Class Book .VV^?- SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT 1 \ ' THE TRAYELLER'S^^ AND Lffif\, TOUMST'S GUIDE THROUGH THE . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ^ , \ CANADA, ETC. " ^ ' ^ CONTAINING HE ROUTES OF TRAVEL BY RAILROAD, TOGETHER WITH .PTIONS OF, AND ROUTES TO, THE PRINCIPAL PLACES 'ASHIONABLE ANi^ HEALTHFUL RESORT ; WITH OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. y^MPANEED BY AN ENTIRELY NEW AND AUTHENTIC l^sp oC tJie mnitetr states, INCLUDING CALIFORNIA, OREGONj ETC., AND A MAP OF THE ISLAND OF CUBA. BY W. WILLIAMS. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, ORAMBO & CO 7 MDCCCLI. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by W. WILLIAMS, ^ [ in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United) for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ! — __^ — \ STEREOTYPED BT J. FAGAX. PRrNTED BY T. K. & P. G. t %* For Index, see latter part of the work, pages 209r TO THE PUBLIC. In the preparation of the " Traveller's and Tourist's Goide," neither pains nor expense have been spared to make it a work of the highest usefulness; and, it is believed that; upon careful examination, it will commend itself to an enlightened public. In the arrangement of the Routes, an entirely new plan has been adopted, which, it is con- fidently believed, will be found far more convenient than the, old me- thod. The Routes are here given as they diverge from the principal cities and towns in the Union ; thus, for example : " Routes from New York," " Routes from Philadelphia," &c. It will be seen that Explana- tory Notes are attached to many of the Routes, which the traveller should by no means overlook ; as, by attending to these, and consulting the Map attached to the work, he will frequently be saved both expense and inconvenience. One new feature in our book, particularly, we must call attention to : instead of giving a repetition of each route, we have used the same both for going and returning, by the introduction of an extra column of figures, with the necessary directions, at the head and foot of each Route. This will be found an important invention, as it not only fur- nishes greater convenience, but enables the traveller to see at a glance the distance of places from each starting-point ; and, by saving much room, permits us to extend our information very materially. The names of the more prominent places on the routes, are put in a conspi- cuous type, so that the eye shall detect them without difiiculty. Among the valuable features of the work are Tables, showing at a glance, the Distance, Fare, and Time occupied in travelling from the principal Cities to the most important places in the Union ; so that the question frequently asked, without obtaining a satisfactory reply, is here answered in full. Other tables show the distances from New York, &c., to Domestic and Foreign Ports, by Sea ; and also, by way of com- parison, from New York and Liverpool to the principal ports beyond and around Cape Horn, &c., as well as via the Isthmus of Panama. (iii) TO THE PUBLIC. It not unfrequently happens that strangers in a large city, from which numerous railroads proceed, are at a loss to know which route to take in order to reach a certain point. To obviate this difficulty, we have given, at the commencement of routes from the chief cities, the names and depots of the principal railroads diverging therefrom, with the most important towns to which they lead. Immediately following, we have placed the law regulating the Hackney Coach and Carriage Fares in the great cities, which, we hope, will serve as a safeguard to strangers against the impositions frequently practised upon them by the drivers of those conveyances. After the Routes from the United States to California, Oregon, &c. will be found descriptions of the places of fashionable and healthful resort, with the Routes leading to them. This is intended especially for Tourists, and those seeking recreation during the summer months, and will be found to assist, perhaps, in determining parties, who have not previously made up their minds, which places to visit. Under the heading, " General Information," is a variety of useful matter, such as sailing of steamships, and other vessels, value of coins, population, &;c. The Map of the United States, which accompanies the work, will be found replete with information ; and the engraving is particularly clear and distinct, a circumstance that will much enhance its value. Every attention will be paid to keeping the work up to a standard of usefulness, as we intend giving it a thorough revision, previous to the printing of each and every edition. This is rendered necessary by the continual opening of new routes of travel, old ones being thus dis- placed. Should any slight inaccuracies in the present volume be de- tected, the public may rest assured that they will be only temporary ; for, as soon as discovered, they shall be rectified. Travellers will confer a great favour upon the author, by forwarding to him, under cover to the publishers, any information they may obtain from personal observation. Railroad companies also will receive our thanks, and benefit their respective routes, by sending us the latest in- formation relative to their several lines, which shall be early attended to. THE TRAVELLER'S AND TOURIST'S GUIDE. ROUTES FROM BOSTON. The traveller mil refer to each of the following routes respectively, as may be required. EASTERN RAILROAD, Depot Commercial Street— Ijeading to Lynn, Salem, Lawrence, Lowell, Gloucester, Newburyport, Portsmouth, Fort- land, Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Eastport, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, &c. &;c. At Portland it connects with the Mlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad, Androscoggin and Kennebec, and Kennebec and Port- land Railroads. See page 8. ' BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, Depot in Haymarket Square.— This road connects with the PortsmoiUh, Saco, and Portland Railroad, ar. South Berwick, in the State of Maine, uniting here with the foregoing route : it, therefore, leads the traveller to the same pl»s, see Index. A steamboat leaves Central Wharf, Boston, for Portland, Me. Fare about SI 00. From Boston, to Bath, Gardiner, and Ballowell. Fare to Bath §1 00. To the two latter places §1 50 each. A steamer runs from Hallowell to Waterville. From Boston to Bangor, stopping at Thomaston, Camden, and Belfast, &;c. Fare to the two ''former places $-2 00 ; to Belfast §2 50 ; and to Bangor S3 00. Passengers by takin? the cars of the Eastern Railroad or those of the Boston and Maine Railroad for Portland, may leave the latter place by steamboat for Bangor and intermediate landing, and from Bangor may return direct to Boston. A steamer runs from Eastern steamboat wharf, Boston, every MoR day, at 11 o'clock, for Eastport, Me., direct ; and every Thursday, at 11 o'clock, for Eastport, touching at Portland, Me. From Eastport, another steamer will convey passengers to St. John, JV". B., and also to St. Jln- drews, M B., and Calais, Me. Fare from Boston to Eastport $5 00. From Boston to St. John S7 00. From Portland to Eastport $4 50, and from Portland to St. John S6 00. These are cabin fares. Steamboats run from Boston to JsTahant, and, also, to Hingham, &c. N. B. For the places of fashionable and healtliful resort, see index. CARRIAGE FARES IN BOSTON The rates of fare in the City of Boston, to be taken by or paid to the owner or driver of any licensed carriage, are as follows : For carrying a passenger from one place to another, within the city proper, 25 cents. For children between three and twelve years of age, if more than one, or if accompanied by an adult, half price only is charged for each child ; and for children under three years of age, when accompanied by tiieir parents, or any adult, no charge is made. Every driver or owner of any licensed carriage, is obliged to carry with each passenger one trunk, and a valise, saddie-bae, carpet-bag, portmanteau, box, bundle, basket, or other article used in travelling, if he be required so to do, without charge or compensation therefor ; but for every such trunk or other such article above named more than two, he is entitled to demand and receive the sum of ^t-e cents. ROUTES FROM BOSTON. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCES, FARES, &c. FROM BOSTON TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following will show at a glance the distance, expense, and time occupied, in travelling from Boston to the most prominent points in tlie Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares when travelling in steamboats, upon Lakes or Rivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case tlie fares vary. Those, given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. Similar information will be found at the end of many of the routes, vvhich will be both useful and convenient. The time given is that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller must determine for himself The distances are given by the shortest routes. From BOSTON to Albanv "Buffalo '• " " Cincinnati ) via Sandusky city \ "" " " "Detroit " " " Chicago •• " " St. Paul, Min. Ter " " " St. Louis ) via Chicago \ " " " New Orleans via Chicago " " " New York . . " " "Philadelphia " " "Baltimore " " " Washington " " " Charleston, S. C. . " " " Savannah, Geo. .. '* " " Montgomery, Ala " " "Mobile, Ala " " " New Orleans " " " Pittsburg via } Philadelphia f ' * " " " Pittsburg via i Baltimore \ " " " " Cincinnati via ) the Ohio River \ " " " New Orleans via the Ohio and Mississippi Rs. " " " St. Louis via the Ohio ^nd Mississippi Rs, \ ' " " " Montreal, Can " " "Nashville, Tenn., via Cincinnati Miles. Time in liours. 200 10 ' 525 28 993 58 855 51 1073 63 1595 155 1490 123 2691 267 236 10 423 15 520 21 560 24 1018 66 1143 76 1535 104 1732 144 1898 162 806 61 736 •55 1283 96 2831 288 1980 156 337 20 1244 90 Fares. S 5 00 14 75 24 75 19 75 26 00 40 00 36 00 50 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 11 80 30 00 34 00 50 00 60 09 65 00 18 00 21 00 23 00 35 00 33 00 9 25 37 25 BOSTON TO PORTLAND. Miles from Port- land. 105 104; 101 9ti 94 91 89 85 80 76 71 69 65 63 61 58 56 51 45 37 33 23 22 15 13 6 BOSTON TO PORT LAND. Eastern Railroad. BOSTOJNT to E. Boston (by ferry). iVortli Ciialsea Lynn Suaiiiscot *Salem tBeveily Weiiliain Ipswich Rowley INewbitryport . . . !$East Salisbury. . . . |Seal)ro()k, (N. H.)-- Hain[)toii Falls Hampton iNorlh Hampton Greenland KPORTSMOUTH Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth R. R. Elliot, (Me.) UBeiwick Junction North Berwick .... Wells Kennebnnk Biddeford Saco Scarboronsrh to.... PORTLAND Miles from place ^:,T;PORTLAND TO BOS- !aud. ! TON. [Read up.) Miles from 4 9 11 14 16 20 25 29 34 36 40 42 44 47 49 54 60 68 72. 77 83 90 92 99 105 From Bos- ton. Through fare $2. Time 5 hours. * Marblehead Branch runs to Marblehead, 4 miles from Salem. Essex Railroad runs to Lawrence, connecting with Lowell, Manches- ter, Sec. * t GLOL'CESTrti Branch Railroad diverges here ; to Manchester, 9 ; Gloucester, 14 miles. Fare 45 cts. From Boston to G. 30 miles. Fare 90 cents. This road affords a direct route to Cape .Bnn. I The Newburyport Railroad runs to Georgetown, Mass. ,10 miles. Fare 25 cts. From the latter place stages run to JV*. .ffndover, Haver- hill, and Bradford, connecting with trains for Lowell, Concord, JV*. H., &c. § Salisbury Branch Railroad runs to Salisbury Mills, 3 miles. II Portsmouth and Concord Rail' road (iivergies here. IT The Boston and Maine Railroad connects here. From Law- rence. SALEM TO LAW- RENCE. Place to Place. 2 3 5 8 2 1 Place to Place. From Sa- lem. 21 19 16 11 SALEM to So;ith Danvers IVorth Danvers. . . . Middleton 2 5 10 3 1 North Andover Sutton's iNIills to. . ^LAWRENCE.... 18 20 21 ^^rl LAWRENCE TO SA- rence.| LEM. [Jiead up.) lem. * Connects here with the Lowell and Lawrence Railroad, the Boston and Maine Railroad, and the Man- chester and Lawrence Railroad. From Low 24 19 14 SALEM TO LOWELL. SALEM to .... South Danvers. West Danvers. . North Reading . Wilininsrton ... Tewksbury to. . LOWELL LOWELL TO SALEM, n.^"- (Read up.) Place 19 9 From Sa- lem. BOSTON TO SALEM. Boston and Maine R BOSTON South Reading Tieading Branch to South Danvers to. SALEM SALEM TO BOSTON. {Read up.) From Sa- lem. 5 10 16 18 22 24 From Sa- lem. From Bos- ton. 10 Place From to Bos- Place, ton. BOSTON TO PORTLAND. *The South Reading Branch Rail road forms a new route between Boston and Salem. It is, however, 4 miles farther than the one via the Eastern Railroad. From Port- laud. IJT 109 IOC 104 103 102 101 99 96 90 88 85 83 79 78 73 70 66 61 57 54 49 43 40 39 38 33 28 22 15 13 6 BOSTON TO PORT- LAND. PORTLAND From Port- land. Boston 8^ Maine R.R. BOSTON to Sonierville *Malden Melrose Stoneham Greenwood South Reading. .. . Reading Wilmington Ballardvale Andover fLAWRENCE JUNC. . North Andover Bradford Hayerhill Plaistow, N. H. ... Newton East Kingston Exeter South Newmarket. tNewmarket Durliam §Dover IjSomersworth Salmon Falls S. Berwick Junc. Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth R. R. North Berwick Wells Kennebunk .... Biddeford Saco Scarborough to PORTLAND TO BOS' TON. . (Read up.) 2 5 7 8 9 10 12 15 2] 23 26 28 32 33 38 41 45 50 54 57 62 68 71 72 73 78 83 89 96 98 105 111 Place From to Bos- Place, ton. Through fare $2. Time 5 hours. * Medford Branch Railroad ex- tends to the centre of the town of ' Medford, distance 5^ miles from Boston. Fare 15 cents. t Intersects here with the Lowell and Lawrence Railroad, and Man- chester and Lawrence Railroad. — Persons going to central N. Hamp- shire and Vermont, or the north- ern part of Massachusetts, may do so by taking the above routes. See Index for these roads respec- tively. X The Portsmouth and Concord Railroad intersects here. § The Cocheco Railroad connects with the Boston and Maine Rail- road at this place. II The Great Falls Branch Rail- road unites here with tlie Boston and Maine Railroad. Frnm Farm- ing- ton. DOVER TO FARM- INGTON. Place to Place. 8 2 4 4 From Do- ver. 18 10 Cocheco Railroad.* rDOVER to Gonic 8 8 Rochester 10 4 Walker's to FARMINGTON . 14 18 From Farm- ing- ton. FARMINGTON TO DOVER. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Do- ver. * This road is being constructed via Alton, to connect with the Bos- ton, Concord and Montreal Railroad, at Meredith. Stages leave Farmington for Middleton, Wolfboro\ Tvftonboro\ Moultonboro\ Sandwich, Gilmanton Iron Works, Gilmanton Corner, Gil- ford, and Meredith, every other day from Tuesday ; for jllton Bay, Gil- ford, and Meredith, every other day from Monday. Also, from Roches- ter, for Milton, Wakefield, Ossipee, and Conway daily. t At Dover this road connects with the Boston and Maine Rail- road. 10 GREAT FALLS TO CONWAY, N. H. Fromj Con- I GREAT FALLS TO U,,,, CONWAY. N.H. ! to __\Gt. Falls Sc Conway I Railroad. 65 IG-REAT FALLS to 59 jRochester I By sta^e tx> 51 Chesnut Hill .... 49 (Milton 42 Union 37 Wakefield Ossipee Centre Ossipee . . West Ossipee. .. . Eaton to CONWAY 8 14 2 16 7 23 5 28 10 38 5 43 6 49 9 58 7 65 j:"",CONWAYTOGREATi^',r ^": FALLS. [Read up.Mriace. From Great Falls. From Great Falls. This road is a continuation of the Great Falls Bianch Railroad, uniting with the Boston and Maine Railroad at Somersworth. It is open to Rochester, 6 miles from Great Falls and 9 miles from So- mersworth. It is designed to con- tinue this road through ^Milton, Wakefield. Effingham, and Eaton, to Conway, JV. H. I PORTSMOUTH TO |;;'!'| CONCORD. mond. I ' ~~Z {Portsmouth and Con- I cord Railroad. 23 PORTSMOUTH to 19 Greenland 15 Stratham 13 Newmarket 6 lEpping to *Raymond Candia [Manchester June . jHookset 'Allenstown jPeinhroke to CONCORD From Ports- m'th. 4 8 10 17 23 CONCORD foPORTS-- From[ MOUTH. r^rZM mond.l {Read up.) Ipiace.i n'th. *This road is now being con- structed from its present terminus, to Concord, at wfcich place it will connect with the J\i''orthcrn and the Vermont Central Railroad; and, alsOi with the Boston, Concord, and Montreal, and the J^ashua and Con- cord Railroads. At Portsmouth it connects with the Eastern Railroad; and, also, the Portsmouth, Saco, and Portland Railroads. At Newmarket it intersects the Boston and Jilaine Railroad, over which passengers may go to Exeter, East Kingston, Plaistoic. Haverhill, Jilass., Lawrence, Lowell Boston.&c. and to places north and east of Newmarket. From Gor- Uam. PORTLAND TO GOR- HAM. N. H., AND MONTREAL, CAt^. 95 90 86 84 83 80 76 73 71 68 63 59 55 50 48 40 33 27 20 18 15 9 5 .Atlantic and St. Lawrence R. R. PORTLAND to.. Falmouth Cumberland Yarmouth ^Yarmouth June. \. Yarmouth Webber's New Gloucester. . Cobb's Bridge [■Danville June. .. Empire Road JMechanics Falls Oxford North Oxford South Paris iNorth Paris. ...... I Bryant's Pond Lock's Mills iBethel I West Bethel Gilead Shelburne, N. H.. . West Shelburne to &ORHAM From Port- iand. 5 9 11 12 15 19 22 24 27 32 36 40 45 47 55 62 68 75 77 80 86 90 95 The route to Canada is at pre- sent continued by .stage, to St. Hy- acinthe, the western terminus of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic R. R. This road is now in progress of PORTLAND TO MONTREAL, 11 construction towards the Canada Line, where il will unite with the Jitlantic and St. Lawrence R. R., 156 miles from Portland. Continuation of Route from Port- land to Montreal. 309 214 210 203 197 190 184 175 165 156 150 148 98 73 33 22 18 13 7 3 From Mou-J treal. By Stage from Portland to Gorham Randolph Kilkenny Jefferson Lancaster Northumberland . .. Stratford Columbia olebrook W. Stewartstown. . Canada Line Sherbrooke, C. E.. . Melbourne St. Hyacinthe. . . . St.Law S^Mlan. R.R. Soixante St. Hilaire Montartville Charons Longueuil Steamboat on the St. Lawrence to MONTREAL MONTREAL TO PORTLAND. {Read up.) 95 99 106 112 119 125 1.34 144 153 159 161 211 236 276 287 291 296 302 306 309 From Port- laud. * The Kennebec and Portland Railroad AWerges here. t The Androscoggin and Kenne- bec Railroad diverges here, and runs to Waterville. X The BucKFiELD Branch Rail- road diverges here. Route — to West Minot, 4 miles; Sovth Hebron, 7; East Hebron, Q] Buckfield, 13. Fare, 40 cents. Stages run from Buckfield to Turner's, Dixfield, Livermore, East Livermore, Jaxj, and also to other places in the vicinity. Note.— The Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad is now under contract as far as the Canada Line, at which place it will meet the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad running from Montreal. Tliisroad, on its completion, will form an im- portant thoroughfare; connecting, as it will, the Atlantic Ocean with the St. Lawrence River. From Do- ver. PORTLAND, ME., TO *DOVER, N. H. Place 10 I'hu-e. From Pon- land. York and Cumber- land R. R. PORTLAND to... Westbrook HoUis Waterborough Layman Alfred N. Berwick.. Berwick Salmon Falls to. . . Boston and Maine Railroad. DOVER From Do- ver. DOVER TO PORT- LAND. (Read up.) Place to Place. From Port- land. * This route is not yet opened for travel. From Con- way. From Con- way. • PORTLAND TO CON- WAY, N.H. Stage. PORTLAND to . . . Sacarappa Gorham West Gorham Standish East Baldwin West Baldwin Hiram Brownfield Fryeburgh Centre Conway to. -*OONWAY CONWAY TO PORT- LAND. (Read up.) Place to Place. From Port- land. 6 10 13 17 25 31 34 40 48 52 56 From Port- land. 12 CONWAY TO LITTLETON, N. H, * For routes to the White Moun- tains, see Index. From Little- ton. 54 51 48 42 30 24 22 18 5 From Little- ton. CONWAY TO LIT TLETON, N. H. CONWAY to ... . Xorth Conway . . . Lower Bartlett. .. Bartlett Mt. Crawford House Willey House Notch House c Fabyan's Mount ? i Washington Ho. J Bethlehem to LITTLETON .... From Mere- dith ViU. LITTLETON TO CON- ^^^^ WAY. (Read up.) puce. From Con- way, 3 6 12 24 30 32 36 49 54 From Con- CONWAYTO MERE- DITH VILLAGE, N.H. 34 CONWAY to. 27 Eaton Taniworth . .. . S. Tamworth . Sandwich Moultonboro' .. Centre Harbor MEREDITH VIL l^om MEREDITH VILLAGE dXi TO CONWAY. '^''"- I {Read up.) From Con- way. 7 13 16 23 25 30 34 Place I From to 1 Con- Place, t way. From Meredith Village, persons may go to Concord, by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, and from thence to Lowell, Boston, and other places. From Wa- ter- ford. PORTLAND TO WA- TERFORD. OXFORD COUNTY, ME. Place to Place. 6 4 4 3 5 From Port- land. 48 42 38 3-1 PORTLAND to... Sacarappa. . .- South Windham. .. Windham 6 10 14 31 26 North Windham. . . Raymond 17 22 18 10 7 1 Naples Bridgeton North Bridgeton. South Waterford WATERFORD- WATERFORD TO PORTLAND. {Read up.) 82 77 73 71 70 67 63 60 58 55 50 49 41 38 35 29 23 15 7 From Wa- PORTLAND, ME., TOipiaoe WATERVILLE AND L/,°^ BANGOR. Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad and staiTC. PORTLAND to... Falmouth Cumberland Yarmouth Yarmouth June. .. Atlantic and St. Law- rence Railroad. N. Yarmouth Webber's New Gloucester . .. Cobb's Bridge Danville Junction. Androscoggin and Kennebec R. R. Auburn Lewiston Greene Leeds Monmouth WlXTHROP Readfield Belgrade We'st Waterville to *WATERVILLE . WATERVILLE TO PORTLAND. {Read up.) Fare from Portland, $2 25. Time, 4^ hours. * Stages leave Waterville for Ban- gor, on the arrival of each train ; passengers having through tickels from either Boston or Lawrence, have a check given them in the cars, which on the payment of PORTLAND TO AUGUSTA, ME. 13 $1 50 extra, entitles them to a pas- sage to Baagfor in the first convey- ance from Waterville, thus making the through fare from Boston to Bangor $4 50. Through tickets are sold in Bos- ton at the Depots of the Eastern R. R., and the Boston and Maine; and, also, at Lawrence, to the fol- lowing stations on the road, viz. to Monmouth, TVinthrop, and Readfield, at $2 50; to Belgrade, at $2 75 ; to Waterville, at $3 00. Passengers going to Halloioell and Augusta, can purchase a through ticket to Winthrop (10 miles) for $2 50, and in the cars before arriving at Win- throp, a check will be given them to carry them by stage to those towns without additional charge. At Winthrop stages leave for Dixfield, and other places in this vicinity, connecting with the morn- ing train. Stages leave Lewiston, for Turn- er's, JVortli Livermore, Peru, and Dixfield. Leave Readfield, for Mt- Vernon, Vienna, Farmington, Phillips, and JVeiD Portland; for the above places, stages connect with each train.— On every other day from Tuesday, stages connect at Readfield with morning train only, for KenVs Hill, Fayette, Livermore Falls, Jay, Ches- terville, East Wilton, and Wilton. Stages leave Belgrade, for Chan- dler's Mills, Rome, JSTcic Sharon, Mercer, Stark, Industry, JSTew Vine- yard, and J^Tew Portland. Stages leave Waterville, for Solon Jinson, J^orridgewock, and Skow- hegan. Stages run in connection with the cars from Waterville to Belfast. via Vassalboro\ and China. 39 34 30 21 6 From Au- gusta. Yarmouth | 2 Yarmouth June Kennebec and. Port- land Railroad. Freeport Merriman's Road. . *Brunswick Stage. Bowdoinham Gardiner Hallowell to AUGUSTA AUGUSTA TO PORT- LAND, {Read up.) Place to Place. 11 12 17 22 26 35 50 54 56 From Port- land. 56 51 47 PORTLAND TO AU- GUSTA, ME. Mlantic and St. Law- rence Railroad. PORTLAND to. Falmouth Cumberland .... 2 Place From to Port- Place. land. 5 5 4 9 * Branch Railroad to Bath di- verges here. Passengers for Winthrop will pur- chase a through ticket to Augusta, and can then obtain a check in the cars to convey them to Winthrop for the same as to Augusta. Fare to and from Boston or Lawrence to Gardiner, Hallowell, or Augusta, S2 50. From (lue- bec. 235 226 217 213 203 201 196 188 184 179 176 171 159 153 144 125 115 95 69 61 45 33 From aue- bee. AUGUSTA AND WA- TERVILLE, ME,, TO QUEBEC, CAN, AUGUSTA to ... . Sidney Waterville Fairfield Bloonifield Skowhegan NORRIDGEWOCK . . . Madison Anson Embden Solon Bingham Moscow Carritunk The Forks Jackman's Moose River State Line St. Charles,(Can.E.) St. Francis St. Joseph St. Mary to QUEBEO QUEBEC TO AUGUS- 7„" TA, ME. (iiea<^ WP-) Place. 9 18 22 32 34 39 47 51 56 59 64 76 82 91 110 120 140 ]66 174 190 202 235 14 AUGUSTA TO BANGOR. From Augusta to Portland, see page 13. FromiAUGUSTA TO BAN ^r GOR. C8 57 .33 47 42 34 29 25 17 6 By Stage. AUG-USTA^to... Vassal bofo' East Vassalboro' Cliina Albion Unity Troy Dixmont Ivewb'.irg Hampden to 3ANS-0R Fr-;™ BANGOR TO AUGUS- TA. [P-ead up.) From Ban- gor. 144 133 135 133 132 127 122 118 114 109 lOij 98 93 88 8i5 78 71 65 61 59 52 45 PORTLAND TO BEL- p,^„ FAST AND BANGOR VIA BATH, ]1 11 4 15 6 21 5 26 8 34 5 39 4 43 8 51 11 62 6 68 Atlantic and St. Law- rence Railroad. PORTLAND to... Falmoutli Oiiinberiand Yarmouth Yarmouth June. .. Kennebec and Port land Railroad. Freeport Merri man's Road. Brcnswick Harding's iiATH By Stage. Woolwich Wiscasset Sheepscot Branch, iVew Castle Nobleboro' , Waldoboro' Warren Thom.vston ...--•. East Thomaston... West Camden Camden Lincolnville From Port- laud. 5 5 4 9 2 1] 1 13 17 22 26 30 35 38 46 51 56 5S 66 73 79 83 85 92 99 From Bel- fast From Wil. 48 39 36 28 22 14 45 36 29 19 12 6 2 From Wil- liams- burg. Northport Uelfast Swanville ■Vorth Searsport Frankfort Mills Frankfort North Frankfort Hampden to. .. . BANG-OR BANGOR AND BEL- FAST to PORTLAND. {Read up.) BANGOR TO WIL LIAMS8URG AND BROWNSVILLE, PIS- CATAQUIS CO., ME. BANG-OR to South Button Levant East Corinth Charleston Atkinson Sebee Barnard Williamsburg .... Brownsville Or from Bangor to Button Kirkland Bradford Boydstown Milo Brownsville to... WILLIAMSB'RG- WILLIAMSBURG TO BANGOR. (Read up.) From Green- ville. 76 68 65 59 51 BANGOR TO GREE?J VILLE AND MOOSE HEAD LAKE. By Stage. BANGOR South Button Levant East Corinth West Charleston. . BANGOR TO CASTINE. 15 45 40 35 27 25 21 14 7 From Green ville. From Cas- line. 36 35 33 29 26 21 17 14 3 South Dover Dover East Sangerville . . Sanijerville Guilford Abbot Moiison Shirlev to r GREENVILLE ■J AND > ' Moosehead Lake ) From Cas- tine. From Houl- ton. 117 113 111 108 105 103 100 94 87 85 74 68 66 63 GREENVILLE TO BANGOR. (Read up.) BANGOR TO CAS- TINE. Bij Stage. BANGOR to.... Brewer Brewer Village. . Orrington outh Orringtou. North Bucksport. Bucksport Orland North Castine. .. OASTINB CASTINE TO BAN- GOR, (Read up.) BANGOR TO HOUL- TON, ME. Bangor and Piscata- quis Railroad. BANGOR to St'in-Mill Turnout. Half- Way Station . Upper Stillwater . . Old Town By Stage. Milfoni Sunkhaze Greenbusii Olanion Passaikunkeag South Lincoln Lincoln liincoln Centre. .. . North Lincoln 31 36 41 49 51 55 62 69 76 From Ban- gor. From Ban- gor. 1 3 7 10 15 19 23 33 36 4 6 9 12 14 17 23 30 32 43 49 51 54 From East- port. ]38 132 126 121 118 104 98 91 85 76 68 65 61 56 49 41 35 26 18 12 From F.ast- port Mattawainkeag . South Moluncas. Haynesville LinnEBus to HOULTON HOULTON TO BAN-'^'T GOR. (Read up.) }i'i='« BELFAST AND BAN- GOR TO EASTPORT, ME. By Stage. *BELFAST to ... . South Prospect Prospect Bucksport Orland Ellsworth Hancock Sullivan Goldsboro' Steuben Narraguagus Harrington East Harrington. . . Columbia Jonesboro' Machias East Machias Marion Dennysville Pembroke to EASTPORT EASTPORT TO BEL- FAST, ME. (Read up.) 6 12 17 20 34 40 47 53 62 70 73 77 82 89 97 103 112 120 126 13H *From Portland to Belfast, see page 14. Stages leave Bangor, daily, for Machias <{nd Eastport, connecting with the foregoing route at Ells- worth, 27 miles distant from Ban- gor. From Bangor to Machias, 90 miles; and from Bangor to East- port, 131 miles. From Machias through East Machias and Lulicc to Eastport, 34 miles. Steamboats run between East- port and Boston via Portland, and, also, St. John, N. B. Fare from Eastport to Boston, $5 00. From 16 NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. Eastport to St. John, $2 50. Pas- sengers for Calais, on arrival of the boat, take the steamer plying be- tween Eastport and Calais. Ferry-boats ply between Eastport and Pembroke, and Lubec, and the islands of Campo Bello. Deer, &c. From Eastport to Calais. — To Perry, 8 ; Robbinston, 9 ; Calais, 12 ; total, 29 miles. From Calais to Baring, 5 miles. ROUTES IN NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. From St. John, JV. B., there is a regular line (by steamboat) to East- port, J\Ic., CO miles, and from thence to Portland and Boston. Fare from St. John to Eastport, $2 50. Fare from Eastport to Portland, $4 50, and Boston, $5 00. Through fare from St. John to Portland,'"$5 00, and from St. John to Boston, ^7 00. (Cabin.) Steamers ply regularly on the St. John River, between the city of St. John and Fz-e^ZencA-^on, the capita I of the province, 90 miles, making the intermediate landings. Steamers of a less draught run from Frede- rickton. up the river to Woodstock, (dO miles, and occasionally as far up as Tobique and Grand Falls, tiie first 95, and the latter 125 miles, above Fredericktoii. When the depth of water permits it, a steamer runs from above the Grand Falls, to the Madawaska Settlement, about 40 miles distant. Stages leave Frederick ton for Magerville. Gasrctown,Jcmsivg, &c. Also, for Woodstock, and Houlton, aiul from thence to Bangor, and other places in the State of Maine. A daily line leaves for Canada, carrying the mails, passing the Ma- daicaska Settlements. S'afrc Lines leave Frederickton for Liverpool. M B: and also for Miramichi, Chat- ham. J\'eircastle, and other places on the Miramichi River and Bay. — From these, communication is ob- tained ^^•itil Prince Edward's Island. Stages run from Frederickton to St. Andrews, St. Sfepkcns, Calais, and Eastport, Me., and also to St. John, the principal port of the province. Stages run between SI. John and Halifax, JV. S., carrying the mails, round the Bend of Pettecodiac, through Dorchester, Westmoreland, and Truro. Also, from St. John to St. Jindrcws, St. Stephens, and Ca- lais, Me. A steamer leaves St. John for the principal places in the Bay of Fundy, and Windsor, N. S. Steamers, also, run from St. John to Digby and .Annapolis, M. S- — Stages connect with the steamers for Windsor, and from thence to Halifaz, and from the latter place to all parts of A'ova Scotia. BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA FITCHBURG AND THE RUTLAND RAILROAD. ll^ BOSTON TO FITCH- ^Jr burg BURG. 50 47 44 40 38 37 33 30 25 23 19 15 10 Fitcliburg R. R. BOSTON to *Somervilie fWest Cambridge. Waltham c. Stony Brook Weston Lincoln Concord J South Acton West Acton Littleton §Groton Shirley Lunenburg Leominster to. ! FITCHBURG- From Fiti'h- bur". FITCHBURG TO BOSTON. {Read up.) From Bos- ton. 3 6 10 12 13 17 20 25 27 31 35 40 42 46 50 From Bos- ton. Fare, §1 30. Time, about 2 hours. * Harvard Branch R. R. diverges here. From Boston to Cambridge, 3 miles. Fare, 15 cents. t The Watertown Branch R.R. and the Lexington and West Cambridge R. R. diverge from West Cam- FITCHBURG TO BELLOWS FALLS. 17 bridge. From Boston to Watertown, y miles. Fare, 25 cents. From Bos- ton to Lexington, 11 miles. Fare, 30 cents. X The Lancaster and Sterling Branch Railroad diverges from the Fitchburg Railroad, at South Ac- ton • it will connect with the Worce- ster and Nashua Railroad at Lan- caster. Cars a,re now running to Feltonville, 9 miles, or 34 miles from Boston. Fare, 95 cents. § From Oroton Junction, passen- gers may proceed to JVashua, Man- chester, and Concord, JV. H. Also, to Lowell, Lawrence, the eastern part of New Hampshire, and the State of Maine. They may, like- wise, proceed to Worcester and Springfield, Mass.; to all parts of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and also to the city of New York. ^bT fitchburg to BEl lows Falls. 65 63 60 54 50 46 43 37 32 28 22 14 10 4 LOWS FALLS. Vermont and Massa- chusetts Railroad. FITOHBURG- to.. West Fitchburg. . . . Westminster *S. Ashburnham. .. Cheshire Railroad. N. Ashburnham . . . Winchendon State Line Fitzwilliam, N. H.. Troy Marlboro' Keene E. Westmoreland. . Westmoreland Walpole to tBELLOWS F'LS From: BELLOWS FALLS TO fows FITCHBURG. Falls. I {Read up.) From Fitch- burg. 5 11 15 19 22 28 33 37 43 51 55 61 65 From Fitch- burg. Fare, $1 90. Time, 2 hours 45 minutes. * The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad leads to Greenfield, Mass., and to Brattleboro'. Vt., by another 2* road, the route is continued, along the west bank of the Connecticut, to Bellows Falls, uniting there with the Sullivan and the Rutland Rail- roads. t At Bellows Falls the Sullivan Railroad unites with the Cheshire and Rutland roads, forming a con- nection with the Passumpsic, the Vermont Central, and JV. H. Jforth- em Railroads. Stages leave Winchendon, for Rindge and Jaffrcy ; Fitzwilliam for Richmond, Winchester, Hinsdale, and Brattlehoro': from Keene for Chester and Brattlehoro' . Frore Bur- 120 114 110 lOo 102 97 95 92 85 77 70 67 58 50 44 39 33 26 21 15 11 6 BELLOWS FALLS TOl^'r BURLINGTON, VT. From Bur- ling- ton. Rutland Railroad. BELLOWS F'S to Rockingham Bartonville Chester Gassett's DiUtonsville Proctorsville [iUdlow Mount Holly Cuttingsville Clarendon *Rdtland Piltsford Brandon Whiting Salisbury MiDDLEBURY New Haven Vergeniie.s Ferrisburg Cliarlotte Shplburne to f BURLINGTON.. BURLINGTON TO BELLOWS FALLS. {Read up.) 6 10 14 18 23 25 28 35 43 50 53 62 70 76 81 87 94 99 105 109 114 120 From Bel- lows Falls. Fare, $3 60. Time, about 6 hours. Through fare, from Boston to Burlinjrton, 235 miles, i$6 00. Time, about 10 hours. *The Whitehall and Rutland 18 BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA CONCORD, R. R., 25 miles, unites here. By this connection, passengers may reach Buflfalo, NA^. via Saratoga Springs and Schenectady, or New York city, via Alhany. Passengers leaving Burlington about 3 in the morning, reach J^cic 3 orA:, via Bellows Falls. Springfield, New Haven, &c., in 20 hours; or via Fiichbiirg, Worcester, and Nor- wich, in about 25 hours. A steamer leaves Versrennes, daily, for JVestport, JV. Y. Passen- gers for any of the towns on the west side of Lake Champlain, can take this conveyance. ^ From Burlington to Montreal, see paire 20. BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA CONCORD. From Con- cord anil Low- ell,(ki- 76 75 73 71 68 m 61 57 55 50 48 46 43 30 35 34 28 25 21 17 BOSTON TO LOW- ELL. NASHUA AND CONCORD. Boston and Lowell Railroad. BOSTON to East Cambridge . . . Somerville .Bedford South Woburn ... Wobiirn Wihnington Bilierica&.Tewks'y Billerica Mills ■+ Lowell Lowell and J\rashua Railroad. Middlesex .... Chelmsford . . . Tvnssboro' . . . Little's. N. H. Nashville tNASHDA Kashuaand Concord Railroad. Thornton's Ferry. Reed's Ferry GofTs Falls Manchester 12 (Martin's Ferry 1 1 3 5 8 10 15 19 21 26 28 30 33 37 41 42 48 51 55 59 64 8 Hookset 4 iRobinson's Ferry to iTGONCORD CONCORD & LOW ELL TO BOSTON. {Read up.) 68 72 76 From Dos- ton. * The Lowell and Lawrence R. R. intersects here. Route — From Lowell to Tewlciburij, 6 miles; to Lawrence^ 13 miles. Fare, 35 cts. From Lawrence, passengers may go to Haverhill, Mass., or Boston and other places on the Boston and Maine R. R., and from thence to the State of Maine. Also, by the Essex R. R. to Middleton, Danvers, Salem, and from Salem to Marblehead, Gloucester, Lynn, Boston, &;c., and by the Manchester and Laicrence R. R., to places in that vicinity. From Lowell, passengers may proceed, via the Stony Brook R.R., to the intersection of the Fitch- burg R. R. at Groton; from thence to Fitchburg, and other places on the line of that road, and its con- necting links. Also, to Worcester, JVorwich, and JVezo York. t Here the JVushua and Worcester R R intersects. Passengers may, therefore, proceed from Nashua to Worcester, J^oncick, and J^eic York. Also, to Providence, and to Spring- field, Hartford, JVeic Haven, Green- field, Mass., Albany, &c. For the route of the Worcester and Nashua R. R., see page 46. X For the routes from Concord, see page 23. From Gro- ton. 17 13 12 10 6 LOWELL TO GRO- TON. Stony Brook R. R. LOWELL to Chelmsford Factorv Village... Westford Forse Village to. . G-ROTON.T ^,7 GROTON TO LOW- tou. i ELL. {Read up.) From Low- BOSTON TO CONCORD. 19 From Con- cord. 69 67 64 62 61 60 59 57 54 48 46 43 41 36 31 28 23 17 12 From Con- cord. BOSTON TO CON- CORD, VIA LAW- RENCE AND MAN- CHESTER. Boston ^- Maine R.R BOSTON to Sonierville Maiden Melrose Stoneham Greenwood South Reading Reading Wilmington Ballardvale Andover Lawrence Manchester Sf Law- rence R. R. Methuen Salem, N. H Windham Derry Londonderry Manchester Concord R. R. Martin's Ferry Hooksett Robinson's Ferry . . *GONCORD CONCORD TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) From Bos- ton. 2 5 7 8 9 10 12 15 21 23 26 28 33 38 41 46 52 57 61 65 69 Fare, $1 60. Time, 3 hours. * For routes from Concord, see page 46. From West Leba- 69 66 62 59 55 50 44 39 CONCORD, N.H.TO WEST LEBANON. JVorthern R. R. ♦CONCORD to.... West Concord Fisherville Boscawen North Boscawen. .. tFranklin East Andover Potter Place From Con- cord. 3 7 10 14 19 25 30 36 30 25 17 10 8 4 From West Leba- non West Andover. .. Dan bury Grafton Canaan Enfield East Lebanon. .. Lebanon XW. LEBANON WEST LEBANON TO CONCORD. (Read up.) 33 39 44 52 59 61 65 69 From Con- cord. Fare, $2 00. Time, 3 hourB. *At Concord this road unites with the Concord and Montreal R. /?., the Concord and Claremont R.R., the Concord R. R., and the Concord and Portsmouth R. R. 1; Bristol Branch R. i2.) diverges here. J Connects here with the Ver- mont Central R. R., and at White River Junction on the west side of the Connecticut River, with the Passumpsic River R. R. Stages leave Andover for .IVew London, JV. H., Wendall, J^e.wport, &c. ; from Lebanon, for Meriden, Claremont, &c. From Bur- ling- ton. 104 103 101 96 90 86 83 78 71 69 57 50 40 34 29 23 16 WEST LEBANON TO MONTPELIERAND BURLINGTON, VT, Vermont CenVl R. R. W.LEBANON to. * White Riv. June. White Riv. Village West Hartford. .. Sharon South Royalton. . Royalton Bethel Randolph Braintree Roxbury Northfield MONTPELIER Middlesex Waterbury Bolton Richmond From West Leba- non. 1 3 8 14 18 21 26 33 35 47 54 64 70 75 81 20 BURLINGTON TO MONTREAL. 11 7 3 Williston tEss X Winnoski to ;burling-ton. BURLINGTON TO W. LEBANON. [Read up.) 5 93 4 97 4 101 3 104 Place Wrst to Leba- Place. uou. Fare, $3 00. Time, 3| hours. Throue]! fare, from Boston to Burlinstoii. $3 00. Distance, 249 miles. " Time, about 10 hours. *The Connecticut and Passumpsk Rivers R. R. diverges here. See routes from White R. June, to Derby Line, page 22. tFrom Essex depot diverges the Vermont and Canada R. R., run- ning to St. Albans and Rouse's Pt.; at the latter place connecting with the Ogdenshurg R. R. J At Burlington, trains connect daily, each u-ay, with the steamers running on Lake Champlain, to and from St. Johns and Montreal, in Canada. Whitehall, Saratoga Springs, .Alban}', &c. New York passengers, at Bur- Iin2ton, can reach the former city, either hv the way of Whitehall and Albany, or by taking either of the great routes running throu£h Vermont to the Connecticut River, thence throueli its valley to Bel- lows Falls. Br.ittleboro', Greenfield. SprinsfieM. Hartford. New Haven, and thence to New York. Or. bv continuing the routes in Vermont and New Hampshire.— The northern one passes through Concord. Nashua, Worcester, Nor- wich, and thence to New York. The soiitfiern route passes from Bellows Falls through Keene. Fitch- barjr, Worcester, Norwich, and thence to New York. Staires run in connection with the Vermont Central R. R. to all parts of Central, Northern, and Western Vermont, and, also, the Canadas. From Mon- treal. 102 92 85 77 62 58 50 43 37 24 From Mon. trea;. BURLINGTON TO MONTREAL. VIA LAKE CHAMPLAIN. ' From I Bar- By Steamboat from BURLING-TON to Port Kent Port Jackson Plattsburg Isle La Mott Chazy Champlain La Cole Isle aux Noix St. Johns Champlain and St. Lawrence R. R. La Prairie By Steamboat on the St. Lawrence. *MONTREAL ■ - MONTREALTOBUR- P'*« LINGTON. Ipiace. {Read up.) * See routes from Montreal. „^ BURLINGTON, VTjp,,,, K'se^jTO ROUSE'S POINT,! r Point. I u V I Place. N. Y. 54 51 47 42 3ti 32 23 ]7 15 Vermont Cenfl R.R. *BTJRLING-T'N to Winooski Essex Depot Vermont 9 13 From Con- cord. 32 29 25 22 Northern R.. R. CONCORD to West Concord Fisherville Boscawen 3 7 10 13 Franklin Bristol Branch to BRISTOL, N. H. . . 19 32 From Bris- tol. BRISTOL TO CON- CORD, N.H, {Read up.) Place to Place. From Con- cord. A stage runs from Bristol to Ply- mouth, 13 miles, there connecting with the Boston, Concord, and Mon^ treal Railroad. Also, to J\rew Hamp- ton, Mexandria, &c. From Brad- ford. From Brad- ford. CONCORDTOBRAD FORD, N.H. Concord and Clare mont R. R. OONOORD to West Concord Mast-Yard *Contoocookville . Dimond's Corner. . Warner Waterloo Roby's Corner Melvin's Mills BRADFORD... J.. BRADFORD TO CON- CORD. {Read up.) Place to Place 24 CONCORD TO HILLSBOROUGH, N. H. * The Contoocook Valley Rail- road diverges here. Stages leave Bradford for JVezc- bury, Wendall, Newport, Claremont, &c. From Roby's Corner for West J^ew London, East J^eicbitry, Sutton Centre, and South Village; and from Contoocookville [or Hopkinton. From Hills- boro' Bri'^e 25 14 11 6 5 CONCORD TO HILLS- BORO', N. H. CONCORD to Contoocookville . .. Contoocook Valley Railroad. W. Hopkinton Henniker West Henniker. ... HILLSBORO' BR F^r HILLSBOROUGH boro' CONCORD. Bri'ge. (^Rcad up.) TO From Con- cord. 11 14 19 20 25 From Con- cord. Stages connect at Hiilsboro' Bridge with Hiilsboro' Centre, Was k- ington, Bradford Springs, Clare- mont, &c. From Brad- tird. 34 33 29 26 25 24 21 18 10 From Brad- ford. NEW HAMPSHIRE CENTRAL R. R. MANCHESTER Bedford Golfstown Centre GofTstown Parker's Oil Mills South Ware Ware Henniker to BRADFORD . • • BRADFORD TO MANCHESTER. (Read up.) From Man- ches- ter. 1 5 8 9 10 13 16 24 34 From Man- ches- ter. 200 195 193 191 187 kSo 183 179 176 172 168 162 156 147 143 138 136 133 131 127 117 112 103 102 100 92 84 81 74 65 02 57 54 49 46 41 38 33 28 23 19 16 8 1 BOSTON TO ALBA- ^'.r NY. Boston^ Worcester R.R. -^BOSTON to Brighton Newton Corner... . tWest Newton --, . Grantville ^ .. West Needham JNatick §FRAMINGfHAM Hopkinton Station. Southboro' Westboro' jGrafton TTWORCESTER WesUm R. R. Clappville Charlton Spencer East Brookfield South Brookfield. . . West Brookfield . . . Warren **Palmer North Wilbraham. Wilbraham t SPRINGFIELD West Springfield . . Westfield Russell Chester Village Chester Factories. . North Becket Washington Hinsdale Dalton ttPlTTSFIELD Shaker Village Richmond §^SState Line Albany and West Stock- irid^-e R. R. Canaan, N. Y East Chatham Chat'in 4 Corners. . Chatham Centre. .. Kinderhook Schodac . Green bush Bv Ferry to I!! ALB ANY bany. ALBANY TO BOS- TON, {Read up.) ROUTES FROM WORCESTER, MASS. 25 Fare, from Boston to Worcester, $1 15. Time, 1 hour and 50 minutes. Fat'e, from Boston to Springfield, $2 50. Time, 4 hours and 25 minutes. Fare, from Boston to Mbany, $5. Time, about 10 hours. N. B.— The cars stop at Sprinor- field, 1 hour, for passengers to dine. * See Routes from Boston. — Brookline Branch R. R. runs to Brookline, 1^- miles. Fare, 10 cts. t Newton Branch R. R. runs to JVewton Lower Falls. Distance from Boston, 11 miles. Fare, 30 cents. I Saxonville Branch R. R. runs to Saxonville, 4 miles. Distance from Boston, 21 miles. Fare, 55 cts. §MiLF0RD Branch R. R. runs to Milford, 13 miles. Distance from Boston, 34 miles. Fare, 85 cents. II MiLBURY Branch R.R. runs to Milbury, 4 miles, intersectinij there with the Providence and Worcester R. R. Distance from Boston, 42 miles. Fare, 45 cents. TF See Routes from Worcester. *♦ The WiLLIMANTIC AND PaLM- ER R. R. joins the Western R. R. here. It leads to Willimantic, Nor- wich, New London, and, also, to Hartford, Ct. tfSee Routes from Sprinjrfield. II The PiTTSFIELD AND NORTH Adams R. R. diverges here. For the route, see Index. The Housatonic R. R. also con- nects here. §§The Hudson and Berkshire R. R. intersects here, and also at Chatham Four Corners. 1(11 See Routes from Albany. Stages run in connection with the cars as follows : From Brighton, to Brighton Centre; from Newton Corner, to JVcwton Centre; from West Newton, to JVcwton Upper Falls; from Grantville to East jsTcedham; from West Needham, to South JVatick ; from Natick, to Slier- burne, and East Medic ay ; from South Framingham, to Framing- ham Centre; from Holliston, "to Medway; from Milford, to Upton; from Southboro', to Southboro' Cen- tre, and Hopkinton; from Worce- ster, stages run in all directions. 