SB / oe U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF BOTANY. NOTES ON USEFUL PUNTS OF MEXICO. BY J. N. KOSE. Repriutcti from Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium, Vol. V, No. 4, issued October 31, 1899. Qass iSlSl: Book. J46 3 V^^' euth. Huamuchil. The seeds of this tree (fig. 31) are considerably used by the people on the west coast of Mexico, where it has been largely planted. It is found Fig. 31. — Huamuchil, PUhecolnbinm dvlce Renth. all through tropical Mexico, where it is probably native, but on account of its rapid growth and delicious fruit it has also been much planted. It is very common in yards about towns and along streams. When the trees are irrigated they make rapid growth and are said 217 to stand the drought extremely well. Large trees were seen about Guaynias surrounded by almost desert conditions. The fruits ripen toward the close of the dry season. At Guaymas and Mazatlan they ripen the last of May. The boys and men gather the pods by the basketful and sell them in the streets as bananas are sold in our own cities. The pods and seeds are largely sold in the markets. The latter are often put up in little cone-shaped wrappers, which, with their contents, are sold for a cent apiece. An old tree will iiro- duce many bushels of fruit, which is valued at the rate of $li5 per tree. The pods are about 10 to 15 cm. long; when nuiture, somewhat reddish or flesh-colored and irregularly swollen. After the seeds have fallen the valves usually become strongly coiled. The part which is eaten is not the seed proper, but the large, fleshy aril, which almost completely surrounds and hides it, measuring 30 mm. (15 lines) long by 15 mm. (7 lines) thick. The aril is usually white, sometimes reddish, very crisp, sweetish, and very palatable. It is always eaten raw. At first sight it appears to be composed of a single covering, but in reality it is prob- ably composed of many separate series of fleshy cells strongly com- pressed. The seed proper is small, black, flattened, 10 mm. long. Fithecohhium ligHStieifoIium also has a very large aril, but it is not at all edible. The aril is a bright scarlet, much less fleshy and more fibrous than in P. dulec. MALPIGHIACEAE. Byrsonima crassifolia H. B. K. Nanche. Nanche is a wild fruit which is brought into all the markets in great quantities. It grows on a small bush or shrub 1.8 to 3.G meters (0 to 12 feet) high. The drupe is about the size of a small cherry, yellow in color, and of somewhat acid taste. It is generally eaten raw, but is sometimes put into soups as a flavoring, and sometimes added to the stuffing of tomales. At Colomas I saw nanche, rice, and olives cooked with stewed chicken. RUTACEAE. Casimiroa edulis La Llave. Zapote blanco. I did not see much of this fruit, but it is said to be very common in all the markets. A lew specimens were seen at Mazatlan. The fruit is about 5 cm. (2 inches) in diameter and contains 5 large seeds. The tree is said to be native, but I saw it only in cultivation. ANACARDIACEAE. Spondias spp. Ciruela. The ciruela or Mexican plum (fruit of the ciruelo) is one of the impor- tant fruits of Mexico. The annual crop is valued at over $70,000. In its season it is a universal favorite and is then the most common fruit seen in the markets. 22114 6 218 The trees are grown all over tropical Mexico. I saw them in gardens at Guaymas, Mazatlan, Kosario, Acapoueta, and elsewhere, and the fruit in the markets of these towns, as also in those of Guadalajara and the City of Mexico. It is said that the fruit can be profitably raised in all the States of Mexico. The ciruela tree is 3 to 7.5 meters (10 to 25 feet) high and has a short trunk, usually 8 to 10 inches, but sometimes in old trees 37 to 45 cm. (15 to 18 inches) in diameter, with smooth grayish or even white bark, a very large spreading top, and pinnate leaves. The fruit matures at the very close of the dry season. The branches are then entirely bare of foliage, and have a i)eculiar aspect, lined as they are with yellow knobs. These plums are used in a great many ways. In their season they are seen everywhere; in the laiger towns they are hawked about the streets, and in the markets every stall or countryman has a tray or box of them for sale, and retails them for a cent. Both immature (green in color) and well-ripened fruit is sold. The mature fruit is plump, spherical or somewhat ovate in outline, with a rather tough yellow or red skin. The pulp has the consistency and somewhat the taste of the May apple of the North. The fruit is usually eaten raw and is very popular. It is also cooked and used in a number of ways. Sometimes it is served in hotels for dessert or made into "dulce." Dr. Palmer reports that it is made into sweetmeats and the juice is jmt into " attole." The ripened fruit does not keep well, but when S(;alded or boiled for a short time it may be dried and then kept for a long time. The dried fruit is thus found in the markets long after the fruiting season is over. A cooling drink is sometimes made out of the dried fruit, or it may be ground into "alote." While the ciruela is a popular fruit in the Tropics and is especially suited to a dry country, yet the very large stone or nut which it con- tains is much against it. Doubtless little eftbrt has been made to select the best varieties. The trees grow with so little care that the tendency seems to be to let them develop as they please. Orchards are planted by simply breaking oft" limbs and putting them into the ground, then allowing them to shift for themselves. If an experienced horticulturist should take hold of this fruit he would probably be able not only to reduce the size of the stone, but to increase the i)ulp, and thus add much to its value. It is usually considered that there are but two varieties of the cir- uela cultivated in Mexico. These are the yellow and the red, called, resj^ectively, ciruela amarilla and ciruela roja (PI. XXIX). In the part of the country visited I found four very distinct varieties, or rather species, in cultivation and one wild species, making five in all. Mr. Hemsley, in the Biologia Centrali- Americana, lists five species, all of them coming, however, from south Mexico and only one named S])ecifically, viz, Spondias lutea. The yellow and red forms mentioned Contr. Nat Heib., Vol. V. Plate XXIX. 219 above are referred to in Mexican works as S. iHiea and S. imrimrea., but they probably represent more than two species, if, indeed, these species are found in Mexico at all. In 1887 Dr. S. Watson described from Tequila, State of Jalisco, a yellow-fruited form under the name of 8. mexicana, which appears to be the "ciruela amarilla," cultivated and sold on the west coast as far north as Guaymas. The red-fruited form, which I saw only on the west coavSt, does not answer the descrii)tion of S. 2nirpurea, nor are the specimens like those so named in the National Ilerbariu'n. The five forms obtained by me may be described brietly as follows: 1. Yellow ciruela.— Yvwit spherical, 2.5 to 3.1 cm. (I to 1\ inches) in diameter, of light yellow color; surface of nut strongly roughened with a kind of filigree work. 2. Red ciruela. — Fruit similar to the above, but perhaps smaller and red in color. Trees said to be taller and less spreading. 3. Wild ciruela. — Fruit much smaller than the two ])receding, red in color, the leaves of very different shape and size; a small shrub or bush 0.6 to 1.2 meters (L* to 4 feet) high. Found on low hills near Acaponeta. 4. Ciruela (from State of Jalisco). — A tree simdar to the common yellow ciruela, but with very pubescent leaves; fruit yellow, about 2.5 cm. (1 inch) in diameter; nut with smooth surface. Only seen once, in the State of Jalisco. The fruit is said not to be edible. 5. Ciruela ^from City of Mexico). — This was the largest plum seen. Fruit oblong to obovate, 4.4 cm. (If inches) long, yellowish with a pronounced blush ; nuts large, not so much roughened as in the common yellow-trnited form. I did not see the trees or foliage. I was told at the National Museum of Mexico that this was true Spondias lutea. Explanation of Plate XXIX. — Fig. 1, yellow ciruela, dried;" fig. 2, tlie same, fresh; fig. 3, seed of same; figs 4 5, dried fruit and seed of a wild species; fig. 6, seeds of the cultivated red variety ; figs. 7. 8, fruit and seeds of a large yellow variety ; figs. 9, 10, fruit and seeds of a wild variety. 1 collected considerable material, but, as was usually the case, not as much as would be desirable. Besides the herbarium specimens the following material was obtained:' EB No. 108. One fruit in alcohol, of comuion yellow ciruela, fioin Ma/.atlan, .June 18, 1897. EB No. 109. Nuts of same from Acaponeta, June, 1897. EB No. 110. Dry fruit of red ciruela from Acaponeta, .June. 1897. EB No. 111. Nuts of same. Herb. No. 3076. Two fruits in formalin of ciruela from State of Jalisco. Herb. No. 3076. Nuts of the same. EB No. 112. The dried fruit as sold at Guadalajara, probably of the yellow form. EB No. 113. Two fruit.s in formalin of the larger ciruela purchased on the streets in the city of Mexico. EB No. 115. Nuts of the same. ' The symbol EB denotes the Ethnobotanic collections of the author. 220 The following names are used for these fruits: Ciriiela. — A generic name applied to all plumlike fruits, but especially to the species of Spondias. It is often used for the various kinds without a qualifying term. Ciruela amarilla. — -UiSually applied to the fruit of S. lutea, but also given to any of the yellow kinds. Cirnehi roja. — Supposed to belong to S.jjuiyurea, but probably used for any of the red fruits. Ciruela campechana. — Cuban name for the fruit oi S. purpurea. Ciruela colorada. — Another Cuban name for the same. Jabo. — The Cuban name for S. lutea. CACTACEAE. The Oactaceae furnish a great variety of fruits, many of which are highly prized in Mexico. These come from various species of Opuntia and Cereus and of some other genera. Opuntia sjip. Tuna. Quite a number of Opuutias furnish choice fruits, all known by the name of " tuna." The species which are said to furnish the tunas are generally given as 0. tuna and 0. ficus-indica, but it is not at all cer- tain that these are the ones which furnish the best tunas of Mexico. Both of these species are said to be introduced into the Old World, but the fruit sent to this country from Italy api)ears to be different from the common tunas of Mexico. The whole subject should be taken up by some botanist who has access to large collections, after having made extensive field collections of fruits, flowers, and stems, and having secured numerous photographs. In the markets at Mazatlan, on the west coast, I found a small, deep red colored tuna, perhaps 2.5 cm. (linch) long, to be very common. The large tunas were not met with until I reached the Sierra Madre. These were very common at Santa Teresa, Tepic, altitude 2,040 meters (6,800 feet), and at most of the towns at which I stopped in the table-land region of Zacatecas and Jalisco. One of the best and largest of these tunas is the "crystalina." This is one of the most delicious fruits I met with in Mexico, and ought to be introduced into the United States. Plants that grow in Mexico at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,100 meters (5,000 to 7,000 feet) could be easily grown in parts of Arizona and New Mexico. Cereus geometrizans Mart. Gauamiujllo. This is a common species on the table-lands of western Mexico. The fruit, which is a small, oblong berry about 1 cm. (f inch) long, is said to be very common in the markets during its season, which must be after the close of the rainy season. At the time of my visit, about the 1st of September, 1 found the fruit nearly ripe. (PI. XXX.) Cereus spp. Pitaya, pitahaya. The pitaya is said by some to be the fruit of C. variabilis and by others to be that of C. pitahaya. The name is also applied to the fruit of G. thnrberi, C. giganteus., etc., and ''jiitahaya" is probably better con- Contr, Nat. Herb., Vol V Plate XXX. 221 sidered as a generic term applied to the edible I'ruits of several species of Cereus, whence the terms "pitahaya dulce," "pitahaya acre," etc. I did not see any of these fruits, but the plant which was pointed out as the pitahaya of central INIexico was a very large species, 7.5 to 10.5 meters (25 to 35 feet) high, somewhat resembling C. pecten-ahoriginum, but probably referable to C. tetazo. Tomales are made out of the dried fruit of one or more pitahayas. For drying, the inner part of the fruit is taken out and allowed to lie in the sun for several days. It is said to be very sweet and will keep for a year. MYRTACEAE. Myrtus arayan H. B. K. Arravan. I saw this tree only about Indian villages in the foothills of the Sierra Madre. The tree here grows to be G to 10.5 meters (20 to 35 feet) high, the trunk 4 meters (12 feet) high, and sometimes 30 cm. (15 inches) in diameter, with smooth, gray bark and erect branches. In no place did it appear to be native, but it seems to be cultivated somewhat extensively in Mexico. It is grown in sufticient quantities in some twelve States to be listed among their fruits, and the annual crop is valued at over $1,200. The ripe fruit is sold in the fresh state in all the larger mar- kets, and, according to Dr. Palmer, also in the dried state. I obtained some of the ripe fruit at Guadalajara. It was greenish yellow, 1.25 to 1.87 cm. [h, to f inch) in diameter, smooth, with a large, irregular disk at the top and a smooth nutlet in the center; very juicy, and said to have a rich, spicy, subacid flavor. One of the popular "soft" drinks of the country, which is said to be very refreshing, is made from these fruits. The following specimens were obtained: EB No. 105. Fruit in formalin, obtained at Guadalajara, September, 1897. Herb. No. 2006. Specimens from a tree seen in the Indian village of San Blascito, Tepic, August 4, 1897. Psidium spp. Guayaba. Guavas, or "guayabas," as they are called in Mexico, are common along the coast and in the hot valleys of the interior. I saw four spe- cies, two of which are wild. Psidium rices. Lowest price ; Cents. January 5, 1898 27 J January 29, 1897 21 Highest price: January 31, 1898 29 January 4, 1897 23 EBENACEAE. Diospyros ebeuaster Retz. Zapote prikto. The fruit is also called "zapote negro." . The annual crop is valued at $27,000. I did not see the fruit of this plant either used or sold, although it is said to be cultivated in many places. Fruiting sj)eci- mens of a species probably the above were obtained at Acaponeta at au altitude of about 30 meters (100 feet). It has heretofore been reported to grow at an altitude of 450 to 1,800 meters (1,500 to 6,000 feet), and it is not at all unlikely that more than one species goes under this name. Two other specimens were collected — one at Altata (at sea level) and the other at Coloiiias, altitude 750 meters (2,500 feet), which seem to represent two very distinct sjiecies. VERBENACEAE. Vitex mollis H. B. K. Uvala:\ia. Uvalama, or better, perhaps, walama, is a small drupe which is very common in the umrkets of the west coast at the close of the dry sea- son. The fruit is black or bluish black, nearly spherical, and 15 to 20 mm. in diameter. It is eaten raw. (EB Nos. 112 and 113.) CUCURBITACEAE. Cucurbita ficifolia Boucbe. Chilacayote. The pulp of this fruit is boiled with sugar and used as a dessert. I was told that the fruit is about 0. 