HIBPlARY OF CONGRESS. # r - 7 — p I UNITED STATE^OF AMERICA. J CLASS BOOK GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, EASY LESSONS BY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE CAPACITY OF INTERMEDIATE CLASSES IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. BY J. M. ROSS, IPAL OF FIFTH DISTRICT SCHOOL, CINCINNATI, OHIO, FKOM 1853 TO 18C4. DES MOINES: MILLS & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. 1874. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, By mills & COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED By mills & COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. '/^C'737 PREFACE. LO TEACHERS A^D SCHOOL DIRECTORS IN lOAVA: The want of success in teaching Geography in the Public Schools throughout the State has been deplored by our leading educators, and the MEANS for commencing this important study in a manner author- ized by experience and indorsed by all well informed friends of education, has long been looked forward to and earnestly desired. The nine years I have lived in Iowa, and most of the time Editor and Publisher of the Iowa School Journal, have brought me in close sympathy with the teachers of the State and given me some knowledge of the condition of the schools and what is needed to lift them to that higher place of acknowl- edged efficiency for which the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the County Superintendents, the Boards of Directors, and the Teachers, are harmoniously lending all their energies. During more than twelve years it was my good fortune to be connected with the Public Schools of Cincinnati — before I moved to Iowa — as Principal of the Fifth District School, one of the largest in that city, numbering some 1,300 children. I succeeded while there in helping to revolutionize the manner of teaching Geography in those schools. The plan adopted there was so successful it has become the approved plan in other cities, and I have adopted it in this book. Every Teacher who is up with the times advocates teaching the Geography of our own State before launching out in the book of General Geography, but the means have been lacking, and this has been done only to a limited extent. Mills & Co. have met GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. part of tliis want hy manufacturing at great expense a large, reliable Wall Map of Iowa, which is specially adapted to class teaching in the schools. I have endeavored to compass the rest of the difficulty by furnishing this Class Book of questions on that map, propounded in such a way that any teacher may so sucessfully carry out my plan that at the end of a term of three months he will discover that the children are possessed of more actual information than is generally acquired on the subject in as many years. In regard to Parts Second, Third and Fourth of this book, I have onl}' to say that I regard a knowledge of Government of the highest importance to the young. This subject has been shamefully neglected, but I have no doubt it will henceforth have a place in the daily exercises in the schools of this State, and I hope also in all the States. In conclusion, let me say that if teachers will teach it with half the devotion and labor that I have bestowed upon it in its preparation, a reasonable part of my expectations will be realized in the results that will be attained. J. M. KOSS. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. CONTENTS, PAKT FIRST. Geograi^liical Definitions 9 Geography of your own Township and County 10 Locating Lands by I^^umbers 12 G«ograph}^ of Counties in Alphabetical order 14 Population of Largest Cities 27 Public and Charitable Institutions 27 The Most Populous Counties 28 Rivers of Iowa Described 28 Railroads Described 32 Minerals, etc 35 PART SECOND. County Government 37 PART THIRD. State Government 43 PART FOURTH. Federal Government 53 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA PART FIRST LESSON I. What is Geography ? Geoy:rapliy is a description of tlie Earth's surface. What is the Earth ? The Earth is the pLanet on which we live. What is the shape of the Earth ? The Earth is round, or nearly so. Examples : a ball ; an apple. Of what is the Earth composed? The Earth is composed of land and water. How is the Earth represented? The Earth is represented by draw- ings showing a 23art or the whole of its surface. What are these drawings called? These drawings are called maj^s. LESSO]^^ II. Where are the points of the compass on a map? The riglit hand side is East; the left hand side is West; the top is Korth, and the bottom is South. Where does the Sun rise ? The Sun rises in the East. Where does the Sun set ? The Sun sets in the AVest. If you know where the Sun rises how can you determine the other points of the compass? Stretch out your riglit hand toward the East and your left hand in the ojjpo- site direction, which is West; in front of you will be North, and behind you South. Where is North-east ? North-east is a point half way between North and East. Where is North-west? North-west, is a point half way between North and West. Where is South-east? South-east is a point between South and East. half way Where is South-west ? South-west is a point half way between South and West. Note.— The teacher will thoroughly test the class by illustrations on the black-board, and then take the objects in the school room and deter- mine their direction from each other. lo GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. LESSON III. What two Rivers form the western boundary of Iowa? What is a Brook? A Brook is a small stream of water flowing from a sj^ring. Iowa is bounded on the west by the Missiouri and Big Sioux rivers. Point them out and trace with pointer where they touch Iowa. What are Creeks and Rivulets? What State touches Iowa on the north? Creeks and Eivulets are large Brooks. Iowa is bounded on the north by What is a River? Minnesota. Wlien a number of Brooks and Bound Iowa on the south. Creeks unite in one stream it is called Iowa is bounded on the south by a Eiver. Missouri. What is the source of a River? How many counties are there in Iowa? The region where it rises. There are ninety-nine counties in What is the mouth of a River? Iowa. The place where it flows into another Into what is each county divided ? River or body of water. Each county is divided into civil What are the banks of a River? townships. The land bordering on its sides. Are all civil townships the same size? Which is the right bank of a River? 'No. They vary according to the The right bank is on the right hand w^ll of the people. side when jou stand facing down the river. LESSON Y. Which is the left bank of a River? The left hand side when you stand Note. — Use the 7iame of your oivn county and township instead of "Dallas county" and •' Union township" in Lessons V, VI, and facing down the river. VII. What is a City ? LESSON IV. A large collection of houses and inhabitants. What State do you live in ? Wliat is a County Seat ? The State of Iowa. A place selected by the people for What river forms the eastern boundary of Iowa ? the transaction of the county business. Iowa is bounded on the east by the In what County do you live ? Mississippi River. I live in Dallas county. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA How many Townships are there m Dallas county ? There are sixteen. Can you name them in order ? Des Moines, Beaver, Spring Yalley, Dallas, Lincoln, Wasliino-ton, Sugar Grove, Grant, AValnut, Adel, Colfax, Linn, Union, Adams, Van Meter, Boone. Bound Dallas County. Dallas county is bounded on the north by Greene and Boone counties, on the east by Polk county, on the south by Madison county, and on the west by Guthrie county. LESSON YL What Towns are in Dallas county ? Xenia, Perry, Minburn, Dallas Cen- ter, A¥aukee, Adel, Rediield, Dexter, De Soto, Wiscotta. Yan Meter, and Boone. What country Post Offices are in Dallas county ? Snyder and Greenvale Post Offices. Name and locate the County Seat of Dallas County. Adel, on the right bank of the Korth Coon river, near the center of the county. What Rivers are in Dallas county ? Des Moines, Raccoon, South Fork of Raccoon, Middle Coon, and South Coon rivers. In what Township do you live ? I live in Union township. Bound Union township. Union towTiship is bounded on the north by Linn and Colfax townships, on the east by Adams townshi}), on the south by Madison county, and on the west by Guthrie county. LESSON YIL Nameandpoint out allthe towns in Union Township. Dexter, Redtield and AViscotta. Locate Dexter ? Dexter is in the south-western part of Union township, on the C, R. I. & P. R. R. Locate Redfield. Redfield is in the northern part of Union township, on the left bank of Middle Coon River. What country Post Offices are in Union township ? There are no Post Offices in Union township, except in the Towns. In what direction do the streams flow in Union township ? In an easterly direction. Point out and describe the rivers in Union township. Middle Coon River, and South Coon River unite in the northern part of Union township, and form South Fork of Raccoon river, which flows easterly through Union township. Point out and describe Bear Creek. Bear Creek flows from "West to East in a meandering course across the southern part of Union township. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. LESSON YIIL How are Congressional townships divided? Into thirty-six sections. What is the size of a section ? A section is one mile square. How many acres are there in a section ? Six hundred and forty acres. How are the sections in a township numbered ? They are numbered from one to thirty-six, always commencing at the north-east corner of the township, and following the same order as is shown in Fiff. 1. 6| 5 4| 3| 2| 1 7 8 9 10ill|l2 ISllT 16 15 14| 13 19|20 2l|22|23|24 30 29 28|2T!26|25 3l|32 33 34| 35 36 Fig. 1. How are sections divided? Sections are divided into halves and quarters. Draw a section and show the North ^ and South i. Fig. 2. To what may N. i and S. i apply ? The term N. i and S. ^ may apply to the same section, or to ditierent sections. Where are they located ? They are located according to num- ber, from Sec. 1 to Sec. 36. Draw a township like Fig. 1, number the sections, and represent the N. i, Sec. 2 ; N. i, Sec. 5 ; S i, Sec. 15 ; S. J, Sec. 30 ; N. i, Sec. 36. LESSON IX. Draw a township, number the sections, and repre- sent the E. *, Sec. 2 ; W. i, Sec. 7 ; W. i, Sec. 18 ; S. i, Sec. 22 ; N. i, Sec. 35. AV.i E.i Fig. 3. Fig. 3 represents a section divided from North to South in two equal parts. How many acres are there in the E. ^ ? There are 320 acres in a half section. If we take a section and divide it from North to South, as in Fig. 3, and in like manner from East to West, as in Fig. 4, making four equal parts, how many acres are in the N. E. :i ? There are 160 acres in a quarter section. S. ^Y. IS. E. Fig. 4. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 13 Show how } of J of a section is obtained. Take ^ (see Fig. 5), divide it into four equal parts, as in Fig. 4, and one of tliose parts will be the ^ of :|- of a Sec. b 1 a c 1 d Fig. 5. How many acres are there in J of J of a section ? There are 40 acres in J of a quarter section. Draw a township, number the sections, and locate the N. E. i of the N. E. i. Sec. 10 ; S. W i, of S. W. i, Sec. U ; N. E. J of the N. W. i, Sec. 19 ; S. E. i of the N. W. i, Sec. 27. What does the letter " c " in Fig. 5 represent? It represents the S. W. J of the N. E. ^ of the section. LESSOR X. How is a Congressional township indicated on the map? By heavy parallel lines li; inches apart running East and West on the map, intersected by similar lines run- ning North and South. How are Congressional townships numbered ? They are numbered consecutively on the map from South to North. Where may these numbers be found on tlie map of Iowa? One column near the Mississippi river, another about the middle of the map, and still another near the Mis- souri river; all extending North and South. Where are the Ranges numbered? At the top and bottom of the map, commencing at the 5tli Principal Meridian, near the eastern part of Iowa. How do you locate Sec. fi, in Tp. 8fi, R. 17? Put your, finger on the figures 86, and the other hand at the top of the map, on XVII ; then move one hand east between the parallel lines and the other south between the parallel lines until they meet in Clay township, in Grundy county. Put your finger on Sec. 6 of that township, and you have Sec. 6, Tp. 86, K. 17. Give the Sec, Tp. and R. of De.vter, Dallas county. Locate the N. A of N. E. i Sec. 18, Tp, 84, R. 18. LESSON XL How are lands in Iowa described? Lands in Iowa are described by numbers. What are required in making a description ? The Section, Township, and Range. What Town is in Sec. 6, Tp. 83, R. 22? 14 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA ADAIR COUNTY, POPULATION 5,264.* What are the principal towns in Adair county ? Fontanelle and Greenfield. Name and locate the County Seat. Fontanelle, situated south-west of the center of the county. ADAMS CO., POP. 5,865. What are the principal towns* in Adams county? Corning, Quincy, Queen City, Pres- cott, Brooks, East Nodaway. Name and locate the County Seat. Corning, near the center of the county, on the B. & M. E. E. E. What town in Section 17, Township 75, Range 32? What town in Section 35, Township 72, Range 34? Locate Quincy by numbers. Locate Prescott by numbers. LESSON XII. ALLAMAKEE CO., POP. 18,304. What are the principal Towns in Allamakee county? Waukon, Postville, and Lansing. Name and locate the County Scat. Waukon, a little southwest of the center of the county. APPANOOSE CO., POP. 16,474. What are the principal Towns in Appanoose county ? Centerville and Moulton. Name and locate the County Seat. Centerville, is near the center of the county. * Population is taken from Census of 1873. AUDUBON CO., POP. 1,873. What are the principal Towns in Audubon county ? Exira, Oakfield, and Hamlin. Name and locate the County Seat. Exira, in the southern interior of the county, on the left bank of the Nishnebotone river. BENTON CO., POP. 22,068. What are the principal Towns in Benton county ? Yinton, Blairstown, and Belle Elaine. Name and locate the County Seat. Yinton, in the northern interior of the county, on the right bank of the Cedar river. What Town in Sec. 32, Tp. 96, R. 6 ? LESSON XIIL BLACK IIAWK CO., POP. 23,136. What are the principal Towns in Black Hawk county ? Waterloo and Cedar Falls. Name and locate the County Seat. Waterloo, near the center of the county, on both sides of the Cedar river. BOONE CO., POP. 15,167. What are the principal Towns in Boone county? Boonsboro, Boone, Ogden, and Moingona. Name and locate the County Seat, Boonsboro, a little north east of the center of the county. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 15 BREMER CO., POP. 12,517. What are the principal Towns in Bremer county ? Waverly, Janesville, and Plainfield. Name and locate the County Seat. Waverly, in tlie western part of the county, on Cedar rivei . BUCHANAN CO., POP. 16,329 What are the principal Towns in Buchanan county? Independence, Jesup, and Wintlirop. Name and locate the County Seat. Independence, near the center of the county, on the Wapsipinicon river. What Town in Sec. 29, Tp. 84, R. 26 ? LESSON XIY. BUENA VISTA CO., POP. 2,669. What are the principal Towns in Buena Vista county? Sioux Rapids, Storm Lake, and l!s"ewen. Name and locate the County Seat. Sioux Rapids, in the northern part of the county, on the left bank of the Little Sioux river. BUTLER CO., POP. 10,760. What are the principal Towns in Butler county ? Butler Center, Parkersburg, Clarks- ville, and Shell Rock. Name and locate the County Seat. Butler Center, a little south of the center of the county. CALHOUN CO., POP. 2,922. Name and locate the principal Town in Calhoun county. Lake City, the County Seat, about eight miles southwest of the center of the county. CARROLL CO., POP. 3,601. Name and point out the principal Towns in Carroll county. Carroll, Glidden, and Carrollton. Name and locate the County Seat. Carroll, a little north of the center of the county, on the C. & N. W. R. R. Locate Sioux Rapids by numbers. What Town is in Sec. 30, Tp. 90, R. 16? LESSON XY. CASS CO., POP. 7,660. Name and point out the principal towns in Cass county. Atlantic, Lewis, Anita, and Wiota. Name and locate the County Seat. Atlantic, northwest of the center of the county, on the C, R. I & P. R. R. CEDAR CO., POP. 17,589. Name and point out the principal Towns in Cedar county. Tipton, Mechanicsville, and Roches- ter. Name and locate the County Seat. Tipton, at the center of the county. i6 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA CEKKO GOKDO CO., POP. 5,636. Name and point out the principal Towns in Cerro Gordo county. Mason Citv and Clear Lake. Name and locate the County Seat. Mason City, northeast of the center of the county, at the intersection of the Iowa & Dakota Div. of the MiL & St. Paul E. It., and the Central of Iowa E. E. CHEROKEE CO., POP.' 3,297. Name and point out the principal Towns in Chero- kee county. Cherokee and Aurelia. Name and locate the County Seat. Cherokee, northeast of the center of the county, on the Iowa Div. of the 111. Cen. E. E. What Town in Sec. 9, Tp. 76, R. 35? LESSON XYL CHICKASAW CO., POP. 10,292. Name and point out the principal Towns in Chicka- saw county. New Hampton, Nashua, Bradford, and Lawler. Point out and locate the County Seat of Chickasaw county. New Hampton, at the center of the county, on the Iowa & Dakota Div. of the Mil. & St. Paul E. E. CLARKE CO., POP. 8,530 Name and point out the principal Towns in Clarke county. Osceola and Woodburn. Name and locate the County Seat of Clarke county. Osceola, near the center of the county, on the B. & M. E. E. E. CLAY CO., POP. 3,585. Name and locate the County Seat of Clay county. Spencer, north of the center of the county, on the left bank of the Little Sioux river. CLAYTON CO., POP. 26,946. Name and point out the principal Towns in Clayton county. Elkader, McGregor, Clayton, Straw- berry Point, and Guttenberg. Name and locate the County Seat of Clayton county. Elkader, near the center of the county, on the right bank of the Tur- key river. Locate Osceola by numbers. What Town in Sec. 18, Tp. 96, R. 36 ? LESSON XVIL CLINTON CO., POP. 33,591. Name and point out the principal Towns in Clinton county. De Witt, Clinton, and Lyons. Name and locate the County Seat of Clinton county. Clinton, in the eastern part of the county, on the Mississippi river. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 17 CRxiWFOED CO., POP. 3,777. DELAWARE CO., POP. 16,522. Name and point out the principal Towns in Craw- Name and point out the principal Towns in Dela- ford county. ware county. Denison and Dowville. Delhi, Manchester, and Delaware. Name and locate the (;)ounty Seat of Crawford Name and locate the County Seat of Delaware county. county. Denison, near the center of tlie Delhi, southeast of the center of the county, on the C. & N. W. E. R. county, on the Dav. and St. Paul R. R. DALLAS CO., POP. 12,689. DES MOINES CO., POP. 34,691. Name and point out the principal Towns in Dallas county. Name and locate the County Seat of Des Moines Aclel, Dexter, Yan Meter,. Perry, county. Waukee, and Dallas Center. Burlington, in the southeastern part of the county, on the Mississippi river. Name and locate the County Seat of Dallas county. Adel, on the right bank of the DICKINSON CO., POP. 1,743. North Coon River, near the center of Name and locate the County Seat of Dickinson the county. county Locate De Witt by numbers. Spirit Lake, North of the center of DA\as CO., POP. 15,434. the county. Name and locate the County Seat of Davis county. What Town is in Sec. 4, Tp. 99, R. 36 ? Bloomfield, near the center of the county, on the north side of the St. Louis, Burlington, and Southwestern LESSON XIX. R. R. DUBUQUE CO., POP. 41,900. LESSON XYIIL Name and point out the principal Towns in Dubuque DECATUK CO., POP. 11,598. county . Name and point out the principal Towns in Decatur Dubuque, Dyersville, Farley and county. Ep worth. Leon and Garden Grove. Name and locate the County Seat of Dubuque Name and locate the County Seat of Decatur county . county. Dubuque, in the eastern part of the Leon, near the center of the county. county on the Mississippi river. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. EMMETT CO., POP. 1,614. Name and locate the County Seat of Emmett, county. Estlierville, in the western part of tlie county, on the left bank of the West Fork Des Moines river. FAYETTE CO., POP. 18,796. Name and point out the principal Towns in Fayette county. West Union, Clermont and Fayette. Name and locate the County Seat of Fayette county. "West Union, in the northern inte- rior of the connty, on the Mil. Div. of the Bur. C. E. & Min. K. E. FLOYD CO., POP. 11,271. Name and point out the principal Towns in Floyd county. Charles City, Floyd, Eockford and Nora Springs. Name and locate the County Seat of Floyd county. Charles City, East of the center of the county, on the Eed Cedar river. Locate Clermont by numbers. LESSOK XX. FRANKLIN CO., POP. 5,669. Name and locate the County Seat of Franklin county. Hampton, near the center of the county, on the Cen. E. E. of Iowa. FREMONT CO., POP. 12,394. What are the principal Towns in Fremont county ? Sidney, Hamburg, East ^Nebraska City and Eiverton. Name and locate the County Seat of Fremont county . Sidney, near the center of the county. GREENE CO., POP. 5,755. What are the principal Towns in Greene county? Jefferson, Grand Junction and Eip- Name and locate the County Seat of Greene county. Jefferson, near the center of the county, on the C. & N. W. E. E. GRUNDY CO., POP. 7,154. Name and locate the County Seat of Grundy county. Grundy Center, near the center of the county. What town in the NE i Sec. 33, Tp. 92, R. 20 ? LESSON XXI. GUTHRLE CO., POP. 8,017. What are the principal Towns in Guthrie county. Guthrie Center, Panora, Casey, Guthrie, and Stuart. Name and locate the County Seat of Guthrie county. Guthrie Center, near the center of the county, is on the left bank of the South Coon river. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, 19 HAJkHLTON CO., POP. 6,672. Name and locate the County Seat of Hamilton county. Webster City, in the northwestern interior of the comity, on the Iowa Div. of thein. Cen. iLe. HANCOCK CO., POP. 1,397. What are the principal Towns in Hancock county? Concord and Garner. Name and locate the County Seat of Hancock county. Concord, Q^ miles east of the center of the county. HAEDIN CO., POP. 13,855. Name and point out the principal Towns in Hardin county. Eldora, Ackley, Iowa Falls and Steamboat Rock. Name and locate the County Seat of Hardin county. Eldora, in the eastern interior of the connty, on the east side of the Cen. R. R. of Iowa. What Town is in the W i of the SE i Sec. 32, Tp. 80. R. 30? LESSON XXII. HAKRISON CO., POP. 10,218. Name and point out the principal Towns in Harri- son county. Magnolia, Missouri Yalley, Dunlap, and Woodbine. Name and locate the County Seat of Harrison county. Magnolia, near the center of the county. IIENKY CO., POP. 20,754. Name and locate the County Seat of Henry county. Mt. Pleasant, near the center of the county, on the Burlington and Mis- souri River R. R. HOWARD CO., POP. 7,259, Name and locate the County Seat of Howard county. Cresco, in the eastern part of the county, on the Mil. & St. Paul R. R. HUMBOLDT CO., POP. 2,989. Name and point out the principal towns in Hum- boldt county. Dakota and Humboldt. Name and locate the County Seat of Humboldt county. Dakota, 3 miles south of the center of the county, on the right bank of the East Des Moines river. In what Sec, Tp., and Range is Cresco? LESSON XXIII. IDA CO., POP. 449. Name and locate the County Seat of Ida county. Ida, near the center of the county, on the left bank of Maple river. low^A CO., POP. 16,572. Name and point out the principal Towns in Iowa county. Marengo, Yictor, and Homestead. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA Name and locate the County Seat of Iowa county. Marengo, in the northern interior of the county, on the right bank of the Iowa river. JACKSON CO., POP. 22,284. Name and point out the principal Towns in Jack- son county. Andrew, Maqnoketa, and Sabula, Name and locate the County Seat of Jackson county. Maqnoketa, in the southern interior of the connty. JASPER CO., POP. 22,039. Name and point out the principal Towns in Jasper county. Kewton, Kellogg, Colfax, Prairie City, and Monroe. Name and locate the County Seat of Jasper county. IN'ewton, near the center of the connty, on the C. R. I. P. R. P. In what sections is Newton ? What is the distance across Newton from North to South? From East to West? LESSON xxiy. JEFFERSON CO., POP. 1G,T78. Name and point out the principal Towns in Jeffer- son county. Fairfield and Batavia. Name and locate the County Seat of Jefferson county. Fairfield, near the center of the county, on the B. So M. R. P. P. JOHNSON CO., POP. 24,814. Name and point out the principal Towns in John- son county. Iowa City, Tiffin, and Oxford. Name and locate the County Seat of Johnson county. Iowa City, near the center of the county, on the left bank of the Iowa river. JONES CO., POP. 18,930. Name and point out the principal Towns in Jones county. Anamosa, Monticello and Center Junction. Name and locate the County Seat of Jones county. Anamosa, in the western interior of the county on the left bank of the Wapsij^inicon river. KEOKUK CO., POP. 19,964. Name and locate the County Seat of Keokuk county. Sigourney, near the center of the county, at the terminus of the Oska- loosa, Chicaga & S. W. R. R. What Town in the W. i Sec. 31, Tp, 72, R. 11? LESSON XXV. KOSSUTH CO., POP. 4,252. Name and point out the principal Towns in Kossuth county. Algona and Irvington. Name and locate the County Seat of Kossuth county. Algona, south of the center of the county, on the left bank of the East Des Moines river. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. LEE CO., POP. 33,644. What are the principal Towns in Lee county? Keolciik, Ft. Madison and Montrose. Name and locate the County Seats of Lee county. Keokuk, in tlie sontli-eastern part of the county, on the Mississippi river, and Ft. Madison in the eastern part of the county, on the Mississippi river. LixN CO., POP. 30,021. Name and point out the principal Towns in Linn county. Cedar Rapids, Marion, Mt. Vernon and Western College. Name and locate the County Seat of Linn county. Marion, near the center of the county, on the Dubuque and S. W. RE. LOUISA CO., POP. 12,379. What are the principal Towns in Louisa county ? Wapello and Toolesborough. Name and locate the County Seat of Louisa county. Wapello, near the center of the county, on the right bank of the Iowa river. Locate Toolesborough by numbers. LESSOR XXVI. LUCAS CO., POP. 10,742, Name and locate the County Seat of Lucas county. Chariton, near the center of the county, on the B. & M. E. E. E. LYON CO., POP. 966. Name and point out the principal Towns in Lyon county. Doon and Eock Eapids. Name and locate the County Seat of Lyon county. Doon, in the southern part of the county, on the left bank of Eock Eiver. MADISON CO., POP. 14,698. Name and point out the principal towns in Madison county. Winterset and Earlham. Name and locate the County Seat of Madison county. Winterset, at the center of the coun- ty, at the terminus of the Des Moines, Winterset and S. W. E. E. MAHASKA CO., POP. 22,054. Name and locate the County Seat of Mahaska county. Oskaloosa, 2^ miles south of the center of the county, on the Central E. E. of Iowa. What town in the W. i Sec. 25, Tp. 98, Range 46? LESSON XXVII. MARION CO., POP. 24,272. Name and locate the principal towns in Marion county. Knoxville and Pella. Name and locate the County Seat of Marion county. Knoxville, f of a mile south of the center of the county. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA MARSHALL CO., POP. 18,272. Name and locate the principal towns in Marshall county. Marshalltown and State Center. Name and locate the County Seat of Marshall county. Marshalltown, 3f miles east of the center of the county. What railroads in'.ersect at Marshalltown ? The C. & I^. W. K. E. and the Central R. E.. of Iowa. MILLS CO., POP. 9,661. Name and locate the County Seat of Mills county- Glenwood, in the ^vestern interior of the county, on the B. & M. R. R. E. MITCHELL CO., POP. 9,563. Name and point out the principal towns in Mitchell county. Osage, Mitchell and AVest Mitchell. Name and locate the County Seat of Mitchell county. Osage, 41 miles south of the center of the county, on the Cedar Falls & Minn. E. E.' Locate State Center by numbers. LESSON XXVIII. MONONA CO., POP. 4,989. Name and locate the County Seat of Monona county. Onawa, in the western part of the county, on the Sioux City & Pacific E. E. MONKOE CO., POP. 12,334. Name and locate the County Seat of Monroe county. Albia, 2h; miles east of the center of the county, on the B. & M. E. E. E. MONTGOMERY CO., POP. 8,602. Name and point out the principal Towns in Mont- gomery county. Eed Oak, Villisca and Stanton. Name and locate the County Seat of Montgomery county. Eed Oak, about 3-^- miles south w^est- erly from the center of the county, on the B. & M. E. E. E. MUSCATINE CO., POP. 21,382. Name and point out the principal Towns in Musca- tine county. Muscatine, West Liberty, Moscow and Wilton. Name and locate the County Seat of Muscatine county. Muscatine, in the south-eastern part of the county, on the Mississippi river. What Town in the N. E. i Sec. 9, Tp. 78, R. 2 ? LESSON XXIX. o'brien CO., POP. 800. Name and locate the County Seat of O'Brien county. Primghar, at the center of the county. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, 23 OSCEOLA CO., POP. 1,409. Name and locate the County Seat of Osceola county. Sibley, in the western interior of the connty, on tlie Sioux City & St. Paul R E. PAGE CO., POP. 11,734. Name and locate the County Seat of Page county. Clarinda, in tlie eastern interior of the connty, at the terminus of the Brownville 6z ^S^odaway Yalley R. R. PALO ALTO CO., POP. 2,617 Name and locate the County Seat of Palo Alto county. Eminetsl)urg, near the center of the county, on the left bank of the West Fork Des Moines river. Locate Primghar by numbers. What town is located in Sec. 13, Tp. 99, R. 42? LESSOR XXX. PLYMOUTU CO., POP. 3,884. Name and point out the principal Towns in Plyr.ioutli countv. Le Mars, Plymouth and Melbourne. Name and locate the County Seat of Plymouth county, Le Mars, north-east of the center of the county, on the Iowa Div. 111. Cen. R.R. POCAHONTAS CO., POP. 2,175. Name and locate the County Seat of Pocahontas county, Pocahontas Center, three miles nearly north of the center of the county. POLK CO., POP. 30,892. Name and point out the principal Towns in Polk county. Des Moines, Mitchellville and Polk City. Name and locate the County Seat of Polk county. Des Moines, in the southern interior of the county, on the Des Moines river. Locate Mitchellville by numbers. LESSOI^ XXXI. POTTAWATTAMIE CO., POP. 20,170. Name and point out the principal Towns in Potta- wattamie county. Council Bluffs and Avoca. Name and locate the County Scat of Pottawattamie county. Council Bluffs, in the southwestern part of the county, on the left bank of the Missouri river. POWESHIEK CO., POP. 15,270. What are the principal Towns in Poweshiek county? Montezuma, Grinnell, Malcom, and Brooklyn. 24 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA Name and locate the County Seat of Poweshiek county. Montezuma, in the southern interior of the county. KINGGOLD CO., POP. 6,846. Name and locate the County Seat of Ringgold county. Mt. Ayr, near the center of the county. SAC CO., POP. 1,698. Name and point out the principal Towns in Sac county. Sac City and Grant City. Name and locate the County Seat of Sac county. Sac City, in the eastern interior of the county, on the ^orth Coon river. What Town in SW i Sec. 26, Tp. 80, Range 15 ? Locate Mt. Ayr by numbers. LESSON XXXII. SCOTT CO., POP. 38,930. Name and point out the principal Towns in Scott county. Davenport, Walcott, and Eldridge. Name and locate the County Seat of Scott county. Davenport, in the southeastern part of the county, on the right hank of the Mississippi river. SHELBY CO., POP. 3,742. point out the prin Harlan and Shelby, Name and point out the principal Towns in Shelby countv. Which of these is a railroad town, and on what rail- road ? Shelby, on the C, E. I. & P. R. Name and locate the County Seat of Shelby county. Harlan, near the center of the coun- ty on the West Fork of the ISTishne- botone river. SIOUX CO., POP. 2,872. Name and point the principal Towns in Siou.K county. Orange City and Hospers. Name and locate the County Seat of Sioux county. Orange City, in a south-easterly direction from the center of the county. STORY CO., POP. 11,626. Name and point out the principal Towns in Story county. Nevada, Ames and Iowa Center. Name and locate the County Seat of Story county. Nevada, near the center of the coun- ty, on the C. & N. W. R. R. Locate Iowa Center by numbers. What town in the N. E. i Sec. 32, Tp. 95, R. 44? LESSON XXXIIL TAMA CO., POP. 16,343. Name and point out the principal Towns in Tama county. Toledo, Tama City, Orford and Traer. Name and locate the County Seat of Tama county. Toledo, about six miles south-west- erly from the center of the county. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 25 TAYLOR CO., POP. 8,191. Name and locate the County Seat of Taylor county. Bedford, about 4 miles soutli-west- erlj from the center of the comitj, on the Creston Br. Bur. & Mo. Kiv. K.E. UNION CO., POP. 6,911. Name and point out the principal Towns in Union county. Afton, Creston, Cromwell, and Thajer. Name and locate the County Seat of Union county. Afton, 2^ miles east of the center of the county, on the Bur. & Mo. Riv. R. R. VAN BUREN CO., POP. 16,860. Name and point out the principal Towns in Van Buren county. Keosauqua, Indej^endent, Bentons- ]^ort, Yernon, Bonaparte and Farm- ington. Name and locate the County Seat of Van Buren county. Keosauqua, near the center of the county, on the left bank of the Des Moines riAer. Locate Toledo by numbers. Locate Farmington by numbers. Note. — Draw a township, locate the school house and all the farms arotmd it, the d/:scriptions of which you can obtain from the children in the class. LESSON XXXIV. WAPELLO CO., POP. 22,261. Name and point out the principal Towns in Wapello county. Ottumwa, Eddj\dlle and Agency City. Name and locate the (bounty Seat of Wapello county. Ottumwa, near the center of the county, on the left bank of the Des Moines river. WARREN CO., POP. 17,400. Name and point out the principal Towns in Warren county. Indianola, Carlisle and Hartford. Name and locate the County Seat of Warren county. Indianola, north of the center of the county, at the terminus of the Des Moines, Indianola & Mo. R. R. WASHINGTON CO., POP. 18,975. Name and point out the principal Towns in Wash- ington county. Washington and Brighton. Name and locate the County Seat of Washington county. Washington, near the center of the county, on the Chicago & S. W. R.R. 26 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, WAYNE CO., POP. 11,797. Name and locate the County Seat of Wayne county. Corydon, near the center of the county. Locate Corydon by numbers. What Town is in the W. i ol N. E. i, Sec. 21, Tp. 77, R. 22? LESSON XXXV. WEBSTER CO., POP. 11,603. Name and locate the County Seat of Webster county. Fort Dodge, near the center of the county, on the Des Moines river. On what railroad is Fort Dodge ? The Iowa Div. IlL Cen. K. E., and at the northern terminus of the D. V. K. E. "WINNEBAGO CO., POP. 2,281 Name and point out the County Seat of Winnebago county. Forest City, on the southern border of the county. WINNESHIEK CO., POP. 23,061. Name and point out the principal Towns in Win- neshiek county. Decorah, Calmar and Fort Atkin- son. Name and locate the County Seat of Winneshiek county. Decorah, on the Upper Iowa river. a few miles east of the center of the county. Locate Forest City by numbers. How many miles long is Winneshiek county ? How many wide? LESSON XXXVL WOODBUKY CO., POP. 6,988. Name and locate the County Seat of Woodbury county. Sioux City, in the northwestern part of the county, on the Missouri river, at the mouth of Floyd river. What other river flows into the Missouri river a little west of Sioux City ? The Big Sioux river. What does it form ? The boundary between Iowa and Dakota Territory. WORTH CO., POP. 3,913. Name and locate the County Seat of Worth county. ISTorthwood, in the northern interior of the county, on the left bank of the Shell Eock river. WRIGHT CO-,, POP. 2,826. Name and point out the Principal Towns in Wright county. Clarion, Goldfield, Belmond, and Eagle Grove Junction. Name and locate the County Seat of Wright county. Clarion, at the center of the county. What town in the SW i Sec. 33, Tp. 92, Range 26 ? GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 27 LESSOR XXXVII. Name the twenty largest cities in Iowa in the order of their population. 1. Dul)U(|ue - - 22,151 2. Davenport - 20,550 3. Biirlino-ton - 20,156 4. Des M(.)ines - - 15,061 5. Keokuk - 11,761 6. Council Bluffs - 10,525 T. Muscatine - - 6,939 8. Iowa Citj - 6,214 9. Clinton - 6,149 10. "Waterloo - 5,892 11. Ottumwa - - 5,713 12. Fort Madison - 4,372 13. Cedar Rapids - 4,089 14. Mt. Pleasant - - 4,065 15. Marshalltown - 4,062 16. Lyons - 3,989 17. ( )skaloosa - 3,425 18. Fort Dodge - - 3,333 19. Sioux Citj - 3,137 20. Cedar Falls - - 3,127 Point out and locate each of the above. LESSOX XXXVIII. For what is Iowa City noted ? It is noted for being tlie place where the Iowa State University is located, and also for having formerly been the Capital of Iowa. Note. — In every lesson pupils should be required to go to the map and point out. Where is the Iowa State Agricultural College located ? It is near Ames in Story county. How many Hospitals for the Insane are there in Iowa? There are two. Where are they located? One is at Mt. Pleasant, in Henry comity, and the other at Independence, in Buchanan count}'. Where is the College for the bhnd located ? It is located at Yinton, in Benton comity. Where is the Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb located? At Council Bliifls. How many Soldiers' Orphans' Homes are there in Iowa? There are three, located respectively, at Davenport, Cedar Falls and Glen- wood. Where are the State Penitentiaries located? One is at Ft. Madison, and the other at Anamosa. Where is the State Reform School located? At Eldora, in Hardin county. Point out on the map the towns where these insti- tutions are located. Note. — There is no exercise more pleasing and profitable than to recite long reviews in Geography in concert, pupils taking turns in- pointing out for the class, on the map. 28 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. LESSON XXXIX. Name all the counties in Iowa that have over 20,000 inhabitants in the order of their population. 1. Dubuque - - 41,900 2. Scott - - - 38,930 3. Des Moines . - 34,691 4. Lee - - - - 33,644 5. Clinton - - - 33,591 6. Polk - - - 30,892 7. Linn - - - 30,021 8. Clayton - - - 26,946 9. Johnson - - 24,814 10. Marion - - - 24,272 11. Black Hawk - - 23,136 12. Winneshiek - - 23,061 13. Jackson - - - 22,284 14. "Wapello - - - 22,261 15. Benton - - - 22,068 16. Mahaska - - - 22,054 17. Jasper - - - 22,039 18. Muscatine - - - 21,382 19. Hemy - - - 20,754 20. Pottawattamie - - 20,170 Note. — Pupils need not learn the population of counties and towns, but learn the names in their order, and be able to point them out with facility. LESSOR XL. Name all the counties in Iowa that have a popula- tion of over 20,000, in order, commencing with the largest. 1, Dubuque ; 2, Scott ; 3, Des Moines; 4, Lee; 5, Clinton; 6, Polk; 7, Linn; 8, Clayton; 9, Johnson; 10, Marion; 11, Black Hawk; 12, Win- neshiek; 13, Jackson; 14, Wapello; 15, Benton; 16, Mahaska; 17, Jasper; 18, Muscatine; 19, Henry; 20, Potta- wattamie. Point out the first five, and bound the first one in concert. Point out the second five, and name them in con- cert. Point out the third five, and name their county seats in concert. Point out the last five, bound the last one in con- cert, and name the county seat. How many of these border on the Mississippi river? Mention the other counties that border on the Mis- sissippi river. How many of the above border on the Missouri river? Bound it in concert. How many counties in Iowa border on the Mis- souri river? Name them in concert. LESSON^ XLI, What seven rivers in Iowa, flow into the Mississippi river ? Upper Iowa, Turkey, Maquoketa, Wapsipinicon, Iowa, Skunk and Des Moines. What four rivers flow from southern Iowa, beyond the border of the State ? Chariton, Grand, Nodaway and Nishnebotone. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, 29 What four rivers flow from Iowa into the Missouri river? Boyer, Soldier, Little Sioux and Floyd. What river flows from Iowa into the Big Sioux river ? Rock Ri^er. What do these rivers with their tributaries form? The net work of water courses in Iowa. Describe the Upper Iowa river. It rises in Southern Minnesota, enters Iowa in the JSTorth-western part of Howard county, flows easterly, then south-east, and north-east through Howard, AVinneshiek and Allamakee counties, and empties into the Missis- sippi river. Whi'it important town on the Upper Iowa river? Decorali, the County Seat of Win- neshiek county. Rule for describing a river. — 1st. Tell where it rises. 2d. The general direction it flows. 3d. Through what counties (or townships) it flows. 