3 From Charlton, to Southbridge; I from E. Brookfield, to J\rorth Brook- field; from W. Brookfield, to fVare, Enfield, Mew Braintree, and Hard- \wick; and, from most of the way stations, stages run to places in the vicinity. ROUTES FROM WORCE- STER, MASS. From Worcester to Boston, see pages 24 and 25. From Worcester to Springfield and Albany, see pages 24 and 25. From Worcester to J\rashua,J\r.H., see pages 46 and 47. From Worcester to JVorwich, JV. London, and JVew York, see pages 33 and 34. From Worcester to Providence, R, I., see page 29. From Law- rence. 58 49 48 46 42 40 39 35 33 30 24 20 18 17 13 WORCESTER TO LOWELL AND LAW- RENCE. From Law- rence, Worcester and JsTashua R. R. WORCESTER to. West Boylston . . . . Oakdale Sterling Clintonville New Boston Lancaster StillRiver Harvard Groton Junction . Stony Brook R. R. Forge Village Westford Factory ville Chelmsford LOWELL Lowell and Lawrence Railroad, Tewksburv to. .. LAWRENCE... LAWRENCE TO WORCESTER. [Read up.) From W'ce- ster. 9 10 12 16 IS 19 23 25 34 38 40 41 45 51 58 Fare,^i 50. Time, aboxit 2^ hours. 26 WORCESTER TO FITCHBURG, From Fitch- Durg 13 17 15 13 6 From Fitch- burg. WORCESTER TO jJ''^^ FITCHBURG. Plaee. Wor'r S; JVash. R. R. WORCESTER to. West Boj Iston .... Oakdale Sterling Junction. . Fitch. Si' Wor'r R. R. Sterling Leominster to *FITGHBURG- • . • FITCHBURG TO WORCESTER. {Read up.) From Wee- ster. 9 10 12 14 21 27 From W'ce- ster. * For Routes from Fitchburg, see next column. From Birre 30 22 15 10 6 From Barie WORCESTER TO BARRE, MASS. WORCESTER to. Holden Princeton S. Hubbardston Rutland to BARRE BARRE TO WORCE- STER. {Read up.) 8 15 20 2-1 30 From Wce- ster. WORCESTER TO From nen"i*GARDNER, MASS.'piace Place From W'ce- 28 iWORGESTER to. 20 Holden 13 Princeton 9 : Hubbardston to. .. . GARDNER From Gard- ner. GARDNER TO WORCESTER. {Read up.) 15 19 28 From Wce- ster. i^om WORCESTER TO j^l-„'^ boro-: PETERBORO, N. H.PIace. 29 26 24 22 11 From Peter- boro'. jror'r^J\rash. R. R WORCESTER to. *Groton Junction. • Peterboro' and Shir- ley Railroad. Shirley Pepperell .... East Townsend to . West Townsend. Mason Temple PETERBORO' . PETERBORO' TO TO WORCESTER. {Read up.) From ster. 28 33 36 38 40 51 55 62 From ster. * Here the Fitchburg and Stony Brook Railroads are intersected. ROUTESFROM FITCHBURG. Fitchburg to Worcester, see p. 26. Fitchburg to Keene and Bellows Falls, see page 17. Fitchburg to Boston, see page 16. |J?,S FITCHBURG TO "o"'- BRATTLEBORO'. 69 67 64 54 50 48 42 36 32 29 27 21 18 12 10 Vt. and Mass. R. R. FITCHBURG to. West Fitchburg Westminster Ashburnham Gardner Dadmanville Baldwinville Royalston Athol Orange Wendall Erving Montague Northfield Farms. . , Northfield South Vernon Vernon to *BRATTLEB'RO. Place From Fitch- bnrg. * Gardner is on the Vermont and From BRATTLEBORO' Massachusetts R. R., 15 miles from Fitchburg. TO fle- boro*. FITCHBURG. {Read up.) 2 5 11 15 19 21 27 33 37 40 42 48 51 57 59 64 69 Fiom Fitcb. burg. FITCHBURG TO GREENFIELD. 27' Stages connect at Gardner with Hubbardst.own, Temyleton, Peter- sham, Dana and Oreenwicli. At Montague, with Greenfield, Sunder- land, Amkerst, Hadley, Leverett, and Shelburne Falls. * For Route from Brattleboro' to Bellows Falls, see next column. From Gr'n- field. 56 54 51 45 41 37 35 29 23 19 16 14 From Gr'n- field. FITCHBURG TO GREENFIELD. Vermont and Massa chusetts R. R. FITCHBURG- to.. W. Fitchburg Westminster Ashburnham Gardner. Dadinanville Baldwinville Royalston Athol , Orange Wendall Ervitig , Montague to G-REENFIELD.. GREENFIELD TO FITCHBURG. (Read up.) From Fitch- burg. 2 5 11 ]5 19 21 27 33 37 40 42 48 56 From Fitch- burg. From Troy. Lansingburg to. TROY TROY TO GREEN- FIELD. (Read up.) 72 76 From Gr'n- field. * The Troy and Greenfield Rail- road is now in process of con- struction between Troy, N. Y., and Greenfield, Mass. On its comple- tion, it will form, via Fitchburg, a second route between Boston and the Hudson River. It will, un- doubtedly, prove of great import- ance to the country through which it passes. ROUTES FROM SPRING- FIELD, MASS. From Spring'd to Boston, see p. 24. From Springfield to Pitpsfield and Mbany, see page 24. From Springfield to Hartford, JVew Haven and J^ew York, see p. 34. From Bel- lows Falls, At Greenfield, a connection is formed with the chain of railroads pervading the valley of the Con- necticut, and, also, with the rail- road (now being constructed) be- tween Greenfield and Troy, N. Y. From Troy. 76 72 67 59 47 42 37 32 23 16 GREENFIELD TO TROY. Btj Stage to GREENFIELD to Shelburne Shelburne Falls. . . . Charleinont Florida North Adams Williainstown Pownall, Vt Hoosick, N. Y Pittstown 4 9 17 29 34 39 44 53 60 83 80 77 75 7] 66 62 57 55 51 47 41 33 23 17 13 5 lows Falls. SPRINGFIELD TO GREENFIELD AND BELLOWS FALLS. Conn. River R. R. SPRIN&FIELD to *Cabotville Willimansett Holyoke Smith's Ferry Northampton Hatfield Whately South Deerfield. .. . Deerfield G-REENFIELD... Bernardston tSouth Vernon to. . BRATTLEBORO' Brattleboro' and Bel- Imcs Falls R. R. Duinmerston Westinorernd, N.H. I Walpole ) } Westminster . . ( BELLOWS F'LLS BELLOWS FALLS TO SPRINGFIELD, {Read up.) From Sp'g- field. 12 17 21 26 28 32 36 42 50 60 66 70 78 83 From Spr'g- field. 28 BOSTON TO BLACKSTONE. * Chicopee Falls Branch R. R. runs from this depot to Chicopee Falls, 2 miles. t Intersects here with the Ver- mont and Massachusetts R. R. Stages leave Northampton for Amherst, Easthampton, Southamp- ton, and IViUiamsburgh ; fvoiQ.'aonlh Deerfield for Ashjield, &c. F^mlBOSTON TO BLACK- STONE. 36 25 22 21 20 18 17 14 12 10 8 5 3 From Black- Btone. J\rorfolk Co. R. R. BOSTON to Dedham West Dedham South Dedham ... Durfees Plympton Walpole Campbell Pond... >r. Wrentham . . . City Mills Franklin VVadsworth's Mill River to BLACKSTONE . ■ BLACKSTONE BOSTON. {Read up.) TO From Bos- ton. 10 13 14 15 17 18 21 23 30 33 36 From Bos- ton. Fare, $1 00. Time, li hours. Trains connect at Blackstone with those running upon the Pro- vidence and Worcester R. R. Stages leave Walpole for Foxbo- rough, J\Iedfield, Wrcntham Centre, and Shelby V ille ; from A\ Wrent- ham for Medway ; and from Water- ford for Woonsockct. ^"» BOSTON TO PROVI '^°^'- DENCE, R. I. 42 40 39 34 Bost.and Prov.R.R. BOSTON to ROXECRY * Jamaica Plains. .. Readville tCaston Sharon 2 3 8 14 17 21 iFoxboro' 18 ''Mansfield 16 Tobey's 11 Attleboro' 10 Dodgeville 4 Pawtucket to. ■ . . PROVIDENCE From PROVIDENCE TO BOSTON. {Read up.) 21 24 26 31 32 38 42 From Bos- ton. * Dedham Branch R. R. diverges here. From Boston to Dedham, 10 miles. Fare, 25 cents. t Stoughton Branch R. R. di- verges here, and runs to Stoughton, 18 miles from Boston. Fare, 50 cts. 1 New Bedford and Taunton, and Taunton Branch railroads di- verge here. See Route from Bos- ton to New Bedford, on page 30. ROUTES FROM PROVI- DENCE, R. I. From Providence to Boston, see previous route. 50 46 39 36 30 23 17 14 10 5 PROVIDENCE TO STONINGTON, Stonington R. R. *PROVID'NCE to Junction Warwick (Apponang.) Greenwich Wickford Kingston Carolina Richmond Switch. Charlestown Westerly to tSTONING-TON. STONINGTON TO PROVIDENCE. {Read up.) Place From to jProvi- Place. ience. 4 11 14 20 27 33 36 40 45 50 From to Provi- Place. jdence. Steamboats run from Providence to Fall Ricer, (fare, 50 cents.) there connecting with Fall River R. R. Steambonts, also, run from Provi- dence to J\reiDport, 30 miles. Fare, 25 cents. PROVIDENCE TO STONINGTON. 29 *A new route is opened from Pro- vidence to Norvvicli, Hartford, &c., and other portions of C(jnnecticut. viz. from Providence to Sionivglon. by railroad; from Stoningion to JV*eTO London, Ct., by steamboat; thence by railroad to JVorwich, Wil- limantic, Hartford, Stajford Springs, &c. Fare, between Providence and Norwich, fl 75; VVillimantic, $2. Hartford, $-2 50 ; Stafford Springs, $2 50. t Steamboats leave Stonington for New York. See the through route from Boston to New York, p. 33. Stages leave from the various stations to places in the vicinity. From Wee. ster. 43 39 37 36 34 32 31 28 27 25 23 as 17 12 10 9 8 6 1 PROVIDENCE TO WORCESTER. Prov. ^ Wor'r R. R. PROVIDENCE to Pawtucket Valley Falls Lonsdale Ashton Albion Manville Hamlet WOONSOCKET Vi^aterford ) Blackstone. .. \ Millville Uxhridge Whitin's Nortlihridge Farnum's Grafton Sutton Millbury Grand Junction to. WORCESTER.... WORCESTER TO PROVIDENCE. {Read up.) From Pvovi- cleuce. 4 6 7 9 11 12 15 16 18 20 25 26 31 33 34 35 37 42 43 From Provi- dence. Fare, $1 30. Time, 2 hours. Stages leave Millville for Slafcrs- ville; from Uxbridge for MUford 3* and Mendov ; from Whitin's for E. Douglas and Whitinsville; from Farnum's for Orufton Centre, &c. At Blackstone, the cars connect with those running on the Norfolk County R. R. to Waipole, Dedham, and Boston. For Routes from Worcester, see page 25. From Will Froir Willi PROVIDENCE TO WILLIMANTIC AND HARTFORD, CON. By Stage from ^PROVID'NCE to South Scituate. . . . Mount Vernon . . . Rice City Sterling, Conn. . . . Plainfield Canterbury Westminster Scotland Windham to tWILLIMANTIC WILLIMANTIC TO PROVIDENCE. {Read up.) From Provi- ilence. 11 17 19 24 28 32 35 33 42 45 From Provi- dence. *A railroad is in progress, de- signed to connect Providence, via VVillimantic and Hartford, with the Hudson River and Railroad, at Fishkill, opposite Newburg; from the latter place runs a branch road, uniting that town with the N. Y. and Erie R. R. at Chester. It is called ihe Hartford, Providence and Fishkill R. R., and will pass from Providence through the hearts of the States of Rhode Island and Con- necticut, intersecting in its course many important routes. fFrom Willimantic, a railroad diverges south to J^Torwich and JVezo London ; and north to Palmer, there connecting with the Western R. R. to Boston and Albany. 30 WILLIMANTIC TO HARTFORD. From Hart- ford. 31 25 22 16 12 10 WILLIMANTIC TO HARTFORD. Hartf'd. Providence, and Flshkill R. R. WIL'IM ANTIC to South Coventry Andover Bolton Vernon Union Villace East Hartford to.. *HARTFORD • • • • Hart- ford. HARTFORD TO WIL- LIMANTIC. {Read up.) From Willi- man- 6 9 15 19 21 29 31 From Willi- maa- tic. * For Routes from Hartford, see page 36. Bed- ford. 50 46 39 33 33 31 24 20 14 PROVIDENCE TO NEW BEDFORD. Boston S: Prov. R.R- PROVIDENCE to Pawtucket Dod^eville Attloboro' Tobey's Mansfield JV.Bedfd^- TaunVn Sc Taunton Br. R.R. Norton Crane's Tadnton Mvrick's NEW BEDFORD From NEW BEDFORD TO pi Bed" PROVIDENCE. ford. {Read up.) to From Provi- dence. 4 11 12 17 19 23 26 30 36 50 From Provi- dence. Fare, $1 45. Time, about 2 hoxirs. ^. B. — There is another route be- tween the above places, viz. — From Providence, by steamboat, to Fall River, 25 miles,(fare, 50 cts.,) thence bytherailroad to Jl///rjcA;'s.r2 miles, (35 cts.,) and from Myrick's to JVew Bedford, 14 miles, (50 cts.) Total distance, 51 miles. Total fare, §1 35 cents. Passengers, also, may go from Providence to any of the towns on Cape Cod, by taking either of the foregoing routes to Myrick's, (the point of intersection on the Fall River R. R. of the Taunton and New Bedford R. R.) From Myrick's to Middleboro\ thence to Wareham, Sandwich, &c. From New Bel- ford. 55 53 52 41 38 34 31 27 24 20 14 BOSTON TO NEW BEDFORD. Boston ^- Prov. R R. BOSTON to Roxbury Jamaica Plains. . . . ♦Canton Sharon Foxboro' tMANSFIELD jY.BedfdS; TaunVn R.R.Sf Taunton Br. Norton Cranes Taunton J;Mvrick"s to. . . §NE'W BEDFORD From NEW BEDFORD TO l:i\ BOSTON. ford. I {Read up.) Piice I From to Pljce. ton. 3 14 17 21 24 28 31 35 41 55 Place \ From to I Bos- I'lace. i ton. Fare, §1 50. Time, about 2^ hours. * Stoughton Branch Railroad di- verges here. t Unites here with the Boston and Providence Railroad. X Intersects here with the Fall River Railroad. A train leaves New Bedford every afternoon, with passengers for New York, via Fall River. § A steamboat runs from New Bedford to Nantucket, stopping at Wood's Hole and Holmes's Hole, (the latter is situated on Martha's Vine- yard,) to land and receive passen- gers. It takes 8 or 9 hours to go through from Boston to Nantucket, the distance being about 109 miles. BOSTON TO FALL RIVER. From Fall River 53 49 45 42 38 36 33 30 29 28 26 22 38 36 11 8 3 From Fall River. BOSTON TO FALL RIVER. Old Colony R. R. BOSTON to Dorchester Quincy Fall River R. R. South Braintree. . . Randolph , East Stoughton. .. , North Bridgewater Plain Village Keith's Furnace. .. ( East and West ( ( Bridgewater. . \ Bridgewater , Titicut Middleboro' , Hoskins , Myrick's Assonet Miller's to *F ALL RIVER.. FALL RIVER TO BOSTON. {Read up.) Place From Bos- 11 15 17 20 23 24 25 27 31 35 37 42 45 50 53 PLYMOUTH From Ply- m'th. Kingston to. PLYMOUTH TO BOSTON. {Read up.) 31 33 37 From Bos- ton. From Bos- ton. Fare, $1 35. Time, 2|- hours. * For notes connected with this route, see page 33. From Ply- m'th. 37 35 34 33 32 3] 29 27 26 22 19 18 16 14 12 9 7 BOSTON TO PLY- MOUTH. Old Colovy R. R. BOSTON to Crescent Avenue Savin Hill Harrison Square. *Neponset Squantum Road. duiNCY fBraintree South Braintree. South Weymouth North Ablngton. Abington JSouth Abington North Hanson. .. Hanson Halifax Plympton From Bos- ton. 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 15 18 19 21 23 25 28 30 Fare, $1 12. 7\me, about If hours. * The Dorchester and Milton Branch R. R. diverges here, and runs to Dorchester, 8 miles from Boston. fThe Fall River R. R., and, also, the South Shore R. R. diverge here. X The Bridgewater Branch R. R. runs from S. Abington depot to Bridgewater, 7 miles, where it intersects with the Fall River R. R. From C'has- 22 14 12 It 10 9 7 5 3 From C'has set. From Sand- wich. 63 52 48 46 43 38 36 32 28 BOSTON TO CO- HASSET. Old Colony R. R. BOSTON to Q,uincy South Shore R. R. Braintree East Braintree.... Weymoutli North Weymouth. . East Weymouth . . HiNGHAM Nantasket to COHASSET COHASSET TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) BOSTON TO WARE- HAM AND SAND- WICH. Fall River R. R. BOSTON to South Braintree. .. Randolph East Stoughton North Bridgewater. East and West Bridgewater. . Bridgewater Titicut Middleboro' .... Place I From Place, 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 22 From Bos- ton. From Bos- ton. 11 15 17 20 32 BOSTON TO NEW YORK. I Cape Cod Bran. R.R. 23 iRock Station 20 ISouth .Middleboro'. 17 I West Warehain... 15 'South Warehain. . . 13 ,Wareha>i 11 LAsawam 8 iCohasset Narrows. 7 jMonument 4 'Xorth Sandwich... 3 I West Sandwich... SANDWICH From Sand- wich. SANDWICH TO BOSTON, {Read up.) 40 43 46 48 50 5-2 55 56 59 60 63 From Bos- ton. Fare, §1 45. Time, 3 hours. Stages leave Sandwich, on arrival of the morning trains, for the va- rious towns on Cape Cod. ROUTES FROM BOSTON TO NEW YORK. There are four principal and di- rect routes between the above cities, which we shall describe separately. They are the Fall River ; the Proci- dcnce and Slonington ; the Worcester and J^^orwich ; and the Springfield, Hartford, and J^ew Haven routes. These are night lines, with the ex- ception of the one via Hartford and J^Teic Haven, which forms an excel- lent and expeditious day line be- tween the two cities. A day route, is. also, formed by a steam connec- tion between the JVoricich route and the Long Island Railroad. During the summer season, those travelling for pleasure, and fond of Alpine scenery, could find none more beautiful than may be seen in traversing the rugged hills of Berk- shire, or the romantic valley of the Housatonic. This route is from Boston, via the Worcester and fVes- tcrn Railroads to Pittsfield, Mass., thence by the branch railroad from the latter place to the Housatonic Railroad, which unites with the New York and New Haven Rail- road at Bridgeport, Conn., thence to New^ York citx'. Persons taking this route had better rest over night at Pittsfield, Mass., a place where they will find excellent accommodation atreason- ! able rates. Travellers preferring it, i instead of stopping at Pittsfield, I may go through to Hudson, or to ' Albany, and from either place, may reach New York city, by availing themselves of one of the Hudson River steamboats. Or, by the Hud- son River R.R., as far as complete. 236 23-2 228 225 221 219 216 213 212 211 209 205 201 199 194 191 186 183 165 1.52 143 138 123 112 96 81 69 65 62 49 36 24 15 7 4 BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA FALL RIVER. Old Colony R. R. BOSTON Dorchester Q,uincy Fall River R. |J. *South Braintree. Randolph East Stoughton. . .. North Bridgewater, Plain Village Keith's Furnace. .. East and West ) Bridge water. . i tBridge water Titicut , ^Middleboro' Haskin's §Myrick's Assonet Millers to ; FALL RIVER . . -By Steamboat to Newport. R. I Point Judith Watch Hill Light.. Stonington New London Connecticut River. Faulkner's Island. . New Haven Light. Stratford Point Bridgeport Black Rock Norwalk Island. .. . Greenwich Point.. New Rochelle Throgw's Point Hell-Gate Blackwell's Isl'd to N, YORK CITY. • From NEW YORK TO BOS- TON. {Head up.) Place. 2 4 4 2 5 3 5 3 18 13 9 5 15 1] 16 15 12 4 3 13 13 12 9 8 3 4 From Bos- ton. 4 8 11 15 17 20 23 24 25 27 31 35 37 42 45 50 53 71 84 93 98 113 124 140 155 167 171 174 187 200 212 221 229 232 236 From Bos- ton. BOSTON TO NEW YORK. 33 For Routes from New York, see page 38. Fare, between Boston and J^eio York, S4 00. Time, about 13 hours. Fare, from JVcw York to JVewport, and Fall River, $3 00. From J^Tew York to J^ew Bedford, $3 60. * Connects here with the Old Colony R. R. t The Bridgewater Branch R. R. runs from Bridgewater to the Old Colony R. R., at South Abitigton. Passengers for Plymouth, Kingston, Duxbury, &c., can reach these places by this connection. I The Cape Cod Branch R. R. con- nects here. Passengers for Wareham, Sandwich, Barnstable, and other places on Cape Cod, should avail themselves of this route. § Here the Jfew Bedford and Taunton R. R. intersects. |( A steamboat runs daily, in con- nection with the through line, be- tween Fall River and Providence. Fare, 50 cents. From New York. 230 228 227 222 216 213 209 206 204 199 398 192 188 184 177 174 168 161 155 152 148 143 138 BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA STO- NINGTON. Bost. and Prov. R.R. BOSTON to ROXBURY Jamaica Plains. . . . Readville Canton Sharon Foxboro' Mansfield Tobey's Attleboro' Dodgeville Pawtucket to PROVIDENCE . . . Stovington R. R. Junction Warwick Greenwich Wickford Kingston Richmond Richmond Switch. . Charlestown Westerly STONINGTON.Ct 2 3 8 14 17 21 24 26 31 32 38 42 46 53 56 62 69 75 78 82 87 92 123 112 96 81 69 65 62 49 36 24 15 7 4 From New York. By Steamboat to New London Connecticut River. Faulkner's Island. . New Haven Light Stratford Point Bridgeport Black Rock Norwalk Island. . . . Greenwich Point. . . New Rochelle Throgg's Point Hell Gate BlackwelTs Isl'd to N. YORK CITY. • NEW YORK CITY TO BOSTON, (Readrip.) 15 11 16 15 12 4 3 13 13 12 9 8 3 4 Place (0 Place. 107 118 134 149 161 165 168 181 194 206 215 223 226 230 From Bos- ton. Fare, $4 00. Time, ahoxit 13 hours. 242 237 235 233 229 227 225 221 218 214 210 204 197 196 193 186 182 181 178 177 176 174 171 166 163 157 154 148 139 BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA NOR WICH. Boston Sc WorW R.R. BOSTON to Brighton Newton Corner. . . . West Newton Grantville West Needham. .. . Natick Framingham Ashland Southboro' Westboro' Grafton Worcester JVor'ch^Wor'rR.R. Grand Junction. .. . Auburn Oxford North Village Webster Wilson's Fisherville Mason's Thompson Pomfret Daysville Danielsonville Central Village... . Plainfield JewettCity Greenville c 5 7 9 13 15 17 21 24 28 32 38 45 46 49 56 60 61 64 65 66 68 71 76 79 85 88 94 103 34 BOSTON TO NEW YORK. 138 131 123 112 96 81 69 65 62 49 36 24 15 7 4 NORWICH Allyn's Point New London By Steamboat to Connecticut River. Faulkner's Island. . New Haven Light Stratford Point Bridgeport Black Rock Norwalk Island. ... Greenwich Point. .. New Rochelle Tiirogg's Point Hell-Gate Blackwell's Isl'd to N. YORK CITY- • Fj7 NEW YORK TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) 104 111 119 130 146 161 173 177 ]80 193 206 218 227 235 238 242 From Bos- ton. Fare, §4 GO. Time, about 14 hours. j.,„^BOSTON TO NEW ^ew (YORK, VIA SPRING- """""■l FIELD. 236 231 229 227 223 221 219 215 212 208 204 198 192 183 179 174 172 169 167 163 153 148 144 138 130 Boston ^ IVor'rR.R. BOSTON to Brighton Newton Corner. . . . I West Newton jGrantville iWest Needham. .. . jNatick Framingham Hopkinton Station Southboro' Westboro' Grafton WORCESTER ... Western R. R. Clappville Charlton Spencer East Brookfield South Brookfield. .. West Brookfield... Warren Palmer North Wilbraham. Wilbraham SPRING-FIELD . • JV*. Haven, Hartford and Springfield R.R. Thompsonville From Bos- ton. 5 7 9 13 15 17 21 24 28 32 38 44 53 57 62 64 67 69 73 83 88 92 98 106 127 125 119 112 104 101 94 88 83 76 66 62 58 53 52 48 44 41 36 31 29 27 23 19 13 Warehouse Point Windsor Locks. . Windsor *HARTFORD . . New Britain fBerlin Meriden Wallingford North Haven. . . . |NEW HAVEN.. JV. F. ,)5- JV. Haven R. Milford Stratford §Bridgeport Fairfield Southport Westport Norwalk Darien Stamford Greenwich Port Chester Rye Mamaroneck New Rochelle William's Bridge. . Thirtv-sec'dst.N.Y. IJN. YORK C'y Hall ^N™^ NEW YORK TO BOS-i ""iri bT York.J TON. {Read Up.) iPIace.' ton. Fare, $4 00. Time, about 10 hours. * For Routes from Hartford, see page 36. t The Middletown Branch R.R. connects here. It runs to Middle- town, 10 miles Fare, 30 cents. J New Haven, (see routes from.) § The Housatonic R. iJ. joins here. |( For Routes from JVfew York, see page 38. ROUTES FROM NEW LON- DON, CONN. From Palm- 64 58 55 NEW LONDON. CT., TO WILLIMANTIC AND PALMER. J\r.London. IViUim'ii- tic and Palmer R. R. *N. LONDON to.. Montville Mohegan From Sew Loc- don. NEW LONDON TO PROVIDENCE. 35 52 50 48 45 42 39 36 31 29 27 23 21 16 4 From Palm- Norwich Landing. fNORWICH Yantic Franklin Lebanon South Windham. . JWIL'IMANTIO Coventry Eagleville Mansfield Willington Tolland Stafford Monson to §PALMER PALMER TO NEW LONDON. (Read up.) 12 14 16 ]9 22 25 28 33 35 37 41 43 48 60 64 From New Lon- don. Fare, $1 50. Time, 3i hours. N. B. — From New London to Hartford, see page 36. * Prom New London, steamboats run to J\rew York, and to Oreenport, L. /., there connecting with trains running on the Long Island R. R.; also, to Stonington, J^ewport, Fall River, and Providence. t At Norwich, connects with the J^orwich and Worcester R. R. J At Willimantic, connects with the Hartford, Providence, and Fish- kill R. R. §At Palmer, this road unites with the Mass. Western R. R. run- ning to Springfield and Albany; also, to Worcester and Boston. From New London, stages run to Lyme, and other places; from Wil- limantic to Danielsonville, &c. ; from Willington and Tolland to Tolland, Rockville, Willington, &c, ; from Palmer, Mass., to Amherst, Belchertown, Ware, Enfield, Brim- field, Wales, and other places. From Provi- dence. 75 69 66 NEW LONDON TO PROVIDENCE. JV. London, Williman- tic and Palmer R. R. NEW LONDON to Montville Mohegan I'lace 10 Place. From New Lon- don. 63 61 59 56 53 50 47 44 37 31 27 24 ]6 10 From Provi- dence. Norwich Landing . Norwich Yantic Franklin Lebanon South Windham. .. Willimantic *Hartford, Provid'ce and Fishkill R. R. Windham Howard's Valley. . . Brooklyn West Killingly South Killingly South Foster North Scituate PROVIDENCE . . . PROVIDENCE TO NEW LONDON. (Read up.) 12 14 16 19 22 25 28 31 38 44 48 51 59 65 75 From New Lon- don. *That portion of the road be- tween Willimantic and Providence is not yet opened for travel ; the route given, is, therefore, the stage route. 53 51 48 46 38 35 30 26 21 16 7 3 From New NEW LONDON TO NEW HAVEN. By Stage from NEW LONDON to Waterford Riverhead East Lyme Lyme Saybrook Westbrook Killingworth Madison Guilford Branford East Haven to NEW HAVEN... NEW HAVEN TO NEW LONDON. (Read up.) Place to Place. From New .Lon- don. 2 5 7 15 18 23 27 32 37 46 50 53 From New Lon- don. 36 SAYBROOK TO MIDDLETOWN. From Mid- dlc- tOWD. 28 23 19 17 10 SAYBROOK TO MIDDLETOWN, CT, Bu Stage from SAYBROOK to . . . Essex Deep River Chester Haddam * MIDDLETOWN Place to Place. 10 ll'f\ MIDDLETOWN TO dit 1 SAYBROOK. towc.j t^Read up.) 5 9 11 18 28 From Say- brooi. * From Middletown, passengers may reach Hartford, or New Haven, over the branch R. R. connecting with the Hartford and New Haven R. R. at Berlin. ROUTES FROM HARTFORD, CONN. Hartford to JVcw Haven, see p. 37- Hartford to Springfield, see p. 37. Hartford to Boston, see p. 34. Hartford to JSTew York, see p. 34. Hartford to Providence, see p. 29. Hartford to Fishkill, see p. 36. 59 57 50 47 43 37 34 28 25 22 19 16 14 12 HARTFORD TO WIL- LIMANTIC AND NEW LONDON. *Hartford, Procid'ce and Fishkill R. R. HARTFORD to... East Hartford Union Village Vernon Bolton Andover Soiiih Coventry . .. WiLLIMANTIC J\r. London, IVillim'n- tic and Palmer R. R. South Windham. .. Lebanon I'Vanklin Yantic ♦Norwich Norwich Landing. . From Hart- ford. 2 9 12 16 22 25 31 34 37 40 43 45 47 From Lon- Mohegan , 3 Montville to 3 NEW LONDON.. 6 NEW LONDON TO|p,ace HARTFORD. ^o (Read up.) IP'^*"- 50 53 59 From Hart- ford. Fare, $2 25. Time, about 3 hours. * Connects here with the Nor- wich and Worcester R. R. From Palm- 67 36 31 29 27 23 21 16 4 From Palm- HARTFORD TO I, \^ PALMER, MASS., rr S VIA WILLIM ANTIC. ;P'»« ""^ Hartfd, providence, and Fishkill R. R. HARTFORD to . . VVillimantic A*. London, JVillim'n- tic and Palmer R. R. Coventry Eagleville Mansfield Willington Tolland Stafford Monson to PALMER 31 36 38 40 44 46 51 63 67 PALMER TO HART- P',^„" f,"-"™. FORD. (Read up.) viM^..\ ford. Fare, $1 50. Time, about 3^ hours. Stages leave Willimantic, Wil- lington, and Stafford, on arrival of trains, in various directions. From Fish- kill. Place From FISHKILL, N. Y. ipi-e. ZT HARTFORD TO *Hartf'd. Pror-id'ce, and Fishkill R. R. HARTFORD to . . Plainville Bristol Walcott Waterbury Middlebury Woodbury Ro.^bury New Mil ford 14 NEWBURG TO CHESTER. 37 Pavviiiiijs Stonnville Gayhpad Fishkill Village... ( FISHKILL ) ^ LANDING V ( ANI> HODS'N RIV ) Place lo From FISHKILL TO HART- From Hart- kill. FORD. {Head up.) Place. ford. *This railroad, which is to con- nect Hartford with the Hudson River, and Erie R. R., via Newburg, is not yet opened for travel ; on its completion, it will form a new route from the interior of the States of Rhode Island and Connecticut, to the Lakes and the West. From Ches- ter. 19 10 7 3 From Ches- ter. NEWBURG TO CHESTER. JVcwb'g Bran. R. R NEWBURG- to... Salisbury. Washini^tonville . . Craigsville ♦CHESTER CHESTER TO NEW- BURG. (Read up.) From New- burg. 9 12 Hi 19 * Connects here with the New York and Erie R. R. From Coi- lins- ville. 28 14 11 8 From Col- lins- HARTFORDTOCOL- ^'',r LINSVLLLE. vuce. ColUnsvlUe Bran.R.R. HARTFORD to.. Plainville Farininglon Unionville to OOLLINSVILLE. COLLINSVILLE TO HARTFORD. {Read up.) From Han- ford. From Hart- ford. *This is a branch of the Canal R. R. ; it leaves the main line at Farmington. 4 43 40 33 30 28 22 16 6 HARTFORD TO CA NAAN, CT. By Stage from HAttTFORD to. West Hartford . . . Avon Canton COLLINSVILLE New Hartford Winchester Norfolk to CANAAN CANAAN TO HART- FORD. (Read up.) From Sha- ron. 52 43 35 31 29 25 19 14 8 4 From Sha- ron. HARTFORD TO SHA RON, CT. By Stage from HARTFORD to . Farmington Bristol Terrysville = . Plymouth Northfield Litchfield Milton Cornwall Bridge. . Ellsworth SHARON SHARON TO HART- FORD. (Read up.) ROUTES FROM N EW HAVEN. From api'g- lieU. 62 55 50 44 37 34 26 19 13 11 NEW HAVEN TO HARTFORD AND SPRINGFIELD. JV. Haven, Hartford and Springfield R.R. NEW HAVEN to North Haven Wallingford Meriden *Berlin New Britain HARTFORD Windsor Windsor Locks. .. . Warehouse Point. . 38 ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. 8 iThompsonville to. SPRINGFIELD - 54 62 From' SPRINGFIELD TO puc. From '?^> HARTFORD AND N.' ,"> j a'a- HAVEN. (i2w^ up.Ji ; ""• Fars. from New Haven to Hart- ford, SI 00; and from Hartford to Sprhie. York. 4 4 3 7 8 15 8 23 11 34 11 45 12 57 3 60 3 63 12 75 14 89 15 104 11 115 6 121 3 124 5 129 1 130 8 138 7 145 3 148 6 154 3 157 5 162 2 164 3 167 5 172 5 177 6 183 4 187 1 188 9 197 1 198 2 200 NEW YORK TO GREENPORT. 29 27 26 22 20 17 14 i/ 6 From Nash- Clintonville New Boston Lancaster Still River Harvard Groton Junction. Groton Centre.. . Peppereli liollis to NASHUA NASHUA TO NEW'ir YORK. (Read up.] vuce. 204 20'o 207 211 213 21G 219 224 227 23:5 From Fare, from JVew York to Worce- ster, $3 00. Time, 14^ hours. JVew York to JVas/iua, §4 00. Time, lO^ hours. N. B.— Persons, if they prefer it, can fjo between New York and Nashua, N. H., the entire distance, by railroad, by leaving the former city, in the New Haven cars. 93 90 87 86 84 81 78 75 73 72 69 63 57 54 51 46 40 35 29 21 16 12 9 NEW YORK TO GREENPORT. NEW YORK to.. Brooklyn {by ferry) Long- Island R. R. Bedford East New York. . . Union Course Woodviile Jamaica Brushvilie Hyde Park Hempstead Branch Carl Place Westbury Hicksvillp Farniinjrdale Deer Park Thompson Suffolk Station Lake Road Medford Yaphatik St. George's Manor RiVERIIEAD Jainesport Mattetuck Cutchogue From New York. 1 3 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 23 24 27 33 39 42 45 50 56 61 67 From port. Hermitage Souihold to *G-REENPORT GREENPORT TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) Place to Place. 47 91 92 96 From New York. Fare, S2 00. Ti7ne, about 4|- hours. * A steamboat runs between Greenport and New London, Con., connecting there with the cars run- ning to Worcester and Boston. Stages leave Jamaica for Rocka- way, fare, 50 cents; Hempstead Branch, for Roslyn, 37^cts. ; Hicks- ville, for Cold Spnv^r, Huntington, and Oyster Bay; Deer Park, for Coram,and Babylon; Thompson, for [slip, and Mechanicsville ; Medford Station, for Patchogue ; Yaphank, for Millville; St. George*s Manor, for Moriches; Riverhead,for Qxioque, Westkampton, Southampton. &c. A steamboat runs between Greenport and Sag Harbor. From West. Stock- bri'ge. 1.50 147 142 137 133 129 128 126 123 117 114 108 97 91 87 85 82 76 70 06 60 54 NEW YORK TO W. p,ace STOCKBRIDGE, VIA' '° HUDSON. Hudson River R. R. NEW YORK to... Thirty-first Street. Manliattanville . . . Spuyten Duyvil Cr. Yonkers Hastings Dobl/s" Ferry Dearman Tarrytown SiNG-SiNG Croton Peekskill Cold Spring Fishkill Landing.. Carthaae New Hamburg . . . . Barnegat POUGHKEEPSIE Hyde Park Staatsburg Rhinebeck Red Hook From New York. 3 8 13 17 21 22 24 27 33 36 42 53 59 63 65 68 74 80 84 90 96 48 NEW YORK TO DUNKIRK AND BUFFALO. 51 46 42 34 30 25 19 14 11 5 3 Upper Red Hook. .. Clermont Livingston Hudson Had. 8^ Berkshire R Claverack Mellenville Ghent Chatham 4 Corners East Chatham Edward's tate Line to W. STOCKBR'G-E From W. STOCKBRIDGE „ ^ l"::^^ TO HUDSON AND N. "r NeT bn'ge., YORK. (^ecHEN \ew Hampton. . .. Middletown Howell's Otisville Port Jervis Banyville Lackawaxen 3Iast Hope JVarrowsburg ICochecton 24 23 33 35 36 42 44 45 51 57 59 62 (■•5 70 73 77 84 87 100 115 120 125 132 140 328 321 311 305 300 287 281 276 270 268 264 254 249 241 236 229 222 2J8 216 208 204 199 ]91 18] 174 172 163 158 149 140 131 126 121 112 103 99 95 91 87 79 72 65 61 57 49 39 32 23 20 13 9 Callicoon Hankin's Creek... . Equinunk Stockport Hancock Deposit Gulf Summit Cascade Bridge. .. . Susquehanna River Lanesboro' . . . Great Bend- • • Windsor Road BiNGHAMPTON Union Campville. .. . i§OwEGO Tiogo Centre. Smithboro' . . . Barton Waverly (Factoryville) Chemung Wellsburg |;Elmira Big Flats TFCORNING Painted Post Addison Rathboneville Cameron , Canistea **H0RNELLSVILLE Almond Baker's Bridge Andover Genesee(Wellsville) "cio Phillipsburg Be I vide re Friendship Cuba Hinsdale Olean Burton Nine-mile Creek Great Valley Little Valley Albion Dayton Perrvsburg Smith's Mills Hanover to DUNKIRK From DUNKIRK TO NEW k^irk.' YORK. (Read up.) 7 10 6 5 13 6 5 6 2 4 10 5 8 5 10 ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. 49 DISTANCE, TIME, AND FARE, FROM NEW YORK, TO THE PRINCIPAL POINTS ON THEERIE R.R.AND BRANCHES CONNECTING WITH BUFFALO. Names of Places. New York to Suffern's. 42 miles Goshen, 70 miles Deposit, 187 miles Binghampton, 225 miles . . . Owego, 245 miles Ithaca, 274 miles Cayuga Bridge, 314 miles. Through tickets are sold, from New York to Ithaca and Cavuga, for $6 00. The latter place is the point of intersection with the Albany and Buffalo route. Names of Places. New York to Elmira . , Jefferson and Seneca Lake, 304 m's . .^Geneva, 344 miles 14i hours. * The Express train leaves New York at 7 a. m., and arrives at Geneva at 10 p. M. Passengers taking this route to Rochester, Buffiilo, Niagara, &c., can remain at Oeneva over night, and take the Express train from Albany next morning, arriving at either of the above places at the same time as passengers via Albany. Through tickets are sold, from N. York to Geneva, for S6 50. To Rochester, 395 miles, for $8 15. To Buffalo, 469 miles, for $10 35. And to Niagara Falls, 471 miles, .$11 10. Names of Places. Fare. Time. $6 00 7 00 15^ hours. 17 . . Dunkirk Passengers for Tioga and Lycoming counties, Pa., take the cars of the Corning and Blossburg R. R. at Corning. Singes leave Narrowsburg, Hancock, Deposit, Port Jervis, Great Bend, Binghampton, Owego, Waverly (Factoryville), Elmira, Corning, Hor- nellsville. and other places on the route, on arrival of trains. * At Pierinont is the commence- ment of the New York and Erie R. R. The Dearman Ferry connects the route, at this place, with the Hudson River R. R. running along the east bank of the Hudson River. t From this point diverges the Ramapo and Paterson R.R., uniting at Paterson with the Paterson and Hudson R. R. running to Jersey City. This connection opens to the passenger-travel of the Erie R. R. a 5 more direct, expeditious, and con- venient route to and from 'New York, than that presented by the way of Piermont and the Hudson River ; it is about 10 miles nearer. J The Newburg Branch R. R. diverges here, and runs to Kewburif. A ferry connects this place with Fishkill Landing, on the opposite bank of the Hudson, uniting there with the Hudson River R. R. It will, also, be the diverging point of 50 ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. the Hartford, Providence, and Fish- kill R. R. On the completion of this road, passengers by the Erie R. R., from the West, may take this route to Boston, and to places in Con- necticut aad Rhode Island, &c. § The Cayuga and Susquehanna R. R. diverges here, and extends to Ithaca, 2D miles, at which place it connects, by steamboat, with Cayu- ga Bridge, where it unites with the Albany and Buffalo route. 11 The Chemung R. R. diverges here, and runs to Jefferson, at the head of Seneca Lake, 21 miles. Passengers, by taking this route, may reach Geneva, Rochester, Buf- falo, Niagara Falls, and the West. IT The Corning and Blossburg R. R. extends from this place to Blossburg, Pa., 40 miles. A rail- road is about to be constructed from Corning to Canandaigua ; the latter place being on the line of the Alba- ny and Buffalo route. ** The Attica and Hornells- viLLE R. R. is now being construct- ed from this place to i)itersect the Albany and Buffalo road at Attica. When this connection is completed, both the time and distance between N. York and Buffalo will be much reduced. ttFrom Dunkirk a line of rail- roads is being constructed along the south shore of Lake Erie, to unite with the Michigan Southern Railroad, leading to Chicago, and thence to Galena. At Cleveland and Sandusky, the routes leading to Cincinnati and other parts af Ohio, and, also, to Pennsylvania, will be intersected. By way of comparison and general reference, we give here, the dis- tances from New York to Buffalo, by the way of Albany, and, also, by the J^eio York and Erie R. R., and its branches. Names of Places. Miles. New York to Buffalo, via Albany . . Buffalo, via Ithaca and Cayuga . . Buffalo, via Elmira, Seneca Lake and Geneva . . . Buffalo, via the Attica and Hornellsville route, (now building) 470 456 471 424 The following are the distances from JVezo York, to the principal places which will be brought into immediate connection with that city, on the completion of the railroad lines now in progress, uniting with the New York and Erie road at Dunkirk. Names of Places. New York to Dunkirk . . Erie, Pa . . Cleveland, O. . . Sanduskv, O.. . . Toledo, 6. . . . . . Chicago, III. . . . Galena, III. . . Miles. 474 518 618 673 723 969 1,149 Estimated through time, from l:7 6 133 3 136 8 144 1 145 Place From to >'e\v Place. York. * Passengers for places on the New York and Erie R. R., will stop here. The Dearman ferry unitea the two routes. t Connects here (by ferry) with the J^ewburg Branch R. R. X The Hudson and Berkshire R.R. diverges here; it leads to Lebanon Springs, and forms a connection with the Massachusetts Western, and the Housatonic Railroads. § At Greenbush, the Hudson Ri- ver R. R. unites with the routes diverging to Boston, Troy, Sarato- ga, Lake Champlain, and Canada ; also, to Buffalo, and the West. iJSee Routes from Albany. ROUTES FROM ALBANY. The following are the principal railroad routes diverging from ^Ihody ; the traveller will refer to each respectively, as may be required. MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN Rk\lRQkd-Diverges from Greenbush, opposite ^.'ilhamj. It leads to Lebanon Springs, Pittsfield, Springfield, Pahiier, Worcester, and Boston. At the State Line and Pittsfield, it unites with the Housatonic R. R., and at the latter place with the Pitts- field and JSTortfi Adams R. R. At Springfield, it joins with the chain of railroads pervading the valley of the Connecticut; running north to Greenfield, Brattleboro', Bellows Falls, &c. ; and south to Hartford, New Haven, &c. At Palmer depot, it connects with the J^Tsjo London, Willi- mantic and Palmer R. R. At Worcester, with the J^orwicii. and Worcester, the Providence and Worcester, and the JVashua and Worcester Railroads, &.C. See pages 24 and 25. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD— Leads to Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Fish- kill, Peekskill, Sin«- trv.'r. |ALBANY. {Readup.yn^e. 17 25 28 32 37 43 54 55 71 85 Place From Al- bany. From Albany to Canajoharie, passengers may take the Erie Ca- nal, asit passes through the latter place : the distance, however, is 69 miles. For Sharon Springs, passensers take the above route to Cherry Val- ley, thence diverging to the east- ward, seven miles. These springs are situated near the villase. about half a mile north of the turn- pike road : they are pure and clear, and, liotwithstandin!.' they flow for one-fourth of a mile from their source with other water, preserve their distinctive character. The water falls over a ledge of rocks, having a perpendicular descent of about sixty-five feet. There are two springs; the former being highly im- pregnated with sulphur, and some- i what resembling the White Sul- phur Springs of Virginia. These waters have an exhilarating eflect upon the spirits, purify the com- plexion, and are etiicacious in rheu- matic and other diseases. ^^^^ TROY, N.Y., TO '''-^ From land., RUTLAND, VT. |riace.l Troy. 90 8!j 81 76 72 70 60 54 48 40 31 29 14 ! Bv Stage from , TROY to "^ Lansingburg .... Schagticoke Tomhewick Prospect Hill .... Buskirk's Bridge. Cambridge Jacksonville Salem Hebron Granville Granville Centre. Castleton to RUTLAND .... 4 4 5 9 5 14 4 18 2 30 10 30 6 36 6 42 8 50 9 59 2 61 15 76 14 90 jRUTLANDTO TROY.i^'^r i^"- [Read up.) Ipiace-i '^"'y- A railroad is being constructed between Troy and Castleton, via Salem. From Ben- uiug- lou. TROY TO BENNING->lr TON, VT. jPlace. From Troy. 33 By Stage from TROY to 4 9 4 n 29 20 IG Lansingburg Ranierstown Pitfjtown 4 13 17 8 From Ben- niug- tou. Hnosick Corners to BENNINGTON . . 8 8 25 33 BENNINGTON TO TROY. {Read up.) riice lo Place. From Troy. Troy to Greenfield, see page 27. Troy to Buffalo, see routes from Albany to Buffalo, pages 59 and 60. Troy to Saratoga and Whitehall, see page 55. UTICA TO ITHACA. 63 From Itha- 95 m 85 79 70 64 57 52 45 41 33 23 21 15 11 Place UTICA TO ITHACA, 'l. *Bij Sta ire front UTIOAlo New Hartford. • . Paris Waterville Madison Eaton Erievilie New_ Woodstock. De Ruyter Ciiyler Truxton Homer Cortlandt McLean Brvden to ITHACA ft'rJTHACA TO UTICA.l^lr ca. I (^liead up.) Place. 4 10 16 25 31 38 43 50 54 (52 72 74 80 84 95 52 |Wilna 40 {Antwerp 33 Somerville 28 Gouverneur ..... 22 Ricliville 14 De Kalb to OGDENSBURG From Utica. * We give the stage route between the above places, for the conveni- ence of those who wish to go to any of the intermediate towns. To those whose business or pleasure would take them direct, between the two places, the railroad and steam- boat route would be preferable. Thus, from Utica loCayuga Bridge, by railroad, 89 miles ; thence by steamboat on Cayuga Lake, to Ith- aca, 40 miles. Total, 129 miles. From Uiica to Binghampton, see page 51. From Og- deiis- burg. 123 112 108 95 89 84 76 72 63 57 UTICA TO OGDENS- BURG. By Stage from *UTiOAto Trenton llemsen Booiieville Leyden Turin Martinsville. . . . Lowville Denmark Carthage From Ut ca. 11 15 28 34 39 47 51 60 66 From OGDENSBURG TO UTICA. {Jiead up.) 71 83 90 95 101 109 123 From Utica. * There is another route between the above places, viz. : by railroad to Oswego, via Syracuse ; thence by steamboat, on Lake Ontario, to Og- densburg. From the latter place the Ogdensburg, or Northern R,R., runs to Rouse's Point, Lake Cham- plain. From Cape Vin- cent. 91 81 76 71 65 59 55 50 4tj 44 38 35 31 24 20 16 11 ROME Tff WATER- TOWN AND CAPE VINCENT. Rome Sf fVuVn R. R. ROME to....' V^ienna Camden West Camden. . . , . Williamstown Salmon River Pulaski Washingtonville . . Maiisville Pierpoint Adams Adams' Creek Appling *WATEHTOWN ■.Wat:n8^C. yiu.u.R. Brownsville Limerick Chanmo'it Three-Mile Bav to GAPE VINCENT Place to Place. CAPE VINCENT TO piace ROME. {Read up.) \^^^^ From Kome. 10 15 20 26 32 36 41 45 47 53 56 60 67 80 84 91 From Rome. * From Watertown to Sackett's Harbour the distance is about 10 miles. A railroad route will soon unite the above places. 64 ROME TO OGDENSBURG. From Og- dens- bnrg. 117 109 104 100 95 85 76 73 64 58 53 41 34 29 22 14 From Og- dens- ROME TO OGDENS- BURG. By Stage from ROME to Stokes West Branch. .. . Ava West Leyden. ... Turin Martinsburg Lovvville Denmark Carthage Wilna Antwerp Sonierville Gouverneur Richville De Kalb to OG-DENSBURG OGDENSBURG TO ROME. {Read up.) ]pia"ce. 5 4 5 10 9 3 9 6 5 12 7 5 7 8 14 From Rome. 8 13 17 22 32 41 44 53 59 64 7G 83 88 95 103 117 From Rome. Persons going direct between the above places, should take the cars to Sackett's Harbour, and thence to Ogdensburg by steamboat. From Oswe- go. SYRACUSE TO OS- WEGO. Place to Place. 12 5 17 1 From Syra- cuse. 35 23 18 Of'S-o ^ Siira. R. R SYRACUSE to... Baldwinsville 12 17 1 Fulton to 34 OSWEG-O 35 From Oswe- go- OSWEGO TO SYRA- r'ace CUSE. {Read up.) p,!,°ee. From Syr- cuse. Cars leave Oswego for Albany and Troy, via Syracuse and Utica, on arrival of the steamers from Og- densburg and Lewiston ; and the early train from Syracuse arrives at Oswego in time to connect with the steamers, both up and down the Lake. Fare from ..Albany or Troy to Os- wego, by railroad, $5 25. From Oswego to J^iagara Falls, including board and berth on. steam- boat, $3 50. Total fare, §8 75. ROUTES FROM ROCHES- TER. From Rochester to Buffalo, see page 60. From Rochester to Albany, and intermediate places, see page 60. From Rochester to A'eeo York, via Ehnira and the New York and Erie R. R., see page 66. From Dans- ville. 52 44 40 30 28 26 20 19 16 15 11 9 5 3 From Dans- vUle. ROCHESTER TO DANSVILLE. Bif Gen'c ValCan'l. ROCHESTER to. Tone's Basin Scottsville Sackett's Basin . .. . Fowlerviile Barclay's Mill Spencer's Basin. .. . Tracy's Basin Cuyler Genesee Dam MooNT Morris. . . . Shaker's Settlenrnt Fitzhugh's Basin. . Sherwood's Laiid'g McNair's Landing. DANSVILLE . . . . DANSVILLE TO RO- CHESTER. {Read up.) From Ro- ches- 12 22 24 26 30 32 33 36 37 41 43 47 49 52 From Ro- ches- The Genesee Valley Canal will extend to Olean, on the Alleghany River. It will unite at that place with the New York and Erie R.R. From Cor- iiiug. 95 88 83 80 75 73 67 ROCHESTER TO CORNING, VIA BATH. Place By Stage from ROCHESTER to. Henrietta Rush West Rush Avon South Avon Geneseo From Ro- ches- 7 12 15 20 22 28 ROCHESTER TO CLEAN. 65 61 51 48 34 26 22 18 From Cor- ning. Groveland Centre. Sparta Dansville Cohoctim Avoca Keiiiiedysville - . . . Bath Campbell to CORNING CORNING TO RO- CHESTER. {Read up.) 6 10 3 14 8 4 4 10 8 34 44 47 61 69 73 95 From Ro- ches- ter. Person-s J^oiiig direct, between Rochester ami Corning, had better take the railroad lo Cteneva, thence by steamboat lo Jefftirson, thence by railroad to Ehnira and Corning. From Olean. 