15 meters (1^ feet) long, with a hard shell and a fibrous pulp. The seeds are black, resembling those of the watermelon, but larger. The fruit is cut in two and the pulp is taken out and cooked. The shell is filled with water and allowed to stand and sour. From this a vinegar is made which the people use in mak- ing a kind of soda water. BEVERAGE PLANTS. The drinks of Mexico derived from plants are of the intoxicating and the nonintoxicating classes. Agave spp. Maguey. The intoxicating drinks are several, but the most important by far are those made from the agave plants or magueys. Of these drinks there are two classes, the fermented and the distilled. The fermented drink is called pulque. It is largely used all over the country and especially about the City of Mexico. The pulque jjlant (Pis. XXXI to XXXIII) is cultivated throughout the mountain regions and on the table-lands. Almost every house has a few plants growing near it which supply pulque for the family. 224 The pulque magueys are several iii number. They all Lave large, broad, thick leaves and belong to tlie Euagave section of the genus. A large cavity or bowl is hollowed out of the center of the plant by taking out the bud or core, and into this sap from the cut leaves oozes. The accumulation is gathered twice a day, as sugar water is in our maple orchards. This sap when fermented forms the pulque. Each day the surface of the bowl is scraped to increase tbe flow and this is kept up for several weeks. It is customary to bend over and fasten together the leaves of the agave plantat the top to retard evaporation. The distilled drink called mescal, or now perhaps more commonly tequila, is made from what are called the mescal magueys These have much thinner leaves than the pulque magueys and, in the case of the species so largely used in the manufacture of tequila, the leaf is very narrow. The Indians and Mexicans of the mountainous regions use a number of the wild species for making their mescal. The tequila maguey, however, is cultivated in great plantations. I have not been able to learn what the species is which goes under this name. At Bolaiios there is cultivated under the name of the "huila" what is per- haps the same species. One of the most interesting studies connected with the botany of Mexico would be the determining of the species of Agave which are used by the people in making their drinks— a subject upon which there is much ignorance. Carl Lumholtz, the well-known Mexican traveler, states that "the Mexicans derive their famous tequila or mescal from the maguey {Agave amerimna). One of the inferior kinds of brandy, sotol, is pro- duced from a plant of the same family." While it is uncertain from what species terpiila is made, it is at any rate not A. americana, and sotol, as we shall see, is derived from plants of another genus. Dasylirion spp. Sotol. Sotol, a common distilled drink of the table-land region, is made from the species of Dasylirion, the crown of the plant being utilized. The drink is similar to mescal and is often mixed with it. (EB Wo. 43, a bottle of sotol liquor.) Aguardiente, made from cane sugar, is also one of the chief distilled drinks of the country. The nonintoxicating drinks of the country are very many. They are usually made of some acid fruit, such as limes, tamarinds, etc., or of mucilaginous seeds, such as those of certain mustards and mints. I shall not attempt to enumerate all of them, but wish to refer briefly to the few which came under my observation. Some of these drinks are peddled about the streets carried in "olla" on the top of men's heads, and some are for sale in the markets or at the hotel bars, etc. Women have regular stands for selling them in the arcades about the public squares of most large towns and in mar- ket buildings. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol, V Plate XXXI Contr. Nat. Heib , Vol. V Plate XXXII. Contr Nat. Herb , Vol V Plate XXXIII. Pulque Plant or Maguey (Agave atrovirens Kar 225 Hibiscus sabdarififa L. Jamaica. One of the most popular of the summer drinks of Mexico is made from "Jamaica." Jamaica is made from the involucres, calyces, and capsules of Hibiscus sabdarlffa which have been cjathered and dried. The Jamaica gives to the water a reddish color and a slightly acid taste. In the markets at Guadalajara it is seen j^acked in large shallow baskets where it is retailed. Sisymbrium canescens Niitt. Pamita. From pamita the seeds of Sisymhrinm canescens, a most refreshing drink, is prepared in the following manner: About a gill of the seed is put into a glass and thoroughly mixed with water; a little lime juice is then added and the mixture again stirred, then a little sirup, then a little blackberry brandy or (daret, the stirring process being repeated as each new ingredient is added, until finally the glass is filled with water, when it is ready for drinking. A straw is generally used in drinking this mix- ture. Sisymbrium canescens is very common in Sonora. The seed is collected in great quantities about Altar and is sold at Guaymas. These seeds, when wet, give oif a great quantity of some mucilaginous substance. Salvia spp. Chia. The well-known drink made from chia, the seeds of species of Salvia and related genera, is sold all over the country. At Guadalajara the seed is mixed with barley water. I obtained specimens at Colomas (BB No. 111). Chia seed has been obtained from various markets in Mexico, and plants have been grown in Washington from whicli herbarium speci- mens have been made. These specimens have been determined by Mr. M. L. Fernald, who reports that the Salvias are S. hispanica L. and S. tiliaefolia Yahl. Seed and specimens of chia grande sent in by Dr. E. Palmer prove to be Mesospliaerum suaveolens. Tamarindus indica L. The tamarind tree {Tamarindus indica) is now grown all over trop- ical Mexico. The fruit is largely used in making a cooling drink, and is sold everywhere. At Guadalajara it is displayed in great shallow baskets 9 dm. (3 feet) in diameter and 20 cm. (8 inches) deep. (PI. XXVIII, fig. 1.) The fruit of two species of Bromelia is often used in making a sub- acid drink. A drink is sometimes made of the dried fruit of the ciruelo ' [Span- dias lutea), while in many places the ripe fruit of arrayan'^ {Myrtus arayan) is used in the same way. In Guadalajara I saw a drink called "tehuino," which is said to be made from cooked corn. A drink called "agua de cebada" is made by adding to water bar- ley flour, or more commonly softened barley ground on a "metate," I See p. 217. 2 gee p. 221. 226 together with sugar, cinnamon bark, and "ajonjoli," i. e. sesame, the seed of Sesamum indicum L. This mixture is of a muddy gray color, with a sweetish, starchy taste. It is carried about the streets in earthen Jars and sold for 1 cent a glass. SEASONING AND FLAVORING PLANTS. Some very curious dishes are served. Koast beef is eaten with a dressing of squashes, onions, and oil, while beefsteak is sometimes dressed with a mixture of red peppers, onions, and whole potatoes the size of cherries. Aguacate salad is made of mashed aguacate, onions, and cheese, while a "tomale" which I dissected was found to be made uj) of a combination of chicken, onion, red peppers, olives, and raisins. At Guaymas red peppers stuffed with cheese Avere served. Another interesting i^reparation called "enchalada" is made out of chile Colo- rado, queso (cheese), and cebollos (onions) folded uj) in a tortilla. These are mentioned not because they are peculiar, but as samples of scores of others. LAURACEAE. Litsea glaucescens H. B. K. var. Laurel. The leaves of this plant are much used in flavoring meats, soups, etc. It can be found in the little stores and markets everywhere. It is also considered to have some medicinal virtues. The leafy branches are gath- ered in bundles and dried. The crushed leaves are very fragrant and aromatic. It is a small glabrous shrub with narrow lanceolate leaves, pale green above, whitish beneath, and thickly covered with small pellucid dots. It grows high upon the mountains. Specimens were collected in the mountains near the Indian village of Santa Teresa, Ter- ritorio de Tepic, and near Plateado, in the State of Zacatecas, while dried specimens were bought at Bolaiios. UMBELLIFERAE. Carum petroselinum Bentb. Peri.jil. Cultivated in gardens, and used in flavoring all kinds of dishes. Coriandrum sativum L. Commonly used as a flavoring for soups, etc. It is largely sold in the markets, usually with cabbage and squash, small pieces of these and a stem of coriander being frequently seen laid out together, ready for purchasers. VERBENACEAE. Lippia spp. Oregano. ' The leaves of oregano are very much used to flavor food. Dr. Palmer states that at Acapulco they are used much as we use sage. It is cooked with fish, sausage, and other foods. 'Also spelled oregeno, oragano. 227 The name "oregano" seems to be a geueric term applied to the leaves thus used of several si)ecies of Lippia. The plant so called at Acapulco is L. herlandieri Schauer; iu Lower California, L.palmeri spicata Rose, while on the tableland I found it to be L. purpiirea Jacq. SOLANACEAE. Solanum tuberosum. Papa. Strange as it may seem the potato, as used in Mexico, is to be classed as a tiavoring rather than as a vegetable. I never saw the potato there used as we use it. A few only, and these whole and very small, are added to soups and stews, along with raisins, olives, nanches, etc. Most that I saw were from about the size of cherries up to the size of small walnuts. The potatoes which they have are either the wild potatoes from the mountains or those which have recently been transplanted thence. The wild potato is apparently common. I collected specimens in the foothills, near Colomas, at an altitude of 840 meters (2,800 feet), and on the top of the Sierra Madre, altitude 2,040 meters (6,800 feet). Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, often reach a good size. These are cooked and brought to the markets in great quantities, and sold on the jilaza and along the sidewalks. EUPHORBIACEAE. Argithamnia sp. Azafran. A kind of seed used in giving an orange (;olor to soups, etc. MEDICINAL PLANTS. The native plants used as medicines, or supposed to have medicinal properties, are legion. Many of these, doubtless, have little or no real value. The country people and Indians seem to have but little knowledge of medicine, generally using teas made of bitter and strong-smelling herbs. More or less superstition is associated with certain plants, and great stress is laid upon some snjierstitious practices, for instance, that of sticking certain seeds on the temples to cure headache. Along the coast, Indiatn peddlers bring down from the mountains various seeds or dried herbs to sell, or these may be found in the little stores of the towns. Sometimes on the plaza one finds the "herb doc- tor" dealing out a paltry stock of medicines in cent packages. Much of the material which I saw for sale was in the form of dried roots or leaves, and in such cases specimens were not taken unless I saw the material collected and could identify the plant botanically. The uses of these plants as given below are as they were told me. 228 FILICES. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Celantillo de ojo de agua. At Colomas this plant is used as a tea to relieve colic, but at Colotlan is taken as a tea for amenorrhea. This fui-nishes a good example of the diverse uses plants are often put to. The dried fronds were for sale iu the plaza at Colotlan (EB No, 29). Polypodium lanceolatum L. Lengua de cervo. A tea made from the fronds of this fern is taken to cure the itch. The dried fronds were for sale in the plaza at Colotlan (EB No. 27). LILIACEAE. Aloe sp. Savila. The crushed leaves of this plant are used with oil in making- a poul- tice to reduce swellings caused by venereal diseases. The plant was only seen about houses and towns where it had apparently been j)lanted. My specimens came from La Paz (Herb. No. 1303). CHENOPODIACEAE. Chenopodiiimincisum (L.) Poir. Ipazote del zorillo. The skunk ipazote is a general medicine in use among the common people and supposed to have various virtues, being usually taken in the form of a tea, which is reported to cure colic, pneumonia, etc. (Herb. No. 3G10 and EB No. 28.) My specimens were bought on the plaza at Colotlan, September, 1897. MAGNOLIA CEAE. Magnolia sp. Corpus. From the flowers a tea is made which is used to cure scorpion bites. The flowers are brought from trees which grow in the western foot- hills at an altitude of 3,000 to 3,500 feet. ANONACEAE. Anona sp. The bark of this plant is boiled in urine and used to kill the mange on all kinds of animals. (Herb. No. 1681.) LAURACEAE. Litsea glaucescens H. B. K. var. Laurel. A tea made from the leaves of laurel is taken for colds. The plant is, however, more largely used as a flavoring. (Herb. No. 313(1 and EB No. 63.) LEGUMINOSAE. Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb. Huinecastle. A sweet sirup is made from the bark of this tree, which is used iu cases of colds, etc. The bark is also used as a soap and in tanning. My specimen came from Colomas (Herb. No. 1759). 229 Leucaena sp. Tepahuaje. The country people use the bark to harden their gums. My herbarium specimen was obtained at Colomas, July, 1806 (Herb. 'No. 1725. EB No. 124, ijieces of bark as used by the people at Colomas.) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Covillea tridentata (DC.) Vail. Gobernadoka. A sample of this plant, as sold at Acaponeta, was purchased of an Indian peddler at that place. A tea made out of tlie leaves and branches is taken by women for l^ains in the womb, or the material, when fried in tallow, is used for rheumatism. The specimen is said to have come from the mountains east of Acapo- neta, but I saw no plants of it. (EB jSTo. 76.) MELIACEAE. Swietenia humilis (?) Zuoc. Flor dr venodillo. The seeds of the "flor de venodillo," which means "little-deer flower," are made into a tea which is taken for pains in the chest. Seeds were being sold at Acaponeta by Indian peddlers, who stated that they came from the coast near Acaponeta. (EB N^o. 77, seeds as sold by peddlers.) EUPHORBIACEAE. Acalypha phleoides (f) Cav. Verba pel cancer. The leaves and stems of this plant are made up into small bundles and dried. The leaves and flowers are crushed into a powder and applied to sores, etc. A tea is made from it and taken to cure itch. My specimens were purcliased on the plaza at Colotlan, September, 1897. (EB No. 26.) Euphorbia sp. Verba i>e coy(»te. A tea is made from the dried plant which is supposed to relieve rheu- matic pains. My specimen was purchased on the plaza at Colotlan, September, 1897. (EB No. 25.) Euphorbia sp. Verba de golondrina. This plant is a small Eupliorbia said to have come from the high mountains east of Acaponeta. (Herb. No. 1520 and EB No. 122.) It is boiled and used as a poultice to reduce swellings and cure sores. Jatropha curcas L. Sangre grado. The plant is found in great quantities about fields. It is said to be used as a purgative, the seeds (physic nuts) being doubtless, as else- where, the part used. RHAMNACEAE. Karwinskia humboldtiana Zucc. Margarita. The leaves of this plant are crushed and soaked in water and the cold infusion used in cases of fevers. It has a wide use in Mexico. My 230 botanical specimens came from Colomas, but the plant has a wide dis- tribution. (Herb. ^o. 3l^G4.) MALVACEAE. Anoda hastata Cav. Altea. The leaves of this plant mixed with olive oil are taken for inflamma- tion of the stomach. My specimens came from near Plateado, August 31, 1897. (Herb. No. 2709.) TURNERACEAE. Turiiera hiiniifusa (Presl) Entllich. Damiana. As is well Ivuown this plant is widely used in Mexico. At Acapo- neta I obtained medical specimens which had been brought from La Noria, above Mazatlan. It is here used as a tea, and taken to relieve pains in the stomach and bowels. My specimens were purchased of Indian peddlers at Acaponeta, August 2, 1897. (EB No. 120.) POLEMONIACEAE. Loeselia coccinea Dou. Espinocilla. The specimens were purchased at Acaponeta, and were said to have come from the mountains east of Acaponeta. From the leaves and stems an infusion or tea is made, which is taken to stop fevers. (EB