■ ■ ■ ■ ' $%. ^ 4 -/, x° A J^ v. ■tf ^ ^ %•■$ -o- < -V , * . <*>. .*•* W C3 vXV -,, '/■ f -p. ^ o5 ^ f^ ^ \°^. . ^ A' . I II - / - W k *> ■8,* '/% ** S v - r /.••«.>; / v '■ tf 1 B * ' C \ V * n ^- " ' ^ S ■ - : <$ :& . %% % ^ v \V tp < s> fck' -^ J a Ity £N - Field Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Tucker J Head Quarters, Peekskill, 3 June, 1777. Parole, Rariton. C. Sign, Somersett. U. Col? [Peter] Regnier -\ Brigade Major Lord [• Field Officers of the day. Adjutant Wait ) A detachment from Comm ( ? r [Isaac] Sherman's Brigade consisting * Eli Leavenworth, of New Haven. On 27 May, 1777, he was promoted from Captain to Major, but he had not learned this at the date of the order. ORDERLY BOOK. of i C 2 S 2 S 3 C 45 P to parade to-morrow morning at 6 o'clock at Genl McDougalls Q r . s . A Detachment of the like Number to parade at the same time & place from Comm4 ts [Van] Cortland t's & Livingston's Brigades. The Officers commanding them will apply- to Head Quarters this Evening for Orders. Major Cranston's Effects to be sold to-morrow at io o'clock a. m., at Barracks No. 2. Head Quarters, Peekskill, 4 June, 1777. Parole, Wilmington. C. Sign, Virginia. L 4 . Col? Stacy \ B. Major [Elihu] Marshall > Field Officers for to-morrow. Adj*. Learned J There being Occasion for a Number of Men to go in whale Boats to cruize up & down the River — The Genl orders that such as are acquainted with the Business do parade at ffl Q r . s to-morrow Morning. The Genl having observed that the Soldiers Quartered in Houses have abused them in a most scandalous Manner by pulling the Boards off, desires the officers will pay particular attention to it & let no man go unpunished. Head Quarters, [Peekskill,] 5 June, 1777. Major [Benjamin] Ledyard ^j B. Major [David] Smith > Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Frost J There being a large quantity of Flour & Wheat in Col? [Sam- uel] Drake's Mill, the Genl directs that there be a Corp 1 ? Guard mounted there till further orders and to receive their Orders from Col? Drake. The Court of Enquiry whereof Col? [Philip Van] Cortlandt was President is dissolved. The Effects of Major Cranston to be sold to-morrow at 10 o'clock near Barracks No. 2. 8 ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters, Peekskill, 6 June, 1777. Major [Ebenezer] Grey \ B. Major Lord >• Officers of the Day for to-morrow. Adjt. Pearl J The Gen 1 . Court Martial whereof Brigadier Gen 1 George Clinton was president is dissolved. A number of Blacksmiths being immediately wanted, such as are good workmen will parade to-morrow at H■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Holden J Head Quarters, Peeksktll, 8 June, 1777. Parole, Spencer. C. Sign, Parsons. Lt. Col? [Ebenezer] Sproul* -\ B. Major [David] Smith >■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant [Peter] Sacket J Henry B. Livingston arrested by order of Brigadier Gen 1 Mc- Dougall for traducing the conduct of Brigadier Gen 1 McDougall in ordering the Retreat of the Continental Troops on 23"? March last. For neglecting to bring down his Regiment in Time on that Day, altho' ordered in time, 'till the Enemy was near the Town & then it was unprovided with Ammunition. For ordering M r . Smith doing the Duty of Major of Brigade for his Brigade not to turn parties out of it unless the Orders were * Force gives Sprout. ORDERLY BOOK. directed to him (the Colonel) which is contrary to the usage of the army by which he has embarrassed the Service. For delaying the Returns of his Reg 1 . & Brigade by orders & whims of his own contrary to the known Rules of the Army & thereby delaying the Gen 1 . Returns of the Army in this Department. For abusive Language to Gen 1 . McDougall at his own Quarters on 23 Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Smith 3 * The proceedings of this Court are printed in Calendar of New York Histor- ical Manuscripts, II., 153. ORDERLY BOOK. n Head Quarters, Peekskill, io June, 1777. Parole, Heath. C. Sign, Independence. L* Col? [Frederick] Weissenfelts ~\ B. Major [Elihu] Marshall > Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant St. John 3 Head Quarters, Peekskill, ii June, 1777 Parole, Franklin. C. Sign, Conway. U Col? [Calvin] Smith ~\ B. Major [David] Smith > Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Obrian J Head Quarters, Peekskill, 12 June, 1777. Parole, Green. C. Sign, Providence. Major [Joseph?] Hart ~\ B. Major [Richard] Piatt v Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Glenny ) The Gen 1 is astonished to see everything that's bro't to Market held up at such an unreasonable Rate. He acquaints the Gentle- man Officers of the Army that the Gen 1 . Officers have come to an agreement not to give more than 2 /p? lb. for Butter, & 1 /p* Dozen for Eggs, & recommends it to them to come to the same Determi- nation. Gen 1 Parson's Brigade & Col? S. B. Webb's Regiment to hold themselves in readiness to march at the shortest Notice — except those of Col? Webb's Regiment who have not had the small-pox, of which there must be a Return made immediately. There is a number of men more wanted to go in the whale Boats — those of any Regiment (except what are ordered to march) who are acquainted with the Water to parade at Head Quarters to-morrow morning at nine o'clock. The Regiments are to be brigaded in the following manner, viz* -- i2 ORDERLY BOOK. Gen! Nixon's Brigade Gen! Glovers Col? [John] Greaton's Col? [Rufus] Putnam's [William] Shepherds* Alden's [Thomas] Nixon's Bigelows [Edward] Wigglesworth's Gen! McDougalls Gen! Huntington's Col? [Charles] Webb's Col. [Henry B.] Livingston's [John?] Paterson's [J onn ] Durkee's [Philip Van] Cortlandt's [Heman] Swift's Sam! B. Webb's [John] Chandler's Gen! Parsons ~L\ Col. [Samuel] Prentice's [Col. Samuel] Wyllys's [Philip Burr] Bradley's L l . Col? Dimons Major [Return J.] Meigs Detachment. Gen! Glover's & Huntington's Brigades to be commanded by the Senior Officers untill the arrival of the Generals. The Commanding Officers of each Brigade will order a Return to be made to Head Quarters to-morrow morning. The Commanding Officer of Gen! Glover's Brigade to appoint some Officer to do the Duty of Brigade Major till further Orders. Head Quarters, Peekskill, 13 June, 1777. Parole, Boston. C. Sign, Cambridge. Col? [Thomas] Nixon ~\ Brigade Major [• Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant J Tho the Tour of Duty is properly brigaged Gen! Nixon' s,f yet it has (in council held for that purpose) been thought best for particu- lar private Reasons that Brigadier Gen! Parsons should go on Com- mand for the present. Will™ Bialow Esq. is appointed a Deputy Paymaster-Gen! for this Department & is to be obeyed and respected as such. * Shepard is also given. f Some words probably omitted. ORDERLY BOOK. 13 Head Quarters, Peekskill, 14 June, 1777. Parole, Glover. C. Sign, Clinton. L 4 Col. [Isaac] Sherman ~\ B. Major [David] Smith [■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant [Peter] Sacket ) The Commanding Officers of Regiments & Corps are immedi- ately to make out a Return of the Cloathing & necessaries for their respective Corps & deliver it to the Gen 1 . . Head Quarters, Peekskill, 15 June, 1777. Parole, Huntington. C. Sign, Webb. The Gen 1 has thought proper to alter the Arrangement of the Brigades in the following manner. Gen 1 . McDougalls & Gen 1 Glo- ver's Brigades to do Duty till further orders. Gen 1 Nixon's Brigade Gen 1 McDougall's Brigade Col? [Thomas] Nixon's Reg 4 . Col? Durkee's Reg 4 . [Rufus] Putnam's [Philip Van] Cortlandt's Aldens Chandler's Gen 1 Glover's Brigade Gen 1 Huntington's Brigade Col? Wigglesworth's Reg*. Col. Charles Webb's [Wm.] Shepherd's Paterson's [Herman] Swift's [Henry B.] Livingston's. A Gen 1 Court partial to sit to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock in the Church to try such prisoners as shall be bro't before them. Col? Cortlandt, President L 4 Col. [Peter] Regnier Lt. Waterman Major Sumner g Lt. Obrian Major Parks Lt Holister Capt. Stoddart Lt Norton Capt. Smith Lt Drew Capt. Pope Lt Felt M r . Smith who has done the Duty of Brigade Major for Comm? Livingston's Brigade, to do it for Gen 1 Huntington's Brigade till further orders. i4 ORDERLY BOOK, Head Quarters, Peekskill, 16 June, 1777. Parole, Griffin. C. Sign, Mifflin. Major [Benjamin] Ledyard ~\ B. Major [David] Smith >■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Shipman ) Head Quarters, Peekskill, 27 June, 1777.* Parole, Huntington. C. Sign, Root. L\ Col. [Ebenezer] Sproul ~\ B. Major Fosdick >■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Buckmaster J 1 S. 1 C. 20 P additional for Fatigue to parade to-morrow morn- ing at 6 o'clock to receive Orders from Capt. Buchanan, who will attend for this Purpose on the Parade. If any Officer is going to Boston or knows of any Gentleman going there within a Day or two, they are desired to let Gen 1 . Putnam know of it immediately. As the Troops in this Department are to be mustered the first of next Month, Commanding Officers of Companies will immediately prepare their Muster Rolls to the last day of this Month agreeable to a form they have received. They will add three whole Columns (between the Columns of the Soldiers' Inlistment & the Remarks) to shew the Time for which they are inlisted, whether for the Warr, three years, or 8 months. Many Officers thro' mistake in the proof of the Effectives, have blended the Effectives & non Effectives to- gether — such will take Notice, that Dead, Deserted & Discharged are non Effectives. If no Commissioned Officer should be present, the non-Commis- * No orders are noted between the 16th and the 27th. General Putnam was ordered, June 12th, to send forward Generals Parsons, McDougall, and Glover, with all the Continental troops at Peekskill, except one thousand effective men; which number, in conjunction with the militia and convalescents at that post, was deemed equal to the number of the enemy on the east side of the Hudson. The above detachments were ordered to march in three divisions, each to follow one day's march behind the other, and each of the first two divisions to be attended by two pieces of artillery. Piatt may have marched with one of the Brigades, and so lost ten days. ORDERLY BOOK. 15 sioned of the Company will make out the Rolls (five in Number) as Exact as possible, and sign them, only it is expected that the Rolls be accurately made out, as none but such can be received. Such Officers as have not been furnished with a form of a Muster Roll, will immediately call upon the Deputy Muster Master at Col? Sam 1 . Drakes for the same. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 28 June, 1777. Parole, Nixon. C. Sign, Sudbury. Major [Warham] Parks \ B. Major Herwood >■ Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant Con vers J Lost the 25th Instant between the Widdow Warren's & Colo [Heman] Swift's Encampment, 32 yards Cotton Linnen 3^ do coarse Linnen & ^ y Officers of the day for to-morrow* Adjutant [Elihu] Marvin J All the Troops at this Post are to parade to-morrow morning at nine o'clock on the bald Hill neat & clean to attend the Execution of John Murray. Gen 1 . Nixon's Brigade to be mustered at Peekskill to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, i July, 1777. Parole, Westfield. C. Sign, Sterling. Lt. Col? [Josiah] Starr \ B. Major [Thomas] Fosdick >■ Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Marshall ) Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 2 July, 1777. Parole, White Plains. C. Sign, Hammon. U Col? [Giles] Russell -\ B. Major [David] Smith >- Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant [Nehemiah] Rice J 18 ORDERLY BOOK. The Gen 1 Court Martial whereof Col? Nixon was presd*. is dis- solved. The Prisoners who have received their Punishment are to be im- mediately releas'd & sent to their respective Corps. The Genl desires Officers will be more careful in future what Prisoners they send to the Provost Guard, as he finds many are con- fined there for trifling Crimes, properly cognizable by Regimental Courts. A Gen 1 . Court Martial to sit to-morrow at the Church at 9 o'clock, Col? Wyllys to preside. Majors [Joseph] Hait and [Benjamin] Ledyard, 6 Captains & 4 Subalterns. Col? [John] Lamb's Battalion of Artillery to be mustered to-mor- row afternoon at 4 o'clock. Gen 1 . Huntington's Brigade the morn- ing following at 9 o'clock. Weekly Returns in future to be delivered at Head Quarters on Friday Mornings at Orderly Time. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 3 July, 1777. Parole, Hannibal. C. Sign, Carthage. Major Porter ~\ Brigade Major [Richard] Piatt [■ Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Pearl ) Brigade Orders, 3 July, 1777. As the Main Body of the Enemy's Army may be expected up with the First Wind, the Rolls will be called five Times a Day, immedi- ately after Revellie Beating at 8 in the Morning, at Noon, at 3 in the Afternoon and at retreat Beating. None to leave the Camp without Leave or go without the Sound of the Drum on pain of being pun- ished for a Breach of Orders. Every moment of Time to be im- proved in manoeuvring the Troops. Such Troops who have lately joined & have not Ammunition, to be immediately furnished with as many Rounds as their Cartouch Boxes will hold. The Ammunition of the Brigades to be examined at 1 1 o'clock this forenoon, when it will be too hot to exercise. ORDERLY BOOK. 19 The Surgeons to provide Bandages & Dressings. If there is a Deficiency of Arms, the Arms will be put in the Hands of the best Men. The Brigade to be unincumbered with all Baggage, but such as is absolutely necessary. The Intrenching Tools to be got to the Camp & delivered into the Care of an Ensign of a Reg 4 , the fullest Officer'd. The Q{ Masters to examine into the State of their Axes & make a Return thereof to the Brigadier this evening, with names of those who have lost any. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 4 Jul\, 1777. Parole, Columbia. C. Sign, Franklin, Col? [Edward] Wigglesworth ~\ B. Major [Thomas] Fosdick >■ Officers of the Day for to-morrow. Adjutant Smith ) Major Porter with a Hundred Men of Col? Wigglesworth's Reg* properly Officered to march to Fort Constitution to-morrow after mustering. Gen 1 . Glover's Brigade to be mustered to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 5 July, 1777. Parole, Varnum. C. Sign, Lamb. Gen 1 . McDougall's Brigade to be mustered on Monday Morning at 8 o'clock. None except Commissioned Officers are permitted to take Orders at Head Quarters. <&*~ 20 ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 6 July, 1777. Parole, Jersey. C. Sign, Peeks Kill. Lt. Colo. [Ebenezer] Sprout ~\ B. Major [Richard] Piatt >■ Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant [Thomas] Convers J The Officers of Gen 1 . Parson's Brigade into whose Hands the Boats were delivered, must immediately return them to their respec- tive Station at the Landing. Benjamin Drake, Serg* in Cap* [Nathan] Strong's Company in Col? Livingston's Reg* tried at a late Gen 1 Court Martial whereof Col? Wyllys was President, for Desertion. The Court adjudge & order the Prisoners reduced to the Ranks & to receive Fifty Lashes on his bare back.* Adam McNeil t of Cap* [Samuel] Sacket's CompY in Col? Liv- ingston's Reg* tried at the above Court Martial for not joining the Regiment & inlisting twice. The Court considering the Circumstances of the Prisoner, sen- tence him to receive fifty Lashes upon the naked [back]. Elihu Brown of Cap* Goodale's Compy , Col? [Rufus] Putnam's Reg* tried at the same Court, for Desertion & forging a Pass in the Name of Major Newell. The Court adjudge the Prisoner guilty of forging a pass, which together with the Crime of Desertion, the Court sentence him to receive one Hundred Lashes upon his bare back. John Obrian private | in Col? Cortlandt's Reg* tried at the same Court, for stealing Liquor & getting drunk, sleeping on his Post, & absenting himself from his Guard. The Court is of opinion that there has been no sufficient Proof of the Prisoner's stealing liquor ; but for the other Charges against him, sentence him to receive fifty Lashes on his bare back. The Gen 1 approves the several Sentences and orders them to be put in Execution to-morrow Morning at the usual Time & Place, ex- * There was a Benoni Drake in Captain Strong's Company, who deserted in November, 1777. f In Volume of Rolls this is given McKeal. X In the Company of Captain Charles Graham. ORDERLY BOOK. 21 cept that, respecting Serg* Drake. He is pleased to forgive the Lashes, considering his long Confinement ; but orders him to join his Company as a private & be studious to avoid any future Misde- meanors, as he may rely on being treated with severe justice. A Board of Gen! Officers to sit to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock at the Widdow Warren's, to examine the Pretensions & settle the Rank of the Field Officers from the State of Connecticut. Considering the present Urgency, the Gen! directs that the Arti- ficers continue the necessary Business of the Army, even on Sundays unless particularly instructed to the Contrary. The Gen! is resolved to prevent the small Pox from spreading among the Troops or Militia who are arriving. For this Purpose all Officers & Soldiers who appear to be infected shall be immediately removed to the small pox Hospital, & nowhere else. He expects the Officers will exert themselves for the exact Observance of this Order & he assures them that every infected Person who presumes to go more than a Hundred Yards from the small Pox Hospital without a Certificate from the Surgeon, that he is sufficiently cleans'd, shall be treated [as] a Common Enemy, be the Consequences ever so fatal. Brigade Orders, 6 July, 1777. It will give the Brigadier great pleasure to find the men wash themselves early in the morning & late in the afternoon ; but such as shall be found in the Mill pond or Creek from 8 o'clock in the Morning till six in the Evening strip' d will be punished as violators of Orders. The Adjutants will be answerable, that this Order be read to every Compy in their respective Regiments. A Captain will be appointed every Day to inspect into the State of the Camp & report it to the Brigadier. He will call on him for particular Orders every Day at 8 o'clock in the Morning. No Offi- cer shall presume to give furloughs to any Officer or Soldier of the Brigade, without leave in writing from the Brigadier. 22 ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 7 July, 1777. Parole, Courtland. C. Sign, Bergen. Col? [William] Shepherd -\ B. Major [Thomas] Fosdick > Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant [Elihu] Marvin J The Colonels & Commanding Officers of Corps to make a Return to Head Quarters immediately of the Surgeons & Mates of their re- spective Corps, whether they are in Camp or absent, and if absent, on what Duty. The Regimental Surgeons, or in their absence the States are to make daily Returns to Doctor Burnet the Surgeon General of what Number of sick they have under their Care & their Disorder. Head Quarters, 8 July, 1777. Parole, Root. C. Sign, Branch. By Accounts from New York the Enemy are making preparation lor a movement, it is expected that they will come up this way. The Gen! therefore requests that the Commanding Officers of Regiments will see that their Arms are in good Order ; and that they are prop- erly Equiped otherways, so as to be able to turn out on the Shortest Notice. There is plenty of Ammunition if any is wanted ; immediate Ap- plication should be made : that there may be no excuse in case of an Alarm. The Guards in future are to come on the parade precisely at 6 o'clock in the morning, or the Brigade Major to suffer the Conse- quence in Case of any Neglect. Head Quarters, Middletown, i July, 1777. His Excellency Genl Washington has been pleased to appoint Thomas Fos- dick, Esq., Brigade Major (to the Brigade commanded by Brigadier-General Glover) and he is to be respected and obeyed as such. ORDERLY BOOK. 23 Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 7 July, 1777. Parole, Lookout. C. Sign, Sharp. Lt. Col? [Josiah] Starr ~\ B. Major [Richard] Piatt [• Officers for to-morrow. Adjutant [Thomas] Converse ) If any Reg* in Camp has a Barber to spare, the Commanding Officer is desired to send him to Head Quarters. Tried at a Gen! Court Martial of which Col? [Samuel] Wyllys was President. Wm. Ross of Cap 1 . [James] Eldridge's Corny late Col? [Jedidiah] Huntington's Regiment, for attempting to desert to the Enemy. The Court sentence the Prisoner to receive one Hundred Lashes upon the naked back. John Wilds of Cap 1 . [Martin] Kirtland's Company, late Col? [Wil- liam] Douglass's Reg* , for desertion the second time. The Court having no proof before it of the First Desertion ; but for the Crime against the Prisoner of Desertion the second time, sentence s4 Pris- oner to receive one Hundred Lashes on his bare back. John Thompson of Cap* [John] Mills Corny , Col? Charles Webb's Regiment, tryed for deserting from & inlisting into three Different Reg*. s and taking Continental Bounty. The Court considering the Circumstances of the Prisoner being an old and worthless person, sentence him to receive one hundred lashes and then to be drum'd out of Camp with a Halter about his Neck as a Rogue and Rascall. The Gen! approves the above sentences and orders them to be executed to-morrow Morning at Guard Mounting, at which time all the Drums & fifes in Camp will attend the Grand parade, and if he is ever seen in Camp to be treated as a Common Enemy to the United States. The Cattle and Sheep that were taken by Col? Courtland at Ber- gen to be sold at publick Vendue to-morrow at ten o'clock on the Grand Parade. If any Gentlemen chose to take them at the Ap- prisal they must appear. A Serg* s Guard to mount at Barracks No. 3. No men except such as have had the small pox to mount the above. The Serg* to take Directions from the Surgeon General or his Assistants. 