99 92 87 84 79 77 71 65 53 49 41 37 31 26 21 13 6 From Olean 83 74 71 ROCHESTER TO OLEAN. Bij Stnirefrom ROCHESTER to. Henrietta Rush West Rush Avon South Avon Geneseo Mount Morris Oakland Hunt's Hollow Short Tract Allen Centre Angelica Hobbieviile Friendship (Juba Hinsdale to OLEAN OLEAN TO ROCHES- TER. {-Read up.) Fliice 10 Dace. 7 12 15 20 22 28 34 46 50 53 62 68 73 78 86 93 99 From Ro- ches- ROCHESTER TO LOCKPORT AND NIAGARA FALLS. Bi/ Rrie Canal. ROCHESTER to Brockway's Spencer's Basin — 6* 9 12 68 63 58 54 48 45 37 34 31 24 12 6 From Nia- gara Fulls. Adam's Basin Brockport Holley Hulbnrton Albion Eaule Harbour. .. . Medina - ... Shefliy's Basin Middleport LoCKPORT Lockport S^' JMaga7-a Falls Railroad. Pekin Levviston June. to. NIAG'A FALLS NIAGARA FALLS TO ROCHESTER. (Read up.) 15 20 25 29 35 38 46 49 52 59 71 77 83 ROUTES FROM BUFFALO. Attica and Buffalo Railroad. — This route leads the traveller from Buffalo, to .Attica, Batavia, Roches- tcr, Canandaigua, Geneva, Cayuga, AiLhurn, Syracuse, Rome, Utica, Schenectady, Mhany, JsTcw York, and Boston. See page 60. From Geneva and Cayuga, routes diverge, connecting with the 'New York and Erie Railroad. See pages 49, 50, &c. From Syracuse a rail- road runs to Oswego. See page 64. From Schenectady a railroad runs to Troy, also to Saratoga and Whitehall, &-.C. From Albany, routes diverge in every direction, {See Routes from Albany, page 54.) From Buffalo to Albany, via the Erie Canal, see pages 59 and 60. From Buffalo to JSTiagara Falls, Oswego, Ogdensburg, and Montreal, via Lake Ontario, see page 59. From Buffalo to Montreal, via Albany, see Routes from Buffalo to Albany, pages 59 and 60 ; and Al- bany lo Montreal, page 56. N. B. For other routes from Buf- falo, see the following pages. E 66 BUFFALO TO NEW YORK. IBUFFALO TO NEWl YORK, VIA GENE- V:^\ VA, JEFFERSON, rT vor.. ANDTHE ERiER.R>'-«- 470 4(j0 450 445 439 436 423 421 414 410 396 39-2 383 376 367 364 361 356 353 352 349 344 304 301 295 283 233 275 270 236 253 258 252 245 238 233 225 220 210 204 137 174 169 163 153 .attJcaSc BtifloR.R. BUFFALO to.... Lancaster Alden Darien Attica ^uh'n He Roch. R. R. Alexander IBatavia 'Byron Bergen Churchville Rochester Briehton Pittsford Victor Canaxdaigca Chapinsville Shortsville ifton Springs. . . . West Vienna East Vienna Oaks Corners Geneva By Steamboat on Sc- neca Lake to Jefferson Chemung R. R. Havana Millport Horse-Heads Elmira JV. Y. 4- Erie R. R. Wellsburg Chemung Waverly Birton Smitliboro' Tioga Centre OrtEGO Campville Union Binghampton Windsor Road Great Bend Sasquehanna River Deposit Hancock Stockport Equiiiunk Hankin's Creek. .. • 10 10 5 6 From BuSa- 10 20 25 31 34 42 49 56 60 74 78 82 94 103 106 109 114 117 118 121 126 166 ,169 175 182 187 'l95 200 ;204 ojo ,214 '218 ,225 '232 237 245 250 260 1 266 |283 29fi 301 '307 i317 146 140 132 125 120 115 100 87 84 73 70 65 62 59 57 51 45 44 42 36 35 33 23 24 Callicoon Cochecton Narrowsburg. .. . Mast Hope Lackawaxen .... Barryville Port Jervis. . . . Otisville HowelTs Middletown Vew Hampton . Goshen Cliester Oxford Monroe Turners I.Monroe Works . ;Sloatsb'.irg Ramaps Works. \*Sufferri's iMonsey | Spring Valley | ICIarkstown I Blauvelivilie j Piermont j ' Bu Stcnmhoat to NEW YORK 7 1324 6 330 8 1338 345 350 355 370 383 386 393 397 400 405 3 i408 3 1411 2 1413 6 i419 6 1 425 1 426 2 428 6 434 1 435 2 437 5 !442 4 '446 24 470 * From Suffern's passengers may reach j\e\v York by railroad, by taking the following route from that depot. 463 35 34 30 23 24 19 16 14 12 9 5 1 t Ramapo <^ Pater- fon R. R. BUFFALO to.... Suffern's' Wan maker's Ramsey's Allendale Godwinville Paterson . . Patenon R. R. .\ckerman > Passaic Bridge Boiling Spring Hackensack Depot. Bergen JersevCity By Ferry to NE-W YORK 428 1 4 2 4 5 428 429 433 435 439 444 447 449 451 4.54 458 462 1 463 From NEW YORK TO BUF-; P)^" From York. FALO. (Readvp.) pi^..^, ,„. t Passengers taking the route of the Erie R. R. to Buffalo, can, by BUFFALO TO PITTSBURG, 67 this connection, leave New Yoric, crossiniff to Jersey City, one hour after the Erie railroad boat leaves its wharf, and arrive at SiifFdrn's Station in time to take the Erie R. R. cars going west. Passengers coming east, can leave the Erie train at Suffern's Station, and by taking this route, arrive in New York at least one hour and a half sooner than by the Erie rail- road, via Piermont. The cars leave Suffern's imme- diately on the arrival of the Erie train going east, and always arrive from New York in time to connect with the Erie train going west. From Chi- cago. 1042 997 952 922 907 877 848 802 792 From Pitts- burg. 220 130 11(5 106 102 94 79 64 52 44 32 23 17 1 From Pitts. hTjr? BUFFALO TO PITTS BURG. By Stage from BUFFALO to.. Erie, Pa Waterford Rockdale Woodcock Meadville Culbertson's Mercer North Liberty Brownington Butler , Glade Mills Bakerstown Alleffhanv to PITTSBURG-.... PITTSBURGTO BUF- FALO. {Read up.) From Btiffa- 90 104 114 118 126 141 156 168 176 188 197 203 219 220 From Biiffa- BUFFALO, N. Y., TO DETROIT AND CHICAGO. leave Buffalo for De- troit, and other places on Lake Erie, and also for the great Upper Lakes and Chicago, daily, during the season of navigation. The fol- lowing is the steamboat route be- tween Buffalo, Detroit, Milwaukie, and Chicago. BUFFALO TO CHI- CAGO. Place to Place. 45 45 30 15 30 29 46 10 From Buffa- lo. Bij Steamboat. BUFFALO to.... Dunkirk, N. Y Erie, Pa 45 90 120 135 165 194 240 250 Conneaut, Ashtabula Grand River Cleveland Huron Sandusky City *Toledo * Toledo is 310 miles from Buf- falo ; it is situated on the extreme western end of Lake Erie, and is off the direct route between Buffalo and Detroit. Steamboats, how- ever, arrive at and depart regularly from this place. 712 DETROIT, Mich.. 640 Fort Gratiot 490'ThunderBay Island 412 Presque Isle 348 245 95 Mackinaw Manitou Island MILWAUKIE, Wi Racine, Wis Kenosha, Wis CHICAGO, III.... From CHICAGO AND DE- chT TROIT TO BUFFALO, "'^"•1 N. Y. (Read tip.) 80 72 150 78 64 103 150 25 14 56 330 402 552 630 694 797 947 972 986 1042 From Buifa- DETROIT TO CHICAGO, VIA THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. The foregoing steamboat xouie to Chicago, by the way of the great Upper Lakes, forms, durinsj the summer season, both a delightful and a cheap excursion ; but it is only selected by tourists, and per- sons of leisure. Others wishing to go through from Detroit to Chicago, as speedily as possible, should avail themselves of the route of the Mich- igan Central Railroad, of which the following are the stopping-places and distances. From Buffalo to Detroit, 330 miles. See previous steamboat route. 68 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. ^"•^ (DETROIT TO CHI- I rrim l.e- Iroit. 283 273 265 253 249 245 239 237 234 225 216 206 197 186 174 160 146 137 123 115 103 93 87 81 65 iMch. Central R. R ^DETROIT to jUearboni ■ Wayne j YpsilaiUi jGeddes' 3Jill3 I Ann Arbor iDalhi jScio iDexter jClielsea 'Grass Lake IJackson jGidley's. Albion ! Marshall ! Battle Creek Galesburg Kalamazoo Paw Paw JDecatur [Dowaijiac jiS'lLES Buchanan ^Terre Coupee. . . . |Xew Buffalo. .. . i Bu Steamboat, to CHiCAGO ^cT! CHICAGO TO DE- ^^^s"- I TROIT. {Read up.) 10 8 12 4 4 6 2 3 9 9 10 9 11 12 il09 14 ]123 14 1137 9 1 146 14 1160 10 18 30 34 38 44 46 49 5S 67 77 86 97 168 180 190 196 202 218 65 283 Fare, §3 50. Time, 35 hours. The Mchiffan Central Railroad is being continued around the head of Lake Michigan to Chicago. It is already opened a portion of the distance. ^c™r BUFFALO TO CHI- CAGO. Chi. cago. 583 571 564 560 552 550 546 Place ' From Buffa- Place By stage during the tcinter. BUFFALO, Hamburg on the L'k East Evans Evans Irving Silver Creek Sheridan 12 19 23 31 33 37 538 Fredonia 531 Salem Cross-Roads 5-,>9 Portland . , 5J1 Westfield 513 Ripley , 510 Xorthville, Pa. .., 506 North-East 501 Harbor Creek 497 Wesley vi lie 4;i3 IErie 481 jFairview 464 Conneaut, Ohio. .. 461 JAniboy 457 Kingsville 448 I Ashtabula 442 Say brook 434 Unionville 432 Madison 424 Perry 417 Painesville 411 Mentor 406 W^illoughby 400 East Euclid 397 Euclid 388 CLEVELAND... 380 Rockport 375 Dover 364 Elmira 356 Amherst 353 Henrietta 350 Birmingham 346 Florence 336 Milan 332 Norwalk 328 Monroeville 319 Bellevue 301 JFremont 293 Black Swamp 86 Woodville 270 Perrysburg 269 Maumee City 259 Toledo By the Erie 8^ Kola mazoo R. R. to Sylvatiia Blissfield, Mich.... Adrian By the Mich. South- ern R. R. to Dover Clayton Hudson Pittsfield Oseo Hillsdale Sylvanus 248 236 226 219 214 207 201 195 190 182 8 I 45 7 52 2 54 8 62 8 70 3 I 73 82 86 90 12 102 17 119 122 126 9 1135 6 141 149 151 159 166 ]72 177 183 186 195 203 208 219 227 230 233 237 247 251 255 264 18 1282 8 1290 7 297 16 313 314 324 3.35 347 357 364 369 376 382 388 393 401 BUFFALO TO DETROIT. 69 175 169 166 162 158 153 148 144 139 131 125 119 112 107 104 97 83 78 65 53 36 12 From Quincy Coldwater By Stage to Branch Batavia Bronson's Prairie Prairie River. .. . Freedom Sherman West Sherman. . White Pigeon. .. Mottville Union Adamsville Edwardburg Dover Niles Terre Coupee, la Hudson Laporte Michigan City. . . City West Calniuet CHIOAaO, 111.. CHICAGO TO BUF- FALO. {Read up.) 408 414 417 421 425 430 435 439 444 452 458 464 471 476 479 486 500 505 518 530 547 571 583 From Buffa- A continuous line of railroad will, in a year or two, cover the above route ; portions of it are al- ready in progress. From De- troit. 276 269 265 259 254 240 204 179 119 52 2 BUFFALO TO DE- TROIT, VIA CANADA. Buf.ScJ^iag.F.R.R. BUFFALO to.... Black Rock Dam. . . Tonavvanda Cayuga Creek Niagara Falls- .. . By Stage through Canada to St. Catharine's. . . . Hamilton Brantford London Chatham Windsor to DETROIT (by fry) From Bufla- 7 11 17 09 36 72 97 157 224 •274 276 The Canada Western Railroad (in progress) will extend from the Sus- pension Bridge, over the Niagara River, to a point opposite to De- troit, Michigan, at which place it will connect with the Michigan Central Railroad. FromlBUFFALO TO THE Lake COPPER REGIONS OF LAKE SUPERIOR. 1377 104 975 825 743 653 613 583 569 546 531 519 499 469 459 447 401 368 283 271 263 229 215 197 190 175 161 153 146 140 115 '.10 From Fonrl duLac Bti Steamboat from BUFFALO to Detroit (see p. 67 Fort Gratiot Tiiunder Bay Island Mackinaw Sault St. Marie. . White Fish Point. . Two Heart River. . Sucker River Hurricane River. . . Grand Sable Pictured Rocks. .. Grand Island Laughing FishRiv. Chocolate River. . . C DeadRiv., Gra- i < nite Pt., &;Tal- V ( cott Har ) Huron River L'Anse Bay \ Fort Wilkins & ; ( Copper Har \ Agate Harbour Eagle Harbour. . . Salmon Trout River Misery River Flint Steel River... Ontonagon River. . Iron River Rock Island Carp River Presque Isle River. Black River Montreal River. . . . La Pointe Harbour FOND DU LAC . . FOND DU LAC TO BUFFALO. (/2eafi?M^.J 330 72 150 82 90 40 30 14 23 15 12 20 30 10 12 46 33 85 12 8 34 14 18 7 15 14 DETROIT TO BUF- p;^;HFr"m FALO. {R-ead up.) In^ce.lio!" 70 BUFFALO TO CINCINNATI. F„„J BUFFALO TO CIN- ^^•"- CINNATI, VIA SAN- DUSKY CITY, 468 423 378 348 333 303 274 226 218 203 189 180 164 151 140 128 116 108 98 84 75 65 58 51 45 37 32 27 23 14 10 From Cin- Stearaft on L. Erie BUFFALO to.... Dunkirk Erie, Pa Conncaut, O Ashtabula Grand River Cleveland Huron Sanddsky City Mad River (^ L.Erie R. R. to Bellevue Republic Tiffin *Carey Patterson Kenton Belle Centre Bellefontaxne . . West Liberty. .. . Urbana Springfield .... Little Miami R.R. to 'Sfellow Springs. . Xenia Spring Valley Corwin Oregon Morrow Deerfield Foster's Loveland's Milford Plainville to OINOINNATI- . CINCINNATI TO SANDUSKY AND BUFFALO. (/^ead2/p.) From Bnffa- 45 90 120 135 165 194 240 250 265 279 288 304 317 328 340 352 360 370 384 393 403 410 417 423 431 436 441 445 454 458 468 From Buffa- * Branch railroad runs to Find- lay, ]6 miles. Fare from Cincinnati to Xenia, $1 90 ; to Sprino-jield, $2 50 ; to Scui- dushij City, §6 50; to Buffalo, N.Y.. §10 00. N. B. Two dolls, are saved by purchasing through tickets, either at Buffalo or Cincinnati. Time between Buffalo and Cincin- nati, 38 hours. Stages run between Bellevue (15 miles from Sandusky City) to To- ledo, via Fremont, 18 miles ; IVood- ville,15\ Perrysburg, 16; Maumee City. 1: Toledo, 10. Total, 60 miles. From Cin- 489 444 399 369 354 324 295 288 283 280 277 273 270 266 262 259 254 248 241 235 228 217 211 203 195 187 180 177 175 168 162 147 130 118 104 94 83 73 65 BUFFALO TO CIN- CINNATI, VIA CLEVELAND AND COLUMBUS, By Steamboat from. |*BUFFALO to... IDunkirk, N. Y.... Erie, Pa Conneaut, O Ashtabula Grand River fCLEVELAND Cincin'ti, Cleveland, Sf Columbus R. R. Rockport Berea Olmstead Columbia Eaton Grafton La Grange Pittsfield Wellington Rochester ^ew London. .. .. . Greenwich Salem J;Shelby Corm.\-L.ErieR.R. Mansfield Lexington Bellville Fredericktown .... Mt. Vernon Winchester Gainbier Road Utica Newton Newark Hebron Reynolflsburg §CoLUMEUS Cor b us S^- Xenia R.R. West Jefferson. .. • j London South Charleston. . Adairville I'Xenia ' PHce Frora ti Bulfa- Place. 10. 45 45 45 90 30 120 15 135 30 165 29 194 7 201 5 206 3 209 3 212 4 216 3 219 4 223 4 227 3 230 5 235 6 241 7 248 6 254 7 261 11 272 6 278 14 385 10 ;395 11 ,406 10 '416 8 424 ROUTES FROM DETROIT. 71 58 51 45 37 32 27 23 l(i 14 10 ''rom Cin- cin- nati. Little Miami R. R. Spring Valley Corvvin Oregon Morrow DeeTfield Foster's Loveland's Germany Milford Plainville irCINCINWATI . CINCINNATI TO BUFFALO. (Read up.) Place to Place. 431 438 444 452 457 462 466 473 475 479 489 From Buf- falo. * See Routes from Buflalo, p. 65. t See Routes from Cleveland, page 122. X Intersects here with the Mans- field and Sandusky R. R. § See Routes from Columbus, page 120. 11 Intersects herewith the Little Miami R. R. ir See Routes from Cincinnati, page 115. ROUTES FROM DETROIT. From Detroit to Buffalo, see page 67. From Detroit to Chicago, and in- termediate places, see page 68. From Detroit to Buffalo, via Ca- nada, see page 69. From Detroit to Lake Superior, see route from Buffalo to the Cop- per Regions, page 69. Detroit to Milvv.vukie, Wis. — Leave Detroit by the cars of the Michigan Central R. R., for Niles, 191 miles, (see route from Detroit to Chicago,) thence, by stage, to St. Joseph, 25 miles. A steamboat leaves St. Joseph's daily, imme- diately on the arrival of the stage, for Kenosha, Racine, and Milwau- kie. From Detroit to Utica, Mich., 22 miles. From Detroit to Holland, Mic. — By the cars of the Michigan Cen ■ tral R. R. to Kalamazoo, 146 miles ; thence, by stage, to Holland, 50 miles. Total distance, 196 miles. Holland is a Dutch settlement, with upwards of 5000 inhabitants, and which is rapidly increasing by fresh emigration from the mother country. It is situated upon Black Lake, about eighty miles due west from Lansing, on an expansion of Black River, a small stream run- ning into Lake Michigan. A char- ter has been obtained for a plank road from Kalamazoo to the settle- ment. From Tnle- (lo. 64 47 42 38 33 29 24 19 14 3 From Tole- DETROIT TO TO- LEDO. Bif Stage from DETROIT to.... Trenton Gibraltar Brownstown Newport Brest *M0NR0E La Salle Erie Manhattan, O., to. tTOLEDO TOLEDO TO DE- TROIT. (Read up.) From De- troit 17 22 26 31 35 40 45 50 61 64 * Here it connects with the Mi- chigan Southern R. R. t At Toledo it unites with the canal route to Cincinnati, see p. 117. and, also, with the Wabash and Erie canal, leading to Fort Wayne, La Fayette, &c., see page 117. See also, the following steamboat route. 66 44 40 27 22 17 12 3 From Tole- do. DETROIT TO TO- LEDO. By Sfcamhoatfrom DETROIT to Gibraltar Brownstown Brest Monroe La Salle Erie . Manhattan to TOLEDO TOLEDO TO DE- piace TROIT. {Readup.)L^:^^ 22 26 39 44 49 54 63 66 From De- troit. DETROIT TO SAGINAW. 1™=?! DETROIT TO SA- ^'»^ naw. i GIN AW. i Place. 99 87 80 73 63 65 62 59 5-2 47 43 35 31 24 11 Deft S^-PoiitiacR.R DETKOIT to Royal Oak iBiRMIXGHAM PO.STIAC i I Bii Stage to jWaierford |Austin jClarkson iSpriiigfleld . ... JGioveland Slony Rua. .. . GraTid Blanc. . . ■ Flint Genesee Thelford Bridirepnrt to. . SAGINAW... I From De- troit. 12 19 2b 31 34 37 40 47 52 58 64 68 75 88 99 From SAGINAW TO DE- Place From Sa,n- , TRniT i '° ^^- naw. , ' i^"' ' ' , Place, troit. (Read up.) ^;Z DETROIT TO PORT Huron! HURON. Bn ti'fiire from 54 *DE'TR0IT to... 41 Mount Clemens. 34 jXew Haven , 23 iColumbus 12 St. Cr. ur to PORT HURON. Place From to De- Place, troit. 13 7 11 11 13 20 31 42 12 54 From I PORT HURON TO Place From H^J DETROIT. |,-e. tr^l : ( Head up.) I *A steamer runs in connection with the Micliisan Central R. R. between Detroit and Port Huron, leaving eacli place on alternate davs. From DETROIT TO HOW-' Place J^- ! ELL AND CO- \^^ """"i RUNNA. r'^"- ' By Staff e from I 72 DETROIT to j 57 Bedford ' 15 51 farinington i 6 37 Kensington i 14 23 Genoa I 14 From De- troit. 15 21 35 49 17 'Howell 5 Shiawassee to CORUNNA . 6 I 55 12 67 5 72 F">n' CORUNNA TO DE- Pi^:i>om Co- 10 : Dc- ninna TROIT. {Rcad Mp. Vp] ,ce. t.-oit. lT DETROIT TO LAN- /ir s:ug. I SING. '^'^'^ 131 121 114 102 94 84 75 66 55 Mickis'n Cent'lR.R. DETROIT to Dearborn Wayne Ypsilanti Ann Arbor Dexter Chelsea jGrass Lake ! Jackson I By Stage to 'LANSING 10 7 12 8 10 9 9 11 From De- troit. 10 17 29 37 47 56 6o 76 55 ;i31 F™° LANSING TO DE- ^'^^ *^°> ^":: TROIT. {Read up.) rlL, ,^l l/^^, LANSING TO GRAND ^'-^ \^ Have,, HAVEN, Pl^'-'^- lOG 100 93 84 79 73 6ij 57 43 33 2.j 16 Bv Sta ore from LANSING to... Delta Eagle Portland Maple. Lyons Ionia I Avon .Ada Grand R.*.pids. Grandville .... Talmadge to. .. GRAND HAVEN IG 106 6 13 22 27 33 40 49 63 73 80 90 ^ GRAND HAVEN TO ^, _ Fr"m Place From «-rd; LANSING. '^ Lan- Hav-n; Place, amg. ; [Read up. J Grand Haven is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, nearly opposite to Milwaukie, Wis. Steamboats connect the two places, a distance of about 99 miles. MONROE TO CHICAGO. 73 Irom Chi- cago. MONROE TO CHI- CAGO, ILL. Mick. Southern R.R MONROE to Ida Petersburg Deerfield Palmyra *Tecurnseh June.. . jAdrian Dover Clayton Hudson Pittsfield Osceo Hillsdale Jonesville Sylvanus Q,uincy COLDVVATER Bij Stage to Batavia Prairie River Sherman , White Pigeon Mottville Union Adamsville ■ Edwardsburg tNlLES , Terre Coupee Hudson La Porte Michigan City. . . City West Calumet to CHICAGO CHICAGO TO MON- ROE. (Read up.) 10 18 21 26 30 34 39 44 51 57 (j3 68 72 77 83 95 104 113 126 133 139 146 151 159 173 178 191 203 216 22 238 10 248 go can take the cars of the Michi- gan Central R. R. to New^ Buffalo, and thence, by steamboat, to Chi- cago. The Michigan Southern R. R. is being extended from its present ter- minus to the St. Joseph's River, and thence will be continued around the head of Lake Michigan to Chicago. Stages run in connection with the cars, from Adrian, Hillsdale, Cold- water, &.C., Marshall, Jackson, and Ypsilanti, on the Central R. R. ; and. also, to places in Southern Mi- chigan, and Northern Indiana. Place From to Mon- Place. roe. From Adri- TOLEDO TO ADRI- AN. 33 22 18 13 10 6 Erie SfK'lamaz. R.R. TOLEDO to Sylvania Ottawa Lake Knight's Blissfield Palmyra to ADRIAN From ADRIAN TO TOLE- Plac* From DO. (Read up.) To- ledo. 11 15 20 23 27 33 To- llHlo. * Tecumseh Branch R. R. di- verges here, and runs to Tecumseh, Smiles. It will be continued to the Michigan Central R. R., at Ann Arbor. t At Adrian the Erie and Kalama- zoo Railroad intersects, over which passengers may reach Toledo, and other places in Ohio. I At Niles, passengers for Chica- 7 At Adrian this route connects wijij^the Michigan Southern R. R. See previous route. Sto^esconnect this route with the Central R. R. at Adrian and Hills- dale. ROUTES FROM CHICAGO. From Chicago to Detroit and Buffalo. See pages 67 and 68. From Chicago to Galena and St. Paul's, Min. Ter. See pp. 76 &. 77. Prom Chicago to St. Louis, Mo., via Illinois and Michigan Canal. See page 75. Chicago to Alton and St. Louis, via Peoria and Spring- field. See page 76. For other routes, see following pages. 74 CHICAGO TO MILWAUKIE. ^^i'" CHICAGO TO MIL- I'lr ^a'ie.| WAUKIE. By Stage from 94 'CHIOAGO to 81 Datcliman's Point 71 I Wheeling - 66 |Half-Dav 60 jLibertyville 56 I Abingdon 50 Waukegan 45 [otscgo 33 iSoutiiport, Wis.... 23 iRacine 9 Oak Creek to MILWAUKEE... From Mil- waUe. MILWAUKIE TO CHICAGO. {Read up.) From Chi- cago. 13 23 23 34 38 44 49 61 71 85 94 From Chi- cago. From Chicago to Milwaukie, by steamboat, see page 67. From' CHICAGO TO BE- •'"ri LOIT AND JANES- I VILLE, Wis. 124 114 104 100 95 90 83 77 73 69 66 62 57 52 44 37 28 16 12 CICgoS^-G'lenaR.R. OHIOAGO to Noyesville Babcock's Grove. . . Wheatland Junction St. Charles' Branch Elgin By Stage to Udina Pingree Grove Hampshire Harmony Coral Marengo Amesville Belvidercj Cherry Valley ROCKFORD Pekatonica BliLOIT to JANESVILLE . . . FromJANESVILLETOCHI- Place ^"iriCAGO. {Read up.) p/,"^. Place 10 Place. From Chi- cago. 10 20 24 41 47 51 55 58 62 67 72 SO 87 96 108 112 124 From Chi- caso. From Janesville to Milwaukie and Madison, see route from Mil- waukie to Janesville &. Beloit, p. 78. fowa CHICAGO TO IOWA City. [ CITY, j \0'lena8( CKgoR.R\ 241 CHIOAGO to I 231 Noyesville | 221 Babcock's Grove. 217 Wheatland 212 Aurora Junction. 199 i Aurora I By Stage to 193 Sugar Grove 186 jAcasta 183 JLittle Rock 177 Somonauk ...... 160 Pawpaw Grove. . 144 Juliet 130 DixoN 125 Sterling 118 Rock River Rapids 106 Lyndon 95 Crandall's Ferry. . 63 Rock Island 60 Davenport, lo.. . 55 Rockingham 43 Montpelier 38 Wj'oming 31 Bloomington 20 Overman's Ferry. 12 West Liberty to.. IOWA CITY.... Place From Chi- From Iowa IOWA CITY TO CHI- CAGO. (Read up.) 10 10 4 5 13 fi 7 3 6 17 16 14 5 7 12 11 32 3 5 12 5 7 11 8 12 10 20 24 29 42 From I Spring field. CHICAGO TO SPRINGFIELD. 326 305 293 287 273 263 250 238 224 207 187 175 174 156 146 134 III.^ Michig. Canal CHICAGO to Des Plaiues Lockport Juliet Dresden Morrisana Marseilles Ottawa Peru By SCboat on IIl.Riv. Hennepin Lacon Chillicothe Rome Peoria Pekin Lancaster Landing 102 119 139 151 152 170 10 180 12 1192 CHICAGO TO SPRINGFIELD, 75 118 108 96 93 83 80 70 60 54 45 33 25 15 9 From Spring field Liverpool Havana Bath Moscow Erie Beardstovvn La Grange Meredosia Naples Saiig.S^' Morg'n R.R. Morgan City Jacksonville Franklin Berlin Scliuvler to SPRING-FIELD.. SPRINGFIELD TO CHICAGO. {Read up.) 203 218 230 233 243 246 256 266 272 281 293 301 311 317 326 From iSprIng field. 230 193 179 154 147 135 116 108 96 90 86 80 72 67 63 31 From Spring field. CHICAGO TO SPRINGFIELD. Bij Stage from CHICAGO to.... Juliet Dresden Marseilles Ottawa Verinilionville. . .. Sandy Creek Crow Meadow. . . . Black Partridge. .. Washington Little Detroit Peoria Groveland Tremont Dillon Middletown to . . . SPRINGFIELD. SPRINGFIELD TO CHICAGO. (Read up.) From Chi- cago. 37 51 76 83 95 114 122 ]34 140 144 1.50 158 163 167 199 230 98 ICity West 81 Wa"shington City 71 Laporte 41 Plymouth 33 Sidney 23 Rochester 12 Metea to *L0G-A]Nr3P0RT LOGANSPORT TO CHICAGO. {Read up.) 24 36 17 53 10 63 30 93 8 101 10 111 11 122 12 134 From Chi- cago. *" Logansport is situated on the Wabash River, and Wabash and Erie Canal ; thence passengers may go to Fort Wayne, La Fayette, Terre Haute, &c. CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS. See Routes from Springfield, p. 132. From Lo- gans- 134 CHICAGO TO LO- GANSPORT, lA. B>t Stage from CHl'CAG-O lo... 122 Calumet. riace From to Chi- Place. cago. 12 12 417 406 394 384 378 364 354 341 329 315 298 278 266 265 247 237 225 209 199 187 184 174 171 161 151 145 141 135 119 Via the Illinois and Michigan Canal. CHICAG-O to Summit Des Plaines Lockport Juliet Dresden Morrisana Marseilles Ottawa Peru By the Illinois Riv. Hennepin Lacon Chillicothe Rome Peoria Pekin Lancaster Landing Liverpool Havana Bath Moscow Erie Beardstown La Grange Meredosia Naples Griggsville Landing Florence Montezuma Place ilo Place. 11 10 12 6 14 10 13 12 14 17 20 12 1 18 10 12 16 10 12 3 10 3 10 10 6 4 6 16 From Chi- cago. 11 20 33 39 53 63 76 88 102 119 139 151 152 170 180 192 208 218 230 233 243 246 256 266 272 276 282 298 76 117 107 101 85 43 41 23 18 CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS. Bridgeport Newport Columbiana Gilford Mouth Illinois R By the Mississippi R Grafton Alton Missouri River to ST. LOUIS, Mo. . ^J?°^ST. LOUIS TO CHI- Lou'isJ CAGO. {Read up.) 300 310 316 33-2 374 376 394 399 417 Froai Cb:- cajo. The fare between Chicago and St. Louis, is SIO. Time, about -2^ days. From Chicago to Peoria, $5 ; and from the latter place to St. Louis, S4. From' CHICAGO TO ST. Place From s'; LOUIS. VIA PEORIA p,l°^ "-""'^AND SPRINGFIELD.""" 336 326 319 315 311 306 300 293 287 283 276 267 252 247 235 216 208 196 190 ISu 180 172 1G7 15.5 122 99 02 83 Ch'iToS; G'leiia RR CHICAG-0 to iNovesville iCottage Hill iBabcock's Grove. .. 'Wheatland lAurora Junction. . . \, Aurora Brnch R.R I Bat a via {Aurora I By Stage to Oswego Yorkville iPenfield JNorthville I Dayton JOttawa IVermilionville ;Sandy Creek jcrow Meadow JBIack Partridge. .. j Washington [Little Detroit IPeoria. JGroveland Tremont iDellavan Middletown SPRINrJFIELD I * By Stage to jChatham JAubarn 10 10 7 17 4 21 4 25 5 30 6 4 7 9 15 5 12 101 36 43 49 53 60 69 84 89 73 iGirard I 10 [263 60 'Carlinsville I 13 j276 50 Plainview.. j 10 'i286 41 23 18 _unker Hill j 9 j295 Alton | 18 1313 Stenmb't on Jiliss. R Missouri River to. . ST. LOUIS- 5 1318 18 336 F-=" ST. LOUIS TO CHl-i"f-;f^°™ L^u'?. CAGO. (Read ILp.) |pia.-e.icago. * A railroad is building between Sprinsfield and Alton, by the above routeT It will probably be opened for travel during the present year. j.„„ CHICAGO TO GALE- !r,,ce! From ,f;;;NA, ILL., AND ST. |,-,.|,^'-. 1 PAUL, MIN. a 123 12 140 6 146 4 150 6 156 8 164 5 169 12 151 33 211 23 237 7 244 9 253 180 170 , 1G3 I 159 : 155 150 145 138 132 123 124 121 117 112 107 99 92 83 71 61 54 46 44 42 10 5 ClitroS^G'lenaR.R CHICAGO to NoyesviJie Cottage Hill Babcock's Grove. .. Wheatland * Junction . tSt. Charles' Branch Elgin By Stage to LTdina Pingree Grove Hampshire 'Harmony Coral Marengo Ainesville Belvidere Cherry Valley I ROCKFORD Vancebiirg i Silver Creek 1 Freeport ! iForestville | iWaddams' Grove.. | lAlida , {White Oak Springs Green vale to G-ALENA 10 7 4 4 5 5 7 6 4 4 3 4 5 5 8 7 9 12 10 From Ga- lena, GALENA TO CHICA-i to GO, (Rei^d up.) l^i^'-^- 10 17 21 25 30 35 42 48 52 56 59 63 68 73 81 88 97 109 119 126 134 136 138 170 175 180 From Chi- cago. GALENA TO ST. PAUL. 77 Fare from Chicago to Galena, $8 00. Time, about 2 days. Galena to St. Paul's, see follow- ing route. * Aurora Branch R. R. diverges here, and runs to Aurora, 13 mile;'. t St. Charles Branch R. R. leaves the main road here, and strikes ofFto St. Charles, 8 miles. Stages leave Aurora and St. Charles daily, for Dixon and Otta- WA, by the following routes. From Aurora to Ottawa, as follows : Aurora to Oswego, 7 miles; Bris- tol, 12; Penfield, 17; Northville, 26 ; Dayton, 41 ; Ottawa, 46. Ottawa is on the Illinois and Michigan Canal ; passengers, there- fore, can go by that route to Chi- cago, or by the Illinois River to Pe- oria, and thence to St. Louis and other places. From St. Charles to Dixon, as follows: St. Charles to Acasto, 20 miles; Little Rock, 24; Somo- nauk, 30; Paw Paw Grove, 46; Lee, 63; Dixon, 78. From Dixon, passengers may continue the route to Galena, 96 miles distant. This is what is termed the lower route between Chicago and Galena ; the one before described is the upper route. From Dixon, also, passengers may reach Rock Island, III., by^^the following route : from Dixon to Sterling, 5 miles; Rock River Ra- pids, 12; Lyndon, 24; Cratideirs Ferry, 34 ; Rock Island, 67. 350 343 326 318 298 288 268 266 264 208 199 GALENA, ILL., TO ST.PAUL, MIN. TER. Bif Steamboat from *G-ALENA to.... Mississippi River. . Dubuque, Io Peru, Io Cassville, Wis Guthenburg, Io Wisconsin River. . Fort Crawford, Wis, Prairie du Chien,". Upper Iowa River. Bad Axe River 7* Place to Plaie. 7 17 8 20 10 20 2 o 50 9 7 24 32 52 62 82 84 86 142 131 179 174 85 60 Root River La Crosse, Wis. . . . Chippewa River. .. Lake Pepin to ST.PAUL 20 5 8!) 25 60 171 176 265 230 350 From St. Paul. ST. PAUL TO GALE- NA. (Read up.) Place to Place. From Ga- lena. * Galena is situated on Fever River, 7 miles from the Mississippi •River. It is important for |)asseu- gers taking this route to Minneso- ta, to so time their starting as to reach Galena on Monday orThurs- day mornings, as the mail-boats for St. Paul leave invariably about noon on those days. There are now other boats engaged in the trade, but their time for starting cannot always be relied upon. Of course, as this portion of the country be- comes more densely populated, the demand for means of conveyance will be increased. The fare from Galena to St. Paul, in the mail- boats, is $5 00, Meals and berth included. ROUTES FROM MILWAUKIE. Mihvaukie to Chicago, see p. 74. Places bordering on Lake Michi- gan can be reached, from Milwau- kie, by steamboat. From Madi- son 84 79 73 69 65 58 54 46 38 28 25 16 From Madi- MILWAUKIE TO MADISON. By Stage from MILWAUKIE to. Wawatosa Brookfield Prairioville Howard Delafield Summit Ixonia Watertown Aztalan Lake Mills Deerfield Cottaire Grove to. . MADISON MADISON TO MIL-, WAUKIE. [Read up.) ' From Mil- w'kie. 5 n 15 19 26 30 38 46 56 59 68 76 84 From Mii- w'kie 78 MADISON TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. From I'rii't 95 77 (54 56 39 8 1 From Prai'e MADISON TO PRAI- RIE DU CHIEN. B>i S'acre from MAiDISON to.. Blue iMoimd Ridge way Dodge vi lie VViii2ville Brooklyn Fort Crawford to PRAIRIE D' C'N Janes v:llc. 79 71 66 59 53 45 :« 30 26 14 PRAIRIE DU CHIEN TO MADISON. (Head up.) MILWAUKIE TO JANESVILLE AND BELOIT. Bn Sin ire from MILWAUKIE to Greenfield \e\v Berlin Vernon Mukwonaga Troy Sugar Creek Richmond Johnstown JaN'ESVILLE to BELOIT From Madi- Place. SOQ. 18 13 8 17 31 I 31) i.Manitonwoc to.. . I iG-REEN BAY... 18 31 39 56 87 95 From Mali- sou. Place From M:l. 1-2.T 116 110 107 10-2 98 85 80 73 07 BELOIT TO MIL- WAUKIE. (Read up.) MILWAUKIE TO GREEN BAY, VIA SHEBOYGAN. B'J Stao-a from MILWAUEIE to. Megiion u'edarburg Grafton Sauk%'iile Port Washington. . Cedar Grove GibbsviUe Sheboygan Falls. .. Sheboygan 13 20 26 34 41 49 53 65 79 From Mil- w'iie. From Mil- w'kie. 13 19 22 27 31 44 49 53 02 Fro„,'GREEN BAY TO MIL- WAUKIE. Green Bay. {Read up.) MILWAUKIE TO GREEN BAY, VIA FOND DU LAC. 93 129 1 By Stacre from 136 MILWAUEIE to. 125 Granville 120 Menomonee Falls. 113 Richfield 100 Polk 85 |Theresa 78 Le Roy. 71 63 59 47 4 Bvron FOND DULAO. Tayheda Calumet Pequot 34 IStockbridge 14 j Bridgeport 5 iDepere to i GREEN BAY... From MU. Place. ;w'kie. Place . From Mil- 11 16 23 36 51 58 65 73 77 89 94 102 122 131 136 From Green Bay. From Xee- nafa. GREEN BAYTO MIL- WAUKIE. [Reed up.) i Place From to I Mil- Place, w'kie. MILWAUKIE TO NEENAH, WIS. Bii Staa-efrom 135 MILWAUEIE to. "3 *Sheboygan 62 67 Sheboygan Falls. .. 6 58 Plymouth 9 43 Owascus 15 33 Fond dc Lac 10 28 Friendship 5 15 Oshkosh 13 5 jGroveland to 10 NEENAH 5 Fnra ?iee- nab. NEENAH TO MIL- V/AUKIE. (Read up.) From Mil- 62 68 77 92 102 107 120 130 135 From Mil- w'kie. *Passen?ers may reach Sbeboy- gan, from Mihvaukie, by steamboat. NEENAH TO GREEN BAY. 79 From Green Bay. 38 37 32 31 30 27 26 22 17 5 1 From Green Bay. NEENAH TO GREEN BAY. By Stage from NEENAH to Menaslia Martin Appleton Luwesburg Cedar Rapids LitUe Chute Grand Kan-kan-na Rapids du Cerosh. . Depere Astor to J P'ort Howard and GREEN BAY. . GREEN BAY TO NEENAH, {Read up.) 1 6 7 8 11 12 16 21 33 37 38 From Nee- nah. ^;:™ MADISON TO Bay." GREEN BAY. 165 141 123 104 100 90 78 C3 59 47 42 34 14 5 From Green Bav. By Stage from MADISON to... Lowville Fort Winnebago. Kingston Grand Prairie Green Lake Rosendale Fond Du Lac Tayheda Caiiunet Pequot Stnckbridge Bridgeport Depere to G-REEN BAY. . . GREEN BAY TO MA' DISON, {Readup.) From rr'rie GREEN BAY TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. By Stage from 253 G-REEN BAY to. 248 Depere 239 Bridgeport 219 jStockliridge 211 Pequot 206 ICalumet From Madi- son. 24 42 61 65 75 87 102 106 118 123 131 151 160 165 From Madi- From Green Bay. 5 14 34 42 47 194 190 175 163 153 149 130 120 108 90 81 69 56 39 8 1 From Pr'rie From Beloit. 57 35 30 26 14 7 From Beloit. 47 29 16 8 Tayheda FOND DULAC. Rosendale Green Lake Grand Prairie Kingston Fort Winnebago. Dekorah Hungary Prairie du Lac Arena Helena Dodgeville Wingville Brooklyn Fort Crawford to. . . PRAIRIE D' C'N PRAIRIE DU CHIEN TO GREEN BAY. (Read up.) MADISON TO BE- LOIT. By Stage from MADISON to Union Osborne Warren Janesville Rock Valley to. .. . BELOIT 12 4 15 12 10 4 19 10 12 18 9 12 13 17 31 59 63 78 90 100 104 123 133 145 163 172 184 197 214 245 252 253 From Greea Bay. BELOIT TO MADI- SON. {Read up.) Pl'ace From Madi- Place. son. 22 5 4 12 7 7 MADISONTO MINE- RAL POINT. By Singe from. MADISON to,. Blue Mound Ridgeway Dodgeville to MINERAL FT. From MINERAL POINT TO fo^!,MkD\SOfi.Readup.) 44 37 32 MINERAL POINT TO GALENA. By Stage from MINERAL FT. to New Baltimore. . . . Willow Spring.... Place to Place. 18 13 Place to Place. 22 27 31 43 50 57 From Madi- From Madi- 18 31 39 47 From Madi- son. From Miji'al Point. 7 12 80 RACINE TO JANESVILLE. 26 24 15 10 9 From Gale- na. Otterburn ( Picatoiiica Riv. j / Crossing . . . . j Schiitsburg White Oak Spring Buncombe to G-ALENA GALENA TO MINERAL POINT. {Read up.) From Jaues- ville, 71 64 5(i 51 45 m 33 20 21 18 15 RACINE TO JANES- VILLE. By Sta^e from RACINE to.... Fountain Caledonia Yorkville Rochester Burlington Spring Prairie. .. Elkhorn Delavan Darien Fairfield Emerald Grove to JANESVILLE . JANESVILLE TO RA- CINE. {Read up.) 18 20 29 34 35 44 Place From Min'al Place. Point. From Ra- cine. 7 15 20 26 32 38 45 50 53 56 63 71 From Ra- cine. riJANESVILLETO GA- LENA. 83 75 70 62 50 37 26 15 By Slnrre from JANESVILLE to. Bachelor's Grove. .. Spring Valley Decatur Monroe Wiota Gratiot's Grove Slmlsburg Place From to Janes- Place, ville. 13 21 33 46 57 68 10 9 White Oak Springs Buncombe to G-ALENA GALENA TO JANES- ^f- ^^rom VILLE. (Read up.) piJ'ee. vme!' From Beloit. 67 59 54 48 42 33 23 17 14 From Beloit. RACINE TO BE- LOIT. By Stag's from RACINE to Fountain Yorkville Rochester Burlington Geneva Walworth Sharon Allen's Grove. .. . Clinton to BELOIT BELOIT TO RA- CINE. (Read up.) Place From lo j Ra- Place. cine. Place From to i Ra- Place. cine. 67 63 58 49 41 33 23 17 14 From Be- loit. SOUTHPORT TO BE- LOIT. By Stage from SOUTHPORT to Pleasant Prairie. . Bristol Salem Lakeville Geneva Walworth Sharon Allen's Grove Clinton to BELOIT BELOIT TO SOUTH PORT. (Read up.) jpiace. NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA. 81 GREAT SOUTHERN ROUTE NEW YORK, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WASHING- TON, RICHMOND, CHARLESTON, MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS, &c. From Phila- da. 87 86 78 73 68 60 56 47 43 39 29 28 27 24 20 7 From Phila- da. NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK to... I Jersey City, | I (by ferry) . . . i JVcM Jersey R. R. Newark Elizabethtown Railway Matouchin New Brunswick. . M. B. Sc Tren. R. R. Dean's Pond Kingston Princeton Trenton Phil. ^ Tren. R. R. South Trenton Morrisville Tullytown Bristol Tacony By Steamboat to PHILADELPH'A PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) From New York. 1 9 14 19 27 31 40 44 48 58 59 60 63 67 80 87 From New York Fare, $3 00. Usual time, ^^ hours N, B. See Routes from N. York and also Philadelphia. When th3 navigation of the De laware is prevented by ice, then the vars arrive at, and depart from, the railroad depot at Kensington, atiout 2| miles from the Exchange. Oin iii buses convey passengers, and their baggage, from the depot to the principal hotels in the city, for 18| cents. From Phila. 90 62 52 48 41 37 32 27 19 14 13 1 From Phila- NEWYORKTO PHI- LADELPHIA, VIA THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY R, R. By Steamboat from *NEWYORKto.. South Amboy Cam. Sc Jlmboy R.R. Spotswood West's Turnout Hightstown Centreville Sandhills JBORDENTOWN JBURLINGTON Beverly Rancocas Camden By Ferry to §PHILADELP'IA PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) I'lace Place. From New York. 28 38 42 49 53 58 63 71 76 77 89 90 From New Y'ork. Fare, $3 00. Usual time, 5 hours. * See Routes from New York. t A branch railroad extends from Bordentown to Trenton, 7 miles, uniting the two routes across New Jersey. X The Mount Holly Branch di- verges here, and runs to Mount Holly, 6 miles. § See Routes from Philadelphia. 82 NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA, From Pnila- 92 91 83 78 73 65 61 52 48 44 34 27 19 14 13 1 NEWYORKTO PHI- LADELPHIA, VIA TRENTON AND BORDENTOWN. *NEWyORKco.. { Jersey City, ) } (by ferry) ) JsTew Jersey R. R. to Newark Elizabethtown Rahway Maiouchin New Brunswick.. JV. B. & Tren. R. R. Dean's Pond Kingston Princeton Trenton Tren. Branch R. R. BORDENTOWN Cam. 8^ Jimhoy R. R. Bdrlington Beverly Rancocas Camden By Fern/ to PHILADELPH'A From York. 1 9 14 19 27 31 40 44 48 58 65 73 78 79 91 92 From PHILADELPHIA TO Pla« From ^^"1 NEW YORK. U-U. ?orl I (Read up.) I 1 Fare, .$3 00. Usual time, 5 hours. * This is the route of the early morning line, leaving New York and Philadelphia. N. B. See Routes from New York, and also Pliiladelphia. |"r PHILADELPHIA TO BALTIMORE. 97 Philad'a, Wilming- ton, i^ Bait. R.R. PHILADEL. to.. 94 Gray's Ferry 87 Lazaretto 83 IChester 80 JMarcus Hook 78 Naaman's Creek. . . 70 iWlLMINOTON 66 Newport 64 Stanton 58 Newark 52 IElkton Place From to Phila- Place. ' da. 3 10 14 17 19 27 31 33 39 45 46 43 38 37 28 20 16 10 3 From Balti- more. North-East Charlestown Cecil Depot. .-. Havre de Grace. Perrynian's Gunpowder Chase's Stemmer's Run... Canton BALTIMORE . . . BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up.) 51 54 59 60 69 77 81 87 94 97 From PhUa- da. Fare, S3 00. Time, 6 hours. N. B. See Routes from Philadel- phia, and also Baltimore. PHILADELPHIA TO BALTIMORE. 115 106 101 97 93 79 62 43 28 13 3 By Steamboat on the Dclaicare R. from PHILADEL. to.. Fort Milflin Lazaretto Chester Marcus Hook New Castle By ihc J^ew Castle ^ Frenchtown R. R. to Frenchtown By Steamboat on Chesapeake Bay to Turkey Point Pool's Island North Point Fort McHenrv to. . BALTIMORE . . From Balti- more. 17 BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. [Read up.) I^"'* ' From Phila- da. 9 14 18 22 36 53 67 87 102 112 115 From Fhila- da. Fare, $3 00. Time, 7 hours. N. B. See Routes from Philadel- phia, and also Baltimore. N. B. There is another railroad route between Philadelphia and Baltimore, by way of Lancaster, Columbia, andl'orfc. Pa. This route, although not so dictct, will, to the tourist whose time is not limited, be found to possess far greater at- BALTIMORE TO WASHINGTON. 83 tractions, in the way of fine scenery, than those previously described. The distance is 153 miles. Fare, $5 00. Another route open to tourists, is from Philadelphia, by steamboat, down the Delaware river to Dela- ware City, 44 miles ; thence through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 16 miles ; thence across Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore, 56 miles. Total, 116 miles. The chief feature of in- terest on this route, is the formida- ble excavation on the above canal, termed the " Deep Cut," which ex- tends six miles, and is, in its deep- est part, 70 feet from the top. A bridge of 235 feet span extends over the chasm, at aj;i elevation of 90 feet above the canal. From W3h- ingt'ii. 40 31 30 25 22 20 19 15 12 10 7 From W'sh- ingt'n. BALTIMORE TO WASHINGTON. IVask. Brandt R. R. BALTIMORE to. llelay House Elkridge Landing. . Jessup's Cut *Annapolis June . . Savage Factory. .. . Laurel Factory. .- . White Oak Bottom Heltsville Paint Branch Bladensburg to. . . . WASHINGTON . WASHINGTON TO BALTIMORE. [Read up,) From Balti- more. 10 15 18 20 21 25 28 30 33 40 From Balti- more. Fare, $1 Time, 2 hours. N. B. See Routes from Balti- more, and also Washington. * A branch road diverges hence to Annapolis. N. B. Passengers going south from Baltimore may avoid Wash- ington by taking the Chesapeake Bay route to Norfolk, Va., 196 miies; thence, by the James River steamer, to City Point, 85 miles; thence, bv railroad, to Petersburg, Va., 12 miles. Or, from Norfolk, may go to Weldon, N. C, as follows : by rail- road, to J^ewsom's Depot, 49 miles; by stage, to Careysburg, 26 miles ; thence by railroad, to Weldon, 5 miles, at which place the southern route is resumed. A steamboat runs between Bal- timore and Acquia Creek Landing, via the mouth of the Potomac and Piney Point, in connection with the Richmond and Fredericksburg and Richmond and Petersburg rail- roads. Through tickets by this line, as follows: from Baltimore to Fredericksburg, $3 00 ; Baltimore to Richmond, Va., $5 50 ; Baltimore to Petersburg, $6 00 : Baltimore to Charleston, S- C, $15 00. N. B. Meals and state-rooms extra. From Rich- mond- 131 76 62 50 39 29 23 21 From Ricli- moiid. WASHINGTON TO RICHMOND, VA. By Steamboat from *WASH'G-T6n to Acquia Creek Richin'd, Fred'sburg ^ Potomac R. R. to Fredericksburg. . Guiney's Depot. .. . Milford Depot..... Chesterfield fJunction Taylorsville Hunirarv Station to RICHMOND... . 55 RICHMOND TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) from W'sli- ingt'n. 55 69 81 92 102 108 110 123 131 From W'sh- ingt'n. Fare from Washington to Fred- ericksburg, $2 75, and from Fred- ericksburg to Richmond, Va., $2 75. Total, $5 50. Time, 9^ hours. N. B. Steamboats run on James River, between Richmond and Nor- folk, touching at City Point. From Norfolk, steamers run to Washing- ton and Baltimore. * The route between Washing- ton and the railroad terminus, at Acquia Creek Landing, Va., is con- tinued by steamboat, on the Poto- mac, passing in view of Mt. Vernon. 84 RICHMOND TO WELDON. t The Virginia Central Railroad, formerly the Louisa Railroad, di- verges at this point. ^^-li^, RICHMOND TO don. I WELDON, N. C. IRick.^PeCsb'gR.R. 85 RICHMOND to . 72 Clover Hill 69 Port Walthall 63 Petersburg 42 Stony Creek 22 I *HlCKSFORD 5 Carevsbursr, N.C. to WELDON Place From to Rich- Place, mond. 13 16 22 43 63 80 85 ^ yi.i^ss^ri^ ?'^"'' '-" ! men™ don ; MONDi [Ileadup.) Place.>ona. Fare, §2 50. Ti?ne, 6^ hours. * A railroad runs from Hicksford to Raleigh, N. C, via Gaston, 107 miles. Fare, $4 50. Stages connect at Hicksford for places ia the vicinity. F.-om m'lon. ]62 155 144 134 125 115 108 102 95 85 75 63 55 47 38 30 23 ]5 10 WELDON TO WIL- MINGTON, N.C, tVilmington §;■ IVeL- don R. R. WELDON to Halifax Eiifield Battles Rocky Mount Jovner's Tossnot Barden's Xahanta GOLDSBORO' Dudley Faison's Warsaw Strickland Teachey's Washington Ben?a\v Rocky Point Xoith-Eastto WILMINGTON . l:^^' WILMINGTON TO \^T m-on yfj £iUQti, [Read up. )TUce. From Wel- don. 7 18 28 37 47 54 60 67 77 87 99 107 115 124 132 139 147 152 162 From Wel- ilon. Fare, §5 00. Time, about 12 hours. The route between Wilmington, N. C, and Charleston, S. C, is con- nected by steamboat, which leaves each place soon after the arrival of the cars from the north and south. The distance is 180 miles. Fare, $5 00. Stages leav-e Warsaw for Fayetteville, N. C, 50 miles. Fare, S4 00. Also, from Warsaw and Goldsboro', for J^ewbern. N. C, 60 miles from the former, §5 00, and 74 miles from the latter place, §6 00. Also, from Rocky Mount, for Ra- leigh, capital of North Carolina, 56 miles. Fare, $5 00. 137 124 119 115 106 100 89 74 71 65 56 47 33 30 22 T7 9 1 CHARLESTON TO AUGUSTA. S. Carolina R. R. CHARLESTON to Sineath's Ladson's Summerville Inabet's Ross's George's *Braxchville .... Edisto Turnout. .. . Midway Graham's Blackville Williston Windsor Johnson's -Aiken Marsh's Hainbur? to AUGUSTA, Ga... AUGUSTA TO CHARLESTON. (Read up.) From Cries- ton. Fare. §4 00. Time, 7 hours. X. B. See Routes from Charles ton. N. B. Omnibuses convey passen- gers between Hamburg and .^ugus- 7a, and rice versa, connecting the South Carolina and Georgia rail- roads. Fare, 50 cents. Supper proviiled at Aueusta, Ga. * The Columbia Branch Railroad diverges here. AUGUSTA TO ATLANTA. 85 From Atlan- 171 160 150 142 133 124 114 106 95 87 67 51 41 30 24 15 6 From Atlan- AUI^STA, GA., TO ^'^«^ ATLANTA. Georgia R. R. AUG-USTA to.. Bell Air Berzelia Bearing Thomson *Camak Cuiiiming Crawfordville . . . fUnion Point... . Greensboro' Madison Social Circle.... Covington Conyers' Lithonia Stone Mountain. Decatur to..... ATLANTA ATLANTA TO AU- GUSTA. (Readup.) 11 21 29 38 47 57 65 76 84 104 120 130 141 147 156 165 171 From Fare, $5 00. Time, 12 hours. * The Camak Branch Railroad runs to Warrenton, 4 miles. Stages leave the latter place for Sparta, (fare, $2 00,) and Milledgeville, capital ofGeorgia,54 miles, (^3 00,) and Macon, 84 miles. Fare, ^5 50. 1 1'he Athens Branch Railroad unites at this point with the Geor- gia Railroad; distance 40 miles. Fare, $1 20. From Moiu- go'ry. 209 198 187 173 166 154 129 111 97 67 ATLANTA TO MONTGOMERY, AL. Macon Sc fVest.'n R.R ATLANTA to.... Hancock Jonesboro' Fayette Griffin By Stage to Zebulon Greenville La Grange West Point Bij Railroad. Opelica 8 From Allan- 11 22 36 43 55 80 98 112 142 60 Auburn ...