rapids in 21st Mich Inf and served in Civil War 18 62-65; return- ed to Grand Rapids and organized Grand Rapids Savings Bank 1871; cashr of same until 18 76; establish- ed and was sec of Grandville Plaster Co Grand Rapids from 1876; moved to Duluth and engaged in whol com- mission business 1891 to date; sec Northern Land & Lumber Co. Mem- ber GAR and Loyal Legion. BATES William E, Minneapolis. Res 243 2 Chicago av, office Court House. Court commisisoner of Hennepin county. Born Aug 9, 187 5 in Lewiston Me, son of Wells H and Rosalie (Belleau) Bates. Attended public schools of Lewiston Me; grad- uate of State Univ of Iowa LL B 1896; U of M, LL M 1897. Practiced law in Minneapolis since 189 7 and in 1904 elected countv comnr. BAUMAXN AVilUam A, Winona. Fire insurance. Born June 12, 1872 in Winona Minn, -son of Phillips Bau- mann. Married in 189 6 to Emma B Booth. Attended public schools in Winona. Engaged in clerical work fire ins office 1887-92; in fire ins business for self 1892 to date. BAl MGARTXER Paul E, Winona. Banker. Born April 8, 1862 in Brown county Minn, son of Bernard Baum- gartner. Married 1887 to Luella Vance. Educated in Mankato public schools and Winona High School. First engaged in teaching school Brown county 1880-81; employed as messr Winona Deposit Bank 1881-82; bkpr 1881-8 5: teller 1885-90: asst cashr 1890-95: cashr 1895 to date. Dir First National Bank Hallock; Farmers & Merchants Bank Roseau ; Farmers & Merchants Bank Green- bush. Member Business Men's Assn. BAXTER Hector, Minneapolis. Res 4 2 00 Park boul, office 83 2-833 Lum- ber Exchange. Lawyer. Born Sept 22, 1849 at Eldon Ont, son of Du- gald and Christian (McFadyen) Bax- ter. Married April 2 9, 1885 to Cor- nelia Barns. Attended public schools at Lorneville, Ont Can; Rockwood Academy 18 70; taught school several years; graduated Univ of Mich LL B 1882. Pres and dir Minnesota & Man- itoba R R Co; Minnesota & Ontario Bridge Co; Rainy River Investment Co; member Linden Hills Improve- ment Assn. Member Minneapolis Commercial Club: council member Brotherhood St Andrew; supt St Mark's and St John's Sunday Schools; member Masonic fraternity 3 2d deg; Odd Fellows; K of P. BAXTER John T, Minneapolis. Res 4 601 Fremont av, office 1105 Nicollet av. Lawyer. Born Oct 15, 1862 in Berlin Wis, son of Thomas and Susanna (Lewis) Baxter. Mar- ried 1891 to Gertrude Hooker. Grad- uated from Williams College Will- iamstown Mass A B 1887. Has prac- ticed law 189 to date; sec Minnea- polis Bar Assn 1892-1905: gen coun- sel N W National Life Ins Co Min- neapolis. Member Minneapolis Com- mercial and Six O'clock clubs; and American Bar Assn. J/ittlc i^kctches of Big Folks. :il IJAYAKl) Frederick L, St Paul. Res 7 28 Cherokee av, office Pioneer Press bldg. City real estate. Born 1852 in Hillsboro O, son of William H and Rachel (Lewis) Bayard. Married Emma L Pilling. Attended public schools in Brooklyn N Y 2 years; Shattuck Grammar School Faribault Minn 1866-6 7. Buyer for Noyes Bros & Cutler St Paul 1880-85; for R A Holden & Co Cincinnati O 18 85- 86; junior member Davidson, Bayard & Co St Paul 188 6-93; senior member Bayard, Deuel & Co 1893 to date. Treas Real Estate Exchange; City Mission Society and Ascension Parish St Paul. BAYLESS Vincent Whitney, Minne- apolis. Res 1786 Irving av S, office 83 6 Metropolitan Life bldg. Banking and timber lands. Born Oct 15, 184 5 in Broome county N Y, son of Gen John and Almira (Cooper) Bayless. Married Oct 9, 1873 to Clara T Pome- roy of Cortland N Y. Attended dist- rict schools in native county; at 12 removed to Highland Kan with his parents; attended Highland Univ; at- tended a business college and found- ed Bayless Business College at Free- port 111; was pres of same 1866-69; connected with City Nat Bank of Binghamton N Y 18 69-73; organized First National Bank of Chippewa Falls Wis; served as cashr of same 18 73-7 6; organized Chippewa Valley Bank Eau Claire Wis 1876; half owner of and conducted same 1876-85; sold out interest in 1885 and same year moved to Minneapolis. Receiver U S land office Eau Claire Wis 1878-85; part owner and sec Coolidge Fuel & Supply Co Minnea- polis 1886-9 0; part owner and sec and treas Mich Cedar Co 18 88-98; buying and selling timber lands Min- neapolis 189 9 to date. BEACH William Artenius, Manka- to. Res 420 Warren st, office 402 Front St. Physician and surgeon (H). Born Oct 20, 1868 in Ionia Mich, son of Benager H and Clar- inda (Weston) Beach. Married Dec 10, 1902 to Gertrude C Hanna. Ed- ucated in the Minneapolis public schools; graduated from U of M; B S 1890; M D 1893. Member State Board of Medical Examiners 1903- 19 06; member Board of Education. BEAL Willis Norman, Minneapo- lis. Res 5 01 Forest av, office 392 Phoenix bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 11, 1883 in Guilford Me, son of William and Abbie Florence (Wey- mouth) Beal. Attended public schools at Guilford Me; graduated from Guilford High School 1902; law dept U of M, LL B 1906. BEAN Martin V, Anoka. Hard- ware. Born Jan 14, 1831 in Dex- ter Me, son of William and Sarah (Norton) Bean. Married Aug 11, 18 62 to Louise J McFarlin. Ed- ucated in common schools. Moved to Anoka 1855; employed in lumber business until 1862; served in Co A Sth Minn 1862-65 as 2d lieut; in lumber business 1865-72; in hard- ware business as Bean & Guderian 1872-9 5; firm changed to M V Bean continuing until 1904; then changed to M V & W' M Bean to date. Dir Anoka Nat Bank; ex-chairman of Board of Supervision; ex-alderman, ex-mayor; and ex-sheriff of Anoka county; member state legislature 1882-86. Member K P and GAR BEAN AVilliam Hersey, Stillwater. Res 301 W Olive st, office 73 5 S Main st. Lands. Born Feb. 17, 1873 in Stillwater, son of Jacob and Cy- thina A Bean. Married Oct 3 0. 1895 to Mary A Bronson. Educated in pub- lic schools Stillwater; Emerson Inst Washington D C and Princeton Univ. First engaged with father on fruit ranch Alhambra Cal 1893-94; returned to Stillwater and was in employ of Hersey & Bean as bkpr 1894-1900; trustee of Hersey & Bean lands 19 00 to date; dir Foley Bean Lbr Co Milaca Minn; St Croix Boom Co Stillwater; sec-treas Jacob Bean Inv Co Alhambra Cal. Mem- ber Minnesota Club St Paul. BEAN William Martin, Anoka. Hardware merchant and poultry fan- cier. Born July 24, 1866 in Anoka Minn, son of Martin V and Louise J Bean. Married Nov 2 7, 1889 to Maud J McLean. Educated in An- oka public schools. Entered employ of Bean & Guderian hardware 1882 and has continuously been with its successors; also conducted bicycle and sporting goods store 1898- 1902; consolidated same with M V 32 Little Sketches of Big Folks. Bean's hardware business establish- ed 18 72; firm became the Bean Hardware Co 1903 continuing to date; identified with poultry busi- ness for 2 years making specialty of "Buff Colored Fowls;" has taken 1000 premiums; pres Anoka Poultry Assn 6 years; life member American Buff Leghorn Club, v pres 1906- 1907; member and v pres 2 years Minnesota State Poultry Assn; member and v pres Minn Fanciers Assn; asst supt poultry dept Minn State Fair 5 years. Member 6 years and purchasing agt city council 5 years. Member Anoka Commercial Club; Modern Woodmen, Royal Ar- canum and United Workmen. BEARDSLEY Benjamin F, St Paul. Res 706 Dayton av, office 541 Endicott bldg. Insurance. Born June 10, 1860 in St Joe county Ind, son of Elijah Hubbell and Matilda (Lemon) Beardsley. Married Feb 19, 1889 to Amelia Phoebe Simonds. Received his education in the public schools in Buchanan Mich. Conduct- ed a news-stand in the village post- office in Buchanan Mich 1877; clerked in hardware store 18 79. In the argricultural implement business in Minneapolis 1880-91; since which time he has been engaged in the in- surance business St Paul represent- ing the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co and the Employers Liability Assur- ance Ltd of London; sec of St Paul Chamber of Commerce 1900-190 4 and of N W office Nat Irrigation Assn for 4 years. Is a member of several national and state assns for social and commercial good; the Commer- cial Club and the Church Club, Dio- cese of Minn. BECHHOEFER Charles, St Paul. Res 84 7 Ashland av, ofl^ce 2 08 Nat German American Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born Jan 1, 186 4 in Woodbury Pa, son of A L and Rebecca (Gold- schmidt) Bechhoefer. Attended Al- toona Pa High School 1 8 80-83 grad- uating; law dept Univ of Mich 1883- 8 5 graduating LL B. Moved to St Paul 18 85 and entered law office of J B & W H Sanborn remaining 2 years. Practiced law in St Paul 1887 to date U S comnr June 189 9 to Dec 1905. BECKLEY Frederick Lee, St Paul. Res 1840 Marshall av, office cor Prior and St Anthony avs. Physician and surgeon (R). Born 1871 in Paynes- ville Minn, son of M P and Kate (Hoover) Beckley. Married 1901 to Myrtle Dwelle. Attended public school at Paynesville; Hamline Univ 1890-93; medical dept U of M 1894- 9 7. Practiced medicine in St Paul 1897 to date. Member Ramsey Coun- ty and State Medical assns; local surgeon N P R R. BECKMAN Charles, Red Wing. Shoe mnfr. Born Feb 23, 1856 in Hamburg Germany, son of John and Catherine (Putman) Beck- man. Married in 1906 to Francis W^arner. Educated in public schools Hamburg Germany. Employed in shoe mnfy 18 73-78; clerk in retail shoe store Red Wing 1878-83; en- gaged in business for self 1893 to date; also in shoe mnfg 19 05 to date. Member Commercial Club. BECKMAN John L, Minneapolis. Res 1820 11th av S, office 1019 N Y Life bldg. Manufacturer. Born Jan 8. 1866 in Sweden, son of Lars and Inga (Pierson) Beckman. Married June 16, 1897 to Marta G Rick. Edu- cated in common schools of Sweden. Moved to Wright county Minn 1881; farmed until 1883; moved to Minne- apolis and was employed in cement works 1883-88; organized and operat- ed Franklin Stone Sidewalk Co 1S8S- 19 05; organized Minneapolis Paving & Cement Brick Mnfg Co Inc 1905 of which he is pres. Dir Swedish Hospital. BEDE J Adam, Pine Citv. Con- gressman. Born 1856 in Lorain coun- ty Ohio. Educated in Ohio public schools. First engaged in teaching school and was employed as report- er on various newspapers; served as U S marshal for Minn 1 year; cam- paign orator 189 6-1900; member of U S House of Representatives 1903 to date. BEDFORD Salatliiel Boyd, Rush- more. Banker. Born Oct 10, 185 7 in Sullivan county Pa, son of Jonas and Lydia (Molyneux) Bedford. Mar- ried Oct 10, 18 80 to Alida Dettmer- ing. Educated in common schools. Little .Sketches of BUj Folks. 33 Clerk in gen store 18 75; clerk in drug store 1876-80; registered phar- macist 1880; propr gen store 1880- 94; propr private bank 189 4-1903; cashr State Bank 19 03 to date. Member H C Constable & Co and Christensen Grain Co. State sena- tor 1906 to date; mayor Rushmore 4 years; county comnr 4 years; mem- ber school board 10 years; town elk 6 years and town treas 6 years. BEGG AVilliam Reynolds, St Paul. Res 421 Laurel av, office Great Northern Railway. Lawyer. Born Feb 12, 18 69 in Spartanburg S C, son of James and Mary (Shakleford) Begg. Was educated in private schools at Glendale and Clifton S C until 13 years of age; worked in the gen store at Clifton for 3 years and attended the Hartford Conn High School for 4 years; Yale Univ class of 1893; Yale Law School 1893-4; U of M Law School 189 4-9 5. In office of the gen counsel of the Great Northern Ry 1894-99; conducted a gen practice 1899-19 03; Squire & Begg and Armstrong & Begg. Has been asst gen sol for the Great Northern Ry 1903 to the present time. ^Member of the American Bar Assn, Minn State Bar Assn and Ram- sey County Bar Assn. HEGGS Jerry R, St Paul. Res 6 61 E 5th St, office 614 Manhattan bldg. Commission merchant. Born Aug 22, 1868 in Portage county Wis, son of William R and *Jane (Roseberry) Beggs. Married 1900 to Lulu Werth. Educated in public schools Plainfield Minn. Engaged in potato business North Branch; moved to St Paul and established firm of J R Beggs & Co potato buyers and shippers 1901. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. I5EHNKE August F, St Paul. Res 2 5 Summit av, office 4th and Wacou- ta sts. Importer of teas and coffees. Born Oct 12, 1849 in Prussia Ger- many, son of Charles F and Wil- lielmina (Baege) Behnke. Married to Alice A Leonard. Educated in public and private schools Milwau- kee. :\Ioved to St Paul 1882 and engaged in tea and coffee business; of firm of McCormick & Behnke Co 3 1890; founded A P Behnke & Co 1905 importers and whol teas, coffees and spices. BEISE George W, Morris. Law- yer. Born May 10, 1875 in Maple- ton Minn, son of August and Sophia (Lauder) Beise. Graduated from Mankato High School 1896; special course in history and political econ- omy Cornell N Y Univ; studied law with Pfau & Pfau Mankato. Ad- mitted to bar 1899; practiced in Wells until 1900; practicing in Mor- ris 1900 to date. County atty Stevens county 1906 to date. Sec Morris Library Board. BEISE Rudolph A, Brainerd. Phy- sician and surgeon (R). Born March 30, 1877 in Blue Earth county Minn, son of August and Sophia (Ladder) Beise. Married May 2 8, 1902 to Min- nie A Keller. Graduated from Man- kato High School 1897 and Rush Medi- cal College Chicago 1901. After grad- uation engaged in practice of his pro- fession in Fergus Falls 1 year; moved to Brainerd and has continued to prac- tice to date. County physician Crow Wing county 4 years ; chairman Board of Health of Brainerd. Member Up- per Mississippi Valley Medical Soci- ety and Minn State Medical Society; Brainerd Commercial Club; B P O E; K of P and M W A. BELDEX Henry C, Minneapolis. Res 3 06 Oak Grove, office 610-614 Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 30, 1841 in Burke Vt, son of Haynes W and Lydia P (Blake) Bel- den. Married April 1865 to Carrie H Kimball. Educated in the com- mon schools and village academy of his native town. Studied law in of- fice of Thomas Bartlett, Lyndon Vt 1861-64. Practiced in Lyndon and later moved to St Johnsbury Vt, practiced under firm name of Belden & Ide 1873-84; moved to Minneapo- lis and formed partnership under firm name of Gilfillan, Belden & Willard 1885-9 4; elected dist judge Minneapolis 1894; now member of firm of Belden, Jamison & Shearer. Member state senate Vt 187 6-80; Nat Rep convention Chicago 1880. Member Commercial and Minneapo- lis clubs. :U Liltlv Slrtchcs of Bhj FoRs. BELKNAP Austin L, Minneapolis. Res 19 74 Kenwood pkway, ofRce N Y Life bldg. Insurance. Born May 12, 1859 in Nortlifleld Vt, son of Lor- enzo and Betsey (Austin) Belltnap. Attended Northfield Vt graded and high school. Bkpr for Belknap, Ely & Co iron founders and machinists Northfield Vt 187 5-7 7; in ins office of Shaw & Co St .Johnsbury Vt 1877- 79; paymaster Fairbanks Scale Works 1879-81; with Fletcher Bros taking part in lumber business in Minneapolis and stock raising in Montana 1881-86; in charge of ins dept of Corser & Co some years; member Corser-Belknap Agency; pres A L Belknap Agency; v pres Minne- apolis Insurance Agency 1904 to date. Served 5 years in Vt militia. Mem- ber Sons of the American Revolu- tion: Society of the Fine Arts; Min- neapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis. BELL John E, Excelsior. OfRce 60 S 4th st Minneapolis. Banker. Born Oct 10, 1834 in Brownsville N Y, son of .Joiin and Sarah (Cooper) Bell. Mar- ried 18 58 to Jennie C Smith; Feb 1, 189 8 to Ruth Harris. Educated in dist school West Almond; Allegany coun- ty N Y. Gen merchandise Dexter N Y 1854-56; clerked in Minneapolis 1857-58; member Bell Bros mer- chants Minneapolis 18 58-6 8; buyer in N Y for Auerbach, Finch & Van Slyck St Paul 1868-70; returned to Minneapolis 1870; helped organize Hennepin County Savings Bank 1870; pres said bank 1870 to date; dir Minn Loan & Trust Co. Alderman in Minneapolis and member Hook & Ladder Co 185 7 ; pres Hennepin Coun- ty Pioneers Assn; also of Minneapo- lis Atheneum Library 1880 to date; pres Minn Pioneers Assn; dir Minn State Sunday School Assn 1859 to date. BEMEXT Robert Bunker Coleman, St Paul. Res 2 7 Summit ct, office 4th and Wacouta sts. Merchant. Born July 3, 184 8 in Northumber- land, Saratoga county N Y, son of William and Catherine Bacon (Lewis) Bement. Married Dec 31, 1872. At- tended Univ of N Y City; graduated in civil engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy N Y 1869. Res eng B & M R R in Nebraska 18 69-70; chief eng Chic, Dub & Minn and Chic, Clin & Dub Rys Dubuque la (now the river div of C, M & St P) 1870-74; chief eng Troy & Boston (now Fitchburg div Boston & Me R R > 18 7 5-7 9 ; mnfr hammers and forg- ings Buffalo N Y 1879-82; member A Storrs & Bement whol paper and mill agents Boston 1882-86; civil and contracting eng and hydraulic eng Charleston W Va; Duluth; West Su- perior, Bozeman Mont and other cit- ies; water comnr St Palu 1891-1901; pres water board St Paul 1892-98; maj of engs U S Vol Manila P I 189 8-99; pres Robinson & Cary Co mill and ry supplies, steam eng, pumps, boilers etc; whol and mnfrs agents St Paul; pres Southern States Pine Products Co Savannah Ga: sec and treas Mercantile Warehousing Co. Member Univ Club N Y City: Town and Country and Minn clubs St Paul. BEMIS John Bentley, Minnetonka Beach. Office N Y Life bldg St Paul. Physician (O). Born Aug 24, 1858 in Janesville Wis, son of Jervis Or- lando and Eunice M (Bump) Bemis. Married May 15, 1884 to Nannie C Hamilton, Alton 111. Attended public schools; Evansville Wis High School; State Normal College Whitewater Wis; graduated from Northern Col- lege of Osteopathy and Surgery Min- neapolis, D O 189 7. On leaving school taught; began study of medi- cine under regular preceptor mean- while engaging in business: became impressed with osteopathy and took it up. Charter member State Osteo- pathic Assn; chairman legislative committee which after 6 years fight secured act legalizing osteopathy; re- gent and lecturer on osteopathy in Northern College Osteopathy and Sur- gery INIinneapolis. Member American Osteopathic Assn; Minn Osteopathic Clinic; Osteopathic Board of Examin- ers Minn: Commercial Club. V pres Cobb Hospital. BEXECKE Ernest Gustav, St Paul. Res East Shore Park, office 286 Jack- son St. Manufacturer. Born Oct IS, 1870 in Konigsberg Germany, son of Gustav and Louisa (Drabner) Ben- ecke. Married Oct 2 5, 189 5 to Leota von Borries. Educated in Germany Came to U S in 1884; in bottling mnfg and supply' business 1888 to Little Sl-etcJies of Bitl:s. 45 BOLT James, St Paul. Res 154 Western av N, office 117 E 4th st. Real estate and loans. Born Dec 2 9, 185 8 In Lichtensteig Switzerland, son of Nicholas and Anna ( Boesch ) Bolt. Educated in primary and high schools Lichtensteig and cantonal school Lausanne Switzerland. After leaving school took a 3 year course in banking; later was employed for 1 year with his father; removed to N Y 18 79 and was employed as bkpr and cashr until 1886; moved to St Paul 188 6 and was variously employ- ed in banking institutions and for 7 years with Mannheimer Bros dry goods; engaged in real estate busi- ness alone 189 6-19 04; as member of firm of Bolt Bros 19 04-19 06; alone 1906 to date. Member Real Estate Exchange. BOLTER Leon Mayiiaid, Grand Rapids. Banker. Born Jan 28, 1874 in South Amherst Mass, son of Ed- ward G and Hattie E (Nutting) Bolt- er. Married Oct 189 8 to Roxana Hel- gaard. Educated in common and high schools South Amherst and Am- herst Mass. Moved to Cloquet 189 4 and engaged as elk for Prince, Shel- don <^- Co bankers until 1896 when the business was incorporated as Merchants Bank of Cloquet of which he was cashr until 1898; name changed to First National Bank in w^hich he remained in same capa- city until 1900; dist mngr Equitable Life Assurance Society Duluth 1900- 1902; moved to Grand Rapids and organized First State Bank of which he is cashr; v pres First State Bank Bovey Minn. BOLTOX Newton H, Minneapolis. Res 182 9 21/2 St S, office 166 Western av. Manufacturer. Born Feb 10, 183 9 in Cleveland O, son of Hiram and Gracelia (Shepard) Bolton. Mar- ried Nov 12, 1865 to Mary L Norton. Educated in common schools and academy at Twinsburg O. Engaged in farming until 1861; in mechanical business 1861-65; supt of sawmill Omro Wis until 1872; moved to Min- neapolis 18 72 and engaged in ma- chinery mnfg business; pres Bolton Lath & Shingle Machinery Co 189 8 to date. BOND Charles E, Minneapolis. Res 1416 Willow St, office 418 Guaranty bldg. Lawyer. Born March 18. 1865 near Titusville N J, son of Charles C and Mary P (Jones) Bond. Mar- ried Dec 4, 1897 to Marie Antoniette Palmer. Attended common schools of N J; College of Pharmacy; Minne- apolis School of Physicians and Sur- geons (now part of Hamline Univer- sity); law dept U of M, LL B 1890; LL M 1896; studied for D C L, U of M 189 7-9 8; instructor law dept U of M 189 6-9 7. Reared on a farm; bound to service as a farmer's boy 18 76-80; worked in Minneapolis saw- mills 1881; cook in grading camp on N P Ry Mont; in U S army 1881-86; in retail drug business 188 7-90; ad- mitted to practice of pharmacy in Minn 1887; capt 15th Minn Vols in Spanish-American War; practiced law in Minneapolis 1890 to date. BOXD Scipio, Anoka. Dentist. Born April 2 8, 185 9 in Dayton township, Hennepin county Minn, son of Heze- kiah and Ann (Hough) Bond. Mar- ried Dec 2, 1886 to Laura A Burr- ill. Educated in the pul)lic schools: worked at farming, lumbering and teaching school until 1885; began course 18 85 and graduated from Pennsylvania College of Dental Sur- gery D D S 18 89; post graduate course Chicago 189 6. Has been en- gaged in the practice of dentistry in Anoka to date. Member Minne- sota State Dental Assn and Anoka Carnegie Library Board. BOOKSTAVER George Cole, St Paul. Res 60 5 Dayton av, office 46 Davidson blk. Manufacturers' agent. Born April 7, 1871 in New York N Y, son of George Cole and Mary Anne (McKenna) Bookstaver. Educated in the common schools New York City and St Paul High School graduating as pres of his class; clerk in Pow- ers Dry Goods Co 1890-91; city sales- man 1891-9 7; trav salesman 189 7- 98; served in Spanish-American War as 1st lieut Co B 15th Minn Vol. and returned as city salesman in same employ until 19 00; resigned and ac- cepted position of mnfrs' agt for Per- cival D Palmer & Co Chicago, mnfrs of women's and children's garments 46 Little tSkctcJies of Big Folks. handling dist of Minn and N and S Dakota. Member Commercial, Town and Country clubs and B P O E. Or- ganized and was first capt of original Roosevelt Club; served 10 years as drill officer in Co D 1st Regt M N G. BORER Leo J, St Paul. Res 161 College av, office 1002-1003 NY Life bldg. Ins, loans and real estate. Born Mar 3, IS 79 in St Paul, son of Ursus and Ludwine (Miller) Borer. Mar- ried April 14, 1902 to Margaret V Mitsch. Graduated from Cretin High School 1893: attended college at Feldkirch Austria and Aigle Switzer- land graduating June 2 0, 1897. Gen agt German Ace Assn Corp; special agt German Fire Ins Co; State agt United American Fire Ins Co of Mil- waukee. Doing gen ins, loan and real estate business and taking care of family estate. BORER Ursus, St Paul. Res 161 College av, office 1002 N Y Life bldg. Retired capitalist. Born March 13, 183 2 in Kleinlutzel Switzerland, son of Joseph and Anna Maria Borer. Married in 187 8 to Ludwine Muller. Educated in Soleure Switzerland 183 9-4 6. Moved to U S and settled in New Orleans 18 54; engaged in copper mining in Calumet Mich and vicinity until 1856; moved to St Paul and was in employ of Fritag whol grocery house until 1858; engaged in retail grocery business for self 1858-77; traveled in Switzerland un- til 1878; returned to St Paul and en- gaged in real estate business and in supervision of his own property in- terests until 1903; retired and trans- ferred his interests to his son Leo J Borer; now spends the greater part of his time in Europe. Member St Peter Benevolent Society; D R K U V; on board of German Catholic Or- phanage. BORRESOX Bone H, St Paul. Res 840 Curfew av, office and works Cur- few and University avs. Machinist and manufacturer. Born in Norway 186 4, son of Hans A and Marie (An- dersen) Borreson. Married 189 2 to Cora E Johnson. Attended the Latin School at Lillehammer Norway; the public schools at LaCrosse Wis; and the Univ of Wis. Instructor in me- chanical dept Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind; apprenticed to John James & Co LaCrosse Wis; worked in vari- ous machine shops and manufac- tories in different parts of the U S; had charge of the machine shops of Gisholt Machine Co Madison Wis in its early days; from then until 189 7 propr N W Machine Works Minneapo- lis and founder and propr Borreson Mnfg Co mnfg machinists IMinneapo- lis and St Paul 1906 to date. BOSWORTH William B, Ada. Farmer and contractor. Born Sept 23, 1861 in Elyria O, son of Daniel and Ann Eliza (Nevins) Bosworth. At- tended county school Mower county and graded school LeRoy Minn. Mov- ed to Ada 1864 and has been engaged as contr under firm name of Bosworth Bros to date; making specialty of municipal work and drainage. Owner of fine farms comprising 1000 acres. Dir Norman County Telephone Co; propr Opera House; former sergt in M N G. BOrCK Ira W, Royalton. ]\Ier- chant. Born Feb 2 2, 18 55 in Indepen- dence la, son of J S and Elizabeth (Elliott) Bouck. Educated in com- mon schools and Iowa State Agri- cultural College. Engaged in general merchandise business 1880 to date; also farming and dealing in grain. Has served as postmaster and filled other offices; now pres High School Board. Member Minn House Repre- sentatives for past 3 terms. BOUSFIELD Edward F, ]\Iinneapo- lis. Res 19 S 13th st, office 2 60 Mar- shall st. Manufacturer. Born Sept 4, 1849 in Kirtland, Lake county O, son of John and Sarah (Feather- stone) Bousfield. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland O and at Oberlin College O. Shipping clerk for Bousfield & Poole mnfrs wooden- ware, lumber, sash and dooi-s, and matches Cleveland O 1867-72; bkpr Ohio Woodenware Co Cleveland 1872- 75; member Bousfield & Co mnfrs of woodenware Bay City Mich 1875-81; incorporated 1881-82; out of busi- ness 1882-84; pres Bousfield & Co Bay City Mich 1884-87; principal owner pres and treas Bousfield Wood- enware Co organized 1890; incor- Littlv Sketches of Bi(/ FolJxS. 47 coryorated 190 4. Member Minnea- polis and St Anthony Commercial clubs Minneapolis. BOWDEX James C, Minneapolis. Res 3 9 50 Portland av, office 633 Se- curit.v Bank bldg. Lumberman. Born Feb 9, 184 7 in Liverpool England, son of John and Mary (Eustace) Bowden. Married twice: in 1876 to Susan R Douglas; and in 1890 to Carrie I Winans. Educated in com- mon schools Liverpool. Moved to Rockford 111 1858; served in 65th 111 Inf 1862-65; from 1865-67 farmed and attended school at Rockford 111; moved to Wis and engaged in lum- ber business 18 67-8 7; in lumber business as pres of Bowden, Murray Lumber Co St Paul 188 7-90; mem- ber of Fox, Wisdom Lumber Co saw- mills near Duluth 1890-9 7; moved to Minneapolis 189 7 and has been engaged in lumber business to date. Member Masonic fraternity. BOAVE Oliver P, ^Minneapolis. Res 3215 S Colfax av. office 4 65 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born April 17, 183 4 in Jefferson N Y, son of Prosper and Lois (Bachellor) Bowe. Married Nov 15, 1860 to Frances A Chase. Ed- ucated in common schools; graduated from Bradley Academy Belleville N Y 1853; read law at Watertown N Y; admitted to bar 1855; began practice at Fond du Lac Wis 1858; enlisted in 3 6th Wis Inf 1862 remaining in service until 1865; returned to Fond du Lac W'is and continued in prac- tice of law until 1883; moved to Minneapolis 1883 and engaged in his profession to date. Member G A R. BOWLER Biutoii H, Minneapolis. Res 619 9th av S E, office 501 Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 7, 1871 in Nininger, Dakota county Minn, son of James M and Elizabeth (Coleff) Bowler. Received his ed- ucation in Bird Island public schools; high school Minneapolis; graduated from U of M law dept 189 6. En- gaged in practice Bird Island 1896- 1904; moved to Minneapolis and has continued in practice to date. Member firm of Parsons & Bowler. Member Masonic fraternity. BOWLER James M, Minneapolis. Res 619 9th av S E, office 501 Loan & Trust bldg. Real estate. Born Jan 10, 183 8 in Lee Me, son of Edward and Clara Augusta (Smith) Bowler. Married Nov 30, 1862 to Lizzie S Caleff. Educated in public schools; Lee Normal Academy and Westbrook Seminary. Moved to Minnesota 1858 and was employed as a printer in St Anthony and teacher in country school until 1861; served in U S army 1861-66; engaged in teaching and farming in Dakota and Renville coun- ties 1866-73; farming exclusively 1873-1901; moved to Minnaepolis 1901 and has been engaged in real es- tate business to date. Member State House of Representatives 1878-80; sec to speaker of House 1891; state dairy and food comnr 1899-1901; candidate for railroad commission 1904; candidate for lieut gov 1S96- 9 8 and for Congress on Peoples Par- ty ticket 1894; v pres and dir In- dependencia Mining and Smelting Co; dir Copper Butte Mines; member real estate firm Bowler & Gibbs. Member Masonic fraternity, Loval Legion and G A R. BOWLER Madison C. Minneapolis. Res 619 9th av S E, office 100 Oneida blk. Lawyer. Born Sept 2 6, 18 75 in Renville county Minn, son ot James M and Elizabeth (Caleff) Bowler. Educate in the common schools Bird Island Minn; high school Minneapolis; graduated from U of M law dept 1903. Began prac- tice in Minneapolis 1903 as atty for ]Minn Title, Ins & Trust Co and has continued in same position to date. Member Military Order Loyal Le- gion. BOXELL Edwaid Carty, St Paul. Res 40 8 Carroll, office 33 7 Wabasha. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Nov 13, 18 63 in Afton Minn, son ot John William and Mary (Shaw) Box- ell. Married June 25, 1902 to Mary E Hess. Educated in the common schools of Afton Minn; St Croix Val- ley Academy Afton; graduated from medical dept Hamline Univ St Paul; Minneapolis College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons; Minn College 48 Little Sketches of Hi att>^ Member Masonic fraternity and Canadian Foresters. Little Sketches of Bif/ Folks. 51 BRAY Niel C, Henderson. Real estate. Born Dec 1, 1862 in Faxon Minn, son of Patrick and Catherine (Hughes) Bray. Married April 2 8, 19 02 to Nellie Herrick. Received ed- ucation in Henderson public and high schools; elk in county auditor's office Grand Forks N D 1883; bkpr H Poehler Co Henderson Minn 1884; deputy county auditor Sibley county Minn 1884-94; register of deeds Sib- ley countv Minn and official abstrac- tor of title 1895-1907. IJKEMKR Otto, St Paul. Res 73 8 E 4th-st. office City Hall. Public official. Born in Germany, son of Edward and Matilda Maiden. Edu- cated in common schools and prepa- ratory schools Germany. Engaged in farming Germany until 188 6 when he moved to St Paul; employed with Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co 1886; with Nat German American Bank 1887-1900; city treas; now serving 4th term; dir American Nat Bank; stockholder Nat German American Bank; sec and treas Schmidt Brew- ing Co. Member B P O E and K of P. HREXXAX E(]\vaid William, St. Paul. Res 715-18V2 av N E Min- neapolis, office Water and State sts St Paul. Foundryman. Born Dec 2 5, 1873, in Brardwood 111, son of J C and S .1 (Hall) Brennan. Mar- ried in 189 7 to Louise Breckel. Educated in public schools. Ap- prentice in Wyman & Widdowson foundry Austin Minn from 1889; moved with them to Minneapolis; in business for self as partner in Pier Foundry St Paul from 1907. BRETT Geoi'j^e E, Mankato. Res 4 62 Broad, office 3 2 7-329 S Front. Merchant. Born Nov 23, 184 6 in Strong Me, sen of Cyrus Hamlin and Mary (Hunter) Brett. Married Mar 19, 1874 to Lizzie E Maxfield. Ed- ucated in public schools Lewiston Me and Lewiston College. Dry goods elk Winona 1863-66; in charge of branch store Faribault 1866-68; in dry goods business for self Mankato 18 68-72; pres Geo E Brett Inc; v pres Mankato Savings Bank. Mem- ber Commercial Club; Masonic fra- ternity, B P O E and K of P. BREAX-ER Frank A, Duluth. Res 2215 E Superior st, office 3 Mesaba blk. Lumber and mining. Born Nov 28, 1854 in Oakland county Mich, son of Addison P and Sarah Brewer. Married Sept 187 7 to .Jen- nie Duncan. Educated in the com- mon and high schools Saginaw Mich and Albion College Mich. Engaged in lumber business as Duncan & Brewer until 1875. Moved to Duluth in 1880 as member of firm of Dun- can, Gamble & Co, loggers and mnfrs; succeeded by Duncan, Brew- er & Co in 188 7 which firm contin- ues to date; also pres Duncan & Brewer Lumber Co (Inc). Elected member of Board of Education term 1906-1909. Member Commercial Club. BRIDGMAX (.eoiiie H, Hamline St Paul. Born in Ontario Can. Mar- ried June 1873 to Mary B Elliott. Graduated from Victoria (Ont) Univ 1864; M A 1867; D D from Syracuse Univ 1880; LL D from Syracuse Univ 1900; now pres of Hamline Univ St Paul. BRIGG\S Asa (iilbeit, St Paul. Res 7 93 Fairmount av, office Metropoli- tan Opera House. Lawyer. Born Dec 20, 1862 Arcadia Wis, son of Isaac A and Elizabeth Briggs. Educat- ed in the country schools until 13 years old then in graded school 3 years; graduated U of Wis 1885; Univ of Wis law dept 1887. Emi)loyed St Paul Title, Insurance & Trust Co 5 months 1887 and began practice of law same year. Associated with Geo L Bunn as Briggs & Bunn 1890; with M L Countryman 1894; with J L D Mor- rison 1899; became gen atty Chicago Great Western Ry June 15, 1901 to date. Member of the Minn and Com- mercial clubs and Masonic frater- nity. Member American Bar Assn. BRIGGS Rinaldo R, Duluth. Of- fice 9U0 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born April 2 0, 1851 in Lake Mills Wis. son of Silas H and Sarah Ann ( Reed) Briggs. Married July 4, 1875 to Liz- zie Bascombe. Educated in the com- mon schools of Wis and high school at Winona Minn. Studied law in Winona and was admitted to the bar in 1873. Practiced in Winona and 52 Little ^Sketches of Big Folks. Moorhead 1873-90. Moved to Duluth 1890 and has been continuously en- gaged in general practice to date. Has large interests in various firms and corporations. Member Minn State and American Bar assns; Commercial Club Duluth: delegate to gen confer- ence M E Church 1884. BKKiHAM John Harvey, Fond dr. Lac. Offlce 516 Torrey bldg Duluth. Lawyer. Born June 14, 1858 in Town- shend Vt, son of B B and Mary E (Holbrook) Brigham. Educated in the common schools of Townshend Vt, Vermont Baptist Academy Sax- ton's River Vt graduating 1881: Univ of Mich law dept LL B 18 85. Located in Duluth 1886 and engaged in the practice of law with Wiliian A Cant as Cant & Brigham until 189 since which time he has been practicing alone. BRIGHT Alfred Harris, Minneapo lis. Res 1004 Mount Curve av, of- fice Soo Line bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 29, 18 50 at Adams Center Jeff erson county N Y, son of Thomas and Jane ( Crittenden ) Bright. Mar- ried 1877 to Emily Haskell. Attend- ed common schools; Univ of Wis graduating A B academic dept: LL B law dept. County atty Fremont county Wyo 1882-87. Returned to Milwaukee 1887; member law firm of Williams, Friend & Bright with special charge of Milkwaukee &. Northern R R business until 1891. gen sol and dir Minneapolis, St Paul & Sault Ste Marie R R (Soo Line) 1891 to date. Member Commercial Club, Men's Club of Church of Re deemer Minneapolis. BRIGHT Michael S, Duluth. 509 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Mar 29, 1866 in New York N Y, son of Michael S and Sarah (Lodge) Bright. Mar- ried June 4, 1890 to Lorene Carnahan. Educated in public schools Madison Ind; Perdue Univ Lafayette Ind, and studied law in of- fice of Hill & Lamb Indianapolis Ind. Admitted to bar 1887 and was of firm of Hill, Lamb & Bright until 1890; practiced in Superior Wis 1890-96; moved to Duluth and prac- ticed to date. Chairman Douglas Wis Board of Supervisors 189 8-99; mem- ber Commercial and Boat clubs Du- luth; Minn Club St Paul; Indiana So- ciety of Chicago and American Bar Assn. BRILL Hascal R, St Paul. Res 4 71 Laurel av, office Court House. Lawyer. Born Aug 1, 184 6 in Phil- lipsburgh Canada, son of I'homas R and Sarah (Sager) Brill and was mar- ried to Cora Gray. Was educated in the public schools of Canada and Minn. Attended Hamline Univ 1863-65 and Mich Univ 1866-67. Later received degree from Hamline Univ LL D. Came to Minn in 18 59 and lived with his parents on a farm in Goodhue county except when attending school. Also taught in country dist schools. Came to St Paul in Dec 1867 and en- gaged in the practice of law. Judge of Probate Court of Ramsey county 1873-74: judge of Common Pleas Court of Ramsey County 187 5-7 7. Has been judge of Dist Court sec- ond judicial dist 1887 to date. BRIMHALL John B, St Paul. Res 7 4 Central ter, office Seven Corners, Minn, son of William E and Mary E (Lawson) Brimhall. Educated in public schools 1867-76; business col- lege 1880-82; graduated Medical Col- lege Univ of Pa 189 0. Raised on a farm adjoining Macalester College grounds. After completing business education was occupied as bkpr until he took up the study of medicine. Has been engaged in active practice in St. Paul since 1890. Was sec of State Board of Medical Examiners 1897-1901. BRI^IHALL AVilliani Henry, St Paul. Res 7o3 Snelling av, office same. Fruit raising and nursery. Born April 17, 1859 in St Paul, son of William E and Mary E (Lawson) Brimhall. Married Oct 6, 1880 to Elizabeth Kemp. Educated in the public and high schools St Paul. Reared in the gen nursery industry; farmed in Ramsey county 1880-82; moved to Rose township same coun- ty 1882; served as road overseer, town elk, treas, assessor and justice of the peace; school elk 10 years: mnfr of berry boxes, crates etc also raising fruit 1903-1906; mngr of the Hamline Berry Box Co 1904-1906. Little Sketches of Bi;/ Folks. 53 BRONSOX David, Stillwater. Res 4 02 6th st S, office Lumberman's Ex- change. Lumber. Born March 19, 183 4 in Anson Me, son of David and Augusta (Powers) Bronson. Married in 1861 to lantha Davis. Educated in the common and high schools of Augusta Me. Engaged in auction and comn business Boston Mass 1850-55. Moved to Stillwater Minn and was employed by Hersey-Staples & Co 1855-57. Engaged in mercan- tile business for self 18 59-65; con- tinued as Bronson & Folsom 1865- 1906; now embracing lumbering, steam-boating, gen merchandise and saw mills. V pres and dir Lumber- man's Nat Bank and pres and dir of East Side Lumber Co Stillwater Minn. Member Masonic fraternity. IJIIOXSOX Harrison A, East Grand Forks. Lawyer. Born Nov 19, 1873 in Nunica Mich, son of Charles H and Clementine F (Fowler) Bronson. ^Married June 18, 1901 to Alice La Chance. Attended high school Sauk Center 1889-90; graduated Univ of N D, A B 1894; A M 1895; U of M, LL B 1901. Was principal Bald- win Seminary St Paul 1898-99. Prac- ticed law in St Paul 1901; East Grand Forks 1901 to date; member firm of Bronson & Collins. Lecturer on real property and municipal cor- porations law dept Univ of N D; au- thor: Bronson's Recitals on Municipal Bonds," "Bronson's Law of Fix- tures," Analysis Notes and Cases on Real Property." Dir First State Bank East Grand Forks. Member Com- mercial Club, Fortnightly Club, Nat Geographic Society and N D Histori- cal Society. BRONSON Roscoe Hersey, Stillwa- ter. Res 13 03 S 3d, office First Nat Bank. Banker. Born Jan 2 5, 18 63 in Stillwater, son of David and lan- the (Davis) Bronson. Married June 25, 1884 to Gabrille Swain. Educat- ed in the common and high schools Stillwater and Shattuck INIilitary Academy Faribault. First engaged as messenger in First Nat Bank Still- water and has been successively bkpr, teller, asst cashr, cashr, and v pres 1880 to date. Pres and dir Western Shoe Co St Paul; sec, treas and trustee St Croix Savings Bank, Bank of Valley City N D, Stillwater Water Co and Northwestern Thresh- er Co. Member Board of Prison Mngrs 1902-1904. Member Minn Club, Masonic fraternity, B P O E and White Bear Yacht Club. BRONSON William G Jr, Stillwa- ter. Office 2 9 Indiana av St Paul. Packer. Born Feb 4, 1865 in Still- water, son of William G and Mary (Staples) Bronson. Married in 1886 to Alma I Gillespie. Educated in the common and high schools of Still- water and graduated from Shattuck Military Academy Faribault. Em- ])loyed in Lumbermen's Nat Bank 18 85-8 6; in charge of flour mill and elevator of Isaac Staples 189 6-9 8; with passenger dept C B & Q Ry Chi- cago 1898-19 00. Now engaged in whol meat business St Paul. Form- er capt in First Regt M N G. Member Minn Club St Paul, Whist, Chest & Checker Club and Masonic fraternity. BROOKS Anson Strong, Minne- tonka Beach. Office 64 9-654 Security bldg INIinneapolis. Lumberman. Born Sept 6, 185 2 in Oswego county N Y, son of Sheldon and Jeanette ( Ran- ney) Brooks. Married July 24, 18 76 to Georgia L Andros. Educated in village public schools in southern Minn. Settled on a farm in Winona county 1856; telegraph cpr in Wa- basha county 1868-73; removed to Grand Forks N D 1881 and engaged in the country lumber business; re- moved to St Paul 1891; removed to ■Minneapolis 1897. Entered the firm of Brooks Bros grain dealers 1873; pres of Brooks Elevator Co; treas Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co; sec Kentwood & Eastern Ry and dir of Nat Bank of Commerce. Member of Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette and Minnetonka Yacht and Automo- bile club. BROOKS Frank C, Minneapolis. Res 432 Ridgewood av, office Court House. Jurist. Born January 12, 18 53 at Taunton Mass. son of Oscar U and Ann Brooks. Was married at Janesville Wis to Ella R Noyes (now deceased) in 1879. Resided in Cuyhoga county O 1 859-72 and there- after at Janesville Wis until 1881. Admitted to the bar in 1878. Prac- 54 Little Sketches of Big Folks. ticed his profession for 3 years at Eau Claire Wis and in May 1884 re- moved to Minneapolis wliere he has since resided. Elected jndge of the Dist Court of the 4th judicial dist in 189 8 and re-elected to the same of- fice 19 04. Democrat. liKOOKS Ilobert H, Minneapolis. Secretary Public Service Club. Born Aug 13, 1881 in Chicago, son of Frank L and Fannie D (Harmon) Brooks. Married Sept 6, 1904 to Ida B Dunham. Educated in public schools of Minneapolis; preparatory school Lawrenceville N J and gradu- ated from Univ of Kansas 19 03. En- gaged on editorial staff of the N W Miller until 1903; commercial editor of Minneapolis Daily Times until May 1904; sec of Public Service Club 19 05-19 06. Gen mercantile agency together v^^ith retail credit reporting collections and adjustments. Mem- ber Roosevelt Club Minneapolis. BROOKS AValter Fieenian, Man- kato. Civil Engineer. Born April 17, 1861 in Rutland Mass, son of Daniel Walker and Katherine Brown (Riley) Brooks. Married Nov 26, 189 6 to Margaret Limbert. Attend- ed dist school Medo Minn; Mankato State Normal 1881-82; graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester Mass civil engineering dept B S 1886. Was first employed on the Burlington R R in St Paul; with St Paul & Duluth R R as draughts- man 1886-8 7; asst eng of G N R R 1887-89; Oregon Pacific Ry 1890; N P Ry 1891; Pennisula Ry California 1892; engaged in irrigation work San Bardina Cal 1893; on G W Ry 1894; moved to Mankato and en- gaged in gen practice 1894; county surveyor 189 6 to date. Member So- cial Science Club and Masonic frater- nity. HIIOWER Ripley B, St Cloud. Lawyer. Born May 22, 1869 in Todd county Minn, son of .Jacob B and Armina E (Shava) Brewer. Mar- ried Dec 11, 19 01 to .Jennie F Han- son. Educated in public and normal school St Cloud; graduating U of M I^I. B 1891. Admitted to bar St Cloud and has continued iiractice ever since. State senator 4 7th dist 1899-1901. Member Masonic frater- nity, K of P and B P O E. BROWN Calvin L, Morris. Office State Capitol St Paul. • Judge Supreme Court Minn. Born April 2 6, 18 54 in Goshen N H, son of John H and Orrisa (Maxfield) Brown. Mar- ried Sept 1, 187 9 to Annette Marlow. Educated in the schools of Minn. Ad- mitted to the bar 1876; county atty Stevens county 1882-87; judge 16th judicial dist 1887-98; judge of su- preme court 189 8 to date. Membei Loyal Legion of Minn; member Am- erican and State Bar assns; 3 2d deg Mason and Grand Master of Masons of Minn 1895-9 6. BROWN David 3Iillai{l, Fergus Falls. Manufacturer. Born Oct 6. 18 57 in Oswego county N Y, son of David L and Harriet F (Harris) Brown. Married Dec 13, 18 83 to Henrietta Bisnett. Educated in se- lect school N Y; Fulton (NY) High School and graduated from Mexico (N Y) Academy 1882. Engaged as principal graded schools 1 year; or- ganized and operated Ames & French farm French Minn 18 82-87; dist mngr Mutual Life Ins Co 1888-96; organized Fergus Casket Works and has been sec and mngr of same 189 7 to date. Served as chairman Rep County Committee; alderman; act- ing mayor. Member Masonic frater- nity; K of P, B P O E and Chippewa Club. BROWN Edgar Arlington, St Paul. Res 286 8th st, office 110 E 6th st. Jeweler. Born in 18 44 at Bangor Me, son of Charles and Julia Ann (Burnham) Brown. Married April 8, 1874 to Sarah J Peabody. Edu- cated in the public schools at Old St Anthony. Pres E A Brown Co retail jewelry, silverware and kindred com- modities 190 5 to date. Member Commercial Club St Paul. BROWX Edward Josiah, Minne- apolis. Res 3 027 Pleasant av, office 3 9 Syndicate blk. Physician and surgeon (K). Born Jan 14, 1851 at Burke Vt, son of Ira and Emily (Clark) Brown. Graduated from Kimball Union Academy Meriden N H 1870; Dartmouth College acade- mic dept 1874; medical dept 1878; studied in the medical dept l^niv of Citv of N Y rS78; College Physi- Liftk Sketches of Bi Ry Chicago 1865-66; same P Ft W & C Ry Chicago 1866-67; foreman round- house L S & M S Chicago 186 7-72; master mechanic C & I R R Aurora 111 18 72-8 6 during which time he was gen master mechanic of C & I, C & P, and C P & S W R R 1873-76; master mechanic C & I and C P «& S W R R Jan to May 1886; master me- chanic C B & N R R and C & I Rys at LaCrosse Wis 1886-88. Engaged in business as Bryan, Elmer & Sloane Apr to Sept 1889; Bryan & Elmer railway supplies St Paul from Sept 1889 to Apr 1890; master me- chanic D & I Ry 1890-1904; supt of motive power of same 1904 to date. Pres of Two Harbors 1902-1904. Pres Library Board 189 7-1902; member Board of Education 189 7- 99; chairman Republican County Committee Lake county 19 02 to date. Member Commercial and Kitchi Gam- mi clubs Duluth; Minn Club X Y; I\Iasonic fraternity; Hesperia Lodge A F & A M 411 Chicago; Duluth Com- mandery 18 K T; Duluth Consistory A & A S R; St G Conclave K of R C of C; Aad Temple A A O X M S nvA B P O E. BRYANT Frederick Stewart, St Paul. Res 43 3 Portland av, office Pioneer Press bldg. Insurance. Born Mar 20, 1859 Erie Pa, son of .lames Spencer and Sarah Ellen (Stewart) Bryant. Married June 28, 188 8 to Shirley E MacManus. Located in St Paul 1878. N W mngr Maryland Casualty Co since 1902; pres St Paul Apartment House Co since 18 88; was asst gen X W frt agt C M & St P Ry 1881-87; delegate to Nat Repub- lican Convention 1896; state sec Minn Republican League 1900-1906. :\Iember of the Society of Colonial Wars and Sons of the Revolution. 58 Little Sketches of BUj Folks. BRYANT John W, Minneapolis. Res 7 07 Delaware st S E, office 2601-2611 University av. Foundry- man. Born 1866 in Chicago 111, son of George M Bryant. Married July 3, 1885 to Katherine Fewer. Educat- ed in the public schools of Minnea- polis and Curtis Business College. Engaged with fatlier in Eagle Found- ry operated in Chicago 1868; same moved to Duluth 1872; moved to Minneapolis 1878; succeeded to tlie business on the death of his father 1891; incorporated as The Bryant & Lee Co 1904 of which he is now pres and treas. Member Masonic fraternity. Shrine and East Side Com- mercial club. BRYANT Louis N, St Paul. Res 150 E Congress st, office 506 Pioneer Press bldg. Insurance. Born Apr 12, 1840 in Lockport N Y, son of John N and Jane (Webber) Bryant. Married Nov 17, 1865 to Mary J Gardner. Educated in common schools of Ontario and Univ of Woodstock - Out. Moved to S St Paul and engaged in the real estate business 1886- 90; then came to St Paul and entered the life and fire insurance business; represents the New Eng- land Mutual Life Insurance Co. En- listed as private in Co "F" 42d Regt Wis Vol Inf; discharged at close of war; taught shool 5 years in Web- ster county la; 14 years J of P Clay county Neb; and has filled various other offices in Neb, la and Minn. Member of Acker Post G A R St Paul; I O O F and Masonic frater- nity. BUB Peter, Winona. Brewer. Born Apr 2 0, 184 2 in Bavaria Ger- many, son of George Bub. Married in 1871 to Margaret Lettig. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Ger- many. Moved to U S and engaged in the brewing business in Milwau- kee 1867-69; moved to Winona and was foreman for Jacob Wisbrod 1869- 71. Established firm of Peter Bub Winona 1871 and has continued same to date. Member Business Men's and Arlington clubs. BUCK A C, Henderson. Public official. Born Apr 13, 1868 in Hen- derson Minn, son of Capt Adam and Elise (Koehler) Buck. Married Oct 8, 1892 to Juliette Bisson. Educat- ed in public and high schools Hen- derson. Served apprenticeship in printing office 1883-8 8; owned and edited Henderson Independent 1888- 91; moved to Arlington and publish- ed Arlington Enterprise 1891-9 8; elected county auditor and holds that office to date. Sec Farmers & Merchants Tel Co; member Arlington city council 2 terms; Arlington School Board 2 years; postmaster of Arlington 2 years. Member of Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. BUCK Dennis, Minneapolis. Res 2106 Lyndale av N, office 412 S 3d st. Machinery manufacturer. Born Mar 16. 1865 in Dodge county Minn, son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Briggs) Buck. Married Dec 2 6, 1895 to Dora Thompson. Educated in common schools. Moved to Minneapolis, em- l)loyed in machinery biisiness with Link Belt Mchy Co 1887-1902; or- ganized Midland Machinery Co 1902 and has been pres of same to date. Member Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. BUCK G A, Henderson. Publish- er. Born Sept 1, 1864 in Henderson, son of Capt Adam and Elise ( Kceh- ler) Buck. Educated in Henderson public schools. Engaged in printing business in 1892 and has continued same to date. Publisher Sibley Coun- ty Democrat. BUCK Harrison, Minneapolis. Res 2700 N 2d st, office 1601 Crystal Lake av. Lumber. Born June 6, 1840 at Sebel Piscataquis county Me, son of Seabury and Judith H (Gil- man) Buck. Married Mar 28, 1876 to Alice Frances Pettergill. Has been connected with lumber trade for self and others 45 years. Bl'CK Harry L, Winona. Lawyer. Born June 21, 1861 in Winona Minn, son of C F and Nancy J (Robbing) Buck. Married in 1887 to Ida Car- l)enter. Received his education in l)ublic and high schools Winona; graduated from law dept Univ of Wis 1883; admitted to bar 1883; prac- ticed law in Winona 1883 to date. City atty 1887-88; probate judge Little ^Sketches of Big Folks. 59 1890-1900. Member City School Board 1892-96; special judge of mu- nicipal court 1883-92; municipal judge 189 5 to date. Resident dir normal school 1905 to date. BUCKHAM Thonias Scott, Fari- bault. Judge district court. Born Jan 7, 1835 in Chelsea Vt, son of Rev James and Margaret (Barmby) Buckham. Married Nov 2 5, 18 67 to Anna M Mallary. Graduated from Univ of Vt A B 1855; A M 1858; received degree of LL D 1895; prof of Latin and Greek in Mexico N Y Inst after graduation: admitted to bar in Minn 185 7 and engaged in practice until 1879; elected judge of district court 5th judicial district and has been re-elected 5 consecutive terms. Has served as prosecuting atty Rice county; county supt of schools; mayor of Faribault; dele- gate to Nat Convention. Member Minn State Senate: member Board of Regents U of M. BUCKLEY Charles H, St Paul. Res 18 59 Dayton av, office N Y Life bldg. Banker. Born Jan 6, 185 8 at Delhi, Delaware county N Y, son of Horatio N and Elizabeth (Case) Buckley. Married Sept 4, 1888 to Anna E Brigham. Educated in the public schools and at Delaware Academy Delhi N Y. Assistant post- master Delhi N Y 1876-83; in Second National Bank St Paul elk to cashr and dir 1883 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. BrCKXAM Chai-le.s A, Minneapo lis. Res 129 E 2 5th st, office N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 5, 1849 at Columbia Falls Me, son of James L and Emeline A (Chandler) Bucknam. Married Nov 2 6, 1884 to Ella White. Attended public schools at Columbia Falls Me; Worthington & Warner Business College Bangor Me 1868; law school of Boston Univ graduating LL B 18 78. Practiced law in Boston INIass 1879-83; in Min- neapolis 18 86 to date. Supervisor of schools Columbia Falls Me 1875-76; contributor to Central Law Journal 1881-83 and 1890-1901; and an edit- or of Indermaur's Common Law Cases 1883. BUDD George E, St Paul. Res 1765 W Minnehaha st, office 668 Gilfillan blk. Lawyer. Born June 7, 1864 at Lockport N Y, son of An- drew S and Mary M (Penoyer) Budd. Married Sept 1, 189 7 to Harriet C Shepstone. Attended common schools: Lockport N Y Union School; grad- uated LL B Univ of Mich 188 5. Re- moved to Minn in 1883; elk in Chip- pewa County Bank Montevideo Minn until going to university; returned to Montevideo 1885-87; in St Paul 1887 to date engaged in general prac- tice of law; V pres Gorman Electric Co St Paul. BUECHNER Charles William, St Paul. Res 179 Maria av. office 601- 602 Manhattan bldg. Architect. Born Apr 27, 1859 in Darmstadt Germany, son of Carl Ernst and Josephine (Buchs) Buechner. ^larried in Sept 1890 to Elsie Munch. Began educa- tion in Switzerland; continued stud- ies in France and Germany and end- ed course at Solothurn Switzerland. Came to St Paul in 187 4. Engaged in government surveying and sur- veying for St P M & M Ry and N P Ry and later with supt of Tracks, Bridges and Buildings of N P Ry until 1883; studied architecture in office of Clarence N Johnston 189 2- 1901; member of Buechner & Jacob- sen architects St Paul 1892-1901; Buechner & Orth after death of Ja- cobsen 19 02 to date. Has designed and built many imposing structures, among them: St Josephs Hospital and Insane Asylum Dubuque la; Mercy Hospital Sioux City la; in- sane asylums at Richland Centre and New Richmond Wis; court houses at Alexandria, Benson, Madi- son and Jackson Minn, Sisseton S D, Hillsborough and Downer N D, and Ellsworth Wis, besides many schools seminaries and private residences. Member Minn Chapter of the Ameri- can Institute of Architects; Mason- ic order; St Paul Commercial Club. BUEXGER, Louis J, New Ulm. Merchant. Born Nov 18, 186 8 in New Ulm IMinn, son of Louis and Henrietta (Ipps) Buenger. Educat- ed in the public schools New Ulm and business college. Worked for Eagle Roller Mill Co New Ulm 1881-87; 60 Little Sketches of Big Folks. 1 year with Lindeke Roller Mills St Paul; with Weidenborner Bros car- pets 18 89-92; Royal Furn & Carpet Co 1893-96; traveled for Barnard Bros & Co furniture manufacturers Minneapolis 189 6-9 8; in furniture and undertaking business for self New Ulm 189 8 to date. Served in M N G. Member Commercial Union New Ulm. BUENGER Theodore, St Paul. Ed- ucator. Born April 2 9, 1860 in Chi- cago 111, son of Theo E and Martha Buenger. Married April 8, 1885 to Ottilie Meier. Educated in Evangelical Lutheran Parochial School Chicago 1866-73; Concordia College Fort Wayne Ind 1873-79; Concordia Seminary (study of theo- logy) St Louis 1879-82. Preached in 30 settlements for church extension in northwestern Wis 1882-84; pastor in Cook county 111 1884-91; pastor Lutheran Zion's Congregation St Paul 1891-93; appointed pres of Con- cordia College when it was founded in 1893. BULLIS John Jay, St Paul. Res 13 01 Raymond av, office 3 00-306 Globe bldg. Life insurance. Born July 9, 1869 in Wolfe Island, Out Can, son of John and Elizabeth (Davis) Bullis. Married in 189 4 to Celestia A Chamberlain. Educated in the public schools of Canada and Minn School of Business Minneapo- lis. Asst sec Y M C A Minneapolis 1892-9 4; cashr New England Mutual Life Ins Co Minneapolis 189 4-9 8; solicitor for John Hancock Mutual Life Ins Co of Boston 1898-1905; gen agt southern Minn agcy John Hancock Mutual Life Ins Co 1905 to date. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. BUNDE Williani G, St Paul. Office 710 Globe bldg. Real estate and in vestments. Born Oct 21, 187 7 in St Paul, son of Albert H and Minnie (Greve) Bunde. Married Oct 23, 1900 to Hazel L Andrews. Educated in public shools St Paul and Pillsbury Academy Owatonna Minn. Engaged in real estate and land business un- til 1899; deputy U S marshal 189 9- 1902; real estate, farm lands and in- vestments 1902 to date. BUNN Charle.s Wilson, St Paul. Res 5 49 Portland av, office Northern Pacific Railway bldg. Lawyer. Born May 21, 1855 in Wis, son of Hon R and Sarah (Purdy) Bunn. Receiv- ed his education in the public schools of Sparta Wis and State Univ of Wis where he graduated B S 18 74. Began his career in 1875 as elk in the office of Cameron & Losey LaCrosse Wis and afterwards became a member of the firm of Cameron, Losey & Bunn. In 1885 he moved to St Paul and engaged in general practice with J W Lusk as Lusk & Bunn afterwards including Emerson Hadley under the firm name of Lusk, Bunn & Hadley and later Bunn & Hadley. In 1896 became the gen counsel of the N P Ry Co. Member of the Minnesota Club St Paul; University Club N Y and Chicago Club. BUNN George Lincoln, St Paul. Res Minnesota Club, office 70 Court House. Jurist. Born June 25, 1865 at Sparta Wis, son of Hon Romanzo and Sarah (Purdy) Bunn. Widower. Educated in public schools Sparta Wis to July 1879; prep dept Univ of Wis 1879-81; Univ of Wis 1SS1-S5 graduating A B; College of Law Univ of Wis 1887-88, graduating LL B June 1888. Practiced law in St Paul 1888-9 7; judge dist court 189 7-9 8; 1898-1904; 1904 to date. Pres and dean St Paul College of Law 1904 to date. Member of Minn, Town and Country and Commercial clubs St Paul. BUNNELL Milio, Duluth. Res 2017 E Superior st, office 2 4-2 6 E Superior st. Publisher and editor. Born Dec 4, 1861 in Goodrich :\Iich. son of Miron and Viola (Mathewson) Bunnell. Married Oct 9, 1S88 to Elizabeth Birney Kribs. Educated in the common schools Bay City Mich; high school and Univ of Mich Ann Arbor. Established the Cheboy- gan Democrat Cheboygan Mich 1880; moved to Albuquerque N M and en- gaged as city editor of the Albuquer- que Journal 1881-83; moved to Du- luth 1883; established and conducted the Duluth Evening Herald 6 years; moved to Kansas City Mo and was managing editor Kansas City Globe 1889-90; political correspondent /.////(■ fSkvtvhes of Bi;/ Folks. Gl Kansas City Times 189 0-9 6; returned to Dukith 1897 and purchased the News Tribune in 1899 of which he has been v pres and gen nangr to date. Member Kitchi Gamma, Com- mercial, Northland Country Yacht and Boat clubs. BURCH Edward P, Minneapolis. Res 1729 James av S, office 1210 Guaranty bldg. Consulting engi- neer. Born Aug 20, 1870 in Wis, son of Newell and Susan (Parris) Burch. Married in 189 7 to Harriet Jackscn. Graduate of Menominee Wis High School 1887; U of M, E E 1892; post graduate course and de- grees 18 94; instructor in electric eng U of M and lecturer on electric rail- ways 18 94-1906; chief electrical eng for" Twin City Rapid Transit Co 18 93- 1900; magazine writer on electric railroading for "Electrical World," "Street Railway Journal," "Street Railway Review," "U of M Engi- neer," "American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers." Member of firm of Claussen, Burch & Pillsbury con- sulting engineers and designers of power plants 1899 to date. Dir Phi Gamma Delta fraternity; dir in wa- ter power, electric light and electric railway companies. Mem- ber 3d Regt Wis N G 1890. Pres Engineers Club Min- neapolis; local chairman American Institute Electrical Engineers; mem- ber Masonic order. Commercial Club, Minneapolis (on Ry Committee of same). BrRCHARD Charles Jesse, Min- neapolis. Res 52 9 S 9th st, office 919 Security Bank bldg. Lumber. Born in 186 7 in Freeport 111, son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Fry) Bur- chard. Married in 1891 to Gertrude E Ellison. Educated in graded schools and Univ of S D. Engaged as yardman and bkpr St Croix Lum- ber Co Sioux City la 1887-189 0; Sioux City Sash & Door Co as bkpr; salsn, mngr and asst sec 1891-95; Fullerton Lumber Co Minneapolis as bkpr, office mngr and buyer 1895- 1903; gen mngr Interior Lumber Co Minneapolis 1903 to date. Member of the Hoo Hoo's. BURCHARD John E, St Paul. Res 675 Goodrich av, office (08 Manhat- tan bldg. Lands and investments. Born in 1865 at Clinton Oneida coun- ty N Y, son of H M and Eliza (Clark) Burchard. Married Marie C Hitt in 1888. Moved to Minn in infancy 186 5. Graduated from Winona High School 1882; attended Univ of Mich school political science 1883-86. Stud- ied law; admitted to bar in 1887; one of the owners and editors of Winona Daily Herald 1892; Sault Ste Marie (Mich) Democrat 189 2-9 5; practiced law Marshall Minn 1895-1900. Has been handling lands and investments 1900 to date. Pres Burchard Hul- burt Investments Co; Lyon Land Co; PembiP" Coal Co; S W Land & Or- chard Co and other business organi- zations. Collector of Customs Sault Ste Marie Mich 1892-9 5; city atty Marshall Minn 3 years; mayor 3 terms. Aide de camp with rank of Col on governor's staff. Mem- ber Minn and Commercial clubs St Paul. BIRCJESS Thomas Claw.sou, Min- neapolis. Res 1402 Nicollet av, office 713 Guaranty bldg. Railroad official. Born Oct 2, 1853 in N Y City, son of Thomas and Mary (McNie) Burgess. Educated in common and high schools Portland Me. From gradua- tion engaged as ry elk Portland Me 1871-72; elk Mechanics Falls Me 1872-78; agent Great Eastern Line Portland Me 18 82-83; same at Min- neapolis 1883-92; commercial agent of Grand Trunk Ry System at Min- neapolis 1892 to date. Member Com- mercial Club and Masonic fraternity. BIRGHARDT Harry l>«>w«>y, Hud- son Wis. Office 3 25 Gilfillan bldg St Paul. Land and Investments. Born Sept 29, 1858 Fulton 111, son of George H and Lucy Ann (Dewey) Burghardt. Married Dec 25, 1887 to Clara E Garrett. Educated in pub- lic schools Rockford 111; during Civil War in Louisville Ky; after war in Boone la 1869-71. Clk and bkpr with L H Pepper Boone la 1872-76; teller First National Bank Boone Iowa 187 6-79; with Beveridge & Dewey private bankers Chicago 1880- 82; gen mngr of Clendenin Mining & Smelting Co Mont 1882-85: mer- Cl' Little l, Minneapo- lis. Res 1904 Park av, office Daily News. Newspaper man. Born Feb 5, 1868 in Louisville Ky, son of Rev Thomas D and Marie (Radcliffe) Butler. Educated in common schools. Reporter on Louisville Times 1884; Cincinnati Enquirer 1885; city edit- or Grand Rapids Democrat 1887-89; managing editor 1889-9 4; advertis- ing mngr Majestic Range Co St Louis 1895; Scripps-McRae League 1896- 99; associated with F W Kellogg and L V Ashbaugh founded the Omaha Daily News Oct 9, 1899; founded St Paul Daily News Mar 1, 1900; found- ed Minneapolis Daily News Aug 5, 1903. V pres Omaha Daily News; dir Des Moines Daily News; dir St Paul Daily News; pres Minneapolis Daily News. Member Masonic order; Minneapolis, Minikahda and Commer- cial clubs Minneapolis. BUTLER Pierce, St Paul. Res 13 4 7 Summit av, office Fire & Marine bldg. Lawyer. Born Mar 17, 1S66 Dakota county Minn, son of Patrick and Mary A (Gaffney) Butler. Was edu- cated in public schools of Sciota and Waterford Dakota county Minn until 18 81; graduated from Carleton Col- lege Northfield Minn 1887. Ad- mitted to bar 1887. Asst coun- ty atty Ramsey county 1891-92 coun- ty atty 1893-9 6. Gen practice 189 7- 99 in firm of How & Butler. Gen atty C St P M & O Ry Co 1899-1905. Is now in firm of How, Butler & Mit- chell. Dir St Paul Public Library since 1900; recently re-appointed for term expiring 1909. Pres Ramsey Countv Bar Assn. BUTLER Stephen, Fergus Falls. Public official. Born Feb 27, 1854 in England, son of Stephen and Ann (Bailey) Butler. Married 1877 to Amanda McCree. Educated in Eng- land. Moved to Otter Tail coun- ty and engaged in lumbering 1872- 79; held a number of local offices and was employed with McCormick Ha"r- vester Co until 1894 when he was elected county treas which office he still holds. Dir Fergus Casket Co. Member Masonic fraternity and I O O F. BUTLER Walter P, Minneapolis. Office 3 09 Bank of Commerce. Ce- ment stone. Born Jan 25, 1858 in Milwaukee Wis, son of W I Butler and Amanda (Elmore) Butler. Mar- ried Feb 5, 1883 to Stella M Butler. Educated in the public schools of Milwaukee and N Y; Ripon College of Wis 1874-75; Univ of Michigan 1876-79; LL B 1879. Taught school near Winona; later entered office of chief eng of C M & St P Ry; re- moved to Aberdeen and engaged in lumber and mercantile business. City eng same place 8 years; in the office of U S surveyor S D 2 years; actuary for an investment company Minneapolis 1894-1898; later in life insurance business; gold mining at Nome Alaska 1900-1901; 1901 to date engaged in cast cement stone business. lAifh HkctcJics of BUj Folks. m BUTTS Charles M, St Paul. Res 6 43 West Central Park, office 613 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born May 12, 1857 at Plainview Minn, son of Hiram H and Amanda ( Porter) Butts. Attended Plainview public school until age of 8; studied classics under private instruction 1 year; U of M scientific course 18 70-7 6. Taught school 1 year; studied law in office of former chief justice Wilson at Winona 18 78-80; also member firm of Butts & Taylor Winona; practiced law at Lake Benton Minn 1880-83; member Spencer & Butts lawyers Pierre S D 1883; Clifton S D 1883- 85; member Butts & Jaques lawyers Blunt S D 1885-87; same firm in St Paul 1887-95; alone 1895 to date. CADAVELL Francis, Le Sueur. Lawyer. Born May 28, 1842 in Ohio, son of Edward and Sarah (Demon) Cadwell. Married Mar 19, 1867 to Sarah Matthews. Graduated from Hillsdale (Mich) College 1860; studied law at N W Christian Univ Indianapolis and in law office. Ad- mitted to bar 1863. Moved to Le Sueur 1864 and has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Has served as county atty. supt of schools, county comnr, city elk, city atty and judge of Dist Court 1891-1905. Member Masonic frater- nity. CAINE Arthur T, Anoka. Physi- cian. Born May 24, 1875 in St Paul Minn, son of Wm H and Mary H (Ten Eyck) Caine. Married July 10, 1901 to Bertha E Johnson. Educat- ed in public schools Stillwater Minn; graduating U of M, M D 1899. Served as house physician of City and County Hospital St Paul. Moved to Lake Preston S D; practiced until 1901. Moved to Anoka and has continued practice to date. Coroner Anoka 1903; health officer Anoka 1904 to date. Surgeon for G N and N P Rys. Member Masonic fraternity. CAINE William Allen, Stillwater. Res Pine and Martha sts, office Mow- er blk. Dentist. Born Jan 16, 187 9 in Stillwater, son of William H and Mary (Ten Eyck) Caine. Married Sept 27, 1905 to Florence E Bonness. Educated in public schools Stillwa- ter; high school Minneapolis; and graduated from dental dept U of M, DD S 19 02. Has been engaged in practice of his profession in Stillwater 1902 to date. Member Minn State Dental Society. CAINES Arthur, St Paul. Res 6 07 Laurel av, office 710 Globe bldg. Collections and information bureau Born Sept 1, 18 72 in Toronto Ont. son of Arthur and Rebecca (Burnett) Caines. Educated in the common schools of St Paul. Trav salesman for Giffa & Co; then engaged in col- lection business with his father un- der firm name of Retailers Mercan- tile Co until 1900. Served as con- stable 1900-1904; then established Western Mercantile Co. Member of M W A and treas of same 1894 to date. Member A O U W and Lincoln Club. CAIRNS Cliarles Sumner, Minne- apolis. Res 1410 Yale pi, office 701 Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born July 4, 1856 in Duncan Falls O, son of Robert and Mary A (Haynes) Cairns. Married Nov 3 0, 18 84 to Frances I Shellabarger. Educated in common schools; graduated from Muskingum College New Concord O 1876; law dept Mich Univ 18 82; practiced 1882-83; in Decatur III: moved to Minneapolis 1883 and has practiced to date. Was member of Minn Legislature 1893-95. Appoint- ed by pres McKinley supervisor of Census 5th congressional dist 1900. Member American Bar Assn and Commercial Club. CALDWELL Chester Lawrence, St Paul. Res 301 Dayton av, office 505 Germania Life Insurance bldg. Law- yer. Born April 2 7, 1864 in Philadel- phia Pa, son of William Wallace and Maria Caldwell. Married in 1885 to Lillian C Grant of Portsmouth N H. Educated at St John's College and the U S Naval Academy. Resigned from the naval service and in 188 6 came to St Paul and was engaged upon the construction of the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Ry and later with the St Paul Minneapolis & Mani- toba Ry. Teacher of mechanical draw- bo Little (^k-etches of Big Folks. ing and applied mechanics in the Me- chanic Arts High School of St Paul 188 8-1903. Graduated from St Paul College of Law and is now actively engaged in practice. CALD\YELL Guy Lowell, St Paul. Res 683 Simpson av, office 412 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born July 8, 1875, son of J P and Sidney Ella (Simms) Caldwell. Graduated from Farmington High School 1894; Ham- line Univ St Paul B A 1898; U of M law dept B A 1901 and has been practicing law since that time. V pres Roosevelt Club. Is now atty for American Surety Co N Y. Mem- ber M W A, United Workmen, Mod- ern Harvesters, Sons of Veterans, Masonic fraternity and Commercial Club. CALDWELL James P, St Paul. Res 1446 West Minnehaiia st, office same. Physician (Eclectic) . Born Jan 21, 1848 in Illinois, son of D P and Jane (Meek) Caldwell. Married Apr 26, 1874 to Sidney E Simms. At- tended the public schools in Illinois after the Civil War; studied medi- cine; graduated from Bennett Medi- cal College Chicago 187.5. Practiced medicine in Illinois 18 75-79; in St Paul 1879 to date. Enlisted in Union army in defense of Union when 16 in an 111 regiment; U S Pension Examining Surgeon 4 years; special agent U S Census Office 2 years terri- tory comprising N D and parts of Minn and la. Pres Eclectic Medical Society of Minn 1881-83; member Acker Post GAR and Lincoln Club St Paul. CALHOUN John Franklin, Minne- apolis. 1762 Hennepin av, office 500 Oneida blk. Broker. Born April 2 8, 1854 in Licking county O, son of David and Caroline Calhoun. Mar- ried Jan 20, 1879 to Clara Zenora Edwards of Galesburg 111. Attended country school Mercer county O. Af- ter various work as boy was employed in dry goods house Keithsburgh O 8 years; later in business for self; moved to Minneapolis 1881 and en- gaged in loaning money on real es- tate. Member first Chamber of Com- merce Minneapolis, Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. CALLENDER Sherman W, Min- neapolis. Res 60 Highland av, of- fice 113-115 6th St N. Wholesale fruits. Born Jan 7, 1867 in St Paul Minn, son of John W and Ruth Am- anda (Baker) Callender. Married Jan 3, 189 7 to Effie M Hamburg. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Jor- dan Minn and business college Min- neapolis. Employed in whol fruit trade 1885-93; whol seed business 1893-97; with Armour & Co Chicago 1897-99. Organized Callender-Van- derhoof & Co of which he is pres and gen mngr 1899, engaged in the whol fruit business. CxlMERON Dow M, Little Falls. Lawyer. Born Aug 6, 1875 in Mason City Iowa, son of Francis B' and Jane Elizabeth Cameron. Married Dec 11, 1906 to Maude M Duncan. Educated in public schools and graduated from high school Clear Lake Iowa; attended Minneapolis High School; and gradu- ated from law dept U of M, LL B 1898; LL M 1899. Practiced law in N Yakima Wash 3 months; at Minneapolis until 1901; in Little Falls to date. City justice 4 years; now county atty Mor- rison county. Member B P O E. CAM3IACK Edward A, St Paul. Res 601 Goodrich, office 82 E 3d st. Mer- chant. Born in 1855 in Illinois, son of John and Sarah (Moody) Cam- mack. Married Sept 188 7 to Susan K Hinchliff. Educated in Chicago schools. With whol jewelry house Chicago during fire of 1871; in who! grocery 1871-73; country stores HI 187 3-76; dairy and creamery busi- ness la 187 6-78; Marvin & Cammack Rochester Minn 1878; in St Paul since 18 81 and pres Crescent Cream- ery Co 1888 to date. Member Com- mercial Club, Produce Exchange and Board of Trade. CAMP James S, Brainerd. Physi- cian and surgeon (R). Born Dec 8, 1855 in Dixon, Lee county Illinois, son of J L and Mary H Camp. Educated in public school Dixon 111; Knox Acad- emy Galesburg 111; Cornell Univ Itha- ca N Y; Rush Medical College Chi- cago 111 1878. Practiced medicine in Dakota from 1878-84; physician to Standing Rock Agency; resigned 1883 Little t^laic-hci^ of BUj Foils. 67 and located in Brainerd 1884; estab- Ished the Lumberman's Hospital 1891 ; sold hospital to Sisters of St Joseph 1902; has been in actice practice in Brainerd to date. Member American Medical Assn; Minn State Medical So- ciety; U S Historical and U S Geo- graphical societies. CAMPBELL Clement C, St Paul. Res 22 Nelson av. Minister of religion. Born Dec 2 5 18 51 in Waushara county Wis, son of Rev D A and Electa L (Soper) Campbell. Married Aug 16, 1883 to Elizabeth J Laning. Educated in public schools Pine River Wis and graduated B S Ripon (Wis) College 1882; Chicago Theological Seminary 18 82-84; Yale Theological Seminary 1884-85; B D same 1885; town supt of schools Granby Conn 188 5-1890; pres North- ern Wis Home Missionary Society and trustee Ashland Academy 1894- 98; treas Wis Convention 1903-1904; held pastorates in Congregational churches in Granby Conn 1885-9 0; Nacedah Wis 1890-91; Antigo WMs 1891-98; Hartford Wis 1898-1901; Madison Wis 1901-1904 and has been pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church St Paul 1904 to date. CAxMPBELL Ernest Wells, Litch- field. Lawyer. Born Nov 19, 1870 in Kingston Minn, son of Otho H and Isadora (Creath) Campbell. Grad- uated from Litchfield High School 1891; from Yale Law ochool LL B 1893 and M L 1894. Served as sergt 15th Minn Vol Inf Spanish American War; promoted to 2d lieut and mustered out Mar 27, 1899. Referee in bankruptcy 4th div Minn 19 00 to date. County atty Meeker county 1902-1906. Member Book and Gavel Society Yale Law School. CAMPBELL HUGH 1), Stillwater. Res 506 W Pine, office Lumbermen's Exchange. Lumber. Born June 15, 1857 in Glengary Ont, son of Donald and Catherine (Dewar) Campbell. Married Nov 2 4, 1887 to Minnie W Irvine. Educated in the public schools Glengary Ont and business college Belleville Ont. Moved to Wis and variously employed in lumber trade 1879-8 5. Engaged in mnfr of lumber with Hershey Lumber Co Still- water as mngr of local plant 1885- 1905; mngr of same devoting his attention to western timber land in- vestments for company 1905 to date. Treas and dir Eclipse Saw Mill Co Stillwater; dir and local mngr Her- shey Lumber Co; dir, sec and treas Seippel Timber Co. CAMPBELL John Elislia, St Paul. Res Langley av, office S St Paul. Physician (R). Born April 3, 1875 in St Paul, son of Norman and Lena Campbell. Married Sept 28, 1903 to Mary Forsyth. Attended Central High School graduating 1894; U of M, B S 1898; M S 1899; M P 1902. Served as dist and county physician; city physician; health of- ficer. Member Sigma Chi honorary scientific fraternity; Ramsey County and State Medical societies. Dir S St Paul Commercial Club. Member Ma- sonic fraternity, M W A, Foresters, I O O F and North Star. CAMPBELL Wallace, Minneapolis. Res 4 07 Oak Grove st, office Peoples Bank. Banker. Born Sept 8, 18 63 Waverly N Y, son of Solomon C and Mary Aurelia (Farwell) Campbell. Educated at high school Corning N Y; Hamilton College 18 83; Columbia College Law School 1885. Removed to Minneapolis 18 86 and practiced law as member of the firm of Stryker & Campbell until 1901; v pres of banking house of Hill, Sonen & Co until 1898; v pres Northwestern Life Assn ( now Northwestern Nat Life Insurance Co); and Minn Title and Trust Co until 1905; elected pres Peoples Bank and v pres New Eng- land Furniture and Carpet Co 1903- Confined his entire attention to Peo- ples Bank since 1905. Member of Minneapolis Commercial, Miltona and Automobile clubs. CAMPBELL Walter H, Minneapo- lis. Res 7 W 25th st, ofl^ce 20] Oneida blk. Lawyer. Born Oct 2, 1875 in Detroit Mich, son of George G S and Marv J (Anscomb) Campbell. Married Sept 2 7, 1905 to Elva Mac- Kusick. Educated in common and high schools Alexandria Minn; grad- uated from U of M 1895; law dept 1896; admitted to bar 1896; em- 68 Little Sketches of Big Folks. ployed in offices of John B and E P Sanborn St Paul until 1897; engaged in law reporting until 189 9; in rail- road work until 1902; began law practice in Minneapolis 1902 and has continued to date. CAMPBELL William Jr, Stillwa ter. Manufacturer. Born Jan 4, 1867 in Manteno 111, son of William and Sarah Jane (Foster) Campbell. Mar- ried Nov 15, 1892 to Nellie A Hatch. Educated in common schools Man- teno 111. First engaged as bkpr with Sheldon & Co Chicago 1883-87; en- gaged in retail shoe business Min- neapolis until 1890; trav salesman for L D Kilbourn Shoe Co 1890-91; same for North Star Shoe Co 1891- 19 06; sec and gen mngr Connolly Shoe Co Stillwater 1906 to date. OANFIELD Eflwin H, Luverne. Lawyer. Born Dec 2 7, 1855 in West- field Wis, son of James F and Mary E (Holmes) Canfield. Married Mar 15, 1877 to Carrie A Hills. Educat- ed in common schools Olmsted coun- ty Minn and high school Rochester Minn; also private tutor; studied laM' with Chas C Wilson Rochester Minn and admitted to bar in 1881. Re- moved from Westfield Wis to a farm Olmsted county Minn 1866; after leaving school taught 11 terms; set- tled in Luverne Minn where he has practiced law 1881 to date; county atty Rock county 14 years; member of school board 8 years; elected state senator 190 6 from Rock and Pipe- stone counties. CANNON Charles M, St Paul. Res 2277 Carter av, office Raymond & Hampden av. Surgeon. Born Aug 18, 18 61 in Edgerton W'is, son of Ephraim D and Emily (Oviatt) Can- non. Married July 3, 1888 to Edith M Morey. Educated in tne schools of Cherokee la; Drake Univ and grad- uated from Bennett Medical College Chicago March 20, 1888. Has been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession since that time. Pres of the Midway Mnfrs Club; member State Board of Medical Examiners 1902- 1905. CANNON John M, St Paul. Res 89 N Victoria st, office 612 Endicott bldg. Lawyer. Born April 18 69 in Juneau county Wis, son of James and Eliza (Noonan) Cannon. Married Feb 21, 1898 to Caroline Klein. Ed- ucated in the common and high schools and Cedar Valley Seminary Osage la; U of M law dept LL B 189 6. Began practice Crescoe 1896; conducted Jno M Cannon Land Agen- cy until 19 05; moved to St Paul and formed law partnership with James Manahan as Manahan & Cannon. Treas I C Land Agency of la 1895; Co-operative Southern Land Co Min- neapolis. Served in la N G; chair- man Dem Committee 4 years. Mem- ber Commercial Club, B P O E and K of C. CARDIGAN Charles T, St Paul. Res 1554 Payne av, office 70 5 Pio- neer Press bldg. Real estate, loans and insurance. Born July 26, 1851 in Ogdensburg N Y, son of James C and Catherine (Turner) Cardigan. Married July 6, 1885 to Millie A Mc- Lean. Educated in the public and night schools of Ogdensberg N Y and Boston Mass. Removed to St Paul 1886 employed 9 years in Forepaugh Block and Seven Corners Bank. Opened real estate office 189 5 and now engaged in business in the firm of Truax & Cardigan. Sec and treas Forest Cemetery Assn. Member I O F. CARGILL Robert G, Minneapolis. Res 2 617 Cortland st, office 318 Flour Exchange. Grain merchant. Born Oct 31, 187 7 at Northwood la, son of S S and Elizabeth (Murphy) Cargill. Married May 2 9, 1902 to Fidelia Burnell. Attended the pub- lic schools in Minneapolis; St John's Military School Manilus N Y; Macal- ester College St Paul 2 years; U of M 1 year. In employ of Victoria Eleva- tor Co as office boy and elk until 19 02; sec and dir 1902 to date. Mem- ber Delta Tau college fraternity; Roosevelt Club St Paul. CARLETON James P, St Paul. Res 575 Fuller st, office 2 41 Endicott bldg. Lands and loans. Born April 1857 in Le Grand la, son of John H and Sarah A (Stoddard) Carleton. Lilth t^tketchc^ of Bi;/ Folks. 69 Married 1901 to Dollie Skinner. Ed- ucated in Cornell College la and med- ical dept la State Univ. Engaged in lumber business Iowa Falls la 187 9- 82; same Belmont la 1882-84; groc- cery business Iowa Falls la 1884-87; postmaster same 1887-91; Reid, Murdoch & Co Chicago 1891-1900; sec and treas Security Mortgage & Loan Co 1900 to date; also with Earl F Andrus land business St Paul 19 00 to date. CARLISLE William T, Crookston. Merchant. Born June 19, 1868 in Berrien Springs Mich, son of J L and M A (Fruitt) Carlisle. Married Dec 17, 1895 to Eliza H Bullock. Edu- cated in common schools Greenville Mich and business college Aberdeen S D. Engaged as elk in Aberdeen; moved to Ada Minn as mngr and buyer for Thorpe Bros & Co 8 years; city salesman for Finch, Smith & Co Crookston 4 years; later buyer and since 1905 member of firm of Finch, Winslow, Carlisle Co whol grocers. Dir Minot Grocery Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity and B P O E. CARLSON Henry C, Albert Lea. Lawyer. Born Feb 22, 18 7 2 on a farm in Freeborn county Minn, son of Adolph and Dorothea (Anderson) Carlson. Married in 19 01 to Mab(M E Du Toit. Educated in public schools Albert Lea and U of M. Studied in law office; graduated from Columbian Univ Washington D C 189 7; practiced in Albert Lea to date. Dir Citizens Nat Bank; Albert Lea Corset Co; Albert Lea Brick & Tile Co. Member Commercial Club, K of P, B P O E and Albert Lea Charter Commission. CARIjSOX John M, St Paul. Res 475 Dayton av, office 227-229 W 5th st. Contractor and builder. Born Nov 2 9, 1841 in Wexico Sweden, son of Carl Johanson and Christina ( .Ion- son) Carlson. Married 1868 to Chris- tina Magnuson. Educated in public schools of Sweden. Removed to N Y 1866 and went immediately to Chi- cago where he engaged in carpentry for 2 years; removed to St Paul 1868; was employed as foreman for 13 years with Wiley Bros; admitted to partnership as Wiley & Carlson 1881; purchased Wiley's interest 1890. Built old capitol and many other large buildings in the business and resident dist of St Paul. Mem- ber of Builders Exchange; pres Union Cemetery Assn. Served 2 years in Swedish militia. Appointed Dec 31, 189 8 and served 4 years on Board of Water Commissioners. CARMAN John Braineid, Detroit. Physician (R). Born July 4, 185 5 in Iroquois Out, son of John A and Sarah A (Bailey) Carman. Married Jan 10, 1877 to Alice J Coons Educated in public and high schools Iroquois Ont; Albert Univ Belle- ville Ont; graduated from McGill Univ Montreal 1879. Located in De- troit same year and has been en- gaged in practice to date. Pres Car- man's Pharmacy Co. Member State and County Medical societies. CARMICHAEL David, Stillwater. Res 719 S 3d St. Retired (Lumber). Born June 14, 1835 in Province of New Brunswick, son of David and Margaret (McLaine) Carmichael. Married July 9, 18 71 to Rebecca H Cox. Was raised on a farm and worked in lath mill and lumbering until 1854. Moved to Stillwater and was engaged in lumbering 185 4-62 and from 1865-18 80. Established firm of Mulvey & Carmichael; en- gaged in logging until 1900 when he retired from active business. V pres and dir Eclipse Saw Mill Co; stock- holder Minnesota Mercantile Co; St Croix Boom Co; Gowan, Peyton, Twohy Co Duluth; Independencia Mining & Smelting Co. Enlisted in 8th Minn Regt and served on fron- tier in N and S C and Tenn during Civil War 1862-65. Member GAR and B P O E. CARPENTER C P, Northfield. Publisher. Born Feb 4, 1853 in Eastford Conn, son of F C and Mary A (Gilbert) Carpenter. Married in 1885 to Lula M IMcElrath. Educated in public schools Minn. Began in printing business Spring Valley Minn 1870; worked on many newspapers as reporter and editor; established Dakota County Tribune Farmington Minn 1884; admitted to bar 1890; purchased Northfield Independent 70 Little Sketches of Big Folks. 1895 and has conducted same to date. Asst elk House of Representatives 1887; chief elk 1889; now municipal judge. Member Knights of Pythias and I O O F. CARROLL AValter N, Minneapolis. Res 2000 S Irving av, ofhce 510 Se- curity Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 10, 1863 in Philadelphia Pa, son of T N and Hannah (Clarke) Car- roll. Married Elizabeth Brownell June 1, 1895. Attended public schools in Philadelphia and at Vil- lage Creek la; U of M, LL B 1895; LL M 1896; D C L 1902; ex-pres Law Alumni Assn. Was cashier of the Bank of De Smet S D and its successor the First National Bank of De Smet 18 82-87; had charge of the voluntary liquidation of the Twin City National Bank of New Brighton Minn 1890-9 2; was as- signee of the Citizens' Bank of Min- neapolis and later receiver in the ac- tion to enforce stockholders' liability of that institution 1893-99. Has practiced law 189 to date. Member American Bar Assn; Minn State Bar Assn; Minneapolis Commercial Club; Home Protection League; National Municipal League; American Civic Assn; U of M Alumni Assn. Ex-pres Minn Congregational Club. CARSON AVilliam Morris, St Paul. Res 482 Holly av, office 542 Gilfillan blk. Lawyer. Born Sept 1851 in Baltimore Md, son of W K and Mary C (Johnston) Carson. Educated in private schools; Univ of Maryland; Westminster College Pa 2 years; Princeton Univ 4 years, graduated 1874; degrees: A B, M A, Princeton; B L, D L, Maryland Law School, Johns Hopkins Univ 1876-78. Practiced law Baltimore Md 187 6-1883; St Paul 1883 to date; gen agt Surety Bond Co 189 6 to date. Private sec to the mayor of St Paul 1889 to 1892. Member Wabasha Club St Paul; University Club Baltimore; Bar Assn Baltimore; and St Paul Southern Club St Paul. Member Commercial Club; dir 1888-1890. CASE Charles Merritt, Minneapo- lis. Res 2118 Pillsbury av, office 54 Chamber of Commerce. Grain ele- vators. Born Sept 22, 1870 in Min- neapolis, son of C W and Julia (Pratt) Case. Married May 28, 1902 to Helen Janney. Graduated from Shattuck Military School Faribault 1888; Lehigh Univ B S 1892; post graduate Lehigh E M 1893. Treas Atlantic Elevator Co; Homestead Elevator Co; Royal Elevator Co and George C Bagley Elevator Co; mem- ber Whallon, Case & Co stock and grain brokers 1900 to date. Mem- ber Am Inst Mining Engineers; Loyal Legion; Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis. CASE Walter L, Cloquet. Law- yer. Born Apr 25, 1863 in Wilson N Y, son of Samuel P and Margaret Case. Married June 2, 1892 to Eve- lyn A West. Graduated from Wilson Union School N Y 1884; attended Mt Union College Ohio 1888-89. Raised on farm in Niagara county N Y. Taught school in Wilson, Ton- awanda and Lewiston N Y. Stud- ied law Lockport N Y 2 years; moved to Saginaw Mich 1889; city editor Saginaw Evening Journal 2 years; admitted to practice law 1890; opened law office Saginaw W S; moved to Saginaw E S 1891; moved to Duluth Minn 189 3 and practiced law in W Duluth; edited Daily Law Bulletin in Duluth 5 years; moved to Cloquet and practiced law 189 8 to date. City atty Cloquet. Treas Central Block Co. Member Minn House of Representatives. CASE AVilliam I, Anoka. Con- tractor. Born March 3, 1870 in Ne- cedah Wis, son of John W and Rachael (McGlauflin) Case. Mar- ried Apr 26, 1893 to Lilla B Ballou. Educated in common schools Nece- dah Wis. Moved to Anoka 1891 and took course in Anoka Business Col- lege; after leaving school engaged in carpentering and contracting, con- tinuing same to date. CASEY John, Anoka. Farm im- plements and livery. Born Oct 1858 in Syracuse N Y. Married May 27, 1885 to Mary E Tierney. Educated in common schools. Farmed several years; moved to Anoka and went into the farm implement and livery busi- ness, which lie conducts to date. Served as supervisor of Fridley Minn; sheriff Anoka county; alderman 6 terms. Little ti and S Dakota Phamix Mutual Life Ins Co 1902 to date; pres General Inspection Co. Sheriff Miner county Dakota 1882-86; dep U S mar- shall Dakota 1883-86. Member Minne- apolis Commercial Club; Masonic fra- ternity and Knights Templar. COCHRAN Thomas, St Paul. (Died 1906). Born July 31, 1843 in Brooklyn N Y, son of James B and Catherine (Baylis) Cochran. Married Nov 26, 1867 to Emelie B Walsh. Grad- uated from Brooklyn Polytechnic Insti- tute 1859; Univ of City of N Y, A B 1863; Columbia College Law School LL B 1865; removed to St Paul 1868 and began mortgage loan business 1869; engaged in real estate, mortgage loan business continuously since, under in- corporate names of Cochran & Walsh 1871-78; Thomas Cochran 1878-81; Cochran & Newport 1881-83; Cochran & Walsh 1883-96; N W Investment Co 1896 to 1906; pres of same and dir of Dakotah Mnfg Co; member Co "H" 7th Regt N Y S N G 5 years. 1st lieut Ind Co "A" M N G (vet of Blue Berry War) ; 1st sergt Co "A" 1st Regt M N G. Member of the bar and life member Minn Historical Society; Roosevelt and Commercial Clubs. COCKEV William Paul, Minneapo- lis. Res Clifton av and Vine pi, office 209 Hennepin av. Manufacturer. Born July 21, 1858 in Frederick Md, son of Sebastian Graff and Mary Elizabeth ( Sprigg) Cockey. Educated by private tutors; in public schools of Frederick and in Frederick Academy (now Fred- erick College). Removed to Chicago and engaged as elk in Nat Bank of 111 1880; represented W H Colvin Co and Hard-Rand Co of N Y in St Paul 1884- 88; organized and was pres of Port- land Stone Co; purchased Eureka Stone Co; organized Warehouse & Builders Supply Co Superior Wis, which was succeeded by Superior Mnfg Co of which he is now pres; pres Baltimore Investment Co; Crys- tal Flake Salt Co Marine City Mich; and Contractors Machinerv Co Minne- apolis; V pres Nat Builders Supply Assn. Pres Southern Club of Minn; member Minneapolis and Minikahda clubs. COE William T, Minneapolis. Res 3000 Girard av N, office 700-705 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born May 18, 1870 in Riverside la, son of Sylvester and Anna (Rowlands) Coe. Married Sept 29, 1898 to Annabel Collins. Attended country school near Riverside la; Iowa City Aacdemy; graduated from Minneapolis Academy 1890; academic dept U of M 1890-94; graduating B S; law dept 1894-96; graduating LL B. Has practiced law in Minneapolis to date. Member state legislature Minn 1897-99; regimental quartermaster 15th Minn Inf Spanish-American War 1898- 99. Member American Economic Assn; Minneapolis Commercial Club; Mason- ic order and I O O F. COP^FEY D S, St Paul. Res The Buckingham, office Nat'l Ger Am Bank bldg. Propr Hess Business College. Born in 1866 in Lenoir N C, son of D D and Harriet E (Collett) Coffey. Married in 1906 to Daisy Skadden. Educated in Globe Academy Lenoir N C and business college. First em- ployed as teacher at State A & M College Lexington Ky; in Commercial dept 1887-91; moved to St Paul 1891 and has been propr of the Hess Busi- ness College to date. Pres D S Coffey Copyholder Co. Member Commercial Club. COHEN Henry 1, Brainerd. Gen insurance, real estate and loans. Born Sept 10, 1857 in Albany N Y, son of Dr I N Cohen. Married Jan 1, 1S85 to Minnie Schoenman of Mil- waukee. Educated in New York and Penn public schools. Engaged in dry goods business in Brainerd 1882 under Little Sketches of Big Folks. 85 firm name of Cohen Bros; purchased brother's interest in 1887, and con- tinued alone under firm name ot Hen- ry I Colien, enlarging the business to the dimensions of a department store; retired from the business in 1904 and has engaged in gen insur- ance, real estate and loans to date. Member city council 2 years; pres Public Library Board 2 terms and was principal promoter of the Brain- erd Public Library, considered one of the finest in the State. Member Masonic fraternity; Scottish Rite 3 2d degree; Shrine; B P O E and M W A. COKEFAIR Charles C, Duluth. Res 1815 E Superior, office 307-310 Providence bldg. Capitalist. Born in 1848 in B'loomfield N J, son of Isaac Moore and Catherine (Kierstead) Cokefair. Married in 1868 to Elsie J Albertson. Educated in public schools of Bloomfield; Pennington Seminary Collegiate Institute. Engaged in busi- ness in New York 1872 and for more than 30 years identified with import- ant enterprises; developed slate quar- ries at Bangor Pa; since 1899 has been at the head of the great St Louis River water power development; or- ganized Great Northern Power & Trans Co to promote and develop same; is pres of Great Northern Dev Co of Duluth for power development on upper Mississippi river; pres Mis- sissipin River Elec Power Co. Mem- ber Upper Mississippi River Impr Assn; Am Inst Elec Engineers; Kitchi Gammi; Commercial, Northland Coun- ty, Boat and Yacht clubs. COKEFAIR Franci.s Albertson, Du- luth. Res 1815 E Superior, office 307- 310 Providence bldg. Engineer. Born in 1869 in Madison N Y, son of Char- les C and Elsie J (Albertson) Cokefair. Educated in New York and graduated with degree of civil engineer from School of Mines Columbia Univ N Y 1894. Engaged in engineering work in and near New York several years and with French Panama Canal Co; has been chief eng in the development and promotion of the great St Louis river power; explored the whole drain- age area of the St Louis river and worked out the plan to harness and utilize the power; is chief eng and dir Great Northern Power Co Dviluth ; v pres and dir Great Northern Dev Co Duluth; first v pres and dir of Missis- sippi River Electric Co. Member American Society of Civil Engineers; Am Inst Elec Engineers and Lake Superior Mining Inst; Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country, Boat and Yacht clubs; and Columbia Uni- versity Club New York City. COLE Alvinza, Fergus Falls. Phy- sician and surgeon (H). Born Dec 28, 1848 in Canton N Y, son of O C and Alvira (Johnson) Cole. Married in 1876 to Effie E Westcott. Educated in Canton (N Y) Academy; graduated from New York Homeopathic Med Col- lege 1878. Engaged in practice in Canton until 1881; moved to Fergus Falls and has been continuously prac- ticing his in-ofession to date. Served as surgeon with rank of maj in 14th Minn Vol Inf in Spanish-American War. Mayor of Fergus Falls 2 terms; state senator 1895-99; 1903-1907; Chair- man State Central Committee. Mem- ber Park Region Med Soc; Chippewa Club; Masonic fraternity. COLE Barney W, Breckenridge. Public official. Born Nov 28, lc<^71 in Dakota county Minn, son of Ambrose D and Laura L (Wood) Cole. Married July 28, 1896 to Signa S Bronson. Re- ceived public school education. En- gaged in farming until 1896; in mer- cantile business under firm name of Cole & Pierce 1896-1902; register of deeds 1902 to date. City treas 1902 to date. Dir Wilkin County B & L Assn; member Masonic fraternity, K of P and I O F. COLE Haydn S, St Paul. Res 618 Dayton av, office Endicott bldg Vice pres N W Trust Co. Born Oct 12, 1861 in Newark Valley N J, son of William H and Bessie (Watson) Cole. Married in 1887 to Mary Mense of St Louis Mo. Attended high school at Kewanee 111 ; Univ of 111 and gradu- ated West Point 1885. Served in the U S army on the staff of Gens Ruger and Merritt 1888-92; on frontier 1885- 1888; under Gens Ruger and Merritt at St Paul as chief eng officer Dept of Dakota 1888 to 1903; member of firm of Stevens, O'Brien, Cole & Al- brecht lawyers St Paul 1893-1903; v pres and counsel N W Trust Co 1903 to date; dir St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co. Member Minnesota Club; White Bear Yacht Club. m Little Sketches of Big Folks. COLEMAN Daniel J, St Paul. Res 39 Winnipeg av, office 603 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 6, 187G in Carleton Minn, son of Tliomas and Caroline (Soutlier) Coleman. Married in 1902 to Elizabeth Peterson. Edu- cated in high school Preston Minn; State Normal School Winona; IT of M; St Paul College of Law LL B 1902. Engaged in practice of law to date. COLEMAN John, Anoka. Supt Anoka State Asylum. B'orn Nov 20, 1852 in County Tipperary Ireland, son of Thomas and Catherine (Rvan) Cole- man. Married Nov 25, 1879 to .Julia A Tierney. Moved to Canada 1S62; to Onondaga county N Y 1863; Anoka county Minn 1867 and has resided there to date. Was engaged in farm- ing until 1899 when he was appointed supt of Anoka State Asylum, which position he still holds. Pres Anoka Nat'l Bank; former county commis- sioner 12 years. COLLER Jnliiis A, Shakopee. Law- yer. Born Feb 22. 1859 in Shakopee Minn, son of George F and Sophia (Tueneman) Coller. Married Sept 16, 1884 to Ida L Adams. Educated in the public schools Shakopee Minn. Dir First Nat Bank Shakopee; Peoples State Bank Jordan; First State Bank New Market and Shakopee Mtg Loan & Inv Co. City clerk Shakopee 1880- 90; elk district court Scott county 1882-91 ; county atty Scott county 1891- 95; state senator 1899-1911. COLLINS David Tri.strani, East Grand Forks. Lawyer. Born .Ian 6, 1879 in Menasha Wis, son of Josiah Norris and Frances Jane (Kent) Col- lins. Educated in public schools Kau- kauna Wis and Gladstone Mich, grad- uating from Gladstone High School 1897. Took law and academic courses U of M. Read law in offices of Frank M Nye and Keith, Evans, Thompson & Fairchild; admitted to bar 1903; member of law firm E'ronson & Col- lins 1903 to date. Stockholder First State Bank East Grand Forks. COLLINS Howard L, St Paul. Res 129 N Chatsworth st, office 61 East 10th St. Printer and manufacturer. Born May 3, 1864 at Lake City Minn, rion of George H and Carrie A (Eells) Collins. Married April 26, 1887 to Leonia E Mitchell. Educated in pub- lic schools at Lake City. Learned printing trade starting in Sentinel office at Lake City and finishing in plant of Brown, Treacy & Sperrv Co St Paul. Started business for self as member of Baker, Collins & Co 1886, which was incori)orated in 1S91 as H L Collins Co; pres of corporation. Member of various Masonic bodies. Woodmen and Knights of Columbus. Clerk and trustee Park Congrega- tional Church St Paul. COMBS William Solomon. North St Paul. Office 612 Pioneer Press bldg St Paul. Merchant. Born March 13, 1831 in New York City, son of Jon- athan and Susan (Carman) Combs. Married May 10,1851 to Carrie White. Educated in New York public schools and Liggit's Commercial School St Louis Mo. Left New York 1842 and moved to Lexington Ky; employed in book store until 1847; moved to St Louis Mo and remained in same bus- iness until 1851, at which time he re- moved to St Paul; engaged in book and stationery business 18 51-74; was elected and served as Grand Sec of the Grand Lodge A F & A M 1867-72; now engaged in sale of iNIasonic and secret society goods. Member of the Pioneer Guard; formerly connected with St Paul public schools for 18 years, during which time he was sec and pres of the Board of Education. Member Masonic fraternity 52 years. COMFORT Fiacis Aivian, Still- water. Res 12 04 3d av S, office 22 6 E Myrtle st. Lawyer. Born Aug 7. 1853 in Mineral Point Wis, son of Amzi W and Eliza (Vanorman) Com- fort. Married Sei)t 20, 1883 to Elise T Hebenstreit. Educated in the com- mon and high schools Portage Wis. Moved to Stillwater 1872 and studied law in the office of Hon R R Murdock. Admitted to bar 1878. Began practice with O H Comfort under the firm name of O H & F V Comfort, which firm continued until 1880; Comfort, Gregory & Comfort 1880-83; Gregory & Comfort until 1885; practiced alone 1885-86; Comfort & Comfort 1886-87; alone until 1894; Comfort & Wilson 1894-97 and has been engaged alone since that time. Former city atty Stillwater. Member Washington Light Little ^Sketches of Bi0 Little Sketches of Bi(/ FoRs. gaged in real estate business 1S98 to date. Former mngr F D & A A Coop- er; pres Grand View Brick Co and Continuous Kiln Co; now pres Am R E & Inv Co Minneapolis. COOPER Ja.soii W, St Paul. Res 749 Summit av. office 3d and Broadway. Merchant. Born Oct 17, 1843 in Coop- ersville N Y, son of Ezra and Maria F Cooper. Married in 1875 to Sarah H Dougan of St Paul. Attended dist schools Clinton county N Y until 14 years old; afterwards worked until 1861 when he enlisted in the Army of the Potomac, serving two years. Re- moved to St Paul 1864 and traveled for whol grocery firm; entered firm of Griggs & Cooper whol grocers 1889 and is now v pres of its successor Griggs, Cooper & Co. Dir Commercial Club; member Town and Country Club; dir American National Bank St Paul. COOTEY Thomas E, Minneapolis. Res 2316 Aldrich av S, office Flour Ex- change bldg. Lithographer, printer. Born Aug 6, 1860 in Kenosha Wis, son of John and Jane (Coyle) Cootey. Married Sept 9, 1885 to Cora M Ha- men. Educated in common schools Kenosha Wis and Chicago. Com- menced as errand boy Sept 27, 1875 with Culver, Page, Hayne & Co Chi- cago and remained with them and their successors the John Morris Co until Jan 30, 1887; became identified with Brown, Treacy & Co St Paul Feb 1, 18s7 and opened branch for this company in Minneapolis Dec 29, 1890 which was known as the Northwestern Lithographing & Printing Co; succeed- ed the latter company as propr and changed name to Cootey Lithograph- ing and Printing Co June 28, 1898 which was incorporated as the Cootey- Blodgett Co in 1906. Member Minne- apolis, Commercial and Lafayette clubs; Knights of Columbus and B P O E. COPELANI) John, St Paul. Res 909 Laurel av, office 421 Century bldg. Railway supplies. Born in 1845 in Scotland, son of William and Margaret (Thompson) Copeland. Edvicated in public schools Scotland. Learned car- pentry and building in his native country; moved to Hudson Wis and was in employ of N Wis (now C St P M & O) R R 1874-96; engaged princi- pally as supt of buildings and bridges. Member St Paul Board of Aldermen 1888-92; assembly 1892-94; pres Board of Public Works 1896-98; engaged in real estate business 1898-1900; now handling railway supplies, represent- ing Braeburn Steel Co; Block Pollock Iron Co; C G Hussey & Co; and Solid Steel Tool & Forge Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; A O U W; M W of A; United Foresters; Empire, N W Railway, and Congregational clubs. CORCORAN Charles, Stillwater. Res 611 S 3d st. Minister of religion. Born Sept 2, 1866 in Pittsfield Mass, son of John and Ellen (Canevin) Cor- coran. Educated in the public and parochial schools of St Paul. Gradu- ated St Paul High School 1883; St Francis Seminary Milwaukee; Univ of Loudin Belgium 1889. Asst St Paul Cathedral 1889-91; pastor St Michael's Church Stillwater 1891 to date. Chap- lin of the state penitentiary Stillwater. CORLISS E E, Fergus Falls. Law- yer. Born Sept 1, 1841 in Vt, son of Timothy B and Elvira Corliss. Mar- ried Nov 19, 1864 to Elizabeth M Tuck- er. Moved to Minn 1856; served in 2d Minn Vol in Civil War 1861-66; admit- ted to bar and located in Otter Tail county 1870; has since been engaged in practice of law. Member Minn Legislature 1872; served 10 years on Capitol Commission; county atty 10 years. Member Masonic fraternity; G A R. CORNING John AV, St Paul. Res 481 Dayton av, office 800 Germania Life bldg. Manufacturer. Born Nov 22, 1844 in Brooklyn N Y, son of Ed- ward and Catherine M (Austin) Corn- ing. Married November 22, 1869 to Mary E Rogers. Educated in private schools of Brooklyn N Y and West Cornwall Conn. Clk in flour and feed store in Hartford Conn 5 years; in New York City 2 years; came to St Paul in 1868; with Noyes Bros & Cut- ler 1869-87; Corning Clay Works, man- ufacturers fireproof ing tile 1887-95. Member Greiner & Corning mnfrs of Chaska brick 1895 to date. Member Board of School Inspectors St Paul 4 years; Board of Alderman 4 years. LUtJr ShrtfJic.s of liUj Folh-.s. 1)1 CORXWELL Byron Cook, St Paul. Res 174 West College av, office 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Dentist. Born July 27, 1851 in Oswego N Y, son of Giles H and Helen Maria (Cook) Cornwell. Married Oct 23, 1894 to Martha J Robinson. Attended com- mon and grammar schools at Oswego N Y; graduated from Philadelphia Dental College 1883; v pres of class and elected v pres of Alumni Assn; graduated from Medico-Chirurgical College Philadelphia 1887; elected v pres of Alumni Assn. In connection with Dr W C Foulks of Philadelphia published "Quiz Questions on Dental Pathology and Therapeutics" 1882, the first volume on itathology and thera- peutics ever published with reference to the teeth; first practitioner in St Paul to use porcelain for preservation and filling of teeth 1889. COKKICiAX James R, Minneapolis. Res Holmes Hotel, office 1011 New York Life bldg. Lawyer. Born ,Tan 8, 1861 in Martinsburgh, Lewis county N Y, son of John and Charlotte (Heffer- nan) Corrigan. Educated in Lowville Univ N Y. Practiced law in Minneap- olis from admission to the bar 1882 un- til he was elected probate judge of Hennepin county in 1890; held this office for 2 terms; went to Chicago in Dec 1897 and was appointed 3d asst corporation counsel of Chicago in Mar 1897; resigned in 1899 and returned to Minneapolis where he has been en- gaged in general law practice to date. CORSER Elwood Spencer, Minne- apolis. Res 615 James av N, office New York Life bldg. Real estate and loans. Born Oct 3, 1835 in Monroe county N Y, son of Caleb Burbank and Henrietta (Spencer) Corser. Educat- ed in public schools Ogden N Y ; Gene- see Wesleyan Seminary Lima N Y. Served in 93d N Y Vol Inf Nov 1861 to Oct 1864 and was discharged for wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House Va, May 12, 1864. En- gaged in real estate business in Min- neapolis since 1870; pres Corser In- vestment Co and member of its pre- decessors since that date. Member Minn Society of Colonial Wars; Minn Society Sons of the Revolution; Minn Commandery of Loyal Legion; John A Rawling Post GAR; Minn State His- torical Society. CORSER Frederick G, Minneapo- lis. Res 615 James av N, office 907 N Y Life bldg. Architect. Born. June 12, 1849 in RochesT*^r N Y, son of C B and Rhoda (Chapman) Corser. Mar- ried Sept 15, 1880 to Lucinda Hewson. Educated in common school and Ro- chester Free Academy. Variously em- ployed until 1878; moved to Minneapo- lis 1878 and has been engaged in prac- tice of his profession to date. CORY Charles Morton, Worthing- ton. Judge of probate. Born Jan 12, 1866 in Thorntown Ind, son of Jere- miah and Mary Ann (Bennett) Cory. Married Feb 8, 1898 to Anna Raueia. Attended Wabash College Crawfords- ville Ind 1884-85; Carleton College Northfield Minn 1887-88; law school U of M 1889-90. B'egan practice of law at Adrian Minn in 1891. Elected judge of probate Nobles county 1892; re- elected 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1902, 1904 and 1906. COSGROVE Carson N, Le Sueur. Hardware. Born Nov 22, 1853 in Westfield N Y, son of Robert and Grace Shaw Cosgrove. Married in 1873 to Elizabeth Bradley. Educated in public and high schools Westfield N Y. Moved to Le Sueur 1871 and en- gaged in live stock business; added hardware and formed partnership with brother under firm name of The Cos- grove Co 1887. Has served as mayor of Le Sueur; pres and member Minn State Agricultural Society. COTE Fred A, Mankato. Res 314 S Front st. Manufacturers' agent. Born Nov 21, 1868 at Minnesota Lake Minn, son of Thomas and Harriet (Gaunya) Cote. Married June 29, 1897 to Mary A Brownlee. Educated in the public schools of Fairbault and Rochester Minn. Taught school 1889-92; en- gaged in the study of law and conduct- ing law, loan and collection office 1892- 99; engaged in collection and sales dept Deering Harvester Co Chicago 1899-1903; mngr branch house for Nich- ols & Shepard Co Battle Creek Mich 1903 to date. COTTON Charles E, Minneapolis. Res 15 E 34th st, office Nicollet and Washington av. Banker. Born April 30, 1860 in Meadville Pa, son of Austin 02 Little Sketches of Bif/ Folks. D and Alice M (Marshall) Cotton. Married 1895 to Martha M Miller. Re- ceived public school education in Fi-anklin Pa. First engaged in bank of F W Mitchell & Co Oil City 1877; moved to Minneapolis 1886 and has been connected with Peoples Bank Minneapolis to date; is now cashr of same. Member of Auto Club. COTTOX Claude G, Minneapolis. Res 1509 Clinton av, office 505 Henne- pin av. Agent and manager. Born July 26, 1876 in Chatfield Minn, son of Charles H and Mary A Cotton. Married June 11, 1901 to Marion M Williams. Graduated from Chatfield H._ School 1894; attended academic dept U of M; graduated from law dept LL B 1901. State mngr Burroughs Adding Machine Co 1901 to date. Member Zeta Psi college fraternity; Roosevelt, Commercial, Minikahda, Minneapolis Athletic and Minneapolis Auto clubs ; Masonic order and Shrine. COTTON Joseph B, Duluth. Res 1617 E 1st St, office Wolvin bldg. Law- yer and railroad official. Born Jan 6, 1865 in Albion Ind, son of John and Elizabeth J (Riddle) Cotton. Married Jan 4, 1900 to Louise Hubbell. Educat- ed in the common and high schools of Albion Ind; Michigan Agricultural Col- lege B' S 1886. Studied law with Hon Edwin Willits of Mich. Moved to Du- luth 1888 and was member of law firm of Cotton & McGendley; Cotton & Dibell 1S91-93; Cotton, Dibell & Rey- nolds 1893-94; appointed gen atty for D M & N Ry 1893 ; gen counsel for Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines 1894; gen solr for Duluth & Iron Range R R; gen solr for Oliver Iron Mining Co; Minnesota Iron Co and subsidiary companies; 2d v pres, dir and gen solr North Butte Mining Co; dir Cananea Central Mining Co and Pauton & White Co; 4th v pres Greene-Cananea Copper Co. Made nominating speech for re-election of Senator Davis 1893 ; member House of Representatives 1893-95; delegate to Republican Nat Convention 1904; seconded nomination of Theodore Roosevelt on behalf of Northwest. Member of Indiana So- ciety of Chicago and Minnesota So- ciety of New York; Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country and Boat clubs Duluth; Minnesota Club St Paul; Chicago Athletic Club Chi- cago; Washington Club Isle Royal; B P O E, Shrine; Phi Delta Theta. COUGHLAN Thomas R, Mankato. Res 717 N 2d, office 820 N Front. Con- tractor. Born Nov 8, 1845 in Glouces- ter county N B, son of Daniel and Mar- garet (Regan) Coughlan. Married in 1875 to Winifred Chesser. Educated in country schools New Brunswick. Engaged in farming until 1864; as stone-cutter until 1880; farming in Pembina county N D 1880-85; moved to Mankato and was member of firm of Maxfield & Coughlan 1885-95; in business as contr 1895 to date. Dir National Citizens Bank; v pres Scha- kan Salmon Co Schakan Alaska. Member School Board 1893 to date; Commercial Club. COUNTRYMAJV Ambrose 1), Ap- pleton. Lawyer. Born Feb 8, 1j^50 in Fine N Y, son of Peter F and Eliza- beth E (Gleason) Countryman. Mar- ried Aug 30, 1874 to Miss Jennie Bes- wick. Educated in common schools; U of M; graduating from Washington Univ St Louis LL B 1874. Settled in Minnesota 1855; reared on a farm in Dakota county Minn. Taught school; commenced practice of law in Minne- apolis in 1874; removed to Appleton, Swift county Minn 1876; has been en- gaged in practice of law in Appleton to date. Member Board of County Commissioners Swift county 1879-82; judge of probate 1882-89; asst sec Minn State Senate 1897-1905; sec Board of Education Appleton 1883-07. Member Masonic fraternity; grand master Minn 1902-1903. COUNTRYMAN Ernest A, St Paul. Res 154 Pleasant av, office 810 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born March 23, 1882 in Appleton Minn, son of A D and Jen- nie (Beswick) Countryman. Educat- ed in common and high schools Apple- ton Minn; business college Minneapo- lis; graduated St Paul College ol: Law LL B 1904. Engaged in active prac- tice since graduation. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. COURTNEY Charles F, Minneapo- lis. Res 3229 Columbus av, officb 302 Northwestern bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 30, 1881 in Minneapolis, son of Little Slrfches of BUj Folks. 93 John P and Alice (McCarthy) Court- ney. Educated in public schools Min- neapolis; graduated from law dept U of M. LL B 1905; with American Ad- justment Co 1903; creditman Elliott Credit Co 1904; with Public Service Club 1905; now asst sec and atty Min- neapolis Retail Grocers Assn. COURTNEY Henry A, Duluth. Res 3 22 3d av N, office 401 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 10, 1S7S in Forest City Minn, son of William J and Mary B (Byrnes) Courtney. Educated in rural school Forest City; State Normal School St Cloud; U of M. Admitted to bar 19 05; prac- ticed in Minneapolis until 1906; moved to Duluth and has been en- gaged in practice of his profession to date. Dir and treas Security Mer- cantile Agency of Duluth. COIRTXEY Walter, Brainerd. Surgeon. Born Sept 18, 1855 in Moore Out, son of Angus and Janet (McCash) Courtney. Married Feb 10, 1885 to Hildegarde A von Jasmund. Edu- cated in public schools of Lambton county Ont; Strathroy Collegiate In- stitute; Swazze and Yarkes Business College of London Ont and medical dept Univ of Mich; graduating M D 1883; post graduate studies in surgery at various times and places since 1883. Chief surgeon E div N P Ry Co since 1888. Ex-pres Minn State Med Assn ; member Upper Mississippi Medical So- ciety; Am Med Assn; International Assn Ry Surgeons; Minn Academy of Medicine; honorary N D State Med Assn : Hennepin County Med Society. Member Minnesota Club St Paul. COUSE Frank Walter, Minneapo- lis. Res 96 Arthur av, office 79 27th av S E. Manufacturing machinist. Born June 16, 1880 in Orchard la, son of Almond D and Phoebe (Howard) Couse. Married Jan 31, 1906 to Han- nah M H Hvarfven. Educated in pub- lic schools of Minneapolis. Appren- tice to machinist's trade 1896; organ- ized a manufacturing model and ex- perimental business under firm name of Couse & Swartzenburg 1901; dis- solved partnership 1902 and continued the business alone. Machine design- ing; perfecting of patents; experimen- tal work; and automobile building and repairing; is the inventor of several machine appliances. Pres Cyclone Top Co; V pres Twin City Auto Car Co. COYEY William E, Minneapolis. Res 2416 Stevens av. Manufacturer. Born 1856 in Conn, son of William E and Sarah B (Hurlbut) Covey. Mar- ried 1880 to Leila Church. Attended iniblic schools and graduated at Hart- ford Conn High School. Engaged in mercantile pursuits in Hartford Conn for 13 years; 2'^-> years in N Dak; state mngr for Equitable Life Assur- ance Society of the U S; 10 years in Duluth and 8 years in Minneapolis; now pres and mngr Cereal Product Co. Member of the Conn Nat Guard 7 years; ex-member Hartford city coun- cil. Member Conn Society Sons of tne American Revolution; Masonic fra- ternity 32d degree. CRAFTS Leo Melville, Minneapo- lis. Res 610 S E 5th st, office 606 Masonic Temple. Physician. Born Oct 3, 1863 in Minneapolis, son of Major Amasa and Mary Jane (Henry) Crafts. Educated in public schools; graduated from U of M 1886 and from Harvard Univ. Studied nervous dis- eases Boston Hospital. Elected mem- ber Hospital Club 1891 and fellow in Massachusetts Medical Society. Re- turned to Minneapolis 1891 and en- gaged in practice to date. Member Am. Minn State, and Hennepin Medi- cal societies; Am Academy of Politi- cal and Social Science. Promin- ently identified with State Sunday School Assn. Member Central Com- mittee of same 1892; pres 1893-94- 95; former editor Minn S S Herald. CRAIG Daniel, St Paul. Res 65 7 Grand av, office Sibley and 5th sts. Plumber's supplies. Born in 1850 in Scotland, son of Andrew and Margar- et (Guthrie) Craig. Married in 1902 to Victoria Hoyi. Educated in schools of Scotland. Moved to New York and engaged in dry goods business 1873- 90; moved to St Paul 1890 and became V pres and sec Western Supply Co. CRAIG George P, Alexandria. Pub- lic official. Born July 14, 1855 in Salem Mass, son of George B and Sophia (W'ilson) Craig. Married March 14, 1891 to Addie M Richards. Educated ;»4 Little Sketchc.'^ of Bhj Folks. in i)ublic schools Mass and N H 18 59- 67; and public school Douglas cotinty Minn. Resident of Douglas county 40 years; held several offices previous to 1891; dep register of deeds 1897 to date; dep elk of court 1899 to date; court comnr 1905 to date. Member A O U W; MBA and M N R. CRAXDALL Cyrus T, Duluth. Res 407 W 3d st, office 415 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born May 14, 185:3 in Ohio, son of Addison A and Caroline L Crandall. Educated in Mich State Normal School; graduated from Mich Agricultural College B S 1880. Studied law in office of Bean, Underwood & Lang Adrain Mich; admitted to bar 1885; moved to Crystal Falls and entered practice; county atty 1886-92; moved to Duluth 1894; elected alder- man 1896; chief of police 1898. Sec Duluth, Mesaba Iron Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. CRANE Eugene B, Minneapolis. Res 100 Seymour av S E, office 725 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Nov 4, 1840 in Sharon, Medina county O, son of William A and Laura (Cliatfield) ftCrane. Married Aiiril 29. 1866 to Ab- bie Litchfield. Attended dist school at Sharon Center O until spring of 1861; Hiram Institute O under Presi- dent Garfield and Burt A Hinsdale one- half term; Oberlin College O 1862-63; Univ of Mich optional course in mathe- matics, law course 1863-66; graduated LL B 1866. Reared on farm; taught public schools in Ohio 1863 and Mo in 1868; member Short & Crane law firm Austin Minn 1870-71; with N P Ry Co as examiner and classifyer of its Minn lands 1871-72; in legal dept 1872-76; assisted in securing right-of-way through southern Minn for C G W R R 1884; member of Cameron & Crane law firm Austin Minn 1875-81; munici- pal judge Austin Minn 1 year; lawyer for Crane Land Co Minneapolis; Twin City Collection Co 1904 to date. CRANE Frank I, Austin. Lumber and banking. Born Sept 26, 1848 in Sharon Center O, son of William A and Laura (Chatfield) Crane. Mar- ried March 4, 1880 to Sylvia Pettibone. Educated in district school and acad- emy in Ohio; public schools Austin Minn 1860-68; commercial college Min- neapolis 1871. Surveyor N P lands 1871-72; mngr retail lumber business 1873-76; retail lumber business in Aus- tin 1876 to date. Owner and mngr Lansing (Minn) Lumber Co; London (Minn) Lumber Co; Gordons ville (Minn) Lumber Co; part owner Minn Lumber Co Albert Lea and Ellendale (Minn) Lumber Co; pres Austin Na- tional Bank. Mavor of Austin 3 terms. Member Austin Progressive League. CRANE Jay W, Minneapolis. Res 736 E 16th St, office 908 Guaranty Loan bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 2, 1866 Perry N Y, son of Rev Stephen and C Jane (Wintersteen). Graduated from high school Hillsdale Mich June 1883; Lombard College Galesburg 111 1887. Commenced practice of law April 1891. Member Commercial and Garfield Re- publican clubs; pres 5th Ward Repub- lican Clui). CRASSWELLER Aitliur Halifax, Duluth. Res 423 E Superior st, office Exchange bldg. Lawyer. Born July 25, 1858 in London Eng, son of Chris- topher and Sarah (Hallifax) Crasswel- ler married Oct 28, 1891 to Nellie Sea- ton. Attended private school in Eng- land; high school Goderich Out 1881; Bengough's Shorthand School Toronto 1885; studied law in office of W W Billson Duluth. Taught school in On- tario 1879-84; moved to St Paul and was employed as stenogr 1885-89; as stenogr and law student 1887-90. Ad- mitted to bar 1S88 and formed partner- ship in 1890 with Chas O Baldwin, which continued 3 years. City atty Lakeside 1891 and 1892; asst city atty Duluth 1893. Formed partnership with hit; brother Frank C 1897, which continues to date. Dir American Ex- change Bank Duluth. Atty for same Served 4 years in Canada militia. Member of Commercial and Boat clubs Duluth. CRASSWELLER Frank, Duluth. Res 4701 Cooke st, office 205 Exchange bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 4, 1856 in London Eng, son of Christopher and Sarah (Hallifax) Crassweller. Alarried July 7, 1885 to Alison Moffat Douglas. Educated in a private school London Eng; public school Goderich Ont; noi'- mal school Toronto Ont. Taught school in Ontario 1880-87; moved to Duluth 1888 and entered law office; admitted to bar 1889 and has prac- Little Sketches of Bivolution. DEARTH Elmer H, St Paul. Res 528 Dayton av, office Pioneer Press bidg. Insurance and Loans. Born June 6, 1859 in Sangerville Me, son of Henry L and Mary B (Drake) Dearth. Married June 26, 1889 to Nel- lie G Doran. Educated at high school Dexter Me; Foxcroft Academy Fox- croft Me. Taught school 1879-80; employed in Bangor (Me) Whig and Courier 1880-82; manager and editor Henderson (Minn) Independent 1884- 86; propr and editor Le Sueur (Minn) News 1887-91; special agt Equitable Life 1892-94. Deputy insurance comnr Minn 1889-92; insurance comnr Minn 1897-99; reappointed under Gov Van Sant 1901-1905. Charter member of the Commercial Club. Mason, Elk and Knight Templar. Member of the firm Hughson & Dearth gen ins agts. DE KAY Wm H, Hastings. Law- yer. Born Nov 4, 1845 in Sullivan county N Y, son of Richard and Eliza- beth (Knapp) De Kay. Married in 1875 to Julia A Van Inwegen. Edu- cated in public schools in Hennepin and Dakota counties; Hastings High School and studied law 1868-72. Ad- mitted to bar and engaged in prac- tice of his profession in Hastings 1872 to date; sec School Board 1870-72; city atty 1902 to date. Served in 2d Minn Cavalry 1864-65. Member Masonic fraternity. DE LAITTKE John, Minneapolis. Res 24 Grove st. Lumber. Born Mar 5, 1832 in Ellsworth Me. Married in 1865 to Clara Eastman. After public school education was a sailor 3 years; went to California and engaged in lumber, sawmill and gen store 1852- 65; returned to Maine. Afterwards came to Minneapolis with firm of Eastman, Gibson & Co until 1869; sold out and entered firm of Eastman, Bo- vey & Co which was later incorpo- rated as Bovey-De Laittre Lumber Co; v pres Green & De Laittre Co whol grocers. Is now heavily interested in Oregon, Washington and Idaho timber lands. Trustee and v pres Farmers & Mechanics Bank; pres Nicollet Nat'l Bank 1884-88. Mayor of Minneapolis 1877; state prison inspector 1879-1S36; courthouse and city hall comnr 1889 and on Board of State Capitol Com- missinoers 1893. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 105 1)E La 310TTE Joseph Van Buren, Duluth. Res 8 Hunger ter, office 300 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 3, 1864 in Prairie Du Cliien Wis, son of Joseph G and Marguerite (Ozis) De La Motte. Married Aug 1900 to Nellie C Pinney. Educated in the parochial schools of Chippewa Falls and high school and business college at Valparaiso Ind; LTniv of Wis law school, graduating LL B 1892. Began practice of law at Chippewa Falls Wis 1893 when he removed to Super- ior Wis, becoming member of firm Loud, De La Motte & Loud 1893; Thor- sen, Crawford & De La Motte 1893-97; member of firm of Thorsen & De La Motte until his removal to Duluth 1902; practiced alone 1902-1903; mem- ber of firm of McMahan & De La Motte 1904; practiced alone 1904 to date. Member Commercial Club. DELAXEY Joseph F Jr, Park Rap- ids. Public official. Born July 6, 1879 in Adair la, son of Joseph F and Susan A (Heacock) Delaney. Educated in public schools Hubbard Minn. Engaged in teaching school 3 years; bookkeeper for Wilson Bros Logging Co 4 years; for Pine Tree Lumber Co 1 j'ear; for Delaney Mil- ling Co 2 years; elected auditor of Hubbard county 1906. Member B P O E; I O O F; Commercial Club. DE LONG Scott Hauxhurst, Minne- apolis. Res 1229 7th st S E, office 125 2d St N E. Manufacturer. Born June 3, 1883 at Zvimbrota Minn, son of George P and Cynthia (Hauxhurst) De Long. Graduated from Hudson Wis High School 1901; passed 2% years in U of M dept of mechanical engi- neering. Worked summers while at school in lumber trade with father at Nickerson Minn. Treas Eddy Sash & Door Co Minneapolis from leaving school to date; treas Stanton-De Long Lumber Co. DEMEULES Alcede C, Minnea- apolis. Res 1601 Russell av N, office 1009 Washington av N. Manufacturer. Born March 11, 1883 in Minneapolis, son of Zephrine and Julia (Hauloeth) Demeules. Educated in common schools; learned wire and iron works trade and engaged in same until 1905; started in business 1905 as Demeules Eros and has continued same to date. DEMING Portuis C, Minneapolis. Res 2300 Central av, office 2407 Cen- tral av. Real estate. Born Dec 12, 1854 at Milton, Chittenden county Vt, son of Gustavus A and Harriet M (Gale) Deming. Married Oct 9, 1879 to Mary D Crown (now deceased). Educated in the district schools and at Essex Classical Institute Vt. Ap- prenticed to St Alban's Messenger when 13, 1868; changed to farm work summers attending school winters working for board; bookkeeper and salesman for milling firm of Clark, Boardman & Co of Milton Vt 1872-79; member Brown & Deming grocers At- lantic la 1880; in law office Vermont 1881-82; elk for St P M & O R R 1882-87; real estate, loans and insur- ance in Minneapolis 1888 to date, making specialty of East Side prop- erty; laid out several additions. Rep- resentative in the state legislature 1899-1903; made special efforts in leg- islature in behalf of State University and establishment of Itasca State Park. Member Minneapolis Park Board 1894-99. Life Member Minne- sota Historical Society; member Min- neapolis Real Estate Board; St An- thony Commercial Club. DENEGKE James Denis, St Paul. Res 307 W 6th st, office 657 Gilfillan blk. Lawyer. Born May 5, 1868 in New Orleans La. son of William O and Antoinette T (Morgan) Denegre. Attended Phillips-Exeter Academy Ex- eter N H 1881-85; Princeton Univ 1885-89; graduating A B' ls89, A M 1892; U of M law dept 1890-91; gradu- ating LL B 1891, LL M 1892. Prac- ticed law in St Paul 1891; associated with the late Senator H H Horton un- der firm name of Horton & Denegre 1892-1906. Member Minnesota Club St Paul; Minnesota Boat Club, pres 1905-1906; Masonic fraternity. DENNIS Warren A, St Paul. Res The Angus, office Lowry bldg. Phy- sician and surgeon (R). Born 1869 in Sharon Wis. Educated in the public schools of Sharon; graduated from high school 1885; Univ of Wis LL B 1887-91; College of Medicine and Sur- gery U of M, M D 1893-96. Member of Ramsey County Medical Society; Minn State Medical Assn; American Medical Assn and Minn Academy of Medicine. Surgeon in 15th Minn Vol Tnf Spanish-American War. 106 Little Sfcetches of BUj Folks. DENNY Charles F, St Paul. Res The Dacotah, office 485 Endicott Ar- cade. Physician and surgeon. Born Nov 25, 1857 Keolvuk la, son of Robert B' and Valeria K (Titcomb) Denny. School and academic education in Brooklyn N Y, Boston and Newbury- port Mass; medical education at Har- vard Univ medical school 1882. Visit- ing physician County and City Hospi- tal St Paul. Member of Harvard Med- ical Alumni Assn ; American Medical Assn; Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies and Harvard Club of Minnesota. DERINGER Otto S, St Paul. Res 217 W Central av, office 436 Endicott bldg. Mining. Born March 21, 1861 in Buffalo county Wis, son of .John and Elizabeth Deringer. Married Phoebe Anna Horst. Attended public schools in native county: educated in Me- nomonie High School. Apprentice in printing office 1880-84; in hardware store at Menomonie Wis 1884-87; re- moved to St Paul in spring of 1887; entered printing business with A P Davis, later Davis & Deringer 18S7; bought out Davis in 1888 and con- ducted business alone until 1896; owned and edited Saturday Evening News St Paul 1896-1900; in mining brokerage business St Paul 1900 to date. Sec Minnesota-Nevada Invest- ment Co. Often sec political ward organizations and conventions; always active in politics as a Republican. An ardent member of the Methodist Church and trustee of Central Park M E Church. DESKY Salo, Fergus Falls. Mer- chant. Born March 28, 1857 in Ger- many, son of Herman and Caroline (Peiser) Desky. Married Feb 15, 1887 to Natalia Lipke. Received his edu- cation in Germany. Moved to U S 1871 and was engaged as elk Niagara Falls N Y until 1878; engaged as trav salesman 1878-82; in mercantile busi- ness as member of firm of Desky Bt-os gen merchandise Fergus Falls 1882-87; purchased entire business 1887 and has continued same as Manhattan Department Store. Member Commer- cial and Chippewa clubs; Masonic fra- ternity. DEUEL Harry J, St Paul. Res 9 09 Iglehart st, office 602 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate. Born Aug 17, 1860 in Licking county O, son of James H and Nancy L (Emerson) Deuel. Mar- ried Myrtie L Mouser Oct 10, 1883. Educated in public schools Union county la and Alton la high school. Telegraph operator C B & Q Ry 1878- 82; with Lombard Investment Co 1882- 93. Established office for same in St Paul and was resident mngr for Minn and Wis 1888-93. Engaged in real estate business with Frederick L Bay- ard under the firm name Bayard, Deuel & Co real estate and financial agts April 1893. Member of Real Estate Exchange. DEUTSCH Henry, Minneapolis. Res 2705 Fremont av S. office 315 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 28, 1874 ; son of Jacob and Malchen Amel- ia (Valfer) Deutsch. Attended public and high schools in Minneai)olis. Graduated from U of M law dept LL B 1891; Yale law dept LL M 1895. Has been engaged in practice since and is member of the firm of Nye & Deutsch. Was a delegate to the Universal Con- gress of Lawyers and Jurists St Louis 1904. Member and v pres of Commer- cial Club; Commercial Law League and National Fraternal Congress. DEVEREUX AV P, Minneapolis. Res 2215 Bryant av, office Chamber of Commerce. Grain. Born March 16, 1858 Oneida N Y, son of Patrick J and Sarah L (McQuade) Devereux. Grad- uated high school Oneida N Y 1876. Member of the firm of Markham & Devereux and W P Devereux & Co grocers Oneida N Y 1880-90; Kenney & Devereux and W P Devereux & Co St Paul 1890-95. Pres W P Devereux Co and Devereux Elevator Co. Mem- ber Minneapolis, Commercial, Minne- tonka Yacht and Gun, and Automobile clubs. 1>E AVITT Charles E, Duluth. Res 931 E 1st St, office 14 E Michigan st. Merchant. Born July 12, 1857 in Jer- sey City N J, son of James R and Aletta (Hedges) De Witt. Married Oct 14, 1897 to Ellen M Hubbard. Educated in common and high schools Montrose Pa; graduated from Hamil- ton College Clinton N Y, B A 1879. Liltlv Sketches of HUj Folks. 107 Came to Duluth and employed in Am Exchange Bank 1882-97; sec and treas L W Leithhead Drng Co 1897-1905; pres De Witt-Seitz Co furniture 1905 to date. Member Kitchi Gammi and Commercial clubs. DIAMOND Loui.s C, Mankato. Res 210 Lewis, office 426 S Front. Mer- chant. Born Oct 1. 1871 in Mankato Minn, son of John and Mary Ann (Schutt) Diamond. Married Aug 5, 1896 to Anna M Honer. Educated in public schools; State Normal School and Business College Mankato. En- gaged in farming until 1897; in cattle business 1894; returned to farming 1896; in feed business 1896 to date. Member Commercial Club. DICK Philip, St Peter. Merchant. Born Oct 16, 1847 in Germany, son of William and Elizabeth (Keans) Dick. Married Nov 8, 1870 to Louise Hoefer. Received his education in Germany. Came to IT S 1866 and located in Indianapolis; engaged as clerk 1866- 70; moved to St Peter and engaged in clothing business to date. Mayor St Peter 9 terms; Member School, Li- brary and County boards; Masonic fraternity and I O O F. DICKERMAX Charles K, St Paul. Res 1002 Laurel av, office 310 New York Life bldg. Investments. Born Sept 23, 1877 at Decorah la, son of Charles E and Elizabeth (Kent) Dick- erman. Married Mabel P Stone in 1902. Attended St Paul public schools; U of M 1896-99; moved to Minn 1888; with Hurd Refrigerator Co until 1901; sec and treas Dicker man Investment Co 1901 to date. Member Chi Psi college fraternity; Commercial Club be Paul. DICKEY Courtlaiul Nay, Minneapo- lis. Res 2400 Park av, office 509-511 2d av S. Printing and blank books. Born Jan 1, 1855 in Jefferson county Ind, son of Joel and Mary R (Meek) Dickey. Educated in a graded school at Madison Ind. Sec and treas Craw- ford-Dickey Co job printers and blank book mnfrs Minneapolis 1905 to date. Clerk of district court 4th judicial district Hennepin county 1893-1905, Member Masonic order, K of P and B P O E. DICKEY Joel Mark, St Paul. Res 530 Ashland av, office Federal bldg. Assistant U S attorney. Born Nov 28, 1864 in Hanover, Jefferson county Ind, son ofJoel and Sarah (Arbuckle) Dickey. Educated in Buchtel College Akron O; U of M law dept 1892-95. Entered employ of Allen Moon & Co St Paul as stenogr in May 1888; U S atty's office as elk 1890; studied law U of M graduated 1895; appointed 2d asst U S atty Oct 1895 and 1st asst U S atty Jan 1, 1905. and is now holding that appointment. DICKINSON Charles E, Minneapo- lis. Res 2720 Fremont av S, office 620 4th st S. Printer. Born Feb 16, 1850 in Philadelphia Pa, son of John A and Harriet (Frease) Dickinson. Married Oct 18, 1906 to Ida D Steiner. Educated in common schools and by private instruction. Engaged in dry goods business 1868-81; moved to Minneapolis 1882 and engaged with Johnson, Smith & Harrison printers; became member of Harrison & Smith Co successors and has been sec and treas to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity and I O O F. DICKINSON Horace I), Minneapo- lis. Res 22 W Grant st, office Court House. Born July 2 5, 1866 in Og- densburg St Lawrence county N Y. Moved to Minn with parents when an infant and located on farm near Has- tings; moved to Minneapolis 1876. Educated in public schools Minneapo- lis and graduated from U of M law dept 1890. Engaged in practice of law Minneapolis 1890-9 6; asst city atty Minneapolis 4 years; elected judge of municipal court 1900, re- signing to accept a seat on the bench of the 4th judicial dist. DICKSON Thomas Hunter, St Paul. Res 121 Cambridge av. office N P Ry offices. Railroad man. Born Dec 4, 1840 in Philadelphia Pa, son of James Reid and Caroline Louisa (Stuart) Dickson. Married in 1870 Elizabeth M Gregory. Educated by private in- struction and at Honesdale Academy Wayne county Pa. With Pennsylvan- ia R R Co 1870-80; Great Northern Ry Co 1880-1901; Northern Pacific Ry Co as local freight agt St Paul 1901 to date. Officer in U S navy 1863-65. Dir Y M C A St Paul; trustee Macal- KIS Liftlr Sl-vtrJics of BiGE Franklin A, Le Sueur. Physician (R). Born Oct 11, 1862 in Beetown Wis, son of John and Cather- ine E (Perrin) Dodge. Married Dec 31, 1890 to Alma M Poehler. Educated in public schools Bloomington Wis; Univ N Y City Medical College 1886. Has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Le Sueur to date. Pres Farmers State Bank; member American Medical Assn; Minnesota State, Minn Valley and Nicollet and Le Sueur County Medical societies. DODGE Fred liudreau, Minneton- ka Beach. Office 916 N Y Life bldg Minneapolis. Lawyer. Born Feb 4, 1854 in Livingston Co N Y, son of James L and Mary (Budreau) Dodge. Married June 3, 1885 to Etta E Puring- ton. Educated in Temple Hill Acad- emy, Geneseo N Y; Fairfield Academy Herkimer county N Y and graduated from Univ of Rochester N Y 1874. Studied law in office of Adams & Strong Geneseo N Y and A M Bing- ham Mt Morris N Y. Admitted to the bar in Rochester N Y 1878. Practiced in Hastings Minn 1879-81. Removed to Minneapolis and engaged in prac- tice alone 1881-1900; as member of firm of Dodge & Weber 1900 to date. Member of American, Minnesota State and Hennepin County Bar assns. Member Lafayette Club. DODGE Willis Edward, Minneapo- lis. Res 1717 Stevens av, office 400 Kasota bldg. Lawyer. Born May 11, 1857 in Lowell Vt, son of William Baxter and Harriet (Baldwin) Dodge. Married Mar 27, 1882 to Hattie M Crist of Vinton la. Educated in the public schools of Vermont and St Johnsbury (Vt) Academy. Studied law Barton Vt 1879-80. Admitted to bar 1880. Moved to Fargo N D 1880, thence to Jamestown N D as atty for Northern Pacific Ry until 1887; same for St P M & M Ry 1887-92. Moved- to Minneapolis as atty for G N Ry; 110 Little Sketchcf^ of BUj Folks. atty for Minneapolis Trust Co; gen atty for Great Northern Ry at St Paul 1900-1904. Member N Dak State Sen- ate 1886-87; corp counsel Jamestown N D 8 years. Member Minneapolis Club. DOHM Charles L, St Paul. Res 309 S Exchange st, office Medical blk. Physician (R). Born March 29, 1875 in St Paul, son of Frederick W and Rose (Muggley) Dohm. Gradu- ated from St Paul High School 1891; from medical dept U of M 1895. Re- porter on St Paul Globe; police sur- geon; dep coroner 1895-97. Member Minnesota State, Mississippi Valley, American Medical societies; supreme medical examiner Bohemian Workmen of the U S. DOLAN Francis M, St Paul. Res 639 Carroll st, office 408 Globe bldg. Landscape architect. Born 1864 in Glencoe Minn, son of Patrick and Ann (Gallagher) Dolan. Married 1893 to Eva Kane. Graduate of St Francis College Milwaukee. Actively engaged in the making of plans, laying out landscapes, decorations of parks, pub- lic and private grounds 1883 to date. Landscape gardener for C St P M & O Ry. Especially active during the past 15 years in arousing public interest in civic improvements. DOLS John, Chaska. Furniture. Born Sept 5, 1854 in Limberg Holland, son of Lambert and Annie (Feudretch- en) Dols. Married May 7, 1878 to Elizabeth Van Sloun. Educated in public schools of Minnesota. Came to Carver county 1862 and engaged in carpentry trade until 1874; entered the furniture business in partnership with Martin Van Sloun and continued 2 years; now in business alone. City alderman 4 years. DONAHOWER Fred A, St Peter. Banker. Born Sept 30, 1830 in Chester county Pa, son of Jacob and Catherine (Fritz) Donahower. Married in 1860 to Ellen Wagner. Educated in public schools Reading Pa. First engaged as salesman in Reading until 1852; in Indianapolis 1852-53; employed as tel- ler and cashier in private bank St Paul 1853-57; conducted private bank St Peter under firm name of Edgerton & Donahower 1857-71; when the First Nat'l Bank was organized of which he has been pres to date. Member city council, Board of Education; county commissioner. DONAHUE Jeremiah I, St Cloud. Lawyer. Born July 31, 1864 Fillmore county Minn, son of Jeremiah I and Jane (Donovan) Donahue. Married Aug 2, 1904 to Edith P Howes. Edu- cated in common schools Fillmore county; graduated U of M 1884; special in chemical division U S agri- cultural dept Washington D C 1884- 86; returned to U of M and took de- gree B A 1887; in pension bureau, Washington D C 1887-88; engaged in patent pension and land business St Cloud 1889 to date. City justice 1904 to date; member city council St Cloud 1893-96; member school board 1893-95. Member B P O E. DONALD Alexander, St Paul. Res 821 Fairmont av, office Endicott Ar- cade. Physician. Born March 17, 1848 in Hamilton 111, son of William and Anna (Wright) Donald. Attended public schools in Hamilton and Nor- mal from 1865-67. M D degree from Hahnemann Medical College Chicago 1878. Taught school and was life ins agt before beginning the prac- tice of medicine; practiced first in Chicago and in Stillwater 1880-87; has been engaged in practice of medicine in St Paul 1887 to date. DONNELLAN Christopher, Still- water. Res 1209 S 3d st, office 102 N Main. Telephone mngr. Born May 13, 1865 in Monroe Wis, son of Chris- topher and Julia (Kelly) Donnellan. Married July 24, 1904 to Carrie Kra- mer. Educated in Chicago public schools. First employed by Marshall P^eld & Co Chicago; for many years with U S Express Co, until 1897; moved to St Paul and entered employ of N W Telephone Co, becoming chief elk; mngr of Stillwater office of same, 1904 to date. DONNELLY STANISLAUS J, St Paul. Res 808 Laurel av, office 424 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 1861 in Nininger Dakota county Minn, son of Ignatius and Catherine (McCaffery) Donnelly. Married Nov 3, 1887 to Jen- nie M O'Brien. Educated in the com- mon schools of Hastings Minn; St Little SketrJies of BUj Foll^-.s. Ill John's College Minn; studied law; ad- mitted to bar 1885; practiced alone 1885-87; appointed clerk of judiciary committee of House of Representa- tives 1887; asst to attorney-general 1887-91; appointed clerk of judiciary committee of the Senate 1891; prac- ticed law as Butler & Donnelly 1891- 93; asst county attorney 1893-97; Dick- son & Donnelly 1897-99; Cannon & Donnelly 1899-1901; alone 1901-1902; O'Brien, Donnelly & Haggard 1902 to date. Member of Battery A, Light Ar- tillery M N G 1885-88; Junior Pioneers and Knights of Columbus. DONOHUE John R, St Paul. Res 892 Dayton av, office 610 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 19. 1868 in Watertown Wis, son of Patrick and Mary (Cunningham) Donohue. Was educated in the public schools and Nor- thern Illinois Normal School and in the U of M. Remained on the farm with his parents until he was 17 years old, then taught school and worked at various ocupations until 1894; was county attorney for Itasca county Minn 1900-01 being the only Democrat ever elected to this office in that county. Has been U S jury commis- sioner since March 1902. Is v ])res of the American Canadian Land Co; Minn and Western Land Co; Chippewa Farm Land Co. DOOLITTLE Archibald Alexaiulcr, St Paul. Res 781 Goodrich av, office 139 Endicott bldg. Insurance. Born Nov 17, 1854 in Troy Pa, son of Henry L and Sophia (Paddock) Doolittle. Married March 9, 1886 to Harriet D Fairchild. Educated in the public school of Phelps N Y and Red Creek (NY) Seminary. On the death of his father in 1871 took position in a seed store in Geneva N Y; removed to St Paul in May 1873 and was employed by L B Wait seeds; R Marvin & Son and Craig, Larkin & Smith whol china; trav salesman for the latter firm 1877-82, when he removed to Jamestown N D, where he bought the Dakota House; destroyed by Are 1883 but rebuilt; returned to St Paul in 1886; formed partnership with W G Strickland Jan 1, 1897 and engaged in the loan and real estate business; now representing 12 of the largest English and American companies. Member of the Minnesota and Commercial clubs. DOOLITTLE Guy W, Owatonna. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Born July 31, 1874 in Steele county Minn, son of Joseph W and Susan (Beaumont) Doolittle. Married in 1899 to Agnes M Morton. Educated in public schools and Pillsbury Acad- emy Owatonna. Engaged with J W Rowland in real est and ins business 1895 to date. Member K of P and Modern Samaritans. DORAN Frank H, St Paul. Res 201 E Congress, office 73 W 4th. Fuel. Born May 1, 1839 in Illinois, son of Solomon and Mercy (Wilson) Doran. Married 1865 to Electa Gilbert. Edu- cated in public schools and Clark Sem- inary Aurora 111. Engaged in railroad office and in teaching school until 1861; served in Civil War in 52d III Inf 1861-62; prisoner of war 1862-65; engaged in farming in Illinois until 1881 ; moved to St Paul and engaged in fuel business to date. Mayor St Paul 1896-98. DORSEV AVillianj A, St Paul. Res 459 Portland av, office cor 5th and Broadway. Merchant. Born April 6, 1865 in Philadelphia Pa, son of Robert A and Annie (Crawford) Dorsey. Mar- ried 1894 to Grace M Weston. Educat- ed in St Paul public schools. With Gordon & Ferguson 1881-86; McKibbin & Co 1686-89; member McKibbin, Dris- coll & Dorsey, wholesale hats, gloves, furs, etc, St Paul 1889 to date. Mem- ber Commercial Club St Paul. DOSLANI) Christian G, Moor head. Lawyer. Born Oct 14, 1872 in Clin- ton county la, son of George and Bertha (Christenson) Dosland. Mar- ried Sept 11, 1901 to Anna Lobben. Educated in common schools; Will- mar Seminary; graduated from Northern Indiana Normal School law dept 1895; scientific dept B S 1896; law dept U of M, LL B 189 8. En- gaged in practice of law in Moorhead 189 8-1906; as member of firm of Nye & Dosland 19 06 to date. County atty Clay county 1907; member A O U W; M W A and Royal Arcanum. DOTY Daniel AV, St Paul. Res 1708 Marshall av. office 214 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 25, 1860 in Pennsylvania, son of Nathaniel and Tabitha (White) Doty. Married 1886 112 Little Sketches of Big Foils. to Helen Smith. Educated in Soldiers' Orphan School Pa and State Normal School Ind; studied law in Crawfords- ville Ind 1881-83; city attorney Craw- fordsville 1884-86; moved to St Paul 1886 and has engaged in practice to date. DOTY Parti, St Paul. Res 28 6 Laurel av, office 6th and Jackson sts. Gas and electricity. Born in New Jer- sey, son of W H H and Anna (Lange- vin) Doty. Married Theodosia Stiles, daughter of Gen I N Stiles of Chicago. Graduated Steven's Institute of Tech- nology Hoboken N J, M E 1888; A S ME; AIEE; AAAS. Engaged with United Gas Improvement Co Philadelphia, Jersey City, Paterson N J and other companies 1888-95; v pres and gen mngr Consolidated Gas Co of N J, Long Branch 1895-98; sec and gen mngr Grand Rapids (Mich) Gas Light Co 1898-1901; sec and gen mngr Detroit (Mich) City Gas Co 1901-1903; V pres and gen mngr Denver (Colo) Gas & Electric Co 1903-1904; v pres and gen mngr St Paul Gas Light Co 1904 to date; pres Union Light, Heat and Power Co Fargo N D 1905 to date; V pres Edison Electric Light & Power Co; dir of Denver Gas & Electric Co. Member of Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country clubs; Society of Colonial Wars; dep gov gen Society of Mayflower Descendants; vice-chair- man International Jury of Awards Louisana Purchase Exhibition St Louis Mo 1904; pres Michigan Gas Associa- tion 1902; Wisconsin Gas Assn 1906. BOUGHT AVarien AV, Fergus Falls. Physician and surgeon (H). Born Mar 4, 1862 in Northfield Minn, son of Henry and Mary (Hutchinson) Dought. Educated in high school Owatonna Minn ; Hamline Univ St Paul and U of M medical dept. Has been engaged in practice of his profession in Fergus Falls 1892 to date. Member Park Region Med Society; Knights of Pyth- ias. DOUGLAS AVallace 15, St Paul. Res 2245 Knapp st, office N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 21, 1852 in Ley- den Lewis county N Y, son of Asahel M and Alma E (Miller) Douglas. At- tended district school at Leyden N Y; district and high school Momence 111; Cazenovia Seminary Cazenovia N Y; graduated from law dept of the Univ of Mich after taking a 2 years' course. Began practice in June 1875; was at- torney of Moorhead Minn for 5 years; county atty Clay county for 6 years; member of the Board of Education of Moorehead for 13 years; atty gen of Minn 1899-1904; associate justice of the supreme court of Minn 1904-1905. Now engaged in gen practice and is associated with Franklin H Griggs as Douglas & Griggs. DOAV Louis E, St Paul. Res 957 Selby av, office 336-340 Minnesota. Printer and stationer. Born Feb 8, 1877 in St Paul, son of John B and Elizabeth M Dow. Married June 28, 1903 to Minette P Kolb. Educated in public and high schools St Paul. Engaged in St Paul branch of American Type Foundry Co from 1892 and represented same here after branch has been discontinued until 1898; served in Philippines in 13th Minn Regt 1898-1900; returned to St Paul and established firm of Harmon & Dow printers; incorporated as L F Dow & Co 1904 printers, office supplies and stationery. DOAADALL Augu.stus S, Minne- apolis. Res 632 Elwood av, office 654 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Nov 23, 1858 in Merrickville Ont, son of Pat- rick S and Margaret (Oliver) Dowdall. Married April 1882 to Elizabeth C At- kinson. Educated in public schools Merrickville Ont and by private tui- tion. First engaged with Grand Trunk Ry System; moved to St Paul 1880 as private sec to Geo K Barnes G P A, N P Ry; gen agt St Paul & Manitoba Ry at Moorhead 1880-83; moved to Min- neapolis and engaged with M St P & S S Ry; engaged in mercantile busi- ness 1884-laOO. Entered law dept U of M 1900; graduated 1904 and has since been engaged in practice of law. Member Knights of Pythias. DOAAER AVilliani, Wadena. Hard- ware merchant. Born May 23, 18 60 in Mich, son of Sampson and Mary Ann (Gilbert) Dower. Married Dec 2 5, 1889 to Jessie Boyd. Educated in public schools of Daluth. Moved to Wadena 1875 and engaged in farming and lumbering until 1895; served as county treas 189 5-190 5; purchased an interest in Wadena Little Sketrhrs of Bi, Duluth. Res 507 E 5th St, office 702 Torrey bldg. Law. Born Dec 16, 1849 in Wa-Wa- Sing, Ulster county N Y, son of Dar- win N and Hannah (Bliss) Edsou. Married Jan 21, 1875 to Matilda Allen. Educated in the common schools of iSew York; Unadilla Academy Una- dilla N Y. Studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1871. Practiced alone in Unadilla until 1872 and was then member of firm Belknap & Ed- son 1875-1882; engaged in real estate business 1882-88; resumed practice of law until 1891. Removed to Duluth practiced under firm name of Edson & Edson 1891-1894; Edson & Camp- bell 1894-95; municipal judge Duluth 1895-1902; practiced law alone 1902 to date. Pres and dir Mineral Range Development Co; v pres Orlando Min- ing Co Duluth. Member Modern Sa- maritans; K of P; pres and dir Du- luth Bethel Society and dir Y M C A. Served as supervisor town of Una- dilla N Y 1890-91. EDWARDS Clement S, Albert Lea. Editor and publisher. Born March 4, 1869 in New York City. Married in 1894 to Harriet Gillrup. Educated in St Michael's Academy Chatham N B'; public schools Albert Lea; Parker Col- lege Winnebago and Hillsdale (Mich) College. Studied law and admitted to bar 1898; served in 12th Minn Vol S-A War; returned to Albert Lea and resumed practice. Became sec, treas and editor Times Enterprise Co 1905. City atty 5 years; member Commer- cial Club; Masonic fraternity; K T and I O O F. EDWARDS James N, Benson. Born Oct 18, 1846 in Monmouth, War- ren county 111, son of Berry W and Sarah A (Bevins) Edwards. Married thrice: Oct 12, 1879 to Ellen M Kep- ner; Feb 11, 1891 to Mary E Hunter; -July 25, 1901 to Alvira A Turner. Edu- cated in the public schools of Fayette county 111. Clk in a country gen store until May 1864; enlisted in 143d Regt 111 Vol Inf. On return from war worked on farm until 1866; clerk in country store Loogootee 111; worked in gen store St Elmo 111 1870-75; took a trip to California and Oregon. Returned to St Elmo 111 and formed a co-part- nership under firm name of Fogler Bros & Edwards; sold out 1877 and moved to Benson Minn residing on farm until 1879; entered the employ of Frank M Thornton, Benson 1879-82; elk in U S Land Office until 1886; appointed assignee for the firm of Wilkins & Buxton; asst cashr Swift County Bank 1887-96; resigned 1896 having been elected judge of probate Swift county 1894; has held office ever since. Local agent for Continen- tal and Milwaukee Fire Insurance Co. Member GAR; 10 OF, which order he joined in 1870; Masonic fra- ternity; K of P and A O U W. EDWARDS Maurice Dwight, St Paul. Res 423 Laurel av. Clergyman. Born April 29, 1847 in Pittsburg Pa, son of Richard and Catherine Pond (May) Edwards. Attended private school Allegheny Pa 1854-56; public school at Dubuque Iowa 1856-60; Ham- ilton College 1866-70; Auburn Theo- logical Seminary (Presbyterian) 1870- 74; degree of D D from Hamilton College in 1892. Pastor of Dayton Av Presbyterian Church St Paul 1874 to date; stated clerk Presbyterian Synod of Minnesota 1885 to date; member board of managers Children's Home Society and chaplain S A R; delegate to Presbyterian General Assembly 1878-82-90-97-1902 serving as chairman and member of important committees. EDWARDS AVilliam Chalmers, St Paul. Res 1325 Summit av, office 307 Manhattan bldg. Lumber. Born Aug 23, 1846 at Virgil, Cortland county N Y, son of Rufus and Harriet O (Hart) ]^oo Little Hkctdivs of Big Folks. Edwards. Married Nettie E Johnson May 20, 1874. Educated at Cortland Academy N Y. Left school 1862; elk in dry goods store 1864-65; conducted lumber yard at Tolona 111 and started in lumber business in Chicago in 1866; conducted sawmill in Michigan and passed winter in woods lumbering 1867-68; started lumber yard at New Windsor 111 and sola out same year 1868; wintered in woods lumbering 1869-70; started lumber yard at Solo- mon City Kansas in spring of 1870; in lumber trade, manufacturing and selling in Kansas and elsewhere 1879 to date. Organized Edwards county Kansas, which was named in his honor when he was 27; owned Kinsley the county seat ; helped build Reno county Kan and citv of Hutchinson. Removed to St Paul 1883. Pres Edwards & Bradford and Kansas Lumber com- panies; controls Lindas Lumber Co; has large interests in Edwards & Wes- macott and Edwards & Fair Lumber companies and other similar enter- prises. Built Edwards Hall as a do- nation to Macalester College St Paul. Member St Paul Commercial Club; Masonic order; B P O E. EDWARDS William Kufus, St Paul. Res 1325 Summit av, office 307 Man- hattan bldg. Lumber. Born July 24, 1875 in Hutchinson Kan, son of Wil- liam C and Nettie E (Johnson) Ed- wards. Educated in St Paul public schools and graduated from Macales- ter College 1893. Has spent his life in the lumber business having been connected with his father since 1893. Founded Edwards & Wesmacott Lum- ber Co 1896 and is pres and dir of same. Dir in Kansas Lumber Co; Ed- wards & Bradford Lumber Co and Lin- das Lumber Co; Consolidated Lumber Co and other corporations. Member Commercial and Automobile clubs; Masonic fraternity; Shrine and B P O E. EFFEKTZ Julius S, Belle Plaine. Banker. Born Dec 4, 1880 in Norwood Minn, son of Peter and Lizzie Effertz. Educated in graded schools Norwood Minn. Bookkeeper Farmers State Bank Waconia Minn 18 months; bkpr Bank of Echo Minn 18 months; asst cashr State Bank of Hector Minn 3 years; cashr State Bank Belle Plaine 1906 to date. EGELSTON Alvoid Calviu, Min- neapolis. Res 324(1 Portland av, office 1012 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 28, 1860 in Ilion N Y, son of A and Asenath L Egelston. Married June 30, 1902 to Elizabeth Dockstader. Educated in common and high schools Gloversville N Y; graduated from Union College Schenectady N Y, A B 1885. Moved to Minneapolis 1886 and read law in office of George N White; admitted to bar and practiced alone 1887-91; of firm of White & Egelston 1893; alone to date. Atty for North American Casualty Co. Member Am State and Hennepin County Bar assns; Commercial Club. KGGE Thrond S, Moorhead. Phy- sician (R). Born Feb 15, 1859 in Norway, son of Swen T and Rogna Egge. Married Oct 12, 1901 to Petra Anderson. Educated in public schools and private academy in Valders Nor- way; Willmar (Minn) Seminary; graduated from medical dept U of M 1893; studied in Univ of Berlin 189 7 and 1900; and N Y Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital 1896. Taught Norwegian and English school 1882-88; engaged in practice of his profession in Moorhead to date. Director First State Bank and Moorhead B & L Assn; coroner of Clay county 6 years; member American Medical Assn, Minn State and Clay-Becker County Medical so- cieties; A O U W and M W A. EHLERT John H, Breckenridge. Banker. Born Dec 20, 1857 in Mc- Henry county 111, son of Herman and Elizabeth (Blanker) Ehlert. Married Jan 26, 1880 to Mary Roreng. Re- ceived his education in the common schools of Stearns county Minn. Moved to Breckenridge 1880 and was in employ of Great Northern R R until 1883; engaged in farming in 1883; and has continued actively in that line to date. Elected dir Breck- enridge National Bank 1903; v pres 1904 and pres 1905 to date. Chairman Town Board and treas Breckenridge township. Member Catholic Order of Foresters. EICHTEN Joseph John, Stillwater. Res 215 W Pine, office 101 N Main. Merchant. Born Jan 2, 1855 in Los- him Germany, son of Peter and Kath- Little Sketches of Big FoUs. 123 erine (Baiter) Eichten. Married Feb 1880 to Annie Schroeder. Educated the public scliools of Minnesota. Vari- ously employed in Stillwater 1870-83. Moved to River Falls and engaged in wholesale liquor business 1883-87; returned to Stillwater 1887 and pur- chased Phillip Potts' wholesale liquor business and has continued same to date. Organized Connolly Shoe Co 1905 and is pres of same. Member board of alderman 1889-95; pres of same 1892-95; U C T; Sons of Herman and B P O E. ELFELT Charles C, Minneapolis. Res 2023 2d av S, office 427 Andrus bldg. Broker. Born April 9, 1853 In St Paul, son of A S and Sue Carroll (Fryer) Elfelt. Married .Ian 19, 1881 to Annie V Sidle. Educated in the public and high schools St Paul. Engaged in whol paper trade St Paul j-870-85; manufacturer of news print- ing paper Minneapolis 1885-87. Brok- er in timber lands Minneapolis 1887 to date. Dir on Board of Associated Charities; member Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity and K of P. ELLERTSOX Even E, Minneapolis. Res 415 Washington av S E, office 2429 University av S E. Manufactur- er. Born Jan 25, 1859 in Rushford Minn, son of Elert and Caroline (Stensford) Ellertson. Married Nov 12, 1884 to Julia Husebye. Educated in common schools. Employed in mercantile business Mayville N D un- til 1900; organized the Russell Grader Mnfg Co Minneapolis 1906 of which he is pres. ELLIXGTOX Lewis, Crookston. Banker. Born Jan 1, 1850 in Nor- way, son of Lars and Sarah Elling- ton. Married June 26, 18 73 to Jane Brown. Educated in common schools of Primrose Wis; and high school Forest City la. First engaged as elk in gen store Forest City la 18 66; moved to Steele county Minn and en- gaged as elk in Blooming Prairie 4 years; engaged in gen merchandise business with partner 2 years; sold out and engaged in milling business 2 years; was burned out and started again in mercantile and insurance business; moved to Crookston and was asst cashr Scandia American Bank 1887-90; cashr 1890 to date. Pres State Bank of Erskine Minn; dir Cit- izens State Bank of Fertile Minn- ireas and dir Maplebay Wind Stacker Co; V pres Wheeler Land & Loan Co- dir First Nat Bank Cass Lake. Mem- ber city council Crookston 3 terms; American Bankers Assn; Masonic fraternity; B P O E; K T. ELLIOTT, Charles Burke, Minne- apolis. Res 2634 Portland av. Jurist Born Jan 6, 1861 in Morgan county O son of Edward and Angel ine E Elliott' W^as educated in public schools and Marietta (Ohio) College LL B- Univ of Iowa 1881; LL D 1895; Marietta College LL D 1904; U of M, Ph D 1887. Judge municipal court 1890-93- .iudge 4th district 1893-94; Minnesota supreme court 1904. Professor Cor- porations and international law U of M 1890-97. Member American Bar Assn; International Law Assn. Auth- or of many legal works and contrib- utor to magazines and periodicals. ELLIOTT Cyrus, Rochester. Office 111 S Broadway. Publisher. • Born March 21, 1839 in Fi-anklin countv Pa, son of Benjamin Elliott. Educated in the public schools of Fulton county 111. First engaged in mercantile busi- ness Plymouth 111 1864-75; in news- paper business Roseville, Warren county 111 1875-85; moved to Rochest- er 1885 and is one of the publishers of the Rochester Daily Bulletin and Olmsted County Democrat. Member A O U W. ELLIOTT Howard, St Paul. Res 312 Summit av, office Northern Pacific bldg. Railroad man. Born Dec 6, 1860 in N Y City, son of Charles Wyllvs and Mary (White) Elliott. Married Oct 12, 1892 to Janet January. His first American ancestor was John El- iot "the Apostle to the Indians." Edu- cated in the Cambridge Mass High . School and the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard Univ, where he was graduated C E in 1881. In employ of C B & Q R R Co 1880-82; auditor and asst treas two branch lines C B & Q R R at Keokuk Iowa 1882-87; gen freight and ])ass agt 1887-91; gen freight agt in St Louis for all lines operated by company in Missouri 1891- 96; gen mngr of all properties of the 124 Little Sl-ctcJies of Big FoRs. company in Missouri 1896-1902; 2d v pres C B i>. Q R R 1903 to date; dir and pres Northern Pacific Ry Co 1903 to date. ELLIS Artemus D, Minneapolis. Res 508 W 32d st, office 300 3d av N. Storage. Born July 14, 1857 in Do- wagiac Mich, son of Artemus C and Julia M (Lamson) Ellis. Educated in the common schools of his native place and was variously employed un- til 1889 when he moved to Minneapolis and established the Merchants Cold Storage Co, of which he has since been pres. ELLIS Charles E, Rochester. Gen eral machinist. Born. Oct 2, 1853 in Chautauqua county N Y, son of Ed- mund Ellis. Married in 1881 to Min- nie Womeldorff. Educated in common schools Chautauqua N Y. First en- gaged as apprentice in woodworking machinery and novelty works 1870-76; machinist for C & O, Michigan Cen- tral and St Paul and Duluth Ry 1876- 82. Employed in machine shop Hunt- ington W Va 1882-86 foreman of same 1886-89; foreman W Duluth Car Works 1889-95 and D M & N Ry 1895- 1905. Moved to Rochester 1905 and is now senior member of Ellis & Ed- wards machinists. ELMER James Potter, St Paul. Res The Molloy, Dale & Grand av, of- fice Metropolitan bldg. Railroad official Born Dec 7, 1857 in New Jersey, son of David Potter and Mary Eliza (Nix- on) Elmer. Married Dec 7, 1887 to Katherine G i 1 m a n. Educated in Bridgeton (N J) Academy. City pass agt in St Paul C G W Ry 1897-98; gen agt 1898-1901; gen pass agt 1901 to date. ELMQl 1ST Charles E, Rush City. Lawyer. Eorn Jan 1, 1873 in Osceola Wis, son of John and Martha Elm- quist. Married June 28, 1899 to Char- lotte C Gemmel. Educated in common school St Croix Palls Wis; graduated from law dept U of M 1898. Worked as a printer 1885-95 and became editor of the Rush City Post. Elected county atty Chisago county Minn 1900 and now serving 4th term. Member Re- publican State Central Committee. ELAYOOI) Lester B, Minneapolis. Res 400 Ridgewood av, office N Y Life bldg. Real estate and mortgage loans. Born Oct 19, 1856 at Rochester N Y, son of E B and Mary (Griswold) Elwood. Attended public schools and Oneida Seminary at Oneida N Y. Came to Minneapolis in 1875 and en- tered the firm of Corser & Co inves- ments established 1870, incorporated 1893; connected with firm 1875 to date; v pres Corser Investment Co real estate and mortgage loans Min- neapolis since its incorporation; v pres Minneapolis Coal & Supply Co; member board of governors Minne- apolis Club; Minikahda Club; Com- mercial Club and Sons of American Revolution; State Board of Equaliza- tion. EMERSON Carroll Colby, St Paul. Res Cherokee av, office 85 E 3d st. Merchant. Born Feb 4, 1850 at Han- over N H, son of Moses C and Sarah T (Freeman) Emerson. Married Mar 30, 1871 to Mary A Ingalls. Attended public schools in New Hampshire until 1869. In fruit and grocery trade at Lebanon N H 5 years; gen mer- chandising in Stevens county Minn 1878-88 ; whol fruit and produce trade in St Paul 1888 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. EMMAXS Xeheniiah H, Minneapo- lis. Res 173 6 James av S, office 823 Guaranty bldg. Real estate. Born in 1854 in Sussex county N J, son of Wm and Magdalene (Hill) Emmans. Married twice: 1882 to Luella Green and in 19 04 to Jennie Mabey. Ed- ucated in common schools and Stark- ey Seminary N Y. Moved to Minne- apolis 1877 and engaged in mercan- tile lines until 1882; in real estate business 1882 to date. Platted Green's additions to Minneapolis and was owner of tract. EMPEV Clarence K, Eureka Lake Minnetonka. Office 910 Phoenix bldg Minneapolis. Lawyer. Born Mar 13, 18 69 in Ontario Can, son of Almond and Augusta (Lyon) Empey. Mar- ried Dec 14, 1893 to Edna M Brad- bury. Graduated from Hastings Minn High School 1888; taught school 1889; studied at Hamline Univ 1889- 91; graduated U of M, A B 1893. LiffJc Sh-rtcJirs of Bi(/ Folk.^. 125 Studied law in offices of Jolm W Gil- ger and Gretlien & McHugli Minne- apolis; in commercial practice to 189 8; gen practice in Minneapolis 1898 to date. Atty and pres Legal Process Adjustment Co. Member M W A. E.A'CHES H Lieslie, Minneapolis. 2933 1st av S, office 420 Bank of Commerce bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 16, 1851 in Saratoga county N Y, son of Gideon S and Charlotte (Ham- mond) Enches. Married Oct 17, 18 87 to Effie G Hulbert. Educated in com- mon schools Warren N Y and Glenns Falls (NY) Academy. Read law in office of C S Enches Glenns Falls N Y. Moved to Minneapolis 18 82 and con- tinued reading law in office of Parker & Day. Admitted to bar in 1886 and has continued practice to date; mem- ber of firm of Day & Enches. EXCEL Jacob Christian Herman, Duluth. Res 203 S 17th av E, office Federal bldg. Public official. Born Dec 30, 1864 in Indianapolis Ind, son of John M and Mary D (Brommer) Engel. Married June 2 9, 1898 to Maud Thompson. Educated in public and high schools Anoka Minn. En- gaged as elk in mercantile business 18 79-83; in business for self under firm name of H Gasten & Co Anoka 1883-88; read law 1888-89; admitted to bar 1889; practiced in Anoka 1890- 1906; appointed registrar U S Land Office Duluth 1906; term expires 1910. Probate judge Anoka 1892- 1900; member Board of Education 1897-1906; member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity, Shrine and K T. EXGELBKECHT Charles S, Min- neapolis. Res 3103 Univ av S E, of- fice 802 Northwestern bldg. Manu- facturer. Born Sept 2 2, 1858 in Ger- many. Married Feb 16, 1883 to Marie Reinke. Moved to Iowa City la in 1868; in Black Hills S D 1872-83; moved to Minneapolis 1883 and as- sumed management of the Twin City Brick Co 1890-1906; he organized the Black Hawk Clay Mnfg Co 1906 and is V pres and mngr; company has 7 plants throughout N W states. ENGLISH Frederick L, Minneapo- lis. 1907 14th av S, office 615 S Washington av. Mngr Northwest Thresher Co. Born Dec 31, 18 60 in Sweden, son of Andrew and Martha (Burman) English. Married Mar 21, 1900 to Josephine Christie. Came to U S 1869; attended public schools St Croix Falls Wis; farmed until 1890; register of deeds Polk county Wis 1890-94; began employment with N W Thresher Co in 1896; manager of the company at Minneapolis 19 01 to date. ENSIGN Josiah 1>, Duluth. Res 504 E 2d, office Court House. Born May 14, 1833 in Erie county N Y. Moved with parents to Ashtabula O 1839; educated in common schools and academy; admitted to the bar 1857; elk of the courts Ashtabula county 1857-63; moved to Minn and settled in Duluth 187 where he was engaged in the practice of law until 1889; held office as county atty of St Louis county; member of city council and mayor of Duluth; member of Board of Education; judge of 11th judicial dist since 1889. ERDMANN Charles Andrew, Min- neapolis. Res 612 9th av S E, office 8 02 Pillsbury bldg. Professor anato- my U of M. Born Aug 3. 1866 in Milwaukee Wis, son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Fuchs) Erdman. Attend- ed public schools in ]\Iilwaukee; Univ of Wis 1887; U of M, M D 1893; post- graduate work in London and Vienna 1900. Member American Assn of Anatomists; American Medical Assn; Minn Academy of Medicine and other scientific and learned bodies. ERICKSON E Hugo, Minneapolis. Res 2 600 3d av S, office 12 Washing- ton av N. Manufacturer. Born Sept 9, 1869 in Sweden, son of John and Christina (Johnson) Erickson. Mar- ried May 3, 1890 to Mary Lundin. Educated in common schools. Moved to U S and to St Paul 18 87; engaged in railroad work until 1893; began present business in 1893; company was incorporated in 1896 as E H Erickson Artificial Limb Co; elected pres and mngr of company and has continued ever since. 126 Little Sketches of Big Folks. ERICKSOX Tlieodore Aujyust, Alex- andria. Educator. Born Sept 2, 1871 in Alexandria Minn, son of An- drew Peter and Emma (Larson) Erlckson. Married Sept 6, 190 6 to Mabel Charlotte Anderson. Graduat- ed from Alexandria High School 1901: from U of M 1904; took special courses in 111 Normal School 189 5, Minneapolis Art School 1896- 97, Gustavus Adolphus College 1898. Engaged in teaching in dist schools 1891-9 6; Alexandria Ward School 189 6-9 8; principal Nelson school 1898-1900; professor Scandinavian languages Nebraska VVesleyan Univ Lincoln Neb 1900-1902; supt of schools Alexandria 19 05 to date. Has served as town elk, justice and town supervisor. ERICSON Charles Victor, Duluth. Res 1001 E 3d st, office 219 W Su- perior. Merchant. Born Sept 2 7, 1860 in Motala Sweden, son of Wil- liam and Augusta (Engman) Ericson. Married Oct 2 6, 1886 to Amelia H Acker. Educated in the common schools of Sweden until 12. Moved to Duluth 1873 and graduated from high school 1878. First engaged as elk with W G Willis clothing Duluth 1878; became mngr of same 1885; purchased Willis' interests 1886 and has continued in clothing and gents' furnishing business for self to date. Member 2d Regt M N G 1884-89. Dir Y M C A; member City Civil Serv- ice Board Duluth 190 6 to date. Mem- ber Commercial Club, Modern Samari- tans, A O U W, U O F and B P O E. ERICSON George E, Beaudette. Office Spooner Minn. Lawyer. Born Oct 11, 1874 in Red Wing Minn, son of John F and Marie J (Helsing) Ericson. Married Feb 2 0, 1901 to Lily A Ericson of Wheaton Minn. Graduated from Red Wing High School 1894; admitted to bar 1898. Studied law with Albert Johnson Red Wing Minn. Assistant county atty Goodhue county Minn 1898; judge of municipal court Red Wing 1899; law partner with Leo S Bayrell Argyle Minn 1900; moved to Beaudette from Argyle 1906. Atty for village of Spooner. Member M N G 7 years; elk Spooner school dist. Member Commercial Club Spooner, K of P, Masonic fraternitv, B P O E and M W A. ERIKSSON Leonard, Fergus Falls. Lawyer. Born Nov 11, 187 6 in West- manland Sweden, son of August Her- man and Mathilda Eriksson. Edu- cated in common schools of Sweden and at Warren Minn; graduated from Moorhead State Normal School and Georgetown Univ Washington D C. Employed in hardware store and as teacher 1900 to 1905; elk and special statistical agt for U S government; practiced law since 1905; now sec of Commercial Club Fergus Falls. Sec The Nat Agency Inc; sec The Blood Broom Mnfg Co. Member Eriksson & Schweitzer. ERMATINGER Joseph Jacob, St Paul. Res 594 Thomas st, office 212- 213 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born July 31, 1876 at Utica N Y, son of John Jacob and Mary (Nelbach) Er- matinger. Attended private schools in Rochester N Y; Rochester Univ 1896-99; U of M law dept 1899-1902 graduating LL B. Practiced law in St Paul 190 2-1906; member of Er- matinger & Frundt lawyers 190 6 to date. Member Roosevelt Club St Paul; Bar Assn. Member and sec Charter Commission St Paul, and K of C. ERTZ Henry A, St Paul. Res 2 08 Rondo, office 24 E 3d. Produce com- mission. Born June 13, 18 65 in Car- ver county Minn, son of Mathias and Barbara (Hering) Ertz. Educated in public schools; graduated from St John's College 1884. Engaged as elk in gen store 1884-85; with L Eisen- menger Meat Co 188 5-91; bkpr Ar- mour Packing Co 1891-9 4; in prod- uce commission business for self 1894-1906. ESPY Major John, St Paul. Central blk 7 5 W 7th st. Born Sept 21, 1842 in Luzerne county Penn, of New England and Scotch- Irish descent; educated in several in- stitutions in the East and graduated from the Albany Law School. Was in actiee law practice in Wilkes-Barre Little Slrtrliv.s of Bi;/ Folks. 127 Pa; member of banking firm J B Wood & Co ; dir of W-B Water Co ; dir and organizer of two street railwa.ys; asst adjt gen National Guard of Penn for 10 years and took an active part in its reorganization and preparation of its Military Code. Moved to St Paul In 18 79, practiced law, and has been an active, enterprising citizen having built several business blocks in St Paul. Organized Wildwood and Mahtomedi; sec of the Rei) State Cen- tral Committee and has always been active in political affairs and in the development of all industries. Served in Civil War in 1st Iowa Regt. ESS Joseph, Chaska. Merchant. Born Nov 19, 183 8 in Bavaria Ger- many, son of Michael and Genevieve (Crocker) Ess. Married Nov 16, IS 66 to Hubertina Finken. Attended the public schools in N Y. Apprentice to Dubuque la wagon maker 1860- 61; enlisted as private in 27th Iowa Infantry Vol and served until close of Civil War; moved to Chaska and worked at trade 18 65; started busi- ness for self 1886; built Chaska Foundry and Machine Shop; con- ducted same 10 years; now engaged in coal and farm implement busi- ness. City treas Chaska 190 5. ESSWEIN Henry A, IMinneapolis. Res 3228 3d av S, office 422 3d st S. IMerchant. Born Mar 6, 1864 in She- boygen Wis, son of George and Mar- garet Esswein. Educated in common schools. Moved to St Paul 1888 and was engaged as hardware salesman until 1904; member firm of Ornes- Esswein & Co Minneapolis butchers and bar supplies wines and fancy groceries 1904 to date. EUSTIS William Henry, Minneapo- lis. Res 11 S 6th st, office Corn Ex- change bldg. Lawyer. Born July 1845 in St. Lawrence county N Y, son of Tobias and Mary (Markwick). Graduated at Gouverneur Seminary 1869; Wesleyan Univ Middletown Conn 1873; Columbia College Law School 18 74 and has been actively engaged in the practice of law since that time except during the years 1893-94 when he served as Mayor of Minneapolis. Was nominee of the Rep party for governor of IMinn 189 8. EV^ANS Daniel Harvey, Minneapolis. Res 3200 Park av, office 309-311 Andrus bldg. Insurance. Born Jan 3 0, 18 62 in Cleveland Minn, son of David and Mary (Phillips) Evans. Married Sept. 11, 1889 to Margaret Owens. Educated in the public schools and normal school Mankato. Studied law in S D and admitted to the bar 1888. Taught schools for a time then engaged in real estate and loan business in S D and Min- neapolis. N W mngr Continental Casualty Co 1898 to date. Member I O O F. EVANS Frank J, Fergus Falls. Banker. Born Mar 16, 1863 in Min- erva N Y, son of Richard and Cynthia (West) Evans. Married June 18 89 to Mary C Compton. Educated in public schools and Hamline Univ St Paul. Moved to Fergus Falls 1882 and engaged as bkpr for Fergus Falls Nat Bank; appointed cashr 1887. Dir First Nat Bank Deer Creek. City treas 15 years. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. EVANS Merritt H, St Paul. Res 611 Dayton av, office 50 5 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate. Born April 1858 in Bradford 111. son of Henry B and Sarah J (Henderson) Evans. ^Married in 1885 to Hattie Gifford. Educated in the common schools, high school and business college of Toleda la. Organized Jackson Coun- ty State Bank at Lakefield Minn being- its pres from 1890-1902. Moved to St Paul 1902 and engaged in real estate business to date; has extensive holdings in Chicago real estate and ]\Iinn farm lands; stockholder in the Citizens State Bank Canon City Colo. Member Masonic fraternity, I O O F and M W A. EVANS Warren Thomas, Canby. Dentist. Born April 13, 1871 in Spice- land Ind, son of Thomas and Martha Amelia (Hiatt) Evans. Married Sept 30, 1903 to Pearle M Bangs. Gradu- ated from Spiceland (Ind) Academy 189 2 and from dental dept U of M 189 7. Engaged in practice of his profession in Canby to date. Member Masonic fraternity and Delta Sigma Delta a dental college fraternity. Member and former pres Canby Com- mercial Club. 12S Lifth' ^ketcJie^ of BUj Folks. EVAXS William E, Mankato. Res 825 S Front st. Minister of religion. Born in 18 62 in Merionitlasliire N Wales, son of Lewis and Catherine (Morris) Evans. Married March 4, 18 90 to Margaret Ellen Hughes Bala N Wales. Educated in the Pennal Board School Brynarvor Town Gram- mar School, Aberystwith Commercial School 1882-84; Bala Theological Col- lege 1884-87; Edinburgh (Scotland) Univ 18 87-89. Came to the U S 1890 and resided in Milwaukee until 189 4. Pastor Welsh C M churches of Man- kato and Zion 189 5 to date. Mem- ber K of P. EVERETT Guy AV, Waseca. Flour mnfr. Born Sept 2 8, 187 6 in Waseca, son of William and Amelia (Addi- son) Everett. Married in 1898 to Esth- er Lewis. Educated in public schools and graduated from Cogswell Poly- technic School San Francisco 1893. Raised in milling business and en- tered father's firm of Everett, Aug- henbaugh & Co as mngr of sales dept 1893; former member M N G; mem- ber K of P and Masonic fraternity. EA^ERINGTON James, Minneapolis. Res 400 Union st S E, office 821-823 Washington av S E. Manufacturer. Born Sept 25, 1849 at Huddersfield England, son of James E and Hannah (Schofield) Everington. Married Aug 8, 18 77 to Agnes S Wright. Educated in the public schools at Root Creek Wis. Reared on farm: employed 1 year in a lawyer's office; in milling business with father at Eagle Wis; foreman of elevator for Chicago Mil- waukee & St Paul Ry Co at Minneapo- lis 188 2-84; supt Pillsbury and Pills- bury-Washburn elevators and head of cash wheat dept 1884-1904; mem- ber Manuel Smith Heating Co mnfrs 1905 to date; treas Minneapolis Earn- ings Investment Co 19 06 to date. Served in Milwaukee Light Guards; pres 8th Ward Garfield Club Milwau- kee. Member Board of Directors Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce 6 years. Member Masonic fraternity, York and Scottish rites; Mystic Shrine, I O O F, A O U W^ and other fraternities; former sec S E Minne- apolis Improvement Assn. EWIXG Frank H, St Paul. Res 800 Hague av, office 718 Manhattan bldg. Lawyer. Born in 1856 in Cat- tarogus county N Y, son of Henry and Augusta L (Willis) Ewing. Married twice: Dec 13, 1883 to Lila B Jenk- ins; Sept 189 8 to Julia L Spates. Ed- ucated in Ellington Academy N Y. First practiced law in Stillwater 1881- 88; moved to St Paul and practiced alone 188 8-90; in partnership with brother Arthur W Ewing 1890-92; of Morphy, Ewing, Gilbert & Ewing 1892-96; Morphy, Ewing & Gilbert 189 6-9 9; Morphy & Ewing 189 9- 1902; Morphy, Ewing & Bradford 19 02 to date. Member Commercial Club. FABER Peter, Minneapolis. Res 1413 Lyndale av N, office 213 Ply- mouth av. Merchant. Born Sept 28, 18 58 in Chicago, son of Nicholas and Mary (Hankes) Faber. Married June 10, 1884 to Caroline Weiss. Educat- ed in common schools. Farmed until 1881; engaged with J I Case Plow Co 1881-84; engaged in hardware and farm machinery business as Christian Faber & Co Minneapolis 1884-94; be- came sole propr 1894 and has con- tinued to date. FAGLEY Henry AV, St Paul. Res 457 Holly av, office 610 Germania Life bldg. Retired merchant. Born April 4, 18 50 in Blair countv Pa, son of George and Susan (Miller) Fagley. Married June 15, 18 80 to Alice Grant. Educated in public schools of Blair county Pa; and Penn State Normal School Millersville Pa. Taught school in Pa; moved to Palo 111 and engaged as dry goods elk 1867-76; trav salesman for C M Hen- derson & Co boots and shoes Chicago 187 6-7 7; member of Fagley & San- born retail dry goods Palo 111 1877- 79; trav salesman until 18 84; in clothing business Cedar Rapids la 18 84-88; moved to St Paul and was mngr of Browning, King & Go's store until 1901; in land business N D 1901-1903; returned to St Paul 1903 and was v pres and treas Boston Clothing Co until 1906 when he re- tired. V pres The Fagley Co, Sioux Little Sketches of Big Folks. 129 City. la. Served in 14 9th Penn Regt during Civil War. Member Commer- cial Club. FAHXESTOCK Halleck P, St Paul. Res 62 9 Grand av, office 3 46 Robert St. Merchant. Born Nov 14, 1S61 in Gettysburg Pa, son of Edward G and M Louise (Tate) Fahnestoclc. Married June 1, 1889 to Carrie Stev- ens. Educated at Pennsylvania Col- lege at Gettsyburg Pa and Philadel- phia College of Pharmacy Ph D 1880. Engaged in drug business Watertown S D 1884-86; employed by Sioux Banking Co as land examiner 1886- 93; trav rep for the Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co 1893-1900; mngr St Paul branch same concern 1901-1903; city agent St Paul branch Northwest- ern Fuel Co 1903 to date. Enlisted in S D Nat Guard as private; promoted to lieutenant and later honorably dis- charged. Member and dir Commer- cial Club; member Sigma Chi college fraternity; member Masonic fraterni- ty. FAIRCHILD Edwin Kellogg, Min- neapolis. Res 2200 1st av S, office 509 Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 11, 1854 in Brecksville O, son of Reuben W and Esther (Birge) Fairchild. Married Oct 7, 1880 to Ella F Webster. Graduated Oberlin College Ohio A B 1876. Admitted to the bar of Hennepin county 1880; began practice 1883; associated with Harlan P Roberts as Fairchild & Rob- erts 1885-87. Member of Keith, Ev- ans, Thompson & Fairchild law firm gen practitioners Minneapolis 1887 to date. Member Lafayette Club Min- netonka Beach. FAIRCHILD Henry Shields, St Paul. Res 3 03 Nelson av, office 209 Ct blk. Real estate and loans. Born Aug 18,1826 in Warren county O, son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Day) Fairchild. Educated in the common schools and academy in Lebanon, Waynesville and Cincinnati O. Was teacher in former 2 years. Head of firm of Fairchild & Underwood merchants Brandon Miss 185 4-57; Fairchild & Pease and Fair- child & Son St Paul. Member of Board of Public Works; ex-pres Ram- sey County Pioneers; dir of St Paul Chamber of Commerce; member of Executive Council State Historical Society; ex-pres St Paul Real Estate Exchange; honorary member State Agricultural Society. One of the or- ganizers and promoters of the State Fair; was one of committee with Gov Ramsey and Senator H M Price to fix price for the grounds for the new State Capitol. Member of Ohio Assn- member of County Board. FAIRCHILD Lambert F, St Paul Res 117 Virginia av, office 210 Globe bldg. Real estate. Born Aug 31, 1880 in St Paul Minn, son of H S and Elizabeth (Clayland) Fairchild. Mar- ried April 27, 1904 to Mabelle Pol- hamus. Educated in the common schools of St Paul. Employed with St Paul Dispatch 1895-97 in advertising dept; in gen freight office of M & St L R R in various capacities 189 7-99; engaged in the real estate business with his father 1899-19 04; embarked in business alone 19 04 to date. Mem- ber Royal Arcanum and Maccabees. FAIRCLOl GH George Herbert, St Paul. Res 95 Mackubin st, office Raudenbush bldg. Music teacher and organist. Born Jan 30, 1869 in Ham- ilton, Ontario Can, son of James and Elizabeth (Erving) Fairclough. Mar- ried Sept 22, 189 7 to Helen Maude Freeman. Attended public schools and Collegiate Institute at Hamilton Out; Univ of Toronto 3 years; Toron- to Conservatory of Music 3 years; Royal High School of Music Berlin Germany 3 years. Organist of St Mark's Episcopal church in Hamilton Ont when 13; organist of various churches ever since; organist and choir master All Saints Episcopal Church Toronto; musical dir in Ladies College Brantford Ont 1890- 92; at school in Berlin Ger 1892-95; music master in Kalamazoo Mich Col- lege 189 5-1900; also organist and choir master St Luke's Episcopal Church Kalamazoo; organist and choir master Episcopal church of St John the Evangelist St Paul 1900 to date; also organist and musical dir Mt Zion Hebrew Temple St Paul 1903 to date; very successful as teacher of music and musical dir; dir large choruses at the Sangerfest in summer of 1906. 130 Little Sketches of Big Folks. FANXING John T, Minneapolis. Consulting Engineer. Born Dec 31, 183 7 in Norwicli Conn, son of Jolin H and Elizabetli (Pridde) Fanning. Married June 14, 18 65 to Louise Bens- ley. Educated in the schools of Nor- wich Conn; enlisted in the 3d Regt Conn Vol served its full term; began professional work in Norwich 1862 and was 8 years acting city eng. Removed to Manchester N H in 18 72 to supervise construction of public water supply; served on Board of Ed- ucation and chairman of high school committee Manchester; employed in 1881 to report additional water sup- ply for N Y, Brooklyn and cities of the Hudson Valley; retained by Bos- ton Water Board and later by Metro- politan Water Board of Mass as ex- pert in condemnation cases; and by Chicago Drainage Commission. In 1885 reported on imi^rovements of water power in Miss river at Minneapolis; appointed chief eng and agent of the St Anthony Falls Water Power Co 1886; consulting eng of St Paul, Min- neapolis and Manitoba Ry and Great Northern Ry and v pres of the Min- neapolis Union Ry. Directed con- struction of great dam, public water supply and electric lighting of Austin Texas; water power on Missouri riv- er at Great Falls Mont and on Spo- kane river at Spokane Wash; power on the Missouri river near Helena Mont; patentee of improvements in slow-burning bldg constructions, tur- bine water wheels, pumping engines and steam boilers. Author of "A Treatise on Hydraulic and Water Sup- ply Engineering." Fellow of Am- erican Assn for the advancement of Science; ex-dir of American Society of Civil Engineers and ex-pres of the American Water Works Assn. FAKLY Francis X, Crookston. Physician ( R) and surgeon. Born Feb 4, 184 4 in St Bartholomew Quebec Can, son of Francis X and Emilie (Denommee) Farly. Married twice: Jan 22, 1866 to Agatha Fiset and June 10, 1888 to Elenore Barbeau. Attended College de L'Assomption P Q for the full classical course 1857- 64; graduated from Mich College of Medicine Detroit 1881. From grad- uation practiced 14 months at Tren- ton Mich; 18 months at Red Lake Falls; and in Crookston to date. Member Minn State and Red River Valley Medical societies. FARMER Mai-tin, Minneapolis. Res 3 312 1st av S, office 3 07 6th st S. Merchant. Born Mar 9, 1869 in Ver- non Center Minn, son of Mathew and Ella (Weston) Farmer. Married Nov 7, 19 06 to Josephine Menth. Received his education in common schools. Moved to Mankato 1891; employed in mercantile business until 1906; moved to Minneapolis and engaged in business as Farmer Bros whol hosiery to date. FARXHAM Charles W, St Paul. Res 54 6 Marshall av, office Nat Ger- man American Bank bldg. Born June 4, 18 67 in Buffalo N Y, son of Horatio Nelson and Maria Love (Shiels) Farnham. Married in 1900 to Kate Hunbird. Educated in priv- ate and public schools in St Paul, Griswold College Davenport la and U of M Law School degree of LL M. Has been engaged in the practice of law since 1895; member of the Am- erican Bar Assn; Ramsey County Bar Assn, Roosevelt Club and is sec. treas and dir of the Jackson County Iron Co; member and sec of Board of Gov- ernors of the Minn State Bar Assn. FARNSAVORTH Ezra, Minneapolis. Res 1414 Mt Curve av, office 43 6 Boston blk. Real estate. Born Jan 3, 1843 in Boston Mass, son of Ezra and Sarah M ( Parker) Farnsworth. Married in 18 70 to Leila F Newcomb. Educated in common and high shools. Employed in dry goods busi- ness until 1861; served in Civil War in 2 6th Mass Infantry 1861-65. Moved to New York and employed in dry goods business 186 6-79; Stevens county Minn, on farm 1879-82; moved to Mineapolis and has been engaged in real estate business to date. Member GAR and Loyal Legion. FARRAR Fred Andrew, Brainerd. Banker. Born April 6, 1861 in Mil- waukee Mis, son of Andrew P and Sarah J Farrar. Married Feb 20, 1895 to Ethel M Small. Educated in high school and business college Jackson Mich. First engaged in store room Lilth' Sketches of Bi;/ Foils. l:!l dept and as timekeeper for K P Ry until 1882; variously employed as bkpr and elk until 1889; mngr of dry goods store until 1892; city elk 1S92-1900; entered First National Bank as teller Jan 1, 1900 and has since been suc- cessively asst caslir and cashr. Dir and treas Minn Park Region Land Co; member city council; served as quar- termaster sergeant 3d Regt M N G. Member Commercial Club ; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; K T; Shrine; E P O E and K of P. FAKKIXGTON Kay G, Ortonville. Lawyer. Born Ai)ril 3 0, 18 72 in Mc- Gregor la, son of Theodore and Eliza- beth (Prevey) Farrington. Married Nov 5, 1902 to Louise Opsal. Gradu- ated from high school McGregor la 1889. Admitted to the bar 189 6. Practiced at Ortonville Minn to date. Served as municipal judge of Orton- ville 1 year; and 1 term on Board of Public Works; served as county atty of Big Stone county 1899-1903. Member Minn State Senate and I O O F. FEATHERSTOX Patrick, Red Wing. Brewer. Married Aug 9, 1862 in Hudson N Y, son of John and Ann (Holligan) Featherston. Married in 1897 to Luca R Christ. Educated in public schools Chatfield Minn 18 68- 74; farming 1874-7 6; engaged in livery stable business 1876-79; em- ployed as brakeman C & N W Ry 18 79-82; conductor C & N W Ry 1882 to date; partner Red Wing Brewing Co. Member B P O E, K of P and Royal Arcanum. FEDDERS AVilliam John, St Paul. Res 212 Nelson av, office 187 B 3d st. Employment bureau. Born July 4, 187 8 in Tonning Germany, son of Pet- er C and Margaret (Schmitt) Fed- ders. Married Jan 30, 1901 to Cath- erine McPike. Educated in the pub- lic schools and business college of St Paul. Employed as stenographer with Adam Decker 189 4-95. With Foley Bros railroad contractors in various capacities 1895-1902; established the firm of W J Fedders & Co St Paul and engaged in furnishing men to railroad companies, mining com- panies and contractors and handled 30,000 laborers during 1906; also member of Western Labor and Supply Co Omaha and Freeland Bros Chicago. Member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity. Shrine and B P O E. FEESER Louis, St Paul. Res 454 Iglehart st, office 43 2 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born June 18, 1863 in Jamestown Ky, son of Louis and Mary (Heller) Feeser. Married July 2 2, 1888 to Anna Murphy. Educated in common schools of Buffalo; high school St Paul. Studied law in father's office and U of M. Studied patent law and admitted to the bar in Wash- ington D C; engaged in practice of his profession in Washington; returned to St Paul and has been associated with his father under the firm name of Louis Feeser & Co to date making a specialty of patents and patent law. Treas and dir Northern Farm Land Co. Member of the Liberal Club St Paul prominent in the Royal Arcanum, Foresters, M W A and Junior Pio- neers and Maccabees. FENWICK John, St Paul. Res 800 Selby av, office 602-603 Chamber of Commerce. Teacher of music. Born 1869 in Seham Harbour county of Durham England, son of James Ed- ward and Anna Jurdeson (Hardwick) Fenwick. Educated in the public schools Sedgfield England; Benshaw Academy 4 years under instruction of James Fenwick; studied vocal and instrumental music in England and Italy. Was boy soloist at Durham Cathedral; received a certificate as Master of Harmony at St Cuthbert's Conservatory and diploma from Dur- ham Chorister School; other honors at St Nicholas Cathedral Newcastle- on-Tyne. Served in mounted infan- try during the Riel rebellion in Can; 8 months service as teacher among the Sioux Indians; engaged in choir work at Fort Rouge 1890; taught theory at St John's College; removed to St Paul and later to St Cloud, Lit- tle Falls, Big Lake etc where he was engaged in teaching music, leading choirs etc. Returned later to St Paul and organized St Paul Amateur Chor- al Club. Now principal of Fenwick School of Music. Teacher of music in St Paul for 13 years. 132 Little ieiiby, Du- luth. Res 414 E Superior, office En- gineers bldg. U S army officer. Born Feb 19, 1860 in Chicago, son of Henry S and Ellen Rose (Hetzel) Fitch. Married in 19 00 to Hermonie King. Educated in France and Ger- many and West Point. In U S Engi- neers Corps; service on Mississippi river, N Y harbor, Willetts Point, Santiago, Cuba, Oswego, Lake On- tario and Little Rock Ark; appoint- ed to Duluth 190 6 in charge of har- bor improvements. Member Society C E; Commercial, Kitchi Gammi and Northland Country clubs Duluth and University Club N Y. FITZ John Henry, St Paul. Res 72 9 Hague av, office 3 4 Union blk. Civil engineer and surveyor. Born Feb 22, 1860 in St Paul, son of Rudolph H and Elmina F (Howard) Fitz. Married Aug 30, 18 82 to Allie P Fowble. Educated in the common and high schools St Paul; graduated 187 7. Charge of surveys in the office of city eng St Paul 187 8-8 6. Mem- ber firm of Fowble & Fitz 18 86 to date. Member Civil Engineers' So- ciety of St Paul. FITZGIBBONS Thomas, St Paul. Res 115 Western av, office 164 E 3d St. Manufacturers" agt. Born July 19, 1850 in New Castle Ind, son of Michael and Margaret (Allen) Fitz- gibbons. Married to May E Reed. Educated in St Mary's School Rich- mond Ind. Engaged as elk in gro- cery Richmond 1876; hotel elk Zanes- ville O 1876-80; trav salesman Zanes- ville Tobacco Works 18 80-84; with Am Tobacco Co 1884-1903; mnfrs" agt 1903 to date. Member B P O E. FITZPATRICK Patrick, Winona. Res 2 53 W Mill st, office Richardson blk. Lawyer. Born March 17, 18 51 in Galena 111, son of James and Mary (McDonald) Fitzpatrick. Ed- ucated in public schools Galena, 111; district schools Fillmore county Minn; normal school Winona; and Little tavitl E, Ada. County auditor. Born March 2 6, 18 61 in Red Wing Minn, son of Samuel M and Elizabeth Fulton. Moved to Nor- man county 1879 and engaged in farming until 1885; variously en- gaged since 1885 as wheat buyer, elk in gen store, in insurance business, cashr of Bank of Beltrami 1900- 1903; now auditor of Norman countv. Member I O O F; K of P; M W A. 144 Little SJ:rtr]ivf< of Bi(/ Folkx. FUNK William A, Mankato. Res 215 Clark st, office 23 S Front st. Lawyer. Born Feb 2 5, 18 54 in La Salle county 111, son of Abraham and Margaret (Hutchinson) Funk. Mar- ried Oct 29, 1879 to Ellen Douglas of Streator 111. Received his educa- tion in the public schools of Odell III. Has been engaged in the prac- tice of law since 1875. Practiced in Fairbury III 1875; Odell 1876-77; Streator 111 187 8-87; Lakefield Minn 18 88-9 5; Mankato Minn 189 5 to date. Was county atty Jackson county Minn 1890-95; was member Ex Com of State Central Republican Committe 1900 and pres of the City Central Rep Committee. Member Commercial club. I O O F, Social Science Club, K P, B P O E and was first venerable counsel W M A, Camp No 4. FURST William, Minneapolis. Res 128 W 27th st, office 403-407 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 12, 1872 in Davisville Cal, son of Leo and Margaret Furst. Married Aug 2 7, 1898 to Flora R Dopping. Grad- uated from Onalaska Wis High School 1889; U of M, B S 1896; B L 1897; M L 1898. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 189 8 to date. Sec St Anthony Oil Co; treas Merchants Ins Agency; resident v pres Federal Union Surety Co; v pres American Land Co; sec North Star Mnfg Co; V pres Northern Investment Co; resi- dent sec Bankers Confidential Serv- ice; sec Salmon Canneries Co. Mem- ber Commercial Law League and American Bar Assn. G GAGE James E, Minneapolis. Res 2305 S Aldrich av, office 803-806 Chamber of Commerce. Grain mer- chant.' Born April 7, 1849 at Wa- terloo N Y, son of John and Eleanor (Probasco) Gage. Married Jan 1, 1871 to Rhoda E Collier. Educated in the public schools. Member And- rews & Gage grain elevators and comn merchants 1893 to date. GAIL Frederick W, Stillwater. Of- fice 11-12 Torinus blk. Lawyer. Born Jan 17, 18 60 in East Aurora N Y, son of Sherman Brown and Julia Ann (Knowlton) Gail. Married twice: April 10, 1884 to Mary Elizabeth Fuller; Oct 29, 1889 "to Mary E Smith. Educated in public and high schools Corry Pa. Engaged in teach- ing school and newspaper reporting in Penn and N Y from 1877-82; court stenogr for first judicial dist of Minn 1882-87; admitted to bar 18 84 and practiced in Stillwater to date. In partnership with Hon J N Searles until 1893 and afterwards alone. Member Masonic fraternity. GALE Robert L, St Cloud. Cold storage and produce. Born June 12, 1859 in Middlesex Can, son of Rob- ert L and Mary E (Radcliff) Gale. Married June 12, 189 to Lou A Murphy. Educated in common schools Can. In drug business Strath- roy Out until 1882; in bank Clinton Ont 1882-83; moved to St Cloud Minn 1883. In bank and fuel busi- ness Anoka until 1895; in milling business Osakis Minn 189 5-98; mngr St Cloud Cold Storage & Produce Co 1899 to date. V pres A G Whit- ney Land & Loan Co and Granite City Ry Co. GAALAAS Klias, Minneapolis. Res 3301 14th av S, office 416 8th av S. Bookbinder. Born Mar 29, 1862 in Norway, son of John and Alie (Christensen) Gaalaas. Mar- ried June 3, 189 6 to Bertha Fars- blad. Educated in common schools; learned bookbinding at Hamar Nor- way 187 7-82; moved to Minneapolis 18 83 and has been engaged in book- binding to date. Bought out other interests in firm of A J Dahl & Co and is sole owner. GALE Samuel Gliester, Minneapo- lis. Res 68 S 11th st. Real estate and mortgage loans. Born Sept 15, 1827 in Royalston Mass, son of Isaac and Tamar (Goddard) Gale. Mar- ried 1861 to Susan A Damon of Holden Mass. Prepared for college at iniblic schools and academy in Mass and graduated from Yale College 1854; studied law at the Harvard Law School. Moved to Minneapolis in 1857 and practiced law there until 1861; in present business 1861 to LUilv .^krtcJivfi of BUj Folks. 145 date. Has served as member of the Minneapolis City Council; a member of tile Minneapolis Board of Educa- tion for 12 years and a member of the Library Board for many years to date. At one time president of the Board of Trade and pres of the Min- neapolis Industrial Exposition. GALL Thomas Alva, Duluth. Res 114 S 14th av E, office 501-502 First Nat Bank bldg. Law. Born Feb 18, 18 71 in Highland county O, son of John and Margaret (Miller) Gall. Married June 16, 1904 to Mabel G Williams. Educated in the common schools of Highland county; normal school and Hillsboro (Ohio) College graduating A B 1894. Professor ol mathmetics Hillsboro College 1894- 95; principal of ward school 1896- 97; admitted to bar ±900. Has been engaged in general practice since that time. Member of Garfield Club and Modern Samaritans. GARDNER Charles Williams, Min- neapolis. Res 1900 S Dupont av, of- fice Soo Line bldg. Railroad official. Born Feb 17, 1861 at Rushville N Y, son of Harvey and Marietta (Mills) Gardner. Married Helen M Conolley 1882. Attended public schools in St Paul; graduated from high school. Left school in 187 8 and became office boy for St Paul & Pacific now Great Northern Ry; elk for Red Line Tran- sit Co 1879; in office sec of Minn lines 1879-82; sec Minn lines 1882- 84; gen agent N W Traffic Assn Min- neapolis 1884-86; auditor Minneapo- lis & Pacific R R 1887; auditor Min- neapolis Sault Ste Marie & Atlantic (Soo Line) R R 1887 to date. Dir First State Bank New Auburn Wis. Original promoter Commercial Club Minneapolis and dir from its founda- tion. GAMBLE George H, St Paul. Res 5415 Oneida st, office 214 Manhattan bldg. Pine, mineral and farm lands. Born July 4, 1854 in Washington county O, son of Patrick and Ellen (Lovell) Gamble. Married May 20, 1884 to Catherine McDonald. Educated in common schools Washington county Ohio and business college Detroit. Log- ging in Mich 1877-81; estimator in Mich 1881-8 7; buying and selling lumber 1887-95; now engaged in buying, selling and locating timber and ore lands. GAMBLE Ross A, Minneapolis. Res 2644 Nicollet av, office 224 N 6th St. Commission merchant. Born May 22, 1867 in Owatonna Minn, son of William and Matilda (Robin- son) Gamble. Married 189 4 to Mar- garet Farmer. Educated in common schools Owatonna; variously em- ployed 188 8-92; in whol comn busi- ness Minneapolis 1892 to date; in- corporated 1901 as Gamble, Robin- son Commission Co. V pres Gamble, Robinson Fruit Co Aberdeen S D and dir Merchants Cold Storage Co Minneapolis. (JARCEAU Theodore, Red Lake Falls. Merchant. Born April 13, 1857 in South Bend Ind, son of John and Clara (La Fontaine) Garceau. Married June 29, 1883 to Sybil Ru- bertus. Educated in public schools of South Bend Ind and Univ of Notre Dame 2 years. Moved to Red Lake Falls 1882 and engaged in teaching school and 'as asst postmster; in mercantile business as Garceau Bros until 1898; now Garceau & Zaiser. Pres First Nat Bank. Member Am and Minn State Bankers assn. GARVIN Herbert C, Winona. Mil- ler. Born April 23, 1862 in Fond du Lac Wis, son of Benjamin and A A (Kimball) Garvin. iNIarried in 189 5 to Louise Dana. Educated in public schools Fond du Lac and Oshkosh Wis. First engaged as messenger for C & N W R R 1878; gen agt for same until 1898; sec and treas Bay State Milling Co 1898 to date. Dir First Nat Bank Winona; First Nat Bank Little Falls. Member Union League Club Chicago; Minneapolis Club and Arlington Club Winona. GATES Ezra W, Garden City. I\Iil- ler. Born Jan 9, 1851 in Waukan Wis, son of John and Elizabeth (Tal- bot) Gates. Married May 17, 187 7 to Lulu Stimpson. Educated in com- mon schools at Garden City and Bailey's Commercial College at Du- buque la. Engaged in milling busi- ness under firm name of Friend & 10 UG Little Sketches of Big Folks. Gates Garden City 1882 to date. Member Minn House of Representa- tives 1905 and 1907; served in Home Guard during Indian outbreali 1862- 65. GATES Horace Butler, St Paul. Res Tlie Astiland, office 4th and Ros- abel sts. Merchant. Born May 10, 1856 at Syracuse N Y, son of Wil- liam G and Mary E (Brown) Gates. Married May 10, 1882 to Jessie Hackett. Educated in common and high schools St Paul. Clk in Nat Marine Bank and Merchants Nat Bank of St Paul as a young man; cashr Meeker County Bank of Litch- field Minn 18 78-85; member Haekett, Walther & Gates (now Hackett, Wal- ther, Gates Hardware Co) St Paul 188 5 to date; pres of same since 1903. Member Minn, Commercial and Minnetonka Yacht clubs St Paul. «ATZ G A, Chaska. Public official. Born April 2 2, 1867 in Carver county Minn, son of Gottlieb and Caroline (Stahlke) Gatz. Married June 1890 to Anna Mueller. Educated in pub- lic schools Carver county and high school Glencoe Minn. Engaged in hotel business Mayer Minn 1890-95; then bought wheat for state eleva- tor 1890-1900; in flour mill 1900- 1903; county sheriff 1903 to date. Member of School Board Mayer Minn ; village elk Mayer 189 8-1902. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity and I O O F. GAYLORl) Edson S, Minneapolis. Res 22 21 N Fremont av, office 550 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Sept 22. 1861 at West Cheshire Conn, son of Samuel D and Caroline A (Rus- sell) Gaylord. Married March 188 7 to Louise March. Moved to Minn 1870 and resided in Garden City un- til 1878; moved to Minneapolis 18 78; graduated from high school Minne- apolis 1879; IT of M, B A 1883; LL B 1885; admitted to the bar in 1885; engaged in the gen practice of law in Minneapolis to date. Member Chi Psi college fraternity; I O O F, Roy- al Arcanum, A O U W, M W A and Masonic fraternity. GEARHART Harry Gilbert, Duluth. Res 118 E 3d st, office 513 Palladio bldg. Law. Born Oct 27, 18 72 in Geneseo N Y, son of Nathaniel A and Ella F (Gilbert) Gearhart. Educat- ed in the common and high schools of Geneseo NY; U of M law dept LL B 1891. Engaged in the practice of law in Duluth with his father 1891 as N A & H G Gearhart which firm continued until 1898. Member of the Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. GEDDES William Reid, Mankato. Lawyer. Born Nov 2 8, 1855 son of William and Margaret (Higgins) Geddes. Married Nov 1, 1884 to Lou Williams. Educated in country schools Blue Earth county and state normal school of Mankato. Engaged in teaching school Blue Earth county 1876-84. City editor Mankato Free Press 1884-86. Purchased interest in the Mankato Register and published same 1886-91, during which time he served as sheriff of Blue Earth coun- ty for 3 years. During newspaper career was also engaged in reading law; admitted to bar 1891 and prac- ticed law alone until 1902; formed partnership with brother Chas D Ged- des as W R & C D Geddes 1902, which firm still continues. Mem- ber M N G 1886-91. Elected special judge municipal court Mankato April 2, 1897 for term of 3 years. GEERY AVilliani B, St Paul. Res 5 50 Summit av, office Manhattan bldg. Banker. Born Aug 23, 1867 in Medina O, son of Joseph McClel- land and Mary (Beckwith) Geery. Ed- ucated at Ripon Wis High School; Ripon Preparatory School; Ripon Col- lege. With First Nat Bank of Ripon Wis messenger to teller 1884-89; tell- er St Paut Nat Bank 1890-92; asst cashr 1892-1902; cashr 1902-1906. V pres Capitol Nat Bank 190 7. Treas Commercial and Nushka clubs St Paul. Member Minn, Commercial, Town and Country, Yacht, Nushka and Roosevelt Republican clubs St Paul. GEESAMAN Alfred M, Minneapolis. Res 19 02 Park av, office 3 06 S 6th st. Printer. Born June 2 8, 1855 in Ship- pensburg Pa, son of Zaccheus and Mary (W'agner) Geesaman. Married 1888 to Kate Totton. Educated in common schools of his native town; Little Sketches of Bifj Folks. 147 learned printing trade; employed as printer Minneapolis 1878-8 4; mem- ber of firm of Geesaman & Murphy printers 1884-19 04; sec and treas McClellan Paper Co 1904-190 6; pres Geesaman Printing Co from June 1, 1907. Pres Flour City Trunk Co; treas Shaft-Pierce Shoe Co Faribault. Member Commercial Club Minnea- polis. GEIST Frank J, Minneapolis. Res 626 23d av N, office 235 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Feb 16, 18.56 in Wuerzburg Germany, son of Sebas- tian and Ursula (Peter) Geist. Ed- ucated in Wuerzburg Germany High School. Served in 7th U S Cavalry; is one of tlie few survivors of the Custer massacre Montana. Member Harmonia Society. Resident of Min- neapolis since 1880. GEORGE John Franklin, St Paul. Res 25 7 Summit pi, office Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 7, 1859 at Xobles- ville Ind, son of Ricliard and Sarah Ann (Haines) George. Married to Nellie Graliam. Graduated with de- grees of B A; M A De Pauw Ind. Moved to St Paul 1884 and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. GERBER Janie.s J, INIinneapolis. Res 3140 Lyndale av S, office 128 6th av S. Manufacturer. Born Dec 13, 1860 in Ryan Wis, son of William and Minnie (Friday) Gerber. Mar- ried Aug 2 7, 1885 to Alice O Whit- ney. Educated in common schools; learned trade of sheet metal worker Milwaukee 1876-80; sent by U S govt to Fort Assinniboine to take charge of metal work: moved to Minneapo- lis and followed trade 1880-89. Be- gan business for self as J J Gerber sheet metal work 1889 to date. Mem- ber B P O E. GERRER William A, St Paul. Res 3 67 Sherburne av, office Court House. Sheriff of Ramsey County. Born Dec 14. 1868 in St Paul Minn, son of Fred and Friedericka (Bunde) Gerber. Married June 12, 19 01 to Minna A Roehnisch. Educated in the German Lutheran School St Paul. Employed by D W Ingersoll & Co; later entered office of W G Strickland insurance 1882-85; with F Gerber & Son 1885- 92; with Finch, Young & McConville 18 92-95; with Menk Bros whol groc- ers for 6 months; purchased business of James Downs dry goods 1895; purchased his father's business 1901 and still conducts same. Chairman 8th Ward Rep Organization; ward committeeman 8th ward for 2 cam- paigns; sec Rep Campaign Committee 2 campaigns; ran 25 00 votes ahead of the ticket for city comptroller 1904. Member of Lincoln Rep Club; executive committee Roosevelt Club; pres McKinley Club; member Junior Pioneers. Pres Ev Lutheran Benevo- lent Society of Minn. Elected sheriff Ramsey county on Republican ticket Nov 4, 1906; term expires Jan 1, 1909. GERGEN Nicholas B, Hastings. Banker. Born June 1, 1862 in Doug- las Minn, son of Bernard and Apolonia (Berg) Gergen. Married in 1885 to Barbara Gores. Educated in dist schools Douglas Minn and graduated from St John's College. Engaged in farming 1879-82; successively clerk, asst cashr and cashr German Ameri- can Bank of Hastings 1883 to date; city treas 1890 to date. Member Commercial Club. GERLACH Bernard, Red Wing. Miller. Born Aug 2, 18 60 in St Paul Minn, son of George and Anna IMaria (Fux) Gerlach. Married April 2 9, 1884 to Frances M McCue. Educat- ed in parochial and public schools St Paul. First employed by Jacob Main- zer law and abstracts St Paul 1875- 79; employed at Red Wing Minn 1879-80; in abstract business; en- tered employ of Red Wing Mills in lumber office 1880-82; engaged by La Grange Mill as bkpr; now mngr of same. Member Commercial Club. GERMO Thomas, Red Lake Falls. Lawyer. Born May 2, 18 72 in Medo Blue Earth county Minn, son of Styrk and Ellen (Rokne) Germo. Married Sept 18, 1903 to Eleanor Findeisen. Educated in common schools; Manka- to State Normal School ; Rochester (Minn) Business College; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 19 00. Engaged in farming, teaching school, as bank elk court reporter, newspaper us Little ."^ketches of Bif/ Folkf<. reporter, detective and lawyer; now serving 2d term as county atty of Red Lake county Minn. Member Am and Minn State Bar assns; Home Study Club; M W A; I O O F; K of P. GETTY George Franklin, Minne- apolis. Res Hampshire Arms, office N W Nat Life Insurance Co bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 17, 185 5 in Alle- gany county Md, son of John and Martha Ann (Wiley) Getty. Attend- ed Smithville Ohio Academy 1876; Ada Ohio Normal Univ 187 7-79; graduating B S 1879; law dept Univ of Mich 1881-82. Practiced law at Caro Mich 1882-83; in Minneapo- lis 18 84 to date. Organized Nat Mutual Life Ins Co of Minneapolis in 1887; sec 188 7-89 and atty of company un- til its consolidation with the N W Nat Life Insurance Co in 1901; re- signed as sec in 18 89 and served as sec and treas 189 8-1901; continued in legal dept of the company until 1896; atty for Railway Bldg & Loan Assn 188 9-94. Pres Minnehoma Oil Co. Served as circuit court com- missioner in Tuscola county Mich. Member Masonic order in lodge, chap- ter, commandery and Shrine; Com- mercial Club Minneapolis. GIANTVALLEY Jeremiah A, St Paul. Res 2 70 Dayton av, office 614- 615 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 18, 18 58 in Norway, son of John A J and Anna M (Hansen) Giantval- ley. Married Jan 1, 1887 to Joseph- ine B Owre. Educated in public and private schols; studied law in the law dept U of M, graduating LL B in 1898. Reared on a farm and fol- lowed farming; at age of 18 began teaching country schools between terms attending school; U S letter carrier in St Paul 1888-98; practiced law in St Paul 189 8 to date. Member of leading fraternal orders. GIBSOX C H, Chaska. Dentist. Born March 1, 1871 in Iowa Falls la. son of Geo W and Mary (Odgers) Gibson. Married June 20, 1898 to Elma Zetterberg. Graduated from Waseca (Minn) High School and from dental dept State Univ of Iowa DD S 1890; opened office in Chaska and has practiced dentistry to date. Elected mayor of Chaska 1907. Mem- ber Masonic fraternitv. GIDDIXGS Arthnr E, Anoka. Law- yer. Born Oct 2, 1867 in Anoka, son of Aurora W and Mary Ellen (Sim- ons) Giddings. Married Aug 16, 189 2 to Sibyl Baker. Educated in common schools Anoka High School; graduating from U of M 1889; law dept 1892; admitted to bar 1892; practiced from 189 2-99; elected .iudge 18th judicial dist 1898 and has served to date. City atty Anoka 2 terms: county atty Anoka 2 terms. Member K of P. GIDDIXGS Aurora AV, Anoka. Phy- sician. Born Nov 2, 1830 in Wil- liamsfleld Ashtabula county O, son of Aranda P and Sarah (Ives) Giddings. Married Sept 2 8, 1856 to Mary Ellen Simons. Attended high school and Allegheny (Pa) College; Buffalo Medical School Buffalo N Y; graduated from Albany (N Y) Medical School 1854; moved to An- oka Minn 1854 and has been engaged in practice there to date. Has served as coroner of Anoka county; chair- man City Board of Health; chairman of Board of Education. GIDDINGS Clay H, Duluth. Res 631 E 5th st, office 311 Lyceum bldg. Life Insurance. Born Oct 10, 18 73 in Gaines Mich, son of Henry and Josephine (Phelps) Giddings. Mar- ried in 1893 to Elva Becklinger. Ed- ucated in the common schools of Gaines and Luther Mich; business college Duluth. First engaged as stenogr and later as salesman for Ei- mon Mercantile Co whol grocers; salesman for Gowan, Peyton, Twohy Co whol grocers 19 01-1904; with John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co; special agent 1904-1905; gen agent since 19 05. Member M W A. GIERE Eric O, Madison. Physi- cian and surgeon (R). Born April 10, 1868 in Deerfield Wis, son of Ole Nelson and Inger (Himle) Giere. Married April 10, 189 5 to Louise Williamson. Attended Luther Col- lege Decorah la; St Olaf's Col- lege Northfield Minn; graduating from college of medicine and surgery U of M 1892; post graduate courses in New York Polyclinic N Y. Post graduate N Y School of Clinical Med- icine; Chicago Post-Graduate School and Illinois School of Electro Ther- Little ^kctdits uf Biy Folks. 149 apeutics. Assistant physician to Sec- ond ^linn Hospital for Insane June to Sept 1892; local surgeon C G W Ry 1895-9 7; county coroner 1899-190 5; chief surgeon Ebenezer Hospital 1902 to date; member State Board of Med- ical Examiners 1903-190 6; surgeon for M & St L R R 1904 to late; ex- aminer for insurance companies; pres Board of Aldermen 1902-19 05; pres Board of Education 1905-1906; mem- ber Dist, State and Nat Medical assns. Member firm of Giere & Thrane phy- sicians and surgeons. GILBERT Cass, New York. Res 48 E 78th St N Y, office 524 Endi- cott bldg St Paul and New York. Architect. Born Nov 4, 1859 in Zanesville O, son of Gen Samuel Augustus and Elizabeth Fulton (Wheeler) Gilbert. Elucated in public schools in Zanesville and St Paul and graduated from Mass Insti- tute of Technology. Married Nov 29, 188 8 to Julia T Finch Milwaukee Wis. Began practice of his profession in 18 76 in office of A M Radcliffe; with survey party locating H & R F Ry line in Wis; with McKim, Mead & White N Y; traveled in Europe; moved to St Paul 1882 and engaged in business for self 1883 to date. Member firm of Gilbert & Taylor 1886-91. His chief work was the plans for the new state capitol. Mem- ber :\Iinn Club St Paul; Century and Metropolitan clubs N Y. GILBERT George C, Cass Lake. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born April 11, 1850 in Oneida county New York, son of John H and Sarah (Smith) Gilbert. Educated in Rome N Y Academy; Cazenovia (NY) Sem- inary; and graduated from St Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons 1883. Engaged in practice of his profession in St Louis 2 years; Pitts- burg Kan 10 years; Duluth Minn 5 years; Grand Rapids Minn 6 years; and Cass Lake 190 5 to date. Mem- ber Am Medical Assn; Minn State, and St Louis County Medical societies; B P O E; K of P; M W A; A O U W; Maccabees; M O of F; I O F. Resi- dent surgeon of G N Ry and St Michael's Hospital. GILBERT Philip, White Bear Lake. Office 507 Nat German American Bank bldg St Paul. Lawyer. Born Oct 29, 1860 in Cold water Mich, son of Col Henry C and Harriet (Champion) Gil- bert. Received his education in the high school of Coldwater Mich and law dept of the Univ of Michigan. Removed to St Paul 1886 and entered the firm of JNIorphy & Gilbert which was changed in 1892 to Morphy, Ew- ing, Gilbert & Ewing then to Morphy, Ewing & Gilbert until 1899. Prac- ticed alone until 1902; then formed the present firm of Gilbert & Green- man. Chairman of School Board of White Bear Lake; pres of Library Board White Bear Lake. Member of the Commercial Club St Paul, Minn and Ramsey County Bar assns; Loyal Legion, Royal Arcanum and Commer- cial Law League of America. GILPILLAN John B, Minneapolis. Res Clifton av, office 721 Guaranty bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 11, 183 5 in Barnet Vt, son of Robert Gilfillan. Married in 18 70 to Rebecca C Oli- phant. Educated in Caledonia Acad- emy Peacham Vt. Moved to St An- thony 1855 and engaged as teacher. Studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1860. Practiced alone 1860- 71. Member firm of Lochren, McNair & Gilfillan 1871-85; Gilfillan, Belden & Williard 18 85-94. Organizer of Mechanics Inst for literary culture 1859. Organizer and dir of St An- thony School Board; county atty Hen- nepin county 1863-67, 1869-71 and 1873-75. State senator 1875-85. Elected to U S House of Representa- tives 1884. Regent of U of M 1880- 88. GTLGER John W, Minneapolis. Res 2 700 Garfield av, office 516 Bank of Commerce bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 27, 1847 in Salem, Clarion county Pa, son of Henry A and Mary Ann (Als- bach) Gilger. Educated in Pottsville Pa and Greenburg O. Admitted to the bar 18 73 and engaged in prac- tice at Greene and Hampton la 1874- 83 and at Minneapolis since the latter date. .Joined Co "L" 4th Pa Cav Feb 13, 1864 as private; discharged July 1. 1865; served under Grant and Sheridan in the Army of the Potomac. Member of the Minn G A R. 150 Little Sketches of Big Folks. GILKEY Herbert S, Minneapolis. Res 1916 Kenwood pkway, office 628 Security Bk bldg. Lumberman. Born July 4, 1868 in Oconto Wis, son of H W and Mary (Overton) Gilkey. Married Oct 15, 1891 to Leonora Runkel. Educated in the common schools and Oshkosh Normal School. Taught school 1882-85; engaged in cedar and lumber business and formed partnership as Pendleton & Gilkey 1892 at .Janesville Wis; moved to Minneapolis 1903 and has contin- ued to date. Member B P O E and K P. GILL Mark A, Minneapolis. Res 1017 20th av N, office 255 2d av S. Undertaker. Born Mar 2 6, 18 77 in Minneapolis, son of Michael J and Mary (Moriarty) Gill. Educated in common schools. Employed in flour mills 1895-1900; moved to Great Palls Ont and employed in flour mills until 1903; removed to Minneapolis 1903 and has been in undertaking business to date. GILL IMichael J, Minneapolis. Res 1017 20th av N, office 255 2d av S. Undertaker. Born Nov 2 8, 18 52 in St Catherine Can, son of John and Hannah (Brennan) Gill. Married May 15, 1876 to Mary Moriarty. Moved to N Y Dec 1852; moved to Faribault Minn 1856 and attended common school; moved to Minneapo- lis and engaged as cooper 1873-89; engaged in undertaker business 18 89 to date under firm name of M J Gill & Sons. Member K of P. GILLESPIE George I, Anoka. Mer- chant. Born Aug 2, 1863 in Oak Grove Minn, son of George C and Margaret (Henry) Gillespie. Mar- ried Sept 21, 1887 to Emma Shaffner. Educated in common schools; Anoka High School and Curtis Business Col- lege Minneapolis. Began mercantile business Anoka 1884-9 8; formed partnership with O J McManus as Gillespie & McManus in shoe business and has continued same to date. Has branch store in Winona; city elk 189 5-9 8; sec and treas Carnegie Li- brary of Anoka. GILLETTE George Mahloii, Minne- apolis. Res 314 10th av S E, office 2921 Minnehaha av. Steel manufact- urer. Born Dec 19, 185 8 in Niles Mich. Married Oct 18, 1883 to Aug- usta M Perkins. Educated in Univ of Michigan; graduated from liter- ary dept 1880. V pres Electric Steel Elevator Co; v pres and treas Min- neapolis Steel & Machine Co; pres Gulf State Co. Member Minn House of Representatives 1903. Member Minneapolis, Lafayette, Minikahda and East Side Commercial clubs; Engi- neer's Club New York. GILLIAM William S, St Paul. Res 113 N Victoria st, office 506 Pioneer Press bldg. General insurance agent. Born July 4, 1857 in Dubuque la, son of Thomas F and Elizabeth Ann (Shields) Gilliam. Received his edu- cation in the public schools of Du- buque entering in 1864 and graduat- ing from the high schol in 1876. From that year until 1893 was en- gaged in various capacities, salesman, creditman etc with Poole, Gilliam & Co whol grocers Dubuque la; re- moved to St Paul in 1893 and has been engaged in the general insur- ance agency business since that time. Member Commercial Club St Paul. GILMAN Andrew Newton, St Paul. Res 83 5 Holly av, office Germania Life bldg. Bonds, loans and mort- gages. Born May 3 0, 1824 in North- field Washington county Vt, son of Andrew and Amy (Brown) Gilman. Married Agnes E Boughton 18 52. Educated at country school 1839; farmer 183 9-41; taught country school 1841-42; county elk Niagara county N Y 1843-48; mngr gen store Lockport N Y 1848-55; deputy col- lector of customs dist of Niagara N Y 1854-60; agent Oil Creek Ry Corry Pa 1860-63; largely engaged in oil business in Pa 1864-74; oil business Bothwell Ont (known as Yankee Spec- ulator) 1875; commission business Buffalo N Y 18 80-83; removed to St Paul and engaged in real estate and mortgage loan business 1884; estab- lished the firm of Gilman & Co 1887. GIPSON Engene H, Faribault. Law^- yer. Born Aug 9, 1877 in Water- town N Y, son of Henry S and Gert- rude I (Middleton) Gipson. Married in 1902 to Emily Benedict of Fari- bault. Educated in public schools and Shattuck Military Academy Fari- bault; graduated from law dept U Little Skrtclies of Bi^kvtche.s of Bi;/ Foils. 163 and served in every capacity until he was elected pres which office he now holds. Member of North Side Commercial Club, Royal Arcanum, Catholic Knights of America, Sons of Minn, Sons of Herman and B P E. GROTTK Anthony T, Minneapolis. Res 2325 N 6th st, office 42 5 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Oct 29, 18 70 in Minneapolis, son of Thomas O and Brynhild (Kjosnes) Grotte. Married Oct 22, 189 8 to Johanne Jensen. At- tended public schools in Minneapolis; graduated from Central High School 1889; in scientific course U of M 1893; law dept 1894. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1894 to date. Dir Wilprud Land & Colonization Co. Supreme pres Sons of Norway; mem- ber .lunior Pioneers Assn; M W A; Modern Samaritans. GROA^ John, St Paul. Res 7 79 Dayton av, office 515 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate. Born April 3 0, 1855 in Rockford 111, son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Zabach) Grove. Mar- ried Aug 4, 188 6 to Vine E Armitage. Educated in the public schools of Rockford and Charles City la. In mercantile business at Algona la sev- eral years; real estate at Algona and other Iowa localities several years; real estate at Morris Minn 1896-97; member John Grovo Land Co St Paul handling Minn lands 189 8 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. GRUNDY Henry, Thief River Falls. Physician (R). Born May 6, 18 59 in Ontario, son of Oswald and Eliza- beth (Evans) Grundy. Married 1902 to Lucy Tomlinson. Educated in St Catherine's Out Collegiate Inst; graduated from Toronto Univ medi- cal school 1890. Engaged in prac- tice of medicine in Toronto 19 00- 1903; in Thief River Falls 1902 to date. Mayor Thief River Falls 190 6- 1907; member Masonic fraternity; 1 O O F; K of P; M W A. Local surgeon to "Soo" Ry. GRl NOW Hanns E, St Paul Res 719 Portland av, ofiice 805-806 N Y Life bldg. Imperial German Consul. P.orn Sept 21, 1865 in Berlin Germany, son of Oscar and Elsie (Kuehlstein) Grunow. Married in 1893 to Miss L? Combe in Lausanne Switzerland. Ed- ucated in the gymnasium Berlin; Univ of Lausanne Switzerland and graduated from law dept of Univ of Berlin 18 89. Was connected with several tribunals in Berlin 1899-1903 when he passed his examination as judge. Vice consul and then acting consul in Samoa; acting consul gen Sydney Australia 1900; foreign office Berlin 1902-1903; 1st vice and acting consul gen Constantinople 1903-1904; appointed first Imperial German consul to St Paul Sept 14, 1904 which appointment he still retains. GUKSMKR Arnold L, Minneapolis. Res 1512 8th av N, office 1006 Guar- anty bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 2 4, 1877 in Minneapolis, son of Freder- ick and Wilhelmina (Kebs) Guesmer. Attended private and dist schools near Minneapolis until 1893; Minne- apolis public schools 1893-95; North Side High School 189 5-99 graduating in Latin course; also Curtiss Busi- ness College 1893-94 learning sten- ography and typewriting; worked as stenographer while attending high school; graduated from law dept U of M 1902. Has practiced law in Minneai)olis 1902 to date. Member Delta Chi college fraternity and Roosevelt Club Minneapolis. GUILFORD 1 aul Willis, Minneapo- lis. Res 1820 Hawthorne av, office 82 0-824 Security Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born Jan 15, 1876 in Minneapo- lis, son of Jonas and Helen (Mor- rill) Guilford. Graduated from academic dept U of M 1897; law dept 1900. Has practiced law in Minne- a])olis since June 1900 and in all courts of the state. Dir Woodmen Mutual Casualty Co. Member Royal Arcanum, Garfield Republican, 4th Ward Re]3 clubs INIinneapolis; Men's Club of Unitarian Church. GUITERMAX Leo A, St Paul. Res 986 Summit av. Manufacturer. Born Se])t 22, 1862 in Cincinnati O, son of Alex and Lena (Stern) Guiterman. Educated in the Cincinnati public schools. One of the organizers of the firm of Guiterman Bros in 1883, firm 164 Little ."^ketches of Bifj Folks, incorporated in 1904 manufacturers and jobbers of shirts and men's fur- nishing goods of all kinds. Charter member of the Commercial Club. GULBRANDSON Hans, Albert Lea. Merchant. Born Oct 9, 1844 in Aadalen Norway, son of Endre and Marit (Hanson) Gulbrandson. Mar- ried in 187 8 to Miss Olava Elizabeth Nelson. Came to U S with parents in 1852, and to Minn in 1856. Em- ])loyed on father's farm until 1870; engaged in farm machinery business with brothers G and V Gulbrandson, purchased G Gulbrandson's inter- est 18 76; added hardware to the business 1877; purchased V Gul- brandson's interest 1900 and has con- tinued alone to date. Member of the Old Lutheran Church established in 1853. GUNN Joseph, Breckenridge. Banker. Born in 185 7 in Ernest- town Ont, son of Samuel E and Lu- cinda (Rea) Gunn. Married Aug 4, 1888 to Mary Auman. Educated in public schools Ernesttown Ont. Pub- lished Wlikin County Gazette 18 84- 87; engaged in mercantile business Breckenridge 1887-96; propr Home Fund Realty Loan Bank to date. Pres Red River B & L Assn. Served in legislature 1893; member Masonic fraternity and K of P. GUTGESELL Cornelius J, St Paul. Res 623 Grand av, office 114 i^ 6th st. Manufacturer. Born Dec 10, 1857 at La Crosse Wis, son of Frank and Ella Martha (Washington) Gutge- sell. Married Amy A Stimson April 8, 1885. Educated in public schools and business college at La Crosse Wis. In office of father (mnfgr) 1875; elk for Sweet, Dempster & Co whol hats, caps and furs Chicago 1876-82; removed to Minneapolis 1883; with Plymouth Clothing Co several years as sec and dir 1883- 1900; mngr Browning, King & Co Min- neapolis 1900-190 4; mnfr women's cloaks, suits, furs etc St Paul 1905 to date. Member Commercial Club St Paul; Masonic fraternity and Shrine. Member Episcopal Diocesan Church Club, pres 2 years. Gl THKIE Archibald, St Paul. Res 332 Summit av, office 202 Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. R R contractor. Born 184 6 in Lanark county Canada, son of .James and Margaret (Reid) Guthrie. Married in 1871 to Frances E Wescott. Educated in common schools. Has been engaged for many years as railroad contractor and builder with headquarters in St Paul. Has successfully carried out some of the most pretentious plans of rail- way building in the northwest. Head of firm of A Guthrie & Co. GUTZMANN Oscar R, Minneapolis. Res 609 E 15th st, office 213 S 8th St. Manufacturer. Born Aug 20, 1859 in Germany, son of August and Sophia (Lehman) Gutzmann. Mar- ried June 1884 to Annie Koppitch. Educated in common schools. Em- ployed as carpenter and builder Cleve- land until 1880; member The North- western Sash & Door Co 1901; pres and treas Union Sash & Door Co 1906 to date. Member I O O i^ and Ma- sonic fraternity. H HAAS Henry G, St Paul. Res 73 9 St Peter st, office 4 5 7-459 St Peter st. Beef and pork packer. Born in 184 8 in Indiana county Pa. Married in 1876 to Jennie E Cramsie. Came to St Paul 1858 and attended the Sisters and later the Christian Broth- ers" College; established firm of Haas Bros beef and pork packers 1876; incorporated same as Haas Bros Co 1895. Assemblyman 4 terms; pres of city council 3 terms. Member of Commercial Club, Junior Pioneers and K of C. HAAS John L, St Paul. Res 730 St Peter st. ofl^ce 7 84 Wabasha. Banker. Born April 20, 1877 in St Paul Minn, son of Henry G and Jennie E (Cramsie) Haas. Married in 1902 to Clara M Brcderick of Dubuque la. Educated in the public, parochial and Cretin High schools St Paul. Began his business career as elk for H T Quinlan broker for 18 months. En- gaged in banking State Bank of St Paul 1896; v pres of same 1904 to Little Sketches of Big Folks. 165 date; treas Citizens Savings Bank. Member of K of C, I O F, Sons of Hermann and Twin City Banl^ers Club. HAHBERSTAl) Nicholas Martin, St Paul. Res 299 Stinson st, office 517 N Y Life bldg. Real estate and insurance. Born June 8, 1860 in Norway, son of Nils and Martha (Benson) Habberstad. Married in 1887 to Sophia Caspara Crist. Edu- cated in the common schools of Nor- way, St Peter Minn and St Paul. Started in as a newsboy; variously employed until age of 17; apprenticed to a machinist; account of ill health abandoned trade and engaged in a country store; later in the livery business at Olivia ]\Iinn. Returned to St Paul and engaged in confection- ery business. Organized St Paul Ex- celsior Mnfg Co 1893. Sold out in 1894 and variously employed until 1899. Real estate and insurance 1899 to date. HACIvNEY^ Joseph M, St Paul. Res 1523 Hewitt av, office 201 Pioneer Press bldg. Farming lands. Born July 8, 1874 at Antrim Minn, son of William and Catherine (Bradley) Hackney. Married Jennie E Hill. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Minn at Hamline Univ St Paul 189 5-99; and in the law dept of the U of M 1902. Sec and gen mngr Hackney- Boynton Land Co, which handled over 1,200,000 acres farming land in N D 1901-1904; sec and treas Hack- ney Land Co; sec Law Mnfg Co. Alderman St Paul 19 04-19 06; elect- ed to State Senate 1906; trustee Hamline Univ; member St Paul Com- mercial, Lincoln and Roosevelt clubs; Business INIen's League and St An- thony Park Mnfg Club. HACKXEY Leslie S, St Paul. Res 1619 Wesley av, office 201-203 Pio- neer Press bldg. Lands. Born Sept 17, 1859 in Edwardsburg Can, son of William and Catherine (Bradley) Hackney. Married Lillian Rolf, Pres ton Minn 1888. Educated in the com- mon schools and entered business early in life. Engaged in the land business 7 years ago and is now prob- ably one of the largest land and cat- tle owners in the Northwest. Pres Hackney Land Co; Hackney-Boynton Land Co and Law Mnfg Co, mnfrs of farm implements. Member Commer- cial Club and St Paul Driving Assn. HADLEY Emerson, St Paul. Res 123 Farrington av, office Northern Pacific Railway bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 2 7, 1857 in Marion Mass, son of Andrew J and Louisa (Brett) Had- ley. Graduated from Phillips Acad- emy Andover Mass 18 76; Harvard College 1881 and attended Columbia College Law School 1882-83; was ad- mitted to the bar in N Y State 1884; came to St Paul in Nov of the same year; entered into partnersliip with Edward G Rogers as Rogers & Hadley 1885-9 0; Lusk, Bunn & Hadley 1890- 93; Bunn & Hadley 1893-95; Hadley & Armstrong 189 5-1900; since which time he has been the asst gen coun- sel of the Northern Pacific Ry Co. Member of Minn, and Town anl Coun- try clubs St Paul and the Society of Colonial Wars. HADLICH Henry J, bt Paul. Res Supt delivery P O. Born in Liep- zig Germany July 10, 1871, son of Christian M and Nanny Hadlich. Mar- ried Minnie Trost in San Francisco Cal Aug 12, 1902. Educated in the public schools of Leipzig Germany and St Paul Central High School. Removed to St Paul with his parents direct from Germany in 18 82 and while attending school in 18 84 sold newspapers; afterward learned print- ing trade; entered St Paul P O as messenger July 7, 1887 and was ap- pointed elk Sept 18, 1887; asst supt of del Feb 14, 1896; supt of del July 1, 1899 which appointment he still holds. Member of the Commercial Club of St Paul. HAEXCK Edward Albert Holnier, St Paul. Office 417-419 Bradley bldg. Civil engineer and surveyor. Born April 16,1845 in Harbleck, Schles- wig-Holstein Germany, son of Bay August and Anna (Alberts) Haenck. Attended public school at Oldens- worth; private school at Schwabstedt; college at Rendsburg; univ at Kiel; artillery and engineering school at Berlin. Served in German army during Danish-Austrian-French War; came 166 Little Sketches of Bif/ Folks. to the U S 1871; employed by Mil- waukee Construction Co as surveyoi' 1871-72; city engineer La Crosse Wis 1872; county surveyor of Ramsey county Minn 18 72-73; practiced as civil engineer and surveyor St Paul 1873 to date. Has military medal of honor 1864; cross. of Koenig-graetz medal of French War; member Deutscher Krieger Verein St Paul. HAGA Edward C, Le Sueur. Bank- er. Born July 27, 1876 in Luverne Minn, son of O O and Julia (Olson) Haga. Married Nov 17, 189 9 to Gert- rude Van Epps. Engaged in farming until 18 94 and then attended col- leges in Dixon 111 and Valparaiso Ind. Engaged in banking 1897; organized First State Bank Crystal Lake la 1898; organized and was cashr of First Nat Bank Crystal Lake la 19 00; moved to Le Sueur and organized Farmers State Bank 1905 and is cashr of same. Member Minn Valley Realty & Exchange Co. HAGBERG August, Duluth. Res 110 Exeter st, office 218 W Superior. Public official. Born May 12, 18 69 in Karlstad Sweden, son of Nils and Christine Hagberg. Married Jan 27, 1893 to Lottie Stark. Edu- cated in common schools of Sweden and Duluth; attended Parson's Busi- ness College. Engaged as tailor un- til 1899; chief deputy register of deeds until 1901; now in tailoring- business; state factory inspector 190 5 to date; pres Lake Superior & Nevada Development Co. HAGE Nels O, St Paul. Res 8 76 Payne av, office 878 Payne av. Real estate. Born Sept 14, 1867 in Swed- en. Removed to Minn 1888. En- gaged in real estate business 19 00 making a specialty of E St Paul prop- erty. Member of Real Estate Ex- change; organizer of E Side Commer- cial Club. HAGEX Gudbiand T, Crookston. Editor and publisher. Born March 20, 186 4 in Norway, son of Torsten Torstenson and Ingelborg (Olson) Hagen. Educated in public schools of Norway and evening schools; at- tended school in Mayville N D and Willmar (Minn) Seminary and Insti- tute. Engaged as photographer 8 years in N D and Minn; founded Scandinavian paper at Elbow Lake; sold out and purchased the Banneret a weekly at Holton N D; changed name of paper to Vesterheimen and published 1 year; in Mayville 4 years; moved to Crookston and has pub- lished Crookston Press 189 7 to date. Member Minn Editorial Assn and I O G M. HAGGARD David Avery, Bald Eagle Lake. Office Globe bldg St Paul. Lawyer. Born June 9, 187 in Winchester 111, son of Dr James R and Frances H (Avery) Haggard. Graduated Univ of Nebraska B Sc 1891; LL B 1893. Editor for West Publishing Co 1898-1901. Member Donnelly & Haggard lawyers St Paul 19 05; instructor St Paul College of Law. Member Phi Delta Theta col- lege fraternity. HAGLIN Charles F, Minneapolis. Res 3 21 S 8th st, office 23 Lumber Exchange. Contractor and builder. Born in 1849 in New York. Educat- ed in the public schools. Architect in Minneapolis 1873; member Long & Haglin architects 18 73-7 6; Haglin &. Corner 1876-79; Haglin & Moore builders 187 9-90; alone 1890 to date. Member Haglin & Stahr fire proof elevators and mills; half owner Min- neapolis Stone Co; dir Kettle River Stone Co. IIAISH Alfred 1), Superior. Office Carlton Minn. Real estate and loans. Born Dec 21, 185 8 in Alma Wis, son of Frederick and Wilhelmina (Lutz) Haish. Married Sept 1, 1886 to Ida Alley. Educated in common and high schools Reeds Landing Minn. Engaged in farm implement business W^ebster S D 1883-1900; moved to Minneapolis until 1901; moved to Carlton and engaged in farm lands, real estate and loans to date. Pres Carlton County Abstract Co and Floodwood Minn Bank; Sec Inter- state Farm Land Co Carlton Minn. Member Carlton and Superior Com- mercial clubs and Masonic fraternity. HAISLET Sam S, Red Lake Falls. Editor. Born Sept 2 8, 1878 in De- corah la, son of Samuel S and Wilhel- mina (Morrison) Haislet. Educated Little »S'A-('/c//('.s- of BUj Folks. 107 in common schools of Adrian Minn and business college at Sioux Falls S Dak. Learned printer's trade in the Guardian office Adrian, and was later editor of that paper; moved to Red Lake Falls and edited the Red Lake Falls Gazette 1901-1905; now en- gaged as editor of the Courier. Mem- ber I O O F; K of P; M W A. HALBERT Clarence Wells, St Paul. Res 19 Floral av, office Dis- patch bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 31, 18 74 in Binghamton N Y, son of Ed- win G and Nancy Melvina (Tyler) Halbert. Educated in St Paul High School 1891, Yale College 1895, Yale Law School 189 7. After graduating from law school engaged in the ad- vertising business for several years and then returned to St Paul and en- tered the office of Davis, Kellogg & Severance. Began practice alone in 19 00 then formed the partnership with Hugh T Halbert under the name of Halbert & Halbert. Is trustee and sec of the St Paul College of Law. Member of the Roosevelt Rep and Town and Country clubs. HALBERT Hugh T, St Paul. Res 19 Floral av, office Dispatch bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 16, 1873 at Bing- hamton N Y, son of Edwin G and Nancy Melvina (Tyler) Halbert. Graduated from St Paul High School 1891; Yale College (academic) 1895; Yale Law School 1897. Admitted to the bar 1898. In law office of Munn & Thygeson lawyers St Paul 189 8- 1902; senior member of Halbert & Halbert lawyers 1902 to date. Mem- ber Town and Country Club and Roosevelt Republican Club St Paul; pres latter 1904-1906, 1907-1908; member Minn Boat and St Paul Ger- man clubs; and Yale Alumni Assn. Pres Minn State and St Paul City Tennis assns; sec Citizens League. Member Ramsey County, Minn and American Bar assns. HALEY Ernest C, Minneapolis. Res 1200 E 26th st, office 819 North- western bldg. Architect. Born Sept 25, 1867 in Malone N Y, son of Jo- seph H and Trepina (Leonard) Haley. Married 1898 to Jennie B Babcock. Educated in the common schools of Minneapolis; studied architecture in office and with father, and succeeded to father's practice. Member of Royal Arcanum. HALL Albert H, Minneapolis. Res 2 03 Queen av S, office 7 2 2-726 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born July 11, 1858 at Alexandria O, son of Dr Levi and Lucinda (Mitchel) Hall. Mar- ried Nellie J Pearson. Attended public schools in Ohio, high school Austin Minn; U of M 187 5-80; grad- ated Columbian Law School Wash- ington D C, LL B 1883. Has prac- ticed law in Minneapolis 1883 to date; member of Hall & Kolliner lawyers in general practice Minneap- olis to date. Asst city atty Min- neapolis 1889-9 4; special asst coun- ty atty Hennepin county 1894-95. Member American Bar Assn; Alpha Nu Chi Psi college fraternity; Ma- sonic order, B P O E, K of P, U W, Royal League, K of C, W O W and iMinneapolis Commercial Club. HALL Alexander RitcJiie, St Paul. Res 682 Carroll st, office 218 Moore bldg. Physician. Born April 25, 18 74 at Washington Ontario Can, son of Thomas and Agnes (Robson) Hall. Attended common and high school at Washington; St Catherine's and Woodstock Collegiate Institutes On- tario; graduated from McGill Univ Montreal Can, M D C R 1900; Lon- don Eng, M R C S and L R C P 1902. Member Ramsey County and Minn State Medical societies; Delta Upsi- lon and Mi Sigma Mi college frater- nities; Masonic order. HALL Christopher Webber, Min- neapolis. Res 803 University av S E, office U of M. Educator. Born Feb 2 8, 1845 in W^ardsboro Vt, son of Lewis Hall. Twice married; July 2 9, 1875 to Ellen A Dunnell (died Feb 21, 1876); Dec 26, 1883 to Sophia L Haight. Educated in com- mon schools West Wardsboro; Leland and Gray Seminary Townshend Vt; Chester Academy; graduating ]\Iid- dlebury College 1871. After leaving college was prin Glenns Falls Acad- emy; moved to IMankato as prin Man- kato High School 1872-73; supt ICS Litth Shrtrhcs of Bif/ Folks. schools Owatonna Minn IS 73-7 5; studied abroad 1875-7 7; entered fac- ulty U of M 1878 wliere lie has since remained. HALL Darwin Scott, Renville. Farmer, journalist. Born 184 4 in Wheatland, Kenosha county Wis; moved to Minn 1866; county auditor Renville 1869-72; elk of district court 1873-77; founder and editor for many years of Renville Times; member of legislature 1876; register of U S Land Office at Benton Minn 1878-80; elected to State Senate 1886; to U S House of Representatives 1888; ap- pointed by Pres Harrison chairman of Chippewa Indian Commission 1891; delegate to Nat Republican Convention Minneapolis 1892; mem- ber of State Senate 1877. Served in 4 2d Wis Vol Inf in Civil War. HALT. Lee, St Paul. Res 991 St Clair St, office 314 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate. Born July 24, 1863, New Orleans La, son of O E and Emily (Mudge) Hall. Married June 1, 1884 to Alice St Germain. Educated Governers New Orleans 1870-71; public school 1872-73; public school Highland 111 1874; Shattuck Military Academy Faribault Minn 1875-76; public school St Louis Mo 1877-78. Employed with Sam- uel Cupples Woodenware Co St Louis 18 78-83; removed to St Paul 1883 and assumed charge of stock dept of the St Paul branch of same firm known as Colbert, Hill & Co; employed by Draper & Co St Paul 1886-91; then engaged in real es- tate, mortgage loan and insurance business. Ex-member Mo N G; mem- ber and dir Commercial Club; ex-sec and dir Real Estate Exchange St Paul. HALL Mathew, St Cloud. Lum- ber. Born Aug 27, 1863 in Baden Germany, son of Dionis and Cecelia (Kormmel) Hall. Married Oct 11, 189 2 to Anna Volz. Educated in common schools of Germany. Came to Minn and engaged in lumbering in Benton county 1882-89; in lumber business St Cloud 1889 to date. HALL Oswee M, Red Wing. Law- yer. Born Sept 10, 184 6 in Ohio, son of Charles and Emeline ( Mat- son) Hall. Married in 18 73 to Eliza- beth Magee. Educated in public schools Couneant Ohio and gradu- ated from Williams College Mass 18 68. Admitted to bar in Red Wing 18 72 and has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Member State Senate 1885-86; U S House of Representatives 1891-95. Member Masonic fraternity. HALL Pearl Mitchell, Minneai:)olis. Res 13 00 20th av N, office Court House. Public official. Born Oct 10, 1860 at West Jefferson O, son of Levi and Lucinda (Mitchell) Hall. Educated in public schools in Ohio and Minn; at U of M; Hahnemann Medical College Chicago, graduating in 1882. Practiced medicine in Min- neapolis 188 2 to date. Member State Board Medical Examiners 1887-93; medical insp Minneapolis Health Dept 189 7-9 8; comnr of health Min- neapolis 1901 to date. Discov- ered Hall's Island in Mississip- pi in April 1902; acquired title and deeded island to city of Minneapolis in November 1902. Member City Medical Society; National Assn for study and prevention of tuberculosis; Commercial and North Side Com- mercial clubs Minneapolis. HALL William S, Minneapolis. Res 1905 15th av S, office 5th av and 2d St S. Machinist. Born Jan 6, 1844 in England, son of Thomas and Sarah (Birch) Hall. Married April 12, 1868 to Alias Singleton. Edu- cated in common schools. Learned machinist's trade in England 1857- 64; employed in Philadelphia 1869- 72; in Hudson Wis 1873-78; in Min- neapolis 18 78 to date as propr Eagle Iron Works, gen machinists. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. HALLAM O.scar, St Paul. Res 7 43 Goodrich av, office 64 Court House. Judge of dist court 2d Dist Minn. Born Oct 19, 1865 at Linden Wis, son of Joseph and Mary (Wood) Hallam. Educated in the Wisconsin district schools Dodgeville WMs High School and Univ of Wis gradu- ating in the classical course with LiffJv Sk<'tcJi<'.<; of Big Folks. KiO honors 18S7 and from the College of Law of same 1889. Instructor in College of Law St Paul. Member Commercial and Minnesota clubs, St Paul; member local, state and na- tional bar assns. HALLER Axel, Red Wing. Public official. Born Dec 11, 1858 in Swed- en, son of Andrew and Carrie ( Bengt- son) Haller. Married in 1887 to Inga Ottom. Educated in public schools Goodhue county and Red Wing Seminary. Engaged in teach- ing and farming 1880-92; asst cashr in bank 1893-94; judge of probate 1894 to date. Dir Pierce-Simmons Bank. HALLO WELL William Penrose .)r, Minneapolis. Res 23 02 1st av S, of- fice 412 1st av S. Merchant. Born Nov 30, 1863 in Philadelphia Pa, son of William P and Elizabeth C (Davis) Hallowell. Attended Friends' Central School Philadelphia; Cheltenham Academy Pa; Swarthmore College Sv.arthmore Pa. Left college and moved to Minneapolis 1883. With Northwestern Nat Bank Minneapolis, D Morrison & Co merchant millers and Nelson Tannery Co 1883-88. Northwestern Fuel Co, H W Arm- strong & Co coal 188 8-1902; resident mngr Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co 19 02-1904; sec, v pres and treas Holmes & MacCaughey Co 1904; v pres and treas Holmes & Hallowell Co succeeding Holmes & MacCaughey Co whol and retail coal, offices in Min- neapolis and St Paul, 1905 to date. Served in Co "I" M N G 1883-88. Member Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis. HALLSTROM John Lars, Minne- apolis. Res 2 53 9 10th av S, office 730-734 E Lake st. Educator. Born Sept 11, 186 5 at Vermland Sweden, son of John and Ingeborg (Larson) Hallstrom. Married Nov 2 9, 1893 to Beda J Swenson. Attended public schools in Sweden and Minn; gradu- ated from Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege at St Peter Minn B C 18 89, M C 1897; U of M, LL B 1899. Pro- fessor in Gustavus Adolphus College 1889-93; in Northwestern College Minneapolis 1894-1904. Treas Am Business College Minneapolis 1904 to date. Also engaged in practice of law; deals in real estate and ne- gotiates loans. Member several Re- publican clubs Minneapolis. HALSTEI) A J, Brainerd. Res 423 Broadway N, office 2131/3 S 6th st. Editor and publisher. Born Aug 23, 1850 in Bridgeport O, son of Urial W and Mary J (Grubb) Halsted. Twice married: first to Annie Zane (died 1876); second to Louise Smith (died 19 02). Educated in public schools Bridgeport O. Learned printer's trade and worked as com- positor until 1871. City editor Daily Intelligencer Wheeling W Va 1871- 79; established Wheeling Saturday Evening Journal, subsequently chang- ed to Evening Journal 1879; sold same 1883; moved to Brainerd and purchased Brainerd Tribune 1884 which he has conducted to date. Member city council Wheeling 5 years; mayor Brainerd 1894-1900, 1902, 190(5 resigning Nov 1906 after 1 month of last term. Elected pres State Editorial Assn 1907. Member Commercial Club Brainerd. HALSTED Hugh Martin, St Paul. Res 89 9 Raymond av, office St Paul. Whol lumber. Born Dec 19, 1880 in Sheboygan Wis, son of David Wis- ner and Bertha Kathryn (Balzer) Halsted. Educated in the public schools of Sheboygan; high school St Paul and law dept U of M. Engaged in whcl lumber business under firm name of Halsted & Booraem 1906 to date. HA:MILT0N George D, Detroit. Publisher. Born April 3, 1856 in Two Rivers Wis, son of Henry C and Diantha (Smith) Hamilton. Married Sept 3 0, 18 80 to Mary G Deming. Re- ceived common school education. Employed as apprentice in newspaper office of Chronicle Two Rivers Wis 1872: with Crete (Neb) News 187 6- 77; publisher of Detroit Record 187 8 to date; also engaged in real estate business; has held many village offices; member Masonic fraternity. HAMILTON Philip R, Minneapolis. Res 17 50 Hillside av. office 942 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumber. Born Jan 29, 18 59 in Canada, son of William 170 Little Hl-ctchcs of Bifi Folks. G and Charlotte (Tiirgis) Hamilton. Married 1883 to Elizabeth Staveley. Received a common school education. Employed in lumber business 187 5- 79: in banking business Three Rivers Quebec 1879-82; mngr St Maurice Furnace 1882-84; moved to Minne- apolis and engaged in sash, door and blind business with Bard well, Rob- inson & Co 1884-99; organized Min- neapolis Lumber Co 1899; organized Ruby Lumber Co and has been sec <3f same 1902 to date. HAMLIN Coiule, St Paul. Res 2 4 S St Albans st, office The Pioneer Press. Journalist. Born in 1863 in Glenville N Y, son of D H and Cath- erine (Conde) Hamlin. Educated at Winona High School and Union Col- lege A B 1883; A M 1886; Wis State Law School LL B 1888. V pres and gen mngr Pioneer Press Co St Paul; dir Security Trust Co St Paul. Ex- pres St Paul Commercial Club; chair- man State Republican Committee 1904-1905. HAMM Williani, St Paul. Res 6 71 Cable av, office 681 E Minnehaha. Brewer. Married in 1893 to Marie Scheffer. Succeeded his father as liead of the Theodore Hamm Brew- ing Co in the early '80's and has the largest single industry in St Paul. Prominently identified with public affairs; has been especially active on the park commission in improve- ment of St Paul's park system; v pres of the Auditorium Board, appointed by the mayor to control the affairs of the Auditorium. HAMMER Fiedeiirk O, St Paul. Res 67 5 Igiehart St, office 43 6 Sib- ley St. Mining oi^erator. Born Aug 11, 18 65 in St Paul Minn, son of Jacob and Mary (Sausen) Hammer. Married April 10, 189 to La Vanche I Barnum. Educated in the public and private schools and business col- lege St Paul; graduated 1882. Asst sec Hail & Storm Ins Co 1882-88; sec building and loan assns 1889-99; sec to the mayor of St Paul 189 8-99; member and pres Board of Public Works St Paul 1900-1901; sec and treas of the Paragon Mining & Mnfg Co; sec of the Chicago-London Min- ing Co; dir Dr G P Sandberg Co. Member of the Masonic fraternity, B P O E, K of P and Junior Pioneer Assn. HAMMOND E Stanley, Albert Lea. Real estate and insurance. Born Aug 16, 1870 in London Eng, son of William H and Jane A (Dolamore) Hammond. Married in 1890 to Mary E Sulzer. Educated in Christ's Col- lege London Eng. Studied law in England; came to U S 1889; studied law in Albert Lea; engaged in real estate, loans and insurance. Member Commercial Club, B P O E, K of P and I O O F. HAMMOND James G, St Paul. Res 327 Prior av Merriam Pk, office 412 Endicott Arcade. Lands. Born Sept 23, 185 4 at Ottumwa la, son of Wil- liam H and Eliza (Baker) Hammond. Married Dec 6, 1877 to Clara Gra- ham. Attended public schools at Ottumwa la; Wesleyan Univ Mt Pleasant la 1871-74. Member Kram- er & Hammond merchants New Shar- on la 1876-86; pres New Sharon State Bank 1886 to date; pres Oskaloosa Savings Bank 1890-99; Hammond- Forsyth Banking Co Corinne Utah 1899-1901; came to St Paul 1902. Pres Dakota-Manitoba Land Co; Mex- ico Land Co; v pres Bear River Land Co; sec Economy Coal Co; dir Ham- mond Cattle Co; member Hammond & Dodson lands. Member Commer- cial Club St Paul. HAMMOND Walter A, St Paul. Res 1507 Selby av, office 511 Man- hattan bldg. Real estate and loans. Born Dec 7, 1853 in Ann Arbor Mich, son of A and Lusanna (Haggerty) Hammond. Married in 1882 to Ida E Kellogg. Educated in public schools Ypsilanti Mich. First en- gaged in employ of Mich Central R R until 1880; in mnfg and whol paper business Jackson Mich 18 80- 85; located in Brainerd Minn and em- ployed as engineer N P Ry 1886-93; asst commissioner of labor 1893-98; engaged in real estate business 189 8- 1900 and 1904 to date. Member Lin- coln Club. Little Skctclicfi of Big Folks. 