24 . ORDERL Y BO OK. The Gen! C. Martial of which Col? [Samuel] Wyllys was president is dissolved. Major [Warham] Park[s], Capts Tuckerman & Pope to inspect the Provisions at Commissarys Store and report to the Gen 1 , imme- diately such as is not fit for use in Order that it may not be con- demned. After Orders. Jesse Root, Esq., is appointed Deputy A. Gen! for this Depart- ment and is to be obeyed and respected accordingly. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, io July, 1777. Parole, Leonard. C. Sign, Webb. U Col? [Giles] Russel -\ B. Major [Thomas] Fosdick S- Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Smith ) The Gen! orders the Disposition of the several Brigades to be as follows, viz 1 . : — Brigadier Gen! McDougall's Brigade to be on the Right near the old Orchard. B: Gen! Parsons on the Left between H Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Pearl. J The Gen 1 considering the Busy Season of the Year & how import- ant it is to the public as well as to themselves that the Militia be at home in their Business at this Time, & not being now wanted, altho' he cannot say how soon they may be — The three Reg*/ 5 of Militia viz 1 . Col? s [Cornelius] Humphrey's, [Henry] Luddington's, & [Derek] BrinkerhorT's, who first came in are dismissed with the Gen ls thanks for their Alertness in coming to the Defence of their Country when desired & for their good Services relying upon it that the Zeal & Ardor they have shewn in the great Cause we are engaged in, will prompt them to turn out without (sic) the utmost Alacrity on all future Occasions. Col? [Samuel] Wyllys's & [William] Douglass's Reg 1 . 5 are to meet to attend prayers at five o'clock to-morrow Morning. Divine Service will be perform'd here by the Reverend Doctor [Abiel] Leonard next Lord's Day. Fifty men to parade to-morrow morning at five o'clock without 26 ORDERLY BOOK. arms with the party ordered to Fort Montgomery to go on Fatigue with two Subalterns. The Muster Master acquaints such Officers as have not delivered in their Muster Rolls properly attested that he will be under the Necessity of making out his Regimental Abstracts without inserting them unless they are immediately sent in. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 12 July, 1777. Parole, Windsor. C. Sign, Park. M 1 . George Havens is appointed Conductor of Ordnance Stores at Fort Montgomery & the other Posts in the Highlands, in the Room of the Conductor* who is appointed an Officer in Col? [William] Malcom's Reg* . The Gen 1 , is sorry that no more attention is paid to the Preserva- tion of the Forage — orders that no Officer or Soldier in future will take any Forage or Feed by turning in Horses, belonging to private property, without first applying to the Q? M* or Forage Master to have the same assigned him & such Q? Master &c. after finding where it may be had is to report the same to the Gen 1 for his liberty, be- fore any such forage or feed may be taken or horses turned in. L l . Col? [David] Dimon ~\ B. Major [David] Humphreys > Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Selden .) Head Quarters, 13 July, 1777. Parole, Boston. C. Sign, Cambridge. Roger Alden, Esq? , is appointed to act as B. Major to Brig? Gen 1 Huntington's Brigade till further orders & is to be respected & obeyed accordingly. * Probably Daniel Neven (or Nivins), commissioned a Captain in Malcom's Regiment, 2 July, 1777. ORDERLY BOOK. 27 Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 14 July, 1777. Lt. Col? [Matthew] Mead -\ B. Major [Roger] Alden I Officers of the day for to-morrow. Adjutant Barker ) As Health & a respectable Appearance among Officers & Soldiers gives Strength & Dignity to an Army — and as their keeping them- selves clean & neat, using proper diet well dress'd & not lying on the cold ground, & in the damp night air needlessly will contribute much to the Preservation of their Health & the Dignity of their Ap- pearance. The Gen 1 , expects that the Troops keep themselves clean & neat, their Hair cut decently short & comb'd & avoid using un- wholesome Food or that is partially cook'd, when they have oppor- tunity to cook it thoroughly. Also that they take Care not to lye upon the cold ground or in the damp night air when the Situation of the Army doth not make it necessary. And if any of the Officers should be so inattentive to the Preservation of their Health & Rep- utation as to neglect to observing these Regulations — the Gen 1 re- quests the Officers to exert their Influence by Authority & by Ex- ample to compel & induce the Soldiers to a Compliance therewith & to inspire them with every Military Virtue. A Brigadier General of the Day will be appointed to whom Re- turns are to be made & by whom Complaints are to be heard & Ex- aminations taken, who is to direct in Regulating the Affairs of the Camp & to Command in the absence of the Gen 1 . The Commanding Officers of Companies at the daily Roll Calling to examine the Arms & Ammunition of the men in their, respective Companies, see that they are well equipt & that they do not waste their Ammunition, note & report the Deficiencies that in case of an attack from the Enemy, we may be ready to meet them. A Gen 1 Court Martial to sit to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the Widdow Warren's to try such prisoners as shall be bro't before them. Col? [William] Shepherd to preside. Majors [Ebenezer] Grey & [Thomas] Grosvenor, 1 C. 1 S. from Gen 1 McDougall's Brigade -s 2 1 from Gen 1 Parson's do I 2 from Gen 1 Huntington's do | Members 1 2 from Gen 1 Varnum's do J 28 ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 15 July, 1777. BrigT Gen 1 McDougall a Lt. Col? [Isaac] Sherman I Major [Thomas] Fosdick f 0fficers of ths ^Y- Adj 1 . Learned J As nothing renders an Army so formidable to the Enemy, so re- spectable & usefull to its friends & so internally secure in itself as being expert in War — at this Time when we expect daily to be in- gaged and the ordinary Camp Duty but small, the Gen 1 , expects the Troops that are of [f ] Duty will be employed in Military Exercises, & directs that every Company shall be exercised from Revellie Beat- ing to six o'clock in the Morning the Time of Relieving Guards, & from 8 o'clock to ten in the Forenoon & from 4 o'clock in the after- noon till seven & that each Reg* shall have two field Days in a Week for Regimental Exercises^ those of B. Gen 1 McDougall's on Monday's & Thursday's, those of B. Gen ls Parsons', Varnum's, Glover's, & Huntington's on Tuesday's & Friday's. The Season of the year being hot & unhealthy & the Time draws nigh, in which we may expect the Enemy will begin their Capital Operations when our whole strength may be wanted, the Gen 1 strictly prohibits all persons from taking or communicating the small pox by Inoculation or in any other voluntary Manner under the severest penalties. The Gen 1 orders that the Q? M r . provide & deliver to the Troops slings for their Canteens, Bayonet Belts. At a Gen 1 Court Martial held at Phillipsburgh on Sunday, July i3 t . h , 1777, by order of Philip Van Cortlandt. L l . Col? [Frederick] Weissenfels, President. Thomas Powall private in Capt. [Charles] Graham's C? Col? Cort- landt's Reg 1 , was tried for Deserting to the Enemy returning & de- serting again & persuading other Soldiers to desert with him, found guilty & sentenced to be shot to Death. The Gen 1 approves the Sentence, & orders it to be executed on Monday next the 2 1! 1 of this Instant between the Hours of ten & Eleven in the Morning. B. Gen 1 Parson's Brigade hath Liberty to discharge their Pieces at Retreat Beating this Evening under the Directions of their Officers.. The Bridge Guard to be augmented to 30 privates. ORDERL Y BOOK. 29 Lost on the Road from White Plains the day before yesterday, a large leather pocket Book, Sam 1 . Brown wrote on it, two 30 Doll 1 : Bills, three i/N York Bills, one 6 r to-morrow. Adj 1 . [John] Holden [Jr.] J The Gen 1 orders a Picquet Guard at the Church near King's Ferry to consist of 1 M. 2 C. 4 S. 8 S. 8 C. 2 DF. 120 P. to mount this Evening & to be relieved to-morrow Morning. That the Detail for Guards & Fatigue be taken from all the Brigades indifferently — that special Care be taken to receive & communicate Gen 1 . Orders to the Troops by the Officers, for the Plea of Ignorance is inadmissible to excuse. 30 ORDERL Y BO OK. The Picquet above ordered is to keep Patrols consisting of twelve men each, continually out patroling down the River & towards Cro- ton to make Discoveries, & to take any Scouts from the Enemy & to Kill all tory Villains found in arms against their Country or plunder- ing or carrying any Cattle or Goods to the Enemy & such patroles are strictly forbid to plunder or injure the Inhabitants being quietly in their Business on any Pretence whatever as they must answer it at their Peril. The Gen 1 , orders that the Troops have special Regard to the Pre- servation of their Health, now the season is approaching in which it is usually sickly in Camp owing partly to the Season ; but more to their own Imprudence. That the Troops avoid eating unripe Fruit, going into swimming, drinking too freely of cold water when they are hot & their blood inflam'd. At a Gen 1 . Court Martial holden by Order of the Genl i6* h July, 1777, Col? [William] Shepherd, President. David Hass of Cap* Ball's C? in Col? Shepherd's Reg 1 , was tried for Desertion & acquitted. William Gordon of Cap* [Samuel] Sacket's Compy in Col? [Henry B.] Livingston's Reg* was tried for Desertion & inlisting into another Reg* found guilty & sentenced to receive 100 Lashes upon his Naked back. John Whiting, alius Jo Wright in Capt. Blusdale's Company, Col? TEdward] Wigglesworth's Reg* was tried for inlisting twice, viz* in Col? Durkee's Reg 1 , after he had inlisted in Col? Wigglesworth's found guilty & sentenced to receive 100 Lashes on his naked back. Nathaniel Please of Capt. Ball's Compy in Col? [William] Shep- herd's Reg* was tried for Desertion, found guilty & sentenced to re- ceive 100 Lashes on his naked back. The Genl approves the sentence of the Court Martial respecting the several Prisoners afore said & orders the same to be executed to-morrow morning at Guard Mounting. A Party for fatigue to consist of 1 C. 3 S. 4 S. 4 C. 50 P. to parade to-morrow morning at Guard Mounting with three Day's provisions. Major Hait Field Officer of the Picquet to-night & Major Sill Field Officer for to-morrow. y ORDERLY BOOK. 31 Brigade Orders, 18 July, 1777. The Brigade will practise the Manual & Manoeuvres ordered by the King of Great Britain in 1764, for his Army till it shall be other- wise ordered by the Commander in Chief. Such Officers as have not practised in Exercise & Manoeuvres will be industrious in per- fecting themselves : as the Brigadier intends calling on every Com- missioned Officer of the Brigade to exercise & manoeuvre the re- spective Reg* 5 to which they belong. Those Officers who are prac- tised in those particulars will drill the awkward Serg* s to qualify them to drill the Rank & File. The Sergeants, Rank & File of every Reg- iment will provide themselves with a hard stick of the size & form of a Cartridge & keep them in their pouches to go thro' the firing motions. Edmund Palmer that Noted Tory a Robber Was taken Prisoner & Confined in y? Provost Guard for Robing the Inhabitence & Lev- ing war Against his Country : is to have his Tryal Next Tuesday at 9 o'clock in the Morning by A General Court Marshel all Parsons that Can give Evidence Against s Lt. Col? [Jeremiah] Olney I B. Major [Ebenezer] Flagg f 0fficers of the da ^ Adjutant [John] Holden [Jr.] J A Gen 1 . Court Martial to sit at the Widdow Warren's at 9 o'clock next Monday Morning. Col? Durkee to sit as President. 