••••••.• 7 12 8 7 33 Place to Place. 149 48 Notasulga 161 40 Chehaw 169 33 Franklin to MONTGOMERY 176 209 From Moiit- go'ry MONTGOMERY TO ATLANTA. {Read up.) From Atlan- ta. Fare, ^U 00. Thne, 19 hours, including stoppages. 331 319 309 300 291 277 249 233 210 193 189 179 155 135 113 106 98 89 83 44 21 *MONTGOMERYTO "-^ MOBILE. By Steamboat^ MONTG-OM'Y to Washington Lowndesport Vernon Miller's Ferry Benton Selma Cahavvba Portland Bridgeport Canton Prairie Bin ff Black Bluff Land'g. Bell's Landing Claiborne Gosport Oliver's Ferry French's Landing. . James' Landing. . , Tombigbee River. . Fort St. Philip td.. MOBILE MOBILE TO MONT- GOMERY. {Read up.) From Mont 12 22 31 40 54 82 98 121 138 142 152 176 196 218 225 233 242 248 287 310 331 From Mont go'ry. Fare, $8 00. 48 hours. Time, from 40 to N. B. See Routes from Montgo- mery and Mobile. * There are two modes of convey- ance between the above places; the first by a regular line of light draught steamers, on the Alabama and Mobile rivers; the other is by a line of daily mail coaches, with extras for 20 passengers. We give 86 MONTGOMERY TO MOBILE. here the routes respectively, leav- ing the selectiori to the individuals concerned. F-.o-lMONTGQMERY TO MOBILE. 197 184 173 168 163 ]5l ]25 107 By Stage from MONTGOM'Y 19 Pintlala Hickory Grove Sandv Ridge KirkviUe Greenville Activity Burnicorn 83 jClaiborue 65 Mt. Pleasant 30 Stockton 14 Blakely to MOBILE FromiMOBILE TO MONT- M- GOMERY. I {Head up.) Place From to Mont- Place, g'm'y. 13 11 5 5 13 26 18 24 18 35 16 14 13 24 29 34 46 72 90 114 132 167 183 197 Place From to 1 Mont- Place, g'm'y. Fare, $10 00. Time, about 40 hours. ^"™: MOBILE TO NEW Place From Mo- l^ans'l ORLEANS. Place. bile. Bi/ Steamboat from 166 MOBILE to u 136 Uedar Point, Ala. . 30 30 124 Portersville 12 42 111 Pascaiioula, Miss. . 13 55 83 Missis.^ippi City. .. 28 83 72 Cat Inland n 94 61 East iVlarianne 11 105 5j West Marianne 5 110 51 St. Josephs Island. 5 115 47 Grand Island 4 119 3d Lake Bor^ne 9 128 27 Fori Coquilles 11 139 20 Point Aux Herlies. 7 146 5 Lakeport (on L. ; 1 Pontchartrain ) Bi/ Railroad to 15 161 *K"SWOHLEANS 5 Place 166 From NEW ORLEANS TO From N. Or- leans MOBILE. {Read up.) to Place. Mo- bile. Fare, $5 00- Time, 18 hours. * See Routes from New Orleans. CONTINUATION OF ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. 35 34 30 23 21 19 16 11 7 5 1 From Suf- fern's. NEW YORK TO PA- TERSON AND SUF- FERN'S. NEW YORK to. { Jersey City ( (by ferry) Peterson ^ Hudson R. R. to Bergen Boiling Spring Passaic Bridge .\ckerinan's Paterson Ram'poS^'PaVn R.R. Godwinville Allendale Ramsey's Wan maker's to. . .. *SUFFER]Nr'S.... SUFFERN'S TO NEW YORK. (Read up.) Place to Place. From New York. 1 * At Suffern's this railroad unites with the New York and Erie R. R. leading to Binghainpton, Owego, Ithaca, Elmira, Dunkirk, Roches- ter, Buffalo, &c. For Route from New York to Buffalo, via the Ra- mapo and Paterson Railroad, see page 66. From Mil- ford. 53 44 35 31 22 17 14 From Mil- ford. PATERSON. N. J., ^Z" TO MILFORD, PA. n^ce. Bu St acre from *PATERSON to. Ponipton Newfoundland. . .. Stockholm Hamburg Deckertown Libertyvillo Moiitairup to MILFORD 9 9 4 9 5 3 12 2 From Pater- sou. MILFORD TO PA- |pi='^« 1'°^ TERSON. (Readup.) Pi'ace.: 80^' * From Paterson to New York, see previous route. NEW YORK TO DOVER. 87 From Mil- ford. 84 83 75 71 69 65 62 59 56 52 49 46 43 39 32 26 20 13 6 2 NEW YORK TO DO- VER, N. J., AND MILFORD, PA. NEW YORK to... Jersey City (by fry) J\rew Jersey R. R. to Newark Morris Sf EssexR.R. Orange South Orange Millville Summit Chatham Madison MORRISTOWN . Morris Plains Deuville Rockavvay DOVER Bij stage to Stanhope A ndover Newton Augusta Hainsville Montague to MILFORD, PA. . From Mil- ford. MILFORD TO NEW YORK. (Read up.) From New York. ^™f IMORRISTOWN, N.J. ^ir ImoX Eas- toii. TO EASTON, PA. 13 15 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 41 45 52 58 64 71 78 82 84 * The Morris and Essex R. R. is to be continued to tlie Delaware Water-Gap. The best and most expeditious route from New York to Milford, is by the New York and Erie R. R. to Port Jervis, and thence by stage to Milford. Stages leave Dover for Sucka- sunny, Stanhope, Newton, Hack- etstown, and Hope, daily; for Mil- ford, and Owegoon Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays; and for Spar- ta, Johnsonbiirg, Blairstown, Co- lumbia, Del. Water-Gap, Strouds- burg, (Sec. &c. Stages leave Morristo'n for Mend- ham, Chester, Schooley's Mountain, Washington, Belvidere, and Eas- ton, daily. 43 36 30 26 24 21 16 14 6 From Eas- toii. By Stage from MORRIST'V/lsT to Mendham Chester German Valley Schooley's Mount. Pleasant Grove Anderson Mansfield Stewartsville to. .. EASTOW EASTON TO MOR- RISTOWN. (Read up.) From NEW YORK TO EAS- \!n: TON. 75 60 58 53 51 49 48 46 43 39 34 30 25 20 17 14 11 7 4 By Steamboat from NEW YORK to... Elizabethport JV. J. Central R. R Elizabethtovvn . Cranesville Westfield Feitville Scotch Plains Plainfield New Market Bound Brook SOMERVILLE North Branch White House By Stage to Lebanon Clinton Perry ville Bethlehem Bloomsbnrg Still Valley EASTON, PA. From KilB- toii. EASTON TO NEW YORK. (Read up) 15 2 5 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 4 Passengers may reach Elizabeth- town, via Newark, by the New Jersey R. R., taking the cars at Jersey City. 88 ROUTES FROM PHILADELPHIA. From Ma'ch Ch'Dk. EASTON TO MAUCH CHUNK. Place to Place. From Eas- ton. 36 By Stage from EASTON to Bath 10 5 4 5 5 3 4 10 21 17 12 7 4 Petersvjlle Cherryville Lehigh Water-Gap. Parrysville Lehiffhtoii to MAUCH CHUNK 15 19 24 29 32 36 From MAUCH CHUNK TO c^-ni^-EkSJQU. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Eas- ton. From Lew- istown MAUCH CHUNK ANDPOTTSVILLETO LEWISTOWN, PA. Place to Place. From .Ma'ch Ch'nk. 132 123 117 Summit Hill S^- Mch Chunk R. R. MAUCH CH'K to Sunifiiit Hill By Stage to 9 6 20 11 8 9 15 97 86 78 Lit. Sckuylk' *Port Clinton Reading R.R. to Schuvlkill Haven.. Mine Hill R. R. to 31inersville 35 46 54 74 54 37 30 fTremont By Stage to Wiconisco Ly ken's Val.R.R. to Millersburg By Stage to the Penn. Central R. R. LEWISTOWN . . . LEWISTOWN TO MAUCH CHUNK. {Read up.) 20 17 7 30 58 78 95 102 132 From Ma'ch ch'uk. * Port Clinton is on the Reading R. R.; passengers, therefore, may go from this place to Pottsville, Reading, Philadelphia, &c. t This is a new and convenient route of travel, and but recently established. From Pottsville, by railroad, to Tremont, is 17 miles; stages leave the latter place on ar- rival of the morning cars from Pottsville, and arrive at Levvistovvn (on Penn. Central R. R.) the same evening. Distance, 91 miles. From the point of intersection on the Penn. Central R. R. passengers may go to Pittsburg: or, to Harris- burg, Lancaster, Philadelphia, &c. From Harrisburg, they may reach York, Pa., and Baltimore, Md., by railroad. ROUTES FROM PHILADELPHIA, 77ie folloicing are the principal railroad routes diverging from Philadel- phia ; the traveller will refer to each respectively, as may be required. PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD, Sbc -Leave from foot of Walnut Street. — This route leads the traveller to Bristol, Trenton, Princeton, New Brunswick, Newark, and New York. The Belvidere and Delaware R. R. branches off at Trenton, and leads to Easton, Pa., Belvidere, &c. See page 81. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAoT-ieawe Philadelphia, by ferry, to Camden. — VX. leads to Burlington, Bordentown, Hightstown, South Am. boy, and New York. Trenton Branch Railroad runs from Bordentown HACKNEY COACH FARES IN PHILADELPHIA. 89 to Trenton, and the Mount Holly Branch R. R. from Burlington to Mount Holly. See page 81. COLUMBIA AND PENNSYLVANIaTeNTRAL RMIMMS.-Depot Penn kquarecuuL Man.e! ,b'u-ee£.-T]ii« route leads to West CJu^stor, Lancaster, Columbia, Harnsbiirg. Millersiown, Lewistovvn, Huntin<'don Holli- daysburg^ Johnstown, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Massilloa, Wooster, Co- himbus, Cincinnati, &c. At Cokiinbia it unites with the York and Wrightsr.ille R R runninff to Baltimore. At Harrisburg, with the Cumberland Valley R. R leading to Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Chambersburg.flagerstowii, Bedford Sprin"-s° &c. See pages 93 and 94. ^ t- n ■, READING RAILROAD.— -Dcpof comer Broad and Vine Streets.— This route leads to Heading, Pottsville, Sunbury, Northumberland Williams- port, &c. See page 96. PHILADELPHIA, VVILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE Kk\imk\}-D^pot Market and JU(:i:c,n/t i>Lreet.s—Lea:is to Wilmington Havre dc Grace Baltimore, Washington, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Charleston Savan-' nah, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans. Also, to Frederick Har- per's Ferry, Cumberland, and the West. See page 82. NORRISTOWN RAILROAD— ^fpo« JVinth and Green Streets— E.nns to Manayunk, and Norristown, 17 miles. GERMANTOWN RAILROAD.- Cars leave from the foregoing depot, and run to Germantown, 6 miles from Philadelplua. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD LIN? FOR BALTIMORE.-A steamboat leaves from the toot ot Dock street, every afternoon, for New Castle See route, page 82. STEAMBOATS leave Philadelphia for Burlington, Bristol, Trenton Chester, Wilmington, Salem, Bridgeton, Marcus Hook, and for Cape May, during the season. _ A line of steamboats run between Philadelphia and New York, touch- ing at Cape May. Fare to New York, $2 00 ; and to Cape Mav, fl 00. Ferry-boats run to Camden, Tacony, Gloucester, Red Bank, fee. For Ocean Steamers, see Index. HACKNEY COACH FARES IN PHILADELPHIA, AS FIXED BY CITY ORDINANCE. Hackney Coaches.— For conveying one passenger from any place east of Broad street, to any other place east of Broad street, within the city limits, 25 cents. For conveying one passenger from an v place west of Broad street, to any other place west of Broad street, wiiliin the city limits, 25 cents. Each additional passenger, 25 cents. Not more than four pass ers to be charged for any one carriage. For conveying one passenger from anyplace east of Broad street, to any place west of Broad street, or from any place west of said street to any place east of the 8* 90 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, ETC. same, within the city limits, 50 cents. If more than one passenger, then for each passenger 25 cents. For convej'ing one or more passengers in any other direction, within the limits of the pavement, for each passen- ger, per mile, 25 cents. For conveying one or more passengers, when a carriage is employed by the hoar, §1 per hour. Baggage.— For each trunk or other baggage placed inside, at the owner's request, and which would exclude a passenger, for each passen- ger that might be excluded thereby, 25 cents. For each trunk, &c., placed outside, 12| cents. Baggage placed outside not to pay more, in the whole, than 25 cents. The penalty for exceeding the above charges is a fine of $5. Cabs. — For conveying one passenger from any place east of the centre of Broad street, to any other place east of the centre of Broad street; or from any place west of the centre of Broad street, to any other place west of the centre of Broad street, within the city limits, 25 cents. Each additional passenger 12? cents. For conveying one passenger from any place east of the centre of Broad street, to any other place west of the centre of Broad street ; or from any place west of the centre of Broad street, to any other place east of the centre of Broad street, within the city limits .S7J cents. Each additional passenger 12^ cents. For the use of a cab by the hour, within the city limits, with one or more pas- sengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, for each and every hour, 50 cents. Whenever a cab shall be detained, except as in the foregoing section, the owner or driver shall be allowed per hour, 50 cents. And so, in proportion, for any part of an hour exceeding 15 minutes. For conveying one or two persons, with reasonable baggage, to or from any of the steamboats or railroads, (except the Trenton and New York railroads,) 50 cents: more than two persons, each 25 cents. For exceeding the above charges, or for refusing or neglecting, when unemployed, to convey any persons or their bagffage to any place within the limits prescribed by the ordinance, upon being applied to for that purpose, the penally is a fine of ^5. Ommbuses leave the E.xchange every few minutes for the various parts of the city, Fairmount, Girard College, &c. Fare, 6 cents. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCE, FARES, &c., FROM PHILADELPHIA, TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following table will show, at a glance, the distance, expense, and time, occupied in travelling from Philadelphia to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares, when travelling in steamboats, upon lakes or rivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given is that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another. TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, ETC. 91 the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller must determine for himself. The distances are gene- rally given by the shortest routes. Names of Places. From PHILADELPHIA to New York . . New Haven. Hartford Springfield Worcester . *Boston fPfovidence Newport, R. I Fall River JNew Bedford . Lowell Haverhill Newburyport Portland, Me Albany Saratoga Springs. . Montreal Elmira, N. Y C Niagara Falls, via .< N.York and Erie ( R.R. and Geneva , Harrisburg §Pittsburg •§>:« f llCleveland ^i5pj I Detroit l%l{ Chicago ^^^ I Galena |5g t St. Paul, Mi n. Ten. nrCinciuriati, via \ ' ' \ Columbus St. Louis, via the Ohio and Mis sissippi Rivers N. Orleans, Ohio and Mi sissippi River; Baltimore Washington Charleston Savannah Montgomery, Ala Mobile New Orleans Memphis, Tenn.. . El viai ^Tis- \ vers ) Miles. 87 103 199 225 279 323 275 252 270 321 349 356 357 428 231 270 490 370 (558 107 341 710 846 1129 1309 1659 682 1157 2408 97 137 695 820 1212 1409 1575 1420 IQi llf 13i- 14i 15^ 14* 1.51 18 15i. 1(5 16 19i IQi 12i 27i 19 28 5} 36 43 55 90 138 173 235 295 58 65 103 143 163 137 * From New York to Boston, by railroad, via New Haven, Hartford, Springfield, &c. fFrom New York to Providence, via Long Island Sound. IProm New York to New Bedford, via Fall River. 92 DISTANCES FROM TIDE-WATER, ETC. § From Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via Pennsylvania R. R. and stage. ji The best route, at present, between Philadelphia and Cleveland, in by the way of New Yorlv City and the New York and Erie R. R. to Dunkirk, thence, by steamboat, to Cleveland. In the spring of 1852, a direct railroad route is to be opened through from Philadelphia to Cleve- land, via Pittsburg, (493 miles,) which will greatly reduce both time and distance between Philadelphia, and Lake Erie, Detroit, Chicago, and the North- West. ITFroni Philadelphia to Pittsburg, by railroad and stage; from Pitts- burg to Wheeling, by steamboat on the Ohio River; from Wheeling to Columbus, by stage; and from Columbus to Cincinnati, by railroad. DISTANCES FROM TIDE-WATER TO THE CMIEF COAL DISTRICTS OF PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND. The following table of the distances of the chief coal districts of Penn- sylvania and Maryland, from tide-water, will, it is hoped, be found interesting to those who watch with interest the rapid development of the immense resources of the country. Coal Districts. Tide-Water at BiTCMiNoos Coal. Farrandsville to Havre de Grace. Alleghany Coal to Havre de Grace. Cumberland, Md to Georgetown . . . . Cumberland, Md to Baltimore Dauphin and Susquehanna Comp. to Havre de Grace. Anthracite Coal. Delaware and Hudson Company, .to Rondout Pine Grove to Havre de Grace. Lyken's Valley Company to Havre de Grace. Bear Mountain to Havre de Grace. Lehigh Rhume Run to Bristol Pine Grove, by Minersville to Philadelphia ... . Stony Creek Coal Estate to Havre de Grace. Minersville to Port Richmond. . Pottsville to Port Richmond. . 302 190 to 200 199 189 93 125 120 116i 111 110 110 100 98 95i PHILADELPHIA TO HARRISBURG. 93 From Har- burg. 107 105 96 93 90 86 77 74 66 62 59 55 52 44 37 36 30 24 18 14 9 6 From Har- burg. PHILADELPHIA TO HARRISBURG. Columhia R. R. PHILAD'A to.. *West Philadelphia Whitehall Morgan's Corner.. Eagle tPaoli Oakland Downingtown. .. . , Coatesville • Parksburg Pennington Gap Kinzer's Bird-in-IIand ILANOASTER . . Harrisb.8c.Lan.R.R Dillerville Landisville Mount Joy... Elizabethtown Conevvago Creek. i(Middletown High Spire to HARRISBURG- . HARRISBURG TO PHILADELPHIA. {Read up.) 2 11 14 17 21 30 33 41 45 48 52 55 63 70 71 77 83 89 93 98 ]01 107 From Phila- Av\- phia. Fare, from Philadelphia to Lan- caster, ^2 00. Time, 2^ hours. Phi- lad'a to Harrisburg, $3 50. Time, about 5~ hours. * This is the new route to avoid the Inclined Plane. The cars now cross the Schuylkill over Market street bridge. t The West Chester Branch R. R diverges at junction, two miles west from Paoli. J The Columbia E. R. extends to Columbia, 12 miles from Lancaster. |( At Middletown, the Columbia Branch R. R., running up from Co- lumbia, 15 miles, joins here. From York. 95 25 24 17 13 12 PHILADELPHIA TO COLUMBIA AND YORK. Columbia R.R. PHILAD'A to.... i L.1NCASTER (see ) j preceding route i Dillerville Mountville COLUMBIA .... Wrightsville Y'kSclVrightsv.R.R. YORK, PA From YORK TO PHILADEL- ''"''1 PHIA. (Read up.) Place to Place. Place to Place. From Phila- da. 70 71 78 82 83 95 From Phila- Fare, to Columbia, $2 37. Co- lumbia to York, $1 02. From York, passengers can go to Baltimore over the Baltimore and Susquehanna E.. R. Distance, 57 miles. From Pitts- burg. 394 287 276 272 269 264 2G0 254 245 235 233 230 213 211 206 196 193 187 182 375 170 164 158 150 PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG. Penn'a CenCl R. R PHILAD'A to.... Harrisb'g, see p. 93 Cove Duncannon Aqueduct Bailey's Newport MiLLERSTOWN Tuscarora Mexico- Perrysville' Mifflin Lewistown Anderson's . . -. McVeylown Newton & Hamilt'n Mount Union Mill Creek Huntingdon Petersburg Spruce Creek Tyrone Fostoria Altona 107 11 4 3 5 4 6 9 10 2 3 12 7 5 10 3 6 5 5 5 6 6 From Phila- 107 118 122 125 130 134 140 149 159 161 164 176 183 188 198 201 207 212 219 224 230 236 244 94 PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG. 143 132 104 98 88 HOLLIDAYSBURG . . . ^llegkanyPort.R.R. *Blairs Gap Sum'it Pennsyloania Can'l. Laurel Hill Gap... 6 11 28 iS 5 8 16 12 10 5 13 12 7 250 261 239 296 306 83 75 59 47 37 32 19 7 Chesimt Hill 311 3J9 335 Warren town 347 362 375 Sharpsbur? to PITTSBURG- 337 394 From Pills- burg. PITTSBURGTOPHI- LADELPHIA. {Read up.) Place to Place. From PhiU- da. See Routes from Pitlsburg,.p. 103. By the above route, it takes 46 hours to go through from Philadel- phia to Pittsbursr. The morning train leaving Philadelphia lies over all night at Lewistovvn, and the night train goes through without delay. Passengers pass one day and a night on board of the packet-boat, which is fitted up in a superior style, affording both comfort and convenience. * The following is the stage route from Hollidaysbarg to Pittsburg: From HoLLiDAYSBURG to Ebens- jMro-, 16 miles; ArmagliA9 ; Blairs- ville, 13; .Xcw Mcxandria, 10; Sa- lem, 10; JMurraysville, i; JVilkins- burg, 12 ; Pxttsbdrg, 8. Total, 92 miles. Time, from Philadelphia to Hol- lidaysburg, 12 hours ; from the lat- ter place to Pittsburg, 24 hours. Total, 36 hours. Fare, §10 00. The Telegraph Fast Mail Line. leaves tiie depot. Penn Square and Market street, daily, on arrival of the cars from New York, at 10^ P. M. The cars are of the most comfortable description, being sup- plied with high-back cushioned seats, affording the traveller a com- fortable sleep, while pursuing his journey at the rate of 25 miles per hour. P,o, PHILADELPHIA TO jp,,,, f'"- PITTSBURG, VIA ! " burg. [Place. PENNSYL, CANAL, 396 289 234 281 274 264 256 251 244 240 226 212 183 176 169 167 156 146 143 132 104 93 88 83 75 59 47 37 32 19 Bij Railroad from PHILAD'A to....] Harrisb'g, see p. 93 Pcnn.Can.. E Divn. Blue Mountain Gap Dauphin Duncans Island... Newport Millerstown ... Thompsontown. . . . Mexico Mifflintown Lewistown Waynesburg Huntingdon Petersburg Alexandria Water Street Yellow Springs. .. . Frankstown HOLLIDAYSBDRG ... Alleghany Port. R.R. Summit Johnstown IVest'n Div.of Can I. Laurel Hill Gap. .. Lockport Chesnut Hill Blairsville Salzburg Warrentown Leechburg Freeport Tarentum Sharpsburir to PITTSBURG- 107 10 From Pills- burg. PITTSBURG TO PHI- LADELPHIA. [Read up.) See Routes from Pittsburg, p. 103, PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG. 95 From Pitts- burg. 314 207 195 185 173 162 156 151 137 129 123 95 86 67 59 52 40 30 24 14 7 From Pitts- burg. PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG, VIA CHAMBERSBURG, By Railroad from PHILAD'A to... Harrisb'g, see p. 93 Cumber I. Mechaiiicsburg . . . Carlisle Newvil]e Shippensburg Greenville CHAMBERSB'G- By Stage to Loudon McConnellsburg . . Harrisonville Bedford and ) Springs \ Schellsburg Stoystown Laurel Hill Laughlinstown . . . Youngstown Greensedrg Adamsbiirg Turtle Creek Wilkinsbiirg to- .. PITTSBURG- PITTSBURG TO PHI LADELPHIA, VIA CHAMBERSBURG. {Read up.) 107 12 10 12 11 6 5 14 8 6 28 9 19 8 7 12 10 6 10 7 7 From Pliila- da. 107 119 129 141 152 158 163 177 185 191 219 228 247 255 262 274 284 290 300 307 314 From Pliila- See Routes from Pittsburg, p. 103. From Frede- rifl:. CHAMBERSBURG TO FREDER1CK,MD. Place to Place. From Cham- 'sburg. 48 4'>, Fravldin R. R. *CHAMB'RSB. to Marion 6 5 5 6 10 16 6 37 32 26 16 Green Castle State Line HAGERSTOWN. By Stage to Boonesboro' to. . . . FREDERICK .... 11 16 22 32 48 From Frede- rick. FREDERICK TO CHAMBERSBURG. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Cham- 'sburg. * From Philadelphia to Cham- bersburg, see previous route. From York. 55 30 21 16 From York. CHAMBERSBURG TO YORK. By Stage from CHAMBERSB. to Gettysburg Oxford Abbotstown to. . . . YORK YORK TO CHAM- BERSBURG. {Read up.) 25 9 5 16 From Cham- 'sburg. 25 34 39 55 From Cham- 'sburg. Passengers may go through from Chambersburg to York, by rail- road, as follows : to Harrisburg, 56 miles ; thence to York, 37 miles. Total, 93 miles. From N'rth- umber land. 61 53 39 33 29 16 7 3 1 From N'rth- umlier laud. HARRISBURG TO SUNBURY AND NORTHUMBERL'D. By Stage from *HARRISB'G- to. Dauphin Halifax Millersburg Liverpool Chapman Selim's Grove Shamokin Dam. . . . SUNEURY to. NORTHUMBER. N'RTHUMBERLAND TO HARRISBURG, {Read up.) 14 6 4 13 9 4 2 1 Place to Place. Frrm Har- 22 28 32 45 54 58 60 61 From Har- burg. * From Harrisburg phia, see page 93. to Philadel- From Car- bon- dale. 94 82 72 69 57 N'RTHUMBERLAND TO CARBONDALE. By Stage from NORTHUMB. to Danville Catawissa Bloomsburg Berwick 12 10 3 12 From N'rth- umber laud. 12 22 25 37 96 PHILADELPHIA TO POTTSVILLE. 51 37 29 24 20 16 12 9 G Beach Grove Xauticoke 6 14 8 5 4 4 t 3 6 43 57 65 70 74 78 82 85 88 94 WiLKESBARRE Planeville Pittston Ferry Lackawanna Hyde Park Providence. Blakflv to OARBOlSroALE.. Trom CARBONDALE TO bo": N'RTHUMBERLA'D. '^*'*=-| yRcadup.) Place to Plare. From N'rtii- umber land. From Potts- Tille. PHILADELPHIA TO >[»;« POTTSVILLE. jpiaoe. From Phila- da. 94 87 82 77 73 71 67 54 Reading R. R. PHILAD'A to.... Manayunk Spring Mill \ORRI5TOWN Port Kennedy Valley Forge Phoenixville Poit'town 7 5 5 4 2 4 13 4 5 9 8 2 7 3 8 7 12 17 21 23 27 40 44 49 58 66 68 75 78 86 50 45 Douglassville 3(5 28 26 19 Althoiise's Mohrsville 16 8 *Port Clinton Orwigsburg Depot. 5 tSchuvlkill Hav. to JPOTTSVILLE . . 3 5 89 94 From Potls- Tille. POTTSVILLE TO PHILADELPHIA, {Read up.) Place to Place. From Phila- da. Fare, from Philadelphia to Read- ing, §2 25. Time, about 3 hours. Philadelphia to Pottsville, §3 50. Time, about 5 hours. * From the Reading R. R., at Port Clinton, diverges the Little Schuylkill R. R., running to Tama- qua, 20 miles. t The Mitie Hill R. R. unites with the Reading R. R., at Schuylkill Haven, and runs to Tremont, 12 miles. i From Pottsville, a new' and convenient line of travel has been established, to the Penn'a Central R. R., as follows: cars from Potts- ville to Tremont ; stag-e to Wicon- isco, in Dauphin county ; Lyken's Valley R. R. from Wiconisco to Millersbiirg, on the Susquehanna; stage thence to the Penn'a Central R. R., 7 miles. Stages leave Reading, on anival of the early train from Philadel- phia, for Lancaster, and for Har- risburg, via Lebanon. From Potts- ville. for Sunbury, Northumberland, and Williamsport ; also, for Cata- wissa, Danville, &c. RE>rARK5. — The Reading R. R. is a valuable artery in conducting to the city of Philadelphia the rich treasures from the coal fields which abound in Schuylkill county, and has contributed to make that city the greatest coal market in the Union. Another, and very important ave- nue to wealth, is opened to the enterprise of Philadelphia, in the exten- sion of the rnad from Pottsville. so as to form a connection with the New York and Erie R. R. at Elmira. Let any person take a map of the United States (a work all should possess), and cast a glance at the route. Thus, it will be seen, that, from Philadelphia to Pottsville, (by the road already built,") is 94 miles ; from Pottsville to Sunbury, is about 45 miles (19 miles of this road is opened for the transportation of coal from the Shainokin Coal Mines to Sunbury); from Sunbury to Jflllinmsport, is about 35 miles; from Williamsport to Ralston frailroad already in operation) is 26 miles; from Ralston to Elmira, is about 50 miles. The whole distance, then, from Philadelphia to Elmira, is 250 miles ; 33 miles less than from New York to the same place. Of this amount. 111 miles of railroad, only, is wanting, the balance being already built. The total READING TO LANCASTER. 97 cost of which, at $30,000 per mile, would amount lo the sum of $3,330,000. By the construction of this road, Philadelphia would not only he brought nearer to the northern counties of her own State, but v/ould draw off much of the trade and travel from Western New York, Canada West, and the North- Western States, which now go in other directions The distance from Philadelphia to Buffalo, via Pottsville, Williams^ port, and Elmira, (and, also, via the Attica and Hornellsville R R which will be opened for travel before the road in question could be built,) would be 391 miles, and to Niagara Falls, 413 miles These places are distant from Philadelphia, via JVcw York City, the Erie and Attica and Hornellsville R. R., 511 and 533 miles. ' It would not be so advantageous to Philadelphia to construct a line up the Susquehanna, from the Central R. R. at Harrisburg, as it would be to the city of Baltimore. The Pottsville route for Philadelphia is undoubtedly the best, as it is nearer, and the trade over it could not be so well diverted as by the Susquehanna route. Baltimore has a connection with the Central road at Harrisburg, and if the Susquehanna route was adopted, the trade would naturally flow through that channel to Baltimore. It will there- fore, be to the interest of the Baltimoreans to construct that route Fr-"" READING TO LAN- CASTER. By St.arre from READING- to.. Adamstown Reamstown Ephratah Litiz Neffsville to LANCASTER.., LANCASTER TO READING. (Rend up.) Fr°m|READING TO HAR rub'g. RISBURG. 52 47 38 24 14 9 From Har- risb'g. By Sfacrefrom READING- to..., Sinking Spring. . , Womelsdorf , Lebanon Palmyra Hummelstown to, HARRISBURG- . HARRISBURG TO READING. (Read up.) 9 From Read- ing. 9 14 18 26 30 34 From Eead- Froin Kead- From Read- ing. From ton. 56 52 45 44 42 35 33 29 27 18 14 4 PHILADELPHIA TO EASTON, PA. By Stage from PHILADEL'A to Rising Sun Jenkintown .... Abington Willow Grove.. Warrington .... DOYLESTOWN . . . Danboro' Plumstead Ottsville Bucksville Raubsville to. .. , EASTON Eas- tou. From Port J'rvis. 68 54 50 44 39 EASTON TO PHILA- DELPHIA. [Read up.) EASTON TO MIL- FORD AND PORT JERVIS. By Stage from EASTON to.... Richmond Mount Bethel Dutotsburg Stroudsburg ... o From Eas- ton. 14 18 24 29 98 PHILADELPHIA TO NAZARETH. 27 21 15 From . Port J'rvis. Bush villa Delaware Dingnian's Ferry. MiLFORD to ♦PORT JERVIS. PORT JERVIS TO EAST0N.(iiea,/M;7.) 41 47 53 GO 68 From £aa- ton. * Port Jervis is situated on the N. Y. and Erie R. R. Passengers may, therefore, go thence to any place on that route. From Naza- reth. PHILADELPHIA TO j NAZARETH, PA. Place to Place. From Phila- d'a. 62 55 52 49 47 41 37 28 25 19 11 4 Bi/ Siag-e from PHILADEL'A to Gerniantown Chestnut Hill Whitemarsh Upper Dublin Monlgonieryville . . Line Lexington Bunker Hill Q,uakerto\vn Coopersburg Bethlehem Hecklown to NAZARETH 7 3 3 o 6 4 9 3 6 8 7 4 Place to Place. 7 10 13 ]5 21 25 34 37 43 51 53 02 P^^NAIARETHTOPHI- Naza- LADELPHIA. ■^*-°* [Read up.) From Pliila- O'a. From Ma'ch Ch'nk. 80 37 29 22 12 7 4 PHILADELPHIA TO MAUCH CHUNK. Place to Place. From Phila- d'a. Bv Statre from PHILADEL'A to 4 Coopsrsb'g (see } / previous route) \ Allentown North Whitehall. .. Lehigh Gap Parrysville Lehiirhton lo MAUOH CHUNK 43 8 7 10 5 3 4 43 51 58 (58 73 76 80 From PliUa- d'a. From Ma'ch Ch'nk. MAUCH CHUNK TO PHILADELPHIA. [Read vp.) Place to Place. Ma'c"ll PHILADELPHIA 1" Q Place MAUCH CHUNK. 113 35 15 I Reading R. R. PHILADEL'A to. Port Clinton ' iTaniaqua By Staff e to !Summit Hill \Sum7iiit Hill ^ Ma'/i I Chunk R. R. to MAUCH CHUNK From MAUCH CHUNK TO Place ^•r.S.i PHILADELPHIA. tp-.e. I [Read up.) From Phila- d'a. 78 98 104 113 From Phila- d'a. I™-" MAUCH CHUNK TO ^'.^ TOWANDA. P)=>« 88 80 77 73 67 58 57 39 12 4 From Tow- auda. Bi/ Stusre from MAU'H^CH'K to Lausanne Beaver Meadows Uazleton Conynghain IVescopeck Berwick Fairmount Sprin New Albany.... Monroeton to. . . . TOWANDA.... TOWANDA TO MAUCH CHUNK. (Read up.) 8 3 4 6 9 1 18 27 From Ma'ch Ch'nk. 8 11 15 21 30 31 49 76 84 88 From Ma'ch Place. 'Ch'nk. I PHILADELPHIA TO llZ WILKESBARREAND GREAT BEND. 217 104 80 63 58 49 43 35 25 12 PHILADEL'A to ( Ma'h Ch'k (see ) I previous routes) ( Whitehaven WILKESBARRE Wyoming E.xeter North Moreland. .. TUNKHANNOCK .... Lynn 3i0NTR0SE to Great Bend & ) Erie R. R ... From Great Bend. GREAT BEND TO PHILADELPHIA. {Read up.) 113 24 17 5 9 6 8 10 13 12 From Phila- d'a. 113 137 154 159 168 174 182 192 205 217 Place' From to I Phila- Place.' d'a. WILKESBARRE TO HONESDALE, 99 From H'nes- dale. WILKESBARRE TO HONESDAL E. By Stage from WILKESBA'E to Pittston Providence Caibondale By Railroad to HONESDALE . . ho'nesoale to wilkesbarre. {Read up.) PHILADELPHIA TO SUNBURY AND WILLIAMSPORT. Reading R. R. from PHILADEL'A to Pottsvi'e, see p. 96 Fountain Spring. . Bear Gap Shainokin SUNBURY Northumberland Milton McEwensville Mnncy Montnresville to. .. WILLIAMSP'RT 62 52 40 35 30 22 15 From Cor- ning. WILLIAMSPORT TO PHILADELPHIA. [Read up.) WILLIAMSPORT TO CORNING. Willi(im! ERIE TO LEWIS- I to" TOWN, {Read up.) Place. 5G 70 75 88 110 123 127 131 149 153 1(35 177 186 189 199 214 From Lew- islown This route passes through some of the central and north-western counties of Pennsylvania. From Lewistown, passengers may reach Harrisburg, Philadelphia, &c., by railroad. From y^'\ NORRISTOWN. m«. PHILADELPHIA TO na-^ iPAil'a, Ocrmant'n, j(^ J^orrisfown R. R. 17 *FHILADEL'Ato: 10 Maiiayunk 7 5 Spring Mills 5 4 iConsliohacken to.. 1 INORRISTOWN. . 4 ^'o™ NORRISTOWN TO piace ris^' PHILADELPHIA, 'p,^^ town. (^Read up.) 1 From Phila- del- phia. 7 12 13 17 From ri.aa- del- I phia. *Gprmantown is 6 miles from Philadelphia. Trains run between the two places several times daily. Stages run from Norristown to Doyhstown, Phanirville, Pottstown, ALlcntown, and other places in the vicinity. From West Ches- ter. PHILADELPHIA TO WEST CHESTER. 30 28 21 18 15 11 9 Columbia R.R. , PHILADEL'A to [West Philadelphia. 1 2 Whitehall ; 7 Morgans Corner..' 3 Easfe : 3 Paoli I 4 Junction to ' 2 WEST CHEST'R 9 %Vett Ches- WEST CHESTER TO PHILADELPHIA. [Read up.) From Phila- da. 2 9 12 15 19 21 30 From Phila- da. I PHILADELPHIA TO From DCIWinCDC U J i Place I From Port I DtLVIUCnC, «. t,, \ ,„ phila- j'rv.s.AND PORT JERVIS. pi-«.i da. 144 137 124 117 115 107 102 96 90 82 80 78 73 71 68 CO 55 51 44 39 26 Phil. S; Tren. R. R. PHILADEL'A to Tacony Bristol Morrisville Trenton By Stage to Pennington Woodsville Ringoe's Flesiington Pittstown Sidney Clinton Clarksville New Hampton. . . . Mansfield BELVIDERE .... Richmond, Pa Mt. Bethel Dutotsburg Stroudsbdrg Bushville MiLFORD to *PORT JERVIS.. 7 7 13 20 7 27 2 29 Frim port J'rv-is. PORT JERVIS TO ' , L PHILADELPHIA. ^^« ANNE, MD. By Stage from GEO'ETOWN to. Concord Laurel Salisbiirv. Md.. to. . PRINC 'SS ANNE PRINCESS ANNE .^^^tJO GEORGETOWN.' j {Read up.) \ From G'rge- town. 12 18 33 48 G'rgo- town. ROUTES FROM PITTSBURG. |yf-| ELKTON, MD., TO Hill. I SNOW HILL. By Stage from 148 IeLKTOKT to... 132 I Warwick 106 ICIiestertown ... . 92 Uentreville Place to Place. From Jilk- ton. 70 54 36 20 16 26 14 16 42 56 From Snow Hill. Easton Cambridge Vienna Salisbury to SNOW HILL.... SNOW HILL TO Hiu: ELKTON. (Read up.) From Elk- ton. ROUTES FROM PITTSBURG. From Pittsburg to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and intermediate places, via the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, see pages 93 and 94. From Pittsburg to Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Canal, see p. 94. From Pittsburg to Philadelphia, via Chambersburg, see page 95. From Pittsburg to Baltimore, via Brownsville, see page J43. From Pittsburg to Baltimore, via Harrisburg and York, Pa., gee p. 145. From Pittsburg to Buffalo, by stage route, see page 67. From Pittsburg to Erie, see page ]09. From Pittsburg to Cleveland, see page 110. From Pittsburg to Cincinnati, via "Columbus, see page 111. From Pittsburg to Indianapolis, is 358 miles. From Pittsburg to St. Louis, via Indianapolis, is 607 miles. For other Routes, see following pages. PLACES ON THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RIVERS, WITH THEIR GENERAL AND INTERMEDIATE DISTANCES, DRAWN FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES, From Cino '■ nati. 477 466 458 452 447 433 429 425 403 399 392 384 383 PITTSBURG TO WHEELING. CIN- CINNATI, &c. By Steamboat on the Ohio River. PITTSBURG- to.. Middletown, Pa Economy, Pa Freedom, Pa Beaver, Pa Georgetown, Pa. . . Liverpool, O Wellsville, O Steubenville, O.. Wellsburg, Va Warrenton, O Martinsville, O. .. . j WHEEL'G-, V ) \ Bridgeport, O. . i From Pitts- burg. 11 19 25 30 44 48 52 71 78 85 93 94 370 360 331 319 301 295 289 287 276 272 267 266 255 223 219 218 ( Eliz'b'tht'wn,V \ \ BigGraveC'k.V S New Martinsvi'e.V Sisterville, Va Newport, O ^ Marietta and ) / Port Harmer, O | Vienna, Va ) Parkersb'rg,Va. ) / Belpre, O \ *Blennerhasset's Is. Hockingsport, O. . • Belleville, Va Murraysville, Va. . . Shade River, O Ravens wood Letartsville, O Pomeroy ( Coalport, O ; I Sheffield, O.... j 107 117 146 158 176 182 188 190 201 205 210 211 222 244 258 259 104 CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE. { Pt.Pleasaiil.Va ) } G.Kan'liaR.,V) Galiipolis, O Millersport, O ^ Guyandotte,Va ; l Proctorsville, O ) BLiilingtoii, O j Big Sandy R.,V ) I Catlettsl)uig,V. \ Hanging Rock, O. • Greeuupsburg, Ky. • Wheelersburg, O. .. ( P'RTSM'H,0. ( Scioto River.O. Rockville, O , Vanceuurg, Ky. .. . Rome, O Concord, Ky Manchester, O J Maysville, Ky ) ( Aberdeen, O. .. | Charleston, Ky- .. . Ripley,0 Higginsport, O.... Augusta, Ky Mechanicsburg, Ky Neville, O Moscow ( Ft. Pleasant, O i Belmont, Ky. . New Richmond. . Little Miami R., O. ( Columbia, O.. . ^ I Jamestown, Ky \ CINOIN'TI, O i Newport and > Covington, Ky. ) 12 4 24 13 From Cioci'- CINCINNATI TO I PITTSBURG, ETC. '""ir {Read up.) ;^i»" 271 275 299 312 320 324 337 343 351 363 379 382 389 395 402 414 421 423 430 434 441 444 448 452 457 471 472 477 From Pitts- burg. * This island is celebrated as having formerly been the residence of a wealthy and distinguished Irish emigrant of that name, who lived here in great splendour; his house was the resort of the most literary and polished society. Un- fortunately, this gentleman was induced by the celebrated Aaron Burr to join in a conspiracy, in which he embarked with all his wealth. It was, however, disco- vered ; they were arrested, and tried for treason. Blenuerhasset, though not convicted, was ruined; and his splendid mansion and plea- sure-grounds, being deserted, went to decay, and now present nothing but a mass of ruins. From CINCINNATI TO ^rr LOUISVILLE, KY., st.L's.ANOST.LOUIS,MO. 697 (580 676 674 671 669 663 660 648 646 636 626 616 604 508 594 588 573 564 563 561 560 542 524 521 514 511 503 498 485 475 464 454 441 435 429 By Steamboat on the ^ Ohio Sf- Miss. Riv's. I Ohio River. CINCINNATI to. North Bend, O Gt. Miami River.O Lawrenceburg, la. Petersburg, Ky.... Aurora, la Belleview, Ky Rising Sun, la I Big Bone Li'kC / Hamilton, Ky. Patriot, la Warsaw, Ky Vevay, la Kentucky River. . MADISON, la.... Hanover Land'g, la New London, la. . . Westport, Ky Utica, la JefFersonville, Ky. . LOUISVILLE, Ky {And from PittsVg, 610 miles.) Shippingsport, Ky. ( Portland, Ky. . \ New Albany, la i Salt River and \ West Point, Ky \ Brandenburg, Ky. . Mockport, la Northampton, la. . Amsterdam, la Leavenworth, la . Fredonia, la Alton, la Concordia, Ky ( Rome, la., and } \ Steveusp'rt, Ky \ Cloversport, Ky Carmelton, la Troy, la Lewisport, Ky ST. LOUIS TO THE FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY. 105 ^ 417 Rockport, la 408 O vvensburg, Ky . . . 405 Bon Harbor. Ky.. 402 Enterprise, la.... 387 Newburg, la 381 Green River, Ky.., 372 Evansvjlle, la 360 HendersonviIle,K\', 334 Mount Vernon,*. 319 CJniontown, Ky 314 Wabash River 308 Raleigh, Ky 303 Shawneetown, 111. 294 Casey vi lie, Ky 280 *Cave-in Rock, 111. 274 Elizabeth, 111 251 Golcoiida, 111 Cumberland ^ River and > Smithfield Tennessee Riv and Paducah . Ky Belgrade, 111 Fort Massac, 111.. Caledonia, III.. .. America, III Trinity, 111. C Cairo, III., and ^ Mouth of the ( Ohio River. . and from Pittsburg 999 miles. Mississippi River. Elk Island Dog-tooth Island.., Commerce Cape Girardeau, Mo Devil's Island Bai abridge, Mo Devil's Bake- oven, and Grand Tower. Lacoarse's Island. Chester, 111 Kaskaskia Ri\^., III. St. Genevieve, Mo. Port Chartres Isl'd. Selma Herculaneum, Mo.. Harrison, 111 Jefferson B'ks, Mo Carondalet, or Vide Pouche Mo C Carondalet, or ^ < Vide Pouche, V ( Mo 5 12 279 9 288 3 291 3 294 15 309 6 315 9 324 12 336 26 362 15 377 5 382 6 388 5 393 9 402 14 416 6 422 23 445 17 12 462 474 482 484 509 512 517 522 530 530 549 561 567 575 17 592 607 6-21 622 636 647 662 666 668 688 690 From Louis Cahokia. III., to... ST. LOUIS, MO. . ST.LOUISTO LOUIS- VILLE AND CINCIN- NATI. (Read up.) 4 694 3 697 Place to Place. From Cin- cin- nati. * This cave is pointed out to pas- sengers on the Ohio as a great cu- riosity; its entrance is just above high vi'ater-mark ; it is about 20 feet in height, and leads into a spa- cious apartment, with an arched roof elevated about 30 feet, and ex- tending back 125 feet. About the year 1800, it was the rendezvous of a noted outlaw and pirate, by the name of Mason, who, with his band, subsisted by plundering flat- boats on their way down the river, or by waylaying the unfortunate boatmen on their return, sund rob- bing and murdering them. The leader of this notorious band of outlaws was finally shot by one of his own comrades, in order to gain a reward of ^500, offered by the governor of Mississippi for his head. From Falls of St. Ant'y. 802 784 779 761 759 744 731 761 702 689 676 649 638 fi.30 618 610 592 ST. LOUIS TO THE FALLS OF ST AN- THONY. . St.camb't on Miss. R. ST. LOUIS to Missouri Riv., Mo. Alton, 111 Grafton, 111 Illinois River, 111. Bailey's Land., Mo. Gilead, 111 Westport, Mo Hamburg, 111 Clarksville, Mo Louisiana, Mo Hannibal, Mo Marion City, Mo.. . Q.UINCY, 111 La Grange, Mo Tully,Mo Des Moines River, and Warsaw, III 12 J 210 106 CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. Keokuck C Xauvoo, 111., ^ < and Montrose, > I lo S Madison, lo Skunk River, lo.. . Bu RLIXGTON, lo Oquawka, 111 Iowa River New Boston, III Muscatine, lo ( Davenport, lo. ) ( and Rock Isl'd \ Parkhurst, lo Albany, III Camanche, lo Xew York, lo Lyons, lo Ciiarleston, lo Savannah, 111 Belle view, lo Fever River Galena, III. ,7 miles up Fever River. Ddedque, Io Peru, lo Cassville, Wis Guthenburg, lo. .. . Wisconsin River.. Fort Crawford,Wis. Prairie du Ch'n,Wi. Upper Iowa River. Bad Axe River. ... Root Riwer La Crosse, Wis Chippewa River. . . J Lake Pepin, and ) I Maiden's Rock j St. Paul, Min t St. Peter's River ) < and Fort Snell- ^ ( ins, Min., to. . > F. ST. ANTH'NT 4 1214 12 226 10 16 7 15 236 252 259 274 20 294 1 295 26 321 31 352 13 1365 19 1384 8 '392 7 1399 5 404 15 419 2 |421 19 440 7 447 17 404 8 '472 20 492 10 502 20 522 2 524 2 526 56 582 9 5i^l 20 611 5 616 89 705 25 730 60 I79O 5 1795 i 7 802 F/o,™ (FALLS OF ST. AN-' or^st-j THONY TO ST. ^' \ LOUIS. (Read up.) Place , From to I St. Place. Louis. N. B. — A Steamboat now runs on the upper Mississippi, from above the Falls of St. Anthony to Sauk Eapids, a further distance of lOO miles. From New Or- leans, CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. 1 From ' Cin- I ciu- 1548 1532 152S 1526 1523 1521 1515 1512 1500 1590 1483 1478 1468 1456 1450 1446 1440 1425 1416 1415 1413 1412 1394 1376 1373 1366 1363 1355 1350 1337 1327 1316 1306 1293 1287 1281 126'.» 12G0 1257 1254 1239 1233 1224 ISteamb't on. Ohio R. CINCINNATI to. North Bend, O Gt 3Iianii Riv.. O. Lawrilicebur^, la. . Petersburg, Ky. .. . Aurora, la Bellevicw, Ky Rising Sun, la. .. . C Big Bone Lick i < Creek, and Ha- > ( milton, Ky. . . j Patriot, la Warsaw, Ky Vevay, la Kentucky River. . . Madisox, la Hanover Land., la. New London, la. . . West port, Ky Utica, la Jefferson ville, Ky. . LOUISVILLE, Ky. and from Pittsburg 610 miles Shippinssport, Ky Portlalid, Ky., and w Alba Salt River and ) } W'st Point, Ky. ) Brandenburg, Ky.. Mockport, la Northanipton.Ia. .. Amsterdam, la. . . . Leavenswnrth, la. . Fredonia, la Alton, la Concordia, Ky I Rome, la., and } ) Steven sp'rt.Ky. i CioveVspo'rt, Ky... Carmelton, la Trov. la C Portlalid, Ky., ) < and V ( N'w Albany.Ia. ) iLewisport, Ky. .. Rockport, la .. . lOwensburg, Ky. . Bon Harbor, Ky. [Enterprise. la. . . JNewbiir!:. la jGreen River, Ky. Evansville, la. .. CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. 107 1212 1180 1171 llfiG 1160 1155 1146 1132 1126 1103 1086 1074 1066 1064 1039 1036 1031 1026 1020 1008 1007 989 94 940 913 885 880 868 865 860 858 848 831 801 781 771 754 723 710 700 690 Hendersonville, Ky. Mount Vernon, la. Uniontown, Ky. .. Wabash River Raleigh, Ky Shawiieetown,Ill. . Caseyville, Ky Cave-in Rock, III. ■ Elizabeth, 111 Golconda, 111 Cumberla'd Ki- i ver, and > Smithl'nd.Ky. ) Tennessee Ri- i VER, and > Paducah, Ky. . ) Belgrade, III Fort Massac, III... Caledonia, 111 America, 111 Trinity, III C Cairo, 111., and 12 336 Mouth of Ohio ( River Mississippi River Island No. 1 Columbus, Ky Wolfs Isrd,or No. 5 Hickman, Ky New Madrid, Mo. Point PIeasanl,Mo Little Prairie, Mo. I Needham's Isl- | } and and. Cut-off i Bearfield Lan., Ark. Ashport, Tenn. Osceola, Ark Plum Point 1st Chickasaw Bluff Fulton, Tenn Rand'lph, Ten. and 2d Chick asaw Bluff. . 3d Chickasaw Bluff Greenock, Ark '{ Wolf R., Tenn. j /MEMPHIS, T.i Norfolk, Miss Commerce, Miss. . • Peyton, Miss \ St.FrancisR..&. ( ) Sterling, Ark.. \ Helena, Ark f Yazoo Pass, or < Bayou andDel- ( ta, Miss 12 6 12 1 18 42 7 27 25 3 5 12 3 5 2 10 17 30 20 10 17 31 13 10 10 362 377 382 388 393 402 416 422 445 462 474 482 484 509 512 517 522 528 540 541 559 601 608 635 660 663 668 680 683 688 690 700 717 747 767 777 794 825 838 848 858 682 624 620 004 591 538 534 530 490 485 475 456 441 425 415 407 397 395 385 370 366 356 342 340 330 320 279 261 235 225 214 204 174 168 163 138 115 81 65 41 25 6 Horse-Shoe Bend. . Montgomery's l Point, Ark. .. \ Victoria, Miss. ) White River, Ark. . Arkansas Riv. I Napoleon, Ark. J Bolivar Landing. .. Columbia, Ark Point Chicot Greenville, Miss. . . G'd Lake Lan., Ark Princeton, Miss. . . ■ ^ Bunche's Bend ) I and Cut-off... \ LakeProvid'ce, La. Tompkinsville, La. Campbellsville, La. Millikinsville, La. . < Yazoo R., Miss. ( } and Sparta, La. \ Walnut Hills, Miss VIOKSB'RG!