171 HAMMO\l> Wiiifield S, St James Lawyer. Born Nov 17, 18 63 in South- borough Mass, son of John \V and Ellen P (Harding) Hammond. Edu- cated in public schools Southborough Mass; Peters High School South- borough Mass, graduating from Dartmouth College A B 1884; prin high school Mankato 1884- 85; supt public school Madelia 1885-90; practiced law Madelia Minn under firm name of Hopkins & Ham- mond 1891-95; practiced law St James Minn 1895-1907. Member firm of Hammond & Burns lawyers St James 19 07. Dir Security State Bank St James County atty Watonwan county Minn 1894-96 and 1901-1905; member board of directors State Normal Schools Minn 1899-1907. Elected to congress 2d Minn dist 1906. HAMPL Joseph, Mankato. Res 1009 N 5th St, office 605 N Front st. Manufacturer. Born Nov 16, 1871 in Bohemia, son of Wenzel and Mary (Cizek) Hampl. Married April 10, 18 93 to Mary Sidlo. Educated in public schools. Reared on farm in Jackson county Minn; employed by Hubbard Milling Co Mankato 189 4- 1906; bought half interest witli Charles Timmerman cigar mnfr and In 1907 purchased tlie entire busi- ness. Alderman 1905-1907; mem- ber Commercial Club; trustee M W A 6 years. HAXDY William Collins, St Paul. Res 183 Goodricli av, office Pioneer Press. Journalist. Born April 19, 1860 at Canton Miss, son of William Collins and Marie Preston ( Breck- inridge) Handy. Educated in gram- mar and higli scliools at Sclioharie N Y, collegiate institute at Fort Plain N Y and in German vinivs. Taught scliool in Maryland 1879-82; prac- , ticed law in Maryland 1882-87. Mem- ber of real estate firm of Handy & Handy St Paul 1887-90; reporter on Pioneer Press St Paul 1890; asst city editor 1895; city editor Dec 1895; managing editor 19 01 to date. HANFT Hugo O, St Paul. Res 69 The Buckingliam, office Court House. Lawyer. Born Dec 16, 1871 in St Peter ]Minn, son of Oscar H and Anna (Engelke) Hanft. Educated in tlie common and liigli scliools of New Ulni Minn; German-American Teacliers' Seminary Milwaukee Wis; law dept U of M, LL B 1896, LL M 1897. Prin of Peru 111 High School 4 years; asst county atty for Ramsey county 19 00-19 06; then elected judge municipal court. Enlisted in the 13th Minn Vol Inf as private and was discharged as bat adj after ser- vice in the Philippines. HAJVGGI Joseph, St Paul. Res 22 5 Sherburne av, office 69 4 Oak- land av. JManufacturer. Born Dec 15, 18 72 in St Paul Minn, son of Joseph and Christine K (Erling) Hanggi. Educated in the Assumpticn and Cretin parish schools 1879-87. En- tered the employ of tlie St Paul Furn Co then conducted by Hanggi, Cady & Medicke 1887 and remained with same until its dissolution 1905 when lie engaged in business for himself under the firm name of Joseph Hang- gi & Co ninfrs of bank, store and of- fice furniture. HAXLEY >Iai'tiii Fiaiiklin, Minne- neapolis. Res 2 411 Blaisdell av, of- fice 305 Oneida blk. Lawyer. Born Jan 30, 1859 in St Louis Mo, son of Martin Franklin and Cyrene Clem- ens (Dalton) Hanley. Married 1895 to Emeline Buford. Graduated Wash Univ St Louis law dept LL B 1879. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1884 to date. Member of Am and Minn Bar assns. HAXNAFORI) Jiile M, St Paul. Res 4 05 Portland av, ofiice N P bldg. Railroad official. Born Nov 19, 1850 at Claremont N H, son of Eli R and Pauline A (Jewett) Hannaford. Edu- cated in the public schools of St Al- bans Vt. Clk in frt office Vt Cent Ry at St Albans; chief elk gen frt oflice N P Ry 1872-79; asst gen pass and frt agt 1879-81; gen frt agt (Eastern div) 1881-83; asst supt frt traffic 1883-84; gen frt agt main line and branches 18 84-8 6; traffic mngr 18 86-90; gen traffic mngr 1890-99; also gen traffic mngr Wis Cent lines during lease to N P 1890-93; 3d v pres N P 1899-1902; 2d v pres 1902- 1906; V pres and gen supt N P Exp Co; dir IMerchants Nat Bank; pres 11 '2 Little AS'A-cfcAf.s- of Bin Folks. Nor Exp Co; dir N W Trust Co; trustee State Savings Bank. Mem- ber Minn Club St Paul. Moved to Brainerd 1872; to St Paul 1873. HAJVNAH xldani, Minneapolis. Res South Shore Lake Harriet, office 2 00 4th St S. Banker. Born in Scotland, son of .John and Mary (Miller) Han- nah. Married in 1888 to Ellen Miller. Educated in common schools; Ayr Academy Scotland. Employed iDy Gillespie, Cathcart & Eraser, Ameri- can importers of Glasgow Scotland 1872-75; engaged in farming 1875- 81; moved to Minneapolis 1881 and engaged in loan business; organized the Savings Bank of Minneapolis 189 9 and has been sec and treas to date. American agt of the Edinburgh North American Investment Co Ltd. HANSEN Hubert, St Cloud. Law- yer. Born June 16, 1858 in Rock- ville Minn, son of Michael and Mary J (Bormann) Hansen. Married July 3 0, 1884 to Mary De Wenter. Edu- cated in common schools, Rockville; graduated St Cloud Normal School 18 79; graduated law dept Univ of la LL B 18 82; began practice in St Cloud and has continued to date. City justice 1892-96; judge of pro- bate 1894-1900 and 1904-1906. HANSON Frank F, Sreckenridge. Banker. Born Feb 26, 1878 in Mon- mouth la, son of Willis F and Julia A (Tudor) Hanson. Married Jan 1, 19 04 to Minnie Bolster. Educated in high schools Monmouth la; Clin- ton (la) Business College; graduated from Univ of la Iowa City B S 1901. Engaged in teaching school Towa 1902-19 03; cashr Breckenridse Nat Bank 19 03 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. Sec Rei)un- lican Central Committee for Wilkin county. HANSON Harry M, Hanley Falls. Banker. Born in 1873 in Forest City la. Educated in Forest City High School; Cornell College Mt Ver- non la; and Curtiss Commercial Col- lege Minneapolis. Moved to Minn 1889; has been engaged in banking business since 1892; organized First Nat Bank of Hanley Falls and has been cashr of same 19 00 to date; dir in a number of corporations; member of state legislature 190 7. HANSON John Abrani, St Paul. Res 2 8 W 10th, office 251 Endicott bldg. Insurance. Born Feb 12, 186'» in Rushford Minn, son of Abram K and Elizabeth Helen (Davies) Han- son. Educated in public schools Rushford Minn. Engaged in insur- ance business St Paul 1892 to date; member 1st Regt M N G lS9.i-9V; member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity. Knights Templar and Shrine. HANSON Louis, Ada. Miller. Born Sept 12, 185 4 in Norway, son of C J and Mary (Olson) Hanson. Married April 11, 1881 to Mary Skau- rud. Moved to Otter Tail county Minn and worked on farm and attend- ed district school 1871-73; employed as elk in store at Moorhead 1873-76; trav salesman for Andrews Bros, ag- ricultural implements 1876-82; em- ployed in bank Ada 1883-84; again traveled in implement business 18 84- 88; on farm until 1896; dep auditor Clay county 4 years; elk in chief in- spector's office Duluth until 1901; re- turned to Ada and purchased interest in Ada Roller Mills. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. HxlNSON Nels H, Anoka. Mer- chant. Born Sept 7, 1854 in Norway, son of Hans Hanson. Married Dec 7, 187 6 to Mary Bertelson. Edu- cated in common schools at Lansing la; worked in a cooper shop Red WMng 18 75; moved to Chipvew-i county 1879 and took up homestead; moved to Glyndon 1885 engaged in mercantile business; moved to Anoka 1890 and engaged in dry goods busi- ness to date. Mayor of Anoka 4 terms. HANSON Peter E, Litchfield. Sec of State. Born June 12, 1845 in Branstad Sweden, son of Hans Peter- son and Betsy (Ostradson) Hansoi. Married in 1867 to Rachel Halvor- son. Educated in public scools of native land and in Forest City Minn. Has always been a farmer. Pres First Nat Bank of Litchfield; stock- Little Sketches of Bi(/ Folks. it:} holder in creamery companies ami large real estate owner. State sen- ator 4 years; member Republi.'avi State Central Committee. Server! as scont in Indian outbreaks ISG;!. HAKADOX Jesse I), Park Rapids. Editor and publisher. Born Jan 9, 1S71 in Hazleton la, son of E A and Miriam D Haradon. Married to Ger- trude La Mont. Educated in common schools and Mazeppa and Madison (Minn) high schools. Served as printer s apprentice; later bought The Western Guardian and edited and published same 7 years; bought Hubbard County Enterprise Park Rapids 1&03 and has published same to date. Member Minn Editorial Assn ; Masonic fraternity. HARDENBERGH William Adams, St Paul. Res White Bear Lake, office 23 5 E 8th St. Merchant. Born in Cleveland O March 9, 1862, son of P R L and Charlotte (Adams) Hard- enbergh. Educated in the Bravton Preparatory School Painesvil'e O and later in the Univ of Notre Dame Xotre Dame Ind. Has been engaged in the whol leather and saddlery biisiness since 18 80 with the firm P R L Hard- enbergh & Co established 1872 and Is now pres of that company. Dir of the Capital Nat Bank; pres oc the Whol Saddlery Assn of the U S 1S98- 1900; member of the Minn and Town and Country clubs. HARDING Herbert Xewtoii, Cass Lake. Banker. Born July 2 8, 1858 in Acworth N H, son of Amos and Lorenda W Harding. Married Feb 1883 to Emma E Anderson. Educat- ed in common schools and high school Red Wing Minn. Engaged in farming 1871-90; grain buyer 189 0- 93; dry goods merchant 1893-97; countv auditor Morrison county Minn 1897-1902; banking 1902-1907. Member IMasonic fraternity. HARDY John C, St Paul. Res 210 N Smith av, office 4 Globe bldg. Sec-treas St Paul Lake Ice Co. Born in 1868 in St Paul, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Schindler) Hardy. Married to Catherine I Roach. Edu- cated in public schools and St John's Univ Collegeville Minn. Engaged for 6 years in sheriff's office St Paul; engaged in the ice business and has been in same to date, the present firm being the outgrowth of the firm of Selby, Harris & Norton and later St Paul Ice Co. Served in State Sen- ate 1901 and 1903; member M N G 15 years; member governor's staff. HARKIXS Lewis D, Faribault. Furniture. Born Jan 7, 1867 in Rice county Minn, son of Samuel and Orley (Thurston) Harkins. Married in 1897 to Mabel Leach of Faribault Minn. Educated in the public schools Faribault. Taught country school in Rice county 1 year and was engaged as grocery elk 18 months. Bkpr for Sheffield Milling Co Fari- bault 1891-93; mngr Farmers Co- operative Creamery Co Walcott Minn 1893-9 6; bkpr Faribault Furn Co 1896-1901; organized Waterville Minn Furn Co and conducted same 1901-1906. Purchased interest in Faribault Furn Co 190 7 and is now sec of same. HARLOW Michael C, Thief River Falls. Real estate and loans. Born Sept 17, 1853 in Sheboygan county Wis, son of James and Mary (Fox) Harlow. Married in Aug 1893 to Rose Meisenberg. Graduated from normal school Oshkosh Wis. En- gaged in teaching and farming in Spink county S D 1880-93; in hotel business Armstrong la until 1900; moved to Thief River Falls and en- gaged in real estate business to date. Member and pres of city council 2 years. HARMON William P, Minneapolis. Res 1905 Penn av S, office 52 4 2d av S. Printer. Born March 31, 1865 in Princeton Wis, son of Hiram H and Luanna (Phelps) Harmon. Mar- ried June 3, 1890 to Mary Edna Clark. Educated in common schools. Learned printer's trade and engaged in same INIilwaukee until 1888; in Minneapolis 1888-94; edited Prince- ton (Wis) Republican 1894-96; sec and treas Hahn & Harmon Co Inc printers Minneapolis 189 6 to date. Member Commercial and Publicity clubs and Masonic fraternity. 174 Little Sketches of Buj Foils. HARRINGTON Albeit, Minneapo- lis. Res 1823 Park av. office 69 Cliamber of Commerce. Grain Mer- chant. Born April 19, 1848 at Ma- caria N Y, son of W H and Miranda (Lane) Harrington. Married Aug 20, 1873 to Laura Frick. Attended public schools at Winona Minn to 186 5; West Point Military Academy 1867-69. Clk for Laird, Norton «fe Co Winona Minn 1865-67; elk W & St P R R Winona 1869-71; G W Van Dusen & Co Rochester Minn 1871-75; member G W Van Dusen & Co 187 5- 89: built Belt Line elevator Superior Wis 1892; pres Belt Line Elevator Co 1892-9 5; present business in Min- neapolis 189 5 to date. HARRINGTON Charles Medbury, Minneapolis. Res 2540 Park av, of- fice 713 Chamber of Commerce. Grain merchant. Born July 11, 185 5 at New Berlin N Y, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Harrington. Educated at New Berlin (NY) Academy. Tele- graph opr and bkpr office of G W Van Dusen grain dealer Rochester Minn 1872-7 4; employed in Roches- ter Bank 1874-75; with Mather Bros whol grocers Albany N Y 18 75-81; returned to Minn in 1881 and again took an interest in the grain busi- ness with Mr Van Dusen at Roches- ter; since 1883 a resident of Minne- apolis. Pres Van Dusen-Harrington and Nat Elevator companies; v pres Pioneer Steel Elevator, Atlas Eleva- tor and Inter-State Elevator compan- ies; sec G W Van Dusen & Co and Star Elevator Co; dir Home Grain and St Anthony Elevator companies. These companies operate about 400 country elevators, 4 terminal eleva- tors in Minneapolis and 5 retail lumber yards. 1st pres Commercial Club; ex-pres Minneapolis Club and Chamber of Commerce; junior war- den St Mark's Episcopal Church Min- neapolis; also member Minikahda and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis. HARRINGTON Louis Enieisoii, Minneapolis. Res 4226 Wentworth av S, office 3 04-305 Andrus bldg. In- surance. Born Dec 6, 1880 at Hast- ings Minn, son of William E and Annie J (Leavitt) Harrington. Mar- ried Oct 12, 1904 to Ada L Johnson. Graduated from Hastings High School 1899; Minn School of Business Min- neapolis 1891. In insurance busi- ness 1891 to date, except during 4 months' service as stenogr at Minn State Reformatory at St Cloud and 6 months as asst sec Y M C A in Minneapolis. State mngr Great East- ern Casualty & Indemnity Co N Y 1905 to date. HARRINGTON Ziiia G, Mankato. Physician and banker. Born Aug 30, 183 in Londondery Vt, son of Emery and Palista (Goodell) Har- rington. Married in 1874 to Julia E Bobbins of Chester Vt. Educated in common schools and academy Vt. Graduated from Albany Medical Col- lege 18 57; practiced in Chester Vt until 187 2; moved to Mankato 1872 and has practiced to date. Pres Mankato State Bank. Member Com- mercial Club and Masonic fraternity. HARRIS Abraham, Minneapolis. Res 1400 9th st S, office 2401 Uni- versity av S E. Contractor's supplies. Born Jan 13, 1860 in Germany, son of Leon Harris. Married March 12, 1S84 to Ray Brim. Educated in common schools. Moved to Minne- apolis 18 80 and engaged in scrap iron and machinery business as Har- ris Bros until 1902; organized the Mnfrs Supply Co 1902 and has con- tinued same to date. HARRIS Harold, St Paul. Res 731 Osceola av, office 209 German- American Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 21, 1857 in Pierce county Wis, son of Gilbert and Anna (Gun- derson) Harris. Received his edu- cation at country schools and State Normal School at River Falls Wis, graduating in 1882. Entered Univ of Wis and graduated B S 18 86; law course B L 1889. Has been en- gaged in practice for 16 years in St Paul making a specialty of real es- tate law. Sec of Park Region Land Co and dir WMs Blue Grass Land Co; V pres Polk County Land & Imp Co; sec Truant Gold and Silver Co Helena Mont and member of the firm of E E Sutton & Co. Member Com- mercial Club of St Paul and I O O F. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 175 HARRIS Luther C, Duluth. Res 2709 Park Point, office 700-701 Torrey bldg. Attorney at law. Born Jnne 17, 1857 in Grinnell la, son of E H and Rachel (Hanlin) Harris. Married July 29, 1886 to Hanna B Knapp. Educated in high school Grinnell la; Iowa Col- lege graduating M A 1881; law dept Univ of Iowa 1882; engaged in prac- tice of law La Moure N D 1883; regis- ter of deeds and county elk La Moure county N D 1885-89. Resumed prac- tice of law in 1890 Moved to Duluth and engaged in practice under firm name of Moer, Towne & Harris 1890- 92; Towne & Harris 1892-94; alone 1894 to date. Member of Civil Service Commission for Duluth and Commer- cial Club. HARRIS Philip S, St Paul. Res 117 W College av. Retired. Born Oct 6, 1834 in Harrisburg Pa. Edu- cated in Harrisburg. Engaged in mer- cantile business until 1867; moved to St Paul and engaged as private sec to pres of Lake Superior and Missis- sippi R R Co (now part of N P Ry) ; land comnr for same road 1870-80; sec and treas of same company re- organized as St Paul & Duluth R R Co 1881-90; retired since 1890. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity, 3 2d degree. HARRIS William L, Minneapolis. Res 1982 Kenwood pkway, office New England Furniture & Carpet Com- pany. Born April 1, 1854 in Bos- ton Mass, son of William G and Julia A (Lane) Harris. Graduated from Dwight School Boston 1866; English High School Boston 1866-68; left school for business. Clerk for W G Harris & Co retail dry goods Boston 1868-70; Harris, Richardson & Co whol dry goods Boston 1870-72; member of Eldridge & Harris retail dry goods South Boston 1872-79; member of W G Harris & Son whol and retail car- pets Boston 1879-87; founded New England Furniture & Carpet Co Min- neapolis gen house fui'nishing retail 1887; incorporated with self as pres and treas 1892; largest establishment of kind west of Chicago. Member Minneapolis Charter Commission; pres Retailers Assn; dir Commercial Club; chairman tax committee Minneapolis Business Men's Assn; chairman exec- utive committee Minnesota Retail Fur- niture Dealers Assn. HARRISON Ale.xaiKler M, Minne- apolis. Res 4936 39th av S, office 314 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 5, 1847 in Venango county Pa. Married Aug 13, 1873 to Lizzie Chapin. Graduated from Fredonia N Y Acad- emy; law dept Univ of Mich. City atty at Charles City la; practiced law there 1870-86; practiced law in Minne- apolis 1886-98; judge district court 1898-1905; in law practice in Minne- apolis 1905 to date. HARRISON Eliiiei- Elswoitli, West Concord. Physician and surgeon (R). Born March 20, 1866 in Freeborn Minn, son of John G and Mary J (Pierce) Harrison. Married Aug 7, 1893 to Myrtle Davidson. Educated in high school New Richland Minn 1885- 88; Minnesota State Normal Mankato 1888-92; medical dept U of M gradu- ating 1897. Begun the practice of medicine in West Concord Minn 1897. With the exception of 1 term of serv- ice as house physician to St Luke's Hospital St Paul, has been in continu- ous practice since in West Concord Minn. Coroner Dodge county since 1900; dir West Concord Tel Co. Mem- ber Minnesota State and Dodge Coun- ty Medical societies; Masonic frater- nity and I O O F. HART Thonia.s AV, Mankato. Res 428 S 5th, office Court House. Public offi- cial. Born Nov 19, 1863 in Decorah la, son of James A and Rosamond (Price) Hart. Married Oct 15, 1885 to Stella W Palmer. Educated in i)ublic schools and Breckenridge private school De- corah la. Moved to Mankato and en- gaged in grocery business under firm name of Beebe & Hart 1883-87; travel- ing salesman 1887-88; in firm of Aus- tin, Son & Co 1888-93; retail shoe business 1894-1904; elected county treas 1904; re-elected 1906; term ex- pires 1909. Member M N G 1894-99; Commercial Club; K of P; Masonic fraternity and B P O E. HARTENSTEIN Herinan L, Duluth. Res The Spalding, office American Carbolite Company. Manufacturer of carbolite and carbides. Born Oct 18, 1864 in Wheeling W Va, son of Herman and Louisa Nipping (Weide- busch) Hartenstein. Married in 1886 to Miss Anna E Stewart. Educated in common schools and bv jjrivate study. Began career in employment in Bel- 7(i Little l^kctches of Big Folks. laire (Ohio) Steel and Nail Co, con- tinuing for seven years; went to Chi- cago and for seven years experimented with electric and other furnaces until he finally perfected the furnaces, ap paratus and devices now used by the American Carbolite Co, which he or- ganized at Constantine Mich May 1904 for the manufacture of carbide. He has financed and completed another plant at Duluth buildings of which cover nine acres, said to be the larg- est of its kind in the world. Pres and mngr American Carbolite Co; also chairman executive committee. Mayor of Constantine Mich 1905; re-elected by acclamation 1906 by all parties. Member Masonic fraternity 32d de- gree; K T and Shrine. HARTIN Chai'le.s George, St Paul. Res 305 Dayton av, office 114 E 4th. Merchant. Born March 15, 1864 in Canterbury N B, son of Rev Thomas and Mary Ellen (Garden) Hartin. Married .June 12, 1901 to Grace S Sanborn, daughter of Judge Walter H Sanborn. Educated in the common schools of Canterbury. Moved to Min- neapolis and was in the employ of Chase & Miller loggers 1885-88; bkpr Pioneer Fuel Co Minneapolis 1888- 1901; mngr Pioneer Fuel Co St Paul office 1891-1903; pres Ohio Coal Co, successors to Pioneer Fuel Co 1903- 1905. Organized Hartin Coal Co of which he is pres, treas and dir. Mem- ber of Commercial and Minnesota clubs; Masonic fraternity; B P O E and Royal Arcanum. HARTSINCK John Uooii, St Paul. Res 586 Portland av, office 808 Globe bldg. Real estate and loans. Born Feb 13, 1851 in Amsterdam Holland, son of Martin S and Marie A (Boon) Hartsinck. Married Sei)t 14, 1876 to Henrietta Yssel de Schepper. Edu- cated in the high schools of Amstei'- dam Holland and Duisburg Germany. Engaged in the brokerage business in Amsterdam 1875-82; moved to U S 1S83 and was variously employed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Co and the Qu'Appelle Valley Farming Co in Canada; in emjilov of the Netherlands American Land Co 1875; made gen agt for same 1889. Member of the firm Knuppe & Hartsinck gen agts for the U S and Canada, Netherlands American Land Co. HARTl PEE Charles W, Red Wing. Res 1347 W 4th st, office Gladstone bldg. Physician. Born Aug 12, 1866 in W^est Liberty la, son of Daniel and Martha (Paterson) Hartupee. Married in 1SS7 to Mattie Milan. Educated in public and high schools West Lib- erty la; commercial college Kirksville and American School of Osteopathy. Practiced in Des Moines la 1898-1902; moved to Red Wing and continued to practice to date. Member B P O E. HASKAMP Herman J, St Cloud. Banker. Born ,Iune 1857 in Cincin- nati Ohio, son of Joseph and Annie (Borgerding) Haskamp. Married in 1880 to Annie C Bohmer. Educated in common schools and St John s Univ Stearns county. In mercantile business until 1885; with Bank of Melrose 1885; was v pres until 1899; started First Nat'l Bank of Melrose; pres until 1902; sold out; moved to St Cloud and organized Stearns Coun- ty Bank, pres since 1902. HASKELL Eraiik, St Paul. Res 162 W George st, office 512 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 20, 1878 in St Paul, son of Franklin L and Adele (Raymond) Haskell. Educated in St Paul public schools; graduated from high school 1897; attended U of M; graduated from St Paul College of Law 1903. Private and corporal Com- pany E 13th Minnesota Inf in Phil- ippines; dep elk Ramsey county dis- trict court 1900-1903; sec campaign committee 1904; member state legis- lature 1904-1905. Member Camp Carl- eton Army of Philippines; Gopher Tribe Redmen; Roosevelt and Lincoln clubs. HASLETT Andrew D, St Paul. Res 681 Selby av. Retired. Eorn Feb 6, 1824 in Danville Pa, son of John and Letitia (Dunlap) Haslett. Married 1848 to Mary P Walter. Educated in country schools; and academy Doyles- town Pa. Engaged in dry goods busi- ness Philadelphia 1847; whol cloths 1848; moved to St Paul and engaged in same business 1855-94, when he re- tired from active business. Served in 7th Regt Pa Vol Inf during Civil War Little Sketches of Big Folks. Ill HASTINGS William IJacon, St Paul. Res 298 Nelson av, office 244 E 4th st. Manufacturer. Born Aug 1, 1857 in Ogdensburg N Y, son of John W and Fannie Amelia (Bacon) Hastings. Married March 13, 1900 to Sarah M Barrett. Educated in a private school at Ogdensburg N Y and Cambridge (Mass) High School. In dry goods trade with father at Ogdensburg 1875-82; charge of business 1882; con- trolled business 1883; sold out after father's death 1885; traveled 9 months for Barrett & Barrett Chicago; opened St Paul house for them as sec and mngr, owning one-third of stock 1888; bought their interest 1903; mnfrs and jobbers of ciders, vinegars, glassware, etc. Member Masonic fraternity; KT and Shrine. HAUGDAHL Sam, St Peter. But- ter-maker. Born Aug 18, 1866 in Nor- way, son of Siver and Sophia (Hjer- mstad) Haugdahl. Married in 1888 to Annie Wakseth. Educated in Norway. Learned trade of butter making; moved to Minnesota 1891 and has been engaged in butter making to date; received grand prizes at Paris, St Louis, Omaha expositions and at many fairs and conventions; state dairy and food inspector for Minn 1900 1903; now western representative of Fox River Butter Co of Aurora 111. HAUGEN C G, Aitken. Public of- ficial. Born Feb 1, 1857 in Norway, son of Gabriel J and Chrisstence (Hol- wig) Haugen. Married April 8, 1894 to Carrie Erickson. Educated in com- mon schools of Norway. Served as chief of police 1899-1903; sheriff Jan 1, 1903 to date. HAUG.UV Otto M, Fergus Falls. Physician (R). Born May 7, 1868 in South Dakota, son of Benjamin and Mary Anne Haugan. Graduated from Red Wing Seminary 1888; U of M, A B 1896; and Northwestern Univ Medi- cal College Chicago 1902. Engaged in teaching school 6 years; supt of schools Otter Tail county 1894-98 ; after graduation served as interne Wesley Hospital Chicago 1 year; engaged in practice in Fergus Falls to date. Cor- oner Otter Tail county 1904 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; I O O F. 12 HAUPT Alexander James Derby- shire, St Paul. Res 175 Iglehart st. Minister of the Gospel. Born June 1, 1859 in Greenfield Mass, son of Gen Her- man and Ann Cecelia (Keller) Haupt. Married Ida L Boyer of Reading Pa. Attended public schools in Philadel- phia; graduated from high school B A distinguished" 1878; also received a principal's certificate from Board of Education ; graduated from Univ of Pa B' A 1882; degree of M A from high school 1883; while at the univer- sity read theology and in 1884 gradu- ated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Ordained to the ministry in 1884; served as pri- vate tutor in ijniv of Pa 1880-82; was one of the pioneer English Lutheran missionaries northwest of Chicago; built 6 churches and chapels in St Paul. Member and ex-pres Ramsey County Bible and City Mission So- ciety; chairman rescue committee Christian Citizens League 1895; ap- pointed by mayor of St Paul delegate to Western Conference of Charities at Omaha 1898; ex-pres and 10 years sec N W Alumni Assn Univ of Pa; sec Ramsey County Famine Fund Com- mittee for Scandanavia Feb-May 1903; Congress Washington D C and Phila- delphia Pa 1906; dir St Paul Society for Relief of Poor; one of the founders and president 1904-1906 English Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Northwest; member National Conference of Charities; since ordin- ation, pastor of the Memorial English Evangelical Lutheran Church of St Paul. HAUPT CliarU's Clarence, St Paul. Res 676 Summit av, office Federal bldg. Public official. Born Jan 14, 1854 in Wilkes-Barre Pa, son of Barnett and Rosina Haupt. Removed to White Pigeon Mich in childhood; attended common schools there; Univ of Mich, Franklin-Marshall College Pa law dept; completed law studies in an office. Admitted to practice in Michi- gan 1878; practiced at Corunna Mich 1878-83; Wilmar Minn 1883-84; Fergus Falls Minn 1884-1901; member Haupt & Field lawyers St Paul 1901 to date. County atty Otter Tail county Minn iot»8-1900; U S dist atty for Minn 1902 to date. Member Masonic order. 178 Little ^ketcJies of BUj Folks. HAVEN Alfred E, Faribault. Edi- tor and publisher. Born Feb 4, 1840 in Guilford, Chenango county N Y, son of Asa and Harriet E (Clark) Haven. Married in 1867 to Mary A Meeker of La Crosse Wis. Educated in public schools of Guilford N Y and high school La Crosse Wis. Employed in office of La Crosse Democrat as prin- ter and editor 1864-71; moved to Fari- bault 1871 and purchased Faribault Leader, changing name to Faribault Democrat, which he has conductol to date; one of the organizers and uh- of Faribault Rattan Works mnfrs of rat- lan furniture and baby carriages 1892; disposed of his interests in 1899. Served in 2d Wis Inf 3 years and 3 months during the Civil War. Mem- ber Faribault School Board 18 years; sui)t of Rice county schools 1877-81; trustee Faribault Library Board si^^ce its organization; postmaster Faribault 1894-99. Member Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity, Blue Lodge, Chap- ter and Knights Templar; GAR com- mander Michael Cook Post 2 terms. HAVILL Oliver H, St Cloud. Bank- er. Born Jan 27, 1859 in Rainham Ont, son of William J and Cordelia (Root) Havill. Married Jan 27, 1894 to Mille Berthiaume. Educated in common schools Chautaviqua N Y; moved to Bloomington 111 1870; moved to Brainerd Minn 1879; farmed until 1881; farming in North Dakota; in banking business at Royalton Minn 1888; organized Merchants National Bank St Cloud 1892; cashr 1892-1900; pres 1900 to date; treas Western Gran- ite Co St Cloud. Member E' P O E and K of P. HAYES Alfred S, Albert Lea. Pub- lic official. Born .Jan 22, 1852 in Roundout N Y, son of James H and Cornelia (Warner) Hayes. Married in 1872 to Sarah McNamer. Educated in public schools Lone Rock Wis. Em- ployed in Wisconsin and Albert Lea as railroad station agent until 1899; trav salesman 1899-1901; elk of court since 1901. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. HAYES Richard M, Minneapolis. Res 4102 Park boul, office 616 N Y Life bldg. . Lawyer. I^orn Nov 17, 1871 in Breckenridge county Ky, son of R W and Anna (Davis) Hayes. Married June 22, 1898 to Charlotta E Crowther. Educated in common schools and a commercial college. Clk for C W Hackett Hardware Co St Paul 1891-93; night course law dept U of M 1892-95; graduated LL B 1895; practiced law in Blue Earth and Crookston Minn 1895-1904; in Minneapolis 1904 to date. Member B P O E. HAYES AVarren Andrew, Minne- apolis. Office 631-632 Andrus bldg. Insurance agt. E'orn June 19, 1877 in Rushford Minn, son of George An- drew and Maria Rebecca Hayes. Ed- ucated in public and high schools Min- neapolis. Was variously employed for several years in Minneapolis; moved to Honolulu 1898-1901. Returned to Minneapolis and engaged in insurance business to date. HAYFORD George AV, Minneapolis. Res 21 N 6th st. Mngr Electrical En- gineering Co. Born Oct 27, 1854 in Boston Mass, son of Warren and Abloy (Lewis) Hayford. Married 1885 to Ida A W Bright. Attended common schools Boston and graduated from law dept Boston Univ LL B 1875. Practiced law Boston 1875-80; in mer- cantile business 1880-96; now sec, treas and mngr Electrical Engineer- ing Co. Member Commercial Club. HAY'NES Harvey S, Minneapolis. Res 2713 Blaisdell av, office 220 S 6th St. Automobiles. Born Sept 5, 1857 in Baldwinsville N Y, son of James and Eliza A (Clark) Havnes. Married Sept 16, 1889 to Carrie L Williams. Received education in Baldwinsville Academy. Farmed from 1881-85; moved to Minneapolis 1885 and was engaged with the American District Telegraph Co until 1893, after which he was engaged in different mercan- tile lines until 1898; started in busi- ness for self as Haynes Cycle Co; later changed to Haynes Automobile Co, which continues to date. Member Masonic fraternity and I O O F. HAYNES James C, Minneapolis. Res 1807 4th st S E, office 938 Secur- ity Bank bldg. Lawyer and public official. Born Sept 22, 1848 in Bald- Avinsville N Y, son of James and Eliza A (Clark) Haynes. Married Sept 4, 1879 to Sarah E Clark. Educated in the common schools; Baldwinsville Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 179 (N Y) Academy and Cazenovia Semi- nary; read law in Syracuse N Y; en- tered law dept Columbia College 1874; graduated 1875 and was admitted to the bar same year. Began practice of his profession in Syracuse X Y, continuing until 1878, when he moved to Eau Claire Wis, practicing there 1 year. Moved to Minneapolis 1879 and has been engaged in his profession to date. Member Minneapolis city council 1891-1894; mayor of Min- neapolis 1903-1904; re-elected 1906; term expires Jan 1, 1909; Democrat. Pres Am District Telegraph Co for 24 years previous to its sale to the West- ern Union Telegraph Co. Dir Com- mercial Club Minneapolis and St An- thony Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity, K of P and B P O E. HAYS Willet Martin, Minneapolis. Oflfice Washington D C. Public official. Born in 1859 near Gifford, Hardin county la, son of Silas and Christina (Lepley) Hays. Married in 1885 to Clara Shepperd of Chariton la. Edu- cated in country school; Oskaloosa College Oskaloosa; and Drake Univ Des Moines la; graduated from State Agricultural College Ames la, B Agr 1885. First employed in experimental work at the Ames College farm; as- sociate editor of Prairie Farmer until 1888; asst to Dr Edward D Porter in government experimental station Minn 2 years; appointed prof of agricul- ture by board of regents U of M; later same with N D Agricultural College targo; returned to U of M as profes- sor of agriculture and v chairman and agriculturist of experimental station; organized Minnesota Dairy School. Has written much for agricultural press and many bulletins for Iowa, Minn and North Dakota experimental stations. Now asst sec Dept of Agri- culture Washington D C. HAZZARI) Cieoige Henry, St Paul. Res 146 W Central av, office 664 Gil- fillan blk. Real estate and care of l)roi)erty. Born Dec 5, 1846 in Dela- ware, son of Henry O and Elizabeth H Hazzard. Married Oct 14. 1867 to Hannah E Hoyt. Educated by very limited schooling and extensive prac- tical experience. Bellboy Sawyer House Stillwater 1861; cabin and mail boy steamers H S Allen, Enterprise, Hastings and Prescott 1862; bellboy Merchants Hotel 1862; clerk on Mis- sissippi river 1864-67; general agent for railroads 1874-82; originator of and promoter Interstate Park at the Dalles of the St Croix 1895. Messenger in House of Representa- tives 1865; county comnr Ramsey county 3 years; town elk Rosetown, Ramsey county. Delegate to general conference M E Church 1888; dir Y M C A for years; member State Sunday School Board; sec Minn Territorial Pioneers; honorary member and pres "1849 St Croix Valley Old Settlers;" member Republican Club; Good Tem- plars; Chamber of Commerce; twice pres St Paul Real Estate Board; pres Hamline Citizens Union. HEALOW R J, Henderson. Live stock and machinery. Born Sept 19, 1880 in Elkton S D, son of James and Mary (Smyth) Healow. Married June 4, 1902 to Josephine Carmier. Educat- ed in parochial school Le Sueur and Caton Business College Minneapolis. Engaged in farming until 1902; trav salesman for Crane Ordway & Co St Paul 1902-1905; engaged in farm im- plement and live stock business Hen- derson under firm name of Healow & Moriarty 1905 to date. Member Busi- ness Men's Assn. HEALY Ethvard L, Red River Falls. Real estate and loans. Born June 2 8, 1852 in Southbridge Mass, son of L M and Amelia R (Boomer) Healy. [Married Nov 1, 1877 to Janette Stru- thers. Educated in high schools Au- rora 111 and Cannon City Minn. In grocery business Faribault 18 7 6-7 8; same in Marshall 15 years; in gen merchandise business Morris 189 5- 1900; moved to Red Lake Falls and engaged in real estate business to date. Member Shakan Cannery & Lumber Co Alaska; pres Ed L Healy Land & Loan Co. Member Masonic fraternity; K of P; v pres Commer- cial Club. HEALY' Frank, Minneapolis. Res 1114 4th St S E, office City Hall. Law- yer. Born Dec 27, 1854 in Onondaga county N Y, son of Thomas and Mary (Kelly) Healy. Moved with his par- ents from N Y to Fillmore county Minn in 1856 and was reared on a farm; received his early education at the district schools and Preston grad- 18(1 Little ^^kctclws of BUj FoRs. ed school; graduated from the U of M, A B 1882; and from law dept of the Unlv of Mich LL B 1884. Has been engaged in the practice of law since that time in Minneapolis. Elected city atty of Minneapolis Jan 1, 1897 and still holds that office. HEATH Albert Ciieiicy, St Paul. Res 516 Portland av, office 250 Lowry Arcade. Physician and Surgeon (R). Born Nov 10, 1868 in Auburn Me, son of Albert Hayford and Lucy Jane (Simonds) Heath. Educated in Dart- mouth College A B' 1891; Friends Aca- demy New Bedford Mass 1887; U of M M D 1894; house surgeon to St Paul City Hospital 1895; post-graduate study in Heidelberg, Freiburg, London, Paris and Edinburgh 1904-1905. Mem- ber Ramsey County and Minn State Medical societies; American Medical Assn and Minn Academy of Medicine. Laryngologist and otologist of North- ern Pacific Ry Co. Member Minne- sota, and Town and Country clubs St Paul. HEATWOLE Joel Prcscott, North- field. Printer. Born Aug 22, 1856 in Waterford Ind, son of Dr Henry and Barbara (Kolb) Heatwole. Marrio.1 Dec 4, 1890 to Gertrude Archibald. Educated in public schools. Learned printer's trade in Indiana and was con- nected with: Millersburg Enterprise 2 years; Millersburg Record 3 years; Goshen Times months; Glencoe (Minn) Enterprise 1 year; and has been identified with Northfield News 22 years. Served as mayor of North- field 1 year; regent U of M 6 years; and member U S House of Represen- tatives 8 years; sec Republican State Committee 1886-90; chairman 1890-92; delegate to Republican National Con- vention 1888; pres Minn State Editor- ial Assn 3 terms. " HEDDING George DeWitt, Minne- apolis. Res 2010 James' av S, office Northwestern bldg. Insurance man- ager. Born July 3, 1874 in Winona Minn, son of Simeon E and Anna Hed- ding. Married Jan 17, 1900 to Mildred Sprague. Graduated from Minneapo- lis High School and law dept U of M. Practiced law in Minneapolis 10 years; agt of N Y Life Ins Co Minneapolis 1904-1905; agency dir 1905; mngr for Pacific Mutual 1905 to date. HEFFELFINGER Christopher B, Minneapolis. Res 1828 3d av S, office 424 1st av N. Merchant. Born 1834 in Cumberland county Pa, son of Wil- liam and Margaret (Biestle) Heff el- finger. Married Dec 20, 1863 to Mary Ellen Totton. Educated in public schools of Shippensburg Pa. Appren- tice in tannery 1852-54; partner in same as Cover & Co 1854-57; removed to Minneapolis 1857 and was various- ly engaged until 1861; engaged in re- tail shoe business under firm name of Walker & Heffelfinger 1866-70; dis- solved partnership 1870 and continued business alone as C B Heffelfinger until 1873 ; became one of the incor- porators and mngr of North Star Boot & Shoe Co 1873; re-incorporated as North Star Shoe Co 1893; pres of same since 1887. Enlisted in the 1st Minn Inf 1861 and served 3 years advancing from private to capt; mus- tered out 1864 and commissioned maj 1st Minn Heavy Artillery 1865. Mem- ber GAR and Minnesota Comman- dery Loyal Legion. HEFFRON Patrick Richard, St Paul. Res St Paul Seminary. Minis- ter of religion. Born New York City in 1862, son of Patrick and Margaret (O'Brien) Heffron. Attended public schools New York City 3 years; Ripon Wis 4 years; Rochester Minn 5 years; graduated from Mantorville (Minn) High School 1S77; St John's (Minn) Univ M Accts; licentiate in theology Grand Seminary Montreal Can; Doctor of Canon Law 1889 Roman LTniv Rome Italy; Doctor of Theology Minerva Univ Rome Italy 1889. Pastor of the cathedral St Paul 1890-96; rector and pres St Paul Seminary since 1896. HEGARDT William G, Duluth. Res 1708 E 1st st, office American Ex- change Bank. Banker. Born March 29, 1860 in Rockland Mich, son of Lud- wig and Anna (Raviller) Hegardt. Married 1893 to Jesse J Everhard. Ed- ucated in the common and high schools of Duluth. Engaged with Briggs & Cole Calumet Mich 1879-87; became confidential elk and bkpr; moved to Duluth as bkpr for Ameri- can Exchange Bank 1887 and succes- sively held all positions to cashr of same which he now holds. Asst treas Little SJ^etcJics of Bieriin Univ. Came to America in 1875; taught school at Champaign 111 1880- 83; in high school Chicago 1883-87; real estate in Minneapolis 1888-90; northwestern agt land dept W C Ry 1890-1901; handling Canadian lands in Minneapolis 1901 to date; member Brown & Henschell Canadian lands July 1, 1906 to date. Member United Workmen; Modern Woodmen; Macca- bees; Sons of Hermann. HEPWORTH Archibald W, Du- luth. Res 1721 E 1st st, office 416 W" Superior. Real estate and insurance. Born July 10, 1876 in London Eng, son of Alfred George and Emma (Gill) Hepworth. Married July 6, 1904 to Jane Parker. Educated in Brewer's Grammar School London England; Manitoba College Winnipeg Man. En- gaged in business for self as Indian trader, buying and selling furs on Hud- son Bay 1894-99; moved to Duluth and entered employ of John A Stephenson as bkpr; after visit to England re- turned to Duluth in 1900 and entered employ of Davidson & McRae bankers and insurance, becoming partner in same 1901; also engaged in the insurance business 1905 with O H Clark as Clark-Hepworth Co, of which he is V pres and treas; sec and dir Davidson-McRae Co. Has real estate holdings in Duluth. Member Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country and Boat clubs. HERNLUNI) John W, Minneapolis. Res 152 6 Adams st N E, office 13 01 Tyler st N E. Manufacturer. Born May 25, 1855 in Sweden, son of Eric and Anna E Hernlund. Attended com- mon and high school and Univ of Minn. Employed by Malmsten, Nel- son & Co 1878; became interested in the business 1881, and name was changed 1884 to Crown Iron Works Inc. Member Masonic fraternity. HERRINGER Eugene J, Ada. In- surance. Born Sept 7, 186 4 in On- tario Can, son of Seb and Josephine (Schwab) Herringer. Married Feb 10, 18 88 to Pauline R Crasser. Ed- ucated in common and high schools Neustadt Ontario. First engaged in managing meat market in Canada af- ter death of father; moved to Ada and engaged in teaching school 1882-90; dep county auditor 1890; auditor 189 6-19 05; organized Norman County Little Sketches of Big Folks. 183 Abstract Co of which he is propr. Member village council 1906; now village elk. Member Modern Wood- men and K of P. HERTSGAARI) Jorgeu P, IMoor- head. Teacher. Born Jan 2 2, 1880 in Kindred N D, son of Peter J and Margaret A (Bakke) Hertsgaard. Married June 18, 1905 to Cecelia Engen. Educated in rural schools near Kindred; graduated from Con- cordia College 1898; St Olafs Col- lege Northfield B S 1904. Since graduation has been engaged as reg- istrar and in teaching history and sciences in Concordia College Moor- head. HESS Rabbi Emanuel L, St Paul. (Died 1907). Born 184.5 in Meer- holz Hesse-Cassel, son of David and Emilie (Stern) Hess. Married in 1867 to Etka Bernstein. Attended Prof Milot's Eclectic School Gelnhausen; Hanau Gymnasium and Marburg Univ; pursued rabbinical studies under Rabbi Sondheim at Geluhausen; Rabbis Fel- stein and Grevenau, Hanau; and Rab- bis Hirsch, Stein and Dessau at Frank- furt-on-the-Main. Removed to the U S 1864 and taught school at Baltimore and St Louis until 1870; occupied re- formed pulpit Kansas City 1870-73; rabbi at Shreveport La 1873-88; same St Paul 1888-99; retired from the pul- pit owing to ill health. Author of var- ious school books and is frequently heard in pulpits and rostrums. Mem- ber of the B'nai B'rith; Free Sons of Israel; Masonic fraternity; United Foresters; Knights of Honor. HESSELGRAVE Sherman S, St Paul. Res 1009 Lincoln av, office En- dicott Arcade. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born Jan 18, 1872 in Sibley county Minn, son of Robert V and Amanda (Livingston) Hesselgrave. Graduated from high school St Paul 1891; medical dept U of M 1894. Has practiced medicine and surgery in St Paul 1894 to date; surgery specialty. Deputy coroner Ramsey county 1896- 1900. Member Ramsey County and Minnesota State Medical societies and American Medical assn; Commercial Club St Paul. HETLAXI) Bcrnliard B, Moorhead. [-•ublic official. Born Feb 6, 18 61 in Janesville, Rock county Wis, son of Bendix J and Engel Margaret (Aa- modt) Hetland. Educated in public schools and Niles Private School Ro- chester Minn. First engaged as elk in Rochester Minn; elk in dry goodie and shoe stores Moorhead 18 80-190:^; elected register of deeds 1902 and has held office to date. Member Com- merical Club. HETLAND John M, Ada. Lawyer. Born March 7, 1858 in Norway, son of Lars J and Bertha ( Bilstad ) Het- land. Educated in public and high schools of Norway and Wis; gradu- ated from Highland Park College Des Moines LL B 1889. Moved to U S from Norway 1872 and located in Vernon county Wis until 18 80; moved to Ada and engaged in farm- ing until 1890 when he was elected register of deeds. HEWITT William Edwin, Minne- apolis. Res 3216 Park av, office 823 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 23, 1S61 in Le Claire la, son of W H and Anna (Davenport) Hewitt. Married in 1888 to Mabelle Van Sickler. Edu- cated in common schools and academy of his native town and graduated from law dept Univ of la 1882. First en- gaged as managing elk for Mason Bros Chicago; moved to Minneapolis and engaged in practice of law 1886 to date. HEYDEMAXX Albert E, St Paul. Res 553 Ashland av, office 813 N Y Life bldg. Real estate and investments. Eorn May 24, 1857 in Stettin Germany, son of Prof D Albert and Clara (Ben- da) Heydemann. Married Dee 7, 1885 to M P Hamilton. Educated at col- lege in Germany. Came to U S in 1881; engaged in office of an importing and exporting firm in New York 1881- 91; moved to St Paul 1891 and has since been engaged in the real estate business. HICKEY James R, St Paul. Res 495 Summit av, office 400 Nat'l Ger Am Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born July 26, 1877 in Scott countv Minn, son of James and Catherine (Roach) Hickey. Educated in the public schools of 184 Little t^ketcJies of Big Folks. Graceville Minn; Northern Univ of Ind; U of M; graduating with degree of LL B; studied law in the office of Lewis & Hallam. Practiced alone 1895 to date. Member of Minnesota Legislature 1900-1904; chairman of Ramsey county delegation 2 terms; Democratic candidate for speaker of the House 1900-1902; chairman of Cap- itol Investigation Committee, entrust- ed with the passage of the Capitol Bill appropriating $1,500,00; v pres Law Alumni Assn U of M; member Ramsey County and State Bar assns; Commercial Club St Paul and B P O E. HIBBS David K, Albert Lea. Bank- er. Born Oct 7, 1838 in Hulmeville Pa, son of Jacob and Sarah A (Wor- stall) Hibbs. Married in 1865 to Anna C Vandegrift. Educated in public schools and Millersville (Pa) Normal School; Attleborough (Pa) Academy. Taught school; served as lieut in Civil War 3 years; farming 3 years after war; practiced law in Minn 1872-76, when he engaged in banking; organ- ized Albert Lea National Bank and was V pres 1892-1901; pres 1901-1902; organized and now pres Albert Lea State Bank. Delegate Nat Dem Con- vention St Louis 1892; member Albert Lea School Board 26 years. Member GAR. HICKS Frank, Duluth. Res 3 330 Park Point, office 612-614 First Nat- ional Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 28, 1853 in Lapeer Mich, son of Sephen S and Louise G Hicks. Married Dec 2, 1880 to Myrtle M B'eamer. Educat- ed in Lapeer (Mich) High School and Bryant & Stratton's Business College Detroit. Official stenographer for sixth judicial circuit for Michigan 1880-1890; member law firm of Draper, Davis & Hollister 1890-1903; later with H J Grannis, and is now practicing alone. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. HICKS Henry George, Minneapolis. Res Hampshire Arms, office 600 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born .Tan 26, 1838 in Varysburgh N Y, son of George A and Sophia (Hall) Hicks. Married thrice: May 3, 1864 to Mary Adelaide Beede; Nov 5, 1873 to Susannah R Fop; June 14, 1906 to Dorothy Morris Ray. Educated in the commion schools of New York and Pennsylvania; Ar- cade Seminary 1850-51; preparatory dept Oberlin (Ohio) College 1858-60. Civil War veteran; was adjt 2d 111 Cav- alry 1861-62; 2d adjt 71st 111 Inf Aug to Oct 1862; adjt 93d 111 Inf Nov 1862 to Feb 1864; was wounded in the face at battle of Missionary Ridge Nov 25, 1863. Sheriff of Hennepin county 1867-71; city justice of Minneapclis 1871-74; member of Minn House of Representatives 1878-79-81-83-97; judge of the district court 4th judicial dlst 1887-95; member board of trustees Minn Soldiers' Orphans' Home 1869- 83; pres of board 1872-83. Member law firm of Hicks, Carleton & Cross established in 1875. Member Masonic fraternity; dept commander of Minn G A R 1868; commander Loyal Legion of Minn 1900. HIGBEE Chester Goss, St Paul. Res 2 Seville Flats, office 206 Dispatch bldg. Physician (H) and surgeon. Boim Aug 5, 1835 in Pike, Wyoming county N Y, son of Enos J and Lucy M Higbee. Attended public schools in New York; Fort Atkinson, Fox Lake and River Falls Wis academies; graduated from Hahnemann Medical College Chicago 1866; College Physi- cians and Surgeons St Louis 1869; studied in Europe in 1881 and a year in 1889-90. Practiced as a homeopath 1870 to date; organized the first home- opathic society in St Paul 1870; con- sulting surgeon for Minn Soldiers' Home many years; member of first board of pension examiners; member American Institute of Homeopathy; V pres 1889; twice pres State Medical Society; pres Cobb Hospital; first pres Washington State Homeopathic Society. Served in 12th Wis Vol Inf 1861-65 from private to capt. 32d de- gree Mason; member Sons American Revolution; present commander Loyal Legion of Minn. HIGBEE Roscoe B, St Paul. Res The Gibson, office 508-511 Germania Life bldg. Mining. Born April 18, 1878 in Arcadia Wis, son of Edward C and Ella M (Bacon) Higbee. Attend- ed school in La Crosse Wis. In adver- tising business 1898-99; then engaged in mining business and is now con- ducting the largest individual mining brokerage business in St Paul. Served Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 185 in Spanish-American War private to hospital steward. Member Commer- cial and Roosevelt Republican clubs St Paul; Masonic order. HIGGINS Curran W, Minneapolis. Res 2128 Dupont av N, office suite 302- 304 Hulet bldg. Physician (R). Born Sept 16, 1849 in Wisconsin, son of Elijah and N Lavina (Patee) Higgins. Attended Groveland Seminary 1869- 72; U of M 1872-74; Hahnemann Medi- cal College Chicago 1874-76. Has prac- ticed medicine 1876 to date. Member Commercial Club. HILL Anson Loray, Faribault. Born April 2, 1830 in Williamsburg Mass (died Feb 21, 1897), son of An- son and Magdalene (Simison) Hill. Married in 1872 to Cornelia J Gifford. Educated in the public schools of Mas- sachusetts. Was engaged first as en- gine builder in California 1852-54; moved to Fond du Lac and engaged in the manufacture of lumber 1854- 55; moved to Faribault 1855 and en- gaged in manufacture of furniture; was the pioneer in that line, using horse-power until 1858, when he in- troduced steam. HILL George GreenAvood, Minne- apolis. Res 1813 3d av S, office 208 Commercial bldg, Broker. Born Mar 24, 1859 in Cincinnati O, son of Joseph Stacy and Anna (Creigh) Hill. Mar- ried Oct 25, 1883 to Jessie B Bennett. Educated in Cincinnati public schools. Engaged in brokerage business in Cin- cinnati 1877-87. Removed to Minne- apolis and continued in same, making specialty of grocery, confectionery and commission lines. HILL, James J, St Paul. Res 240 Summit av, office Great Northern Ry bldg. Railway official. Born Sept 16, 1838 near Gueljih Out and was reared on a farm. Received his education at . Rockwood Academy. Came to Minne- sota and worked in steamboat offices from 1856-65; then for the Northwest- ern Packet Co; organized Hill, Griggs & Co and engaged in transportation business 1869-75 and in 1870 organized Red River Transportation Co; estab- lished Northwestern Fuel Co 1875 and sold out in 1878; with Donald Smith (now Lord Strathcona) and George Stephen (now Lord Mt Stephen) and Norman W Kittson, succeeded in car- rying on construction work on St Paul & Pacific, in the meantime acquiring the securities of same; in 1879 se- cured control of St Paul and Pacific R R and reorganized as St Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RyCo; was gen mngr 1879-82; v pres 1881-83; then pres; in 1890 this became a part of the Great Northern System; built Great Northern to Puget Sound, con- necting with direct line of steamers to the Orient; in 1893 became pres of the Great Northern System; retired from presidency 1907, and is now chairman of board of directors. Has built 7,000 miles of railroad in 20 years. Promoted Northern Securities Co. HILL John Creagh, St Paul. Res 122 Virginia av, office 309 N Y Life bldg. Wholesale lumber. Born Aug 19, 1853 in Cincinnati O, son of Joseph Stacy and Anna (McKinnell) Hill. Married Oct 25, 1888 to Mary W Wash- ington. Educated in public and pri- vate schools Cincinnati; civil engin- eering in Cincinnati 1871-74. Moved to Minnesota 1876; engaged in gen- eral office work in Northwest; credit- man Allen Moore & Co St Paul 1886- 88; lumber business as John C Hill & Co 1888-92; as John C Hill Lumber Co 1892 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and Commercial Club. HILL John Henry, Duluth. Res 2631 Minnesota av, office 310-311 Tor- rey bldg. Mines and mining. Born Feb 27, 1857 in Cherokee Cal, son of John and Catherine (Conlin) Hill. Married Jan 16, 1885 to Carrie Powell. Educated in the common and high schools of Virginia City Nev; St Mary's College San Francisco and graduated from Univ of Mich LL B 1880. Engaged in exploration in Colo- rado, New Mexico and Arizona, at which time he had several conflicts with Indians; removed to Grand Forks N D and engaged in practice of law, associated with Hon George H Walsh until 1886; Marriman & Hill 1886-90; removed to Superior Wis and prac- ticed under firm of Hill & McKay 1900; removed to Duluth and engaged in mining. Sec and dir Northern Light & Development Co Duluth. Formerly member city council of 186 Little Sketches of Big Folks. Grand Forks N D and member of Democratic Territorial Committee of Dakota for many years. Member B P O E. HILLE Hans T, Fergus Falls. Banker. Born Feb 28, 1852 in Norway, son of Thomas T and Elizabeth (An- derson) Hille. Married April 25, 1877 to Karen Hallan. Educated in Norway and parochial schools Minnesota. Reared and worked on farm until 1886; engaged in mercantile business Wall Lake Minn 1886-87; moved to Fergus Falls and was in implement business as member of firm of B'artle- son & Hille until 1905; now Hille & Wagner. Pres Scandia State Bank. Former member of city council; mem- ber legislature 1905-1907; mayor of Fergus Falls. HILLVEK Thomas A, Moorhead. Educator. Born Aug 2 2, 1868 in Brooklyn 111, son of George and Kath- erine Hillyer. Married Aug 2 4, 1898 to Agnes M Smith. Educated in common schools of 111; graduated from 111 State Normal Univ Normal 111 1895; Univ of Chicago Ph B 1900; Harvard Univ A M 1901. Teacher and village prin of school Western 111 1874-92; high school prin and city supt in Shelbyville 111 189 5-9 8; supt of training dept in State Normal School Moorhead 19 01 to date. Mem- ber Nat Educational Assn; Social Ed- ucation League; M W A. HILSCHER John Fremont, St Paul. Res 1917 Feronia av, office 804 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 23, 1857 in Bethlehem, Hamilton county Ind, son of Joseph S and Louise (Wo- land) Hilscher. Educated in the pub- lic schools; Lincoln Univ Lincoln 111 1877-78; Knox College Galesburg 111 1879-80; admitted to the bar by the supreme court of 111 1882. Located in Lincoln and practiced his profession until 1885, when he removed to Will- mar Minn; moving later to St Paul 1894. V pres Froelich Mnfg Co and dir Iowa-Michigan Land Co. Was del- egate to the Nat Republican Conven- tion in 1888. Member Royal Arcanum; A O U W; Knights of Pythias and Masonic orders; was grand chancellor of Minn Knights of Pythias; supreme representative and for several years has been member of the Supreme Tribunal. Member Commercial Club St Paul. HILTON Cliflford L, Fergus Falls. Lawyer. Born Dec 8, 1866 in Kenyon Minn, son of Addison and Harriet E (Bullis) Hilton. Married Sept 2:3, 1890 to Frances C Moll. Educated in Fer- gus Falls High School, graduating 1884; college of law Univ of Wis, grad- uating 1888. Began practice in Fer- gus Falls 1888; in partnership with Hon John W Mason 1889-98; city atty Fergus Falls 1896-97; county atty Ot- ter Tail county 1898 to date, being elected for 5th term in 1906. Member M N G 1886-94, retiring with rank of capt. HIMMELMAN Henry Jr, Mankato. Res 403 N Btoad st. Plumbing and heating. Born Jan 25, 1861 in Man- kato Minn, son of Henry and Pau- line (Heinze) Himmelman. Married May 4, 1886 to Louisa Schenrer. Edu- cated in the public and parochial schools Mankato; German school New Ulm and normal school Mankato. First employed in grocery and bak- ery; 1'/^ years in county auditor's of- fice; employed in hotel business until 1903, when he took management of Standard Brewing Co Mankato; mngr of same 3 years; pres of same 6 years; established Mankato Plumbing & Heating Co March 15, 1907. Mem- ber of board of aldermen 8 years; Board of Public Works 2 years; dele- gate to National Democratic Conven- tion at Kansas City. Member 10 F; K of P and Sons of Hermann. HIMSL Joseph B, St Cloud. Law- yer. Born Feb 6, 1872 in Haslach Aus- tria, son of Alois and Mary (Moestl) Himsl. Married Sept 14, 1897 to Elizabeth Ran. Educated in common schools of Austria; St John's Univ St Joseph Minn 1884-88; taught school Stearns county 1888-1900; graduated from law dept U of M 1903. Ap- pointed asst county supt of schools Stearns county 1902. HINT William Franklin, St Paul. Res 966 Ashland av. office 916 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born March 6, 1865 in Ohio, son of Henry C and Catherine (Fleckinger) Hint. Edu- cated in the public schools of Miamis- burg O 1871-80; Univ of Ohio 1883-87; mechanical engineer 1887; U of M 1894-96; LL B 1895; LL M 1896. Has been engaged in the practice of law Little SkdcJies of Bi;/ Folks. 187 since 1895 and associated with Her- man Oppenheim since 1903 in general practice. Sec of tlie Dana Wareliouse Co; sec and treas Northland Realty Co. Member Masonic fraternity, K of P: Commercial Club St Paul. HINTZE Louis, Ada. Real estate and insurance. Born Sept 18, 1855 in Bremen Germany, son of C L and Louise (Ohland) Hintze. Married March 22, 1893 to Miss Minnie Riggers. Educated in public and private schools Germany. Came to U S 1872 and lived in New York 10 years; moved to Ada 1882 and has since been en- gaged in real estate, loans and insur- ance business. Chief Ada Fire Dept 1887-90; mayor 1890-91; sec Norman County Agr Soc 1895-1907; recorder and assessor Ada 8 years; justice of the peace 1899 to date; sec Business Men's Assn. Received diploma for grain and cereals at World's Colum- bian Exposition Chicago. HIRSCH Geoi-se, Winona. Res 201 E 5th St, office 69-71 E 3d st. Mer- chant. Born Nov 18, 1857 in Germany, son of Abram and Flora (Belitzer) Hirsch. Married in 1886 to Carrie Moss. Educated in public schools Germany. Engaged in clothing busi- ness Akron O 1875-93; came to Wi- nona 1893 and engaged in clothing business as pres and mngr Hirsch Clothing Co to date. Member Busi- ness Men's Assn. HIRSCHMAX Adolph, St Paul. Res 637 Grand av, office and warehouse 162 E 3d and 290-291 Jackson sts. Merchant. Born in Prussia Germany, son of Philip and Mary (Caspari) Hirschman. Married Nov 5, 1876 to Rosa Cohn. Received his education in the public schools of Prussia Germany and removed from there to Savannah Ga in 1876; was engaged there as trav salesman for a whol grocery house until 1882, when he moved to St Paul and established the firm of A Hirschman & Co, composed of him- self and son Benjamin M and engaged in the whol liquor business; is also largely interested in the Canista Iron Mines in Stark county Minn. HJERMSTAD Carl F, Red Wing. Banker. Born May 4, 1865 in Norway, son of L H and Bertha N (Elstad) Hjermstad. Married Jan 16, 1888 to Sigrid Ness. Educated in private and high school Norway. Engaged as elk in gen store Norway 1880-83; as mngr of same 1883-85; bkpr in grain eleva- tor Red Wing 1885-87; bkpr in bank 188/ -97; mngr Gas & Electric Light Plant 1897-99; cashr of bank 1899- 1906; v pres and mngr of bank 1906 to date; dir and v pres Goodhue County Nat'l Bank; trustee and treas Goodhue County Savings Bank; sec and treas Red Wing Boat Mnfg Co; treas Red Wing Brick Co; trustee and treas Red Wing Lutheran Ladjes' Seminary. Member Commercial Club and Manufacturers Assn. HOIJART Walter Page, Minneapo- lis. Res 930 W 23d st, office 608 Andrus bldg. Insurance. Born Feb 27, 1850 in Peru Vt, son of George S and Hannah (Balchelder) Hobart. Married July 27, 1876 to Lucinda J Gove. Educated in public schools of Peru Vt and Townsend Academy. En- gaged as elk in village and in Boston until 1876; engaged in clothing busi- ness for self Webster Mass 1876-80; same in Dixon 111 1880-86; moved to Oshkosh Wis 1886 and established Am Mutual Accident Assn of which he was sec and mngr until 1898; moved to Minneapolis and assisted in organizing Surety Fund Life Co 1898. of which he is sec; also Ministers Casualty Union. HOHHS Fred E, Minneapolis. Res 2217 Polk st N E, office 255 Temple Court. Lawver. Born Sept 2, 1862 in West Ossipee N H, son of Ezra T and Hannah Maria (Cogswell) Hobbs. Married Nov 29. 1889 to Evelyn C Waite. Educated in common schools in New Hampshire and normal and high schools Winona 1881-84; gradu- ated from U of M 1888; law dept 1892. Taught school from 1888 to 1890; be- gan practice in Minneapolis and has continued to date; instructor in law dept U of M. Member A F & A M; I O O F. HOIJE Engebreth Hagbarth, Bald Eagle Lake. Office N Y Life bldg. St Paul. Lumber and farm lands. Born Feb 27, 1860 in Norway, son of Karen Engebretsen (Lovdal). Married Dec 30, 1886 to Johanne Adolphine Miiller. Graduated from Gruner's Handelsaka- demie Copenhageia Denmark 1880. 188 Little Sketches of Big Folks. Started in real estate business 1885; engaged in lumber operations Knox Mills Wis 1896, where he built a rail- road; has since conducted operations in various parts of the Northwest. Member of E H Hobe Lumber Co and Ornes, Esswein & Co Minneapolis. Pres Luther Hospital; Knight of the Ordor of Wasa (presented by King Oscar of Sweden 1903) ; member Minnesota. Commercial and Norden clubs. Colonel on governor's staff 10 years. Norwegian consul. HOCH Reiner, Duluth. Res 2931 W Helm St, office Duluth Brg & Malting Co. Brewer. Born Oct 18, 1851 in Cologne on the Rhine Ger- many, son of William and Mary (Bar- denhauer) Hoch. Married May 4, 1878 to Matilda Geele. Came to America with his parents when an infant. At- tended public schools and Spencerian Business College Milwaukee. Engaged in brewing business Milwaukee under firm name of Messke & Hoch 1872-78; moved to Marquette Mich and estab- lished brewery under same name 1878- 91, when firm was incorporated as Upper Peninsular Brewing Co, of which he was made pres and dir; moved to Duluth in 1896 and estab- lished Duluth Brewing & Malting Co, of which he is now pres, treas and dir; also v pres Upper Peninsular Brewing Co of Marquette Mich. Mem- Commercial Club and B P O E. HODAPP John B, Mankato. Public ofl^icial. Born June 20, 1855 in Man- kato, son of Philip and Elizabeth (Borgmeier) Hodapp. Married in 1874 to Clara Krost. Educated in the pa- rochial schools of Mankato. Engaged in farming until 1876; drug elk 1882; conducted canning factory 1900; moved to Horton county Texas in hotel business; returned to Mankato and elected city recorder 1903, which office he holds to date. Member M N G 5 years; organizer volunteer fire department. HODGINGS AYalter A, Winona. Drayage. Born Feb 2, 1861 in Wi- nona, son of Abner F and Marv ivl (Price) Hodgins. Married in 1885 to Mary Spates. Educated in ])ublic and normal schools Winona. Supt You- mans Bros & Hodgins lumber business 1879-99; engaged in drayage business 1899 to date. Member Business Men's Asn. HODGKIXSON Joseph G, South St Paul. Physician and surgeon (R). Born in 1845 at Aylmer, Ontario Canada, son of Philip and Elizabeth (Springell) Hodgkinson. Married in 1884 to Sadie Cummings. Attended private schools; Cooper Academy Ayl- mer Ontario; studied medicine in Ayl- mer; attended Detroit Medical College 1879; graduated from old St Paul Med- ical College St Paul Minn 1886. Treas board pension examining surgeons at Detroit 1880-82; pres board pension ex- amining surgeons at Park Rapids Minn. Soldier in Canadian Volunteers and won Victoria Medal for service in defense of country. Member Minn State Pharmaceutical Society; Wood- men and I O O F. MODGMAN AV W, St Paul. Res 2500 Chicago av, office 326 Endicott bldg. Railroad supplies. Born May 12, 1862 in St Louis Mo, son of Charles and Eliza (Wade) Hodgman. Edu- cated in Kirkwood School and high school St Louis. In employ of Sim- mons Hdw Co St Louis 1878; Samuel Cupples W W Co 1880; St Louis Sugar Ref Co 1882; Commercial Bank 1883; St Louis Sugar Ref Co 1887; brokerage business in St Paul since 1888. Member Minnesota, Commercial and Lafayette clubs. HODGSON Fred E, Fergus Falls. Farm lands and real estate. Born Aug 16, 1872 in Castle Rock Minn, son of Thomas C and Elizabeth (Clague) Hodgson. Married June 11, 1901 to Anastasia Haley. Educated in public schools in winter, on farm in summer. First employed as dep P M at Ger- man; creditman whol grocery house Minneapolis; managed private busi- ness of Edward J Hodgson; then pres Security Trust Co St Paul; engaged in real estate and loans Fergus Falls 1896 to date. Treas Fergus Packing Co; dir Fergus Falls Nat'l Bank. Mem- ber K of P. Little aS7,(/(7/('.s' of Big Folks. 189 HOFF Christopher, St Paul. Res 213 Aurora av, office 91 Fillmore av. Manufacturer. Born May 26, 1847 In Lillehammer Norway, son of Peter and Christine (Dosen) Hoff. Married May 12, 1870 to Christine Anderson. Edu- cated in common schools Norway and U S. Learned machinist's trade in Norway; moved to St Paul 1868; fore- man St Paul Harvester Works 1873; tool maker Great Northern Shops until 1884; established Lee & Hoff Mnfg Co 1885. inc 1892. HOFF Peder A, St Paul. Res 172 Summit av, office Endicott Arcade. Physician. Born Sept 5. 1874 in St Paul, son of Christopher and Christine (An- derson) Hoff. Attended St Paul pub- lic schools; Central High School St Paul 1894; graduated from medical dept U of M 1900; post-graduate Har- vard Univ 1901. Has practiced medi- cine in St Paul 1900 to date. Instruct- or in medicine U of M. Member Ram- sey County and Minnesota State Medi- cal societies; American Medical Assn. HOFFMAN A Liucohi, Brainerd. Merchant and financier. Born Jan 24, 1857 in Berlin Can, son of Leopold and Sarah (Thornton) Hoffman. Mar- ried Dec 22, 1878 to Nettie Stewart Randall of Brockton Mass. Attended schools of Boston and Randolph Mass. Conducted dept store Randolph Mass; boot and shoe store Minneapolis Minn; and farmed near Sauk Center Minn. Established hardware and furni- ture business at Efainerd in 1884, but has been engaged in other lines at same time. Pres of The General Mer- cantile Investment Co real estate and loans; pres Brainerd Ice Co; sec and pres of several mining companies and interested in Crow Wing county iron lands. Justice of the peace Stearns county Minn ; special judge municipal court Brainerd. Member Commercial Club; state consul M W A for State of Minnesota; I O O F; Modern Sa- maritans; R N A; B P O E. HOFFMAN Fred L, St Paul. Res 520 Cedar st, office 312 Endicott bldg. Farm lands. Born Jan 7, 1877 in Red Wing Minn, son of Fred and Ele- onore Hoffman. Educated in public and high schools Little Falls Minn and U of M 1899. Engaged in insur- ance business Little Falls Minn; bkpr. then asst cashr First Nat'l Bank Little Falls Minn; land business St Paul Minn; sec and dir Minn Farm Land Co; treas and dir Felthous Land Co; sec Minn Land Corporation. HOFF3IANN Luis George, St Paul. Res 937 Lincoln av, ofl^ce 400 Robert St. Merchant. Born Feb 12, 1858 in Port Dover Out, son of Ludwig and Christina (Bilger) Hoffmann. Married Feb 3, 1886 to Carrie L B'ort. Edu- cated in public and high schools Port Dover Ont and Univ of Toronto. Em- ployed with father in furniture manu- facture 1876 and admitted to firm 1879; after traveling as salesman lo- cated at Streator 111 in clothing busi- ness; moved to St Paul as mngr for T A Bartlett clothing 1882-87; with Browning, King & Co 1887-90; Bart- lett & Hoffmann 1890-91-; in men's fur- nishing business alone to date. Mem- ber Commercial, Empire and Roose- velt clubs; B P O E; Masonic fra- ternity; Shrine and K of P. HOFFMAN Peter A, Hastings. Public official. Born June 30, 1879 in Hastings Minn, son of Michael and Susan (Kohler) Hoffman. Educated in public and high schools and business college Hastings Minn. Engaged as clerk in auditor's office 1896-99; dep elk 1899-1903; auditor 1903 to date. Member Commercial Club. HOIT Edward Everett, Detroit. Physician. Born Sept 3, 185 4 in Auburn Me, son of James Russell and Abigail (Reid) Hoit. Gradu- ated from Univ of Michigan 1878; from Rush Medical College 18 85. Employed in State Nat Bank Minne- apolis 1880-81; located in Minneapo- lis 1 year after graduation and then moved to Detroit. Dir MacGregor Drug Co Detroit; Detroit Telephone Co; US pension examiner; member Minn State and Clay-Becker County Medical societies; I O O F and K P. HOLBROOK Edward Henry, Min- neapolis. Res 1926 5th av S, office 417 Kasota bldg. Treasurer and ac- countant. Born Jan 12, 1835 in New York City, son of Edward Henry and Dorothv Williams (Smith) Holbrook. Married Sept 14, 1865 to Emily R Eldredge. Educated in private and high schools Boston. Bkpr Holbrook 190 Little l^ketches of Bif/ Folks. Bros Boston Mass 1849-1851; New England agt of the Pacific Mail S S Co Boston 1851-1870; founder and pres Monitor Plow Works Minneapolis Minn 1870-76; founder and pres North Star Packing House Minneapolis Minn 1876-81; expert accountant 1881 to date. Member 2d Battalion Inf Boston Mass 1861-65; Arbitration Committee Board of Trade Minneapolis; Diosce- san Church Club 1882 to date; treas Episcopate Fund, Diocesan Council Board of Missions; treas Gethsemane Parish Minneapolis 1879-89. HOLBROOK Fiaiikliii G, Minnea- polis. Broker. Born Aug 26, 1859 in Philadelphia Pa, son of Benjamin F and Prudence (Godshall) Holbrook. Educated in Philadelphia public schools. First employed in coal and iron business Philadelphia 1873-81; moved to Minneapolis and employed by .J I Case Plow Co 1882-86; city comptroller Minneapolis 1886-88; in grain business 1889-91; private sec to Mayor P B Winston 1891-92; re-ent- ered grain buisness 1893-94; appointed postmaster Minneapolis 1894; now in grain and brokerage business; sec Democratic City Committee 1890. HOLBROOK John Snell, Mankato. Res 419 S Broad, office 125 E Cherry. Physician (R). Born Dec 17. 1873 in Arkansaw Wis, son of Willard F and Mary (Ames) Holbrook. Married Aug 1900 to Mary E Whiting. Attended public schools in Arkansaw Wis and Northfield Minn; graduated from Northfield High School; from medi- cal dept U of M 1896; resident physician in St Mary's Hospital Min- neapolis Minn 1 year. Practiced med- cine in Mankato Minn 1897 to date; member firm of Andrews & Holbrook. Member State Medical, Blue Earth County and Minnesota Valley Medi- cal societies. HOLCOMBE Edwin Rn.ssell, St Paul. Res 736 Marshall av, office 909 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 24, 1857 at Galena 111, son of Ed- win Van Buren and Sarah Adele (Sou- lard) Holcombe. Attended Galena (111) Normal School 1870-73; St Paul High School graduating 18*6. Mem- ber State Bar Assn; Ramsey County Bar Assn; Sons of American Revolu- tion; Junior Pioneers. H0LC03IBE R I, St Paul. Res 414 E 10th St. Newspaper man. Born Feb 24, 1845 in Gallia county Ohio. Removed with his parents to Missouri 1851. Educated in the common schools and at Troy (Iowa) Academy. Served in the Union army during the Civil War 1861-65; worked as a union print- er 1866-69; established a Democratic newspaper at Bonaparte Iowa 1870; edited and published 3 other Demo- cratic papers in Iowa; has worked as writer on daily newspapers in St Louis, Kansas City, St Paul and other cities; author of many articles and papers on western history, Indian sketches and similar topics; wrote 14 histories of prominent Missouri coun- ties and was principal writer of 12 athers; contributed to histories of at Louis, Kansas City and St Paul. Now compiler of "Minnesota in Three Cen- turies," a 4 volume history of this state. Member GAR; Sons of Ameri- can Revolution and Minnesota Histori- cal Society. HOLDEN Ricardo S, Brainerd. Pub- lisher. Born Jan 27, 1871 in Albion Mich, son of Blanchard and Elizabeth (Richards) Holden. Married Jan 26, 1896 to Ella Reynolds. Attended pub- lic school in Livingston Mont. Served 4 years apprenticeship to printing trade on Livingston (Mont) Entei-- prise. Has been variously associated with newspapers in the Northwest; publish Tribune at Staples Minn 18 97; Independent at Carlos Minn and is now proprietor of Arena Pub Co, established 1900 publishers of the Brainerd Arena. Member Car- los city council 1905; Minnesota Edi- torial Assn; K of P; Maccabees; Am Yoemen and Typographical Union. HOLDSWORTH Joseph A, Minne- apolis. Office 803 Northwestern bldg. Northwestern manager The Royal Crown Lead Co. Born Feb 26, 1868 in Brooklyn N Y, son of Thomas P and Flora (Hatch) Holdsworth. Mar- ried Dec 12, 1S91 to Ida E Barber. At- tended common schools Elyria Ohio and took course in chemistry at high school Grand Rapids Mich. Also with Hazeltine & Perkins of Grand Rapids 1888-89. In employ of Harrison Bros ])aint mnfrs Philadelphia 1892-93. With Acme White Lead & Color Little i4 Little Sketches of Big Folks. became mngr and partner; organized Ware & Hospes Co St Paul 1004; retired from active participation 1905; pres Stillwater Gas & Elec Light Co; V pres Stillwater Water Co; dir First Nat'l Bank Stillwater; member State Senate 1899-1903; pres Board of Edu- cation Stillwater 1882-1900. Member Minnesota and Commercial clubs St Paul. HOULTOX AVilliam H, Elk River. Real estate and banking. Born March 29, 1840 in Houlton Me. son of Samuel and Sarah (KendalD Houlton. Mar- ried March 3, 1870 .J Miss Freddie Lewis. Educated in common schools Monticello Minn 1856-60. First em- ployed by Croswell Bros Monticello 1861; in partnership with brother H Houlton in mercantile business and member firm of Houlton & Nickerson sawmill 1865-73; flour mnfr under firm name Mills & Houlton 1873-87; manufacturer pine lumber 1887-1902. Pres Bank of Elk River 1885-99; pres Houlton's Bank of Elk River 1902 to date. Interested in farming and stock raising 1887 to date. Supt Minn State Reformatory 1896-1900. Served in Civ- il War and during Sioux outbreak in 8th Minn Vol Regt 1862-65. Register of deeds Wright county 1865; treas Sherburne county 1870-74; state sena- tor 1879-86; author of History of 8th Minn Regt published by state in His- tory of Minnesota in Civil and Indian Wars. Member Masonic fraternity and GAR. HOUSE Gaiiett von Obleiiis. St Paul. Res 737 Lincoln av, office 76 W 3d St. Manufacturer. Born Aug 2, 1870 in Haverstraw N Y, son of William S and Nellie (Robinson) House. Married June 19, 1895 to Flor- ence Peaslee. Educated in the com- mon and high schools of Haverstraw N Y and Pbillips-Exeter Academy Exe- ter N H. After leaving school located principally at Poughkeepsie N Y as civil engineer during construction of Poughkeepsie bridge in 1888; in priv- ate practice, civil engineer, at same point 1889-91; topographer on the Adi- rondack & St Lawrence R R 1S91-92; engineer New York State Canals in charge of canal improvement and high- way construction 1892-99; constructing engineer American District Steam Co Lockport N Y 1899-1904; sec, gen mngr and dir Northern Heating & Electric Co St Paul 1904 to date. Member Ramsey County Good Roads Assn and of executive board of same; St Paul Engineers' Club; Commercial Club; Business Men's League; Mason- ic fraternity. HO YORK A AVeiuesIaus Joseph, St Paul. Res 1067 W 7th st, office 1028 W^ 7th St. Physician and surgeon. Born Sept 20, 1857 in Bohemia, son of Thomas and Marie (Slapal) Hovorka. Married Nov 19, 1889 to Marie Fisher. Attended classical school in Budweis Bohemia; public schools at New Prague Minn 1872-80; entered medical dei)t U of M in 1894; graduated from medical dept Hamline Univ in 1897. Conducted drug business in St Paul 1884-97; practiced medicine exclusive- ly at Glencoe and Silver Lake Minn 1897-1903; in drug business in St Paul 1903 to date. Supreme medical ex- aminer for Western Bohemian Catlio- lic Assn. HOW Jared, St Paul. Res Oak- land av, office Fire and Marine bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 9, 1857 in Haverhill Mass, son of Phineas Berkeley and Abby (Clark) How. Graduated from Highland Military Academy at Worces- ter Mass 1876; Phillips-Exete,' Acad- emy 1877; Harvard College A B 1881; and was special student in Harvard Law School for two years. Has been engaged in the practice of law since 1887. Pres and treas GreenleafClark Realty Co; dir in Pioneer Press Co and Gordon & Ferguson. Member Minnesota, and Town and Country clubs St Paul, and Univerbit,' and Harvard clubs New York. HOWARD Wilbur H, St Paul. Res 513 Portland av, office 201 Germania Life bldg. Real estate and loans. Born .Tune 13, 1847 Benson Vt, son of John F and Jane L (Spaulding) How- ard. Married Feb 9, 1869 to Ada A Kimball. Educated in Brandon Vt 1861-62 and Castleton Vt 1863-64. En- gaged in retail dry goods business in Faribault Minn for 3 years. Removed to St Paul 1872. Dyer & Howard 1871- 85; Howard, Farwell & Co 1890-95; Watson & Howard 1897-1905; Ware, Hospes Co since June 1, 1905. Mem- ber and dir St Paul Chamber of Com- merce for 20 years. Little Sketches of Big Folks. Idl HOWE Harry C, Owatonna. Man- ufacturer. Born Nov 16, 1873, son of Thomas J and Sarah M (Chapman) Howe. Married in 1900 to Jane Sem- ple. Educated in public schools Pills- bury Academy and U of M. Employed in Owatonna Mnfg Co mnfrs of dairy equipments etc 1893 to date, being- sec since 1903. Lieut M N G; member 5 years. Member Masonic fraternity and B P O E. HOWE Herbert 1, Winona. Res 462 Main st, ofRce Exchange bldg. In- surance inspector. Born July 22, 1871 in Minnesota City Minn, son of Wil- liam S Howe. Married in 1897 to Adeline Whitner. Educated in public and high schools Mankato Minn. Clk in insurance office Mankato 1888-90; elk for John C Noe mortgage loans 1890-92; succeeded R B Basford in- surance Winona in 1895; inspector of insurance 1895 to date. Member Arl- ington Club. HOWES Charles Perry, St Paul. Res 1907 Marshall av, office 140 E 6th St. Merchant. Born May 5, 1859 on a farm in Ashfield Mass, son of Fred- erick G and Eliza E Howes. Edu- cated in the common schools and Sanderson Academy in Ashfield Mass. Taught in the country schools for 4 terms. Entered the employ of Belding Bros Silk Mnfg in Rockville Conn in Dec 1880 as shipping elk, afterwards becoming bkpr. In 1881 moved to Boston with the same firm and was trav salesman until 1890. when he moved to St Paul and estab- lished the firm of C P Howes & Co agts for Belding Bros & Co manufac- turers and wholesalers of sewing and embroidering silks, fabrics, etc. Is dir of the American Nat'l Bank. Member Town and Country Club and charter member of the Commercial Club. HOYT Elmer S, Red Wing. Res 802 W 3d St, office W Main st. Manu- facturer. Born Aug 22, 1863 in Leav- enworth Kas, son of Sherman and Rosa (Meiker) Hoyt. Married in 1887 to Florence McCost. Educated in the public and high schools of Leavenworth Kas. First engaged as elk for Anthony Newspaper Co Leavenworth Kas 1878- 81. Moved to Red Wing and was elk in furniture factory 1881-83; same Red Wing Wagon Co 1883-85; trav sales- man for same 1885-92; mngr Red Wing Pottery Co 1892 to date. Dir Beck- man's Shoe Co; Red Wing Hat Fac- tory and Pierce & Simmons Bank. Member Royal Arcanum. HOYT RiifiLs A, St Paul. Res 20 Summit av, office 203 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Insurance and min- ing. Born July 2, 1862 in Auburn N Y, son of Rufus L and Hanna (Patee) Hoyt. Educated in common schools and Skaneatles Academy N Y. Read law with Hon Milo Goodrich N Y. Moved to St Paul 1888; engaged in life and accident insurance: now rep- resenting Provident Life & Trust Co of Philadelphia and Standard Accident Co of Detroit; 3 years in Colo Cav- alry during Indian trouble; v pres for Minn, Mississippi Valley Import and Export Congress. Member of Commercial and Lincoln cluDs; Ma- son ; City, State and National Hu- mane societies; state agt Humane Society. HUBBARD Lucius Frederick, St Paul. Res 303 Dayton av. Born Jan 26, 1836 in Troy N Y, son of Chas F and Margaret (Van Valkenberg) Hubbard. Educated in district schools and acad- emy in Granville N Y. Served as tin- smith's apprentice and journeyman un- til 1857; moved to Minnesota and was editor Red Wing Republican; served as register of deeds Goodhue county Minn 2 years. Enlisted as private 5th Minn Inf 1861; received successive promotions until brevetted brig-gen for gallantry. Wounded at Corinth 1862, at Nashville 1864; returned to Red Wing and became identified with ex- tensive milling interests; completed Midland Railroad, Wabasha to Zum- brota 1866; promoted Minn Central, Mankato to Red Wing; promoted Du- luth. Red Wing and Southern Railroad and continued in management of same until 1902. Member State Senate 1872- 74; elected governor of Minnesota 1881 and served 5 years; member Republi- can National Committee 1896-1900; ap- pointed by Pres McKinley and served as brig-gen during Spanish-American War. Member GAR; Loyal Legion; Minn Society of Am Revolution ; Soci- ety of the Army of the Tennessee; Military Order of Foreign Wars; Soci- ety of Am Wars; Masonic fraternity. 10(5 Little .^ketches of Bi;/ Folks. HUBBARD L P, Minneapolis. Res 204 Franklin av W, office 301 Metro- politan bldg. Mnfr of flour. Born Jan 20, 1840 in New York City, son of L P and Sarah Ogden (Johnson) Hubbard. Attended New York public schools and fitted for college at a Brookfield Mass preparatory school. Purser on Crom- well line steamers New York and New Orleans 1868; lumber and hardware trade Grinnell Iowa 1868-72; hardware in Minneapolis 1872-74; with Chas A Pillsbury & Co and Pillsbury-Wash- burn Flour Mills Co Ltd 1874 to date. Treas of last named; dir and sec Min- neapolis Mill Co, dir and sec St Anthony Falls Water Power Co; trus- tee Lakewood Cemetery Assn. Mem- ber Minikahda Club Minneapolis; GAR. Served in Union army during Civil War, field and special service 1861-65. HUBBELL Albert C, Duluth. Res 1105 E 1st St, office 305 Palladio bldg. Mines and mining. Born Oct 4, 1849 in Detroit Mich, son of Thomas M and Selina A (Horton) Hubbell. Married Feb 27, 1873 to Mary H Lyon of Sag- inaw Mich. Educated in the common and high schools Monroe and Saginaw Mich. Entered employ of Hubbell & Whitwood dredgers Frankfort Mich; built U S harbor at that point 1867-71; engaged in lumber business with S & C D Hale and later with J H Pearson & Son Saginaw Mich until 1883; con- tinued in same business as gen mngr under firm name of Hale & Buell of New York 1883-97; moved to Duluth 1897 and engaged in mining business on Mesaba Range and gold mines on Seine river Canada; interested in the Jordan and other mining properties. Treas and dir Boulder Mountain Iron Co; pres and dir Balliton Iron Moun- tain Mining Co. Republican presi- dential elector from 12th congressional dist of Michigan 1896; chairman Board of Supervisors Schoolcraft county Mich 1894-97. Member Com- mercial and Boat clubs Duluth; Ma- sonic fraternity. Knights Templar and B P O E. HUBBELL Edson Russell, St Paul. Res 849 Fairmount av, office 94 E 4th St. Real estate. Born June 12, 1856 in Hastings county Out, son of Albert- son and Mary Jane (Furnes) Hubbell. Married Sept 25, 1889 to Katherine Clarke. Educated in Canadian pub- lic schools; employed in fiour mills Michigan until 1881; moved to St Paul and engaged in furnishing goods busi- ness 1881-86; of Hubbell & Bishop real estate 1886-98; Hubbell & Tal- madge 1898-1900; alone 1900 to date. HUBBELL Eugene, St Paul. Res 929 Selby av, office 138 E 6th st. Phy- sician (H) and surgeon. Born Nov 26, 1855 in Reedsburg Wis, son of W S and Mary (Patrick) Hubbell. Mar- ried in 1887 to Cora M Cummings. Attended Elroy Academy 1877-78; Osh- kosh Normal School 1879-80; Hahne- mann Medical College Chicago 1881- 83, graduating M D. Practiced medi- cine and surgery at Merrimack Wis 1883-84; Clearwater Minn 1884-88; Waseca Minn 1888-90; St Paul 1890 to date. Founder and pres Minn Medi- cal Union; member Am Assn Orificial Surgeons; Minn Homeopathic Medical Institute; pres St Paul Sanatorium 1906; past commander Knights of the Maccabees and the Woodmen of the World. HUDSON Sanford Henry, Benson. Lawyer and banker. Boi-n Nov 29, 1857 in Janesville Wis, son of Sanford A and Sarah D (Canfield) Hudson. Married Jan 16, 1884 to Lorena Mc- Laren. Educated in private school Janesville Wis and Univ of Wis Madi- son. Has been engaged in the prac- tice of law in Benson since 18S0; v jn-es and part owner Swift County Bank, established 1876; mayor of Ben- son 2 terms; county atty Swift county 3 terms. Member American and Minn State Bar assns; and Minn Historical Society. HUEV George Taylor, Minneapolis. Res 714 4th st S E. office 512-514 Guar- anty bldg. Railroad man. Born Mar 12, 1859 in Minneapolis, son of George EcKert and Caroline (Tavlor) Huey. Married Oct 30, 1884 to Ella A Swett. Attended Minneapolis public schools; U of M 1875-76. Entered railway service June 1879 and was to Jan 20, 1885 successively ticket elk auditor's office; freight elk same office; in charge of joint freight accounts; trav auditor and chief elk local freight office Minneapolis & St Louis Ry; con- tracting freight agt 1885-86; N W Little ^"^ ketches of Bi<) Folks. 197 freight agt Wis Central lines and re- organized road as the Wis Central Ry 1886-1901; gen N W agt same road 1901-1903; asst gen freight agt at Minneapolis 1903 to date. Member Minneapolis Commercial Club. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Knights Templar and Shrine. HUGHES Edwin P, Anoka. Law- yer. Born .July 31, 1842 in Jackson O, son of James and Elizabeth (Mather) Hughes. Married Oct 19, 1870 to Ce- celia A Andrews. Moved to St Paul Minn 1849. Attended public schools St Paul; academy River Falls Wis 1859. Taught school Minneapolis 1863; enlisted in 44th Wis Vol Inf 1863; re- tired from army 1864; read law with Henry A Wilson at Hudson Wis. Ad- mitted to the bar 1869. Has served as city judge; dist atty; city atty; supt city schools Hudson Wis; municipal judge and city atty Anoka. Member GAR. HUGHES Evan, Mankato. Law- yer. Born Feb 10, 1862 in Blue Earth county Minn, son of Henry and Eliza- beth (Davis) Hughes. Married Jan 31. 1899 to Amy E Mason. Attended country schools until 1876. Worked on a farm and taught school until 1880; attended Carleton College North- field Minn 1881-84. Prin of grade schools Mankato 1884-87; entered law office of brother Thomas Hughes, where he has been engaged in prac- tice since his admission to the bar. Member of school board 1901 to date; pres of same 1903 to date. HUHX George P, Minneapolis. Res 309 Lyndale av N, office German American Bank. Banker. Born Nov 16, 1869 in Minneapolis, son of George and Frederica (Uerkwitz) Huhn. At- tended common and high schools in Minneapolis; graduated from U of M, BEE 1891. With Flour City National Bank 189.5-1901; asst cashr German American Bank Minneapolis 1901 to date. Capt cadet corps at university 1890-91. Member Twin City Bankers Club; North Side Commercial Club Minneapolis. HULBURT H H, St Paul. Res 2268 Knapp st, oflfice 70S Manhattan bldg. Investments. Born June 17, 1868 in Green Bay Wis, son of Hiram P and Emma (Newcomb) Hulburt. V pres Etirchard-Hulburt Investment Co; sec S W Land & Investment Co St Paul. HUMI'HREV Edward W, Moor- head. Physician (R). Born Jan 16, 18 76 in Wis, son of William and Eliz- abeth (Fisher) Humphrey. Married April 15, 1902. Educated in high school; graduated from la State Univ B S 1898; from medical dept Ham- line Univ M D 1902. Has been en- gaged in practice of his profession in Moorhead to date. Member Am State and County Medical societies; member Modern Woodmen; I O O F; A O U W. HU\T Charles J, St Paul. Res 1201 Dayton av, oflfice 301 Rvan bldg. Life insurance. Born Feb 27, 1857 in Goshen Mass, son of Frederick and Sophia E (Billings) Hunt. Married Oct 4, 1892 to Mary E Perkins at Ypsilanti Mich. Educated in the pub- lic school and Prof Davis' Academy Northboro Mass 1863-69; grammar high school Ypsilanti 1869-73. After- wards until 1879 was elk in hardware store; then took charge of Indian trading store at Standing Rock Agen- cy, where he remained until 1882; was cashr of the Bank of Oriska Barnes county N D; moved to Fargo in 1886 as member of the firm of Pen- nington & Hunt and later C J Hunt & Co groceries ; trav salesman for Beau- pre Keogh & Davis St Paul 1888-92; became dist mngr New England Mut- ual Life Ins Co of Boston at Dulutli Minn 1892; was later appointed gen agt at St Paul, becoming associate gen agt for the state of Minn in 1903. Member Commercial Club; dir Y M C A, Union Gospel Mission and State Sunday School Assn; member Athlet- ic League of America, and State Exec- utive committee Y M C A. HUNT Frank W, Mankato. Res 327 Clark st, oflice 123-127 E Jack- son St. Journalist. Born Sept 24, 1854 in Edwards N Y, son of Na- than F and Caroline (Gates) Hunt. Married in 1877 to Nellie L Morse. Received his education in public schools Watertown N Y. First en- gaged in the importation of horses from Canada; moved to Mankato 1887 108 Little .SA-c^c//r.s- of Biff FoRs. and was engaged in newspaper work on the Free Fress with his brother L P Hunt until 1902, when he became one of three owners and pres of the Free Press Ptg Co mnfg printers and owners and publishers of the Daily and Weekly Free Press of Mankato. Mem- ber Commercial Club: Knights of Py- thias and Modern Woodmen. HUNT Harry Ebeii, St Paul. Res 83 S Avon st, office 496 Endicoit Ar- cade. Physician (R). Born Nov 5, 1871 in Roodhouse 111, son of John Page and Eveline (Baldwin) Hunt. Married Oct 24. 1904 to Irma Fisch- bein. Attended Roodhouse public school; Roodhouse High School 1888; Northern Indiana Business College 1889; N W Medical College 1896; Chi- cago Polyclinic 1897. Practiced medi- cine; eye, ear, nose and throat special- ist St Paul 1897 to date. Member Ma- sons; Elks; A M A; St Paul Commer- cial Club; Ramsey County Medical Society; American Academy of Oph- thalmology and Otalaryngology. HrXTEK IJazel, Anoka. Insur- ance. Born March 15, 1878 in Anoka county Minn, son of John and Addie (Hank) Hunter. Married Sept 20, 1905 to Pearle Barrett. Graduated from Anoka High School 1898; attend- ed Minn School of Business. Engaged in real estate and collections Anoka 1901-1907; now with State Bank of Anoka. Member M N G 10 years. HUNTER Charles H, Minneapolis. Res Hampshire Arms, office 519 1st av 5. Physician and surgeon. Born Feb 6, 1853 in Clinton Me, son of George H and Elizabeth (Flagg) Hunter. Married 187 8 to Margaret Orr Stone. Educated in Maine Central Inst Pitts- field Me; graduated from Bowdoin College A B 1874; College Physi- cians and Surgeons N Y 187 8. Prac- ticed in Maine 18 78-7 9; studied 3 years in Europe; moved to Minneapo- lis and practiced 1882 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; B P O E and Am and Hennepin County Med assns. HUNT William Franklin, St Paul. Res 966 Ashland av, office 916 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born March 6, 1865 in Ohio, son of Henry C and Catherine (Flickinger) Hunt. Educat- in the public schools of Miamisburg O 1871-80; Univ of Ohio 1883-87; degree M E 1887; U of M 1894-96; LL B 1895; LL M 1896. Has been engaged in the practice of law since 1895 and asso- ciated with Herman Oppenheim since 1903 in general practice. Sec Dana Warehouse Co and sec and treas Northland Realty Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. Knights of Pythias, Commercial Club St Paui. HUNT William S, Minneapolis. Res 1822 Fillmore av N E, office 611 N W bldg. Architect. Born May 1, 1861 in Delavan Wis, son of Dr Flenderson and Sarah A (Barlow) Hunt. Married in 1886 to Carrie C Johnson. Educat- ed in common and private schools and Beloit College. Moved to Chicago 1876 and studied architecture with W Y L Jennings 1876-79; returned to Beloit and engaged in his profession until 1883; moved to Minneapolis in 1883 and has been practicing to date. Member I O O F. HUNTINGTON Ebenezer C, Win- dom. Publisher. Born Feb 7, 1850 in St Albans Vt, son of Simon and Louisa M (Kellogg) Huntington. Mar- ried July 31, 1872 to Julia T Knowlton. Educated in country schools of Iowa. Learned printing trade in McGregor la 1865; published papers at Decorah and Strawberry Point la; moved co Windom and established Windom Re- porter 1871, which he continues to pub- lish. V pres and dir First National Bank Windom; mngr Windom Mutual Telephone Co. HUNTOON Lew A, Moorhead. Res 92 2 8th st S, office cor 6th and Front St. Banker. Born Nov 2, 1862 in Lakeland Minn, son of Lucius A and Ann E (Moulton) Huntoon. Mar- ried Aug 29, 1888 to Carrie M Dem- ing. Graduated from Carleton Col- lege B S 1885. Engaged as supt of city schools Moorhead 1885-88; ad- mitted to bar 1889; practiced in Min- neapolis 18 89-93; cashr First Nat Bank Moorhead 1893 to date; alder- man 1898 to date; member county board 1902 to date. Little .Sketches of Big Folks. 199 HURD George, Albert Lea. Real estate. Born Dec 25, 1859 in Albert Lea Minn, son of Daniel and Mary A (Colby) Hurd. Educated in public schools Albert Lea. Engaged in mer- cantile business until 1906; since in real estate, covering properties in sev- eral states. Member I O O F. HUKl) Warren W, St Paul. Res 794 Lincoln av, office 405-409 Germania Life bldg. Farm mortgages. Born May 7, 1865 in Fillmore county Minn, son of David E and Anna D (Fay) Hurd. Married .July 4, 18S7 to Amy Gardner. Educated in the common schools of Hamilton county and Web- ster City Iowa Academy. Engaged in gen merchandise business and bank- ing Superior la 1887-94; farm lands and loans Iowa Falls 1894-98; organ- ized Great Northern Land & Stoclf Co St Paul 1901, of which he is v pres and gen mngr; dir Federal National Bank Chicago; stockholder Capitol National Bank St Paul. Member Co:ii- mercial Club. HIRLEY Jo-seph P, Albert Lea. Publisher and editor. Born Jan 10, 1874 in Syracuse N Y, son of Corne- litxs and Ellen (Fitzgerald) Hurley. Married in 1901 to Agnes Perl. Edu- cated in the public and high schools Syracuse N Y; graduated from Univ of Syracuse 1897. First employed as trav salesman for Unitype Co Chicago 1897-1903; moved to Albert Lea 1904 and purchased half interest in Albert Lea Enterprise; sold out following year and bought the Albert Lea Trib- une daily and semi-weekly newspaper, which he has conducted to date. Stockholder Thompson's Steam Laun- dry; Albert Lea Brick & Tile Co; Great Western Lumber Co; Peoples Building & Loan Assn. Member 1st Regt I N G 1897-1900. Member Com- mercial Club; B P O E; Knights of Pvthias; Masonic fraternity; U C T; IC M A; M W A; and R A. HURLEY Michael Bernard, Duluth. Res 428 W 4th st, office 500 First Nat- ional Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 9, 1879 in Pine City Minn, son of .James and Mary (Egan) Hurley. At- tended public schools in Pine City Minn, St Thomas College St Paul; graduated from Central High School St Paul 1898; from law dept U of M LL B 1901; post-graduate Yale Law School LL M 1902. Admitted to the bar 1901 and comenced the practice of law in Pine City 1903. County atty Pine county Minn 1903-1907; moved to Duluth Jan 15, 1907. Member Book and Gavel Society Yale Law School; Knights of Columbus. HIRSH William L, Long Lake. Office 619 Bank of Commerce bldg Minneapolis. Lawyer. Born Dec 20, 1871 in Long Lake Minn, son of Jacob and Mary A (Dunbrack) Hursh. Mar- ried March 23, 1902 to Gratia A Smith. Educated in common schools; gradu- ated from Minneapolis Academy 1893; from U of M 1898; from law dept U of M 1900. Began practice in Minneapo- lis 1900 and has continued to date. Pres Henne])in Telephone Co; mngr Minnetonka Fruit Growers Assn Long Lake Minn. Member M W A. HURTY Franlv W, Minneapolis. Res 1823 Fremont av S, office 4th st and 2d av N. Wholesale hardware. Born Feb 25, 1856 in Richmond Ind, son of Josiah and Ann Irene (Walker) Hurty. Married Dec 20, 1894 to Clara M Light- ner. Received his education in the public schools. First engaged with Hibbard. Spencer, Bartlett & Co hard- ware Chicago for 5 years; then with Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co 18 years, the last 10 of which he was dir and sec of the company. Incorporated the Hurty-Simmons Hdwe Co Minneapolis, of which he is v pres and treas, in Aiiril 1905; engaged in whol nardware business. Member of Minnesota Club St Paul; Minneapolis, Minikahda and Commercial clubs Minneapolis. HUTCHIXGS Henry E, St Paul. Res 775 Summit av, office 5th cor W'a- couta sts. Merchant. Born Aug 24, 1858 in London Eng. son of John and Mary (Whitbourne) Hutchings. Mar- ried" Feb 4, 1883 to Aley Turnbull of Chicago. Educated in London Eng. Employed with D Mclnnes & Co dry goods Hamilton Ont 1873-75; in credit dept Keith Bros & Co millinery and hats Chicago 1875-79; moved to St Joseph Mo and engaged with Wyeth Hdwe & Mnfg Co; later as a member of the firm 1879-95; moved to Kansas City as jiartner in firm of Burnham, Hanna, Munger & Co dry goods 1895- 1901; moved to St Paul 1901 and with 200 Little Sketches of Big Folks. Geo M Tibbs purchased the Powers Dry Goods Co, now known as Tibbs, Hutchings & Co. Member Commer- cial, Minnesota, and Town and Country clubs. HUTCHINSOX Henry, St Paul. Res The Angus, office 703 Germania Life bidg. Physician (H). Born Aug 20, 1849 in Canada, son of John and Isa- bella (Patterson) Hutchinson. Mar- ried 1875 to Matilda McCurdy of New York. Educated in the public schools; academic dept Carleton College; grad- uated from Hahnemann Medical Col- lege Philadelphia Pa 1874. Practiced medicine at Northfield Minn 1874-78; removed to St Paul where he has since resided; engaged in post-gradu- ate work in hospitals of Paris 1887 and 1890; New York homeopathic hos- pitals 1904. Sent by the Orinoco Co Ltd to Venezuela 1897 to verify report of engineers on iron deposits of that country. Five years prof of theory and practice of medicine medical dept U of M. Appointed member of State Board of Health in 1894; v pres of same 5 years; pres past 2 years. Dir and member Minn Anti-Tubercular Assn; member State Institute of Homeopathy; American Institute of Homeopathy; American Public Health Assn and Minnesota State Board of Health ; on first board of directors and 1st v pres of the first (Edison) Elec- tric Light Co of St Paul. G Brown. Educated in the private schools Montreal and Buffalo N Y. Moved to Rice county and engaged in farming 1859. Enlisted in 6th Minn Inf 1862 and served until 1865 being discharged with rank of lieut. En- gaged in farming 1865-67; gen mercan- tile business Dundas Minn 1867-76; moved to Faribault and engaged in book and stationery business 18/6-83; engaged in manufacture of furniture 1883 and in flour manufacture 1886, being active in the management of both lines to date. Pres Faribault Furniture Co and Faribault Rolling Mill Co; V pres Faribault Loan and Insurance Agency. Member Minn House of Representatives 1871-72; for- mer member Faribault School Board. Member Commercial Club. HYDE Edward, St Paul. Res 3 08 E Winifred st, office 190 E 3d st. Mer- chant. Born Dec 23, 1857 in Lebanon Conn, son of Daniel and Lydia Hyde. Married to Cynthia M Friend. Edu- cated in common and high scliools Le- banon Conn. First engaged in gen mercandise business Lebanon 3 years; elk in grocery business Virginia City Nev 5 years; traveled for Griggs, Cooper & Co whol grocers 20 years; V pres Griggs & Co 1905 to date. M e m b e r Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. HUTCHINSON J T, Minneapolis. Res Brunswick Hotel, office 740 Tem- ple Court. Lawyer. Born Oct 21, 1868 in Kingston N B, son of John and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Hutchinson. Educated in public schools; Pictou Academy and Univ of New Brunswick. Studied law in office of D L Hanington (now chief justice of New Brunswick). Admitted to bar 1891; practiced law at Moncton N B 1891-92; moved to Minnesota 1893; admitted to bar Min- neapolis 1895. Has practiced in Min- neapolis to date. Asst county atty 1899-1900. HUTCHINSON John, Faribault. Manufacturer. Born Feb 1, 1840 in Montreal Can, son of John and Isa- bella (Patterson) Hutchinson. Married thrice: 1868 to Lucy Drought; 1879 to Eunice E Spicer; 1902 to Anna ICKLER Louis H, St Paul. Res 643 Cherokee av, office American Na- tional Bank. Banker. Born Jan 1870 in St Paul Minn, son of Peter and Mary (Fisher) Ickler. Educated in the public schools of St Paul; entered the West Side Bank of St Paul as messr 1890; bkpr 1893; teller 1894-95; teller Northern Exchange Bank St Paul 1895; asst cashr 1897; cashr 1898; organized American Exchange Bank St Paul 1899; cashr until 1903 when the American National Bank was organized. Cashr and dir Aniei'-- ean National Bank St Paul; cashr and trustee Northern Savings Bank St Paul; dir Bank of Elbow Lake Minn; First National Bank of Halstad Minn; State Bank of Isanti Minn; Citizens Bank of Morris Minn; and Farmers State Bank of Starbuck Minn. Mem- ber of Commercial Club St Paul. Li We ,SkcfvJie.s of Bif/ Folks. 201 INGERSOLL Frederick G, St Paul. Res 535 Grand av, office 508 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 21, 1855 in Irvington N Y, son of Daniel Wesley and Harriet (Smith) Ingersoll. Mar- ried March 23, 1887 to Mary Phelps. Educated in the public schools ot St Paul; graduated from Univ of Mich B A 1878; admitted to the bar of Minn 1878 and has been continuously en- gaged in practice since that time. Pres St Paul Title & Trust Co; dir Second National Bank and Pioneer Press Co; pres of city council St Paul 1S91-93; Republican State Central Committee 3 terms. Member Minnesota, and Town and Country clubs; and Zeta Psi col- lege fraternity. INGERSOLL George Edmund, St Paul. Res 81 Western av, office 201 German American Bank bldg. Con- tractor and railway supplies. Born Feb 5, 1856 in Irvington N Y, son of D W and Harriet (Smith) Ingersoll. Married Sept 8, 1892 to Jean F Mac- Laren. Educated in St Paul public schools; graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst Troy N Y, C E 1877. Asst engineer Hastings & Dakota Ry 1878-79; with U S Eng Corps 1880; sneep raising 1881-82; with N P Ry 1882-83; practiced profession Fort Ben- ton Mont 1883-8(3; practiced profession on railroad construction until 1893, gen mngr Superior Rapid Transit Ry Co 1894-1900; resident mngr Montana & Oregon Gold Mining Co Ashland Oregon 1900-1903; chief eng Los An- geles, Tropico & Glendale Ry Co 1904; broker and selling agt of railway sup- plies to date. INGERSOLL Newton H, Br ai nerd. Editor and ])ostmaster. Born Oct 25, 1859 in Plover Wis, son of Herman G and Lavina M (Newton) Ingersoll. Married .lune 13, 1881 to Hattie G Hall. Received common school edu- cation. Began work as printer in father's office Plover Wis when attend- ing school and finished trade in Jour- nal office Stevens Point; moved to Ada Minn 1882 and was publisher of Ada Alert; moved to Brainerd and in conjunction with F W Wieland be- came propr of Brainerd Dispatch a daily and weekly 1883 to date; twice elected engrossing elk of Minn Legis- lature. Postmaster of Brainerd Minn 1900 to date. INGRAHAM Joshua L, Owatonna. Educator. Born Nov 18, 1852 in Rock- port Me, son of Joseph and Fanny (Barlow) Ingraham. Married in 1880 to Maria E Page. Educated in public schools Rockport Me; Cobnrn (Classi- cal Inst Waterville Me; graduated from Colby College Waterville Me A B 1880. Instructor Worcester (Mass) Academy 1880-82; public schools Rock- port Me 1882-83; Pillsbury Academy Owatonna 1883 to date; now instruc- tor in Latin and Greek. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. INSKEEP Fornian Voss, Cloquet. Lawyer. Born Sept 11, 1868 in Cham- paign county 111, son of David S and Charity V (Trotter) Inskeep. Married Aug 12, 1876 to Nettie Louise Thomp- son. Attended country and high schools Seymour la; Highland Park Normal College Des Moines la; en- gaged in study of law in office of Jep- son & Jepson Sioux City la 1895 until admission to bar 1897. Practiced in Danbury la until 1903; moved to Clo- quet and has been engaged in practice of his profession to date. Served as mayor Danbury la; sec Democratic County Central Committee. Member Masonic fraternity; I O O F; M W A and Royal League. IREL.IND John, St Paul. Res 977 Portland av. Archbishop. Born in 1838 in Ireland. Removed to U S with his parents in 1849 and lived in Ver- mont and Illinois 3 years. Removed to St Paul 1852; studied in France 1853-61; returned to St Paul and was ordained a priest by Bishop Grace 1862. Chaplain 5th Minn Regt during Civil War but was obliged to resign at the end of 1 year's service owing to ill health; returned to St Paul and was assigned to cathedral parish 1863; appointed coadjutor bishop 1875. IREVS Charles G, Minneapolis. Res N W Grant st, office 310 Flour Ex- change. Grain merchant. Born in 1878 in Boston Mass, son of Volney S and Nellie W (Goodrich) Ireys. Edu- cated in public schools of Minneapo- lis; graduated from high school 1896; U of M, B S 1900. Employed 1 year by J F Whallon; engaged in business for self in 1901, conducting a line of 21 grain elevators in North Dakota. Member Minneapolis and Minikahda clubs; Psi Chi' college fraternity. 202 Little Sketches of Big Folks. . IRISH Jt'ftVrson H, Detroit. Law- yer. Born Aug 2 4, 185 9 in Pontiac Mich, son of William .J and Mary L (Henry) Irish. Graduated from Mich Agr College B S 1882. Engaged in practice of law in Detroit 1886 to date. County atty Becker county 4 years. IRVINE Horace Hills, St Paul. Res 677 Dayton av, office 212 German Am Nat Bk bldg. Lumber and timber lands. Born Jan 12, 1878 in Alma Wis, son of Thomas and Emily (Hills) Ir- vine. Educated in schools of St Paul and St Bernard School. Engaged in lumber business with father and has been continuously in the lumber and timber industry to date; sec and treas Thomas Irvine Lumber Co; identi- fied with the Weyerhaeuser lumber interests. Member Town and Country Club; Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar and Shrine. IRVINE John li, St Paul. Res 2 85 Mackubin st, office 416 Globe bldg. Civil engineer and surveyor. Born Nov 9, 1863 in Dayton O, son of Benj P and Margaret C (Ward) Irvine. Married April 23, 1884 to Sarah M Thompson. Educated in the St Paul public schools. First en- gaged as elk of John A Berkev & Co, then with C R Groff & Co, both in whol coffee business; later with his brothers in the commission busi- ness; engaged in city engineer's office 1885-1901, when he was elected county surveyor for 4 years. En- gaged in surveying for self 1905-1906, when he was again elected county surveyor for a term of 2 years from Jan 1, 1907 to 1909. Member Com- mercial Club, Masonic fraternity and B P O E. IRWIN Prank C, Belle Plaine. Lawyer. Born April 15, 1857 in Belle Plaine Minn, son of Robert A and Celia C (Chatfield) Irwin. Married Oct 2, 1878 to Lizzie C Bay. Educated in common schools Belle Plaine and Green Bay Wis. Studied law with grandfather Judge A G Chatfield and father R A Irwin; admitted to bar by by supreme court 1886 and entered into partnership with R A Irwin under firm name of R A & F C Irwin until death of R A Irwin 1891, since which time has practiced alone. Mayor of Belle Plaine having completed 6th term. IVERSON Samuel G, Rushford. Office State Capitol St Paul. State auditor. Born April 21, 1859 in Rush- ford Minn, son of John and Gunhild (Gunderson) Iverson. Married April 24, 1900 to Mrs Calister Bentley Retel. Attended common and high schools of Rushford and Shattuck School Fari- bault. First employed as elk and in 1881 was appointed postmaster of Rushford by President Hayes; served until 1886 when he was elected to the state legislature; acountant in state auditor's office until 1891; dep under Treas B'obleter and later under Audi- tor Dunn. Graduated from the law dept of the U of M and was admitted to the bar in 1893. Elected state aud- itor in 1902 receiving the largest plur- ality on the state ticket of that year. Served 6 years in M N G, resigned as 1st lieut Co "C" 1st Regt in 1892. Member Commercial and Norden clubs St Paul. IVKS Gideon S, St Paul. Res 625 Marshall av, office 714 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 19, 1846 in Dick- inson, Franklin county N Y, son of Warren and Louisa B (Ladd) Ives. Graduate of law dept of the Univ of Mich April 1871. Married 1878 to Mary E Swift of Minn. Enlisted in 1864 and served until the close of the Civil War in the 15th N Y Vol; maj 2d Regt M N G for about 8 years; dept com Minn GAR 1901. County atty of Nicolet county 1874-78; state sena- tor of 17th dist 1886-91; lieut gov 1891- 92; member of State Tax Commission 1901-1902. Was grand master of I O O F of Minn 1880-81 and grand master of Masons Minn 1901-1902. JACKSON Albert B, Anoka. Hotel proprietor. Born Nov 8, 1878 in Ano- ka, son of Charles G and Charlotte C (Iverson) Jackson. Educated in pub- lic schools Anoka and Parkville (Mo) College. After leaving college started in hotel business and has been en- gaged in same to date. Little .^ketches of Big Folks. 20a JACKSON Anson Blake, Minneap- olis. Res 1623 3d av S, office N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born 1850 in Brooklyn N Y, son of William B and Elizabeth (Blake) Jackson. Graduated from Ho- bart College Geneva N Y. A B 1870; from Columbia Law School New York City LL B 1873. Practiced law in New York City 1873-88; Kansas City Mo as counsel for the bondholders' committee K P Ry Co 1878; Minneap- olis 1879 to date. Mich and Archibald Business College Minneapolis 1882. Employed as stenogr M & St L Ry Co Minneapolis 1882-84; same with Minneapolis Har- vester Co 1884-86 same with Dakota Packing Co 1886-88; member and sec Hewson-Herzog Supply Co Imilding materials 1888-92; asst sec and treas Menominee Hydraulic Press Brick Co 1882-1900; member J C Landers & Co building material 1900-1906; now mem- ber Johnson & Jackson Minneapolis. JACKSON Charles G, Anoka. Born March 28, 1848 in Stockholm Sweden, son of Jonas and Anna C (Anderson) Jackson. Married to Charlotte C Iver- son. Educated in common schools Sweden. Came to St Paul 1866; em- ployed in Exchange Hotel until 1876; moved to Anoka and opened the Anoka House; later changed name to Jack- son Hotel, which he conducted until 1904 when hotel went into hands of his sons. Member B P O E. JACKSON John F, Anoka. Hotel proprietor. Born Dec 5, 1876 in Anoka Minn, son of Charles G and Lottie C (Iverson) Jackson. Married .Jan 28, 1901 to M Russell Pease. Educated in public schools Anoka and Anoka Business College. Began managing the Anoka House; one of the proprs of Jackson Hotel 1903 to date. V pres Anoka State Bank. Member K of P. JACKSON Joseph Ansgar, St Paul. Res 691 E Jessamine st, office 612-613 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born July 17, 1868 near Carver Minn, son of Rev Andrew and Christine (Sampson) Jackson. Married to Anna C Lund. Graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College at St Peter Minn A B 1890; from law dept of U of M, LL B 1893. Entered practice of law in St Paul June 2 of same year. Member Minn House of Representatives from the 33d dist St Paul 1899, 1901 and during the extra session of 1902. JACKSON Ralph Frederick, Minne- apolis. Res 2804 Fremont av S, office 217 Lumber Exchange. Btiilding ma- terial. Born April 28, 1864 in Alaska, Kent county Mich, son of Robert S and Sara E (Soloman) Jackson. Mar- ried Nov 9, 1887 to Mary L Mill. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Alaska JAGER John N, Minneapolis. Res .52 41 S Upton av, office 916 Security Bk bldg. Architect. Born May 16, 1871 in Austria, son of Andrew and Catherine ( Primosich ) Jager. Mar- ried Sept 23, 1902 to Selma Erhovnic. Educated in common schools and technical school 1892; graduated from Univ of Vienna 1898. Served in Austrian army 1893-94; profes- sor's asst at Technical Univ of Vienna 1898-1901; in employ of Austrian Colony in construction work in China 1901-1902: moved to Minneapolis 1902 and has been engaged in profes- sional work to date. JAGGARl) Edwin A, St Paul. Res 302 S Exchange st, office 226 State Capitol. Jurist. Born June 21, 1859 in Altoona Pa, son of Clement and .4nnie Jane (Wright) Jaggard. Mar- ried 1890 to Anna May Averill. Pre- pared for college under Prof Stewart, Hollidaysburg Pa; graduated from Dickinson College Carlisle Pa B A 1879; M A 1882; Univ of Pa 1882; (one of the founders of the Sharswood Law Club). Moved to St Paul 1882; lectured on medical jurisprudence St Paul Medical College 1887; member of faculty U of M. Judge of the district court Ramsey county 1899-1905; nom- inated for associate justice of the su- preme court 1904. Founder of N W Al- umni Assn Univ of Pa; ex-chancellor Minn Society of Colonial Wars. Author of works on Torts and Judicial Systems of Taxation in Minn and the Dakotas; article on False Imprison- ment for the volume of the Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure; "Historical Anomalies of the Law of Libel and Slander," etc, etc. Member of the Minnesota, and Town and Country clubs. 204 Liith' l^kctchcs of Big Folks. JAMES Abi.jah Sinitli, Diiluth. Res cor Sheridan st and 4th av, office cor Chapman st and 2d av. Drugs and jewelry. Born July 16, 1858 in East Rush Susquehanna county Pa, son of Thomas Smith and Sarah (Devine) James. Married May 29, 1889 to Fran- ces L Raub. Attended common school; select school; state normal MansfleicJ Pa and Wyoming Seminary Kingston Pa; graduated from N Y College ot Pharmacy 1887. Clerked for Clark B Porter Towanda Pa 4 years before go- ing to college of pharmacy; clerked in Opera House Pharmacy Duluth 1887; established present business 1888; in partnership with Dr C G Shipman, who soon after sold his interest to F F James of Two Harbors; this partner- ship continued under name of A S James & Co until 1894 when F F James sold out his interest. Has served as city elk, city treas, elk of school board and municipal judge. JAMES Edward Preston, St Paul. Office 224 Endicott bldg. Sec St Paul Business Men's League. Born July 16, 1858 in Boston Mass, son of Elisha and Mary A (Everett) James. Married 1890 to Lillian Stirling Price. Edu- cated in the public schools of Boston. Manufacturer of shoes in Boston 20 years; recent years with Denison & Farnsworth bonds; moved to St Paul 1906 to become sec of St Paul Etisiness Men's League. Member Commercial Club. JAMES John Henry, Mankato. Res 720 S 2d St. Oculist and aurist. Born Feb 28, 1846 in Greenwich N Y, son of Joseph and Roxanna C (Brownell) James. Married twice: Aug 27. 1879 to Hattie N White; Sept 18, 1895 to Florence White. Educated in the dist schools of Cambridge N Y; Greenwich Academy N Y and attended medical dept of Univ of New York City 1873-75. Raised on a farm and previous to at- tending college taught district school 1866-67; learned painter's trade and engaged in same until 1872; was of- ficer in charge of Boys' Juvenile Asy- lum for several months; after gradua- tion appointed asst physician to Black- wells Island Insane Asylum New York City until 1876, when he removed to St Peter Minn and engaged in similar capacity 1876-91; engaged in the practice of medicine, making a special- ty of the eye, ear, throat and nose Mankato 1891 to date. Pres, treas and dir Mankato Citizens Telephoae Co 6 years; 1st pres and dir Minnesota Valley Telephone & Telegraph Co. Member American State, Minnesota Valley and Blue Earth County Medical societies and American Academy of Ophthalmology and Sto-laryngology; honorary member Brown County and S W Medical societies. Member Man- kato Commercial and Social Science clubs. JAMES William M, Breckenridge. Publisher. Born Feb 16, 1858 in Elgin county Ont, son of Robert and Lorena (Markle) James. Educated in public schools Elgin county Ont; high school Aylnier Ont and St Thomas (Ont) Collegiate Inst. Engaged in teaching school 1877-87; in grocery business Breckenridge Minn 1887-89; drug and stationery business 1889-1900; in jew- elry buisness 1895 to date; established the Breckenridge Telegram 1892 and continues to publish same to date. Pres Wilkin County Building & Loan Assn. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine; A O U W; K of P and M W A. JAMISON Robert, Minneapolis. Res 316 10th av S E, office 610 Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 4, 1858 in Red WMng Minn, son of Alexander and Mary (Roberts) Jamison. Married Aug 16, 18 83 to Adaline L Camp. Graduated from Red Wing High School 1877. Studied law in office of Hon John M Shaw Minneapolis; admitted to bar 18 83 and appointed asst county atty Hen- nepin county 1885. Elected county atty 1888; appointed by Gov Nelson to fill vacancy on bench fourth dist 1893; elected to succeed himself 1894 and served until 1901. Now member law firm of Belden, Jami- son & Shearer Minneapolis. Member Masonic fraternity and B P O E. JAQUES Alfred, Duluth. Res 1205 E 3d st, office 411 Lonsdale bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 9, 1857 in Geneseo 111, son of William Cowpen and Eliza- beth Ann (Beers) Jaques. Married to Mary Josephine Shaw. Educated in public and private schools Geneseo 111. Studied in law office Geneseo and admitted to bar in 1882; practiced in Littlv Sketches of Big Folk.s. 205 Duluth Minn 1883 to date; member firm of Jaques & Hudson. Dir Duluth Bar Library Assn; dir, sec and treas New Duluth Co. Special judge muni- cipal court Duluth 1887-89. Member Commercial Club and Duluth Bar Li- brary Assn. JAYNE Ti-attord Newton, Minne- apolis. Res 2012 Beard av S, office 3d fl 709 Hennepin av. Lawyer. Born Nov 3, 1868 in Winona county Minn, son of Havens Brewster and Nellie Victoria (Pike) Jayne. Attended the Winona High School 1880; Univ of Mich 1886-89. Began the practice of law 1890; Palmer & Jayne 1891; Jayne & Morrison 1892; Jayne & Hel- liwell 1897; Jayne & Dickson 1899. since which time he has been practic- ing alone. Largely interested in the state work of the Christian Endeavor Society and is an enthusiast in all athletic sports. Member Philharmon- ic Club Minneapolis; chorus master 1905-1906; sec and treas Minneapolis Amateur Athletic Assn 1905. JEFFERSON Riitus C, St Paul. Res 276 Summit av, office 108 Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. Lumberman. Bom April 24, 1843 Gainesville N Y, son of Cyrus and Eunice (Conable) Jefferson. Educated in the common schools of Gainesville, Warsaw and Geneseo N Y. Engaged in lumber business for self Woodstock 111 1866-83; moved to St Paul and established firm of Jeffer- son & Kasson 1884, which continues to date; in whol business until 1899; since in retail. Dir Nat Ger Am Bank St Paul. Enlisted as private in 1st N Y Dragoons and Signal Service and served in Civil War 1862-65. JENAWALD John Jr, Duluth. Res 5820 London rd, office 407 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born in 1857 in Wis- consin. Married in 1888 to Lena A Darrah. Educated in public schools Zumbrota Minn and Algona la; normal schools Algona and Winona Minn; Luther College Decorah la; graduat- ing from law dept Univ of la 1880. Practiced law in Emmetsburg la 1881- 87; moved to Duluth 1888 and has con- tinued in his profession to date. JENKINS William S, Minneapolis. Res 2653 Portland av, office 100 Onei- da blk. Insurance and abstracts. Born June 24, 1860 in Hennepin county Minn, son of Sylvanus and Eunice K (Whitney) Jenkins. Attended public schools; graduated from Farmington (Minn) High School 1879; business course at Curtis Business College Min- neapolis. Organized firm of Jenkins & Warnock abstractors 1888; contin- ued with it until 1891; then organized abstract dept of the Minn Title, Ins & Trust Co; mngr of that dept, treas, then sec and treas; now sec and supt of titles and dir; title insurance, ab- stracts, banking, trusts, loans, safety deposit vaults. Served 5 years as pri- vate in state militia. Member Com- mercial and Portland Avenue Histori- cal clubs Minneapolis. JENKS Janus E, St Cloud. Law- yer. Born Aug 9, 1871 in Clearwater Minn, son of James and Sarah E (Noyes) Jenks. Married June 13, 1900 to Marion R Shaw. Educated in com- mon schools Clearwater and normal school St Cloud. Graduated 1890. At- tended Carleton College 1891-94; grad- uated from Columbian Univ Washing- ton D C 1897; admitted to bar 1898. Practiced in St Cloud to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. JENSEN Matt, St Paul. Res 12 69 Como boul, office Court House. Pub- lic official. Born April 1, 1865 in St Paul Minn, son of Soren and Ellen Mary (Ellingsen) Jensen. Married Dec 11, 1900 to Laura Ellingsen. Edu- cated in the common schools of St Paul and St Olafs College Northfield Minn. First engaged as elk in dry goods business of Comsick & Gotzian St Paul 1881-83; with H H Young 1884; in state treas office 1884-95; city elk appointed by city council 1895- 19»)3; bonds and ins business 1903- 1905; elected county comnr 1905, term expires 1907; elected elk of district court for term of 1907-1911. From 1887-91 was interested in gen merchan- dise business with his brother at Ober- on N D under firm name of Jensen Bros. Member and dir Norden Club; Junior Pioneers; SOB; M W A. Has been prominently identified with the good roads movement. JENSEN Peter Johan, St Paul. Res 695 Orange st, office same. Carp- enter and builder. Born April 17, 1855 in Denmark, son of Jens Jensen Mul- sted and Ingebord (Mikelsen) Jensen. 