3 Cap? 5 & 3 Sub? from Gen 1 . McDougall's Brigade ; 3 Capt! & 3 Sub! from Gen 1 . Varnum's, for Court Martial. 4 o ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters Peekskill 27 July 1777 Brigadier Gen 1 . McDougle >, L*. Colo [Giles] Russel* Brigade Major Piatt ( officers of the Da ^ Adj*. [Elihu] Marvin J A Piquit Consisting of 1 Cap* 2 Subs 4 Sargiants 4 Cor 1 . & 50 Privates is ordered to Be kept at the Church below kings fery to take 3 Days Provision & to be Releavd once in 3 Days : from the Present uncartainty of the Enemys Distination they having Saild out of hook & undoubtedly Intend to Attack Some Place South or East of this & that a Conciderable Part of the Troops at Peekskill Will Be Calld to y e Place When Ever the attact Should be made the gen orders Persuant to y e Advice Rec<* from Gen Washington that y e Several Brigades at this Place be thoroughly Aqu[ip]t and hold them Selves in Redyness to March at y e Shortest Notice General Parsons & huntings [Huntington's] B D [Brigades] are ordered : Huntingtons to Peekskill : Parsons to his former ground on y e Left General Varnams Brigade is ordered to Incamp on the hill Back of the [ ] generals Nearer to general Huntingtons f genr 1 . huntington's to Incamp at Peeks Kill on General Varnams former Ground : 2 Battallians of General Parsons Brigade to Incamp on the hill East of y e Generals Head Quarters Whare Colo Webbs ( Wyttys) & Douglases was Incamed Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 28 July, 1777. Parole, Albany. C. Sign, Canaan. 1 S 1 C 1 2 P from Gen 1 . Huntington's Brigade to parade to-mor- row morning at 6 o'clock with proper tools to clear & mend the Road from Peeks Kill to King's ferry. 1 S 1 C 12 P from Gen 1 Parsons Brigade to relieve the Cattle Guard at Crumpond to-morrow morning. * Cumstock. Piatt. t " On the Hill in front of the Gen'ls near MandevM's."— Piatt. ORDER Z Y BO OK. 4 1 Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 29 July, 1777. Parole, Glover. Countersign, March. Gen 1 Huntington -\ Major rHezekiah] Holdridge I . , _ ■n u • rrs -jn tt u r Officers of the Day. B. Major [David] Humphreys J Adjt Selden J L* Col? [David] Dimon is ordered to march to fort Montgomery to relieve the Militia whose time is out. Regimental orders Camp at Peekskill July 29 1777 Capts & officers Commanding Companies to make out their Mus- ter Roles Each Capt to make 5 and to Apply to the L*. Colo for a form : a Courtmarshel to Set to-morrow at 10 oclock to try all such Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before it Cap* [John] Mills to be President all Parsons Concarnd to Attend y? Revalee to Beet for the future Emediately after the firing of the Morning gun at Which time Reg 1 , is to Perade for y e . Purpose of Exercising officers are Re- quired to Attend : y e . Sarj 1 . Magor is Peromtoryly Ordered to Con- fine all those Sarj? that are not Properly Attentive to their Duty and if he Omits Complying with this order he May Rest Asured that he will Be Sevearly Punished the SargV Must be Sencable that they are Answerable for y<: Least inattention the men Seem to Pay to their Duty When in their Power to Remady it & May Expect to be pun- ished According As the Sarg? are not Aproved of as yet By the Field' officers those that not thorough in performing their Duty will be Reduced to do Privates Duty & those Cor 1 . & Privates who the Com- manding officer Shall think Desarving Shall be Prased for he is De- termined to Reward them that behave Like good Soldiers and to punish them Who by their un Soldier Like behavour May Demand it : the L* Colo is Surpiised that After So many Repeeted orders to y? Contrary the men Should Presume to burn Fences or Destroy y e . Property of any of the Inhabitence the officers are Calld upon : & Injoind to Prevent any Such thing for the Future & to Indeavour to find out those Who have Ben guilty that they May be brought to tryal and Punished y? men in general are amaising Dilatory in turn- ing out when Required the Adjtn and Sargt Magor are to Require 42 ORDERLY BOOK. y? Sarj? to turn out their Men and have them on y e . Parade Immedi- ately when Required : those Sarj? Who Dont Bring on their Men Accordingly are to be Punished but if y? men Refuse to Comply with y? orders they Receive from their Non Com officers they are ordered to Be Confined & they May Rest Asured they Shall be Punished Sevearly : As Commissioned officers of Companies Attend Role Call morn- ing & Evening they will take Perticuler Care to Bring thoes men who Do not attend and have no Leave of Absence to a Condine Punishment Head Quarters, July 30™, 1777. Parole, President. Countersign, Hancock. General Varnam \ Major [David Fithian] Sill I B. Major [Ebenezer] Flagg f officers of the D ^ Adgertent [Henry] Ten Eyck J Persuant to y? orders Rec. Colo [Philip Burr] Bradley I Brd Magor [Roger] Alden f 0fficers of the D ^ Adj* [Elihu] Marvin J Colo Charles Webbs Regimen in general Parsons BD is to Be Mus- tered tomorrow morning at 8 \_five\ oclock and the Corny of Light Dragoon f at Eight [six] oclock Do that the Workmen of the Ar- * At this time a prisoner in the hands of the British, f A part of Sheldon's Regiment. 48 ORDERL Y BOOK. moury Be Subject to the orders of Colo Allen the Superintendant. the Commanding officers of the Respective Reg 4s are to give orders for Repairing the Defective arms in their Respective Regts With A Cartifycate how the arms Come Defective those that are Cartifyd to Want Repairing byunEvitable Exident the armours are to Repair without Chargeing to y? Reg* those that are Cartifyd to be So through the Deficiancy of Soldier are to Be Chargd to the Reg 4 . An Account of Cost and the Names of the Soldiers are to be monthly Trans- mited to the Comnding officer of the Reg 1 . Who is to Deliver the Same To the Pay Master of Reg 1 , and he is to Stop Such Cost out of the Defitiant (defaulting) Soldiers Wages the Signal to be given by y? Sub 1 . 111 and his Party (of thirty) gone towards Harvestraw & (on) their Discovering the Enemy fleet to be Coming up the North River is a Large fire & Smoke on v? hill Brigade orders August y? 6™ 1777 all the Men belonging to Colo Demons Reg 4 , who have been Re- leavd from Duty Sence the Reg*. Marchd or who have recovered from Sickness So as to be able to do Duty are to joine the Reg 4 at White Planes without the least Delay Lt Colo Reg 4 * to Releave the guard at fourt Independance with A Sarj 4 Cor 1 . & 12 men Colo [Samuel] Wyllyses Reg 4 , to Releave y e . guard at Robinsons Mills with the Like Number Each Party to Carry 3 Days Provision Colo Webbs Detales for guard S C D F P 1 1 1 1 8 for Piquit 2 Head Quarters August 7™ 1777 Parole, George. C. Sign, Clinton. General McDougle f ^ Colo [John] Chandler BD Magor Box Adj 4 . Leonard Colo Angels and Colo Samuel B Webbs Regiments are to Be Mus- tered tomorrow Morning at 5 oclock all y? Brigades are to Perade * Varnum — Piatt. f Regnier? Officers of the Day tomorrow. ORDERLY BOOK. 49 to morrow morning on y e . hill By the gallows to Attend the Execution of Amos Rose & Edmund Palmor * at a genr 1 . Court Marshel held at fonrt Muntgumery on y? 5* of august 1777 By order of Genr 1 . Putnam Lt Colo Meggs [Return Jonathan Meigs] Presedent Sam- uel Gray a Soldier in Capt Hautrimacks Company Colo Douglases Regt Was Arained for Trval for Desartion found Guilty and ordered to Be led to y? gallows with A Rope Round his Neck and their to Receive 100 Lashes on his Naked Back and Diumd out of garrison.f David Smith A Soldier in Cap* Goodens [Henry Godwin] Com? Colo Deboys [Dubois] Reg* Was tryed for Disartion and Sentanced to Receive 50 Lashes on his naked Back. Isaac Dolelson [Donald- son] A Soldier in Cap 1 . [Thomas] Lees Company Colo Deboys [Dubois] Regt Was tryd for Sleeping on his Post found Guilty and to Receive 50 Lashes on his naked Back y? General Approves of the Sentances of the Court Martial & orders y e . Prisoners to Receive their Punishment as Respectively ordered Excepting that Part only Respecting Samuel Grays being Drumd out of garison : that Instid of that he be Confined {to service) on bourd the Ship at A gen 1 Court Marshel held at Peekskill August 5* 1777 By order of General Putnam Colo Samuel B Webb Tryd Lt Samuel Cringeon {Simeon Cregier) % of Capt [Benjamin] Walkers § Com- pany y<: 4 New york Battallion Was arained and tryed on a Charge * It was in this case that Putnam wrote the curt letter to Clinton that is so often quoted as an example of his energy. Clinton had sent a flag to Verplanck's Point, demanding Edmund Palmer, then in the hands of the Americans, as a lieutenant in the British service. Putnam wrote in reply : Head Quarters, 7 August, 1777. Edmund Palmer, an officer in the enemy's service, was taken as a spy lurking within our lines; he has been tried as a spy, condemned as a spy, and shall be executed as a spy, and the flag is ordered to depart immediately. Israel Putnam. P. S. — He has been accordingly executed. A very fanciful account of this incident may be found in Bolton, History of Westchester County, I, 72. f It was Samuel Gray, of Captain John F. Hamtranck's Company, of Colonel Lewis Dubois' Regiment. \ His name is not on the New York Revolutionary rolls. § He was later Aid to Baron Steuben, and in 1782 to General Washington. 