-,Miss. Warren ton. Miss. . Palmyra Sett., Miss Carthage Land., La Point Pleasant, La. Big Black River. . Grand Gulf, Miss St. Joseph's, La. and Bruinsb'g,Miss. Rodney, Miss NATCHEZ, Miss. Ellis Cliffs, Miss... HomochittoR., Mis. Fort Adams I Red River Isl'd, j ) and Cut-off. . . \ ( Raccourci Cut- ) I off and Bend. C Bayou Sara, St < Francisv ( Pt. Coupe Waterloo, La Port Hudson, La. . ( B'N ROUGE, } } La ( Plaquemine, La. .. B'you la F'rche 5 and Donaldson- \ sonville. La. .. ) Jefferson Col., La. Bonnet Q-uarre Ch Red Church, La. .. Carrollton, La. ... ;ara,St. i /'le,and V iee,La. ) 108 ST. LOUIS TO NEW ORLEANS. 2 La Fayette, La., to N. ORLEANS, La From New NEW ORLEANS TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) Frojn ST. LOUIS TO NEW leans. ORLEANS. Mississippi River. S. LOUIS, MO., to Cahokia, 111 C Carondalet, or l < Vide Pouche, ). ( Mo ) Jefferson Barracks. Harrison, 111. ike- ) ' c jwer. ) 1201 1198 1194 1192 1172 1170 Herculaneum, Mo.. 1166 Seima 1151 Fort Chartres Isi'd. 1140 St. Genevieve, Mo. 112d Kaskaskia Riv., 111. 11251 Chester, 111 llllJLacoarse's Island I C Devil's Bake 1096 j^ oven, and ( Grand To 1079JBainbridge, Mo 107J Devils Island 1065 Cape Girardeau, Mo. 10531 Commerce 1042 Dog-tooth Island. . . 1034iElk Island \( Cairo, III., and ) 1026^ MOUTH OF> ( OHIO RIV. . ) 1020 Island No. 1 1003 Columbus, Ky 1007 Wolfs Isrd, or No. 5 989] Hickman, Ky 947 New Madrid, Mo. . 940!Point Pleasant,Mo. 913JLittle Prairie, Mo. QQQ \ Needham's Isl- ) °°°1 } and and Cut-off \ 885|BearfieldLan.,Ark. 880 Ashport, Tenn 868 Osceola. Ark 865lPlum Point 860 858 848 831 1st Chickasaw Bluff Fulton, Tenn ( Rand'lph, Ten., < and 2d Chick- ( asaw Bluff. . . 3d Chickasaw Bluff 4 1546 2 1548 Place to Place From Ciu- From St. Louis. 9 29 31 35 50 61 75 76 90 105 122 130 136 148 159 167 175 181 193 194 213 254 261 2S8 313 316 321 333 336 341 343 353 370 801 781 771 754 723 710 700 690 682 624 620 604 591 538 534 530 490 485 475 456 441 425 415 407 397 Greenock, Ark ( Wolf R., Tenn. ; ^MEMPHIS... j Norfolk, Miss Commerce, Miss- . Peyton, Miss \ St Francis R.,& / / Sterling, Ark.. \ Helena, Ark c Yazoo Pass, or 1 < Bayou and Del- > ( la, Miss ■y's ; [iss. ) Horse-Shoe Bend Montgomery's Point, Ark. Victoria, M White River, Ark. I Arkansas Riv. I I Napoleon, Ark. J Bolivar Landing .. Columbia, Ark. .. . Point Chicot Greenville, Miss. . . G'd Lake Lan., Ark. Princeton, Miss. . . J Bunche's Bend ) I and Cut-off... \ LakeProvid'ce, La. Tompkinsville, La Campbellsville, La. Millikinsville, La. . i Yazoo R., Miss. I I and Sparta, La. \ Walnui Hills. Miss. 395lVICK:SB'RG-,Miss. 385VVarrentoii, Miss. . 370!Palmyra Sett., Miss. 366 [Carthage Land., La. 356 Point Pleasant, La. 342 Big Black River.... 340 Grand Gulf Miss. St.Joseph's,La. and Bruinsb'g.Mi Rodnev, Miss NATCHEZ, Miss, Ellis Cliffs, Miss... HomochittoR.,Mis Fort Adams ) Red River Isl'd, ) ) and Cut-off. . . J I Raccourci Cut- ) I off and Bend. . \ C Bayou Sara, St. i < Francisv'le,and '> ( Pt. Coupee, La. ) 330 320 279 261 235 225 214 204 174 La. i iss. J NEW ORLEANS TO THE GULF OF MEXICO. 100 168 163 138 115 81 65 41 25 6 2 Waterloo, La. . . . Port Hudson, La. ( BATON / ROUGE, La. Plaquemine, La. . C Bayou iaForclie < and Donaldson- f ville. La Jefferson Col., La . . Bonnet duarre Cli. Red Church, La Carrollton, La La Fayette, La., to NEW ORLEANS From NEW ORLEANS TO or" ST. LOUIS. ^'^'"'"•1 {Read up.) fromiNEW ORLEANS TO THEGULFOFMEXI Mex. CO. N. ORLEANS to Battle-Ground English Turn Poverty Point. . . . Wilkinson's Johnson's ( Fort Jackson, ) ) and FortPhillip \ S. W. Pass ( Pass la Outre, or ) I Outre Pass. . . j Balize to Bar at S. Pas? and GULF OF MEXICO '\ GULF OF MEXICO ^ce TO NEW ORLEANS. {Read up.) |"''™- | leans 1033 1038 1063 1086 1120 1136 1160 1176 1195 1199 1201 From New 6 18 38 45 52 10 62 20 82 3 85 5 90 94 From iS'ew From Erie. 130 114 109 99 88 82 80 70 51 34 20 From Erie. From Erie. 165 135 116 111 83 67 48 38 22 17 PITTSBURG TO ERIE. By Staff e from PITTSBURG to Bakerstown Glade Mills Butler Stone House Centrevijle N. Liberty Mercer , Georgetown Meadville Cambridge Waterford to ERIE ERIE TO PITTS- BURG. {Readvp.) 16 5 10 11 6 2 10 19 17 14 12 PITTSBURG TO ERIE, PA. Beaver S^ Erie Can PITTSBURG to . Beaver, (by Ohio R.) Moravia Newcastle Clarksville Greenville French Creek Feed Conneautville Lockport Girard to ERIE ^j°^ ERIE TO PITTS- BURG. [Read up.) p,;°. riijce From Pitts- Place, burg. 30 19 5 28 16 19 10 16 5 17 Place From 38 PITTSBURG TO STEUBENVILLE. Bll Starrefrom PITTSBURG to.. Fayette Florence Paris n I ( Holliday's Cove, •* } Va., to STEUBENV'E, O. 10 From] STEUBENVILLE TO viTk" PITTSBURG. 1 {Read up.) P)ace From to Pills- Place, burg. 13 13 5 110 PITTSBURG TO MERCER. From Whee- ling. PITTSBURG TO WHEELING. 56 4(3 38 31 "^1 Bit St aire from PITTSBURG- to.. flerrioasvillH (Jaiinoiislmr^ Washington Claysvillc 14 10 U West Alexander. .. Tria ielpliia. Va., to *WiIEELIN& .. From! WHEELING TO whee-i PITTSBURG. {Head up.) ling 10 7 10 4 10 10 18 25 35 4-2 46 56 Place From to Pitt- Place, burg. * From Wheeling to Columbus and Ciaciniiaii, see page 112. FroTii Mer- cer. I PITTSBUflG TO MERGER, PA. Place From 10 Piits- bur.'. j Bii Sta 112 100 00 80 72 56 51 44 37 33 Bi/ S'msc from PITTSBURG- to. Siwickly Economy B.^av.T [)ar!ini;ton Petersburg Poland Canfi-ld Palmyra Eilinburg Ravenna Franklin Stoe Corners From Pius- burg. 14 18 28 40 50 60 68 84 8'J <)6 103 4 '107 28 CoyAHOGA Falls. 24 Akron 20 Hudson 10 Be.lfnid to CLEVELAND... ^i CLEVELAND TO •ilur PITTSBURG. i [Read up.) N. B. — A recent arrangement has been made for the conveyance of passengers between Pittsburg and Cleveland, which forms a more speedy and comfortable route be- tween the two places. It is by a line of Express Packets, running on the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal from Beaver to Ravenna, where they will connect with the Cleve- land and Pittsburg R. R. The rail- road from Pittsburg to Beaver will be opened for travel during the sum- mer, and the railroad through from Piltsburg to Cleveland, by the fol- lowing spring, at which time the Pennsylvania R. R. will be com- pleted through to Pittsburg, forming a great railroad route from Phila- delphia to Lake Erie. From Cleve- iHud. 140 1-22 112 80 72 60 48 45 37 30 20 8 From Cleve- land. PITTSBURG TO CLEVELAND, VIA WARREN. Bif Sia„,„ ^'"-iLUMBUS AND CIN- to iwhe^- «at[. : CINNATI. |r'-ce. 'ix«- Bii Stii23 230 232 23t) 246 From Whe'- ling. ling. 74 96 104 114 J 29 137 147 105 181 204 222 12 18 21 27 39 51 63 74 84 178 172 161 146 122 90 52 From Clevc- latiU. EdinbLirg to. . . WOOSTER... Jackson Seville Medina Brunswick • . . . Strongville to. . CLEVELAND CLEVELAND TO WHEELING. [Read up.) 7 6 11 15 24 32 STEUBENVILLE TO WOOSTER. jB;/ Stage from STEUB'VILLE to Richmond Annapolis Leesburg New Philadelphia Mt. Eaton to WOOSTER .... WOOSTER TO STEUBENVILLE. {Read up.) IT STEUBENVILLE TO 11 5 22 14 26 15 123 103 87 77 67 49 33 27 22 18 13 9 ASHTABULA. By Stage from STEUB'VILLE to Wellsville New Lisbon Salera Canfield. ... Warren N. Bloomfield Orwell Rome Morgan Eairjeville Jefferson to ASHTABULA • • • ASHTABULA TO STEUBENVILLE. [Read up.) H 20 16 10 10 18 16 6 5 4 5 4 9 114 A TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, ETC. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCE, FARES, &c., FROM CINCINNATI, TO MANY OF, THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following table will show, at a glance, the distance, expense, and time, occupied in travelling from Cincinnati to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares, when travelling in steamboats, upon lakes or rivers, as those mo.Jes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The titne given is that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller must determine for himself The distances are gene- rally given by the shortest routes. Kasics of Places. From CINCINNATI to C Cleveland, via Co- ) < lunibus and New- \ ( ark ) Sandusky. Columbus Cleveland, via Co nibus a rk J Buffalo, via Cleve- } I land and L. Erie, ji Niagara Falls ( Albany, via Co- ^ < lunibus and Cleve- ' ( land S L Boston, via Co- < lunibus and Clev i land Saratoga Springs Montreal, via Albany. \ Montreal, via Buf- ) \ faloand L.Ontario \ t New York, via ) < Cleveland and N. > C Y. and Erie R. R. . i \ New York,via Buf- ) \ falo and Albany. \ \ *Pitt5burg. via Co- ) \ lunibus i Philadelphia, via mbus and ttsburg Do- i i Philai < Colu ( Pitts j Wheeling, via Co- i I lunibus \ i Baltimore, via \ Wheeling and ( Cumberland. C Washington, -? Wheeling an f Baltimore via ) 'I.J 218 119 295 489 511 814 1014 853 1073 954 918 958 341 682 247 556 596 12 7 15 34 35 57 67 59 74 80 48 60 36 27 62 64 S6 50 3 50 8 50 10 GO 11 00 19 75 24 75 20 75 26 25 18 00 22 00 21 75 11 00 21 00 9 50 19 50 21 00 ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. 1J5 Names of Places. From CINCINNATI to Detroit, via Sandusky Chicago, via Detroit. . Chicago, via St. Louis Louisville, Ky Indianapolis, via ) Madison \ St. Louis, by st'm- ) I boat \ < St, Paul, Min. T., ) via St. Louis ) New Orleans Memphis, Tenn i Frankfort. Ky. (by ) ( steamboat) \ { Nashville, (by ) ( steamboat) ( ( Charleston, S. C, ( via Nashville ( j Savannah, via / i Nashville \ Montgomery, Ala ( Mobile, via Nash- i ville j New Orleans, via ( Nashville Miles. Hours 298 581 1114 133 20 55 144 12 178 19 697 84 1482 160 1548 7b7 192 83 140 14 675 88 1254 142 1236 141 . 1153 139 1350 179 15]6 197 8 50 15 00 18 00 2 50 4 00 8 00 18 00 15 00 8 00 3 50 10 00 30 00 35 00 35 00 45 00 50 00 *Frozii Cincinnati to Pittsburg, (by steamboat on the Ohio,) is 484 miles. Time, 36 hours. Fare, $6 00. From Cincinnati to Wheeling, is 390 miles. Fare, $5 00. N. B.— In travelling in steamboats on the Western Rivers, boa7'd and berth is always included in the price paid for passage. ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. From Cincinnati to Buffalo, via Sandusky City, see page 70, From Cincinnati to Buffalo, via Columbus and Cleveland, see pages 71 and 72. From Cincinnati to Columbus and Cleveland, see page 122. From Cincinnati to Pittsburg, via Columbus, see page 11 L From Cincinnati to Portsmouth, Maysville,Wheeling,PiTTSBURG,&c, via the Ohio River, see page 104. From Cincinnati to Wheeling, via Columbus and Zanesville, see page 113. From Cincinnati to Nashville, Tenn,, via the Ohio and Cumber- land Rivers, see page 163. 116 CINCINNATI TO SANDUSKY CITY. From Cincinnati to Louisville and St. Louis. &c., and thence to St. Paul, Miu. Tor., by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, see p. 104 &; 105. From Cf.NciNN-vTi to Memphis, NfEW Orleans, and intermediate places, via the Ohio and .Mississippi Rivers, see pages 106 and 107. N. JB. — For other routes, see following pages. r,,„l CINCINNATI TO Z^'^-, SPRINGFIELD AND '"'"" j SANDUSKY CITY. I Litt/e Miami R. R. 218 |CINCI]>nNrATI to. 203 IPlaiiiville 204 Milford 195 'Loveland's 191 iFosters 186 Deerfisld 181 j^Iorrow 173 Oregon 167 Corwin 160 ISpriiigVallev 153 |*Xenia ". 143 l^ellow Springs.... 134 SPRING-FIELD.. ■Mad River and Lake I Erie R. R. 120 L'^rbanna 110 'West Liberty 102 iIBellefontaine . . 92 Richland 90 Bell Centre 78 I Kenton 67 Patterson 54 tCarev 38 iTitfin" 29 Republic 15 Br^llevue to !§SAND'KY CITY Frnrn SANDUSKY TO CIN-iPja;« dusty. CINNATI. {Readup.)\ Plaice. From C:n- 10 14 23 27 32 37 45 51 53 65 75 84 98 108 116 126 128 140 151 164 180 189 203 ■2\i From Cin- of intersection of the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad, and also of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, leading from the Penn'a Central Railroad, at Pittsburg. X Branch Railroad runs to Find- lay, 16 miles. § At Sandusky City this road unites with the Mansfield and San- dusky Railroad. Fare from Cincinnati to Xcnia, SI 90; to Sprincrfield, §2 50; to S-indusky City, S'j 50. See Route from Cincinnati to Buffalo, p. 70. * From this place diverges the Xenia and Columbus Railroad, running to Columbus, the capital of the State. It will also form a part of the Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus Railroad. t Bellefontaine will be the place ICINCiNNATI TOLA "^LriFAYETTE. VIA THE piace Fay. OHIO AND WABASH Pi'a°e RIVERS, 760 377 317 257 221 203 186 178 170 161 145 113 93 81 64 54 46 42 36 23 26 18 12 CINCIlSrNATI to Wabash River | (see route from Cincinnati to T ( St.Louis,p.l04) ) New Harmony Mount Carmel ViNCENNES Russell ville Palest-ne Merom Hudsonville Vork Darwin TERRE HAUTE Clinton Montezuma Vermilion River. . . Perry ville Covington Baltimore Portland Wiliiamsport .\ttica Independence La Gran<;e to LAFAYETTE... 382 60 60 36 18 17 8 8 9 16 32 20 12 17 10 9 4 6 8 From Cin- 382 442 ;502 1538 i556 1573 581 889 598 614 646 666 678 695 705 714 718 724 732 734 742 748 760 Fav- ette. LA FAYETTE TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) From Cin- cin'Li. CINCINNATI TO TOLEDO. 117 From Tole- do. 247 218 205 199 193 181 160 152 135 12G 115 102 66 57 48 40 32 26 15 CINCINNATI TO TOLEDO. By the Minmi Canal. CINCIINriXrATI to. Hamilton Middletown Franklin IMiamisburg .... Dayton By Miami Extension. Troy Piqiia Newport Minster St. Mary's Deep Cut Junction Wabash ^ Erie Can Defiance Florida Napoleon Damascus Providence Waterville . ... Manmee City to. .. TOLEDO From Tole- TOLEDO TO CINCIN- NATI. (Read up.) 29 13 6 6 12 21 8 17 9 11 13 36 9 9 From Cin- cin- nati. 29 42 48 54 66 87 95 112 121 132 145 181 190 199 207 215 221 232 238 247 Place to Place. From Fare, (board included,) $Q 50; without board, $5 00. Time, about CO hours. At Toledo, the canal unites with Lake Erie, leading to Detroit and Buffalo, and also with the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. The latter connects, at Adrian, with the Mi- chigan Southern Railroad. 340 159 141 134 128 121 CINCINNATI TO FORT WAYNE AND LA FAYETTE, lA., (BY CANAL,) CINCINNATI to. \ Junction, (see ) } previous route) \ State Line Frankfort, la New Haven. .. Fort Wayne Ill IVermelyas 101 96 82 76 61 52 43 34 28 23 18 From La Fay- ette. Lewis Huntington Lagroville Manhattan Peru Lewisburg Logansport Georgetown Lockport Carrollton Delphi to LAFAYETTE. LA FAYETTE TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) 239 244 258 264 279 288 297 306 312 317 322 340 From Cinci'- Dati. From Fr'nlt- fort. 220 204 198 193 187 172 160 150 140 54 35 14 From Fr'iik- fort. CINCINNATI TO FRANKFORT, KY. Steamb^t on Ohio R. CINCINNATI to North Bend Lawrenceburg, la Aurora, la Belleview, Ky Hamilton, Ky Warsaw, Ky Vevay, la Kent'ky R. {mouth) Steamb't on Ken. R Eagle Creek Six-Mile Creek Elkhorn to FRANKFORT . . FRANKFORT TO CINCINNATI. [Read up.) From Cinci'- nati. 16 22 27 33 48 CO 70 80 166 185 206 220 Plact* From Cinci'- riace. I nati. From Frankfort, a railroad runs to Lexington, 28 miles. From Lex- ing- ton. 84 83 66 58 47 22 12 CINCINNATI TO LEXINGTON. CINCINNATI to. Covington, tby frry) By Stage to Florence Walton Crittenden Williamslown. .. Fishville Georgetown 11 25 10 From Cinci'- nati. 1 10 18 26 37 62 72 118 CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE. 7 to . . ;*LSXINGTON. From LEXINGTON TO CINCINNATI. [Read up.) n 84 From Cin- cin- nati. * See Routes from Lexington, page 131. /•^<"° CINCINNATI TO viueVi LOUISVILLE, 133 117 111 lOti 100 85 73 63 53 41 31 25 10 J Sfeamh't on Ohio R. CINCINNATI to. North Bend Lawrencebiirg, la. . Aurora. la Belleview, Ky Hamilton, Ky Warsaw, Ky Vevay, la Kentucky R M.^.DI^^^^-. la New London, la. . • VVestport, Ky Utica. la Jpff?r* *LOUISVILLE, K Place I From L'in.-.'- Place. nalii It) 22 27 33 48 CO 70 80 92 102 108 123 132 133 ^^"'^^ LOUISVILLE TO CIN-! p',^« J;;°.^. viiif. CINNATI. i^««<^ "J'-) P'^"- "»''■ * See Routes from Louisville, page 130. dian- apolis 178 86 80 7t) 74 72 70 66 64 58 CINCINNATI TO IN- „. DIANAPOLIS, VIA ■ .» MADISON. »"'='" Steam h'f on Ohio R. CINCINNATI to. { MADisi>N (see ) I previous route) \ Madison Sf Iiidian- auolis R. R. West Middlefork Bi? Creek Dupnilt Champion's Mill- Butler's Switch. . Vernon Q,ueensville 92 92 98 102 104 106 103 112 114 120 55 Scipio 3 123 48 Elizahethtown \ 7 !l30 41 ColuMilnis ! 7 1137 35 Tavlnrsville 6 143 30 Edinburg | 5 148 25 Aniitv ' 5 153 20 Franklin 5 158 10 Greenwood ' 10 168 6 Southport to 4 172 INDIANAPOLIS 6 1178 From INDIANAPOLIS TO diaM- , ai oils. CINCINNATI. {Read up.) , From Ciu- cin- naii. ^ CINCINNATI TO ST.',, "^r LOUIS, VIA INDIAN-/ir Louis. APnilQ i Plai-e. APOLIS. 345 338 332 324 318 313 305 2-)8 2iJ3 287 283 276 269 262 236 2-7 221 216 208 199 189 174 162 149 145 133 127 117 110 92 87 78 71 65 5<6 I Bii Stntrcfrom CINCINNATI to Cheviot Miami Harrison New Trenton, la. Cedar Grove Brookvillc Metamora Laurel jAndersonville . . . . I New Salem Rushville Beech Grove Morristown INDIANAPOLIS Bridgeport Plaintield Belleville Stilesville Mt. Meridian Manhattan Van Buren Terre H.vute Livingston, III- • . Mar.^hall .Martinsville Casey Greenup Woodbury Ewiiiston Freeniatistown • . . . Howanl's Cumberland Vandxlia iMulbeirv Grove — From Cin- ciu- oati. 26 9 6 5 8 9 1146 10 Il56 15 171 12 !l83 7 13 21 27 32 40 47 52 58 62 69 76 83 109 118 124 129 137 13 196 4 200 12 .-)io 6 218 10 228 7 2.35 18 253 5 258 9 267 7 274 6 280 9 289 CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. 119 48 39 25 19 13 1 Greenville Hickory Grove. . . Highland Troy Collinsville Illiunistown ST. LOUIS, Mo. ST. LOUIS TO CIN- CINNATI. (^eat;«/;,) From CINCINNATI TO In- INDIANAPOLIS, VIA apX. LAWRENCEBURG. 113 107 99 9(5 91 8-2 61 49 39 27 Bii Stage from CIISiGINNATI to. Cheviot Cleves Elizahelhtown Lawrenceburg Manchester Napoleon Greensbnrg St. Omer Shelhyville to INDIANAPOLIS F-1"^ INDIANAPOLIS TO dia';. CINCINNATI. apoiis.j [Read up.) 297 306 3-20 .12lj 332 344 345 From Place From Cincin- nati. 6 14 17 22 31 52 04 74 86 113 From Cinci'- nati. dian- apolis 131 124 118 111 93 85 69 63 53 43 34 21 11 From Ind'ii- apolis. CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS, VIA EATON. Bii Sln^efrom CIWdlNNATI to. Carthase Spriniifieid Hamilton Camden Eaton Richmond Centreville Cambridge Lewisville Knightstown Gn^enfield Cumberland to INDIANAPOLIS NDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) From Ciuci'- nali. 7 ]3 20 38 46 62 68 78 88 97 110 120 131 Place From to Cinci'. Place, nati. From Sil- ney. 102 95 89 82 73 69 63 59 53 41 31 19 12 CINCINNATI TO DAYTON AND SIDNEY. By Stage from CINCINNATI to, Carthage SpringiJale Hamilton Trenton Middletov4fn Franklin Miamisburg Ale.xandria DAYTON W. Charleston Troy Piqna to SIDNEY SIDNEY TO CIN- From ney. Zmm'W.iReadup. 7 6 7 9 4 6 4 6 12 ]0 12 7 12 Place to ri:icV. From Cinci'- nati. 7 13 20 29 33 39 43 49 61 71 83 90 102 * A railroad is in progress of con- struction between Cincinnati and Dayton ; it is called the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad. From Zanes- ville. 179 175 170 165 156 147 134 125 120 110 100 88 78 72 00 48 40 22 "o From Zimes- villu. CINCINNATI TO ZANESVILLE, VIA CIRCLEVILLE. R. to Liltlfi Miami R CINCINNATI Coinnibia Plainville Milford Loveland's . . . . Deerfield Freeport By Stage to Clarksville . .. . Mi;^o Wilmington. . . . Sahina Washington ... ^^e\v Holland. . . Williamspori;. . . ClRCLEVILLE ... Amanda Lancaster Somerset to ... . ZANESVILLE Placi 10 Place ZANESVILLE TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) From Cincin- nati. 4 9 14 23 32 45 54 59 69 79 91 101 107 119 131 139 157 179 Place From to Cinci'- Place, nati 120 ROUTES FROM COLUMBUS, 0. From Chilli- coli.e. 96 92 87 CINCINNATI TO CHILLICOTHE. Little Miami R. R. CINCINNATI to. Columbia Plainville Milford From Cinci'- sati. 4 9 14 7a 65 37 18 From Chilli- coihe. By Stage to Batavia Williamsburg Hillsboro' Bainbridse to CHILLICOTHE CHILLICOTHE TO CINCINNATI. {Read uu.) 10 24 7 31 28 59 19 78 18 96 Place From to Cinci'- Place. nati. ROUTES FROM COLUMBUS, OHIO, From Columbus to Cincinnati, also to Zanesville, and Wheeling, see Route from VVheelinnr to Columbus and Cincinnati, page 112. From CoLUMBDs to Cleveland, see Route from Cleveland to Colum- bus, &c., page 122. From CoLCMBCS to Pittsbdrg, see page 111. From CoLoiBDs to Gallipolis, 110 miles. From Columbus to Lan- caster, 28 miles. ^^„^! COLUMBUS TO ci-ky. SANDUSKY. 137 127 113 88 80 72 64 58 47 36 33 27 16 Bij Stage from COLUMBUS to. Blendon Sunbury Mt. Vernon Bij Railroad to Fredericktown. . . Belleville Lexington Mansfield Shelby Paris New Haven Centrevilie Mnnrneville to. .. SANDUSKY-... f™™ SANDUSKY TO CO- d.!ky.LUMBUS.(i?ea'^";'-) From Coi'm- bus. 10 24 49 57 65 73 79 90 101 104 110 121 137 From Col'm- bas. Passengers can reach Sandusky by railmad, via Newark, as fol- lows: Columbus to J^ewark, 44 miles, (railroad now building;) thence, by railroad, to Sandusky. From Ports- mo' h. 90 73 64 44 28 24 11 From P r s- m .'ih. From Mivs- ]2l 75 57 41 18 COLUMBUS TO PORTSMOUTH. By Staire from COLUMBUS to.. S. Blooinfield Circleville CHILLICOTHE Waverly Piketon Lncasvillp to PORTSMOUTH Place From to Col'm- Place. bus. 17 9 20 16 4 13 11 17 26 46 62 66 79 90 PORTSMOUTH TO |Place From COLUMBUS. L/" coi'm. [Read up.) i '•" COLUMBUS TO MAYSVILLE, KY. PI. ice 10 Place. By Staire from, COLUMBUS to .. Chilli'the(as above) Bainbridge Sinking Spring . . . West Union to. . . . MAYSVILLE Mari^AYSVILLETO CO-^>r v:ile. ILUMBUS. (Bead Mp.)|piace. COLUMBUS TO INDIANAPOLIS. 121 COLUMBUS TO IN- DIANAPOLIS. CoVbusS^-XeniaR.R COLUMBUS to... W. Jefferson London S. Charleston Adairville Xenia By Stage to Dayton Liberty VV. Alexander Eaton New Westerville.. . Richmond, la Centreville Cambridge Lewisvilie Knightstown Greenfield Cumberland to INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) Place to Place. 14 24 35 46 54 66 73 85 91 101 107 113 122 132 142 154 164 174 From COLUMBUS TO MASSILLON. Col. ^ L. Erie R. R COLUMBUS to.. Reynoldsburg Newark Newton Utica Winchester Mt. Vernon Fredericktown . .. Bellville Lexington Mansfield By Stage to Mifflin Joromesville WOOSTER to MASSILLON . . . MASSILLON TO CO- LUMBUS, (i^earfw;,.) 11 12 20 6 7 3- 7 6 10 From Co- lutn- 12 32 38 45 50 57 63 73 81 87 96 106 120 143 From Co- Inm- bua. From Mari- etta. 122 111 105 TOO 95 91 82 68 41 23 21 12 From Mari- etta. COLUMBUS TO ZANESVILLE AND MARIETTA. By Stag's from COLUMBUS to Reynoldsburg. . . Etna Kirkersville .... Hebron Jacktown Brownsville .... ZANESVILLE McConnellsville . Beverly Waterford Lowell to MARIETTA . . . MARIETTA TO CO- LUMBUS. (iJearfM;;.) 11 6 5 5 4 9 14 27 18 2 9 12 From Co- lum- bus. 11 17 22 27 31 40 54 81 99 101 110 122 From Woos- 75 60 45 44 21 15 10 From Woos- ZANESVILLE TO WOOSTER. By Stage from ZANESVILLE to Dresden Roscoe . .— Coshocton Millersburg Holmesville Fredericksburg to. . WOOSTER WOOSTER TO ZANESVILLE. (Read up.) 15 15 1 23 6 5 10 From Zanes- ville. • 15 30 31 54 60 65 75 From Zanes- ville. 132 ROUTES FROM CLEVELAND, 0. ROUTES FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO. From Cleveland to Pittsburg, see page 110. From Cleveland to Buffalo, and Detroit, via Lake Erie, see Route from Buffalo to Detroit and Chicago, page 67. From Clevelatid to Erie and Buffalo, and also to Toledo, by land, see Route from Buffalo to Chicago, page 08. From Cleveland to Akron is 34 miles. From Cleveland to Massillo.\, via Akron, is 54 miles. For oilier routes, see following pages. From CLEVELAND TO CO- clnl 'LUM3US AND CIN- "^'' CINNATI. 205 2S8 283 280 277 273 270 206 262 259 254 248 241 2H5 228 217 211 203 195 J 87 ISO 177 175 168 162 147 130 118 \Cinciiuiali, Clevel'd. Sc Cuhunhus R. R. JCLEVELAND to. Ilockport Berea jOlmstead jcojuinbia jEaton ^Grafton jLa Grange Tittsfield ;\Veliin::ton jRochester jN'ew London Greenwich .Salem Shelby \j\Ian.-field and San- d'u.-^kij R. R. iVIvNSF:ELD \Col. S,-L Erie R.R iLexJMirton jBH-livilie jFreflericktown . . . . IMt. Vi-:r\on , Winchester Gambior Road ;Utica jXevvton Newark Bij Stage to Hebron Reviinl'lsbur? iCOLUMBUS 11 From Cleve- laad. 12 15 18 22 25 29 33 36 41 47 54 60 67 78 84 02 100 103 115 3 118 2 120 7 127 6 J33 15 148 17 1 165 12 177 \CoVhus S^-XeniaR-R. 104 I West Jefferson 94 London 83 'South Charleston.. 73 lAdaJrville 65 IXenia [Little Miami R. R. 58 Spring V'alley 51 45 37 32 27 23 16 14 10 Corwin Oregon Morrow Doerfield Foster's Loveland's . . . . , Germany Milfofd Plainville to. . , CUSrCINNATI . From Cin- I8r, 182 173 H-)7 15.) 1.50 138 120 CINCINNATI TO CO LUMBUS AND CLEVELAND. (Read Up.) CLEVELAND TO ZANESVILLE AND MARIETTA. B)i SfiK^e from CLEVELAND to Bronklyn Sironsvillc Rr.niswick 3It^diiia G'rilf'.rd WOOSTER Millersburg 191 201 212 222 230 237 244 250 258 263 268 272 279 281 235 10 295 From Cleve- land. From Cleve- lantl. 4 13 19 27 36 48 G6 CLEVELAND TO WHEELING. 123 108 97 95 83 68 41 21 12 Mill Creek Coshocton Roscoe Dresden ZANESVILLE McConnellsville Watertbrd Lowell to MARIETTA • • . From Mari- etta. From Whe'- ling. 140 139 133 12(i 119 112 102 90 73 65 60 57 24 14 9 5 MARIETTA TO CLEVELAND. (Read up.) 78 89 91 103 118 145 l(i5 174 J 86 From Cleve- land. CLEVELAND TO AA/HEELING, VIA WOOSTER. By Stage from OLEVELAND to. Ohio City Parma Strongsville Brunswick Medina Guilford WOOSTER Mount Eaton Strasburg Dover New Philadelphia. . Cadiz Harrisville Mount Pleasant. . . Coleraine to WHEELING-, Va From Whe'- liug. From San- dusky. 112 105 100 97 94 90 87 83 79 WHEELING TO CLEVELAND. [RPAid up) CLEVELAND TO SANDUSKY. Cincinvati., Cleveid. 8^ Columbus R. R. CLEVELAND to. Eockport Berea Olmstead Columbia Eaton Grafton La Grange Pittsfield From Cleve- land. 1 7 14 21 28 38 50 65 75 80 83 116 126 131 1.35 140 From Cleve- land. Place I From Cleve- land. 7 5 3 -3 4 3 4 4 7 12 15 18 22 25 29 33 76 71 65 58 52 45 36 33 27 ]6 Wellington Rochester New London Greenwich Salem Shelby MrtvujSf Sand'yR.R Paris New Haven Centrevillft Monropville to . . . SANDUSKY CIT dusky SANDUSKY TO CLEVELAND. {Read up.) flace to I'lace. 30 41 47 54 60 67 76 79 85 9(5 112 From Cleve- land. Cleve- land. 324 298 292 288 272 253 249 241 234 223 216 211 206 204 198 193 J87 178 172 163 157 151 149 145 135 132 122 U8 ]]2 103 103 99 CLEVELAND. From Ports- mouth By Ohio Canal. PORTMOUTH to Jasper Waverly Sharon ville Chillicothe Deer Creek Circleville Bioomfield Columbus t Lockb'rn (June- ^ < lion of Colum- \ ( bus Feeder. .. ) c Columbus and \ •^ Lancast'r road > f crossing ) Waterloo Carroll Havensport Baltimore Millersport(d'epc't) Hebron Newark Licking Nasport Frazeesburg Dresden Webbsport Stillwells Locks. .. Roscoe Newport Evansburg New -Comers Town Salesbiiry Babeland Trenton New Castle 26 6 4 16 9 14 11 26 32 36 52 61 75 83 90 101 7« 5 5 2 6 5 6 9 6 9 6 6 2 4 10 3 10 4 6 4 108 113 118 120 126 131 137 146 152 161 167 173 175 179 189 192 202 206 212 216 221 225 124 ROUTES FROM INDIANAPOLIS. 97 93 91 S3 80 71 65 56 52 44 38 35 32 24 21 13 9 From Cleve- lao'J. New Philadelphia. Dover Jenning's Bridge. • Zoar Bolivar Bethlehem >IaS3ILL0.V Fulton Clinton New Portage Akron Newberry Old Portage Peninsula Boston Tinker's Creek . .. Mill Creek Acq. to CLEVELAND... CLEVELAND TO PORTSMOUTH. [Read up.) 227 231 233 241 244 253 259 268 272 280 286 289 292 300 303 311 315 324 From Ports- mouth From Port- mouih 90 73 64 44 29 24 11 From Ports- mouth COLUMBUS TO PORTS- MOUTH. By Stage from COLUMBUS to. S. Bloomfield. ... Circleville Chilucothe . .. .. VVaverly Piketon Lucasville to ... PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) 17 9 20 15 5 13 11 ROUTES FROM INDIANAPOLIS. lA. Remarks.— Indianapolis is the grand centre of a very extensive sys- tem of internal communication, and which, on its completion, will con- nect hfcr either directly or indirectly with the most important places in the Eastern, as well as the Western States. For this she is in a great measure indebted to her geographical position, being situated in the centre of the State of which she is the capital. (By referring to the Map this will he made more apparent.) Indianapolis is, also, on the great high road from the East, via Pittsburg and Wheeling, to St. Louis, and will become more closely connected with the great marts of trade, by the construction of the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad, which, at the latter place, will unite with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. These will intersect, in their course, the various routes pervading the growing State of Ohio, which are destined to be numerous. Its route will be nearly central, and will connect with routes to Philadelphia, via Pittsburg ; to Baltimore, via Wheeling and Cumberland ;*to New York, via the New York and Erie Railroad; and to Boston, via Buffalo and Albany. Railroads constructed, and others in progress, diverge from her in a southerly direction to the Ohio River, in a westerly, to Illinois and St. Louis; and in a north and north-westerly direction to important places on the Wabash, which will in due time be continued to Lake Michigan, Chicaso, and Northern Illinois. The first great link, from Indianapolis to Terre Haute, which is to connect her with St. Louis, by a continuation of this road across the State of Illinois, via Vandalia, is now being constructed, and through this, at no distant day, perhaps, with the great Pacific Railroad. INDIANAPOLIS TO MADISON. 125 St. Louis, From Indianapolis to Cincinnati, via Madison, see page 118. From Indianapolis toSt. Louis, see Route from Cincinnati to S pages 118 and 119. From Indianapolis to Cincinnati, via Eaton, see page 119. From Indianapolis to Cincinnati, via Lawrenceburg, see page 119. From Indianapolis to Columbus, see page 121. F'or other routes, sec following pages. From Madi- son. 86 80 76 66 61 56 51 45 31 22 20 16 12 6 From Madi- son. INDIANAPOLIS TO MADISON, lA. Mad.S^'lnd'polisR R INDIAN AP 'IS to Southport Greenwood Franklin Amity *Edinburg Taylorsville tColumbus Elizabetlitown . .. . Scipio dueensville Vernon Dupont Wert to MADISON MADISON TO IN- DIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) From Ind'n- apolis. 6 10 20 25 30 35 41 55 64 66 70 74 80 86 From Iiid'n- ajiolis. "♦■From this point diverges the Shelbyville Lateral Branch R. R.^ running to Shelbyville, 16 miles, at which place it connects with the Rushville Lateral Branch R. R., running to Rushville, a distance of 20 miles. At Shelbyville, also, the Knightstown and Shelbyville R. R. unites with the preceding ones: it runs to Knightstown, 27 miles. The Martinsville R. R. connects with the Madison and Indianapolis road, about three miles north of Edinburg, and runs thence to Mar- tinsville, a distance of 29 miles. This road will, probably, be opened for travel in July. t Columbus will be the place of intersection for the Jeffersonville and Columbus R.R., extending from Jeffersonville, on the Ohio, to Co- lumbus, 66 miles. This road is in progress and a portion of its south- ern end open for travel. 11* The Columbus, JVashville and Bloomington ft. /i., is, also, designed to connect with the Madison and Indianapolis road, at Columbus; it will extend westward from the lat- ter place, through Nashville to Bloomington, a distance of about 40 miles. It is in progress. Steamboats leave Madison for Louisville, Ky., and Cincinnati, daily. See Route from Cincinnati to Indianapolis, via Madison, p.] 18. From Terre Haute INDIANAPOLIS TO TERRE HAUTE. IMactj to Flace. From liid'n- apolis. 71 62 By Stage from INDIANAP'IS to Bridgeport 9 6 5 8 8 6 3 15 11 9 56 Plainfield 15 51 Belleville 20 « Stilesville 28 35 29 26 11 Mt. Meridian Putnamsville Manhattan Van Bnren to TERRE HAUTE . 36 42 48 60 71 From Terre Haute TERRE HAUTE TO INDIANAPOLIS. [Read up.) Place to Place. From Iiid'n- apolis. A railroad is in progress of con- struction between Indianapolis and Terre Haute, which will finally be extended to St, Louis, via Vanda- lia. 111. 178 161 149 133 110 92 TERRE HAUTE TO VANDALIAAND ST. LOUIS. Bi/ Stage from TER. HAUTE to Marshall Martinsville Greenup Woodbury ........ Ewington 17 12 16 23 18 From Terre Haute 17 29 45 68 86 126 TERRE HAUTE TO EVANSVILLE. 87 78 71 65 48 39 19 1 Freemantown .... [lowards Ciimhprland VANDALIA Greenville Hickory Grove... Troy Illiiioistown to. . . ST. EOUIS 5 9 7 6 17 9 20 18 1 91 100 107 113 130 139 159 177 178 From ST. LOUIS TO TER-lpia ^,J RE HAUTE. !/,<; I {Read up.) I From Terre Haute I;- j TERRE HAUTE TO r.- ^^J- viU«. EVANSVILLE, lA. Place. Ilaute i Bi/ attiire from 123 TER. HAUTE to 114 Prairietoii 107 Prairie Creek 99 Turman's Creek... 94 Greysville Merorn Carlisle West Union 89 77 G9 54 VINCENWES . 30 10 Princeton Sandersville to. EVANSVILLE. p„„ EVANSVILLE TO Evns- TERRE HAUTE. (Read up.) ville. 9 16 24 29 34 46 54 69 93 113 123 From Terre Haate From I.a Fay- ette. 82 68 56 42 27 10 Fay- ette. TERRE HAUTE TO LA FAYETTE. B'j Stag-e from TER. HAUTE to Roseviile 14 Rockville 1: VVaveland 14 Crawfordville 15 Weatown to : 17 *LA FAYETTE.. 10 Place LA FAYETTE TO TERRE HAUTE. (Read up.) From Terre Haule 14 26 40 55 72 82 Place 1 From I to ' Terre ' Place. ! Haute * A railroad is now in process of construction from La Fayette on the Wabash, to New Albany, on the Ohio River. It has been com- menced at each end of the route, and two sections of about 35 miles each, will soon be opened for travel. Spri'g Held. TERRE HAUTE TO SPRINGFIELD, ILL. p'^'=«- 132 121 111 99 81 73 55 I 42 25 9 I I From S. ri^-j fiela. By Hiage from TER. HAUTE to Eibridge Paris Grandview Charleston Paradise Shelbyville Lenoir Taylorsvilie Rochester to SPRING-FIELD SPRINGFIELD TO TERRE HAUTE. (Read up.) From Terre Haute 11 21 33 51 59 77 90 107 123 132 From Terre Haute La INDIANAPOLIS TO Place et'r LA FAYETTE, lA. |piace. By Stage from 74 INDIANA? 'IS to 65 Piketon 59 Rodman's 47 Lebanon 38 Thorn town 26 Frankfort 13 Huntersville 8 Dayton to LAFAYETTE... From LA FAYETTE TO IN- DIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) Fay- ette, Fay- ette. 71 62 57 44 27 10 INDIANAPOLIS TO LA FAYETTE, VIA CRAWFORDSVILLE, By Stage from INDiANAP'IS to Clermont Brownsburg Jamestown CRAWFORDSVILLE. . Weatown to LA FAYETTE... Place to Place. Place to Place. J^'™ LA FAYETTE TO IN- piace DIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) Fay- ette. dian- apolis. 9 15 27 36 48 61 66 74 dian- apolis. From In- dian- apolis. 9 14 27 44 61 71 From In- dian- apolis. INDIANAPOLIS TO NILES, MICH. 127 From Niles. INDIANAPOLIS TO LOGANSPORT, lA., AND NILES, MICH.!"!- By Stage from INDIANAP'IS to Augusta Eagle Village Northfield Kirk's Michigantown. .. Burliii2ton LOGANSPORT Metea Rochester Sidney Plymouth Whitehall South Bend to. .. tNILES, Mich.. From NILES TO INDIAN- APOLIS. (Read up.] di;iu- apolis 9 14 18 30 40 51 68 80 92 105 115 127 137 149 From Inil'n- apolis. * From Plymouth, passengers may reach Michigan Citij, via La- parte, a distance of 36 miles. t At Niles a connection is formed with the Michigan Central R. R. Passengers, therefore, can go thence to Chicago, and Northern Illinois, or to places in Michigan, &c. wu" INDIANAPOLIS TO 'porWILLIAMSPORLIA. Place to Place From In- dian- apolis. 1 By Stage from 74 INDIANAP'IS to 65 Clermont 9 5 13 17 12 14 4 9 60 Brownsburg 47 Jamestown 30 Crawfordsville 18 Hillsboro' 14 27 44 5(3 4 Rob Roy to jWILLIAMSP'RT 70 74 From WILLIAMSPORT TO li^m'; INDIANAPOLIS. port. {Read up.) Place to Place. From In- dian- apolis. INDIANAPOLIS TO FORT WAYNE, lA., AND TOLEDO, 0. 2J2 203 1!)4 172 161 144 135 126 111 105 91 75 06 57 48 40 32 26 9 By Stage from INDIANAP'IS to Augusta Northfield Michigantown . Burlington LoGANSPORT ... By Wabash and Erie Canal to Lewisburg Peru Manhattan Lagroville Huntingdon FORT WAYNE . Miami Canal June. Defiance Florida Napoleon Damascus ......... Providence Maumee City to. .. TOLEDO From To- ledo. dian- apolis. 9 18 40 51 68 77 86 101 107 121 137 146 155 164 172 180 186 203 212 TOLEDO TO INDIAN- Pi^^-^-^ ^rom , to Inu'n- APOLIS. (if eaa MJ9.) Place. japolis. From Ve- vay. 105 97 85 68 46 34 24 4 INDIANAPOLIS TO VEVAY, lA. By Stage from INDIANAP'IS to Bethel Pleasantville .... Shelbyville Greenburg Napoleon. ....... Versailles Mt. Sterling to.. VEVAY ^^r VEVAY TO INDIAN- "^ir ind°n" ^^y- APOLIS. {Read up.) Pla<:e- apolis. , From Place In. to j dian. Place, apolis. 8 20 37 59 71 81 101 105 Persons going direct between In- dianapolis and Vevay, should take the cars on the Madison and Indian- apolis R. R, to Madison, 86 miles, and thence by stage to Vevay, 23 miles. Total, 109. 128 INDIANAPOLIS TO JEFFERSONVILLE. From INDIANAPOLIS TO 'lotn JEFFtrtSGiWILLE, viUe. I A. 131 125 121 Hi 10(5 101 96 90 76 67 61 57 51 45 27 17 9 From Jeffer- Mill Sc Iiidiap.R.R INDIANAj? IS to t5 i;illiij .It Grjjiiwood Franklin A iiitv Eli.ihir,' Taylorsville Citluiubis Elizabellitown .... Scipio Vernon D'ipont Wert .M.vDisn.v Bij Sfa;<■; apo.^, PAOLI. "^"-Ib^;. I By St (lire from 140 *N. "ALBAinrto 123 Greenville 119 Palmyra I 9 21 114 Fredericksburg I 5 , 26 lOD IHardinsburg 103 Chambersbjrg 97 IPaoli 89 Orleans 81 Sinking Spring 74 Bedford 05 Harrodsbur? . . . 51 Blooininston • 20 Martinsville .. 14 Far West to. 15 INDIANAPOLIS. 14 diau Cpol ! INDIANAPOLIS TO f,^,\Kr' NEW ALBANY. «o -^*" / n J Place. {Read up.) AI- I baajr. * From jVew Albany, situated at the foot of the Falls" of the Ohio River, a railroad is progressing through the centre of the State of Indiana, designed to meat the La Fayette and Crawfordsville R. R., at Crawfordsville. ■^C" NEW ALBANY TO ^'-^ ^>w LA FAYETTE, lA. 185 96 N'W ALBANY to { Blooniington, i < (see previous ' ( routej 82 Mount Tabor 79 Gosport 74 Cloverdale 66 Putnamville. . . . 61 Green Castle . 49 Fincastle 41 Parkersburs . .. . 23 Crawfordsville-. 12 Wea to LAFAYETTE '(, bany. 89 103 106 111 119 5 124 12 ,136 8 jl44 13 157 16 !173 12 185 F-™ LA FAYETTE TO ' P,a<-e F%i NEW ALBANY. I '?.■ {Read up ) From New Al- bany. From Vin- ceniies 1.30 116 101 87 INDIANAPOLIS TO „. VINCENNES. VIA t. BLOOMFIELD. ""'"" Bii Stao-e from INDIANAP'IS to Far West 14 Martinsville 15 Gosport I 14 dian- :itolia. 14 29 43 VINCENNES TO ST. LOUIS. 129 Spencer Freedom Point Commerce. Fair Play Bloomfield Newberry Owl Prairie Washington. . . . Berrvvillft to VINCENNES . . From Vin- cenuec} VINCENNES TO IN- DIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) 52 62 71 75 79 89 95 110 1J7 130 From dian- apolis. VINCENNES TO ST, LOUIS. By Stage from VINCENNES to. Lawrenceviile. .. . Olney Maysville Cato Frederickstown. .. Salem Carlisle Lebanon Rock Spring Belleville Iliinoisiown to. . . ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS TO VI N- 7o"'i vT CENNES. (-ftearfwp.) Place, cennes From Vin- cennes 9 22 38 56 65 74 98 124 128 137 151 152 INDIANAPOLIS TO SPRINGFIELD. ILL., VIACOVINGTON,IA. By Stuff e from INDIANAP'IS to Clermont Brownsburg Jamestown Crawfordsville Waynetown Hillshofo' COVINGTON . . . . Danville Homer Urbanna North Bend Monticello Decatur 6 15 18 10 7 12 17 22 11 14 13 24 From In- dian- apojis. 8 14 29 47 57 64 76 93 115 126 140 153 177 15 From Spri'g. field. Mechanicsbiirg to. SPRING-FIELD. SPRINGFIELD TO INDIANAPOLIS. (Read up.) T„„ MADISON TO TER- Haute RE HAUTE. 136 130 126 114 105 98 91 83 71 61 53 46 38 22 12 From Terre Haute Mad. S; Ind'polisR.R. MADISON to Wert Dnpont Vernon Scipio Elizabethtown Columbus By Stage to Lefevre Nashville Unionville Bloomington Whitehall Spencer Bowling Green. . . . Christie's Prairie to TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE TO MADISON. [Read up.) From Green- 107 97 86 79 63 58 52 44 37 31 27 21 14 From Gr. en- viUe. INDIANAPOLIS TO GREENVILLE, 0. By Stage from INDIANAP'IS to Allisonville Noblesville Strawtown Anderson Chesterfield Yorktown Muncietown Smithfield Windsor Macksville Winchester Randolph to G-REENVILLE,0 GREENVILLE TO IN- DIANAPOLIS. [Read up.) I 330 ROUTES FROM LOUISVILLE, KY. Tlie Indianapolis and Bellcfon- taine R. R.. which is desisned to unite with the t)hio and Pennsyl- vania R. K., at Bellefontaine, Ohio, is now constructing. It will form a very important thoroughfiire, con- necLins,', as it will, the East and the West. This road is being pushed forward with all possible desjjatch, and will, no doubt, be completed by the time its connecting links are finished in Ohio and Pennsylvania. ROUTES FROM LOUIS- VILLE, KY. From Louisville to Cincin.vati, and from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, by steamboat on the Ohio, see pp. 103 and J04. From Louisville to St. Louts and intermediate places, by steam- boat, see pages 104 and 105. From Lou;sviLLE to New Or- leans and intermediate places, see pages lOi) and 107. From Louisville to M.vdison, Ia., by steamboat. 41 miles, and from .Nradison to Indianapolis, see page 1-23. From Louisville to the Har- RODSBURG SpRiNos,Ky.:— to Frank- fort, (see f illowing route.) thence by stage to Harrodsburir. 30 miles. From Louisville to Bardstown, Ky., by stage, via Mt. IVushingtoii, is 40 miles. From I.1OUIPVILLE to Lebanon, by stage, is IJ7 miles. P„.„ LOUISVILLE TO ^"- FRANKFORT AND toJ.': LEXINGTON, KY. 98 84 72 C(i 59 53 48 28 Louisville S( Frank fort R. R. LOUISVILLE to. Williams. in Lri Grange Grove Einiiiiince Plr-asaiitville Ch-isiiu'i-:'" ira FRANKFORT -. riace From n Louis- Place, ville. 14 13 C 7 G 5 20 14 2J 32 3) 45 50 70 \ Lexington ^ Frauk-\ ! fort R. R. Midwav to j 14 LEXINGTON...-: 14 F^"- LEXINGTON TO i"s- I LOUISVILLE. '°"' I (Read up.) 84 98 From Louis- ville. Frira Nash- LOUISVILLE TO U'lace From NASHVILLE, TENN.'pia^. 'vX" Bii S'ag. field. 80 86 93 105 120 135 144 From Peo- ria. 71 51 26 14 9 SPRINGFIELD TO PEORIA, ILL. By Stage from SPRING-F'ELDto Middletown ... Delavan Tremont Groveland to PEORIA r/;™ PEORIA TO SPRING- ria. I FIELD. {Readnp.) From Spri'g. field. 20 45 57 62 71 From Spn'g. fleld. From Oqua'- PEORIA TO OQUAWKA, ILL. 78 57 43 37 32 18 I By Stage from PEORIA to Charleston Trenton Knoxville Galesburg Monmouth to. . . . *OQUAWKA... Jq'ua™ OQUAWKA TO PEO- ''^- I RlAi {Read up.) From Peo- ria. 21 35 41 46 60 78 From Peo- ria. * Stages leave Oquawka for Bur- lington, lo-, 15 miles; connecting there with lines running to Keo- kuk, and other parts of Iowa. 163 144 131 126 113 96 82 70 58 40 15 From Ga- lena. PEORIA TO GALE- NA, VIA DIXON. By Stage from PEORIA to Chillicothe Lacon Henry. Hennepin Princeton Scottsville Dixon Buffalo Grove... Cherry Grove. . . . Apple River to. . . G-ALENA GALENA TO PEO- RIA. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Peo- ria. 19 32 37 50 67 81 93 105 123 148 163 From Peo- From Peoria to Chicago, and Peoria to St. Louis, see Route from Chicago to St. Louis, p. 75. 134 ROUTES FROM IOWA CITY. CY, ILL. ■ PJare I From Peo- By Stage from 137 jPEORIAto 120 iTivoli 113 Farmington 102 [Canton 87 jLewistown 70 j Astoria 54 RCSHVILLE 45 Riplev 38 LMt. Sterling 27 {Clayton 15 Columbus to QUINOY "^y- RIA, {Read up.) 17 7 11 15 17 16 9 7 11 17 24 35 50 67 83 92 99 110 12 122 15 137 From Peo- From QUI NCY TO KNOX- Kiiox viUe. VILLE, ILL. Bu fit age from 106 QUINCYto 92 Mendon 82 Woodville 79 ;Chili 65 ICarthage 53 Fountain Green. 37 Macomb 19 I Woodstock 9 Hartford to KNOXVILLE.. I;;:™.' KNOXVILLE TO vuie. QUINCY. [Read up.)-e\&ce. ■ to duin- Place. cy. 14 24 27 41 53 69 87 97 106 From Quin- From Q.uincy to Keokuk. lo , 35 miles. Stages run from Keokuk to Burlington, lo. ; and from Bur- lington to Oquawka, Northern Illi- nois, and Iowa. ^^"j" JACKSONVILLE, ILL.,i^,;- L<">i^TO ST. LOUIS, MO.Pi-^e. I Bii Stage from 90 JACZSONV^LE to 75 Manchester 67 Whitehall 57 Carrollton From Jack- son- ville. 15 23 33 49 44 36 30 23 Kane Jersevville Delphi Godfrey Alton By Steamboat to ST. LOUIS , ST. LOUIS TO JACK- ^sri SONVILLE. Louis. {Read up.) 41 46 54 GO 67 90 From Jack- son- ville. ROUTES FROM IOWA CITY. From Bui* ling- ton. 88 76 56 43 32 25 20 IOWA CITY TO BURLINGTON. Bv Stage from IOWA CITY to... West Liberty Muscatine Grand View Wapello Florence Vellow Springs to. . BURLING-TON . . From 1 Bur- ling- ton. BURLINGTON TO IOWA CITY, (Read up.) 12 20 13 11 7 5 20 From Iowa Citv. 12 32 45 56 63 68 From Iowa City. From Rock Isl'nd. 74 62 43 32 25 20 8 3 From Rock Isl'nd. IOWA CITY TO DA VENPORT AND ROCK ISLAND. "^^^• Bu Slase from IOWA CITY to.., West Liberty Overman's Ferry.. Muscatine Wyoming Montpelier Rockingham Dave.vport to I ROCK ISL'D \ \ (by ferry) J ROCK ISLAND TO IOWA CITY. [Read up.) From Iowa Ciiy. 12 31 42 49 54 66 71 74 Place ' From to ' Iowa Place. City. ROUTES FROM BURLINGTON, 10. 335 From Keo- kuk. IOWA CITY TO KEOKUK. Place to Place. From Iowa City. 128 96 71 Bii Stage from IOWA CITY to... Wasliiiigton Fairfipld 32 25 24 10 7 30 Place to Place. 32 57 47 37 30 Keosauque Beiitonsport Faniiintiton to KEOKUK 81 91 98 128 From Keo- kuk. KEOKUK TO IOWA CITY. {Read -lip.) From Iowa City. From M'sca- tiue. IOWA CITY TO MUSCATINE. Place to Place. From Iowa City. 34 20 11 By Staffe from IOWA CITY to... West Liberty Overman's Ferry to ^MUSCATINE... 14 9 11 14 23 34 From M'sca- tine. MUSCATINE TO IOWA CITY. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Iowa City. ROUTES FROM BURLING- TON, lO. From Burlington to Iowa City, see page 134. From D'ven- port. 82 67 58 51 42 28 From D'ven- port. BURLINGTON TO DAVENPORT, 10. By Stage from BURLINGTON to Yellow Springs. . Florence Wapello Grandview Muscatine to. . . DAVENPORT . DAVENPORT TO BURLINGTON. {Read up.) y buque. * From Muscatine, (formerly Bloomington,) passengers may reach St." Louis, 321 miles, or any of the places situated on the Mis- sissippi River, either up or down that stream, by steamboat. 75 53 33 26 12 buque DAVENPORT TO DUBUQUE, 10. By Stage from *DAVENPORT to De Witt Maquokety Andrew La Mott to DUBUQUE DUBUQUE TO DA- VENPORT. Place to Place. From Bur- ling- ton. 15 24 31 40 54 82 From Bur- From D'ven- port. 22 42 49 63 75 From D'ven- port. * From Davenport, passengers may reach Dubuque, by steamboat., on the Mississippi River, distance 102 miles. From Keo- kuk. 45 35 24 12 BURLINGTON TO KEOKUK, 10. By Singe from BURLIHG-TON to Augusta Fort Madison. . . . Montrose to KEOKUK Keo- KEOKUK TO BUR- '"^''- LINGTON.C-Reafifwp.) From Bur- ling- ton. 10 21 33 45 From Bur- ling- ton. 136 ROUTES FROM ST. LOUIS, MO. From Oska- I loosa. BURLINGTON TO OSKALOOSA, 10. By Stage from 106 BURLING-TON to 88 Hartford 78 Mt. Pleasant 70 Rome 55 Fairfield 32 Otunivva 16 Eddvsville to OSKALOOSA.... From Oska- loosa. OSKALOOSA TO BURLINGTON. [Read up.) From Bur- ling- ton. 18 28 36 51 74 90 106 From Bur- ling- ton. From reo- 93 78 60 46 41 35 21 From Peo- ria. BURLINGTON, 10., TO PEORIA, ILL. By Stage from BURLINGTON to Oquavvka Monmouth Galesburg Knoxville Trenton Charleston to PEORIA PEORIA TO BUR- LINGTON. {Read up.) From Bur- ling- ton. 15 33 47 52 58 72 93 From Bar- ROUTES FROM ST. LOUIS. MO. From St. Louis to St. Paul, Win. Ter., and intermediate places, by steamboat, see Route from St. Louis to Falls of St. Anthon}', page 105. From St. Loots to New Orleans and intermediate places, by steam- boat, see page 108. From St. Louis to Louisville, Cincinnati, and intermediate places, by steamboat, see page 105^ and from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, see p. 104. From St. Louis to Chicago, via Illinois and Michigan Canal, see pages 75 and 76. From St. Louis to Chicago, via Springfield and Peoria, see p. 76. From St. Louis to Vandalia, 111., and Terre Haute, la., see pages 125 and 12ti; and from Terre Haute to Imlianapolis, la., see page 125. From St. Louis to Cincinnati, via Indianapolis, see pages 118 & 119. From St. Louis to New Madrid, Mo., by steamboat, 254 miles. See Route, page 108. From St. Louis to Kaskaskia, 111., by stage, 55 miles. From St. Louis to Jacksonville, III., see page 134. J'pSl. LOUIS TO JEF-|piaee J- PERSON CITY, MO. Put-e 128 120 108 94 82 72 48 34 By SI acre from ST. LOUIS to.. Rock Hill Manchester Fox Creek Fort William Union Adanisburg Mt. Sterling 8 20 34 46 56 80 94 18 10 From Jtrffer- son Lvnn I 16 Lisle to I 8 JEFF'SON CITY 10 JEFFERSON CITY TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) Place 110 118 128 From Measures have been already taken for the construction of a railroad from St. Louis to Jefferson City; and thence the line is to he extend- ed to Independence, a place situ- JEFFERSON CITY TO INDEPENDENCE. 137 ated near the western frontier of Missouri. This railroad will, per- haps, at no dii-taiitday, be extended to some point on the'Pacific. From Inde- JEFFERSON CITY TO INDEPEN- DENCE, MO. By Stage from JEFF'SON 0. to. Marion. Maniteau Midway Boonevilie La Mine Arrow Rock Marshall Mount Hope Lexington Welli no-ton Fort Osasje to INDEPEND'NOE INDEPENDENCE TO JEFFERSON CITY. {Read up.) From ST. LOUIS TO JEF- FERSON CITY, VIA ST. CHARLES. City. By Si una from ST. LOUIS to ... . St, Charles Hickory Grove Warrenton Danville Fulton NewBloomfield Hibernia to JEFF'SON CITY From Je.Tur- soa City. 15 20 29 46 5(5 68 82 106 124 136 151 163 From Jeffer- son City. From St. Louis. JEFFERSON CITY TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) 21 51 58 85 110 121 131 132 K From /effe^.ST. LOUIS TO FORT City. 323 213 LEAVENWORTH. Bif Stacre from ST. LOUIS to... Fulton (see pre- vious route). . 12* 110 110 201 189 176 162 150 133 122 100 72 42 17 8 From Fort L'veii- w'rtli. From Fort Lea- Mi llersburg Columbia Rocheport Payette Glasgow Keytesville Brunswick , Carrollton Richmond Liberty Platte City Weston to \ FORT LEA- \ VENWORTH FORT LEAVEN- WORTH TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) ST. LOUIS, M0„ TO FORT LEAVEN- WORTH AND COUNCIL BLUFF. 690 687 680 676 673 651 605 598 576 5G6 545 536 .520 510 496 486 471 455 429 379 361 348 330 315 303 265 256 196 182 By Steamboat from ST. LOUIS to.... Cabris Island , Chouteau's Island. Mouth of Wood R. iVIissouRi River. .. St. Charles Newport Pinckney \ Month of Gas- ; ( conade River. . j Portland Mouth of Osage R. Jefferson City. . . Marion Nashville Rocheport Boonevilie Arrow Rock Chariton Mouth of Grand R. Lexington Biayton Fort Osage Liberty Mouth of Kansas R M'th of Little Platte Fort Leavenw'th Weston St. Joseph Nodaway R 12 12 13 14 12 17 11 22 28 30 25 9 Place to Place 3 7 5 3 22 46 7 21 10 21 9 16 10 14 10 15 10 26 50 18 13 18 15 12 38 9 60 14 124 145 154 170 180 194 204 219 235 261 311 329 342 360 375 387 425 434 494 508 138 ST. LOUIS TO CALEDONIA. ]66 Wolf River 16 148 Gt. Neiiiahaw R. .. la 123 Mishiiabatona R. . . 25 111 Weeping Water R. 12 95 Fair Sua Island. .. . 16 83 Lower Oven Island 12 79 Upper Oven Island. 4 t)7 Five-Barrel Island. 12 52 Platte River 15 40 1 Bellevue Trad- ) ( insi-liouse to. . f 12 COUNCIL BL'F. 40 ^:Z. COUNCIL BLUFF TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) 524 542 567 579 595 607 611 623 638 050 690 From St. Louis. ^2" ST. LOUIS TO CA- LEDONIA, MO. 78 73 69 64 56 49 36 30 26 17 11 From Gale- douia. Bif S'aire from ST. "LOUIS to.... Carondelet Jefferson Barracks Oakville Snlpluir Springs Clifton Hillsboro' Linnville Glenfinlas Old Mines POTOSI to CALEDONIA . • . • CALEDONIA TO ST, LOUIS. {Read up.) From St Louis. 5 9 14 22 29 42 48 52 61 67 f™™ST. LOUIS TO LIT-i^'r Kook TLE ROCK, ARK. Place 365 287 265 250 245 227 210 188 172 158 136 126 Bij Sfa^e from ST. LOUIS to.... i Caledonia (see ) I previous route) ) Farmington La Motte L'd Mines Fredericktown .... Cedar Creek Greenville Cane Creek Martinsburg Hicks' Ferry, Ark. . Pocahontas Jackson 22 100 15 115 5 120 18 138 17 155 OQ 177 16 193 14 207 22 229 10 239 111 101 91 55 30 From Little Reels. Sinithville Sulphur Spring. .. , Batesville , Searcy Oakland Grove to. *LITTLE ROOK. LITTLE ROCK TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) * The preceding route is given for the benefit of those whose busi- ness or pleasure would take them to any of the intermediate towns. The most available and cheapest route bet\veea St. Louis and Little Rock, is by steamboat from the for- mer place to the mouth of the Ar- kansas, and thence, up that stream, to Little Rock. VaT ST. LOUIS TO PAl MYRA, MO. 131 110 88 j Bi/ Stii.g-e from ST. LOUIS to.. St. Charles Flint Hill [Troy I Auburn jPrairieville jBowling Green. . jFrankford jNew London. ... Hannibal to PALMYRA .... From PALMYRA TO ST. J;;- LOUIS. {Read up.) From Bur- I'gton. Ill 93 79 68 43 31 20 From Bur- I'gton. PALMYRA TO BUR- LINGTON, 10. By Stage from PALMYRA to.. La Grange Monticello Winchester. St. Francisville. . Montrose, lo-... Ft. M-'i.DisoN to- . BURLINaTON BURLINGTON TO PALMYRA. (Read up.) 21 45 5(5 66 75 88 101 109 119 131 Pl;ice From St. Place. Louis- From Pal- myra. 18 32 43 68 80 91 111 From Pal- myra. ST. LOUIS TO SHAWNEETOWN. 139 150 149 135 110 99 79 49 32 14 7 ST. LOUIS TO SHAWNEETOWN, ILL. From Shaw- nee- towii. ST. LOUIS to ... . j Illiiioistown, ) I (by ferry) ] By Stage to Belleville Pleasant Grove Nashville Mt. Hav^'kins Frankfort Gallatin Equality Cypressville to SHA'NEETOWN SHAWNEETOWN TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) 1 15 40 51 71 101 118 136 143 150 Passena;ers may go between St. Louis and Shawneetovvn, by steam- boat, via the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. ROUTES FROM LITTLE ROCK, ARK. From Napo- leon. 224 134 114 100 65 32 From Napo- leon. LITTLE ROCK TO NAPOLEON, ARK. By Stage from LITTLE ROCK to Pine Bluff Richland Necatoo Arkansas Post . . . . Wellington to. ,. .. *NAPOLEON . . . . NAPOLEON TO LIT- TLE ROCK. {Read up.) From Little Rock. 90 110 124 159 192 224 From Little Rock. * Napoleon is situated at the mouth of the Arkansas River ; pas- sengers wishing to go thence to places on the Mississippi River, can do so, as steamboats pass up and down that river several times daily. Frim Hfle- iia. 91 53 43 15 From Hele- LITTLE ROCK TO HELENA, ARK. By Stage from LIT'LE ROCK to Big Prairie Rock Roe Lawrence ville Lick Creek to *HELENA HELENA TO LITTLE p'-e ROCK, {Read up.) p,f,e. 25 13 10 28 15 From Little Rock. 25 38 48 76 91 From Little Rock. * Helena, Ark., is one of the stopping-places for the steamboats which run up and down the Missis- sippi. From Hot Sp'ngs 53 38 29 20 12 From Hot Sp'iigs LITTLE ROCK TO HOT SPRINGS, ARK, By Stage from LIT'LE ROCK to Collegeville Caldwellton Owensville Whittington to HOT SPRIWG-S. . HOT SPRINGS TO LITTLE ROCK. {Read up.) From Little Rock. 15 24 33 41 53 From Little Rock. 133 118 109 87 69 62 50 38 14 From Fulton LITTLE ROCK TO FULTON, ARK. By Stage from LIT'LE ROCK to Collegeville Benton Rockport Bayou du Roche.. . Raymond Greenville Antoine Washington to. . . . FULTON FULTON TO LITTLE P'^^ce ROCK. (Read up.) piace. From Little Rock, 15 24 46 64 71 83 95 119 133 From Little Rock. 140 ROUTES FROM BALTIMORE, MD. From Sh've- poit. LITTLE ROCK TO SHREVEPORT, LA. Place to Place. From LitUe Rock. 286 147 131 115 Q8 Bij Stage from LIT'LE ROCK to C Washington, ^ < (see previous > ( route) ) Spring Hill Lewisville 119 16 16 17 8 90 119 135 151 168 90 Walnut Hill to.... SHREVEPORT . . 176 266 From Sh've- port. SHREVEPORT TO LITTLE ROCK. {Road up.) Place to Place. From Little Root. From Mem- phis. LITTLE ROCK TO MEMPHIS, TENN. Place to Place. From Little Kock. 155 130 90 By Stage from LIT'LE ROOK to Big Prairie 25 4a 50 30 9 1 Place to Place. 25 65 40 10 St. Francis Clarion 115 145 1 Mississippi Riv'r to MEMPHIS J54 155 From Mem- ph.s. MEMPHIS TO LIT- TLE ROCK. {Read up.) From Little Rock. Passengers may go between Lit- tle Rock and Memphis by stemnbuat, as follows : down the Arkansas to its mouth, about 300 miles, thence up the Mississippi to Memphis, 177 miles. Total, 477 miles. From Fort Gib- sou. 230 185 179 153 147 131 121 109 9^ 82 72 67 40 LITTLE ROCK TO FORT GIBSON, IND.TER. By Stage from LIT'LE ROOK to Lewisbuig Pt. Remove Dwight Scotia Clarksville Horsehead Ozark Pleasant Hill Cotocton Van Buren Fort Smith Kidron to FORT GIBSON.. From FORT GIBSON TO Sib- 1 LITTLE ROCK, son. I [Read up.) Place ' From to Little Place. I Rock, 45 6 26 6 16 10 12 14 13 10 5 27 40 45 51 77 83 99 109 121 135 148 158 163 190 230 Place From Litlld Place, i Rock. During seasons of high water in the Arkansas, a steamboat runs from Little Rock to Fort Gibson. ROUTES FROM BALTIMORE, MD. The following are routes diverging from Baltimore ; the traveller will refer to each respectively as may be required. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE WMlROkU.-nepot ill Pratt Street. This route leads to Havre de Grace, Wilmington, and Philadelphia. See page 82. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.--De/'o« in Pratt street. This route leads to Frederick, Md., Harper's Ferry, Cumberland. Pittsburg, AVheel- ing, and the West. From Harper's Ferry to Winchester, Va., and the V'irginia Springs. See pages 143 and 145. HACKEY-COACH FARES. 141 WASHINGTON BRANCH RAILROAD— Oe;»oi in Pratt street. This route leads to Wasliiiigtoii, Fiedeiickshurir, Richmond, and the South. Also to the Virginia Springs, via Gordonsviile. The Jinnajiolis Branch R. R. runs to Annapolis, the capital of Maryland. See page 83, and following pages. BALTIMORE AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD-^epof comer of Calvert and Franklin Streets. This route leads to York, Pa., Harrisburg, Pitts- burg, and to places on the Pennsylvania R. R. Also from York to Co- lumbia, Lancaster and Philadelphia. See pages 93 and 144. STEAMBOATS mn f'om Baltimore to Piney Point, and up the Poto- mac to Acquia Creek Landing, connecting there with the railroad route to the South. Also, from Baltimore to Norfolk, Va., and up James River to Rich- mond, connecting there with the railroad route running north to Fre- dericksburg, and south to Petersburg, Weldon, &c. Also, from Richmond to the Virginia Springs, Natural Bridge, &c. HACKNEY COACH FARES IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 1. Steamboat and Railroad Depots. — From any steamboat landing or railroad depot, to any hotel or private residence within the limits of the city, for a single passenger, 50 cents. If two or more, each, 37^ tents. And for each trunk, box, or bag, of sufficient size to be strapped on, 123- cents. No charge for small parcels put in the carriage. 2. To any Steamboat or Railroad Depot. — The same fare and charge for baggage, with an addition of 50 cents for the carriage when only sent for from the stable. 3. Ci«y.— Within the following limits, assuming Calvert street as the centre of the city, and extending east to Canal street, west to Green street, south to G reat Montgomery street, and north to Biddle street, for a single passenger, 37^ cents. If two or more, each, 25 cents. If beyond these limits, and anywhere within the city boundary, 32^ cents addi- tional for each passenger 4. Time.— For the use of a hackney-coach by the hour, $1 00, and at the same rate for all fractions of an hour, but no charge for any time less than a quarter of an hour. 5. Evening and JVight. — For hacks taken from the stand to any part of the city, as follows; from 1st May to 30th September inclusive, after 8 o'clock, p. M., 75 cents for a single passenger; if more than one, 50 cents each : a like sum for returning. From 1st October to 30th April, inclusive, after 7 o'clock, p. m., the same. JVo charge for baggage. G. Exchange and FelPs Point.— From South Gay street to any part of Fell's Point, not farther east than Washington street, 25 cents, and 25 cents back for each passenger. General Rules. — 1. An additional allowance of 25 cents for the car- riage only, when sent for from the stand. 2. Children over ten years, half-price; no charge under that age. 3. Stopping 15 minutes, or leaving the carriage, to make a new charge. 4. All cases not provided for in these rules, left to agreement of the parties. 142 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, ETC. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCE, FARES, &c., FROM BALTIMORE, TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following table will show, at a glance, the distance, expense, and time, occupied in travelling from Baltimore to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares, when travelling in steamboats, upon Jakes or rivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given is that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller nmst determine for himself The distances are gene- rally given by the shortest routes. Names of Pla.-es. From BALTIMORE to Philadelphia New York Boston Washington Annapolis York, Pa Harrisburg.. Frederick, Md Harper's Ferry Winchester, Va ^ Virginia Springs, via J I Harper's Ferry. .. \ • • Pittsburg, via Cum berrd ( Pittsburg, via Har- 1 .. < risburg and.Pa.Cen. V ( R. R. and stage S \ Wheeling, Va', via ( Cumberland .. •• Columbus, O C Cincinnati, via i • • .. < Wheeling and Co- \ i lumbus ) C Cincinnati, via i .. «. < Wheeling and Ohio ' ( River S { New Orleans, via I } Ohio and Miss. R's \ ij St. Louis, via Ohio ) •* '* ( and Miss. Rivers. . j ( Richmond, Va., via ) ) Washington j Norfolk . . . . Charleston .. .. Savannah Montgomery, Ala Miles. Hoars. 97 6 184 lOi 420 20i 40 2 39 2 57 3 83 4 62 3 82 4 124 6A 315 52 312 34 318 30 309 33 437 53 555 64 692 72 2240 2o4 1389 153 171 m 196 17 594 53 634 59 1110 1 97 Fares. §3 00 6 00 10 00 1 80 1 70 1 50 3 00 2 50 3 25 5 30 13 25 10 00 10 00 11 00 17 00 21 00 16 00 31 GO 26 00 7 00 5 00 17 00 22 00 41 00 BALTIMORE TO CUMBERLAND. 143 Names of Places. From BALTIMORE to Mobile New Orleans Memphis, Tenn *Cleveland,via New i York City, and N. V Y. and Erie R.R.. > Detroit I Chicago, via Cleve- / ( land and Detroit. . \ \ Chicago,via the Ohio \ River and St. Louis Galena, via Chicago.. St. Paul, Min. Ter.... Miles. Hours 1307 1473 1323 807 943 1226 1806 1406 1756 Fares. 49 00 54 00 40 00 20 00 23 00 29 50 34 00 37 50 42 50 * The most expeditious and convenient route from Baltimore to Cleve- land, and the North-West, is via New York City and the New York and Erie R, R. to Dunkirk, thence by steamboat to Cleveland, Detroit, Chi- cago, &c. Passengers taking this route, will avoid both stage and canal travel. In the spring of 1852 the Pennsylvania R. R., through to Pittsburg, and the Pittsburg and Cleveland R. R., are to be opened. Thes6 will then form the best route from Baltimore to the North-West. From Baltimore to Philadelphia, see page 82. From Baltimore to Washington, Richmond, Charleston, New Or- leans, &c., see the several routes, from page 83 to 86, inclusive. From Baltimore to Norfolk, by steamboat, 196 miles. From Baltimore to Frederick, Md., see following route. From Wh'e- BALTIMORE TO CUMBERLAND AND WHEELING. Place to Place. From Balti- more. 120 90 By Stage over JVa- tional Road to 11 30 21 12 11 17 10 7 12 189 Smithfield, Pa Uniontown BROWNSVILLE. Hillsboro' 219 309 Baltim.Sc Ohio R.R. BALTIMORE to. *ReIay House Ellicott's Mills 9 G 6 3 8 6 6 6 4 5 11 12 19 3 18 18 12 26 9 15 21 24 32 38 44 50 54 59 70 82 101 104 122 140 152 178 69 57 46 29 19 12 240 252 300 294 Washington Claysviile 280 290 288 W. Alexander to. . WHEELING- .... 297 309 285 277 Putney's Bridge. . . . Sykesville 271 From Wh'e- ling. WHEELING TO BAL- TIMORE. {Read up.) Place to Place. 265 259 Mount Airy From Bait;. 255 tFREDERIC JUNC... Point of Rocks . .. . ( tHARPER'S ; ] FERRY, VA. i Martinsburg Hedgeville Depot. . Hancock, Md Doe Gully Tunnel. Paw-Paw Tunnel. § CUMBERLAND iioO 239 227 20B 205 187 169 167 131 Stc and place of til here risbu latte with Rail ges run between Hagerstown, Md. '' is, at present, the e Franklin R. R. I may reach Chambers rg, &c., by railroad r place a connection the Pennsylvania -oad. Fred rhe 1 tern 'assei burg. . A is fo I Ce erick atter linus igers Har- t the rmed ntral <} 144 BALTIMORE TO HARRISBURG. * Passengers for Washington can stop at the Relay House and take the cars thence direct to that city. t Passengers for Frederick, Md., stop here and take the branch road running to that place, 3 miles. X Passengers for Winchester, Va., and the Virginia Sprinss, stop here. The Winckester R. R. diverges from this point. See route from Balti- more to Winchester and the Vir- ginia Springs, page 145. § At Cumberland passengers take the stage, for a ride over the Moun- tains; those for Pittsburg, leave that conveyance at Brownsville^ on the Monongahela, and resume their journey by steamboat. Passengers taking the Toughio- ghcny Route to Pittsburg, leave Cumberland at 5 a.m., crossing the Mountains, by day -light, and reach fVest JVeu:lon,on the Youghiogheny River, the same night. Here they lay over till next morning, leaving at 7 A.M. by steamboat for Pittsburg, which place is reached in time to connect with the Cincinnati pack- ets, leaving the same day. See Routes from Wheeling, p. 112. Remarks.— The Baltimore and Ohio R. R. is now being continued from Cumberland to the Ohio River, at Wheeling, Va. It is designed to cross the Suspension Bridge at that place, into Ohio, where it will unite with a railroad intended to pass through that State to Zanesville and Columbus. From the latter place one is already in operation to Cincinnati, and also to Cleveland, on Lake Erie. By means of these it will connect with the railroads completed and in progress, pervading the States of Ohio and Illinois. A very important connection with the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. is about to be made by the construction of the Virginia J^orth- Western R. R. This branch will leave the main road at a point near Clarksburg, Va., and extend nearly in a straight line to the Ohio at Parkersburg. From Belpre, O., on the opposite side of the river, another road will be constructed, so as to form a direct route to Cincinnati, and thence by another road (already chartered) to St. Louis, via Vincennes. When these several lines are completed, there will be nearly an "Air Line" route between Baltimore and St. Louis; thus forming the shortest and most direct route from tide-water to the Mississippi. From Har- r H- Irarg. 83 80 1 7 70 67 65 60 oti 54 49 47 45 41 36 BALTIMORE TO YORK AND HARRIS- BURG. Baltim.8rSu.'.)lp,'°e BALTIMORE TO AN NAPOLIS, MD. Baltim.^ Ohio R.R. BALTIMORE to. Relay House Place From to Balti- more 9 9 29 24 21 17 11 From Anna- polis. Washingt. Br. R.R. Eikridge Landing. . Jessup's Cut Annapolis Junction Annapolis Br. R.R. Patuxent Forge. .. . Millersville to ANNAPOLIS .... ANNAPOLISTO BAL- TIMORE, (/^«a<^«p•) 10 15 18 22 28 39 From B^lti- more. From White Sul- phur. 315 233 223 211 196 191 178 173 162 157 149 142 134 123 115 109 98 85 70 61 55 41 36 BALTIMORE TO WINCHESTER, VA., i"'-- AND VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Baltim. Sc Ohio R.R. BALTIMORE to. Harper's F'ry, { (see page 143.) S Winc.S^Potom.R.R. Charlestown Wade's Depot Stephenson's D' WIISrOHESTER. Bv Stage to Middletown Strasburg Woodstock Edinburg Mount Jackson. .. New Market Spartapolis Harrisonbiirs -Mt. Crawford Mt. Sidney Staunton Jenning's Gap- . . . Deerfieid Cloverdale Green Valley Warm Springs .. Hot Springs to. . \ WHITE SUL- ; / PHUR SFR'S i F;o.n' VIRGINIA SPRINGS sul-l TO BALTIMORE. ''''"• I {Read up.) From Balti- more. 82 92 104 119 124 137 142 153 158 J 66 173 181 192 200 206 217 230 245 254 260 274 279 36 315 From Balti- more, See Virginia Springs, (descrip- tion of.) 13 A J 45 ROUTES FROM WASHINGTON. From I BALTIMORE TO ^b';?;: chambersburg, burg. I PA. 139 5{j 44 34 O.) 11 I Bij Railroad from (BALTIMORE to. I / (see page 144) \ LVfechaiiicsbarg . . . . [Carlisle jiVewville iShippenburs to. . . . *CHAMBEHSB'G Place From to Bulti- Place. inore. 83 83 12 95 10 105 12 U7 1128 139 From CHAMBERSBURG beS TO BALTIMORE. burg. {Read up.) I PI ac€ From I to Balti- Place. more. * From Chambersburg to Be^lford Springs and Pittsburg, see p. 95. ROUTES FROM WASHING- TON. From Washington to Balti- more, see page 83. For continuation of the route from Baltimore to Philadelphia, and from the latter city to New York, sse pages 81 and 82. From Washington to Norfolk, Va., by steamboat, down the Poto- mac and Chesapeake Bay, about 20U miles. From Washington to Leeseorg, Va., by stage, 3(5 miles. From Washington to Winches- ter, V"a., via Leesburg, 78 miles. From Washington to Richmond, Va., see p. 83. For the contitma- tion of the route south to Charles- ton. New Orleans, fee, see pages 84. 8.5, and 86. From Washington to Harris- BORG, Pa.: to Baltimore, 40 miles, Baltimore to Harrisburg, see p. 144. From Washington to Pitts- burg, via ilarrisburg. see route from Baltimore to Pittsburs, p. 145. From Washington to Freder- ick, Md., Harper's Ferry, Cum- berland, and Wheeling, Va., see route from Baltimore to those places, page 143. N. B —See Routes from Baltimore, page 140. Fromi WASHINGTON TO -^r.' ANNAPOLIS, MD. 43 36 33 31 28 24 23 21 17 11 From Aiir.a- polis. Wash" ton Br. R.R. WASHINGT'N to Bladensbiirg Paint Branch Beltsville White Oak Bottom Laurel Factory. . . . Savage Factory .... Annapolis Junction Annapolis Br. R.R. Patuxent Forge. .. . Millersville to ANNAPOLIS .... ANNAPOLIS TO WASHINGTON. (Read up.) Place to Place. From W'sh- ington 10 12 15 19 20 22 26 32 43 Place From to Wsh- Place. iogton P„„ WASHINGTON TO Ip,,,, 8.XSTAUNT'N,VA.,VIA ir '°"| WARRENTON.VA. j'''''^' ]50 143 128 119 114 94 75 67 60 46 43 39 19 12 6 From Sta'n- ton. WASHING-T'N to *Alexandria, / Va., (by ferry) j By Stage to Fairfax C. House. . Centrevilie Buckland Warrenion Warrenton Springs Culpepper C. House Orange C. House. Gordonsville Virginia Cent. R.R Cobham Depot .... Kiswick Shadweli Depot . . . Charlottesville . By Stage to Brookville Waynesboro' Fishersville to STAUNTON STAUNTON TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) From W'sh- ington 7 21 28 43 52 57 77 96 104 111 125 128 132 152 159 165 171 From W'sh- iPlace. iugton * A railroad is building from Alexandria, via Orange C. House, to QordonsviUe, at which place it WASHINGTON TO STAUNTON. 147 will connect with the Virginia Central Railroad. WASHINGTON TO From STAUNTON, VA., Plaoe From Sta'ii- ton. VIA FREDERICKS- BURG. to Place. W'sh- ington By Steamboat from 218 WASHING-T'N to 211 Alexandria 7 7 202 Mount Vernon 9 16 103 Acquia Creek Lan. Rickrn'd.FredWiksb. and Potomac R.R. to 39 55 149 Fredericksburg. ■ 14 69 137 Guinev's Depot. .. . 12 81 126 Milford Depot 11 92 110 Chesterfield 10 102 110 5 108 VirgVa Cent R.R. to 97 Beaver Dam Depot 13 121 86 Frederick Hall Dep. 11 132 74 Louisa Co'rt House 12 144 69 Trevilian's 5 149 (10 GORDONSVILLE 9 158 53 Cobham Depot 7 165 46 43 7 172 Shad well Depot... 3 175 39 * Charlottesville By Stage to 4 179 19 12 20 7 199 Waynesboro' 206 6 Fishersville to 6 212 STAUNTON 6 218 STAUNTON TO Plaoe Sta'n- WASHINGTON. to W'sh- ton. (Read up.) Place. ington *The Virginia Central R. R. is being continued to Staunton, to which it will soon be opened. From Sp'iigs 314 96 83 WASHINGTON TO VIRGINIA SPRINGS, WASHING-T'N to C *STAUNr'N,VA < (see previous ( routes) By Stage to Jenning's Gap. . Deerfield Place i From to iW'sh- Place. ington 218 218 13 231 15 ,246 59 53 39 34 From Sp'ugs CloverdalG Green Valley Warm Springs. . . Hot Springs to. . J WHITE SUL- PHUR SPR'S VIRGINIA SPRINGS TO WASHINGTON. (Read up.) 2(31 280 314 Place to Place. * Washington to Staunton, via Fredericksburg. From Pii.r- kers- burg. WINCHESTER, VA., TO PARKERSBURG, VA. ' [f' 1 Win- '■'- 1 ter. 226 186 Bi/ Stage from. *WI'NCHES'R to. 40> 10 11 14 18 24 15 10 6 ]4 16 12 38 40 176 165 151 Burlington Ciayville 50 61 75 135 111 96 86 80 66 50 German Settlement Evansville Pruntytown Bridgeport Clarksburg New Salem 91 115 J 30 140 140 ]60 176 38 Pennsboro' to ... tPARKERSBURG 188 226 From Par- le er.s- burg. PARKERSBURG TO WINCHESTER. (Read vp.) Place to Place. From Win- ches- ter. * From Winchester, Virginia, to Washington City, via Leesburg, is 78 miles. t Parkersburg is situated on the Ohio River; itis one of the landing- places for the steamboats which pass up and down that stream. Passengers arriving at Parkers- burg may reach tlie interior of Ohio, by going up the river to Marietta, and takings^o "reconveyance thence to Zanesville, Columbus, &c. i 148 ROUTES FROM RICHMOND, VA. ROUTES FROM RICHMOND, VA. From Richmond to Washing- ton, see page 83; thence to Balti- more, Philadelphia, and N.York, see the same and two preceding pages. From Richmond to Weldon, N. C, see pajre 84 ; thence to Charles- ton, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, and intermediate places, see the same and two following pages. From Richmond to Norfolk, by steamboat, 1-2(5 miles. 34 Hot Springs to. . . . iW. SUL. SP'NGS From Sp'gs. RICHMOND TO STAUNTON AND VIRGINIA SPRINGS. 233 U"24 '218 215 213 203 20 L 197 193 187 182 176 170 105 15(3 151 149 14(5 142 139 135 115 108 102 96 83 m 50 53 39 tCent'l Vir^ininR.R |*RIOHMOND to. ! Alley's IPeak's I Hanover C. H .... ! Wickham's Junction j Noel's . . .. Hewlett's Beaver Dam Depot iBuinposs's Frederick Hall Dep. Tolersville Louisa C. H Trevilian's Gordonsville . . . . Lin Isay's Cobhani Cainpbeirs Keswick Shadwell Mills... . Charlottesville . Bij Stage to Brnokville jWaynesboro' Fishersville jStaunton 'Jennings' Gap lDeerfi?ld ;C!overdal9 ■Green Valley . . IVVatm Springs From Rch- moad. 3 4 3 4 20 7 6 G 13 15 9 174 (5 il80 14 194 9 15 18 20 27 32 36 40 46 51 57 63 68 77 82 84 87 91 94 98 118 125 131 1.37 153 165 I WHITE SULPHUR From SPRINGS TO RICH-i^lr ^''''^'' iMOND. {Read up.) Ipia.e. 199 233 From Rich- mond. * Tlie Central Virginia R.R. now extends from the '• Junction" (its former terminus) to the city of Richmond, via Hanover C. H. The route in the foregoing table, from Richmond to Janci/o/t of the Rich- mond and Fredericksburg R. R., is given according to ihe new route; it is, however, 4 miles longer. From Virgi- nia Sp'gs. RICHMOND TO LYNCHBURG, VA. AND VIRGINIA SPRINGS. 227 225 211 203 201 195 188 170 151 141 129 117 103 77 47 26 17 From Sl>'s.s. Bti Stage from RICHMOND to.. Manchester Coal Mines Hallsboro' Flat Rock Scottsville Macon Cumberland C. H.. Farmville Prospect Clover Hill Concord LYNCHBURG . . . Liberty FiNCASTLE Middle Mt Sweet Springs to. . * W. SUL. SP'GS V\/HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS TO RICH- MOND, VA. {Read up.) * Passengers can go between Richmond and Lynchburg, by ca- nal, 146 miles, and take the stage thence to the Springs. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS TO GUYANDOTTE. 149 From Gay- an- dotte. ]o4 145 133 117 107 98 83 69 53 45 25 7 From Guv- WHITE SULPHUR L,,,, SPRINGS TO GUY-j to" ANDOTTE, VA. ^"'™- Bti Stage from W. SUL. SP'NG-S Lewisburg Blue Sul. Springs Sewell's Mt Locust Lane Mountain Cove. . . . Gauley's Bridge. . . . Paint Creek Kanawha Saline.. . Charleston Mount Salem Barboursville to... GUYANDOTTE . GUYANDOTTE TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. [Read up.) From White Sul- phur. 9 21 37 47 5ti 71 85 101 109 129 147 154 From Wliite Sul- phur. From Jones- boro'. 207 183 l(j3 146 130 126 98 82 70 52 42 20 From Jones- bo ro From Dan- ville. 175 173 159 156 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGSTOJONES- BORO',TENN. Bii Stage from W. SULPHUR to Union Red Sulphur Springs Piirisburg Poplar Hill Newbern Wytheville Pleasant Hill Marion Glade Spring Abingdon Bloinitsville,Ten. to JONESBORO'.. JONESBORO'.TEN., TO WH. SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. ( Head up. } RICHMOND TO DANVILLE, VA. By Stage from RICHMOND to.. Manchester Coal Mines. Hallsboro' 13* Place to Place. From White Sul- phur. 24 44 61 71 81 109 125 137 155 165 187 207 From White Sul- phur. From Rich- mond. 2 16 19 149 143 136 1J8 99 92 72 56 44 30 Flat Rock Scottsville Macon Cumberland C. II. . Farmviile Prince Edward C.H. Charlotte Mt. Laurel Halifax Bloonisharg to DANVILLE F'-m DANVILLE TO RICH- viiie. MONO. {Read up.) 18 19 7 20 16 12 14 30 Place to Place. 26 32 39 57 76 83 103 119 131 145 175 From Rich- mond. The Richmond and Danville R.R.y now under construction, will unite the above places, and form an im- portant and valuable thorou«• Bii S'.ase from COLUMBIA to... Oakviile Poniaria Xewberry I'agesville Huntsville Laurensvilie Greenwood G-REENVILLE . . Traveller's Rest... Orleans Merritsville Flat Rock, N. C... Ilenderscinville Mud Creek Limestone A.SHENVILLE tO. . . . W'RM SPRINGS From Col'm- WARM SPRINGS TO COLUMBIA. {Read up.) Place. 13 26 40 49 56 08 79 104 114 122 127 139 ,146 151 156 106 203 From (ol'm- bia The Greenville and Columbia R.R. is now in course of construction between Columbia and Greenville, S. C; at the former place it will unite Willi the Columbia Branch R. R. running' to Charleston. ,^-i COLUMBIA TO i''ru^yZ. lone. ; CHARLOTTE, N.C.'nace. h!" 119 99 00 85 78 72 02 50 45 38 2d 20 Bu Stfifre from COLUMBIA to... Cookham Winnsboro' .\lbion Voueuesville RIackstock's CllESTERVILLE • • • ■ Brattonsville GuthriesA^ille j VoRKVU.LE Iron Works I Price's Ferrv to. . . . CH'RLO TE,\'.C, From «.har- loUi. CHARLOTTE TO COLUMBIA. {Read up.) 20 9 5 7 10 12 10 8 20 20 29 34 41 47 57 ()9 74 81 91 99 119 Place From to (;o!'m- Place, bia. COLUMBIA TO AUGUSTA. 157 84 72 54 18 12 1 COLUMBIA TO AU- GUSTA, GA, By Stage from COLUMBIA to... Lexiiifitoii Leesville Aiken S. Carolina R. R. to Graiiiteville Haiiihiirij to AUGUSTA AUGUSTA TO CO- LUMBIA. {Read up. )^''-^-- Place : From CoI'lTl- Place. bia. ]2 30 83 84 At Augusta, this route unites with the Georgia Railroad, and, also, witli liie route leading to Sa- vannah. From Cam- den. 148 40 (> From Cnm- CHARLESTON TO CAMDEN, S. C. ■S". Carolina R. R. CHARLESTON to ( Camden June, ) ( (see page 156) i Clareniont Depot. . FJovkin's T'rnout to CAMDEN CAMDEN TO CHARLESTON. {Read up.) 108 20 14 G From Cha's- 108 128 142 148 From ChaV toii. From CAMDEN TO YORK- i'i"<« fj°"' York- iiiiir '° *'=""" viMr. VILLE. I'lace. den. 101 81 7:} ()i 5.5 43 35 14 By Stnrrcfrom CAMDEN to... Russell Place..., Liberty Hill Rocky Mount... BecklKinisville .. Catawba Lanilsl'urd Ebene/.erville to. YORKVILLE • • YORKVILLETO 20 8 12 U 12 8 21 14 riai-o From viiW 'C^fAQEfi,{Rcad up.y.i'Q,'. 14 20 28 40 4() 58 ()() 87 101 k-igh. ini 10(5 131 119 101 !)3 87 75 <)1 3ti 12 From Ra- leigh. CAMDEN TO FAY- ETTEVILLE AND RA- LEIGH, N. C. By Stairc from CAMDEN to Tiller's Ferry Cheraw Briglitsville Laurel Hill, N. C Montpelier Randallsville Davis's Springs to. FAYETTEVIL'E Averysboro' Middle Creek to.. RALEI&H RALEIGH TO CAM- DEN. {Read up.) 25 35 12 IS 8 12 14 25 24 12 ,••;"■" CAMDEN, S.C, TO CHARLOTTE, N.C. (JO 48 38 20 From Char- lolle. By Stage from CAMDEN to... Flat Rock Pleasant Hill Lancaster Helair to ^CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE TO CAMDEN. {Read up.) From Cam- 25 CO 72 90 98 104 H(i 130 155 179 191 From Cam- den. Cam- den. * Charlotte to Raleigh, N. C, see page 152. From Charlotte to Salisbury, and Greensboro', see page 152. From Cam- den. ROUTES FROM SAVANNAH, GEO. From S.WANNAii to Charleston. hy steamboat. 140 miles. Fare. $4. From Savannah to Charleston, by stage, see route, page 154. From Savannah to Kno.wille, Tenn. To Chattanooga, by rail- road, see p. 158; thence by steam- boat on Tennessee River to Knox- ville. From Chattanooga, steam- boats also run to Gunler's Land- 158 SAVANNAH TO MACON. ing and Decatur, both of which are on the Tennessee River. From Savannah to Milledge- viLLE, Ga. To Gordon, on the Oeorgia Central R. R., (see follow- ing route,) 170 miles; and thence to Mi/ledn-eville, 18 miles. Total, 188 miles. Tickets can be purchased in Sa- vaiiJia/t, to any of the following places :— To Macon, Ga., for 85 75 ; CoLU.MBUs, Ga., S15 00 ; Montgo- mery, Ala. ,.'$19 00; MoBiLE,S-28 00; New Orleans, $33 00; Adgusta, Ga., $5 50 ; Atlanta, Ga., $9 50 ; MuRFREESEORouGH,Tenn., $25 00; Nashville, Tenn.,S25 00; Colcji- EiA, Tenii., .S-25 00; Huntsville, Ala.,S22 00; DECATUR,Ala.,$22 00; ToscuMBiA, Ala., .§22 50; Holly Springs, S28 00; Memphis. Tcnn., S30 00: Tuscaloosa, Ala., §28 00'; CoLu.HBUs, Miss., 328 00 ; Aber- deen, Miss. ,$28 00; Jacksonville, Ala., .S20 00. S'enm'ioats run from Savannah to St. Auijustine, Flo.. lUO miles distant, and to other places on the coast. F^^ SAVANNAH TO MA- p'- con:i CON, GEO. 101 182 170 1()1 151 145 HI 130 121 111 101 5)1 ()<) 55 44 30 '21 IGcnrn-ia Cent'lR.R. I SAVANNAH to. . Istatiou No. I jEdcii iReform jStation No. 4 I Armenia 'Ilalcyondale iStalion No. G ■Sciuboro' Hriiisonville Midvillc Holcomb Davisboro' Tonuville Oonee Eniaiett Gnrdari to MAOON 9 12 9 10 U 4 11 9 10 10 10 22 114 11 5 18 21 ^,™:y' MACON TO SAVANv 7« con 1 NAH. {Read up.) ipiice. From S'van- nah. 9 21 30 40 4t; 50 Gl 70 80 90 100 122 13!) 147 152 170 191 From li'vaii. iiah. The South-western R. R. diverges at Macon, and runs to Oglethorpe, (a new town,) 51 miles, situated on Flint River, Ga. This road will be continued to Fort Gaines, on the Chattahoochie River. From Mont- goTy. 415 224 218 211 200 194 189 184 177 IGG 154 142 129 119 111 97 75 G7 GO 48 40 33 SAVANNAH TO ^nace MONTGOMERY, AL.ip[°„. SAVANNAH to i Macon, (see pre- \ ceding route). MaconS^WesfnR.R. Howard's Crawford's Forsyth's Collier's Goggan's *Barnesville .... Milner's Griffin By Stage to Zebulon Flat Shoals Greenville , xMontville La Grange West Point Montgomerij and West Point R. R. Casscta Opelica Auburn Notasulga Chehaw Franklin to '^MONTG-'MERY From M&nl- 191 6 7 11 6 5 5 7 11 12 12 13 10 8 14 22 8 7 12 8 7 33 MONTGOMERY TO SAVANNAH. (Read up.) From S'van- nab. 191 197 204 215 221 22<5 231 238 249 261 273 286 296 304 318 340 348 355 367 375 382 415 From S'rau- oab. * From Montgomery to Mobile, see T)ages 85 and 8G. From Mobile to JVfzo Orleans, see page 86. ^[Z SAVANNAH TO I ''l^ Vhie." NASHVILLE, TENN.U'iace. 573 324 317 303 SAVANNAH to.. t Griffin, (see pre- ) lc,g / vious route). . J Fayette 7 Joaesboro' ! 14 From S'van- nah. 249 256 270 SAVANNAH TO MEMPHIS. 159 Flancock ATLANTA WesV II 8f Atlan.R.R Botoiiviile Marietta Noonday Acwoi-th Allatooiia Cartersville Cassville Kingston Adairsville Calhoim Resaca Dalton Tunnel Hill Ringgold Chickainanga, Ten. Chattanooga . . . • By Stag-e to Lookout Valley. . . Jasper Pelham Hillsboro' Manchester Millersburg MURFREESBORO' . . . Stevvanlsboro' to.. NASHVILLE • . . • NASHVILLE TO SA- VANNAH. {Read up.) 281 ■292 300 312 318 327 332 342 348 354 3(54 374 379 394 402 410 423 434 440 4(31 490 499 511 529 539 553 3 From Sav'n- uah. SAVANNAH TO MEMPHIS, TENN. SAVANNAH to.. t Kingston, (see ) ( previous route) \ Rome Br'ch R. R. to Rome By Stage to Gaylesviile, Ala. .. Van Buren Gunter's Landing. Sfboat on Tenn. R- to Decatur By Railroad to TUSCUMEIA By Stage to Cartersville, Miss. Jacinto Rienzi Ripley Place to Place. 354 18 31 22 28 60 43 42 17 8 25 From Sav'n- nah. 354 372 403 425 453 513 55G 598 615 623 C48 79 61 42 From Mem- phis. Salem Holly Springs- Nt'hMt. Pleasant to MEMPHIS ... MEMPHIS TO SA- VANNAH. {Read iif>.) '"'"™ SAVANNAH TO AU gusta. GUSTA, GA. 137 128 110 107 97 91 87 76 67 57 47 22 From Au- gusta. Georgia Cent. R. R SAVANNAH to., Station No. 1 Eden Reform Station No. 4 Armenia rialcyondale Station No. 6 Scarboro' Brinsonville Midville By Stage (o Waynesboro' By Railroad to AUG-USTA AUGUSTA TO SA- VANNAH. {Read up.) G58 67(5 ii95 737 From Sav'u- uah. 9 21 30 40 46 50 61 70 80 90 115 137 From Sav'n- nah. Passengers may reach Augusta from Savannah, by steamboat, via the Savannah River. From C'ol'm. bus. 285 94 83 69 63 56 44 32 16 From Col'm- bus. SAVANNAH TO CO- LUMBUS, GA. SAVANNAH to- j Macon, \ (see page 158) By Stage to Warrior Knoxville Francisville Union Davison Tallbottom Ellerslie to COLUMBUS . . . . I 191 11 11 6 7 12 12 16 16 COLUMBUS TO VANNAH. {Read up.) Sk- From Sav'n- I uah. I ^ 191 202 216 222 229 241 253 269 285 From Sav'n- nah> 360 SALISBURY TO ST= AUGUSTINE. From St.A.D- g'srine r SAVANNAH, GEO., TO SL AUGUS- TINE, FLO. Place From to Sav'n- , Place, nah. 188 174 159 I 137 I 1-28 I 117 ' 103 80 64 I 38 I Bi/ Since from SAVATOTAH to.. Riceboro' S. Newport Darien Bethel Waynesville Langsbury Jeffersonton St. Man's Kirkland, Flo Jacksonville to. . . ST. AUG-USTINE 34 43 63 85 94 105 14 !l]9 From St Au- g'stine ST. AUGUSTINE TO SAVANNAH. (Read up.) 142 ]58 184 .-)0-'> From SaT'Q- nah. |,'raST. AUGUSTINE TO ^Ir //l" B^y- 1 TAMPA BAY, FLO. ;pi»<^«- «'*''"« 183 173 157 137 110 95 76 41 20 By Stag's from ST. A'G'STINE to Buena Vista Pelatka Orange Springs. .. . Fort King Long Swamp Oakahumkee Fort Dade Fort Foster to \ Fort Brooke & I I TAMPA BAY ) FromiTAMPABAYTOST. p,,,. 10 10 16 26 20 46 27 73 15 88 19 107 .35 142 21 163 20 T'mpa Bay. AUGUSTINE. {Read up.) 183 From St.Au- g'stine SAVANNAH TO DA- From "",V?,'"'r!' ' I^*^ i"^." Place. From BaiD- RIEN AND BAIN- . to SVan- ""'="• BRIDGE, GEO. "^^^-j"^- By Staa-e from 203 SAVANNAH to.. 259 Riceboro' 34 34 ?45 South Newport 14 48 y30 DARIEN ' 15 63 212 Bethel 18 81 203 Wavnesville i 9 90 153 Waresboro' I 50 140 108 Allapaha 45 185 86 Troupsville 22 ,207 61 [Okapilico I 25 39 Thoinasville ! 22 15 Cairo to i 24 BAINBRID&E . . • i 15 From BAINBRIDGETOSA- P, ^^.\ VANNAH. I {Read up.) to I Place. From MILLEDGEVILLE TO Place MU g-^^a. AUGUSTA, GEO. \nL. l^r 96 i 73 61 51 , 47 38 29 21 11 By Stacre from MILLEDG-EV. to Sparta Mayfield Warrenton Camak Br. R. R. to Cainak Georgia R. R. to Thomson Dearing BerzelJa Bellair to AUGUSTA 1 23 12 10 AUGUSTA TO MIL- LEDGEVILLE. {Read up.) lam- bas. 123 110 94 83 69 63 56 44 32 16 From Co- Iam- bus. MILLEDGEVILLE TOiP!='« COLUMBUS, GEO. i^^ce. By Stage from MILLEDGEV. to Wallace | 13 Macon i 16 Warrior j 11 Knoxville ! 14 Francisville Union Davison Tallbottom. .. Ellerslie to. .. COLUMBUS COLUMBUS TO MIL LEDGEVILLE. {Read up.) ROUTES FROM AUGUSTA, GA. 161 ROUTES FROM AUGUSTA, GA. From Augusta to Charleston, see page 84. From Augusta to Columbia, S. C, see page 157. From Augusta to Atlanta, Ga., see page 85. From Augusta to Savannah, see page 159. AUGUSTA TO DAH- LONEGA, GA. Geovffin R. R. from AUG-USTA to.... Union Point, ) (see page 85). . \ Athens Br. R. R. to Woodville Moxey's Lexington Depot. . Athens By Stage to Jefferson Gainesville Lucksville 10 New Hiidire tn DAHLONEGA... ^^r DAHLONEGATOAU- lonega QUSTA. [Read up.) From Gre'n- ville. AUGUSTA TO GREENVILLE, S. C. 135 134 112 103 80 71 40 44 29 13 From Ure'n- viJle. Bii Slnffc from AUGUSTA to.. Hanihurg, S. C. . . Edgefield Duiitonsville . . . . Frazierville Abbeville Vaiennes Anderson Pendleton Pickciisville to . . GREENVILLE GREENVILLETO AU- GUSTA. {Read up.) 14* 76 5 8 10 17 20 22 6 12 10 76 81 89 99 110 136 158 1134 176 186 I'lace From Au- gusta. From Au- gusta- From Jack- 1 23 32 55 64 86 91 101) 122 135 From 100* 94 89 82 72 61 49 34 20 11 MACON TO JACK- SONVILLE, GEO. Bif Stage, from MACON to Uiitlaud Websterville Busbayville Perry riaynesville Hawkinsville Graham Copeland Tenipcranoe to.... JACKSONVILLE F^o'n JACKSONVILLE TO '•'-« MACON. [Read, I p. )n".,.. 120 111 94) 86 80 70 53 JACKSONVILLE TO DARIEN, GEO. By Stage from JACKSONVIL' to Ashley's Linnher City Hoxville Cohpiit Ferry's Mills Siirroncv to DARIEN From DARIEN TO JACK- ■'- I SONVILLE. I [Rend lip.) F-n|MACON TO TALLA- "'" HASSEE, FLO. 21() 211 205 193 185 174 158 155 140 118 110 105 85 By SI aire from MAGON^to Rutland Webster vi lie ihisiiayvillo Perry Minerva Mar.^hallvillo Traveller's Rest. Ogletlior|)e AniericMs Starkville I'almyra Albany Newton 20 162 TALLAHASSEE TO ST. AUGUSTINE. 6 Bainbridge i 39 1176 :-2 auincy, Flo j 24 |-200 3 iSalubrJtv to 9 1-209 TALLAHASSEE 13 222 '■ ^,7,^ TALLAHASSEE TO l^ir %T h'ssee. MACON, (Read ?Z/>.)iPlaee. j con. TALLAHASSEE TO ^''^'^ ST. AUGUSTINE, FL. By Stng-e from TAL'AHAS'E to. Ivipona Marion -Madison Columbus Mineral Spring. .. . Lancaster Ellisville Newnansville Pelatka Buena Vista ST. AUG-USTINE ST. AUGUSTINE TO TALLAHASSEE. {Read up.) 25 5 24 12 17 25 18 17 65 10 16 From Taila- h'6see. 25 30 54 66 83 108 126 143 208 218 234 From Talla- h'ssee. From Tallahassee to Port Leon, b.v railroad. 26 miles. From MACON TO FORT J'nel. GAINES, GEO. South- Western R. R MACON to Rutland Webstervilie Busbayville Perry Minerva Marshallville Traveller's Rest... Oglethorpe Americus From Ma- con. The South- Western Railroad will extend from Macon, Ga., to Fort Gaines, on the Chattahoochie River. This work is now being prosecuted with all dispatch. At Macon, it unites with the line of railroads running between Savan nah and the TenTiessee River. From MACON TO COLUM- "^ '°'"- BUS, GEO. piLce 94 83 69 63 56 44 32 16 Bii Stage from MACON to Warrior Knoxville Francisvilie Union Davison Tall bottom Ellerslie to COLUMBUS . . . ll°2_ COLUMBUS TO p'^;^ ijis. jMACON. {Readup.)T\!i.ce. From Ma- con. 11 25 31 38 50 62 78 94 From Ma- con. From Moai- go'iy. 103 102 91 67 60 48 40 33 From Mont- go'ry. COLUMBUS. GEO., TO MONTGOMERY, ALA. By Siaa-c from COLUMBUS to... Girard, Ala Crawford Opelica JTonfgomery and TV. Point R. R. Auburn Xotasuiga. .- Chehaw". Franklin to *MONTG-OM"RY Plac« TO Plac*. MONTGOMERY TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) From Col'm. bus. 1 12 36 43 55 63 70 103 From Col'n^ bos. * From Montgomery to Mobile, see pages 85 and 86; and from Mo- bile to JVew Orleans, see page 86. ROUTES FROM NASHVILLE. 163 From Chat- tahoo- chee. COLUMBUS TO CHATTAHOOCHEE, FLO. Bii Sfatrc from COLUMBUS to. Lumpkin Summerfield Cutlibert Fort Gaines. .. . IJiakely Crawford Olive Grove lo. . . ( CHATTA- HOOCHEE . . CHATTAHOOCHEE TO COLUMBUS. (Read up.) Place to Place. 40 48 64 82 102 127 140 157 lum- bus. Steamboats run on the Apalachi- cola River, between Columbus and Apalachicola, Flo., a distance of 276 miles. ROUTES FROM NASH- VILLE, TENN. From Nashville to Charles- ton, S. C, see page 155. From Nashville to Savannah, Ga., see page 159. From Nashville to St. Lodis. From Nashville to the mouth of the Cumberland River, by steam- boat, 207 miles; thence, via the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, to St. Louis, 234 miles. Total distance, 435 miles. From Nashville to Memphis, Tenn., New Orleans, and inter- mediate places, by steamboat. From Nashville to the mouth of the Cum- berland River; thence, via the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, to Memphis, 506 miles, and to New Orleans, 1287. From Nashville to Louisville, Ky., by stage, see page 130. From Nashville to Lexington, Ky., see page 131. 