Class Book. fS3537 . £.\3G5 i°lo5 Goipght}]^, COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS POEMS BY ARAD JOY SEBRING Author of Faith in Song BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER The Gorham Press 1905 Copyright 1905 by Arad Joy Sebring All Rights Reserved LiBflAay of i. .ONGHESS fwv tioptu iletoiveu JUL 13 I9U5 Printed at THE GORHAM PRESS Boston, U. S. A. This little book is affectionately inscribed to my niece, Elizabeth Sebring; whose kindly and appreci- ative interest in my work, and efficient help in pre- paring coPy for the press, have added greatly to my pleasure in composing these verses for the reading public. CONTENTS. Happy New Year 7 Why a God ? lO The Twenty-third Psalm i6 What is Life? i8 The Master Fact 21 The Flower I Prize 24 The Power of the Church 26 Thy Kingdom Come 29 Mission of the Church 32 "Hath Done What She Could" 35 The Ample Price 38 Which Rather Be ? 42 Supremacy of Christ 45 Amen, of Lord's Prayer 61 HAPPY NEW-YEAR When Time has set the shadow of His frown upon the hills, And cut the rocky curses for The torrents and the rills ; And belted hist'ry's landscape with His russet swath of death, A happy new-year then I wish To all who share my breath. When Time has plucked the sun from out His chariot of blaze, And veiled the moon in blood, and rolled The skies in darkest maze, I wish you all a glad retreat Beneath the mighty wing Of Him who sends Archangel forth The end of time to sing. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS When throne of judgment shall be set, And nations gathered there, And metes and bounds of men are changed For standards only fair, When theories of joy are weighed In light of spirit world. When seconds sweep of cycles take. And points to eons whirled — When lifetimes, in celestial flight, But compass plans of love, And human nature grows to grasp The wealth of Home Above, I wish you then a new-year's gift From Hand divinely free. With welcome broad as Heaven's plains. Beside the glassy sea. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS When garnered riches of our God, Revealed in days of old, And Calvary's purchase-price are set In jeweled crown of gold, When King in beauty shall have clothed Himself in robes of light, And trump of God shall clear proclaim The end of world's black night — And orchestra of angel hosts The jubilee of grace Shall ring from Heaven's eternal heights, For Adam's ransomed race — I wish you all a diadem That makes your title strong To sit on thrones of sceptered right. And reign through ages long. WHY A GOD? Why think I that there is a God, When eye to Him is blind? Why heed with reverence His voice, When ear no sound can find? Whence comes the mystic touch of God Upon my quickened soul. And makes me tremble at the thought I stand in His control? His ownership in lowing herd I may with grace, suspect; The waving harvests, full and free. His kindly hand reflect — And none the less in brain or arm, That plows and sows and reaps, Do I observe Creative Force That thinks and makes and keeps. 10 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS His genial providence I feel In warmth of noonday sun ; In paths of planets I behold His midnight sway begun; I see His hand outstretched to stay Destroying angel's wing, That growing ear he shall not smite, Nor blight nor mildew bring. I see Him ride in regal state On beam of morning light, In rustling forest hear His step, In nature see His might; I trace Him in the smiling tint That decks the flower's cheek; I know Him in the thunderstorm That crowns the mountain peek. II GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Thus from effect to cause I climb Up to supremest height; In empire universal reigns The God of truth and light — From forms the microscope reveals In tiniest water-home, To where leviathan defies The rolling billows foam — From mote that floats before the gale To mightiest worlds that swing Through century rounds, and nameless bounds, With speed that mocks the wing Whereon imagination flies, And with momentum vast Enough to compass and exhaust Man's numbers to the last — 12 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS From the minutest bud of life That springs in vernal sun To monarchs of Yosemite, Whose roots persistent run Far down beneath earth's rocky ribs, While rugged branches wave Triumphantly in stormy heights, Where cyclones roam and rave — From eyeless molusk, just alive, That crawls in slimy deep To great evangel round the throne, Winging his joyous sweep — Through every inch of space and time. In every atom that exists, In every spark of spirit, too, That in His honor glists — 13 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Throughout the universe I trace The grand, celestial, march Of Him who spake life into life And sprung the boundless arch ; And where the gates of light lift up Their everlasting greet He sets His throne and marshals all In glory at His feet. Upon St. Peter's towering dome A fly unheeding lights, And dreams not of the rounded form That swells to heavenly heights; But architect who planned that mold, And laid its granite base. Knew well the shape and space and span That made its stately grace. 