206 Little Sketches of Bhj Folks. Married June 30, 1880 to Kjerstine Sorensen. Educated in the common schools of Denmark; took course in architecture in Int Correspondence School 1902; course in real estate and brokerage in Nat Co-operative School Washington D C. Apprenticed to car- pentry when 18; foreman of the busi- ness at 21; after coming to America worked at railway construction as track hand 5 years; foreman 3 years; farmed 1891-1900; engaged in carpen- tering St Paul 1900-1906. JEPSON Frank N, Minneapolis. 1510 Fremont av N. office 13 3 Wash- ington av N. Manufacturer. Born June 12, 18 67 in Faribault Minn, son of John and Lydia F (Sherpy) Jep- son. Married Oct 12, 1888 to May Bell Walrods. Attended common school and Carleton College North- field 1880-85; in grocery business 1885-92; became member of the Winkley Artificial Limb Co 1892; elected v pres 1893; and has held same office to date. JEPSON Lowell E, Minneapolis. Res 1327 Emerson av, office 1330 Washington av N. Manufacturer. Born Oct 19, 1863 in Dean Minn, son of John and Lydia M Jepson. Attended Carle- ton Academy Northfield Minn 1880-83; Carleton College 1883-87, graduating B S; MS 1897. Reared on farm; lo- cated in Minneapolis in 1887; engaged in manufacture of artificial limbs 1888 to date; pres Winkley Artificial Limb Co. State senator 1898-1906. Member Commercial Club Minneapolis; Minn State Congregational Club; corporate member Am Board Foreign Missions; member Cong Home Missionary Board; pres Minn State Sunday School Assn 2 years; trustee Carleton College. JETT J BAILEY, St Paul. Res 948 Laurel av, office Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 3, 1832 in Westmoreland county Va, son of James and Ethel (Sanford) Jett. Ed- ucated at Rappahannock Military In- stitute; and William and Mary College, with degrees of L B and B P. Capt in the Confederate army; representa- tive in legislature of Va 2 years; state atty of Stafford county Va 8 years; judge of the county courts of the dist of King George and Stafford counties 4 years; has been practicing law since 1857; moved to St Paul 1883. JOERNS Charles A, Minneapolis. Res 2065 Commonwealth av, office Furniture & Exposition bldg. Manu- facturer. Born Feb 4, 1871 in Winoo- ski, Sheboygan county Wis, son of Frederick C and Helen B (Schroeder) Joerns. Married Nov 21, 1900 to Louise Benson. Educated in Ply- mouth public schools; Chicago College of Pharmacy 1892-93. Engaged in drug business Minneapolis 1889-92; drug buiness Chicago 1893-97; drug busi- ness for self 1897-99; mngr St An- thony Park Branch of American Fold- ing Bed Co of Sheboygan Wis 1899- 1901; now sec and treas of Joerns Bros Mnfg Co. JOHANTGEN George, Minneapolis. Res 609 23d av N, office 305 Nicollet av. Jeweler. Born May 9, 1873 in Minneapolis, son of Frank and Eliza- beth (Shepple) Johantgen. Educated in public schools and business college Minneapolis. In grocery business un- til 1893; learned jewelry mnfg and en- gaged in same 1893-1903; in same as Johantgen & Kohl to date. Member Masonic fraternity. JOHNS Horace F, Lake City. Man- ufacturer. Born April 8, 1855 in Lew- istown Pa, son of Martin and Mary A (Frantz) Johns. Married 1884 to Car- rie S Mathews. Educated in public schools of Lake City 1861-70. En- gaged as elk in wagon factory 1870-78; purchased interest in business 1878 and continued under firm name of Neil, Johns & Co. Member Commer- cial Club; Masonic fraternity. JOHNSON Adolph E L, Minneapo- lis. Res 2737 Dupont av S, office 913 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born July 23, 1877 in Sweden. Attended public and high schools at Minneapolis; grad- uated from U of M, LL B 1899; School of Comparative Jurisprudence and Di- plomacv Columbian Univ Washington D C, LL M 1901 and D C L 1902. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1899 to date; now associated with Jno W Arc- tander in the practice of law. 1st asst chief elk House of Representatives sessions 1903 and 1905. Chief elk of Minn House of Representatives ses- sion 1907. Member Kappa Sigma col- lege fraternity and Masonic order. Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 207 JOHNSON Albert, Red Wing. Law- yer. Born Nov 17, 1858 in Goodhue county Minn, son of Jolin and Anna Johnson. Married in 1888 to Ella John- son. Educated in public and high schools Goodhue county. Admitted to bar Red Wing and practiced law there 1885 to date. County atty 1896 to date. JOHNSON Aleck E, New York. Office 100 Washington av S, Minneap- olis. Steamship and land agent. Born in 1840 in Sweden. Educated at Mt Carroll (111) Seminary. Came to Minn 1856 and engaged in immigra- tion work; state immigration agt for Minn at New York and Chicago 1867- 68; appointed gen western Scandina- vian agt for Cunard Line 1869; gen western mngr for same 1878-81; comnr of immigration for St M & M R R at St Paul 1881-83; then formed firm of A E Johnson & Co gen land and im- migration agts, which has since been changed to A E Johnson Co, of which he is pres. JOHNSON Alfred, Belle Plaine. General merchandise. Born Se])t 6, 1861 in Carver county Minn, son of Swan and Catherine (Swanson) John- son. Educated in the public schools and graduated from commercial dept Gustavus Adolphus College 1899. En- gaged in farming until 1897. After graduation was bkpr for Johnson, Pet- erson & Co Hector Minn; with brother established firm of Johnson Bros gen merchandise Belle Plaine 1901. Served as county comnr of Carver county and town elk; took active part in politics in Carver county ; was delegate to a number of county and state conven- tions. Member M W A. JOHNSON Asa M, St Paul. Res 224 E Winifred st, office 600 Pittsburg bldg. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born Jan 30, 1870 in Rice county Minn, son of Samuel F and Hannah Johnson. Attended public schools Northfield Minn 1885-88; U of M 1893-96; medical dept M D 1896. Member Johnson & Johnson physicians and surgeons 1896 to date. Member of all branches of Freemasonry including Mystic Shrine; St Paul Commercial Club. JOHNSON Aiuleii, Duluth. Res 151/2 E 4th St, office 401 Palladio bldg Lands. Born June 29, 1879 in Fergus Falls, son of B N and Ingar Johnson. Educated in public schools Duluth and Fergus Falls; Park Region Lutheran College Fergus Falls. Entered em- ploy of father: studied law and admit- ted to bar 1900. Member of firm B N Johnson & Son land attys Duluth. JOHNSON Cliarle.s E, Atwater. Farming and stock raising. Born May 28, 1860 in Fahlun Minn, son of P M and Eva H (Christophersen) Johnson. Married June 12, 1882 to Wealthey Jane Church. Educated in public and high schools Duluth. Settled in Lake Elizabeth, Kandiyohi county Minn and engaged in farming and stock raising 1878 to date. Served as county comnr 4 years; nominated on Prohibition ticket for state senator 1890; elected to Minn Hcuse of Rep- resentatives 1907; served as school elk 10 years; assessor 5 years. JOHNSON Charles Henry, Minne- apolis. Res 76 Highland av, 'office 225 Lumber Exchange. Lumberman. Born June 1860 in Randolph Wis, son of William W and Marie E (Seckran) Johnson. Married in 1885 to Carra M Mills. Educated in public schools of Algona la and Iowa State Univ. First employed in lumber business in Al- gona and Emmettsburg la 1880-86; in lumber manufacturing business in Mineapolis 1886-1904; pres and treas W W Johnson & Co incorporated as W W Johnson Co lumber mnfrs 1904 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; Commercial and Minneapolis clubs. JOHNSON Charles AV, St Paul. Res 118 Virginia av, office C St P M & O Ry gen office bldg. Railroad offi- cial. Born Jan 20, 1845 at Johnstown N Y, son of Dr William H and Harriet L (McCarthy) Johnson. Attended Johnstown N Y Academy; Union Col- lege Schenectady N Y ; graduated from Union College C E 1866. Asst engi- neer Lake Shore Ry 1867-70; Chicago & South Western Ry 1870-71; asst engineer on construction Wisconsin Central 1871-78; chief engineer Chi- cago, St Paul & Minneapolis Ry and its successor the Chicago, St Paul 208 Little Sketches of BUj Folks. Minneapolis & Omaha Ry 1879 to date. Member Minnesota and Commercial clubs St Paul; Engineers Club Chi- cago. JOHNSON Chris, Fergus Falls. Real estate, loans; auctioneer. Born June 2, 1851 in Norway, son of Zacha- rias and Karen (Busen) Johnson. Married May 30, 1875 to Eva G Moe. Received his education in Norway. Moved to Rushford Minn and engaged in railroad and contract work 1867-71; moved to Otter Tail county and en- gaged in farming in Tordenskjobl 1871-78; established postofRce and gen store Leaf Mountain 1881-84; chief dep sheriff Fergus Falls 1884- 93 ; engaged in real estate, land and auctioneering business and practiced as land atty before U S Land Dept 1893 to date. Member city council; Chippewa Club and I O O F. JOHNSON Edward Morrill, Min- neapolis. Res 925 4th S E, office 936 Guaranty bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 24, 1850 in Fisherville, Merrimac coun- ty N H, son of Luther G Johnson. Married 1890 to Effie S Richards of Waterloo la. Attended the Pioneer School and first high school in St Anthony established 1863; Pennsylva- nia Military Academy Chester Pa 1866- 67; U of M 1867. Studied in Europe taking law courses in Berlin and Heidelberg universities for several years. Returned to Minneapolis 1875 and read law in the offices of Hon John M Shaw and Hon A L Levi, 1 year. Attended law school Iowa City graduating 1877. Formed partnership with E C Chatfield; later practiced alone 4 years; formed partnership with C B Leonard 1882 and later ad- mitted Alex McCune. Clerk and atty of Board of Education 10 years; mem- ber city council 1883-90; prominently identified with Minneapolis Public Li- brary since its beginning; drafted library board charter and served as member of board of directors. Chair- man City Republican Committee 1892; candidate Republican Committee 1894; member at large and sec State Central Committee. JOHNSON Frederick C, Minneapo- lis. Res 1300 Harmon pi, office 426 2d av. Wholsale grocer. Born Dec 19, 1857 in St Anthony Minn, son of John C and Anna C (Tilton) Johnson. Educated in common schools and U of M 1870-73. Engaged in mercantile busines until 1887; employed in gro- cery business by Dunham & Johnson 1887; later firm changed to John C Johnson & Co; incorporated 1899 at which time became pres. JOHNSON Gustavus, Minneapolis. Res 42-44 S Sth st. Musical instructor and composer. Born Nov 2, 1856 in Hull England, son Peter and Henri- etta (Hole) Johnson. Married in 1882 to Caroline Frances Winslow. Edu- cated in high school Stockholm and Royal Conservatory of Music. Came to Minneapolis 1875 and engaged in teaching piano; composer of note; now dir of Johnson School of Music Minneapolis. Member Masonic fra- ternity. JOHNSON Henry O, Minneapolis. Res 1019 W 2 8th st, office 402 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumberman. Born Feb 2 5, 1883 in Detriot Minn, son of N P and Johanna S Johnson. Edu- cated in common schools and by pri- vate instruction until 1900. Enlisted in 16th U S Inf and served in the Philippines 1900-1903; engaged in lumber and building material business Minneapols 1903 to date. Adjutant of Camp A R Patterson No 1 Minne- sota Division Army of the Philippines. Member I O O F and Hoo Hoo's. JOHNSON J H, Winona. Real estate and publisher. Born July 18, 1860 in Winona county Minn, son of H and Gertrude (Anderson) Johnson. Married in 1886 to Hannah Anderson. Attended district school in Winona county; high school in Winona City graduating 1882. Trav salesman until 1892 when he purchased the Winona Daily Herald and published same until 1900. Since that time has been en- gaged in the real estate business; also publisher of the American Stock Farm an agricultural and live stock monthly. JOHNSON John A, St Peter. Of- fice State Capitol St Paul. Governor of Minnesota. Born July 28, 1861 in St Peter, son of George and Caroline Johnson, both natives of Sweden. Mar- ried 1894 to Elinore Preston. Worked when 12 vears old to assist in support Little Sketches of Hi;/ Folks. 209 of family. Entered a printing oflRce, learned the business and afterwards became a member of the firm of Ess- ler & Johnson owners of the St Peter Herald and is editor of that paper. Was captain in National Guard and state senator. Elected governor on Democratic ticket 1904; re-elected 1906 by 72,000 majority, being the only Democrat on the ticket elected. JOHNSON John S, St Paul. Res 487 Lynnhurst av. office 705 Ernst bldg. Physician (eye and ear specialist). Born Nov 29, 1856 at Beloit Wis, son of Martin and Barbara Johnson. Edu- cated in country schools; Beloit Wis College 1871-75; medical dept Univ of Mich 1877-80. In general practice of medicine and surgery 1880-95; teacher of diseases of the eye and demonstra- tor of ophthalmology Univ of Mich until 1899; eye and ear specialist in St Paul 1899 to date; eye aiui ear surgeon Bethesda Hospital bt Paul, sec and treas Valdris Samband, a Norwegian society of 1,000 members, social and historical; editor of "Val- dris-Helsing" organ of same. Member South Wisconsin, South Dakota, Wash- tenaw County Michigan; Ramsey County Minn, and Minnesota State Medical societies; pres N W Scandi- navian Singers Assn; member Nor- den Club St Paul. JOHNSON John T, Fergus Falls. Merchant. Born Aug 23, 1859 in Wa- seca county Minn, son of Thomas and Marie (Christofferson) Johnson. Mar- ried Nov 11, 1886 to Katie Alldrin. Educated in common schools and Bay- ley's College at Dubuque la. Engaged in drug, paint and oil business 1881 to date. V pres and dir Otter Tail Btiilding and Loan Assn; dir and ex- pres of Fergus Falls Building & Loan Assn. Member Chippewa Club Fergus Falls; Norden Club St Paul. JOHNSON Lawrence Henry, Min- neapolis. Res 2217 Grand av, office 968 Laurel av. Speaker of Minnesota House of Representatives. Born Dec 17, 1862 in Germany, son of Andrew C and Botilde (Peterson) Johnson. Married in 1891 to Nellie Smith. Re- ceived common school education. Came to U S with parents 1875; at- tended school Augusta N Y and worked on farm 1875-79; moved to 14 Durand Mich 1879; postoffice elk at Greenville 1880-83; moved to Minneap- olis 1883; employed by Minneapolis Bridge Co 5 years; later performing contract work in bridge construction; engaged in business for self as the Hennepin Bridge Co, of which he has been pres 1900 to date. Republican member of Minnesota Legislature since 1901; now speaker of the House of Representatives. Member Masonic order and B P O E; Commercial and Odin clubs. JOHNSON 31iles IJ, St Peter. Man- ufacturer. Born Aug 23, 1856 in Mon- roe Conn, son of James C and Mari- etta C (Beardsley) Johnson. Educat- ed in district and select schools of his native town and Wilbraham (Mass) Academy. Reared on farm; first engaged as telegraph operator 1881-92; in marble and granite busi- ness 1892-99; mngr Johnson & Co mnfrs shirts, pants, overalls, etc St Peter 1901 to date. Dir Nicollet County Bank and Nicollet County Tel & Tel Co. JOHNSON Samuel Theodore, Min- neapolis. Res 2552 Aldrich av S, office Minnesota Nat'l Bank. Banker. Born Nov 16, 1858 near Indianapolis Ind, son of Dr Lawrence A and Almira H (Dane) Johnson. Married in 1880 to Katharine Starr. Educated in Indiana public schools and academies. Trav salesman 1876-88; investments, bank- ing and fire insurance 1888-1902; pub- lic examiner and supt banks Minn 1902-1905; originated system of exam- ination of railroad, express and tele- phone companies' books by state; member citizens committee to investi- gate city affairs 1895-96; v pres Min- neapolis Board of Trade 4 years; v pres and acting pres Minnesota Nat'l Bank Minneapolis Jan 1905 to date; V pres Mortgage, Loan & Invest- ment Co. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar and Mystic Shrine; Commercial Club Minneapolis; first honorary member Nat'l Assn State Bank Supts and twice its pres; mem- ber citizen's staff John A Rawlins Post GAR. JOHNSON Thore Rudolph, Cannon Falls. Lawyer. Born Oct 17, 1880 in Cannon Falls Minn, son of Alfred and Christine (Lindbloom) Johnson. 210 Little ."^ketches of Bi;/ Folks. Married June 22, 1905 to Mary A Danielson. Graduated from Cannon Falls High School 1900; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1903; admitted to bar 1903. Began practice of law at Clinton Minn 1903 and re- mained there until 1904, when he moved to Cannon Falls where he has since been practicing. Member Board of Education. JOHNSON Victor L, Center City. Banker. Born 18 71 in Chisago county Minn. Educated in State Nor- mal School St Cloud; engaged in teaching school, and later graduated from law dept U of M 1895. Elected county treas Chisago county 1896 and held office 8 years; resigned to become cashr of Chisago County State Bank Center City; elected to State Senate 1906. JOHNSTON Charles L, St Paul. Res 477 Portland av, office Germania Life bldg. Farm lands. Born May 13, 1861 at St Anthony (now Minne- apolis), son of Daniel S B and Hannah Coffin (Stanton) .Johnson. Married Jennie C Scribner Sept 20, 1882. Grad- uated from St Paul High School 1879. V pres D S B Johnston Land Co 1890 to date; dir Scandinavian American Bank St Paul. (Johnson Comjiany organized to loan money but has given exclusive attention to selling farm lands since 1890, disposing of over 400,000 acres to actual settlers in Minnesota and the Dakotas.) Member Sons American Revolution; Minnesota and Town and Country clubs St Paul. JOHNSTON Clar<>iice Howard, St Paul. Res 2 Crocus Hill, office 712 Manhattan bldg. Architect. Born Aug 26, 1859 in Waseca county Minn, son of Alexander and Louise (Buck- hont) Johnston. Married Oct 1, 1885 to Mary L Thurston. Received edu- cation in public and high schools; Mass Institute of Technology Boston ; studied architecture in offices in New York and in foreign travel. Has been engaged in practice of his profession in St Paul 1883 to date. Member Am Inst of Architects; Masonic fra- ternity; Minnesota Club. JOHNSTON William H H, St Paul. Res 276 E Center st, office 602 Court bldg. Lawyer. Born Mav 22, 1840 at Williamsport Pa, son of David and Jane B Johnston. Attended parish school White Stone Long Island 1850- 60; Albany N Y Academy and Albany Law and Medical School 1861-62; prin- cipal public schools Jamaica Long Is- land 1864. City atty Bayonne N J 1868; judge of probate at Madelia Minn 1871-75; sec Minn Senate Judi- ciary Committee 1876-82; in office of surveyor gen Minn 1880-84; private sec to the late Senator C K Davis 1888-99; appointed supervisor of cen- sus for Minnesota 1890. Clerk U S Senate Committee on Pensions 1890- 1902; practiced law in Minnesota sev- eral years. Dir St Paul Pioneer Real Estate & Building Society. Served in 13th N Y Vol Inf at Gettysburg and Falling Waters. Member GAR. JONES Charles Clarence, St Paul. Res 583 Ashland av, office Fillmore av and Starkey. Gas engines. Born Feb 2, 1866 in Parkersburg W Va. son of Oliver S and Lucy M (Pierpont) Jones. Married June 13, 1902 to Jane E Virtue. Graduated from Parkers- burg High School 1882; Ohio Wesley- an Univ Delaware O; Columbian Univ Washington D C. Clk whol grocery of McLester & Van Hoose Birming- ham Ala 1888-89; government service Washington D C 1889-99; with Ameri- can Graphophone Co New York City 1899-1900; sec and treas Chas A Stick- ney Co gas engines 1900 to date. Member Commercial Club St Paul; Phi Kappa Psi College fraternity. JONES David Percy, Minneapolis. Res 2005 3d av S, office 111 S 4th st. Real estate, insurance and loans. Born .Inly 6, 1860 in Minneapolis, son of Edwin Smith and Harriet M (James) Jones. Graduated from Minneapolis High School 1878; U of M, B A 1883; l)res David P Jones & Co mortgage loans, real estate, rentals and insur- ance 1900 to date; pres Jones-Davis Agency; v i^res Hennepin Countv Sav- ings Bank. Alderman 5th ward Min- neai)olis 6 years; pres city council 4 years; acting mayor July 1901 to Jan 1902; mayor Jan 1, 1905 to 1907. Trus- tee Carleton College and Windom In- stitute; member Loyal Legion; Min- neapolis, Commercial and Six O'clock clubs; corporate member American Board of Missions ; ex-com Natural M .nicipal League. Little Sketches of Bhf Folks. 211 JONES fiomer H, Mankato. Reg 417 Warren, office 220 S Front. Mer- chant. Born July 11, 1877 in Blue Earth county Minn, son of Humphrey H and Margarette (James) Jones. Married Oct 9, 1902 to Nellie Mahoney. Edu- cated in i)ublic schools Tracy Minn. Engaged in farming until 1894; mem- ber of firm of Owen & Jones 1894- 1903; of Jones & Hopkins dealers in bicycles and musical instruments 1903 to date. Member Commercial Club. JOXES Harry AViltl, Minneapolis. Res Nicollet av cor 51st st, office 923 Lumber Exchange. Architect. Born 1859 in Michigan, son of Rev Howard M and Mary White (Smith) Jones. Married 1883 to Bertha J Tucker of Boston. Educated in univ grammer school Providence R I; Brown Univ and Mass Institute of Technology. Entered office of H H Richardson as draughtsman for 1 year. Moved to Minneapolis 1883 and was engaged in office of Plant & Whitney architects. Returned to Minneapolis and opened an office of his own 1885, where he has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Professor of architecture in U of M 2 years; member Park Board 12 years. Member Commercial Club. JOXES Herscliell V, Minneapolis. Res 181(5 Colfax av S, office Lumber Exchange. Journalist and crop esti- mator. Born in 1861 in Jefferson N Y, son of William S and Helen E (Mer- chant) Jones. Married Sept 30, 1885 to Lydia E Wilcox. Educated in public schools Jefferson N Y; Delaware Liter- ary Institute Franklin N Y. Entered business as publisher Jefferson (N Y) Courier 1879-83; engaged on editorial staff Minneapolis Journal (1 year on Tribune) 1885-1902. Originator of wheat crop estimates made from per- sonal inspection of growing northwest crops 1902; has since broadened the field to cover the U S and travels 30,000 miles annually observing wheat in fields; his reports are strongly in- fluential and quoted throughout U S and Euro])e. Discovered black rust in Northwest 1904; was severely criti- cised but afterwards vindicated and his reputation greatly enhanced. Now editor and pres Commercial West Co and member of firm of Watson Co Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda and Skylight clubs. JONES Lewis E, Breckenridge. Lawyer. Born May 2, 1863 in Illinois, son of Alfred C and Barbara C Jones. Married Nov 26, 1889 to Laura R Jones. Educated in public schools O'Fallon 111 and McKendree College Lebanon 111. Engaged in practice of law St Paul 10 years; with Deering Harvester Co Chicago 6 years; Min- neapolis with Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co 2 years; has been prac- ticing in Breckenridge 1903 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and I O O F. JONES Ray W, Minneapolis. Res 302 Oak Grove st, office Lumber Ex- change. Lumber. Born Apr 5, 1855 in Remsen N Y, son of John R and Jen- nette Jones. Married in 1888 to Pauline B Spitzley of Detroit Mich. Educated in public schools Remsen and Utica N Y. Engaged in banking business Muskeegon Mich 1874-82; lumber in all its branches in Michigan, Minne- sota and British Columbia 1882 to date. Member Republican Convention Philadelphia 1900 and was appointed member of notification committee for Minnesota. Elected lieut-gov 1902; re- elected 1904. Member Commercial Club. JONES Sanmel S, Frazee. Physi- cian (R). Born Feb 23, 1849 in New York, son of William and Maria (Vaughan) Jones. Married in 1886 to Mary M McKenzie. Educated in Wayland Academy; Univ of Chicago; and graduated from Rush Medical College Chicago 1881. Since gradua- tion has engaged in practice in Tracy, and Minnea])olis; in Frazee since 1896, also conducting drug business. Mem- ber Am Medical Assn; IMinn State and Clay-Becker County Medical societies; Masonic fraternity and I O O F. JONES Willartl G, St Paul. Res 641 Goodrich av, office 418 Manhattan bldg. Insurance and real estate. Born June 7, 1858 in Shelburne Mass, son of William G and Samantha B (Burn- ham) Jones. Married June 11, 1884 to Rosamond M Chapman. Removed 212 Little .^ketches of BUi Folkfi. to St Paul April 19, 1874 and received his education in the public schools. Was first employed by Hughson & Henneway May 1, 1880 and remained with that firm 5 years. Engaged in the real estate business for 2 years and then became connected with the firm of Weed & Lawrence as outside man until Sept 1, 1895 when he en- tered business for himself. Member of Commercial Club. JONES AVilliain Alexander, Minne- apolis. Res 307 Ridgewood av, office 513 Pillsbury bldg. Physician (R). Born May 24, 1859 at St Peter Minn, son of Henry and M A V (Christian) Jones. Graduated from St Peter Minn High School 1872; Univ City of New York medical dept M D 1881. Has practiced medicine 1881 to date. At- tending; neurologist Northwestern Hos- pital, St Mary's Hospital, Asbury Meth- odist Hospital, City Hospital and Nor- wegian and Swedish hospitals Minne- apolis; clinical jirofessor mental and nervous diseases U of M medical dept; editor .Journal Minn State Medical Assn. Member Minn State Board of Health; Am Medical Assn; Minnesota State and Hennepin County Medical societies; Minneapolis and Minikahda clubs Minneapolis. JORDAN William G, Minneapolis. Res 1132 Nicollet av, oflJice 125 Wash- ington av N. Merchant. Born Aug 2 8, 1861 in Richland la. son of Wm A and Maria (McGrew) .Jordan. Mar- ried April 24, 189 7 to Bernice A Brown. Attended common school Ottumwa la and Iowa Agricultural College Ames la. Employed in gen merchandise business 1881-98; moved to Des Moines la and engaged in who! drug business as Des Moines Drug Co 18 98-1900; moved to Stillwater Minn 1900 and had charge of prison shoe plant until 1904; moved to Min- neapolis and succeeded Anthony Kel- ly & Co as W B & W G .Jordan. V pres N W Electric Equipment Co; partner Northern Mnfg Co. Member Masonic fraternity. JOSIjVN Colin Clinton, Minneapo- lis. Res 3112 Hennepin av, office 616 N Y Life bldg. I^awyer. Born in 1857 at Sycamore 111, son of De Witt Clin- ton and Philura (Lowell) Joslyn. Mar- ried in 1899 to Maria Antoinette Rich. Attended district schools in 111; gradu- ated from Ripon College Wis 1883; principal of Columbus Wis public schools 1883 and 1884. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1885 to date. Mem- ber Commercial Club. JOY Francis E, Stillwater. Res 904 S 3d St, office 226 E Chestunt st. Insurance. Born Nov 18, 1842 in Clinton Me, son of Charles and Ra- chel Joy. Married June 13, 1871 to Mary E Davis. Educated in the com- on schools of Clinton Me. Engaged as elk in charge of sawmill, fiour mill and steamboats Stillwater 1865-72. In 1871 moved to Keithsburg 111; fore- man of sawmill 1871-72. Returned to Stillwater and engaged in commission business 1872-76; insurance business for self 1877-1901; incorporated Prince- Joy Agency, of which he is v pre?, 1901 ; engaged in fire and life insur- ance, real estate, rentals, etc. City treas Stillwater 1877-80. Member Ycj'j. Fire Dept 1872-95 (chief for 12 years;. Treas Minnesota State Fire Depart- ment Assn 1888-1904. Enlisted 1862 in 18th Maine Inf, which was re-or- ganized 1863 and called 1st Maine Heavy Artillery; served 1862-65; was wounded at battle of Spottsylvania. Member GAR Muller Post No 1 ; B P O E; Masonic fraternity and K T. JOYCE Franklin M, Minneapolis. Res 310 Groveland av, office 312-31B Andrus bldg. Insurance agent. Born March 18. 1862 at Covington Ind, son of Bishop Isaac W and Carrie W (Bosserman) Joyce. Attended public school at Lafayette Ind 1870-75; Stew- art Hall Baltimore Md 1876; De Pauw Univ Green Castle Ind graduating A M 1882. Teller Queen City Nat'l Bank Cincinnati 1882-88; gen agt Provident Life & Trust Co at Cincinnati 1888- 90; solicitor for Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co at Cincinnati 1890-94; state mngr for Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co of Newark N J at Minneapolis 1894 to date. Served as colonel and aide on staff of Gov Wm McKinley Ohio; major Ind Nat'l Guard; capt Battery B Ohio Nat'l Guard; capt Avon Zou- aves Cincinnati. Pres Automobile Club Minneapolis; pres Beta Theta Pi Assn of Minnesota; sec Apollo Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 213 Club Minneapolis; member Minneapo- lis, Commercial and Lafayette clubs; Masonic order 32d degree Scottish Rite; K of P. JOVCK William IJ, St Paul. Office New York City. President National Surety Co. Born Dec 1865 in Utica N Y, son of Henry Manwaring Joyce. Educated in the public schools of Mich. Mngr of Telephone Co at Mar- shall Mich; Stillwater Minn; Fargo N D; and Minneapolis and St Paul Minn 1884-91; northwestern mngr National Surety Co 1904; pres 1904-1906; is re- puted to have written more surety bonds than any other man in the world; founder of Wm B Joyce & Co a leading bond agency of America. Pres and dir National Surety Co; dir Empire State Surety Co. Member Minnesota Club St Paul; Minneapolis Club Minneapolis; Arkwright Club N Y. JUDl) William IJishop, Minneapo- lis. Res 515 E 17th st, office 226 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumber and cooperage stock. Born in 1860 at Faribault Minn, son of William 1 and Mary A (Bishop) Judd. Married Minnie A Ayers Aug 8, 1883. Attended the public schools in Minneapolis until 1873; Shattuck Military School Faribault 1873-76; Wil- liston College Easthampton Mass 1876- 80 graduating A B. With Hall & Dann Co Minneapolis in charge of their mills in Wisconsin 1880-83; member of Judd & Allyn lumber mnfrs Bald- win Wis 1883-85; W B Judd lumber mnfr Barron Wis 1885-87; moved to Minneapolis 1887 and was northwest- ern representative of Sutherland-Innes Co Ltd of Chatham Ontario 1887-97; gen mngr of conpany's southern mills with headquarters at New Orleans 1897-1902; returned to Minneapolis and established firm of Backus-Judd Lum- ber & Cooperage Co 1904; sec and treas of same 1904 to date; whol job- bing; lumber and cedar products and cooperage stock; business all over U S. Member Masonic order; K of P and Knights of the Maccabees. JIDSON Edward H, St Paul. Res 629 Ashland av, office City Hall. Born Sept 4, 1842 in Boston Mass, son of Charles C and Susan (Drew) Judson. Married in 1871 to Jennie Morrison. Educated in public schools Boston and St Paul. Served in 6th Minn Inf dur- ing Civil War; returned to St Paul and established firm of Judson & Brack engaged in painting business for 20 years; retired from active busi- ness for 2 years, when he was ap- pointed chairman of the Board of Con- trol of St Paul, which he has held for 15 years. Member Masonic fraternity. JUDSON Harry C, St Paul. Res 91 Kent st, office 706-707 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 24, 1873 at Farmington Minn, son of Ros- well Carlton and Harriet M (Wood- hull) Judson. Married Oct 30, 1901 to Margaret A Cutts. Graduated from Farmington Minn High School 1891; attended academic dept U of M 1891- 92; dental dept 1892-93; law dept 1898-1901 graduating LL B'. Clk and bkpr in a collection agency from 1894 to 1901; practiced law in St Paul 1901 to date. Treas Ramsey County Bar Assn 1902; dir, treas and atty of Church Home; twice delegate from St John's Church to state council; pre- cinct committeeman 4th precinct, 7th ward St Paul. Member Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Phi college fra- ternities; Roosevelt Republican Club St Paul; officer in several social clubs. JUERGENS Frank Herman, Jord- an. Druggist. Born Feb 20, 1862 in Skakopee, son of Frank W and Regina (Schuetz) Juergens. Married April 25, 1893 to Louise Marlock. Educated in Shakopee and Watertown. Has been engaged in the drug business in Jor- dan 1882 to date. Pres and mngr Jordan Telephone Co and Scott County Telephone Co; treas Jordan Electric Light Co; treas Board of Education; postmaster. JUST Adolph A, Crookston. Phy- sician (H) and surgeon. Born Nov 23, 1885 in Theresa Wis, son of Carl and Helen (Warnecke) Just. Mar- ried July 12, 1899 to Evelyn L Hall. Educated in common schools Blue Earth county; State Normal School Mankato; graduated from Hahne-* mann Medical College Chicago 1881. After graduation practiced 1 year in Good Thunder Minn; located in Crookston 1882 and has continued in 2U Little .^ketches of BUj Folks. practice to date. Dir Workingmen's B & L Assn; member Am Inst of Homeopathy; Minn State Homeopath- ic Inst; I O O F; M W A and K M. K KAHLEH John H, Rochester. Ho- tel proprietor. Born Dec 10, 1863 in Zurich Canada, son of Henry and Amelia (Aldworth) Kahler. Married in 1901 to Mabel J Van Cambin. Edu- cated in the public schools of North- ville Mich and Canada. First em- ployed in the retail harness business 1878-82; in hotel business Dundas Minn 1882-84; same in Drummond Wis 1884-86; same in 1893. Engaged in hardware business Maiden Rock Wis 1892-95. Moved to Rochester 1896 and engaged in hotel business to date, be- ing propr Cook House. Mngr Roches- ter Sanatarium Co. Member Commer- cial Club; Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. KAHLERT George P, St Paul. Res 243 Smith av, office 123 W 3d st. Manufacturer. Born June 3, 1862 in New Albany Ind, son of Justus and Emma (Trusky) Kahlert. Married to Jenny S Bander bosh. Educated in the public schools of St Paul 1868-76; employed with Justus & Kahlert 1876-84; member of firm of Flagg, Kahlert & Hildebrandt 1884-89; solic- iting machine and contract work 1889- 99; partner Kahlert Machine Works 1891-1902; proprieter Kahlert Machine Works 1902 to date. Member M N G 7 years; United Workmen of Amer- ica; Druids; Junior Pioneers. KAISER William, Faribault. Pub- lisher. Born April 4, 1864 in Still- water Minn, son of John and Barbara (Knott) Kaiser. Married in 1886 to Alice J Brown of Chicago 111. Edu- cated in the public schools of Still- water and Faribault. Came to Fari- bault with parents 1876. Moved to Chicago 1884 and was engaged in gro- cery business there 1888-91; returned to Faribault and engaged in grocery business under firm name of Beiter & Kaiser 1891-1902. Appointed postmaster 1899 and has continued in that office to date. Proi)r Faribault Ptg Co publishers of the Journal Alderman 1892-93. Member Commer- cial Club; Masonic fraternity; K of P and Royal League. , KALMAxV Charles Oscar, St Paul. Res 172 Summit av, office Chicago Gt Western Ry bldg. Railroad official. Born May 9, 1872 in New York City, son of Arnold and Sarah W (Greve) Kalman. Married Dec 20, 1900. Edu- cated at St Paul High School; Phillips Exeter Academy and Yale Univ; Yale Ph D 1893. Union Bank St Paul J893- 95; treas C G W Ry 1895-1902; gen auditor C G W Ry 1902 to date. Mem- ber Minnesota Club, Town and Coun- try Club St Paul. KAMP Henry R, Belle Plaine. Banker. Born Jan 12, 1863 in Wabasha county Minn, son of Henry and Eliza- beth (Blinkman) Kamp. Married Feb 22, 1901 to Susie Spartz. Educated in public schools and business college. In gen merchandise business Merritt la 1890-93; elk in bank Adrian Minn 1893-1900; in real estate business 1900- 1905; now cashr First Nat'l Bank Belle Plaine. KANE James Morgan, Brecken- ridge. Public official. Born July 6, 1860 in Westport Out, son of Patrick and Ann (O'Neill) Kane. Married to Margaret O O'Brien. Educated in Minneapolis Academy and U of M. En- gaged for 8 years as supt of schools Sibley county; editor Glencoe (Minn) Enterprise 10 years; elected judge of probate 1906. KANE AVillhim, Mankato. Res 307 S Front, office 113 E Walnut. Mana- ger Northwestern Thresher Co. Born Nov 26, 1837 in Ireland, son of John and Agnes (Sherrard) Kane. Married twice: .Jan 1862 to Jane Norris; 1890 to Delia Norris. Received his educa- tion in Ireland. Located in New York 1852 and in Dane county 1855-65; Goodhue county Minn 1865-72. Moved to Cottonwood county Minn and be- came connected with N W Thresher Co from 1885 to 1904 in Heron Lake; mngr of same in Mankato 1904 to date. Member A O U W. KANNARY Edward licroy, St Paul. Res Merriam Park, office 490 En- dicott Arcade. Physician and surgeon (R). Born March 11, 1872 at North- field Minn, son of Michael and Louvina (Bates) Kannary. Married Sept 19, 1906 to Kathryn M Butler of St Paul. Attended Northfield High School; grad- Little ^Hatches of Bif/ Folks. 215 uated from Carleton Academy 1S92; U of M 189(3; McGlll College of Medicine Montreal Canada 1900; studied in All- gemeines Krankenhaus Vienna Austria 1901-1902; studied in Paris and London 1902; degrees of B A, M D, C M. Since returning from Europe in 1902 has practiced medicine in St Paul. Mem- ber Ramsey County Medical Society Masonic order; K of P. KKEFE Daiiiol James, St Paul. Res 29 E 10th St, office Kill Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 1.5. 1867 in New Richmond Wis, son of Dennis and Katherine (Welch) Keefe. Married June 28. 190(3 to ^Margaret Turny. Educated in country school and normal school River Falls Wis; graduated from U of M with degree LL B. Prac- ticed alone in St Paul 1896-99; mem- ber of firm of Sheehan & Keefe 1899 to date. Member I O O F; A O U W; A O H; Maccabees and Knights of Columbus. KEELEY Michael A, Duluth. Res Spalding Hotel, office 517 Torrey bldg. Insurance. Born March 17, 1869 in St Mary's Minn, son of John and Margaret Keeley. Edu- cated in public and high schools Wa- seca. Engaged as teacher in country schools until 1897; in clothing business Waseca 1897-1900; in life insurance business Minneapolis 1900-1902; moved to Duluth 1902 and has been district mngr Prudential Life Ins Co and Con- tinental Casualty Co to date. KEENAX Jolin, Winona. Livery and transfer. Born Sept 17, 1842 in Queen Pa, son of James Keenan. At- tended public schools Queen county Pa. Apprentice to carpenter 1864-67; engaged in contracting and building Winona 1867-99; engaged in livery business 1899 to date. Member Busi- ness Men's Assn. KEENE Josiah F, Minneapolis. Res 48 Royalston av, office 224 Kasota blk. Lawyer. Born Sept 3, 1843 in Small Point Harbor Me, son of Josiah and Evelyn M (Smith) Keene. Educated in Nichols Latin School; graduated from Bates College Lewis- ton Me A B 1874. After 1 year in practice of law Lynn Mass moved to Minneapolis and admitted to bar 1880; continuously engaged in practice there to date. Served in Civil War 1861-66 from private to lieut. KEHREK Jo.sepli, Jordan. Mer- chant. Born June 5. 1856 in Phila- delphia Pa, son of John and Cecilia (Auble) Kehrer. Married in 1881 to Theresa Schmidt. Educated in Phila- delphia parochial schools and St Pet- er's College. First engaged as elk in drug store 1871-80. Established busi- ness for self 1880 and has continued same to date; retail drugs, school books, etc, paints, oils, wall paper, ce- ment, whol field and garden seeds, now occupying 3 buildings. KEITER Louis Miles, St Paul. Res 777 Lincoln av, office Manhattan bldg. Insurance agent. Born May 22, 1855 in Mt Carroll 111, son of George and Emma Miles. Educated at high school Mt Carroll and Bayless College Du- buque Iowa. Began business career as a druggist in Illinois and Iowa from 1876-90. Later was an accountant with C G W Ry Co 1890-92. Since that time has been the gen agt of the N W Mutual Life Ins Co of Milwaukee for the St Paul district. Is a member of the Minnf^sota and Comnier(.'ial clubs and all Masonic bodies. KELLAR Curtis B, Albert Lea. Banker. Born May 19, 1845 in Grant county Wis, son of William and Eliza- beth Cordelia (Kies) Kellar. Married in 1867 to Mary E Nixon. Educated in common schools and academies and at Oberlin (O) College. Clk in gen store Albert Lea 1866; cashr Frank Hall's Bank Albert Lea 1867; in bank- ing business to date. Pres First Nat'l Bank; v pres Case Corset Co; dir Farmers State Bank Hay ward Minn; treas of Albert Lea College and city of Albert Lea. Served in 5th Minn Vol 1S62-63. Member Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity; I O O F and G A R. KELLER Charles Edward, St Paul. Res 529 Westminster st, office 218 Globe bldg. Real estate. Born Sept 21, 1858 in St Paul Minnesota, son of John M and Annice Elizabeth (Scott) Keller. Married Oct 12, 1901 to Ella May Love. Educated in the public schools of St Paul; graduated from St 2i(i Liltlc ShrfcJics of lii, St Paul. Res 672 Summit av, office 135 Lowry Ar- cade. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Aug 1, 1864 in St Paul Minn, son of Daniel and Mary (Collins) Kelly. Educated in Jefferson School 1879; high school 1880; St Paul Busi- ness College 1881-82; graduated from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Ph G 1886; Jefferson Medical College M D 1887; post-graduate U of M; Johns Hopkins Baltimore; Univ of Ed- inburgh, Vienna, Berlin and Dresden. Started to work as bundle boy for Lindeke, Ladd & Co in 1877 and con- tinued to work in various capacities for other firms during the summers while attending college. Practiced medicine with Dr D W Hand St Paul in the latter part of 1887. Served as private in Co "E" 3d Regt M N G 1900; Hospital Corps 1901; maj sur- geon 1904. Gynjvcologist of City and County Hospital; surgeon Free Dis- pensary; pathologist St Joseph's Hos- pital; medical examiner Mass Mutual Life Ins Co. Member of the Ameri- can Medical Assn; Ramsey County and State Medical societies; honor- ary member of the Crow River Val- ley Medical Society. KENDALL John J, Minneapolis. Res 211 E Franklin av, office 104 N 1855 in Ithaca N Y, son of John and 2d St. Manufacturer. Born Nor 20, Cornelia (Jackson) Kendall. Married 1885 to Ella E Catlin. Educated in public schools Winona and Shattuck School Faribault. Employed in drug business Winona 1876-95; in various mercantile lines, as trav salesman and in mnfg confectionery business for self Winona 1895-1901; established Kendall Mnfg Co Minneapolis working- men's clothing mnfrs 1901 to date. KENDKICK Fayette 1), Bismarck N D. Ofl^ice 27 E 7th st St Paul. Phy- sician (H). Born Nov 29, 1S%6 in Dry- den Mich, son of Lucius and Eliza (Look) Kendrick. Graduated from Univ of. Mich M D 1881. Examining physician on N Dak state board 10 years; countv and city physician Bis- marck N D 12 years; pension examiner and Marine Hospital surgeon 8 years; penitentiary physician N Dak peniten- tiary 9 years. V pres Minn Ceramic Co Coon Creek Minn; First National Bank Bismarck; McLean County Bank N Dak; and Bank of Braddock N D. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; B P O E. KENNEDY^ Edward Cook, Duluth. Res 728 E 4th st, office 307-308 First National Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born April 24, 1854 in Golway N Y, son of L O and Caroline (Cook) Kennedy. Married Oct 6, 1880 to Emma Allen. Educated in the public schools of Gol- way N Y and for 2 years under private tutors. Read law in the office of Car- roll & Eraser Johnstown N Y and at- tended lectures in the Albany Law School. Admitted to the bar of Illinois 1878; began practice of law in Chicago with Avery & Comstock; removed to Turner county S D and practiced law until 1891; then to Superior Wis from 1891-1906. Member of firms Kennedy & Burnutt 1898-1905; Dickinson. Ken- nedy & Graham 1897-1901. Makes specialty of corporation law and de- fense of personal injury cases. Re- 218 Little AS'A-(fc//('.s- of HUj Fotk.s. ceived military instruction in Poly- technic Institute Troy N Y. Member State Central Committee 1891-93. Ma- sonic fraternity. KENNEDY Richard Lea, St Paul. Res 529 Holly av. office 512 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born March 1872 in Pitts- burgh Pa, son of Matthew and Mary J (Cameron) Kennedy. Educated in Cutler Academy preparatory school; Princeton Univ A B' 1895; Harvard Univ LL B 1898. Upon graduation commenced the practice of law with Hall, Preston & Babbitt Colorado Springs Colo; became partner of W P Warner St Paul 1904; now member of firm Kennedy «S: Van Sant. Author of "Trial Evidence" 1905. Member Com- mercial. Princeton and Harvard clubs St Paul; El Paso Club Colorado Springs Colo. KENNEDY Roger Sherman, St Paul. Res 533 Dayton av, office Rob- ert and 3d sts. Merchant. Born June 1, 1854 in Ireland. Married Sept 1, 1880 to Stella Hoeveler of Pittsburg Pa. Educated in the common schools and business college. Learned present business in large New York manufac- tory and jobbing house 1871-76; head of firm and mngr Kennedy Bros Arms Co guns, sporting goods, mining sup- plies, etc St Paul le./6 to date. Mem- ber Commercial, Town and Country and Nushka clubs. KENT Mallory A, St Paul. Res Marlowe Flats, office 25 Davidson blk. Manufacturers' agent. Born Sept 22, 1872 in Fond du Lac Wis, son of Ed- ward and Martha (Clarke) Kent. Mar- ried Dec 7, 1904 to Olive M Sandbek. Educated in common and high schools Fond du Lac Wis. First employed by Marshall Field & Co Chicago; trav salesman for Griswold, Browning & Co cloaks 1898-1902; with Milwaukee house same line 1902-1906; with Alex Black Cloak Co of Toledo O with head- quarters in St Paul 1906 to date. KENYON George Marcus, St Paul. Res 445 Summit av, office 601 Pioneer Press bldg. Railway supplies. Born Aug 31, 1864 in Watertown N Y, son of Alexander M and Amelia (Yendes) Kenyon. Married .Tune 9, 1900 to So- phie Greve. Educated in public and high schools Watertown N Y. First en- gaged as gen passenger and ticket agt for Rome, Watertown & Ogensburg R R at Watertown N Y 1882-83 ; in same capacity Oswego N Y 1883-88; moved to St Paul and engaged as trav passen- ger agt for C P Ry 1888-91; engaged in railway supply business for self St Paul 1891 to date. Member Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country and White Bear Yacht clubs; Masonic fraternity. KERR Harold Carues, St Paul. Res 506 Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born Sept 15, 1881 in St Paul, son of Charles D and Mary Emma (Bennett) Kerr. Educated in the pub- lic schools of St Paul and graduated from Little Falls (Minn) High School 1901; law dept U of M, LL B 1904. Conducted a collection agency at Little Falls Minn 1899-1901; began the active practice of law Jan 1, 1905; associated with Harris Richardson. Member Loyal Legion and formerly in Com- pany C 1st Inf M N G. KERRICK John Henry, Minneapo- lis. Res 2214 Bryant av S, ofl[ice 126 3d av N. Machinery. Born Aug 12, 1842 in Gilletts Pa, son of John D and Margaret M (Deeker) Kerrick. Married April 11, 1876 to Mrs Vir- ginia A Smith. Educated in common schools. First employed as bkpr in A T Nichols & Co machine works Williamsport Pa. Traveled for same and located branch in Indianapolis which he conducted until 18 80. Moved to Minneapolis and has been engaged in machinery business to date, first alone, then as Kerrick & Frost and then alone. Served in Civil War in 179th N Y Vols. Member G A R. KERST Peter M, St Paul. Res 944 Lincoln av, office 911 Security Bank bldg Minneapolis. Born March 4, 1864 in St Paul, son of Peter and Jo- sephine (Rapp) Kerst. Married Sept 3, 1895 to Anna Kohout. Left college 1880 and engaged in banking business until 1898; became connected with dept of public service 1898; appointed by Gov Johnson supt of banks 1895. Now bank examiner of Minneapolis. Treas German Catholic Aid Assn of Minn. Little ^'< ketches of liitj Folks. 210 KIDDER Jason Timothy, Fergus Falls. Office Court House. Public official. Born Feb 28, 1870 in Trem- peleau county Wis, son of Lovell and Jerutia (Brotherton) Kidder. Married March 26, 1899 to Amy Fletcher of Clitherall Minn. Educated in the pub- lic and high schools of Fergus Falls and St Cloud Normal School. Was en- gaged in various occupations, chiefly as trav salseman until 1898, after which he was writer, solicitor and con- tributor to the press until 1904. In 1904 he was nominated elk of the dis- trict court by the Republican party and elected over a field of 9 candi- dates. Member of the 3d Regt served with 14th Minn Vols seven years in Spanish-American War, was promoted to corporal and honorably discharged in 1899; elected commander of the Spanish-American War Veter- ans of Camp Vandusee No 3 Fergus Falls. Member Knights of Pythias: I OOF: K O T M: A O U W: M W A: DOR: FOE: and officer in many of them: member Commercial Club Fer- gus Falls. KILDAHL John X, Northfield. Pres St Olaf's College and Minister of Religion. Born Jan 4, 1857 in Trondh- jem Norway, son of Johan and Nico- line (B'uvarp) Kildahl. Married in 1882 to Bertha Soine of Goodhue county Minn. Educated in the public schools Goodhue county Minn; gradu ated from Luther College Decorah la A B 1879, and from Luther Seminary Madison Wis 1882. Pastor Lutheran churches Goodhue county 1882-89; pres Red Wing Theological Seminary 1885- 86 : pastor Bethlehem Lutheran Church Chicago 1889-99; pres St Olaf's College 1899 to date. Instructor in biblical literature, psychology and logic. KILEV Edward Clarence, Grand Rapids. Editor and publisher. Born Feb 28, 1863 in Poughkeepsie N Y, son of James and Agnes (McNulty) Kiley. Married July 30, 1892 to Wilhelmina Desjardins. Received his education in common schools. First employed as printer's apprentice in office of Odebolt (la) Observer 1880; editor of McCook County News Sa- lem S D 1882; editor Northwood (N D) Headlight and postmaster of North- wood under the Cleveland adminis- tration; purchased Grafton Herald and conducted same 2 years; sold out and engaged for 2 years in reporto- rial work on large daily papers; pur- chased Progressive Age Duluth 1890; moved to Grand Rapids 1893 and was employed on the Magnet; estab- lished Grand Rapids Herald 18 94; bought Review 1906 and consolidated the two papers, which he continues to edit and publish. Judge of probate Itasca county 189 6-98; member Northwestern Editorial Assn; Com- mercial Club; Independent Samari- tans; M W A; F O E; C O F. KILGORE William, Minneapolis. Res 2634 Fremont av N, office same. Lawyer. Born Dec 31, 1838 in Cadi^ O, son of Daniel Kilgore. Attended Jefferson College Pa 1856-57; gradu- ated from Cincinnati Law College LL B 1861 and .admitted to bar in Ohio; admitted in McLeod county Minn 1874. Has practiced law in Minnesota 1S74 to date. Served in armies of the Ohio and Cumberland in Kentucky. Tennes- see and West Virginia, private and 1st lieut 1861-65. Chairman microscopical section Minnesota Academy of Scien- ces 1880. Member Butler Post GAR KILLORIN John F, Duluth. Res 516 E 2d St, office 231-237 5th av W. Merchant and lumberman. Born July 1850 in Napanee Can, son of Thomas and Mary (Gallagher) Killorin. Mar- ried in 1897 to Mary McCaugh. Ed- ucated in the common schools in Nai*- anee Can. First engaged in lumber woods representing Saginaw Mich house 1868-82; mngr of logging opera- tions in Michigan for A W Wrig.'it Lumber Co 1884-92; moved to Duluth and was engaged with Swan River Logging Co in charge of logging opera- tions until 1906; retired from business 1906 now giving his whole attention to his ])rivate interests. Pres Mer- chants & Miners State Bank Hibbing, V pres and dir Kelley, Howe & Thomp- son Duluth. Dir City National Bank Duluth: V pres and dir First National Bank Chisholm Minn. Has large holdings in a number of lumber con- cerns throughout the country. Mem- ber Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, North- land Golf and Duluth Boat clubs; B P O E and Knights of Columbus. 220 Little l^kctchcs of Bi;/ Folks. KIMBALL Hannibal Hamlin, Min- neapolis. Res 219 E 24tli, office Pills- bury bldg. Physician (R) and sur- geon. Born Aug 18, 1843 in Carmel Me, son of John and Abigail (Romans). Kimball. Educated in public schools Herman Me until 16 years of age, then at Hampden Academy Me; Lewiston Seminary (now Bates College); Childs College Pittsfield Mass; Bowdoin Med- ical College class of 1866, and Bell- view (N Y) Medical College. Has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession since graduation in 1866. Member Hennepin County Medi- cal Society, Minnesota State Medical Society and American Medical Assn; Minikahda and Commercial clubs Min- neapolis; Masonic fraternity and K P. KIMBALL Leonard, Minneapolis. Res 65 S 11th st, office 16 S 5th st. Printer and bookbinder. Born Aug 23, 1848 in Naples Me, son of Charles and Ruth W (Trafton) Kimball. Married Dec 24, 1877 to Mary J Pierce. Edu- cated in common schools and attended U of M 1867-69 ; engaged in mercantile business until 1879; in printing busi- ness as Todd & Kimball 1879-84; L Kimball Printing Co 1884; organized the Kimball-Stover Co 1884, which con- tinues to date. Member Publicity Club; Masonic fraternity. KING Ira Edward, Stillwater. Res 1342 6th av S, office 112 S ivlain. Drug- gist. Born July 27, 1865 in Mankato Minn, son of James T and Susan D King. Married Dec 16, 1891 to Grace Lee Perkins. Educated in common and high schools Mankato. First em- ployed as mason until 1885; in employ of King Bros druggists Stillwater 1885- 1901; trav salesman for Nelson Baker & Co mnfg pharmacists Detroit 1901- 1905; partner in King Bros Stillwater 1905 to date. Pres Stillwater Druggists Assn; member Masonic fraternity and Knights Templar. KING I're.ston, Minneapolis. Res 624 9th st S, office 28 Hennepin av. Merchant. Born Feb 6, 18 57 in Ilion N Y, son of Wm S and Mary (Stevens) King. Married Feb 2, 1886 to Josephine Marrs. Educated in common schools Minneapolis; grad- uated from Williston Seminary East Hampton Mass 1876; graduated from Yale College 18 80. Engaged in mer- cantile business until 1895; one of the incorporators of Northrop King Co Inc seedsmen 1895 and has been treas to date. KINGSBURY David Lansing, St Paul. Res 1996 Milwaukee av, office State Capitol. Asst librarian Minn Historical Society. Born Dec 28, 1842 in Marshall Mich, son of Lansing and Frances Montague ( Southworth) Kingsbury. Married Oct 26, 1869 to Anna Sawyer Braman. Educated in common schools of Michigan and Min- nesota. Removed to Minn Nov 1, 1856 and settled in Monticello; removed to St Paul 1866 where he engaged in the hardware business several years. En- listed at Ft Snelling Aug 14, 1862 in the 8th Minn Vol and served 3 years, 2 years of which his regiment operated against the Sioux Indians 1862-64; I)articipated in the Sulley expedition; remainder of service was in Tennessee and North Carolina. Promoted to corp, 1st sergt and 2d lieut. Recorder Military Order Loyal Legion of the U S, Commandery of Minn 1898-1906. Sec 8th Regt Minn Vol Assn; member Acker Post 21 G A R; Sons of the American Revolution and American Library Assn. KINGSLEY Nathaniel, Austin. Jurist. Born Sept 10, 1850 in Sharon Conn. Moved with parents to La Salle county 111 18 58; moved to Minn 18 69 and was engaged on farm for 1 year when he learned the milling- trade; admitted to bar at Preston Minn 1876; began practice in Rush- ford 18 77; moved to Chatfield 1878 and engaged in practice; county atty Fillmore county 1880-84; moved to Austin 1887; elected judge of 10th judicial dist 1900. KINKELK Charle.s, Walker. Mill- er. Born May 8, 185 8 in Germany, son of Antone and Feronica (Wag- ner) Kinkele. Married Jan 6, 1885 to Lina Greberg. Educated in Ger- many. Came to U S 1882 and lo- cated in New Ulm as foreman in malt house; moved to Brainerd 1884 and engaged in butcher business until 1896; built Lake Shore Hotel Walk- er; mayor Walker 10 years; sec Leech Lake Lumber Co; agt for Min- Little >S7,-('fe//('.S' of Bin Folks. 221 neapolis Brewing Co 15 years. Dir First Nat Bank; Walker Telephone Co. Member A O U W, B P O E and Commercial Club. KINNEY James A, Alexandria. Printer and publisher. Born June 9, 18 69 in West Union la, son of A D and Sarali (Washburn) Kinney. Mar- ried July 2 0, 1893 to Ethel Hennings. Educated in Elgin Iowa High School; Cedar Rapids Iowa Business College. Founded the Observer at Aurora la and publislied same for 11 years; moved to Alexandria Minn in Novem- ber 190 6 and entered into partner- ship with O W Hennings in publica- tion of The Citizen which he has con- tinued to date. Former postmaster Aurora la; member I N G, K of P and M W A. KIRS.CHKR George Fiaitkliii, Lit- tle Falls. Ranker. Born Apr 20, 1862 in Watertown N Y. son of Jacob and Caroline (I3arr) Kirscher. Married to Lura Patterson. Graduated A B from University of Wis. Engaged in bank- ing business in Iowa until 1902; moved to Little Falls 1902 and has been president of Merchants State Bank to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity; K of P and B P O E. KIXYOX Charles J, Owatonna. Banker. Born May 17, 1848 in Jeffer- son county N Y, son of Samuel and Dolly (Wheelock) Kinyon. Married in 1874 to Charlotte Wardwell. Edu- cated in select school and Hungerford Inst Adams N Y. Engaged as teller in First National Bank Owatonna 1872; cashr 1875-83; v pres 1883-1907. City treas 4 terms; alderman 4 years. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. KINYON Ceorge K, Owatonna. Banker. Born May 31, 1861 in Owa- tonna Minn, son of William R and Mat- tie (Gillet) Kinyon. Married in 1883 to Alice Holt. Educated in public schools and Pillsbury Academy Owa- tonna; asst cashr First National Bank Owatonna 1880-81; cashr 1881; pres 1903 to date. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. KINYON AYiDiam K, Owatonna. Capitalist. Born Feb 3, 1833 in Jeffer- son county N Y, son of Samuel and Dolly (Wheelock) Kinyon. Married in 1857 to Mattie Gillet. Educated in the district schools of Jefferson county; Union Academy Belleville N Y, and graduated from Union College Sche- nectady N Y, A B 1856. Moved to Juneau Wis 1856 and was prin of pub- lic schools there 1 year; dep elk Dodge county Wis 1857-58. Moved to Owa- tonna 1858 and engaged in the prac- tice of law and real estate business; established private bank with J C Easton 1866; business was absorbed by First Nat Bank of Owatonna estab- lished 1871, of which he was made pres and served until 1903, since which time he has not been actively engaged. Commissioned lieut-col M N G 1S61; served as alderman and in the legisla- ture; chief elk Minn House of Repre- sentatives 1869, 1870 and 1871; speaker of House 1875-76. Member Masonic fraternity. KINYON William W, Owatonna. Miller. Born Aug 31, 1877 in Owaton- na, son of Charles J and Elizabeth (Wardwell) Kinyon. Married in 1905 to Grace Van Eman. Educated in pub- lic and high schools Owatonna, gradu- ating from U of M, B S 1899. Entered Hastings Milling Co 1899 and held var- ious positions and offices until elected v pres 1905; pres Pride Elevator Co. Member M N G 3 years; Board of Education; Commercial Club and Phi Gamma Delta college fraternity. KIPI» Sylvester, Knoxville Tenn. Office Germania Life bldg St Paul Lawyer. Born April 19, 1845 in Bo- vina, Delaware county N Y, son of John and Hannah Cornelia (Dingee) Ki])p. Graduated from Delaware Academy Delhi N Y 1862. Taught school 9 terms; member board of trus- tees of Henderson (Minn) High School 1868-78; county atty Sibley county Minn 12 years; senior member law firm of S & O Kipp St Paul 1873-1904; now retired from business. KIKHY Stephen K, Hibbing. Res 101 Centre st, office First National Bank. Banker. Born in 1876 in Wy- andotte Mich, son of Frank Albert and Little Slrtchcit of BUj Folks. Elizabeth (Robinson) Kirby. Married in 1899 to Helen Davidson. Educated in the common and high schools and business college Detroit Mich. Was engaged as elk and asst cashr in First National Bank Little Falls 1896-98; moved to Hibbing Minn 1898 as cashr of First National Bank, which office he still holds. Pres and dir Miners State Bank Chisholm Minn; v pres and dir First National Rank Virginia Minn and First National Bank Ely Minn; pres and dir Nashwauk State Bank Nashwauk Minn. Member village council 190;] to date. Postmaster of Hibbing 1901-1906. Member Kitchi Gammi Club Duluth; Algonquin Club Hibbing and Masonic fraternity. KIRK Robert A, St Paul. Res 4 45 Laurel av, office Jackson cor 2d. Mer- chant. Born in Ellsworth Ohio. Mar- ried Oct 9, 1865 to Mary E Allen. Re- ceived academic education in Ohio. First employed by C Aultman & Co mnfrs of agricultural implements Can- ton O 1876-82; moved to St Paul 1882; organized Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co whol hardware 1887 and is now pres of same; firm was Cherritree & Farwell 1859; Farwell Eros 1868; Geo L Far- well 1878; Farwell, Ozmun & Jackson 1881; now largest of its kind in the Northwest. Served 3 years in Ohio Vol Inf during Civil War. Pres .Job- bers Union 1895-96; Chamber of Com- merce 1899-1900; National Hardware Assn 1901-1902. KIKWAX Patrick H, St Paul. Res 2.']1 Arundel st, office 201 N Y Life bldg. Farm lands. Born March 17, 1851 in Bradford county Pa, son of James and Mary (Blake) Kirwan. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Colum- bia county Wis and Wayland Univ Beaver Dam Wis. Auditor of Renville 1878-91; surveyor gen Minnesota 1895- 1900. Engaged in farm land and loan business in Minnesota and North Da- kota 1901 to date, under firm name of P H Kirwan Land Loan & Stock Co. KISTLKK Artluir S, St Paul. Res 616 Sherburne av, office 621 LTniversity av. Physician and surgeon. Born Oct 24, 1871 in Tannersville, Monroe county Pa, son of Rufus and Mary J (Edinger) Kistler. Married Jan 4, 1900 to Ellen J Kistler. Attended Great Bend High School; graduated from Univ of Pa M D 1898. Member American Medical Assn and State and County Medical societies. KIXMOELLER Herman W, Minne- apolis. Res 1317 Emerson av N, of- fice 112-116 S 5th St. Photographers' supplies. Born Dec 3, 1870 in ]\Iin- nea])olis, son of S and Margaret Kix- moeller. Educated in Minneapolis public schools and later by business tutor. Entered boot and shoe trade 1884; entered establishment of O H Peck photograph supply merchant as bkpr and later as mngr 18 89-9 6; in 1896 became partner in business of Minneapolis Photo Material Co, in 1902 firm was merged with O H Peck and Fouch & Co under firm name of O H Peck Company, of which he is pres and treas. KLASEN Albert H, St Cloud, Law- yer. Born April 30, 1870 in Prussia Germany, son of Henry and Helena (Luebbers) Klasen. Married Sept 26, 1895 to Mathilda Heimann. Moved to Stearns county Minn 1872; educated in common schools and St .John's Univ; graduated from law dept Univ of Mich 1903. Began practicing law in St Cloud 1903 and has continued to date. Former pres Parker Johnson Club of Minn 1904; member Knights of Col- umbus. KLEIN C H, Chaska. Banker and brickmaker. Born June 2, 1872 in Carver county Minn, son of George and Mary (Herrmeyer) Klein. Mar- ried Dec 15, 1898 to Matilda Bauer- meister. Attended common schools and Curtis Business College. Engaged in teaching school Carver county 1894- 97 ; bkpr and sales agt for Christ Herr- meyer St Paul 1890-93; engaged in brick business 1895 to date. Pres C li Klein Brick Co and First National Bank. Member House of Representa- tives 1902-1906. KLEINMANN Charles P, Minne- apolis. Res 1315 Clinton av S, office 807 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born 1878 in Hutchinson Minn, son of John G Kleinmann. Graduated from Hutch- inson (Minn) High School 1898; law dept U of M 1902; Curtis Business College Minenapolis 1903; post-gradu- Little Sketches of Bit/ Foils. ate course law dept U of M, LL M 1903. Practiced law in Minneapolis 1903 to date. Member 14th Minn Vol Inf Si)anish-Americau War. Member Knights of Columbus. KLKIXSCHMIDT Coiuad, Mankato. Res 611 N Broad, office X 4th st. Mil- ler; sash, door and blinds. Born Feb 15, 1861 in Hesse-Darmstadt Germany, son of John and Catherine Klein- schmidt. Married in 1882 to Anna Boehland of Mankato. Educated ni the public schools of Racine. After leaving school learned carpentry trade with his father initil 1879; in business as carpenter and contractor Mankato 1879-83; in St Paul 1883-91 ; with D H Hays & Co contractors Chicago as sui)t and estimator 1891-94, when he returned to Mankato; organized pres- ent firm of Kleinschmidt Bros 1894; millers, contractors and engaged in the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds and lumber. Served as city assessor Mankato; alderman Man- kato 1892-94. Member Commercial Club; B P O E; Sons of Hermann; I O O F; United Workmen. KLINE M L, St Peter. Merchant. Born Feb 28, 1870 in St Peter, son of William and Elizabeth (Schwartz) Kline. Educated in public and high schools St Peter. Became a member in 1890 of Kline & Co furniture, estab- lished by his father in 1856 and has been continuously in business to date. Member city council 9 years; i)res of same; member Commercial Club. IvLING Elmer Ambrose, Little Falls. Lawyer. Born Oct 5, 1862 in Trov, Walworth county Wis, son of William and Margaret A (Cummings) Kling. Married Sei)t 10, 1884 to Sarah M Carr. Educated in district school; graduated from high school Mason City la 1879; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1896. Began prac- tice of law in Minneapolis in 1896; moved to Verndale Minn in 1898; moved to Little Falls in 1902 and has been engaged in practice to date. Elected court commissioner of Morri- son county 1904. Grand orator of Grand Lodge of Minnesota 1905; sen- ior grand deacon of Grand Lodge 1907 A F & A M. KLOEPPING Henry Herman, St Paul. Res 250 Rice st, office 43 W 7th St. Accountant and teacher. Born Jan 9, 1881 in Ma])le Grove Neb, son of Herman and Hermina Kloepping. Graduated Farmington High School 1901; Globe Business College 1903; Valparaiso (Ind) College 1904-1905. Teacher and bkpr Globe Business Col- lege 1903-1904 and 1905-1906; from March 1906 sec and treas. KNAPP AVilliam H, Rochester. Flour mills. Born Nov 23, 1854 in Troy Pa, son of William H Knapp. Married 1887 to Mary G Kelley. Edu- cated in the public schools of W^est- field N Y and high school Rochester N Y. First engaged as bk])r with car- riage woodwork nmfg comi)any at Un- ion Springs and Aurora N Y; bkpr for whol picture moulding company 1871- 75; moved to Rochester Minn and was engaged as bkpr for J D Blake & Co 1876-89; in retail crockery business 1889-90; business mngr and accounting officer Rochester State Hospital 1890- 1902; engaged in milling business with John A Cole Rochester 1892 to date. M e m b e r Masonic fraternity and Knights Templar. KNEELANl) Thomas, Minneapolis. Res 124 S 13th st, office 554 Security Bk bldg. Lawyer. Born June 19, 1851 in Harrison Me, son of Peabody and Abigail ( Cummings) Kneeland. Worked on a farm as a boy and taught school in Maine from 1874-77; was prin of S Berwick Academy at S Berwick Me. Graduated from Bridgeton Academy at N Bridgeton Me 1870; and from Bow- doin College Me 1874; received degree of B A and in 1877 M A. Began study of law in the office of the Hon W L Putnam Portland Me 1877-79; was ad- mitted to practice in the supreme court of Maine 1879; in Minnesota 1880 and in supreme court of the U S 1903. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. KNIGHT AugiLstus F, St Paul. Res 17 E 5th st, office Bradley bldg. Archi- tect. Born Nov 22, 1831 in Warsaw N Y, son of Noyes and Sally (Langdon) Knight. Attended public schools and studied architecture with Sage Wilcox & Rush Buffalo N Y. Removed to St '2-24: Little Ski'tcJicfi of Bui Folks. Paul June 1857 with H P Thompson a fellow student, where they formed a co-partnership lasting until 1859; then removed to St Louis Mo and continued business until outbreak of Civil War checked building operations. Partici- pated in the Indian War 1862; after- wards returning to St Paul, where he is still engaged in the practice of his profession. KNIGHTS Frederick Arnott, Min- neapolis. Res 2804 Chicago av, office 416 Masonic Temple. Physician (R). Born 1861 in Lamoille 111. Attended Doane College Crete Neb; graduated from medical dept Northwestern Univ 1890. Has practiced medicine 1890 to date. Member Minn State Medical Society; American Medical Assn; and Hennepin County Medical Society; councillor 4th dist. KNISPEL George Charles, St Paul. Res 471 Clinton av, office 353-355 Jackson st. Manufacturer. Born May 4, 1865 in New York N Y, son of Henry I and Emilia (Kuhles) Knispel. Mar- ried July 14, 1886 to Mary E Moeller. Graduated from New York public schools 1879. Engaged for several years with large cigar mnfrs in New York City; then entered employ of Kuhles & Stock Co cigar mnfrs in August 1881; visited New York 1882 and returned to same firm 1884; has been successively packer, foreman, supt, mngr, and since incorporation sec and treas. KNOWLTON David Waldo, Minne- apolis. Res 59 S 11th st, office 514 Masonic Temple. Lawyer. Born July 4, 1862 in Worchester Mass. son of Daniel Waldo and Mary E (Clapp) Knowlton. Married Oct 5, 1901 to El- len E Bugbee. Educated in public schools Worcester; graduated from Colby Univ Waterville Me A B 1883. Engaged in practice in Minneapolis as member of Babcock. Bacon & Knowlton 1888-90; with Judge F B B'ailey 1891-93; alone to date. Dir Ma- sonic Temple Assn; Minnesota & Man- itoba R R. Mason 33d degree; treas of the Grand Lodge and member board of custodians; member Phi Beta Kappa. Served 12 years in M N G; later asst inspector gen on brigade staff. Clk of probate court Hennepin county 1890. KNOX Samuel Goodliue, Duluth. Res 1511 E 1st st, office 102 Palladio bldg. Lumber. Born Dec 11, 1832 in Pembroke N H, son of Hiram and De- borah C (Goodhue) Knox. Married March 26, 1862 to Eliza F Babcock. Educated in the district schools and academy Pembroke, and private mili- tary school. Taught school in New Hampshire 1849-50; moved to Oxford Wis and conducted gen store with his brother 1855-64; moved to Montana and remained there 1864-67; returned to Grand Rapids Wis where he was en- gaged in lumber and logging business; thence to Stevens Point until 1872; Warsaw 1872-92; removed to Duluth 1892 and established the Knox Lumber Co, from which he retired in 1900. Has large lumber and sawmill interests in various parts of the U S. Dir Ameri- can Exchange Bank Duluth. Member Masonic fraternity. KNUDSON Theodore E, Brecken- ridge. Banker. Born March 6, 1880 in Rothsay Minn, son of Thomas and Sigri (Smikop) Knudson. Married June 19. 1906 to Martha A Caspar. Educated in public and grammar schools Fergus Falls Minn; graduated from commercial dept Park Region Luther College Fergus Falls 1900. Clerked 1 year in a gen merchandise store Breckenridge; commenced work for Merchants State Bank of Brecken- ridge Minn as bkpr 1901; appointed asst cashr 1902; promoted to cashr same year. Bought an interest in Wolverton State Bank Wolverton Minn 1906, and is dir of same. Mem- ber and sec Breckenridge Water & Light Commission; member Mascnic fraternity. IvNUTSON Kmite, Swift Falls. Farmer. Born Jan 19, 1869 in Nor- way. Educated in common schools; Benson High School and Willmar Seminary. Taught school in Swift and Pope counties 5 years; while teaching school read law through Sprague Correspondence School De- troit Mich; employed in State Grain Dept at Duluth 3 years; trav solicitor in N Dak for Duluth grain companies 2 seasons; now engaged in farming; school board dir; elected representa- tive to legislature 1907. Little .Sketches of Big Folks. KOCH Fritz, St Paul. Res 7 88 Goodrich av, office 401 Manhattan bldg. Brick manufacturer. ]5orn 1SG9 in Holland, son of Williana Koch. En- gaged in the manufacture of brick with father in Holand. Moved to St Paul 1889 and incorporated the Twin City Brick Co, of which he is pres. Member Commercial Club; Builders Exchange and Manufacturers Assn. KOCH William E, New Ulm. Bank- er. B'orn Aug 30, 1868 in New Ulm, son of Ernst G and Elsabeth (Sahli) Koch. Attended public and high schools New Ulm. Bkpr in the Citi- zens Bank New Ulm 1S86; asst cashr 1892; cashr 1898, which position he still holds. KOEHLER George AV, St Paul. Res 725 Goodrich av, office 255-265 E 3d St. Merchant. Born Nov 1, 1S62 in Manitowoc Wis, son of John A Koehler. Educated in the common and high schools of Manitowoc Wis. En- gaged ill merchandise business with his farther in Manitowoc Wis until 1885; member Koehler & Hinrichs whol grocers St Paul 1885 to dato. Member B P O E and Commercial Club St Paul. KOHLER Christian Henry, Min- neapolis. Res Holmes Hotel, office 612 Pillsbury blk. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Oct 5, 1868 in Watertown Minn, son of Sebastian and Jolianna (Baumann) Kohler. Attended common and high school Watertown Minn; graduated from American Medical Col- lege St Louis Mo 1887; Hahnemann Medical College Chicago 1888; U of M medical dept 1898; post-graduate work in Vienna Austria 1 year in 1885 and 3 months in 1900. Has practiced med- icine and surgery 1888 to date; oculist and aurist, specialist; eye, ear, nose and throat surgeon to St Barnabas Hospital Minneapolis. V pres Pioneer Realty Co and R R Stoner Land Co Ltd Minneapolis; v pres and sec Min- neapolis Brick & Tile Co; pres Wis- consin Development Co; AW Lucas Co Bismarck N D; v pres Hillside Cemetery Co. Member County, State and National Medical societies; Min- neapolis Commercial, and Automobile cmbs; B P O E and M W A. 15 KOLL 3Iathias N, Cass Lake. Pub- lic official. Born May 4, 1874 in Cold Spring Minn, son of Lorenz and Elizabeth (Bold) Koll. Married Nov 20, 1899 to Dorothea Kajiphahn. Edu- cated in State Normal School St Cloud and Sauk Center (Minn) Academy. First engaged as carpenter and paint- er until 19; taught school in Stearns and Douglas counties; dep county auditor Douglas county 1898-1901; asst cashr Farmers Nat'l Bank Alex- andria 1901-1904. Appointed receiver in U S Land Office Cass Lake Minn 1904; pres Eagle Clothing Co Alexan- dria; sec and treas Taylor Lumber & Lath Co Cass Lake; sec Cardie Mining Co Cass Lake; sec Alexandria Commercial Club 2 years; chairman Douglas County Republican Commit- tee 2 years. Member A O U W (re- corder 3 years) Alexandria; former D H C R of courts of C O F Miller ville and Alexandria. KOXAXTZ Cliarles Francis, St Paul. Res Boardman Hotel, office 584 Ernst bldg. Dentist. Born Se])t 7, 1847 in Quincy 111, son of Paul and Wilhelmina Konantz. Attended pub- lic schools at Quincy 111; graduated from Western College of Dental Sur- gery St Louis Mo D D S 1878. Was pres Konantz Saddlery Co; interested ill various commercial and financial in- stitutions in Minnesota and North Da- kota. Served on Board of County Commissioners Ramsey county and Board of School Inspectors St Paul. Was a private soldier in the Union army during the Civil War 1861-65. Member Minn Historical Society and St Paul Commercial Club. KONANTZ Edward A, St Paul. Res 622 Iglehart st, office 227 E 6th st. Manufacturer. Born Nov 9, 1857 in Quincy 111, son of Paul and Wilhelmina Konantz. Attended Quincy 111 public schools; graduated from high school at age of 13; from Gem City Business College. Began work in harness fac- tory at age of 16; member of firm of W H Konantz & Bro Quincy at 20: began retail harness business St Paul 1882; added whol dept 1884; incorpor- ated the Konantz Saddlery Co whol mnfrs of saddlery 1889; company sold out to the Konantz-Gaver Co Dec 1905, 22(; Little i^l-etrJies of Big Folks. of which he is now pres, employing 200 men. Largely interested in banking and lumber in North Dakota and in the loan and land business throughout the Northwest; pres and treas Dakota Land & Investment Co; pres First International Bank Columbus N D; Citizens Lumber Co Bow Bells; Citi- zens Lumber Co Flaxton; Citizens Lumber Co Columbus N D; also Inde- pendent Lumber Co Kenmare N D. Member Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity. KOON Martin 15, Minneapolis. Res 1600 Harmon pi, office 350 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Jan 22, 1841 in Schuyler county N Y, son of Alanson and Marilla (Wells) Koon. Educated in the public schools of Hillsdale county Mich, and 3 years in Hillsdale College; left college in 1864 owing to ill health and went to California where he taught school for 2 vears; received degree of LL D from Hillsdale College some years later. Began practice in 1868 in Hillsdale Mich in firm of E L <& M B Koon; afterwards Koon & Merrill Minneapolis 1878-81; Koon, Merrill & Keith 1881-83; judge of district court Hennepin county 1883-86; practiced law alone 1886-90, since which time has been at the head of the firm of Koon, Whalen & Bennett. V pres N W National Bank and Minn Loan and Trust Co; dir Minneapolis General E- lectric Co; Minneapolis Street Rail- way Co; Electric Steel Elevator Co and Great Western Elevator Co. Mem- ber Minneapolis, Minikahda and La- fayette clubs. KKAHMER Edward G, St Paul. Res 442 Pine st, office Court House. Public official. Born Jan 31, 1858 in New Ulm Minn, son of Edward F and Phillippina (Pfaff) Krahmer. Married Sept 7, 1884 to Emma Albrecht. Edu- cated in public schools and commercial college St Paul. Employed by father as painting contr 1875-84 and succeed- ed to the business 1884; sold out 1891; engaged in the real estate business 1896. Member assembly St Paul June to Dec 1896; register of deeds 1897- 1900; county auditor 1903 to date. KRAMGER Paid, St Paul. Res 823 Hague av, office St Anthony Park. Manufacturer. Born May 16, 1857 in Berlin Germanv, son of Frank and Mary (Schmidt) Kraniger. Married April 28, 1891 to Helen Huber. Edu- cated in the public schools in Bertsen Germany until 1871; high school Stras- burg Germany 1871-74. Removed to U 5 1876 and engaged as bkpr and sales- man with A Weigell Milwaukee; re- moved to St Paul and became a mem- ber of N W Bedding Co 1888, manufac- turers and jobbers of mattresses, springs, beds, etc; now sec of same. KRAXK Alfred J, St Paul. Res 893 Osceola av, office 142 E 6th st. Merchant. Born Jan 10, 1866 in New Ulm Minn, son of Frank William and Susan (Sausen) Krank. Married Feb 17, 1896 to Emma Hundt. Educated in the common schools of St Paul and St Louis Mo. Was variously employed in St Paul until 1879, when he learned the cutler's and grinder's trade with Franke & Schnell, of which firm he became foreman in 1881; purchased the interest of Schnell who had suc- ceeded Franke & Schnell and estab- lished the firm of Alfred J Krank & Co 1882; firm was known as H Schnell 6 Co 1884; then Schnell & Krank until 1903, when present firm of Alfred J Krank succeeded; mnfr and dealer in barbers' supplies and cutlery, being the largest in the Northwest. Mem- ber Commercial Club; treas Turnver- ein from 1900. KRATKA Prank H, Thief River Falls. Postmaster. Born May 21, 1850 in Sugar Island farm, Le Banon county Wis, son of Paul and Mary Kratka. Married Jan 25, 1871 to Alice B Lucas. Educated in schools of Henderson Minn First employed as trav salesman for N B Harwood St Paul dry goods and notions i867-83: started trading post and opened townsite Thief River Falls 1887; was first mayor for 12 years; first postmaster and same at present; 2 years in Washington D C promoting opening of Red Lake Reservation; as- sited in treaty making with Chippewa Indians. Pres F H Kratka Land Water Power & Imp Co until 1900. Served in 10th Minn Regt. Member Territorial Pioneers of Minn, and An- tlers Club Thief River Falls. KREFTIXG Albert, Minneapolis. Res 4979 Lyndale av N, office 112 Kasota blk. Brick mnfr. Born Dec 9, 185 6 in Frederickstad Norway, Little Slrfchrs of BUj Folks. son of Carl L and Grethe (Erricksen) Krefting. Educated in common schools and agricultural college Nor- way. Moved to U S 1879 and en- gaged in farming in Wis; employed in brick mnfg 188 0-19 06; since en- gaged in brick mnfg under firm name of Krefting & Benson. KRKMKR Arthur A, Grand Rapids. Public oflScial. Born .Jan 23, 1867 in Saginaw Mich, son of William and Sophia (Zwerk) Kremer. Married Oct 5, 1892 to Birdie Thompson. Re- ceived his education in the common schools. Reared on a farm near Sagi- naw until 20; first employed in Home Nat'l Bank Saginavv 18 months, vari- ously emi)loyed until winter of 1891- 92 when he moved to Grand Rapids; employed in Lumbermans (now First Nat'l) Bank; bkpr for Tuller Bros gen merchandise; elected treas Itas- ca county and still holds office. Served in Mich N G. Member Masonic fra- ternity; K of P; Maccabees; I O F; F O E; O E S and R S. KRETZ Hermann, St Paul. Res 768 Summit av, oflfice 1016 N Y Life bldg. Architect. Born May 20, 18 60 in Essen Germany, son of John and Margaret ( Marre ) Kretz. Married 1894 to Helen B Botzed. Attended School of Technology Essen Ger- many; College Holzminden Bruns- wick Germany 1880. Traveled in Europe 1879-80; practiced profession in U S and Canada 1881-87; in St Paul 1887 to date. KRIEGER ALLAN C, St Paul. Res 569 Grand av, office 220-226 E 3d St. Merchant. Born April 3 0, 1858 in St Paul, son of Louis Krieger. Married in 188 7 to Hattie Johnson. Educated in public and high schools St Paul. Engaged with C Gotzian & Co shoe mnfrs 1873-96; v pres St Paul Rubber Co 1900 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity, B P O E, Junior Pioneers and K of P. KROEGER Frederick, Winona. Publisher. Born June 2, 1855 in Highland Wis, son of Frederick and Anna (Schwartzenbach) Kroeger. Married June 4, 18 78 to Florence A Matteson. Educated in common schools of Winona 1860-68. Appren- tice to bookbinding and printing trade 1868-70; foreman Winona Herald 1870-83; engaged in publishing busi- ness 1883 to date; sec and treas Jones & Kroeger Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. KRON Frederick, Mankato. Res 104 N Broadway, office 110 N Front St. Merchant. Born Aug 9, 1852 in Milwaukee Wis, son of Clements and Johanna (Ambruster) Kron. Married in 1877 to Clara Ulman. Ed- ucated in Mankato parochial schools. Employed by his father in hotel busi- ness Mankato until 1872; succeeded father 1872-74; established dept store 1874 and has been engaged in same to date. Dir Mankato State Bank. Member Commercial Club and B P O E. KRIXKEHERG AVilliani, Minnea- polis. Res 316 20th av S, office 403 6th av S. Cornice mnfr. Born July 15, 1868 in Minneapolis, son of Frederick and Anna (Thoma) Kruckeberg. Married Nov 1890 to Josephine Naegel. Educated in com- mon schools. First engaged in cor- nice mnfg business with M H Critten- den & Co 1884-90; in same line of business for self until 1904 when he bought out Minneapolis Roofing & Cornice Works and has been pro- prietor of same to date. KRrMDICK Gerhard H, W'inona. Res 2 51 E Wabasha, ofl^ce 150 E 2d. Merchant. Born April 5, 1843 in Hanover Germany, son of John Krumdick. Married in 1865 to Mary Heitman. Attended public schools Sheboygan Wis. Clerked in hard- ware firm Sheboygan 1859-64; en- gaged in grain and seed business for self Fountain City Wis 1864-76; moved to Winona and engaged in same business 18 76 to date. KUHLO Arnold, St Paul. Res 4 68 Dayton av, office 97 E 4th st. Manufacturer. Born Oct 6, 1862 in Detmold Germany, son of Ernst and Elizabeth (Weihe) Kuhlo. Married May 2 4, 18 89 to Adele Kuender. Ed- ucated in the common schools of Ger- many and Polytechnic Institute of Hanover Germany completing his course in mechanical engineering in 228 Little Sketches of Bi33 a stock of goods for the Indian trade reaching St Paul Sept 15, 1S43 in the interest of the firm of Hartshorn & Jackson St Louis; this firm dissolved in 1S46 and 2 years later the firm of Freeman, Larpenteur & Co was established. Assisted in laying out the city of St Paul in 1S4 7 in con- nection with Gen H H Sibley and Capt Robert and others. The present magnificent new capitol is now lo- cated on land he bought for $1.25 per acre. Was a resident before Minn had any taxable property and was one of less than a score of white settlers. Is the oldest and one of the very few living of the original pioneers. LARRABEE Frank Dwijiht, Min- neapolis. Res 119 Groveland av, of- fice 410 Security Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born May 18, 1856 at Parish, Oswego county N Y, son of William J and Louisa Delilah (Fritts) Lar- rabee. Attended dist schools at Par- ish, West Amboy, Syracuse and Mexi- co New York; Oshkosh Univ; Wis Normal School: Univ of Wis at Madi- son. Practiced law 18 82 to date. LARSOX Augustus Theodore, Brainerd. Lawyer. Born Mar 17, 18 72 in Alexandria Minn, son of Gus- taf and Caroline Larson. Married Sept 10, 189 7 to Esther Johnson. Ed- ucated in common and high schools Alexandria; Carleton College; com- pleted college course at U of M, B A 18 94; college of law U of M 1896. Admitted to bar in 189 6. Finished course for degree of M A, but has not applied for degree. Has been en- gaged in active practice of law since admission to bar and for the last 5 years has been located at Brain- erd Minn. LARSOX Constant, Alexandria. Lawyer. Born Feb 8, 1870 in Alex- andria Minn, son of Gustav and Carolina S Larson. Married July 15, 1895 to Maud E Merrifield. Educat- ed in common schools Douglas coun- ty Minn. Graduated from Alexandria (Minn) High School 1889; U of M, A B 1893 and LL B 1894. Practiced law Alexandria Minn 1894 to date. Village atty Alexandria 19 02 and 1904-1905. County atty Douglas county 1903 to date. Pres Business Mens' Assn of Douglas county 1904- 19 06 and member of School Board since 1903. LARSOX James A, Walnut Grove. Assistant Secretary of State of Minne- sota. Born in 1860 in Illinois; edu- cated in the common schools of 111; moved to Minn 1677 and has been engaged in farming to date; has served on school and town boards for many years; has been postmaster; member of legislature 1899, 1901 and 1902; now asst sec of state. Repub- lican. LARSOX Lewis R, Minneapolis. Res 1113 Hawthorne av, office 1017 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 1, 1849 in Haugesund Norway, son of Filing and Martha (Bjornson) Larson. Married Sept 1, 1886 to Alice May Hurlburt, who died Jan 4. 1888 leaving a daughter. Attended pub- lic schools at Columbus Wis; had private tutor; graduated from aca- demic dept Univ of Wis 187 2 (first graduate of Scandinavian birth); ad- mitted to bar 1874; and practiced law in Wis until 1901; in Minneapo- lis 1901 to date. City atty Eau Claire Wis 187 7-78; municipal judge 187 8-8 6; member City Library Board; chairman Dem state conventions 1884-86. Member Wis State Historical Society. Past pres Univ of Wis Alumni Assn; also St Paul and Min- neapolis Alumni Assn, same institu- tion. LARSOX Peter M, Cass Lake. Ed- ucator. Born Sept 13, 1867 in Nor- way, son of Lars P and Mary Larson. Married Dec 2 4, 1892 to Karen M Han- son. Educated first in country schools of Douglas county Minn; graduated from elementary and professional depts of St Cloud Normal School. Engaged as principal of Starbuck Minn schools 3 years; prin Waite Park School St Cloud 3 years; supt city schools Cass Lake 1903 to date. Member Masonic fi-aternity; Macca- bees and M W A. LATTIX Cieorge P, Albert Lea. Educator. Born Mar 25, 1857 in Fox Lake Wis, son of Richmond E and Martha (Calkins) Lattin. Mar- ^34 Little ^Sketches of Big Folks. ried in 1882 to Nettie E Scott. Ed- ucated ill public scliools and Downer College Fox Lake Wis. Tauglit school Freeborn county Minn 187 8-88; member firm of Gilmore & Lattin gen merchandise Freeborn 1888-9 4; Lattin & Scott 189 4-9 6: then alone until 1902; later Borland & Lattin; appointed supt of schools Freeborn county 1901, re-elected 3 times; term expires 1909. Dir First State Bank Freeborn; pres Peoples B & L Assn Albert Lea. County comnr 189 7- 1901; member State and County Ed- ucational assns; Masonic fraternity. LAAVES (ieorge H, St Paul. Res 1980 Marshall av, office 156 E 3d st. Born in 1859 in England, son of Joseph and Sara .J (Collen) Lawes. Married in 1886 to Florence A Met- calfe. Educated in private schools, Windsor and Reading College Eng- land. Moved to Minneapolis 1880 and was employed in flour mills un- til 1885; engaged in building ma- terials business with Houston & Har- ris Minneapolis 1885-86; moved to St Paul to open branch of same; pur- chased entire business 189 4. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. LATZKE Fred A, Belle Plaine. Miller. Born Sept 29, 1863 in Scott county Minn, son of John and Do]'a (Dreger) Latzke. Married Aug 21, 1891 to Ida Laabs. Educated in pub- lic schools of Belle Plaine. Was en- gaged in farming until 1899; then purchased the Johnson interest of the firm of Johnson & Latzke and has continued the business since un- der the firm name of Latzke Bros. Member city council 3 years. LATZKE William F, Belle Plaine. Miller. Born Aug 14, 1860 in Scott county Minn, son of John and Dora (Dreger) Latzke. Married May 4, 1887 to Emma Laabs. Educated in Belle Plaine public schools. En- gaged in farm work until 189 7, when he formed a partnership with J H Johnson in milling business under firm name of Johnson & Latzke; changing to Latzke Bros 1899. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. TAIDEKDALE William Henry, Minneapolis. Res 1407 Yale pi, office 355 Temple Court. Real es- tate and loans. Born Aug 15, 183 in Livingston county N Y, son of Francis and Mary (Stewart) Lauder- dale. Educated in the public schools. Learned tailor trade in Ohio; moved to Minn in 1854; pre-empted 152 acres of government land near Lake Calhoun; dairy business in Minne- apolis 1864-7 8; founded Lauderdale Co Minneapolis, real estate, loans, rentals and insurance 1879; now gen adviser in company. Member Ma- sonic Order. K T, Scottish Rite and Mystic Shrine. LAWLER Daniel AVilliam, St Paul. Res 552 Marshall av, office 403 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Mar 2 8, 1859 in Prairie du Chien Wis, son of John and Catherine (Diiian) Law- ler. Rei^eived A B from Georgetown College Washington D C in 1881, A M in 1887, and LL D in 1897. Yale Law School LL B in 1883, M L in 1884. Began practice in Minn 1883. Assistant U S atty for Minn 1886-88; corporation atty city of St Paul 1891- 93; Dem candidate for governor 1892; for U S Senate in 1893. Delegate- at-large Nat Dem convention 1896; elected Dem nat committeeman same year but refused to qualify owing to his opposition to Bryan and the Chi- cago platform. Gen atty C G W Ry Co 1893-1901. Resumed gen prac- tice in May 1901. Roman Catholic and grand knight St Paul Council 379, Knights of Columbus. LAWLEK John J Kev, St Paul. Res 19 W 6th st. Catholic priest. Born Aug 4, 1862 in Rochester Minn. Received his early education in his native town and completed classical course at St Francis beminary Mil- waukee Wis; philosophical studies in the Petit Seminaire of St Nicholas Flanders Belgium; theological studies in University of Lou- vain Belgium. Ordained to the priesthood by Most Rev P S Goosens archbishop of Mechlin Belgium 1885. After ordination took a post-gradu- ate course of theology in Univ of Louvain. After his return to Minn was appointed professor in St Thom- as' College Merriam Park; 1 year later when St Luke's parish was in- Liltlc Sketches rjf BUj Folks. •16^ augurated assumed charge as its first pastor; 7 years later was appointed pastor of the Cathedral St Paul, which appointment he still holds. LAWRENCE Charles G, St Paul. Res 703 Lincoln av, office State Sav- ings Bank. Banker. Born March 28, 1854 at Homer N Y, son of Charles D and Mary (Sabin) Law- rence. Married June 17, 189 to Clara Louise Bullard. Attended the public schools; graduated from Univ of Mich law dept LL B 1882. Teller First Nat Bank St Albans Vt 1870-80; practiced law in St Paul 1882-1904; member Warner, Stevens & Lawrence; Warner, Richardson & Lawrence; Warner & Lawrence law firms; treas State Savings Bank St Paul 1904 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. LAWRENCE David Henry, Two Harbors. Judge of probate. Born July 18, 18 77 in Chatsworth Out, son of William D and Margaret (Fleming) Lawrence. Married July 19, 1905 to Alice H Wigdahl. At- tended public school Two Harbors; business college Duluth and Minne- apolis; graduated from law dept Univ of Mich 1903. Employed in various capacities with Duluth Iron Range Ry Co 1888-19 03, except during school and college attendance; com- menced practice of law Two Harbors 1903; elected judge of probate Lake county 1904; re-elected 1906; also conducts real estate business. I\Iem- ber Sigma Nu college fraternity. LAWRENCE Wesley M, Minneapo- lis. Res 1922 Clinton av, office 120- 122 1stavN. Laundryman. Born July 8, 1840 in Eaton Quebec, son of Robert and Jemima (Ashmund) Lawrence. Married to Elvira N Pot- ter. Educated in country school and graduated from Holbrook (Mass) Academy 1865. Moved to Red Wing 1866 and taught school 1 year. Supt of public schools in Cannon Falls, Dundas and Owatonna during period of 1866-77. Moved to Minneapolis and engaged in laundry business; es- tablished Hennepin Steam Laundry 1877, of which he is pres. An or- ganizer of Laundryman's National Assn and served as pres of same. Member I O O F. liAWTON Albert M, St Paul. Res 22 5 Prescott st, office 85 E 4th st. Real estate. Born Dec 3, 185 7 in Marine Minn, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Brayton) Lawton. Mar- ried Jan 31, 1889 to Angelica M Co- vell. Educated in the public schools and business college St Paul. En- gaged in farming until 1881. With U S postoffice 1881-83; real estate business 1883 to date. LAYBOURN Charles G, Minneapo- lis. Res 3103 Stevens av, office 3 24 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born March 23, 1851 in Springfield O, son of Joseph and Ann (Kirkley) Laybourn. Married Feb 4, 18 83 to Blanche Gove. Reared on a farn* and attended country schools in Clark county O; normal and scien- tific courses in State Normal Univ Bloomington 111; law course at Univ of Mich. At age of 2 began trade of carriage-maker; taught school; practiced law at Creston la 1881-85; in Minneapolis 18 85 to date, making a specialty of life insurance law. Dir and atty Germania Bank Minneapo- lis. Member Masonic bodies, B P O E, Odd Fellows, Maccabees, M W A and Royal Arcanum. LAY3IAN Martm G, Minneapolis. Res 2918 Cedar av. Born Oct 9, 18 80 in Minneapolis, son of Charles B and Annie (Molan) Layman. Mar- ried June 15, 1904 to Hilda A Bo- gren. Educated in public and high schools and business college Minne- apolis. Has always been connected with Minneapolis Cemetery in vari- ous capacities. Dir Nolan & Layman mnfrs concrete block machinery; sec- treas Layman & Bossert stone, brick and cement works. Member K of P. LEACH Reginald Barkley. Green- enough High wood. Office 5 08 Pitts- burg' bldg St Paul. Physician (H). Born April 4, 18 61 in Dayton O, son of Samuel Bryant and Eliza (Gel- dart) Leach. Married Feb 24, 1887 to Lou Lee Davidson. Educated in the public schools of Dayton O and New Albany Ind; graduated New Albany High School 1879; Dart- mouth Medical College 1883; became asst to Profs Paul F Munde, Mitter- dorf and Louis Ellsburg at the N Y Polyclinic; asst Bellevue Hospi- 236 Little .Sketches of Big Folks. tal Out Door Poor Dept; asst to Prof Jarvis N Y Univ Medical College; visiting physician to clinics N Y Dis- pensary and German Dispensary N Y City. For 12 years resident of Paris Tex; member of school board and sec of local board of health. Remov- ed to Minn Mar 189 7 since which time he has been sec and pres St Paul Soc of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery and Minn State Homeo- pathic Institute. Author of "Arseni- zation Prophylaxis of Asiatic Cholera and Yellow Fever." Member Minn Historical Soc; Am Public Health Assn; sec Minn Soc of Sons of the Am Revolution. LEAVITT Frederick, St Paul. Res 513 Marshall av, office 12 5 Dowry Arcade. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Nov 10, 1861 in Grand Rapids Mich, son of David S and Martha Ann (Tyrrell) Leavitt. Married Aug 14, 1882 to Eva Avery. Gradu- ated from the medical dept U of M 189 4. Clinical prof of obstetrics U of M; sec-treas Ramsey County Med- ical Soc; member Am Medical Assn, Academy of Medicine and other so- cieties. LE CRONE John, Faribault. Law- yer. Born Feb 2, 1872 in Effing- ham 111, son of William C and Emily (Kagay) Le Crone. Educated in Illi- nois public schools, Shattuck Military School, U of M and graduated from Wesleyan Law School of 111 189 4. Practiced law in Faribault 1894 to date. County atty 1899-19 01. Mem- ber Commercial Club, Masonic fra- ternity and K of P. LEE Charles A, Morris. Publisher. Born Dec 31, 18 75 in Ottertail coun- ty Minn, son of Halvor E and Carrie A (Anderson) Lee. Married Jan 2, 19 07 to Eugenia Hoard. Educated in common schools Fergus Falls Minn. Learned printing trade in of- fice of Fergus Falls Journal 189 0- 93; moved to Morris and conducted Tribune 6 months; returned to Fer- gus Falls and worked on Journal until 1895; returned to Morris and worked on Sun; bought interest a year later and in 19 02 became sole owner, editor and publisher of same. LEEMAN AV H, Henderson. Law- yer. Born Aug 14, 1853 in Schoharie county N Y, son of John and Sybell (Meeker) Leeman. Married Dec 25, 1876 to Minnie A Johnson. Moved to Dodge county Minn 1868; attend- ed public schools and graduated from high school Owatonna 1873. Taught school in West Omaha Neb until 1877; read law and admitted to bar Omaha 1878; practiced in Montgom- ery Minn 1880; moved to Henderson and has engaged in practice to date. Mayor of Henderson 3 terms; county atty 10 years; pres Board of Educa- tion 6 years. Member Masonic fra- ternity. LEFEBVRE Joseph M, St Paul. Res 422 Carroll, office 26 E 8th. Manufacturer. Born in 183 9 in Can- ada, son of Bazille Lefebvre. Mar- ried to Mrs Louise Guerin. Worked on farm in Canada; moved to St Paul 18 54 and was variously engaged un- til 1887 when he became a partner in the St Paul Roofing & Cornice Co; now pres Lefebvre-Deslauriers Roof- ing & Cornice Co. LEHMICKE Albert J, Stillwater. Res 319 W Pine st, office 101 S Main St. Banker. Born March 1864 in Stillwater, son of Rudolph and Jane (Tackaberry) Lehmicke. Married June 1900 to A E Bean. Educated in common and high schools Still- water. Has been connected in vari- ous capacities with Lumbermen's Nat Bank since 18 79; cashr of same 1897 to date. LEICHT Emil, Winona. Res 203 E Broadway, office 177-179 E 2d st. Publisher. Born Jan 3, 1873 in Fountain City Wis, son of Joseph and Henrietta (Schmidt) Leicht. Mar- ried in 189 4 to Helen Bollman. Ed- ucated in the public and high schools Fountain City Wis. Served as ap- prentice in father's office 1 888-1892; mngr and supt Jos Leicht Co 1892- 1904; sec and treas of Jos Leicht Press gen printers and pubs Winona 190 4 to date; publishes Westlicher Herold; Sunday Winona Nat Farmer; Volksblatt des Westens. Member Arlington Club, B P O E, U C T and many other lodges and societies. Little HketcJies of Big Folks. ::U( LEIOHT Joseph, Winona. Res 315 E 3d St, office 177-179 E 2d st. Publisher. Born July 4, 1845 in Ba- varia Germany, son of Reginald and Kate (Kathinka) Leicht. Married in 1870 to Henrietta Schmidt. Educat- ed in public schools, gymnasiums and university Germany, graduating 18 66. Moved to U S and engaged as foreman in printing business St Louis Mo 1867-69; foreman and asst editor Buffalo County Republikaner Fountain City Wis; purchased same and sold out 1881; established the Weslicher Herold Winona and has been conducting same to date. Pres Westlicher Herold Co, Jos Leicht Press and publisher of National Farmer Family Journal and Volks- blatt des Westens. Member Com- mercial Club, B P O E, I O O F, U C T and U A O D. LEIGHTON George A, Minneapo- lis. Res 1427 Fremont av N, office 616 3d av S. Printer. Born July 29, 1860 in Machias Me, son of Joseph H and Susan A (Vose) Leighton. Married Dec 6, 1884 to Minnie A Baer. Educated in common schools. Moved to Minneapolis 1880, learned printing business and in 1882 formed partner- ship of Leighton & Furbush which continued until 1885; Leighton & Hahn until 1888; changed to Leighton Bros and in 1901 to Leighton Bros Printing Co, of which he is mngr. Member Masonic fraternity. LEIGHTOX Horace N, Minneapo- lis. Res 1509 Fremont av N, office 213 S 6th St. General contractor. Born Jan 8. 1853 in Machias Maine, son of Joseph H and Susan A (Vose) Leighton. Married May 19, 1875 to Sarah L Heaton. Educated in com- mon schools. Learned carpenter trade and worked at same until 1876; moved to Minneapolis 1876 and en- gaged in building and contracting. Formed H N Leighton & Co Inc 1890 and has been pres and treas of same to date; dir Minneapolis Brick & Tile Co; Merchants & Manufacturers State Bank; treas Minneapolis Stone Co. LEITHHEAD Leslie W, Duluth. Res 16 S 18th av E, office 14-16 Com- merce. Merchant. Born Aug 6, 1868 in ISIontreal Canada, son of James B and Charlotte (Davis) Leith- head. Married Oct 1902 to Ophelia A Sellwood. Educated in the com- mon and high schools Montreal; graduated from Montreal College of Pharmacy and Chemistry Ph D 1889, receiving gold award. With Lyman Knox Co whol drugs as chemist 18 89-93; moved to Winnipeg and had interest in Martin Bole & Wynee Co whol drugs; mngr of same 1893- 96; moved to Duluth and bought in- terest in Sagar Drug Co, which was succeeded in 1898 by present firm of L W Leithhead Drug Co, of which he is pres, mngr and dir. Member Kitchi Gammi, Commercial and Northland Country clubs Duluth and Minn Club St Paul; member B P O E. LEMON AValter T, St Paul. Res 7 55 E 5th st, office 401 Nat German Am Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 17, 1877 in Washington county Minn, son of Walter J and Isabelle (Car- ver) Lemon. Was educated in the Van Buren school and Central High School St Paul, graduating in 1895; graduated law dept U of M 1899. Entered the employ of the Great Northern Ry and after serving in various capacities eventually became connected with the legal dept, re- maining there until 1902 since which time he has been engaged in gen practice. Member of Masonic frater- nity, Maccabees, Woodmen and Mod- ern Samaritans. Appointed asst commissary gen with rank of maj on Gov Van Sant's staff; member of Minn House of Representatives from 33d dist St Paul 1903-1905. LEXFEST Charles W, Anoka. Pub- lic official. Born July 2, 1838 in Mil- ford Me, son of John and Jane M (Spencer) Lenfest. Married twice: May 14, 1872 to Ella M Chesley; May 14,1894 to Fanny G McFall. Educated in common schools and academy E Corinth Me. In lumber business 1858-1862; enlisted in Co "B" 18th Maine Vol Inf continuing in service until Sept 1865; rank of capt; moved to Stillwater Minn 18 66 and engaged in lumbering business. Engaged in gen store Brunswick Minn 1867; elected county auditor 1868 continu- ing in office 10 years; moved to Anoka 1878 and engaged in hotel 288 Little l^kctchcs of BUf FoRs. business; sheriff Anoka county 1880- 88; county treas Anoka county 189 8 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and GAR. LENHAKT Prank F, Minneapolis. Res 2801 University av S E, office 2600 University av S E. Wagon manufacturer. Born April 1, 1858 in Fountain City Wis, son of Michael and Margaret (Hank) Lenhart. Mar- ried Oct 1, 1883 to .Johanna Plath. Educated in common schools. En- gaged in wagon making until 1877; foreman for Driscoll & Forseith Min- neapolis 1877-78; engaged in business for self in firm of Klopp, Roberts & Lenhart 1880; as Roberts & Lenhart until 18S8; bought out partner and continued as Frank F Lenhart until 1894; propr Lenhart Wagon Co 1894 to date. Member I O O F. LENONT Charles Burton, Virginia. Physician (R). Born Sept 3 0, 1869 in Northfield Minn, son of Isaac and Sarah (Jones) Lenont. Married Oct 10, 1901 to Estelle Shaw. Educated in common and high schools North- field Minn, graduating from medical dept U of M, M D 1899; interne As- bury Hospital Minneapolis. Prac- ticed medicine in Eveleth Minn 1899- 1901; in Virginia Minn 1901 to date. Chief surgeon Duluth & Rainy Lake & Winnipeg Ry and Mesabe Southern Ry. Member American, State and St Louis County Medical assns; Am- erican Assn of Ry Surgeons; Virginia and Commercial clubs and B P O E. LENOX Fred A, Stillwater. Res 2 04 W Cherry st, office 1 Mower blk. Dentist. Born Dec 13, 186 5 in Sin- clairville N Y, son of Walter and Ruth Ann (Redington) Lenox. Married June 6, 1900 to Fannie Fol- som. Educated in public and high schools De Kalb 111 and graduated from dental dept UofM,DDS1891. Has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity and Shrine. LEONARD Alton W, Minneapolis. Res 1710 3d av S, office 15 S 5th st. Manager Minneapolis General Elect- ric Co. Born April 8, 1873 in Mon- mouth Maine, son of Fred A and Liz- zie A (Parker) Leonard. Married April 8, 189G to Annie A Keith. At- tended common schools at Boston and Brockton Mass. Engaged as bkprl89 0- 94; in electric light business with Edison Electric Illuminating Co Brock- ton Mass as bkpr 1894; supt 1900- 1902, when he was made mngr. Mngr Houghton County (Mich) Electric Light Co 1903; mngr of Houghton County Street Ry Co 1904-1905; moved to Minneapolis Dec 1905 and became mngr of Minneapolis General Electric Co. Member K of P; I O O F; Com- mercial, Minneapolis, Publicity and Automobile clubs. liEONARl) Claude Bassett, Minne- a])olis. Res 1057 15th av S E. office 115 S 4th St. Lawyer. Born March 26. 1853 in Chelsea Mass, son of Rev Charles H and Phebe A (Bassett) Leonard. Married April 14, 1880 to Ella J Eddy. Educated in common schools Chelsea; Dean Academy, Franklin Mass; graduating Tufts Col- lege A B 1876. With Starbuck & Sawyer lawyers Watertown N Y until admitted to bar 1878; opened law office Minneapolis 1878; cIk probate court 1879-82; member firm Johnson & Leonard 1882; Johnson, Leonard & McCune 1891-97; Atty for Farm- ers and Mechanics Savings Bank. Member Masonic fraternity. LEONARD Francis J, Jordan. Lawyer. Born Jan 6, 1862 in Glen- dale Minn. Married Aug 30, 1892 to Mary Nicolin. Educated in pub- lic schools and Grove Lake Acad- emy. County atty Scott county; city atty Jordan; pres Jordan Commercial Club and Jordan Elec Light Co. Ex- supt of schools; member of legisla- ture 1893. LEONARD Henry F, Mankato. Resi 62 N 2d st, office 608 N Front st. Insurance and notary public. Born May 2], 1871 in Jordan Minn, son of Quirinus and Elizabeth (Keber) Leonard. Married May 12, 1896 to Mary J Huettl. Educated in the pa- rochial schools of Mankato. Entered employ of his father as elk in dry goods and grocery business 1888; had interest in insurance business 1896-9 8; engaged in same alone 189 8 to date. V pres Mayer Bros Little l^kctcJics of Big Folks. 289' Inc machinists; Manli;ato Post; pres Deutschland und Heim Gesellschaft. Alderman Mankato 1899-1903. Mem- ber of Manl^ato Commercial Club, Thalia Dramatic Club; sec and treas Calvary Cemetery Assn; pres St Peter and St Paul Benevolent Soc; financial sec K of C; member of com- mittee on finance of the German Roman Catholic Aid Assn for state of Minnesota. LESLIE Fredoi'ick G, St Paul. Office 248-252 E 4th st. Paper mer- chant. Born April 23, 1872 in Ireland, son of James and Mary (McEride) Leslie. Married Feb 6, 1893 to Mary N Holton. Came to U S when a child. Attended ])ublic schools in Mitchell S D and St Paul. Started in busi- ness with Minneapolis Paper Co Min- neapolis 1890-94; with John Leslie Paper Co Minneapolis 1894-1903; has been doing business in St Paul under firm name of F G Leslie Co Inc since 1903 and is pres of same. Dir of Commercial and Minnesota Boat clubs; pres Roosevelt Club and member Town Criers Club. LESLIE John, Minneapolis. Res 2124 Fremont av S, office 301-303 S 5th St. Merchant. Born Dec 28, 1861 in Ireland, son of James and Mary(McBride)Leslie. Married. to Bes- sie M McAfee. Educated in the com- mon schools. Served apprenticeship 4 years to paper trade; came to Min- nesota 1884; employed as salesman for St Paul paper house; mngr branch in Minneapolis for same house 1890; started business in Minneapolis as firm of Leslie & McAfee 1894, later incorporated under name of John Les- lie Paper Co, of which he is pres. Former pres Minneapolis Commercial Club, now dir same. Member Mason- ic fraternity. LETHEKT John A, St Paul. Res 110 Como av, office 357 Minnesota St. Manufacturer. Born March 16, 1874, at Shakopee Minn, son of Anton and Margaret (Klinkhammer) Lethert. Married May 16, 1899 to Clementina Sausen. Educated in the parochial school at Jordan Minn. Worked 10 years for H L Collins & Co St Paul as finisher and stamper. Propr Western Badge & Novelty Co mnfrs of badges, banners, buttons and novelties 1904 to date. Member K of C, C O F, St Clemens Benev- olent Soc, St Peter's Benevolent Soe and Minn Mut Casualty Co. LEUTHOLI) Charles, Waseca. Clothier. Born in 1868 in Kasson Minn, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Leuthold. Married in 1895 to Jo- sephine Preston. Educated in pub- lic schools Kasson Minn. Engaged as clerk in Kasson; moved to Waseca and established Leuthold Bros cloth- iers, now operating 12 stores 1888 to date. Member Commercial Club. LEVY Sanuiel J, Minneapolis. Res 1724 Nicollet av, office 401-403 The Phoenix. Lawyer. Born Aug 18, 1881 in St Louis Mo, son of I A and Belle (Stearn) Levy. Attended pub- lic schools in Cleveland O and Min- neapolis; graduated from law dept U of M 19 01. Has practiced law in Minneai)olis 19 01 to date. Formerly member of Levy & Glassner law firm; now practicing alone. Sec Phoenix Club Minneapolis; Archon Northern Light Council and Royal League. LEWIS Charle.s Fremont, Austin. Physician and surgeon (R). Born March 31, 18 68 in Austin Minn, son of Leland B and Emily (Chreviston) Lewis. Married July 10, 1889 to Eliza G Hill. Attended dist school near Austin Minn 1873-78; common school Fairmont Minn 187 9-85; grad- uated from medical dept Vanderbilt Univ Nashville Tenn M D 1900; post- graduate course Chicago Policlinic Hospital 1906. Engaged as watch- maker and jeweler with part interest in business Fairmont Minn 1885-86; studied medicine and practiced op- thalmology from 1886; engaged in gen practice of medicine and surgery 1900 to date. County physician Mower county 1901-1902; coroner 1905-1906; re-elected 1907. Member Am and Minn State assns, Mower County Medical Soc, Progessive League and Business Men's Club. Local surgeon C G W Ry. 240 Little Sketches of Big Folks. LEWIS George Roberts, St Paul. Res 656 Ashland av, office 12-13 Sherman blk. Real estate and mort- gage loans. Born Nov 21, 183 6 In Indiana county Pa, son of Rev David and Elizabeth Williams (Porter) Lewis. Married Aug 3 18 60 to Nan- nie J MacLane. Attended country school until 18 50; Elders Ridge Acad- emy Pa 1850-52; Washington (Pa) College 1852-54; A B 1854; A M 1857. Studied medicine with Dr D W Lewis at Ebensburg Pa; at Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons N Y 18 55-56; Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, graduating M D 1857. Practiced medicine and surgery a number of years in Penn; served as asst surgeon and surgeon in Penn Vol in Civil War; was a trustee of State Normal School at Indiana Pa at inception of school and during erection of school buildings. V pres and treas Robt P Lewis Co real es- tate and mortgage loans St Paul. Member GAR and Loyal Legion. LEWIS fieoroe Winthrop, St Paul. Res 69 8 Ashland av, office 6 67 Gil- fillan blk. Lawyer. Born June 7, 1857, son of Martin B and Emma H (Williams) Lewis. Married Feb 14, 18 83 to Margaret Lee. Is a graduate of the U of M 1882; moved to St Paul 1886 and has been actively en- gaged in the practice of law since that date. Is a member of the Minn Soc of Colonial Wars. LEWIS J Harry, St Paul. Res 59 6 Marshall av, office 92 E 4th st. Jour- nalist. Born Aug 13, 1864 in Phil- adelphia Pa, son of Jabez S and Eliz- abeth (Anthony) Lewis. Educated in the public schools of Philadelphia until 12 years of age; was a printer until 1884; published the Secret Soc Herald of Philadelphia until 18 88; foreman of the Kansas City Star 1888-93 ; lessee, mngr and advertising writer for Gillis Opera House Kan- sas City 1893-94; advertising writer 189 4-9 6; advertising mngr of the Kansas City World 189 6-99; was one of the incorporators of the Daily News Publishing Co and is now v pres and mngr of the Daily News and Rural Weekly. Member of the Commercial Club and Business League. Served as dir and 1st v pres of the Auditorium Committee; member Y M C A Committee. LEWIS Oliii B, St Paul. Res 23 W Isabel st^ office Court House. Lawyer and jurist. Born Mar 12, 1861 in Weyauwega, Waupaca coun- ty Wis, son of Zeria D and Rebecca (Horning) Lewis. Graduated from high school in 18 79 and from Univ of Wis A B 1885; from the law dept LL B 1889. Moved to Minn and practiced law; elected to the gen assembly of St Paul in 189 4 and re-elected in 189 6; elected judge of dist court 2d judicial dist the same year and re-elected in 19 02, term expires Jan 1, 1909. Member of the Minn and Commercial clubs. LEWIS Robert Porter, St Paul. Res The Angus, office Sherman blk. Law, real estate and loans. Born Aug IS, 183 5 in Lewisville Indiana county Pa, son of Rev David and Eliza- beth Williams (Porter) Lewis. Mar- ried June 4, 1866 to Charlotte H Mar- vin. Educated at Elders Ridge Acad- emy and Washington and Jefferson colleges, graduating A B 18 56; studied law and admitted to bar 18 59. Ex- sec St P & D R R. Member firm of Gaston & Lewis; pres Robert P Lewis Co real estate 189 to date. LIBBEY George W, Minneapolis. Res 821 7th st, office 244 2d av S. Contractor and builder. Born June 10, 183 8 in Prospect Me, son of John C and Mary A (Steele) Libbey. Mar- ried June 10, 1863 to Mary E Mudg- ett. Educated in common schools. Engaged in ship building until 1871; moved to Minneapolis 18 72 and has engaged in contracting and building business to date. LIDDELL John, Wadena. Farm implements. Born March 9, 1842 in Scotland, son of William and Eliza- beth (McEweh) Liddell. Married Feb 14, 1881 to Grace McGregor. Ed- ucated in public schools Blooming- ton Ont. Engaged in farming 1868- 81; merchant Sleepy Eye 1882; in business Hitchcock S D 18 82-87; moved to Minneapolis and became member of Liddell, Campbell & Cavanagh in jobbing trade 18 87-99; farm implement business Wadena 189 0-93, when present firm of Lid- dell & Hocking farm implements was Little .^ketches of Bif/ Folks. 241 formed. Now serving Sd term as judge of probate Wadena county. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity and Knights Templar. LIGHTHOl KX D.avid Colston, Ada. Publisher. Born Jan 3 0, 18.58 in Da- kota county Minn, son of Edward S and Susannah S Lightbourn. Mar- ried Sept 2 8, 1887 to Emily Ginsberg. Attended public and high schools St Paul. Worked in newspaper offices until 18 83; purchased Norman County Index Ada Minn 1883 and has published same to date. Ap- pointed judge of probate Norman county 18 89; re-elected 1890; dep- uty state ins comnr 1892-96; acting state ins comnr 189 6-97; re-ap- pointed dep comnr and served 1901- 1905. Dir First State Bank of Ada and Norman County Telephone Co. Member and officer M N G 6 years. Republican. IJLLYIJLAD Charles E, Red Wing. Hotel propr. Born March 23, 1878 in Red Wing, son of Gustave and Annie (Hanson) Lillyblad. Educated in the public and high schools of Red Wing. Engaged in gen mdse busi- ness in Muskogee Indian Ter 1891-92; returned to Red Wing 1902 and has been in the hotel business to date. Member Commercial Club and B P O E. LINCOLN William C, Fergus Falls. Public official. Born June 14,184 5 in Philadelphia Pa, son of William and Elizabeth (Cunningham) Lincoln. Married to Elizabeth Gates. Edu- cated in public and high schools Troy N Y. Moved to Fergus Falls 18 82 and was employed in office county auditor as deputy; elected county auditor 1899; served in 125th N Y Vol Inf in Civil War from 1862-65. Member GAR. LlNl) Ei'laiul, Minneapolis. Res 4 23 Beacon st S E, office 812 Andrus bldg. Lawyer. Born May 16, 1875 in Travad, Vestergotland Sweden, son of Johannes Persson and Maria Kris- tina Lind. Attended public schools in Sweden; Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege St Peter Minn 1889-9 6; gradu- ated A B; law dept U of M 189 7- 1901, graduated LL B 1900; LL M 16 19 01. Practiced law in Minneapolis 19 00 to date. Dir and sec Minne- sota College Minneapolis; dir and sec Swedish Land & Colonization Co, selling land and establisliing colonies in Cuba 1904 to date. LIXDIJEKG Charles A, Little Falls. Congressman. Born Jan 20, 1859 in Sweden. Came to Minn with parents when an infant and located in Mel- rose Minn 1860. Educated in the pub- lic schools; Grove Lake Academy and Univ of Mich. Moved to Little Falls and has been engaged in the prac- tice of law since 1886; member of U S House of Representatives. Llx\i>HERG J(.hn, Warren. Miller. B'orn Nov 13, 1859 in Sweden, son of Olaus and Johanna (Johnson) Lind- berg. Married Sept 12, 1889 to Ida J Johnson. Educated in common schools of Sweden and Minnesota. Came to U S in 1872; to Marshall county Minn 1882; established and conducted brick-yard 1883-87; in ma- chinery business until 1904 under firm name of Lindberg & Lundgren ; now sec and treas Warren Milling Co. V pres Peoples Trading Co; dir Swedish Am Bank and Warren B & L Assn; member Maplebay Mnfg Co of Crookston. Member Commercial Club; I O O F. LIXDEKE A W, St Paul. Res 295 Summit av, office 4th and Sibley sts. Merchant. Born March 7, 1873, son of A H Lindeke. Graduated St Paul public schools; graduated high school 1890; Yale College 1894; St Paul Law School 19 00. Admitted to the bar same year but never practiced. Engaged with present firm of Lin- deke, Warner & Sons whol dry goods 189 4 and became a member 1898. Member Commercial, Minn, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht and Roosevelt clubs; Amateur Athletic Assn. LIXDEMAX John F, Faribault. Carriage mnfr. Born Dec 24, 185 6 in Warren county Mo, son of John and Mary ( Bottemiller) Lindeman. Mar- ried in 187 6 to Lena E Griebel. Learned carriage making in Hastings ]Minn 1867; worked in East 9 years; moved to Faribault and with brother 242 Little >, St Paul. Res 641 Wabasha st. Retired. Born in 1819 in East Hampton Mass. Mar- ried to Margaret Rhodes. Moved to New York from his birthplace at age of 21. Engaged in lead mining Illi- nois; logging St Croix Valley Wis; built sawmill in Pine City with J P Griffin; moved to St Paul 1845 and en- gaged in lumber business as Gribben & Ludden. One of the organizers of the State Savings Bank; Member of the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature 3 terms. LUERS Herbert F, Owatonna. Journalist. Born Aug 9, 1875 in Owatonna Minn, son of Herman H and Trena A (Snedigar) Luers. Mar- ried in 1901 to Anne S Richardson. Educated in the public schools and Pillsbury Academy Owatonna and U of M; studied voice and instrumen- tal music. Began his career as re- porter on Owatonna Journal 1896; with E K Whiting purchased Farm- ers Gazette and changed its name to the Chronicle 1897; Incorporated as Journal-Chronicle Co 1906, of which he is pres and editor and E K Whiting v pres, sec and business mngr; purchased the Owatonna Journal merging the 2 papers under the name of "The Owatonna Journal- Chronicle" published daily and week- ly. Capt Co "I" 2d Regt M N G. Member Minn State and North Star Daily Editorial assns. V pres Com- mercial Club; member B P O E, Modern Samaritans and v pres Steele County Good Roads Assn. LUFKIN Harry M, St Paul. Res 617 Goodrich av, office 403 Germania Lire bldg. Physician (H). Born April 13, 1860 in Shelbvville 111, son of Charles D and Lucia R (Smith) Lufkin. Educated at State Normal Univ Normal 111; Univ of Mich (Med- ical) degree homeopathic; Hahne- mann Medical College Philadelphia Pa; Univ of N Y (R) medical degree; studied 2 years in European hospi- tals. Attending physician at St Luke's and St Joseph's hospitals St Paul ; attending gynecologist City and County Hospital ; professor dis- eases of children U of M medical dept 1897-1904; professor physical diagnosis and clinical medicine 189 7-19 04. Ex-pres and member of the Minn State Board of Medical Ex- aminers 1890-97 and pres Minn In- stitute of Homeopathy. JAM George H, Little Falls. Mill- er. Born Nov 6, 1S74 in Somerset New York, son of Levi L and Rebecca P (Chapman) Lum. Married Aug 17, 1899 to Frances R Douglass. Edu- cated in Somerset (N Y) schools. En- gaged in teaching school 1893; trav salesman for Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Milling Co in New York and Penn for 7 years; in whol flour business Clearfield Pa; now pres Northwestern Milling Co Little Falls, established 1906. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine and B P O E. LUM Leon E, Duluth. Res 1103 E 1st, office First Nat Bank. Law- yer. Born May 20, 1859 in Anoka county Minn, son of Silas O and Emily H (Thorndike) Lum. Educat- ed in the common schools of Minne- apolis and U of M. Admitted to the bar in Hennepin county i880 and be- gan practice in Brainerd 1881. Elect- ed justice of peace 1882. Served as city atty 4 terms; county atty 2 terms and as member of the legislature 1 term. Moved to Duluth 1897 and has been engaged in the practice of law since that time. Member of Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Duluth Boat and Yacht clubs. LUNDEEN Ernest C A, Minneapo- lis. Res 3318 Minnehaha av, office 316-318 Security Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born Aug 4, 1878 near Beres- ford S D, son of Rev Charles H and Kristine Charlotte Lundeen. Mar- ried Sept 14, 1902 to Ethel Whipple. Little .SkctrJirs of Big Folks. 