663 608 593 563 532 512 462 393 382 336 279 242 198 172 136 133 132 92 80 22 From Cinci' nati. From Fr'nk- fort. 206 199 190 180 149 135 123 110 100 88 76 58 40 30 From Fr'nk- fort. NASHVILLE TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNAT I. Steamboat on Cum- berlavd River. NASHVILLE to. Clarksviile, Tenn. • Palmyra Dover Canton, Ky Eddyville j Mouth of Cum- ) I berland River ( Steamboat on Ohio R. Shawneetown, 111. Wabash River Hendeisonville, Ky Rockport,Ia Cloversport, Ky... Fredonia Brandenburg New Albany, la- . LOUISVILLE, Ky Jefferson vi He Madison, la Kentucky River. .. Lavvrenceb'g,Ia., to CINCINNATI... CINCINNATI TO NASHVILLE, (Read up.) NASHVILLE TO FRANKFORT, KY. By Stage from NASHVILLE to Pleasant Hill Hendersonville . . . Gallatin Scottsville Cedar Spring Glasgow Blue Springs Monroe Greensburg Campbellsville. . . . Lebanon Perryville Harrodsburg to. FRANKFORT . • "Trankfort to nashville. I (Read up.) 164 From Mem- phis. NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS. NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS, TENN., VIA COLUMBIA. Bii Sti^e from NASHVILLE to. Goo! Spring Fraiikliti Spring Hill Columbia Mt. Pleasant Asliland Carrollsville Savannah Punlv Bolivar . . . . New Castle.. Somerville . . Oakland Raleish to. .. MEMPHIS. MEMPHIS TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) From Holly Sp'gs. 213 46 24 14 8 NASHVILLE TO HOLLY SPRINGS, MISS. Bu S'arre from NASHVILLE to. ^ Bolivar (see { previous route) *La Grange Lamar, Miss HudsnnvillR to. Place From 10 I Place. ville. HOLLY SPRI'GS From HOLLY SPRINGS TO Ho'yl NASHVILLE. (Read up.) Sp'l Place ! From 10 j Nash- Place. ; v.lle. 167 22 10 6 167 189 109 205 213 From Xash- * From La Grange, a railroad is building to Memphis, and from La Grange the line will be continued so as to form a connection with the route from Chattanooga to Charles- ton. From ; Mem-; pbi.s. NASHVILLE TQ ] ; MEMPHIS, VIA iTo^'^ISS' REYNOLDSBURG. k'-ce. ' 233 215 193 171 162 152 132 116 96 68 56 45 35 10 From Mem- phis. By Siasrefrom NASHVILLE to. Chestnut Grove. . . Charlotte Waverly Reynoldsbdrg . . . Camden Huntingdon South Carroll Jackson Bolivar New Castle Somerville Oakland Raleisrh to *MEMPHIS . . . . 18 22 22 "9 10 20 16 20 28 12 11 10 18 40 62 71 81 101 117 137 165 177 188 198 25 223 10 233 MEMPHIS TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) From Nash- ville. * From Memphis to Little Rock, Ark., see page 140. From MEMPHIS TO LA Place From La Gr'ge. GRANGE, TENN. ro Place -Mem- phis. * Memphis and La Grunn-e R. R. MEMPHIS to.... (t Gerinantowa 18 Collieisville 12 La Fayette Moscow to LA G-RANGE ... From LA GRANGE TO Place From La Gr'ge. NASHVILLE. to PUce. Mem- {Read up.) * The Memphis and La Grange Railroad, which is now being con- structed, will soon be completed, and open for travel. It will be continued so as to form a union with the roads running to Charles- ton and Savaanah. m NASHVILLE TO COLUMBUS. 165 From I Col'm- bus. NASHVILLE TO COLUMBUS, KY. By Stage from NASHVILLE to. Reynoldsburg I (see prev. route) j Sandy Hill Paris Barren Hill Boydsville Feliciana Clinton to , COLUMBUS From I From Nash- I Knox- viUe. I ville. From COLUMBUS TO ""ZT NASHVILLE. {Read up.) 71 19 12 7 13 16 11 12 71 90 102 109 122 138 149 161 From Nash- ville. 135 100 89 77 63 31 20 From Hen- d'rs'n NASHVILLE TO HENDERSON, KY. By Stage from NASHVILLE to. Fredonia Clarksville Oak Grove HOPKINSVILLE . . . . Madisonville Carlnw to HENDERSON . . Place From to Nash- Place. vllle. HENDERSON TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) From HOPKINSVILLE TO "l™?" COLUMBUS, KY. 97 77 70 CO 48 28 From Col'm- bus. By Stage from HOPK'SVILLE to Cadiz Canton Aurora Wadesboro' Mavfield to COLUMBUS . . . COLUMBUS TO HOPKINSVILLE. {Read up.) 35 46 58 72 104 115 135 From Nash- ville. Place From Hop- Place. Itinsv. 20 27 37 49 69 97 From Hop- kliisv. NASHVILLE TO KNOXVILLE, TENN. By Stage from 187 NASHVILLE to. . 174 Green Plill 157 Lebanon . . 139 Alexandria 132 Liberty 122 Smithville. 100 Sparta • 72 Crossville , , 52 Belleville 40 15 From Nash ville. From Knox- ville. Kingston Campbell's Stat'n to KNOXVILLE... 13 17 18 7 10 22 28 20 12 25 15 187 KNOXVILLE TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) 13 30 48 55 65 87 115 135 147 172 From Nash, villa. From Knoxville to Richmond, Va., via Blountsville, Tenn., see page 150. From Knoxville to the Warm Springs, N. C, 74 miles ; and to Asheville, 110 miles. From Mc- Min'v From Mc- Miii'v. NASHVILLE TO !"'=»« McMINNVILLE, T. piace By Stage from NASHVILLE to.. Mount View Stewardsboro' MURFREESBORO' . . . Woodbury Clermont to McMINNVILLE McMINNVILLE TO P'^-e NASHVILLE. Place. {Read up.) | From Nash- ville. From Win- ch'ter. NASHVILLE TO WINCHESTER, T. By Stage from 91 NASHVILLE to.. 79 Mount View 71 Stewardsboro' 57 MURFR'SBORO' 45 Fosterville 32 Shelby VILLE 17 'Davisonviiie From Nash- ville. 12 20 34 46 59 74 166 NASHVILLE TO HUNTSVILLE. 4 Winchester Sp'ss to WINCHESTER • . 13 4 87 91 From Wiu- ch'ter. WINCHESTER TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Sash- ville. From H'nls- Tille. NASHVILLE TO mce HUNTSVILLE, ALA.'piLce. From Xash- ville. 125 66 61 46 31 15 By Stag-efrom NASHVILLE to.. < Shelbyville 1 1 ('see prev. route) \ Rich Valley Lynchburg Fayetteville Hazel Green, Al., to HUNTSVILLE . . 59 5 15 15 16 15 59 64 79 94 110 125 From H'nt3- ville. HUNTSVILLE TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Xash- viUe. From Tus'a- loosa. HUNTSVILLE, ALA., TO TUSCALOOSA. Place to Place. From H'nts- ville. 157 147 143 138 IS"* Bit Sf'ig-efrom HUNTSVILLE to Whiteshurg Lacey's Springs Mount Hill Oleander 10 4 5 6 25 28 8 7 7 13 12 32 10 14 19 25 107 70 71 64 Blountsville Villaire Springs Mount Pinsoa Ore"'on 50 78 815 93 57 Elvtoii 100 44 32 Jouesboro' Mr Math's to TUSOALOOSA... 113 125 157 From Tus'a- loosa. TUSCALOOSA TO HUNTSVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Place. From H'nts- ville. From Tus- uurab. 109 96 91 NASHVILLE TO "-- TUSCUIVI3IA, ALA. ipiace. Bit Sin ire from NASHVILLE to.. I Gootl Spring ; 13 Frankliu 1 5 13 18 78 Spring Hill j 13 Columbia ' 12 11 66 55 33 5 Mt. Pleasant Lawrenceburg Florence. Ala., to. TUSOUMEIA . . . . 28 5 TUSCUMBIA TO NASHVILLE. (Read up.) From Ool'm- bus. 117 99 79 66 54 35 17 From Coi'm bus. From Moiit- go'ry. 490 166 154 142 129 119 111 97 67 60 48 40 33 From Mout- go'ry. TUSCUMBIA TO COLUMBUS, MISS. By Staa-e to TUSCUMBIA to . Russellville Biff Bear Creek. . . . Toll-Gate Pikeville Moscow Border Spring to. . . COLUMBUS 18 20 13 12 19 18 17 31 43 54 76 104 109 From Nash- ville. From Tus- cumb. 18 38 51 63 82 100 117 COLUMBUS TO TUSCUMBIA. {Read up.) Place From to Tas- Place. cumb. NASHVILLE TO ^TisaT MONTGOMERY, AL, >>'-« viue.' By Staore from NASHVILLE to., f Griffin (see j ) ro'te from N'sh- ( ^ ville to Savan- ( ( nah, page 159;. * By Stage io Zebulon FlatShnals Greenville Mont ville La Grange West Point Montgomery and West Point R. R. Opelica .Auburn jVotasulga Chehaw Franklin to *MONTG-OM'RY 324 324 336 348 361 371 379 393 30 423 7 430 12 442 8 450 7 457 33 490 MONTGOMERY TO NASHVILLE. | {Read up.) | Place I From to N.-ish- Place. ville. ROUTES FROM MONTGOMERY. 167 * From Montgomery to Mobile, see pages 85 and 86. From Mo- bile to JVew Orleans, see page 86. ROUTES FROM MONTGO- MERY, ALA. From Montgomery to Atlanta, Ga., and Atlanta to Augusta, Ga., see page 85 ; and from Au- gusta to Charleston, S. C, see page 81. From Montgomery to Mobile, see page 85 ; and Mobile to New Orleans, see page 86. From Montgomery to West Point, Macon, and Savannah, Ga., see Route from Montgomery to Savannah, page 158. From Montgomery to Nash- ville, see page 166. From Col'm- bus. 3C6 156 146 133 115 97 90 72 59 47 44 37 28 25 15 MONTGOMERY TO COLUMBUS, MISS. Bi/ St,affe from MONTGOM'Y to Washington Vernon Mulberry Selma Hamburg 3Iarion Greensboro' Erie Eutaw Springfield Clinton Vienna Picknnsville Nashville, Miss., to COLUMBUS From bus. COLUMBUS TO MONTGOMERY. [Read up.) Place to Place. 10 10 10 20 13 33 18 51 18 69 7 76 18 94 13 107 12 119 3 122 7 129 9 138 3 141 10 151 15 166 Place From to Mont- Place. go'ry. From Moiit- go'ry. 222 214 212 193 155 121 95 60 46 36 27 18 12 10 From Vicks- burg. Macon Demopolis Biiiffport Livingston Daleville Union Hillsboro' Brandon Vickshurg, Jackson, and Brandon R. R. JACKSON Clinton Bolton's Edward's Big Black Bovina to VIOKSBURG- VICKSBURG TO MONTGOMERY. [Read iip.) 16 8 2 19 38 34 26 35 From ,'COLUMBUS, MISS., TO HOLLY SPRINGS AND MEMPHIS. Mem ph 171 165 159 153 141 128 113 93 77 70 61 42 By Stage from COLUMBUS to.. Wavorly , Colbert Hamilton Aberdeen Prairie Mount Pontotoc Cypress Creek. . . . , Milton Waterford Holly Springs. . . . N Mt. Pleasant to. MEMPHIS Mem piiis. |LUMBUS.(^e« From ■fus'a- loosa. 17 25 40 58 65 80 83 From Tus'a- loosa. Green- ville. I VILLE, ALA. iPlace. 60 50 45 35 27 9 Bij Stage from SELMA to Cahawba \ 10 5 10 Barnes Pleasant Hill Farmersville • .. .. Manninghani to.. G-REENVILLE From Sel- ma. 10 15 25 33 51 60 IXl GREENVILLE TO ^T | sT ^'""=* jSELMA. (iieaeZ wp.) Place-! ma. From Selma to Montgomery, see Route from Montgomery to Colum- bus, page 167. ROUTES FROiV! MOBILE, ALA. From Mobile to Montgomery, see routes on pages Q5 and 36 ; also, see Routes froi» Montgomery, page 167. For Routes from Mobile to Charleston, Richmond, Virginia, Washington, Baltimore, Phila- delphia, New York, &c., see from pasre 81 to 86, inclusive. From MobIle to New 0rle.\ns, see page 86. From Talla- h'tisee. 259 245 MOBILE TO PENSA- COLAANDTALLA- HASSEE, FLO. Bii S'agefrom MOBILE to.... Blakely From Mo- bile. 14 ROUTES FROM JACKSON, MISS. 169 195 130 105 88 64 40 22 13 From Talla- h'ssee. PENSACOLA, Flo By Steamboat to La Grange (on Choctawhat- cliie Bay) By Stage to Holmes' Valley... Oakey Hill Marianna Chattahoochee Q.uincy Salubrity to TALLAHASSEE TALLAHASSEE TO MOBILE. {Read up.) 50 64 65 129 154 171 195 219 237 246 259 Place From Mo- Place. I bile. From MOBILE TO co- bus""! LUMBUS, MISS. 366 345 328 322 309 298 276 266 246 225 216 196 161 147 145 105 87 75 64 49 31 19 From Col'ra- bus. By Steamboat on Mo bile ^- Tombigbee Rs MOBILE to Fort St. Philip Fort Stoddard Alabama River. .. . Mcintosh Bluff.... Crawford's Landing Jackson St. Stephen's CnfFeeville Wood's Bluff. Cadey's Landing.. Manafalia Bluff... Moscow Demopolis / Bluffport \ Black Warrior Riv. Jones' Bluff. Gainesville Jamestown Vienna Fairfield Pickensville Nashville to *COLUMBUS .... COLUMBUS TO MO- BILE. {Read up.) From Mo- bile. 21 38 44 57 68 90 100 120 141 150 170 205 219 221 261 9 291 302 317 335 347 366 From Mo- bile. * From Columbus to Holly Sp'gs, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn., see page 167. 15 From Columbus to Tuscumbia, Ala., see page 166, From Tus'a- loosa. 212 192 179 159 144 131 109 97 90 81 72 65 56 40 25 17 MOBILE TO TUSCA- LOOSA, ALA. By Stage from MOBILE to Fort St. Philip Mount Vernon New Wakefield St. Stephen's COFFEEVILLE Pineville Manafalia Montpelier Linden Spring Hill Demopolis Macon Greensboro' Havanna Carthage to TUSCALOOSA... F^rom TUSCALOOSA TO loosa. |m0BILE. (Read up.) ''sT .MOBILE TO SELMA, 165 151 136 121 100 83 62 44 37 32 24 10 From ALA. By Stage from MOBILE to.... Blakely Stockton Tensaw Mt. Pleasant .... Claiborne Bell's Landing. .. Barboursville. .. . Canton Prairie Bluff..... Cambridge Cahawba to SELMA SELMA TO MOBILE, {Read up.) ROUTES FROM JACKSON, MISS. From Jackson to New Orleans. To Vicksburg, hy railroad, 46 miles; 170 JACKSON TO HOLLY SPRINGS. thence bv steamboat to New Orleans. 395 miles. Total, 441. From Jackson to Batok Rocge. La. To Vicksburg, by railroad. 4t) miles, thence bj- steamboat, to Baton Rouge, '251 miles. Total. 303 miles. Fiom Jackso.v to St. Francis- viLLE. La. To Vicksburg. by raii- road. 46 miles ; thence by steamboat, to St. Francisville, 221 imiles. To- tal, 207 miles. From Jackson to Memphis. Tenn. To Vicksburg, by railroad. 46 miles ; thence by steamboat, to Memphis, 386 miles. Total, 432 miles. From Jackson to Vicksecrg, Brandon, and Montgomery, Ala., see route from Montgomery to Vicksburg, page 167. From Jacksox to CoLOM;EUS,Miss. see page 168. S^;j?, JACKSON TO HOLLY ^'^:%lZt Sp'gs, SPRINGS. ! Bu St acre from 194 JACKSON to... 182 Richland 170 ICanton Montgomery . .. . iFranklin iLexi Hilton Black Hawk Carrollton Grfnada. . . - ;Oakachickama .. ;Coffeeville 150 139 131 116 101 80 67 63 33 jOxford i 19 Wyatt { 9 Waterford to l HOLLY SPRI'GS Frooi HOLLY SPRINGS TO,pia« l°^.\ J.ACKSON. ! head 11V.) PUce 12 24 44 55 63 78 93 114 127 131 161 175 185 194 From sou. From: JACKSON TO NAT" Place I Fr™ cleL'j CHEZ, MISS. ipiroe.rsct' Bv S'ag^efrom 103 JACKSON to 93 Newtown ' 10 63 Gallatin ' 30 48 Hargrave I 15 26 iMalcomb 1 22 10 40 55 16 Hamburg ! 10 6 Washington to 10 NATCHEZ 6 ^--NATCHEZ TO JACK- ^-* ^"i Chez. SON, [Read up.) 87 97 103 Place, soc. There is another route between Jackson and Natchez, as follows : to Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 miles; thence by steamboat, down the Mis- sissippi to Natchez, 279 miles. Total, 325 miles. JACKSON TO MO- '^'^^^ BILE, ALA. B'l Railroad from JACKSON to Brandon By Stage to Hillsboro' L'nion Daleville Livingston Bluffport Btf Steamboat down Tombigbee River to Moscow Manafalia Bluff. ... Cadev's Landing. . . Wood's Bluff Coffeeville St. Stephens Jackson Crawford's Landing Alabama River Fort Stoddard Fort St. Philip to.. MOBILE From JacK- Place. son. ^ir MOBILE TO JACK- t'^'"- 1 SON. (Read up.) 14 49 75 109 147 167 181 216 236 245 266 286 296 318 342 348 365 386 From Jack- eon. There is another route between Jackson and .Mobile, by which stag- ing is entirely avoided; it is as fol- lows; from Jackson to Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 miles ; thence by steam- boat, down the Mississippi to New Orleans. 395 miles; thence by rail- road to LakePonchartrain,5 miles; and thence by steamboat to Mobile, 161 miles. Total distance, 607 miles. ROUTES FROM NEW ORLEANS. 171 ROUTES FROM NEW ORLEANS. From New Orleans to Baton Rouge, Natchez, Vicksburg, Mem- phis, and St. Louis, &c., see pages 108 and 109 ; and from St. Louis to the Falls of St. Anthony, see pages 105 and lOG. From New Orleans to Louisville, Cincinnati, &c., see pages 106, 107, and 108 ; and from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, see page 104. From New Orleans to Mobile, see page 8(5. The following table will show, at a glance, the steamboat distances from New Orleans, to the princi- pal places on the Mississippi Rivers, with the probable fare to be paid to reach either. These, however, are liable to change, owing more or less to competition, and the low stages of the water, which it will be necessary for the traveller to bear in mind. NEW ORLEANS to Baton Rouge to Natchez . . . to Vicksburg . to Memphis . . to Cairo to St. Louis. . to Dubuque • . _ Falls St. } ) Anthony ) to Louisville . . . to Cincinnati . . to Mavsville . .. to Wheeling to Pittsburg . .. . to Nashv'le.Ten. to Florence, Ala to Miles. 138 279 395 781 1026 1201 lt)65 2003 1415 1548 1610 1931 2025 1287 1357 Fares. $5 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 12 00 14 00 20 00 23 00 13 00 15 00 17 00 20 00 21 00 20 00 22 00 RATES OF PASSAGE FROM N. ORLEANSTOTHE PRIN- CIPAL AM ERIC AN AND FO- REIGN PORTS, BY SEA. NEW ORLEANS to Mobile to Pensacola to Tampa Bay to Galveston to Savannah to Charleston to Baltimore , . . . to Philadelphia ( New York City, ) to< (if by steamship, > ( «75.) S to Boston to Havana to Vera Cruz to Liverpool, Eng to London to Havre Fares. $5 00 8 00 15 00 10 00 25 00 30 00 50 00 60 00 CO 00 C5 00 25 00 35 00 120 00 125 00 120 00 DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS TO CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL- PHIA, N. YORK, BOSTON, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES. The traveller will refer to each qf the following Routes respectively. Names of Places. J\rew Orleans to Mobile, by steamboat Mobile to Montgomery, by steamboat, 331 miles, by stage , Montgomery to M^cst Point, by railroad 172 NEW ORLEANS TO PHILADELPHIA. ETC. Names of Places. West Point to Oriffin, Oa., by stage *GriHin to Cliarleston. by railroad Charleston to Wilmington, JV. C, by steamboat Wilmington to Richmond, Va., by railroad. . . . Richmond to Acquia Creek, by railroad Acquia Creek to Washington, by steamboat. . . Washington to Baltimore, by railroad Baltimore to Philadelphia, by railroad Philadelphia to J^ew York, by railroad New York to Boston, by railroad Total See pages from 81 to 8G inclusive. Miles. 69 351 180 247 7(5 55 40 97 87 236 1898 * From Oriffin, travellers may proceed by railroad, to Savannah, Geo., via Macon, 249 miles ; or to Charleston, via Augusta, 349 miles. From either of these places they may reach New York, by steamship, as these now sail between each port at regular intervals. From Charleston, Philadelphia may also be reached by a similar conveyance. Names of Places. FROM NEWORLEANSTO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, VIA PITTSBURG. New Orleans to Cincinnati, by steamboat Cincinnati to Pittsburg, by steamboat Pittsburg to Philadelphia, via Central Railroad and Canal Philadelphia to JVew York, by railroad Total 1548 477 394 87 2506 Names of Places. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO. New Orleans to Cincinnati, by steamboat Cincinnati to CZereZand, via Columbus, O., by railroad fCleveland to Dunkirk, by steamboat Dunkirk to JVeic York, via the New York and Erie Railroad. . . 1548 189 149 474 Total 2360 fFrom New Orleans to Cleveland, (as above). Cleveland to Buffalo, by steamboat. .. Buflalo to Albany, by railroad Albany to Boston, by railroad Total Miles. 1737 194 325 200 2456 NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK. ETC. m Nami^s of Places. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. New Orleans to St. Louis, l)y steamboat St. Louis 10 Chicago, via Illinois and Michijraii Canal Chicago to Detroit, via Michigan Central Kailroad ^Detroit to Dunkirk, via Lake Erie Dunkirk to JVew York, via the New York and Erie Railroad Total 2660 1201 417 283 285 474 *From New Orleans to Detroit, (as above) Detroit to Buffalo, by steamboat . . . Buffalo to .Albany, by railroad Albany to Boston, by railroad Total Miles. 1901 330 325 200 2756 Names of Places. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NIAGARA FALLS AND MONTREAL, CANADA. New Orleans to Buffalo, (see the two previous routes,) Via St. ) Louis and Chicago, 2231 ; via Cleveland and Cincinnati, 1931 \ Buffalo to Niagara Falls and Lewiston, by railroad Lewiston to Montreal, via Lake Ontario Total 2396 1931 31 434 Names of Places. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, AND MONTREAL, CAN. New Orleans to Buffalo, (as before) Buffalo to Schenectady, by railroad Schenectady to Saratoga Spri7igs, by railroad t Saratoga Springs to Caldwell and Lake Ocorge, via railroad } and stage \ Caldwell to Ticonderoga, via Lake George Ticonderoga to Montreal, via Lake Champlain Total 2487 1931 308 22 30 40 156 fFrom Saratoga there is a railroad direct to Whitehall, at the foot of Lake Chainplain, 40 miles ; steamers run regularly during the sea- son, down the Lake, continuing the route into Canada. The route given above, is for those who may have leisure and inclination to tarry awhile upon the margin of the beautiful Lake George, whose fine scenery, and historical reminiscences, will amply repay for a short sojourn here. 15* 174 ROUTES FROM GALVESTON, TEX. jVew Orleans to Nashville, Tenn. By steamboat Xo the mouth of Cumberland River, 108(5 miles, (see pages 107 and 108;) thence to Nash- ville, 201 miles. Total, 1287 miles. New Orleans to Florence, Ala. By steamboat to the month of the Tennessee River, 1074 miles, (see pages 107 and 108 ;) thence to Flo- rence, 283 miles. Total, 1357 miles. New Orleans to Shreveport, La. By steamboat to the mouth of Red River, 214 miles; thence to Alexandria, 105; Natchitoches, 74; Shreveport, 82. Total, 475 miles. New Orleans to Fort Gibson, In. Ter. By steamboat to Arkansas River, 604 miles, (see pages 107 and 103 \) thence to New Gascony, 133 ; Pine Bluffs, 25; Little Rock. 150; Lewisburg, titi; Van Buren, 156; Fort Smith, 8; Fort Gibson, 94. Total, 123o miles. New Orleans to Galveston, Tex. By steamboat, 444 miles. New Orleans to Proctorsville. Bv railroad, 27 miles. ROUTES FROM GALVES- TON, TEXAS. From Galveston to New Or- leans. By steamboat to the Mouth of the Mississippi, 350 miles; thence to New Orleans, 94. Total, 444 miles. From Galveston to Hocston. By steamboat through Galveston Bay, and the Buffalo Bayou to Houston, 82 miles. From Galveston to Port La- vacca, by steamboat, 190 miles. From Galveston to Washing- ton, Texas, via Houston, 147 miles. From Alls- 255 173 119 77 72 42 32 15 From Aus- tin. GALVESTON TO 'piace gT AUSTIN, TEX, I Plica.! tot By Steamboat from j GALVESTON to. Houston 82 By Stage to San Felipe 54 Rutersville 42 La Grange 5 Mt. Pleasant \ 30 Bastrop 10 Webbsrsvilleto ' 17 AUSTIN CITT. .. 15 82 136 178 183 213 223 240 255 AUSTIN CITY TO GALVESTON. {Read up.) From Gal- Tes- ton. F„^ GALVESTON TO Ma:a-, MATAGORDA, VIA gor.a. | BRAZORIA. Ill G-ALVESTON to 75 Liverpool 50 Columbia 41 Brazoria 31 I Cedar Lake 22 Canev to MATAGORDA... From! MATAGORDA TO ^:i GALVESTON. {Read up.) From Gal- toil. 36 61 70 80 89 111 From Gal- VfS- ton. GALVESTON TO Mam-; MATAGORDA, VIA j- gorda VELASCO. Place. 89 GALVESTON to. 62 San Luis 51 ;Velasco 25 Cedar Grove to... MATAGORDA . • Place f ">™ Gal- vee- ton. 27 38 64 89 From^ MATAGORDA TO ,,,j-- Mflta-| GALVESTON. ' «° 'es- gorda. , ri r \ Place.' ton. {Read up.) From C'rpus Cli'sti. 245 156 112 86 GALVESTON TO CORPUS CHRISTI. Place to Place, From Gal- ves- tOD. GALVESTON to. ( Matagorda, ; \ (see prev. route) Texan a 89 44 26 89 133 Victoria 159 ROUTES FROM AUSTIN CITY, TEX. 175 51 From C'rpus Ch'ali. GoluiA 10 CORP. CHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI TO GALVESTON. (Read up.) 194 245 From Gal- ves- ton. ingt'n. 170 129 120 J 00 85 50 30 23 12 ingt'n. MATAGORDA TO WASHINGTON, TEXAS. By Stage from MATAG-ORDA to Brazoria Columbia Big Creek Richmond San Felipe Belleville Travis Chapel Hill to WASHING-TON . WASHINGTON TO MATAGORDA. (Read up.) Place J From to t Mata- Place. gorda. I 41 9 20 15 35 20 7 11 41 50 70 85 120 140 147 158 12 170 Place From to I Mata* Place, gorda. I Steamboats run on the river Bra- zos from Washington to its mouth; a distance, by the course of the river, of 350 miles. From A us- 173 153 134 124 112 97 82 47 42 32 15 From Aus- MATAGORDA TO AUSTIN CITY. By Stage from MATAGORDA to Caney Preston Wharton Egypt Eagle Lake Columbus La Grange Ml. Pleasant Bastrop Webbersville to . .. AUSTIN CITY... AUSTIN CITY TO MATAGORDA. (Read up.) 20 21 8 12 15 15 35 5 10 17 15 From Mata- gorda. 20 41 49 61 76 91 126 131 141 158 173 From Mata- gorda, ROUTES FROM AUSTIN CITY, TEXAS. Austin to Matagorda, see pre- vious Route. From Bos. ton. 416 374 306 261 229 221 191 155 91 43 31 14 From Bos- ton. AUSTIN TO BOS- TON, TEXAS. By Stage from AUSTIN to Georgetown Falls of Brazos . . . Springfield ....... Richland Crossing Corsicana Buffalo Kaufman Tarrant Clarksville Savannah De Kalb to BOSTON BOSTON TO AUS- TIN. (Read up.) 42 68 45 32 8 30 36 64 48, 12 17 14 From Boston, Texas, to Little Rock, Ark. To Fulton, Ark., 50 miles; and from Fulton to Little Rock, (see page 139,) 133 miles. Total distance, 183 miles. From W'sh- ingt'n. 130 115 98 58 53 33 15 From W'sh- ingt'n. AUSTIN TO WASH INGTON, TEXAS. By Stage from AUSTIN to Webbersville Bastrop La Grange Rutersville Montville Independence to. . WASHING-TON WASHINGTON TO AUSTIN. (Read up.) Place to Place. From Alls- 176 WASHINGTON TO WilLAM, TEX. rrom MUam WASHINGTON TO MILAM, TEX, 219 I9y ](i7 :53 123 98 63 i 48 38 18 From M.lam Bij S'fife from WASKINS^T'Nto AJideiS'iii Hiiiitsville Cincinnati Crockett VVilliain's Ferry... Douglass Nacogdoches Melrose San Augustine to. *MILAM MILAM TO WASH- INGTON. (Read np.) Place 1 From lo IWsh- Place. ingt'n. 20 32 14 30 25 35 15 10 20 18 20 52 66 96 121 156 171 181 201 219 From Wash- ingt'a. * From MILA.M to Fort Jessdp, La., is 43 miles; and to Natchi- toches, La , 69 miles. From tlie latter place passengers may reach Mew Orleans, by steamboat, via the Red and Mississippi Rivers, a (iisiauce of 415 miles. Frnrn- Bwus- 343 320 303 273 210 173 130 AUSTIN TO BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. By Stairefrom AUSTIN to Cedar Creek Lockport Gonzales Goliad Refugio *San Patrico to. .. , tBROWNSVI'LE 23 17 30 63 32 48 130 From BROWNSVILLE TO I Place AUSTIN. (Read up.) I From Aus- tin. 23 40 70 133 165 213 343 From AU8- j.„,„:AUSTIN to PRESI-l Place Kio i DIO DEL RIO !...'° Gr'nde GRANDE. 276 AUSTIN to 231 Sau Marcos 208 New Braunifels. . . lo8 San Antoiiia 153 Castroville 130 'Vandenburg tiO River Nueces to.. RIO GRANDE.. Fromi RIO GRANDE TO G?;V AUSTIN. ; (Read up.) From Aus- From Mai- aUan. * CoRPCs Christi is about 32 miles distant from San Patrico. I Brownsville is situated on the Rio Grande, and opposite to Ma- TAMORAS, Mexico. 956 766 750 725 705 668 638 617 608 578 558 543 519 486 462 422 401 377 359 349 313 289 268 253 235 210 177 155 131 110 85 61 SAN ANTONIO, I TEXAS, TO MA- \T ZATLAN, MEXICO. ^^^^" SAN ANTONIO to Eagle Pass San Fernando Arroyo Seca San JuandeSabinas El Aura ( La Hacienda de \ Hermanos. . . . La Estania Monc'ova Los Tres Rios El Berrando La Sauseada La Pastora Sienega Grande. .. Hacienda de Abajo La Peria Alamo de Parras. . • E! Cogete La Noria Rio Buenava Quencame Corral de Piedras. . Tortugas Las Sauses Porfias El Charo City of Ddrango. . [Arroyo de Piedras. El Navillo Echevarria Rio Baluarte Santa Lucia., r.. .. 170 36 25 20 37 30 21 9 30 20 15 24 33 24 40 21 24 18 10 36 24 21 15 18 25 33 22 24 21 25 24 ROUTES TO OREGON, ETC. 177 49 Co pal 12 15 21 13 907 34 13 San Sebastian Village of Mazatl'n FU. MAZATLAN 922 943 956 From Maz- atlan. MAZATLAN TO SAN ANTONIO. {Read up.) Place to Place. From S. An- tonio. From El Paso. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, TO EL PASO DEL NORTE. Place to Place. 65 30 30 40 20 59 30 7 From S. An- tonio. 605 540 510 480 440 420 361 331 324 SAN ANTONIO to Fredericksburg. . Llano River San Saba Brady's Creek Kickapoo Creek.. •• Blue River, or I Main Concho. . \ i Up Main Con- \ < cho to its head \ ( spring ) ^ Mustang Water ) [ Holes \ Q 65 95 ]25 165 185 244 274 281 318 Flat Rock Ponds... 6 294 J Wild China ; / Water Holes. \ 24 282 Gap Water 12 271 Pecos River 11 160 Mouth of Salina R. 111 145 Savin Creek, t Up Savin Creek ) 15 111 < to Walnut \ t Springs ) 34 105 Ojo de S.Martin... 6 97 Ojos de Guadalupe. 8 82 Ojo del Cherpo C Banks of the ) 15 58 < SierredelosCar- v ( n'dos del Alamo ) 24 48 Ojo del Alamo 10 24 Tanks of Sierre ) 1 Hueco 1 24 4 Rio Grande to 20 From j EL PASO I 4> } DEL NORTE \ EL PASO TO SAN Place El Paso. ANTONIO. {Read up.) to S Place. ROUTES TO OREGON, CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. AND UTAH. NEW 'oTjST. LOUIS, MO., TO g°"- I OREGON CITY. Caravan Route. 'ST. LOUIS to ... Independence, Mo Kansas R. crossing ( Fort Kearny ( I and Platte Riv. \ Forks of R. Platte, ( Ash Hollow, or > } North Fork... \ Chimney Rock Scott's Bluff Fort Laramie. .. . Red Buttes I'Sweet Water River |Rock Independence Fremont's S. Pass Green River Fort Bridger 2446 2155 2068 1848 1673 1600 1468 1448 1388 12,33 1173 1172 1062 1003 953 Place to From St. 918 Place. Louis. 812 762 740 615 291 291 575 87 378 445 220 598 375 307 175 773 217 73 846 192 122 132 978 102 20 998 82 60 1058 30 155 1213 60 1273 1 1274 110 1384 From 59 1443 gon. 50 1493 Bear River Bear Springs Fort Hall American Falls. .. Fishing Falls Lewis R. Crossing Fort Boisse. ...... Burnt River Grande Ronde. . . . Fort Walla Walla Umatillah River. . John Day's River. Falls River Tlie Dalles Fort Vancouver to OREG-ON CITY. OREGON CITY TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) M 35 106 50 22 125 40 130 70 68 90 25 70 20 20 52 30 1528 1634 1684 1706 1831 1871 2001 2071 21.39 2229 2254 2324 2344 2364 2416 2449 m ROUTES TO OREGON, ETC. St. Joseph is another prominent starting-place on the Missouri fron- tier; it is situated on the Missouri River, and may be reached, hj- steam- boat, from St. Louis, a distance of 450 miles. The emisrrant trail crosses the river, and reaches the edge of the great Western plains, sevoi miles distant. It is marked out with the distinctness of an ordinary road. 7^hirty miles farther is the Indian jWssion establislied by Government, which consists of a fine farm, a few log houses, store, and a school fur Indian children. One hundred and ten miles from the Missouri the Blue Earth River is reached, a clear and handsome stream of pure water, 30 feet wide. On crossing the stream, the road passes over high ridges of table-lands, for 70 miles, to Little Blue Earth River, along the beautiful valley of which it runs for about 80 miles, on leaving which, the trail strikes across a high range of table-lands for 20 miles, in a northern direction, reaching the Nebraska or Platte River Valley, 15 miles below Fort Kearny. This fort is situated at the head of Grand Island, in the River Platte, 2it2 miles from St. Joseph, and has an altitude of 2,000 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. In passing along the North Fork of the Platte, between Ash Hollow and Fort Laramie, a singular formation of rock and sand may be seen, called the " Court-House;" it stands alone, and at a distance bears a close resemblance to a court-house or church. It is 200 feet square, 800 feet high, and has on its top what would be taken for a large dome or cupola." The next object of attraction is "Chimney Rock,'* which is seen at a distance of 30 miles, standing out in bold relief, its base Ls about 300 feet in diameter, which tapers off to within 100 feet of the top and then becomes square, being about 50 feet in diameter; a solid shaft of rock then ascenils at least 100 feet into the air, making a main height of 400 feet from the base. Twenty miles farther on are "Scott's Bluffs," a beautiful rocky formation, extending three miles along the river, having an elevation of between 300 and 400 feet. "Castle Bluffs" are also an attractive formation of rocky bluff, many parts of which are very fantastic and grotesque, resembling ancient castles, palaces, forts, &c. Fort Laramie, G25 miles from St. Joseph, Mo., is situated at the pastern terminus of Laramie Valley, about \h miles from the Platte. It js government property, and consists of a building 200 feet square, with a yard in the centre. Its altitude is 4.000 feet above the ocean. "Laramie Peak," 100 miles from Fort Laramie, can be seen at a dis- tance of 150 miles; its altitude is about 11,000 feet. A few miles distant from the Sweet Water are a number of salitratus lakes, some of which are half a mile square. "Independence Rock" is situated on the north side of the Sweet Water, 210 miles from Fort Laramie; it is composed of solid granite, covering an area of about five acres, and arising in conical form, about 400 feet above the level of the surround- ing country ; it is seen at a great distance, and hence serves as a land- mark of the emigrant. This extraordinary rock was named by a party of Americans, wlio chanced to pass that way one Fourth of July, whence they proceeded to celebrate the great events of that period, by a succession of revellings, festivities, and hilarities, which having been concluded, they all inscribed their names, together with the word •• In- dependence," upon the most conspicuous portion of the rock: hence its name and notoriety, which are as firmly establislied. by the act, as that rock of ages itself " Upwards of 5000 names are inscribed upon it. On approaching the " South Pass," the ascent is so gradual, that it is difficult for the traveller to find the precise summit; yet the point of ST. LOUIS TO SACRAMENTO CITY. 179 culminatioa is between two hills, abniu CO feet high. It is ninetcev, miles wide, and without anv gorge-like appearance. Its altitude is 7,489 feet. jdrom Sacra- men lo City. 2492 964 904 899 859 544 270 146 35 From Sat'ra- .mento Ci'ty. ST. LOUIS TO SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND SACRAMENTO CITY, CAL. ^'■^"'■ ST. LOUIS to.. ( Bear River (see / previous route) Weber River, Utah Brownsville, Utah. SALT LAKE C'Y Humboldt's or ) Mary's River. . \ Sink of Mary's Riv. Truckee Lake Johnson's, Cal., to. SACRAM'NTO C. SACRAMENTO C'Y TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) 1528 60 5 40 315 274 124 111 35 Place to Place. From «t. Louis. 1528 1588 J593 1633 1948 2222 2346 2457 2492 From Santa 1153 862 850 827 79(1 713 711 696 681 669 644 627 607 591 583 564 558 489 463 427 362 328 298 278 ST. LOUIS. MO., TO SANTA FE, N.M. ST. LOUIS to.... Independence Caravan Route to Westport Round Grove Narrows Big John Spring. . . Council Grove Diamond Spring. .. Lost Spring Cottonwood Creek. Turkey Creek Little Arkansas... Cow Creek Arkansas River. . . . Walnut Creek Ash Creek Pawnee Fork Caches Fort Arkansas. . . . Arkansas Crossing Cimmaron River. . Middle Spring Willow Bar Cold Spring 291 291 12 303 23 326 31 357 83 440 o 442 1.5 457 15 472 12 484 25 509 17 526 20 546 16 562 8 570 19 589 6 595 69 664 26 690 36 726 65 791 34 825 30 855 20 875 188 368 162 127 99 79 59 50 28 From Santa Point of Rocks ... . Canadian River... Ocate River Santa Clara Spring Rio Mora j Rio Gallinas ) I and Vegas. .. ., j Ojo de Vernal Pecos R.& S.Miguel Pecos Village to. .. . SANTA FE 90 20 6 35 28 965 985 991 [1026 11054 20 11074 20 9 22 28 SANTA FE TO ST. T LOUIS. (Read up.) (!'""=«• 11094 1103 [1125 1153 From St. Louis. From Sacra- mento City. SANTA FE TO SAN DIEGO AND SACRA- MENTO CITY, CAL. 1837 1807 1772 1722 1668 1593 1528| 10281 1012 1002 902; 8371 822 792| 752 652 552 212 197 112 100 90 From Sacra- mento City. Oila Route. SANTA FE to \ San Felipe, on ) ) Rio Del Norte. ( Albuquerque Socorro Consul Bend Copper Mines Rio Gila Pimos Village Mouth of Rio Gila. Colorado Crossing. Jornado, or Desert. First Ranchoin Cal Santa Isabella ) SAN DIEG-O I (Pacific Shore) San LuisRey C POEBLA DE LOS ^ < Angelos (or, \ ( City of Angels) ) Santa Barbara. . . . Monterey Rio Salines San Joaquin Rio Tualumne Stanislas to SACRAM'NTO 0. SACRAMENTO C'Y TO SANTA FE. (Read up.) 30 35 50 54 75 65 500 16 10 100 65 15 30 40 100 100 340 15 85 12 10 90 Place to Place. From Santa Fe. 30 65 115 169 244 309 809 825 835 935 1000 1015 1045 1085 1185 1285 1625 1640 i7-:5 1737 1747 1837 From Santa 180 FORT SMITH TO SANTA FE. la the year 1849, Major Emory wrote to the Government an ac- count of a remarkable river spring which broke out in the summer of that year, in that portion of the country between the mouth of tlie Gila River and the mountains, usually called the "Desert," some- times the " Jornada." A river, 40 feet wide, and more than waist- deep, has appeared in the middle of this desert, affording delicious wa- ter to drink, and making an oasis at the most convenient spot for the traveller. The overland emigrants who took that route previous to the 2Uth of June, suffered dread- fully from thirst. Those who came after the first of July, found plenty of water. In connection with it, a fine fresh-water lake was formed a {(iw miles distant. It is represented upon our Map of California, Oregon, 4*c., aJid may be found on the " Gila Route" west of the Rio Colorado. ii:^ FORT SMITH TO _r£SANTA FE, N. M. 800 /SO 701 734 710 C8-2 670 655 615 553 435 413 3'J'J 369 336 3-29 179 151 101 87 07 52 30 FORT SMITH to Choctaw Airency- . San-bois Creek. .. . Gaines' Creek Cedar Mount Delaware Mount. . Cedar Creek Cane Creek Choteaus Red Hills Antelope Hills.... Rush Lake Dry River Spring Creek Bluff Creek I&prings Cerro Tucucarri. . Laguna Colorado. Gallinas Creek. . . Anton Chico Canon Blanco. ... Laguna Colorado. Galisteo to SANTA FE Place From Fort Place. Sm'h. 15 24 27 24 23 12 15 40 62 118 22 14 30 33 7 150 28 50 14 20 15 22 30 15 39 66 90 118 130 145 185 247 365 387 401 431 464 471 621 649 699 713 733 748 770 800 Fort Smith is situated on the Ar- kansas River, about four miles from Van Buren. It is the garrison on the eastern line of the Choctaw nation, and has grown into a town of upwards of one thousand inha- bitants. There are several stores here, and a good trade is carried on with the Indians. Van Buren, on the letl; bank of the same river, lower down, has about the same number of inhabitants, but is quite different in feature, the streets being entirely free from grotesque- ly-dressed Indians. It is a shipping point for wheat and other produce, received from the more northern settlements. From FORT SMITH TO Place "r DONA ANA, N. M.jpiLk ^r™"|SANTA FE TO FORT, ^',r i^Fon S ;iita —..,-.,, / n J \ I '0 I port Fe. 1 SMITH. {Read up.) , -Place.. Sm'h. 940 925 914 901 874 827 789 767 755 748 608 576 463 450 427 400 362 329 304 246 220 162 135 106 94 72 26 From Dona Ana. FORT SMITH to Choctaw Agency.. Gap in Mountains. San-bois Creek- . . • Gaines' Creek Boggy Creek Fort Washita. . . . Preston Big Mineral Creek. McCarty's Brazos River R. . RedForkof Col'ado Laguna ......... Big Spring Salt Pond , Mustang Pond. Sand H'ills Rio Pecos Salinas Creek... Delaware Creek. Peak of Guadalupe Qjo del Cuerbo Spr Cornudas Mountain Sierra del Alemo. *Sierra Waco i Paso de S. Au- ) ffustin to DONA ANA-... DONA ANA TO FORT SMITH. {Read up.) 15 11 13 27 47 38 22 12 7 140 32 113 13 23 27 38 33 25 58 26 58 27 2D 12 22 46 26 From Fort Sm'b 15 26 39 66 113 151 173 185 192 332 364 477 490 513 540 578 611 636 694 20 778 805 834 846 868 914 940 From Fort Sm'h. NEW YORK TO CALIFORNIA. 181 * From Sierra Waco to El Paso del J\rorte, the distance is about 35 nailes. Dona Ana is situated on the east bank of the Rio Grande del Norte, about 50 miles north from El Paso. From Dona Ana to the Pacific the " Gila Route" is taken. See Route from Santa Fe to San Diego and Sacramento City, page 179. Captain Marcy says, in Lis Re- port, that the best season for emi- grants to leave the United States for California, upon the southern route, is about the first of June. There would then be good grass and water to the Rio Grande, and they would reach there about the last of July, and would have time to stop two or three weeks, to graze and recruit their animals, and lay in additional supplies, should they require any, for the remainder of the journey. There is abundance of wood and grass at all places upon the road. From Fort Smith to the Big Spring, 513 miles, there is water at short distances along the whole route. From the Spring to the Rio Grande water is not so abundant, and cer- tain points have to be made, from day to day, to get it. On the Santa Fe road, from Fort Smith, there are but few places where wood and water cannot be found, at conve- nient distances. NEW YORK TO CALIFORNIA, VIA THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. This is yie most expeditious and comfortable route for reaching Cali- fornia. Regular lines of steamers run between New York and Chagres, touching at Havana and Kingston, Jamaica; and from Panama, on the Pacific, to San Francisco. The time usually occupied is from 30 to 35 days, provided there is no detention on the Isthmus. In order to avoid this, passengers should purchase a through ticket before leaving JSTew York. The price of passage from New York to Chagres, by steam- ship, varies from $50 to $150, according to accommodations. From Chagres to Panama, (land route, 50 miles,) including 150 pounds of bag-rage, about $10 ; and from Panama to San Francisco, from $150 to $300. Steamers run between San Francisco and Oregon. For the distances from New York to Chagres and San Francisco see page 43. The route by the way of Cape Horn occupies about five movths the distance being 17,000 miles. The price varies from $100 to $300, ac- cording to the accommodations on board. Passage may be procured at any of the principal sea-ports. We have just received the following notice, issued by a new Mexican Transportation Company, which is given for the benefit of those whose route may take them through the republic of Mexico : " Passengers coming from or going to California, are informed that the Direction of the Express Line will convey them from Vera Cruz to Puente d'lxtia, in covered wagons, and from that place to the port of Acapulco, on Iiorseback, and vice versa. In order to afford proper safety 182 NEW YORK TO CALIFORNIA. to the passengers, we announce to the public that the Supreme Govern- ment, besides having engaged to establish a guard upon the roads we traverse, has granted us permission competenily to arm the persons we employ. RATES OF Fare and time. From Vera Cruz to Acapulcn, 18 days $45 00 Vera Cruz to Mexico, 8 days. 25 00 Mexico to Acapulcn, 10 days 25 00 Acapulco to Vera Cruz, 18 days 45 00 Acapulco to Mexico, 10 days 30 00 Mexico to Vera Cruz, 8 days 20 00 Passengers who take their ticket to go from one to the other of the ports, will be allowed to remain as long as they like in Mexico, either to rest, or to see the city." THE TOUEIST'S GUIDE TO PLACES OF FASHIONABLE AND HEALTHFUL RESORT. THE WHITE MOUNTAINS ofNew Hampshire are situated in the county of Coos, and extend from S. W. to N. E., about 20 miles. Mount Wash- ington, tlie most elevated peak, is (5,243 feet above the level of the sea. (This was formerly considered the highest elevation in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains, but it lias been found to be surpassed in height by" Mitchell's Peak," in N.Carolina, the altitude of which was determiiied a few years ago by the gentleman from whom its name is de- rived.) The otlier peaks are Mount Mams, 5,707 feet; Jefferson, 5,665; Madison, 5,384; Monroe, 5,298; Franklin, 4,854; and La Fayette, 4,723. The ascent to the summit of Mount Washington has now become not only /as/«ona/;Ze, but a pleasing and healthful recreation to those who are strong enough to bear the fatigue consequent on such an undertaking. There is no danger whatever to be apprehended; careful and expe- rienced guides always accompanying visitors. The Kotch of the White Mountains is a very narrow defile, extending for two miles between huge clitfs, apparently rent asunder by some great convulsion of nature. Its entrance, on the east side, is formed by two rocks standing perpendicularly, about 20 feet from each other. The scenery here is exceedingly grand. After proceeding a short distance, a beautiful cascade may be.seen, issuing from a mountain on the right, and passing over a series of almost perpendicular rocks, with a course so little broken as to preserve the appearance of a uniform curreut. This lovely stream falls over a stupendous precipice, forming the Silver Cdscddf About a mile distant from the entrance is a brook, called the Flume, a stream of water falling over three precipices, from a height of 250 feet. Over the first two it falls in a single stream, and over the last, in three; these again unite at the bottom in a natural basin formed in the rocks. The iVillcy House stands in the White Mountain Notch, a short dis- tance from a bluft', which rises to the height of about 2,000 feet. It is noted as having been the residence of the Willey family, who perished on the 28th of Ausjust, 1826, by an avalanche or slide from the mountain. From the road "leading through the Franconia JVotch, may be seen, on the mountain opposite to La Fayette, the Projile Mountain ; or, as it is called, the " Old Man of the Mountain;" and in the same notch, a short distance south, the Basin and Fkune, objects of the greatest interest to the lovers of the sublime and curious. The Profile Mountain rises to the height of 1,000 feet. The bare rock on which the profile is deline- ated, is granite; from its long exposure to the atmosphere, it is of a (133) 184 THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. dark reddish-brown. A side-view of this projecting rock, near the peak of the mountain, looking from the north, exhibits a profile of the hu- man face, in which every line and feature are distinctly marked ; but after passing the mountain to the south, the likeness is lost. Routes to the White Mocntains. — The route by way of Portland may be considered one of the most eligible, and for beautiful scenery cannot be surpassed. This city, the commercial metropolis of the State of Maine, is situated 105 miles from Boston, from which it may be reached by railroad, either via the Eastern or the Boston and Maine R. R. From Portland, the Atlantic and St. Lawrence R. R. is rapidly approaching completion, and will be opened this season to Oorham, 95 miles, and five miles from the base of Mt. Washington. In order to accommodate the travel by this route, a hotel has been erected, and a road laid out to the summit, on the north side of the mountain. There is another route from Portland open to the traveller, which is also very delightful. From Portland, by stage, to Standisk, at the foot of Sebago Pond; thence, by steamer, over the romantic lake, through Crooked River, and over Long Pond to Bridgeton Centre; thence, by stage, to Conway, via Fryeburg. On the road between Bridgeton and Fryeburg is Pleasant Mt., an isolated peak, some 2000 feet high, on the summit of which is an hotel, recently erected, which is now a stopping- place for many travellers, the view from it being very fine. At Conway, IV. H., passengers stop for the night at Hill's Pequawket House, where they meet with every attention and comfort; and the next morning proceed, by stage, through Bartlett to the Notch, passing successively Old Craw- ford's, near which is Crawford Mountain, the IVilleij House, (Tom Craw- ford's, who has recently erected an extensive house,) and arrive early in the afternoon at Fabyan's White Mt. House. To reach the " Franconia Notch," visiters should hire an extra at Fabyan's, for Bethlehem, and thence to Oibhs' Lafayette House, 16 miles. At the latter place a conveyance may be hired to Taft's Flume House, five miles, passing the Old Man of the Mountain, the Basin, and the Flume. Returning to "Gibbs'," pa.