No. 121.) Loeselia sp. Hinseseli. A tea is made of the leaves, which is used in fever and ague, while a cold infusion is used as a i^urgative. VERBENACEAE. Lantana sp. Majokana. This is said to be much used to relieve indigestion. My speciimen came from Plateado, September, 1897. (EB No. 119.) Lantana sp. Sonohita. The leaves of this plant, when boiled with barley, are given to women in childbirth. LABIATAE. Marrubium vnlgare L. Marrubio. A i)reparation made from the leaves of this is used for rheumatism. It is also added to mescal and applied as liniment for rheumatism. My specimens (EB No. 116) came from Plateado. SOLANACEAE. Datura tatula L. Toi.oachi. This plant is reputed to have many medicinal virtues. An unguent is made from the leaves by boiling the juice of the crushed leaves with tobacco and lard. The seeds are ground and used in the same way. My specimen was obtained at Plateado, where the species grows common in waste places about houses. Collected September 2, 1897. (Herb. No. 2775 ; EB No. 37.) « 231 BIGNONIACEAE. Pithecoctenium sp. Bejuco de huico. The large, winged seeds of this plant are applied to the temples, and are supposed to cure headaches. The same use is made of rose leaves and also of a paste made from the vanilla bean. My specimens came from Colomas, July, 1897. (Herb. No. 1696; EB No. 123.) COMPOSITAE. Hieracium sp. Leciiuguilla. Small bundles of the green i^lant are for sale in the markets. From it is made an infusion which is used as a wash for sores and skin dis- eases, it is also applied as a powder. My specimens were obtained in the market at Colotlan, September, 1897. (Herb. No. 2G80; EB No. 30.) Piqueria tiinervia Cav. ? . Tabardillo, The crushed leaves are made into an infusion and taken as a remedy for typhoid fever. It is also said to be used to relieve deafness caused by tyi)hoid fever. My specimens came from Plateado. (EB No. 118.) Tagetes lucida Cav. Yerba nil. This is one of the most widely used medicinal plants of western Mexico. The species has a wide distribution. The plants gathered by the country i)eople are made up into small bundles and dried, and then put away for use. It is made into a tea, and is supposed to have numerous virtues, including eflicacy against scorpion bites, fever and ague, etc. Dr. Palmer says that at Colima it is made into an insect jjowder. This is the same plant as the "Santa Maria" of the Cora Indians. My specimens were obtained at Colotlan and Plateado, September, 1897. (EB Nos. 24, 117.) Zinnia linearis Bentb. Yerra de torro. This plant is very common on the table-lauds in Jalisco. The plants are broken oft' or pulled up by the roots and dried in small bundles, in which state they may be seen on the walls of the Mexican's hut. A tea is made from these dry stems, which is taken for pains in the stomach. My specimens were bought at a small ranch, one day's jour- ney south of Bolanos, September 20, 1897. (Herb. No. 3079; EB No. 78.) Manzanilla. The leaves are made into a tea and taken with olive oil for colic. With alcohol added the tea is given for nervousness. SOAP PLANTS. The Mexican countryman uses many of the native plants either in the place of soap or in its manufacture. In the country certain roots, fruits, barks, etc., called " amole," are extensively used in the raw state. 232 These are either rubbed upon the garment or added to the wash water. Among these are the roots of various agaves, yuccas, etc., and several fruits, as that of the soap berry and of Zizyphus. Manufactured soap is now widely used, either imported from the United States or made in the country. For the domestic soaps oils are obtained from the seeds and fruits both of native and introduced plants, the most important being a palm oil much used on the west coast, castor oil, and cotton- seed oil. In the notes which follow I have included both the species which were collected by myself and those which have been sent in by our col- lectors, especially Dr. E. Palmer. In the list at the end are recorded all the species which have been reported as used for soaj) or in soap making. f PALMACEAE. Attalea cohune Mart. ? CoQUiTO. A palm known to the trade as the coquito grows in abundance about Manzanillo and furnishes large quantities of oil, which is shipped to the larger towns along the coast and manufactured into soap. Suffi- cient material has not been seen positively to identify the species, but it seems best to refer it as above until it can be definitely named. At a factory at Guaymas, I obtained a sample of soap and of the palm oil made from this nut. The oil comes from Manzanillo and San Bias, and is made from the nuts grown about Manzanillo and perhaps other places in south Mexico. About 100,000 pounds of this oil is used eachi year in the Guaymas fiictory. A consignn^ent of 57,000 pounds had just been ordered from San Bias at the time of my visit. The oil has much the odor of olive oil, and is said to make a very fine laundry soap, espe- cially valuable for washing tlannels. The soap is first made into a large cake which weighs 2,000 pounds. The large cake is at last cut into small pieces of 3, 3i, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 ounces, and then boxed for ship- ment to various places along the coast. In the making of each cake 350 pounds of the oil is used and 800 pounds of tallow. If the soap has the merits claimed for it, soap makers in the United States will find it to their advantage to inquire into the question of a supply of the oil of this palm. The following specimens were secured : EB No. 128. Palm oil obtained at Guaymas. EB No. 129. A piece of soap obtaiued at Guaymas. LILIACEAE. Yucca baccata Torr. It probably will be a surprise to many to learn that amole soap is much used in the United States. The large rootstocks of Yucca haccata have long been used at Peoria, 111., in making a fine toilet soap. A thousand pounds of this plant is consumed each month by the Mexican Amole Soap Company, 233 who obtain their supply from the Organ Mountains, near Las Cruces, N. Mex. This company manufactures some twenty different kinds of soap preparations.' AMARYLIilDACEAE. Agave heteracantha Zucc. Dr. E. Palmer has recently (November, 1898) brought back a large quantity of the rootstock of an Agave, probably A. heteracantha^ or a species very near it, which he says is largely sold in the market at Saltillo, Coahuila, for soap. These rootstocks, or bases of the stem, are about 7.5 cm. (3 inches) long, 3.8 to 5 cm. (l.J to 2 inches) in diameter, and are covered with black scales or leaf bases. These pieces are sold in the open markets at G or 8 for a cent, according to size. They are prepared for use much as are the other native amoles. Agave lechuguilla Torr. Agave lechuguilla is very common on the hills about E\ Paso, both in Texas and Mexico, where I obtained botanical specimens. Dr. Havard states that the leaves contain a valuable substitute for soap. (Herb. No. 1101.) Agave variegata Jacobi. Mr. Fred. Stark, of Brownsville, Tex., writes that the rootstock of this species is called "amole," and that a piece the size of a small walnut when "grated and mixed with a quart of warm water is enough to clean a full suit of clothes." Agave sp.? Amole. Dr. Palmer procured in the market at Guaymas specimens of another soap i)Iant with leaves resembling those of Agave angustisshna Engelm. As noted by him, it is found in the mountains near that place. The stems are cut off Just above the ground and the leaf clusters, two tied up together, a smaller within a larger one, are brought to market to be sold as a substitute for soap. This material after being pounded is thrown into water to be used for washing blankets or woolen clothing. Manfreda spp. Amole. The herbaceous annual-leaved agaves (§ Manfreda of most authors) are called "amole" all over Mexico in contrast with the perennial-leaved ones (Agave proper), which are called "maguey." These are used as generic terms, and throughout my whole trip 1 did not find them used interchangeably. This is, I know, at variance with many printed state- ments. The species of the Manfreda group most generally used is supposed to be Agave brachystachys, sometimes called A. saponaria on account of its use as soap. I did not see this species in flower or even growing, but I brought back roots which are now in cultivation and will sooner or later flower. The roots were i)urchased in the markets where they were being sold under the name of amole. Specimens were ' For further notes on the use of this plant see Havard in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. 8, p. 516, 1885. 22114 7 234 obtained botli at Bolafios and Guadalajara. At the former place I was told that the roots were used in every household of the town. The jjlants are said to grow high up in the Sierra Madre. They are brought down by the Huichole Indians, and this forms the principal occupation of many of them. The part of the plant which is used as soap is really not the root, but a thick, irregular rootstock sometimes forming large masses (PI. XXXIV). The natives dry these rootstocks, and when grated and put into water they form a good lather. The specimens obtained are : EB No. 61. Amole. Bought in the market at Bolauos. EB No. 72. Amole. Bought in the market at Guadalajara. Specimens were purchased by Dr. Palmer in 1898 at Zacatecas of another amole which has a (j[uite different rootstock from that of A. brachystachys, belonging perhaps to A. guttata. The rootstocks are always single, 5 to 6.25 cm. (2 to 2| inches) long. Dr. Palmer states that a frequent way of i)reparing it, practiced by the Mexicans, is to mash or pound the rootstocks between stones, put the powder into a small quantity of water, and, after allowing it to soak, drain the water off into the wash water. It is not at all unlikely that quite a number of the species of Man- freda are used as soap, but have not yet been reported. The roots which are sold in the markets are brought in by the Indians or country people without any vestige of foliage or flowers, and of course are not in condition for identification. These roots, however, are very tena- cious of life and can be planted long after they have been taken from the ground. Dry rootstocks which I purchased in Mexico showed considerable vitality after sixteen months. Prochnyanthes viridescens Wats. Amolilla. ^'Amolilla" was the name given to me for Prochnyanthes viridescens, a common plant of the mountains with rootstocks very similar to those of the herbaceous Agaves and said to be used for soap in the same way. (Herb. Nos. 2045, 2679, 3724, etc.) PIPERACEAE. Piper palmeri C. DC. Hachogue. This plant was collected by Dr. Palmer at Colima. He states that it is used by laundresses for cleaning clothes, and that the liquid obtained by boiling it is used to cure colic in man and in horses and mules, and for pains in the stomach and chest, also for cutaneous diseases. It is applied either externally or internally. The fruits, which resemble small candles, are edible. PHYTOLACCACEAE. Stegnosperma halimifolia Benth. The powdered root of Stegnosperma halimifolia is used by the people of Lower California, according to Dr. E. Palmer, as a substitute for soap. Contr. Nat. Herb.. Vol. V. Plate XXXIV. ROOTSTOCKS OF AN AGAVE (MaNFREDAi USED FOR SOAP. \ 235 ROSACEAE. Licania arborea Seem. Cana dulce. The seeds of a Licania (probably L. arborea) which grows about Acapulco are very rich in oil. According to Dr. E. Palmer the people at Acapulco make from them a vegetable tallow which is added to other oils in soap making. This tallow gives a green color to the soa^). The plant grows in the lowland and on mountain sides about Acapulco, growing to the height of 4.5 to G meters (15 to 20 feet). It is known under various names, such as cana dulce, cacahuate, cacahuianche. LEGUMINOSAE. Entada polystachya DC. Bk.iuco dI': amole. Dr. Palmer furnishes the following data: "This is a vine, hanging for support npou other plants. Its numerous large seed pods flapping in the wind are a novel sight. It has curious hooks, by which it swings itself from tree to tree. The older wood of this plant is cut up into suitable lengths, then pounded with stones until the entire mass is separated into shred-like form, when it is tied into bundles and sold in the market to be used as a substitute for soap by the poor." Specimens were collected by Dr. B. Palmer at Acai)ul('-o, 1894—05. (Herb. No. 159. J Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb. Huinecastle. The bark and ]}ods of Unterolohium cyclocarpuin, called "huinecas- tle,^ are used in place of soap for washing woolen clothes at Colomas, a little hamlet in southeastern Sinaloa. EUPHORBIACEAB. Ricinus communis L. Higuekilla. The castor-oil bean is largely grown in Mexico. It there often assumes a tree-like form, reaching a heiglit of 4.5 to 6 meters (15 to 20 feet). The seeds furnish much oil. I saw the plant only on the table- lands, but it seems to be common elsewhere. According to Dr. Palmer this oil is also used in soap making. RHAMNACEAE. Zizyphus me::sicana Rose. The fruits of Zizyphus mexicana, according to Dr. Palmer, are highly prized for washing woolen goods. He found them used in the State of Colima, where they are seen for sale in the markets. MALVACEAE. Gossypium sp. Dr. Palmer states that much cotton-seed oil is used in soap making in the States of Durango and Coahuila. He does not know which si)e- cies of Gossypium furnishes the seed, but it is j)robably G. herhaceum. 236 PEDALIACEAE. Sesamum indicum L. Ajonjoli. Sesamum indicum is cultivated at Acai)ulco and other places in Mex- ico. The seeds are very oily aud are used iu many ways in cooking, candies, etc. According to Dr. Palmer the oil is used in making soap. In Mexico this i)lant grows to the height of 0.9 to 1.2 meters (3 to 4 feet). CUCURBITACEAE. Cayaponia dubia (Hook. & Aru. ) Rose. Cayaponia duhia is a vine common on the west coast of Mexico. The vine, with the ripened or half-ripened fruit, is gathered and sold in the markets at Rosario and elsewhere. It is said to be used in the place of soaj). The dry stems and fruit are crushed before using. (Herb. No. 1481; EB ^o. 81.) Cucurbita foetidissima H. B. K. Calaleasilla. Dr. Palmer tells me that a Cucurbita (probably C. foetidissima) with small fruit is much used by the washerwomen in northern Mexico. He states that they mash the fruit and vines into a kind of i)ulp and add it to their wash water. Dr. Manuel Urbina published a short paper on " Los Amoles Mexi- canos," in 1897, iu which he listed 21 species of plants used as amole. In the list which follows 30 species are recorded. So far as known I have given the Mexican name and the part of the plant used. Soap ^plants of Mexico. Systematic name. RhAMNACEAE: Zizyphus mexieana Rose SAPINDACEAE : Sapindun galeotti Gray Sapindus inequaUs DC Sapindus inarginatus Willd Sapindus saponaria L Sapindus sp LeGUMINOSAE : Entada polystachya DC Enterolobiuin cyclocarpum Griseb CUCURBITACEAE : Cayai)onia duhia (Uook. alni leaves. It was bought from an Indian who lived in the niouutaius east of Acaponeta. EB No. 2. A fly brush made from the common Sabal of Sinaloa and Territorio de Tepic. Sabal sp. Along the coast a species of Sabal {Sabal sp. nov.) which has a slender trunk is used in making corrals, the framework of huts, etc. In some places great quantities of the leaves are used to form the sides or roofs of rude huts. In Acaponeta many houses are covered in this way. Leaves for this j)uri)ose are cut in the dry season and brought to the town on the backs of donkeys. Here they are liiled up and allowed to dry and bleach. In the country the roofs are not repaired until after the first hard rains have located all the leaks, and in the meantime have spoiled much of the contents of the huts. LILIACEAE. Dasylirion sp. Sotol. Nolina sp. Soy ate. The leaves of both these plants are used in the making of hats, either separately or together, or mixed with wheat straw or i^alm leaves (PI. XXXVI). It is very common to see bundles of leaves about the huts of the Indians or Mexicans. The leaves are laid into swaths and dried and bleached in the sun, and then stowed away for use. They are also made into floor mats. While many of these are roughly made, others are carefully and tastefully put together. These are sometimes banded with blue and rod. The latter color is obtained by dyeing with Brazil wood and the former (so I was told) by adding Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V Plate XXXV. ¥^ '■n >.../ Contr. Nat Herb., Vol. V Plate XXXVI. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol, V. Plate XXXVII. Contr Nat. Herb-, Vol. V l-LATt XXXVIII. 241 lime to rlie Brazil wood dye. These mats are often spreaa ou tlie grouud or over board or bamboo covered cots to sleep upon. By twistiug the leaves rude ropes are made, a specimen of which I obtained at Plateado. A fan-shaped blower, made by braiding the leaves, is much used in starting fires (PI. XXXVII). The following si)ecimens were obtained: EB No. 114. Leaves of soiol iu llie process of bleaching. EB No. 39. The same partially bleached and split iuto strijis suitable for braiding into hats. EBNo. 40. The same mixed with soyate made iuto hat braid which is left untrimmed. EB No. 41. Leaves of soyate partially bleached. EB No. 42. Untrimmed hat braid made from leaves of soyate. EB No. 44. A blower made from the leaves of sotol. EB No. 52. Mat made from green leaves of sotol. EBNo. 38. A small rope made from leaves of the soyate. This was obtained at Plateado, Zacatecas. Expi^NATiON OF Plate XXXVII.— Fig. 1, fire blower made from sotol leaves; fig. 2, rope made from sotol leaves; fig. 3, soyate leaves used in hat makiug; figs. 4, 5, sotol leaves used in hat making. Yucca filifera Chabaud. Palma loca. There has been some confusion heretofore as to the botanical name of the i)alma loca. In the Kew Bulletin for 1890 it was stated to be Agave striata, but Mr. Nelson's notes and specimens seem to establish that it is a Yucca. Mr. Nelson writes of it as follows: The palma loca is the single-stemmed Yucca with upright flower stalk, and is very abundant. The fiber is more abundant than in the lechuguilla but is a little more difficult to obtain and is coarser and more brittle, so that its commercial value is less. An attempt was made at Miquihuana a few years ago to export this fiber, but it was given up in favor of the lechuguilla. The trial shipment was sent to New York. The cleaned fiber is about 5 dm. long. Mr. Nelson's specimens may be described as follows: Stems 1.8 to 7.5 meters high ; leaves 6 dm. long, 4 cm. broad at widest i)oint, narrowed to 2 cm. at the base and upward to a stout spine 1.5 to 2 cm. long, the mar- gin splitting ofi:' into long threads; flower stalk single and upright. Leaves and fiber were collected by Mr. E. W. Nelson, at Matehuala, Tamaulipas, 1898. Yucca treculeana (?) Carr. Isote. The isote is a tall arborescent Yucca very common in the western table-lands. This plant sometimes reaches 15 meters in height, with a trunk 24 dm. in diameter. The leaves are 6 to 7 dm. long, and are cut into narrow strips by the country peojile and used as strings for tying grass brooms, and for stringing crab apples (tejocotes). (PL XXXVIII.) Specimens were obtained as follows: EB No. 64. A strand of Crataegus fruits upon isote fiber. EB No. 65, 66. A narrow strip of the fiber. EB No. 67. A part of the leaf from which strips were being taken. EB No. 68. An entire leaf. 242 AMARYLLIDACEAE. Agave spp. Maguey, lechuguilla, tapemete, etc. By far the most important fiber-producing plants are the numerous species of agave. These have various common and local names. The maguey is a generic term applied to most of the agaves proper, usually with some specific designation. Lechuguilla, meaning "cab- bage-like," is applied to several of the smaller agaves and manfredas, as well as to plants in other families. (PI. XL VII.) The quality of the agave fibers varies greatly in the different species, being suitable in some for making the finest thread, while in others it is used in making great ropes and cables. Not only are all kinds of threads, strings, and ropes made from the various qualities of agave fiber, but it is woven into many kinds of cloth, handbags, ore and grain sacks, matting, etc., or made up into brushes for scouring, for whitewashing, and for toilet purj)oses. In all the interior parts of the country the people obtain their supply from their local species, each locality having one or more, or else they bring tbe leaves from the neighboring mountains. Along our southern border, especially in the vicinity of El Paso, Tex., Agave lechuguilla is very abundant, and from it a short coarse fiber is obtained. This species has been confused with A. heieracantha, from which, although the two are closely related, it appears to be dis- tinct. It is not unlikely that A. lechuguilla may furnish a part of the Tampico hemp of commerce. It is a rather small species, having only 20 to 30 leaves. The leaves are about 20 cm. (10 inches) long and 25 mm. (1 inch) broad, green and not at all banded down the face. Our herbarium seems to show at least four good species of the heteracantha group, all from the general region from which the Tampico hemp is produced. I should not hesitate to describe some of them as new if I understood wliat is really the type of A. heteracantha Zucc. and A. poselgerii Salm. I have the tyj)e of A. lechuguilla and have seen the description of A. heteracantha, but the latter answers to no specimens we have. Mr. E. W. Nelson collected leaves, flowers, and fibers of two species of agave in Jaumave Valley and near Matehuala, Tamaulipas, which he states are the ixtle fiber plants of that region, and whose fiber is sent to Tamjiico for shipment. One of these is jterhaj^s A. lophantha, but as only two "cogollos" (bunches of young leaves) were collected the identification is uncertain. Even in these young leaves the marginal spines are widely separated, in some cases being 5 cm. apart and in this respect unlike the following si)ecies. The leaves of both differ from those of the A. heteracantha group in being narrowed at base. I have identified the other as Agave univittata Haw. The leaves almost exactly agree with specimens recently sent me from Kew, Contr. Nat, Herb., Vo,. V. Plate XXXIX. CoGOLLOS OF Plants furnishing Tampco Hemp. Contr Nat. Herb . Vol. V Plate XL. Small Bunch of Tampico Fiber. Contr. Nat, Herb., Vol. V. Plate XL!. Small Bunch of Tampico Fiber. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLII String made by Hand from Tampico Fiber. Contr. Nat. Herb , Vol. V. Plate XLIII. String made by Hand from Tampico Fiber. ■Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLIV. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLV. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLVI. 243 England, although they do not agree with the illustration of this species as given in Saunders's Refugium Botanicum. Mr. Nelson's specimens may be described as follows : Leaves 25 to 50, 5 dm. long by 3 cm. wide near the middle, scarcely narrowed toward the base, green or somewhat glaucous-green with a pale baud down the middle of the face, which, however, fades out in the dried specimens; flowering stalk glaucous; the bracts among the flowers filiform, 5 cm. long, persistent; the ovary 14 to 15 mm. long, glaucous, con- stricted above; the perianth tube very short, 2 to 3 mm. long, with lobes 15 mm. long, described as yellow, but when dry of a reddish tinge; the stamens twice as long as the segments. This agave is also known as lechuguilla. Mr. Nelson writes of these species as follows: These plants grow wild in the greatest abundance on limevstoiie mountains and adjacent valleys from near Victoria, Tamaulipas, to the Mexican National Railroad, in San Luis Potosi, and from Peotillas, in San Luis Potosi, north to near Saltillo, Coahuila. From within this area many million pounds are exported (via Tampico) each year, nearly the entire product going to the United States. The ixtle fiber shipjied from Tampico is produced mainly in the region about the valley of Jaumave and valley of Tula, in western Tamaulipas and adjacent part of eastern San Luis Potosi. The production of this fiber is the main industry of a con- siderable area, with the towns of Jaumave and Tula as the centei's. The liber from the Jaumave district is shipped by pack animals to the town of Victoria, on the Monterey and Gulf Railroad, and thence by rail to Tampico. The Tula Valley out- put is sent to Cenito, on the Mexican Central Railroad, in eastern San Luis Potosi, and sent by rail thence to Tampico. Wagon roads lead out from Tula to the rail- road, and the State government has had a large force of convicts working for a num- ber of years building a finely constructed road from ^'ictoria across the mountains to Jaumave. The fiber of this region is produced in the arid lower austral zone at altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 feet. The leaves are from 1.5 to 30 inches long. Only the tender, unfolded leaves forming the central bunch are used, as the fiber of the old outer leaves is too coarse and brittle. This central spike of unopened leaves called "cogoUo" (PL XXXIX) is gathered by means of a short staff, 4 feet long, with an iron ring fitted by a ferrule to one end. The iron ring is slipped over the cogollo and a quick wrench breaks it loose, and it is then placed in a basket on the laborer's back. The man gathers a back load in this way and proceeds to a large bush or small tree, Avhere he can get shelter from the sun, and, placing the leaves in a heap near the base of the tree, proceeds to clean out the fiber. Explanation of Plate XXXIX.— Figs. 1,2, cogollos of an agave which furnishes Tampico hemp; fig. 3, cogollo of a Yucca which furnishes Tampico hemp. "Tampico fiber" is a term applied to all fiber shipped from the port of Tampico on the Gulf coast of Northern Mexico (Pis. XL to XLIll). It is usually considered to be synonomous with ixtle ^ (Pis. XLIVto XLVI). A better classification, however, is to confine "ixtle" to the fiber of the short-leaved agave, and apply "palma loca" to the fiber of the Yucca, and " guapilla " to the fiber of the linear-leaved agave. 'By various authorities ixtle is stated to be the fiber of Bromelia sijlvestris. The name is also sometimes applied to sisal hemp. Agave ixtle does not seem to furnish ixtle fiber. 244 Ixtle fiber is shipped to Tampico especially from San Luis Potosi, Tereone, Saltillo, Tula, and Victoria, where it forms one of the i^rinci- pal articles of export. According to United States Government reports for the year of 1897-98, our supply of ixtle was from the following places, arranged according to quantity: Tampico, Saltillo, Monterey, Sau Luis Potosi, Victoria, Porfiiio Diaz, and Matamoras. The amount, valued in American money, declared for shij)ment to the United States, was as follows: Tampico, $62,002.42; Saltillo, 145,476.43; Monterey, $35,659.49; San Luis Potosi, $14,424.86 ; Victoria, $4,220.67 ; Porfirio Diaz, $1,912.56; Matamoras, $582.50. From these reports it might be inferred that Tampico is the immediate center of a fiber-producing district, but this is not the case. No fiber is produced near Tampico, but it comes from the mountains and table-land region, some 300 miles to the west. The other towns mentioned are the chief centers of the Tampico hemp industry. Imports for consumption of Tampico hemp into the United States from 1SS4 to 1S9SJ Tear. Tons. Value. Value per ton. Tear. Tons. Value. Value per ton. 1884 .... 339. 12 3,247.64 3, 895. 19 2, 181. 30 1, 933. 26 3, 489. 03 5, 304. 00 5, 455. 33 $37,832 294, 636 326, 311 165, 156 153,011 292, 934 463, 112 469, 720 $111.56 90.71 83.77 75.71 79.15 83.96 87.30 86.11 1892 4, 646. 50 4, 579. 88 5, 127. 00 9, 708. 00 12, 205. 00 6, 299. 08 2, 556. 00 $325, 053 264, 617 286, 231 458, 404 717, 585 335, 241 129, 921 $69. 96 57.78 55.82 47.22 58.79 53.22 50.83 1885 1893 1886 1894 1887 1895 1888 1896 1889 1897 1890 1898 1891 The following are the most important Mexican terms relating to this plant : ^ Lechuguilla — the plant itself (PI. XLVII, ligs. 1, 2, and 4). Also applied to various plants other than agave. CogoUo (sometimes wrongly spelled cogolho), the cone of young leaves from which the fiber is taken (Pis. XXXIX, XLVII, fig. 1). Also applied to the young crown leaves of yucca, etc. Ixtle — sometimes spelled istle and ystle — the fiber. Burro, the instrument used to wrench loose the cogollo. Tallador, or tierro tallador, the scraper. Estcca banco, the block on which the fiber is cleaned. Eetranca, the small peg which braces the estoca. Banco del ide, the large peg with notch under which the end of the tallador is placed. Boliyo, the grasper. ' Commerce and Navigation of the United States, 1896, vol. 2, p. 1159. vol. 1, p. 535 ; 1898, vol. 1, p. 617. 2 For illustrations of instruments see Pis. XLVII to XLIX. Same, 1897, 245 Agave americana L. This seems not to be very common in western Mexico. I saw only a few cultivated specimens, and those always about settlements. The Indians of the Sierra Maai'e claim to obtain from it a fine soft fiber used chiefly for thread. Contrary to general belief, Agave americana has little economic value as compared with some of the other species. Herbarium specimens only were obtained of this species. Agave cochlearis (?) Jacobi. Pulque maguey. Mr. Nelson says of this fiber that it is very flue and strong and used for making fine cord, soft rope, small bags for carrying food or other small articles, and sweater pads for pack saddles. Owing to the fleshy character of the leaves the extraction of the fiber is difficult and expen- sive, so that the fiber is not of commercial importance. With suitable machinery, however, it ought to be worked profitably. Its fiber is 12 dm. (4 feet) or more long, nearly white, and very soft. Unfortunately Mr. Nelson collected no botanical specimens, and the identification of the species is largely guesswork. It is customary to refer all the large fleshy-leaved pulque magueys to Agave atrorirens, while in fact several very distinct forms are readily recognized in the field. The commonest of these agaves in western Mexico — and I have also seen specimens of the same from San Luis Potosi and Saltillo — does not answer to the description of A. atrovirens. I have tentatively called it A, cochlearis, as it answers to this species better than any other which Mr. J. G. Baker recognizes in his monograph of this genus. Agave falcata Eugelm. Guapilla. Mr. Nelson states that the leaves are put into boiling water to wilt them, which facilitates the cleaning out of the fiber. He also says that the fiber is fine and soft, but difficult to obtain and not of commercial importance. This is perhaps the same fiber referred to in the Kew Bulletin as coming from Tula, although the plant is called Agave striata, and the Mexican name is given as "palma loca." A. falcata may be the same as A. striata, although Mr. Baker keeps them distinct. I have carefully comi^ared these leaves with garden specimens and really find no grounds for separation. Still, living specimens of both should be studied before the question of specific identity is determined. In any case this agave from north Mexico is the A. falcata described by Engelmann. It is very common in north Mexico. Herbarium specimens were collected by Mr. E. W. Nelson in Jaumave Valley, June 1, 1898 (No. 4457), and in the Sierra Encarnacione, Coahuila, July 28, 1896 (No. 3891). Fiber and leaves were also sent from Matehuala. The latter are more than 9 dm. (1 yard) long. Agave geminiflora Ker-Gawl. The Cora Indians in the