247 Attended public schools in S D and Iowa; graduated from Dayton Iowa High School 1S95; B A Carleton College 1901; law dept U of M 19 01-19 03; studied law and served as asst in office of T N Jayne Min- neapolis 19 03-1906; during this time acted as mngr of Estates Realization Co, property, property rights and col- lections Minneapolis. Admitted to practice May 21, 19 06 on state bar ex- amination. Has practiced since admis- sion. Private in 12th Minn Vol Inf Spanish-American War; private, cor- poral and sergeant MNG1899 to date. Won Minn State Oratorical Contest 1900; represented Minn in interstate collegiate debate with Northwestern Univ 1903; member Athenian Liter- ary Society Carleton College. LUNDQUIST Charles Oscar, Min- neapolis. Res 1800 13th av S, office 508 Endicott bldg St Paul. Lawyer. Born Oct 2 4 1879 in La Crosse Wis, son of John A and Mary ( Mark ) Lundquist. Married July 25,1903 to Virginia M Tobin of St Louis. At- tended public schools at La Crosse Wis; graduated from La Crosse High School 1897; expert accountant 1898; U of M, LL B 1903; LL M 19 04; practiced law in Minneapolis 1903-1907; was identified with D S B Johnston Land Co St Paul 6 years; sec and treas of F R Duxbury Land Co St Paul. Handles real estate, mortgage investments and invest- ment securities. Member Delta Chi law college fraternity; K of P; Ward Rep Club Minneapolis. LUNDRIGAX J E, Cass Lake. Lawyer. Born Sept 11, 1875 in Rush- ford, Alleghany county N Y, son of John and Hannah (Young) Lundri- gan. Married April 25, 1906 to Alice Dudley. Educated in Rushford Acad- emy and Union Univ (legal dept). Admitted to bar in New York 1901; moved to Minn and admitted to bar 1902; moved to Cass Lake and opened office 1903 where he has practiced to date. Member Masonic fraternity. LUXZ James H, Two Harbors. Lumber. Born Dec 2 8, 18 60 in Houghton Mich, son of George and Barbara Anna Lunz. Educated in common schools Mich. In livery business Escanaba Mich until 1884; same in Two Harbors; of Owens & Lunz lumber 1899-93; purchased en- tire business 1893 and conducts same as Jas H Lunz Lumber Co. Pres First State Bank Two Harbors. Mem- ber B P O E and I O O F. LUKTOX Freeman Ellsworth, Fergus Falls. Supt of schools. Born Sept 5, 1870 in Maine, son of Thomas L and Adelia (Coleman) Lurton. Married June 2 6, 189 4 to Alice Bab- bitt. Graduated from Carleton Col- lege Northfield Minn B S 1894; M S 1897; Gale College Galesville Wis MA 1898; Upper Iowa Univ Fayette la, M A 1906; Ewing College Ewing 111 Ph D 19 07. Teacher rural schools 188 7-89; principal graded schools Morristown Minn 1891-92; head of dept of history and political science West Side High School Milwaukee Wis 189 4-9 6; instructor in political economy in high school Sioux City la 1896; supt of schools Monticello Minn 1896-1900; Spring Valley 1900- 19 03; Preston 1903-1906; Fergus Falls 19 06 to date. From 189 6-190 6 instructed in or conducted State Summer Schools for Teachers under the authority of the State dept of Education. Member board of direc- tors City Library; Wis Academy Science, Arts and Letters; American Historical Assn; Minn Educational Assn. LUSK James AV, St Paul. Res 5 57 Dayton av, office National German American Bank bldg. Banker. Born Sept 6, 1841 in Cherry Valley N Y, son of Rev William and Jane Adelaide (Norris) Lusk. Educated in the pub- lic schools of Reedsburg Wis and Batavia N Y. Was admitted to the bar in Circuit Court of Sauk county Wis 1866; Supreme Court of Wis soon after; county judge Sauk county Wis 4 years. Removed to St Paul 1884 and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Minn and U S Supreme Court. Engaged in active practice of law in St Paul and was gen atty for Chicago, Great Western Ry Co. Became pres of the Nat German American Bank Oct 1, 1893 and is still holding that office. Served 2 years in the Civil War as 2d lieut Co "B" and 1st lieut Co "A" 12th Wis Infantry. Dir St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co, Chi- 24S Little .^ketches of Bif/ FoUs. cago Great Western Ry and North- western Trust Co. Member of Minn and Town and Country clubs St Paul. LUSTER Carl A, Dulutli. Res 1G19 E 1st St, office 302 Lake av S. Manufacturer. Born Aug 11, 18 66 in Saginaw Mich. In hardware bus- iness Saginaw Mich until 1899; es- tablished N W Mnfg Co, afterwards Clyde Iron Co, now Clyde Iron Works of which he is pres. Member Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country and Com- mercial clubs. LYMAN AVillai-d C, Winona. Pub- lisher. Born May 13, 1861 in Living- ston county Mich, son of Hollis F and Catherine (Reid) Lyman. Married in 1889 to Clara Frost. Attended public schools Livingston county Mich 1865-74. Worked on Daily Courier Jackson Mich 1874-84; gen office work Evening Courier Jackson Mich 1884-8 6; Morning Patriot- Jack- son 188 6-19 06; vice pres Winona In- dependent Aug 1, 1906 to date. Member Masonic fraternity. LYNCH Edward, Duluth. Res Spalding Hotel, office 431 Manhattan. Timber lands. Born March 9, 1859 in Philadelphia Pa, son of James and Jane (Gilandrews) Lynch. Educated in the public schools of Windsor Can- ada. Engaged in timber business in Mich and Minn. Engaged in busi- ness for self in 1878 and is now hold- er of large timber lands and mining properties. Member of Kitchi Gammi and Commercial clubs. LYNCH Frederick B, St Paul. Res 1954 Iglehart st, office 422-43 8 Endi- cott bldg. Lumber and real estate. Born May 4, 1866 in Madison Wis, son of John W and Helen ( De Camp) Lynch. Married in 1887 to Isabella C Purdon. Educated in the public schools at Yankton S D and Yankton College. Sec Northwest Colonization Co, Red Deer Lumber Co and Canada Coal & Coke Co; sec and treas Elk Lumber Co; v pres Williams Iron Mine Co; pres Alberta & Saskatch- ewan Colonization Co, Minn Invest- ment Co and Madison Land Co. Member St Paul Commercial, Minn and Athletic clubs; 4 years alder- man from 11th ward St Paul; 4 years treas Minn State Dem Central Committee. LYON Frank W, Little Falls. Law- yer. Born Nov 18, 1856 in Stark county 111, son of C M S and S Eliza (Rhodes) Lyon. Married March 1, 1883 to Helen G Thompson. Educated in high school Toulon 111 and Knox College Galesburg 111. Has been en- gaged in practice of law for twenty- five years; county atty of Morrison county Minn 8 years; member Board of Education Little Falls at present and for 12 years. Member Masonic fraternity. LYON George A, Minneapolis. Res 3 225 Hennepin av, office 619-625 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born June 9, 1871 in Rockford la, son of Orlo Henry and Belle Alden (Bradford) Lyon. Married Oct 5, 19 05 to Eliza- beth N McLean. Graduated from Rockford la High School 18 88; Iowa College at Grinnell la 1892; Harvard Univ Law School 1903; Iowa College B S; Harvard Univ LL B. Cashr Marble Rock Bank la 1892-93; asst cashr First Nat Bank of Rockford la 1893-1900; mayor of Rockford la 1897. Dir First Nat Bank of Rock- ford la; engaged in study and prac- tice of law 1900 to date; associated in practice with Lancaster & McGee lawyers Minneapolis. LYONS Patrick F, St Paul. Res 252 W 5th St. Retired civil engineer and meteorologist. Born March 17, 1842 in county Kerry Ireland, son of Pat- rick and Ellen (Carrol) Lyons. Ed- ucated at Christian Brothers College, public school; business college and Polytechnic Institute St Louis Mo 1853-68. Surveyor and civil eng, engaged in hydraulic and railroad works 18 70-76. Employed in War Dept and Dept of Agriculture as asst observer, observer, instructor of meteorology and forcaster U S Weath- er Bureau 187 6-1903 when he re- tired. Contributor to weekly and several publications of historic and scientific nature. Served as sergent Co "G" 11th Mo Inf 1863. LYTLB John Alexander, St Paul. Res 189 7 Feronia av, office 2161 University av. Cattle dealer. Born July 8, 1865 in Maghera Ireland, son of John Shields and Elizabeth Mar- shall (Lowry) Lytle. Educated in the public schools and by private Little Sketches of Big Folks. 241> tuition in Ireland. Moved to Regina Canada and engaged in farming 1SS2; moved to St Paul and was em- ployed as cattle salesman with Lytle & Raeburn 1894-1901 at which time formed partnership with Wm M Raeburn under firm name of the Rlid- way Cow Market. Engaged in cat- tle business. Member of Masonic fra- ternity. M< McALPINK Donald B, Grand Marais. Lawyer. Born Sept 16, 18 79 in Alba, Lapeer county Mich, son of Daniel and Harriet (Wilken- son) McAlpine. Married Dec 2 8, 1904 to Elizabeth Dolan. Graduated from Kalkaska Mich High School 1897; graduated from Olivet Mich Preparatory College 1899; graduated from Univ of Mich law dept 1902; course in U of M law dept 19 04. Located at Grand Marais Minn 1904; elected county atty 1904; re-elected 19 06, term expires Jan 1, 19 09. Sec of Rep County Committee. McALPlNE John, Duluth. Res 1610 E 1st, office 403 American Ex- change Bank bldg. Lumber and lum- ber lands. Born May 1, 1854 in New York, son of James and Jessie (Mc- Laughlin) McAlpine. Married Mar 1899 to Sarah Keating. Educated in common schools Ontario. First en- gaged in lumbering and logging on Ottawa river. Moved to Eau Claire Wis 1878 and engaged in lumber business for self until 1889; moved to California and bought timber for self 1889-93. Moved to Duluth and continued in timber buying 1893 to date. Has large interests in Wash- ington, Oregon and Idaho; also en- gaged in manufacturing and lumber business. Member Kitchi Gammi and Commercial clubs Duluth; Eau Claire (Wis) Club; Masonic fraternity, K of P and I O O F. MCCARTHY' John, Stillwater. Res 713 S 3d St. Retired (lumber). Born May 26, 1846 in Mitchelstown Ireland, son of Daniel and Abigail (Barry) McCarthy. ^Married :Mav 12, 1868 to Anna M McGoldrick. Edu- cated in common schools of Peter- boro Ont. Settled in Stillwater 1863 and was engaged in logging and min- ing in Central City Colo 1864-67. Engaged in meat business Stillwater under firm name of Holcomb & Mc- Carthy 186 7-7 6; in lumber business- as John McCarthy & Co 18 76-82; lumber broker 18 82-8 7; postmaster of Stillwater 1887-92; expert land examiner 1892 to date. Dir McGold- rick Lumber Co Spokane and has large interests in many other lumber companies. Chairman Washington County Dem Central Committee 187 9- 87. State pres A O H 189 0-98; mem- ber B P O E. McCLEARY James Thompson, Mankato. Office Washington D C. Second Assistant Postmaster General. Born Feb .5, 1853 in Ingersoll Can, son of Thompson and Sarah (Mc- Cutcheon) McCleary. Married June- 4, 187 4 to Mary Edith Taylor. At- tended high school at Ingersoll Ont and IVIcGill Univ ]Montreal. Taught school in Wis and was supt of schools of Pierce county Wis; resigned in 1881 to become state institute con- ductor of ]Minn and professor of his- tory and civics in State Normal School Mankato. Elected to United States House of Representatives from 2d Minn dist 1892 and served 7 consecu- tives terms; term of service expired March 4, 1907 upon which he was: immediately appointed by President Roosevelt to be 2d assistant postmas- ter gen having charge of transparta- tion of U S mails on land and sea which covered an expenditure in 1906 of more than $76,000,000. Au- thor "Studies in Civics" 1888 and "A Manual of Civics" 1894. Sec Minn Educational Assn 1883; pres of same 1891. McCLELLAN Fred L, :\Iinneapolis. Res 2016 Kenwood pkway, office 245 1st av N. Merchant. Born June 11, 186 7 in Sarnia Can, son of William Wallace and Ellen A (Wait) McClel- lan. Married June 12, 189 5 to Lena L Shattuck. Educated in common schools. Moved to Minneapolis 18 82^ and was employed in mercantile busi- ness until 1889; employed by James. H Bishop & Co whol paper dealers as bkpr and later as creditman 18 89- 94; engaged in business for self in 189 4 as McClellan Paper Co; incor- porated 189 8. ^Member B P O E. 250 Little Sl-etchcs of Big Folks. McCLINTOCK John Mills, Duluth. Res Kitchi Gammi Club, office 501 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 23, 1864 in Collinsville O, son of Robert (Scroggin) and Sarah Jane (Smith) McClintock. Educated in public schools Collinsville O; Miami Univ Oxford O; Hanover College Indiana; graduated from law dept Univ of Vir- ginia and Cincinnati Univ. Admitted to bar 1891 and began practice in Galveston Texas; moved to Duluth 1892 and has been engaged in prac- tice of his profession to date. Asst county atty 1899-1901; county atty 1901-1907. Member Commercial, Kitchi Gammi and Duluth Boat clubs. McCLOUI) Charles Naumann, St Paul. Res 965 Selby av, office 3 04 Selby av. Physician and sur- geon. Born Feb 9, 18 72 in St Paul Minn, son of D H and Maria (Nau- mann) McCloud. Married Oct 18. 1904 to Agatha de Lambert. At- tended St Paul public schools; Mac- alester College St Paul; college of pharmacy U of M, graduating Phm D 1895; medical dept M D 19 01. Interne City and County Hospital St Paul 1901-1902; has practiced in St Paul 19 01 to date. Member Ramsey County and Minn State Medical so- cieties; American Medical Assn. McCOXXELIi James M, Mankato. Res 918 S Front st, office 5th and Hickory sts. Educator. Born May 28, 1868 in Armstrong county Pa, son of William and Rebecca (Moore) McConnell. Married July 19, 1893 to Jeanette Graham. Educated in the common schools of Pa; Edin- boro (Pa) State Normal School; read law in Warren Pa; attended Carle- ton College Northfleld Minn. Taught school in Pa; principal of graded schools Pa; taught mathematics and civics in private school Minn; supt of schools Heron Lake Minn 3 years; supt of schools Winnebago Minn 1900-1904; supt of schools Mankato Sept 1904 to date. Institute and summer school instructor 1900-19 07; same in summer school Mankato Normal 190 5-1907. Pres Southern Minn Teachers' Assn 1906; pres Minn State Educational Assn 19 07. xMcCOR]VIACK Michael L, St Paul. Res 1873 Marshall av Merriam Park, office 721 Germania Lige bldg. Real estate. Born Nov 2 6, 185 in Frundsville, Susquehanna county Pa, son of F F and Jane (Maguire) Mc- Cormack. Married in 1862 to Adele A Lyons. Educated in the common schools of St Paul and Sibley county Minn. Left home when still a youth and began steamboating on the Miss- issippi; licensed master and pilot 1871; associated with Red River Transportation Co on Red River of the North; early identified with steamboat navigation in all parts of the Northwest. In 1871 Capt McCor- mack and Capt Griggs located what is now city of Grand Forks; estab- lished first sawmill in that country; opened gen store under firm name of McCormack & Griggs & Co; built Grand Forks Roller Mills; operated same 1882-9 6. Built several busi- ness blocks at Grand Forks; stock- holder and dir First Nat Bank Grand Forks several years; organizer and pres Grand Forks Nat Bank 18 86-9 5; Elected treas of county 1873; elected mayor of Grand Forks 1882; served for 3 terms ; delegate to Nat Dem Con- vention at Chicago 1884; member of notification committee; appointed sec of territory of Dakota 18 85-89; be-' came acting governor of N D 1887; state senator 1889-97; received Dem nomination for U S senator. McCRxlCKEX Augustus E, Minne- apolis. Res 3 022 Harriet av S, office 250 1st av N. Carriages. Born May 20, 1856 in Illinois, son of John and Mary (Cormeny) McCracken. Mar- ried 1883 to Adelaide Roach. Edu- cated in common and high schools Mt Carroll 111. Farmed until 1876; trav salesman for Harrison, Knight & Co 187 6-79; with Good now & Haw- ley lumber as mngr until 1886; Hed- erly & McCracken carriage repository 188 6 to date. McCROSSEN Julian A, St Paul. Res The Willard, office 212 Endicott bldg. Real estate and farm lands Born May 21, 1854 in Waupaca coun- ty Wis, son of James and Cornelia ( Jones) McCrossen. Married in 1902 to Caroline Barr. Attended public schools Wis; Lawrence Univ Little »S7.Tfr7/r.s of Biff Folks. 251 Appleton Wis. Mercantile business 18 72-91; lumber Wausau Wis 1891- 94; merchandise and lumber for self W'ashington 1894-98; lumber Wau- sau 189 8-1902; real estate St Paul 1903 to date; v pres Golden Valley Land & Cattle Co. McCUXE Alexander, Minneapolis. Res 3 20 7 4th av S, office Court House. Lawyer. Born Mar 2, 1859 in Mecca Mills, Park county Ind, son of Henry Clay and Mary Ann (Mel- vin) McCune. Married Oct 2 0, 1886 to Clara McNair. Educated in public schools of Ind and N Y; "Genesee Wesleyan Seminary Lima N Y 1873- 77; Princeton Univ 1877-81; Mich Univ Law School 1882-83. Practiced law alone until 188.5 when he formed a partnership with Edwin S Slater which continued until 188 7 when he became associated with Edw M John- son and later with Claude B Leonard under the firm name of Johnson. Leonard & McCune, which continued until 1897. Practiced law until Jan 1, 19 06 when he was appointed elk of the Probate Court of Hennepin county Minn which office he now holds. Was a member of the Minne- apolis City Council 1898-1902. McDAVITT Thomas, St Paul. Res 596 Grand av, office Lowry bldg. Oculist and aurist. Born May 15, 1857 in St Louis Mo, son of Virgil and Caroline (McGinnis) McDavitt. Married June 25, 1884 to Hattie Easton. Graduated Chicago Medical College 18 79. Practiced gen medi- cine and surgery in W'inona Minn un- til July 1, 1890; 1 year in special work in Paris, Vienna and Berlin before entering special work in St Paul Sept 1891. Is sec of Minn State Medical Assn; member of American Medical Assn and several other Med- ical societies. 3rcDERMOTT Thomas, St Paul. Res 296 Dayton av, office 6 57 Gil- fillan blk. Lawyer. Born March 4, 1876 in Stillwater Minn, son of Philip and Elizabeth (McGrath) McDermott. Attended Stillwater High School, graduating 1892; U of M 1892-96; graduated B Sc; law dept U of M 1897-1900, graduated B L. Studied law with How & Butler and How & Taylor 189 7-1900; asst corporation atty St Paul 1901-1903; special atty of Water Board St Paul in litigation against St Paul City Ry Co 1903-1906; gen practice of law St Paul 1903 to date. Member Theta Delta Chi college fraternity; Minn and Town and Country clubs St Paul. McDERMOTT Thomas J, St Paul. Res 354 N Dale, office 714 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 17, 1861 in Le Sueur county Minn, son of Paul A and Rose (McNamee) McDermott. Edu- cated in the country schools until 1883; business college 1883-84; U of M Col- lege of Law 1892-95, from which he graduated with degrees of LL B and LL M. Has been engaged in the practice of law since April 1892. Was chairman of Dem Committee 189 4-9 6 and Dem nominee for atty gen Minn 1904. International rep- resentative of the I O F to Toronto 1900; to Atlantic City 1905; and is at present high counsel of that or- der in Minn. Mcdonald Kenneth A, Duluth. Res 9 Munger ter, office 509-510 Providence bldg. Lumber. Born Sept 7, 1859 in Clayton N Y, son of Angus and Annie (Farris) McDon- ald. Married Nov 16, 1891 to Annie Fitzpatrick. Began business career at the age of 14 loading vessels on the St Lawrence river. Moved to Saginaw Mich 1874 and remained in lumber woods 1 year. Removed to Alpena ^lich and engaged in lumber and sawmill business until 1875. Removed to Duluth 189 5 and en- gaged in sawmill business until 189 7 when he went into the pine land business on his own account; now having many large interests in vari- ous corporations in lumber and min- eral lands. Member of Mich N G 1883-9 5; v pres Western Curling- Club; member of A O U W, Modern Samaritans and Independent Order of Redmen. McDonald Mon-is, Minneapolis. Res 2202 Blaisdell av, office cor 1st av and 5th st N. Merchant. Born July 2, 1850 in Susquehanna county Pa, son of Morris and Eliza (O'Donald) ^McDonald. Married Oct 28, 1884 to Little Sketches of Bifj Folks. Susan Smith. Educated in common schools. Engaged in construction dept of Erie Ry Co 18 72-7 7; in re- tail china business Bradford Pa, as McDonald Bros 187 7-82; moved to Minneapolis and started in present business as pres McDonald Bros Co Inc; also continued business at Brad- ford Pa until 18S7. Mcdonald William H, Minneapo- lis. Res Nicollet Hotel, office 560 Tem- ple Court. Lawyer. Born March 23, 18 59 in Cottage Grove Minn, son of William and Eliza Jane (Guy) Mc- Donald. Married March 19, 1883 to Hettie Huntington. Educated in pub- lic schools; Northfleld College; grad- uated from U of M 1877; law dept 1881. Practiced at Hudson Wis 1881-86; moved to St Paul and prac- ticed 1886-1901; moved to Texas in oil business 1901-19 04; moved to Minneapolis 1904 and has practiced there to date. Member of firm of Ayers & McDonald. McDonnell Patrick, Duluth. Res 49 E 3d st, office McDonnell blk. General contractor. Born in 1863 in County Mayo Ireland, son of Patrick and Ann (Gibbons) McDonnell. Mar- ried Jan 1893 to Lottie Carroll. Ed- ucated in the common and high schools of Wis. Moved to Duluth 1885. Engaged in the contracting business, first as foreman on Duluth and Iron Range and then in business for self, making a specialty of water works, paving sewers etc. Member Nat Dem Convention St Louis 1904. Pres and dir Zenith Realty Co. Mem- ber B P O E. Prominent in athletic circles. McDOUGALL George Allen, St Paul. Res 1897 Dayton av Merriam Park, office 416 Pioneer Press bldg. Railway supplies, iron and steel. Born in 1846 in Willsboro Pa, son of William W and Amanda (Wether- bee) McDougall. Educated in the dist schools. At age of 16 entered Union army, served to close of Civil War; employed several years survey- ing land; then in insurance business; manufactured farming implements; al- so wagon wood stock associated with Charles Betcher of Red Wing Minn; with Harrison, Knight & Co Minne- apolis, mngr until 1891; mngr of sales of Carnegie Steel Co 1891 to date. Dir Capital Nat Bank St Paul. Member Minn, Town and Country and Commercial clubs St Paul; Min- neapolis Club Minneapolis; Kitchi Gamma Duluth. MoELWEE Charles C, St Paul. Res 79 7 Hague av, office 3 00-301 Nat Ger American Bank bldg. Law- yer. Born Jan 8, 1868 in Juniata county Pa, son of George W and Sal- lie W (Lamborn) McElwee. At- tended public schools in native coun- ty; Juda (Wis) High School; gradu- ated from Northern 111 Normal Dix- on 111 1889; from law dept U of M 1900. Came to St Paul June 1, 1890; elk and stenogr land dept St Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry Co 1890- 93; sec to Samuel Hill pres Minne- apolis Trust Co Minneapolis 1893; to Marcus D Grover gen solicitor Great Northern Ry 1893-1903; asst claim agt Great Northern Ry Co 1903; in gen practice of law St Paul 19 04 to^ date as a member of law firm of McElwee & Hollihan. Member Com- mercial Club St Paul; Masonic order and B P O E. McGARRY Robert W, Stillwater. Res 712 S 3d st, office 4 Mower blk. Insurance and public official. Born April 13, 1868 in Stillwater, son of Richard and Catherine (Holmes) McGarry. Married Oct 19, 189 2 to Anna Lane. Educated in the com- mon and high schools Stillwater. Employed by Hersey, Bean & Brown and remained with them until 1891; then with Durand & Wheeler until 1899; deputy surveyor gen for first dist Minn 1899-19 01; now engaged in gen insurance, real estate and loan business; treas of Grand Opera House Stillwater 1891-99; alderman 1894-19 00; city assessor 1905-1907. Member B P O E, U O F, M W A and A O H. McGAUGHEY James li, Winona. Res 52 E 5th st, office 216 Center St. Physician. Born Dec 1, 1842 in Adams county Pa, son of Hugh P McGaughey. Married in 1892 to Martha Brechbill. Received educa- tion in public and private schools. Macomb 111, graduated Univ of Midi Litflv Sketches of Bi;/ Folks. 253 medical dept 1867. Came to Wino- na 1867; has since practiced medi- cine to date. Member American Med- ical Assn. McCiEE John Franklin, Minneapo- lis. Res 2712 Pillsbury av. office 619- 62.5 N Y Life bldg. 'Lawyer. Born Jan 1, 1861 in Amboy 111, son of Hugh and Margaret (Heenan) McGee. Mar- ried Sept 14. 1884 to Libbie L Ryan. Educated in the city and high schools Amboy 111. Read law with C H Woo- ster Amboy; read law in office of Moore & Warner Clinton 111; admit- ted to practice 18S2; moved to Devils Lake X Dak and practiced to 18S7, when he moved to Minneapolis and entered into partnership with A H Noyes until 1889; judge dist court Minneapolis 1887-1902; now^ member of firm of Lancaster & McGee; makes specialty of corporation law^ McGINDLEY Austin Neal, Duluth. Res 101 S 15th av E, office 407-408 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 13, 183 7 near Williamsburg O, son of Mannasseh and Sally ( Reed- er) McGindley. Married April 4, 1861 to Mary Louisa Clark. Educated in public and high schools and academy Williamsburg O; graduated from ob- servatory in astromony under O M Mitchell. Local reporter on Cincin- nati Gazette 1856; studied law and admitted to bar 1858; prosecuting atty Illinois 18 59-60; railroad coun- sel Mo 1866-69; comnr of U S Cir- cuit Court for eastern and western dists of Mo 1866-79; moved to Du- luth 18 83 and has been continuously engaged in practice to date. McGOXAGLE William Albeit, Du- luth. Res 9 Oxford st. Hunters Park, office Wolvin bldg. Railway official. Born i\Iar 2 8, 1861 in Conshohocken Pa, son of Joseph and Agnes ( McKee- man) IMcGonagle. Married Oct 15, 18 87 to Sarah L Sargent. Educated in the common and high schools of his native town and graduated from Univ of Pa, B S 1881. Transit- man Little Falls and Dakota branch N P Ry 1881; asst eng N P Ry 1882- 83; asst eng Duluth & Iron Range Ry 1883-90; resident eng, supt of bridges and buildings same road 1890-1901. Assistant chief eng 1901-1902 same road. Asst to pres Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry 1902- 1903; first v pres and gen mngr of same 1903 to date. Pres Commer- cial Club 1903-1904. Member Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Coun- try and Yacht clubs. Member of all local bodies of the Masonic fraternity, has attained 33d degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and member of the order of Red Cross of Con- stantine; Past Grand Master of Ma- sons of Minn. McGOWAX I F, Fergus Falls. Merchant. Born July 19, 1858 in Steubenville O, son of William and Sarah (Kelly) McGowan. Married Oct 11, 1883 to Hettie E Reid. Ed- ucated in public schools Steubenville O and Duff's Business College Pitts- burgh Pa. With McGowan Bros whol grocers Steubenville O 1875- 19 00; sec and treas Beall & McGowan Co whol grocers Fergus Falls 1900 to date. Member Chippewa Club. McGRAXX John, Henderson. Pub- lic official. Born Sept 29, 1864 in Sibley county Minn, son of Philip and Nora (Doulon) McGrann. Reared on a farm and received a common school education. Engaged in mer- cantile business in Green Isle Minn until 1892; then elected elk of court which office he continues to hold. xMcGRATH James Edward, Still- water. Res 416 S 4th st, office 8 Mower blk. Lumber. Born June 16, 1861 in Pleasantmount Pa, son of John and Mary Ann (Kane) McGrath. Married Oct 21, 1891 to Emma Chis- holm. Educated in the common schools of Pleasantmount Pa. En- gaged on a farm and logging in Pa until 187 8. Moved to Stillwater and variously employed in lumber and logging 18 78-86. Engaged in busi- ness for self under firm name of Dougherty & McGrath 1886-89, since which time he has been doing busi- ness alone under firm name of J B McGrath. Propr Pine City Lbr Co Pine City Minn. Pres and gen mngr Upper Snake River Imp Co Minn. Member B P O E and A O H. 254 Little Sketches of Bi(/ Folks. McGRATH Michael J, Minneapolis. Res 4404 Thomas av S, office 621 3d av S. Heating contractor. Born Jan 20, 1872 in Richfield Minn, son of Patrick and Mary (Kennedy) Mc- Grath. Married Aug 6, 1900 to Nellie Delaney. Educated in common schools. Learned steam fitting trade and was supt for Kelly & Lamb Heat- ing & Plumbing Co Minneapolis 1895- 1904; engaged as hot water heating contractor 1904 to date. Member Builders & Traders Exchange; Nat'l Assn Steam & Hot Water Fitters. McGRK(J()K Alexander, St Paul. Res 5 79 Laurel av. Clergyman. Born Sept 15, 1854 in Banffshire Scotland, son of John and Janet (McConnachie) McGregor. Married June 17, 1878 to Emma J Ferrin. Educated in the public schools of Scotland and by private tuition. Missionary in Newfoundland 4 years most northerly missionary on Atlan- tic coast except the Moravians. Pre- pared for college at Tilton N H; graduated from Wesleyan Univ Bloomington 111, Ph B, A M, Ph D; studied theology at Boston Mass. Served as pastor of churches at Amesbury and Methuen Mass; Grand Forks N D, Minneapolis Minn; pastor Park Congregational Church St Paul 189 8 to date. McHALE James, Shakopee. Law- yer. Born May 23, 1846 in Wells- ville N Y, son of Michael and Nancy (Maran) McHale. Married March 3, 18 79 to Delia O McLeod. Graduat- ed from Alfred Univ N Y, M S 1874. Admitted to bar in Iowa; moved to Shakopee 1878; supt of schools Scott county 1878-82; county atty 18 82- 90; state senator 1890-9 8; mayor of Shakopee 1901-1905. McHALK Jolui J, Minneapolis. Res 619 E 24th St, office 219-220 Bank of Commerce bldg. Lawyer. Born April 2, 1858 at Dubuque la, son of Patrick and Cecilia (McGrath) Mc- Hale. Married Oct 9, 189 5 to Addie E Brown. Attended public and pa- rochial schools in Minneapolis 1863- 74: Dwight S Dow's Business College 1877; Univ of Mich law dept 1884- 8 5. Bkpr and mngr Minneapolis Works M W Glenn propr 1880-86; in active practice of law 1886 to date. Atty Hennepin Savings & Loan Assn. Capt Hibernian Rifles 1886-8 8; jus- tice of the peace 1890-9 3. Member Hibernians, Crusaders of Father Matthew, K of P, Mod Brotherhood of Am, A O U W, Native Sons of Minn and Junior Pioneers of Hennepin County. MelXTYRE John Colin, Minneapo- lis. Res 2801 Garfield av, office 316 Bank of Commerce bldg. Real es- tate and insurance. Born June 2 0, 1858 in Cape Breton N S, son of Archibald and Flora (Noble) Mcl"- tyre. Married Oct 1, 1885 to Hattie M Gunn. Attended public sciicols and took academic and couimercial college courses. Studied law but did not practice. Moved to Minneapolis 18 82 and engaged in real estate and loan business, first in firm of Jones, McMillen & Co, then Jones, Mcln- tyre & Co, at present John C Mcln- tye & Co, having added insur;au-e to real estate. Member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity and Royal Arcanum. MclNTYRE William H, Minneapo- lis. Res 620 E 19th st, office GIO Bank of Commerce bldg. Lawyer. Born April 22, 1855, in Crawford county O, son of John and Julia A (Davis) Mclntyre. Married Sept 28, 1882 to Clara Donnell. Graduated from Oberlin College Ohio in 1878. Engaged in practice of law to date. McKASV John, Le Sueur. Mer- chant. Born July 4, 18 64 in Le Sueur county Minn, son of Patrick and Anna (Lyons) McKasy. Married Feb 4, 1903 to Mary Bush. Educat- ed in public and high schools Le Sueur. First engaged in teaching school and farming until 1888; en- gaged in mercantile business as Kolar & McKasy 1888-89; with oth- ers purchased the Kolar interest and continued under name of John Mc- Kasy & Co until 1899; as McKasy Bros 1899 to date. Dir Twin City Granite Works St Paul; v pres Le Sueur Tel Co. City treas 1904. McKEXZlE Homer A, St Cloud. Cashr Security State Bank. Born April 2 7, 187 6 in Silver Creek Minn, son of John D and Abbie (Dunklee) Little *s7.('ff//r.s' of Bic/ Folks. 255 McKenzie. Married Aug 20, 1903 to Agnes Thoreson. Educated in the common schools of Silver Creek and high school St Cloud until 1893. First engaged in mercantile business and later employed in real estate office until 1902. One of the or- ganizers of Security State Bank 1902 with position of cashr which he has held to date. Pres and dir Agate Granite Co; sec Bankers' Assn of 6th cong dist. Member B P O E. McKIBBIN Joseph, St Paul. Res 83 Virginia av, office Broadway and 6th. Merchant. Born Aug 24, 1856 in Philadelphia Pa, son of William C and Jane D ( Brackinridge) Mc- Kibbin. Received his education in the Philadelphia public schools, Western Univ of Pittsburg and Princeton Academy Princeton N J. In 187 7-7 8 was employed in the of- fices of Auerbach, Finch, Culbert- son & Co; with Gordon & Ferguson 1879-85; fiscal sec Macalester Col- lege St Paul 1886; in now senior member of the firm of McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey mnfrs and jobbers of hatSj gloves, furs and sheep lined coats. Dir in Second Nat Bank of St Paul and member of Minn, Com- mercial, Town and Country, Informal, Nushka and White Bear Yacht clubs and Jobbers' Union ; was a member of the Minn State Board of Equaliza- tion of Taxes 1900-1904. McKINSTKY Arohil)akl W, Fari- bault. Publisher and editor. Born March 19, 182 8 in Chicopee Mass, son of Perseus and Grace (Williams) McKinstry. Married in 18 57 to Ellen E Putnam. Educated in pub- lic schools Chicopee Mass and Fre- donia (N Y) Academy. Apprentice on Fredonia Censor 1844-4 8; print- er in Albany and Boston 1848-51; editor and later sole propr Fredonia Censor until 1865; published Fari- bault Republican under several names 1865 to date. Member State Legislature 1876; sec Faribault Gas Light Co. Member Commercial Club. Mcknight Alexander Gait, Du- luth. Res 822 E 3d, office 412-413 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born May 4, 1878 in Ayrshire Scotland, son of Charles and Marion (McCreath) McKnight. Married Aug 3 0, 19 02 to Grace May Wilson. Attended the public and high schools in Scotland; graduated from Pipestone Minn High School 1897; attended U of M 1897- 98; Univ of Chicago 189 8-9 9 and Univ of Mich law dept 1904. Taught school in Pipestone Minn 1899; be- gan the study of law with E E Rod- dis of Pipestone Minn 1900 and con- ducted a branch office for him in Jasper Minn until 1904. Admitted to the bar same year and moved to Duluth 1905 and formed a partner- ship with G W C Ross under the firm name of Ross & McKnight lawyers. Member Masonic fraternity. Order of Scottish Clans and Modern Samari- tans. McKUSICK Fred E, Minneapolis. Res 200 E 13th st, office 252 1st av N. Confectioner. Born April 18, 1854 in Foxcroft Maine, son of Major N and Mary Jane (Tarbox) McKusick. Mar- ried Oct 4, 1887 to Lucy A Harris. Educated in common schools of Fox- croft Me; graduated from Harvard College 1887. Engaged in cigar and confectionery business in Boston Mass as McKusick Candy Co until 1889; moved to Minneapolis 1889; founded the McKusick-Cojieland Co; burned out 1900; organized McKusick, Towle & Co, which has continued to date. Member Masonic fraternity. Mclaughlin Theodore S, Minne- ai)olis. Res 41 Groveland terrace, office 816 Security Bank bldg. Lum- berman. Born June 30, 1869 in Al- bany N Y, son of William C and An- geline (Smith) McLaughlin. Mar- ried Sept 10, 1896 to Jessie Long. Educated in Albany Academy, grad- uated from Albany High School 1888; attended Cornell Univ 1889. Employed in mercantile business un- til 1892; moved to Minneapolis and engaged in lumber business with the Brainerd Lbr Co as cashr and sec from 1892; organized Phoenix Lbr Co Inc 1904 and has been v pres of same to date. Member Chi Phi col- lege fraternity. McLEAN John, St Paul. Res 561 Laurel av, office 2 02-203 Century bldg. Oculist and Aurist. Born June 2 3, 1854 in Cincinnati, son of Gen lioC Little Sketches of Big Folks. N C and Caroline Thew (Burnet) McLean. Married April 2 7, 1S81, to Jane Elizabeth Riley. Attended public schools at Glendale O 1862- 65; Shattuck Military School Fari- bault Minn 1867-72; graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute N Y, C E 1876; Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia Pa. M D 1881. Prac- ticed medicine in Philadelphia 1881- 83; Moorhead Minn 1883-95; St Paul 189 5 to date, only on eye, ear, nose and throat. McLEAX John Howard, Duluth. Res 3 02 16th av E, office Wclvin bldg. Mining official. Born June 6, 18 60 in Neenah Wis, son of D E and Mary (Garvey) McLean. Mar- ried June 2 6, 1883 to Annette L Fisk. Educated in the common and high schools of Neenah Wis. Was first engaged in printing business in the Times and Gazette newspaper of- fices Neenah Wis 1875-81. Moved to Iron Mountain Mich and employed in various caiiacities by Chapin Min- ing Co 1881-92. Asst supt Pewabic Mining Co Iron Mountain Mich 189 2- 97; with Oliver Iron Mining Co in Milwaukee as chief elk to gen mngr 189 7-9 8; gen supt of Oliver Mining Co's mines on Gogebec Range 189 8- 1906; asst gen mngr and dir of Oliver Iron Mining Co and v pres Pittsburgh S S Co 190 6 to date; also 2d V pres D & I R R R Co asst gen mngr and dir of Minn Iron Co; assisted in organization of Menominee Range Telephone Co and was its first sec. Member Board of Education Iron Mountain Mich 188 7-9 7; chairman Board of Super- visors Gogebec county Mich 1899- 1905; county treas Dickinson county Mich 189 7-9 8; delegate to Nat Re- publican Convention 1904; chairman County Board of Supervisors Dickin- son county Mich 1893-94. Founded Iron Mountain Press Iron Mountain Mich. Member Kitchi Gammi, Com- mercial, Northla^nd Country, Boat, Yacht and Curlin'g clubs Duluth; Ma- sonic fraternity and Shrine. McLEAX Thomas, Fergus Falls. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born June 4, 1859 in Olivers Ferry Out, son of William John and Margaret (Nicol) McLean. Educated in public schools Perth Out; graduated from Perth Collegiate Institute; graduated from McGill Univ Montreal Can, M D, C M 1882; house surgeon Montreal General Hospital 18 82-83. Located in Fergus Falls 1883 and has been engaged in his profession to date. Dir Fergus Falls Nat Bank; mayor 1894-9 5. Member Minn State and County Medical societies. McMAHON Michael H, Fond du Lac. Office 812-814 Torrey bldg Du- luth. Lawyer. Born Aug 3, 1868 in Scott county Minn, son of Michael and Margaret (Looby) McMahon. Married June 3, 18 93 to Catherine Shannon. Educated in the public schools of Scott county; Sauk Cen- ter (Minn) Academy 1884-88; stud- ied law and admitted to Minn bar 1891. Began practice in Duluth 1891 and formed^ partnership with Oscar Mitchell; afterwards with Hon W L Windom. Continuously en- gaged in practice to date. McMANUS Albert Edward, Du- luth. Res 1914 E 1st st, office 207- 20 8 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 11, 1863 in Rawdon Can, son of Francis and Jane L (Lindsay) Mc- Manus. Married Nov 4, 1890 to Ada Pauline Rackle of Cleveland O. Graduated from Berthier Grammar School Berthier Quebec 1878; Spring Valley (Minn) High School 1880; Univ of Mich LL B 1886-89. Worked on construction N P Ry Co in Dakota IS 80-8 3. In law office of Halvor Steenerson Crookston 1883-85. Stud- ied law in office of A B Jackson Min- neapolis 1886. Engaged in practice of law in Duluth 1889 to date, being associated as partner with Chas L Lewis 1892 and with n H Phelps 1887-1902. Interested in mining properties since 1897, having pro- moted Shattuck Ariz property. Pres The Pokegama Co; dir and atty The Modern Samaritans and Alaska Con- solidated Mining & Smelting Co and many other corporations. Member Commercial, Yacht, Boat and Curl- ing clubs Duluth. Pres Automobile Club. Member B P O E. Little ^ketcJic.^ of Big FolJxS. McMILLAX Frank Giiggvs, Minne- apolis. Res 700 lOth av S E, office 2 5th St S E. Contractor. Born Oct 4, 1856 in Danville Vt, son of And- rew and Susan (Griggs) McMillan. Educated in the Drummer Academy Byfield Mass. Member State Senate 1891-93; park comnr Minneapolis 2 years; school dir 6 years; chairman of Senate Capitol Comn 2 years; chairman State Board of Equaliza- tion 2 years. Member of Minn So- ciety, Sons of the American Revolu- tion; Minneapolis and St Anthony Commercial clubs and the Lafayette Club. McMULLEN John, Shakopee. Mer- chant. Born Jan 19. 183 9 in Leg- hinere Pa, son of N M D and Is- abella (Denison) McMullen. Mar- ried in 1865 to Mattie De Bois. Ed- ucated in public schools Mansfield O. Moved to Shakopee 1857; engaged in hardware business 18 63 to date. Member city council 10 years. Served in Indian War at Fort Ridge- ly Minn 1861. McMlRRAX AVilliam T, St Paul. Office 63 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 18, 1867 in Culpepper Va, son of Charles H and Jean Henderson (Peter) McMurran. Married in 1894 to Eleanor McCllng. Removed to St Paul from Va in 1886 and was em- ployed for several years in a real estate office. In the meantime studied law at the U of M and received degree of LL B 1903 and has been practicing in St Paul since that time. Member of the Commercial Club. McXAIR Henry C, St Paul. Res 439 Laurel av, office 3 30 Endicott bldg. Railway supplies. Born Dec 10, 1853 in St Louis Mo, son of Antoine and Cornelia J (Tiffin) McNair. Married to Ella Harvey. Attended public and parochial schools St Genevieve Mo. With D Hillman & Sons St Louis 1870-80; with Ewald Iron Co 1880-83; moved to St Paul 1884 and has been en- gaged in iron steel and railway sup- ply business to date. Member Char- ter Comn; of Cathedral Bldg Commit- tee; 3 terms on Board of Education, Minn and Commercial clubs. McPHEE John I), Crookston. Real estate. Born May 14, 1856 in Ontario, son of John and Esther (Gjilbraith) McPhee. Married in 1888 to Susan Cheney. Received common school education. Reared on farm and en- gaged in farming; field foreman on Keystone 10,000 acre farm 5 years; gen mngr of Lockhart 5,000 acre farm 15 years; moved to Crookston and engaged in business under firm name of Red River Valley Land Co 1899 to date. Member of council and may- or of Crookston 1906; member of Com- mercial Club; Masonic fraternty; B P O E and U W A. McPHERKIiV Charles A, Duluth. Res Park Point, office 817 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born March 4, 1858 in Burlington la, son of Josiah and Maria (McMahan) McPherrin. Mar- ried July 1888 to Mabel M Mays. Educated in public schools Butler county Pa, Sunbury Academy and Grove City College Pa. Studied law under Col John M Thompson at But- ler Pa; was admitted to bar 1883; dist atty Butler county Pa 1887-90; moved to Duluth 1892; asst county atty St Louis county 1885-89. Mem- ber Duluth Bar Assn. Mcpherson Francis A, St Paul. Res 23 7 Western av N, office 23 W 7th st. Real estate. Born Mar 5, 18 66, son of Joseph and Allie (Reed) McPherson. Married Dec 28, 1895 to Emma G Croup. Taught school Howard county la 6 years; supt of schools same 4 years; engaged in lumber business Pine county Minn 189 7-1901; removed to St Paul Feb 1905 engaging in the real estate bus- iness. Sec American Land & Ex- change Co St Paul. Member Masonic fraternity and Eastern Star. M MABEY Perl AV, Thief River Falls. Lawyer. Born May 31, 187 6 in Brai- nerd Minn, son of Joseph E and Lu- clnda (Perley) Mabey. Married June 20. 1901 to Maude G Mabey. Educated in Lake City graded school and gradu- ated from high school 1895; from U of M scientific course B S 1899; at- tended law dept U of M. Admitted 258 Little Sketches of Bif/ Folks-. to bar 1900. Practiced a few months in Hendricks Minn, moving to Tliiet River Falls 1901; member of Bagley & Mabey until 1902; has practiced alone 1902 to date. Dir First State Bank; city atty 1902. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; K of P; M W A and Antlers Club. MACARTNEY Alvin E, St Paul. Res 4 72 Holly av, office Nat German American Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 6, 1859 in Hudson Wis. Married Nov 2, 1881 to Isabel Street at Waukesha Wis. Member of Clapp & Macartney lawyers 1881 to date. Member Minn and Town and Country clubs. MacCAKTHY Daniel Frances, St Paul. Res 59 7 Holly av, office Gil- fillan blk. Wholesale merchandise broker. Born May 6, 183 7 in Peter- boro Ont, son of Charles and Ellen (Collins) MacCarthy. Married Sept 20, 1869 to Lizzie Allen. Educated in private and grammar schools Pe- terboro Ont and Christian Brothers' College Montreal. Clerk in dry goods business Port Hope Ont i858-61; dry goods business for self Lindsay Ont 1861-66. Moved to St Paul 186 6 and was employed as salesman until 1870; organized first whol mnfg con- fectionery business in Minn under firm name of Miner & MacCarthy 1870-80; engaged in whol cigar bus- iness under firm name of MacCarthy & Verplanck 1880-84; engaged alone in manufacture of tobacco under firm name of Minn Tobacco Works 1884- 90. In merchandise brokerage busi- ness 1890 to date. Member K of C. MA(M)OXALI) Aiijius, St Paul. Res 5 79 Summit av, office Lowry bldg. Physician. Born in 1843 in Glen- garry Canada, son of Alexander and Hannah Macdonald. Married in 1871 to Christine Macdonnell. Educated at Ottawa College Ottawa and Mc- Gill Univ Montreal Can. Graduated in medicine 1863; spent some time in military hospitals Washington. Prac- ticed in Cornwall Can 18 63-72; St Cloud Minn 187 2-78; then removed to St Paul. Member County, State and American Medical assns. MACDOXALl) Charles T, Duluth. Res 1603 E 4th st, office Board of Trade. Sec Board of Trade. Born Aug 18, 18 69 in Shakopee Minn, son of C F and Julia (Lord) MacDonald. Married June 2 8, 1899 to Virginia La Vaque. Educated in common and normal schools St Cloud. Worked on St Cloud newspaper 1885; em- ployed in German American Bank St Cloud 1886-87; business mngr St Cloud Times 1887-90; reporter in West Superior 1890-92; reporter on Duluth Daily News same year; city editor Duluth Evening Herald until 1907; now sec Board of Trade Du- luth. Member Commercial Club. MACDONALD Colin F, St Cloud. Editor. Born Sept 23, 1843 in Nova Scotia, son of Johan A and Margery (MacKinley) MacDonald. Married twice: Oct 27, 1868 to Julia E Lord; and Feb 19, 1881 to Elizabeth M Campbell. Educated in dist schools Belle Plaine; entered printing office Belle Plaine Enquirer 18 60; started Shakopee Argus 18 60; served in 9th Minn Infantry 1862-65. After war again published Shakopee Argus; moved to St Paul 18 67; employed on Daily Pioneer; moved to St Cloud 1875 and purchased Weekly Times. Commenced publishing Daily 1887 and has continued to date. Member State Senate 187 6-82; mayor of St Cloud 1883-86; GAR and B P O E. MACE Robert E, Duluth. Res 1631 E 3d St, office Wolvin bldg. Purchasing agent Oliver Iron Min- ing Co. Born Aug 2 8, 18 51 in Mont- real Canada, son of Robert and Martha ( Gibson ) Mace. Married June 20, 1876 to Clara E Cliff. Ed- ucated in common schools of Montre- al Can. After leaving school was variously employed in insurance and accounting until 1881 when he moved to Mariette Wis, remaining there with Marinette Iron Works un- til 1883; in Florence Wis with same concern 1883-86; Ironwood Mich with Fred M Prescott 1886-99. First in charge of office and later as mngr. Moved to Milwaukee and entered em- l)loy of Oliver Iron Mining Co, one of the constituent companies of the U S Steel Corporation 1899; trans- ferred to Duluth with same concern Little Sketches of Bin Fotl-!^. 259 1901 as purchasing agent which of- fice he still holds. Member of Kitchi Gammi and Commercial clubs; Chi- cago Athletic Assn and Masonic fra- ternity and Shrine. MACFAKLA\K Angus K, Duluth. Res Glen Avon, office Allworth bldg. Investment banker. Born Oct 2 8, 1848 in Stornoway Scotland, son of .John and Anne (Macdonald) Mac- farlane. Married Jan 18, 1882 to Catharine Hunter. Educated in grammar schools Stornoway Scotland. Served apprenticeship in Nat Bank of Scotland at Stornoway 1867-73. With Canadian Bank of Commerce Toronto 1873-74; cashr Duluth Sav- ings Bank 1874-80. One of the organizers of American Excliange Bank Duluth and was caslir until 1890; v pres 1890-94 resigning to engaged in the banking business for self. Organized City Nat Bank Du- luth 19 02 and was v pres until 1906 when he resigned and again resumed the investment banking business for self. Served in first Ross-shire Royal Artillery of Scotland for 6 years. Member Kitchi Gammi and Commer- cial clubs; honorary member of Du- luth Curling Club and "Clan Stuart"; Masonic fraternity and A O U W . MACGKEGOR Henry Stirling, Du- luth. Res 1418 Jefferson st, office City Nat Bank. Banker. Born Aug 2 5, 1878 in Oshawa Out, son of Ro- bert A and Charlotte (Sowden) Mac- gregor. Married July 2 5, 190 6 to Mary Hagen. Educated in public schools Minneapolis and Trinity Col- lege Ontario. Employed in First Nat Bank Minneapolis 189 6-1906; now asst cashr City Nat Bank Duluth. Member M N G and Commercial and Boat clubs. MACKEY Joseph Sherwood, St Paul. Res 82 5 Fairmount av, office 317 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born April 13, 1857 in Gilbra N Y, son of Daniel and Sarah (Howber) Mackey. Married June 17, 18 85 to H Ina Reed. Educated in the public schools of N Y; graduated from State Normal College Albany N Y. Studied law for 2 years ana removed to Minn 1881 and engaged as financial agent. Admitted to bar in Minn 1884. Mem- ber of Commercial Club, M W A and Royal League. MACKINTOSH John Quincy, Still- water. Res 1111 S 2d St, office Court House. Public official. Born Oct 14, 18 61 in Lincoln Mass, son of William and Eliza Jane (Tuttle) Mackintosh. Married June 26, 188 9 to Agnes H Strathern. Educated in common and high schools Lincoln Mass. Moved to Langdon Minn and engaged in teach- ing school 1880-88; elected county supt of schools and served until 1898; engaged in farming 1898- 1904; now clerk of courts Washing- ton county. Pres Minn Educational Assn 1894; pres County Supts Assn 1892. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. MacLAREN Archibald, St Paul. Res 412 Holly av, office 105 Lowry Arcade. Surgeon (R). Born April 16, 185 8 in Red Wing Minn, son of Gen Robert N and Anna (McVean) MacLaren. IMarried Dec 1890 to Katherine Dean. Educated in St Paul High School; Princeton College 1880; College of Physicians and Surgeons 1883; Woman's Hospital N Y 1885. Practiced his profession associated with Dr C A Wheaton 1885-9 5 St Paul; associated with Dr H P Ritchie since 189 7. Member of Loyal Legion; American Surgical, Ramsey County and American Medi- cal societies and Minn Academy of Medicine. MA( LAREX Charles 1>, St Paul. Res 7 52 Goodrich av, office Jackson cor 2d. Merchant. Born Oct 22, 1860 in Prince Edward Island Can, son of William and Elizabeth ( Stew- art) Maclaren. Married in 18 87 to Carrie Drewry. Educated in the dist schools of Canada. First worked on farm and then in gen store 2 years; engaged as a seaman 1881-83. Moved to St Paul and engaged as elk with Farwell, Ozmun & Jackson 1883; now asst treas and credit mngr Far- well, Ozmun, Kirk & Co whol hard- ware. Member of Commercial and Minn clubs; Masonic fraternity and K of P. 2()(» Little l^kctches of Bif/ Foils. MAGIE William Henry, Duluth. Res 14 01 E Superior st, office The Lyceum. Physician and surgeon. Born Sept 3 0, 18 54 in Madison N J, son of William Harvey and Eunice (Shawger) Magie. Married twice: Jan 2, 1876 to Josephine Shawger; Aug 15, 189 9 to A Isabelle Hen- ry. Educated in the public schools of Chicago 18 69; Abingdon College Abingdon 111, and graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons St Louis Mo with degree of M D 1884. Began practice of medicine at Pitts- burg Kan March 18 84 but moved to Duluth later in same year. Continu- ously engaged in practice of medicine and surgery until 19 02, since which time he has continued his practice in surgery alone. Surgeon to St Mary's Hospital Duluth; chief sur- geon for Duluth Missabe & Northern Ry. Member American Medical Assn, Minn State and St Louis County Med- ical societies; Kitchi Gammi, Com- mercial, Duluth Yacht and Washing- ton clubs. MAGOFFIN Samuel M, St Paul. Res 540 Summit av, office 3 20 Pio- neer Press bldg. Lawyer and real estate. Born Feb 17, 1859 in Har- rodsburg Ky, son of Beriah and Anna Nelson (Shelby) Magoffin. Married Sept 23, 18 84 to Elizabeth M Rogers. Educated in private schools Harrods- burg Ky; and graduated from Centre College Danville Ky A B 1878. Ad- mitted to bar in Kentucky 18 79 and in Minn in 1882. Practiced law in St Paul 18 82 to date. Member Ram- sey County Bar Assn. MAGRAW Frank E, St Paul. Res 147 W Minnehaha, office 618-620 Globe bldg. Municipal and copora- tion bonds. Born in 18 60 in Minn, son of Thomas E and Susan (Smith) Magraw. Educated in the common and high schools of St Paul. Engaged in newspa])er business for several years; contributor to various journals and magazines. Engaged in broker- age business, municipal and corpora- tion bonds 189 2 to date. JMAGUIRE James, St Paul. Res 585 Cedar st, office 436 Sibley st. Edu- cator. Born May 22, 1849 in Elizabeth township, Jo Daviess county 111, son of John and Elizabeth (Cassidy) Maguire. Educated in the public schools of 111 and State Normal School of 111 receiv- ing honorary degree of M A. Graduat- ed from Bayless Business College Du- buque la 1879; taught in the public schools of 111 1868-78; engaged in gen mercantile business Galena 111 1880; supervisor county board Galena 111 1882-86. Removed to St Paul 1886 and engaged in real estate business until 1896 when he purchased the St Paul Business College established 1865, of which he is now pres, sec and treas. MAHAN Isaac Lennox, St Paul. Res 495 Dayton av, office 402 Federal bldg. Librarian. Born May 31, 1841 in Bowling Green Ind, son of Dr Wil- liam Lyle and Mary Frances (Stan- deford) Mahan. Married to Sarah E Barrere of Hillsboro Ohio. Attended private schools in Putnam and Clay counties Ind; public schools of Terre Haute Ind; Whitewater College at Cen- terville Ind and Old Asbury Univ (now Depau College) in Greencastle and graduated from Rush Medical College in Chicago 111 in Feb 1866. In early life was apprenticed as painter, paper- hanger and decorater and served three years returning afterwards to Green- castle to finish his education. Was member of Ft Harrison Guard Terre Haute Ind several years before Civil War. This company was mustered in April 1861 as part of the 11th Ind Vol commanded by Col Lew Wallace. He served continuously until the end of the war, retiring with rank of capt. Practiced medicine in Terre Haute 1866-69; in the U S internal revenue service 1870-72; Indian agt La Point Agency during Grant and Hayes ad- ministrations; Indian inspector 1879- 81; settled in St Paul where he was appointed librarian LT S Circuit Court of Appeals (8th circuit) in 1892, which position he still holds. Commander of Acker Post GAR 1896. Dept com Minn GAR 1903; Mason and K T; charter member of the Roosevelt Club; organizer and only pres "Old Boys" Fremont and Lincoln clubs 1903. MAHLl'M Mons, Brainerd. Whole- sale lumberman. Born July 16, 1865 in Norway, son of John and Christina (Peterson) Mahlum. Married Oct 10, Little Sketches of BUj FoRs. 261 1888 to Nettie Kongarud. Educated in public and high scliools of Nor- way. Came to U S 1888 and located in Brainerd; employed in electric light works until 189 2, when he en- gaged in grocery business under firm name of Mahlum & Peterson until 1893; Peterson's interest was pur- chased by R G Vallentyne and firm became Mahlum & Vallentyne; sold out and ti'aveled in Europe until 1896; again engaged in grocery business until 1900; in retail lumber business alone until 1904, when he incorporated as Mahlum Lumber Co of which he is pres. Pres Board of Education; member Library Board; Commercial Club; Sons of Norway and B P O E. 3IAHO\ Henry Synies, Duluth. Res 1520 E 3d st, office 510 First Nat'l Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born April 5, 1860 in Dublin Ireland, son of George Charles and Sarah L (L'Estrange) Mahon. Married Oct 24, 1888 to Helen IM Brooks. Graduated from literary and law dept of Univ of Mich. Prac- ticed law in Detroit Mich 1884-87. Moved to Duluth 1887 and has been practicing to date. Atty for Park Commission Duluth 8 years. Member of Commercial Club. MAHOWALI) Frank J, Mankato. Res 625 N Front. Blacksmith. Born Mar 30, 1869 in Mankato, son of John and Kate (Weber) Mahowald. Edu- cated in Mankato parochial schools. Engaged as blacksmith for others un- til 1893; in business for self 1893-96; sold his business; conducted brick business 1 year and re-purchased his old busines which he has continued to date. Dir Fair Assn; alderman 1905; re-elected 1907. Member Commercial Club. MALIJEKG Peter IJ, Warren. Farmer and public official. Born Feb 2i, 1858 in Red Wing Minn, son of John and Christine Malberg. Married Jan 6, 1887 to Minnie R Holm. Edu- cated in district schools Goodhue county and Episcopal parish school Red Wing. Moved to Marshall coun- ty in 1881 and has been engaged in farming to date. Clerk of district court Marshall county 1894-98; county auditor 1904 to date. MALL Charles A, St Paul. Res 637 Marshall av, office 5th and Robert sts. Express agent. Born June 23, 1869 in Batesville Miss, son of William H and Elizabeth (Korppen) Mall. Married Mary C Moeller May 31, 1900. Edu- cated in the public schools of Portland Ore. Started as office boy with North- ern Pacific Express Co and was suc- cessively express messr, chief clerk in supt's office and route agt; is now agt in St Paul for the Northern and National Express companies. MALMSTEN August, Minneapolis. Res 1121 S 8th st, office 113 2d av S E. Foundryman and machinist. Born Jan 6, 1844 in Sweden, son of John A and Annie M (Swenson) Malmsten. Married twice: in 1872 to Annie Pe- terson and in 1891 to Mary C Peter- son. Educated in common schools. Learned machinist trade in Sweden. Moved to Minneapolis and was em- ployed by C M & St P Ry Co 1869- 72; engaged in his trade until 1875 when he formed partnership as Malm- sten, Nelson & Co. which continued until 1881 when name was changed to Crown Iron Works; sold out inter- est in 1907 and established the Atlas Iron Works of which he is pres. >IALONE Richard Francis, St Paul. Res 1023 Cross av, office 41 jNIetropolitan Opera House blk. Rail- road official. Born Jan 28, 1870 in Marshalltown Iowa, son of Richard Jo- seph and Mary B (McNamara) Ma- lone. Married in June 1894 to Mary A Lynch. Educated in the public schools at Mason City and Marshalltown Iowa and St Mary's Catholic School at Mar- shalltown. With Iowa Central Ry as office boy 1886; elk 1887-88; rate elk C G W Ry St Paul 1889-93; chief elk 1893-96; ticket auditor 1896-1901; asst gen pass agt Chicago 1901-1905 in St Paul 1905 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. 3IALONEY Albinus S, Waseca. Public official. Born July 22, 1875 in Waseca, son of John and Bridget (Xilan) Maloney. Educated in public and high schools Waseca and gradu- ated from law dept U of M, LL B 1904. Employed as telegraph operator 1890-98; exp messr 1898-1900; prac- ticed law in Waseca 1904 to date. 2()2 Link (Sketches of Big Folks. Served as special municipal judge, city elk and elected county atty 1906; term expires 1909. Member Commer- cial Club; K of C and A O U W. MALONEY Thomas James, St Paul. Res 460 Jackson st, office 201 Pittsburg bldg. Physician and sur- geon (R). Born July 18, 1879 in St Paul, son of James F and Jane (Lynch) Maloney. Attended Christian Brothers School in St Paul; St Thom- as College 1893-97; medical dept U of M 1897-1901, graduating M D. Dep coroner Ramsey county 1901-1905; chief dep coroner 1905 to date. MANAHAN James, St Paul. Res 876 Laurel av, office 612 Endicott bldg. Lawyer. Born March 12, 1866 in Chatfield Minn, son of Joseph and Catherine (McCarthy) Manahan. Mar- ried Sept 20, 1893 to Minnie Kelly. Educated in the common and high schools Chatfield Minn; graduated state normal; law dept U of M 1889. Practiced in St Paul 1889-95; in Lin- coln Neb 1895-1905; returned to St Paul 1905 and has been a member of the law firm of Manahan & Cannon to date. Prominently identified in 1906-1907 in the railway rate agita- tion and litigation in Minnesota. Can- didate for Congress 1st Nebraska dist 1898. Member Commercial Club; B P O E; Knights of Columbus; Nush- ka Curling Club. MARCH Harry John, Warren. Grain elevators. Born Jan 22, 1867 in Oakfield N Y, son of Samuel A and Adelaide (Church) March. Mai'- ried June 22, 1904 to Katherine Morse. Educated in public schools Minneapolis and U of M. Engaged in fire insurance business in Minne- apolis as meml)er of firm of Fletcher, March & Co; in grain elevator busi- ness in Warren 2 years. Sec and treas Spaulding Elevator Co; sec Warren Creamery Assn. Member Royal Arcanum. MARDEN Charles S, Barnesville. Lawyer. Born Oct 2, 1864 in Ran- dolph Vt, son of Riley H and Emily (Clifford) Marden. Married Jan 2, 1886 to Elise E Cayou. Educated in public schools and Benton's Private Academy Bristol Vt. Moved to Minn 1882; read law Fergus Falls 1884-87; principal graded schools Elizabeth Minn 1885-91; while engaged in teach- ing was admitted to practice law Mar 26, 1887; In 1891 moved to Barnes- ville and has practiced to date. Coun- ty atty Clay county 1901-1907. Mem- ber M N G; Masonic fraternity; K T and Shrine. MARKHAM James E, St Paul. Res The Marlborough, office 1017-1019 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born July 21, 1857 at Rochester N Y, son of James and Hannah (Hegan) Mark- ham. Educated at the Genessee Val- ley Seminary Belfast N Y. Admitted to practice Buffalo N Y 1879. Cor- poration atty St Paul 1897-1903; pres Charter Commission St Paul. Moved to St Paul in 1886, where he has since been engaged in practice. MAROX Frank A, St Paul. Res 645 Central Park pi, office 518 N Y Life bldg. Fire insurance and loans. Born March 25, 1863 in Koschmieder, Prussia Germany, son of Ludwig and Sofie (Krawietz) Maron. Married Nov 23, 1897 to Margaret Mitsch. Re- ceived classical education in German schools. Worked as blacksmith after coming to U S 1882; learned teleg- raphy 1884 and conducted school of telegraphy 1885; Globe Business Col- lege until 1901; graduated from law dept U of M 1904; engaged in real estate, fire insurance and loans. Built and owns Euclid Hotel. 3IARSHALL Alexander, Duluth. Res 2 St Elmo, office 506 Providence bldg. Lawyer. Born May 25, 1869 in Birmingham Mich, son of Robert and Mary (McKinnie) Marshall. Mar- ried Sept 7, 1890 to Ida M Potter. Educated in the public schools of Bir- mingham and Detroit; State Normal Ypsilanti; Univ of Mich law dept. Ad- mitted to bar 1891 and practiced at Alpena Mich alone until 1903, then forming firm of Marshall & Whepple which continued until 1905; prosecut- ing atty of Alpena Co Mich 1894; re- elected in 1896 resigned to move to Duluth. Member Commercial Club; Curling Club and B P O E. Little Skctrfivs of Bit/ Folks. 2f)3 MARSHALL Clarence A, Minne- apolis. Res 59 S 11th st, office 804 Nicollet av. Teacher. Born May 15, 1859 at Marlboro' Mass, son of Alden B and Clarissa (Hemenway) Mar- shall. Attended public school at New- ton Mass; Harvard College until 1883; studied music under John K Paine, Carl Zerrahn, J W Hill, Charles R Adams and other prominent Boston teachers. Has taught music 1878 to date. Dir of choral societies in New England, Michigan, Tennessee and Vir- ginia; church organist and choir dir; dir N W Conservatory of Music 1891 to date; pres Minn State Music Teach- ers' Assn 1892-93. MARSHALL Nelson H, Chaska. Physician and surgeon (R). Born .July 24, 1860 in Mt Morris Pa, son of Rev William K and Sallie (Goslin) Mar- shall. Married in 1894 to Rachel G Taggart. Educated in public schools and graduated from Sedalia Collegiate Institute 1879; graduated from U of M medical dept 1892. House surgeon St Anthony Hospital Minneapolis 2 years; practiced in Chaska 1895 to date. Ex- amining surgeon U S Pension Board; city physician and health officer; local surgeon of M & St L R R; examining physician of New York and Mutual Life Insurance companies. Member Masonic fraternity. 3L\RTIN Arthur, St Paul. Res 728 E 5th St, office 411 N Y Life bldg. Insurance. Born Sept 11, 1853 in Detroit Mich, son of Michiel and Fredericka Martin. Married Mary Dahl Nov 6, 1883. Educated in St Paul public schools. Member St Paul Fire Dept 1878-1904; first asst chief of same April 1889 to Sept 1904. Now member of firm of Dahl & Martin ins agts. Member .Junior Pioneer Assn; Druids and St Paul Fire Dept Relief Assn. MARTIN Henry, St Paul. Res 760 Riverview av, office 211 Manhat- tan bldg. Insurance. Born Sept 12, 1S65 in Milwaukee, son of George and Martha Martin. Married in 1887 to Cora J Prescott. Educated in Mil- waukee Wis. Engaged in tanning business with father 1879-84; moved to St Paul 1884 and engaged in insur- ance business to date; mngr Germania Fire Ins Co. MARTIN James H, Minneapolis. Res 1917 Colfax av S, office 22 N 4th St. Leather, shoe store supplies. Born Aug 9, I860 in Decatur 111, son of Isaac N and Mary E (Harrell) Martin. Married Oct 18, 1888 to Ida Kain. Educated in common schools and Decatur High School. Employed in leather and shoe supplies business 1880-87; cashr for Standard Oil Co Decatur 1887-93; moved to Minneapo- lis 1893; engaged in business as J H Martin & Co 1894 to date. Pres Mar- tin & Adams Leather Co Spokane Wash; v pres J H Martin Dry Goods Co Peoria 111; sec Nat Leather & Shoe Finders Assn. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. MARTIN James M, Minneapolis. Res 2301 Aldich av S, office 313 Nicol- let av. Lawyer. Born Oct 10, 1858 in Mifflin county Pa, son of James M and Emily (Alexander) Martin. Mar- ried June 12, 1879 to F Margaret Bell. Attended Columbia Pa Classical Insti- tute 1866-71; taught school and studied law in office of Scott & Hahn Lake City 1871-76; member Hahn & Martin law firm Lake City 1877-82; Martin & Greer 1882-84; asst atty gen Minnesota 1884-87; dir, atty and asst trust officer The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co 1889 to date. Member Masonic order; grand high priest of the state in 1891; treas Y M C A Minneapolis 1895 to date. MARTIN John J, Minneapolis. Res 1238 Chestnut av, office 408 Sykes blk. Lawyer. Born June 16, 1857 in Cor- inth Vt, son of Abner H and Sarah (Smith) Martin. Educated in public and high schools Plainview Minn and by private tuition. With Smith & Wyman Minneapolis and Corliss Chap- man & Drake St Paul until 1890; practiced law in Minneapolis 1890 to date. MARTIN John LeRoy, Duluth. Res 312 9th av E, office 102-104 W Michigan st. Wholesale grocer. Born Feb 7, 1874 in Pennsylvania, son of Joseph H and Clara (Coon) Martin. Married Oct 7, 1904 to Florence B Hartley. Educated in the common schools of Pennsylvania; high school York Neb and Univ Conservatory of Music Lincoln Neb. First employed in insurance office; cashr D Cameron 264 Little .^JxctcJics of Bif/ Foils. Lincoln; moved to Duluth and em- ployed in freight dept Northern Pa- cific Ry; employed in purchasing dept Pittsburg Steamship Co 2 years; bkpr Gamble-Robinson-Sheldon Co Duluth 2 years. One of the organizers of Barth-Martin Co of which he is sec and treas; April 1905 engaged in whol grocery business selling direct to con- sumers by catalogue. Member Ma- sonic fraternity and Shrine. MARTIN Louis R, Duluth. Res 6005 London rd, office 513-517 Lyceum bldg. Lumber. Born March 5, 1S73 in Brantford Ont, son of George Wil- liam and Sarah (Laidlaw) Martin. Married Sept 20, 1905 to Carrie Mullin. Educated in common schools and col- lege Brantford Ont. Removed to Carlton 1899 and served as dep auditor until 1895. Moved to Duluth and is engaged in land, lumber and logging business with mills in Duluth and Superior. Pres Duluth Automo- bile Co. Member Kitchi Gammi, Com- mercial and Yacht clubs Duluth; Chi- cago Athletic Assn and Minneapolis Club^ MARTIN Patrick Henry, Duluth. Res 521 58th av N, office 324 Manhat- tan bldg. Lumber and Mining. Born April 17, 1862 in Wis, son of James and Alice (McGovern) Martin. Edu- cated in public schools Fond du Lac county Wis. Worked on farm until 1892; learned steam engineering; en- gaged in mining on Mesaba Range 1892-93; engaged for self as operator in mines and lumber Duluth to date. Member Commercial Club. MARTINSON Einil Martin, Manka- to. Res 410 Warren st. Minister of religion. Born Mfrch 2, 1868, son of J B and Anna (Isaacson) Martinson Married Sept 7, 1900 to Alice Eleanor Bell. Attended jniblic school Leenthrop Minn 1880-1884; high school Monte- video Minn 1884-85; Doane Academy Granville O 1889-91; Denison Univ Granville O 1891-95, graduating with degree of A B; graduated from Divin- ity School Univ of Chicago B D 1898; post-graduate 1898-99. Worked on a farm as a boy; railway telegraph op- erator 1885-89 and during college va- cations; pastoral work as student at Russell 111; Majile Park 111; Grand Forks N D and Hammond Ind; pastor Immanuel Church Hammond Ind 1897- 1901; First Baptist Church Princeton 111 1901-1905; First Baptist Church Mankato 1905. V pres Minnesota Baptist State Convention ; member Evangelistic Committee of state con- ventions; dir Summer Assembly Assn and chairman Board of Advisors to Pillsbury Academy. Member Social Science Club Mankato. Occasional contributor to Sunday School Times; The Standard Journal and Messen- ger; The Watchman; Interstate Chris- tian Herald and other religious publi- cations. MARX Hubert P, Shakopee. Jew- eler. Born Aug 18, 1864 in Scott county Minn, son of Hubert and Eliza- beth (Bally) Marx. Married Nov 28, 1893 to Cora L Archer. Educated in public and parochial schools Shako- pee; graduated from Chicago Opthal- mic College and Hospital 1897. Em- idoyed in jewelry business 1881-84; engaged in business for self 1884 to date. Pres Merchants and Farmers Telephone Co. Alderman 4 years. MASON Jarvis AVoodburn, St Paul. Res 544 Wabasha st, office 604 Pio- neer Press bldg. Real estate. Born Nov 27, 1863 in St Paul Minn, son of William F and Isabella (McHarg) Mason. Educated in St Paul gram- mar and high schools. Engaged in real estate business 1889 to date. Member Real Estate Exchange St Paul. MASON William Findley, St Paul. Res 544 Wabasha st. Born March 23, 1837 in Philadelphia, son of John and Martha Richmond (Aiken) Mason. Married in 1860 to Isabella Wetherill McHarg. Educated in the public schools of Philadelphia; graduated Central High School Philadelphia A M 1854. With Presbyterian Board of Publica- tion Philadelphia 1856; represented Doubleday & Stewart N Y mnfrs, in Montreal Canada .1857. Moved to St Paul 1858; established the first whol hat, cap and fur store in Minnesota 1859; continued same business until 1889. Was connected with the com- mission appointed by the territor- ial legislature to lay out the state road from St Cloud to Fort Abercrom- bie 1858. Life member of Minnesota Historical Society. Little Sketches of Bi;/ Folks. 265 MASSEY Charles F, Rochester. Merchant. Born Oct 25, 1850 hi Brownville N Y, son of Dr William P Massey. Educated in the puhlic schools and Jefferson County Institute Watertown N Y. Was first employed as clerk in a retail dry goods store in Osborn O 1869-72. Moved to Roch- ester and engaged in retail dry goods business which he i)urchased in 1881 and has since continued under firm name of C F Massey & Co. MASSF]Y Saimiel F, Fergus Falls. Real estate. Born April 19, 1853 in South Bend Ind, son of Robert and Mary .T (Gates) Massey. Married Feb 22, 1877 to Martha E Short. Educated in public schools South Bend. First engaged in farming in Iowa 1873-83; buying and shipjiing stock until 1894; farming until 1902, when he moved to Fergus Falls and engaged in real es- tate business under firm name of S F Massey & Son. MATCHAX George L, Minneapolis. Res 2801 Lyndale av S, office 311 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 3, 1853 in Bilton Yorkshire England, son of George W and Mary Ann (Shields) Matchan. Twice married: Jan 9, 1875 to Mary E Doxey; March 9, 1904 to Henrietta Preston Ellis. Educated in common and high schools Goodhue county Minn; law dept Univ of Mich 1874-75. Admitted to bar in Red Wing Minn 1875; practiced in Lake City alone 1876-77; of Stocker & Matchan Lake City and later of Min- neapolis 1877-93; Wright & Matchan since 1895. County atty Wabasha county 1878-80; member Board of Edu- cation and asst city atty 1878-83; chairman Hennepin County Republican Committee 1900-1904; surveyor gen Minneapolis district 1903-1905; sec Evans Motor Car Co and Ideal Show Case Co. MATHEIS Will E, St Paul. Res 197 Nelson av, office Cedar and 6th sts. Decorator and furnisher. Born in 1861 in St Paul, son of John and Mary (Maul) Matheis. Married Nov 3, 1887 to Minnie Neal of Lake City Minn. Received his education in St Paul pub- lic schools. On leaving school en- gaged in carpet business with his father. Later incorporated the W E Matheis Co decorating and house fur- nishing 1902, of which company he is pres. Member of Junior Pioneers and B P O E. MATHEWS Rufus Parker, St Paul. Res 2409 W University av, office Mer- riam Park. Manufacturer and ware- houseman. Born July 26, 1841 at Meadville Pa, son of Lyman and Lyd- ia (Wyckoff) Mathews. Married in March 1863, to Hannah E Ewing. At- tended private and public schools in Pa, Ohio and Wisconsin and Platte- ville Academy Wis. Merchant in Wis- consin 1865-70; farmer 1870-76; mer- chant 1876-82; real estate in Minne- apolis 1882-90; shingle mnfr on Pa- cific coast 1890-96; agt Pacific Coast Shippers Assn at Minnesota Ti'ansfer Minn 1896-1905; v pres and gen mngr Mathews Gravity Carrier Co Inc and Midway Warehouse Co St Paul 1905 to date. MATSON Peter, Ada. Lawyer. Born Dec 28, 1873 in Sweden, son of Nils J and Maria C Matson. Married Jan 18, 1901 to Laura Vraa. Received common school education; studied law ill office and in Chicago Corre- spondence School. Degree of LL B. Admitted to practice 1900. Practiced law at Ada Minn since. Justice of peace Fertile Minn 1899-1900, when moved to Ada. Village atty of Ada 1905; village elk 1906. Sec Norman County Republican Committee 1904. Organized the Norman County Bar Assn; has been pres 3 years. Sec local lodges of M B A; M W of A and Masonic fraternity. MATTESON Charles Dickeriuan, St Paul. Res 530 Holly av, office N Y Life bldg. Banker. Born Sept 13, 1869 at Decorah Iowa, son of Sumner W and Louise (Dickerman) Matteson. Graduated from Decorah Iowa High School 1887; entered U of M 1887; graduated literary dept Univ of Mich 1893; studied law in U of M. Entered employ Security Trust Co as runner 1893; with same company to date; now sec, treas and dir Security Trust Co banking, trusts, investments; J Quincy Haas & Co gen insurance; R M Lawton & Co real estate and rents; St Paul Park Realty Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi college (academic) 20G Little ^^kctchcfi of BUj Folks. fraternity; Phi Delta Phi college (law) fraternity; Minnesota, Commer- cial, White Bear Yacht, Town and Country and Roosevelt Republican clubs St Paul; Amateur Athletic Assn and St Paul Curling Club. MATTSON John P, Warren. Pub- lisher. Born Dec 18, 1857 in Savan- nah 111, son of Nels and Caroline (Frank) Mattson. Married July 2, 1885 to Clara J Oberg. Educated in public schools; Gustavus Adolphus College 1877-79; graduated from Wi- nona Normal School 1882. After grad- uation was engaged in teaching school in Warren until 1883; elected county supt of schools and served un- til 18S9; professor of history and mathematics Moorhead until 1890; returned to Warren and became edi- tor and publisher of Warren Sheaf a weekly newspaper in which he al- ready owned an interest; has been postmaster from IS 97 to date. Sec Board of Education; member Minn Editorial Assn and pres Northwest- ern Editorial Assn ; member Commer- cial Club and M W A. MATTSON Peter A, St Peter. President Gustavus Adolphus College. Born Sept 29, 1S65 in Hoitsand Swed- en, son of M J and Anna (Stevenson) Mattson. Married June 15, 1895 to Emma Olson. Graduated from public schools Sweden; Gustavus Adolphus Academy and College A B 1892; Au- gustana Theological Seminary B D 1894; U of M Ph D; degree of D D from Machlenberg College 1906. En- gaged as pastor in Tacoma Wash 5 years; in Minneapoils 5 years and pres of Gustavus Adolphus College 1904 to date. MAUL Herman Daniel, Minneapo- lis. Res 408 Oak st S E, office 253-259 2d av S. Publisher. Born Aug 5, 1860 in Madison Wis, son of Daniel and Wilhelmina (Voss) Maul. Mar- ried March 24, 1884 to Clara Cornelia Rider. Attended the Lutheran and Catholic parochial schools at Madison Wis 1866-69; the public school at Mid- dleton Wis 1869; -47 Professor George's Private Institute at Madison winter of 1875; Middleton public school to May 10, 1876; later law dept U of M. Clerked in stores and was otherwise variously employed 1876-80, locating in Minneapolis in 1882. Went west and passed spring and summer of 1883 in Dakota; returned to Wis- consin and took charge of store at Middleton in which he had formerly clerked. Again came to Minneapolis in fall of 1885; served as bkpr and cashr in private bank of W^ E Steele & Co 1885-98. Purchased the publica- tion then known as the Daily Re])ort now the Daily Legal News and has since been pres and treas of the com- l)any publishing it; incorporated com- l)any in 19 02 as Legal News Publish- ing Co. Member Trinity Baptist Church and Trinity Church Men's Club. MAXFIELl) Howard A, Minneapo- lis. Res 2017 Aldrich av S, office 160 Western av. Treas Geo F Thompson & Son Buggy Co. Born Aug 5, 1852 in Herkimer county N Y, son of David and Margaret (Hoke) Max- ^"in Married June 7, 1876 to Cerell Waldron. Attended common schools l?yron Minn; graduated from first State Normal School Winona Minn 1879. Moved to Huron S D in 1881 and engaged in lumber business; cashr Nat Bank Huron S D 1890-96; moved to Minneapolis 1898 as treas of Geo P Thompson & Son Btiggy Co 1902 to date. MAYO Carl Asa, Minneapolis. Res 1701 Emerson av N, office 1800 Quincy St N E. Lumber. Born March 2, 1876 in Minneapolis, son of S A and Alice (Dunklee) Mayo. Educated in Minne- apolis public schools; Minneapolis High School 1883-95; U of M 1898-1902. Was employed as fruit shipper during the completion of his schooling until entering the University. Since gradu- ation has been engaged with the Hen- nepin Lumber Co, of which he is now treas. Member of Masonic fraternity. MEACHAM Fred E, St Paul. Rer 885 Phalen av, office 307 Nat'l German American Bank bldg. Real estate and loans. Born May 6th 1859 in Red Wing Minn, son of Jeremiah and Eliza- beth (Cox) Meacham. Married Dec 15, 1880 to Minnie M Sargent. Edu- cated in Red Wing schools. Worked in flour mill until 1882; moved to LiftJr Ski'fcJics of Bi(/ Folk.^. '^Ui St Paul; engaged in the coal and wood business; has been engaged in the real estate and loan business since 1886. MEAD Henry Stowell, Minneapolis. Res 609 Penn av N, office 700-705 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 20, 1865 in Hastings Minn, son of Frank J and Sarah (Stowell) Mead. Mar- ried Feb 1.5, 190(1 to Hannah Rice. At- tended Hastings Minn common and high school; graduated from law dept U of M 1S90. Member Ferree & Mead lawyers 1890-1900; Erwin & Mead 1900-1903; Mead & Robertson 1903 tc date. Has practiced continuously 1S90 to date; was previously a compositor on newspapers. Member Masonic order. 31EAI) Warren Hewitt, St Paul. Res 597 Summit av, office Manhattan bldg. Lawyer. E'orn Nov 25, 1836 in Genoa, Cayuga county N Y, son of Lockwood and Susan (Miller) Mead Married 1^66 to Frances A Hughes Began the practice of law in 1868. Served as officer in Co "B" 6th Ky Cavalry throughout the Civil War. taken prisoner at Chickamauga and confined in Libby Prison Richmond Va; Danville Va and Charleston S C. Was a prisoner 22 months, escaped once near Columbia S C. was captured but succeeded on the second attempt. Elected twice to the Minn House ol Representatives from St Paul 1876-77. MEADE Charles J, St Paul. Res 227 Virginia av, office 74 W 4th St. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Jan 23, 1870 in Canada, son of Michael and Anna Meade. Married .June 1896, to Elizabeth Lytle. Attended Ottawa Univ 1885-86; Morrisburg Collegiate Institute 1887; McGill University Mon- treal 1888-92. Practiced medicine in St Paul 1892 to date. Professor ol clinical medicine at Hamline Univ; visiting physician to City and County Hospital, St Joseph's Hospital and Catholic Orphan Asylum St Paul. Member American Medical Assn; Minnesota Stat? and Ramsey County Medical societies. MEADEK William F, Minneapolis. Lumber. Born 1839 in Meaderborough N H, son of John and May T (Thomp- son) Meader. Married 1859 to Jennie Stephens. Educated in public schools and boarding school at Providence R I. Moved to Muscatine la in 1855. Moved to New York in 1862 and en gaged in the dry goods business as elk; later mnfr of shirt bosoms under firm name of Meader & Lawson. Moved to Minneapolis 1871; engaged in dry goods and millinery business until 1876; whol produce commission 1876-81. One of 14 incorporators of Chamber of Commerce. Engaged in wheat business. Built elevators at everv station during construction of the M & St L R R from Morton Minn to Watertown S D under the name of Pacific Elevator Co. Now pres and treas of the Hawkins Lumber & Land Co. MEEDS Alonzo Draper, Minneapo- lis. Res 2424 Harriet av, office City Hall. Chemist of Citt Health Dept. Born Dec 6, 1864 in E Minneapolis, son of Charles E and Sarah Lucy (Means) Meeds. Educated in the pub- lic schools Stillwater and U of M, graduating B S 1889. First engaged as supervisor in Washington for N P Ry 1889; apointed asst in chemical laboratory U of M same year; with Dr Carl Lumholz exploring expedition, Sierra Madre mountains Mexico 1891- 92; with Minn Geological Survey 1892; returned to laboratory work U of M Sept 1892-94; elected gas inspector Minneapolis 1894; now chemist in City Health Dept. Member American Assn for Advancement of Science; American Chemical Society; Minn Academy of Natural Science; Society of Chemical Industry London Eng; Masonic fraternity. MEGAARDEX Philip T. Mineapo- lis. Res 2504 Garfield av S, office 324 Andrus bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 2. 1864 in Almakee county la, son of Tallif and Aggie Megaarden. Married in 189 7 to Minnie A Erickson. At- tended the chools at Estherville la and Minneapolis; Augsburg Seminary Minneapolis; graduated U of M, LL B 18 93; LL M 1894. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 189 4 to date. Dir Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co. Elected sheriff of Hennepin county Minn 1898 and re-elected 1900. Member Masonic fraternity and Shrine. 268 Little l>^ ketches of B'uj Folks. MELAXDER E G Moorhead. Edi- tor and publisher. Born Xov 23, 1872 in St Paul Minn, son of Andrew and Jolianna Melander. Married June 3, 1896 to May Musolf. Received liis education in Fargo N D. Served as printer's apprentice with Major Ed- wards and H C Plumley of the Fargo Argus; variously employed on Du- luth News Tribune, Superior Call, Fargo Farmer and Moorhead Inde- pendent; began publication of Moor- head Citizen 1902 and has conducted same to date. Deputy oil insp; mem- ber Fire Dept. Member Maccabees; Improved Order of Redmen ( Great Prophet). MELBY Benedik, Blooming Prai- rie. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born July 24, 1877 in Whitehall Wis, son of Olaf S and Johanna (Nelson) Melbv. Attended Merrillon High School 1896; college of medicine and surgery U of M 1903. Taught school in Wisconsin 1896-99; student college of medicine and surgery U of M 189 9-1903; in- terne Swedish Hospital Minneapolis 1903; practiced in Hayfield Minn 19 04; in Blooming Prairie 1905 to date. Member Minn State and Steele County Medical societies. MELVILLE James C, Minneapolis. Res 1011 3d av S, office 43 0-43 2 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumber. Born Nov 4, IS 75 in St Petersburg Russia, son of George D and Anna M (Morris) Mel- ville. Married June 28, 1902 to Alice W Basford. Educated in Brooklyn public and high schools: and graduat- ed from U of M, LL B. Engaged with Wm Buchanan Texarkana Texas in yellow pine business 1897-9 9; with H Stevens whol lumber Minneapolis 189 9-1902; mngr Carpenter Glass Lbr Co yards 1902-1903; mngr and treas Melville Lumber Co; mngr and sec Mutual Lumber Co; pres and treas American Diamond Mining Co; V pres Minneapolis Art China Co. Member Battery "I" 1st U S Artillery 1893-96; now member Battery "B" 1st Artillery M N G. MERCER Huf-h Victor, Minneapo- lis. Res 327 6th av S E, office same. Lawyer. Born Jan 26, 1869 in Salem 111, son of Silas and Caroline (Gaston) Mercer. Married to Edith Huling Crawford. Graduate law dept U of M, LL B 1894; LL M 1897. With W E Hale, later of Hale & Morgan law- yers 1892-93; in office of Shearer & Childs 1893-94; day and evening courses in law dept of U of M. Prac- ticed law 1894; member of Young & Mercer lawyers 1895-97; practiced alone 1897-1902; member Wilson & Mercer lawyers 1902 to date. Lectur- er in dental dept U of M on dental jurisprudence; in college of law U of M on equity pleading and practice in federal courts. Member and executive committeeman Minn State Bar Assn; V pres for Minn of National Bar Assn; member and on board of governors General Alumni Assn of U of M; ex- l)res Law Alumni Assn U of M; dir M C A Minneapolis 189 5-19 05; mem- ber Commercial, Minneapolis and Min- ikahda clubs Minneapolis. MERICKEL Aithiir J, Wadena. Banker. Born April 1867 in Dodge county Wis, son of Jesse O and Elec- ta (Babcock) Merickel. Married March 18S9 to Pauline Patrick. Edu- cated in Minn public schools. En- gaged in farming until 1889; in lum- ber and milling business 18 89-9 5; real estate and loans until 1907 when he became pres First Natl Bank. Pres First State Bank N Y Mills; First State Bank of Sebeka; pres city council and board of education. Mem- ber Masonic fraternitv, I O O F and A O U W. MERRILL Burton Jay, Stillwater. Res 215 3d st, office 22 6 E Chestnut St. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born May 3, 1856 in Palmyra la, son of Philo and Soi)hia (Woodward) Mer- rill. Married Jan 17. 1882 to Cornelia A Merrill. Educated in public and high schools Grinnell 111; graduated from Grinnell College B S 1875; M A 1880; Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege M D 1881. Engaged in practice of medicine in Hudson Wis 1881; moved to Stillwater 1882, and has con- tinued to practice to date. Prof ther- a])eutics and materia medica St Paul Medical College 2 years; served as county physician, coroner, health comnr and on State Board of Health; physician and surgeon to Minn State Prison 1892 to date. Member Medi- cal societies; Masonic fraternity; B P O E; Sons of American Revolution; K of P. Litth' .Sketches of Big Folks. 269 MERRILL Eugene A, INIinneapolis. Res 2116 2d av, office 313 Nicollet av. Trust official. Born Aug 26, 1847 in Byron N Y, son of Daniel P and Jan- ette (Pollay) Merrill. Married 1876 to Adelaide Keith. Educated in com- mon schools Geneseo 111; Hillsdale (Mich) College B S 1872; M S ISSO. After graduation studied abroad and then read law. Admitted to the bar in Michigan 1874; Minneapolis 1875. Associated with Chas H Woods as Woods & Merrill 1875-78; with Judge M B Koon and A M Keith as Koon, Merrill & Keith; engaged in the prac- tice of law 1878-83. Organized Minn Loan & Trust Co 18 83 and has been pres of same since that time. Mem- ber Minneapolis and Lafayette clubs. :MERRILL George Co.ston, Minne- apolis. Res 2317 Aldrich av S. office 900-906 Phoenix building. Abstracts. Born June 22. 1851 in Manchester 111, son of Joseph Winthrop and Anna E (Coston) Merrill. Educated in the Chicago public schools and Chicago LTniv; graduated from LT of M, B L 1905; M L 1906. Employed in actua- rial dept Nat Life Ins Co Chicago, with special work for ins depts of Illi- nois, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts 1877-82; member Merrill & Alba ab- stracts of title Minneapolis 1882-86; alone same business 1886-91; pres Merrill Abstract Co Minenapolis 1892 to date. Register of deeds Hennepin county 1901-1906; member Board of Trade; Business Union; Commercial Club Minneapolis. MERRILL Henry A, St Paul. Res 707 Goodrich av, office 3 97-405 Sibley St. Wholesale merchant. Born 1863 in St Paul. Married 1892 to Mabel E Baldwin. Educated in the public schools of St Paul; studied law; ad- mitted to the bar by supreme court of Minn 1887; gen partner in firm of Ogden, Merrill & Greer whol crockey, established 1855. Pes Job- bers & Mnfrs Assn 1902; member Commercial Club; sec White Bear Yacht Club. MERRITT Alfred, Duluth. Res 2105 E 2d St, office 104 Providence bldg. Mines and mining. Born May 16, 1847 in Chautauqua county N Y, son of Lewis Howell and Hepsibeth (Jewett) Merritt. Married twice: Dec 22, 1876 to Elizabeth Sandilands; 1884 to Jane Anderson Gillis. Came to the head of the lakes witn his parents in 1856 and was educated in the common schools. After leaving school engaged in logging and lumber woods with his father in winter and was sailor on lakes in summer; during period of work acquired small business of his own, exploring for pine and mineral lands in woods 1881; located Mesabe Range with brothers; connected with Mountain Iron, Great Northern, Great Western, The Shaw, Mesabe Moun- tain; Security Land & Exploration Company Duluth; Mesabe & North- ern Railway, Mesabe Central Land & Exploration Co and many others; all of the mining companies having been consolidated by the Merritts as the Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines, which was later sold to the U 5 Steel Corporation. Pres American Exploration Co and Boulder Moun- tain Iron Mine Co. Served as coun- ty comnr for 7 years. Member A O U W; Territorial Pioneers and Old Settlers. MERRY Charles W , Stillwater. Dentist. Born June 7, 1864 in Bath Me, son of Benjamin E and Fi'ances (Cobben) Merry. Educated in the common and high schools Stillwater; graduated from Pa College of Dental Surgery D D S 1883. Engaged in prac- tice of his profession in Stillwater with father under firm name of Merry 6 Son 1883-1901; member of Merry & Caine dentists 1903-1906; has been practicing alone 1906 to date. Sec State Board of Dental Examiners 18S5- 89. Member 1st Regt M N G. Mem- ber AAA; B P O E; Masonic fra- ternity, Knights Templar and Knights of Pythias. MESSER Ansel P, Moorhead. Printer and publisher. Born March 16, 1870 in Lincoln Me, son of Cyrus and Livonia (Gatchell) Messer. Married April 8, 1896 to Nellie Longtine. Ed- ucated in the common schools and by inivate instruction. Learned printer's trade when a boy in Spencer Wis and at 17 was in charge of a printing of- fice at Neilsville Wis; moved to Moorhead and worked at trade 1889- 96; moved to Phillips Wis and with brother published Phillips Bee for 7 years; purchased Union at Prairie du 270 Little t private tuition. Moved to Minn 1866 and was engaged in various lines of business until 1894 when he estab- lished the St Peter Free Press, of which he is editor and publisher; elected to State Senate 1878; U S consul to Guayaquil Ecuador; many years member of city council; city justice; appointed postmaster 1903 and continues in that office. MILLER John, Duluth. Res 42 S E 2d St, office 602 Board of Trade bldg. Grain commission merchant. Born 1843 in Dryden N Y, son oi Archibald and Isabel (McKallar) Mil- ler. Married 1882 to Adelaide S Tuck- er. Educated in common schools and private academy Dryden N Y. En- gaged in gen merchandise business 1862-79; moved to Wahpeton N D 1879 and opened up farm of 10,000 acres in Richland county for eastern syndicate and managed same until 1896; moved to Duluth and established firm of John Miller Co grain commis- sion with offices in Duluth and Minne apolis; is jires and gen mngr of same; pres Chaffee-Miller Milling Co Cassel ton N D; dir Dwight Farm & Land Co Dwight N D and Chaffee-Miller Land Co Armenia N D. Served as member Territorial Council 1888; gov- ernor of North Dakota 1890-92; mem- ber Court House Commission St Louis county; pres Y M C A since 1897; Member Commercial, Curling and Boat clubs. MILLER AVilliam Andrew, St Paul. Res 731 E 4th st, office cor 4th and Jackson sts. Banker. Born Aug 19, 1857 on a farm in Washington count/ Minn, son of John J and Elizabeth M (Metzger) Miller. Attended the Wash ington and Franklin schools in St Paul until he was 14 and then entered the First National Bank of St Paul as messr in 1871 and has been continu- ously connected with that institution ever since, occupying all positions from messr to paying teller; was ap pointed asst cashr June 1882 and was elected cashr Jan 1897 and has been a member of the board of directors for some years. Member of Commercial, and Twin City Bankers clubs. MILLS Ira B, St Paul. Res 5 68 Dayton av, office State Capitol. Lawyer. Born Jan 14, 1851 in Orange county N Y, son of William and Julia A (Houston) Mills. Educated in New York. Member of the law firm of Allerton & Mills Port Jervis New York 1873-78; Burnham, Mills & Til- lotson Moorhead Minn 1883-87. City atty of Port Jervis N Y 1878; judge of the district court 14th Minn judic- ial district 1887. Member Railroad and Warehouse Commission 1893-1900 and from Jan 1, 1901 to date; chair- man of commission for 8 years. MILLSPAITJH Joseph G, Little Falls. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Feb 19, 1851 in Battle Creek Mich, son of Jacob M and Mary Ann (Decker) Millspaugh. Married Nov 18, 1879 to Anna M Zang. Educated in public schools Battle Creek Mich; Hope College Mich A B; MA; Univ of Mich M D 1876; Columbia (N Y) Univ M D 1877. Practiced in Battle Creek Mich 1877-83; in N Dakota 10 years; moved to Little Falls 1893 and has practiced his profession to date. Member American Medical Assn; Minn State Medical Society; ex-pres U])per Mississippi Medical Society. MILXER Thomas, White Bear Lake. Office 136 E 3d st St Paul. Merchant. Born Jan 1, 1843 in Eng- land. Married April 3, 1869 to Clara Erhardt. Reared on a farm until 31 years of age; engaged in the whol meat business in St Paul 14 years; established firm of T Milner & Son Little Sketches of Big Folks. 273 whol commission merchants May 1898. First came to St Paul April 1853 and has been a resident of Ramsey county continuously since except from June 1864 to Sept 1865, when he was a member of the 3d Minn Vol Regt in the Civil War. Democrat. Mayor of White Bear. MITCHELL Etlwai'd Craig, St Paul. Res 534 Summit av. Minister of re- ligion. Born .July 21, 1836 in St Louis Mo, son of Edward Phillips and Eliza- beth (Tyndale) Mitchell. Attended Philadelphia Central High School 1852- 56, graduating B A 1856; M A 1861; graduated from LTniv of Pa law school Philadelphia 1859; admitted to Phila- delphia bar 1S59. Minister Frankford New Jerusalem Church Phila 1860-63; Providence R I- 1863-65; Pawtucket R I 1865-66; North Bridgewater Mass 1866-69; Detroit Mich 1869-72; Minne- apolis 1872-80; St Paul 1872 to date. Originator St Paul Free Kindergarten; St Paul Day Nursery; dir St Paul Relief Society. Member of council Minn Historical Society; pres St Paul Academy of Science; Free Kindergar- ten Society; member Wis Natural History and Archaeological societies; Nat'l Geographical Society; Peace So- ciety of America; American Society of Curio Collectors; historian Sons of American Revolution; member Society of the Colonial Wars; Keystone League Pa; Y M C A and Commercial Club St Paul. Pastor of the New Je- rusalem Church St Paul since 1872. MITCHELL John H, St Paul. Res 258 Dayton av, office 519 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 27, 1860 in Butler, Butler county Pa, son of John H and Sarah (Hoon) Mitchell. Attended public schools in Pennsyl- vania 1867-73; Mt Union College Al- liance O 1874-78, graduating B A; Univ of Mich law dept 1879-81, gradu- ating LL B. Practiced law in Seattle Wash as member of McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell 1881-87, almost exclusively in legal work for N P Ry Co at Tacoma Wash 1887-92; organ- ized western branch of N P legal de])t, with headquarters at Tacoma in 1887; same year organized firm of Mitchell, Ashton & Chapman exclusively for N P legal work; at head of firm 5 years; counsel for N P in charge of legal work over entire system at St Paul 1892-1900; private practice St Paul 1900 to date. Member St I'aul Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity; r. p o E. 3IITCHELL John K, St Paul. Res 251 Summit av, office Capital Nafl Bk. Banker. Born 1868 in Franklin Pa, son of John L and Harriet Mitchell. Mar- ried 1896 to Mary E Lamberton. Grad- uated from Yale College 1889. Pres Capital Nafl Bank St Paul; Winona Deposit Bank; Duluth Savings Bank; ex-pres Minn Bankers Assn; member executive committee American Bank- ers Assn. Member Minnesota and Commercial clubs St Paul. MITCHELL William I), St Paul. Res 521 Grand av, office Fire and Ma- rine bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 9, 1874 in Winona Minn, son of William and Frances (Merritt) Mitchell. Was ed- ucated in preparatory school Laurence- ville N J 1891; Sheffield Scientific School 1894; U of M 1895; U of M law school 1896. Has been practicing law since his graduation and is now a member of firm How, Butler & Mitchell, composed of Jared How, Pierce Butler and himself. iMIX Charle.s Fred, Crookston. Banker. Born Sept 23, 1861 in St Paul Minn, son of Charles H and Helen Pomeroy (White) Mix. Married Sept 23, 1882 to Mary L Shapleigh. Edu- cated in common schools. With St Paul & Pac R R until 1880; asst cashr St P M & M R R at Crookston 1880-84; with First Nafl Bank Crook- ston from collector to cashr 1895 to date; dir Wheeler Misner Loan Co. Member Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity; M W A and K T. MOEX NeLs T, Ada. Lawyer. Born May 26, 1866 in Freeborn town- ship, Freeborn county Minn, son of Tollef Nelson and karit (Nelson) Moen. Married Jan 21, 1893 to Betsy Johnson. Graduated from Red Wing Seminary 1891; from law dept U of M, LL B 1893. Prin Halstad public schools 1894. Moved to Ada Minn 1897 and has been engaged in prac- tice of law to date. Judge of probate Norman county 1899-1903; county atty 1905-1907. Grand Chief Templar I 6 G T of Minn 1901-1902. IS 274 Little t>!kctchcs of Bin FoR:s. MOLAXDKH Alfred, Anoka. Man- ager Hurke Clothing Co. Born Ang 2, 1859 in Helsingburg Sweden, son of B S and Anna (Monson) Molander. Married Feb 17, 1906 to F Lemke. Moved to Minnesota (Stillwater) 1863. Educated in public schools; followed different mercantile lines; moved to Anoka 1S91 as mngr Burke Clothing Co; has continued same to date. Mem- ber K of P. MOLANDER Swan B, St Paul. Res 944 Eayless av, office 615 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 27, 1855 in Sweden, son of B S and Anna (Mon- son) Molander. Received private edu- cation and attended college in Swed- en; later graduated at St Paul College of Law. Has been practicing since 1902; is now a member of firm God- frey & Molander. Justice of the peace; school trustee; county auditor Kanabec county 1885-95; engrossing elk House of Representatives; elk state auditor's office 1895-1902. Chair- man Re])ublican County Committee; member 4th District Congressional Committee. Member I O O F, Modern Woodmen and Samaritans. MOLONEY Gerald R, Belle Plaine. Physician and surgeon. Born Jan 7, 1849 in Ireland, son of Patrick and Anastasia (Ryan) Moloney. Married Feb 13, 1876 to Hannah Kennedy. Received his early education in Limer- ick and Dublin Ireland 1860-72; grad- uated from medical dept Univ New York City 1875; interne St Vincent's Hospital New York same year. Moved to Belle Plaine 1875 and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since that date. V pres First State Bank Montgomery Minn. Member State Medical Assn. :\IOLL Henry, St Peter. Judge of probate. Born Feb 13, 1848 in Philadelphia, son of Emanuel and Hen- rietta (Miller) Moll. Married June 12, 1873 to Isabelle A Dunning. Received his education in common schools of Ohio. Moved to St Peter and engaged as elk in gen store 1863-68; in busi- ness for self until 1881; elected sheriff 1881; elected mayor of St Peter 1894; in book business 11 years; judge of probate 1902 to date. Mem- Masonic fraternity. M0XA(>:HAN Mart M, Duluth. Res 619 1/2 E 5th St, office 606 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 4, 1870 in Detroit Mich, son of John and Susan C (Leddy) Monaghan. Married May 9, 1900 to E Agnes Gavagan. Edu- cated in the parochial schools Detroit and Alpena Mich; Assumption College Sandwich Ont; St Mary's College St Marys Kan, graduating A B 1896; Georgetown Univ Washington D C, LL B 1898. Admitted to bar in Michigan 1899 and practiced in Alpena until 1900. Moved to St Paul 190O, acting as editor for West Publishing Co law book publishers until 1902; admitted to Minnesota bar 1902; practiced alone in St Paul until 1904; engaged in law practice in Duluth 1904 to date. Mem- ber Curling Club; B P O E and K of C. MONASCH William, Minneapolis. Res 1903 Columbus av, office 500 S 5th St. Lithographer. Born Sept 29, 1860 in Germany, son of Isador and Pauline (Wolfsohn) Monasch. Mar- ried Aug 1, 1894 to Louise Eschner. Educated in common schools of Ger- many and St Paul. Moved to Minne- apolis 1873; with Johnson & Smith as lithographer for number of years; en- gaged in business for self in 1890 and has continued to date; sec Monasch Lithographing Co. MONFORT Frederick 1), St Paul. Res 354 Summit av, office N Y Life bldg. Banker. Born May 6, 1878 in St Paul, son of Delos A and Mary J (Edgerton) Monfort. Married April 18, 1906 to Adele Harwood of Bloss N Y. Attended St Paul High School; graduated from Cornell Univ Ph D 1892. Clk Second Nat'l Bank St Paul 1892-94; cashr 1894-1900; v pres 1900 to date. Member Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial, White Bear and Roosevelt Republican clubs St Paul; Minnesota Boat Club; Sons American Revolution; Society of Co- lonial Wars. MONSON John, Minneapolis. Res 1612 W 36th St, office same. Florist. Born May 1, 1865 in Kristianstad Sweden, son of Peter and Ida (Peter- son) Monson. Educated in the public schools of Sweden. Began working Little HJa'tvhrs of Bif/ Folks. 275 in floral establishments when 14; fol- lowed the business in Sweden, Den- mark and France until 1893: foreman of Smith greenhouses Minneapolis 1893-1900; in business for self at pres- ent site 1900 to date; has propagated many new roses, chief among them the "Miss Kate Moulton"; propr Min- neapolis Floral Co 1900 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; American Rose Societey; American Florists So- ciety. MOXSOX P«'tei', Minneapolis. Res 1522 Madison st N E, office 1234 Cen- tral av. Foundryman and machinist. Born Aug 3, 1856 in Sweden, son of Mons Pierson and Elsie (Olson) Mon- son. Married twice: Oct 1, 1882 to Charlotte Carlson; Oct 1885 to Louise Swan son. Educated in common schools. Learned machinist's trade in Lanskrona Sweden; moved to Min- neapolis 1880 and was employed as supt of Crown Iron Works 1883-85; formed Central Machine Works Co 1890 and has been pres and mngr leS92 to date. MOODKY James C, Minneapolis. Res 4127 Park boul, office 340 Temple Court. Insurance. Born May 3, 1859 in New Albany Ind, son of Judge James C Moodey. Married Jan 7, 1894 to Bertha Tansig of Chicago. Educated in public schools and by private tuition St Louis Mo. First in employ of Bradstreet Co 1874; moved to Chicago and engaged in insurance business 1875; with West- ern Dept Niagara Fire Ins Co as bkpr 1882; asst mngr same 1891-94; elected sec and mngr Minnesota Fire Ins Co Jan 1894; moved to Minneapolis and established firm of James C Moodey & Co. Now sec Walker-Allen Co casualty, fire insurance and surety bonds. MOOX Everett, Minneapolis. Res 32 N 11th st, office 418 Guaranty Loan bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 2, 1861 in Fallsington, Bucks county Pa, son of James H and Elizabeth B Moon. At- tended common schools and Friends' denominational schools in and near Philadelphia; Westtown Boarding School; Univ of Pa academic dept; graduated from law dept 1887. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1887 to date. Member 4th Ward Republican Club Minneapolis; Hennepin Republi- can Club Hennepin county; Minne- apolis Historical Club. MOOHE Albert K, St Paul. Res 464 Holly av. office 616-620 Germania Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 14, 1869 in Brooklyn N Y, son of J E and Eliza A (Randall) Moore. Married June 23, 1898 to Caroline E Weed of St Paul. Attended public schools in St Paul 1878-87, graduating from high school in 1887; Harvard Univ aca- demic dept 1887-89; law dept U of M, LL B 1891; LL M 1892; later D C L. Member law firm of Stryker & Moore 1891-96; Markham, Moore & Mark- ham 1897-99; Durment & Moore 1899 to date. Dir Archer Daniels Linseed Co Minneapolis; Moore Clothing Co Sioux City ; Como Boulevard Co St Paul; St Paul & Sioux City Land Co. i.^innesota representative in national conference of Commissioners on Uni- form Laws; member Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Bar assns; Commercial, Minnesota and White Bear Yacht clubs St Paul; So- ciety Colonial Wars; Harvard Club of Minnesota. MOOIIE Charles A, St Paul. Res 589 Goodrich av, office 605 Manhattan bldg. Lumber. Born in Massachu- setts, son of Alphus and Mary R Moore. Married in 1870 to May Good- hue. Moved to St. Paul 1865; oper- ated mill in Hastings Minn with Stephen Gardner; returned to St Paul 1876 and established a lumber and real estate business, which he has continued to date. Member Masonic fraternity. MOOKE Charles W, St Paul. Res 1879 Rondo st, office 393 N Prior av. Banker. Born July 14, 1870 in Am- boy 111, son of Charles W and Lois A Moore. Educated in the high school of Minneapolis; has been engaged in the banking business since 1890 and is now the cashr and owner of the Merriam Park Bank, established 1899 and now having deposits of more than $100,000.00. Member Commercial Club St Paul and Mystic Shrine. 27() Little *S7.Tfc//('-s of Bin Folks. 3IOORE George B, St Paul. Res Metropolitan Hotel, office 83 W 3d st. Physician and surgeon. Born 1870 in St Paul, son of John and Sarah (Hears) Moore. Attended high school 1885-90; St Thomas College 1890-93; graduating medical dept Hamline Univ 1896-1900. Passed one year in Europe. Has served as police sur- geon St Paul 5 years. 3IOORE George O, Worthington. Banker and physician. Born March 28, 1842 in Iowa City la, son of Benja- min P and Emily Moore. Married Dec 2, 1869 to Clara F Foster. At- tended public schools Iowa City, Goshen Ind and Toledo; Ann Arbor Medical College (Mich). Practiced medicine 15 years and then engaged in banking business; now pres State Bank of Worthington. MOORE James Edward, Minneapo- lis. Res 201 Clifton av, office 7 04 Pillsbury bldg. Surgeon. Born March 2, 1852 in Clarksville Pa, son of Rev George W and Margaret Jane (Ziegler) Moore. Attended public schools in Pennsylvania; Poland Union Seminary Poland O; Univ of Mich 1871-72; Bellevue Hospital Medical College N Y 1873; Univ of Berlin 1885-86. Country practice in Pennsylvania 1876-82; now prof of surgery U of M; surgeon-in-chief Northwestern Hospital Minneapolis; gen practice of medicine and surgery in Minneapolis 1882-8 8; surgery ex- clusively 188 8 to date. Fellow Am- erican Surgical Assn; honorary fellow American Orthopedic Assn; member Minneapolis, Minikahda, Commercial, and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis. MOORE Lynuiii A, St Paul. Res 7 01 Marshall av, office Hampden and Charles sts. Broker. Born May 31, 18 52 in Barnet Vt, son of Samuel and Abigail (Wyman) Moore. Mar- ried Jan 3, 1879. Educated in com- mon schools of Vermont and high school La Crosse Wis. Employed with James McCord, La Crosse Wis 1871-79; member firm of Moore, Piper & Co Mankato Minn 187 9-89; dept mngr Standard Oil Co St Paul 1889-94; L A Moore & Co brokers, paints and chemicals 189 4 to date. MORAN Thomas P, Hastings. Judge of probate. Born July 31, 1856 in Rosemount Minn, son of Patrick and Katherine (Sheridan) Moran. Married 1900 to Gertrude Fahy. Attended district schools Rose- mount and Empire, Dakota county Minn. Member firm of Walsh & Mo- ran hardware, furniture and farm implements Rosemount 1883-90. Has been probate judge since 1891; served as member village council 1888-90; town elk, school trustee, etc. MORCK Com-ad 1), Minneapolis. Res 1726 9th av S, office 13 S 5th st. Wholesale paints. Born June 28, 1861 in Norway, son of Hjirominus and Kaia (Lund) Morck. Married March 18 88 to Mae Eaton. Educated in com- mon schools and by private instruc- tion. Moved to B'eloit Iowa 1882; later to S Dakota 1883-88; moved to Min- neapolis 1888, engaged in mercantile business; became member of Twin City Paint Co 1894 and in 1895 was elected sec and treas. MOREHART William Jasper, Man- kato. Office 202 I O O F blk. Real estate. Born Feb 2 9, 1860 in Cass county Ind, son of David and Eliza- beth (Lytle) Morehart. Married April 6, 1886 to Lilian Butler. Ed- ucated in public schools of Thorns- hope Ind and 2 years in normal school Valparaiso Ind. Engaged in retail drug business Winananoc Ind 1883-89, under firm name of More- hart Bros; with Morrison-Plummer Co whol drugs Chicago as salesman for Minnesota and northern Iowa 1889-1900; retail drug business un- der firm name of Lamm & Morehart Mankato 1893-9 7; has since been engaged in real estate business for self; bought 65,000 acres of lands on U P R R Colorado 1903 and has since purchased other large tracts. V pres German American Bank Man- kato; dir National Bank of Com- merce Mankato; Missouri Midland Trust Co Kansas City. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; Knights Templar and B P O E. Litfh' l^lrtcJics of Biy Folks. MORGAN Michael K, St Paul. Res 52 6 Holly av. Soldier. Born Jan 18, 1833 in Nova Scotia. Twice mar- ried: first 1860 to Judith Porter Adams; second to Antonette Prince. Moved to Louisana in early life; re- ceived education in public schools in Nevf Orleans; graduated from West Point Military Academy 185 4. First assigned to California; then at Fort Snelling 1855; returned to Cali- fornia 1856; engaged in Indian cam- paign in Washington territory 18 58; stationed at artillery school Fortress Monroe until outbreak of Civil War; served throughout the Civil War with great distinction and attained the rank of col ; stationed at Fort Leav- enworth fix)m close of war until 1873; ordered to New York, then to St Paul; service in San Francisco and Chicago 18 88; Washington D C 1892; commissary gen U S army 1894; retired with rank of brig-gen 1897; moved to St Paul and has since made his residence there. Mem- ber Loyal Legion; v pres St Paul Security Trust Co. MORGAN Stephen W, Winona. Res 204 W Wabasha st, office 70 W 3d St. Merchant. Born May 7, 1839 in Terre Haute Ind, son of Augustus Morgan. Married 1869 to Frances E Watson. Educated in pub- lic schools of Oquawka 111. Moved to Winona 1861, and engaged in the jewelry business 1862, and has con- tinued in the same line to date. Dir Winona Wagon Co. MORITZ William F, St Paul. Res 522 Iglehart st, office 1005-1007 Pio- neer Press bldg. Mortgage loans and real estate. Born Oct 27, 18 50 in Province of Hanover Germany, son of Ernst and Maria (Meier) Moritz. Married 188 to Minnie A Sunder- mann. Came to America with his parents in 1859. Worked 3 years on a farm in St Charles county Mo. Attended public schools there and later, when 17 years of age, learned the blacksmith's trade; engaged in same in Missouri 18 67-74; removed to St Paul in 18 74; engaged as fire ins solicitor until 1879 when he en- tered the hardware business under firm name of Wolterstoff & Moritz 1879-87; engaged in mortgage and real estate business and continued in same alone 1887-1902; then entered into partnership with Frank L Pow- ers under firm name of Moritz & Powers 19 02 to date. MORKEN Throiul T, Crookston. Judge of probate. Born July 8, 1852 in Norway, son of Tosten and Carrie (Lunde) Morken. Married May 1883 to Bertha Karene. Educated in com- mon schools. Moved to Goodhue county 1874 and engaged in farming; same in Nelson county N Dak 10 years; moved to Polk county 1892; served as county comnr in N Dak and Polk county; appointed by Gov John- son judge of probate and later elected to same office which he holds to date. Member board of county comnrs Nel- son county N Dak; member Polk county board 4 years. 3IORPHY Edward Howard, St Paul. Res 145 Nina av, ofl[ice Man- hattan bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 20, 1856 in Brantford, Ontario Can, son of Samuel M and Amelia (Lums- den) Morphy. Married Jan 2 0, 1886 to Edith Mary Morphy, daughter of George Morphy barrister-at-law in Toronto. Educated at Model School and the Upper Canada College of Toronto; took degree barrister-at- law in provinces of Ontario and Mani- toba 1880. Practiced in Toronto un- til 1882, then joined firm of Bain, Blanchard & Mulock of Winnipeg but retired from that firm July 1886 to move to St Paul where he formed the firm of Morphy & Ewing, which subsequently became Morphy, Ewing & Bradford. Vice-consul for Great Britain 1888-1902. MORRIS Owen, St Paul. Res 478 Carroll st, office 24 First National Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 12, 1858 in Anglesey, son of Owen and Catherine (Thomas) Morris. Educat- ed in the common schools at Cambria, Blue Earth county Minn; Carleton College Northfield Minn B A 1881; M A 1884. Began the study of law in office of Gordon E Cole Faribault IS 82 and in his St Paul office 1883- 8 6. Admitted to the bar by the su- preme court of Minn 18 86; has since been admitted to all courts of the U S. Member of firm Cole, Bramhall I'TS Liffh' >U ELLER Ferdinand, Park Rap- ids. Public official. Born May 1. 1852 in Korbach Germany, son of Ferdi- nand and Lina (Schadla) Mueller. Married in 1884 to Hannah A Hensel. Educated in gymnasium in Germany and in Cedar Valley Seminary Osage la. Came to U S in 1869 and located in Osage la; engaged in milling busi- ness 8 years; settled on government homestead in Hubbard county 1880; elected register of deeds for term of 1883-86; engaged in farming 1886-90; served as county auditor 1890-94 and 1896-98; elk of district court 1900 to date. Member I O R M; FOE and Maccabees. MULLIN John Lincoln, Duluth. Auditor mining and steamship com- panies of United States Steel Cor- poration. Born Feb 12, 1866 in Chicago 111, son of John and Mary Burr (Perry) Mullin. Married Oct 1, 1900 to Blanche Cleveland. Educated in the public schools of La Grange 111 and Chicago, graduat- ing from latter 1878; graduated from Spalding's Business College 1885. Shipping elk John Deere Plow Co Kansas City Mo 1885; dep elk district court Rooks county Kan 1888; bkpr "Nee Ban" Japanese goods Chicago 1890; bkpr Consolidated Steel & Wire Co New York City 1892; with mining and steamship companies of U S Steel Corporation Duluth Minn as assistant auditor 1901-1906; ap- pointed auditor June 1906. Auditor Oliver Iron Mining Co; Minnesota Iron Co; Lake Superior Cons Iron Mines; Chandler Iron Co; Chapin Mnfg Co; Pittsburg Steamship Co. Member Kitchi Gammi and Commer- cial clubs Duluth; Chicago Athletic Club and Masonic fraternity. MUNX Marcus 1), St Paul. Res 607 Goodrich av, office Dispatch bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 22, 1858 in Southington Conn, son of Charles E and Elizabeth (Clark) Munn. Grad- uated from Yale College in 1881; was instructoir there in 1881-82; Yale Law School 1883; Ph B; LL B. Be- gan practice in St Paul 1883; was county atty of Ramsey county 1888; established the law firm of Munn & Thygeson 1890, of which he is still the head. Dir Twin City Rapid Tran- sit Co and St Paul City Railway Co. Member Minesota Club St Paul and Yale and University clubs N Y; was prof of constitutional law in St Paul College. MUNRO Weed, Minneapolis. Law- yer. Born June 22, 1853 in Elbridge N Y (died 1906) son of John and Eveline (Page) Munro. Graduated Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 281 from Munro Collegiate Institute El- bridge N Y 1871; Univ of Rochester A B 187 5. Practiced law at Syracuse N Y 1878-82; in Minneapolis 1882 to date. Pres Minn State Board of Ex- aminers in Law. Member Phi Beta Kappa and Psi Upsilon college frater- nities; Minneapolis Commercial Club; life member B P O E Minneapolis. MURPHY Edward AV, Minneapolis. Res 3 04 Park av, office 3d av and 6th St S. Printer. Born Sept 1, 18 63 in Minneapolis, son of Thomas and Mary (Nagle) Murphy. INIarried to Emma Johnson. Educated in com- mon schools and by private instruc- tion. Learned ])rinting business with Johnson & Smith 187 4-83; formed partnership as Geesaman & Murphy which continued 1883-19U4. Mem- ber Murphy-Travis Co 19 04 to date. Dir Minneapolis, Rochester & Du- buque Traction Co. Member K P and B P O E. MURPHY' G'eorge W, Faribault. Real estate and loans. Born in 1852 in Cold Springs Wis, son of Richard and Catherine Murphy. Educated in public and parochial schools Fari- bault. Has always been in real es- tate business. Member K of C. 3IURPHY 31 Lee, Stillwater. Res 520 Pine st, office 122-126 S Main St. Merchant. Born May 29, 1860 in St Lawrence county N Y, son of John and Josephine (Quinn) Murphy. Married in 18 83 to Julia A Foley. Educated in the common and normal schools of Potsdam N Y. Removed to Peshtigo Wis and employed by Peshtigo Lumber Co 18 77-79; with N E Thorne Stillwater 1879-81; trav salesman Powers Dry Goods Co St Paul 188 4-87; member of Murphy, Seeba & Co and Murphy & Co Still- water 1887 to date. Dir Lumber- man's Nat Bank, Connolly Shoe Co, Stillwater Auditorium Co and Wash- ington County Bldg & Loan Assn; pres and dir New Pennsylvania Mine Co. :\Iember B P O E and M W A. MURRAY' Asher, Wadena. Real estate and insurance. Born Sept 21, 1858 in Delhi New York, son of Hon William and Rachel M (Merwin) Mur- ray. Married Sept 29, 1881 to Susie O Merwin. Educated in Delaware Academy Delhi N \, graduated 1874; Rutgers College New Brunswick New Jersey, graduated 1879. Partner with E E Luce in loan and real estate 1880- 81; in loan and real estate business in Wadena 1881 to date. Judge of probate of Wadena county 1889-1903; member Minnesota House of Repre- sentatives 1905-1906. Member Com- mercial Club. MURRAY William Pitt, St Paul. Res 691 Dayton av, office 432 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born June 21, 182 7 in Hamilton Ohio, son of John L and Jane Wilson (McCullough) Mur- ray. Attended common schools until 1844; Miami Univ Oxford Ohio 1844- 46; graduated from law dept Indiana Univ 184 9. Member of common council St Paul 13 years; pres 8 years; member territorial and state legislatures 11 years; pres territorial council 1854; city and corporation atty St Paul 14 years; mngr of State Reform and Training School 15 years; dir St Paul Work House 10 years; notary public over 5 years. Member of Constitutional Convention 185 7. Freemason 53 years; member A O U W; Druids; pres Fraternal Beneficial Assn. MYERS A J, Lake City. Office S Main st. Publisher. Born Nov 20, 1851 in Cattaragus county N Y, sou of Aaron and Mary (Walkup) Myers. Married Dec 2 8, 187 6 to Minnie E Buell. Educated in dist school. Was first engaged in farm work; learned trade of finisher and upholstering 18 69. Then house painting and car- riage varnishing; engaged as jewel- er and sold sewing machines, pianos and organs Oshkosh and Fond du Lac Wis until 1874. Returned to Minn and was engaged with Conti- nental Insurance Co. Station agent and operator C M & St P Ry at Mazeppa Minn 1877-85; publisher Mazeppa Tribune 1885-91. Moved to Lake City 1891 and purchased Gra- phic Sentinel Jan 7, 1892 of which heis propr and publisher. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fra- ternity. 282 Little SJcctcJics of Big FoUs. >1YHUE John P, Warren. Public official. Born April 2, 1870 in Hud- son Wis, son of Knut P and Margreth Myhre. Married April 2 6, 190 to Emma Faller. Educated in common schools and business college. En- gaged in farming in Marshall coun- ty, except 1898-9 9 when he conduct- ed mercantile business in N D. Elected register of deeds Marshall countv 1900; re-elected 1906. N NACHTKIEH Hicliard F, St Paul. Res 207 Pleasant av, office 4 6 David- son blk. Manufacturer's agent. Born July 20, 1862 in Sandusky City O, son of Rev C and Fredericka ( Dieth- er) Nachtrieb. Married Aug 16, 1900 to Miss H T Schulz. Educated in Minneapolis High School and bus- iness college Minneapolis. Succes- sively engaged as cashr Ingram, Ol- son & Co: with Lindeke, Warner & Schurmeier: traveled for Priedeman & Lewis; organized the A D T Co St Paul: organized Tookey Neck- wear Co Chicago; with Powers Dry Goods Co St Paul: with Griswold, Palmer & Co now Percival B Palmer & Co Chicago mnfrs of suits, skirts and cloaks; in charge of St Paul of- fice of same 189 6 to date. Served as private Co D First Regt M N G. Member U C T and Iowa State Trav- eling Men's Assn. Nx\EGELE Otto E, Minneapolis. Res 1721 W Franklin av, office 416 Nicollet av. Banker. Born May 28, 1858 in New Ulm Minn, son of Lam- bert and Catherina (Conrad) Naegele. Married May 28, 1882 to Annie Rauen. Lived in New Ulm during Indian Massacre; escaped by ox-team to St Peter; with mother and sisters left St Peter by the state's aid being joined by father in St Paul, the latter having been in the army at Vicks- burg at that time. Moved to Min- neapolis 1869. Educated in the pub- lic schools and business college Min- neapolis. Served apprenticeship in bookbinding with Minneapolis Trib- une Co 1873-76; registered letter and money order elk Minneapolis postoffice 1876-86; elk in bank 188 6- 92; organized Germania Bank 1893 and has been pres of same to date. Appointed on committee on audits Minn State Agricultural Society by Gov McGill. Member Masonic fra- ternity and Publicity Club. NAPE Orris Adair, Duluth. Res 5720 John av, office 407 Torrey bldg. Mining. Born Dec 29, 1869 in Ful- ton county Ind, son of David S and Hannah A (Mehrling) Nafe. Mar- ried Dec 21, 1898 to Jeanette Schulze. Educated in common schools of In- diana and Howe Military School Lima. After leaving school became book salesman for Werner & Co Ak- ron O; with Dougald Cree Minneapo- lis 1897-1903. During this period lo- cated in Duluth; entered the min- ing stock business 19 03 and has en- gaged in same to date. NAGEL Herman, New Ulm. Mer- chant. Born Feb 9, 1859 in New Ulm Minn, son of August and Libe- rata (Herman) Nagel. Married to Mary Daster. Educated in public schools New Ulm. Worked on farm until 19; and then in lumber yard and elevator; conducted dray line New Ulm 1883-19 04; fuel, salt and cement business 1904 to date. Dir State Bank of New Ulm; stockholder New Ulm Stone Co, Brown County Bank, Citizens State Bank Gibbon Minn and State Bank of Revere; agt for Standard Oil Co 2 years. Alder- man New Ulm 8 years. Member Com- mercial Union and Brown County Agricultural Society. NANKIVELL James Jr, St Paul. Res 59 5 Cedar st, office 53 6-53 8 Wabasha st. Laundryman. Born Sept 28, 1873 in Toronto Ont, son of James and Elizabeth Grace ( Dyer) Nankivell. Married July 3, 1894 to Magdeline Hintz. Educated in the IMiblic schools of Winnipeg. Engaged in all depts of the laundry business since 18 88; established the Standard Laundry July 1, 1893, succeeding the Giles Laundry which was established in 1889. NANXESTAI) Jonas K, Albert Lea. Physician (R). Born Mar 13, 1865 in Christiania Norway, son of Holm and Cathinka Nannestad. Married in 1890 to Aagot Schutz. Graduated Little .Sketches of Bi(/ FolJ^.s. 283 from Norwegian Univ Christiana 1800; post-graduate courses at Univ- of Mich, Rush Medical College, Chi- cago; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, and at Christinia Norway. Practiced in S D 1891- 19 00; Briceland Minn 1901-1906; Albert Lea 1906 to date. NANTZ Frank P, Minneapolis. Res 3117 Grand av S, office 554 Se- curity Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born 18 67 in New Albany Ind, son of Orville R and Sarah C (Beswick) Nantz. Educated in the common and high schools of Terre Haute Ind; graduated from law dept U of M 1892; after working 5 years in a sash and door factory to enable him to study law. Began practice in Minneapolis 1892; member of firm of Lane & Nantz. Pres of the Minne- apolis Rep Flambeau Club 4 years; Capt military body of same 4 years. NASH Charles P, St Paul. Res 667 Goodrich av, office Omaha Ry offices. Railroad official. Born Jan 19, 1867 in St Paul Minn, son of George A and Hattie (Perry) Nash. Married Nov 2 8, 1895 to Frances L Evans of Buffalo N Y. Educated in St Paul public schools and business col- lege. Clerk with C St P M & O Ry 1882-86; asst local treas 1886-94; local treas St Paul 1894 to date. NASH George A, St Paul. Res 66 7 Goodrich av, office 518 Manhat- tan bldg. Life Insurance. Born Oct 8, 182 9 in Yates county N Y, son of Hiram and Sarah (Beal) Nash. Ed- ucated in the Penyan N Y public scliocls and by private tuition. First engaged in the drug business. Moved to St Paul 1854; in drug business St Anthony 18 55-63. Assisted in organization of 1st Minn Regt and later went south with the 6th Regt during the Civil War. Returned to St Paul 18 65 and engaged as trav salesman for a New York drug house 1865-67; in livery business 1867-68; insurance business with Orrin Curtis; then alone in real estate for 5 years; state mngr Union Mutual Life Ins Co of Portland Me 187 6 to date. One of the organizers of St Paul Chamber of Commerce and served on finance committee. Elected county comnr Ramsey County 19 06. NASH I.ouijs, St Paul. Res 649 Holly av, office 99 E 6th st. Mer- chant tailor. Born May 2 6, 1867 in Yorkshire England, son of Absalom and Hannah Emma (Broughton) Nash. Married Sept 5, 1900 to Lot- tie J Weller. Educated in the Bramp- ton Nat School England 1873-80; Brampton College 1880-83; Tuxford Grammar School 1883-87; Univ of Minn 189 8-1902, graduating LL B and LL M. Admitted to practice Ramsey county 1903. Arrived in London Canada 1887 and spent 1 year on farm. Moved to St Paul 18 88 and engaged as salesman with Boston Clothing Co; then with Browning, King & Co. Organized first Retail Clerks Assn in America 1888; traveled throughout the West and Alaska 1889-90; returned to St Paul 18 90 and engaged as advertis- ing man for Boston Clothing House. Mngr "Nicoll The Tailor" 1897 to date. Pres night law class 1902 U of M. Elected to Board of County Comnrs Ramsey County 1906; first Dem elected in 16 years. Member B P O E, Masonic fraternity, K of P, Eagles, M W A and Commercial Club. NASON Albert John, St Paul. Res 2 02 9 Marshall av, office 616 Endicott bldg. Real estate and farm lands. Born June 1, 1878 in Smithfield Pa, son of John and Louisa L (Hath- away) Nason. Married Oct 23, 1902 to Mary Ethel Eaton. Educated at Windom Institute Montevideo Minn; West Superior Wis High School, grad- uating in 1895; Carleton College Northfield Minn, graduating B S 1901. Member Youngblood & Nason real estate West Superior Wis 189 9- 1900; Albert J Nason farm lands 1901-1902; member Nason & Chris- tofferson farm lands and investments 1902-1904; pres The Nason-Christoff- erson Co and Northwest Farm Land Co St Paul. Member Commercial Club. NEBELTHAU Frederick W, Min- neapolis. Res 3213 Park av, office ^■12 Nicollet av. Manufacturer. Born April 14, 18 58 in La Porte Ind, son of Frederick W and Anna (Kipp) Nebelthau. Married Aug 3 0, 1884 to Lottie Miriam De Diemar. Edu- 2S4 Little .