^sengers may take the stage to Lit- tleton, 12 miles; thence to JVells River, 20 miles; thence by the Con- necticut and Passunipsic River R. R., 88 . . Cantar, in Malta 174^ .. Cantar, in Naples 106 to 196i .. Cantar, in Sicily 175 to 192^ .. Carro, in Naples, is equal to about 50 bushels Carro, in Naples, of wine • 264 gallons Catta, of tea, in China, is about 1^ lbs. Cayang, in Batavia 3581 . . Chetwert, in Russia, nearly 6 bushels Emine, in Genoa 3 34-100 English Quarter 8 English Imperial Bushel 1 4-100 Fanega, i n Spai n 1 .599 Hectolitre, in France 2.84 Killogramme, France and Netherlands 2.21 lbs. Last, in Amsterdam, of grain 85} bushels Last, in Bremen, of grain, over 80f Last, in Cadiz, of salt 75 4-5 Last, in Dantzic, of grain, nearly 93 Lnst, in Flushing, of grain 92^ Last, in Hamburg, of grain 89.6 Last, in Lubec, of grain 91 Last, in Portugal, of salt 70 Last, in Rotterdam, of grain 85.136 Last, i n Sweden 75 Last, in Utrecht, of grain, over 59 17 * a97) 198 GENERAL INFORMATION. Lispound, in Hamburg 16 Ihs. 5 oz. Lispound, in Holland 18 lbs. 4 oz. Mark, in Holland 9 oz. Maud, in Calcutta 75 to 84 lbs. Mina, in Genoa, of grain 3.43 bushels Moij, in Lisbon 24 Moy, i n Oporto ,30 Moijo, of Portugal, contains over 23 Oke, in Smyrna 283 lbs. Ornn, i n Trieste, of wine 14.94 gallons Orwo.ofoil 17 Pecul, in Batavia and Madras 133|^ lbs. Pecul, in China and Japan 133|- . . Pipe, in Spain, of wine 160 to 164 gallons Pood, in Russia, is equal to nearly 3(5 lbs. 2 oz. QuintnL in Portugal 89. 05 lbs. Q_uintal, in Smyrna 129.48 . . Quintal, in Spain 96 .. Quintal, in Turkey -. 167 lbs. 3 oz. iJo^^o/^ in Portugal 12 ..4.. Rottolo, in Genoa 24 . . Rottolo, i n Leghorn 3 . . Suck, in Leghorn 2 bushels Sulma.'m Sicily, from 7.85 to 9.77 Scheffcl, Germany, varies from H to nearly 3 Ship-pouvd, Hamburg and Denmark 331 lbs. Skip-pound, in Holland 368 lbs. 4 oz. Staro, in Trieste 2 3-8 bushels Tale, ill China 1^ oz. Tchctwert, in Odessa 6 6-100 bushels Tchctwert, in St. Petersburg 5 49-100 FOREIGN MEASURES OF LENGTH REDUCED TO ENGLISH DENOMINATIONS. Metre of France 3-281 feet. Toise of France 213155 yards. Oeographicnl League of France 4868-6 yards, or 276 miles. J\raiUical League of France 60858 yards, or 3-467 Spanish League 7421 yards, or 4-216 German Geographical Mile 8114 yards, or 4 61 Russian Werst 1162 yards. Swedish Mile 11-703 yards, or 4-67 miles. Danish .¥i/e 8-224 yards, or 4-67 Dutch Mile 6406 yards, or 3-638 Frencli Geographical sqtiare League 7-65 square miles. Genwtin Geographical square League 21-25 Jirskecn of Russia 28 inches. Palmo, in Naples, is a little over 10 inches. Vara of Rio Janeiro 1^ yards nearly. Vara of Spain 100 are equal to 920 yards. GENERAL INFORMATION, 199 GOLD AND SILVER COINS OF DIFFERENT NATIONS, WITH THEIR VALUE IN AMERICAN DOLLARS AND CENTS. GOLD COINS. Double Eagle, American $20 00 Eagle, do 10 00 Half Eagle, do 5 00 Half Eagle, do. 1798 and 1833 5 25 Quarter Eagle, do, 2 50 One Dollar coins, do. 1 OO Doubloon, Spanish $15 60 to 16 65 Half Doubloons, do 7 80 to 8 37 Quarter Doubloon do 3 90 to 4 12 Eighth Doubloon do 1 90 Doubloon, Columbian, Mexican, New-Granadian and / 1^ ^r, . -.r -r/r Ecuador \ 1^ 50 to 15 75 Half Doubloon, Central American 7 75 Quarter Doubloon, Peruvian 3 87 Half Joe, Portugal (by weight) 7 90 to 8 50 Moidore, do. do 4 70 to 6 40 Sovereign, English, 1844 4 84 Dragon Sovereign, do. 1834 .> 4 80 Guinea, do 5 00 Half Guinea, do 2 50 One-third Guinea, do .....".' 166 One Mohur, East Indies 6 75 Double Louis D'Or, France * 9 oo Louis D'Or, do .,,, 4 50 Forty Francs, do !..".*!.'..'. 766 Hundred Livre, Sardinia ". 19 15 Twenty Livre, Sardinia and Italy .'. 3 83 Ten Scudi, Rome " 10 00 Quadruple Ducat, Austria 8 80 Sovereign, do 6 50 Five Roubles, Russia 3 90 Double Frederick D'Or, Prussia 7 80 Double Christian D'Or, Denmark ." 7 80 Ten Thalers, Hanover 7 80 FiveThalers, do 390 Two and a half Thalers, do [[ 1 95 Ten Thalers, Saxony 7 80 Ten Guilders, Netherlands 4 00 Five Guilders, do .'.*. g 00 Ducat, do * ' 2 00 SILVER COINS. American, Spanish, Mexican, Peruvian, and Brazilian Dollars. . 1 00 Fou r Reals of La Plata 35 Head Pistareen ...•..',*,".'. 18 Cross Pistareen !!!.'..!,'!!!!!!! 16 English Crown , 1 15 Bank Token, 3 Shillings English .'.".'.*..".'.".'.*.'."."!.* 50 Rupee, East Indies ' 40 British Colonial Quarter Dollar .'.*' 33 English Shilling 03 Tenpeiu'o Irish '.'.!!!!.!!!!! 12 French Crown !!.!.!.. 1 07 200 GENERAL INFORMATION, French H alf Crown 50 Five Francs, French 93 One Franc, do. 17 Five Livre, Sardinia 93 One Livie, do 17 Florin, Westphalia 40 Florin, Tuscany 20 Florin, Hanover 58 Florin. Brunswick and Lunenburg 48 Double Thaler, Baden and Prussia 1 32 Imperial Thaler of Austria 97 Rouble, Russia 65 Crown Dollar of Bavaria 1 04 Double Guilder of Bavaria 72 German Crown 1 04 Crown Thaler. Hesse 1 04 Guilder of Nassau 36 Third of a Thaler 20 Cluarter Florin, Netherlands 8 Thirty-six Grotes, Bremen 30 Six Grotes, Hanse Towns 4 Specie Dollar, Norway 1 04 Specie Dollar, Sweden 1 04 Specie Rix Dollar, Denmark 1 04 STERLING MONEY REDUCED INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. The following table of sterling money reduced into dollars and cents, the pound §4 84, the legal value, will be found valuable. s s H .24 55 16 t i I 1 £ Q O £ Dollars. Cents. £ 40 = a 1 3 87 10 48 40 25 121 00 193 60 2 48 ]/7 4 11 11 53 24 26 125 84 41 198 44 3 73 18 4 36 12 58 08 27 130 68 42 203 28 4 97 19 4 60 ]3 62 92 28 135 52 43 208 12 5 1 21 £ S c. 14 67 76 29 140 36 44 212 96 6 1 45 15 72 60 30 145 20 45 217 80 7 1 G9 1 4 84 ]6 77 44 31 150 04 46 222 64 8 1 94 2 9 68 ]7 82 28 32 154 88 47 227 48 9 2 18 3 14 52 18 87 12 33 159 '2 48 233 32 10 2 42 4 19 36 19 91 96 34 164 56 49 237 16 11 2 66 5 24 20 20 96 80 35 169 40 50 242 00 12 2 90 6 29 04 21 101 64 36 174 24 13 3 15 7 33 88 22 106 48 37 179 08 14 3 39 8 38 72 23 111 32 38 183 92 15 3 63 9 43 56 24 116 16 39 188 76 The par value of a pound sterling in the United States' currency is 4 dollars 44 cents 4 mills, (a mill is one 10th of a cent,) but as sterling money, both metallic and bills of exchange, bears a premium, usually from 8 to 10 per cent., this premium, reckoning 9 per cent., is included in the above table. GENERAL INFORMATION. 201 TABLE OF DAYS. The following useful table will show the number of days, from any day in one month, to the same day in any other month. It will be found of value to business men. From r.-VN. to FEB. MAR. 1 APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. 304 DEC. Jan. 365 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 334 Feb. 334 365 28 59 89 120 150 181 212 242 273 303 Mar. 306 337 305 31 61 92 122 153 184 214 245 275 Apr. 275 306 334 365 30 61 91 122 153 183 214 244 May 245 214 276 304 335 365 31 61 92 123 153 184 214 Jun. 245 273 304 334 365 30 61 92 122 153 183 July 184 215 243 274 304 335 365 31 62 92 123 153 Aug 153 184 212 243 273 304 334 365 31 " 61 92 122 Sep. 122 153 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 30 61 91 Oct. 92 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 335 365 31 61 Nov 61 92 120 15i 181 212 242 273 304 334 365 30 Dec. 31 C2 90 121 151 182 212 243 274 304 335 365 Example.— Look for April at the left hand, and September at the top; in the angle is 153. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, &c. The following valuable table, from the JVational Intelligencer, we in- sert here in the hope that it may be found useful. The population of the United States, for 1850, the ratio of representation and number of representatives to each State which that amount of popu- lation will give, the fractions left to each State, &;c., are given as near as can be ascertained at present, from the certificates of the Marshal*. The entire representative population is about 21,710,000. The ratio of representation will be about 93,170. As the law of 22d May, 1850, determines the number of representatives at 233, and as but 220 "of these are provided for in the following table, without taking them from frac- tions, it will be necessary to select from the States thirteen having the largest fractions, to each of which are lo be assigned a representative, to make up the entire number. The States entitled to representatives for such fractions will most probably be New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Ala- bama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kentucky— 13. The States which gain, irrespective of the fraction, M'ill be Pennsyl- vania, 1; Illinois, 2; Mississippi, 1 ; Michigan, 1; Missouri, 1—6. 202 GENERAL INFORMATION. The States which gain, in all, are as follows, viz.: Arkansas, 1; In- diana, 1; Illinois, 2; Massachusetts, 1; Mississippi, 1; Michigan, 1; Missouri, 2; Pennsylvania, 1 — 10. The following States lose, viz.: Maine, 1 ; New Hampshire, 1; New York, I; North Carolina, 2; South Carolina, 2; Vermont, 1; Virgi- nia, 2. The free States gain six members and lose four. The slave States gain four and lose six. States. Free population. Slaves. Representative population. Number of Repre- sentatives and frac- tions. 582,026 318.003 994.724 314,322 147,549 370,913 3,098,818 489,868 2,341,204 1,981,940 990,258 305,596 397,576 850,000 192.000 200,000 492,661 940,000 480.000 280,000 555,000 45.000 440.000 300,000 250.000 100.000 150.000 590,000 800,000 782,000 90,277 6 3 10 3 1 3 33 5 25 21 10 3 4 9 2 2 5 13 6 5 8 1 6 5 3 1 1 6 10 9 1 220 22,970 38,475 62,964 34 794 New Hampshire Massachusetts . Vermont Rhode I>*land. .. 54,373 91,385 24,010 24,019 11,804 25,244 58,498 26,068 24,872 11,416 5,648 13 548 52 Pennsylvania . . Ohio Maryland Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas 90,355 400,000 280,000 350.000 3G5.000 22,000 330,000 320,000 200,000 50,000 45,000 91.547 250.000 211,000 2,332 546,874 1,216,000 648,000 490,000 774,000 58,200 638,000 492,000 370,000 130.000 177.000 044.928 950.000 903,600 91,676 80.994 4,712 88,944 24,120 28,592 78,994 26,120 90,4^ 36 824 Arkansas Missouri Tennessee Kentucky Qelaware 83,824 85,872 18,240 70,016 ENTIRE POPULATION. Free. Slaves. Free Slaves 13.574,797 Slave States 6,294,938 3,067.234 District and Territories 197,985 3,500 20,007,720 3,070,734 GENERAL INFORMATION. 203 POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS. Population of the principal cities and towns of the United States, according to the census of 1850 ; showing also, by way of comparison, the population of the same places in 1840, with their increase in ten years. Cities and Towns. Albany Alexandria . .. . Allentown Annapolis Auburn Augusta BALTIMORE. Bangor Batavia Bath Beaver Belfast Beverly Binghainpton. .. Bordentovvn . . . . BOSTON Bridgeport Bristol Brooklyn Buffalo -. . Burlington Camden Carlisle Chambersburg . . Charleston Charlestown. ... Chicago Chillicothe OINOINNATI . Cleveland Columbia Columbus Concord Covington Danbury Dauvers Dayton Detroit Dover , Elmira Erie Exeter Fall River Fayetteville Frankford Frederick States. N. Y... Va Pa Md. ... N. Y... Me Md Me N.Y... Me Pa Me Mass... N. Y... N.J.... Mass... Ct R. I.... N. Y... N.Y... N. J. . . . N.J.... Pa Pa S. C... Mass. . . Ill O O O Pa O N. H... Ky Conn. . , Mass... O , Mich... N. H..., N. Y... Pa N. H..., Mass.... N. C..., Pa Md 1840. 33,721 8,459 2,493 2,792 5,626 5,316 102,313 8,627 4,171 5,141 734 4,180 4,689 ],800 93,383 3,294 3,490 36,283 18,213 3,434 3,371 4,351 3,239 29,261 11,484 4,470 3,977 46,338 6,071 2,719 6,048 4,897 2,026 4,504 5,020 4,268 9,102 6,458 4,791 3,412 2,925 6,738 4,285 1850. 56,026 9,967 3,780 4,198 9,548 8,231 169,125 14,441 4,464 8,002 2,050 6,000 5,300 5,022 2,769 138,788 7,558 4,616 96,000 49,863 5,399 9,618 4,579 3,327 32,132 35,000 28,269 7,098 116,108 17,600 4,340 17,656 8,740 9,687 5,962 7,000 10,976 21,057 8,186 6,000 5,850 3,329 11,805 6,000 5,346 6,037 204 Cities and Towns. GENERAL INFORMATION. 1840. Fredericksburg : Va Galena Ill Germantown Pa Harrisburg |Pa Hartford Conn... . Haverhill iMass la N. Y.... N.J Wis Pa N. Y. . . . Mass — Ky Mass... . la Pa N.H.... Ga Mass.... O O Kv Wis Ala Ala Mass.. . . Indianapolis Ithaca Jersey City Kenosha Lancaster ; Lockport Lowell Louisville Lynn Madison Manayunk Manchester Macon Marblehead Marietta Mansfif!ld Maysville Milwaukie Mobile Montgomery Nantucket Nashua and I Nashville ... ) Nashville New A Ibany Newark New Bedford New Brunswick Newburg Newbury port New Haven New London NEW ORLEANS Newport NEW YORK CITY Norfolk Norristown Norwich Oswegatchie Oswego Patf rson PHILADELPHIA Pittsburg, (including Allegheny and Birmingham Ply mou th Portland Pottsville Poughkeepsie N. H... Tenn. . la N. J.... Mass.. . N. J... N. Y... Mass.. . Conn. . Conn. , La R.I.... N.Y... Va Pa Conn.. NY.. N.Y.. N. J.. Pa.... Pa... Mass. Me... Pa... N.Y. 3,974 1,843 5,930 9,468 4,33(5 2,1)92 5,650 3,072 8,417 9,125 20,796 21,210 9,369 3,798 3,235 3,927 5,575 875 2,755 1,700 12,672 2,179 9,012 6,154 6,929 4,226 17,290 12,087 6,500 4,833 7,112 12,960 5,519 102,000 8,333 312,710 10,920 2,937 4,200 5,719 4,665 7,596 258,000 32,758 5,281 15,218 4,337 10,006 3850. Increase. 4,500 526 6,000 4,157 6,204 8,173 2,243 17,851 8,383 6,000 1,664 8,034 5,342 6,780 1,130 16,000 12,928 3,466 12,382 3,965 12,312 3,187 32,964 12,168 42,000 20,790 17,000 7,63i; 8,037 4,23^ 6,139 13,933 10,698 5,952 2,025 8,000 2,425 3,133 3,258 3,557 4,255 1,500 20,026 18,326 16,000 3,328 6,000 3,821 10,000 988 9,042 2,898 16,000 9,071 9,785 5,559 38,885 21,595 16,464 4,377 7,893 1,393 7,623 2,790 9,534 2,422 18,000 5,040 9,006 3,487 145,000 43,000 9,348 1,015 517,000 204.290 14,000 4,080 6,030 3,093 7,896 2,177 12,199 7,534 11,329 3,733 411,000 153,000 96,276 63,518 8,000 2,719 20,849 5,631 7,496 3,159 11,080 1,074 GENERAL INFORMATION. 205 Cities and Towns. Providence Racine Readinit usury and interest. forfeit usury, interest, and costs. contracts void. contracts void. recovery in action with costs. forfeit double the usurv. tt contracts void. * By special contract as high as 10 per cent. t 12 .. I 12 •• § Banks allowed 6 f 8 per cent, allowed on tobacco contracts. IT By contract as high as 10 per cent. ** .. .. 10 .. tt Any rate agreed upon by the parties. SAILING OF STEAMSHIPS. PUNARD LINE —The British and North American Royal Mail Steam- ship? sail between \ew York and Liverpool direct, and also between Boston and Liverpool; the latter ships, only, stopping at Halifax, to land and receive mails and passengers. These vessels sail regtilarly every Wednesday, from America to Liver- pool : and from Liverpool to America, every Saturday. From New York and Boston, they leave on alternate Wednesdays. Price of passage, from New York or Boston, to Liverpool, \n first cabin, $120 ; second cabin, §70. Between Boston and Halifax, §20. COLLINS' LINE.— The New York and Liverpool United States' Mail Steaiiisliips, biilt expressly for government service, and in the most durable and elegant manner, sail regularly every Saturday, from New York to Liverpool; and on every If'ednesday, from Liverpool to New York. The price of passage by this superior line, from New York to Liver- pool, is §130; and from Liverpool to New York, X35. NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAIvTnAVIGATION COMPANY.-The ves- sels compn.sing this line will leave New York for Havre, during 1851, once every fiur weeks, on Saturday, according to the following dates: — ^pril 5th! May 3d, May 31st. June 23th, July 2Gth, August 23d, Septem- ber 20th, October 18th, J^ovember loth, and December 13th. GENERAL INFORMATION. 207 From Havre for New York, on Wednesdays, as follows: — J3pril^\\\, May 7th, June 4th, July 2(i, July 30th, August 27th, September 24th, Oc- tober 22(1, JVovember 19th, and December 17th. Price of passage from New York to Southampton, or Havre, $125; from Havre or Southampton to New York, 850 francs, OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY -United states' Mail Line of Steamships, sailing between New York and Bremerhaven,* stopping each way at Southampton, England. The ships of this company will sail from New York on Saturdays, Bremen on Fridays, and Southampton on Wednesdays, of each month. From New York, ^pril 19th, May 17th, June 14th, July 12th. August 9th, September tiih, October 4th, November Ist, JVoy. 2Dth, December 2ist. From Bremen, April 18th, May l(5rh, June 13th, July 11th, August 8th, September 5th, October 3d, October 31st, J^Tovember 28th. UNITED STATES' MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-The ships of this Company will leave New York on the 11th and 2lJth of each month, for Charleston, Savannah, Havana, New Orleans, and Chagres. They are the Falcon, Okie, and Georgia, EMPIRE CITY LINE.— The steamships of this line leave New Y(iRK for Chagres, direct, on the 13th of each month, connecting at Panama with the Pacific Line, running to San Francisco. They are the Crescent City and tiie Empire City. Passengers going direct should purchase through tickets, thereby avoid- ing unnecessary detention. The steamers running on the Pacific are the California, Oregon, Pa- nama, Carolina, Tennessee., JVorthcrner, and Union. These steamships form a semi-monthly line between Panama and San Francisco. Passage can be secured at tlie following rates: FROM new YORK TO CHAGRES. State-room berths $100 Standee berth, forward saloon 80 Steerage berth, found bed, and separate table 50 FROM PANAMA TO PLACES ON THE PACIFIC. From Panama to San Bias, or JVIazatlan San Diego San Francisco Cabin. $225 steerage $100 250 125 300 150 standee. Steerage. $20 $10 20 10 55 25 CO 25 From New York to state-room. Charleston I $25 I Savannah | 25 | Havana I 70 I New Orleans | 75 | PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL LINE OF STEAMSHIPS.-Tho steam- ships torming this line will be the Ci/y of Glasgow, the City of Pkiladel- phia, and the Pennsylvania. The former of these is tlie only one, at present, running; the others, now building, will be placed upon the line as early as practicable. *Bremerhaven is situated at the mouth of the Weser, and about 40 miles from Bremen, of which it is the seaport. 208 GENERAL INFORMATION. Tlie steam-propeller City of Glasgow sails between Philadelphia and Liverpool, leaving each city once a month. Price of passage from Philadelphia to Liverpool, in first cabin, §100 ; second cabin, $(jO. From Liverpool to Philadelphia, in first cabin, 22 guineas; second cabin, 13 guineas. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON LINE OF STEAMSHIPS.-The steamships Osprcy and ALbatro^ss run regularly between Philadelphia and Charleston ; one of them leaving each place every Saturday. Price of passage, in first cabin, §20; steerage, §10. From Charleston, passengers may proceed^ by steamship, direct to Havana. Fare through from Philadelphia, $(30. Passengers for New Orleans can take the land route at' Charleston, and proceed directly on. PACKET SHIPS SAILING FROM NEW YORK. NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PACKETS.-These vessels (without their superior in the world) leave each port on the 1st, Gth, llth, IGth, 2lst, and 2t3th, of each month. Price of cabin passage to Liverpool, from $80 to §100 ; steerage, §15. From Liverpool to New York, £-2o. NEW YORK AND LONDON PACKETS.-These sail from each port, on the 1st, Sth, IGth, and •24lh of each month. Price of passage from New York to London, from §80 to §100 ; steerage, §15. From London to New York, £-25. HAVRE PACKETS.-These ships leave each port on the 1st, 8th, 16th, and 24th of eachuionth. Price of passage from New York to Havre. §100. Packet Skips of the first class, also sail between New York, New Or- leans, Charleston, Mobile, and other ports. PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL LINE OF PACKET SHIPS. There are several lines of Packet Ships sailing between Philadelphia and Liverpool. From the former port they sail on the 1st, 12th, 15th, and 25th of each month ; and from the latter port, on the 1st, 12th, I8th, and 2(ith of each mouth. Price of cabin passage from Philadelphia, §80 ; steerage, §15. INDEX. Absecum to Philadelphia - - - - 102 Adrian to Toledo .... 73 Albany to Bin^li.impton - - - - 61 Albany to Boston 24 Albany to Butialo, via Erie Canal - • 59 Albany to Butl'alo, via Railroad - • 60 Albany to Cooperstovvn - . - .62 Albany to Montreal .... 56 Albany to New York • . . - 54 Albany to New Yurk .... 46 Albany to Sarat 151 and Whitehall - - 55 Alton to Springfield . - - - 133 Amherstbur^ to Toronto • . • - 58 Annapolis to Biltiniore ... 145 Annapolis to Washington ... 146 Atlanta to Augusta - . - . 85 Atlanta to Charleston . . . .154 Atlanta to Montgomery ... 85 Atlanta to Nashville . . . 154, 155 Atlanta to Savannah .... 159 Ashtabula to Steubenville - . - 113 Augusta to Atlanta . - • - 85 Augusta to Bangor ..... 14 Augusta to Char eston . . - - S4 Augusta to Columbia - . - - 157 Augusta to Dahlonega .... 161 Augusta to Greenville - . • - 161 Augusta to Milledgeville ... 160 Augusta to PoitlauJ • . - - 13 Augusta to Quebec .... 13 Augusta to Savannah .... 159 Austin to Boston, Tex. - . -175 Austin to Brownsville . . • .176 Austin to Galveston . . . . I74 Austin to IMitagorda - - . - 175 Austin to Presidio del Rio Grande - 176 Austin to Washington - . - -175 Bainbridge to Savannah - - - - 160 Baltimore to Anna|iolis - - - 145 Baltimore to Chanibersburg - - .146 Baltimore to Cumberland and Wheeling 143 Baltimore to Frederick - - - - 143 Baltimore to Harper's Ferry - . 143 Baltimore to Philadelphia - - - 82 Baltimore to Pittsbura; - • • 145 Baltimore to Washington . - .83 Baltimore to Winchester & Virginia Sp'gs 145 Baltimore to York and Harrisburg . .144 Bangor to Augusta .... 14 Bangor to Cas'tine 15 Bangor to Eastport .... 15 Bangor to Greenville - - - -14 Ban£;or to Hoult m .... 15 Bangor to Portland 14 Ban New York, via Norwich Boston to New York, via Springfield Boston to New York, via Stonington Boston to Plymouth .... Boston to Portland, via Eastern R. R Boston to Portland, viaBost. & Maine R- Bost m to Providence ... Bo>ton to Salem Boston to Wareham and Sandwich Bowing Green to Columbus - Bradford to Concord Bradford to Manchester . Br; Mi.waukie Janesv;lle lo Racine Jeffer-r.n to Elmira Jefferson City lo St. Louis Jedersonville to Indianapolis Jouesboro' lo Raleiih ... Jonesboro' to Wliite Sulphur Springs K. Keokuk lo Burlington ... Knoxville to Charleson Knoxville to Lexington - Knoxville lo Nashville . . - Knoxville to Richmond . • - Pase . ITU 170 . 169 170 . 170 161 - 134 74 • SO 73 . SO 52 137, 13S 12S 152 149 135 155 131 165 150 Li Fayette to Cincinnati • La Favetle to Indianajolis • La Fa'vette to New Albany La Fayette to Terre Haute • Lancaster to Reading Lansing ti Detroit Lansing tn Grind Haven - Lawrence to Salem Lawrence to Worcester • Lewiston to Erie ... Lewistown toMauch Chunk Lexington to Cincinnati Lexington to Cincinnati • Lexington to Frankfort Lexington to Knoxville - Lexington to Louisville Lexii.gton to Maysville - Lexington to Nashville Littleton to Conway Loganspoi t to Chicago - Louisvile to Cincinnati . - - Louisville to Frankfort and Lexington Louisville to Nashville - - • Lowell to Boston . . • Lowell to Groton Lowell to Lawrence Lowell to Nashua and Concord Lowell to Salem Little Rock to Fort Gibson • 3,iltle Rock to Fulton Lilt e Rock to Helena - Little Rock to Hot Springs Little Rock to Memphis Little Rock to Nap ileon - Little Rock to St. Louis Little Rock to Shreveport Lynchburg to Green-boro' - Lynchburg to Petersburg - - - Lynchburg to White Sulphur Springs M. Macon to Columbus . . - Macon to Fort Gaines . . - Macon to Jacksonville • • - Macon to Savannah ... lie 126 129 126 97 72 72 8 25 99 SS US 131 130 131 130 131 131 12 75 US 130 130 IS 18 25 IS S 140 139 139 139 140 139 138 140 150 151 151 162 162 161 158 JIacon to Tallahassee MaJison to Beioit • Madison to Cincinnati Madison to Frankfort . Midison to Indianapolis - Madison to Mineral Point Madison to Milwaukie Madison to Prairie du Chien Manchester to Bradford . Mai ielta to Cleveland - Marietta to Columbus Massillon to Columbus - Matagorda to Austin Mitagorda to Galveston Maiagorda to Washington Mauch Chunk to Easton Miuch Chunk to Lewistown Mauch Chui.k to Philadelphia Mauch Chunk to Towanda Miysvile to Columbus Miysville to Lexington • .Mavsville to Wheeling - Mazatlan to San Antonio Memphis to Charleston Memphis to Columbus • 31emphis to La Grange Memphis to Little Rock • Memphis to Nashville • Memphis to Savannah Mercer to Pittsburg Meredith to Conway Middletown to Saybrook Milam to Washington, Tex. Milford 10 New York - Milford to Patersin - Milledgeville to Augusta Milledgeville to Columbus Miiwaukie to Chicago - Milwaukie to Fond du L^c Milwaukie to Green Ray, via Fond d Mi.waukie to Green Bay, viaSbet>oygan Milwaukie to Janesviiie and Beloit M.lwaukie to Madison . Milwaukie to Neenah Mineral Point to Galena Mineral Point to Madison Mobile to Columbus ... Mobile to Jackson ... Mobile to Montgomery Mobile to New Orleans • Mobile to Pensacoia ... Mobile to Selma ... Mobile to Tallahassee - Mobile to Tuscaloosa Monroe to Chicago ... Montgomery to Atlanta - Montgomery to Columbus . Montgomery to Columbus Montgomery to Mobile Montgomery to Nashville Montgomery to Savannah Montgomery to Tuscaloosa Montgomery to Vicksburg . Montreal to Albany - Montreal to Boston Montreal to Burlington • Montreal to New York Montreal to Niajara Falls and Buffalo Montreal to Portland ... Montreal to Quebec . . - • u Lac Paee . 161 79 - 106 132 • 125 79 - 77 78 . 24 r.3 - 121 121 . 175 174 - 175 S8 - S8 98 - 9S 120 - 131 113 • 177 156 - 167 164 • 140 1C4 - 159 110 - 12 36 - 176 87 - 86 leo - 160 74 78 78 - 73 77 • 78 79 - 79 169 - 170 85,86 - S6 163 - 169 168 . 169 73 - 85 122 - 167 85.86 . 166 158 - 167 167 . 56 57 - 20 57 - 59 II . 57 INDEX. 213 Montreal to Toronto Moriistown to Easton . . . . Muscatine to Iowa City ... N. Napoleon to Little Rock ... Nashville to Charleston ... Nashville to Columbus ... Nashville to Frankfort . Nashville to Henderson - Nashville to Holly Springs ... Nashville to Huntsville ... Nashville to Knoxville . . . Nashville to Lexington ... Nashville to Louisville ... Nashville to Louisville and Cincinnati Nashville to McMinville ... Nashville to Memphis . . . . Nashville to Montgomery ... Nashville to Savannah . . . , Nashville to Tuscumbia ... Nashville to Winchester . . . , Nashua lo New York .... Natchez to Jackson - . . . , Nazareth lo Philadelphia ... Neenah to Milwaukie . . . . New Bedford to Boston ... New Bedford to Providence Newbern lo Raleigh .... Newb-jrg to Chester . . . . New Haven (see Routes from) New Haven to Hartford and Springfield - New Haven lo New London New Haven to New York . . . New Hiven to Northampton New London to Hartford . . . . New London to New Haven New L^ndnn to Providence . . . New London to Willimantic and Palmer New Orleans to Baton Rouge, Natchez ? and Vicbsburg - . . . ^ New Orleans to Charleston, Savannah, ) Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, > New York, and Boston - . . \ New Orleans to Cincinnati ... New Orleans to Florence - . . . New Orleans to Fort Gibson. New Orleans to Galveston - . . New Orleans to Gulf of Mexico . New Orleans to Mobile - . . . New Orleans to Nashville ■ New Orleans lo New York and Boston, > via Cleveland . - . . ^ New Orleans to New York and Boston, ) via St. Louis and Chicago - - S New 0. leans to Niagara Falls and Mon-> treat 5 New Orleans to Philadelphia and New ) York, via Pittsburg ... 5 New Orleans to Proctorsville New Orceins to St. Louis . . • - New Oi-leans 10 Saratoga and Montreal New Orleans to Shrevepnrt Ne.v York to Albany .... New York to Albany and Troy New York to Boston, via Fall River - New York to Boston, via N Twich - New York to Bos on. via Sprinfffield - New York lo Boston, via Stoningtoii New York to Buffalo via the Erie R. R. Page - 58 87 - 135 . 139 155 • 165 163 • 165 164 166 165 131 130 163 165 164 166 159 166 165 47 170 98 78 30 30 152 37 37 37 35 45 as 36 35 35 34 New York to California . . . , New York to Domestic and Foreign > Ports, (distances from) - . • 5 ' New York to Dover Plains ... New York to Dover and Milford New York to Dunkirk and Buffalo New York to Easton . . . . New York to Greenport ... New York to New Haven, &c. New York to Paterson and Suffern's New York lo Philadelphia and the South- New York to Pittsfield .... New York, (Distances from) . New York to W. Stockbridge, via Hudson New York to Worcester and Nashua Niagara Falls to Montreal ... Niagara Falls lo Rochester . . . Niagara Falls to Toronto ... Norfolk to Edenton ...... Norfolk to Weldon .... Norristown to Philadelphia - . . North Adams to Pittsfield - Northampton to New Haven ... Northumberland to Carbondale Northumberland to Harrisburg Page • ISl 52 87 48 87 47 45 86 81 43 42 47 46 59 65 58 151 151 100 45 38 95 95 Ogdensburg to Rome Ogdensburg to Rouse's Point Ogdensburg to Utica Olean to Rochester . Oquawka to Peoria Oregon to St. L'uis - Oskaloosa to Burlington Oswego to Syracuse . Owego to Ithaca - P. Palmer to Hartford .... Palmer to Willimantic and New London Palmyra to Burlington ... Palmyra to St. Louis .... Parkersburg to Winchester Paterson to Milford .... Peoria to Burlington . . . , Peoria to Galena ..... Peoria to Oquawka . Peoria to Quincy ..... 134 Peoria to Springfield .... 133 Peterboro' to Worcester - - - 26 Petersburg to Lynchburg .... 150 Philadelphia to Absecum - - . 101 Philadelphia to Baltimore • - . 82 Philadelphia to Belvidere and Port Jervis 100 Philadelphia to Bridgeton Philadelphia to Cape May . Philadelphia to Columbia and York Philadelphia to Doylevtown . Philadelphia to Hurisburg Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk Philadelphia lo Mount HoUv - Philadelphia to Nazareth '- Philadelphia to New York Philadelphia to Norristown - Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via Pa. R. R. Philadelphia to Pitt,burg, via Pa. Canal 64 21 63 65 133 177 136 64 52 36 35 138 138 147 86 136 133 133 - 102 - 101 - 93 • 101 ■ 93 98 - 101 98 81, 82 • 100 93 94 Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via Chambersb'g 95 Philadelphia to Pottsville - . - 96 Philadelphia to Salem .... J02 Philadelphia lo Suuburyand Williamsport 99 214 INDEX. Paare Philadelphia to Tuckerton - . - 101 Philadel( hia to West Chester - - 100 Philadelpha to Wilkesbarreand G't Bend 9S Pifsbur^ io Buifalo .... 67 Pit'sburj to Cleveland - - - - 110 Pittsburf to Cincinnati, via Wooster and ) , , , Cilumbus 5 ^" Pifsburj 'o Cincinnati, via the Ohio R.ver 1C3 PiitsbMrstoC lumbus - . - .112 Pi'tsburs 10 Erie 109 Pittsburg to Mercer 1 10 Pittsburg to Philade'phia, via Pa. R. R. 94 Pitrsbur; lo Phi'aJelphia, via Pa. Canal - 94 Pi'tsbur^ !o Philadephia, via Chaoibersb'g 95 Pittsburg to Steut«nville . - . - 109 Pitt-burgto VVbeelini . - . - 110 Pitlsbur? to Wbeeling and Cincinnati - 103 Piitsfield to New York .... 45 Pi!t=field to Isorth Adams . . .45 Plymrurh lo Boston .... 31 Port Huron to Del roit . - • -72 Por; Jervis lo East on - ... 95 Port Jervis lo Philadelphia . . .100 Portland lo Augu-ta .... 13 Portland lo Belfast and Bangor - . .14 Portland to Boston, via Ihe Eastern R. R. 8 Portlmi to Boston via the Boston and > q Maii.eR. R. . . . . ^ ^ Portland to Conway • - . . 11 Portland to D'lver II Portland to Girharo, N. H. - - . 10 Portland lo Mon real . - . .10 Ponland to South Paris . . . ]0 Portland 'o Waterford . . . - 12 Por'land to Waterville and Bangor • 12 Portsmou'h, N. H., to Bos on ... 8 Portsmouth, O., to Columbus - - 120 Portsmouth, N. H., to C ncord • - 10 Portsmouth, N. H., to P.,r:land - - 8 Poltsville to Philadelphia ... 96 Prairie du Chien ti Madison . . . 7s Prairie du Chien to Green Bay- - - 79 Providence to Boston . - - - 2* Providence t) New Bedford . - .30 Providence to New Lond n • - • 35 Providence to New Y'lik- . • - 33 Providence to Stonington . . . 2S Providence to Williniintic - . -29 Picvidence to Worcester ... 29 Q. Quebec lo Aujusia ... - • 13 Quebec to Moutreal . . - . 57 Quincy to Keokuk 134 Quiucy to Knoxville .... 134 Quincy to Peoria 134 R. Racine to Brloit 80 Racine ti Janesville- - . - . fO Raleigh to Charlotte . . - • 152 Raleijh to Jone-boro' .... 152 Raleiih lo Ne«bern .... H2 Ralciih 10 Richmond - - - .149 Raleijh to Silisbury - . • - 151 Reading to Harisburg • • • .97 Reading to Lancaster - - - - 97 Ridding ti Philadelphia - - - .96 Reading lo Polisville . - - - 96 1 R'chmond to Danville Richmond to Knoxville R chmoi.d to Lynchburg Richmond lo Rileigh - Paee - 143 150 . 148 149 RichuiouJ to S'aun on and Ihe Va. Springs 143 Richmond to Washington - . - 83 R chmond lo Weldoa .... 84 Rio Grande to Aus'in, Tex. . - - 176 Rochester to Albauv 60 R cheater lo ButFaro .... 60 Rochester to . . . .52 Rochester lo C'iming, via Bath - - 64 Rochester to Danvilie - ... 64 R Chester to Lockp^rt and Niagara Falls 65 R->c'^es'er to ..... 65 Rock Island lo Iowa City . - . 134 Rome lo Ogdensburg ... ti Rome to Watertown and Cape Vincent - 63 Ror dout to Carbondale - . - - 51 Rouse's Point to Burlii gton - . .20 Rouse's Point to Ojiiensburg - . . 21 Rouse's Point to Whitehall . . . 56 Routes from Augusta, Ga. - - - 16! Routes from Baltimore .... j40 Routes from Boston - ... 5 Routes from Boston to New York . .32 Routes from Buffalo .... 65 Routes fr m Burlington, lo. . - .135 Routrs from Charleston ... 153 Routes frrm Chicago . ... 73 R lutes from Cincinnati - . - - 115 Routes from Cleveland .... 122 Riutes from Columbus, 0. . . . 120 R utes from C ncord, N. H. ... 22 Routes fr m Detroit . . . . 7I R utes from Fraiikfrt, Ky. ... 131 R utes from Fi'chburg .... 26 Routes from G.lveston .... 174 Routes from Hirtford .... 36 Routes from Ind anapolis .... 124 Routes from Jowa City- - . . 134 Routes from Jackson, M-ss, ... 169 Riutes from Lexinstnn. Ky- - . - 131 Routes from Little Rock, Ark. - . 139 Routes from Louisville, Kv. - . . 130 R lUtes from Mobile - . - - 168 Routes from M nta;omery, Ala. . • 167 Routes from Monire-il . . . .57 Routes from Nashville .... 163 Routes from New Haven . . .37 Riut^ from New London ... 34 R utes from New York . • - • 38 Route; fom New leans • - - 171 R utes from Ph lade'phia • - .88 Rou'rs from Pittsburg .... 103 R utes from Port! -nd - - - . 10 Rout-s fom Providence ... 28 R utes from Raleidi, N. C. - - - 151 Routes fr m Richmond, Va. ... 148 Routes from R"che>ter - ... 64 Routes from Savannah .... 157 R utrs from St. Loois - - • - 136 Routes fr m Springfield, Mass. . - 27 Routrs fr m Sprinjfi- d, 111. . - .132 Routes from W shington ... 146 R lutes fom Wheeling - . - .112 Routes from W.lmiigtn, Del. . - 102 R lules from Worcester - ... 25 Routes in New Bru.swick & Nova Scotia 16 NDEX. 215 Page Routes to Oregon, California, N. Mexi- > ,»- CO, and Utah .... 5 '" Rutland to Troy, N. Y. . . - 62 s. Sacramento City to St. Louis . . .179 Sacramento City to Santa Fe - - 179 Sa'inavv to Detroit 72 St. AugU5tine to Sivannah ... 160 St. Augustine to Tallahassee ... 162 St, Augustine to Tatnpa Bay . - 160 St. Charles, Mo., to Dixon . . . 77 St, Johnsbury, Vt., to Burlington . • 22 St. Louis to Caledonia .... 138 St. Louis to Chicago .... 76 St. Louis to Cincinnati, via the Ohio River 105 St. Lou's to Cincinnati, via Indianapolis .119 St. L'luis to Council Bluff . - . 137 St. Louis to Falls of Sr. Anthony • - 105 St. Louis to Fort Leavenworth - - 137 St. Louis to Jacksonville, III. ... 134 St. Louis to Jefferson City ... 136 St. Louis to Little Rock . - - - 138 St. Louis to Louiiville .... 105 St. Louis to New Orleans- • - .108 S'. Louis to Oregon .... 177 St. Louis to Palmvra, Mo. - - .138 St. Louis 10 Salt Lake City, Utah, and ) ,-q Sicr-arnento City, Cal. - . . S ^'^ S'. Louis to Santa Fe . . . .179 St. Louis tT Shawneetown ... 139 St. Louis to Springfield, 111. ... 76 St. Louis to Terre Haute ... 126 St. Louis to Vincennes .... 129 St. Paul, Min. Ter., to Galena . - 77 St. Paul, Min. Ter., to St. Louis . 105, 106 Salem, Mass., to Lawrence ... 8 Salem, Mass., lo Liwell - - . . S Salem, N. J., to Philadelphia . . 102 Salisbury, N.C., to Rileigh - - .151 Salisbury, N. C, to Warm Springs . 151 San Antonio, Tex., to El Paso del Norte 177 San Anionio, Tex., to Mazatlan, Mex. . 176 Sandusky, 0., to Cleveland - - . 123 Sandusky to Columbus - • - . 120 Sandwich to Boston .... 32 Santa Fe to Fort Smith . - . .ISO Santa Fe lo St. Louis .... 179 Santa Fe to San Diego and Sacramento City 179 ~ 159 154 159 160 15S 159 158 15S 160 55 36 168 169 16S 37 62 139 132 140 119 Savannah to Augusta, Ga. Savannah to Charleston Savannah to Columbus, Ga, Savannah to Darien, Ga. Savannah to Macon, Ga. - Savannah to Memphis, Tenn. Savannah to Montgomery, Ala. Savannah to Nashville - Savannah to St. Aujustine Siratoga to Whitehall - Siybrook to Middletown, Conn. Selma to Greenville Selmd lo Mobile Selnia to Tuscaloosa Sharon to Hartford . . - Sharon Springs ... Shawnee own to St. Louis Shawneetown to Springfield - Slireveport to L'ttle Rook Sidney lo Cincinnati Soulhport, Wis., to Beloit South Paris, Me., to Portland - Springfield, 111., to Alion Springfield, 111., to Burlington, lo. - Springfield, III., to Chicago . Springfield, III., to Fort Madison Springfield, Mass., to Greenfield and ) Bellows' Falls .... J Springfield, Mass., to Hartford & New ) Haven Springfield, III., to Indianapolis Springfield, III., to Peoria Springfield, III., to Quincy . Sprinsfield, III., to Terre Haute Springfield, III., to Vandalia - Staunton to Natural Bridge, Va. Staunton to Wa-hington Steubenville to Pittsburg . Stoiiinglon to Providence Suffern's to New York Sunbury to Harrisburg . Syracuse to Oswego ... T. Tallahassee to Macon, Ga. Tallahassee to Mobile . Tallahassee to St. Augustine - Tampa Bay, Flo., to St. Augustine Terre Haute, la., to Evansville Terre Haute to Indianapolis - Terre Haute to La Fayette Terre Haute to Madison Terre Haute to Springfield, III. Terre Haute to Vandalia and St. Louis Tnledo, la., to Adrian Toledo to Detroit - Toledo to Indianapolis Toronto, Canada, to Hamilton and herstburg .... Toronto to Montreal Toronto to Niagara Falls Towanda, Pa., to Mauch Chunk Trov, N. Y., to Bennmston, Vt. Troy, N. Y., to Greenfield, Mass, Troy to New York - Trov to Rutland, Vt. . Tuckeiti.n, N. J., to Philadelphia Tuscaloosa, Ala., to C'llumbus Tuscaloosa to Huntsville - Tuscaloosa to Mobile . Tuscaloosa to Montgomery Tuscaloosa to Nashville, Tenn. Tuscaloosa to Selma Tuscaloosa to Vicksburg u. Utica to Albany ... Ulica lo Binghampton . Utica to Buffalo and intermediate Utica to Ithaca ... Utica to Ogdensburg ... Paae - lo 133 . 133 75 . 133 27 38 ) • 129 . 133 . 132 ■ 126 . 132 150 146, 147 . 109 28 . 86 95 . 64 V, Vevay to Indianapolis - Vicksburg to Montgomery Vicksburg to Tuscaloosa Vincennes to Indianapolis Vincennes to St. Louis - Virginia Springs to Baltimore . Virginia Springs to Richmond Virginia Springs to Washington Am places . 162 169 - 162 160 . 126 125 . 126 129 - 126 125 . 73 71 - 127 I 68 58 27 - 53 62 - 101 166 - 166 1C9 . 168 166 . IGS 168 127 167 168 129 129 145 148 147 216 INDEX. w. Warm Springs, N. C, to Columbia, S. C. 156 Warm Springs to S.lisbury, N. C. AVashinjton to Annapolis Washington, Tex., to Austin . Washinaton to Baltimore Washington, Tex., to Matagorda Washington, Tex., to Milam Washington to Richmond - Washington lo Staunton Washington ti Virg-nia Springs Wateiford, Me., lo Portland Waleronn, X. Y., to Rome - Waterville to Pnrtland - Weldon to N'^rfalk . - - Weldon to Richmond . . - Weldon to Wilmington - West Ches'er to Philadelphia West Lebanon to Concord West Lebanon to Montpelier and B lington .... West Slockbridje to Hudson and N, Wheeling to Baltimore - Whee'injr to Cleveland Wheeling to Columbus - Wheeling to Maysville Wheeling to Piitsburg Whetliug lo Wooster and Cleveland Whitehall to Albany White Hall to Bellows' Falls Whitehall to Rouse's Point Whiieh ill ta Saratoga Sjirings Whi'e River June, to Bellows' Falls White R.ver June, to Derby White Sulphur Springs to Guyandotte White Su phur Springs to Jonesboro' ■White Sulphur Springs to Lynchbun While Sulphur Springs to Richmond INDEX Avon Sprinfs, N. T. Bedford Springs, Pa. Brandvuine S|.riiigs, Del. Brown's Mills N.J. . Caldwell and Lake George, N. Y. Cripe Ann, Mas?. ... Cape May, N. J. - Carlisle Sprinss, Pa. Catskill Fal!s,"N. Y. Catskill Mountains, N. Y. - Chelsea Be^ch, Mass. Delaware Water Gap . Drennon Springs, Ky. Falls of St. Anthonv,Min. Ter. Gtuesee Fall?, NY. Glen's Falls, N. Y. Hot Springs, Ark. - Lebaiirin Snrinj?, N. Y. Lehigh Water-Gip, Pa. . Long Branch, N. J. Page S. C. 156 - 151 - 146 - 175 83 - 175 - 176 . S3 146, 147 . 147 12 - 63 12 . 151 . 84 - 84 - ICO . 19 .""■■} 19 York 4S . 143 . 123 . 112 . 113 . 110 . 113 . 55 . 56 . 56 55 - 22 22 a . 149 . 149 g . 150 - 148 Wilkesbarre, Pa., to Honesdale Williamsburg, Me., to Bangor Willianisporl, la., to Indianapolis ■ Williamsport, Pa., lo Corning Williamsport, Pa., to Elmira . Williamsport, Pa., to Hollidaysburg Williamsport, Pa,, to Philadelphia • Willimautic to Hartford Willimantic to New London - Williraantic to Palmer, Mass. Willimantic to Providence Wilmington, D., lo D 'ver & Georgetown Wilmington, N. C, to Weldon Winchester, Tenn., lo Nashville • Winchester, Va., to Parkersburg Winsted to Bridgeport ... Wooster to Steubenville . Wooster to Zanesville ... Worcester to Barre ... Worces'er to Fitchburg • Worcester to Gardner Worcester to Lowell and Lawrence Worcester to Pe erboro' . Worcester to Providence X. Page 99 14 127 99 Xenia to Cincinnati . Xenia to Cleveland Xenia to C 'lumbus . Xenia to Sandusky Xenia lo Springfield • Y, Z. York, Pa., to Baltimore • York, Pa., to Chambersbui^ York to Philadelphia Yorkville to Camden, S. C. . Zanesville, 0., to Cincinnati TO TOURIST'S GUIDE. . 190 192 . 193 192 . ISS 191 . 191 192 . ISS ISS . 191 ISO - 196 195 . 190 1S7 . 196 1S9 - 190 191 to) Mammoth Cave, Ky. Minimn h Cav-, JRoutes Mount Vernon, Va. • Nahant, Mass. Natural Bridge, Va. . Newport, R. I. N agara Falls . Phillip's Beach. Mass. - Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Saratoga Lake, N. Y. • Sara oga Spring?, N. Y. Sehooley's Mountain. N. J Sharon Springs. N. Y. Trenton Falls, N. Y. - Virginia Springs Virginia Springs, (Routes Warm Springs, N. C. White Mountains, N. H. White Mountains (Routes to) to) GENERAL INFORMATION. 199 Coins of dififerent nations, with their value in American money - Foreign mea-ure? of length reduced into > ,„„ English denoinina'i'iiis - - J Interest Table, and Usury Laws . . 205 Population of Cities and Towns . . 203 Population of the United States, &c. - - 201 Steamships, (sailins of) . - -206,207 Steamships, N. York& Philad'a Lines, 206, 207 Packet Ships, " " " " 20S Sterling Money reduced in'o Dolls, and Cts. 200 Weights and Measures of foreign coun- ? tries, reduced to English denominations 3 197 THE END. CATALOGUE OJP YALUABLE BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO., (SUCCESSOKS TO GEIGG, ELLIOT & CO.) 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