mountains of the Territorio de Tepic obtain a very soft fiber from one of their local plants, which is probably Agave geminiflora. Herbarium specimens and samples said to be its fiber were brought back. 246 Agave vivipara L. Tapemete. The most common agave seen in western Mexico was A. vivipara. This species is restricted to the tropics, being found from near sea level up to about 3,000 feet altitude. It was seen as far north as Guaymas, and extends at least as far south as Acapulco. It does not grow in the United States, as is sometimes stated. It was seen on the sides of all the tropical valleys Avhich I crossed in Territorio de Tepic, Zacate- cas, and Jalisco, and may be found as far south as the City of Mexico. This species yields considerable fiber, at least for local consumption. The libers are about 2 feet long, of medium weight and good strength. I saw it used only in making a coarse thread or twine for knitting the rude hand bags so generally carried by the country people. Strings are also made by cutting oft narrow strips from the leaves, as one would from rawhide. The plant is known as "tapemete." In this species the leaves are 7 to 9 dm. (28 to 36 inches) long, about 3.5 ciu. (1^ inches) broad, and more or less glaucous, and the margins have small brown prickles. (For fiber, see PI. LII.) Its alliances seem to be with the Rigidae group. It does not closely resemble Agave virginica (Manfreda), as is stated in some reference books. Numerous herbarium specimens, and specimens of fiber and fiber products of this species, were brought back. Agave sp. Huila. In the little town of Bolaiios, State of Jalisco, the natives extract considerable fiber from one of their cultivated agaves, which they call "huila." It yields a very coarse, harsh fiber, used mostly for making heavy ropes. This species has not been determined definitely. It appears to be the one so much employed in the manufacture of mescal. Good herbarium specimens and specimens of fiber were obtained. Agave sp. In southeastern Sinaloa an agave grows on the sides of the highest mountains (altitude about 3,000 feet) which is said to be used by the people of that region for its fiber. I did not see any of it, however, in use, and so was not able to confirm the statement. But it is certainly true that the plant has a good, strong fiber. This species appears to be new to science. It produces about 20 leaves, which are 6 to 8 dm. (24 to 32 inches) long and 7.5 to 8.5 cm. (3 to 3g inches) broad at the widest part, with the margin closely serrate and the apex tapering into a long, weak spine. Good herbarium and living specimens of this species were brought back to Washington. Agave spp. In the Sierra Madre the people obtain most of their fiber from two or three closely related species. These species are of the A. Jilifera type, having linear leaves and a pungent tip, while the margin frays off into white threads. One of these species is the recently described 247 A. vestita, while two of tlie others appear to be undescribed. Tliey all yield a strong fiber which is made into ropes. Herbarium specimens, leaves, fiber, and living specimens were obtained of these species. The following agaves collected by the writer are reported to furnish fiber. As some of them have not been determined specifically, the col- lection number and also the locality are given, with the hope that it may lead some one to procure more material. Name. Locality. Agave sp. nov Agave lechuijuilla Torr Agave rigida elongata Baker Agave sp Agave americana L Agave geminiflora Ker-Gawl Agave vestita Watson Agave vivvpara (?) L Agave sp. (?) Agave sp Southeast Sinaloa. Chihuahua, neaz- El Paso. La Paz, Lower California. Bolanos, etc. Mountains of Tepic, etc. In Sinaloa, Tepic, etc. Zacatecas, etc. In Sinaloa, etc. Sierra Madre. Do. The following species are those recently sent in by Dr. Palmer and Mr. Nelson : Name. Collector. Locality. Agave falcata Eugelm Agave univittata Haw Agave lophantha Schiede . . . Agave cochlearis Jacobi Agave heteracantha ( ?) Zucc Agave heteracantha ( ?) Zucc Mr. Nelson do do do Dr. Palmer. do Tamaulipas, etc. Do. Do. Do. Saltillo. San Luis Potosi. When the Descriptive Catalogue of Useful Fiber Plants of the World was published by the Department of Agriculture in 1897, only ten spe- cies were sufficiently well known to be described. These are given below. Only three of them are identical with i^lauts in my list. Undoubtedly a score or more species are used locally in Mexico for their fiber. Agave americana. Agave aurea. Agave decipiens. Agave hctevacantha. Agave mexicana. Agave morrisii. Agave potatorum. Agave rigida elongata. Agave rigida sisalana. Agave vivipara. Although I saw no fibers in process of being extracted from the leaves, I saw plenty of the raw fiber and plants from which leaves had been cut for their fiber. Some of the methods used were extremely crude. For instance, in southeastern Sinaloa I was told that the leaves were first cooked and then allowed to stand in water for several days, 248 after which the pulpy part of the leaves is removed by rubbing them with a stick. On the table laud the end is accomplished by driving iron spikes 8 or 9 inches long into a block of wood and drawing the leaves over this instrument until all the connecting tissue is removed. At Bolahos still a different method is employed. The leaves are first trimmed of their marginal spines and then placed fiat on a board, which is about 8 inches wide and set at an angle of about 45 degrees, one end resting on the ground and the other about reaching to a man's waist. The leaf is then scraped with a rude knife, first from one end and then from the other. After a while the leaf is turned over and the same process repeated until all the connecting tissue is removed. Mr. Nelson describes the manner of taking the ixtle fiber at Mate- huala as follows : A short block of yucca wood is laid on the ground close to a tree and the pointed end of a long triangular blade of iron, with a wooden handle, is thrust into the base of the tree trnuk and held across the block of yucca wood. The workman then strips the edges from the agave leaves to rid them of the bordering spines and, holding the butt in the right hand, lays tlie leaf on the wooden block and, pressing down the iron, draws the leaf through, thus scraping out most of the pulpy matter. Then a small wooden grasper with a knob at one end has the free ends of the fiber wrapped about it in a '"half hitch," and by grasping this the workman can draw the leaf under the iron in a reverse direction, thus cleaning the leaf in two motions. The fiber is laid at full length on the ground and the process repeated until the sup- ply of leaves is exhausted. Men clean from 10 to 15 pounds of fiber a day, for which they receive 2 cents a pound at Miqitihuana and 2^ cents at Jaumave. The scraper, called "tallador," referred to above has a wooden han- dle 12.5 cm. (5 inches) long and a triangular blade 22.5 cm. (9 inches) long, with a hooked point which can be thrust into the trunk of a tree. The block, generally of yucca wood, used as a base on which the leaves are cleaned with the tallador, is about 5 dm. (20 inches) by 6 cm. (2^ inches) by 5 cm. (2 inches). This block of wood is made firm by means of small pegs driven into the ground on each side. When the cleaning is done in the open a peculiar peg, with a special notch for the point of the tallador, is driven into the ground near the block of wood. The grasper used for seizing the end of the half-cleaned fiber is of wood, about 10 cm. (4 inches) long and somewhat larger at one end. At the smaller end there is a knob, which prevents the fiber from slipping off the grasper. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XLVII.— Cogollo (central leavea) of a lechuguilla plant ; flg. 2, rootstock, used for soap ; fig. 3, burro, used to break off the cogollo ; flg. 4, old lechuguilla plant. Plate XLVIII.— Fig. 1, estoca banco, consisting of a block of yucca wood; fig. 2, tallador; fig. 3, boliyo. Plate XLIX.— Fig. 1, boliyo ; flg. 2, tallador; flg. 3, retranca; flg. 4, banco del ide; flg. 5, estoca banco. The following list represents the specimens of fibers and fiber prod- ucts which I brought back from Mexico. They are deposited in the Ethnobotanic collection of the National Museum and in the National Herbarium. Contr Nat. Herb , Vo.. V. Plate XLVII Lechuguilla Plant with Burro. Contr Nat Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLVII Contr. Nat Herb., Vol. V. Plate XLIX. Instruments used in extracting Ixtle Fiber. 249 EB No. 6. The leaves of what appears to be an undescribed species of at^ave of the J. filifera type, used by the Cora Indians at Santa Teresa, Topic. EB No. 7. The clean fiber ready for spinning into ropes. EB No. 8. A rope made out of this fiber. EB No. 10. A narrow strip from the leaf of A(/ave vivipara used in the place of strings in tying up packages of sugar. EB No. 11. Leaves of Agave (jeminijiora, from which the Cora Indians obtain a fine fiber which is spun into hand bags. EB No. 12. Said to be the fiber obtained from leaves of this 8i>ecies. EB No. 13. A hand bag njade from this fiber. Herb. No. 2755. The leaf of Ariare vlvijyara. EB No. 14. The cleaned fiber from this species. EB No. 15. The mixed fiber of the same ready for spinning into thread. EB No. 16. A coarse thread or twine made from this mixed fiber. EB No. 19. A partly finished hand bag knit out of this thread. EB No. 45. A marginal strip from the "huila" agave, sometimes called "bastard tequila," from which a coarse fiber is taken EB No. 46. The partially cleaned fiber. EB No. 47. The same, but cleaner. EB No. 48. The same mixed, ready to spin into rojies. EB No. 35. A fine, soft agave fiber used at Colotlan for thread in hat making. The fiber is very clean and white. I did not learn definitely the species from which it was obtained, but was told that it was from one of the large species in culti- vation in the town, therefore probably from either Agave americana or A. cochlearis. EB No. 36. A rude thread used for sewing hat braids together and made from the last-mentioned fiber. The thread is made out of a few fibers which are twisted by hand. EB No. 60. A dishcloth composed simply of a bunch of agave fibers (PI. L, fig. 2). Obtained at Bolafios. It seems to be common to use the plain fiber in this man- ner for cleaning and washing. I found in my room at one of the larger hotels of Guadalajara a bunch of this fiber in place of a wash rag. EB No. 130. A bunch of small twine bought at Guadalajara. In this city there is a whole block of stores which are given up almost entirely to the sale of these fiber products. In the smaller towns there is usually one or two stores where such things are for sale, or certain parts of the open market which is usually about the plaza are given up to them. EB Nos. 51, 79. Rude scouring brushes which are seen in all parts of western Mexico. They are made from the bases of the leaves of Agave vivipara. They are 15 to 18 cm. (6 to 7 inches) long. The broad, clasping base, which is 5 to 6 «m (3 to 4 inches) wide, forms the brush proper, and the contracted blade above forms the handle. None of the connecting tissue is removed, but it gradually wears away, leaving the naked stift^" fibers (PI. LVII, figs. 6, 7). These brushes are seen in all the small markets of western Mexico, and are even found in the great market house in the city of Guadalajara. EB No. 5. A spinner or twister used by the Cora Indians in making ropes of agave fiber. This was the commonest spinner I saw, and is composed of 2 pieces of wood (PI. LI). Of these one is flattened and somewhat wedge-shaped, about 3 dm. (1 foot) long, and considerably heavier at one end than the other. At its smaller and lighter end is a notch, and just below this notch is a small hole. The second piece consists of a round stick about 3 dm. (1 foot) long, which is small enough to work freely in the hole of the first piece. At one end is a small knob which prevents the heavier piece from coming ofl:'. In making thread or twine two persons are employed. One of them sits with the mixed fiber in his lap or at his side, while the one who does the twisting stands. Some of the fiber is fastened about the notch of the first piece described, which is 22114 8 250 then rapidly revolved about the second piece as an axis. The persou who is doing the spinning retreats as the thread lengthens until the reciuired length is reached. In making ropes the process thus far is the same. This thread is now doubled and the twisting is continued and then again doubled until a rope of the proper size is obtained. Sometimes both persons use instruments, twisting, of course, in opposite directions. These spinners are made of various materials, such as bamboo, oak, etc. Another instrument of this kind was composed of a stick about 3 dm. (1 foot) long, with a notch near one end, as in the above. Below the middle was a small wheel 2 dm. (8 inches) in diameter which had a toothed margin. This stick is made to revolve rapidly by striking the wheel, which is made fast to the axis, with a rude bow strung with rawhide. EB No. 17. An instrument used in making a coarse thread from agave which I secured at the hacienda of San .Juan Capistrano, in western Zacatecas. This was a combined spinner and reel (PI. LII, fig. 3). It was obtained of a Huichole Indian, although similar ones are used by the Mexicans themselves. This instrument has the advantage over the one described above of permitting one per- sou to feed and spin the thread .at the same time and for an indefinite period, for as soon as the thread becomes too long to handle it is wound about the reel. The instrument is used in making a coarse thread or string employed in making the hand bags so much carried in Mexico. The instrument is composed of two ujiright strips of a bamboo stem 22 and 25 cm. (9 and 10 inches) long, respectively. These are joined together by two small strips 10 cm. (4 inches) long about one-fourth the distance from each end, and there fastened by small strings. This forms the reel proper. To make a spinner of this a notch is cut near the end of the longer upright piece and a small stick about 12 inches long is used as the axis of the spinner, which is put through the two upright pieces about one-third of the distance from the top. One end of this stick is tightly wrapped with a small string made of agave fiber, and a small leather washer is placed between this and the reel. To make the thread, a portion of the mixed fiber is fastened about the notch of the reel, which is then revolved rapidly with one hand and the fiber fed with the other. The reel I obtained was in vise, and the thread and all the mixed fiber in the process of spinning was purchased with it. The fiber here used is from one of the most widely distributed agaves in western Mexico. It is called "tapemete," and is probably Agave nvipara.^ The cleaned fiber is about 6 dm. (two feet) long, and, although coarse, is pliable and strong. For mak- ino- the pocket bags a coarse double thread is used. The needle is made of a small piece of bamboo about 12 cm. (5 inches) long. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate L. Fig. 1, a bag made from .agave fiber; fig. 2, a bunch of agave fiber nsed as a ■wash rag. I'LATK LIT. Fig. 1, a bunch of Agave vivipara fiber; fig. 2, the same being worliod into a small bag, together with bamboo noidh- ; fig. 3, a spinner and reel used with this fiber. MALVACEAE. Ceiba spp. Tree cotton, a fiber obtained from the seed pods of several species of Ceiba, is gathered by the Mexicans along the west coast and used for stuffing pillows, etc. At the little village of Concepcion, Sinaloa, I saw two large trees of Ceiba casearia Medic, one being about 27 dm. (6| feet) in diameter and evidently a very old tree. This species is supposed to have been introduced into Mexico. A native species, C. grandifiora Rose, more common and widely distributed, is said to fur- nish cotton which is used like that from the above species. (EB IlTo. 1, tree-cotton fiber from Ceiba casearia Medic.) ' See above, p. 246. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate L. Articles made from Ixtle Fiber. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V Plate LI. A Fiber Twister. Contr. Nat. Herb , Vol. V. Plate Lll Contr Nat. Herb , Vol. V. Plate LIII. Cotton Fiber and Implements. 251 Gossypiiim barbadense L. This is a large, bushy shrub, 24 to 30 dm. (8 to 12 feet) high. It is grown ill many parts of Mexico and is seen in yards and gardens. I saw shrubs at Guaymas, in the Sierra Madre, at Bolaiios, etc. My specimens came from Bolaiios, September, 1897 (Herb. Ko. 3697). Mr. Hemsley, in the Biologia Centrali-Americana, states that in Mexico the si)ecies is '^ cultivated and wild, probably indigenous in America." In the National Herbarium we have only three other species, and these all cultivated. They are the following: Palmer's No. 10, from the State of Jalisco. Palmer's No. 116, from the State of Coahuila. Charles K. Dodge's No. 70, from near Monterey. At Bolanos and other ])laces the uncleaned cotton is gathered and sold in the little stores. The women buy this, clean out the seeds, and si)in it into thread. For this i)urpose they use a rude spinner (PI. LIII), consisting of an upright shaft or spindle 2.5 dm. (10 inches) long and less than 6 mm. (^ inch) in diameter, somewhat tapering toward the top. This spindle is usually made from an old Indian arrow, and my specimen appears to be of Brazil wood. Near the bottom of the spindle is a circular disk or whorl 3.8 cm. (li inches) in diameter, made of some heavy wood (in my specimen said to beironwood), somewhat rounded below. The thread is made in this manner: An ordinary clay bowl 12.5 cm. (5 inches) in diameter is held in the lap. The thread is begun by fast- ening a piece of the cotton to the middle of the spindle. The spindle is then revolved rapidly in the bowl with the right hand, while the cotton is "fed" or supplied with the left hand. As the thread lengthens it is wound around the spindle and the work of spinning continued. The women become very expert in spinning and it is very interesting to watch them. Specimens were obtained as follows: EB No. 54. Albowl in which the spinner is twirled. EB No. 55. The cotton spinner called "trompa." EB No. 56. The thread and raw cotton. EB No. 57. The cotton with seeds as sold in the stores. EB No. 58. The cotton bolls. Herb. No. 3697. The cotton plant. Explanation of Plate LIII.— Fig. 1, cotton spinner with thread attached ; fig. 2, clean cotton ; fig. 3, bowl for holding the twister ; fig. 4, cotton bolls ; figs. 5, 6, parts of Huichole arrows used in repair- ing the cotton spinner. CUCURBITACEAE. Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. EsTRorA.JOS. The vegetable sponge was seen only in cultivation, where it grows as a tall vine. The fruit is about 3 dm. (12 inches) long, and the bright yellow flowers are nearly 10 cm. (4 inches) wide. The plant is sometimes cultivated for the sponge-like tissue of the 252 fruit, whicli is left ready for use as a spouge by the uatural brej away of tlie epidermis. The following material illustrates this plant : Herb. No. 1G82, flowers, leaves, etc. (EB No. 82, the mature , showing the interior fiber beneath the broken epidermis.) BRUSH AND BROOM PLANTS. Many curious brushes and brooms are met with. In the accom |>aii ing illustrations some of these are shown. Those made of agave 1; ;.vt- and fiber (PI. LYI), used for the hair and for scouring and whitewash ing, are spoken of on pages 248, 249. Fly brushes are made fron 1 leaves (PI. LIV, fig. 1), one of which I obtained as a specimen. E : are also made of i)alm leaves, being supplied with bamboo handles. Other brooms are made out of the stems of various grasses, such as species of Stipa and Muhlenhergia (PI. LIV, fig. 2). These stems 9 to 10 dm. (36 to 40 inches) long, and are tied together with strips , yucca leaves (PI. XXXVIII) called "isote." EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate LIV. — Fig. 1, a fly brush made from the leaves of an undeacribed Sabal which is very com- mon on the west coast ; fig. 2, a broom made from the stems of a grass, probably a Stipa. Plate LYI. — Figs. 1 to 5, several types of hairbrushes made from various agave leaves; figs. 6. 7, scouring brushes made from Agave vivijiara: fig. 8, a palm leaf {Sabal sp.) brush ; fig. 9, a whisk of grass roots (Epicampes sp.). GRAMII^^EAE. Epicampes macroura Benth. "Raiz" (meaning '^root") is largely exported from Mexico, as well as extensively consumed at home. It is usually exported into the United States as "broom root;" it is also sometimes called Mexican broom root, Mexican whisk, and sometimes erroneously " rice roots." These roots are from grasses, chiefly Epicampes macroura, sometimes called Crypsinna stricta. This is a native of the high mountains of Mexico, reaching an altitude of 3,908 meters (12,500 feet). It is largely dug in the States of Mexico, Michoacan, Queretaro, and Puebla. The roots, in Mexico, are chiefly used for making a rnde brush or broom much esteemed and found for sale in all the large markets. I bought one of these in Guadalajara, which is about 15 cm. (6 inches) long and 5 cm. (2 inches) in diameter. This material has been largely imported into this country, both in a raw state, then duty free, and in a partially manufactured state, sub- ject to duty. In the latter condition it appears, under the name of rice root, in the Treasury report of 1878, and thence onward with inter- vals to 1891 ; but the amount is lumped with that of broom corn. As raw material it appears in 1884 and continues with intervals to the present date, as shown by the table below, assuming the name of "broom root" in 1893. The importation, which exceeded a value of $125,000 in 1886, appears to have fallen to • '^ i" the period from 1888 to 1893. Since then the average . ; -\.'..-7^ .u,.^ >'?'! Contr, Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate LIV. Brushes of Palm Leaf and Grass. Contr Nat Herb., Vol. V. Plate LV. 'i0m^ Contr. Nat. Hefb . Vol. V. Plate LVI. Contr. Nat. Heib , Vol. V. Pl.ate LVII. 253 nearly $92,000, with a value per ton in 1897 of $199.78, and in 1898 of $162.84, the average value for six years being about $178. Importation from Mexico of unmanufactured broom root for eleven years.^ Tear. Amount. Tear. Amount. 1884 $397 51, 017 125, 029 82, 834 169 101, 967 1894 $67, 648 1885 1895 109, 872 1886 1896 39, 884 1887 1897 73, 419 1'58, 499 1890 1898 1893 ' Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the TJnited States for the respective years, mary occurs in volume 2 of 1896, p. 1157. MALVACEAE. A partial sum- Sida acuta carpinifolla (L. f.) Schum. Branches of a Sida tied together are commonly used all over the west coast as a rude broom for sweeping yards, walks, etc. One which I saw at Acaponeta was made of 12 to 20 stems 15 dm. (5 feet) long, bound together with strips of palm leaves. My botanical specimens (N"o. 3160) are comx)osed of these stems. CACTACEAE. On the west coast the Indians gather the fruits of Cereus pecten- ahoriginum, trim off the long yellow spines on one side, so that they may be grasped easily, and use them for hairbrushes (PI. LVII). The accompanying figure (fig. 32), furnished me by Mr. E. A. Goldman, shows one of the trees. Another is shown in Plate LVIII. Dr. Palmer tells me that he first observed these brushes in use among the Papagos Indians, but has since seen them in the houses of many Indians and poor Mexicans in Sonora and Sinaloa. FENCE AND HEDGE PLANTS. Although barbed wire fences are now becoming very common in western Mexico, there are hundreds of miles of the native fences and hedges still in use. EUPHORBIACEAE. Jatropha curcas L. 8angre gbado. This is one of the most common fence plants of the west coast. The fences are made similarly to the Cactus fences; but the branches are much smaller and must be tied together by some vine, the one com- monly used being the bejuco Colorado (Hippocratea sp.). These branches take root and produce a great mass of foliage. The leaves in size are out of all proportion to those grown on ordinary plants. One of them which I brought home measures 3.5 dm. (14 inches) broad on a petiole 2.2 dm. (9 inches) long. 254 Jatropha platyphylla Muell. Sangre grado. This species, called by the same name as the preceding, is also used as a hedge plant. It has a large peltate leaf and an open inflores- cence. We have no specimens like it in the National Herbarium. CACTACEAE. Cereus pecten-aboriginum Engelm. The most interesting of the hedges to the botanical traveler are those made of the great cereus {Cereus pecten-ahoriginum) of western Mexico, which is perhaps the real giant of the cactus family (PLs. LVII, LYIII, and fig. 32). It often reaches 15 and 20 meters (45 to 60 feet) in height, and sends up a multitude of long naked branches. The branches are tcn-dboriginum Engelm. cut off into lengths of 18 to 30 dm. (5 to 9 feet) and transplanted into rows closely set together, forming an almost impenetrable break against all kinds of stock. These branches finally take root and grow slowly, rarely sending oft' short side branches, and ultimately flowering and fruiting near the tops. The large fruits are covered with long yellow bristles set close against the trunk, and furnish rich granaries stored with many seeds for the birds. Dr. Palmer tells me that Cereus thurheri of northern Mexico is also used for fences they call " organos " (Pis. LIX, LX), is so used natus DC. ( %) Opuntia spp. Several siiecies of Opuntia are grown for boundary hedges In central Mexico another of the columnar cacti, which This is Cereus margi- Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate LVIII. CEREUS PECTEN-ABORIGINUM Engelr Contr Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate LIX. i. ' \ .f ] ?^.i. Contr. Nat, Herb., Vol. V. Plate LX. 255 OTHER FAMILIES. Agave spp. The large pulque agaves are plauted in close rows, and form very effectual hedges. Bromelia spp. Bromelia pinguin (?) and perhaps other species are used for hedges, especially as boundary lines between estates. Erythrina spp. Several species of Erythrina, such as U. lanata and E. Jlahelli/ormis, are in common use for hedge fences. Fouquieria spinosa H. B. K. Fouqnieria spinosa, so common about Cxuaymas, is sometimes used as a hedge plant. Verbesina pinnatifida Cav. Verbesina pinnatifida, which often grows to the lieight of 3 to 4 meters (9 to 12 feet), is a common fence plant, either grown alone or in connection with Jatropha curcas. PLANTS YIELDING WOOD. Neowashingtonia sonorae (Wats.) Rose.' At Guaymas a few trees remain of the rare N'eowashingtonia sonorae, but most of them have been cut out aud used as rafters for houses. It is said to be a very durable wood. A considerable number of these trees are still to be seen at La Paz, Lower California. Salix sji. In the markets at Colotlan rude shoe lasts, said to be made of willow, were for sale. (EB No. 23.) Guaiacum coulteri A. Gray. Guayacan. Guayacan is one of the commonest and most useful woods about Guayamas. It is extremely hard and makes a fine firewood, yielding a great amount of heat. When burnt it gives off a strong, disagreeable, resinous odor which prevents its use as a house wood. It is much used on the Sonoran Railroad as a firewood for engines. It is used in many ways, esj)ecially where great strength is required, as in the making of cogwheels, etc. According to Dr. Palmer it has certain medicinal properties. Hippocratea sp. I5e,tuco Colorado. The bejuco Colorado is a very useful vine employed all along the west coast in the place of ropes, nails, etc. When green it is very pliable and can readily be tied into all kinds of knots, but when dry it becomes fixed and strong (PI. LXI, fig. 1). It is employed in fastening together the framework of huts or in tying down the roofs. In fence building it is employed to bind the various upright jjieces together. It also takes the place of the ordinary rope clothesline. One of these clothes- lines which I measured was 18 meters (GO feet) long and showed little WasJiingtonia sonorae Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 24:79. 188tt. 256 or no variation in diameter throughout its length. This plant grows in the foothills of the Sierra Madre, where the peoj)le from the coast go to obtain it when needed in their simple industries. Here it was I found the plant and collected botanical specimens of it, discovering to my surprise that it is new to science. Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Guayacan. In the collection is a ladle said to be made from " guayacan," a name also applied to the wood of Ouazuma ulmifolia (PI. LXI). This wood is much employed in making small articles of everyday use. This ladle has a round bowl 9 cm. (3^ inches) in diameter and 2.5 cm. (1 inch) deep at the lowest point, and a handle nearly 4 dm. (16 inches) long. It is typical of the ladles which in many of the interior parts take the place of ordinary spoons or any other similar table utensil. Knives and forks are never seen outside of cities and towns. Chocolate sticks made from Madroiio wood {Arbutus sp.) are very common. (EB No. 69. Ladle said to be made from "guayacan," the wood of Guazuma ulmifolia.) Explanation of Plate LXI. — Fig. 1, wooden ladle; fig. 2, chocolate stick; tiji. 3, bejuco Colorado. Raudia sp. Puro cecillia. Shoe pegs as used at Acaponeta are made from the wood of a species of Eandia; this is a small bush. (EB jSTo. 4, pegs bought at Aca- poneta.) MISCELLANEOUS USEFUL PLANTS. Bessera fistulosa (Herbert) Pritz. Arete. The liliaceous genus Bessera, though usually considered monotypic, may really be composed of several species. One of these, probably B. fistulosa, is very common on the foothills on the west coast, reaching up to 2,500 feet altitude. It has very pretty red flowers and is quite a favorite with the country people, who often use it to decorate the altars in their churches, etc. Their earrings are sometimes patterned after it. Other wild flowers are gathered to cover arches which are placed over the doorways of the churches. Among plants so used which I recognized are Zinnia linearis and Tagetes lucida. The churches of the Cora Indians are the most gloomy houses one can imagine. They are usually made of rude stones, with a filling of mud, and are without windows. The roofs are thatched with mountain grass (-E/pt- campes sp.) laid uiion bamboo stems. This roof often extends forward several feet over the front entrance. Here are found several church bells which are hung by means of vines (probably Hippocratea sp.) The bells have no clapper, and are reached by a ladder and then rung by being struck with a stone or some other solid object. Even the Spanish bull fight has some botanical interest. The wreath with which the victor is decorated is made of branches of trees with bright, shining leaves. I obtained specimens from one at Guaymas, which was made of leaves from an undetermined tree. 