14 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Well do I remember, then, The temple of God's plan, In providence, decree, and breadth, Outmeasures thought of man; And what to me most blind and dark, With mystery pain and fears. May be to Him who built the house The circle of the years. But highest, brightest, clearest proof Of God of grace and love, I see revealed in God-man Christ, Descending from above — Responding conscience yields consent, Heart answers back, elate ; And how can mind do less than bow At edicts strong as fate ? 15 THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM My Shepherd is the Lord himself, And hence I shall not want ; He makes me lie in pastures green — By waters still my haunt! My soul downcast He yet restores, And leads in paths of right; But not for merit of my own — His name in glory bright! Through death's dark shade my soul must pass, In which I'll fear no ill; For with me rod and staff Thou art — My comfort is Thy will! My enemies shall turn to peace At table Thou hast spread ; My cup with blessing overflow, When Thou anoint'st my head. i6 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Thy goodness and Thy mercy, too, Shall cling to end of life, And in Thy house I'll ever dwell Beyond the reach of strife. (In this I see most surely cast God's promise of His Son, Who in my darkest, deepest, stress Is my Triumphant One). 17 WHAT IS LIFE? A plant had grown a hundred years, E'er blossom saw the light, And then savants from realm at large Were summoned to the sight — Yet once in an eternity God plants within your way The tree whose blow brings bending low The cheer of endless day. Your life is great or short or long, As by it you exalt The god who reigns in things of earth. Or Him in purer vault — Through bowed by service, years, and gold, At slavish toil you plod, If life has failed, and earth bewailed. Your lack of liege to God. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS It is not life to whirl and twirl In busy nothings round, While thought and purpose empty go And truth is never found ; With law and gospel not inwrought Through fiber of the soul, With book of blur and God's demur Still waiting at the goal. To walk treadmill of custom round, And wheel of mammon turn. To drive the chariot of self, Is not in heart to burn With words of Christ and works of faith, And self-denying grace; Which honors bring, while seraphs sing. Before the father's face. 19 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS To climb from fact to fact of God In temple of His truth, From hall to gallery and dome In quest of endless youth, To search the wonders of His love By pure, celestial, glow, To wait in joy, without alloy, And great Redeemer know — With angel's relish to partake At fountain of His love, 'Mid promised splendors to abide In hope of scenes above ; And into one sum-total bind The deeds to God we give — This tells the day, and marks the way, To homes where spirits live. 20 THE MASTER FACT Go search the tombs of ancient past, Exhume the treasures, choice. Which record holds in rock-locked vaults- Release the silent voice — Bring glorious names, profound in thought. And philosophic lore, Bring men who roll of science head And reign in natures store — Or angel-like in intellect. Have dwelt in starry clime ; From earth's fourcorners gather well, And farthest sweep of time — All precious metals, costl}' stones, God's richest gifts, but grace, And one vast monument erect, With genius at its base — 21 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Its topstone shall be glory-crowned, And drip among the clouds, Till heavens together shall be scrolled — Earth wrapped in flaming shrouds — Then, graved upon its glowing front, By hand and skill of age, "In memory sacred to the best That honors history's page" — But in the armory of God Is lever, strong and tall, Which, held in hand that never fails. Can overturn it all — "The world by wisdom knew not God.' Is truth of force so great. That highest wisdom, less than His, Must sink to endless fate. 22 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS But who is this from Edom come, With garments dyed in blood, Divine and human wisely merged In one atoning flood ? — So deeds of one are deeds of both. In mystic virtue wrought, And pardon free, and grace supreme, By sovereign edict brought. 