5o ORDERLY BOOK. brot Against him for Steeling from & Plunder the Inhabitents of Many Valuable Articles when he Was Sent out with a Party With Express orders to Protect them from being Plundered upon full hearing the Evidence & the Prisoner the Court find him gudge (and adjudge) him guilty of the Vialation of y? first Article 13 in Section 9* h i6 l . h Article Sec 4 . 13* and the 21 kx\ Sect 14 of y? Martial Law & there upon orders $& Ensign Gray ( Cregier) to be Cashiered and the name Place of Aboad Crime & Punishment of S officers of the Day. Head Quarters, Peeks Kill, 10 August, 1777, Brig? Gen 1 . Varnurn U Col? [Giles] Russel B. Major [Roger] Alden Adjutant [Thomas] Converse At a Gen 1 Court Martial held at Peeks Kill by Order of the Hon b . le Major General Putnam on the 9* August, 1777, Sam 1 B. Webb, President : 52 ORDERLY BOOK. Cornelius Bradley of Cap* Humphrey's Company in Lt. Col? Prentice's Reg* was tried for Desertion, carrying off his gun & in- listing again in Cap 1 . Meads Compy — found guilty and ordered to receive ioo Lashes on his naked back. Thomas Spencer of Cap* Mansfield's Compy in L* Col? Prentice's Reg 1 , was tried for Desertion, found guilty and ordered to receive 50 Lashes on his naked back. George Cook tried for sleeping on his post, found guilty & ordered to receive 50 Lashes on his naked back, but as he had been unwell for several Days & kept awake two or three Nights before, by his Distemper, was then unfit for Duty & was standing up when found asleep,— The Court recommend him to the Genl for a Pardon. The General approves the Proceedings & Judgment of the Court Martial against the several Prisoners aforesaid & gives Sentence against them respectively to receive their several Punishments or- dered by the Court Martial to-morrow morning at 6 o'clock. Brigade orders August y? 8™ 1777 Colo Wyllyses Regt to furnish y? generals guard tomorrow the Same fatigue tomorrow as usal Head Quarters August 9™ 1777 Parade, Ulster. C. Sign, Orange. Brigadier gen 1 . Huntington -n Magor Hart [Hait] 1 Brigd Magor [Richard] Piatt f officers of the Da ^ Adj 4 . Marshel J Colo Swifts & Colo Livingstones Regts to be Mustered tomorrow morning at 5 oclock the general is Surprised at the averices of the Contry Regimental orders Camp at Peekskill August y? n* h 1777 the Reg 1 , officers and men to Be upon the Perade Emediatly after y? firing of the Morning Gun A Very Perticuler attention to Be Paid to this order the arms to Be Bright and Clean ORDERLY BOOK. 53 Head Quarters August y? iiT h 1777 General Huntington -s L'. Colo [Matthew] Mead Brigad Magor Box f officers of the Da ^ Adjt Hart J Amos Rose and Samuel Oakerly (Akerly) are Respited from Ex- ecution till Munday after Next a hogshead of flower was found buryd in the Ground in the Reer of Colo Wyllyses Incampment Any Parson Claiming the Same Will Appear and Make Evident their Property in S4 Flour within four Days or it will be liable to Be used for the Pu brick two barrels of good tobacco to be Sold {at 7 o'clock) tomorrow Morning at Vendue on the grand Perade Which Was taken from y c . Enemy C S S C DF P Colo Webbs Detals for Guard 001 1 2 n For Piquit 0111 4 Colo Wyllys Reg 4 , to Furnish the generals Guard tomorrow Colo Webbs to Furnish y<: Guard at the Ccmmisarys Colo Wyllys Reg 1 , to furnish the Cattle guard this Evening Head Quarters August 12™ 1777 General Varnam -s Magor Johnson B^ Majr [David] Humphries f officers of the Da y Adjt [Elisha] Hopkins J Colo Hughs D. Q. M General of this Department presents his Most Respectfull Complements to the Genrl officers and Colos Commanding or commanders of Regts and others Who have had Clothing at the Q\ M General Store in Either or both of Preceading Campaigns and Begs Leave to Aquaint them the Accounts that Re- main Unsettled are in his hands the Regimental & Brigade Q M T . and Deputy Q M^ genrl of Divisions are forbid to take or Give any orders for forage without Permition from Cap 1 . Thomas Campbell Forage Master for this Department at the Continental Villiage Colo Durkeys and Cortlands Reg*, in Genr 1 . McDougles Brigade are to be 54 ORDERL Y BO OK. Mustered tomorrow Morning at 6 oclock and Colo Chandlers Reg 1 , with Cap 1 . Lees Com? of Artillery are to be Mustered Next Day after tomorrow morning at 6 oclock 2 Subs 4 Sarj? 4 Corl s & 50 men Saylors if to be got to Perade tomorrow Morning Opposit to y« generals in order to Man the Shark and Campden Galleys Detales for guard &c S C DF P for the Galleys 11 n for fatigue 2 Colo Prentice Regt to furnish the Generals guard tomorrow Colo Wyllys Reg^ to Releave the guard at the Comisary Store the Same fatigue tomorrow as today Head Quarters August y* 13™ 1777 Perole Gates & Countersn Troop. General Huntington ) Majy Sedgwick „ _ . _ •n-r^ Tvr r-r. • 1 ji ™ Y officers of the Day BD Magor [Richard] Piatt f 3 Adj 4 . [Henry] Ten Eyck as the Enemys fleet have Disappeared for Some time with Evident Design to Supprise Some Part of this Continent and there is the Greatest Reason to suspect that they will Supprise this Post and that Very Soon, the general is greatly Pleased at the Sperit Discovered in the Millitia in turning out so Chearfully in Defance of their Rights & Privaledges Against our Cruel Enemy in this busy time of the year and that they may be able to Render the Best Service to their Country : the gen 1 . Directs the Commanding offiers of Reg? to Mus- ter & Examin their Respective Reg? and Companies of Mellitia Respecting their Arms Accutrements and Aminition and See that they are Put in the best Condition and Report there Deficiencies Also that they Exercise there men from Six Oclock Untell ten in the Morning and four till seven In the After noon every day. Whereas the Gen 1 is Enform> Mag! Holdrey [Hezekiah Holbridge] BD Maj^ [David] Humphris f officers of the D ^ Adj* Royce [Nehemiah Rice] ) Colo Mosely Lost on y? 14* Instent A Large Spyglass Shagreen Case that might be taken Apart Any Parson finding the Same and will Return it to the owner or to head Qrs Shall Receive 3 Dollers Reward and no Questions Asked the Soldiers Who are Ingaged in y? Eight Month Service Either By Inlistment or otherwise Allso those of the 2 Battallion Raised by the State of Connecticut untill the first of January \_June~\ next as well as those of the Melitia have Liberty to List into the 3 year Sarvice or During the war Returning the Premiams they have alredy Reed from that State in Part towards y e . Premeum to be Paid by that State as {to the) Soldiers Inlisted in to the Continental Service as Above S4 : and those of the Eight Month men and of y? 2 Battal- ion [s] and those Inlisted as teemsters or Waggoners Must Return the Premeams Reed from the State of Connecticut, a general Cort- marshel is Apointed to Set next Munday at 9 oclock at the Widow Warrens Colo Durkey President L\ Col? Wyllys, Majors Huntington & Stanley, 1 C, 2 S from Mc- Dougalls, Parsons and Huntington's Brigades, members. Head Quarters August 17™ 1777 Parole, Tappan. C. Sign, Bay. General Ward Lt Colo [Samuel] Prentice BrD Major Box* \ 0fficers of the Da y Adjt [Elihu] Marven * Piatt. 58 ORDERLY BOOK. Head Quarters August i8T h 1777 Parole, Burlington. C. Sign, Slip. General Hunting [ton] -n Colo [Israel] Angel I BD Magor Box ' f officers of the Da ^* Adjt Rogers J the general orders that all the Drum & Fife Magrs Make Returns Emediately of the Drums & Fifes in the Respective Regts also how many are wanting that they May be Furnished and Repared & after that the Drumers and Fifers are to keep them in Repair at theii own expence. Head Quarters August 19™ 1777 Parole, Putnam. C. Sign, Webb. general Huntington n Colo [Israel] Angel BD Magor Box f 0fficers of the Da ^ Adjt Rogers J the general takes notice that the greatest Loads Drawn in Carts and Wagons are of hearty & well men Whereby the Teams are greatly Woryed he orders that no Soldier Ride in Carts or Wagons Except the Drivers and Sick Who are ordered to be Carryd on Pain of Being Whipt 20 Lashes on the naked Back Such officers as have not Carryd in their Muster Roles to y? Deputy Muster Master Genrl Will take Notice that unless he is furnished with Em by tomorrow morning 8 oclock they Can not be Included in the Abstracts that are Emediately to Be Sent to Hed-Qrts Peekskill August 20™ 1777 Regimental orders Capts & officers Commanding Corny 3 to Make a Return to y? Q r . M r . of the number of men & of Tents and how Desposed of in their Respective Companies y*r Q5 M T . will make a Regimental Return of the Same kind & Deliver it to the Colo. * Piatt gives as the officers of the day : General Varnum, Col? Wyllys, Brigade Major Alden, and Adjutant Convers. ORDERLY BOOK. 59 Prayers to be Attended at 6 oclock in y? morning & Emediatly after Retreet beeting at Evening officers as well as men will Punctually Attend the men are ordered to Cook nowhare But in the Rear of the Reg 1 , at y officers of the Day Adj*. [Henry] Ten Eyck J at A genl Cort Marshel held at Peekskill August 19* 1777 Colo Durkey President Lt Roger More and Ensign David Russel [Resco] of Cap*. Roger's company in Col . [Roger] Enos's regiment Was Arained and Tryed for Mutiny & Disobaying orders and Refuseing to March and Secure [succour] this Post when ordered upon y? 7 t . h of this Instant Both found guilty of y? Charge and ordered to be Cashiered the general Aproves of the Sentance & orders Lt Moure & Russel [Resco] to be Cashiered and to Deliver up their Commis- ions Emediately and Quit the Army the Regimental Pay Master and [or] Commanding officers of ComY s are Directed [desired'] to Send Emediately to the Deputy Muster Master for their Muster Roles as he Expects to Leave this Post within a Day or two the general orders that no officer or Soldier Presume to Ride any of the W T agon horses on any Pertence Whatever without A writen order from A general officer or y e . Deputy Quarter Master General of this Department one Cap*. 2 Subs from general Parsons Brgd to be Re- turnd on genr! Court marshel tomorrow morning at 9 oclock in the Room of those Who are gone on Comd one Cap* 2 Subs 2 Sarg* 2 Corl & 30 men to be taken from gen- eral Parsons BrD to go to Fishkill tomorrow morjiing to Releave 6o ORDERLY BOOK. Cap* Catlin and his Party Imployd in making Cartriges & the men Should Be Such as have ben used to Such Business Colo Webb one Subalton and Six Privates Head Quarters August y? 2\ % ? 