; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. i ©tiap.-f -^lop^Bg^i :|r, Shelf ..t^faa- UNITED STATES OF A3IERI€A. <«jS>.!K^' »«t»fW I ,t*BI^T ' -«*' _-^^ ^jiTjH^'^ ^*^ .^^ w Jli'AJtiil^'' , •^"li?-""^ iiiiiiif / OTTMANC". a.c View of beach and groumls before the World's Fair — OcDetal view on grouods including Fisheries, (lovernmect. Liberal Arts and Electricity Build- ings, and dome of Administration Building, witi lagoon, Woo<1ed Island, Japanese cottages auc I'romenade in the foreground— Geueral view of ruins iiimiediately after the fire, from the south, showing the Obelisk in front, the lake on the right, the- niins of Machinery Hall on the left, with the Government Building and Art Palace in the distance. Frontispiece Sites before the Fair; (i) German Building — (2) North end of Wooded Island — (3) Old Canal north of Fisheries Building — (4) Northeast from Government Building — (5) East from Govern- ment Building — i(t] Beach near Liberal Arts, 6 Greeting, 7 Burning of the Peristyle, with western view of the Court of Honor and Administration Building, 8 Group of statuary entitled " Fire Uncontrolled," the last to fall from Administration Building, 9 Butiiiugof Administration and Mines Buildings, with eastern view of Court of Honor and Peristyle, to Burning of Electricity and Mines Buildings, with ruins of each above and below, 12 Embarkation of Columbus from Spain — Viking ship on its voyage of discovery — Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock, 14 Chicago with the World's Fair behind her welcoming the commerce of the world and facing the fairer future before her, 15 The great fire in Chicago in !8;i, with ruins of the Grand Pacific Hotel above and views of the South 8od Noi-th Side mind below, 16 Lake Front view of Chicago in 1S94, with scene in Lincoln Park above and Garfield Park below. iS The old ■■ Liberty Dell." exhibited at the Fair. 19 View of heart of Chicago with slum scciic from center of the city above, and u picture from the great railroad strike below. Statuary of "War" from the Administration Build- ing and sqaad of regulars respuuding to call, Cavalry escorting meat train protected by infantry from the Chicago Stock Yards during strike. From the famous painting entitled "The III Fed." by Oreste Das Molin, which attracted great atten- tion at the Fair, Statue of the Republic standing atone amid the ruins of the World's Fair. ... The Peristyle bearing the crowning mott*^ of the Fair: " Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make Vou Free." . . View of the Midway before the Fair iu center, during the Fair above, and of the fuUirt below, , Woman as the type of purity and trpth opposed to bi ute force and violence of the past. . "The .\pparition to the Shepherds," by Plockhorst, Angel from the Transportation Building, . '■ Christmas Chimes," by Blasbfield, one of the popu- lar pictures at the World's Fair, The new " Libeiiy Bell," typical of the new era, "Gethsemane," by Hoffman— "The First Easter Dawn," by Thompson — "The Women at the Tomb," by Bouguereau, Easter Lilies, emblematic of the Resurrection, General views of the ruins, looking toward the lake. Lagoon entrance to the Art Palace which remains unharmed as a memorial of the Fair, . Ruins of Obelisk and Colonnade to lefl above— Ruins of Administration Building to right above — Al- gerian Theatre, Moorish Palace and Ferris Wheel dismantled in center — Southern and eastern views of (Machinery Hall ruins below. Adieu. . ' . . V- -* . - .^• '^-v ,** " ^ ' '••Hb* ''- ' w-.f ' , . . -■ >Vv.--; > ." • ,s -nV^- " " .- - . ,. " i. V-i"*' ■ ■!' ' ■ ' ^-v:/ - ■; --- ■ ' ' «- ■■^^^.-''V^ ' ■ J ^>^1I (niCAGO. 1694. H nVAN MCTCR 10 V. .»i.-«r-.:ir -Cv'ti \ 12 Ail ^-9:^:^^'-. 15 fL W ^3k.||p^ *-<.- ^•.^i. ^^^^' :^'c:* %(i^'^ -* * » »* ■■^v 'Croclaim libcrtj throuithmic the land unto ull the inhabitants thereof." BfV^ Sonoi^fiiajifj'ii'ept^i-orrow, Ri^erojreatensrandergoocl lnlke|i3Lr«fGo(l'3 oniorrow DMHijdayofkotkrk^d. %^ 21 more Vont3frcnzicJ minions ! iUIMforfUiluyandftac, meo wL° mw\ M\ millions in and imt. 23 24, .!a1!-. TTTf* ""'? 'iili'M'M'. '■ 26 'biit[n;woryi>cliol(JtlK'l)cauf! offLckicrJajiitok- iVkniiiciiwakclofoitluiiiJJuJij And tktrolL that iiiak^fliem free 27 v\A-'imiM}T 1^^^ ' '^^"i Mfin»^ 30 32 34 ■V '\i ^— n itoJaflwtafiflamjiirporW frffcoffkifiiniorfdi L-^^.v^'jj;; .■f'*-)A ,^. (j>^ .OfT'"'^ a^ m^ 35 36 %m^ o\\MmH\ 3 %i^v&erp8tao[caftts ^ILJ^^ 37 Hau ^x/c meet you iKcrcfoarGefyou TKroaahmoje met mkmi^ datj^^ In mat morrow Vtlicre no sorrowt^ ^re shall minoic witti ouf lays , W hpre rKe pleasure Know^.s no measure Wof (.easele'.s Son«j> of Praise. '//' ^#^ MADE e.v '"-''/O; ^^OTTMAN 00 ^ 3M Dearborn 5T cnieAOo &>^m!f^&^^^:^^^&m&^ PRINTED b BOUND TnonA5 KNAPP ^ PRINTm0 66IMDIMC7G'- '^'A *36orn M t^i' 'J'f. \lSf''i\ ,?'' CONGRESS i|iltl:ll:i:illlill;'ll 018 604 198 7