23 THE FLOWER I PRIZE Though at my feet may grow and blow The flower of beauty rare, Whose cultured fragrance is the fruit Of years of patient care ; \'et on the beetling crag I pluck The one I chiefly prize, By reason of the toil I've spent To wrest it from the skies. Its petals drank the early ray, While shadow veiled the lawn, The scent of Heaven its blossom stored, And opal of the dawn ; The eye of God its growing tint With satisfaction saw. And angel pen "obedience" wrote To Maker's primal law. 24 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Thus on the mount of faithful work I'd gladly climb and plod, And value most the hard-won task That brings the smile of God ; For well I know there is a height Where joys shall spring for aye, And gardens radient with love Shall grace the upper sky. I would that something of their glow Might float to nether scenes, And exhalations of their life Might pierce the cloud that screens The zenith's blue from mortal eye, And bloom from earthly hand — Might here below, mid strife and sin, Forecast the Glorious Land. 25 THE POWER OF THE CHURCH Renewal in God's image stands The highest destiny of man ; All schemes of genius His demands Quite fail to meet, and never can — The gathered wisdom of the world J^efore His face in vain is hurled. High lifted souls in Jesus' light, Till they His perfect likeness wear, Must be the law of Christian might Till Heaven's dayspring, clear and fair, Beams out on realms of life divine, And makes dead men forever shine. No culture merely of the mind. No words, with dewy learning bright. No manners, polished and refined. Ideas many, grave or light. No wealth of scientific lore Can open free the pearly door. 26 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS No seer's best plea can Christ replace, When broken record is unrolled, No travestj' of saving grace Can entrance gain within the fold ; Historic image count, or weigh. For title clear to upper day. No attitude, or form, is found, No ritual or stately mold. No harmony of sweetest sound, Can Sovereign Ear in mercy hold. Or take the place of Christ's control Within the sanctum of the soul. No annels of ancestral race. No hoar)^ custom, craft, or creed. No churchly faith in time or place, Heroic fame in word or deed, No saintly prayer, or priestly plea, May dare intrude twixt Christ and thee. 27 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS No chink or chime of golden chain, Of apostolic link or length, Can dull the ear, or foil the reign, Of Him who is the joy and strength Of men who stand on Zion's height, And rescue souls from endless night. And when the Church, amid the strife. Leans on these outward signs of truth, Decrepitude has seized her life. Gray hairs usurped the crown of youth- Her withered visage, pale and wan. Her power lost, her glory gone. 28 THY KINGDOM COME Within the deepest fountains That flow with life or death; In highest, baldest, mountains. That chill with Arctic breath ; In truest, heart-deep, feeling, Which sin and darkness rue. Thy kingdom come with healing. And health and joy renew. Thy kingdom in experience Of Christ's redeeming love. The sinner's great deliverance. The solace from above; In hopes that rise to Heaven, Thy power and love display ; And nerve by Spirit given For flight to endless day. 29 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS In filial, free, submission To Father's holy will, We lay in true contrition Our wants before Thee still — Please change the bristling fortresses Of Thine afflictive hand To golden-towered palaces Of our Celestial Land. Thus reign in love unbounded, Work in us Thy clear will, And let our hearts be sounded By plum-line of Thy skill ; That we in turn, most loyal. With heavenly thrill love Thee, And men, by ruling royal, As self would favored be. 30 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Then rule, in faith appearing, In proof of things unseen — Thy voice within our hearing Can only glory mean — Thus break upon our vision Worlds unrevealed before, And spread the scenes elysian Where seraphim adore. 31 MISSION OF THE CHURCH 'Tis not of Christ, with girdled robe, She passes on the other side. When fellow traveler on the road With reeking wounds has nearly died — And thus denies her Master's call To lift from ruin of the fall. In ranks of trade, where men contend For triumph on the field of gain, Example, true, must ready set Of golden rule and truth unfeign; That in the barter of the world The standard high shall be unfurled — To plow and anvil, spindle, loom. To bear glad news, Redeemer born — To kitchen, laundry, needle room. To echo song of brightest morn ; And then the sad but glad refrain Of Christ in saving pity slain — 32 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Where child of suffering has lain, With help and healing all benign ; To ease the heart of aching strain, And fill Avith sympathy divine, The great Physician she must bring, And make the day of darkness sing. She must descend to den of thieves, With lamp of truth and light of grace, While souls from prison she relieves. And sets them free before God's face; That halleluiahs they may hymn In concert with the cherubim — Ascend to legislative hall, And lay her sacred, high, behest On hearts of men whom millions call To hold in trust their earthly best ; And build a state, supremely great, To last till end of time and fate — 33 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS On spire of world's best learning lift The torch of heavenly life and light; That seer and teacher's highest gift Be touched with coal from heavenly height ; And hand of a divine arrest Impose on reason's guilded crest — In realm of pride and fashion go, Her signet seal of saving love, Bring high imaginations low At feet of Him who reigns above — And fetch the tribute of the kings To grace her hand with jeweled rings. 