1777 Parole, White Plains. C. Sign, Rye. Colo Swift -\ BrD Magor [Richard] Piatt [■ Officers of the Day Adj*. Royce [Rice] ) if a Parson or Parsons of the Like [following] Description Should Make their appearance y« General orders that they be taken up and Brought to Hed Q r . s namely A lad About 1 7 years old 5 feet 3 Inches high Slim built Pock marked has the Apearance of a Creeold Light brown hair & Eyes &c Colo Printice Regt to furnish the generals gard tomorrow Colo Wyllyses Regt to furnish the Comisarys Guard tomorrow Regimental Orders the officers Commanding Corny are to Ac- count to the Colo Emediatly of the arms Lost at the time When Cap 1 . Parsons was taken Head Quarters August y? 22 1777 Parole, Baltimore. C. Sign, Yates. Lt Colo Butler ~\ BD Mager [Roger] Alden >■ officers of the Day Adj 4 . [Elihu] Marvin J at a general Court Marshel Wharof Colo Durkey was President William Davis of Capt Barleys [Bardsley] Corny Colo Swifts Regt was Brought to Tryal for Steeling the 3? time the Prisoner Confesses him Self guilty & Beggs the Court to have Compasion on him the Cort Sentance him to Receave 100 Lashes on the naked Back and further order that he Be Sent on bourd one of the Continental Guard Ships in the north River {at Fort Montgomery) their to Be kept to hard labour During the war John Benson of Cap 1 . Bettses Company Colo C Webb Regt was Tryd for Disartion and Steeling Some good[s] the Prisoner pleeds ORDERLY BOOK. 61 guilty as to Disarting & as to the Rest \theft\ he Confesses he had 5 Black Silk Hankerchiefs and 6 Check Linen D? that he gave 14 Dollars for and that the Same was taken from by one Heart by Vir- tue of an Advertisement the Cort adjudges the prisoner Guilty of the whole Charge and Sentance him to Receive 100 Lashes on the Naked Back and then Sent on bourd one of the Guard Ships {Con- tinental Frigates'] and their kept to hard Labour During the Present war the genr 1 . Aproves of the Above Sentances and orders them to Be Put in Execution tomorrow morning at Guard Mounting General orders Head Q? August 23? 1777 Parole, Huntington. C. Sign, Belfast. Colo Chandler ~\ BD Maj 4 . Box [• officers of the Day Adj 1 . Convearce ) the general is very Sorry to See A Set of men in Camp Determined to Destroy the Morals & Lives of the Troops as well as the order and Disipline of y? army by Selling Spiritous Liquers he positively forbids any Parson Selling any kind of Spiritous Liquors Exept the State Comisarys to any Soldier without leave in writing from his Commanding officer and in Case any (Inn Keeper) Setler or Re- tailer Presume to transgress this order all his Liquers are Emedi- ately to Be Seazed for the use of the hospatol the general thinks it Strange that there is Need of his Mentioning in order that it is y? Q* Masters Duty to Receave take Care of and Deliver out ami- nition to the Troops as their is Ocation John Chilson of Col? Webb's Reg 1 , has lost a light brown Mare, 5 year old, 14 Hands high, trots & paces, main the off-side, short tail, tapering &c, & offers a Reward of 3 Dollars & Necessary Charges paid by him on Lieu 1 . Trowbridge of s officers of the Day Adjertent Ten Eyck J the General Court marshel Wharof Colo Durkey was President is Desolved a General Court marshel to Set at Fort mountgumery on Munday next at 8 oclock in the morning Colo Deboice President the Prisonrs under the Sentance of Death now under the prevost guard have a further Restbit from their Execution untill the 2? Mun- day of September next. Head Q? Peekskill August 25 1777 Parole, Willet. C. Sign, Stark. Magor Heart [Hait] ") BD Maj? Piatt [• Officers of the Day Adj 4 . Rogers ) Pursuent to orders Rec officers of the Day Adjt Marvin 3 Lately strayed from Gen! McDougall's Encampment a large dark sorrel Mare, well built, no brand, or Mark, trots well, has two Quirls in her forehead, is four years old — Whoever shall take up & return s■ officers of the Day Ad J 1 . Converce J a genl Court marshel is apointed to Set tomorow morn at 9 oclock at the Widow Warrens Colo Angel President 2 Capts and 2 Subalterns from Genl McDougalls Brigade. 1 " 2 ' " " Varnum's " 1 " 2 " " Parson's " 1 " 1 " " Huntington's " Gen 1 . Varnams Brigade Excused from Duty tomorow for Brigade Exercise & Scurmishes by firing Field peacs and Plattoons and Each of the other Regiments will have the Same Indulgence in their Turns Head Quarters Aug? 30™ 1777 Parole, Green. C. Sign, Yates. U. Colo Levingston ~\ BD Mag? Alden >■ officers of the Day Adj*. Johnson J Colo C Webbs Reg 1 , to furnish v? Gen 1 . Guard tomorrow Head Quarters AugT 3i s J 1777 Parole, Norwalk. C. Sign, Stratford. Magor Th[a]yer ~\ BD Majr Box >■ officers of the Day Adj*. Marshel * ) * Rogers, Piatt. ORDERLY BOOK. 65 Major Ward is apointed a member of the --Court marshel that is to Set tomorrow in the Room of one of the Captains in General Varnams \_McDougaWs~\ Brigade Taken up a stray & bro't to Head Quarters : a brown or bay Horse, about 14 Hands high, four years old, a large Starr in his Forehead, white on his Nose, both hind Feet white, some white on his Forefeet above his hoofs, trots & canters. Any Person that can evince his Title to him, may [have] him. Head Quarters September y? i 1777 Parole, Maryland. C. Sign, Baltimore. [ajor Huntington ~\ BD Maj* Humphris >■ officers of the Day Acfy. Royce 3 the Quarter masters of the Several Reg*: 3 are ordered to Carry in their Bill for Back Rations to the Comisary to the first of Septem- ber Inclusively that they may be alowed & Settled According to their former Establishment Head Quarters Septr 2 1777 C. Sign, France. officers of the Day Parole, Fra7iklin. Lt Colo Printice BD Magor Pktt Adjt Marvin \ ) the time for Mustering y? Troops in this Department is again arived the Commanding officers of Comys of artillery Light Drag- goons foot & Artificers will Emediately Prepare their Muster Roles to the first of Sep^agreeable to the Usal form & as the honourable Continental Congress Will Dispence with only three Roles for the future it is Expected that all 3 will Be acutely Drawn and Produced upon the Perade at Yhe time of Mustering Compleetly finished no Excuse Will be taken for any Defetiances in the Roles Such offi- cers as have not Reed iheir Muster Roles of the Last muster are 66 ORDERLY BOOK. Directed to Send to the muster master at Colo Sam 1 . B Webbs * for the Same i Cap* 2 Subs 3 Sarj^ 3 Cor 1 & 50 Privates to Perade to Morrow with Tools Proper for mending the highway between kings fery and Peekskill the Duputy Q* Master will See them Properly furnished with Tools Colo Webbs Reg* to furnish the gen 1 guard tomorw Head QrT s Sept 3? 1777 C. Sign, Chester. Officers of the Day. Parole, Philadelphia. L\ Col? Cumstock B Major [Roger] Alden Adjt [Henry] Ten Eyck J the Price of Cyder this year made in Camp Shall be 64 York morey or 44 Lawfull P* Quart and no more and Every Parson who Saall give or Receive more for Cyder than the Price aforesaid ShaK for the first offense forfit the Same given or Re? d for S4 Cyder ard for y« Second offence Shall Be punished at the Descretion of a Court Martial General McDougle Brigade is Excused from Duty tomorrow for Brigade Exercise Scurmishing and Firing Field Peaces and Plattoons those Soldiers that have Inlisted from the Melitia are Emediately to Join the army the Season Being advanced and the Days Shortned the time for Releaving guards in fut[ure] is to Be at 8 oclock in the Morning and the Gen 1 , orders that the Troops Exercise from Revalle Beeting till 8 oclock and from 10 till 12 oclock & from 2 to 3 [5] oclock in y e afternoon at a general Court marshel held at fourt muntgurrery by order of general Putnam on the 29 of August 1777 Colo Diboice President Capt Lee Garner [Capt. Lt. Gano] of Colo Lambs Reg* of Artillery was try[d] upon a Charge of Insulting [assaulting] Lt Colo Clory [McCloughry] by Confineing his Waiter and /or taking \_making use of] his own Property the Court upon Mild [maturely] Concide- ration of the Eviden[] Against Capt Lee gamer Do Judg him not guilty of the Charge Cap* Thomas Betts ai asistant Deputy Q* * Piatt says Col? Saml Drake. ORDERL Y BOOK, 67 Master Genr! was tryd on a Charge of greatly [grossly] Abtiseing Cap* Gooding [Godwin] by [of] Neglecting his Duty and Expose- ing his Property and the Property of the united States to the In- clemency of the wet [her] and for Publickly Expressing him Self in a maner unbecoming a man in his Place in the Continental Service and a friend to Liberty the Court upon Marsh [maturely] Consid- ering the Evidence Judg Capt Betts to be greatly guilty of grossly Abuseing Capt Gooding of Neglecting his Duty and Expressing him Self unbecoming an officer in the Continental Service and a friend to the Cause of Liberty and that he Be therefore Discharged from y? army the general Aprov[s] the Preceading Judgments of the Court marshel afores^ and orders Capt Thomas Betts Deputy Q* Master Genr 1 . to Quit the Continental army and that Capt Garner Be Discharged from his Arest Strayed from the Pasture of Cap* Wm. Drake a yoke of Oxen, one a brindle bug Horned ox with a white tail — the other a black ox with a large white Spot under his Throat about Midling size — the Brindle ox the largest. Any Person who will return s■ officers of the Day Adjt Holding ) Persuant to a Requestation of Governor Trumble the Command officers of the Respective Battallions Raised in the State of Connec- ticut to Serve in the Continental army Are ordered Emediately to Cause Compleet Returns to be made of their noncomisioned officers & Soldiers Inlisted or Detached to Serve in the 9 and half Battaln ordered to be Raised in that State Containing their Ranks & Names ORDERLY BOOK. 69 & Names of the town in which they belong the time their Inlistment or Being Detached and the term of time for Which they are in- gaged With a Perticuler account of those who have Disarted and [or~] have not joined : also those who are hired for 3 years or Dur- ing the War According to the Recomendation of Congress and by Whom they were hired to be Sent to Governer Trumble that the Cause of the Defetiancy of those Battallions may Be found out and Steps taken to fill them Up the gen 1 , is Suprised to find the orders of y? 16 of August Last Respecting the Melitia and 8 months men Inlisting into the Conti- nental army for 3 years or During the war are Misstaken & Missaplyd the genr 1 had No Idea or intention that any in the Con- tinental Service Should or Could Be excused or Released on Such Inlibtments Nor that the Regulations of Congress Respecting two men hiring one to Be Ingaged in the Continental Service for 3 years or During the war Could be Extended to those who are allredy In- gagd in Service of {for) the war (or) for any shorter time to Excuse them till the Expiration of their service and all officers are hearby notifyd to take Care at their Peril Not to Prevart those Regulations of Congress and Perticuler States whare (and) the generals orders given out. all Calculated for the Biseness (benefit) and advancement of the army to the Detriment of the Army and the Diminution of its uum- bers by Excuseing Any who are Actually engaged or Inlisting others and all those soldiers Who have ben Excused and others Inlisting are ordered Emediately to Join their Respective Reg 1 , and Both they and those and they that have newly Inlisted to Be holden till the Genr 1 . See fit to order otherwise. at a general Court marshel held at Peekskill By order of General Putnam Sept y*r 4* 1777 James Duggins [Duggan] of Colo Charles Webbs Regt was tryed for fireing his gun at a party of fatigue men as they was Coming from Work and uncaping another Cartradg to fire again are found Guilty of the Charge But are of Appinan that the Prisoner Ment to fire at one Barns Who had thretned to kill his wife the Court therfore Sentance the Prisoner to set upon the gallos half an hour with A halter Round his neck and then to receave 50 Lashes on his naked Back at the gallos the gener 1 aproves the Sen- tance and orders it to be Put in Execution tomorrow at 9 oclock at which time and Place General Parsons BD is ordered to attend 70 ORDERLY BOOK. at a genrl Court marshel held at Peekskill Sep*. 