^ketches of Bif/ Fo1l:s. cated in the public schools of La Porte Ind. Engaged as grocery elk 3 years; with father in same business 2 years; moved to Stevens Point Wis and engaged with Wis Central R R 8 years in the mechanical dept; moved to Minneapolis and engaged in foundry business 1884-86. Propr of Minneapolis Stove Repair Works 1886-99; with Marshfield Novelty Co 1899-1903. Propr of the Nebelthau Therapeutic Lung Invigorator 1903- 1904; sold out and incorporated the Lung Bath Mnfg Co of which he is now pres and director. NEELY Richard M, St Paul. Res 1005 Portland av, office 515-523 Manhattan bldg. Insurance. Born Aug 8, 18 68 in Cedar Falls la, son of Charles and Annie H Neely. Edu- cated in the public schools of Cedar Falls and Leavenworth Kans and Shattuck Military Academy Faribault Minn. Engaged in the insurance bus- iness in Leavenworth Kans 1888; ap- pointed gen agent Fidelity & Casu- alty Co of N Y for State of Kans 18 89, with office at Kansas City Mo; appointed gen agent for Minn with office at St Paul for Standard Life & Accident Co of Detroit 1890; ap- pointed gen agent Employers Liabil- ity Assurance Corporation 189 6 un- der firm name of Packer, Neely & Co; firm dissolved 1902, and present firm of Neely & Lewis gen agents Employers Liability Assurance Cor- poration Ltd London England was organized. Engaged in employers liability, personal accident, surety bonds and steam boiler insurances; also represents Neely & Neely, organ- ized 1893. NEFF Porter J, Duluth. Res 213 E 2d St, office 2 09 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 13, 18 71 in Bushnell 111, son of John and Mary (Porter) Neff. Married Oct 19, 1895 to Isabel Mealey. Attended high school at Bushnell 111; graduated from Univ of Minn. Admitted to bar in Minneapolis 1892 and practiced there until 1895; moved to Duluth 189 5 and has been engaged in the practice of law since. Ex-member of the city council. NEILS Julius F B, Cass Lake. Manufacturer. Born June 15, 1855 in Germany, son of Frederick and Henri- etta (Caliebe) Neils. Married Jan 3, 1878 to Mary Geiger in Milwaukee. Educated in Germany and at Addison Teachers Seminary 111. First engaged in teaching in German Lutheran pa- rochial school 4 years; member of Neils Bros hardware, Spencer Wis 5 years; moved to Sauk Rapids 1886 and engaged in sawmill business with Senator Buckman and later under firm name of Thayer & Neils until 1905 when the J Neils Lumber Co of which he is treas and gen mngr was organized; built present mill at Cass Lake 1899. Pres First Nat'l Bank. NELSON x\ndrew, Duluth. Res 722 E 4th St, office 411 First Nat Bank. Lawyer. Born April 1, 1872 in Marine, Washington county Minn, son of Jonas and Catherine (Swen- son) Nelson. Married in 189 8 to Eleanor Harris. Educated in the common schools of Marine; Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter and U of M, B A 1892; M A 1893. Supt city schools Elgin Minn 1894-96; same Benson Minn 189 6-99; asst supt public instruction 189 9-1901; supt of schools Austin Minn 1901- 1906. Engaged in the practice of law Duluth 1906. Member of Ameri- can Educational Assn, K of P, B P O E and Masonic fraternity. NELSON IJeujauiin F, Minneapo- lis. Res 1125 S E 5th st, office 728 Security Bank bldg. Lumber. Born May 4, 1843 in Greenup county Ky. Married twice: 1869 to Martha Ross (died 1874); to Mary Fredenburg. Received his education in country schools. Moved to St Anthony Minn 18 65 and was engaged in rafting lumber. Took up a claim near Wa- verly but returned to lumbering busi- ness. Formed partnership with W C Stetson in planing mill 1872-80; established Nelson Tenney Lumber Co; purchased Minneapolis Straw Paper Mill 188 7 and Red River Pa- per Mill Fergus Falls 188 8, which were consolidated under firm name of Nelson Paper Co. With T B Walker established Hennepin Paper Co Little Falls 1890; of firm of Nel- Liftlr SkrtcJivs of Biff Foils. 285 son-Tuthill Lumber Co. Organized Eddy Sash & Door Co 1905 and Leech Lake Lumber Co 1906, all of which he is pres. Dir Swedish American Nat Bank. Alderman Min- neapolis 1878-84; member first Park Board; member School Board 7 years; pres Board of ^Managers Minn State Prison 1899; elected on board of State Fair Assn 19 01; appointed on Committee Public Affairs of Minne- apolis Commercial Club 19 04; ap- pointed regent U of M 1905; trustee Hamline Univ. XELSOX Charles, Fergus Falls. Dentist. Born Dec 17, 1881 in Glen- coe ]\Iinn, son of Lewis and Sarah E (Shadinger) Nelson. Educated in Stevens Seminary Glencoe; graduat- ed from dental dept U of M 1905. Has been engaged in practice of his profession in Fergus Falls 1905 to date. ]\Iember Chippewa and Com- mercial clubs and Masonic fraternity. XELSOX Christian K, Albert Lea. Merchant. Born A])ril 8, 1860 in Albert Lea, son of Even and INIartha Nelson. Married in 189 to Effie Anderson. Received public school education. Engaged in farming until 1881; member firm of Johnson & Nelson grocers 1882-90; Nelson Bros dry goods and carpets 1890 to date. Member Nelson Bros Ellendale Minn. Member Commercial Club. XELSOX Edward, Hallock. Pub- lic official. Born Feb 6, 1877 in Gladstone 111, son of Andrew and Ingri (Peterson) Nelson. Married Sept 23, 1903 to Annie Ferguson. Educated in public schools of Mon- mouth 111 and graduated from Augus- tana College Rock Island 111, B A 1897. Register of deeds Kittson county Minn from Oct 22, 19 02. Member Minn State Historical Soc. NELSOX ^:niil, Albert Lea. Post- master. Born July 13, 185 9 in Free- born county Minn, son of Lars and Agnetta M (Johnson) Nelson. Mar- ried in 189 6 to Lora E Higgins. Ed- ucated in public schools Northwood la. Engaged in farming until 1883; telegraph operator 1883-90; grain buyer 189 0-9 2; register of deeds Freeborn county 189 2-96; real estate until 1900; mercantile business Al- bert Lea 1900-1904; postmaster 1904 to date. Sec Lempke Dry Goods Co. Member Commercial Club, Masonic fraternity and Shrine. NELSOX Frederick E, St Paul. Res 565 St Anthony av, office 30 4 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate, loans and insurance. Born July 2 7, 187 7 in Goodhue county INIinn, son of Andrew and Emma (Anderson) Nel- son. .Married Oct 25, 1900. Educat- ed in common schools and commer- cial college of Red Wing Minn. En- gaged in lumber business Red Wing 189 7-9 8; removed to St Paul and en- tered employ of Newton R Frost real estate business 1898. Engaged in same business for self 1901 to date. Pres and dir of Minn Asset Invest- ment Co. Member of Real Estate Exchange. Norden Club, M W A and I O F. XELSOX George M, White Bear Lake. Office 604 N Y Life bldg St Paul. Lawyer. Born Dec 15, 1856 in Denmark, son of S and Anna M (Johnson) Nelson. Married Dec 7, 18 82 to Ina I Keeler. Educated in public schools of Denmark and Hutchinson Minn and graduated from Univ of Mich, LL B 1881. Practiced law in Hutchinson under firm name of Lewis & Nelson 1881-85; county atty at Glencoe 1885-89. Moved to St Paul and became member of firm of Willis, Nelson & Speel 18 89-91; Willis & Nelson 1891-92; practicing alone 1892-97; Nelson & Bramhall 189 7 to date. Engaged in gen prac- tice of law. Member Commercial, Minn and White Bear Yacht clubs and Masonic fraternity. XELSOX Henry S, Minneapolis. Res Berkeley Hotel, office 1044 And- rus bldg. Physician ( R) and surgeon. Born Nov 8, 1864 in Minn, son of Alfred and Susan (Ness) Nelson. At- tended public schools and afterwards night school preparing for medical studies; graduated from medical dept IT of M, M D 1893. Cashboy 1875; newsboy 1876; bellboy 18 77-78; barrel nailer in flour mill 1879-81; clothing salesman 1882-89. Has practiced medicine and surgery in Minneapolis 1893 to date. Deputy coroner Hennepin county Minn 1897- 2S(i Little SketrJir.^ of Bin Folkf<. 98; coroner 189 9-1900; city physi- cian and supt City Hospital Minneapo- lis 1901-19 02. Member Masonic order, K T, Shrine. B P O E, K P. A O U W; Odin Club Minneapolis; Minneapolis Medical Club; Hennepin County, State and American ]Medical assns. NELSON Iver C, Minneapolis. Res 818 2 0th av S, office 610 Boston blk. Lawyer. Born March 12, 1867 in Mitchell county la, son of Nels H and Ingeborg (Opdahl) Nelson. Mar- ried Sept 17, 1900 to T M Jacobson. Educated in St Ansgar (la) Semin- ary; Univ of N D; and graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 19 01. Engaged in teaching 1.89 2-9 9; began practice of law 19 01 in Minneapolis and has continued in same to date. NELSON J<^hn C. St Paul. Office Union blk. Physician (R) and sur- geon. Born Sept 2 5, 184 7 in Copen- hagen Denmark, son of Narcus and Helen Emilie Nelson. Married Han- rine E Nelson Oct 2, 1871. Educated in Copenhagen Denmark. Graduated from College of Physicians and Sur- geons Keokuk la 18 79. Coroner Ramsey county 2 terms, being the on- ly republican ever elected to that of- fice in this county; ex-v pres of Ram- sey County Medical Society and for many years member of the staff of City and County Hospital. Appoint- ed Danish vice-counsul 189 6. NELSON Joliii C;ustaf, Stillwater. Res 22 W Olive st, office Lumber- man's Exchange. Lumber. Born Dec 13, 1840 in North Halsingland, Strcmbaka Sweden, son of Andrew and Catherine (Malmgren) Nelson. Married July 19, 1868 to Johanna S Eckman. Educated in the common schools of Sweden. Moved to United States and worked on a farm in Knox county 111 1854-56. Moved to Still- water 185 6 and was variously em- ployed in lumber business with Chalmers, Vezie & McMillan 18 64- 65. With Alex Johnson established firm of Nelson & Johnson 1865 en- gaged in gen lumber, sawmills etc and continuing until death of Mr Johnson 19 05 when he retired. Pres Nelson Coal Co miners and shippers of coal Great Falls; dir East Side Lumber Co Stillwater. Surveyor-gen 1st dist Minn during Knute Nelson's administration as governor. Member Masonic fraternity, K T and Old Set- tlers Society of Minn. NELSON Knute, Alexandria Minn and Washington DC. US senator Born Feb 2, 1843 in Voss Norway. Came to U S 1849 with his mother and lived in Chicago 1849-50; moved to Walworth county and then to Dane county Wis. Educated in common schools and Albion Academy until 1861; served in 4th Wis Inf in Civil War 1861-64; studied law in oifice of Hon William F Vilas Albion Wis; admitted to bar 1867; served 2 terms in Wisconsin Legislature; moved to Alexandria, Douglas county Minn and engaged in farming and practicing law; county atty Douglas county 1872-74; state senator 1875-78; ])residential elector 18 80; member of Congress 1883-89; governor of Minn 189 2-9 5; U S senator 1895 to date; term expires 1913. Republican. NELSON LouLs, Moorhead. Den- tist. Born July 18, 1872 in Lake Park Minn, son of Nels ond Christen Nel- son. Married Sept 20, 1906. Educated in Hope Academy Moorhead ; August- ana College Rock Island 111; gradu- ated from U of M 1900. Since gradua- tion has been engaged in practice of his i)rofession in Moorhead. Member Interstate Dental Assn; B P O E and K of P. NEIiSON Nicholas A, Stillwater. Res 112 N Greeley, office Court House. Public official. Born Nov 4, 18 68 in Skien Norway, son of Nels and Hansine (Johnson) Nelson. Married July 21, 1896 to June E Jenks. Educated in common schools of Milwaukee. Engaged in farming in Minn 1880-84. Engaged as print- er Rapid City S D 1884-87. Moved to Stillwater 188 7 and was engaged as printer; then as city editor Still- water Messenger, remaining in that capacity until 1892; with F C Neu- meier established Washington County Journal 1892 and conducted same as mngr and editor until 1906. Elect- ed county auditor 1906; term expires 19 09. Member First Regt M N G Little SlaicJics of BUj Folks. L*ST 1888-97 and 1897-190U. City asses- sor 1899-1900 and 1903-1904; ald- erman 19 04-19 6. Member B P O E, Masonic fraternity, K of P, Redmen, M W A and I O F. \ELSOX Saimifl Andreas, Lanes- boro. Banker and merchant. Born Jan 6, 1851 in Lyngdahl Norway, son of Peder Nelson Erickstad and Anna Nelson. Married to Julia Skarie. Edu- cated in public schools of Iowa and Fillmore county Minn; graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Business College Chicago 1S70. Engaged in gen mer- chandise business in Lanesboro 18(2 and after several changes the firm still continues as Nelson Bros, com- posed of S A & P A Nelson dept store; has had branches in Cooperstown N Dak; Slayton, Harmony, Stewart ville, Dawson and Dexter Minn, and Forest City la. Pres Farmers & Merchants Bank 1901; (succeeded by State Bank of Lanesboro) 1905 to date; The Nelson Land Co; Frankfort Land Co of Tenessee. Has served as mayor, member of council and on school board; on staff of Govs Clough and Van Sant; member legislature 1903; state senate 1907, term expir- ing 1911; pres Norwegian Pioneer Assn of Am. Member of the Board of Trustees United Lutheran Church of America. NELSON Samuel J, Red Wing. Res 9 01 S Park, office Bush blk. Lawyer. Born April 4, 1853 in Whitewater Wis, son of John and Sara ( Hanson ) Nelson. Married in 18 80 to Susie Havey. Educated in public and high schools Rochester Minn; graduated from Univ of Mich 187 7. Admitted to bar in Rochester 187 7; engaged in practice of law Kasson Minn 1878-83; same in Graf- ton N D 1883-84; same in Red Wing 1884 to date. NETHAWAY John Clinton, Still- water. Res 119 E Cherry st, ofl!lce 23 4 Hersey Staples blk. Lawyer. Born Nov 22, 185 7 in Albany N Y, son of Clinton and Maria (Hawn) Net ha way. Married June 18, 1883 to Cora i\I Hall. Educated in com- mon and high schools of Albany and Cobleskill N Y; Union College Schenectady N Y, graduating 1878; law school at Albany 1879; admit- ted to bar of New York 1879. Re- moved to Stillwater same year and practiced his profession until 18 81; Marsh, Searles & Nethaway until 18 84; municipal judge Stillwater 1894; city atty 189 8-1900; county atty 190 to date; re-elected for term 19 07-1909. Member First Regt M N G 1883-93; State Bar Assn, Ameri- can Bar and Washington County Bar assns; B P O E, K of P, Masonic fraternity and M W A; pres State Assn of Elks. NETLANI) Sievert A, Northfield. Banker. Born Oct 5, 1877 in Nor- way, son of Anton and Malene (Hauge) Netland. Married Sept 12, 19 00 to Sophie W^ Sletten. Edu- cated in public schools Norway; North Star Normal School Minneapo- lis 1893 and Minn School of Busi- ness Minneapolis. Engaged in bank- in.*? business since 1894; cashr North- field Nat Bank; pres First State Bank; v pres Bank of Hampton. Member Commercial Club. NEWMAN Thomas J, St Paul. Res 9 9 Western av, office 806 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 3 0, 18 74 in Bethany Mo, son of Dr George W and Louisa Jane (Allen) Newman. At- tended Catholic school at Salina Kans until 1889; St John's Military School Salina 1889-91; Mount Vernon Acad- emy (Mo) 1891-93; Univ of Mo 1893- 97; graduated Harvard Law School LL B 1900. Began practice in 1900 in Joplin ;\Io in the office of Montgomery & Dabbs and re- mained there until 19 02 when he re- moved to St Paul. Formed a part- nership with Carl B Schmidt in 1903. NEWPORT Reece Marshall, St Paul. Res 217 Summit av, office Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate and loans. Born May 27, 183 8 in Sharps- burg a suburb of Pittsburg Pa, son of Reece Cadwalader and Mary A (Cole) Newport. Married Oct 27, 18 63 to Eliza Thompson Edgerton. Attended public school at Newport O; prepared for college at Marietta (Ohio) Academy 18 54-55; graduated from Marietta College A B and salu- tatorian 18 60; member Phi Beta 288 Little Sketches of Bk/ Folks. Kappa Society; A M; newspaper and ins business 1866-72; asst treas N P Ry Co 1872-82; also auditor and gen land agent; sec, treas and land comnr Western R R of Minn ( a company subsidiary to the N P) 1872-82; dir in Duluth terminal and other eleva- tors and West Duluth Land Co. En- gaged in railroad construction, several years after 1882; real estate and loans 1882 to date; lending money on mortgage security as financial cor- respondent Conn Mutual Life Insur- ance Co with offices in St Paul, Min- neapolis and Duluth 1889 to date. Captain and asst quartermaster Union Army 1862; chief quartermas- ter Baltimore with rank of colonel 1864; brevetted brigadier gen "for faithful and meritorious services;"' resigned Oct 18 65; resignation ac- cepted March 18 66. Member at one time of St Paul Board of Park Comnrs. Member and commander Minn Commandery of the Loyal Legion; GAR Acker Post 21; mem- ber of St Paul Town and Country Club. NEWTON John, St Paul. Res 1840 Rondo st. General claim agent N P Ry. Born Feb 12, 1840 in London England, son of Thomas and Louisa (Finn) Newton. Attended public schools in England. Learned printing trade in Mass; employed as printer in Prescott Wis, Lake City and Hastings Minn until 1861 ; served in 6th Wis Regt in Civil War 1861- 64; returned to Hastings and vari- ously employed until 1880 when he entered employ of C M & St P Ry; then with N P Ry; in charge of claim dept 189 7 to date. NICHOLS John F, Minneapolis. Res 1206 5th St S E, office 705-708 Northwestern bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 15, 1881 in Rice Lake W'is, son of Amos C and Augusta C (Ginder) Nichols. Attended public schools; graduated from Rice Lake WMs High School 1900; law dept U of M 1901- 19 04; graduated LL B 1904. Mem- ber Nichols, Frissell & Smith lawyers Minneapolis 1904 to date; Minneapo- lis mngrs Northern Blue Grass Land Co; also Wis Blue Grass Land Co; sec and treas Dairy Land and Timber Co. Engaged in gen law practice making a specialty of real estate law, title insurance and land investments. Member St Anthony Commercial Club East Minneapolis. NICHOLS, Malcolm Emory, St Paul. Res 2 68 Dayton av, office Es- sex bldg 23 E 6th st. Educator and author. Born March 26, 1864 in Salem la, son of John David and Sarah (Stevens) Nichols. Graduate of high school Vinton la 1881; law dept U of M, LL B 1900. Began his business career as stenogr for Moni- tor Plow Works Minneapolis 1883; later with Clapp & Macartney law- yers Stillwater Minn; D Morrison & Co merchant millers Minneapolis; Land dept St Paul & Sioux City R R St Paul; special agent St Paul Land Co ( C B & N Ry ) ; bkpr and tell- er Barber Bros & Co bankers Polo 111; sales dept West Publishing Co St Paul; gen freight and passenger depts G N Ry; advertising agent G N Ry 1894; member of official court re- porter's staff dist court St Paul 189 5- 1900. Founder and present propr of Nichols Expert School a post-gradu- ate institution for stenogrs, and gen business college. Appointed in 1904 official reporter of War dept in U S Army Courts-Martial. Gen court and convention reporter. Author and publisher of "Nichols' Comprehen- sive Rules for Spelling, Syllabica- tion and Punctuation" 1901, "Nich- ols' Manual of Touch Typewriting" 1906. and "Nichols" Pen Lettering" 1906. Member of Nat Shorthand Re- porters' Assn; St Paul Commercial Club; St Paul Lodge No 59 B P O E; Summit Lodge No 163 A F & A M St Paul; Paladin Commandery No 21 K T St Paul; Minn Consistory Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons; Shriner; Royal Arcanum; I O'F and M W A. NICHOLS W H, Belle Plaine. Post- master. Born Feb 27, 1841 in Ran- dolph Vt, son of G W^ and Deborah (Hobart) Nichols. Married Sept 27, 1871 to Emma Flint. Educated in public schools of Massachusetts and River Falls Wis. Served in Civil W'ar in Wis Vol 1861-6 6; wheat buyer River Falls until 1886; moved to Little >iJ:etcJics of Bit/ Folks. 289 Belle Plaine in same business; post- master 1906 to date. Former city treas River Palls. Member Masonic fraternity. NICHOLSON John F, Minneapolis. Res 3336 2d av S, office 301 Nicollet av. Merchant. Born Oct 22, 1862 in Sweden, son of A N and Johanna (Johnson) Nicholson. Married Oct 29, 1866 to Anna Louisa Nodell. Ed- ucated in public schools of Michigan. Left school at age of 12 and went to work in iron ore mines as bellboy; moved to Meeker county Minn and worked on a farm until 1881; moved to Minneapolis 1881; employed by Domestic Sewing Machine Co ISSl- 84; elk for Van Sternum & Peterson clothiers Minneapolis 188 4-88; mem- ber Peterson, Nordstrum & Nichol- son clothiers 1888-91; mngr North Star Clothing House for Palace Cloth- ing Co 1891-1903; founded Model Clothing House 1903 and has served as treas for the company 19 03 to date. Member Roval Arcanum and I O O F. NICOL Walter H, Minneapolis. Res 928 7th st S E, office 3 03 3d st S. ^Manufacturer. Born June 15, 186 6 in Jordan Minn, son of William H and Eliza J (McCoy) Nicol. Mar- ried Sept 11, 189 5 to Helen M Laird. Educated in common and high schools and Minneapolis Academy. Employed by Willford & Northway Mnfg Co 1883-97, at which time the Willford Mnfg Co was organized and has been sec and treas to date; sec and treas Pine Citv Mercantile Co and Minot Flour Mill Co. NICOLIN Frank Jr, St Paul. Res 305 N Chatsworth st, office 650 Endi- cott bldg. Manufacturer's agent. Born May 11, 18 63 in Gordon Minn, son of Frank and Anna S (Koesungs- feld) Nicolin. Married in 1890 to Bertha Holzer. Educated in paro- chial schools Gordon Minn; Pio Nono College St Francis Wis; St Paul Busi- ness College. Engaged as elk for F Nicolin & Co Gordon Minn 1879-81; assumed charge of office 1881-93; deputy U S int revenue collector at St Paul 1893-1901; St Paul repre- sentative of Woolner & Co distillers Peoria 111 1901 to date. Member K of P. NILSEN Nils Greger, Moose Lake. Educator. Born June 24, 185 8 in Norway, son of Johan A and Pernille (Elvebak) Nilsen. Married July 10, 18 80 to Anne C Christensen. Edu- cated in public schools of Wisconsin and Minnesota, graduating from Augsburg Seminary A B 1879; from logical dept 1883. Elected supt of schools Carlton county 1900 and holds the office to date. NILES John H, Anoka. Lawyer. Born Nov 22, 1857 in Albany county N Y, son of John H and Fanny E (Mosher) Niles. Married Nov 22, 1887 to Zale Ticknor. Educated in public and high schools Albany N Y, graduating from Dartmouth College 1880; read law in Albany N Y with Hand, Hale & Buckley; moved west 1882 and continued study of law in office of Judge Eugene M Wilson Min- neapolis. Admitted to practice 1883; began practice in Anoka 18 83 and has continued to date; also engaged in abstract business. Dir Carnegie Library. Member K of P. NIPPERT Henry Theodore, St Paul. Res 592 Marshall av, office 250 Lowry bldg. Physician (R). Born Feb 12, 186 8 in Germany, son of Rev Louis and Adelaide (Linde- man) Nippert. Married Aug 2, 1893 to Bertha E Wendt. Attended com- mon and high schools; graduated from Cincinnati College of Pharmacy Ph G 1888; Miami Medical College M D 1891; house physician Cincinnati City Hospital 1891-92. Member staff of City and County Hospital St Paul; instructor of medicine medical dept Hamline Univ. Member American Medical Assn; IVIinnesota State and Ramsey County Medical societies. NIXON Frank John, Duluth. Res Bostwick Flats, office 106 W Michi- gan. Merchant. Born June 5, 18 70 in Fort Scott Kan, son of Samuel and Clara Selina (Matthews) Nixon. Mar- ried 1899 to N B Morrow of Towanda Pa. Educated in common schools of Springfield Mo and Three Rivers Quebec. Employed as bkpr Canada Thread Co Three Rivers 1887-89; with James Smart Mnfg Co Rrockville Ont 1890; moved to Duluth and en- gaged as storekeeper with Marinette 2<)() Little Sketches of Bir/ Folks. Iron Wks 1890-95; chief storekeeper D M & N Ry 189 5-96; salesman with Dixon & Lowry building materials Du- luth 189 6-1900; engaged in business for self as sec and mngr of Paine & Nixon Co building materials Duluth 19 00 to date. Dir Duluth Builders Exchange; v pres Duluth Paint & Oil Club; member Commercial Club; K of P; B P O E; I O F; Modern Samaritans; Commercial Travelers. NOLAN Francis A, St Paul. Res 557 Rondo st, office N Y Life bldg. Wholesale lumber. Born Dec 9, 18 62 in Pennsylvania, son of Micliael and Catherine (Cramsie) Nolan. Married May 9, 1891 to Alice M Arm- strong. Received country school ed- ucation. Engaged in farming in Minn 1868-83; carpenter 1883-88; engaged in lumber business as agt 1888-98; in whol lumber business for self 1898 to date. NORDIN John A, Minneapolis. Res 2220 11th av S, office 64 Tem- ple Court. Lawyer. Born Sept 23, 1871 in Sweden, son of J H and Mary Louise (Joneson) Nordin. Married March 18, 1902 to Beda F Nelson. Educated in common schools Swed- en; moved to Minneapolis 1889 and attended public scliools; Hamline Univ; graduated from law dept U of M 1898; admitted to bar 1898. Be- gan practice in Minneapolis" June 1899 and has practiced there to date. Sec and treas Blomquist Steam Car Co. Member Odin Club. XOKKIS William H, Minneapolis. Res 1716 Dupont av S, office 2 5 Mil- waukee station. Lawyer. Born July 24, 1832 in Hallowell Me, son of Rev William H and Sarah (Mahan) Nor- ris. Prepared for college at Dwight's High School Brooklyn N Y; Yale Col- lege 1850-54, graduating academic dept; studied law at Harvard 18 55- 56. Practiced law at Green Bay Wis 18 57-80; in Minneapolis 18 80 to date; state solicitor for C M & St P Ry Co; atty for Minneapolis Eastern and Minnesota Transfer Ry com- panies. Member Masonic fraternity. NORTHROP Charles G, Mankato. Res 422 Warren st, office 417 S Front St. Plumber. Born Nov 2 7, 18 72 In Van Wert O. son of Winfield Scott and Margurette (Fleck) Northrop. Married May 23, 189 4 to Frances May Corp. Educated in public schools of Ohio. Learned plumber's trade at age of 16 and was engaged as jour- neyman plumber until 1902, when with M J McLaurin he established the firm of McLaurin & Northrop plumbing, steam and hot water heat- ing, gas fixtures, etc. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; B P O E; K of P; Royal Arcanum; M W A; Y M C A. NORTHROP Cyrus, Minneapolis. Res 519 10th av S E. President of University of Minnesota. Born Sept 3 0, 183 4 in Ridgefield Conn, son of Cyrus and Polly B (Fancher) North- rop. Married Sept 3 0, 1862 to Anna Elizabeth Warren of Stamford Conn. Attended the common schools and academy in his native place; entered W^illiston Seminary Easthampton Mass 1851, graduating same year; graduated from Yale College 1857; graduated from Yale Law School 18 59; entered law office of Hon I Ives New Haven. Elected asst elk of Conn House of Representatives 18 60; elk of same 1866; elk of Senate 1862; editor of New Haven Daily Palladium 1862; professor of rhetoric and Eng- lish literature Yale College 1863-64; came to Minnesota and assumed pres- idency of U of M 188 4, which office he still occupies. Collector of cus- toms of the port of New York during Grant and Hayes" administrations. Moderator of the New York Congre- gational Council held in Worcester Mass 18 89; delegate to the Interna- tional Congregational Council and one of two v presidents from America in London 1891. NOKTHRUP .>esse E, Minneapo- lis. Res 1900 Emerson av S, office Hennepin av and 1st st S. Merchant. Born Dec 1, 185 7 in Saline Mich, son of Eli.jah S and Sarah (Brown) Northrup. Married Carrie White (died Oct 28, 1898). Educated at Waterville Academy and Hungerford Institute Adams N Y. Pres North- rup, King & Co whol and retail seeds and grain, garden tools, etc 1884 to date. Member Minneapolis Park Board 10 years, now v i)res. Mem- ber Minneapolis and Commercial clubs Minneapolis. Little >^kctches of Bif/ Folks. 201 XORTHUP William Guile, Way- zata. Office 228 2d st S. Minneapo- lis. Manufacturer. Born July 21, 1851 in Sallisbury Centre N Y, son of Daniel A and Louisa (Guile) Northup. Educated in public schools of Sallis- bury Centre. Accepted position with N S Woolen Mill Co May 2 0, 187 4 and succeeded to its manage- ment 1879; now pres North Star Woolen Mill Co mnfrs of blankets; V pres Minneapolis Trust Co; trustee Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank; dir Northwestern National Bank; member Minneapolis and La- fayette clubs and Aldine Assn N Y. NORTON Albert E, Minneapolis. Res 162 9 4th st S E, office 53 2 Bos- ton blk. Lawyer. Born May 3, 1867 in Cooper Mich, son of Austin and Eunice W (Seeley) Norton. Married Oct 4, 189 8 to Fannie Wacks. Educated in common schools and graduated A B from Olivet College Mich. Taught school in Lyon county Minn; moved to Minneapolis 1894; entered law dept U of M and was ad- mitted to bar 1896; has practiced law to date. Was asst city elk Min- neapolis from 1900-19 02. NORTON Harvey G, St Paul. Res 122 Manitoba av, office 92 Rice st. Physician and surgeon. Born Aug 17, 187 6 in Cooper Mich, son of Aus- tin and Eunice M (Seeley) Norton. Attended Marshall (Minn) High School 1892-96; U of M 1896-1900. Engaged in practice of his profession to date. NORTON James AV, Duluth. Res 1124 E 1st st, office 414 Manhattan bldg. Mining and lumber. Born Oct 24, 1843 in Ionia Mich, son of Charles W and Mary (Wilson) Norton. Mar- ried Oct 2 4, 18 66 to Persis T Thayer. Educated in common schools of Ionia and Lyons Mich. First engaged as bank elk Ionia Mich 18 60-61; First National Bank 1861-66; cashr Lowell National Bank Lowell Mich 186 6-72; lumber and logging for self 1872-79; removed to Duluth, remained in same business and in 189 5 formed the Nor- ton Lumber Co of which he is pres and treas; mngr and dir Calumet & Sonora Mining Co of Duluth. Mem- ber Commercial Club. NORTON John H, Duluth. Res 5811 Grand av E, office 503-504 Tor- rey bldg. Lawyer. Born May 20, 18 62 in Milton Falls Vt, son of Will- iam and Tryphena (Gilder) Norton. Married Dec 28, 1887 to Ida E King- don. Educated in public schools of Gratio county Mich. Admitted to bar in Ithaca Mich 1887; practiced law in Alma Mich 1887-91; moved to Duluth 1891 and has been engaged in active practice to date. Elected county atty Jan 1907. Member Com- mercial Club; Knights of Pythias; Modern Woodmen and Eagles; past commander Sons of Veterans. NORTON John M, Rochester. Ho- tel proprietor. Eorn .lulv 1, 1866 in Rochester Minn, son of Patrick Nor- ton. Married 1889 to Frederieka Gatzman. Educated in public schools of Rochester and Prairie du Chien Wis; graduated from St John's Univ 188 8. First employed with Parme- lee Hardware Co Rochester Minn 1889-93; propr of Cash Racket Store Albert Lea 1893-94; purchased livery business of Graves Bros and conduct- ed same 1894-1903; engaged in ho- tel business and has been prcpr of Rochester Hotel from 1903 to date. Member B P O E; K of C and A O H. NORTZ Edward H, Breckenridge. Lumberman. Born Sept 2, 188 4 in Corwith la, son of John and Susan Nortz. Graduated from high school Corwith la 1901 and from Highland Park College of Business Des ^Moines 1903. From graduation has been stockholder and in employ of Nortz Lumber Co, first at Foxhome Minn and since 1906 in Breckenridge. NOVAK Edward E, New Prague. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born April 29, 1873 in Johnson county la, son of Frank and Barbara (Hajek) Novak. Attended public schools of Johnson county la; Iowa City Acad- emy, graduating 1892; U of la, grad- uating M D 1895. Practiced medi- cine in New Prague Minn to date. V pres New Prague National Bank. Mayor 1899-1901; member Board of Education 1903 to date. Member la Nat Guard 189 2-9 5. Member Am Medical Assn; Minn State and Carver County Medical societies; I O O F; W of W; A O U W. Ii92 Little Stretches of Big FoRs. NOYES Arthur H, Minneapolis. Res 1805 Laurel av, office 706-707 Oneida blk. Lawyer. Born April 15, 1854 in Baraboo Wis, son of Col David Knox and Liicinda (Barnes) Noyes. Married twice: Aug 18 84 in Dublin Ireland to Emily Kingsley Fox (died June 1886); Dec 28, 1893 to Nancy Rowley Hawthorne of Min- neapolis. Attended Baraboo Wis public schools; graduated from high school 1872; Univ of Wis academic dept B L 1876; LL B 1878; studied law in office of Nathan Pereles & Sons Milwaukee 1877. Practiced law at Baraboo Wis 1878-81; member Morgan & Noyes lawyers Grand Forks N D 18 81-83; Noyes & McGee lawyers Minneapolis 1887-89; Har- rison & Noyes Minneapolis 1893-97; Noyes & Prendergast Minneapolis un- til 1900; U S district judge 2d div, dist of Alaska 19 00-1902; practiced alone in Minneapolis 1905 to date. Member Minneapolis Club; Masoni--: order, K T and Shrine; B P O E; K of P. IVOYES Charles Phelps, St Paul. Res 89 Virginia av, office 6th and Sibley sts. Wholesale drugs. Born April 24, 184 2 in Lyme New Lon- don county Conn, son of Daniel Rogers and Phebe Griffin (Lord) Noyes. Married 187 4 to Emily H Gilman. Educated in Lyme Acad- emy, and Williston Seminary East- hampton Mass. Employed in bank- ing house of Gilman Son & Co N Y 1860; engaged in gen store business Port Huron Mich 18 64; removed to St Paul in 1868 where he became a partner in the firm of Noyes, Pett i-, Co, later Noyes Bros and in 1S71 Noyes Bros & Cutler; present firm composed of Daniel R and Charles P Noyes, Edward H Cutler, Winthrop G Noyes, Thomas E Liidington and Julian N Kirby. Pres of the State Savings Bank; dir Merchants Nation- al Bank, West Publishing Co, St Pai'.l Fire and Marine Ins Co; v pres H L Collins Co. Member Minnesota, Commercial and Town and Country clubs; Sons of the Revolution; Society of Colonial Wars; Society of War of 1812. NOYES Daniel Rogers, St Paul. Res 3 66 Summit av, office 6th and Sibley sts. Wholesale drugs. Born Nov 10, 183 6 in Lyme Conn, son of Daniel Rogers and Phoebe Griffin (Lord) Noyes. Educated in public and pri- vate schools of Mass and Conn. Later moved to St Paul where he founded the firm of Noyes Bros & Cutler whol druggists and mnfg chemists 1868. Has been a successful merchant and potent factor in the upbuilding of St Paul and the state especially in re- ligious and educational lines. Dir Merchants National Bank, Equitable Life Assurance Society of N Y and other financial institutions at home and abroad. Vol in Civil War and served in N Y riots. Ex-pres St Paul Chamber of Commerce; Jobbers Union; Minn Society Prevention of Cruelty; founder and pres St Paul Society for Relief of Poor; v pres American Sunday School Union; for 22 years trustee Carleton College; now regent U of M; v moderator Presbyterian General Assembly 1902; organizer Minn Red Cross Society. Ex-pres Sons of American Revolu- tion; member Minn Society of Colo- nial Wars; Natural History and Geo- graphical societies; elder House of Hope Presbyterian Church St Paul. Member Minnesota and Town and Country clubs St Paul; Century Assn N Y. NUMMI John A, Duluth. Res 1709 London rd, office 200 Torrey bldg. Insurance and real estate. Born March 2 9, 187 8 in Viborg Fin- land, son of B F and Eva (Neuranen) Nummi. Married Oct 13, 1903 to Rose J -Lundquist. Educated in common and high schools and com- mercial college Viborg Finland. En- gaged as bkpr in whol mercantile business 1896-9 8; moved to New York and was employed by Hornberg & Co steamship agts 1898-9 9; moved to Crystal Falls Mich and engaged in photography 1902; moved to Duluth and was agt for New York Life Ins Co until 19 07, when he became mngr Duluth office of Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co; formed partnership with Gust A Johnson real estate, farm lands and gen insurance 1906. Mem- ber Commercial Club; Knights of Pythias. Little »S'A7'/(7/('.s of Bi(/ Folks. 293 NUSSBAUMER George Frederick, St Paul. Res Como Park, office same. Landscape gardener. Born Nov 7, 1850 in Baden Germany, son of Fred- erick and Marie (Schillinger) Nuss- bauraer. Educated in Freiburg, Baden Germany 1865-68, taking courses and diplomas in landscape work, civil and mechanical engineer- ing, botany^ architectural and land- scape drafting. Engaged in land- scape gardening in Paris and all the principal cities of Europe to complete his education in this branch. Draft- ed into the Franco-Prussian War 1870-71. Removed to St Paul 1876; appointed supt of parks 1891. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; B P O E; A O U W. NUTTER Frank H, Minneapolis. Res 2226 Fremont av N, office 710 Sykes blk. Landscape architect and engineer. Born April 20, 1853 in Dover N H, son of Abner J and Han- nah (Roberts) Nutter. Married 1881 to Carrie F Alden. Educated in the Boston High School and received his professional training in the office of Francis L Lee and Jos H Curtis Bos- ton Mass. Moved to Minneapolis in 187 8 and formed firm of Nutter & Plumnier civil and landscape engin- eers 18 80; among some of the notable buildings erected were the Syndicate bldg. West Hotel, U S postoffice and Chamber of Commerce, constructed after their surveys; dissolved partner- ship 1892, since which time he has been practicing alone, making a spec- ialty of landscape designing through- out the U S. Park engineer Minne- apolis 1893-1906. Member Minneap- olis Society of Civil Engineers; ;\Iinn State Horticultural Society; State Forestry Assn; American Civic Assn and Minneapolis Commercial Club. NYE Carroll A, Moorhead. Law- yer. Eorn Feb 3, 1861 in St Croix county Wis, son of Franklin and Eliza (Loring) Nye. Married to Mary A Gordon. Educated in public and nor- mal schools of Wis; graduated from State Univ of Wis law dept 1886. City atty of Moorhead 1887-1902; county atty 1892-1900; mayor from 1903 for 2 terms; member State Normal School Board 4 years ; one of organizers First State Bank of Moorhead; dir Moor- head Brick Mnfg Co. NYE Frank M, Minneapolis. Res 270 8 Pillsbury av, office 315 N Y Life bldg. Congressman. Born March 7, 18 52 in Shirley Me, son of Franklin and Eliza M (Loring) Nye. Educated in common schools; Academy of Riv- er Falls Wis; Collegiate Institute River Falls Wis. Taught school for a short time; studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Hudson Wis 1878; began practice in Polk county in 1879. Was elected dist atty, serving 2 terms; elected to the Wis House of Representatives 18 84-85; made speech nominating Hon John C 189 2-1906. Member U S House of Spooner for U S Senate. Moved to Minneapolis in 188 6 and served 1 term as asst county atty; county atty Kenresentatives. Nl^E Wallace George, Minneapolis. Res 1501 Girard av N, office 2d fi Andrus bldg. Commissioner of Pub- lic Affairs for the Commercial Club. Bern Oct 7, 1859 in Hortonville Wis. Married 1881 to Etta Rudd. Attend- ed country schools until 18 76; State Normal School Oshkosh Wis until 1879. First employed as prin of high school in Plover and Hortonville Wis for 2 years. Studied pharmacy in Chicago. Established drug busi- ness in Minneapolis 1881; assisted in organizing North Minneapolis Im- provement Assn and was its first sec; sec Board of Park Commissioners 1889-92; elected city controller 1892 ; re-elected 1894 aud 1896; appointed on park board 1893. Member Com- mercial Club; I O O F; Masonic fra- ternity; A O U W; grand master I O O F of Minn 1890; grand representa- tive to Sovereign Grand Lodge and grand patriarch of encampment branch of same 189 4. Has been with the Commercial Club since 19 01. NYGAAKI) Mike M, Park Rapids. Public official. Born April 24, 1875 in Hendrum Minn, son of O and Anna (Berg) Nygaard. Married Dec 12, 1901 to Hannah Biggers. Educated in com- mon schools and Concordia College Moorhead Minn. Employed as elk in Thorpe Mer Co, gen store Ada Minn 1893-98; gen merchant at Farris Minn 1898-1905; register of deeds Hubbard county 1905 to date; mngr and co- 21>4 Little SlrtcJics of BUf Folks. partner of Hubbard County Abstract Co. Postmaster Karris Minn 1898- 1905. Member Park Rapids Commer- cial Cub: K of P; FOE and Masonic fraternity. NYVALL Peter J, Minneapolis. Res 182 7 Chicago av, office 1019 N Y Life bldg. Stone and paving con- tractor. Born Sept 2 2, 1858 in Swe- den, son of John Johansen and Chris- tine (Pearson) Nyvall. Married Dec 11, 1895 to Caroline Julian. Edu- cated in public schools of Sweden. Came to Minneapolis 1881 and was engaged as elk until 1886; cement business 1886-88; organizer and mngr Standard Stone & Sidewalk Co 18 88 to date; pres Minneapolis Pav- ing & Cement Brick Mnfg Co 190 5 to date; dir Minneapolis Sidewalk & Paving Co. O OAKLEY Clarence Edgar, Buffalo. Banker. Born May 17, 184 6 in Hempstead N Y, son of Timothy W and Ruth (Carpenter) Oakley. Mar- ried April 6, 1869 to Anna L Oakley. Attended public schools of New York City and business college. Worked in whol grocery 1861-73; came to Minneapolis 1873; commenced gen store business in Buffalo Minn with E J Cutts as Cutts & Oakley 1874; bought out Cutts' interest 1877 and continued the business until 1885; engaged in banking business in pri- vate bank as firm of C E Oakley & Co bankers 1886; incorporated as Oakley State Bank in 1905 C E Oak- ley pres. Pres village council 1 year; village treas several years: member Board of Education 15 years. OBP]RG Charle.s Adolph, St Paul. Office 598-11 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born June 9, 1877 in Sweden, son of John Anton and Maria (Anderson) O- berg. Married in May 1905 to Ida May Skon. Educated in public schools of St Paul, with evening course at a business college; graduated from St Paul College of Law June 1903. With London & North-West Ameri- can Mortgage Co Ltd with office in St Paul 1892-93, rising from office help to cashr and chief elk; prac- ticing law 1903 to date: sec and treas St Paul Title & Trust Co 19 04 to date. Resident of St Paul since 1882. Member Ramsey County Bar Assn and East Side Commercial Club. OBERNOLTE August G, Hender- son. Public official. Born Dec 2.5, 1865 in Sibley county Minn, son of SAG and Sophia (Steinneyer) Ober- nolte. Married May 16, 19 01 to Laura E Baudeline. Educated in German and English College Ga- lena 111; and Curtis Business College St Paul. Engaged as elk and bkpr in Brompton Minn until 1889; mem- ber hardware firm Obernolte Bros Arlington Minn 1889-92; withdrew from business on account of ill health until 1896; member Feldmann Bros & Obernolte millers 189 6-99; trav salesman 1900; elected county treas and continues in office to date. OBERST Peter J Jr, Belle Plaine. Merchant. Born March 16, 1872 in St Paul Minn, son of P J and Rosie (Lawrence) Oberst. Married June 15, 1904 to Evelyn A Young. Edu- cated in public schools of Henderson Minn. Left school 1890; worked in the gen office Northern Pacific Ry Co at St Paul until 1903; moved to Hen- derson Minn and clerked in the gen store of Schrupp, Dempsey & Co and in 1904 became a member of that firm. O'BRIEN Christopher Dillon, St Paul. Res 50 6 Portland av, office 214 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 4, 1848 in County Galway Ireland, son of Dillon and Elizabeth (Kelly) O'Brien. Received his education in public schools and by private tuition at St Anthony Minn. Was admitted to the bar in 1870, firm of Davis & O'Brien; member firm of Davis, O'Brien & Wilson 1874-80; O'Brien & Wilson 1880-83; C D & Thos D O'Brien 1887-1905; firm is now C D & R D O'Brien. Was U S dist atty 1870-73; county atty of Ramsey county 1874-78; mayor of St Paul 18 83-85. Pres and dir Independence Mining & Smelting Co. Member Min- nesota Club, Junior Pioneers and Knights of Columbus. Little Sketches of BUj Folks. 2!)," O'BRIEN Henry J, St Paul. Res 6 23 Lincoln av, office Endicott Ar- cade. Surgeon. Born April 21, 1SG2 in Red Cliff Wis, son of Dillon and Elizabeth (Kelly) 0"Brien. Mar- ried 1S9 to Mary A King. Educated in public schools and Christian Brothers School St Paul; St Paul Business College; and graduated from Univ of Pa IS 88. Prof of clin- ical surgery U of M; consulting sur- geon to City and County Hospital; surgeon to St Joseph's Hospital and House of the Good Sheperd; member Abbott & O'Brien surgeons 1892 to date. Member state and county med- ical societies; D Hayes Agnew Surgi- cal Society; A O H, D W No 3; K of C. O'BRIEN James Edward, Minneap- olis. Res 1409 5th st S E, office 601- 602 Phoenix bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 6, 187 in Lake City Minn, son of Richard and Margaret (McShane) O'Brien. Graduated from Lake City High School 1888; U of M, A B 1892; B L law dept U of M; LL B 1895; LL M 1897. Practiced law in Minne- apolis 189 5 to date. O'BRIEN Martin, Crookston. Res 209 Houston av, office McKinnon blk. Lawyer. Eorn Oct 15, 1867 in Belvi- dere 111. son of Michael and Mary (Tighe) O'Brien. Married Nov 27, 1902 to Elizabeth M Mealia. Educated in common and high schools of Belvi- dere 111, graduating 1886. Studied law in office of Hon R W Wright in Belvi- dere; admitted to bar in Illinois 1889; moved same year to Crookston and practiced in partnership with A C Wilkinson until 1891; practiced alone 1891 to date. Served 4 terms as city atty; practice is largely in real estate law. Member Democratic State Cen- tral Committee; M W A; Exalted Ruler Crookston Lodge B P O E. O'BRIEN Richard 1), St Paul. Res 506 Portland av, office 214 Globe bldg. Lawyer and county attorney. Born Aug 1874 in St Paul, son of C D and Susan (Slater) O'Brien. Mar- ried June 1906 to Edith L Clements. Educated in public and high schools St Paul; attended U of M 3 years, graduating LL B 19 00. Engaged in gen practice of law, associated with his father C D O'Brien to date. Mem- ber city council 2 terms; elected county atty 1906. Second lieut 14th Minn Vol Inf during Spanish Ameri- can War. Member M N G 13 years. O'BRIEN Thomas I), St Paul. Res 63 5 Lincoln av. office State Capitol Lawyer and public official. Born Feb 14, 18 59 in La Pointe Wis, son of Dillon and Elizabeth (Kelly) O'Brien. Educated in common schools of Minn; studied in law office of Young & Newell St Paul. Member firm of O'Brien & Eller law- yers 1881-88; alone 188 8-95; asst city atty St Paul 1883-88; county atty Ramsey county 1891-92; member of board of trustees Hospital for Insane 1896-97; insurance comnr 1905; capt M N G 1886-8 7; member of Charter Commission St Paul 1901; member of Dem Xat Committee for Minn 1896-1904. Member Elks, Hiber- nians, Junior Pioneers and K of C; state deputy of latter. O'BRIEN William, St Paul. Res 1009 Summit av, office Palladio bldg Duluth. Lumber. Born 1856 in Taylors Falls Minn, son of John and Mary (Carroll) O'Brien. Married 189 2 to Julia A Mullery. Educated in common schools of Taylors Falls. Logger in lumber woods 18 74-80; in logging business for self 1880- 1902 when he became a mnfr of lumber with holdings in many parts of the U S. Pres and dir of Virginia & Rainy Lake Lumber Co and Put- nam Lumber Co. O'CONNOR John V, St Paul. Res 44 6 Fuller st, office 3 02 Century bldg. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born Sept 1, 1867 in Minneapolis, son of Michael and Margaret (Lynch) O'Connor. Married Aug 19, 1896 to Helen Giblin. Attended public schools at Belle Plains Minn; Grove Lake Academy; graduated from med- ical dept U of M 189 5. Has been in active practice in St Paul 189 5 to date. Member Ramsey County Med- ical Society; K of C; A O U W; A O H and M W A. O'CONNOR Richard T, St Paul. Res Hotel Ryan, office Nat German American Bank bldg. Stock broker. Born June 21, 1857 in St Paul Minn. 29() Little SkctcJies of Big Foils. Educated in public scliools of St Paul and Notre Dame College Ind. First engaged in the fuel business. Alder- man from 4th ward 1883; elk of courts 18 87-9 5; appointed U S mar- shal for Minn by Pres Cleveland for term of 189 5-9 9. Member firm of O'Connor & Van Bergen, brokers. ODELL Robert K, Minneapolis. Res 2 83 6 Irving av S, office 416 Bank of Commerce bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 28, 1850 in Newark, Wayne county N Y, son of .Jesse B and Marie (Ballon) Odell. Married Sept 5, 1876 to Carrie C Brown. Graduated from Newark (NY) Free School and Academy 1871. Began practice of law 1876; U S comnr Minneapolis 1881-97. Mngr Fidelity Adjustment Co; has practiced law 18 76 to date. Member Masonic fraternity. ODJARD Ole O, Mankato. Res 221 Carroll st, office 516 S Front. Furniture. Born Oct 29, 1844 in Norway, son of Ole and Anna (Golda) Odjard. Married April 6, 1874 to Helen Halverson. Educated in pub- lic schools of Norway. Learned cabinet-maker's trade in Norway; moved to Madison Wis 1866; worked on farm at trade in Dodgeville Wis until 1871; moved to Mankato and engaged in carpenter work 1871-84; helped to build old state capitol St Paul; engaged in present business 1884 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity, K of P and Commercial Club. OEHLER Ira (Christian, St Paul. Res 218 Dunedin ter, office Endicott bldg. Trust officer. Born Nov 2 5, 18 75 in Yankton S D, son of William and Margaret ( Hemm ) Oehler. Ed- ucated in public schools of Minn; Winona Normal School and graduat- ed from St Paul College of Law; ad- mitted to bar 19 06. Cashr St Paul Trust Co 1899-19 03 until formation of Northwestern Trust Co; asst sec 1908; sec of same 1905 to date. OFTELIE Oscar, St Paul. Res 57 S Avon st, office 53 4 Endicott bldg. Lands. Born 1865 in Marshall Wis, son of Targie and Esther (Wettle- son) Oftelie. Married Feb 1903 to Bessie Sudlow of Seattle. Educated in Northwestern Business College Madison Wis; Albion (Wis) Academy and Milton (Wis) College. Was reared on a farm and first engaged as trav salesman; in real estate and land business Stoughton Wis, deal- ing in Texas and New Mexico lands 1883-9 5; Madison Wis 1895; pur- chased lands in Wood county Wis 1896; formed firm of Oftelie & Ston- dall Land Co Inc, Madison Wis, of which he is ])res and treas; purchased lumber company lands of Wood and some of Clark county Wis, also has extensive real estate holdings in other parts of Wis and Minn and the city of Superior; moved to St Paul 1905; organizer and v pres of Inter- national Lumber & Supply Co, deal- ing in mahogany in Isle of Pines. Largely interested in Washington and Oregon lands in firm of Oftelie, Stondall & Ring Portland Ore. Mem- ber Commercial and Norden clubs. OGDEN Benjaniin Harvey, St Paul. Res 546 Holly av, office 401 Pitts- burg bldg. Physician (H) and sur- geon. Born Feb 11, 18 60 in Three Rivers Mich, son of Benjamin and Arietta J (Skinner) Ogden. Educat- ed in Carleton College Northfield Minn A B 1881; A M 1886; Hahne- mann Medical College Philadelphia 1885. Member American Institute of Homeopathy; American Obstetrical Society; Surgical and Gynaecological Society of A I H; and State Medical Society. Now professor of obstetrics U of M. OGDEN James K, St Paul. Res 6 8 The Marlborough, office 521-529 N Cleveland av. Manufacturer. Born March 7, 1868 in Philadelphia, son of Joseph O and Esther ( Swain ) Ogden. Educated in public schols of Milwaukee. Moved to St Paul and employed with St Paul White Lead & Oil Co 188 6-94; pres Twin City Var- nish Co 1894 to date; also interested in Northwestern Printing Co mnfrs of printing inks. OHAGE Justus, St Paul. Res 59 Irvine Park, office 83 Union blk. Physician. Born in Germany 1849. Graduated from Gottingen and Univ of Mo class of 1880. Came to St Paul 1881. Was appointed comnr of health St Paul 18 99 and held that Little Sketches of Big Folks. 297 office under both Deni and Rep ad- ministrations until 1907. Under his direction the dept of liealtli succeed- ed in malving St Paul the healthiest city of its size in the world; and as such St Paul received the grand prizes at the St Louis Exposition 19 04 for its health exhibit and also at the Paris Exposition 1900. The Health Dept of St Paul is now considered a standard by American and European authorities. Ex-pres Minn Medi- cal Society and Minn State Examin- ing Board; twice pres Ramsey Coun- ty Medical Society. First surgeon in America who successfully introduced liver surgery; published book on this subject which has since been I'ecog- nized authority; was elected life member of the Imperial German So- ciety of Surgeons in recognition of this work. Prof of surgery of the medical dept of the U of M. Honor- ary life member Wis State Medical Society. OKEKSTROM Charles, Minneapo- lis. Res 251G 30th av S, office 623 1st av S. Merchant. Born Dec 3, 185 5 in Ostersund Sweden, son of M M and Ingrid M Okerstrom. Married Feb 22, 187 8 to Christine M Johnson. Educated in common and high schools of Sweden. Moved to St Paul 1867; engaged in painting business until 189 6; foreman for W L Tanner Min- neapolis 18 76-82; employed by Jan- ney, Semple & Co in charge of glass dept 1882-8 7; employed by W K Morison & Co 188 7-19 04; one of the organizers of the Builders Hardware Co 1904 and has been ningr of same to date. OLANDER Edwin E, St Paul. Res 73 3 Jenks st, office 9 72 Payne av. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born May 9, 18 77 at Marinette Wis, son of Rev C O and Matilda Christina (Bengtson) Olander. Married Thek- la A Wahlquist June 22, 1906. At- tended the public schools at Orion 111; Augustana College Rock Island, graduating with degree A B 1896; graduated from medical dept U of M 19 04. Principal public schools Stan- ton la 189 7-19 00. Has practiced medicine St Paul 1904 to date. Member Sigma Chi (scientific) col- lege fraternity. OLDS Robert Edwin, St Paul. Res 131 S St Albans st, office Merchants Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 21, 187 5 at Duluth Minn, son of James Edwin and Lillian May (Good- rich) Olds. Married Sept i6. 19 02 to Rose W Nabersberg. Educated at Harvard Univ A B 1897; LL B 1900. Member of Davis, Kellogg & Sever- ance lawyers St Paul 1900 to date. Member Minn Club St Paul; Harvard Club of Minn. OLIVER Arthur A, Walker. Pub- lisher. Born Aug 14, 1S68 in Alexan- dria Minn, son of Robert and Fidelia E (Hasbroock) Oliver. Educated in Alexandria Minn State High School. Established Cass County Pioneer Jan 16, 1904 and has continued to publish same to date; has served as court commissioner of Cass county since 1901. Member Minn State and North- western Editorial Assns; I O R M and M B' A. OLMSTEAD Stanley C, St Paul. Res 646 Laurel av, office 63 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 28, 1853 in East Bloomfield, Ontario county N Y, son of Charles and :\Iary (Ross) Olni- stead. Educated in the dist schools at East Bloomfield Academy and Geneseo Normal School N Y. Taught school. Studied law in Canandaigua N Y; admitted to bar at Rochester N Y in 1880; practiced at Clifton Springs N Y 1880-87; in St Paul 188 7 to date. OLSEN Ceorge T, St Peter. Law- yer. Born June 2 4, 1871 in Nicollet county Minn, son cf Mathias and Martha (Smeby) Olsen. Married Feb 17, 189 9 to Stella J Burns. Educat- ed in public schools Nicollet county Minn; Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter; Augsburg Seminary Minneapo- lis; and graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1893. Began practice of law Springfield Minn 1893; county atty Brown county 1899-1903; moved to St Peter and has been en- gaged in his profession to date. ]\Iem- ber Masonic fraternitv and K T. '2US Little Sketches of Big Foils. OLSEN John \V, Albert Lea. Supt of Public Instruction of Minnesota. Born in Denmark and came to Free- born county with parents 1871 ; edu- cated in common schools; Albert Lea High School; graduated from Valpa- raiso (Ind) College B S 1887; served as principal of public schools Alden Minn and Holton Kas; county supt of schools Freeborn county 1890-1906 when he was appointed state supt. OLSOX C O Alexius, Minneapolis. Res 324 3 3d av N, oflRce Temple Court. Lawyer. Born April 5, 1872 in Long Parish, Skaraborg county Sweden, son of Andrew and Maria S (Pherson) Olson. Educated in pub- lic schools of Watertown and Minne- apolis; graduated North High School 1891; academic dept U of M, B S 1895; LL B 1896; LL M 1897. Em- ployed at World's Colu.mbian Exposi- tion 1893; began practice of law with J L Dobin 189 6-1904; now practicing alone. Representative state legisla- ture 1899-1901; member Minneapo- lis Charter Comn 1903 to date. Mem- ber of the Zeta Psi college fraternity and Delta Chi law fraternity; Odin Club and North Minneapolis Com- mercial Club. OLSON Edward, Albert Lea. Pres- ident Citizens Nat Bank. Born April 16, 18 63 in Iowa county Wis, son of Knudt and Christine (Hellekson) Ol- son. Married in 1886 to Mary Han- son. Educated in country schools Iowa county Wis and Northwestern Busi- ness College Madison Wis. Engaged in gen mercantile business Hanley Falls Minn 1885-94. Moved to Estherville and became member of firm of Hanson & Olson, conducting Estherville Bottling Works and gen store 1894-97. Moved bottling works to Albert Lea and conducted same until 189 8 when he purchased the entire business which he conducted alone until 190 4. Sold out and be- came pres of Citizens Nat Bank, which office he still holds. Treas American Gas Machine Co mnfrs of gas lighting plants; stockholder First State Bank of Freeborn county. Member Commercial Club and Albert Lea Driving Club. OLSON Martin, Atwater. Hard- ware, furniture and farm machinery. Born Sept 18, 18 50 in Gausdal, Gul- bransdalen Norway, son of Ole Iver- son Myhren and Romoa (Nelson) Ol- son. Married Oct 187 8 to Gunnuld Sivertson. Educated in common schools of his native country. Came to U S 1868 and was first engaged in railroad work for St P M & M R R in St Paul and later on N P R R. With brother bought land in Irving township, Kandiyohi county Minn, where he remained until 1878; moved to Atwater and engaged in mercantile business to date. Pres and mngr The Atwater Hardware and Machine Co; owner Willmar Furniture Co; dir Se- curity Bank of Atwater and N D Hardware Co of Cleveland and Pin- gree N D. Served as chairman Board of Supervisors Irving 2 years; town elk and postmaster of Irving. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity, B P O E and Atwater Commercial Club. OLSON N P, Anoka. Editor and publisher. Born Feb 23, 1854 in Christianstad Sweden, son of Paul O and Louisa (Weberg) Olson. Mar- ried Feb 2 0,. 1878 to Fredericka Pfaff. Came to America 1863; lo- cated in Chicago until 18 65; in Lan- sing la until 1867; moved to Meeker county Minn. Educated in common schools of Meeker county; Keokuk Classical Institute and U of M. Start- ed to publish Hutchinson Enterprise Hutchinson Minn 1876; moved plant to Glencoe Minn, changed name of paper to Glencoe Enterprise; with newspapers Minneapolis 1880-1901; moved to Anoka and started Anoka Free Press, which he still publishes. Asst labor commissioner 1899-1900. OLSON Olaf J, St Paul. Res 580 Ashland av, office 20-24 W 5th st. Florist. Born Jan 9, 1874 in Sweden, son of Swen and Cecilia (Manson) Olson. Married Oct 18, IS 99 to Augus- ta Oslunn. Attended St Paul i)ublic schools. With Charles Bennett flor- ist St Paul 1886-93; E F Lemke 1893- 96; in business for self as member of firm Holm & Olson gen florists whol and retail 1S96 to date. Mem- ber Commercial, Norden and Roose- velt Republican clubs St Paul; Society American Florists; v pres for Minne- sota in 1905. Little Sketches of Bi(/ Folks. 2!)!) OLSON Ottin, Minneapolis. Res 2700 Bryant av S. office 1032 Sd av N E. Proprietor Standard Foundry and Macliine Shop. Born July 6, 1855 in Hamar Norway, son of Ole and Mary (Michelson) Olson. Married in 1891 to Bertha Martinson. Received his education in the common schools Norway. Learned machinist's trade and was engaged in same until he moved to Minneapolis 1881; employed by O H Pray which firm was changed to Minneapolis Foundry Co, as suijt and V pres until 1S93; established the Standard Foundry & Machine Shop 1893 and has been propr of same to date. OLSON Seaver E, Minneapolis. Res 2413 1st av S. office 206 S 1th. Mining. Born Feb 2, 1846 in Ring- saker Norway. Married in 18 J 9 to Ida Hawley. Educated in public schools Beloit Wis. First worked in gen store La Crosse 2 years; then worked in store Eeloit and later man- aged branch in Cambridge Wis until 1864 when he returned to La Crosse as bkpr and gen mngr in gen merchan- dise store until 1867; engaged in busi- ness for self in Rushford until 1870; established firm Olson, Smith & Co 1876; moved to Minneapolis 1S7S and became connected with N B Harwood & Co; firm failed 1880; established Ingram. Olson & Co, which later be- came S E Olson & Co dept store. Went out of business 1902 and has since been pres Federal Finance Co, and Reliance Gold Mining Co. Former pres State Bank of Minneapolis. O'MEARA Henry, St Paul. Res 327 Western av, office 303 Jackson st. Insurance and loans. Born March 10, 1877 in Henderson Minn, son of James and Bridget (Cunningham) O'Meara. Married Nov 28, 1900 to Grace Hale. Educated in Webster School St Paul. Engaged in the insurance business with his father since leaving school; admitted to the firm of James O'Meara & Son farm insurance, farm mortgage loans 1900. Member Modern Woodmen of America. O'NEAL Eugene, Stillwater. Res 1303 S 4th St, office 3 Mower blk. Lumber. Born July 26, 1850 in Cork Ireland, son of John and Nora (Kelty) O'Neal. Married Oct 27, 1879 to Mar- garet A Gowan. Educated in common schools Stillwater. Engaged in log- ging and lumbering 1863-71; formed firm of O'Neal Bros 1874, which still continues; sold out Minn logging in- terests and transferred base of opera- tions to Puget Sound with headquar- ters in Everett Wash. Pres Cherry Valley Lumber Co Everett Wash; v pres O'Neal Lumber Co St Paul; dir Thos Irvine Lbr Co St Paul; Gowan- Peyton-Twohy Co Duluth and O'Neal- Gowan Logging Co Everett Wash. Member B P O E. O'NEAL Harold J, Stillwater. Res 1309 S 4th st, office 7 Mower blk. Lum- ber. Born Jan 15, 1883 in Stillwater Minn, son of Eugene and Margaret (Gowan) O'Neal. Married 1906 to Hazel Mae Farmer. Educated in the public and high schools Stillwater and Notre Dame (Ind) Univ. First en- gaged as mngr of O'Neal Bros 1902- 1905. Organized firm of O'Neal & Gow- an whol pine and hardwood lumber 1905, of which he has been member to date. V pres and dir O'Neal-Gowan Logging Co Everett Wash; stockhold- er Gowan-Peyton-Twohy Co whol grocers Duluth and has many inter- ests in lumber concerns. Member B P O E; U C T and K C. O'NEAL James, Stillwater. Res 1304 S 4th, office 3 Mow^er blk. Lum- ber. Born June 1852 in Bristol Conn, son of John and Hannah (Kelty) O'Neal. Married Nov 1875 to Mary J Geary. Educated in the common schools of Stillwater. Engaged in logging with Matthews & Jordan 1871- 73. Established firm of O'Neal Bros Stillwater 1874. Engaged in manu- facturing, logging and gen lumber. Gen mngr O'Neal Timber Co Everett Wash and Thos Irvine Lumber Co St Paul. Pres O'Neal-Gowan Logging Co Everett Wash; v pres Cherry Valley Logging Co; stockholder Gowan-Pey- ton-Twohy Co Duluth. Member K of C. O'NEILL Owen Harry, St Paul. Res 107 N Victoria st, office 47 Court House. Lawyer. Born June 28, 1863 in Belle Plaine Minn, son of John and Anna (Larkin) O'Neill. Attended the public schools in Belle Plaine and 300 Little Sketches of Big Folks. Grove Lake Academy; read law in the office of James Schoonmaker, C D O'Brien, Rogers & Hadley. Was ad- mitted to tlie bar by the Supreme Court of Minn in April 1887, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession except during his term of office. Is a Demo- crat; was nominee for municipal judge in 1902 and asst county atty of Ramsey county 1901-1907. Was city atty in W St Paul from 1895-97. Is a member of the Commercial Club; Knights of Co- lumbus; Independent Foresters; Royal Arcanum; Ancient Order of Hibern- ians; Knights of Maccabees; Modern Woodmen and Workmen. OPPEXHEIM Ansel, St Paul. Res 436 Portland av, office C G W Ry bldg. Born Jan 5, 1847 in New York City, son of Isaac and Henrietta (Worms) Oppenheim. Educated in N i public school and college; studied law in Wis and Minn; admitted to the bar in 1878 in St Paul. Formed co-partnership with Hon John Brisbin 1878. Member of firm of H Greve & Co, who purchased the St Paul City Ry in 1880; member of Oppen- heim & Kalman who with their asso- ciates built the Metropolitan Opera House. Pres of Union Stock Yards when they were built. V pres C G W Ry and Interstate Investment Trust Ltd; dir St Paul Union Stock Yards and Metro])olitan Opera House. Was member of 37th Regt N G S N Y Member St Paul city council; ex- chairman County and State Commit- tee; member National Democratic Convention 1884; State Board of Equalization 1880. Member Minnesota Historical Society; Minnesota Com- mercial, Town and Country clubs; Masonic fraternity. OPPENHELM Herman, St Paul. Res The Arundel Flats, office N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born June 19, 1870 at Sparta Wis, son of Ansel and Josephine (Greve) Oppenheim. At- tended Sparta Wis and St Paul public schools and St Paul High School; Shattuck School Faribault Minn; Univ of Wis law school 1889-91 and Harvard Univ law school 1891-93. With Stevens & O'Brien lawyers 1893-95; with .Judge Jaggard; city prosecutor 1895-97; in firm of Oppenheim & Hunt 1897-1906. Has since practiced alone. OP8AHL Jens J, Bemidji. Real estate. Born Dec 21, 1865 in Eidsvold Norway, son of John C and Olave (Lee) Opsahl. Married in 1898 to Clara M Swanson. Attended La Crosse (Wis) Business College 1885- 89; engaged as timber cruiser and surveyor Long Prairie Minn 1889-92; with Pacific Lumber Co at Moorhead 1892-1906; engaged in mercantile busi- ness for self under firm name of Sel- kee Merc Co Wilton and Bemidji 1901 to date; in Felton 1906 to date; mngr North Bemidji and Nussippi Improve- ment Co. Member Minnesota House of Representatives. OKDWAY Lucius P, St Paul. Res 523 Portland av, office cor 5th and Rosabel. Manufacturer. Born Jan 21, 1862 in Brooklyn N Y, son of Aaron L and Frances (Hunson) Ordway. Graduated 1883 from Brown Univ with degree of B A. Engaged in busi- ness immediately afterwards and is now V pres, treas and mngr of the Crane & Ordway Co mnfrs and jobbers of elevators and machinery etc. Dir of the Merchants National Bank. ORK Grier M. St Paul. Res 1040 Laurel av, office Court House. Jurist. Born May 14, 1856 in Pennsylvania, son of Hunter and Margaret (Lawson) Orr. Graduated from Heidelberg Col- lege Tiffin Ohio 1878; Cincinnati Law School 1883. Municipal judge St Paul 1894-1902; judge 2d judicial district 1903 to date. OSBORNE Charles F, Minneapolis. Res 2416 Dupont av S, office 300 Lum- ber Exchange. Lumber. Born Dec 24, 1853 in Erie Illinois, son of A J and Elizabeth (Smith) Osborne. Mar- ried Hettie M Nevitt Nov 23, 1882. Attended district schools until 1873; Davenport Iowa Business College 1882- 83. Came to St Paul spring of 1883; bkpr for lumber firms in Wisconsin until 1885; in lumber trade in Minne- apolis 1885-87; member of Osborne & Clark lumber 1887 to date. Wholesale hardwood lumber Minneapolis; retail liine lumber in Wisconsin and Illinois. Member Masonic order; K T and Shrine. Little ;^lrtr]ies of Hi;/ Folks. 301 OSBOKXE Eben Francis, Minne- apolis. Res 1928 Hennepin av, office 17 Claamber of Commerce. Grain com- mission mercliant. Born March 23, 1S66 at Tiffin Oliio, son of Jolin Low and Clara (Hedges) Osborn. Married Oct 14, 1896 to Lucille Ellis Draper. Attended Sandusky Ohio High School 3 years. Grain commission business as E F Osborn & Co until 1895; pres Osborn Grain Co 1895 to date. Mem- ber Minneapolis Chamber of Com- merce 1892 to date. Member Masonic order 32d degree; Templar; Shrine and B P O E. OSGOOD Benjamin 8, St Paul. Res 757 E 6th, office Duluth av and 7th St. Manufacturer. Born Oct 9, 1825 in Columbia Me, son of Stephen Os- good. Married to Lucinda Silsby. Employed in farming and lumbering until 1846; worked for brother as car- penter and engaged in business as millwright until 1856; moved to Minn 1857 and erected sawmill; erected sawmill and flour mill for D A Bald- win Hudson Wis, and continued with him until 1871; in same business in Canada; moved to St Paul and with Harvey Blodgett built box and plan- ing mill 1874; business still continued by sons as Osgood & Blodgett Mnfg Co. O'SHAUGHXESSY Ignatius A, St Paul. Res St Thomas Coll. Educator. Born July 31, 1885 in Stillwater, son of John and Mary (Miland) O'Shaugh- nessy. Educated in the public schools at Stillwater; St John's Univ College- ville Minn; St Thomas College St Paul, graduating 1903. On graduation was appointed sec St Thomas College, which position he still holds. Mem- ber of the Order of Hibernians and Knights of Columbus. OSTENSOE Ole, Canby. Lawyer. B'orn Mar 13, 1864 in Hardanger Nor- way, son of Ole Johnson and Eli Os- tensoe. Married Nov 6, 1885 to Anna Furan. Educated in the Latin School Stavanger Academy Norway. Came to United States 1882, studied in law- office and admitted to bar 1888, since which time he has been actively en- gaged in practice of his profession in Canby Minn. OSTROM Ale.xander V, Minneapo- lis. Res 1815 Park av, office Swedish American Nat'l Bank. Banker. Born Sept 4, 1878 in St Peter Minn, son of O N and Helen M Ostrom. Educated in common and high schools and U of M. Entered the Swedish American Nafl Bank as messr 1898; has been promoted successively to asst cashr 1905. Member Masonic fraternity 32d degree and Shrine; Phi Delta Theta college fraternity; Commercial, Roose- velt and Odin clubs. OSTROM Oscar, Stillwater. Office Court House. Public official. Born July 20, 1863 in Sweden, son of Wil- liam Ostrom. Married April 6, 1892 to Alice Peterson of Marine ' Mills Minn. Educated in common and high schools Wexio Sweden. Came to U S 1881 and was variously employed until 1887 when he engaged in hotel and restaurant business in Stillwater; bought Hotel Sawyer 1905 and con- ducts it with partner Fred R Tavlor. Elected sheriff Washington county 1902; re-elected 1904 and 1906. Mem- ber B P O E; I O O F; K of P; etc. OTIS Charles Eugene, St Paul. Res 1344 Summit av, office 610 Globe bldg. I^awyer. Born May 11, 1846 in Prairieville, Barry county Mich, son of Isaac and Caroline A (Curtis) Otis. Married 1874 to Elizabeth N Ransom. Educated at high school Kalamazoo Mich 1863-64; graduated Univ of Mich 1869. Practiced law 1873-83 in firm of Geo L & Chas E Otis; C E & A G Otis 1883-89; judge of district court 2d judicial district of Minn 1889-1903; now senior member of the firm of C E & J C Otis. OTIS Frank Everett, St Paul. Res 62 S St Albans. Office 365 Robert st. Railroad official. Born Feb 2, 1869 in Eeloit Wis. son of Alvin H and Mary T (Bell) Otis. Married June 15, 1898 to Melvina H La Furgey. Educated in public and high schools Hudson Wis. Engaged in railroad work with M & N W Ry (now Great Northern) 1887; commercial agt for C M & St P Ry 1890 to date. Member Commer- cial and Transportation clubs. :uii' Liffk SketcJics of Bit/ Folks. OTTE Ernest, Hastings. Lawyer. Born Aug 13, 1854 in Hanover Ger- many, son of August and Antonette (Olsen) Otte. Married in 1876 to Lotta Reinliart. Educated in public scliools Hastings and U of M. Ad- mitted to bar in Hastings 1894 and lias been engaged in practice to date. OTTERXESS Martin, Minneapolis. Res 2403 Fillmore st N E, office 2401 Central av. Banker. Born April 28, 1867 in Goodhue county Minn, son of Elef O and Johanna (Lee) Otterness. Married June 10, 1896 to Ella L Man- tor. Moved to Kandiyohi county. Ed- ucated in common and high schools and Willmar Seminary. Employed as bkpr in Kandiyohi County Bank at Willmar 1888-96; engaged in mercan- tile business Willmar 1896-99; em- ployed in banking business 1899-190.5; moved to Minneapolis 1905 and be- came cashr Central Av Bank, which ])osition he has held to date. Mem- ber K of P. OWENS Thomas, Two Harbors. Railway official. Born Sept 28. 1856 in Oshkosh Wis. son of Evan and Sarah (Morris) Owens. Married in 1883 to Sarah E Roberts. Educated in common schools and business col- lege Oshkosh Wis. In ice business Oshkosh and Escanaba 1875-79; in railroad service as engineer 1879-83; same on Duluth & Iron Range R R 1883-85; supt of docks 188.5-88; con- tracting agt 1888-92; supt of Duluth & Iron Range R R 1893 to date; elected dir 1905. Pres Alder Creek Mining Co; dir First State Bank Two Har- bors. Member Masonic fraternity and Northern Railway Club. PAGE A \V, Park Rapids. Editor and publisher. Born May 7, 1869 in Riceville Iowa, son of William C and Clara (Chandler) Page. Married in 1892 to Mamie Campbell. Educated in public and high schools of Riceville la. Engaged in newspaper work in Park Rapids since 1890; editor Hub- bard County Clipper 1900 to date. Member of K of P. I'AGE Leroy Albert Jr, Minneapo- lis. Res 1729 Logan av S, office 1032 Lumber Exchange. Wholesale cedar posts and poles. Born July 24, 1878 in Plymouth la, son of Leroy Albert and Mary Emily (Burnham) Page. Married June 18, 1902 to Edna May Ripley. Educated in the public schools Mason City la, graduating 1896; U of M, graduating B S 1900 and U of M law school. Employed in summers 1896-1903 in lumber business of L A Page & Son Mason City. Engaged in Ijusiness for self as v pres of Page, Hill & Co whol lumber April 1903 to date; v pres of same and of L A Page Lumber Co. Pres of Minnesota Beta Literary Assn; member of Ath- letic Board of Control IT of M and Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi college fraternities; capt of football team U of M 19 00. PAIGE James, Minneapolis. Res 1414 Yale PI, office U of M. Educaior. Born Nov 2, 1863 in St Louis Mo son of James Alexander and Caroline (Howe) Paige. Married June 10, 1895 to Mabeth Hurd. Educated in common and high schools Illinios and Missouri; graduating from Phillips Andover Academy 1883; from Princeton Col- lege A B 1887; A M 1890; studied law U of M, graduating LL B 1890; LL M 1893. Admitted to bar 1890 and formed partnership with brother under firm name of Paige & Paige. Now professor of law U of M. Author of a number of legal works used largely throughout law schools in U S. PAINE Asa, Minneapolis. Res 2215 Blaisdell av, office 200 Lumber Exchange. Wholesale merchant. Born in 1862 in Minneapolis Minn, son of James M and Ellen A (Elkins) Paine. Educated in Minneapolis public- schools ; Curtis Business College and the U of M. Was engaged for 20 years as whol manufacturer under the name of Paine & Co, Carleton Minn; since 1900 has been engaged in whol building materials, brick, stone, lum- ber and hardwood floorings. Member Commercial Club; Minneapolis Auto Club; F E C A A of Daytona Fla. Member Masonic fraternity. Little Sketches of Biq Folks. :M):^ PAINTER John B, Minneapolis. Res 3932 Richfield av, office 108 N 3d St. Manufacturer. Born Jan 25, 1873 in St Petersburg Pa, son of Israel and Elizabeth (Ritz) Painter. Married 1897 to Cora I Clark. Edu- cated in the common schools of Men- don Mo and Brookfield (Mo) College. Variously employed in Mendon until 1898; moved to Minneapolis and en- gaged with Zenith Plaster Co 1S98- 1900; established J B Painter Co cloth- ing mnfrs Minneapolis 1903 and con- tinued to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity. PAINTER S T, St Paul. Res 269 W 5th. Fuel. Born July 14, 1860 in St Paul, son of Capt S T and Eliza- beth J (Higgins) Painter. Educated in public and high scliools St Paul. Engaged with Northwestern Fuel Co 1880 and served in various capacities until elected asst sec in 1901. Mem- ber Junior Pioneers, and Capital Bowl- ing and Capitol City Curling clubs. PALMER George M, Mankato. Res 709 S Broad st. Miller and banker. Born Nov 17, 1853 in Clayton Wis, son of John and Cordelia (Morrison) Palmer. Married Oct 19, 1880 to Olivia M Roberts. Educated in Monmouth Academy Me, and Minnesota public schools. Engaged as elk Garden Citv 1870; bkpr for Mankato Linseed Oil Co 1873-79; with others organized Mankato Milling Co (now Hubbard Milling Co) and was business mngr of same until 1903; pres Hubbard & Palmer Co 1890-1903, now treas of same; pres Hubbard Milling Co; First National Bank and Central Minnesota Immigration Co. PALMER Nathan J, Walker. Pub- lic official. Born July 25, 1850 in She- boygan county Wis, son of Peter and Mary E (Johnson) Palmer. Married in 1874 to Mary Bennett. Educated in Wisconsin public schools and Floyd Iowa public school. Worked as labor- er in Dakota Ter from 1870-74; moved to Iowa and engaged in farming until 1878; farming in Wadena Minn 1878- 86; moved to Cass county and has en- gaged in same to date; elected clerk of district court of Cass county 1898, term expiring 1911; resided in Walker since 1898. Served as town sujiervisor several times; elk of Board of Education. Member I O E; I O R M and Commercial Club. IML3IER Timothy Ruggles, St Paul. Res Grand av cor Milton st, office Commercial bldg. Pres Minne- sota Mutual Life Ins Co. Born Dec 3, 1856 in Harpersville, Broome county N Y, son of Rev Noble and Amelia (Ruggles) Palmer. Married Jan 4, 1882 to Lucy Colegrove Brodrick. Edu- cated in St Clement's Seminary, Wethersfield Springs, Wyoming county N Y 1862-67; Nunda Academy Nunda, Livingston county N Y 1868-69; St Luke's Seminary Harpersville N Y 1870; Union School and Cook Academy Havana (now Montour Falls) Schuy- ler county N Y 1872-74. Employed as farm hand during vacations 1869-70 and in 1871; entered the employ of Frank Dickinson jeweler and mngr of W U Tel Co Havana N Y, learned telegraphy and studied 1872-73; sta- tion telegraph operator and ticket agt of Northern Central Ry Co at Havana 1874; mngr of W^ U Tel Co Havana 1875; in conjunction with telegraph office owned and operated book, musi- cal instrument and gen notion store; began the study of law with Hon Sam- uel C Keeler (more than 20 years county judge and surrogate of Schuy- ler county N Y) 1876; sold out busi- ness and engaged in Judge Keeler's office as elk 1877; admitted to bar in 1879; practiced at Havana with Judge Keeler under firm name of Keeler & Palmer until 1880, when located at Ithaca and followed profession there until 1881; moved to St Paul in 1881 and engaged in gen practice of law in partnership with John W' White under firm name of White & Palmer 1884-86; of Palmer & Dickinson 1896- 97; Palmer & Beek until 1901 when William D Mitchell (now of How, But- ler & Mitchell) joined Palmer & Beek and the firm name was changed to Palmer, Beek & Mitchell, and con- tinued until 1902 when Mr Palmer re- tired from the firm to devote entire time to the Minn Mut Life Ins Co. Elected pres of Life Ins Co in 1900. In 1896 he became gen counsel of the St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co and of the company of which he is now pres. Member St Paul Bar Assn and :{()4 Little ^Sketches of Bi(/ FoRs. of its governing board several years prior to 1898, when it became the Ramsey County Bar Assn; pres Ram- sey County Bar Assn 1898; member Ramsey County Republican Commit- tee 1892; appointed member of board of examiners of the 2d judicial dist of applicants for admission to the bar 1886; was re-appointed 1S90; charter member Commercial Club St Paul and of Summit Lodge Masonic fraternity. PALMER William H, Anoka. Real estate and insurance. Born Sept 22, 1857 in Green Lake county Wis, son of Henry A and Angelina (Smith) Palmer. Married Dec 27, 1882 to Ella M Owen. Educated in the public and high schools Kingston Wis. After leaving school engaged in farming un- til 1892. Moved to Austin Minn 1892 and to Anoka 1903, and has been en- gaged in real estate and insurance business continuously to date. Mem- ber 1 O O F and M W A. PARIS x\lfred Wilson, Minneapolis. Res 1S34 Fremont av S, office 23-29 N 2d St. Manufacturer. Born June 23, 1853 in London Out, son of Henry and Catherine (Tyler) Paris. Married Oct 4, 1880 to Lizzie Chapman. Edu- cated in public schools of Detroit Mich. Learned confectioner's trade in Detroit; later went to Jackson Mich conducting a small factory for 6 years. Moved to Minneapolis and engaged in confectionery business with his broth- er and J C Stuart under firm name of Paris, Stuart & Co 1881; firm later became Paris-Murton Co, of which he was elected pres; this later was merged into the National Candy Co and has since been known as the Paris-Murton Factory of which he is mngr. Member Masonic fraternity and Shrine. PAPPENFl S Joseph A, St Cloud. Farm implements. Born March 22. 1864 in Green Bay Wis, son of Frank and Paulina (Czvinski) Pappenf'.s. Married Nov 9, 1886 to Frances L Pat- tock. Educated in common schools; farmed until 1882; grocery business Gilmanton 1882-89; moved to Sauk Rapids 1890; started grocery and ma- chine business alone. Opened branch in St Cloud' 1899 and has run both stores to date. Member M W A. PARKER Fredrick M, St Paul. Res 528 Capitol boul, office 364 Waba- sha St. Druggist. Born June 23, 1858 in Bay City Wis, son of Abner W and Emily (Griswold) Parker. Attended public schools in Wisconsin vintil the age of 17; taught school 5 years; grad- uated from Chicago College of Phar- macy Chicago 1883; in drug trade at Red Wing Minn 1883-98; in St Paul 189 8 to date. Member Library Board Red Wing 189 4-9 8; member execu- tive committee St Paul Assn of Re- tail Druggists; Minn Pharmacy So- ciety; Nat Assn of Retail Druggists and Commercial Club. PARKER Harry W, St Paul. Res 62 S Dale, office Merchants Nat'l Bank. Banker. Born Jan 23, 1868 in Sea- forth Ont, son of Capt .Joseph and Samantha J (Simmons) Parker. Mar- ried in 1894 to Edna Coon. Educated in the district schools of Canada. First engaged as elk in Molson's Bank Montreal 1885-90. Moved to St Paul and became bkpr for Merchants Nat'l Bank 1892 and has been successively jiromoted to the office of cashr, which he now holds. Member of Minnesota and Commercial clubs. PARKER Ora J, Le Sueur. Law- yer. Born March 8, 1856 in Wey- mouth Ohio, son of John S and Mary L (Tousley) Parker. Married twice: Oct 13, 1886 to Lula B Fish; Sept 3, 1889 to Lulu L Taylor. Educated in Le Sueur public schools. First engaged in teaching district schools; studied in law office and admitted to bar 1881; engaged in practice in Le Sueur to date; county atty 1887-88; city atty 7 terms. PARKER Ralph J, Sin'ing Valley. Lawyer. Born Dec 17. 1867 in Frank- ford, Mower county ivlinn. son of W H and Hannah (Wiseman) Parker. Mar- ried Dec 1901 to Caroline Hendershott. Attended Spring Valley High School 1881-85; graduated college of law U of M, B L 1890. Commenced practice of law 1891 Spring Valley Minn and continued to date. Elected county atty Fillmore county 1892, which office he since has held, term expiring Jan 1909. Dir First State Bank Spring Valley; dir Spring Valley Electric Light & Investment Co. Lit fir Sl-ctcJics of Big Foils. 305 PARLIX Franklin T, St Paul. Res Aberdeen Hotel, office Germania Life bldg. Life Insurance. Born May 7, 1864 in Monroe Wis, son of Franklin S and Jennie T (Barnes) Parlin. Edu- cated at high school Monroe Wis, class of 1879; Yale, class of 1888, degree of Ph B. Associated with Germania Life Insurance Co of N Y since May 1892; northwestern mngr for Minn, N and S Dak, Mont and Idaho since 1897. Member of Minnesota, Town and Country and Commercial clubs St Paul; Yale Club New York. PARK William E, Winona. Sheriff. E'orn Oct 1.5, 18.5.5 in Menasha Wis, son of William R Parr. Married in 1881 to Alec C Hendee. Educated in the public schools of Elgin and Fair- water Minn and Lodi Wis. Employed in flour mill Quincy Minn 1873-76; in furniture business St Charles Minn 1876-78; carpenter St Charles Minn 1878-80. City marshall St Charles 1882-86 and 1889-1905. Dep sheriff Winona county 1906; elected sheriff Winona county for term beginning Jan 1. 1907. PARSONS William L, Fergus Falls. Lawyer. Born Aug 20, 1858 Westfield N Y, son of Lorenzo and Anna Web- ster (Huse) Parsons. Educated in Westfield (NY) Academy; graduated from Hamilton College 1878. Engaged as teacher in Adelphi Academy Brook- lyn N Y 1878-81; admitted to bar 1882. Practiced law in Fergus Falls 1883- 1907, associated during that time with James A Brown, as Parsons & Brown; referee in bankruptcy 1898-1907. PARTEM Gn.stav A, Minneapolis. Res 2831 Bloomington av, office 249 6th av S. Machinist. Born Mar 2, 1872 in Sweden, son of Rathnusen and Mary (Jacobson) Parten. Mar- ried 1S99 to Anna Anderson. Educated in the common schools of Sweden. Came to U S and worked as engineer and machinist in Bessemer Mich 1884- 95; worked in Minneapolis 1895-97; in business as Parten Bros 1897-1901; Parten & Blomstrom 1901 to date. PARTRIDGE Goorgfe Henry, Min- neapolis. Res 1 Groveland ter, office n w cor 4th and 1st av N. Whole- sale dry goods. Born in Medford 20 Minn Aug 21, 1856, son of Geo H and Mary E (Francis) Partridge. Mar- ried Jan 24, 1882 to Miss A Wyman. Educated in the public schools of Steele county; graduated from state normal school Winona; graduated U of M 1879. First employed with Wy- man & Mullen whol dry goods Minne- apolis, having charge of the credit dept until 1890; then became partner under firm name of Wyman, Partridge & Co. PASS George, Mankato. Architect. Born July 26, 1848 in Bella la, son of Herbert and Wilhelmina ( Muilen- burg) Pass. Married Dec 1, 1880 to Willa Luscombe. Educated in private and public schools Pella la. Engaged for a number of years in carpenter and contracting work, studying archi- tecture during that time; moved to Mankato as carpenter and contractor until 1877; practicing architecture ex- clusively 1887 to date. Pres Mankato B & L Assn 18 years. I'ATERSOX Frederick Arthur E'riant. Fairmont. Real estate and fi- nancial agent. Born Jan 1. 1855 in London Eng. son of Capt Frederick Thomas and Marv Richardson (Dean) Paterson. Married in 1875 to Marie E Forde. Attended Kings College London literary and scientific courses and private school in France. Moved to Fairmont Minn 1875 and purchased farm, working same until 1883; asst cashr Martin County Bank 1883-85; cashr same 1885-92; member of firm of Paterson & Paterson 1892-1902; in real estate business alone 1902 to date. Pres Fairmont Cement Stone Mnfg Co, cement contractors and manufacturers 1905 to date, and Interlaken Improve- ment Assn; dir Martin County Nat'l Bank. Has served as court commis- sioner, justice of peace; pres of Board of Trade and pres of Martin County Agricultural Society. Appointed by Gov Johnson as delegate to Farmers National Congress. Member I O O F and K of P. PATRICK Fred A, Duluth. Res 2306 E Superior st, office 5th av W and Commerce st. Merchant. Born Nov 1857 in Marengo 111. son of Rich- ard Montgomery and Emma (Page) Patrick. Educated in the common schools of Marengo 111; graduated 8()(; LltUe Sketches of Bir/ Folks. from Ann Arbor Mich High School and Univ of Mich. Worked in gen store Marengo until 1882; H E & F A Patrick 1882-85; F A Patrick & Co 1885-91 and from 1886-91 pres and owner of McHenry County Butter Co, operating 15 creameries. Sold out and moved to Duluth 1891; bought interest in Stone, Ordean Co whol grocers; became treas and mngr of same. Firm became Stone, Ordean, Wells & Co 1896 with which he remained as mngr until 1901. Organized and established F A Patrick & Co, of which he is pres, dir and mngr 1901. Pres and dir Blake & Waite whol hats and caps, and has large interests in other jobbing houses. Dir First Nat'l Bank Duluth, and Great North- ern Power Co Duluth. Mayor of Ma- rengo 111 1883-84; supervisor McHenry county 1884-S5. Was pres of the Civic Federation 1895-97. Member of Du- luth Charter Commission. Member Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commercial, Boat and Yacht clubs; Masonic fraternity; B P O E and Knights Templar. PATTEE AVilliam Sullivan, Min- neapolis. Res 1:319 S E 5th st. Dean College of Law U of M. Born Sept 19, 1846 in Jackson Me, son of Daniel Pattee. Married 1871 to Julia E Tut- tle of Plymouth Me. Educated in the common schools of his native place and attended Bucksport Academy one term; Maine and Wesleyan Semi- nary .3 years; graduated from Bow- doin College 1871. Principal of pub- lic schools Brunswick Me from gradu- ation until 1872, when he became prof of Greek in Lake Forest 111. Super- intendent of schools Northfield Minn 1874; admitted to the bar Rice county 1878 and practiced for 10 years; dean of the U of M College of Law 1888 to date. Member House of Repre- sentatives Minnesota 1885. PATTERSON Hush Archibald, Mankato. Res 632 S Broad, office 214 218 S Front. Wholesale grocer. Born Nov 2, 1868 in Alliance Ohio, son of Lester and Melissa (Kibler) Patter- son. Married in 1896 to May Griffin. Educated in public schools Van Wert Ohio and Chicago; State Normal Man- kato and Shattuck Military School Faribault. Left school 1889; mngr Hastings Gas Light Co Hastings Neb 1889-92; moved to Mankato 1892 to assume management of L Patterson & Co (father's business), is sec of firm; incorporated 1S96 as L Patter- son Merc Co whol grocers. Pres Man- kato City Tel Co; sec Bismarck Gro Co; dir Mankato Gas & Elec L Co; sec and treas Shakan Salmon Co and dir National Citizens Bank. Mem- ber Commercial and Social Science clubs. PATTISOX John B, St Cloud. Lawyer. Born Dec 25, 1876 in St Cloud, son of William and Mary (Dun- can) Pattison. Educated in common schools and St Cloud High School; read law 1893-96; entered U of M law dept 1896; served in 13th Minn Vol Regt Spanish-American War 1898-99; graduated law dept U of M, LL B. Asst cashr Bk of Royalton Minn 1901- 1902; moved to St Cloud 1903; began practice of law and has continued to date. Member B P O E. PATTISOX Martin, Superior Wis. Office 601 First Nat'l Bk bldg Duluth. Mining capitalist. Born Jan 17, 1841 in Niagara county Out, son of Simeon Thayer and Amerilla Pattison. Mar- ried May 1879 to Grace E Frink. Edu- cated in the common schools of Mich. First engaged in logging business 1862- 83. Moved to Duluth 1879 and en- gaged in lumber business for 2 years and has since devoted his time to mines and mining. Located Pioneer and Chandler mines on Vermillion Range 1883; became interested in Arizona copper mines 1904 and has large holdings there. Senior member of firm of Martin Pattison & Co. Pres and dir Denn Arizona Development Co, Arizona and Pattison Coal & Iron Mining Co Wyoming; dir Shattuck Arizona Mining Co Arizona. Member of Michigan House of Representatives 1870-72; sheriff Douglas county Wis 1884-85; member Republican State Central Committee Wisconsin 1894- 95; mayor Superior 1890; re-elected 1891 and again in 1896. Member Kit- chi Gammi and Commercial clubs Du- luth; The Ely Club Ely Minn, and Gitchinadji Club of Superior Wis; Ma- sonic fraternity; Shrine; I O O F; B P O E and K of P. Little Sl-ctchcs of Bin Folks. 307 PATTON Walter J, St Paul. Res 485 Andrew st, office South St Paul. Live stock commission. Born Nov 21, 1856 in Lockport N Y, son of John and Cornelia (Van Buskirk) Patton. Married in 1890 to Ida Nutbahm. First engaged in live stock business in Chicago 1873-1890; moved to South St Paul and engaged in stock buying 1890 to date. For 5 years with O'Leary Pkg Co, now Chas L Haas & Co. PATTON William IJaiitl, Duluth. Res 1101 E 4th st, office 613 Palladio bldg. Civil Engineer. Born Oct 14, 1860 in Philadelphia Pa, son of Wil- liam W and Anna Elizabeth (Baird) Patton. Married twice: Dec 10, 1884 to Blanche Hall; Sept 5, 1901 to Lida W Xushler. Educated in public schools and Univ of Pennsylvania, graduating in civil engineering 1880. Railroad engineering until 1883; city engineer Duluth 1883-85; county sur- veyor St Louis county Minn 1889-95; city engineer Duluth 1895-97 and 1901- 1903 ; at present in private practice ; mngr The Duluth Engineering Co. Treas and sec Duluth Cemetery Assn. Member Masonic fraternity; Commer- cial Club. PAUL Aniasa C, ^Minneapolis. Res 504 Ridgewood av, office Security Bank bldg. Patent attorney. Born Sept 12, 1857 in Wakefield N H. Edu- cated at Dartmouth College. Taught in Franklin public school Washington D C 1879-81. Appointed asst exam- iner United States Patent Office 1881. While teaching attended law school of the National Univ 1880; Columbian Univ 1882. Admitted to the bar 1880; removed to Minneapolis 1884 and has since been making a specialty of the law of patents and trade marks. Au- thor of work on trade marks 1903. Ex-pres of the Minneapolis Commer- cial Club. PAULLE Leonard, Minneapolis. Res 273G 1st av S, office 26 N 2d st. Manufacturer. Born April 23, 1855 in Buffalo N Y, son of .Joseph and Rosal- lia (Bauer) Paulle. Married Sept 1905 to Minnie Crozier. Educated in com- mon schools. Moved to Minneapolis 1872 and engaged in wood working and showcase business 1875; which he has continued to date, under firm name of L Paulle & Co. Burned out twice but resumed business shortly after. Member Masonic fraternity and B P O E. PAULSON Gust, Mankato. Wagon maker. Born March 13, 1858 in Den- mark, son of Paul Nelson and Annie (Sorenson) Paulson. Twice married: May 9, 1882 to Martha Christianson; April 12, 1889 to May Jensen. Re- ceived his education in Denmark. Came to U S and was employed as blacksmith in St Paul, Bismarck N D, Fort Benton Mont and Wells Minn. Now in wagon manufacturing business in Belle Plaine and Wells. Member city council Wells 6 terms. Masonic fraternity and B P O E. PAXTON IJen.janiin Fowler, St Paul. Res 279 Selby av, office 364 Robert st. Physician (R). Born Nov 2, 1862 in Du Page county 111, son of Jonathan Houston and Olive E (Fow- ler) Paxton. Attended public school in Aurora 111 and graduated from Northwestern Univ Medical School Chicago 1887. Practicing medicine as a regular physician and surgeon from 1887 to date. PAYNE William W, Northfield. Educator. Born May 19, 1837 in Som- erset Mich, son of Jesse D and Re- becca Ann (Palmer) Payne. Married in 1870 to .Josephine Vinecore. Grad- uated from Hillsdale College 1863; attended Oberlin (Ohio) College; Univ of Mich; graduated from law dept Chicago Univ, LL E'. Practiced law Dodge county Minn; supt of schools Dodge county 1867; teacher Mantor- ville from 1868; published The Minne- sota Teacher and Mantorville Ex- press; ap])ointed prof of mathematics and astronomy Carleton College 1871, which chair he still holds; also pub- lished the Sidereal Messenger 10 years; Astronomy and Astrophysics 3 years, now known as Astrophysical Journal; Popular Astronomy 1892 to date. Member Astronomical Society of America. PEAIJODV Alexander Marshall, St Paul. Res 464 Ashland av, office Mer- chants National Bank bldg. Banker and broker. Born 1856 in Brooklyn 308 Little Sketches of Big Folks. N Y, son of E W and Cornelia (Mar- shall) Peabody. Married 1882 to Car- rie Grahlfs. Educated at Polytechnic Institute Brooklyn and in Germany 1872-73. Entered the banking house of John J Cisco & Son Wall St N Y 1873; resigned in 1882 and established the present business in St Paul under the name of Peabody "i Co dealers in railway bonds, commercial paper, foreign and domestic exchanges and local securities. PEABODY Lloyd, St Paul. Res 206 Dunedin ter, office 409 Court blk. Lawyer. Born Aug 31, 1863 in Alden, Polk county Wis, son of Abraham Bur- ton and Charity Esther (Kittel) Pea- body. Married 1891 to Mary Asp. Educated in public schools of Wis and studied law in the office of La- fayette French at Austin Minn; ad- mitted to the bar 1890 and has been practicing since 1891. Member of M N G 1889-90. PEALER William Oscar, Duluth. Res 2103 E 1st st, office 604 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. B'orn Aug 4, 1855 in Asbury Pa, son of George and Re- becca B (Hampton) Pealer. Educated in the country schools; Columbus Academy Columbus Pa 1876; gradu- ated Three Rivers Mich 1878; gradu- ated from Ann Arbor Mich Law School 1872. Admitted to bar of Michigan 1882 and practiced alone until 1888, when he formed a partnership with his brother Hon Russell R Pealer under firm name of Pealer Bros, which con- continued until 1890. Moved to Du- luth 1890 and has been continuously practicing to date. Member firm of Pealer & Titus 1891-93; Pealer, Titus & Lemon 1893-95; Pealer & Lemon 1895-96; alone 1897; Pealer & Fessler 1897-1904, since which time he has practiced alone. Appointed referee in bankruptcy for district of Minnesota 5th division and holds that office at present. Member Commercial, Gar- field Republican and Duluth Boat clubs, and Minnesota Bar Assn. PEASE Charles R, St Paul. Res 598 Grand av, office 380 Robert st. Merchant tailor. Born March 8, 1855 in Fairfield Me, son of Warren W and Elizabeth E (Russell) Pease. Married Feb 12, 1882 to Delia M Hil- ton. Educated in common schools North Anson Me and business college Augusta Me. Trav salesman Chase f^ros nursery Rochester 1874-75; in business for self 1875-79; established merchant tailoring business St Paul 1879 to date. Member Commercial Club. PEASE George, Faribault. Bank- er. B'orn May 21, 1863 in Faribault, son of Lauren S and Susan McCIue (Gibson) Pease. Married in 1898 to Annie Ricker. Educated in public schools Faribault and Carleton Col- lege Northfield. Entered employ of Citizens National Bank Faribault 1882 and has continued in various capaci- ties to date, now being cashr. Mem- ber Commercial Club. PEAVEY Lynne, Faribault. Bank- er. Born March 23, 1865 in McGregor la, son of Louis and Mary (Farring- ton) Peavey. Married in 1890 to Elizabeth H Weld of Faribault Minn. Educated in the public schools and Shattuck School FariDau.i. First en- gaged as messr in Faribault BanK 1883; asst cashr Citizens Nat Bank of Faribault 1890-1902. Moved to Owatonna as v pres and mngr of Se- curity State Bank 1902 ; returned to Faribault 1905 and with others pur- chased controlling interest in Secur- ity Bank Faribault of which he has been pres to date. V pres and mngr Security State Bank of Ellen- dale Minn. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. PECK Harrison J, Shakopee. Law- yer. Born Nov 23, 1842 in Clarendon Vt, son of Lewis and Harriet (Brown) Peck. Married Jan 12, 1870 to Ora M Brown. Received his education in Vermont and graduated from Fairfax (Vt) Institute 1859; graduated from Albany (N Y) Law School. Moved to Minnesota 1865 and engaged in practice of law 18 66, which he has continued to date. County atty of Scott county 4 years; state senator 18 83-8 5 (2 terms). Served in the Civil War as lieut in U S Sharpshoot- ers 1861-64. PEET \Villiam F, St Paul. Res 23 7 Dayton av, office Manhattan bldg. In- surance. E'orn April 15, 1864 in Mil- waukee Wis, son of Emerson W and Little Sketches of Bi;/ Folks. 309 Emma (Fellows) Peet. Married Oct 14, 1891 to Gertrude Lamborn. Grad- uated from Yale College 1885. Mem- ber E W Peet & Son state mngrs Mut Life Ins Co of N Y, and Investment securities 1890-1902; life insurance exclusively since 1902. Treas Asso- ciated Charities. Member Minnesota, Commercial and Town and Country clubs. PENCE Harry E, Minneapolis. Res 1921 Colfax av S, office 717-719 Hen- nepin av. Automobiles. Born Oct 7, 1867 in Springboro O, son of Charles N and Ruth A Pence. Educated in the public schools of Springboro O and Eastman College Poughkeepsie N Y. Lived on farm until 16 years of age; after leaving school traveled abroad; executor large estate Minne- apolis; engaged in automobile busi- ness under firm name of Pence Au- tomobile Co 1902 to date. Pres and treas Oliver Investment Co; sec Min- neapolis Realty and Investment Co. PENNEY Robert L, Minneapolis. Res Williston Hotel, office 518-520 Nat Bank of Commerce bldg. Law- yer. Born Nov 25, 1850 at Water- town Conn, son of William and Julia Maria (Weller) Penney. Attended dist schools Litchfield county Conn; Knickerbocker Academy at Millerton N Y 1866-68; Oneida Conference Sem- inary at Cazenovia N Y, 1870-72; Yale College Law School 1872-76. Prac- ticed law in Newark N J 1876-1880; in Minneapolis 1880 to date. Mem- ber Penney & Jamison lawyers 1S91- 1894; alone 1894 to date. Mem- ber State Legislature Minn 1891. Ma- son, Knight Templar and Mystic Shrine. Member Commercial Club and Y M C A Minneapolis; State and American Bar assns. PENNINGTON Edmund, Minneapo- lis. Railroad official. Born Sept 16, 1848 in La Salle 111. Entered employ of C M & St P Ry 1869 and served in many capacities for 15 years; supt Minneapolis & Pacific until 1888; supt Soo lines 1888-98; gen supt 1898-99; gen mngr 1S99-1905; gen mngr and V pres 1905 to date. PERKINS John Waldo, Minneapo- lis. Res 1322 5th st S E, office 1204 Guaranty Loan bldg. Lawyer. Born Aug 27, 1850 in Nettle Creek III, son of Joseph and Roxanna (Baldwin) Per- kins. Married July 8, 190:3 to Mary L Norris. Attended the common schools; graduated from U of M, A B 1877, working his way through by house-painting; gen practice of law in Minneapolis 1881-89; organized the Monthly Installment Mortgage & In- vestment Co 18S9; sold out to Month- ly Installment Loan Co 1902; atty and dir in latter 1902 to date. PERKINS W L Jr, St Paul. Res 857 Lincoln av, office 3 07 Robert st. Wholesale liquors. Born May 29, 186 8 in San Francisco, son of W L Perkins. Received his education in Shattuck College and Faribault Mili- tary School. Moved to St Paul with parents 18 72. Engaged in business with his father and became v pres of firm of W L Perkins & Co whol liquors 1891; same to date. Member JMasonic fraternity. Shrine, B P O B and Commercial Club. PERLEY George Edimiiid, Moor- head. Law and farm loans. Born Aug 19. 1853 in Lempster N H, son of Asbury F and Sarah J (Dodge) Perley. Married May 9, 1884 to M Etta Jones of Windsor Vt. Gradu- ated from Kimball Union Academy Meriden N H 1873; from Dartmouth A R 1878; studied law in Claremont N H; admitted to bar 1883; Minneso- ta bar 1884. Engaged in practice of law Moorhead Minn, 1884 to date; mngr farm loan agency Moorhead, Twin Valley and Fertile Minn; pres Red River Valley Inv Co Moorhead. Member legislature 1903-1905; city council 4 years; pres E'oard of Edu- cation Moorhead; trustee Fargo (N D) College. PERRY Arthur Willis, St Paul. Res 574 Marshall av, office 3d and Jackson sts. Fire insurance. Born Feb 1, 1854 in Reedsburg Sauk coun- ty Wis, son of Oliver H and Mary J (McCloud) Perry. Sec St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co St Paul. 310 Little SketcJies of Bi(/ Folks. PERRY John H, Minneapolis. Res 3141 Portland av, office 300 Washing- ton av N. Farm implements. Born June 21, 1847 in Brattleboro Vt, son of John W and Evyline (Campbell) Perry. Educated in common schools; graduated from high school 1866. In implement businessi Horican 1880- 91; with Van Brunt & Davis, later changed to Monitor Mnfg Co and in- corporated 1903 as Monitor Drill Co Minneapolis. PETER Louis Heimaii, St Paul. Res 268 E Winifred st, office 59 B 5th St. Public official. Born March 26, 1876 in St Paul, son of Louis and Pauline (Geisenheyner) Peter. Mar- ried Nov 22, 1900 to Minnie Grune- wald. Educated in public schools of St Paul. Engaged in hardware business with his father 1890-94; plumbing business under firm name of McKee & Peter 1895-1905; Louis H Peter 1905 to date. Elected coun- ty comnr Ramsey county Nov 6, 1906; term expires Jan 1 1909. Member of West Side and Roosevelt clubs; Mas- sonic fraternity; K of P; A O U W; W O W; U A O D. PETERSEN Nicholas, Mankato. Bottling works. Born Jan 26, 1857 in Schleswig-Holstein Germany, son of Wm and Katherine (Brens) Petersen. Married in 1874 to Marie Bode. Edu- cated in public schools of Germany. Came to U S in 1867; elk in grocery N Y 1867-69; in St Louis, then New Orleans 1870; variously employed in Chicago 1870-77; in Lincoln 111" 1878; moved to Mankato and conducted cigar factory 1878-81; established and conducted bottling works Mankato 1881 to date. Dir Citizens Tel Co and Mankato Malting Co. Alderman 1891- 99; mayor 1901-1903; Member Com- mercial Club and B P O E. PETERSON Asa E, St Paul. Res 1745 Stillwater av, office 603 Manhat- tan bldg. Lumber. Born March 6, 1856 in New Brunswick Can, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Fisher) Peter- son. Married in 1883 to Ada May hew. Educated in public schools of Canada and private school at Frederickton N B 1876. Removed to St Paul and employed with C N Nelson Lumber Co 1879-84; engaged in hardwood lum- ber business 1884 to date; now sec of Peterson-Moore Lumber Co. Ex- member Canadian militia. PETERSON Henry Croix, St Paul. Res 145 Pleasant av, office 502 Globe bldg. Lawyer, real estate and insurance. Born Aug 1, 1860 in Mar- ine Mills, Washington county Minn, son of Peter T and Christina (Pear- son) Peterson. Educated in common schools; St Croix Valley Academy and law dept U of M 1892. Served as dele- gate to state and county conventions; justice of peace 4 terms. Member Good Templars; Knights of Pythias; Mys- tic Workers; National Prospective Le- gion and United Commercial Travel- ers. PETERSON James A, Minneapolis. Res 2727 Chicago av, office 410 Se- curity Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 18, 1859 in Alderly, Dodge county Wis, son of Aslak and Marie Caroline Pe- terson. Married 1889 to Marie B Dohle of Perry Wis. Attended the common schools in Asluppun, Dodge county Wis until 14 years old; Hart- ford Wis graded schools; Allison's Classical Academy Oconomowac Wis; Univ of Wis 1884; Univ of Wis law school 1887; A B; LL B'. Removed to Minneapolis Aug 18, 1887 and en- gaged in the practice of law. First asst county atty Hennepin county 1893-97; elected county atty 1898; member House of Representatives 1900-1902. Member Masonic frater- nity. PETERSON P A, Cannon Falls. Postmaster. Born Jan 24, 1855 in Kristianstad Sweden, son of Ake and Anna (Nelson) Peterson. Married Oct 4, 1900 to Hilma C Holmer. Had common school education in Sweden and U S. Clk in drug business 1871- 80; in drug business for self 1880- 1904, when he sold half interest to Geo V Williams. Appointed postmaster by Pres Harrison 1889; re-appointed by Pres Cleveland and Pres Roose- velt; served as member city council and Board of Education. Dir Scandi- navian Relief Assn; Fergus Packing Co; member firm of Peterson & Wil- Lifth' Sketches of Big Folks. Ill liams drugs. Member Commercial Club, Citizens Union, M W A, Samar- itans, Scandinavian Benevolent Soci- ety. PETERSON Perez C, Frazee. Publisher and printer. Born Jan 21, 1871 in northern Sweden, son of John and Anna C Peterson. Emi- grated to U S in 1882 and settled in Warren. Married Aug 16, 19 02 to Jennie L Pearson of Warren. Edu- cated in public schools of Warren. Learned printer's trade under Ed H Love on Hallock (Minn) Enterprise 1889-90: employed afterwards on Crook- ston Times; Thirteen Towns Fosston; foreman on Warren Sheaf 1 year; on Little Falls Transcript; on Brainerd Dispatch as foreman during winter of 1893; moved to Fergus Falls in the spring and worked on the Jour- nal; canvassed for books and worked on farms for 2 years; again worked at the trade on Crookston Daily Trib- une in fall of 1897; assisted C C Knappen to establish The Peoples Press at Fosston 1898. Leased Moose Lake Star in May 1899; purchased the business 1901 and sold same 1903; purchased Frazee Free Press March 10, 1905 and has been pub- lishing same to date; also conduct- ing job printing business. Town elk Moose Lake 3 years; census taker 1900 for Moose Lake. Member Ma- sonic fraternity and M W A; sec Commercial Club of Frazee. PETERSON Peter A, Ada. Public ofhcial. Born July 19, 1857 in Nor- way, son of Andrew and Bertha (Hanson) Peterson. Married in 1879 to Helen Thomson. Educated in the common schools of Minn. Came to Minn with his mother 186.7; engaged in farming in Freeborn county until 1882, when he moved to Norman county and continued in same occu- pation until 1896; elected sheriff 1896 and has held office to date. PETERSON Samuel D, New Ulm. Postmaster. Born May 11, 1849 in Gudbrandsdalen Norway, son of Peter B and Sigri Peterson. Married Feb 17, 1873 to Jennie George. Educated in common schools Fillmore county and public schools Albert Lea. En- gaged in agricultural implement busi- ness New Ulm 1872 to date. Now postmaster New Ulm; member State Senate and House of Representatives (except 6 years) since 1881. Member Masonic fraternity. PETRE Douglas A, Duluth. Office 24 Mesaba blk. Real estate, mining and journalist. Born Nov 6, 1852 in Essex England, son of Hon Frederick Charles and Lady Georgiana (Mus- grave) Petre. Received his education in Beaumont College Berkshire Eng- land. Moved to Frederick City Md 1871 and engaged in farming; moved to Duluth in 1872 and engaged in the manufacture of essential oil of cedar 1875-78; in drug business until 1888, when he sold out and engaged in the real estate and mining business, which he continues to date. Frequent contributor to daily papers on local and national topics. PETRI Gustave A, Minneapolis. Res 1713 W 31st st, office 330 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Sept 21, 1863 in kockford 111, son of Isaac and Jo- hanna (Swenson) Petri. Married Oct 18, 1893 to Ida M Peterson. Educa- ted in common schools; Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter Minn; en- tered U of M 1888; law dept 1891; graduated 1893; began practice in Minneapolis 1893 and has continued to date. Member Masonic frater- nity; K O T M and M W A. PETTIJOHN Elias S, St Peter. Deputy state treasurer. Born Feb 1, 184 8 in Pottsville 111; moved with parents to Minn 1853; attended pubr lie schools and afterwards was en- gaged in teaching school until 1875; supt of schools Nicollet county; coun- ty auditor 1876-90; cashr First Nat Bank of St Peter 1890-1901 when he resigned to accept appointment as deputy state treasurer. PETTITT Silas I, Faribault. Pub- lic official. Born Oct 25, 1829 in Dutchess county N Y, son of Jacob C and Hannah F (Johnston) Pettitt. Married in 1862 to Harriet L Pratt. Educated in jiublic schools New York and Walworth (N Y) Academy. En- gaged in farming in New York 1834- 312 Little ,U-ctcJi€S of Bi() Folks. 54; moved to Minn 1856 and engaged in flour and lumber business; miller and grocer in Faribault 1874-1901; county treas 1901 to date. PEYTON Hamilton 31, Duluth. Res 1329 E Superior st, office American Exchange Bank, Banker. Born March 17, 1835 in Geneva N Y, son of R and Eliza (Murray) Peyton. Married in 1864 to Martha Newton. Educated in private school South Williamstown Mass; Hobart College Geneva N Y; Rutgers College New Brunswick N J, B A 1855. Moved to Hudson Wis and was employed in U S Land Office 1857-58; opened private bank and real estate business Superior Wis 1858; firm of H M Peyton Co 1859; organized American Exchange Bank, of which he is still pres 1879; dir Go- wan-Peyton-Twohy Co; pres and dir Peyton-Kimball-Barber Co. Member Kitchi Gammi. Commercial and Boat clubs. PEYTON William R, Duluth. Res 112^ E 2d, office ft 5th av W. Mer- chant. Born Jan 17, 1867 in Geneva N Y son of H M and Martha (New- ton) Peyton. Married Feb 21, 1903 to Jean Rosser. Educated in common and high schools Duluth; Shattuck Military Academy Faribault; gradua- ted from Institute of Technology Bos- ton M B 1890. Treas William Lest- man Milling Co Superior 1893-1898; one of the incorporators of Gowan- Peyton-Twohy Co whol grocers 1901, and has been sec and treas of same to date. Member Commercial and Boat clubs. PFAENDER Albeit, New Ulm. Res 319 N Broadway, office Otto- meyer blk. Lawyer. Born Sept 3, 1873 in New Ulm Minn, son of William and Catherine (Pfau) Pfaen- der. Married March 23, 1907 to Marie Neumann. Graduated from New Ulm High School 1891; from Mankato Nor- mal School 1892; attended business college St Paul. Teacher New Ulm public schools 1893-94; graduated from U of M, A B 1897; LL B 1899; admit- ted to bar 1900. Practiced law New Ulm to date; city atty since 1905. Sec Pfaender Realty Co. Capt 2d M N G. Sec New Ulm Commercial Assn. PFAENDER Fred, New Ulm. Res 327 N Broadway, office 100 N Min- nesota St. Cashier State Bank. Born Oct 8, 1863 in Fort Ridgely, Minn, son of William and Catherine (Pfau) Pfaender. Married May 22, 1889 to Louise Neumann. Educated in the public schools of New Ulm and St Paul. With Chas A Albrecht furrier St Paul 1878-80; ins business with William Pfaender 1881-1893; reg- ister of deeds Erown county 1893-99; cashr Brown County BauK 1899-1901; cashr State Bank of New Ulm 1901 to date. Dir New Ulm Savings and Loan Assn; treas New Ulm Turn- verein. Member city council New Ulm 1905-1907. PFANKUCH Hermann W, St Paul. Res 337 N Washington st, office Phoenix bldg. Wholesale merchant. Born July 26, 1834 in Cassel Germany, son of Wilhelm and Elise (Willius) Pfankuch. Married Aug 17, 1872 to Ida Nagel. Educated in the common schools and by private lessons. Em- ployed by large ship owners in Bre- men 1851-55; clerk in banking house Chicago 1856; established firm of Pfan- kuch & Paar fancy groceries 18'56; in business in Bremen Germany 1861-70; founded whol clothing house of H Pfankuch & Co St Paul 1871; retired 1878; in charge of foreign dept of National German American Bank 1881-87; employed by Germania Life Ins Co N Y 1879-80. In general ins business to date. PFEFFERKORN George, St Charles. Banker. Born July 20, 1861 in Berlin Germany, son of J F Au- gust and Sophie (Penzlien) Pfeffer- korn. Married Aug 17, 1892 to Han- nah E Knapp. Educated in common school Berlin Germany; country school Quincy Minn and public and high schools St Charles Minn. Clerk for J W Currie & Co St Charles 1875- 78; elk for Charles Wardner 1878- 98; with Geo Smith & Co drugs 1879- 80; in Bank of St Charles 1880-87; engaged in banking with brother un- der firm name of Pfefferkorn Bros; 1888-95, when business was merged into Citizens State Bank organized 1895; cashr of same until 1905; and pres since that time. Member firm of Litth ^Sketches of Buj Folks. :na W J West & Co furniture 1900-1903. Alderman 1887; city treas 1(888-1905; member school board 7 years. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. PFIFFNER Albeit Earl, St Paul. Res 1645 W Minnehaha st, office 510- 12 Endicott bldg. Real estate. Born March 20, 1880, in Grundy county la, son of Frank James and Julia (Camp- bell) Pfiffner. Married June 21, 1905 to Marie Joice of Lake Mills. la. High school education; graduated from Lake Mills High School 1898. Bkpr in Lake Mills Bank la 1898; on consolidation of First Nat and Lake Mills banks became asst cashr; elec- ted cashr 1905; resigned Feb 1906 to accept the position he now holds; sec, treas and gen mngr Northern Land & Investment Co; dir First Nat'l Bank Lake Mills la. PHELPS Henry Huedmaii, Duluth. Res 5617 Highland st, office 403 Pal- ladio bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 10, 1854 in Mayville Wis, son of Roswell H and Mary A (Back) Phelps. Mar- ried Feb 14, 1884 to Jennie Ives. Graduated from Allnon Academy 1878. Admitted to the bar in Wisconsin 1881. Began practice of law in Clay county Minn 1881; moved to Norman county 1883; elected county atty of same and served 1884-1890; moved to Duluth 1891 and has been engaged in prac- tice of law to date. Member of Board of Education 1903-1906; appointed member of Board of Water and Light Commissioners Duluth 1904 for a term of 5 years; elected pres of same 1906. Dir Western State Bank Duluth. Mem- ber Commercial Club. PHELPS Jesse li, Tonka Bay Lake Minnetonka. Office 815 North- western bldg Minneapolis. Lawyer. Born June 30, 1848 in Orwell Vt, son of Alonzo and Polly M (Byam) Phelps. Married twice: Aug 6, 1873 to Jenny L Wood, daugther of Horace G Wood the law writer (died Oct 18, 1875); June 25, 1879 to Frances Clifford. Ed- ucated at Phillips-Exeter Academy New Hampshire and Cornell Univ. years; master in chancery in Vermont Supt of schools in Fair Haven Vt 2 5 years; delegate to every Republi- can state convention in Vermont 1877-82. Practiced law in Rutland Vt 1875-82; in Minneapolis 1882 to date. Protestant Episcopalian; treasurer of his church 8 years. PHELPS Thomas L, Rochester. Public official. Born March 5, 1868 in Marion Minn, son of Thomas W and Eliza J (Hoover) Phelps. Mar- ried Sept 14, 1898 to Nellie Coulson. Educated in public schools of Olm- sted county and Hamline Univ St Paul. Taught in public schools Olm- sted county 4 years; engaged in farm- ing 6 miles east of Rochester Minn until 1904, when he was elected coun- ty auditor of Olmsted. Member of Masonic fraternity; I O O F; Royal Arcanum; Commercial Club. PHILLIPS Clarence AV, St Paul. Res 233 Western av N, office 1020 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate and farm lands. Born Nov 11, 1876 in Branchport N Y, son of Robert D and Jennie A (Boyd) Phillips. Married June 19, 1901 to Ida M Brant. Re- ceived public school education. First engaged as trav salesman for Penick & Ullniann Chicago whol clothing; real estate busienss in Lawton Minn 1897-98; moved to Renville Minn and engaged in same business 1898-1901; moved to St Paul and organized Royal Real Estate Co 1901; and has been its pres to date. PHILLIPS George M, Northfield. Cashier First Nat Bank. Born April 22, 1845 in Freedom O, son of Thomas G and Delia (Hill) Phillips. First engaged as drug elk 1859-63; 2d lieut 128th Ohio Vol Inf, Nov 1863; mus- tered out as 1st lieut and adjt July 1865. Bank elk 1866-73; cashr and dir First National Bank Northfield 1873 to date. Member Board of Edu- cation Northfield 1876-77; mayor 1880- 81. Member Public Library Board, Charter Commission and board of trustees Carleton College. Mason 32d degree; member Grand Army; Loyal Legion; Sons of American Revolution and Society of Colonial Wars. PIDGEON Carl A, Buffalo. Office State Capitol St Paul. Clerk of Su- preme Court. Born July 11, 1861 in Guildford county N Y. Moved to :iU Little Sketches of Big Folks. Ohio where he was engaged in teach- ing school 1877-79; attended Leban- on Normal School and Ohio Wesleyan Univ; moved to Minn and engaged as principal of school in Rockford INIinn 3 8 84-8 5; of Howard Lake High School 18 85-8 7; studied law and was admitted to bar 1887; member of law firm of Wendell & Pidgeon 10 years; also Pidgeon & Oakley; county atty Wright county 4 years; elk of Su- preme Court in 1902 to date. PIERCE Arthur P, Red Wing. Res 803 5th st, office Bush and Main sts. Insurance. Born Nov 10, 1856 in Hud- son N H, son of Preble and Martha Ellen Pierce. Educated in public schools and Shattuck School, Fari- bault. Engaged as bank elk Zumbro- ta 1878-81; teller in bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co 1881-85; mngr Red Wing Mnfg Co 1885-87; in ins busi- ness Red Wing 1887 to date; sec Building Assn 1882 to date. Mayor of Red Wing 1882-88 and 1902-1907; Member M N G 15 years; B P O E; Commercial Club. PIERCE David P, St Paul. Res 61 Iglehart st, office 313-315 Minneso- ta St. Electrical contractor. B'orn Jan 29, 1878 in East Hampton Conn, son of Ransom and Vistula Elizabeth (Gates) Pierce. Married Oct 1, 1901 to Louise Mary Warren. Educated in the public and high schools of Ridgetown Out 1895 Apprenticed to printing trade Ridgetown; removed to St Paul 1899, following printing trade; entered concern of Gorman Electric Co .June 1903 of which he is now sec. PILGRAM AVilliam Henry Harri- son. Minneapolis. Res 712 4th av N, office 515-520 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born March 23, 1859 in Lawrence county O, son of Henry and Jane (Ryan) Pilgram. Attended Water- town Minn public schools; graduated from high school there 1878; from Curtis Business College 1881; Minne- apolis Academy 1883; U of M law dept LL B 1891; LL M 1893. Reared on farm until 20; after finishing education taught school in Minnea- polis 1887-90; engaged in gen prac- tice of law in Minneapolis, special- ity real estate and probate law, 1891 to date. Pres and treas Pil- gram Self-Threading Needle Co mnfg a self threading sewing machine needle. PTXE Gran S, St Paul. Res 873 Lincoln av, office 590 Endicott bldg. Physician (R). Born in Underbill Vermont, son of Joseph and Per- lina (Dike) Pine. Married in 1888 to Alcinda Auten. Received public school and academic education in Ver- mont ; graduated from Bellview Hos- pital Medical College N Y 1870; post- graduate course New York Poly- clinic 1887. Practiced medicine in Brooklyn N Y 1870-76; in Chicago 1876-80; Aberdeen S D 1880-88; St Paul 1888 to date. Served as a pri- vate in 14th Brooklyn Regt during last 2 years of Civil War; transferred to 5th N Y Regt 1864; captured at Cold Harbor and escaped on way to Andersonville; rejoined 5th N Y Regt serving during the balance of the war. Member of state and county medical societies; examiner in the Fidelity Mutual Life Ins Co. Member Masonic fraternity. PINED Willard B, Minneapolis. Res Holmes Hotel, office 507 Pills- bury bldg. Oculist and aurist. Born April 22, 1858 in Columbia Me, son of Benjamin C and Cordelia W (Ramsdell) Pineo. Married Nov 2 8, 1884 to Sadie Kendal Cobb. Edu- cated in Oak Hill Seminary Buckport Me and Kent's Hill Seminary Red- field Me. Moved to Minneapolis 1882 and began study of medicine receiv- ing diplomas from Minn Hospital, col- lege and medical dept U of M 1885; instruction in eye, ear, nose and throat. Polyclinic and Manhattan Eye and Ear Inf of N Y. Studied same in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London 189 5. Has been engaged in practice of his profession in Minneapolis to date. Member Commercial Club, Ma- sonic fraternity, B P O E and K T. PITTS Thomas H, St Paul. Res 681 Dayton av. Retired. Born in Ireland. Married 1854 to Katherine Gibson. Emigrated to Canada 1837; to U S 1844. In whol grocery business in Little .^kctcJies of Bir/ Folks. 