4th. Into what it empties. Note., — Pupils arc not expected to commit these descriptions in all their details, but they must prepare the lessons thoroughly . so as to he able in recitation to trace on the map with pointer, and describe with facility. LESSON XLII. Point out and describe the Turkey river. I It rises in Howard county and flows j south-easterly through Howard, Win- neshiek, Fayette and Clayton counties, and empties into the Mississippi river. What two flourishing towns are on Turkey river? Clermont, in Fayette county, and Elkader, the County Seat of Clayton county. Trace with pointer and describe the Maquoketa river. It rises in the southern part of Fayette county, flows south-easterly through Buchanan, Delaware, Jones and Jackson counties, to Maquoketa, and thence north-easterly and empties into the Mississippi river. Point out and name three flourishing towns on the Maquoketa river. Manchester, in Delaware county, Monticello, in Jones county, and Ma- quoketa, in Jackson county. Point out and describe the Wapsipinicon river. It is formed by East, Middle, and West Branches, which unite in Bremer county, and flows southeasterly through Bremer, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Linn, Jones, Cedar, and Clinton ; forms the boundary between Clinton and Scott counties, and empties into the Missis- sippi river. What two important towns are on the Wapsipinicon river? Independence and Anamosa. Locate them and tell what they are. What large river flows into the Iowa river? The Cedar river. 3° GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA Point out, trace with pointer, nnd describe the Ce- dar river. It rises in tlie nortliern part of Worth and Mitchell counties, flows southeasterly through Mitchell, Floyd, Chickasaw, Bremer, Black Hawk, Ben- ton, Louisa, Johnson,Cedar, Muscatine, and in Louisa county flows into the Iowa river. What six important towns are on the Cedar river? Chalres City, Waverly, Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Vinton, and Cedar Kapids. Locate them and tell which are county seats. LESSOlS^ XLIII. Point out and describe the Iowa river. It rises in Hancock county, flows southeasterly through Wright, Frank- lin, Hardin, Marshall, Tama, Iowa, Johnson, forms the boundary between Johnson and Washington counties, thence through Louisa county, and empties into the Mississippi river. What important towns are on the Iowa river? Iowa Falls, Eldora, Marshalltown, Marengo, and Iowa City. Point out and describe the Skunk river. It rises in Hamilton county, flows southeasterly through Story, Polk, Jasper, Marion, Mahaska, Keokuk, Washington, Jeflerson, Henry, and on the boundary between Des Moines and Lee counties, empties into the Mississippi river. What flourishing towns are on the Skunk river? Trace with the pointer and describe the Des Moines river. The East and West Des Moines rivers rise near the border of Minnesoto, flow south-easterly, and unite near the center of Humboldt county, and form the Des Moines river which flows south-easterl}' througlAYebster, Boone, Dallas, Polk, Warren, Marion, Mahas- ka, AVapello, Davis, Van Buren, and on the southern border of Lee county, empties into the Mississippi river. What important towns are on the Des Moines river? Estherville, Emmetsburg, Hum- boldt, Algona, Dakota, Ft. Dodge, Des Moines, Eddyville, Ottumwa, Keosauqua, Bentonsjjort, Bonaparte, Farmington, and Croton. Which are County Seats? Point out and locate them. Trace and describe Raccoon river. LESSON XLIY. Point out and describe the Chariton river. It rises in the northern part of Decatur and Wayne counties, flows north, then north-east to near the center of Lucas county, thence south-easterly through Appanoose county, beyond the borders of the State. GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 31 Point out and describe Grand river. The sources of Grand river are in Adair county, but tliey unite in Union county, and flow througli Decatur county, beyond tlie border of the State. Trace with pointer and describe the Nodaway river. The streams that form it rise in the southern port of Cass and Adair coun- ties, flow south-west through Adams and Montgomery counties, unite in the latter, and thence flow south through Page county, beyond the border of the State. Point out and describe the Nishnebotone river. It is formed by East and "West Nish- nebotone rivers, which unite in Fre- mont county, and flow south beyond the border of the State, What towns are on the West Nishnebotone river? Harlan and Avoca. LESSON XLY. Point out and describe Boyer river. It rises in Sac county, flows south- westerly through Crawford, Harrison, Pottawattamie, and empties into the Missouri river. What thriving town is on the Boyer river? Denison, the county seat of Craw- ford county. Point out and describe the Soldier river. It rises in the southern part of Ida county, flows in a south-westerly direc- tion, touching Crawford county, thence through Monona and Harrison coun- ties, and empties into the Missouri river. Point out and describe the Little Sioux river. It rises in Dickinson county, flows south-east and then north-west and south-west through Clay, Buena Yista, O'Brien, Cherokee, Woodbury, Monona and Harrison counties, and empties into the Missouri river. \Miat towns are on the Little Sioux river? Spencer, Sioux Rapids and Chero- kee. LESSON XLYI. Point out and describe Floyd river. It rises in the north-western part of O'Brien county, flows south-westerly through Sioux, Plymouth, and Wood- bury counties, and empties into the Missouri river. What important city is at the mouth of Floyd river? Sioux City, the county seat of "Woodbury county. Point out and describe Rock river. It rises in the northern part of Lyon county, flows south-westerly through Lyon and Sioux counties, and empties into the Big Sioux river. 32 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA What thriving towns are on Rock river? Kock Kapids and Doon. Name the six principal lakes in Iowa. Clear Lake, Okoboji Lake, Spirit Lake, Storm Lake, Twin Lakes, and Wall Lake. Locate each one of them. Name and trace the lines of completed railroads that traverse the State from east to west. The Iowa Div. 111. Cent. E. E.; C. K W. E. E.; C, E. L & P. E. E., and tlie B. & M. E. E. E. What other line of railroad, extending east and west, is partially completed ? The Iowa & Dakota Div. of the Mil. & St. Paul E. E. Where does the Iowa & Dakota Div. of the Mil. & St. Paul R. R. extend ? From Calmar in "Winneshiek coun- ty, through Chickasaw, Floyd, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, and half across Kos- suth county to Algona. Name the principal Towns on the Iowa & Dakota Div. of the Mil. & St. Paul R. R. Name the railroads that intersect it, and the Towns at the intersections. What railroad from the Mississippi river passes through Calmar ? Tlie Mil. & St. Paul E. E. passes through Clayton, Allamakee, Winne- shiek, and Howard counties, connect- ing with the Iowa & Dakota Div. of the Mil. & St. Paul E. E. at Calmar. Name the principal Towns on the Mil. & St. Paul R. R. LESSON XLVIL Where does the Iowa Div. of the 111. Cent. R. R. extend ? From Dubuque to Sioux City. Name and point out the counties through which it runs. Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Black Hawk, Butler, Franklin, Har- din, Plamilton, Webster, Calhoun, Pocahontas, Buena Yista, Cherokee, Plymouth and AVoodbury. For what is Dubuque noted ? It is the largest city in the State. Name the principal Towns on the Iowa Div. of the 111. Cent. R. R. Name the railroads that intersect it, and the Towns at the intersections. Where, in Iowa, does the C. & N. W. R. R. extend ? From Clinton to Council Bluffs. Name and point out the counties through which ',t passes. Clinton, Cedar, Linn, Benton, Tama, Marshall, Story, Boone, Greene, Car- roll, Crawford, Harrison, and Potta- wattamie. What are the principal points of railroad intersection on this. road? Cedar Eapids, Marshalltown, and Grand Junction. What railroads form these intersections ? GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA. 33 lessor; xlviii. Where, in Iowa, does the C. R. I. & P. R. R. extend? From Davenport to Council Bluffs. Name and point out the counties through which it runs. Scott, Muscatine, Cedar, Johnson, Iowa, Powesliiek, Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Madison, Gutlirie, Adair, Cass, Shel- by, and Pottawattamie. Name the principal Cities on this road. How does Davenport rank in size? It is the second city in the State. For what is Des Moines noted? It is the Capital of Iowa. What railroads intersect the C, R. I. & P. R. R. Name and point oiit the towns at the intersections. Where does the B. & M R. R. R. extend ? From Burlington to Council Bluffs. Through what counties does it run ? Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, Clarke, Union, Adams, Montgomery, Mills and Pottawattamie. Name the principal Towns on this road. How does Burlington rank in size? It is the third citv in the State. LESSOK XLIX. Where does the Des Moines Valley R. R. extend? From Keokuk to Fort Dodge. Through what counties does it run? Lee, Yan Buren, Wapello, Mahaska, Marion, Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Boone, Greene and Webster. Name and point out the principal Towns on the D. V. R. R. What rail roads does it intersect ? Where does the Central of Iowa R. R. extend? From Albia, Monroe county, north throu'2:h the State into Minnesota. Through what counties does it run ? Monroe, Mahaska, Poweshiek, Jas- per, Marshall, Hardin, Frankliii, Cer- ro Gordo and AVorth. What are the principal Towns through which it passes ? Edd}^'illc, Oskaloosa, Grinnell, Marshalltown, Ackley, Hampton, Ma- son City and Xorthwood. What railroads does it intersect? Where does the Bur. Cedar Rapids & Minn. R. R. extend? From Burlington to Cerro Gordo county, where it forms a junction with the Mason City & Minn. 11. E. Trace it with pointer, and name the counties through which it passes. Name the principal Towns located on it. Name the principal lines of railroad it crosses. 34 GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA LESSON L. Where does the Mil. Div. Bur. C. R. & Minn. R. R. extend? From Cedar Rapids to Postville. What large river does it cross? Through what counties does it run? Point out the principal Towns located on it? Where does the Dubuque & S. W. R. R. extend? From Cedar Rapids to Farley, where it forms a junction with the Iowa Div. 111. Cen. R. R. Name the principal Towns located on it. Through what counties does it run ? What river does it cross? Where does the Sabula, Ackley & Dakota R. R. extend ? From Marion, Linn county, to Sa- bula, Jackson county. What railroads does it cross ? Trace it and name the counties through which it runs. Where does the Dav. & St. Paul R. R. extend? From Davenport to Strawberry Point, Clayton county. Trace it with pointer, and tell what railroads it crosses. Tell through what counties it runs. LESSON LL What railroads extend north from Clinton, along the Mississippi river? The Chi. Clinton & Dubuque R, R. to Dubuque, and the Chi. Dubuque & Minn. R. R, from Dubuque north to Minn. Name and point out the counties through which they pass. What rivers do they cross ? Where does the Chicago & S. W. R. R. extend? From Muscatine south-west, and enters Missouri from Wayne county. What rivers does it cross? What railroads does it intersect? Name the counties through which it runs. Where does the Sioux City & St. Paul R. R. extend? From Sioux City north-east, and enters Minnesota from Osceola county. Through what counties does it run ? Where does the Neb. City Br. of the Bur. & Mo. R.R. R. extend? From Red Oak to East Nebraska City. Trace it and name the counties through which it runs. LESSON LII. Where does the Creston Branch of the Bur. & Mo. R. R. R. extend? From Creston south-westerly and enters Missouri from Taylor county. Through what counties does it run ? Where does the Burlington & S. W R. R. extend? From Burlington south-west and enters Missouri from Appanoose county. What rivers does it cross ? Geography of iowa. 35 Across what counties does it run? What railroad extends from Keokuk to BurHng- ton? The Chi. Biir. & Quincy E. E. Through what counties does it run ? Where does the Des Moines, Winterset & S. W. R. R. extend? From Des Moines to Winterset. Through what counties do&s it run ? Where does the Des Moines, Indianola & Mo. R. R. extend? From Des Moines to Indianola, Note. — Any railroad that has been omitted may be described as above. It will be a profitable exercise by way of review to require the prin- cipal towns, the principal rivers, the principal railroads, the principal junctions, and the public and charitable institutiotis to be fre- quently named and located or described. LESSON LIII. For what is Peat used ? Peat is used for fuel. How is Peat formed? By the decomposition of plants growin<^ in ponds or marshes. How is it prepared for use ? It is cut out in blocks and either dried in the sun, or first ground to a pulp, moulded into blocks, and then dried in the sun. Where is Peat, suitable for fuel, found ? It is most abundant in Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, and Worth counties. What part of Iowa is best supplied with building stone ? Stone suitable for cellars, bridge piers, and buildings, abounds chiefly in the eastern half of the State. What localities are specially noted for their quar- ries? Johnson, Jones, Tama, Marshall, Humboldt, Madison, Van Buren, Lee and Des Moines counties, LESSON LIV. How is the Coal Field indicated on the map in this book? By a dark blue color. What kind of coal is found in Iowa ? The coal of Iowa is bituminous, or what is called soft coal. What metals are found in Iowa ? None of value except lead. Where is lead found ? Large quantities of lead have been mined, at and in the vicinity of Dubuque. Where is Gypsum found? It is found in large quantities at Fort Dodge. In what form is it ? It is found in quarries very much like limestone quarries. What are its uses ? Building purposes and manufactur- ing plaster of paris. When reduced to powder it is used to fertilize lands. O GJ pel pq CD r/1 CO r til o COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA 37 PART SECOND. COUNTY GOVERNMENT— ELECTIONS. LESSON L How many kinds of elections are there ? Four; general, municipal, school and special. Do they differ from each other? They are essentially the same as far as relates to the manner of conducting them. When is the general election held? The second Tuesday of October, except the years of Presidential elec- tion, when it is changed to the Tues- day next after the first Monday of JS^ovember. When is the municipal election held ? The first Monday in March. When are school elections held ? District Townships the first Monday in March, and Independent Districts the second Monday in March. What is the County Seat ? The place selected by the people for the transaction of the county business. By whom is the county business transacted ? The county officers. Can you name them ? Three Supervisors, Auditor, Clerk of the District and Circuit Courts, Treasurer, Lecorder, Sherifi", Superin- tendent of Schools, Surveyor, and Coroner. When are they elected? At the general election. How long do they hold their offices ? Supervisors three years; all others two years. LESSON IL . How many Supervisors are elected each year? One Supervisor is elected each year. May two Supervisors reside in the same Township ? Two Supervisors shall in no case reside in the same Township. What duties belong to the Board of Supervisors? 