34 "HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD" Mark 14:8 The meaning of an infant's cry, And sweep of cherub's flight, The least and most that thinking souls Embrace within their might, Are in the great Redeemer's words, Made lamp and light to feet That in the way of brightning day Would heavenly portals greet. They prompt to ministries of love In homes of joy and health. And in the hovels of the poor Bespeak affection's wealth; In palaces of cultured pride The stately form unbend, And spirit mild and undefiled In loving service send. 35 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Thus what she could was what she did, With noiseless, midnight, tread, And sum'ning angel at her hand Beside the dying bed — Maternal prayers she freely gave That Christ would soul endow. While children slept and mother wept O'er darling's fevered brow. The words of Christ but simply tell Of height and depth of thought. Which truth and grace alone can awake In hearts by Spirit taught — Of alabaster box unsealed. Of faith and love benign. Which down the wend of ages spend An increase all divine. 36 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Thus in her pathway missions spring — Her dusky sisters know — And dewdrops of millennial morn In sparkling promise glow — While faithful Christ's commending words In loving accents ring, "Let her alone, for she hath shown, The faith My mercies bring." 37 THE AMPLE PRICE We love to talk of "gates ajar," But who shall enter there? The portals of eternal life, Shall all unbidden share? We well remember naught of sin Can ever there be seen, Where angels tread with timid step, And saints with modest mien. The Father's house has never been In pride by payment bought, Admission there may never be With earthly treasure sought. Tis not that He who made the skies Could set His truth aside. And with unpardoned rebels think Forever to reside. 38 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Shall we our boasted morals bring, And show before the throne, When perfect love, as law demands, Can meet the case alone? Shall gold of nations we present, And gems of every land ? "Take these things hence," the King of kings Shall then with scorn command. Shall we for right to enter there The zones of earth display. And cattle from a thousand hills Upon His altar lay? 'Tis not the blood of bulls and goats Can expiate the sign Where satan sets the burning scar, His booty to define. 39 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Shall we in search the heavens mount And Jupiter arrest, And at the feet of Justice cast The sky's resplendent best? At judgment trump the stars shall fall, Nor place for them abide, For sight of sin their light defiles, And they in blackness hide. Will angels stand and vouch for us, And swing the welcome door. When He who dowered spirits vast Bestowed on them no more Than in return, with faithful praise, They endless ages span. And Gabriel naught can ever spare To offset sin of man. 40 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Deep in philosophy of life, As in God's plan above, Not angel's nature took on him The Christ of saving love ; But nature human to Himself Did Sovereign Grace assume. That price of priceless worth might stand Against the sinner's doom. The gates of God are waiting wide. Their Keeper calls us in ; He who unbars their massive weight Most freely pardons sin ; And bids us but believe and live And share the conquest won — For Olivet and Calvary Have yielded to the Son. 41 WHICH RATHER BE? A thousand miles from nearest Where name of Christ is known, There lives a man whose clearest Light falls upon hewn stone. For more than he can number His generations past Lie wrapped in heathen slumber, To prove his pagan caste. The language, custom, letters. Of all his kith and kin, Have wound their steely fetters Around his heart within; And shed their baleful twilight Upon his darkened way. And won his steps to midnight By false, delusive, ray. 42 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS 'Mid fumes of gall and wormwood, 'Twixt vicious millstones brayed, God's image dashed from manhood, And devil's die inlaid — We hardly dare to follow, Lest from our hearts arise Acquittal, false and hollow. From statute, just and wise. Another I discover Within our favored land, On whom the blessings hover Of many a praying band ; Whose line of race descent Runs back to mem'ry's verge, In covenant-faith consent. From where the years emerge — 43 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS All sealed in Name Eternal At pure baptismal fount ; On lap of faith maternal, Matured for Zion's Mount; By Sabbath music hallowed, By love from bending skies — Most sure his heart is mellowed By grace divinely wise. Yet at his Maker's alter He bends no reverent knee, At Calvary he'll falter. And yield no suppliant plea — Then tell in truth and kindness Which lot you'd rather know. The Hindu's groping blindness Or man's rejected glow? 44 SUPREMACY OF CHRIST I grant you that on nature's face