2 1777 Colo Angel President Serg* John Dunbar Serg* W™ Pack Park Sarj*. Aaron Buck Sarjt John Peterson Paterson Sarj*. Newel Sabin [Noel Tabor] Sarg 1 . Josiah [Joseph] Brown & Francis Baptist W™ Hardin Asa Luis [Lewis] Corpl. John Goold Gideon Cary W™ Lane W* 1 Davis Drumer[s] all of Colo Greens Reg 1 , was tryd for Raising a mutiny and on Tryal the Court is of apinan that the Prisoners are not guilty of the Crime of Raiseing a muteny But that they are guilty of be- having in a Disorderly maner the Court therefore orders that the six Sargts be Suspended During the Pleasure of the Colo[s] or Com- manding officer[s] of the Regt* to which they belong they further order that the others of the above Prisoners be Repremanded at the Head of their Regiments by the Col , or the Commanding officer of the Reg* all Exept Cor 1 . John Brown* and he is Aquited Henery Foresides| of Cap 1 . Flaggs Company Colo Greens Regt Tryd for Disarting his Reg* and Inlesting again into Colo Webbs Regt the Court on Consideration of the Prisoners Crime and his Bad Con- duct {character) Sentance him to Receave 100 Lashes on the naked Back and then to Be Sent on bourd the Continental guard Ship of war there to Be kept to hard Sarvice During the war John Flitcher (Fly) of Cap 1 . Barnards Corny Colo Wyllys Regt was Tryed for Di- sartion & found Guilty and Sentanced to Receave 100 Lashes on his Naked back the gen 1 Aprooves of the Proceadings and and Judg- ment of the Court marshel above s officers of the Day. Adj*. Rogers J Hed Q* SepT 9™ 1777 Parole, McDougall. C. Sign, Greene. Colo Swift \ B D Maj' Box V officers of the Day. Adj 1 . Rogers J The troops in the Several Brigades in this Department are ordered to Perade on the hill whare the gallous Stands at 9 o'clock to attend the Execution of Amos Rose and Samuel [Lemuel] Ackerley the Troops in the Several Brigades are to Be Mustered Sucsessively in there order viz general McDougles BD to morrow at 2 oclock after- noon General Parsons on Wednesday at 2 o'clock afternoon Gen 1 Huntingtons on Fryday 2 oclock afternoon to Be Sold at Publick Vendue on Friday next on the grand Perade 2 1 Cows and one Calf and Six horses taken from y? Enemy by Colo Denmon [Dimond] the Vendue to begin at 10 oclock in morning ORDERLY BOOK. 73 Division Orders. As Gen 1 . Huntington's Brigade is near Commissary Else, it will furnish him with four men every Day, if they should be wanted to assist him in the store and to cover the offal — and they will be al- lowed for those men in Detail of the Division. Gen 1 Huntington will cause the Gen 1 Orders respecting the sutlers to be executed in the Neighborhood of his Camp — the Landing at Peekskill will require attention. Head Q* s SepT y^ ioT h 1777 Parole, Bradley. C. Sign, Chandler. Colo Bradley ~\ BD Majr Plat [• officer of the Day Adj 4 . Marven J the Commanding officers of the Regts are to Cause Emediatly A Return to be made to the gen 1 of all those who have Disarted from the British Troops or Navy Since the Battle at Lexington and had never Ben in the Service of the united States Before they Disarted from the British army or navy who have Inlisted with Cap 1 , fallon from their Raspective Reg 1 . 5 in order that the Continental Bounty they have Red [received] may be Paid Back into the hands of William Bedlow Eng? Deputy Paymaster gen 1 in this Department Who is to Lodg his Receit with the Paymaster gen 1 * no Soldier who has Inlisted with Cap 1 ; Fallon and has Cloths Suffitiant to Cover him til they get (to) Philadelphia without their Regimental Coats are to take their Coats with them those that have not are to take them the Sevear Season of the year is aproaching upon us and Many of the Troops ar Distitute & Stockens and other nesesary Cloathing which to suply one Commisiond officer of a Company is ordrd to go Emediatly heme to Recrute and Procure those articles for their Companies and Return to Camp by the first of October next the Paymasters of the several Reg- 5 are ordered to Pay those men who have Inlisted with Capt Fallon from their Respective Reg 1 , to the time of their Inlisting with Capt Fallon or to give Proper Cartiycates for their wages Due and that Same has not been Paid Before they Marched from hear * Piatt says " with the Gen\ " 74 ORDERLY BOOK. Head QrT s SepT r y? ii th 1777 Parole, Orofioko. C. Sign, ^»w. Colo [John] Chandler A BD Majr [Roger] Alden ' officers of the Day Adjt [Henry] Ten Eyck ) Head QrT s Sept? 12™ 1777 Parole, Liberty. C. Sign, Property. Lt Colo [Josiah] Starr ~\ Brd Magor Box t officers of the Day Adjt Waterman 3 the Reason of some Regiments being ordered to the northward from the Brigades here and for Some other Reasons A New Arag- ment is becom Nesery the Genrl orders therefore that the Regiments of Colo Durkeeys Chandlers and Bradleys form one Brigade and be Commanded by General McDougle and that the Regts of Colo Green Angel and Sherbourn form one Brigade and be Commanded by Colo [Genl] Varnam and that the Regiments of Col Charles Webb Wyllys & Samuel B Webb & Demmon [Dimond] form one Brigade and Be Commanded by BD General Parsons and that the Regts of Lt Colo Prentice & Colo Swift form one BD and be Commanded by BD Genrl Huntington Head Q* 13 Sept? 1777 Majr Hait ~\ BD 1 ? 1 " Scott * £ officers of the Day Adjt Selden ) The Gen 1 , orders the following Resolutions of Congress to be pub- lish d in orders, viz 4 . : In Congress, Sept. 6th 1777 the Committee and Treasurer (on the Treasury) having taken into Considera- tion the Letter from General Gates of the 28th of August as Neeting {respect- ing) Cloathing for the army under his Command aforded {referred) to them by the Congreass Reports that it appears from the Cloathier Genrl Report that he has ordered Considerable Suplys of Cloathing to be forwarded to the army in the Northern Department from Boston and he has Little Doubt of being * Piatt says Major Sedgwick and B. Major Piatt. ORDERLY BOOK. 7S able to in the Cource of 3 years {the year) to furnish the {specific) Articles of Cloathing Directed to be given as a Bounty to the Troops and as it will Be Equilly Disadvantagus to the Soldier as to the Searvice, Should they Receave the Money in Stead of Such Cloathing, the Bourd Disaproves of Stopages Made by the Deputy Paymaster General in the northern Department out of the Pay of the Troops in that Department on account of the Cloathing and Directs that the money Be Returned Exept in Case whare a Regt has Ben furnished with more Cloathing then their Bounty and that the greatest Care aught to Be taken to Doe Justice to the Soldiers as well as the Publick in this Asential Point it is the appinan of this Bourd it is not Suffitiant that the Clother Genrl Charge the Regi- ment with the articles Delivered and taken {takes) the receipt of the Colo r Commanding officer and that the Colo or Commanding officer on Delivering the Cloathing to the Captains or Comnding officers of Each Company takes his Rects Every Commanding officer of A Company aught moreover Strictly to be Required to keep A Cloathing Account with his Company Distinguishing the Several Arti- cles Deld to Each Non Commisiond officer and Soldier and take Rects for the Same as his Vouchers and when Each Non Comsd officer & Solder Respectively Shall have Reed his Bounty of Cloathing ye Comisd {commanding) officer of the Company to wheh he belongs Shall Deliver the Account to & Rects to the Com- manding officer of the Regt to Enable him to settle the Cloathing Account with the Clothier Genr\ as well as to Descover Whether Equil Justice has Ben Done to the Companies that Such Troops as have not Ben furnished with Clothing Aught to Be furnished with their Whole Bounty without Delay Which the Bourd have Earnestly Recommended to the Attention of the Cloather Genrl and he on his Part has Ingaged to Exeart Every means in his Power to Accomplish ( That) Such of the Troops as have on their own Expence Provided any of those Articles of Cloathing alowed as a bounty or Shall Not have Drawn their Cloathing in the Cource of the year Shall be Intitled to Receave the full Value thereof at the Everage Price which the Clothing Shall Cost the Publick & Whereas when the Bounty of Clothing was Provided by Congress it was Conceived that it Might be Impractable to obtain A Suffitiant Quantity of cloath for Regimental Coats for the Troops and for that Reason two hunting Shirts were Substituted but in the Event So Considerable a Suply has ben Provided that Clother Genrl has Ben Enabed to furnish more of the Troops with Regimental Coats and with hunting Shirts & Experience having Shewn that a further alteration of the articles of Cloathing as a Bounty may be made to the Advantage of the Soldiers & without Loss to the Publick therefore it is the apinan of the Committee that it Be Resolved that the Clothier genrl Be Directed to as far as he Shall have it in his Power to furnish all Non Comsd officers and Soldiers in the Service of the United States who have not Reed their Bounty of Cloathing at their Election Either with the Several Articles Allowed by Congress in the Resolution of the 8th of October^ 777 (1776) or in Lue thereof the following articles Viz 1 Regtl Coat at 8 Dollars & 60 Ninths [ninetieths] 1 Jacket with {out) Sleaves at 2 Dollars & 60 Ninths First Cost " Estimated at s6 Dollars 76 ORDERLY BOOK. 1 P r Buckskin &° 2 Pr of W or Linnen Breeches 8 Dollars 1 hat or Leathern Cap at 2 Dollars & 60 Do 2 Shirts 8 Do 1 Pair overhalls 6 Do 1 hunting Shirt 4 Do 2 Pair Stockens 4 Do 2 Pair Shoes 6 Do 1 Blanket at 6 Do J But as the Cost of the Articles Last Specifyd exceeds that of the cloathing al- lowed as a Bounty for the troops by 8 Dollars and & 30 Ninetieths of a Dollar So much Shall be Stoped out of the Pay of Every Non Comsd officer and Soldier who Shall Be Suplyed in the manner Last Directed as will make the amount of Cloathing they Shall Receave Equil to the Valley (value} of the Bounty of Cloth- ing which Upon an Everidg of the Price of the Several articles is Estimated at 47 Dollars & 60 Nintiths of a Dollar the sd Report Being twice Read on the Questian put Resolved that Congress Agree to the foregoing Report & Resolves By order of Congress Septr 6th 1777 John Hancock Presd * Head Qt s Sept? 18™ 1777 all disarters and Prisoners are to be Sent to hed Qr s . for Exami- nation whenever Scouts are Sent out Notice is to be given, they are to be under the officer of the Day the officer of the Day is to visit all guards & Piquits by Day and Night and make Returns Patroles are to be kept out & Sentinals advanced in the frunt of the Incampment & allso be under the Direction of the Day the whole army is to keep 2 Days Provision by them Constantly and be Every way Equipt for Action A Return of the State of the Respective Reg l . s to be made White Planes Head Qt s Sep™ 21 : 1777 officer of the Day tomorrow Colo Ludenton the Same No to go on Piquit to night as Last Night & one the Same roads great Care to be taken not to Put any on this Piquit But Such in whose Fidelity the greatest Confidence May Be Placed Colo Ludington & Magor Gray will guard the Same Roads as Yesterday Patroleing Partys are Constently to be kept up A Detachment from the whole lines to Consist of 1 Colo 1 Lt * With the entry of this day's orders the record of Piatt ends, as he was or- dered to the main army. ORDERLY BOOK. 77 Colo 1 Magor 6 Cap 4 . 