1st, They are the county's business manao-ers. 2d, They levy State and County taxes. COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. 3d, They examine and audit all accounts against the county. 4tli, They build and keep in repair the county buildings. How often do they meet? On the first Monday in January, April, June, September, and the first Monday after the general election in each year. Where do they meet? At the County Seat. What books are the Board of Supervisors required to keep? 1st, A " Minute Book," in which shall be recorded all orders and decisions made by them, except those relating to highways. 2d, A " Highway Record," in which shall be recorded all proceedings relating to establishment, change, or discontinuance of highways. 3d, A "Warrant Book," in which shall be entered in the order of their issuance, the number, date, amount, and name of drawee of each warrant drawn on the treasury. LESSON III. What duties belong to the Auditor? He shall be Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and issue all warrants authorized l)y them; and all county officers elected or appointed shall be reported by him to the Auditor of State within ten days after election and qualification. What duties belong to the Clerk of the District and Circuit Courts? Pie shall keep the records, papers and seals of both courts, and record their proceedings under the direction of the Judges of each court respec- tively. What duties belong to the Treasurer ? He shall collect all taxes at his oftice, take charge of the money of the county, and disburse the same accord- ing to law. What duties belong to the Recorder ? He shall record, at length, all deeds and other instruments in writing, which may be delivered to liim for record, in books prepared for the pur- pose. LESSON ly. What duties belong to the Sheriff? 1st, He shall attend all sessions of the District and Circuit Courts. 2d, He shall make arrests and serve all writs and other legal process issued by lawful authority and to him directed or committed. 3d, He shall have charge of the jail and the prisoners lawfully com- mitted to it. COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. 39 What duties belong to the County Superintendent ? 1st, He sliall have general super- vision of tlie schools of the connty, visit them, and report to the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. 2d, He shall meet and examine teachers ouce in a month, and grant certificates to those who are qualilied to teach. 3d, He shall try cases appealed from the district boards in his county, and approA'e or reverse the decisions rendered. What duties belong to the C'ounty Surveyor? He shall make all surveys of land ^within his county which he may be called upon to make. LESSON Y. What duties belong to the Coroner? 1st, It is the duty of the Coroner to perform all the duties of Sheriff when there is no Sheriff. 2d, It is also the duty of the Coroner to hold an inquest on the body of any one who is su])])osed to have died by unlawful means, and, if possible, obtain the facts in the case. Into what are counties divided ? Counties are divided into Town- ships. What officers are elected in each Township? Three Trustees, one Clerk, one Assessor, two Constables, and two Justices of the Peace. What duties belong to the Trustees? 1st, They are Judges of the general election. 2d, They fix the place for holding elections, and order notices posted advertising the same. 3d, They are overseers of the poor, fence viewers, and a board of equaliza- tion. LESSON" VL What are the duties of the Township Clerk? 1st, He shall keep a record of the proceedings and orders of the Trus- tees. 2d, Pie shall act as Clerk of elec- tions and give notice of the returns to the County Auditor. What are the duties of the Assessor? 1st, He shall make a list of all the persons in his township. 2d, He shall make a list of all the property in his township subject to taxation. 3d, To all personal property and each piece of realty listed, he shall affix the value according to his judg- ment that it may be properly taxed. What are the duties of a Constable ? 1st, He serves writs and summonses. 2d, He is a preserver of the peace 40 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. and exj)ected to be present at elections for that purpose, od, He is the executive officer in a Justice's court and like duties devolve upon him in relation thereto, as belong to the sheriff in relation to the busi- ness of the Circuit Court. LESSON YII. What duties belong to a Justice of the Peace? 1st, He holds court and sits as Judge in the trial of cases brought before him. 2d, He may perform the marriage ceremony. 3d, He may take the acknowledg- ment of deeds. What class of cases belong to the Justices' Court ? 1st, The collection of debts not exceeding one hundred dollars. 2d, The trial of persons arraigned for crime, and disturbers of the peace. How are the public roads or highways kept in order ? The Eoad Supervisors superintend all repairs upon them. What shall they require ? That all able bodied male residents between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five perform two days' labor on the highways, between the first day of April and September in each year. What is the penalty for failure to comply? Each person shall either furnish a satisfactory substitute or pay three dollars for each days' delinquency. LESSON YIII. What is a School District? Each township? is a School District. Into what arc School Districts divided? Into sub-districts. Can you name the school officers ? County Superintendent of schools for each county, and Directors of each School District. How many kinds of districts are there ? Township Districts (which are di- vided into sub-districts,) and Independ- ent Districts. For what term are sub-directors elected? Eor one year. For what term are director's of Independent Dis- tricts elected? For three years. How many constitute a District Township Board? One sub- director for each sub-dis- trict, and a secretary and treasurer selected from the district at large, i unlef-'S there are at least five sub-direc- tors in the district township, in which case they may be selected from the board. COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA 41 LESSON IX. How many members constitute an Independent District Board ? ^ Three nieinl)ers if there are less than iive hundred inhabitants, and six members where there are more. I Into what general classes are our free schools ! divided? District Schools, Graded Schools and High Schools. What are District Schools? Schools where onl}^ the rudimentary branches are taught. What is a Graded School ? A school in which the course of study is classified, and pupils are placed in classes according to advancement. What is a High School? A school in which higher mathe- matics, and ancient and modern lan- guages are taught. LESSON X. Into what are Municipal Corporations divided ? Cities of the first class, cities of the second class, and incorporated towns. What is a city of the first class ? A city having at least 15,000 inhab- itants. What is a city of the second class? A city having more than 2,000 but less than 15,000 inhabitants. Into what are cities divided ? Cities are divided into wards. What officers, has a city of the first class ? A Mayor, City Council, Marshal, Treasurer, Auditor, Solicitor, Police Judge and Superintendent of the Mar- ket. What is their term of office? Two years, or until their successors are elected and qualified. How many members of council are chosen from each ward ? Two are chosen from each ward. One is elected each year and one holds over. LESSON XI. What duties devolve on the Mayor? 1st, To keep the corporate seal of the city in his charge. 2d, To sign all commissions, licenses and permits granted by authority of the City Council. 3d, Also to be the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace, and cause the ordinances and regula- tions of the city to be faithfully and constantly obeyed. What duties devolve on the City Council ? 1st, To audit claims against the city, 2d, To pass ordinances (laws) for the government of the city. 3d, To levy taxes. 4th, To appoint subordinate officers. 42 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF IOWA LESSON XIL What is required of the Marshal ? 1st, To attend the courts of the Mayor and Police Judge. 2d, To suppress all riots, disturb- ances and breaches of the peace, and arrest all persons detected in violating the laws of the City or State. What are the duties of Treasurer ? To take charge of all the money belonging to the city, and pay it out as ordered by the City Council. What is required of the Auditor? To manage the finances of the city. What duties are performed by the City Solicitor ? The City Solicitor acts as Attorney and Counsellor for the city. Ques- tions in law are submitted to him by the city officers for his opinion, and he manages the legal business in which the city becomes involved. What jurisdiction has the Police Judge ? 1st, He has jurisdiction of all vio- lations of the ordinances of the city. 2d, He has the same jurisdiction in all criminal cases, as is vested in Jus- tices of the Peace. 3d, He may take the acknowledg- ment of deeds and other writings. LESSON XIIL What is required of the Superintendent of the Market? To take charge of the buildings and places set apart by the city, for the sale of fresh meat and vegetables. What are the officers of a city of the second class? Mayor, Council, Treasurer and Solicitor. What are their duties ? About the same as in a city of the 1st class. How long do they hold office? The Solicitor two years, and all others one year. How many inhabitants has an Incorporated Town? Less than 2000. What are the officers of an Incorporated Town ? Mayor, Recorder, and five Trustees. What do all of these comprise ? They comprise the Council. What is their term of office ? One year. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA, 43 PART THIRD. STATE GOVERNMENT. Note. — Parts Second and Third have been made up from the new Code and Part Fourth from the Constitution of the United States, The language of the law has been preserved as far as possible, but whenever it seemed too difficult to he comprehended by children, care has been taken to adapt it to the capacity of those of limited attainments. LESSON I. What ordinance is the basis of the State Govern- ment ? The Constitution of the State of Iowa. By whom was it ordained or estabhshed? By the people of tlie State. Who is entitled to the right of suffrage? Every male citizen of the United States of the age of twenty-one years, and a resident of this State six months ijiext preceding the election. -How long must he have lived in the county in which he claims his vote? Sixty days entitles him to vote at all elections authorized by law. How shall the vote be taken ? AU elections by the people shall be by ballot. How are the powers of the Government of Iowa divided ? Into three separate departments. What are they ? The Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial. In whom is the Legislative authority vested? The Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a General As- sembly. Of what shall it consist? A Senate and House of Representa- tives. What shall be the slyle of every law? " Be it enacted by the General As- sembly of the State of Iowa." How often shall the General Assembly meet? The sessions of the General Assem- bly shall be biennial. When shall they commence? On the second Monday in January next ensuing the election of its mem- bers. May it be convened at any other time ? The Governor of the State may convene the General Assembly by proclamation. 44 STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA, LESSON II. By whom shall the members of the House of Rep- resentatives be chosen ? By the qualified electors of their respective districts. How often? Every second year. When? On the second Tuesday in October, except the years of Presidential Elec- tion, when it shall be the Tuesday next after the first Monday in JSTovember. When shall their term of office commence? On the first day of January next after their election. How long shall it continue ? Two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. What qualifications are required for becoming a Representative ? 1st, A Representative must be at least twenty-one years old, and a citi- zen of the United States. 2d, He must be an inhabitant of this State one year next preceding his election. 