The God of power shines; Yet had I naught but nature's light Within these close confines, I'd stand where all the heathen world Its blinded record makes — The race in ruin, soul in death. Its law of being breaks. To sacred annels I appeal, At central source to find Prophetic proof of Him who stands For law and love combined ; That in my most distressing needs I may to refuge fly; And when my heart cries out for love, It knows the Brother nigh. 45 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS I see Him as he sweeps the range Of sacred hist'ry's sphere, And know Him as he fills the eye Of Inspiration, clear; I hear Him as he speaks to me From grand and kingly height, And heed Him as he wins my heart By glow of heavenly light. But tell me not that this is wrought By any sense of mine. For in the scheme of grace Fm sure Are plan and will divine — For in the sacrifice He made Was one essential price, Without which justice could not stand, And love find no device. 46 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS I know quite well that other men, Of distant mental scan, As world's Columbuses, have spied The continents for man — Demosthenes and Ciceroes Of olden time have taught, And Washingtons and Gladstones Of later days have wrought — I know the patriot soldier, too. Upon the field of strife, For country dear, and native hearth. Has nobly laid his life; But their achievements never reach Quite down to man's last need ; While sovereign Christ with grace evokes The springs of heart and deed. 47 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS The ages have their might combined To make the power of kings, The Cjesars reign by aid derived From force which history brings; Victorian eras rise and fall On waves of public state, Which emperors and queens record In archives of the great. The Grants and Lincolns, all too few. Whose honored names we praise, Could not have been but for the wave That bore heroic days — The century through of hearts that bound With freedom's hallowed song, And unity of state with state Which must the peal prolong. 48 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Not thus, not thus, the King of kings ; The history maker, He; Before whose royal reign the hearts Of men must loyal be — The old Northmen, with clotted locks, Embarked in armed hulls, And sallying forth with murderous hand, Drank blood from human skulls — He taught the golden rule, and touched With finger of His grace. And changed the cruel, savage, horde Into a Christian race — And Briton of the ancient day, Unmoved by battle steel, He won in reverent faith to him, And joy in human weal. 49 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS From Christendom of elder world, From nations great and small, Enlisted in one serried host And marching at His call, Came men thus brought to bow At feet of Conquering Lord, From o'er the stormy sea to build A home with reverence stored. And from the vantage ground thus gained By Him who marshals hearts, A tribute to the King of kings Is laid on distant parts — Millennial inheritance Shall make His reign of love. For heathen world is pledged to Him By fiat from above. 50 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS And when all correlated truth Of Scriptures, great and grand, In orderly array is set By logic, pen and hand, He still remains God-christ the same, Of old, to-day, for aye — The soul and sinew, bone, and joint, Of schemes that never die. Theologies may rise and fall. With sweep and surge of mind ; We call them old or new to suit The temper of our kind ; Yet underneath the fulcrum, strong, Where all true systems brace, Is God incarnate in his Son, With purposes of grace. SI GIRDLE OF GLADNESS And would we make the world to know, And heed our gospel call? We'll win by placing at the front Triumphant Christ of all — If satan lifts his vicious head, And human hearts refrain, We know that truth shall crown His sway, And righteousness His reign. 'Tis true, no vet'ran armies rise To march at His command ; No dynasty of kings he founds, Nor liege of subject lands; But summons kings and priests to God, A dynasty of love, Who shall his victory partake In earth and worlds above. 52 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS His law of love, by man announced, In words of false acclaim, Had whistled down the empty wind. In idle accents named, And in the wilderness of thought Had vanished by degrees; Or stifled by the moral filth In every tainted breeze. But ah! the life, the life, of Christ! Down at Whose feet is cast The challenge of a jealous world ; While back, from first to last. He flings triumphantly the quest, "Convinceth me of sin?" And light from heaven's uplifted gate Reveals heart-depth within. S3 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS A righteous kingdom would He found, Without example, clear? Ah no ! the golden rule shines out In Him, without a peer. And when our race is once upraised To level with His height, The eye of God shall view the scene, And judge it just and right. The world's phisopohers have thought, But Holy God denied. Why in such brilliant contrast he With all the world beside? In human schemes of knowledge He But very little taught; The scientists of future times Alone in learning wrought. 