E 35th Congress, ? HOUSE OF EEPRESENTATIVES ( Report 1.^ Se8.^on. \ 'Wo. 281. <-CLo'i^ DR. WILLIAM RICKMAN— HEIRS OF. April 17, 1858. Mr. Curry, from the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, made the following REPORT. The Committee on RevoluHonary Claims, to ivhom was referred the m- pZ%tor7: "^ ^'- ^^VZ^a^ i?^c^^ma., asking for com.lutatTon That in relation to the claim, it appears from a letter from the Treasury Department that Dr. Rickman was not returned as^ein ' entitled to compensation, and that, on the 20th of Octoher & auesf be' rJrf'''^^ ""'' ^^^'"^^^' ^^ I---ance of hfst^.er^'e: quest be left out m the new arrangement of the hospital department of Dr RtknfP^'T'.?'"*/ ^" ?^^^' application was made hy\e ^oido^o ot Dr. Rickman to the legislature of Virginia for denreciation nav and bounty land, and the report to the house of 5 ele^X Assumed ^Dr Rid^t'^^'f T>T^;- ^^"^ -i^temporaneoufconstrSon ot Dv. Rickman s act and intention, sustained by the letter from the Sr Pio^J?'^'''^'"'^ ^-^"^^'i^^ ''"^"^^''^ '"'^'^ conclusion tha? Dr. Rickman resigned his position in the army ; and his representa- tives are therefore, not entitled to commutation pay ^^P^^senta Iwo adverse reports have been previously made on this application tuLn: ''°'^'"'' recommend the adoption of the folloZr^^^^^^ Resolved, That the prayer of the petition of the heirs of Dr Wil- liam Rickman be rejected. ^^" ji) c>-vr* J fir LIBRARY OF CONGRESS