3d, He must have an actual resi- dence of sixty days in the county or district he is chosen to represent. For what term shall Senators be chosen ? When ? The term of four years, and at the same time and place as Representa- tives. What qualifications are required for becoming a Senator? 1st, He must be twenty-five years old and a citizen of the United States. 2d, He must be an inhabitant of this State one year next preceding his election. 3d, He must have an actual resi- dence of sixty days in the county or district he is chosen to represent. LESSON III. To what is the number of Senators limited? They shall not be less than one- third, nor more than one-half the Representative body. Into how many classes shall they be divided ? Into two equal classes, so that one- half of them shall be elected every two years. By whom are the officers of the General Assembly chosen ? Each House shall choose its own officers. How many of each House constitutes a quorum ? A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to transact busi- ness. How are the proceedings of each House made public? Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings and publish the same. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA 45 If a member thinks an act or resolution injurious to the public or an individual, what liberty may he have? To dissent from or protest against it, and have the reasons for his dissent entered on the jonrnaL When must the yeas and nays be called on any question? When any two members present desire it. May members of the General Assembly be arrested? Senators and Eepresentatives, ex- cept for treason, felony or breach of the peace, shjill be privileged from arrest during the session, and in going to and returning from the same. LESSOR lY. How are vacancies in either House to be filled? When vacancies occur in either Plouse, the Governor shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. How are the doors kept ? The doors of each House shall be open, except on occasions which, in the opinion of the House, secrecy is required. For what length of time may either House adjourn? Neither House shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days. Where do bills originate ? In either House, and may be amend- ed, altered, or rejected by the other. By whom must bills be signed when passed by both Houses ? By the Speaker or President of their respective Houses. By whom before they become a law? Every bill passed by the General Assembly shall, l)efore it becomes a law, be presented to the Governor for his approval and signature. What must he do if he does not approve? He shall return it with his objections, to the House in which it originated. What : hall they do with it ? Enter it upon their Journal, and proceed to re-consider it. What vote will then make it a law, notwithstanding the Governor's objections? A vote of a majority of two-thirds of the members of each House, in the affirmative. LESSOR Y. How long may the Governor retain a bill ? H' not returned within three days, (Sunday excepted,) it shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the General Assembly,' by ad- journment, prevented such return. When, and how, may the Governor decide upon any bills submitted to him, within three days of the close of the session ? The bill shall be deposited by him in the office of the Secretary of State, within thirty days after the adjourn- ment, with his approval or disapproval. 46 STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. What vote is necessary to pass a bill ? A majority of all of the members elected to each branch, of the General Assembly. When shall the question on the final passage be taken ? Immediately on its last reading, j and the yeas and nays entered upon i the Journal. What is required to be attached to, and published with the laws at every regular session of the Gen- eral Assembly ? An accurate statement of the receipts and expenditures of tlie public money. In whom is the power of impeachment vested ? The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of preferring charges of impeachment. Who shall try impeachments? The Senate. What vote is required for conviction ? ISTo person shall be convicted with- out the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. What officers are liable to impeachment? The Governor, Judges of the Su- preme and District Courts, and other State officers are liable to impeach- ment, for any misdemeanor or mal- feasance in office. What shall j\idgmcnt embrace in such cases? Only removal from office, and dis- qualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit in this State. May a party convicted or acquitted, be tried also by civil process. The party is also liable to indict- ment, trial and punishment according to law. LESSON YI. What restrictions are placed on drawing money out of the Treasury? N^o money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appro- priations made by law. What compensation shall the members of the Gen- eral Assembly receive ? Five hundred and fifty dollars for the regular session, and three dollars for every twenty miles traveled in going to, and returning from, the place where the session is held, by the near- est traveled route. When shall the laws passed by the General Assem- bly take effect? Those of a general nature shall take effect on the 4th of July, next after their passage. When shall laws take effect, that are passed at a special session ? Ninety days after adjournment. When shall laws of immediate importance take effect ? The General Assembly may provide that such laws take effect, after publi- cation in the newspapers of the State. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA 47 LESSOK YII. May lotteries be permitted in Iowa? No lottery shall be authorized by this State, nor the sale of their tickets allowed. What must all laws be, as far as possible ? All laws shall be general and of uni- form operation throughout the State. When shall a law changing the boundary lines of any county take effect ? Not until submitted to the people of the counties aiFected by the change, at a general election and it shall be approved by a majority of the votes in each county, cast for and against. What oath or affirmation are the members of the General Assembly required to take, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices? " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm as the case may be,) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully dis- charge the duties of Senator, (or Eep- resentative, as the case may be,) accord- ing to the best of my ability." When shall the census of this State be taken? In 1875, and every ten years there- after, the General Asseml^ly shall cause an enumeration to be made of all the inliabitants of the State. To what number of members are the Senate and House of Representatives limited? The Senate shall not consist of more than 50 members, and House of Rep- resentatives of more than 100 mem- bers. How shall the vote be taken in elections, by the General Assembly ? Members shall vote viva-voce, and the votes shall be entered on the Journal. In whom is the Supreme Executive Power of this State vested ? In a Chief Magistrate, who shall be styled the Go^'ernor of the State of Iowa. When shall he be elected? At the time and place, of voting for members of the General Assembly. What shall be his term of office ? Two years from the time of his in- stallation, and until his successor is elected and qualified. LESSON VIII. When shall the Lieutenant-Governor be elected ? At the same time as the Governor. What shall be done with the returns when a Gov- ernor and Lieutenant-Governor are voted for ? Tliey shall be sealed up and trans- mitted to the Seat of Government of the State, directed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall open and publish them in the presence of the General Assembly. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. Who shall be declared elected? The persons respectively having the highest mnmber of votes for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, shall be de- clared duly elected. In case of a tie vote what shall be done ? The General Assembly shall by joint vote, forthwith proceed to elect one of said persons Governor or Lieutenant- Governor, as the case may be. By whom shall contested elections for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, be determined? By the General Assembly, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. What qualifications are required for becoming Gov- ernor or Lieutenant-Governor? 1st, He must be a citizen of the United States. 2d, He must have been a resident of this State, two years next preced- ing the election. 3d, He must have attained the age of thirty, at the time of said election. What military position does the office of Governor confer? The Governor shall be Commander- in-Chief of the militia, the army and navy of this State. LESSON IX. What vacancy may the Governor fill by granting a commission? When any office shall become vacant, and no mode is provided by the constitution and laws for filling such vacancy, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy. How often shall he communicate by message to the General Assembly ? At every regular session he shall communicate the condition of the State, and recommend such matters as he may deem expedient. On what grounds may tlie Governor adjourn the General Assembly ? If the two houses cannot agree on a time of adjournment, the Governor shall have power to adjourn them to such time as he may think proper, providing it is not beyond the time of the next regular meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly. When shall the official term of the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor commence ? On the second Monday of January, next after their election. What compensation shall the Lieutenant-Governor receive while presiding in the Senate ? The same mileage and double the per diem pay provided for a Senator, and none other. What judicial power is vested in the Governor? The Governor shall have power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons after conviction, for all offences except treason, and in cases of im- peachment, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. 49 By whom shall the seal of the State be used ? There shall be a seal of tliis State, which shall be kept bj the Governor, and nsed by him offieiallj, and shall be called the great seal of the State of Iowa. How and by whom are commissions granted ? All grants and commissions shall be in the name, and by the authority of the people of the State of Iowa, sealed with the great seal of the State, signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Secretary of State. LESSON X. For what term shall the Secretary, Auditor and Treasurer of State be elected ? Tliey shall be elected by the quali- fied electors, and continue in office two years, or until their successors are elected. In what shall the judicial power be vested? In the Supreme Court, District and Circuit Courts, and such other courts, inferior to these, as the General Assembly may, from time to time establish. How many Judges constitute the Supreme Court? Four: three of whom are a quorum to hold court. By whom are the Judges of the Supreme Court elected ? By the qualified electors of the State. 7 How are they classified ? So that their term of office shall expire in different years. Who shall be Chief Justice? The Judge having the shortest time to serve. For what important object was the Supreme Court constituted ? For the correction of errors in law actions, and trial on apjDcal, of equity causes. What is this court empowered to do ? This court is empowered to issue all writs, and processes necessary to secure justice to parties. LESSON XI. Of what shall the District Court consist? One Judge, who shall be elected by the qualified electors, of the district in which he resides. Ho\v long shall he hold his office ? The District Judge shall hold his office four years. What is the jurisdiction of the District Court ? It is a court of law and equity, and shall have jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters arising in the District. What shall the style of all processes be ? " The State of Iowa." How shall all prosecutions be conducted ? In the name and by the authority of ?' The State of Iowa." so STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA Of what shall the Circuit Court consist? One Jud^e, who shall he elected hy the qualified electors of the Judicial District in which he resides. How long shall he hold his office? Four years. What jurisdiction belongs exclusively to the Circuit Court ? It shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all prohate business, and in appeals and writs of error from inferior courts, tribunals or officers. What shall be the salary of each Judge of the Supreme Court, the District and Circuit Court? The salary of each Judge of the Supreme Court, shall be $4,000 per annum, and 15 cents per mile for dis- tance traveled : the salary of District and Circuit Judges, shall each be $2,200 per annum. When shall these Judges be chosen? The Judges of the Supreme, District and Circuit Courts, shall be chosen at the general election. When shall the term of office of each commence ? On tlie 1st of January, next after his election. LESSON" XII. By whom shall the Attorney-General be elected ? By the people. For how long ? Two years. What are the duties of Attorney-General? He shall attend in j^erson the sessions of the General Assembly and Supreme Court, and appear for the State, pros- ecute and defend all actions and pro- ceedings, ciA'il and criminal, in which the State shall be a party, when re- quested to do so by the Governor, or General Assembly. By whom shall the District-Attorney be elected ? By the qualified electors of the District. What is the length of his term of office ? Four years. What