54 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS 'Twas Galileo who descried The earth's revolving round, And Kepler measured with his wand The midnight starrj' bound. Why did not Christ the pen enlist, And through all time eclipse The orb of letters and of light Throughout its vast ellipse? I ken it was because He meant To blend the lustrous glow Of perfect manhood with the God, And let it stream below Far down the trend and train of time: And then, Avith upward sweep. Through cycles of an endless age Into Celestial Deep. 55 l.olQ. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS When heathen men at Lystra saw The miracles of Paul, "The gods have come in human form," Thej^ shouted, one and all — Hut what for them, in wondering fright. Imagination won. Has come to us in real truth In God's incarnate son. On drama of so strange a life A mystery must have frowned. Rut for the radiant afterglow Which aw ful Calvar>' crowned ; And gathered up and made complete The record of His deeds. And lent infinity of force To great historic creeds. 56 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Men might have overlaid them all With sophistries of time; But cross of Christ so high above Inventions most sublime Has towered all the ages through They could not reach its height ; But twined around that living cross His deeds are fresh and bright — As when, long centuries ago, From hills of heaven culled, His precepts spake the mind of God And power of sin annuled — For, lifted in the morning sky. Of Christian era's day. That cross reflected Christ Himself In His triumphant sway. GIRDLE OF GLADNESS 'Tis true the heart of man demands Men of heroic state ; And wiUing masses rally round The standards of the great — And history is h'ttle more Than growth from germs of thought Which master minds, of rarest mold, Have brought and wrought and taught. Hero of heroes, ever stands Hero of Calvary's mount; Whose dying love for our lost race Released the living fount ; And men shall with His banner march To every clime and shore, And gather in rejoicing throngs Till time shall be no more. 58 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS We cannot learn too soon, too well, Converting power inheres In God's atoning love and grace, Which in the cross appears — For power and wisdom of our God, Displayed for human weal, Are centered in the dying pains Which man's redemption seal. He at whose name all knees shall bow Has sent His church abroad, And guarded and begird her ranks. Which march in reverent laud, With principalities of light, And powers of matchless strength, Which shall command the homage true Through all earth's breadth and length. 59 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS When truth shall over error rise, Or right shall wrong transcend; However kindles gospel torch Till cruelty shall end ; Wherever enterprise shall go, Illumined by the ray Which gleams from Christ, the central sun, And makes the darkness day — And crowning all with each descent Of Holy Ghost, divine. Inspiring anew the strains Which seraphim design — Are but the upward, growing, beams. On morning forehead drawn. That paint the promises of God In hues of heavenly dawn. 60 AMEN, OF LORD'S PRAYER Amen! Thy name, so let it be On heights ethereal placed ; With reverence mentioned here below From alter, Spirit-graced — Let our poor pleas no longer wait, But meet us. Lord, at Heaven-gate. Amen! Thy name on hallowed lips Of all the heavenly train ; While struggling hearts of men from earth Lift up the glad refrain, And Church Triumphant roll the song, And angel-host the peal prolong. Amen! Let righteous edict reach Through all the realms of space — From topmost mount to distant star — Foot-stool to throne of grace — Where saints redeemed and seraphs vie To render praise to God on high. 6i GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Amen ! Let natures, stained in sin, Who trackless deserts roam, Receive the pardoning ring and robe At door of Father's home ; And thus enriched, forever laud The grace of our redeeming God. Amen! Blot out our debts of sin, Their record burial give In fountain of atoning worth, And help us well to live. That on humanity abide Our own full, free, forgiving, tide. Amen ! When powers of darkness reign, And blight cast on the soul. Then reach thy hand in mercy forth And lift us to the goal — From sin to Christ, from death to life, From toil to conquest in the strife. 63 GIRDLE OF GLADNESS Amen ! Let now th}' kingdom come ; Thy will in earth be done ; When men their little best have shown, Then glorify thy Son — Let earth's dominions at His feet In peace with ransomed millions meet. Amen! When mind of man has thought, Chains clanked, and hearts have bled. And myriads bowed, and history grown, Fields lost, and crowns have fled, Ascend the throne of thrones. Lord ; Li love redeem thine ancient word. 63 JUL 13 1905 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 394 181 1