815 New Orleans 1844-54; moved to St Paul and engaged in grocery business 1855-76; in hardware business until 1881, when he retired. PLECHXER Samuel Benjamin. St Paul. Res 627 Grand av, office Great Northern Ry gen offices. Rail- road official. Born Jan 11, 1865, in New Brunswick N J, son of B H and B B Plechner. Educated in public schools of St Paul. In purchasing dept C St P M & O Ry 1881-89; gen supt's office 1889-91; chief elk in pur- chasing dept G N Ry 1891-1905; asst purchasing agt 1903-1905; purchasing agt 1905 to date. PLONDKE Frederick J, St Paul. Res 70 5 E 4th st, office 490 Endicott Arcade. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born in 186 9 in Grant county Wis. Married Alberta E McAuly. Attend- ed common schools in Grant county Wis until 1887; Collegiate Institute Fort Dodge la 1887-89; Metropolitan Business College Sioux City la sum- mer 1889; graduated Morning Side College Sioux City la, B S 1894; at- tended Sioux City College of Medicine 18 89-93; graduated M D; attended Univ of Pa 1897-98. graduating M D; post-graduate course in N Y summer of 1898; post-graduate courses in medicine and surgery in London, Berlin and Vienna 1905. Professor clinical pathology medical dept Hamline Univ; pathologist to City and County Hospital St Paul; surgeon to N P and M & St L Rys. Member American Medical Assn; Sioux Valley Medical Society; Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies; St Paul Commercial Club; Dayton's Bluff Commercial Club. PliUT Alois, Shakopee. Catholic priest. Born June 21, 1847 in Aus- tria, son of Joseph and Catherina (Starz) Pint. Received his education in Austria. Moved to St Paul 18 64; had charges in Stillwater, Winona, New Ulm, Sleepy Eye, Glencoe and Shakopee 187 6-86; pastor St Mat- thew's Church West St Paul 1886-89; in Europe 1 year; in Minn towns until 1900, when he became pastor of St Marks Church Shakopee. PLYMAT Walter A, Mankato. Lawyer. Born Dec 2 5, 1877 in Maple- ton Minn, son of William N and Mary E (Young) Plymat. Married Sept 20, 1904 to Ida F Robel. Educated in Mankato High School, graduating 1895; graduated U of M, B S 1899; law school of same B L 1901. Prac- ticed law at MadeliaMinn 1901-1902; with his father William N Plymat un- der firm name of Plymat & Plymat 1902 to date. Now county atty Blue Earth county Minn. Member A O LI W, K of P, B P O E, Eagles and I OOF. PLYMAT AVilliam Norton, Manka- to. Res 822 S Front st, office N C Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born July 13, 1845 in Pennsylvania, son of Alex- ander and Emmeline (Bishop) Ply- mat. Married Nov 2 9, 1866 to Mary E Young. Educated in the common schools and attended academy at Fox Lake Wis. After marriage took a homestead in Blue Earth county, teaching school in winter and farm- ing in summer M'hile reading law and preparing for the bar. Admitted to practice 188 in Mapleton Minn where he remained until 1892. Moved to Mankato 18 92 and has been engaged in practice with his son un- der the firm name of Plymat & Ply- mat to date. Member of Board of Aldermen and judge of municipal court Mankato 1903-1905. Pres Minn Nor Land Co; dir Mankato Citizens Telephone Co; member Social Science and Commercial clubs. Served in Civil War Company B Brackett's Bat- tallion; discharged 1866. Member G A R, Masonic fraternity, K of P and B P O E. POEGEL Frank Adolph Edward, Mankato. Manufacturer. Born Oct 5, 18 43 in Bremen Germany, son of Johann H and Roescher Poegel. Mar- ried in 18 73 to Hulda Jennick. Ed- ucated in public and high schools Bremen Germany. Engaged as elk in whol tobacco house Bremen 1857- 61; learned trade of sail maker 1861- 64; sailor 1864-7 0; worked at trade in Chicago 3 years; worked on farm Mapleton Minn 1873-75; engaged in saloon business Mapleton 1875-79; in St Paul 1879-84; Mapleton in sa- :U(j Little Sketches of Big Foll-s. loon business 1884-9 5; moved to Mankato 1895 and engaged in manu- facture of carbonated drinks. Mem- ber Commercial Club. POEHLER Alain Henry, Minneapo- lis. Res 2 52 W Franklin av, office 819 Chamber of Commerce. Grain dealer. Born Jan 15, 1864 in Hen- derson Minn, son of Henry and Eliza- beth (Frankenfield) Poehler. Mar- ried in 189 6 to Eugenia L Cole. Ed- ucated in military school; Shattuck School at Faribault Minn, graduating 1883. Treas H Poehler Co; v pres Pacific Elevator Co; treas Exchange Grain Co; v pres German Bank Eureka S D. Member of Commercial Club and Minikahda Club Minneapo- lis. POEHLER August L, Henderson. Merchant. Born Dec 2 2, 1872 in Henderson, son of August F and Emelie (Comnick) Poehler. Married Aug 30, 1899 to Elizabeth (Higgins) Poehler. Educated in Henderson High School and U of M. Engaged in mercantile, grain and creamery business 1891 under firm name of A F Poehler Co, of which he is pres succeeding to his father's business established 1855. Member Business Men's Assn, Masonic fraternity and K of P. POEHLER Henry, Los Angeles Cal. Office 819 Chamber of Com- merce Minneapolis. Grain and grain commission. Born Aug 2 2, 183 3 in Lippe, Detmold Germany. Married Sept 15, 1861 to Elizabeth Franken- field. Educated in the public schools in Germany. General merchandise, machinery and grain Henderson Minn 1855-89; in grain business as H Poehler Co Minneapolis 1887 to date; POIRIER Otto A, Virginia. Law- yer. Born Dec 12, 1879 in Duluth, son of Camille and Margaret (Lytle) Poirier. Educated in public and high schools Duluth; graduated from U of M, LL B 1902. Practiced law in Duluth with Francis W Sullivan 19 02-19 03; practiced alone in Vir- ginia 1903 to date. Served in 15th Minn Vol S-A War 189 8-99; city atty 1904-19 05; asst county atty 1905 to date. Member Virginia Club. founded Pacific Elevator Co with ele- vators on M & St L R R to Water- town S D 1881. Pres H Poehler Co; Pacific Elevator Co; dir Exchange Grain Co. Postmaster Henderson Minn 18 55-61; member first Minn State Legislature 18 57-58; member also in 1865; state senator 1872-73 and 187 6-7 7; member U S House of Representatives 4 6th Congress. POLK Asa Davis. Brainerd. Law- yer. Born Dec 17, 185 in Henry county Ind, son of James W and Sarah Ann (Davis) Polk. Married Dec 21, 187 5 to Minnie E Hayes. At- tended ])ublic schools and Iowa Col- lege. Studied in law office Monte- zuma Ind. Admitted to bar and practiced law in Iowa 1874-81; in Minneapolis 18 81-91; in Brainerd 1891 to date. Also member of firm of Wood & Polk lath mnfrs Brain- erd. County atty Crow Wing county 2 terms; now city atty Brainerd. Member Commercial Club Masonic fraternity and B P O B. POXl) Charles M, Minneapolis. Res 308 Ridgewood av, office N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Feb 2 8, 1846 in Walworth county Wis, son of Amos and Hannah (Duntley) Pond. Married Sept 15, 18 80 to Carie Adelle Drew. Reared on farm in Fond du Lac county Wis; attend- ed country schools; graduated from Ripon College Wis academic course in 18 73; degree of A M 1904; from Columbia Law School N Y 1874. Practiced law at Green Bay Wis 187 4-75; in Minneapolis 18 75-89; 1897-99; 1905 to date; judge dist court 4th judicial dist 1890-9 7; 1899-1905. POPE William Cox, St Paul. Res 51 12th St. Episcopal minister. Born April 21, 1841 in Philadelphia Pa, son of Daniel Newhall and Char- lotte Sitgreanes (Cox) Pope. Mar- ried Eliza M Baston Sept 24, 1889. Educated in St Johns Hall Delafield Wis; graduated Racine (Wis) College A B 1862; A M 1865; Nashotah (Wis) Theological Seminary B D 1865; rector St Matthias Church Waukesha Wis 1866; missionary at Anoka, Elk River, Hassan and Bay- town Minn 1867; organized the par- Little Sketches of Bk/ Folks. 317 ish of the Good Shepherd St Paul June 8., 18 68 and has continuously been rector of same; built Church of the Good Shepherd 18 69; built Church of the Ascension and Chapel of the Resurrection St Paul; priest in charge of the Mission of the Na- tivity X St Paul. Pres standing com- mittee of Diocese of Minn 1891-9 4; chairman of Board of Examining Chaplains 188 7 to date. Author of "Affiliation of Swedish and Ameri- can Churchman" 1894; "Genesis of the American Church" 1894; "Life of James de Koven D D" 189 9; "Life of Ezekiel G Gear D D" 1906; con- tributor to the Church Eclectic Maga- zine. ]\Iember and on several occasions chaplain of Territorial Pioneers; pres of Social Reform Union St Paul; and sec of Church Temperance Society; diocesan sec Free and Open Church Assn. Served as corporal in Capt Anderson's Co of mounted men dur- ing the Indian outbreak 18 62. PORTER Adelbei-t, Winona. Mill- er. Born April 21, 1861 in Winona, son of S C Porter. Married in 1884 to Florence Keller. Educated in public and normal schools Winona. First engaged as elk in flour mill of Porter & Mobray 1877-79; mngr L C Porter Milling Co 1879-96; mngr Porter Milling Co 189 6 to date. PORTER George P, Minneapolis. Res 2 02 Harriet av, office 3 05 Tem- ple Court. Lawyer. Born Sept 10 1868 in New York City. Educated in public schools and graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1893. Prac- ticed law in Minn 1893 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity and B P O E. POTTER (^harles F, Minneapolis. Res 200 7 Sheridan av, office 617 Guaranty bldg. Investment Broker. Born Sept 15, 1842 in Maple Ridge N Y, son of Jams A and Mary (Denio) Potter. Married Sept 22, 1869 to An- na L Wood. Educated in public schools Maple Ridge 1845; Albion (N Y) Academy 1851-55; high school Mor- ris 111 1856-59; Beloit (Wis) College 1860-61; Univ of Mich 1865-67. Wholesale crockery business Milwau- kee Wis 18 68-70; merchant in Du- luth 18 70-72; same Detroit Mich 1873-79; removed to Minneapolis 188 and traveled several years in wholesale business. Established the firm of Chas F Potter & Co investment brokers dealing in stocks, bonds, se- curities, real estate and mineral lands 1897; largely interested in copper mines in Arizona, Wyoming and Colo- rado. POTTER Edwin Graham, Minne- apolis. Res 1769 Colfax av S, of- flc 418 Andrus bldg. Invest- ments. Born Oct 2 6, 1852 in Adams, Jefferson county N Y, son of George Nelson and Mary (Griswold) Potter. Educated in public schools of N Y State. Came to Minneapolis in 1881; whol provision and produce trade 1881-99; connected with land and mnfg companies 189 9 to date. Pres Potter-Wallace Co; Meadow Land Co; Kansas Lime Co; dir Mon- arch Brick Co; Mound City Brick Co; treas Taos Valley Land Co. Served 4 years as pres Minneapolis Citv Council; 8 years state senator 40th dist; 4 years member Republican State Central Committee; 7 years pres Minneapolis Produce Exchange; 2 years pres Minn State Dairy Assn. Mason 3 2d degree and member of Mystic Shrine; Commercial Club; Court House and City Hall Commis- sion Minneapolis. POTTER Walter A, St Paul. Res 1867 Carroll st, office 310 Cedar st. Type foundryman. Born Feb 8, 1858 in St Louis Mo, son of Ezra A and Mary E (Luther) Potter. Married Oct 2, 1881 to Annie M Bowman. Edu- cated in country schools until 18 76; apprenticed to printer's trade and en- gaged in same 9 years in State Print- ing Office Topeka Kans, 4 years of which he was pressroom foreman; engaged as trav salesman for print- ing press manufacturing firm of Nor- wich Conn; and later as salesman for 6 years in Great Western Type Foun- dry Kansas City; mngr Great West- ern Type Foundry Omaha 4 years; sec and treas Minn Type Foundrv Co St Paul 1896 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. POWER George C, St Paul. Res 541 Summit av, office Second Nat Bank bldg. Banker. Born Jan 11, 1858 in Burlington la, son of James 318 Little ."^ketches of Big Folks. B and Helen A (Buckhart) Power. Married Oct 4, 18 83 to Edna A Smith. Educated in the common and high schools of St Paul. In Merchants Nat Bank St Paul, filling all positions from messenger to 2d v pres 1873- 99; Nat bank examiner Minn and Wis 18 99-1902; pres Second Nat Bank of St Paul 19 02 to date. Dir and member of executive committee N W Trust Co; member St Paul Com- mercial Club. POWER AVilliani J, Duluth. Rail- road official. Born Feb 5, 1876 in Kingston Ont, son of Thomas A and Mary (Noble) Power. Educated in public and high schools in London Ont. With C P Ry London Ont 1892; gen agent G N Ry Duluth 1896 to date. Member Duluth Boat, Kitchi Gammi and Duluth Commercial clubs. POWERS Frank L, St Paul. Res 315 N Chatsworth st, office 1005- 1007 Pioneer Press bldg. Real es- tate and loans. Born Dec 11, 1867 in Williams county O, son of Edwin and Clara (Jones) Powers. Married 189 2 to Alma L Bratton. Graduate of Tri-State Normal College Angola Ind; later attended De Pauw Univ Ind. Prin of North St Paul School 1891; editor of Odd Fellows Review 1891-1901; editor of Northwestern Congregationalist 2 years. Member of firm of Moritz & Powers estab- lished 1886 engaged in real estate and loan business. Member of the Real Estate Exchange; ex-grand mas- ter I O O F of Minn; represented Minn in Supreme Lodge I O O F. POWERS Huboi-t 1), Grand Rapids. Merchant. Born Oct 10, 1864 in Tomah Wis, son of Theodore S and Emily S (Bush) Powers. Married Aug 12, 1891 to Anna is Siers. Grad- uated from Thomas High School 1882 and attended Sterling (111) Business College 1882-83. Worked as elk in father's hardware store 1877-82 and from 18 83-87; bkpr for C F Kindred Brainerd Minn 1887; started hard- ware business Brainerd 1889; moved stock to Grand Rapids Minn 189 and has continued under firm name of W J & H D Powers to date. First village treas; first deputy county treas Itasca county; county comnr; pres village council Grand Rapids 1896 and 1906-1907; Lieut 3d Regt Wis N G 1886-87; capt 3d Regt M N G 18 88-91; member Grand Rapids Commercial Club. POWERS Winn, St Paul. Res 420 N Fairview av, office 6 02 Ernst bldg. Publisher. Born April 29, 1861 in Williams county O, son of Edwin and Clara (Jones) Powers. Married in 1887 to Kate Bates. Educated in dist schools; Fremont Ind High School; graduating from Ohio Wes- leyan Univ Delaware O. First en- gaged as publisher's agent in Chicago until 18 84; moved to St Paul 1884 and established Northwestern Odd Fellows Review, later absorbing a similar Chicago publication. Past grand master and rein-esentative to the Soverign Grand Lodge I O O F. PRATT Robert, Minneapolis. Res 1603 Bryant av N, office 1311 Wash- ington av N. Fuel. Born Dec 12, 184 5 in Rutland Vt, son of Sidney Wright and Sarah Elizabeth ( Hark- ness) Pratt. Married Oct 30, 1873 to Irene Lamoreaux. Educated in dist school and Brandon Vt Seminary. Enlisted in 5th Vermont Inf when ] 5 years of age and served through Civil War being mustered out as capt 18 65; at the age of 20 located in Min- neapolis 1866 and worked at various employments until 1877 when he em- barked in the fuel business, which he has continued to date. Member City Council 18 84-8 7; School Board 18 88- 98; mayor of Minneapolis 2 terms 1894-98. Member GAR, Loyal Legion, B P O E, Masonic fraternity, Union League and Commercial clubs. PRAY Albert F, Minneapolis. Res 601 W^ Franklin st, office 53 2 Securi- ty Bank bldg. Fire insurance agent. Born Sept 24, 1863 in St Cloud Minn, son of Otis A and Frances A Pray. Graduated C E from Pennsylvania Military College at Chester Pa 1884. Went into iron business 1885; worked at machinist's trade 1886-90; official in Minneapolis Foundry Co 189 0-93; fire and accident insurance 18 93-95; adjusting and special agency work for the Royal Exchange Assurance Co of London England, for Minn and Wis 189 5 to date. Enlist- Little Sketches of Big Folks. :)V.) ed in Co "A" M N G First Inf March 10, 1887: first sergeant and first lieut 18 87-92; inspector small arms practice on brigade staff with rank of capt 1892-93; brigadier and inspect- or gen 1893-95; second lieut Battery B 1889; first lieut ordnance officer on battalion staff 1889-190 5; capt Battery B 19 05 to date. Has won all decorations issued by state of Minn; all rifie and artillery shooting decor- ations; also 10 and 15-year service medals; and revolver prizes at Nat Guard camps. Member of Masonic fraternity, and Shrine; worshipful master Minneapolis Lodge 19, A F & A M 1906. PRENTISS Samuel L, Winona. Banker. Born Dec 6, 18 62 in Mont- pelier Vt, son of Joseph A Prentiss. Married in 190 6 to Maude W Laird. Educated in public schools and Univ of Mich. First engaged as messen- ger in Second Nat Bank 1882-83; asst cashr of same 1883-97; cashr 189 7-9 8; v pres 189 8 to date. Dir Winona Wagon Co. Member Arling- ton and Business Men's clubs and Board of Trade. PRICE Albert A, St Paul. Res 504 Stryker av, office Robert st and Ind- iana av. Paper. Born Oct 3, 184 6 in Schuyler county N Y, son of H C and Lucy Kendall. Married in 1866 to Mary Alden. Educated in dist schools Schuyler county; first en- gaged in farming and operating saw- mill; after Civil War farming in la 9 years; in dry goods business El- mira N Y until 1886; moved to St Paul and established paper business alone as A A Price & Co and as Price, Robbins & Newton whol deal- ers in heavy paper bags, woodenware etc. Member K of P. PRICE 3Iilo B, Owatonna. Princi- pal Pillsbury Academy. Born Sept 10, 18 67 in Newark O, son of Thomas D and Sarah J (Jones) Price. Mar- ried in 189 7 to Laura May Tuttle. Educated in country schools Owaton- na; Doane Academy Granville Ohio; graduated from Dennison Univ Gran- ville O 1892; Univ of Chicago 1892- 93; Univ of Leipzig Germany, grad- uating Ph D 1896. Instructor in St Mark's School Southboro Mass, Wor- cester (Mass) Academy; William Penn Charter School Phila; principal Pills- bury Academy Owatonna 1904 to date. Member Phi Gamma Delta college fraternity; American and New England Historical assns. PRICE Westcott W, St Paul. Res 591 Summit av, office 115 E 4th st. Real estate and financial agent. Born Sept 17, 1864 in St Paul Minn, son of David C and Sally Stirling (Skillman) Price. Married April 2 7, 19 04 to Hildegarde Risley. Educated in com- mon schools; graduated from St Paul High School 1884. Employed in Peoples Bank 1884-87. Member Price-McGill Printing Co 188 7-1904. Mngr The London & Northwest Am- erican Mortgage Co Ltd 1904 to date. Pres St Paul Abstract Co; sec Merriam Realty Co; member firm of Cathcart, Price & Co; member 1st Regt M N G 20 years; Minn, Com- mercial, Town and Country clubs; life honorary member German Club. PRINCE Frank 31, Minneapolis. Res 2 7 Groveland ter, office First Nat Bank. President First Nat Bank. Born July 23, 1854 in Amherst Mass, son of George H and Sarah E (Nash) Prince. Married twice: April 26, 1883 to Mary Bell Russell (died 1888); 1898 to Mrs Margaret Townshend. Educated in public and high schools of his native city. Worked in gen store: then moved to Stillwater Minn 1874. Em- ployed in gen store of Prince & French Stillwater 1874-75. Taught school 1875; elk in First Nat Bank Stillwater 187 5-78; teller First Nat Bank Minneapolis 18 78-82; returned to Stillwater as cashr First Nat Bank 18 82-91; sec and treas Minn Loan & Trust Co Minneapolis 1892-94. Re- turned to First Nat Bank of Minne- apolis as cashr 1894; elected v pres 1895; is now pres of same. Dir in Minn Loan & Trust Co Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis and Commercial clubs. PRINCE Ceorge Harrison, St Paul. Res 965 Summit av, office Merchants Nat Bank. Banker. Born July 18, 1861 in Amherst Mass, son of George H and Sarah E (Nash) Prince. Ed- ucated in Amherst IMass public 320 Little Sketches of Big Foils. schools. First engaged in the bank- ing business as elk in the First Nat Bank of Stillwater Minn May 19. 1879, going to St Paul as cashr of the Capital Bank Jan 1, 1891; and to the Merchants Nat Bank of St Paul as cashr Feb 189 7. Became v pres Jan 19, 1905; also v pres and dir of First Nat Bank of Cloquet Minn; dir of the First Nat Bank of Carlton Minn and St Paul Gas Light Co St Paul. Member of the Minn Commer- cial and Town and Country clubs St Paul and Chicago Bankers Club. PRINCE Walter L, Stillwater. Res 432 S 6th St, office First Nat Bank. Banker. Born June 24, 18 66 in Am- herst Mass, son of George H and Sarah E (Nash) Prince. Married June 20, 1888 to Fannie M Prescott. Educated in public and high schools Amherst Mass. Moved to Stillwater 1882 and entered employ of First Nat Bank where he has been engaged to date, now being asst cashr of same. Pres Prince- Joy Agency insurance and real estate; treas and dir Connolly Shoe Co. Member Masonic fraternity and K of P. PRINCE William I, Duluth. Res 2101 E 1st St, office 3 08 W Superior St. Banker. Born Oct 11, 1867 in Camden O, son of George C and Lucy A (Hill) Prince. Married Oct 7. 189 7 to Mary A Baldwin. Educated in common schools of Amherst and Ob- erlin (Ohio) College and Oberlin Business Univ. First engaged as bkpr in Citizens Nat Bank Oberlin 1889-90; same First Nat Bank Es- canaba Mich 1890-92; cashr First Nat Bank Bessemer 1892-1903 when he was elected pres, which office he still holds. One of the organizers of the City Nat Bank Duluth 1902, of which he is now cashr and dir. Treas city of Bessemer Mich 1894-95; mayor Bessemer Mich 1896-98; chairman Gogebic County Mich Rep Committee 1896-98. Member Kitchi Gammi, Boat and Garfield Rep clubs, also dir and 2d v pres of Commercial Club. PRINDLE William Martin, Du- luth. Res 2211 Greysolon road, of- fice Lonsdale bldg. Real estate. Born Sept 23, 1861 in Kalamazoo Mich, son of George and Christine T (Turner) Prindle. Married Jan 18, 1888 to Mina N Merrill. Educated in the common schools of Wilming- ton 111, and Monee Boys Academy Monee 111, and Kalamazoo (Mich) College. First engaged as telegraph operator on the C & A R R in 111 1879-81; trav auditor C P & S W R R 1881-83; assistant to local audit- or Atlantic & Pacific R R Albuquer- que N M 1883-84; assistant gen frt agent C & St L R R Chicago to 1885; sec to pres of Chicago, Santa Fe & California R R at Chicago 1885-87; removed to Duluth and entered firm of Clague & Prindle real estate 1887, which firm was succeeded in 1893 by W M Prindle & Co; same to date. Dir Minn Loan & Trust Co Miijne- apolis; pres and dir Duluth Home and Garden Co; treas and dir Ply- mouth Land Co; sec, treas and dir Greysolon Road Co Duluth. Member of kitchi Gammi, Commercial, North- land Country, Duluth Yacht and Boat clubs and Lafayette Club Minneapolis. PRINGIjE Alexander F, Northfield. Physician (R). Born Oct 4, 1853 in Cornwall Ont, son of Jacob Far- rand and Isabella (Eraser) Pringle. Married in 1884 to Clara F Allen. Attended grammar school Cornwall Ont; Barr's Court School Hereford England 1868-70; graduated from medical dept McGill Univ Montreal Can 1880. Practiced in Northfield 1880-92; studied abroad specializing eye, ear, nose and throat 189 2-9 4; returned to Northfield and engaged in practice 1894-9 7; again abroad for further study; practiced in North- field and Faribault 189 7 to date. Member Commercial Club and I O O F. PRIOR William R, Winona. Res 6 6 E King st, office Court House. Public official. Born March 26, 1851 in Washington county Mo, son of Samuel and Mary (Glosup) Prior. Married in 18 52 to Sara T Hammond. Attended rural schools Adair county la and Simpson College la. County surveyor Adair county la 187 6-7 7; abstract work in Guthrie county la 18 77-87; went to Duluth Minn 188 7- 1900 and engaged in abstract work; Winona in same business 1900 to date. Chairman Board of Education 1895-96. Chairman Social Science Club. Little Sketches of Bi(/ Folks. J21 PRUDEX Allan Keene, St Paul. Res 604 Ashland av, office South Wa- basha and Water sts. Manufacturer. Born Nov 13, 1850 In Dayton O, son of Sylvester and Mary A (Kittredge) Pruden. Married Dec 3, 1873 to H Emma Hare. Attended public schools 1856-6 7; preparatory dept Antioch College Yellow Springs O 186 8-70. In house furnishing hard- ware business St Paul 18 72-84; pres Pruden Stove Co 18 84 to date; pres and treas St Paul Roofing Cornice and Ornament Co St Paul 189 4 to date. Member St Paul Commercial Club. PRYOR C^lyde J, Bemidji. Pub- lisher. Born July 21, 1869 in Dako- ta county Minn, son of John and Emma ( Hamilton) Pryor. Married June 25, 1897 to Minnie M Mielke. Educated in Glencoe High School. Engaged for several years teaching school; elk of dist court McLeod county 189 5-99; editor Glencoe Reg- ister 1898-1901; of Ashley Tribune 1901-1902; held half interest in Red Lake County Courier 1902-1903: traveled for Crookston Times 1903- 19 04; entered employ of Bemidji Pioneer 1904; assumed its manage- ment 1906; purchased interest in the Bemidji Pioneer Publishing Co 1907 and is sec, treas and business mngr. Member Minn Editorial Assn, M W A, K of P and A O U W; sec Commer- cial Club. PTACEK Joseph F, St Paul. Res 486 Superior st, office 390 Jackson st. Machinist. Born July 2 6. 1861 in Moravia Austria, son of Joseph and Josephine Ptacek. Married Frances Busta Feb 21. 18 82. Attended pub- lic schools in Moravia; a mechanical school in Vienna 5 years. Retail bi- cycle store, locksmithing and light machinery repairing establishment St Paul 1887 to date. Member Knights of St George, St Paul Society, Catho- lic Workmen St Paul. PULFORI) Franklin Jervis,'Duluth. Res 193 E Superior st, office 3 09 E.xchange bldg. Investment, banking and real estate. Born Aug 19. 1858 in Cazenovia X Y. son of David Max- on and Frances Rebecca (Greenland) Pulford. Married Sept 10, 1885 to 21 Lizzie Litchfield How. Graduated from Cazenovia Seminary N Y 1876. Engaged first as cashr for J H T E Burr private bank Cazenovia N Y. Moved to Duluth and was pres Du- luth Trust Co 1893-1900. since which time he has been pres Pulford. How & Co. Pres Duluth Real Estate Co; member Commercial. Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Boat and Duluth Curling clubs. PFRDY Charle.s E, Minneapolis. Res 2916 Portland av, ofl^ce 838-840 Guaranty Loan bldg. Lawyer. Born July 26, 1865 in New Albany Indiana, son of Rev E J and Lottie M (Ship- man) Purdy. Married Feb 12, 189 6 to Rosamond Von Schrader. Grad- uated from Shattuck Military Acad- emy Faribault Minn 1885; Trinity College Conn A B 1888; law dept U of M, LL B 1890; professor of physics and chemistry Minn State Normal School St Cloud 188 8-89. Member of law firm of Savage & Pur- dy 1891 to date. Dir First Nat Bank Beardsley Minn; Washburn Farm Lands Co. PURPLE Charles W, Minneapolis. Res 124 S E Bedford st, office 618 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born May 17, 18 63 in Ohio, son of George H and Julia A (Brown) Purple. Mar- ried Sept 11, 188 8 to Margaret Mc- Connell. Educated in common and high schools Oberlin Ohio; graduated from Oberlin College A B 1883. Read law and admitted to bar in Elyria O 18 87; moved to Minneapolis and engaged in practice of law to date. Member Commercial Club. PUTNAM Ernest Bolles, St Paul. Res 761 Lincoln av, office 614-615 Pioneer Press bldg. Lumberman. Born Oct 18. 1860 in Eau Claire Wis. son of Henry C and Jane E (Balcom) Putnam. Married Mar 12. 1905 to Helen L Van Auken. Educated in common and high schools Eau Claire Wis; and in Heidelberg Germany. Engaged with H C Putnam & Co bankers Eau Claire 1881; with others incorporated Chippewa Valley Bank Eau Claire 18 85; organized Brennan Lumber Co 1899 with mills at Hinck- ley Minn and offices in St Paul of which he is sec and treas. Treas 322 Little »S7.T^(7?f.S' of Big Foils. Putnam Lumber Co; sec and treas Central Florida Lumber Co; The Ba- hamas Timber Co Ltd, and treas Minn Log and Timber Co and Pem- bina Farm Co. Member Minn and Town and Country clubs. 97; in Greenfield 1897-9 8; principal of schools Kellogg Minn 1898-1902; county supt of schools 1892 to date. One of the publishers of Wabasha Herald 1895 to date. Sec Board of Trade. PUTNAM Frank ]), Red Wing. Manufacturer. Born Sept 28, 1877 in Red Wing Minn, son of William H and Adeline (Rowell) Putnam. Mar- ried in 19 04 to Marie C Jorgensen. Educated in public and high schools of Red Wing and U of M. First en- gaged as elk in Bank of Pierce Sim- mons & Co Red Wing 1899-19 03; asst cashr of same 1903-1904; mngr Red Wing Mnfg Co 1904 to date. Member Masonic fraternity. PUTNAM William H, Red Wing. Banker. Born Jan 2 6, 1848 in Dan- vers Mass, son of William and Mary (Phelps) Putnam. Married in 1874 to Adaline Rowell. Educated in pub- lic and high schools Danvers Mass. Came to Red Wing in 1867; deputy county auditor 1869-73; teller for Pierce Simmons Bank 1873-84; cashr 1884 to 19 04; v pres 19 04 to date. Pres School Board 189 6-1903. Mayor 1900-1903. Member of Legislature 1903. Pres Library Board. Member Masonic fraternity. PUTNAM AVilliaiii R, Red Wing. Manager Gas Light & Power Co. Born in 1876 in Red Wing Minn, son of William H and Adaline M (Row- ell) Putnam. Married in 1901 to Jessie Eaton. Educated in public schools Red Wing 1881; high school Red Wing 1893; U of M 1897. Bkpr Swedish American Bank Minneapolis 189 7-99; mngr Gas Liglit & Power Co Red Wing 1899 to date. Member Masonic fraternity and Commercial Club. Q QUIGLEY S M, Wabasha. Educat- or and publisher. Born Dec 3, 1875 in Wabasha county Minn, son of Mar- tin and Ellen (Ryan) Quigley. Ed- ucated in public schools of Wabasha county and Winona Normal School until 1895. Engaged in teaching country school Wabasha county 1895- QUINLAN H Thoma),, St Paul. Res 542 Ashland av, office 258 E 3d st. Broker. Born July 4, 1857 in Mc- Henry county 111, son of D and Kath- arine (Galvin) Quinlan. Married Oct 4, 1887 to Mary L Breen. Edu- cated in the public schools of McHeu- ry county 111 and Chicago; Chicago High School 1871-72. Shipping elk for S P Sladden & Co Chicago until 1874; trav salesman for same firm until 1878; member of Quinlan Bros Chicago until 1884; northwestern representative of the J B Inderrieden Co 18 84-19 06; stockholder in same. Handles grocery merchandise espec- ially California dried and canned fruits to whol trade. Member Com- mercial Club St Paul; K of C. QUINN Thomas H, Faribault. Law- yer. Born Nov 6, 185 4 in Berlin Wis, son of Patrick and Catherine Quinn. Married May 15, 1893 to Elizabeth Nolan. Educated in public schools Berlin Wis and Faribault Minn. Studied in law office and ad- mitted to the bar 1877; of firm of Baxter & Quinn until 1880;ofJB& T H Quinn 1880-82; atty for C R I & P Ry Co; C G W Ry Co; and C M & St P Ry; county atty Rice county 1883-86 and 1891-93; city atty Fari- bault 6 years. Served in M N G 1877-80. Pres Commercial Club; member Am and Minn State Bar assns. QUIST Kariiest L, Thief River Falls. Office Red Lake Falls. Farm- er and public official. Born July 17, 187 6 in Chisago county Minn, son of Charles P and Sophia J (Glader) Quist. Engaged in teaching in Kandi- yohi county Minn 5 years; attended Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter 1897-1902, graduated A B May 29. 1902. Since graduation has been en- gaged in farming in Red Lake coun- ty Elected register of deeds Red Lake county Nov 6, 1906. Lilllr Kl.rtclli>: ijf Bi;/ Folln. R RACHAC Joseph J, Faribault. Public official. Born Dec 1, 18 74 in Scott county Minn, son of Frank J and Josephine (Shimota) Rachac. Married in 189 8 to Anna F Pavek. Educated in public schools New Pra- gue Minn; St Paul Business College and graduated from St Johns Univ 1891. Bkpr in Bank of New Prague 1891-92; prin of Wesely public schools 1892-1902; dep treas Rice county 1902-19 04; elected county auditor 1904, re-elected 190 6. Mem- ber F J Rachac & Son Wesely Minn. Member Commercial Club; I O O F and K of P. RADCLIPFE Edwin S, Duluth. Res 31st St Park Point, office 602 Palladio bldg. Architect. Born June 2, 1851 in Elmira N Y, son of Abra- ham Maby and Mary Corneilia (Lane) Radcliffe. Married July 12, 18 76 to Ella Mary McKay Nelson. Attended public and high schools Minneapolis, graduating from latter 1869; U of M 1869-72; received technical educa- tion at Art Institute New York 18 74. First employed as draftsman in office of his father Abraham Maby Radcliffe 1875-86; succeeded his father as architect in St Paul and practiced 1886-89; moved to Duluth 1889 and formed partnership with Charles Mc- Millan, which continued to 1893; then with Charles E Willoughby un- der firm name of Radcliffe & Will- oughby until 1901; practiced alone 1901 to Jan 1, 1907, when he formed new i)artnership with Vernon J Price under firm name of Radcliffe & Price, which continues to date. Served in Co "A" M N G 1871 and participated in Indian uprising, known as the "Blue Berry War" at Brainerd Minn; member Co "C" 1st Regt M N G; promoted to sergt maj of 3d Regt 1886; resigned 189 2. Member Am- erican Institute of Architects; Com- mercial and Garfield Republican clubs; Masonic fraternity; B P O E and K of P. RADEMACHEK AViliaiii, Winona. Merchant. Born Jan 1, 1867 in Win- ona Minn, son of Frank Rademacher. Married in 1889 to Madelien Couche. Received his education in public, high and parochial schools Winona. Engaged as elk in whol drug house of John Kendall 1883-95; in partner- ship with Jackson Rademacher 189 5- 98; purchased Jackson's interest 1901. Dir Watosa Co. Member Ar- lington Club and Business Men's Club. RAETZ John, Hastings. Public official. Born Feb 16, 18 72 in Has- tings Minn, son of Stephen and Mary (Rosen) Raetz. Married Sept 15, 1903 to Louise S Meloy. Educated in parochial and public schools of Hastings. First engaged as elk in shoe store; then with Foot, Schulze & Co shoe mnfrs St Paul until 1895, when he became trav salesman for same. Elected elk of dist court Hast- ings 189 8 and has held office to date. RAHILLY P H, Lake City. Farm- er. Born March S, 183 2 in Limerick Ireland, son of IMatthew and Mary (Lynch) Rahilly. Married Aug 23, 18 60 to Catherine Norton. Attended private school Limerick. Came to U S 184 8 and to Minnesota 185 4. Set- tled on farm in Lake City 1860 and now has an estate of 1,200 acres. Has extensive interests in Mesaba and Vermillion ranges and pine lands in Oregon. Member Minn House of Representatives 2 terms; State Sen- ate 1879. RALPH George A, Crookston. Civ- il engineer. Born Sept 16, 1861 in Huron county Ont, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Burroughs) Ralph. Married to Caddie V Low of Water- man 111. Educated in common and high schools and at Valparaiso Ind and Ann Arbor Mich, graduating at Valparaiso C E 1886. Engaged as engineer on topographical survey of Red River Valley Crookston Aug to Dec 1886; with U S govt survey northern Minnesota 1887-9 8; city eng Crookston 1901-19 03; county survey- or Polk county 4 terms, and at present holds the office; state drainage eng 1900 to date; in charge of topograph- ical survey of state lands 1905-1906; has had charge of 1,0 00 miles of ditches as drainage eng for state. Member Masonic fraternity, Forest- ers, Maccabees, Woodmen and Knights of Honor. 324 LiWc Sl-ctchcs of Biff Folks. RAMER Abraham M, Winona. Res 72 5 W Broadway, office 151-15 5 E 2d St. Mannfacturer. Born July 30, 1S51 in Ripley county Ind, son of Phillip and Ruth (Thackery) Ra- mer. Married in 1873 to Augusta Lazansky. Educated in public and high schools Winona. Engaged as elk in gen mdse store 1868-73; in business for self in Lewiston Minn 18 73-83: in breakfast food business 1883-9 2; engaged in manufacture of chocolates Winona 1892 to date. RAMSETT Henry J, Willmar. Clerk district court. Born May 16, 1859 ifi Bad Axe WMs, son of S K and Bertha (Johnson) Ramsett. Attend- ed graded schools Viroqua Wis and Curtiss Business College St Paul. Taught school Kandiyohi county Minn; asst postmaster Willmar Minn; justice of the peace, recorder, alder- man and city treas Willmar; dep county auditor and elk district court Kandiyohi county Minn. RAXDALIj Eugene Wilson, Ham- line. Secretary State Agricultural Society. Born Jan 1, 18 59 in Win- ona Minn, son of Albert D and Maria (Jayne) Randall. Married 18 82 to Eudora A Stone. Attended the St Charles High School 1875-76. En- tered the State Normal School Win- ona 1877; graduated 1879. Taught in country schools of Winona and Stevens counties and was prin of the Morris High School 1880-82. Pub- lished the Morris Tribune 1882-8 8; was member firm of S J Stebbins & Co Morris for 15 years, and for 2 years has owned and operated a Stevens county farm. Postmaster at Morris 1891-95; asst in the office of sec of the State Agricultural Society in 1887; member board of managers 1893 and sec and supt of grounds 189 5. Member board of regents U of M. RANK Charles R, Minneapolis. Res 3 03 7 Dupont av S, office 109 En- dicott Arcade St Paul. Hay and grain. Born Nov 10, 1865 in Mount Carmel 111, son of George W and Elizabeth (Detweiler) Rank. Mar- ried May 29. 1904 to Clara A Void. Attended public schools at Mount Car- mel 111 and Evansville Ind; graduated from Crescent City Commercial Col- lege 1880. Bkpr for ice company at Evansville Ind 1878; supt grading and construction of railroad with father as contractor 1879; taught bookkeeping and penmanship in com- mercial school 1880; bkpr for Singer Mnfg Co at Evansville Ind; breaking and dealing in horses in S Dak 1880- 82; dep register of deeds and abstract work S Dak 18 82-84; asst register of deeds in Wis; asst county elk and elk of court Wis 1884-88; bkpr for whol meat and provision company Wis 1888; bkpr for fruit commis- sion St Paul 18 89; bkpr for hay and grain commission St Paul and Minne- apolis 1891-95; salesman for same 1895-1905; mngr C R Rank & Co whol commission merchants, hay, straw, coarse grain, feed, etc July 19 05 to date. Formerly in Indiana state mi- litia. Member Modern Woodmen at St Paul, Masons at Minneapolis and Commercial Travelers at Utica N Y. RANKIX Andrew, St Paul. Res 7 05 Carroll st, office 484 Selby av. Contractor and builder. Born April 6, 1857 in Salem 111, son of James and Catherine Rankin. Married Oct 29, 1891 to Nettie D Johnson. Edu- cated in the public schools of Bethle- hem N H. Entered business in Bethlehem N H 1878 under firm name of W L Mclntyre & Co gen contrs; dissolved partnership and moved to St Paul 18 80; member firm of Bennett & Rankin 1883-86; firm dissolved 1886, since which time he has been alone as contractor and builder. RAS>irSSEN Christian A, Red Wing. Postmaster. Born Oct 3 0, 1868 in Denmark, son of Christian and Minnie (Henderson) Rasmussen. Married in 1901 to Lesa Johnson. Educated in public and high schools Red Wing. First engaged as repor- ter for Red Wing Printing Co 18 85- 93; mngr of same 189 4-99; postmas- ter 1899 to date. Member Commer- cial Club. RASMUSSEN Walter, St Paul. Res 235 Maria av, office 52 4 Globe bldg. Educator. Born Dec 18, 18 72 in Nakskov Denmark, son of Morten and Mary (Hansen) Rasmussen. Mar- LiWv >Skrtr}irs of Buj Folks. 325 ried June 16, 1904 to Margaret E Nelson of San Francisco. Entered Waalse Academy Denmark 1887; graduated from Copenhagen (Den- mark) Univ 1890; from Valparaiso Univ Ind 1895; special course Wash- ington Univ 1898-99. Bkpr 1890- 94; accountant and stenogr 1895-9 7; prin shorthand dept Wilson's Busi- ness College Seattle W^ash 1897-1900; San Francisco Business College 1900- 1902; propr Rasmussen Practical Business School St Paul 19 02 to date. Member Knights of Pythias; St Paul Commercial Club; National Commer- cial Teachers Assn; Gregg Short- liand Assn of America. Publisher commercial school books. REAM Edward Le.ster, St Paul. 2 81 Pleasant av, office Front and Mac- kubin sts. Manager. Born April 26, 187 6 in Eureka Wis, son of Julius J and Margaret A (Rounds) Ream. Attended public schools and gradu- ated from the Oshkosh (Wis) High School 1897; entered employ of Foote Cornish Milling Co Oshkosh 189 7-9 8; in office of Wisconsin Grass Twine Co 189 8-1901; asst supt Am- erican Grass Twine Co 190i-1903 cashr of St Paul mill of same 1903 asst mngr 1904; mngr 190 5 to date engaged in the manufacture of grass carpets and rugs. Member Masonic fraternity; B P O E; Oshkosh Club. REED Frederick Watson, Minneap- olis. Res 2124 Lake of the Isles boul, office 906 N Y Life bldg. Law- yer. Born Nov 7, 1853 in Fowler O, son of Benjamin Franklin and Su- san (Dewey) Reed. Married Dec 30, 1891 to Selina Brown. Graduat- ed from lona College Grinnell la 1879. Prin of schools in Montana 1879-81; in business in ^Montana 1882-84; read law in office of Shaw. Levi & Gray 1885-86; has practiced law in Minneapolis. 1886 to date. IMember Commercial, Six o'clock and Bryn Mawr clubs Minneapolis. REED Louis A, ]\Iinneapolis. Res 162 9 W Franklin av, office 710 Tem- ple Court. Lawyer. Born Jan 23, 1855 in Mason county 111, son of Ad- am and Julia A (Allen) Reed. Mar- ried July 8, 1880 to Isabella Trent. Educated in district schools and state normal school. Engaged in teaching dist school 1873-76; with Univ of III Champaign 111 until 1878; taught dist school and read law until 18 80; came to Minneapolis 1880; admitted to bar 1882; has practiced ever since. County atty 1899-1901. Member Commercial Club; B P O E; A F & A M. REES John M, Minneapolis. Res Hotel Rogers, office 650 Temple Court Lawyer. Born Dec 21, 1861 in Grant county Ind, son of Evan and Sarah C (Smith) Rees. Received early ed- ucation from father. Employed by Pa Central Ry 1880-84; studied law and admitted to bar at Marion Ind 1884; moved to Minneapolis 1884 and has since engaged in practice of law. Dep elk municipal court 1888- 90; pres Minneapolis Bar Assn 1905- 1906. Member Commercial Club; B P O E. REESE Darius F, St Paul. Res 52 7 Wabasha av, office 510-511 Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 3, 1856 in Fulton county 111, son of Joel S and Mary Ann (Cline) Reese. Educated in public schools Fulton county 111 and Hedding (111) College. Admitted to bar Spring- field 111 1880; member firm of Mas- ters & Reese 1880-82; moved to St Paul 1883; asst city atty 1889; elk supreme court 1895-1902; of Reese & Zollman lawyers 1902 to date. Dir Commercial Club; member Lincoln and Roosevelt clubs; B P O E and K of P. REETZ WILLIAM M, IMinneapolis. Res 111 Adams st N E, office 213 8th St. Manufacturer. Born April 2 6, 1866 in Germany, son of Martin and Wilhelmina (Rick) Reetz. Married June 3 0, 189 7 to Hulda I Leistekow. Educated in common schools. Moved to Winona Minn 1875. Engaged in sash and door business 1875-85; same in St Paul 1885-9 0; was fore- man for .J F Wilcox Minneapolis 1892-1904. Mngr Union Sash & Door Co 1904 to date. Member I O O F. REEVES Arthur J, St Paul. Res St Anthony Park, office Ryan bldg. General agent for ^Minnesota of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co of Boston Mass. Born Sept 24, 326 Little Sketches of Big Folks. and Jane Reeves. Educated in the public scliools of Iowa with 2 years at the Cedar Valley Seminary Osage la. Took charge of the family estate at the death of his father 18 84 and 2 years later after winding up its affairs moved to St Paul' and took a short course in business college and tlien entered the employ of a shoe store leaving that position in 1887 to en- gage in the real estate business. In 188 9 established the Reeves & Gill- iam Fire Insurance Agency, to which business was added a life ins dept in 18 97. Has been the gen agt for Minn of the New England Mutual Life Ins Co since April 1902 and has doubled the business of his company in this state in 4 years. REEVES Charles P, Glen wood. Lawyer. Born Feb 3, 1856 in Mad- ison Wis, son of John and Jane Reeves. Married Jan 22, 1885 to Mabel Dailey. Graduated from Ce- dar Valley Seminary Osage la, B S 1878; law dept Univ of la 1882. Has been engaged in practice of law Glen- wood Minn IS S3 to date. Pres and dir Landing-Ronning Co Minneapolis Minn. County atty Pope county 188 5-91; pres Board of Education 1891-19 06; member House of Repre- sentatives 189 5-9 9; State Senate 1899-1903 Pope and Douglas count- ies. Pres Commercial Club Glenwood 1907. REGAN James J, St Paul. Res 77 7 Iglehart st, office 3 60 Jackson st. Engineers" supplies. Born July 10, 1867 in Ireland, son of William and Mary (Flannigan) Regan. Married 1892 to Mary Nolan. Educated in Ire- land and engaged in teaching school until 1883; moved to Montreal and emjiloyed in hotel 1883-85; moved to St Paul anrPEL Wilhelm V, St James. Banker. Born Sept 6, 1856 in South- ern Russia, son of Peter and Anna (Penner) Rami)el. Married in 1889 to Katherine Hiebert. Educated in public schools of Russia and U S. Engaged in grain business St James 1881-19 01; organized Security State Bank St James 19 03 and has been ])res to date; dir State Bank of Dar- fur. Assessor Butterfield Minn 3 years; member Board of Supervisors of same 4 years; mayor of St James 3 terms; member Board of Education St James 9 years. REISSWIG Frederick E, Grand Rapids. Undertaker and embalmer. Born Dec 2 5, 1865 in Utica N Y, son of Ernest H and Mary C (Sittig) Reusswig. Married Dec 2 2, 1886 at Grace Hill Iowa to Sarah E Miksch. Educated in Utica N Y public schools and business college. Came to Minn in June 1884 and located in Melville township. Engaged in farming in Melville township Renville county Minn from 1887-94; connected with the Hector Lumber & Supply Co Hector Minn 1894-1903 as v pres and bkpr; moved to Grand Rapids Minn 1903 and has been engaged in under- taking and embalming business to date. Pres Board of Education Grand Rapids; member Masonic fraternity, M W^ A, A O U W, D of H and O E S. REYNOLDS Georj-e H, St Cloud. Res 427 2d av S, office 505 St Ger- main St. Lawyer. Born July 2 6, 1853 in Lamont Mich, son of Reuben and Lucia (Tucker) Reynolds. Mar- ried Oct 31, 1889 to Mary Lymiller. Attended public schools Rochester Minn; graduated from law dept Univ of Mich Ann Arbor 187 5. Admitted to bar at Alexandria Minn 187 5 and began practice with Senator Knute Nelson, continuing the partnership for about 11 years; moved to St Cloud 18 86 and practiced as member firm of Bruckart & Reynolds; then Rey- nolds & Stewart and in 189 8 Reynolds & Roeser, which firm has continued to date. County atty Douglas county 1880-82. Member Masonic frater- nity and B P O E. RICE Enoch, St Paul. Res 93 Marshall av. office 54 Davidson blk. Manufacturer. Born July 1, 1861 in Nottingham England, son of William and Jane Rice. Married July 1, 1907 to Alice Jane King. Attended school in England until 9 years old. Learned trade in native land and worked at it there until 1886; em- ployed by Philadelphia Truss Co and J G Hoimes Philadelphia Pa 1886- 1902; in business for self in St Paul 1902 to date; mnfr elastic surgical goods, hosiery, knee-caps, supporters, etc; whol and jobbing trade. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Royal Arcan- um; Modern Woodmen; United Workmen. ;3i>s Little Sketches of Bi<. Seminary Minneapolis 1888-91; Con- cordia College 1891-93 and 1895-98; graduating from normal course; de- gree of Bachelor of Accounts 1901; attended Cedar Rapids Businss Col- lege Cedar Rapids la 1898; attended Rasmussen Practical Business School St Paul 1902; graduated from short- hand course. Engaged in teaching common school in North Dakota 189 4- 95; has been engaged in teaching in Concordia College 189 9 to date as principal of Commercial dept. Treas Concordia College and sec of the faculty. KOHRER C A, Henderson. Judge of probate. Born April 19, 18 57 in Wisconsin, son of John and Anna Rohrer. Married In 1892 to Bina Mesker. Graduated from Northwest- ern Normal School Galena 111 187 8. After graduation taught school in Minnesota 1878-89; county supt of schools 1889-95; county auditor 1 year; gen mdse business 4 years; now judge of probate. Member Knights of Pythias. ROMAN Henry, St Paul. Res 1033 Grand av, office 812 Pioneer Press bldg. Physician (R) and sur- geon. Born 1856 in Montreal Can, son of Maurice and Emilie ( Lami- rande) Roman. Married in 189 7 to Mary Taylor. Graduated from Mon- treal College classical course 1879; medical dept Victoria Medical Univ Montreal M D 1883. Practiced medicine and surgery at White Bear Lake Minn 1883-90; in St Paul 1890 to date. Member State and County Medical assns; member staff of phy- sicians and surgeons St Luke's Hos- pital Niles Mich; examining physician Order of Foresters. R5MER FredcHck H, St Paul. Res 23 3 Ramsey st, office 190 Ramsey st. Contractor and builder. Born Jan 5, 187 5 in St Paul, son of Frederick J and Sophia (Wilcken) Romer. Edu- cated in the St Paul public and man- ual training schools. Passed 1 year in office of Cass Gilbert architect St Paul; member of firm of F J Romer & Son 1901-1907; incorporated F J R5mer Sons March 1907. Firm built St Paul Chamber of Commerce, Hamm Brewery buildings, St Clement's Cath- olic and Park Congregational church- es, St Paul Auditorium and many handsome residences. Member St Paul Builders Exchange; Business Men's League; Turnverein; Masonic order. RoMER Frederick J, St Paul. Gen- eral contractor. Born Nov 21, 1840 in Fallingbostel, Providence Hannov- er Germany (died Nov 24, 1906), son of Cord and Sophia (Spang) Romer. Married March 1874 to Sophia Wilck- en. Educated in the common schools of his birthplace. Learned carpen- try 185 6-60 and worked in European cities for 10 years; moved to St Paul 1870 and was associated with Charles and Fred Wilcken; dissolved partner- ship 1871, and formed a new partner- ship with F J Wilcken, which contin- ued until 1886; from 1886 until 1901 he was engaged alone, admitting his son F H Romer to partnership in th'^ last named year, under the firm name of F J Rrmier & Son; had been en- gaged in gen contracting business and was the builder of the new Audi- torium. Was member Concordia Singing Society. ROMSTAD Michael, Benson. Pub- lic official. Born July 8, 1861 near Trondhjem Norway, son of Ole J and Martha (Ericson) Romstad. Married May 4, 18 83 to Mathilda Anderson. Educated in public schools of Glen- wood, Pope county Minn. Came to U S (Decorah la) 1865; moved to Lanesboro Minn 1868; to Glen wood Minn 1872; to Benson 1886. Teacher in the public schools of Pope and Swift counties Minn 1880-91; elk and bkjir in lumber office of A N John- son Benson Minn 1891-1903. Elect- ed auditor of Swift county Minn 1902; re-elected 1904 and again 190 6. Member Masonic fraternity; M W A ; A O U W ; S of N. ROOT F W, Minneapolis. Res 19 04 Marshall av, Merriam Park, office 2 5 Milwaukee station. L?v,yer. Born Aug 7, 1855 in Guilford N Y. son of Silas and Matilda A Root. Ed- ucated at Oxford Academy Chenango county N Y. Attorney C M & St P Ry Co at Minneapolis 1882 to date. Member Royal Arcanum at Merriam Park; Commercial Club Minneapolis. JJffh' Sh-cfcJics of Jii(/ Folks. :VM ROSE Francis M, Faribault. Phy- sician (R) and surgeon. Born March 2 5, 1841 in Columbus O, son of Philip and Araminta (West) Rose. Mar- ried in 187 5 to Cornelia Whipple. Educated in public schools of Colum- bus O; graduated from Starling Med- ical College Columbus 1860. Prac- ticed in West Rushville O 1860-61; located in Ottawa 111 1865-66; moved to Faribault 1867, and has continued in active practice to date. Enlisted in 43d Ohio Regt as asst surgeon 1861; promoted to surgeon 1862; surgeon-in-chief 2d div 16th Army Corps same year; medical inspector 17th Army Corps 1864; surgeon-in- chief 1st div 17th Army Corps of staff of Gen M F Force 18 64 and retained that position until mustered out of service July 1865. Pres 4th time Rice County Medical Society; charter member Minn State Medical Society; member Am Medical Assn; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. ROSEN Adolph T, St Paul. Res 334 Cherokee av, office Belle and Fillmore sts. Fur dresser. Born Nov 10, 1856 in Stockholm Sweden. Married in 1876 to Charlotte Jose- phine Rosen. Educated in the public schools and naval school Sweden. Af- ter leaving school engaged as seaman for several years, moving to St Paul in 1880. Employed first as fur dress- er and engaged in same for self since 188 5, now conducting the largest fur dressing establishment in the U S. Member of city council 2 years; as- semblyman 19 02-1903; alderman S St Paul 6 years. Member Masonic fraternity. K T, Shrine, B P O E and Norden Club. ROSENBAUM Morris L, Minneapo- lis. Res 15 N 15th st, office 211 1st av N. Merchant. Born Nov 12, 18 70 in New York N Y, son of Samuel and Anna (Harris) Rosenbaum. Mar- ried Oct 12, 1902 to Minnie L Gold- stein. Educated in public schools St Paul 187 7-8 5. In father's employ as bkpr and mngr retail clothing busi- ness St Paul 188 6-93; whol clothing salesman 1893-95; retail clothing business N D 189 5-1904; whol cloth- ing Minneapolis 1904 to date. ROSENBERGER Ernst, Mankato. Res 523 N 3d st, office 201-203 S 2d St. Manufacturing confectioner. Born Sept 2, 1857 in Chicago 111, son of George and Christina (Rose) Rosen- berger. Married in 1881 to Miss M J Lowery. Educated in public schools of Jefferson 111. Engaged for 6 years with M E Page & Co Chicago as candy-maker; in employ of Frank Fields & Co until 1880; engaged at his trade in Grand Rapids Milwaukee, New Brunswick, Boston, Philadelphia and Watertown Wis; moved to Man- kato 1890 and established C A Ever- hard & Co mnfg confectioners; with- drew from firm 1893 and engaged in same business as Rosenberger & No- bles until 1895; now Rosenberger & Currier. V pres and treas The Four- Traction Auto Co Mankato and Cen- tral Minnesota Immigration Co. In- ventor of "Kato" 4-Drive Auto. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; A O U W. KOSEXDAHL Martin, Duluth. Res 9 27 E 3d st, office 414 W Superior st. Broker. Born Jan 18, 187 8 in Min- neapolis Minn, son of Peter and Mary Rosendahl. Married Mar 2 9, 1906 to Myra Grandy. Educated in common schools of Stoughton Wis. Em- ploved in various capacities by North- western Fuel Co 1898-19 02; en- gaged in cigar business for self, pur- chasing the Manhattan Cigar Store, owning and controlling 3 branches with railroad ticket brokerage busi- ness combined, which he still con- tinues; established stock brokerage business under his own name June 1906, which continues to date. Ap- jiointed U S dep revenue collector 1905; resigned 19 06. Member Com- mercial Club and B P O E. ROSEXQl 1ST Edwin M, St Paul. Res 1031 St Clair, office 97 E 5th st. Clothing manufacturer. Born Jan 6, 1874 in St Paul Minn, son of Swan P and Ellen (Mattson) Rosenciuist. Married in 189 6 to Ellen Pagett of England. Attended school a short time in Langdon Minn and then Lin- coln public school and business col- lege of St Paul. First engaged with C A Berg jeweler, and then with A S Weller for 5 years; cutter for Kuhl Cumming & Co clothing St Paul until 1893; with Guiterman Bros 1893-96; supt of mnfg dept Grand Forks Wool- 838 Little Sketches of Big Folks. en Mills Grand Forks ND 189 6-1904; returned to St Paul and with L H Schnabel purchased the wholesale and ninfg depts of the Grand Forks Woolen Mills 1905 and incorporated the Dacotah Mnfg Co mnfrs of macki- naw clothing and men's furnishing goods. Is now V pres and sec of same. Member A O U W; Woodmen of American and Commercial Club. of Chicago 1901 and Harvard Law School 1904. Admitted to bar in St Paul 1904; moved to Duluth same year and engaged in the practice of law; associated with A G McKnight June 190 5 and has since been a mem- ber of the firm of Ross & McKnight. Dir First Nat Bank Blue Earth Minn. Member Commercial and Duluth Boat clubs. ROSING Aiisiist G, Red Wing. Res 329 5th St, office 205 Main st. Sec- retary Scandinavian Relief Assn. Born Sept 1, 1822 in Lundby Parish Sweden, son of John and Sophia Ros- ing. Educated in public and private schools of Sweden. Moved to U S and engaged in farming in Goodhue county Minn 1868-88; appointed sec Minn Scandinavian Relief Assn 1888 and has held the office continuously to date. Town elk Cannon Falls 1879-81; justice of the peace Cannon Falls 1879-88; county comnr 1881- 85. Served 3 years in army of Sweden. Member Commercial Club. ROSING Leonard A, St Paul. Res 414 Dewey av, office State Capitol. Member State Board of Control. Born Aug 29, 1861 in Malmo Sweden, son of August G and Marie Charlotte M (Plintberg) Rosing. Married Oct 14, 188 6 to May Belle Season. Educated in the public schools of Minnesota. First engaged in gen store Cannon Falls 1882-88; started business for self under firm name of Van Camjien & Rosing gen mdse 1888; firm changed 1892 to Rosing & Kraft, continuing until Jan 19 06. Demo- cratic candidate for Senate 1894; chairman Democratic State Central Committee 189 6-19 00; private sec to Gov Lind 1898-1900; candidate for governor 1902; chairman executive committee Democratic State Commit- tee 1904; member State Board of Control 1905; term expires 1911. Pres Minnesota Municipal and Com- mercial League 1903-1907. ROSS Guy AVhittier Chadbourii, Du- luth. Res 7 Chester ter E, office 412 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Oct 12, 18 80 in Blue Earth Minn, son of William Ellery Channing and Mary Etta (Chadbourn) Ross. At- tended Blue Earth High School; 1 year at U of M; graduated from Univ ROSSMAN Charle.s H, Minneapolis. Res 33 2 7 Chicago av, office 915 N Y Life bldg. Law. Born Sept 3, 18 57 in Spring Valley Minn, son of Stephen and Ruth R (Allen) Rossman. Mar- ried April 3, 1884 to Celia M Lucian. Educated in the common schools of Spring Valley Minn and Wesleyan Seminary Wasija Minn. Studied law in the office of Judge John A Farmer Spring Valley Minn; admitted to the bar 1888, since which time he has been practicing alone in Minneapo- lis, making a specialty of tax law. Member Hennepin County Bar Assn. ROTHSCHILD Valentine J, St Paul. Res 756 Fairmount av, office 318 Pio- neer Press bldg. Real estate, loans and insurance. Born Feb 14, 18 62 in Lancaster Wis, son of William and Mary C (Tobler) Rothschild Mar- ried to Winifred T Hynes. Educated in high school Lancaster Wis. En- gaged with whol house in Dubuque la for 6 years; removed to St Paul 1888, entering business with his brother un- der the firm name of H & Val J Rothschild real estate, loans and fire insurance. Sec and treas Wisconsin Corporation. Member Minnesota and Town and Country clubs. ROTHROCK John Lincoln, St Paul. Res 45 W 4th st, office Lowry bldg. Physician (R). Born July 12, 1863 in Mifflintown Pa, son of Joseph and Eliza (Sieber) Rothrock. Prepared for college at Missionary Institute Selinsgrove Pa 1880-82; graduated Pennsylvania College Gettysburg Pa A B 18 85; Univ of Pa medical college M D 18 85-8 8; interne Citv Hospital Wilkes-Barre Pa May to Nov 1888, and Philadelphia Hospital, Philadel- phia Nov 1888 to May 1890. Member Minn State Medical Assn; Am Medical Assn; Am Academy of Medicine and Ramsey County Medical Society. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 339 ROrCHLEAU Louis, Duluth. Res 114 7th av E, office 409-410 Lonsdale bldg. Mining. Born May 1, 1859 in Hougliton county Mich, son of J and Amelia (Verville) Roiichleau. Married in 1887 to Char- lotta Alstead. Educated in the com- mon schools of Houghton Mich. En- gaged in exploration of mines and prospecting in Michigan in 1877 and has continued same to date. Dir Globe Consolidated Copper Co Duluth and is interested in other mining properties in all parts of the U S. Member of Kitchi Gammi, Commer- cial, Northland Country, Yacht and Boat clubs: Minnesota Club New York and B P O B. ROUTH George Edward, St Paul. Res 53 7 Holly av^ office 414 Chamber of Commerce. Physician (H). Born July 23, 1847, son of James Win- bourn and Margaret ( Ferguson) Routh. Attended school at Spring- field and Decatur 111; graduated from Miami ]\Iedical College Cincinnati O 18 74. After graduation practiced a short time in Decatur 111; from there removed to Austn Tex, practicing medicine 1875-83. Was member Board of Health Austin Tex and sec Board of Medical Examiners for 16th judicial dist Texas; removed to St Paul 1883 and has since been en- gaged in the practice of his profes- sion. ROWE Joliii H, Minneapolis. Res 263 7 S Bryant av, office cor 2d av N and Colfax av. Lumberman. Born May 15, 1860 in Dutchess county N Y, son of Daniel C and Susan A (Townsend) Rowe. Married July 26, 1905 to Mabel Uyer. Educated in common schools; Degarmo Institute Rhinebeck N Y; and Mount Pleasant Academy Ossining N Y. Engaged as elk in bank Minneapolis 1882-83; employed in lumber business 1883- 89; interested with E W Backus as E W Backus & Co until 1894; with E W Backus Lumber Co until 1897; since then in lumber business for self as pres John H Rowe Lumber Co. ROWLAND Joseph W, Owatonna. Public official and real estate. Born March 7, 18 64 in Liverpool Eng, son of Henry M and Ann J (Wren) Row- land. Married 1891 to Eva M Doo- little. Received his education in pri- vate schools of Liverpool Eng. En- gaged as apprentice in cotton office Liverpool 7 years; moved to Steele county Minn 1884; worked on farm 18 84-86; moved to Owatonna and en- gaged as elk 1886-90; employed by Minn Creamery Co in Minneapolis as bkpr and inspector of creameries 1890-91; mngr of whol commission dept for same firm in Duluth 1891- 94; returned to Owatonna and en- gaged in real estate and insurance un- der firm name of Rowland & Doolittle which he has continued to date. Elected register of deeds Steele county 1904; re-elected 1906; term expires Jan 1, 1909; served as city recorder 3 terms. Member Comer- cial Club; K of P; M W A; Royal Arcanum. RUDE Stephen B, Hastings. Drug- gist. . Born May 24, 1841 in South Bend Ind, son of Richard Rude. Mar- ried in 1885 to Emma E Fisher. Ed- ucated in public and high schools La Porte Ind. Engaged as grocery elk in La Porte 1860-62; dry goods elk 1862-78; same in Hastings 1878- 80; engaged in business for self in Hastings 1880 to date. Served in 12 8th Indiana Vol during Civil War. Member Masonic fraternity. RUDOLPH Anthony B, St Paul. Res 528 Ashland av, office 210 Endi- cott bldg. Sales agt. Born 1871 in Cleveland O. Graduated from Battle Creek (Mich) High School. Member firm A B Rudolph & Co manufactur- er's sales agt St Paul 1893 to date. RUFF De Witt C, St Paul. Res Bald Eagle Lake, office 73 2 Globe bldg. Real estate. Born Feb 12, 1858 near Woodstock Ont, son of Christoffer and Emma (Ayling) Ruff. Married Jan 4, 188 8 to Lizzie A Cooke. Educated in public schools Sandusky O. Engaged as elk for father in furniture business 1873-78; admitted as partner and mngr C Ruff & Co 18 78-84; firm name being changed in latter year to Ruff, Son & Kugler until 1890; moved to St Paul and engaged in real estate business 1891 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity and Knights Templar. 340 Lltflv Sketches of Bif/ Folks. RUGE Peter F, Faribault. Real estate and insurance. Born Feb 17, 1842 in Holstein German j', son of John H and Trina (Schlueter) Ruge. Married in 1869 to Anna M Voss. Ed- ucated in public schools of Germany Employed in his native land as miller until 18 68, when he moved to Fari- bault Minn; engaged in mercantile business Faribault 1868-82, when he sold out and engaged in farming and fire insurance; now employed actively in real estate and insurance. Alder- man Faribault 4 years; mayor 3 terms; elected county comnr 1906; term expires 19 09; re-elected to Board of Health for 3 years. Dir Commercial Club; member I O O F; pres Harmonia Singing Society; pres Bundes Minn Singing Society 3 terms. RU3IPF William H, Faribault. Physician and surgeon. Born Jan 2, 1867 in Dubuque la, son of William H and Adele (Caesar) Rumpf. ' Mar- ried in 1894 to Ethel Gresty of Man- chester Eng. Educated in public schools of Dubuque la; Brooklyn N Y Polytechnic Institute; graduated from Yale College 1888; studied medicine at Berlin and Freiburg and graduat- ed from Kiel Univ 1891. After grad- uation visited medical instutions throughout Europe for 1 year; prac- ticed in Chicago 111 1892-19 03; moved to Faribault 1903, and has been en- gaged in practice to date. Prof of gynecology Northwestern Univ Chi- cago 1892-9 8; member staff of St Luke's and Chicago hospitals 1897- 1903; prof gynecology of the Post- Graduate Medical School of Chicago 1900-1903; lecturer and physician Shattuck Military School ; surgeon C M & St P Ry Co; examiner Minn Nat Guard. Member Am Medical Assn; Minnesota State and Rice iCounty Medical societies; Chicago Gynecolog- ical Society; Chicago Academy of Medicine; Commercial and Golf clubs Faribault; Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar and Shrine. Il^SS^]LIJ Moi-i-is Craw, Lake City. Publisher and printer. Born Feb 2 2, 1840 near Franklin Pa, son of Samuel and Matilda (Raymond) Russell. Married twice: 18 62 to Jennie Byrnes; 18 79 to Mamie S Terrell. Attended country school in his native place. Moved to Minnesota when a boy 1855; engaged in steamboating in all capacities and learned printing trade; engaged in newspaper work on Shakopee Argus and later sold out to Hon Henry Hinds; established Chas- ka Herald; reporter on Nashville Tenn Union American; compositor for M E Pub House Nashville 3 years; mngr Russellville (Ky) Herald; re- turned to Minn 1871 and established Brainerd Tribune; moved to Lake City and connected with Leader; reg- ister U S Land Office Duluth; 3 years on Pacific coast; editor of the River- side and instructor in printing State Training School Red Wing 9 years; returned to Lake City, where he now resides. Served in 2d Minn Inf dur- ing Civil War; discharged for dis- ability received in line of duty; at end of 8 months returned to Minn and served in Sioux War as scout. RIST Cameron Ralph, Duluth. Res Kitchi Gammi Club. Merchant. Born Feb 7, 1868 in Courtland Wis, son of Henry B and Julia (Cameron) Rust. Educated in common schools of Courtland Wis. Learned jninting trade in Waukesha and engaged in same in Milwaukee until 18 89; moved to Mannville Wis as elk in gen store; bkpr in lumber business 1890; moved to Marshfield Wis and engaged in real estate business under firm name of Haywood & Rust 1890-91; moved to Superior; asst postmaster South Superior 1891; employed with Wells-Stone Mercantile Co Duluth 1892; promoted successively from bkpr to mngr in the firm of Stone- Ordean-Wells Co: treas, mngr and dir of same 19 01 to date. Chairman leg- islative committee Commercial Club; member Kitchi Gammi Club; Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar and Shrine. RUSTAl) Alfred T, Wheaton. Pub- lic official. Born June 19, 18 72 in Rio, Columbia county Wis, son of Ole A and Emma (Norgard) Rustad. Ed- ucated in public schools Browns "Val- ley and Wheaton Minn and Willmar (Minn) Seminary. Dep auditor Tra- verse county Minn 1891-95; register of deeds 1S9 5 to date. Member M W of A. Little Sketrhcs of Bit/ F(jlk.s. 341 KUTLElKiE Ai'tliur G, Bemidji. Publisher. Born May 10, 1870 in Viola Minn, son of Thomas Sims and Louisa (Williams) Rutledge. Mar- ried Sept 2 8, 1899 to Helen Mills. Educated in common schools of Dov- er, Rochester and St Cloud Minn; high school La Crosse Wis and Grand Forks N D and Univ of N D. Learned printer's trade and was engaged in same in La Crosse Wis, Park River, Grand Forks X D and St Paul 188 5- 90; published and edited Fisher (Minn) Bulletin 1891-92; connected with Cavalier (N D) Chronicle and Bathgate (N D) Democrat 1892-93; Grafton (N D) News Times 1894-9 5; Crookston Tribune 189 6-98; Cass Lake Times 1899-19 00; Cass Lake Voice 1900-1903; Argyle Argus 1903- 1904; Cass Lake Voice 1904-1905; now v pres and managing editor Bemidji Daily and Weekly Pioneer. Game warden for State Game and Fish Commission. Member K of P and I O O F. KYAX Albert W, Duluth. Res 213 Lake Lake av N. Minister of religion. Born in Mt Clemens Mich, son of William and Anne Louise Ryan. Ed- ucated in the common and high schools Mt Clemens Mich and Ann Abor Mich; graduated from Univ of Mich B A 1878; Sebrany Hall B D 1882; received LL D Faribault Minn 1891; D C L Trinity College 1891; Ph D HI Wesleyan Univ 18 85 and Sc D Worcester Ohio Univ. Was engaged in mission work in Howell and Brigh- ton Minn 1882-1883; rector Trinity Memorial Church Warren Pa 1893; rector St Paul's Church Duluth 1893 to date. Pres and mngr Warren Pa Public Library 1888-1893; pres St Luke's Hospital 1893 to date; Duluth Humane Society 189 7 to date; mem- ber general convention Protestant Episcopal C)- .rch 1892-95-9 8 and 1901; trustee Sebrany Divinity School Faribault Minn. Actively identified with reform movements in Duluth. RYAN Edward P, Stillwater. Phy- sician (R) and surgeon. Born June 19, 1863 in Chicago 111, son of Patrick M and Mary (Lyons) Ryan. Married Aug 189 6 to Lillian McCallan. Edu- cated in Chicago grammar and high schools; graduated from Rush Medi- cal College Chicago M D 1886; N W College of Dentistry Chicago D D S. Engaged in practice of medicine Chi- cago 1886-92; Stillwater 1892 to date. Member Minn State and Washington County Medical societies; B P O E. KYAX Joseph, Duluth. Res 523% W Superior, office 42 6 Manhattan bldg. Detective agency. Born June 15, 18 55 in Galena 111, son of Tim- othy and Mary (McCarthy) Ryan. Married Jan 31, 1886 to Ellen Ham- merton. Educated in the common schools of Dakota county Minn. En- gaged on a farm until 1875; US mail contractor 18 75-7 8; removed to Can- ada and was variously employed 1878- 88; moved to Duluth and engaged in the livery business 1881-85, under firm name of Ryan Bros; in real estate business 18 85-1905; Padden & Ryan real estate and detective agency 190 5 to date. Special officer for city of Duluth 1885-9 7. RYAN 3Iichael A, Duluth. Res 514 E 3d St, office 366-382 Garfield av. Manufacturer. Born Sept 3 0, 1861 in Cape Breton Nova Scotia, son of Daniel and Nancy Ann (Mc- Clellan) Ryan. Married Nov 23, 1886 to Margaret M Black. Educat- ed in common schools of Cape Breton Nova Scotia. Was first employed for short time in Boston 1878; then moved to Bay City Mich, where he was engaged in boiler-making until 1889; founded the Nat Boiler Works Bay City 1889 and sold out 1891; Eureka Boiler Works West Bay City 1891-94; N W Steam Boiler Works Duluth 1894 to date. Pres, gen mngr and dir of Nat Boiler Works W Superior. Member Commercial and Northern Railway clubs; B P O E; K of C; A O H; C M & B A; C O F; Royal Arcanum. RYAN Michael Peter, St Paul. Res 841 Grand av, office 916 N Y Life bldg. Banker. Born Sept 8, 18 49 in Burr, County Tipperary Ireland, son of Martin and Elizabeth (Phelan) Ryan. Married June 2 5, 1902 to Agatha Moran of Chicago. Came to America with parents in 1852; lived with them at Albany N Y 1852-5 7; removed to St Paul 1857; attended St Paul public schools 1857-63; in 342 Little ^Skctchefi of BUj Folks. 2d Minn Cavalry 1863-65; appren- ticed to carpentry trade 1867-70; with Donovan & Bassford architects and builders 187 0-73; worked as journeyman 1873-76; contractor 1876-93; member Butler-Ryan Co contrs 1893-1902; firm built insane asylums at Cherokee la and Fergus Falls Minn; Board of Trade bldg Duluth; Grand Republic and Free- man mills Superior Wis; Noyes Bros & Cutler bldg, the Hale, the Dyer and the Hackett blocks, and the Minn State Capitol bldg St Paul and many others. Mr Ryan retired from active work as a contr in 1902. Pres State Bank and Citizens Savings Bank St Paul; Guaranty Petroleum & Gas Co Indiana; Las Bolas Mining & Milling Co Mexico; St Paul Tropical Develop- ment Co Mexico; Duluth-Superior Iron & Steel Co Duluth; treas Moun- tain Meadow Placer Mining Co Idaho. Retired from bank offices in 1906 to give attention to personal affairs. Member Commercial Club St Paul; Junior Pioneers; Knights of Colum- bus. RYAN Patrick J, St Paul. Res 2 42 Smith av, office 47 Court House. Lawyer. Born March 18, 1883 in St Paul, son of Barney and Bridget (Hayes) Ryan. Graduated from Cretin High School St Paul 1897; Central High School St Paul 1901; U of M college of law 1904 with degree of LL B. In office of C D & R D O'Brien lawyers 1904-1906. 2d asst county atty Ramesy county May 15, 1906. RYDELLi Giistav E, Minneapolis. Res 1627 22d av N, office cor Henne- pin and Washington avs. Merchant. Born Jan 1, 1873 in Sweden, son of Andrew Rydell. Married Feb 24, 189 4 to Emma Bergstrom. Educated in common schools. Moved to Min- neapolis 1886. Learned tailoring business and engaged for self in firm of Soderberg & Rydell until 1895; as G E Rydell 189 5-19 04; organized Ry- dell Clothing Co 19 04 and has con- tinued to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity and K of P. ST JOHN Charles Russell, St Paul. Res 72 6 St Anthony av, office 500- 502 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 13, 1857 in Maxbury O, son of Ralph W and Mary (Brown) St John. Ed- ucated in common schools and Mar- ietta (O) Academy. Studied in law of- fice and admitted 1880; taught school until 1883, since which time he has been engaged in practice in St Paul. Member Ramsey County Bar Assn, Sons of Am Revolution and Royal Arcanum. ST JOHN Floyd, Excelsior. Oflice 318 2d av S, Minneapolis. Man- ager. Born Sept 1, 1879 in Boone la, son of Oliver and Mary (Burgess) St John. Married Sept 1, 19 00 to Bertha Mae Collins. Attended country school near Edison Neb; pub- lic school at Indianola la 1% years; 3 months in stenographic dept Simp- son College. Stenogr 1896-9 9; sales- man with Oliver Typewriter Co Chi- cago 1899-1901; mngr Oliver Type- writer Co at Omaha Neb 1901-1903; at Minneapolis 19 03 to date. Mem- ber Minneapolis Amateur Athletic Assn; v commodore Minnetonka Yacht Club; commodore Minnetonka ice Yacht Club. SAARI John, Sparta. Marchant. Born Feb 24, 187 7 in Finland. Mar- ried in 1900 to Minnie Juntilla. Ed- ucated in common schools of Ishpem- ing Mich; Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter Minn; and U of M; member Sparta Mercantile Co 1898; firm changed to Saari & Campbell 1900 and incorported as Saari, Campbell & Kraker gen mdse 1906; established Saari Bros Eveleth Minn groceries and meats 19 03. Elected to legis- lature 19 04 and 1906. SACHE William Robert, St Paul. Res 667 S Smith, office 306 Court blk. Real estate. Born Nov 2 6, 1847 in Perth Can, son of Henry Hardwick and Mary (Corbett) Sache. Married to Lucretea F Barrett. Educated in common schools of Toronto Can. Learned printer's trade and followed this occupation at Southampton un- til 1872 ; employed by Canadian govt in the survey of northwestern Canada Little Sketches of Big Folks. 343 until 1874; removed to St Paul and later to New York; engaged in prin- ter's trade until 1882; connected with city engineer's office St .Paul as in- spector until 1884; real estate busi- ness under firm name of Somers & Sacha 1884-88; W R Sache 1888 to date. Gen mngr and treas St Paul Homestead Co. SACKETT Addison L, St Peter. Miller. Born Jan 5, 183 9 in Ply- mouth N Y, son of Deckter B and Electa ( Bement ) Sackett. Married Jan 3, 1865 to Julia Roberts. Edu- cated in public schools and academy Norwich Conn. Clk in country store 18 58-61; served in 89th N Y Vol during Civil War 1861-64; moved to St Peter and engaged as bkpr in mill 1865-71; purchased mill with others and now conducts same under firm name of Sackett & Fay. Dir First Nat Bank. Has served as member of county board, city council and as mayor of St Peter. Member Masonic fraternity and GAR. SALLMOX William Henry, North- field. Educator. Born Sept 6, 1866 in London Out, son of Christopher and Mary (McMurdoch) Sallmon. Married in 1903 to Alice B Trubee of Bridgeport Conn. Educated in pub- lic schools London Out; Markham Academy of Milwaukee Wis; Siglar's School Newburgh N Y; Yale College B A 1894; M A 1897; Chicago Theo- logical Seminary D D 1904; colleges of Australasia 1897-99; Egypt, Pales- tine and southeastern Europe 1900; graduate of Yale Univ 1901. Pastor South Church Bridgeport Conn 1902; pres Carleton College since Jan 1903. SALMON Thomas H, Minneapolis. Res 2 7 04 Humboldt av N, office 710 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Feb 10, 1856 in Bloomington 111, son of William and Ellen (Gould) Salmon. Married June 23, 189 8 to Adelaine Z Olivier. Attended public school at Marshall Minn; graduated from Mar- shall High School and WMlder Col- lege academic; law dept U of M 1894. Member Salmon, Grotte & Cristello law firm 1894-1901; Little & Salmon 1901-1905; practicing alone 1905 to date. SALTER William H, Duluth. Res 1318 E 2d St, office 304-310 New Jer- sey bldg. Physician (R) and sur- geon. Born Oct 13, 1867 in Minne- apolis Minn, son of Charles Cotton and Maria (Vaughan) Salter. Mar- ried June 15, 1888 to Helen Macraug- than. Educated in Lawrenceville (N J) School 1879; Univ of Pa 1887; Univ of City of N Y, M D 1892; course in Bellevue Hospital N Y. Practiced in Duluth 189 4 to date. Medical dir Union Mutual Ins Co and Modern Samaritans. Member Duluth Board of Education 6 years; pres 3 years; pres asst School Board of Minn 2 years; member Public Library Board 1905 to date. Member Amer- ican and Minnesota State Medical assns; Northland Country and Du- luth Boat clubs. SAMPLE Charles W, Minneapolis. Res 3046 Irving av S, office 248 3d av N. Manager Nat Biscuit Co. Born April 2 9, 1860 in Round Top Mo, son of Smiley and Eliza (Harris) Sample. Married Sept 23, 1883 to Carrie Segent. Educated in common schools Minneapolis. Engaged in mercantile business 1877-87; employed by Nat Biscuit Co as salesman 1887-99; mngr in Minneapolis 1899 to date. Member B P O E. SAMPSON Henry, Elbow Lake. Banker. Born Feb 11, 1865 in Co- lumbia county Wis, son of Samuel and Esther (Jurgenson) Sampson. Married June 17, 1902 to Thea Amundson. Attended common schools of Wisconsin. Raised on a farm in Columbia county Wis; was employed by Bank of Elbow Lake as elk in 1887; cashr of same 1890 to date. Dir of First Nat Bank Fessenden N D and Grant County Telephone Co. SAMSON Claude C, St Paul. Res 551 Laurel av, office 169 E 3d st. Real estate and farm lands. Born Dec 12, 185 7 in Shelbyville Minn, son of John L and Barbara (Stoek) Samson. Married Oct 14, 1880 to Eva L Louer. Educated in public schools Shelby- ville Minn and academy at Yankton S D. Worked on stock and ranch 1876-79; lived on homestead Moody county S D 1879-84; variously em- ployed as lumber yard mngr in Minn, J44 Little »SA-('/(7h'.S' of Buj Folks. Dakotas and Iowa until 1893. Sheriff Kossutli county la 1893-9 8; in real estate business St Paul 189 9 to date. Member Commercial Club. SAXBOKN Edward P, St Paul. Res 5 05 Oakland av, office 206 Nat Ger Am Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born May 19, 1853 in Epsom N H, son of Henry F and Eunice (Davis) Sanborn. Grad- uated from Dartmouth College class of 18 76. Admitted to the bar of Minn Oct 15, 1879; member of firm of John B & W H Sanborn 18 80-92; John B & E P Sanborn 1892-19 03; since then alone. Member of city council St Paul from 189 7-1900; member Charter Commission St Paul. Member Minnesota and Commercial clubs; Minn Historical Society; grand commander Knights Templar of Minn 1905-1906. SANBORN AValter Henry, St Paul. Res 143 Virginia av, office Federal bldg. Jurist. Born Oct 19, 1845 in Epsom N H, son of Henry F and Eunice ( Davis) Sanborn. Educated at Dartmouth College 18 63-67; LL D 1893; prin of high school in Mil- ford N H 1867-70; admitted to the bar in Minn Feb 1871; member city council St Paul 1878-80, 1885-92; commissioned U S circuit judge 8th circuit March 17th 1892. Eminent commander Damascus Commandery No 1 St Paul 1886-8 8; grand com- mander Knights Templar of Minn 1889; treas State Bar Assn 1885-92; pres St Paul Bar Assn 1890. Mem- ber Minnesota and Commercial clubs. SAXDIJERG Gustaf Pehr, St Paul. Res 22 2 Arundel st, office 43 6 Sibley St. Dentist. Born Feb 17, 1861 i.i Sweden, son of P G and Caroline Sandberg. Married Nov 15, 1888 to Margaret E Moran. Educated in the public schools of Sweden and St Paul; studied dentistry St Paul. Began practice of his profession alone 1885; later incorporated as the Dr Sandberg Co, composed of five dentists, of which he is pres and treas; pres and dir Paragon Mining & Mnfg Co; v pres and dir Chicago-London Mining & Mnfg Co and stockholder in many other corporations. Member Masonic fraternity: I O O F; K P; Redmen; Norden Club St Paul; Odin Club Min- neapolis. SANDBERG John Adolph, St Paul. 9 53 Hague av, office G N Ry bldg. Railroad official. Born Dec 18, 1872 in Peru Ind, son of John J and Bessie (Palm) Sandberg. Married April 25, 1900 to Mabel M Faust. Educat- ed in public schools at Peru and Mex- ico Indiana and St Paul; graduated from St Paul Central High School 1890. Accounting dept G N Ry Co. office boy to chief elk 1890-9 8; chief elk 1898-1902; asst auditor of dis- bursements Nov 1, 1902 to April 10, 1903; auditor disbursements C R I 6i; P Ry Co May 11 to Aug 19, 1903; asst auditor disbursements G N Ry 1903-1905; auditor of disbursements Jan 1, 190 5 to date. SANDER John, St Peter. Educa- tor. Born Nov 3, 1850 in Pennsyl- vania, son of J H and Sophia (Adei'- hold) Sander. Married May 24, 1881 to Lydia A Whitman. Educated in common schools Pennsylvania 1858- 66; Keystone Normal School Kutz- town Pa 1870-73; graduated from Muhlenberg College Allentown Pa, A B 1877; A M 1880; Ev Luth Theo- logical Seminary Philadelphia Pa 187 7-80; degree of L H D from Gus- tavus Adolphus College 1906. Worked on farm until 1868; taught common schools 186 8-73 ; pastor First Ev Luth Church Ridgway Pa 1880-85; prof of German and Latin Gustavus Adolphus College 1885-1903; supt of schools Nicollet county 19 03 to date. Organ- ized First English Ev Luth Church St Peter 1892, of which he was pastor until 1902. SANDER Theodore, St Paul. Res 521 Mississippi st, office Internal Revenue Office. Public official. Born March 18, 1841 in Pyrmont, Waldeck Germany, son of Conrad and Bertha (Artzt) Sander. Married twice: Oct 12, 1868 to Emilie Engels of St Paul (died July 18, 1880); April 23, 1894 to Ida Pause of Oshkosh Wis. At- tended a parochial school in West- phalia Germany until 9 years of age: came to U S with parents 1850; at- tended common schools in Philadel- phia and in Montgomery county Pa 1850-56. Api)renticed to "Bauern- freund" a Sumneytown Pa newspa- per 1856-59; compositor on Press and Pioneer St Paul 1866; with Albert LitUc HhrtcJicfi of Bif/ Folks. 345 Wolff owned and conducted the Staatszeitinig 1866-7 7; organized St Paul Workingmen's Building Society 1870; Franklin Building Society 1876; Workingmen's Building & Loan Society ISSO; was sec of all three until 1901. Served during Civil War from 1861-66. Presidential elector 18 72; register of deeds Ramsey county Minn 1874-75; member legislature 1895; dep state treas Minn 1879-90; dep collector internal revenue 1903 to date. Member GAR, Union Vet- erans Union and Order of Druids. SANDERS Milton T, St Paul. Res 7 76 Laurel av, office N P Ry bldg. Railroad tax commissioner. Born Jan 1, 1869 in Nashville Tenn, son of Moses T and Mary (Ricej Sanders. Married in 1900 to Lillian McQ'iat. Educated in public schools Iowa City and graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 18 95. Entered service of N P Ry as stenogr 1890; chief elk 1894- 98; land atty until 1905; tax con\nr 1905 to date. SANDS Edward F, St Paul. Res 829 Laurel av, office 4th and Wacouta sts. Railroad supplies. Born 1861 in Berlin Wis. Married in 18S9 to Katherine Dindorf. Educated in pub- lic schools. Moved to Minnesota and entered employ of C N Nelson Co Stillwater 187 6-80; with Robinson &. Cary, later Robinson & Gary Co 1880 to date; now v pres and gen mngr of same. Member Minnesota and Com- mercial clubs; B P O E; Northern Railway i^nd N W Railway cluli.^,. SANFORD David, St Paul. Res 602 Canada av, office 3 49 Wabasha St. Lawyer. Born May 31, 182 5 in Egremont Mass, son of John and .-\;i- rora (Farnam) Sanford. Mariied Aug 29, 1859 to Mary M Ray. Re- ceived a school and academic educa- tion. Practiced law 1857-59 at Great Barrington Mass as a partner of Sum- ner with whom he read law; was one of the pioneers who started for Cali- fornia Jan 1849, going overland and arriving there July 5 of the same year; engaged in the practice of law in Sacramento for 3 yeai's; then re- moved to St Paul in 18 53, where he has been practicing ever since. Has contributed largely to the growth and upbuilding of St Paul. SANFORD AVayland W, Duluth. Res 243 2 E 1st St, office 4 05 Lonsdale bldg. Referee in bankruptcy. Born Oct 1862 in Lenox O, son of Henry and Emerett (Spencer) Sanford. Mar- ried March 1890 to Helen Hall. Ed- ucated in the Grand River Institute Austinburg O; and law dept Univ of Mich 1883. Admitted to the bar of Minnesota 1886; practiced as member of firm of Spencer & Sanford 1892; engaged in abstract business 1892- 97; organized Union Abstract Co, of which he is now pres; appointed ref- eree in bankruptcy 5th div dist of Minn 1905. Member Commercial Club and Phi Delta Phi college frater- nity. SARGENT Charles J, Red Wing. Res 410 7th st, office Goodhue County Nat Bank. Banker. Born Sept 13, 18 72 in Austin Minn, son of Millard H and Elizabeth (Decker) Sargent. Married Sept 4, 189 5 to Katherine Fox. Educated in public and high schools Austin Minn. Engaged as elk with First Nat Bank Austin for 17 years; moved to Red Wing and has been cashr of Goodhue County Nat Bank to date. SARGENT Charle.s L, Minneapolis. Res Hotel Berkely, office 4 2 Syndicate blk. Born Oct 21, 1865 in "Prescott Wis, son of Charles P and Mary Helen (Felkins) Sargent. Married 1889 to Myrtle Bryant. Educated in public schools Prescott Wis and public and high schools River Falls Wis; gradu- ated from dental dept U of M, D D S 1888. From graduation has been en- gaged in practice of his profession in Minneapolis to date. SARGENT AVilliam C, Duluth. Res 4541 London rd. office 106 Provi- dence bldg. Real estate, insurance and loans. Born Dec 4, 18 62 in Bos- ton Mass, son of George B and Mary (Perin) Sargent. Married Jan 13. 1887 to Rhobie L Peck. Educated in Shattuck Military Academy Faribault Minn; St John's Military Academy Manlius N Y; graduated from Har- vard College A B 18 78; attended Har- vard Law School 1 year. Moved to Duluth and was employed with N P Ry 1879-81; subsequently engaged in real estate business under the firm 34G Little .Sketches of Big Folks. name of Wm C Sargent & Co Inc, of which he is mngr and dir. Elected sheriff St Louis county 1897; re-elect- ed 1899 and 1901. Dir Duluth Real Estate Exchange; member Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Boat and Yacht clubs; Masonic fraternity; B P O E. SATARY P W, St Peter. Druggist. Born April 2 8, 1871 in Wabasha Minn, son of John and Genevieve (Kuehn) Salary. Married June 14, 189 9 to Carrie Isabel Hodgkins. Ed- ucated in high school Wabasha; busi- ness college Winona; and graduated from Minn Institute of Pharmacy 1891. Employed by James Bennett in drug business St Peter 2 years; then engaged in business for self 1893 to date. Pres Commercial Club; member Knights of Pythias. SATHRE J C, Crookston. Edu- cator. Born Sept 23, 1867 in Adams Minn, son of S P and Elizabeth (Starkson) Sathre. Married Mar 2 5, 1897 to Tilla Amundsen. Educated in common schools of Adams Minn, Augsburg Seminary Minneapolis; graduated M S from Valparaiso (Ind) Univ and LL B from U of M. Princi- pal of Grand Meadow schools 1893- 94; identified with Crookston Col- lege since 1896, pres of same 1899 to date. Member Commercial Club, M W A, K O T M; chairman Polk County Republican Central Commit- tee. SAUGSTAD J, Climax. Farmer. Born May 14, 1871 in Vernon county Wis, son of Rev C and Randine (John- son) Saugstad. Married to Mina Bangen. Educated in c o m m o n schools of Polk county; graduated from Crookston High School 1894; 2 years at Augsburg Seminary Min- neapolis. Has been farmer in town of Roome, Polk county since 1895; with others organized Eldred Coop Creamery Co, of which he was pres 1890-93; organized Eldred Mercan- tile Co; mngr and treas 3 years; post- master Eldred Minn 3 years; "road work" fire insurance companies 1905- 1907. Served as school dir, school elk, town supervisor 4 years; chair- man Town Board 2 years; dir "Vin- land's Farmers Mutual Fire Ins Co" of Polk county 3 years. Now mem- ber Minn House of Representatives. SAVAGE Donald Robeit-son, Win- dom. Educator. Born Aug 8, 1871 in Delafleld Wis, son of Edward and Margaret Ann (Robertson) Savage. Married April 2 8, 1903 to Winifred Robison. Educated in public schools Windom; Carroll Academy Waukesha Wis; graded school Weyauwega Wis; and high school Windom. Engaged in farm and taught school 1891-1901; county supt of schools Cottonwood county 1901 to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. SAVAGE EdAvard, Minneapolis. Res 15 N 15th st, office 83 8 Guaranty bldg. Lawyer. Born May 26, 1840 in Schenectady N Y, son of Edward and Sarah (Van Vechten) Savage. Married twice: 1866 to Sarah Eliza- beth Smith; 1876 to Lydia A Hoag. Educated by private tuition; attended Phillips Academy Andover Mass; graduated from Dartmouth College 18 60; studied law and admitted to bar in Albany N Y. Moved to Minne- apolis 1880 and has been engaged in practice since that time, having been associated first with P M Woodman and later with Charles E Purdy, un- der firm name of Savage & Purdy, which is the present style of the firm. Member Alpha Delta Phi college fra- ternity and Phi Beta Kappa. SAVAGE Francis Joseph, St Paul. Res 593 Laurel, office 210 Lowry bldg. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born March 9. 1875 in Stockbridge Mass, son of Albert B and Sarah (Ad- ams) Savage. Married Feb 16, 1904 to Rachel Schofield Hoge of Washington D C. Attended St Paul High School 1892; academic dept U of M 189 5-96; graduated medical dept M D 1901. Practiced medicine in St Paul 1901 to date; asst city and county phy- sician 19 04-1906. Member Ramsey County and Minn State Medical so- cieties; Minn Boat Club St Paul. SAWYER Charles W, Minneapolis Res 15 06 Emerson av N, office 1400 Washington av N. Lumber. Born Sept 18, 1856 in Standish Me, son of Thomas and Mary (Hutchinson) Saw- yer. Married Nov 2 9, 1877 to Emma C Sawyer. Educated in common schools. Employed by Camp & Walker Minneapolis lumbermen 1880- Little ^Sketches of BUj Folks. 347 85; with Northern Mill Co 1885-93; organized the Glass-Sawyer Lumber Co 1893 which continued until 1900. Moved to Park Rapids in 1900. En- gaged in lumber business; removed to Minneapolis 1905 and organized The Sawyer-Cleator Lumber Co, of which he is pres. Member Masonic fraternity and I O O F. 8AAVYER Edward, St Paul. Res 461 Holly av, office G N Ry Co. Treasurer Great Northern Railway Co. Born July 11, 183 6 in Dover N H, son of Thomas E and Elizabeth (Watson) Sawyer. Married Nov 29, 1859 to Frances P Kelley. Educated in common and high schools Dover N H. First engaged as elk in post- office Dover N H; cashr Farmers & Mechanics Bank Rochester N H 1858- 61; elk N H House of Representatives 1860-61; cashr Merrimack County Bank Concord N H 18 62-6 5; cashr Northwestern Packet Co Dubuque la 1865; moved to St Paul as cashr of Davidson Packet Line 1866; cashr W F Davidson & Co bankers 1868-71; sec of land dept St Paul & Sioux City Ry Co 1871-78. Appointed by cir- cuit court of U S receiver for sale of lands in suit of N P Ry Co against St Paul & Pacific Ry Co 187 8. Elected sec and treas of St Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry Co 1879; treas and asst sec of Great Northern Ry Co 1889, which office he still holds. Dir and treas Montana Central Ry Co; Willmar Sioux Falls Ry Co and treas Spokane Falls & Northern Ry Co. SCAJVNEL P D, St Paul. Res 1223 E 7th st, office 3 07 Court blk. Law- yer. Born July 4, 1865 in Listowel Ireland, son of Michael and Margaret (Daly) Scannel. Married in 1887 to Sarah G O'Brien. Educated in St Michael's Academy Listowel Ireland. Moved to St Paul and engaged as machinist and engineer for several years; was managing editor of Labor Echo; served as reporter on daily papers St Paul; established St Paul Democrat. Studied law and gradu- ated from St Paul College of Law 1903; engaged in practice to date. Member K of P and I O O F. SCHAEFER Alois M, Jordan. Banker. Born Nov 19, 187 7 in Jor- dan Minn, son of John and Mary Anna ( Wernersirchen) Schaefer. Married Oct 15, 19 02 to Lucy W Schmitt. At- tended parochial schools Jordan 1882- 91 ; St Francis Solanus College Quincy 111 1891-94. First engaged as elk 1895-9 8; elk in Scott County Bank Jordan 1898-1903; cashr Peoples State Bank Jordan 1903 to date. 8('HAEFER Anton, St Paul. Office State Capitol. Public examiner. Born Nov 28, 1854 in N Y. Moved with parents to St Paul in 1857 where he was enducated in public schools; en- gaged as trav salesman for whol houses until 1893; pres State Bank of Adrian 1893-96; former member Democratic State Central Committee; pres elector 1896; served as capt in 2d, 3d and 4th regts M N G; nominee 19 06 for railroad and warehouse comnr on Democratic ticket; public examiner since Feb 1, 1907. SCHAEFFER Anson J, Adrian. Editor. Born June 23, 18 64 in Ed- gerton O, son of John and Frances (Bordner) Schaeffer. Married Mar 17, 18 89 to Flora L Vackee. Attended Edgerton O public schools and Ober- lin (O) College. Began newspaper work in Edgerton O, 1888; edited Democrat Clyde O, 1 year; edited Journal Spencerville O 1889-9 4; bought and published Marshall Coun- ty Democrat Lacon 111 1894-99; edited and owned Woodford County Demo- crat Eureka 111 1899-1901; moved to Adrian Minn and has since owned and edited Nobles County Democrat. Sec Phoenix Milling Co Cuba City WMs; sec Board of Education Adrian Minn. SCHALEBEN H O, Thief River Falls. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Feb 11, 1881 in Madelia Minn, son of Valentin and Ingeborg (Hal- vorson ) Schaleben. Married Dec 1904 to Gertrude Ramsland. Attend- ed United Church Seminary Minnea- polis 189 5-9 7: Minneapolis Academy 1898; graduated from medical dept U of M 1903. Engaged in practice in Lake Benton 19 03-1905; then locat- ed in Thief River Falls to date. Mem- ber Minn State and Lincoln and Lyon counties Medical societies; A O U W. 348 Little tach, Minneapo- lis. Res 3236 Oakland av. office Loan & Trust bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 20, 1872 in Milroy, Rush county Ind, son of William E and Margaret (Winship) Smith. Married .June 22, 1904 to Eva 5 Wheeler. Attended common and high schools at New Castle Ind; Wa- bash College at Crawfordsville Ind graduating A B 1898; law dept Univ of Mich 1S9S-99; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1900. Studied law in office of Keith, Evans, Thompson 6 Fairchild Minneapolis 1899. Prac- ticed law in Minneapolis 1900-1905; atty and asst trust officer Minnesota Loan & Trust Co Minneapolis Aug 1905 to date. SMITH J) 1), Mankato. Res 124 Liberty st, office 429 S Front st. Phy- sician (R). Born Aug 9, 1860 in Bea- ver Dam W^is, son of O P and Rose- lie (Brossard) Smith. Married to Emma E Shephard. Graduated from Univ of Missouri M D 1890; Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia M D 1894; post-graudate course New York City 1896; post-graduate course Chi- cago 1898; eye, ear, nose and throat course Chicago 1900. First engaged in practice New Richmond Minn ; moved to Mankato 1900 and has con- tinued in his profession to date. Has owned and operated drug stores in many cities. Member Am, State and County Medical assns; B P O E and Masonic fraternity. SMITH Etlwaid IJ, St Paul. Res 777 Fairmount av, office 606 Manhat- tan bldg. Retired. Born in 1837 in Cleveland Ohio, son of Archibald M C and Beulah A (Granger) Smith. Edu- cated at Lockport Academy N Y. For many years senior member of the firm of Smith, Davis & Co fire and marine insurance Buffalo N Y. Sec of the Western Insurance Co Buffalo; also conducted a line of large lake vessels in Buffalo. Responded to the first call for volunteers 1861 and enlisted in the 6th Ohio Vol Inf in battalion known as "Guthrie Greys" under Maj Bosley and afterwards Col Nick Anderson serving until 1863. Later established the firm of Smith, Parker & Oilman insurance agts. loans, bonds, etc, SI Paul. Pres of the Y M A (Library) in Buffalo N Y (now Buffalo I.,ibrary) for 3 terms; member of Buffalo Club (NY) 1867 of which Pres of U S Fill- more was first pres; member City Club Buffalo; Sons of the American Revolu- tion and Society of Colonial Wars. Member of Acker Post GAR. Is not now engaged in business other than the care of his properties. SMITH Edward E, Minneapolis. Res 3132 Lyndale av, office 812 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born May 5, 1861 at Spring Valley Minn, son of Dryden and Elizabeth Ann (Hines) Smith. Educated in public schools of Spring Valley Minnsota. Has practiced law in Minneapolis 1890 to date. Repre- sentative in state legislature 1894-96; state senator 1S98-1902. Member of Masonic fraternity; Minneapolis and Commercial clubs. SMITH Ernest F, Minneapolis. Res 421 Groveland av, office 1800 Quincy st N E. Lumber. Born Aug 4, 1868 in Pekin 111, son of Hon D C and Carrie (Pieper) Smith. Married Aug 21, 1895 to Julia Walker. Attended United States Naval Academy 1884- 86, and lowan Wesleyan Univ 1886-87. Member of firm of Smith & Zimmer agricultural implements 1890-1900; pres same 1900-1905; organized Henne- 13in Lumber Co 1900, and now pres of same; organized Western Implement Co 1905 and was pres 1 year, retiring 1906; V pres Security Fund Life Ins Co; dir Minneapolis Commercial Club 1903-1904; chairman railroad commit- tee of same; member Minnetonka Yacht Club; Minneapolis Charter Commission 1904-1906. .SMITH George Lucius, Faribault. Judge of probate. Born Sept 27, 1857 in town of Forest, Rice county Minn, son of Alexander and Julia Ann (Fos- ter) Smith. Married IMarch 17, 1884 to Olive Olson of Port Washington Wis. Educated in common schools Warsaw .368 Little Sketches of Big Folks. and Faribault. Worked on farm and taught school; engaged in implement business Faribault 1884; moved to Dundas 1885 and was variously en- gaged until 1896, when he was elected register of deeds; re-elected 1898; dep auditor Rice county 1901-1904; elected probate judge 1904; re-elected 1906. Elected mayor of Faribault Apr 2, 1907; holding the office of judge and mayor at the same time. Member I O O F; A O U W; B P O E; M B A; Samaritans and Faribault Commercial Club. SMITH George Milward, Duluth. Res 226 5th av E, office 302 W Su- perior st. Railroad official. Born Aug 29, 1850 in Jefferson Wis, son of J T and Harriett D (Williard) Smith. Mar- ried Sept 28, 1875 to Fannie B Brown. Educated in the common schools of Superior Wis. Engaged as elk 1867- 70; gen merchandise business for self 1870-74; removed to Duluth in same line 1874-83; gen agt C St P M & O Ry and Chicago & Northwestern Ry 1883 to date. Member Commercial and Northern Railway clubs. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. SMITH George Ross, Minneapolis. Res 114 University av N E, office 410 Security Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born May 28, 1864 in St Cloud, son of David and Katherine (Crowe) Smith. Mar- ried Jan 9, 1895 to Mrs F J Horan. Educated in district schools; gradu- ated from Lake View Academy 1886; taught in academy and became princi- pal same 1891; graduated law dept U of M 1893. Has been engaged in practice in Minneapolis to date, now being member of firm Smith & Thomp- son. SMITH Hansen E, Duluth. Res Central Court W Duluth. Investment banker and mine operator. Born Dec 6, 18 67 of Danish-German parentage. Married in 1891 to Mary Cecelia Wil- son. Educated in public schools Mainstee Mich and graduated from Swensberg's School Grand Rapids Mich. Moved to Duluth 1892 and was connected with the Duluth Gas & Water Co 1892-93; asst treas Du- luth, Missabe & Northern Ry 1893- 94; cashr Iron Exchange Bank 1894- 95; established H E Smith & Co 1895, of which he is the head; en- gaged in organizing and financing mining and other enterprises among which are several Mesaba Exploration Cos; the D R L & W Ry, Rainy Lake Lumber Co, Union Match Co, Palladio Office Building Co, Zenith Coal Min- ing Co, Intermountain Exploration Co etc. Pres of Intermountain Ex- ploration Co Salt Lake City; Zenith Coal Mining Co Zenith N D; officer and dir in others; ex-pres Duluth Wa- ter & Light Dept, Chamber of Com- merce; member of Duluth Charter Commission; one of the organizers and dir Duluth Commercial Club; member Kitchi Gammi Club. SMITH Henry H, Minneapolis. Res 1803 Bryant av N, office cor 2d st and 18th av N. Manufacturer. Born May 27, 1840 in St Stephens N B', son of Elijah and Mary (Knight) Smith. Mar- ried to Julia P Burnham. Educated in common schools of N B. Moved to Minneapolis 1871; employed in lumber business and later went in same busi- ness for self as Smith & Richardson 1874-1902; organized the Diamond Iron Works 1887; incorporated 1903; pres of same to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity. SMITH Herbert Olin, Shakopee. Physician and surgeon. Born Sept 6, 1858 in Dixon 111, son of Eli Clark and Eliza Ann (Mason) Smith. Married May 16, 1882 to J Addie Meacham. Received his education in Dixon (111) High School; Univ of Illinois and Hahnemann Medical College Chicago" graduating Feb 18, 1881. Immediately after graduation located in Shakopee, where he has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. U S pension examiner. Member Minne- sota State and Scott County Medical societies; Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; A O U W and M W A. SMITH J George, St Paul. Res 8 26 Goodrich av, office cor 6th st and Automobile Alley. Manufacturer of chocolates. Born Sept 21, 1866 in Madison Wis, son of J and Mary A (Higham) Smith. Married Sept 10, 1902 to Alice Warren. Educated in St Paul public schools. Engaged in the art confectionery business 1895 to date. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. Little ^^ketches of fii;/ Folkfi. 309 S31ITH J Magill, St Paul. Res 73 2 E 4th St, office 73 E 6th st. House furnishings. Born Sept 6, 1849 in Lex- ington ^Nlich, son of James L and Sarah (Holloway) Smith. Married Sept 6, 1879 to Julia S White. Educated in the public schools of Toledo Ohio. Bkpr Stirling Co carpets Toledo until 1883. Member Smith & Farwell retail house furnishers 1883-90; pres Smith & Farwell Co, same line 1890-1190.5; senior member Smith & Borg Furni- ture Co 1905 to date. Pioneer in th.> Gth st St Paul retail movement. Char- ter member of St Paul Commercial Club. SMITH J Watson, St Paul. Res 801 Goodrich av, office 204 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Boi'u June 3, 1S5.5 in Phillip Me, son of Linus and Eliza Falls (Cook) Smith. Married June 25, 1880 to Minnie G B'eal. Attended Nichols' Latin School; graduated Bates College A B 1877; A M 1880. With Provident Life & Trust Co and gen agt for Minn from 1888 to 1907. SMITH James R, Faribault. Mer- chant. Born Jan 20, 1867 in Faribault Minn, son of Alexander and Anna (Parson) Smith. Educated in public schools and Shattuck Military School Faribault. Engaged as clerk in cloth- ing store 7 years; became member of firm of Carpenter «6; Smith, cloth- ing 1898 to date. Served as lieut in M N G. Alderman 1902-1906; elected mayor of Faribault 1906. Member Masonic fraternity. SMITH John C, St Paul. Res 284 W 3d st, office foot of Jackson. Steamboat operator. Born in 1842 in Wayne county Pa, son of Isaac and Marilla ( Young) Smith. Married in 1868 to Mary Chaffee, Allegan Mich. Received education in dist schools Wayne county Pa. Remained on parent's farm until 2 years of age; then engaged as engineer on steam- boats on Kalamazoo and Grand riv- ers Mich; same on Mississippi river until 1871. Built "Aunt Betsy" 1871, operating same 10 years; built "City of St Paul" 1881, same sunk 1893; bought "Gracie Mower" and built "Hiawatha" 1904; now running them between St Paul and Minnehaha Falls; has also engaged in farming and owns lumber mill in Wisconsin. 23 SMITH John Day, Minneapolis. Res 2720 Pillsbury av, office Court House. Lawyer. Born Feb 25, 1845 in Litchfield Kennebec county Maine, son of Edward Gower and Elizabeth Brown (Lord) Smith. Prepared for college at Litchfield Academy and Waterville Classical School; gradu- ated from Brown Univ 1872; A M 1S75; Columbian I^aw^ School 1878; LL M 1891. Before his college career he enlisted at the age of 17 in Com- pany "F" 19th Maine Vol, June 26, 1862; served in Corps of Gen Han- cock in the Army of the Potomac, participating in all its battles until severely wounded at Petersburg Va June 22, 1864. Was lecturer on law of torts and evidence in Howard Univ 1880-85; lecturer on constitutional law in U of M 1890-1805. Served in the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1889 and Senate 1891-93. Elected judge of the district court in 1904. Came to Minnesota in 1885. SMITH Joseph H, Minneapolis. Res 226 Ridgewood av, office 214 Henne- pin av. Merchant. Eorn July 14, 1853 in Houlton Me, son of Charles B and Christina M (Bray) Smith. Married Nov 1876 to Sarah L Bryant. Moved to Minneapolis 1868. Educated in common schools and U of M. Farm- ing from 1872-78; hardware business as C B & J H Smith until 1893; has since continued alone. Dir State Hardware Assn. SMITH Lyndon Ambrose, Monte- video. Lawyer. Born July 15, 1854 in Bascaweb N H, son of Ambrose and Cynthia Maria (Egerton) Smith. Married Feb 3, 1886 to Dora Rogers. Educated in Norwich Vt Academy 1868-70; Dartmouth College A B 1880; A M 1883; Georgetown (D C) Univ LL B 1882, LL M 1884. Engaged in prac- tice of his profession in Montevideo 1886 to date. Clk Bureau of Education 1880-85; county atty Chippewa county 1889-91 and 1903-1909; lieut gov Minn 1899-1903. Pres Citizens Telephone Exchange and v pres First National Bank Montevideo. Member American Bar Assn. SMITH Milton Stelle, Worthington. Suveyor and civil engineer. Born Jan 1852 in New Brunswick N J, son of Richard Ross and Julia Ann (Stelle) 370 Little hikctrhr.s of Bi(/ FolK: and Hamline I^niv special course 1896- 99. Admitted to i)ractice bv Supreme Court of Minn 1902. Associated with his brother F H Stevens as firm of Stevens & Stevens; in connection with the practice of law they repre- sent and manage the Furniture Com- mercial Agency Co; Lumbermen's Credit Assn; The National Co and several other agencies. One of the organizers and incorporators of the 8th Ward McKinley Republican Assn of Minneapolis. STEVENSON Tlionia.s W, :Minne- ai)olis. Res 2620 Portland av, office 416 1st av N. Merchant. Born Oct 29, 1853 in Attica Ind. son of John and Margaret (Wilson) Stevenson. 380 Littiv Sketches of Bifi Folks. Married Dec 4, 1877 to Cora Vincent. Moved to Springfield 111 and later in 1862 to Maple Plain Minn; moved to Noblesville Ind 1863 and attended common schools. Engaged in mercan- tile business until 1872; moved to River Falls Wis and employed in gen store until 1876-80; moved to St Croix Falls Wis; engaged in general mer- cantile business as Stevenson & Lu- cas; firm changed to Stevenson & Vincent 1881-90; moved to Minneapo- lis 1890 and formed partnership as Patterson & Stevenson; incorporated 1901; has been v pres of same to date. Pres Wholesalers and Manufacturers Assn. Member Masonic fraternity. STEVENSON William John, Du- luth. Res 5719 Oneida st, office 406 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 9, 1870 in Quincy Minn, son of John and Margaret (Carswell) Stevenson. Married Feb 16, 1898 to Flora Noble. Educated in public schools Olmsted Minn; and by private tuition; gradu- ated from law dept U of M, LL B 1893. Engaged in teaching school 1887-91; admitted to bar 1893 and moved to Duluth, where he has prac- ticed to date. First asst county atty. Pres Nast Adjustment Co and Wav- erly Co. STEWART l>arwin A, Winona. Res 78 W 3d St. Physician. Born April .5, 1842 in New Hampshire, sou of Gardner Stewart. Educated in Montpelier Vt public schools and Co- lumbus College New York. Has been engaged in the practice of medicine in Winona since 1870. Owner of Stew- art village, Mcleod county Minn. Member Arlington Club. STEWAHT F >I, St Paul. Res 685 Magnolia, office 307 Nat'l Ger Am Bank bldg. Real estate broker. Born 1851 in Mass, son of John and Chol- lett (Elmer) Stewart. Married 1877 to Ella M Cushman. Received school and academic education in Massachu- setts. Moved to St Paul in 1881 and has been continuously in the real es- tate and loan business since that time. Republican. STEWART Fred S, Anoka. Law- yer. Born Feb 6, 1862 in Towanda, Bradford county Pa, son of Chester C and Emaline (Snow) Stewart. Mar- ried June 30, 1888 to Harriet O Drew. Educated in comomn schools Brad- ford county Pa. Moved to Anoka 1883 ; attended business college Ano- ka 1883; attended business college ka 1883-84; read law with Hamilton Hammons and admitted to bar 1889; has continued practice at Anoka to date. City atty Anoka 1902; judge of municipal court appointed 1902; elected twice and has filled same of- ficial position to date. STEWART Georse W, St Cloud. Res 426 2d av S, office 614V2 St Ger- main St. Lawyer. Born June 18, 1859 in Bellevue Minn, son of Joseph and Johanna B (Hill) Stewart. Mar- ried Aug 23, 1888 to Mary L Hunts- man. Educated in common schools and graduated from St Cloud Normal School 1882; read law in St Cloud and admitted to bar Dec 10, 1884; has practiced to date. Member city coun- cil 7 years; city atty 3 years; member School Board 20 years; Minn State Reformatory Board 2 years; ])res 3 years. Member K of P and B P O E. STEWART Oliver E, Hastings. Physician. Eorn in 1874 in Danville 111, son of Oliver and S M (Cass) Stew- art. Married in 1903 to Hazelbell Boothe. Educated in public schools, Danville and Chicago 111; graduated in Val])araiso Ind 1898; Hahnemann Hospital College Chicago 1902-1903; practiced medicine in Chicago; in Bricelyn Minn 1904-1906; in Hastings to date. STEWART Robert Decatur, St Paul. Res 425 Portland av. office same. Lawyer. Eorn 1873 in St Paul, son of Jacob Henry and Kath- erine (Sweeny) Stewart. Educated in St Paul public schools; Baldwin School; High School St Paul; Har- vard Univ; U of M. Has practiced law in St Paul 1900 to date. STICKNEY Alpheus Bede, St Paul. Res 288 Summit av. Railway official. Born June 27, 1840 in Wilton Me, son of Daniel and Ursula Maria Stick- ney. Married twice: first 1864 to Kate Little Sketches of Big Folks. asi W H Hall; second to Mary Crosby. Received school and acedemic educa- tion in Maine and New Hampshire. Taught school and later practiced law 1862-69; commenced building C St P & O Ry (N Wis Ry) in 1871 and in 1879-81 was supt of construction of part of Gt Nor and Can Pac roads; organized and constructed first sec- tions of Wis Minn & Pac Ry 1881; Chicago Great Western 1883; is now pres of the latter; organized and built St Paul Union Stockyards 1882. Re- cently prominently identified with the fight against rebating. STILWELL Eugene J, Minneapo- lis. Res 1900 Park av, office 400 S 5th St. Merchant. Born June 27, 1849 in Newberg Wis, son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Salisbury) Stilwell. Married March 19, 1878 to Katie M Goewey. Moved to St Paul 1852. Edu- cated in common and high schools. Employed in mercantile business un- til 1873; in paper with Averill, Rus- sell & Carpenter 1873-86; firm was changed to Averill, Carpenter & Co, of which he was a member until 1891; changed to Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Co 1891; sold out interest in 1905; became interested in Minne- apolis Paper Co 1893; now pres and treas of same; moved to Minneapolis 1901. Member Masonic fraternity; Commercial and Lafayette clubs. STIXE Charles P, St Paul. Res 385 Iglehart st, office The Commer- cial Club. Born Oct 5, 1869 in Leban- on Pa, son of Simon J and Maria S (Suavely) Stine. Educated in public schools of Lebanon; preparatory school Philadelphia. Moved to St Paul 1884; engaged as treas Minn Type Foundry Co 1884-96; sec Com- mercial Club 1896 to date; sec Minn Editorial Assn. STIl{NP]iMAN Jacob Jr, Winona. Res 272 Broadway, office 107 W 3d St. Wholesale fruits. Born April 5, 1854 in Rochester N Y, son of Joseph Stirneman. Educated in public schools Rochester N Y. Employed in baking business Rochester N Y 1874-75; fore- man for D M Anthony Co bakers Cleveland O 1875-77; engaged in bak- ing business for self Winona 1877-78; same in La Crosse Wis 1878-91 in whol fruit business Winona 1894 to date. STIVERS Edgar, Dodge Center. Editor. Born Oct 6, 1865 near Dodge Center, son of Daniel and Sophia W (Saunders) Stivers. Married April April 14, 1892 to Ellen McCadden. Educated in public schools of Dodge Center Minn and Urbana (Ohio) Univ Was part owner in Dodge County Rec- ord 1888-90; established Dodge County Star 1S90 and has conducted same to date. STOBBAKT Arthur James, St Paul. Res 1025 Laurel av. office 710 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 31, 1872 in England, son of Ralph and Elizabeth (Williamson) Stobbart. Graduated from Gloucester College Eng 1889; at- tended U of M 1894-1898; LL B 1897; LL M 1898. Began practice of law 1897 ; deputy clerk of the district court of Ramsey county 1898-1900; asst cor- poration atty St Paul 1900-1902; coun- sel for Board of Water Commissioners St Paul 1900-1902; counsel for Nafl Surety Co of N Y 1903-1905; north- western mngr for Fidelity and De- posit Co of Maryland 1905 to date; dir Kendrick Chemical Co. Member Delta Chi Law fraternity Minn; A F & AM; B P O E; Lincoln Club St Paul; Minnesota Society NY; K of P (ap- pointed maj gen Uniform Rank Oct 1905) ; member New York Bar. STOCKWELL Silvanus Albert, Minneapolis. Res 3204 E 51st st, of- fice 304 Andrus bldg. Life insurance agent. Born June 8, 1857 in Anoka Minn, son of Silvanus and Charlotte (Bowdish) Stockwell. Educated in common schools of Anoka Minn. Elev- en years with American Exp Co; 4 years special agt for Provident Life & Trust Co; gen agt Penn Mutual Life Ins Co with office at Minneapo- lis 1895 to date. Member Minn House of Representatives 1891 and 1897; State Senate 1899-1901; Democratic candidate for U S House Rejjresenta- tives 1896. Member Commercial and Jefferson clubs; Minneapolis Assn of Underwriters; pres Minneapolis Mu- nicipal Ownership League. 382 Little i, Cloquet. Pub- lisher. Born Nov 14. 1874 in Gaspi Canada, son of R D and Helen (Hol- lick) Vibert. Married May 8, 1897 to Agate Roney. Educated in public schools Rochester England. Moved to Cloquet 1887 and has been engaged in newspaper business from that time; purchased the Pine Knot 1896 from Pine Knot Pub Co and has continued to publish same. Member Masonic fraternity. A'IGEX J (i, Fergus Falls. Phy- sician (R). Born in 1864 in Norway, son of Gunder J and Sarah N (Gul- seth) Vigen. Married June 1906 to Martha Bartelson. Educated in Red Wing Seminary and St Paul High School and graduated from medical dept U of M 1894. After graduation was engaged in hospital work in St Paul City and County Hospital for 1 year; practiced 1 year in Dawson Minn and moved to Fergus Falls, where he has been engaged in his 408 Little 8l-etcJies of Big Folks. profession to date. Asst and dir St Luke's Hospital Fergus Falls; health officer and city physician. Member American Medical Assn; Park Region Medical Society; Chippewa Ckib; ex- amining physician for insurance com- panies. VILLAUME Eugene, St Paul. Res 123 W Isabel. Manufacturer. Born Aug 2, 1853 in France, son of Nicholas and Richarde (Gerardin) Villaume. Married in 1877 to Christine Moosburg- ger. Educated in public schools of France. Came to United States 1872 and worked as box-maker until 1882; in business 1882-86 with his brother Victor Villaume; dissolved and con- tinued alone until 1896, when the busi- ness was incorporated under firm name of Villaume Box & Lumber Co of which he is president; also pres International Lumber & Supply Co. Pres Friends' Society and member Commercial Club and A O U W. VITTUM Percy, St Paul. Res 241 Prescott St, office South St Paul. Com- mission merchant. Born May 31, 1867 in Earaboo Wis, son of D S and Aman- da P (Hall) Vittum. Married Feb 5, 1891 to Sadie A Keller. Attended pub- lic school at Baraboo Wis 1876-80; gunnery Washington Conn 1880-85; Pierce Business College Philadelphia 1885-86; St Paul Medical College 1886- 87. Employed by the Taylor-Craig cor- poration 1888; live stock commission business 1888 to date. Pres Percy Vit- tum & Co live stock commission mer- chants incorporated Feb 5, 1906. VOEGELI Thomas, Minneapolis. Res 1514 Hillside av, office cor Henne- pin and Washington avs. Druggist. Born Sept 24, 1856 in New Glarus Wis, son of Tobias and Anna R (Wichser) Voegeli. Married Feb 23, 1887 to Char- lotte Skinner. Moved to Fountain City Wis. Attended common schools and State Normal School at Plattville Wis. Taught school 1872-83; moved to La Moure N D and engaged in drug busi- ness 1883-87; moved to Minneapolis 1887 and has been in drug business under firm name of Voegeli Bros Drug Co Inc, to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity and B P O E. A'OGEL Joseph H, New Ulm. Phy- sician and surgeon (R). Born March 28, 1879 in New Ulm Minn, son of Joseph P Vogel. Married Jan 2 4, 1906 to Antonia B Crone. Edu- cated in New Ulm public schools; Minneapolis Academy Minneapolis; Rush Medical College and University of Chicago Chicago. Health officer New Ulm. Member Brown and Red- wood County Medical societies; State Medical Assn. VOGEL Louis G, New Ulm. Coun- ty auditor. Born May 24, 1868 in New Ulm, son of Joseph P Vogel. Edu- cated in the schools of New Ulm. First employed as bkpr in Empire Mill Co New Ulm 1894-96; elected county au- ditor 1896, which office he has held to date. Member M N G; regimental adjutant 12th Minnesoat Vol Inf Span- ish-American War; now asst adju- tant gen of brigade. VOGT Herman, Minneapolis. Res 409 N E Adams st, office 112 Kasota blk. Brick mamxfacturer. Born Oct 15, 1845 in Germany, son of Frederick and Elenore (Schemer) Vogt. Educated in common schools of Germany. Came to United States 1858; worked on farm until 1864; served in 4th Minn Vol Regt in Civil War. Engaged in brick manufacturing business 1882- 1906; since retired. Alderman Minne- apolis 1886-92. VOLLAND Jacob E C, Ada. Real estate. Born Oct 20, 1S55 in Wash- ington county Wis, son of Henry and Theresa (Myer) Volland. Married thrice: in 1876 to Mary E Camp; in 1883 to Josephine Seigh; in 1891 to Alda M Berringer. Educated in com- mon schools of Wisconsin. Engaged in farming until 1882; moved to Ada and was engaged in butcher business 1882-84; in hotel business 1884-86; established a real estate business under name of J E C Volland Land Co, of which he is the proprietor and has conducted same 1886 to date. Served as dep sheriff Norman county 9 years; village constable 8 years; member city council 5 years; twice • mavor. Member I O O F; K of P and M W A. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 409 A'ON BAUMBACH Frederick, Alex- andria. Office 201 Custom House St Paul. Government official. Born Aug 30, 1838 in Germany, son of Louis and Mina (Von Schenk) Von Baum- bach. Married in 1863. Educated in public schools of Elyria Ohio; by private tutition, and in business college Milwaukee. First engaged in bank until 1860. After Civil War estab- lished drug business in Fond du Lac Wis; subsequently moved to Douglas county Minn. Elected county auditor Douglas county 1872; re-elected 1874- 76-78; elected secretary of state 1879, and re-elected 1881 and 1883. Re- turned to Douglas county and was elected county auditor. Appointed in- ternal revenue collector 1898, which office he still holds. Enlisted as priv- ate in 5th Wisconsin Infantry at begin- ning of war and was rapidly promoted reaching rank of major 1864. Mem- ber GAR; Loyal Legion; I O F and Masonic fraternity. VON BORLAND Frederick J, Belle Plaine. Physician and surgeon (R). Born Dec 29, 1866 in Bremerhaven Germany, son of Louis and Frida (Klatte) Von Bohland. Married June 14, 1891 to Sophia Miller. Educated in preparatory school of Univ of Ger- many; high and normal schools Man- kato; studied again in Germany; re- turned and graduated from medical dept U of M 1891. Practiced his profession in Belle Plaine to date. Pres Belle Plaine Canadian Land Co; v pres First National Bank; county physician; member pension board; surgeon and physician for Home of Aged and Orphans, Lutheran Synod Iowa and Minnesota. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; examining physician for insurance companies and fraternal orders. W WACK3IAN Casper, Detroit. Lum- ber and implement dealer. Born -Apr 14, 1853 in New York, son of Joseph P and Lavina C (Bevier) Wackman. Educated in public schools of Green county Wis and Worth county Iowa. Engaged in farming, elk in store, con- ducted dray line; engaged in imple- ment business 1886; added lumber 1891 and has continued in same to date. V pres First National Bank; postmaster Detroit 1894-98; member Commercial Club and Masonic fra- ternity. WADE Edward Francis, Fairmont. Insurance. Born Feb 28, 1839 in Union, Essex county New Jersey, son of David and Joanna Wade. Married April 1860 to Amelia A Sherwood. Educated in public schools Union N J and private school Johnstown Wis. Engaged in farming in Wisconsin 1859- 62; served in Civil War as private 30th Wisconsin Volunteers; 2d lieut and capt 46th Wis 1862-66; resumed farming in Wisconsin 1866; postmaster Hooker Wis, county comnr, county treas 1867-70; moved to Minnesota 1872 and engaged in farming until 1875; gen store and postmaster Cedar- ville 1876-81; elk of district court 1881- 90; dir Fairmont National Bank; elk of School Board 10 years; member Board of Equalization 4 years. Sec Fairmount Buildng & Loan Assn 1891 to date. AVAGENER John, St Paul. Res 51 Buckingham Hotel, office 490 E 7th st. Born April 21, 1862 in St Paul, son of John and Susanna (Hahn) Wagen- er. Married in 1886 to Julia Haggen- miller. Educated in parochal and pub- lic schools in St Paul and St Paul Btisiness College. Grocer 1880-96; suc- ceeded his father in the real estate and fuel business 1886-1906; sec and treas John Wagener & Co 1886 to date. City treasurer St Paul 1895 and 1896; sheriff Ramsey county 1897-1900. Member Democratic and Commercial clubs St Paul; West St Paul Club. WAHL Thomas AV, Duluth. Res 2006 E 1st St, office 201 Exchange bldg. Real estate. Born Nov 14, 1873 in Eau Claire Wis, son of W H and Dorothy W Wahl. Educated in the public schools and business college Duluth. Engaged as elk in real estate business 1889-189V, when he entered same business for self under firm name of T W Wahl; incorporated as T W Wahl & Co 1902, real estate and iron lands, of which company he is now pres. Member Kitchi Gammi, Boat and Curling clubs of Duluth. 410 Lifth' Sketches of B'kj FcjR-s. WAINMAN Charles P, Minneapolis. Res 3325 Parle av, office Telephone hldg. Telephone official. Born 1846 in Utica New York, son of A J T and Elizabeth (Paul) Wainman. Worked as telegraph operator; mngr American District Telegraph Co Cleveland Ohio 1875; electrician Cleveland Telephone Co 1877-80; mngr and supt Cleveland Telephone Co 1880-86; gen supt N W Telephone Exchange Co Minneapolis 1886-91; gen mngr of same 1S94 to date; v pres and gen mngr of N W Telephone Exchange Co 1904 to date; vice pres and gen mngr Duluth Tele- phone Co and Mesaba Telephone Co; director Minnesota Central Telephone Co; V pres Albert Lea Telephone Co; dir Litchfield Telephone Co. Served 2 years in the 2d New York Heavy Artillery during the Civil War and was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor June 3, 1864. Member of Com- mercial and Minneapolis and Long Meadow Gun clubs; Town and Country Club St Paul; Kitchi Gammi Club Du- luth and Rawlins Post GAR Minne- apolis. WAITE Harry IJ, Minneapolis. Res 1807 Colfax av S, office Security Bank bldg. Lumber. Born July 23, 1865 in Chicago, son of Henry J and Ann (Ellis) Waite. Married March 18, 1891 to Luella Lichty. Attended Minneapo- lis High School; Minneapolis College Hospital. Pres H B Waite Lumber Co and Phoenix Lumber Co; v pres Sobey Mnfg and M H Coolidge companies Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs Minne- apolis; M N G. WALKER Charles E, St Paul. Res Merchants Hotel, office room 2 David- son blk. Clothing. Born June 6, 1866 in Camden New York, son of Giles and Elizabeth (Stroup) Walker. Educated in the common schools of Camden N Y and Casenovia Seminary Case- novia N Y. Engaged in farming until 1893; trav salesman for Mosler Safe & Lock Co 1893-96; same Diebold Safe & Lock Co 1896-1902; same with John G Miller & Co Chicago 1902-1906; now representing Friend & Marks manufac- turers of men's clothing. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; U C T and Knights Templar and Shrine. WALKER George H, St. Paul. Res Marlborough Flats, office 7th and Rob- ert sts. Born 1858 in Boston Mass, son of S H and Sarah H (Piper) Walker. Married 1888 Maude Edgar. Educated in Boston public schools and entered commercial life as errand boy in hat business 4 years; Geo A Fenno clothing 5 years; R H Waite & Co dry goods 6 years; all of Boston. Dur- ing past 18 years has been connected with the Plymouth Clothing House Minneapolis and St Paul; Mannheimer Bros St Paul 4 years; returning to Plymouth Clothing House as pres; Nicollet Clothing House Minneapolis; now gen mngr Plymouth Clothing House St Paul. Member of National Guard Mass 1875-81. WALKER Thomas B, Minneapolip. Res 803 Hennepin av, office 807 Hen- nepin av. Timber lands, logs and lumber merchant. Born Feb 1, 1840 at Xenia, Green county Ohio, son of Piatt Bayless and Anstis (Barlow) Walker. Married Dec 19, 1863 to Har- riet G Hulet. Educated by his mother and at Baldwin University Berea Ohio. Trav salesman for Hon Fletcher Hulet grindstones; contracted to furnish cross ties and cord wood for railroad in Illinois. Taught school; returned to commercial traveling; on govern- ment survey at Minneapolis 1862-65; surveyed for St Paul & Duluth R R 1865-66; member lumber firm of But- ler, Mills & Walker 1866; lumber manu- facturer alone several years: member lumber firm of Camp & Walker; pres Red River Lumber Co; member firm Walker & Akeley owners of pine lands. Founded Central City Market and Commission Row Minneapolis; promoted building of St Lous Park Minneapolis; originated Business Men's Union; built the old Athenaeum and Minneapolis Public Library and pres of its board of directors since it was organized in 1885. Art pro- moter and renowned collector. WALKER WaylaiKl W, Duluth. Res 1821 E 1st st, office 307 Palladio bldg. Railroad official. Born June 3, 1868 in St Catherines Ontario, son of Charles and Abigail (Rice) Walker. Married Feb 1895. Educated in public schools. Has always been engaged in the railroad business, serving as Little ShrfcJivs of Biff FoR-s. 411 clerk, chief clerk, trav freight agt, asst freight agt and gen freight agt of Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry, since 1884 with headquarters in Du- luth. Member Kitchi Gammi, Com- mercial, Northland Country, Yacht and Curling clubs and Board of Trade. WALL Whitney, Duluth. Res 14 29 Jefferson st, office Palladio bldg. Real estate. Born Sept 22, 1863 in Milwau- kee Wis, son of Caleb and Julia M (Whitney) Wall. Married Feb 3, 1892 to Rosa McDonald. Educated in the common schools of Milwaukee and grammar school of Racine Wis. Em- ployed with Robinson & Gary Co St Paul 1881-83; gen mngr Merchants Transfer Co 1883-85; with St Paul Street Ry 1885-86; real estate business 1886-90; mngr Metropolitan Hotel 1890- 91; real estate business 1891-1894; special agt U S Treasury Dept at Du- luth 1894-99; real estate and insurance business Duluth 1899 to date. Pres and dir Star Investment Co Duluth and dir R A Torrey Inc. Sec Duluth Real Estate Exchange; member Com- mercial, Curling and Yacht clubs Du- luth. WALLACE James, St Paul. Res 1596 Summit av, office Macalester Col- lege. President Macalester College. Born 1850 in Wooster O, son of Ben- jamin and Janet (Bruce) Wallace. Educated at Canaan Academy 2 years; Ohio Central College 2 years; Wooster Univ 4 years; Athens Greece 1 year; A B, Ph D, LL D. Tutor and prof of Greek Wooster Univ until 1887; prof of Greek Macalester College St Paul until 1890; dean of same 1891; pres of same 1894 to date; pres Min- nesota branch American Peace Soci- ety. WALLBLOM ( hailcs, St Paul. Res 1089 Jessie st, office 400-410 Jackson St. Furniture. Born March 5, 1842 in Sweden, son of Peter Olson and An- nie Helena (Ecklund) Wallblom. Mar- ried in 1870 to Matilda Swenson. Edu- cated in public schools of Sweden, la- ter learning the trade of carriage-mak- ing. Came to Minnesota 1852 and moved to St Paul 1867; employed in sash and door factory of Corliss, Chat- man & Drake 1867-86; engaged in the furniture business as Wallblom & Horsell Furniture «6; Carpet Co 1887- 94; when the firm was changed to its present form Wallblom Furniture & Carpet Co. Chairman Swedish Old Setlers Assn; pres Bethesda Benevo- lent Society; chairman Englebrodt Be- nevolent Society; chairman Minnehaha College which is soon to be built. Member legislature 1892. WALLER (ieorge C, Merriam Park. Born May 21, 1851 in Hannawa Falls N Y, son of Judson J and Cordelia (Smith) Waller. Educated in common schools of St Lawrence county N Y and normal school Potsdam N i . En- gaged as drug clerk 1871-75; in same business for self 1875-89; life insurance solicitor 1890-1893; mngr for N Y Life Ins Co 1893-1902; for Germania Life Ins Co N Y 1902-1906. V pres Sayre- Strong Grain & Mercantile Co Cal- gary Can; Harvey Mercantile Co Har- vey N D; pres Thistle Gold Mining Co E'akersville B C. Member Commer- cial Club St Paul. WALLIN Charles Louis, Gaylord. Publisher. Born Feb 20, 1874 in Swe- den. Married June 24, 1903 to Miss Martha Henke. Attended Gaylord pub- lic schools. Began business as print- er with the Gaylord Hub 1887; fol- lowed trade continuously with excep- tion of a few years; formed partner- ship with A T .Johnson 1889 and pur- chased the Hub under firm name of Wallin & Johnson; sold interest in same 1901 and purchased Arlington Enterprise 1903, conducting same 2 months and then assumed full control of the Hub in May 1903. Served 2 terms as village recorder. WALTHEK Edward, St Paul. Res 443 Dayton av, office 304 Pittsburg bldg. Physician (H). Born July 8, 1835 in Allstedt, Saxe-Weimar Ger- many, son of Edward and Augusta (Caesar) Walther. Married Aug 23, 1860 to Katherina Misz. Educated in German schools and seminaries. Came to U S in 1856; returned to Germany for the study of medicine; graduated in Germany 1860; practiced medicine 1860 to date; graduated from St Louis College of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons 1871; practicing in St Paul 1871 to date. Member County and State Medical societies and Ameri- can Medical Institute. 412 Little Sketches of Big Folks. WALTHER Theodore G, St Paul. Res 696 Goodrich av, office cor 4th and Rosabel sts. Merchant. Born Dec 8, 1847 in Milwaukee Wis, son of Carl and Louise (Bogk) Walther. Received his education at public schools of She- boygan Wis and Ripen College. Ripen Wis. Entered the employ of F Law- rence, hardware merchant Sheboygan 1862; removed to St Paul 1871 and was employed by Strong, Hackett & Chapin whol hardware, established 1860; is now v pres of the successors, Hackett, Walther, Gates Hardware Co, established 1900. WALTON Edmund G, Minneapolis. Res 802 Mt Curve av, office 114-116 S 4th St. Real estate. Born 1864 in London England. Married in 1889. Came to U S on ranch in North Da- kota 1885; came to Minneapolis 1886 and opened an office for exploiting suburban properties; exploited Sunny- side 1890; Lowry Hill 1893; Linden Hills 1896; Walton Park 1900; Co- lumbia Heights 1905. Dir Arcade In- vestment Co; pres Minn Debenture Co; Anglo-American Investment Co; Edmund G Walton Agency; v pres Thelm Mnfg Co. AVALZ MiehaeL Perham. Real estate and banking. Born Oct 1:3, 1852 in Mendota 111, son of Michael and Eva (Schmidt) Walz. Married Feb 5, 1883 to Lizzie Reis. Educated in public schools St Joseph and St John's Col- lege Collegeville, Minn. Taught school in Stevens county 1870-77; engaged in mercantile business Otter Tail county 1877-90; organized Bank of Perham 1890; sold interest 1900; real estate and loans 1900-1907; now pres Bank of Egeland N Dak; Member Minn House of Representatives 1903 and 1907. WARD Frank J, Minneapolis. Res 31o E 14th St, office 511 Lumber Ex- change. Born 1876 in Waukon la, son of William and Ellen Ward. Received his education in the public and high schools of his native town. First em- ployed with Northern Lumber Co For- est City la; 1893-1902; same Esther- ville la 1903; now sec, gen mngr and dir Eclipse Lumber Co Minneapolis, established 1904. Served 5 years in the 4th Regt la Nat'l Guard; now member of Battery "B" 1st Artillery M N G. Member Commercial and Roosevelt clubs Minneapolis and K of C. WARD Gersham B, Alexandria. Banker. Born April 10, 1852 in Mc- Henry county 111, son of George and Betsey (Bennett) Ward. Married Sept 27, 1877 to Mary W Westerfield. Educated in Hedding Seminary Abing- don 111; and Northwestern Univ Evan- ston 111. Moved to Alexandria 1876 and has since engaged in the banking business. Pres First Nat'l Bank; mem- ber Board of Education 24 years; State Legislature 1901; State Senate 1903- 1905; State Normal School Board 2 years; on staff of Govs Nelson and Clough. Member Masonic fraternity and Shrine. AVARE Edwin M, St Paul. Res 487 Laurel av, office 312-313 Nat'l Ger Am Bank bldg. Mortgage loans, real estate and care of estates. Born Sept 21, 1834 in Bridgeton N J, son of John S and Elizabeth (Reeves) Ware. Twice married: Mar li, 1858 to Lucy Top- ham (died May 18 1878) ; Dec 16, 1882 to Rebecca Oakford. Educated in public and private schools Bridge- ton N J. Was for many years suc- cessfully engaged in the gen store business in Btidgeton; later removed to St Paul and established the firm of E M & R L Ware April 1, 1891,which became E M & H F Ware, 3 % years ■ later. Member Minnesota Club St Paul; Minnesota Society of New York; Society of Colonial Wars. WARE Howard F, St Paul. Res 561 Laurel av, office 313 Nat'l Ger Am Bank bldg. Real estate and mort- gage loans. Born Nov 25, 1858 in Bridgeton N J, son of Edwin M and Lucy (Topham) Ware. Married Aug 20, 1891 to Clara M Wilson. Educated in the public schools and the West Jersey Academy Bridgeton N J, re- moving to St Paul Feb 20, 1887 and for 1 year was employed by E W Peet & Son, loans and insurance; was mem- ber firm of B F Weight & Co St Paul 1888-94, since which time he has been of the firm of E M & H F Ware; en- gaged in the care of estates, mort- gage loans and insurance. Member Society of Colonial Wars; Minnesota Club; Minnesota Society of New York, Little Sketches of Big Folks. 4i: WARE John Kowlaiul, Minneapo- lis. Res 707 S E 7tli st, office 53S-54U Lumber Exchange. Lawyer. Born Jan 18, 1878 in Rochester Minn, son of Milton W and Emma L (McCarter) Ware. Educated in public schools of Pipestone Minn; graduated from U of M, A B 1901; U of M law dept LL B 1904. Engaged with A B Jackson 1901- 1902; with Wilson & Mercer 1903; en- gaged in pi'actice alone 1904 to date. Member Delta Upsilon college frater- nity. WARE Joseph Edwin, Minneapolis. Res 515 9th av S E, office St Anthony Falls Bank. Banker. Born May 17, 1863 in Morrison, Whiteside county 111, son of Joseph and Martha Emma (Roy) Ware. Married April 28, 1886 to Kate Webster. Attended common and high schools at Morrison 111; Be- loit College Wis 3 years; graduated from Carleton College Northfield Minn 1883. Studied law in office of Rea, Kitchen & Shaw Minneapolis 1883; employed in Commercial Bank Minne- apolis 1884; banking in company with brother at Clark S Dak 1884-87; part- ner of F E Barney, loans and insur- ance Minneapolis 1887-92; sold to Bar- ney 1892; organized St Anthony Falls Bank 1893; cashier of same 1893 to date. WARNE Edwin Ciooi'se, St Paul. Res Farrington pi, office 107 E 6th st. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born July 10, 1870 in St Paul, son of John and Sarah (Gill) Warne. Married in 1894 to Nellie E C Poulter. Educated in public schools of St Paul and private schools in England; graduated from Hamline Univ M D 1897. Practiced medicine in St Paul 1897 to date. Member Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Medical societies; medical examiner Metropolitan Life Ins Co of N Y. Member Junior Pio- neers. WARNER Fred Lester, Redwood Falls. Public official. Born Dec 17. 1857 in Berlin Wis, son of Zimri and Judith (Hall) Warner. Married Oct 7. 1882 to Lydia B McMillan. Educated in public school of Lake City Minn. Served as clerk in U S Land Office at Redwood Falls Minn 1879-84; in real estate and loan business at same place from 1884-96. Was elected clerk of district court of Redwood county 1896; re-elected in 1900 and 1904; now serving 3d term. Served 2 terms as city recorder Redwood Falls and first asst clerk of Minn Legislature 1885 and 1887. WARXER Leon C, Minneapolis. Res 1714 Como av S E, office 1 S 6th St. Merchant. Born Jan 11, 1876 in Grand Meadow Minn, son of Frank R and Anne Elizabeth (Greening) War- ner. Married to Evelyn Lucile Shel- ton. Educated in Minneapolis public schools and graduated from high school 1895. Engaged in business with F R Warner 189 5-97; of Gardner- Warner Hardware Co 189 7-19 00; in- corporated Warner Hardware Co 1901 and has been pres of same to date. WARNER Lucien, St Paul. Res 546 Holly av, office 116 E 3d st. Real estate. Born Feb 22, 1837 in Gramby Mass, son of Bask and Joania (Adams) Warner. Married Nov 18, 1858 to Delia F Silby. Educated in Massachu- setts schools. Asst city engineer Da- venport la 1857-58; Chaska Minn 1865- 74; contractor St Paul 1874-85; real estate St Paul 1885 to date. WARNER Reuben Jr, St Paul. Res 172 Nina av, office 4th and Sib- ley sts. Merchant. Born Oct 15, 1870 in St Paul, son of Reuben and Mary (Robinson) Warner. Married 1892 to Gabriel Hutchins. Graduated from Shattuck School 1889. Engaged with the present firm of Lindeke, Warner & Sons, whol dry goods 1890 and was admitted to membership 1894. Pres Board of Fire Commissioners 1900 to date. Member Commercial and Auto- mobile clubs; Junior Pioneers; Ma- sonic fraternity and B P O E. AVARNER R P, St Paud. Res 315 Summit av, office 3d and Broadwav. Wholesale grocer. Born Aug 26, 1871 in St Paul Minn, son of W P and Anna W (Richmond) Warner. Educated in private schools St Paul and studied law in the office of his father W P Warner 1903-1904. Employed in the stock dept and as trav salesman for Foot, Schulze & Co whol boots and shoes 3 years; engaged with Griggs Cooper & Co whol grocers 1899; be- 414 Little Sketches of Biff Folks. came treas of same firm 1901, which office he now holds. Member Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Nushka, Town and Country, Minnesota Boat, and White Bear Yacht clubs. AVARKEN Alvah H, St Paul. Res 64.5 Fairmount av, office .5th and Wa- couta sts. Wholesale dry goods. Born Jan 9, 1855 in Maine, son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Hall) Warren. Mar- ried in 1883 to Clara Levings of New York. Educated in public schools of York County Me. Employed in dry goods store 1873-75; manufacture of parasols 1875-84; moved to St Paul 1884; since treas Tibbs, Hutchings & Co whol dry goods. Member Masonic fraternity and Shrine. WARREN Hei-bei't, Duluth. Res 725 E 1st St, office 106-108 Michigan St. Railway official. Born Sept 2, 1865 in Rushville 111, son of Augustus and Mary (Speed) Warren. Married Aug 16. 1893 to Marie Mitchell. Edu- cated in common and high schools Rushville 111. Employed as accountant Minneapolis 1884-85; engaged in vari- ous capacities with St Paul City Ry Co until 1893, when he was appointed gen mngr of Duluth Street Ry Co. Member M N G 1888-93; Kitchi Gam- mi, Commercial, Northland Country, Boat and Yacht clubs. WASHHURN AVilliam Drew, Min- neapolis. Res Fair Oaks, office 201 Metropolitan Life bldg. Born Jan 14, 1831 in Livermore Me, son of Israel and Martha (Benjamin) Washburn. Married April 19, 1859 to Elizabeth L Muzzy. Educated in Me district and high schools Livermore Me; Gorham Academy 1845; South Paris Academy 1847; Farmington Academy 1850; Bow- doin College 1850-54. graduating A B received degree of LL D 1902. Located in Minn 1857; practiced law; engaged extensively in lumbering and saw mill- ing; also flour milling; flour mills united with mills of Pillsbury & Co 1889, forming Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co Ltd, the largest flour milling enterprise in the world; built and operated Minneapolis & St Louis R R 1877-83; Minneapolis. St Paul & Sault Ste Marie R R 1885-89; also pro- jected and built Bismarck Washburn & Great Falls Ry. Dir and chairman local board Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co Ltd ; principal owner and pres Washburn Lignite Coal Co (mines in N Dak) ; Washburn Elevator Co (elevators in N Dak) ; North Star Feed & Cereal Co Minneapolis; dir M St P & S Ste M R R Co. U S sur- veyor gen of Minn 1861-65; member Minn Legislature 1858 and 1871; mem- ber U S House of Representatives 1879-85; U S senator 1885-95. Member Union League Club New York City; Minneapolis and Commercial clubs Minneapolis; pres First Universalists Society; trustee and pres Lakewood Cemetery Assn. WASHINGTON Lawrence G, St Paul. Res 587 Summit av. ofl^ce 309 N Y Life bldg. Contractor. Born June 2, 1860 in Hastings Minn, son of Rich- ard and Ellen C Washington. Married Jan 5, 1897 to Gertrude A Miller. Edu- cated in public schools. Employed by Robinson-Cary Co 1880-86; since in Portland stone business; propr Port- land Stone Co. Member Minnesota, Commercial and Town and Country clubs. WATERMAN Clyde, Minneapolis. Res 2019 Kenwood pkway, office 1036 Guaranty bldg. Lumber. Born Jan 10, 1868 in Buda 111, son of Z and Sarah (Dickey) Waterman. Married Dec 17, 1896 to Carrie Estella Butler. Educated in Doane College Crete Neb. Engaged in lumber business in Ne- braska 1890-1900; came to Minneapolis and engaged in same business 1900- 1905; organizer and pres Rowe-Water- man Lumber Co; organizer Gas Sav- ings Co 1893 and became pres 1900. Member Commercial Club. AVATKINS Francis Asbury, Carle- ton. Judge of probate. Born April 7, 1853 in Stark N H, son of Orick Will- iam and Susan T (Harlow) Watkins. Married Aug 23, 1900 to Elizabeth E Hewett. Graduated from Baraboo (Wis) High School; graduated from Lawrence Univ Appleton Wis B S 1880; later M S. Attended Columbia (N Y) Law School 1887-88. Studied in law office Hudson Wis 1880-82; admitted to bar Duluth 1883. County auditor Carlton county 1884-89; en- gaged in law practice and real estate business Superior Wis 1888-95; ap- pointed probate judge Carlton county 1903; twice re-elected 1904 and 1906. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 415 AVATKIXS Joseph Ray, Winona. Res 206 E Broadway, office cor 4th and Liberty sts. Manufacturer of medicines. Born Aug 21, 1840 in Cin- cinnati O, son of Benjamin N and Soplironia (Keller) Watkins. Married in 1*68 to Mary E Haberling. Edu- cated in the public schools and Bel- mont (formerly Farmers) College. En- gaged in farming near St Cloud Minn 1862-69; began the manufacture of medicines in Plainview; moved to Wi- nona 1885 and established the J R Watkins Medicine Co, of which he has been pres and treas to date. WATKIXS Paul, Winona. Manu- facturer of medicines. Born Nov 9, 1864 in Lebanon O, son of William and Julia A (Morris) Watkins. Mar- ried Oct 16. 1889 to Florence E Hen- derson. Educated in public and high schools Dayton O. First employed in grain business Toledo O 1883-85; moved to Columbus O and was pur- chasing agt for Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co; later sec and treas Central Ohio Natural Gas & Fuel Co until 1892; moved to Winona and en- gaged in manufacture of medicines; V pres and sec Tne J R Watkins Medi- cine Co; dir Second Nat'l Bank. AVATKINS Stephen Clin, Carlton. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born March 28, 1851 in Amherst N H, son of O W and Susan T (Harlow) Wat- kins. Married Dec 26. 1884 to Olive Berry. Educated in Baraboo (Wis) High School; graduated from Univ Med College of City of New York 1880. Began practice of medicine in Carl- ton Minn 1880; i)racticed in Stillwater 1891-95; in Willow River 1895-97; re- turned to Carlton and resumed i)rac- tice to date. Member Minn State and St Louis County Medical Societies. WATKIXS Victor M, St Paul. Res 525 Holly av, pres Amherst H Wil- der charity. Born June 17, 1838 in Newburgh N Y. son of Victor M and Juliet (Egbert) Watkins. Married in 1865 to Cecelia Buckhont. Educated in public schools and Newburgh (N Y) Academy. First engaged in book business and banking in Newburgh; moved to St Paul and engaged with Merchants Nat'l Bank 1879-81; with Amherst H Wilder until his death. since then has been managing executor of the Wilder estate. Dir Merchants Nat'l Bank; St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co; at one time pres Sioux City & St Paul R R Co. Member Minn and Commercial clubs; Masonic fraternity and Knights Templar. WATLAXl) Albeit O, Albert Lea. Dentist. Born Feb 20, 1875 in New Sharon la, son of Ole and Bertha (Strom) Watland. Educated in public schools Iowa; Penn College Oskaloosa; Univ of la and Chicago College of Dental Surgery, graduating 1898. Practiced in New Sharon 1898-1905; Albert Lea 1903 to date. Member State Dental Assn, Masonic fraternity K of P and B P O E. WATSOX Frederick K, St Paul. Res 63 S Avon st. Banker. Born Sept 7, 1846 in Bangor Me, son of Samuel Newell and Eliza (Pierce) Watson. Educated in public schools of Michigan; graduated Hillsdale College Mich 1869; A M 1872. Read law and was admitted to the bar 1872. Prac- ticed law 1872-74; bank cashr 1874-79; l)rivate banker Wells Minn 1879-87; pres Investment Co St James Minn 1890-94; pres Wells (Minn) Bank 1894- 1903; ]u'es Watson Thompson Co farm lands 1903-1906. Pres village Wells Minn; Board of Education; Business Men's Union; pres Midland Ry Co. WATSOX John Jay, St Paul. Res 96 Virginia av, office Ryan bldg. Real estate and loans. Born May 1, 1850 in Ulster county N Y, son of George and Isabella (Slorach) Watson. Married Oct 19, 1882 to Joanna Barry. Edu- cated in district school Niagara Falls N Y. Engaged in real estate business St Paul to date. Member Minnesota and Commercial clubs St Paul; Iro- quois Club Chicago and Reform Club N Y. WATSOX Robert, Minneapolis. Pension attorney. Born June 9, 1838 in Decatur county Ind, son of David and Phoebe E (Kennedy) Watson. Married Sept 12. 1865 to Harriet May- hew. Educated in common schools. Moved to Houston county Minn 1852; learned printer's trade at Brownsville Minn, in office of Southern Minnesota Herald 1852-54; on La Crosse Demo- 416 Little ^l-etchcs of BUj Foils. crat 1860-61; served in 1st Wis Bat- tery 1861-65; employed in Indianapo- lis Ind until 1867; located in Redwood Falls 1867; postmaster 1870-79; moved to Minneapolis 1880 and engaged in newspaper business until 1893; started as pension atty in 1900 and has con- tinued to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity and I O O F. WATTERBERG Fritz, Brecken- ridge. Public official. Born in 1875 in Sweden, son of Johan and Lotta (Swenson) Watterberg. Married in 1905 to Jennie L Johnson. Educated in State Normal School Moorhead Minn. Engaged on farm until 1902; grain buyer for Jenkins Elevator Co,. 1903; with Fargo Bridge & Iron Works 1904; elected county treasurer which office he still holds. AVATTS William, Crookston, Judge 14th judicial dist. Born June 9, 1850 in Stanley, Huron county Ont, son of Matthew and Hannah (Simpson) Watts. Married March 20, 1884 to Edith Webb. Attended common schools in Ontario; graduated from Univ of Mich law dept LL B 1877. Engaged in practice of law in Crookston Minn 1878-99; when he was elected judge of 14th judicial dist; re-elected 1906, term expires 1912; served as county atty Polk county 1883-84; city atty Crookston 1885; member City Council Crookston 1886-99; Board of Educa- tion 1895-98; referee in bankruptcy 1898. Member Am and Minn State Bar Assn. WEATHERHEA!) Jasoii, Ada. Pub- lisher. Born May 26, 1877 in Minne- apolis Minn, son of Louis and Mary (Oakes) Weatherhead. Married Oc.: 9, 1901 to Lottie M Watson. Educat- ed in public schools of Ada. First on- gaged as apprentice to printer's trade on Norman County Herald in 189i"''; was continuously employed on the pa- per until 1891, when he purchased same; which he has conducted to date. Appointed to State Board of Equali- zation by Gov Johnson 1905 for term of 2 years. Member Minn Editorial Assn; K of P. WEAVER Edgar, Mankato. Res 923 S Front st, office Court House. Public official. Born 1852 in Milton Rock county Wis, son of Asa and Katherine (Van Anawerp) Weaver. At- tended public schools and Milton Col- lege Wis. Moved to Mankato and was engaged as gen agt for J I Case Co 1879-99; auditor Blue Earth county 1901 to date. Pres Minnesota State Fair 1894-97; mayor of Mankato 1893- 97; member Minn State Capitol Com- mission 1897 until the completion of the capitol. Member Masonic frater- nity; A O U W, U C T and B P O E. WEAVER Joseph Oscar, St Paul. Res Newport Flats, office 7th and St Peter sts. Educator. Was born Dec 9, 1874 in Macomb 111, son of John H and Mary Frances (Nunn) Weaver. Mar- ried Aug 24, 1898 to Lillian M Glas- gow. Educated in common schools of Taylor county la; Western Normal College Shenandoah la; graduated from normal course 1898; scientific course 1900; took degree of B D, B Acct and B S ; received the degree of M Acct 1903. Was engaged in teach- ing while attending school; taught rural and high schools 1894-1900; prin commercial dept of Fall City (Neb) High School 1900-1903; prin commer- cial dept S Dak Univ 1903-1904; asst mngr State Blisiness College Minne- apolis 1904-1905; teacher and asst mngr Globe Business College St Paul 1905 to March 1906; v pres and mngr from March 1906 to date. WEBBER Clarence Albert, Minne- apolis. Res 302 S 11th st, office 916 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 29, 1866 in Urbana 111, son of James Henry and Amanda Olivia (Farson) Webber. Educated in the public and high schools of Urbana 111; gradu- ated from the law dept U of M 1893; LL M 1894. Atty and dir Minnesota Canners Co and Belle Plaine Canning Co; is associated with Fred B Dodge in the firm of Dodge & Webber, es- tablished 1900; has been practicing law since his graduation. Member Commercial Club and Commercial Law League. WEBBER Marshall B, Winona. Lawyer. Born Aug 2, 1850 in Ray- mond Wis, son of Samuel Webber. Married 1879 to Agnes N Robertson. Educated in ])ublic schools of Racine Wis; graduated from Helsdale College Michigan 1875; admitted to bar in IJWc Sketches of Buj Folks. 417 Winona 1877; has practiced law in Winona 1877 to date. Member Tjiisi- ness Men's Assn; Board of Trade. WEBSTER Elbert 31, Glenwood. Lawyer. Born Aug 10, 1853 in W^au- kesha county Wis, son of Alba and Ann D (Morgan) Webster. Married July 1904 to Jennie Tinker. Educated in common schools of St Croix county Wis; River Falls Institute; Hinckley's Military Academy; graduated from Univ of Wis law school 1875. Engaged in practice of law Glenwood Minn 1S75 to date; now of firm of Wester & Ol- son; county atty Pope county 15 years; mayor of Glenwood several terms; member Minn House of Representa- tives from Pope county 1907. WEBSTER John, St Peter. Pub- lic official. Born Dec 20, 1848 in Swe- den, son of Andrew and Ingrid (John- son) Webster. Married twice: Nov 14, 1874 to Emily Larson; Nov 24, 1879 to Emma C Johnson. Educated in common schools of Nicollet county and St Angar's Academy Carver Minn. Located with parents in Nicollet coun- ty 1857 and worked on farm until 1891, when he was elected county treas which office he has held to date. Mem- ber Minn House of Representatves 1885-87. AVEEKS Leonard C, Detroit. Phy- sician and surgeon. Born March 8, 1869 in Hartland Wis, son of Thomas and Mary E (Bissell) Weeks. Mar- ried June 22, 1898 to Harriet Hildreth. Graduated from high school Litchfield Minn; attended U of M; graduated from Rush Medical College Chicago 1892; served as interne in Presbyteri- an Hospital Chicago. Teacher of an- atomy and physiology in Rush Medi- cal College 1894-95; practiced medicine in Detroit 1896 to date. Established Detroit Hospital 1905; coroner Becker county. Member Am Medical Assn; Clay-Becker County and Minn State Medical societies; Detroit Cominoi-cial Club. WEEKS Thomas Edwin, Minneapo- lis. Res Lake Minnetonka, office .502 Pillsbury bldg. Dentist. Born May 5, 185:3 in Massilon O, son of John Butler and Emily M (Smiley) Weeks. Attended public schools at Gardiner Me, and Mansfield O; left Mansfield High School in second year on account 27 of health; studied dentistry wth Dr Wm F Semple at Mt Vernon O; also while teaching in Minneapolis Hos- pital College; D D S in 1886. Prac- ticed dentistry in Mt Vernon O 1875- 76; Council Bluffs la 1876-80; Minne- apolis 1880 to date. Held chair of operative dentistry and dental anat- omy dental dept U of M until 1901; dean of the college 2 years. Author of a work on operative dental technics, j)ublished 1893. Member and ex-pres Minn State Dental Assn; member and ex-pres Nat'l Dental Assn; life mem- ber and ex-pres Nat'l Institute Dental Pedagogy; associate member N Y Institute of Stomalology; honorary member of several state societies. WEIL Jonas, Minneapolis. Res 1518 3d av S, office 722-724 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 9, 1874 in Chicago, son of Isaac and Hannah (Bachrach) Weil. Married Feb 15, 1905 to Caroline L Sicher. Attended public schools in Minneapolis; gradu- ated from Central High School 1893; U of M academic dept 2 years; gradu- ated law dept LL B 1898. Has prac- ticed law in Minneapolis 1898 to date; connected with Hall & Kohlner law firm Minneapolis 1900-1906. V pres district No 6 Independent Order B'nai B'rith; member Modern Woodmen of the World; Royal League; Indepen- dent Order Brith Abram; Masonic or- der; Am Bar Assn; and Delta Chi law college fraternity. WEINHAGEX Charles, St Paul. Res 361 Bates av, office 480-484 Jack- son St. Manufacturer. Born Oct 29, 1860 in Germany, son of George and Emilie (Wetzig) Weinhagen. Married April 26, 1890 to Margarete Eggers. Educated in the high schools of Ger- many. Came to the U S 1879 and lo- cated in Milwaukee; was variously employed until 1886, when he moved to St Paul and established Chas Wein- hagen & Co, manufacturers of paper boxes, folding boxes and labels, of M'hich he is sec and treas. Sec and treas Dulutli Paper Box Co Duluth. Member Commercial Club, St Paul Turnverein and Sons of Hermann. WEISER George IJ, New Ulm. Res 611 Centre st. Physician and surgeon. Born Sept 7, 1857 in Dalmatia, North- umberland county Pa, son of Charles 418 Little Sketches of Bic/ Folks. S and Sarah (Brosins) Weiser. Mar- ried Oct 2, 1890 to Sara C Schoch of Selins Grove Pa. Educated in pub- lic schools of Dalmatia Pa; Berrysburg (Pa) Seminary; Freeburg (Pa) Acad- emy; Sunbury (Pa) Academy; gradu- ated from Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia Pa 1879. Practiced medi- cine in McKees Half Falls Pa 1879-93; New Ulm 1893 to date. Coroner Snyder county Pa 1888-91; now pres Board of Education New Ulm; member advis- ory committee Minn State Sanitarium for Tuberculosis; member and ex-pres Brown and Redwood Counties Medical societies; member Minnesota Valley Medical Society and Minn State Medi- cal Society. Dir Brown county Bank, New Ulm Minn. WEISS Anton C, Duluth. Res 1615 E Superior st, office The Herald office. Publisher. Born Sept 20, 1S62 in She- boygan Wis, son of John and Louisa (Fleischer) Weiss. Married Oct 5, 1887 to Mary D Sherwin. Educated in common and high schools at Redwood Falls Minn. First engaged as printer in newspaper oflfice Redwood Falls Minn; with Pioneer Press St Paul as asst gen mngr 1890; purchased Du- luth Evening Herald 1890 and has been pres, treas and gen mngr to date. Democrat in politics. Member Duluth City Council for several years; mem- ber Board of Prison Managers 1898- 1902; Democratc presidential elector 1904. Member Kitchi Gammi, Commer- cial and Northland Country clubs; Du- luth and Chicago Press clubs. WELCH Geoi-ae O, Fergus Falls. Physician (H). Born in Boston Mass. Educated in public schools of Boston graduated from Boston Univ 1887. En- gaged in practice at Westboro (Mass) Insane Hospital 1887-92; supt Fergus Falls State Hospital Minn 1892. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; K T. WEL( H James Marion. St Paul. Res 11.5 Western av N, office 60S Pitts- burg bldg. Dentist. Born 1854 in Baltimore Md, son of George and Mary (Kirby) Welch. Married in Dec 1884, to Miriam E Nilgus. Attended public and private schools in Balti- more; in U S Signal Service School Arlington Va 1876; St Paul Medical School 1S78; Missouri Dental College 1879-80; dental dept Univ of Mich 1881-82; member firm of Lawton & Welch, dentists St Paul 1883-85; prac- ticed alone 1885 to date. Served in Maryland State Cavalry and U S Sig- nal Service. Member White Bear Yacht Club; Nushka Curling Club. WELCH A'ictor John, Minneapolis. Ret. 138 N 17th st, office 916-921 'Tho Phoenix. Lawyer. Born Oct 8, 1860 in Madison W^is, son of William and Jane (Petherick) Welch. Married Nov 10, 1887 to Elizabeth H Jones. Edu- cated in public and high schools Madi- son Wis; graduated from law dept Univ of Wis 1880; admitted to bar same year. Moved to Minneapolis 1882 and has continuously prarcticed to date, first as member Welch, Botkin & Welch until 1892; Welch & Welch 1892-94; Penny, Welch & Hayne; Welch, Hayne & Conlin; now Welch Hayne & Hubachek. Former member Wis Nat'l Guard; M N G, sergt to capt 1882-87; judge advocate general of Minn McGill administration. Mem- ber Minneapolis Club. WELLES George William, Duluth. Res 1523 E 1st st, office 229-245 S 5th av W. Merchant. Born July 17, 1872 in Ortonville Mich, son of A C and Achsah (Drummond) Welles. Mar- ried Sept 12, 1902 to Jane M McLen- non. Educated in common schools Or- tonville Mich. Clerk in hardware busi- ness Michigan 1888-92; moved to Du- luth and employed with Marshall Wells Hardware Co 1892-96; Kelley Hardware Co; now sec and dir Kel- ley-How-Thompson Co. Member Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Boat, Yacht, and Northland Country clubs; B P O E. WELLINGTON Frank Edward, Big Lake. Public official. Born Oct 5, 1858 in Camillus, Onondaga county N Y, son of Erastus P and Mary C (Gard- ner) Wellington. Married Oct 5, 1881 to Agnes M Snow. Attended district school Big Lake and Jefferson School St Paul. Worked as telegraph opera- tor at Big Lake 1875-86; as railroad station agt at Elk River and Big Lake Minn for N N and N P Rys 1888- 1902. Elected register of deeds of Sherburne county Minn 1902; now serving 3d term. Little ;<:kete]ics of Big Folks. 419 WELLS Edward Paysoii, Minneap- olis. Res 230 Oak Grove st, office Se- curity Bank bldg. Banking and mill- ing. Born Nov 1847 in Troy Wis, son of Rev Milton and Melissa (Smith) Wells. Married March 3, 1871 to Nel- lie March Johnson. Common school and academic education. Lived in Min- neapolis 1S68-71; Milwaukee 1872-78; Jamestown N D 1878-99; Minneapolis 1899 to date. Promoted and was pres James River Valley R R (now that part of Northern Pacific between Jamestown and Uakes N D) 1881-83; V pres and pres Aberdeen, Bismarck & N W R R (now part of Soo System) 1887-88; pres Jamestown & Valley City Telegraph & Telephone Co 1881-1900; pres James River Nat'l Bank; Wells & Dickey Co bankers; Russell-Miller Milling Co; Occident Elevator Co; dir N W Nat'l Bank Minn. Member Min- apolis, Minikahda, and Lafayette clubs Minneapolis; Reform Club N Y City. AVELTER Leslie, Moorhead. Mer- chant. Born May 6, 1864 in St Tho- mas Ont, son of David and Margaret (McLellan) Welter. Married Sept 10, 1889 to Ella G Gedney. Educated in St Thomas Collegiate Institute, gradu- ating 18S2. Sec Moorhead Brick Co; sec and treas Red River Telephone Co; propr of firm of Leslie Welter, wnol potato shippers. WELZ Frederick II, St Paul. Res 1035 Summit av. Retired. Born Sept 19, 1833 in Berlin Germany. Married in 1857 to Marie Theresa Golpfert. Educated in public schools of Ger- many. Propr of woolen gou^.s factory, Finsterwalde Germany 1857-73; in res- taurant business Philadelphia 1874; ])ropr Park House Indianapolis; propr Clarendon 1882-86, Mercnants 1887-92, and Rvan 1893-1904 hotels in St Paul; pres W^elz-Mangler Co whol wines. WEXZELL Henry Burleigh, St Paul. Res 11 Summit ct, office 317 State Capitol. Lawyer, and supreme court reporter. Born April 21, 1853 in Newton Mass, son of Henry and Mar- tha A (Smart) Wenzell. Edscated at Cambridge (Mass) High School; Har- vard College A B' 1875; universities of Leipzig and Gottingen; Harvard Law School LL B 1S82. Practiced law in St Paul 1883-96; member W^enzell & Tiffany, lawyers St Paul 1889-94; state reporter IS 95 to date; compiled gener- al statutes of 1894 2 vols; reporter Minnesota reports 1895-1905, vols 60 to 96. Trustee and treas Roselawn Cem- etery. Member Historical Society; state and county bar assns; Am Bar Assn ; Harvard Club of Minnesota, sec 1887 to date; society of Colonial Wars; Sons of the Revolution; Minnesota Club St Paul. WERGEDAHL Edward <>, St Paul. Res 225 Arundel st, office 205 Dispatch bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 1, 1875 in St Paul Minn, son of O B and Martha Wer- gedahl. Educated in graded and high schools of St Paul; U of M law school, graduated with degree of B L 1899; M L 1903. Practiced law alone 1903- 1904; in legal dept St Paul City Ry Co 1905 to date. Charter member and ex-v pres Roosevelt Republican Club; ex-sec Ramsey County Bar Assn. Served 3 years in Co "C" 1st Inf M N G. Deputy clerk district 1st court of Ramsey county 1900-1904. WERXER Nil.s O, Minneapolis. Res 1906 Elliot av S, office Swedish Am Nat'l Bank. Banker. Born Jan 19, 1848 in Sweden, son of O N and Chersten WVrner. Married Aug 17, 1872 to Eva C Anderson. Graduated from College of Christianstad Sweden in 1868. Admitted to the bar and prac- ticed law in Red Wing 1871-1888. Moved to Minneapolis 1888; organized the Swedish Am Nat'l Bank as cashr and mngr 1888; pres 1894 to date. WERT Josiah E, St Cloud. Real estate. Born Dec 13, 1833 in Green county O, son of Caleb and Elizabeth (Elam) Wert. Educated in country schools O. Moved to St Cloud 1856 and engaged in mercantile business and brick manufacturing until 1862; en- listed as private in 7th Minn Vols 1862 and was mustered out as capt 1865; returned to St Cloud and engaged in general merchandise business until 1886; organized and was gen mngr St Cloud Water Power & Mill Co; built dam across Mississippi river at St Cloud; now sec St Cloud Mut Building Loan & Savings Fund Assn; trustee Soldiers Orphans Home 12 years; post- master St Cloud 21 years. Member GAR. 420 Little Sketches of Big Folks. WESSEIj Henry F, St Paul. Res 984 Ashland av, office 4th and Jackson sts. Merchant. Born 1857 in St Paul son of Mathias and Sophia (Stolle) Wessel. His father was a member of Co "E" 5th Minn Regt in the Civil War. Educated in district schools; public schools and Prof Taylor's Pri- vate Academy St Paul. Reared on a farm; taught in country schools and clerked in stores; salesman for Ber- risford Co St Paul 1881-86; mngr Friend Bros Clothing Co Milwaukee Wis 1885 to date; in charge of St Paul office. Member of Commercial, and Town and Country clubs St Paul. Nominee for presidential elector on the Democratic ticket 1904 for the 4th congressional district. AVEST Charles L, Austin. Mer- chant. B'orn March 30, 1846 in Stockton N Y, son of David and Harriet A West. Married Dec 18, 1872 to Charlotte C Hall. Educated in common schools of Mitchell county la and Cedar Valley Seminary Osage la. Engaged in retail crockery business Austin Minn ; formed a co-partnership with R O Hall under firm name of Hall & West 1873 and opened a dry goods store, which con- tinued until 1899, when he purchased partner's interest and has continued the business under the firm name of Chas L West to date. Member staff of Govs Merriam, Nelson, McClough, Van Sant and Johnson 1889 to date; served as alderman and mayor of Austin Minn; member legislature 1896-1900. Member Masonic fraternity; K T; Austin Progressive League. WEST John Briggs, St Paul. Res 91 Crocus pi, office 3d and Wabasha sts. Publisher. Born Aug 6, 1852 in Roxbury Mass, son of William C and Louisa P (Briggs) West. Educated in public schools of Roxbury and Maiden Mass. Employed in Boston 1867-70; removed to St Paul 1870; organized John B West & Co, later The West Publishing Co, law book pub- lishers 1874; incorporated 1882; pres West Publishing Co until 1899; now pres Keefe-Davidson Co organized 1899. Originator of the National Re- porter System, Cyclopedic Digest, Cur- rent Law, etc. Director American National Bank. WESTFALL William P, St Paul. Res 940 Portland av, office 616-618 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born July 17, 1866 in Onondago county New York, son of James and Amanda (Plaisted) Westfall. Married to Sophia S Gere. Educated in common schools at home; graduated from the Syracuse (N Y) Univ, class of 1888. Was appointed examiner of titles and legal adviser to the registrar under Torrens system land registration by the judge of the district court of the 2d judicial dist 1901. Member Commercial Club. WESTHAUSER Joseph Aloysiiis, St Paul. Res 93 W 10th st, office 516 Globe bldg. Publisher. Born March 9, 1882 in Bismarck N D, son of Louis and Ellen (Cahill) West- hauser. Educated in public schools and St Mary's School Bismarck and Cretin High School St Paul. With Chicago Great Western Ry Co 1899- 1904; mngr Northwestern Chronicle 1904 to date. Member Knights of Columbus. Vi'ESTPHAL Gustavus Adolphus, Minneapolis. Res 2 22 4 Bloomington av, office 33 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born Feb 1, 1869 in Greenwood Minn, son of August and Amelia (Lange) Westphal. Educated in the public schools; St Paul's College and grad- uated from law dept U of M 1896. Immediately engaged in the practice of law in Minneapolis, which he has continued to date. Dir in Pure-All Disinfectant Co Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis City Council 1903-1907. Democrat. Dir South Side Commer- cial Club; member Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. WEUMIVI Mens T, Minneapolis. Res 23 09 Girard av S, office 311 1st av N. Wholesale men's furnishings. Born March 20, 18 57 in Norway, son of .Torsten and Ingeborg (Midje) We- umm. Married June 6, 1881 to Ger- trude Hoydahl. Moved to Goodhue county Minn and engaged in farming 187 0-78; same in River Valley until 1880; conducted gen store Norcross Minn 18 80-84; then same in George- town Minn 18 84-93; which he still controls. Moved to Moorhead Minn and opened branch store 1893; moved to Minneapolis 1902 and formed part- nership as Weumm-Watt Co and has been pres of company to date. Little Sketches of Big Folks. 421 WEYEKHAEISER Frederick, St Paul. Res 2 66 Summit av, office 212 Nat Ger Am Banlc bldg. Lumber- man. Born Nov 21, 183 4 in Nieder Saullieim Germany, son of Jolin and Katherine (Gabel) Weyerhaeuser. Married Oct 11, 185 7 to Elizabeth Bloedel. Received his education in Germany. Came to U S in 18 52 and located in Northeast Pa; moved to Coal Valley 111 1856 and engaged in lumber business for a short time, go- ing later to Rock Island 111; moved to St Paul 1891 and has been engaged in lumber business to date. Pres Weyerhaeuser Timber Co and a num- ber of other lumber and timber con- cerns; officer, dir or stockholder in many subsidiary firms operating in lumber in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington and Idaho. Member Minn and Town and Country clubs; hon- orary member Commercial Club. WHALLON James F, Minneapolis. Res 2507 Blaisdell av, office 58 Chamber of Commerce. Operator of grain elevators and stock broker. Born March 13, 1858 in Mayville, Chautauqua county N Y, son of George W and Helen (Pratt) Whal- lon. Educated in public schools Blue Earth Minn until 1874; Shattuck Mil- itary School Faribault Minn 187 4-7 6. Clerk in postoffice and store Fari- bault 1876-80; elevator agt 1880-81; clerk in railroad office 1881-82; rail- road agt 1882-84; trav auditor eleva- tor company 1884-88; member firm of Pratt, Porter & Co grain 1888-9 0; member firm of Whallon & Co, grain elevators 1894-1902; Whallon, Case & Co grain and stock brokers 19 01 to date; v pres and mngr Columbia Ele- vator Co 1902 to date. Member Min- neapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs; Minnesota Club St Paul. WHALEY Archie, Moorhead. Pub- lic official. Born Nov 21, 18 62 in Allamakee county Iowa, son of Archie and Mary (Olson) Whaley. Married May 3 0, 189 9 to Cecilia E Swenson. Educated in Iowa common schools. Worked in flour mills in Iowa until 18 80; moved to Hawley, Clay county Minn and engaged in real estate and farming until 19 06 when he was elected sheriff. Proprietor Clay Coun- ty Herald Hawley Minn. WHALEY Samuel, St Paul. Res 57 W Isabel st, office 549 Gilfillan blk. Lawyer. Born May 12, 1855 in Ben- ton Wis, son of John and Margaret (Finley) Whaley. Married Feb 2, 18 88 to Ernestine Brandt. Educa- ted in common schools and commercial college Hastings Minn and St Paul Minn; Benton Wis; read law in the office of Thos R Huddelston and J B & W H Sanborn St Paul. Admitted to the bar in 1876. Remained in the office of J B & W H Sanborn engaged in practice 1876-80; traveled 1880- 82; resumed practice 188 6 alone until 1893, when he formed a part- nership under firm name of Pinch & Whaley, which continued for 2 years; since then has been practicing alone. U S commissioner for dist of IMinn in St Paul June 190 6 to date. Member Ramsey County Bar Assn. WHARRY John, St Paul. Res 1080 Burns av, office 68 Lower Levee. Merchant. Born June 13, 1857 in Greensville O, son of John and Eliza (Day) Wharry. Married June 12, 1882 to Bessie A Griffin. Educated in common schools of Greensville O. Engaged in undertaking business in Greensville until 1873; with Stees Bros undertakers St Paul 1880; bkpr Northwestern Lime Co 1882, after- wards sec, pres and treas 189 5 to date. Dir Burlington Mining Co Lead City Mo; Twin City Oil & Gas Co St Paul: Commercial Club 1905-19 07; member B P O E. WHEELER Charles H, Minneapo- lis. Res 1621 Park av, office 707 Loan & Trust bldg. Investments. Born Jan 21, 1843 in Mill River Mass, son of Warren W and Catherine H (Brewer) Wheeler. Educated in common schools; WMlliams College Williamstown Mass; read law in Pots- dam N Y. Admitted to bar 1868; began jiractice in Potsdam N Y until 18 72; moved ot Council Bluffs la and engaged in land and bond busi- ness until 1883; moved to Minneapo- lis 1883 and engaged in investment business to date. Dir Black Hills and Denver Gold Mining Co. 422 Little Sketches of Buj Folks. WHEELEK Francis Melville, St Paul. Res Dakota Apartment, office 318 Globe bldg. Insurance. Born March 1, 18 64 in Norwalk Conn, son of Frederick F and Elizabeth A (Han- an) Wheeler. Educated at Selleck School Norwalk Conn and Trinity College, class of 1883. Engaged in the whol business in New York 8 years and insurance in St Paul 18 years. For 9 years has been gen agt of accident and liability dept of Aetna Life Ins Co of Hartford. AVHEELER Jerome Winthroi), Crookston. Banker. Born Jan 15, 1863 in Kenosha Wis, son of J B and Kate (Deming) Wheeler. Married Aug 24, 1886 to Eva J Hill. Educa- ted in public schools Kenosha Wis; graduated from McMynn Academy Ra- cine WMs 1880. Employed in Keno- sha Bank 1880-85; bkpr First Nat Bank Crookston 1885-92; cashr Scand Am Bank Crookston 1892-9 5: cashr First Nat Bank Crookston 189 5- 1905; pres 1905 to date. Pres First State Bank of Humboldt and Bel- trami Minn; dir State Bank of Ste- phen Minn; pres Wheeler Misner Loan Co. Member Masonic fraternity; B P O E; K of P and M W A. AVHEELER Ru.sh B, St Paul. Res 520 Summit av, office 301 Pioneer Press bldg. Law, real estate and loans. Born Jan 2 9, 1844 in South Butler, W'ayne county N Y, son of Orange H and Eve (Tucker) Wheeler. Married May 17, 1876 to Harriet S L Clark. Graduated from Cazenovia Seminary N Y 1867 nd Yale Univ 1871. Law, real estate and loans at Austin 1873-83; in St Paul 1883 to date. Dir First Nat Bank Austin Minn 18 80-83; St Paul Chamber of Commerce 18 85-1900; pres St Paul real estate exchange 1894-9 6. WHITAC'RE John Clifford, St Paul. Res 83 3 Hague av, office 116 S Robert St. Physician and surgeon. Born Aug 31, 187 6 in Cambridge Mass, son of John S and Celeste I (Train) Whit- acre. Attended public schools at Cambridge Mass 1881-89; in St Paul 1889-91; high school 1891-9 5; graduated in 1895; U of M academic dept 189 5-189 7; medical dept 189 7, graduating M D in 1901. Member West Side Club; Masonic fraternity; Red Men; K of P and I O F. WHITCOMH Clarence E, Minneap- olis. Res 505 8th av N E, office 607- 6 09 1st av N E. Manufacturer. Born Feb 1, 1880 in Gardner Mass, son of Henry C and Susan E (Stock- well) Whitcomb. Married Dec 9, 1902 to Anna M McLean. Attended high schools in Baldwinville and Wor- cester Mass. Located in Minneapolis 1904 and was mngr for John A Dunn Co until 19 06; now member of Whit- comb & Noble Co mnfrs of chairs. \VHITC03IB Edward H, St Paul. Res 513 Central av W, office 3 88 Wabasha st. Physician (R) and sur- geon. Born July 17, 1861 in Green- leaf, Meeker county Minn, son of George C and Anna Belle (Felch) Whitcomb. Attended Alexandria (Minn) High School; Carleton Col- lege; studied medicine in office of Dr J H Murphy of St Paul; M D from Columbus O. Has practiced medi- cine 18 84 to date. Served 15 years in M N G; present rank major and A S G governor's staff. Coroner of Ramsey county 1893-97; member city council St Paul 1900-1906; re-elected 1906. Member National Assn Mili- tary Surgeons and decorated as "dis- tinguished rifleman;" Minn State Medical Society; Ramsey County So- ciety; Am Medical Assn; Mississippi Valiey Medical Assn; St Paul Com- mercial Club. WHITCOMB Lesley S, Albert Lea. Printer and bookbinder. Born March 20, 1866 in Westfield Vt, son of George H and Lucene A (Stebbins) Whitcomb. Married 1902 to Maud F Annis. Educated in public and high schools Northwood and Cornell Col- lege Mt Vernon la. Learned printer's trade in office of Northwood Index; moved to Albert Lea 1890 and with Frank H McCulloch established job printing business; S O Simonson pur- chased McCulloch's interest 1891 and firm of Simonson & Whitcomb was established, which continues to date. Engaged in job printing and bookbinding. Little .Sketches of BUj Folks. 423 WHITE Daniel E, Claremont. Mer- chant. Born in 1863 in Washington county Wis; reared on a farm in Dodge county Wis; attended district schools and Wayland Univ Beaver Dam Wis; moved to Claremont 1887; has held office of village justice 1898 to date; engaged in the hardware business. Member of State Senate 1907. WHITE Frank, Chaska. Merchant. Born April 11, 18 57 in Germany, son of Edward and Rose (Metzler) White. Married Jan 8, 1884 to Kitty Samels. Educated in the public schools. Came to America with parents 18 68 and settled in Illinois until 1882; removed to Chaska where he has been engaged n gen hardware and machinery busi- ness. Former pres city council. WHITE Frank T,Elk River. Lawyer. Born April 9, 1866 in East Burling- ton 111. son of Edgar and Emma C (Thurston) White. Married Dec 29, 1897 to Mary Daly. Educated in common schools Clear Lake and high schools Monticello 1887; law school in Minneapolis 1884. Admitted to bar 189 4 and has been actively engaged in practice of his profession in Elk River 189 5-19 07; now member law firm of Collins, Martin & White, es- tablished in St Cloud April 1907, at which place he spent the greater part of his time; also interested in real estate and insurance business. County atty Sherburne county 10 years; member legislature 1907. Member Maccabees, Workmen, Woodmen, B P O E and I O O F. WHITE Frederick, Minneapolis. Res 2016 .James av S, office 818 Lum- ber Exchange. Insurance. Born Nov 14, 1869 in New York City, son of .lames B and Sylvia A White. Edu- cated in the public schools of Hacken- sack N J. General sec, state sec and religious work dir in Massachusetts and Chicago for Y M C A 18 88 to 19 05. Minnesota mngr for Colum- bian National Life Ins Co of Mas- sachusetts 1905 to date. Dir Y M C A Minneapolis. WHITE Fred H, Duluth. Res 1508 E 4th St, office 501 Wolvin bldg. Railroad purchasing agent. Born Sept 8, 1861 in Broadhead Wis. Mar- ried Aug 21, 1901 to Marie Earhart. Educated in public schools and Knox College Galesburg 111. Engaged in railroad business with C & N W Ry Iowa division 1881. With Duluth & Iron Range R R 1884; now dir and purchasing agt for same. Member Commercial, Kitchi Gammi, North- land Country, Yacht and Northern Railway clubs; Masonic fraternity and Shrine. WHITE Horace O, Winona. Res 3 71 E 4th St, office 129 Main st. Pub- lisher. Born Feb 3, 1873 in Lake City Minn, son of Robert and Mary L (Morris) White. Married in 1898 to Minnie Thompson. Educated in pub- lic schools of Lake City Minn. Served ajiprenticeship in printing office Lake City 1890-92; mngr and editor Mur- ray Printing Co Lake City 189 4-95; compositor in job office Duluth 189 5- 97; foreman of "Republican" Lake City 1897-99; owner and editor Ar- lington (Minn) Enterprise 1899-1903; mngr and editor Winona Morning In- dependent and pres Independent Pub- lishing Co 1903 to date. Member Business Men's Club and Masonic fraternity. WHITE John A. Mankato. Res 229 Byron st, office International Harvest- er Co. Manufacturer's agent. Born April 9, 1851 in Galena 111, son of William Ryan and Judith Ann Re- becca White. Married Jan 13, 18 78 to Edith Hewitt. Educated in coun- try school Vernon county Wis; public schools Viroqua, Vernon county Wis; graduated from high school Rochester ]\Iinn. First engaged as telegraph operator Byron ]\Iinn 18 70-'; opera- tor, station and express agt Sleepy Eye Minn 18 72-79; station agt Brook- ings S D 18 79-8 0; with Minneapolis Harvester Works Minneapolis 1881- 86; with Wm Deering ( Deering Harvester Co) until the organization of the International Harvester Co 1902; during this period was em- ployed as salesman blockman and lat- er as gen agt, which position he still holds with International Harvester Co of America at Mankato. WHITE John Williamson, St Paul. Res 208 Exchange st, cffice 509 Pio- neer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born June 27, 1842 in Philadelphia Pa, son 424 LitUc Sketches of Big Folks. of Samuel M and Nipporah W White. Married twice: 1S81 to Louise E Pat- terson; 19 04 to Laura E Nevitt. Ed- ucated in grammar and high schools Philadelphia; West Jersey Academy Bridgeton N J; graduated from Princeton Univ 1865; law dept Univ of Pa 1867. Moved to St Paul 1880 and has been engaged in practice of his profession to date. Member K P. AVHITE Milo, Chatfield. Merchant. Born Aug 17, 183 in Fletcher Vt, son of Josiah and Polly (Bailey) White. Married June 2 6, 18 58 to Hannah A Ellis. Received his edu- cation in common schools. First en- gaged as elk 184 6-5 5; engaged in mercantile business in Chatfield Minn 18 56 and has been continuously in same line for 51 years. Dir First Nat Bank Chatfield. Member State Senate 1871-81 (4 terms) chairman of town supervisors at first town elec- tion 1858; member School Board many years and Cemetery Board 40 years. Member of Congress 1883-87. AVHITE Shubael F, Duluth. Res 104 W 5th St, office 816 Torrey bldg. Lawyer. Born June 17, 1841 in Mar- shall Mich, son of Reuben B and Chloe (Fish) White. Educated in common school; Olivet College Mich; Univ of Mich law dept; Union Univ Albany Law School. Practiced law except when on bench since May 1867; from admission until Oct 1883 at Ludington Mich; since then at Du- luth. Served as capt Co "A" 28th Mich Inf. Prosecuting atty Mason county Mich 1869-70; circuit judge 19th judicial circuit Mich 1873-74; state senator Mich 18 83. Member G A R; Loyal Legion. WHITE Truniiin S, St Paul. Res 112 S Victoria st, office 611-612 Pio- neer Press bldg. Merchant. Born Sept 23, 1841 in Oxford O, son of Prescott and Caroline (Townsley) White. Married May 10, 1867 to Emma H Holland. Educated in the public schools at St Louis Mo. Worked on farm until 1855; in book and stationery store of Combs & Bro St Paul 1855-62; whol paper trade with Averill, Russell & Carpenter St Paul, which he helped to organize and managed 186 6-7 6; head of T S White & Co whol books and station- ery 1876-80; organized St Paul Stationery Co 1880 and served as sec; resigned and started T S White Sta- tionery Co; pres and sec White & Leonard Co whol paper 1890 to date. Capt Co "C" 93d O Vol Inf 1862- 65; in Atlanta campaign under Sher- man. Member GAR and past adjt gen Dept of Minn; Junior Pioneers; B P O E; St Paul Commercial Club. WHITE William Gaidiiei', St Paul. Res 7 67 Goodrich av, office 513 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Sept 3 0, 18 54 in South Hadley Mass, son of William and Amanda (Preston) White. Mar- ried May 22, 1878 to Carolyn E Hall. Attended common and high schools at Chicopee Mass, graduating in 1869; graduated from Harvard Law School 1875. Practiced law at Springfield Mass 18 75-76; member Buckland & White lawyers Springfield 1876-77; practiced alone at Springfield 1877- 84; in St Paul 1884 to date; special- ties, real estate and corporation law. Sec and dir Nat Bond & Security Co. Member council of Minn Historical Society; Sons of American Revolu- tion; Society of Colonial Wars; So- ciety of Mayflower Descendants; Minn Clui) St Paul; Grolier Club New York City. AVHITELAW AVilliam A, Minneapo- lis. Res 3249 Blaisdell av, office 239 3d av N. Wholesale confectioner. Born Oct 9, 1873 in Freeborn Minn, son of Carlos S and Hattie A ( Stokes) Whitelaw. Married Dec 5. 1S99 to Nettie M Felgate. Educated in com- mon schools and Curtiss Business Col- lege Minneapolis. In news and sta- tionery business 18 87-89; employed by McKusick-Towle Co 1889-1905; formed i^artnership with C H Osborn as W A Whitelaw & Co and has con- tinued same to date. AVHITELY Jaiiie.s Harvey, Duluth. Res 1828 E Superior st, ofl^ce 711- 712 Palladio bldg. Lawyer. Born July 26, 1860 in Washington Pa, son of Frederick and Alary Ann ( McMur- ray) Whitely. Married July 13, 1891 to Bessie McClellan. Educated in common schools and Messenger's Academy Washington Pa; prepara- tory school Edinburgh Pa; graduated Little SJaiclws of Bir/ Folks. 425 from Worcester (Ohio) Univ A B 1889; law dept Univ of Mich LL B 1892. Practiced law alone until 1895; of McGindley & Whitely 1895-9 6; of Whitely & Marshall 1896-9 7; alone 189 7 to date. V pres International Copper Mining Co Duluth and Han- cock; dir San Rafael Copper Mining Co Utica N Y; and Iron Land Co Du- luth. Member Commercial Law League of America; Commercial Club Duluth. WHITIXG Egbert K, Owatonna. Journalist. Born Aug 17, 18 70 in Clearwater Minn, son of Samuel and Anna (Mayo) Whiting. Educated in public schools of Clearwater Minn and Carleton College Xorthfield. Em- ployed by father in gen store Clear- water 1885-88. Worked short time on local newspaper and as job print- er in Minneapolis. Purcliased print- ing establishment in St Cloud and operated same 1899-1902; moved to Owatonna and assumed management of editorial dept of Owatonna Journal 1894-97; with H F Luers purchased P^armers Gazette, changing name to Owatonna Chronicle; purchased Owa- tonna Journal and consolidated with Chronicle 190 6, incorporating the Journal-Chronicle Co with H F Luers pres and editor and E K Whiting v pres, sec and business mngr. Member 2d Regt M N G. Member Minn State Editorial and North Star Daily Press assns; Commercial Club; Masonic fra- ternity and K of P. WHITLOCK Friend J, Belle Plaine. Lumber. Born March 10, 1865 in Belle Plaine Minn, son of F J and Kate (Sherwin) Whitlock. Married Nov 10, 1891 to Emma Conlon. Ed- ucated in public schools of Belle Plaine. Engaged in farming until 1887 then worked in lumber yard at Belle Plaine 4 years; opened and con- ducted new yard at Jordan 2 years; sold out and purcliased yard at Belle Plaine and has continued business to date. Member city council 9 years; school board 12 years and at present its ])res. Member Masonic fraternity. AVHITMOKE LINX, Wabasha. Banker. Born July 15, 1863 in Che- nango N Y, son of Lee H and Emalia A (Holt) Whitmore. Married in 1886 to E A Mathews. Educated in pub- lic and high schools of Wabasha until 1881. First engaged as elk in county treasurer's office 1881-83; elk in First Nat Bank Wabasha 1883-85; cashr of same 1888 to date. Treas Board of Trade; member Masonic fraternity. WHITNEY Arthur William, St Paul. Res 6 73 Burr st, office 93 6 Payne av. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born Dec 29, 1864 in Iroquois Ont, son of William A and Mary (Rose) Whit- ney. Married Dec 29, 189 7 to Clara Van Camp. Educated in public and high schools of Iroquois Ont; matricu- lated at Univ of Toronto 1882; grad- uated in medicine Queen's Univ Can- ada M D and C M 1888. Since gradu- ation has been engaged in the prac- tice of his profession in St Paul with exception of 3 months. Member Charter Commission City of St Paul; medalist of Royal Humane Society England; member American Medical Assn and Minn State and Ramsey County Medical societies; East Side Commercial Club. Surgeon for N P Ry and medical examiner for various life insurance and fraternoal orders. Member Masonic fraternity. WHITNEY George C, St Paul. Res 82 6 Dayton av, office 9th, Broadway and Pine sts. Wagon manufacturer. Born April 18, 18 79 in Detroit, son of Frank I and Louise (Gilbert) Whit- ney. Educated in Detroit and St Paul; graduated from Harvard College 1901. Engaged in banking and in- vestment business in Larimore X D 1901-1902; connected with Schur- meier Wagon Co established 1852 in- corporated 1900; purchased interest in same and re-incorporated 1904. Member Commercial C^lub: INIasonic fraternity. WHITNEY William Chaiiniiig. Minneapolis. Res 2514 4tli av S, office 313 Nicollet av. Architect. Born April 11, 1851 in Harvard Mass, son of Benjamin F and Louisa (Law- rence) Whitney. Educated in Law- rence Academy Groton Mass; Mass Agricultural College Amherst 18 72. Began practice of profession 18 72; moved to Minneapolis 1878 where he is engaged in same to date. Fellow American Institutee of Architects; dir 42(i Little Sketches of Big Folks. Minneapolis Society Fine Arts; mem- ber Art Commission City of Minne- apolis; Minneapolis and Lafayette clubs. WHITTAKER Frank N, Fergus Falls. Dentist. Born May 16, 1869 in jMinneapolis Minn, son of David and Helen (Noble) Whittaker. Edu- cated in Minneapolis public and high schools; graduated from dental dept U of M 1893. Located in Fergus Falls 1893 and has been engaged in pi-actice of his profession to date. WICKERSHAM Davis Price, St Paul. Res 62 S Dale st, office Man- hattan bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 2 5, 1877 in Harrodsburg Ky, son of Isaac and F]lla (Parker) Wickersham. Mar- ried Dec 6, 19 05 to Ruth Atwood. Ed- ucated in public and high schools of Leavenworth Kan; graduated from U of M, LL B 1900; LL M 1901. Gen atty for Minn of The Employers Lia- bility Assurance Corporation of Lon- don Eng and Minn and North M'is Ry Co, also engaged in gen practice. Member Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Phi college fraternities. WICKS Judson L, Minneapolis. Res 1911 Pillsbury av, office 1010 N Y Life bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 4, 18 60 in Davenport la, son of Gilbert and Almira (Vaughn) Wicks. At- tended high school in Davenport la 1875; studied in Univ of la 1876-82, graduating in the collegiate dept A M 1881: law dept LL B 1882. First engaged in practice at Creston la 1883-87; city atty 1886-87; removed to Minneapolis in Nov 1887 and en- tered the firm of Truesdale & Wicks, composed of Hiram C Truesdale and himself; was alone 1888-92; then as- sociated with Paige and Wicks until 1898, when the present firm of Wicks, Paige & Lamb was formed. WICKWIRE Arthur M, Brooklyn N Y. Res 117 Gates av, office 3 Broad st N Y City. Lawyer. Born Mar 19, 1867 in Sheffield Mass, son of Manley H and Pauline A (Bartholo- mew) Wick wire. Married Louisa Edna Dutcher of Brooklyn N Y. Grad- uated from Great Barrington (Mass) High School 1885; Williams College B A 1890; U of M, LL B 1893. Mem- ber Minn State Board of Examiners in Law 1904-19 05; Childs, Edgerton & Wickwire lawyers St Paul, until 1905, when he removed to N Y. Mem- ber New London County (Conn) His- torical Society; life member Minn Historical Society; member Sons of American Revolution and Society of Colonial Wars. AVIDDOWSON Thomas H, Minnea- polis. Res 152 8 2 0th av N, office State and Water sts St Paul. Born in 1859 in Rockton 111, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Marson) Widdowson. Married to Belle Emerson. Attended Rockton 111 public schools. Worked in foundrj^ 1876-93; foreman Man- kato Mnfg Co 1893-94; foreman En- terprise Iron Works Albert Lea 1894- 95; propr Austin Foundry Co 1895- 1903; propr Minneapolis Foundry & Mnfg Co 19 03-190 7; now one of the proprs of Pier Foundry St Paul. WIEDENMANN George, Mankato. Res 201 N Front st. Merchant. Born April 22, 1868 in New Ulm Minn, son of John and Margaret Wiedenmann. Married Aug 1891 to Helena S Lang of Mankato. Educated in the public schools New Ulm Minn. Engaged in farming 1882-8 8; learned butcher's trade 1888-9 2; engaged in hide and fur business with Mankato Hide & Fur Co 1893-9 7; for self under same firm name 1897 to date. Member B P O E, I O O F, K O T M, U C T, J S T M and E F U. AVIELANI) Frederick W, Brainerd. Editor. Born Aug 24, 1861 in Mt Gilead Ohio, son of George and Mary (Tubbe) Wieland. Married Sept 16, 1885 to Lucy D Gleason. Educated in public and high schools of Mt uilead O. First employed in contracting with father 2 years; in office of Mt Gilead Union Register 3 years; moved to Brainerd 1882 and with N H Inger- soll purchased Dispatch 1883; estab- lished the Daily Dispatch 1901. Mem- ber Minn Editorial Assn; Commercial Club; K of P and B P O E. WIGHT Robert Campbell, St Paul. Res 3 Crocus place, office Chicago Great Western Ry Co. Railway official. Born July 20, 1861 in Mon- treal Can, son of Robert Leach and Littk .^keteJies of Big Folks. 427 Janet (Kerr) Wight. Educated in Montreal private and public schools. Clerk St Lawrence and Chicago For- warding Co Montreal 1877-82; re- moved to St Paul 1882 and was em- ployed as stenogr; auditor of con- struction Wis, Minn & Pacific Ry 1883; sec Minn Loan & Debenture Co 1884: dir, sec and auditor of capital accounts C G W Ry Co 1892 to date. Dir and treas Interstate Investment Trust Ltd; dir and pres Iowa Devel- opment Co and Iowa Townsite Co: dir and treas Metropolitan Opera House Co and pres West Side Power, Heat and Light Co; dir St Paul Union Stock Yards Co. Member of Minne- sota and Town and Country clubs. WILDE Fiaiuis F, St Paul. Res 606 Dayton av, office 622 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born in 1851 in Vienna Austria, son of Frederick and Marie (von Freiberg) Wilde. Married to Melvina Gagnon. Educated in Mil- waukee Academy. Moved to St Paul 1874 and has been engaged in prac- tice of law to date. Has been atty for various building and loan associa- tions; also engaged in buying and selling real estate. WILCOX Frank James, Northfield. Office First Nat Bank. Banker. Born Sept 8. 1848 in Tauton Mass. son of James F and Louisa (Smith) Wilcox. Married Sept 20, 1879 to Jennie M Blake. Attended school in Trenton N J; public schools Northfield Minn; graduating from Univ of Chicago A B 1874. Employed in First Nat Bank Northfield 187 6 to date, now being asst cashr; treas Minn State Agricultural Society 1882-92; and from 189 8 to date; sec Northfield Building & Loan Assn 18 83 to date. Served as city recorder in city council and on Board of Education; membei Board of Trustees Pillsbury Academy Owatonna. WILCOX Franklin S, Fergus Falls Physician (H). Born Sept 2 9, 187 2 in Waterton Pa, son of B F and Har- riet (Dodson) Wilcox. Married April 18, 1906 to Alice Rhone. Graduated from Girard College Philadelphia 1890: Hahnemann Medical College Philadelphia 1894. Engaged in prac- tice in Plains Pa 4 years; private hos- pital work West Newton Mass 4 years: at present asst supt State Hos- pital for the Insane Fergus Falls. Member Boston Medical Society; Park Region District Medical Society; Amercian Medico-Psychological Assn and American Institute of Homeo- pathy. Member Chippewa Club and Masonic fraternity. WILKES Louis Deane St Paul. Res 127 Nina av, office 202 Pioneer Press, Insurance. Born Jan 17. 1853 in Man- chester Conn, son of Oliver Perry and Mary Ann (Deane) Wilkes. Educa.- ted in the public schools and for 2 years at private school under the supervision of Dr J C Fitch S Wind- ham Conn until 1869. Was connect- ed with St Paul Harvester Works 1870-84; Milwaukee inarvester Works 1884-85. Has been with the Equi- table Life Insurance Co of N Y from Oct 1885 until the present time and is now mngr in St Paul. Member of the Minn, Commercial, Town and Country and White Bear Yacht clubs. Member B P O E; Knights Templar and Shrine. WILKIA'^S Charles, Minneapolis. Res 2548 Pleasant av. office 525 2d av S. Plumbing and gas fixtures. Born Jan 2 0, 1862 in England, son of Charles and Elizabeth (Smith) Wil- kins. Married Feb 16, 188 7 to Ella Barnes. Moved to Lowell Mass 1873; educated in common schools; moved to Minneapolis 1886 and engaged in plumbing and steam fitting business. Organized Charles Wilkins & Co 1892. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 1897-1901; member Masonic fraternity. WILKINSON Albert, Newport. Office Broadway and Pine sts St Paul ^linn. Wholesale grocer. Born in Dubuque la Dec 15, 1853, son of George and Hannah Wilkinson. Re- ceived his education in the parish and ))rivate schools of Red Wing Minn; Shattuck School of Faribault Minn; and U of M. Has always been engaged in mercantile pursuits and since April 15, 1883 has been dir and creditman of Griggs Cooper & Co whol grocers St Paul. Member of the Minnesota Club St Paul. 428 Little Sketches of Big Folks. AVILKINSON Charles M, Albert Lea. Public official. Born April 2 0, 18 50 in Oswego N Y, son of Allen and Mary (McGuire) Wilkinson. Married in 1874 to Ella C Fuller. Attended public schools Rio, Columbia county Wis and academic dept Milton (Wis) College. First employed as brake- man on C M & St P Ry 1868-69; pre-empted a farm in Kansas and re- mained there 187 0-71. Moved to Al- bert Lea Minn 1872 and engaged in grain buying business, later operating in live stock, which he continued un- til 19 00, when he was elected dep sheriff and jailer, continuing until Jan 19 07; elected register of deeds Freeborn county 1906, which office he holds to date. Mayor of Albert Lea 7 years; pres common council 2 years; member Commercial Club; Ma- sonic fraternity; Shrine; A O U W; K O T M; K P and B P O E, WILKINSON Cliarles Reed, New- port. Office 23 4 Endicott bldg St Paul. Newspaper man. Born Aug 25, 1844 at Lockland Ohio, son of Reed and Lucinda S (Butler) Wilkin- son. Married May 16, 1872 to Jen- nette K Coolidge. Educated in pub- lic schools. Editor and publisher of daily and weekly newspapers 1868- 85; advertising agt C B & N R R St Paul 1887-1903; broker in news- papers 19 03 to date. WILKINSON John, St Paul. Res 626 E Central Park place, office 5th st cor Wacouta st. Merchant. Born in Liverpool ; removed to U S with his parents 1852 to a farm near Dyerville la. Married 1887 to Isabel Humphrey. Educated in Liverpool; high school Dubuque la and Hamline Univ Red Wing Minn. First employed in Potter Palmer's dry goods house in Chicago. Removed to St Paul 18 82 and entered the dry goods house now known as Tibbs, Hutchings & Co; has remained with the firm through vari- ous changes and is now sec. Dir in American Nat Bank. WILKINSON Kaiulolph A, St Paul. Res The Marlborough, office gen offices Great Northern Ry Co. Law- yer. Born Dec 2 6, 184 6 in England, son of Samuel and Martha (Pearson) Wilkinson. Attended common schools in Wisconsin and Baraboo Collegiate Institute. Practiced law in Wiscon- sin 1869-82; at Crookston Minn 18 82- 88; with Great Northern Railway Co 1888 to date; right of way agt 1888- 91; atty 1891-94; right of way agt and tax commissioner 189 4-19 03; gen solicitor 1903 to date. AVILL Gu.stave A, Minneapolis. Res 3 500 19th av N, office 506 Andrus bldg. Lawyer. Born Dec 31, 1871 in Germany, son of Reinhold and Emilia (Schumacher) Will. Attend- ed public schools in Henderson and Minneapolis; high school in Minne- apolis; Univ of Minnesota. Time- keeper and office help with Robinson & Moen Car Co at Robbinsdale Minn 1889-92; asst cashr in banks at Pres- cott and Washburn Minn 1892-93; mngr logging company near Ashland Wis; graduated from law dept U of M 1896; has practiced law in ]\Iinenapo- lis 1896 to date. Member Minneapo- lis Commercial Club; pres Hennepin County Good Roads Assn 1903-19 06; one of the pioneer good road promo- ters of the state. WILLAKI) Myron (i, Mankato. Real estate, loans, insurance, etc. Born Oct 23, 1842 in town of Tren- ton, Oneida county N Y, son of Daniel 5 and Catherine (Williams) Willard. Married twice: April 19, 1870 to Julia E Nolton (died 1876); Feb 20. 1879 to Mary W Willard. Educated in country schools near Trenton Falls N Y Whitestown Seminary 1864; and graduated from Hamilton College, Clinton N Y 1868. In 1871 received from same college degree of A M ; was a Phi Beta Kappa. Admitted to bar 1868; moved to Mankato same year, and practiced law until 1885; en- gaged in manufacturing and indus- trial enterprises 1885 to date. Has been identified as member of firms, Mankato Soap Co and Mankato Pot- tery Co; dir and atty First Nat Bank; atty Central R R of Minn (now C M 6 "st P), Mankato Building & Loan Assn; dir, sec and mngr Standard Fibre Ware Co, Mankato Knitting Mills, and dir, sec and supt Mankato INIills Co. Has done much to beautify Mankato. Now engaged in real es- tate, insurance and loans. Little Sketches of Bi;/ Folks. 429 WILLARJ> William J), Maiikato. Res 609 S Broad st, office First Nat Bank. Banker. Born Dec 17, 1867 in Mankato Minn, son of John A and Anna M (Sibley) Willard. Married June 24, 1890 to Louise A Robbins. Educated in the high school Mankato and graduated from U of M, B A 188 8. First engaged in business as mngr of Mankato Linseed Oil Works 1890-9 8; sec of Mankato Mills Co 1898-1901; cashr of First Nat Bank 1901 to date. Sec and treas Mankato Citizens Telephone Co and Western Land and Loan Co; pres Park Point Land Co. Member of Public Library Board. Member Phi Beta Kappa col- lege fraternity. WILLCUTS Levi M, Duluth. Res 310 E 4th st, office Federal bldg. Government official. Born Nov 10, 1861 near Richmond Ind, son of Jon- athan and May J (Starbuck) Will- cuts. Married Nov 3 0, 1882 to Roda E Mendenhall. Educated in the com- mon and high schools of Richmond Ind. First engaged as elk in country store in Richmond. Traveled for Cincinnati dry goods house; removed to Columbia S D 1883 and engaged in real estate and farm land business 3 years. Moved to Duluth and engaged in real estate business under firm name of Baldwin & Willcuts 1886- 97, when he was appointed collector of customs for the port of Duluth; now serving 3d term which expires Dec 1909. Member Kitchi Garami, Commercial and Boat clubs, Masonic fraternity and Shrine. WILLFORl) Josei)Ii L, Minneapolis. Res 1725 Logan av S, office 245 2d av S. Manufacturer. Born July 10, 1849 in Green county Wis, son of Joseph and Mattie (Hill) Willford. Married April 15, 18 73 to Mary Ed- inger. Educated in common schools. Moved to Minona la and later to Fillmore county Minn, remaining un- til 1871; moved to Minneapolis 1871; started in mill furnishing business 1873; pres Willford Mnfg Co 1886- 1903; continues interest in same to date; now treas and mngr Ozone Generator Co Inc. Member Masonic fraternity, B P O E and Knights of Pythias. WILLLIMS Edward W, Winona. Res 213 Main, office 66-68 W 2d. Manufacturer. Born Oct 8, 1855 in Akron Ohio, son of James Williams. Married in 1881 to Nora Woodruff. Educated in public schools Owosso Mich; graduated from Univ of Mich law dept 1875. Engaged in practice of law Toledo Ohio 18 75-78; moved to Winona and has been engaged in manufacture of shoes to date. Pres Multi Phonograph Co Inc and of Verde Queen Mining Co. WILLIAMS Frank Daniel, St Paul. Res 8 74 Fairmount av, office 85 E 5th St. Merchant. Born June 1, 1873 in Plainville Ont, son of John and Caroline (McEvers) Williams. Married June 14, 189 9 to Genevieve V Gervais. Educated in the common and high schools Plainville and Albert College Bellville Ont. Engaged in banking in Canada 1889-95; moved to St Paul and was in employ of Ohio Coal Co 189 5-9 7; engaged in retail coal business for himself under firm name of Holmes Fuel & Supply Co 1897-99; mngr of city dept St Paul & Western Coal Co 1899 to date. Member Commercial Club. WILLIAMS Friend L, Watertown. Educator. Born Aug 3 0, 1872 in Salesville O, son of Alvin and Nancy E (Sherman) Williams. Graduated from Quaker City (Ohio) High School 1893; Muskingum (Ohio) College 189 6. Moved to Minn 189 6 and taught school in Smith Lake until 1898; prin Watertown School 1898- 1902; now serving 3d term as supt of schools of Carver county. Mngr for 2 years and now pres Watertown Tel- ephone Co. WILLIAMS William H, St Paul. Res 168 Aurora av, office 207 N Y Life bldg. Manufacturer's agent. Born Nov 15, 1843 in Philadelphia, son of Daniel and Sara (Hall) Wil- liams. Married in 1870 to Carrie Wallace Meusch. Educated in pub- lic and high schools Philadelphia. First in employ of W E Garrett & Co snuff manufacturers 18 65-67; travel- ing salesman for Ralph & Co snuff manufacturers 1867-69; traveled for whol grocery house 1869-19 02; man- 430 Little Sketches of Big Foils. ufactiirer's agt St Paul 1906 to date. Served in New Jersey and Penn regts during Civil War; rank of capt. Mem- loer GAR; Masonic fraternity. WILLIAMS William Herbert, St Paul. Res 233 Nelson av, office 903- 904 Pioneer Press bldg. Lawyer. Born June 17, 1857 in South Bend, Blue Earth county Minn, son of Hugh W and Elizabeth (Herbert) Williams. Married Nov 15, 1900 to Catherine D Walters. Educated in village school in South Bend; graduated from high school at Mankato Minn; studied law in the office of W D Cornish St Paul. Was admitted to the bar July 1885 and remained in office of W D Cornish until 19 00; then formed partnership with Owen Morris under firm name of Morris & Williams, which was dis- solved in 1894. Since then has been practicing alone. Compiled and pub- lished the Minnesota Probate Code which has been used for many years; has made a specialty of real estate and probate law. Member of the Cit- izens League. WILLIS John W, St Paul. Res 923 Summit av, office 314 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born July 12, 1854 in St Paul Minn, son of Charles L and Anna Marie (Gleeson) Willis. Married June 30, 1897 to Margaret Wharton. Educated in the common and high schools of St Paul; U of M; academic dept of Darmouth College, graduating A B 1877; A M 1880. Studied law in office of Gilman & Clough; admit- ted to bar 18 79 and since that time has been engaged (except while hold- ing a judicial office) in general prac- tice. Member Board of Education 1881-82; democratic nominee for atty gen 1883; member of State Board of Charities and Corrections 1888-19 01; judge of dist court 1892-9 8; unani- mously nominated by two political parties for associate justice of su- preme court 1894; dem candidate for Congress 4th congressional district 189 8. Member State and Ramsey County Bar assns; Commercial Club; Sons of American Revolution; B P O E and Knights of Columbus. He is widely known as an orator and an ac- complished linguist. WILLISTON William C, Red Wing. Res 1107 3d st, office Keystone blk. Jurist. Born June 2 2, 183 in Che- raw S C, son of WMlliam K and Annis (Chapman) WMlliston. Married in 1854 to Mary E Canfield. Educated in public schools of Claridon and Chardon Geauga county O. First em- ployed as clerk for his father ( then auditor of Geauga county); clerk in wholesale and retail dry goods store Cleveland O 184 7-53 ; admitted to bar at Warren Trumbull county O 18 56; moved to Red Wing Minn and en- gaged in practice of law 1857; ap- pointed by Gov Merriam as judge of 1st judicial district Jan 1901, which oflice he has held to date. Member Masonic fraternity and K T. WILMANN John, Bemidji. Public official. Born Jan 3 0, 1869 in Nor- way, son of I J and Christina (Aaroe) Wilmann. Married to Christina Jel- lestad. Attended high school in Nor- way; graduated from United Luth- eran College and Seminary St Paul B D 1899. Came to Minn in 1892 and after completing his education was employed as a minister until 1904 during which time he was pastor of the Lutheran Church Bemidji from 19 00. Elected auditor of Beltrami county 1904; re-elected 1906. WILSON Abel Merriam, Minneapo- lis. Res 1600 Linden av, office 300 Phoenix. Insurance. Born July 2 6, 1851 in Rockport Me, son of Abel and Rachel (Fuller) Wilson. Married Feb 7, 1874 to Antoinette F Sim- mons. Educated in common schools of Rockport and Lencester Academy Mass. After leaving school went to sea as seaman and was afterwards master and capt 1868-72; engaged in whol ice business Rockport 187 2- 98; state mngr Union Mutual Life Ins Co Portland Me; Minneapolis 189 8 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity. WILSON Andrew M, St Paul. Res 65 8 Sherburne av, office 521 S 3d st Minneapolis. Manufacturer. Born Aug 13, 1866 in Sweden, son of Swan and Elna (Anderson) Wilson. Mar- ried June 21, 1903 to Stella Leaf. Ed- ucated in common schools. Moved to Centralia WMs and engaged in mer- Lifflv SJ^etcJies of Big Folks. 481 cantile business until 1887; moved to St Paul and engaged in lumber busi- ness with Brennan Lumber Co 1887- 89; traveled tor Boren & Lammers cigar manufacturers of Stillwater 1889-9 0; employed by Floan & Lever- oos, clothing St Paul 1891-1901; in charge of Koehler & Hinrichs Minne- apolis branch 1901-1904; entered in business as firm of Wilson & Kartack in same line; firm changed to A M Wilson & Co 1905; later to Merle & Heaney Mnfg Co of which he is mngr. Member Odin Club. AVILSON Coi-yatc S, Duluth. Res 6015 Tioga st, office 209 First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Nov 13, 1866 in Vestula Ind, son of Franklin S and Mary (Blue) Wilson. Married Jan 1, 189 4 to Belle Straub. Educa- ted in the common schools and high schools Faribault Minn, graduating Carleton College Northfield Minn. Admitted to bar 1891 and practiced in Faribault with R A Mott; moved to Uuluth and engaged in practice un- der firm name of Wray, Wilson & Wray until 1899; Davis, Hollister & Wilson until 19 03; alone 1903 to date. Now serving 2d term as alder- man Duluth. Member Minnesota State, American and St Louis County Bar Assn; Commercial Club and Modern Samaritans. WILSOX Frank T, Stillwater. Res 2 63 South Broadway, office 215 S ]\lain St. Lawyer. Born Sept 6, 1856 in Sinclarville N Y, son of Chester S and Ruth Wells (Moody) Wilson. Married Aug 13, 1884 to S Helen Sawyer of Stillwater. Educated in New York schools and graduated in Science and Letters Cornell Univ Itha- ca N Y 1881. First engaged in high school work 6 years; supt of public schools 6 years; in charge of Minne- sota educational exhibit 1893. Has been engaged in the practice of law 1893 to date. Probate judge Wash- ington county 1897-1907; pres State Assn of Probate Judges 1903-1905; chairman of committee of same on revision of probate blanks under code of 1906. Inventor of apparatus for projection of pictures by sunlight; author of works on same subject. Sec Stillwater Humane Society, Stillwater Lyceum, Auditorium Co; and member board of dir Stillwater City School District. Member K of P. WILSON George Potter, Minneapo- lis. Res 729 Park av, office 510 Se- curity Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 19, 184 in Lewisburg Pa, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Wilson. Has been engaged in the practice of law since 1862; was asst sec of State Senate 1864-65; sec 1866-67; Gov Com So Pacific Ry 1871; member House of Representatives from Wi- nona county 1873; county atty of Wi- nona county 1864-70; atty-gen of Min- nesota 1874-80; state senator 41st district 1899, term expiring 19 07. WILSOX Samuel IJailey, Mankato. Res 3 03 Clark st, ofl^ce First Nat Bank bldg. Lawyer. Born May 12, 1873 in Montgomery county Mo, son of Charles and Rebecca (Sutherland) Wilson. Married June 2, 1899 to Daisy Sheehan. Educated in common and high schools Mexico Mo; gradu- ated from Mankato State Normal 1893; and from law dept U of M 1896. Engaged in practice of law to date. Member Board of Education 4 years; judge of probate 1898; county atty 1900-1906; dir Nat Bank of Commerce Mankato. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; B P O E and Com- mercial Club. WILSOX Wilford (lark, Minneapo- lis. Res 212 Masonic Temple. In- surance agent. Born May 5, 1846 in Newport N Y, son of Wilford L and Ann (Perry) Wilson. Educated in the public schools of St Paul and Fair- field Academy and Seminary Fairfield N Y 1865-67. Employed bv Wilson & Worley St Paul 1868-74; after- wards Wilson & Rogers whol plumb- ing; had interest in same 1875-85. Firm changed to Rogers, Willis & Co (now Crane & Ordway Co St Paul); was employed by them until 18 87; entered the real estate business same year and later engaged in life and accident insurance. Enlisted in Company "B" 11th Minn Vol Inf 1S64; promoted to non-commissioned staff and discharged 18 65; pres of the 11th Regt Assn since its organization; fiist lieut and capt Company "A" 1st 482 Little Sketches of BUj Folks. Regt M N G. Held the first lieut's commission issued in Minnesota to a National Guard oificer. Charter mem- ber Past Commander of Acker Post G A R St Paul; Past Grand Patron Minnesota Order of the iilastern Star; member of all Masonic orders. WIXCZEWSKI Joseph, Winona. Public official. Born July 10, 1869 in Winona Minn, son of Leon and Mariana (Ki'eft) Winczewski. Edu- cated in public and parochial schools Winona 1875; Sacred Heart Prairie du Chien Wis. Dep register of deeds 188 8-94; dep county auditor 1894- 1904; county auditor 1904 to date. Member Board of Education. WINSHIP Pearl I), Grand Rapids. Physician (R) and surgeon. Born May 23, 1841 in Princeton 111, son of Ralph and Lucetta (Cooley) Winship. Married Sept .5, 1886 to V Florence Deeter. Received common school ed- ucation and graduated Keokuk 111 187 8. Learned printer's trade and became half owner of Bureau County (111) Tribune 1872; sold out 1874 and began study of medicine; graduated 1878; practiced in Marshalltown 187 8-8 7; established drug store at Park Rapids Minn 18 87; sold out 1893 and continued practice of medi- cine exclusively. Surgeon G N Ry 1892-9 7: author Soil Map Hubbard county; enlisted 1861 i2th 111 Regt; re-enlisted 18 65 in 14 8th 111 Inf; dis- charged 1865 at close of war; surgeon and major 1st Iowa N G 1880-85; mayor Park Rapids Minn 1906; re- elected 1907; state inspector conta- gious diseases; county physician Hub- bard county; health officer Park Rap- ids 10 years; sec Board U S Pension Examiners. Member Park Rapids Commercial Club. Pres Park Rapids Park Board; Territorial Pioneer 18 55. Greatly interested in archeology and has one of the largest private collec- tions in Minnesota of prehistoric im- plements. WINTER Rei-t, Minneapolis. Res 2 00 8 Park av, office 203 Bank of Commerce. Investment securities. Born Oct 17, 1861 in Cleveland Minn, son of John and Victoria (Walker) Winter. Married Feb 16, 1894 to Regina Winter. Educated in com- mon schools Granite Falls Minn and Carleton College Northfield. First engaged in teaching school 2 years; in employ of Bank of Sacred Heart as cashr until 18 88; cashr Yellow Medicine County Bank 1888-1904; moved to Minneapolis as sec and treas of Union Investment Co. Dir Clara City State Bank, First Nat Bank Madelia Minn and First Nat Bank Munich N D. Member Commercial Club; I O O F and K of P. WINTER Thomas Gerald, Minneap- olis. Res 418 Groveland av, office 904 Chamber of Commerce. Eleva- tors. Born in 18 63 at Grantham England, son of Thomas and Mary (Rogers) Winter. Married in 1902 to Alice V Ames of Boston. Attended schools in England until 1877; in France 18 77-80; ranched in Qu'An- pelle district Canada 1880-90; rail- road business in Minneapolis 1^91- 1903; with the P B Mann Co grain commission Minneapolis 1893-99; pres Winter & Ames Co Minneapolis, owning and operating country eleva- tors in Minnesota and N D 1899 to date. Served with White's Scouts against Riel Rebellion in western Canada 1885. WISE Charles Edward, Mankato. Res 226 Byron st, office 317 S Front St. Publisher. Born Oct 2 3, 1860 in Mankato Minn, son of John C and Amanda (Flory) Wise. Married Sept 26, 1893 to Minnie Lee. Edu- cated in Mankato public schools and graduated from high school 187 8. Clerk in county auditors office 1878- 81; clerk in custom house El Paso Tex 18 83; returned to Mankato and was admitted as a partner with his father under the firm name of J C Wise & Sons, publishers of the Re- view, established by John C Wise Sr 18 69; and engaged in general print- ing business. Dir Nat Citizens Bank; asst postmaster Mankato 18 85-8 8-9 8. Member Public Library Board; Com- mercial Club; B P O E; A O U W and Royal Arcanum. Exalted Ruler B P O E 1905. WISE John Claggett, Mankato. Res 919 S Front st, office 319 S Front st. Editor. Born April 14, 1867 in Man- kato Minn, son of John Claggett and Litth Sketches of Big Folks. 433 Amanda (Flory) Wise. Educated in public and State Normal schools of Mankato. Began his career as ap- prentice in office of his father J C Wise, editor and publisher of the Review. Admitted to partnership 1887, under firm name of J C Wise & Sons and has maintained the con- nection ever since. Engaged in news- paper and general printing business. Resident dir Mankato State Normal School ; former member board of trustees J Tourtellotte Hospital Man- kato; member M N G 6 years. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine: Knights of Pythias; Royal Arcanum; B P O E and FOE. WISE Ransfoi'd H, Brainerd. Real estate. Born Feb 27, 1852 in Ohio, son of Reuben W and Amanda Wise. Married June 15, 1875 to Anna E Crook. Educated in common schools Richmond and Lancaster Ohio. Stud- ied telee;rai)hy ; asst supt W U Tel Co in Oil Country Pa 1S75; in Pittsburg 1876; engaged in shipping business for self 1876 and opened branches in Cincinnati, Buffalo and Bradford Pa under firm name of A A Gould & Co; owing to ill health moved to James- town N D aiHl later to IMinnewaukon N D and in 1884 built large hotel. This was not a financial success, so took it down and re-erected it (The Arlington) intact in Brainerd; burned out 19 04 and built the Ransford 190 5; also built the Waldorf in Fargo 1900. Pres Brainerd Opera House and Commercial Club; v pres Crow Wing County Good Road Assn. Sec and treas Brainerd ^Mining Co and treas Crow Wing Rep Committee. El- ected mayor without a canvas. Owns summer home "Summerdale" of 2,500 acres. Member Masonic fraternity; K T; Shrine; Samaritans: A O U W; Royal Arcanum; B P O E. WITCHIE Edward E, Minneapolis. Res 17 00 Dupont av N, office 33 5 Bos- ton blk. Lawyer. Born March 16, 1855 in Switzerland, son of John and Marie (Kummer) Witchie. Married Oct 12, 1881 to Lydia Hasty. Edu- cated in public schools; U of M; and graduated from Univ of Mich LL B 1880. Engaged in practice of law in Minneapolis 1881 to date, making speciality of administration of estates, 28 etc. Dir Minn Live Stock Co; Mer- chants & Manufacturers State Bank Minneapolis: First Nat Bank Hop- kins; Osseo State Bank. Member Masonic fraternity. WITTEXSTEX Chaile.s, Warren. Banker. Born March 26, 1858 in Sweden, son of Carl and Martha (Nel- son) Wittensten. Married Sept 27, 1S84 to Antonetta Mack. Educated in the common schools of Sweden and U S. Came to U S 187 5 and engaged in farming until 1880; in ivioorhead 2 years: moved to Warren and contin- ued farming; elected pres Swedish American State Bank 1904; pres Lundgren, Wittensten & Co. Member 1 O O F; K of P and M W A. WITTMAACK Jolin Henry, St Paul. Res 299 Pleasant av, office Roseau Minn. Deputy collector customs. Born Dec 2 0, 1872 in St Paul, son of Herman and Augusta (Staender) Wittmaack. Educated in graded ard high schools; commercial course st St John's Univ Collegeville Minn: law at U of M, LL B 1901; LL M 1902. Admitted to bar 1901; bkpr and clerk 1890-91; entry clerk 1891- 92; postoffice clerk 1892-1906; dep collector customs 190 6. Sec Germa- nia Turnverien St Paul 1892-9 6. Member Lincoln Club St Paul; char- ter member West Side Club. WOHL Thomas W, Duluth. Res 2 6 E 1st st, office 201 Exchange bidg. Real estate. Born Ncv 14, 1873 in Eau Claire Wis, son of W H and Dorothy W Wohl. Married in 1898. Educated in the public schools and business college Duluth. En- gaged as clerk in real estate business 1809-1897, when he entered same business for self under firm ■name of T ^^" Wohl ; incorporated as T W Wohl & Co 1902, real estate and iron lands, of which company he is now pres. Member of Kitchi Gammi, Boat and Curling clubs. WOLS) Theodore, Winona. Banker. Born July 4, 1868 in Decorah la, son of John Wold. Married in 18 93 to Belle Graves. Educated in public schools Decorah la. Engaged as elk in mercantile business until 1889; bkpr in Bank of Elbow Lake Minn 434 Li f tie Sketches of Bif/ Folk ft. 1889-90; cashr First Nat Bank Little Falls Minn 1890-9 6; moved to Wi- nona and has been cashr of Merchants Bank to date. Member Business Men's Club and treas Board of Trade. AVOLP Anthony, Stillwater. Res 603 S Broadway, office 414 S Main st. Brewer and wholesale liquor dealer. Born Dec 2 6, 1871 in Stillwater Minn, son of Joseph and Mary Wolf. Mar- ried in 1892 to Amanda Newquist. Educated in the public schools and business college Stillwater and St John's Univ Collegeville Minn 18 89- 91. Engaged with Joseph Wolf Co, brewers and whol liquor dealers 18 88 to date, and is now treas of same. Member of B P O E; Foresters and U C T. AVOLP Joseph, Stillwater. Res 4 02 S Main st, office 414 S Main st. Brewer and wholesale liquor dealer. Born 183 2 in Truns Switzerland. Married Oct 10, 18 58 to Mary Simonet. Moved to Stillwater 185 6. Engaged in whol liquor and brewing business 1872; purchased interests of his partners 1879 and continued business alone until 1896, when the Joseph Wolf Co, of which he is pres was incorporated. WOLFER Henry, Stillwater. Office Warden MSP. Public official. Born .March 23, 1853 in Munith Mich, son of John and Sarah (Lantis) Wolfer. Educated in the common schools and commercial college of Joliet 111. Com- menced prison work 18 72, being var- iously employed until 1885: dep supt 18 85-9 2; warden M S P 1892 to date; V pres N W Thresher Co Stillwater; ex-pres National Prison Congress. Member of Masonic fraternity; B P O E; Nat Wardens' Assn and ex-pres of same. WOLFORTH Robert Vj, Red Wing, Res 216 Franklin st, office 202 3d st. Lumber. Born May 18, 1879 in Hutchinson Minn, son of Herman Wol- forth. Married in 19 03 to Ethel Lambert. Educated in public and high schools Hutchinson Minn. In retail lumber business Cannon Falls 1900; same in Hastings 1900-1901; mngr North Star Lumber Co Red Wing 1901 to date. Member Com- mercial Club; I O O F. WOLVIN Augustus IJenjainin, Du- luth. Res 1103 E Superior st, office Wolvin bldg. Lake transportation. Born Oct 16, 185 7 in Cleveland O, son of Benjamin S and Finetta (Har- rington) Wolvin. Married Jan 8, 1880 to Carrie L Kilgore. Educated in the common schools of Cleveland and Illinois. Began his career on Great Lakes as sailor and was succes- sively promoted to office of capt. Lo- cated in Duluth 1888 and engaged in lake transportation business under firm name of La Salle & Wolvin until 1893; then engaged for self, organ- ized and built fleet for Zenith Transit Co which was merged into U S Steel Corporation's fleet, of which he was appointed gen mngr of lake transpor- tation, holding same until 1904. Or- ganized Zenith Furnace Co 1903 and has been its pres to date. Pres Su- perior Shipbuilding Co Superior Wis, and dir First Nat Bank Duluth. Mem- ber Kitchi Gammi and Commercial clubs Duluth; Minnesota Club St Paul, Chicago Club Chicago, and Union Club Cleveland. Member Masonic fraternity. WOOD Fred B, Austin. Office State Capitol St Paul. Adjutant general of Minnesota. Born June 14 1866 in Amus N Y, son of Eugene and Hen- rietta (Beatty) Wood. Married Nov 25, 1891 to Anna Dunklemann. Ed- ucated in the common and high schools of Austin Minn, graduating 1886. Engaged in real estate and in- surance business at the same time holding the office of dep register of deeds of Mower county Minn, at Aus- tin for 10 years. Identified with M N G since 1884. Enlisted as pri- vate in 2d Inf 18 84; corporal 1885; sergeant 1886; 1st sergeant 1888; sergeant major 1890; 1st lieut 1891; capt 1893; captain in 12th Minn Vol Inf in Spanish-American War April to Nov 1898; major 2d Inf 1898; adjutant general M N G, with rank of brigadier general 1905; re- appointed 190 7. Member Masonic fraternity. AVOOD George, Faribault. Den- tist. Born Feb 19, 1872 in Coati- cooke P Q, son of George W and Ella M (Fox) Wood. Married in 19 02 to Nellie Grant. Educated in ])ublic Little *S7,7'^c//r.s' of Bi(/ Folks. 435 schools and Faribault Miliary School ; graduated from dental dept U of M, D M D 1S93. Practiced his profes- sion in Faribault 189 4 to date. Mem- ber Library Board; State Dental Assn; Commercial Club and iv of P. WOOD Harry L, Warren. Banker. Born Jan 24 1868 in Durand Wis, son of Lorenzo G and Harriet A (Tay- lor) Wood. Married Dec 6, .1890 to Laura A Flanders. Educated in com- mon schools Durand Wis and Warren Minn; Archibald Business College Minneapolis. On farm from childhood until 1889; wheat buyer in Minn and N D 1889-1892; in employ of W F Powell & Co at Warren 1892-1902; member of firm of Powell Wood & Co 19 02 to date; cashr First Nat Bank of Warren 19 04 to date. Sec Commercial Club. WOOD Jo.seph C, St Paul. Res 821 Lincoln av, office 424 Endicott bldg. Lands. Born July 4, 1864 in Mt Calm county Mich, son of Clayton and Katherine K (Bailey) Wood. Married in 1892 to Mary Dacey. Educated in public schools and graduated from law dept Univ of Mich 18 90. Prac- ticed law in Breckenridge Minn 1890- 1900; in land business 1900-190 6; treas Northwest Colonization Co. Member Commercial Club. WOODARD Hiirtson F, Minneapo- lis. Res 3106 1st av S, office 330 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born June 21, 184 7 in Dunham Quebec, son of Orlin and Mary Eliza (Thompson) Woodard. Married Sept 18, 1871 to Eunice Whitney. Educated in com- mon schools and academy at Dunham Canada. Studied law and admitted to bar St Albans Vt 1869; began prac- tice at St Albans 18 69; continued un- til 1874; moved to St Croix county Wis 1874 and was dist atty of St Croix county 1875-76; practiced in St Croix county Wis until 1881; moved to Fergus Falls Minn and formed partnership with Senator Moses E Clapp; which continued until 1891. Moved to Minneapolis 1891 and has been in practice there to date. Mem- ber Commercial Law League of Am- erica. WOODIU'RN J S, Lake Minneton- ka. Office 417 S 3d st Minneapolis. Born Jan 18, 1874 in Forrest III, son of Charles F and Frances (Mc- Coy) Woodburn. Married June 9. 19 02 to Marion E Kees. Educated in common schools. Employed by A C McClurg & Co Chicago 1890-95; mngr Des Forges & Co retail book and stationery Milwaukee ±895-1901; with St Paul Book & Stationerv Co as mngr of retail dept 1901-1904; moved to Minneapolis 19 04 and was elected as sec and treas of Great Western Printing Co; treas Minneai)o- lis Waste Paper Co. Member Mason- ic fraternity. WOODMAN Edwin Ellis, St Paul. Res 772 Lincoln av, office Omaha gen offices. Railroad man. Born June 1, 183 8 in St Louis Mo, son of David and Caroline (Warner) Woodman. Married in 1871 to Elizabeth K Churchill. Educated in the St Louis Mo public schools; atJanesville (Wis) High School; Univ of Wis. Sec C St P M & O Ry Co St Paul 1884 to date. Captain 13th Wisconsin Vol Inf Civil War; prin public schools Monroe Wis 18 68; edtor Baraboo (Wis) Republi- can 1874-81; state senator Wisconsin 187 9-81; colonel and chief engineer staff of Gov Jeremiah Rusk Wiscon- sin. Civil engineer. Member St Paul Society of Civil Engineers; Loyal Le- gion Minnesota Commandery. WOODMAN Prentiss M, Minneapo- lis. Res 1808 Colfax av S, office 836 Lumber Exchange. Lawyer. Born Oct 2 9, 184 6 in New Gloucester Me, son of Prentiss M and Elizabeth U (Cushman) Woodman. Married Aug 21, 1878 to Mary H Talbot. Gradu- ated from Edward Little High School at Auburn Me 1866; Brown Univ Providence R I 1870; A M from Mis- sissippi College Clinton Mississppi 1872. Private in 29th Maine Inf during Civil War. Teacher Missis- sippi College and in the Minneapolis public schools 1870-80; propr Wood- man Publishing Co Minneapolis, pub- lishing Woodman's Lawyers' Diary, U S bankruptcy blanks, Atlas Guide to Minneapolis, etc. Dir Lumber Ex- change Building Co Minneapolis. Member GAR. 436 Little Sketches of Bi(/ Folks. WOODIllFF Marcus C, St Paul. Res 3 6 The Marlborough, office Chi- cago Great Western Ry gen offices. Railroad official. Born at Aurora Brie county N Y. Educated in the public schools and an academy in na- tive town. Moved to Iowa in 1855; owned and edited Iowa Falls Sentinel 1863-70; the Waterloo (Iowa) Cou- rier 1870-73; Dubuque (Iowa) Daily Times 18 73-83; chief clerk Iowa House of Representatives 1868-68; state railroad commissioner Iowa 1878-82; tax commissioner Chicago Great Western Ry 1892-1906; now right of way commissioner Chicago Great Western Ry. Pres school board Iowa Falls Iowa; commissioner to take vote of 12th Iowa Inf in the field 1863. WOODRIFF Willis Wikox, Can- non Falls. Lawyer. Born April 12, 184 2 in Vienna Ohio, ton of Gen Chas and Anna (Akins) Woodruff. Mar- ried in 187 9 to Evelyn Chester. Ed- ucated in Vienna and Kingsville O academies; Warren O High School; Oberlin O College; Union Park Col- lege; Oberlin O Theological Seminary; graduated from law dept U of Mich 1872. Published weekly newspaper Oberlin O and Kilbourn Wi.^; eiig:ged in real estate business 1888; has re- sided in Cannon Falls since 1901. Served in Civil War, captured at Har- pers Ferry and paroled 18 62. Mem- ber GAR. WOODWAUD Austin M, Minneapo- lis. Res 215 Clifton av, office 63-64 Chamber of Commerce. Grain com- mission. Born Aug 24, 18 52 at New Castle Ind, son of Franklin and Han- nah M (Burt) Woodward. Educated at U of M. Conducted livery and sales stable Minneapolis 1872; sold same in 1874; spent 2 years abroad, returning to Minneapolis in 187 6; oi)ened large planing mill, later des- troyed by fire. Began grain business April 1, 1879 and continued same to date. Stockholder and official in a number of banks in smaller towns of the Northwest; v pres South Side State Bank and dir First Nat Bank Minneai)olis. Pres Grain Receivers Assn of Chamber of Commerce Min- neai)olis for several years; dir Cham- ber of Commerce Minneapolis 4 years; member Minneapolis Club. WOODWORTH Ernost Edward, St Paul. Res 631 Cedar st, office 405 Century bldg. Promoter. Born May 13, 18 62 in Clearwater Minn, son of Thaddeus J and Juliet Graves (Bent- ley) Woodworth. Married twice: 1886 to A Maye Green; then to L A Pink- ham. Educated in public, graded, high and private schools in Minne- sota. Taught school from 18 until 34; life insurance, special agt, gen agent and mngr for John Hancock Co 189 6-1901; present line 19 01 to date; mngr, v pres and dir St Paul Tropical Development Co, handling 10,000 acres on the Tehuantepec & National Ry, Isthmus of Tehuantepec Mexico since Jan 190 5. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. WOOLSTEACROFT Benjaniiii W, Slay ton. Judge of probate. I?orn Feb 2 2, 1846 in Jefferson Barracks Mo, son of Benjamin and Mary A (Kerr) Woolstencroft. Married Dec 18, 18 66 to Susan D Anscomb. Ed- ucated in common schools Clayton county Iowa and Northeastern Iowa Univ Fayette la. Raised on farm in Clayton county la; removed to Nobles county Minn 1867; engaged in civil engineering and surveying until fail- ing health compelled him to retire. Private Co "L"" 6th Iowa Cav 1862- 64; county commissioner Nobles county Minn 1869-70; county survey- or Nobles county 6 years; Murray county 16 years. Pres School Board F'ulda 10 years; pres council; re- corder; chairman Republican County Central Committee; sec Republican County Central Committee; justice of the peace and assessor; judge of pro- bate 189 5 to date. WORKS Samuel I), Mankato. Real estate. Born Feb 3, 1862 in Troop- burg N Y, son of Leonidas and Helen (Gasleigh) Works. Married June 6, 188 8 to Agnes Owens. Educated in the public schools; Cook Academy and Chicago Univ. Organized Central Minn Immigration Co 19 00 and now sec and mngr of same; sec S D Works lands and timber 1902, now mngr of same. Pres Mankato Investment Co; Works Everts Lumber Co; sec and mngr Works Land & Lumber Co. Elected senator from 11th dist 1906, being first Democrat elected in 2 4 years. f /it tie Sketches of Big Folks. 437 WOHltELL (iraiiville, St Paul. Res 4 82 Ashland av, office 408 Manhattan l)Idg. Insurance. Born Sept 21, 18o(; in Wilmington Del, son of Thomas and Miriam Carson (Lam- born) Worrell. ftlarried to Elizabeth P Sellers. Educated in Friend's School; Kennett Squai'e; and Eral- down Academy. Engaged in mercan- tile business 1863; clerk in Bank of Delaware 18 56; entered the firm of Worrell & Child 18 63 and the same year became first lieut of the 7th Regt Delaware Vols; later in 5th Regt Del- aware Vols and served until close of Civil War. Variously engaged in firms of Granville Worrell & Worrell Carpet Co and Mendinhall, Worrell & Co ship and boat builders Wilming- ton; continued in mercantile business until 1899 when he entered employ of Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co; now mngr in St Paul. Member of the Minnesota and Commercial clubs St Paul; Institute Club Wilmington Del. WKAY riysses G, Park Rapids. Lawyer. Born March 29, 18 65 in Rristow la, son of William and Ara- bella (Smith) Wray. Married May 13, 1891 to Laura Lester. Educted in high school Tripoli la 1884; Cur- tiss Business College St Paul; studied law in office in St Paul and admitted to bar 1891; practiced law Duluth 1891-99; in Park Rapids 189 9 to date. County atty 1905 to date. Member M N G 6 years; Masonic fra- ternity; I O O F; M B A and B A Y. WRICmr Aithur Winflehl, Austin. Lawyer. Born Sept 17, 1861 in Ohio, son of Cyrus .and Marietta M (Smith) Wright. Married May 25, 188 6 to Agnes E Clark. Attended high school Cambridge 111; Carleton College Northfleld ]\Iinn. Studied law in office. Began business as clerk in First Nat Bank of Austin Minn; be- gan practice of law as partner in law firm of French & Wright, which con- tinued until 1898; actively engaged in practice of law alone 189 8 to date. Dir Alliance Fire Ins Co of Minn and Austin Weed Exterminator Mnfg Co. Col 2d Inf M N G, late major 12th Inf Vol Spanish-American War. County atty Mower county Minn. Trustee Carleton College Northfleld. Member Austin Progressive League. WRIGHT Henjaniiii Fianklin, Park Rapids. Lawyer. Born Aug 2 7, 1861 in Durham Me, son of Sidney and Nancy (Perkins) Wright. Man-ied Dec 31, 1887 to Laura M Clay. At- tended public schools and graduated from high school Lewiston Me 1879; graduated from Colby Univ Water- ville Me A B 1883; admitted to bar 1885; practiced law in Maine 1885- 87; removed to Minnesota 1887 and was supt of schools Melrose Minn 18 88-91 ; practiced law in Park Rapids Minn 1891 to date. AVKIGHT (liaile.s Dyer, Fergus Falls. Banker. Born Nov 8, 1850 in Orwell Vt, son of Ethan Murray and Eliza T (Bottum) Wright. Mar- ried Aug" 2 8, 18 78 to Lucy S Barney. Received his education in Burr & Bur- ton Seminary Manchester Vt 1864-65; Highland Military Academy Worces- ter Mass 18 65-67; Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute Troy N Y 1867-69. Connected with U S surveyor gener- al's office in field and office 18 69-7 6; banking business in Fergus Falls 1876-1907. Pres First Nat Bank Fergus Falls; First State Bank Ash- by; dir First Nat Bank Henning; First State Bank Battle Lake; partner Bank of Dalton; Bank of Underwood; pres Fergus Falls Water Co; dir Fer- gus Flour IVtills Co; Fargo Mill Co. Served as mayor of Fergus Falls 188 5 and 1888; city council 4 years; city treas; trustee Minn Hospitals for In- sane 1887-93. Member Masonic fra- ternity; K T; K of P; and Sons of the American Revolution. : i WnUiHT Kdwiii P, Alexandria. Public official. Born July 14, 1869 in Vernon county Wis, son of Andrew and Oliana Wright. Married Oct 11, 1893 to Emma R Raiter. Educated in public and high schools Rushford Minn and La Crosse (Wis) Business College 1887. Bkpr in La Crosse un- til 1899; in merchandise business Fargo N D and Moorhead Minn un- til 1890; moved to Alexandria and was dep auditor until 1898; auditor 189 8 to date. V pres Interurban Telephone Exchange Co. Member I O O F and K of P. 438 Littk .Sketches of Bit/ Folks. WRIGHT Fred B, Minneapolis. Res 424 Newton av N, office 311 Globe bldg. Lawyer. Born Jan 17. 1856 in Columbia N H, son of Beriah and Julia A (Smith) Wright. Married Aug 27, 1884 to Helen M Conant. Attended public schools in Vermont and New Hampshire; graduated from St Johns- bury Academy 1878; studied law with the late Judge George A Bingham at Littleton N H, and in the Boston Law School in Boston Mass. Has prac- ticed law in Minneapolis 1883 to date; alone 1883 to 1895; member Wright & Matchan lawyers 1895 to date. Member Commercial Club. WYMAN Chandler C, Minneapolis. Res 1812 Dupont av S, office 47 Cham- ber of Commerce. Grain commission merchant. Born Dec 19, 1858 at Mill- bridge Maine, son of John and Cal- rinda (Tolman) Wyman. Married Nov 28, 1887 Fannie Crittenden. At- tended common and high schools at Millbridge Maine; Seminary at Buck- port Maine; foreman Jasper Wyman's canning factory on coast of Maine 1878-80; confidential elk to Gen Adel- bert Ames, flour commission business New York 1880-83; member Martin & Wyman grain commission merchants 1883-92; pres C C Wyman & Co. same 1892 to date. Dir Swedish-American National Bank. AVYMAN James Thomas, Minneapo- lis. Res 1029 S E 4th st, office 2d av cor S E 8th. Manufacturer. Born Oct 15, 1849; Millbridge Maine, son of John and Clarinda (Tolman) Wyman. Mar- ried twice: Sept 3, 1873 to Rosetta Lamberson (died April 15, 1899); June 12, 1901 to Anna G Shotwell. Educated in public school Millbridge Me; Carle- ton College Northfield Minn 1870. Re- moved to Minneapolis March 1871; en- tered firm of Smith, Parker & Co 1874; changed to Smith & Wyman mnfrs of sash, doors and blinds 1881; assisted in organization of Metropoli- tan Bank Minneapolis 1889; v pres same year; pres 1890; pres Clearing House Assn 1894; merged Metropoli- tan Bank into Northwestern National Bank and became director of same 1902. Member Minneapolis, Minikah- da and St Anthony clubs. Member of Minn House of Representatives 1893-95; Senate 1895-99; Board of Re- gents U of M 1901; pres of same 1904; pres of Board of Trade Minne- apolis 1888-89; trustee Hamline Univ since 1880; now v pres of the Board of Trustees. Member Board of Trus- tees Hennepin Av M E Church. XVYVELL Henry, Breckenridge. Lawyer. Born Feb 16, 1868 in Su- perior Wis, son of John and Jane (Peardon) Wyvell. Married Nov 24, 1892 to Pauline C Abenschiem. Edu- cated in Minnesota public schools; graduated from law dept U of M, LL B 1891. Engaged in practice of law in Breckenridge 1891 to date. County atty 1895-97; 1901-1905; now city atty; has served on school board and is pres Board of Education. Dir and atty Red River Building & Loan Assn of Breckenridge. Member Ma- sonic fraternty; K of P. Y YALK Stephen M, St Paul. Res 2702 Portland av, office 420 Security Bank bldg. Manufacturer. Born Aug 15, 1857 in Guilford N Y; educated at Afton (N Y) Academ--; Cook Univ Havana N Y. Farmer 1879-Sl. Found- ed firm of Curtis & Yale Wausaxi Wis 1881; removed business to Minneapo- lis 1893. V pres Curtis & Yale Co sash, doors, moulding and lumber; l)res McCoy Lumber Co Minneapolis. Member Commercial Club. YOKKG Anthony, St Paul. Res 197 W Isabel st, office 710 Pioneer Press bldg. Real estate; Born Sept 7, 1854 in St Paul Minn, son of An- thony and Elovina (Seitzsinger) Yoerg. Married Oct 15, 1881 to Ida C Theobald. Educated in the common schools of St Paul and attended U of M 2 years. Entered the employ of his father in the Yoerg Brewing Co, first as gen mngr and later as a partner until 1893; then variously occupied with private affairs until 1901, when he engaged in real estate as at present. Member of Board of Aldermen St Paul 1889- 1890 and Board of Education 1896-99. YOERG Henry, St Paul. Res 884 Lincoln av, office Dale and Minne- haha sts. Mechanical engineer. Born in 1871 in St Paul, son of Anthony and Elvina (Sietzinger) Yoerg. Mar- LilfJc SJairhvs of Bhj Foils. 430 ried June 28, 1903 to Mamie Kelly. At- tended public schools and Baldwin Seminary St Paul; Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology Boston, graduat- ing B S mechanical engineering 1905. Member Delta Upsilon colle°e frater- nity; Northwestern Railway Club. Supt shop Great Northern Ry St Paul 1901 to date. YOFMANS Charles >I, Winona. Res 227 Wilson st, ofRce Lumber Excha-ige. Lumberman. Born Jan 29, 1856 in Saratoga county N Y, son of E S and Sarah L (Wheeler) Youmans. Mar- ried 1879 to Grace Grafton. Educated in Normal School Winona. First en- gaged as clerk in lumber business of Youmans Bros & Hadgins Lumber Co 1872-99; engaged in business for self in Winona 1899 to date, under firm name of C M Youmans I^imber Co. YOUMANS Karl S, Winona. Re- tired. Born Dec 13, 1824 in Saratoga New York, son of Vincent and Cath- erine (Scofield) Youmans. Married in 1852 to Sara Wheeler. Educated in public schools Saratoga county N Y 1829-39. First engaged in wagon business in Sacramento Cal 1849-52; returned to New York and engaged in farming 1852-50; moved to WMnona, l)urchased a millsite and engaged in lumber business 1856-1900; retired from business 1900. YOIXG Charle.s Henry, St Paul. Office 653 Rice st. Born July 11, 1872 in Hastings Minn. Emi)loyed by Chi- cago Great Western Ry 1889-94; with C St P M & O Ry 1894-1901; entered employ of Butler Bros as asst secre- tary 1901-1906, when he established firm of C H Young & Co cut stone, marble, terrazza work and tile. Fur- nished marble for new Auditorium; granite for State Capitol approaches; stone front for State Savings Bank. Conducts the largest cut stone plant in the Northwest. YOUNG Eus'eiie, Minneapolis. Res 2290 Commonwealth av St Anthony Park, office 515-519 Kasota bldg Min- neapolis. Lawyer. Born March 9, 1874 in Chaska Minn, son of Henry and Madelaine (litis) Young. Married June 27, 1903 to Margaret McKerch- ner. Educated at East Minneapolis High School; Moravian College Beth- lehem Pa; U of M. Engaged in gen practice in Minnesota. Sec and treas Canfield-Butler Co; Camden Manufac- turing Co; Gas Appliance Co; v pres Burlington Mining Co. Member Phi Gamma Delta college fraternity; Searchlight Club; Commercial Club; Hennei)in Republican Club Minneapo- lis. YOUNC; Kduard IJlako, St Paul. Res 324 Summit av, office 326 Gil- fillan blk. Lawyer. Born Jan 14, 1864 in Newton Mass, son of Rev Edward J and Mary Clapp (Blake) Young. Was educated in the public schools of Cambridge Mass and Harvard Col- lege 1885. Admitted to the bar in Oct 1887; now engaged in gen practice. Member of American Bar Assn; So- ciety of Colonial Wars in Minnesota; Minnesota, and Town and Country clubs St Paul and Minnesota Boat Club. YOUNCi Frank L, Duluth. Res Riv- erside Park, office 201 Palladio bldg. Architect. E'orn Jan 18, 1858 in Bur- ford Out, son of Matthew and Eliza- beth (Southwick) Young. Married May 8, 1883 to Alice Mott. Educated in the common and high schools of Burford Out. Learned carpentry and pursued same 1875-87, studying archi- tecture during that time. Has since been engaged in the practice of the latter profession under the firm names of Young & Terryberry 1887-88; Young & Young 1890-91; Tenbusch & Young 1895-97; Young & Nystrom 1902-1905; alone 1905 to date. Among his no- table buildings are the Brook Ter- race and the high school at Ely Minn, which is said to be the finest in the state. Member of the Commercial Club; K of P; B P O E and Masonic fraternity. YOUN(i George Ellsworth, Minne- apolis. Res 3021 Park av, office 530 Temple Court. Lawyer. Born June 9, 1864 in Iroquois county 111, son of Morgan C and Amanda Jane (Mask- all) Young. Married Dec 29, 1897 to Alice A Perkins. Attended public schools until 1884; Archibald's Busi- ness College Minneapolis 1884-85; Hamline Univ St Paul 1S85-S8; studied law in office of Palmer & Van Fossen 440 Littlv Sl-ctrhcs of liUi Folks. Minneapolis 1888-91; graduated law dept U of M, B L 1891. Has practiced law in Minnesota 1891 to date. Pro])r North Star Machine Co Minneapolis manufacturers of laundry collar and cuff starcher 1904 to date. Member Masonic order and K T. Dunlap clubs New York; Prince and Bibliophile societies Boston. Biblio- phile: collecting library of best books of most celebrated authors, each char- acteristically inscribed by the writer; collection already renowned through- out the world. YOUNG HaiT.v (i, St Cloud. Land and loans. Born Feb 2, 1880 in Crown Point Ind, son of George D and Mar- garet (Koll) Young. Married June 20, 1904 to Ida M Reinhard. Educated in common schools: St Cloud Normal School and high school. Dep register of deeds 1897-1903; one of the orga- nizers of the A G Whitney Land & Loan Co 1903, and treas until 1906; sec and treas to date. Member B P O E. YOUNG Henry A, Lake City. Of- fice Main st. Merchant. Born Dec 9, 1845 in Gailsbach Germany, son of Frederick and Regenia (Kuebler) Young. Married in 1872 to Anna L Schauble. Attended public schools in Germany 1851-59, and Bryant-Stratton Business College Harrisburg Pa. Moved to Reeds Landing Minn and engaged as elk in retail dry goods business 1863-65. Moved to Lake City Minn and engaged as elk until 1867. Formed partnership with brother C F Young and engaged in dry goods busi- ness Lake City 1869-89. Engaged in same business alone 1889 to date. Member Commercial Club and Masonic fraternity. YOUNG James Carletoii, Minneapo- lis. Res 1600 2d av S, office 707 Guaranty and Loan bldg. Capitalist. Born July 29, 1856 in Marion Iowa, son of Joseph Barris and Jennie (Car- ter) Young. Married April 30, 1888 to Etta May Rogers. Graduated from Cornell College Iowa B A 1876; M A later. Pres James C Young Land Co Minneapolis. Honorary commissioner of the United States to Paris Exposi- tion 1878; pres National Assn of Real Estate Dealers 1884-86; member Loyal Legion; Minneapolis, Commercial and Long Meadow Gun clubs Minneapolis; Town and Country Club St Paul; Cax- ton Club Chicago; Rowfant Club Cleveland; United Service and Philo- biblon clubs Philadelphia; Grolier and YOUNG Jeremiah Simeon, Man- kato. Res 309 Clark st. Educator. Rorn Sept 9, 1866 in Ohio, son of W R and Rebecca (Woodrow) Young. Mar- ried to Kate Bergh. Graduated from Kansas College A B 1890; Univ of Mich A M 1S98; Univ of Chicago Ph D 1902. Engaged as principal of school in Colorado 1890-92; asst state supt of schools Colorado 1892-94; in- structor Colorado State Normal School 1894-97; supt city schools Fostoria Ohio 1898-1900; acting professor po- litical science Mankato Normal School 1902 to date. YOl'NG William E, Mankato. Rail- road and warehouse comnr. Born Oct 26, 1861 in Adams county Wis; moved with parents when 2 years old to Waseca county Minn. Graduated from State Normal School Mankato 1881; from Univ of la 1883; admitted to bar in Des Moines and Waseca coun- ty 1883; practiced in Pope and Wase- ca counties until 1887 when he moved to Mankato where he has engaged in the practice of his profession to date; served as county attorney of Blue Earth county 6 years; elected to Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sion 1904 for a term of 4 vears. Z ZAUN Jac<»b Jo.seph, St Paul. Res 462 Virginia av; office 405 Ernst bldg. Physician and surgeon. Born in 1875 in Pewaukee Wis, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Zaun. Attended graded and high schools at Pewaukee Normal School at Milwaukee Wis; Rush Medi- cal College in Chicago; Infants Hospi- tal and City Hospital New York City; graduated from Rush Medical College in 1901. Has practiced medicine in St Paul 1901 to date. Member Coun- ty Medical Society: American Medi- cal Association; St Paul Commercial Club; Order of Elks. Little Sketches of liif/ Folks: 441 ZAPP John, St Cloud. Loans and abstracting. Born June 10, 1830 in Scheoneclien Germany, son of Micliael and Susan (Richter) Zapp. Mar- ried July 24. 1SG2 to Margaret Hoff- man. Educated in common schools Germany. Moved to Elizabeth N J 1854; moved to Sauk Rapids Minn 1856; engineer in sawmill untl 1S58; moved to St Cloud 1858; register of deeds 1861-88; loan and abstract busi- ness 1888 to date. ZKHXDEU John C, St Paul. Res 1165 Burns av; office 314 Globe bidg. Lawyer. Born June 3. 1870 in Inver Grove Minn, son of Friedrich and Maria (Veith) Zehnder. Married Dec 31, 1903 to Clara L Smith. Edu- cated in district school Dakota coun- ty Minn; graduated from Northwest- ern College Xaperville 111, S B 1896; law department U of M 1900. Began practice of law in office of Hon John W Willis St Paul 1901. and has ac- tively engaged in his profession to date. ZIEGLEK (."eorgo P, St Paul. Res 350 X Dale. Office 55 E 3d st. Manu- facturing confectioner. Born March 3. 1852 in Milwaukee, son of George and Barbara (Boll) Ziegler. Married 1874 to McLean Weiser of Milwaukee. Educated in the parochial and public schools and Spencer's Business College Milwaukee. Learned the candy busi- ness in the employ of his father who has been engaged in same in Ameri- can for 50 years. Came to St Paul 1902 and established the Ziegler-Egan Candy Co, which was succeeded by the Ziegler-Reinertsen Co 1907, of which he is secretary and treasurer. Member Commercial Club. ZIMMERMAN Henry, Chaska. Public official. Born Aug .16, 1866 in Carver county Minn, son of Fred- erick and Barbara (Stadel) Zimmer- man. Married Sept 6, 1898 to Olga Zierman. Educated in Chaska public schools. Farmed until 1886; clerk in the mercantile business 1886-96; clerk in county auditor's office 1896- 1900; elected county treasurer in 1904 and has served to date. ZLMMERMAX William F, Red Wing. Res 821 3d st, office Main and Jefferson sts. Brewer. Born Jan 2, 1866 in Petznick Germany, son of John Zimmerman. Married in 1893 to Christina P Hoffmann. Educated in the public and high schools of St Paul Minn. Clk in office of Mahler & Thomp- son 1880-84; bookkeeper for Jos Rup- pe general store Rush City 1884-85; traveling salesman for Geo Benz & Son, wholesale liquor St Paul 1885- 1902; secretary and treasurer Will E Matheis furniture St Paul 1902-1905. Proprietor Red Wing Brewing Co 1905 to date. Member Commercial Club; B P O E Red Wing, and Junior Pio- neers St Paul. ;* :f^ \