'Contr. Nat, Herb., Vol. V. Plate LXI. 257 The note may be thrown in here that althongh more of the names of Mexican towns liave a religious derivation than any other, yet a great many towns and hamlets, especially of the smaller ones, are named for plants. Among the first class one finds such names as Jesus Maria, Pedro Paulo, Concepcion, and hundreds of names with the prefixes <^San" and "Santa." The following places named for plants were along my route: "Colomas," named for a little Arum-like plant of the neigh- borhood; "Tamarindo," named for Tamarindus indiea, a widely intro- duced and highly prized tree; "Aguacote," named for the well-known fruit of the same name, Persea gratisslma; "Palmareta," named for a small palm (Sabal) of that region; "Mesquitic," liamed for a Prosopis. Other such names for towns of this region are "Ranches" {Byrsonima crassifolia), "Ocote" (Pinus), and San Francisco Mesquital. Acacia spadicigera Cham. «fc Schlecht. Among the decorations used by the Cora Indians to ornament their quivers are the large thorns of Acacia spadicigera. These thorns are cut into lengths of 2.5 cm. (1 inch) or more and fast- ened by means of agave strings into great clusters of 50 or so. My specimen (EB No. 73) came from one of these clusters. Hura crepitans L. Haba. This is a large tree belonging to the order Eui^horbiaceae. The Mexi- cans use its saj) to poison or stun fish so that they may be more easily caught. A series of Vs, one above the other, are cut with a machete on the side of a tree. The sap oozes out from the wounds, runs down to the ajiex of the V and joins with the contents of the one below, and so on through the series, the entire contents being caught in an earthen ves- sel i)laced at the base of the tree. One rarely sees a tree without these V-shaped scars. South American Indians also use the sap of this for killing fish. This tree is known under a great many names, amoug which are the the following: In the Republic of Colombia, 'Taguapan," "acupa," and "hibillo;" in Guiana, "soliman;" among certain South American Indians, "sablier;" in Panama, "javilla;" in Guatemala, "tetereta;" at San Ignacio, "pepita" and "habilla." It is also called "monkey's din- ner bell" and the "sandbox tree." In the State of Sinaloa, on the west coast of Mexico, where I saw the tree, it is called "haba" or "hava," and in other places in Mexico "quahtlatlatziu." Here it is planted along the roadsides, often in long rows beside the fences. Occasionally trees were seen in out-of-the-way canyons, appearing as if native; but this part of Mexico has so long been inhabited that seeds may readily have been carried from cultivated trees of the neighboring region. Cactaceae. Considerable has been written of a more or less fanciful character regarding plant worship among the Mexican Indians. While I obtained no special information along this line, I succeeded in obtaining speci- mens which have enabled me to identify accurately some of the plants 258 reported to be used for this i^urpose. Lumlioltz, the Mexican traveler, says that " all the small cacti are regarded with superstitious reverence by the Tarahumari [Indians]. They have different properties, the most pronounced of them being to drive oft' wizards, robbers, and Apaches, andto ward off diseases." They are generically called '^hikora," "hikora sunama" being Areocarpus Jissuratus, and "hikora wanami," Lopho- phora wilUamsii. In the high Sierra Madre in the Territorio de Tepic I collected specimens of one of these cacti which proves to be Maniillaria senilis (PI. LXII). It is a curious little Mamillaria covered with long white spines, whence the specific name. It has also been made the type of a new genus, Mamillopsis, by Dr. Weber, but as I have seen neither flower nor fruit I am not prepared to pass on its generic position. My specimen is growing in the Botanical Garden at Washington. This seems to be the "/i/'Aonr rosapara^'' of which Lumholtz writes: "Eosa- para is a white and spiny hikora dittering from the two already men- tioned. It must be touched with clean hands and only by people who are well baptized, for he is a good Christian, say the Christian Tara- humaris, and keeps a sharj) eye upon the people around him." Mr. E. W. Nelson visited the Sierra Madre again in 1898, where he collected sj)ecimeus and furnished me with the following interesting note : The small liook-spiued cactus grows on the rocks in the pine forest of the Sierra Madre of northern Durango and southern Chihuahua. It was found at between G,500 and 9,000 feet altitude. This is one of the sacred plants of the Tarahumari Indians, and I was informed that the Indians who have had little intercourse with the Mexi- cans can not be induced to touch one of them. The specimens I secured were gath- ered by a Tarahumari man living on the ranch where I stopped. When I told the Indian to gather the plants from the top of a great rock he hesitated and only did it when I insisted upon his compliance. In pulling the specimen loose he tore out another plant and before descending he raised the fallen plant and replacing its roots in position packed the soil very carefully about it. This little incident illustrates the respect in which these people hold this plant. Nicotiana rustica L. Tabaco de macuchi. The tobacco used by the Cora Indians is obtained from Nicotiana rustica., which they call "tabaco de macuchi." It is grown in the hot river valley near the little Indian hamlet of San Blascito, Tepic. Crescentia alata H. B. K. Tecomate. This is one of the most interesting trees which was seen on the west coast of Mexico. It is peculiar in fruit, flower, foliage, and habit. While the genus belongs to the Bignoniaceae, the hard, indehiscent, gourd-like fruit and the wingless seeds are opposed to our usual ideas of this order. The large brownish flowers are borne on the old wood, often on the largest branches, frequently even low down on the main trunk itself, and thus the fruits look as if they were glued on the sides of the tree. The leaves have a broad, winged petiole, tipped with 3 small leaflets. The branches are usually erect, long, and whip-like. The trees are very common along the coast, often occurring in small groves. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate LXII. Contr. Nat. Herb., Vol. V. Plate LXIIl. Vessels made from Crescentia Fruits. Conti. Nat Herb,. Vol, V Plate LXIV. Gourd used for a Water Vessel. 259 The fruit is used in many ways. Small drinking cups are made by cutting off its lower part (PI. LXIII). They are most commonly used as a kind of flask for holding mescal. This is made simply by boring a small hole through the base of the fruit the diameter of a lead pencil or a little larger The seeds and pulp are allowed to dry, but are not taken out. It is then filled with mescal, which they call "vino teco- mate." It has a somewhat sweetish taste. One is told that it is much used by miners for lung trouble, but from the quantity which is used and its effects one is inclined to believe that it is taken for other pur- poses. These cups and flasks, while sometimes plaiu, usually have more or less carving upon them, which add much to the expense. I saw one fruit, which was elaborately wrought, that was valued at $1.50. The carving is usually done before the outer shell becomes hard and dry. Seemann states that the fruit " contains a pulp of a sourish-bitter taste, which is boiled with sugar in its- native country, and taken against complaints of the chest." Watson, on the strength of Dr. Pal- mer's notes, says: "It is cultivated at Guaymas under the name of ' azal,' for shade and for the medical properties of the fruit, which is tilled with water and the liquid afterwards taken as a remedy for con- tusions and internal bruises." Crescentia cujete, a closely related species, has much larger fruits and these are used in many ways in making dishes, cups, etc. Besides various botanical specimens of Crescentia alata, I obtained the following articles: EB No. 100, a drinking cup from Colomas made from a shell of a fruit. On one side has been cut the form of a scor- pion. (EB Nos. 100 and 107, mescal flasks.) Explanation of Plate LXIII. — Fig. l, drinking cup made from the fruit of Crescentia alata; figs. 2, 3, mescal flasks made from the same. Lageiiaria sp. Besides the curious clay water jar, one may see many water vessels made out of gourds of various shapes and sizes. Almost every coun- tryman carries one of these on the horn of his saddle. The favorite one is about 4.5 dm. (IJ feet) long, with a constriction at the middle and the ends nearly equal. Other forms are also used (PI. LXIV). (EBNo.20.) INDEX. Page. Acaeia spadieigera Cham. & Schlecht., note onuses 257 Acalypha phleoides (?) Cav., medicinal nse.. 229 Acaponeta, notes 222, 223, 246, 253, 256 palm nut on market 214 specimens from vicinity. . . 229, 230, 235 use of Sabal palm 240 Acapulco, making of vegetable tallow 235 use of oregano, or Lippia 226 Achras sapota L., observations 222 Acrocomia aclerocarpa Mart., use 214 "Acupa," note 257 Adiantum capillus-veneris L., observations 228 Agave americana, drinks 224 note on fiber 245 atrovirens, notes 245 hrachystachys, note on use for soap . . 233 cochlearis ( ?) Jacobi, notes on fiber. . 245 falcata 'Engelm., notesonfiber 245 filler, crude methods of extracting. . 247 filifera, note on fiber 246 gcminijlora Ker-Gawl., note on fiber. 245 guttata, note on use far soap 234 heteraeantha, note 242 observations on use for soap 233 lechugmlla, note 242 observations on use for soap making 233 lophantha, notes 242 note on collection of products 210 poselgerii Salm, note 242 rigida, note 239 univitatta Haw., description 24? variegata Jacobi, observations on use for soap 233 vettita, note on fiber 247 virginica {Manfreda), note on fiber.. 246 vivipara L., notes on fiber 246 saponaria, note 233 sp., observation onuses 223, 233, 241, 242, 245, 246, 255 Agaves, lists of fiber species 247 Mexican, need of (botanical) work. 239 "Aguadecebada,"note 225 Aguacate, description and use 215 salad, composition 226 Aguardiente, distilled drink, note 224 Ague, useof Loeselia, or esprnocilla, for relief 239 »>« Tagetes or yerba nil 231 Ahuacata chico, or grande, note 215 Page. Ajonjoli, note on use for soap 236 use in making drink 226 Alligator pear, description, use, and names . 215 Almendra, observations 221 Almonds, Mexican, observations 221 Aloe sp., use as medicine 223 "Alote," note 218 Altax,8eedoi Sisymbriumcaneseens (paniita) 225 Altata, note on export of logwood 238 occurrence of zapote 223 Altea, medicinal use 230 Amaryllidaceae, observations on fiber 242 use for soap 233 Amenorrbcea, medicinal plant for relief 228 "Amole," note 231 on name in distinction from "maguey" 233 soap, note on use in United States 232 "Amolilla," name of Prochnyantbes used for soap 234 Anacardiaceae, observations 217 Anoc/aAasfata Cav., medicinal use 230 Anona cherimoUa MiU., observations 215 glabra L., observations 215 longiflora, note 315 Anonaceae, medicinal use 228 observations 215 Apples and peaches on Mexican markets, notes 214 Apricots, note 214 ArbtUus 8p.,noto 256 Areocarpus JUsuratus, notes on J1SB3 258 Argithamnia 8p.,noto 227 Arete, useof flowers 256 Arrayan, growing ; description 221 use of dried froit in making drink 225 Asia, native place of Mexican almond, or almendra 222 Attalea cohune Mart. ( f ), observations 232 "Attole," note 218 Avocado, or avocado pear, note 215 Azafran, note 227 "Azal,"note 259 B. Baker, J. G., note 245 Bananas, varieties and region of growing.. 214 Barley flour, drink 225 Beans, Mexican, suggestion of introduction into United States 210 I II Beans, notes on forms, colors, and uses of varieties 212,213 Beef,methods of preparation as food 226 B^uco Colorado, note on use ■ 253 de amole, observations on ase for soap 235 huico, medicinal use 230 Bessera flstulosa (Herbert) Pritz., notes on uses 256 Beverage plants, discussion 223-226 Bignoniaceae, medicinal use 231 note 258 Biologia Centrali-Americana, note 218 Blackberries on Sierra Madre 214 Bolafios, method with agave fiber 248 notes 224,251 specimens 226,231,234 Botanic Garden at Washington, proposed collection of agaves 210 Bowels, pain, use of Turnera, ordamiana, for relief 230 Brandy (sotol), from maguey, note 224 Brazil, observation on use for dyes 237 wood, use of lime in making dye. . . . 241 Bromelia spp., note on use for hedges 255 observations 215 use of fruit for making cooling drink 225 Bromeliaceae, observations 215 Broom and brush plants, discussion 252 root, table on importation 253 Bruises, internal, note on remedy 259 Brush and broom plants, discussion 252,253 Burscra microphylla, note on use in tan- ning 238 Byrsonima crassi/oMa, notes 217,257 C. Cacahuate, use for soap 235 Cacahuianche, use for soap 235 Cactaceae, notes on uses 220,253,254,257 Cacti, reverence of Mexican Indians 258 Gaesalpinia coriaria, note on use in tanning 238 Calaleasilla, notes on use for soap 236 Can a dulce, observations on use for soap. . . 235 Cane sugar, source of distilled drink 224 Capsicum annuum acuminatum ; annuum cerasiforme ; frute- «cens, notes 211 grossum, description of fruit 211 longum, description of fruit 211 Garvm petrogelinum, Benth., note 226 Carica papaya L.,note 214 Oasim,iroa edulis La Llave, observations. . . 217 Cascalote bean, note on use in tanning 238 Cayaponia dubia (Hook. & Am.) Rose, notes on use for soap 236 Castor oil bean, observations on use for soap 235 Celantillo de ojo de agua, observations 228 Cereals and vegetables, investigations... 210-214 Cereus geom,etrizans Mart., observations. . . 220 marginatus DO. (?), note 254 pecten-aboriginum, notes 221, 253 tetazo, notes 221 Page. Oereus spp., observations 220 variabilis,- pitahaya; thurberi; gigan- teus, notes 220 Oeiba casearia Medic, note 250 grandijtora Rose, note 250 spp., observations on fiber 250 Chenopodiaceae, medicinal use 228 Chenopodium, incisum, (L.) Poir., observa- tions 228 Chest and stomach, use of Piper, or hacb- ogue as remedy ; also for soap 234 Chia, observations 225 Chico, zapote, observations 222 Chilacayote fruit, description and use 223 Childbirth, use of Lantana, or sonorita 230 "Chile ancho," description of fruit 211 •'Chile cara," note 211 "Chile," description and market 211 "Chile pequin, " description 211 Chili sauce, manner of making in Mexico. . 211 Chirimoya, observations 215 "Chicle" (gum), notes on duty, receipts, and source 222 Chocolate sticks, note 256 Cicer arietinum, note 213 Ciruelas. (See Plums.) Ciruelo, use of dried fruit in making drink. 225 Clothes line, use of bojueo Colorado 255 Coahuila, siiecimeDa of Agave falcata 245 Cocoanut, note 214 Cocojul, observations 214 Cocurstle or cocurste, observations 215 Colds, use of laurel for relief 228 Colic, medicinal plant for relief 228 use of Manzanilla for relief 231 Piper palmeri as remedy 234 skunk ipazote for relief 228 Colomas, cooking of chicken with nanche, rice, and olives 217 medicinal plant for colic 228 note on drinking cup 259 occurrence of zapote 223 specimena 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231 use of Enterolobium or buinecas- tle for soap 235 Colotlan, mannfactivre of hats 239 materials used in tanning 238 notes 228,255 specimens 228,231 Compositae, medicinal use 231 Combretaceae, observations 221 Contusions, note on remedy 259 Coquito, observations on use for soap 2?2 Cora Indians, " Santa Maria " and Tagetes, oryerba nil, note 231 note on agaves 245 Ooriandrum sativum L., observations 226 Com cakes in Mexico, note 210 Corpus, use for scorpion bite 228 Oouepia polyandra (H. B. K.) Rose, observa- tions 215 Cotton-seed oil, notes on use for soap 235 Govillea tridentata (DC.) Vail, medicinal use 229 Crataegus spp., observations 216 Crate for fruit carrying 214 m Orescentia alata H. B. K., notes on appear- ance and uses 258-259 aujete, note on uses 259 Orypsinna ttrieta, note 252 Cuban name for Mexican plum, note 220 "Cudrado," use of roots for food 213 Cucurbitaceae, observations 223, 236, 251 Cucurbila Jicifolia Boucli6, observations 223 foetidissima H. B. K., observation on use for soap 236 Cups and flaslis, wooden, note 259 Cutaneous diseases, note on use of Piper or hachogue 234 D. Damiana, medicinal use 230 Danylinon spp., observations 224 Date palm, note 214 Datura tatula L., medicinal use 230 Deafness, use of Piqueria, or tabardillo, for relief 231 Dioscoreaceae, note on use for soap 230 Diospyron ebenaster Eetz., observations 223 Drinks, nonintoxicating, sources 224 "Dulce," note 218 E. Ebeiiaceae, observations 223 El Paso, Tex., abundance of Agave lechu- guilla 242 Entada polystachya DC, observation on use for soap 235 Enierolobiurn, cyclocarpum Griseb., medi- cinal use 228 note on use in tanning 238 observations on use for soap.. 235 Epicampesmacroura'Benth., observations on fiber 252 sp. note on use 256 Erythrina spp., note on use for hedge fences . 