18 Sub 4 . 5 24 SarjV 5 6 Musitioners and 100 Rank & File to Perade tomorrow morning at 9 oclock in the frunt of the Incampment With two Days Provision officers of this Detachment Colo Charles Webb Lt Colo Butler Maj' Huntington Regimental orders the Cap* 55 of the Several Companies in this Battallian are forth- with to make returns of the Non Corns*? officers & Soldiers taken with Capt Parsons with their Names & the Names of those Disarted & the time when also the Names of those Deed and the time when Died Porter Walbridge is Apointed Fife Maj* & is to be obayd accordingly REGIMENTALORDERS 22f SepT r the Reg* to Perade y s . afternoon at 1 oClock at which time the arms & amumtion is to be Examined no officers or Solder is to be out of Camp on any account But to be redy to march on the Short- est notice the roasters to Perade with the Reg* at y« above men- tiond time White planes Sept? : 2 2 Head Qt s the out Piquit to Consist of 50 men only great Care is to be taken that the Troops are kept in Constant Rediness to march with 2 Days Provision which is to be Constantly on hand the Paroles are to be Constently kept up as the Safty of the Camp much Depends on it the guards & Piquits are to be kept up also Maj r . Gray & Colo Ludington as has Ben kept Before officer of the Day Lt Colo Shearman Head Q r . ts y* 23*° Sep™ White plans the advanced Piquit to be the Same as yesterday till further orders frequent Complants having Ben made of Plundering the Inhabitent Robing gardings &c the Genrl in the most Positive terms forbids any practice of this sort we aught to Consider the Inhabitence al- ready too much Distressd & that we Come for their Protection & not for their Distruction Small Scouts are to be kept out on Mild 78 ORDERLY BOOK. Square & towards Stephen 'wards Patrooling towards y? Enemy to Perade at 9 oclock in the morning 2 Sarj l . s & 18 men they are to Return in the Evening & the Ranging Companies their amunition to be Made tomorrow morning to the officer of the Day Head QrT s SepT r i9 T . H 1777 White planes C S S C DF A Detachment of 2 3 4 4 o and 80 men Likewise 1 Field offi- cer to Perade at four oclock and advance on toward Stephen Wards & Mild Square and Patroole as Last night Colo Ludington to fur- nish guards and patroles from the Camp to the North River Maj* Gray to Send a guard and patrole on the road between Stephen Wards and the North River on the Aproach of the Enemy 3 Canon will Be fired in the frunt of the Incampment on which the Tents are to be Struck and all the Bagage Loaded the Troops to be prepared at their Several Posts as ordered Head Q r . ts at White planes SepT r 20™ 1777 the Troops are all to Perade at their Incampments at 10 oClock tomorrow morning all Reg*, and Companies to apeare at their sev- eral alarm posts at Revalee beeting their Posts will Be asined them by the Commanding officers of Reg 1 ; 3 Scouts are to be Carefull to make Returns on their Return C Subs Sarjts A Detachment of one Field officer 2 3 5 and 90 men Rank & File from Colo Wyllyses Colo Webb & Colo Samuel B W T ebbs Regiments are to Perade at 4 oclock this afternoon officer of the Day Colo Wyllys the waggons & teems are to Perade tomorrow with the Troops a line of Cartrige to Be Placed a Round the Incampment on Every Side and Every Person Attempting to Enter is to be taken up and Examined Lt Colo Butler to Com- mand the Detachment Hed Q r . ts at White planes Sept 24™ 1777 Notwithstanding the orders of yesterday as well as Positive orders Against plundering the Inhabitence Some Soldiers in direct opersi- ORDERLY BOOK. 79 tion to orders and Contrary to Rules of humanity did plunder from M r . Burts a Calf the only Substance of the Distressd Family y? officers of Every Rank & and Soldiers are Calld upon in the Strict- est Positive terms to Exrt themselves in Detacting the offenders that Justice may be Done to the Ingered Inhabitents and the Camp Clensed from the Imputation of Robery and Theft a Party of 105 men Properly officered to perade at 9 oclock with 2 Days Provision Majr Grosvener to Command the Party Col ° Butler I officers of the Day Adjt Ten Eyck ) Regimental orders the Colo is perfectly willing to Indulge Every officer in the Reg* as Much as is Consistant with Duty & the good of the service but he is perfectly sencable as Every officer of the Least Consideration Must be that Every order General and Regi- mental must be Punctually attended to and Compiyd with y\ order is absolutely asential to be attended to in Camp and what alone gives life and Sperit to an army & Could wish he Could be So happy as to find that the officers by their Practice would make it Evident that they are not Insenceable of it he Cannot But Imagin that y■ officers of the Day Adj* Waterbury J a Quantity of Cloathing for the Continental Troops in this De- partment are on the way hear and are Dayly Expected ; Command- ing officers of the Continental troops are to make Returns of the Cloathing they are Still in want of all the Troops at this Post Ex- ept Gem 1 . Sillimans Brigad are ordered to Perade tomorrow morn- ing at 5 oclock at the Uper Barocks an 3 Days Provisions in order to March from hear ; Genr 1 . Sillemans BD to Perade at the Same time at the Lower barocks October y? i6T h 1777 three Milds above Fishkill Upon Receaving the agreeable News from the Northward that Genr 1 . Burgeon and his army are all made Prisoners of war the genr 1 . Congratulates the troops and orders them to Halt and Remain hear untill further orders and Cook Provision & Refresh them Selves and make them Selves as Comfortable as Posable holding them Selves in Rediness to march Imediatelyon further orders those that have no Provision are to Draw and Spetial Care is to be taken by the officers that no Injury Be Done to Private Property ORDERL Y BO OK. 85 Fishkill October 25™ 1777 Colo Webb -\ BD Magor Chitington V officers of the Day Adj 1 . Hart ) the Commanding officers of Continental Troops or Regts are again ordered forthwith to make out A Return of the Cloathing Re^ d and What is Still wanting in their Respective Regts the Gen- eral forbids all Plundering of Private Property Robing Guardens burning Rails or fences under the Sevearest Penaltys the officers are to take Spetial Care to See that the Troops Strictly Comply with those orders and to take up any the See transgress this order CampT at Fishkill October y? 26™ 1777 Regimental orders a Regimental Court marshel to Set this Day at 10 oclk to try all Such Prisoners as Shall be brought before them all Parsons Con- cam d to attend CapT Wallbridg President North Castle Novemb^ y? 2? 1777 Regimental orders it is a gem 1 . Complaint among the Inhabi- tence a Complaint two Justly founded that the Troops whare Ever Incamped Burn their fences and Destroy ther Property by Robing their Fields gardens &c a Practice that Every officer in Deed is Spetially Bound to Prevent the Lt Colo therefore orders in the Most Preamtory terms that no Soldier in future Be guilty of any of those Crimes on the Penalty of being Punished with the greatest Severity Any Soldier found Pulling Down fences Burning Rails Robing of Feilds or gardins of the Inhabitence will be Whipt as many Lashes as the Commanding officer Shall think for he has Determined on a march Never to Call a Court Marshel to try offenders But to Punish them as he Shall think most Conveniant to good order and the good of the Service and the man found Standing by a fire made of Rails will be Deamed Equilly Guilty with him that Stole them and will be Punished accordingly the U. Colo Expects that these orders will 86 ORDERL Y BO OK. be Red to the Companis and that they will Punctually Comply with the Same which they will Doe if they have any Regard to their own Cost and Reputation they Need not Expect to have Similar orders Every time we Tramp for those are allways to be obayd whether in Camp or on a March the men for the future will take Care not to Quit the Ranks when on the march or to be without hearing of the Drum if they Doe the Marshel Law in its greatest Vigor will be Put in Execution the Regt to march tomorrow morning at 7 oclock Every thing to be in Redeness Camp at King Street Nov? Regimental orders as it is Leasure of time the Cap* 5 and Commding officers of Com- panies will give orders to their men to wash and Clense their Arms that they may appear in a Soldier like maner when on the Perade a Return to be made to the Lt Colo Similar, to the Weekly Return by 12 oclock a Return to Be made of the Clothing Still wanting that their may be no Delay of Drawing when the Cloths Come Regimental orders Nov™ r i3 T . H 1777 A Court Martial to Set this Day at 9 oclock to Try all Such Pris- oners as Shall Be Brought Before them at a genr 1 . Court Martial held at Adjt Ten Eycks Markey By order of Colo Webb octo^ r 27* 1777 Continued by Several agurnments to Nov 1 ? 17 6* h 1777 at Cap* Wallbridges Q» Capt Wallbridge President Lt Shipman Lt Chepman Lt Eldridge & Lt Benham membrs* * The next entry in this Orderly Book was made after the regiment had joined the main army under Washington. * ~ 1QB1 V v ^ A N ^ ^SXfilk^ , ^P A X 1 * *© X &^ * .0 n W •o Til * ■0 X ^ V s o (V ** * * -3, aV ^ ^ X * * "» A ^ .A c ° .** ^ ^ A ' S> s S * > ,0' v > x v>> ^ x A 1 -' ' ; r> • ^* '*. -* ^ AV r»> •v\ V lV > v- \ .#' ' ^ % ,v \ v* <*, X ^ < b '* A 'O *' 'V> rf * v ,\ ■/■ \ I B S. / = * . ^ Z2-, + ">' 4? "6° >, ^ \f^. <$>" * V o. .0 0> . /- 'O- ' , ^ J V , oO G° S - \ %<*. O 0> v v^:: vV % .xv '