are the duties of the District- Attorney ? It is his duty to appear for the State, and the several counties composing his district, in all cases in which they are interested that come before the District and Circuit Courts of his dis- trict. Of whom shall the militia of the State be com- posed ? All able bodied male citizens, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except such as are by law exempt. How shall officers of the Militia be elected? All commissioned officers of militia (staff officers excepted,) shall be elected by those liable to perform military duty, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA. 51 LESSON XIIL How are Corporations created ? The General Assembly shall provide by general laws, for the organization j of all corporations to be created. \ Is the property of Corporations taxable? Tlie property of all Corporations for pecnniary profit, shall be subject to taxation the same as that of indi- viduals. May the State take stock in a (Corporation ? Tlie State shall not become a stock- holder in any (corporation, nor assume to pay the debt or liability of any Corporation, unless incurred in time of war lor the benefit of the State. What Corporations are forbidden being stock- holders in banks ? No Political or Municipal Corpora- tion shall become a stockholder in any Banking Corporation, directly or indirectly. Who shall control the School Fund and School Lands? The educational, and school funds and lands, shall be under the control and management of the General As- sembly of this State. What shall be done with the University Lands ? The University Lands, and the pro- ceeds thereof, and all moneys belong- ing to said fund, shall be a jjermanent fund for the sole use of the State Uni- versity. What shall be done with the interest? The interest arising from the same, shall be annually appropriated for the support and benefit of said University. LESSON XIY. How shall the General Assembly promote the edu- cational interests of the State? Tlie proceeds of all lands that have been, or hereafter may be, granted by the United States to tliis State, for the support of schools, which may have been, or shall hereafter be sold or dis- posed of, and all estates of deceased persons who may have died without leaving a will or heir, and also such per cent, as has been or may hereafter be granted by Congress, on the sale of lands in the State, shall be, and remain a perpetual fund, the interest of which, toirether with all rents of the imsold lands, and such other means as the General Assembly may j)rovide, shall be inviolably appropriated to the sup- port of common schools throughout the State. What shall be done with money paid for exemption from military duty, and fines collected for breach of penal laws ? They shall go to the support of the common schools, in proportion to the number of youths subject to enumer- ation in such districts. 52 STATE GOVERNMENT OF IOWA, What shall be done with lands reserved or granted from whomsoever, for the use of the State Uni- versity ? The General Assembly shall take measures for the protection, improve- ment or other disposition of such lands, and the funds accruing from the rents or sale thereof, shall remain a perma- nent fund, the interest of which shall be applied to the support of said Uni- versity. Where is the State University located? At Iowa City. Who are the financial agents of the School Funds? They shall be the same, that by law receive and control the State and county revenue, for other civil purposes, under such regulation as may be provided by law. LESSON XY. How shall the money for the support and mainte- nance of common schools be distributed ? In proportion of youths, between the ages of five and twenty-one years. To what shall the jurisdiction of Justices ot the Peace extend ? All civil cases (except cases in chan- cery, and cases where the title to real estate may arise,) wliere the amount in controversy does not exceed $100. By consent of parties, however, the amount may be extended to 300. What is the minimum size of any county hereafter to be created ? Ko new county shall be hereafter created containing less than 433 square miles; nor shall the territory of any organized county be reduced below that area. Are there any exceptions to the above limits? Excc])t the county of Worth, and the counties west of it along the north- ern boundary of this State, which may be organized without additional terri- tory. To what amount may a county be<;ome indebted? No county or other Political or Municipal Corj)oration, shall be allow- ed to become indebted in any manner or for any purpose, to an amount in the aggregate, exceeding five per cen- tum on the value of tlie taxable prop- erty, within such county or corpora- tion. Wliat oath must every officer in the State take? Before entering upon the duties of the office, he shall take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, and of this State, and also an oath of office. How shall vacancies in office be filled? Only for the imexpired term, wheth- er it be by election or apyjointment. Where is the Seat of Government permanently located ? It is fixed by law at Des Moines. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 53 PART FOURTH. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, LESSON I, What ordinance is the basis of the Federal Govern- ment ? Tli3 Constitution of the United States. By whom was it ordained or established ? By the j^eople. For what purpose ? To promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to our- selves and our posterity. Who, alone, has the power of making laws under the Constitution ? The Congress of the United States. What two bodies compose it? The Senate and House of Kepre- sentatives. By whom are members of the House of Repre- sentatives chosen? By the people of the several States. For what length of time ? They are elected for two years. What qualifications are required of a Representa- tive when elected ? 1st, He must have been a citizen of the United States seven years. 2d, He must be at least twenty -five years old. 3d, He must be an inliabitant of the State from which he is chosen. How many Representatives is each State entitled to? The number of Representatives sliall not exceed one for every thirty thous- and inhabitants. May a State be deprived of Representatioa for want of sufficient inhabitants? Each State sIilJI have at least one Lepresentative. LESSOIS^ 11. For what purpose shall the United States census be taken ? For the purpose of apportioning Representatives, and the direct taxes among the several States of the Union. How often shall the UnMcd States census be taken ? Every ten years. 54 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, When vacancies occur in tlic Representation from any State, how arc they to be filled ? The Governor shall issue writs of election to lill such vacancies. | How are the officers of the House of Representa- tives appointed? I The House of Eepresentatives shall choose a speaker and other officers. To whom belongs the power of impeachment? The House of Representatives. To how many Senators is each State enti.led? Two United States Senators. By whom are they chosen ? By the Legislature thereof. What is their term of office? Six years. Into how many classes are they divided ? Three: so that one-third may he chosen e^'ery second year. When vacancies occur in the Senate, how are they to be filled ? The Executive shall make temporary appointments, until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then till such vacancies. LESSON III. What qualifications are required of a Senator, when elected? 1st, He mnst have been a citizen of : the United States nine years. 2d, lie must be at least thirty years old. Sd, lie must be an inhabitant of the State, from which he is chosen. Who shall be President of the Senate ? The Vice-President of the United States. By whom are the other officers in the Senate chosen ? Tlie Senate shall choose their other officers. By whom shall all impeachments be tried ? The Senate shall \\a\e sole power to try all impeachments. What shall judgment in cases of impeachment involve ? Removal from office and disqualifi- cation to hold any office of honor, trust or profit, under the United States. Is the person convicted subject to further legal process? The person is suljject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment accord- ing to law. How often must Congress assemble? E^ery year on the first Monday in December. LESSON IV. By whom shall the elections for Senators and Rep- resentatives be determined? Etich House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and (pialilications of its own meml)ers. How many must be present to transact business ? A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to transact bus- iness. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 55 Hou- long may either House adjourn without the consent of the other ? Kot moi'e than three days. I From what source do Senators and Representatives draw pay for their services ? I Out of the Treasury of the United States. For what crimes are Senators and Representatives privileged from arrest, during the sessions of their I respective Houses? They shall in all cases, except for treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be j^riv'ileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their re- spective Houses, and in going to, and returning from tlie same. What restrictions are placed upon Senators and Representatives, in regard to civil office ? No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created during such time. LESSOX Y. Where do all bills for raising revenue originate ? In the House of Ilepresentatives. Wliat action may the Senate take in reference to such bills? The Senate may propose, or C(^ucur with amendments, as on other bills. What is necessary after the Senate and House of Representatives have passed a bill, before it be- comes a law ? It must be presented to the President of the United States; if he ap- prove, he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it with his objections to the House in which it originated, who shall proceed to reconsider it. What will then be necessary to make it a law? If on reconsideration, a vote of two- thirds of the House and two-thirds of the Senate approve, it shall become a law. How long may the President keep a bill before returning it ? A bill is considered approved if not returned within ten days, and shall be a law in like manner as if he liad signed it. Doe? it always become a law if not returned in ten days ? If Congress by adjournment prevent its return, it does not become a law. LESSON VI. Must all bills be presented to the President for approval ? They must; and no bill can become a law, unless approved by him, or in opposition to his rejection of it, is re-passed by a two-thirds vote in the Senate, and also in the House of Kep- resentatives. For what objects has vDongress the power to levy and collect taxes? To 2)ay tlie debts and provide for the common defence, and general wel- fare of the United States. 56 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT How shall this be done throughout the United States ? The taxes, duties, imposts and ex- cises, shall be uniform throughout the United States, When funds are needed what may be done ? Money may he borrowed on the credit of the United States. With whom has Congress the power to regulate commerce? "With foreign nations, among the sev- eral States and with the Indian tribes. What duties devolve upon Congress relating to nat- uralization, bankruptcies, coining of money, pun- ishing counterfeiters and establishing post-offices? 1st, Congress has power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform law'S on the subject of bank- ruptcies in the United States. 2d, To coin money, regulate its value, and fix the standard of weights and measures. 3d, To ])rovide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities, and current coin of the United States. 4th, To establish post-offices and post-roads. LESSON YII. How are authors and inventors encouraged? By copy-rights and patent-rights, securing to them for a limited time the exclusive right to their writings and discoveries. What other powers has Congress? 1st, To declare war. 2d, To raise and support armies. 3d, To provide and maintain a navy. 4th, To 2>rovide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. 5th, To provide, for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia. May articles exported from any State be taxed ? No tax or duty shall be laid on ar- ticles exported from any State. How shall commerce and revenue be regulated ? They shall be regulated so that no preference shall be given the ports of one State, over those of another. How alone can money be legally drawn from the Treasury? Money can only be drawn in con- sequence of approjiriations made by law. What kind of distinctions cannot be granted by the United States? No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States. LESSON YIII. In whom is the Executive Pov/er vested? In the President of the United States. What is the term of office of the President and Vice- President ? Four years. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 57 To how many Electors is each State entitled? Each state is entitled to a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives, to which it is entitled in Congress. What persons cannot be appointed Electors ? 