255 Espinocilla, medicinal use 230 Estropajos, notes on fiber 251 Ethnobotauic collection (Mexico), list of fiber plants and fibers 248 Euphorbiaceae, medicinal use 229 observations 227, 235, 253 F. Faba vulgaris, note 213 Fence and hedge plants, discussion 253-255 Fever and ague, use of Loeselia, or espino- cilla, for relief 230 Tagetes or yerba nil 231 Fevers, use of Sarwinskia, or margarita, for relief 229 Fiber plants, discussion 239- 252 of the world, descriptive cata- logue,note 247 Figs, note 214 Filices, observations 228 Firewood, use of guayacan 255 Fish, use of Hura crepitans, orhaba, in cap- ture 257 Flasks and cups, notes on wood 259 Page. Flavoring and seasoning plants, discussion 226 Flor de venodillo, medicinal use 229 Florida, occurrence of Mexican almond, or almendra 222 Food plants of Mexico, principal 210 use of Piper or hacbogue 234 Fouquieria spinosa H. B. K., note on use as hedge plant 255 Frijolapasteado; hortelano; bianco; notes. 212 encrevado; bianco nallado; garvan- ode picachos; nuevo tpmpranillo; Mexicano; cando; guero; sequin; morado bola; mesquitillo; negro; lavareno ; notes 213 notes on form and color 212 Fruits, investigations 214-227 G. GarambuUo, observations 220 Garvancillo verde, note 213 Garvanzo de picachos, note 213 Gobernadora, medicinal use 229 Goldman, E. A., mention 253 Gossypiurn barbadense L., observations on fiber 251 spp., notes on use for soap 235 Gramineae, observations on fiber 252 Guadalajara, marketing of "Jamaica" and of tamarinds 225 specimens of Manfreda for soap 234 use of Chia (Salvia) seed 225 varieties of ancna 215 vegetables on market 211 Guatemala, occurrence of Mexican almond, or almendra 222 "Guapilla," note as to name 243 Guaiacutn coulteri A. Gray, note on use for wood 255 Guayaba, observations 221 Guayacan, notes 255, 256 Guaymas, notes 214,217,225,232,246,255,259 specimens of agave for soap 233 Guazuma ulmifolia, notes 256 Guavas, observations 221 Guerrero Indians, note 240 Gum, "chiqle," duty on imports 222 H. Haba, notes on uses 257 "Habilla," note 257 Hacbogue, observations on use for soap and food 234 Haematoxylon boreale Wats., observations on use for dye 237 eampeachianum, note on use fordye 238 Hats, manufacture from palm leaves 239 Havard, Dr., statement as to agave leaves for soap 233 Headaches, use of Pithecoctenium, or be- juco de Imico, for relief 231 Hedge and fence plants, discussion 253-255 Hemsley, Mr., listing of Mexican plums . . . 218 note on Gossypiurn 251 " Hibillo," note 257 IV Hibiscus sabdariffa L., observations 225 Hieracium sp., medicinal use 231 Higuerilla, observations on use for soap . . . 235 "Hiltora," note 258 Hippocratea sp., notes 253, 255 Horses and mules, use of Piper, or hachogue, for colic 234 Horticulturist, probable success in improve- ment of Mexican plums 218 Household utensils made of wood, note 256 Huamuehil, observations 216 Huichole Indians, gathering of Manfreda forsoap 234 note on spinners 250 Huila, notes 224,246 Huinecastle bark, note on use in tanning. . . 238 medicinal use 228 observations on use for soap.. 235 Hura crepitans L., notes on uses 257 I. Indian villages of Sierra Madi-e 214 Indians, note on knowledge of medicine... 227 Indigestion, useof Lantana, or majorana .. 230 Insect powder, use of Tagetes, or yerba nil. 231 Institute Medico Nacional, offer of help in study of useful Mexican plants 210 Irrigated oi-ange orchards, note 214 Isote, notes on fiber 241 Itch, Mexican remedies 228,229 Ixtle fiber, export 244 method of cleaning at Mate- hnala 248 statement of Mr. Nelson 243 Mexican terminology 244 Ipazote del zorillo, use as medicine 228 J. Jabo, Cuban name of plum, note 220 Jalisco, notes 220,246 table-lands, abundance of Zinnia, or yerba de torro 231 "Jamaica," observations 224 Jatropha cur cas Jj-tVaedicmal use 229 notes on use for hedge fence 253 platyphylla Muell., note on use for hedge 254 spathulata oceidentalis, note on use for dye and tanning 238 Jaumave, ixtle fiber 243 Valley, agave 242 specimens 243 " Javilla," note 257 K. Kartoinskia humboldtiana Zucc, medicinal use 229 L. La Noria, specimens of Turnera, or dami- ana 230 La Paz, observations on almendra 221 specimens of medicinal aloe 228 Labiatae, medicinal use 230 Layenaria sp., notes on uses 259 Page. "L'aguapan," note 257 Lantana sp., medicinal use 230 Lauraceae, medicinal use 228 observations 215, 226 Laurel as seasoning, observations 226 use for flavoring 228 Lechuguilla, medicinal use 231 Leguminosae, medicinal use 228 observations 216, 235, 237 Lemons and oranges, note on growing in Mexico 214 Lengua de cervo, use for cure of itch 228 Leucaena sp., medicinal use 229 Licania arborea Seem., observations on use for soap •. 235 Liliaceae, observations 228,232 Limes, note 214 Lippia berlandieri Schauer, note 227 palmeri spicata, note 227 purpurea Jncq., note 227 spp., observations 226 Litsea glaucescens H. B. K. var., medicinal use 228 Loetelia coccinea Don, medicinal use 230 Logwood, notes on identity of plant 238 Lophophora williamsii, note 257 Lower California, note on use of Stegnos- perma for soap 234 Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem., notes on fiber. . 251 Lumholtz, Carl, statements aa to drinks made from maguey 224 remarks regarding Mexi- canTndians 258 Lung trouble, use of Crescentia alata, or tecomate 259 Lysiloma Candida Brandegee, observations on use for tanning 238 M. Madrofio wood, note 256 Magnoliaceae, use as medicine 228 Maguey, discussion of uses; suggestion of study 223,224 lechuguilla, tapeinete, etc., obser- vations on fiber 242 Majorana, medicinal use 230 Malpighiaceae, observations 217 Malvaceae, medicinal use 230 notes on use for soap 235 broom 253 observations on fiber 250 Mamillaria senilis, note 258 Jlfan/reda spp., observations on use for soap. 233 vitality of rootstocks 234 Man ge, use of anona for relief 228 Mango, note 214 Manzanilla, note on soap plants 232 use for colic and nervousness . . 231 Manzanillo, note on pineapples 214 Margarita, medicinal use 229 Marrow, vegetable, note 215 Marrubium vulgar e, medicinal use 230 Matehuala, agaves ---- 242 method with ixtle fiber 248 Mats, notes on manufacture 240 Mazatlan, notes 213,217,220,230 Medical properties of Crescentia alata 259 Medicinal plants, discussion 227-231 Meliacea*, medicinal use 229 Melon zapote or papaya, note 214 Mescal, note on production from maguey.. 224 plants (and pulque), proposed study 210 use of Crescentia alata,OT tecomate. . 259 Mesosphaerum suaveoletis, note 225 Mexican almonds, observations 221 Government, preparation of treat- ise (on Mexican plants) 209 tunas, proposed introduction into subarid Southwest 210 Mexico, National Museum, note 219 Michoacan, note on broom plant 252 Midshipman's butter, note 215 "Mirasol, Chile," note 211 "Monkey's dinner bell," note 257 Monte Escobedo, vegetables on market 211 Mules and hor8es,U8e of Pipei, or hachogue, for colic 234 Museum, National, of Mexico, note 219 Myrtaceae, observations 221 Myrtus arayan, note 225 observations 221 N. Nanche, observations 217 National Museum (U.S.), listof flberplanta and fibers 248 of Mexico, note 219 Nelson, E. W., collections 242,245 notes 239, 243, 247, 248, 258 Neowashingtonia sonorae (Wats.) Rose., note on use for wood 255 Nervousness, use of nianzanilla 231 New York, receipts of chicle gum 222 Nicotiana rustica L., note on use 258 Nuts, notes 214 O. Oaks, note on use in tanning at Colima 238 Oilsfor soap making, listof Mc^sican plants. 237 Olives cooked with chicken, note 217 Opuntia spp., note on use for hedges 254 observations 220 Oranges and lemons, growing 214 Orchards, note 2i4 plum, notes on planting and care. 218 Oregano, observations 226 Organ Mountains, supply of yucca for soap making 233 P. Palm nut, markets ; description 214 "Palmaloca," note as to name 243 observations on fiber 241 Palmaceae, note 214 observations on use for fiber 239 soap ... 232 Palmer, Dr. E. , collection of specimens 225, 234, 235, 239 statements 221, 226, 231, 247, 253, 254, 255 Palo bianco, observations on use for tanning 238 Pamita, observations 225 Papa, observations 227 Papagos Indians, brushes 253 Papaya, note 214 Patol, note 213 Peaches and apples on Mexican markets. . . 214 Pedaliaceae, notes on use for soap 236 "Pe])ita," note 257 Peppers, Mexican red, suggestion of intro- duction into United States 210 red, use with cheese 226 " Pequin," description 211 Perijil,note 226 Persea (^raWsMma Gaertn., observations . 215,257 Phaseolus spp., notes on forms and colors and uses 212,213 Phynalis spp. note 212 Phytolaccaceae, observations on use for soap 234 Pineapples at Manzanillo, note 214 Piper palmeri, note on edibility of fruit 234 observations on use for soap 234 Piqueria trinervia Cav. ?, medicinal use 231 Piperaceae, observations on use for soap. .. 234 Pi taya, observations 220 Pithecoctenium sp., medicinal use 231 Pithecolobium dulce Benth., cultivation, fruitage, aud use 215 ligusticifolium, note 217 Plants, names of towns 257 Plateado, specimens 230, 231, 241 Plum, Mexican, observations 217 Plums, descriptions of five forms 219 Mexican, growing, marketing, and use 218 suggestion of introduc- tion into UnitedStates. 210 Polemoniaceae, medicinal use 230 PolypoiKuinlanceolatuinli., cure of itch.... 228 Potato, sweet. (See Sweet potato.) use as flavoring plant 227 wild, note on collection of speci- mens 227 Prochnyanthes viridescens "Wats., observa- tions 234 Psidiumguava, description and use of fruit. 221 note 221 spp., observations 221 Puebla,note on broom plant 252 Pulque and mescal plants, proposed study. 210 notes on production from maguey.. 223 Pwro eedllia, note on use of wood 256 Q- " Quahtlatlatzin, " note 257 Queretaro, note on broom plant 252 R. Kain coats, note on manufacture from palm leaves 240 "Raiz," note on use 252 Randiaap., note on use of wood 256 Red peppers, Mexican, suggestion of intro- duction into United States. 210 VI Page. Red peppers, nse •with clieese 226 Kefugium Botaniouni, note 243 Rhamnaceae, medicinal use 229 notes on use for soap 235 Rheumatism, Marrubium, or marrubio, for relief 230 use of Covilloa, or goberna- dora 229 Sidnus eomrmmis L., observations on use of oil for soap making 235 Roofs, note on thatch 256 Rosaceae, observations 216, 235 Rosapara, note on superstition 258 Rosario, notes 214,221,236 Rutaceae, observations 217 S. Sabal ap. nov., note on use in building 240 "Sablier,"uote 257 Saddle sweaters, manufacture 239 Salix sp., note on use for shoe lasts 255 Saltillo, market for agave for soap making. 233 Salvia spp., observations 225 San Luis Potosi, ixtle fiber 243 '•Sand box tree," note 257 Sangre grade, medicinal use 229 note on use for hedge 253,254 •'Santa Maria," identity with Tagetes or yerba nil 231 Sapota elongata, note 2)5 Sapotaceae, observations 222 Savila, use as medicine 228 Scorpion bite, Magnolia (corpus) for relief.. 228 use of Tagetes or yerba nil... 231 Seasoning and flavoring plants, discussion. 226 Seeman, note on use of Oicscentia alata. . . . 259 Semjlla de gicaura, note 213 Sesame, use in making drink 220 Sesamum indicum L. note 236 notes on use for soap. 236 Shoe lasts, note on wood 255 pegs, note 250 Sierra Madre Indians, characteristics 209 notes 214,234,246,255 specimens of wild potato 227 Sinaloa, notes 246,247,257 Sisal hemp, note on confusion of botanical names 239 Sisymbrium caneseens Nutt., observations . 225 Skin diseases and sores, use of Hieracium, or lechuguilla 231 Skunk ipazote, use as a medicine 228 Soap plants, discussion 231-237 of Mexico.list 230 use of Enterolobium (huinecastle) ... 228 Soda water, kind, production from chila- cayote 223 "Soft" drink, array an 225 Solanaceae, medicinal use 230 observations 227 Solatium tuberosum, observations 227 "Soliman,"note 257 Sonoran Railroad, note 255 Sonorita, use for women inchildbirth 280 Sores and skin diseases, use of Hieracium, or lechuguilla 23, swellings, Mexican remedies.... 22'. Sotol, observations 22; Southwestern States, suggestions of new industries 209, 210 Spinning, description of method with Mex- ican fiber 249^ methods in Mexico 249, 25i Specimens, list in addition to herbarium material 218 Spondias spp. observations 217,218,219,22.' Stegnoepertna halimifoiia Benth., observa- tions on use for soap 234 Stomach and cheat. Piper or hachogue for pains 234 inflammation, Anoda, or altea, for relief 230 pains, use of Turnera, or damiana, for relief 230 Zinnia or yerba de torro for relief 231 Sugar.cane, source of distilled drink aguard- iente 224 Superstition regarding plants, notes 258 Sweet potatoes, use and marketing 227 Swellings and sores, Mexican remedies 229 Swietenia humilis ( ?) Zucc, medicinal use. . 229 Tabaco de macuchi, note on use 258 Tabardillo, medicinal use 231 Tagetes lucida Cav ., medicinal use 231 notes on uses 256 '.'Tallador," use wih ixtle fiber 248 Tamarindus indica L., ob.servations 225, 257 Tamaulipas, agaves 212 Tampico hemp, imports 244 industry, suggestion for development in South- west 210 Ixtle fiber 243 Tanning and dye plants, discussion 237 Tanning, use of Enterolobium (huinecastle) . 228 Tapemete, notes on fiber 246 Tapesco, palm leaves for hat making 239 Tarahumaris (Indians), notes on supersti- tions 258 Tecomate, note on uses and appearance. . 258, 259 "Tehuino," note 225 Tejocote, observations • 216 Tepahuaje, use for gums 229 Tepic, notes 226,245,258 Tequila, note on production from maguey. . 224 Terminalia catappa, observations 221 "Tetereta," note 257 Texas, suggestion of introduction of Tam- pico-hemj) industry 210 Thread, methods of making in Mexico 250 Thorns, use as ornaments 257 Tomales, use of pitahayas 221 "Tomatoes,'' use 212 " Tortillas," manner of making and eating. 210 Towns, named from plants 257 VII ila, ixtle fiber 243 nas, Mexican, introduction into subarid parts of Southwest, proposed 209 notes on kinds 220 irnera humifusa (Presl) Endllch., medici- nal use 230 Furneraceae, medicinal use 230 Twine, methods of making in Mexico 249, 250 r;'phoid fever, use of Piqueria or tabar- dillo 231 U. ITmbelliferae, observations 226 TJrbina, Dr. Manuel, note on paper on soap plants 236 Uvalama, description ; fruit 223 V. Vegetable butter or marrow, note 215 tallow, note on making at Aca- pulco 235 Vegetables and cereals, investigations 210-214 Mexican, suggestion of introduc- tion and testing in United States 210 Venereal diseases, Mexican remedies 228 Verbeuaceae, medicinal use 230 observations 223-226 Yerbesina pinnatiflda Cav., note on use as fence plant : 255 Vinegar, production from chUacayote 223 Page. Yitellaria mammosa (L.) Radlk., note 222 Vitex mollis H. B. £., observations 223 W. Walama, description ; fruit 223 Washington, D. C, proposed collection of agaves at Botanic Garden 210 Water vessels, notes 259 Watson, remark on Orescentia alata 259 Wheat bread and cakes in Mexico, note 210 Wood, plants, discussion 255 Y. Verba de torro, medicinal use 231 de coyote, de golondrina, del cancer, medicinr.1 use 229 nU, medicinal use 231 Yucca iaccata Torr., observations on use for soap 232 fiUfera Chabaud, observations on fiber 241 treculeana ( 1) Carr., notes on fiber 241 Z. Zapote amarillo, observations . 216 bianco, note 217 chico, observations 222 melon, note 214 prieto, "zapote negro, ' ' observations . 223 Zacatecas, notes 211,220,226,234 Zinnea linearis, notes on uses 231, 256 Zizyphus mexicana Rose, notes on use for soap 235 Zygophyllaceae, medicinal use 229 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDE7tD313bfl if- ■M ^^^m»