1^0 Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit, under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. Where shall the Electors meet ? In their respective States, How shall they vote, and for how many persons ? They shall vote bj ballot for two persons. How shall these ballots be named? One shall name the person voted for as President, and the other as Yice- President. May they both be residents of the same State? One at least shall not be an inhabit- ant of the same State with them- selves. LESSON IX. To whom shall the votes of the several States be sent? The vote of each State shall be sign- ed, certified, sealed and sent to the Seat of Government, to the President of the Senate. In whose presence shnll the votes be opened and counted? The Senate and House of Represen- tatives. Who shall be President ? The person having the greatest num- ber of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a major- ity of the whole number of electors api^ointed. If no person have such majority, how shall choice be determined ? The ITouse of Representatives shall choose by ballot from those having the largest number, not exceeding three. How is the choice for Vice-Presiilent deter- mined ? The person having the greatest number of votes for Yice-President shall be the Yice-President, if such mimber be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed. If no person have such majority, how shall choice be determined ? The House of Representatives shall choose by ballot, from the two having the largest number on the list. Who has the power to fix the time of choosing electors ? Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give in their vote. 58 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LESSON X. What qualifications are required for becoming Pres- ident of the United States ? 1st, He must be a natural born citi- zen, and bave been a resident of tbe United States fourteen years. 2d, He must be at least tliirtj-five years old. Under what circumstances do the duties of the office of President devolve on the Vice-President ? In case of death, resignation or re- moval from office, the duties of Presi- dent shall devolve on the Yice-Pres- ident. In case of inability, on the part of the Vice-Presi- dent, to act what shall be done ? The Senate shall declare what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability is removed or a President shall be elected. Before entering on the execution of his office, what oath or affirmation shall be taken ? "I do solemnly swear (or affirm,) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, 23rotect and defend the Constitution of the United States." LESSON XI. In what relation does the President stand to the Army and Navy ? The President shall be Couimander- iu-Chief of the army and navy of the United States. How can the opinions of his principal officers be obtained? He may require the opinion in wilt- ing, of the principal officers in each of the Executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. For what offenses may he grant reprieves and par- dons ■' He shall have power to grant re- prieves and pardons for ofienses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. Under what circumstances may the President make treaties ? He shall have power by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the members of the Senate present concur. LESSOX XII. What appointments are made by the President? Embassadors, public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States not otherwise provided for. How are these appointments made ? "With the advice and consent of the Senate. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 59 How are all vacancies filled dviriiig the recess of the Senate ? The President vsliall luive power to till sueli vacancies by gninting- com- missions, wliicli shall expire at the end of their next session. Whose duty is it to enforce the laws? The President shall take care that the laws be faithlnlly executed. By whom are ofificers commissioned ? The President shall commission all the officers of the United States. In whom is the Judicial Power of the llnited States vested ? In the Sujjreme Court, and such inferior courts as Congress maj ordain or establish. How long shall the Judges of these courts hold their offices ? The Judges both of the Supreme and Inferior C^ourts of the United States, shall hold their offices during ffood behavior. What cases shall be tried by jury ? The trial of all crimes except in cases of impeachment shall be by jury. In what State shall they be tried? In the State where the crimes were committed. When not committed in any State, where shall trial be had ? Trial shall be at such place or places as Congress may have directed. LESSON XIII. Of what does treason consist? Levying war against the United States, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. What is required to convict a person of treason ? The testimony of two witnesses, to the same overt act, or confession in open court. Who fixes the punishment for treason ? Congress shall have power to declare the punisliment of treason. May a criminal find safety by escapmg from the State, in which his crimes were committed? On demand of the Executive Author- ity of the State from which he fled, he shall be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. What provision is made for amending the Consti- tution? The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to the Con- stitution, or on application of the leg- islatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for pro- posing amendments, which in either case, shall be valid to all intents and l^urposes as part of the Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-foiu-ths of the States, or by con- ventions in three-fourths thereof, 6o FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. whichever mode of ratification is pro- posed by the Congress. What oaths shall all Senators and Representatives^ members of State Legislatures, Executive and Judicial Officers of the United States, and several States, be bound by? By oath or affirmation to support the Constitution. Shall any religious qualification be required for ofificers ? No religious test shall ever be re- quired as a qualification for any office or public trust, under the United States. LESSOR XIY. AMENDMENTS. What rights are guaranteed to every person in the United States ? Freedom of speech or of the press, and the free exercise of religious opin- ions. In time of peace may soldiers be quartered in pri- vate houses? Kot without the consent of the owners. May they in time of war ? Only in a manner prescribed by law. Are the people secure against unreasonable searches and seizures? Their rights in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreason- able searches and seizures, shall not be violated. Upon what authority shall warrants be issued ? No warrants shall issue but upon probable causes, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describ- ing the place to be searched, and the 23ersons or things to be seized. la what manner only can a person be held to an- swer for a crime ? No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or in- dictment of a Grand Jury. What exceptions to this rule may be stated ? Except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger. LESSON XY. How often may a person be arraigned for the same offense ? No person for the same offense for which he has been tried, shall again be put in jeopardy of life or limb. Can a person be required to testify against himself? He shall not be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself. What are his inalienable rights? Life, liberty and property, except when deprived of them by due process of law Can private property be taken for public use ? Not without just compensation. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 6i In what way must criminal prosecutions be tried? By an impartial jmy of the State, and district wherein the crime was committed. What privileges shall the accused have ? Compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and the assist- ance of counsel for his defence. In what suits is the right of trial by jury preserved? "Where the value in controversy shall exceed $20. How are bail, fines and punishments restricted? Excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. LESSON^ XYI. What is forbidden to exist in the United States, and all places subject to their jurisdiction ? Slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, of which the party has been duly con- victed. How shall this be enforced ? Congress shall have power to enforce this Article l)y appropriate legislation. Who are citizens of the United States? All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State where- in they reside. What three things are the States forbidden to do regarding citizens of the United States ? 1st, 'No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the priv- ileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. 2d, Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property with- out due process of law. 3d, ]N^or deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. How are Representatives in Congress to be appor- tioned among the several States ? Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States, according to their respective numbers, counting their whole numl)er of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. LESSOjS^ XYII. If the right to vote is denied male inhabitants 21 years of age, how is representation affected ? AVhen the right to vote for Electors for President and Vice-President, Eep- resentatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial Officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any male inhabitant of such State over 21 years of age, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced proportionately. Is there any exception to this rule ? Except for particijxiti on in rebellion or other crimes. 62 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Who are disqualified from holding any office under the United States, or under any State ? No person shall be a Senator or Rep- resentative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office civil or military nnder the United States, or nnder any State, Vvdio having pi-evionsly taken an oath as a State or Federal Officer, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. How has this disibility been removed ? Congress by a vote of two-thirds (or more) of each House, has removed this disability. Is the validity of the public debt established ? The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including dclits incurred for the pay- ment of pensions and bounties, for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. In distinction from these, what debts and claims are held illegal and void ? Neither the United States, nor any State, shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrec- tion or rebellion against the United States, or any chiim for the loss or emancipation of any slaves, but all such debts, obligations and claims, shall be held illegal and void. May the right to vote be denied or abridged on account of race or color ? The right of citizens of the United States to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the ITnited States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 093 937 0« LARGE WALL MAP OF IOWA Fun oi^nuuLo, Price, $12.00, Published by Mills & Co., Bes Moines, Iowa. Dkpartment OF Public Instruction, ) Des Moines, April 2, -1873. j - Messrs. Mills & .Co. ; — I wish that your Map might be generally introduced into the public schools, and believe that funds used for diis purpose by school officor«, v.ould prove an excellent investment. Yours truly, .\LONZO ABERNETHY. CLASS BOOK OF GEOGRAPHY OF IOWA, -VND Comity, State, Mild Fedei^al (Toverniijent, .\DAPTEI) TO MILLS & CO.'S ^A^ALL MAP OF IOWA, Price, 60 cents. Price List of Books and Blanks for District Townships and Independent School Districts. Teacher's Daily Register— 1st size, $4.00 ; 2d, $2.00 ; 3d, $1 ; 4th, 50 cents. Qass Book — First size. 75 cents; pocket size, 30 tents. Report Card— $1.00 per 100. School District Record — For District Secretary; containing nine different forms with printed headings, §(>.,i0. Order Bgok— Nicely lithographed, with filing and receipt on the back of each order, put up in sepa- rate books for Teachers" Fund, Contingent Fund, School Hou.se Fund, or blanks, so that they can be used for any fund, $1.00 per book. District Township Blanks— 1 set — enough for one year— yO cents ; 1 package— 4 sets— $2.00. . School Treasurer's Book— $.").50. School Census 'Register— Of persons between, five and twenty-one years of age, $5.00. Sub-District -Record— For the use of Sub-Director, containing seven di.iferent forms with printed . .--headings, $;;.00. Sub-District flanks— 1 set— enough for 1 year— 30 Blanks — For Independent Independent District ■• . Districts,, $2.00. Superintendents' Certificates to Teachers — $1.00 . per 100. Teachers' General Register .... per quire Sub-Director's Report to Tp. Sec'y ' " Poll Book of Sub-Directors' Election Teachers" Contract Secretary's Report to County Sup't Notices of Annual Sub-Dist. Meeting • Sub-Directors' Tax Certificate to Sec'y Sub-Directors' Certificate of Election Notice ot Regular Dist. Tp. Meeting Certificate of Election, of Town Officers " Township Secretary's Bonds ... Township Treasurer's Bonds ... Sec'y 's Certificate of per cent, of Tax President's Order on Co. Treasurer Township School Map Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, latest Eil. Mills & Co's New Large Scale Map of Iowa Mills & Co's New Large Scale Atlas of Iowa 1.50 TOO 1.00 75 12.00 12.00 15.00 cents; 1 package — 4 sets — $1.00 Outline Maps, Globes, School Book.s of all kinds. School Libraries, etc.. School .Vpparatus, Desks, Seats, etc., furnished at best rates. Organs furnished to schools at lowest rates. School Districts designing to issue BONDS, for the purpose of building Schoo". Houses, will^Jease cor- respond with us, as we are iprepared to furnish engr.avedBonds at a low price. ^ f;"-..- The above Books and Blanks are in extensive use throughoiit the State and give general Si^^ctioa. They conform to the latest School Laws of the State. All' orders promptly filled and Schodf "T)istrict orders taken in payment. Independent Books and Blanks at same price as above. Direct all orders to MILLS cfe C03irANY, Des Moines, Jot^a^ '